HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-10-14 - Orange Coast PilotI • • I -· --•' ' . Santa Ana V~ows to Battle On THURSDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBE R 14, 1971 rm to Jol111so11 DefeH.'il" Hurt Whose Pri11ts Left Behind? r\ n1;_i,11\1' (!('f P!lSf ,1r~11n1cnl in IJ?" r1 1u1 dl'!' 11 i;i! nt .\!:11"111(' pt1l1ccn1;1n \l<Jrl; .lilhns11n 11a ... ~h;i111·rrd !1Jd:1y \11111 tlir tl1s1·u\L'1.1 1h:11 f11\gt·rp1·1nl s f11und 111 h1~ ~:ln ( le111c111C' ;1p:11 !rnr111 1i1U n11! 111:itvl1 lliu~r 01 :O.l:1 r111r l:111er cuqi<1l':ll l·'r:1ni...1£' \\,n 111· :\h•llinn 1ir •l nflcr H1t•h;11d J..111 rcll{'l' \'.l·t•d•· 1'l11rt JJ•.::p1U \ i l1~t1 u'r ;\t11irrlt'.I' J a•n1•-. J·'.nright rc11•:1h'fi ;l.1· 1~"·11!1 '" id 1h1· l'hri·I. !u ,lu<lg(• \\ 1l!1a111 .\lu1 r:i:-.1-; 1hi: ()r.1nf:!r \ 1111111\ Supfll••I ( Ull!'I II l .. 1 nlh\t'!I hJ.10trds its 11:11il nr;...u1111'11! pha-.r :ind 11<> p•1~-1h!c {'urulu~1.1n r11d,1\ I h·H·11.-1• ;.11.,"11• \ II.\. ~h:1rp I'<'-~' d h1• 1ll'l (·1f:-1· 11J 111~ t 111. hi111CI 011'!· c l1• r l 111 • 1111·d1:i1el\ .1111·1· L11rl :!l11 :11 1l1•lll11r•·tl 1111• r~·~uJ1, 11! tli(' 1n111rrpr1nt 1111·1•-.ri~;,!1<111 1-:111 g_•lil :-••1 uo !Iv· 1 l1t•t •I. \\r dJ1l'•d;t\· ;1f\!'I '-lll!t p hl'~•l l\'hl :\[1,ll,1111 ~II. U1h1 Ill!' 1'1t1lllr111•ll) !u !• IJl'l:ll ll 11111' 111 q111 \llHHI :.: 111111:11 111 lt::1: 11111• !1 111,. c 11111 11'11· \01111~. ;-,,-111 I· 1 1111'1'"'" ( !>(•\, lll h• !111' <.,;1•1 t ll'lll•'lll~· ).di rnr 1••111' d .11 ... ,, ... 1 pri!i:-: :·11-pt~•! 111 1ilP ki~l1111-' .. 1 l •l1111 1r· !:1111r .1 .. 1111~ .. 11. :l!l ll cll11111 ,,!11•' 't'd p11l11 1· ;1 11d 1ti•.\r1ct :11t1unc\ ~ 11111-.111!;,l•·r.' th.11 l~t ' 11 ;1, n•'I lilt' 111.111 \\~Ill LCt11 ;\\!'~ . .l11l111•11n's f;iC(' !n :1 h!o11d1 pulp 11\lh ,1 lo;,r 'IP•il :u1d !hr11 :-t<1hhcd htr 1no1 r lhan :!I.I r11n1•s t•!1 J1111(' Hi. !!Jifl. l~ut th(' 1111111:: \l:1r1ne had ro tt>ll Ill" :-Hu~ :1;,ia111 . 1n cull1'1 <IS ~h;11 p CJ.· ~l::ndf'1! his ('lf1o1•11th hu11r 1lelt:11,r (If J11hllSUll. llecde . \1liu i.~ '"r\ing a 1hl'e(' lo e1i:h~ ~c1.1r~ icnn 111 ;i !\l:u;:.;1t.:hu~i.:1i:. 111 i~vn <1n ;111 as~;iull \\'1th :1 dcadl~ ll'e;1pon con· \1rt1on u1 lh;1I .-t:.ie. t'<Hlll' 11t10 lhr 1111·· IUJl' through hi~ :i-... 01·1a11on 11i1h .\lcl11no Look fur hni'y sun shinr l;i le Frl- d:1y :tfli:rnc;on lolJrJ11·1ng 1011· eloud~. fog ;ind dnzzlrs ;ilnng the co<1!->I. lhghs :it !he beache s <ire ~et r.1 f.1 rli>ing 111 thr 'itl's inland. Lu11s lo. rugh1 iu lhc 5(l's. ·~s1ot; TOOA\' I .1 r11·!:1•1-.·1· Utuhfl<' Coi1.,/ 1r ,,i· 11<•111 , .11,1 rnu//11 p!rd9rtl i/1c11 iii· rrr11n11c r ro 1/lc I ii irc1I :.:rare~ '" rt'l('1•101•1c~ r11 ()n11J p•' ('ou111 11. / 111• n 111111p/rr.· /1.~1 of rio t' 11rn111f •t[' I' ,\111 1'1'1/·11 01~. ~(>(' /'fl!lf' !I. (•l•t••n•• M•r,.•tt u • .., .. , • (h•c•·~~ U• Mo.,.~ " (l•n •fllMI lt )I M•l•il ,.~,. " c'""'~•ro " ... , •• ~.1 N•w• " (01nl(> •• Or """' Cou~!~ • 0•"" NO!tltl • ~1 .. ort\ 11·" o,vort•i • SI•<-M1t~e!\ J0-)1 Ed1toro1l ,,,, • T•l<~ll•OM ,. Enirr!ti"m•nl 71 .n T~1•11r1 " ~ .~ ..... 10 ll w~.,~ .. • HOIO•(tn• " womtr"'' IOw• H It Ann l 1ndul " Woo Id N•"'' ., ,. ' ;,n<I hi:• re!a.\·ing to polir-P of :i rrm<irk l•'oadc b.v the young !°-'lari11c ;is !ht,\' 01n·r i ·rtll~t'd past tlir .J11h11~11n :ip;:in 1ncn1 :it ~I~ \1on1er1·y t,;Jt11'. li e (fUOICd J\h•ll11111 ;is ~i!l'l!l/?. "tl1 :11'.~ 11ht·rc 111e u1<i rnt•d b11rh li1'cd -:;lw 1uin'1 bo!hcr :in.1·on<' ag:i1n" The alll'grd 1 "111111e11l irn1ned1:ilel y put ;\1el!ir1n ;.it Ille t()p tlf the SU$per ts !1st !'f1+,,('('t1tor ~:nr1~ht 1..: s;.i!1~11rd lhii! iSe« .J()Jl,'\Sf'~. f'.1_1!t !~ ))c111ocrat l{en1ap Author J{c~lorc~ (;OP Senate Se al ~ \('f\,\:'lfl~ \'TO 1 A!', -Tlit' f>t·1not·1 ,11 i:1 r1l:11)H' 11! Sr11;1 1!• ren1fpllrl111tl!ll('l11 ~ .. 1d 1•111:1'. he 1~ f'l1:111i.:,111g Ill~ plan In 'rr•!ur,. l•J l:f~··· Sr11. Fr·r(I \l.1 rlt'r. 1111' Spn:ll'" l :c•puhl11 ·,,n !r:ilkl 11hu~t· tl1stl'lll 11uul•I h.1. t' IH'l'll ;d\!1t1~lil'd ~en \\h·r ryn 11.\ 111:ill~· 1 I )·L11s Ang1·lr~l i1 1du.;;1tcd thP rcp1 ie1 ,. \1·,1uld ht' i;r:i111 1•r! b\ chnun:iting thC' d1 .;tr1r-t ol ;11101hrl' i\orther11 (';;l1lorn1-. fltpL1bl1t.:;H1. Sen. Pt"\ Cr Behr or T1hunu1. flu! 0.\ m;ill~· refu~ed lo say µ0 -.1111 1·1} !hill Bl'l11 11 ottld k·~e hi:r; seat. llvmall\' ~:t rhrr ann11u111"t'<l hf 11 ould 1•h;ii1ge ·propt.l~l'd l )r;u1~c and S;111 Bcrn:ird ino (:ounl1 huu1ular1 hllP\ ;:ilsu. He ~aid he 11ould .~11111 Sen \\'1ll1fln1 l'ooinbs ( R-Hialtu •. ou1 of Or<ingr <.:uun· I.I'. presurnahly rr:-.(orin$! 1nort nt tu~ r~··~ent S:in Be rnardino Coun1.1· line~ h1 l hr i\'rirthen1 Cali!on11:i s1tu;1l1on. !hr De1nucrat1c plan un1·e1lrd a 11erk ago mn1·ed l\1:irlt>r·:r; district tro1n 1he L:Jiprr Sacra1nent o \'::illey to -. predon11n:-u1th· .\lp),.j1·an·An1rric:111 ~l'(·tur 11t l·:a~I 1.11~ .<\ngcles. 111 tha1 p!a11. ;i lunf! ll(il'tl1cr11 tu1g<•r (1f fl1."i11··s San Fran<'iS('U Bav Are il d1slnrt h(lflked up i11t n Sha~ta {'n.untv to 1nchul1· :\1:-irler's hon1r eas! of ll eddii1g in Behr ·! St>11::ite 0 1slr1tt 4 Oy1nally .~;1ul 1he 11t:1\· pl:1n slill p11t~ B1·!1 r <1nd ;\·larle1· 111 the ~.:11ne d1 :-lneL IJu\ 11ith !wo tmf)Ortant t·hanr;es . -The rein:iining distri<'1 11ould he ,\o. :'.'.!, mt'aning ~larltr \Vould be the 111· ru1nbenl. -All ol Sh:is1a t'nu11l\'. :'llarler·,1; ho111 r lerntor~. "oult! br ·rela111cd 1n lh,. d1slru.·1 a~ ii ts now and Deht 'i;; hotne "·ould bC' included b:o-a narro\\ fingl'r C\· lending soulh into !\lar1n Count\', The ne11· plan still shifls 0;1c ~eat prrsum11bl.11 Behr'.o; -trnn1 1\'nr!hern t ';:i!Jlor11ia lo the s11u!h lo b.ilance popula· 1 inn ~hifl ~. and 1t s\111 u~r:i Iha! C'\lr;i )..('Ill to crf'tl!C' a lnng·1>ro1n1,.11d · Ch1(':111u .~•'<t1," Dvmalh ~:11d. Brhr Coul ·d nol bl' rr~r l1rcl i111 · 11 1i>d1atcl\ fr,r comrnent ~1;il'ler said 111(' nt."11· pl;in •·11111\,('~ 111n1e rrn"-('" 1n !h.11 1t ;11·n1d« the "11n11C'cr~:.;irv i 1l!lln1:'' of Stlasl" Count.~'. • .! I . Baja ·• ID Total Blackout As Power Generator Fails 1 ree ' \\ <'1 ~and . ;.:l1;.lrni11,:.: 111 fall' :1ftt·r1H .. 111 -.11 11 111;1rl,~ 11a1I OI YO\IJlJ.! j.;ll'I ;!!'>•lit' p !;1,\~ ;I\ 11:1tt'r\ cd:.,r Ill ,\r11 port 1 !arbor on rt·r1·11l l11di:111 ~11n11111·r d;1 y. I l!11· · !'\!'/', 11v:1lli(•1·111,111 Ji,,~ :itio11I 111'1\11·1 1 uJI li!•;11 ·l1 11c:1!he1 l11r .1 11 11 111 · .1 11 d I' I 01('l!i.~11ng a h<1 il 1<1!'>!' ol l111-.g_1 d1111lt-> h1r tl1t· r !1 ,111 :.-!' ''11:1·,( Saitta A11u Ag·ai1i Loses P1·otest 011 Ir vine Citv B.1 1'0.\1 BARLE Y 01 th< D·'•'Y Polot S11fl ,<.,:1111 a ,\na .>truck out a:::;11n toi!.1~ 111 1]11• hillt:l'h· !011i;h1 .. prn1111sed l:1nrf' hil ~l'oj(' ii' I hi.' C:-1lil • •r111:i S11p1·1·111r ( 0<l11rt curt I\ rr•ru ~- 111).! tu gr;1n1 !!JI' i'1t.~· :i l1rr1rini; 111.11 <·oulil h;,o1·r l111ltrd !11(' IJel'. 21 111111(' 111 c11rpora1 ion clftlion. A rulini; h~· the justlrcs. 111cc1ini,: In l.11,, A11gelcs , afh.icd .1·ct ;inolhr.r victor)' lh ;1 ~1rin).! of SUl'('CSst~ rarkcd up by lho,1· wh'' h<'h('\r th:i! !he ,38·atre SCt'tor 11l'111' ~u1ta Ann 's soulhcastrrn border ~houlil liccu1nc part nl the 1Jr1J1.>osc"Cl new i'i1 y ol lr1 1nr But !he ruling failed to deler ebu!l1 cn1 Sanla Ana alloroe.v .lume.s \Vithers. ''\Ve i>hould11'1 <it1<it'h trio 111ucl1 1111 1>0rta11ce to this." \\'1lhC'l'S ~atel Tiu~ high <'()Uri was only a.sked to l11t l·r1 ellc 11 11 fou nd that sonit: 1n·t1laral;IP i1 1JUI'~ 1 n11ld be donC' !fl th1• opJ)()Sing party "\\'e ran't l'dtl an cleenon an It· rrpnn.1hlr 1n1ur~ and ,<;n !hat !h(' c11urt rr111.~i:cl lo uitcr\'enl'." \\lither~ "';11d. "lt dof'~n ·1 m11ke u~ :1n1 Jes.~ drtrrn1111· I'd to t•:1rry on ti 1th our l i~ht :inti I'll hi' ,i::.n!ng lintk 10 tuv t'ilv l'"llfll'il ll'ilh :-01111· l11rth('r pruposn1 ' for ~our! .1cllon" \I llh<'r~ suid !hose propos<1ls 11·11! u1 rludl' !Ii(' sugg('<;liOn th111 the tilv tdr ;i n~\\' \1 r11 In Or<in~r ('01inty S11p('rio1· l·ourt. .J 11 1~ ;:1rgun1rnl n1ay h(' h:1.,f·d nn !hi"' !licorv 1h;il the lr1 in(' lnd11slr1,1I C'runph·l\ 1~ thr 111<1.11in1y la11do\1·ncr in lbr pro110-.cd 1 11~ ul lft .207 :1crt"i ;pod c;11111 .. 1 lhcrtl1J1'" 11111\a·rict' lh(' dest iny 11! ill(' tot.ii :1~·rc,1g<' !i I\' 11 l'~·d. '111111 111• :-!tll 11,1\t' (1l g11 11n lri:i l on !hi s is'>Ut'." \\i1tl1er.~ s;1uJ. "\'11 lri:il (j:1tt h:is l1••(•n sci ;1~ of lndn y tn11 J .t!iH! tell you tli>ll J IJ;,\'{' IU~f lil'Ct1 rt•atlirl/,: or a (';IS(' Ill 111l1rl1 11il' Suprenl(' l 'nurl ul'dered lhl' 1!1.~uu·orpt1r:iliu11 ol :i ('aJ1fon11;1 t:ily a 1·1'.11' afler 1he elt·•~llon v.;1s hrld · "ll could h<lppcn ht:re." \\'1thC'rs Sllj.::"- ~estl!d , "Uut. lllffll" oplK»M> il l'C $.Ull open t11 US ;irltl I iilll going tO put a few Of lht'IH ll<'h>rc 1nv l'ouncil as :.()(Jll ;1s possible ... !'.ia11t;1 i\11;1":; l;1~t fora~· 111 Orange Co1111· Iv :-iu1ltri11r Court ended in diS<Jster for lhc (·11y ¥>'1th Jud~r Ra~ mond Tho1npson S11lidl y rrJ('Cl1 n~ argumf'nl~ that a c>On· 1r'al'! s1J.:ned hct11·rc111 !hf' ('11y :i11rl ihr J r~uie Cnn1pan1 111 1963 11a.~ suH1t·1cnl ~1"(1un1!~ 10 bloc.k Ilic lr\111e group'" f)J'().. f)IJRC'd 111L1lf1Xlr:tl1011 . .l11di:e Thon111sn11 ru\f'd lh.1t .:1 111· d.:t111a gcs 1ntl1c·ted b1 the Irvine Cu111p1111y un a hrrtlcli of contr:ir:1 h:Js1.~ 1\'a". ~1 ni:it • 11•1' lnr srp~tl':ll(' i!('\('!1111n:r11on ;inrl ~hnuld nol hr alk111cd In h11lk th•· 11 i"hcs (1f ;i rn;11or1t.v of lhr lr l'inc eon1111untt y. \ .I 8aja Blac·kcd Out \Vhcn (;cucralor Fail~ lo Slarl 'I I JLA .\A. \lt•:..u·o i t;l'I' -The cnlirc ~t;11c 01 B<lJJ C;1lllon11<t 11as blJekt'd tsut 1·;1rll 1ud;1y \1ht11 11url.n1c·11 11crt' unable 111 !'\l;irl i;tntralors ;it lht• s1alC''s thcrn10- •'i<'l'1rw pl :1n1 .ii lt n:.,inlo Br;H'h. Tlu:; bvt'dc1· t1t,1, 1l1c n1a1ur pupulal11u1 :!1'1·:1 111 1!1f' ~t;1ti'. and ll1r· l'1!it's 11r 1·:11sr11:.id:i. \lex1t·ul1, :-i:111 Feli pe and T('eate . ;,:-well ;i~ n1r;1I st'<"liu11s, 11·t'1'C 11 •!1 11 1ll1uul fXll~l'J' o\ spoke~n1an at lht· ~l'll('t«-l!111g plant ~111tl rquq1n1e111 ll.~rd to st:1rL the ge11l'r:i1ors f;_1iled al 3 30 a.111. Techn1· • i1111:. 11ere "working rcv<!r1shly" ro rc:;lorr sCr\'lCC bul could not csti1natc 11h('11 1hc.v 11nuld :-11t<'Ct'd. he suid l!us111tals ;ind san1tJn1nns s"·itched lo ph11·rr fron1 1heu· flwn generators, and puhl1c nff1c·es. 111dustr.v aud other h1c1li1 1e~ tlcpenden1 hn clcctricily ~c :.lu11 cd do11n or rloscd. lcl' µl;1nls e)qx•r1enc1·tl ;1 :-harp inereast 111 bus1ne~s. and TnRrkf'1 operators "'ere lt:irful thC':r 11 1cat~ 11011ld ~poil as !1 1·<1~.1·1 s .11111 1·ool<·r~ dcl roslcd . :\our ·111 lhc s1:1te's 111{' rnl)rn1ni:; t1l·11 ""pr1prl's ll'C'rr 1.1hlc 111 p111Jhsh and only onr 1·;1(110 ~tul!un "·as on thr 11ir I le;1\ ~ r,:e11t•1 ;i\111·~ art· !->hu1 1lown clurln~ thr 1111:111 a~ !ht drn1:1ntl lor rlcctririty d11111111shr·,, the plnnt :iJ)ukc:.1ni1n sn1d. ' " ar Ca1·ee1· l\1:e11 Pi1t 011 List F 01· C11thack By FltEO S. llOF'F'.\1 AI\' 1\1' 1\li lilar,r\\'rilcr \\ ASf!L'\( ;rO,\I The Af!l)\' an· riot!ll('C'd 1od11y ii 11·111 rt"lr;1sc abour' 6.'i.000 111:1cl'r.~ ;111d e11/1 stcd 1ncn, 1n;111y earlier 1li:1n nnnn;iJ. by nt•xl .June :10 to i.:cr down l<i ,, ~li'tllgth ur f!!!:!.IJO() 1Jt'!Jrrcd by C1111gr<•s.-.. :\'!(!"! 111 lh11~t· to hr rt·lc;1~('d will be in u1nks :111d s/..i!ls 111 which tile 1\rrny sa}'!'i ii 1.~ 01·1·r~ln•11i.,:Lli. nr n1cn 11·hosc tour5 nr d11ty ;Jl'e dut'.' lu ('nd "oon an.1·1\ay, l11eh1ded al'P cirafltc., In thr 1 ·n1t<'d St;1 !c~. l'ucrto fill'() :111d lhe V1rg1n Island .... Al!huugh thr Arni:-d1cln t use lht; tt'rm, 11 appl'<lrs 11 '" ..;hul'k111 i:: orr 5omto d(';1d11ootl. r1·11u 1patl.v l'.1reer enlt.~ted n11•11 \\11•1 !1:1\t· 11111 l.ll'~·1t )Jnlrn11l rd alJo\e l'r11:11 r !lr~t l'L•'-~ \bu r11·k('!1•d l1•r l'l'ltas1• ;i!'f' !>Ollle ~.• rgi'.1111s 111,!fj•r ;111d .it11)1JI ~.OW 1eser1 • Iii 1111••1.ults and <:tp1:un~ "Tli1·,,t /J(·l1u11' 11 ii! p1 111 u!t• 11 ruor~ pro· 11f•r ll<ila1K·1· 111 llu· ,i.:r.1d1• _,!rurture :ind at 1l1t ~;1n11 t11111· ri •1nl1J1" P tlu· Annv".~ eur· !\'fl! ('n1pl1:1:-I" •HI 'f'lt•n\11)1! 1;1 ll'l'll· 1p1:d1f1~·d Pt'l"•lillt·I." 11 , ~!:111,;1111·111 ~aid . Tiu· pl111111!'d n'd1u ·lir1n 11·.is ;i l<letor ltl ll1t• l't'tilil'('d 1ln1f1«:ill11n11011n1·cd recently 1111111·1· 111Hi·h •11111· lfl.11!)() 111c11 1v1ll be 111· d111·i.·t1 111 1111• 1;1~1 l11h 1n1111ths of th1., .I t'.1 I :-0.-<·11•1;111 ul llil' 1\nnv H1ihr1·1 F l'n1C'hl~c ~:lid there is a ccint1nu 1ng neeci 11w dr:il!t'r" "bcc.:.iu~e 11·e cannot ha \'e "q u:1d~ ni:idr up 1·nt1rrly of sergeant~. ;incl 111· ;in· 1101 ~<'1 g<'t!lng enough ne1v _,.,Jd/t'l'" )11 1 ulun!el'!'. particularly in the t'OIHIJ<t! ;'.ll'tll" '• , ,\]1•11 an«l'\l'd b.\ lhe !lf'W at.:llull~ wi ll be 1111t1f1l'd llt't11t•en uu1v and J anuary and 11i!I ht' ~11rn :it lc;i~t ~ dil\S lo prcpar• l11r their rt'Lurn tu <:i\'1!1;111 lif•· ··t'on11~1;111der" at ;11! echelon~ hare c1• 1 dirl't:tr·d 10 n1;ike n1a xirnunl effort lo assist 111 the l!'.'l ll:-111011 fron1 militarv 1n t:11·i1i;u1 ur f\•lircd lifr.1' 1hr An11y said . 1'111• :-:1son ;id1nint~11':.tion h:id planncrl 1'1 rrdu<"e th{' :.tr'<'llJ.!fh of !he Army, 11011.'. l.120.000 Ill.ell . 10 ~H2. 000 bv the end of this ll~c.11 y(';1r nt·x1 .Junr .io t Jo11T1·cr Co11grcs~ has ordered a further rul which will bring the authoriz- i·d strength to 892 .000 by next sumn1er. Thi~ "'111 lie the IO\\'est Anny strength 1n 11 ~ears. Bo1nb er Mixed l 1t Direction:s S<lnta Ana police "'t•rc puzzled and ~on1cwhat arnu!iied by a bomb thrt>al rece1vrd \\'ednrstlay night A caller described as a 1Tiale 1-1ho \111 . ..: brca1hing heav1ly 111\d 1he d1:;patrh officer on duty, ''There 1~ II bomh SCl lo go Off 111 )'UUI' Ca~t 111ng." Lt \\'1l11ai11 r ,1\n1C'r said !ocl:iv. "11c·rc stil l loo).;ing {or uu r eaSI "1ng " ' I ' I . • I ) ' ~~All V PILOT Cl1ilean Hits Alarmism ii UCI Speaker Says Dem,ocracy Still Reig11s By TERR\' CO\'JLLE 01 "'' CUoly ••~t ''•" A top Chilean diplomat \\"ednesday n1,.;ht blamed t; S alarm nl'er Lhe n!'w socialist go\"ernmen! Ln Chile nn "an lg- n.-.rance of lefu st ml'l1·em,.r.ts in the "·~r~d" in a ta lk at l "C lr1·1ne. · There 1~ a pre·cl"lnre11·rri belief here t}at capital1~m fqual~ dem'X'racy. marx- i.!'o mean~ d1rtatl"lr~h1p and rP1ro!u11on 1s d'•truct1on." Dr. Fernandn Alegna 10ld &:~C,.nts. "To the socialist ffil'.ll'ement 1n Chile, rl'\'l'l!Ut1on means C('ln~truc!!l'.ln a."ld L'n· p~n\"ement l'.lf democratic 1n~!1tu tions It L' not a f'.ltrt~ .,.,ord " Alegria Ls the coun~elnr of cultural ar- f~1:-s in the Chiloe11n l'mbass~· in '>\'a!hingion, DC. Ht v.as j:!'Uesl lecturer \\'ednesday for LCrs "'The Oth!'r 20 Americas·• series. :\ll'ZI"la is not a ne1~r11f'ler tl"I the l " ~ Hf ea-rned hl5 PhD 1n roma nce languages <it 1·c. Berkele1 in I'l~;: and tauil'ht at Berk!'!e1· for 20 \·ears He is now on Jeal'e from Stiinford (·ni1·ers11~ ·The popular nn1ir1n 1n fh1~ r11LJn1 r~ r~ that the LS c0n~1~!tnl,v ::icl; nut nf p.n1:Jnthropy ;,11d seldom for material gain." Alegria said "'Here·s llMl' s1ast1c1c Lann Amf'r:ca currtnl!y u~~s :10 in 40 percent nf i:~ fnrfign aid to pay nff tbe ~er\·1ce rharges and 1ntere~! on prel'ious industrial loans, mn~;Iv tn !he l" S '"Pe'>ple her e arl' al~n alarmed hi' Pres1deni· SaJ\'adnr • .\llende because t hl'~· know l't-rv little about Chile and 11s t'oJ5tnry. Ltt me gh·e you our hackground. "'\\"hen Lfie Latin nations broke frrim Spain's hold 1n 1810, Ch1!e v.·as the flr~l l'> (lu!ck!y organize a gO'\·ernment. \\'e ha1·e ha".! 160 ~"ears of un1nterrup1ed parliamen· t a~v goYernment. "Thr-current grn·!'rnment 1~ ""'' s11c1ahst nr Cl'lmmun1~L ii 1s a Cl'lal111r'ln nf ~el'er 1 I beliefs. Chil!'::in socialist thinkr-rs -.. f0w nded the first socia!tst party in Latin -·--. -- OAILY "'LOT ~··•! ,.~o•o 'TAKING WHAT IS OUR S' Chil ean Spokesman Alegria America, prior In the Russian re1·r'l!Ut~11n. · Our government's m1ss1r:in is tfl npPn the road f.ir a future sr.cialist Ji!.111·!'rn· men1 .4.llende bt-!1e\'es in gradua!1~m H .. dfles not feel v.e can be completely socialist nfl\.\' "But <.l"e al\.\·ays stick by the prir.ciple of a multiple part\· s1·sttm ·· Alegria then cl'lmpare<l "har he ra ll,.r! the Chilean rerr">lution In !he r utian re,·olutton to demonstrate the d1s:inc- tions. Chile Seizure of U.S. Holdings Gets Support Chilean dipll'lmats ('on~ider the na· ti')na!izarion of !.;.S companies in -Chile, e~pecially copp!'r min,s. simply ''laking "hat is r!'ally ours."' Femandn Alegria. Chil' Q\unsellnr of Cultural Affairs. explained nationaliza. tion. a. touchy ~bject 111 ti.S. circ le.~. 1n his spetth \\'tdnescla.v night at l'C Jn·1nf!. "'Chile wants to end monopohes and take back national properties whic h are basic to our 'conomy," said Alegri<'I. "'\\'e \IO'ant to regularize the norms for foreign in1·estment. They will ha\·e to pla ~by our rules now.'' 9 He explained that in \9i0, , e private banks controlled 44 perc of. 1he bank- ing in dustry in Chile- ".\'ow rhe gol'ernment 1s buying thei r f.tock at !he stock exchange price and we now control 57 percent of the banking tn· du~try," Alegria sairt The copper industry. v.·hich produces i5 Pf'rcent of Chile·~ exports , wa~ the best publicized of !hr-national1za!1('1n art1ons. Alegria said the reason mo~t r S. cop- per companies are not being com- pensated for lo~ing their mines to the ,gn1·ernment is b!'<'ause of Chill''s "ex- i.essive profits .. laY.'. This l<n11 limits profits In rnu11;hl~ \fl pe rcent. but some rnpprr rnmpanir~ h;,l'e made from 2fl In Jl) perrent prnf 1t ar.d now the go11ernment 1s collec!ing that mnn"v a~ a debt "The excess11·r prnf1t~ law ha.• hren 1i F-!fect since 1!1.'i.'i. bu! v.a~ n11• enforcrr! h<or:i•is' pre,·1(llJ~ i:'l1ernmrn1~. 1~·ere, pPrhaps in\'ollied in the prrlf!ts ,' Alehria ch:i rged. H!' said 1n 1!1in th!' prr'lf1t r>f rin" ma1nr mmpany su:-p.as.~e<1 1111 the investments of Ch11,·s ~!1n1stry 0f Public \\"0rks OlAMlil COAST DAILY PILOT M~rt t.oc.~ La<JM•• hK~ CMt• Mtlt HuRlil19t•• S..C.ll ftMtttl• Vt1Wy St• Cl*"''"'' OllANGE (O•~T P'VlllS"l~CO COM,.ANY Jlol>ort N. W ood P'rn iOtnl 10<! P'\1!>1•"'91' J oc.k It. Curio" Vk.t P'rr>iO!'"! 1...i (.tf'otol ~'IN91!" TJ-.01"1• K,,Yil fdllOr 1kc111 1• A. /ril u•c~;., MontOl"t £~ ''" Ch1rlt1 H. l•or R ic.~,,~ P, Nell Ai"1!1nl .... 1t>1gl"ll lC•!Otl Offl''' ~lt I.I"" J)') Wn! II~ !1rt•1 ~'' llM <ll JJJ1 '-•-·• eou'rJtnf l.t0~n1 I~: r.1 FO•n • AOff•llO ,;...,11..;o•on '""'~' 11'1! '"'~ '""'..,••d ~II , ....... ,.: JO.I, Not111 I I Gtm~ RMI "'61\.V •U • .OT, ....... ""'ldl hi -"-!hi l'<-·P'r•t. It ~I·-OO>IY ..... , ~ OllV I" Hl'l'l!t 9'1,!_ to• L19U"I eH< ..... ,_.....,orl INCi\, (,..11 ......... """' '~'"" IMC/I, "-ll lft \lt l...,,, ;\oft (~_,_.,,, (.f~Ol'1'IO 10<! ~tll<l'tt>1~•, 1111'1 ... ,.., - tljll<.nol .:tihCl'l. f'•I"""' pi l~h~I ~ Mii II Al lJC Wftl l oy SlfM:, ColH M .... , ,...,i. ... f7141 •4J-4Jl1 Cl-m.tl A.•~llMJ •42·1•71 J. Cltl!lffff All Dtp9"-h: T1l1,ite11t 4'J·44JO ~Joi''• nn, O<•roo• eo.11 ~i.••-t Ga"'IM"~· "'' "'"" ,..,.,.,, 1··111"''"''· ..,.-.. 1 "''''"' ... ..,,.., ,.,.., •• , "" .. '" """v be ,,, • .,..:.. .. "'<>VI IPIC"\ por• miMlorl ol UIPYf•lflt o..-ntt, l«CIWI cltn ...,.,.., P<lld 11 Ntwiio"I eoo<"o -(011• ., .. ,, Ct•"''"" l~"''"J''C" by «"''' Ii 11 '"'0""''V' IN "''" 11 IJ mo•V.,1y; .,.11,11ry '°'"''"•'.oM. U.iS ""°""'ly, I '·\\·" fe!l na!1rinahzat 11'Jn o;i.ill Sl'1n1111t" nat ional indu~1ry \\'e are nnt roh!J1nt; th!' t: S. companies. They hal'e alr!'ady taken thei r profits lro!Tl'Chih~." he said. Alegria said Chile is not clos1ni: 11 ~ doors lo foreign 1nv!'stment. ju~t making new rul!'s. Linder the nf'w rule. a company frnm ~ fr>reign nat ion ma~· in1·est in Chile bur 11~ profits v.·ill be limited to JO percPnt anrl tn 20 y!'ars the fore ign in\'estor's capital hol dings y,•ill bfwlalionahzed. "If an inv,stor fee ls he can make a profit to more than pay fnr hi' In- vestment. he will do it. Spani.•h, Outch and Japanese firms are doing 1t," Alegria said "Foreign ln\'e5!ors must nl'lw r11n~1der the good of the Chilean people,'' he \.\'arn· ed. Kissinger 2nd Chinese Jou111 ey Slated Saturday \\'ASH!\'CiTI)\! 11·rr 1 Pr,.~lrl!'nl t\11'.'ln·s '.\a!ional Serunl\' Arh·1~er. fl"nry A l\lS!'in~er. \\'!ll lea\e for PPkin2 Nit 11r- rl<1 \' nn his m1~~1nn tn nP)!r1!1a!P dP';ul.;; r'lf Pre~ident \1xnn ·s tnri to China, the \\'h 1te Hnu<e s:.1d tnrla\ Presidential PrP<~ ~"rrP!i!r1· nnnalrl !. 7.IPl:;IPr, 1n ?> ct.:itl;'mi>n! r·,. I,. a c i> rl ~1mult an""1U~l\' In rPk1ni::. !'aid K1 l'~lnl!PT \\"idr:I make ;t0ps 1n Ha l1i!ll anrl (i111n1 before arr!\ in~ 1n Pekin>: nC'xt \\'ed· ni>~rla ;. K1ssin~i;-r 11ill fh· 1n a ptt'~>drnt1al lf'tl1ner p1lntrrl h1 \!~fln"s pr1snnal p1lri1. Air Fnrre (01 Ralph Alhcr!a zzit l\1~~1nJ:Pr 11111 :;prnd ;ibn11r ln11r d.11 s ln Peking and 11 1!1 return directly 1n th! l"n!ted Stale~ 11 1th a refueling stop in Anchnra l!.e. Alaska Accnrnpany1n~ K1s;:.1ngPr 11·111 he Rn11 r.en James D Hu£hf'S. m1l11ary assistant tn lhP PrP~1rtrn! 01\'i[!ht I. 'fh;ip1n. tlPput~ ;.;:..-1s1anl 111 lhP r1t>~1rlent. Br!'1,. r.en Albf'rt Redman. \\ h1te llOUSI' Ct'lm- mun1cat1 nns off1rPr Tin1nlh\' \, . F.lbourne. \\'h1te Hnu~e prf'ss ass1<t.:in1. Rob!' rt H Ta~ lor . hPad I'll the &>rrrl ~r,·ice \\"hi!P Hn11sf' rlPta1I. Alfrrrl .!,nkin and lhrrl'! memher~ l"lf the l\'a- llona! Secur1tv rnuncl) s1;1ff -Jflhn H. Holdridge. \\'in5t('ln Lord ;i nd Cmdr. .Jonathan Hn11·e The \\'hile Hn11~e ;1nnn11nrrd rarlil'r lh;it l\1;:.;:.1ng<'r. 1~·h0 1·1<11ed Pf'kln,11; ~KTl'lly l11~t Jul~· tn ~f up r.hr Nixon 1·i5!f. 1.1·011lrt n1ake R .~rcnnd 1r1p to ~la inlt1nd China to '-"'!"Irk nut thP drtails. K1~s1nger's rni.s.sinn 1s tn fit a datl' for the l\'ixon trip . ._...h1ch thr \rhi!e House :;;ud v.·nuld take place brfnrl' ,\lay 1. and In v.·ork nn an agenda fnr lh!' meet ings bet"'·een f\ixon and top Oune~e officials. Fi!?hting Infla tion BRISBAi'l'E , Au.o;trali it ! t;PI l -The 40 rmp\l'l~P'S of the A11~tra!111n ~latch ~l11nuh1rt11nng Comp.an~· t11m,.d dr'l"·n 11 \\"ie increa~e tn h!lp f1~ht inOat1on A un ion l,.arlf't ~airl 1h"Y wcrP n11 11 r "lf other people roll n11·ed \.\'hilt \.\'f' hit\!' rl0nl!' Lhrre "'·oul d be le~s inf1a\1r'ln."' s.111rt ~Ir! i·na P•tt>r~on, ~prikrcm:in lnr rmpln~·t~ at the cnmpany 1.1herP v.omtn outnum ber m,.n 1wn-tr.-on,. "\\'p ;irl' \.\'l'ltkin~ f'lr 11 damn ~norl cnmp,.nl' Th,..,. h111·t sturk by u~ 11nd it i~ UI\ ln u,o; In 5tic:k h}' thrm " ' Abl'lut Cuba he sa id "The Cuban re1·oiuuon came about be-cause of a di<'- tator and ._...as a l'iolent re1·olution. Since lhf'n. Cuba has lil'ed under th!' rule of one panv r uba has also aligned itself "1th thr-So\•ltt blllC' ..• In compar1Sfln he ~a id Chile·s t!'1('llll- t111n ··rame abnut rhrrni :::h tlec!lnn~ A ~!ar 'l:ll"'t 1.1 a~ elP('\ed. Our ~1!uation ts a l~n ba~ed on a muluple part~· s:siem and 11e ha1·e offiriall~· become a n!\n·ahgned na- tion" "\\·e ('11ns1der 1111rsph·e~ a n un - rlPrde 1 plflpPd nar1fln There IS an unJU~t d1str1hut1on rif v.·ealth. a i:rlt1cal hriusin ' ~hnrtacf'. pn,·erty and dl~e;is!' There is a nef>d f•1r rad1c1! chang".'" Alegria said . In Allende ·~ first :·ear. <'Oppt'r prl"l- rlurtinn ha~ ri ... en !l 9 percent. indu~tria! rrndur1Jnn 1< up :I 7 pi'TCPt\1 and AA.Mf'l h1111•1ng un1t.o h:ne t-Pen hu1lt t;flmp<1rf'd fn 1:i l)(l() rh .. ,.,.,ir h"f'l rP unrler Ed ua rd,., Fr!'L acrnrrl1ng to Alegria_ ' 011r irle:i nf acrar1an rf'frirm i• the i:;:i•nP a'< 1hrnuuhnut the world "' AlPfflrl arl r!Prl . · Th" land belongs to !he ptop:e v.·hn 11nrk II " The limit anv inrlh irluril 1n rh1 l!' r11n nn\.\' ""''" is Rfi htr1;irP~ 1~l1gh1ly more th.:i11 11>0 arr"S' nf lanil. Ali>gr 1.1 ~:i1d All<'ndP-;:. m'l•! 1mrrir1.:int m111 " \\.'I< tn rheck inflatinn •·fle 11~ed a m<>1r-,-,rJ 1n11 m;iv ne fami liRr "'1th. a "'<1J:ie anrl prir" ff,.P7P ... 1he d1plnm;it flUlf)p<'d . Alegria . ralkin~ for nt'arlv three h'l•lr<. als'I e>;pla1ned tax refnrms and oth!'r chan~es in the Chile11n svstrm. He s::iid thf're ha1·e hf'pn <n m11ny. rhan.l!P~ in 1he past ff'\\ mnnth•. and the ~(Jung "'anl !hem faster. !hat hP can n'lt c'ln"t'I' e 11! a ron~erl'ati1·e go1·ernm!'nt get ting back in· In pr,wpr ··\\"h;it 1·11tJ mu•t rPmemhl'r is lh.:it "'" fee l 1.1hat the go1·ernment or Chile I~ dr'lin.I! is \\'"II lik ed by the people nf (hile and tha t Js enough for us," he concluded. Ref lllld Proposed For Education, Taxes by Poor IJ'ASHl\l.TO\ IU P1 1(-Sen Emest F. Hfl!h nµs I D-S C·i. pnJ~d triday that the federal governmen t r'tynd snme nl the property and sales tax s paid by the pnor. t1nd the college tuitio costs of n1osl families. Holhn;:s nffered his g.1 7 btllinn pl;in !fl h"!P pfl\·erty lev!'I and middle <'la5s families as an additinn to the tax legisla· tinn in President Nixon's new economic pl11n H11llings tn!d the Senate Finance com- mit!Pe thr Hfluse-passed t•er~il"ln nl the arlmini!ilofiill1on t.:ix pl11n. 1.1·h1rh "'ould cut !axes bl' l \5 4 bill inn ol'er three years. shn11·f'<l "hi~ hn~ine~s favnritlsm" 1·nrlPr HnllinJ!~· plan· -F<1milr~ y,·ith inc0me under th" prl\"Prt y )('\'Pl y.•1111l rl rerPil'e \'P:'IT I\' f Prlt>r<il rrfunrls b.'i.~f'rl nn e ~timate~ nf thf'\r ~alPs 111~1';:. fnr frY'>fi 11ver lhP yP;;r. S;i\p~ t;ixe~ arP lel'ied in ~fl states. t-11t Hr>ll1nJ!~ .,,:nulr\ make th,. p;iyment~ a1·ailabl" tn residenL~ nf all states. -P111·ertl'-le1·pl fam ilil'S al~n v.ou)d r"""l''" rl>funrt~ b" 5 e rl im e!<lim<1tf>.i property l<ix p<i\'ments. v.·het her tJie' n1~·n nr rrnl prnpPrl.\'. A hnu~ph11lrl of fl"IUr p:1t1·1ng ~Rn in rf'n! per mnn!h ""'Uld rere11·p ;i ~ 1112 refunrl -<\!l f;im11ie< v.·nu\rl bl' slln1rert tr. ~·ih­ !rart frnm lhPir ff'deral 1nrnm" !axe< a fY!rl!r>n f'f the 11mount paid in tuittf'n rnr r11\l PC" nr lrarlP ;:.rh0tl1 lra1n1ni:; Tl1e m;i,.1mum f;i x credit ;illowed 11''1UI~ be ~.12.i l-{11llinc ~ ~;i1rl h1~ hill 11·111ilrl help rr<t11r., hal;;nrP tn 1h., adm1n1~!r;i1 111n'< l;i~ hill. murh 11! whirh i~ de~i£11ed tn ~t1mul11tP pr11·.1te hil~IMP!'i~ ThP ~1x11n l.ilx p;ir k;ii;:e ramr unrlrr rnn:::rP~<1ronal rrit1r1~m a.;; th" ;ir\ n1ini<lr;iti11n re11fltrrn"rl 11< 1ntrntinn In rn;i1nl;i1n i;.nme: kinr:I of 01·ernn11· nf 1hr 11n£:<> anr\ price p;inPl~ ii 1~ !if'll1ng up 1n rf'pl:-ire thr present lrer1r nn 7\111 11 rrr<1df'nl1<1l Cf'unsellnr D n n iJ I rl ~11111~frld. selerlf'rl a< 1ht new ex,.rut11 r rl1rrrtnr nl rhe rn~t nf \j\·in;: cnunr11. ~airl !h" rav board 11nrl !hf' pricf' ('(lmm 1~s111n 111\1 ha,·e the final .c:<\y·$O 1n !>per1f1r r.i;~.~ -hP arlrlM ~h the Presidt-nl iirHI thP rnunc1! ··1\1\1 ha lf'I me.lie penrid1r rr\"l{'ll'~.. nf lhe p erns. of their rleri~inn~ r-;1x11n t!:'ll'e h1.c: p!'r~nnal R:;~uranre !n 11r~.1ni1.erl \ahl'l r earlier this \.\'ee:k 1hat 1he hoard:; \.\'r'lUld be 11 utnnomotJs .. ::i.nd !hP l::i.hnr le11de rs said the y felt sa\lsft'd th" ;irlmini~lration v.·nuld nl"lt. ht' serrnrl gue~(in.I! or re\·ersing decisions made by the panel$. Woman Arrested In Traf fie Death A Huntin glon Bea~l'i "''nmfln. i~1·n!l'ed 11'1 11 tritHic crash which took the hie o! a 21-l'!Ar~ld st Lident. v;::is 11rres t e.d \\·er1ne.c:d11v on charge,o; l"lf f e Inn Y 111an.c:liiu,1!hler . __ Eleannr Violet R 1<'hard~. 41i nf 1/lil f\prp,c:.o; A\·e . 11u rrrndered 11t lhe Fnun- ta in \111lle:y polire 111.:iitinn "'·ilh hf'r Ill· tr">rn!v. She "';i.c: 1mmedi11tl"ly relea~ed nn hrr o~·n rf'co,l!niz.:Hl<'f'. r..1 r~ Richarrls \.\'llS \hf' ~ecnnd rlr \\'Pr lfl :'I 11.1·0 <'llr collis1nn Oct 5 nn ~l;i~nnl 1:i ~!r,.et !lnuth nf Rh 1n!' Ri1·pr A1·ro11,. In v.·h1<'h 11nnthl'r rlri1·er. Ru~k,.~· F.du·:ird Pruitt. ~RI! Alba trn~~ Drh·r. In~! hi~ l1fr ~Ir~ R1chard111~ ~rhedull'd 1i-i appPfl r in \\·,.~1 Or;t n~e Count)' Judi<'1al 0 1!tr1cl r .,1irt nn Oct 26 I , • U.S. Docto1· 'Vi11 s Nollel ~ 111 l\'leclicine Flt1t1 titfl'('l'S .·\nrl1 . 7 anrl Ji n hhy \\"e.iver, h. rh:-i t 111lh ~upr r ,rir < n'lrl ,l•!d'..!<'~ ,J;u11e<, ·r11rnrr ,l rf1 1 .~11d Br111 <' ~1111111c-r . hri th nf L.:i;i 1n1;i Hr,1rh !\n1 • 11rrr> rin h;irirl \\f1rlnr•d;i1· fl• ~rr> thr1r 111n1hrr. German·born \\;i]1ra11r! \\'r,11('r, hc1n111r> nat 11ra:11<·rl I S I 11JZ('n rl 11rin.;: cc>r('mon1r'.> 1n Si1n ta ;\n;i , .\l(''>.and1'r \\"r.11rr !:<rn 1I\' l 1 1r ~ at 171161 Rrch\ood "free Lane, lrl'tne. For mr.irr on nr>11 r1t 11en!', ~re Page 9 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bo1111ie~Cly(le E1·a Ba11{lit f11c1111P 11 h11 f r.ir""' 1n rr1r nr r1~ir· !n th" rr,1 11f lhr fr1hlr·rl ll<•nn,,, ;,01) (I• riP \\'II' kjllrrl lllrld\' hi ;J 'fr\;i, n:incrr ll hllf' thr f11~1111·r hrld 11·1r1,., rnf'n1hr1; ril .1 f111111)\' Jir,.1 ;1,r• \\llh ;1 .~!111lt:IH1. The ho~t ;igr-~ 11·1·1·1· 11nlJ;11111rd Thi:' ~hnn!1n.: ri11nn~rrl ::i rn:inhunt rh:it hr,C!an \\'rdnl'~d;-11 n1::h1 11 hrn, ;irrr,rd1n~ tn pnl1CP. T~'d \r,1111 I'\ 1\,1. q,,Pj'1'r! r,ir 11 tr ;ifl1r 11nl:il1un !11'.1r !·.u!•·.~. h.1lll1;iy bl't '.I'""" Fflrt 11.''lrlh ;ind I• !1, roltrr-'~tld \\' •11• I ,~,~ h1!1 ·r1! \.h• ·~ 1111\i pnlu r :i11d !!l1n fltrf nn f.,,,. La!er, \lal!Pr~ appr:irrrl ;ir !hr h11m<> nf !I. () llnu~!'>n in R<>r!f11rrl ;inr! hPtrl llous!{ln. his v.1ff' ;i nrl n11e d;i 11rh1Pr hnstai=e A ~rcnnd rl:iui:h1f'" flerl and call· ed pri!1re \\::il!er<i 11·;:n a Cllmp;1rr111t l'l tlir 1'l'Vi~ of the nntnnn11< l!a·ruJ tnn hrot) "f ;-, Ra1 · mnnd ;ind Fl11 1d 11h11 tn turn 111>re .ll <9)riatrr1 1111h t!ir le11rnd;ir\' nutl;i11 ~ Bonn1P f';ir kC'r ::ind 1·11 r!P H;irrn,1· Fll'lyd ll rtm1lt 1•n ~:1 1rl !nrl;i·, h111revPr. th111 h" did n11t t\11111i \\'1l1cr< 11:is e1 ,.,r dirrr!lv ;i ~snr1.1ti;d 11 1th Rnnn1P ;i nrl Cl\ dn Tr\;i' f!:.in~"r T1•111 Ar nrilrl u~rd ;i 1r1 'lfi rtflr !n kill \\;i i(('!'< ;i :: lhr r1·1m1n;il hrlrl (I .~hn1i:::un r.n unr nf th1·rp h0,t ;;~· ~ The kilhnc: t•f \I :1i11>r< tnf'k pl11rP nn TC'xil~ 114 nr;ir r,r;ipr11nr. <i!~n t-rt11ePn .'111 1rt,., .'\1•1il J, 1•.·,1. 111 1: l~•·11n1r anrl f'l\rlr ~dn1 1,,rl (iu.111 r11rl k1 llrrl l11·n h1~·h11,;r p;;11·1,J111f''l 111 11 Iii•· ~a n1r •rr.i J'.11ir ; )'•d )• r I ) 'I \\ \1 [{l,,.·\.,1r-'' S11 l;qr< ;1111 II ... 1, .. \\,.,I lq 11\f' ho1nP "' 11111 .. 11,•1 11 H<'•J I• •ti Jl1.11•:nn 11rnt In lh<> dr1r1r II\ find II :il l• 1·~ Ji, <l!n:: ;i .lv•!t'.1111 !n rhr 1·•111 " ;,I ' 11 • r \1 • lln11<1on :inrt {11" 11;1111.:h •• I 11~, 111 1.,1 ,.1 ;•1 l•·"·d :v1l"'"!llrn \\1q 11'· .1• r·', ·1 -llnlJ,tnn ' d;i ,rh-.1 • •tl'" !••'11 :i•J• , 1'lf' <t rrr1 ;111<! ~;11ri II•• 1· I' 1• " p•·111 1· ·"IP ht•·rhnt: :> 111'• i,• I•' t ,•1,. ,,, ''lid .•hr h;ul ~r.• .• ~ • •t ' •• , 1 ,, 1• 1!, 11 ht n th•' m:111 C"t l'l .in•I l1.i1J 1 1•1 ,tr I"' ti,,. .-!Jr• I ;ind r'i''•· t d '·. I •' 11'1'. 1,r '\\ ,c., •. I I •llll e 1>11! nf thP ,. l •-1 \\1'!, J!,1 I" : ' JI II :]• h1·i dl!ll; il ;;1:" !''\Ir I!• !11 ,,j .i qd r11r1·rd U< 1, dP•p 111l r .: t ,. 11,,11!ol i-111 ti 1n1 ·• I-•I'!·. • 1d \\ ·,:,,., f• 1• rl1r Hn11<1nn t 1·111:v 1n , , · ,1·vl rl r 11 1 I' n!' f'11l1rr 1 .. 111,11rd, l1 r 1 .', ''ill•,JnrJ111.: <lllfl ~l,1pp1ng !hf' ,. •f J!<' l•.1•j ;j 1 • ',: I' I I t 1 ' f'1,1!1 ·~ )',.,;1rl " 11d r·:1Hl 1. ·!' , 1•· ···,, r-1·1 in c t'l 1::i 11< h .,., 1n1<1 ,e11'11·.: .l :> 111 1"(1,,.,rj ;ind lirpt rhrP::irr111'li.: 1r1 k1'. 111,,· f~1r · · S;\ \I E S5U ON sTl)f.1'1!(JL~1. :-i1.11·rl'fn (Af'l -Dr . 1•:111 II' S11 li1"11:inrl .Jr rit ranrlrrb1Jt I 1111P1\1!1• 11nri 1111• 1~71 :-;nhr l Pri~" 1n 1 'IH •111IHl'I j1111! \11 di! I'll' !•ort,1 1' fror h1s 1, ,.,,,, il 111 h•q1T1"!1•' ;1 pri11r• I hp <aid I I"• "Ill<' ;ih1111· I 11 !11il di :-11111•, 1 •• 111! 11 .. 11 111~ \nll 111111 l d:>. tree pr1;r :11111 !hP 1111 •It!!•• of 1hr \'flhl'I Prize fnr hi\ 'f1J\•'t11•1 1•·~ t'i•nrrrntng thf' 111,.1 h.1111,n1 •·I 111" ;11·t1u11 nf h•1rm11nr <. ·• rh•· t-:.11111tn,k:1 \1•'flU ;ii !n•t1H11e <1n- n1u1 11n •1t ..;,.1111•rland .'i·I 1•·,.111 r<I !h" r1r11f' fnr 111~ .11..,.,1 "'' nr !hi> 111111 111ir1 nf r1rl1c arl· 1•1111 ;ir 1rl. •H f ,11ltr -\\II' Thi• I< c. TP• 111111 ••• 1 h11d 1 .~11h•1:1 111 " ~1i;:n:il1n~ h11r· t11tot1r·~ I"~" 10 1l••rk 11f rr1111tr111r lht>m Ill !11' 11rt'"'nl r .. r !11+• fl••r rn'•t1"' 111 11n•k. II•"'"""''~ 111111111r r 1br 11111 f..uii; .. if !hr hod1 ·I l1hr tn 1·;ill It .1 ~1·111r1d f'T1("•<rnl(Pr" ~111 hrrlnnd ,,11r\ .11 h i~ llnlllf' in \";i~h•:il\r , Trno , ,11r nf \ .111dr1 h1 '1 \'n11·rr,t11· 11 .. !-l lH '~" 1,f h1 ' 1 •·,11·~ 11( rP•r·;irrh. ~;.i11111 · "In f.11 ·1 1n Ill•· hrc-1nn1nc , 1t rr;dJ1· 11;1\ 1ll••I'" l1k " :1 lin1ill\ Tr<ls h.i1r o.h1111n lh ,11 lhr• ,1drl1t1'ln nl A \11' In c.111< "f'•ILI< t•'-~llt'' rn i1h r<i the rrll< <'tlhrr rPl11rn ro nnrn1.1I nr rl1e he <·nn11nu1'd :1drl1ni; th::it n1uch rr.;;r:irrh 1 ~ nrf'drrl ht·fnre ;iny ron,•\u~1nnc;-c~n be rlr~1111. l·:~r!;11n11nc '"ion '! 1h;il trrr1f1r" 111len j,,f,,r1110'd hr harl 11nn. Suthrrlanrl <111rl hP 11111 en 10 Stnrkh,.lm 1n l)!'Cf'mhrr tn f('f'l'!I f' I hi' Pf!ll' · l'\r knn110 l\r hP•·n unrlrr Cl'ln- ~•llrral1n11 :i lune 11n1r h,. •11nr1n•1Prl '"\1 1' fr1rnd" 111•rp •a.1111:: \J.if}r,,.. this \l''\f, llf 111,"i~ hP tll'X1 \'l':)f' '' \ 11:i r11r nf Hl1rl111 c;1n1<> I\ .'i o ~111 hr!'lanrl 1\ ''" i.-:rnrh1.1tr·rl fro f"1 11 .... tih11rn 1 ·n11r·r~111 <1t "]'11pr~a l\;ifl 1n 1'117 ;inrl 11.1~ i;:r~du;.J(d 111 l'li2 frl'l "TI · ll;i<h1ng1nn l 'n11t•r<11 1· \lf'r1ir11I Srhrird, s1 Ln111~. ~ln, 11h1•rf' hf' hrcan his rP o;rarrh 1-Jp 1.1rn1 tr, \';ind,,rb1l t 1n !~fi.1 ;if1rr 1n l l'::irg ;.it f';.i<r -\\'P'lem ReSC'T\·e l n11·rr<1I;• 1n \lr1·rl;inrl. Oh1r•. JOHNSON. • • r1"11hrr n1;in h;irl :1n11h1 ni: 111 r!'l 11 111; the f..1llu1t,: Pf 111 .. prr,!!n;;n! l•'lrn::i11 J11t111~nn ha< arim111rr( 111 thrr., !aperl 1n- IPr1 If'\\~ 1h;-i1 he <'lUhhr-d hi~ \\lfP '-"l'h the h::ir -.111111 ;i!1rr ~h,. 1·l.1r1 lr•rl fl'Ni 1~ !'n1r,.,. inc n1;1rqua11a ;i1ul ln1 '-"r1 him n\11 11f ire .>1•:1nn1r 111 Hr h:1\ ;1l~n <Hln11l!t·r1 lh;i! l1r "a<h<rl nff hl1111rl 1n thr .~ho11rr hut ha~ main· !a1nrd 1n all !hrre 1nlrr1·i,.11 ~ ih.11 h" ran· nnt rrr;ill 11~n1;: ;i ln1lrhrr l-n1fr nn th'" Al- 11 .'lt 111 f' hr llfll'l!f• I Ir rt1rl . hn11r1 rt , hr lr a po:.1thi:11n't hunt 111 1l1r 11c·1111t1 nf Iii~ ;ip;1rln1r11t lilr ;-i kn1f,. th:1 t nll~hl . hr <!11cl, hr l111l<l1'n 1111r1cr a 101 I- < :n1 ('••l11r !'l1drs of !hf' lllll!d<'red hl n11(1 11l:1l[Prrrl 11 1•11Fll1 11rrr .:i,ea1n ~hn11 11 1111·•111 r1 lnd;11 ,1• :'ih::irp ri•1r;t1nnprl .:i rrin1p l:ih lr1·hn1('1;1n .1hnu! rnnl< fnlln rl Pn !11~ hlf11"rl·~n;ikf'd plllo11~ 1q!hn111 ::ip· p;irrntly i.:rt11nil' !hP ;i11~11rr• h" ncC'ded Or Loun ge Rocker Chair Ch oose fro n1 22 7·DAY CHAIR SAlE thru Friday, Oct. 1 S Stv les ' Reg ul ar Sl 89 ro $249 NOW $139 to $199 H.J. GAR I\ElT f u RN ITLI RE P'OF:S ION>L INTERIOR DESIGNERS • • • • Opt" Mo", ti.~11 '"II Fri. Euis. 22 1S HA!BOR BLVD. 646.02 75 646.0276 COST A MESA, CALIF. 7 7 Ho11tington Bea~lt Fountain Valley ---' Today's Final N.Y. Stocks VO L. 64, NO. 246, l SECTIONS , 40 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA THURSDA Y, OCTOBER 14, 1971 TEN CENTS County Uni -t Approves Unification By RU DI NIEDZIELSKI ·\ plan L:alling for the d1\ LSJOll Of lhe llu11r1ng1on Beach l1ninn High S{'hool IJ1i:!r1c:1 111111 tour nc\.\' unified ~chool '>\:-l {'tll~ 11 11~ arpro1cd \\"edncsd<iy nigh! h\ the l)rarigc Count\· Con1n1it1Pe on :-.~·hool f)t,lrlt''I Clrgan11i1 t1c.11 Four-school Systeni Pla11 OJ(d by Co1nn1ittee d1squa l1!1cat1on of t•on1m1ttee: memben1 11·t10 are currently also scr\ 1ng on achoo! boards 1'he dl.'l'l~lnn nn !lie c·o11tr·o1·crs1Hl plan 11.1~ rc,11:lit'd h1 n '>pl ir 6·l 1n1c ;it1 l'r ;i 1no1ion ro rcscir1d rl1t' pl;in and anothl'f l'<tlling IOI' ;idoption uf :i11 altcrnatf' plan l;11lctl \Jen1 l)f'I'" ot 1hc 1 l·inan con1n1i!1ee said lhrv l\"uuld forward the proposal to lhe ~1<ite Bo;1rd or Ecl11cri tion for ratificatlOI! befo re il is placed bt.•fore voter!! in the Ar111y Sets Manpower Cutbacks By fllEO S. HOFF~IAK AP .\lllitary\\'ritrr \\".\SJ IJ~GTO\" The-.4.r n1y an· nou11tc:d lullriy i1 \\'111 relense ahout 65.000 11t'f1cers <ind C'nlis1ed n1cn. n1any earlier 1lt01n nor1n;1!. h'.r ncx1 .Jun(' :10 10 ~e: <lo\nl !" 11 s!rc11gl11 ot 892.<~10 n!'dered bv { '11ngrcs.c ~lo~t ol those In br rr1eased will i>r in 1 ;;inks and skills in 11·hich the Arrny say~ 11 1~ 01·erslren~1h, or men \\hO~e tours uf <iuty are due In end soon an~ wa~·. lncl1Jdrd <irr 1fraf1rrs 111 th~ r n1:,•d !-.!ate~. Puerlo ll!1•11 anti !hf \'ir~111 Islands. Although th(' /\r111y did11'1 usr !he term. ii appeari; it 11' l'.hucking nff ~'01T1r dC'atl11·ood. prinr1p;ill~· career enlisted n1en 1rllo have not b<>rn pron1oted abo1'f! pri1 ate fi rst r:las.<>. Alsu li<'keled f;i r rt•!t:;1sr a rr son1"" !.crgc<int.~ rn:ijor arid :ih<101 4.000 rP.~Cr\'' lle11tena11rs and (";1pl11111!i "'These :ict1ons \1·111 pro\·id r a rnore pro- P'!r ha!1111rl' i11 the grndr s!ruc:lurr and al lhl' "'ame lirnt rC'in!orce !he Anny's cur· t'e11! en1ph;i~is on relcnlion or ,1·cl l- r1uali!1ed per~nnr.el."' it!i !itatr1ncnl ~aid . The planned rrduet 1nn \\"llS a factor in tl il' reduced clrnfl call a1111ounced recenll ~· under 11·h1ch orilv 10.000 men \\"I ll be in- t1uc1cd 111 thf' Inst hro month, of ti1is )ear. ~ecrr1ar.1· ol !ht Army nobE>.rl F. Froehlkc said there LS .:: continuing need !or drafters "bf'cau~r ,,.r cannot h11vt squ;id:o; 1n;1c!c up en!1relr ot ~ergeant~. .ird \If' arr not 1·rl getting rnough ne't\' 1'nlt!1rrl': tn 1·ul1J.'il et·r. parllru!arly in lhP 1·u1nbat arn1.; ' ,\1 ,,.n a1fr1•!11d l)1· thr 111'11• act1nn.o; 1tdl bt- 11nt1f1cd bel1rPt'n 11011• :.111d January anrl 11 di t.r g1rt•11 al lr ;1-.;t !10 day~ ro prt'))iH"t 10r 11•e1r rt>hlrn to c1v1l1an \1 tr ' C111n111~1ulf.'t's .11 all cchrlon:r;. ha1 .,. hf'ftl d1rPc!1·d to niakf' rnas1n11Jt11 rtf0r1 to .1:-~1~t 111 thr t :-;\11~1t1011 trfllll mil1tor.v t<1 <111h an ur rctlr('d life." !he Ar111~ ~•11d. ·rhr .'\1xn11 adn1in1s1r<.!1on had pl.<1nned lo re(.]ucl' tl1c strrnj~1h of (!1r Arm y. now 1.120.000 111f'n. 10 9·12, 000 b.\." !.he end of 1111~ ri~cal yc.1 r next .Jun~ .10. l\'l esa Teenager Hurt in Crash '\ Cost;:i :\lf'sa teenager LS reco1·erini;: toda.v lron1 in juries sulfl'red during a 1r:1ff1c accident" l\"ednesday 1n Fountain \ ;illf'\ ~l;i;·k r-.Jr{)11rman. 14.. or 10$9 Val\ejC\ Circle. is listed in satisfactory condition ;ii Huntington ln!ercommunity Hospital. I le was a pa:-sC'ngcr on a mo!orcycle rlri 1·en hv hi~ brr•ther r.tartin . 17, \\·hic:h rolhded ~·ith a car at the intersection or \\"arnt'r 1'1·c11nr and l\"e•.o:hope Strl'el ;:it I 4fl p.n1 The dn1·er of !he 1•flt , Beverly C. \\·:-.1ker , of !1207 Le Cas1la Ave ., F'ount.:1\11 \'alley. did no1 report an}· injutie:i; fro111 !he crash Sc hool F orurn Sl Ht,cd Tonight :\n open tnrum on school~ is set for 8 o'c\fl('k !oni~ht in the llun· 1111),(ton BeaC'h Cit~· Hall ad· min1~1rat11·e anne;.i .• The foru111 i$ spnn~ored by lhe Srhnol~ S11hl'o1nn1illc<' r1r I he f1!1lcn~ /'oliry Pl.1nn111g Commir. tt'l' 011 1hc ai;:enda Thr rity·~ rela· I 1onship 10 the \'atious school di ~lnc t~ In lluntingtnn Beach. Thr publir i~ in\·ited. .June 191:! presidential pr1111:.i ry e!ce!1on. \Vednesda.v's rneetinc. held at thr Santa An;i lligh School aurlit onu111 , drew a !"tO\\"d of about .100 prr~on~. 1110~1 t•f wh on1 had i.'orne lo pr11tl'~l !hP p111pn~1""I di1·isio11 If ap1>ro1•ed b.1• volers. !hi' 10111' s1'sll'111' '.rould each se1·1·(' pupil~ ln11n !1111 dergarten t!1rough the l~th gr;,idr . One 11•ould be 1orn1ed I hro11 gh thr co11 1- bi11ation of the !'!cal Reach and Lr1~ Alamitvs Schut•! d1stri<'ts, .i 11 o I hf' r .... . ·~ .~ .. S1vitcl1 in 'l'i1ne 1hrough the eon1bin.:it1on of the OC'can \"iew and F(i1uua111 \":illry ~e h o c1 I dt~!ric·t~ ;ind !hr third ;ind tuu rth h} cnll- ..,r.!1clating lhe :h1ntington Bra('h i..'1!1" and \\'t>~l n1inste1· school d1~!ric1 s <Jlu11g tlic1r r11rl'ent l;o11ndanl'S. The 4·0 111n1 1!h•t•;; endtfr~t'!llt'ttl (>r 1t1r plan hroughl, 0111hurs!s 1ro111 su1111· )tl'l'SOtlS Ill !lie <llldll'l!Ce ll'hU \\"ere f]l)i ai1011·cd to ~prllk ;iftrr lhr <ler1su1 n hrirt hct:'n inade ln ti /1 ! Of anger, l'Ulll!lll!1f'f' ("ha1rtllflll .loc Coftin dcrlnrrd lh<it Ill(' people had l'of't'll g11·t•!l plrnl.1 111 oppur!lJllll~ lu ~Pt'di.., ;111d 1h:11 1~ tl1e las1 11(•l"d ·• l It• :~pp11111!!'d ;1 ~('I gl';1111 ;it ,Jt 111, :111rl i.:,11r h1111 Ille authnr1!1 iti t·:dl Ille 111•ht·i' I! 1111• 11ll'c'l111g did 1111! ,-;;1111 d1111 n The ul I 1t·er~ wcrr nu! net•drd ll 111s1011 w::i s· uorell 111 the 1·u111 1n111re 11~elf Ol'<:r lhe propos;i!, with the rn a1only 11111s1cru1g on ly onr cxlra vote (o appro1 1· lhe plan . All1rn1;1!i ve ballot ~ 11ere cast by Ho~l'r Ra bet h. a poodle O\rncd b.v i\lrs. J\lary Hoach of l!un!· ington Beach, nurses fiv(' l'Ockapoo pu ppies orphan· C'd Ja.c;l \veek 1vhcn thl'lr 1no tll rr died aflcr dr!rvery. ()\rricr of pupp1C':« :ippE"al{'d ror hC'lp and J\·1r.c;. Roacl1 , 19421 !\"c1v Havf'n l.anr, offrrcd service!' o! Babr!h \rhosc l'l\\"ll p11ppy aJ.,o died la't 11•crk shortly after bir th. illother and ht'r adopted puppies arf' d n1n ,e. fi ne. thank you. Douglas I='lcd~c~ Full Product.ion Despite Strike LOS Af\liEl .L~ l,\/'1 -All f)!l lt'lal (Ir '\lcDonnell Oougla" l'orpora11on plant~ In !..on~ Bearh ;i l\(l Torran<'t' ~aid \\rd· rif',"<laJ full produt'f1on 1\ou!d be n1a 111· t<olned as Ion~ a~ p•l~:;1blr dr~p11~· a 'ilnkt' Ii\' {'ompany worker.~ 111 [ ":inada llq11·e1·cr . .Ja(·k~on fl \k·<:u11.i n pro · 1 drnl of thr J)n11gla' A1rtr:ill Dn1.~11111 1n N>111hrt'll (",d1forn1a. 1'1'I U~cd !01 ··~t 1111:i1r ho111 long th!' 1l!:1n1 s Li11ild opt•r;~lt• 111lh11111 parl5 fron1 Can<Hla_ United Auto \Vorkers L'niu11 n1C'tnhtrs at Douglas Aircraft ol Can<i d.'.1 1n Toronto v.·enl on .strikP a! noon \\'rdnrscla1· In back de1nands for hi gher "':iges. 'rhe ·roronto plant build.~ 1\·1ng set ~ for lhr OC9 and DCIO "'hlch are asscnib!r.d :ll L-Ong Beach. ,\lcGo\1'an .said lhe CJnadJa11 strike .,·ould have no erfecl on lhe C<1mpany·s production of mil1L;u·y a 1 r c r a f I , ~pecifically~the F4 Ph antom JCt fig bl er. liA\V olfi ·Is accused !he company or using Pre~· t !'·,!ixon's 1ragc-prict freeze on Can ian worke~ and rert1sin.: "lo oHer a ny lrl; onr our economic demand.c;." ..,,. ~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~ Nollel P1~ize f 01· Meclicine STOCK!IOL:\1. Sv.cdcn lAP1 -J1r. F:i rl \\" S1J1 herl:ind .Jr. of \"andrrb1 ll I lH\"f'T.~LI.\' WOil the lrt71 i\obrl Prrt.e Ill f'hrsiolnr,.1· :ind .\led1c1ne todav for h1~ 11·~f'<trch in hnrn1011cs. a pro1r·l! tir 'aid h;ul becnnit· alninst. a hohh1 -:11t h!'rl:111d "·on !11f' SRn.01.lll l.i' fro•r pn;r :ind the prr.!-ri i:1: of d1e ~oht'l l'ri•11 l•1r hr ~ "rli~ro1·rne~ i·nn(·r1·n111;: 1!u• 111r(han1sn1 of lhr :ir11 .. 11 11f h0rn1n111·' · ll1r !\aroln1,k:1 :\h•d1f·;1l l11.,!l11il1· :111 110111)(·0•01 'i11tf1i:!rl;i nd ~4 rf'1·('1\'rd 111r pr11r lolr 111.~ <l1,t·n1ery of rhe lunrl11J n nf ryc.1 11' arl Surf ~itlc IJrownino .... Vit"li111 lilcnlificd 1'hc body of a woman \\·h1eh 11·ashcd .<!~horc Ore. :J :it Surfside Colony has IJ<ot'fl ic!entiried as Sol\'icga Hula Andrew <;. 36, nf Plava del Rev. CorOner ':-; dei)ut.v Rit:hard Slaughter said !he v.·oman 1\·as ltlenlificd this \.\'eel. by tracing her dental records. The cause of death ht'!s been lenlat1vel.v hsted as suicidP hy drowning f'ri_1I ai:rd or ~1tht· ·\~11 ' This j, b rr - •111 ""-d hl«ly ~ub~!anrl' ~1gnalln~ hor- 111r1111•, lu i:o In \\0rk ur rcquinnl! lll"!ll !fl l1r 111·t·~f'11! l•1r tliP honnuni•s In uur~ llo11 111011C'~ 1111J11r1w(' lhC' wurkJnll of 1hr l1olf1\ I l1i-r I" 1·;ill 1! :i 'l'' Htid 1111·~·· H~r r ., .'"11tl11·rlan<! :..0101 . .t h1 , t1n11••• 1t1 \n•h'.ilic, 'l r•1111 , '!If• OI \:J ~lil\"1'11111 I 1\l\t•l'"l.11 11'' "Iii•~~· 111 h1" \ r: t' iii r"~~';1)! 11 ,,11 11\L: 111 1;11·1. in lhf• lio•µu11111H.:. ii 11•JllJ 11:i~ n11•tf• Iii," a h11l11J1 Tr~t.~ hfj\1' ~11011'11 111,11 t!I<' :ttid1t l011 11f •'.\11' It) t·ani·i,ro11,, 11~.~11t·~ rnHl..!"·1' thr 'i·ll~ rllhC'r rl'turn !11 nurn1;1J 01 d1r. ht' 1·11pl1n11rd. addin~ lh;il n1tlf'h rrSl':ln'h 1;; llCl'drd bC'kn r nuy ru11elu~1on~ •''1 11 bE> dr:11111 J-:~•·l.11m1nj!. "'1~u·1 thal 1err1fw·• \1!1t'tl i11fo rn1cd hr had 11011, Suthrrt<ind said hr \1111 go !o Sloek holru in Dcc ·ernUrr In 11"1"('ll'r lhe prize I'l l' kno11n I 1e ·h<·rn under l'l1U- ... 11l~·rntion ;i l<ing tune.' he continued . ' \l.1· friend.~ were sa.vin~. ':'\laybe rilis .vear, or m11ybr next ycar'" ,\ nat11·e of l3urlin_gan1r. I\ a u . S1~herland was i::rarluatcd r r o 111 \Vashburn llnil"ersity at Topek;i , l\an , 111 tSee NOB EL. Page 21 New Irvine Fight Erupts LAFC 'l1upartial' Analysis Criticized by 2 il1 e1~ers By .JACK BROBACK Of "'' O•llJ ,il<ot SIU! Shat~ differences ~hich ha1·e marked <lCtions of the Local Agency Formillion Con1mission in recent week.~ sur faced ;a g a i n \Vednesday o 11 t r I ht proposffi Irvine cit~·. Cp fGr discussion wa~ a flOO·word ··1n1- partial analysis'" or lhr prOpoSC'd in· <.'OrJ)Of:..tion including 11 dtsC'ription of thl' boundarieic prepri red by Li\FC Execut111• Officer Richard Turner a~ required b~· l~w. TurnC'r. hcC'rling 1 h t ,.in11Jart1a1"' designation li sted only ll('lions tnkrn 'Vhi ch lr,d lo the l)ec. 21 election 1n 1hc: ;inaly~is ·which ""'ti! be ma1IC'rl In \'otcrs 111 tbr 111.000·a<.;re area \\-'Ith 1he1r san1plc ballots. A!temalt LAFC member Ralph Clark objected to the word ing of the analys1~. ··1t is just a recitation of what the pro· ponents did ," he argued. "Thert 1s 110 rnention of lht probable $1.37 tax 1':t1l' <·om pared 10 tht cost of pre!;!ent <.'OUnt.1· ~l.~rvier:;, I thi 11k other things should be included on both ~ides of !ht incorpora- tion questlon including !he fact Iha! a 1D.000-:1cr(' city was originally proposed." Cl:irk. a county suf)f'rvisor 11 ho "·;is tukcv.•arn1 on the ne\11 ci ty propn~nl, \.l'as loinPrl by nn a1·011·ed opponent of 1he pro- 1tc·t -Hobert Ballin. "\\1hy not have 2;10 11·orr!~ pro and 2:,0 cnn···· he asked. LAF'C Chainnan SI an It y Northrup wonderrrl ... are 11,·e suppnsed to m11ke conjecture~ on 1•:h:..t i.~ good or bnd "~" Lo11!s R!'111harrlt, Fullert(ln councilman and !he Lcntral ligure in recent on-again- off.ai:a1n membership battles concerning lhe-LAFC, argued th.1i 1t was riot the platl' of Lhr cornm1ss1011 mC"mbcrs to ad- vise !he VCllers, Timothy Strader, 1\ewport Beach ,at- torney repre~enling the"1:ouncil of Com· nlunitlcs of Irvine. agreed "'it h Heinhardt. "Turner's analysis n1et'ls the requirements of the Jaw and 1ve request l!s ::idop\lon."' he satd Deputy County Counsel \V i 11 i a m r.1 cCourt ruled that the LAF'C member:i could a(!vpncc pro and con 11rgument s in the analysi~ if t.hey wished. "Anything rclc11ant lo lhe incorporation could be in·, fSt e l..AfC, Pag t 2) \nder~on. nobert Bark. R o b er t lt 11 lholon1r-11 , Dal'id Brand!, RobE>rt ll:11T and Sll'\"C' Ho lden. The others, .\l;Jriiln Bt·rgr:-.un. Ron:il\1 l11,J1np . .lot· C:11f1111, \V 1\l1<1n1 llall ;ind ~ ',1rl ton .Jones. l'<1Cli ca~! .. 110" 1 otes. l.11" :\11chllt>! Briel... ~uperiniendent of lhC' Fuunta u1 Valier SehotJ I [)1st1·1ct. s;i id he 11011ld 1111t1atc lC'!'.;;11 <1Llion a1111ed al 1 f'\·rrs1ng tlic· eo in1n11tt•e's clrcis1on , lhf' lit1gat1on. b:1~rd 1111 an alleged "111- • P!llp<1tJbil1t.v of 01t1t'r." is aimed at th e T1vo ll'eel.: tl'ait The J11 e curn1111ltcc111e11 .affected in · elude Holoen, ll untington Beat:h C1!)' SChool D1stncL Bar k, Anaheim Union !11gh :-;rh•iot District. Bartholome1r. Tus1111 L.111v11 High School DislriC't, ;i nd 1\lr.-; Bergl'~ur). .'\e11porl-.\lcsa Un1f1ed St•hool D1s11·1rl. Bri('i-11 hos e thSll"H'I IS bring 1ep1·c.~cnl C'(I bv f'h1c1 Ass1sl<1nl Coun\v Coun~cl Cl:iyto'n Parker, h;1s said he 1v1il seek :1 Cr.'.111d .lury 1n ves t1gati on 111!0 the i"OlldlH,'1 and thr alleged conf1 1l·!s of the co111n11tter. Board Falls Back / . I \From Re~ap; I ,J Decision Delayed CountJ ~upcr\ 1so1·s rhargc<l up to !he problc111 or rC'al1g11111g thei r 1lis!rit·t:-\Ved· nrsda.v -::u1d then fe!I haclo.. 1:or !l{) 111111utes tl1rv h~ll'n1'1l. discussed, argued an1I t11cn decided lu take 11~<1 1nore "'l~'k" ;ii least. bC'lurr 1nak1ng up their rtuncb . Diel; Hui;, :.cn1ur all1nin1stra\L\C aide lri Supervisor llavid L. Baker -.1!fhd 1·ha1rn1an of the cxecu111 t assislanl.'i 1·on11111Uet• 1rhich tried lo reach a solu\1011 on lhc rcd1s1r11:tu1g problcn1. outl ined six propos<Jls. /Ip c1n plla~11ccl ll1:it population. nut reg11'tt"rcd 1 illl'r:-.. 1,•as lhe co11rL·dictatcd 111·111c1pal .c:11 11leluu· 111dr;i"1ng up !he ne1v bu1111d.'.lnc~. Tht• r11ag1« nuniber for each d 1~ll'i l'I I.~ :l/M,()07 f'ourlli lJ1 ~t11t·I St1per1·1~ur l!alph Clark ot 1\n;i hrin1 ~:11d he 1houg ht tile princ1p~l (·1tiC's 111 1';1l"h cll'fl'l('t ~hould bl' entirely 111 th;il tl1slr1t•I ilnd not ~plit. !\lost. plnns •·Hllcd lor h1111 111 ~hare Annht·i1n 1r1rh l·'i rsl"D1~lr1ct :-iu1X'rv1s11r l~oberl B.~t\111 and Third !l1str1ct l(';ider WiH1an1 l'hiH1ps. Bakl'r n>1n 1nclrrl Clar~ rha1 pnpulat1011. ;ind "1101 ll'ho rlr1·ted us" L~ 1he principal ··u11stra1nl ··1t is up 10 ti' to agrrc on one of !l uc~r 11lan~ 0 1 ~.n1ncu11e C'bc 11111 do ll lor 11:-.. •• Bahrr ;-. . .id J1r Jllt'!C'rtl'd lluundar1es ,4 .~tr o no 11 I..~ Plan 'f o Ci,1:1' TIH1nks I 11. ."ical Beach. l\po!l11 1:1 11.,1ro11aul s Da1e :-.colt. ,'\l \l'ortlcn :ind .Jin1 lr\\·1n 1\·111 11si t Seal Heuch Fridny afternoon 10 t ha n k ..irrospace 11 orkers lr,r n1ak ing lhc1r nioon 1•oyagc po~s1 ble They will arr11·e hy helicopter around .1 p.111. at r\orth American Hock11ell"s space cl1v1sion tu ded1calC' a pl:1q11e hnn11r·u1g the n:co and wom en who ha11e 1~orkcd on the 1nnon prnjl•r1 , En1pto~·c~ at !he Seal Beach plant built thr second or thr thrcc-sl;ige Saturn rocket v.·h1ch·t·arried the astronaul. trio to thr moon. 11 has bf!con1e 11 custon1 for a:;!ronau1s to ~isit plan!~ whe rt lhe1r spacecraft co1npnncnts ;ire built after lhr1r 11lghl. ~lernbers of llunlington Beach J·ligh Sthool's ()ilcr hand 111ill be on hand to entertain !ht moon men. W on1a11 Arrested In Traffic Death A Hunlington Bench \\"ornan. invol ved in a traffic crash 11,·hLch took the life or a 21-rear-otd studen!, "'85 arr e~ltd \\fednesday nn charges of rt Ion .v manslaughter 81eanor Violet HLchards. ~&. of 7761 Cy press Ave .. surrendered at !he F'oun· 111\n Valley pohcc station wlth her at- torney. She was immediately released on hf'r own recognrz.ance. ~lrs. Richrirds \\'llS the second dri\ier 1n " 11~0 car col lision Oct . 5 on Magnolia !'!reel south of Rhine River Avenue in 11,•hich anolhrr driver. Rickey Edwflrd Prul ll , 9011 Albat ross Drive. lost his life. ~lrs. Richards is scheduled 10 appear 1n \Vesl Orange County Judicial Districl court on Oct. 26. II 11 11 I k:in lint':; 1'11ih ll1~1ritt Supcr1 1sor Ronald W. ( .1 ... j1t·1·-.. ul ~l'\.\IJOl'I Bea<.:11 11ante<l lo l..11011 "\\'h:it 1n;1kl'S a clean hne, a lrt•e11 ay <1r a ruler~·· Uake"r rl'p!1t.<d, "Bolh. RoaJwavs are: hcst and the oppo:;11e :-..\"stl'1n 1vith ·fing ers running 1ron1 one 1l1str1(·t into 1~ bad ."' B:ittu1 said Jl \\las obv1ou?1: that no agreement t·ould be reached \\1edneslla1. It ...,·;is finally derided to l:ikc up the cnl1 · 1rn1·ers1aJ subjel·t 1'ur>sda~. 0<"L 26 at 2 p.ni. Jf they ca n·! reaeh agrecrnent then !hey have onc rcgul:ir 111cel1ng datt, \\'ednesd:i.I', 0<:1. 27 .. before the No1'. l deadJ111e. If agre('tnt"nt 1s nnt re;iched by i'."OI". I, ;i rl'd1.sLrict1111~ C'(lfllrn1Uel' 1·ornposcd of IJ1strict Al!11n1c~ L'ec1I Hicks, Count_v Clerk \r11h a111 S! Jrihn anti County Assessor Andre111 .J. ll111sl1:i111 \Vi!J do the JOb. Supcr11:;or~ a1·e not a11x1nus to ha 1e jSee HEOISTRIL•r , Pagt ZI Riverfront U11it In Seal Beacl1 No\v Disbanded The '>ca J ~rJi.'h H 1 Y , r f !'o n t llrde11·lop111('11( '\gf•111 .1 1l1H.'\1 has bee n r!1:-bandr<J h.I thi· r 11•: Lflllll("i\. Thr a).,<'111 .1 11 .1;-. an urb:111 t f'de1·cJOf>' 1nr11t ;H11hon1.1 cf!':J ll'fl ;1 ~eilr ago by lh• < nunf'll II \\';1• , 11ll•'l'n1rd w1 !h im- prf\1i·nitrlf nl 1.i<'<1nt lu11d~ 111 Se~I Brach -l:ind" 11 l11rli l{ll,\ l"h;Hrn1<>11 Jay Co1'· i11£?lu11 .,;.11d h;1d a11 aggrrgale value of Sl it n1 lllii1n Jn tht•1r ~londa\' 1nect111g t'Ounc1 lmt>ll 1·1ited 4·1 ln d1~bund the rigcncy and ta ~a lhr ;1u1h1•nL~ ·~ po11crs-on !hc1nsclves. _c1ounc1hn:i11 Thornas F. Barnes i.:<i"l the d1 ssrnt1n/,! 1otc because he said he 11·an!('rl the :1g1·nr\· and tts au!hority <ibnh,.he<l 1·on1plc1t"!y Hf' 11as 11 fonner botinl n1etnhrr hf the k.RA. 111 ,1tJdi tl\•O lO plans for deveJop111enl O[ the do1\n\01111 Pac1 f1(' EI eel r Lt: right nf 1vay, !.he RHA bad also become 111- vo h·cd 1~·ith p!ann111g for park!'i. se"•age d1~po~a1 :in~ sctreet l<1yout s. Orange Coa•t l\'eather Look for hazy sunshine late Fri- day afternoon fol10\11ing· lo\v cloud.o;, fog and drizzles illong the coast. Highs at thr be<ichc~ are sel al 68 rising lo !he 70's inland Lo"·s to- night in the 50's. 11\SIDE TODi\ '\' f 1jty-seven Ora11g t Coast rtsi· dents jornuil/y pledged lheir al· legia"l"/Ce to th e ll11i ted States 111 c-cre11io111e! 111 Oran ge Count.y. foi· a cornpletr: /1s t of I.lie prot«i 1ir11.1 An1 er1ca11~. ser Pagr 9. C•Ulttlll• • MH rl••t LI~'"'•' • (heCk!"9 Up ' M1~1,, " Cl1ulfl_, ll·ll M~l\l•I !l ~M• M Cron-•• " Nltlfllll New• •·• Comlti " 0•1"'' (1¥111¥ • Ot •lh Ho to cu • '"''' ))·11 Oivf•t•• • ·~· Mll'lot h ,.,, l!:d l!Mll l ,.,. • l •i.vlt!•11 " E11t••l1!11m1"1 11·)> ,~ ...... " Flntnct JO.JI Wtt1h•• • H<>tfo<f•• " WIMtll'• Ntw• "'" """ L•tltitrt " Wt rlf ,NIWt •• • ' • ,. ~.. ... .. .. .... .. ........... . ··-:-~ "".\• . .> & ' .,,., ·_.:. .... So ' .· -•. •t. .. 'n! .......... DA!L'I' ,.ILOT S11U ,.note HE WAS HOOKED BUT GOOD SAMARITANS HELPED Peter The Pelican Is. Alive And fi5hing Again Fisherman Well Pelican Resc ued fro1n Slo1v Death Bf F REDERICK SCROE~tERL Of lne Dally "llot S11U Peter the Pelican is ah\'e and feel ing :..ine today in waters off Laguna Beach ::f!Pr nearly dyi ng earlier this "e"k from ·; ·etting his bill \Yrappcd in fish line and Lis feathers laced with fish hooks. Some quick work by regulars at Cres- 1 ent Bay bcaC'h and Dr. G R. Ekebrrg : aved the bird from dPa!h after hP v.•ash- 1 d up on the strand Tuesday ;ifternoon. •·r found him on the beach with his bill · o wrapped in line. he couldn't open his 1nouth," said Carmen Sachs. "And he had .JI kinds of hooks caught in his fealhrr.c;. Ie v.•as very \\'eak anrl rl1dn 't. snap a~ rnc '"hen I got near him .. r-1iss Sach s. a!nng vn!h ~!aria P::il.:i sthv. 1 ut the fish line <lff !he bird .:ind ransported him to Dr. Ekl'berg's nffirf'. ... ,here the hooks "''ere remnved. Later, he. 1as given a shot of antibiotics and the J:ame "Peter." Dr. Ekeberg kept .:i C']nse watch nn ~eter through Wed nesday evening when he returned him to the ocean . He ap- ieared to~ in good spiri(., before he left ind was feasting on fish brought in by :..rrs . Palasthy, the \'elerinarian said. According to !'o!iss Sachs. PetPr is nrit i\one in his plight. .. In the. l•-st month. at Past ten pelical"lfi ha ve cnme in past th e urf line with hook s caught in thei r eathers and tangled up in fish line." ··The problem is !he f1shermrn f'ln the "IOO.ts. They cnme in closP to !he rock~ 1·here the pelicans are ;inrl drnr !heir ines. The pelicans g<J aftf'r the b.:iit and ;et caught up in the hooks and the lines." 1l1ss Sachs commented. Her observation is txime out by rnm. nrnts from two 011•nerr. of large crm- men~ial deep sea flsh1ng enmpanies ln Nr"'JK1r1. Beach. .. \ve·\'e had an 1nvas1on nf pelicans frnm Jl.texico.'' Pxpla1ncd Art t.rnnsky, n1vner .<Jf Art's Landing. 503 E:. EdgeWater, Newport Beach ... They're a menace. About the only thing v.•e can rln bold hunch. They'll la11d nn the bnats and pick up bait right off !he deck. Or they"ll dlvP after bC!ifed lines _ .. r\'e also seen 1hem stra! fi~h thal people have cau_qht. Yntl bet they're a is mo\'e thf' boa t ;ind hnpP. they v:011"t follnv,o us~" Grnnsky c<Jmmentcd. \Vhen a peliran doe s grt hr.okt'•rl. IJe said, crew memh<>rs nn 1he hoat~ will !ry' r.n remove as much nf the line and hnoks as possible ... \Ve try In do the hum::ine lhin _2."' he added. noting .. of cnu rsP., there's a few who v.·on"t try to help thrm." "l"ve ne\1Pr seen so many Pf'licans." remarked Robbil'! Roher!.son af Davey'! Locker. li.12 Lido Park On\"e. Ne\~1pnrt Beach . "About the only lhing penple can do is swat them av.·ay with fishing poles, but it doesn't dn much ~ond. "f ~uess you C(lUld call it a casr nf man and nature getting together." quipped Capt. W. H. Putnam of the state Depart- mrnt of Fish and Game in Long Beach. '"The influx of the bi rds began several months Bg(I. A!I we can do is hope. they \l"ill return tn tlfexiro. ·· Putman said the m1gr#llion nf !hi'! hirds \\•as "nature's rea ctinn"' In the loss of na!i\'e. pc'licans along thP cnas!. The pelic<ins , he arlded, rire a prl'ltecled hi rd and legally cannnt hP shnt nr iniurf'd even though they maY interfere with the fish ing boa~. Stai· OCC F oothall Playe1· To ,Face D1·ug Sale T1·ial A star fnntball pla~t'r named !0 .111· e.1gue high ~chf"l'll hnnnr-5 anrl nn\4' ,j.,fen~ive l1nrtiacker f(lr Oranc.e roa;t :'.t>!lege faCf',!; 1rial sr>on as a .5U~pected !ru g dealer .\"o tna.I rlalr has ht'Pn r.Pt for l\rn· l\" Funke. JR. Qr.1n~e C'oun1y Superinr .:riurt clerk~ r..iirl tnd::i .l F'unkr. nf Rfl22 Ebb!1rl t> C"irrle, Hun· ,1n,;ton Be3Ch. 11as :irraigncrl nn charges OlAHGf COAST DAILY PILOT 011 .. llGE C0"5T PV!l.L\1H!NG COMPANY Rob.rt N. w •• cl Pra~..il •r>d P..01.,.,,tr J1clt 11. Curl•v v ••• Pr~'°"'' •nd ~·I Mllll~U Thom •t K•tY;l £G1I"'" Tii om1~ A. ~u•ol>ti~• M1n.1~.11g Cd.ror Ali" o;,1;" Wnt CrlnQot Gounl'f l!lf:luf H•Rti"R9t•• ... It Offk• 1717S •••tit lou!1w1rd Mtilirtg Addr111: P.O. 1 011 79tt, 92 641 OtHt OHien l.,.._ 11 .. t~: 277 Fe.tot .,,..,....,. Colla Mn1: J )Q W•T ··~ 5"H ' ~• ... P<>•I 11 .. on· llll Ne1111>10rt llou:~•·~ ~Ill (ltmwl!W! ~ Harl/I El ~ II.NI r».n.'f" Prt..OT", Wllll wMdl h ~ ,.,. ,._..,..._ " p,tblVw:I d•llY .. <-rt• ,_ '"' .. lllP'"nN _,,._ for ............ llMt"-~ • ...,.. Col!• -·· ttUl'll\lltlaft .._,., .....,111111 V1li.f, lift C_,., C..11'4-end S•dolloNdt, ela'll w1111 - .... .,... .cllll••• Pt1n<IPfl CO"ltttl/11 olMt • .. a .., a.y '"' .... co.. --. Tch••••c (7141 641-4Jl l C1...wtff Atlftffl$1 ... 642-5671 ~. 1m, °""°' eoort ll'llblh~r... C".ooftpony, Ht ~ ,..,~... M\\llltlh&'t. .iatr1o11 ,,.."'' or ,,r....,,,_,, hr"~ -y 111!: r-oduf.M ""1''-'I IP9(i&I f/M• •1•'re er Olfl'l'tlfllf o .. -. &.Ot..il c'-,._ lt"'Td II""'""""' lMc"i encl C•I• M .... , c1.ii.. ... ,. •• l.oi!!O<rlP1""' Irr u rrl.r U .U ......,,~tvr bV ..,,11 1111 "*'lhlYI mnt111ry dnHnl!IOnf. 12.1J mo11!1'ly. nf sal e nf narcnllr~ ;inrl rl;ini::,rrnus drug~ T11rsrlay in \\'esl Orange ((lLinTy Judicial D1stncf Court He 11a~ nrrlPrPrl In hP lnerl .;! lhr h1i::,hrr ro11rt leiel on 1he ba<.1S of rho~e prnrred1ng~ Thf' All-lrv1nP Leagu" ,!;f'lf"rtinn from la't \r;ir's Edison H1ch School ('h;i1n· r1(ln<hl p team \''.'I S :irrr ~!ed Aug 2!1 by H un!1n~l(\n 13earh pohrr Jn1e.~tigatnrs. ('h.-i rge !hat h~ sn\d a quan!ity nf LSD :ind benz.rdnne pills lo an undercover agent Th(' 185·pn1ind _gridder has plearled ln-. nncent to the charges and remains frel! on Sl.250 ball. pending nutromP nf his trial. A pair of Costa ~1esa High Schnnl f(lnf- h;ill pla~·tors. Crrl'g Schoprtler anrl .l<Je Arlhur. both 18. arl': alsn currrn!l~· f;icing char,e:es flf possession of dangerous drugs and marijuana. They and t"·n ju1'eni!e pl;iyers were ar- re~ted Oct. 1 after a traffic stop by Cn~t;i l'o!esa police, v.·hn claim to have found ahou l 50 benz.edrine pills and a ~mall amnunt of pot in their car. Th P jul"eniles' cases are curren!l,v hf'ln)! h11ndlPd on an infnrm;il h.:1~1~. "'hil e criminal \0mpl;:iints WPrf' suh~e<1uently 1~i;upd ::i~ainst !hi' 18·~·e;ir-(lld ar!ul!s . Tlie 111ust;ing pl;iypf'~ 11·en~ immerl!alely dr(l ppPrl from the fnn!hal] ~CJll::lfl. while a spokesman ;il Oran~P C<Jasl Cn\lege nnted F11n ke played in 1he last Pirate game. Hf' hliYked a p11nl nn the fi ve·yard line and i::cored a touchdo" n. F'unke, an OCC frrshntan. \I'll~ assi~ned lo th;it school lnslead nf G(llden We~t C-OBege. the communilX colle.Ee districl'J" weslern campus. becau~e he lives in southeastern Huntington Beach 'Ow i\larna, Ow ' \\'ASHThGTON ll'PI) -The Food anrl OruR Admini~tratlon lfDAI !odlly '1n- nnuncl'!d that Hrallh ('rnss b;iby ,:hampno 1~ being tf'Called because 11 irr1tatrs !he eye~ The FDA $111d 1tl!h(lU_l!h the ~ham(>Oll el.111m5 it ··"-'111 nor burn th(' eye~:· 11 prn· durf'd a ''burninl! ~"n~;ifinn" t \'l'!n "·hen immediately rln~ed nut High Court Tm·ns llow11 Sru1ta Ana By T0,\1 BARL EY or II>• 01>l1 P•lo! ~ion Santa Ana struck out a_gain trx!;iy in the bit!Prly fought "promised" land"' hass!P as the Cal1fnrn1a Supreme rf)tJrt rur!ly rPfus- 1ni;: to gr;int the city a hearing th:it could hal'I'! halted the Dec. 2l Jr\·ine in· corporation elecllrJn, A r11lini:: h\· rhe just1rf',!;. mPP11ni;: 1n l A'I~ An~flles. ;::dded )et anothPr vlr1 ,.,ry 10 a string of suc:::esses raC'ked up by thnse \.\ hn believe that the 933--acre sector n"ar Santa Ana's southeastern border should bernme part of the prnoos~ nev.· c11y nf lr\·1ne. But the ruling fa iled t.n dP1er ebullient Santa Ana attorney James \Vither!i. "\\'e shouldn't att;i('h Inn much 1m· pnrtanre In th i.~." \\'ilh,.rs said. "Thl!'i high court "'as only a.~ked to intervene 1f it found that SC1me irreparable injury coulri he dnne Ill the oppo~in~ partv. "\Ve canl call .:in election an ir· reparable injury and sn that the court refused to intervene," WilhPrs said . "It doesn'i m;ike tJ,!; ;inv lrss detl'!rmin- ed to carry nn wlth nur fii;!hl and I'll he gning back Ill my City Council with some further proposal for court ac!ion." \\'ithers said thnse proposal.~ will in· elude the suggestion that the city file a new writ in Orange County Superior Cou rt. His argument may be ba sed on the theory that the lrvin l'! Industrial Complex is the majority landowne r in the propos~ c1tv of 18.207 acres and cannot therefore influence the destiny of the total acreage in\'Oll'ed. "And we still ha ve to go on trial on this issue." \\'ithers said. "No trial da!.e has been set as of today but I can le[I you th.;t I hove. just been reading of a case in \1•hich th!'! Supreme Court ordered lhe di~incorporatinn of a California city a )'Par after the election was held. "It could happen here." \V ithers sug- }.e~!ed ... But many npr.inn.~ are ~till npf'n !flu.~ and I am gning to pu! a fe w nf them before m.v council ;is soon a~ pns~ible ." San!a Ana·s last foray in Orange Cnun· ty Superio r Court ended in dis;:ister fnr lhP city v.·ith J.udge R~ymond Thompson solidly rPjectf!g arguments that a cnn- iract signed between the city anrl \hf! Jrvinl'! Cnmpany in 1963 was sufficient grnunrls to block the Irvine group's pro- posed incorporation. .Judge Thnmpson ruled that any damages inflicted by the Irvine Company on a breach of contract basis was a. mat- ter fnr separ::ite determination and should nrit bl" aHo"·ed tn balk the ~·ishes of a majority of th!'! Irvine community. Meeting Slated On Unification Trustees nf lhe. ()('p,:in View Srhnnl District ha\'e called a i::pecial meeting fnr 5 .10 p.m. Friday on lhe subject of un ification. Dr. Cli1rence Hall. !he d1.<:lrirt"s superintendent. said the primary purpose is lo delerm\ne whether legal action is "·arranted aga inst the Orange (nunty Committee on School District Organiza. linn. Al its \Vednesday night meeting thf' cnmmil!ee Rpprn\·ed a fnur-v:ay ~plit flf the high scl\ool d1str1ct into nev.· unified schnnl S\'S\em~. The oCean View di!'ilrict is in\"flh·ed i0 thr prnpo~ed division and its board is op- posed to 1t f'r6tn Pnge I REDISTRICT • • • Hinsh;:nv. a rne or On11rd memhers l'ln n1;iny subjects. pla y a part in carl'ing up I heir districts. Supervisor Caspers ~aid as n1urh. Casper.-; said his nffice harl desi~Pd a n1ap i;hnwing nn!,\' the nf'W bnunrlanes fnr h1.~ rti.~trirt ... \\'e hopp Y."f' could rtnvpfr,il .l'flUr plans inlo ii." Later he off Pred a cflmplete map. Ruiz pninterl nut 1.hRl nne C'l'ln~tr;i int in rlraw1ng the di~trict hnes "·as the clnsely- grfluped residence of three of th!' board mPmbe rs -Clark. Baker and Ball in. Both Cla rk 1tnd Baker Teside. in lhe area v.·here Garden Grove ancl Anaheim join 1vhile Battin lives in Garden Gro\·e near the Santa Ana boundary. Tl'achers Take Off :;1uden1s <ii each of the Ocean ViPw School D1~tnc! 's 23 srhnols ""111 hr !ak1ng a brea ther from the ir cla~ses tllonrla~·. Tr:irhers "'111 participa te in v.·orkshops and l'i!;il other schools that da y. ewe Ballet Tickets Gone All tickets (or thl'! Saturday night pe.rform 11nC't> of the San f'ra ncisco Ballel In !he Golden "1est College !heater are i;oJd out. T1 ckPti; lor the 2 p.m. and ll. IS p m ~unrlay performances 11 re still 11 va1lahle from the c n I I e g e bocil:slnrl'! at S2 50 each. If any remaln. the y 1,1•111 ao on \ale ;it the door prior to the lasL t11·n perfnrm11nces. Ul'I Ttlf~~o•o CofC Seeks Full-time Mayo1· View The. Chamber or Commerce is polling its meinbcrs for \'lev.·s on "'hether Hun· tiog !oo Beach should have a full.lime m»yor. ·rhe issue, \l.·h1eh "'as narro"·ly defeatrd in an election lasl Novrmbrr. Is being resludied by a council-appointed c1!1zens cominittee and is eX""Pf'rled to be placed nn the ballur ag:un , 1x1ssibl)' in !he April counc1!manic e!c('t!un. MEDICAL 'HOBBYIST' SUTHERLAND, WIFE CHAT WITH NEWSMEN The Nobel Pri1e Wilt Help Pay Off the Mortgage Balph Kiser. manager of the Chan1hf'f, s;iid that a questionnaire is bf'ing senl ou t tn 480 members today. The questionnaire lists arguments for and against the pro- posal and then poses questions on how the office should be set up if the position ls supported. ~·!embers are asked ho1v long a term the mayor should be elected for. whether l1e should have a council \'Ole. 11·hp!her a candidate m;iy run fflr ;i cnunci l scat and the mayor's post sin1 ultancously, whether ;i count•lltnar1 should resign if running for n1a yor. how the salary should be set and \1•h;it ~hould !he s;1l;1ry he. Co1n111ission Set For Student 'Goals ' Study \\'hat are th e educatinnal goals which "'oulrl bes! srr1·e thl'! students in the Hun- tington Beach Linion High School District? A specially·fnrmed commission is plan- ning lo find that oul by Jun!'! 1972 an then make recommendat ions on how t get the joh done. High school rlislrict trustees established !he Commission on Go;ils at their Tues- day night meetin_g v.·ith unanimous agree- ment that it was overdue. Twn r1iffercnt citizens commissions will actually be formed -one on the distri level and nnr> for each of the distric s fi\'e high schools. The schn<il cr•mmissions will contain representativC's from scgrnents of their school ;ittend:ince <Hl'<IS. They will also each .ippoint one of !heir members tn the larger 25·man district commission. The di s1ricl con1mi.~sinn ""ill also draw on representati1·es frorn local city coun- cils, elementary schonl boards, the high school bo:ird, administrators, students, teachers. the minority community, the PT A's. the League nf Women Volers and the American Association of Unil·ersity \\'omen. Ga 111hll'r Loses Wife RENO, Ne\·. IUPl l -\\'illiam Harrah. one of Nevada's richest gamblers, has bePn .51ranted 11 d1\'orce fr om his third w1fr, !he former May Burger of Los AnReles Harrah, ~~. who flll'OS casino~ in Renn and LakP Tahoe, ni.:irried tl1 i~s Rurger 1n J!tiO ::if1rr a prrvinus marriage In pop singer B<lbbie Gentrv that ended after four mf'hth~ · Frf>t•t 1•11ge J NOBEL • • • 1937 anrl ll';ls graduoted 1n 1942 from \\"a sh111gtfln l'n1l'er~ity !\lrrlic;i! ~chnol. St L(lu1s. !\In, ll'hcre he began his resrarch. He went tn V:inderbilt in 1963 af1er lO ~ears at Casr.\\"rstcrn Reserve L"nil"ersi!.v 1n C"l£'VC'l<1nd. Ohio. Dr . Sutherland has brrn studying Lhorn1nnt"~ fnr more than 211 ~·ears. 1'l rmnnes ar(' th('rniral substanct's, m, 1nl~· secreted hy the endOC'rine or du tless glands. Tt111y influence the ac- tivities nf the cell.~. !1ssurs and organs of the body. controlling such important ac- tivities as gro1V!h. d c v t• Io pm en t , reprr.duction and nirtabnlism. Thi s was the sixth year in a row that an AmC'riciln has won or shared the Nobel r.lrdicine-Ph.\·s inl<Jgy Prize. Dr. SulhC'rland discn\"rred a previously unknow'1 chC'1n1ral r;;lled "C_vcl1c Ai\t P," or c~'Cl1c ;:irlcnrhc aclr1. "·hich prn\'erl tl'l be il m1ss1ng ltn~ 1n ii 1nng series of bio.. logical CMtro1 me(~anl:::rn.~. \Vhrn .vou i'lf"' dr111ni: a car. for ex- ample ;ind there is s .tudden emergency, you jflm on the brakes -:ind 1·our he,1rt speeds up. · Cable TV Talk Slated for CofC A proi::ram on cahle lr!evisnn \1·1\1 be pr!'srnrr<l at a t;C'nf'ral mrmbrr~h1p mePe!1ng of the Hunt1ngtnn Beach Chamher nf Cnm mrrcc al noon \\"ed- nC'srl;ir C'harnhrr tlfan a~rr Ha!ph K1srr ~ays lh;it a prnpns(ll hy Theta Ca!)le nf Cal1fnrni.1 and llughcs A1rcr;if1 to ~rt. up a $20 million nrtll'Ork in f1\'e c1 !1es-Hun · tingtnn RPa<'h. Fount.:iin V;illrv, Co$1a .\)('~:1 . r-.·rwpor1 Hf";irh anrl \\'r~f!n'1n.~IPr -11 ill ht· PXplr11nr·d Thf' lunrhcon \1·ill hf' hrld <>l the \"ill;i ~11 r{lrn rr~lfl 11ran(. 522 ~1ain St, and will r'fl!"il $'.l ;i ~rsf\n . SAVE $50 ON l\lsrr said !hat the results of 1he sur\'E'.\I \l"!ll be gi1'en tn the press and 11'11! nnt fnr n1ally be presented to the Ci!y Council. The citizens comr111llce ~ludying I he issue is schcdulrd tq_ report back to the council in [)erc1nber.\ Sorne disruss 1011 ha.'~ taken place on 1\he1her the comrnitree·s task was to \1·eigh the pros ;ind cons of the office hut c<Juncilmen recently sprcifical!y directed the committee ln study ho11• the proposa l should be worded since a mainrity of the council "'as in favor of submitting the question lo voters again. f'r6111 Page 1 LAFC ... eluded like the pos51ble lax rate as Clark suggested ."' ThP issue was SP1tlad ti.l' a 3 to 2 vote :ipprol'1ng Turn('r·s pl"npo,rd analysis 11·ith Bat11n ;:i.nrl Supf;'rl'i~0r Ronald Caspers of \'ewport Urach in the min ori· l.v . It was brought nut during the d1.<.cussion that pro and con argument.!I ran be Included 1n matcn;il sf'.nt to pro- specth·e voh•rs. Turoer"s an;d~·~is. as ap11rnvrrf. mc11· tions the original 5~.000 acrr proposal for the oc"' cit~. lists the rea~nns g1l'cn by the prnponrnts for incorpnrar1nn and tcil!J 11! the conferenct's ""llh adjoining cities ~ind the rC'dur'tion lo IR.I}()() acres. Al~n n1cnt1nncd !~ lhe Cn11·rr~1tv of C;il1fnrn1:i consultant s111rly of lhe · prn- ["l(l~r>d e11v whil:h found ii tn hr "finan· r1<Jll.v sound '" v:ith cily rr1,i'nurs possible ~ .. 1tl l)fl)\'((lc for rin ;11rri1ge lrl'c\ Of niunicipal Sl'!rl"iCC' for the rcsidrnt~." The analys is also n11Ll1nrd propos;:il~ for hiring a ci1~· 1n::in.1gcr, 1hP prn1·1s100 for <1 F1 ve-n1cmher city co1incll . .; planning C'omm1ss10n and planning st;iff . Handso me Or Svvive l Loun ge Roc ker Chair 7-DAY CHAIR SALE thru Friday, Oct. 1 S ~::;;::;;:. Gr11 rf'ft:I rl<'•u:n <ind suptr b ('nr.~1rurt1no rir P h"llll!lft1ll\' "nhflnr- "rl hy nl "llctilnus ll\1!· orini.: In ~11 ,. ) nu ]l\1,:1~h comfort. 1..-'I rJ?:<' f11 l>rir ('f•ll"•'I in n. Sl't' 1hr>f" 11nd r.1hrr mai;:nif1ctnf styli-~ ,..,_ d11y 3.nd 11dd a 1Qurh of ~~;:~;l.l':ilim~&.S.!!:....::.... St II I I!' l _).' rlt>tanct lQ ~ you.r home decor. Choose fron1 22 Srv les j Reg ular $189 to $249 NOW S.139 to $199 i·our fovaritt lntl'rinr desi!]rtl'!r u;ill bt happ11 ta as5i.~t 11nu ••• H.J.GARRETT fURNITURE PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR DESIGNE RS Ope" Mo11., T~urt. end Fil. Ewn. ' 211 S HARBO R BLVD. 6"4b·0 27S b'4 b.027b COSTA ME SA, CALIF. " . Th111"1day, Octobt r 14, l'J71 H DAil Y OILO'I' :J Baja California Blacli Rosarito Beacli Pow er Failure Blunted TIJUANA, Mexico (UPI 1 -The entire stalt' of BaJa California ""'as blacked ou t early loday v.•hen workme n were unable to start generators at. the st ate 's thermo· etertr1c pla nt at Rosarito Beach. This border city, the major population area in the state, a nd the cities of Ensenada. t.lexicali. San Felipe and Tecate. as \veil as rural sections, v•ere lef t ¥-'t!hou t power. A spokesman at the ge nerating plant Ki ssin ger Set said equi pment used to :1tart the gl'neralors failed at 3:30 a.m. Techni· clans were "working feverishly" to restore service but coul d not estimate when they would succeed , he said. Hospitals and sanitariums switched to power from their own generators, and public offices, lndustry and other facilities dependent on electricity \\'ere slo"·ed down or closed. Ice plants experienced a sharp increase In business. and market operators were Bornber Mixed fearful their me ats would 11poU a.s freezers and coolers defro11ted. No ne of th!! slate's fiv e morning newspapers \.\'ere able tn publish and only one radio staJion was on the air. Heavy generators are shut down during the night as the den1and for electricity diminishes, the plant spokesman &a.id. Lighter equipment is used during nig ht hours, and the heavy generators are put back in operation as daybreak a~ proaches, he explained. Defense Loses .. ~ · "~ For 2~d Tri11 In Directions Fingerprint Major Clash DAILY "ILOT Pllor. by IUch1rd KM hlt r ltlal~i11g He1• Mark Wet sand . glistenin g in late aftern oon sun marks trail of yo ung girl as she plays at \vater's edge in Ne1,1.•po rt Har bor on recent Indian summer day. Hou1. ever, \\•eatherman has abou t \Vr itten off bea ch \\'eather for a \\'hile and is forecasting a bad case of foggy drizzles for the Orange Coast. Fishi11 g Village In Cuha Raided B y Co mmandos r.11Ai111 (AP) -A commando grou p in two boats altacked a small fishing village on Cuba's northeast coast Tuesday, kill· !ng at least two people and injuring four, Havana radio said today. The broadcast monitore d in Miami said !he nighttime attack was carried out "fro m the north" and hlamed it on "the gove rnment of the United States and ils ~ccotiipllces." Afte r the ass;:iult by what thP. radio said p.·ere heavy end midd le cali ber weapon s, :he two attacking crafts ;,departed :ow a rd the no rth.'• the broadcast sai d. It described one of the boats as a 'mother ship" and the other "a speed aunch." The broadcast indicated vil!ageri:; and trmy patrol!! had fired hack, bnt ap- Jarently there was no attempt at a Ian· fing. Democrat Changing Plru1s 011 Senatg_Reapportio11ing SACRAMENTO (AP) -The Democrat in charge of Senate reapporlionm,nt sa id toda y he is changing his p!an t<V''restore to lite " Sen. Fred Marler. the Sena~e Republican leader whose district would). have been abolished. ~ Sen. Mervyn Dymally (D·Los Angeles) indicated the rf'prieve would be granted by eliminating the dis trict or another f'.'orthern California Republican, Sen. Peter Behr of Tiburon. But Dymally refused to say positively that Behr ¥:ould lose his seat. Dy.mally said the new plan still puts Behr and J\.tarler in the same dist rict, but wilh two important changes : -The remain ing district would be No. 2, meaning Marler would be the in- cumbent. -All of Shasta Cou nty, Marler·s home territory. would be · retained in the di strict as 1t is now and Behr's home would be inc luded by a narrow finger ex- tend ing south into f\1 arin Count y. The new plan still shifts one seat - presu ma bly Behr's -from Northern California lo the sout h to balance popula- tion shifts, and it. still uses that ext ra seat to create a long-promised "Chicano seat." Dymally said. Behr c o u ld not be r ea ched im- media tely for comment. To Red China WASHI NGTO N (UPI ) -President Nixon 's Nationa l Security Adviser. Henry ·A. Kissinger. wilt lea ve for Peking Satur- da y on his mission to negotiate details of Pr"esident Nixon's trip to China , the Wh ile House. said today, Presidl'nlial Press Secretary Ronald L. Ziegler . in A statement releas ed sim ultaneously in Pe ki ng. said Kissinger would make stops in Ha\\.·aii and Guam, before arriving in Peking next \\'ed- nesday. Kissinger will fly in a presidential jetliner piloted by Nixon's personal pilot, Air Force Col. Ralph Alberlazzie. Kiss inger \\'ill spend about four days in Peking and will return directly to the Uni ted States with a refueling slop in Anchorage,, Alaska. Accompanying Kissinger will be Brig, Gen James 0 . Hughes, military assistant to !he President: Dwight L. Chapin, deputy ai;sistant to the Pres ident : Brig. Gen. Albert Redman, \Vh ite House com. munications Offjcer; Timothy G . Ellxlurne. \\'hite .l-1.ouse press assistant; Robert H. Taylor, he ad of the Sl'cret Service White House de.tail ; Alfred Jenkin and three members of the Na- tional Security Council staff -John H. Holdridge. \Vi nston Lord and Cmdr. Jonathan Howe. The \Vhite House announced earlier that Kissinger, v.·ho visited Peking !ie<>relly last July to set up the Nixon visit, woul d make 11 second trip to ~Ialnland China to work out the detail s. Santa Ana )Cllice were puzzled .11nd somewhat. amused hy a bomb threat. received Wednesday night. A caller desrrihed as a ma le who "·as breathing heavily tol d the dispatch officer on duty, "There is a bom b set to go off in your east v.·ing." LL \\'ilham Palmer said today. ''"•e're sti ll looking for our east "'ing.'' ' Youth R epents; Go es Into Arrny J\IUSKEGON, Mich. tU PI ) -A federal judge. a U.S. district attorney a nd the di rector of r.1ichigan'11 Selective Service a!l agreed th at a repentent young man should be given a second chance. As a resul t, f\1ichael Weatherly, 20, sh.ed his prison garb Wednesday and prepa red to enter the U.S. Army on Oct. 27. Unt1! then, he's relaxing at home. \Vratherly was sent Pnced June 21 by lJ S. l)istrict J udge Albert J . Enge l to four Years In prison for pleading guilty to draft e\'asion. Engel later recei ved a let. Irr fro1n the young man a~king if there \\'a~ son1e v:ay to go into lhe A'rmy .in· stead of spending fou r years in the fl'd<'ra! penitentiary at i\ti!an. i\1irh. Engf'l asked U S District Attorney J11hn l\.1ilano"·ski tf it was possible. The allorncv told him. "I r we can do it. 11·e ought lo do it.'' State Selective Service Di rector Col. Arthur Holmes agreed and Engel reduced the sentence to the tim e , Weatherly had Blready 1pe:nt in jail and ordered him released. A major defense argument in the niurder trial of l\-larine policeman Mark Johnson "'as shattered today With the discovery that fingerprin ts found in bis San Clemente apartment did oot match those of r.1arine lance corporal Frankie \\'ay ne. i\1ellino or drifter Richard La\1Tence Beede. Chief Deputy District Attorney James Ei1right revealed the results of the check to Judge \Villia m i\1urray as the Orange County Superior Court trial moved lr)\vards ifs final argument phase and its possible conclusion today. Defense attorney Ra.y Sharp rested his defense of his tall. handsome cllent im· mediately after Enright announced the results of the fingerprint Investigation. Enright set up the check Wed nesday afte r Sharp brought JV!elti no, 20, into the courtroom to reo pen a line of questioning similar to that "'hich once put !he young San Francisco cook into the Sa n Clemente jail for four days as a prime suspect in the killing of Connie Lynne Johnson, 20. J\'lellino satisfied police and district attorney's investigators that he was not the. man who beat ~lrs . Johnson's face to a bloody pul p with a bar stool end then stabhed her more than 20 limes on June 16, 1970. But the young J\la rine had to tell his sto ry again in court es Sharp ex· panded his eleventh hour deferu;e of Johnson. The assault took place as the village 1lept and onf' of the victims "'as iden· if1ed os a villager "'ho ra111 to alert the oearby army border patrol Dymally earlier announced he would change proposed Ora nge and San Bernardino County boundary Jines also. He said hi! would shift Sen. \Villiam Coombs (R·Rialto). out of Ora nge Coun- ty, presumably restoring more nf his present San Berna rdino County lines. J\1arler said the new plan "ma kes more sense" in that it avoids the ''unnecessary cutting" of Shastc County. ,----------------------------------------------- The other victim "'as a soldier "'ho died 'n action, Havana radio said, and the in· 1ured included t1vo tern.age girls. Free Service To Be Given By Cycologists The world.! firsl CVC{llOJ!Y Fair C\'cology stands fnr h1ryc les and trology) npcnrrl it:o; three·rlay run today 11 Fash ion J.~tand "'Shopping center in \pwport Rf';irh Bicycle and rcn!ni:y presPr\·at ion ex· 11h1ts 11rrc> i:;chrrluh>rf 10 he open for 1n- tpect1 nn nf the puhlir Par h rl::iv nf the fair rnn1 10 a m 1111111 {']fl..~11\f:!. time at lhe \""ewporl Center shopping con1plex . i\ d.1y {If bicycle anrl lriryc le event~ \·111 clim::ix the rair nn Sall1rrlay . Top ~1 rnt~ are expcclrrl In he the 35-mile ·rirerium (sanclioned hy the Ama !ru r ~1c:v{'Jr League nf Americ11 Rnrl rirav11ng • f\rht nf ABL of A members who are nf )!.rmp1r calibe r in lhe1 r bike raring 1klllJ and a JO·mile Grand Prix Stock ·ace for lO·sprerl bikes. The Oi\ILY PILOT. with the hP!p or 1ome frirnrl~. \\'ill opf'rah! a Po llution Solutinn Stat inn frnm JO 11.m. !n Ii p.m. on );:iturday. cnllectin.'l: nPwspaper~. glass bottles and alum inum cans for recycling. In the Northern California situation, the DemocratiC plan 11n\'eiled a 11·eek ago moved J\1arler's district from 1he Upper Sacramento Valley to a predominantly Mexican·American sector of East Los Angeles. • In that plan, a long northern fin ger nf Behr's San Francisco Day Area district hooked up into Shasta County to include Marler·s home east of Redding in Behr's Senate District 4. Battin 'Th,varted Over Nominatio11 Bo\rd of Super\·1snrs Cha1rm.1n R11bert Batf'in tried In appninl a new man to the Airport Land L~e Cnmmiss1nn \\'ed- ne~da~· hul 01her ho;:ird ml'mher~ halkPrl and the deci~1on "'as ro~t1Y>ned to Ort. 26 Ballin F-a1d .John 1\lclnnis of Oran_1:e, fnrmer county planning c0mm1ssioner for 14 years. had resigned from lh~ land use grou p. He st1gc:estPrl lht> 11ppo1niment of Roderick Fra~er nf Or·angf'. 11 parlner in an air taxi service a1 t11e Orange Coun!y Airpnr1. Supervisor Da v1rl L . A;ike r thnught. some thought sho111rl he ~1 vt-n In more than on e person fnr the po!it Supervi!iOr!i Willi am Phil!l ps and Ralph Clark agreed. Batti n, sensing rielcat. said, "Inasmuch as I don't hav~ three voles I p:uess "'e \\.'ill continue !his subject lo Oct. 26." S u]Jerv isors 01{ Development At Salt Creek Beach front property development In Lagu na Niguel at Salt Creek was given pre ferred treatment Wednesday by the Board of Supervisors in line with thl! re- cent pact signed 'by the county and Avco Communi ty Developers. Conditions for development of a 20-acre parcel near the old Salt Creek \.~1ash were approved an d sent back' lo the counly planning commission for fur1her action. As~istanl PlanninJ?. l)irer!nr Stuart Aaile.v said the hurry up action was recnmmcnrird to allow the development firm In carry nut improvements ::ip- prnved in jhe recent pa<'t. The cnltnty purchased Salt Creek Beach and upland riirk1ng lots for $2.56 million in 1he agree- n1r11t. Developmf'nl plan.\ h.<Jd been delayed h~· I.he comm1ss1on until the pact "'ll.~ signed ~l'flt. 21 hy the coun1 y. County planners had expressPrl ~nme ('()ncern I.hat. a be<'lch rluh p!.<1nned for the. Salt Creek area would block the nrean \'it'w from high"·ay tra\'eler~. They were assured hy an Avco executive thal this was not true. STEREO SHOPPERS GUIDE "STARTER SY5nM" 40 Watt AM·FM Stereo f-f •re is·• moderel•·powered receiver, c.ombineci with • G11T1rd turnf1bte and. Llncer Spe1k•r1 for an ••c•ll•nt •l•rf•r 11t. Reg, Sy1t1m Price $134.40 SAVE $79.40 SALE PRICE FABULOUS -NEW! MARANlZ AM·FM STEREO SYSlEM I TI>t .,..,.. Mt••~b 2170 -140 "''""RMS fl .. ~,.. •• 20.20 ~M11 I •v"'•<O.,. f••fvn•. lftct~d·d ••• 1he f.,..., .. l•l<lin••r Ill 1po•\..,, .I. D~•l1 ••• 121 1 T"u1t•blo w/w1ln"t b., .. •~d ADC 2~0XE c1rtrid90; "BEST·BUY" SYSTEM New SONY 6045 Stereo Sony'' new11t receiver hes• power oufput of 25/25 w1ff1 (RMS •f I chmsl with • ten1iefion•I t11n in9 11etion, AJ10 Included is 1 G1.rrard 40-8 with Shure M14·7 •nd Llnc•r 9711 Spe•k•rs. STR 61)~1 1..,. $217,SO Plijl c.•r• •ARRA RD 401 l t 9. Sl7.5CI SAYE $109.00 SONY CONDENSER SALE PRICE MICROPHONE £CM.II with Windier••~ Nev•r before ave ila ble •t 1 lower pri ,e. LJ.NCEI 9111 Reg. $10t.oo '-.•>NV l!,I• •:JI! $19'5 .................. __ • Countian Hits Nixon Trip ONLY --.. ~~~~~~-----~ SONY Hl·2 SONY l t -1 ) R e publica.n Official Ca.lls It 'Surrender to Reds' Ry TERRY CO\lll.LE 01 111• EllllV ~llOI 11111 farl.ories, "even th ough the use of hernin there i!I a death.penalty." ..,... rrtc. s12w.•1 SAVE $307.151 SALE PRICE al.CTll.IHU.a Ill'~ N1xnn ':; chief supporle r from Ora ng e Cnuntv dunng the 1%g cam paign, \\lf'dnfsda~· callt'<! thr Prestrlerit "just eno!hPr tri ck.v. \l.'f':1thPr vanr, oppor1unis· lie politi cian ." Rurke ! R-JJ11nl1nJ;:tnn Beach \ 11s lwo flrpuhltran.~ '"with the. courage to l'iland on lhr1r princ1plf's." Schmil7. is a nirmber nf the .Jnhn Birch Soc.ie!v. The angr~· Rrpublican also dis~vnwed any pPr:::onal intention lo run fnr any tvpe , f puhl ic nff1cc, other than re-electiori to the Republican Central Committee in Or;:in~e County. ••• "I'd like Nixon to pro\'e 1t i.~n't," he ad- ded. I a TI'mnirnlTlm "'Me's i;ell1n.1t us nut by travelling lo Rl'd China," charged George Brokate. •·1t's a surrende r to communism." Brnkate 5pokt 111 noon. \\'ednei:;day to 5().100 students 1n the little theater at C(lrona del Ma r High School. It wl\s the initb1l ml?t!llng of 8 campus chapter of the Ynuni;z AmeriCans for Freedom. "Il e. h11s not done tht'se things for peact'. bul lo buy votes in 1!172," con-" t1nued Brok::ile. "hn reportedly put ,,J ,Oflll inlo J'\11t:nn's c.1mpaign fund in 19fill Hrnkale. rtirrrntly 11 mrmhet t'>f !he rnun1y RC'public11n Central Committee, i;;airl he is "ashamed" he ~uppnt1ed Nixnn in 1968. but indi{'Rtl'<I he could C'hange hi " rnind 1f the Presldenl cancels hls pendln g trip to Chin.'! He pra1.\ed U S Jl t'P J11hn Schnlll7. l'R· T11stln1 and i;tale As5emhlyn1.in Roher! Brokate ""arned th!! 11tudent11 not tn trust politicians in genera l. "Very few won't sell out lo get elected," he said. In a brief aside, Brokate 11arca,11lically com mented on the recent trip to Moscow by Supervisor Ronald Cas pe rs and county planning commissioner Arnold Forde. "I wonder what !hey were plA nning for us there?" he askerl . Two 11tudenl~ jl!ered ·•sJanrlf'r laclics" 111 Arnka le. who re plied by chRllengin.'l: Casper~ to dehate him Jn hi.o; CQmment.'I nn Presirlcnl Nillnn '.~ R.ed ChinR trip, Arokale <'lllled Peking "lh,e c;,pJtal or atheistic butchery," ··11 commu nist China enters the United Nation~ it wl\I hRve shnt il~ way ln," he declared. "And if Red China enters. we 1hou ld .e;et out nf the. U.N " He cha.rged th8l much or the heroi n found in the US is made in Red Chine5e • ' He also charged that Red Chi na has 40,000 troopi:; in Nnrth Viet nam. ser\'1ng mostly as antiaircraft g u • n e r s and engi neeri:;. ''If Nixon goes to Red China, it proves that the U.S. is a paper tiger,'' he said. During a short question and answer period !Orn e of the 1tudents quizzed Brokate. "\Vhat is the log ic In having peopl e klll each otber fo r peace?" asked one gi rl. "f or freedom,"' replied lhe sepaker. ''Do you rea lly believe the U.S. has ncvrr heen an aggressor?" asked another s1tlden l ·we Rre nol the itggressor in Vietnam," Brokate replied "I do not believe ~·e [l:hould support dictatnrship,11 anywhere. Hri11·ever, some are anti-communist and we have lo realize wh81 poses I grealer lhre!l l. to the U.S " "I think I know who lhe main el'll!my is. Keep your eye on the. main enemy, lhe nne who might beat us," h~ concluded. SCOTCH TN flllftt ,,.f.. .. .... _,.,. .... ,.,. .. , ... UL.U.LT SUI. "207" 1/2+0FF! ONLY $3.99! TRADE-INS GLADLY ACCEPTED - I MIAO CAlmt DIMAGNtTIM INSTA·IA.A.$1 -----.. --· "'-"'"'"'""" ..... n,.,.,.. O!l'!O.. fWll<ll ..,_.,_.,_ ONLY '6.95 ............... , .... .1.,1 ll111i111Y --c~•Mll• 1~,.. .. ~ "'" ••. , -...... u Cle> U tlon I. ,,_..._ S•ti(IAI. AT , • , • ........ ' I: •' .:1! '14.95 .................. " .. VALUABLE COUPON STEREO HEADPHONES .... ,..,. An S6.46. UM t P« Cnte...r s3 49 . WifMt T• ....... 0. "-' • EX'1•R 10/12/11 : ., .......•.••••.....•• ~ MONEY-BACK SATISFACllON GUARANTEE • f OAlL Y PILOT \ \ No,v Parents Get AIJo,vance By TH0.\1AS "1UBPHJNE 01 11\• o .. 1y P•lol ~,.u ' Soi1tl1 Viets T1·a1) Red s; 52 Slaii1 SAIGON IU Pll -A bal!aliorl or South '"ietnilmese rangers and armored"ca.witr1;--. raught a North V1etnan1ese Arms 1 NVA.1 ' henl"y equipmer1l cnmpany 1n the oncn 1vday and killed 52 Cornmun1sts. the r S. Cnmrnand 1n S.1igon said . Five South Vietnarnese Ar1nv (A RVNI .soldiers "'ere killed and 20 Wounded in tht' battlr. a mile north of camp A!pha and about five miles northeast of !hf' Can1bodian plantaflun·border Ul\l'n ol .Kr<'k, military sp:ikesmen said. Wicka () ' '} ou 've left the lights on )'Our getaUXIy car!' Aericil Combat Wit1i Israel J ets Claimed By United Press lntemallonal A Syrian military spokesman in Damascu~ said a formation of Israe.li warplanes crossed Ol'er lhe Syrian border today and were engaged by Sy rian fighter planes. The report came as Egyptian President Anwar Sadat was consulting in Oamascu~ with LL Gen. Hafez Tassad, the Syrian president, on the options or war or peace m the J\!lddle Easl. The Syrian spokes1nan said the Israeli planes came in over lhe Lebanese borders around 8.58 a.m. 12 .58 a.m. EDT) and returned to Israel via lhe same route afler e:ncoun tenng Syrian planes. tie did not say whether the re were any casualties or ho"' loog the formaUon stayed over Syrian lerntory. Tins \vas the first Syrian repor·t of an Israeli <1tr 1 iotation sinee the ,\liddle East cease.fire \\'ent into effet:t l~ n1onths ago. Tsrael has reported se1·ercd incidents of air 1•1olations by Syr ian planes. Only last v.·eek l\\·o Egyptian J\1IG23 jets belie1·ed Oown by So\'iets new ,,..•hat lsraeli sp:ikesmen called dangerously close to Tel Aviv . No incident de1·eloped, however. ttus year, "·hether by war or peace. Eg)'Pl c!11imed tlle So\"iets had endorsed Sadal"s conviction during the fl1oscow talks. R ed Delegntes Seeru Worried , Porter Revenls PARIS ~ L:Pl t -U.S. An1bassador AR, CALIFORNIA ; Lip in Oakland, they've decided to gl\e bonu~cs to teachers and parent s if the kidd ies perform at a h1,ch le1·el in ni:ith ;1nrt reading. The cash. about $10~,000. "'1~! come from a federal 11ra11t The ArIVN battalion "'as supported b\' a massi\'e allied artillery strike or MIO rn\inds plus US. and Sotith Vietnamese f1j.!hter-bombt>rs <lnd he · ·apter ~unships . Guests A rrive iri I ran Political spokesmen said Sadat 1\·as briefin g Assad on the outcozne of IO hours of talks he had in l\loscow ,,..·it h Soviet leaders whirh the serni-offit·1al E:gy1it1an r..tiddle East News Agency t~ENA J said "'ere ··successfu l.·• \\!1lham J . Porter said today the Viet C.:ong and i\orlh Vi!'tnarnese delegates lo the Paris peace talks seem to be l\"Orried over Presidenl l'\ixon's forthcoming visits to Prking and !\loscow. -~· Billed as an expcr11ncnt1.il programl!'f the kids hang in 1l1ere with the books and perform as drmandrd, teachers could get bonuses up tu Sl.20!1 aud the parents would gel up to S!OO. The experin1ent af- fects only one campus. Longfello1v &hool. All ~O or the fighter-n1ber strikes !O- day in ~rilitary Region II comprisini.: the 11 provinces aruund S· · on were made in the area between 'fa} . ·~;i miles S(IUth of Krek. and the Can1bodian fron- li\'r . spokesmen sa id. For l 11ternational Bash The consul!at1ons, l\1ENA said. were conducted "\\•lthin the fran1ew ork of the fed eratio n of Arab republics.'' 1\'hich in- clude Egypt, Syria and Libya, Sadat is federation chairman. 1 le 10111 ne1\·smen th<l! in the rnurse of today's J 1z·hour session w11h !he Coin· rnuni ~ts !hai ··they seen1cd 10 be at a bit of fl loss. . 1 had thr feeling they are ;i little bothered about ill tern al io n a I el"en!s " The Oakland Srhnnl l"\nard 11pnrov rd the bonus for leurning schC'me with only one no vote Trustee 0;·11·1d Turkcr. Jr .. suggested "·hen it comes to tut oring , parenL<; shouldn'l get paid fnr what they should be doing any"·ay. But Schnol Supt. Narcut Foster was rnore ph1/osophical 1n defending the experiment. He concludC'd : ·•\\'hy n11I pa~· people lo be pa rents if lhal"s what needs lo be done?" * PRJV ATE 1.ANDO\\':'\"ERS, particular· ly big ones like the Irvine Company, ha1•e become pl enlv jitter~· in recr:nt times over the possihilit y of the public gaining prescriptive ri ghts lo private prop<'rty. This all came about because of a California Supreme Cn11rt ruli ng. What the rul ing :o;aid \\'as that if the public had been using pri\'a!e land for fi ve years as access lo b"actie5 . strean1s, Jakes or the like . !hC'n the public could cla im a righ t to thal ;.icces.'l. As a result , alnng the Or i:inge Uia~t ''"e've seen lr\·ine ra11chha11ds l'hore up their barbed win' fenrf'.~ <111rl hnng nut an abundilnCe nf \1i Trespass ing sii;:ns. People ignonnl! thnse s1'!ns ;ire gcl!111~ arrested and hauled off to the county lockup, 100 Comes -fio,,..·. howe\'er, a bill by Stale $enator Rnhert J Lagnmar~1nn ~ R-OJ;ul "'hich this "'eek v.·as signed into law by LL (iovernor Ed He 1 n eck e . Lagomarsinn's la1\' pretty much reverses the <'ourt edlcl. It s;i~·s I.hat in aJ1n,,..•1ng publir· access. thf' prr1·n1e landn1vner has to ha\"e stated lus intention that the land becom e public. r..1 ar1Je !his ""ill lnnscn up some of the Jrvine Ranch fcncel111f's. * A~SE:\l BLYi\I A .\" lloberl If Bu rke I R· Jlun11 ni:;tn11 llrach1 "'as a winner and then abrupll.1· ;i big 10scr this \1•crk on his ;ibor!1nn conlrf•l hill. l3 urk1>s 1n ca "ure \\'Ot!ld ha l"r prol1ihi1<'d ;i physician whn recr•tn1nrnd1•'1 ;u1 ::ih•1r11ri n from sitting nn t he snnic hos p\lal p:inrl 1hcit rttled \l"hl'lhrr 11r no! 1he op,,1·at1on shnuld he allf•llf•<l. II piJSSCd !hC' A ~sc1nhl.1· Then lt v.·cn! Jn the Srn:it<>\ hr•,11lh ;i nd wPlfil l"f' r nmmittee. It \\"as killed on a unaninious \Olt' * SO~I E Tl,IE 8 ·\CK. l.;i guna R!>a ch \1 a!-stud1·1ng a sn·c:illrrl an\1·h1 pp1e nrd1nancr ·rhat 11 11u!d ha1·r m:inr 11 11lc~al to r limb t n~c~. sit nn g1 :i-.~y parks 1)r rto l"!hrr th lng.s l1k r !h.1! Jt nr\·rr p;1ssr d But r·arrn cl-bv-thr·Sl';) ;1d11 pt('d one <1 ln1r"•! \1kf• 11 11 1th nn 11rr11ria 11(·r 11rrarnhlP n1a k1n,i: rclcrrn"e to ·· 1 ndcsJr.1lilc ;ind un«:ir11t.1 r11 1~1tors ... ~on1£•!unr~ kn1111r1 as h1ppi•'' '' ~h1Jrtl\' 1hr rr:1f!r r. <l i";irmf'l llfl·•li <t•,re 0'1 !1f'!" <;1! 1111 [lie gr .. ~:; :ind was pr.)mptll' <lrl"('<lrd Stir l n~j 1n ~Unf'r'11<r C1111 rl ;1 ud appt>a\ cnurl But tilt• 111·d1n;"J11\C wa~ t11~!'· <'d nu1 nn hrr ;1 npf':1I 10 lhC' C'ahr1 irn 1a 511 p:-1·rnr C1111r1 (';i rn1rl rlPC:t c·dly carr1"d thr i·;i<r In !1111 1' S ~1 1prrnll' Cnurl The f111;d rl1 11ptrr 11•:1.~ \1 rHtcn lh1s 11 rrk. Tl1r l ' S Supr!'tne C'!!u r! let !he C;il•h1rn1a high r1111rt"s r111ini: ~t Anrl, lhus lolling Carn1el no·gr:lss·s1tting la\\'. Communist artillerymen near the bolrder shelled U.S. Fire H;ise Pace \\"cdnesday night and early today and two America ns v.•erc \\'ounded. lhe C<>mmand .s:iid. The U.S. Air Force retaliated with a B;';2 and fi gh ter·bomber strike force that hit su spected North Vietnamese JXISitions alon~ the border. The eight-engine BS2 stratofortresses had bombarded Com- munist troop concentrations five miles ·west 0£ Pace in Cambod ia"s Tay Ninh province earlier in the day. Along the Cambodian frontier 8~ miles nnrth\\•esl of Saigon. the t\orlh Viet· namese kept up pressurf' not only on Pace but on nearby South Vietnamese bases on both sides nf the border as well. Two ARVN soldiers \\'ere wounded in one bombardment. the command said . South Virtnamesc paratroopers said they killed five Communists in two sldnnishes two and seven miles sou!h of Pace at a cost. of five wounded of their own. -tr ·tr U.S. Casualties Lo'\'esl i11 Six Years-Only 8 SAIGON IUPl 1 -Eight American soldiers \1·ere killed in acl1nn la~\ ,,..eek, the lo,,..·esl number of U.S. ·war deaths 1n South Vietnam in more lhan six years, the U.S. comm<lnd said today. Last \\"eek's battle fatalities were the lowest since the weel ending Aug . 28, !96ft, \\'hen six Gls died . The eight killrd \vere 13 fewer than the previous \\"eek, the command said. Throug h Saturday, the comm and reported thnt 45.!}72 Arneric.an s h;id heen killed ln action since January. 1961. Tlus \'l'.ar, there have been 1.364 ll S. \Val' ·dl'aths, according to unoffil'iill fi gur{'s. In addition. tile co1nn1and listed 10 American drtl1hs last werk !hat did not result from hostile actinn, a decrt'ase 01 ~1 x frnn1 the prrviou~ \\•rek, bul raising thP 1lltal 1n 9,Rl3 for the ,,..·ar. L. S. ~pokesn1t'n harl no explanation ror the IO\\' \\'ar·de:ith f\gurr, hu1 US. troop strength 1n \'ietna1n las1 week stood flt 2ll4,220. do\1'n 40 percf'n! from la.~t year at the same time In Augu!'lt of 1965. 1here v.·ere 100.:JOO Atnencans in thf' \\:It zone Tht' 1.·on1r"nand <1n11r1un1.:ed 72 Arneri1.:an$ \1crr wnunded 1;1~1 werk. a rrd11r!1nn of 4:. fron1 the pre1·u1u!' ""ek. hut ra1s1ng the 11un1ber nf batt le-iniured l' S. troops to :JOl.9Jfi $1nre 1!"161 l nnff1c1al re<•orrts shnv.ed 8.707 American;) ha1 e been wouni.11'\'.1 thi s ~l!;.r . Ex-::i::i MC'n ~c nl C'lll'C d !-11\\".'\0\·En Crrn1'111\ IAI'• -A \\"t·~t (;l'nnan tn1!t"I ~(·11lrnrrd six tonnr r rncmhC'rs Clf llit11'r's F:lilr r.11ar rl. lhe SS, IQ pr1snn trrn1 s !Qd.'.ly ran~1ng Frvn1 IR month~ lo ~c\·en \"E'<trs for the nu1rdcr or more than :l.000 .fl'\\S ;ind Cornrn11n1sts in orcupfrd Lat\•i,1 in 1941 ·12 The prnsl'cutinn had demanded sen· icnces ranging from four years to life. PERSEPOLI S, Tra n (UPI \ -The last of the Shah of Iran's distinguished guests for his history-making banquet tonig ht joined the other kings and queens and presidents in the village of tents erected to house them. By the tin1e the Shah"s weary bandsmen finished thelr 36th national o:inlhem of the day al Shiraz Airport Wed- nesda y night. the tunes v.·ere beg inning lo sou nd pretly much alike. Today the band had only some 2B more anthems to play and the top table guest list for the banquet celebrating the 2.500th anhiversary of the found ing of the Persian empire "·ill be complete. The Shah ga \'e an in formal dinner for Wednesd ay's arrivals in his own big blue and beige striped tl!nt. Vice President Spiro T. Agnew chose to eat in his ow:i lent, but many of the royal figures "·ere there. Nikolai V. Podgorny, president of the Soviet Union, was also among those 11·ho attended. Related story Page 7. Others who spl'.nt the night in the tents ~ituated in a man·made oasis of trees and flo\l'er~ only a few yards from lhe ruined palaces of ancient Pl'rsepolis v.·ere fl1Is. ln1elda !\larcns, wire of the Pre.~idcnt of the Ph1l1ppines; Foreign ~linister Ru i Pa!r1c10 or Portugal, F:mperor Haile Sel:1ssi£' of Ethiopia . King Constantine <lnd Queen Ann ~larie uf Greece. King Hussein and Princess ~luna of Jordan, Presidenl Tito of \·ogoslavia, King Fredrik of Denmark, and Queen Ingrid nnd King Olav or Norway. A~o~g today's arri1·als. according to a preliminary list included Prince Philip I relaucl Snipers Fire on Copter Near Border BELFAST, Northern Ireland !l_;Pl l - Sniprrs loday shot at a Brit ish armv helicopter along the southern border anil opened fire on sentries In Belfast ;ind Londonderry. /\! least one m;in "'as reported dead in the nc,,..· spate of \'tOlencc. The de-ad rnan's body \\·as found Jn a house on !he nut~k1rts or Bl·lfa~I. an arni) spnkesman s:ud: Fil' 11·as thr Ml~ jll'rson tn die 1n r\orthern rrelan<l "s 1"1nlrnce this \"ear. 1\nd the 1201h since tht' !r011b!l'5 began 111 AugusL 1969 Outbrc;iks t od;i~· inch1drd rhr h1jar kinJi nl lt111r hu.~cs \\'h1eh "'ere. sel .1f1re iri Brlf;i ~L and ;in l'Xrhan~P of ~unf1 re hct11er11 ~111prr~ anrl 1rQop~ 1r.\·1nq to hlo w 11p ;i n1.1rt nc;i r .\·nrthern !rl'"l a nd'~ bordt•r 11 11h !hr lri~h Rl'puhhc In addlt11111 tn tile <ll':id llliln. a n 1\n111· ~pokrsn1an s.11d, thE" da\ ·s 1·1nlen('e 1nll inc!udcd lhe woundin g of one soldier and at h0a~t !hrer 1;11nmen . Pil ot C.'.!pl Tun !lolmrs said his hrl1 rnplcr ratnl' under fire ;is hr c1rclrrl an arra v.·hC're the army had blown 11p one rnlld \\1ednesday. He l;indcd the hel icopter six n1iles a,,..·ay and found t1ro bullcl holes in the fuselage, he added. • Autumn W histles Back In Arctic Cold Grips Plains, North-ivest; Southland W<1r11i ('nlifor11in TMrf w•) l•9nt to m~at••" t•• I•· •"•lion ;., moll "' •nt I.?! _.,~,•••1 ba"n ""''" me•l.,..um "'""" "'''' •e•tf\,.,, )0 J>frl' ON ... ,lloO, ·~ "•t .l.•n (;ebtlirl ,.i•llt• 111 l~e lt>I ~~~ 1'orner>e111 "'•lie• tlw e111"• toun• r•t ~ )J """' t r>CI II wtl 1•111" 10 lo 111 f lstW!lt'Tt . !l••~r..• .,..,, cl-• w1111 •~•"''~ ••·~ ""' <~~•I"• n. ,.,.11 1f1••n<i·-''"~ 1em1>"•t1u•M w••t I<> Int "''II tOI w •n 1nt ,...,,,fro,., i i to ~I Movttt••"' wort l!ltla• .. '" l(t''"'"" "' 11lr• If ,..~. J>'~• ..... ll f mo;11ll• "'n<>Y w11n 11:111' '" "•nt 101. Jn "'• a .... ,, !! w•• -~!I~ •Uf'~¥ b,11 """" ..,.1.~, e.J\•l~" uf 'G )II ,.. ••• '" l>(MJr 1<> •~e •'"""'"" .,,,~, ..,r•• In Ille ton' I<> II • ~ '' •• Y• I, .. l •d •Dqvl IOS In IOWf' ••t•I !,n..,. "+IM! Yl•n••,Ot • fnd ••'11>(.!td 1111111 Todt• tn<luO•n L-e .. ,n "11 '•••• '•'"•·"" 1>l •11 81t•btn~ ll•IJI "'"""' lt,11v•" 'I ·1. Pelmc111e 11.t1 1 1110••·,~· '''' ""'"' Jlotl"'I 100 ,, 80~.••\I •I~ t1 '' ~on O!NO J~·ll • t nll &o•~••t lo.I ~· t nd A1Mnelm.!.1n11 An• to·IJ. Plli"'llWOFN0lAMAl!OMALWElfl-llR SERVltl l0 7 OO lM l SI 10-1~-JI Con•lnl H"y •U'IJ.l'<n1 1il01•. Lll 'll ~trJIDlt "''"0• n Ohl ~r>CI ..,~,n·n1 l>Cv•I "''"""" In• '""'~"t" 'O w••• j lft lj 1u"l(lh '" •11,rncrn• IT>ll•• 1°0 F•""°¥ Hltl> IOC!•V ti C~111tl ''"'l>t'l 'U•t > tl nt t l1om ~ lo 10 ln!1l'MI •em1>•·••1trt• t1n11 l•om J.e !'!I ll. '*'•'tr !.,,.,1>u el1t1t 1•. S 11r1, 1'1''''''· Tides THU ll\DA'I' ''"' n11n F !<II IO"" 5•Cft'ld 11111\ ~•cond ..,.. ~lllDAY 5,, .. """'"~"' MOil~ lllMt !. .. • "'· lllO ••• .. 11 1•11 o rn I f !0 •"' 0 , I IJ 1 ,.,., I t 1 00. "' 1 l e no ,.., •t $t111 '"~"' Ith J J.i '·""· ~·11•¥1 V.S • .S11 m m a r11 A ''"'' e• cold ••on1& l•Oln '"• P•<ll1< IO I~ .lllenllc c .,.,h t•+ n!t ,,,_,,. '"" 111uno0t>1orm• ••"• 1aa1~ (Ml elr •P•t•d '""'"'l\llUI ,~. "llr!l!Wll! '"" "'!dWUI 5 .... wor\ •"(! Kt 1•ut<I lhundlri~-•" 1t1I In Tll<t "°""••n ltoto.• "'OuMt ll! 111•1• 1na •o,.•O f•om !ho uo""' Ol'tlo \'•II•• !e T1·•11. 011!1• lllvr>Clt••hOWlt\ lt<I • !t~lc•I .,..,,, .. ion mo•I<>• u1 trom 11\f ;i:~•h::~~~·~ .. ~"~:!, ~:ro'~"<t~",,,•:0 11 ;: mvch 11 t lt hl 1ncn~1 el ••I~ I" 10<1lh' !It~•• •lo•mt tlO"I !"9 'lotld• Coe 1t. 1!!1twlir•• Todt • "'' •nd •11•qn•ble wt•mt • w11 •ht •1tlr 1•·"~''''' .,. t•o·J~ll ·~· n•'·"~ '~'~ .,...,,nln• t•l'IOod '"''" 10 11 IC.111111111. M~n!. lo 11 11 K•• .... ti!, Flt Tempernf.nre• "'"''"'~··~u• "'"""o••o• ~•ke_,1 .. 1~ !l<tllon !lro""f>JYille Cl!i(~90 Clrn;ln~••I c1e,el•"" 0•11~~ 1)1-nv•• De• Mo<nt1 l)e! ... 11 F••t"O HOltn,o H"""'lu!lt ,,,.,1 • .,.,,.,.1. "'~"'' Clry L•• u.-.oo t6ul•vlne Mom.,.,lt Ml•'T'l M l!w11t•H M1nne$...,llt N..., O•IHfll N-Y~•~ O.t•~-• CilY Om~ ... • P'lfl•<l~l .... i. ""~"'• "•"•l>u••l't l'or!l•r>CI .. ~ l!lc~mOfl<t Sl(r•"'Mto 51 tou t• ~el! L•>• C:llY !•n DI"° 5-t~ Frtl'l(IKll S•~Tl,. ! ... ~~.­ '*'••f\lrtt!Ofl ,, " • " .. .. ., " " ., " • " ,, " " " " " •• " • " .. .. " " " " " " • .. .. ~ " " " " " " " • " • " " " " ~ " • " " n • .. .. n " " " " " " " ~ • " " " ,, " " " ,, " .. • • .. • " " " .. " " •• " •• and Princess Anne of Brita in, Prince Rainier and Princess Grace of l\fonaco, Crt1nd Duke Jean nnd Grand Duchess J osephine. C.11arlotle of Luxembourg, !\ing Baudouin and Queen Fabiol a of Belgium, Pre.~ident Cevd<'t Sunay of Turkey, and Prirne f..hnister Jacques Chaban·Delm as of France. After !he national rcpresenta\i\·es are :i;afely re-cei1·ed and assigned their quarters. !he Shah aud Lmpress Farah will !urn their <11ten1ion t~ the 300 personal guests and Jet set friends, oil magnates. men1bers or the diplomaiic corps and others "·ho also ;ire converg ing on Shiraz in the South Iranian desert. A joi.n t Egyplian·Soviel cor11n1un1que. said l\toscow agreed to increase Egyp! s n1ilitary streni;th. and S:idat in return agreed to £'onden1n ''anti-con1n1un1s1n and anti-suviclism·• 1n Lhe tlllddle East. Hi s condemnation \\'as bound to displease Libya's Col. r-.1 o a n1 mar Khadafy, a dr.1·ou! l\foslen1 and outspoken critic of Con1munism, and future ally Sudanese Prernie r fl·laj. Gen. Jaafar Numeiry, whg in July executed Com- n)unisl leadC'rS for attempting t o overthrO\I' hiin. Sudan plans to JOln the federat ion earlv next )ear. Sadat has Said rcpealed!y that the Ara b-Israeli C'onflict should be resoll"ed Piirter s;ud it was 11f1 to the Com· 1nunists to cxpl;un \1·hat. in ternat ional el"enls lhev nieant but ii W:ls oh\'iqt1s the~ nieani 1hr Nixon \'isits and talks/1n Vielnam and rither world problems. At the session 1tseH Porter formally protested tha t t\orth Vielnam v.·a~ building a road through the Oe1nilitarized Zone 1D~\Z 1 111 \'tola1 ion uf agreemenl!t and suggested they use !he men and material to rebu1lrl the flood · devastated north. '1Ulf YJZr I . . 'IC IA/EK house !· ' • "·~ · -· • p11111f; 53 0FF Oil bose po int -svre lo gi..,e yov beovfifvL lasting protE"'Clion lin- seed formvlo contains the finest pigments for e xtra hiding power l coot covers most colors YOUR CHOICE 530FF Acrylic la tex paint , greot for use on wood, stucco , OI'" masonry. 1 cool covers most color,. Resists moisture, blistering, alkali damage. Soo p ond water cleanup, In 21 ex!erior colors. Bvy today! Co"tto"t/o uto• motlc pr••· 1ure twitch REG. 7 .99 "CHARG E IT" l /2·HP PI STON-TYPE SPRAYER/COMPRESSOR! ... ~99 2.0 CFM ot 40 PSI; mo.ximurn 100 -· Big 12-gollon tank has wide track fir+. Th is compressor may be used for operot. ing air tools and point spraying. REGULATOR/GAUGE. ••• 9 .99 25·FT. AIR HOSE. , • . . .. 4.99 19.9 5 SPRAY GUN ........ 17.88 SHO, MONDAT ffiaU SATVaOAT 'TIL 9 ,M •.. SHOP SUNDAY l 'l PM TO .5 PM ..,, __ ,_, __ _,., .... ( ( ' Newport Beaeh· Today's Final EDITION .N.Y. Stocks VO L M . NO. 24b , J SECTIONS. 38 PAGES ·ORANG E COUNTY . CALIFORNIA THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1971 TEN CENTS Better System to Eye Bay Pollution by '72 H~ C.\'>:TJACl PEAR.'iO'\ 1 hl'allh depar1111e11l and l·ou n1\ Flood 01 !ft• Dooly l'olot ~!>'1 {Jj~(rlt! al~O illlt"nded \c11port Ra\· will hair a n1or' r" Da\\eS said dec1 .-.iuns rr;_11·hrd b~ tllf> !rn<illt' 11:1.1~·1· q11 ;1li11 1noru!or1n~ pro-{011r-hour rnr·el1ng \\"rrr nnl ·a.~ l'Ot!l'rrtr .e.ran1 b1 t'<•! 11 l!l;t. 111th ~on1f' ltll-rea-.·d 1 a~ l hoped.' hu1 rlla1 lh<' 1·11111111 he:.l!h ;u111-pVJIL11Lon l'Jltlrt ~ lx>i:1nrun& tl(ll\ d1'p;1r1tne111 ''11'111 hr v.orl\111g 111\h U:i 011 t.r;1ri:e !1a\1 r-. \c11'p<•r1 fll'<l!'h l1;irh11,..... :1p1:r1fic dch•t:li1 r worf. 1r.1u1i:: to lln1! 0111 '1r1d 1ulrla11d d1rr<·1or. ~:11d toda.1. 11·here the pollut ants are 1·01n1nl! Jrntn ' - !1.111l'-~ Tur.-;da1 :1ne11drd a n1ret1t1,i: 111 n••l JUSI 1hH! the.\ 11re tlic·rr Sdn!:i Anii ol \:1rinus ("fllltll.I' :inn sl:<1P The he:<lth dl'p:<rlrnen! r111Tr•111h ha:-~ti ill;('llt."1•'5 \'.iiC'1r· ti1(' f'\pand1111! n111111!1or111.i: rno11itnn11~ ~tal1un !'. 111 \·ewpor! B:1.1 :111rl •·<ipabihtl<''> nt the CJrful~f' i'<u1ntv l!e:1tth e.i in o1hrr e"unt.1• t1:irbl•r'> and t•stuarrr~ Depi!fl\!Tii't!I were d1~cussed all of 11hi!'h -.re nuu11turf'<i 01u·e ;i l\"l•C\.. Repre~entalive:' of statr 11atcr ;ind £ul !hey s:1n1ple onl;. for <.'t'r t;11n 1.1 pr <; hr.;-1lth drp:irtn1e11t ~. ll.1e lrri11e Co1npiin} of batteri<1 . 11·hilt' Dnwe~ 1·•.}lnplernent.; ~late Fish :incl (;;imr Ocp;irrn1cnt. roun1y those acli\'1tics by san1 pllni:: for nutnenl.'f -phosphate~-nitnles and n1rrate!i \\1th 1he .Januar\· expa11s1on . thr heal!h ct1·p:u·t1nrn1 \1"111 allc1np1 lo do n1011thh lr:-!s rount~"l\"1dr lor nutnen1.~. s:unp!r 11rrkh· !he d1~:i:ol1r<I O\\g1•11 aud !1·111 11{'ratu1•es .111d add !hf•ir. 011·11 <:hrtn1~·al a11<1h ~i\ lal>orator.1 The.I' h111r .:ilrcad_1· begun trs!111g i111· r·i.:~gcn l'11n1rn!. but liobcrl Stone. 1·ount1 11ireclu r n! c111·1r.:in111cntal t1ral!il. s<11d thr la hor:11 or1 n1;11 nn1 he lunl'tinn;:il 11nl1I :\lar~·l1 · · The ~·ount~ 1vill al;;n <rdd three nrw Pn1ployt's 1n the 11·ater quality area 1\1'1> h1ologists and one thc.m1~1 . The b1!1IOSL\t:-II 111 be part ol tht federal go1 l'rnn1cn1 ~ f'ubl1'" Eniplo~·tnen1 l'roi:ran1. but thr rt>:-1 of the progran1 L~ , oun!~·.fundeJ "'This 1.~ sv111rth111;! 11r 1r brrn 1r qt1r:-l111g for 1ears and 11 11.1s hnalll ;.11 Jlr't'llt-d .. $tnnt' said. 1•all1ng Ille frdl'rat t1rlp a 111ndlall f-!r111·re11 lliat ::ind t\11' 1"1ur111 tu11rl~ 11t• II h;i .r '1 jhl"ll,I ~u•1!I progr.1111. Shult' •'~l 11nalL':-!hr l'hl'll!H',11 l:1h 11h1el1 11111 be a IT!ll0df'kd Pill"L 1lf 1hf· Siul!a An;i llraltll l)epar111H'lll bu1ldu1~ 11·1\I ;·o~I abuu! $25.00(1 Jor rc1nud(•l111g ;iprl Slfl0.000 tor cqu11l1ne11l ·rhc additional posiuons \.\'lil <."Osl abo111 $1j.(l00 for the t.hcn11s1 and SJ0.000 ca<."h nl federal n1onr.v for the 1110 b1olog1;,1s Stoup S<l\S 1he health d1•p:'.ll'llllent 1~ htiplng !o 11!)fj,. 111!h ;in 11ndeternu11('d .'lj.lt'n1·~ 011 :-1 111an11c h.1•dri~IOl.!y progra1•1. •''''~11 111111g the d1strrbut1un ot 11ittt'r and thf' ~oUrl"l' til !)(ll!U10t11I ~. ll1n1e~ had suggL·~tcd that al l .1t1cctcd il~l'll•·1cs t•o111r1bu1r tunds rn h1nng a qu:1l1f1cd L·on~ull;in\ to s!1J(1~ the problrin. ·111r \cwpor1 llC'ai.:h 1 '11:r Cowu:Ji hil~ hu<.!gcted S25.000 lor Stl{'h t'!fons. Dall'CS c·on1cnds lhal 11u unr c·ou11tv il);t'llt"V has !hr !'Apab1 l1t) tu clo sucll fl '1ud), ection • I • rv1ne 34 Hopefuls Running lrvi11e Cct11di<lc1tes Sii1·1Jctss (~oii11ty R ecord .\ record .~h • .11er1ng J~ l:u1did<1'.es ha1 r i<1gncd up r,~r thl' I)('('_ :!I t•ity counr:I ~lett!on 111 1hr: projlOsed city of lr\1ne The nu111ber of tand1d111es eXCC('(I~ anl' prPvious 1un10lll for an elPclion anrwherP 10 Orange C0u1111r. ar<•t1rding to !hi' \'OlZn- ly clerk·s ot /1ce. ·rht>re arL· only (500 reg1:.1crrd 101er( "-11hin tht> bounrlflrie.\ of lht proposr<l t·1l\.'. i1 1.il-.es 11 sunple maJOri!.1' of tht \"fiter~ 10 rn<lke ~n 18.000-J('ft 1·1t~· 0111 uf tnr lrYlnl' \'011111Hln11ir'i. Tl1rrt ;,re f1 11· 1·u1 (uuncil seal~ tlPL'n on lJe!' 21 The ('Ounll' ('!erk · ... otl1Ct' ,hut nl f :i11- pht'auons rOr the (·uun( i1 rat· .. 111 11V11n 1.oda.v. There i~ a 1·;i nd1diltc~ 111rc11ni for all 1·uunc1l hopf>fuls ;:ind lhc pobltc-al ii o·clock Jonigh l 1n tbr clu bhou~p of ·1·ireo Colony subdiv1sinn, \lall S1rre1 1\·r.;1 r./ tj1f' Santa . .t,,nc. Frce1>.·11.1. Boord Rejects Tea111 1( yn1la Rap s Supe1·viso1·~ Foi· Nixi11g Ai1·port Tall{ ~rl'. port Beach Councilman C a r I f\ymla Tue~da.\· said ht found it •·u1- 1·onrei\·ablc that the Board of Supcr•1sor• \1011 ld no1 parr1c1pat[' 111 a negotiating Pirut,e.~ Blunk Baltinior<', -t.(), Jl1 or<' I 11.t.o Le lid P!TT:lBL'HC.:1 1 I AI'• -;'1.el~ill Bnlr!> ~topprd flal1i111orc on 1110 ht1-' Thursda\. ;rs the l'11!.,b11rgh Pirates bcal !he 011olrs 4--fl ;ind 100\. fl onP·game !c;id 111 lhc \\'orld .Sen cs . 11 110'.~ !lie tlurd stra1ghl v1ctory ror llir T'1r<1t1>s alter lhr Orioles had 1\'0n I.he l ir~I 1110 gan1r.~ 1n 811!tin1ore The Stries now s111l<"hcs h~c·k In R.ll!i1nore fer tht !il\lh :,:r~11r Satur<l::ty and. if neccssar,, !hi'" ~r1·c11!h :::aF.tc Sund.iy. Hrrlr~. fl right·hander. al!o"·ed o 11 l y ~inJ!l r.~ 10 Brflflk$ Rob1nSl1n. in rhe ~­ nnd 1nn111g, 1111d lo Boog Po"cll in th• i;even!h. and 1\'illkf"fl ll'io. learn .. on tht fulurr nf th(' Orange COUil· 1.1· Airport. Speaking to his f('How 1·ouneilrnr "1 a1 an afternoon .study se.~s1011. l\.vn1la ~a1d lh;il "as an impact a1"Ca .\"c1\'\l0r! Brach 1~ a perfeclly a<·1·rptable ba.;1.<. for ;i negoti:d1n,1: tea111·· 1111 thr fl 1r t rfln~porta l\011. l\vn1la reaett'"d al tl'r \:a1or I•;(] lllrth r<'pOr!ed Iha I suj)('rl l~!1f~ <:a1d th{'\ 11 {'I r 1~i!ling In rtJ<:cu~.; !he prohlrr11 1111 h \"('wporl Bea( h olt!l'l fll."' hu1 thal ;;1r!1nr 1easr!i sho11lrl hr ltll' h11 :'1111·~\ f•f lht• .i1r!i11es and 1t1r c11u11ty .'-UJll'!I hu1·, 01111 fhr!h ~.11d !hr nci.:11111·1• l"t'art1011 pin hahly rame betali~r 1 ~uper11~(1r' 11 1·1·1· l'Clun r!anl to deal 11·1th onlv one l·111 <111 filf' problrn1 •·\Vh.v don·1 we bnns 1'us1 111 111 on !lir d1Sl'U5Sion~'!·· :i; u g g e ~ t t' d Counc1hnan Lindsley Parson~ ... Then we·d ha1·e more rn usrle -rather !h::in pla,..,·111.i.; lhe !onr hand.·· Hir!h po1ntrd nut 1ha1 Supcr1·1so r Ronald Caspers par1i(•11tarly \111d I'\· pressed "·ilHngne~~ lo discu.~~ lhe idt'a 11·ilh the councilrneri In a related mailer. counc·1lmeri askrd lo see a repor1 on !he r-.11'/)onncll Dougla!i proposals For land near lhe a1rpor1. The t:Omrnerc1;il pror.osa l!! and tl1!'1r r<r:mifieations v.•il l bt discussed at !hr Oct 26 study 'rss1on. one day before lht Board of Suptrv1sors v"iH considrr !hf: matter, The ~~ 1·ou11t ll r(l nd1d;1 (cs ;,rr Ht'nr1 (,,!u1glr_I", 5132 Chntran (."11·i.:lr. r1·onon11.~1 .),;111e.,; S \l o~f'r 111072 f\ul lrr St . arro~paet' 111a11ilgc1n1·n1 S[l(:('l<ih~t \\.fl;.ne A t:lar\... 17901 B111l<'r St , I Cl 11ublie 1nlorino1101 ol111·er L.a.1"1011 l. l:;irdner. :)(Ml <..'ha1 e;iu Ci r· , IP 111~uriln,·e 'alp~ rrprr~c111a111r l~ildnr S(·h nPidl't llti26 Q u r r-11 ~ \\ realh \\'fl~·. rrl1red <1f1feer. I S \litrln!" ('nrp~ Stcphrn E J)f'l..1pp. 17942 ('ffiar Tree l.Jnf'. ~1Ud('ll1 .Jeri·~ l\;1uf111;,n '.l6i:l B.i.1for Si . ph_1~­ i<'al !ht>r:irn ~: R1eh:1rli f' ;\I(' • ,·,<Jrl'r• rrl1a·1J11n11 C: ,·\la 111 Sno<!gr:1~~. llli22 ~ag111aw r>r·11r av1al i•111 prnrn~al d1rci:!M. Hobe rt Zirnrnt•r•11,1n. ~IJ8fi Grr111..,111d rr \\a I . delll;(lll"f :,\rnoltl B111drr 1 ~4 1 ~ Cr'11·d~n 1'er· ra1·r. prl"lfe~.'lor Charlr.~ Hueg1 18112 \1an11 SJ r(·n 11 rlll!I.~!. -.John Bf'njan11n. 1 88~! ·rabor J)r1\r . 1·0111ourrr ~cirnli•l -non Shf'a . 51H2 Al•·on! J.;irir. !);inker -.J11llU!i F .\l<11ur. 18751 \·ia San .\tar ro techn1 cfll Tr presen1;,1ilr D:t11rl II . S1nith. l ~f02 <:01nr1 Strec! ,,1le~ r<'prP~<'ntllt11·p -.John II l-l11r1011. li!l.S2 ,.\~pr11 1'rr" L.lllP n1;irkf'!1nj? mana~Pr Hnhert r>i--an Pol!rr 21·, \'cr;111n 1'1 lf'i!{'hL'r .lt'r1"1" Chn1 \..r 17i-l(j At acia Trrr 1. .. nr. 111;:1rkf'IJll'! 'n.,,11P~.n1 . l,1:-rpll F p,;ill. :,:•11 ll 1ra111 \jli1 1"P n:n 1~al1<l11 ~fY'1·1~d .. 1 -l\1,n11rt li ,I llntd r11. 1:11'.? \'t•r,:ino l'I ! n111 r111t1·r pr owa1111nf'i \l ile~ t: •·rrir.. Pr1rr~•11\ 1.':fi'.1 \l,1rgenr C1rL·lr. tOlllffll!tlll,111fl11 ('011~1111 a1 ll -r.;.hr1tllP Prl"nl" 1ii~6 i\l'fl(•l,l Trrr l.;inl'. ho11.•P\\ 1tt · Beth· ,J ,\ll';\lullrn :1~11 Fenn ~I artnn1p1 -Rnbert '"Skip" \rirc<'5. liifiO O.lk Trf-r L~nr. mflri<tJ!('r ltnanc1fll eonlml -R n can Ol~nn. 15:'161 Reim/; C1rrlr eonkin(!('r. -Konrfld I\ l.arsor1 ~202 6urgu110v <'irl"IC. aUorn"1·. -\\1illiam ,\! Fischbach. li'i~5 O;.k (See CA:'\lllDATf~S. PaRt 'll ' • -- ' Ul'I Tol1onol1 MEDICAL 'HOBBYIST' SUTHERLAND, WIFE CHAT WIT H NEWSMEN The Nobel Prize Will Help Pay Off the Mortgage A1ne1·ican Pl1 vs ician WU.is No ll e I P1·ize f 01· 1Vleclici11 e :-.TOChl!(lL.\1 ~ :ou I \I' I llll'r!"\1(,V 111111 lhr 1!171 j\(Jh1 ·J f'r111' Ill 1·111 ~ndrig.\I and \!t•dJ!·11\r 1,1<1:11' for hit 1·r~1·:orrh 111 li11r111ri111·.'> a projci I hr .-,,11d h.:111 hr'L"o111r :il11111 ~t :i hoblJ1 . ~111hrrl:ind won thr $83.0!lll t;l:-. It•(' pr11.t ;ind the prt•:-lii.:r ol lhr :\ohi>! Pn'r f,11 his ' d1 S('OVt'r irs 1·onrrrnii1~ 1 lir n1ccha11i~n1 of lh1· ;ii,11011 ol hnr111 .. nr~ lht' l\:irolinskll \fcd1cal ln~f11ulP a11· no1illt'l'd ')11thcrla 111d. 5l rtct.'11 rd th" pr1tP lrir hi~ d1seol"c.r,v 4•1 thr. Juntt1nn of L".lt'lu· arlc rn~I .acid. or r .\"el1c A.\1P. Tiu.~ 1.~;, rr- qu1red body suhstanl"e :-1gn:i!1ng hnr- •noncs lo g1) to w11rt. ui rc·qu1rin11: !hem I·• be present for the hormone,;; 10 \\·ork. lk1r1nones 1niluen<.e lhr. working or thf" body. '"I like lo call 11 a second messenger," :--111 h<·11 .1nd .~aid ;ii hr ~ h(l1nr 111 '.\a~h\ll!(' I ('1111 -s 1!r nf \·11 n(lrrhi11 l 'n11rr s1ty. 11•• "POf..1· ~>I 111'> .~t'.1 1 ~ 111 rt:-.r i1nli . •,1 \111g 'In l;i1·1. 1n lhe iJC'!!llln111g. 11 n·.dl1 11;1 ~ 11111n· l1hr .1 hublJ.1 ·rf'_~,, )1;111· '\hnll'll 1h;11 lh1' ,1dd111011 nr \\11 ' tn 1 ;111t·f·rnus l1 "~llf'.\ 1nakri> !hr ( t•ll'> r·1th!·r reh1r11 111 nonnal or dir. he 1·ont1nue<I. alld111r. lh;il rnu rh r'l''i<'a iTh i ~ 11<.'rdrd h<.'l(•!t' any t·un!·luston~ 1·rin br (.]!'awn l-:xc ·l;-111111ng. '1.,n·l th11l terr1l1c "' "hrn 111l•·rn1c·d hr h:1d v.•1111. Sutherland said hr 11 ill J.:O ln Stockholrn 1n Dcecmbrr to 1 t·<·r1\·r thr pnt.I' · l v1' kn.11\n l'I P b<'<'Jl llJlder eon· 'l(lf'ra11011 ~ lun.i:: 11n1r."' hi' 1·onl1nu!:'1l. \ly friend~ \\•err ~ay1ng . ·~faybr this ~Set !\'OBEL . Pagt ZI P1t1shurgh scored t"·ict' oft Oa\"e ,\,c- i\:;illl. the first -iamc winner, in I.ht sec· nod .on Rob Robertson's home run aod /1 r11n·sroring ~1ngle by Bril es. ~ne Clint:~ ,.cored on a 11·i\d pitcjv'in 1he third. and Clinrs 1ripled 11nd tcorerl on RobttlA 1'lcn1l·nlc·-' .\in;J lt' in the fifth. New Irvine Fight Erupts Nc,vp0,it Harbor To Put Kibosh On Hovercraft H u.nte r Bngs 1-1 is Deer H"rd Wa)· Son1e hunl ers v.'tll do 11nything lo bai: fh('tr dttr. Devon \\"arrc11 v.·a!i 1n the hills on l)?('n - lng da~· 1\h('n hr heard • shot ~nd sa1t a rleC'r runn1t1{: do11•11 rh~ mountain. it bullet "nund 111 its ~11011\dt'r \\'errtn ~ra~ his hunting kn ife jump. rd on I.he clN1:r and rode the animal 60 't ilrd~ do"n 1he mountain. wrestled 11 t.o the ground and slM ii ~ throa1 The hun!t'r "ho !!hot !ht. deer arr1vfd 11 the sct>ne and said: "An}·ont: \11lo ca111 ride a drer do11 n a n1oun ta1n dcsen·t~ ll't ha1 e 11. · . . . - LAFC '/1111Ja rtial' A nal)1Si.~ Criticizetl by 2 Menibers 5, . .IACI\ BROB,\CK 0 01 ·~· 01.ly ,li.t Sl1!1 Sharp rlifrt'rcnccs which ha1·p 111arkerl fi ction~ of the Local Ageney forn1ation C:Ommiss 1on 1n rerrn1 11•eek-' surfacerl .a g a in \\.tdnesday o v e r the proposed Jrvin f' cily. Lp for tli.o;russion "·ai;; a SOO."'Ord "1111 partial analysis"' or !he proposrd 1n corpor&.flCJll including a description nf lhr boundaries prep;irrd by I.AFC Execut11f Orticrr Richard Turnrr 3-' re<1u1rcd h~· la"·· TumPr, heeding th f' '·tm parllal"' dt.~ignation lis\c(I only ac·11ons !akrn l\·hlch lrd In the Dec·. 21 rlcct1on in !hf' 111na!ysis v.·hich "·ill bf' m11ile rl If> votr.r~ tn the 18,000·acrr area y,•1!h lh1·1r ~;1n1rilr ballot ~. Alternate LAf (.: men1ber Ralph Clar\.: objected to the v.·ording 0( tht analysis. "'It is just 11 recitation of 1vhat the pro- ponent.~ did," ht argut'd. "Thf'rf i~ no menlion of !ht prnbable 11.37 ta x ratr compared to !he cost or precnt count~· Mervice5. I 1h1 111k other things should be Included on OO;h !>id~ of the incorpora- 11on quesuon including tht fact thal a J0.000-acn> cit~· w115 origin:illy proposed" C:l11rk . a <'OUnt~· ~upt>r\·i5or "·ho 11a-' lukewal"m on !hr ne11· l'ity propoiial. wa' 1oinrcl by .an a1·owed opponent of the pr~ .1cc·t -P..obert Battin .. ,\"hy not hal"e '.!fill wont~ pro and 250 con:·· lie a.~lied. I.AFC Chairman St a n 1 r y N11rthr11p t.·ondered. ";ire \\'t ~11pfK1std lo make ronjcrt ure~ on 11.·h;,t 1s good or bad?" l,ou1!i Hr 1nh11rd1. Fullerton ('Ou nc1lman and lhf: central figu rt in rccrnl on-again- off.again 1nember.~htp b<ittlcs concerning tht LA FC, argued t.ha1 it wa5 no1 the plal'e of the con11n1ssion members to ad- ''ise lhe "otc rs. Timothy St radl"r. i\e\~·port Bcal"h al- lomty represenling the Council of Co1n- mun1tics of l rv1ne. agreed " i I h Reinh:irdt. "TurnPr's analysis mer!s lhP requircmenl!i ()f the law 11nd VJe reqursl its adoption:' hc said_ Depu1y Countr Counsel \V i 11 i a m ~lcCourl ru led tha t the LAFC membcr;o1 1·ould ad vance pro ;ind con arguments 1n lhe analysts if they \v ishcd. -· l\nythin~ relcvtint 10 the incorpor;ition c·ou ld !)( in· tSee LArc, race 21 ! luvcrcralL~ 11·!11 nol ope ra le in New. por1 H;i rbor. ac:;C'ording !o Ncwporl Beach Cllv Allorncy IJcnni s O'Neil. o·:-..·e1l 1nld r1 1y counc:1tn1en that the ap- plic;·~1011 hy Paci fit' International !lover Cra!t lo land passengers and luggage in r\"c'A'port Harbor ha s been denied by U1e State Puh!1C' UtUilies Commission, Paci fic International first applied for a C'crtif1ca1 r of publ ic convtyance January 5. 1970. Bo! "'hich llrlle O'Neil and JiaTbor ;ind Tidelands Director Gcorgr Oavtes in- tervened 1n lht• case. .. \Ve were eoncerned about the possible no1!<' ftt("lor ," O"Ncil said. '-:ewport Beach was only one port listed nn ParH1c'ii proposed route. Other.~ "·ere Sanla Barbwtt. Long Beach, r.-larrna del Hrv and Vrntur~. The appllca\lnn wa-' denied Sept . 28 attrr !he C'Ompan,v furltd lo file various dQC'nmP!l11i required by !he PUC, O'Neil "aid. 1 Rract1ur1 frorn thr other agencit..!I tn CQlltnhtrting n1011e1• 11a.:; nol 11·ha t Dawe:oi li;nl h•Jlll't~ fur hul ' ! \..ind of hit them ~old 111th \hL' idea · he said . · I was Inf'! ~1nl~ 1•llf' 11 ho ll:irl \"a:.11 1n h;111d ." llr dal rrath an ar.:re1'!llrnt ll"tth c·ounlv urf1('J;ll<: 1h~I lhl"Cl' lllOOJtor1ng slatiOllS be :iddt·d 111 the \e11 porr B;iy and four bt. pha~ed out Thu~r lour 11 1•1!· of · (·nn~1.,lcn lly high qu11l11: • IJ;i11c:-~•11cl. whe re l'Onl1nual lt':-l1ill' l\'a;. nul nrt•dctl DH11r;;' 1non1tonng progrLrnl \\'Ill !'nrl in ~b•\Ul I~ 11rrh~ wl1cn lht> slal t <'~~1ploy­ n1cnl progranl fund111g 1t alsn ends. tan Sa11ta A11a Rel)ttf feel • B~ TO'l BARLEY Of th~ OO•IV P 1IOI S'"" :-i.1n1:1 Ana s1 r11c\.. 0111 ;1g:lll1 IO<la\ in the h1111•rl~ lnui,:hl ""pron11~rtl lnnd'" h~~sle a!I 1111• l '<11J14irn1.1 Suprt'llll' Cnur1 1·un I~· rr ru.~- 1 ng lo gran! 1he ell~· a hearing 1ha1 rould h;i\e h«llrd !h1· f.lt'l '.!! 11·1 ine 1n· curpora11on elri.:lion A ruling hy the justil'es. 1neeung 10 Lo~ Angeles added .IL"1 another 11clory to a slru1g of su1·1·esHes racked 11p by those 11ho brhe\r. th;H rhe 9:18-at-rr sector near Saota Ana s :;outhraster11 border should he1·on1e p.1rt •ir lhe proooscd new ci!y nf ]/"llllt' B11I !he n1l111 g 1~11!rfl to dt>lrr rbul11cnt S;u\l;'l Ana allur11e1· .J<1n1es \\"II hers • \\"e l'hr1uld1i'! a!lac/1 too inuch un- pu1 L;u1ce 111 1111~.' \V1lbers said ... Thi~ higl1 l"L>llri 11·01s only as\..ecl 111 111tcrvene ir 11 lnund lhal so1nc ll'l"t'[lilr<rble injury t'<>llld be <lonr lo Ilic oppos1t1g parl.v. '"\\c l·;1n·1 r;1ll <111 election ;in 1r- tl'pat:1blr 1ni11ry and so 111:11 the c:our t rrlti"ed !n 1ntrr1C'nr.'" \\'i!hcrs :,aid . ··11 docsn'! n1;1he us anv less deter1111n· rd to l"arrv on \l"irh n\1r light and /"11 011: :::<11ng bac\.. lorn~· C1t.v Co11 nr 1l \.\'Ith some lul"lher nril]lO.>:al lor c.:ourt action " \V11her.'l' ~itid lhiise prOj){)Sal/; Will in- rludr thP \Uggr-;\11111 !hat lhe t·ily file A "f''" 11ril 111 !Jrange Counl.v Superior ( 11!1tl 111:-;;r,cu 111rn1 1n,1.1· hr llasrd on thP- lht'O!"I" lh <1l lht• lr11111' l11(1u<;tnal Con1plc11: 1s thr· rna1or111 lanclo1\t1er 1n 1l1c propo~ed 1111 11f 18 207 a•'l"e~ anrl 1·<1nno1 thercfor11: 1ntlU('t1(·e t11e dr\!lllJ' 111 the t(i!a! acreagE llll'Hl\"t'd .. A!l(I 11c ~1 111 Ii.ii(' lo go on lri::il on lh1 ~ 1~St1('" \\'1tlier.~ s111d . ··.\Jn trial date h;is hccn sci a~ of t11c.l;•v l'Jt•I 1 r<111 lrll yo11 !h<lt. I 1i .. 1c IU~I bt•{'n fl':ld111g OI a 1·a~(' In 11!11ch !he Suprc1nr CU11r1 ordered thl" d1 ~111corporat1011 nl a C:1l1forn1a t'1ty a 1rar af;rr tl1e clt'('l1u11 was hrld. • .. 11 C'Otild happro here." \\"i1hcr~ ~u):!­ i:;e~IC'd "'Rul 111<111.1· op11011s are still opt>ll 10 ue :ind I ;i1n going In pu1 a fe111 of thenl h{'lnrr 111 11 c·uunc·il as soon as possible·· Snnta 1\nil ·s lasL loray 111 Ora11ge Coun- 11 Suµrnnr L'nurt ended 111 d1s;islcr for 1hr c·l!y 1v1t!1 .h1rll!C' Hay1no11d Thon1pson <.ohd!~ rrJcr·!1ng aq~111nent s Iha! a icnn- tr~1t·1 s1c:nrd brtll"N'R the cily and the Irvine t:o1np.it1.\ 111 1963 "J~ suff1c1ent grounds fo block Htr !r1·1ne group·s pro- ~Sce PRO,\llSED. Page %1 Orange ceaa~ "'enlher I .ook ror hazy sunshine late rr!- da y urtcn1(')(1n following low clouds, fog and dnzzles along Ille coasL Highs at the beach!'-' :ire i;et al 68 ri~ing lo !hr /O's 1nland Lows to. night 111 rhc so·s. IXSIDE 'fODA \' f'ill!J·St t'e!I Orange Coa.~t 1r,\1· rlel1 /.~ for111u/ly pledged tlleir al- leg1011ce ro llir U1nted States 11t c e1r1110111e$ 111 Orange CoHuty. ~·or a t.:ortJIJ/CfC /1st of 1h r. proud at w Amcrica11i;, sr.r Pagr. 9 Col>lo•nll • Marr l••t L ICtlllH • Ct.ot~•ll9 U• • Mt'f•f\ " CltUlhH Ji.JI M UIUt l ,y,.., • Cronwerf " Nt'ltn•I N1w• " c.,..;c, " O<t ntt (91/lll'f • Ootl" Nohe•• • s ... 11 1! 71 l'llVt <(t• • si.c• M1r-tt\ >I·)! IEtl!Otll! ,.,, • Tolt•ltltn " Eni.•11 lnm1n1 )\.)) T~llll•\ " ,,,,. .... Jl-11 W11l~ff "'''""'' " w ..... ,. •• "''"'' lT I• An" LIMIUI " Wlf!f NIWI "' ' Two lt'ef k lfait Board Falls Back From Remap; D~cision Delayed County SU ~r"\'lSf\fS ('haq~et\ lip tt'I !ht" problem of reallgnir:g thetr rhstricts \\'ert- nt"Sday -and then fell back For 90 minutes they l1stenerl, rtl~<'u~se-d, "'argued and then decltled ro takr. tWt'I more weeks, at least. bt'fore making 11p their minds. Dick Ruiz. senio r administrative aide t.o Supervisor Da\'ld L. Baker ana chairman of the exl'Cul11'e assistants committe-e ""'hich tried to rtach a solu tion on the redistricting problem. outlined six proposals. He emphasized that pop11l:it1nn , nOt registered voters, v:a s !.he court-rl1cta!ed principal guideline in dr.:n1•1ng up the new boundaries. The magic number for each district is 284.007. Fourth District S.ipervisor Ralph Clark of Anaheim said he thought !he> pnnc1pa! cities in each district shn11ld be entirely !n that district an d not split. f.lnst plans .:-al!ed for him In share An aheim v.·ith First Distri ct Super.,.isor RrJbeJ't Bat!i n 3nd Third District leader \V1!1iam Newport Okays Five-city Cable Television Plan Newport Bsach became rJne or fnur cilles ""ho ha ve approved a five-city cable television authority Tuesday Y.'hen the ci- :y council unanimous!~· adopted a joiAt pilll'ers agreement cre<Jling it The Westminster C1t .v \nuncil Tuesd<J }' Jlso unanimously appro1·prf 1he 'Pact, ~·hich incl udes fountain Valley and Hun- lir:gl.on Beach. Only Cost;i l\lesa h<Js v•1thh rld an rif. ri c1al okay, pending a changP In wnrd1ng_ The. .joint powe rs act ..... nuld create a public cable television authority v:h1ch .would control loc al antenna le!e\'islon franchises in the five cities. Newport Beach has h::id on e such franchise, Cablevision. fnr t1-rn yea rs. Tn approving the pact, the Nev•port council appointed Ol1inc1lman Lindsley Parsons as its representative, with Coun· ~ilman Milan Dostal as alternate C~ Attorney De nnis O'Neil and Adm1n.lstra tive Assis.tant Judy Kelsey \\'ere named as cit.y staff representath'PS. If finally adnpt ~rl hy all fJ\'f'. the authority "'ould be direrl f'd bv a representative fr om t'ach nf !ht> c1tlt's. v.•ho .,.,•ould nnt have lhe p<'lv.'er tn make any financial agreements 1vtthriut in· dividual c.ity council apprn\"al. Parsons cnmmented at TuPsdav's meeting, "Nev•port Beach can join b11 t we can pull ou t at no rost at anv tune if we don't .like the v.·ay ti's gning.'' f'rom Pn!!e 1 PROMISED. • • _p:"l~ed incorpora 11nn Judge Thompsnn rult>d lh.1t :inv d.1mages infH c1e-rl h:>" the lr11n" Crirn pany nn a brea<'h nf <'ontrart basis 11·as a m::it· ter for separ;.te detPrm1na11nn an<l ~hnu!d nnt ht allnv•ed to halk thP 11·1>hrs 0f a mi jonty of thP lr,·ine r0mmun1t\' He alsn ~t;,tr<l 1n a hlunt npin1nn 1hat the J!lfi,J c!lntr.1 rt "'a :; lfll ,1l1d hPrau~E> it tried tn bind hHUTP r11y r•1unr1I ~ 1n li'e1~­ la1 1ve action "ror11r.1 rv tn pi1hl1r pol1r1 ·• The Supreme f nurt rP1i'rt1•1n fnlln11 s similar artinn bv the Fnur!h D1~!r1ct Oiurt of Appea l "'h1ch at~n dlO'rhned tn hear the pe!tt1on !\Ir a ne,,.,-hearin~ OllNGI COAST DAILY PILOT OIV.NG! COA.ST t'U•USH!NG COMf'ANT ll:o\,.,i N. Wied P/'9$<1..,I &1ICI P~Cl.i,hor I Jae\ II. Cu,l oy r• Viol ,.,.kl..., •t'ld Gtin.,., M.tn.oQtr Tlu:i"'"' K .. vil Edllor 'Tlio"'"' /I... Mu•iil.tn• N,I MQ;nQ Eollor L Pol•• 1'1i11J H~ &Md! C.IY I'dileir Ntw,.rt a..c.li Oftk. )))) Newpcrl Bc\llov~•d M1iling Addr.u: P.O. l or 1a1s, 92 b6l OtMf Offk" °"'-IM••~ l)O """'' a1v ~ Ugu~• a .. e": 7!:: ~~re" ..._.,...,ue l4uolfl"910IO ••1(1\' 1101~ 8~1<11 !OY . ..-o ... ~II ~ .:OS fj or:n f.J C..rnono ltul C.R.., P'tl..OT', _,. •'di h CDP!'lb"-' fl\• lte-"'-.. .....,...... cfllly -.Ct!P' :s...,. ,..., lit ...,.ni. ellll...,. tor IAIU"• &•t"• ..__, 9uc;ll. 0-1• MIQ, "'""'l"lllOl'I .............. 111 Viii~, S111 C_,of ~ •rod Seddlwt.td(, ...... """' -Wit-elllllo<\. l'rlr>el~I prtr,tl"lll plMJ Ml .. » W... '61 &1-., (aM .M-- 1...,._. (7141 641.4)11 ct-.lffH .Alf .. rtlslitt 641-1611 etpyr....,, 1'71, Or•l'IQ• Ctl•Jf .,....,.1,i.1,.. Cb"'•~r. fOo .......,, ,....,,., n1 ... 1r1hO•'" .... ll'Wllf ,...._ ~ .~yffij\-" ...,.,~ ·""Y bt f"l'l"od\OCl<I wl!l>O<I! 1"9(111 ptf• '"IMllM ol C»PY•IOM oWll•t. Phillips. Bal-er rem1nrlerl Clarh th.ii rnp11l.1!10n. anrl "nrit who eler ted us " 1s thf' pnnc-iral constraint "lt IS up tn us tn agrf'e r,n nne of lhe~e plans or ::nmeone else will dn it for u~." Baker said he prrferred "1th "clean lines " bo t1ndar1C's f ifth Di~tnct S11per \'t~nr Anna Id \\', Caspers of l\f'wpnrt Beach wantrd in know "\\'hat makPs a clean line. a freewa y or a rule r?'' Bake r rf'plie<l, "B01h. Rnarll4.t11 ~ ari• OAIL 'I PILOT 'loll l'h01D 'TAKING WHAT IS OUR S' Ch ilean Spokesman Alegria he.st and the oppnslte ~ystrm 11 ith ftni;Prs B I G 'jj running fro~ one d1str1 ct in to 1s bad ., 031'( J"'l S Battin sairl it was nhl'1f111s that. n1V V agreement roulrl hP re;:irherl \\'1;rlne~rt;:i\,_ 11 '\'as finall y r!ec 1rlPrl to take 11 p thr rnii-F •d Ab t t rnvers1a'I ~u bjert Tuesri;iy, 01·L 21l at. 2 01 e OU p.rn. H they can 't rrach <igrPrni<'n1 tlirn they ha l'e one rPgul::i r mrP !111g r.;:itr. \Verlnesday, Oct.. 27. before !he !'-:ri1·. l dearll 1ne_ If agreement is nl)I rPachM hy !\riv. J, a . redistricting commit tee rnm.po.<P<l nf District Attorney Cecil Hirks, Cri1Jnty Clerk ~'tl11arn SL .fnhn and f'nunty Assessor Andrew ,J. Hinshaw "''ill do the jnh Supervisors are not ;inx1 nus tn hfl1 e Hinshaw, a fne rif bn;ir<l mrrnhrrs n11 m<Jny subJPCls. pla y a part 111 car1·in~ 11r their districts. Superviso r Caspers said as much. Caspe~ .said his office had rle~1gnPd ;i map sho\.1>·1ng nnJy the new hr:iunr!ani's fnr his di;;trict. "\\'e hnpe 11<·e could rto1·rt;,1 I your plans into lt." Later he offered a complete ma p. Ruiz pointed out that one constraint in r!rall'ing the district linP~ 11·a!' !hf' cl!l<;PI\• grnuped residenre rif thrre nf tiJP hnard memher~ -Clark . B:'lker and 8au1n. Both Clark and B::ikrr reside in the area v.·herc Garden Grn1·e ;inrl Anal1r1m JOln \\•hile Battin 1i1·i's in Garden Grol'e near the Santa Ana boundary Arnt y to Release 65,000 Troops In Big Cutback By FRED ~-HOFF:'\1AN A' Mlll11,-Y Wrllor WASHINGTO:"J The Arm~· an. nnunced tnday it. 1\·ill re!e.1se ahn11t fl.'i,OOO nfficers and en listed men. many e;:irlirr than normal, by nPxt June 30 tn i;:pt_ dn11 n In a strength of 892 .000 ordPred by Cqngress_ r-.t nst of th ose In hi' l'rlr;"J~rd 11·111 hr 1n ranks and skill~ in 11h1rh the-Arn\Y say~ it I~ n1·rrstrrn~!h, nr men 1rhn~" tour!' flf duty are due 10 end ~nnn ;1r1r1ra;i. Included are draftees in the l'n1r"rt ~!;:ites, Puerto R1cn and the \ 1rg1n lslilnds. , Althnu~h !he Arn1y rlidn 't use !he !Prm, if i1ppt>an; 11 1~ ~hurk 1n~ flff ~11n1" drarl11·nnd, prinr1p;ill y rarPl"r c-nl 1~trrl 1nrn whn ha1·p nn1 het'n r.r.i1no!r.>ri ~hn1 e pr11·f1!P hrs! rl;i~." Al~o t1ck<'ll'd fnr rrl('il'I? are ~nine fl'ff?P;int~ n1a111r :inrJ .<hn1Jt 4 non rr~rn.e !1r111rnants .:inrl r;ipl ;i rn• "'l'he$i' a!'!1nn~ \\Ill pl'r11 1rlr ;i m11rr prn· r"f h;il,111fP in 1hP J:'f.'ldl' 0 1rUrl11re .-;ind;;~ !he ~;;me limP rr1nfnrrP thP 1\rm1 ·.;; •"!IT• fPnl rrnph;i~1.~ nn rrtrnt1nn nf 11rll - 11u~l1firrl per~nnnel." ii~ ~tat.'rnrnt ~.11rl Thr pt:innrrl rrrl111't1nn 11;;~ ;i f1rt•·1r 11'1 !hr redured dr;ift r111i .:innn11nrr<l rl'cr ptlv 11n<lPr whirh only Iii nnn !nPn 1\111 bt' 111· dlJ(''Pd in the la$t t11·n 111.,nth.~ nf 1 11 1~ ~·ear !'if'rrP!ar~' of !hi' Arr11\' fl n1>r·r! r . Frrif'hl ke said thpre i.~ ,. rn11111111111g n"rrl for rlr,1ftcr!> '"bec;111;:;P 11" r;:innn1 ha·.1> ~q11ads m11dr uri rnl1rrlv of ~rrr.r.in!'--, anrl WP .'lff' nnt yr! J:'rt!1ni;: rnnu,['h rr·w i:nldlf'fS (n 1nit>n1£Pr, r<irlii'til<l !I,\ In the_ comhar. arms ..,. ,\1Pn ;iffi'rfPr1 hv thi> nr11' ~"lion~ 11111 ti" nr.1 1f1t>rl he!ween~ nnw anrl .lanu;;r1· ;:ind 11·1!1 he ~11·i'n ;i! lr;i!"I (111 rl;::i1·~ to p1 rp;ire. fnr 1heir re-turn tn r 11·il1an l1fr "Cnmmander~ at a!I rrhrlnns ha1 P. been directed 1o make max1m!J1n p(fnr t lfl as!"1~t in lhr tr;:o.n~11inn from n1ilitar111n r11il1an or retired l1IP." 1hP Arn1v !>:llrl Th p NiKon tu1mln1~lr<.tinn h.:i rl ' rilannerl t" r<'rlure !he stren~Jh nf 1hf' r\riii1·. 11n1v 1.121!.000 ml'n. tri ~42, noo hv the ('nd of this fiscal year next .h1ne .'lo f'ro111 Pnf/P J NOBEL. • • -1 ye,;,r, nr m11yb1" neKI \'~ar.' ·• A n;itil'e of Bu fl11112;i1nP. K ;:in ,, SuthPr land "''llS gradua1 ed f r n m '''ashhum Uni\'er~it~· at Topek,l . Kar. . 10 1 9~7 !Jnd ·;ra5 gr;irlu;,ted 1n 1912 frnm \~'ash1n~t-0n liniversity r.le<hral :'irhonl, St Lriuis. ~·lo . whrr,. he beE an hi~ research. He ,,.,·en! In \';indrrb11i in 1!11\.l i:iftrr 10 ye11r~ 11!. \a!>P ·\\'f'~lf'rn Rr~rr1c l'n1versitr in Clevplnnd. Oh1n Dr Sutherland has bf>rn ~Ind~ 1,1~ bnrmrine~ fnr m<'r1> 1h1n 211 '""rs, Hnrmnnrs :irp rhP1111 r;:il ~uh~r=inf"'· 1nalnl,1' .~('rr<'11'd h1 r!1P rnr!r•( r111 "' "T c1urflP~~ gl11nd <; ThP\' infll1i>n rP 111" "'"· ti\·ities of !hr rell5. t 1.~!>urc;; a11rl nr.::tns nr fh(" .1Y>t1y, cnntrnlling ~11rh 1rnpnr111nt ~1·· t11'1!1e$ as ~rov.·th. ti r 1 ,. I o I' 1n <' n t , rr<product1nn and mf'!;ibnl!~m -t • Criticis111s By Pt\\IELA HALLAN 01 ·~~ O••ly 1'0101 ~"fl Trusfrps of !he S:1n .Jnaq1nn Elemen- t;ir1· Srhrinl Dislr1 1·t. F;:ice·ln·face with • Or;inge rn11n1y Planning Cnmrnissinnl'r .Aril'tld FPrde \\"i'dn<'~day. 11sk<'rl him In ·. rxrl;;1n his statements:' cri!ici1,In~ the drs1r1ct'.s efrrirt s !o ohtain schnois as q111r \d y ;:is pns.~ihle. "l 'm ~nrry this h;is become a battle brt1,·ern lhP schnol d1stri<'t and the Plan- n1n£: Cnn1n1Jss1011." said Tru~tee Jim ~·<'lsnn . "This klnd nf rhetoric fr0m the planning ro111n1i~sion is unca llrd f0r" ,\f'l~nn rrf Prrerl tri !ila!emc>nts made by Fn1r!r T11r•rl;iv stalinj:' lh:it the San .Ina · 1111111 rl1s1rirt "~hn11ldn't exprrt th~ cnm- n11~~1 ,1 11 tri s1np Pl"Pr,vth lng fnr lhrtn.'' .. \\'p hn1·e tri hi' n1nre assured lha t the dl~!rn·t is dn111g C\'t'r~·t hing 1t. r;in f)efore 11 e tnl..P s11rh a dr.1.~t ir stPp." Fnrcle said :it lhf' T11r~rl:iv mPf't111g. re ferring to a ''frrr7p" nn rf r1Ploprnr11l. "\\'e'rf' 1r·1·ing tn !Ind ~nl11!inns In 011r prnhlen1s 11 Hh 1he wrlfare nr .students nur prirnary l'nnrern ." .~;iid Nelso n. "\Ve hnve nn 11l1rrlrir mfJt il·C'~. \Ve're nril nut lo stifle de1·rlnpnir11L \\'e want In keep this on a p0sit11·e hasis ." FnrdP, prr.~enl -;it \\'erlnesday's i;chnol bn11rrl rnceling 1\•ith area develripe rs, r Pspnn dl'd _ tn NeJ5rin·s comments saying hP 1s lnnk1nE?. fnr an an swer that will be 1>rp1ahle !n the builders, the district, and the stlldPnls. "I rr:il1:i.e it~ nnt an easy prnhlem to ~nhr.>," 11" $,11rl 'If ?.111"'!1" 1'·111 ,<;hn11• ll~ !h;it wp 'rp nrit i::P\l1ng ;ill tlir s1rt!r :11rl Wl' ra11 get 1 rer· !;,1111.1• wnu lrl l1kf' 111 know ;;hn1Jt if ~n l can takP ;:irjjnn ?.nrl l!•'I 1t." said l\f'lsnn 0F1.1rr! Ch111rm1111 f:r11 tia n R1ci.<1n did nnl rl1mm,,11t <l111·1ng thf' TTIPrt1nJ:' HP ,1l~n .<11rl 110 tr'll 1t 1\•'lllrl nn t .,,.rnn1p l!~h an~lh111g if he rnmmented during a l ~IPphilni' 1nlf'r\'lo"\I' hrh l-A'11·1,,, <l ''ll'l;int In ,·ar;i11nn1ng ~u11rrintP11ilr11t llnlph f":al,,~. i;a1d thf <l1ctrirt ;irprrr'1<1lrs FnrrlP .l' cautin11s '1rw hut "11r !h1nk .,.,.r are doin~ e1 rr\'lh1ng 11·p can " "\\'r·n, ll[lf'n Jo s11::gPst1nns nn hnw ''"f'drd ::.rh•1r"ll s rnn he <le1·plnriPrl." hr - ~.nrl It'" r,1<1· In ~r ;ih 111 snlut1fln' th.:it .Jt. fir·t }llilnrl ~1mrle ~ul prn1·e to be rnmrl1r.-i trrl" llr ~.11r! fr11· 1111~ rP;i<on thP rh~1nrt hi<S rl r•n" ti r 11 t l1111i: 11 pn~~1t>l1 •':"I n tn ni<'t'I. 11 1!11 rl•·1r·l111\r1• ht•111rri11n,,rs. p:irents and 1c.1r!1ers tn find snl11ltnns f'1·orr1 P119e I l , i\ Ff: ... rl111!Prt l1ki' the pos~1hlP !.'IX r:ile as Clark ~11i,:~1·'-lf'i! ,, Thr 1~~1 1e w;i~ ~Pt11rrt hv ;i ~ tn 2 1ntp :irprn1111g Turnrr's pr0Pn~C'd an.-il1·~1~ 111th ft'lllln :inrl Sllrer1·1sor R1'1nalrl l-11~per·s 11r '.\e11'JJf'lrt BC'arh 1n the n11n~r1· I) I! 11·;i" lirn11j>h1 nu L rluri n~ lhP rl1.,r11!'!'1n11 !h::it pro an d cnri ar~umt>n !s ,.,,,, hr 1nrl11rlrrl 1n ma1erial sent to rro- sptrt11 r 1·nirn• 'r111'11rr's a1111lv.•1~. llS ;:irir11·n1•Prl , mrl'I · lion~ !he nn,ern::it :'14.fl(\0 ;:i rrP proposal for thn nrw 1'il~'. l1~ts llie rPa~nn~ Ril'l"n hv !hi' prf>pnnr11t~ fnr inrorpor:itinn Anri trl!s 1'1 1)1P cnnlrrrnrPs 11·11h ,1ci1n1n1ng ci11rs :11ul !ht' 1'l'd11•'l1otl lri 111.000 :i rrrs. 1\l~n n1ent1 .,n!'d 1.~ thi' l 1 nil'Pr~itv of C,d1f .. r111il rnn:-11lt:111 t s11idy nf !he · prn· l'"~rrl r1 t\' 1i.l111·)1 fn11nd it 1n hf' ''fin:in· t'i\ll,1· ~111 1nrl" 11 1th (·1!.1• relf'!111('<; pn~~1hlP "111 p1011dr f11r ;1n .:11Pr:'l!!f' l1'1·rl nf 11111•\1r1J':'ll ~cr1 11·" r11r !hi' res11h•n1 .o: ., ThP .1n;il}s1s Al~r"l nullined prnposal~ fnr 111 1 ine, a ri!\' man.ci ger, 1hr pro1'i1'lnn for a fl\ r·111<'n1hrr r ill' <'nunr1L !l planning cn1nmiss1011 and p\.1n11ing staff, f'rnm rage 1 • • Tr~ Lan(', a1J nni e.v. -E R;iy Qiu~lt')'. Jr , !lli51 Via Pal11- !lnr>. p!lnt \1.1t1·olm ":\l.1 rk" A Ell1(1tt. 3901 P11rk \'1Pw l.;inP , a•·<'rount11nt. -\\'illP'lttl C Rnr_~11k . 1iAA2 r-.f.;nn :;it , t11~111i;:rr l'lf f1n.1nrl' ~1~ Luci· 1\nn Plrtr her. !7710 011k 'T t'"I' !.anr. 1·n111h ad1·ffn t -!. A, Rnh111~on .. )li4 1 ft>n 11 Str('t'I, lt»1rhl'r -P.i!ru.·i.1 \.-()rak. 1112 Ver;i nn Place. ~!•uirn1 Cl1ilean Hits Alarmism UCI Sp~aker Says De1nocracy Still Reigns 1 By TERRY COVILLE (ti ttio Di lly Pllol Sl•ff A tnp Chilean diplomat Wednesday night tilamPcl US alarm nv tr rhe new 1'0l"ial1.~t. gn1·ernn~Pnl Jn Chile on "an ig- 11111·;1n1'f 11r lrf11sl nio1·rn1i'n ts in the \\'l)r!fl" 111 ~ r;i!k al CC lrl'ine. "ThPre 1~1 ti prr·c:o nepJv('{j bel ie f here !hal cap1!;1lt~111 Pf]Ual.~ rlrmncTilry, marx- 1.•rn rn Pnr1s r1 11.lalr•rsh1p and revol ution is de.<!ruct1nn, ·· J)r. Fern<indo Alegria told st11llrn1 ~ .. T11 thl' sn1·1 :il1.~I n101·P111r11 t tn rtule, rPl'11!111 1r111 n1eans r(l11struct1on and Im· proven1en l nr rlemorr;itic: institutions. It IS nnl a d1r!v word'' Alegria IS th' C<llJ OSe!or nf CIJltUral ar- f;i1rS 1n 111" ChilC'an emba ~sv in \l';ish1ngtnn. n.c !f P was guest 1eCturer \\'rdne~d,1y fr1r L·crs "The Other 21J An1 rr1r;is" serir~ AIPgri.11 J!i nnt a newcflm er tn the t !' l!e P<Jrnf'(j h1~ r hn 1n rom;,nce languages at l'C. 11rrkelry in 1947 and taught at BerkrlP)' frir 20 yrars. He is no"· on lea l'e frnm St;1nf11rrl ll rlil rr~it\' The popul~r nntinn in th is country is thal the t '.S. cnn~1stenly acts out of pl1ilan1hr0py ;,11r! seldnm for material g;11n.'' Alrgri;i said "l!rre's nne st:istlcic. Latin Amrrit•a rurt'Pn1 1,v 11i;rs :lO In 40 percent nl I!~ fnrP1~n aid to r;iy off the service ch;irges anrl 1 ntere~! nn previous industrial loans, mostly to lhe C.S. "f'rnplr hcrr ;;re also ;:ilarmed bv President Sa lvadr1r Allende beea11se the:V knn1~' \'Pr,1• l11!1e about Cliile and its hi~10ry. Let me i;ive vnu nu r background. ''l~'hrn lhr L;llin na tions brnke from ~rain·.~ hnld in lfllO. Chile was the first tn fl U1cklv n1"1:;111i7r ;i gn1·ernn1Pnt. \\'e ha1·e hari lfiO yc:irs •i[ 11111n1crrupted parlla men · tar:-gn,·rrnn1rnt, "The f'Urre n! gnvcrn1nen t 1s nnt ~rir1alist Or' !'<)llHnl1n 1st, It is a cn;ili1ion nf se1·rral hr.li efs. Chilean snc:i;ilist thinkers founde d the first sflcialist party in Latin Amrrica. pr il)r lo the n ussian re.volutinn. "Onr ~n11rrnmrnt's mission is tn npen the-roarl fnr i1 futurr socialist. govern· mrnt AllrnciP brliP1·e~ in grndualism He dnP~ not ft:'el we can be con1plet el v ~nr1:11ist no'v · "Bu1 11·r :itwnys st1f'k 11:--' the princi ple nf ;:i ni11lt1ple p11rt v sr.•ti>n1," Alrgl'ia 1hen cnn1parcd \\'ha ! he ealled !hP Chile11n re1·nlutlnn to the Cuhan rernlutinn In demonstr11te the distinc- !lnns. Ahnut Cuba he said : "The Cuban re1·olu11nn camo about be<;ause nf,,a dic- !(llnr nnd 11<:as a violent revolution: Since then, Cuba has lived under the nile of nne rar1y. Cub;i hns al so· aligned itself with the Soviet bln('." fn cnn1 pnrisri n. he said Chile's re volu- t1nn : "Came ::ih<\11! lhrn11gh f'lel"tions. A l\tar xi st. 1.1n~.~ rlrctrd. Our situation is al~n h.1~pd on;, m11l!iplf' par1 y ~ystem and vie h;;vr nffictally become a nnn ·aligned na· 1lnn ·• '"\Vr cnn.~1dPf n11rsr l1•cs an 11n· dPrdPl'rl1,ped n.1ti\1n There is an un1us1 di~tnh11t1on nr 1\·r;il!h. a critil"<'l l housing .~hnrlaf;P, fX1Vf'r1 y nnd 1t1 ~ensr There is a nerd fn r radical chan~c." Alegria s;iir!. Jn Allrnde's f1r~t ~·e;i r, copper prn- cl11r1l0n has ri.~en !I !I prrci'nt. industrial prnduct1nn is up J.7 percent and f\0.000 hou~lng units h0i 1>e_ been built cnmp11:red tn tS,000 lht year before under Eduardo Frei. accordinR tn Alegria. "O~rr idea of agrarian reform is the same as throug hou t !he world." Alegria adder! "ThP land belongs to the people who \\"nr k 1t" 1·11e l11n1t nn,I' 1nd1v1clual 1n f"J11 le ran no1v own :s 80 l1ectares tslightly more than lliO acres1 of land. Alegr ia said Allende '~ nlost itnporlanl mo\'e .,.,,as lo check inflalion , "He used a method you ni;iy be fan1iliar 11<'Jlh, a wage .'. a11d price frePZI'," the diplomat quipped. Alegria. ta!k111g for nearly three hours, also explained !ax refor ms and othe r changes in the Chilea n i;ystern . He said the re have been sn many c:hange.~ in the past few n1or11h.~. and the younl<( want tlllt'1!1 fa~t1•r. 1h;1t lir l':in n11t ('Ollcti1·P of a cnn.<;f'r1·:111l'c go1crurnefll gi'll1ng bilck in - to p<,wer. '"\\'hat you mu st re1nen1her 1s that \\'e frr! wh11 t t·he i.:r1\'ernrnent nf Chl)t is rln)nl! 1s we!I ltked by !he people of Chile and that is enough for us," he concl uded . Chile Seizure of U.S. Holdings Gets Support Ch1le:1n. dip!rimats consider the n~ol Chile's l\t1nlst ry of Puh!1c \Vorks . tinnal1zat1on of L'S. companies in C!i1i!', "\\'" fef'l na tinnali1.a!lnn will stimulate especially c1Jpper mine~. simply •'taking n.a l!onal 1ndu:~lry \\'e are nol rnhl:11ng the ,,.,hat is really nur.s ." I S com~antr~. They hav1> alrrndy take11 · !heir profits from Chile.'' he sai d. Ff'rnnnd ri Alegria, Chile ('riunsellnr of Al · f'J!ri(I ~;i1d Chile IS not closing it.'! Cullural Alf:iirs, cxplaint'd na1ional iza-dnr>rs to forl'1gn 1nvestrncnt, jusl·)naking lion. <>. touehy suhje<'l in li.S. t 1rclP$, in nt•w rulP~. his .~pet>ch \\lednesdas n1gh1 a1 l.!C Irvine L·ndrr Ille ne1\' n1i(', a f'On1p;i 11 y from a "Chile 11:ints to tnd mon0pol1es and f111·l'1gn nation 111<1~' inl"c:-t 10 Chile but ils lakP hack natinnal prop1:rt1es wh ich are profits 11'111 be l11n1ted lo JO percent 11nd 111 bas1r rn ou r ec0 no111y,'' said Alegria. •·Vi1e 211 ,\'ea rs lhe for·rign Jnvi'slor's capital wa nt lo rf'gLJ!arite lilP nnrn1s for foreign holding.~ will he na tional 11ed . inrestn11'11t They 11'ill hal'e to play by our "If an inves tor fC'els he can make " nilrs nn11· ·• profit In nivre than pa _1· for his in· HP r.~pla1n('<I th a1 in l!JiO. lhrce rriv11te ves1mcnl, he 1\•ill dn ii Span i.~h. Dutch bank~ rnntr0lleli 44 nereent of the bank· anrl1.J&p<1nese f1rrn s are doing 11 ," Alegria 1ng ind ustry 1n Chile . said·, '"'.\ow the go\'crnn1ent ls bu~·1ng their' "F1nrP1gn 1nvestrir~ 1nu~t no\\' cri nsi dtr s!01C'k at 1!1f' stnek CKthangP price and we thr good of the Chilean people," he .... ·arn- now rnntrfll ~7 prrccnl of the banking 1n· ed. dust ry," Alegri a sa id. Thr ropprr industry, which produces 7.'i percen t. of Chile's e.xpnrts. "'as lhP best public11ed of the natinna l1zat1nn actions. Alegr·1a ~aid the reason mn st t.:.S. cop- prr 1•nn1pa111('' ;ire not hring com· p<'n,atrO l11r 1,,s1ng their n11 nf'~ to the gn1rrn1n <'nt 1-. b1'1':1use nf Chill.'s ·ex· srs.si1 F prnl1ls'' l.1 w. Thi~ law l 1n11t~ prnfils !n rnughl~· Jfl prrcrnl. hu! ~ornr rnpper rnn1pa11ies ha l'e n1adr fron1 20 tn .10 prrcen! prnr1 t. an<l now thr grivcr nn1 ent is col lecting that 1nnnrv a' n drhl . "The excr~s1vr profits 1.11\' has hf'cn in cffPr1 ~1ncr J!l5S. but wa s nn1 enforted brca11.~(' pr('vio11s gnvernn1en1~. werr, p~rhap' in\'olved in the pr ofits,'' Alegria ch;:irgrr!. lie ~aid tn 19i0 the prnht of nnr m11jnr company surpassed a!l tile inl'estments Exploriul! By Hadar 11l'.STron1"1. ~1;1!'~. ( 11 r 1 ~1ilS'ilrli11<Plls lnsl11i1(e of Trr·hnnlni,:v ~rirnti.~ts ;i1 H;i~·~!ack c1hserv;itnrv ha v'e fo11nd ::I 2 ~·llliif'·rlrer grirgr and a 1.200· 1111 lf'·di;::in1etcr er:itc r nn i\1ar~ The <l1~<"n1 era·s. ;1nn0unrcrl \Vednesrla~·. 11r rr madr In ;;nal.1·s1~ nf r·adar probrs r11rPcte(! at. '.lfar~ fnr !hp pas t three rnonlh~ ll'ilh lhe nhser1·atory's \2·fool rad1n antenn;i, SA VE $50 ON Tanker Plane Douses fl on1es \,\;\J .~1 ·,·s 1i·P1 1 -/\ R11 l.11nkf'I' hnnihcr en ro111e tn a bri1~h f1rr dt•rrlnpcd r11g1n•· ! r nu ti IP shnr!l,v ;-1fTr 1· l;ik('(lff f1 01n here ~V{'tinei;d~1.1• ;ind 11'<1~ fnrl'td 111 <l11mp its 2,000 gallons (If firC' rl'l;1rrl:int , Tl1e pla11 e \\'As u1 er the Sun \l~lley rcsi drnl1al art:i. drpu l1P~ said , wht:,:n th(' 11nld1·ril 1f1ed pilnt of !hi' b".S. F11r1·s1 Ser\'I('" cnntraf'ted ;:i1rcrafl rlr l'idcd to 1ir,:h1Pn 1hc load bf'r:iuse or the engine n1:ilfunchnn. Tl1f' ni:iss or tlllck, goo<'y <;11hst;1n('e l;1ndr'll n n ll 400·11n1t. ;1n:ir·lnlf'll l r·1n1111'l•1\" anrl 1t~ p;irk- in~ Int 'l'hr sub~tflnr·r 1!r1pprd dnwn the roof. over w1ndnws and flnndrrl ~('\'<'fill pnt1n$ It nl~n ~po!· l1•d n1·al'I~ 100 ;111lus 1n tilt' p;1rk1ng ln1 . dPp1ifu·~ ~;i1d Tht> pla111•, 11h1 t h ~1'.:1~ f'n rn11(1> tn S<-lnt ;1 H;-irh:ira Cn1111!y. rrturnPrl h••rr ;;11!1 l;-inilC'd ~;ifrl1 A11ihrir1t1P~ $aid lhP ~uli~!<111('(' w;ic;; 11·atf'r snl11 · blP b11! "11ould be riu1ie a messy jnb tn clean 11 r ·• Hand so1ne Or Sv1ivel Lounge Roc ker Chair Choose fr om J.DAY CHAIR SALE tflru Friday, Oct. l S ::;:::::::~;.r.r~r~ft1I rjr~1 c 11 arv'I ~ll1'1't'h rnn51n,r1 1nn 111'" l1~111P 1rull\' Pnh11n \· rrl by ITI,.lir•ilnq~ fil l,- fll"llll: to i'!le vnu linl~h' c.nrnf«rt. · I ;11':.:r fahnc ri1llPrt1nn, ~rP th"~'" and n!h,.r r11a!1'n1f1rPnl !I~ IP~ t r>-d11y Md 11dd 8 tn11rh 11t 1t11 i .. 1 y Pl"211n c~ to ms;;::.. __ your hon1c decor. 22 Srvles J Regular $189 to $249 NOW $139 to $199 Your fooo ritt irrteri(Jr dt~iantr it:ill bt '1arr11 t.o o,~$i.~t 111'1' ••• H.J.GARRETT fURNITURE PROF ~SSIONA L INTERIOR DESIGNERS ' ' O,.. MoR ,. T~""­ Oft" i:1I. lwK. lllS HAR BOR BLVD 6-46-0275 646 .0276 COS T A MESA, CA LI F. ---~---.. _ -----·---- Costa Mesa Today's Final EDI TI ON N.Y. Stocks VO c. 04 . NO. 246, 3 SECTIONS, J8 PAG ES ORANGE CO UNTY, CALI FORNIA THUR SDAY, OCTOB ER 14, 1971 TE N CENTS City Election to Stand Santa Ana Loses EfflJrt B efore Hig·h Court By TO~I HAR L~\" I Of !•t O•lty ,, .. , S!Olt Santa Ana struck out again today ln !hf' huttrly loug:hl "pron1i~td land " hassle a.~ 1ht-California S11pren1c Courl t·urtly rcfu:c:- •11.1:" to gr:int !he <'ily a ilP:iring tha1 r-ov!d ha\'e hall ed 111r !•1·1· ~! l1·vine 111- 1·orporatin11 rlt>1:1lu11 .'1 ruli ng by !hr 1u:<1ices, lllf•rt111c 111 Lo~ Angeles. added Y<'I another \ icturv to a ~Iring or suc:..:cssc.~ racked up by !h{lor \1ho btlitvr the! the 9:Ul·acrt> sector nr;ir ~anla .A.na ·~ snufhcaslrrn bordrr :i;houlrl b<·comr par! of th, pr oposrcl nrw f'll~ n[ Ir~ int . Briles Give s Th e Old Bird To Orioles PITTSBllRG ll 1:\P 1 -.\""clsot1 Brllc5 ~tuppcd Balt1n1orc 011 l\ro hit.$ tQdas :1S the P1tl1;1>11r;::h P1ra1es be;i! 1he Oriol0; ~·O and 1 (~J1-. i• 11nt>·~~:11t11· traci 111 thC' \rorlct ~t'rl('.'i I! 11;·.< !hr fhi~(J str.1igh1 111.:!or.1· lor 111f' P1rafc:. <tltt•r th<' Oriole.!! h;id wou tht. lir~1 111·0 gatnc,; in P.al timorl' Thr Senr~ no11' s11111'hc~ hat'k lo Bal11morl' for. tht :-;1:i:th ~?.rne Sar:irday anct. 11 nPrts~ar.1', thr ~e\'rn !h ~amr ~und.:i~ Briles. a right ·ha ndcr, allu"ed o n I~' .-:111gles Hl Brooks Robinsou. in thl' st1·· ond inning . .:111d 10 Boo& Po1,1·e\I in !hr fevcnlh. and v.-.i!ked 11\o P.1U::;burgh scored r111ce o1f Dai r 1i le- \:al :.~·. the rirsl-ga mt \\inner, in !he SC<'- ond on Bob Robert.wn·~ home run Rnd ::i. run .scoring singl e hy Brilt~. t:rne Oine,: ~cored on a ll'ild pitch in lhc third. and (lints tripled and sC(}f'fld on Ro~rt11 Clr mente·.~ single-in the fifth Mesa 1'ccnager Hur l in Cras h ,\ !"O~!a \!('~II 1Crllilger i.~ reCOl"el'Jll, !uda~· h·om 1nJuries suffrrrd du nni:: 11 1r:-.IJ1r ;1rc11irn1 \\'c£h1rsda1· 111 Founrt1111 \ altr.1 :\la1 I.. \lcl>o rniau. 14. ul 105!1 \"allrtl\ f"1rcJe_ I! l1s!cd 1n s<ih•factor~ "Qnd1linn ;i1 Hunt1ng!un lntc.rc(Jm111un1 t~· llo~piral I le 11 "~ 11 f\.IS~cngrr 011 t1 motorr.vl'l l' 1tfl\<'n b~ ll1S bruthf'r ~1 arlln. Ji. v:hu::h 1'olhdcd 1r1th a car ::ii !he inter.~t·clion rif \\';irnrr -'\1·en11e ;111d Nrwhope S!rre! ;if I 40 p 111 Tile dr11 rr flf !he car. Bc1·rr)I· r ~\ 1.'krr. or !1'~07 Le C<1S1ta \1·c . Fou111.i in \':1ilel' ct1d not reporl any 1n1uries fron1 lh!' cra sh Hock ~in ger Die ~ \E \\"llr\Ll~. fallf. jAJll -Gl'nc Vin · 1·enl . Thr duck-ta1!rd rock star of the 1950s 1'-'hO \\·as bes.1 kno\\·n for hi~ nx·orchng or ··st-Bop.A-Lula '" has dird at lh(' age or :\11, hosp1 l:1l official~ ~ai1l \\"rrlnesda\. .\ .!ipokesman ;it lnter·\"aller Con1· 'n11n111· \lospi!al here said Vincent ,.,.a~ ru~he<l 10 1hr hospital's rn1ergt'ncy rooni Tur~da.v morn1n2 hv h1 ~ ra ther and dier1 1h<1t artrrnoon. Coaet "'eather Look for haiy sunshint late Fri· dav afternoon fQIJOwing low clouds, roS and driizles along the coast. Highs at !lie beaches art: set al 63 rising to !he 70".!i inland. Low! lo- nigh1 in the 50's. INSIDE TODAY F1fl11·st.r e11 Orangf Coast rcsi· rlr rll.~ jorrna/ly pledged tht1r ol· feg1011rc to t./1t U11iled Srotts n1 rl'rrn1ouics ,,, Ora11gf Co1111/11 /'ni n ro111pll'lr l1sl of llie proud 11e 1i A 111r r•ca 11~. ~"" flogt 9 ,~ ...... ,. C~t<kln• u~ (lt Ult•MI c .. owo•f ,,,,.,,. Otolh ljl!olO• Divtl(t\ l l )I " • Eflltr .. ! ''"' ' f.Mrr1t•nmoot fl·U ''"""'" ll·l' Ht rtl<OOI 11 •nn t onf1y n M t trlfff l lc..,u 1 t Mtvltt 1! M~l~tl ,wfl<lh Jt fOllonol H"" •I Orono• <,t11••~ '•••I• ")I )I $!Mk Mo••ttt .M-ll Tt l•"llltn 11 T~tllf" 11 w .. 1~ .. Wtmon•1 N•w1 11 1• Wt •llll H t "' <I Bot the ru!tng failed 10 deter ebull1cn1 Sanfa Ana attnrne.v ,James \Vtther<:. ""\\'e shou!dn ·1 a1la<·h too 11Hu h 111i porl:1nce 10 thi~." \\1 1thrr~ sn1cl ·Thi~ high c'<lll!"l \1·us nnll· ask~·d lu 1nte1'\ P!lr tr 11 1<111nd Th111 snn1f' 1rrrparahlr 111i1 11·\ c•oold be done 10 Tl1e oppn.,1ng par!1 '"\Ye ~·a11·r eall an rirr11on :111 II' i ep:ir:ihlr 1111ury <111U s1• ll1a1 Iii'" i·u1111 rPrusrcl to 1nlr r1enf'.'. \\'11 hf•rs s;11d .. ,, do('sn't 1nakt 11s a111· less c1l'h'l'n)111 r1i In ca!T)' on 11l1h uur fight a11rl I'll hi' ~u1ng h:·.cl.. lu rn.v t11~-tot111t·1) 11 llh ~011\r lurther prupo!i.al lttl" euurr at t1on " r ' \\'1\hl'r~ :;;Hc1 those proposals voll in· 1·lude thr SUR~e'>t1on 1ha1 lhe c1tv file " 11r11' 11r11 in Orang!' Coun!v Suprn11r ~'nu rt 1 11~ .. rgu11H·111 111;1~' be ba~t·d 011 1he !llt'or~ lhal 1ht> lr1·int' l ndu~1rial Con1ph'\ 1 ~ !hf' 111:qorill landuw1a·r ir1 lhe. prQposrrl •'Ill' 1;f 18 20i a1Tt'.~ anrJ ~·~111101 thrrrfnrr 111flu1·nef' !ht> dr~1in~· of 1ht 1o1al acrr11).!t 111 I 1111 t •ti .. ,.\nd 11t' ~1 1 l l ll:i 1e 10 go 011 1nal 0111h1( 1 ~s1u• · \\'1lhrr.~ ~;11cl ··:--;n tr1;1l da1 4' has heen .'•t'I ;:i~ ol \11dar bul I ca11 lrll .1m1 th at I h:,11:' 111~! ht'rn rrad1ng or a t asr in \1hwh lht> Suprt>ine Court orrlrred tht ,...-I .-...... MEDICAL 'HOBB YIST' SUTHER LAN D. WIFE CHAT WITH NEWSMEN The Nobel P r ize Will Help Pey Off the Mortg age An1 e1~ica11 Pl1vsicia11 Wi11 s • I Nol)el P1·iz c fo1· Me ,lici11 c STOCKHllL:\I_ S\\('d1111 ,,,,., -nr ~'.art \\' Suther!<tnd .J r uf \ a11dC'rh11r l "nh·crsit \" 1fon thP l!li ! \obrt Pr"r 10 f'hyi;1olngv :1nd \1ed11'111r !od&v IPr h1( i·eiiear<·h in '1orm.int·'i .;i pro 1t·l·r Ju· ,,,1(! hitcl beL'{)Tne <1ln10~1 a hotJb.1 Su1hrrJ;i 11d 11-on !ht> ~~0011 l:l\ Ii"•' pri1c ;ind !hr pn·sl1gl' •ii !hr '\obt•I f'r1 ,,, f11r IHS 0 "c11S{"{l\'{'fl{'~ 1"011!'<'111111).! 1h,.. 1nech<1niSm Qf the a1'!to11 of llon11011 1'' the t\arohn ~ka J\fed1t"at l11~t1!\1l1' ~11 nnunc~d Suli1e rl;111<l . .')~ l'ti.:cr ~!"d 1he 1>r1~!" l1H h1s discover'\o Of 1he tunct10n Of Cl"C]IC (lri rnyl acid. Or eyC'li e A.\IP. Tt11s ·is ;, rr quired body substance sig11;:il111i: hu r mones to go 10 work or requiring thr1n in be prescnr for the honnone.~ to "·orl.. Hormones influence thr working ar tllr body. ··1 like lo call ii " sf'cond rnes~engrr.' Suthcrl;ind &aid al his horne. iu Na sh\'1llc. Tenn .. ~ile of Vat1derbilr Un1vers11y. HP spokr of his yl'ars of rrstarrh. ~aying : ""In facl. in thr ~i::inn1ng , 11 rcal!y was morr like a hobby.'" Tes!!! have sho"'n that !he addition nf A:'11P to eaneerou~ liss11r~ m<1ke~ !hr 1·el\~ either return to normal or die. hr 1•on!inu<'d . adding !hal much rrse:irrh i.~ fleeded bcf•ire any conclusion!> tan hr dra11-n. E:xela lm1ng. •·1sn·t th;il te rrific" 1-ll1r11 infnrn1,.d he h;id 11011 Sulht'rland ~a 11l hr 11 111 go to S!Ol'l..holn1 in IX-l·emb<·r l<l 11'!'1'1\E' !hr pnir '"l \e known 1"1-r hren under t·o11- 'ld<'r<it1nn a lung 11n1c.' he contin11C'd "\h• lricnds 11ere ~a.v1ng. "\l a~'br !h1~ 11·;1r, 01· t11avbe ne\1 \'c;ir' .. \ nati1·c nt H1u:ti ng<1lll<'. I\":; n i'<U!hrrland V.,!!i j!f;'lfiua!ed f I jl Ill \l':i ~hburn L'n1\ Pt',1!1" :1! To1lr l..;1 Ka n . 111 I C\:~; :i11ri ll'J< g1·;irl1!.,ft'tf !II 11H2 lrOll l 11 :i-h 1n~1,,11 l 1111 1·1 •111 \lrd l(',tl ~l'l1~1nf ;-..1 l.u1 11~ \1 0 11·iu·1·r hf' ht'ga11 h1~ l'!'~(':1p·h lie "~'Ill in \:;111dr rb111 1t1 lflfl:r ,1ft1·r l!J \f':11'S <1! Lasr-\Vr ~h·rn ~{·,~l'r1 r L'n1\·er:.1(y 1n Clr\'eland_ (!11111 Or-~u1hrr\and has hcen ~luJ :-111g l.ormonc.~ for 1norc !hr1n 20 year~. Horn1onc!' <1rr 1·hemical sub~tanee-.,, rnainly Sf'treted hy thf' cndocrn11! 1,r ductless glands They infl ucnr.e 1he ;:u I 1vities or the l'rll~. 1issue1;; and organs uf rhp body. cQntrolting surh impor!anl a•· llvitics :1S growth, de \' c. I n p m e n 1 , reproduction and mclaboh~m. Thi!'i w::is the sixth vear in ~ ro\l.' lh;1t ;i n Ameru:an ha~ 1\·0n or shartd 1hr \'"ubel ~ledittne·f'hy~iology Prizf' !)r. Suthtrli1nd d1sco1·l'rr<.I a prcv1011,ll 11nkno""" chc1n1tal l':lllcd "Cyclir . .i. \1 P." rir r~·rhc adenylic acrd. whil'h prOl"rd 10 hr ;, m1ss1np: link 1n ;,i Inn,; s('rtt;~ or h1•1- !og1L<1! l'Onlrnl m rth:in1~m~ n1 ~incorporat1on or 3 Cahfornia c11 y II ~ rar af1rr tht rlel'l1Qn 11 as held · tt ~·oullt happPn here ." \\'1lher~ s11.i: gr "ll'd ·Hui n1:1n~ upr1011s arr "till t1p1•11 in 11" ;ua! I ;in1 gnuig (O put" fr\\.' o! thr m hl'lo11 r 111.1 1·nunt·1! as .~ou11 as poS~Jb]r ' ~an la Ana '!> last fora.1· in {)range t \1!11 1 11 :-it1pr1·11ir t'our1 ended 111 d1sas!c1· 1i1r 1lir 1·11} \l.'1111 Judge lla.v111ond Tl1on1psu11 ~·1 la!I ~ 1'1'Jer1111g ar~un1ents 1ha1 a l'Oll 11·;i1.1 st;:llll'd ]}l'IWl'<'fl the t·Jt .1 and t!ir l1•\111r L'omp:1ny in 1961 \\,1-5 S\1tflc1tin1 .c:r11und.~ !o hloc·k the Jr1·1:-iP group·s pru- posed incorporation. LAFC Hassle .Erupts Again Over lrvi11 e Bv J Al'I\ BROBAC I\ Cu mo DOllY P ilor \nit Sha1·p differcnt't'S \Vh1t•h have n1arked l'll"!l(lllS or lhe l.oc:1 l Agency Forn1atlon 1 'r1111111iss1rin in l'Pl'f'r11 \\'C'<'k!> ."Urfarcrt ;1 g a 1 11 \!.'ednf•sd.1.1· o 1 er 1hc proposrd 11 I Ille ell.I l p lor· d1sr 11ss1011 11;"t s !\ j{M)-11t1rd ' 1111 - ll"lllal :111al~·s1s" nl the prllpO~('r! 1n· 1·111·por6!1on 1nl'luding a desrr1p11on ol tnr hounc!arit•s prepare(! by LAFt · l::K!'rut1 1r 1)ff1err H1l"han1 T11rnl'1· ;is rrqu1rcd h\ la1\. Tut'!\rr, h1'l'thng I hr ""1rnpar11al" tlc~1~nat1011 hstcd onl \' ac·11o_n~ _1akcn which led lo the Oct'. 21 election 1n the analvsls \\'hich \\'ill br mailed to voter~ in lhf' ·111.000-acre t1 rr:1 w11h their sanlf)le h;illo1s. A!ternalt LAFt' 11\<'rnber Ralph t:lar{; ohjecterl 10 !he wording of the analys1.<i. ""It 1s Just ;1 rel"ilat100 of \\"hat the prn: 1wne111s d1d ,"' hr argued. "'Thtre i~ nu inc1111on ol lhe probable SI :17 1:1x ralr i-ninpared ll\ lhr l"O~l of prese nt t'ounty ~rr1·1rcs. I thi Pi k other thin~s ;;hould he included on bo th sides of the incorpor<i - 11011 question 1nl·lucl1ng 1he ract lh<1r' a 10.(1{)().iitre c11 .v w<1s originally proposed" ("lark . ;i eountv superviso r 1\·ho \\'a-. lukcwarn1 on lt1e .new l"llY µropos:11. 11as 101nl'd by an avuwed opponent of !lie pru- 1r("! -Hobert Ballin .. \Vhy not h:11"t' 2511 11ord~ pro an1l ~;,t.J l'on''" hc askt>d . I.AFC Chairman "\ t ~ n I e v J\orthn1p wondcrerl, ar e wr supposed :o niak(' 4 ·on1eelu1e~ on who.t 1~ good or bad "'"' l.oui:i; He1nh;irdt . Fullrnon 1·01u1c1lri1<1n <incl lhe 1·enll..il f1j!urr 111 rcecnl nn-ag;in1 11ff·a1!_>11n 1ncn1hersh1p li:l!ll('~ roncernn1,i.: 111r I.AF!'. arguNI tha1 11 1\<1 ~ n .. 1 !)1r nl atr rir thr <·1 1111 m1.~~1Qn men1br ro; 111 a1!- 1 l'e lht \Ole r~ T1111or h1• Stratl1•r, :\rwport Rcar h t1 I 1111·uc~ rcprl'~cnung 1he 1..:ounf'1\ of l'oni· 11111n1l 1l'.~ 11f lr\1nr. agrcec! 11 11 h llr111h:11rll · T11r11er s :i 11<il)~I~ 111rl'I ~ lhP rl'qu1re1n e11lo; of rile law and 1\·r rrq11c:,\ 11~ ~dop!lon. ' hr -,aul Drputy 1'011111 ,1· l ou n~cl \\' 1 I I 1 :1 11 1 .\lc-Cc1ur1 nilrd that tl1c 1.AF(' rnr111bc 1 ~ \'Olllrl adv<111ce pru and 1·r1n ar$lt1n1rn1s 1n ll1e analysi.~ if 1hey \\l!'hed . '"An~·th1n~ n·lc1'an1 10 !lie 11 1eo1·porat1on rou\cl b(' 1t1 1·luclccl like the po.~s1h!c tax r:.i!c a~ Clark ~uggc~tcd ·i The issue ~·as Sl't11crl bv t1 .1 10 2 \.Olt iippro111ng Turner's proJ• ... sed analys1~ 1,1•1lh Ballin and Sup('rv1sor RQna ld Caspers of 1\"ewport Beach in lhe n1inon - " It wa:i; br11ugh1 uu! during !hf' discussion 1hal pro t1nd con argunit nl s i-t1n br int·luded 1n 1na1cnal sent tu pr4l- ~prt·ll\'t': voters. Turner·~ analys is. as appr(l\'ed. 111C'P1 · lion~ ~he original :-i4.000 a1;rr propos al f.ir the new c1 !y. hsts the re~son~ given hy !Stt tAFC, Pagt t~ Army to Release 65,000 Caree r Enl,istcd Men A rnon g Targets o f Big Cutbuck By F RED S. HOFFr.tAr-< Al' M llllt l"1' Vl'rl!., \VASHlKGTON The Army an· riounce d today it 1,1•ill release. about 63,000 officers and enlisted men. many earlier than norma l, by next June 30 to gel do\\·n 10 a strength or 892.000 ordertd hy Congress . ~-lost of those to bc relc:ised "'ill be 111 ranks and skill s in 1\•hich lhe Army say.• ii is overslreni!'.1h . or men who~e lours of duty Are due In l'nd !;fl!)n any11·11y lnc:luderl are riraftce.~ 1n !hr i·rH!f'<I State.~. P11v10 H1c11 :ind th, V1r~111 l~l11nd.~ . .\!though lhf' Arn1y didn 't use !hr lrt 111, It ;:ippqars 11 1.~ .d1\ick1n:;: off ~01nt drad~·oh<t. prinr1 p:ill y r :irf'rr rn11.~1rd men who have not been promoted above private first class. Also licketed for release rtre some sergeants major and about 4,000 reser\e l1eutenant!l and captains. "These action~ ¥.'ill provide a 1nore pro- per balance in the gr:ide structure ;:ind al the same lirne reinforce !he Army"5 cur· ren! ernphasl5 on retention or v.·1'11 · 11ualified personnel .'' ils statttncnl said The plann~t reduction 1va~ a f<1ctor 111 1l1r reduced d1·aft c:1!1 Announced recen11.~' 11111lcr which onl\' Hl.000 rnt'n will bf' in- 1lut 1cd 111 lh<' l:i~I f\\'O month~ or 011 ~ }'Car !-)c('rcla1·11 of lh r A1·my Roher! F' Frochl~e said then' is -· ro11t1nu1ng nrtr! for draftee~ "because wt canool have J1quad~ made up entirely of se.rg eant!i. and we are not yet getting enough ne\v soldiers to volunteer, particularly in the co1nbat arms ... ~1en affected by !ht: n('w actions will bt notified between now and JRnuary and will be given at least 90 days to prepare for their return lo civilian llfe. ""Co1nn1aoders al all echelOrt! ha\'e been directed to make max1munl effQr1 to ass ist in the transi!ion from military to civ ilian or relired life ... the Army ,;iid. The Ni xon 11dm inlstr1>.tion had plannc1I to reduce lht ttrcngth of tht Ar my, 110\V 1,120.000 men. 10 9~2. 000 h.v '.ht end or 1h1~ fiscal ye;ir ncxl .June 30 I • HE WAS HOOKED BUT GOOD SAMARIT AN S HE LP ED Peter The Pe lican 15 Alive And Fishing Aga in Well Peli c"" Rcsc u.etl, fru1n Sl.01 v Dcllth By Fll t-:l)i':llll"I\ Sl'l\Ot~lEllL 01 In• O••ly Pol•I \!111 l'rttr !he l'l'l\("an 1s :1l1vc and fcc!111g f1 11r 1oc1.11• 111 \1 .11t·r" off Lagu na 6ral·h .11!1·1· llt«trly d.v 111~ •'<1 rh1·r 1h1~ 1vcek froni i.:1·U11 1g lu~ bill \\rapprd 111 fish hnc an <I hi s leathers lat•cd with 11 ~h hooks. So1Tir £Jlli t J.. \\llrk h.1 rl·gul<ir" ;il CrPs- i-ent Bay b1·;11·h and IJr C. H. Ekt:'hl'r)Z ~A11•rl !hr h11d fr·11111 dt"alh <1fl t•r hr 1\J .h- rd up on 1hl· sir.ind Tucs d;i v 11fter11oon "'f fuund h11n on lhl! bc<1th with his bill ~11 wrarpcd in lu1e. he couldn"! open hi' 111outh .'' ~;11d l'annen :O,:it hs. "And he h:1d I'll! kind., uf h1)(1k!' eau).!hl i11 hi s fc ;1lhers Hr 11;is \'tTY we<1I.. and U1dn ·L ~nap ;it tnr 111!(•11 I J.!(J( 1a•;1r h1111 •• 1\l1ss Sru·h~. aJonE: 11'1lli i\1;11·1;1 l';d;1 ~111.1 . !'lit 1111· r1 ~11 lilll' off !he bird ;:ind !1'a11spcr!cd hi1n lo IJr Ekehrrg's of1 1t-r, 11hcre the llouk~ w1·1·r rr111uvrd. l.;1ll'1'. he 1111 ~ given " shot of ;111l1b1ot1cs :ind !lu· 11an1P ·· l'clcr · 111 ~~k!"bt•l"J: l..t"p! 11 i •lo~I· 1\:111 h nn l't'll'r 111n1ugh \Vcc!nr:.rlay t'lll'lllll.C: \1 iw11 'Ill' l'••llll'lll'li h1111 tv till' oe1•:-.11. Hr :ip p.·.1r1·d 10 tu· 111 g1J1)d ~Jiit us hc,rorc hf• 11·!1 ;111d 11a:. f11a-.1 1n~ 011 l1~i. tiro11ght 111 h~ \11 ... l'al:i<;fh 1 !hr vc!l'nn;inan s:i1d •\r·(·ortl111~ 11; \11.so; Stu•h.., Pt•tf'I 1 ... not .1l o1111• 1n Ins pl1gll1 · In lh1' J .. s1 1nunlh .11 ],.;t'I It'll p1•h1·a11s h;111• ("Hlllt' Ill pa~I 111 .. ~11rf t111i' ll"lth hool..~ 1·:1ugh1 111 !h('lr frillh<·r ' ;\r\d t;inglrt l 11 p 11111.;.,h 1111,'" · 1"111· lifi)hlen1 1 ... thr 1 1~her111t·11 nn th•· h1i.1 1.,_ Tlh'Y c·1>1111· 111 1 to:-1· Hi thc_ roL·I..~ 11 !11•11• lilt• p<'l11·;111.'-. ilfl' itnd drop thl'!! 11111·<; Th<' 111 he;u1 ~ gn aft\ 1 !ht' b:11t <1n1! g1·I 1·;H1gh1 Uil 1n 1111' li~1ol..~ an d thr !inc:-' \1 1 '~ S111·h ~ 1'01111l)t"'J\lt"d ll('t oh ... 1•11:11 11 .11 '" l1rin1r n1 11 h.Y r1•111 n•"n1 '> f1on1 11111 n111H·1·i. nl large c,,.1'n1 - 1ntr1·1,1\ <!rep .~e .. !1 ~t11ng Cfllll[)<HlltS in '.\1'11-·1)UrL Bl'ach. ""\\l' If' had :11! tn1as1un ot pelican:<; frou1 .\1l'it1ro." C"1;p!a 111l'd Art l:ron~k.v, i1\\ nt•r "r :\rt s Landing. jl)J f:. l·'.dge11alrr. f\c11porl '8tacli. .. Thcy·re a rnena(·e. About tht only thing we can do hold bunch The~·u l;ind on the boats and pu·k up ba11. r1gh1 Qfl lht' dee\... Or they'\! ri11 1• ;1ft1•r baited l111r~. ·· 1 ·\'C ;dso seen· ,lhen1 ste:i! lish that peuplr h:11·r c:1ught. You bet they're ... 1s 1110\i' 1111' boa! :1nd hope they v.·on·t foi1011· U5. C;ru11sk~ <"01!1111Cll!Cd. ll'hrn ;1 pcllf'an dtws grt hooked. ht s;il(J. ('rew n1en10Crs on the boat.~ 1\lill try lo !'(·111ovc <1S niueh of the ltni' and hook:"! ;i~ po~sibl1·. :'\Ve !ry lo do the hun1ane 1h111i.;.'1 ht• '1ddrrl , noting ··o! cou tsf'. tlit'IT\ a few who wo1fl try lo htlp 1 li(•n1 " ! \e 111:ver seen ~\1 rnany pelicans.'' rcrn;irked Hohb1r Huhcrtson <if Davey'!! Locker 632 Lido Po.irk Urive. ~e1~port. H1·;1c!1 ·About thr rJn!y thing [)('()pie can do 1s ~1\·a1 then1 aw;iy Ydth fishing poles, 1101 If ducsn I do 1nt1t'h good. · 1 gu1·ss )tJll eou!d 1·all 1t "c<1~t or rnan .u1d n:~luri• gt'lling 1ogtithcr.'' quipped 1':1pt \\' II l'ul11;1111 01 the stale Dep:11'1 - 1nc·n1 of f-'1,h ;ind (!;1111•· 1n Long Bca('h. Tilt> 111rlu:... ,,r HH• 111rd~ hci;:an :;~\rr:il 1111>111hs ill:" All 111• £an rho 1~ hope thry ,,111 r1•1urr1 II • ,\le'\1t 0 ru11n11u .~3!d !he 1111gr:i tl(ltl nt rhc btrdo; 1111s 1 11;n 11rr -; rraC"11r111 ' to 1he l-1ss or 11;d 11 t pl'he:ins along th" i·o;ist. Thl' pclK·an ,, lie ;H!rled. arc a prnltt.:lcd hi rd and ll'g<lll \' r;innn1. tir ~hnt or 1n1ured <'11•1\ lh•1ugh 1h1·v 11i;1\· 1n1rrfrre 1v1\h 1he l1sh1ng h11u1 ,, Se 11ato1· Cl1a1·gei"i F ecl eral U11it Witl1 Vaccin e Abuse \\'.-'\Slll'.\l;T<l1\ 1l..Pl • -S!"n Abraham R1hicoH ID·Conn 1, IO<l•1.V n1ade pubhr 1·ha rges !hi.ii niort 1ha11 1;,o prrson.~ f'i1Ut:h1 1>r1 ho 111 19;,:, after I hr go\'crnmenr's 1aer 111e 1cst1ng agcnl'y 1g· nQrcd c11clener that It was un~ate ·rhe eharges hf' 111:ide publlr al~o ,1c· i·l1.!ied lhe agcnl'}' of ignorlr1!: scientitic rl:ita !hat a cold \"<1 ct·111t wide!~ u~cd 111 Tl1e et1rly 1960s rou ld r:u1 ~e cancer 111 a1un1;1ls Tl1e ailci;at1ons agai nst 1he Div1~1on of Biologics Standard!> tD BS1. the federal :igency 11·hich :ipproves 1·al'c1ncs for pu blic use, (·an1c fron1 Dr .I. Anlhony il-1orris. a mitTobiologi~t \\11\h DBS. and James S. Turner. a former consun1er researcher for Ralph Nader. Ribicoff said he had asked Secretary Elliot l •. Richardson of the Department of Health. Educ<1 t1on and \\'clfare. under 1\•hich the DBS operale~. to inves tigate 1he charges and report back to his sub· co1nmill ec. "What is at stake 1!> .•. a matter of life and death."' said !he );cnalor. who 1s rhairman ol ;i Scn:ite !>uhcommittee on guvtrnn1e11t research. Turner and l\·lorr1s ni:1de I h c I r r.riticis111 in :i rnen10 to Dr Robert Q. l\larston. {11reetor ri( the Na tional l11sl1tute!> of lleall11. ~~nd sent .a copy \Q Hibit·orrs subcon1n11ttcr The v s:i1d th:i L Dr Berni ce l::ddy, ;i !l't"1rn!.1!lt formerl y \I 1lh IJOS. found 1n Hl:'i~ U\at SC\'Cr:il lol!i of pohu vaccine \ ' • 1·ont:1 1nccl ]1 1't' \ tf\L~ c~able of cau.s1n1t polio ·· ln spite nf 01 . ~:ddy":i; Finding. which 11 as known to the ORS lradership. thi." \'IH'c1ne 11 ;i~ released 111 lhl' ~prrng of 195!l and (l\f'I" \:ltl 111d1\ 1du:1ls , . _ contracted p<11'al ~\lc [il)110 ," llib1eoff said . Dou g la s Pled ges Full Production LOS A1\1GELl::S tAP 1 -An oHi Cial of fo.1c l)onnell Douglas Cor poration plant ~ 111 l..ong B<'ac h and ·rorrante said Wed· nesclay fuH producllon wou!d be ma in- tained as long as poss ible despite a strikt by eon1pa11y "'<..Orkers in Canada. llo11·cver, Jalkson R. ~fc(:o"•an , pre91- dtnt oi the Douglas Aircrafl Division 1n Southern Calirornla. refused lo eslimatt ho\v long !he plants cou\cl operate wilhout purls from Canada Unit('d Auto \Vorkers Union membcra Rt Douglas /\1rcra rt of CanJida in Toronto "-Cnl Qll strike al noon Wednesday to back dcnlands for hi ghl!r wages . The Toronlo plant builds 1,1·ing set:"! for thj! DC:9 and OCIO 1\hich are asse1nbled at Long Beach. illcG01,1·11n sitid the Canadian strlkt 11·ould have nQ cffe1;t .on the compa ny ·~ production of n1ilitary a i r t r a rt, specifically the r4 Phantom jct flghl!!r, ) • Z OA.ILV Pl lOT ... - f ' ·• .-t Movirig 011t Srnurtly .- Housewives head out on \\'eekly bi cycl e tour through portions of Costa ~lesa. It happens every Thursday under program sponsored by cily Recreation De· pa.rtment. It 's healthy and a pleasant ,~·ay to wake up. say recreatio n aides. Any \1·oman \1·1th a bike can join the group Tots rtdLng tandem are \•:elcome, too. Call the recreation department, $43·5303. for details. Athletic Off ice1· Becl1tel Gets Mesa Police Ho1101·~ Sometimes pol icemen run into su~pect~ ,_,ho don't ·11:ant lo gll along ,,,..·ithout matching physical skills before being booked. You wouldn't ~·ant to do that with Patrolman Bill Bechtel C:Osta Mesa's Officer for the Month of Oc tober placed fourth in the recent Californi a Police Olympics heavyweight wrestling division. He is .11lso a certified instructor in police defensive tactics. originator of the Costa Mesa department's program in defensive tactics and keeps In shape through a variety of ~ports. But Officer Bechlel prefers enforcing Jaws in a pos1t1ve, non·physiral manner He is "''ell knn1111 by kids around his neighborhood and hripes to cnncentrarr nn ·working w11h juveniles as •a C'areer f>jlecia!ty. Officer Bechtel. 26. is a mrmber of lhe police department spPaker's hurea1i. parUcipaHng in rhe Cnp on Campus and Officer Bill programs. ... Cop on Campus is a1mrda t nldrr students, while Officer 8111 1s a la "·man with whom elementary ~chool students can identify 11•hen he speaks. Patrolman Se('htel"s e d u c a ti o n a 1 background inC'ludPll gradua!1on frnm .,- Hl.liltington Be<>~h High School and Or· ange Coast College. OFFICER OF MONTH CMPO's 8echt11l He attended Cal Slate, Lring Bearh and Is now enrolled at Cal State, Los Angele~. A senior patroman, he has worked 1n the traffic bureau and is currently .11sslgn@d to jail duties. Married, Bechtel and his "'·ife Janet live in Huntington Beach. Services Slated For Two Victims Of Auto Smashup Funeral sen·ices v.·111 be_ helrl in r-.·ewport Be;ich and Iran fnr the two \'IC'· tims of a fat.al arcuient at Cry~tal Ctlve on Pacific. Coast High"'·ay TuP~clay. Visitation i!ii schedulued until $1 p.m fl\- day at "-'estcliff Cha~! ~!nrtuari·. Cn•!~ Mesa, fo r Bijan !'\aintnaJarl . 27. of 1.12.'i Pla ~enll!J Al'f , f\rwpror1 BP;;rh rrr1>t1I graduate nf Chapman O!llP!:t>, His lo«!\" will be returned In his nat 1rr Iran v,hPrP t"te is ~urv\\"ed tiy hrs parrn!<c. (.h<'llem Hrissein ~ejad and !'llrhry Ah1 :'\tiArl Also ~urv1\•ing \Sa rnu ~in . Amrr Hn!'~"ln J11 lali nf FullPrtnn $er>\l'PS fci r !;~::flr.1 \\nflflward rr::itl 2i , <'If 2i~ Brnad11 ;i\ lr~l;i \1r~~ 11 '!I nr he ld at I pm_ Fnd;;i <. al P<ir1f1r \ 1c1i. Chapel OllA.MGI GOA.Si DAILY PILOT OAAHGI c.oAST PUBL1$HlNQ COMPANY ll:oh•M N. w •• d Pr.iiallll •"" Pll!M,.~ef" Jo ~k R. Cu11f'V /;, Vici PIWildllll' •"" ~11 M1flf!l!'I' Tiiom 11 l(,,~a Tliclfl11 A. Mur~\ii~• M1n1111~ .EO•""" Ch•r!•t H. leoi R;d·trd P. Nell A»~tonl Man1glno Ed•loa C•PO ..... OHi'• 33G w.1t ••Y sn •• t li'•ib, A.4d[•11; P.O. ~01 I S!IO, •2,16 Ottw OHlca From Page 1 LAFC ... the propon('nl.c; for incorpQrat.inn and tells (If th e conferf'nCe5 "'"ith adJn1n1ng citi('S <ind I.he redurtinn to 18,000 ;irres Al!'iO ment ioned i!ii the rnirer~1ty 01 Cahfornia consultant ~tucly flf the pro- pn~ed city \l'hich fn11nd it to hf' "fin!ln· c1ally snund" \\'1th city reven ues posl'ible '"to prnvide f0r an a,·eragf' le1·el of mun icipal ser\'1Ce for the residents." One of the Last l\1Iountain l\1en Dies at Age 81 LA\:TZ BAR. lrlahn I UPI 1 -One. ilf the la~t ril a n12i::f'<l hrt'Prl rif mountain rr,en d1erl at hi~ 1,<.nlatrr! rrlhln T11P~da \' in !hr !;;i!m(ln Rl \lf'r Rrf'.lks r rim1t.11·r ;irP;i Frank Lanti. Rt. b11 1lt h1:r; hnn1t' ;it [.;.inli h;ir 1n 1'12.'i and lrfl h1< r;.ih1n only flnre il ~rar to pla1 pr>~rr tn ~;ilmnn Hr hrld li1·ed alnnf' ~1nf"e )'lj\ 11·l1Pn hi'-11·1Je r!1Pf! \\h"l1 hP 11r11t In thr l1n1· 1<'l\ln, ht> lll'U;;\I\ ret urnf><'! ln lhl' n111< 1•.i1h1n 1110 or threr rla ~~ hrr au~P 1h;it 11 a~ alt !hr · h1g r 1t\' h1 ing"' hr roulrl st;ind Parh Yt'iH Lanlz f1r<1 arrll'!'rl a~ !11P Saln1nn R11·f'r 111 l~l~ anrt hrg;i n prn$rrrt1ng at LA.nit. Bar 111 1~2i A fp11.· 1·ears :.ii:o hf' turnl'rl his prnpPrty 01·er tri tht> nat innal fnrest ~erv1rP 11.·11h !h!'. ~!1 pu!.:i1 1on h(! be allo"'·ed tn h\·e there until he dird . ' Ga1nbl er Loses "'ifc RE-.,0. N°F1" tl"r!1 -\\'11l1;.im H.:irrah. r>nP of f'\f\'ada "s r1('hest .e:amblrr~. ha!'! br>Pn 1ZrantPd a rln·nrre frnm hi.~ third 11 1fr, the fnrmer ;\!av Bur.'!er o{ \,ns An~e!es. · Harrah. 59. 11·ho n1\ns r.is1nns 1n RPn n and L11 kP Tahrie, marnerl ~!ts< Rurgpr 1n 19ifl Ai1i>r ;.i prP1101JS m.:irri;icr 1n pnp i:.1n~e r Robbie Gt''\try that ended afler fnur mohths . 34 i11 Race For Irvine City <;ou11cil .A. rerord sh;.tterin.e: 34 sjndidalf>S have. s1gnrd up frrr the Dec. 21 city council elec1111n 1n the propo~Pd rity nf lrvinr ThP numher nf canrl1dates i:xceeds any previous turnout fnr an election anywhere in Orange Cnunty, according to the coun· tv C'l!'rk's nffir.e. · There are nnly 4.500 registered voters within lhe boundaries of the proposed ci lv . it takes a simple maJnrity "'the vnters !n makr an lll,00'1-a cre city out !'.If the lrl"ine communities . There ore five city cn11nril seals open nn Dec. 21 The r0u11ty clerk's nffice shut ()ff ap- plira!i()ns for the council race at noon tori av Thrre is 11 raPididates mertinE: fnr ;ill cnun<'il hn~f11 ls 21nd the puhl lt at II n'rlnck tnnight In the clubhou.~e of Th!' C'n lnny ~ub<livi.~ion, t\1'111 Strt"et v,·est of thf' Santa An;. Frf'e"'·av. ThP ~4 cn11nri\ ranrlirla!es ,;rr · -Hrnrv Q111j~ley, 5132 fhatf'llU C1rclt'. economi~I -.lan1P~ S, ~fnser. 18072 F\1Jt1er St , aern~race m11n11irrm!'n! i:peri.:il ist. -\\"aynP A \lark. 17901 Butler St, l'CT puhliC' in fnrmn1 ln111 nfficer, -Lavtnn L r;;irdnf'r . 51i4l Chaleau Cir· <'.Ii. in.suranct :o;11IPs reprei:en!ati\'t'. -lsarlor SchneidPr, 17fi21i Q u t (' n ~ \"\lrei'!th \V21 y, retired ofifcrr, u_s. r..farine Corps. -Stephen E. DeLarp. 17942 Ctflar Tree Lane, studen! -Jerry Kaufmr.n, 36n Baylor ~t., phys- ical therapist -Richard C. t\'hilt>~id t', JS361 ~fnnt­ tel lipr Al'e., career educatinn Cl"'IQrdin· Fl!Or -G. A!a 111 Snndgra.~~-111722 Saginaw Drive, a1•i11tinn prnprn;al dirE"ctnr -RnbPrt Zimmerman . 40flli Gf!nn;,lnder \Va~·. designer -Arnnlrl 81nrler, 1941 4 Crnyd en Ter· r;icr , profr~s("lr, -C'harles HUP~'· 18112 ~1ann St , ecnn· om is! -.lr>hn Ren i;im in , !AA.11 Tahnf Or il"t . comn11!Pr s<'iPnt ist -f1on Sl1r!1 . ~42 Alrnm La11t. banktr -.!11\ill.~ F' f\1azur. 1117~1 Via San Mar· co. trrhnir;:il rpp resent1.1i ve. -Oavirl H Smith. 14702 Comet StrerL sAIP~ rrprrspntalivr, -.lnhn H. R11rton , 17!1~2 Aspen Tree L.:inr. mflrkt>!inR n111nai;;:i>r -RnhF_t t. Dean Poller. 21~ \'er11 nn r!, tr;irhi>r -.1rrrl' r hol'k P. 1774i; Ara ci a Trel' L11nro. ~<irkMine: (Ylnsol tc.nt. -,1('1.<f'ph F: P.~11 . 5211 Hiram L11nt . sp;irr Oil\"1 ~at 1nn ."flf'ri al1st -1\rnnf'lh .I Jl r-lrlrn , 211 2 Vrrann Pl , rnmn11trT prn l!t<l mmPr -:\lilP~ f'. "PP!P.. p,.1 ~rr;nn. 1~772. \IAr L:rnl!' \irr:P. rr>mm un11 a!ion r"r.r<.ul!~ '"' -\,:,bnf'lle rrvor. 1772/i Ar<1<"1 a Tr~ L:.1111>, h('IU~{'V.'lfF ' -BPt!y .r ~fc ~1ull~n .. 1711 Fenn St , ;ittl"lrne1· -RnhPrt ··~ki p .. \\'\rgPs. 1771ii1 Oak TTf'P Lanr , m11n;.i_ii;er ri1111nrial control -R f>E.:in Ol~n. lfl3fil Relms C:irrlio, ttn2 inE'f'r -Knnr;id K f,;ir~nn, 5202 Ruri;:unrly Cirrle. ll!!l'lrn rv, -\\'11li:irri ~f F"isrhttarh. 1774.~ Oc.k irPr L;:inr. at!<ll"l'IP)' . -E Ra y Qu igley, Jr,, 137~1 \r1 ~ P;ila· 11nn pi\nt ~\!-.1rol m "~f;irk" R F:llintt , :1901 P;;rk \torw L11nr . 11rroun t;int _\\'1ll1am (" R<'lrsu k. 17AA2 r,.f;,nn ~!. m~ran1>r nf fin.'1nrP ;\fr~ Lil<'\' Ann Flttchtr. 1771n Oak Tr"" J.,1nP, \'OUth arh·i~('r "1 1 \ Rnh1 nson .. 11>41 F'Pn 111 ~trtt'f , tr,,rh<'r P;.itr1ci 1.1 Corak. 11 1Z Ver.11nn Place. ·~tt1dt>nt. ....,.., &Mcti: nn "'-' 111'1!1 .... M ..._.... e.-c11: m .. .,,.., ... ...,., ... Hvi!ll..,_ ti...,,: llllJ Bttd'I a..,1ir11...t .... ~a:l5No.1111U~IMI Stai· OCC F oothall Playe1~ 1...,._. (7141 '41-4111 d-'flM • .,.,,,..,... '41·1671 <iiwr'lfllt• "'11, Ol'I,... C.Wlt "'1bllo~l"f c.n.eft~. Jj• -1•!•, m,,.,,.,..., .. 9'!!1'tf'll! .,,.r,.. .,,. •a•...,IMm""'" llr"••• 1PNY bf "Pl'fld111 llol ""'"11Vf ~I ,..,. ,.. ..... -(.OllYl"illll ·-· ...,. dM _.... •" •• "'....,.., 119'dr> •lllf Qll• M... C.1~. '--rlP'""' '°'I' ....-SUI _,,,I'll rr, .... n U.JJ _.,.,, dlllllry __,.,....... ~ _.,.,,, To Face Drug Sale Trial A ~tar fMtb:ill pl:i.vf'r namrd to all• 1PJ!1ll~ high ~rhr.n! hnnors ;inrl nnw t1rf P.n~1\'P lineti21rkPr fl"lr Or11ni:;e \('la~t. r nlll!'tio f11cf'.5 trial snon ~r; a .5U~pPrttd dril ~ fiF:ll~f '\n tn;.J r\<i te h!JS bt.('11 ~Pl frir !-;ion· n\ F'11nkr 1R. Ot:.inQP Cnunl ~ Strpt>rinr f r-u rl r !er~ s:i1d tnrla l" F'u nkt'. nf ljfJ22 F,llhtult ftrrle. Hun - t1n11.lnn Rr;irh, v,as arr111,c:n('(j nn r h<1fllf'S of ~ale nl narrotir~ anrl d:.111i;itornu~ tlru~l! Tue!lda y in '''est Orange County Jud1c1a l District Court. Ht w11~ nrdertl'I In hi> lri~d at lhP- ' hlf!.h('r ('Ollrt. 1e.v'I r11'! the basi5 of those prncetd ing~. Tht All-Irvi ne t~ague selection frnm 1;1~l year's Edison Hiii;h f.chonl cham· p1on~h1p team was arrested Aug 2!1 by Hunt)n,zlnn Rtach pol1re ln\·~tigator~ ch11rg" that ~ 81')1d 11 1 1111ant1!11 nf L~D 11nd btnztrlrine pill! tn ;;n unclercover 11gent. Th(' la."i·p<lllnd gridder has ple1tdtd ln· rtl'ICPnt !<1 I.he. charges and remains free nn $1.ZS.O ba il. pending outcome of his tri11I I Chilean Hits · Alarmism UCI Speaker Says Democ.racy Still Reigns By TERRY COVILLE 04 "'' CMllr l'!lol! U•t! A top Chile21n diplomat Wtdnesday nigh! bl21med U.S. alarm over the new i;oci;:ilist gn\'ernrnent in Chile on ".11n ig" nnrance nf IPftl~t mn\·ements in the \.\'Orld .. 1n a talk al L'C Irvine •·Thr-re is a prt"·Conceived belie/ here lh:.it rap1tal1sm eriuals de111Qcracy, marX· iE1n mr.<tns dict atorship and revolution is dPstrur11on, '' Dr. Fernando Alegria told 11!11rlrn1~ '"T<'I the 5nciahst mnvement in Chile, rr1·nl111 inn mr;ins cnnstrurtinn 11nd Im' pr()1Pmenl oi demncratlc institutions. It is not ;i dlfl \I word." Alegria 1s ·the cou nselor of cultural af· fair~ 1n thf' Chilean embass~ in \V;i~h1ngton, n C. He wa~ guest lecturer \Vednesrlav fnr UC /'s "The Other 20 Ameri~·· series. Alegr ia is not a newcomer to the U S. He earned his PhD 1n romance languages at ur. lierkrlry Ln 1947 and taught at Berke1Py for 20 ye:ir~. He. is now on lea ve frnm ~t11nfnrd UnivC'rsit~. '"The 1)1pul::ir nn1i0n in this e<1untry i~ tha1 th,r i; S. c0ns1stenly ac!.~ out nf ph1)ainhropy ;,rid seldom for n1aterial gii111," Alf'~ria ~:i1d ··Herp's qne ;<l;tstwir. Lalin Ameri ca currf'nl h 1!~rs Jll tll 40 percent nf its fr1reign 11111 tn pay off the service rharges and intPrPs! 1111 previous industrial loans, most l~ to the C.S. •·reople h«r e arP also alarmed bv Pre:::idf'nt Sah·ar!11r Allende because thC'V know 1·e 1·~· li!Lle about Chile and ils hi story. Let me i:;ive you our background. '"\Vhe n the Latin nations broke from Spain·s hnld in 1810. Chile was the first to quickly nrjilanize a government . We have had 160 yea rs nf uninterrupted parliamen. tar~· ~overnment. '"The current govern ment is not snrialist. nr communist. it i~ a coalition or several beliels. Chilean socialist !hinkers founded the first s<1cialist party in Latin America. prior t.o 1he Russian revolution. "Ou r gnv ernmPnfs mission ls tn open Jhe roar! for a fut ure socia!i~t gnvrrn· men! Allende be lievPs in gradualism. !-le does not fee! we can be completely snri11l is! now . '"But 11·e always .stick by the principle of a multiple party s.vstem ·• Alegria then compart"d what he callecl the Chilean re1·0Jution In the Cuban rev1Jlution to demonslrate the distinc· l ion~. A~ut Cuba he s;iid : "The Cuban revolutio n ca1ne 11bout. because of a die· 111tor and was a violent revolutino. Since then. Cuba h:.is lived undPr the rule nf one party. Cuba has also a~gned Hselr with the Soviet b!nc." In comparison he sald Chile'.!: revolu· lion: ''Came abnut !hrough electinns. A r-.1ar'l:ist w11s ele<:ted. Our situation is t1lsn b;i~pd nn a multip!t" p;irty s~stem t1nd we have officially become a non·a!igned na· lion." "\\'e consider ourselves a n un· derdl'vflnped nation . Thert is 11n unjust rl1stnbut ion nf weal!h. a critic:il housing shnrtap:e. pnvPrf~' and disrase Thf're is a nrPd fnr radical change ." Alegri a said In Allrnde's first yt"11r. cnppl'r prn· du~tion has rlst"n !l,9 percent. industrial pr orfurti<'ln is up 3 7 percent 11nd 60.000 hoti.~ing uni ts ha ve been buil t compared to 15,000 the :;ear befnre under Eduardo Frei. according to Alegria . "I t11 r ide:.i 11f a,grarian reform ts the same as !hr1J1ighnut the world ." A!egria ~dr!•·d . "Th(' land be-longs to the people who work 1l " The 1111111 :iny ind11·1dua! in Chil e c11n now own Is so hectares (sl ightly more !h<in 150 acres 1 of land . A.leg ria said All rnde's mos! important mtJve was to check inflalinn. "He used a method you may be fam iliar with, a v.'age and prire freeze ." the Uip!ornat q11ipped. Alegria, t .'.llk1n~ for nearly three hours, also explained tax reforms anrl other change.c; 1n the t:hilcan systc1n lie saiil there ha ve been so man.v ehanp:es Jn the past few months, 11nd the you11E; want thern f11 stcr, thtt! he l'iln not 1'rinePi\e nf a r onsC'rvative go1·ernn1C'nt getting b;irk in· to pnwer _ '"\\'hat yo11 n1ust re1ne1nber 1s that "·e ff'P I 1\hal the government nf Chile 1! d01ng is well liked by !he people of Chile and that is enoug h for us," he concluded. Chile Seizure of U.S. Holdings Gets Support Chilean diplon1ats <'Onsider lht" na· tinnallz:i1ion of lJ.S. companies in Chilr, e.c:.perially copper n1ines, simply ••taking ll"hat is really ours." Fer11;111dn Al egria. Ct1ile Cnun~ellor of rultu ral Affilirs , explilined l.nationa liza. 11on, ;\ H1ue!1y suhjec1 in U.S. circles, in his S/'K'l'Ch \\'rrlne,day night at UC Irvin!" "('h 1le wanls to rnd monopolies and take back n;it ion;il properties ~·h1 ch are basic to our ee(lnomy,'" said Alegria . "\Ve "''ilnt 10 regulari1,e the norms for foreign investment. They will have to play by our rule~ no"'' " He explained that in 19i0, three private banks controlled 44 percent of the bank: Ing indu stry in Chlle. "Now the government is buyi n tht"ir Tanker Plane Douses Hoines VA\: Nl 'YS (rr11 -A fl l7 tankf'r homhrr rn rn11te tn ;i brur<.h f11·e drvcloprd f'nginr tr nu h I e ~hrirt l.v af1 cr takcnH frntn here ~V!'<ln1·~day :ind was fu1'l'rd to ct111np 1!s 2.000 gallons of fire r<'\ardant. Thr pl;1n r ll'as O\'cr Ilic S11n \'a!lry rl'stdrot1a l ar('.1, drpullPs ~11id. wh('t1 thr unlf1Pn1ifird p1lo! of lhr 1;_5, F111·c:>I Si•r1"1l'r ('/Jntra l'1ed ;i 1rcrnfl dL•1·1df'd to lighten !he l0ad bC'C<iusc flf the rnginr 1nalfuneti0 n. Thi' n1;is~ of t111{"k, i.:ooey s11h~111ncr landrd fl n <1 40ll·un1 t ap11rtmr>11l 1'l1n1plcx :.incl it~ park· in~ Int. The sub~lflnce rlr1pped dn"'·n the rnor. n\'er window~ 11nrt f10f)(!rrl ~r1 era I p;il 10~. !1, ;i]~n spnt· lrrl n1·arly 100 :iutos Jn the parking ln1, rl rp11tirs sii1r!. Thp pl;ine. which 111as en ro11te 1n Sanla R.1rb11r.1 Co•.1ntv rr>lurn1>rl t1rre ;inr! l;indcd s;i fcl,I':· 'A1J1hor1!1f's s;:i1d !hf' .~11hsrancr w;i~ ll'ater io:nlu· blr ht11 "11 01il rl he quite a inessy JOh to clean up., SAVE $50 ON stock al the stoc_k e~r h.:i nge pr ic e and we now cont rol,57 prrcc nt of the banking in· d1J.~try," Alegria said. The copper indtistry, ~;h1ch pr od11ces 75 prrccnt nf Chile 's rxport~. \Vas the best publit'i~.ed of the na li"nali zatioli 11rt1ons. Alrgrla said tile reason 1nost t_;,S. cop- per eon1pan 1es are not being com· pens:i trd fnr lnsing thei r rninr;. In th e go\'crnrncnt is beca use of Chile's "ex- srssi1-.e p1"of1ts" l;iw_ This law limits profits to roughly 10 perc!'nl, but son1e copper cnmpanie! have made from 20 to 30 percen t profit and now th e gove rnm!'nt is collecting that money as a debt '"The excessive profits law has bet>n in effel'I since 19.l~. but v.·as not enforced because prl'vious governments. "'·ere, perhaps involved in tlle profits," Alegria charged He sai d in 19ifl the profit of one maJo r co mpany surpa.,sed all the in"estments of Chile's r-.1 inistry of Public 1.Vorks . Police Arres t 1\vo Gas Station 'fhcft Suspects Costa :.r\esa Polite h;i 1·e ;:u•rr~ted l~·n sus pect~ in 111st Saturday's i4,000 robbery of ii co1n·t;1perated gas s\<1tion on 17th S!rC'f'I , Arre.~ted nn su~picinn of armerl rob!/ery were . PaUI C!intnn fl.liner. Jr., 22, nf 107 12th SI , Huol1ngton Beach, and Slephen \V . (;rB na1 , 2fl, of 40\ 4lst St, /\'.e1vport Beach, P<'llire arre!'ited lhe pair ahout ~ rm, \\'ednesrl<iy. a~ the,v rnt('rE'd ~l iner's housf' 1n Hun!1ng1 0n Btach. Police said ahnu l Sl.'.100 1n i.:ash 1ra~ re('n \'erC'ri. ThP pair is arr11~ecl of rnhhin.c; the coin· nper;:11C'cl st.'lti nn a! 2fl~ E 17th St, Sa tur· dav nighl i\1nre then ~4 .01-M~ 11.ii~ t;iken anti the st ;;!lon attenda nt ll"il5 Munrl :ind gagged Hand so me Or Swive l Loun ge Rocke r Cha ir 7-DAY CHAIR SALE thru frldcry, Oct. 1 S Grarrf11l li"~•t'n And ~up Fr h rn n~r rur1 1nn ;irr br1111l1f 11llv erih~nr­ ed h)' inPl1r L;ktu.'I tail· f>r lrn: In g11·e you Jav1~h 1'nn1(01 t. Cl1oose from 22 Styles Regular $189 to $249 NOW $139 to $199 ' Your javnritt fnte ri"r dtsiriner will bt 1h()PJ'IY to n.~.~t.~t ynu .•. H.J.GAl\l\ETf fURNITlJRE PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR DESIGNER S ) 01M11 M•11., Th11,.._ ... ., ''" ....... 12 15 HARBOR BLVD. 646-0?7S 040.0276 COSTA MES A, CALIF. 7 ( Saddlebaek EDITION VOL. b4, NO. 14b, l SECTIONS , 40 PA GES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TH URSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1971 State Controls Threat to San Californi a·~ \\:itcr Resourcf'.'l Control Roa rd \\'cdnesdiiy adopled 1hc nation ' h;,irshcs\ slil 111lard:-. a t:;•.11 l 111 lution -,,11ff rt•qu1rf'1tH1nts \\hiLh 1111gb1 hi•\t: ii strong effe1·1 un !hi' nuclear rt·al·- tor pH:1urr at San Onnfrl' 'l'hc lll0\ r 11~· thl' sl<tle itl;l'lll'\' ~111ouutect lo the lh1rd hard hlO\\' llJ th(' ha ll-b1llion-dollar pro.1ct•! ror twin rcat - 1ors at San Onofre 1 111.~ .\car Rut 1ls i1111ncdiatc 11npac1 1-; d1111rttJ1 10 ;i~~ess. ulil1\y spoke.~n1c·n sc11d The nc11 stanrian1s n~gulat1ng cn11~­ sions in areas off lhc Onofre coastline al~o .... ·111 touch 011 operations at the ex· rm 1.<ting nuclear 1 eac:tor south of !ht l\'estcrn \\'h11e l!Quse Ila\ Dunham . an 0H1c:1al :<poJ..csrn :in tor 1he 3ntipolh:t1011 agcnl'~. cxpl:uncd !h;1t rlle ne\\' r·egu!at1uns s!alt' that any htl! w.:ter dischnrgcd inlo the Ot ea11 can not exceed 20 <lcgrees abo\'e 11ur111al sur- 1 ounding watel' at lhe ou1rall 1nou1h. lie added that the new 'ules also ~ta!r !ha! san11llings l<1kc11 on rhe surt<1ec !.OOU reet away fron1 tl1e 011t1all ca11 not c~1·t'ed to11r degrees above !he nat11ra1 ll'<llt1· temperature. Quick anal~1 sis or po~t test1n1011.v brforr other state ai:encies on the readings frorn to , lhe ('X isling San Onolre outtall show that rrniss1ons there t')it('ed the ne 11 1 t · q11 1rrn1enl.~. Bui Dunhani exp\a1ntd ont wa~ th<1t ul ililies ean sunnount lhe new rules - µrn1 e th;:it lhe em1~s1un~ arr nor hio!ugieally hannfu L Ex1 ~nni:: Facihtie~ en1Jt!ing hot 11atf'r ha1e un!1I Juh> of 19i3 to s11b1n1\ con1 plele studies o.n th(' biolog1t«1l effect s of -"i*C1fit distharges_ 1'he stale boa1·d thc11 1·,1!! llavc a \e:ir to e:valuafe 1he data, l1ol d he:irings. and delermine 11·hal action lo lake on the spfcific emission 1nattc1· San Diego Gas and Elcclnc Con1pany ree Whose Fingerp~ints? ''l ~1ctri11e's Case Hiirt By Prosecutiort ·\ 1na1or dctcnst-argunien! in the murder lr1al ul ,\l;:irine policcn1an !\!;irk .Juhu~un 11as .~li:u!ered ludav 11ith ll1r d1~co1·err lhat 11n~erpri11ts f(l und in t11~ :-;an Cleinrnle aparlrnenl did not match lhose of ,\larinr lnnce corporal Frankir- \\la1·ne 1\lr llino or drif1cr Hi chard La"•rent'e Hcffie. • l'hief De1)u!y Dist rict Allornf'y Ja1nf'' r:nril,\ht revealed the resu\ls of the chtck. ,,., Judge \Villia1n f.1urray as the·Oranre Count~· Superk'ir Court !rial n1nt·f'd l(1tvard~ its final argument phasf' and ii ~ possible conclu~ion toda~·- Defcnsc aLtorne.v R:\y Sh;1rp re~led hl ~ rlrlense of hi~ !:ill. handsom1' client i111- 1nedia1elv af1t'r Enrii::h l announced !hr rr.•11l1 s oi lht fingerprint in1·c~t1 gation ~--:iiright scl up the 1·hrc·k \Vedne~~" el !er Sh11q) hrnught f.lcl lino. 20. into 1he 1·ourlroo1n lo r!'<iJ"!Cn a linr of ques!iunin~ 1'11rn1la r !n 1h:i! "·hirh onC'e put !he younR" San Franci.<:co conk 11110 1hr San Clen1e111r Jail for lnur <lays a" a pr1Hl!' .~u.~pet L i11 lhe killing of C~·nnie l.ynne J ohnson. :l(l. \lelhno ~at1.~tied police af\ci dislri,., aJ!1)rne~".<: i1n·e3\1g<1l0r~ !h:il ht• 11 a1; ntit rhr n1an \l·ho bt'a! ~Ir~. John~n'$ face 11'1 " blood y pulp 11 ith a bar stool 11nd !hen :0:!<1bbetl ht'r 1norr than 20 tinie!t on .Jun!" lfi. l!liO. But fhe ~nun; '.\tanne had TO tell h1~ slurr ngai11 1n court a5 Sharp (':>:· pan<lcd 'his elc1 rnlh hour deten:-t: nf Johnson. 13eede. 1••hn "sl'r1·~ni:: a llirer 1o r irh• \l'ars !erm in a '.\la~s:ich11sell:<. pn:>on 11T1 ~n as~a1dl v•1t h a dearlly \\'t•a pon c·on· 1w1 1011 1n lh11t i,tate. c<Jmt' 1n!(l the pit'· 1urr rhr«us;h h i~ a.~~l)ciall11n 11 1th '.\1c!hr'fl 11nd h1~ rc!av1nl!" 111 p11hrr 11[ a rl'tn .1rt; n1:ide 1J1· rh1; 1r11111g i\lArinr a:; !hr~· rinrr tT\Jl.'ied . p:i::r. !he .John~nn ;ipartrnE'tl1 :i!. 411> i\lnnterrv l.:"lne. llr quntcci ttlrllino a ~ ~ay1ni;. '"Iha!"~ \1·hrrr the n1arr1ed bitch lived -:o:h~ w·nn·t bother an.1•011r ag:iin " Th~ al!eJZ cd 1·nn1111ent immediatrl.v put. i\1tllino at th~ top of the su.~pecl" list l'rose:cuto r Enright i~ sa!1sfied that Secret Sauce 'l'o Be Share<l Before Kick of { The South C-Oa.tt Are;:i Bo~·s Club will sponsor .1 spaghelli d inn e r btfore Friday·s high sehool footb;ill ~amt'. The dinner. lraturing sauce pn•pared ,at•cording 10 .11 secrrt recipe of the ~11 Poncino f;imily. will btg111 at ~:3fl 111 Triton Cenler at San Clemente ~ligh School. The dinner \\'i!l rnd hcfore kickoff r.r the San Clcmcntto lli~h·r()()thill µamt. 1'icket s nt Sl.:>0 for 11dutts ;ind $! for chlldren v•U I ht available at the floor or in .advance through R<lys Club director!j Or. Tnm ~lrer. F'rnnk Brinkman , .lin1 Slaven t\f'n Sumntt. ti1ac ~1 ac.\li ller. BQ!} Murst.' ~like Cole. F:d Kincaid, Ch•1ck Ro~sard . Bob Tlf'a~Jc~-. \\"alt llunter. D.an Boosini; and C.ene Curzon. Funds rai~ed through the dinner \\'Ill benefit t'iub projects. E~ypl !\avy Nahbcd T~~L A \'IV 1 t'PI) -L~rea l h;i~ rc<"ti\'· rd an uncXJll'C"ltd 11'indtall of E11Jpt1an harchl'arr -a clu.citcr of aboul 10 stn all . r t•1vil1an mclal boat! !Wepl by tile cur.rent fron1 A pier at E8YPl"5 Port lbrahin1 IQ !hr J~ra!'li·hrld t'1~! ban\.: nl !hi' Sttfl. (~'1 11.:11 ·~· 11t•1tller 111;111 had a11yth\11g to do 11 11h lhr J.:itl ing ol the pre~:int 1ron1an .Johnson ha.~ ad tntt!ed in lhree l<ipct! 1n- ler1·ie\\·s Iha! he clubbed hi.~ \\"ift' \Vi1 h thr h;lr .~tool ar1t.·r she objected 10 his smoJ.,. 111.; marii1ta11a and 1ocJ.,ed hin1 oul of !hr :;ipartmenl. He hos also ad1nit1ed that he wa~hed fllf blood in !he .shower bu! h11:1 main· l.iined in all three 1nterv1e1r~ that he can· not rec;i ll t1.'iing a bul rh~r knife on !hf' oi - !ractire brunette. lie did. ho\\·c\"er. help ;i psychia!rist hunt in lht \'ici111t y of h1' 11p;:ir:rncnl !l'lr a knife Iha! rn11;;h1. he so id, bf-hid<len undt'r <1 rork (iory co!nr slides of !ht murderfrl blood-spla!t.el'ed woman '1'cre ag<ti11 sho1\·n in CCHH1 !cxl;:iy ai; Sharp questlo11t"d ;i crilne lab !eehnici!in ahou! print~ found 1\1'1 fhe blnu<J-:-"oaked p1llO\\'!> 11i rho u! ap· p<11 Pnlly getting the a11sll'ers he lleedecl. .l0h11.•n11 lowered h1.~ l1ea rl ll'hile lhf ~ride~ \Vere sho11•n. J lr h;i~ refu~ecl. Capo Planner Resigns Po~I 1\1 y~teri.011:-<J y (11 arlr.~ Al\f-11 S;in .Juan rap 1~tran" pt.1nning <'')tnm1s.•·1nn n1rn1brr for !~r p.1~t two ye }lrS. rr.~1gnerl Tul'~tlill undl•r m1 '\l'rlQll~ I I Tl U lll.,f ;lt\Ci'~. Allrin, \'irt f'r.·.5 ulcnl of \1rn 11r\" ~al'· i ni;~ &: [,,.;in 1n fl t111!1r1~1'111 B(';1t'h. ~;;l{l he 1·1,uld nnl ro111mrn1 cin whv hr rr~1g111 ·U 7~e :'lrlrl01111t l'ITIClll \\ilS 1nacJe liV f'h:i1rrnan .Jt1rry (;;11 lney during a 1 0111· n1 1~s1on 11orl.. S<'s.,1on. Allen has hccn :in ou f spok~n member of the conimissinn :;ince his appo1nl rnr11t bv rouncilm;in Jun Thorpe. Hr has Irr qui~nlly ('h.11npioned hicytlf' a n ll l:!f'!U!':slrian trails 111 n1•1v 1le\·elop1nr111 s aod has fre qu('nl1 y t.:nlicizcd developer~ 1L in his opin ion, high 5lanclard.~ v.•ere nl!L being 1nel. The c11mmissio11c r rc"rnllv voted 1n drny a rezone on lhe Ortega lhgh11·ay for a 210-acre f';:it e!'el1cr 1lr\·('lop111cnL .~l;>J . ing ht belie\'ed lhe area .-.hould be kept for sta!e ck?\·eJopmen\. lie also voled l\'ith !he n1ajori1y 10 bring the Vi"estporl Honie Builders' s1tf' plan.~ lo th' City Council lor a decision bt"cau5f' in his opinion I.ht' development wa s not in accord with a cit,v ordinanre .5lating site pl ans musl be "harmoniouii; :ind Spanish in nature·• lo be compa!iblf' 1\1ith surrounding dcvcloprncnts. lhroughout tile triaL lo look at !he numerous pictures taken of hi~ dead 1\'il 1i and the bl1~)d splattered bed on \\'hh.:h her ~nvagely beaten body was found. T,vo Arrested 111 Beati11g Of Sergea11t San Clemt-nte detectives arrested 1 ~·0 1nore nlen hrlore da1vn today 111 con· nrr1 io11 w\t.h lht sevrrr bc;it in~ earl~· !.h is 11·eek of a ~1·ycar·old illarine serge an1. The arrests fn au Oc:ean~ide apal"tme11t of two brothers originally from Samo;:i linngs to four !hf': nun1be1· 1)f men 1n "u~lody on ('harge5 or a s~ault wi(h a rlrarll y \\'l'."apon. The four allegedly loo k ta1·ns using 11 \"ariety of \.\'!':apons on Sgt. Charles \\". Hatton. Jl. or Camp Pendlcll1n ~1ho 11011• 1s reported making .11 painful recO\'t'1"1· lrom ma~sil'e fa cial rratlUrt'.~ and l;H·era!1ons. 'fhe 1\1'0 .-irres1 td lod<iy "r" T1neia11 'faupu!e. 25, and h1.s bro lher . T;;i lea Taupul('. 18. Bo1h ~·ere booked u•l 1·hargt.~ of assaul t \\'ilh a dtadly v.·capon <t nd held nn SlS,000 bail. E:irl v \Vf'l"lne~da.v morn1 ni:;: anol hf'r hrn1hrr. Ali ivas Tauputr, 2~. o( 1413 l'allf' \l1rarlor. ~;.n CIP.n1en1e. eamr rn plll lt r h":1d11u;1rlf'r~ and af!rr sel'rral hour.~ t~I 11 il~r1ie1\"S wa~ a!s<i hof1 kerl 111 rnnnrL'!1un \\'1Th lhf' a~:;auh. Tht> 111111<il arres!f'l" iu 1hr nf';lr-l:lt :l! hr.111ng of l ilt> V1('l11.1n1 lf'tr-ran wa, !rtkr11 int,1 1.:u•t0<ll' about an hou r airer rhr 111· t·idrn! la:;l ·~londay nigl11 . r-.tarine Sgt. Vau Salapu Lifau. 2i, llr <·a1np Pendleton wa s arr('sted nr ar Cali f' \'1 c!on;:i and F:l Camino Re.al h.v a pa trolman llaUOn allegedl y "':I!\ beate.11 inlo un· f'onsciou sness w·ith a pool cue. bar sl ool and heavy gla~s pitcher· during an allerrat1 n11 stemming from a g:ime or pool at The Placr, a 1avtrn al 140!l \. !:;I \an1ino Re;il, \\'illiam \V, Allen . Zt of 330 Ent'lnfl Lane. San Clemente, suflered extens11 r hf'ad and flee cuts 1vht-n he attempt.t'd 1o !ilnp the battering and thret or four olhc1· men allegedly beat him ~·ith he1 vy s!nol~ . ·• lice this morning said on t olher 1nan ·.! sought in the incident. Powe1· Blacl\:out Hits Baja; E11tire State Shut Down TIJUAr\A. ;\lexico <UPTl -Thr t:ntirf' 3(ate of Baja Californla .. ·a~ blacked out early today \\'hen workmen 11·ere una ble to start gcntrators al the slate's thermo· electric plant at Rosarito Beach. This border cily, the major popu!alion Area in the stale. and the cilies of f-:nstnada. ~lex1cah. San FeliJlt <1 nd Tecate, as \\'ell as rural scclions, v.·er• letl \\'il hout power. A spokesman at th(' 8ene:rating plant ~11id equ ipn1ent used lo starl ~he iienerators failed ;i! 3:30 a.m. Tcchn1· f·1an~ Y.'f're "wnrking ff'vrrishl~"· to 1·r:.1orr ser\'ict: but could not es!1m~!t 11 hcn they 1~~1uld ~urc('ed_ he S<t ld ~rospitals and sanitariums S\\'ilched to po11·er from their own generators. and public officts, industry and othtr reciliti~ dependent on eletlricity wert 11towed down or closed . Jee planls experienced a :;harp increa.~e in business. and market operator5 were lea1·ful their meats "'Quid !poll as frre7.e rs and cooltrs defrosled. Nont of lhe state's five 1norning newspapers v.'ere able to publish dnd only nne radio lllalion was -0n the ::iir. llf"11 vy generalor!oi .arc shut do1vn during the ni~ht as lhe dem;:ind for electricity fllp•ini~hrs. lhe plan! :o:pokesnlil n said. •• and San Sou1her11 l ahfornia Ediso n Com- pan1. 11 ho 'hare lhc ~·o.'i!" for the 01,olrt> proJei·I ~ 1 l·:1t1-;un 110 p1·rccnt and SDG a11d I·: 20 perl'l'11l! alrl·adv hair 1,sued rea1us 111 docunlf'nts 1·l;111n1 ng 1hat the heated 11;11er fron1 tilt' n•:1rli11·s h(ls had nu ath erse b10IOl.!il·:1I ellr1·1 Piopo~al s l!lr lhc l \111 nt•11· 11urlt>:1r pla nt c; .showed !hat tJ1t> hvl ll'aler d 1~l'h;1q~e 11(J1i1d crt·a1c a 111ile.i·h,1lg arr;:i i-pann1ng the Pendlctnn tHi1.,!l111c 11here 11 al t•r 1cm1X'ar1urcs 11 01 1!d Wl'll exert·d 1he 11P11· fuur rlegrce rule -e~pc1:iall~ during winter inonths 11·hcn 11a1u ral .,1atrr 1c1nperalures drop. ' The ne1v board er1leria also 1\ere ac· t·o111pan 1C'd \\'cdne~day b\" a sel ot nf'\\' t('!.•t h fur conser\ a11on1st:. t·untcrnPd \1·n h the ach·t·r~r l'll eet~ of hot \\alc>r 011 '"b1olog1eally $1g n1f1(':Jnl · .:irc<t ~ of the ~t ale 11;itcrs. D1111ha1n ex plained th:i t hearings eoulcl h~ held tu dt':l l'nn1 ne if a :ipi·r1f11· are:-i de.~t·l'~rs 1hc '"b1ologu:al!} :?>1gn1flcan1 ' labt·I 11 1hr bn;"lrrl J/.:rt't'~. 1hcn i! 11c111ld bfl n r·v111plc1 c!r all ho1 11!/trr th~eharge~ lb !he cles1gn<1ted rri.:1011 . Thr thennril llOllu11nn is~11e 1s !he !hird ~cnous ma\Lt'r rontron tln& the San \ D•!L Y f'llDt !'•'! P~Olo HE WAS HOOKED BUT GOOD SAMARITANS HELPED Peter Tlie Pelican Is Alive And Fishin g Again Fisl1erma11 Well Peli<·<111, R e.~c ued l'l•1rr lhr l't'lu·an 1-; al Jre anrl tetl111i: f111f• t1.l(lav 111 w:i 11•1',~ otl L;-1g11na Rr.1L'll :ifl1'r rirarl~' dy1n<i t•arl!r:r 1h1s Wl·t'!k lr\1111 i:et l 1ng h1~ bill wrappt'd u1 11.~h !inr and tu '>; fralt1cr.~ laced 11 ith li:.h hook s. Sr1111c qu11 k v.'clrk hv rcg11l;ir, ;1! r rrs- rr11! tiny beach and fir C. H r·:kclJc rg s:t\'f'd the bird lr11n1 d1·ath a1trr h<> \\·,1,h- 1•d up 011 !h(' strand ·ruP ~da v anrrnnon . ··r found him nn lhf' br:1f'li with t11s hill .~o wrapped 111 l1 n('. he. 1·ould n I upl'n h i~ rnoulh." said Cnrmen !'lath~. "/\nd he had :ill kind s of hooks r;iught 1n hi ~ fe;1lhPr" lie 11·:1~ 1·rr~· weak and didn't ~n:ip a1. rnt> "hf'll I ;:ol near him ,. \lis~ SaC'h~. aloni;: "'1h ,\1 :1r1a Pal:t slh\". 1·u1 !he fish hne 1ifr the bird ;:i11d tr;:insportcd him to Dr. Ekebrrg·s office. 1rhere the hnoks wcrP rtmoverl . L;:iler. lie 1vas gi\'rn " shot or ;in!.ibiotics and !hf" n;i me '"Peter "' Dr. l·:kehi:rg \.:i'pl. ;:i ('lose watch 011 Peter throu~h \Vednrsd:i y C\'ening l'>'hr11 sht> relum('d him In lh(' ocean. He ap· pearcd lo br in good spirits before he left ;i nd v.•as reastin~ on lish brought in by fl1r.s. Palasthy. !hf' velcrinarian said. According lo tt-fi.~s Sachs. Pet er i~ nQt alone i11 his plight. "In the 1::.sf mon!h. a! least lcn pclic.:an s ha ve co1ne in past lhe- ~urr line v.·ith hcioks caught in the ir f('alhers and tangled up in rish line." ··The problem is the fi shennen Qn the boatli. They come in close to the rocks where the pellrnn:o; are and drnp their lines. The pelicans go aftrr the bail and ~el caught up in the hooks and the tires," Mis!\ Sachs commented. Her ob6erv;:tion is OOme out by t"Onl· menls from two owners or large cC1m · mercial deep r;.ea fishing companies in lltwport Beach. ··\IJe've had an Invasion or pelicans from ~fexlco."' explained Art Cronsk~'. nwntr of Art's Landing. 503 I';. F'.dgew11ttr. New(>Ort Beach. "They're a n-.t.nace. /\bool the only lhing we can do bold bunch. They'll land on the boats and pick up ba it right off lhe deck. Or th ey'll dive Alter b11ited tines. "I've al5o seen them steal fish that \ f ro11i Sln1v Death Jl!'t1plr l1,,1r t <Hl~t 1t Y(11f hrr tl1r·/rr a 1' n1111e !ll1· bnat ;ind 111,pr lhrv v:nri L f,dl(1\1 u:-(lr1111-.k~' 1·n1 nrncntl·d. \\ hrn :l pr l1c~111 dur-'\ g1·t h•IOkrd . hi' '\t11d 1·ri.•111nc1nhrr:.1u1 1hr· 1)11;J\s 11111 lry 10 rrrnf1v1' a~ rnueh 11! tilt' 11111· <Ind hon~~ :1s J)(IS~thlc. '\\'r lr.v 111 do !lir hurnanr !l11ng." he· addr•r1 , nol1ni.:-"111 rn ursr . tilf'n·" ii 1('11' 111111 11011 t tr~ t" hrlp lht·ni " "l\·r never .~rcn ~n 111;:iny pr!1can~." remarked flobb1r lioher1,on of [)avcy·~ LO(·J.,c1 . fi'.12 l.1dn 1';1rk llri1·c '\f111·put'! lh·arh "1\l»Ul the nnly !h1ng pi.-ople can do 1~ s11•at 1hem :i1v:i.I' with fishing poles, but it dnesn'! d<• 1nu{'h good . "I guess you 1·ould (•all i1 ;:i ca se of man and na ture gettir1,c:-togcthe.r " quipped Ca pt \V. II Putn:in1 of the statf' Depart· n1ent nr Fish and (;an1e in Long Beaeh. · Tile innL1x nl' the bird s bega11 :.cvrral rnonlhs 8JtO. All v.·e ean tlo is hope !hey will rrturn to i\1c:iiico." Putman said thr n1 igralion of !he bird!I v.·11~ "na1ure·s rraclion" to the loss of n:tllvc pe!icnns along lhe euast. The pelica n~. he added. <ire a protected bird and legally cannot be shot or iniured even lhnuJ!h I.hey may inte rfere \Ylth the: fishing boats. Marine Ar1·ested On Burglary Rap A 19-ye;1r-0ld Camp Pendleton ~1arine: \\·a! arreste:d at the Slln Cleml!nte: l)u:'\" /erminal early tcxlay on chargrs of at- tempted burglary al.ler v.•i1nesses heard ~haltering gla~s then chased a rnan on foot from the pier area. Larry Dean Hall ~·as bookrd at about 12: 10 a.m. after lhc incident .at Ille 'f11cklc Bo:r At fl27 Ca lle Victorin. Police said Sel'crol persoll~ called of- ficers to rcprirt lhe \'!hnlltred front \\'Ill· dn\v ttnd see1ni;i a nian hcing pursued . Today's Final N.Y. Stocks TEN CENTS Onofre Onof re: projet'l s1nt:e the Stalt Public Lt1l1!1l's Commis:.1011 issued its !icenst tG lhr u!ilit1rs. ~~arher 1 h1~ ~l';ir a !ederal {·ourt det·1~1on forced the Aton11l' t-:nerg.vs Com· n11s~1un IQ take enl'1ronm ental 1mpac1 111- Ju <11.:eoun! he rorl' 1ssu1ng new nuclear gl'nrr,..1 or !1\·e.11.~e~ ·1 he ,\El' itse lf al~o srL 11p new _,afe!y i-l ~•ndard~ for rcat·tor conslruction after thl' San l·'ernando Eartt1quake Tlln~e 111'0 1nattcrs have t auserl in- dcfin1t(' and ('ost!y dela~s 111 the Ono!rll Rea<.:tor projects. ar Caree1· Me11 P11t_, 011 ·Li st ll,1" Ffll-~U ~. ll OFF.\1A ~ AP 1\lili1ary\\1riter \\'ASH!Kl:TON Thi:! Anny an· nuunced tuda y it v.·111 release a houl. 65.00iJ officers and enlisted ·n1en. man~· earlier 1h;i.n nori nal. hy next June JO to gel down lo a strength of 892.000 ordered by Congress. l'.1ost 01 those lo be released v.·111 be in ran ks and skills in "·hich the Army sa,>~ it is O\"erstrength. or inen whose tours of duty are due to end soon a11y\\·ay. Included are <h'3/tees i11 fhr lnilr<l Stales. Puerto Hico and !hr. Virgi n Jslands. Al!h ough the Army didn 't use the term, ft appears it 1.s shuc king off some dc:adv.'ood, principally t"il reer enlisted n1en who have not b1.:en p1"01noted abo1·e pri \'a!e first class. Al:;o t1cker ed 101· relcHse are some st·rgeanls m:.i1vr and about 4,000 reserve lJt'lJ!cnants and e:apta1ns. "These actions v.·111 prol'1de a more pro+ !}('I' bal.'lnre u1 the grade structure and at the .san1e litnf' re:in!orce the-Arm y's cur· 1·Pnt e111pha.~1s on retcntinn of vrell- qualified personnel.'' its statement said . The planned reduc!Jon V.'as a fa ctor 1n the rcdtited drofl eall announced recenll.v undrr v.hich nn!y JO,f)O(l men "'ill be 1n· rtocled lrl !he l:t~I 1110 month~ of this ~r:ir Sccretar} •If 1hf' Arn1y Rnberl F'. Frorhlke said there is a eonli11u1ng need 101 draft ees '"becallsf' 11'f' rannot tia r• ~qu<id.~ rn.ide up rntirelv or serge:nnr ~. ;ind \1·c .1rr 11111 ycl jojt•!11n,i: enough ne w :i.oltl 1crs lo 1·nluntec r, parucularly 1n the l'Ornhal ;irins " illcn aftcrted IJy lhe riew actions will bt> notitied hetv•een now and .January and 1qll be g11en Ill lea~t 90 (lays 1o prepare lur their return In civi lian lift. ··Co1~11nrtnders al all echelons have been directed to make 1nax1mum efforl fn ;:issist in the transition from milil ary lo <:11 ihan or retired life.'' the Arm y ~:ud. Tlic \'ixon adm1ni.~tr;,!ion had planned hi reduce: the $trength of the Arrny. nO\\I 1.1 20.000 n1cn. to 942, 000 by lhe end or 1h1s tiscal year ne.1:l June 30. 'l !owe\"cr Congr('ss ha~ ordered a f11r thi;r ru! whi ch will bring the: authorrt· ed streng!h to 892.000 by nex t summer. Thi.~ v.·i\1 be the lowe.<:t Army !lrength 1n 11 years. Orange Coast Weat•er Look tor hazy sunshine late:. fl'f+ - day 3f\ernoon follo1ving low cloud~ .. rog and driules along the coast. llighs al the beaches are set at 68 rising to the 70's inland. U>~·s to- night in tht! 50's. INSmE TOD/\Y ~'ifly·!ieven Orannc Coast resi- de11ti formally pledged their al- lcgia11ce 10 the U11ited Statts 111 cc re1no11ie1 i'1t Orange County. f or a complete bst of the proud ·ue1u Ame:ricou~. see Page 9. Ct llNtftlt C~t~-1 ... Up I CltuUI"" )l·>I C:ro .. -•~ M c: .... 1t. ')t Cloll~ Nollt•• ' o+..-1t•• ' 1:•1101111 ,.,. ~ """•h!ft"""' tl·l1 l'lftlft(t Jf·)! Ht rtut,1 •I ""ft l t ft<I•" ,, ,• Mitri"• l ltffllH t Mov!n 11 Mytu•1 l'Mllll Je Nt1i.ut Mtw1 •·• OrlftM ( ... •IY • ,_11 ~S-11 !I"-Ml!Klh J0.11 f11-•l1i.11 11 T~1""' 11 Wottllw t Wt"'o~'t Ntwt H•lt W••l<I M•w1 •·I ' ,_ • r ' Supervisors Delay Decision on Redistricting By JACI\ BROBACK Of lfl• 0.11~ '""'' il•tt County supervlaors charged up lo the problem of realitnini;: their d1~lric!s i\"ed- n~day -and thl"n fell hack for 90 m1nut{'S th('\' )1~\l"nPd. t11scu!-:vorl, 816lJed and !hen rlec1<1Prl to rakf' PAO more wP£k~, at least, be-fore m:tktng up their minds. Dick Ruiz. sen1nr :ir:l!nm1s1r.:it11ri a1r1r to Super\·1sor 0 1n111 L R.1!..Pr :inrl chairman of thP e~"C'lll 11,. a s~1.~t.1n1s comm1ltPe .,~1 h1ch tried rn rPach a snl11!1nn on the redis1 rict1ng r•rob!ern . outhnrd six proposa ls. He emphasizrd 1ha! popul;it1nn, nnT rer;Jslert'd 1·n1er~. "a~ thP cnur1-rl1ctarPd principal gu ideline in rlra11 In(l up the ne1"' boundaries. The magic number for each \· ' ~ \ • / J dislp1ct is 284.007. fourth Dist rict Super:iMr Ralph Clark of AnahWn said he thou&ht the princ ipal cities rn each district should be entirely in that district and not spht. t.1ost plans t'alled fnr him to shar? Anahf'im 1.1·\t h F 1r~t D1str1ct Su pervisor Rnbert Banin anr! Third District leader \\'illiam Plnlhps_ B;ikrr rl'm1nder! Clark Th;o1 r0r11 l.1!l'ln, and "nfll \\ho elet1.ed u.~·· is 1hP f"lrlll!'lprtl 1nn~lra1nl .. Jt is lll'J If} us 111 a~rrC' nn rine nl !hese plans or ~omeone elsr will do 11 fllr IJS " Raker said he preferrrd hllundariPs 1, 11h "cl!'an lines.·· Fifth D1stricl Suf)('r11snr Rr>nald \\" Ca.c;per~ nl r--.·e1.1·pon. Sf>at'h 1,a ntrd ti) know ··\\'hat makPS a clean hne, a UPI Telt ohoto MEDICAL 'HOBBYIST' SUTHERLAN[:\, WIFE CHAT WITH NEWSMEN The Nobel Prize Will Help Pay Off the Mortgage Ame1~ica11 Pl1ysiciru1 Wilis Nobel Prize for Medicii1e ) STOCKHOL~f. S1.1·ccf<'n (AP• -Dr. Earl W. Sutherland Jr. of Vand11:rbil t Lniverslty won the 1971 !'\obel Prize in Phvsinlogy and !\fcdtcine today for his re~earch in hormnne~. ;:i prnjrr! he said half become almo~f a hobby Sutherland 1.1·on lhe SBB.(\11(1 lax-free pr ize and !he prcstil!e of Ille l\nbel Prize frr hi~ "discn\·erit.>S cnncl'rnin.o;: thr. mrchanism nf the il r1inn of hnrm'lnes." thP Karolinska !'lled1c:i ! Jnst1tute 1'111· nr11nced Sutherl.1nd , .14. rl'C('l\'Pl'i !h,. rr1l1' fl"lr his d1scoverv of the func11on "I c\'rhr :id- P"l\"l acid. Or c~·cl1c Ai'l·lP Thi~ 1~ ;, re- q tHted bod y subs!ancP 5Jl?nalln ~ hor- mones 11"1 go ti! 1.1·ork nr requiri nt! thPrn to ~ present for the hormnnP~ to 'l.l'O~k. H'lrmones influence the 1.1·orking of rhe bM v. ' I like Ill call it ;:i srrond mc(srn1:r r " f u:hc rland said at his h"lmr i:i \";i~h·.i~:r. TF'tn., sll(' nf \'anderb1l1 ~-n11r ~,1•1· He spok£> nf hts )ear~ nt rr~f'nrrh. s;,\~nc -'"In fttrt. 1n thr h<>r1r.n1n::. 11 rP ~ilv \f!!S morP like il hn hh1 · Tr";L~ h.1ve ~lv111·n t"iJt tne ,11f~1r1'ln 1"1/ A\!P In rant'Prous 11•~1Jr~ m;itr• ti",P tel\5 <'t!her return tri nnrn11! nr ri1r h• r l"ln!l nOJPd. add1n~ th;it m l""h rr~r1rrh 1s r.fer.Pd before nny cnr.rlu~1nn~ ran hP (jf~l\11 E'i:c)aimin<". "1~n·t. th.11 tPrnf1r'' 11h"n l::f0nncd hP had v.on. Sl1th,..rliind .<-a il! hr OR.ANG£ COAST DAILY PILOT v.·1!1 go tr, Stockholm in December In rec~ive lhi! prize. "l\·e imov,:n I've been under ron- ~ideralil'ln a lnng tim e," hP "ontinued. "~fy friends \\'f'Te 5a_\·in g, 'i'o1aybe this .\'e;ir, or maybe next year.'"' A native nf Burlin~ame. Kan ., Sutherland was graduated fr nm \Va_..hhurn Un iver~ily at Tnpeka. Kan . in 1:1.11 and was gr;iduated in 1942 fTom \\"a~hin~ton l !niver.c;ir.v 111f'dica l Schnril. Sf. Lntus. To.In.. '"'here he hPgan his re~earrh He 1\·eni tri Vandrrh1ll. in 191\1 ;iftrr HI years at Case·\\'p~trm Rcserl'e l"ni1·rrsitv in Cle\·eland. Oh1n. Dr. SuthPrland has hrPn stud:i-in c hnrmnnes fnr mnre than 2n 'r ar.<. 1/nrmflne.s arr (hem1cal suh(f,1nrf's. main!_\· st"rrPtPd hv !hr pnrlncr1ne or r1 ur!le~~ eland< Thr1· infh1Pnrr th,. ar- 111111,..s nf !hr "f'll~. 1i<•uri~ ;inrl nrcans nf l hf' box!,\. cnn1rnlltng ~1t"h 1rnprlrfant ac- 11\lllPS a~ ~r1111 1h, dr\f'ln p ment , rrr>rndl1rllnn anii mPtab111lsn1 Thi~ 1,;:;< the ~1:.;lh 1e:ir 1n a rn1' !11.,1 .1n Amrrir~1n h;:i~ 11nn nr <hnrt'd !hP Xt'lhPI \lrd1r1"1P ·rh1 .~1nln1:r1 rn7f' nr S111h~rl:inri r11~rri\f">rrrl ;:i rrf'\'1n11~lv 1 1~·~1ic>\1n rhrm1""' callrd · r1·rl.r A.\1 r ·• nr r~ rl1c ;rtirn~ t1r :ic1d. 11·h1rh rn11 ~n tn hf' ;i m1~'ir'I.': lin k in ;i lnrii: Sf'r!~s n! h1()- Jr1j!J."al rnn•rnl merh.ini ~m<: \\'hf'n vriu ::irP dri\ 1ne: a r;:ir. f!'lr r-.:- ampl e ::ind 1herP is s ~uddrn Pn1rrgr.nr1·. ~nt1 J;:im nn ~he brakes -and ~l/ll[ heart i:pecds up frtt11i·ay or a ruler '"' 8ak1r replied , '·Both. Roadways an best and the opposite system with finger! running from one dl!triet into Is bad .'' Battin said it was obvious that rto agre-ement could be reach11:d Wedn~.!id11 y. It v.•as finally dec1r1ed to take up !he con- lrnl'eri:1;;l sub1Prl TuPsday . Oct. 2fi al 2 pm. If they can't reach agref.ment tl1f'n thrl' ha 1e nnP rPguln r mef">t1ng datr, \\'rd nP~da_v. Oct. 27, bC'fr1re the ~01'. J dr.1dl1np 1f :u;rPemrnl is nnt rrached hy \'O\' I. ;; rPd1str1c11ng cnmmi!leP cnmpri~ed nf ll1~t r1rt Allorney CPril Hicks. County Clerk \~'1l11a1n St John and f'l)unty A~~essnr Andrew J Hinshaw 1.1 111 dll 1he JOh SuperVJSOrs are not an.'<JOUS to ha1 e Board Grill s Forde About Criticis111s R~· PA \IELA HALLAN Of tho D•··~ Pllo1 \1"1' Tru~leP5 nf !hP S<in .Joaquin Elemen- lar~ Schnol Distrirt. facP·tn-fa cf' v.·1th On1nge rounly Pl anning Commis~ioner Arnold Forde \\'ednesd;:i~'. asked him In •·explain h1~ statements" criticizing !he rl 1stricl's rHQr1s tn obr.ain schools as quickly as fl'JSSibl e. .. l 'n1 sn rry this h;is hrcnme a biltlle helween the schonl iiistn"l .-i nd the Plan- n1ni: Con1m1ss1on." sa1ii Tru.~teP .l11n l\clsnn "Thrs k1nr1 nf rhelnrir frn1n !he pla11n1ng rnmrnis~1on is unc.-illrd fnr" ~rlsnn referred In sta1Prnen!s madP hy Fnrde Tu.,sclay st;i!1ng th;it thP S;in Joa- quin d1slnct "shouldn't expect lhe com- mission tn stop everything for them." "\\'e have to be more assured that the district is d11ing everything it can hef0re v:e takP such a drastic step," Forde said ;it the Tuesday meeling. referring to a "frrPze" nn development. "\\'p'rf' t r~·ing lo find solutions l.n 011r prnhlen1s \11ilh the welfare of students n11 r primary r0ncern." said Nelson. "\\'e h;:i\'p n1111!1.,ri'lr mntives. We're not out Ill stifle de1·rlnpmPn1 \Ve want In keep this on :i pnsitivP ha~1s ." Fnrde. prrsent ;;! \\'ednPsd:iy's sC'honl board meetin~ "'ith arPa de.ve!opPr.~. responderl tn l\"elson·s t'nmments sayin~ he is \onk in~ for an ;:ins1.1·er that will he equab!r tn the builders, the district, and the students. "I realize its nnt an easy problem to solve," he said. "If an~·nne can shn1.1· us that 'l.l'e're nnt .£!r!ting all thr st ate aid we C'.an ge t T cer - tainly "·nuld like tn know alx>ut it sn I can take action and get It." said Ne.Ison. oBarcl Chairman Gratian Bid.art did not romment durin~ !he mreting. He ;iJ~ri sa id he fPlt it 11·ould nnt al"'r.nmp!i~h an.vthing if he commented during a telPphnne int'C'rl'ie1.1·. Kpn Lewi$, a.~s1:c;!;:int. lo vacationing i:;uperinlenrtPnt Ralph Ga tf's. said thP rlistrict apprf'cia1PS Forde's cau!inns \'iew hut "we th ink we are dning e1·er,vlhing we c:in ." "\\lr're l'lnen to Sll,l!gestions on hri111 nrPded school~ can be devel11ped." he said. "l t'~ e;isy tn grab 11l sn\utions th.11 .,! first :c;ound simple hut prnl'e to he c0m pl1t'.1ted " He s;:iid f0r this reason the d1strit't h<I." rlnne P\Pryth1ng 11 pns<1hl~· r:in 10 TTIPf't 111! h dP1·elopPr.... homrn11·npr_c;, paren1s anii I P:irhrr~ lo find s11l111 i11n~ Hr said 1his \v;is \\'h.Y Da re King. d1rrt'- 1nr nf f;:icihties rJ<i nning. appr .. ;ichNJ the Pl<1nn1ng rnmm1~<;irin in thP fir•t pair(' - 1n .-iri ffrort l'I fnl!n1v e1ery cnur~c nf :ir· t i.'~ 11unng \\'rrtne~rl.:i.v's meP!1n~. R.1.v \\ n1::1111. 11rf' pres1r\ent nf !hr Jr11nf' r nm- r:in1 . ~aid hf' !1"11"1 I'> rxplnr1ni; 11hr11ier lit' nr1t thr rii;.trirr h.1 s dnnp ;ill 11 r;:in dn · y.,ur· nh1,..rt11·p L" !n flh!a1n prrr11.111r11 t cl;i~~rnnm ~p.'111' as SIY1n ii~ pn~s1hlp,'" Ile i:;a11! lip ~ui;i::rs(('ri th:i! 1he d151rirt rn:iy nnt hr ~rtt 1ni:; 11~ ;ipphr.iit1nn~ fnr sc;:na.oJ._ building lnans in as snon as 1yould or as often as 1! could. He s.'.lid hP would i1P fl~ 1n,g !0 Sacramento lo make his own inquiries. I OWC'f CO.UT 'PU!lWil~I) COl.',l'>.NY Jl11berl N. Weed ,.,.,,onu •rJ P~D .. :Mr J1<~ R. C u1!1y VlUo Pra;oont •!Id G1r.u•I M.ina~u Beacl1, Rec1·eatio11 Zo1ii11g l !.1111111 K11Yil f a!!or no .... , A.. ~vrp).i11• ClttrlH H. l 11111 Rrch1rd P, Nall AA>i>llnl Mln.tglng EGll0'1 l-.wu a.~• OHie• 2ii f 11re1I A.venue Meiling •ddr111: P.O. B11Y "'"'· 'i6SZ 5a• Cl11M•t• Otflc• JDS North E! C1mln11 Rtt l, '~672 Oth4P OHlc1r CMlt Mna• .JJol Wnt l~y !•rt~ " ..... ~,! l!Oooll: l)JJ N1WPor! l\..,,,,,1•d liunr1ro111a11 8Mdl; 171/J eueh 8ouln ·11;I OA.ILY PILOT, wjrl! ..-hlcio b C0"'b!nl'd ..... J<-l"l'UI. 11 p.ibllol'lld dtll'I' 1\Ctpl !.u ... 1111y ill _,..,. .,,,_ lor a....g,,,,, &11cn, ,.__. '""ell. C:O.t1 N.e.1, ~11t1t11'9•0" ...,._ "Ollllttlll Vo ll..,, l ln Cl•me•·~/ C-.Jls-..... .SllMl..O.OC, •IOl'!ll "'''" ..... r-oion.i .,,,...._ Prlnc•NJ ""'""'"° P14io.1 y • a 'lllltl •.Y .o;rrHI. c-w. '"- 111., ... , rn41 '42-4121 C1•f~ .Adftr11$l .. ''2-5411 S-C,._,. A.II D., .... 1t1: 111.,M• 491-4410 i.e,... a.wh A ll n.,111M1Wtt: ,,,., .. " .. , .. ,"'' ~Ill, 1f1J, O"'f'IQOI COt5' ~bnlll!•~ 4;l!MPflly, 1'o M"'• o•O'•'>. tllutr•••"''" ..:tlfWlll "''"'' or """"'"""'"" l\"t'" rnoy ii. ••,,,...:M w.1...,w1 ll>lo;••I ~v­ mtMlllt Clf copytlctl\I o"'ntt. S.C.W tit" -loge P"~ •l Nf'Wllllrt l11dl -C011t Mn1, Ctll!itmlt. lubtcroo•iO~ llv u rrler lt..U """'"'ly: l>Y ""'II U 71 ....-~i.,1 "'llll•ry dut~i.om, 11.ll mo~tt"Y· .. A]l}l1·ove(l f 01· Da11a Bluffs BParh ;i nrl Rl'crta!1C1 n D1~tr1rl znn1ni;: In rrotecr thp hluff< n1·erlnnk1ng Dana Pn1nl HnrOOr has hern aprrored by !he 1:n11ntv pl:inn 1ng ("nmmi~.<1on Thf' BRO ~nninii: rl'ri111rr.c; 11~P perm11s fl'lr a!l ron~trurt ion and i;uarantces public ;;rrp~~ tn he11rhP~ Tht> r>::inii r o1 nt !lrf'a \Iii~ ::ilrp:;rtv prn- trrt('(j hy ;i l}O.d;iv Pn1eq;!rncy nrrl1nari("e 11nro~1ng thl' s:im" 1rin1n,.: rr~tr1r!1nn ;irlnp1!'d hv ThP ~11prr1 l~f>rs la~I mnnl h 11 hPn !iupl'r1 l~nr Rr.n.ilrl r ,,~rers bl'c;i111P al;:irmrl1 i'll Pr an ap11rtn1ent house prnJec t 1n rhe area. HP had ~C'n lnformrd hv Suf}f'rvi~nr n a,rd L Rak er'.~ nff1"r that n1e bnnrrf had appro1·rd ;:in f'nrrflarhmenl p1'rm1t lasl Aug. 10 wh1rh 'l.l'Ol1ld ha\·e al101.1·t'd thP P.>;ra\·ation nf 4fl frrt nf tht face l)f thP hi!ilo ric Dan11 Pn1nt l>lulfs. Tuesday's acllon adnpt1n~ 11 permiln Pnl BRD znning for thio ar(';i "111 gn lo the ~Upt>r1·1~nrs in about rour v.eeks for fina l a pprn\'aJ . Tht> f11·r-stnf\' apartment prni ior t hlnrk M tiy lhl" s11rirr1·jsnr~· :irt1nn 1.1a!I prn- l""l·<M h.v Ttx:1s f11I n1.1i;:natP 1!11~h ~turf'hi~on and Jllhn ,\lauririo . S:in Ju11n C"11p1strano de,·r lnpcr It 11n11lii h:11 e skirted !he lwn·slnrv ht1.1:rht 11ml ! in !he 11rra by ~ deep cut In !he cliff trip • ' l 1\1a11r1 t'P :ir,1:11rrt ht-r11re commi~~inntrs T11C'~rla1· Iha! !he f\RD tnne had hrPn ii· 1P,t.:i\1.v.plar!'d on the prll perty, th;:it the rP .11 pnrpose f11 1he !a11· is tn prntect p11hl1c .lt:Trss to hearhes 11·hich is already pr.-11·1ded in the area The nnP change rovers !\5 acres along thP nnrth hound11rv nf Dana Pl'riflt Harhnr frQm lhe ~rreet nf the Green Lantern to DC'! Obispo Stree t. Officer Expert On All Grass An flU-du ly Sa n Clemente reser1·t pol1re nrf1cer -mo"·ing \ht la~·n Ill (llrf Plaz;:i Park nn his re,e:ular jnb -gmtlltd J?r:i~i: nf a d1ff,..rent n:iture th i!I morn in11 . Fol!Q111ni;: the hcal'y oclnr. the off1crr fnunrf thrPe ,l!irls In thtrr early te1'n.c; .'i1nnk1n~ m;irqu an;; iii !he p!;iy,1tround ne-'lr t.a.'i Pa lm;i~ Schoo! The th rrt ,:!iris 11i·ere arresterl and book· 1'1'1 nn iu1·en!le ch;irges of marijuana pn~.~t~sinn Anrl .1f!rr1.1 ,1rri ~, the officer went h.1ck In work - on the la11i•n. 1 H1nsha1.1 . a foe of OOarrl membl'rs nn many !Objects . play a part tn car\'ing up their d1!tricls Suptrvisor caspers said a! mnch. C;isper~ said hi.c; of11CP h:irl !fr,1cnrii a m:ip ~h111.1•in~ nnlv lhP nPU. ho11nr1ar1P~ fn r hi~ d1st r1r! "\\e hopp l'f' coii ld dn1rt:>il ~nur plans into 1t." Lattr he offered a ('01'\1f)IP1P tnap B 1111 r 1111trrl 01il tll;1I ,1np c11n<tr;i1n! 1n dt ;i 11 in)! I !11' rl 1'1 • 1• ! 11111>~ 1.1 ·""' t hr clr•.'iell • gro11pPrl ll''ld~l"tll' 1if 1l11Pe of 1hf' bn<i1-d mrmhrr~ -f"\;i• k ll;1\irr anrl Ra tr in B111h l'lc•1k i!nd R;11ier rP~ld!' in the arP .1 1.1 hr rp <;11rdrn (;rn1e ;in1f A0;ihell1) l'lln l1hilf' nn11 1n l11 rs 1n G:1nlPn Grcne nr.1r thP ~;1nl;1 1\11;i 1~111nr!r;r\ H1111 r~pl:i1nrd !ht1t pro1111s:il~ A R. f). arid G were s1m1lar. They all subtract Fltl!J '" fll'f'l'S J Plac,.nlia anrl 'Yorba Llndft I r o m Super1 tsur Ph1ll1ps' thu d dL!itrict and add Lhtm to Cla rk 's fourth . Proposals C and F' leal'e the two nnr!hrrn 11•rnrn~ 1n !he third district and l'\!L•nll the firs t di~t11c-T 1ntn 1he p1e- :-t1;1pi•d ;irrrt h1•1111•rn !tlc S;111 D1f'gn and $:.111a /\11:1 f1f'r11;i:~ Pro[)l•S<ll E 1:-~11111l11r tr1 the ;iho\e but c11r~ rn1•,I 01f \\1'~11'1JT!~1t'r in !hP f1rsl dt· r, 11 t ,,11d p1111, 1\:111111 <il!t (1[ 1\11:1hr1n1 TIH· rl>d1 1111·t111~l.i11-;uf' r{'qU1rt'd _hv !;i11 arid 111 1• dp.i.1 Ulil:O.l h;n e. il~nrar- J1 "'Ill;!] p11p11f:it111l__ I pi-\~lh!r \hi11\l!l'' 111 t!rr-.W fl ~1!1•l' the Hlfi.'i red1,•lr1t1111-: (.'Ill f,lf 421~~ P~'llple In hP adrlrd lu th1• 11i1h li'-!1u·1 If> (\{JO In !he Sf•f'11111I ;uvt 21 IH~I ,,, 11i .. 111,t Th(' !lllrd dl!<.lfll I 111:1 !• ~e :1IJf1UI 44,000 rt·sidcnts ;ind thl' fnur1ll JI oou An~.1'. 7. and Robby \\leaver . 6. chat \\'Ith Superior \1111rt J11rt~e~ .lames 1'1irner 1left ~ and Bruce Sun1ner. both of Laguna nra1h Bo1 <; 11erenn hilnd \\'edne!'dav to see their mother. German-born \\".:iltraud \\'ea\•er, hrcon1e naturalized U.S. citizen d uring "rrcn1on1rs 111 Santa .\na. Alexandf>r \Veaver farnily lives at 171)61 Rcd \1ood Tree Lanr. lr1 ine. For more on ne1v cit izens. see Page 9. Rites Slated for 2 Crash Virtiins F11ner;i l srrv1ce~ v.·lll be held in \('II JYlfl Rrnrh ;inrl Iran for the !wn 1·1c- !1m~ nl ;:i f:it:il ;:irrirlrn! at Crl'~lal Cn\"e on r .irifir Cnn~t lligh11",1y Tuesrla y. Visi1 ~11rin is scherlulued un1.i! 9 p.m ti>- rl iiv a!. \\'p~lrl1H Chapel fllortlli"lf~·. Cn~!;i J\1rsa. for A1,1 an Na1ninajad, 27, of 152.'1 r 1arent1a /\1'<', r'-.'f'1.1pnr1 Br<1rh. rec~n\ ~r;idua t r nf Ch;ipm;:in O:illeJ.!r. His body 1,ill he rrtllmC'rl tn h1~ n<1t1re !ran. 1•h<>re he is !i1ir111·crl hy hi$ parents., Ghn\em Hnsse1n NeJnd ;inrl :"llrhry Ahi \c1;id Alsn !iurv11·u1g 1~ ;i rou~tn, Amir Ho~s~1n .Jal:ili nf fullt'rtnn . Scr\·irr~ fnr ~:inrlra \\"n'1<h1.1rd Prri'I. 27, nf 278 Hrnadwci1', Cn,;\a :-lr~:i . 11 ill bf> hrld ;it 1 p tTI-Frida· ,;ii r ,1ri l1c \'1p1v Ch.1prl SAVE $50 ON In adtl111on to mathemat1t·ol cnn~train!s. in nnml>ers of people other fa ctors 11·h1ch may be consider@<! are topography, geography, cohesi veness, ront1guity, in · tej\nt~, <"Omp;u.:!ness of ternlrir) and co111111un1t,\' of uitrresls ThC' pru1111st1I~ allow less than nne ptr· cent \ar1at111n from equal !){Jpulati0ns frir all f1 \'e districts, \\'h1le the cnt1rt s ha1 • nnt flat lv st<11Pd 1hat ~x:1rl d1v1s1on 1s re· quired I.ht'\' l1;11i• 1nd1taH·d !hilt pnpula· !!nil fq11:1i1l1 11\11.;! hP C'l•1!'l' The supcr1 i-..,1·s <ind t!irir sta ffs 11111 rlrbatr 1J1f 11!hrr fac tnrs lnr lwo weeks 11 1t h 1 er,1 linle let1.1 ay ft1r change Ruiz ;i~kt:d fui guidance "Du you 11ant nrw rnaµs d1;:i11n r1r what"''" he quenPd. B:itr1n rPpl1ed "\'110'1 1 1:CI 1"n new m;ip~ .. E11der1!l\ his o!fice ha s }Ct tn submit a proposal. LAFC Ha ssle Er1111ts Agai11 Over Irvine ' Bv .JACK BH08.\CK '01 t~• Doily Pllol \.4tt_J Sharp d1ffrrrnces which ha1·e marked ;ic11n ni;; of thr Local Agcnc.v form.1t1!')n C11n1miss1on in recent \1 rr\;s; surfacrd A g a i n \\'ednesday o v e r the proposed Jrl'1ne cit.\', Cp for J1scus~1fln 11as a 500-wrird '"1m- p;irt1<1I an;ilysis" nf !he prnposeri in· corpllrotinn 111clud1ng a de~rrip11on of the bnundarn:•s prepared bl' LA FC E:.:ecuu1·e Offlter ~1chard Turner as required by la11. T11rnc1', hf'f'fhl\b t he •·1n1partial" dr!i1.i;:n.1tton listed nnly arH nns taken- wh1ch led to the Dec. 21 election in the ana ly~is 1\·hich will be madr rt tn vote r~ in tllr 111 .000-:ict:e art'a 11·!1h thei r sample bAilfll5. 1\111'rn:ilc I.AFC n1rn1hi•r n:ilph Clark obJf'Cll·d 111 the ·word ing nf !hr ;111:ih·.:;1s-. "[l IS JUSt ;'l re1·\1:itioll O[ 11 )\:ll t]I\' pin. p1\11ents did," hr :lrguo•d. '"Th!'n I~ no ni.-•11111111 of !hr proli.1hlt• $1 :17 !;+~ r:i1e ('01n1p.1rrd In 1hf' ('H\I <•f pr·l'~f'l\1 t'!olllll V <.('fl I!'•'~ ! (h1nh n!h!'T !t11ng~ ~i1nu!d he 1nrluf11 ·r! ~·fl \Jolh "Id("; (•f ri1~ l1H·nrpnr11 - !1<i11 q 1Jf'~l 11111 1nrlud1n.(! Ill" f.u·1 tha ! a JO 000-acre city "as i1rigin;1II1· prnJ'll•~ed.'' Clark, a county .~11p1•r1·1~11r 11 hn 11 as 1ukf'~·;inn n11 th1• 111•11• 11!\' pn1pn~;il, "·a.s 1n1ncd h1 an a1u111·•I <•11P1•n1·nt of the prn- JC'rl -Hobert l3;itt1n. "\\h~· nnl h;1\'e 2:t0 1.1 ord~ rro i'Jnd 2ao rnn~" h1· a~krd . I.AFC (,"halnnan St ;i n I I' .v .\'or1hrtJf1 \\"Ondcrr1!, ";ire 11e ~urpo~i:d Jn 1n11ke con1,..r1urc5 on "'ht.I is good or had~·· IA111s Rf'inh;ird!. Fu!lrrtnn t'Ollnt'ihn;i n and lh<' CC'nlral f1 J!llf!' 1n rrt ent on-a ga in· off·a~a1n n1t•1nllrr ,h1ri h;iltlt·~ cnnrrrn1ni:: the LAFC', arg11£>d that 11 11;is nn! !he rl<iCC' nf 1h(' l'llrn1n1ss1on TllC'rllbC'r.<; tO ad- 1 1~e the ,-iill·r~ T1rn(>!hy Str:irlf'r, .'\('111 )(1r1 f)(';irh a!· tfl rnry repre~rnting the Cnunril nf Cnm- mun1t1l.'.s . of lr11nt'. :igrrrri 11· 1t h RrinharrlL "T111·11pr·~ <inal1s1~ mret ~ the req111rernen1~ of lhP la1.1 ;;nrl 11e r t'que~t its adoption ." he :'iiilrl. H andso111e Or Sw ive l Loun ge Roc ker Chair l Choose f ro 111 22 \ 7-DAY CHAIR SALE thru ~ldoy, Oct. 1 S Srv les J Reg ul ar $189 to $249 NOW $139 to $199 l"our fa t·nritt intrrior dr~ipnt r iri/I bt h11rr11 to n.~$ist ynu .•. H.J.GAl\l\ETf fURNITLIRE PROFESS IONAL INTERIOR DESIGN ERS l I Op.t"' Mof!., Th~"'· ind f rl. EYH. 21 15 HARBOR BLVD. b4b.02)5 •••·0216 COST A MESA, CALIF. • " .. Laguna Bea~h ED l llON • VOL . 64, NO. 246 . J SECTIONS , 40 PAGE S ORANGE COU NTY, CALI FORNI A THURSDA Y, OCTOBER 14, 1971 rm to ree Floridian Held Tt11·11s Dow11 In ·Traffic Death 'Sa11ta A11a ~ 22-~r:•r-uld F!11r1da r11;,11 f:1rrd ;,r r <t l;.!\uncnt \t><l:1\· 111 ~;111!1 Oc111ge l't•iJ!J1'.' \]\n1itip:d (,\.11rl on ;i i·har;;r uf 1·1· \ oh1ntarr n1 n n~l;111 .,htC'r. tr,\1•1\1 111.. 11 ·1• (lt'alh l:;H, 11·~-dn"~~:t\' o!' ;; llfd• ~tn .. 11 -1ruck b_\' hi~ f'ar ir1 l.a_gJU~1 !1f';1ch T11o.'~- d<J\' <i!lcrno<iri r--.-;;. . ., Bo111ver i'lixcd I 11 Dir cc l.iotls ~;1111:1 r\;\;J po.ilwr \','(•rl" r 1111!••d :i nd SOl !lt'\1h:ll ,lllll!~t·tl II/' ,1 l.J1 1:1\b 1111'l';Jl r ('.l'£'1'.Pd l\cd11e~d;1y 1111Jh1 ·\ c<1llt'r c\f;'S1.ri\Jet! a.~ a 111;1le \'.t·,o 1•.:\s brt::i th:ni: ht'il\'i\v 11,ld 1tir <lispat1 ·h of 1t1'1:r on dut.1 . "Tht'r\' i~ a burnh ~c,'.. 10 f:O ,~I f in \U 1lr r.1~t \\ Ill" • L1~ \':,111 :11:) l':1l111l'r ~:ud 1ur1;1\. "II'(.' ri' !>tll ) l•·Ok<ng ft1 1· flll r i ';l~I \\'(I\;;:" B~1ja Blacked Out \V·hcn Generator J<'aiJ ~ to Start 1'1Jl':\ \ \. '.\lrxico 1L1P t 1 -Thr 1"1111~·f' .~late ol lhq ,1 (;.ilih1rn1 .1 11a..; blac\.:\'d o:•' r>al'!v 1nda1: whrn 11·orlun1:11 11(·r1.: 11n:i.blr 1il sia11 gt»11er<;1 .. r., at the ~1;.it··s 1l1r 1·111" ~'l l'c l ric plant ol Ro s;1rito Uc:it·h. 'This bordl'r c·ity. tl1c lllJl(lr Jl1J l'lll Hll\1P :i rc;1 111 tilt' ~;;.!('. :i nd lhr ritles ni Enscn:itl:i. \lr\1e:1!i. S;in Felipe ar,.\ T('cate. il S wr~I ;i~ rur.11 stcli•on:'. 11·<·1·~ It'll 11 11 huut I ~111·r1', /\ ~pri kc~11 ,;in ;ii the gr11(•1·;1l111~ pl;11:1 ~;lid 1•qu1prr,.u1t ll~Pri t(I ~1 :l!'l 1(11' grnl'ralnr~ L1 1l(d :il :i·3U a n1 TC'ch n1· <'1a!l.~ 111 r't "w11rki11(( 1 .. 1 r1·1~llli " I" rr~l1)r!' ,,•l'\H." 11,Jt r11\l l1I nn! f',\1 n1:i11• 11 hr11 thr \ v.nuld ~11cttrd. hf' ~j ,cL l l ·•~pit nl-< ;;:id :-.1111ll :1nu n1" ~~1·1tl'hrd h \ p11\,r r lrn11 1 their ••l\ll fi'!1rr;i!nr .•_ ;:r,d pu\i\il' •ll[IL'O,:''• 11\(\iiql'\' <l•1rl fl t!;1':" l.i ril111cs clrp1•11d1•11t !rn f'irc·t:-1t1t1· \\.l'•'e ~lr1•1 rd dn11 n t1r i.:lu~cd . ll·e pl;1111s e·q11·r1e!ltt•d a -.h;irp i11!.'rr ,.::r i11 b1:.~1nr~s. and n1;1rk1·1 ll~•rr;1ltw.~ 11P1·,• lt«lrl11I !11f'1r 1nr:1ts 11 <011ld ~p11il .1~ i 1·rr1t1·~ ;i nd t·r1\1!t'l'-< (l t1f1'1J~l ··d. \011r (lf ll1r ~ta·~"' t 1 r mnrn1:\~ 111•11 ~p:q)<'f'" 11••rr :1bl!' 1,. p11 11Ji'h and on!,\" (\Jl(' 1'<irh11 q:1t1n:i 1'.;l:-, Oil !lit' ti ll tlf'.1 11 ~e ner;i!or~ ;ir·r ..,11111 d1111n <lur111~ !hr n1l!l1! ;i~ the rlr1'1:1nd fnr clr Ptric11v <11111 111 1:-;hr~. !hf' pl;1nl :.pqk e~man s;h!J, 1'hcodorc J{. ScJl Service~ Fridav " Vl1nrral sr.r\'tce~ 1r1 !1 be held Fn rlav ;ift rnu~1n lor forn1cr Lagu11n Brach re~t­ tlcnt <lnd ~ch<inl d1s tric1 cm p Io ~ e Theodore R. Sc ll 1\ho died '.\londay in ,'\or1h Unkotl'I 1o!low1 n1; ;i l(lng illnt-ss. lie \\'aS 611 The r1tr~ ;irr sch<'(hill'd fnr J 30 fl Ill 111 1hr r h:iprl <11 Sht>flt'~ i\lorh1ary F.n101ntl- 1nrnl \\'Jl! f1ltlnw al Pa!'ific \'ie1v 1\lernori ;i l Park in Corona dcl r.1ar. i\lr Sell. whn rnoved !ron1 Lagun.1 {;r.1ch 1n !!16!1 nrter 12 ~·ears e1nployn1cnl \11th the ~chonl rl ii;triet. 1s surrlvecl by a ,c:.nn .. !<'fl'\' of ;\or1h Of!kot;i , thrl'C sister.>. Nell i\1ichae\ of Texas. Ernestine Park" a nU ,\l;:irtha Hales. both or lo1va. ;:ind 11111 i.;rantlchildreri. \Vall cl, 8200 Ca~h !'.ilolcn Fro111 .\lolcl L<1,1:11na Rea<'h deter111·",c:. arr i:1- 1 estig11t1nf! the brazen !heri \\'C'dncsday n1orn1ng nF a w111lct containing $200 froni a nintel rooin. lnves1igators said the two otcupa nt~ Qf rh,_. roon1 at. Vacation \'il\age. 647 S. ("ofl~t !llgh\\'<Jr . \\'ere sleepinp: 1\·hen the \l':lllel disappeared from a tahle ·in the roon1 Polite noted !hr room's ~li1!1n~ gl a~.:; rlPOr lr;1d 1ng to lhP hl":lt h h:id bern lrit "landing np~·n 01·r r11ii;h1 . r Tl1e 1il'tinl. ;-1rs ]f('llft('lta Fcrral'i . 81 . .-,r ~r.7 CyJ!re";; Urll-f". !>llc1·utnil<'d lo 111 1111iplC' illj llt'IC:-nl 9 4:·, p.ni. \\'ednrsdn\· in the 111!e11·:1rr c·;1ri· u111t (If :-inuth t:oast Cnn1111u11 it1· Husp1!<1I. ~he had not rrgril11 - 1 ii ('Ull,,('10u~nl·s~ si11C"e bt>1ng run doWll 111 ;i crf•S.,11·!dk al .la5n1 ine St reel :'Ind \urth 1'0.1"1 Hlg!111';1y. a hu~p11 :1 I spu ~(·~111:10 ~-;id \I r, Frrr;1ri 11 as the n1otht1" (If :\ir·i: \'1'111011 :-ip1t;..lt·r i of ~:rnrra'ld Ba.1·. Thr i'lCCl!SC'd dr11 er. P:1 tn r l; .1Cf!l'l'$0Jl r ;:i1r 111 (>i Prn~al'ula. \l :l$ fi1·.·t plHt'(·d ;:;ulcr :i rrr .·' T11e-')d;ir 111;c11 pnlil'~ (e .. r n· t'd !I~· 1•. a ~ 11 :ll1lrtl tur l.:till1rr lo a;ip• ar un 1t pre1·11111~ t r:i!tH' lh;1 rgr. I.Jut was rcll';i c- 1·tl anrr n1aktr1J.! ll:u l u11 Jhr uu1 ~1 a1'U lfl-'.. 11 ar l':111! :\I :, ;111 11 ::1 \l\·d1 11'~d.1 1 pril 11 (' k ;!i.tl ~ ::rn•'lt'd 1';1\c al tt•r ob1 ;1i11111 ;' ;1 r h<•r~ .. l111n1 till' 1h,.1rll'1 <il lnnH·\··:-1ill1r•· (•d ti " 1r.1H1c r1ulatin11 111 li11lu rr 10 .11t•id t11 a p1"!l11!\\fi:tll UI <l t'l'll.'~11 :ilh \\'ht'11 i\lrs. F1.:rr:11·1 i!it'd L1\l'I' i11 !i 11' 1\;1\-. thr churgl' 11a~ n1<'f!';1srtl lo th;1! (•! 11i1:ol11nl<1 ry n1;1 11 ~\;11 1g ltt 1·r l'uli t·r c!J1fl1 11 1 111«~.;es 1·tpor1r1! .-<er 111;, 1•a1 1' ·drive pa~I nt her 1'(1!':' 11 h1i'h l1a J .•l•>\l\lt'd i11 the cro:;s\1·;:i lk fr•r i\1r". 1:,.1 r.-,rl. 11·1Jo \'c:1~ tnssed 1n•0 11\r ;Ht' ih' 1111 unpRr·t ,: ;1·1 ,,11r·o11,:11:: l't'l1 1t ~ .. -11,•( 1 ,. hr11,.,,.11 1•,.Jl·i~ Jnd 111l t'l'!lill 11;11111'• Ki!-'singer 2nd ' (:l1inc~c Journc~ Slated Satur<la' \\.\Sll!\'CT(l:\' •l !'l • l'rr-1<-J(" \1\un's :\;111<111:~: S \'llll'll\ ,\(h 1 ~r•· J l~-·llt • A. 1\1,"singrr. will 11•;11 (' fllr l'1·k1ng ;-.;itt n· 1l·11' 011 111:; n11ssinn \11 n''h"t1atc dl'l:iil :> 11( t"rr~ident "\1xon·s 1rq1 tn Chi11:i . l lif' \\')1i lr 11011 ~1' .~;lid l•11!:11, 'l'rf's11.h;nu:il l 'ress Se(·ret :i r1· linna!cl I, f.iPi!lC'r \Jl ;o ~!~i10.:n1Pn l r'I' Ir a ~ r d •1111ull<.1 nt•1ll 'ill 111 l'1'hin;:. ~:1 1d K1.,51;i,;1·; \\'1111ld tllfl "!" .~1 1111~ 111 fl;\',\;lll ;i~d (;11;_111'. brlDI'(' ;11Tll 111;.; Ill l'('k111i: n XT \\1•tl f1"<d ~1\' 1.;·1~s 111~r:-11 111 Iii i1 1 (I Jot 'f''-1drn1i..il ji·\l1 11{'r p\llltl'd hi \1x11 11'« prr ~r.11;d p\lo', 1\1r F1<ITC ('11\. !i:ilph Alhrr1111z1r " >\1~-111'.!~r 11 1\1 'prnd :i ni•U1 11111r 1L" \ i·i l'ck tnr: ~nd will rrt11rn tl1 n ·1·tl~ l•l 1 11 ~ 1, 1'1l1•d St.1tt's 111111 :i rPh1rhng sl<q• 1·1 A n<'hfil':i ~c . ,.\1;1,,1'.:i <\cr11 n1pat1\ 111.: l\1~'-l1lj.'1't' 11 ill hf' 1:. ''' t;rn Jan1es I I l h1g lu•«. n11ht;irv a~'L't.i .1 1n till' !'n'.'-ldcn!. lh1·1~hl I .. ('l1;q1t•, <ll'pul,1 <l;;~:~t;int lo 1111• l'ro.:-1drnt : l!r ,_ (;rn. Alber1. Hf'rln1 ;in . \\'h1l1' 1!1•U"f' 1·u11 - 1nu11lr.1tion::; (11iu·cr T1111othy f •• Elbou rnr. \\!hil•' 11 111 1~1' pr•'~~ a5s1-;ta1.:; i:ohert II T;1,1\nr. 11r:1d ol 1he Scer'fl Scrrice \','hi\c 11011;;1· (j(•!a1I. Alfrt'•l .Jenkin and thrrr inrrnhers Df the '\:•- li<>nn1 Sceur\I \' l'1111ncil s1;iff -.John ll. ll olclrid ge. \\-1nslt111 Lord and Cn1t11·. .Jo11.1than llo\1't' The \\'hitc llouse a1111nu1u.:rd ea rlier !hat Kis~ingc.r. who v1:-i1e<I PPk llH~ !lrerrtlv !a~l Jul v to set up 1he ~txon ; 1s.1t. ;l'nu1d ina\;e ~ ~eC'onci l r1r 10 :O.l ain1~111d China 10 work ou t the detail~. RccvcJc Station •. :For Ne\\~papcrs Set in Lag1u1a Lag11na Bc•ir·h rr $.1de nt0 11t~h 1n,e to rrcvclc their t>ld 1'('1\'~papers 1na~· !akc lheffi to a ne"I\• in~1;i ll<'d green hin in the tity·~ c1npl11ye.1>ark ing lot at tbe cornrr of Bro;,dwav anr! Forest A1·enue. The rcr-\'('!111p, service 1 ~ b r i n ~ ~ponsored b,1· the l "nilari;i11 Un1rersa\1.;1 Fl'llow~hip. All newspRl)Cf-" should he bundled .,,_-1th s1 n ng . a sphkrstniln sriic!. ;ind magai1nt -" should no1 be included 111 4he bundles F,ntrance to the parking lot to depo$il lhe bundle~ !':hould be made otf fl f l.flgun;i r:anyon Hoad, she noted. d1 rcrtly aero~!': fro m the Feslivril ot 1\rl:<' Pnt rante The Dnilv Pilol crroneou..:11' rrporl1<d T11csda~· th~t tht rrt·yr h11g b1;1 would be !nPatrd ri t 1'01·f,.;I A1enue and f;tc11nt1rr St reel , B.\' 'rO\I BARLt:Y 01 11'>• O••IV f'oklt sia .. ~:in1a Ana struck out <i!;:iin toc!av In thr biu .. rt,1· fougl1f "pr~n1lsed !:ind" hii~~lr ils rhi· C;ililorn1<1 S11preme C-0un C'U f1ll' rt'IU.'- i11g to grant !hr l'JtY a hearing !h~t rf>tild h:11·£' h;ll !e<I thr Del'_ 2l lr1111t i11- t:l1rpo r:it1on elt1r tion · ,\ J'u ling b.v lli l' 1us1 l!'C-". 111ceti1lg in Lo.~ Anf-'.l•les. adtled \'t'1 anoll1er \'1C!orv tu a string ri f ~ucces'ses racked up h~; !hu~r 11110 llrlirve th~\ !he 9:!11·;1cre set lor llf'<H' S:111ta An:1 ·~ S(•lllhrnstrrn burdl'r sht)Uld ti1·t1u11c parl •lf thr proµo sK! new eity of [:'\'!Ill' But 1hr ruh ng f;i1lrd to drt('r rbul l1rn1 ~ant;i An;i :itt on1e.1· .J<1n1r5 \\'[tiler~ "\le shr1uld11't ;i\!;i('li !tHJ 111Ul'h i111 pnrt;111(·e to lh1 ,," \Yi1hrr~ said. ·'Th i~ h1 gl1 cuurl 11':\s only asked lo i111rr,-ene 1f 11 luu11ll !h(l! ~'Jflll' 1ncp:1ra hll' 1n111ry .. 01ild lir dour tn II\(' nppo~111,r.: p;11·1 ~ •\\'f' <'31l't {"<i ll ;111 election an fr 1pp;.r·;11Jlc 1ni ur~ ;inrl :-n lh:1( tlw ~·utt1 t 1 r111~t·d 111 1111 Pr1·1·nr ." \\'1t her:<> s111d. "II c\nc,n'I 1n;:ike us :1 111· lrss llr trr1nu1 1·d lo carr) 011 11·ith ou r iigl1t ;ind !'ll bf> i~t•lll!!. b:i1·f.. 11• 1n1 ('ilv «0u1u·1\ 11'1lh snlll" l11!'tller p1·oposHl.lor ~·0111·1 t1ction." \rttlit'r.~ s(lid tho."e propi1~a1 ~ 11·111 i11· rl ndt" 1ht' sugges!lon that lhl' 1:1!1· Ille a lll'll 111il i11 tlrani::P ("nunl\' $upcr 11H' \'11ur1 111:; l'r1:111nl'lll 1nay I.Jc b;o.-.ed on 1l1t •l\t'<i/'I' thal she lrvinl' l11dus1na! Con1plr\ 1• tlir 1 1 1H111r11 ~ !.111d1•\1·11r1· 111 lhe propo~rrl <'1t,v nl 18.:lO"l (lt:rr!> a nd ··a11not thrrelo1 ·•· in!IL1e11re 1!1(' d1·~t1 nv or 1hr IQ!;il a~Trii p r ~~ ' ",\nil \\'t' ~1ill h:11·e t,1 g" ()il tri:il Oil 1 111~ i''-111'" \\'1l her~ ~aid ' :\1o lnal d;itr hii ' l•t•r 1t ~''I a~ <d lt1rl:11 1>11! I can ll'll 11111 111:11 I h .. v<: Jlt.<I bren n.•;id 111g ol a e:1.•(' 111 11 i11rl 1 lhf' S1qJrC'n1t c ourt onlert'd rh•· dl.~lll('f'\rpora1uu1 ur (I ('~1l 1!11r n1;1 rit v ;1 1c .. u· af1c r !hr r lt'•·1H'.ll\ 11a:; hf'1d · ·11 t•1111l d happi-n h(•r'r ." I\ 1l1l('l'S ~11g :_:e ,!cd "/J111 n1a11~ (1p11u11\ afP ~t ill nprll IP 11, a11tl I a111 going 111 1)\11 ;i tr w (1f tlu•111 hchl rl' n1v t:vU1Kil a~ so•111 a .~ pnssihl•· .. ~,111la Ana's !aF! frH'a,v in Ora ng(' Coun· 11 Suprn11r Cvurl ended 111 di~:1~lrr lor llir (·i!.• "ith .lu((~e Ra.vn1ond Th<11 1t p~o11 ~ul1d l,1 1'1•Jt'('l1ng argu1ncn!s Iha: ;l (;•111 1r;1el ~1::;l11'd t}f\\\'f'{•Jll !hr l'lt\' a r'd il!I' !1·\·1nt ('01111>an~· in !9fi~ 11 a~· ,.,11111<·1f·111 g! .. Linrls 10 b!OLh: !he lr1111e g rou p ~ p:u• posed 1ncOq)()r;it1hn. .h1rlgC' Thorn pson ru!rd lh'11 ;1111 1l;1 111ages in1111·1ed b\' t\it 11·11ne r n111[1311\' on a bre:irh nt rnn1r:ir1 tn1~1~ wa« n n1>iT · !er frir ~r11~r.,1 r di:\rrn11 i>~t1n11 ;1r 1I «hn11ld 11•d he all1111f•d In h:ilh: I!•" 11 1:.:hc\ nf ;i ni:qor1l 1 nl 111r lr1'J11t r on11n t1n1 t1. l·'i :;hing \'iJJagc 111 Luba Raided ~l l A:\11 1AP 1 A 1·on11n<indo grn11p 1n tl\11 hoats aHacked a s111 <1ll fishing \'1)l:n:+' on ('uba's Jlorlhca~l c0<1sl T11rsda:;. 1;,1 1. 1111! at leas1 two proplr anrl 1nJ11ri11g lollr , llal'ana radio said tod:1~'· Tiie brn:idca ~l 111un11ored in '.\11 an 1i ~aid 1ht ni);;httirnr a\ta«I-. was t ;ir nf'd 0111 "froni !hr nort h · anrl blamf.'d 11. on ''lhP go1 ernn1en1 or tllP lin1led State:i; snd 1!~ ;ic:con1 µl1ce.~ " After lhc a ssault by whal 1hl' r<i d10 said 111•re henl'y and nllddle ca liber 1rrapons, thC' t\\.'O allacking 1:rafl:i; "cl rpar1('d loward the n1irth." 1he broadca;.;! said. 11 dC'scnbed (\fl<' nf the bo<1I~ a.~ a 'mothtr ship ' 111ul Jhe other '·a speed launc:h ' The broadcast indicated v1l la ger~ a11ri ,;rmy pa1 rols had fi red baelt, but ap- parenlly there was no at!en1pt at a Jan· d111p,. The a!l~ault. 1ook place a.; the village sir.pl and on,· 11f rhr 1'u;tims 11 "·' iclC'n· 11l1cd os a ~LllJger wh0 ra• to '11er1 lhe nr arby army border pa1r11 I The olher 1'1c1im was a ~oldi ll" 11•ho rl l<'rl in action. Havana radio said. iind the in- JU!'ed inrluded rwo lc <'n·age girl~. The. radio ~:tid the att ack was cfirned 11t11 at 10 p.n1 011 the villa ge or Punta :-iarna. ncar Bane!' in Or ienteif'rovi ncc T11ki ng advantagt or 1 l~e dark. the r:i 1dcrs drC\\' ne:\r the ~horf tn strafe the 11!!i;r . the broadca.'! ~aid . • ' Ol>ILY f'ILOT SI•!! P~oto HE WAS HOOKED BUT GOOD SAMARITAN S HELPED Peter The Pelican Is Al ive And Fi!ohing Aga in Well Pclica11 Rescued f ro111 !-i/01v Death R.\ fR t:;llERl l'K Sl'IJO E/11Elll . Of lh• 0 1lly P•l<>t \!•It f'cter lhe Pel lca11 is ali1·"' alld lrL'l111c l111e roda1• In \\<lier~ olf f.;iguna Bt·:i"h lll !!'r nenrll 111111!.'. t'arl1i'1· !Ill' 11t'<'li Jn1111 p1•!IJng h1:.0 hill 11 r:ippl'd 111 l 1~h l1 11r ;ind h1 ~ lr:ilhrrs hc('('d 1r1lh ti ~h 11110~-. ,-;rune (lllll'k 11~1r~ b"· 1·1·g1il:ir:-;11 1·1''" ( t'lll J-::1.v brar·l1 a11d I Jr . <: fi Ekf•lien.: \~1 rd thl' turd fro111 dl';1tl1 ;\llf'r hr 11'."h1l· ··d llP on !ht' ~1 r:11HI T11«~ll :11· ;1 ll''l'l1H(lll ") fnll!HI h1n 1 11n 1111• l>r:h·h 11·1!h 111 ~ 1J1ll ~,11 '1T':i ppr1! 111 l111e . h(• i•11t1ld11 ! .1p"11 1,1.., 1p .. t1l h." ~:nd C;1r111t'11 :-i;11 ·1i ~ ''1\1\d h1' h::d .111 ~1nc)s nl h1~Jk" c·;n1 gl1I 111 h1 ~ ti•;1\ht'1" He 11a$. \1•ry 11 rak a11rt d1Cln 1 ~n :qi :it rnf· wlu·n I l!,Ot near hun ' \)1 ~~ Sachs, ;ilong ll'ilh ,\l:iri;i 1';11:1,1111 1·111 th1· I 1~)1 l111r i1fl 1111· h1nl ""d 11·;i n ~p1d'll'cl J11n1 111 D1 1·:h1'bl'rg ·~ n11 i"r 11 1\~·rc Iii<• l1unl,, ll{'t"C rC'rnnl'rd l.;1!!'1 l•1· 11.1:-g11·r11 ~ '!101 uf ;1h!1l11 nl1r" <1nd lhr• q; 111 11' f;t •It' I IJr· J-:krh1'ri:. ktp1 " < lo~t' 11;1\\·I! •111 l't'h·r 1h11)lll'h \\'ed11r sd;1 y ('1l'1nng 11:v·I\ <!II' rrtun1ccJ h1111 111 th<· 0(·1·;111 11 1· ::" pl'.1rrd 10 t;.· 1n ~ .. nd ~p1ri1 ~ IJl'lrir·r IH· 11'1! .1nJ \1:1s (!·a\(llll; 011 !1~h 1Jn 1ugl1! 111 1~1 ,\1 1·.~ l'al;1-,Thl 1lir 1 ~·1 1 ·1·1 11;11'1;i1\ :-111<! \('l'llf(lillg lo \1 1 ~~ (.,,ii 11,. l'1•lf'l' I• 111 oi :lh•n1· In hr.~ ~11,.tll 111 tht· l;,~1 111111 II ... l;'Ol'-1 IJ'!\ prlJ t ;111~ IJ;11" i;1JrlH' Ill ~11rf li ll(' ll tlll 11<~.J,,, !';Jllg\11 LI \ lii•'•I' 11·alli•T~ ;111d l;1ni:lr·<l lq1 i11 l1,l1 1111" •· ·rhr 11roli\,•111 1~ the t1-.11 .. 1111f11 1u1 1 1.u.·1 1 ~. Thev c .. 1111· 111 !'lose 111 lilf' l'<tl'I " 11 h~·1•· !he . pi•IH .011~ ;111· <11lll dr "p 1111 '0 11!1("; Thi: Pf'll(';ll l'i f!" .dtr1· 1h•· h:lll aHd i.;1·1 1·;111).:hl up 111 !lie hook.~ and 1hC' 11111,, • ,\'11~" S;.ir·hs l'11n111l l'nl1 ·d ll<'r obsl'r\·ar1nn r<> ht>i'ne 011 ! hi' rn111- n1P11\!' frn1n !l\O fl\\'l\l'!'S ()f lao 111f'tTi:il th·ep ,'-.1•;1 t1sh111g conipanies in '•'II purl ttra1 •1i '\\'r'1•l' /1u1l ;1 11 ill \'lt>;l\)!I or r11.'l1r:1ns 1n11 11 .\l1 ·s w11" ,.,pla1n1·d A1'L Cro11.~1~«, 1•11111'1' ur 1\1·1·.., i,;uul111µ .ifl:l r>. l<<lt't'11;1t••1· l\"11p11l't 11 .. :,~·ti "Tllev-rr a 1111 •11.1ct· i\buul 1111• 01111· lh111g \I t· (::u1 d11 l111ld liunch TIH·\ 'II land 1m 111<' h11;·11 ~ ;111tl 11 wk up h;1i! 11g!,1t 111 1 !hi' dlT h. t)r thcv II d i \'~' :Hti·r h.11l1 ·cl 11111'~ . ''i\1• ;il,,1 S\'l'll 1111·1 11 '-.h•:il li~!I ih:il p•'••p i•' 11:11 " c"111L:hl V11u tl1•I lll•'l"r<· a 1-. 111111 (· 1h1 · b1•;11 :u1d h•>r1· 1111.,v 111111 t tu!l1n1 11·· _, i;n111\h.I' 1·01nn1e11trd l\'l11·u ii p•'IH :111 dil('.'-. ):Pl li0Qkr1! h~ :,.1111 1'n'\\' llh'll illt·1·s 1Jll th1' bf1:1ts ,1·1111 1·1· 111 1'"1110\'r ;1-. 1<1uch (•I !la· 1111" ;111d ~1•1r1k~ ,1.., l ~"~1bll' ··\r1• 11'1 !n do lh1· l1u111rinc tl1111 P'." II!· add1'<I. 1101 111~ · 01 ~·•111r -,r. !l11'H' '· it 1!•11 11hn 11011 ·1 lt'I to IH'lll !h"ll) • I I 1' !i"\ •·t ~t'l'I! ):q 1l1;J11~ pr\l!'(lrl'.' ·• 1 t•1 11:1l'f,t•d l:obh11· Hobt'rt~rJn ..-,t IJ;1 Ve\''.:; l ,01 ~<'I ,,;):! L1dn l':11'h: 1)1·11·c. \(·1vp;n·t l\p,.1·h 'Al111t!I lh•' 0111\ tl\111:'! pPof1 le r :111 d" 1~ "11 :1! tl11•111 ;1 11 :11 111111 l1:-h1ni; J)r>lr'. (ll;I ii d111 ·~n I <i'I 11111( h ~(M)d · I ~:u,.~.., vou r1111ld 1·;11! 11 :1 '"'~r 111 111;1u 11J1! 11 11111re ~1,tl1ri l! ((11-'•·llH·r f)t1 1:1p1'd ! :ipl II I! l'11!11:1nl ol !11• st.11!' ll•'p,P'h ll!t'l il Df 1:1-l l ;qu! (,,p111· 111 l .. 111 g lit'.l'h ' '111•' 1nl li1\ 111 Iii•' l111·iJ, l ~'\!<1lt ,1·1·1'""1 111,u1l l1..: a;.:11. 1\ll •.1 .. 1.<11 d1• h hnp1· 1111'\' I JI !(•1111'1\ 111 \1<'\IO ll 'u11n;111 ~;iid thr 1111:.:1 :11 1011 .,1 !11" b ird~ '" · 11;11i1r1·-~ 1(';11 !11111 11 • Hie I '·'~ 11f 11:111\l' p~·l1«;1n~ along lh" 1·11,1!>!. The prl1!':1 n~. In' ;1Jl!kd ari>. a prn•l'\'IC·r! h1rd <lllll leg;1ll~ 1·:111nnl b1· :-liol <1r u\•tir+>d th r:y rn<iv 1nt.erfC'rc with !lie f i.>h Hl~ ho:J!:-. Def e11se Tl1e__o1·y Sl1atte1·e{l I11 Jol111so11 Mu1·{le1~ T1·ial :\ nlaJ(Jr dcrrnsr. argumcn! in \lie nu1rcler trial ol ,\Jarine policrm:in ~1 <irl<. .Johnson \1as shatlereU tnda y w1t11 tilt' d 1.~t'O\'t1·y !h a! fingrrprin1 ~ round 1!1 his S:111 Clc111cn!e <1p:-ir11nen1 did no t n)il!i.:11 those ol ,\-\:1n11e l;.i111·t l'<H'Jl<JrHI Frrinkil' \\'a\ne .\lrlhno or dnlltr l\1thartl La1\Tr nce Beede . Ch1rf Deputy l)1$1rif·t Atturnt'y Jn me~ Enrighl rt>vealed the results ot' tht' check to .Judge \Vil!ian1 ~1urray as the Orangt Coun1y Superior Court trial moved 101\•ard~ its final argunient phasr and its [JOSS.Ihle coul'lusinn today. Dcfensr illk•mey R?.y Sharp rf'sted h1~ defense 01 h i~ tall. hrindsomc ctient in1- mediately a rter Enright announced 11\e results of the fin Rerprint inveslil{alion. F:nright set up the chcC'k Wednrsdn~· aft.er Sharp brou~h , i . 20. into tht t.'011rtroorn In rCfl n a lin or questionini: sirn1!ar lo that v.•hit·h 011cl' pu t the youni.: S<1n Fr11nc·1J>1'h eook into the Sa•1 Cl1.:n1cntc Ja il lor luur dtt)S as 11 pr irric • Sll~pet:I in thr k11l1ng or Connie Lynne Joh11sv11. 20. .\ll'll 1n(i sal1sli 1'<l police a nd d1stric'l <Jtlurnl'~'s 1n1•cst1gaturs that he 1\•as nol the rn;in whn heal i\1rs . .Johnson's race to a h lood~' pu lp with a bar sloo! and lhen ~1a hbcd her n1ore than 20 times on June hi. 1971) Bui 1hr young !\·l:irine h:-id Lo tell In-; story ll g<11n In ('ourt as Sharp ex· panded Jus elel'Clllh hour defense of Johnson. Beede. \\'ho is ~er1·ing a thr<'e to eight yea rs trrnl 1n a l\1<tssachusetts prison on a11 a~..;:iull wi th a deadly weapon con- 11c11nn in rha! state. t ame' in to the pic:- lurri' through hi:;: assoc 1at 1on with tvtell ino ;.i nd hi~ rel;iy1ng tn pohre of a remark m:-idt> hy lhr young i\'larine as they on('c t-ru1."cd pns1 lhe Jo!1nson apartmrnt at 41 6 Mont err_y Lanr, J[p quot<:d ~1 ell inn RS s;iying "that '!\ \1liere the rn;1rricd ..tiitch li\'ed -she 11011·1 bolh('r a.nyonr ~ga111" 'l'he alle~rd (·u n1mcn1 1111n1('rl1ntrly put i\lcllino at the top 01 1hr !<ll!iPCl.:LS l1 s! Today's Final N.Y. Stocks TEN CENTS Ca1·ee1· 1\tle11 Pitt 011 List Fo1· Ct1tbacl{ B~ FRED .S. lllll'F'I \.\ AP ~lil i cary\\'ri l rr \\':\Sltl\-(;'r(J \ -· ·r11r :\ri nr" 11n- noun<·ed tnd ~i~ 1t 11 111 n'le;i~c about 65,000 nff11·e1·s ;u1d enl1;-,h•d tUL'll. 111an.v earl ier !han norn1;1I. by ne.\t .June :m tu get do111n l11 a Sll'C'llf;lh nf 11!12.0{lil (\r'dC'rrd by Congress. :'11ost ol lho;-,e 111 !Jr relea~ed wt!I be in r;111 k~ anti skills 1n 11-h1ch thl' Arr1_1 -;i1·.:; it 1s ovrn;trcngth, 11r 111c11 ll'hO~(· tuur ,,r duty ;~rf' due 10 encl ~11011 an>11a • ln('li1detl ar·e th'<i!t rc.; i11 I 1•· 1 11111·•! St:llC's. Plier(u !l ll •.l and , tlir \'1r~1 11 l:-.lands. t\ltl1<1u:J1 tilt• ,\I'll\~ d1tln 'I ll ~l' :Ill' lenn, i• :11 1p1 -;,1, 1! 1s ~hutk 111g ofl some tl(':ul110,11I p111w1pnll y 1·;irce1· rnl1.>ted !'.H'IT II 11(1 11;11 (' 11\)t h~~c11 f>l'OtllO!td a bo1 ~ ' I.~· t11·i.i·tt·rl l•1r r1·!cn!>t' .'l re liU1nt ~-1··~· .111~ 1,.;11•11· :111d ,1!>n111 4.000 1·escr1 e 111 111'11,111\.; ;incl 1«1p1 ;11n-<. "ThC'se ;ic·l1rH1~ 11 111prQ\ldr a 1norc fll'O- P''I b:1L111rr 111 tllf• gr;1d1· st1·ur tu1·e and at !11« s<1 111e t1nH' rr1nl1l rl:e the. An111.i'i; cur· rcn1 c1npha~1~ on rrtcnuon \)f we\l- \1u:ilif1ed personnel.'' it s staternent tiaid. Thr pl;-.i111rcl rrd11cl1011 11a.~ a !;i{'lor 1n lhl' ,-i·duci·d dr·a 11 cal l ;11111n1111t'cd rei:rntl v 11nder 1,h1i:h vnl1 10.l~J 1nt'11 1vi\I he 1n- di1<·1cd 111 lh{' J:1..,t h i" llUJl!!lls ur lh1J ·' .~.u-. Sr,TP!<1J'.\' 111 the Arm~· Robert P. 1:1·tit•hl~e ~aid lh err is ..1 tunt1nulng need lnr ll1';1ttet'~ '"beca11~r. 11·r f'<i nnot have ~q u ;1d~ r11:1dr 11p en!irt>l_\' nl ser,t:Ctin!s, ;ind 11e ;1rr 1101 .''"t gr trin,i: enough nrw ~11ld1t'1 ~ 10 v11h1 1Herr. p:irl11:ularly in !he l'(1111hat ;1r1ns. ·• \11•11 alfc<·ted h,1 lhf' nt'11 artions ll'Jll be 11ot1l1c d be 111'l't'11 nu1r H11d Januarv anrl II II! IJr _ i;ll'l'n :1( le:i.~I ~Q day<; (O p1 .. cpare lur tllr1r 1·e1ur 11 L1.J r11 i11;in li fe. ''Cu1111n:111dl'l':' ;11 ;~I) f'r lieluns li;-i1e hrt·ri 1l!l'!'('fl'tl lo n1akc 111ax1111un1 efforl lo a~s1s! 111 thl' 1r;1n=i1l1nn lrern rn1litarv to t'tl i1111n or rc:t1red l1 fr."' lhe Annv said. '!'11~ J\'i;.:r,11 :ul111111 1s1r;.r111n had -planned 1.1 rocluvc lhr Slrtngth of the Armv no1" I 12&.000 lllf'll lil :l·IZ, (){JO hy lhe C~d o( t!11• 11,l':il }e:tr nC.\I. Ju11r .10. I l1111·l'1·rr Congress ha.~ ordcrl!d • l!:rlher cut 1rh1r h w11\ bring lhe authorl1- rd s1reng!h lfl ll'J~.fl()(l by nr~t surnmt>r. "l'h1s 11·111 be th e IO\\'C'-t Al'my strength ir; 11 'e:.r~ , A rtist 1'o Sho\\ l-loH· lt\i Done ?lt11~r;1pl1 ;;1·1 1~1 .!;111 11·~ T;l!uin nf .ll!,Ut1:1 fi .. ;u·h 11 ill dl"111•111~tra1t · hi." \l'nrk i ir1 'll <ii ~ p.11 1. <i! !ht· Cro wn \-allcv :-.( h1irol 2<l'l~2 Cr(\11 11 \'11llt•1· P;ir hwrn·. I .:1~1111,1 :\'1gu!'I brfan• n1l'111brrs of the :'\1t;1wl Ari A~~oc 1.·1t1on . T;1tu111. a 1"c~l1\•:-tl of /\rts r xh1bi tor s1n«e l!Hil , 0[1C r;1!r s his 011'11 g:il lery, 1 ~ ;i tr•:1turcd ;ir t 1~t fur H11 1locks. fill'. and ;i •'••\'1'1· ;u·t1s1 iur Or;ini<e C n u n t v tl lu.~!rntl'd n1ag.'11.tnr Currcn!lv he ha'!': !IJ11r ..... how.~ 111 Detrl)L!. A1lan1.l. Boston ;inti \\'a:•hing1on DC. Oraage Coast \\'eather 1.o<ik for ha~~· sunsh111e laJe Fr!- d:iy <1ltc1nr10n fo l!O\\'lOg )OW c louds, lflg anti driz~.lrs along the <·oasl. H igh~ al the bractics are Sl'1. at 118 r1.q111g lu thC' ?O's 1nlancL 1--1)11 ~ !ni, n1gh1 1n lhe 50's. INSUlE 1'0DA l' F1ftt1·sCVCit U-ra1t(J(' Coast resi· dl'll!.~ forrnr1/ly rledgerl their al- lrgtallCe to tlte Uintcct Sta tfS Ill l'P re 111ol11c.s ''' (Jrnuoc Co11 1J,/ •1. for u 1·0111plr1.e 1 1.~t or tl1c r 1·011rL 11c1v An1erieo11s. :>er Pqu e !1. Ca!llO•ftl• • Ml rrlltt L!(t "HI t C~ttl •ft-V• , Mov+tt u Cl•••lllt!J ll·ll M ulu•I FUftd• tt! Crouwt<ll " Ntllt"ll Nt•• (Ot'l'll(I " °''"'. (I U"IY • O.l!ft 1<101lc•• l"•h "·11 O•vo<t•• ' l !O<l Mt '1lth JO·ll 'E llllorl•I , ... • l•lovhlOft " 'E ntt,111nm1n! 11-1} lftt l ll<I ,, Flftl n(• lO·ll W•alft•• • tloro•<o•• .. "'""'"""' i'l•wt 11·1• '"" Lt "ll9r• ,, Woflll IOw• ., • ! ObllV P1.r· Supervisors Delay Decision on Redistricting By .IA('t\ BROBAf'!\ Of .... DtllJ ..... , 51••1 County au pervl.Jor1 chAr1M up to 11'11!! prohll!!m of realign!n~ !heir di~trlcls \\e!J. nt>Sday -a nd then ff'll bark For 90 minute~ !hi"\' 1 1~1,.nM r11~r•1~·,.rl argurd and thf'n Oi'f'U1er1 In 1ai.." 1,,.,,, mort \lo·~ks, at least brlore 1na~.ng 11p their minds. Dick Rui z, senior arlm1n1~1ra1 11e .:i 1rl,. In Super\ tsor D.:1 11~ I. B;;h1>r :inrl chairman nf !hf' P\er1111\P a ~~1<1;1nt.~ commit let 11.'hich tried in rrach ;i ~ri1u1 1nn on the redistricung problem outl1:ied ~1' prnposals. Ht rmphasiztd that pipulat1nn, nn1 rei:is!tred 1ottrs, \\ilS !ht cnurt-d1r·ta:ed prJnc1 pal guidtl1n" In dra111nc up 1he nrw bnundar1es. The magic number fnr each I I r I I dlstrttt ls 284,007 Fourth 01st.r\c1 Supt.rvt~or ftal ph Clark of Anaheim said ht t.hought the principal c1tie.s in each d.!strict should be entirely in that di!tric t and not splll. Mo!t plans f'il111''1 fnr l'lim to 'h11rt: An.11htim with l 1r~t District Su~rvtsor Robert Rattin ;"J nrl Third Dist rict IPad<>r \\ 1111.tm rh!l!1 ri~ Rak<>r rem1nrled rlark that ptipt1la1 1 .. 11, anrl ''nnr Y.ho rlected us·· is !hP pr1nr1pal f'nnstraint ·· Jt 1s up tn U! to agree nn one rif th,~P plans or someon' else v. Ill do it fi'l r IJS ., Bakrr s,11rl h' prt(erred bo un r!a rits \1 :th "tlf'an lines." f ifth f11~lr1Cl Super\"tsnr Rona!rl \\" ra~prri-nf i\ey,·pnrt. Beach "'anTerl tn 1-.nnv.• '"\\"h at makes a clean line, a MEDICAL lll'I Ttlooh~t~ 'HOB BYI ST ' SUTH ERLAND, WI FE CHAT WITH NE WSMEN The Nobel Prize Will Help P1y Off the Mort91ge A1ne1·ica11 Pl1 )1siciai1 Wit1 s Nohel P1·ize fo1· l\1edici11 e STOCKHOL:-01. Sw~en rAP1 -Dr. Earl W. Sutherland .Jr. nf \"andtrhilt l"n1versity v.·nn the 19i! .\"ribef Prize 1n Physiology and ~leditir;e t.oday for hi!>. ·research in hormones. a project ht. said had betoml! almost a hnbhy. Sutherland ..,,·on the !88 000 tax-fr!"'e pr•ZI!! and the prl'st1e.e nf thP .\nrn>l Pn!I' f"r his "distrivPrie~ cnnrrrn1n~ fhP mtth.:inism nf tht atlinn of hrirmones."' the Karolinska :-Oil!"dica) lnsl1t ute an- n1111nred. Sutherland. 54. rPrel\"Pd !hP pr1zl' fnr his discriverv of the func11nn ri f r\·rJ1r ~rj . t l"'?\"l acid . .ir cvcl1c A.\fP. Thi~· 1~ ;.. re- quir l!!d bod~· ;ubstanCf' si ,11nat1n~ hnr- mories to go tn \\nrlc nr ~quir :nO! !hPm !ri bt present for the hormnnP~ In 11.-n•k . Hnrmones influtnce thP 1<'nrking ril thP b--vl_v. 'r like lo tall it a sernnrl me~sen:;:Pr." ~uiherland ~a id a! h1~ hnmP 1n '\a~J11·1Jli:>, Tl":-... '!., sitt of \"ander!"i11! Cn:1·er~r:v He spoke nf hi~ ~ear~ nf rP~earch. ~av1n~· .. Jn fact in the bPctnn1nr it rF-;ll v 11;;;~ mnr<> lit "' a hrhti1 ' Ti:><!s h;;1-, <hn·,\fl !';ar T'ir-~M.;i•1 iri nf _A\JP tf\ r.1nr~rnLJ<. 11<;:11.-, m;JI-,"' 1r'•' rpJ!s eilher return tri nrirm.1) nr '11". hp rrni1nue<l, addl!l O! that rr111r h rt"<rarrh 1~ rp".-!~d bff0re an•: fnr;r!1J<1r:-< r~n he C::·,1\ ~- E-,rl a im1~" '1~-, t ,~_,,. l<>•:-1~1r ' 11 h,.I\ l:.:·mM r" h.lrl -.1 r:i S·;thr·_,,,.,'l '-1.i I· .. ORANGE (;0A1T DAllY PllOi • \li"tll gn tn S!rx'kht:1lm 111 [)('cemhcr 1n rf'Ceiv l!! tht pnzt ''J"1·e knn1,111 J"1·t hPl'n untlcr rn n- ~!rl~ratlnn ~ loniz timf',·· hi' cnnlin •1Prl. ··~'fv fr1enrl.~ 11.·f'r P saying. '~Ia,vbe rhis yea r, or maybe next year'" A nst i\'e ()f Burlin.1?.:ime. K .:in S11thrr!21nd '>la~ ~r;:idu.:i!Pd f r rim \\"a•hburn l 'n1\"ers il}" at Tnpeka . !\an . 1n \9.17 and \li'il s grad11;.1ed in 1942 frnm \\'a~hi n11?lf1n lini\'f'r.~i!y i\f Prl ir:il Srhrinl. St Lnui~. !"<!n . whPrt he hri::an h1 !> rf'~earch Hr Y.Pnl tn VanrlPrbiH in !!'.tfi.1 .:iftf'r 111 ytars at Ca!>P-\l·,.~1rm RPSl'r\"e l"n1vrr!'1ty in Cle\"l!!liinrl. Ohin. Dr Sutherland has heen ~tud\ 1nt:: hnrmrinP~ fnr mnre lh;in 20 .1·p:ir~. l/nr m<"'1nes arP chemica l s.uh~t1!nrf's.. ma 1nl~· sef'reted !"i1· !he f'ndnC'rint nr th1rt lPs.~ !!l-'lnrl~ Thf'.V 1nflurnrr !ht ar- '11 Ill'°~ •lf !hr f('i!~. t!S.~llP!-;inrl nr.1?11n~ Of !hr hndy. contrn]J1n.i;: ~u<'h 1mpnrlan1 ;ir. i11·11 1e~ a~ grn1\·th , rl f' v f' I n pm e n I , reproductinn .11 nrl mr1 abn!1•m This was 1he ~ixth 1Prtr 111 a rn1\ !hat :<n AmPrk·;in h"1s 11·~n rir ~hared the \'nhf'j '.llrrl1r1nt -r h.1 ~!Q]n_a:\ rr1ze Or SuthPrl.:ind rl1 .~rn1 PrP<l a prP 1·1nu~lv 11nkno11.n rhem1ra! called 1 f\·rl1r A\1 P." n-('\"rl1c i1r!Pny l1r artr!. l'.h1r'1 prn1 rd !11 hP a M1<~1ng lin k 10 a lnn.1: S('r1e.~ nf b1fl.. lo~1·a: crintrl"'l merhan 1 ~rn· \\hen 1011 are dr1111111 ;i rar , fnr r"\"· ;:i1T1fll" ;:ind !hPrP 1.~ s ~uddrn rni rT~f'nr\, 1 nu 1;im nn the brakes -;ind you r he:irt sreeds up. f~.,.,·•y or • ruler··• B1ktr rt ptl t d. "Both. Ro1dway& an be !l and the oppo8lt ' S)'lltm with flngi!!rs running from onl!! ril!lricl 1nto la bad .'' Ballin aa!d It was obvious that no aR:reement rould bl! rf'ached Wedne8dav. It ll.'115 finallv rlf>r1rl~r11n 1.:ikP ilp lhf' cnn. 1rn\t>r~1.ll suh1f'rl T11l'sda~. Ort 2fi a1 2 rm . Jr 1ht v ran·r rParh 11.Eftl"ml"'nt !hen thr\" ha ir fin" rei::ul;:ir n1er!Jf1~ date, \\",.dn,.,rl111 Ot'l. 27,. hf'fnrt lhf' ."\nv I dr11rlli1lf> If agrPrm,.r11 1$ nnt rP;i 1•hl"d hv !\'n1 1. a redJ!ilrl•'!1nl!, <'•1mmi!tPI' rnm posed of P1·tr1c1 Allnr ne \ r er1J Hick~. Oillnlv f lerk \\'1ll1<lm • S! John anrl Cnu nt~· .. t~ses~l"lr Andrew .I Hin~ha11. 11111 r1., !hi"' joh Super11sors are nrit an:o.ious lrl ha1e Boar(I Grill s Forde About Criticis111s By PA ~tELA HALL AN 0! l't" 0111¥ Pllo• U 1fl Trus!,.es nf !ht S.:in .Joarpiin Elem""n· la ry Schflnl District. fA ce-tri-face with Orange County Planning CQmmi!!ioner Arn1J!d Fnrde Wtdnesday, asked hi m 11' ''explain hi~ statemt nts" criticizing the di strict's efforts to obtain achoola as quirkly A!i pos~ible. ··rm ~nrry 1hi.c; h11s lx'cnm ,. 11 battJe between lhP ~rhool district 11nd !ht Plan- ning Commi~~1nn," said Tr11stf!I!! Jim Nelson. "This kind rif rhetorir fro m !he plannina cnmmission i~ uncalled frir " '.'\elson rPferred rn statements madl!! l;ly Fnrde Tue~d11v ~tating !hat the San Jn~­ qu1n district ;.shnuldn"l expet! !ht com- mission to slf1p t i•e rythinR fnr them.'' "We h;,ve tn b"' more as!Url":rl that the dis trict is rln1ng pvprythini;t it. f'11n helnre ..,,.e t11ke such a drastic step," Ford e sairl .:it !ht Tl1e~dav meeting, referring lo a "frpezp" on <le\'elopment. "\\'e'rl": lr~·1ng tn find solUtinns lo nur prnblems 1\•l th thi!! welfare of studenl.5 our primary fnnc ,.rn." said Nelson . "\Ve h:11·e nn 11lterinr mntives. We'rl": not out ltJ stifle dPrelnpment \Ve want to keep this on o'J positive hasis." Fnrdr. prP~Pnt ::ti \\'erln Psrl;iy's srhrio! board meeting wi1h arpa develnpers. rr~ponded tn i\el~r>n··s cnmm,.nl.~ .c;a\·1ni:: , h,. 1.~ lnrikin~ fnr an ~ns1,1•pr that v.·111 he rq11,1hlP !ri thr bu1lr1Pr:<. the d1s1ric1 and the s111rlf'nl!\. "I real1zP 11!\ nnl an easy prnhl em to soh·e." hi!! sairl . "!I an vnne ran shnw u~ that wt'rt nfll _1:c11 1ng ~ti the ~ta!e ::ti,rl "''° r11n ~'"t 1 cer- t.:11n!y l'.n11lrl l1kl' In kr~' ahout ii so I can lake act ion 11nrl i;:et it." ~aid Nel~nn . nBarrl fhairrn;in Grali~n Bidan rl1rl nnt.cnmment during !he meet1ni;t. llt alsn ~;i1rl hP felt it 11.·nuld nnt. acrnmrlis h <iny!hin_a: 1f he f'nmmented clurinR a tel'!phnne 1ntPrvlew. l\en IA'WL~. A~s1stan t tl'I vacatiooing ~11pPnn!enrl,.11t R:ilph r.ate~. ~A id !he rl1~!ric! ;ipprecialrs F'nrdl!!'s caulinu~ 11e1\' h11 1 "11·e think "'e 11rl!! doini:: e1·pryth1n~ we tiln." •·\\'e"re l"'prn ro suizgrs!10n~ on hnw nPrded !ichnnls tan he rl eve!nped." he said "It's Pasy tn .'!rab at ~nlut1nn~ th:il at ftr~t ~nunrl simple Out prnv' to be cnmpl1rater1 .·· He ~aid fnr !h1~ reasnn lht> d1slr1cl ha!i rlnne e1·i>r.vth1n~ 1t possihly c;in to meet 11 11 h <lr1 elnprl".~. hnmenv•nrri;, p11rents anrl teAchrr$ to finrl snlutinns He s.airl th is was 11·hy D111·t l\1ni:::. rl1rtc· tnr of facillries plannin 11. apprnnched thP Pl:ioning fnmm1s.~1rn1 in the first palre - in :in effnrt to folln"' e\ ery rnursl!! of ac· fiP(l Duri nji1. '\'Pdne~r1;iy·~ MPet1n~. R;iv \\"al:<{1n, 1·1cP rrl's1rlenr nl lh~ fr \"lnP Corn . pll ny. l'.airl he !nn 1.~ e:<plnrini::: whP1her or nnt thr rl1~tr1c! has tlnne al l 1l (';:in rln '"Ynur nh1 er!11e is In nh!111n pP rm.:in enl rl::tss ronm spact as soon as poss1blt ,"' he ~a11i He ~lll:'1P~tl'r1 1ha1 the d1~lr1rr nlil\' nnt hP ~rt11n11 1t~ 11 ppl 1c11!1o;n~ fl"r srhnnl h1;Jld1ng !nan~ 1n as snnn as I! cri11l rl nr as (Jf!l'n a.~ 1! C'Oulcl. H~ !ia1rl hi' wnuld ht f\.1'1n_1: !n Satramento lo make his 011.·n Inquiries \ ' ClA.\;'t ... ~ com "'"ll Ll~HING <0».PAJ;'( RD'e.ui N. w •• d Pr ... o<!<11I &r4 P.i:I •~er Jae\ R. Cu·l •v Yiu Pl"•ioon1 •-.d Gtrt•1l fAf!"lol~tl' Ti-.;.,-.• , K11 .. il Eo.r-or T:c~ .... , A. M ~r~V~, IN"f2 'ISi r;e !""-'l" C\11lti H. loo1 Ric\1r<I P. N1!1 Beacl1 , Rec1·e(!_tiJ11 Zo11i11g Appro ved f 01· Da11a Bluffs .. k~1':._,, N..an.o;<'2 [~,,.,., LO<;!~•• k •d1 Oflk• 222 Foro •t ""~•"•• M•iling •dd1t11: P.O. e~. 6b6, '111.os2 $1111 Cl1n11111 OHlf.1 J 05 No1I~ .El C1"''"' R11I, 92~72 Ot•1• OffiCH Cel1t N.,.,. )Jl Y.n• loy S .. ..-! "-" 100<'" U ll ~·ft·:»-t B• ''!'"! 1'tw:!~IOA ilMcb: i/llJ t-..:JI ••• ,,.,4 ~AflY f'ILO'T • ....,,., -ICll 11 ct-!Tl•io"1 "• ... ..,...,.,...,.,, II po.a·lll'lf'CI cS.11¥ •><•; • ~w•· ou r Ion W~fl1t .,,,,~~I for U;""o •• ,, ... "........,.. •••CJ<. Gtt•• """"· ..... , . .-;·~· ~. l"OCl"'llft V.ile1'. ~In (:l•,.oo•<! C"tJI."-I t'd .... ltl>l t t,. t \D"' ... I~ O"I , ... '°"'1 _,Il la<\. 1"•111<!1>11 ~rlr,f "~ •lfolll LI .. a.ID W"1 .. ., i rr .. t, CfNll M- 111.,1r1o .. <11 41 141.41n CJ•ffi.4 Ad._-tbfitt 141.5411 S.. Ci-t1 All o.,.,._1rt J 1.1.,11._ -4'1·4410 ....... IMcll .All Otp•rt-.n: 1.1., ....• , ... ,"' ~' 1J11, (l"nf19 C.HI Mflifo.ti.o CO!TIPlnr. "• MWI .i.. .... 111 ... ,,.,ltl< •. M '!Oo'lll ,...'1t r '" l d•r'll•M't"'' ftt••'~ "''l' bt rtll'rOdUo;od "''~""' 1,.U.I f'V• ,..1.11ot1 Cit (.O,tyr~M 11..,...,.. ""•Gii<! ~11 .. -!1;1 •trd •I NfWl!O't t .. tti l nll C•U• Mno. c.mo•nlo. a~cr1.t•...., b\r n rrl1r t2..lJ ,._,,.:~; ..,. ,...11 U.IJ -Inly) ftll!•ttry 11nllM!"'""· U.1J rr-1Mr. , Btarh anrl Rtr tr:ir1nn f1L~!r 1rl 7nn1n~ t0 pn;tect thP bl11ff~ Ol"erlook1n~ DRn a Point Harhor h11~ bf'en apprn,·ed by the cn11n1~· pl::inn1n11; rommi~~inn Thf' BRO zoning rPfJu1rP.c; ll ~f' P"rm1 t." f'lr 1111 cnn~lr11r1inn and i11uaranlel's public arri>~~ tn hrarhr t The Dan11 Point arta v.a5 .:ilre.:id v prn- ' fPrtf'rl by 11 90-dav emtri;tPnry nrrl1nanc ,. impn~in~ the s.'lml!! lOn1n~ rt ~l r1rl1 n11 a-l'lfl ltl'.! by !he: s11pt'r\·1~rir~ l11sl mnn1l1 '-'"hl"n Supervisor Ronald Ct-.spt>rs becamP alarmed n\"l!!T 11 n apartment house project 1n the arcrt fl• had ht tn informtd by Super\ 1~nr ri~1 irl I, Baker"s nff1 f'I' th al the hnR rd had apprO\'f'd nn encrn:i chmrnl rerr11 1! l :.i~t Au;t. 11"1 1'.'hlc h 11.·nuld have 1111011.·ed !hP f'xra\'R!lnn nf 4rt feet nf the: fa ce of !hr ll 1tJ1JrlC' D1n.-i Pn1nr hluff.~. T11tsd.-rv's action adnpli nj! a pern1;inPnt RRD 1rin1n2 (or the area 11 111 gri to !hP !'UPtr1·1!tors 1n &bou t four 11.erk.~ frir final 21pprri\'ill. 1 hP f11 e ~1 11ry ap11r1ment prcuer! hl0<·k· ed hv the ~11perv1~or~· ac1 1rin l'.a5 prn· r"'~f'd h.\' Texa.\ 011 m.,~n111 ,. H11~h f\!urch1.~rin and John Sl3llTJCI". ·°'an .ru:i n l.-ip 1~1ra nf) d1"1'el11ptr It 1·0~1lrl ha1 P ~li 1rtf'rl !hi' l1,1 ri ~l'>ry height l1m1l 1n the .1r<>.1 ti·. a dr('p ru1 1n thf cJ1f/ tnp • ~l.1ur 1f'P ;:ir~uerl hpfrir1> cnmmi ~~1nnPr~ Tursrlav that lbe RRD zone h.ld hr"n 11 Ji>~.:illy · pl11ced fl1l the prnpert .I", Iha! th,. rP...11 p11rpn~t nf !ht 111w ls In prfll t rl puhl1r af'rP~.~ In hf'arhes wh1th 1s already prn1·1rlrd 1n lht arl!!a Thi' nne change co1 trs 55 acrt>!t i!lnn~ lhP nnrth bri11nr1ar\" of D.-rnil Pn int Ha rbnr fr nm thP ~rrtet nf the Green Lantern ro Di!!l Ob1~po StreeL Office r Expert On All Grass An off-duty Srtn Clemenle restr\"f! pnhce nf11rPr -nlowing !hi!! !a\l.•n 11 t Old rlaza P11rk on his rl',11.ular Job -smtlled izrass nf 9 d1fferl!!n! nelurt this mornin~ followi ng the heavy odor. tJ1e otrictr found lhrel!! -'l'.irl !t in their e.-irly tee ni; itmokln~ m.11ri11111na at tht pl11yground near I .as f'&lm11!t School. Thi' thrte girl~ 11·ert arre~ted l!l nd bonk. ,.cl on Jt11"en1le chargt5 of mariju11na pn~st~!t1nn And a fterward~. thP. oflicer v.•ent b3cli ,., 11.nrk - on the Ja11·n l H tn~haw, a fn, of board mPmber! on many 1ubj ects. play a part in carvtna up lhrir d!1trk'l1, Suptr,•ltor Caspers &aid as muc-h. Caspers 5afd his off1r,. ~arl r11>~1gnrrl a ml'!p 11:hnv:tng rin!v the nr11 hn11rirl;;r;p:<; fnr hi! d1~rric1 ··\\"e hop,. 11.·t could '1Q1't ta1I ~our plan~ into 11 " Lal er ht offered a c"mrlrtr m.:111 n1111 prnn!rrl nu! 1hA1 nnP rnn~!rainl 1n rlr;i111ni:: lhr rl1•!r1r·1l1nP~11''1< the closel~·­ l!f"l'Prd rl'~rdrnre nf thrrr 11( lhe hoard men1hf'r< ("l(lrk fl11ker anrl rl111t 1n Bn!h Clark and BakP~ rl'~1rl1> in the 211 r:a whert Carden Grn\"e and ,.\naheun 1n1n \\hile Ra111n lt1r~ in r.;irden (;rove np;ir rhe S11n1a An;i hnundar1 Rt<IZ e"\"pl:i1n P<1 th;1t propn.c;11I~ A. 8, n. and G wrr" sirnilar. Thry all sublrart Pl11>tl'nl1a anrl \"nrllit Wnd<1 fr () m Superi 1wr Phillips · 1n1rd district and add them 10 Clark·, fourth . Prnpo11:11ls C Anrl F' li!!ll\'l" lht two nur!hrrn 1·n111rnun1!1 e.~ 1n lh" !hirrl di•lri<'l anrl P\lf'nd thf' fir~! diqr wr 1111n 1hP p1e- ~h<1pf'U a1c-1 h<·n1Prn lhl' S.1n 01<·i::n a11d Snnt.1 i\n;1 lr1•t>11,11 ' r 11.l)"l-,;1I E I~ ~111111:11 tn thP ;ihrll e hu! ~!\"!'< nin~t nf \\e~1rrnn~1rr In lhP l!rst r11,!1 I<'! .111<1 pull~ H.1tt1n 11ut of .'\11:1hr1tn Tl1r t'l'd1<.1 t 11·!111;:: pl ;u1s ;1rc 1er11lir('d h\ 1::111 :ind nr11 <!1~!r11 ts n111s! hn1 1· ,1~ nrar- 11· f'ljll l"ll p<1p11l;1lll•li il" 1•1' 1l1lt' C"hHngl's In i.;rr;v.·th i-ln<"' t_~"'iS re1l1~trict111c r:t ll f,.r i'l ri110 l)l'ljfTif' to - arldrrl 1'1 1he f1f1h 1Lstrw1 I~ ftll(J to tht Er1·rrnr!. And 2!.l)j ~I tn lh•• flt I 1·11r lhird d1str1ct 11.·11! J11sf' at>out 44.000 rrs1dcnt ~ and th(' f1.111tt1 :11 rHm. In add1t1nn to mathl'mal1C'a! cnn~tra1nts 111 numbers of people other factors which m1y bl" t ons!df'rtd art !opography, iz~gr&phy. C'Oht~1venet1e. con!iguilv. In· 1~~r1 1 ~. t'11n1p;ictness nf territur1 and cnrn11111111!1 .. r 1n!crt5ll' Tin• f'l")K''•ol' .,\lnw Jr,, !)1,.11 i•llf f"'"f· C'f'lll 1 ariat1"11 !nun l'qua! p11pulal1nns ln r itll f11't d 1~'nr1~ \\"hilf' tht' rnurls h~1 ft no1 rl<i\11' slale~t 1t1.11 i·~l•l"1 d111~1on 1s re· 111111c<I thr1 h;11c· 111llw:1l1'd 11\,11 JYl[)Ula · t 1011 rrp1;1l 11.1 11111!-.t 11•' • Ju~r Thr ~upe r11~•·r~ ;111d llif'll" staff~ 11!11 drb:i le lht• nllwr f.u ·t1>1 ~ fnr two wcf'li '\ 1• Jth 1 f'I")' httll' l1>t>11 ;11 for 1"h11ngf'. Ruiz askrd for guidance ··Dn ~·"u 1,1·ant ne11· n1 ap:< dr11"n f1r 11•ha1 ~·· he qurned. R01111n rrpl1erl '"Ynu 'll get \WI) nf'w maps." £11denlll his ol!1ce has ,1et to sub mit a prnpo~al LAFC Ha ss le Eru11t s Again Ove r lrvi11 c Bv .IA CK BllORACK "01 ·~~ 0•11~ P'1ol S•"! Sh;:irp '11Herf'nl'e-" 11h1rh ha1·e marker! Rc!1nn~ oi' the Vocal 1\!!l'nC~ Fnrmat1nn ("nmmt<:<1nn In rrrrnl 11 er\)<: :<llrfarrri ;if! a 1 n \\"rdn,.~d.11· o 1 er lhf' propn5f'rl Jrv1ne c11y. \ p fnr rl1~cu~~1n11 wa~ a ,i!li'l-1Vf11"r! "\m· pa rtial an;:ih·~1~·· nf lhe rrnpn.c;Pr! 111· corpor;,tJnn 1nclud1n2 a rll'srription nf !.he houndaries prepared h.~ LAFC Execuuve f)f£1rer Richarrl Turnf'r as required by la11· Turner. hPrr11nc; the '1mrart1al'' 1fr~1 ~nat1nn 11 . .;trrl onl.v art1on~ tal-.rn 11"h1fh !Pd !11 lhf' nf'c. 21 Plrr t1n11 1n the :inal~sis 11h1ch .... ·111 ht' n1ailrrl In inters tn lh<' IR.11()1-;H'rr .1rrii w11h thei r siimpli!! ballnt~. A!!rrria1P I.AF!' n1r1nhf'r Rii!ph l"l;irk l)h1rctf'd !n !hf' 11 ord1n,i: nf thr analvs1; .<\ndy, 7. ::i nrl Rnbby \\"pa,·pr, fi . ch.:il 11 tth S11rer1nr r"<111rl .luri~e~ .lam<'~ Turner !lef1 1 anri Brurp Sumnf'r. hnth of La~ur.::i Be.1r h Rn~~ \1ere on hand \\'edne.<:riav to ."f'e their mnl hPr. Gerinan-hnrn \'. a!tr;i url \\"ea1·f'r. herome naturai'1zed l" S r1tizen rlurtng reremnn1r~ 1n Santa .A.na . .-\IC'xanrier \\'('ave r family live~ at lif\61 Red11·ond Tree Lane, Irvine f or mnre on ne11· ci!izf'n.s. ~ce Pa.er fl '"f\ I~ JU~l il t"l'f'lt.:111011 nf llh-'41 thf' rrn• p11ncnts r11d ."" he i1rf!llPrl. "The rr IS nn 111C'n!ir>n of 1hc prnh:iblP ~I ~7 tax r.:il l" <~1mp;:irf'd 111 thr rn~1 nf prr.;cnt C'r>1t111y :<('r11rr~. I rtu nk n1h"r thing~ ~hn11lrl he !TIC'h!flr<t nn h<11l1 ,ufr·~ of !ill' 1ncnrimrt1· 11nn 1111r~11on u1<·!t1rhni: thr fil!"I 1h.:i1 11 HlJl!'\ll.;ir rr C'IT.\1 ll":ls nr1~111al l1· rrnpn:<erl " \l;irli. :i 1·r•111111 .~11p•'l"ll~!•r whn 11as l111\e11·arm on rhr Ill'\\' <·111 pr11pn.•.;1!. v.as 1r11nrd h1 an 1111111·f·il ''l'i>1)11C·nl nl thr rrn- J!'rT -!lohr•rl ll:il lln ""\\"h\ nn1 hnl"e 250 wnrr1s 1J1·n :t1HI 2.lU tOnq · tir ;is1ir1I Rites Slated fo r 2 (ra!"h ''if'tin1 s L,\f(' ('h;11r111.1n S I :in ) r 1· f\'lr!hrup 11 nnr!t·rrd. '·ilr£' \.l e· ~11prw1,rd In 1n:;ke cOnJf>rtu r<·~ nn 11.hn1 J<; guod or h:ir1~·· l/1111~ Rr1 nhiirrlt. F111lrr1nn rn11n<·1lrnan iind th!' C('nlral f1i.:11rr 111 fl'{"rrit nn -ac.a1n· nff-ag.1111 n1£'t11b£'r~t11r bn!ll•·~ rnncf'rn1n_a: 1he L.t\FC, arl!Ut·d 1h.11 11 \\;!~ nni th~ placf' nf thr f'OrllflU,~111n 011•n1hrr• tn ;i(i. 11~e thP 1 o!i·r~ Funer;iJ ~f'r\'1re~ l\'111 bt hrld tn ,\"f'wriirt Rr.:ich and ll"an fnr !he two 1·ir- !1n1 .~ of ii f.1T:il 11rr1rJ,.n1 :it rr1's!a) C()l"f' nn Pa rtflf' ("na .~t H1gt11•1I \ Tur~d;:i,v . \"1si1a11on 1~ ~rhf'rlut11Prl until 9 f).m 1n- rlay rtl l\"e ~tr!1fl (h;ip.-..1 .\1nr1u"1 r~·. Cn qa ~\e~a . fnr R1.1 ;in t\ain1n:ijarl . 27, nf 1;;2.1 P!;irenti11 A1·r , NPll'pnrt Br;irh. rf'rrn! gr:;rl11111e nf Ch apm11n Cnllf'~e H1~ horly ~. 11111 hP relumf'rl tn h1~ na111·p Iran. "'hrre i1P j, .•llrll\t•fj h\' h1 ~ r::trf'lll~. r.hnlrm l!n<~f'lll \"r J;irl ;ind \1,.hrv Ah! ~' 1:td . \l•o ~1Jr\'l \"lnl! 1~ .:i rous1n . Am ir Hoss!'1n .L1!;ilt nf F1illr•11nn firr\lf'r~ frir ~;inr!r;i \\pro<bl"arrl Pr;.111 27. nf 2711 P,rn;id1\.'11 Cl"l~lii ~lr~il 111 11 bf' hrl rl ;:i1 1 rm F1·1rlav ;:i t r;:ic1f1c \"1r11• f"h;iprl SAVE $50 ON T1ninth.\' Srr1111Pr. \"('11porl P.r:1rh ;if. !nrnr' rrprf'~f'rl!ln~ 1he ('n11nril of f'lm• m11n1t 1 r~ nf lr1 1nr agrrPrl w· 1 th Re1nharrl!. '"T11rnrr.~ ;i1111ll."1~ nH•Pl!i the rr1111iremrn!~ nf lhl' la w .lnd 11·e re11ucgt I!.~ arlnp11nn ·· he ~:;1rl H andsom e Or Loun ge Rocker Chair 7-DAY CHA IR SAlE thru Friday, Oct. 15 ~'ii~;;;:;:~~ \1111°·1•f11! rl"'•lTI 11ncf J •11p •1 h .-nn<tr .,r l1•·1 II l'P hl'll li 11 r111 i \" f''111>11'• • "" hy m "!1r,il"ll~ 111 11· rn 111:: 1" c11 t .1 nu l;i1 :~h l Hll1f"I 1 IA1 ., .. f.:ih1 I{' •'••il Pl r1nn. SrP thl'<P ll.l'rl ri111rr Olll~nlf 11·•f1I <!1 I"• Tr'I• rl~I" Anrl Arlrl II !n•1r h '"'f ~ t ~ ! ~ \ ,. ,.l,.:11nce tn ~~~;;;.,;;m;:.iim:::iiia::... __ your ho.n~ drcor. Cl1oose from 22 Styles Regu lar $189 to $249 NOW $139 to $199 \rour f(l i:arHe i11 ftrir,.r df'.~iantr lti11 bt hrirrl' to a.~.~i~f vou .. · PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR DES IGNERS l I l O,,e11 M 11~ .• T1'~,,_ 111cl ,,1. ,, .. 22 15 HARBOR !LVO. - 646-027S 6i 6-0 27 6 COST A ME SA, CALI F. l Sa11 Cle111ente Capistrano ED ITI O N VOL M , NO. 2~6, J SECTIONS, ~O PAGE S ORA NGE COUNTY, CALI FORNIA H;UR SDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1q71 State Controls Threat to San l"Jliforn1 a • \',<Her He!'ourcc:> tonlrol f\(Ja rd \\ t:cHu·<.c!::n adop1 c11 1h~ Fl[ll!0.11 s h ar~hr-1 ,f:Jil<l~Ht:., .1..:.1" ,, lin 1011 -1·1 1 rt:riu1rl'.n11:nt• 111!1,li 11t~.!1111 h.1lt' :i ~lnrllg citcl.!l 011 !il,· 11u~ll·<i r ft'ilL · tor· ra.:turr al S::in <)n .. f1t' The 11101·r hy 1J1r s1a•r age11f'.1 ~111111111te11 111 flit' third hard blow tri the liaH-b1llion-<loll~r projec·t ri.r t\\'in rra<'- lqr~ at San Onufre this yr:!J Bui 1{~ 1in1nc(l!i1\P 1111p.ir! 1 ~ d111:ru!1 In 11o ~,r~s. 1111111.1 ~prikc.·nirn ~;1111 The nc··.1· ::.l ;,nd;ird.~ rc1;1 ilati11:; rn11.<-- ~11111~ 111 ;:iri:~::; n•f rhr Onlltre co<1~tlinP a!:>o 11 ill lourh on operat ions at the ex- rm Wl1ose 1.ung nurlear !'('at•lor soulh of lhr \'.1 :>~er11 \\lute l!o11sc Ra~· nunha111. an 0!11(.1~11 'f.10l.c•r11un li•r 1hr :intip!1lh1t;un a,C,l'lli.:.1 (•'\J)l:llnr(f rh.11 lhl' new re~11lat1ons stair that an.1 huL 11·ater di scharged into Ill(' uce:in t•an uflt ('Xceec1 20 degree:; alio1 e non11al i.ur- rl)l:nding 11·•1tf'r at the outfa ll 1n(lulh. 11~ added that lhe n{'W rule~ also s!all' 1:iat !;:unplinK-~ ta.l.:en on thr su1'1 111'r t,000 feet :nra1 frn111 1hr otllt<tl! 1•a11 nol f':-.te('d l111r dl'grt'<'$ aU01 t th{' nalura! 11 at er 1.<!rnpera!orr. Quick ana!y.•1s of pos1 1es11nio11.v belor\O ot her :.late agenti{'S on thr readings lron1 ·, to the ex1,;1tng San Onofre outfall show that t>n11~s1011:. therr rxceed the nr11 rt c1u1r1·1nen1s Gui l>unha111 e.\pla1ntc! onr \1 a1 !11;11 u!ilJtics can sum1vunt rhr new ruh.•5 1u-01·e Iha! !ht en;i ~s 1on:o; ar·r nol b1ntog1i:allr harn11ul. l'.:xisl111g fac11ittes t mitting hot watrl' li;n·e tlnti1 .July of 1973 to sub1ni1 c.:0111 plett studit':o> on the biologica l effects uf :-;pc-cif1c dischaq:~C'5 . Tht st atf' board !ht·n 11 i!1 ha\c a vcar to t'\"3luarr !he dat;1, hold hearings' and c~ern1inr 11·h a~ actiu11 10 take on lhe specific rmlss1on 111atl<'1 Sa n Diego Ca~ and ~lectric Co1npany ree Fingerprints? Nic1ri1i e's Cas e Hurt By Prosecutio11 " t\ n1aJO J' de1er.~c ar11,111ncn1. i11 the n1urdcr tri al of ~tarine po!icernan ~l arL Juhnsnn \1as :.halttred today "'ilh the di!>covrry th:il fingerprints lound in his San Clernente aparlment did nol ma!eh those of J\farir.e. la nc e torporal frankie \\ av11r ,\lellino or rlritlf'lt Richard l.a1\·rentt Ueedt>. Ch ief Deputy D1s!ne1 Allurn{'\" J;irnr~ l·:nright re\·ealed rhe. results ot fhP chrcL I<> .Judgt \\'1lli<11n i\lurra.\ 11s lht Orang" Counr.1 Superior Court !ria l mo1·ed to1,1•ard~ it~ final argument phase and i1 '1 possible <..'Onc lusion today. Defr nse attomt y R..'l.y Sharp rested hi'I de!ense of hi~ la!!. handsome client im- n;edlatrly after ~nrigh! annlltlnced the resull.~ flf the fin gerprint in1·esligation Enright se f up the check \\'ednr~day ;il!er }ihnrp brought ~ll'll ino. 20. intn lhl' 4·011rtrooni to reoprn a lin r of que~llC1ning ~in11lar fl) lhat 11hirh oner put the youn~ .<.;a11 fl'ancisco roo k into the San flern entr jrii! for rour tlriy.~ a~ <1 prime ~uspec! 111 the killing of Connie Lynnr J ohni:on. 20 \!{'1!1110 ~alisned pol1i'.'r. and d1str1rt 11tltJrne.r'i; Jn1·r,•'igators 1hat he \.l'a." not !he n1an 11·ho bear i\lrs. Johnson's face fo a blooch· pulp 1r1!h a har stool and then ~tabbecl her tnorr 1han 20 t itnf!~ on June- lfi. l!liO. Uui thr ~1.u11_1! :'ll:ir tne had lo Telt his stor~· ago1 n 1n C'ourt as ::;harp elO:· pande-d It!" rlc1·tnlh h11ur de!enst o! John~o1t. Becdr . \\'h(l 1.:; ~erring a three !o E>ight 1f:a1s !{'nll in ;i /\la!isac:hu~ctts prison on ~n a.~sau!t with a deadl ~· 11·eapnn con· \'ict1on 111 Ih a!. s!atr. came 1ntfl th,.. pir~ 1urr 11\rough hi~ as~oci.i1 1on with ~l ellino anrl h1.~ relaying tu polir.e or e rrmar~ m;_ulr hy 1t1e Y•)Ul\g :'ll<trinc a~ thry onrr 1•rt11~ed past the .l1Jhnson apartmrnt at -ll6 !\lontrrcY L.a11r. llr quoteci ~1rlhno as ~a1·1ng "that':\ \1·l1rrc 1he married h1trh lived -sh t ,1011·1 bnlhr r anyone again:· Tht a\legE'd , ornmf'nt in1mediately put. ~tellinn a! lhe !op nf !ht su~pert s !i s! rrro.sec:utor Enrighl i~ satisfied lha4: Secret Sauc'e 'fo Be Sha red Before Kickoff 1 Tht South Co;i$.l Arra B('lys Clllb n·ill :o.1)()11sor a spnghetti d' i n n t r btfni:t J·;rida~··s high !r.hnol football gamr ·rill rl in1ll·r. leat11r1nR sauc~ prrporPcl ... iiccord ing to a ~errrt rN'ipe of the Lou Ponr 1no fan1il r. \1 1!\ br!.!in at ~.311 1n ·rnton Crnlt·r ' .at S<on Cleml"nlr High SC'hool. The dinner "'ill rncl btlbre kirko tf or Ille ~an l'lrmerll(' llii;,h-Foot h1ll RamP. Ti<·ke!s at Sl ;i0 (nr aclults and $1 fo1' f'hildren \1·ill hf' f!\·ail abl~ al lhe door ni' in advanct thn'>lti;::h Roys Club di rect<;r~ {)T Tom i\lrar. ~·rank Brinkman .. llm ~fa,·rrt Krn Sun1ner, ~lac ~111c'.\l11lcr. Bob Hurst' ~\ikr Coif!. Ed Kinc11id, Ch·irk Rossarrl. Hnb Bea.,ley. \Va ll llunter. IJ:i n Boos1ng anti <ien<' Curl Oll. runc1s raised thrnu~h lhe dinner n1ll hl'nt>l1l rlub proJl'ClS. i\a'''' ~a bbed , 'fl·:L /\\'IV lt"Pl l ~ JsrPal has_rect_i\'· cd an une:-.p('r!cd 1,1•1ndtal1 of Egyp\13.n hard"'IHt -a ctu~ll"r of abol.l! 10 i;rnall . f'/\'tlian met :i l ho111:oi ~wept bv lhe c~rrenl fronl a pirr Al r_;R"}PI'-' Port lbrahu~ lo tht l ~rat•\1.held Pi!S1 bank fir the Sur.i.: \ .1ni!l I - neither n1a11 had ;i ny1hing to do 1111 h ll1r k:lling of tht pregnanl "'0 1nan. Johnson has adm i!\ed 1n thrf't !apf'<l ill· lf'r\·ie11·s that he cl ubbed l1is ll'ift 11·Hh Jht har stool aftrr sht" objeC'led to hi.~ ~moL · ing marijuan11 and locked him out of lht a1lart1neu! Ht h;i~ a!~o ad1111utd that ht wai;hed off blood in lhr: showtr but ha ~ rn:1i111- !ained 1n all !hrt e 10\ei-1·1ews tha1 ht t..<I Jl· nol rN·all using a but cbtr kniff' on lht .ar. rr<lcli\•t bruneitt. He did, hn1\'l'!1'er. help a psyc:hialrisl hunl in thr: \'iclnity of hi~ apart1nent lor a knifr lhar 1n1gh1. he sa id, bt hidden under a rock. Gory <:olor ~lides of t ht inurdertd blood-splattered ll'Oma n \\'ert. aga111 i;ho11·n in court. !oday as Sharp ques!1011ed :i crimr lab lci·hnici:in about prints found on the hlO(){.[-~oa kecl p1lloll'.~ ll'ilhou t llfJ· p;irently getling lhe answr1 ·s hP nerded .Jol111s(1n h'i1rrrcd h1~ het1<l ll'hile tbr :;!ales \1·rre !>hown. H1: hll .t relusrrl, , I Ca po Planner Resi ons P os t e ~I yste ri o usJy Charles All rn Sa11 .J uan faph!ran!'I plannin!: 1·on1m1~.~io11 mrmbrr ror !hr pa~t l\\'o \('Jr' rr::.ignrd Tuc~d:l \' undPr rn.vs!erious r 1rf'um.~1:incc~· :\llC'n \'ir, l're~idt'nt uf \lrrrur\" :-ia\'· ing:;. &: Loan 1n 1Junt111g10n Hf'11rh. ~:11d hr \'(•llld no! L-ommenl on wh_v t1r res 1~cd Tilt" a111111untcrnrn1 11·11.o; m.irlr b~ Ch:11rm<1 n ,J,.rry (;;tf lne.r dur ini; a con1 n1i~>1inn \1ork scs.~1011 . Ar'lcn h<t " Oecn an ou tspf1L(•11 n1rmhtr (•f lilt tommission sintr hi." apµpln!111c.01 h1· r·u11ncilmiin .Jim Thorpe Me ha s frr rit1e-ntly cl1;11npi()ncd b1cyclt a n d pq11ei;tri<1n lr<1 ils 111 oew devPlopn1rn1~ .and has lrequrntl,\' t'rilirizP.d dc\·rloprrs H. in his opinion. hi gh standards \\'ere not he1ng met. The commissioner rcl'{'ll1t~• \'O!ed tci denr • ~zonl" on tht Orttiga High11•ay for a 210-acrt> Pece;;etter de\·elopmenL st<J. ,ng lie believe<l the area should br:. kcpl !or state. dev{'!opzncn1 Hr al.;;o V<1led "'Ith thr majorily 1n hring the \\'e.~tport Home Bu ilder;;· sill' pl.in!' to the Cily Council ror a decision btc·au.i;e in 11is opinion the clevelopment WO'I.~ nol in 11esord "'ith a city ordinanct> ~tatin~ sifr plans n1ust be "harmonious and Spanl~h in nature" to be CTlmpatiblf! w.·1th surrounding developments. lhroughout 1be 1r1aL 10 lool. .at the numProu!I picturts taktn of his de-ad \l'ih1 and !ht blood spla!lerecl bed on \l"hich he1· sal'agely beaten body •'as found. f ,vo Arreste(J 111 Beatirig Of Sergea11t S.in Clt1menle-deltcli1·t ." arre.:;1rd 1110 n1ore nien before daw n today in con· 11cc1ion wilh !he sel'ere bealing early th1.t "f'ek of a :11·.rt'aroQld f\ilarinr sergC'an!. The a1-res!.<: in an O<·tan~idr apilrtoien\ or rwo brother~ onginally from Samo;:i bring~ to tour the nurnber or n1 en in eustody on ehargt.5 or J1Ssci111! \1'i!h 11 rie.~dly \\Cilpon . Tht four allegedly look turn~ using ;11 1 ariety of 11•eapons on ~;i:L Charle~ \\". Hallon. 31. of Cam p Pendleton ~·ho no11· 1~ r~ported making a pa inful reco•. er·y lro111 ma!<!'ive taci al fracture~ a.nd l<t<'r ra!ion~ Thf' t,1·0 a!'re!>te<l toda.v arr ·r111r1ali Taupult , 2.i and his brother. TJfta ·raupu1e. 18. Both 1\'ere boo~:ec1 011 ("ht1rges of assault \l'L!h a dtadly \l'ei1po11 and held on SIS.GOO bail. l'.:arly \Vedne~day morning ariothrr brother. Ahiva~ Ta upule. 23. of 141 3 Calle i\t1rador. Son CJemen1 ,.. eamr In po!ic:r '1PRdquar!er~ and altrr se1·rral hours of 1nten ie1\·~ \ras al so booked 111 c:onnr<'I 1011 "''llh lhp ;i~~aull. Thr initia l arrr~lt'e in Tl1P nrar.Ja1al hearing of !ht V1rlnan1vr1er;1 1111 a~ rakf'rl 111to c:u.~tocly aboul an hour 11!1er 1he in· 1 1<lenl las! i\londa y nigh!. i\larint .S~l. \/au Sal apu Lifa11 . 21. or •·amp rencll eton v:as arrested nf'ar Cal It" \'ictoria and El t:arnino Heal hy a patrolman. !laU.on allegedly 14·a.~ br:a\cn inh1 un consciousness with a pool cut. b<1r stool ~nd hea\')' glass pilcher during 1111 alierc11tion stemming from a ga me of pool at Thr: Place . .a ta1·ern at 1-IO!l N. E.:I Camino Real. \~'illiam \\'t Allen, 2.f. of 130 f.nC'1n11 t~ne. San Cltmente. suffered e~ten~i•t head and fa ct cuts v»hen hr: attemptrd !() stop lhe balle-ring and thrte or four other men allegedly beat him y;•ith heavy stool:oi. Police thi~ 1nornin11: said ont oth~r mttn 1~ being sou·ght in !he incidenl. Powe1· ~lacko11t Hits Baja; E11tit·e State Sl1ut Dow11 TIJliA~A. ~tt11co <U PI • -Tht entirr &!ate 01 Baia California "'as blacked out \Ollrl'' loday \\'hen \\'orkmeu were unablr \a slarl genera lors at the state's thermo· e-ll'C'ttie pl:t.nl al Ro~:irito IJeach Tht.S border city, thr major populallo11 t ft'lil in tht s!:ilt. and the rities nf P.nsen11da. ~t txicali . San Felipe 11nd Tecatr. a)': well as rural stctions. \\'ere lefl 1,1·Uhout p<1\\'tr. A i>pokt.sn1an at !ht gtner at ing plarit said equipn1enl used lo ~tart tht. R:e-neratnr~ fa il ed at :t::;o A.m Trchfl1· ci<1ns 1v1"re "wor ki ng feverl~hl\''" In rr~lorf' ~rrvirf' but t•ou1rl nol rs!imal e •1 hen l ilt~' \11)1Jld succec!I. hr t•Hd. --. . ...... Ho~pita l~ and sanit ariums inil'itehed lo po11·er from their oirn gen~rt1lor~. 11nd publil' offices. indu~try and other faci llt i~ dependent cin tltttricity wtre ~IO\\'cd do'A-n or closed. Ice pla nts t 1peritnced a iharp lnc:retse in busines~. and market opr:ral0t:o1 ~r:. ltarfu t thtir meAI~ 1vould tpo\I as frrezers .and roolcr~ dtfrosted. None (lf !ht stalt 's five morning newspapers were ttble lo pubh~h and onl,v ont radio station wa s on the ail'. lle 11 vy generator~ are shut down clurlniz the ni.~ht a~ the drmand for f'lectr1cil y d 1rn1nlshc~. ib1: plant ~pokcsman said. • a1id Sau :-io1ut1f•rn l"al1 h1rn ia Edt.sl •n l'nm. 11an1· 11t1<> •ll:irr !hr (·os1~ !or 1r1r 011olrf' P.n~Jel'!.;; 1 ~'.1t1'"'/ llO Pt'tT1'11! and SD(_; a11d I·. !O pcr1·c11! 1 a rr.1<1\ t1a1 " 1~~11rd rt'a111< fll dn..:unic111~ ~·la11nu1g 111<11 the htatrd 11 atei frulll !hr r"t'il\'IOt ~ ha.~ h;id no ad1·trsr b1nlog1l..il c1 11:~1 /'rnpo~als 1or !l\t' lllll 11r11 nu1lcar pl<in!.~ sho we1/ t!1a1 lhr hu1 ll'a!er (h-;ch;1ri;e would ITrillr 11 111ilr!'-l11ng a1·r11 ·'Ptlnn1ng lht Prndlf'\1>1\ LOl1~!11nl' 1\hf'n> 11al1T !t•n1prnr1url'.~ 11111 1ld 11el l t'\l·red rllt' 11r11 four dCP.rL'r nilf• t'\f)l'.'t 1al!I· ci unn~ 1r1utcr n19nths 11-hcn 11~tural 11<11rr ({'mptra!Ur{'s drop . . ' ,, ~ .. .-!--..... .~ ..... •. -.~ . • ,. .... , ,,. • ·'!;. .' -... . . } ; ... -' .,.i..~: ...... ··. ' ~ ' The new board cr1trna a l~ "err ac· 1n·11 p::in1cd \\rdnr,da \ ti1 a ~rt 01 nr.1 iceth fi.1 l:OO:.Cr\a1lon1!"t.'-n1ntr111rd \111h rile athfr'il' rtlect~ 1ol ho1 1·.a1t·r 11 11 · 010!.igJc·a !l,1· 111gnit1 can1 ' area:< cf lilt' .st;.i1e 11ater~ l>lrnh:in1 r:-.pla111cct ihal l1caring<; could he h'i'!d lo detern\lllfl 1f a !>pecific area 1l<'S"r11·~ r he · ·h1nlog1eo!l y sig n1f1La11 1 ·' l.ihct If lh1• boanl :icr1·r~ 1lir n 1t 11ould •bnu ( 111npll'!\'l.Y all h<11 11 ;1trr <J1sch;,irges 10 the dc~1gna11•d region. Tht' tht•n n:tl pollu11on l~Sll{' 1s the third M'1·1ou~ niallrr L'Olllront1ng /he ~an HE WAS HOOKED BUT GOOD SAMARITAN S HELPED Peter Th• P•l ic•n ll Aliv• And Fishing Ag•in Fishern1a11 Well Pelic£11t Resc uetl f ru11i Sloiv Death f'el PI' 1he Peliran 1s ahl"r and lccl1n~ f1nr lo.J;n• 111 w:Ht~·~ 9lf Lciguna BP<l1·h :ittl'r ne:i1·1y dy1n~ r arlir-r thi s \.\'{'Ch: lr0111 ~r11111g his bill \vrapped in fi sh line :.11d hi ~ fea lhcrs laced wi1h fish hoo~s. Son1 r <1uici.. wnr~ b\' regular~ at Cres· 1·e11L Ba.v bc:i<'h and Dr C H. F.:krbl.'n:: sa1·ecl lhr bird from dPa!h ,.1fter he \\'.1,n- t'<l up on lhc !'ittand Tut .sdr11 al!rrnrll'1n "I fnund h1n1 on lhr Ura eh "ith hJ~ hill so \\'rapped 1n linf'. he 1:ouldn t open h;~ moulh ." said C~rmcn Sachs. "Anc1 he had fY,.kintjs or honk~ (_'allgh( Ill hf~ feathers f~w;is ,·e.ry 11•tak ::ind didn 't sn~ al 111r \I hen I go! near him ·· ~ :\li s.~ Sact\$. a!ong ,\·1th i\lar:.>a Palasth1·. rut the fi sh line off ~ bird ;ind 1ran~lrd him to Dr. Ek rg's of1 1cP. "here e hook.~ 'fl're rrrn 1·.ed . Later. ht "'as give ~ of antibfotics and the namt ··reter " Or. Ekeberg kepi. :i t•loSe . 1valch on Peler !hrou~h \Vcdnesday evtning wilen ~he rerumed him ro !he ocean. lie iip· pe;rred to be in J:Ood spirits before hf' left ;ind wa:i; f{'aSlin~ on fish brought in by ~fri. Palasthy. lhe veterina rian ~aid . At'c ording lo ~1 iss Sach.". Peltr i~ not alone la his plight. "In tJ1e Ii.st rMnU1 , al tra.~t ten pcllc<1ns have come in past !he :-urr line wit h hooks caught in their featherll and tangled up in fi sh linr ... "'\"ht -prnbltm is the hshermen on lhe boats. They come in clost to !he rnck.s ~'here !he pelicans are and drop their line~. Th' pelicans go after the bait ancl aet caui;tht up in lhe hooks and the Jines:· i\1iss Sachs commented. lier obser11ation 1s bomt" oul by com- mcn!:o<: rrorn two owners or large C.:<'Jn· mercial deep sea fishing c:ompan ies 1n ~ewporl Beath. ..iy,.·eYfl h11d 10 irivasion or pelican~ from ~ltxlco.'' explained Art Gronsky, ownrr of Ari'~ Landing, 50:1 I-;. ~'.dgr.11·atrr. Newpart Beach, "The y're a ·mtnact . Ahout the only thing 11·e can do hold bunch. They'll 111nd on the boat~ and pie~ up b111t ri '!ht orr thr: clcck. Or they'll dive after baitl'd linr~. "l'\e a\50 seen then1 steal ii~h I.hat \. pc·nrlr h:-t1r 1·:-i ugh!. i'uu b~·l thr,·rr ,. 1~ 1nn1r lhr IJr1.il a11d hope ttiry wun·t l• .. !low 11~:· C run~ky r11n1111enlcd 1\'llt'tl ,. r1'lir:111 1Jn.-~ g1·t hilOkril. hi" '-:11(.1 i ·n·1~· 1nt>n1 hrr~ on !hr bo:it,s 11'111 try lj1 rrr1101-(' .a.~ 1n11ch 111 !hr h11f• a11<.I hriok:o> as pos~11Jlc '"\Vr It] t.11 do lhe humane !lung ·• h(· addr1!, 11ot1ng "ot <·ourse. rhrrc ~ a f1·11 1111 .. 1,1on 1 Ir_\' to help !h('ITI ' "r 1 e nrvrr !-el'n so n1any pehcans.'' rcn1ci rked Robh1r Robertson or Davey·s Loc_.ker. 6~2 Lido Park Drive. \'ewport R{'ar•h "About th,. nnly thing JJ('Ople can rlo t~ swa1 tht>n1 awav with fJslung poles, 11111 1! d<1P.snl du n1uth i::ood. .. , gue~s you could.rall it a t·ase of m11n and na!ure gctt 111g lnj:!cthc r." quippl'd Cap!. \V II . Putnam of lhe 1i1atr Deparl- n1t11t of Fish and Garne in Long Beach. "Thf' innu1t nf the bircls began se~·rral n1on1h~ a~o. All we c••n do is hope they "'ill return lo ,\Texico ·• Putman said !he mig rt1tion of the bird~ "as ••nttlure·.~ rc;icliun" to the t.:1.ss or nn1ive 1>c•hcat1s alon g the c·oasl. The pelican.~. he added. arr a prntc{1C~ bird and legally clinnol be shot or i~iured r,ven though thty 1n11y interfere w1tb the- fi shing boats. .. Marine A rres tell On Burglary Rap A 19·year-<1td Camp Pendleton tl.1arine wa;, arresttcl at the Sa n Clen1ente bus terminal earlv todav on chargts of al· tempted burg0lary after ~·ltnessc~ heard shatttnng glas~ !hen chased a m11n on tool lrn1n the, p1t>r are:i Larry ()()an llall was booked !Ill ahou t 12· 10 a n1 . after the 1nc1drnt at the. TRrk lr Boll al 627 Callt. Victoria. Police stt1d several per~on~ t:alled of· f1cers to re port !he !lh11ttcred front win· dow 11nd see ing <' man bt1ng pursued . '~ Today's Flnal \ N.Y. Stocks TEN CENTS Onofre Onofrr proir<:t s1nrt !he-SI.al e Publ1e l liht1r~ ! un1m 1s:.1on 1:.~1 111d !l5 license to 1he u1il1t1c:. l:.:arl ier tlu.; .1e;:1r a lcderal <.·ourt ct1•i 1~1un forcl'd the Aton1iC' Enrrg-:-s Conl· 1n1~~1on to takf' rn1·1ronmrntal unpa tt Jn· 10 actuu111 be!o re issuing new nucle.ar }i('llf'ra!or IU.'l'!lS('ti The 1\I-'.(' 11srlf also srt up 11ew salet.)' ~t andard~ fur rl'a£'1or (·011.struction after the San Fernattdo Earlhciuakr Tho'l' t11 0 111at1ers h;i1e ..:<1 11 sed in· clet1111 te and tostty dela y!> in ttie Onof·rt Reactu1 proircls. ar Ca1·ee1' Me11 P11t 011 Li st B~ FHED S. llll,FF.\IAS AP ~lililaryWriter \\"ASHl~GTO;.J -The: Army an· nounced today 1t will r11lea~ about 65.000 cHieers and enh!(t~d rnen. ma ny earlier than normal, by 1'13:t June :10 to gel. down to a slrength of 8!12 .000 ordered by (ongress. ~lo~t or !hosf' lo be released will be Jn ranks and sk1ll:o; ln n·hich lhe Army say~ i-t is O\'er.strengt h. or men \\'hose.lours or duty are due lo end soon any\1·ay. Included are. dr<if!ees 111 1hr 1:n1lecl Slates. l)ucrlo Hico and the Virgi n Jslands. Although the Arn1y d1dn"l u::;e the term, i1 appears 11 1s sh ucking off :Kime clc:idworJd. princi pally career enlislerl 111en \1·ho l1;11e nol Ileen promoted above pr11 :ite I irsl class. Also !ickeled for rele;isl' are son11: se rgean1" rnaior and about 4,000 rescr•t licuten:u1ts and c':ip1ains. "'These act1nns 11·1!1 pro1tide a n1or~ pro- Pl'l' balance in I.hr grade structure and at the san1e tunr reinforce 1he Anny's cur· rrnt e111phas1s on retenti on of ~·ell· ql1nhfied pcrsonn<'L" its slaternent said. Th e-planned reduction 1vas a faclor in the reduced dratt call announced rectnt ly 11ndt:r 11 h1rh only 10.000 men "ill hf' in· t!ut'!l'd 111 the last 111,1 mon1hs of I.tu.! ~ !'Olr' Seeretary nt lhr Anny Robel'l F'. l· 1 oehl ke-:.1ud tl1rre 1 ~ .1 ~·nnt 1nu111g need !l)r draf\e-<'s "bec;iu'e v.·e rannol ha1 e :.q uad '> made up c111irl'ly of srrgean!s, and 11c arr not ~cl ge(l_"fng r-nough ntw ~oldJrrs to 1·olu!ltl'r r. par\1 cul<1rly Jn the combn! <irm~ " .\lrn ;_if!Pcted hy 1l1e nrw ac1ions wil! hr notified between now and January and v. ill he g11·en at le••~1 !!O d!!Yli to prepare for !heir re!i1rn t\1 civi lian life '"Comn1andcr~ at all echel ons havt be<'n cl irecled to ma kr maximum effor t to :i~sist in the trans1tlon rrom mihl.ilr y to c11·ilian or retired life." the Ar1ny saicl. 111l' ;\1xon admln is1ri..tion bad planned h1 reduce the s1rc11gth of the Arm y, nov" l. 120.000 n1en. to !!42, 000 by thr: end or this fiscal year next June 30. Jin1\·ever Congrrs~ hcis urdertd • fl!rther cut \.l'h1ch \Yi!l bring the authoriz- ed strength lo 392.000 by ntxl summer. This will be. the lo\\'esl Army strength in 11 years. Orange Cean l\'ealher Look for hazy sunsh in late Fri· day afternoon followin w cloud:i;, Ioli and drizzles al the 1.."0ast.. Highs At !he beac s arr: set at 15& rising to the 70's ~d. l.o\11'3 ((). night 10 lbe 50's. INSIDE TODA. Y F1JlY·Scve11 01·a11gt Coast rt si· tlt11I! farn1ail11 pledged their al· legia11c' to rhr U'lltfd, Stale$ O& ce1·emo11ies ht Oran.gr Co1l11ly. for a con1µ/etl" lisr of /ht proud lu!to A111t rico11,~ •• .see Pngt 9. (1hl1•11i• ' M1rrl•tt LKlfltt • f C"-Ouftf Uf ' M"'-' " (llUlll.ti ,,,,. Mytw1t ··-" CreuW9rtl " N&lllftl l Ntwt .. ''"'I(' • 0••"•· c ... 11•t • .. .,, l'lellcn • ,,.,,, ,~,, 01¥ .. <t• • S!otll. Ml rlt.tlO »·SI l f lltrl.i , ... • Te .. Yihtll " l!nto•i.t"mo~t 11 n lhttlll'\ " ~•ft•~c• »» Wfflh1< • " ......... " ..,.,,.. ........... 17·1' l,ft~ I.In .. ,. " Wtrlf H1wt .. ' '. Supervisors . Delay Decision on Redistricting 8)' JACI\ BROBACK ot ltlt 'b.nv ,., .. , s1ttf ~ty supervisor& chargM up to the problem of re-a ligning 1hr1r distric ts \~ed­ nesday -and then rel! hark 1 For 90 minutes the-v l1~tPnM . r!1~11$~.\J a.rgued and then dec1derl 1ri !.'l\.i f' tv.o more weeks, at least. before makmg up their mmds. Dick Ruiz. 5tnior adn1m1stra1 11 e atde In Super\'J$Or Da1·1r! L Bakf'r ;in<l c:hainnan of the ~·xecu111 e ac,s1n an1s committee v.·h1ch tried to rf'ach a so111L1on nn the redistricling problem. ou tlined six pro~Js. • He emphasized that popu!allnn. nn1 registered 1·01er~. v.·as tht> rourt-d1c-tatf'r! pr _'!c1pal guideline 1n dra111111). up the new boundaries. The magic number fnr each ' - \ .. I ' ( • r dLStnct is ~84,(Xl7 Arttv,.ay or a ruler ~·• • four.h Di:nrict Su~r:1~r Ra lph Clari("" .. Bakt'r replied. "Both. Rnad'."t"a»s an! of Anahe.im said he thought the pnncipa! cll1e! in f'a r:h district should ~ entirely 1n that district and not spl1!. ~lost pl;i:ns ral!erl for him to ~harP An:ihf'im with Firs t D1stnct Super.'lso r Rohr.rt P.a!11n ;i nd Third District leader \\"1ll1an1 r h1Jl1ps. Baker reminded Clark 1h;it population. anrl ··riot 11.•ho el ected us" 1c; thP pr1nr1p:il ron~1ra 1nt. "[! 1~ up 111 u:<. Ill a,::rt'r on nnr nl thf'se plans or ~mrone Pl~e 1~ 11! rln It fnr 11c; " R<iker sa1rl hP preferrrd \)l)iJndarit'~ v. 1th ··clean hnes .. Fdt.h D1!'1 rJ<"l Super11snr Rnn alrl \\' Ca <.pers of I\e"·pon. Beach 11oa n1 Prl tn knov.• "'\\1hat makes a "Jean line , a u,, rri.•~010 best and the opposile S)'l'item wJth·hngerl'i running from one district in to 1s hart" Ballin !laid 1t "'a!\ nhviou~ th.:it no agr!'f'mPnt <"Oillrl be rearhrrl V.1rdnesrlal'. It "·as finally der 1dcrl lo lakr 11p !hP cnn lrnver!l1RI sub1ee1 TttPsd.11, 0<'t. 211 at 2 pm. If they C'an"t reach a~ref'rnen t 1hrn the~· ha1·e one regular \fle«.1111\da!r, \\"erlnr~rlay . Oct 27, hf'fore the . 0rl\. l de:id1 1nr II .:i~r,.emPnl 1~ not rearhffi bv """ 1 .:i rr1hs!r1r1Ln~ committee C""nn1po.-rd nf 0 1i;lr!('t A1tilrnPy le<"ll llirk ... Cnurty r tPrk ~\"1ll1;im S! .lflhn anrl r nuri!IJ A.~seS!illr AndrP\\' ,J Hin•ha 11o "1[) ctn lhP ]Oh Supervisors are not anxious to ha1 e Board Grill s Forde About Critici s111s' By PA.\lELA H ALLA~ 0! lh• 01•1~ PolOI S!<ll Tn1stres rif lhf' f;an .Jn11qu1n ElPml'n- t;irv Schfll'l l District. f11ce-tn-face "'llh Or:inge Cn11n!y Pl;innin~ Con1miss1nner Arnold f nrde \Vednesday, asked him to "expla in his statements"' crit icizing the district's pffnrts tn obtain srhools as qturkly as prissihle '"I'm snrrl" 1his has hecnme 11 b.ktJe hf'tv.·ren the srhool itis1nr1 11nrl thP rl;in- n1ng fnmm1s~1nn ." said Tru~!r(' .lun Nrlsnn "Th i.~ kinr! nf rhe!nric from the pl11nn1n,!: <"nmm1s.c;inn ic; llnf':i llrrl lnr ·· ".'rJc;nn rrfcrrf'd h'l ~tatPmrnt s madr bv Fnrde T11p~rj;iy s1<1l 1ng th:it thr S;in .Jn11- qu1n district "'shouldn't expect the com- mi.<sion tn stop Pvery!hinR for them.'' "\Ve h;..ve In hA rnore assured th11t the rl1stricl, is rlning p1·rrvthing it r::in beforP. we t11ke such a dr;ist\c s1ep," f nrde sa1rl at the Tur,;day meeting, referring to a "freeze" nn deve lopment. MEDICAL 'HOBBYIST' SUTHERLAND, WIFE CHA'!" WITH NE WSMEN The Nobel Pri :i:a Will Hel p Pay Off tha Mortgage ''\\'e're trying tn find so!utinns to our prr:iblems with the welfare of students nut prima r.v conf'ern," said NelS(ln. "V."e h::i1·e nn ullerinr moti ves. We"re not out tn stifle flp1·e1t1pml'nt. \Ve \\'llnl In keep this on a pnsi!ive has1s" Ame1'ica11 Pl1 ys ician Wi11 s Nobel Prize ~r Medicine Fnrdr. prP~f'nt 11! \\'frlnPsd11v's schonl Mard meeting "'ilh are11 develnpers. responded fl'I Nelson's f'flmments ~a\·ing he is tonking fl)r an ans.,.,'P.r th11t 11o·ill be e1111ahlP In the hui\dPr~. the district. and rhe students. ''I rf',1lizf' its not an e;i:sy prnhlem to 51'\h'e."' he s;:iid. "If an\'(lne c;in :o.hn.,.,, u.~ th:il 1.1·e"re n••I gf'tting au !he st11te aid WP. c.:in get I cer· raintv wnuld like fl'I knnw ahnut it sn I can 1ake0 action ;:ind gPt it." said Nelson . STOCKHOL~. S11o'~fn IAP ! -Dr. E arl ~'. Su therland J r. of \"anderb1Jt t:niversily v.·on tbe 1971 Nobel Prize in Physiology and !lledicine today fnr his rf'seareh in hnrmnnes. a pro1rct he said had becoml" al most ;:i hobhy Sutherland v.•nn !he ~88.f'IOO !;ix-free prizl" and the prPr.ti~e of the r-;-ohe! Prize f(\r his '"disC(l\'erif'!' concPrnin!!, the mPch;inism of the acr1on (lf hnm1 nne;;." the Karo\inska illf'<lical ln~titute a.11- nr.unced Su therland. 54. rece11·,.rl the priZI" fnr his disco1·ery or !he func11on '"If ("~"("])(" .lr!· envl A<:!d , or cyclic A.\fP. Thi:-. 1s ;, re- t]Uired body subs1anre ~J)Zna hn.t: hnr- mones to go to v.·nrk (lr T"f'qu1 rinl? 1h.-1n '" b<> present for the hnnnnnp~ tn 11o·ork. Hnrmones 1nnuence the 1~nrk 1ng of ihe W.v. · I like In call 1t ;i ;;pmnd mr .. sPni::rr ·· O::utherland sa id a! his hl'lm,. 1n \"";i~h\ll!e. T<·'1n, s1!r ')f \'11nrli>rh1l1 1·n11r•«1!1· He spoke nf his ~p,1 rs nf rl'~r;irch, s.111 n-:· "Jn fa rt. 1n thP ~!!inn1ni:: 1t rt1lly w;os mcirP ll~P 11 h0t.h1 " Tests ha'-'e sho·~Tl t11; t,,. ;irJtJ 111nn nf A~fP tn canrrrou s t 1<~1Jf'<, m;ik~' tlir cr-ll!'i either rcrum lo'\ nr,rm1l nr rl tr , hi' r~ntinued . 11rld1ni' th<it murh rr<,r;,r<"h 1s rPer!ed befnre ;in:-· rnn<"Jus1fln., ran be Cr;\·;n. E:;:claimlng. "1~n·t th;i t trrr1f11" 11 !1f:'n ll'Jnrmed he had 11 "n. Suthrrl anr! ~:i id h~ O RANGE COAST DAILY PILOT DJNW"f COA$T f'Ull llSHING COMl'AN'f ltobtrl N. w •• d 'rno!nU -Pu~h1h!t J1c\: Jt. Cu1!ty \"a Pr-w •nd G4M"I N~tr 1~01!1•1 K•eYil (c,1cr n0'111•1 A. Mu•p).in• MMl;111>1 E0,1'>r O.,.ftt H. l <>o1 J:ic~1rd P Ni!l /\Uilt•nr A\1n1g;l'l\l E~llorr. • l.e1iu" a.•c.il Office 22? Fortit AYt n•t ~1itn!f •dd1111: P.O. lo~ 66&, '126SZ ~011 Cl•IM•t• Offlc•• 3DS Norlh lJ Ci mino R11 I, 926 71 OINI-Offlc" ~ '°'·"''' JJO w"t B•'I' S!"ff'I tl-'1 8tt<": l»l Nl olf"!r! l!oi, •~•P'!I 1'11111llllGllCn AMU'I: 17175 &N<JI 8o~lr~1rd ))Alt. Y PILOT, "''"' "'1\ld'I It «l"'bl"td ftol 1'1....,_l'nu. 11 pUll!!Vlt!I di lly t ><IOI ~~.,_ .it'I' lft -••II ..Sll""'1 ftor L1;im1 Br•<'I. fl.-1 l11cto, C.ou1 N.tu, .,...,,,"9'0" ~ "°""toll! VlllN, :,,., ci.,.,,n .. I iCiJla"-'"" ..,.,l<'t>ttk,. 110"9 ...... 11"1 f""811nal -'lliofl. P•lM!CMoJ ~tln!l.-o O:.nl j,t .. a» ~ -.Y 61reet, Cnta M""- 1el.,.... rn 41 142.cJ21 CleuH~ .. 4...,l~flt 642·1611 S.C ......... AJID~ ,,,.,.._. 492--44 20 S..,... a... All Dtpert..ri1 ,...,.. ... , .. , ... ~'· l m, Otv111e OM111 l"ublltlll"a <.o-~~. "o ~WI ''°''"· 1!1111trot,On\, 4'1;Mfj,ol -u .. ., .., ...... ~."''"'' """" "'"' N ••flt"o!duo;ed ""''""°"' ~I ""° fnlw\Dfi et WPYrklhl oWnrr, "'<:-.t <r:I•• .,,,. .... !Mid el N~ Btldl .... C.0.lt N<-, C..Oll1Dr1111. """"'11,!IDll 11¥ arrllr ll.11 -l'l!ry: ~.,. m1ll U l f -l~IYI mt!IJa;y •••tlM!iOftl, S1.:U '"°"1"1y, • "'ill gn tr. Slnckholm lJ1 Dfocember tn recei\•e the priz e. ''I've kn0\\1l J've be-en unrler cnn- s..lrle ration a lnng time."' lile <"nntinuf'd ''\fy friends "ll.'ere !'a~·1n,1?. 'Maybe th is yea r, or maybe next _\'Par."" A nati l'e nf Burl in_1?11mf'. K ;; n . Sutherland \l.'ils _1?rarl11<1!rd f r nm \\";ishbum Un1l'er!i1ty ;;! Tnflfkll . K11n . in 19.17 anrl 11o·as grarluated in EMZ frnrn \rashington lln1ver!'.ilv J\'lt'Clic:il Schnnl. St L(luis. !\lo , \\hfre hi' hf'~11n hi< resPar<"h He 11 t'.'nt tn \';inrlerhll! in l!lfi~ :if!Pr 10 years al C::isr-\\"pstem Re srr1·e l"n11 ers1t1· in Clr1·etanrl. Oh1n Or. Suth€'rl11nd ha< hrPn !'l11d.1"1n;:: hnrmnne< fflr m{lff' !h;in 21) 1 i>ar< Hnrnv1nr.~ ;irr rhf'n111•al !-11hq1n<"r•, ma1MI~· ~rretPr! hv thP l'nrl'lcrinP nr du,,l!r5•. gland~ Thi'\" influ rnrp thP ac- IJI \tit's nf thf' C'rll< !l .. "llP'-' and nrc11n., nr th11 borly. <"nn trnll111e •1H'h 1n1pnrt:in1 .:1c- l11111e< .:i o. grn"lh. dp1•,.\n pmen l, rrprndur1tnn .:i nrl mrt i hnh,rn Thi s 11 ;is th" ~1,1h 11'1r 1n rt rfl11· tb;il an .l.niPri<"rin h.1,, \~(In nr ~h.1rrd the .\""nbrl \1 Pdit'l11 " rh\'~1nlnc1 J'ri7t' n· :->uthrrlrtnr! n1 .. rnrrrrd il prr1•1ri11 <lv nnt:11n11 ,, rhrmlra! r.1Jlrrl •·r1·rl1r A\1r '" nr r_11·)1c <1rlrnvl1r a<"1r!. 11 h11h prn1 r r! tn hf' a m 1~SJ nR hnk In a Inn .-: f'l'!'ICS (If b10- l0_2 1rri! rontrnl rnrrh.1n1~n1" \\"hen 1·11u ;irp d rJ\ 1111! ii rar. fnr r-.;. .:i mplP and !hPrf' 1~ ~ ~tJr!drn rrnrr~rn,,~·. ~·<lu i11m nn the brakf'S -and ~our hc.1rl speeds up. (IB11rrl Ch11irm11n Grati11n Bid11r1 did not comment d11ring the meelini;. He .:il.~l'I ~11id he felt it v.·oul d nnt accnmplish 11n.1't.hing if hP cnmmcnted during ;i !elrphone inttor1·iew. !\en Le11·i.c;, assi~t;int. to vaca!1(1fling SllJlf'r inte ndent Ralph Ci11 f e.~. s;iirl thr rl1~!rict. apprPciatf's Fnrde's cautlnuc; 1 irw hu t. "we think "'e are doing e1·erythin,:: .,.,.e c<1n." "'\\'p"re npen tn SUJ?gf'c;l1nns nn hnw nrPderl schnnls <"an be develnprrl," hP ~;iirl "It's eas.y In Rrah at ~nlutifln5 th.11 ;;t first s('lunrl simple. but prove lo hr cnmp!irated." He said for this rea~n n the rl 1c;tr1r1 h;i~ rll'ln P r1 f'r\'th1nc 11 rin.~~1hl v C"".1n tn mrrl 1111h rlp1elnpPr<, hnmPn\\nf'r~. p.1rrn1~ ;:in•I tP:irhi>r< lo (1nrl s.nlu!!i•"" HP ~au1l h1~11·;;< 11 h,· Dare l\1n i.;. rl 1rr r- lnr nl f.1C""il 1t1 Ps plannlnl!, apprn;ichPrl thr PlRnn1n~ \nmm1~~inn 111 the flr<t p.:ilrr - 1n ;.in rllnrt 1n ln1ln11· Pl f:'ry rnur~r nf 11r- t11111 Dl!rin~ \\'erl nesrl;.i1•s mPe! 1nl!. FL1v \\ at ,011. 1 l<"f' prps1rlr11! nf 1hP lr11nr frun r :in1, ~;i1 rj hr tnl'I 1< f''iplnnnC l1hPlh rr r'r nnl !hf' rl 1s.1 r1 rt ha f rlnnr ;!ll 1t r~n rl n ' ~ n11r nh1r<"t11P 15 1n nhta1n pr1 T111111P r1 r 111c;~rrmm ~p11ce ;i< ~nnn 11:= J/11~~1hlr ··he s;i1rJ . Hr ~\l~/;cs trri ihill \ht! d1~!rirt mil1 nnt hP ~rt 11ni:: 11s appl1cat1ons fnr ~rhnr•I llu1 ld111)i !o.~ns tn as snon a~ it rnuld nr a~ of!rn a~ 11 cnuld . He ~aid ht' 11·nulrl he fl ying tn Sacramento to make his 01.1·~ 1nqu1nes Beacl1 , Rec1·eatio11 Zo11i11g App1·o ved f 01· Da11a Blt1ff s Rt"ae'"h ;i nrl RPrrt>allon n1~tr 1C'I 71\lllnl? In ptl\!Pt1 !ht' hlu ffs n1 erlflnk1n.i: 11an~ Point Harh<lr has hee n approved hv the cn11n1 ,v pl11nn1ng C""rimm1~~1nn · The RRD inning rrriu 1r,.~ u ~p 11rrm11s fnr ;,II cnn~tru<"t ignrl gu;:ir;i ntees public arcess tn be;i<"he~ The 0 <11111 Pn1nt ar 11;i~ .:ilre<1rll' prn- terled by a 90-da ~· ~1e r,:r n<"y nrd1n11 n<"f': impn!;ing thP s;im 1fln1 n~ rpstr1r11n ri ar!np!erl hy 1hP ~u r1 1•nr~ l;i~! mnn1 h 1.1·hpn Super1·1s11r Rnn lrl (";,~J"lfrs ~c~mf' .:1!11rmed n1·er an apartment house prnJect 10 the area. l/P had hrt"n lnffl fm"d bv ~\lprr1·1~()r n a1 Iii L RakPr's ofr1ce th;:il the hn.:irrf had apprO\'erl an t>n<"rn:ichmr nt prrm1t 1.:1~1 A110:. in 1.1·h1ch 1.1·n11 lcl hll \'e :illn .... f'rf !hr "X<"<ll"at 1on of 40 fret nr lhe fare nf thP h1~!nr1c T>ana Point hluH~ Tuestlay's ll <"IJOn ~dnp1 1n!!, ;i f)f'rm11nrnt f\RO 'fl ning fnr lhe ilrr.:i "·di ~n tn the ~uper\'i~rirs in a bout four \\'eeks for fina l apprnv11! The f11 e ~1 nr\' 11pi1rlmen! r tnJ"rt hlflC'k· ed hy !he ~11pPrv 1~nr~· l'l(linn 11·as pr n- pnserf hv Tex11~ nil 1n;icn<1!,. M11~h ~f11re""h 1.~nn anl'f .John ~111 u r1r.-. S;in .ru11ri C11 p1s!rann dt'l'f'lflper [! 1\·.,11!d h111e ek1 rtel1 the lwn-11tnry hr1,!!hl 1lm1t In 1h.- 11rra hy a <!rep ('(Jf tn tr \cliff lop \l;i11ricr :ir_cuPrl l'lf>fnre ('nmm i ~~1nnPrt1 T11r~rl11v 1h;it thP BRO r.nnr had hePn II l r~::.lly.placed on the prnper1v. !h11 1 thP rral purpn~e nr the l;:i"' 1s In prn1P rl p11hlic ;icce~s In bea<"hes v.hic h 1s ;:ilrra<!y prn11drd in the 11re11 . The nne cha ni;!e cn1'er$ 5.\ ll <"fP$ ,ii lnni? the n(lrth houndar~· nf Oa n11 l'n1n! H11rhnr frnm !hf' S!ret.t of the Green Lantern to Del Obispo Street. Office r Expert On All Grass An nff -duty S11n Clem.-nt,. ,,.~f'r\"e pn\1 C'e nlf irf'r ~ mn""·inll": the la .,.,·n 111 O!rl r1az11 P.:irk nn his rpgular job -smelled i;:rl'lc;s nf 11 diHrr('nl n11t1J rt !his morninll":. ~-nl1011 1 n1il lhe hCil\'Y odor, lhe officer found thrf'f." _cirls In lhelr e11rl v trens ~mn kin,:: rnl'lnJ lllln.:I al the playground ne;ir Las rilln1ils Srhonl Thi' lhrre ~1rl:<. were 11 rre~trd an!'! hritlk- f'rl nn 1u1·rn1lf' rharges of m11njuana pns~r551nn And aftfr11oard~. lht nfftcN wtnf back lo "'Ork -nn the. la\\'n . I H1nsh11" a fne c:if biiard members rin many subJf."cts. pl.1y a part in t'IT\'ing up their districts. Supervisor Caspers said as mu"h rasrers said h1~ nff11· .. h.vl r!r~1 .. nPrl a m;:ip sh1111 ln,I! nnh !hf' nr11 i¥1llndar1es frir h1~ ctl<i rl<"l "\~'e hup1> "e <"flll ld d0ve1 ::.tl ~ nu r rlari~ into Jt " Lat er he offered a cnn1plr!(' ni :ir nu1i pnlnt11rl r.11! thril nne c0ri~1ra1n! in rl r<1\1 IOI! I hro rl 1~! r1( I I 1r1r~ 11 a~ 1 he clnseh - t:rn11rrd rr~u!rn.-,. nf 1l1rer nf !hr bna rd IT'"111lil'1< -!'lark . H;ikPr ;ind R;iuin Rn!/1 l'l,1rk .:ind fl1ker reside in lh" 11rri:t "Ii· rr (;ilrtlrn <;rf11 e and !\n.:ihevn 1n1n 11hllr H::.ll1n 11 1·"~ In r.;ird!'n <;r"1e 11r1r !hP S.111ta An.1 hn11nrhir1 Ru11 r~pla1nrd rh;it r rl'lpric;a!s A. R. [l and G 11ere simil ar. They all subtract Fifi!/ ,,, ffl~('l'S Ptarr n!l;i and \'nrha Li nd~ f r n rn Superv1sur Ph1ll1ps' third d1strrct and add th'm to Clark 's fourth . Prnpri~a\c; C Hnrl F' lei!:l'I! the two nri1 !hr1 11 ('11mn1u n1t1es 111 !11r th1rd d1 ~trrct ;inr[ t''\ll'nd 1)1 " !1 1'~! d1,1!1rl 11110 !h" p1e- ~h;1p1'd {l re,q hr111 r•'n tl1e .":in IJ1cg0 and :-i:1n!:1 1\/1.'l ln·•·11;11 S 1'r11p11.•11I I·~ 1.~ ~111111:.r tn the nb111·e bu! g11ec; mrf~t ~1r \\r·--1 n1tn~!rr 10 thP fir st d1~!r 1t ! .~nd pull.~ H:1tt1n nut uf Anilhcim ThP red 1~1nl·t 11I)! pl.ins ill'<' reqt11rrd hv 11111 und 11r11 it1 ~1r14·\~ rn11s! IJr!r-1' 11• neat· h· rr;u:il f"•p11lat11•n a~ 1)(•~.,1r1le. Chan:::('~ 111 (.:r-.111111 suwt• the !IJli:i rPrl1~1r11·1 111c C':Jll f••r 42 flfl(] prnplf' tn he ;irld,,d 111 1!11• !1f1h l1qn<·t 171 OOU In the Sl'("•Hul .'lll•I 21 IMWI !•I 1111• l!t<.! ThP !turd d 1~tr1rr 111tl l1•~r :l lYJU\ 41000 residents <ind the fourth 3~.000. . .o\nd.v. 7. and Rnbhy \\'eaver . 6, ch::it 11 1t h Supr r1rir fnurt .ludcc ... 1.<me<: 1·11rn <'r Orfll ::inrl Br11 re S11 111 ncr. hri\h nf Laguna Bea(h Bn\"i \1cre nn hand \\' ert nr~rl ;;v r n :.ee \heir m nt her. Ge rma n-bnr n \\'alt ratirl \\"e a 1 ror bf'cntne n alur.<ltzf'rl L'. S. citizen d11 rin~ <"r>rcm11111roc; 1n Sari !a .-\na. .<\lexanrlrr \\"ra\"er fain tly live:; al 1ili61Red\1ood1·ree Lane, lr\1ne f nr mnre nn ne11· c11izen~. see Pagr 9. Rit es Sia led for 2 Cra sh Vietin1 s Fune ral service:<. will be held 1n ~r11f)()rt nr;irh ;i nr! Jr;:in fnr the iv.·n vu\· tims nr ;; fat;il ar<"1drnt .:i1 f'rvstal eri1·e nn r~rif1<" Cn;i ~t ll1~hwn\' Tur~da~·- \"i~1t;i 1 1nn 1~ S<'hrrl11l11r rl until 9 p.m tn- d;i\' at \\·,,~t<"l 1ff Ct1;iprl ~!o r1 u11 r~·. cn~t:i \le~,q. fnr Hililn t'<11n111.1jilrl , 27. of 1.;2~, r\;i<"Pn11i1 1\l'r . i\r11pnrt Arar·h. rrrent t?r;irlu::itr nf C"h11pmrtn Cnl\egf His bod y 111!1 bP rP!ll mrrl 10 h 1~ nrt fi1·f' lr;in. "'hf're he 1s ~ur1 11·1"'d by h 1~ p::ircnl ~, \,hnlem Hns~r111 :\r1 ;i1l :ind ~l~hry Ahi :'\C'\:!d Alsn sur1·11·1ng is A cousin, A1n1r Hoss<01n .J;il:i li nf Fu llert on. S('f"\"i<"<'S fnr ~:rndr;:i ll nrirl11ard Pr11tt 27. nf 2711 Brn.itl11·111, f'n•!,1 \le~a . 111\I b" hrkl ;i t 1 pm Frd:r1· ;it rt1r1f1(' \"1ew f'!iaprl $50 ON In addition lo mathematira) constraints m numbers of people oth'r factors 11·h1r:h m;i:y be considered are topography, izengraphy, (_'{)hesiveness. conlii;::uily, in· 1e~nty. c<\n1p;1("!nes.s of terr 1tory and cn1nn111n1t.1 nf 111ll'rests Thr propos;ll s allnw I !.'"'~ than nne prr· r1•nt 1arJ;it1on ft'f•lll t'.'q11al pop11 lnt1nns for ;ill f11'e d i~tncts. \\'h1le !he courts hi1111 nnt flal lY ~l a lt><I that rx ;ir t d1•·1s!on is re• q111red 1·h!'y h:i1 e 1nd1{',1tcd l11at pl'lpul a· t1011 equ<tlll l' nius\ h" i·tu~r The super11.~nrs ;.ind tllt'1r st;ilfc; \\"Ill rl rhate tht' 111hr r lal·tl>rc; fnr twn weeks 11 1r h 1pr~ l1ll le lee"•ay f0r C'hange Ruiz askPrl fr•r i;::uidant•e "D<i yo11 "anL ne1\' m<ips dr111• nor wh!i l ~" hP quertrd. Battin rephed "Vnu'll get t\\"Q ne""· rnaps ·• [\·1dentll' his office has ~el tn submit a proposal. LAFC Hass le Er11pts Again Over lrvi11 e B~· .JA CK BROR,\CK or l~r 0•"'1 P01ot SUH Sh;o1·p ij 1fferrnre~ 11·h1ch ha1·e marked ac·t10ns (lf thr Lnca! ,\grnr~· Formation Cotnm1 ss1on in recent 11 eek~ surfarcrl a g a i n \\"f'-dne sday o 1· er the proposed Jr1·1ne city. lp for d1scuss1nn 1ras a 500-1\'0rd "1m- p::.r!111l .:1n<il~~1s"' nf the prnposrd in· t·nrpor<o\lon 1ntlurl1n'l a descr1plll'ln nl the houndarie~ preparrrl l}v L.l,ff Exeru11re Officer Richard Turner as required · bY, Ja11. 0T11rno·r. hrrr11ng 1 h e "11n part1al" rtr·~1 gna l 1n11 J 1~1rd nnl y <1 <"11nns ta ken ""hJ<.:h led to the Dec. 21 r lrrtinn in the ;inalyc;l.~ 11h1ch will hf' rn;:i drd In 1·01rr' 1n lhf' I ~ noo-nr re ;irra 11 11h their .~ilnlple h:illnts ,\l1rn1~tt> LAF"(' ni<'n1hr r Ri1lrt1 1·111 rk 11))1cctcd tn the wnrd1ng nf lhe a n ;.ily•1~. "It 1s JUS1 a rcc1tat1on or 11 h;;i l the prn· 11(lnl'nl ,<; did."' he ar_i!urrl. •·Thr rr 1 ~ nn n1cn11nn nl rhP prnh:r tilP ~I :i; tax rar P. rnmparrrl tn ihe c ·o~! nf prrsrnt C""n11 nry .-:rrYJr('); 1 ih1 nk n!hrr 1t11n1?<: 1-hnulrl he 1nrh1rl€'t\ 11n 001h :;1ilr~ 1if 1he 1nc·11rf}flra · 11nn Qtte-;11on 1nclud1ng lnr ft1f t 1h11 r .:i in.noo a1'f!' ru.v ""ii~ nrig1n111ly prnpn .. f'd " <'lark, 11 1·011nl~ ~up1•r1t\11r 11hn 11 ;i ~ 1ukr"·arm l'lfl thf' 111'"" ~·111 prnpn-.:rl. \\as 1n1nr1t hi-:in ;:i10111 1! H!)pon1·nt 111 lhe prn· 1rr1 -!<hhrrt Hall in. "\\"hy 11111 ha1" 2.'JO 11 nrrl<: prn 1111'1 2:-iO i:"n·•·· hr ;i~k~ d L:\FC Chai rn1an S ! a n I r 1· \""1~rrhn1p 11nndert'd. '"are wr su ppo<;ed tr• n1ake con1er1urt·.~ un 11'hot 1;; guod nr harli" l.r1111s lir1nh::.rrl !. ~-11llrn nn 1·1 111nc1ln1a n ;in1I !hf' ·crntral fi gu re 1n rr1·rnt nn.;ig;o 1n· nH-aR<11n mrn1ber.~h1 p baltlrc; enne""crn1n i;: !hf> L1\F('. argurd !h;i1 i1 11·as nn1 1he rl11 rr 11[ thr ('Olll!TIIS~i nn 1Til'!llhrr~ 10 arl- 1 l"f' lhr vnlrrs T1111nth.1• Str;irlr r. :'\r wp<1rt f1r:irh al- !o.fflf'\' rf'prr~rnt 111i; 1he Cn11n<'1l nf l nm. m11nrt1e~ ,,f Jr1111r . 11grl"'erl v.· 1th R('1nharrl t '"T11 rn,.r".c. anat~·s1~ meel~ !he rrri111 rrrnf'n!~ nf 1h,. law and 11oe requ est 11~ ;irlnptJon ., hr sa1rl Or Lou nge Chair Svv i vel Rocker 7-DAY CHAIR SAlE I l ( th,,. Fr iday , Oct, 1 S L11r..:,,. r::.1'11r rnll"• ''""· S"" 1hr•" ai d •'th~r !T1 Al!nif1r"n' ~11·1 "~ tn. rlA\' A!lrl ,11;1;1 ~ !flurh r,( i!-~! .. \,v rl "~"tr'\~t' In ~~;;.;;;.~llllimr.ifia11:-. __ your horr:e decor. Choose fron1 22 St yles Regular $189 to $249 NOW $139 to $199 Your fni:nr itt luff'rinr dr.~if:lntr 1ril/ bt hnrr11 In a.~.~i$f 11n1J ..• H.J.GAl\l\ETf fllR NITURE PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR DES IG NERS 0119ft "4oft,. Tliwrt, o1nd f rl. l•M. ' 1215 HARBOR BLVD. ' 640-0275 6'46-0276 COSTA ME SA, C,.l.LI F. ' I " Rou1i<ling Up GQlf Ne 1vs Che cking the Area Greens Thr R;inct111 :-.,1n .Joaquin 1nen's clu h IHH111,1I high-lnw 1nurn11mrnt 1~ dnv.n 10 1tie final~ lh!s 11 l•rker1 d 111th tv.o 1r;,n1" 1 em;11111n.t: 111 enn· tenl ion In LhP upprr hr.ir·k1 'I. Cil li!e and Fn111~ Sn11 t!i n1;1de tile iiniil 1·n11nd In dr1r~1t1111: rilul !lunge anrl Bt r! j) .. 11 nr~. ! up ln !he 11."er hr;icl..t•L Oa1·e Srnl!r :t11d ! ;cn1 gr• ~hrels defrat•"t \\;:nnr \\ lv111 and l\et!h \l{''"r1r fi anrl 5 f';it \\;1de anit ~11'\P \1 !..wli rj('fra !rd .Jun llul'1ur and l~nh Rrad<:ha11 3 :incl 2 111 h;1ll nf !he ron~ul:11 1nn se1n1s 1,1!JiJe <;e0rge Bridge111:i11 ;ind Htchard l\11p('rflk rlrfr·:i1ed Bud \\'11lli1<'C' .ind J)u·k 1·:i.::;1n by for·fell 111 lhe olhrr )l;:,lf · rrrsidept 's 1·11r qu11l1f~1n,g 11111 t,ike pla('e at Har1ch1r San Jr1afju1n {)rt . :in The 11·0r11rn"s f'luh hl·kl t11 (l t011r11;1111rn1s d11r1ng llu: 11t'('k. In the Jnw net .1fL1ir. Fl'rn :-.prf>UI 11 r•n 111111 ;i i5 !illl01red h\ !ll.1~1nf' Stnl"klanrl 1,, 1, \\;iv Lcu!ll'ilc r liR1 and l.;iura Ra~mu~scn 1i'l1 In :in a('C d.1v 1riur11anl cnt, !\l<trgare! Egher:! 11,;is !he are I ICtf}r 11 11h a i~ One team i~hm1na1rd each hole until the 111! ho!e \\'ht>n thP four stir1•1v1 g squads play that one for all the marbles. Te:inlS are cornposed of th(' JJ l11w nien's handicnr J:Olfers and the 13 top 11•on1rn golfers in lhe t•lub. A blind dr.iw for partners 1s stag('d and ron1- p('t 1t1on is a s(·ntl"h derb~'· ('e('il \\'hea! and Thelma Ciarfnrrl 11on tbe firs! e1ent a .\·ear ago but ha1 e dra1vn lo d1fferen1 partners th1.~ )ear. Ren Hazeh1'1nkle scored a hole·1 n·nne on the I \&-\·ard fn1ir1h hn le at Jr1·1ne (nast this 11erk using a four iron Jl rnal"ked 1he second al'e tn his golfing career The ;i11nu;il ghos ts and gnhl1ns hallo"een tourna ment \1'111 be held on Oct 2~ This 1s a 1l1n ln1<• ball~ nf fourst1rne competition 11·i1h a shotgun start and a blind dr<lll' fnr partners. /Jl t~s o \'e t•ff e The tllesa \'erde Cnuntrv Club men·s c!ub began pla\' in the annual ch;imp1onsh1ps last \\eekend on a rna!ch play basis. n1embcrsh1ps currently se\hng for $2 ,000 each. Corporate rnembersh1ps are al ~n <ll'flliahlr hy calling Roger Belanger al 837-5&04. ;ll f.#11 11011·1 f.f r·I~ Helen :'11ou lt on 110111 1he 1n0n!hly l11w ne! l"u1 nan1ent al ,\-leadnwlark rnun1rv ('!11b 1n A flight reren!ly \1 11/l a iJ. The R fHghl \\1nner "as Hn!>e t:ncksnn v.·1th ii. l'al He1nph1!1 won !hr l" !1!IP 1•1th ;i 75 11h11e IO\\ ne! golfer of 1he month 1ras D1an<1 Hooper 111th a i5 .~ .... l'I i ff Th!' Huntin_cton Se a c I i f f Country Club 1nrn's club recently hostC'd its SC'L'nnd an· nuHI pro·drrhy tournament v.·i!h !he v.·11111in~ tetiin com· poser! of .Ji n1n1y I·:. Thon1pson and Dr . [);1n Tannehi ll Scc.-inrl pla!·e \1·rnt Ir) BilrTv Su1herland <!nd Leroy Ga~· \••ith Toin SprinJ,:r.te <inrl Rill Billi 1n 1h1rd plal'e. ThE.' \l'IHTicn·s club hc lri ;1 l"w net tourney with 1.i1 "r:;n- denburg v:inn1ng the :\ flight t1!1e w11h a 71 She \l'il"-fnl!nll'· f'd b.1· Hazel ~lol ica 1i:!1. J!Plcn CQ\•·dcn 174 f and ll<1zel Ke1:r t 74 '· Arln11n11 Cnote wt!h .19 The R fhght was \1 on bv Ci1a("e Jle;il tJ01 1111h :'11arv ('lark !'PL'Ond at .14 followed hi' ~I r~ l\t'.1!1ng tJ51 and Ruth . \lurlhil 1361 .\1<1ria11n Cauthen :ind Rrtll' S11(' 811rrv !it'd for first 1n C fiight w11h 211 fnlltn1'ed b;. ~:111e !lrdmond with 31. B ig ('11 11~1 .-111 Thr n1en's C'luh 1·ht1n1 - p1nnsh1 p at Big Ca111 on 1 'oun· tr~· Cluh 1ll ;\e11 port Aea1·h has rPaeherl thf' ciuarterf1n<1 1s 11 1!h fn11r lllll!ehes earr:!ed this 1•rrl..rnd :\rll L.1kcnan 11•111 nlri'\ Fra11k I l :~rd1sun . J Ill! .!0•11£'<; p!;i1 s J1•hn Hel!nn: an~ Jark ()11B<use \1'ill ftice ('l!hrr 11. Harry \\'h1taker or 11 ob • Bolfne~~ The latter !110 t11U$1 c111nplcte !h{'1r 111 ;" t (' h bJ !·~1 1rb11 Thr 0 rt.;ire eight flight s 1n the l'01111pr l 1l 1olJ1. !n thr· first annu.il n1rn·s n1ull1gan ioL11·nan1.:-nt, a t1f' for fll"SI plti1·r resulted 111th the n1alrh ticcidrd nn the first pl;nolf hole. .. r~u<'ida•. OctOllt' 14. 1'J71 I Pi ra trs 8 t.h OUTDOOR (J)L U~1 N . • • [ontlnu rd fr um P~itf' 211 I n Nation 111·,. fairly <iC'll\'C ;1tn111i: !lit> en~•~l lln!', \\hllf' a re" n1Lf' cat('hl'.~ 11f bonito h;11 {' tu'1'n f.1k 1•n JU~I 1\ff !Ill' Ot·at·h. Oranl(e ("11::rs! rollc;:e 11rt i!s Ao!h land1ni.:s HrP ru1111u1~ ;1ll·<la~ anrl half-cla y boat"-ff'~U· ' ' 7 I s 11 ('r larlv 1111h \ ... ('1•l..1•r11t ... r1111!111).: tilt' hortts hrad1ng IJUl tn lt1i islands. .. , 111'11r1rHrr.;;in 1ri;n ·, I I I ' , n fll'l':l!i.~L(1!l:1 11htle sea b;1)>S ;i11d 1e lu11!,I! .ll"t' !Lrlul!l!;t thl'Ol· la:-t \\eek, has 1no1f'd un a Sl'll'f'S t\l~lkt!d up 111 tll fl Juekv angler 1-'•ir Sl'hPdulrs C'li!I Ari"s pair 11f rn1t• tie~ 111 1he 11e('kl\· at Gi!'i·IJ5'1IJ ur ll;nt:1 s ;1l tii:!·l~.14 fflfl1h<tll poll (If 1hr 1111t 1on'" Ha) l1.~h1ng 1~ ~:r,...id for spvl f111 1·r,.ak1•r ;<11rl 11;<,1 h,1s~ 1~11h Jiiruur r·nl lej!es, conducted bi· skiff f1 sli•'tlOl'll <l11111g the !}('st IJy lrolli11g 111 Thi' rlf'•·prr 1•l1;innrl ~ .I(" C:J'lll \\'ir f'. · . .\11 l!\-puu11d s;,1 111011 v.<is t'loui,:hl l;1sl 11r('I.. ;ii lhl' rno111h nf the 1'on o·li IJir k 'fih•hf'r'~ (If'(' )('tly by an u111rlrn11f1t'il ;inl(!rr Hai· f1sh1n~ ~houlrl continue. on rir;ite s ;ur 11,-,w rankerl rij!hlh the lJJlS1,111g lor !lie 11c~t ft:11• inonths. 11 11 11 ii Jl\·I re<"n1 d ' . ('atfi!"ll llitt i 11u ,,, \'f1i l ,,,,,~·- n 1111• thr('r n1hrr· < 01\1f .. 1·111::1 . · · l·.1rn tho ug h good Cillfh ts of hot h r r;i pp1e and blurg1 I sre 1'.':llllS :~f'(' ah(';l(j of i)'."lHti!<' t•nn1111n n at \':1it 1.;ikr ii i~ ~ti ll lhl' t•alf bh \\h ir h rtW11rd M - l .'1~~~!. · .111 \1 ;i1L'11 I.~ '\o !• gler~ \lilh lhl' 11111~1 ex ritr men l. l0 ',''r (•f the Srquoia~ ~-~ Tht 11 hisker£ish 11rr hill inJ: ,1:1M1d un l"UI hail in nH1~I <•f ha\"~. ratr( "ir!h and l'1erre 1s • 1 a1 crti i:inc. btt!rr than four pound~. To ~pirl' up the nrtinn. 5.l)OO ranl..t'd l-1'1ent!1 . p.-.und.s nf t·han nf'I l'all i~h \\ill be stot•ktd in 1ht l;ike t bi~ \\l'tk· l'irrrr Jlllll~rrl fron1 tllr '\n end. !fl pns1t1nn 11'11h 11~ ~'!·12 \It· Ha'' lll'l ion j;; lb1rd a~ ~lo\\ fur n1ost Soulhland 1 ;i kr~. The DArt V PILOT 2!9 Long Beach Car Show Onf' nf the nal1on's most e:t· ~n,11 e ;incl ninst 1·11 ~to1nizt:ll n101nn·11 Ir . an .,Sl.Ul.IO bf>autv ownf'rl hv !Ion Stont. will be <'lmon11. the ,·1rl(' rl1 ~pla_~s ;it the J:!l h ;;rir11111I C 11 s l n m Au1 nr·;i111a. .\!11tnrcyc!e and Hot H11d :-Ohf\11' . Thr d1 sp!11_1 or n1ore than 2.SO cus1un111.ed I' e h i e l f's Is schedu led O<'l 15·!7 at the Loni.; Be111h Arena S111nf'·s bolo.,. h;;s 32 coats of h11n1nou~ paint. fancy pin· str1p1n1: 1~ all fhrnmed. has IS l!ghl~ front flnl1 bark ilnd lot! of othl'r gnr~l1e( tnr1 O\Cf c:nlrlen \\r!>I. ht~! a1·liun \\flS at La ke Henshaw uht>r,. r1rn low \\':lier has not ~tune ridrs h1~ bike on the strrcts t'•Pr 1 d;1v, so 1t 1s not l.al..1'' l'in1. r:1si 1 a~ ;i nd (';u·hu in ;i arr ;ill ll~lPcl as Fai r for JUSI a shOI\ 101·. -.A. ~rrn1rd to hurt. "•·r .,. '"' •ar· ~o Po• Coo..,~ I ~·~ '·' •·•~ 1 (,," r '"" /\''" l • • • • t •• 4 lr·••~• ~· \•<!,~•• I r ··• ~,.,, (on ~. r • .,. •.•. ' " . o .. no1 C•••' ,.,.,,,,,~vrr lfl I'"'•" H•n•nc~ I' f••O (onto ~!. /,Jo ll !: ...... .i ~ ~··, "'"" 11 f I 0 "' ""' l• w,0;1r~•• Vt""' \''~'" I!, ~••11!<, ~.c .... .....,., 11. '·'·'~"· 1·1.,1··~ I! ~·" 0 •QO II"'• p.,.,, •.• ;~ t lh-..~tl~. 1 •••• fr••u'"· V• ha''· •·atti'h .ind h1ur)!il . but lruul and ••r;ippiP 11rt not aclill'. ~~~::C::~~~~~~~~~ 111,ftr~ . I ,0 , \\ann 11c;1tho•r an d \\1nd has krpt R ~·t of il nj!;ltrs of f the lakt 5 ~~"of Snu!hi•rn l'alliornlfl. , ,n1 Bil! Brar Lilke i~ J!nnd fur lro 1ut In 4'J P'fl Und~ on chee se and •n' n1ar,ho1allu•1~ nru unct tht' dan1. T:\:T fl<1:HinJ! rhrPSl' bai l h .i:ood I"" in !hr ~hnllo\1rr po rtions uf the Jakr \\hrre wetds are a big '~" prohlrn1. ''" iei 1111 .~x f)t•rl•.•J ."tf•f flt f ,fr l.:t• ll11 1·11x11 , " ~, 11 l.al..e Jla1;1su l\lanna h<i." .1111Hi11nt•ed ;; $.'ill a pound bass ,1~rlp1·h1 . lt ~t ti1•1t1d 1·ur."rl111• and 111 11 run thr<"1ugh lht> rest nf !hr i 1" 1110111111. All h;1~" i'dllght 111 l . .1kr lla1 <isu •not including st1·1pped : "b:1ss1 11111 Ix: r (1g1ble lo1r 1hr 1·11n!<'~l prfl11rlcd that thf'~· tlrf' ·~~ \\('1ghr1! 111 :11 !hf' n1ari11a . ~~~ Thl' l;11·g1·~! h;1.~s 11111 he paid •lff al ;; l'il\C uf ~50 a pound ;, o ilf1d lhE.' ~f'l"onrl pl:u·r cntr.1· \\Ill rrc1•11·e a flat $10{), Fi~h1ng fnr • r. hil.!-S is ~'"'d al lhe lari:e l:ikP anrt an~lrrs \\'nrk1ng deep running ' I t 1 -p1uµs ur J 'urplt· ll;ind1l let1dhear1 Jigs 1n drf'p water should be ~ ~ ~ ahlt? In piek up sonic nice flsh. 1 In A f!1J!hl, Belt~ (iallaghrr cnppcd first place 11·11h an 80 followed b~ ill.1r~aret DrBach t8l •. # In a better ball nf fnursnme con1pel1t1on, tv.'o te~1n1s tied for first place includinA Tnm and Darlene Bouse 1\' 1 t h E1·e!vn and Cv Ford (111 0ne sr;uad. The niher lr<1m \\'as ('t'Jn1posed of \\'oH and Dnt!ie ~lorns \l'i!h Jane and Dick lleberL The B flight \I a" wnn h.\• tl1ae Finkle and .Junr F11!Pn 174 1: \"I O'Ciara \1a~ ll11rd at 75 1\1th 111ar~· \'anderSnn1n1en a11d \\';ind;i Gnag~· !~ ini:; for fourth at 77 The \\1n11111i: tean1 \\':1~ o·n nl- P-°j<'d nf J)it k \\"h1tlo\r, Hill ,~"bh. Jac-k (;rundho!t•r find l.t1rr.1 Coin!:. Thl'Y defr;irrd ::1 te;i111 l'0111posed of ;\larl111 Srnlt. llarolcl Sears. Br.v an l Rah·hellnr and n e n n is ••" .......................................................... ,...0 .. 0,.0 .................................................................................................................. . The R fl1.1?h l 1•enl \11 \'1rgin1a Irle !ifii \\11h L1ndr Alinf' 1i!l 1, ./e;in (YSkca <fll • and Zola Harlho!nrne"· 1821 fn!lnwing 111 that order Harwood. r:ach had a fiO t The C lTn11·n 11 r·111 tn \'1\'1an Trnutnian 17G1 fnllo wrd tiv Pat Lackner and Beltv Se1Prsf:'n 1P.21 ;ind Ch;irlene (·n111ns 18'.l 1. In D f11t:h1 1·nmret11 11.n. \\av Lr11\\\'iler 11·11~ the 111d111dua l 111nnt>r 11 i1h an RQ fnlln11cd by ;\at;il1e Brf'k111;111 1R71. ' f1·1·it•f' ('t•trst Ir vin(' Cna~1 Cnunlr1· Cluh 11111 be thr i:cenc nf ;i .l~rk and .Jill n1ne·hnlt> df'rh\ Frida\· v. 1th 1:1 tean1~ en1erCri • Third place 11·enl !n Ccrrh;i and flan Bro"·n with f\e1th and r.tyrtle ti le Donald al fi2. Jlfi .~~i.-1t1 \lie.f(J Charter memhersh1ps .:ire still a1·allable al il·lissio n \'iejo C•,11n1ry Club. The club s11·itched tn ;i pr11·;ite Jaynut the fir.~I of !he n1nnth and at tht> presenl time. has 14() members. The nnt;111al :?00 members will be !Jstcd as char!er niembers \\'ilh the SC'C'Ond 100 surh • In the (' fhgh! ('Otnpr11tinn rlnberta Andre11·o; and :-.l;ie Cl<'lrk tied fnr first 11 11h 79 fnlln1rrrl by Eun1cr R1·n1\·11 t flfl 1. ~nrn1a Smith and Ol;ih r.1org<'ln 1Rl \ ... , 'f 't•••t• Thr El Tnro (;nlf Cn4r~e 11·nn1rn'li i:nlr a ~s(1t1;il 111n s1ag· Pd a !OUJ'llillllf'nt \\ hf'l'Cln cnn· test;ints picked thr1r 12 be~t hnles with full l1andil'a11. The A lhghl w111ner 11as Lnu ThnnHI~ 111!h .1R fnllnwerl bv In 1hircl plate 11:-i.~ the rea111~ of fia1rnonr1 Daile\', flnll Hanks. Dnn And('rS'ln ~nd rh1 \\rrnf'r <it fil. The 11·11n1rn 's club nf Ai~ Can. ~·nn t'ountr.1 Club hrlrl ;i n1rrnber·nl('n1hr1· e ,. If' 1• I ! c tournament 1h1~ \\ rrk \\'it!1 l lPlrn lhhrlson and Ar l"rrh llnpe \\·111n1nJ: lhe even! 11·11h ;, heller ball Of pat'lnc>r ~Col"<' of '" In 1hr /I fl ig ht i·r1 111p<>1lli .. n. L i1. Ski11n1'r anrl Ph\·ll1s \'e1\'h\' 11'r re !11r 11·innr1".5 · 11·1th a ~!l [tJllowcd hy l';il Anirh ;ind .Janel 1!0111t>n (fiOI and Eun1l·r ~1audl1n ;ind fl1arge !"1ni!h !li0 I anniversary sale one · week only! eithe r style 2 PAIRS *25.97 sole and heel will never ne~d repairing comfort ... fit ... style Heel e nd sole o re ten times tougher thon ordinory ,,,cteriols. No 1hreod1 lo rot or b reok. Also. woterprocf, ~ki d proof, light ond fle;w;ib \e. The gro in .fi'ni 1hed st ylo is in brown. The monk 1trop smooth f1n•ihed .s1yl e is in burnished brown or b lock, Size s 8 lo 12 C, 6~1 to 12 0 , ond 7 lo 11 EE. COM E JN EAR LY .••••..•.••••.•.. , ••.•••• ,.,, •. , •..•• , .•.••..•.•••. ONE WEEK ONlY. Block Smooth -Style 2249 •Brown Smooth -Style 2148 •Brown Groi n -Style 2147 ·----------------------------------------------------------------------------------· FOR SHOPPING FAS[ ORO[R BY MAIL INNES SHOES, 333 3 8ri 1t ol Stret1t, Co1 la Mt1,a, C a. PLEASE SEND __ PAIR/S IN SIZ STYLE ___ C,QLQR __ NAME --------------------ADDRESS __________________ _ CITY _____ ,,,_-------------- "'· 0. 011: CH[CI{ CNCLOS[O 0 CHARGE 0 AOO ~% S.O.lES TAX & .35 MAILING COST Innes SOUTH COAST PLAZA "' COSTA MESA SHOES CHAll:GI IT! INNIS CHARGE -I ANKAMlllCARO -MASTER CHAllGI • I POWER BELT . i ·. ·--Ill• II 7.00-13 $35.20 $?1.il ~.Jo ts1t.zC $t.99 C78-l4 6.9>14 $35.20 -"S:ttt $40.30 $32.(' S2.15 [7g".14 7.3>14 $36.50 $21.111 $41.80 $3J.44 $2.37 ::..:.:..i--c.c."-1--===:..i-'-""'-!-".::C.:..+..="'-~ f 78-14 7.7S-1 4 S38.60 SJ0.88 $44.15 SlJ.AI $2.54 G78·14 8.2S.J4 .$42.20 $Jl.16+-$4'--8._40-+-'-$3ccl .... 11-+-'$-2.6_9-I H 75.1 4 s.ss.14 $46 2s S37 .oo +-$ ... s_1_os-+_!',_,_·'-'+-"-'-'-i •J78·14 8.85·14 $54.7'.I $43.80 $6 2.85 $50.11 $2:.91 1---+--t--+ l 1-:_":.:':.:'.:.' +.:.7. 75.15 1-':.:l::'·':.:'-1-=":.:1..:.":...i-.:$4:.:5:.:'.:.' +'31.15_,__12_•.2 ·-f ~lIB~t~ 1-G::.':.:'..:'::.'.i.-:'~·' . .:.'.:."+.:$4:.:':.:·os.:...+ "'·" ,_$4_9_.<_s ..... 1_n_.s_•..,_s_1_.s_o_, H7S.15 8.5S.l5 $47.30 $)J.e4 $5-C.10 )4J.28 $3.0l 1 •9.00.15 $56.90 SAS.12 $fi5.1S S52.12 $2.89 •J1a.1s 8.8~15 $55.80 $«.18 .$64.10 S51.21 $Z.96 J !----+--+--+-'--+-'-1--+-'--~ 0 L7~-l'i 9.JS-15 $57.'XJ ,...32 $66.45 $Sl.11 .$3.19 ·You aava $7.04 to $13.29 per !!re. • \\'!•v \1111· 11n~11ov.·n liran<l1 wh~n 1011 tHu. KCl Luoll;,·ear l'ol11tl··~ Jll 1h~~!' pri CPS. T wn l1hPq1l11~~ 1 ... 11 ~ ••• 1 ri1lav·.~ mMt prr.fPrtl"d t!nt hf.It tl'l rd plu1 two pliPI of polyl'9\f•r i:on! ••• H1d11 y'1 mo•! prl'fPPrl!rl l!nt lind v rord. Yr~u ~1!1 4·pli"' u11 <!Prthe trt11d for strength -th1t'1 1h11 Gondy!!ii r Po wr r n~l ! Pr1l1i<l.1 ~ tire. t • 4 hody plio11 In 1i~cs )78· 14, j78· 15, 9.ll0·1 S 1n<l L7'1l· 1S.) HURRY-OFFER ENOS SATURDAY • GOOD/YEAR THE ONLY MAKER OF POLYGLAS• TIRES , • JWAYS m TO r-r-'"" CHARGE ...-: Cflf[llf c.i.Ros ~fO If OOOl)'l'tAll 5(11'o'iCt $1()11(5 ·~ 11()51 CIOODY'UR Dllll.!111.. use OUI! IAIH CMlCI( l'l!OCRA"' l:\e-t:•\J•I Of CO"• l mueo he•V)' Oe""IPO !OP G<l<"><lv••' , .. ~ ...... 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"'"' '•"' E• <'l<lf•!'u 1 •" " ~. • '"" '"" w •neu• w••••••-"" w•• w .. • ""'' """'"l'l'"•n ~ '' "' '°" .. w~... ••v·~ "" 11 1-..t i"';, ""~~~o n•• n•t v "' •ot•Vt '"'" ft' • ~· "• '""'••" '°" V""•' •n• f0'10'1/t!t~ ~t< n• U ( "•< '"V"'~d ~v llJ(~ C&I"• 1 :·•~" • E• •or•" c•-C•"'<t•~ u •-) •" n•~ •-O•ol! " ""' •-""•'v...,. ~·r¥. ••~n· ·~'Iv "'9• "'" ~v ""'"' • •d-"t•! ~•v ~ti v••• ,w-(; ..,.,. •• u 1'.-ou• 11•e• "' ' • • • ' . . • Looking For Someone To Take An Order? We're Good At It \ \ We'll even pay the postage to get you t.O give us an order-: Get ready for some quick profits by mailing in your order today. Put .. a hard-working DAILY PILOT classified want ad to work for you~ \ USE THIS ORDER FORM USE THIS HANDY ORDER BLANK. WE PAY POSTAGE! S SHORT WORDS MAKE ONE LINE-NO AD LESS THAN 3 LINES z ' ' ll llME5 TI MES TI MES l lMES ---- $4 .50 $7 .40 $11.70 s 17. 70 SS 80 SB. 28 $14 .50 S22 .50 $6,80 s l 0.76 S 17 .JO $27 .JO PAYMENT ENCLO SED 0 SEND BILL 0 r ,b •'I(', ............ , <J•,1, b<·'J l ,., .•. , .••. , ............ .,.,. ( • .,1 , •. "" ................................................ . tJ.-.......................................................... . ' ;.dde11 ....... ., ....... ,,,.,,,,..,,, ........... .,,, , • .,,.,.,. C'1 ·· .......................... ~ -.................... . TO FIGUll:E COST P,.• ,.,.,v ~-· ~o·d '" '''~ '"•<< •~?•<" l nc'ud~ '~"' •dd ''' <" r~~"• """'~"'· 1-. ,,.,. ~i -~··' .J " ·'' '"• ;n~ ~I •• • In• ~" ,.h <'· •~• . . '" -',. •"'.·~'I ~ '· •t• A~.;S 11l)r.\l l o•1 ••. ' .1 .-,,., .• "'" .1 r • L' r 01 e ~. ,.,,, ~·-,,.,, .d '""" ·~-----~~cur HfRf -r~51[ ON YOU~ ["1VELOP( _ _____.......... ___ -·-·-· ·-···--- Cl ass ified De pt: BUSINE:SS RC Pl Y MA il O rdnqe Coas! DAIL Y PILOT P. 0. Bo< 1560 Cos td M estl, CCJlif. 92626 Or Give Us an Order by Phon ~ At 642-5678, The Direct Line to DAILY PILOT Classified Want Ad RESULTS \ • I •., I Thu~day, Ottobfr 14, 1971 s OAILY PILOT :J Official 'Ashauietl' History t o Nixon Supporter (,'ou tro ls Preserve Capo Heritage Raps China T1~ip " . . ~t ··~ .. • •• I.\ 1'1 '11 l-.\ lo\11 \\ " ' " • f I· I ' '" ~1\:1llr111s . 11s li'~cnds. and l!S C.:t11for111a n11ss1on . [! alsn has a grl'at dea l nf pnde pa.<=1 and ;:i lnol to preserve 11. early In JlS DAil y PILOT ~111! f'noto• 111 r i .;1J;1SfAltl A ND BANK'S BRICK FACADE FIT IN (,:. •. U t d To Preserve Heritage of Oldest Village • ••• lt:.r l~Q1)rS t~[LP PROTECT SAN JUAN ESTHETICS 1>.r ~h1 tec1ura l Control Came With Incorporation ;:. , .. ~) I '' -· •L'·''"'' -r·~ . -.,~~ ,., ..... ir.. ... 1'101T,Uff-C, \,o • .! ,..,~,.,,,,.., :""':~ · ... :....~:;.; Jt\(I' Ir! rt--•r r ~())( CAUSED ONE OF BIGGEST FLAPS ,. ,,, .. [·rtir"P The Cont ro l ~ Are Not Tough Enough " • l • . ' "' ,, ... ., ·-t • -.,. -· . .... ,, p't.~ A< ....... .,) ' • 1•L11',ATf ARCITRATtON RESTS WITH CITY COUNCIL P1 c • ., . ._ \'/Ill !ee Downtown Are.11 Become Drawing Ca rd . , I " ,l ' I' '' ' . '' '" ' I I+ T11 P fl•-I 111 •\ ••rir1;i1 llJl I ' , .,h! 1!1;il :ill , 1 1 I • 1 1 n1rn ;ind ' ~1·1 d 1! " i ' •!' .l,Jl ,,,n , \P01 h" Ill I" I 11·11 .j, IP~;itr~ •r•.io.-11 1;1C• '111~ ' ' ' !,,d '"' ' ' •' 011·,1 ~ri;il "' "1 1h1n th;s I \'I ' • n n! f;11nr " ~tr r ii ,,,, ,, Ir 1:.11 ;:i!>ri1 - I 'II " .-,,11 h 1'1 1\d 'I I" '1U\": ~IV1 " 1!•" rr 1.\11. ,, , I, hi I 11 I 'r,p\nita1 1rin ... c '•1111nrrr1al , T, '•,, I n'i ~rr1 ,rt""; .• 11 J\lfi . .ih i!ll,Hc\ \, lh<· n·~nl11l1on ~::il!I Such fl.1i::r:1111 r11~re~arrl for the health ;iill'I ll'rl farP of women i ~ un- cnn~ri11n.1lilr " The a~~n( 11111n11 catl"rl fnr "elim1nat1on nl unpthir;:il 11nrl unhralthlul abortion rrfrrral pr.1r·11ces" and prnpo :;ed -'·R.cfrrral nf \\'On1 Pn tn ahnrlinn ~"r1·1crs rnnfnrmin.ct "'llh rhe APll/\ tl'rlltllrll{'ndrrl ~t andard~ for s u Ch srr1·1ces ;i! nn co~! through state and lnr:il health rlrp;:irtments " Th,, a.~sflC1t1!1on :r-11id ii ~upports; -"Jncrca~cd rundtnJt for develnpme.nt nf l.1n)1ly plann1n~ se rvices available from the, federal i.tovernmenl under the f.:im1lv r1.'lnq1nR <;rrv1ce5 and population l'f'q>,~frh ;irl nf 1!170 -· lnn~re~s1nnal acti\'1 lv tntrnderl to ~t~tul11c population. such :1!1' eriual r1~hr~ fnr u.·nmrn, \\·h1ch \\'Ill p r o \' ! rt f' al1rrn~t1\'es 1n child be11rini;:" -"N:irion:i l hrR1lh 1osu rt1nce: \\'Uh prrvrnt11·r health ser\'1cr.s which lnclurle ran11lv plannlnR " "Thr 1n!rnr!11r!1nn nf pnp11la1lnn r r\i1ra t1•'>n in public srhools :ind n1he r ap. rrnpnare 1ns111ut1ons .. '"' ~ ' \\'alk1ng through downtO\vn S11n Ju.11n , nne isn't necessarily tro.nsported in lime bark to a sleepy Spanish vtllag<'. B1it the f<'eling is there thanks lo the r\n·h1 1rc1ural Board nf Re\'iew and the r1ty fathers \\'ho had the foresight to {'r('a\e 1t "Architec1un1I rontrol wa.~ instit uted 11t lhe sa111e time as 10 1961 " said City Planner Rob Johns. ''IL was done to pr<'ser1·e the rity's 1dent1ty and heritage and lo control tle\'elopment in the downtov.·n area " Thi' idea \\'as In crcale a n ;:irchll<'cturally con1rn!lC11 rl isinct in An 1<1enlifiable area surrnund1ng th<' n11ss10n· The area toda~· 1s boundrd on the cast by the San D1egn Frecv.·ay. the flood control rhannl'l In Ori Ob ispo then the yoest h,Y the Sanle Fe Railroad tracks. !hen north b.v I.a Z.1nJ'1 Strf'l'I. and thl' south by thr 1ntersE'ctio11 or San Juan Creek 11ond The area a!read,v cont ains n1nsL of the t1t~"s hi,.toric adobes. Build ing~ cnn- stn1c1erl or rhangrd aflrr A11g11st nf l!lJ)l ;:ill hale early f ,11ifonua df'.~i gn~ \\'Ith e11hrr t1lf' or \\'Oodc;1 shake roo fs. Jflhns adrnits !h<it eonformin.ct to the nrdinanre is usu11lly much n1nre cns1l y rh:in if conven tional designs and m::iteria ls were used "But n1ost rlowntow n properl y owner~ feel it enhanc<'s the area and is insurance aga1nsl dl'!rrioralion .. ht' said. "They knO\\' 1hal tht>ir ne xt door neighbor has to comply, !no " ~1 ike Darnold, pr<'stden! of t h e Capistrano Chamber of Commercr and a proprrty 011•ner in the do11·nto\\ n section, .i;aid 1! 11·as 11·orth !he extra rxpt'n.~t'. Ul'I Teltpft~to Rerr1ernbrr lier? French f!lrn queen Brigitte Rard ot isn't exactly a period piece yet, but she plays one in her latest. film, \Vlt h hair style to match. She portrays a sho\v hu slne:>s star in the Roarin ' T\ve n1ies in "Boulevard du Hhun1." Yes fans, Brigitte is, sob, over 30. Free Service 'fo Be Gi,'en B y Cycologists ''\\'e had lo completel~' rrbuild our "trurture," he :;;aid. "But in my opinion architectural control is es~enlinl" The v.·orlrl's firs! Cycology Fair Oa n.1old ~;:iirl lie 1h inks thr earl1· lcyrnlogy stands for bicyrles anrl l al1forn1<1 themr should be maintained f'cology) opened ils three-day run today throughout the city. aL Fash.ion Jsland shopping center in Another extensive property owne r in Newport Beach. the downlov.·n aren. the Tustin Land anrt D1cyclf' anrl ecology preservation ex- fatlle Company, has also complied with hih1t.~ v.·ere scheduled \() be Ol'l.'n for in- the ordinance. s1>ecllon of 1he pt1b\1c each day of the fair Bruce S\\·artovt. their representative. fron1 JO fl.ni. until closing time at the sairt his firm clid more than required Newport Center shopping complex . hecause they thought it ;i wise in-A d;iy of bicycle and tricycle events vei::!menl. \\'lll climax lhe lair on Saturday. Top "It hel ps, the ci ty re tain ii~ ch.1rm," he Pve nls Rre exprcted t(} be the 35-mile said. "In my opinion ilrchitectural con-rriterium (san ctioned by the Amateur trnls ;ire not tighl enough ." B1rycle Lengue of America and drawing plaining has been over signs. but some a field of ARL of A men1bers who arr of complaint s on all levels. Most com-Olympic caliber in thei r bikf> racing plainiong ha s been over signs. but some skill\ and a JO.mile Grand Prix Stock hns been on judging certain buildings as race for 10-specd bikes. acceptable under the ordinance. The DAILY' PILOT , w!1h thf' hPlp nr "Our biggest naps were over the .Jack-~ome friends. will ope rate a Pnllutinn ln·the·Box and !he fish and chips place, Solution Statinn from \0 a.m. to 6 p.m. on but hoth \\'ere resolved." he said. Snturd;:iy, collecting ne"'spapers, glass By TERRY COVILLE 01 •~• 0 1111 1'1101 S!lll Nixon's chief supporter from Orange Cnunty during the 1968 ca mpa ign, \\lednesday called the President "just another tncky, weathervane, opportunis- tic politician." "He's selling us out by travel!ing to Red China." charged George Brokate. "It 's a surrender to communism." Brokate spoke at noon, Wednesday In 50-100 students in !he little theater at Cnrnna deJ ~·lar High School. It \\'as the. initial meeting of a campus ch apter of the Young Americnns for Freedom. "He has not don e these thin,'ls for p('ace, but to buy votes in 1972," con- tinued Bro kate . who reportedly put $1.l()()() into Nixon's campaign fund ln 1968. Brokatl', currently a memher of the county Republican Central Committee, said he is "ashamed" he supported Nixon in 1968, but indicated he could change his n1ind if !he President cancels his pending trip to China. He praised U.S. Rep. John Schmitz (R- TustinJ and i1tate Assemblyman Robert Burke (fl-Huntington Beachl as two Republicans "with the courage to stand on their principlt's " Schmitz is a member or the John Birch Society. The angry Republican also diSavo11,•ed any personal int,ntion to run for any type uf public office, other than re-election to the Republicnn Central Committee in Orange County. Brokate waro'd the students not to 1rusl politici.1ns in general. "Very few v.·on't sell out to gel elected ," he said . Jn A brief aside, Brokate sarcAslically commented on the recent lrip to !11oscow by Supervisor Ronald Caspers and cnunty planning commissioner Arnold Forde . "l ll'Ondcr \\'hat the.v Wf're plannin.ct for ll.'\ 1here?" he askc>d. Two slltdents jeered "~la nder tactics" at Brokate, who replied by chnllenging Ct1 sriers 1.o debate him. In his cnmment.~ on President Nixnn's Hf'rl China 1ript Brnkale called Peking "the cc.pll:il of atheistic butchery." "If <'ommun!st China enters the United Nntlon.~ 11 will hn ve shot its way in,'' he declared. "1\nd if !led China enters, we should get out of the U.N." He charged that much or the heroin found in the U.S is made in.Red Chinese larlnries, "even though the use of heroin there is a death penally." "I'd like Nixon to prove it isn't," he ad- ded. He also charged that Red China ha~ 40.000 troops in North \'ietnam. ~er\1ng mD~tly a~ ant1J1tl·raft g u 11 n er s and engineers. "If Nixon gOE's tri 11rd China, 11 prnves thi\t the L! S. is a paper 11 ~f'!'." he sa:d. Dunng H :.hort ri11es11 .. n and ;ins11er period some of !he students qu1.tzed Brnkate. "\\'hat IS the lngir rn hon in.ct prople kill each other for peai;e''" a~ked Qne gu l. "For freedom." rcrli~d th" sepa l-er "Do you really bt'hr\e th<' l ' S. has ne\'er been an aggressor~" asked another student. '\\'e are nnt the aggressQr 1n \'1etnam," Brokate replied "I dn nnt i1c!1es r \\'e sholild su pport die t;itorships anywhere. However, some are ant1·ron1n1unist and we ha ve to realize \\'hat f'JOSes a greater threat to the U.S." "I thi nk I know who the main enemy is, Keep your ere on the mnin enen,y, the one \l'ho might beat us,'' he conclud ed. Supervisors 01( Develop1nent At Salt Creek Beach front prop"rly de\ elopment in Laguna t'.'1gue l at Salt freck \\'as given preferred treatment \\'ednesdav bv the • Board of Supervisors in hne 1~·1t h the re- cent pact signed hy the county and Avco Community Developers. Condit ions for de1•elopmenL of a 20-arre parcel near the old Sall Creek \\·ash \vere apprn1•ed and sent h11ck tn 1h(' 1·'\l1nty planning comm1s~ion !or fl1rth rr action. Assistant Planning Director Stuart Ba iley said the li t1rry up action v:as recommended to n!lo1I' the dcvelormrnt firm to t<irry nut. improvrments ap- proved in the rccrnt prict. The er.uni v purchased Salt Creek Beach and upl and parking Jots for $2 56 mil lion in the agree· 1nent. Development pl;ins had hcen cl rl::11 rd by the commission until 1he pact 11·as signed Sep1 2l hy the county. County planners hnrt expressed some cCJncern that a bencb club p!annPfl for the Salt Creek arra 1vould blnck the ocean view from high\\·a r tra\'elers. Thev 11·ere assured by an AYcO executive that this was not I.rue. "In both {'ases plans \\'ere modified to hotlles and aluminum cans fnr recycling. lit the ordinanre." 0--------------------------------------------------- .rnhns ~aid the nrdinanr.:e ls rurrenll y hr1ng 1mrrnved. Standards arf' being rlrl1nrd ;ind fo,ggy points c!anfird 1\'hf'n there is a dispu te it goes tn the Planning (1Jmrnission and fr om there can be appealed. "\\'hen ynu're dealing \\•1th nlhrr penple's l.1nrl and money the ultimt11e nrbi!r;ition rrst.~ 11·ith thr City Council," hr ~:iid. ~\II houg h lherP are i::evernl bu ildings in the mission dis trict. "'hi rh do not compl,v 1\•1th early Californ ia ll:rch itecture, Johns si\id there is nothing the city can do ahn11! ir no"" "The {'lty cnuld set a period or time in 11h1rh prnperty o"'ners would have In rnmply \\'1th !he nrdinanre if they \\'anterl tn. hut they havf'n't rome to thiH yet," he ~a 1rl .Johns said when v1<'1111ng i\rrhrtectural rnntrot as a cnnrrpt In San Juan C.:ip1s1rann, it ~rnernlly ha" 11nrkrrl v.·pJI 11 i!h few prnblrm.~ -fa r Ir~<. th;in one 11n11ld rxprrt ··~un nrr nr t.:11 rr !he dnll'n!n11n .1rea 11 111 be 11 rl1<t1nct ent1!y," sairl .Jnhr1~ "[ dnn 't en11~1nn if <'!.~ !hr ro1nn1erc111 I crnter nf the valley -but 11 v.·111 be the rlrai1·1ng rard" Visitors Booth Being 'Erected Near Mission \1isi!Qr.~ tri Sa n .lu<i n Ca pisrraoo may ,tnnn. ha,.vc <in inlnrma1 1nn booth lo direcl lhl'n1-·And ;:in<;11·rr iiu{'st 1on~. The Cham!}('r of Cnmmerce has bri;iun ronsln1ction on a smAll struclurf' In he lncated nn the El Peon premises nn Ort ega High~·;iy directly ::\Cross fr(lm the Olrl 11-lission. The booth will he ~!;ifferl m.1inl.v hy vnlunleers 1\•hn "'ill have a variety nf in· frrrm;i fion to dispense in additinn lo I materials. "ll \\'il l a\sn serve as i\ rh;imhrr of- rice."• said pre~ident Mike D;:i rnnld . ''\Ve'll use it lo a_nS\\'er the rearns of rnr- respondence thal rnmes In the chamhpr dsiily. mosl of it ;ibout the ci ly, and our secrelary will have ;in extensifln in her own business office a~ well a.~ this nne." Dnrnnld said some volunteers will come from the San Juan C11pislr<1no Historical Society and he hopes vnlun· leers will alsfl come from nther organiza- Hons to make the information booth a cooperaUve effo rt. Russ Launch Orhiters f\IOSCO\V <UPI \ -The Sov1el llnifln lnd:iv blast ed ;innther of Us "shritgu n" rnck<'t~ intn spRC(', pu!11n~ ei.ctht Cosmo11 i;atelhtes into orhit 11.t nne time, lhe News A~ency Tas~ rrpnr1Pd The satellites u.·ere designated co~mos 444 through 4~1. The Tass report rlid not i;iive I.he ex itct mission nf the eii.:hl snte.llite11 nlher lhan 1n sa.v lhey w1!1 "rnntinue the exp10t.1l inn' nf outer sprier " The Snvlcl.s h;ive fired lhP. eigh l·s:it.el\1te rockcl.~ .at leasl three times befnrt STEREO SHOPPERS GUIDE :~ "STARTER SY5nM" 40 Watt AM·FM Stereo H1r• h· • rnod1rafe·pow1red rec.eiv.r, co mbined with • Gerrard turntabfe •nri Unc:•r Spe1J.:er1 for 1n excall1nt starter set. Fl•g, System Prl~ $134.40 SAVE $79.40 SALE PRICE FABULOUS-NEW! MARANTZ AM-FM STEREO SYSTEM ! n.. -Mtrl nb 2170 -140 J.1th •Ms II ohmt • 20-20 •H1) .I """'''°Ill f•••~•••· bc.fod.d •••th• ft111011t Rtlilin•lt Ill t p••k•rt & Du1l1 atw 1211 Tumh b1• w/w1ln1,1t b111, end AOC l40XE <1rtriclt~ ou.u. 1111 • ....,.,.. Ptlc• STJU.91 SAVE $307.151 SALE PRICE VALUABLE COUPON SCOTCH "207" n.. ffwll prtf· ... 1 .............. l•t ,_,., •eG. UU.ILY SI.ti. 1/2+0FF! ONLY $3.99! TRADE-INS GLADLY ACCEPTED "BEST·BUY" SYSTEM New SONY 6045 Stereo Sony's n1west r1c.ai't'er has e power oufpu t of 25 /25 weHs IRMS et I ohmsl with e sen11t ional tuning stc.tio", Also inc.ludtd is e Gerrard 10 -B wilh Shure M44 -7 end L1nc:tf" 9711 Spee kers. ST-' 6045 -'•9· S22,.50 Plu1 <ue LANCl R. 971 I Re9, $I 0,,00 SAVE $109.00 SALE PRICE SONY' CONDENSEl MICROPHONE [CM·ll wilk Win1hU••" Never befor• •veitabl• •t a lower price. $19'5 ONLY ~ ....... ~-...... .- SOH'f Hl·Z ..... DIMAGHnlDl p...-.-....ru--.. ~,... ., ,...,..., .. -.. 1~0..-­........... otf/O~ ••l•<lt .... -... ,.,..,_ I OHY ll-7 CASmr IHSTA·l ll:ASI W11'i<t w/-tltdi'f. ctl~I ,.,,. .... ,. .. II,. <U•<I!• .~ ... ,.~ "'• '', -n •••••• 41<-•·•~ ....... " ..... $1'1.(llL.. AT • • • • ONLY '6.95 '14.95 ............. ,,.,,_ VALUABLE COUPON STEREO HEADPHONES 109. $US -• ..... s, .• ,.u.w.1 , ... c .... .., s3.49 s.t-1 1• ~ 0. "-' EXl'l1£S • I O/ll/11 : 111 R Q Q QR I IQ IQ IQ I IQ Q ltt 0- MONEY·IACK SATlSFACllON GUARANTEE • atlantic music stereo 44S E. 11th St., C o~to Mr\o. Op('n C:.unday' 1i.s. C:.otytdoy\ 9-6, Dally 12-9, Clo1cd Wirdn tiday1. AO C b,1111 Git,..irrl <;1,,, ... T, ,le fj,~,r1'1.H• i" _,,,j..,., Prc ~•·11nQ Sh"r"'ocd 'Altac Rectilinear SAE M .ir,u1t 1 Wh,.rl1·d.-i11· So .. nd cr.lit·.m•" '-.o'"f AR B·.>1Jk , Mt lnio\'1/JBL /En•pirc/Oyn.:1c.o • ' • ~ OA!L V PILOT \ \ No\v Parents Get AIJ0,va11ce B~· TltO:\IA S ,\IL'l11'HJ:'\'t: Soutl1 Viets T1·ap Reel s; 52 Slai11 SA!GO~ ll:Pll -A battalion of Snulh \'1r tn111nPSP ranr:Pr'.'i and arrnorl'<I ('al"itl ry (la U!.'..ht ii l\'urth V1etna1ne~e Arn11• ~:'\VA1 hr1v.1 equ1pn1ent t•ompany in ihP onrn rnday and killed 52 Con1munists, the r S. Cnn•mand in S:iii::on snid. Fivr Sou th V1etn<i mt'"Se Armv IAH\l."il ~old it>r ~ Yo erP killed and 20 ";nundl'd in the b;:ittle. a milt' north of Camp Alpha and about f1vl' n11lrs nor1htasl of thP Cambodian plantatinn·burcler town of Krl'k. military spokesrnen said. Wlrlu •r ou've lefc cite lighC< on your getaway car !' Syria Charges AttacJ{ Aerial Co1nbat Witli lsrct el Jet s Clai 11iecl lly Unl~d Press Ln1ernationat A Syrian rnihlary spo\.iesman in Dainasrus said a fonnat1on of J;;raeli warplan es crossed over !he. Syrian border 1oday and were cni::aged by ~ycian fighter pl11ncs, Tbe report carne as Egyptian Presidrnt An11ar Sadat "·a~ <.:unsull!ng 1n DarnasC'lJS 11·1th LL Gen. llafez Tassatl. the Synan president, un the op!ions of Y.ar or pe;ie1· in the :O.l1ddle Easl. The S) nan sµukesn1an saul the lsrarh plants can1e 1n over the Lebanese borders around 8 ~ a m 12 58 a.nl . EUTJ and 1·etumed to Israel l'1a the sarnl' rvute after enc:nunll·ru1g ~~!'1:111 planes. He did not say whet11tr H1f'rf' wer!' <in)~ l'asuall1es or how tong the funna t101T"" stnye<I 01 er Synan lern1<>ry 1'hi s y,•as !he fir st Sr r1;111 n·1"M1r1 of an Israel i air vio!;i!ion sin.re 1J1e :\l!clrl!e E;~:;t t·ease·fire went into effect !-I n1unths ago. 1 ~rael has rtported several in<.:Jtlents ol arr 1"1nlal10!'lS by Syr1on planes. Only la;;t 1~eek twu F:g)pt1an :\11G2.1 j~ts bel1e\ecl fl oy,·n by Soriets flew Y.hat lsraeh spokesmen caller! dangernusly close 10 Tel A1·1v. No tncid<'nt developed, howe 1ter. !IH~ 11,;11 l\l\11!1it·!' Iii 11:11 f•I' pl;llC'. Eg,1 pl !'b1111 11·d lllr Sui 1t'l'.'i )ljjd rnrJu1·srd S;ida!"~ l'1111111;t1u11 llunng 111« r-.1 0~1·011 1 alh ~. Red Delegates See 1n Porter W orri e1l , Rc•rea l.~ f',\l([S 1l l't • -I ' All. (,\l.IFOH~JA : t:p ln O:iY.land. the) '\'e d CC'ldl.'d 10 gl\ P honu~r" 10 teachers <1nd p:1renti-1f the \.i1dd1es perf1)rn1 ;it :i high lrvcl 111 n1:J!h :i·1d readi ng. The c;1~h. about S!0.1.000, "·i:! c:orne fr om ;i fedt·r<JI gror:t The Al1V:'\ b;ittalinn was supported h~· a n1.1ssi\'e allied artillery stnke of SOO r1111ncls plus U.S. and South Vietnamrse fi:!htrr·bon1bers and he!itopter gunslups. Guests Arrive iri Iran Pnhtical spo\.iesn1en said Sadat 11as bneOng Assad on the ou1 enme uf 10 buurs of tal\.is he had in /'.t oscow 111th Soi 1~l le;ir!ers whil'h the sern1·off1c1nl Egypt1:i11 :\l1ddlc East Ne11•s Agen('Y (~\£:\'A J s.ud Wefe ··successful ., \I ll!l:11 n ,I C11ni.: and ~nt·th \ 1et n;1111r~r drlrg;i!es 10 \hl' l'llr!S pPltC"e l;d~~ ~"1'111 ju !~· 11 +u-r1ed !P\I'!' l'rt'.!i!tll'111 ~1\11 11 · l•·1 \l11 i.1111ni:. l!Sl!S \(i f!1'klllJ.: ;111t! \]1 r.1·1111 Rilled as ;111 experin1ental prograrn. if the \.iids hang 1n there 11'1th tile books and perlci nn as dcn1:1ndt10. ll'arhers could get bonuses up to II 200 and thr p:11·en1s would get up to $100. The el(perirnent af- fert" only une canipus, Longfellow School. All ~O nf the fightt'r ·bon1ber strikes to· da~ Ln tlt ilitary Reµ1on Ill cnmprisin~ !he 11 provinces aruund Saigon "·ere n1adc in !he area between Tay ~inh :If! iniles south of Kre\.i. and the Cambodiar1 fron· tirr. spo\.iesmen .said . For lnternatio1ial Basli The consultations, /'.IEN1\ ~aul. 111're l'OndtJCtl'd •·11·11h111 the fra111c1\or\.i of th~ federation of Arab re public~:· wt11t"h 111- elurfe Egypt. Syn;i and Libya. Sadat ls fl·derat1bn cha1rn1an . !It 11•\d ll\'11 111!'11 lh.ol •!I 1111' p 11 1r~e !•f l11da.1·,, :P ,-11 .. 111 ~·:-~111n 11 1tli lllf' 1"<1!11 · p1un1:.1:-; th'1t .. 1111',I '~'t'll1 •·rl Ii. \i\' :.it .1 bit or ,1 Iris~ 111,1d 1h1 · lt l'l1111~ 11111~ <•!t' a l1t i1(• h1il lit·1 t'd .1 !1'1lll I 11 I f• 1 II ;1 l I l' II :i I c1 i•n1.;:" The Oa\.iland St:hfln l Rn:ird apriroved the bonus for learning schrn1e with only one nn \'ntc Tru~l ee 11:111d Tuclirr . .Jr,, suggested \\'hen it <'1 •rncs to tutoring. parents shouldn't get paid rnr \\'hat they should be doing any11·a.v. But School Supt. I'\areut Foster was n1urt> philos ophital in defending !he exprr1nu'1ll . I.ft' concluded · "\\'h.v nut l)a~· people to be parents if th.1!"s 11 hal needs to bl' done ?" * PRl\'ATF: 1.A~'r>O\\':'\E ll S. particular· ly big ones hke the li-11nr Company. ha \'e become plenty Jitter~· 1n recent ti mrs over the possibility of !he public gaining prescrip!ive rights lo prirale proprrt~·. This all can1e about because of a C<iliforn1a Suprrme C011rl rul1n r: \\'ha t the ruling ~aid w:i.s that if 1he plllllil' had been using pl'lratc land for fi\·e yc;irs as atcrs.~ to hl'aches. strean1<;. hikes or !h t' l1kr. !hen the pubHc could clain1 a right to that arccss. As a resull. along 1he Ornnge Cna~t \\·e·1·t' seen Irvine ranchl1a11ds shore up thr1r barbed Y.'1re fpn1·rs and hang nut an ab11ndanrc of i\'o Trcc-p;:i ssing si.cns. Pl'.'Ople ignorinc 1hn~e ~1:?ns are gcl!1n~ arrPsted and hauled off lo the county lockup. too Comes 111111·. hnwc l"er, a bill b.v State S~na1 or Ro bert J . La;::nrnar"111n iR·OJ<lLI .,.. h1el1 Hus 11'erk 11·;"1<; signed into law by L1 (fovernor J;:d Rein e cke . l.agomarstnri"s law pretty much revt'rses !hf' 1·ourl f'<lier I! !<;I\'!< lh.1 t in nlt.iv:ing publ ic access . the pr1l':ite landn wner has 10 ha\I'.' !;!,1!rd tas 1nttntion that the land b('t·nrne pub!ir . r-.1aybr !hi~ y,·ill !MECn lip some nr the lr1 inc Hanch frnt e!ines. * AS~E,IBL\".\1AN' flobcrt H Burke 111· llunt1n~lon 13rarh! was. a 111n11cr and then ahrup11y a big lnser this "'eek on his ahot11 011 contrnl 11111. Rurkc's mr;l!'lll"e "11ulr1 ha\ r prohibited a physicl;in who rrc•1111n1endr1t an ,1hnrt1on fron1 ~itting on the same l1n"pL t;il p;inrl that ruled \1hrthl'r nr llf'\ !he nprratinn ~hnuld be :-1llnw1·ll 11 Pil"~cd thr A~""mbl~' Then it \\'('nl tn 1hr Sr n;1 !<'·~ hr.,1llh and wr lh1re crun1n ittce It 1\aS i-,1lled on a unanimous \ult' * SO,\I E TJ\IE n \\ 'K: f.:ii:11n:i Rr:irh 11 a<: st11d1"1nl! a ~,..r,.,1\cd t1111i·l1!pp1e r.1 rl1 r1fln!"1' that 11· 111111 ha1 r n1:i<1r L! 11\rr.11 Tri r]1111h tn•('!<. ~11 on g1;1"$\ pa rk<: nr d'l 1>th• r 1h1111rs \•kc 1h:i.t lt nr1rr pa~~cd B11t 1';11"tl1t•1 ll\ !h<' !'ra adoptrd 11ne :tl111n<:1l1kr 1! 111!11 ;1 n (lrrl1 n:i111•r prr 1mh!r> ni 1~111i: r('f!'rrrirr tn · t ·nrll·s1r,1blr and l l'l~ 1•111 ·11 1· 11s1turs . s11n1rtune\ knn1\1l ;;~ h1pp1r~" Sh•1rll\ !h<'rr:iflrr .1 r·,1rmrl h"<·k\fnre f1\\rJI'! <;ll nn thl.' 1;r;,~. illld W'a \ nrom rt lV <•rrt'''''d Sh(> ln~1 111 ~11nrr111r (',.111·1 :1 11ri ;i ppi·i!l co11r1 llLJI 1l1r• nrdin:inct• wa \ to~~· rd o it 1111 hrl' .1npl'nl 111 thr l'ahl.irn1:c1 S11pp•1ne 1"1111rl ~ ''11"1'1<>1 d11g~rdly c.1rnrd 1h11 , it'" I" 1t1P l ~ S11prr·nr Court The l1r:•l 1 h:t1•1r1 1•:1 ~ 1<r1lt r n !his 11eek TJ;r ! · ~ ~uprr1nr Cn11 r! lrt th~ t "l1f•1nHa h1i:h l''lll! t '~ r11l1fl~ ::t;i nr!. thus kill ing Carn1el nn·grass·~ll!Lng Jail' Cnm1nunis1 ar1illeryn1en near the b<irdcr shelled U.S. Firf' Rase Pace \\'ednf'sday night and early today and two Americans "'ere \.\'ounded. the eornmand said. The U.S. Air Force retaliated wl!h a n:.2 and fii;ht cr·bomber strike force !ha t hit sus~cted North Vietnamese J»Sitions al ong the borde r. The eighl·engine 852 s!ratofortresses had Mmbarded Cnm- munist troop concentrations five miles \\'CSt of Pace in Cambodia's Tay Ninh province earlier in the day. Along the Cambodian frontier S'.l miles northwest of Saigon. the North Viet· namese kept up pressure not only on P;ief' but on nearby South Vietnamese bases on both sides of the border as well . Two ARV!I< soldirrs wtre wounded in one bombardment, !he command said. Soul h Vietnamese paratroopers said they killed five Communists in tw o ~k1rmi!<hcs l\\·n and sevrn miles so uth of P;iee at a cost of five wounded of their nwn. {:r )1 .. _, ·:.r U.S. Casualties LJ>,vcst in Six Years-Only 8 SA I GO~ 1UPll -Ei;::h1 Arnerican soldiers v.·ere \.i 1lled in action last week. the toy,·est number of U.S y,•ar deaths 111 Snuth Vietnam Ln more than six years, the U.S. command said today. Last week's battle fatah\1es \\'ere the lowest since the we!'!k ending Au g. 28, \965, when six Gls died. The eight killed "'ere 13 fewer than the pre\'ious v.·eek, the eomn1a nd said. Through Saturday, the r nm man d reported thnt 45,572 An1rric<1ns had hcl'll killed in action since J anunr1', l!!61. This vear. there have bet'n 1.364 US. y,•ar de;:i ths. according to unofl1rial figures. In add11ion . the con11nand listed HI An1eric;in df'a ths la~! "'eek that did nnt rrsu\\ from hostile action. a decrease nf six !ron1 the previou~ \1'erk, but raising th<> tntal to 9.813 for !he y,•ar U.S. spokesn1en had no explanation for !he low war·dcath li~ure. bul U.S. troop strength 111 Viet nam la~t \1•erk stood at 204.220. dO\\'O 40 perctnt from la st vear al 1he same lime. In Aug11i:t (lf 1965. there \l'Cl'e 100.300 Amtrrcans in !hr v.;:rr 1.nne. The command ;innounced 72 A111eru·ans Y.'ere \l"Ounded ln.~t y,·eek , a redurtinn nf 45 from thf' pre1·1nus "rek. hut ra1sinf;! the nun1 btr of b;it!lt'·lnJurrd l' ~. troops to 301.936 since 1!161 l111nff1r 1nl recnrrl.~ ~hn11'('d 8,71l7 1\mern;an s ha\'e tx·cn "·ounded this yr<o r. I~ "'"' . '..X·o,., ~J e n Scntrn<'c cl H1\Nt\"O\'ER, 1;rrn1:1ny tAP 1 -A \\'t:.~1 ( ;ern1an <'ourt senlencrd six f1J1·111•·r n1ernbcrs uf Hitler"s F.htr Cuard. lhl' SS, hl priso n t errn~ 1od11y ranl!tng lrnn1 IK rnonths to se1·en ytars fl)r th<' n111rdrr of more th an :l.000 .Jews :ind Co1nmuoists 1n occupied l..at,·1a in 19-ll-42 The prosei·u1 inn had demandrti 51'11· tcnces ranging Jrom four years to life . PERSEPOLIS, Tran (UPn -The last ()r the Shah of Iran's dis!inguished gursts for his history·making banquet tonight joined the other kings and queens and presidents 1n tl1l' 11llage nf tents erected to house them. By the lime the Shah's \\"eary bandsmen finished !heir 36th nallonal antliem of the day a t Shiraz Airport \Yed· nesday night, tht tunes y,•ere beginning lo sound pretty much alike. Today the band had only some 20 more anthems to play and the top tnhle gutst list for !ht banquet celebrating the 2.500th ann1l'ersary or the found ing of lhe Persian empire \\'ill .be complete. The Shah gave an informal dinner for \\'ednesday's arrivals in his own big blue and beige striped tent. Vice President Spiro T. Agntv.· chose to eat in his own tent, bu t many nl the roya l ligu~es wtre there. Nikolai V. PodJ;;orny, presidrnt or the So\'iet Union. was also amon g those v.·ho att ended. Related stnry P:ige 7. Others \\'ho spent the night in the tents situatt'd in a man·made oasis of lrees and r!ny,•ers only a few ~·ards from the ruine d palaces of ancient Persepolis were fl.lrs. Imelda t.larcos, wife of the President nf the Philippines: Fort'ign ro.1 1nister Ru1 Patricio of Portugal. Emperor Haile S<"lassie of Ethiopia, King Constantine and Queen Ann ro.tarie of Greecf', King Hussein and Princess r.-luna of .Jorrlan, President Tito of Yogoslav1a. King Fredri_k of Denm;:rr:k. and Queen Ingrid and King Olav of l':orwa\'. Among lnday·s arrivalS. according to a prtliminary list included Pri nce Philip I rela.nd Snipers Copter Near Border Fire on BF:LFAST, Northern Ireland l\;P ll - Snipers todav shot at a British armv helicopter a!Ong the ~uthcrn border anil opened fire on sentrirs in Belfast and Londonderry. Al !east one man 11·as rrported dead in !he nt'1\' spate nf \'1olence. The dead man's body \\"as found in a hl)use on the ou\~kirts or Brlfa~r. an arrny ~ptikcsn1an said l)e \\·as the 88!h person tn die In No~rn lrelnnrl s 11ol<·11re this vear. And the-1201h since thr !rou blrs ~gan 1n Augu!<t, 196~ llulhrt·aks !oda~· included !he h1Jack11il! nf four h11~es 1\'hir h \.\'ere set afire 1n \lrlf.1~t. and an e~rhan~r nf i,:u11f1 re. h1•t 11een ~01pt>rS ;i nr! troop<: tr111u: 1n b1ri11 11p ;r r.iad near Xort hl'rn lre!Jn1l"s bordl'r 1111h the lrt$h Ht'Pllhhr In ;idd1!111n In !hr dr,id n1;rn. :in Arn11· 'pn\.ir:-1n<111 said . !ht' 1la1 "s \1ok·n('t> t••ll 1nl'lurlcd !11r wounc!1n.i; of one soldier and ;ir Ir.isl !hrl.'r gunrnrn. P1lnt C:;ipt Tim llnlrne~ ~a id hi~ l1rlit'op1rr l'.'am{' 11ndrr fire a~ hr-1·1rclrd an arP:i whrrr lhe army had h!n11 n Ufl nne rnad \\'rdnesdal'. Hr landrrl 1he ht>l1cnp!er si:i; mite~ Rwav and found two bullet holts in the fu stlaie, he added. Autumn Wl1istles Back In A rctic l'old Grips Plains, Nort11:1.vest; Sout.lt.land War111. C'11lif11rr1in Sou•~••n Col '"'"'• w•> <<><>'P• !O<l•v .,. •n '""'' ''"'u••• .,,0011,no 10 "'''"" •! "m• o • "' ona th ~nv L •o~• .,, '"'' "'"' ••ro1••~ '" <~h''"' f""' Anll !"»• 'OG ""''·"0 •"I·~~ !'0"' '"• ot:ff n ,. 1•a '"' !t ".•I o• l)l•na1ng ""'' r ~'"'"'~'~"'"'""'I au .. no '"" t •r"'"~ •~•" Mur. Con•tal lhzy tu .. '7>1rot IOO•Y l lt M Y••lt~ll ,..1...,, nlolll •"" "'0'"'"' t>c>1ir• .,.,.,.,,. I"' ltl<ll""'''' low"' I IO II >"Oh In •'it•n~~t IOll•1 t r.d f'•16f• H>on ,.,., .. .. C ... l lt l 10 ........ ft !ur•• 11"0• l•OM ~ to 19 tn11...i '""~•••!ut" ''"" l•o<n M to IJ. W1•or t•"'PltO lu" ... .Srtn, ~It•••••· Tid~J THUllJOAY .SO{ot\<f II'•" 11 Jll '''" 1 I ~Kood II"" •ll ~M , •I Ftro! f\•V" ""'' h>w !M.O"d ~11~ !t<O"<I tow ~vn • •••• '1 ~"' Moon ••-1.4 t ,m • I •) • "> f \ I "• "' s • l Mo "' I I I OOn"' 41 ..... >fl ""'· S1t1 J Jt1,,,., ~~, ....... U.S. S11mmar11 ,. ,..i,, e• c..ia '"'''" "o'"' •~• ••c•llt to '"' 1U11notc CHiii H• ou inow•11 1na '""""""'o"'" ,.,IY IOCI•• r ool '" 101t•d !h"'"'"""' "'" ""'th""" I ntl m!awHI. S"Owltt o"'9 U lltt Jed l"uMflll'>OWt t l ltll In l~o "O"hlrft llot~V Mount•ln •1•111 """ •o•tt<I l•(>m tho ""°"' Onlo V1llt~ to 1 .... Qlh•r !~~"""""°""' !td t !tOPp{tl <11or•11111n f'!lflvln• u• t•om '"" no•tn••11tr~ Gullo! Mt~ito. In !ht lt U two 111•1. '"' Ot o.,ul"" clu,...,Ptd •• rt>vt h •• tlt h• I"""" ol ••In In •oc•ll• "••~• •lo""' 01nn1 '"' rtorlclt Coo•t El""'""'' !OCll V d•V "'" 1111onot>lr w•o•nu wol tn~ •u!• l•mcf•Ai•""' "''"'''~ •no n•·l~" •n11 mo•nlno •t "'l!f<I from )0 1t K1llM>t ll, 1,?t.. 11 11 11 KtJ W•lt. Fii. Tctnpernf11re~ Albu~u•fliue Aro<"O•IOO ""'"""'" e ..... 11.1d eo""" !l•o"'""lll1 (~'C•O<I C">(.'n"•!I C 1o~fl1rtd Oo llt• O.nv1• D•• MolnH 0..!mU Fre""' Hele,• H"""l<llu .,....,.,.. ..... 1. 1(1n•t• C!h l •• Vt<ta• lOll .. YillO Mfr'"'"'' .... 1 .... 1 M llwtoJI<~ M1-t~Qlll H.,. O•tttn1 ~~Von Oo lt~<im• Cll~ °"''"'. "~11 .... 1 .... 1.t "~Of"'·• '''"bu'"' "o"'''"" ··~ •1<""'""" ~~ro'J'ento S•. L<>11lo S11t l••t CltY S•n fll!"'H> SI' ~rtl>(!t(Q S••'"• Sot" •nt W11nlf>t~. [, Hl1!\ LtW l"M<. 1l jj •1 " ~ " •• •• ·~ JI .. ~· ~} .... ~· 71 '1 )'I .. \1 OJ ,, 1• 11 .. u • u .. •• J~ " . tJ 71 "' II "' .!1 •• •• 9(t 1: 11 J! 1G Al \l u n .o. .. " .. , 11 Jl " ~ " . •J Jt n " •s •! ,, \l •1 •1 ,01 u •1 n " ~ " 11 •I JI I> n '' i • s• !1 •• '° l'I in' " ~ A JOllll t·:g_vp tl<Ll1·Slll'il'L l"OllllllUlllqlle said fl..loseow ;igrt'ed tu rlll'l"l·a~r t::gy pt s n11l1t;1ry strl'ngth, nnJ S;u!at 111 rct111·11 agreer! tn conrlen1n "'an\1 1:n11111111n1s1n and anl1 ·so1·ie!isr11·· 1n th1· ,\l1ddle i::a~t. l'•111C'ff)':11il 1\ 11 .1, •P ltt tl1<· c·o1n · 11111ni<:!/ 1., 1·\1ll;1;n 11:\;11 111tr1·na11111i;1l and Princt'ss Anne of Britain, Pr!11Ce 11 ainier and Princess Grace of !\l onacn, 1;r<111d DLJke Jta11 and (:rand !Jut•hess .Jost•phine Charlotte uf Luscmbourg. King Baudnuin <ind Que('n Fabiola of lielg1um, !'resident Ce1·det Sunay of Tur\.iey. and l'rrn1e ~l 1n1 ster Jacques Chaban·Delmas of France. Artc>r !he national represental1,·es are ~afely rect'11"ed and assigned their <1u;ir1ers. the Shah a.id Empress Farah \\'Lii turn their alten!ion lo the 300 personal guests and jet set friends. oll 111agnates. n1embt'rs nf 1he diplomatic corps and o!hers 11ho also are conl'erging nn Shiraz in the South Iranian desert. l!1s cun1l r·n1n:1l io n 11as b!1u111I 10 <1isplr:ise Libya s Ct1I /11 o a 111 111 a r l\hadafy, ~ dr~·uut ~lusl(•til :uid i1ulspukr11 .cntie of Cvn1n1unisn1 , and fulure a!l.v Sudanese Pren1ier r-.laj. Gen. Jaafar /':un1e1r)'. "·ho in July exeeut(ld Corn· rnunist leaders for atten1ptLng I u overthrow hi111 . Sudan plans tu JOln the fedt>ra1lon early next yc<1r. ('l r'!ll' 1111•1 11.1;1r! li1I 11 11:1~ t>hll1>!~ th(•\ 111ea11i 1),1• \1\1 111 11,11, :i:i(t !<111-.:> "11 ' \'1l•ln:in1 .'.Ind Pi iier 11••tld pr'••hh.'!11' Sartat has s:ud rcpea!edl~· that lh1.> Arah-lsraeli conrl1ct should he resoh·ed At the scss1un 1t -rlf l'nncr tonna!ly prote~!l'd th<tt \u1 lh \ 11•ll1an1 w.1s build1n~ a roarl t hro11~h !lit> l1l'rn 11i!al'IZl'd Zone 1 0~1z 1 trl 1·1o!al1n11 111 :igreen1t nts and sui.:gr<:U.·d !ht" u~t !he n1r11 and n1atl'rial 10 rebu1lcl iiir tlut•d • Ue\a~1ated north SJ OFF Oil lo giv~ yov beoutiful, base paint -sure lasting protection Lin· seed formula contairis the finest pigments for ell.I ra hidi ng power 1 coot covers mosl color• 530FF Acrylic latex paint, great for use on wood, stucco, or masonry. I coot covers most colori. Resists mo1slure, blistering. alkali damage. Soop and water cl eanup. In 2 1 exterior color i. Suy today! matic pre•• tur• •witch YOUR CHOICE REG. 7 .99 "CHARGE IT" 1 /2-HP PISTON-TYPE SPRAYER/COMPRESSOR! 2.0 (FM at 40 PSI; maximum 100 PSI. Big 12 .gollon tonk hos wide tr ack tires Tliis compressor may be Uied for opera! ing air tools and point spraying. REGULATOR /GAUGE . , . 9.99 lS-FT. AIR HOSE.... . .4.99 19.95 SPRAY GUN ... , .... 17.88 SHOI' MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 'Tll 9 l'M ••• SHOP SUNDAY 11 PM TO .S PM IOll~NCI -·-·-·· ~--· •·" l A (IUHOo\ .. _..,.. , ...... ,.._, "' .,,, NOI W .. \K _,.. .. --· ....... ,......•u~' .. / • / ·Co1·1·11pting lnfl11ence' i\1·1n )'Base Slot Macl1i11es \\fill Be Re111ov e(l ll y July \\.\~,11 1\(,T!l'\ •l l'I • -r'r m .v "'"•l•I.•!'-l11d 1i1 t F Fl'nr hlkr announced \'•"In• 1!;1 •. il•' h;p, nrr!r rrd 'In! maehinr s rr•nir.1 •11 h1 111 ~I l•th fr nn1 ;ill l ' S ArnlV "("\ ,, ' I [U H\ ;1rHIU)d thr \\'Ol'ld to end cltcis1Dn !'1 hlln ~ln! n111f'h1nes h;i rl bern ;i hard one "Slol n1;icl1111e<; h;i ve brf'ught in 1'r1'enur<; nf ;ipproxtmatt ly S2J m1lhnn per .\"ear ·· he sairl ------~ ' tidRLD & NATION ' .. ,.,.. . ~ ..• , . .-._,,,.;,, ~ .............. ·u·o • .-41 Sena tors Vote Aid Li 111 i tatio11 I till Y PILIJ f 4# SL~ Na111es S11 b1nitted ABA Eyes 1~oIJ CoiLrl Picks \1\011 1H thP n1 •tf!fl t1f l 'r>lun1h t-• \ll fl"rl•1r ro1Jr l J.1-1 ~c:1 r -Hnhrrt ( 81 rd ;.,1 nt \\e,t 1·1r1.;1111il 1he a ·~1~1:111t I 1rn1r•c1·;1tl•' lr;1rlrr 1n tlir '\. $rn;J tr . -i·h.11 Ir • ( l;i1!,, l'l nf l•i , ( .rn1' 1"11 1, "I 11 I~ A I• 11••· ••I 1!1• ! .• l1f11rn1;1 ( 1;irl "I \j'lpt<,tl l';11il II !!11nr1 .\.I a ... 1·.11,11 lw rall1·d ;i "rnrr upt1vr influence'' 111 "i!loL1r\ l1f1• FDA Puslii11g· Dritp,· Co11trols \IASlll:\(;"]O'.'-l 1AP 1 -The Sr ru11r Fn1·r1icp 11 f'Iat1 o 11 s Co111rn1tlt''' ha~ 11<1f'li tn :;trap a l1n11! nn l S 1111h1 ar:1 a1rl tn i";11n hr1d1a -hnlh in r1nllars ;ind n1r11111·"•'<'r -11nrl h11i;; a<l-- ,led a 111•~' 1<n ;ig;:i1n.'>t lil rge- s1·.-dr ,\1nf't 1c;in 1111 011 ernent Sru Clil lo111t f.asr 1 I~ '\ .r 1, l"\'po1 trd thr 1·.,11u1111t1'•' <!rrul- ··rl \\ r>dn r~d 11 in ho ld "P<'nrl - 111i: t .. 1 1h1• :-.u111h1•;;i:-.1 \~1.1n n.-1t 1"n to S.'.!;.f\ 1n1 ll 1nn and 1he nun1hr1 11f I S 1n 1 I i ! a r \' 11"' "111nel lu 21111. \\ A~lll\'r;rn'J r \ 1111 l're ~1de n 1 .\1 ~nt1 h;;i" :!\\.i t'll lhP /\1ner1c an B .1 1 ;\'""c1:11 1on ~ ABA 1 to srrr"n (11r l\l'n var11nl"ir~ nn 1 hr ~11 111 r•n1r Court lhr 11;11r1r~ of !ll"n wnrncn 1.1·hn li.01r T:ik<·11 hJ\1d slrtnd~ 11g.11n"t ,., 1nH' :in<I fn11 r StlU!hrrn lllf't1 1hrr r nf 11h111n hal'r f11ugh1 lr i::.11 nr lrg1slat11e b;i11lrs 11g:11n~1 1rH r'i::n111nn ,J ;1rk~11n \1 1~.~ 11!111 11 .1<; :1r p•11n1rd tn thr ~1 11 l S ( 11r11 t ("011rt nf "-rr1 ;ii,. h1 \1xnn 1n M"pil hl1··n11 .. r ~t f'r·tl'r.-b1irg, l·'ITt 11 hn «n 1·rrl!rrl I , I l.1r- i'"ld ( •!I" W(•[I IJI) I ill' iii\ l ~­ ( 11·11 1 ("Ult o·I \pp•.•I• .1n<l \\)I'• 11 :i· .111 :ir11· r r::in1p:i1gn 11 11r\.i1~r 1n t in· Jl\lji\ r lri·:1ri11 nf Sf'!l ~:rl11 ~r•l J !ollf n"V 1R· J'l.t -.. • II 1 m\ l!H••n11"n rha T 1he~e n1;11·h1nC'S 11,I! ''" l•11111i'r tap snl<i1ers' f)l ""kf't.~.·· J · · • lih.•· •a11! rJH \1111\ ~l'f't('!<ll"\ "-;1("11H0 ('<l ine ;111 . • 11111n th-. 11[ pl'n<irl 1n~ b.\' Sen Erlward I I , I 1u 1 'I: Fla I Curnr~· l;i unched a ' ll'l11;" 11 :-ii::un't c.lrit n1<ich1nr s on 1111!11:1r1 h;1 ,1·~ 1n Fr·hr1111r\' iss111ni;: a 90· I'"• 1• pnr\ 1ll•l;11lt11i.: 11h:it hr df'"'C'rlbPd :1 .1 1•h pr r·:ul 1·11r-run11un he fr•u nrl to be 111 1 • !f '" <;lot 111;,.·h•n11" 1!unng ln 1n- ~r--l1:.:;1l11(• l<•11r nf n11l 11ar1· 1n<;\;ill a!1nns 111 s· .. 1•111 ·1-r A<;1;i '111•· \1·1111' 1111<; 1hr :-.ee~1nd <;1•r1 u·r lo li11 r1 <;u1i'1c1 " rlcn1;111d 1ha1 i-;ln t 1 1 I' •,1,., . .., hr' h;1n n1•ri frnrn b11se<;. Arn1.v .. n11. ~.1 1d the lll't111n ilnnnuncrn hv r r '":ihr 11 ,1<; 1:1kl'n n1·c·r lhe nhjrct1011 ., nf 11' 1111 \1'1 111 tirf\('1:11<; Tl1r· ,\1 1: Fnn·r rrn1n\"i'd ;ill ~Int r1:1< h11u'' 11·•11ll \'1rln:1111 ;i s ~fH1n as I .ill'nr1 " rrp,,1t ··;in1c DUI . <;:1_1 ini:: the 111r11 h111r ' 11 nuld hr g1111r fro111 ;ill 1\lr ! "n r l1;"r< b1 1hr rnd .11 next Junr. Tl1c \:11 I I<; <;till '-llldl Ill~ II 11;:11 ;ir tinn il "'Ill '1\.,1• In ;1 "lll'Ct'h prr p;ircd for !hi.' :1..,~nc 1:1 - t1fln nf 1h1> l .S :\rm~. Frnchlkc s;i1d 1hr U.S. ~'l ulls \fASlll\GTON (UPI\ -Aftrr ba(·k111~ off nncc. thr Fond and Dr u~ ,\rtmin1strat1on 1FOA! has '.'>tartl'd 1-11ir\. tn11 ;irrl ~1 1 ffrr rl'gul<1 tion n f non· prrscnpt1on drugs and the claims n1ade fnr 1hc1n_ FOA offic1al5 said s1·ient 1fic advisor.v cnn1n11ttrPs 1-1011ld r 1 ;i I u ate non - prescription drui!S b~· cla<;'.'> -l1earlachr rrmedies. cnld cu rf's. stnniar h pil[s anrl '.'>IC'rp1ng c.:on1pounds. for 1'xa1nplc -and rrcon1mr nd \vh:!l 1n~1·rd1rn1 s. doses il nd rlr11 1ns .1 rr acl·rp!;.ihl r ~:ventu;ill~. 1:n 1\ nff1l'1ill ~ .~a id, snme 1.1·1drly !l d\'ert1scd prnrl11rts tTHlY be ban- ned. n1 ~rrs re forr1111l<1terl ;i nd many may ha1·r In clefl;i!r 1hrir rl il llll~ FD.\ Cnmmiss1n11r r ('h;i rlrs r . Ed11·ards alrc<idy h:i s tcst1f1cil hr \flrr 1 no !!res~iona l cnmn11t1cr~ !hilt :irher1 1~1 ni:: C'l<li!ll<; fnr 11\illll !l II /1 p f ' ~ t r I J) ! I 0 !I ren1rrl1r~ ;ur ).'.rr ;-i ll\ ,.,.11.::..1 r:it1 •I \\'erln• "rl.11 lh• 111 \ ;1•111n11nred ~titler rc_c:u la11"r1' f111 Pf''" nrl 1<>11 n1r du·u1c" con1a1n1n:! "Ile ur 111111'" 1lt11 i:::; -rr fr rr1•d tn :i-"11\1'1! <"«J1lh1n.1!11111~" ,\~ n 1 1~111alll ptupu.~~·11 b1' thr Fl h\ 1ri Frbru;1r1 tllr n1!t'· 11<1ul1I h:11 r r-01 rrrrl nnnp rr.,•·1111111111 ,,,111 l1111:11 1n11' 1110 But <11 11 ~ 1·0111p;1 !l li'~. h.11·~rd fl_\ a1 lea"! 11\f\ 1••11~•·(·:-.'1l1 r11 . 11i1 l11i1111g Sr11a11 l1i'p1 1hl1< :111 l,1":11\l'·r· 1111;.:.li :-;cnll f,u1ght t h~! p111pn,;il 1 ;,[11 ;1 1(1 ~ il11nn11n1·f'ri 111 :i-111v l1f' 11n1111f 1'\r111111 11onrr·f'..,. 11p1 1"11 1nf'rl ir1nc <; :-ind hanrllr 1hen1 <;rpar;itrlv J;itf'r. Thr nr11· regub1ll!11ls rr11111rr ma11ufar- l 11rrr~ tn 11rn1 r th.1! ('a ct1 ini:rf'(l1ent nf ;i prrs(T1f1llf •ll 1•r,n1h 1n<it 11111 rnn1nh111<'S 1n th(· tn('d1r·1nf' \ 1 ll~·lt111•nr~s in at l<'rt~t onr nf !hrrr 11 ;i,1 ~. l)iJcn1111a Over (J1ilc DOl'T MISS •7fala£. \\':\Sll[.i'.,"r;TCI:'\ !Ar i -l'.S. 1<fflr·i ~ls s;i ,v r h i Ir 's 11n- '" 1npf'n.~;itc:! r\propn;it1nn of 111,, /lnlrf"l<'.'l ll copper l1r n1s hi'•S c re a 1 c rl \\';1..,h1n ~tnn·s rrn•t ~cr1n11~ di p l n n1;;i t ic riilPn1m a 1n Latin ,<\mrnra in\ sr1 er.:i l \'r:irs. ThP (lrr 1~1n11 t"o\" Cl1 ilr 1hrrr rl.11 .~ ilC'• no! tn rr 1tnhurse the l\1·n11rro1l Copprr 1'n ;:ind ,\nllcnnda r n hil~ Till~Crl !hr r~·n~pri-1 thlll In\\' h•1 els of l" s air! In Chile Ol <IV be rrd11rcd e1·r n lur1her. T!ir St;i!e [) e r ;i r l rn e n t \\rclnr.,d;iv c!rnr.unrcd !he ex- 11ri1;1n::i11•1n v.11hou1 p:.i_11nc11 I ll' "drr;il1· ct1~<1pp11in11 ni: anrl c1 1' t11rb1nF,." h111 1111hhc~! ;111y J'pri·1[11' punJt11·r ;:i r l \ n n <if!illtl~t !11r l 1·1nn11l h old !""' i1-1li;,I g111 1·rnn1cn 1 11/ rrcsi-1\ rk111 S;11\;1rl"r All r 11dr L" S. •oll1r1nl ~ n<1l n1·at1n~ ll ~nft .1!'J11"1"1ach 1•111·arrl ~-hilr ~,\ pu111111r ;:1r 1 11111~ cnuld prn- tl1 1cr a 11 ;i1·e nf <;l'n1p.1th_v for r·•1 1l r. l r ;.11 111~ thr L"ni1rd ~ ;11"~ 111nrr ililrmrd lhlln \ l11lr ~11pror1 rr~ of " h;irrl hnr a r;:11r 1hi!I to r!n r1nlh1ng rnulrl 1rr•pllrch1r I S in1 r.~!1nrn1 s 10 l..11u1 1\111,,r11·;1 e'l:fli1~1ng 1hr l ni1r rl S1a1r~ a~ 1111\e n1n rr tl11n :i · p•iprr t1r.rr" ;ind n<;k u _ ~lrnn. 1-.•1i:.~re~~1on,1l np :t n 1 .. 11,, 'o11rr f11rr1g11- .-,~~1~tci n1·r p1nc1;in1 2 Forc•i.011 !::' Fir111 .~ I-like I (,'11r JJ,-;,., .. ~' · Bi Thr "'"1rialril l'rr ~~ \ nlk•11 :1;!en anrl IJ a 1 s u n h:i1 " ;in11n1111r·rd pr1<'e 111- r 1·r.1-r~ ln r Jll72 1n11rlrl<;. 1~·h1rh rnurlrrl 1\ 1th· tl1 f' nr\\· lfl per- rr111 1111pn1 I surcharrr w11! r11"e A111crira11 m1nirars .1 Cf'lll [lf'll[ll P f'd i:r \'nl~-11.1crn ;il ~n :intlfltlncert p• 1rr h1kr~ "for 111 ri n1hrr c;ir<; u 111anufa<'!11rc~. !hl' Audi ;ind thr l'nr~rhr OF THE MONTH • REG : 1.59 Now Only SSc EACH WOOD· TONE 'PARQUET ' TRAY TABLE A perlect &C(e'>-~llfY f11r p11t~11 ~·n•n;:: nr TVs1d~ !11~.r~. 11r 11 · scrvong are~ 1; waln1.t l'o C10!1i;1a1n fm·~hed 'parQuer w1tl1 bra'..', lin1>heil mt1l d1ng. Loci ~Pa m lu~ul ar frairc 111~ non t1rn1~'l hra~:. 11n+~h . fnlds fl~t for 1tnra~~-Buy ~e-vcral at 1h1~ low pr•r:~! 1 REPUBLIC ' WATER /HEATER e 40 GALLON S e 10 YEAR UNCONDITIONAL WARRANTY AGAINST TANK FAILURE 101ars I Tl·flS IS NO T1METO SING! Althoui::h \I 1111<' H n u ~ e Sf'IUrt'!'" ~;1 1<! 1111• 11 ,t \l,t'-IJ(ol 1ltf1111!11 1 II 11;;-. t-irhr1 r1t th;1! lhP ~I \ n.0111r, -"•'nt h~ !hr .J 11,11rr f), p.1r1n1rn1 t•11t1c AP.\ \\'f'rinr~d:.i \ rrpr•'"'ll1"rl 1h" n1o~t hkrl\' 1.1n,!11t:i1t'" fur lhr ~{';11 ~ "" llf'r~..:h•·I fl ~nd.1· 19 a lle11111rr;i1 nf Lllt lP f;,,c ,., \r!-,. wtir• 1~ e•u1~1d••rrrt "11" "t ,\rk.111~;1~· 1 .. p n1t,.,1 11r1~ \l!lrlrrd I L1l ltr ~fi . ;1 Ormncr.11 "t 1,,.., 1\ngrlr ., and \\h1l r !!•"1'4· ~·• l(t"t·~ ,,11rl \1\p:\ 1., '•t1•1i· 1••n- 1">Jrtr~u1;: .11 Ira-I '0 1r !I\ <;J.'( .11h"t l'"f•r.•. h.11 thr1!" n,1 me~ ;ipp;irr nth I 11•· 1•n! '"' hren '-I !"11 fH ill" .\ft \ <'.1.,1· ,;;1d hf' r 'l:p<'r1~ thr ~.,n;:itr th p.1.•~ !h<' prnpn<;r<I re1hno::_ r .;.prr1all\' 1n hi;:ht nl 11s tP1 Pn! l11n1r nn L'S. :-11rnd1ng 1n I .in~ Thf' ni111l<'.~ ,11 r llU' 111~1 !11 hf' ~rn1 10 1hr ,\H \ ~u11·r llrp ll 11•h<irrt 11 1'11ff 1!:-\:i 1. 11 11hrt rrw [r,1111 i··~n.\1•l1 ·r.~1 1nn lllldrr thr 1hrr;1 t 111 p11''-"'11r fron1 1·1111 righ r" :ind l;ihnr nr.i:an1 l.ill1nn~. '\1 \(1 11 s a 1 r! T11rsrl;11 ;i1 il 11r·11" 1•1111fcrrnrr 1t1a t hP wn11ld s11!11n1r n11111i11rf'.~ tlf·\I 11rrl,, * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * MERCURY SAVINGS TJir 1·011nn1111r!' 11erl tn !lie 111r.1,111·r ;i f11"1\pn,.:il hy Srn ,l;irl\h .l illll~ lf1 -r\ Y 1. tn 111- ' l11dr in ;111\" ~pc11d1 ni! ce1hn~ !l1r 11r('l arll11nn !h;il the cnn- 11 nun nr(' of \ S n1il1lar~' ;1nrl f'('nno1111<· ;11rl .~h11ll ne 1•r r hr 1111rrprt·lrrl l'I S ;i ('nn1n11ln1r n1 In 1111.,1\r lar~t--~e;dr LS cf- [11rt' tn rlcf1'nrl 1he cnunlr) and loan asso~iation Srnatnrs f"PfJ Tlrrl lh r r nnl· 1n1t1cr 1 n!cd 9 tn 4 to apprn1 c thP Case nH·.1 ~ure 1T 11 il~ 1,11·kPrl rin il.<; an ;;imf'11dn1r n! !n 1hr ~cnpr;i l foreign tilrl llP- p1npn;i1 ion bill. Thr 1;.ic;inr11·-. 11rrr \'l!'.ilf•d hi' tl1 P dr;i rh of l!111!n L lll;1rk rind lhr rrl11"1'111rnl nf .l nhn r.1. 1!111'1 an, 11·ho 1F. ~1ill rr1 11.c. frnrn :,p1n;il C/1111'('1'. Thr ca 11d1rl;11rs '-1''11 tn the All ·\ fnr 1111·r sr1 g:11!n11 :irr -S\·h-1a ,\ l~ar11 11 . ~fl . a Repubhr.an lro1n I\ .i1rr·tr111 n. S D . 11•hn wai;; appo1 n1cd h1 BUENA PARK Mercury S.ivi~gs Bldg, V~lle1 View at Lincoln HUNT INGTON BEACH ~ierc~ry 5a~irgs EJdg , E:l1nger at Beach TUSTI N Merc ury Savirgs S'c';, !r,·i~c B1:d. a~ Newport Ave. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PIERRE! 13EAli ! THER E ARE THREE OF LIS LEFT- ANO OLIT THERE ... 5,000 OF THEM I VIVE LA FRANCE! 13liT. S ERG£ANT, THAT IS OOAAL-TH£ LOW "TA R" ANO NICOTINE TASTE IN A LOW''"rAR" A NO NICOTINE CIGARETTE? YOU JEST, BEAU ! -- CIGARETTE! ~TASTE ,; ME-c. --- .. . .... ' ........ £$'9&1 TASTE ME TASTE M E TH ERE IS NO DISHONOR IN TRYING ONE, SERGEANT! \ Hl ks" ;igrn ~;i 1d \\•crlne<;dil\' 1hr su~l!e~lrd pr1rr nn II<; br"t cr\]rr. lhr ~uprr Hrr!lr. \\"nulrl i;11 up $t4;i tn ~2 .27.11. 1nc!udin~ a nr11 in1pnrt surrhilrce o1 (;;} ll<i 11nrl rr Prc~1rlrn! :\1xn n·s erono1111r· prograrn. !N-SINK·ERATOR THE NO. 1 DISPOSER W h•l "'"\~, 1" Si"~ Er•lof ''""' ,..~nl. ,d 1 B••u+iful (0";''1l"·p•eol ''"'"l@H ,,~,I Et d u11 vo1 li lo !h• "'W•ont h•"·-· t~~l leh you cl~•• 1•m1 ""';I v. A ~d "'ore. No wondor th• wo"d•dt.! MM . •I 11 h., A ltftl;"'~ tC"lll;cn "'""~"· tv A nd " 5-v••r p ~.i, ""'~"""'~ Inc T~, qutlitv 1~ .. t m•d• ln ·S ·n ~·Er•fcr lht """'bor Ont d .. pc•1• b1 lon9• in ye~• 1o:;1th1n. ' •; .. GR£AT TASTE. OOAAL! NOW ... HOW ARE YOU f):il ~un -s;iid i t ~ !e;i~1 ex· pr11,11 r n1ndrl. !hr Datsun 12011 11 n11lrl µn In ~2 l 1 ~ frnrn ~ 1.Rl\fi . 1nr·\11d1nµ the 1n1[>0rl surr h;i rcr HALLOWEEN CLOSE -OUT SALE SPOO K ON YOU 1 I Jlalnln~! WISTCLIF F PLAZA ,. ' } AT SMOKE SIGNALS? ' The I liter syslern you·d nee d a sc1 e n !1st lo explain ... but Doral says II 1n 1wo word s. Ta sle me" menthol , hl1er ,cfD = -~···· J • " • • D;\RY PROT EDITORIAL PAGE Bulwarl{ .~ r asual reader, f1nd1ng his ne1v spaper observing National Ne11 sp11per \\'eek thi s \\'eek . might 1,1,•e!I view it as rnerel:v a matter of a bu siness serving itself wi lh rhelur1c about "freedom of the press." The fa ct that no ne\vspaper or nev.1spaper111an can ever forget 1~ 1h at .. freedom of the press'' does not exist for the benef11 of lhe neu·spaper but for the benefit of a free people ·rh1 s fund:1111enlal fa ct may he obsc ured from the reader!>. o r fron1 governn1ent officials -or even the ne\\'S1nan -111 the d aily give and take bet,veen govern· menl and the pres5. Keu'spaper \\leek se rves to remind bolh press and pubhr that the '''ords "(ree press" and "free people" are 1n~cpara ble in our :;ysten1 . Econonuc freedotn 1n turn mal\es it possible for the press to live up to its const1tllllClnal obligation. Na tional Ne,,·pspaper \Veek 1s a good t1n1e lo re· fl ert on \1·hat. Thomas .Jefferson meant \vhen he said if the choice ,1·ere a governn1enl \vithout nev.•s papers or ne1vs papers 11•1ihout governn1ent he would not hesitate lo prefer the lat.Le r. "\Vhen lhe press is free and every n1an able to read, all is fi afe." he added Puhlic. opinion. forged in the crucible of informa· lional give and take, rc1nains the sovereign power in a fre e nal1on. This is 1vhat "freed(lm of I.he press" is aJI about. as the DA IL \1 PILOT understands it and tries to serve it. Newspaperhoy's Q,m Day And speaking of nev.·spapers, as 've \Vere in the. forej!o1ng editorial. Saturday u'ill be National Nev.•spaper· boy Day It ''ould be a good day to stop and think aboul ''hat be ing a carrier does for a boy . For n1ost ne\\'Spaper carriers. Including the more than 860 u.oho deliver the D,\JLY PILOT, it's their rir~t 1n troduct1011 to the free enterprise system .\\•hich has sr of Freedom grraUy enriched the nation. Nationally._ n~ .. v~pape~ de· livery boy5 make up the largest beg1nn1ng bu siness school in lhe \1'nrld . A carrier learns there are cusl on1crs 111ho pay promptly -and the other ktnd . l·le lciirns that his best friends °among his custon1ers are thnse he serves best. He learns . .'\nd he earns. 1'hat's 11•hat it's all about. \\"e salute him and hope he understands that 1ve understand him and that 11·e respect htm for hi~ im- portant contr1b1H100 lo keeping clen1ncra cy function111g by deJi1·ering the ne11·s. :Fair1iess lo Chicanos Although r.1 exiran-.!\mer1cans n1ake up about 15 percent of tile population of Orange Count y. only 4.6 percent o{ co11n1y Job holrif'rs are Chicanofi. In contrilst to t his, blar.:kl' hold 1.4 percent of the cnunl y 1nlls and are only .7 percent of the population. \\'hi!c Orientals are equal al. I 3 percent n{ the pnJ'lula !ion and the JObs . Coun ty Personnel Director \V1!Jia1n Marl. has pro· po3cd an activ(' rccruitmenl progran1. plus training and up~rading , for \1ninority etnp!oycs. 'rhe Board of Super· viso rs has approved and adopted thifi approach and ha s directed cou nty managen1ent to n1al\e an extra ef!orl Lo provide equal employn1ent opportunities to all n1inoriliel'. ·r o av oi d forced hirin,g of personnel not rully quali· ficd . no quo!a~ \Viii be set by dcparttncnls. :\nd instead of luring n1ore emplnyes to do the recruiting. presen l ntinority employes rcpresentin~ various levels of educa· Lion and experience "'iii he sent to schools and com· munities to discuss county employ ment opportunitie.!i for Chi canos 11·ho can qualify. The program appears to be a sensible one. A needed one " ··To what do yo u attribute ~·our long life?" "Darned if 1 know, unless it's my co nstitution." Will We See If New SysteHi Does Not Collapse ••• Tlie Death of V. S. Cities? r 1 · Sydney J, Harris. ' ; \\'111 v.·e vdtness the death of the city in )Ur !Helime? It seems entirely possible to ne -and tn the men v.•hn know most tbout the structure nf sociely. T11c flight to thf' i:uburbs from the :~·p1cal American city has almost reached 1an1 e proportions -even though such c1t1cs as Detroit. and P1!1sburgh ha~·e ern· barked on vast and 11nag1n2.~1ve rPbulld· 1ng progrri1ns in the dro\1·nto11·n .:irras. \\'e forget U1al the ~reat urban ccn1<';s ·epresent 1\0 ~rcent JI 1he in ,·es1ed ll'C~lth. and yet thr~· ~re decaying a1 sn fast a rate that many ol2ru11ng rxperts fea r that investment "Ill be ruin ed in a fev.· <lee ad~. H U~tA'.I: \'/\LLlt:S as \1·ell as prope rty 1·rilues are lhrcatrned h1· this 11·1ld and ;pn.;r]e!-S n1~ht If thf' rPtllral Cl\~' ·nHapsl's. the nPv. nutrr s u bu r h s ti• mseJves will h;i\·, ]031 thrir 11·av of 1fo T.1:0.rs ar,, alrrarl\' brrnn11nc ski· hi j:li n manv suburb<. Adequate recreational :a11l111es arr l ;ir k1n~ PPoplr n101r from hr c1tv t,n fuul sparf' ?nr1 rerrf'at1nn - lill! thPrr are nQ p<1rk arqu1~111on:i. 1n 1ht ~11hurhan arras 11hrre thr ~realest i;ro11·th is lt1kl11g plal'P 1 SEHIO\:SL'' rlouht 11·hr!hrr a11y \11hurh r..:in be sclf·i-uff1c1rnt.. J111rtnr1;:illv ir ('Ul!ur;ilh 11 s hfrbll¥lrl rn1nr ;. frn1n lh"' c11.v. an!l lh 1~ blnQcl 11, being pun1red nu! al a frant1r rate A~ I tratel through the h1nterlancts of Dear Gloon1 y Gus The. President's ecnnomir program is a SQrely needed restrainl on the country's labor nlnnopnl,v. no mat· I.er how prettied up \~:ith comm1l- tees and f'Uphem1sms. Now let's ha ve at the doctors' Thi• !el!U•• ·~11-.C!I •••"'"' Yl•wo, l'>OI ~•c••~•llY the1• el lh• ~•w•••~•" '""" YOU• ,., •••v• ,. Gloomy G~•. Dt l!J P'll•t. Chica20. fnr e>.ample. see va~l subur-ban sl ums arising. There has been no central plann ing. no forelhoughL no lnnJ?·range consideration nf JXJpulat 1on prnblen1s -JUl't fear anrl p;rr.ed .:ind a mindless refu sal tn lace !he fulure . At the same l1n1r, lhe c1tv 1!self lbehlnr! lhe prnurl and gleaming ·racJldr 1 is .:il!rHred lo drterlorate 1v1th alarming speed. IT IS A i\IOST \'ic1nus rirc:.le · a ~ nPighhnrhoods dera~·. schools gPt \.\'flrsr . rts schools gE'I v.•orse. lan1ihes mnvt: f~rther nut.. Finalh·. ne1thf'r lhP c1 tv nor !hr suburb can a fiord t.n sustain thf way of life 11 desires Snme sensible planninJ: fnr thf' whrile rei:::ion is 1mpcrati\'f' Other11·1~P . thP r1tv "111 become a placr occupied only hy !ht 1·rrv ri ch and !he vrrv 1){'()r ; ;:inrl 1ht ~uburhs v.·111 become 1niddlr-rl:ir.s ~lum~. \1·1!h ;:ill the urban pro~\C'!~~oo;.ht t_n esr;ipe -p!us lanta~r1;:1:icrs. \ l·n!r.~s !ht' lnnrr ·Iv anri the ~uburl'i can find a way "nrk and t1vf' ('(l· oprr<i111'"11·. onl.\• hr t ermite~ .... ·111 1n hrr1t thP rarth ~rlpr/1ri 11s f1·ri ,\/,. /-lti••1.~ /rJ lr ;f (nl/rcri1111 nl rn/rn' ~ I" hfl/"!~ In •"'· · /,r ni !11!7 11!~ Slirfnrr rpr h r 111~1 •·r . printed U'lple hf' ts nn f!f nl in11 -fd1 1nr The Mountai11 Lion Fla1J 8)' !\lll\E ABRA~l SOi' \'nt !fV'I many Californ ian~ havr ~een a \1'11'1 mo1inta1n f1on in the nesh but the f..taiely carnn·ort' seem~ 1n be. sl1rr1ng up q111te a fl;ip on !he ouldnl:ir front. rnfortuna1ely the l'O!ltrn\'e r!>}' !!ppeaJS In be anorher of tho~ envirn nmerlfal 1~~11es v.·ht>re emotion rat he!'" tha n facl ifi pla,\·1ng a n1a1o r role. r n1il two years ;:ign lhe mo11n1a1n hnn \\'as c;uns1derl'd unrler California law onl y as a predator and a morlal enen1y 10 sheep and cattle produce.rs in p;irtlcttlar, It was only a few years before 1.l1a1 t.he • big cats were suhJPCl lo a bounty pay. fflenl <ind pursued year rounri by sta!t employed profess1nn;:il hunters. IN AD DIT!Of",: TO those killed as predators occafi10nal hons were takrn mostly by deer hunters v.·ho happened upon them in the v.·1ldemeris . Then in 1969. -.·hen the lions· predallon cf livestock had been established a~ fn almost insignificant factQr , I ~e legislature declared the creatures tn lie. gaine animals and Lii 1970 the Statf' f'ish al)d Game Commission recei\·ed au thori· ly lq regulate lht: s~cles. Hunting the big cats a" ma jor v.•ilrl!He trophy i.!> a rugged and b c.it1ng spo rt It is a sport so special I.hat mllny v.'hl'I pursue iL even f,prego the kill Qnce thf'y ha\•e tiee rl lheir quarry. BECAUSE TllERE are sn few hun!ers rnvnlved . compared 11ay to the hundreds nf thousand~ who hunt various game b1rd11 in thP. 5ljlle. the Uon now has ac· q~rtd 11 \l,'~shrul protcc!Qrate ~ch mnst I ' 1 I ( Gu es t Re port ....... G sportsmen suspect is raising !he cnn· lrnversy as ;inother s!ep in a nl1nuing elfor1 by son1e 10 "'lpe out hunting altoi;ether. The vehicle for rhe lion pro1eetnrs is ;i holl y contested \egislali\'e propo.~ill tn decl are .1 ro11r yE'ar moralOflUn1 Oil !1on hunting 1n slurl.v the (filler~ ;ind see ii the spt>c1es truly is endangered, \\'HAT ~!AK ES ALL lh11i seem a b1 r nd1ci11ous iii that the sturly -ll'h1ch as a matter of fact is already under \1·11y by ~t~te game people -v.·ou!d be funded by lhe hcense · fees of the huntrrs thcmseh•es. Jn fact, out.side funds 11 lso havr been cQntributl'd by a sportsmen 's orsaniza· tion to aid lhe research. An adt1i!ion11 I irnny is !hat di.11 already in hand indicates lhal mountain lion populations In various parLo; of the str1\e are def1n1lel y on the upswing, 1'111!) KL\ID Of" TRUTlf. howt1'er. seldntn sf"Cms t,o d1ssuar!r: pu re prelie r\·a· 11on1~ts from their cn11 rsl' -and it's even n1nrt scldotn 1htil .~uC'h ri1~sirll'nl 1i put 1hP1(money where lhr1r mou th~ arr ·in wildlife rnn.~rrl'at ion 1l'r. !he hun!f?r who pa) s lhe hi ll and gets little hut humps In rflurn from those who shou lrl knnv.· bcl· '" Control~ Cou.ld Become Perma11ent < \VASHl NGTON -ThP nPW syslein nf eco nomlc controls announred b~· the PresidPnl rUns the risk of cnll apsinJl 1n its own complexities But if it does not i1 mri v berornE' imhrddrd in the American s~·:..'tem prrrnanenL!y . This . nf cour~"'· 1~ contrary to an · nnunrE':i 1n1c n11nns anrl 10 the genuine l'On~·1cllnns of those v. ho devised lhl' sys. lrm. Aul despite its rnn1plexlt,v the .",I'."· tern 1!> a mature and ~npht.~!1ra1ert n n e . rlr;iwing nn pai;l un- favor;1ble e x p e r • 1ences. If it succt•eds =""::) -,,., c "4fjJ . ' \ :--;:;-r I ·-f.. -there 11,ill he every reas(ln to conl1nue it 1ndelinitel.v. · To begin with , the lhree·v.•ay svstrn1 is hr rng in1r0duccd 1n an atmn~phrrr rn· tirelv <hfferent th;in prrv;:i1lrrl in th e IX'rind nf \\.orld \\';ir 11 ;:ind l\nrcf!n \\·,.,. f'Cnnnn11\ 1·nntrol~. \\'p ;:ire lr('hnicnlll· <1! peare ;:inrl !hr undcrlslng purpnsr dtl1·1nc 'hf' Victn;:im \Var hlls hern tn lrt lhe n<1· tion nperatf' as if i1 were at peace. Th:it basir misca!cu!a t1nn nf the Johnsnn ad· ministration mus.I bear i!s share of blame for innarinn and unmanageable econrinuc condition~. THE .\'E\\' S\'STE.\1 i~ one de::.16ned Richard Wilson for pe11cr I! crratrs lhrcf' a,l!enties nr 1nore or lrs.~ ro-equ<1I slatus and d~pentJs upon volunta ry cooperation 111ith sanc- tions as a las! resort. Out nr thi s 1ripartite svstrn1 may c11sily crnw a contest for :..upremary rind pnnn· t\' with lhr Pii y Board. thf' Pri<"P ft1m· m1ssinn. 11nd lhc Cnst..(lf.J.1ving Counf'1l at loggerheads. Al ready there ifi a prr,:;11mp· lio n, rienird b~1 Nixon. Iha! the Cn~!·(lf­ Lh·in~ Cfluncil will have v.·h;i! amounts lo a 1't'ln or pnwer of reversal over !hf' other twn hoarci s. But it ('fl11ld he that di vcrsi1y wh1cli r'featrs lhf' control s_\'S1en1's strength. as 1h<' frd er:il government itsel f draws strrngth lrnrn thrre ro-rqua! branchr ~. Nixon h11s lhus ;:i vnidrrl ;ippointi1~~ <1n Pf'{)nom1r czar. If there 1s tn be such a rzar he will have to be the President nl the Unitrd Statt'S . so widely divided arf' 1he 11genc1es of ecnnomic cfintro! and so fl exible their areas of control. .-.:n [f01"01\11C CZAR in the. p<!SI has been l'ery successful for 1·er~· long and one after another in the pre~·1ous periods of cconnm1c cont rol lhcy f;:ided out. ln one case the lnp Pconnm1 C' control!rr resigned when he w;:is nl'errulrd by ;i Pr<'~1drnt of the United Slatrs 1Tr11m <1111 who ga\'e the soft coa l miner.< a hii;:grr p;iy bf){l~! than t-c:onomic circums1;:incr5 v.•ere deeml'd to iustify. Under !hr prrsrnl systC'n1. a l'rcsulrnt nl th<' United Stales mighl find hin1.;1•1f c·nmpellf'd ln rrmove frnm nffil'r an rn· tire bfia rd or <1genC)' if it ran rnun1er 1n h1~ pnliry. Tha l 1s not an easily m:in<1t:rd pnl1ticol m::inucvC'r. anrl !he three <icen· cies .-Plll' Rn11rd. Price ('nmn11ss1nn. ;:1nd eo~r.o(L1ving C1111nril -1hus h:i 1" ti crrta1n au!nnnn1.1• of lhr1r 011·0. making lhrm h<1rrl fnr a prcs1ficn1 10 hanrl l" The rssrnli al pt}ln! is th.1t lhrn1l!!h !h1.• r.:11n1plex sy~1cn1 !he P re.~1dent is in· jre!ini: a hl'<il'.': frdrr::il prrscner 111 and rcspnn.~ibilily fnr thr majnr eenn•in11c drrisinns nf prircs. 1v:ii:cs llnrl prnfl's - pri('r!' ;:ind 1v;1ges d1rertly and profits in· dirc1rl y THIS IS TllL'l.Y rrvolu!innary in pt;>ar.:r time. It is rnade possi ble in !aq!P part brr<iu~P tht puh l1c is read.1• for it. h<11 in~ reengr11zed that wage demand.~ c;in hPromp too grral. prices loo hich anr! prnfl\.$ too la1·ii;h ln earl1rr p••nnrl~ ;ilso thr rn111•pmrnl [011ard ecnnnmic ronlr1Jls was i;u•pecl ;i;, anti·Aml'ncan . That is to say . th0se 1,ho ll'r.,re ad l'flt.:il!lng \IT op•·1';1t1ni; ccnnntnir. C'ontrnl~ 11f'rr undf'r ii rlnud of su~piC'1on fnr w;in!1ng tri snr1.ih1.e nr snric1ill' the s\'slen1 Snmr nf lhr t::oriirnllcrs of !hr. P:isl 11ere rr~:1rclrd a~ d:in~er11u J radir.:<il~. ('>ul 1h.:it ;il111n"Jihf'rr hi!'> t'hang•·d . and hn11 1lra1n:i111·:1\h· 11 h:1 ~ r hancrtl is 1\• lu:-tralf'fl h1 1hl' f.1l'1 th,".! v.hat thf' !>O· rlll !rrl r!a ngrr111:~ r;irl1r;:iJ.., \.\.1nl<'d 1;; nn111 pu1 )n!n r ffror1 h1· ;:i .<-u ppo~cdly ronser\·a, \1ve nrpuhhril n l'rr~1rle'n! ll E llAS 1)0\J~ SO, hn11 r1rr. in 3lu·h a c11rnplt:~ 1lrr111~ r;it11· 11 t1\' 1~<11 LI is r!tf· fl f'ul l In f;iult h1111 t11r l111,f1 ng 1.:rnnnm 1c di1'!t!l(lr~h1p nn !ho> r111trrl St;11r~. On the r1•ntrar1 , 1hr 111"'! !hill 1·:111 hr .;-;ii;! i~ tha t hr ha s d!1nr II :-11 ilrnint n11 11·:i\lv 1ti;:i t 11 l\'l'}li'I t1;11 (' 111LJi•h Li1iltl('(' tri II nrk. :i11d in lhf' rrid lh<' ;1u lh1•n1 ;inan ,1 rlinns nf a r.~ar 11111 ht• c:1ll1·r! f111· .'I~ f Pdrnil tlr"'"'ll' Ch:111 1n;111 Arth ur F Rurn:. 11;1:-~;111L p1!('P ~l i1ht hl~· 1s sllll (]Utlc,. Ion(!\\":\\ rl111111 lhl' rn;id !1 is ~n11 1nurh !I• r\p•'f'I lhr1·1,f111'1\ 1hat lht• nr111 rrri1v 1rn11· rnntr r•I ~\ l1 n1, 1r lt 11nrks a~ all. will hr nu•rrty l rmpor .11'~'· An1cne;.in hu~1n(';;~ 11nrl lahnr , as wr\1 a!. !hr An1cn1 an rnno,:umrr, rn:i v hr mril'- LJIJ! in!n a tic nr1 nll•nlh n1a nac('d cconnn1y ha!'rrl nn 1·nl11111;ir1sn1 w1lht1u t riu1te rra!1z1ng 11 Tiu~ r!r prnd~ tn sreat measure on hn1l Pha 'r II 1\orks out. Shakespea1~e • Ill Still A11other Plot The re are SIX nlt1r l'-nr lr<.'-.:111!hC'11 111·,>.trrl ~1;:11;itures 11( Sh;ike~rr:11·f 111 F:OH.:l 1~h ;irrh1vP,~. ;:inrl \J1ndnJ1 P\)11>1').· ~11r 1hr1ll .'111 <'1np1nral vah1r nf ~\ n11lhna p;irll Sn rnrnr.~ Pr0( I\. ~. Knight a \\1Pfilryan <chnl:ir, \1 hn brhe1·es hP h;i~ rl i~COVel'Cd ;:i ."{'ITllTh signa tu re 1n an 11lrl 1.11\ boo k nn<.:e 111111erl h1· ;i inai;::istra!e. and pnw in 1hl' Fnlger $h<1kr~fl{'ilrf' lihr2.rv 1n \\ ;i~h11utton. Thr ~1gniirure IS nn lhP {ll l'rlcal or thr lillP p;i~e . and a m1nu!e rtrcle appear:i. n1·er !he "\\'" of ••\\1m:· a r'{ln1n1011 flouri ~h in olrl au1ngr;iphi; -Georcr "·ashinglnn u.~ed it h;:ib1111allv. Thf' ~1gn11ture 1s frai::ITlfnt.er!, hut l'ioiet Hghl hroui;:ht 11 up In a 1;11 r legib1l1!.1'. Thf're ensues 11 rie!ecMve lhrnrv nf nr. Kn ight. The rnag istr;:ile w11~ coniparable In our a~soci.1tf' justice; Kni2ht believe~ ShRkespeare knew hiin well .:ind 1n11 y ha ve in;ir!e him a present of lhe book. This v.•nuld acrount for an e:ictranrrlinary knov.•lf'r!i:::e Of law rrvraled in !he Plays. long ~ubjerl. to controversy. FROO\f TH1S DERI VES a downri~ht \1·eird co1 nci{!ence of big English namer. around !he ~·ear 1600. Queen Elizabeth I had a.!. a Courl B11 George --- De11r George: Th~nks for speakLnp: In nur group in Atl antic City. \Ve thoroughl.v en· JllYed II Altop:Pther loo m11n~· new~papermen drink, but you v.•ere snlemn anl:I profound . \\'CT l' Or;:i r \\' Th<1nk you 1 ATLANTI C CITY """' 1 C:ONFIDE:NTI AL T (1 ~II~' NESOTA fATS . You shnuld h.111 r thnui;:hr of that before .l'(IU went nn a diel A -~------' f;i1n1·11r a 11•1!1! ;:ind (h~li1 rlwd 1n11n~ iniln. the !·:.,J·I of E~~f'X The,1 fel l ,:.u!. ;:ind the Earl r111scrl ;:i ha1rbra111C'd rrhrl\1nn ai;::aln~t hrr He ll'as c;ip!urrrl. ~rnt !n 1he T1111rr 11·1th ann1hrr Ea r\, South;:implfln 1;;i;~rx 11 ;:i~ rxerutrd. Snuth;:implon i;::n! lifr Sir Francis Barfln . !he ph1losnphE'r , lnnit Es~rx '!> ln rnrl . tr~rdirri again~! hin1 i\'n11. $(luthan1pl11n w.,s the published patron of Shakespeare rro1n the Sonnel rt;:i1·~ 'l llr 1udi::1•. nr11rd ah111 ''· ('x;1n11 nrd ~n1111> nJ lhr i· •• •C'li ron~p1r;.1 1 nrs. 1nclud1nc ~1·t11p n( 1hr Sl1akrsp~arr rnn11>ilfll' pl .11~r:·. h111 hr rluh\ I exarn1n~ ht' f1 1f'r>d .. Sli~kr-.pi'<lt'('I Th~-11 1d~r n1;i 1 ;:il~o ha1e hrrn :in rirl· 101;tlP11f ::;,111th~111 rtnn, v.hn wa~ A 1 l"rlrnl pl:i~-h111 11[ lhf' t1 n1f' l\nywa1 . 11hrn El 11 .. 1h1•1h fl1r<l. hrr !'Ul'CCSSOr, .l;in1rs I. sprung Sr11th111nplnp In a long ;:ind hnnor.:illlr Cnurl r.:irf'rr ,la111ci; ;i~~rmh\rrl Ill .\'rhnl.:irs In prn· rluf r ;:i 11r11· "iblr 1hr l\in'i: .Jame~ \'eri;1nn 11n11 1, r \er since a mflnn lJ th c.! F:ngh~h l1!rrat11rf' ~O\\' !\ACK TO [);o(on . In the la.~ rcn Ensuring Wise C lioice~ Fron1 rh r ~11mm nn Cause. R.t port '\'ashi ng1on. n.c. \\'1111,. ,.,11.:irPness t1f .thr environmental _rri~1 s is ~rn11·u1i;:. ii is f;ir frn111 rrnnplrtr l\'ln!'I people arr ~nil ind1fferrn1 . n1nfil in · du st r.v srill is short5Jghled. Our lav.•s ;:ire !oo v.'t"ak : ROVernn1ent agencies are too timid \\'"-will nol start ~citing thinRs ri~ht until 11•p le11rn lo lake !he full en· vironmental costs of nur Aclinns 1ntn '"" count in our drc1s1on-making \\'e 1nust stop treating lhf' environment a~ a free resourcr-, Wt. musl be111n l~vy1ng ad· d1lion11l excise: taxes on industries in ac· co rdance with tht. pollutant! the:y cmil. Quotes Bari /I. \'an Erk. Sa n J nst. bu!. e:ier. -"Profits arc nnt an end in lhe mselYf'~, !ht'~' are just an indication nf whethe r you art rl'tlrlering Sf'fl')Ce to the consumtr If lhPre 11rr. no prlilits. there are no social bentfits" nr. H11r,·P.V 1\tl ndrss. L!C thcra1ii$I - '·\~hen ;i person bf'l?i ni.. In see hi $ 01i·n pred1can1cnt tn a humorou::. light , he 1.~ on lhe ... n1y to o-fr-rcoming it," ' Son1e ~1·p said th;i! thi s nn!y J.!r.:int~ a taci1 l1ce nsl! to pollutP . Bl.IT IF THE T/IXES ;:irr properly ~rt. 11 thC'~' cn1rr the 11111 en.•! tn ."Or1et ~·. 1h 1s cannnl he n1<1111lt1inrrl Jl~ a 1·c.1~nna ble nh. jec11nn 11 ~urh1Axrs r.:11.~r prirf'." tn rnn. i:111ncr~. t he~· 11'111 !'111l srrvc their purpn.~f'. rli.~rourag1ng c11n~u1np11on of J.!nocls who~e n1<1nufarture pnllutrs the en· \'irnnn1e111 ~lnre 1mmrdi ~lr)~'. 11c ~hn11!d ~tnp i;uh~irhzing pnllu1inn -f\•hf'lhrr by fa vnrrihlr 111x 11nrl im!J(lr1 pnhc1es fnr !he nil inr!ustry or h~· federal prngrams thal damagl' the environment. NONE OF THIS mc;:in:i1 that Wt' must stop prnJ:rPss. for nur final goal mus! he the i;:on<I li fe .for everynn ,. Th;:it 111p;:in_;- continuerl economic growth e.nd juslire in the dlslnbullon of our V.'t'll lth It should not he fori::ot lPn th;:i! t1 .he;illhy f"Cnnom y !!;Ives n~ the rf'sriurces 10 engagr in the 11rts, 1.o ronquer disease. In renew nur dccay 1n~ urban en. "lrnrun ent. Bui we need In n1ake w1sPr 1 rhni('l'S The way In ensure those Wiser chn1ee:. '\ ill 10 create 1nef'n1 1vcs I fnr hn\11 \n. ri11·1duals ;.nr! 1n<lustrv1 tn ha!! pnllutlnr1 ~nd eUmlnatl' presentl y ex1sllng in· rcnth·~ lo pollute . I'· 11111 ,.11 11.,1• .1 ;1111 olr 11!td In lhr lhr<ill lh:i ! thr 1c11nr;in1 SI. ,111 nrd 1·nun lf\' hnv rr•11ldn 1 h;11P 1111111 11 lhr r hn·!-.. \\1J1 111r> 1'1ri::::int Jl;i1·11n d id 11 tl.''-IS 11n ~11rpns~o1 11iil•lrn1 1q 1il ~ 11t·.,ppf'd 111 lhr l'l;1\·~ ~v Hnr'n!l tn 1·~!:1l1l1~h h1~ ;i1 11h11r~h1p. thn11p,l1 A;11'nn ·:1 11111 ~~ ;111d lr•fl\T~ r!no 't dJ ~('lnsc a h1·r::ilh nf thP gf>nl1ls 11'11h words a11· p;urnt 111 n,,. pl;11s \ ch;H·n1 111c. honk i1Jll1<'·1Tf'rl 11\ \!ilfl. "ThP l111u1n1 !1t'~ or Hrink Cnllcct1ng ·• 1\'h:t! !oll1>.1 s IS erihh,•rl fr.,n1 1t Ex;im1nP !hi' ~lllh J'o,:;i lrn. !IJ,. one nprn 1nft,! with lhe f:i n1nu~ line. ''(ind 1s our rrf11:;e and .~1n•n1:1h. an1I 1l'rl' prc~enl help tn 1r1111hlr ' Count dn~·n ·lfi v.ords lo ··1hr 1no11nta 1n~ !'h•1k<' v.ith !hP s1rc!11nl! 1hrrro r.·· <1nrl tn11nl 1111 4fi 11nrds 10 !'rhc J.o rrl1 "ru!lrth 1hr s!)f'nr asunder." \'r•u prr<'r!I,. 8hr.kr~rcarc v.'fo1 e rhe 1•..,;1h1>c. ;inrl h<1r1 ;i hangup nn 4fi, 1.oo A 11;1:.: ~u:::~r~L'i 1hat. ;:is 1n mnrlrrn 11101·1e. ~<t,k111~ the H::irrt ll'as calle1! in JlS a "cr1's111tan1 (nr the Vcr~ion , ;:in(! rlrnr· pr1I h1~ rn1hl r1ns for po~tcnt~·. Th:t! 11 n11ld Ile wh~· he rr111·rrl nch. <1nrl rl1Prl 1r111·111g ~ll:1J)OI\, 1hc hcal'I('~! lfln! nf a 11'ritrr 11p !1> lhlll 1\111c I! r;i~llv 111;:il1hr.~ .J i'l\"Jll";linr Su~ilnn 's cnupl r of 'million, lf ~t lss S11s;:inn dn!':;;n't n11nrl the analogy. ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT li.obcrt :\'. \\'rr(/, r1111/t;;hf.r Thuniri.; l\rPut/. l-:dztor .l ltir rl \\', R11tr.; /.1/11111111/ r a'Jr l-;d11111 Th,. Cd ll"ll•I 1"-" r>r Th,. h.~1ly riJr>t ~··~k . to llll "tTll ~n1\ .. t HT\U• \;i.i,. 1·•.•rl1·1 ~ l')' 111r"1111"t: 1n 1' nr11 11•"1'' 1 ~ "I 1111.,n.~ ;111<1 , ,,m. 1111'!1! H \ 01rl t••t'll Hf 1111r 11·· t "11.J ~11:n+111 ·1H1t1·, 1,,. 1•11.1 irhn.:; 11 1 .. 1u111 1,,1· 1111· i'\!•I < '"''1 .. ["<ii' 1r:pjrr,· llJ lt1H•ll~. ;i nr\ !l)' tu r ,r nltr\'; lh" tl111·1 •r I 11 " I" •111•" '·I 1 ll f,,nn< •I ~ ,h_ ~l'llf'I'" ;11111 ~l "•k··•tn"n ''" tnp1r~ t'I Ill".!·" 'fhursda~·. Ol'tobcr 14 . !97 l Miiestone for Persia CHECKING •UP• Sliah of lrc1n Tlirows Basli BEEF STICE· Mo~t W ru· Brides R, L. M. BO\'f) TtP 01' TH'E TONf,IJI'; 1~ ,airl In hi' lh l" n1n!I .•,..n~:ti1 e f'l ri nf thio human bM~'· P r11n ri l"fl'<'t l l":i:lurf'.~ f'Vl"n lhc: fingtrtip! can 't fl"l"I. N'l1h1n2 rf'm.ll rk;.hll" 11 hri11t 1h.:i!. l\'h,>;1 .5 rl"m,.rk,11hle. in h11ht nf iL i~ thin r;i;rt of 1h,. hum,11n Mrlv lh,11! r 1n .~t~r111 lh• hi.1the't trmp!'rittures -up 10 170 rlrgri>cs F' -is tht lip nf !he tvn.i:ue. ('OJ\'TRATt \ tn \l'h :i1 ,1n11 n11i::ht (h1nk ;:. n111n I~ ITIOl"P 11rt tn dr1>11m 11~u1 rnrn th"l n rh11111 wnmrn. Or <:n ;i i;t11r1 1 nr 7.l'lOO dre11m\ r·ev e.:.I~ Rut "'nml'n, 11 .ohnll'~. 1 .. nrl In r'!r,.11m l'(lll.!111.v ,11hout m,n ::inrl wnrnl"n .,. ~OCI AL ,C\Clf':l\'TISTS 1n \\'t"~I. (;,.rm;:in_v rl;i1tn IYl$1111'P knn"·lrrlRP lh;il l"\'1"1'1' fo11rlh hush.:<nrl I~ 11nf,1111hful_ r1Pr11 PIJ!h!l1 ll'llP lik l"\t'I~... lHAT F fNr<: Frt ~:l\.'fH t ~~.:i,\·1~1 \1f.111111i::nP rl1rl nnl "nrlr.:tr h 1rn~r lf 1n tl'I" ptorfumf'-m .:t k"r~ when ht prnr1i'limf'rl, •·Thi' hr.~t 11·;;i v fnr .!I wnm.:1n In l'mti!I i~ nr'1 a! r.11 " Al-i i\ VO llfl llOf'TOR wh.:-1 wnulrl h;ipprn tn 1·11111' J;ir"';il C.!l rt 1111~P. 11 .\'l'lll fl'll n111 'lf " "rrnnri·~!nr\· ll'lnrll"11 , huT l::inrl· t'd nn ~·nur fPl'1 , f~r ;iri" him lflO, 1f th" nlrl hn,1 ~el ~I'. ··:-.,'n1h1ni:. prnh.1hl,1·" Th.11t l;irs;il 1•:i1rtil.:111• i~ 11n l'yf'l irl f llSTO,\tt-:R SER\11(.'E: Q, "f)nr~n ·1 i1r1nr r;111l :\'P11•m;:in h1I !! hi l' finJ?l'rn:.il.<'" A. \rnulrln't rrl'flrl th1.'< if i\1r 1\P11·m;1r1 gavl' .:t t inkf'r ·.~. hui ~·r.~. ~·l"unt l11rl\', tn lhf' riuirk Q, "\Vhn ~llirl. ·r.nrt I~ ;ilW.l V!' nn lhP ~irlP 11•Hh !hi' hi'~[ rn;:irh''" A. Thi'!t W.11'< Hl'_l'\1•oori Arnun. HP ,11 )<;0 «.:tirl : •·Th~ ;1hilih tn mA kt ln1·r fr ivnln11~ly i"' thP rhil"f rh;:ir;1rlP.ri~t1c wh ich rl 1s- ling1d,•hl''< h11m11n hf'ini fr·nm lht hr.:i~t'< " A~I ASl\Ell IF lhP 111;:i1nrit1 nf lhO~P f11'11Ti:<CP~ hPtWPPn I 'S. mit1t.~r 1' ll'll'n ;inrl lhr w11r hrirl ~~ nf \\'nrlrl l\';ir If turn· f'ri nu! SIH"t'l'~~f11ll ,1 , A n1;11nr111 ,lf'C nrl'f'nl pnll~ 1nrl1(';1l,f' n1n ,o nul nf II\ nf rhnc,, l'fllln,t l:irl1 r~ .curvp1·,orf rl;11m In n,, hilPJ:l.1 hiol'r , ln11rliont.:ill,1, 1r ·.~ frPrp11'11l h· r·,opnrl~r! nv1~1 nf lhtrn r .:imr frnm r.r l'm;:;n1 Th;11 ·~ wrr)ng. Tht Ari!i~h lslr .s s11ppl1~ ·'4.R!I( f;t rm;:;n,v nn lv J.l,:l!.~. T l._..HRAN f AP I Somt1"h~rt b,et"·'"'" ! h '- chtr kFn .!i1Uffel1 w11h i nlrl IP1t\ I!'~ ann thf' cr'"P"~ 11 h1rp,erl tip hv M.:i xim'< fhf'f.~. thn""' 1n- 1·1t..-r! tn lh' hlllli!t"I hirthl111.v ha.~h 1n mNlern t1m!'.c. mav wr ll l\''lnrit r what rhf' p11 r,11rl1n~ :inrl lhP !trP wnrli~ arr all abo11!. Hi~ lmperi;il i\i\;:i 1f!."l1 . lhe ~h;:ih Of Jr::tll , I,'< l/l!>Cln~ Ji1P :«h1nrl1i;i .:ill 1)11,:. "'Pil!k .:it lh" .t1n· r1tnt r :.pll;:il fl( rrr·l'trnl1,:.. rrcrt.:il tri 11ndtr (';i,n111~ fl'lr !hr l'lrras1nn tn r ,o ltlll'Rlr thP 2 .. ~00lh 11 nn11·1"1'1>.:i r1 nf lhr fn11r1rlinR n/ lhp f' I' I '< i 11 n Empir~ h~ l\T11~ thr !;rr:it llt>rf', fnr !hf' hrnl'fil nf 11 11 \t':!il lll.£ f(lf Pl'f'Of.o: In ~l't ~11·1n111n.:, nn Thur~rii'll , '" ;i h:in1 . r :ipsttll!' hi~1nr1 nf th11t en1r1rr, Six hundrrrl 1·e:i r·c hrl111·r 1hr !-1 r!h flf Chr-1~1 . \°lrll~ lh" CrP:i T l!nl r1pr1lh1n,C nff 11'1 :i rl'l llln~ ,i;i.:irt h,\' n1nh11nJ.?, lh,, ,\l('rlf'< :i11rl rpr~r.:in.~. ;:ilo\nl:, 11 1th ~II nlh!'r ll i!ITIJ1C ll'lh"< :inrl ~trl<. in1n :i n11.c.hl1 f'fl1 · 11 1rP th;i! ~lr,e lrhrrl fr·nn1 lnrl1 ;1 In !h!' r1an1 1h,., !r·nn1 lhr f~l;ir·k Sr ;i !fl !he .\'lir 's f l r~t r.:it:il'.:ir! ThP Arh11n1rnii'ln rl,1 n;i<T1, 11h 1rh ('1·1·1:.< fn11nrlrr! rrn· rl11rrrl ;:i rl1~tin~u1~herl \1n,o Ill ki n~.< f'l;:ir111~ !h" !,rr:i! fi.11111 hi$. p:ii:irt ill Ptr'~f'pnli ,<, II\ Th,e hPllrl flf lht ~!:111'11'11,I' (If 100 1·:i~t $.fl'\11(0: .~lf'p~. ;'\l'T'~P$.. ::.1 the h~:iri nf i'I I 11.<I mllil;1r_1 1nrl11.<!ri;il ro111- pl•x lh~1 1nel11rlr rl 1.7 1n11!1nn lnnl ~nlrl1 rr~. 1.200 !r ll'flm P~ ;inrl .lfl!~l nthr r \"~~Pl!>. ~Pl n11t In r~lrnrl rr1·~1;:in nilt 1if';ir l al'rn~~ F:11rnrP. rn11!P of !hf 11 rt<1k ~ilk h1m<,.H 1n l'iji7, t11n1t.\ hL< r.t1r.:11 ;in\, .anrl Per~1<1 hi'!twr,n f l ,e r1 rl -l\ nlf1ruil ti!lt rri '''Q '''·''·' •nd hf•·"i ,~ ··l'n1pr1·l"lr nf t mpP1'nr.,, tht ' ·' " .. ....-i " '1111 l"f lh• ,\r1·~n~ .. ~1J rr!'r1lon~ ~l'l ll!'ri rln11·n 1n thP Rut thf rlf::l~Ul'I!' r!l'lm• hi'! r11lt11r~rl jiff' nf 1urn1n;:. 1'1111 h~s rll"rrl'l'rl lnr !1'1• hirthrl.JI pr1rf'IP.~!"> rnns.11 r~. !urr1 un1~1' hl.:i~t l'llJ1 1n th, fir~,rt 1~ rt.e:h~ mn~1111 P~ f;<huln1J~ r LI ~.~. n•il nf ,. i;:,r>t•'• lvirtl• anr1 r::i1·1;1r, nrnJm anrl ln,Pl.1 fn!ln11• 11 prpr,eri,.nl ~P t br ~;irrlf'f1• (\ 1·n~ !hf' c;rf'.:t i himsf'lf ThP k1n1:rlnrn II'~• ili'lfl \'r;ir·~ Thrnu 1nl! ~urh w1ngd1ngs 1! rlrl whrn rnr 1 ()m;ir Kh"'\'1'~'11 ~n l"ld p,,::,,~n h;ib1f, ".:i~ r,r1 t1nc h1~ r11h.:ii,<; nr .------------ r,,r~1::1n rp1 cr;:im~, A j:1ftr•I m ,. 1 h , rn .1 t I r 1 11 n ~ n rl A<l!'nnnm .. r. h,e 11;i~ r;:ir1 nf ;:i iflfl~ i1np f"lf f1h 1lfl<nphl'T'< ;inrl lr~rnf'<l 01rn th;i1 1n1"1i1r!rrl 7,(lrn.:i~trr, ,-;;:i;irl1 ;inrl H.11(1'7 In lhr rl:i.1 ~ flf !hi' e.r,0.:1 1 <·;:1n1r) ('<ll'JI\ ;in ~PT'll'<, r!'l','I~ fnr Thf' 11p;ir1 11;:i 1•f~rrr tnP;inl p11ln1 frin.errl n;i<r <, h;:11;:111 r:. tP,e m1n,t 11 ilh n1rr•rh;in!.<. •lnr1 /P l lPI'~, il('l'Plh;il~. p1 ~,tl .. 1·t. "rr:,llf'r·• n1)?hl<; p!'rt111n,.rl with rn~rc ;:inrl rrhn1n ,;: lfl 1 l'P ~nn,t nl lhf n 1chr 1n~;ilP .:i nrl 1h~ I ~rr;:1 1n~ of th,o 1arh. ~~n!nr ::i nrl rilhl'r .~1 r1n,tl'rl 1 n.~rrumrnl.• '11lf> l,!1"1<1fl rl.'1,I S l 'l1111P hllh· hl1n12 h.:ir k ;:ig;:i1n 1n \!lfl!I ll'h,en nil 11·:i .< rl1.~<·n1 Prr r! lfl !Iii> rPr,,1;111 (:1111 T!H· wPll~ now f1'1mfl $2 h1\11nn II ,\~i!r inti" !r.:in·~ tr ra~1 1r1 . nrarl\ h<llf thr :innt1i'!I h11rl~rl , · Th , prf'.~~n! ~h.:ih , whn r;iinP to pnu>"r 1n \!'l41 an d Cl'"ll'ntd 1972 Cars! Now on display (I, •• ' •• , •• -.11 ... .,.,.1, .11 .... 1 ...... ""~'·~ '" .~ • .,,,11, •ft• n', 1,~·' f..l 1•l•ft., .... c. ... 1,, •' , •• ,. ··11 fij;,1~· .!, ~'" [1 ;,1~ i '"'•V H~ Wastoliff Plaza ,,,.,"' tnt•I t.#oNI Sµu;,t.I "CHllSI O• THI Wlllt'." OLE PANT•Y ~ ••. 11.•• l•. 20c OFF '" ll. ,._; •• ,:,., •• """ ,./ a u• 1 rool .... ..i ....... ,,." ,,ft•••·•:''••' w :.~ Oh ft0/1p ol •VO holoo ••d "~~ ! , .. 1.;.,, ,.1,,,, ol I ' '.teU b •• '"'""" ,.,..;,. .~.r ,1. • .id ••. ' . ... b•i(~ t ftri <:-~.,j.r ,, ~.,..;,,,./+ '" !o»v••. "•l•t•••tv nv H~ ,. fl,.~._ ;, ol·t•• •vo•+lv. •••e• b••u"lullv ••d .,,,,.Jt 1 ,.,..,.,+~ly I 11+. .\ l••l•t 777 I. M•I~ 11 0 NIWP'O•l llACM O••N•I rang• T ••• & CI~ '" Moll ol 71 •·11•2-0t11 71 •·5•1·101' Ol&NGI ,)7.7111 JNIJ/fJ'I JIJl/A'I t. 'Ill lfllll Nearly •' Everyone Listens to Landers • A·'-'IAZI Nf; wha1 _11111 r',0111 rln in :1 ~ine,lp m lnu ir . !'f':i llv, Likr sp!'.:tk m;1vl)p !.ill "'nrrl.~ rl,011rh . nr wn!, io 11·nrrl~ flr b1·t;ithe 4Jll r ubic inrlH•~ nf .:!Ir Of f'ITTUl~!f' 14 pnunrl~ lll f"IUnrt~ nf hlnorl. nr rlin ~2 .v arrl~. ()r ~11·1m lfl.1 1 ;1 rrl~ ()r fl"lr Iha! m•tler . n, •.Kncic.kl'rl uncfln~r1n11.~ six rfln.~Pru!il'e ti mt.~. ()uln111nhrrrr1 i; In I. lhe C r·prks nn lh,e pl111n nf 1 ,\tar;:ithnn stnnrl lhP1r i;irll11nrl ;inrl ~r111 ;:i cn11rirr urf t.n j s,,,.,, ''' hefp He ''rred "" KEEPS (1 1.c.t.:inrp 1n 111·n d.:i 1·~, nnl~ tr1 (1nrl !ht Sp;:irt;in~ 11•t rr n't h.:i1·· ini:, ;:in1· u•;:ir lh;i! wr,.k fnr rrl1g1n1;$. rr;:i~nns I\ in g *--"><-- T R.~T ~EAR f"H en"~ nn tn l 1nrl !h,o 11nrlrl":-; hr.ol knnrl.;. kriN:k jnk• "l\nnr•k kr1l"lf'k.'' "\\'hn'~ l~l'rr "" ' r;inrt1rr " "P<1nth~r 11:hC1 ~" "Panther nr nn panrh. I 'm 11n1ni: ~11·1mrn1nt:" ;!;~:~~:~~ ~~~\;~,~~pt:;~:~;~::1 1 T A L L n;11·1 1.1·1th nnll .i!li ~h q1~ rl1rl helter ;it :;;;1J;:im1~. wh1pp1n.:. th~ I Pl'llarrl~ nff X, r x " ~ -. / ...... · . ...... __ ·~---::::------.... ,---·-· A Se.!i tll, client nominiltt.s th.!1 ! one . Ru1 the re ·.~ nri t.ecnnd. ~:,.11' ~n~1f:TIM ES I 11r1 "" unrt;:i ,c:on.:ihl, rix nn -1 f::ir1 .:inrl h11m 11 r11 ,r ilnrl nv,or :i,1::i1n 1n mv hl'ilrl .:i lmn~l ;i~ ihn11 1!h 1! 11·,,r,e a 'rirk1· lun,o, Th• numhPr nl illil l'r;ite~ 1n 1h1~ wnrlrl 1~ gf'ltini;: h1,..:.;:l"r. nnt sm.:i llf'r l"Vl'r1· rl .:iy , Th~!'~ .•11rh a fa cl. K(t;t ps r ri"'pp111i: 11r. tn ;i mns! rnmpl"ilin~ ni.:innrr. \'n11 r rp1r sl1nH.> 1111rl 1·n n1111r)/I< niv 1rr lr'fl7l•P 'l>lrl. n•11/ h• ,,,,,..; HI r11r:r·;.,·111;r; j r 1rl1•·r 1·1tr pn~·:i hl r. Plr ri,<,_ l'/..jrl1·r << ynin· I r /I P •.~ lo L. M. /5nyrl , f ,n, fin" Jt i.i, ,\',,irrnrt f!itnrh f12~6n, 111<11'101!'~. Fnr· lhf' nPx l 2.1100 ~·p;:i r.~, :1 I .:rr111 11·.:i ~h flf hi•tnl'\' fl::l"'""ri n1 ~1· r~rc111. AIPl.:tnrlPr tf1 ,e r,r'Pilt ,•.:irnt h1 1n l1l RC ', 1n ·""rk lhP r11 l.:i r~.< 111 rt'r'-~tpflli~. r.hPn1!1~ l\h:in r;in1,o h.:tltl1nt" h1• --~n d1rl T:imrrl11n•, ;i.i1<l ;i~~nr!l'rl Tllr'k~. 1.~l.:1 111 ?nri Mnnjln! 1n1 :i<lfr~ .. ~l;i1·1•n l'nln p.:t.~~,.rl !hrn1111h, ;ilnng thl' THE BIGGEST SALE OF THE YEAR AT SINGER PR ICES CUT FOR PLUS SAVINGS ALL OVER THE STORE Now! Cul prices on One Touch Sewing an da Pa ces£tt r cabin et, loo. With !his Touch & Sev;• machine, oni;: touch S\\lttche:; fr orn s:raight to zig-zag. 7 stretch ::;:itches, buttonholer. Girpr r cxclu'3ive Push-Button Bobbin ! Reg. $J79.9S. Or s11ve $80 off reg. price of •ny other Touch & Sew"' zig -z1g m1chint in •ny other .s.tnger4' uwlng c•biner. PRICES CUT ON 156 COMBINATIO'-JS OF SEWING MACHINES ANO CABINETS NOW! FREE INSTRUCTION SA on tht use of'YoU'r newmach/na. Electrlc Is: Accui;ArE, Push. button, tum a 'rr!;Tiob l!nd set th4 EXAOT temper&ture need~d for any ki~d ol cooking, from ~oil boiled t>ggs to a gl')urmet ha rd sauce ••• All 1h~ "energy" necess!lf)' to prepare any k1rid of dish, 1tny kir.d of mea l. Electric is: BALANCED HEAT distribution on tl')p of tile range or thrMJghout lhe oVen, crealif'Jll wffat YOU want in the way d boiling, frying, browning, st&.aming, b1ildng ••• simmering. A self-cleaning electric range does MORE cleaning ••. PYROL YTICALLY* ""='------Bl'ectrlc oe11-c1 ... ,. - 1'>p ""'-just ""'-i,, the 0¥8f'I ••• -1---l!lecb1c """.c1oons1Men11ro """"·wall$ and n-s .... cellnO ••• Bleetrlc .,. '' OYeft l'8Cb m'ld gattss- Electric "'"-e1"""" 91.'en tne oven lig:l'i CCYer ••. Electric Is: CLEANER. COOLER. lrisul1led range keeps the heat in the OV9n where It belongs, not out in the kifctien. And befause nothing burns, !here's no flame, no laJge vent necessary to get rid of by-products of combustion, an electric range is kinder lo ) y(')ur walls and ceilings, keeping them / clMiner , •• longer! *e:1ectrlc r.: l"l!llOl.vnc.i"-- m aeH-eleani~ which ia .sfmt'l•mif a.ta. Through "'hi!:3'h hut" your ~a.rled THOFIOUGHLY, leeving ontya fr.:. of aeft behind as a reminder of atubbom ..,ms and spatters. VVhen an oven is clHned piyre~ ~ the mMSiest mes:te:S are clnned In a matter of mi mites, tor a matter of JMW4-. J Set d\al tor~avy/lighteleeningandtra done ••. pyrotytieally. The beet.,,.,. TM cooler way. The clee1'19r' wttf. elanrlcal lndunrias mociatlon dealer today ..... lOl.ltl'tem ~~· HUNTINGTON 114CH U.GUN4 HACH DAV JS-8ROWN CO. .., • 14?0~6 Breokhurtl GORDON'S .... 224~ La4 u11e Ceny•11 ~II. W. T. GR.ANTS ~8 11 Ad11~1 LEON ARDS . .. ... I b072 811.ch Blvd, J & H AP,.LIANCES ........ 111 Gle""•yr~ MONTGO MERY WARD & CO ..... 1711 Eel l n9•r Av•. SEARS itO S~ Ael •mt S+. L•C.UNA HILLS SEARS 51-40 Eel i,..9 11 r A v~. S ~A~S .. _., ... 2-42&2 Cellt o. L1 Leult1 The best are here: AOMrRAL * UHMORE * O'KEEFE & MERRITT BRADFORD * * SIGNATURE CORNfNG * * TAPPAN * FRIGIDAfRE * THE~MADOR GENEll4L l!lECTlllC * W!STINGHOUSI * * HOTl'OIMT J WlfllU.l'OOL ' .\ \ • Tax Reform Bill Runs lhto Snag Ca liforn ia Fire Scene Clea ned U [> KIDS! PR IZES, PR IZES, l'RII(S . Entc.'r "Nim• Th• C1ro1,111I Hor•• Conf11t" \Vatch this paper for dc-tails SACRAMENTO (UPI) - A major Lax shift program incorporating .!Orne of the features agreed to last week by Democrats and Gov. Ronald Reagan was snagged today In a Se nate commitlee. fiscal 1972-73. Other lax increase1i \\'C"re proposed for cigaretles. liquor and in· corne. Sen. Clark Bradley ( H-San Jose), the only Senate Republican last year v.•ho refused to vote for the governor's unsur- cessful tax program told Harr'ncr as f;ir as he. was concerned, "Tax reform ought to be a reduction un all real estate -not just res1dent1al real estate " SUMMERLAND tUPIJ - L'.S. F'o1 t:~l Sc!1'v1ct: uHieials tod;.iy began formulating plans lo reseed 14,200 acres of "'a lcrshed destroyer! by thel~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ wvrst California hrus h fire orli Ellsberg's Kin Si le11 t in Court LOS ANGELE'S {UPI) -Dr. Daniel F.!lsbrrg's brother-in·law and seven other persons refused to testify \Vednesr:lay before a secret federal grand jury still in- '"l'Sliga!ing the Pentagon papers leak. Spen cer !\larks, brother of Ellsberg'a \\'ife Patricia. in\1uked the Fifth Atnt~nd· 111ent on grounds it might be self-in· cr1n1inating to anS\Ver questions. Nine \\•ilnesses appeared before the jury \\'ednesday, the same one which in- d1c1ed Ellsbe.rg for u n au th orize d possession and use of a secret study on the formulation of Vietnam \Var policy by the United States. In the. Assembly, meantime, some Republican leaders talked privately of forgetting a major tax program this session and adopting a "mini" package instead to merely balance the state's $6.7 billion budget. Sen. John Harmer, chairman of the Senate GOP caucus, offered his proposal to raise $716 million for tax reform and homeowner property tax relief this Hscal year at a hearing Of the Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee. Trial to Begin In Murder of 5 the yea r. Tt1e blaze, controlled Wednesday <irter a week Jong battle v.•ith 2.1:15 firemen and 17 air lankl'rs. charred an .1rea stretching ftom hcre1 c1gh l mtlcs east. J\1osl of the I burned area \1·as 1n Los J '<tdrcs Nal1unat Forest. about RO 1nilcs nor!h11·est of I.As 1\ngeles. In 'iacramcnto, a state of I emergency was declared by Acting (iov. 1':d Heinecke at The Democratic-dominated committee delayed a vote until next week. Hanner insisted the plan was "not an administration bill" but that it included featurC3 agreed to by both sides before tax negotiations between Reagan and lawmakers broke down before total RED\VOOD CITY i UPI f _ !>lurdcr !he request uf the county Iloard of Supervisors. suspect John Linley Frazier i::(J{'s on !nnl ------------11 agreement wa.! reached. He told the committee although his pl an wasn't sponsored by ReagAn, the "bill was discussed with the governor and he directed the Department of Finance to Monday, exac1ly a year and a day from v.·hen Dr. Victor Ohta and four others v.•cre slain and their bodies durnpcd into A swimming pool at a $300.000 mans ion in the Santa Cruz hills. The former auto transferred from Santa mer..hnnic was CrLJ7. !o I.lie San give me assistance." ~1 " ateo County Jail under hr..;n·y guard During the current fiscal year it would rai:re $716 million in revenue and $1.l \Vednesday in preparation for the tri<tl. billion next year. The bulk would be He has pleaded innocent and innocent l..y • Sears, :'\.-i ··~ Why Rent? The mopey you spend o'n Rental Fees could Buy a Sears Water Softener ' all new from Kodak CARTRIOGE-LOADfNG SOUTH COAST PLAZA 3333 BRfSTOL STREET COSTA MESA Kodak lnstamatic" M105 Movie Projector Req . Value SALE PRICE Lomolld Qu-'nt1lie• FIRST, DROP-IN AND SHOOT MOVIES • • • NOW, DROP-IN AND SHOW PROJECTION • 50 and I OO·foot tartrld9e tapotlry • self·threodln9, self·rewindln9 • 100-foot rewind In obout 25 1.c=ond11 Gre.tle1! t n.i ee1 ie,t woy lo 1how .t ll your 1up~ ! mo·•;til S!cp '" ~nd •e• ou• com pl1I• j;"• ef KODAK !NSTAMATIC Come•o1 •nd proi•clon. returned to local governments in !he reason of insanity t.o the five counts of DS form of property tax rel ief. murder. WIN ST EA However, Chairman Walter Stiern (0-The trial v.·as ordert'd held outside San· Bakersfield) noted it proposed no relief SOUTH COAST SHOPPING CENTER for senior dUzens or for ""'"'· lo Cruz County by the Stole Suprnmc Among other thing.!, it would add one Court after the defense counsel. James/\. 3333 BRISTOL ST REET, U.S. Attorney David R. Nissen has said the continuing probe represented an at- \f•m pt to determine if other persons may have committed criminal offenses in the case or if there were grounds for possible 11dditional charges ·against Ellsberg. cent to the nickel-on-the-dollar statewide Jackson. argued that publicity mnde a Phone your nearest COSTA MESA, CA. (714 ) 546-005 1 sales tax, a h~fcent:o~f~w~h~ic~h~w~ou~l~d~be~_Jf~o~ir~lr~io~l~i:n~t:h:e~c:o~un:t~y~o~f~l~h:e~c~r:im~e~i:rn:-~~::::~Se~a~r~s~s~to~r~e~::::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ spent on aiding local_schools starling in possible. Court Takes Action In Coast Dock Strike SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -A federal judge hn.! ordered top Jongshore union officials to show why they should not be punished for defying a back-to- \\'ork order in the West Coast dock strike. U.S. District Court Judge '\'il!iinn T. S\\•eigert on \\'cdnesday ni~ht ordered a show cause hearing after government attorneys argued lhat I.he union was in contempt Crasl1 Hurts TV Driver u1c: BEAil LAKE (UPI) - A tn1ck rlriver for !he crew· of tt1e ··uonanza''t('!e1·is1on st·ries \\'as critica!ly Injured \Vcdnes- day ,,·hen hi.~ vehic le plunged 1l1J\.\ll an en1bankrnent off Catiforni11 30-18. Floyd Clark. ~I . was trapped In !he cab or the vehicle bv cquiprnent that s u r g e d f11rward ns the truck lodged nose-du1rn on a tree about 75 le£'! do11·n th{' hillside. The 1ehicle v.•as located in !he earlv aftrrnoon b v CalifC1rn1a ·high1-1·ny pa trolmefi. alertt>d hv the h•le1·i!'ion crt'w 11 hen the tnu·k failed lo sho1v up as sl'hcduled nl 3 n m. r)n local1(Jn , Clark v•as L.1ken to San lkniardino County Jiospltal MUCH IMITATED NEVER DUPLICATED Patents M.Jn oul. Copies are inevitable. Others have attempted to copy the Aolex pr----'0=' proof Oyster case, t self-w inding mechanism , the date feature, the day and date indicator, an innovations of RolelC. But of court because workers In the Los Angeles-Long Beach area and Oakland were off the job. The pelition filed by U.S. At- ty. James L. Browning Jr. ac- cuses International L o ng s horemen':s and \\'arehousemen's Union Locals 13 and 63 in Los Angeles-Long Beach and Local 10 in Oakland of failing to comply with a temporary restraining order which sent most of the 15,000 ILWU members back to work Saturday after a JOO-day walkout. Sv.·eigert ordered the hear· ing Friday, the same day .he is lo hear argumenL" on govern- ment efforts to expand the 10- day temporary restraining order issued Oct. 6 into an 80- day cooling off period under the Taft.Hartley Act. On the Gulf and East coasts, .!ome 38,000 members of the l nternational Longshoremen's Association went into the 14th day of their strike against shippers a,1d 100.000 United 1.1ine Workers rem:.ined idle in a strike against soft coal operators in 2fJ states v.·hi"h also entered its 11th day. Scattered acts of violence \\·ere reported in !be coal strike. including the bui'ning of a repair shop at a nonunion coal firm's trucking head· quarters at St. Clairsville, W. Va. the Rolex skill, craftsmanship and dedication could never be duplicated. The pride of knowing you wear the real thing is the pride of wearing a Rolex. Above, the Rolex Submariner Date, a 30-jewef self-winding chronometer with date Indicator that .changes automaticalty at midnight. Guaranteed pressure-proof by its ateinless steel Oyster case to a depth of 660 feet'. With revolving time elapsed bezel. With matching stainless steel bracele~ $285. I . • 9 ROLEZ ... _klfl •• ..,._, •HllA-1c1,;i ..... M.1.tw (Mf't9, .... SLAVICK'S JN'el~TI Since 1917 11 ~ASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH-6'4.1380 Open Mo". and Fri., 10 a.m. to 9 :30 p.m. "You get it better at the,wherehouse" If you missed the First 2 Expansion Sales ••• DON'T MISS THIS -ONE! 12.,.3 Now there are 1 s fontostic Wherehous e Record and Tape Stores i.i the Gret11te.r L.A. Areo. ::is Our 3 New locations GRANADA HILLS LAKEWOOD WOODLAND HILLS 10371 BALBOABLV.0~·~-4~1~1~1~C~A~N~O~E~L!W~0=0=0::....~2=0=9~2:9~VfE~N~T~U~R~A~B=L=V~D=-~~~~~~..::::~:::::~~~ 363·9956 -634-9889 347-9284 IK!STY 1 s•tns lilc~tl-Slllllldtrd; ·auc• llllS-Surl's lip WHIT lllWM.IJl-liro J.Jll-1.Ru cam 11ctast r11s1E1mo11·s11uns1 Mli ftUTWflOD lilt -Kd11 lli;ll~ .l£TlllO Tlli-B~ht SottOll UUIJOCT -~ Ylll ~ lltJd MJ" M1:,d Ill. JINM -All~ The Gold RI:) .>OM! •ITtml-l.bcMs 111 ~ Cal!yDll Tiil ,llTAJt~U-lldeto! li11rt Jllill llllltll-.1.xi.5 Bold k.!Jl~ llll 'IJJllll -AIK:e's "'111m!rt Jlllll llCNllll-.lle YOI Llpsiaaof .11111 Wiil-it Aur't l111 Tiil IOOtl{ M'1. JM:J.ll LOlllAl -lbmt~ In M.t llt..ad P.l.Ul SlOGKlY-Pt•l#i~ l tA'fll I KUUSE -C~"'~Jrlj &Uf JUl'll -Anti 1.141 W T• Wlllll I ~!IE UtU-long Player IUCI Wl'f1-P¥1Klr.f YUi ..atlMIN--tti 6NIO & Stree! C~o~ llltlll IUllCOCl-rat AA:ie<t Rotln'.14 °"' Utw•-Spnsh Mo~s. 'lllITT 11Jn rl. "'"'-Up= Yoir~lf 111111111 ll.llUIUT IK.u.T & IOtl•IE-Mo\cl ShQ! IUCl !loll w.tllUS llllC C\lllTIS-Get ~'ady .lUICf tatl-Get A W~t A·Thii Sl.fllO ll.llM If£ GllS-8"<l Of lllOM IUT!flHl-l'l·A{.illrJ4 i'-~. CRUM-0.~ra-!t (;e4s. lte~ ~unlllLT-!ledVJ IUffAlQ Sl'tlMGflliD M.El !11\QI W1I" frl!!l!(IS & """~tl[)QI~ l lOGKll I ' !Ml .,·s-v~~ Cklon~ llll"fllO Sl'UMGflHD-Agan KIMG Cl'IMSQll -l1:11d WllSllW PICUn-n ~ JO£ 111~111.A-I I•, !"I )011~ tURl NC( CARHR-r11che!; t•ose1. STILLS, NISN rt IP WllSOM -1>.n,1 !1 y :e1; 1; l'l"o:l Yov G~l lMI DOORS-lir\I lo'y f·,~ ~UOllNCE -TI>! H· •,•'!le I' 1 lroMlt 1onSTt1-Dut~ Wd.~ lltl!rllll YIMI Ml~l "(ION-Srrll•fl! M~D Cl.Ill SllllON llUC-~a lllCllDlll! STl'U" 11116--1 tooil~ij lip 110111 PUl I lDWll LUI !.IDE -11.11'? I Ua"\-~ "l" -Mu~.-: tor Serl~"O\I~ Lovcts. JUDI COl.llflS-AcCollel:tron\ IU!l[lflllD llUlS UMD-Ket'P O!i l.WMg Tlf! UIUUDS-W,...~l\!r.fW s .. 1e 11111 lllC~LIT-r.oocl!Jt &. l1elo LDl"f.-0' C3(>0 [lll[llSON, L\-E 1 ~.ll.M(I Jllll ES Tl Tl OR -S•ott ilAl>f J.ill1:". JOllllll'T WIMlll 11111-1.M! IJ.lll tODPU.-Love It l; De•~ ~llUl'!IOC sP11:11-12 Di~..morrx.~~ \lOlllHD tlll'll -Sor>'\ ol lll'I! ~ H.l~ U i ;03 :t •] ;IBiiii i I .. STA'litl~ Aley Ulk.I UM-l~stry ~ a 11.1 -lV'efy (",.aod 11qy ~yes. r • .ar l•HM. Ull' ,&l..1-Talwii ta.t"" rr111u-s11c\y rf11',Prli "'°"' n&lllUtl-UYe At '~mOf, W~t Wilftll IUt -\llN\'1 (;oJ1g ()n Jiii .iCMLl -9'.!e' """ucmOCIT-U Y(l,I CWd Re.ill "' !.\,..j ,IHllft 1111.l-A~g Jlllll TITI.Dl-Sw~t Bat>~ J.ll'ries HIDDll l"Mlrao1 -Si.nrner 5'.le of Uie ll*l l.ITI.ll-"'1d.100e 5lf1l t.w'llITTIS-Cdr Jl('flte<s IOllll U:ln1l-Poem1. P!~S 5-l'rOlfl<'iPI MASTIRWORl MODEL HP JO 0 STEREO HlADPHONIS . , 495 THI FIFTH DIMINSIDN Aa I.her great LP's on SotA City RecOJds Wie A~i.Js. Q-eatest lits, etc. l.MITlD IKIAJITITW ,,,, 197 • IUU. mu1•-Mi1t<Y of Re.!lot1 llllU DO-SCI lo"f s..>n;r1ff11! Tr• lLllS Will -~ Sp.ice I'\ I~ LU llttll.lltl-~th JAllllS llOP -f.lot l'Mlti l l.lllll!l-ADUU\ ILIOI IOll~-1!·1 1·70 Jt!lllU fllCl-C~.lllt"' rw<i llU.I• •A~-sonr~ !"I BP&llT':.'r~ I UCOT lrlllll-lf>"m OHJ'l£e:. J.lll!S JOfl.l•-Pe,111 00•"1.,~ lUJl llJflU -Ar>l J:i\yy J\lllM u.IDll-11 A111 ! l~IJ' W DU llltC-\\'rit"f TAPE CARRYING CASIS I lllCI; N!H..ll$ ll·CASSETTE IHllDS 24 SOlID COLORS 399 AND WllO DESIGNS COMPUTE 9 BllTHOVIN SYMPHONIES Wi1~~ Steinber g <Jld The Pitlwgti Symphony I Dist• 999 c. ..... c..,Mte l t<or"• THOUSANDS OF ALBUMS -DUI IE'ULAR 1.DD i. 1.4T - F1111ri11 Artist s Like ':1i1111117 Reid, C1111d Heat, A1b1rt C1ll l11, Otlit £11ress, lal-n C1ldllerf, lsltJ Brathers, Del- la l11s1, Tti1 l111r1s1i11s:-.Ma1fr1d Maaa, Tb1 Y111t1ut$, Ti• 5 $f.lihte1s, Llwre1c1 Wilk, Jerry Yalt, Tie St111l1 Si111rs, Str1wb1rry Aljpl Clftk, Tie R1id1r s, J1111 Ri'· 1r1, 11111117 111, J1ti1iJ"Mataiis, M11111s & Papas, Leman Piptrs, cai1ck J1cks11. Tti1 lirass Roets, Earl liraat, Dick ill•!"• PLUS THOUSANDS MOit • Ullrnol 4111 ttd!Mt4 1>4·1111 • WDOOUND llltlS 1"1' Wnbu ltn~ J.17·1214 • CIAJtAO.I •tLS 11111 l11Mt lln .. JUnst • 1ANTA MIHIC.I 111 Satb ... 1k1 lln~ 1 lltct '"'• Miil lW.llOI • AIWIU• Ill S., luelMfll Al hU 114·533·tl1t ' 11 Ull lllllDHlHClft -~-~('I TQl\£1111'! ~ .... t 1 l•Ul-IA.i.Yl.t llUlllltl ,I[ -~ot'\ ()i l(IC~ !Qfi-~l"t I l!p Ult l"'" )UIU ;IM' .tr,• "'1 (OMotl tlQ\I•. I Ulll, Nl!.11 'ltvlli-0!',d , 11111 lll\IS 1 .. n Cl! l!!llNI 1• • j Of ; .... 1~""" ~' Clllllll l lUtS l l•U CINNlll NUT-! ie ~ I JUQ! Clll I IMl -'i>'il'"\ f. ~~~~"l•'' Olt' PUIPtr-r,,, \Ill ll CNICINQ l!<•m ·1Kt~ l lITTllllUD RblS Ullll -Scl<!V:l"11'1 Ir e~ \Jr C ~ 'lllllLIL MAI .,.,.C!~flCllW: ~ 0~41 O®U-1 A"'""""' JHHl~O~ IJl l'llll(-&11. Jiii'• UllllC~-1<'1.Jtolle 101111 111111.ll-LJ'.',~ Lnotr ~!II' llOlli DI !~£""''I.I. W ! IU( \ll!M-r !'IOrf ~11"1 •OS! -!ur'"""' !I ll l Dlil Stiul '-"""' "'LDD DI \QI 1101-::.rforM~ I••• WUl e~llO! ~llQ!M If 'HIS MOTION PICTURE SOUNDTRACKS HflLO DR. STEREO TAPE DOLLY DOOllTnf 1.97 1.47 ROCK IMPORTS Stereo lreaks SJY thef1t supenor pressings- THOUSANDS OF 4 TRACK -8 TRACKS REEL TO REELS I. CASSETIES 11 you agree. then ta~e advantage ol !hrs dollar off our regul;;r price. 396 li'"it1,. o.o .. 1iti11 99c THOUSANDS OF LP's c VALUES TO 5.98 "All stores 1pe11 till midnich~" • wtSTWOttll llm "'•In Al ~W 471-ml • W!STWOGD 1111 S1rMJ1tt •• 411,1524 • ,ANOIAlrlA CITY 1112 ¥nf41JI ll'~~ J~ftlJ • COSTA M[U. 461 (, Ill• n4·'45·J515 • lOS AN,!l(S .Mil t rt11m "'" W. 1"·lltl • MFG. LIST 4.98 46 I MFG. LIST 6.98 MFG. UST OUR Piiia 1.00 .•.••••••••••• 19 1.50 ..•••.•.••••. 1..39 2.00 ...•......•.. 1.71 3.00 ..........•• 2.49 I • I J For the Record MMf!FJ ·'*** A•e.~i Dissolutions Of Marriage I'll ... 0C'11ll•r 1 Ct•Hnler, M!Td••<I Vivlt'fl • n d Frederick William Clln1r<1, Jo/In W. t nd .Anno £. llurke. 5hn,cn L. 1nd Jo,...., O. Gibbofl•, Ptlrlc!t 1nd Norman ,lnlti...,l' Po•kor, L~w•en<e ona M1rrv Lon1e, Chtrlt Ann •lld ,llbt rt w. 801onn. Em•fV llrtd1ora 1n!I Gi ll R en~· McClu•kty, P'1Trlc11 Ann t nd Guv Alt n Uebel, Jetn Mt rl1 t nd PtUI F1r .. 11 f !!lfon<:r. Ptltlclo A. •nil M1u1lce J . Chrloto<>111r, Mlrl1m c. 1nd Dt vld E. Ounn1m. Rolltrl J. 1nd Edn• 5. M•~w1IL Cl lllV I nd Roy EdwO•d N lt l••n, Olt nnt 0 . •nd Gt•v Anthonv 0111, Rosa M1rl1 1"'1 Hector 8, Howard. c-Ind ""'' JucjKlm. lrtn1 Stell• 1"'11 Anl!\Otll' WIVM 5al1m1n. Yol1Nl1 t nd Robtrl l'llH Oc11Mr I Cr1l11. H.rMrt c11n..., end Ol1n1 L I Fevre Gooch, Nr!m1 R. i nd 8 rl1n M. McElhtnev. 81v1r1v J H n a ..cl 1'1111111 ... Hooklns, RObert H. •"" 1111111 J111t Oornlck, JOlln L. •nd Anlu E. 11.11111>11, ll1r1>1r1 JI . ind Oou11!1s Nl•,.,lner, S"•'°" L. '"" W1v,,. A. $ml"'· Vl1111nl1 Ru!h """ M:1nnel11 G•'l1 S1wdtr, L1u11 L. 1,..j Oon1ld IE. Su11lv1n, Mi ry '11nc•s I nd Jl lctlt rd Oou1111s Cr!'11111, ll1ndolph JO••"" I nd M1rv Fr1nd1 3m1rl!, Vlc~I• 1nd 0 1nnls Jr. Jol!n1on, ll!Ol><!rl l(ennetn 1nd Cornn s .. i..re ll_ld111ly, LOYlll EllHn I nd Doro1(d Thornton l oclcYtr, Dlf'lt,.. J. i nd Lynn M, G1l1, Kt nM!n J. Ind Morll•••I .... KnlqM, Ccr• M1rl1 1..d Fl<lVd Wllll1m '11"1 OclelUr I Stoelrr, T1r1w Ann tnd LH Edw•rd Cole, Jove• Oltn• 1nd G1rv Glrnn Ouor1I. M1~1l1n t nd Lorin Cr1wlord, Lorne MIY 1nd D1nltl Morlln Jl<I..,., llobffl Hmrv Ind S1111n LM Lul<>flt, J 1ck lltvm°"d 1nd ll11lh "'"" fold, Jat.n H. I nd ,, .... M. G!v•n" Ell11bt!ll> (hrlllv 1!\CI JOlln l.-111, Lloyd S. t nd lloblrl1 M, (1rve<, M1rlor!1 i nd G01<1r111 Pnll1nd1r Encln1~ P1'4111I Jr. 111<1 G1oro1 Su!Uv111, "'•rocv L. 1nd ll lcl\1rd L. Holl1nd. Stove A. 1nd Sv!vl1 L. Overm1n, Jtnltt •nd Arthur W. Mur1lck, L•rrv 1na LIM• Death Notke• 0111 0"'' i'ltcior L. G•l>bon•. I~ (hioul11. Soll Cll'f'll..-.ll , Dolf ot a11ll\, O<:IObe• ll. 1171. '""'"'"' bv wilt , (h1rlo!lt "'· G•l>bon•· :ii IM t><>mt: '°"'• Htctor Jf; WlllT1m II, ~nd' 11.0llerl Gll>bon1; <l•110M•'• M"'. CIJl""d ll••11u: ON)t!l1r. "tOY Gll)Mn" twtl•• or•ndcn lld"~ t'W! "' 1re1!-1nirdc:~ll(!rt", C•vo•1•110 nrvice·" Fri(!••· O<:lobtr JS. ' p,.,. Mtl•O';I •obtV llolll Coron• a11 M•' .......,,,., •. .,_ Dl•e<!~" ~1.ININl.JAD ll!lf n N•ill]n•I~~ 1Jl\ Pl1<t '""· Now· ""'" B1•c!I ~'• ot a1•t~. l)cto~· 11. 1911. 5u"l.,td bv PAftll!I 1~ Ir•~. G!lolom Huu11n and Mtt\•r "'~I N1in!n•l•d: c01ioln, Amir Hont ln J1l1ll, F11llt •!.,... V1'11•t~, •od•v. ThV'1<t.lv, until t o.m .. W101Cllt! C!lonol ~t•Vl<tS WUI M !leld In !r•ll Wo1lcli!I (ll(lpol M11rtu&n'. ,.., -· Olrt-<lor>. ~!ti.TT ,.,,,,... WO><!Wffd Prolt. '" l r1>1llW.¥, C<ntl Mt •t. Dito ot dtllto, OctnM r I l, t'71. Survived bY hlnl>lnoll, 11.-rl E. P ritt; <11uoh!tri, 0 1l1v Mii Ind' Amt nd• Al\ll Prt ll; bn>lt'ltr, Pl'l.r Act Wnodw1rd; ~l>ltro, Sun n l ullfYlll 1!'6 Mtrlt nnt f •ct ll; molt'ler, M 1r'I Wnodwtrd. Strv· k H , F1l1tov. l o.m ., '•clllc Vl1w (!1•1>11. Directed tty PNlt F1mll~ (ol011l11 Funt f' I I tloml ARBUCKLE &: SON WESTCLIFF MORTUARY 4%7 E. 11th St .. Cosla Mtsl Ml-WI • BALTZ ~fORTUARIES Corona dtl Mar OR 3-NSI Cos ta ~tesa Ml 1-%4.U • BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY f.10 Broadway, Costa Mell u 1-3433 • • McCORMICK LAGUNA BEACH MORTUARY 1115 lapnl Ca1yN Rd. 4M-1411 • PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARlt Ctmetery Mortaary Clllpel 2511 Pacific Vkw J)rlye Newport Beadl, Calif1n11il lf4.!llt • PEElt FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL DOME ' ?ltl Boha AYe. We1tmll1ter m.S5U • SMITHS' MORTUARY m" Mil• St. llunttngtoa BeKll - 57 Neav Anaerlcans County Re sidents- Pledge Allegiance ' • Youthful U1ll1eaval s 'Hop e' Of America -Ex-cha11cello1· • By RUO I NIEl)Z1 1'~L~Kl l'tllor f'ri111k!in 0 . r.lurphy, ''If they ilf•d followed their keynoter ot the "EconCrmic ~arenLs, we would have almost ANAllEli\1 -The college Oull.ook, 1971" conference. in ad an absolute guarantee of a SANTA ANA -"I hereby Poele.hana, 14651 Davis SI, dorm panty raid of the 1930'.! Anaheirn Tue~day , second or third rate nation," renounce allegiance to any Westminster; 11 end ri c ks and tod<1y's c1u npus riots are But what makes then' dif-he corn1nented. •·This en·I;===========:; foreign prince, potentate of Weze.nberg, 9465 Ellis Ave., basically the san1e . feren1 from one. ;uiother J.s the thusiasn1 or Lheirs can give us. _-'OVtreignty ... " Fountain Valley a nd Hen· Both are maiiifeslations of reasons behind them. all hope" I With those words and the drieka Ana VienneHu, 4234. yo uth's "aninial energy," <IC'· ''Vi o lenln1andcstations A major danger is that thisl reciting of the plodge of llilaria Way, Newport Beach. d" \.,.ere a~l'epted as a way of youthful oulflow1nu of ener"yl cor 1ng !n for111er UCLA ·and "' .. allegiance, 57 residents of 12 OKINA WA Mi e k o Rrow1ng up,"' l)r Murphy rx-can he n\isused by the "pied Orange Coast communities Christopherson. 1175 1\u;:usta Mom Sues UnJ\iersity of Kansas Chan· plained. But .Youth todny sun1-pipers··. 1he de1nagogues who t became. American citizens St ., Costa Mesa. 111ons these energies "because feed on 1he idealism ot ourll Wednesday in naturalization THE PHILIPPINES they are deeply concerned youth. according to Dr . ceremonies at the Orange Cefe.rino Sa lcedo Quizon, 10032 D1"stn"cl SJJlllZZJ.lO~\· about the unfinished business Murphy. I County Courthouse, Westminster of tlus sot1etv." These. he explained. thrive! N Or. i\1 u ·r p h y • board on the hysteria aenerale.d by ewport Beach and Mission SOtJfll KOREA -Geotgo • V I I • S liots Not chairman of the '1'1mes !\11rro; pollution problems, the war. iejo each sent three residents r:rek Gavora, 20202 l mperial 11 IlJ l' .. Y to the county courthouse, Seal Cove, Hu ntington Beach. 1..1. Corporation, !old the county's education problen1s 11 n d Phone 642-4321 For Weekender _i\d vcrlisin g business leader!i that these automobile safety. I Beach, Los Alamitos and SWITZERLANI) -Isabella . _c_:__:__::_::_:::cc_ ___ --'=========== SANTA ANA -The mother N energies are directed a~ainst 1- Irvine sent two and Laguna Ramona Debe.rnitz. 2 2 O 0 I of an J l·year--0ld studenl Ill eCeSSll ry the race problem, the Viftnani l ~---------------------~ Hills, El Toro and San Capistrano Lane, Hunting ton war, ecology and poverty. Clemente squeezed into the. Beach. \Vhittier Elementary School. SANTA ANA -Small pox is "They ha1'e rrfuscd lo say naturalization picture wilh one WEST G c; R f.1 A N Y -Costa !\otesa, wants $25,000 that there are limits lo their new American from each Elizabeth Gasser, 25291 De. from the Newport-Mesa Sc hool nnly a problem in such exotiC', inquiry of this snei<:ty," said I community. Salle, Llguna Hills ; Erika District for injuries suffered fai·:iway pl;ices a,.; Nepal, Dr , t-.hirphy. adding that their Great Britain, tradition<tlly Bek, 911 1 Oasis St., by the child whenshefelloffa f.1uscat, 01nan, F~thiopia, lhe fervor hl'ls heecime '·very un- the major provider of new Westminster. S;ibine Sydow swing . in the sc h o o I Cong o and Botswana. cnm fortahle"' for !he adult ' Americans, again topped the. Ossenko11, 333 First SL. Apt. pla yground!\. The Orange County Hcahh generation \\•hich has rnanaRed list with IO former Britons E·l\2, Seal Geach: Elli 11nd l\1rs .. Jlilloah II. Goss, 23~02 Department, therefore, has to hrush aside the!ie issues. laking the Stars and Slripes as Manfred Kanzler. I 3 6 2 I Via San !\1iguel. Lagunl'l Hills, stopped providing smallpox-Their major lv.·o ob!i tatles in lhe.ir new emblem. Palomar St., \Ve.sln1inster : claims in her Orange County immuni1.atlon in srhools and the achievement of an inl- West Germany provided (:erda Anna Schierloh, ISIO Superior Court action that in· clinics immediately. prouenient (lf society is lhal seven, China, Jreland and The Westminster Ave., Costa Mesa juries suffered by Lori Raigh If, however, you art plan-their "he arts often lead the Netherlands had four each, and Waltraud Weaver, 17661 Weston \\"ere due lo the ning a trip lo Nepal. l\lusca!, brain" and 1hat 1hey are Canada, lran, Yugoslavia each Redwood Tree. Lane, Irvine. neg Ii gen c e of schO(ll Oman, Ethiopia, the Congo or "econ(lnl!C" illiterates" who do sent three former citizens and YEMEN -Abdul Chafoor authorities. Botswana, by all me.ans call not kninv how to sun1n1on the Mexieo and Greece each sent Saleh Ali . 313 17th Place., Apt. f.lrs. Goss states that school for an appointment. resources to end war, poverty. two. E. Costa Mesa. oHicials kew the swing was in Federal health au!horitie.~ pollution and housing in- Wiih one each were.: South YUGOS LAVIA -Ad am a dangerous and deteriorating said in re.co1nn1e.nding the vac-equit1e~. Kam·cha(ka Korea, Austria, France., The Bek, 9111 Oasis, Westminster; condition and made no al-cination elimination that l\1urphy told his audiencr to ~hilipplnes, Yemen, Argen· Branka Re.nka, SIS Hamilton, tempt to re.pa ir it. She stale!! smallpox is now so rare in viev.· l he youth·1n1t1ated Ima, C u b a , Switzerland, Costa Mesa and llija Leo her daughter broke hl'r tail Americ;an that complications upheavals as a basically lsrael, Okinawa, Japan and Zigich, 2145 t.·liramar Drive, bone last April 19 when she. from the shot~ pose a greater posit11·e influence 1n a critical Czechoslovakia, l ~B;•;lbo;;•;·~~~~~~;;;;;;;;l;•l;l ;r;ro~m~t;h•;;•~w~;n~g~.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;h•~a~l;lh~pr~o~b;le~m~.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~p~e~n~·od~o~l ~A~m~e~r~;e~a~n~'~°'"~';'~'Y~·;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:~~;;;:~;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;:~~ . ~lso participting in the citizenship proc eedings v.·e.re re.pre.sen t a Ii v es of the American Legion and the American Legion Auxiliary. lhe Daughters of the American R.:Volution, the Elks Club, the League of Women Vote.rs and 1he Jewish War Veterans Auliliary. Granted citize.nllhip papers Wednesd11y in order of con- tributing natl~ were: ARGENTINA -G t or g t Albert Baillie, 1062 Mission Drive, Apt. D, Cos!a Mesa. AUSTRIA Li r s u I a Casta1eda, 16152 Sandra Lane, Huntington Beach. CAN ADA Janet Madtltinc Anlonyshyn, J6JU Eagle Lane, Hunt ington Bea:h; Naomi Larene and Wallace Kurka, 3221 Copa de Ort, Los Alamiloe. CHINA -Ning Lorene and Ntlson Gum lpwe, 11550 ~rigold Circle, P o u n t a i n V•llty; Cheong ~·Stu Wong, 1fl21 Lindsay ane, Jiun- tington Beach an Pel Hua dhou, 4335 Wintersweet Way, Ttvlne. CU BA -Sotero J u a n Presas. 24546 Ladera Drive, Mlasion Viejo. C ZEC H OSLOVAKIA E douard Reinharc, '1801 La Cima, San Clemente. F'RANCE -Rene Attilio Nadal, 24086 Gtmwood Drive, El Toro. GREECE -Archondia and J eanette Angeli Bowen. 5631 Venluri 0 ri v e , Huntington Beach. GREAT B R I T A I N - Barbara Ann Cumpton, 6072 Sherman Drive. Huntington Beach; Belly and E r i c Robinson. 9380 Htalhet Ave .. Fountain V a I l·t y ; Jane Sutherland Quizon, J O O 3 2 Westminster: Brian Stewart Stevens, 6l31 Bellinger. Hun· ti ngton Beach; Annie and Albert G reg or y , 21551 Brookhurst SI., Apt. I, Hun· lington Beach: Susan Touby, 9002 Saline Drive, Huntington Beach; Shirley Anne Johnson Cano, 9191 Sherry Circle., Hun· tington Beach and Alexander Franz Metherell. 1870 Port Charlei'! Place, N e. w p o r l Beach. IRAN -Roy Samuel Cole, 2W1 Olivera Drive, Mission Viejo: Daryush Aalami, 8931 La Dona Cour!, F'ountan Valley and Jaleh Firoozb akh ah, 19812 Gloucesle.r Lant, Huntingkin Beach. IRELAND -Vera Mary Collinson, 921 1 Oasis Ave., Westminster; Denis Josepl'I O'Donoghue, 17161 Trcehaven Lane, Huntington B e a c h ; Brendan Moore. 814.2 19th St., Westminster and Teresa Fran· ces Coronado, 5 3 3 2 Hen· drlcksen Drive, Hu ntington Beach. ff You Missed The First 2 Expansion Sales ... DON'T MISS THIS ONE! "NOW THEii All lJ fANTASTIC WHlllHOUSE l(COllD AND TAPf STOil! IN THI GllATlt LA. AtlAN Our 3 New Locations LAKEWOOD 4111 CANDLEWOOD 634-9119 WOODLAND HILLS 20929 VENTURA ILVD • 347-9214 GRANADA HILLS 10371 IALIOA ILYD. 3 63-9956 THE HEAVY L'ABELS AND THEIR HEAVY HITS - WCAORNAERTLBARNOTSl.C-REPRISE ALL AT DOUBLE DISCOUNT COLMUOMNBUIAM-ENETPIC ~) ~. AT -r.'i!BI @ STARTING PRICES ....,..~ <¥fJP ~~~!~~!~~H= ELEKTRA ~;,,,.,;" W AT $2 84 ~:::;:::~::::n~fic~ti~me -365 Master of Reality-3.39 D JEFF BECK -Rough & Ready-3.65 0 JAMES TAYLOR -Mudslide Slim-3.39 0 JETHRO TULL -Aqualung 3.39 D ARETHA FRANKLIN - G1eatest Hits -2.84 0 BEE GEES -Tiafalger-3.39 . 11 BEACH BOYS-SURf "S Up-2.84 O ROLLING STONES - Sticky fingers-3.39 [J ALLMAN BROTHERS - live 12 Re c. Sell -3.96 fl THE DOOR S-l A. Woman-3.39 LJ CROSBY, STILLS , NASH, YOUNG -•• D KRIS KRISTOFFERSOH - 0 EMERSON, LAKE & PALMER -Silver Tongued Devil & I-2.94 -1 ark us -3.39 D BARBARA STRISAN0 - 0 STEVE STILLS -Sieve Stills 2 -3.39 Barbara Joan Streisand -3.65 fJ JIMI HENDRIX -Rainbo w Bridge -3.39 Cl POCO -From The Inside -3.65 D SANTANA -Abraxas-3.65 0 MADURA -Madura -3.65 D CHICAGO -CTA-(2 Rec Sell-3.65 D CHICAG0 -111 -(2 Rec. Sel)-5.89 0 SOUL TO SOUL -Soundlrack-3.39 D NEW RIDERS OF THE PURPLE SAGE -fJ JANIS JOPLIN -Pearl-3.65 0 JONI MITCHE LL -Blue -3.39 NEW Riders of lhe Pur pie Sage. -2.94 U ANDY WILLIAMS - D OR. JOHN, THE NIGHT TRIPPER -LJ KRIS KRISTOFFERSON -You've Got a Friend-3.65 Sun,Moon.&Herbs-2.84 Me&Bobby McGee-2 91 Cl SLT&THEFAMILY STONE - fJ DON NIX -l ivin g by lhe Days -2.84 O BLOOD SWEAT & TEARS -Grealest Hits-3.65 O GRATEFUL OEAO -Greatful Dead BS! 4-3.iS U SIMON & GARFUNKLE -4 Way Slreet-5·69 Ll KING CURTIS -(2 Rec. Sel)-5.69 [J FIRESIGN THEATER -I Think We're Bridge Over Troubled Water-3.65 Live at r 1llmore Wes I -2.84 D SUMMER OF •2 -Soundlrack -2.84 All Bozos on this Bus -2.94 IJ CHASE -Cha se-2.94 1-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-:~=\--=-~~~~ ..... A &M-ODE M! ~ -~,··'~ 0 CAROLE KING -Tapestry-3.25 0 CARPENTERS -Carpenters -3.25 D LEE MICHAELS -51h -3.25 0 CAT STEVENS -Tea For Tillerman LJ CARPENTERS -Close to You-3.25 11 CAT STEVENS - Teaser & the firecat-3.25 D FREE -l ive -3.25 0 CAROLE KING -W1iter -3.25 0 MERRY CLAYTON - Mcrry Clayton -3.25 [J QUINCY JONES - Smackwaler Jack -3.25 0 BILL MEDLEY -. A Song for You.;.3.25 • 11 EARTHQUAKE -Earthquake-3.25 D CHEECH l CHONG - Cheech & Chong-3.25 · 0 CELEBRATION -Baez, Beach Boys, Clayton, Kri stolterson, McDonald, Ronstadt -3.25 0 ENGLAND DAN & j OHN FORD COLEY -England Dan & John Ford Coley-3.25 D SERGIO MENDEZ & BRAZIL 77 - Pais Tropical-3.25 0 BURT ·BACHARACH - Burt Bacharach -3.25 D JOE COCKER -Mad Dogs & Englishmen (2 Rec. Seti -5.39 CAPITOL APPLE SHELTER !.@ 0 JOHN LENNON -lmagine-3.35 0 SEATRAIN - Marblehead Messenger -3.35 0 THEJANO -Cahools-3.35 0 STEVE MILLER BANO - Rock love-3.35 0 JOY OF COOKING - Closer tMhe Ground-3.35 0 PINK FLOYD -Meddle -3.35 11 BLOOOROCK -USA Al Last -3.35 IJ PAUL McCARTNEY-Ram-3.35 D LEON RUSSELL - And the She ller People -3.35 0 GRAND FUNK -Survival -3.35 apple records 0 THE LffiERMEN -love Boo k-3.35 D IF-If 3-3.35 0 LEO KOTTKE -Mudlark-3.35 0 GRANO FUNK - Live -(2 Rec Set)-3.35 0 LEON RUSSELL -Leon Russell-3.35 D THE BEATLES - Sgt. Peppers Band-3.35 O ANNE MURRAY - Talk It Over in the Morning-3.35 0 GLEN CAMPBELL - Last Time I Saw Her-3.35 D MERLE HAGGARD - Someday We'll Look Back-3.35 0 FREDDIE HART -Easy Loving' -3.35 ----------------------------------------------------------, ryo ORDER Mo~e chec~I of .money order payable lo NAME ••••••••••.•••••••••.••••••••••••••••••• lnclosed ischecklorS ..•••... Moner 01der$ .•.•••• , ISRAEL -Ltshek Ellinger, 26825 Aracena Drtvt, Mission Vl•jo. JAPA N -T omo k n Shlmomur11, 9421 Bolsa Ave., I BY MAIL USE ''Ttle·Wherehouse.'' Add 50c for 1st rec-ADDRESS..................................... Mailto:THEWHEREHOUSE I I ord, 15c for eoc:h oddilionol plus 5°/o CITY'······•···•··•·•·····"··················· 313251,.ULVIDA I ,,.. LTH .! ~ f QU ~Q~ -~:= ...::-:..::: _ -------~A~:.::.:.::.:.:.:::.:.:;..;..:.:!!.".;..;;.:.:;..;.·;,;.:~;_ - - -~~~'.'.'.'~ ~·~~'.'.~ .. ~~~ __ J~' Westminster. , JORDAN ~II S 1 I d Abdelr1hman, 201• Wallace St., Costa Mesa: Diana Hanna Adam, t•7t2 (luahard St .• Apt. l , Westminster arid OuMama Jaseph Aklkl, 4549 Birchwood Ave .. Stal Beach. MEXICO -Josephine Met· calf, 9525 McJl"adden Ave., Westminster: 1£1111 Galvan Negrete, 7902 liberty Avt ., Huntington Buch. THE NE11iERLAND~ Francisc1.11 Alfred Eric and Rosemary Ingrid Joyce I • l•aEWOOD '111 t11fl1•1t~ '34·1•t • WDOOlAltl NltlS 11119 Yt•l111111• .. 1'1·1114 · • GIANAOA Mill S ltll 111!••1 II~, Hl·H!ll • SAlllA MDNICA )11 S11t1 M11lc1 lhf .• 1111c• r, .. Malt 214·1111 • Alt&ll{IM IJI St. l11ta•111t At l111 114·SJJ,ll11 • • wlSTWOOD 1ns 1r11t11 at f(i111s1 411·111' I WlSTWOOO 1111 G11l111, ... 471·•~,, • PAllOllMI t1rY 111 ! Y111t1ys It,• .. lll·ttlJ • COSIA MlSA4il l. Illa J14·'4i-J)1$ • lOS ltrllll[S JIH Cn1s•1w lt11r J11 tt 2tl·Jltl ' ' • LOS AllG(l[$ )lit Ht. l1 Cit11111C1.11M1l11p151·1271 • l ONG IEACN S?li E. 2•f 11111111 SN111 4J4·"5l •POMONA llf 111, l1fl11llill,11111 list lltlt 114·1~·1421 • IDllAlltl 2$lt4 Cr111•1w ll,f .. ltlli•t llilh Pl1u l2Mllt • TDllAllC( JllZ StJllttft Mtu ll1 .. Nt11 ~l·Ul1 ' • \ • ' 1Q D ~JLi "!LO' 3 Na med To School Coriinuttee Thrtf: · Octan \'irw Srhnol D1$1r 1rl 111lrnin1~tr.itnrs h11 1·F hl'~n ;;rpo1n!l'd t(l s1 atrv.1df: C-.''lr.'1"1TT,.,,< 1n Th• npv.·h · f'I' ~a n 1Prl .\•$nr1at1nn n f (;;)1 J nr n 1<l :'or noo l .-\rf•11 11 ~IJ1~r,•·<, I \1 <.; \ P· ( itL'Pf''"" IL1 I !f l> rt ' I ' 0 • 11'1'' Ill\ I' I 'f~ f' r ! l'I f or l1.o1 11 ·11 "'rl " IH\ 1h" ,.· nn ' rrl Int ;;1 !"1•1;11 d ,. f l r :in«tl .11, f'lr 1r-po1n.1h'" f"I 11>,. 1••nlnn1 1!1 1hr 1\! S \ .1 1'lll •1;;' ~flirrlvlrrl , \Jl.. hel!1n !' li"r;;11nn !l"ll~ mnrrth ,l,1·11r I •11 I !"'II. ;l~. 1 ,:i•1! 11 r .J t' I r11 <11rrr nrrqnrr11 , II <r• f I'll 1 r P ;;ifj 1"";1~11 .:i1 11 ~ ;,f l ;i11 <,-pm. p·'1n~ 11.;;r;:rrl 111lh 1h• rr"p .. 1;!' '11'\ Ill l \llP< h1 l;:i 11;; ,1r r1 P•" r\ •1:1 1r n1.,nt.". Finlir1 ! 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SI Lnu1~ :inrl Arl;;n{;;. and the __ , ' I See by Today's Want Ads 1rlr ;i l~ 11.;,.ll' lri ·!ll 1''1'1 Thi!" rn11rl 11n:in1mn1i•ll 1111 nrrl rlr11• n ~ ;:t1111p nl rnn 11 <l''l(lt;: lfl l\lf' 1 't1r<IPr ('n11n !,1 r;i . :i1·r;:i , 11!1n h:ir! r l;i :n1rr1 thf' p';in 1111 l;itr rl lhP l~f;I r 11<1 r1cht• l;i11 h1 1r11 111r1n( h1r1n;::: Pn !hr h;i;1<: n/ 1;i1·r ThP Ill'\\ ·" 1\1 .. 11 t·;1,r. 11\ hr 1;i\..rn 11 p thl' 111nrrr 1111nh r lhP ..-plll!lr1£ i•ll 111 ri:i•·T• nf ~111h"frl :-r·honl rl i~T nf'IS !Ir !in1 1t \'~c1·11 /'•H\f'PrtTl'i!l1"11S In .• n111 r ~l'hn .. 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YARD ' ' ·' i , ' " ~ ! NPN 101?f l!''H rtHROMAiOLOR 25 .. g 1onl-screen delv11e console tv VALUES TO $895 vd Th• l ~!G.HTO N e ·' -·-- '' lj, • I - 1:1~ If I' •If ., " ' " ' ' ' I " ... , i : "' ' ' ' j ~' ,••'I')~~"', ... \''' • • l ' ' . '~ .. ' ,, ,.. ,-1 ' " ~ I ' ! I I .~ f ' • .,t-~ , I >'j ·,, ' ' ' ' . ' . J ~j· ~-·'"f-'•--·""' ~ ...... ·~ .......... ····r· ,.,,..,t ............ " ........ ]'rr_· l' ' • . .. ' !· •.,. . ' : ' · l . ; . ' ... ! '· "·' Wake up your o windows with 'Kordovin' shades. 2~~ 'Kordov1n' window sti;ides 1n new. d 1st1,,ct•v e ernboss!'rl cord design o f heavywe1g,.,t l r~ri~Jucent·look vinyl. Ha ngs b eau11ful'v, w 1H not harii"'n or dry out. Heat sealed tiems. V\1hite o r ivory. AS" X 6', 4.49 55" x 6°, 5.49 JCPenney n ·xs.$" The values are here every day. 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ANTENNA" WITH ALL ·<:;OLOR CONSOLE ~URCH.i.S£S • f A""T ' > • • 0 ~'-"1r.r cnuN1v·, l••G•~l ZFNITH nc•llli COLOR '"" TELEVISION SA LES & 5UYICE 902 1 Afla"ta at Maqnalla HUNT INCHON HACH 968-3329 --- e Bring In Your Room Measurements • Pad & Labor Available at Additional Cost lay Aways Available Nome Brands m1a1· Many Styles ·and Coton Terms Available GRAND Dolly 9.9 ~ ONNING Sot. 9·6 ! Bank Financing ' '• CARPET WAREHOUSE __ H_o_u_•_s ___ s_ ... __ 1_2_.s __ 1 ~ i--.,....~~!!'"' 124 E 17th STREET COSTA MESA CALIFORNIA 92827 (714) 64!;-4330 ' • ' ' , - SERVING THE PUBLIC FOR OVER 32 YEARS OPEN7 DAYS 5 NIGHTS V YOU SAVE MONEY ... THE FIRST PRICE MARKED ON MERCHANDISE" MONDAY THAU FRIDAY 8 A. M. TO 9 P.M. V EXPERT SE RVI CE AND ADVICE ... QUALIFIED INDICATES THE RETAIL PRICE FOR COMPARABLE QUALITY! o SATURDAY 8 A. M. TO 6:30 P. M. PROFESSIONAL SALESMEN THE SECOND PRI CE IS YOUR COST! YOU SAVE THE DIFFERENCE ... 0 SUN DAY g A.M . TO 5:30 P.M. V LOWEST POSSIBLE PRI CES ... ON EVERY ITEM ..• EVERY DAY V VARIETY .. 8000 PAINTING AND DECORATING ITEM S BEST BUYS iN FLOOR TILE 9" X 9" Vi~'fl ASBESTOS WALLPAPER SALE! PRE ·TR!M MED POPUL~R PATTERNS FLOOR "'1 LE • GOES OVER WOOD II OR CONCRETE J!!; • DO·IT·YOURSELF Jr~J I AND SAV E _ .. ---...... • DECORATIVE CLOSE Oujf ViKTOR!A Oil COLOlJl\S • FROM WEST GER.MA~Y · OUR 49c SALE PlR l6 SQ. PRJCE Fr ROLL ------·!S· ' _,\\ -PATIEANS '~ OUR PRIC( PROFESSiONAL OW\lilY COLOURS iN Cil\Nl GOcc TUBES ·c..-... ~ gc f .. --COMP. Pl~ .. ...,-.. , .~ . RETAIL 1J C ~i~EI N. Limited COMP . OUR:ft.C OUR 39c RET AI L 9QC PRICE Color SALE Selection COMP. QQ OURH..C PRJCE EAC~ RETAIL 1. PRICE ARMSTRONG . Pl}CE 'N PRESS® SELF·ADHESIVE ViNiL ASBESTOS 12"X 12" FLOOR TILE SALE! POLYF"6~1ims OUR •NO MESSY ADHESIVE, PR ICE 4 IN CHES X 24 INCHES X i2 INCHES •IDEAL FOR CAMPING, 3 STATION WAGONS. ETC. ~: 99 NO TOOLS 29c •JUST PEEL OFF BACKING AND STICK TQ.flOOR i::/i•IH. •COT SIZE PRJCE I A. COMP. RETAIL 9.95 •USE IN ANY ROOM CO MP llll •MANY PATTERNS & COLORS -ElA!L 39 ~ G~1\R.l\~lEED 1 ·COAT ACRYCiTE Ll\TEX HOUSE PAi~l l~STS L 2 YEARS' o FOR STUCCO-MASONRY & WOOD COMP. RE.TA1l8 .95 e qELF-PAlM1NG OUA: PRICE •CLEAN -UP 549 WITH WATER •INTERIO R •EXTERI OR GAL. w HITE & c o,::L o;::•:;•-,:::--..... . ...--...., 911 'I -~ • •' .}·-• , , . ) ; -) . ' g. . I . , .~ t ~'"'. I · -. . > Gil t· ~I<~; f· ~?...~ ~,.. :.tn,~ ~~.; ~::. .. ~ ••• :· ~ ~ ' • -1.:-··· -·'··.•~ ~· . --· -· "-_ -::__. ~.... "...__._ _ __./ U\TEX ACR'fl.lC Vi~'fl Ll\TEX STOCCO-MASONllY SEMi·GLOSS PAi~1 E~1\MEL CAN ALSO BE USED FOR AN EXTRl "4ELY DO"RABLE i~1ER!OR JOB •BRUSH OR ROLL .C LEAN-UP OU!f PRICE WITH WATER 19 9 •I -HOUR DRYING •GOOD HIDING COMP. RETAIL 4.50 GAL . LETS YOU CLEAN Ul' Wifri WATER! • SCAUBBABLE •EXTERIOR • INTERI OR • FAST DRYING WHITE AND COLORS OUll PRICE 4!~ '\-·: • ee REDWOOD STAiN •USE ON ALL EXTERIOR WOOD •GOOD GRADE •OUTSTANDING VALUE P~~~E 9 9 c ~~~:ii_ 3.50 GAL. LOG Oil •PIGMENTl::D REDWOOD OR CLE AR OUR 139 •EXTERIOR PRICE •FINE QUALITY GAL. (OM~. R(lAll 3.50 •• ,\,~"t!i:. -,--..... ' ! ' ,y l • Plll -POJJWl Vi ~'f L ~ ;;: ACJ'UAL Sl /E WALLCOVER!NC •' • I •WASHABLE •GREASEPROOF •,GIVE AN Y ROOM OUR PR ICE 2~,~~SQ AN ALL-NEW LOOK . ' ' '· .,-·~_,. ... ~ , ~ &'ReGllRY'· ·~ec;Es!lRt • ' . ---' ' - • .... .. . '....... . .•. 1 ~ 111. ... ..;r·.1-.l-..;~ -•n':;S-~· ,ll ···-····---I --···· . ·"""·,~--,,_,_.~·I l' :~ " . '.j ' ··-·-•••. ,. j • ·::: _.:if_./ ----.::.~ HARD HiGH·GLOSS i~lERiOR E~1\MEL • FOR ALL INTERIOR USE • EXTREMELY DURABLE FL ROLL ~ ts"'~-·· 'I . " I . . '• ., .' -._., ,, J .- l(!/1 if:H.j~ ~!U!~ '!llt:i I c L-:>' _ # j 'JI!! Vi~'fl ACR'fl.lC 1 PAi~l FOR BOTtl iNSiDE A~ll O~l • CLEAN ·UP WITH WATER • 30 MINUTES TO DRY WASHABLE OUR PRICE A TOP <;1JALI TY, 3 9 8 .MAS~~~;~~INT GAL.• LA STS 8 YEAR S! ~---.:c:,:o::M::P-RE l AJL 6. 25 EiK1EL 12 OZ. AEROSOL CAN PIASTIC L~MINJ\TED COUt.lER TOPPiNG .i:GAST CASTING COT~ RESiN . TH E REALL Y EXCITING IDEA IN THE ART AND HOBBY FJ EL D Vi~'tl ll"PHOLSTERY DRiVFWAY COATINGS ·5 GALLONS· • HIGH GLOSS I •FAST DRYING •PERFECT FOR · •EXTREMELY I I TOUGH AND FU RNITURE, ~ DURABLE TOYS. ETC. I -_--FINISH I OUR PRI CE w:~~ ~·-1111_· 39c COLORS \' b _...,....,. )'. -r~;:,J -----'lll.. :._____. • 4 x 8 fl_ • SANITARY e NON-S TAINING • ALCOHOL ANO WAJ[RPROOF WHITE & COLORS OUR PRICE 2 9 c SQ. COMP. RlTAIL5Sc FT. SMALLER SIZES AVAILABLE ~ T 2Sc PER SQ. FOR~AMPS, TRAYS AND NY DECO ATOR ITEMS P~~CE 2~A~. WITMOUT CllTfllYST WITH (ATAl't'il 2.98 C.AL l!SO AV11\IBLI COMPlfll [IN[ IJf ll'.Ol l!S I lll~IN COLCiR~ MATER!AL LARG£ SEL(l(TJON OF PATTERNS AN D COLORS • FINE QUALITY OULlll PlltlCI •48 & 54 INCH WIDTHS59c •EASY TO CUT, SEW, 11u11 TA CK OR PA STE "· COMP. RfTA1l 1.29 OU• 8 9 C '°"ICI •uMrD REINfORCED COM!". tlTAtl 191 UPHO LSTERY MATERIAL PROTECTS, COATS & SEALS DRIVEWAYS AGAIN ST WEATHERING OUR PRIC[ 4~~L $ MAKE YOlJl\ OWN CA~lllES 1----1 II LB. WAX BLOCK OUR PRI CE 199 COMP. RETAIL 2.79 ART S~-PPliES '- I 1 CA~llLE DYES o uR ••1cE 35c coMP. RETAIL ·" FOR BOTri TriE AMATEO"R ANll l'ROFESSiO~l\L ARTIST OilS OUR PRICE ""' VIMIT[ · 8[1~-GR(lN J.X6fl .....•.•. I 49 4X 6fl .....•••. 199 6X6FL ••.••... :!99 8X6Ff ........ -4 19 lOX6FT ....... 579 ·BEIGE J X 6 Fl ........ J .99 4 X6FL ••••••. 28!1 6X 6FT .••.••• 4 39 6X6fl ....... 599 10X6FT. .•••.. 7.59 1 2 INCH SLAT STY\£ WHIT[· Gl\EEN W HITE 6X6~f ........ 6.49 3X6FT. ••••••• 2911 6X6fl ,., •••• 859 '4·X6FT .......• •29 10X6fT ....••. 10.79 CANllLE SCfNTS OUR PRICE 4 3 c CO MP. RETAIL ·" ----ALSO AVAILABLE------ • MOLDS • WiCKS • C YSTAL WAX DRil'l'iNC WAX . 4DCOtORS 2D CC TUBC 25clETl ll 40C WATER COLORS ,___..,, ~ 16 COLORS JO CC TUBf l,A.. llH~H SHIVA ARTISTS' Oil COLORS P~YtE 54CTO167 ~ FOR J 1 CC TUBE • Pt RMANENT • 54 COLORS A Ll\ru:E SELEcliON Alt AT DISCOU~l PRICES! OXNARD/VENTURA OARDENA/HAWTHORNE 2i&5 VIN£YAlllO AV!. COANElll ClllEHSHAW BLVD.4 135111 llT. EL MONTE POMONA /ONTARIO VAN NU'IS WOODLAND HILLS l&al P!CK AD ., l lllkl. No. or V1!11r hOllNf ll HOLT. MILLS •2a1 lllPULVEO• llLVD. 22osa V[NTVl'IA I LVO. Corr11r 0•n••ll-Vl"•Y••4 BURBANK SANTA ANA IJO N, V!CTOAY llLVO. 2•1l S. MA IN 1'I 11oc:~ Nofllr. OI M111nolll , Bloc-so.111 01 w"~'' lD•lfl!) SANTA MONICA U11 LINCOLN llLVD. PASADENA •t s•~•• "'""'c• a1vd. f.llll OAKS & HOLLY LOS ANGELES 2 lllOCkt Not1n of Colo••do COl'INf.l'I OF PICO ' llAOAOWAY HUNTING TON BEACH TORRANCE IBlm WAllHER AVf.HUt 23126 HAWTHOllHE llLVO. Ne•• G!tld1n We11 lloult•114I 1! Lomu• 111•<1. SAN BERNARDINO litVERSIDE Corn11!rwln,1 llloek South or Vfctorr 1 lllat~ Wt1t ot to1>1nf1 C1nyo11 • LA HABRA WEST L.A.. I llNCOLN & llNOSEY 1 Blor.k E of 8roo•hursl ANAHEIM TlllPMONE 533·1507 6800 WARNER AVE Near Golden Wes! HUNTINGTON BEACH TELEPHONE 841-3686 COANEA WHtnlfA & IOAHO 1475 S. l'IOllEATSON ILVO. 2 Blot•• f.•11 ol lltten 2 1110.:kt Sou•ll oJ Pica MONTEREY PARK LrrilO BEACH 12ll W. AIGOIN ST. 240t'l0NO 111.t.CH ILVO. I lit Ilk. No•th or R!ftlll •nd .i.11 111!10 Soutll of Wiiiow GRANADA HILLS/ ·ANAHEIM NORTHR/OGE COllN[A LINCOLN Ii LINDSAY 2416 SO. MAIM : fllock S ol W1rne1 ( Oelh1) SANTA ANA TELEPHONE 546-45117 101!5 l•LlOA ILVO. 1 llOC~ [1tt or lllockhunl It llot;k So.it II ol Ot•o111hltt • ' ' ) o:_" Ln11·uer Befit•rP ... .~f P11tol ll""lt /1 N i1t·lea1· Rocl{et s ., •!t SPECIAL PRICES!,~~'~,J.i . . . ' . ;(.,.. .~ ' ' Calley ~Torn Up' ~ert:icc ,!~ki /1 µ· For Y 0T 1111 lt1f'rs Bt11·1 1ing Questio11 INSTALL ED Over Conviction (_"nn11n11n11.1· 111lun!,.1 r' 1'11n 1-1·01ild be 11111·r~~tr1I 111 IH'lpu1;: !" 1,11 11., 11hn ha1e 1 ,., , nth 1111drrJ(•111•· ll'-1' h11l11g11·;1! I r~· ' !ll"lll :1r~ b r 1 n t: s"ug!IT h.1 tr•1 :-inuth ATl..\\J\c,, \1 \.:1111"1 .Ir ', , I '•'' N-l1r\r"• 11" 10•tir•~ ,,,, In ! li t• h "' "'• ·• 11·1· I ' \\ I '" 11 I prrsnn c;i•·r •. 1n:.: ;1 1 "11 < \I l;f't)I ;..l• \\ \.ii Ill\ I ,I 1' I J" • l1r I 'I ,,. 1rr11c11· fruu1 !);ill !.;1!.c 1 .I) ~.1 1<! l ;i!ll'I l1ai sho~·n 11\l ll' 0Ul\\1tfd 1•n1•1!in11 ;ihoul he1 ng the nnl1· P"'.,I ll f'l•ll' I '•rl Ir[!•(' ~'o f•fflc~rs ;ind rr · l"d nH'n 11 11" p·1 ~u1<1l'1 Pla11 nt·1·;; J ,1·a' 1· In (~1·nl'ral J'lan Apparlnt l.1 11"1 I 11•·d Ii• 1111· 1.u111t1<•1 111 l'l!'!UCSI ~ (LI d1•I• II' 'P''' ill< 1'"''.i<< 11•'11' f.,I' nu mbers ,.f 1J.,11-.111i.: 11 1111 ;i11rl l•d;i! pnpula!11111 111 1~11111 l.;11.;1 111<1 l'.i .11 !1 1ol,111 lllllg ('Qllllll l' '1<'110 f !>. h:1\t' :i~l1'\'d 111 1•·;111• thr fig11r1·~ 1111111· J;11id \I'-(" l :t111•'11t 11f !lit· (;cncr ;:i l J'l;1n. ·rhc 111fun:i.il :11 Ii· 11 111·· 111, th 1! 11 111·11 th!' c!ernrn~ 1·u1111·, up 111! p11l1!11· )H·:1r111;.i .\ov. L 11 11 il l 111t·! 1ili· Ii 11n·~ pro11•1 :1:1 :.: 211.000 prnplr 11111.g 111 11.21~1 1h••·l!111g units in 1hl' 0·1t1 !1~ \<i•in ThP Jtll hl'-l"ll 11f 111•· l1•.:11fl·'> 11;1 ... uud•·r fire by <'• 11u111hcr •I io· 1-"!l'~ 11hu i·on- !•·ndcd Ill !~lll 1n 1 •11u ... 111.uhl lw ;1 llH •ft· ~111tabll' 111a\1n111 11 1w•p11l.ii1••n 111 1~1ri11. 111 lircpi11i.: 11 1!h ;1 · 1tll:lL:1· ;i1111••'"Jll10 ·11• ~0-0AT ••• ,·,1 ' I \! >. ro}'"'l"'1 '' "' cTf·,\Jl,\;.,; !'I !·; ...... ' .. .•. 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II "~11·.: 111 l .. 1,,:1.11.< ll1 •1 !• !'J1'\I011J •\f'll:'l<'fll'I• ITI tilt l11l oi !If II 1•111.d lio·,1.l 11 o ""I 1 •'I' ·~'IL "' 1 "' d,1 ~ t q ;t ' I ·"~ 1 '11.11 ~HI 1 In ' ' ll 1 a L t 11 • !It' li1ffi'· li"lll•' I I II~. t1 l1·1th11t11' o "'il;i1 1 ;i 11rl J.:\'rl• • ;1! ~1111 1"111 ;11111 l11 •·rut ... 1111• \II !'l::lr!lt'lfl.1111'-111.rl.. 1111cJrr 11,£' ),:11 111:111("{' 111 !r 1111f•rl 1wntr•-. ... 111n:11 ... _ \olunr.·01.~ 11111 1 .. · 11,,,, .. 11 1 .. r t111· pr•,- _c1 .<Hl .11.do•r Iii· ~•!!"!·I'-''" .. 1 I 11111 111Htllll I ·11 11d• ;, f!I :111• )1 "I •lu \1i 111;11 111 ;1llh \•••u·1:111n11 nl f 11 ,111· I '' 1·111, l1111g i\t \II (• Ill [II•· f d il' ,1 111•1\ :11111 ti ;.i1n1u:.; uf •.111iu1l1 •'r\ 1111 )1 1•11!11 11·:illh I''" gr.i 111~ • \ lll''llo!l).: 11,11! •! l•Pll •llT.1:0 o ul ('1\11.i1111111 1.v Fri• nd , 1•.1'1 111• 11• Id :,l I ·:11 1•rll \1nnd;n .11 1l1f" \oiion.I•• I'• I '"'I Fnn'sl 1\11• l111r r1· 1t1! l"'I 1111· ;l!f' 1•1· \'it'd In ;ol11'!'rl Ill lq o '111 liw \1•l1llll •" I' Pr1•t 1 •t1 11flllJll,I' lr1,1•111•d'1•'n l ... 11:11· • ~'.l-! J\f/(), 11·~;1•d111t; llu• i•l•'Jl'• I Color T\' ~l'l T:i l.!'11 Fr11111 I ,af!llll <t \1011·1 I .. 1;.:un;i Ho·;,•·11 pul!ec <U l' 11•• J Ti~.i· .1';! !hr 1!11•!! r .111\ \1u11rla1 "I :1 '"'' 1 1rl1·1 1,11111 l ror11 ;l !h!"~rd 11i111 t•I I'" "I I. lrll!''l1t!,1!111s ~;,u l llit• ~•·I , 1.1 .. 11-d ;11 ~::11u. 11:1~ t;1l..ru 1111111 ron111 ·l:! 011 11ie l.;1[!1111;1 ~J1,,1 r"'· ~l'I '\. t 'o;1~r 111i:ti11 ;11 l '••lil"t-~!"'' ulat••d ;on unk111111 n ~'l'l'l"l'l 1·1111·rl'd tlit • 1110111 lo~ u~111g a l..1·\ WM 355 NWD 16"o., PORTA COLOR TV :\ The Advanced GE 16" SPECTR A -BRITE Picture Tube Wrth Ultr11 - Br1th.int Phosphors, Plus An Advanced Anplic11t1on The Brightest. Ri<::h est Color P1ct~re In GE H11lory. • INST A ·COLOR -Makns Pictlll'e and Sounrf Al1nost Instant. •Weighs Only 46 lbs. • W oor1gr11ln Flnoat\ •Big S"xJ" Up Front Spe11ker llt'.\S!ll~{;Tn'\ 1l J'I • Thr 1111• i"ar rnl'kf'L rni;:lnes n( Iii,. ful1ffr will hP 1·1utioacllvr ly 'hnttrr" tl111n R hornh. "'1 11 l1:il iii"!' 11·1• g!llllC: 1n dn \\ I/I I il''lll I\ hr II thf'I li;t\ f' 1·11 f111111•·rl tli4·11 1nh of hurl111g 111< II "I' .-.r 11 ·;1T1fl(' 1ubols 111LIJ 10.11' .. 1111~ t•to!11Plll I' d l'!'il''-"rl in .+ 11'<'<"t1t ro P"I! 1~d1n<1ct11111 Ill l!1t· llli-11 llll' ('!1". II Ul\!1\Cll1. pri•r11rr!t fnr 1hf' Atnrnir J-:rlt'I C:\ ('lrt1\llll~S\UI] hi ::I 1 ...... d .. 1 1!11· "'\ 11 t in n ;i I \• ,,i, 11• ,,f "( 1('11• t''. \auon;il I; •. ., .. ,,, .11 l ·nu1u·1!. \u• •·;1r 111• l..r1~. "ll 11h u h I', \I 4' ;i11d lh•· \allhn~ll \ t·•""ltl<'S ;ind \ip a t·P \dll'Hll fr,oll"ll o \\~\I h:t1 !' 1.1 ' lj ,\"I l..ITli' fi•f I 1 •;11·~. \\ 111 • ,,I, I I ,, t•flllr!lll 1,f 1· .. n1p;u·1 . l<1' 11 l•·111per;il111r :qrirnl'' rr;ic- 1 11!111 Ii tl1f"11· 1111.,\11"1 ,·nni · pl11'rl 1111\ h•• l:id•'!I \\Ith IJ\· I 1•11· .-1 •. I ;1 ol 1n:u·t 1 I!' I 1•;•;11111 pl fl· r,,,, I ~•·:1\1' •ii Iii•' t' p1"ud11r·t.~ 11 .ll i.!" ••II !'l "lllllll)C. d:1ni'l'PlllS I 1111.111, II f,,I ii1111rin'd:: !))' ll 1••1 .~;ol1•h '.'!,-1.-1<:11 'lhr ~t11if\':1 ;.!Tl>ilp illl1<'it1rlf'd 11 ;it r;ul" •:ir·t 11 (' t<1111;1111111;11 11111 nl 1 lif' ~f'ol~ Ill ;di Ul:Jll•lll;-trl{' '"u1 r·t 11wl111!111i,: n 11 1· Ir fl r l<ll'k•l '-\\'JI b<• '01 \\••II <"H!l t "lil'1l llllK• l"r1fi 1h.11 11 11 111 ( 1111~(11{11(" !111 l hH·.11 111<1nl..irlll 'Jh1s li;•d 1H·1 ·rr hi· 11 111· .1•·· '""rd111c !•• " ... 11111111;11 .' 11f tlu• l>'iM>f!, hi·1•;111~f' ""lhf' l"f'l'fl\"f'fl 1.r t h1· •w1•;1n~. 1111t r 1n,ul'l'<l '!i1 !it•;I\ .1 1'11 111.11 11111.JTtiHI 'l ..... Gl' ~~ ' .... ,' '''"'~ ., ... '" . ., ' ., " lh •11•' """" J'·, I "~ ""'°" '"·''"•I ' ..• 19" o.,TAB LE MODEL COLOR TV 25" Di .. CONTEMPORARY CONSOLE COLOR TV 25"" ... BEAUTIFUL SPANISH STYLED CONSOLE Ne" w,,1., Lo(•I\ W•lh 5" Sr>•"k'"" (;[ -o,.. 1011ch ' 1'•11,., ~''"'"'" ,lh-lv;onced 19" 0 1'1!J- Spr•.I!" B•lle "" 1u•e l 11tie. l"~'"·Colnr In• Qu,r k Snurorl Aod P 0<:1u•11. llhun•nfle<I Chllnnf!I Sel~i;\<" Auto• ~ m"t•c l'.nl 'lu111n11 Con -s'2qq •S u ol, .,, ' . ., M 965 EWO Mo<l.,.n W alnut r ;,11~h. GI! 'On• Touch' Co lo• SyJt•rn. '"'"""~etl 2~ .. S1><1ct •• Brr!• Plctu•• l u b•, 1 wf) !>··o3"' lp•,.k•••. ln1t•• C1>l0< M "k"1 P1c1u•11 """ Spund 1\1•-•t In• ,.!.,nl, Au1om,.11c Fon• 1 IJning Con!roL Bn!d f'ec "" F ~ni•h. GE •o.,., Towch" Cnlor S•"""'· Ad"'""~~il 15 .. S 11•clf•·llll1• r ie. Hiie !uh•. Two &"•l " S1>••k•••· ln•l.- Cnlnr M•k~• P•c lu•• •nd Sound Almo11 In· •1•nt. Autnml!llC' fine 'fu111ng ConHol. GOODYEL\ll SEll\T fCI~ ~l"OllES GE 5ERVICE ,'v!.t-'' ~.-..-! ~, ... ,.). "'~"·)' ' SANTA ANA 180 S N. GRAND 558-8644 HOUltS: M·' I ·' s .. 1. 1.5 • SANTA ANA 1318 N. MAIN 542· 7251 WOURS: 1 :00-5:00. Sot. 1·4 BUENA PARK 7960 LA PALMA 828-5990 HOURS M·Tli '·'·Fri . f .t , Set. 1·5 WESTMINSTER 6872 WESTMINSTER 894-1391 HOUR§: M·F 1·1. Set. 1·4 ANAHEIM I 817 S. BROOKHURST 772-6090 HOURS f .,, Ftl. 9.9 Sot 1·5 HUNT. BEACH 7872 EDINGER 842-4495 HOURS: 1·1, Sot. l ·S FULLERTON 1401 S. HARBO R 879-1090 HOUllS1 '·'· S~t. 8:l0·5 YORBA LINDA 4951 SO. ~OSE· DR. 524-11110 HOURS: M.F 1-8, Sot. s .s GARDEN GROVE 9572 CHAPMA N 539-8981 HOURS· 9.9, Sbt . l ·S wou!d he 1·er~· sliH1· " The C.S. -"par~ prni.:rilm has ~cnt rn1111y atnrnir "hnltrries"I Into ~p11ce w1!h nu du·p effects nn lhe earth's 1•11 1·1r11t1 rn!'nt. Au! lliesto gi.:r 1rral!lr.~. wh1eh \'otl'\ rrt thr 11r:1 l nf 1 ad1oa(·t1vr 11 0;1\t·1·1:1I~ 11110 l"ll;'c\ri<·1~y \\ l\h rlo 111•11111~ p,11!'• ;111· Jllf'I"(' 111~~ •·<1rnp:1r('d to t/11• 11n· !llf'll~f'il' 11\0rf' r 0 \\' (' r f u r spal'el>urn reaelors to con1e CHAIN-LI NK FENCING Tht-del'i.o;ion ;ilre;:iclv has h!'cn m."'lrll' In use nurll'fir pro· pulsinn onl.1· fnr upprr sla~c.<. of spa<·r 1eh1t:lr s 11h1ch h;i1(' ht'f'rl crtrr1rd he \'nnd I t h r (';1rth's atrnn~p-her t h1 thrrn1e;i!ly -fuelC'd l'nrkrt~I hl"fore the atnrn1r engints fl!T I lornrd un. J(id s l ,ikc to L\;;k .\ nd v 2640 Harbor Blvd. COST A M E~f\ HOURS: MON.-SAT. 9·!i SUN 9.5 LARGE BU NCH~S w. De liver E1'ery D"y Fil ES H -C L'T Chrys a nth en1ilElS IN RIC H FALL COLORS ~98 ~ l.Jl;C" J,ec;.l•I l"rie• 9•1111 thr~ Sunday! DISPLAY YOUR FAVORITE INDOOR PLANTS ON A ti>ECORATIVE PLANT STAND P1rfect wav to show African violets, fer ns, off vovr collection of orchids. 5 styl1s. FROM 7'5 JUST PHONE & CHARGE ITI Husky 1 gal. MEYER LEMON GROW YOUR OWN • Req. 198 LEMONADE! 2.95 BRAND NEVI' SHl i'''.CNi! CITR US TRE ES AVOCAD O TR £ES '(/~ TALL-GRO'vV1N G, O R.CHARD V1'.~I!; i l ~S ·~ e VALENC!4 • Ll~'E r''.'!) r.: 0 • ,,,.,,, ~,J,,.;.. .... e N AVEL OllANC'.E u T, .,, FRUIT ~~A e ~UEllTE ,I, nfl• llElD AVOGl\013 \.~ BES T FOR COASTAL AREAS DISCOURAGE WEEDS WITH DE.CORATIVE LASSEN l+JSTRAWBERRIES 6 FOii l'UT lH(M IN POTS ON THE l'AT!O .. J'UN ~OR lHt: IODS! I • ' Bedding Plant Special , BAP.I( Co"""vc\ ,.,, ; e Perle•(;! u11dr• ••··· r•. ~luuh,-Nr~t f,,, "rp·1111 ~" po1h1' 3 B ... r.\ VI E DELIVER SUND AYS, TO O! IP 0 • SHOP BY PHONE-USE YOUR CRE DIT CA~ri C:.LU" ~ .. .. , ... , I • SPE CI AL PRI CES GOOD THRU WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13 .PHONE 546-5 525 .. ' • ,. ! I ) > \' I , ' " .. I • OAILY PI LOT _;:J Sweden Winners\ GOODWILL 1 Industries Tries Guess , Nohel to _NC \\ (; 1'011 p l1'a11 ~ l{ace 11 • l'll~J O ll~ \\'IJ..\11\t:Ttl,\, '\ l '. il'l'l• 11;11 1:d h•ll!'ol!Jtl' 111 Jiu!' port l'I(\ h \111• ht·rt1 lwig!1t1•11rd 111 ll't'('t\\ CL1.\S IJ;.· llil· l'll\l'l').!t'IH'V Ill ll flt•\\ ;111iJ llliJIJ;111\ lll!llt' :.upr1•n1;u·1•! grru 111 1ti;11 1·1•n-I ~1dt•rs !Ill' !\u !\Ju :-. h.11111 out of d;1ll' L1·;Hit·r~ ;u1d !t11lowrr:. 111 tlll' ~l'uup. h111111n ;1~ "B1i;ht:-(lf \\'h1!i: !'i·oplr" t1r liOlrJ'. 1011\.., up11n 1111>111.~~I\ I'!-as prnl\•(·hlr~ of the 11h1le population ut the .1rc;i, .i e1t 1z1·11~· 11ul111a in ;i 11111e ul !1'11t1!ile i111il d:1ng1•r I Tlie gr1111p ll.1-; 1rnta11•d l"•lh·1· <•tlil'Ja!~. 11hd (·h11rgt· rllat lill\\'I' :11·t11111~-; l1<11e 111· 1·rcas(•d 1e11,11·11~ 1n ;ln :iln'<1<l.1' lt'll~t' Sl(llillll!IL lluring the p;.~t 11rt·I. iii ~ 1111r;ichC' szupcr 111'1' :111d n1l'k dlld li•1!llt• lh1·011111g Ill 11 1:1{'!. JI l' 1 g h IJ <i r• 11 11 o d s , HU\\' I' I g:ul1l'rt"d 111ghll.v <11 ;1 r:i~i. o,H-1d1• 1h1· l'l11 111 fire up th1•11 ·I .111l1·hlo11 J.. k·rl1n~:~. :. 11 Ii j 'u1·.~t' 1t1t• l<·tlt·r;1I i.,:1•1rr11111l'n1 ;ind lalk !JI a 111>11 h111cl 111 1\111i•r 11·;!11 n ·1•11t1 t1u11 . I 11( /\\ : ' f11111Hlc·r .111il /11'!".~I tlt·n1 . J,t'l'lll' (;1IJ.••lll jl!'{•dll'I~, '.1 .:;l1uo!ln}! ff'lf!IU!l1111'' nl 111>rk 111~ cl11~s 11 h1tr." ;1g:11n~1 CJJI h:;H·k" "lf Ille bl:ii·ks don't ohr1· ll1t• 1:11\ ~u1d 11u11 1nt11n1d;1t1111< II h1!1·s-. II I\ Ill lll('itrl lilt' lul:d tll'strui·111111 ol llH' hl:u·k r.tr'e."i ~:11~ <i1li.,.1n ;i sllorl. well 111u•i·!cd 111;ir1 111!)1 iJ IJlund t rr'111·u1 I STl1CKHOL:\I 1 l'PJ \ Sto,·khohn "as back al 11s l<.1 1 01 !Ii.' sport today-guessing t\11ht'I l'1JJ.t' "'111ners u1 nd· 1 o111<T l11::.1d1·1 s were n1t·t1· 1u111111g .~lll'h 11:111\t'S <is L .'\, .St•(Tl'l.I!'\ (;l'llt'ral U '['han1 , J1•hn Kenn('!J1 t;r1l1Jra1th, (;ra- h11ri1 j :n·t·ne. (;unar P.1yrdul. .l.nrl o\ht•r<;; T;1bh111g Ilic 11u1nrrs is :is ;n id ;1 ~port u1 S11ei!r11 <J~ 111ck1ni.: 11 11111crs f(/r lhe hen· r1u·k1 0 Prbl' 111 lh1· Ll r11!('(j Sltt!rs <111d just as 1'1sk1 . Bui !he pn11·s l'iL!I !1c :i11:ird{'tl short!\· lur tl l(• iOth t1111c ;111d lhl' gu1'~~111g i.~ <111 For the 1n~ulrrs, the 111('11 and \\un1t•n 11ll•1 l.11uw J\'obel de!1ht'rat1•H1s tl1t' h 1• ~ I , itl'k!IUll ll·dgl' \(;; I !-, h (l T ~ f' u~u:dl.1 arf' tl1t! 1111u1tT~ ol IL1 IJl"lfl':'> Tht suut'l'•'S say !lll'Y art· C'fl!l\ 111t"ed of nnly our t hin~ ah111J1 thr ~ix pn~t'~ -f'i!('li 1,, 11 orth Sll7.~()() un tl11s. !!1" iJth a11r1111·r~;111 11! tl1r dt".1tl1 ol Alfred i\\1lie!. lhic cllna1111!t' 111- 1t•111or 11h1) lrf1 a' fo11 'lu111' !<• hunor tluise 11nnu.1ll\' 11 h11 "dunng 1hr prt'<'rd1ng ~l"•I h.1d eonfrrred 1he b:reatt":-1 bl'nt'l'tl 11n nH1nk1nd" llt're'.:; a :\nhl'I prrt(' lip Sht•t•! -.\\edu inc nr ph~~111l11i.:1 !)fl/I', pll'kt•d 1'1HJt"•lli!'o' 1)1 lllC' H11,1al C;11ul1111· I 11:-11!111' Sl1 ·rl.l1vlt11, f;11ur 1t"' l'n11' C1•r.1lct ~1 J·'.drl1 11;111 42. 111 :\1'11 v .. ri.. 11]1!1'<' r<·~f'nrch tt·:in1 ~111111ed the :-1n1eture nl th1> 'u\J~1:11w1 • • ;.illt•d ll!l/i\(IJl(lf;lt1l1til111. 1·11.11 1!1 Ill :_:anu· I r <l II s jl I ii I! I ... ' t·'.dt~lnuu1 rn.11 sh:1rr lt1e pr11t' 111111 l'rur H -11 l'11r1t:r of n,. ft r•d l '1111 ('l'S!I). ~: 11 I.: I ;1 n d !.. I 'r•ll llu11 ,1rd 'ft'lll!U, 3ti. pl llir \'11 Lll'r~ll\I Of \\'!~l'•ltl~lll, l1•;alrr 1n tu1l1or biology ;111d e:'Ult't'! l't'~l''11t:h: AU\!11:111 l\1111rad L1Jrt•n1, tl!l'rctu1 to! !lit• \1.1 .\ 1'1;1111 I. 111q11111.. !io) p,:\•i!llllj!I r>/ !1t•l1;1\ I"! t 'n:1 I'!' ·:t\' nl t :1 ! 1 t 11 r r1 ;1 I<''' ;11 !'lit'fS \\ 1111 i\('\ l'll'lll'd II d!IJI! l•ll' t11•;11111i.: ti11 ,ul1•11! "'-.ol;t•J lll1•t!IC'!1! '\UUl'\'I"' ~;11d pr1lr t1rnr t fiuld 1·0111r 11>r !r;111'1~:1111 ..,urgr·11n~ l\1111n.il) S/11111111,11 i1f !';in Fr.111r1''''' :ind t ·1111~r1a;1n B,u'!l.11 d \•I t ':1pr '1'111111 ln1t 11n! !h1~ 1t·:;t ''[I I~ lll\ll'll !1111 {':11 h ," 111!(· ~llll!'lT .~;~Id J·:~ UlllHlll!'\ JU Ill' pn \..1•1f Frid:i) 111 S1\wkh11l11\ N(1 unehallrngaliit' f;1101111r llu! rt1nt('fld1•1 <; i n r l u d f" A1111•r1t·11' ( i:dht'a1tti it 11 tJ >11111,11 F11t'd111an Bri1<1111·, J,tll~l'S l·.d11,11d '\t'l!ll ;111d \:, h•.!:1' l>.ah1<11 Fr ;1 n • i· •" l,.1 ;11w111~ I' rt r 1 n 11 \ ;1111! Hu.,•1a'.; I.\ Ka11111r'l1\ 1ch 1•1u~s11rdt•11 ..,(o11nn;11 .\h1L!.d 7'l·n· •. J 'I II('. pu·l.t'(j' Ol'l '.!U 111 !111· '\1111\f'~1an i\uht·I ! l'lli!llillt i:, llslu f<1\nf'lll•s Hr:iz1I',..; l>onl !l t• Id t' r l ;1111:11 ,I, Ht•tll.!ll ('ii I II u I I (' /\11•hl11sh11p 111 <llu1d;i 111H I lll·L 1!1· I' '\ Sc t' r •' ! ;1 !' v t;('f\1•1nl 'J'li;u1t 0 r 1 1 flI11 ,·~ ,',n~IH'll ll {';HH/11 .Julln l '1ill111• L1ll;'t<1!111t• 111111·. p11'ked ()('1 21 by S111•d1'1i .u .1dc1 1n !11 lt•llt'r'. !'It 11 t· I. 11 (1 I 1n t .11. •! 1 I•'' '\111J1·I ~l1Ulrf'~ ~·11 t!ll' <•·ti I 1101\('1•\ IJl('l ~··!(•l'!l••ll ... H ti ' ~ 1 n '\ .\ I t• ~ ;1 11 11 r• r Sol1ht·1111 ~1 11 111al..1;"~ 1/11• "'hh l;1111r .1 r1un <'t11ttn11 •·L\1:1ll 11r1tt•r lh1s 11•:1r. Tl11•s1• 1111!ud1· l'ol't 1':111111 ,\t•r11rl.1 •1! t 'lnlc. 1•'1:111•'1', \ndrl' >1.1lr.ill \ \11' I IL1f1 .. , l'.11no ~ \\'l1H1• \\1•..,I I ,1•r 111:111.1 ·, t :11e111t•1 ';ri1~s Jil'it.1111\ i;r•·•'i\t' ---- KERM'S FABULOUS FALL 7·LIGHT PATIO LANTERNS e Colod ul • Co"'" wdh b~lb1 e Co•rl ;nd~dtd 1.20 "' SINK 'N TILE COVE ~·· ----- I' -, -. , .. . l -- -, l,i 1-1 ' • b ffet b~ 1 ;,.,h e ~~I• •o doplv e l ong ld1 l•nq 60it ADD·A·SHELF • w.1n~! tol1,,ed ,htll 9 ] !' b10"1elO"• 2.00 JUMBO STORAGE ~ -t--@~-f'~~; ~~ ~"-:'!:~? : ~ . . -' : . --' -----------... CHEST ?.cnl.,, flnr •I print P~inlo1ct•d J114d6·3 8" •b I 4 ' G.E. SENTRY AUTOMATIC 24-HOUR TIMER I • CLEAN-UP GERMAIN'S ORGANIC FISH EMULSION e Indoor o.,tdoor DICHONDRA SEED e Ge•,.,•in'1 l(olor,ool e ~••le• 9•ow1h e P1~•~•ll\ hJnqu• LI. B&D S·INCH BENCH GRINDER 9 Sh 4•pen1 In'"'"" •+t 9 At«>'~I~ ,moo!h e M od~I 7qoo 15.00 'i' t..-;:__'-4 ~, ----0 ._ _________ :::::=l r-:::.·~ BRUSHED ALUMINUM TIKI TORCHES 9 I qi. c •p•to tv 9 b-ft. pol"' 88¢ 1\(1\\'I' ~('JI ( p:it111I" l11t•o11E~l1 \\'ilnH 11g!\111 nl h·r a l1~ht n1 ;, lugh Sf'ho11l fnulhall ;;;unf' 111·! I 1"1u•ht·d tdf 1111· l;1 1t·~1 r:u·1:tl •---,----.-- 1111ll'1u ·1' 111lh1~1·111 111 :i:1,lllJU. -,....-_J '"'"' '''"' 00 7 00 An<l all •11•0- m<''•<~fly d., ~her d•y ----- BLACK RUBBER WELCOME MAT )c___ /\i !1rs! lht'I' t·ai·nrd :inns 1 \\ht•tl ;1 st:lli· ~1 1 f'tncrt:1•1u·.1 .,,_ 1• COSMETIC MIRROR 11 :t~ llllpo~i·d. tht'.I' :i!11dl'd h~, ~ -,...---.. ~ . . II~ 11111111<'111111 ll!il !II rJJ,Jil.t,I •·• (, \ o 7-iided m1f<o• /.\UllS U:1t 1;1[)"111 pn11111sf'il ijli . '~.~,: tl1.H 1f 1n1uhl~· fl;iri.·d. "11c'll l I", ~1 \ t , u,~, 4 .dand••d bulb• 3.00 111• a ble to g1 t 11111.l ot the gr<1r \I II h111 a !l'll' ":il'ClllHI'., ' Il e !'!;11111' rnorr than n1<·11 p;1ln•I tile ti!y (".ery 111ch! SCREEN DOOR CLOSER 'If :.•1o(lir'r 11h1tr nl.91! i." ktllr<l." hf' ~:11·~-"111•1! Ii 11r 11<) 1·hn1cr C'~•·{•pl rf'tur11 tn lht> :-trct·ls 11irh :11111~ and I hL1:1r;i11tr't· !hr~ ·11 •th1• hl:it·k~1 t-ultrr th1· 1·1111~r11u•·t11'I' "\\'111nn 1111c 1iu111· 11 111111111 1,,~~§'J::;:T~ lu1 n \I 11t11111Llo11 111!•1 .'l !nn h .. 1\ 11)111!· 111;111 11 :1~ \..Jll!·d 1:1,1 l\o't'k .111d :i h\.11·).; IH·ll!tll"ir· 111rn1·d 111111-. Jf 1111 .. p<1lll t f,.r !ill' 111urr!•'I' T 111· ~1.11 IU~ .... 1 •·r:il 111,111111~ ,,~,, 111 111 .. ',1h1lr .•l'I 111'11 I j.!ll:ll'\I~ ;1! ;1 lllllllll' 1 luch ,1·lt!!1d Ii.I\ t:1•11r 1111-...!11•4! 'l'hr1 ·111•rr 1•111 1h<·r" ;ilt11 l '.I: ilr"I I .II 1;d I i"h·tH I' Jitt.: l1 !-1 hniol I ;111do1ll~lll The 21~1 Joi 51111 pf't!'11ll!i0 111111 1 J!;ltlicr n1l!htll :.' llt1·•h \Jf'l!;u·1 p:u k .1rr n111qll hhll' f'nll:11' \\nrkrr~. 111111th1·1r1111c~ ;ind f'h1ld1'l'll HALLOWEEN C LOSE-OUT. SALE 9 S1rong, •d1u•+•blo 9 Pn~""'"t1c clo\CI 9 ll~qqed 1lttl c .. c .. '••~• ~" Cod •P""g lypp Modnl I )A CAST IRON SINGLE HIBACHI 9 Ou• •ble < .,1 "~" 9 H••d ... ood h•rdl~• e Remc.~ble q•~I • 2.50 30·QUART ICE CHEST F n• TV . •pol•- •nt~< ~•r Mod.I 81 10 CHECK THESE MISCELLANEOUS STORE CLEAN-UP SPECIALS Floating Pool Lites 70¢ Hanging Patio Candles "'m 40¢ ,, 90¢ Clils ter , ".-· "'" r,.. ... 25¢ Ford O il Fill·ers IKF -1) o; mo" G'"'"' 80" Motor F tlte r1 (KF -7) • '"ETAL s B• REFRIGERA TOR l·orase ins 1 .50 9-0Z B GI s" of 2 8 suNeu•sr e vera g e asses , • O HOOVER V acuu m Eags ~~pr~i:'' & c .,n n 1s1ers ) 33( E>Qor Safety Rag Fe lt Door Bottoms Wood Weatherstrip Imitation Brick Panels I Cocoa Mat Yard Cart Bag Hol~er Roo n· .d m IYI er (Bnu s a nd Pli!ist ic ... ... 4.00 1 Sc 1.00 1.00 3.00 2.00 9 Prn":th c•• pe1•nq e v~ ... o! FLUORESCENT 24" FIXTURE • s~per ·•;,.,, 2 I.le • e .. ~ <.o.d1 ""d loqhh utp•t• .,~1~ 8.00 ·~ ''"'" ..... 1.50 11-------------''"i<-----~--r"' _...'~ ~\ BAMBOO LEAF RAKE 9 Kn~p• lo••ct. P~P~" oH Q••" • Stu1dy d.,,.bl• f ' , ' '-./' \ ' "---.:. I ....... ,, ,, P~' '\ 1 ,---J \ \ -R-O-LL-'O_B_A_G_s_t .. l __ 1 Good Willy Se r; It's abil- ity tha t counts, not dis- .rtbility. Handicapped peo- ple have a bil it y . I f you are an e n1 ploye r, h ire the ha nd ica pped to qual ify for your iobs. 590 W , 19th St. Costa Mesa Open Mon. thru Fri. 9-9 Sat. 9 ti11 5:30-646-2479 Your Dollar Buys More At The GOODWILL STORE OC T. SPECI AL ! BOX SPRINGS & MATTRESS $3500 RECONOITIONED FOAM & ~EATHER PILLOWS 2 '" $349 $1.79 .. rmi . . WOMEN'S CA PRIS 33 C ""' "' .. WOMEN'S DRESSES BABY MATTRESS $995 MEN 'S PANTS 59'-79' ,\NO UP MEN'S SHOES 51.55 UP MATTRESSES $1995 • o .. ,.bt, poly.Iv··~· • 17 l 4",i?"•IJ" 9 Sh •I h•ndl• UmbrellaCloC'hes Pole Small Redwood Tubs 5.00 9.00 V2 Off 85¢ e tOO p~r bo• FOR TRASH --:=-.,,.,,~-·-.. ' ,i e C<>"'"'"'Pn! ----------- SPOOK ON YOU! WESTCLIFF PLAZA 17th & l,.,IRe. Newport leo(.h -~§0 OIEWP'ORTER INN Phone r. I·) J "''1 \) _ _,_, ,,_ For ' \V cc kc nd c1~ AdY crlis in g AMERICAN FLAG 9 le•g • Fl•q 9 !n(.l.,d., p cl• e Fly ~out t clo" 2.50 ' . •u<<ET 0' Assorted 'Sponges ASSORTEO Fl s d VEGETABLE AN D ower ee s '" pkg. 2¢ GARAGE ••• h e oooR .-.. eat er S~r1p 2.00 6-Foot Carpet Runners 1 Sc THESE ARE JUST A FEW OF THE ~ TREMENDOUS VALUES AVAILABLE! SEE US TODAY! QUANTITI ES LIMITED TO STOCI!' ON HAND P'rlce1 qood th•11 Wed . .,Pcr. 20th 2666 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA PHONE 546-7080 - •'' " WEEKDAYS 9 to 9 SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 9 to 6 d,1pen1er e l7·gat, '"• 5.00 ROLL -l-/: _ _/'. ~-----_I , -/7f REDWOOD ,...:::; FAN TRELLIS BOX SPRINGS $1795 Please Use These Booths In Your Neighborhood I • ' \ J f Ot.!~ v Pl~.,· -----, 1-li, Ho , Enter llie (C letlll Air ) Fltir Rcc),.t·l e Worl{et·s • -' < Poisecl for· D1·iv e •••••••••••••••••• • • • I I I I I 1971 CYCOLOGY FAIR ENTRY BLANK FASH ION ISLAND , NEW PORT CEN i ER NEWPORT BEACH Satur day, Oc to ber 1 b, 1971 •• I • • • • • • • I ChPc ~ 11,~ ba.e1 oppo1itl! the evef11 \ you wi\h lo I I ,..,,.,. "Cit.de :;,4 00 for Gra.,d Pr·~ , cl•p the towpon ana Me d •o b2 Feihion !\land, Newoort Cen!er, New-• I por1 Be d ch C,,li tor1 " 92660. M11~e check1 P"Y"ble • I to L 0 G G I INCLUDE 5'4 00 ENT RY FEE FOR GRAND PRI X! • I 1' I P le .i ~e l'rfe, me ;" •he iollow ng evPnt1 Al ihe Cy- cology F11 1r 111 F.ASM ION !$LAND ,., Newport S!!e ch • I Sai Oc.1. 16, 1q71 I agree to a boo'e b y 11 11 1he rwle1 • I of th!! AB l -A, go•·rrn1n g these even11 e nd I will I I dccept l~e de-~ 1;on of th !! judge1 11 1 f inal. • I I D 1971 CYCOLOGY FAIR STOCK GRAND PR IX I \ 11l11ntrers 11 ho 111!! il~.•ict thr llAll.Y P!Lt1T a n d ~it•h 1•1n l•l;:inri ~1f'r ch;.in1 ~· .\~"•11.o!tnn It\ pfl l\!1~ Ir! 1<1) l<'•"I liurv1. Pf!, ,,f i ~1unri' 1.f 1n.1 !f'nal~ f,,r rr1·1<•l1nl:! at th" J'ptJulJ1>rl ~1]1Jt1<>11 S 1 ;i I 11• 11 S;irun1A\ <!.1rinc 1h" < l<""lnl.'\ Fi!!! ill P l1n1h1•11ng 11p tr11l;i1 Rrlrl J.!t•t11n~ rr:id1 1111 lhr hlC j••ti Tt1r' '"lul1nri 'l.lti<l!P" 11 111 hr lt1 •·prr;t11un fr'1!ll ll ;1 n1 111 f\ pin 1111 l!h• r;1 -.1 ~1d1 r+f lhr park1ni.: l1>t al Fa,htnn l ~l11nd. ~· \ n1' .. 1 S;,11ur1;11, b11•1rl r And t111 \!'Ii' •'ll'fl!• 11 hlt'h 11 111 1·J1n\.o\ thr 1111·red.11 fa11·. \. " I II 11 t (' (' r " f I '•I II lhf' ("hr1-1111 .. , !'n;d r\'"•l l;1 l111n ~ ~\'<• 1111•• \ I 1111•1 II 111 hf' i.n llu- 11 lo• •lilt'• t t'"ntnhutnt~ lu th<' rrnpr1· hill' L.1(·!1 111unc-.IPf' \• hn hr111c~ ;i , <>n lrilo11t1ri11 of flid P·\11.Y I'll i''I T~ 1o r u t hrr II•'\' ·1•:i111·1 .. ' h n r I I r ~ "I' alun1111un1 r;1n~ Pr '•TAP~ 11 ill I I I I I r-i __J D YOUTH HANDICAP RACES (1 4.1 8) TR ICYCLE RA CES (J-4-5 ye•n) I hi· ,. r r 1 1 ! 1 "d 01~ a I I I I D I NAME: I CITY, . TH E QUEEN RACE THE BICYC LE PARAD E ''Ofdtime Bicyc le 0dys " them e ADULT TR ICYCLE RAC ES l'<EI E £Vf '<I~ FOIP .r.M.t.TfUg l 0'-'l~ - I '"' ~o• • m~mD•• ct •"• D><V<•• r•c·~~ o•uo PHONE: I · li Fcrc1 11.n<;1...;·1 1 .. r his nr I h<'r rnn!nnur1on :n the rec.1tl- 1nc f florr •' I • I I I • Fund~ rl1 •ri1 •·rl fr,1111 -~t i!' nf t h1· 1'"t·l.11111rd rn;il ~·ri;d 11111 ~o !o 1 11:11111 !hr \ f' II p 11 f ! f !;irt~•r Fil-~ 1·ti.u 111t'<; gr1~ rr<•1 ·1•1·d• f1·•n1 11,r .i:l•1"s ;i11d :i h1:n1n11111 11-n ll:u·t"ir ,\rra l n1!Pd I ur d 11111 i.:• 1 lt1n<l<; frnrn 1pr ~;11c "! nr11.,papr1·"· 1 A fll ,ilrrP11 11f ,111U11g prnplc fn11n thr, .'>t11rlrnl" f n r ... ferf'd In ' s ma~h trash" for !he Elks Headed by John Ln,e:an . \'!i'f' prr.~1dr.nt nf .J .l & E En,e:1neenni.;. lnr , nf Redondo Re1tch. wesrern arf'a f11 ... rr1hurnr<, fnr the Ton~ Te:im Pn tlut1nn P:ickrr. !ht<; .:rrrup h:i~ nffPred the use nr nne nl 1ls heavy-duty trash !'11n1p<1clnrs. The trurk-mnun!f'd unil rrn- h;ihl\' "111 ht> tora1f'd on S1age rnurt ;imnng exhibit boo ths 1\h1{'h \1•tll bf' set up all three rl<i.\'S of lhf' f'.vrnlogy Fair. It 11111 hf' used to srn;lsh ;ilun11nu1n e:ins and other ~l"r;ip.~ nf alt1n1111um lntn e<1sil_1 1niin;it.!rd ruhf's of ~c rap 111{'!<11 Thr l'1•lll1l 11rn l'ackrr is hr1ni:: snlrl f' K t f' n s 1 v e 1 y 1hrrrug hn11! !11P Ei!st to high risr hn!cls ;ind apartment s and fnr u.;e 1n restaurants. ho~p11als. nurs111.i: homes, nl - fir·r buildings, elr. "\\'e pack pnllution~l ha\"s ou r snlutinn." is onl' of the ~tn.l(ans Tnny Fox like~ best. Fox is a self·m<1dt> millinnairP \l'ho bu ilt his fortune in thr snn\1·mob1le field and lhen !urned tn v.•a.~te romp;ictors. He is presiden1 nf The Tony Team. lnr ., of ~11nnea pnh~ manufacturer and marketer of thr PnJIU IJOO Parker. RECYCLERS -Gaggi ng .it up a l!tllf' as 1h ey sup- posed ly go throug h l1rn he r1ng-up cxere1 .'c~ in prcp:u·· al1on for hanrlling ~!atks of n('11spapcrs brought 10 fyrology Fair·., rnrlt1 110n Solution S1a11on il re n1P1n 'hers of ('orona ft('[ I\lar ll1gh Schnol'<; "eroloi::v '. ' !M il,.• rol!ll •• 1h ili.'' ;o-;111dl'lll -l11r En11r111111•1111:d \'.!"•'1 '' ~r 1 1.-•rliroln1 11 1;,,hl 1, ,1( t in~ J•l'f" 1't1•111 i 11, lr•r •l f"l t \n r1r.h11 1:oh1n 11·1 11' '·01! n.i, IJ IC!er !'.! llil/H'I illld f;nhJll (,l.1•~ (II r • • .. '"'--"' p ""~·· '' ,, ., f·'.111 ll'•illll1•'11LIJ 1\1 !11•1) 11llf' .----------------------------------------------------------··---.-, I ( S•gnti'ure ) AGE I 1r ••r•• I• ..,,.,.,, •••••••••• C~enlni:1· Fair S1f"l(·k 1,r1nd l'ri~ l!i11(·Jr H;!f·r -1n-l.1p r;i• f' ill ·~1o1.d the i·;i,)11,,n 1 ... !;inrl n ,~,I , \', "Por! ( 1·11l1·r /l1 ,'.r. ,\11.\"11'' 11\tT !R •.1,1n a 111 ~~'r'1 Int", Ir 1.-~:!1:;1l•1o-. t ht't I. 111 1111\1' I! :.i.1n. ,1.:;,111r- r!;.\' ;11 rh1• ,., ~. :•.1'ir•n r .• h1· .~ 111 11;11\-u1c I••! I.ii Ul.! ;t11·.1, , r·:n•i, 1-1 ,. 1.1 . F11··1 l'n;r .\l;il;i 111~ r•t• - 1ng h1kr -'•ll• flf int> fir1,.-t r<u·1ng llikt·' 111 rhe 11 111 lrl Th" b1I.;• 11111 ),,. :i\1:1rdr-rl ;:ih1ni.; 11 11h I""''' f 11 r thr nr\! ninr p,;,,' 11 111' 1 \1..i1 11r I.ii n "•1 .. r \,.,, fl"r! Rr::itn 111!1 1111;,nl 1n" p: Ji"~ :ir -~i~" 1al p rn. 1·Prr. 111 .. 111··~. !"ht'( • 11n1e ~ il ·n Sa111 ;d;11 Youth ~II ~ ' '""1 l l 1" ~r1r~ .. ~rt 11,1)1 .11lY b~ .. <.J11 l'lll rr 1111 .. 1· r1fl'~ !'l"ll>'f h1kpc 11·11 1 h .. g!l rn ;1rrr"rn· ;iJp h::ind11·;1n~-r\11;in!~ 11 111 bP gt\f'll fror fir~t ~ pl:,tP 111n11"r' • ••••••••• I Jn •Arh ra.·r. 1\., l·nlrl' FPt··I Trir·\t·lr fl;ier' -\ni· c 1111.J · il l!.f ~·rr •. l 1111n .1 rr 11i·tlr 1·1 1•l1J.?thlf'_ H;irr<; 11 111 he ~·l:.~srd ,1i"('1r1d111g to .iJ.:t•. 1\11 :1rd, , ,i::11 ··n f(n· 1< t11ree li111.•n1'r'; J11 p;ir·h r;11 f'. 1 '\n r ritr1 1, \· • The t)iu·tn Ba1·r -·.\ rdc .. 11 111 !1p run !•1r g1·J~ H\"f·r lfi .1•.,1rs of .1J.!" ;1nr1 ~1nclt-. Thr•I 11111111'r will hr "•11<1 t<•rl ;i• 'Q 1rr11 ,1f 1hc· (\1·r+! .. g1 F;i 1r·I ~h· 11 1 I I hf' l·r1111 nrd ;>J '.! r 111 ;i1 S1~1ge Coun b1· .\l;,1or l::d JI ,;! )1_ . liir•1 "'le l'a r:•dr· E11!"r .1 .. 1r •\l(l hlt"\l'lr• Jn thf' •Old t1·1,,. 1:H·.1cle l);.,1_,·· ll;1r,1d l'nlt'S 11ill hf' 1111;1rdrrt f.,r the f.1 ~ he.~r lt"lk111 g rntrir~. C111nr 0111 :111<1 h~n r 11 go0d 11rnr 1\.1 Entry Fer •. Adul t Tric~ t'l r H<1rf'~-l)p1 11 t" .ill ;uhdt~ \\ilfl ;. fn·r fon11 '1"'-!l:n tric11IP I '11rn" nu1 and ra1·1• 111 th1~ 1.1111 r 1 r n t :\11:i rds g11·rn ro rarr 1v1nnf'r~ ;ood ;ilso for the cr;i~.1r~1 llr ~1~11~ · ('f'")n~.1 1 l•1 l1 1 Df ! '1'1or,;1 d!'I \Lu 1111.:h ~' li•ud 11 11! tir nn 1!u r.1 ;11! d.11 '" 1 r-r r t 1 r nr11 .. p.ip1'•·· l•r11u~·l11 1<J 1ht• /'rOll11r11,11 ~1dut11u1 S111t1nn. Elk-. 1 ... dl1· 1111111l1rr~ 1•>.:pr1·1 111 1·111111 11 11111' ;i t,,\;1[ nf ;l.111 ll1;or1 1111111'' :n lhr p1n1r1·t ;i~ p1+1'1 ,,f !h1• 'll1h <. !"nn11n1lu1g ' Flk1o)l1L!\ ·· r fl•orl, I I ndlt 1h;1u1n;;11 .. l11r Pl Pwl. 4·,,1;ul !h~ i-:n,, a lr •·:irl~ hr.1 r l""t·l;.in1Pd Ill t 1. n ~ ,,( 11•·11 ·r.i11i·r<. :i~ 1Hlo ~1;1-.~ 1 ,,n 1 ;1 11·rr ~ ;ond ~.iO p•runrlo; r1f ;dllllllfllll!l. T11 .. '••TJlllH n 1:11 111111• :irr 1111 .. 1 1·r! 1n 11·•· l'••'l<1tl••tl ..,,,h1 1Jn11 :-· .,11•111 "l"'I ;1!11111 \l"n· 1·,t1 1 ••fi•. ••f ,..;.,1111., \r1a h:-.· 1l1111;ol Prl ;1 1111:..:r -.11·f'J f1ln 1 Pl f.,,., 11111~ R l•·r·I 11 rdf' :i nd R t•···I I.di lt1 II I I• li 11r-11 .. p;orwr< 11 11) hi• J>.l,p 1,,,d lli•·n llir '«!llf•:1111· \111! h11 •. rlw l·•·11-.11.i1 "'r' lrur•\ lhf' fl\f I.\ l'IJJlT .111rl p111 thr Har~r • At f'il l"n1trd I· und fnr lhr1n. I '!'hr lrtl,1-1· 1 1'"1111pi!!I\" 11;.i ~ Of· &RIND DPINlll -' '· DUR SAN CLEMENTE RESTAURANT JlEWARDS For e\"eryone attending our .(' ., U$$i~t ~U~t~mt ""[ AT SAN CLEMENTE OR ANAHEIM This Weekend-OCT. 15, 16, 17 Free Free Free lnr every(lnP w•lh dinner Ore.hid!. tor the lad1!!s Balloons for the kids, tor f1 ""'"' Barbetue Dinners y,...., rnn,fr n l l•"'"i~r 1 IC.f)t, rnn.,_ H.o>t•,,"11"'1 FIP<'' F.t<t 'l'lHll'" t+~m &f'•v'"fi ,...,,., '"'r rl"'''"' .... ,,1'1 , r oldPn r,lnr n p!'JI• 1,,,., "'' • ..,,., r l"n !""~"~ """ r .1•11' "''"~'I J 2 2'.'J o,J, .t wanPt ~ "' ntnr 1 11pm~ ' .,. ..... " - H+c.kory Chip Sandw1c.h A rlr '""' hA•""t"llP vinrjw1(h """''<'l~nt l'r·rt•nn N h"f'f pnr~ '" h,.,., "" a <i""C'"l huri !Opl)f!d '"'' -""rl '"'V"P1 ... 11r1 ri.o•c ~ l)f 1 ~11 <M .,. ni IJ,r~ory Ch•fl h,. ... < l l.10 p'u<" ..,.,,,, n l f'I ~"' •rl<'.O!. Ca rr ows Chef"s Salad "nlr'1 r"<I' heart!. nf lettuce. .. , '"""" n f h.tm r hf'<'S<" lop ped "''!ll 1nn1.oln w~rll(t'!. ""11 1!{1.8 ~"'~' '""'1"'1 hoit1r•ed rofl, 'ht'\·>P n! rtrr ~~.n~ l l.4~ p+u \ !lllPI' n!ner ~ind ~ CHILDREN'S M ENU SAN CLEMENTE. CALIF . 620 A.Yen1tla Pito (714) 492-4290 ANAHE IM. CALIF JOO N State Colle2e (7141 ~JS.6461 $1.39 ~ COMMUNITY EVENTS SUPPORT YOU R HARBOR AREA UNITED FUND Now in Proc11 11 GIVE THE UNIT ED WAY "If you don'i do it, It won't g el don11." ARTIST OF THE MONTH ST EVE D/(EW 21 ~••'• otd s+.~ • ..,.., b"'" ;, w~ c m•nq one! •l••l•d r:o•1nl••q ,~ t~• 71h G•~d •. A qr•du•Pe cf A n•h"'"' H1gk School, ~. •llond,.d l •'I""" B•"•" Arl School ""'! ;, """' en•olled •• Golden Wed Colleg.,, Ho belon'1 ' lo •k· ~"''"!"'~ Yoll•v ,A ,J le•q•J• ""d f•v"" w.,,., c01.,., .!. Q ,I, n Fl0....,1,, •"d L••d•<•r>•• • -------... ,... ___ _ --·----~·-·-..... ...... _·-·--·--······ 6 0L0 annuar 7~ rate Certificate Accounts· $5,000 minimum deposit. 2·year minimum fp ·...,. Daily co1'T1pound1ng. Earn from da:e o1 depos :. ' 5.25%~;,~ual 90 Day Certificate Accoun!s • No minimum rlenosil. Dflily compou;1C1ng. Earn trom oate o! ocpo:. t. EARN HIGH ER INTEREST A'f CALIFORN IA FEDERAL! 5. 7 5%~;,~uol Cer ti ficate Accounts· : ; ,C:O I ~a. y c~ -· I i;r ; I, I 1 r.__; I ., ...... :: ·.:. l ',. l .1 j '(,. ' 5% cun ent 0 annual ra te Passbook Ac counts f\::i r :~.,· ,'J' 1 c!rp-:;c i, C •. '1 tc 1·;;., I ·~·:.: C ·1 • '; ,.., •• .-• •v..•1thdrawais before rnal ... r1ty pe;n.,::ed b:.:t 4Lt;e~: lo ..... :: e :.;::. c.:, :e·.:.-.. Cal!fQ~~!~,.,!.~,~.~!~!,,1,§,~!!ngs NATION'S LARGEST FEDERAL I i COSTA MESA OFFICE: 2700 Harbor Blvd. near Adams• 546-23 00 CLIFFORD M. WESDORF, VICE PRESIDEIH 1:. 1:1,:~A~:·: Con venient Oflicas throughout Los Angeles, Ora ng!l a'1.::f 'J~rtJ1a l.r,,. AeceUMt. tr• ln1111.cl uo to SXI OOO under oro~l1lon1 or th• red111I cii~1ng1 .l Lean 1~11n"• Co1po1111on, • r.•·noc.• t ~ ,• 1er1· • L' •tr Cf\~ I! 1Jr.,<fl l\ 1 l Ot.Hf-IL ~1\v1r-•r;s ........ -------------+------.,.---------· ~ ' QUEENIE By Phil lnferlondi "1 don't want to r"-'11 any of them-they're my babies. But then I fall apart when I see a buck." ~l <1J>l1 11 See11, <ts 1101> Tfl orry for C1ii11es e n,, l'Hll. '\/"\\~0\1 U,.1 Forer•n l<l•w• ~nOln• \lnt'e 1h;111 ;1111 r.·.1r 1~ ('nn11nu111~t ( h1nr~f' 1na1 l1;11r 1-,r 1br l 'n11rr! :-;t;11cs is l h<'1r · 1)111·rr11 n1f'r .!;1p;1n_ ;-;nrnP ( 'h111;1 st1ulr•r1t<; !JC'li<'I I' lh1<; ('n11vr1·11 111 :1v I\(· lb(' real 1r:i,.11n hrhi11d lli1• {'111n11111nisl l'r1:1:ii1•'s i111 11 :1l101i1 1•• l'rt·~1- ri1•11I .'\iXfHl lo \ISll l'Pkll lg i\c- 1ntd111g !n ll 11s lhl.'111·1· lhc I l11nr ,.r h11pr !<1 d1·i1 r a ~'i:dgt:' h1'111·ecn tile l'ni ll•t! S1atf's Hnd ,l:1p;1n and revrrse wh;i! they bl"l1P1 r i.~:: gl'owing .1<1pa!l('Se t1rnd tnw;int 1111li1an s ni \ rCT111111uniqur ~1gnC'd h_v the ('li1nf'se rrrtd a 11 '=1ling gn1up nf l:ip;inrsr lrg1sl:itors l\'f'nl 1ntn u1111sual rlC'ta 1I 111 11111l 1ning lhe l..1r1rl of rrl;it 1on~l11p 1 h e Cl11n rsP 11·oul1I like ln )1;11e 111th ,J;ip;rn, The e11111n111111rp1e rtl'.'111andc(\ llvn .l;:rp;in lnr;ik rrl;i:1nns 111lh thr '.\;i11Pn;il1<0t ("fn11r~P on Fnrnv1<:.,1 ;inrl ~11:.:n ;i nP w rr~cr (ff'illl' 1r1lh !'rk1ng. ii expresscrl lhe h'1PP t!lr .J;:rp:inc.,e pr0plt> w 11 u I rl r;t;:rhl\~h an "1nrtrprndenl. dcmocrrit 1c. praccful. neutral Huntin!,!lon ' PD Sce kin~ J{cscrvi sls .\ppl11';i11nn~ f11r thl' \11111- 1 I 11 !! I n n l\e;H h r nl1re 11rp;ir1111('111 '5 fl'S('I'\ f' f(•!"('I' 11 111 bP :lt'C('[l!rd u11l1I \"01·. I. nr,·nrrhnt: 1n no :11111.i11111'C'll1<'nl fri1n1 C'l11rl E:11 II' linh11;ulit'- [\('s('r1 e ofl 11'rr~ wo1·k ;r 1111111n1u111 nf Iii hour~ :1 n1•111lh 111 <ill ph;i ~PS pf pol11·r Wl•l'k. Tlir rnl·n ;1nrl v Ollll'!l 11 hn ;:in-' a•·rrplrrl '1~ ft'"l't'IC., 11 ,ll <'ll· 1r111] ;i ','"ol\ hr1111' !' n I I !' f' ;ir:1rlr11l\ tr• 'JU<tlily ;i<; rr~r1 r e •ii 111•r1< \)f'n 1n11q hr 111 Ira<;[ f11 r l"rt 11111" 111,·hr" 1.~11 .~n d 11n111rn n111~1 br fl\f' Ire! fn11r 1111 l1r;; All n111sl hr h1i:,h ~c·hr1nl 1.1·;1ri11;11 r~ \ppl11 ;i(1•1110 1na1 br oh- L11n<'d nl I hr 1~"11('" d1111;11 t- H11'nl. I· 1fl11 ,<;11ri'I and (lr.~ngr \I ~'!!I If' <inrl pn1~prr11us ,lapan " !I. rrJ<'e lefl lhr "T1111 ('h1n.~" r-nnrr·pt. and P\Pfl'S~rd (iprp n ·i:rr1·· lh;\l tl1•' gt11·l'1'11111r•111 n( .Jnpnnesr l 'n•fnl1T El ~dkll S:iln 11;1<! ;"J).:rPf'ri tu t'ospn11:-01· I ~-rrsr1lul1,J11;; 111 till' Uni !rd !\al 11111s 11·tikl1 l'i'f111ld preser1 t' <1 U !\'. :-.t•;tt fnr Ilic :\:1 - l1nn:il1~t~ 111lilr. r1t 1hr s;1n1r lune sta11nr; !lie Pc k 1 n g NEWS ANALYSIS Hr.gi111e and gi\'ing 1'1•k111g ('h1n;i'<; sr;1l in the Seturil.1 T hP t'lllllllllJlllfj\I(' II ill he the ~uh1<'t'l of t•a1·eful study in Tok.10. ·rtic n1::i\..rup nf thr .J;q1;1nrsr rlrlrg;11 1on 1neli1drd n1f'n1hrr·~ nf ~a!n's <)Wn liheral llen1orr;i!i1· P:u·t!. pn1n11n~ 11p ;i dt'<'P :-:p111 i111nh 1ng nn! nnlv :-;a111's f111111'<' hul <1ls11 srlr.rl 1n11 (\[ il1S Sll("!'{'"~lll" Tl1r rlr1nand that llH· l '11111•d ~T;.tlf'~ rl1 ... 111;rnllr ;di II'> F :1r !-:;i~le1·11 n1 il1t;ir1 in~t al l<tl1nn~ gr11'S f;irtl1r1· lli;1n !hr. Hr•rl ( 'h1n('Se h;1J gun<' 1n p:1 ~r lii •rlnr;il ul!l~ (1111 l11 11nl'. t ht•1r 1·n1\rl1t1u11.~ f n r es!:\hl1~h111~ tl1plo1111111e rrl;111011s \11 ll1 1h1' L nitf'rl :-;i;11r~ 'l'ho~t' 1·0111l1\lfl!1S (i('l11.111d1'd 10L1 l l " S. 11·1thdr;11v;d [1·11111 lndne!1111a ;111d T 11 1 11 :.J ll 1 !'11rn11)~;1 I hul tnadc 1111 n1rn- 11n11 nf .lap;111 Th<' ('011d1tn111s ~"1 f11rtl1 f11 r' .l;ip;in :ipp;11('11l il ;1\.~11 lnt'l111IC' Al1l<'l"IC;111 b;1 Sf'S 011 both ,l;1 p:111 ;inrl l\n1;1·::i. ;ind pri'~u 1n:•hl v lhC' Ph1lipprr1<'S :\S ll't'il. · Thr ('fl1111n1111up1P 111;1111 • no 1nrnt111n of .J :1p.1n1·~r 11:1r rrp:i rn!1n11» ln be p:11d \11 l'rl,, llli!, b11I lhr Cl1111 1'~f 1!1r1n~rhrs h;i\e ~;1111 11'11 •1' ~11nply ::irr 11«nt111g !P prf'l(rnt lhr hill. Thr l'h111t"~r \:t 11 .. 11;d1~ts ;1~k('rl nn t'<'p;1i-;1. Tl1r .l;1p;1nr,,-. l1;11r t.:•)•"l t rl:1l 1011~ 11 1111 1hf' 11n!1n11:1l1.1 ;ind rin nnt 11:1111 tn srr 11\1•11\ lll'f' !ht'll' ~1·:!1 1!1 lhf• I '111l <'d \:i11n11s. (ln 111<' 1ilhrr h,ind .l,1p;1n('~r t1;1dt• 11 11h I ii" 111:1111l;i11d !':\111t' II• $1(l:o 11111111111 111 1~•11 ;11111 .J.ip11nc ,~<' h11~111r~sn11·n arf' r:ij.!•'t' lu !'I p;11nl 11 ' '(ou are not alone. God is \1·i1h you now. :ind !·le cares for you , lo\ cs~ ou, :ind rnitl'tl~ you. ) OU 1.::111 !'f0\'(' thi<;. ~, k DAILY PILIJ T ~:J 1971 Operat.io11 Fogho11n1l l'oise tl 1~~~ FOR A ~\('l{"\11'.\ll J 111•11 "!lp1·1at1nn l«1g ho u11rl." !he !l1j!!i11,11 l'.Li 1P!·~ 1flnr[ \n ill',\ I•!' 1111· II •l)fto't' ' I f11j!,- : f'!.<[f'~j :1, 1 .d(>,,1 , 111 tlic l rr, I , ;1] \ :dl1", !,,.~ 'I \ •. j ·--- 'J'hc µrogran1, :-.uerei;~full1 U~f'rl ln~t .1 ear 1n !he Slnf'ktnn ar.··1. 11 111 i11f'h1rlf:' n1nrning and t·1c11.11~ J,1d1n hrnHdra~1 ;1le1I<; 1.n Jo~ ennt!1t 111r s Dunne, 11rr1nc;s o! rl;.ingl'l !1t1slv dtn~e fni.:. l 'llP (';11 s 1111\r fl;l' !11111.: l~i.:_111~ \IJll ('~t'Ht'\ l'f)J1\P\'°1 (If n11/1fl: 10,1.~ 1n1•111J,:h !f11· 1111;1:\.. llflU'<'I" >111 'IHH'I !! l;ll!J'I' o,;11d llJ;1t l;.i~( \f':ll· l)H'l'l' ll ('lf' 4.;ll1 il('{'l<i<'nl ~ riui-1n~ ll rl:11 s of In~ !:1gt·1· ~i1 1 1t lh.d 117 111•1 1• 1h•' d1r1 .. ·1 1 r-~ul! of 111nt nr1~ts I '1 '1111.:, iltl.1111~· !'> ~t'f' I !\I'll' \I ;1 I • ('11t's .'IUl'p1 l\111i::_, 111• :-.rid '\'1111 f111d lh:it 111;-in> P'"lplf• don'l !r:11e tht' t 1<~! Hllit 11f 11'"' !1 • d1 1>1· 111 1lw 1 .. ~ /If tnltl 1of thr \1111n1rr1 hr l·1I11fl l,1 ' t \'"ii I\ Ii" II ti~ ii 111 !llJ:.": /i n11l1•<; iHl h11lll' )11 ;1 l\(''11 I fo>:li.111\.. (~'f!((i;·,,{J THOUGHT o;.1 646-77 57 , .. ,~?.!mJ ~X?.1 1ii:il!!'X?.1 m !X~!li!!l !!'X?.! OPEN 7 DAYS A w EEK !l!I.~:!! Im ~.~:!1 IJIII !.~?.J mJ !.~?.! m !-. Safety At.Bargain Prices Mark(. Bloome, Cka irmon ol lhe Board ".~afisfn,·f i nn (;u n rn n f ''t>d" ,-,,,,11,u $12 ·~~-;,,1111_, I.> ,, "'"'~ i.. '~· '"'' .~ ...... 11 .-.·1· 1~'f.' I ·l f..'i f ;_y I i"/'11 f.' IC SI Zf."_..,. ! ** C<4J FASTRAK ~~IRDYAL POLYESTER&· BELTED-GLASS \ -:-::11 \ r ·i.",'·""'111 F ~::/ I ~ F-:-H/l:i * .\f:ll' nt:1:1·•:11 "'-1-11-•: -.11 .o;t:11u:.o; * llOLffl,f: f;L t .'iS IU:l .. 1-.Cll * 1'111,\'t :.'iTl:R 18"" 2f) !J .O 95 t ;ill/l .'i l-'11s frf 1k l l f r11 ·J;: 11·11 I l:c 'I "I"· 1,,., !· ,,.i,_, ~~.4 1 I "d I ,, 'I.,, 1·;i:/1:t ?f!i."'; 1:;::/11.•.)•>!i,"'; E;H/l ~23~J."; (:•~1,11,_ , ..... ,1 1.--1.,11\ 1 :::~',/l~·•_)f}!J.O l_l ~l:/1 1 •)•1!,,) ~ .. _ ..,69,'j (, .. 1/1 .• -• ll .l:/!'"i •J•J \ .... /1 ... ,. !oi 11\ J; '7.00 * SA \IE OVER 50'fo *;:=====·=·,=·'=·==-·="~'"~"~'~1 ·~-~··~··~·=,~··~·=·~~1~1~1~11~·~r~1·~·1~1·~,~1=·~··~s~s~··~~·~.!~1~=·~··=:'~·~1~·R~·'~==!I Alig11me11t ** ~ HH1\NIJ Nl~i¥ l <'L 'f ,I , -I 1•f,\' ; *TUBELESS * .'in1ooll1er Hid••,\ f~r••11 l f'r .'i11f1•l !f 95 C llf•1.!"-* ·: .. !•;> : ' \-1 * * 90 11 S, '"" ;,,,1,,,1.,, c~"'""'~ «>1le<, ,.,.,\,,.,, T~~ ,,,,.,,1.,.,, ~·<-•· "''f· 1~. ,,.,,~ "'~ ·~"'"''·~~·d. -jr * ':,,-,. "* l (* Ir', l ; * u -,-.. -,-.. -,.-,,-,-.-.. -.. -.. --1-,,-,-.-,-,,-,-"-.-; .-.-"-** !P.Jt· .,, ·'"' 1:;0 •· ,., ... 1 '<"•o''< * * ". . "'':lifjjjj Tr11ck * i ,• i~~"v'D • * · .-.-----·Tires* ·. I r lK"~ * ~--,,...,,.----* !•,I Ill\ 11. 'I-· --,,.1 .. S'••2··-'-,.... ... - Front Wheel * Pack $l'!l :i & Balance, Brake Adj . · () .: .~ .. * * * * * * * * * Ji () /{ l•~~J! !UNIROYAL ' i\ OH' 0 .\-f , )' . * *--~-;---:--:.--c:-:::--::.:':.:11 :::"',::":.:"c:,:·":,' -:..:-~' :.:'·;'•,,,'_':::':.:'::." :.' ·:::·:.' · :.' '-;' ·...:'':::'''-' _____ _J $ l 9 .~~> * ** ~(·~;·~,~:·' ··r:'.~:~~~~~'.1'•~~~;,~~:~, .. :~~~'~.e:~:~'.:.·. lnliil. .. ~.j .j XO I (1 .!ilJx l :l 1 it -; Jl :?./J:I ** 13 ~j;) _, 6fJ.) 19 fJ;) 21 fJr. .'11'1:r. t ,, 1,s '1Y,,.,.,,1: ti ... -, zr:s .' ~ 1-··· 1 1 7~•~\J~~·M' i, i.., f11A< •'WA ! SJ.;>~ l l \'. ·•t<<D1-Uniroyal S /l ;f !J.O ... •·" l>'<o.1••~ '"' 1 • lo, j , ' I ;·•&_-1.'i'' n.--' J'11r1/.J'f ,-f ,/1,·i-. ~r.., --. 1 ~ ,,,,;__ \ Cragar \,\ .~ 1 Wlieels \ .~ // ·~~~-4 ~8 88 .'•If l"l·.I( ,.,,,,,,.,,. .. '' 111:1:1 .'\ :i-l f:.tR Oil all .111111-Mll,E I;( ARA .,T~:~ S'r:\HllJZEll ilLIG NMENT '18~.~~ S YlAR O• 50,000 Mill G U ... ft ... Nlll ~ (Ml(l •ll~•l &l!AlllO!•llOM I l•l!Ul (01\ \PllM' llAllll llll OI C.IOIU\! IOl llOM IAll ill\ I Ill tf&t llU "llPlll D,CMl(l I Sil (A,..lll,(l!llJ' 101 IN I. (Hl(l I IOIU!l WMll! tfAl lllGl ,_ 1111c•r101 r1on11n111•r. .................. ,,,. .. ·····-··· .............. '"'" ..... '"'"""'"" ... "''•"'"""' ........ 000 ............... "' . ............. : ............... . ....... "' ........... •' .. . •"•·-··· ......... ,, .... , .. ............ '"" ···--···" .... . '"' • ,_,, ••••••• ,..1 ... .. ................. '"''-•• UNIROYAL ! ' - 11 11 •• \~ 29••i-.::: 1 "1' '' , .• 1· .,._... ,,.• '" 1 .. 1 ., ""' ' . ) ' \" ' .... f, .. ,-~ , , I ~ I • -- Disc-Brakes 1-"ull .'\1 ::•· r ,.'\. ('n r.~ 2495 I 11 .~ //,,/ou11 , ...... ,, . ,_, •" >·""' 1-/ 'I <1,; . ,, ... , 95 ".' ;,·,,I t I 11· d ~H' 111 "; .-1-; \ I t I ,, 1 ~ ,!(/I I) ·~.:.-.\ 1-; I ,,. I ~~~/ I ;) Laredo ;:.:.:;,I I- ;:_,,:-. ~ I -. ! 11• !.-;'H/!1, I ,";: j, l: ·,-;,I i i: -, ·,, I -, I •I• !l :H/l l, 1t;1111-. ~19 91• • ""' ,., . ., 1 !,, /,/,. i 11 /,,•/l•••I Ill I 'I~ 11 .. , ~ !llTI 11 \!I >~: 'l~ r,tr• l uf1·~1~11 .. ~.'l .'l ... !1,.1,, Broke lob 88 1f ~II N 01/A( !~l•_Jl0r/ llNIN(, llJ\IAllll) o ri ~ W•tl 11., -+ PIBllllDJllL Wf![11 C>tH•IQfQ\"' "!Ir ll!PN f. ~1 Sl1PF A' t 1'11 ~ORUM ~ °* Pl r•"i K IWQUT Wllffl MJA PINGS * KIJH1 All ll•lf .,, Aflll ef"''t f ll!IO 1'. l~l~Pl l"T MA"llR (¥llN0[R & ~RA•! l<f"l'f~ .... * ... ~r ,,,,r-ro '""~f SHOfS * lf•\P!CI G R£ A.Sf .S f"I~ *,~If A01U51M!N15 ro' LIFE Of llNIN.-; * ROAO lf ~J ro P SA'tlV ·rh 1" 11 l'ek ·s Bible Lr.,i;o11 ll·ll' ab ou t yuur un u J 1111h (.od . good, and :ibout J li s Jove for you. )·0u \'.:In !'C:id I his 1,e,s_<;on in the quie t of our puhlir ~ltH.l y room. Or you n1 ay b0rrow the Chr1~ti:i n Scie nce te ;,:l bock to rc:id at hoin e. i vt'ryone is v.'elcon1e. \\'on't you co1ne i11? ' \ ' Christian Science Reading Rpom (~ ,, , Ii (OSTA !,OfS.I -f lllST ("Ull(I' 0 1' CM ll l~T \CIE,.T l\T '·;. ''*" . l!••dt"<I II~""' ~ ?~'~ "'"" Y•rd1 Or wu .. llT•'·~?":o:.:!~~ •• :.i,~~:. (HUl!C,.. o~ Ctll!IST, KJ..E .. Tl\f .. EWPOl!I Sf.1(1'< -''"}T t11u•c11 0 ' cM •ISl. !(l!MTl!l •••d•"q •'""" -Jiii VII Lieo NlW,Oftl ll•CW -!ECOl<IO CMUftC:lol 0~ (M ll:l!T, !CiEN Tl!l ~••ftl"O "'""' -JlOC I C:•••! 11 ... ~. C•r~n• ~ti "''' I ) 011d r•eo1r1'"t11dttJ br ROAO ff.IT MAGllll"( 3005 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA CORNER of BAKER and HARBOR -PHONE 557-8000 GARDEN GROVE I 14040 Brookt'lu rst-530-3200 ANAHEIM -BUEN A PARK I 6962 Lincoln Blvd,.:_826·5550 FULLERTON 132 1 Euc.lid-870-0100 BJI UNIROYAL OPEN SAT. & DAILY 8:30·9 ••• OPEN SUN. 9·6 ., -- .~.~ ... ~NKAMERICAJI~ '"'" ":'"' '"• ' I I I • }(; 0All'1 P!1 CT T~~·~dily O<tOllt r 14 11171 Drea111 1...,ur11s Sour ·-Riissians Prop Up Guiriea Leftist ."ion lll.e11t .}70 Mile.~ to Sc hool \\AS ll[~l:TUl\ !Al'l -L'S. (;u11Ll'iU1 ot!1r1al s as saying Ilic ('d forces nun1~r only a l1tlle l\f'f'ks ind1eatcs 10 .i.orn• lrJt~lhgcnt•e suurl·es report a So\'lt'I ~!ups. whi<'h have been 1nore than !>.000 men. appealt'd Amertt'an analy~l!'l rhat 1he Huss1:u1 11a1ol luree 1::1 l.le111~ berthed onlv one·half·mllc for help and Us. intelli gence R<1s~1uns are tr~·1ng tu e~!eud 111\IE \ ·\l.l.E' '\~I il 111 Thi· llolx•rl \0111;1!. ~ .• rn1h• l•·:J~ t~:'l(! drr.1::lf'f1 1 f 111111111j.:. :1 1 ,,11,·ll 111 1(l1 ....... r liul f'fJ t ,1•11•J111o).! ;111<1 I 111 ll l11J.! l'"l 11 !'i\11111~ Ill ('('llli';J/ \t•\ ;1[!;1 \I Irr 1111• 1:1 .. nt h~ 1ht• drc;1 111 '"111'1•d and 1l1t' \011:1~" p:ul· ••(1 11111 r lil'11 11•111 II l>uilt lil.f111t• ;1!'d 111••\t•d 1<1 I.<" •\ll;:!!'li·~ d1wt1oJ l .. 1d !Ide! \11'~ '.'-l:irll-1 \1,\l:t~ !h:ll 1!11' hf'iilth oil !ht.If l!!lh·i-:1,odt• :."II HI<~-~ '"iild ht• !'I tl.1:l:!••rt•d 11' t\ 1' 1~il·llil io' IH\lll(! [lip hl' lu11~ •I.ii\\ I" .111 t•lt•1lll'f1!;11 I Sl'h""! ,, ! .1! 11 \1•\ !!". 11 ;1, n,·,11 I.It'd 111 ;i ht•.tll • !•-1p1 ,,.,,rt 1,.·1 1 r ihr i.:111•·11n~ ''""' 11 ;•Ii ,1p\J (l\l•t\ l.;10 \\,L• +,I 1<1!t II "ll Ito. Tiit' I 1111~ I 1, JI ! ... 1!11' :... 1.,, .. 1 1:11;1"d l 'l•1·t·il dotl\11 th•· 11f1• 1 ... ,111 •·1t·ll'•·1 ·i •• r \ ,,·r111<1I l1t'I " 1 " .:: " 11 1 • 11 , : ., . ~ 1 • 111 1 11 .; r " , . ; 111 "1 ';111 I" oil!••!\', 111 "• I' 'f'l.P l!H:-trd ,tld ~·' 'l1ild1 1·11 11er j" 11.,1 1·11nugl1 !11 1':1n;11,1 !i>P 'l'l1111d ~ !'\l~lt•i\('l' Tt1t· ,1\ ·•·/1"''1 f:111n l11 r ll"1r· 1 liil!ll<' \ ;'\ I t ,. I ion Otf' !Jus-:ir1· Ivor t11gh school :.!Udf'n1~. "hr1 hal'e to attend ••'liu"! I!! Fflllun hPl':ll""I' lhf'rP 11"1 er l1a ~ llt·en a high :school 111 ll1.~1e \'alll·.1 U1\1e \:ill f'1·. situated riear 111e August;'! ~ount:un ranRt. '' il cornn1111111~· o! ~fl res11\e111-, 111 1ug 111 t<.11";ipr1rt r·ancll h<1USf'~ Hancl1tr ~:u :-.1:ir~ 1 '-µ11k (',1n;111 /oir the p;irenl s. and his 11dt. ~~<11(' are ffll·ed 111111\, cl1lf'1nn1a - '\\e 11 111 tr1 this v.eel. !o b11artl Rubert <the ir i·Yf'ilr--Old ~ecund·~r:1der 1 <11 s o 1n r rr1;.111 f'" u1 Fiillon dunn~ fhf' :.t·houl d;11~ ··\I r~ Stark said · Bt.1d1h1< due~n r work 11 " 11 ,tl •Jho bt' t11rt·Pd 111 nlo1 C' !o :111 .. tli•·r µ~1rt 111 rl1e :.!<lit'. pu~,1 1 1!1 ) 1•11n~l un · 'h{' ad · dt•d 1:11tJ1•11 11 ;1., Ir\ 1ng tu i:!uch i•I •<' ll ll!h! l<i•l l\f'ek 11hl'n hP 11 1~1 hrul.e ck11111 ,1111.l t TICd \11·~· :-.1:-irk s:od "l!e !' Jl1~t tuo l.l't•!I Iv ,tud~ ,if1t'r lour hour'i "n :i bu~ ·· ,...;l;Jr\.. 11110 11pt>rR1t::. :i ~8ll­ ·"'1f' .\l!.1lla t;1r111. think.~ the ,, !11uil i to~1 ng i~ f ~ 1 ~ e l'<'lllllll!ll II L<"!~ ~80 a d;1y tn 11orrait' 1ht' sch110! b11~. That's ;,bnut ~1 4.500 lor the nine· n1nn1h sehooJ \rar ··he said · 'nd \('' · the t·o~t tor or1trat1ng lht school tor nine u~e<J to prop up ll'flist Pres•-troni ilk" 11risidf'ntt:JI p::i ~"'" ) -) •• " ,. ""IS t/1• "-·1·,et ,.,,, ... ''''' Jh•11 '"lit•"''''\' '" >)l,''i ,,.,, ••! n1ont is 1s on i· SI0.000 •l<··J •.·· ·k•tt , . .,,,,. •·f c,·,,,,,.. 1 r "'"-~ ""J u v.. .,, • " ~ " u " .-..: " "" • v ~.. 111•re 11ert> to pro1t'r1 're~1 · Rut E!n10 L. 0 er i cc o . ;111d . Jtl the :.:u11e llu\e e~lenrl di·nl Tuurt na1 er! units lo Cor111Kry frurn \\'c~t Afrit•;i t'hur<:h il! Count y Su per1n· S!11 11'l 111llu1·ne(· 011 Afi'll'a·~ 1 \ '·· ,. k the 1\ll'Cht crr<1ne;.u1 T11 so111e l S u1th i.1b, !Ill~ . .a!-1 u\e1nu.:r ... una rv rrndenl or Sc·hoo!s ~aid !ht 11·,.~c (: .. ;;,, I I " 11<1!; ol t<1cked 11,v wti;it <;u1nt'<t l.1llle 11olrd , t'\l'l'1.1t i 1 1~ anot 1er pn~1 •· 111 :in 1111· l'ht1t11ng do11.·n or Oi:.:ie \'alley Three !:il.Ji•icl \l'<lrShin~. ;,,. I ·' )' J School represents: a saving of ,.1.,.,,,,g , "'''''"''"' c.'.slT>·,,_ c a1n1eu w e r e or ui;uese-\\'Pstcrn intelhge11er. SIJ\ 11•1 lt;ldHlf.! p«llC'n1 111·rr J Ill' p.:1~t .. u .... '"'' financed rnercrn;iries. A ,. 1 • 1 1 I 1 ' SB .700. D<>riccoiiaid thecostof " V.i:Hl' 1p~ K11t: X't:ll I! or near ~1·1cn 1,,11 .111ev 1a1c w:1 .. 1· ' . 1 1 ~'la.~s .ciu1detl·nus~1lr frigate . l iruted Nation 1nvest11::a1i11g t :11n11·a11 wa!cr'i e\'l'~ '"H't' h1.~t ed !fit· 1tu,,l:1ri ~ tJrl);1tk11 eep1ng 11 tiny sc lOO open. h.-n e been n11Y<re1) "' Tl•" I I \ 11 ·' P I which l\'OU!d include a 11 "-' · ean1 a er l :nncu ortu~1H.'.~t: t.Jl l :.ind le1\g\h('o \ll•·!I· 11;11:-1 studen!s through lhe high h;i r[}!ir of !11c (iuu1ea11 c:ipit<i1 sold iers ;.ind (iu111ean rebel:<. The 11rtually ,. o 11) 1 an t r!:'al·h. c .\p;induii.: lll'l'I upt>ra· .st·hoo! Je i·eJ, would be SZ2.til9 •· .. ~~~· 4•! c,111<1krJ ti I 1n o s t con-l'11rtug;1I. v.ho,l· AlrK·<111 1:01-pn·~t'ill'" ul tht> tng;;te, a tiuns 1u rhe .\11:d1tcn·;:inct111, iihereoas lht cost fo bus the ·r111:s ~tltS .i..'.. ",.;iir tt>i'. &lAL'o,,· linuou~Jy :.111ce l;ist Au gust. •1n1rs hone bcc11 !he large\ ol J!UJded·nHssilc destroyer. a !'ru1s1ng the trid1an 0L'ca11 011 a students: 10 Fallon each d 3y .. " Oii Sll i" rf-S .MOT ;1r rJi::: Tiil'.\ lcfl the hart>.w 1 ... te la \L 11at1011ah~t guerrilla at·l1 111ty, 1;u1k.landing ~hip an a sup· regular h<isi~. and sa1l1ni: lor lhe school ,·ear is Sl3.B65. '~u.n::t NU ! ~ 11 cck but tire l'KJ>e('lcd baek. dl'nt('d tl1e t-uargf·~ purling merchant-type lanker per1Gd1l'allv to Cull<i and l11e .John Camble. depu!y sta1 e1 _________________ "_'1_,_11_;':''_"_'_., __ '_'c"°_'·_1, __ qc"_"_'_' ___ T_o_"_"c-_"_""_'_'_'_'"-'-"-'-'-"-'c'c'c"c· __ ,_1 _c~·"_'_'"_k_· 'c·'-' _"_'_'_'_1_h_•_:_P_'_5_1 _1_'_"_' _c_,_,.._b_"_'"-"--- su(Jf'rinteondent or public in· ~truet1on . said the Ch urchill Countv school board i~ '·look· 1ng inio the pos.,ibilit~ lo (in d 1\ a~ s to use I he long bu!! ridt. tdu<·ationalh· ·· lie sugge ~teod thal \ 1deo 'tapes on general education subierts could be: tau~ht on the li!).milr r ound I rip • Hu! l\lrs. Slark l'alleod the l.Ju;;.as·a-rlassroom propos;il "ridiculous. )'ou'!I neoed si:t different strtens go ing al 1he .~arne time to t.:eep all tht. age Je1·eJs interested .. :'ltr~. Sharon Turlel'. \\hose ~randparen!s first se!!led !liis-! 1alley. s;iid 1ht tri p to and fro1n Fallon i;; hard enou,l!h 011 adults. "Tl's e:th;iusting." sh r ~aid. "especial!~· along the 31 1niles of dirt road ." 0 f .. 1nill"" ;111(! 1 an;..111:.! lr.·:·1 tll•' 't'l'IJlld (n l'i:?.ll!h_}l:1/l(' It•\(•! l1<11 r hl't·n t~d 111 v •• 11 .. 1 1·.11·h d.11 ?.5 11111(· ... fn,1n h<1111c . i11t·lud111i: 11 null·~ .. r b111111}1 111rged dirt rv;irl I'l l,,., r1d1n:: ---' --------------------------------------1 l , TONIGHJ, FOR~ COR•FSS) YOU CAN CAI I ' " ... • . ,,. -·---_,_ .. , ..• ... ~ .. , .. ., ·-· • • ., I ' • " " .. .. ,,. .. - ·---- .. -·~ .. • .. • .,. • -··· . - -· -.. ... . ·• ' .. ' . ., .. . "· ~ .... ., .. ... " .,. -·- • ... - ... .. • ... .. . .. ..... .... '' ,,, ~ . . ....... ' ..... " -.... . " ...... ., .. •...:- (o· .... flr ~ ., ... r~,.­,-,. .... ~ r,,,_,,, _..,,,,...,. ~ .. c;...,.. 1 .•.• r •.; 0-,._ .,,._ ~~, TO ......... c.-·-· ·· , __ lot.-· -.,.~ .,.,."""' ............. 1. -··~ -·';·o.:;-;, ,. v-. ,r1e v......i ,. •"'91 '"'"'"' "-·-..""' ,_.,._ ··1:'(11~ r..-....,. ....... e...c• ..... -.,,.. .,,., ......... r .,.., ,.,. ....... -... ' .. . .. IJ -" •• ,. • ...: !.(or ,,.., ,. '., ~~ .~. ... •· ... ~· ·• I ~'""-"' ~'• ·•" ... ,,, . ·~ ~C ,; A••• g·,..,,· ~,~,""'!.-OU<' '" ....-.... ,..,,_ ' ..,,. ~-· •) '_, <.Q ..... ,., ,.,....,,0 ,- , -<l El· ~ . ·<1<:···~ '•·ll-. ,, · .-•.c .n. f,_,. ;..,..-. ... _ .• i,.,, ........ 1 .... ·"a .t• ........ 11 8_,. •; 0 .... 1• ... '""" '"-·ol.t1 .. 0Nlc• •o:eo..d ·'" .... "" .~""'" .-,.)'••• :;,.~H (,""• ~onot-L;p.-• ,..._ '•00., ... S...,1·-'•'"*'" """"''' .•... ~ ..... '• ,,., C.· ' .. ... ,.-...... ' ,. ,•ft!! ~'"'"•. .,..·~· f _-. I ~ ,. .. . ' .. ~, tn-' ' . ' . ·.· . .. ~ ...... ' .... ~' •.•<I -•· •• ~ -~~~ " """"""'"' ·•1;i--~ ... .. , ... "' • ••• ~-j '"'~··· " , . ' . ,,..., ,,~ '""" ....... ,,,..., ~ ·•-1• " --· ·-. " ,) ... ·~ ••.o·-,,, ••• 1...., ····--"" T:l•n•"' '"' _,"..,.. .. ,_ ......... ~"~ -... , ... _ ·~ ...... .t• 1•<1·· "' . ·"''" r• , ·• ·~•·"l~ 6-=- ~ ..... .,., ....... .... ·-I••• ~.-.• '·.J•1 ·~· °""' ~-... ~ V1ll1 o ~ ..... lolo.n ., ...... ,,.., ·.-.. V•Q'O'- 'IO•llO<• ~ •. •a ..,,OIN•C- ·~ ·~'9"'''"' .,..,,,_ ...... .. ..... -.. •••O ...... c.. ......... " 'Ull'•• 'fl'•··· n.u .. :e ••.• .,.-1-"''"""<>'"'~~ ·•I• .I I"""'""~ ....... ·--,. '""'' r •C>._.,..., "•• '.........t "~'' -'n'o •~1·:..-.d <• lo••• o <"I •" f •b•...., ~· , .... r "'' '" ....... ,.., ,,.1,1..., ., ,,, V•••n -~·· .... 1g .... '" f'nblo •• ,, A.1 1 .... "h"'" .. , • :._a..,_ w• •·~: 'fl'\'"" ... 1.1• ••~o,.... ,,,~, ... 111.,.,01 ... ...~<><11 .. -a "''o""'"'' 'rO•t>o !-,,_ , ... ,., AND POINTS I"' . 1n 1Sa.-~1:1 can 01al a inree.·min long dtstance cat1 dffecl fw;thou( Opetator e ss•stance) anywhc•e u' 1ne S1a k>t-9c Of less. plus lax. IQrrighl a nd every night f1om 11 p.m . to 8 a.m. l rus 1al new ra1e al~o applies lrom 1 •·"'· to 6 p .m. Sunday and hol1da f 5 • .. 'Of COUt5€ yo..i .can also saYe by diatmg dilec.J curing 01her hours 100 ~~ @Pacific Telephone Dial direcl li's fasle< and c heaper When you buy from Ortho ... )'QI~ lhe'*ddleman arid enp, ~emendous ~ Oii qualit y r.ta llOO bed se~' As !'he 1i.1 11on s kwgrest chato or inattress soer.1alists, <fttbo ollr~s a lanlaslic varie!y ol mattross styl1o:s and sozes "' each of ifs nearly 50 s101es. lhe 'E'IWesl rnar)IJIX- turklg l)l'Ocesses. dn-ec.t d<'!IHIE'f)' and \'Ofome selfVlg make ~ possible foi: OrtbO ~ lo c::ml less! Well .. nown for O<ti s1 and1nq •<1h11>s on Kor.(IS . 3f'ld Oueens. Onho or1ri•n:llell ;i s1.n1pr· b<'dcJ•n" pac.ka!)efhal tits 1hcse s1zP.~ T111, n;i 11on.1l1y !;in1ou<; Ori ho-Pal\ ;ind Dooblc Bonus 111ov1de ~.-iluilble bua • ding accessories at no f'•!r .-, 1:.os1 1.0 tiie ,u .. 1ome1. 4 Fieldc:test M·u on K•nQ or 011e•'n s11e 100 s1\._.,.1 • Fiek:lcf es! no-11on K1nr; Of Queen s1 ,·•1 l1tt•"d boi- lom sheet .. ~ K•ng Of Queen s.~P bolr.t,.,r pdlows • :! pillow c.ases • K1n01 0< Queen S•1l' r11.1!Hr>ss pad • K ina OI" Q ueen 5.ol C lll"'lill IUllTIP 011 t°':lSy·10ll111q casle.--; the Ortho-Pak ~. ;., .. -,.,.-. \ \ ff:,,;.)-·1 -, ·.-1·1 ' ' I. You can only buy Ortho Mattresses at Ortho Stores Ov( ol the lop Joot fflilllfCSS m;)flUl<ioClllt'ElllS. only Ont.:i sells d;roo )0 you. Speci<ilisls in g1'1itlg •akte lor value t6e twst rna111ess and box sprin9 al. lhe blresl pt..,,Cl'S, <X1ho ~s ;i stor e kxated near ~ . f ff ff Df UVE Whe<i ,ou bu )' the Ju~unous t<:.~. lhe 1..-orn1oriable Ouef'fl, the r.ver popul;ir T WM"IS or Fu Us.. Round Beds O• C()(iverlob]P Sol,1s, Or1hOQIYE'S you lll{'Se b~ ac.;essor1es lree ..• this King s~ 101.1r<d1 ~1cep .. qn1 ori ni;s ta~ 6 lh Ide and 7 U. W;t1f,1 Or1ho l<IN}. (n1ur 1hf: t(ln1lort of lit support Wflh 1he Crown f t'!t: C1:...-.tQf $uppo!I special sisal in!ulator. 8f!IOU•ilul :;.r..rol ·uoo CO'l'ef! Pri~ 1nctud6s OATHO..PAJC and OOUBlE BOHUS ! • The Nation's Largest Chain LAKEWOOD SANTA ANA and •C 33 Candfewood Avenue FOUNTAIN VALLEY C•ndlewood 6~p. !Across lrom Lllk!l!WOOtl t.,. .. 111111/ PtloM: f.t j .t ·-1 1 '14 16131 Harbor Blvd. (corner o l Eding er I N~xl lo Zody ~ P hone . 8 3 9 ... 4 570 Ortho has it all ..... ,.,,,_..t:_ qltality ct'lnl!llndioo ~ a 11;.01p01'.ed ._. innersp1ng ..-rit. ~ ~aior i..i ...a.Md reil'lloroed border. You r:rtn ~ t;;IC'l(km .iPJl or Ufe!hane of Mattress Specialists! ANAHEIM • 1811 West Lincoln Avenue Be!wecn Euchtl ;incl Brookl1ur ::1t .l\~··nur' Jusl E.1s1 ol frd M:ut Phon1• · 7 7tl·:'590 OPEN DAILY 10 9•SAI 10 6•SUN 12 6•1MMEOIATE DEUVERY•CREDIT TERMS AVAILABLE•BANKAMERICARD•MASTER CHARGE I I \ • .. / I ) ( \ • &" -• • ' ·-.. Reducing a /\;. -tter of Mind Over Platter (II '"'" c .. 1.-~''"' \!. u lltlr-1 ·' f'•f•t11 11:1• il!tlll11Uifl1rd !1~1 •·11:• Ii 1,rl •fill \\ ·I'• 11 II • Ill i.:l !ll!lj.; t'ld ttf jl II 111 ;II • 1< I\• 1d Iii<' n11·\h1,d~ •• .ii : 11111 ' 1:11"1 111 . ll 11"ll.~t a !t'PPll11111· t11w 1k n11f' f1111!, ti · p11<1 I l;I 111• llL'lll'I' ~idl'll' 1'1'!11· 11]\1 ! :i11 ·tl ·ll'Jl<ll'fl/111'~ 1!l:ll't11111·~ g1;111 1!11111 1111 1.,p1 11 .~:.1 , 1111" ;ind 11tl1rr 111 •l1•!'l"il""""li!lliltl•' 1111 111 .. d-, \I, I ,i;i "''ii' 1 iii· lht 11,1~11 'upjlll d•• !l1,1P1•i IOI !11· I I Ii !\1 )lll' IJll l! jlii!l l'fll~ 1111 'P 111 IH•: . 'i•lll" \l!lll 11J1· l'X1 •f'( I" ~11111 .• 1" Ill' d1+ .111••! "'"1111 I>"' 111.11 • )l•" <>!' j' ' h"l"l II 11 ,II!!· \1,•1 " 1• .. 11d !n \1 1· \J;ir\rl' "1 •1 1,1 th· I·., t•t•1 .1\11• :-.turl111 ;11ul 111•01•1 111•· l't'•lll•I' ;11 \1l'll' .illi 111 II 1•11<11.rll' Ill• 1 .ti. 1 I ll~~l'~ltl. \\ lfl 'l I' llo l'fl 1illli:' 1111· •·t1 tl•· ,qui h,ill!" 1"'1''"11 du!''ll I I 11 11 t 111114 I> \I I''" :-0111 1·••• •;11(! '\t11·I jJ1•1111h• 1,1 1•n .,1t lwt.1t1 ,, ~h11 !" ). "I >I \ .,L,1 lw/p.., l•ll\'11 \"II llL' to l1fl• \• ,I .·1\1·,• >,till •1•1/ •0Hl\!l1l1•1n1• fllt 'I I ~ :111 111\t•i.:_1:d J1:1 11111 lnj.!;i .•.t1d \!j "'I' I o'I' • \\ li11 !"t\I • !1f'l'•l'I f 1111 ' I".'!•\ 'r •' 1• 1111 i:h1' d\'•t 11l1t"" ii\(• fJ'11 f' ~11C !I il11 ~ .. ~ 1·01:11+L l1J," 11 h111 ~ .11 br1•;1~f11~1 a )<!"!I•, ,.1 1111n11 and ,, l'•!ll!ll'I. 11! il111nnr \I 1' t.\ • I 1 ,1 P 1•·1'!'1111\ I\•' dl•!I I 1 l'<pHrt' Iii!' "' llh:ot \\!~I ;11 \11•• :">l1'\l'll ... ;'fl· d d 111 t 1111 n r\11 I 1·r111'1't' 111 ( >r:u1rdn l'I· '1·11 ''I I 11.1(!l' •Ill "'I ' ;i1hl ln11t 1 .. r l·1r";.l;"I ,,,.,, ;111<l lril1! l"r iunrh .~nd 11 1111 1111 d!l111"1 A1 11•!l1t·1 :1pp111;H h 1.-, \\t 1g!1t ll atl'htrs. '7 JI f / ., . ' ~\. c: 11 lc1·1ur1'·rtll-tl111g ~cries with a rtgul)r 11r1gh·1n special diets and rec1pts. !ts banner 1s tarried tu~h by 1t' 1nr•111bt.·rs 1nch1duig (.;Iona f\1ilit'I' uf Hurl· !lr1i:_trin Bet1 t'h il trim 131 1 ~-pound .:ih.Jdo11 uf her ionncr :.!l411-pound self. It !Ouk l1t•r Iii tnonths 10 tak r off t1f'r rxr·t·!<S Wt'Jgh t. bu1 ~he says she didn t n1111(1 lhe ril(•rt' rh:in a vea r of dieting ht·('Hll'l' "II lf'lok rne 30 ye11rs tn )l('t 1111 •t•ll 1nH1 th;1t 1nccss Thal's t.hc last 1"e:1r I 1·11•r li:t!I lfl ·'Pt'ncl as 11 fa t persori " \l r'~ :'11 ilt£'r 11en! tn Weight \\'cJ cher~ 11111 oJ ,.ht•f'r df•$pt•ral ion ' I h<id tried i'I 1·r1 11!('! 111 1hr \\i!rld ·· ~hr said . · 111< lud1ng ps\t·hn!t1rrar.1 I 1•11uldn·1 grl 111!0 ;1111 t"!•Jl hl's I 11a ~ 1111.'-l'rahle ;ind :-1tk Ttus 11a.~ the la~l th1111.: I ~·as going 1u tr1 Sht• rl•lared !hal hclore she lo:-t wei;;ht -tu• 11;1~ rrnbat'fit ~srd by 11ntt a!lrnd1ng a 111·dri1ng ;i nd n111 beini:: ablr In 11alk doll'n lhf' :ii,lr luJ.!t•lher 111th !hr u~hcr. anrl n111t1nu:11ly he111g unahle tn j.!CI 0111 nf i':i 1·, \\HOLE C1,KE She 11,,tild t>:t! a whol<' ('hoeo!ate l.'ilkl' ,,r 11111 a d1,zt•n rlonuts and eat rhe111 on rtu• 11,11 t10nH· J\uw, she has learned 111 1·.11 tht· 1111•-l'tllnrif' foods t"alled .. frer .. hv \\ i q.!ht \\'nl1•h1•rs arld ha~ round I hat 'i'!lll1pl11n\'n1 s las1 loni,:('f and art 111nn~ dt'l1c11111~ ' than h1gh-ralorif' foods. ·t:rttint: 1nl1"i a ~11.1~ 111 was niut·h 1nnr" thn ll1ng than p11tr1t11 ch1ps.'0 shr said And hul'ing a bri;:hl r<:d Jtunp.~ull was 1hr. rnn~1 cxr·il1n!! i-ihe 11 cigli s her!)cJI e\·t ry da) and ' . i.!lows herself only • two-pound leeway. ''The only reason a person .,.,·ould ga in IS 11 he went on a binge .. \Veight \\'atehers works, she !eels. he<.'ause people are learning new t'ating hab1t.'I 1ogether Even the staff mt'rnbers an': weight v.·atehers and they un- derstand . she added . "I really feel I Oll'C n1.1-• lift' to "-'eight Watchers." Scn~ible eating al so is part or the rPgime al Zuver's G\'m in Costa ~tesil , where Jean Zuver Presides on Ladies' l)ays. A slim. 123·pound former prQfe ssiona\ dan('tr, ,Jean stri\'e.~ for phys ital. mental 11nd spi ritual balance for her customers. She also cites overeating and lac·k of ex· ercise as the cause of over"·eighL "People hal'e to lakt' dominio n n1"f'r their rlcsh.'' she said . "Thev ha1·e to d1~cipline thei r minds to do ii.;, \\!hen a woman first <.'Omcs to the g_vm .Jean weighs and measures he.r and Sf'!S J.!Oals. A general rule is 100 poundi;: for the fi r;;! f11·e feel. then fil'e pounds for eaeh aJdilional inch. Sht' says she stes very fe w ··perfe<:t figure·· !yprs. A daily weighing ls essential. al OnFl 11•11h dailv exercise. Jean savs she rl!'p\ores ,;junk food" and feels Pa strie~ ;.ire "walking death.'' Her own diel in· tl11de ~ ~alads, fru its and prottins. In ;.inswer !o women's protest agai nst lif ting weights. she say~. ''Y.ie ha1'e iln cX· tr11 lavfr or fa! over the musccle .i n1an rlne sn:r havr It's an nld wil'es' t<0le th<0t }'nu'!I become muscular. I \ Dead End His Destination? PF\11 .\\\ l.1\\DE!t" \I" h·~'" !hrr~ 1 '1·11 .• ~1· ,1111~ •In!! I 111'r1I lit>:ri Tiu• rr"- hk ci1111\·1i11 .. ~1•11r \111nf\1·1· nne ~fin llf' 1~ iv. .,,,,\ li.r~ !l1"'l1 t1111111~ Ill(' 1•nr Jrir l~ llH'ill 1\' Th1;; hn1 h.i~ rr1·1·1\l'rl ~t·it•n lr:irr 1r I 1 '."I" fur 1n1\I 111~ l'1fiif\Hr1n~ Tl\(I 111· \ I· 1 rl 1h111:1"1' l•I 011r j ;ir ;u\rl :ltl'll~cr OF.An 1\ll:": !-"alher~ -~ "prolecl" \1·'1"< Ir· hill nu 111 11 11·~r!< 111'1•'_ 1n~·~l i·rd. ~111 lh l'ir sons in thiit way do therf6no fa l'or. I , ·11 I" 1.1•1u1\ 111• 11 1 r1• 11n! •11\,!Tt' ~·I th><"-ahhnr such shtnanl~11n1. Had th t' boy \11.l 111"n 1111111 11 l' rt•tc11'f'rl n111lf ir:i tiori ~en allr.wtd ln take hls lun1pit the lirsl 11'>1' th•· h.\1 •l+rl nnl •l!\P<'ar '"Muri on a tirTte . I can promise you ht ~·ould not l''P'l1 •1Lu rlnt1• l\hr11 111' tnld liun . he hl!.\'t' had si~ additional arrtsl~. There ... 1 d h" li.1r1 111r~c1t1Prl 11houl 1! i:irt 1.1·nr~e thlnit~ lha n hlR:h lnsur11nc·e fl<'t·;•1ic1• •lf 1n1· h u .~ b ;i n d ' < • con· rnlt'~ -11nct nnt nr tht.ite days your hu1· nr1·1:"n~ · 1H!!l~' nf 1ht• 'lffcnse' rr suit('d 111 hand mi~ht find out whnl thty 11re. rn11\.1ct111n' \JI hu~hand Jll<.l1f1C'~ thf' fi\· DEAR ANN 1.A:O-.'DERS: The world i,\ 111:· h1 ~;1\ 111:::. 1111r 111•11ranel· r;ite~ "·nuld ('hanging and it's ahoul timr Just ~nnr 11 !11f' ho\ 11rre lnund ~uill y ln each bcC'aU~f' cer!ai n customs ha ve prevallcd 111·" •1111· 11<· \\a~ ,,.11·r··l1 n'prirn:indrrl hv f()r f'Cntu nr$ 1s O(I reason they should be h1• t;1tlwt grr1t1111lrrl l11r :l line! IJl'riOd runtin1.1t-d 111>d 11nt l>1•1tl1111r1f In 1lr1i f' (1!hi·r 11f thr Ont' nr the traditions which ~hnuld be 1 1r-HI' ;11"1 1 r;t·d th!' pt:nt'l11ncrlt :iNJhsh•·d 1 ~ ~he nnn~ensr I.ha! the parents ,1 »t1<>11 I 1'11111pla 111! of th!' hr1,lr sh(lulrl PAY for thr weddi111!:.• 1 li.11 • :1h1,1\~ 11r;1n~rrt 11\V hu~b:lti(I ~ Th1s rs unfair and ltlnjliral. \Vhy should p1"1', 1111,:, 1111 ()111 , hut ! 11 :1.~ 01rrnll1·<I thP narrnts of th<' bridt" he sluck fnr !he \r111 I"'" ~11!~ ... 1n •l11r !\\n 1l'lun~~'r snn~ to1;il h1l1 "'hrn the Aroom's family in- l h,~1 thf'1· r'~pr• I !h<'!f rl;ul to •'r1\'f'r fur \HI'~ !hr ~amr numb"r nf rc.la!lvcs 11nd th ''" n< h1• r!1rt !11r 11l1·ir 111drr hrn\h('r· fr1C'nds . And thry get just a~ drunk J11nd \I h:1! i;n .•j.i1 :-111 · -\ll.'\<lH ITY \'Or r r: r:11 .11i.~! 11 $ nluf'h I The bride's parents have plenty nf grief jusl making !he arranFlements. By the limt the kids are married the bride ·s family is barely speaklne: to the groom's side. There is trouble over I he bridesmaids " dresses. The groom's sisttr doesn't look so good in yellow. His cousin doesn't ";inl to walk behind Louise because she is tall. His sisler is l'lllcrgic. to nowe.rs -etc. r or all lhls aggravation . the hridt 's father has to pa y a hup:e bill. Ir the tf· pcnst'S wrrt' shared it would rrdute nervous disorders. hypertension, ulcers, rnlills. cardiac arre.'lt, as well :.s bankruptey . Who needs il7 -LAMEN- TING IN LONG ISLAND llEAR t.AMM-\': This Is one 1rar\lllo• th11t will ht wltb us a lon1 lime for the i;lmplt rt.aM'.ln that lot~ nl folk• •ho ha\'• p:lrls trouldn't havt It any nlher ••Y· !~le. for one .) "l\len are not toiltng the fields any more Vle need e1trcise more than t l'er before " A s11n 1lar philosophy 1s uffered hy Gloria l\larshall salons, where a pr~scrib­ f'd diet of protein. vegetables and fruit along ll'lth a maehine routine ls oHe rtd. ~liss l\1arshall. "'ho is ~1rs. Allan Bergcndahl or Long Reach. stresses pcrson11liied at I r n I ion and en· ccouragem~nt by staff members. "'ho all 1nust first go throu gh the prograrn lhem.~elvc.s lo reach de.sired weig ht and proporti1111s r\o weights art used bul roller.~, ~ll.~, bicycles and an adiustablt' vi brating table ;ire prograrnmed in \'arying amounts for t'ach <.'Ustomer S1\IAl.LEST RESORT Pt"rhaps lh e rnos l glamorous "·av In shed pounds and j!ain new srlf·res oeCt 1s a Slay at The Golden Ooor near E.~eon· dido. the sn1allesl health resort 10 North An1rr1ca. Thrre, a staff uf 4;1 minis1ers to a max· imum nf 20 fltUOSts a week. who pay al)" prfl.i;:irnatel y $725 per week for I heir ~tay. A!tent1on is p.aid to all p;irts of the body ?.nd pS}'('he lhroui;h he,1uty trcatmenl~. inassagc s. sun bath s, exercises. low· ralnrie ~ourmet rne;il s. wal er exercises. s!e:1m baths and iust plain pampering. Tht" own<'r·ma11agcr is r.trs. Deborah Bordeaux S1.ekeh·. who al sn owns ;ind 1nanagcs a Jargef health resort 1n ·rcc;ite. ~1 exico c;:;l!ed R;:i.neho La Puerta She "as appointed by President Nixon to the Ci tizens Conference on Ph:.slcal ~·11i1ess end Sports and 1s co-author of I.ht book . "Thi' Golden Door Book of Beauty and Health.'' 1\lrs. Szekely. "'hO has never had a weight problem and now at the age of ~II weighs five pounds less than she did five years ago. thinks her spa achieved its famt' hctause "frorn the verv start Wf' surrounded our guests w1th an t11- fectionate environment and we hr !p thern to s« !hemsclves as loveable person~. rminently worthy of a!I !he Sl'lr·cstccn1 thty can mustrr, "\\'e have alv.'a:,1i trled in give people something suppo rlil'e to take home with them. The lon,l!er this feelin g t'ndurcs. the more successful we know v.·e ha ve been . Our long·tcrm aim is lo develop a sort of Gold en Door lo Take Out." ~\rs S1.ekcl,I' says she triPs to eduea1e peoplP to plan. nn a day·ln-day ba sis. a little exerc.:1se. a little !hough! to sensible diet. a little time tn develop thr1r sense or bod 11 awarenes~. with the end 1n 1•i<'w nf achiev ing a balance in th eir lives sn th:ll thf'v never again will gain weight 111· ordinalcly. A t'Urrenlly popular mca11S Of WCL1-!hl t'Ontrol . offered b)' seve ral doctors on !lie ()range Coa st. is a series ur shot s of urinr rrom pregnant wo1ncn called chorion1C' gonadotrophin. These :;hot~ art' g1\'en 1111 a ri\'C per 11·eek basis ;ii the cost of ill)· proximatcly $'.!0 per wt>ck Firsl used in J9.l1 b)' Dr. A. T \\', Sirnons In Rnm~·. tht sh-0ts are coupled with a $00-l·alorie per day dlf't Act:ord1ng tu a study by l>r Sru;irt Carne in Lonuun ;.:; reported in The Lancet," 11 1s the die t that make~ !hi'! Jreatment rffcl'\J ve. bei.:ause the shol<> 1ncrely serve a ~ a place OO o r ' psythologicat crutch SA~IF. Ai\tOU~T Pat11::nt s g111cn shots ul c·honnn1 r i:ona<lotrophin and those ~ivrn shots nr sa lt water lost approx11nately 01t• san1P. ;imount OI v.·c1p:hl. l'Vt'O !h<lUJ:!h thr J)<i· tients did not know thc v wrrc bc1ni,: L'~rrt as subjects in a trst Th,. {lt1r~ rel·ei111 nc sa!t water thought they wen.• hc111,1: 1?11·cn lhr urine "'The n1a1n point wh1 i:h enl•'ri,:e s IS !hat the st imulus nf a daily inject1nn helps !he 11atient to losr "eight.'' Or Carne 'a1cl. "01·er the the '"'O 1•rar~ I h:n e used lt11.; method l ha1·e 31sn nnt1eed th;il !hi! "eight In!<~ '-'aS n111st s;ir1slactnr.1• in th~hn 111anaged tn :i!tcnd n1y ·r,rnur sess1nnl. · "S tning 111 the w;i1tu1~ nM1n1 at II :1n rath morning thl'y v.·ould c11mp:ire 11nt<'"· A ~ eaeh pal!rnt returned ln the v.·a11111g: ronn1 frnn1 n11' sur~t'r.v 1'1flrr he1nl! weighed in and injrrted. the ()l~rrs v.·n11IO eagerly a ~k fnr a progrf'ss report "Thr treatn1l'nt th erl'forc sern1 s !n h;:i1·e !-'Orne \'alur and I now use 1n1rt.:rinn °' ,1f saline ll'ith good rrsulls The W<'lt.:ht lnss frr,m a 500-talnrir r1ir1 maintained for si.'I'. ..,,.eeks is suffiriently high lo act ns !Set. DIET, Page 19) Dilemma: Devaluation Of the Pound This Is no! an ordinary story a))nvt obesity and how somf' jolly fat penplr found " new m1rat'le d1e1 thal painlcsslv tum!d lhf'm into lean ~hado11 .' nf thrir former selve~. 11 ls a storv that ha~ a pol cn!i<iU_1· bar! r nding for lhe 8.i Ill 9.i percen! nf American s ll'hO are lllrrally digging rarly gra1•es lor !hemsrll'es 11·i1h lhrir !nrk~ l\'el'er in the history 1Jf Arnrriea ha ~ nhesi t,11 been suc·h :i problem. In his hi.I<•~ t11led "F.:ncrgclies."' (:ran1 c;w1nup. rvr.n. r s1ima1es fha1 fi1·e hi!linn pound~ nf "\· rrf.s f;il art' hf>ing rarr1ed around Qn !he bndic! nf North American~. "F:at'h yrar lhest" ind1vid11:il' .~pend more !han 10 bill1qn dollar., in thr ,o;;ean•h for an an~11•cr tn tile problrm . Or <;winup ::aid. Clnth in)! n1anufa1"1urcr., i·ash in nn f;ish1ons for thr .. more mature" figure. ~on1e rang1n l! in si1.e up to a !l(1 Lanr BrvanL a nalion\11d P chai n u'h1eh starlt"'d 'rll1njl ma1crn1t y rlri!hr~. nffers bnlh dres.,rs and hlou~c.c. in .c.ize W :ind pant< in a ~~-11·t11eh !'all~ fQr a 46-ini·h wa1''1 ~1en tan huy suit~ f(lr the plcn11ful f11::urr . ;ind !hr ~rOll'!njl Ar11rr1can t111rl~ Iha ! the;itc_r :inti plane se:it~ :ire r.1.· pand1ni<: tn 111 his girth t\rrnrditiJ! to" OOoklrl p11hl1 ~hed hv !hr l\;itional J);.iir) Coun('11. :i 1narl;r1 r'c~e;irth 1·ompany µoll ~hnwcd thal ''9 ;) r11 1l llnn Arn1•n(·an~ ~n1r:I lhr~ 11•rre 011 dir t!\. <innthr r 16.4 n"l1ion u·rre 11·atchlni.:: !heir 11•ei~h1 sn thr1· wouldn·r gain and !.till anot her 26 1 million rxprcsscd rnn · <.'crn about 1heir \\'eight" Hl tatEST \'t't.:IGllT The highesl u·cighl of 11 human bci(l.il recorded "':i ~. "~ repor1 ed t:iy "P:ipcr \l'eit?ht ," a \Vc1~hl \.\'atchcr., p11b!i C'i1 \1on, J.069 pounds Thi.~ wa~ Robert Hughes nf rish l/nok , Ill . "'ho was 5·111·· !all and v.eig hed J78 pounds al th e aj!e or 10_ lie died July 10. 19~1 in Iowa at !he ag, nf :I'.! and\\'?.~ buried in a 1100-pound CQf· fin thal had lo bt' lowered by crane. "Paper Weight'' add~ that !hr l:irgest hl'1nA man is reported tn he Charlr.~ "Tiny" Kinsey. \\'hose · 1ast recordfd' ·wcighl was 777. , \\'hat are the risks in being ;i '· j~ly £at person," nr even carryini; 11round _Qr :-.0 pouods or extra weight? "\lihf'n excess wr.ight i~ present . 11 j!realcr load is placed upon the heart anrl circul~lory system especially w i I h muscular eJtertion," the Oalry Council .~a y~ in its "We ight Control Source Book " "Certain diseases are associated to a significant degree with obesity. 'It in· creases susceptibility lo a number of diseases. among lhem fl: 1 11 b I add e r disease. 51out. dia6f!tt'.~ m" 11 it u s . hypertension 11nd possibly coronary 1theroselerosis • . It increases surgical risk.' " INSURANCE STATISTICS The booklet also points out that ln· su rance stalislics reflect the correlation he!ween death rale and 1.1•eight. The dr.ath rate is much higher for nverwt:ight person~ than their lelln counterparts. Along with lhr. phytdcal ha1.ards or nverwclghl. the Dairy Council suggest~ th11!. eosmelic. phy~iclll and psychological d::tm11ge may be done by overweighL "Obe~ity during childhood ma y serious- ~ I lv aHf'rl !he child '~ de\'clnpnu·11t nr ernn· linn;il maturity. tns surf'rss in sporl s and other ph,1·s11·;il :11·t11•1tlf'S and his al· 1;i1nrnen! nf ph).~lrill l1tnr')>' :i i ma!t1nt\' .. In a!mo~t Pl'Pry pt)p11lar wnman·~ m<lgazint on the nrw s .~land thcrr i~ ;i ri!f'I l\'PW!>papcr ~ arc tu/I fl[ ;id- \'f'f'fiS<'mrnr s fur "quir~ ;incl rffrr til'r " rnrthoch nf wl'ighl t·onlrnl nnd !hf' lclcphonr booJ. h;is ;i long listing nf places nnr nia~· go for help. some cns !i11;:: ;i great <Ira! nf 1nnne~· 'f'he die ls arf' "·' 1';irird ;is !hi' ;id - l'rrliscnicnts· a!J .pr11tr1n. gr.i pt'rru1t ;in1l hl;iek 1·nffrr rwt". all ~!C'ak . brr;;iri- rher.o;;r.w1nr. h:iked p!)lalo<'' ;ind hut· trnnilk. fasting , e1i gs :ind t11 n1atnes ;i nd bullermllk (lnly There also arr a~ n1anv nld 11'1\'t'~-!alr' :ind. f.itl:ietcs ahnu1 d1 rt1n.1: a~ 1hf'rr arr fad dirts F·\1.1 .AC lt:S l.ISTt;!) The r\1ncri<'an IJ1rtrtu· 1\i.,,11(_·1al·1nn ha~ h~l!'d ~on1r of thr rallatlr~ currcntl v b('ing perpcttillcd abr)ut d 1 rl1n~ • "Ob<'"!1· i< dur rntirrlv In hered1t\. 111 thf' r~P<'rirnrr nf sn111e prnplf. all fOll(!~ l1irn !n ra1 m<'al ~k111pi11,1: 1~ a, g110d w~V 1n ln.~r weight . 1·nu 1·:111 c;il all 1•nu 11·a11I arid still lose \\'Clghl 1r 1•Qu ta hr "redurlt\.il pills ·. special low calonr br('rtd shnuld hr 11~ed 1n rcdur·1njl <l lrti; "Tn:i~! ha ~ lell'rr ralnnf's !h:in hrt'ad : ~ugar is no1 as lattenini:: as sta n h: h11<h prolein !Q(l(1~ and fruits ha vr no calorie~. rneat burn.~ ii.~ own c;ilnii·~ :-ind margarine contain s rewrr ('alo es than butter " i\luch researth nnw i~ bc1n done at medical ~chnols and hospitals hroughnul the "·orld into the problem nbe~ilv. QuC'st1on~ arc being asked suoli a.~ ho.iv the brain's satiety ccntrr work s. whal is !he func tion nf rar ll ~~ue, ho"' rln hereditary and ~cnctic factors aflcet v.·eight and how doc s physical activity relate to obesily. Or. Gwlnup's bnflk "Enrrgctics ," v.•h!ch Is the result nf 10 years of rese;irch in the field or obesity. offers R kf'y In weigh~ ,. control which i.~. in realit y. the pr'inciple nf mo~t . diets 11nd wei ght control methods: the scientific law of ene rgy. SCIENTlf.IC l.AW Th& :iuthnr. who is professor and chairn1an or endocrinology an d metabolism at the University o f Cahforn1a. lr\'n1r. riunpa res eatini:: In !hf! sc1entiflr law 1h;i t says lha1 energv r:1n 11t"'1lher he rrfatt'd nnr dr~l rnyl'rl hut ~·on· 1 rr!ed frQt11 1uu• furrn 1n anoth•·r ~:l'CI'\' food 1na1rr1al (' 11 n r a 1 n ~ rhcrnieal t·nerg _1· whlrh 1s i·apable 1,f being tra11~fnrnll'd b1' \h f' b•1d.1· 1ri ln 11 .. ri.:. enrri::.v nr heal 1·11crg~ [/r (;w11111 p stlld. "\\hen ;i n1cal 1~ t•::itcn n s1n11IJ iHllOllnl Of l'<ll'bohydr:11C I!< hurncd h.\' lhlt btf<J,1· lo prQ1•ide cnt•rgy. ;1 sni:ill n1n n1111l 1s ~lnred 1n thr l1l'rr :1 ~ an e1111'rg ency 1!iourc'c or t·;irh11hyrlrfltr and lhr grr11t rn<r · 'jOrit11 i~ ('flll Vt'l'lrd 111 l;;it and ~t,,rell 1n thr f;i t <'<'11~ of the bildl' · J'ar1 of thr 11rc1tein rt'pFlir an~' mus<.'lf' hre11kd11"·n 11•hirh Ila~ ()l'rurred sinte prntc1n wa:i; last e!llrn, hu!. !hf' par1 11f the pro!1·111 t·11111rnnrnt 1h;.rt f'xc·eed.~ 1his 1'1mnunt 1.~ qu1ekl\' t·11n1·ertrd 11) e11rbnh ,l'd ra1e h.v the h\·r r ' · ,\ small part of th(' f;it co1nr•1ncrn1 o/ tile mral t~ hurnrd If) s11ppll' 1111n1r(ha1r rnt:rg~· rf'qu1remrn1 s. hu! lllfl!<I '' carnrd tn fa1 1·rl!s. ~·hrre 1! lli ~1nrrd a• " rrser\·e eneq.;,\' :;u1111h · 11 1s appan·nl. tllr,-,.fnr1• th:11 1)11 in:'lt· 1rr whal k1nrl tJf rood 1 ~ ~r(,.1·J (·d th;1t p1•r!11ir1 of 1(;;; ••nrrg~ whll'h 1•\1'1•1•11<; lhP. ;i1n11un1 r,r t'111•rg~· t'Xprnrlrrl rlt1r1ng l/1P. ra1hrr brier prr1nd 111 wh1{'h 1! 1s d1gc~I C'd 11 Ill rnd up ri~ hod.)' /;ii ·· Ur <:w1nup. v.·1111 ket:p!! h1 i;, 111111 1•l'lght und1'r rnql rol hy running l11•r rn1Jr~ !':H'h morning and rila~•ing trnn1s 1n the ;if- '"rnr1on :idds that "we arf' a p('oplr 10 ;i st:ile of rest 11hieh is unparalleled 1n nallrrr, and ohc~ity i.~ part r1f thr pr l!'C that we pa y" lie contends that a 1·rry ll'<Hl pt·r ~nn 1·arncs 10 percent of h1li body wr1::ht ;i~ fat and this is cnuugh Ir. :.cc him !hrnui:h a fa st of several week.~' duration .... \Inst Americans hal'e not i.:onc v.·1thout fnod 11.r more than 24 hours 1n their wholr 1i1'es. ·• he exclaims. Acenrding to nr. Cw1nt1ri"s resc~n.:h. the only v.·ay " rirrson t<in losf' weight 1.'I by burnin;: more energy than he takes in· !o his body Thi s is done ei!ht"r hy ea tinJ! less. exercising: more or a eo111bin<1li1Jn of the two . How thin ean a persun be and sttl) ~11rvive and tw healt hy in 20t h century America~ "When your fri end s start !a !ell you that you look sickly, ynu'rp pr~ h11bly mnrr healthy than they Arc," Dr. li"·!nup emphasized. 6men BEA ANDERSON, Editor '"'' 1r • J , .. , .. in rili11v P11rir l • . =------Volunteerin g S p1ces Club Life • -._. ... .· ~. .,J ,/ffj_ ~f ;: .... 'ti ' '" Orchid Fa nciers Gath er Bloo ms !· .... • I t!;ll _:t· I "••tllll\ t l;·( 1•11 ) ~"I ·4 :.\ 1:11·: ,J11·1 '•·'1 111 I l I l',1 ,I I:! •! .\"r .J IJ ['rr '"t' 1d1n11," 1·111· "I 1111' 1:1' 1t<1d 1,J , .. 1 11. l I p• \I•'•' h \1 I I • 11 o!. I• :1•: fr1 !I ! r1d.1\. '•1 t 1:, !1?1 •:J ,il >.11,d.:1 E It 1 11 , 1 i 11 u1,...c· 1 '"' ,1 i. ,, 1 nu1111 l'I•" Ill hr·'rl•' r•tl< 4 .11 h "I 1111• lt n1il11r·:, ;ind t Jl,t,,,1,_ 11 h.1·11 111 J bn ·;'!\' ,1rdrrJ lq 1'1r> Itri, • r r-111 d "1·rl hf' 11111:·1"1ri:1.t,1ler~1J!'I{'' cu1t1 .s rr:;1q f1:·::1·1lln":111:i ; "C'rl:rn~ (11 IJ\('J",lll h1 •~1 l'l fh<• IJ•ll\ )'our /-loroscopc Virg o: FR:DAY OCTOBlR 15 II~ S \'11\1· Y it\1 \lilt 11 :11 " ·.1 •• · ·• ~ \J • I 1'1 l 11' fl'•. ti• Ir· f.,. Ii":' . ! " Or .1 dtl" ,, ,.•" " ' .. r' ,. •j 1 .. ,, ·\• I/ di"! J '• " II d I I \ l I; l i, \ 1 ' \' "' !'' !.: 1' •!I '" r'l''lll -II \' ,\nn I ' I I " j, ... , ' \l I' i., ol•'I • 11 '• ! \''I I" I•• \\ 1,:\ '"' 1w• •I 1111 r" ... ,. ,, I ,. ' r· , , " ' L " I I;"'' ,, " " ' " Lisf·en, • r:• I ;11•1>1' '"' LI u lt.J • ' \11 'I " Ill .!~·11,tl 11 11 11 I'· l ' • I -• ~ 1 , o ; • • • · I' \I 1 II ), o ! ' " " • i, "a•:1 11 .11 111~ " \ I I tC ,n \\ ' 1' • " , , I " ' " " 'Iii 11•' ••' I . "11 ,,1 d Ii I .I l: I: \ <'· 1 '' ' \'. •I I l'I < 1.1 ,. ,. ,.1. " \' 'I \I 11 l.11 '.'I I''"'' " " '" ' ' ''• I --------- l_earn " . " " '1 ">I'. 1 «\\ .,'d l-1• ;111 . • 1·1 ·1 I • .1.,.< 1;, h r '' 11 T .i • \ < IH•·t I .II d \ t • .'Ill.I(' l..:' oJ ~ ·~ "" •' ,,., .. ' . ' ' ... '•" I' "I 'I ,., Pltl I • 1 ' o ~ 1 t ',.,1 .,, l.111 ·" ' I '" ,plj I ,\ I I I 1, l•"-1 I"' 1111 • ,,,,,,. '" '1 j I, II ·' ,_,. r 1111 I I ' ·'I i •·I ).'.ot,llj..'. "'' I " d I•• p111d1JO 11 !')'-( '·" '' " I -I, ' I'' lotll \"I ,)' r :11 ;o )- I' . .. , It I• ,, ' "'. " Ch a rTl be rs .\lrrad_· !1,.•• 11 .i1 1~r I i r , \i,h n1Pn·hr1~ .11 f ~cherL.ilr J '" ' •111 1r1r I 111 n r " \nluntf'PI '':'nn· I t"1111 P~ <11 11)• cnm i'I~ rnrr11rll!' Civic. League r111 I'(' p<11H I 111r111IJ('I' II 11 1"·11•~ \ "!l 1111d ( 'n111rnun-i· :--•1".1rr~ 111."ll !lif" \\r1•1'"l1 t i.It l.t"l.:•H ,.f till' !L11b<1: :\rr.o n11·r1--"1 •1 !H .1 111 'l .11· d;1\ I I• f "I !11 \],jl 1!1• l.1h1.1t' \.<111,.o11 Hr·.i• 1 H !'pr ' ·'I' 11: ,, I I I ' ·' Ir"!" 1·1 .. 1ep11 t 11:11r 0!0.i II ~111;irf"'' ;, d \\1n1rn \'.'·" ( • .i e-1, 111 -'P' 1!-. Stephen> Alum > \lr .) I) i('•lort1'"JI rll'd \lJ' 1;;1rr1"I ll:r i.. ... 11 II :1 P'" I idl• .\II I ,1 P'P,11 :.: pf \1 ,1• < 1'.llr-11 Ill!' 111;t11i.;1· '"·11•' :-,: "Jill•·I \ ,\Ill till ,11· <'.+Ti:\" :· 1 1hl' 11 .. 1, .. ~ 1'1 111~ ~ ... il.1 \1;.l h•lllP' ;![ j' :111 'I 11r•,(\;1\ I ll'I i'I . '11"1' :i'lo·11dlH\! !°>I• jllH 1,·, f'r1f]o• :« \11 · il '' 11 f• ! I ~" II ~:,1d11:1H·d 11·1111 Iii" I •111 1•1,1: nf \J1-:•:•1un ;o1 1d .~1!:d1··d p1;I'" ;ii tht• \1[11'/'l!'dll ( •lll''".\.i\ •I 1:1 I '1 :1!1!'0 \11 ~ I 111 i..~tdl lf'"'"led ho '! 11'1,-,H iil'l'I"•' .I 11r;.~., l n11P1•111 ;ind l' :1"'1' r· iJ<:; rl pi:Jnlo \rilf'hf"t', I 11\li r 11 r.:·£:a 111-t ;.111! I ~l · " ;i 1' 1 " ',I 'dl•i Hada»a h II "lll"ll ,.f II;• I! ,, 1 !1 • ' h:101rr nf lf;i1!;o .:,h 1• ii pP1l•1•111 [\"t111n ••f lhr l '·,.;il'<! ;it 111'' 1· T11r d ·1' i••' l'I 1·1<'"1111;! Jri llhi! )i f1 '.II r!• :•·"! 1''.'0 1·" O"l i'. l' fl,,.,, I"' ' '<·d 'f• ( .1 • ;i\d I" 1, , ,,I 1111· ·" 11111 "f"'!1 I·•: I·"'• f,.r ti•.--. il. I' 111 p1 P~r ,1111 1• •· '11 11111 rl<' •T1h" II ;id .1 .. < r1 I~ \ ;ir1r!I r1"•J"'·1·. Irvin e Women \L1l1·• 1 11 111·•1rl~ :•r'rl pr·r I" ' ,., ., • 111L' ri[ 11 "• 101·•1 I I "I ( .1: t • I '•·1111 · r ~· t ( ( I II '\ I '' di'' 1: •rd ;,I 11.,. ! ! I > 11 • \'. ••l'·:•r'·~ t lnl1 '"""1111~ ;ii :"\ :• •11 T>11·~ol." f h 1 !1'1 11 111 I "''1!1llJllo'I ( "1 11 J' \'i]l;1J.'.r .'. I 1 '1 •·r-1t • I ';1· h \J .l.1" 1 t . 11• It•" 1: 11·• :, r ,.f 111 .. d.• 11 ~· 1 • '·'' • f.•) \ !· Id 1 '1 ,.' I I ! •',J•IJ •.I .11-d '1·.. .1. "I'" '"•!11"•1 \ ,,1. ".I ,-.-r ! I: I IP •II.Ill " t J 1lf',,·1dw !f, lu I'' h"11~rd 111 ;1 '"d 1>·:111 1r: • ,11ll1'th \11· "Iii. \\I l•llli.! \o> do1n;1ff' '"I ,,h .. ,I ···1·: .. ·r• 111.1· h•·,nc 11•1•11· I" 111" 111•·1 11r AAUW Lccl11co i'I"' 'I i ll''ii·I \ I 1, I I 'I I,.,._ 1·i· In ll1 11111 1;11 •1 I ,, .' 1'li"t' ,[ ~··1 1""1 \I 1•111.,11 I _,, 11 ,, 1• di"''' 1ho rl :1' 1-i I ~ j,,, :d i p;1r •·••I h· Tll' '•1'•'11 '-1 <'11 \11H'I Ii' l'I \ 1" l•I ·I \ n I!''• I 1 II """'11 '' , •• ··~)":!'11 ;,I ; ·:11 I' . '.f"' l\"I ! If II' I 11· ) : ' .<111 ... -,, 111' \\ ,j ""!'"1 . \ \ :c!l"I\ hip f11:1d i"r "" r'I ~tqd1r<. Ii\ f,.f',.rl Set Date ·() nfJY l'J rJ r ,{..', Fo r Holiday Event l :, .. l. ' •• ii ',_,., !'•r H rr~r-<! ~,,· ~ ~~· Ye 1 M o~'/ \ j ,.,.,' ( •. ' ,. ' .. ' ' ..:::.....---~--·~--....~----~----,,-- onl y ... ONE SPOT IS OUTSTANDING! .. \ ·:.'.I • l "•· JI '' •' '' t \ .-n' A" I' 1•, '""'" 'rt.· r r1 ~' ~ fll>• ,,.,, ._,. '1 1 f " '' '. ! f 111 1.,. Ir •1 j ··~·'.•'I < .: / " ,.. ,, " ' 'I " I -I• "II -1, d ,,, Dece mber Rif·es Teachers ' I ,o '.' i'I ''I' .I 1°11'0 '' I I I .OI .... , ' \\ 1' I 1, I., I\ 'II • .. ')r i.::1.ltd 1•1 l ~d\1"1 i'-l;ll'!l "'id J;1i ,,t 11 II \1 ll.11 .i \)r ,I 1111'1: 111'11< th.ii 11"1,ll • d I" ) 1 I . <id \1· ·111"11'" I 1 1 11·,ul.1 !1:1 l•J!'ll :11· I 11 •II \ li \lr"f;;:1:11 ti ' ! \I \11· I II ol .ii o! l.r• " " '" t •I !I 1 1,1d I H ,.1 '" \, .1 111 .I "11. I I \ ' ,:. \I \1 1!:11 f'dl ,. I • h• In! d1•c1 •·r·, :1·"1 ·" '" 111•1 I.. :'11 !hr I 1 ,1 I 1 J 11 I 11 I ,'l .o'I• '• .1 " , r 1 ,,r 1 or ,.1 ,. 11 1 1 KIDS! rr.1 1r o;, rRIZE !;, ' NA•ne 1' f.e C1rn ,,rl i-1111 Jr I 1,: l'Rllr-; (onlr~t ' " "· •' ,. " l : ''. ., ,, ,_,, •, .. • 11 ~-1 • • I' " I", I" I• ,t ' I 1 1, \' II' I -.. '' 11 ••• I< I" •t 1 11 .1 1 r• rrl ,. ,\' ,,,,. 1 f'\"', ,.,. ·r,-, ~: t >;e;~·; 11 ,.., .• 11-. • ·11 1~11 ~·1un,1 to Marry .i•·d ·"''"1· r!;·. ,., "~' ind 11•1' I• r Ir, I 1 'r n I r "' 'l\ll•"r r.~·h ...... ~·1r 1 \\.-~.1 ;H''I l·r r 1•'.111' r I~ .~'I 11' ~·: <1! J1'1· :ii ! 11 ·111~r \ ·r,·1 · t '' I ~ r L.:;r HALLOWEEN CLOSE -OUT SA LE ',' SPOO:< ON YOU! ·' i•!•, I •r •l• ' I Jui,ntn~ • ~ I WE~TCll~J PlAZA 1 71~ & h~l~e. New!'Clfl ''"ell •·11 'l ~W"O~•[~ 1'1'1 ( ' ·' ~..--, -..,.,.. S~ddlcback Mee t \Jr.• 'I •'•" 1, " ( + I" ·" J .1t•at •k1 II 'I (1rr ri "' hrr ;i :•1 ·1111 ;1 t'1 r••· "" 1~ f"! ;1 I " ' \P\• f)I WT '.! p P1 ' Iii" r• 11 Tn11 rt' Re-1rh \.,;].• tt11I• 111r],1' '" '< I' " !rrirn :-.. • I 11l'b" \\oil IH "I" 1 I 1\ J.!L.' ·' ,1 ll fl rro\ I' 111• 11 \', .:1 lrrl' •'' 1 !~I o-ho"nr·I 1 •,.lllrt"' f'' I' fr>I 11 P I 11; I T 1: .i. d1))T ('I j ,\!' ,·I " i1 , '.! t-{' i!,•t , I\<•; '''II:" I" °';+itrll•"" .,, •r !.------------------------------·/ :r·1 r'""! 1•1 ,.. ;ir-,..l "1 NUTRIT ION BOOSTER Adelle Davis --· •• REALI T Y THEORY 'I • I' ] 1•1' " .,r1 1rf<" 1. •I: .. ,. '" 1.1,, Pe er/nQ -~ Aroun c/ \ (O\,l l\,1,'\,) ,, h .. ! '. d 111:11•, ,I I :1 'I ·I i' "I ,1 ol' --' I'" I 1 •, .. , l•1' 1lol' 1 1· "' 1 .. ,\,,'I ,, ,, \\ Ii ii ',I . ~··, j:, ,1 •'•I• ,-11r I '"I I' :• I .. I. 1. " ' ' ! I <I'' rll '' 1'1 1l1d. I' ., , .. ,, ' ' ... I ' " " . · !1! F• 1: !'\ ' r I t II 'l ""' t.11.1 I• rr 1 < ! r " ,, ,, ... '' , " , . " " '' 'ltf '"11 I ... 1 ... "• '. " ' " ' ' '· 'I " ,'' < '" ! ' I t i' ! ,._,. •:lo·' 1 ~ I'' I• :·· ·1 1 , 1 r lrr1: "' 1-:1 '{' '1• :l'!·i F sclrra ~ion Night '"'' 'I'd \'"I •" ;i•1'1 c:ri•r · '; f I 1h 'I \l i, '"'·l'"I ·1,, 1)1 ' J'I .I :n• r" .I : \ I ' T ~ \\ ,,.,, .. •: ' '"' I' ,, ~·•r'\ I' ii ,, " .... ,, ( , .. ·•1·1 J, i I· 11 " 1, 111 11 •• '. ,.,. "I I' '" 11 I' • "'I \ ·: .. 1 " " ' '"' 1·1 f ,• I, I I' :1 I'•. \'. ,. <: t 11 11n11•n' r-1 r r ro Wi·1 1'S ',. '1,, I • , I \ I 1 I• t" •! I It 'I'' "" ", 10-l 1 . ""' 1 •• 1 , : • 11 I ' \' I 11 ·1 " (\• I " " ' " t I .1 .1, '" 11 .H1 11 I' 111 • .. 1 'r I' 1.,. 'J r I ..._,w,s '11 :1 • 11" I I! 1 I·• , ______ _, . ;c-.1f'1~ by jo;rrh 1•0...hr·.!a-·c·r::s ' " ., ,. ,., ,,.,,, ,, "'. ., . " '.' ' I T!1KE fllE Nt:Ws nu1z V''c D-irC You. [vcr~· S-it1 ··-d.1 y T ~· ~--~---------"--'""' <ullr· :rn (), ':11 :.;,,,, '11.s r 111 Ila ii ,,,, ~·1 f "". ,.1 '" I I ,., ,-..J I ii ·.~ r· ""1 / '•' .. ("I • '"' .. n•·rl "· o~.-, ·,., " t=o f rol"'I $2 1 00 C:lST A Mf!t t\ ( 1 : Plk t4 131h ~t t 64 HUNTINGTON CENHR liUNT rr1r.rcti Pr-"C'i (N~•I 111 8 ~,~~r 6•r.• Fu ·~··u·,·1 \I.-::• C'~~.~,..~·••r ""·ll -·~.E r !C., ' I -~ I 1-·- ' ·--~--- If I UL I \:"IT \I.!. C \'i \II{ CO\lllTl!l\i \i ; NO W ! () () ~- '" ... " . ' '. llf\\I TED OFF!:~-------------, ... I•, ••ly '' _,,, ~ ,. "' l•o• ·--. ,,-,. " 1 .. ' ., " '. ~ C-'lll l!', N0\'1 1\!:1) t·tl THI lb,C.;'. Ar.r:11;' •. , 1 1 ~ cor1. [llJ:QllltlV ro:: Y:JIJH t-t~H~E . J1;,t1 711 1·, :1r.:i 1f ADl·'1i nr.rin. 2\/S no ~·1nc H'A'1 :/Ii' c r'/C,','.IV r /;.., . 1 L 1, ,,1 •.. , • I · "~d oir <o~~ 1 ... 1·""1 ·rc···I · · L olll lH1il C11nv..,·1 l~d. 494.9745 . rn 0 ' ' , .. ·•11,1 , ' ") '----------------~- ei;en u.ore l • fer a , fi:.;ite:d :ime j c ... ~ 11 ' ...__·_"_·~·--~-----~J it's hu 9c ! '! 7.fJ C ':~. frost·!)roof • Ju~t 30" wid'.! • Rc vcr\tJ-door i. • Door ~lorcsge • rrooi~r ~t 'lre! u p lo 1 Ci~1 :,~. • Twin h ydrotorl \ r •. . " ... I COSTA M£SA-41 1 [, Sovc nlee~lh Slroe t 646-1684 [lh 9 ? •. ~' EL TCRO-l'l')ll"r! 1n11·. r ('11"1 ••. .., ' •• 8J7.J E:.JO D• tiUNTIN GTON A[/\(11-"-·r..,1-! .. ,.~, t. (iri•l<ol:! q~2 .s:;2 a _.Q .-: 1 "., s · "., ) --.... ......_ ........... ... From Page 17 • • • Diet Anotht'r !1'Patmtn\ 11ue~· tinnabtr in 11 ~ \'ah1P ~~u.'ie it dflts nnt 1ncorpn! ate a reduc·· ltnn nf foorl 1ntakr, 1s 11 melhnd whe r(•bv lhc pl'fs,1n "'1Sh1n~ to rrr111re l'i wrapped 1n l'ln1hs .'inaker1 1n t•hem1rals. l·!Pat frnn1 rhe "'r<1pµ1n~ s11 ppnsecH.1 1•11\ers through 1he pnrr.~. raus1n~ a hre;ikdnwn in r::iny !IS'illf' This 1rt•atn1ent. 1n1rn1 Pd Ill a dn1.•L11r 1111· 1real1ni.; 11nlu 1!1 .. , 11•111•rtedt,11 11111 takP nff f11e l llf'hr~ nuring lht> t1ri.1 9tl rn1nt1h• lre~1!rnent. .:it !hp ;ippru.-1r!liilf' tn"1 of ~~IQ .Suhsf'f!UPnt trea1rn1·nt~ ;ire necrss.:i r~. :11~n c11st1n~ <1p· prnx1111;1!el.1 l20 tia1·h Thi~ m e 1 h o d . rP\!l>rtedl~ t ecogn1zrrf by th<' Arnera·;iri r.led1c.:il .. , ....... rw1a1 11111 . 1~ n<•t ap- prn1 ed h~ thr a.~S"('l<llHlll. Directors Day at Races • I ii' .. · Thr An11•r1c<111 i\>1C'<i1<:tll Assn1·- f;1.t1on h::t.<; nrvc r <•r will it 1•vcr s;inellnn :in~· f;ir1l1t~· M th1 l'i type."' .-;a1<I Hnl>f'r1 P.lnugh. exeeull\"I' serre1arv of tJ1e mernbt>r Or;·.npe o,Unty J\1ed1· ('ill AS.'-'!l('lil!IOO 'l"able h o nor~ ;it lhe J)1rr.1·1or·s Hn11n 1 11;irty fnr (lrcning rl ay or 0 11k 'J"rrc thorou ghbred raring ;ii San!a :\n1!a l\'ere ~h<1r!'rl by ('lemcnt Hirsch, president of O;ik Tree, anrl tll r<;. l ;cne \\"ash burn. both of J\'e\\"f'JOrt Beach. LA~T HF:SO HT The l;isl re.~nr1 tor 8 peri;nn \.\·hn ha.~ f11iled iii e\·erv 111- ten1p1 lo lnse v.·e1~h! is h}·pai;s i;urger\, a 1 erv nev.• medical Stellar Comments 1erhn1q111• · Arrord1ng In a spnke~n1a n lnr 1he ()range Count.\ J\1ed1l'al A~soc1a1 1on. ;i pnr11on nf the :-;nu1ll hnwel t~ pul ;i t rect ;ind lnod rnmpleteh h\·p;ici;f's !ht slnm11rh Stars Appear Bright Of thP ;ippro\1111areh· :in lt'el f'f ~mall b<iwel. nnlv ·10-111 1n- rhec 1c lr tt :if1er thf' surger1. i\utr1!1nn IS uh!;11 11frl fr nin 1hf i;rn11ll amounl nf fr.nd 1ngP.<;tf'd in the 10 18 11u.:he~ of sma ll bowel IC'ft Only 11 h;;ilf ;;i do?,t'll pe•J)l lP r rr .\"ear ,1rr !rcaterl in th1<; 11.:i.1•, rt1r ;1;pokc .cn1an s;i 1rl, l ho111?h I! i.<; ;i "'hona f1rle mrrl1 c;il pl"flC'f'dllrE' and 11~elul in .(elee11vE' e;i ~e.~ ·· Tl1E' r1.~k 1~ ronr n11tnt1n n. \\'hf'n 11 ~t:ile nf ri;ingrr lx·c1ns ln 11pprn;irh, lhci f;t1r~<'r1 mu •t hf' rf'lf'f"<;1·ri If 1~ p1·1ctcn1 th;it ~n<id hr11lrh lhrnu):!h ;i i"O!Tf'i"I both 11•ci1gh' 1~ a1 <11l11hle onlv a! a cn."1. 11nrl th1.~ rn~t 1.<1. nne 111 n i; t AmC'nc;in~ <1rl' un11•1l l1n,1: to p11,1 Thr pncr •~ huncrt 11 c·h1r1 - f>l'l !hfOll(!h !..'.II 101.:, !!p fh;;it "p lr;i~11n!I) f1111 ·· feel1ni;: "ln•tr:.id of r:.1111.'! 11111 l1n1P \'OU ":lflf , rl•1!1 I f'1 f Un lll 1111 hnur or t110 flllrr 1·n11 hN·nmr l'IW,llf{' lh.l1 \011 tf•t11\• ;11'(' ht1nl'.!r1 , ;inrl l!"1 lo ,:o 1~ hl'rl 11 l11tlr hungr.r r1rr) n111ht." Or. (;\\"1011]1 :irl11<;('• Fnr r~rrf"11;r _ hr a<llnt'a1r~ '·;1n1 k1nrl 1011 l1kr, :i~ lon,g 11~ it rirnriu('c<; h11fflng ;ind pur- fr'1;: ·· H11ff1ni:: 1111rl puffing hP 11rlrl~. 1~ "!11n1?1hl€' r \1dr1u·f' nf Pll<'t C,I r~pPnrl11111r .• "If tn ;irld1!1_,n 1n !llr.•P l.;in1I~ Of P\f'fr'l'-P. ,I OI/ ';111 r1Plf'l11p son1e rrg1dar f'1.l'rt·1cr rll11!1ne . l1kf' 111gi::1ng. whwh \ n 11 prrfnrm lhrrP. 'f1)Ut nr 111111<> '1t11rs a 11rE'k. 1011 will h111<> !n r 11cft11'f' 11'•<; huncr r. anrl 111t1 1111! 11lu\ r1>11r rhr .. 1tir r 111'11 r •!;ihl1~hrrl h r 11 r r 1 I ~ nl phi <;1ral rnncf1tinn1nc " Th111 ·~ 1!1" rnrl nl lhr ~!or\ A (;\rl !'.'nrllnJ.! fnr rhn,p \\hr. lhnuJ(h t !hrrr w:ic ;in ".:i~r .:inc1.1·rr rn lnctnc wr-1cht . .•nmpthini:: h":.id"• f':lf1n;:; lr;<;s f!nd f'Xr rrt<1 ng n1orp New W ig Looks Real A nf:'11 11·1i?. i;1•11lp !onk.< 11ntl lrrl~ 111;,. rf';i l ~k1n. tht ma nuf11r11rrr-r ~;i1·• ThP ··~r;ilp " 1~ flr.ch-1·nlnrrrl H111 r 1 ~ 1ncrr1rrl slr<lnd h\" .c:tr.:inrl lh" ";iv re;it ha ir grnu;~ 11 ran hf' p;;ir!f'fl ;ind rornh<>d ln .:in1 rlirrct1nn ;ind nn nPl!lng: 1.J f'xpnsrd. Troth Told . . A J){'r· t 1 wrcfdin~ ii; h<>1ng ph1nnr rl h\ Anila Liit11.cf' L11!h l and ErJ1.1·11rrl Rf\l'cf P.l;inr h;;ird \li:<:.~ l.u lh 1~ the rla11,llhtrr nf ~I r .:ind :'11rs. r>onald l.u!h nf S11nt.:i Ana. fn rmrrlv of ('nslal l\lr.c;i llrr f1;anr e l.!i. !ht' snn •)I I l\\r .:i nd :-0.lr.!i ,Jnhn Rr:ii: Knight I f\f H11nl1ni;:1nn Rr<i('h . ~~· t~l\.\1..\ BO,\lBl:'.:C"K \\"h"n 1hr h1.!i tnr1 •)f nH r times 1s v.·riuen. rh ii; v.·111 ,i::n cloll"n .:ic !he ilge nf 'in~t;;in! ;i 11!hn1'1t .11 " T!'.'lr\ 1$1nn a1;saul1-. 11~ 1!:iil v v.·11h Jl1fll 1e ~l:ir~ lcll1ni.: u·s h .. 11 tn krrp n11r hre111 h h 1~sing ;;11 PPl: 11.:il! plll.\l:'rs IE'll111~ 11s ll"h<it l'f'l'(';;i ] In h111, ;inrl ;i fnrrner •·ah111f't n1 f' 111 h r r rf'!"H1nn1e11rl111g ;i l<i\HHlt·~ ;-;0:1p. ri 1 1s~ /lrnrrw<i ~r! m E' ;;tr<i1ph! nn prr-n1;ir11al ~e,. \"1rl11 Hlur shared h1'i 111r11·s fin \"1e1nan1. 11nrt Prinrrs~ {;fl'li"f' hr•·RtnE' :in ;iu\hnrir.v 11 n !1'f'd 1ng lhe h;ih1. l r rnld n1y · h 11 c h ;i n rl ~·P<1erd;i~, •· ! ;in1 ~niru! nu! ;ind hu:-" a 11r1r ~Illa ;;ind t11n rnat1·h1ng rh;i1rs. ·· "\\"hy v.·nulrl ;11u dn ;i thing 11\...P th;;it "'" "'Br1·;iu•r \l;1rlh:1 ~l 11rhrll s;i1rl \.\"l' shr11il rl h;i1 P .:i grn1rl tunr , t•n1eria1n a~ 1n11lh il'i 1\r 111;1111 111 .:ind buy ;is n111(·h :<< • 1.1(' w;inl lo · "'J\lilrlha \l1tvhf'll is not ;in f'('011•)Jlll~1 " "'l)n .vnu 1.1a11t t11 l1>ll hrr '.'"" ··r !h111k hrfurr 1·1111 I!'' nff h;;ilf.rnrkrd ,1nu shn1ild 1·c;1d 11r on 1hr slatP nf lhP r cnn11n11· ;ind. fnr th;it 111<1ll rr, of lhr world '' ··f>n \'011 rr;illv rh 111k 1 ;in1 .en dun1h rh111 1 rln "nnt kn n11 11 h;1I 1~ i.:111ng on 1n !hf' y,n rlcf"' I ;is ~rcf "'! rr;id ;i ln! l k11nw 11t1;it H11h fl11rp frrlc ;ih•1111 ~".:111n1: rv.n Ch111.:i~ Hov. .l;i11r F•ln(!l'I frpl~ r.n rhe 11rh;in r r1•1~ Tr11111;i11 J '.:ipnlr 1111 1"1lr! 1r:.1n1ng 1n11r 1•h1lrl hf'1nrr hr 1• rr111h Zc11 z~a ';a"ot '"' 11111un<. ("t1;irl1nn llr~lf•ll nn h11•1ni: ThE' !";i rprnlr1<> 11r1•-. "" 0111 pi·o;il 1n~llllJ!1nn"' \I h' 1 11 hrt \nil d1clri"t f'l'•'f\ l.nri11 in;ir ·'"" \ n1 k 111:.1 11<•1 1,. rrn"""rl ;;i~ a \'111 flP~I 1r ::ir ·· ·\\"ho <aid lh.:i1""" ··~1r1·p La 11 rrnr·P ;ind \·:1 d •r 1;rirmr. 1h;:i1'~ 11h11 l\nrl rl•d IOU TP.:id 11·h;:i! ,'\rnnld h;irl "' ~111 11hn11 l 11111· .~p;ice pt·" ~r;:i 111 "'" '•\\'ho".~ Anl•old"" @.~~!,t~,fl.!NO w o ... ~1u ,t.ppar•I blf • Norman Wiaft e Bleyle Al•~ Cnll W••r 271 1 (Ott! Coalt HW'f. Coro,.o 4ol Mor 471-4740 KI DS LOVE UNCLE L'EN SA TU RDA YS IN THE DAILY PILOT DTERY AIR. STEP -IERNA•DO -l(IMll EOW"ROS -GER!Ell:I CH PF FLYEJIS -U. S. ICEOS c~P• .. ; o·."~' s~., •. D•••• w • .1. bv O•n •~•• Co,.ecth•o Sil ... for Clril14Nll AT WIT 'S END "Tilt> 1111: on the (;rccn Acres .. ' p1~ .... "i),,n'r knnrk 11 lip's !Hl tl111i1n1~ ~··u know llf' 1\(111 lhr ht.·.~r an1rnal ;u·1or lhr('{· 1 ear:; in .:i n•11 ,'" · "'\\"c>ll. rhal dnr.~n'1 rnakt- h1n1 ;in aulhor11.1· nn ttie sparE' p111::1:.i111 I 1h1nk what \1111 ~hr11Jlf! do 18 :-11 rlnl•ll '11\rl re;id .~nn1r h;;nt nr11" on wh.:11 Th~ !'1,·-.1clrn1 ut lhE' !"n11erf Stale!i h;1~ fh s;iv about ! h e r c·•1tl•1n11 ·• '"He ju~t r'pl:i1nrcf holl" ht could 1111rr111r m~· ho1\l1ni: l :'\o" ran I hu\ !he sola and1 two n1atrhin~ f'h;111~.,·· oy to the World • IS Jov to !ho w .. +11 ~ ••~•on1 J,11 E (OAST .. wv COllONA OE l MAii P•1li •nq I~ llo~• ~<'ll't al 111 11 11 1r~ l.:irrr hi' l ranrrl ••lf·r 111 1 ,h.,ulder I '·\\'rtl. 11 h;11 dnl'~ thr l1rPs1 -1 drnl h;11" In .~a.1 ·1·• -------~=========~~ I Fro111 l)ur Eadv A 111t'ri c a11 C a lkrv . , Fe aturing {!at, SMµ American Traditional Dining Furniture The mll S\;ve b uffel j, 52"wl8 "w)I '/~" h;qh 11 nd h<11 felt.li n1>d 1ilv er compartme nt 11 nd l111 en d111 w - er. Chind lop, 54 "11f5 1/1''x40 ", h11\ lwo qll1 11 door1 . 2 folding doors I 1he lf in1ide c11b•n el I. H11 nd -rubbed Birchwood in il1 own n11 hirdHOn111 s featur;ng 1!.,in-re1i1la nt fini1h. S11e th i1 fine 1e le~­ lion of Di1"1i11g, Bedroom i9 nd l iv;ng room piet e1 """"' [•l Chine "' Showo '399'S 0'lN OAILT t TO I e F•t. 'l'lll t e CLOSlD SUNDAY t<>P 'IAl.lJ THE FIRST ''COST'' PLUS SUPERMARKET IN CALIFORNIA .. . The Checker adds just 10% to arrive at Jf'·c 1l1akc J)i.~c11111il l/1111.~e.~ Looh'. what you pay. So ,if you wound up with just $10.00 worth you simply E.,11e11.~ir<' l1 _y S<>lli11tt al, WAREHOUSE PRICES PLUS 10<>/o 5 DAYS A WEEK WE DON 'T MEET COMPETITION ... WE BEAT THEM! WHICH IS MORE IMPORTANT TO YOU? BEST SERVICE OR -LOWEST PRICES NO MARKET CAN GIVE YOU BOTH WE GIVE PRICE HOW WE SELL FOR LESS AND SAVE YOU UP TO 20°/o NO GAMES, NO STAMPS, NO GIMMICKS, LOW RENT, LOW OPERATING COST. CLOSED SUNDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS . WE AtE IN THE GROCERY I USl- NE 55. NOT G.AMES!' Shop In A Warehou ~e Of F ine Qua lity Fooch, At 535 W, 19th St., At Harbor, Cosl11 Mesll . It Doesn't Take A l ot Of Nerve To Be The Only Store In Town That Discounts The Discounters. WHAT IT TAKES IS THOUSANDS OF LOWER PRICES pay that plus 10% OR $1 .00 ·This goes for everything except the few items legally controlled like milk and liquor. WE CHALLENGE ANY MARKET TO MATCH THE TOTAL SAVING.ii STORE HOUR!: 10 AM TO 7 PM S DA YS A WEEK CLO"-ED ~UNDAYS ANO WEDN(50AT5 Lower expenses for us means lower costs to you. It 's re a 11 y that simple . Y 011 ,.ru 9et • wht. 11"l1"Ct lo11 of to, br1111d fto"'" 111 11 c:l1"<111, h l•11dly lfOlf. 011ly you do11'1 pay 011 "''"' a114 o 1., tor tt . Tiii• wo••, como to rtio Too Yol11 "worohoir.o" oporotlOll. No "4alty" •poclol1 or co11<e·o111, j111t 111tb•ll••obl• ,,;~.,. STORE HOUR S THE "FIRST" COST PLUS SUPERMARKET IN CALIFORNIA 10 AM TO 7 PM _ S OAYS A WEEK ...A..( CLOSED SUNDAYS~ ' A~~~-~;~:~·~~:~.~.s I >P ~I Al.lJ •• 1." ·~·"·· r Ill\ wt welcome we make DiscOlJllers look expensive .FOOD I Ulllll STAMP SHOPPnS 535 w.~ 9th st.~ at Harbor, Costa Mesa !E•MG CLOS!;D 11() DAYS 4 lrfEIC 225 E. 17"' ST.-COSTA MESA 548 ·2778 l7l I •J E«•111: 1•1: 11.1Eu·111: 111 :ttV, .,,u.11Ju 11 a• ·1Eu•1t I . j_ . .. • I ' ••• f0 DAILY PILOT DICK ftACY Th11tsdaj , Octobt t 14, llft'Li .-¥' -• -,.. -.. ·-··----ll'L A BNER By Al Capp . TAKE A G0Q0 LO()IC,Lll'l.1 t:AUSf IM SEN01NC.. 'YOU '™ER:E TO BUY LUCL.Ac.€. TUMBLEWEEDS DRm Ll~! A ~I PPV··· •••'wQ./f'E T~ERE FOR A. TQ\JNK ·-vou'v~ GOT TO MOVE ··-NEAALY 6ROIC'£. By Tom K. Ryan ()H, 1'0 & A. !-4ApP"-/ INDUSTRIALIST, 50IJ- lt T'HE PtJe LIC 510PPE.D COM P1..A INING A&>UT MY PRODUCTS- SALLY BANANAS Tl4E~E'S OJE. COMPLAJJJ I~ A&Q.JTAN SET l=OP..A 9 PtT&llUL ~EA~-li OOESN'T ~RK~! " . -AJ>..10 TMl.V'Q COM?LA\NING AeDUT A CAP.. 1, eECAUSE IT I" \>JON'T ~-II WE CAN'T.ELIM lf'.lATE THE ROTTE"l ... ES"> IN QJR PRODUCTS, DAD -NOT Af..JD ~'.COKE A PROF!T -BUT VJE CA N ELlt./il"-lATE THE COMP~INTS ,'.' <'I ~ON'fYOU REMEM~ER ME1PERCY? ... WE Mf.T A COUPLA YEARS AOO WHEN I WAS LOSf IN T)jE VE5ERf! Y00100K r.'E TO ~ER EVITOR 0ROVER GALU:YJ ... ~Y T)jf WAY, HOW IS r;~..,---rrT! SAM~ "6 USUAL: FLAKEY AS A l'OWLOF CEREAL! l>'JE', AS I RECAL!,,10 AN IRATE APPl1EIJ11CE PRESSMAN ONCE 8EAN ING HIM Will! SORTA SCATTERED HIS fY PE' By Charles Barsotti .-~~--;==~~~~, GROV8R? MUTT AND JEFF NO BOARD FROM JE~F YET.'_,--...._/ FIGMENTS i.-tE's SEEN OUT Cl= WORK. S IX WEEKS.' PLAIN JANE I ACROSS _.l G~l!lb!i riQ Yeslf'nlay'~ P111 zle Salved: ! 1 RedLiced \iy I sutotr~'l•on I b lsl~fl(I orf Ytr11ce ::io Rooster's soimn 14 TaO:e Ill' ~s ~·sown 15 L~nd of !he Sh•mrock 1b Enl".W'mous 17 B!orl off 18 Atrlme. )'lub!<C 1ti".>ll 20 Rochil•ll-; US ~r'!r>t 21 Mtilr1S o( tr~nspo•td\i!lll 22-,lt t~~t; 23 Sp>nn•~g li•e -' 2 W()'0\ 25 H~i "l'~S '2i F"lo•t •'> ,3() List of n~mPS 1 31 M~ke1r>Pd to SOl'l''th•ng )Z Stts or card~ JJ Fam ily 111em~r : Abbr , 3& /ieavf!'llly bodies l1 Bu"'11e~ 38 Urwro¥,led Q~rnt "Z Caver o{ fr ol t l'I water: ~ •O!'clS CC Wove ilfOund idly <1 5 A~: Kiod of ll'efltl' l ••ritd~ .. 7 E~iM!one~ by lour.hin9 48 lri dl ]~f of ~n A~•an K1n9rlom ~9 s~t i-! •n~tr1~t~ 50 HiQh•~y SC Cti"'plele ti1n1s 57 ·-Rot~·~ 011~. bee l~nd111atk 58 C1111•d 59 Wo~e_ ~I ~ ctrtil1n pact 60 B•rd's cl1w t.l Rtrl ch,i lctdooy 62 Doe~ needlework Id A••~t DOWN l "·-tll! IC'n1fe" 2 Sh1ftl~~~ -an ) Mn'k1~v 39 Country ~r ~ Ptrt~1 nino llJ Eur!!l)e'. Abbr. ~n llllllff l!OOf •.4()-Bas in: 5 r,rn~l t ~ol v ~. ErttnllOO of Pt•son: Ahhr. ~ the Bay cif b A slackM109 Fun11y 111 pace I ,.......,....,.,.....,,....,,_ I , ~ I ,,,_.,_,._,_..,._ .... _ 7 "' (I Li~ •W I O S A P I \•00 C •Al ; . ~ 10 14 71 l P19nu>nte<1 J.1 F r.m~t ~y• ll'lembr~ll't fl<O(Nll'" S Glo iwnv JS Fi •~!'< 10 !~e 11 Ch!'m 1c ~I B~lt 1c Sta su!l 11 ~ 7 E ilf 'V 10 Allr>r ltm~brl~nl cf 11 l"l•r•c" "tJDlllY Stotlanrl •!Pm ] "'Of!lS 38 C an~d~'s 12 On~ s1~••11Q l,1r11"'SI c!ty lmp,.1\mf'ntly 40 DP~trve 13 Un ... ~nted .. I Old i pq~me-i>l pl ~nts ho~l : Abhr . ~'! "'·'"~ 43 Unfoi rdtod sto-y 21 _.,,qJOrt ctldt 4' lt o,,l I~ llo~tori 45 ll•li lln 24 (,nllPl'5 monetary llfli ts il(C~SSIVf 4b 801iqu~t 25 Dfrlucts lrom 41 Gl"5D11l9 •~9~s h~rl!~ 2~ S111tr1 ts Imm 4 ~ .l.lltlf~tf 27 Con~!tll ~lion .,.,(~ cl1r•ty 28 J3~ritse bg~ 51 Fillet: Htr. 211 G~r;age ~1 .A.cidity ""'ployte SJ S1 nfacf :30 A M'"1111119 im: 111"f"'~S~]O'I lnf()l'l'llal SS Common Ji lllothi!'i' of '"''1r~ct ion Perseu~: 51, G.1ieoA, lcr crie Grett myth. 57 Pes~1 .1: Ahbr. 12 IJ A COMPOSING STICK ! ~25 A WE'EK! • ' !. .,. ti ' By Al Smith By Dale Hale By Frank Baginski ..... :';. SOC>N A~ \HAT ' .,, .,...,..,_,_I •~ .... ,.__.,,,,. GORDO MOON MULLINS •• "' ;\ .... ,._ .... _, ... 10 __ _ J.NIMAL CRACKER By Gus Arriola ,> By Rager BoUen 1VEAl-\\TS1l1FMJ,pk-CT) / {"""'60NNA'U s<= tl \.)f1..../t l PF,!1 rir -ATl"f '0 1 I I W0\11 ! 'fH E~S CF l~fE"fl 'I •• .. l.if.S, BUI, DO ~00 OW/.l A~q OF 'fHE C~ASSICS ? _T TH INK HE. MEA~.5 'fHE PEANUTS MISS PEACH l' c:AN 'T WAIT FO R T4E BIG. DANCE ! Tl-'!RE'LL. Bf 80'6 'Ra.M ANO™ER SCHOOL. .1 PERKINS ,, {CJ SEE CH • .:'.;..' 5tMPL t,' OOE'Sf.i'i F:::AL!ZE l11Ai D~tP lXl·iif.. 'iOU'RE REAL:.~ 1N LC'IE ti.11!,.j f.l !,.,1,AND .• :-:; q l\!'i/lf :\~,.,: ~:,N1 ~~--~ ~ ves ! IT 'L.L 8f NICI! IH IN~ MALl! A FUSS OVUl OV N EW SOYS FOii! A CHANG-I! l'lilANCIN!, TH! NIW 110YS WON'T I V!N KNOW YOU'il! AL.N I .. .' 1fHE: ELEC:fRIC IOA 'THE Wlk:~fE. PABl..UM" ! MAN1 qru eor A EiRfAr' ~RD COllUfl O~ I .. Bv Charles M. Schulz ly MeU ,,, Te L. v, :r CARRY MV 91~ By John Miles _,,.-.._,,_~_;-H f---r~--!F'l-1;:::\rf-~--, ,___.,.........__ __ --! n~.:.· )'I likt him ~ EAn~ "6eATlES". THE GIRLS "tilt:t_ ~,,.'i~~~-14 mut'h btt!l'r ron h i~ rrcnrcl !t-lnu tan do\l·n 1-l'btn ynu "'ant to tal k," DENNIS THE MENACE ' - lur11 bin1 --:• \ • NE'llSl'AP&/t !Im /S LIKt "7W6?>'~ JJf>f. STRAJGHT ~S. GlllJ G!Il'S ,4JI,' ~ ~ 7lf; £4001£ 1 • fil·DAtLY \1.0.G t.i ~ .. -- Thursday Evening OCTOBER 14 •:OO £1 llil Nt"1111 J~rry Dunph; rJ' New1 B•ll Hud~~ Q KNBC News Tn'l1 ~nydn O l'le•H Don't [•1 11!1 Da"i'1 0 "EYEWITNESS NEWS" *JOSEPH SENTI & JOHN SCHUBECK 0 Jrlewi Ben11, Sthubec ~ 0 'i' Wi!d Wild West m Tile fllntsto"'' (El I Ort1m or Je1nni1 1\$1 This Week tifl Hodetpodee Lod21 ail Noticlero 3.t ID Dt1rr1 R1 port (39) M1yberry RfO CD Nrws J•m Ha"'1horne 1:50 0 Slew All,n Sh~w Gut1!1 1r• Jnhn Bvner Roger Miller. !d Anl!I and Kd!/lryn G1~yvm ...... .,. ... ,,.,~ .~.~ : .. : I. dtiperadots 1ttar lftye5 and Curry es.capt hom a pMSr ID Truth or Constqurnces Ill llortn2 from the Oly11plc al (IS) ThirtJ Mlrwtes With ..• m :soi.n11s Cl)Jrllno l :lO ID D1vid rrott Silo• ! ED (15) W11 hington Week 1n Rrv1tw €IJ [I Show da LOCI! \'1ld1z , . ., fJ "THE DIRTY DOZEN" *CLASSIC ACT ION TONIGHT & TOMOR ROW ON THE CBS MOVIE S fl 8 CBS T~u"41y Movi!: (Cl (2hr) "The Dorty Do1tn~ Par1 I !drama) '67 -lee Ma'Vl". Erne~! Bo1gn 1"t (~A r i es Bronson. Jorn Broo1n, John Cd~~vetl"i. Ro,~ard Jaet~rl Geori:e 11.enMel!y \'l~r11me s1ery abou! ~ grl'up d ~arden•d tr1mmal Mild'''~ ..-no ue seltrted I~ be trained to carry nut 1ml)(lr!~nt ·~·ds I 0 ~0~ ffi Nichols "!'aper Badge" .. ·~:1.~.I 59~ i~~·~; 49C • l'••w, .• ' .. ,,, WOMlH 1N (AC.l ~ '(~) "' 11~· II"""'"' Ao"' u1e~ "' e '-~v"• l JJ Jr 1 . I 11 l{i<" lk "ILUE Wll,TEll, WHITE OEATH "·~· 'IM[ UHOEFEATEO" "''" .Jv" (/~~"" (""' 5~! & ~"" ' .l:i f' ·~ ~'J N THRU ~1\1 ~fb.TU.t:f AT 8 PM C()NflNUOUS SHOW !-61 ANl'.I ~UN. FROM l 0 "THE AGONY ANO THE * ECSTACY" -CHARLTON HESTON · REX HARRISON 0 Moy1~: (Cl (90) "Thi Agon1 l!!d tht (,!t1sy1' Put I ld•amd) '65-1 Charllon Heston. R~( Hoi111nn, 01 , ant C1len!n Re crc~lonn ol ?he ep•c/ conflo~l ~el w~pn t""o n! the grea!esl fler~on~l<!le1 or th~ Rcna1\S1nce-M och~langelo and l'ope Julius II _I (l!e1Gheduleci) I ~;;.rlr;;;~:jj~~~~ O r51 Ril CD l ongslrrtl "[l~gy in jj Brass ' long~tree! becnmes invol,r~ 1n 1 murder cum ·1helt mys1ery ~·t aga1ns1 1 New Orleans )!/! llaC~· ~rnund I ED (I~) Ho1trwood Til•~fslon The1· Ire "!he Pol•~e" fl:) la Crut d1 M1ri 51 Cruces over tile pa1nt•ng of the monurnrntal (3~) fllm . "from Here to lternily" f!~Seot\ In !he Si~l1ne Cliapel, I m Rosas !)Ill Veron lt1 [8 CBS Ne"1 Wal1ir Cron~ite lfOl NBC Hews John Chancellor 9.30 0 Ba~et W1 rd He>n m And, Grittl \11 (D Bi!! IAl5br Show (15) Black Journal ID Pt1rlng the Gu1t11 m Beil tilt Odd~ (39) Grern Aerts CB V1vi&n1 tlort1iuer1 CD ABC Ne\11'5 7:00 f) CllS Jrlews W!lt!r Cronk1Te {3 ABC News Smr!I! Reason11 0 ID NBC News John CMancel t~r (6 Truth or Con:1equrnce1 I IR Dr1gnrt • I O Whit's My line? lf(j Tom Jones S~ow Niner Wilson I PIJt!tS. m l lMe LUCJ 10:00 0 10 ffiDean M1 1tin Show Guests ue Ruth Buu1, Ar1 Carne1 and lynn Kello~P. O rJ1 '.];J C!)Owe n M1 rsh1H,1 Counselor 1t l 1w "Make lio M•s· I take' l}.o.·en Mdrshall lf·~ctar.11y Ide> su•l !~r malprac11ce against a ln.!:,hly rescectfd phy~rc11n 1 0 The Avengers ffi News Putn~m f 1~h man ffi Animals, Action i nd Advent ure 'Challange ol Eic horn" I ffi (15) World P1~s rn V"ltjo Sinvcrguen11 CI!) DEBUT Footb1ll Soccer tion1I lnterna-1 flj I Ore1m ol Junnie 0 5) Spe1klng rrtely f!l History ol M1Jico al L1 lntruu 10:30 O Ne'11'5 M o!"~ McCormrck I ffi Neoo Bill Jo~n, m [I Retrtto de Dorian Cr•J I (39) f11111; ''Who Wt5 thil l•d11" CD M•ntup 1 1~:45 ED (15) CMvid Llttleioh n I C1ittt 11 luge "Stra1·1nslo;y-l'/ords i'i 1thoiJt Music." ll:OO £1 ~8 !iJ) H~oo 7:JO 0 ID Rollin' 1111 t~• P.!ver 0 IO m News Merle Ha~garl1 Is ~utst K•·11y Rni; 0 &ofltgiate rnotball 1rs and !ht f•f}! [d•Tmn 'iar. (6-Tn Be Announced Q lassie "S•!ich fnr Y•1·•·d1y• 0 11) !I) N"5 L!•s•• and h•r twi rr ' '•.'Ii' D Mo~lt: ''lh! M~n" id·~.,,.l "_'.! l11 ~n~s. R11n Holde11 dnd Tl~ '.' !r· -he~ Webb Marlrn Branoo TN~~~ r•I .11:0 p•nsntr?<ng lo1 h•l!Or lft<!.; u1e in 1 l h"<! 10 ... n-acc1de11 l1ll; sta•t 1 hrt whorh 1vnrlts a d1n~m1:1 . ••Pln,oon , 1nd Dalt 1lmoils loses! ~·s hit. fOl To Tell the Truth op1n1on on r J'""' h1ope111n~s end in!tlVrtws w11h ntwsm!kers and n•wsgelhereis @I) [Sj)tthculos CE S~u1rt World ol Ed • !utlei 1:00 0 "!~ !le1ruts! Oa~;d C1n1ry pla~· 1 rurh!e~ b~nd1! J~ader whn 1e!I~ ~ l!•lo!e!' \•1!lage ~e will h~nc onP Wright. m To Ttll tk' lru:t1 W Bt1t the Clt>~k 1lS)C1ndidates end l•1ue1 ED W1shlnrton Week In Rrv1e• fJ r3' tj' G) Dick Cavett Fen U~:onov gursh. ID Movie: ''loughr.rl Man In Ari- 1en1" /o1es1ern) ·51-Joa11 Les! e. Vau,1:hn "1on•oe. @ Movit: ''lhe [ntrr11inH" ICo m· tori 'GO -l tu,ence Q 1v•tr, Brtnd1 de Ban11e. ot H\ r•l•1e~~ ~nd 1~11 thtr must 11:45 (39) fOf Ad u!U Onlr ~tier! th~ vir11f'l Wuner Ande~o~I l:OO O Movie: (CJ "Trooic Znne" r~~· plirs a brief rolt \ r , v!nture l '53-Rona'd Rre;:~n Rt ~'I Q 101 m Flip WIT50n r.u~ls l 'f d~ Ftemrn,i;, Noah S••"Y Gen•Re C11i.n Su~M Rt)' l!ob1n1on and Pit Boone !nd ru"oly ) (5 D fJ :I @" NtW1 CJ t.lovi1: C2 1fihr) "Ht nl Cll1isti1n 1:15 0 H"'t .liftderwn" (1!n!a~y\ '52 -Danny Kay~, Jeanm1ir• f1rley Gran~•r O 'Y"T crJA l1t1 Sm it h an d J~nts "Th• ro~1a Tha: Wouldn I 1:30 ffi All Hi ~M Shn..-"N ~him~'" tA~llc ... ft ) "T~· Deep Sn." ard "'The Silent R~·d~r$" Oult'' A w~m!n ind her two youn i 1:45 O The G1llel} Friday DAYTIME MOVIES l:OD m ''lhe Bl~ 011tr1tor" fdr1m1I ·~ii -M<r~•y l?n/)I\•~ W~M•I VJn Ooi •n f ;JG 0 "th11l•1 t k1phn fesliv1I" and "Dull1w fury" ( .. e,1ern) '50 -Jim "'~ flh•nn 11 .. ~stll Hlfdfn. ' O '"Ten Nnrth fred1ritk'' {drtmil ·5~.,ry l'..on~t• O•lt'I! V1rso. 1 ;O:OO I) "Hn"' !~ Be \'•ry, Very Pop u!1r"' {tnrr,.lly) ·~'l---ShE•et Nnr:h Bell) Grab 'r 1:00 f> IC) "-.tlantJl, ttht l ost ten · lrt'len!" (,~•rtarulH) '51 -An:hnny 1 H~:I lnyr• T~yln• I m "Ei11ht lrnn M't'l" /rl r~m~) '52- l•• M ~rv•n ~~,... Ca11if 2:00 m "Scudd1·Hoo! S(u dd l · !111 !" Cnn~lb1>nn (dr&m1l 48-Junt }la;er, ['In W.tCa!hster, Nal!lrt Wflld 3:00 8 ''lhe Bridges 11 TokoRi~ (d1~m~) '54 -\';·lh~m H'l!d~n. Cir1ct ~e ly, lo IC) "Si~n of the P111n" fldJtr lur e) ·55 -Jt!f th1nd•t1, Jae• P~lall(~. too f) ''The H"ol!lum PTie~t" frlr1ma) 'fi! -ni.n M>Jrr~y. Ktlr Dullei. LMry Ga!~s •:J:l J] Sime 1s 10 ).M liJtinr I See by Today's Want Ads e DO~ T BE A CAD, YOL' '--<it;;c;>-/:·c-;,~~: FIE'.\D::'. R11)' .\OUr w,fc this '6.1 C.:idillar 1-d!Ylr ~"· rl;in f"lr lhf'•p('rfrr1 .<('fllnr! l'11r I• ha!! Jl'l'lf'r ~1rr1"11~. P'l"<'r hr11kr'. anti r ';ir. !'l"S 5;>,72.) milt s. jl'n<:l,r 1~1 ....... 1 e :<!AXl:'-IL':'\I E~JOY\I E;\'T FRO:'of THIS HO~DA Q,\ ;'111 :'ol1n1 b1kr. It has nr1 "r tic-en 11~<!'. e DRY YOt;R \LOTH}':!-. l':LF:CTRtCALLY \I uh 1h1• \\'h1rl]'lO'll ri,,r·!r1r tlr\l'f'r Fnr your currrncy you i;:r t 11n (':ol'Ct'l!Pnt hny • F'OR ('.000 DF:ALS AND F'l-~ READJ:-lr., 1.()()1\ AT OlJR TR:\ DER'~ PAr.- ADJSE. TONY AN THONY. I @m~h2~ ·-· .... ···~-. " ~ ,. . .. lr'Vf M6(H1Nf 'Ill "DOC TO~~· w1v11· (Pl s w~PPf~' 1~·1 .,~ ·~,, '"'I " ~ I b ll~< =·~·~·~· ==:; •• ······. ' __ ,, _,. , ........ '·•' ., '"' ~ .... ' ..... •··•• "'• " \Oo•• ........... Ni\lflO i\NC.ll 11) DIVI\ ~HGUS • A-~I\ \ 0111001> (I ) ) lftoi~~el L Wolf r'e'-l'nl$ A~ AllllO ARTl5JS fill.I ~!~dJ FOR GIRLS WHO'VE HAD EVERYTHING 'C~~HiL KN OWLE DGE" (AJ Al\O [r:p1 """ · 111r.,. ~«on• "n1>1~\. 001< I ltfl Y'" l'lr•~•l~PM ~to•,, <•Jn -600 PM. l'l'l ~'J't \U•JOaY" C·•Ml.\t ~'<ELT Ell" /.tor1 / """ T~·or·~•v - ""' ' ~ r 'A ..... ' \·•· ' ,, "~ Mf C~' I <. M~< i.o< LE~· t I E ' ~,.,;VlL ~ [f ' ., ¥ ... , ... , .. ,'.'.'""_ "'""d v "'"' f"""~·. -""""')""'' ~'' '··" ~un -• hO f' M T>o• !r••n Mtnu•<'" 'n ••v "' "1.•.M "'""'"'" · "M~~ no•''-r '''>!km•n·' NATIONAL GENERAL THEATRES lXClUSIV( OllAHGE COUNTY (NGAG(MiNT ' ,,, ... ~ .. ·~.,.' .. ·· -'· .. ~---.. ·;-;-•·: .""·~·' ~. ~~ •• _,)J v ' mo~e lo ve -t>e d•d GENE \11lDER out ot lne Producers DOHAlll SUTHERIAHD lresh rrom "MA s H.· ... " ~' -' " ..... .. · ~ a.Q l ~ClU~IVEOC lMiAGEM<Nl •\,,...)(_) NOWl'l AYING! 41~ Wiii( ,,,_~;:__-;:-,t;:i_:i~,..,.--Mo" •• fri. 1 Q('lt J1 ~ 101~ (;WdJ~ Sa.1 ,l.Su11.•1•i 1)111•11"' '"•o X IQO!l(,~·~1 J '"' ·,:.;· ; .... I •• Thr fnunla1n \',1llev (nn1 n1un1t\ Thr,1'"t h;1, ,11U1•u11», ·I 1hr l:t1~I lu1 11 ~ lirSI rrnt!,H 11•>11 ut !hi' Ill!\\ ,, , 1111. 11:• J!.1tl·•ll ('f'l1 c•1m1d1 n .. 1 o1•11( (;l\oub Togcthr1 ' 111 · lJ,n 1d Rngt r., Jn.~ ,\!;i1v1tle 1~ d1tt·1 11nc lh1 chtldrt'n\ prod11rl 1••11 111111 !1 11·111 fl:,llLJre (:i ,r 1 .\!1llc1 r1a1re r.u·harr'•nn, Ronn 1" !'11t!r1' Lt• I ! , •. r11~ Ul, 1\1'1 Il l Hcoll\ ;111d .)('fl l\.tp11c O'h<·1:. <11 lh" fuunL11n \·.ii ii· (.., 1-11 I he C111cl" ltn11 ] .• r1rl t ;or1 \l rller, Cl,1v :-.ellr1 ( l.i11d1;i 1!111. r\nth(lny l'r1l;:in11111,1, r;1nr1:1 ).\at son. .John l \1l .do1.1:i~ ~1 ~1rg;1rr1 l.;111r.:a:.tcr. Sus11n f'!'.'1 b, Oa1·iU Coit11 Ly 11 cl 1,r rs .';eel,: Lo11<r B,~,rc/1 A ·1c{:t rtls t"I S1·\ i'I .,I th .111 '" i n ti !1 I \ j1P rl or1nr1 l111r lll·n ll111111n.1Lc1t f111 .1( 111•~ ,111.trrl~ a! 1ht> Lon~ Br.u·h ( •11n•l1llll!I\ 1 '1.i~h.-.u~P. 11huh 11111 luild ir ;1nn11al ;111a11b h.11 1qutl ~·111 d.11· rrcninr: S.im l1rarn\lln ;111rl .11'.111 l\ohn. hniTi'-Jlf \\r <tmin~1l'r ho11 l' br.--.11 nn1n1111ttd l•ll' ht•:.t .1r1nr ;1•1d nr111'_,, 1r~p11'­ t11 elv. Brandnn l> 11u111111:Hlt•ll JS for h1.> role in Do1\ 1 D: u1 ~ Ca ~t Slated .•n•l \]1 ~ ~ ... 11,1' In• 'L1'• \', 1 Ii I .oll1• 1 ' \'ulllll, 1, ,1 In rhr hr•,t :.11p p,1:-11•1 ,, ' >r .1".I ;u 1r1• •'.1tr"n 1· .·•' f. d t\u 1·11 of ~. :-i! r;, I 11 •'''I \11. 1<1111 h ,d•\'I f·I li.i•Lh'I l ,i ,,,. holh f111 th.•ir fll I TllJ'l lldll<'l':. 111 ' 1'·11 \I )'JI• ' Otl1rr 1'"11,.1·1, .11 r I ':i11I Tc.~rh!..c .\11. :·I! I n .. 1.cr., .nll! r;ll'flll ~11•11111'.' \,.. I ;1< 1111 ( 'l,11 :1 (,1 I• Ii .Jll'I \J.q !'.' I ,Ill' hr :-I .1 1 l 1 •· "~ • \ " lo I • S111·rp·l:110', H:ll H1111111 ;ind t.'.111 Stl'r\1.1.:. hl·-.t Sllj)· 111):-!11''.!, :ir·!or. :1nri \l;tr]Clt'i•' !.nnn11s 1nd D1:in::: \a111t•r1i11 • l i1 ;.111\1111 ·" rl L11t .I, ' ''! H •I t r:l1 111• T 1,' 111IJ i, .. rrro~entr•d II• I I An11~'" !I •11 Scho .. f !h· '• • lfi ·llfi .\1' ', ,,,, S!i I, 1.un \'n!1• I 'rnctu ,i1 ~ .1 rP Ort J.1 2l 29 ,,. 1 '11 1 1: o ( l1'C'k 11 11 a .. 11 ,. , 1 I 1 1 1•111 1·•-!~·· 1n:1t1r1ce pl •·• 1 I •, r II dli111.1·r1 .,f11:rnno11 (!1' ;;1, ,I[ ~ I• l ln1 ), ( )1 ih I 11' H'iilf!l<O!' , I .. unt:11n \ :illro\' ~e;: " '" ,. " ' ' OAIL '( P!LO r 21 " ,, 'I ,, I " " I I • • • t [ Jiu' I ..;:.,. ' '. I I" I 11 I )1 C 1 • I 11 n y ,,. '• ' \~-rt t, (I•' !I ~ · I : • • ~. t JI 1 11 •11 1ul '" .. ,. 111· j ! I f'I •l hy Thr n11('n:1 r,,rk f'l't"r1 ~ h.11r ,JI HlOUll('f'ii thr I';:!' I 1 ... thr1r rir'\r prf'rl11r •1nn. \',ii :-1111•111 ', l.1 ! t'/'111< <II. "("I''!" 1!1011 \•Hit tl-.1 11 '' 11huh i!f't'll" 11"\I 1111n1th 1u--1 ~11r1111r1H1: .1rrrr ... • CJ :'\ ~ClL'f.:QJJ% WI 1 <;aJ . \l,,.,r "''"",.,"'' "°'"'"'" E..1¥ '.'i:1,!c~~ 1n<li1d1• 1·.11 !lc:np,,., ll.1ndd l • ---- .l1•h11 l.011j::hn1.1n ;inf! \!11 1 1 Sn1.1!I. 11·hn rrrf'nll1' 11t,0 1···rl 1"•' h·.irhr1::: rolr~ 111 · \ !'>il<>I II' 1 .,. !);iii.,' !111 t110 ~.11)1 .J \1·.1 j "Ill 1'11111111 !'L'l• I 11111 li••,111 11"' 1:11~n;1 1 ':n·i.. 1'1 r 1111h 1111,, 1 1 Hlr~ hr11 :j.! 1.11.0 •1 1,. I :ri•, ,\111"1 , fl'l'I \\ t I fl 1111'. • ''••':Cl" 1,,por t· 1\lihl' I· 1n1 ,. r'rrfnri11·11tft' \01 fl 12 1! I 1 h.111 o1111I '.<1 11 1 ..... 11 1·!1 .1nd IT 1, 1tl1 111;•!1'\I •. f•ll \.,1 -;-11rl 2 1 ,,' thr [~11r11'1 1':11 k ('•,111111'•111 ! ('11'r• iii ,11 l\no11 1 \.1· Bur1i:1 l':1rk ... ' \]1tl'lH·ll. l\.11•'11 I\ r '' r c r l , \ 11 ··111'' l!J.1! .1nrt l't 1.-r1IL1 l"1:11 .. 1111c !., Thr hf's! r .11111 !1 , 1' 11rl 11,JI e, .. In .lurl1 l\11l ;i nd 1 " h1 1 1;:1 t'tU'r· rrnph' I • 1:111<r \\urL h•1lh tor "LJfP \\ 11h I ,1•L( · • Th" pl,11 t -:u r nn11• 111 11 -. 1:,d 1r.01 f't! pr.irlur11nn. 1\il\ p1r-.r•.t t!il' ,1\1:1nl°' .o! j ~;:1 I q\ ,.iv1 qt! 111t• <)ueo•rt \1.1r\ 1;1· 1 ·, , "n, 111.1•. ht• n1l::1111•·'il t11 < di!" Ii 1" p(. I'. h1 •II' !' ;1: •!1:1 1.::-u:i ,,, ---1 '± '1EWPOR1 Rf~C t' • cm JR3~0 l'iri 5T RUtJ Rich<trd Bcn 1c:min i\L~·il GP "Vanish ing Plli ~t" l!AN&J I LW:::WWWWWW ' 11:'1 ,,.,,,,, ,,,,.!1 ,r,, ,~n·,1111.11 I ; I ( I ... ,. en IH T· "U Nf AITH FUl WlfE" IQ •. ~ •:· .• : ·] ..... , ~II O '" . • •./ ' . .----- • 1<'' '' ., J"""< r .mm .. ...... VI~ 1rr r1 ~11'•-ilJ " a 101~ 0" f hccDt.'d l""a'r ~or •'' ·i; td ffr•Ll"lt. .. you.1~'<1·~:Jt• ii atir1u ' 11 f·,,,., t'1c o;:icn•rg:.c"""-· SHOWING NOW! ... Ot~an W'1t•s·fe'·P• f~r f'! ·1~ A • .. i, --------, ''t,, -i•nd ' 11 "c,J'T '?'<l f · •r·.r fir·' I -.o:o !"1,11j(j 1 r~ -''· l•r:.>i C.r<:-• 1'l"' :'> t :,br 1•• ·~~·rr•. lo',K '1°'~'· ,,... "' • ... , ~ \. "" '"'>' ''" •• ·~ ('' .,,,.., .. ~,. ,_ ....... -:l'I'•'" ,..,.,."' • ., ••• •• . ..... -,,, l .Jo,•r,,·.-1<•"''" -;>'It ·~·,,.,o,.~'i •DWA,.DS TH l!ATR E _,,,., .. '"'"\" .. ,,.,, .. ,. ' o• ••Un•""' I I '. ' ' -,. r r ·••( < •• • 'C :">•• I • :;'O.,, •. ,.,,.,... "' ~~"'" 1-· ~~ l<>l•b,tN~r C·•·•-1•••"·~( ''''' ''' ''• ·:. PREMl[P[ ORA~iG [ COUN rY lt.lGf,fj,rlolNT EOW llRO S OME OF THE FU NNIEST PICTURES OF THE YEAR 1" ~· .... ·:'ncl-TOP F£ATURC· t • ·,., ~. rn 1 ·-TH t OJr.t,;:;owNfRS G'J •• ' "·~···· ., <a> • ( J,'1r1r I:. '1 §k;r.:n ~~~-.' .. _,,, LouCossr,il :j11 ;,:11 1C~: !k ~ .. '' • ( I ' I ! ' 1ndt1lOQl;l ·l ••I 11, 1,· .TWO MULLS FGR ~i:>i ER S:.'!.fi.!\" '"' "' •••"n• •.... ,..-.. , .• ,, • __ SJ, £0Wll.~O !> HARHO f~ ~~;.1 •··••• "'° ". , .. " '" .,,. ... ,. . ..: ... l • ">O •; ' "" < ";:::;;::::==~:"".::::::::::;:.:---..,_...,,-.-..41 ~ZJWWW>-¥%WWW ''.,..'• "BLUE Wi'.-\TER, W!·;!TE DEATH" The hunt fOf ttie &re ··t Whrle Shor1t rv:l Ii\ [;l0 [:J(.! i'llif~ '.~: LVJ/J"JuJ _,-~LJ L': ,, : u O~'E Y..'EfK ONlY. POSITIV(lY ENDS TUE 'l . )alln \l(~¥nC ~ r.!:ii'i1 i~ r u~:1 e ~·. . ., . .... . -(" ,__ -· :-,·1,\H'J-.,\\ll)'-.J ·ll\'I'• 111dl Z 1\ l~• r,r•·:•1 'T.R.n.'\:r.1•,'' (nu ' , .. I ' • '" •2nd TO P H!T • ;~ '" , It•'"' I -.. "Otl AN1 SUNDff' POSI TIVEl Y £nd 1 Tu ~~d11y .. .. "'"'" "~" ~· '"''• . ' "' • ~n••• .• ..,~ • ,,,. "" "" • ... v I• I 1>on n ' l<U"""G'O" ... M·" s T l\R TS W[D . oc T. '20 "'THI AfM tCA H !lll'HAl>I T" I> I olm lh Ut•J<f htn" n '<I. ho M•dt "f •>ti!'" !-<1mn,.r" .,'"""''"'I ..o.o•• ••\t tu"" ........... , .......... 0<1,9 ••• ·1~c ~11~·:. •i -~- ' EDWARDS CIN[MA Vl [JO '-,:MISSIO N Vl[IO · 830-6990 f11nny 111.N Lr :· S'' I A· ... t.t ~o r· ura r r;ru11 n 1·~ "I l OVE MY Wll E" (R) •Pos1t1~ely Endi J11e1di1y• POSITll/(lY fN DS TUESDA Y DCT. llf ' \ r : •. 1.1. :1 "COM£ TOGETH fR" (RI "PADo v·· (GI') ·' .. 1 • • FOUNTAIN VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ' AND ITS WOMEN'S DIVISION PRESENTS • OCT OBER 18t h THROUGH 23rd OCTOBER 18th MONDAY 6:30 P.M. OCTOB ER 19th TUES DAY 5 P.M. OCTOBER 20th W EDN ESDAY OCTOBER 21st THURSDAY 7 P.M. '" 5 P.M. OCTOBER 22nd FRIDAY 7:30 P.M. BAILEY'S YOUNG WORLD VARIETY SHOW LO S Af\11GOS HIGH SCH OO L STA GE EAND CARLOS MUN OZ FOUNT A!N VALLEY H•GH SCHOOL STAGE BAND LUAU AND HIS LATIN QUI NTET C o ~d~cted hv Mr. Aci,,,o.• WITH BAILEY'S YOUNG WORLD AND WOOLCO DEPT. STORE ALPHA BETA CENTER WOOLCO DEPT. ST ORE ALPHA BETA CENTER LOA NONI PRO FE SSIONAL DANCER S EDING ER AT BROOKHURST WARN ER AT MAGNOLIA EDINGER AT BROOK HURST WARNER AT MAGNOLIA FUN FI LLED SATURDAY, O ~TOBER 23rd 11:00 A.M. Disneyland's GRAND MARSHAL PARADE ROUTE Forms at Bushard & Tcd bort, Ta lbert to Magnclia , Ma g noli a to Slater, Sl ater to Bushard, Bush· a rd to Ta lbe rt and t crmin!:!1io11. AFTERNOON PR OGR Al\1 SATURDA Y, OCT~ 23RD AT Founl,in V•lley BOWL High School BAR OFFIC IAL COSTUM E WELCOM E B-Q ' cor~TES T BOWL OPENS BOW L to.REA AREA CAFETERIA 1:30 P.M. 12 NOON 1 :15 P.M. PARADE Continuous lntertainment TROPHIES BOWL AREA BAILEYS YOUNG WORLD BOWL AREA K NOTT'S BERRY FARM GY PSY DAN CERS 2:00 P.M. 2:30 P.M. YARD OF THE YEAR AWARD 4:00 P.M. FOOD & GAME BOOTHS OPEN All AFTERNOON The Followin9 Cham ber ~4em ber s Make Possible Halloween Days in Fountain Valley Dr. Marvin P. Adler, Optometrist. Alpha Beta Market Alpine Civil Engineers, Inc. Alphy 's Restaurant Bank of America Donald Blakely Insurance Car 's) Crocker·Citizen s Bank Danbur Dru gs Dee 's Nutrition Cent er ------ Fountain Valley Coif Range Fountain Valley Floris t ---- F. V. Mobile Estates Guy Fawke s Restaurant --F. V. Management Fo untain liqoor & Focd Mort Francois Restaurant Gemco Corp. - Genera l Telephone Co. G reen Val:zy -=-2 - (H olstein) Grot h ~hevrole t The Hair Handler's McDo:izlj's Huntington Vall ey Plumbing ----Jaime's Mexican Res taurant ----Foun tain Valley Land Co. Real Estate by McVay ----_..,., - Mercury Savings & Loan Assn. ------ Mile S ~u are Gdlf Course --"'~-~- 0.C. Daily Pilot L & L Shell Stati on --Lenore Ltd.~ Ralph's Furniture Ar t Center John Quigley, M artin -Aircraft , _Atty . at Law _ Tool Co. "l_ainbow Disposal Co. ' Rancho La Siesta --- Raytheon Service Co. -----+-Assoc iated Builders of So. Cal. --Rock view Drive·ln Dairy Safeco-Insurance-Co. Security First Natio11al Bank -Sherco·Fountai-n - Sh o p~ing Center \ Southern Cal. Gas Co. So. Cal Edison Co. Star D Iron Works --Sullivan Pre·School Center , Tai Brook Union Pmky Thorp Locksmith --Tovatt 's Appliance s, Inc. Union Felieral Savings & Loan Assn. Valley Bike & Hobby Shop -- Valley of Flowers Valley Travel VAN /DE Publishing Co. Von 's - Warner Avenue Animal Hospi ta l Wil son Ford . . . . - YOUR GUARANTE r;"l (,lJll.I! "'MINI Fli~llY ~t/! 10c Of f lAS!l PEPTO BISMOL RIGHT GUARD DEODORANT 011~ qvot~ 1p11y 91vt\ ~how 11 .10. 1hnw1r p1ol11tlo11. llOZ.CAM 197 HOWE R &IRl ·H SHAMPOO or RINSE~\ Your cho1c1 ol o /~' ciuolily sllo..,poo '' .-.: . :., 11 1mt nn11. Sovt! 47' 1 °'"'• / 16 OZ. SIZE ...... .~ ALL LADY LEE DAIRY PROD UCTS * These fin e produc t s ere never sold af ter t he date prir)ted on tho carto n ... they are all guar- anteed t o be fresh and wholesome fo r at lolls! 7 days\~tter purc hase if you keep t hem proper- ly refrig&(&f&d. Yo ~ c an always seNe Lady l ee Dairy pro'ti~c ts wit h complete confid ence in the fres hne!s and qu alit y . Harvest Dey b reads. f or oxa n1 plo, have a plastic tab w it h smaller n un1bttrs next t o the price. This "date" n1eans that lo af w ilt n ot be sctd as fre sh bread etteir that dny ot the n1onth, W it h proper care , it w ill stay f resh fo r at least 5 days after purchase . Thoso prod u c t s not h aving the plas- tic tab, have their dat es p rinted on t he end se al . Bl.110( CUT C£MT[A CUT -BONC'IN ALL LADY LEE BULK CHEESE T ho date means tho i1em will no t be 1old at1or that day . H oweve r, this produc t. w ith proper refriger ation. w il l be f re1h end flavorful fo r at least 30 di!t ys aftei- purchase . You c an d opond on Lady L" for f reshness and quality -every time. STANOI NG-lARGE EN D ROUND STEAi{ 891~ RIB ROAST 88~. CHUCK ROAST 491~. CHUCK ROAST tt~I U 59 ( (Ul ... •• . . . I b 93 ~ 75' 39 ~ rn111 r 1r,.rl( 26C 140 ~Q . f t . llOllS TIDE DETERGENT ;:',"' ~P UREX BLEACH ~~o~;n .. L ..... MR. CLEAN CLEANER \'1g~;n.,1 _.... LYSOL M~nr>•111 1 .. ou,~r'•t,.,•1 1J llOl~H COMET CLEAP4SER ~:"c';"(~~ . o" SCOTCH GUARD "", .. lllllf •I QJt• 101 32 ' /l' 77' 77' .... 22' ,.....;.-·1 ~(6j l ~, ob: .. / ' ' I . GIO RGI AN TUMBLERS Rot h Cito rg•O" ,1,1. 'J lt ir>q in Ho ntf C.old 99 , 01 A woro~o. •-ot . '- titr; pkg. ot '· 68 ( JUICE GLAI SEI; 41"' • COVlRlD PIA ITI C @ CAKE TRAY -~~ . I lo ©=·, 1h o-rgt 11ay, . , ••lr o-lo ll J•I· 99 ( ~·. tho.1 'owtr rhot lo<ks 111 111urrly. WIRE CAKE COOLERS l•r 1ooli111J cok1 1, c oo~i11, ol,o !01 hol d11htt. Hit~Y ptl11Nd chro"l1 ''''I.? l1r 11~ 3 KITCHIN TlRRY TOWHI . , , , • 17< COHTAC CAPIUUI -""· 01 io •• ,. 99< A\U IHT ZlR TW IHI -ll'> ••• , 99< lDGE SHAVE CRUM -RI O .. MIHIHOt . 90< NORFORMS ·PKG.Of 11 •..•.•••. t.11 u.~ n.r. GRll Dt A, CHIC KlN S WHOL! BOD'!' 1'.t 3 LBS. YOUNG HEN TURKEYS .. 45.~. GROUND BEEF ~~~~~~1 ;~.r. l'V• LO • O•l<OU~T fllll &~T Ill!''~ •.•.. STAND IN G RIB ROAST PORTERHOUSE STEAK SJ49 1"!1 oor lUC " 90WOfO UH .. '.......... fb. . CANllllD PO ODS , • ;. ' ~ MAXIM ~·~:"i:1.C 0"'1 l 1' COFFEE ;,",' 89' U Gu•~• 011• 01 urn•• '"•1'( ( o" I! 0-YUBAN uo1 t•• 75 ' ~1 1 ~ 90 ' Ol~u••I 01.-OrllH,,, .. ,TI( DIN ~~Ens :~'~'1'1:'~" .. 1'1 18' ~~~~~CE BlU( ll lB ROH 31 C.OLO!M Of!ICIOUS ( 2~ OUNCE JAii 27' rf' DOLE BEANS '.:~·;~·.~."'"'"'~'1 '20' TREE TOP C IDER :~?1111 •••• 09 ' if. TOf.,ATO JUICE ;1°~:11 1L ••• 43 · «•,.•<t;gou!l•,.•TO PINEAPPLE JU ICE ~!~~n,~r~ ······· 33· l, ... KETCHup ;;·~:1111 ••••• 33' PEACHES ~1'.",~;~:1~',","'."."11 Vl\nt ' 26' r.14 CATSUP ~~,r-~~.·i'~ ............... 33' ~·· k:y &;.'~~ .... BANGO POPCORN ?l!IOW 29c J2 OUN([ Pl(G. lllCll Y ~O N fllD l Oi'DUhlll Y B!Ef BONELESS DA INTE:S JIMMY DE MI SAU ~AG E ""lll ro" 1 >0 <• LADY LH BAC ON 1\IC!O I II "" HORMEL eA CO N llll!O 1 LI l •(o $]1~ SJ47 . 53 ' 63 ' man:1:1 i E Il I WM ,,... wo r.CES TERSHIRE ::~;.. 67 ' , .... , •• ,."~·I ef' GROUND. PEP PER:·,·;·:•;;' CJ"_.. DELI SPREADS ;~·11 \~: ,,. C H Ut~K T UNA ~''~:·;~~ ~ c r.t r.,ORA :;·~:·,·.·:· .. ·• ' O""'• WESSON O!l ~~;·,',, ~CRIS C O Oll ~:~~·~n .. oA-OLIVES ~'~'~',•:::··· r SPAGHFTTI ~1 ~:·,·:~"·' ( ~·· ~··· •• ~· 1 45 ' 61' 35' 67' 87 ' 60' 29' 35' SYRu r .,., ...... 6'' r 1•n1 ,(, .) er C.H .B. SYR UP:;," 47 ' ~ PEANUTS '~~~".'.~""ti~" 63< IP! l i t]U t·l ,1'111- LADY LEE YOGURT :00~·::. 21 ' LADY LEE BUTIE F: :~'o~u;;~" VI " PAK T "''~lol llHC I lll•O 1/\ "~II" , •:t:I -I'.tt·l l·ll·I,I·I SH ~C EREA L ~~~.~~~:'""11 '"' '15 ' RALSTON CER fA L :";/:~:O\TIO (•I• 37' ~ \VAF~R s : ~:·:~ ... .,•u• .... ,. 39' GRAHAM CRACK ER S::;;·,•,. . ,,, J B R IC E 1''"~~'"" (]-<f If • • , •I UI ~~· 41 ' 56 ' Ll!(ll Y l!OtlOlO TOP OUAUI Y Ill ! F ~ .. ~~A.~.~~YER BACON ...... 73 ' FARMER JOHN OACON l~l<I~ I ll ,., .. PA TH BACON OSCAR MA YER BACON l~•W 1"110 11 Ol ••v 58 ' .... 63 ' .. 73' 213'.f.t3 l·:U ·I-I-J-l II 35' A PIZZA Mlv '"""'"~"~'' 76 ' 'J '''""••·•~• 10°.0 1 •O• ~ COCONUT :~·,·~:.~"l!OPHI FRENCH BREAD ~·:~A,';?,~. ~ PANCAKE MIX :~·~·t~~'. PASTRIES ~~~·:u',0''11 ' ···~ ~ MUFF IN M IX ~·.";,:·~,',;" GRAVY QUI CK :~~~~· ... u• t:7 ... CA NDY 8.'\RS :";:: ;,, ,,,..,M ~tll.,t •P•O,.ll (Joi .. O•l•<IO •'"'lll 2s · 23' 41' 43' 34' 48' 16' 34' er MARS HMALLOWS ::." 22' :-1 ~Va n de Kan1p's \~: AN OUTSTANDING VARIITT OF FRESH B f.~!RY GOODS tfJ"·• •I •"~""'"' ,...,i, ••~ d• ''"'l'l ~j l 00°, CHI QUITA 1 -.J" Ban anas 1 ~ GO LDEN RIPE · ~ BUNCHES ')) j 12 ~. U S. NO. 1 NI \"/ (i:!OP SWEET S PAN l~H TYPE 9 l!RCWN C ONION S 1b. . l UC l(l BONOiO TOP QUALI TY B!lf FR ES H DH/CA TES SEN ITEMS! Our L<)W L"l:1)tl1y l ,r1cc ~ WILSON FRANKS (iRllfHD fl \l II! Ir 1 POU ND PllG. 69( All M£A1 BOLOGNA .,.,,, 73 ' "'l~'~''"'I lll•I U ll!lo·!< I ll'" .1 11ro1 69 ( RA111 FRANK S ···1 ·111 LEO'S MEA1S ' ·~. 43 ' 11""'~"' '•I•" ''".I ~""' .~ME~.1~~.~,,.~.~~.~;;,~1 ··~~'"; 69' ~~~N ~~~-~~.MEAl S·····''' HM ~27 9 I II ' ~' o(« I •' I II U ~.~Pi ~,I,~ ~1S "~ (1 ~lJ l V p 1\C,~1 •i1 7· r - PILLSBURY BI SCU l1 S I •·"""'0'•U~• • ' ~: "' , ,f:~.~~.~ SLIC£fl SAL A1\1~~11 11 49 c .c.~.'.\.~ SLICEU SA LA M ~"''" 89 ' CJ.• -pk:y B •/ AUNT JANE'S PICKLES l ~UCEO HAM llUllC.(11 OlllS ~ POllSH Oltl~ Ot 69( KOS HER D:lLS 48 OUN{! JA ii BMRAC£S · SPI R!iS LOOK FOR THE KEY BUYS ! ··1tr y Huy•" Off f l lt D IDYl nq1 "'odt po111&1 , by "'onufoclu •~•" '""'f!Oforv pro..,ol1'l"DI ,,llo,.,.onc~' The se Items Are Available Only at Tho se SMILES SMOCK \cods ot ha ppy fv111 lo pV1 you 1111 lhtuy mood. Calo11, 447 SMOCK -TOP CO BSllli APRON ••• I.IT LUCKY DISCOUNT CEllTE!IS l 1S1f 0 BELOW ... . ' 1 ?'~ REDWOOD TUB 11<r:" • 1' Pi._ TM lli1 11t 111111tmt1•t YOll ! coll g1v1 yo111 polio plonh! O(foqo" 1koo1, 1) 111" siJf. 243 LEE ~ OIL FILTER~ ln11a!I 11 yo•H · OIL DRAIN PAN \~If ond ~~,.182 F1h ""'"Y "'°t~~ nf domfslil co• 1. ~tJ.) (iol~"''~ ol11"'11"Jm; 14 8 ) J/7-gt !lo11 !Of'O{llJ •ony 111r1! oUP-71-S • • LADIES ' NYLON GOWNS MANY Sl YtlS Plll CID fll OJlll J93 l11uit111 qowns. kn h1oftfd of opaqut 11yla11 l11 cot wilh lr1thy 1hcrr ovtdty; ,...ny •••ui"t' ttyl11 ond colors, to dtlighl 1wtry lt1111llitlf twtlt. r---------------------------------T-----------------------,-r;----------------------, l . ! --~ "~,~~~.: .. II,,~~'..~ :.,='.~.~ .. ~~OT6~.P0~STSE l , : ~·.;.t.~:~-~E,·.~:.~:~~T1l~~~ERSP IRANT ! LISTE.~.l-~E ;_:;:. :~.~~.~:~.~~~::~.~~·~:NG6E3Sc l ~ 'o~rz..,, $11 9 I ,_¥ ...... .., •• _.. i ... o. o .... .,. I '.J: C0"1b'"•<I •~ O"• good""''"~ •oo••po1t• W~~ ""I• fer '"'' SILE TUBE J o11 ~cu !t•l 1>:i""tl 6 ""'"l:.. .l ' ..J..-..:.=.:·::~=---------------..J ----------------------r-----------------------7--------- I ' r ' • • 1 ( I ' I •Ill.\' ClllCI .~ l•!J Ril f\••trrtr T 01 v 11 l f p i 11 ,41· 11 is '~--1-1 .-.~._..•E-~ -0 ...... E--L-1 v ..... E._..,8-v·-- Ove1· ~ X' Movie • FINE GROCERIES e EXCELLENT ~RODUC£ e MANNINGS BEEF e BEER e WINE \\ l\\ll'r-:c; \1 , -r11n•f'11,1l1•11· 1. hC'i'll'~ ;ii( ill 11:1•1 \' MATINEE AT 1 "15 SATU RDA Y & SUNDAY ) ' ' '" • " ,] , 1 , I I• I I 1• '• l I I ,, II" / = . ' r---= ----=--~---- •• do yoJ rnck e thot excited mar k thor ?" come~ sr .. ,t.HA\s rt 1Lr11 -pt!11 11t 11' 111 \;.,111 1(·,11 C111 Olflt'!ill~ !\;id h•)pt•(! 111~ 111111 111~ or .1 ITllll If' 111 s~ ·\I· h.lllS \\Ullld iJfll\g lh1· l'\'~111'1111· l tall~· tk·prc~sl'd curnn1unur ,l:{Hld jlll\i]Jrll,1 Aft t·r ~<'cu1g lllt' .'\-rated (',1n;id1;u1-111;,dr· 1110111» tht' of- t1c1als Silld lht• e1ty\ nritor11'- 1.1 11111 lan1e . v.uuld b<' ~pn•<id f':in., of the n1uv1e ·Lui uig <111d l . .iugl11ng'' 11l'l'C f1ln1ed 1•arl1tr !h1s yc':1r 111 St Alban~ 111th !hf' rn1liu!"1.1~11e ('u. 11pcra!1on (>f the nff1r1als and Ju1·;1! bUSl!ll''"·llH:n \ 't,,;r;-rl• lf-~;,I 11111 ~;,"] c!tdrl'! 1hr 11 1101! 11 \.,1•. hc•t dll~:· !lit' ]111 Ill!.! In I.I •\ 11'1~ ;:qrl l1-i1U).!hlllj.!0 ' ll'OIS (ll"~·I!~ \",\. pli' I' f\;11 (' \\ii< •h1•o'\..1<rl :111d drrn1111d1•d :1n ;ipn l"~\ Th(' ::;1 Alban" :i.lt'~~en).!1•1 !111· l1)(';d p<:1p11r \"idler! tll" 11 u\ il' ,, fiJ,,1 .. n 1hf' e111 " i.:o<i1I n<11nr ant'i ,,1,11 dc·rn:u,r!l•d .111 apnlu:.:1· 11 T l'lu~t'd 11, .iecrp1 ac!1 cr11~u1i.: fur rht• ~!i1110.· ·rh<' tlln1 u1-11·n<: rh1~ 11('t'\.. ;1( 1h<' i1n1 \l l·ldo11 Thl·:11rc ~trid 1c,1cil•J,1~ 11111 1trr1dP whrth('r thf' n1n•.1t" 1• ;i ··,1,111 fh<'I.. a, ofllt 1;11<: ~.,· •11 :111 arn.' 11· COAST SllPEil MARKET ~;c J :.. C-.~ \.! ... y • C&>~dtl ~·......- 673-3510 ' . Coast Super Market " ' ' cl tne end of a sentence . Thr ('1ne!1.~ V1!1n ('u 11,1' 'll rl1•l1ghlf'd "11h tllr n•1·('pl1<1n !h;tl IL lrl'llf'd '.\l;11 11r \!;11·1111 l>.;11 1•. l'fllit·t• <'h1f'f (;{'llf).!l' ! lrrhl'rt. uu~1nt·s~n1co (l rl rl rit·v.sruc11 111 the nHn u:»s 11orld p:·1'1lli• '111n 11hu h ha<; \\Oil fo~ond ay -Saturday -9 to 6 :30; Sun<lay -9 to S 1T1!1r;1I actl:111n. ;i~ C11lf'!I\ ·-~-...;.-.;;.;....;;;,,,.;,,,,,_ __ _..._,,,,., _______ ~-J ' "A THRILL ER'" •I ' ' -•• '" "BLUE WATE R, WHITE DEAl"H" TECHNICOLOR• G ·: :· NATIONAL GENERAL l"IClU'lES ·~1 Opl'ft N i9~tly ar 1..45 p "'· !iuftday at l ~SP M Tony A nt11ony "COMETOGETHF.R ' l!all'<l IR I " .1, ,I " " \I if "•' ' I I 1,, ft' I I.. ,,,\ " ' 1·11 •I " " "' ' I ' ,, " '" I I ·1 .. .i I I I' 1.,11• IH :11:i I I•' I< ·•I ,., '•I.I' ,In ii' I , 1111: 1111 I. , 'I 1111 t '!!'I I I I' I 'I • ,.1 11, 1ir· 1· '1• ,ii 11•· , , 1 "·'" •· 1 l• ... r• •I' p.1· • 111 !' • 'l · , " 11•" r ,1 ,, Ir ,, \ th ·,• !"• .o', I II .-------1 l a•al O ~.-t~r Vt .I H~w •·tl 0"( ._ '.'•'""',. ~ 11 ( ···.i 0 "'"''[ ( l'!90 ,,.1,,, ... , I' '~ !l~ ( ~·'·" • " B1 --l'"v"""I ·--- Don't G a1nble with your Fa1niiy'!. f-l cal th-Pu1 (h,1·.e 263 FOREST AVE . LAGU~JA BEACH 4?4-3587 Norman P. Wc!born Jr., t/\D ANNO UNC~S THE OPE~l lNG OF HIS PRA CTICE IN l i·i.;'·(.''l \'I"'' .I .it l~• II\ \\\I , \u•111:1111 11 !'I • J 11· J.111-1 .,., 11.11!1bi'!"\:C'll n11ll1·r! :1 rll11n1, 11! 1rnn trnn1 1111' 11!\i "I' .I IUll'i \ 1('11\;!!ll!''i' 11' .1•;1111 ;1•·1:1 1q·d••H'd \.•·:11• I·•' lh• h!·,,d \1r1i u1d ;111d 1hr11 l'I .!11 " ·I ;111 1•rul 11f ;1 I ·11111·1 ~ lth1· •~I/:!!_ ,1111! h1•11)1·il t !fl• fr·T•••~! r1 1n,1·h I• '11~1 tu .I (·11•:011 llh1!1' l•ld 'fl, '" · h1" I, hu1 hr·' 11111 !1.11 L:i•I '1":11• 11 :1:~nv·r>1 111 1hr I• 11! "1 •11-111· t 11•Hl1-r Ill(' ill " 11,.. l1r• 111!1·cl :;:.,: 11·:1r 1,ld l':ll .,. 1;,11 tr .. -1. 1 · c ~('I)' (•I"' l' 1t•1 ti d I'.'. If " I ,, \I ii\ 11 .. 11•.11111.i l<i ,•,11 11>·~ 1(1 ' I" t•,,·:1 l··11.•111I"" ~·I\ ;p"I 1•1 1•1•·1 1.1d•·' ;1hri:i1d 1111• I, 11 1•1 Ii•· p11.d !11 p \I .-i 11 ( I l: ,, I :1 II d \\I'!'(' 1111 .\ ,"11',d" 1·, I Ii•'' f•q a dH!•"!I ' ' .1. . .i1 ,, ',: 1111'1 ti I •I ~ti, 1111 1 'it~ ,1qtl l:l l'llo1d1· lol,1•,i~ 111 1111~ ' " I J.1· 11 !1'1'11!" ,iJ-1· i11 llw f:, .. ' 111 1• ' th1• I l1•l 1•1 d,111rl I~ ;p1 1 l,ll'd I ii!' p;u ~1111).'. II h1:r• ·I •1 I '11 1•1 l.i: ·'•· r ,.tJ , .. ··~~•" I'·' I '1 d "'' r·;11 11 .•Id<' I' 1 ... r111. •11 1ti If • \";1•1" 1\111·1 ;1••1•d _., 1• t1.1 ·,1 1· I '., "t !11 11 I' '"I'' I f' r II 'l'I :11)<! 111-111\<_! (" llw \ u" !:uni ,.r 11 J, • t • • 11 "fl l,1•1ull 111 n . 1~ol ana 11 ,.. ()ffl'r '!'rip '~'o S1·hola r II 111 1• d ;..i1·!11 d.11 l,1 gr:irl11;11 r ' 11!.'1 I ·1'1).!io· I\ 1l]111i,: t11 I Ill\ , t I'" .rf Ill n!I(' 11f 11(•:1d\ •II 11.11 1:, ft1I .I \'/\'I I" II 11h .111 !'\!'1•11,,., p.t·d H rl:1l 11 1·~ <•t i 1• 1111ul"11'' .. r 1:111 .. 1 1 1 ·111 11 It r 111l"'i ~ 11< 1•ii 1\111 .1p1d :,. !f \1111 •;11.11111 '.1111 111111 hi' P • ,,,.,. 1 ]1,, ·n !u •t'll •' ll" ;i •d11 ;;( .11r' .1 ... u!1•r fo1 1hr \ 1r·1na 111 f 111· 1 P:-JI'~ 1 lir ln11r p;11d f•1r iii lhf• (;CT"ll!-111 f.'rJ\ rr·1111u'nt and 1n<111ot;!Pcl h.1' 1)11' 1:1•1·111 :in lird Cn1'' II I~ J"tl prP.~rnt thr ~1nl.1 h11 '!'1!:il ship 111 \'Jt•1n;11n Thf" 'k1pnrr. ("a p! l\nlf f'1nno,1 nf ll :11nburg. ;inr! \l··•lu·al (")11"! llr h:!:n1.~ J 1<·1111•1 of ll:un!111rJ!. ~f'! up ;i dt•<'k 1i;1rr, last 1rrck ffl rn:irk 1h!' f1flh :u1r111f'r,:1r1 Thc I lrlf1"l·111rl i_'i In lr;11 r lur honlf• i1l .l:i1111ar.1·. h11t ;i n n I h c r 111rd1r;tl tr;1111 11111 hr ~r nt ul In 111'111 ~r.iff .:i Ccrn1an·bu11t h·· n>t;tl "l'lin 1•1:!h t do(' 1 () r ~ .1!)· p 1·1r.1n1;itC'h ~'.i nur~!''i ;ini! 2~ <Tr111111•n-;tl l 1r1lu111crrs 11•111 t .11,r lit~•1\P ttl('llllil"I/'~ .\1o~!I\ r,,nd 11l~·n111nr' rl111 lhcy n l~o 11111 tii111k :-ih1111! Ille <111!'.~ 111!'\" '1<11ld11·1 ';11'1• :11lll !llr onr~ whn 11 1·1·,. 111:111rrrl rl11·1111c:l1 nu f;11Jll •ii llir·u· 1111 II ! .lh!' ;1 ]f,.1·r;11'· 111<1 bo1 1111" •lrpnr·I on :1 l:ind 111111c' :111d lihl ;di of both lri.::~ :ind 1•11f' .'u·1n 'f h·11·r srrri 111:\'I\ tr;irs. ·· ,; 1•! !·'.lt r11• f,. I luiwl 2.i 11f p,,,1111 TIJP ;i11r;11·111r hn1n1•11" 1•!1<1 i~ 1l 1r ,11111 ,,,,.1r!;ir· r~1r 1 !!rt ;:il!;11•hf'1! lfl •nrnr p:i•t""' ;11111 1f rhr1 1!11' 1! 1" I 1•1' b;uJ ' 11 ·.,. 11hrn !hr uh·:1~ ;111d !1.1•r;11•1 di. 1101 1• "I h" •a11l ·: 111;11uhrr l'f''l \\ hrn "'l<'h :i , ;t\P 1' 111 11111r \\;i1d. 11.11 ;1n• 1101 f1111"hf'd 11!•1·11 111u go 111 '""I' i'""lll \\"11r·h1nl.'. ;it hi>llPr lil;ioi lflll 1•tw1·1·111 ~·;1p;1r111 d1 11111t: 1!~ r11 11!1' l1 u1r lhr ll1•lg1ilanrl •l;il~ l>.i-!1l'•1ft·d nhn11! ~ 11110 p~1 1••'111 ' ;1l>11:1nf 'll l!' ;111d ;ih1111t ~I' li'tll llllll 1' .ii .1 I 1 l'"I i'llil '<!.I I 11•11 r1•1 tli1 • p11 ·r ,\\11n• lh;111 '.!!\II l\Hllllrl1•d lilliil'f'd :!lld ~ll'k \ 1•·'11:1llH""' an · 11011 ;1hn:1nl "I la· nnl,1 r1111r 1hr •l1q1 11 ,\' <l :11)1;l~!(•'J \\ ,\, II \11 '11 !I l"l •!"\...l•I f'\)l!•"lt'd 111 rhr 11,11rr 11•·nrh1 :1•1d h!r11· 11111 'n'11r ~L1rhn;inl 11111;!u11 ' "l"f'n;;1nlu·r!!Pl1 _,;lU I th!' l 1111111111111~!' app;1rr111h tt"'lli'<"lf'd rhr ~hip ·~ tl1'11!ral1t1 hrf'.nhr> 11 trr:1I.• n 11 l 1 1·••nti•nd NEW CAR WASH FREE GIFTS! PRIZE ~«4MA DRAWING! INTERIOR AND EXTllH110R-fUl.L SERVICE OPEN 7 DAYS A WEE !< MON.-SAT. 8:30 -6 SUNDAY 9.5 MOST MAJOR OIL CO. f, BANI< CREDIT CARDS A CCEPTE D Grl111tl U f te11 i u ,t;,· Sf 1ecit1 l --c ~ ""-=--......: ------- -----=-· "'-.c ---=-FREE CAR WASH \Vf T~I J.t-JY GA) F:LL-1.!P ~ OR '1°0 ""--' r.E'GltLAR Sl.1?5 CAR WA SH -......: ----------------- :::::;:2 l:ltTRA EC!\~~S 1eori ~·------- WAX (A Sl.".1 VO.LUE) ::::::::~ ORANG E C0l'lllTY'S NEVVES T & F!tJE ST H UNT INGTON CENTER CAR V.'ASH ON BEAC H BLVD. AT EDI NGER -JUST SO. OF SAN DIEGO F REEWA Y ---·-·--------- HUNT lfJGTO i·l 16061 ElEAC1~ BLVD AT EDING ER " JUST SO. CF SAN DIEGO F REEVl/A'f (71"1 ) 812-4~53 V1ASM Chevron = •·"It:!!' '1·.it 1'17:171 /Ill .1 1·111!1;111~ KAT HV t1,.f,rt;;3 ['~t.~ ••• MEANS A ~:[ ·; YOU BE AUTY C0!'/.1-0r:T SUP PC .'?T ""'"·'· .. --·-. " ,. ' 't'r .,•g •· · •A r ltJ(; 'l 1 • • r ~"d NU P t,o,~., , • • '\c,oR lxrrn r Fl I ; ''A.rtj!SlrY i 11 ·'I • . C/\LL . ., i\'l'"'I' ~ ! """ \ • " I I I.I I 111 •' •u.11 ! o1 :uli1;1lt' ,, 1: .. 1 .11· 1·1i.J,I 1 ·1 ,1,.111 ,. r 1 I, 11 I l'i I·• 11 oll 111 d ,Ii ·l\r;_ I I i•'I I 1 II I '"111! !11,ll hill I• ,.,. I·' ' I .I I' 11 I~ ;op I I' II 11 "' •I• .1•1 ' (' ' •I 1 I , , ,. ,, I !ii 'I 'I'd '..'.'I " I 1: 1 J 111; I IHI I I 11 1 1 ' I I I I 1 ' ' ' I ' • , : ' ' ii I I . Ii I t ' I I '' '• I i ll"\' ~"pl1·111\i!'I' "'I 11 ' I ;1 1, •I 111 1·11 ~ d1'lJI'(' '"'I'' I') .111\ :11·:1d•·11111 ' I 111·11 ' H •111h ,) 1 .. I ", . "I,. ,. f,,,,·1:.:11 l.1111.:11;11:1·1 11 ,. 1 •·111111 rrt 11111 111 1 .1!1111~ 11 II h i.:• 11('!':11 I I " I I '"Tl ;I llfl I 11 llH'. f'~ · : . 1 :~·''"'" l'rol' I 11 \,.11 l'o.-1 \ h11t11 11 ,:1!11111u,ti;11nr 11nd J ·• '•d h:,1•'11 •ll ("n•t..i l ''• , '\· 11111•1 n 1 ·ali11111ltil I ~ i-111••1 I 1:n11 '011 thr r;11•t1l\1 r , • I " , 1 I \ 1 111' _:1• 111 !'-;)r' I Tl i; ·' ·1. 111 .1 I 1il1n ll·il'lll).!{'r II~\~ ,.,, 11•1 ,,,1 11!11•1 11 (';1l1fnr11111 1 "l'r f,l''illt1 irn111 l!llitl tn ·!I llll~ p·1rl Hi II\(' 1111\(' .• 1!1· 111 1-I ~111d 1'tl!"-:ind tlran 1'1•1· ''11' l\ulli .•rll.,nl~ ,1 ! "•ll P'' d h'." I h (' \ r •·I l1 r ' r1t ( ,nrl 1·\111rrhr~ fo r the EEST M OVE of YOUR LIFE Call: 494-1025 Established 1916 seo -,---/r . ':..,r -.:;_,,':, '4111( "Tr , " \,_../ '- C.1l1'0rnf,1 lllC'•l\lif' I~ 11h;ol 1,r're .111 ;olintit \\'r 1r l+1rh. r1r,1111r l'""nlf' 1•.hn ;i rrn T "1l1111rd 111•1 ,,..!iifli; turn11urr. \\'r rn;o~r hon1r~ l'Ll t nt hl111•r < h<·1.111•C' 11rrr 1rry r 1 nr 1 rrnr rd .1h1 fll I tire nr ,1 l1n~. 1"'C', 11 f' 11' '"'' 11 ahout pr1< r 1 11 I' <iC'<1i:n .ind p1111h1. r Piii "II Jl (Hll:+!l,1h .1·1d '' ,. 'C' en( (rr1 u r !h,11 nr1 rr 'itlf"· \\h,q \O(f b111· lr!'lll 11\ 11+!J hdlf' .1 ln•1i: ~"d h.1ppv I Ir '" 1vr <rnd •I lio111r Nr•·. 1111h ~ "i-1 r .11 11d rr ani1. Ill R (JI\' \\,\11.r R3 Cl i\10\\ 11l\J(,, CRl.'HID \fl\Jf Ql IL1fl> CH ,\lR \ ' ' t • r + •·- t' 'r, '•,I, I ' I : ' " I ll I 11 Ir• 11•1 flf\~~tatchg~~~ " , " .{/) ' l OS ANGE LES: 61 21 Wilshire Blvd. M11acle Mill':, ll O~Ol'/ P•f(l 8 .If. f~:o s. l'o'es !r, A,P ANAHEIM: J6;z Y/ l ~:o!n BAKERSFIELO :.'.\Oln r:1~~ ~I( CLAREMONT /POMONA· ?J2 f fo o!l1dl COVINA: 9JS N A1u~a OOWNEY: 9.!J!l [ r.re'.:11 P GllNDALE: 3~' N C"· ''.! 1,.~ GR AN ADA HILL S· IC•llJO €~ltioa B·vrj . HUNTINGTO N BEACH· l~.tJl Br~r.h Blvd lA HABRA· I':~ Vi \'."" o· LOllG BEAC~ :·~; i.-.·.--~" '' WOlli[R(Y PARK .~:~' /.' .ir ' r. B1:l PASADENA: 8 ~ S RosenrJd RIVERSIOl: 10000 M~~notia ~HTA AN.A/TUSTI N· 1il1i I l /'Ii ~ SAN 8[1Hl~ROINO. q:,1 $ r ~t SOU TH BAY. i~)_,J S Crer.;1<~.., 81,d THOUSAHO OAKS· 2·1~ lhflt1s~r~ r~-~ F»1 VENT UR~ :':11., ,, .. : i F"~ WOODL AND HILLS ~ •• .'' \"i !Jr.t B·.,~ • I ' I , I ~o~s A ~lK • WtlKDAYS 22._U NTIL 9 . SATURDAY JO UNTIL 6. SUNDAY I UNTIL 6. r R[[ PARK ING. FR Et DECORATOR S~R--i:.[~V(~ RANK T[RM:.J I • ·. ·' .. ' I ! .1111 l.:1111 r1 j ·• I 1111111 I ':1 l \ \' I ,,. I !" j , I..: [ l "11'!1 ~l l 111 I" 11!1 1·~ " ~·1~11111':1 '1 1'111\.i r J •1 : " : \ J 1 ~ r l ~ P I 1 • '' '-horol Llll'! pl.1• 111 ,, ' ' I ~ \ ' " " " ·-t' • \. • ~-· / .• \.. t ,:!:;, ' •• 11 I J· 11. I 11 ] ,, '' -'< •• . ' ' !.11 j . ' •p . . ~ ~~ 1·11·,, . ., ...... .. 1 \_ '\.. ..... ·-'•1 1i !"~~!ri.,1.-~ i • " ........ '-;;._ \.J.. Offerci l . • l .. A f1 u ;fc:·.i~I F'I ', th" ~··I ,rl ''~"' \' ,•) r • r 1 t< · "' t 11 ·i 1 , 1. I , I !<>.:r 1 ,. :'I L, I, l' ·' ' r '. .!' ~'I p '11 "' t!,•1 •i: .1111 I !J;r t't 1 . \rl.-.. , !•·:l lkd lc l C ro u1 1 T im •· ..\dj 11 ,1c :I c ,,. 11" '•' i" (.• •;• • 1 \I r r: I "~ '' (' ,, \0 -fl I t ' I •:l )"1 'ri I' .I ,, ,1< .! j " ' ' ' ri f' ·, '- \ .. \ I. \ OUR \ I NATI ONA L Newspapeis-Grnw 10g ~1lh ~'1or;oJ LUWWW I I I L ,_, .. I \ '· r:ap_ ·1 ~1t l)r .?1 '(' . 'f. d' CBS , f t I Le '0 •f' '"' ........... 11 1~·. 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Ridg ed. l1oct1on soles Siz e s 6, ro 12. AK marl e xtro-~·olue l STREAMLINER "PORTABLE Ovr ~eg . 36.66 2 DAYS 27.00 Re mington monuol l ypew r11 er w11h stondord keyboard r ugged C ycoloc' housing. easy p oco !ype A u !omo!i~ lone fonder v1s1ble margin slops, many feo!vre~! Sove l I '"'"..cl q u•~to•y •><>•>r u>l<l IO n~•lr,. -MENS, LADIES WATCHES • 500 Fri. & Sat. Only ' l argl' .ii ssl. ol m e n'1 rl nd l ~rJ;e ,· w"t~hrs. Som .. w i!h da y, dot !" in yellow an d whi le go ld . S11 ve d i th11 lnw K1Ti t1 tl price! Jr. & Missy Quilted Ny lon Robes Req , 5.00 Fri. & Sot. Only 3.44 long & ,horl length in !bli d~ & p ron!1. Si1P1 l Q.4 <1 , GIRLS, WO·MEN'S SLIPPERS REG. 2.37 166 So f+, comfortable vinyl w ith fluf fy ,oft coll ar moc- ca,in to !, vi 11yl 50lfl and \pringy vinyl h .. el_ P in~ or w hitfl. S•i es 5-0. HUNTINGTON BEACH 19101 MAGNOLIA lat Garfilfld ) ·, .- rt•~ Otirawf 111 l<'ll l OAIL V PilOT 7.i ---__ ., - And Now It's Become a 3-gan1e '\\r orld Series Indians Seek R even ge It's Been 13 Years Of Humiliation STA\FOBD Trad111011 sa.rs lht "'"'~u11-rn<.hog La111vr111,1 ganie 1~ u1c 81g 1 ;;une tor !'ilanl1Jrtl .. Bu1 I con.;idt>r Sou1hern C'al our ll1g :,:;ii11L'. ' ,-a.rs Larr.\' Huller. onr of thr ln- <l1aus· ~1,u1dout delt·11~1\'f' hncrncn .. Thcv :11'(' uur b1ggt ~I rivai.·· · · \l a~bt· I reel lh11t 11a~· JUt.l br,,nu~r 1 111 tro111 S11ltthcr11 C;1l1lur111;1 t ut a lot al u~ ;1rt• ' he 11dd.~ Tl1f• tl·!Oot-2. 240-\Xituitl Buller. \\'hose Ji.,1'll' 1~ Ill l.;ikl·11 orxt . ;1l so points out that 11 1·1rHirr Ql'Cr the Tn1jans Saturdav night 11 ill n11•an "11·(•rc on !hl' road n ght bar k \l• thl' t\o~e lSoll'I · The !11d1:1ns 1n;1de ll1e1r Paeilic-B toot- .li.111 rr{.'O r<I 2-0 l:ist Saturdoiy b.\' bea1ing \\';1~hinglun 17 ro 6. and Bull er won Pae.8 llt•l1'11.,;ire 1,layer-of-lhe-\\'eek honors with .-ert•n tackles and a touple of deflected pn;;scs. South«n1 Cal. presc<1~on la \Ol'it!! lo \\'Jn t)I(' t·on!erence. dropped its opener last \".t•ek. 28·23 lo Oregon. .. That 11•ill n1ake them tougher tor us. Thev have a big chance lo redee1n lhl'»iselves by bea ting us." Bu1ler sa.''-" .. But 11·e still remember the 11·<1y they htunili:it ed us !or l:l vears." adds Buth:r. 11 h0 pla~ed ;i gre;Jt ga1ne here Jasl ~·e;ir 11hen rhe Indians beat \..:SC frir the first !1n1r ~ir11:e 1957 ··1 hones!ly th111k we're going to be ahlP !o gi1·e lhen1 a ta.)te cof •ha! kinrl of trt:0<-11 n1en\ lor a few years now. \\'e ha1'e ,1 gre<Jt 1e;irn." Tiro ot11cr n1 c1nbcrs uf Stnnfortfs '·Tl11n1d er Chic\\cn'" dc!cnsive front four ;irt· rron1 the Los An gcll'S ar<'a. (_;reg Sainpson 1'> frun1 Long Beach. Hoger l'11wi1n 1ro111 L oi:; 1\nge\c~. l 'e1c l.azel1ch. !he •>111<'r :,tarter. i.<; frorn l31llings. :\10111. All four Stanford \inc1nl!n arc eonsidercd excellent pro loo1 bal1 pru~pccls. All llul Co\1•an are !<('t1l<Jl"S. ··\\"c\·r only startrd \uget hcr i11 111·0 ~«1nc~ rh1 ~ 1·enr. against ~l i.~souri and \\'a~hingtun.' \\'t•rr <ill ~c1 for l•SC," Llullcr !'>a\"!' Thf' I ndian.~ :-hut <1ut ,\11s:,,our"1 19·\I. a11d !he 1\nlv tou1·l1do1111 hv \\'ashinglou c::i rne :i!lrr i 1Jasl' 1ntcrfr r'cnce call gH1·e ti1c Hu:-kir:--a lirst clo1r11 nn lh c Stanford one- ' nrcl lin1' · San1p:-ou ;ind Co11a11 m1~scd :,,on1e <1r- !1on 111 other g;1tlll'-~ hctaLIS<' of m1 nor 111- juncs. Lincb:11;\.;f'r (hkr S1n1\lnc. ll'llo ~hare~ an apnrt 1ncn1 11 1th Bu1lr1·. sal ouL 1he \\"ashing ton ga rnc bct·u usc ol a sprained ;1nld1', "He 11·as pretty rn.:id abnul that:· :-;<11d LAVElt /','1\J ERSON STO I' NET FOES COLQG:\I·:. Genn:in~· t AP I -()range Co..isl <1rL·J rt'..,id1·n1s Hod Lavrr and Ro.v t-:n1cr:-;<1n 11011 tht'lT n1all'.hcs 1n the 17th ruund n1 1hc \\orl1t Professional tennis l·han1p1on.;,h1p s \\"ednc.<:d:i~·. I.aver ousted /\ustra\1an Bill Bo11Te~-. 6- 2. fi.4 11 tulc Erncr.<:ou rlin1i nated All:in ~11111c of A11 ... 1n1lia. 6·2. i -6. Jn olht'r 1n;1lcht·.<:. ~l ar\.. Cox o{ Grt"at Bt 1ta1n ih'.'lc;1tcd A11 ... tra!101 ·s John Ale1:- <111t!f•r. i -ti. !i-:\ and AU~'oLC Pl11 I llc11l 1\!•fe:11rd r1.n1n1ryn1an D1tk Creal~-. 7·5 . 6- ' S11orts in Brief • Butler '"He thought he 1\•as ready to pla~· ., Simone will start against CSL'. and n11ddle linebacker Jeff Siemon apparcn :l y escaped serious injury v.·hen he bumped a knee last Saturday. Siemon leads the IC'arn in lacklrs :o:o far_ v.·ith 54. Butler. v.·ho totaled 87 lo tead the Indians in 1970. has 1'.! llus season . Butler is among several Sounicrn CHlifornia produt ts on the Stanford !!·<1111 who once considered enro!ling at I rsc '"Thev rccrul1ed 1111'." B11lll'r \""t·;i\\!;. ''But 1\·hcn l !ulcl thcrn Stanton! 11;1.~ r{'cruiting nH' 100. thry sLOppcd talk111g lt1 111<.>. I didn ·l li\.;e 1h111:· Pirates Swing At Everything -Etchel}arren PITTSBURG II (\..:Pl l Baltirnorc rnanager l'.:arl \\'ea1•e1· philosoph1zctl 1hat tele1·1sion \\'ritcrs ··co11!t\n·1 h:ivc· wrilleu a better scr111t" than Pittsburgl1's \Vcdnesday night 4.3 fini~h that f1·cned the \\'orld Series at two ga1nes apiece. Insisting that the Orio!es \1•erc sl 1il going to 11·in. \Veaver shrugged off stii;· ge slions of a Ballirnore cullap::c a11d said he \Vould hal'e loved to have Ileen in !h" nation11·i<le television audience walc\1ing \Vednesda y nighrs gan1e. '"Dan1n. 1~·hat a gan1e~" said \\"ea vr r. ''I've got nothing else to sa~· 1itl1e r 1han just th11t we're going to ll"in. I ha!'~ all" Other Oriole~ v.·ere 1usr as npt 11n1~t1c. but lhev shultlcd si!enilv 1111o 1hc1r dres~­ jng rooffi after 11'atchi11g P11L~il11rgh rall.v lrotn 111·0 gan1es do11•11 10 t'v cn thr sr ru·~ Rel ief pitcher Ed \\;au sipped tasually on a beer as he an:;1\'cred quc~lions abnu1 the run-producing. sel'en!h·inning ~111gle by pinchhitt.er !\1ill l\1;.iy that 1::ivr 1he Pi rates the victor~. '"l! 11·as a high. out:;1tle ta s1 b;il! t·lu~r rnough 1o 1rhere I Y.anled to pu1 11 . · ,;;iu t \\'at~ of 1he pitcl1 that ~lny slapl)C'll into right center. sending Fir;;! bas1•11n111 l:lob RObcrtson home v.·1th the '~11111111g rnn. "'J\1av wa~n ·i supposed to gel 11 ~lrikc In hit:' said \\'caver , '"and he didn't. Ile hit a ball.'' "l!e (!\layJ hit it on the end 01 his bill.· said Baltilnore catcher Andy l·'.tl·lic bar- rcn. •·J v.·ish he \1·ould have hil 11 he!11·r because rightfie!der Frank Roh1nso11 y,·ould have caught it." Nor had cenlerfieltlcr Paul Bl;ur an~' excuses abou1 missing a ny by pinch· tull cr Vic Da\·i\leo that n1ovcd Rober1son into scoring po..~ition at third. ""I Just overran it:· said Blai r. •·1 had to run a Jon~ 11·ay and I gu1 thrre quicker than I thought." said Blair i\o one seemed surpri~ed l\\ay ~\1·ung :it a had pitch. particularl\' Etchebarrrn "I a1n·1 ~11rprised at anyth1n1: !lH''P _guy!' tthe P irates / s"·ing at:' ~aid 111•' Oriole catcher. '"Thc~··rc swinging <'IL everything, both balls and strikes." Royal Rates Oklaho11ia Better Than Nebraska ~T l i\. Tes. -Coach Darrell Royal ·or Tc~~ says ~econd·raaked Oklahoma, l'.f\ich \1;1!1£•pccl 1he Longhorn s 48-27. 1s b1'1!1'r th1111 \"1l. ! Nebraska. R o~·a l 11·as narrating filn1s of the Tl•sas·Ok1;iho tn a ga1ne for the Longhorn c·1un 11'hen Sf)111cone yelled. '"Do you think (Jk lr1hon1a is better than Nebraska, l"O:Jth"··· "Yeah, l ~u rt' do.' replied Royal. "" LOS :\\GELF:S -The I.Al~ Angeles T.akers. hu1·11ng for youth and si"Ze in the tor1~nt i:1os1!1nn. hare acquired 6-looL-7, :.'.l5-poun1I .John Tr;ipp on 11a ivcrs rro1n 1l1c llonslon Hockcls Trapp. a lhree-~·ca r 1·eteran in the i\a- 11011:-il Basketball Association, attended r•a~adcna C11 y College ;.nd Ne"ada • L;1s \"rgas \lis brother <:eorge is a r<10k1e for11a1"d with A1lanta of lhe NBA. ... o\TLA\T1\ -Lew Burdette. "'hll "·on 179 ga1nes 111 12' ~ ;:easong "'1fh the !l.-:i1·e.~. 11as 11a1ncd the club's pit ching 1,.o.aCh \Ycdncsday. ltt• rr11l:ires Harry Oorish. who has hrcn oHered another job in the.. organiia- 11011. ·rht' 44·ye(l r-olrt BurdC'Ue playcri a lotal ol !8 ~<':i~ons in the big lr ague~ a ~ a n1r111hcr o! the /'l."e11• York Yankee s. St. L111 1 1.~ C<lrd s. Brp vc.~. Ch1c11go Cubs. Philadelphii Phillies and California Angels. In the 1957 \Yorld Series Burdette wo11 three games and pitched 24 con:secuti\"e scoreless innings as the Broves, the• in ~lilv.·aukee. became world champions by defeating the Yankees four gameJ_ ~o three. ... LOS ANGELES -Ken Schinkel srorf'd after 56 seconds oi thf' opening perio<l to spark the Pittsburgh Penguins to a 4·t National Hockey League vi ctory over the Los Angeles Kings \Vednesriay night. ' "" NE\V YORK -Final Lrials for the 1972 U.S. Olympic track and field team will be held al the University of Oregon 1n1 Bugene. The I{k!ay trials, lo be ronducted by !he State of Oregon. lhe City of Bugene, the university and the Oregon Track Club. arc to begin no earlier than June 28 and no later lhan July I, 1972. ... HOUSTON Johnny Lif>on said \\"cdntsday night he had fiot rn1ule up his niind \\'helher to take another JOb "'ilh !he Cleveland Ind ians. He said rrom his llouston home that he had been informed earlier in lhe day hy Cleveland president and general nt11.nager Gabe Paul that his contract p.s interim manager 11·ould not be renev.•ed for 1he J9i2 sc~son. MARK BELANGER SCORES THE SECOND BAL TIJ\'\ORE-RUN WEDNE SD AY NIGHT. Bucs' Ic e Ma11 Co ols 0 , s A,,,,,,ot'ialt·1I 1'1"1"'' Tl1ft't' \t•:1r~ ag(1 firth•' h.1~u11 11 ," 111 lu~h sell .. iol \011 1u' ~ j.!I\ 111~ \t·-...,11n• '" nHIJllr le<\).\lll' h1tl1 •1 ~. The b~h~· O! rll1· P11t-b111gt1 -t.1tl .11 :H!!' :!1 . 1\1:.1111 p1 1! lll'd 111·r11·lt ,, 11 IHI .1, 1hr l'1r;11i·~ h1•;1! !hr t'.:1!11111111 1· ( 1n11l1· ~.:1 \lt·dllt"'•d;11 t11 glll .u1rl 1·1 1111•<! Ill" \\ul'ld St•l'lt'S ;1t 111" ;..:.1ltl•'' .11u1•1·• .. ~lavbe ~u111l'•111t· 1,111 '"t ••,-11111 11,,, 11nll':' ·s •• 1d l\1s<J11 a lll't .•p111n1ng 11 ' 111 t1111gs ol O!IC'-lll t IJ;1 ll. "Tli1•1 l)~(·d 1H 111111~ I 11as tll(' bat !Jo.1 S111 all 11•011d1'1· r\, lt't"·nll~· 11· l'lr,:: l\i~on 11a s p1lcl1ll1J.: l11gl1 ~r l1u1 1 I 11..ill 111 P:isc·o. \\':1.~h . \}11\ 11 fll\(\ I 11t1i.. ~! I r•1•. I 1·:11 • nl I' i 11•" ](';1gu~ ll nll1j!l!'1• lu ,IJV<JI /)1111 1111.i 1111• 1111: I l!lU' ··1 1,·a~ 11atch1nl! th1• l\1.ild .111, .. 1111 !••fel'bl\)11 ii\ !ht' (llllt' l,1,I \I'd/" ' ,.11.J 1;:1.~on l'ncn10111u1aJ work 1111 :i tui.: 11HHLr11I br lie:;; h1.., \"Oung 1 t;u ' ··1 du11 r ·get 11er11111•. · ,;ud 111• 1111,11• irt' n1a11 '"l.111 111'1 11ul ;1111•1n11l1••11.1 I 1:11 \\"ht'!1 th\'\' 1·.!ll lllt' 111 tr'o!U 1Jh' hll!J(l•'Jl J i..nu11 11 h;.1L I h:;1 e 111 do I ha11· to 1brn11 :-tn\.;1·' .. I ' "'' lo.111!·11 1 1 '• I I"• \ .,'I• •P1 11••1rhl· Ill 1ln \11 I 1111' 11· I 111,,, '••I h "", 1· ... 11 \.I. I. ,, .h• ,. ll 1.,, .i 1.1 .. 1, I ii• 11 \\, 011 ' 1\ Ii'· l'l lo ,II 1: . .J[il!l , , j I '' .. lo 11 11 I' .t· > t 1111 I· I> I I " \'. .-,j1 11.1\ I" J ,i•lo • I• I I 1·1111 •·t!lht•'< lh IJ1 I. I• 'II tJ 11 I 11 I U 111111 I 11 l II \', ~1 l11 :111'1 11· I.• I l1·<i1 11,,,,, "' • "t' I'! I I ..,IH 1,1 ,it ii i•"I • \\ 0 ' 11 I I • • .j 1\1 111•.I I" :-,i 1111 1111 I li•"d .11 I"!"• -.1·1! ""'' (I I' ij /H I \ [ .. f.I !l>'\11 • l • ! I !I ·• j , , ·•' I '" \• I I 'I ! I I" , •I • ,djdf• 1• n!• I I !If d11<. 11 •• ' <I I 1 I• ! o I •~. I • 11' 1 "' ++IUl ll l\oUI ~\llU , , ' I <11 1 I I 1 lh -luh 1 1+ou11·d I' " \111( II o!I"" "" I I' 11 l'I• .I I 11111•11 '•' ·' 1n '"11:1"1 ,111 111•· '' I ,, ' 1 " n ,. • "I' I' \ • 1111\ I J 1, 111 .• ii 111 l'I> I ~tll'I\ I oil' It ii \I d 1\11' J I 1111" I+ >t c I I 1 1111~ ,t ,,. l•I ••11• 11' '••II IHI ·' 111;.:I·· f.!.1111' I 11'. I •\ 1 11' 1.+1111· Ii< \\ )>+' \1:u I ,I I. HI\ ,,1 \\ ilo!l1' <I 111 lh1· I I I I I I· •"1l'I 11 , , ,1 1,·, 1,111 Ii\ 1111\111~: ;!\ Olli 1:•11 li .<11111.: 11 1\0fill I ' ,., .. 11 lw .ol'" 1111, l1(•d I 1 • I' ' 111 I 1111 ! ~I 1 11 ) 111\ J.!• !111<" oi , I II\ , 'I \ I! I ill 11 . di"! p1T1 i1<'d '~'\ l'I. I( .1f' 11 • ,.\ : I' otl I 1'\lt'I lllr l111 i111t~ :1 l"'l••·t !!+I 11•'1ft1n1.,111\1 111 Iii•• :\:1t11111.1t I• 'I" 1·i,1l•·ll .'1!11 111" ,..,,111 f-'r;1111i-1 u 1111 \' 1, '" • '' 111d• d IP II"' hi ..,r·ru· · I ····I .1 ,, II t 11,11• •·I t11111 I,., 1, t 1 ' hu1• 'hi • .. 1 t k "ull · I q I 1• 1111• •I I•• 1•1 ••I • l • Pllld I'll• 11 AN DY ETCHEBARREN GRIMACES AFTER BEIN G HIT IN BA CK BY PIRATES ' BRUCE KISON . 0011 't Beli eve 111 J\lon1e11lt1111, \V t:'aver Says • !'ITTSBl:nc:11 •1\l-'l "Thi~ doc~n·t 1111·:111 '1 !h1r1g J·.ul"I l\t«111·r ..,;i1fl ""Thit 1111!\ 11nport.1111 111111i.: h 1h.1t l'.1• 11111 rt1e l.1-1 g,11n t· 11e pl;11 1111., \'rar · Th.11 s h i.11 t!1t' B:tll1111111 •• 1n;u1:1grr 'lllllllle'd Ufl \\ ,'<.t111·,d,11 11tgl1! ' ~-1 Io's I+) l '111 ~1u1rgl111l111·h fU'(I U)l lh1· \\•1rl{l S1•rlf'S :1l !1111 g;1n\1'' ap11•• ,. It s lthl l1h t' ~tarl 111g 1111'1 "oul111'ld••r Fr;111h lluh111~•HI ';tld · ('\l~·p1 that H • lht• IJO·'l 1110 111 \111"tT 11u1\ 111,t1•.1d 1Jf il111r· 111 '\'\ t'll • 1111· 111111!..·-ll t'f"i' ti• 1111d 1!111 lur!.11 rr 1l11· ~1r.111•1.:1• 111111(' \\,·;11 1•r tn.~tlt' 1\1lh !us 111tr!1111g :-t:1lt \la~' u!I \\,._11,·r h,1p:1_, ... ,.t1 11;111• \!1 \all1·, lt1l111111•!"' .11·e l"I" Iii•· µ<1~! lour ~1·a,unc:, ;111d -.1art•·tl l 'at U11h~o11 111 l\ct!t1«'.'•1!;1y 1111.;!11 :-g;1111r as !'1ttsh1ll'gll wun 4<L Tl1•· ]'.:1l1111111n• 111anag1·r :-;lid hf· si..1 p· 1wd \\1·\;il\I 1ln· 1 11"~\ g:111\l' 11·11111t•r \1 1111 11ronn:1ll1 \1111111.1 11111 1• st:1rl~·d \\pt.lncsda1·, '·h<'('dll ~t· I 11;1nt«d hun 111 ha ir Jpur da.;!l 1'1·~1 ··1 111,1 l•'ll hi' t:1.-1 l>;1ll11uuld bt> heller :11 1111.., t111'" <1f \'l'ar 11 1111 1nor(• re~t \.,1 n111• l..11u11, 1! 11 11 ill Ix·. h11\ I ~rt paid lu f i t~ ll11.: lh;11 i..111<1 o! :-1111! ·• \\o,::11 t•r ~1·1•1·ral 11111t·~ H•lri 11u<'.,ti11nr•r <: tl1;1t ht' 1hdn"I ht•hr1·{' 1n 111onH'n1un1. iu1t 1 .1tht>r '"an a\l·ollt t•ftort bv {'\"C ryoo r. on !t !l:1~·1\•·don· ba.,1~ ., ··11 1h1•r1· t~ ~ulll <1 1h111g a" 11101111~11- 111111'" h1• :,,~11t.l · h11w l"o11ld they !ake 1t ;111;11 lf'!Ull II~ 11h1·11 II<' had }\ lli·l(atn•· 1111111111t: ~1 n·:•k a11d 11r11 21l·g;.une 11·111ncrs iii1cl1111g lur u~ 1ht• !lt'Xl lll'o ~uine~•: 11 \1:1.; 111:•1 ;1 ca~e of too 1111u·h ~l!'1 e HI:,,, ;111d t•~1 111111·!1 11r111·1• K1su11 ' !'.\a,, held Ill!' (Jrtol.-~ 1u thrt'\' h11 .; 111 1111\1\Hlt: g:11111• i\u :t 11'hilt• 1'1~1>11 \:H'l"fl\11- lt·d 111~1 one tu1 u1 h 11:1 1n11ing:<. of relief II 1·d1U''d:11 111.t:ill \\ht'!\ \I I' :-\"\~l'I' !l\t"1'P !'!Ill' II ! 1h" 111':,l 11 11111tg i{Pb1 11.··0ll ~;11d ,' \\'1· .... l11Ju h!1i'I j\!'L 1.,,:11 .\.:\ Tl\\•fr :-1111 11a1 lh~ 1·\11h ,11111:1!\ j,p l11•hl \1111in11t :111otl11·1· 11111 lor 8 1/.1 in· 11111:~~ .. 1·111111•1 !·'.ddit· \\:1lt . 11hv g;111· 11p lhr : a1111"-1111111111;.: p111rh 1\\\ lti ~\\\\ I\\~\· ut tlu· ..,\.,.,,11111 . :-:11d 1h1· l'1tt"h11r;.:h 1·:1h·h1·r 1111 ;1 p1t rl11111 1 ~.i th1· ,,,l t'lk1• 1.11111 · \• l,1•11 11h:11 tht· 411 lilh•' \..!1"1'" 11\ \la\", \\,·;1\i'' :-.11d . · 111•! ••il(•U)!h \\'t· tru•d n1Jt 111 1111011 11 1111 ;i ~1ni..1•_ 1•111 Ii•· h:1llr·ll ;111il ;.:,11 1•tu•ugn 11! t!lt' h.111 ·• \\,·;11 ,·1 :..11d In· 11ut1ld 11"· 11.1•.P. \h·\.,.111 anti .11111 l ':1hnt·1 11u1ru·1·~ 111 lhe 111,I 11111 ~;11111'"· 111 1h1' n~·xl \\1 0 ,\,u1 • . 111tl1 .i \1t•~"1llli · ,1•\1•11th i.:a1n1· p1ti hl'f ,1+11 1111rh·1·1d1•1I II , .. uld b1 • l';1t \li1h~11tl !II \11~e ~ 1wll;11'. lw "111d . 111 11 1 "uld li<' \!\ \:111>" If lit• j.i!H'~ oul !'.1! l't !11111•111 uw II Ill• II I 11,.11 1 :111t11 1p.1t;• '"' ""' I<•"' '"""" r ~''"" " FOV~TH Ci~ME P '11~BUll l'oH ~ •b• • I 0 '. ,, " " ( ''''''""''' 11 "••v•ll •• 40 ' h '"' ' ' . ' . • • ' ' +J II~""' I· '" I ' ' . 0 " 0 . " f• f)h'I•'• fl >luQ> rt Q•1 •D • " ' . ' ' ' .. " "' I' ''''" " ' ", ........ ~ ... ,, Jlo'oh""' . ' " " • • • " " " • .. opou.lh·•" """'"'"'"' ' (J.,,.11110 "" • • . ' . I'''" '"· ! ,, 0 ~ 0 (,., •.• , Q I D D G 11 o n n n a n o I ~ 0 u • • • ' " • • .,,.~,... ,. • n 11 '' f ..... A ~, " ••• . ' ' • • • 10'"" \/ •I• o f'l'' ('<,O .......... ,., (1{111 11 .. >I' f>!' fl •I '"~'~ 1 O>,tl,,U,Qt> I. d >I.,<' ,. ' t> 1 h>l•U" It )8 ••orQ• '"" ,. ' ... ··.~ " ,,.,,,.,_ .. ~" " ~ ' .... •·o ' . ' ' 11' H II E ~ Bii \~O '' ' . ~ " I ~ • • " ' ' ' • I ~ 0 n • • ,,1 l+B'' l<o>,.,,n •. I, l•n• nv >•l l '""'"'"'' '""'"' j". Guess I Was l's~1t·hed Up, lVla y Recalls l'ITTSHt;R<;ll • AfJ 1 •I ~;ud Rl l ;ilnni.: ~llll 1l·ll1>11s hadn'1 ~rc11 Ille rral l'1r:it1·s:· ~:ud rnana~t·r IJ;inrt) i\lurr :1u~h aftrr hi~ l'1tt:-hurgh i·luh rvcnt'<l lhc \\'odd Srtl!'~ 111!11 th1· <l<-fcnd1ng r-ha r11 - \1L1•11 B;1t1 1in111(• 1ln11 l1•..-at 11vn ~an1e'.'I l'(ll'h "''l'h1· n•;1I l'1rat1'' g1·! " lul ut 1nf·n 1UL" t h~· tot;;u'('(>·l'h\•11·111~ \1 1tr!a11 i.:h ..,;ud. ·'(l11r 111;111 nr 11t1,1l·k 11' 111 Jll'I a lo~ of 111t•n 1111 Hiid ~('!)l't' Ill bLHl("hC.• •• 11 1 <111nthi•r eorner o! lhc dr('sS i111: ri~1111, resC'rvr c;1 lehl'r 1\1 ilt ~lav stood cxplan1· i114 h1~ ~;1 n1e·1r11111ing h1i "f i.:tu~.~s I 11·:is psy<·ht•d up." ~l:i.v .,:1id . "Bu~ 11·hen I got 111 the IJ;1ttcr"s bo:-:, all I 11 as 1l 11nki11!: 11 as 1nak111g 1·1>nl'M'1 v.•i\h 1hf' b:ill .. ~1;1,v·~ I.it r11111·111l·ed tht· l'1ralc<: that thr•1' nuw h;n·(' !hf• ad\"anlagc \\'1\h i11e l1fU1 ~a111<• enrning up 111 lricndly TJ;rce H11·('rs Stadium. ··1r 11'(• win lotnorrnv.·, thrir back<1 \VIII hr <1ga in~t thr wall .. , ~;ucl c:enrcrfielder Al Oliver. \1·ho drove in 111·0 run' ·P,ut 1f thry \\'in ton1orr\11\'. th\'n 11,.'\I be u11 :1i;::unst 11 v.·1th tl'.'O i:arn~~ 111 l\;d1irnorr." I t'~ lhr sa111e 11s sl<il'tlng all IJl"f'T ;ig;l1U "'i\uw ll"f'.fl' t'l'f'll" O!i l'l'r ~;1id lhc r h1n~ thn t hurt l':1l!11norr starlrr Pat Dobson "'~'.'! "lh<l t ht' 11·;1 ~ !hrnll'ing !oo 1n11ny pltl.'i'lt'~. 1:1 1 u~I looked 1vor11 " • " • 26 0 .1.ll ~ PILOT There's Activity Aplenty For Classy Tar Lineman On Sparkling D e f e n siYc Unit I\\ PlllL nfl~S OP IOt O••'Y P<lol ~•oil \.r'l" tng .1 l'lllng l;irl~ nePd lrol" nl .1<:'· t ii t! I And J1n1 S1111~ of ;.·p11pr•r1 H;ir·h1•r J-l 1.i;h 1~ n,~ P:>..,'rr111\n A fl ! 'lil~ p1l11nd [llOlltl', S"' I• k I~ l"H1 P Pf l hP hui11:irk ~ n( \',•11ri11·1'~ 1;ir.~1 1 1 font· b;ill r (rnn ;i~ 1hr T;ir~ ;itt,..n1rt tn rltftnrl t heir sh!'lrr .,/ lh1> Sun,rl l.r>:n:rur ('ll· ch:~m r 1nn~h1p thr.1 'hi!rrd 11 1th Anrlhr11n J;is! !;ill Thu~ f<ir in '\1•11p"r! s 2.1 r;in1pii1~n. ~11 1rk hi>.~ r·;il\t•r! 1t1e lr.•1rn·.~ r!efrn\\\'I"' :-;1gn,:ils npr1·a11ni;: u11! 11f ;in in\1de l1 neh;i('krr's ~l(•I Anrl hf''s hr'rn an nf. f1"11~11i1 !'!<H'lr r 11! 11ch1 rnd r1n !hr·T:'ll'S' !'rlup . .:i t i~ht C'nd 1s o1r lu<ill,1· more of a purr h\ork1 11(! t)a1l •_ H'lWC\'C'r, ;1l1hn11e,h ht s s11ll 1·01111c <111d l1<1s nnl ~·p[ n1;i t11rrrl, l hr ;Hnh11 1fl!I~ I It h ~r<idrr h;·.<; hf'r11 <111 arounrl 1ht athlr t1c 111"f1")'-J!l •-rnt(nd At cr•rd1ng 111 ririn l,rn1 . 11 h'l s 1n hi' firs t \'C'a r ;it 1)1f' hr;irl rrins 11f !hf' Ta r J!rirlrl f.rs ".I 1n) ts 111~! 1111!' (If the 11 on defl'l1 ,<;{': illld l hl·\'-\(' ;ill !;ikPn r r1rlr in \rh;i1 \1 e\e rl •1of. !rmll 14 J)()int.<; rtl1n- qui ~hed in thrre c:o11t e~ls , 1111·!url1ng l;ist \\erk'" 1 ~-f1 hl;u1k Ji.h 11f Lr1;1 r::i1 -thar.~ !hr kr1· tr1 !lllr dt'frn-..<· · J-fn;1.('1'('r, II(~ !;l!'klrs 11C'll ilnd {';J n prnh;ihll' follnw lhl' h;i ll pr!'lt1· ''rll rlt:ht 11n11·. He's JlJ<;t :i Jll!11or, ~n hr n1av h;ne l,:flflrl lill(·r:-il 111n1'•'111rn1 l;ilrr on 1.rnl arlrl!i th.~t Sw1rk ma1 hr "' sh<ide i-:t rringrr th;1n hr w;;,<; l;;sl SC'il~on \\hrn hr m ;:ide i'i ll-Sunset Lragur i'i .'i a dcfrns11e end Thr 1·1•ler:.:in ("••.:i«h ilttr111utr~ th1~ fa1't11r tn rnnre th;in O!lf' lh1ng. 1 hr•u~h S::i 1·~ Lrn1. "II ·~ not 1hr tnilin r",i ~nn but ~ur .~11n1mf'r >'('lgh t r rn)!f:l m did hrlp him S(lrni>. ··11 nwe1,-.1· .1111111:l s <1L~11invnl rcrl1n the !11 ;inne Drvil Pup .!'11111rncr r roi;:r;i m \1·hr1·r he ~Pl'lll a 11rrk ;it C::irn r r l'ndlrlon ;ind Hu·11 hf' l11tr r 11 ('n! In a :;u111rnr r ba~k('l b:ill (':'.n1p " Fnnlh:lil ;ind thf' 1".1rin11<; c11n1mrr t r;iin111i.: prnc1·r1111<; :l!'(' 11nl S1,j(·k·~ 0nly d 11·rr~1r1n ~. 1!111111:h In ;uidll1Ht1 . l lir 11111ct ~:nlor ;i 1hlrlP 11 :is fl 1n<1111,t;i1· 1.1\ 111r 1;11·s1 !1 h;i~kr!h;il l ~n 11 .1rl la\I. ~p;i ,•111 anr! .1lsn ~r111 l;i't ::;prrnc h• l\1!''•'11 11111 h:1,q·li:1ll 1!1:1mnnd •An flU!f1r lrl1 I'• :nu! 11'(11'1..: r~h'•! pul 1 Jn f;i l'I, h! fun• ft•rs;1l;i11~ h.:isrhall t('I 1' •1 ot r 1 ••n1plt•Tr s p r i 11 i:: l i •n r r·nn · , Pntr;ol1011 on thr ~hnt J>fl\lr tn spr ing i.:r1rl 1rnn p1 :ul11!', ;1 gn .. d .~:in1ple of f;\\·1r k·s l:ilr•nl 11;i -: !•r\ displa~'. Thr ~1·r111• 11:-i~ ;1 111µht nnn ](';.ic11c h;:i,rh:ill riff hclll'rrri !hr Tnrs Jnrl C0~ta ?>lr.':1 ;;I ('11,l;i \11·~:i l';1rk f-\11 wk . ;1 !'l).!!11h;ul(lrd h:i tl('r h1' ;i t::rr>)Jnrl h.ill !11 1h1" \lr~;i th1rrl h,P;1 1prin and tnppPd 01rr th(' plflle u1)1)n hr;:io11';: l 011·;:irrl f1T'~! An1·11.11 . hr n ·1·111rrrd .:ind 'l11'•n1r-d <ln1•n 1hr hnr 1\1lh ;i pair nf n1.11or IP;.ic11e ~rn11I.< ~11tn1g ;i ~;ipr 11·11h th r I r ~tnp11 :i1r hc ~ .1'-lht•\' ,·11)('\..rrl ! h P 1·0unc<tr( 111 4 2 ~r('n1H1i:. 1101 b;;d lr1r ~11'1 i rrt :iftcr h;11 1ni:: f~illrn d.i1111 Al1hn11gh h•'s h('f'll ;i1 '.\rwpor\ ~1nr·r l hP hrcinn111i: 0f In' frr~h11u111 1r;ir. S11 H'k nr1 c1nrili1· r;11nr !1) thr<r r<1rl~ f1·riin !hP I ';ii"" \ r rrlr"' a/"<'il \\"hPrf' lir 1 •111'1~ 11p 111 !Ill' f11111rr I\ -.:1+tl i'I tone 11;11 tr001 hr111i.: d1 ·1·1f1rrl "n<·r h•' \n<.~ nPtirl l tv.·:1 \1•;1r" lrl l on !hP '1',1; rnrnpn< [,r111 <'r\fll h1d1 \ IH11,1'1rr ',11111 pin· h;ihh h;i c; j:.'.!'l'd f!OIO'l111;il lr'I hr i'I Cn"d ;i)J- f l"l'./nd ;i1hlrl<> ;111d l hl!I '< 1•·•v 1 111~ Jlill"lill1! 111~1 ~l,j\ 1111.'. lh1· p111+'1\11 ii C'"jt-.\ iti'J \I)' Ill \illil liH\\ 11111• h hr f'> \1 1!1111 .:~• 11 •·th 11nrl 1"' 1111p11r1r If Ill" p:t..J.. ;i rjd prr~r11I ,n'r ;i111 pn>11rr l nrl1r;+ln1 ~ ,Jf'n-,/~1111 ).. 11111 ~111 1 llP1!1'111111! t nn~ nf ;;1111 :t,1 \11 ~~ Jht l1n111 t' '.l1'i1~<. nn Galvan Bal'k. For Dial>lo s l!rop1nc In :-h•\11' 11p II\ drfrn~11 r ~rc0n­ d;ir1, \11<;,c;1n11 \'1,.10 1!1p,h·s fnr>!h::i ll tr;i.m . j:l'l! ~ h1r p111 <. 1t•1< 11rri-'111h 1he return ( t>f lrltr·rrn.1n \\rk (~R\\.:tn. Th" lli"1 p1,u11d JUn1nr ~11flr1-Pd ;i !"hr!llldt"r ~rr.11 a11n11 pr·1r1r 1n tl1r c;1;ir1 nf \ t hP ·71 1·;1n1p;11gn ;ind hi'l~n '1 ~('('11 :in} ar- /l10n I ('1 R11i 111:.ih!n r 11;i1·t1 Hnh 111\nrr )';;i1·c; fi;11\ ;<n 11111 gf! In pl.ii 'lllllP A hi! !hie; f r1rl<1:0 11hr11 ·ru-i 1r 1n1 ;irlPc; lhr ;\·1 1s~ll'ln \'a'Ji'I H11:t1 :<\,1rl nir11 f(1r ;i {'r\IC'lil{ Crec;T11r11 l,r;iJ:!_!I« 1111 l!'o ;i p11n!al ~!Hl\f' lnr )1,,lh ~f]Ui'irl~ 'll llh :i -~r1h;i 1 k r!1·npp1nc 1hr ln.'l'r to :in ;ilso-rnn r11I(' R .. 111 i'luhs s11Hr rcd ln•~f's Ja,c;! 11·rrk 1n lflnJl 1n;111i,:11r<lh Thf' !11abln~' I~~~ tn l·~I :-.1n1'1r n11 1:1~·211 \1·as ;i rl 1rrr1 1r~111I nf .~onll' r:ithrr ~pn l !\' pla~' in the d(.frns11·e se{'nnrl;ir~ R111 H11ncr feels (;;il1;i11 111;i_:. pln11 1.111 c;nmc hnles .. H,.'11 pl:ir <1! ~;1fr1~ iind ~p!il rnd fnr U$ this v,eck II" 5.hr•ulrl /-IP a hli! help j1,r us," sa~s ttlc \fl~(lf•'1 \'i"Jf+ ··o;i, h T"'·ri •'lh"r ~!.llrt"r< -\\trl P ·r1 r 1·.,.,r~ Ra ~ '·r11;;.l1 " s.rul Tr.rid l.d)prirt ~:1 1 ,. ~n t-.ri:hl'Fed •r • 11.,.,.k tiy 011i:ht 1n1ur1,.., bul ~hnu!rf pl;i ~'r·rt<1~ n.;::h• r,riJ ;i h;; 1~ n ~rn~ ~ )"~ c ,_;"' "+ .. !.:.t'.prA'l .~uf. tert-d a .,._ ... ,J .'1"··~ ·-1" 11.••o: H '-r.""~ r,.,. .•.• ,. fr~~·,., m·;<-1 r· r'rl'll 11:f' bJ!,, -r1,r.O ••,.· ••I' •;;, P {I; t!P~P-"1 t~ i j ,.. ... Th,. rf<,..r ,. ·.-, .,,,.,. ":<" 'F ~ ~'""1 /•'l aU V'll.Yr J,..1 11 :.o f •o • • ~l"I" 1\-111 l:P bafl "1 t.rc.fO c •,,• 1\ ;.< ·~ <1 -r~· tt'1 )''1t~! ,.,.. • -~ ·1 •• ,. "-1 , l'1 ¢,:':"•1 ts rKi1C""J.lr,1.•, ~,... ~ ,· ., - I l • ' ' ' JUNIOR DEFENSIVE ACE JIM SWICK l •'V Seeks 2nd \fin Los Ala111itos Defense Worries Barori Coach 1'hr1 l ,n~ 1\l;i1n 11n~ (;r1l f1ni; m«I' hr ;i lit· tlf' ~111;ill 1n !hP1r ph~~1r;il ::i 1 1 r(bu1 r~ h11L Fni111l;i1n \;i ll('\' hf';id rn;ich Brurp_ r irkfr.1·rl ~;"1\ ~. "!hf'\'0rf' i;li)I fl i:?OOd fM t· h:ill !l'illll 1·11r hr;1rl 111;i11 nf !hP R;i rnn~ ,\ho11 lrl hnnw fl~ hr crl~ h1~ 1·haq:r~ rt><1d~ fnr Fnd;i\ ri11?ht s lrv1nf' Le:igur rr•n- frn111;111nn 1111h lhe (;rilfln.'i ;i t \\"r~trr n ll 1~ h. ln l~~fl. !hP 1 r:in1~ nirl 1n ('nrn h;i! ;ii 1!1111l1ni::l11n Rr:i«h H1i::h ;ind Fnunta1n \';illP1 h;id 10 ~1T:1111h]P in thf' erid \!) prr,,..r1·p"' h<11'd r ;i:rnr rl '21 -211 1'1r·torv "Thr1· 1lhe j;nff1n~1 lhrnw ;ihnu! 2c, 1!1111•<; i'i C:Jm(' ;ind h;i1r ;>. J!rl\1d fllllnrr In \1 1h" !"ch11.r-rdllri;r r " ~;J\'~ r 1r•ld nrrl ' l(p ~ g.iod hul rlor~n ·t r·nn1p;i rp lo \l1kP H1.~~c1n 1l11't 1""r'~ ti'•r 0 r;ingr (nunrv tu"h,,r <ii I)'" /11 1. who 11:1~ rrnh<1hl\' the b('~t b;11 '~ Ill thr I Pil~llf' l;i~t ~p;:isrin _, ll""Pllr S1 l\11rrdlt"J:!"I'' r r r ~ r n r e . h•'ll f'l'f'I', r1r ~fnrrl 1<;; ('~frl'n1{'11' l\ilf\ 11f l hf· (11·111111 1"1;1,,1ni:;: ;ill;:irl. 11h11·h 11nn1anl1 fr.11111'1"' 11nl~«11011, rl.:tr-1" lr••1n ri11;irl r rh;i1 ·!.; .!1m Ha111il!(l 11 tn ~pl1l rnd ('1;:11p ~l;:i11 .•0n ;i 1·nn1('rlrrl _<;lnth;:i<'·h. · 1\"i>'r(' ;:i]11;i1o;; <1lr;:i1d 11f ::i ~ood 11'4.<,Pr," r l("kf!'\rd ~ ... ),<;, •<'Ind lhetr $pi ll r nd 1<; ;:nnrl l•ln "\"t•ll r·;in ;:il11;i,, i::rl hurt :i~aln,I 11 CMrl p,1 ••1·r hr('.'11!'" ;i prrt ~<'l l1 1hrn\ln l'·l~~ 011 ~ 11 rll f'\t>nilrr! p:<~lr1n 1 ~ 1rr1 h~rrl 111 drfrnrl ;ie_;i1 n~1 .<\nrl 1.n< Al 1;. r;r1t ;<fra1 rl In thrn\\ ;irlrl~ r1rkff1rrl l\l~fl nf 1~:-1 111r 1·nnrr l'n In thl' Rarnn .:nrl cnlrf t<; J,ri, Al~ ;i:hil1\1' Ir• ~IU"'t nn dt'frn'l'. · Thry .i.;11·r ;i ~rrill 1n;i111 j'lrnhlrn1s 11 11h lhP1r ~h1n11 n.-: ~nrl th;;! r1.-:hl ·m;n f1·nnl It '~ 1r r1 h;irrl fnr ;in nffrn~ll P k1rl tn i'irlj 11~1 11·hrri ;ill of ;i ~11ddrn lhr ((LI\' rlirr ('tl\ 1n frnnt nf h11TI 1111111~ 1wn hn l r~ In thP 0111 s 1d,~ ;ind R l1nrb;:i1·k~r 1s lllt>rr." r 1ckf0rd ~i'll S "!l 's ii i::;in1hl1ng l.1rr 1lrlrnsr 1!1n11i::h. ;ind .1nu r an e.:t s1ly i,:l't hurnr Q nn 11. l">n," t1r <1cld~ A~ f"r lhP R<1rf1n~. p1rr1nnP 1~ r('lat11·p. l.1 he ;i:lthy (a rare 0crurr r.re ;ii f n11111;i1n Aztees Ca11 Go Bael( to B1al'k SA\ ll!~J ;ll 1Ar1 -Tht> nnl'm<'lll~' hl:ick .~hlr!Pfi Atl rr~ nf San [)1e~o Stal e 1 ',.,,r~ .. ]no'lkPd rl1f(rren1 1n thl' h!1mp fnl k~ :;;~I"'""~ pla~"rl 1n while fll:'<lln~t N(lr!ht rn J ··.-1 • <inri ! n111>r~l!V nf r.:t(•if1c·. --_. r h)/H'k fo')Oth11ll i::::in1e :o:hirls v.·rrP ··r;,· '-' !•+~t Sr pl 2.'i 1n !hf' f(l(l lhall ~ .. ,•.r1 1 .p,-.~,.r a1 S0uthf'rn ;\11s.~1~s1 pp1 r~ 1r,,. m;i1I T11r~r1::1.1 e11n1e L~ nf !he .-, ,rl hJ,..-~ j r r'r~·..-1vi!h lh1~ lr t!r r I ·--n Hnhf'r1 l}v;i1v. 11n n('1 p11I nf Pl'::irl· '; 1 .. .,,r1n H1i:h S1·hMI 11'1 J .:tek ~nn ' '""' rla\ ~ 1111ri nur hl'iid fnnth~ll ' ,. ~ ''" H 0 Rt1hrrt.~. nri!lrcd ::i ~1u­ , •• "'"' "'hnnJ "rarinc. one of !he S;in Ii·.: ~·;,1,. Cilfr1 f' Jt'f~('\f.. .. -r<1r!1;i1"h r"al1rd lhe M1 1n!t1 IT ·" ;ir,rj .:il!rr a frw m1n:1tr~ nf 'I,• t "'" tn1 >1 I I~ I h;i! hP ;oinrl t11 n ·•~rr ·~ '·-·"11.-.rl 1n·~nnlhl'r ..-1 hMI hil!rl !~·'" ~ '1 •· r l"'r>r; ~ !ht n,,;h1 ~,1u f•f'"'·'··~ \';:ille1 \ ;ind r i<"kfnrrl is hnpPful thllt hii- wi~hb!lnr 1f111lhou.~r J Qfft:n~t c •n gencra 1e ennu ~h h<1l<1nce In nutscort tht rxrln~11·e Crlffins. JI~ !'ii.I'S, "wr'\r hPrn :i1·er::i,l\ln,;: Iii pas~ ;ilternpt.!' a g<unf' hut Tnm MP11nil'r w11~ an 1nr>-rrrir11rrc1 . Jllferv QtHll'lt rbark in nu r f1 r.~I 1"'n J::i'imr~. so l;:i ~t w.-rk w;is !ht. f1ro;f 11·,..rk hr h;id ;i ~Md pt'r<'t>ntagr. "!"rl frr l rl1~app(11n1ed 1f 11'r d1dn 'l sr·nr,. ilnrl ! know tl1ry·11 ~rore," r1ckford w;i1·n~ •·Rul _1ou r ;:in'l re11lly s:iy "''h•t kind nf gan1e 11 wlll l'>I!' We 'll j u~t have to "'.:ill and set.' he finishes. Pivota] Clash For Gauchos, South,~·estern f"Hl 'L.\ \'!STA -It \{a~ aknut !hi~ t1mr laM 1e;ir whe n Sriuthwes!ern 11nd S11rlrllPh.:tr k. rnll .-gt~ m1xPd 1! up 1n ~ r;:i ther 111al :'111~~1nn Confrr!'nr e foot ball i.;:i1nr . Rnt)1 IP;i1no; !'i!IT)f' 1n!!'I !he \\l1 ss1nn \'1t - 1n H1i;:h 111 1 •1 1th -J.I) rr r 0riis :\nrl whtr1 ii 11 ;:i~ .orll n1 !"r S;idlllrbark's (;aurhn~ had C'•11 Pr~t'rl \\"llh a 21 12 11rlnrr S;idtlleh!'lt·k 11·,.nr nn 111 '<·;:iprurt !hr \!1,<s1nn t1llr 11· h 11 t Southwes!ern ·~ AparhP ~ \1·rre un<1hlt tn 11·1n itgain , f1ni~h1n.c with ;i 4-.'i rn;irk_ Thi~ ~e<1.~nn·~ J?,amP 1S<i !urd11y n1aht at Sn11t hw~lf'1'n • 1'1oe~ nol hlll't !ht Impact lh:it !hf' 'iO 1111 h<1d -hu! lt I~ .:t pil'nt1I ~<1111e fnr hnth .~r1u<1tis S1nr·r kot h d1'npptd lh1'1r cnnft rt n<"e "Pl'!lf'rs l;:i.~t 11'1'Pk ;innthrr st 1bat k wnuld J1 1$1-ahnut "l11111natl' l hl' loser rrom cnn- !~ntinn fror rflnlerrnrr hnnnr~. Sn11!h wc.~t rrn t:nmrs into S11turc11~··~ g ~mf' 11·11h :i 3·\ record h.1 ,·ing drnpptd 1!.<; c1rc\11! nprntr !n Ch11ffr y. g.(I. Prr1-1nt1~ win_, h;:i1·r bee n n1't r San Diean CC 121 -!i+. :.It S;:in .J.:tc1 ntt1 14fl-L11 and ,l\1 1r<1 \'O~!,:i 1 '.!:\.'.!I, •·nri-pite 1hP f.:t r\ \l'l' wnn our fir~t thrre J).Jl(l1 ('~. 11P rr;:illy h;i \'e nn! ph1yt d -'n,1·nnp !iltnn)! l\'e'rl' prnh;i bly 11briu! !ht fnurth s!r011~1';<.! l"<l m 1n our ronfuenCt ,'' ,c ,111 .~ Ap;:i<"hr ('(l;:i('h \Ve~ Foremtrn. 'ArluA!ly wt '\'t pr(lbably h11d lht e11~1r!it .~chrd ule nf ::iny co nrl'rt ncr leam. \\', wr ren't l'lwtd bl' lhe fact \\'f' wert :1-0." . ' 1\llhou;:h Fnl'e m;:in hnpt~ 1n preJl'nt a bnl;:inrt d att;:if'k 11~a1n~t !ht Gaucho~. hi ~ cluh rrl1!"~ prim;:iril,v Qn Jt.o: p;i;0.~ing. Snphnrnnrr .Jim SI P1'P n~. v,·ho was thr. Aparhrs" h.:1ckup qu;:irltrbark l 1 ... f !il'.'11\0n, is 1hr Nn 1 ... i~n11l·calltr in '1 1. He'$ r11ttc1 <111 a \Pr)'11nod pa~st,r, Rut lhe Ap1trhe~ ::ilsn ha vf' nnf' nl lht: h('l\r r pl a,\'er~ 1n !ht r nnfrrtnct in And_y S;:inchei. ::i 11prl'd.I' h11lfl:iar k. l'r front Fnrcm11n rA1t~ (\lfrn~il·I' t:iir kle Hitnk ingleh.:tr! a.~ hi~ tQp l'9f'm1n. H,·~ a fi -.1. 220-p11under. \\'h<11 Rl:Kiu! Sr1ddleb.:ir k' "Thry 'i·t h.:id A fr11• prob!l'm~ thi:t. .1 ... :ir" s.:11 .~ FnrPm;in "Rut th~y ·v, ;ot " Jnr (If yl"un.i;: k id~ ptayln.C \Vt !hink "'·r·r,. i:rlln,t ll'l h,111 t a 1·t ry £ond fnntbii.11 game v.11h l!"lt"m ." Tar Defense Draw s Rave s From Moats 11'1 a r•aa to riches 1ituatlon •I Hun- tington Beach Hich Schonl wht rt coach Ktn Moats' Oilt ra art currently h1sking a11 the coonly'1 No . 5 r •ttd football team with an unbf'altn record. F'riday they'll try to makt it two in • row in Sunset Leagut wtrfare when they host Newport Harbor. Hunlin1ton entered the 1971 c•mp11i1n with an eight·1ame IO!!ing ltreak but all Iha!'~ forgollrn following l•st we,k'a t-0 triumph over Anaheim in the Sunaet opentr. Ml'.lals has a aimplt. t:xp\anat iol'I f(Jr the turn•lxiut; '"This year '1 learn is 22 detp. List year wt w'-rt fivf' detp." His Oilers 12.-0--1 .1 arf now ra ced with a foe whil'h also has• two--game win t!rf alc 11nd a J:hutout victory over an Anaheim 11chool iLoara lost, 18--0, last wetk1. And Moats 111ys his crew is faced with a fo rmidablt ta~k. "Ntwport is prQbabl.Y Iha most im- prnvt.d football te1m since Mptembfr fhlll l'vt seel'I. They've p!•ytd g()()(j com- pr.titiol'I and they'vt proved thtmsr!ves. "I don't know wh en we've t11~t play,d a defensive te1m as &ood I.'! Newport. Ter· ry Albritton, Jim Swick, Mike Bmwn and Randy Hamilton ar e good ones. .. Hamilton WIS a!J (Iver the field 11gainsl Loar•. l 've never 1er.n a kid with 10 much fleld coverage. ''And Griff Amies looks miahty gond nffen11ive(y and defensively,'' venlur~s Mn1ts, Ht'!! also concern'd with liie Sailors' employment of Swick in tht offensive setup. He s1ys lht tactic of lining up tht rug- aed blC'!Ckt r behind the quartr.r back, lhtn moving him to tilhtr zidt of lht line, jtives Ntwport a blocking 11dvantage his learn is unablt to ad just to befort th t bttll is :snapped . Fnur Huntington Be:ich aridder.c; mi.c;s- td practice Tutsday hr.cause of illntss or injury. Thrtt starters are in Iha! ii rnup - linebacker Randy Mills, riefen,ivt guard r.!ike Hopt11y ttnd deftn~ive t nd Marie Andracle. Oefen:sivt guard E lsworth Eskey w:i~ also missing. Running b<ick Paul F'i~knr~.,. ii 15~· pound Junior, will bt in !he starting linl'up again. Ht rtplactd Karl Abraham5on in the lineup fnr tht Anahtlm game a.rter Abr11h a m~on ~ufftrtd a Rlitht hip Rprain Ag ain~! Fountain V.11!1ty. Proud Bruin Defense Woods Feels Monarchs Can Run Against Rival Malt-r Dei High footba ll l'oach Bnb \Vood5 fiRures that specl.1tors at the f.1onarch.s' 1ame with Long 8e11ch Wilson Friday night micht he in for quite a treat. "I re ally dnn ·t know what kind nf i.;,aml' i!'ll br. but in the pa s! we've had s(lme pretty good spectat or games "''It h \Vi!~on. It might be something l ikt tha t aga in Friday night." says \VOO<!~. The ho~! Bruins pridt them selvr-s on their running defen se. whic h hA~ not 1llo"''N:I .11 n_v oppont nt over 100 y11rd~. But Woods ls optimistic that hi11 club will not have''ltrouble movin11 the ball a~ainst co ach Owen Dixon's squad. Knowing that Wl"stminsltr pa ssed very Wt'll aga inst tht B ruin~, Woods ha~ been working his club a lltllt mort on its aerial gamt thi~ week . And tht ~tonarch coach feel h, h;,!I mor"" of a balanct.rl attack with !he return nf ru.Yling ba.tk Rocky Simpson. who missN:I !he first two Mater Dei tilts 1.1.·ith a cr11ckN:I shouldtr. "We didn'r haYt that breakawa y spt:NI ~fort. With Rocky WI" also have l bt threat of the bomb,'' says Woods. \\1ith IV1!son expected to key nn Simpson. niueh of the ~1ater Ot1 atlai::k. (..'nuld depend t1n !ht ;:iassing !"Jf ~enlor BUI Clou1h . .1 lfi.'>-p<>undtr with a ~!rong and acrur11te arm , ,<\nd \\'nods a!sn figures h1 ~ dP fenst will ,i.-:r! a ~!rong !est ''Exctpl for t1ur fu·~t game 1.1.·ilh them 120-0 v.·1n in '67 1 we'1•e ne~·1tor stnp!)t.rl lhtm defensively, They've had srimt prn- hlpms with 'hP.lr nffensr. this season but !ht v looktd a Inf httttr last "'·eek. It us~11l ly t akt~ thtm ttoout three games t.n get started. Thty should g1 vt us a ht ck ot a battle." \\'nods 1hinks his 1·l ub w11! ~tt. mnre pa ssing from Wilson fh;in the Bruins ha ve done in thttr previous !hrte g11mes Tom lrrt gory has stepped intn !ht' No. 1 \\1ilson quarterha("k i:pot :ind \Vnods says he 's thr b'tter p11sser of the Bruin s1gn11I l'allers. "\Vith Gregor.v they havt mnrf' of ll balanced att.:ick . He's a good runner and a good thrower. too." The Monarchs 13{11 110 into tht W!lsl'ln till ranked No. I in Orange U,unty and !'o. S in the CIF AA.AA ratings. W estminste1· Size, Sets Big Worry f 01· Wl1eeler 1\larina High football coach L.~nn Whetler and his Vikings are facing Westminsltr High's Lions Friday night at Wes tminster in • Sunset 1.-eagut en- Cl'.lunter. The Lions are ranked sr cond in Or;inge County and posse5s the be.~t passing at· lack in I.ht cou nty. But Whteler says that's nnt 1111 "1r stminsrer ha.~ going fnr it. "'Their big weapon happr.n~ to bt their sizt. Thty'r"" so big in th e front you can't ~tt whr.ther they're going to run or p~ss !he ball. "Wl"'rt going lo need boxes out thl're for nur kid~ lo stand nn so they c11 n set wh11 t's going (In," Srlys \Vhetlcr. "'httlr.r 5ees :ino1her Q b" t a c! r prest nted by Wt.st.minster 11nd lh.:tt"!O thP. t•ariQll ~ offensivt set~ in !he Li(lns b11g nf Irick~. "They tlnn ·t run 11 Int nl different pa ss· tng p11tiern~. but they r1n use a Jnt. (If 5.l"t.o:. l'vt ~een 27 dirferen! (Int..<: ~o f11r, ''Gr.tting lhP kiris 11'1 rt.Nlgnize those_ is ii real hasslt . And \l'htn Westminsltr ,e~~ to it~ unbalanced line wt may have tmublt roecogn izing it.·· he say~. The Viking men!nr sa_vs his nwn team may (lpcn up offensil'ely "''ith 1ome \\'Tinkle.~. '"\Ve'll be scrapping with anything Wt c11n put tngethE'r Normally I'd say we·re a great de<1I more conserv11tive th11n \Vestmin.ster." he st11te.~. Tht Vikes have a couple nr changes tn the st<1rting line up~ dut to John r-.1eunier·~ broken hand . r-.1eunier's injury c11me in lhe fourth riuart.er of !he \Ve.stern fracas 11nd set to take his plitct offensil'el,I' at t11cklt is RM Harr l.~- Defensil'ely Craig Hnust>r !6-11. 19(1 1 and Ric k Ro\1·Jey Ui-1. 190 1 \\'ill 11 ltem1tte at r-.1E"unier's po s! Bill Stuart "''ii! be ;it. tigh1 end In t11ke H11rr1.o:· spot And !\en Gross 16-l'I. 1751 v,•iJl ht stationtd at cnmtrback ll'!r Stuart. have it yourownway l/2 GAL. TI!E TRUE OLO·STnE l<ENTUCKV BOURBON 1))98 ', • , . " ' . -· -. l s a St11le1· Cla ss Playoff Necessa 1·,, £01· Footllall? • If SnuthPrn Cahfnrnt;i Si)(lr!~ll'ri!er' arr an~11·here rln~e In ~elrrt1ng thr prnper f()(l\- h;ilt !Panis 1n lhr !'IF ~AAA roll !1 11f\11ld appe;:ir thr .4.ngrlu~ l.e'1gue 1.• hear! ;inrl ~hnulrlrr.~ <1bove !hr f1l'l<1 '.hrri:,> r1f !hr tnp rankr<l f11e nre An.'!elus 11n1t.~ 111!h l!liO rr!-' C'hamp10n A1<hnp An1al i>t>enn<l . 1111cr-!1t><1 St J';1ul lhirrl ;inrl un beat- r n 1l.111;>r Dr1 l1Hh Thr F.I f'!anf'll1>-Lak1•11()(1cj r11n1hu1il !1on in ll1r \!onrr League is n11rr1 f1rsr anrl ~1xth All 1h1s rekinciles recollr"t1nn nf snn1r npln· ------- ROCER CA RL'I O ~ .. _____ _ Jnns p11f fnrth hv St .A.nrtrh ,.\ntil'h 1n;i1rila 111~ 111:11 ;111!•Jhc r flns~1flca· !inn is 111 0rrler for ('IF footb:ill pl;i.voH~ -a ~upcr Sf'Cllfln thal wnu)ri inl'n)l'r !c:in1~ from thr Ani:rlus. ~1 nnrr ;inrl S11n.~"' C'l fl'Ult~. ;.n1on!! 11lhcr~ Thrrr ;ire· 11111i'~ ·.1l11'n d!'srr1·1ng !t><i n1s arf' lr'fl oul ht'ea11sr nf lhr nn 1•ar;inry s1)'.!'n 1n !hr <'Ol'Clt'd rl1rn1nnt1r1n Last .vear l!l~>!l C'!P rh;1 n1piron Hla1r 1s.t•ennd in 1he Foothill Lr<1):lur1 f;ulrd ln rnakp !hr pl;i~·oHs. Anci v.r c:in re<·;itl 11 .".1atrr [)('j trarn in l!lf14 tha1 hl :1 nkc1I ."('\·en nf ci,ght nppnnen1s h11t Inst 11s h1r1 tn !hP pl;iynffs because nf a l:t·O Sf'lh;irk !n Angelus LeaJ:ue champ Srrv1\e A possible solution: ~elect three trams earh frnn1 thf' Angtlus and ~1 1)(1rt> 'J'akr 111·0 eR ch from Sun ~et and Parlf1l' e1rC"u1ts ;inrl nne e11rh frnrn th t Ba~·. C'llrus Rell. ('hannc!. Irvine. Foothill and \\'h1tmont lea~11rs Drop 1he Ori f!r.1 lc;ig11r to r\.A.A s1 a1us <1nrl lr1 an.v f'n-charnp~ from thP l;itler l11·r rnn1· p<'te in AAA. !Thr Coast lnor w·ill bC' rlesn!verl after this ~ r;1 r I lt 's a 1·nn11nu;il t'hr1ni.:1ni;: ~11u,11t1nn 111 the l 'fF, hn11t1~·rr 111th 1am1f1<"al!nns frt'lm any alignment * * * Anei1'h, 11 11·ri1Pr'~ rlre.am. explain s hi~ tran1's ':'-i 1rrdirl with R11n1·hn I La s Vl"~as1: .. The nffiei:itini: 11 a~ f·nrnplrlrl.1 lnt-rrtlthlr. \ 11u'd ha1 f' Ill ~('e ii lo )J('ljf'\'(' ii. r1 P "'Til - lf'll a letter 111 the CIF so II f'an makf' 11thrr fl'an1s in nur sri·1inn 1111·are. "I think thrrr of !hr .,ffkhil~ ml,1:hl h,111'(' llt•rn 1·ard d(';1lrr~. Ynt1 wonldn'I hrUr1e !inmi> (If rhr i;luff they si1i1I to n1e.- "J'\rl'rr . nr1·er 11·ilt 11e ~<1 har·k therr. I IParnecl n1y lrs~on . Thry put me thf(\U!!h a pain I 11·on ·t r1·er go thrnu11 h ag11in," 8a~·~ Anrieh. * * * Tcrnplr r1ty·~ AA r;ilcrl R<im.s arP trying to P'\tcnrl t)1r1r 20-gflrnP 1r1n s!reak !he hard 11 a~· Tlir,\' lac!' their fourtli ~!raight AAAA npponrnt Sa turd;iy nii::ht 11hen they !r!'k to Sl Franr1s St. Fr:1nr1~ losr In l.nara. 14-12 The R am~· i;kc1n 1s nnP game hrt1!'r !han Erlison's I~ !!ame ~lrc:ik * * * The A~ Palmer Me t hod "AlHLLlf. or TH£ OtcAO[" .,- ll·s good J.d\1cc to hold the ('lub ·v.uh con,1an1 gnp prc,;;ure on all of ~our \hot~. bu1 e,pcc1ally on short pitch shots under 1en!-t cond1t1on<;. V '. On shots hle the one 1n the ~l' Illustration, the no1111al tendency -=:: ' is lo increase t ri p prr1\urc · ~ · \ ! ~ '1 abruptly dunng your Stro le. Thi~ ·~- cau:.cs you 10 n11~-h11 thr ~hot. \ ~ / or to 5lrtk.e 1l 100 f11mly and ;-:/_'/ much farihrr than )OU had 1•1 -- -I \ tended. ,,~.,, ' / , ,.,,, , \ v " ~uggc~l }OU prac11..:e 11\r-.c short ~hO\\ and cn1phas11.c a con· scant-and light-grip pres.'iure. Merely sv.·ing your arrns back a11d forth ~n1oothly. )'ou'il ga in confidence for ..:omplct1ng thc:.c shots under prc~surc, 68 .• k ""'•.tl ...... "" ... ~ OA!LV >ILOT :!7 f 01· Lo11 g Nigl1t , Co t11<1 Be • 111 ~! a1·11 s Co1·011a cl el Mai· Coach \I hL·n lh1· ('flr1111a rlrl \1,1r 1l1gh Sra t\1n1:" 1;1nglt• 11 1111 Santa 1\1111 \',dl1·1 111~11 111 tli« i;cconrl lr\1nr l,l';11.~11e !nnlhall rllL'<HJ lllrr h•r' holh 1C•ru r'~ 1,.1'1 rl;i1 n1ghl :11 lhr· ~:1nt:i Al\;1 Bowl 1·11;1rh IJ;11r !l11ll11nd ol l'd\I 1<.n't t:1k1ng an_1 th11l~ fni f:! .1111CCI. I loll:111rfs !'-1•;1 1'111J.:!> :ir r :\!I nn 1!1r _1 r:1r 11hi!t' S;111!;1 Ar1;1 \ :ill~1 1· dn1ppr'I I!~ flr~r 1n thr'•'l' dt•1·1~1 .. ns 111 op1•ru11t: i<'<llll•' pl.1 1 J:t,1 II 1't'\..t'1id [fl .\l11gn11[1.1 "\\t> 1011\.. ;1t S;1111.1 1\na \ ,1llr1 Hl I ~' s;11nr n1a11ner 11r loukrd :H ,.ns 1\l;1n11l•'S la~t 111'('1.;,·· !iul1.1n1l !<:l\~ ''Tht'\ J1;11 r a 111•!l 1·11;u·!1rd !1':111\ :'lnri r1 nh.1hh llil' hll!,Cf'!<l flf'l'Sflnnl't II(' l1i!IP f;i!'r>d Th\~ .1C'1lr l 'n\ ~111r lhf'\ r:in ll1fllf' I ' ' .~. At ( :ha111pion 1\llf'! 11111111ni:,' i11r 11;1tl1i11;d l1llr la-1 \I Ct'k. IH \(';11 (old \111>.r l\;i~1 HI \';111 :'>.u.1s rr1urn~ t1J ( 11s\:1 ,\\r s ;i '.~ ()1angr ('111111!1' Fi11n.:ro!1n<ls thf' hatl ion nffrnse and \ht.~ h.11 ~L1r1 1q \'11nrl erllor~1 1i1.~ 1'1'r0nd ~r.1r 1p1:-HICI h.11 k. "\\1· h;itl "11111' l1n11blr 11111\ 11111 p:1 ~~ dt'ft·n~" l,l\I 11r•'k ;111rt 11r l111pe 1h;1t h ;1~ l1rr•n ~11 :111!1111•111·r! 0111 Jr 11111 11e t'•111ld lir 111 !•ir· a l11ng n:~h1 " Tiu· Sr;+ l\111g~ h ;i I e gr111>ralt·o! :1 11,,1rr1111Hrn~r this '""~11fl w 1th lli~l lhrt'C runnuu! h,u·I>.~ 1~111> I· ••J r.u·,, 1<; Hi·· llrr;1rt ;11111 h111l1'r 111.10 ;11ut has ('ilr 111·d 1111 ~Ii orc-11~1..-•ns for :i:o 1.1111"' ;111 ;o111;11.'f'nfflO llt> al ~11 h,,, ~''"it'd ~;i p1un1~ and lratl~ th•· St•;1 h 1ng<:. 1n Thi~ dr11.1rt1IH'll! o1'> 11 t•ll He1•rl .l"h11~n11 1h•· \l'iltn c11it'1'fHI 111 q11;11ti1l1:t!'I>. JS a t11ple 1)1rc;11 all 11ir 11a1. .. Ill~ bit! 11111\g I\ lll'll1g llh\f' 111 1 u11 111" lr11•ll' 11pl 11111 " ! lnll:u1d :1d1111I~ .l0hns1\11 ·~ p.1~~1ng lf'<'(ofrl :;ho11 .~ 20 rn1npll'l111n~ 11! .17 al t1,rnp1 s 1-1nd nnnr 11( lhr thrrr f,.f'~ tp datr 11:1~ hrcn ahlc to 1111i•t't'!')I! :in r1 ranl p;o~~ 11 ,.lland rHll'~ split t·nd \';1rl11 T1·~11, ll;111krr \1;111 ('nx ;:inrl 11gli1 t'lltls (:ri'g Stone Rnd .lol1n Anrlr·t·11 ~ ab1111t 1111 a p:ir till' Fr1d,1~ 1111-!hl f11r !ll1• :i~ rl'('t'll'C'r~ r1·~ur11p11,,11 nr s pr c rl 11 11 ~· "l'erluips Tn~ti J.:l'I~ rnore 1arrlagr frnm a ('llmpletin n hi>c·ause hi' 1~ 11lmnsl l1kl' I r11111lln~ b;irk nnre he l>(cts 1he h!'lll HP knnu''\ hn w tn 1n:1nP111 r r ;111rl hnw tn Rel doll'rif1rlrl :ind ;1w.1.1• fr nm !;11·\..lrr<:." Hollilnrl ;1r\ds. Thl'n he gr!s 11 bt1 facrunu~. · \\ e rnu~t be d n I n R snmrth1ng wrnng. 1 l()(lk at lhnse ~t<l t1<:.ltt.~ 1n 1he paper aorl Sl'f' tl1r~e nthcr trams "1th ;i Inn.I!. list of running ha1·ks ;in<l "e nnlv h.:11e three. 11.-. .1nu think -we should ch:111i.;e-.·· \l 1!h ;i :10 re1·111·rl And nn in· junr<:. to ke\· re r s n n n e I . I lj1ll;u1d 1<:.11 '1 ;ihoul tn mak!' 1' Sl'.'l!!'h 111 ht~ .c::1n1" plan~ ;i~ Jong a~ !he te;im remain~ u11rlefcalC'd. Co:u·h \Van lc<I ThP Cnn~t n:ingr.1·s soccer lc;in1 1.~ in ~r;ireh of a cQarh to hnnrlle 1!~ 1·nulh lr:irn. Thr flt1ti1! 1~11 ·1 shnrl nf p!;1yrrs. JUS! a coach. An~·nnr 11'1.~l11ng to vol unteer for rlu1 .1· shnu\d eall Gcor~e H:irr1snn al 71~-54!1·2344 111011114·~rle ;1rt1on .,.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .. .., F1ri;t rarl' 1111 1llr 2:1r_1.•nt ! _ Pl1t•c.t:i;a 11L .l-l1111t c 1·s ! • 0 I I I II I I ,.. 0 P, " -. a· 5 • I SJS p•r p•r•on Sto•t •n so•te ott•1n1 bun~trs,rough anddo ... nh·lll,~~-w·1·• ,.;1,!11!1 Jf'4'1il r'.11.:r1 111~! ' '.'D> 1g peCIG forJShoott: sl<tlr 1.~ ll!'lll!ll'd 111 for R la * y ! the l'ltlo Ar11old Pa\me•·ol!e r~ you 1n h•• boo~ltt, lroub1• 11rrk h.1' ~like l\o•rllf' of ,. , AUDv•'"' .., Shots " A copy ,5 yo~"s 101 20c alon~ w o!h ~ sl~mned. ~elf. i' I IJ II I ll UGE Ph !7141 715 1l lol • addres~ed envelope sen! to Arnold P1 lmer , u1 care ol ""'news· •l'iUJ;H ii 1 ~. llJIUll'rl!Jl (• U' • LINC RAAHA : • Says 1\nt·1<·h "Jf you IOC>k at the CIF pla.10. nH sernis anrl finals \'ear 1n ;ind \'car oul \nu'll ~CC' lhP ~;1n1(' lcagllf'S ;ire th('re-There's i.:n11a hC' a rr:1~1n f<1r 11 .. As i1 st;<111l~ lhf'rf' are 12 lnnps in AAAA ~1 ;1 1us anrl 1'u11 (';1n grnrrallv fi~ure nn at ,\ .~marl mnvr "·a~ m;itlp h~· t-.:s1:i nrh1 1'.'llh the ~1\'ileh of II~ lrvinP l..t>3,l!U!' crucial Satur· cl:i~· night to Orani::,p Coa~I Collrgt 17.600 1 io· . ~tr ad of \'e11·pnrl H:irhnr i 5.000 I. Edison ·.~ nrxt te,.;t. hnv.·('1·cr. i~ \\'ith Corona rle l ;\lar anrl it "'ill be 111 Nr"pnrl. Thl're Are no ~ite aUrrnati1•rs. \;1n ,\u\S ralc•r 111 1he 1·ha11\ ,"' 5JI D P•n•o•• Dr., Co•ono , C •lo lorn•• .. paper. l~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiijiiiij;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ijijjijjiiiii.:;"~"~" '~'~"~' "~"i"~' ~1';>.-~t~l~'•;al.l\ I ~ * * * * * • ** * * * *"" ** • * * * * * ~· * * ** * * * * * *** * * * ** * *'* . I lr;i~! !hrce <'n·r·h;i rnr.~ • Tb;i1 rlncsn t lrrnr 1nul'h rcm111 in a lfi·lean1 hr a eke! F.1 n~ h:irl hesl finrl lhrir srats hy li:~n for thii ! one 10 r1. 231. The ~l arlium v.ill prob11bly be fl llccl by i, I El Dor<t<lo Topples Vike Poloists, 10-7 Six Foreion I !"" ' Stars Ready I /\ hrilf.(1n·1rn nf !Iii> top !'itf'pp1ni:: 1u11 .11 S11n~r1 I .!'aJ::llP pla\ ai::a1n•t I·: I f)nr::orl n. r'n;1r h Tn1n Lln1,t s ~larina l11j'.!h \'1k11ic 11.1trr pnln te:i111 1knpprd a in 7 rlec-is1nn \\11>c1nc~d;i, 11fternoon in thr winnrr ·~ pool Thr ln~s v.·a.~ rhe ~t('nnrl srra1J!h1 :it tltf' h;:inds of El flnradn for lhP \'ik111c~ l\hn arr 11011 .i·.1 !or !11r 1 r;ir Thr \'1k1ni:~ ~0111·nr\' t" \'alC'ne1;i :i;i!urd;11 n1111·111ng j !0 I. , I r 1 ' ' "'"""' """"" ~,, ..... ,, ' l A•rn•no•nn .,..,,,, • ,, M•""' ' o f lOn••nn '~1 1 N'o•• n. ·'"' '"' l <1• nn c,,.alo, : eur~n•· ftl•••tl•. 11.,,,.~' I>'••·•• \ \ I 1 I~ E111M•1n ~Ill• M•• •• ~ n.,na HM..,.I / ~--~ fl••!• ·' r•O•· ( I' '"" ? <r•'" ....... ~,, l v~'"" - ~•n•n·~c~n "1""'""11'' '""""' ' I'! 1 ' • .-,.,~,., C·•cv• 1 1 ~ ' • "'~"'""" •<oct•n• '"""no !.'"'•'/'! •. ""'"'•n J l(~t&• "" 1 V•nUY E~,'~" 0-:01\~ La• A'""''"·' 1 1 I 1 • E~ '"" ""' n~ ""' V'I•'' 1 '·'••• ~ """ J r~· ,,.,,...,nnu.-O~n f .•• ~ • .., J1>n•o• v,,..i. fr-•r'> •1)•1' ln• •••"'''"' o n t 1 ' F<1•'"" """"l> ~·tCr"'n • unr nn I ''''"·"'•"'" • Im• W•'1 1 B""' • V~" (,n• ~nn Fco1~·~00~ r n '"" I 1 < • 11 lM Al•O•'"' I\ o t I t ftl•<r" "n""" r r •'A•~ • H.., ~rl~•'OP 1 f'~y" ) P••"~"' 1 ('•n•o ) "''"'~" "''"'" I fl I " I l~, ""''""' 1 1 I l ~ "'"''"" V•••<> ''"""" ""t> St.l'o•n,., \rf,11 roc•10"•'1 Jvn•or Vo••l!Y /'•'""" V,•,o 1 I 1 1 ~ Lr.<Am•or.• n 1 11 • ~··"'"" v,r,n ''"""" l l•olrr W•''"" • fl"'" ~<Oli'l •Sool'l """"" V••'<> I I\ I ' • L"'""''""' ~1 nn 1 ''""'"" \l••,o ""'no O•d'""' 1. ~ ""' , \ n 'a Scor1 ·' ' fnrt11i::n ~r<'rrl11·;iv motnrcl'clf' rirlrr~ 11'111 hn nn h11nrl for the lntPrnat1nna! Te~\ SP r i P ~ 1\h1rh hrc1ni-Fr1da1 ru cht at the n ran gP Count~·\ Fairgrounrl~. S1:ir!ir1i:: t1n1r 1~ ~ 1~. In arld1t1nri !n !hP rri>am 0r I HDELSCHER'S a -7t' VANDERMAST t ( ~-, i r-' "' "···--------------. FAM OUS MAKER WASH SLACKS FLARES REGULARLY $10.-514. A ma jor price break-through 011 permanently pressed slacks . A big, boLintiful bargain that will force ' ' you to fill your d rdwers! I 1 'II ,I i . I LONG ILER • Made of rugged nylon cord • Deep biting 5-n b treilrl design • Good n11lcage at low prices l ONG Mll ER L·-,tn11i11L_I _ 111 r.i:l1 11" 1~r1s t 111/\Df IN l;A l f $1Z( __ I I\~ _. __ Pllll"! , _ PRIC£ 11)(113 <1 1•\ ~IFl~<i ~1188 I I;;:, l<I • 11 1 .'0•,11_j_18 ,4~ 7 7fo 1~ .' 1•1-;-.'1O'.,-j-18 9G R)'i.1~ -= .' 1.·-=1= :·~ .''i -j=-21 82 ..... 1. ,., • _1 '1•1_1 '"-"'-!-"" I .' lf'I .'1 't'> l 19 J9 ·-------:JI .'llE• 2236 ' ----- ,' • " ' ' I > ; Trained BFG Mechanics $ 5 5 s will align your front wheels according lo Ille •Ll auto manufacturer's -tA11s specifications L ··=:.-;-..::=- AS LOW AS Prolong nre Life TIRE ROTATION DNLv99~ACH DO YOU KNOW IF YOU NEED SHOCKS? • ·''" Y' Ur ''""'''.' Y"~" rKrt> • ll~v• Y""' •ht>r~• Jl"n~ 1, •I" ••'•l1""'Y'·"•~•!101m~~"n'h''"'"'''llynu '" ~n· ~••I,.~ I" ~•·Yo! l"O~e QU••'"'"••Y"" n•~ "''N ~, .. , •• 5. G[T TH [M NOWI 0~ 8# 11 ' ~ AT ONLY $688 EACH ~ IN STALLATION AVAlLA8l[ 3 WAYS TO PAY 1. BUDGET TERMS I ~ QUALITY REPLACEMENT PAITS F' 1 • SPECIAL LOW PRICES 3.= BANll..,Mlr;ttCA"0 MASl"lfl CllAl'IG( . I ( ~· ,, ~ SA NTA ANA oo ... 11tew11 •th 01111 Svc11more O•lly 10 It • ll'r+.\t i.f • This week·end only ANAHEIM ..t.1101tei"" Ce11I•• t47 M. Lo .. • M~"" fn~tt,. ll'fl. lJ It I Tv•• .. W°"'·• S•I, 10 I• !:JO HUNTINGTON BEACH 11 Hu11tl~9te11 Ct•ll•• l toch 011d Edi11t•• "''"' '"'"'" ""· 11 ... f~M .• WM .. JU. 10 19 I ~I I r·! We Honor \ BankAmericard and Master Charge 'I I -.-~---~-· -_ --,--1 -~-_,,,..,..-. --•! ' • ~ f r"°"1" I"""'••< •-~, .. , "•1• "'tollfl'"' y<11<t ,., M1 40000 '"'I" '"" ... o •O ,..,,, • .,,.. .. ,., J! P'"'"f"' '""""ct lllff'tl ,,.. ••••(" ,.,, ....... "!II ....... 'l 111 •• ,..,. ... '"' .,y i.. """'<"" o~ r" -•"d '""°'"lt " COSTA MESA: JONES TIRE SERVICE 2049 Harbor Blvd. (.it B•Yl 646-4411 540-4343 ORANGE: JONES TIRE SERVICE 1100 No. Tustin Av1. (.kross from new Post Offi ce) 537-3383 ALL CARS ASK ABOUT LIFESAVER RADIAL BFG'S 40,000 MILE-'l"IRE WESTMINSTER: L J, LITHE BIG 0 TIRE 7352 W1stminSt1r Ave, 993,5572 , .. lftMVll" IADIAL l'IB .._. • 28 DAILY PILOT WHAT'S IN- OUTDOORS? lly Jl,\1 f\'JE.\llEC \\ ;1fr11011 I !1un1t•rs t'l1J(11·ed a f;nr 111 gool"I QJ)ening in 1nost ~hoo1111g ;1rt·<.1 ~ ~·f :-.~1l1th1•rn <":dlfurn11l !:"isl \\'('1·kend Although l1un11ni: 1>11, :-.1J111l1 lhose ~e;1 Uer-gunners 11ho .slick ii ou1 rnan- ,,~t'd 1111111~ l•f 11ll\1•1i dui h.., A~ •·xp~·( !!•1! 1111• pr'11 :iii· t·luhs 1n (lra11gt C11unty produced !df' i,,, ... , l1\H11111i.: "" t1rllil;, 11[ "ilrlf: :ind 111dg~11 wcr<' cu1nmon. ,11111 (1!"111. 11·..,11!1·111 lJIJt1:.i~cr 11r !lie t'iou11 r .1-"~ b(>sl 1··tubs, ex· J"i·1, 1!11~ 111·1 ,ht•rlil l" 1,.t,, 11•pL•:lt 11f l;•s! (l!~on said !IJat the fv~ l«•r'kf'<1 ;1<!;1111~! thi· ~t1no1t·ro; ;inr1 th:1t n10~1 of the birds in !he ,.rt·.i 11~·n, 1111l 1·11'11 ·• :-.1•·\! !11 ~111.t \., 11(·11 111~111· 11.11 1· .1r'r111·d l1'f1111 Ila'° nurrh <1<tr1rd1ng lr1 11 ~ .. 11 IJ11I Tlu I ~h .. 111.t IJp rUTllllll; 1•111·11 n1·~l 11·e('k after the 1.,.1 .• nt"t' 11f 1111• ~1.111• "tu•n' 1r, -t·J~on S.11urd;l\ ·1 111· -.,,11.i11 ·"'' 1 .11 .1 p11)di11·1•d i.:•~1<1 shouting lor ~outhland Ii 1111!•1' "' lt11rh 1111• II +~!t·r 1!1,fug(' ::ind ltu.' prt\ ale clubs 11ru- 'hr1·d .11-...1 1· .111•1.JL • !l''llll' ·QB Neecls More Tin1e To Set U1J There rnay be n1ore passing in l 'ni1erslly ltigli's second Orange League encounter Fri- d;iy nigt1t at Vnlr.nf'i<i High hut l'rQJilU football co11eh Jt>rry Hed1n<.1n is rearful of 1!1e si tu<i· !inn '"\\"e l1:11•en'I been ;lble ln 11101 c the b;dl 11·i !11 anv degn>e uf l't,11s1S!Cnl·y by passing tlus _1 f'nr ·• he nd1n1ts. Says Asaro Mu st P11t Brakes To G1~oi111d Game Coach \'inr.l"' Asaro o f Edison llir-:h School 11·ould .1p-- pear lo be a te!low 111th tcw troubles. Jlis team is unbeaten and is riding the crest of a 19·game \1•inni11g streak and in the Chargers' sho1vtase is the 1970 L'IF AAA c h a rn pi o n sh i p I rophy. But he says Saturday night"s con frontation 11·1th i.':stan<"1a's Eagl es at Orange Co a s t College poses a monumental problem: l"lctory tl V!r winl!s~ Ctlsla tllesa last "·eek. and Asaro <.·oncurs. '"TechnilalJy \\"!did a pretty hur job for this time of the season but we had an ungodly amount of mental errors, penalties. fumbles, and drop- 1.icr:I passes'"bn easy plays. ··And "'e had three all· league players on t he sidelines," points out the r:dlsun le:.ider. Fullback-linebacker Rocky We'll Beat So111eo11e, Coach Says Cio» '"""''' I~"·" •I M "'"" ~:r~i1r~·:·1~·;"~:,~. '~t"r;;,.,~. r.:J.;',",," u~'"""''' o• \lol•n''" lo•~"• O•• Ma' •I ~o!old An• \/•I•<• f'li<"""" l!orll"' A! '""''•rlUlv~ U<••" ~.~"lrD~<• ol l.•oune lle .. <h, wo,tm"'''r' or M•• '"• 1•11 o! J I~. W•t•• •·~•o -(u>•• Mou •' l~"~ 11 ••• ~ W•"O" •• n ~·I, H•"'""'"e •I Miu.on ll •••O n 111 Ftld•1 l'C1Glbtl1 Co•u"4 u~l M•r '' ~·"'" .... \lollrf •I ~·M• An• Bc .. I, ~ounM•n 11•1>,, •• lv• A•o•n ! ' •I W•''''"· SoUnl•O•<;• •• l•o"n" ll•tu" M•le< Or• ot luno ll•••" W """· Foo!n1ll ol ~ ... (l•m•n•• to••• M•'• ~, MoonOh• ol ,.r ,.oo•• "~'""'· !"<rwnorl Holb<!t •' t<o.n l.nu!On e•o<n" ;:~·;,~~ V'.~.o wU~'.':::~·.~~· ,,ru~~r,.,~~~ 1•11 •• 11 W"" C<llO -C~·~~· d<t ••''< •' X-country Area Preps '""'" ~•l••·•n n. ltd!•• Oe1 ~J. ll•lltro .... r .,. /l. LB Wol>un '3. ~oono,.,oro F001b•ll O JOr l)oy,j1n1 IMO! 10 16! 7 l o.., ·ti-.. 11••1 "~'l>o• 0 •• ~ _,, , ..... 1~·01 l 10. 11. J<H ... 11~·"· ;,,·o• •O •l 11 0o1•11 '"•'"n (,\·01 lco•• l• • 11 0 W n 01 11 c""' t ono .\'01 II 10. •it..,.r.or! TO; ff~~ <n ;. !.a1rt1 J~nl"' "'•""' 101"' ~·'~' •n I~ 111 wo11on II, M•l1t Dtl io~nomor o f..,,10111 ~I, 0•11fl<lw~t 110 El MD<!ene o <l 0 6~' l M~do !<'"• MO! I! Ol I \/1""t T!11 111·o1tl11·1 11,,, lifr! .11hl rl111 ~1-1· 11.is tlt·:ir giving huntrrii .1 I .11hlH .ip .1t!1·1 rl11• 11r'r !1•11 :-hots 11t'lf' ftr<'rl A cold lr11nt or •lr1111g ~1111tb :tr1• i!"lng 111 h1· 111•Pdrd 1111.' 11e1·kend if hunrt·rs e.~- 1•!'1 I !o rn.1111!.lll! ll1t·1r l11gl1 ill l"r;1i.:1•. · Hut VrJcnc1:1 ts a different slur~. They have a line qu;u l(>rb:ll"k :111d 1110 _gf)O(j re<·e11·ers <Jnd lhey thru11· the b;11J lx-!!er lh 11n an.1• of the tr<Jnis we hare played." I low tu stop tile Estancia l'U11u111g gan1e. \\'han sal the game out "'ilh an in1ury. as diet No. I tailback Bob Smith. Defensive end Brian Bayless played only sparingly. e~·~"~"'· lMOI II 15. l'O J•rr~ Cost ., II gh r-tb"li /'l•U•ooo 11•••0 6 0 Q fl B >'ea11no 1MOI 11 O• 7& Jonn [Ml•I a "csa I "'' .. 1 .. , ... ~~ \/t•D ><er ... 11, TO -e.i ... IMDI 11 )l. 71. Jt"' MtN,n 1'1101 TJ11 '" 111•t"l' ;1 J.,1 111 ht r(t.S 111 l ~l\\'r~1d(' and San B~·rn.1rclinu I 1 UO!ll''· IJUl ltl11~l II l l t' lugl1 rh pf'(. ()pf'lll!lg ITIQrning \\"iiS Vnl_v !.111· .it 1111"1 1·luh~. i/111 1111· t·1'1·r1111g :-boor 1\:1s 1C1)' good. The TroJ<ln toach doesn't rncan to jjl\'e up on lu.s own :.q11;ul. v.1r tnirn 11. ··1 ll1ink th(>y hal'e a super ground attac:k. They ha1·e the best b!o("king line J"l'e seen this y£"nr and !hey do an ex- cel!!'nl joh. coach John S11eazy isn'I taken1 _c'c'c' c-_'c'_'~_:c'c_ _______ c'o'~'''---------- .!,1)111 l.;nii.;111111 ;11 lh(• ll1ddt'n \';dte.1· r;un Club in Norco rher k- r 11 111 !111111'i 111 sp1•1i.; 111c!g~·110 ;111<1 1nr11J::irds <it sunset. Bi1Jchr u1 l.;!~I' 11,,~ i.:1 1·~11 "Pt'llHI~ 1111w111111.(. bul 11'un!ing prcs!iur!' on lhr ) 1h•·• 1 .. ri ·1·U 1111•,l \II 1!11• ,1i11 ·k.' l'I ~ri•k ~;i fr1· rl:',\ling ~p11!s. The 111111' 11f ilw dutf...., l1.1ggf·d 11 1'rf' l!·:d. 111rll.(C'On ;1nri sprig . The ~l11 • .i111t: -.t11iuld I\(' 1:1i1· 1/u~ \\l't·kend. prnl"iding cooler \1·c::ithe1· :inrl li!tll' 11\111 (• 11 rnd hll Ill!· h1p.h u1ountain l:i ki·. ,,.,.,,,, ."il1••••l .\if•t 'l 'l1is ll'ccl.-e11fl 'I hr Lagun:i llill;; 1;uu Cluh 11ill hold a re~islerrd trap 5hCM)I lhi~ "t·t•krnd. L:1rry C'oHin~ pred i<'!~ a large turnout for !ht' t11<1-da~' ~hoot. Thr gun c·lub i ~ lul"altd ju~t nlf the San Diego Frer11n1· and orfer~ sholJ!unnc r~ a good t'haore at sharpening lhrir r~:c~ on hol h !rap ;ind ~krrt field s. Tr<1phi1·'· pri1.•'S and 1nnn1•y 11 ill he :il stake dur ini: th~ f'l"l'OI :inti ~01nr of 11ir 1up ~hoolcrs uf thr Soulhl:i nd ll'ill he. on hand lo l'ornpclt. Fur n1orr iulorinatinn phone 830-1003, IJf•t•1• ,'tf•ftSfJll i11 f-'11/f .'t1r·i1I~/ IJrrr huntt'r~ h:ll t' rn111yed ~ g(.nd .1·C'ar thus lar as the dl'rr lrun T1r1g !-f:ll~11n 1s 111":1nng its n11ri11;1,1· point. Alt areas report Iha! The bucks ~re in rul :inrt !hnt hunter success i ~ !he h1gl1est 11 11;1~ lit!'n 1n :i nurnlK'r of .1P:irs, Tile dc·rr h.n·c st:1r!ed 111oru1g down truru the high tflt!tl!ry 1,n 1ht• e:1~tC'r'11 slnp<·s 11! lhC' ll1gh S1crrn~ du e iu cold nighllirnl' 1 ~1npl·ra1urt•1:. ~urn1~ n11·r 11·1,ph y h1H'k.~ shoulcl br bagged around f'.r1rlgr·pf•rl 111!11 ;1 1111111ht'r -;il~o 1·11rnu1i.: lr'fllll lhe \\lalker and l'a1·hcr r1rlgrs nho1•e lilt• J11ne Lakr loop. Ornngr l'1l11nt.1• hunlf·r~ ;11"r r<iet><I 111th :i poss1hlr <·lo.~urc or rhc puhl1t• hunt111g ;1rl':1:. 11 !111: furrcn l tire rt1nd1!1011s do not drop back cliJ11 n !11 ;1 ~;1fr k1 rl The hrd 111nd~ ;11·r r11:1k1n!! !lw i:nt1r!' ("lel'e];ind J'\ationa1 For!'~! :1 n;1!1Jr:d ~1·~ ,,r d.1nr11n1tC' rrad.1· ro rxplodr at !he drop of a •1nr:lt ~p:trk Thr \'.1,1! ( ;1n1nn ;1rt•a 1s rhr he sl bet lor un - ;ittached hunter • lfltl ll11rli11 ('111•~1111 11~1 ('l11I• T/lr llalbna 1\n)!hni! Club ha~ oll h·iall) 11·tii::hed in IO(I marli_n Jn dale. Thf• ;H·li on 1., eurrrnlly 1;1king pl:u·e some 12 lo 15 miles off (lrran~idr nn ;1 :!00 di.'j!r~ (·uutsr. ;\lik(· Hlt1111•r. li,hin~ :1ht1:1rd thr-ho:ll Dreadn:n1Ahl ~kippered h11 IJout: Knight 111 '\r11p<1rl ll r:1rh, 11 Pighrd in a 144 1~ pound -rripp~·d u1~1rl in uo :0-11111ta~. l\l1111rr u~rtl a li1·f" 1nacker!'I lor bai!. Loui ~t· Brit1::1•., ul ;\"P11p11rl ll1•ar h ri~hing al)IJard hrr own ~pnrtlbli1•r ll111u·.1 . l;1ntfr•d ;i 1~111-pouncl 1narlin un lighl !;1t·klr 11sin_i: :1 l'~)!'hrcltlic· h·athi·r n~ lht• r11lil'l'T. At'l inn is r;111•d as ~luw lor ha rh11r :.ingl!'r~. as 11nly a le"· bill fi~h h;u f• hf'cn ~pnltrd . Bui 1u•1.,1rtlin.t: to Balboa An i::liog Cluh :-.r1•rrt11r~ l'!•ggy ll Ht·hcuck 1herc are not IOQ 111any anglers out t"ba ~ing th1•n1. c·,,r;,., •. " /\c·1i1·f• '''''''!I c,·,,,,st \llX<'ll :-.111·1:i•·r ;u·t1•1n 1111d lll•lliltn li~h arr hiAhlighti11~ 111!' ac111Jl1 oul tit bulh l>a1£'~ ·.~ L1K·k1'r rind Art "s 1.;indlng. The ('.alicos 1S1·r Uuldll!•r. l'agr 29~ •·1\'e ure SP.ending a great dc:il 1~1e un 11·l1al we h:.i1·e g11·cn lht· kids !his WCl'k ;111d t1Ju1g to clin11nate s11n1e .,r 1hc n11stakcs they arr. 111aking. "\\'e tu11"en't done a lot nf pn.~si ni;, '' he adds. Then iu retros pect, lie con· linues·. ··\\'c hal'cnl had the b<lll loo n1uth. either. •·our quarterback, Ed Cilll. is in1prov1ng each week bu l he h01sn·1 been getting Itny tin1e LI• thr011". "This 1s one of our blg <hf. f1cult1es. He only ~!'IS a se· c1Jnd 11r !wo to Pll'k out a r('c·t•1rer ~ind let the b:ill g11. '"Hcc;uise of !his. ire l1are spent a lo! ol t1n1e on our p;1ss blof'kin~ ass1gnrnents th 1 s week and li!1pe I.he kids are l111ding out v.•ho thC'y Itre sup- posed lo block ori passing :-;1tu.itiuns '' l111th !Cfln1s 111•111 1·n1r1· 1hc frav 11·ith u-:\ reC"ords and Hed- 111;1.n t·oni:edes the 1'igers hflve probabl y faced tougher op· po1oiti1111. ""Thev :irr n1ur h be!1er !ha11 the reCord ind1cntrs bec;iuse or lhe t'allber nl the 1e;1ms lhel" h;11'P pla.1ed" The f:i cl that \"alrnc1 a \1:1.s ~<·0rcd ;1! lrasl two l!IUch<to11 n~ in c1·cry gam!'. dnesn"I bother l1!'dtnan n!'arlv as 11111ch ;is his own tenn1's in· ;1h!J11v 10 seore The Tro1ans hav~ "scorrit one l111l<'hdown 111 three ganlf'S. The TrOJill! l'(ldth d(>eSn"I pJ ;111 an~· l·h:ingC'~ 11l his 11f- !1•n."-11 e <W drlensil"e lineup. !ll:irk <1l sen 111ovcd int•) ;i star11ng guard pns1 la.~! 1reek nn offense arid 11'111 re111;iin lhcre !111s week Boh 1':11ti·rso11 ;ind Bill Btd- dlP al!Prnn1f' nt split end r l"e ry n!hcr play 11·11h th!' n1;1n f'Qlll· ing in carh play scr1·1ng <1s 1ncssenge r bt'tWe!'n coach and riuarlerbac:k . ··1 thought they r:lomin<1led the Foun!ai n Vfllley gnrne on I he grot•nd and with some bre[lks it could hrH'e ~one !he o1her way , JI w:is a case of tll"O good football l e fl ms knocking heads," he says. Fountain Valley broke loose 11·ith a pair of TOs in the final period to v.·in, 28-9, "I just hope they can·t run !he ball like that on us. \Ve're going to h<Jve to find an extra pla~·er or 6omething to plug up lhe holes," says Asaro. Edison fa iled to irnpress some observers in its 20-12 \Vhan may be back in an of- fensil'e role Sitturday if the soreness has subsided f(om his knee in jury. His chief concern ·with l·:.~tnncia's running ~a1ne aside fronl the potent blocking up front is tailback Dan Prin- ceotto. "This little runner \\"ho's taking Jim Schultz's place looks as good or belter than Schultz did as a junior,'' SUJ'S Asaro. The Edison coach says he r.onsiders his team's defense and running game impro1·ed 01•er last year's outfit at this stage. The "·eaker, passing ho1\•ever. game is 10 niaking rash predictions but he does adrn1t his tllustang squad is in1proving ea(·h week and says: "\Ve're going If! be a t somebody before the season is Ol"er '' r-.1agnol1<i l!igh Schou! tonch Glen Thon1as is fearful lest it n1ight be his Sentinels Friday night on the Newport Harbor High football field. ··cosl<t ~tesa is l'astty irn- proved and they are beginning to find themselves." Thomas says. To which S1veazy agrees. Lagu11a Grid Boss Says Roadr11nners Have It All "I thought \l'C learned n1ore about 1vhat 11·e are doing against F.disoo last "·eekend 1 the fl-fustangs !o.~I. 20·12l and 1·ou never know about footb11ll. it takes many funny bounces. "One t11ing is certain. \Ve can't gel 1nueh worse !h;u1 \ve 1vere in our (lpcning games 1vith Kntell;i i0-2SI :1 n d Ne,\vµorl 1-f <1rbor I 7-40 I. Laguna Bcach"s l!::il Akin s said before the sea~on that !he Saddleback Hoadrunners. Inst Yt«ir's !!'ague r u n n e rs u p IJrhind Sonor;1, 11·ould be the people to beat in the Orange League Fvothalt race in 1!171. Now approaches FI' i d a y n 1 g h l ' !l co11fronta!io11 al Laguna 1n which Akins' Artists 1\111 h<ist lhe Roadrunners lrrun Sou lh San!a Ana. And thl' 1·et!'ra11 Artists' head m:in just doesn't kno1v 11'ha1 to think l !t• !l!t\'S, ··Snddletl~•tk is n 1·t'r1· r1;1e tearn and 1hr1r rer0rd ( l-201erall1 1s Just not 1ndlca!11·e nl tile kind of !e:irn th~y really ;ire. '"They ha ve it all -they can run, pass, pl;iy defense end Trito11 QB Co111ing l11to Ow11 the)' possess good size and ·•Btit. the kids t1re ll'Orking speed." hard ;incl ctoing a good jr1h. I H's a sure thing Akins \\"ill <im ple;ised \\'i!h the 11"<1~' !ticv hal'e take11 hold and 11"(' ll'il! have his defense doing more 1hnn its normal share of stun-ha1·e son1e of our injured ling and moving around sincr-pla.1·ers bark 1vith us llus Brea ( 15-12 \·ictor over v.·eek ·· kl b Sweazy is 111ak1n~ tw0 Laguna last 1vee 11·as o -. <'hangrs in his n r re n s 1 v e viously bugged by such tac· tics. l~etip. ··rm sure. Saddleback is v.·ell Jeff Erickson 11·i \I ~tart at center in pl:ire of non a1vare of ho1v \\'e stun! and, Arnburge.v and ('hul'k <_;;1!.~sp.v hopefully, 11•e'll foul them up • infll'es intf> the s 1 :i r t 1 n g like we did Brea in the srcond Fullback pn~i11on 01hfr11"ise. half last week," Akins says. the oHrnsii•e squad 111 11 re- The Laguna cnach has onl! lllain intact :iltcr ~conn!? a seen the Hoaclrunnrrs on fihn I p:iir or 111urhrl0wns on F! ri so tie cli1irns it wnuld1i"t he /)arllf'll •1enals a g ;ii n ~ 1 lair tn t(•lllpare I h e 111 I I " Edison. per.~nnal Y 11'111 rea. Df'frn~ii·rll". S11e{1~1' is 1n;1k- Akins do!'s S<l)', hnl.\·eirr. ing follr rh~ngrs on the front '"Tl1eir fu!lhack nave il11d -line rind is 11ndrr·id('1! ril1ou1 dlclon is 205 pounds and ex-slartinr: uu;ir!Prb;ic·k Onrnrll tren1c ly lough but hc"s not at :i hfl rkfield post lf Darnel! their only threat. i~ lif'ld n11t un drlr11s1>. ~l::tson "\Vith t11iddlelo11 on tt1e In· Hungerford '"ill n101•c in. side !hey have a double threat lll'n p;irker movr~ fru111 a with Brian Da11·son hack at !at•klt' oosl. In an t'nd position full speed. He's fast, ilas good lli1h Strir Brn11•11 and IXln moves and goes to the outside nrJiinf'1· 1;iki•u1 ovPr rh" t:u•klr well. iilot~. Kell \I Stroich 11·il 1 mo1·c "1\lso, they ha1·e a l)retly in atm1dd0le guard In cnn1 plc1e ~ound youn~ quarterback in !he ctefensi1·e ;i Ii g n 1n en I Jin1 Cochrun1. He throws switch!'~. :11\·fully 11·ell but isn·t the run· S11 ra11· lll(lk~ ;it !\lagnolia :is Totn Eads ts a quiet man nl'r Arian tll1·racle !las1 vear·s a tvpir;il AnnhPin1 lt>:tm . bu! th(' San Cleniente Tntons · Hna<lrunr1er . signal r a 1 ·1 e r I • · T h e 1· t1.:11·r :1 fi 3 I 11 a~." q11artc1 b;iCk who 1~ in his i;r-1 h('ad tooibnll roac 1 1s a In !h!' Laguna can1p. Akins f'ond 1·rar <i.~ a starf('r ;incl l1C' 1'1•ahstu· prrsun tu he surf. i~ trying to nurse h1!' <'harges 1hro11:!-: the hnl! wr-11" Rayco S • I y I bl ( \\'1111 tus teHn1 really lo host lhro1111h a rash ,,f pla ~ur~ Swra1 v i~ rcfcrnnJ.! lfl .llihn peCIQ 5-Q UG e 0Up0n$ f 11uth\ll"s Kiughts V r 1 da y \\"htrh 1 n c I u de s everything l\ind r·ed , a junior, .1111h still I 1-$3 - - - - - -sijl I $5 - - - - - -$-5, . from the flu bug to eye in· antl1hrr fnolbal! (' <l mp a i A 11 1t1~d1l <1l ~;111 Clcn1en!e 111 a ahead. l"re:-;11"11•11· l.<'~gue t·l:.ish. !::ads I_:.-----------~============ BRAKE.RE LINING 1, Premium-Brake Reline 11111,~11·1 wiJnt tn Ju 111 p I s MOST s34 95 ALL AMER I n1Cl'h<1il rd 11 1rh cnThu.~ia~n1 15.95 CARS 0 1,,.,,.,..,um ·N•w ··•i.ooo •M<1t <::~~~1~•d '""m'""' :1 tle.r hfdd"r'°'dk_'s 2.t·71 thU_n1- """' IOOOO "'''',,,,',:~~':.:n•e'o ond$ .. 3. I $'s•n•nv -l•b•t -• -ln<!•ll•l••n . ln<lud1~. ss 1 ping 0 £'en 1ng l' 1arnpl0!1 L .• uo• a ,.,.,,111.11,on , .~~' lJri111gc, ~-1 ''11's al rnost 100 good lo be.1 - - - - - -~ - = = =--= = = = lruc-hra11ngllrnngeforlhe 111 .<.! 111ne l'l'er," Eads ex-.--PR-EMl-UM --RETR-EAD-S -, lss $51 1 ETS tli!iins. WH ITE-WALLS-ANY-SIZE I CUSTOM -FIT · FULL · S He docs ,varn, hov.•ever. Tll"'~~E s8 88 r:~~~)( I SEAT-COVERS I "1hat \1''1!! a hard-hilting game I aE 01111<co • EA .. 10-PEi<-tu:: .. 1 i s24 95 MOST last v.t>ek and 11·e: expect "•ee-Aliqnrnent-Wl1h-4-Tire1 • CA RS Fool hill to lul JUSt as hard as l l-$l"O = =--= = $li01 l$S _•~_e·LMb-rlcatlon·-Wlth·P_ .. ,,ha1-• $~' Ol"ange did . .. They ~the Knights ~ 11·ere the preseason favorites among I Spatt-C:.~-~~-~!-~~1~~0:1.!!?i~t~Heated I f$j 0-- - - -$10 I l h:-~~:~~~ r~:ch:s. -~onlingent s I REPLACEMENT -HEADL INER S 1vhic-h does n1ore running than I 59.95 I IN · VINYL -ASSORTED CO LORS 1 passing but Eads claim~ his 1!;10 Alt-Ame•ic on-Ca .. -Cu11orn -Flt1ed $1~ I $49.95 MCAORSTS squad v.·ill have_ lo stop lhel \\•hole team and ool just shu t Clath·Headll11ers-Slf.,S I nff one aspect of the Knight r,-: = = =--= = = -ISlO $10 a11ack. ILIFE -TIME -STOCK.-MUFFLERS I - - - - - - --' "'Their lailbackSn1nPc!'k is 150/ OFF ~ - - - - - -~ :1 very h:.irU running boy and I 10 I $3 $3 they run right at you and get I G11or•ntefli . ~a •. "'' ~o•o A1 ~ou 0,. •• ""f'eu• 1, $ MINOR-TUl~~~~:iNG I ~C~-~1~le ~~~~k~y~~}'S.l he J 5 ' 1 ° 1 , ~~· t fttt•. "· "" s.-.,., '"•'o• to . ,.,o,.c• I 21.95 "ARTS I , "But lhe quarterback e I I ..-Evans throws a nice long ba11 1 - - - - - - - -'~"• -1n.111<1M1 . "''' · l'•in11 • \••rll -l'lu11 • C•n· .. , ''d can hu•I )'OU w·11h the r - - - - - - -dtnH r · Sol • Tom•nt -"'flwll • C11burJIOt " COM,Lt:Tl-LINE-OF $3 $3 I bomb any lime, loo.'' NEW-TIRES 11! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The Tritons' quarterbacking I FIBRE . GLASS -POL YE STER -r - - - - - -.-. situAlion seems more secure CORO -RADIA L . NYLO N. I RAYCO -CAN · OFFER · ANO as !he v.·eeks roll by 11·ilh &-3. I AT TREMENDOUS SA VINGS I DELIVER -NEW · TIRES I 21£>..pound junior Bill Kenney - - - - - - -_, AT -DISCOUNT · PRICES graduallycomingintohiso11.'n. 1$3 - - - - - -$~3 1 Mt:n.OR·lt:Al·OUll·COMPETITION· I Kennel' hit on 10 of 19 ON-OUR.QUAUTY-GllADl-TlllES· aerials ior IOI yards againsl I fRT. EHD-AUGNMENT I __ ~M~N!.:H~ _ _. ()r<inge and Eads . says hc'AI ~ - - - - - -~ gelling better v.•1th every l I COM,Lnt:-CAMllR·CASTfll 11 RAYCO ·WILL ·BALANCE ·YOUR I game. TOf.fN -TOE-OUT TIRES . FOR 11~========= I s~~ ~~ ,,,,.~,o~~ .. ~ARS 1 I 5 1.00 E~. MOST CARS 1 1 ' $3 We--wlll•rotatt-yowr•tlrti·fll[I 1.!.3 ______ :::J L _ w,::ro:::::·t=b=•ll~ _ 2860 Harbor Blvd.-Costa Mesa Phone s .. 0.0110 • Open Mlndoy-Soturday, 8-lt I ' T•ll SHEllf.lf.D llol(OMI! ,.IOPEIT Y e M·~\n11.1m '""'''""'"' ol 1).000 e t•>~ s~obl• 1ntomr • rqull• llwlld uo • ~ Unl! llpt. HQV•~ C"'ll FOi ~All &AOC HUIE J.NO [OMPUTEll "'""'l'i" 101 SCHUMAN "n Clf•ID•. Ntwl!>O<I lt•c• 11!1) IH 11!1 DAV -\tf.'"IN(i\ -WEf.llENOt Gym Shorts-Shirts-Sox -Shoes Football Shoes All Purpose Shoes Basketball Shoes Tennis Shoes Soccer Shoes Tennis Shorts Tennis Shirts Tennis Sox Tennis Dresses Tennis Visors & Hats • anniversary sale 20 °/. off on a select group of western style boots from our regular stock, Innes SHOES cn~rq( 11' l~nt• cnuQr -6•nkAme.,t•rd -Ml>ler [~••~I SOUTH COA~T PLAZA, COSTA MESA -S40-S51 l • Paddleball Rackets Wilson -Dunlop -Davis Bancroft Tennis Paddles Balls -Sets Masks -Fins -Snorkles Sleeping Bags -Back Packs Day Bags -Freeze Ory Food Basketballs & Goals Volleyballs & Nets ,, Soccer Balls -Footballs Bikes -Parts -Tires -Tubes • CAil V PIL()f 'J.fJ Ro1111tl i11!! Up Golf "t\'e1rs 8th 0 UTDOO R f :( >L U :vi N • • • Lon g Bea('h Contlnu•·cl fr11n1 l'<IJ.:t' ~!I Checking the Ar e a Gree n s Pi ra tcs In 1~atio11 .111· f 11rl.1 :ic·l11t• 11l1111J.: l!1t• 1·0;1,!111"11• 11lul1' 11 fr 11 n1<P 1".1ltlu·~ 11( l.H1!J1\•I 11,!l l' h1•1 II !al.1•t1 )1 1"1 1•!f thl' bt•;icli l)r;ini:E> <'"a"! f"llll f').!P nll ii ~ Holli l.11ul111).!s ;11 1• 1t11111111i.: ;111 d;111 :u1d half·dll \' h<"•al~ rrg11. 1~ . \:1rll 111tl1 11 1••'h1•111I.; l111d1111! 1111• bn;it ~ f11•;1d1nt: 0111 II• l(H• 1"l11nd~ ·• 7 111·11111 "\flt ~•111 l lu·gii j ( ·.\ti 111 1.1,,1.,11.d 11iul•' ~··.i h ;''" ;11 1d 1cllo11 1.o11 ;1rr• f111d 1nc thi>lll (:ar Sho\\' (JnP nf !hP nnt 1Pn·, n1<1'! i>Jr- pr11'11 P :'111\j l!H •~t t'll'IOl!llll'd n1nt 1Jtr11 I,. .1n $~ 1MK1 h1·n1Jt '{ ""1w1! t.1 r.1111 :-;11•11t·. "ii! lie an1hnJ.: 1hf" r\•)r 1J1,p!a1" ;i l tl1•· l:!th ;\nnual (' ll _, t" r11 The lia111·l11• :-.,,n .lni1rp11n +nl'n's 1 luh .-11111111,1 h11;:h lnw tnu rn;.in1Pn! 1<; rlo"n 1n ihe finals th1 <; 11f'ektrld 11·1th !11n le'11ll5 rrn1,11n111g 111 rnn· len\H)fl 111 4.fi'r 11pprt !11 ; .. ·I..• I, Cil ldf' .i nd ~~I~ >•11uth n1:lr1r thr fin.ii tnuncl h\ 1l<'tf';11 1ng P:iul Rt!ll!;f' <ind Jlr1t l;.111111'1 , I up Ill Thi' lr,\1(•1 lir<11·k1>! ll~i\r S!oll r .111rl i ;l'l 'l'J.!I' Sh~rt ~ (t('ff';1I1"( I\' ;JI Ill' \\ 11.'itli '1 rld l\t'llll ,\J''"('f 1 ,, Ii illHI .'> f'ar \\';ufr 111111 ~I r"."' r~l!'l1 ctrlP:t!f'd .lull 01i1 '1 1r a1ui Anh Fi r i!d!"h:t 11 :1 .uul 'l 111 half nf !he 1·nnM•li1t111n "''till" 11 hill" l~enrg:r Hr trl).!t 111.111 a n d R1c·hrtrd J\11prn·~ rlr fr;1tr d Bud \\'all;i(•f' ;i11d I J11'i-.. 1-:e.;1 n b1 fo1fr11 1n lhr• 11tl1t>q hnlf Prr ,1dc11! · .• ~ 1ru:1l1f\ 1ng 11 ill 1a kr pl111 r :1 1 H.uwhr. ~an Jnariuin 1),.1 ~n 1·he 11 n111f'11' f'l 11~1 l1eld 1110 1t1urna1nrn!s durinc lhP 11•rrk In 1hP lfl11 1111! ;ll l:nr. Ff'rn Sproul 11 on 11·11b .1 7;, (nl1011rd b~· .\1il\lfif' S1 r1\'kl.1nrt 1ii 1, l\av l.e1.1111 lr 1 1iB• !l nd !.riurii H;i ~n1 us:-rn 1 j'l • In an a1·t• r!;11 111~u 1111n1l'nt, '.ll ;irgar-l'! l·:i::hrr1 11r1~ the :ice 1·ictnr 11 1!h ;, 7.i In A f1 1gii1 . r~r11 1· (:allat:hrr t'nppcrl first rl;::i cr l'llh (Ill ~n fnl\fl11·ed h,1 '.l·J;irg<1rt1 !)cl3ach p11 1_ Thf' R flighl 11en1 tr• \"1rp:1n1;i Ide •71i 1 11 11!1 Linde Bone ·1i!l 1. Jean (J'.'\kr11 rRl 1 :ind Zn!;:i R;il'thnln111r11· 1 R~1 fn!l1111·ing in tlu1t nrrl('r. Th f' (' r r f111n 11rnl 1r, \'11 1:1n Tro11!n1<Hl I i~· foollnll'rd h,1 rat. 1.arknrr :inr! H"!' 1 S('1rrsen (R2 • ;ind ('harlrnr 4 tolhn~ 1 ll~1. In[) tl1ght r·nrnppt111nn. Ka\' Lf'U!111 lr1• 11 :1~ thr 111d11i<it1<ol 111:-inrr· 11·1th '1!1 110 frollr1wl'd b\' J\'atril1e Rf'r~111;in 1Ri 1 ' lr1·1n1> Co;1q Countr1· f'luh 11 111 be The 5<"enC' nf a .J:ick anrl .J Jll n1ne·hnll' rlerh1 Fndav v.11h l~ ti>an1~ cnrrrr<i · <lnf' !rarn 1s t:'l1m1n:itrrl l';::ir h holf' un1 1I th{' f1n~I hnlt Y:hf'n !hf' fnur ~ur1·11·1ng s<1uads play 1h r1t one lor all !hf' 1narblr.~. '!'('<Hit' :lrf' <'on1p11~ed of rhr 11 11111 1npn·~ hand11·11p gnlfl'rs :i 111! thf' 13 tor wnrnf'11 gol frrs 111 lhr t'!ub A h11nd draw fnr p:irlners 15 slai-:erl <i nd cu;n- p<'1l11on 1s a seoh·h cterb). l'r<"il \\'hr:it a11d Thelma (,:1rfurd wnn the f1rsl C'\'ent a 1r;1r H:.!O hut hal'r <lrawn to rl1ffrrenl par·tnf.'r~ !bis 1·r:ir H1•11 ll .<izrl"·1nklr .!>l'f1rffi a !ud1' 1n·<>11e 011 1hf' l IB·\'llrd fn1!1 th hnle ;it lr1 1nr Coa~1· th1" 11 rrk using ;:i f{l ur iron [l rn :ir·k<'d the second ace in th~ golf1n~ c:irerr 'I. The ;n111u:il ghnsls rind i::ohlins ha!lf\ll'crn tournarnf'nl ''il l he l1eld nn Oc1 29 This 1s ri 111<1 lriw halts o/ fo11rs nn1e l'nn1 pr t1l1nn with a sho!i;iun s1:i11 ;ind a bhnd dr<1w for partnl'rs 1ll t•s11 \'t•r •le The ~le~" \'rrdr Cnunlry l lt1 h rnl'n·s r lub hegan pla~· in thr Annual l'han1r1nn~h1ps la~t 11rrkend nn ri rna1ch pl;.y hll~IS !n a helter hall nf fn11r snn1e cnn1pe11tion. two lr11n1s !ted for f1rs1 plare lll('luding Tom and D11rlcne Rnu.•r 11• 1 1 h E1·el~·n and Cy Ford nn 0111> squ;:irl The n!hrr lf'rlnl 11•as <'nnipnserl nf \~'nll and Dntr1e ~lnrns 11·!th Jane ;ind Dick Hrhert. Third placP 11•rnt 1n (·err ha :ind nan Rrnwn with Kei th and ,,J,vr11e 1\lc_Donald ;it fi2 1llissi1J11 l'ie.f•• f'hartrr mcrnbersh1ps ;ire 51111 a1ail:ihle at .l'll 1ss1011 Vit Jn ~ Cnunlrv Club_ Thr 'club .c;w111'hl'd to .'I private layout 1he fi rst of thP n1nn!h and a r lhr prrsrnL h mr, h;:i5 140 mcrnber5. The original '.!00 mernbcrs v.111 hf' l1s1ed as charter mernhtr~ 111!h the ~ernnrl lflO ~urh n1e111brr~h1p~ rurrrntl1 ~f'l!1ng for S2.l'IOO earh f'nrpor:i!r n1rr11hrr5h1p<; are A\sn availablt bl' cRlhng Roger Bclt1ngrr 111 8.17-56n4 .l l ,.,, 111111·1a1· I.: He lrn f\1nt1 l1Pn 111111 !hr n1on!hl,1 low nl'! tuurtlinnenl at i\1tado" l;1rk l'o11ntr1 t'l11 h rn A flight recrn11~ with '1 ';~ The B ll1J.:hl 11 1011r1· 11 :1s Rose l·:nrk.~rin 11 1tll 71 1\.t tlr111ph1ll 11nn lhf' (' 11!lf' 11 1l h ;i 7~ ll'hilr 1011 nf'\ gnllrr uf thr rnnnth 11;1.c; D1rina IJ,.nprr 11 1111 a i.~ ThP l 1t1n1111.cl nn f; e .i r. I i r r Cnun1r.1 Cluh n1r11·.~ <'luh rt;cenl h hn.<;ted 115 <;rj·{lnd :111· nu;.I pro drrh1 1"111 nainrnt w11h !he 11 1nn1ng \l'am «1•n1 po5erl nf .l11111ny E. Thornp~nn and Dr Dan Tanneh1!L Sri·n nd pl;H'f' 11•rn1 In R111T1' Sulhcrland ;111d l.rn11' (:a1 11 1!h TlHl1 Spring;",!,-. 11nd 1~111 B:ill 1n third pl:irP The 11·nn1rn's !'luh hf'!d a h•w nf'I lf11lrnr\ 11 11h l.1z Hr11n de11h11rg 11•1nn1ng lhr ."-lhght t1tlr v.·11h :i Ol She 11ris lnlln11 rrt hy !la1.cl ~ .. \oll<"H 1i31 . l!rlrn ('n1vrlc11 1i41 and !lri~.l'I l\crr li4 I The R rllj'.!lll \l'llS \\'nil h~· !\·lric F1nklf' and ,Ji1nr F1ttf'1\ 1i~·: \'1 o ·i;;:ir;l 11'<1'> 1h1rd ill 15 "11h l\1ary \'andcrSnrnnll'n ;inrt \\'Hnda Gnagy t~1ni:: fnr fnudh ;it 77 111 the r fligh1 <·nn1rct111nn Hnhrr!a Anrl rrws 11nc1 \1:il' Cl.<irk 11cd for fir .<! with i !I fnllO\l'C'rl b\· E11n11·P Rrov.11 fRfl 1, Nonna Sm11h and Olah !\1nri;:an 1f1 11. t ,'l .,.,_,.,_ The F:I ·rorn (:olf Cn111-.•r 11•on1rn·s gnlf assot•1;1 T1on 5lllg· ert 11 tn11rn11111eot 11hrrr1n r·nn- testanl5 pir krrl 1hl'lr' 12 he~t hnlr5 11•11h full handu·:ip ThP A fl ight 1v1nnrr 11·11<; I.nu Thnm'1.<i 11·1Th .1!1 fnllnwrd h\ Ad1<11 11a 1· .. 011• 11 t!h .19 '!'hf' B fl!gh1 \Ii!• 11 011 h1· i.r a('r 11ri11 130J 11 1lh :\!111 1• Clark ~i·(und ,11 .1~ l11ll .. 11rd In \l r:-l\r;it 1ng 1:!51 <tnd f\u t!1 ~ll il'iha I :Jf\ I \l1111a1111 C'au1h<>n ;ind Hr 111· Sur H111Tv 11r d f11r f11~1 111 (' 111!.!hl 11 11 h ~S futln 1•ed h1 Ellie llrf1 n1nnc1 w11h .11 · lli!t ,.,.,,,,,,,, '!'ht• lllt'll ~ eluh 1•h:i111- p1011~liq1 at K1g C':1111 on f'111111 11·1 t 'li!h 111 '\r11'JX11'1 Hr ::it•h h:1 ~ 1r:1chf'd lhr q11;i•·1rrf1 11:1\i. 11 11h /nur n1:ll l·hl'~ 1·a1·d1·d 11l1s \\1·1'~f't 11! '\f'il l.11 1-..rnau 11 111 r111•r1 I,"\ 11<'1·1. ha:-111 .. 11'd 11p .1 ~fh1•.; li1•(>kt'rj up 1•1!h ·• 1111'1.1 .111glt•r. l·ur ~rhrdulf's 1•all Ar l s p .. 1f 111 111>l1 l1r-. 111 llu• 11 •···~1\ ;of 1.,.,u.1.111 "1 l>.11 ••1 ~.i t 1-, l 14:14 J1 .. 1!hall r~1ll i·f 1l1t• 11;1111.11·,. 11,,_1 !1,hulJ.: 1~ j.!t •Jd f11r ~1~11 111 1 1·1'11:1J..1·r t111d \1.11 ht1,:; v.1l h pirilllr i•nllt•j!('~ f'Hllfhlil rd hi ~lo.111 !1,111 '/llll'll dnuig lh(• h1•sl h~ trtlll 1ng Jll thr rtr••·po•r rli;uu11·I~ JI ' (;iid \\it r .\II J!! llOll11d .~.tl !l\1 •!1 \Ii\~ (il U!-:h! l.1 ~1 \I I'/•).. :t! !hi• 1hf11 1lh ,,f !hf' (·1111,,11 l)l('k Tii<'l-..rr \ (lt '{' Jl'!i1· t11 .11: 11111d•·nt1f1,.d ;1ngh·r· H11 1 f1~h1 nj.: 5hnuld r11n1111ue 11n 1 '1 1 ,111·~ ;1!'(• IHI\\ 1a11~1 ·il r 1ghth 1hc 11p~1111 1g l•'I' l/ll' ll~~I ft •11 lll<Hl!ll.~ 11 1!'1 ;1 :l o! rr•nld _ ('f1lfi s l1 ll ittillfl flt \'1ri l I ,,,{';. ()nh !ht'('{' "thr1 ( ;1l-!i.1111;i • · · I r r l•11•n thnuJ!h gootl 1·a11·l1t' 1if hol h rrarp1r anrl hluri:il ioirl' t;•:111 1~ ;'.ri' ;I l!';tt " 1,11,,ni:r 1·n n1111nn ~•t \ail L;il.r it i~ ,till tht t·atrish \\hl(·h rt11ard 11n . l "a'! ~.tu \l a11~" ,.. 11 I . . ' . · . · glt•r' 111r h lh1· rnn~t tl11"ttl'rnrn1. I "llt'Ct' •1f HI•' :-iripin i;i ~ 1~ Thi· "hl,hi•rfe-h ;trl' hllt i11:.: M"'ul un rul h:dt in rnn .. 1 nl h;•1\, !'iilrd ln1inli ;incl l'if't'\'t" 1' ill\'l':•L:i ni.: h1•11t·r 1h11n IJ>ur pound~. To ~p l1·r up lht:" ;11·1lun, ~.il(IO r :1111-.."d ~r·1 rn11i 1'1!••1·1• 1111npr•d f11•111 1l1r '\n 111 Jl!1~1tl•lt1 \\1th 11• ;~ 12 I IC 1 .. r1 '" 1'! 1,otdr 11 \I r~I ...... , .... ,., .. q pu111uh nl rllt1nru•I 1·;1ll i~h 11 ill hr ~lntkrr1 In lhr hikf' th!~ Wl't"k - rnd. !t11 .. , ;11·1in11 1.' 11,tt·d a .... 11111 l11r 1110,t .'\n11thl!in rf l11 kr ~. 'J'hf' hr.:1 :11 U<+n 11:1, at l.:1J..r th·n~h 1h1 11hrrr r1fn 11·11 nalrr hi.~ not 'l't'nH·1t 111 hun. l.;1k1·, /'1ru . t 'a .. i1a .. ;tnd t':11 ·hu111;i arr :lll 1i,lr1I a~ f<lir lor '\111111 .-1n1:i \l••l1'1 f'\ r le and I lf1I 1!11d :-\h1111 'l'IH' 't 1~pli1 \ 111111011• lhi1n 2111 < u~H·r1111rtl 1 r h 1 r J r .s 1~ .s1•hrrlul td f lt t l:'.1·li ;il lhe l.011~ Hi'a1·li Ar<·11;1 Stu1u"' 111 1..•· 11.1 ~ .12 \Hil l~ .,f liunui()u~ p:1111t r~111·1 r1n- ~11 1 p111J!. t.~ ;.rll clirn1nl'cl , ha~ 1:1 ll/.:111 ~ fn1111 ;incl hric·k .1nd lnl J of 111hrr ~""dr•·~ St"ne rid(•:-; h1' lul;p nn lhl'! :-:t1f'rt:-: f'\Pl'I da\. <;n ll is not J11.<;! a ~h1111 11n 1·1·;111~ ll:ird1S••r1 .. )1111 ,Jnnrs pl;n~ .l11hn llcllorl ;1 nrt .!ri r k D11Hi11 ~(' 11111 f;H'(' £'11 hf'I' [) ll;11T1 \\'h1tilkrr 11 r t'I n h Bnlf11r,., 1'!1r lllttrr 1110 11111sl i'Olllpl<"te !hr1r 111 ;i.. t 1• h h1 Fi 1dfl1 ha''• 1·:.ili-h ;u11t hl1u·~i l. hut trout and l'farrir :.rr nnl arthf' . ~·:~;~ \I ,1r111 11 1·atlll'!' and 11 inrl has k1·11c tt lot ''' iln)llrrs off the lakP~ ;=:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::, 1 (, "' '""" ~· " I • ',_, fn••o• "' ~""'"" ! .. ' .. , II:•• r ...... T hr 1·f' nrP eight f11glll~ in !hr ,.,, 011 .\nuC hPn1 ('al1fur11i;i. ,_, 1;1;.: ll1·ar l.:1k 1' j, i.:outl for 1ruul hi 4'·1 p1111nrt~ 11n l'hl'l'~f' 111111 •· 111ar,hruallo11' arnund lht' dan1 1''1' fluflling c·ht-1'.~f' b11i t is i:oncl '' 111 tht• ~h11llo11 rr 11ur1i"n' uf lhr l:t~f' 11hrrt "r 1·d~ :ire a hi;: • ~ prohll'nl. l'!Hllprl 1l1on 1· 0••n•• coiu 101 llffS S f)t•f'IJ~f ,\it•I fll l .a l.:t' llftl'fl.\:lf 111 !l1r f1r~t <111111 1?.I rnrn·<; ~ """"" "• l .. 1kf' lt.11 .~.'ll \l;1r10;1 ha~ .1n1111\lllC<'rl a ~5!1 ;1 ru1t1nrl hri~.<; ' ·-· ,, .. '•'(• ... n11i]l1g:;1n ln111·0;1111r11I. il lie for r ., (•"''"' ,. " t1111·i11 II s1;11·11'rl 'l'uf'~d:1I' .111rl 11111 run lhr•1)u1-:h lhP rrsl 11f lh~· fir<;! pl:J l'P l'r'St1 l!rr! 111lh n1r I',, ••.• .,,., ~·11 1•111 .. 111 1! !\II h.1-s ··;111::111 Ill L.1k1· l!a1·:1 :-u 1nnt 1111·l11rl1n)! ~1ripp1•rl 111.'llch d1•c1df'd (\fl lhe !11·,1 I I ' .... nn I h"'' I \\ 111 Ill' 1•l1~1hii' for 1h1· !'011!('~! prn11drd lh:tt !llP.1 ;11'{' 1il;.1"(!jf hnJP II l'<•n•'<"•r V• ·~. 'f.•• •"" 11 1'1\!l!t •il 111 ;o! lhf' lll.11"111;1. Th<' 1111 u11r1g: !r;111111:-1~1«1111-::~·;·,",',0, ~~! 'l'hl' l.1 ri.:1· .. 1 h:i~" 11111 ht• p.111! utf .11 a rnlt' of S:10 .'I JlilUnd j1'1~Pd ul ll1t·k \\ t11!1ow. Jl 11I 11 ~. "".'<I •·'•.. , , ";Hui llu• ~•·1·.,111 1 p!ao·1• t•11 t11 1\lll n•1·r11c il fl:i1 ~lllil 1:1~h111j! for \1•hh .. 1:11·~ 1;!'u111H11 °h•r ;111rl " ~"" ri .. ..,, "'''" .. , "h"'' i" ~ru •lt .11 11!1• I.ill '•· 1;1kr .inrl :ini::IPr:> "·nrk1ng rlrrp ru11n111g " 1· ~t.v-J ES I .f.\l cot.\:. .. b~ ·~ \ RE'G $95.85 •c · Now $39.95 le Yl\fi~!..11.'!WJ: ............. __ ,.. ....... l•I W Ba~•• Sr. Co•,. M••• ! .. ·DIDI J l~l ~•n l-u" II•• Ila 1111'00 l.:irr~ (;n111s. Thr~ <1rfr:i1rd a ~---~··· '' pl11~~ or l'urpl(' ii,11•d11 lrl1rlli1 ;ul JI!:~ in drrr w;Hrr shnu!rl be lr:1111 <'nrl1p11sc<I or ~1~rt111 ~o. ~-~:~:::.1";,,;'"' :~~ ;1hl t> 111 pwk 11p ~1tll1(' llH'l' [1.~li II'=========:===== Sn1ll. il:11·olf! Srars. Rr.1;;11 1 ------·-------- Rat1·hr llnr :inrl 11" n n I ~ c• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • •• • • •. • • • • •• • • • • • • • e •• • • • • • • • ••• J1;1r1101 'fl F:;u·h h:id ;i r,o • + In Hunt p!arl' was rhr train + 01{ lial'tnnnd Baill'I . llnn l B;i11k:<. llon Ander~on and Phil I ll rrnc•r· ill t11. Tlir 11nn1r11 .<:1•l11h nf Rig <'an 1 .111n (',.unlr1 l'luh lu·l1l ;i 111r111hl'r 111rn1h1'1· e 1· I r r· ! I (' lh11rn;:i 111f'n1 !h1<; 11rl'~ 11·i1h1' llf'l!'n lhhf'l ,1111 and l~r1 l'rll ll11pr 11 1n n1nc 1he c1rnt 11 11 h a hr ttl'r hall !•I p:ir111rr !-"rorr of '" In !hr A f\1ghl ··n111prt1t1on. LI Y, Sk111nrr ;ind Ph.I 111~ :'\r11·h1 w<>rr 1t1r 11 1nnrrs 11 11h '1 ~9 f111!011rc1 h1' l';:i 1 Anu·h :ind l .l a11r1 1lllfllrn' 11i0 1 ;inrl E11n1rr l \l:111dl1n ;ind :11 aq::r S1n1th POWER BELT I anniversary sale 7.00.13 $J5.20 S.Zll l $40JO S11.14 Sl.99 C7814 695·14 $35.20 5fL11 $;40.30 $12.24 $7.l'i i 78·14 71'>-14 $J6.50 $21.20 $4 18U $33.4-4 $i.31 I 11!·14 (, 1g.14 fl /fl 14 _ 1 3!1 ti~S~.88 S~4.~ $31.41 I ' one week only! ei the r style $ 97 2 PAIRS •25.97 sole and heel will never need repairing comf orf ... f if ... style Heel end sole e re teri Times tovgher than ord inary mcteriols. No threads lo rot or b~ok. Also, waterproof, skid proof, light ond f lexible. The gro in fa,hed style i~ in brown. The monk strop 5,,.001h f inP$hed style il in burnished brown or b lo ck, Si"zes 8 lo 12 C. 6~ !o 12 D, ond 7 to 11 EE. COME 1N EARLY .. , .•.••. , •••.•• ·-, .•. --··, •••.•••••• ,-·-•.••••.••• ONE WEEK O NLY. Block Smoot h-Style 2249 •Brown Smooth -Style 2148 •Brown Groin-Style 2147 ·-----------------------------------------------------------------------~---------· l NNES SHOES, PL EAS!: SEND __ PAI R/S IN SIZ'-__ STYLE ___ c.oLOR __ NAME ------------------~--~--~ ADDRESS ------------------~ CITY _____ ~--------------- "'·o.ni1 c1-1Ec1<t'<CL osEo 0 CM>llGE 0 )00.!i':'S.ALES l,l:(lo .J!l ... AlllNGCOST Innes SOUTH COAST PLAZA COS TA MESA • SHOES CHAIClt IT! IHNIS CHAIG-t -IANMAMll lCAI D -MASTEi CHARO.I • t ,, i i • la • J /l!-14 8.J'..>-!4 8.S!i· 1~ lo4.' :;u $l3.78 $4H.4U SJl.72 SZ.b9 _ 1'-4& ts_ SJ7.DO _!'.IJ us_ ':.42.:._~ 12 95 _t'.1~75_j S4J.RO_~l 8~l S~0.28. S?<lJ I JI! 15 8.85-14 1.7'-, I'• 8.7S. I 5 SJ'l 4S $31.58 $4510 $36.15 ~2 b2 • G78.J5 1178·15 $4 1U5 $14.44 $o19.45 sn.5t SZ.80 i S4 1.JO sJ1.a• ss4.10 sti21 s101 ; 8.8'>-l'.I • J78-15 -+---•q ()().\') sss.so S-44.81 $b4 ~u l5t21 +-,,-,-,_, ~ r 1"'>690 1"-45.52 $b515 $51.12 $2.89 '178 15 91').l'.. $'1190 S46.l2 $66 45 l5l.1S $3.19 You save $7.04 lo $13.29 per tire. • l\Ji\· 1•111" 1 o n ~ll ""'11 l•r.i11d" ''hen you 1 4U 1-1~l L,uuJ,1ear l'o i! ):l.1~ 111 th••.<" 11rn r q, ~ ·r1'" 1 lirn:I~~·' l .. •t1 ~.,, Jnil 11 ·~ ll'lnqf r r.-.frrr<'rl lir"' h"Jt rl')r•l ph11 1·,,·n p hr~ nl p1ol ;·r•l••r l <•r•I ,,, 1nd•y'11 rno•I rr"r"rrrrl tir" hnd 'f 1nrlf. \011 ;:rt 4 1•!!"' un1l~r lhl'! t~Bd Jor•lreng lh-th al s Jt>P C1u.1!)rar l'nv.Pr f!"I! l'nl1 ;:l~1 l•r". 1'4 \,,idy J'l1"< ln .~i 1 r ~ )~f\·1 4, j;fl 15, ~ 00·15 :ind !.~8·1~ J HURRY -OFFER ENDS SAnJRDAY ' ~pr~ THE ONLY MAKER (i, 0 OD .,-.tla-'~EAR ., OF POL YGL AS' TIRES 3 WAYS TO CHARGE -~ (Jl{[)lf (.£lt()S ~ 11 oooo.t.1R SIPVl(l S IOlllS 1'<0 \tOSf OCIOOVUP Dl-'11.fllS. Ui£ OU R 11 •11'1 Clo!ICK l'llOCR•li'I: Beuu~ .. or ton--1•nu .. rt ,,~~vv rtem•nO lo• (.ooove1• 111e~. w• may •U,, nut"' tom•'''"' du••n~ '""off••. tout "'•""'" f>• P>•ovv to 0"1•• yo u••••• !"t •I '"• •Ouell•••I\ p"~" •no ""'"' '"" • •••n ~he~i. loo hllu1• Ot li.e•, ot in• ,...,,,,,.,,0 .... Get fast. sure starts in all kinds of weather/ .. FT. BATTERY JUMPER CABLES 95 '·"'· ~I •tr, Sl2~N( rllS Ml ,111 PON I AI t•IS 9,,,, LIS•btt '61·'66, !u11l Sp1~iot s .. 1 ... ·~· !i6 t h1 .. 0111 '62 •<lhout '" roo1. 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(lit hus1n ''I f'l'Jlllflnf nl' <'\fl"!\ 11 111 r-.1 11 \ Drk Oct 28 1 his 1 f'1i ( , Iii 1 nking mndf'r n rn 1111.,rin nt fe< hn qur~ 11 I T II r k tr llH equipnl<'Jl1 Is "1 d lo h 11 I' ;i potenti al S6 bilh I Jtl II kc! )Jv 19110 \\ 0rd P 1 ti.'~ 111/:: I<; ] 1 !llO!(' th;in l lll !llS 1( upg1 ::id111g ,ind t •1 n 1n11 ng the t 1p1n~po11I \\:ill 1s"1id Jiilii J l\l rf,111111 .i 11 t p11 ,1(1tnl pf I nl { r 11 1I 11 II ii I l s I II (' " s t'-!arh1ncs i i 11 1 11 \1 s 1 r flle Jl!f dJtt~ lilllSl )ll !\ F1;i11kl111 l 1kcs \; J igi r cs In a 1c<tn1 di ti< Ir i\il ( lvnn cl('f1ncd lhe II tfl )l!o l{SSll))'.; (enter is 111 1~s iult ( n th( one to onl c C'I t 1 1{!111( 11 1 ( 0/lP I <'!;ti I t C 1 I lJ !I( ~ Hd tl11s 011e THFRE IS NOW MO!?E HOPE FOR RABIES VICTIMS by TERRY GRANT R Ph 1~ 11 di ' a f I I I IT" I t ' in Ill n ' ' " 1 l II n II I " I I I I ' ,, 'I ! I ' I 1!11 I 11 " ' I II I " r! 11 II I II '" " ' h1 r 11 " ,, I "' " \ 1 I i \ \ I 111 •\I I n 11 , , " I \\ " \ < '!11 PARK LIDO PHARMA CY 351 Hosp1t..,1 Ro;id I I Newport Beach 642 1 SBO Frew D~l1very I l ORDER \ ,, YOURS TODAY! ------' • , , lfl\ 11 'I '! 111<; (f 111 d1i1 !I I II I I ( (pt f t Iii( 'I ollite \\ 1!1t 'i " I I f11 11' l!id I! 1(h ii 1\t ll 11 d \ ,,, "' 1 1 1 I ! " ' I r I Iii( " ' I 111111 1lll f \ I' d [ p J I 11 I" d I IJL ~ ~ II ~ id f)I I ,~ pt I 11~1 \\ 1111 1lI1 1" d1 11\l 11 I l '' Ilg < I ' 1\ 1 ( ( 11t l ! I!'!~ I I It I (.I Jll'\ \ 1 If \ 1 I ' " ilh ,, lJ t ( J 11 I t~ l1h1l1 I "l(l't 111 ~ 11[ !Ii<' Iii l! l"t r \ I f I\ 1111 I i ( g11 e 11 I Ill 1 I Ill \ Iii II\' I 1 t u 1p1 e 11 111 I ll lg 111111 /1J1 pro Ill ti II l1c >.I ii "' I I jl 111 t , , " ( r t!lr ,, Jl 1 \ ~'II " (I 111 r I~ I( 1d1 II I ) f 11 1 h II r! 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Newpo•I B<'OCll 644 1Sll ot (21)) 622 l7SS 1000 Be autiful Stock-on LABELS § Personalized • Styli sh • Efficient Order For Yourself or a Friend ~b•Y1 b• "is ed on t>n 11 elo pes a1 rciturn <!!ddres\ ll es A ~o "'HY h• d d f I b I i n Y "s 1 ent• 1cation a es or mark ng personal dcms suc:h .!I s books, ret ords pholo1 etc labels stick on g lass a nd mi'ly be used for m<1rk 1n hom canne d /oc.d items A ll l11 bels <'Ire gpr1nt e~ w th slydl1 1h Vogue type on fin e q uality wh ite 9umme p11per Ir---;.~.::-.:-... :-:-. -;":t:-:-i :-.~~:-----, .... "'"'"• l•~·· D •, P O ••• IU~ I I COltf M••• ,,,,, ""' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • I L PILOT PRINTING 1 -----------------------~ ~~~~---------0 VER THE COUN1 1ER -----·- ' " • " ' " ~ .... . ' ~· in 1:~ro;.-" ~~ Pla stic ' -' 1 °' 0 ' " ' ' t l~ ""~~ o r O< T " • ' 0 11 (.n g '> I ! ' V t 1 C ,, (n i.re ,rn ~ • ( u I> .. ' p ( n n 10, Q 1 D•"~"" ' '" ' • • " " ' ' ' • ,J ,, '. • " 'i ' • ' Car Boclv • l\1UTUAL Preclictecl ' I l! 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' ""''""V •I I• n•"'' r <• nt •• • '""'• "' 0 ~· '~ ,,M,O ~ ,..,., """ lno ··"'"'!' • 1 ~11 nt "' """ "' ""'1 PV < ·~ ,,._ ,'••••• • r, i"' ••• ••-(••••••'"'- I'' '"'n"' ' I""" ~ '• •-'~" .. """0 •• ,,. ·~ , 1,..D•'••n e• ''" v• 11 '""-"''" ~"' n• i.-,.. •w-1• ~•rr•••&. ::\"' •' "' !' !lo i l ' • Looking For Someone To Take An Order? We'll even pay the postage to get you to give us an order: Get ready for some quick profits by mailing in your order today. Put a hard-working DAILY PILOT classified want ad to work for you~ USE THIS ORDER FORM USE THIS HANDY ORDER BLANK. WE PAY POSTAGE! S SHORT WORDS MAKE ONE LINE-NO AD LESS THAN 3 LINES ' TIMIS -. S-tSO SS.BO S6.80 PA YMENT ENCLOSED 0 SEND BILL 0 Puh'·•h 1,., •... , ... , .. , d.,,., t,.~··•,•q , .......••.•.•• , ....... ,, .•• c1 ,.,,~ ,...... . .... , ........................................... . Mo-, ',,,. ,. ,, '''' ,, ,, .•..•• ,,, •• , '' '' •• •••··•·•·•·••• ''' ·•·••· >dd.... • ... ' ..... '.'.' ".' ' ... '. ' .... ' ......•. '.' •. ' ....... '.'. C. 'v •• , .•. , •••. , , ... , , , • , , , • , , , ..• P•o•• •. , , ... , ..•..... , , . , . , , , Cl,,s1if ied Dept: SUSI NESS REP LY MAIL 0 "'9' Co" I DAILY PILOT P. 0. Box 1 SbO Costd Mes<!I, C <!l!if. 92626 • ' 12 TIMES TIMIS TIMES --- S7.40 Sll.70 s 17, 70 SB.28 S14.SO S22 .SO s 10. 76 $17.JO $27 .JO 10 flGU~E COST r.,• ,...1 ........... ,d •••• ,h ·.:i•<• ~bo~t. l•dudo you• ·dd .... '" p~ .... ~""'b··· f~o <Cl' ~j YOUt •J '' •' l~o .~d 0 1 !ho I,., on '"htch !ho I,., "'""' ,.f 1ou• od " "'"'" h•. >dd SJ DG ~I.,, l 1,.,, '"'• ,/ yo • do'"" '"' el OJ1 ILY Pll,01 i o. ,.,.,,, .. ,,h .... .i.d ,. .. 1 .... / \ Or Give Us an Order ·by Phone At 642-5678, The Direct ·Line to • ' DAILY PILOT Classlfied Want Ad RESULTS lh.11/"Sda1, Octobtr 14, Im CAJLY PILOT ~3 ------- Everyone Hos Someth ing 1hot Someon e Else Wonts QAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS Yo u Con Sell It, Find It, T rode It With o Wont Ad The Biggest Mark~tplace on the Orange Coast -Dial 642-5678 for Fast Results l ~I -.. ...... I~ I -.. ·~··· General "INCOME OR IN-LAWS" UNIQUE 3 B EDROO~l llUPl.EX IN BEAUTI -FUL CORONA DEL ~LIH TREP. l.I Nf~D Sl 'REJ-:T. \V.<\LK 'l'O Bf:,l\C/·I 1\!\1D SHOP- J)ING . S6 !,500 QUICK, CALL A FIREMAN 'fh is is th e hot test buv in \o\1•n. Almost nc'v split level 4 bcdroori1. 3 bath. family rn1 .. huge game room, 3 car gar. 5 ton A1C. d eep shag, custoin drapes, professional la ndscap- ing. Assun1e \r.'\ loan. O\\•ner anxious S42.650 "SAY HELLO" TO A "GOOD BUY" The only tri-plcx in Cd ~!. sout h of th e high- way, If.! b!ock to th e beach. First offer at $59,000, takes. "101 WAYS" TO MAKE MONEY Brand new ultra. u ltra t railer park & s hop- ping center. 101 :-;paces. For inforination call 644-7270 "FOUR OFF THE FLOOR" l·lcre's a split level beau ty. atrium type en- try, huge living r oorn. 4 lovcl)" !bedrooms, 2112 baths, ne'v shag & paln l. 3 blocks f rorn the beach in Nc\rport. . . . . . $38.500 ' ' General ''tllcsii~~r~.<~~rnlty, CUSTOM BUILT SINGLE STORY Three bedroom. family, formal dining and d en. on laree lot close to ~1esa \.'erde Club- h ouse . J-lon1c has J 2'x22' ,,·orkshop, d e tached gHr age '''ith ce1nenl dri\'e\\·ay. storage spare fo r camper or boa t. Jlas large kitchen w1 !h bui ll in refrigerator. ceiling pa nel li gh ts. lots {l f cabinets. Den has builtin bookshclve.~. I-J ome has intercom t hruo ul. beautiful colors. THIS HOME OPEN DAILY 1 to 5 P.M. 1889 TAHITI (MESA VERDE) COSTA MESA "ruCS'a\~r6c:RcaCti., 2850 Me$a Verde Or. • Co$ta Me$a · e Phone 546-5990 General General * * * * * * TAYLOR CO. LINDA ISLE -llll,000 Refreshingly d ifferent! 13rand ne\V 4 Bn. h o rne \v /F'R & forn1al Dll. 13e<iu tlful vaulted ceilin gs. Light airy rn1s . T ruly living at ils !lnesl. Mus t be seen to be appreciated! ''Our 26th Year" WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO., Realtors ~ .. ,.__,.,,,._ 2111 San Joaquin Hills Road r~ l ""0 AUOC!ATU,~_N_E_w_P_O_R_T_C_E_N_T_E_R-~-~---644-__ 4_9_1_0_ REALTORS 644-7270 (Formerly Delancy Real Estate) 2828 EAST COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR, CALIF . General General General General -8-GRl.CIOUS LIVING Thi~ d1~11nc·rly rl1ff<'rrn1 homr hit~ hi:·rn {'USIOnllZf'd to prn- VlCl(' pnvai·y .~ chartn. ClllSf' NEWPORT HEIGHTS SHAKE ROOF CAMBRIDGE HOME '" B11yc1't's1 in hc>aur1ful \\'N;1rt1ff. -I h1g bt'>droon1s I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;o;;;;;;;;;;~ I in1·lud 1 ni:.: P nt11 ri::-<'d masf('r 3 l'<'rlroom, 2 ha rh prov1nc1a1 tion1r \\"llh !Ov<'IY 11·oods. 2 lirrplar<'s, i;h;ig carpr1, Rnrt Vl<'\\ of Jovrly rovrrrd Pfl· 110 11·11h 11·a1rrlaJJ fron1 f on1- 1ly ioon1. lsr llmf' R•!1•rr11s- r.d. S:\t7JO_ Call now &16-7171. WATERFRONT CUSTOM HOME BAYSHORES General $29,995 No Down Gl's 4 Bed. + Fam. Rm. Tl11~ JIL:(;E, V1\CA0-.:T 41Ua111y hu1l1 honll', St_'IS In Co<l11 :\1c•,,a's llH•Sl 1•~'sl1i,:1ou~ ne1~1il.lo'l'hl'I\~!. 11.1lkir1~ cl 1~- 1fl.Jll'(" 1n all ~t·hoolll. ~h<•r· J!HIJ.: and 1'1"1ili•gl' ~10111·~ dn'arn kllrh .. n 11 nl1 NAT- UH,\I. l\'OOD CALll.\'l•:T:;, Int~ of l'()JJJH•'r spa1·1·. hli·trl LlHE,\l\rA!"T BAR and 11. h:tndy PA~TRY A 1Y\a,,~1v•• ~'OR'.\lAL l.!\'1:-.'G ROQ\f \\ 11h n.1 !on 1·:"11·11t•l1n;: .t· n1.1t('li1t1i.: drar11•,, l•J~ a );,i•i.;f' \\')IJTf: BIOCK Fl!lK- PJ.,\l'I':, 1\n 01·crs11.i•r1 ""!11· lil•'tl·!y l<'nted re<ir yard h.is J.t l.F.l."L'HE. P011L 11't1h ("{)]n1f11! rtP{'(lr an{I Ifill· pl!" rtcrk1ng, T!11.~ 1~ a J1q1t1· dation pnC'l' for lhc ql1.d11y harga1n hun1t>rs. Call ~l:t-S.12~ (Open r1·f'~. l \outh .,.(~ oast NO DOWN SUNSllJ:--IF: SPF:C IAL loca· 11on nn nan.,'\! ~L 1\ :-h<irp ;\ hl'1hYlllrn 2 bn!h ['llus 2 r;i r ~;ir;u:;". 111ih ofl·!itrrl"t p;i1·- 1ng f1,r hna1 or 1r111lc•r \'l'ts 11<i do111n. $24,500 Newport ,, Fairview 646-8811 (anytime) INSTANTLY APPEALING ls this "1:01nr h1thrr hnui>r". Jr r:-1prt'~s"~ ;i frr<;hn"'-~ \\'llll'h IS !>Plrln111 ~P!'ll nn II f'1ty lnl. I t'.~ rl\'hly aprw--.1111 - t'rl to d1•]1ghl till' n1osl f;1,. t1d1n11.; This ~ l)llnn • !;1111- 11.v ri-~im, tl1111ni:: roo111 horn" r;1n l•I' )f•Ur.~ rnr !ht' 11nflf'. 111'1 ilhle lo\\' P!'l•'l' t>I only S'l,"1,·t:i,I NO PO\\"\I \',1\, - s1.:1:;o JX)\\'N r .JL,\. Orange Vista Properties Formo>rly l~1H0rclr H<'a! E.~t"'" 220 E .. 'il•vcrHt'f'!lll1 SJ. ... <"•1St.1 ~!o\~il Call 646-0555 Evenings 642-8453 4 Plus study nr 5 b drn1s.: n1agnificcnt vic\v fron1 n1ost roon1s. 87 Pt. lot , spacious yard & pool. $293 ,750. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR ~uJlf' With high beam cr1l- 111J'.:'!i. j\'l'w plush t'arpf'11ng. J lon1rn1akcr's r!rram k1ll'l1- f'n wilh 1hP la1rs1 in !llflficrn r·nnvrn1l'n('('.~; c·vrn 8 BBQ IM! ]Jlw 1nl('ff'~! i1i<!;um;1hlr loan anrl only s;:>-1.500. Ct\LL 67j..4'),'IO, __ M __ E_S_A __ V_E_R_D_E~l-PooL:o~~MPUS~ OCEANVIEW and al,,.1 the llf'W '.\larl!lf' t·;in hi· l>l"Cll f/(lnl this giant 3 Llll IKJlll(', (.'U'ilOmb1111t .lnd f'X- 'IUl!>lh'ly 1h~~IJ.:ll('d !or Jl\\•l· 1•rn 111 ing. '/. ,.1i1ry b1.•1ullv Sl'!TlnJ.: Hll a h1:J10fl. AJl till" for S 1:1.:,1~1. LIDO ISLE 3 hdrn1. '/. lia1h lu'HJ1f' nn ·Ill' Jo: lh1 no•r de<iflt"l"ll tr • \\111 a,·('f'PI 11r1s 1't';,~u1:t11lr of[. t'!' s:1'.l,f1j1,! 11~k1ng SPECTACULAR VIEW 1\ l,1rg1• ~11·,1ul1f11I hnn1r nn !Ii•• d1fb O\'•'r)f'Ok ,\;!'\\'l"lrt H.l~. 3 b<'<IP'~)lll, .~ h ii ! h Jll;1k,• llus '/. :-l•ll'Y h\•tllt' S11n1f'lh11~ .«t~'('l<ll. Al'{o t>nr nf , II\,• l.:irgf''I s\\'1111111111i; jV!I~ 111 ~"ll'Jlnfl fl<'11ch. "BAYCREST BEAUTY" Onr nr lliP 11111"111 h011l('S \n '.\'r111~ir!!I lu.-.:u ry ;ii-..a. :\l.11:111!11~·111 ron~tru1•t1n11 11 11h !•'r.11.70 fklor, 1 nf 5 llf'1!r.-.on1~. ~ balhs surro11n1l- in.t: 11 J;1rgr f'i•rlfr<1l pa11n. Also St'l'l'r11l <11't':1s for en· 1o·r·!a1n 111g. 1\ n1us1 src al S!H,:iOO. :lfll:t \\0PS!c:liH DnvP 111u.;711 Orl\'.'n 'til 9 11:.1 FORtSI .• t'OLMIN: II FA t '£'0>.f,;t ~· •< OPEN 7 lJAYS 1\ \\'EEK Corona Del Mar "Custom" Private Beach C(1rg<'H\I.~ f''j•«'\ll11·f' f'~lalr E\t'li1~11·" pnrl 1~ ,,f ,.11111•r ~hip arr,, 1',\'\'0RA:ll!C l ll'l·:A~ V!E\V, !·:11t••rla1n- 111 i,: slioll'fllai:•' ~·ou'V•' 1ir·1•;11n- ~·d ;1h«lll 2 !1 ro•p!;1r'<''· Cn)I· llif'il('lll llill!ll~ IY~llll, y()lJ (l\I':-.' Till·. !.A~fl" \'r•u n111~1 so,. 10,:!fl.v f,.r only ):ll.000. fl\.11 645-0303 ~ ll:lrhnr. f'os1;i :lll'~a f0R£Si1 E OLSON •' ' ...... .~.~NFAtTOllS , 7°/o LOAN General BAYFRONT HOME On \\'h11t• :"ancl R<".lch S!ll'cl:t.·u!ar Vtt;o11·s 01 Bay & Jf'Uy :: l1l'•ll'uoln1~. 31~ Baths l'.1nt lt<t! Den \Vllh \\('1l1.1r !..· F u't'plact> t"t•nnal l:l1n1n~· Room J'ool Sne Yard Sl&l.600 llt:Al.TORS SINCE: 19-1~ 673-4400 Price Reduction Pacesetter Mesa Verde Tn111111('\ll •l lr 3 + l )1•11 or •I brlr, all f'il•t'lrw B I k1ll'ht•11, ~I.it.· (•n tr .. m·o' l11•:uJ11lul f11«•pl11!'1', nu:·€' p.1110 p!u:; hugr '20.~ 10 fl pr.11. :"\0111• ;i~king only S·I0,5CKl ph•1n,• 673.S:Xl{) PENDING FORECLOSURE 1~11\'1111•111 L;J bll~•'rs. La.r,c:r .1 ho.•!!11»111 .~. flln1ily 2 ~tory h•lrn••. <tPlll'illS<'r! hf \" 1\ at S~'!l,'.l;..n_ 1·."C' yrmr no rlo\\n VA lnu11. (lu1 of an·:. 011n1•r no'•'ll~ f:i<! '""" C;1ll J10-ll~JJ 101Pf'n "''"-"\. e:tt HERi! AGE v:: l!Al HUil BLUFFS PLAZA ;\ Rllrn1. 1', ha1h~: all nn u11r flour. \\'i1lk to po-.._11 ,t· shopp111i;. n11n.•r \1 ,1 111~ )o1hf: l'~~niw . t:xcl11,1v"l.v 11~t"ol \11th II~ ;if $:',2,000 CORBIN- MARTIN REAL TORS 644-7662 -SIDE-BY SlDE- :llnd1'rn d!iph'x: 3 Bf{, 2 Ril, & t Bil., '/. h;i, llllllS. ~l('J>S u. i•t:<'a11. Go·~! r.:011d. 011·n1•r r<':td.v 11) srll. Prirl'd ,11 ~>~.~00. Cal!: ()7~-.1fl>'.\ ;,1.~.;{1.12 Cvr~ associated ' IROKER5-REALTPRS 1025 w. lelboo 67J..J66J REDUCED $2,000 General NO DOWN Tata! Casts $300 4Bed-lBA. + Fam. HUGE. V AC.'\NT. super f'l c:ln )M>Jllf' In a .lore~ of Jo fl :"Shadf' lt'<'ell on CU1~ _ DE • SAC. Giant mas1cr S11ite has bt1th, 1lr~Siini;: a1w ruld pri. v:1lr lllllL'On~'-The 21'xl6' f<tn11!y 1u.'rn1, hish \\'/W'C/IR- PEJ'S. ·n11lll'h!rig Ii h E" e r f)fl,\PES an11 a ei'urryard 11 Ith pa110 anr\ ~hufflt> bo>anl are bul a '""' ol rh~ fPalur· ('s. -Full pncf' S-11.750. GI .a11pra111i1I. Call 5-lfi-lH21 IOpen l'\'rsl \outh.,. (~ oast Macnab-Irvine ncal~ rompany NEW IVAN WELLS SERIES Plans fron1 $11'9.000. Ext'iling new Ivan \\'ells cus1on1 1i,,r11es on C'ra laxy nrivr. 1\1·11• Oonr plans. Sf)('ctaru· !ar f\;1y V1t'l1s. For rlf'lails 011 11<'W ~r!'lt'S of hn111rs visit !hP n1odrls at 2006 Gala.~y Dn1·r or 102i i\lar1nt'Z'S lln1·c. 01)('n 1la1ly or cull fj.1fi-l5ii0 "I' &12-~'21.'i. · Macnab-Irvine General ________ , $28,500 4 BR. -FAM. RM. f\o Down l('tms. ~ hP.cl J'(ll'lm, lamll)' room, na1u raJ brick flrf'plaN>, bu1ll-1ns, d1n1na: room. 5'10-17~'0 TARBELL 295:1 l!arhor, Costa '.\lesa Bay Ave. Waterfront ·I Bdrm. 2 bath home Pier & S!i11. S195.0CO Call: 673-3663 &12-21;;3 E ves. associated IROKEA~EALTORS JO.ZS W lolboo 67l·J66J BEACH COTTAGE PLUS INCOMEI L11'r 1n The front home a nd enJny bt'at:h living 1vhi!e you l'Cn1 Ol1t rile rear unit to nlakf! your pa)'111enL ... Net>rls a llrtle 1'1.C but bargain pril'<'d a! $23,950, \\PALKER !..· I.EE, Heahors, S.12-.J.155. NEWLY LISTED l-Sry. 3 Bdrm. & den, Jf, haths, "Litlle Doll llousc," slf'f)S ro brac.!1. $2'J,5tXI. CAYWOOD REALTY 6306 \\1• Coost Hwy., NB 548-1290 2 Duplexes E.Cnsta r.tesa. or IM>th. I needs v.·ork. }'1r!1n RE"alrors 6-12-5000. Balboa l 5Tand 642-8235 675-3210 L!TfLE Island, So. Ray --..--....... -.--.... Front, 2 l•ils, house on one, Havo A Thun f .'- Fo' luxu ry?, T1"al your~<'lf ro this -I hrrl- 1.,.,,1111, 1111ad·l{'1el hon1" ad- J.1co•11r ro 11 p1·1va1t• Jl:\rk. f".i ,)u'r1ra! r<'1l1ng~, fnrrn;il din r1n . lain rn1 ,r;. J;1rgr g:111lo' rn1 + prnl1·~.~ ldsrpg, f,,r flilldOfw f'11lr1f 11nn1e11r MARINER REALTY 842-5541 T OWNHOUSE-& POOL + CLUBHOUSE flu11cr arra 1n C ;..i. 4 HH, ::? H \, •'llel 2 l'•1r gar. 11• .1u:o. •ll>l'.'!1•·1'. rrp1.~ .~· drafl"~ 1h ro - n11t \'rra ~11arp .~· rlra•l. \\.,lk 1ri noll··i.:" ,~ .. ~11.-.rr1111:. l'rw•'d In ~<>JI, Suh1n11 iin lfl'lll~. C'OL!.INS ,f. \\'A1'TS lll·:t.l.TO!V' 962-5523 (Open Eves.) '.l Bit, 3 RA. 3 t'lu·naccs. 3 Roon1 a 1 r eondi11oners, n1aids room & ha1b, !iv rm ups!a1rs \l'/11·1'1 bar, sho11·n ;ippt only. ~!in $32~.ooo. l:>r1nri11:ds only_ Owner P.O. Rox 212 Dalboa Island Dril:'ht, ch<'C!I)', 3 BR, ne1v\y rrd1•r. irlf'al !()(', lg yd. S~1~.;,r,n-01\n('r 611--0'210. Capistrano Beach llrnll'd pool~ Nr 13l'af'.h! 131,1< 2 '1R, '/. BA. Sep fnn1 rm. S3 l.!llXI. HJ";, fln. 496-3377 College Park 7.'iO !llODE::L 3 RR, 2 Bt\, Dik(' & Colrgm1·•· home. Sh a r p '>l'/111 r.~.'; Vt\ loan. F!{',~lblr l<'rms. $30,500. The uo.11(• ro. <'ves k.1fl~3-11. HY nll'i?r. 4 BH. 2 13A. pa tio, ;1 s~un1r fi ',; loan, ~573 0:1:- fl1nl Ln., C.\l ~JG-7956 for 11pp!. Corona del Mar •~&CO.I ~ ~ ,,, ... u s.1111 341 Bayside Dr., Suite I, N.B. 675-616 1 . --1--............ --.... -------·1--123,000-F.H.A. SPLIT LEVEL Plu~ 4 tw>rtro)r)n1s. 2 li;1!hs, hu1h-1n kl!i'hPn, nr1• ~h •i.: A~~um:1hlf' 10 ;i11vrrn,., on 1h1'i H ~·ou 'rr )fll1k1111:: f•1r ;i huy l1"'a11 11fu1 :; bf>1lp..--.n1 East- TOTAL COST $750 CHEAPER THAN RENT BY ()\\'NF:R 2 BR on R-2 lot, S:!:\.~_OI. ~ Marinierite. Sttl & Sun 10-5, 67!Hi!S6. General HIGH ON A HILL General -------An\'i"!nP quahr1es ~ubire1 lo ----------1 Fi IA Lo;•n ,,·iih ~1 ~'i annuitl SOME PEOPLE Pf'rr f'nlag(' ra1r. Tora! f'Ry- EXPECT n1rn1s S239 JWI' mon1h. Sharp In CotlJnl\ <!rl ,\l<ir Tills tlif' 111...-,11 . hui llrrr·~ 1hr ~ br(l!'rxim h()1lll' gl1s!cnir1g rirar nriv :; RP.., 2 h;<Th 11 .. ~1 h11.v undrr th•' !iUn. Thi~ 111th lt'tH!rr )1'1Vlllg Cil!'f'. "-m,... Ciill1rrlral •'rilin"~ 2 I 1 I -1 '"' " ,.,1n.iry ~·rlJow 4 tw-lnn. 2 11.~llL'1•1\!~ •!ti is. n1•• rrn <>1vo that •1 111·111. 11fl(!{1i• frrl· h I k I " d ' " h.11h, d1n1n1: rr.on1 homP 11 ith 111 t-1 n ll!' irn. r·.r:"! Y It In", \\'ith 11 ro1v. l'<'d bn•·k d •t•I • I I " H I rl1•(· k1!•'h<'n ,~ sPrar;11r ()'·c·upy u11mc 1,. • ,\, 11 flrrpl;ice S~9:m. ~''f'\ll r r~'N'h 1,11.111,.,f In h11r<'r~ \\r]cunli' -····'""'"' ""·' n :nm:. Walker & Lee ........--.............. ti;is Pil,~11111111"~ t; a In r,. Coldwell.Banker Fl'l.L l'l\ICI·: 11'\'l,Y S.:t.J(() R<';il1ors \I JT!! ln', Pf•\\';\ REALTORS ORANGE VISTA T.:lfl ll;u·h11r R11·,1. ~t Arlams ">-1'.'i--!H~l Opt'n '111 9 r\I l-'ropert1es -----~-~~~- 833-0700 644-2430 Fnrn1•-rl v f,oB"M" n r 3 BR, 2 BA . __ __ -~ 220 E. ·11th St., C.M. CONDOMINIUM PRIVACY • CALL 646-0555 ONE STORY QUALITY ~:1•rr11n:::<:. :)11; :i2fi:i Rr~l \\'l'sts1ilr hu_\, ~ ht>rl. rool1'1 ancl 11rn, shilrtf' tr"r'i. C'nnCn.'IE' 1!rl\'(' C'Ulfll'l'hlnrk lenl'l', f'IO!>E' 1~ park. hn.1·s f'luh, Cos!a :'<IP~a \\on1P11s Club. Lis!cd at S32.900 C:1ll :H6-2313 for an appo1n1n1r.nr. S22,500 J BR. -OEN Nr, flO\\'n terms 111·a1J,q_hlr , lluge front y;ird, ~haclt> lrers f'l'('il!e p;irk tikr ~('!· llfli':. \Vall to \\'itll carl)('tiri~. popular floor pan. a-10-1720 ----On 1t1r pull1n~ J;rt'C'n anrl Total Price-$25,950 1·!n~r rn your cho11·e of P1thrr No Down G. I. Buyers nf 1wn ~1\·imnnn~ ro·J11Js. Min. Down Your riwn pnvatl' pallll and Payment F.H.A. 11 ~;1rrl<'n-hk~ sf't!1n", The fnr I his fa hulou~ ~ h('rtroom rnrr 1s SJ.1.%0 and th .. tl'lc- hr;i11ry. /{i·;i<!y fnr your O"· phonc number is &IS-71iL f'llfJfllWY now. Cnn1plr'!r!y c.1rf)('tl'rl thn1out. 1dsC'I drJ.tp- ,.~. '\Tr11• ~'~'!<' k1l"h"n \\'ilh al! h11111.1ns in clud1n,i:: dish· \\11~hrr. Dou hie ~anu:::r . 1 ~F"O~u=N"T"A""I Nc.-cv=A'L'L'E""Y' S<:honl.~ ;in1l shnp.p1ng near-LUXURY _ $34 SOO h1• Lrr us show 11 10 you. • W. I k & L . You 'll nl'vrr !ind onr like a er ee 1h1s 1n Costa '.\fesa a1 S~·l,500. Tl's an 11bsolulely hc>11u!1ful Rl"al1ors ,'\ h<'rlroor11 homr \l'iH1 riled Zi!ln llarbor Bl1·d. at ,\d11m.~ b111l1·1n ki1chf'n. c;.,roJ.v1,.n- ~:-,.f4!H 0Pf'n ·111 9 Pill Ni rn1rrors 1n masif'r hrd- NF:\\'LY LIST'LD IS this 'I I n rarno'trni:, lfl'P at•'<> \'f'r h<'auu ru!ly clt't"Uratrrl 4 tird. """ ~n 11 "'" "'•· . n1n1pu.~ n1flttl 111-1oon1 hon1<' 1vi1h 3 full hath~ ch1rt<'s 111•1 h<tr. !\o q111111f.v-;iml 3 Ci:lr J.:ara::<'. Tran.ofl'r-ir1i:. 11" lnan fr·rs . iu~r !1Jkf' f'l'd 011 ner :-.JUST s1~;LL! 0\'0'1", SllhJ<'l'I tn PXl.'illni::_ 4;1 st~.~{)(). l..111111, f)\\'llPI' \\'Ii! f'Prl~ifl<'f :iJ.fll){) rlr11111 l.\l~lEUll\TE orrl~r,\\'CY. Walker & Lee r,<''iilor~ s11!1• hou1 .. , t1w;11r1! r1n ~1rrk~ ."t. IJ1,1n !l;1l.1n"r nf ST.i.411. p;1y;1hlr S!JO :'-Jn, f'ITI. Newport .. Fairview 646-8811 (anytime) COATS & WALLACE REALTORS -5~4141- (0pen Evenings) 2711i1 llarh.:ir Hh·il 111 :\1l;1rn~ l-----.----- LA TH & PLASTER llnrr\ I" f1nrl l-'..1~1.~1rlP C<'/~l·l j\lr.<a t1nn1r L<lrgr 1 h<·rt - ruo111 & •l"n. harr!110.><'I flriors, 1:11/1 & pl;isler 1111lls A\lr)' cu·rl's.<. lor 21 ~ fl•r ~ar;i;::r. ldr-.1 lncitT1nn JU~1 l1strd a1 only s:r.,,!l,·l{), Cllil_~Kl-11)\ COrwn l'\'f'-S.I '11 • 'IJ 'J I (l11"n '111 '.\ l'\I VA OR FHA {;.ri1·"rn111,.nl 1rrins fiTP n!/ "'~·d •1111h1~ ,i.,logh1fnt ~· l•o•d. Tt•illl chcll'lll•'r ldt•al hnn1r for n<'11l,v11,,dq "I' n t1r•'<i 1·u11 plr. i\'";1r shnpp111~. h111 q1111•f nP1j.:!1horh1X·,J L11sh h,1,.ky;1rrj fralllff'S •·l•1~'r"d p1111n \\"l!h firrpll, nr~Q. -.nr! J;irgr trf'f's Rush fnr lh1~ fine Only S2.J.OOJ. 516-231'.l DOVER SHORES Fo111r tl<'1l 11.,lll.<, thrf'•' h,,111~. ~" lt11n1111~ rio •!I, f;1n11ly 1•••111, l"n11al d1111rll.': f<Vllll , \\',.I b .• I' illld iH1 11J1h•·lwv1d1I·· vu·w •1f t lror~·r ~·'11·1,1r1 /111y. Thi< I~ Ill!• Jv11n \I• !Is /II· r lt11 11 j\l,l(l••I wl!h nia11y f'US- l•11n f1•;ilun·~ 'rhr [ll'll'f' I~ l l1.1.fl(1() c .. 11 fil!i-7171 fnr an <lfljll!lll!ll'nl 10 Sf'f'. rvt• HIRIT AGE "!'!. :)i[Cil,i;m~ ¥ ~ .... __ c1iia1 .--s25,500 BAYCREST JN\'F.ST;'.Jf::NTS Ch11rm1n.1: Capr coo 4 hrd-THAT PAY ronn1 , rl1n1ne ronn1: PPfff'rl 6 UNITS, 1.nn1ni;: for lrJ moff'. J<Clt1n.1: for Prov1nc1a1nr1111-!nt'Q!lll' J:j'fl(l /mr>. pr,,.,... !Hille lurn1sh1n~s. S52,900. Sfit:iOO. -Ii UNITS C();'IJ . PETE BARRETT 1'05 ~~T~I::~. l HlWP'ORT llA.Cli ... J 642·5200 .. ... /\!~;RCJAI. S1!,0.~ I.Rt pay for ~Ir. S7000. do1\·n n \\11c r carry l.<t 8' 2n<I at i';. TRI HARBOR REALTORS 400 !::.AST 17Tll, C.:\I. 6·16-JZi;, Eves: &12·2m J BR . -FAM. RM. F.nTrv h;ill •1/ll'n~ I{! Sf)ill'JQU.~ livinl; n"lOm . l r11·iri s1:1,r l)('<j. rooin.~. huJ.!P f11m1ly room, hu1Jr-1n rang" -llVl'n -1hsh- WR<hrr, no i:lown terms. :)H}.17'lfl TARBELL 2%5 11-.rhor. lli1a i\!~;i TARBELL YOU'VE GOT TO START SOMEPLACE!! n:w)m • 10() sq, II coverrrl enclO!led Pf\110. Profrssionitl- Jy lanrlsl'llpl'd li'()nt 1100 1 _..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,.~I'':"::"'::""'.'":~-=--...,• rrar Sr e 10 <IJI Jll'C<'lilir.? Make Your Dream BIG LOT, ) SMALL HOME 2955 Habor. Cosrit /\lrs11 POOL HOME r .. Tow '"'">· '"'·""'· 3-BEDROOM Come True HOME ZONED \Vhy not hui!d \l'hat you real-fOR BUSINESS ly 11'/ln!? Lovrly, \11rg(' lot GrrA! 2 berll'!lfln1. Eastsidt>. hr1mr, Jlr!Cf'd only Sl8,000. Con1plrtr w11h ~;ir;1~e. ser- Vl<'t' area ,\. J.1R fl deep lot. Submit yflllr te-nn~. -:,. Call 546.;J&\l,(l f()pcn Evl"S.l) in Coron11 del i\lar, this is doub!leJ<s the besl 2 Bdrm tn.1y, evrn \\'l1hour a pool. See it tndiiy! Only S·l2,900. 675-3000 CllJJ ' for pictU re Cfl.!alog \\'itfl price & cle1a1ls BAY;B[ACW REALTY , •. Bu1 \\'hY cror .i:o 1st class ll'lfh your first horne in a lop kl<-a1 1on likr i\1rsa Vrrde. --F'i;,rrfli • This l bedroom 2 tiath. -H --arbor, C.i\1. fnnn11I rllntng area horn, nn l--_:._;_..:c.=.:.:'--C-- 11., lreit tined strt:f't c~ to SIZZLING •••• iufhool!l for only S21,:ioG. Opriorruni1 . 10 v v,l R-4 Mow]yv.•t'd l1'.l'1T1S • 10 ;. y k d'.,.,, C 11 673.gsjft acres, for tral.lt'r p<1.r or O n. • · low cost housing_ C1:y ol 'O THE REAL \"'-E~'.f ATE~S Perri~. 0 \\'TlE'r must M"IL Only Sj5,00IJ HOPE GERRlE I LOOK HEREI REALTY 1906 SANTIAGO DR. 3 BR. hrd'>'•d flnt. I.it lot Any-fM5-11400 645-3320 tine can 11.~su1n(' 71,r;. V,\ (!XJVER SllORF.S, N.B I IOfln w/pymn!' of only Slllli ~ Rcdnn. 18nt' fAmily rm, J 8JJ Dover Dr., NB ~r mo. Full Pr11'f' only BA. Virw from f'\'Pry room. l~=='°"'=--~--- S~.900. Try \O~{i dn\\'11 or (4\f,l, ~ SF.F; l\N'lTii\11': DUPLJ>:X..Cha rming 0\l'llers J ROY J. \VARD RLTRS unir Q111{'f sr. Gonrl i!X'Qme.. fi.111-0i28 f"nr1 1n Co. Rltrs. &12-500'.l. lrase option. · }'ullrr Rr11l1y ,---~---- On high traffic 5trt't>t near industrial are11 . Corner 80' x lSO' }of. S31.9SO submit on trade or IO'fr> • rl\\'11 on purchasr. Call &16-7171 for APPi. In llpprr i\'e\\'porr Ra.v 9f'(la, wuh /ewpon Beach-Rd- drrft. .Cic{"(lnd srory rould havt> vil'w. 90'xl25', Only S'21.500 \l'11h ~ 1erm~. Citll NOW lor detail~. 673-S:i;,o. ' -REPOSSESSIQNS- Sparkllng cle11n home5, some .J~lll!!!!lll!lf!~~~!l'l!!!.1:-~~~~~"'.'.'.'.'.'.~~ I ne\\•ly p.iinred & c11rpe!ed. 2 e CORr ORATE 0\VNED • 3, 4 & :; bdrnls. Some with BAYFRONT APTS. Visra D<'I Lido. Pitr lt ,,lip o'lv11il11h1,. from S3J.500. St"ll or lease. George William5on REALTOR 6)3.4350 ' 64l· 1564 We ha\'e sc1·crnl, all <\reas. IX""ls. 1'111\-VA conv. terms, 1i<'ta1!rd· \'~CQ/1\• 1nlnlfd1<\lf' from $20 000 lo $40,000. OC'f'Upanry, 3 & 4 BcJrm~. COLLINS & \VA'ITS INC. ~on1f' \\!Th llfol'll~ I rn m ~ Adllm~ A11e. 9fi:Z.5.'i23 S21.~. t\ll Govr rn men r 1---------- 1~1'1l'1~. .-~~7-:'\311 K1\TF.LLA Pt:,\LTY A goorl want ad Is a good lnvrstmcnt - takr n !.-.1k ,ir rh•~ nil•'. A :l hf'rlrr.1111 hPll\f' Ill (~'1.lt'rP'! r1r11!.v dP('IJTllll'd 11•1th sh;H!: f'arrx·1~. "ns:11n1 t!1'.i1lf ', ,..,,., n11I)· lfl'; do11•11. s.11\,:1:,0. ---- POOL + OCEAN P nrll<' ,1rr;1 f'l11't' I» 111r ro•T.lll, ;! ~1•11"} li.•;111 1.\.' II h.1rd11o ••I rl•"'!'"i. "'f1:1\'.llf' f,1111 I'll,. (·o'/,\ ! f Ppl ,~, 11+ l,;1111 • l~ll';:;t• l,,•1lt>•l!ll.~ lllld fl l(li•'li1•11 lhllf' "r,q1 of ii i<~ \ludo! 111\Pl•'I' n11l\'1!1j; In I l.111.il l. 11111.,1 l1r .~·ilrl 1!11s 1,,.,.k~ ,-:11!'111111 .. 11 l•·rn1s C.dl c<l1,1.1-.:" ,(· \\',\·r·r . ..; Hl·:,\l.TOH3 962--5523 (Open Eves.) WALK .... ,j UR, 2 13A. Hn .. g yo11r [liHll1 lw11 ~h ;ind .~~\(' s.~s [.az•gr l'f>l'llo-r l•1I, cn111'1'lll('ll! In ~l1np111111: .(· ~r·l1•ool~ Tll1s onr 1\•)ll'I l:i ~L ( '.111 Cfll.Lf'\'o;; ,t-\\',\TI$ l~E1\l.1'()f{S 962·5523 (Open Eves.) ~BAYCR EST BEAUTY l'l:111nro! fnr <>Jll•>r1.:i 1n1 ni:;. ]1,.;11n , r1!1 n1:", ~ l!lt, ~1 ~ Ai\ f11• pl.n '" h111 l 11n~. L1n:" ,.,,,-,Ti d pnll'I, :-hukc l'•••L r11111•·r, n1111 1n~ fr"m an'a. Sli•>1l'!I ~'Y appo:•1nl1ht'll1. Lachenmyer "'. Realtor · . f';ilt &lii-.v.128/Evrs. 675-1827 The DAILY PILOT ORANGE COAST'S Tn Ric ('orona. Ultra n1<:>r!· f'rn, r1r11r ni•11• :l l>t'1lro10n1. 2 l•ath hnn10' wi!h fan1ily fi•)ITI. 21[10 Sf!. fl., 2 ~lnnr·~. (11~1nn1 1'x1r;1i;: thm11l;h••UI N•\ If\~. Si~.:ro. CnJl fi7:~71Zl Home & Investment Realty . • • • • Delightful Rnycre~1 .J Bd1•n1 honif'.,wldin rn1., lri; fain rn1., \\'l'1 ha r. ",\ PLE1\SURf: TO SHO\V" Arnold & Freud leading Marketplace ;i:,,i;, r.. Cna~I Hwy., C.t~T r.1·:A1.:rons $©Rctt\Nl-~ttfS" Th e Puzz le with the Bui/I-In Chuckle O Rearrange leT1e11 cf the lour xrombled wordl h<'l· lbw to form lour 31mple wot d5 1· I NEYCIT ' I ' I I I I l·1!IC1EI I i I I RYKEJ I I I Is J :!, Sign at en!ronce of a rmy _ _ . . . . hosp1tol inoculation $lotion1 "--wilh Pents Down."' I B E z N A R I , •. I~ I J J J J J O Co"'ril..,111 th11 (huc~!11 q11oted by ldlono lro 1he m•uu.,o word1 -. you de~elop from .tep No. J below. t9 PRINT NU.~BfR!D ttlifRS IN THf SE SOU .. R[S · • ' • - ! I l • I i " / 3.f 041L v 1t1LOT [ I~ Huntington Be•ch Tf t Oc" AT .. ME ADOWLARK GOLF COURSE 01 prat.lic.~ 1n your own b"e~y ard. Thi~ lov ely alriu,.,., ho .,.,e hds both . BRING YOUR 7 IRON WM~n you in~pec.t +h:.; pro perl y. Ooly SJ 7,700 . 893-6533 ATTIU(TfVE . SR 2 SA, taro.ll~· liom,. D"· 1\-2 'n' 5,.., r>f H"-. ~·,." h r;'"ror , ln\l"ri ~-.<1; • ·" •rpt r;:r"'v l"1"1'lr frr'.r pr • ,r, t. po'iri ··S\.l f ... ,.,: .. "1 or~,, :.., · f. ~•in ~:'-4 prr fi) ,, .. .,, .. t ~4; vY\ ~..,_ lJ ",fl ---~ard to Find ~arm.nt, "lti•r ; S!'\ 2 SA !lrim • ,,,. .. ,.;< ,.,••nnr '1•~· nr.t rin;; Pr;rl''1 rto ""!J Brok- •r 644· :-.;?'l CAMEO SHORES 545-0458 DO YOli WANT TO LOAF? LOWEST PRICED 5 b@d rnnm in !ht A r~l'l · Shnrt block frnm pool & ten nt~ cour ts ' Truly a great fam1l~· home & lt 11on't )a ~t Jong .!I ! 536,950 '. ''1'111~' 1 'i·lltl . ---''l l1·11llur FAMILY HOME ''ct !\ rl•n'!r.1••d, 11t !1 ":•p· \i<'>rr,•. 'l1 '"r 2 rl'Vl 1'1 It t;.,. "Sl."C!: 1346"" l~t "'t gtern Aa.nk Blda:. Cri11·l"rA1ty Puk 833-0 101 N•wport &e•ch --...-· --· Sherpl Sherpl Sk•rpl T·r-J "' 1 .... 1k'in;: IP ..,ITT) r•· ~::i.t••' Th.•ri v " thl• t'l"!•I" 11'-.1 ~hn11, 111<" • m "<'! .. · 1 l-nul•01n k11rh.•n 1r>rl11./1n( rl1~t..•1 -11sh,,r, "'"" ;,..,,,1•1!111 ~1ia; 11· 11· ,...•rfl""11nc. h1i rlr.11hl" 1:""1"-'i", •nd ~,.,. .. ~• t"r fl"'' '" rr,t1 1J .. , All rh1• ~nr! r.nly <:><-".,('() ~n<1 ~71 1 fl"• ll'"rHh 1n<"lu<1 1nr 1~.~I'~ I.: .; brll ha, ('Sim t-:• " pnril Opt.11 ~a· l: f:,·1r '\ ,:11' • 'r-1· &pp• f'I " :'I ,. r ~'i9.'l00 i:;~;. "/jf;"i '"I'•< OARLI.'\C nld~r 2 fir l h~. 1r,1·t !v ria'!" '"rrl .. n_ 511 f(lfl i:;;-:,...",~'o'l nr f.44-1(\.:,~ 0... l' I"\ 1b1~ •f"'ill"'"• ' t-.otj. r.,.,rn T"'' nhn•l<• rl,.rnr~tPr! '" p•rt .. r•1nri 1n Aun1rr.r ffl""• \\ -• I-Ar A1r.Mni 9 .. ,_. nf "!II l'lfl ni~•nr'"n~fl(• :;,".2 r;'V1 OfEA.'\f ,R0\'T .. ~· .. riJ'11 • Ap<1rlm'"n' [,;\,~Uni Rn1.:iJ ~ 2 br. :> r-.1 .}.!; ~fl\ 'II ·~r ~r..r· ''•~r:1f1r•.,, 1·1•1• l"~.~M~ nr 21.; ~~'l.;.2:?.:. I ~·" ('(V\ \".\fr\' A:-,· (I:-. r;' \'•r •"1•, '11'" • 1•11;:"11 1n ~Br>, ••ri '11n1nr rm ~-11·•rl11r• . f'.\l"P""'1n, "\"'"f l!rl 11rl f!rv'>r• H•rr• h;PI! .t· 1, [1111 "~'' 11.~'" .t· r~rPOrl T,...~ !h.lrl'"rl <V')rn-r n"~r Chl'l' r'lr .t.~l.'IVI Costa Mes• TWO ON A LOT L /~ !rir l~"nm,. <Jr/fi'lr h"'l~~ p!lli: ;i-.orh•r·'.t'-1 4" 'lllar·•r·o. fln• .').~•d1'l">•m ~:vi r.n• I· 61"<if'"'MIT, Pr,.;:~r• ;;irr.m• !27{1 p•r :non·i A! rli• pr1rl" r>f 1:?2 ;m "'i1rh 1< n!'lh 7 tlmt i. ~M!~. )OU ri ht nl'r ta.k1 ,IJ ~"(lk' Walker & Lee r .. ~!1"r~ ~7"1 H.tr:io~ S)l rl 111 AriA:".':S -..i~.f4~i ('lf"'.., ·~ ~ P:O.f i &tirMI". ~ h~ r~nr-t1 '"' ~ East Bluff e £:.;CLl.:;'I\'[_ ,;(,f:'\'T.; e ;::...\L£t Lr '<:':': ---EA5TBLUFF- EXEC 'S HAVEN Fi .G 1·;£\' . F.ii'; !~":'" r ~ -j, .,.,., .. .; fldl.1•, f '·•i:i 'f ;>: -~; '-/\' -GEM- Fr: \!,-rirt c.,~,. H"' ~.'-¥1}> ' F. L'-,\ (l\' L J·" ~,-,-,---,-,.-,­ Ef ;: 1 E. ~ I;; '•111 r•r lrp!r , ;t.ll ,..:.-k:' \' ''"'"' ·~ • ;~r ·; r.r;i• I; t"r ,.; ·1 •:rir·r•'•ro ;. roo · r» t• • r•r ~,..,, "!l~" .. r "il.-;,~t d1~· of ~,.!-,..,,,< I. m1r1,: .. : f1f~ n11ri•r•. ~1 ~ 'l'(l EY ,,,.~ .• ~: EiR 1 ~A l•• •l .... , .. i~. J.;.• ("r1-r•r kr i""'l ci!! r i.·,r . : pl',., 111" '" ,."'"' i.: srhl• Fountain Valley :HAFP ~p.~r r"'o' • ·~~.,.,., !, 1:1· 11;: ...y,.... r ·r-~Jor • n . ! n (I' ' . , ~~··pn ·1~ \.1~ j .f1 !¥j;:...J; ',Jf l·•"'rh . f "I O"T f n 111•1.n ·"'"~ "' <( .... M i• a r.1.1,,11~ \ • ... 11,._1 HEV I LOOK ! ~ P.t!\L Bl Y· f .·1 J,[jlpio')'l10: • .. :f.A rr:. ..\:'<"f) il"'\L\" J'.~ ;i.r.• • HAFFDAL REAL TV E1 '"' 5)' 011 "'\f.1-: ln•••l\ Ir [·, f<: t BR. 1 ~A. d•r0r,11'/\• rpts. .!.· ~l"!I thruo111 H ii'" yr! .. 1Jnal'!~ ol tJ ~"' ~· ~hruh~ Ii• ~110 \j lbr Ir plantl'r• l.i\14' pl~yn'.ll'lrr '.°'1•1~• ,"" 111 $.~; 'rY'I J~i-"6'n By 011·n• r. : BR. 1 ·1. 8-4 l yri olt1 . .1~~11m,.. 5•~ GI. or ,...,., (.! lfHA ~).'*'I * CALL 847.8507 * !lnim,rl:• R r"•h•~r RJ" 1 ~~~WfO ~~ S\9 ,950 I howcm~ l<'7w 9cm Jrt. llCOl toA --=s=E"'L"'ll"N-.'G-=---1 '"' '"• L•'" ""·''' S QUICK S WE BUV HOMES \IP. KA~A.~L~'· ~F.~I KASABIAN RF:·\l F~T ~Tr ~~­~lll 'IYI H1111-• l<:A f ELLA ~:. 11 l.r•~'1 rl•A" k pr~·i-.. l RP i i:; \ ;nrnl"f lfl-· '1<"11"' R.F:!t,LT\ A-1 7-&)ti J Irvin• PICTU~E PERFECT r-f"l11dH1on &nd ~•ut1 1u1 p1 rl. '•t11'1t .\r# f"ln h ti•" "I 1t:r l·~'lirt• "r 1h1• rti1rm1ni .l lvJrl'I"' 1 11.o; 1111-nr•-"n•.rJ""r 111" nh"ll•' ~·.,,. •h•i: r~i ~!lrTJ:. l'!t r rr10-O:'ll"A~'" tlCW'lr "l"'"'"r ""rf \11•)\ l.1nrl ... rRr · 1n; n•~k"· 'h i~ "tlr ,,! 11'1 .. t'l"t' h•JI ' tn !'ni1 ,,N1f,V r;ir~ ''I '>(Jl'r (ired hill ~£..1.Ln· Lr• l"'rit C"ntf'r. ll"'v .llf C.1111 Ai·" -n• 1..;;t-1\.1)') ru·-rl "1 1 • ...,~1nt 111 l\irt>-r• •-1!••" T•••" ..,., !h" 0.-.. :uJM !hAI ~I'"'' l1k, • 111nrl•I hntr'" ~ k<-tlr"'"Tl'. 2 r.~th~. llu1lr .1n l.;url>'"" !nr l11ti •"1 t ri 1~h"l <h,..1·. n•" b•~111dnl !hl\f " II r~r["'l ll)t . "If rl"'llhl f i~r·~· ~1Vl ~'I <<< lnr l'>ol\I or ~~:J,.r \IJ 1h1• fr.r l'rl~ 1~'" ,<,t)l ~rt! ~~1 ! r rr mn'lfh 1nrl11tl1nz •A.\""'5 ~ 1n Walker & Lee h~.l.hflr.'< Z"T'IO H&r~r i l•rl 111 ~'1<1m~ \.f~.(l.(~.~ (°)f)tn 'rt.I 'l P~t \\'ATERFRONT· DI ·r LF.X ~·"' • r->,p1r•• M.:ir•h r111m 11, n11>1'11>rr-I.: fl"~rl.' '" ,,1,.1 • 11'1"" P!"f /,, flr.,ol \l ,1)0 tn ""!''\fl y,.,, llll 1" !ti, IA1'" f"tl'lh .~~~./')/'~ f , J l·{nr1·a!h neal!nr ~'~ lnr PA•• Q\r ~ E rl . Tou nhou<, °"""! .\o \.lr-Vl,C, ---·-------- fle1I £51,1ta, Gttn@•l l Cemetery lot\/C ry pts 110 156 .._.. ...... ~------~ .J P•r 1f1r \ l'"" [<'It• "cir•n .t~li •a _,; .. ll ~. 3'.'M !>A r>r 2 !nr t il'i'> •~ >-1;°>'"·.01 I ----Cendominiums for s,111\e 160 ;..'..lJ'i; ; RR ? Ei ~ \1ru• ttrl'\J.,' S'!'l .()(Vl. ,i l••-~,.;i,~ l'rl"" Lt'" rl"t"n . Tri ~n· r•A~f"l1'.-r.I• t'"'l1'1l •. ;\i:, •. "-t J! !~rw1n ,. ... ,11)~. tn' ~---Oupl•xe1/Unil1 s•t• 1'2 BALBOA Pl'TI\,, fl 11 p I " .... 1lmo•1 nt ". '"•M~ cl •&ninr. 5.\~.flOO A~~-llfTl• V~ Ina!\ S?"1V'I rln11 n. (),, Ml'r "111 r.t r- ~ ?Iii'! 6·115---.,jl,~ II I! ~pm lncame Property 141 rncPU:X. by ""·nt r, l:'!l ~h~],n1 8 r, C~1 !nurl" n!"• J,1 rl•.-,(. r r /l t '1. 5-17-l'J'-lt "-'.l...ff.11. t·PLE>. -~S-!dr. ~·N l-£r 111"11~. ,.nr!11\ r•r. sh.I r. Ill' \(•1 ;, h~l/,, 11111• \rl urir.- 11-11!~ Ir. n•~rh \'o?-"1~1 •1·• t-1'!"', \1.n ' C'tlH& ~!t<..& !flt l '-I NVI Jl•rn,. l'l!\I~ Su8m1•1 ~:'111!': .,,, n•r M:7-l4'6. •• Sf{nKER * * 80\iness Opportunity l ··1 !11h' I \·llil. ~ -. ··1\1'11h11r ()("[A1\'t"Rfl'\"T ,.,...rn~r 'i !r 2 F\11.. "'" 11pp•r o'!uDir). rri1 ,,, p. t,IJn• ·1 n I Sra~hr!t , nr. II' 1n1 , !' S3i:•tn1" t urn. 6.1.)...~170 or :?11 ~~12 J AR. 2 A,,~hl-;-1n' p.tr~, tilk !" B"<lrll II 1nl t r s:n:,1rnn, •n:-..;J,1j. --------~=-' f)El.l 'XT: hl>~rh trnnt 3 PI R 2 R'\. Gr .. ~r f"r snJ-i•l"L!. lnirh .. r• f'h1ll\I''"" " pt-I• "1'. \l t,,rl"r nril'. S".M O•y• f..lf. ;in:t, ,\,•, 1;;:;-2,:..AA Oupl•x•• Unfurn. JSO Cost• Me•• 2 BP., 111 ft'<, blnn!, r-p t1 rlrpc. Ii" !'nrl. ~llo ~d \.AJ'A2" ''~• \'l'rrit. S1:0 ;;.19-fl.lfl.1 Rent g,.~\Jtl'iLI F'lr"Ltw"• lrir "~ little o'IJ ONE MONTH camplete with your 100°/. Purcha1e Option Jnri. ir'"m siol •rr•on. 24 Heur Dely. CUSTOM Furniture Rent ~I ,;17 Vi. 13th, (_,\1. ;...i,;.;;~oI An;;h .. 1m 114.~ l.<11-lahr.:i 6.'1-\.Jic.! Back Bay :\l,'\'T !,,,..,.,,,..,,, l r"r • .~ri1 ii·~, :-, n ,'.1,-1,.1; B•ll,e• J-;f,.;c. \\~:LL f11rn. 2 Br. nr S. hay A· 011nri• rrr~•. o:~r. //11r t>r;i1 ~Jilf) "lntt r. Sf.15 :,Tl). I; IJ-;;i;i; J.lf:,. y,..11 rl.\ l.1• ! RR. lurn. f'r• f rll-llJT'"<i nr r"'~P 11. s .. 1 ~. ~~~-Ill\~~ n .. 1,,1·e ~ :1n ar.\ or ~r lnt , Ii rim "iS2f, ll'J\ .<:(c.,-_-n~,~nco--,-,-, I Lro1·,..l.\ R11 rh • \ 15R Rnorr~ \1•1r1 :'.~r,1r• r,..,,1 i·.,r p~ • (""1111 1;;;,._£j41'l • (1-:'F \'\ R-;-.-ti -•r"-"r •l rfiJ rm.• ~l•ri• hrh. \1'111 /m" 11ri ' ,;1;, ~~. R~lti.i~. 1'1.'-99.Fi I Cer&nll d•l M•r -----------' J.('IYELY ? R1 n,..lud:.,;:-1 111·]1llf'<. Arl1dl • ru1l~. "" r••l< \2;•/ITI" i\f.11 Ar;ir 111 , ~·' •• "r "~'"1 • 1 ?;R . t;';'rn --., .. ,..,...~~. :;:1ih l•r nrt 1;. . \l1r Dy• ~0,...~1--J;. "' ~.,~ -4fll):J. ~\•,11!.;11<1 ~~1\----Slilll 1 Rr:. 1~111 rrr>•rl-D'V'I S-;;----;f H"·' ( ln<~ 1" •h"'rP' Arllu \r;., I•• i;;,t.,i;:?ti Co1t,11 Mese 45 ' " " R I~. " ·'' ' d .. ' ' ly '· 5 • y ' ' , ' I Jnirsd .. y, Oc tobfor 14. 1971 DAILY Pl LOT 35 ~-_., ..... " ........ _\,iw ;[ -... • .. J[t]l1.,. .. _,,.,.,,", J ~ I .,. .. ~,, ... ,.~ ~I .,. .... ,. ....... I ~ [ .................. JI~] ;;I ;;;''";;"";;;~)~;;;::~I _ ... _ .... _ ....... ~)8] Apts . Furn . 360 j Aptl . F urn. 360 Apt. Unfurn, 365 Apt. Unfurn, 365 Apt. Unfurn, 365 Aph.1 1------/ Colla Mes• Furn. or Unfurn. 370 Costa M e la 1 New port Beach _ ~~.sta Mesa Laguna Beech 1------------~ --· -:--:-:c-~---,--I ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; II ;=-;;:-';::~::'::;'::-::-:;::--::::::: Ba I boa Pen in su I a LI VE LIKE Kl 1 LR!~ I Ai rurn "/car. S\JO Park·Lika Surrounding CHILDREN I Br a p!, frplr, p11 110. ,.,...e an ---------A NG inn \\,r1•>'r I•~. 2°2112 \\" Ql'J~;T. DELUX E 11P1' Sl6j ZIJ 61~-ijZ2 or 2 BR. ;..•r. iwa r h & ha}. At Budget Price~! F"l:1::-;1...:111·.l• - 1 ...:rt·H\"ISll[[) * POOLS * ENCLOS ED GARAGES * CON VENIENT 1'0 ALL f~~: .. \1~!!~; ... FROM $I 35 MONTH ADULT S PLEASE VILL A POMONA PHONE 642-201 S ,, .. ' C A SA de O RO CA.<;:.L":\L (';:iJil l.11·1r,g in a \\llfln :\1f.,llTPrr~r1<>11n ;ilnlfJ~· phrre S1mt1nus i<nlor ('O· (lrrllnll!NI ;Jfll~. r!P~l!!llf'd {, l11 r11 1!-hrd "'r ~t~ll' ;,. i•11l1· lor1 • lle111C't! J...-,nl • J\1rrh· ... 1 11· inrl1r<'1·1 li~l111r11:: • DeJu.\" r.. fJ Arl11 1i• :\o pr1,,, ('"!, ~ .. 11r1'"'t In'! A1,1 t 1-2 & J BR APTS •••NEW e • e :n:; 9--l~-j7!~;;.C1 ~._____ Prk i;. lnrlr;.. $170 ~'ln ter cor 111•1•krb1$ ;:it1 ; pin. 11n)·\1111r h--.· p;111ns * Htd Ponls Jl°!'T FINISHED~ Ul\'1-'lJRNISl-llU 2 Br, 'l Ba, S:lOO yr ly. 673-4;)26. 67j..l&IZ 1•1.,.krr11!" •'~ll hP'>--;.;Z{l Nr slWlp·i.; * Adults only Siiptr Com!nrlable 10 uni! ocf'a.nfronl 111:1. YF'.ARL\' 2 Br. 2 R~. fa r1 n1: Martinique Apts. bldg 1<-J1h 110 1 2 BR. 2 BA i'Xl Cl11f Ur1v1> Costa Mesa h;i ,, ~1 ·1-n•<; i;tr ('l"t. 2'23 l:J1r> I7i7 ~A n!il Ana Al'('., C.\! APARTMENTS -L-id-o-l sla :"1 SZ~"•/111n, Adult~. no1:.1t'r. Ap1 11 3 &16-5.',.'.2 Must See to Appreciata f"I~. hi.'l-::~(lh, ~·,.11 r !\'\\pl Ba<' k Ba,1. 1 nrt furn -fl'l"ll fl.l<°"'k rn EL CORDOVA ~rh•(}!S. parlts, \"!.!CA. Bo.v 5 ·~"'HI. S1ni;:le ar111 Sl".O C!LJh. ~hoppi;;, !r11 s~ Pl!"., Apts. Gas hl'al, gas roo~1ng and \'Rl.\'/\\"•i•'"r ~ Br. 1 b'"', ;..• .. w 1 & 2 RR L•1~t1n• Apt~ 1111111'">< 2 ri«••r' fl"m O<"fil.n D~hwhr< (Ira (']nSP!~· //,, r'Up• llnarrb 111.~ur~ ~h~~ <'rflT ;.:., lif'~U! rP! l~l'il & f"'()()l., \rluh ~ • ;..n rw-r• 2fli7 f"h11r1 .. !'1 f>-124-lifl Ph"n__::_">_"_-_21~~,:1 ____ ~-ll "'"'""'':'""---:::"!!!"'"' 1 !lr. tur11 FlµI, nn rhllrlrPn e e 1•r ,,. .. , 11n·,,~ lhrh St i\ B. WESTBAV ELDEN Cnll h-11>-1•"1 NE\\" I anr1 2 Bedrm. gardPn apt~. " pnol. f"R0\1 $17.~. ,\DllLTS ,-,-1.-1-.-,-,-, -l-e-,.-~,-"-,-.-,-,,-11-"-.-,.,-I '.?311 Elr1Pn A1·f!., C.:\L Newport Heights rf'I~. h: k11. s12·~s1.:-.o. 2t21 6-IJ.ji&Q ~ 11ilh ::;1. ,.!l ti1J;-l~fll • • 11·il1f'r . ;:ill pa1rt :'110 :'1!0 from S l~.i 2324 Elrltn -~e(' or ··au :'llanag('r: Barbara h~:t-llS2 DELUXE APARTMENTS Air Corl<i. Frpll•'s. l S111 m- n1111g Poril.~ . HPalth Spa . Tl'nni.~ Cris • Ga.me & Bil· llard Ronin LOV l::l.Y 2 Br. I '~ 811.. 2 c11.r gAr, blrn~. refng, frpl. rpt, d1 P. Sl9;) 1'>r \sf' Sho1• n h~ appl. 5-H-20·1:1, 67:>-.'.:fl6i. Mesa Verde NEWLY PAINTED :? BH . cpts. dq1s, f'll('I gil.r, nr sl1up 6 & lr")s, Adu!r~. no P"l~. SI 10 nio &1:1.:>:J1:1 nr 64-~l IOS cor 6-14--07.JJ lnr app! 'fiLLt:x~. 2-&-f RR~ Ba. f'lll"i a;ar SlJ() & up. O!r. 309J !.lace :Htl-J 0.;4 Newport Beactl PARK N'""E_W_P_O_R_T_ We81iBJIU -ELDEN - 5p11rkhni; ~E\\. Z BEDROO:'ll ~nrden ap11rtn1f'nr. Lu'x1ir- Jl'lu~ pnol. lush land~cap1ni::. s1;;, . .\rlul!5 . 11'1 pels. 2311 Fldf'n Ave., C.:'11. 6-\j.:l7SO or 646·8666 A \lA~l ~CJ _..t!JiliJ t L 1 \' l n i; Reau!. l &, 2 BR !urn or uni ,\pts. Self cle,ln, O\Pns, 0 \\' ! 1n 2 Br) d 1spls. shil_i;; tprs. drps, jacuzzi &. saun~ bnih~. Hu;;e pnol. Merri mac Woods 425 :\t,,n·in1ac \\"~y, C.:\I. Apta., Off ic• Rent1I 440 Found tfr" 1d1) SSO _F_u~'-"-·-•_r_u_n_fu_r_n_._3~ S RM . OFFICE SUITE SHORT haittd fernale black Newpor t ee1cl\ Prin1 e ~ai·h Blvd. loca tion, &: lilll puppy, wearing: II B 92fl sq . ft., wlw crprg leather thong w/honl's. Vic & <lrapes, piped music. I.Iii! Lake Vil'\\' School. J-lun· pt11d $.l:!Zi rno. ,\Gf:.~T t1 nc-1•Jn &ach, Lll:I. 8th \\/P\'r pauo. !)tip 1v11tl. S l9~. Ull pd. 673-fi4j() I~ 400 !\!HS SAL\'ER. 962~445-J S-IT-&150. ~s;;:;;: ;--Ren t a I 443 t 'OUNc,,,--'"-,-.i"lcbcl-,c,k~<,--•"t-,,-'"· I ~ rnL'<f'd terrier, n1 a 1 e. JNTt:RtOR De-co rat in g i\111r~\.rthur B!v1L V i c S1ud10 for lea~e. lT·IO sq . It. l!arhor ViMv l!t!ls. Call i'!Jrnrr studio su!labl(' for :i.10-39W. 67:µjj5:1_ de f'o ra to r or othl'.'r l===-~------1 con1n1l'rc1a! !)11s1ness. Xlnt FOl'~D l l!h o! October loca11ori. 1803 \\'C'slcl!ll Di·. Easlhlull School fen1all:' ;1:; p!'r "'t't'k up W·ki!rhrn. G Sh h • ,30 !\'B. Da'! 6-12-412~. Eve5 1t rman rp rn1 puppy, · pf'r 11rek up apts .\lotr!. ~ 9 c II I ti1-1·21JO-,, appro.~ nin. a 1r1,~·ren 8 2Ji6 Npt. Bh·d., C.'.lf. * 1 --~~"cc-~=~·--& j, 6-~-l 7S4 .uk fnr :'lla.x. >1<.97;.; NEW SHO PS 1 BR. ful ha, Is: ctn ...... !, pvt. Tl!REE 6 wreks oJrl kllll'IL'! ·IM M\ fr, ne'lt lo Pottery 111n blue Points, Ol'lf" grey Pn!. pHl1<>, 3 hlk~ r n -, k ' -R ~lat' , ..... i;:t1nil each . ....uh green Pyts found on t'lrh/l>a). 6i3-i023 9 an1 lll 494-8ll 3 lhe lllh \'IC &av1(•11 and IO pm. ==~--"'=~----~~ 1.STORE. near '.\'P11·porr Pier_ Pu1n.~P1t1a Crl:'ll. 6;3-:l-1.-,:z. DISl 1:-."<.IJ\'E, pr11• ha!h & $2:!.J '.11 onth t'ntran r e . \\'nrk 1ni;: Balhna Bay Prop. 673-7~20 t>rnilrn13n. Nn &rnokrr~ --67.J~3!0. 31S-7197 ,.. * &'JO sq. fl. STORE or S!.IALL n1a!e dog 11/r<>d Ile" collar anri cur!) orani:r/i;:!d & ""hltc hair \\·as found JO C.:'11. area near rau'\ irll. :15i-8$2.i Off!CE. Sl:!S/mo. COSTA Bf-.DROO:::i:-ln:: r !ns t!~, ~I ESA &l&-:?130. "/w crpl ~. !)f\\ all P)PC ---~--,---,----.--,---,---,,.,.-...,.,---1 I T ERRIFIC Lor. :;1nre or of. \\"J!IT!'.: puppy w Ir n 11 a r . :oJme [\·l'rllnt;~ .t· ..,,kend.~ • 616-}(J12 ll•"P sp;ire. Balbna Inn, \lay he part Cc r 01 an 1 Rl :.-Sl 7.i f111•11. t.:TILl1"l~~S !).CLL"J)EO 3h• \r. \l"i L~iin 612-1~71 ~ R r:-:-;-·~r-"-· -f'~;i-,-1 ;;-;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;,,_;;;;_ ln111111r11lill!'. ,\rlult• nnly * BRANO NEW * ;,~R-?i~l'\li La Co1ta Apts. 1 REDl1flfJ:'l1 F'Rfl\J Sl ."il MED ITERRA NEAN VILLAGE 2-100 Harbor Hl1·d,, C • .\I, 171·1· JJl-F.0211 RE;o..'TAL o rFrCE OPE."< J(l • .\.\! TO 6 P:\l • APARTMENTS BaC'hc lur. 1 or :.! Bcrl1onn1~. a.r1rl To11.11hou~c~. :-.pa. p()Uls. te11n1s. Yron1 $17(1. A•·r11ss fn.1111 1-·ash1011 J ~J;i11(.] al ,)arn. biirf'e & ~;;_n .Jr11111111n Hill~ Rnad~ 171·11 6 H·!~ll)J Huntington Beach ROO:'I! · Pi 1 f'nh·ri., l;1unrlry -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I far. ;.:a ra;.:P . $100, C. 't. l\"/$Hff" :..1&-8017 rl a y , Ralho;i. Fron1 S7~. 6"i5--8i~O. ~hrpherd \'JC. E o u n 1 al n * OFFICE or ~TORf-:~siO VaU"y grade sch o o J . sq. fl , !'\J-;\\"PORT BEACH, 1~"~'~-"="-·,-,--~~,--I wesliBJIU 21 :\""· hPf!11t1flll i;11trlen 11part- n1rnr" 11'1t h e POO i. e !'PA e e r.AR,\r,f: e • ''''l 'LTS -'\n rr:rs • 2 RR-2 R,\.~2 1·f ru1 n. l jl f;. 21~1 SI C .. \I. """ GARDEN LIVING Q111f'!. attra1 . 11IP11~ .. n1. \"111 p<f. ll"al<'•l Punl, I BR. $145 & UP. ''!1111, nn po•I¢ ill\\\'. 1S1h ·"' t" \! *S30 WEEK & UP* Stu d io & 1 BR. a pts. SUNNY ACRES MOTEL l Rik ~ nf FA 1t;:rnu11rl• :-:r;i; ;..·rr Rhil .1 1~.;1;i~ Sl .-;l\-1110 oil\ :\!11h hHllJr, r·r,111rl J1wn. hid p.r•I. ;:irliilrs. rin rr1~ I V.,1sr1n • "\l"h l:.\f. 2~ . ."1'.l '.:r\\fll'I"' ~.1~-li~.~2 ---• R;H·h r nr nrf Sl 111 11p • I Rr ~ 11r11 '" 11nf ~1~·, ti p Arl11I•~ Pr ... I hi! 11'1 Hunting ton deach I Rr. n1<'rl11llln11 Cn11°ln . 'Ill hltn~. t'l"fr·i.:, i•iv I p;,1 1n, fl'"'I. '[lllr't ~1::.-. .,,-,.. .. ,11.~1. -Lagu na Beach xri:' 11: 1 nr:. nr·rrln 1 ~ 1 Frr'' p,.. I. 'r l'•·.1,·li Newport Beach ~pl " ~01rn1·'··~ ,'._ ! 'ITT 1:+!-I !•h Apt. Unfurn. 365 1 I.· 2 Bfl, llltn<. s11 1111rn1n;.: -----------1 pnnl , li111ill, h~r-h-tJUI' {, !;:ll!"· General 11cF ,\II u111 pd s1:io ro S170. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ! A rLu It~, 1~ pr 1~ VENDOME 1 " "·~·''"· °'' 3 Bdrm * 2 Bath FAIRWAY VILLA APTS. 1:01 ~1,\CULATE APTS! 1\0Cl.T 11J1.-l F'A:'lllL \' !'Prnnn L11·1ng rmm \\'1l h cilthPrlriil 2 & 3 BR's c:rll1n~ & trplr. Scp;:ira le Private p:i.110. pool • indiv. Close to shopping, Park 111.undr.v arra. J-:n1·l pann !ilundry lac. ·• Sp;:;t1nus 3 BR's. 2 ba s 111mmin~ ponl I. chl.ldren's :-.;ear Oranj;!(' Co, Airport & • S•1 1m TVY>l, pul gt"Pf'n I d $200 UC '"" · p a.vgrnun . . I. AduHs onl,v • Frpl, l rirlii· Lnrlry f~t'ls HA RBOR GREENS: 20122 Santa Ana A"e. 1845 Anaheim A va . ~lti-·1.li-1 :'11gr. ?.1rs. Joa('h1m, Apt 3-A OIST,\ :\lf;S.\ f;J:?-:?~24 lcB~A°'Y~M=E~A~D~OW-APTS. S.h3---ti215 i.O\"F,LY 3 -llf'rlrnflni \·pr11&>.1r-1 r,.1hngs, p;inP!111g, 2 RR, l S~ G•riif'n t;nu~. !'pa1·1011s. 14 R;:i th . ." pnv p;l!lri.~. r1'C'tl'FlllOn fa -,l;haz crpr"z. drapP s, H<';11111ful k1tt'h<'n. sh ii II: l'"l'.lnP•. ,\!) arluhs, nn flPl~. ri~h"hr. rat1n, h<-;im t'P•l· ("<!JpPl. r r11-~IP h;ilcnn,\,. 2 sr.·~ f'R0 .\1 AS LOI\' 1n;:~. frplr. Cill'Ci,!:f'. ~:.o R1"11·!.; ~n111'k h;ir rtiilrll'rn f..· A ~ $1.19 n1n. F:lrln1 ?i3i-312\ Slli:1/.\1fl l'"lc " "1r"111 ,. r,r;i•l'ln;ihll' rP>i' ;..·,-, dPpn•i l rrq11 1rPrL .1:.1 \"1r1nr1 ~. ,\pr J ---s~lboa Peninsula R~,.;i\t"Tlfl'L nr" ~ RP.. 2 R~. ;:i pt, f ln¢P In hP~th"~-1 ~r. lr;i<P, hi.~2-11)1;. 1>7~-~\!~. Corona de! Mar 38i \\". Ra~· .~T .. C :\I. Sif".\ln\P 1n allnwanC!', nl<'• (';ill h.lli-flflj.~ VILLA-CO-RDOVA e .'I.PER 2 RR • il lnnth lo .\'fnr\l h. ll iO (.~s Hrill·(i;i~ Cr .. h1n;:. Ga~ Hnt \\'Tr. ALL 1;..·cL. 2.\23 ~lrjPn J\l'I'., c:.J. f>Jli.flfl.12 111: 2 Bl~. ~;irr1. Jl1.~I hnu~r . G~~-"'1!" prl. ;..·r Harti.ir. 1:!1!'12 ~-:rl1nc<'r !' n..·:"/NJNr; Garrirn ,\pl.•, J}OY'I. 'l RR".<. 2 Ba, r .i n"I r!l"n . Sl~ll ln l~n t nr ~ml dl}b nk \ Br S! in i;.1: ... :.:.~ri. Tf}l\"'.1,HOL'.SE l~pp 2-BR, 111 ON BEACH! LI DO ArP ;i. rluplr.\ up~tair~ r..'E\V APTS apr, t"lran ,t· qu1!'f, 11'11"1, i:: 1 Br F1'-'.lm $:?27 ~·pl or 111al111".,..__ .. n11uui. 2 BR From S2·12 1·f"<1rl~ renlill. 6!.}..6!'M!l. _ -:'t'BR Fro1n S375 -- - ------Furniture Available BR.>...\:D NCI\ 4 Br. 2 Ba. Carpets-drapt'~-d1sh11.'l~her Stur!1n. 7 dno•r • 10 o..•ran. S~.OO/n1fl Yt;irl.' &16-l!i:;J. ----y ~;ABLY·t:n furn 2 Br l Bil Cp~1air~. Pa110 Rlock 10 cx:ean. SIS.\. ~i.l-~.~~ e \\"AT l':Rt RO:\T. dehgh1ful, 2 BB. SliJ. • hi3-~l-lj ('\ f'-•. * BEA L'T. nf'11 2 Br ap!. pn1 pi111fl, L•rin arl'<!. S:lli7i l"ril pi11rl . .Jl!i'~ :::,th ST ,;;·1-l li~ ------;\E\\' [)l.!'l.~X . IJ hiro('k Tn B<>arh .I RR. 2 R~. Yrarl) • \~"ESTCL !f~· DR * hPa lf'd pool-saunas·tl'nn1s 1~r rnon1-ocean \"tf'\\'S P<l}IOs-ample parkina: Serurity &Uard~. HUNTINGTON PACIFIC 711 OCEAN AYE .. H.B. 1711• 536-1~!17 Ofr ofl('n 10 ilm-6 pm Daily \YIL.Ll.-\r<I \\"ALTERS CO. e l)('F.A." V!}'I\" Frnn1 sr:;.. I BfL F 111·n nr L'nlilfl1 IJ1(- 1•n11nf lrot' ~lurlf'lll•. CA.~,\ P!.AYA. l·l!h &· \l'alnut. HB. ;..~ll-f!.~fii. 2 Rr. 2 Ra. hlln appham;l"s . Pf)OL. rh. f>·1J-li~7 I *7ic·F:A;..'f"Rf)'>T-1.-c8~"-· N ewport _B_•_•_<_h_, __ _ ~1 7."1/111n. y,,11.rl~ trpt~. rl1 r~ &i:r-1201. 1i73-.i12~ -- Resort Living ,; RR . 2 BA. rrt rlrr.'. bl1n . 1 B~. l'nrl r .. 11,.,, j!~Plt'". Blk Rr h :"r ~llp;.: Cntr. Yrly. ~ 11.rd. nr !ChooJ. S l 6 J · 673-~r.?l all!'r 4 P\I. Luxury apt !1v1ns ..... 'St n ,il- Jinn rerrraf\Cln .. s•v1rnmtn;.:, trnn1~. b1J11ards, a nd vol- IC'yhall, h"a!th clubs. sa11nas, r luhhouse. party mnm, resi· dPnt trnn1/; p!VI I.:. prri i;hop 11nr1 murh mnre' S1nclc~. l I.: 2 sr,.·~. f urn-Unh1rn. Rrnis Imm S\3:1 . . No !sil.<(' !'f''J tn rrrt, :'llod!'\s OJWn D;iilv lfl lo l'. f:.lf.-2~~7. -----1 ·""=~c-.o--Newport Heights ;..·F.I\" DELUXE 2 Br. Sl~O Sh;>i;: r111<. hltn~. hair. pncl t'.lT. J rh1ltl "k. ~;,17fi Huntington Beach 2 HRAplc ins('d g;;-crpt.;:: drp~. r.h1kl ren, sm pet ok. Sl·Kl/mo. R17-2!MO. 2 Br. cpls k drp.~. ll"nr'<'r1 yrl. Chfli-tr•,,n Dk. nn pP I~. $131) 772! Sla tPr Nco. I. R-li-7fl6,1. 2 RR, cpls "'<lrp~. lf'nr'f'JI yd. Childrrn 01\. no pets. $1JO. R,17-1o&l. Sl:ti. 2 B!l, 2 h'J , Crp!~. Drp~. Bl!ns. 173.~l !:nlf'r!O. See ap! /\o. C or S!W-21.'iJ. 3 BR. den &-2 BcA-.cOcocly-$~2~2'~. 1 R•nl 1-:.~la!e by :'11cVay R9~:i:IJ I)( ~.l-O-l5S. 2 RR .. nt•w\y oeror., carp., rlrilpe5. garagt l\'r. !l'rlres $13,l :'llo. Agcnl fi7~i00. Laguna Be •ch ---------• * 1\'!CE 2 Br. Ponl. ~ar. hlrn~. cpl, .-lrp~ Adul!s. no f)P IS. S\."-11, fil!-~001 Santa Ana CAN'T BE BEAT s1:-.;GLE sm~ South Seil ,\1n1o>phcre 2 BR .• 2 B,\111 Caqlrls I.· drp.~ Air C"nri111nnr-rl rn1·;:i1p P~nn~ HEATJ::D r oOL P!Pn ty or 1~w11 C1rpnn f,. STOl'ilC!! l-t rDnr~;..· \.IL!..1\GE Z.'100 South Sa.1111. S11 nta An11 . • :l-16-1;)25 3 Hr l!'it'~ls Lar;:r (1 hnuse !"l'r--~BQ Ch1I Car .. (Pll!Pr - ('.reat n• 1• 1 2 !.· J Bd rrns ~ -on1 Sl I!\ SOUT COAST llOI VIL A S nur Bh.-l. '·' Aptl., ~ 370 Furn . o r Un~ljrn. OAKWOOD GARDEN APARTMENTS '.'lr1• Port-Nor!h 8~0 lrl'Jlle A1·~ 6-l:>-OJJ(J !\"f'11·por1-Snuth 1700 l~tb ~1. fi-l?·Rl7rl -VISTA-DEL MESA- Ap'1rtment1 I & 2 AR Furn f... Unf. Dish· ":is hrr St,.,1·p & f{Pfr1z - Shag r rp! ::-Lrg Rrr ('f'nter. RE:"\T ."111rts $1'.l.~ Tustin & Mes'1 Drive * l45·48ll * TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD 642-5 678 Apts ., Furn. or Unfurn. 370 ~~-----------~--- H u ntington Beach Huntington Beach ·.·',::,1 ·S ~·.· • • .... ~I I j • Have a Merry Christmas on us! Chris:rrias t an be a P~l•a 5100 00 to~· · "C.: 1•,,·,.. an Casa del Sol ..... ~:s you as a he"~ ar 1 TT!! g'"oo• lor tne hohl'.laJ$ ,,., 1e 1 ~ D/ \ NOi' 151'1 end rec.c ove I $\60 00 lj 't cer11l1c.111e Don ! p1oc.1a~1 1 rale give r"'l' ~f' -'>H .!':I m:ive up to lu~u•y l1~1ng b-1 1~e tf3 ~~ Casa del Sol Apartments 2166 1 Brookhursl St Hunt1ng1on Beach, Cat. 71 4 /962-6653 a ~ &:::::i =:i ===• Cl ; a SAN DIEGO FWY . 0 0 O~Dcq0 .---. . -iao~ ITT ~ '-~ ~i ~z '!, ,f J N~ rn.1111 f,..r 11 nrk111i:. n1an, "1Th or 11·11ho111 C'(\(lk. lll;:-pr11 gs. r.:. co~1a ;'l!esa 6-l!--0;;2h. Slj 11·k Ur. Srurl1•111~ nr "'Wk· 1ni:. lll"ll ~har!' a n1nTP! apt, 2.Ji6 )\"pl 811''1 . '.)~S--9i.}~. FOR ;:rn1len1~n. h>: , r11r1> room, 1:...1 i\1(1111~ Vi~ta. C.:'11. 6 !.l-1-1·14. .-,.1i;-fi9,1:.. SLF.EPl:O:G rn1 Sfi O/mn. J\lillUrr a<tulr . Pn1· h11 & enL '11.:;j Elrl<'n A\·e. Apt 6, C.\l B.,\L8()A l ~l~n•l, \\°nn1F1i"~ rr<JdPn!l~I hotPI , Sifi.n10 I.· Ufl. 127 A,eatP, 6i.'>-.l61] N11·11 l""'m ~· ha. nr. nrilnl;P ;:i 1rpnr1. ,i::an1,CP. nn ('n()k- 111g_ Si":l l'.ll-h-t07 ~::::1-1:.i)fi * CiiJJ 67 .. >-lfA'Jl. * I PAIR t<irlol~" ~tll'll rin1 SllOl\'HOO:\l 1 & 11 pr('srr1p11nn gla{s«s, 10 ,II , • . Ol ~. o IC!! V l7!h & "· l A (\I sp;;rf', Close in Lag11na Joe. 11'· ,...,n a nil, ... : '' . 1 $3'" 4"!-4 .,3 Pl~c1~ p11·kt1 p a! 132 E. ,,) 0 ol'.Jffi'1, J" b,1. 1, ] ~·~-.,-. ~~-_th ll O!'·Th rs. -1-10 p.m. Industrial Rental 450 F'OUND n111le cer~ 1100-1440 SQ. FT. Sh<'pherd, approx. X mo. R1>.11.dy M\\'. nrar N"""ll"l"t· old, Vi(' Vlrtoria & Placen- San 01Pco F'rwy. BlQg fully Ila, Costa llll.•~,1. 5-lil-8126. ~r1·1nklPrl. Cah1ne1 ma k,.ri;, FOUND · :'11alP r: Pr ni an l 1hf>~la~s wPl<'Om(' :r.i.10 Shcph('rd b111 .t· hlk apfH'llX Graf (' Ln 1,r;;,, or Baker. E. Pi yrs. \"If :-.;nr1 h Costa nf Fa1rvJ1>11• '• rn11 RC'pre· ~Jr,a. call 540--0673. ~"nrai11:Ps _r2~<'rP fron~ 9-12 FUEL' Irish S daily. ~.17-:i . .,.~.1 nr 87!'1·4111 U · t' 11 e r . ~----n1vl'rs11y & Sant;1 Ana * COSTA MESA *" Are-., ca 11 6-12 9089 & 12NJ sq r1. 110.120 powe r, pri-rlr~rrihr. \·ale offi ce new bldg. -==~-~-~--,1 z:~ sq fl , l;·g orrires. plrnty s:'~!~;~ge'.e~~~.1".,r ~~.~~r ; . n pa rking, nr S.D. m1·y. . * C. N:\ITP.ESS RLTR. * i\l)!tn~rr H.B. 11k of 10-4. 230 E 17th, C.~l. 6-12-14.~5 _!~6-3.R~_. ~-~----1 - - -----FOLINO -Sn1nl1 shot·1 hair ROO:'I! 1n 11 ln~·Pl_I' sr11111c f'1r 3,000 SQUARE FEET 111i'!lr muTT 11·/(•0ll ar. Vir 1::1 11nrk111c rnan, Jlt'I! unrlrr .\.). 10c per sq. ft: !lnrado Hrimr~. ~I Is s Io n c .:..1 .·.1n.1ni:1 ('\'P.~. Roy McCardle Realtor 1_V_"_J_o_. -'-"'-"-'-'-· _____ 1 !\:J("_E_l-,.,-m ,.-n.-rn-,-,-"-,-,,-.P 1810 N('1\"Pf1rl Blvd., C.~I. \''lllTI~ Sh11gg:v 1lng. V ic & h;:ith. rln~r 1n nr \\'. 1!'1111 548-7729 Jan1C'~ 111onroc .~rhlXJI Foun- ~r. C:'ll. :'118-61:1."i. Tol in VallP~", Nf'whope & -co"":.~--cc--c-~-11."i[ll l!'TRIAL Un!l~. C.!.l ~~rl1ngrr. 931'-5'1~2 ADULT. Rno111 tro rPnT Hu n-"220 --,,--,I 11... • pri11·er. S9?i. r o n ,·R-n-,T-f -:;-, 1 t1n;;:1rin Rf'nrh. Call lnr ll67/:'l!O. P h: ~2·l ·l~:l. n . nunu 111 , rwpor <i!'l;:i1ls, :..16---17 12. !!Pt;;:h1~ plt a .'<f' 1 rl en! 1 ! y Guest Hom-9----4,~15 Rentals Wanted 460 &16---{ilJ~i. R~TIREO ~1~ple dr!<i re ln IRISH St'!!tr. !P1n., 216 *PRIVATE ROOM r r.n1 unfurn 2 Br . 2 Ba i!pl Aragnn. San C le m r nte, F•l · f'lrlr~I) l11rly Rnchr -nr hse in Ne11-r:-ir1 Beach ~~2-:iAA2. rhrPry garden ~urrr111nd1n:::s. arra. Givr), paru('ulars refs Lc0-,,,--------~5"S"S I N111r1!1'lu~ n1Pal,. ,\4.~-~7i~. ;i1·;iil11hlf'. \\"r11 .. C!a~~1fi<>rl Vacation R entals 4 2l ("Q;o..'0() Clfl !.!alll, orP~nfl'(1t11 l~T Floor; 1 BR . rr1va1e co1"f' ~·nr frrf' pir111re t .. r<'llF .!.llf'"'i Cil!J h4.'>.-4·!13 RentalifOShare,--4~3~0 ii r! N'1. 1.).1. Da1l.1· P11Dt, P.O. !.1ALi:: iilletPd, Si;i1nr;<1p ca t, Bn~ J:jf-.0 Crista :'lle~a. Calil. 11·h1. llra rollar. v1c. Orans:r ~?h:?ii. Av". ~ .. i'\pt. Blvr!. (:\!. (Ill \lATUR E I 9/.Vl. SJO for his re1urn. . ~ arl.v <>lone' dc~1res h.lf>-:i7~0. ) !-Ill/Ill furn apt. R!';isnnab!r. -- Sl.~7-2777 LOST n1alP Gr11111n SIH'pherrl ~ mos. old. Brownish silvrr ----------~ 1v/bl;:ick. Vk. Sn. Cs1. :-JO:-< DRJI\'l\l~G n1 a I 11 r • I li t ) Pll!7.a. $100 r<>w1!!-rl p!cus(' 1101rk1n;:: 11on1o1n l\Rflll'rl 1" Per5onals II ' -•11 ~o· . ;t r;i ...... rr.v. ,,. -;,,1 "· ~h;irr 'l hr 111nhilr t1n1n<> In 1 .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~I -----~ H.B. 111 C)>ti1:in:!•' ~1r licht LOST. rn~le eoll1e puppy, 4 I R I ~e,<ona t·, lJ'-n1n·~ old. Vic : 100 blk. c Pan1n::. r rrrnt·r~ rrtr .--v 962-{l.~2~1. Anl hoa Blvd, F11 a!1 rrnoon. -Our son ·~ rlog, plP;ise call, C;~~~;~'\.:111-;.:IJ'/,., ;;\~~~;'hi.\~ ;\Jf;N, ~•)U n1ay not rt-'alizc )l~6--2!1~3 or R.\&-2:JT.J. !111~ hue ~·nu really nrer! our --$-200-REWAR_D __ 11nou~ 11p1 111 ii ~11,.r hr 11 r k ., 1 fll'll:hborh00tl. t',\l"'rr F.uropean r al fl r Plra~t' help, l'irn. Toy poorllr fi-\,",.JiO'I. ru1111t;.'. N nur hair Sl,\')1ng Jn~t Balhoa Isle l'IC. i'llusl Sl!Af:F: h•~!llP n11 Lirln !•Ir. I Ch1l1lrFn ok r~11 hi3--i\11.i hlr l! an1 nr ;ift :l pn1 th<tt t11·1111:s l)Ul ~our good & ]'lf'al,.. 673--2383, 61~81:19. rri\·,.r.~ up .•·ollr laul!.~. This LO~"T-B!k & '\"ht mah' I" ":ISl ~Y rlflne d ynu knn11· i·:il\co. Vic. \Vf'rlt:r nn Balboa hn1•. "(' knn1v hn11·• S<'r fnr Prn. n•ward. 213--6i&-S'.li8 or y'.1u1 sPlv1>s Sir \'t'alt<'rs, 21"62 ;ifr ~ :l."J2-772J. \:1>11J"'r! Hl\·•I. C .\L -~-~---! ' ----.... -----•lf>l~I::c1\'A;.<T S. ('ii 1 po i n t Flf(',1. - ft'R\: hdrn1. Lolfl.•' nn ~.t:" barr!Pr. r rv>I. Sm p" ! ~· ,'f'ptr1t. :-..i: .. 1:11i ~-~-.----r.1R.L !ri ~h.1rr ril\ j'\ R :ip! l•/~an1P, nr brh. 21-33. Slli <';i ,',.lr,.~'.l~R/6~2-::'.170. t.!RL tn •11-.rP 2 Bil 1-irn a rr nn hP;ir)J 11 ill\ '°",m,.. $100 n1fJ r;irh li~;\-ti~~2. -.----Gara g e s tor Re nt 435 * t.~r;:i~P-frira l ltir .<!or~;:•', Plr. s:1:./m'1. ('.,\1. C-.ll f;12-.1~7:. fJI' fil"-167! -------o-Office Rental 440 ON Nf'\\'pnr1 Ray, 'lppo~11e Linda !~IP. 41¥1-lf-.(l(l ~q. fl 673--16'10 E\.,.~ ~IR-101~. J11SCOVt-:R OISCOV ERY :;:J:>.-s<' V1r. C'a<hrvJ S:. fJnd YOL1 r.~E!.r in ~mronf' Fnun1 Vly. Hf'11·ard: / f:l,e _:')f;Z-i~O!i. 1/ f'~ll r1n11 -:-.;n nhl11::at1nn :\IAJ.~; S:ll/\P ShP!tir. Olin (j\.l f RJ", .. fiSS:1 i21.11 :l.S7-3:l!l.1 l ..nl11I' vlr Brow1khurst I..· N1\rJ0 N:\t.l.Y Allan!~. J!.B. '.lf,~(1(;6~,. nErnc~r-:1zr:n Lo--:-.:;T-k,,, ra'r (hlu~i 01·1 SP!RJTU,\L P.F..!\DINGS 1i rfrlef' nn 1111 mattrrs tl;iil.1 J()A:'l'f-lOP\! 12, \'1r Adan1s ,(, La kr ll .0. :'>;lf;--()(l.1!1. \r0ll1A.\'"S--7o,·il'""<'-.,cl-,clc.,-.,-,-,_ tilUP·hl 11ck fr;i n10·~ . ;..1~21it ALCO HOLICS Arlflnyrnnu~. I J[f!] Phf111" :)12-721i rir 11T1lr :nstruction ~ P .O. Rnx 1223. Co~ta iVlf'sil. '-;;;;;;;;~~~ -VASE-CTOMY INFO-• ApCa.r~. 6-12-4~36 CONl"~DENTIAL counseling Schools & instructions 575 & rrrrrral Jnr 11.hortion & .... 11dopr1on. ApCare. 642~·136. --T-,-.-i-n_T_o_B_e_A __ _ Dl::SK space 1lv1ulab!e $50 HEAVY EQUIPMENT mo. ~ill provide furniture 11t $5 ml"I. Answerini: 'ervice I Jlnl OPERATOR avail11 ble. 305 No. E I . Loil .nd fat.rd L::i.J Learn In Opctilte Bulldoi:- C am 1 no Rt,..!, San~------~ er.;, Dragline~. Cranrs, Clemente. 492--4420 Scrapers, Loaders, Trench- LIDO OFFICE (Overlook1n;: R1r l1J1rr1 "5 Mkt). fiOO sq. It., $2J7> prr rn o. JI.l ust SP!! to 11pprer1ate! J~lf'aSP c~li !1-.l; 612-1.i ll. DELUXE J roo1n office i;u1te in Corn11n del i\llll". P1·est1,i::e IOC". N ew til.Tfl., drapes, pr1v. p11rk1ng. 6;)() Sq. fl. Realonnmic.~ Oirp. £7:>-GiOl'l BAY VIEW OFFIC-ES Deluxe, A1r-Cornhtioned Lido Area Reitlonomi~ Bkr. li~li700 01::51\ space avaJlable S50 mo. Will provide furniture at t5 mo. Answt>ring !lervlce av11 il11blt'. 222 Forei;t Ave, Laguna Beach. 494-9166 DESK space ava.ll11ble SSO mo, Will provide furniture 11t Cs mo. An~werl ng sf'rvice a vailable. 11rn Beach Blvd. llunt1ngton &l\t:h. 642.-1321 '.'\Lt-.'T 11fft('c ~p111·e 110"' :J\'All., Lido Rlrl:o?. 335~ Via Lirlo, N.8 . fi7.'.>-37il, Jo11es Riiy l'!·TVlr<' ------• N•;\\'POHT R~'.AC-11 i :l 200-:\00-:iliCI f'I ~\' 550 f'rs, etc. Study a: home followed hy,• ~ider11 train- ----c-""'.""--c----in ; 11-1 our modern facility CAT, long hlack hair, red ir. 1\-liami, Florida. rollar. !..efl r<'~r leg injured. llnme Oflice-:'>-liaml, F111. Found (frH ads) V1r.. 17th & l\Jonrovia, C.M. UNIVERSITY HF:AVY fi42-11 I 'I. CONSTRUCTION S;\I. n1ale dog. hlk. wlwhitc !hroar. R11 c entl y clip- Pf'<I. Vic. \\'ilson & f"airvi~. M2-7f!41. SOIOOLS, Dept. •1203 501 Golden Circle Drive S~n!a Ana, Calif. 92'705 Phone: (714) a.17-7521 S:'ltALL brov.·n " Dachshund Name ....... ,, ............. . ~)und Friday morning vie. \!}((> block Wallacl! Ave .. Address .................... . Co~ra i\lc!'ia . &1:>-26!l4. City ....................... . PAIR n1en·~ black horn rin1 Stale .......... Zip .•••••••• ~la.<;Ses. VIC'. B.1.learic Elem. Phone ............ Age ••••• Sehl .. C. ~I. Contacl ofc. or ---=~---~:'---1 call 5.\~2180. IV 0 I CE LC'ssons-techn1q11l": Pop &: claMica.J. Susanne f"F.'.\1ALJ..: old English Shf'ep Aultz. B.M. M.M. 494-7369. dog. Vic . 22nd C. ~1. No:~~~~~~~~~~:I 1a1:!'i. 6~2-0211. I ~ J\ MEDiU:\t 1>ized black ~llh [ Servbt ml ll:epeln ]Gel v.·h1le dog. V1('. Monte Vista . . ~ .. rt"ll. C.M. 5118-6~. ~------~ LAR<;f;"f<'inali ch(\,C'l-)ln.IC' A I' R • Sln.mc.~e . Vir. t-.'c11•land & PP l!nt• •pair A1lanT11 H.R. 5.%-3'1'26. i.ft 4. & Part1 -~-~~·~--~-!'AIR of pre.!lcr111tion gla.~~r.~ rou n S1·11.11rin,,:, fnt1nli 1•1c Pnn1n na & Vic. Hefrigrrnt1on, llf>a lin)I:, Air -~===========:::=======:'._·'--'"~"'-~"~'-.'."~l"\~!i7.1_'h0 1 _ IO\'I~. <'.:\!. :11s..i<m7. Cond. &rv1<:e . 5-IS-16~. .. I I ' ' • " • " :J6 OAIL V PI LOT Thursday Octobt • 1-1 11;1 I~ , ................ J ~, ........ ,. ...... J ~ ~I _ ..... _,-__,J[ru ~I _·--·-·__,J[IT /!~-"""'--'~l [Il] '~'""'''_-~J[IlJ!I ..... ,_, l[Il] ~I _ ... , .. _ .. ,.·__,J[§j j lA•u•,•,•w•.•,•,n•g••••• Ga rden ing \ i'aint1ng & H_•l_p_W_•_n_••_d_,_M_&_F_7_l_0 1 H~elp Wanted, M & ~-~~~·11 Help Wanted, M & F 710 Help Want~~ ~-~~7~1 Help Wanted, M ,\ 710 ----------!-----·------Paperhanging --~ -------·--ih."EE."TER'S Auto Pol!slnna; AL'S GARDE:."\ING ----------Arl'E:-:n.\~-r J11 Clin rnn 1 TYPIST Furniture -~~--~--~~1 110 Compl )ob Sl5 ?Mr. Frtt !or ga.n::l~n1nr & 1mal1 PA!.'1.Tl\.G, prnf<>!..!.tonal. All -'~;i1r.11 !. J!rrt1 P.c111-A-C111 ~~t·111'' f!flirf'r 111""'111 POLICE CLERK P/l' by a ppl 64>.2:i."i0 L&nd5('8.ping serviet>s, call ,. n r k t: u a r 11 ( 0 ! ..., r .!• L;.,.:11na Btll Co!lr~r ~lu-:'Pr.' Hhkpr ~ i,)O 11p r ... n1 .. ·r~1" !A~1·~.ll A11l1ni.: \!~1 I• ("n11111¥1u~ 1~p111~ nf 11'1• ••11·r Jor111~ 11111 h<> 1·r1 r1 Ill' 1 111 I 11-.., "I rHJl!ll"'I'< ~l••\•1111•1 11•r S )ll kr1 111jr\Pf "\I' h<'1Jilul \l•f!rk•ni! h!'- 11 ;in 'i ·10 ('1111 nr ;ippl,1 Cl;i. \'111 ('n rit11 .~· f>larrn11a, (' \1 :.i~-};~1 BIG CLEARANCE SALE! I 8 b · S..0.-5198 Serving Newrnrt. , r r , 1 11 I 1 s t. 9 6 2 -61t~. !"• '" "I 1>r I' rl"rm ~'fl lir• 0rdrr f'l<>,k S"llf1 II ysitting C:dM . ~Ill. li.fPM, DovPr .:7-" ·.• k' .. 'n kn:; ~ . .\Ir :•11 •lfil':' ·"P'' \ Cr n l O/t' s:J1l1, COSTA -ME_S_A ___ Shorr.s, \\',.stclltf. -.~1.u l.1P1•1 31:!~ \" \l;;i•11n;i .\I' 1· \l '' \t~EI~ RPl1 1hl ,. PRE.SCHOOL f'ROFE~SJOXAL Ga.r<l'"n"r, * WALLPAPER * Enroll l"IOll'l-F·" llvl• "ork, prun 1n i.:. "' "" II h(·n you c:ill .. _,\.,r · 18th A.· .\lonro1111.. i,1 rlay .._ ~pr!nkl,.r:<. r~n up Jobs. :'ilil·l·H I 61ti·l711 1·,-,11plr, ;.:cv•d ~«lo?':.11•1rr.1111 ,r,, llil'\d.1 Ill.in. NEWPORT Personnel Agency 833 Dover Or., N.B. 642-3870 tul. rl11.v ~l'.~~1nn.s. Pla.nnl!'d I~ n rl s c a p 1 n ~· Georgr. progran1, hot lunch,..s. Agt s 6¥:.-.:.S'.'l.t 1-fi, hrs 6 3ll A.\l 6 P~l J~p.\11 .. S<' Ga.rrlPn1ni;: \\ 1· 'f' ( ·1;;,<1f1rrl arl \'n l~'l [l;, 1 l' lu' J' \I R«\ 1·~'-0 IRVINE PERSONNEL SER.VICES ""AGENCY S71! \\k.C'O:O.l PARF.• 642-1050 C0mmrre1"<l . Rr«1rlrnr111J B .. \RYSITTER for "'lrk1n,o: l'1riu~t.rial &;~34;, m<"lthf'r ~ rh.lrl1 Pn. P1·:1·;ur hnn1f' 11rrn<~ lrnn1 r n11 .. r-1- 1.1 Park Gl'arl,. ~hrlflJ. F,r J11r11n~'-' !,;i,11 n \!;;i.nt. Tr.n:rn1ne G;:irrlr111>r l ']l''lll-tlp .=.:Fi-\ ,fl l P \f'\'T!'.\G/Pil1W1111:: 1~ I I'S tn H1r!-;r i!l'Pll Lr ,i. hn111f t>•I nrl < lur" f, 12 2:r.1; ''"ll'""''"'" h"'P ;ii Or ... r ir r·n11•111 !ritrr•1ai:nri;\I r .. , .,._ 11a1 (';,)I af1f'r I 1'\I ~J~-1 jr,~ LARGE OR SMALL Cement, Concrete BEAT The R.\1n~ GO!!CN'le Ooor:~. pati.,s. rl r i 1· e i , S1d,."·alk.<:. non &12-8314 PATIOS. 1111lks.. dnvr. inst:U\ nF11.· la1111<. siiw. hr,.ak. remfll"P. ~~~ lflr r~t Contractor ~IY Ila). qt111!1ty hnm\D r\Dm'XI. \\"1111.~. f('1l1 ni;:. fl....,r~ ,.le. ~fl Jnh Jf\(\ !<n1all. 54i-fl(}.")!;, 24 hr 1111!<. S('r\'. Adt!inon~ tr R1>morlel1ni;: G11N·1ck h Son, Lu.·_ li7~1 * ::,.\9-21 i() Driveways HA\\'LF:Y ~ Or11 r •1·11_1.• S...111 Cnaunc t.-sm~ll rark1nc In!.<:. 54;,...;i19~. L1r.,n.~f'rl. • \\"r Dn F:1·1>ry1h1n::; * Z! hr. C::+ll lii1-40i2 Hl'lt1<Pclr;:in1ng R.v na). O"·n Tran<prirrll11nn C::ill R~f1-llfH1' --'.llr~;i ('Jp;inu:i: ~"1•·1cr CarpPI!<. \\"1nrlflll'<. rl"'lr P!C". RP~lrl. "' Cnn1rr:r ]_ ?H~ 11! WALL WASHING Fr"" F.s1 K~9-li.1Z2 any11m" ------Oay Work, exper. ~:u;-~:>,f.l Ironing --------IRO'.\'J'.\'r.· 2f'lr I';!, p. IJP f.· rlf'l ll'. ,"-Jlr ("i'! I'll.\. I !f 11;i ntrrl1 ~ :1-r~ !'Pf. f;.f6-!f))~ Masonry Ef'l('k 1<';ills --Rr-i~111•n:: r1r1>pli1tl'~ -f!.PJllOrlPl inC r;>r rnrk Const Co. Lir !.· In~ Engraving !fS~fi.1.1 1;2.1-~.~·1 E.\PF:RT H.-.nrl F.ngr111·1nc BRICE-\. RLOCK k Trrip~lr!<, plilQUP'!O, rup~. PIC. STO:-..:F. \\"()fl_!\ R11i;~,.11. 518-2i!l-1, rfa~·~. * Call :..Jfi--ff.J'.?<'l • ~2-jlil Pl't'<, Painting & Gardening Paperhanging AL'S L!i.M~rap1n2. T re-,. PROFES~JO:'\t\L P<11n11no.: rPmf'l1·11.l. Yarrl ,.,,m.,..lrl1n,e 1n!Pr /r \"!~r. Horl"•t ••nrk. r1 .'\ 11r ·~r -•i;i1~ "k f:"'•11lt<: t:lll!! i!/lTPf'•I. ;-,.;';.]",;' / lr•1c:nrd 1r, "'II' .l"IL C;,ll .1'1 • l'lli-~\1.; SI C Alte~fio~;-=-642-5845 !•1r '11. f.i'i~11il.:1 !JilJ• '.\"l'\1 \\ "rlrt ~~n.:; ill~ ~ \RY~ITTJ'\'C lion(" C11,1;i '>!'>-~~)I; hr!\111 BEAL"T Y npcr;ilnr, e .\ p. rr,.!rr \11!h 1·l'r>n1rl, ; d;iv \\'k. 1n _-;;;in Clir11 rn1r !'1'2--:1::·,: •. f~F.\1 r1rr \'.\"~. 111111 ;1 11111". h11<1 ,,hnr 1;11"1· -..il,on .. -i- (fln1m. l "1:11 1'~ I;"' :-OLIO !~111 1:.1.:lf!'I J: f/1 tl1ri1 I ,1 ' I t .. rl~· : (•I•,• ''f< )'1··:• r:. i·· '·111--r " r I Tile -..... -----------'·'-"',·,-!.·. !1t I f' I l.l"\1111"!"\! ,\· ·1, .. ,,·.1 ,, l>fifl (',-,.:.1 \l' 'l 11 l'n " ·~ rh" rr·1 ~,.,. "' ' ,, \<h l"r B• '• 'M·.' • CER,\\J!(' 11"' """ r rrn1'lrlrl. ~·rrr r •I <::·n;ill lf'lh~ 11,.l,.onir ::.;1;.2;2r. Tree Service 1•1,,;in up. h;i1t\!n~. ~11r •nl-;lrr l'"f''I r< r.r:i• h!f,..>~1 · BUS ~OY 1>111· ' •"!'. ·" 11 I ,\ '° " ' r \\ ( '• 1 '• ' 11\• I '1: ----r\~l.l. ·rv .... ,1,. •"lrl1'11''''""' ~•ll 1·1 .. I " 1 ll ' I •1 , 1·;ir1-•r;in,1 !'l~-li-~·,11. ;\ff _, (. " l 1 \11' Tn111rl.;•r". Trrr Tr11nn11n;::: r.rrn.,i·~I. h111 n ,._·~"n~~ f.'.:._ _ C1 11rr~I c1r~1111p. Tra,.Tnr ("fl • .;:!!11-.r:. r·ar 1111-<ll. r~'l • \l nri.. -,is~.~!~ 1;i<I\ i•::i<trr r\pr·r. Employment J[!J Job Wanted, Male 700 --------J\;Jl\",.;:Tfl!()("S 1n11n::; m;in 11;in1" !1111 t·mr 11'111 p;i1n'l1T:::. r·t111<1ri11·tuH1 1•"rk. l1111n 1•;,1•r <Vld 1nt>< h12-1~\2~ ---Job Wanted, Fem-;ltt 702 1·h~•1::~ r.ir '-•'lll•"rt ;.1~ '•j\·1 ;ipl. 2~ifi r " CON TROLL ER t iro:r~" ntl::::r nr rr!;ill r\p <'all \!r< :"r-hmlcit \\'J·'..;:-rf'L1FV 1'1-r;.'li' ,·r-1. ,,r, F ,·ry ~·nP, \\,.,,t»l•ff nr. '\ R 1> 1·,.. ·1-;--:n COOK Tra~h h;iuhn2. 1.,r r l,.11111111 L1r .\· !n.'" !i 4 8 -27 .1'.J, "-~:1-.11 lf~_J,P ,,T f j()\J~.~ Rr p;itr <prinkl"'r~ l;j"J-llAA. ;Hf}-J l!l. I tr>r Tr 'T\f"'l">'ll"I' ~r1·wr \ \ ' n1 tr F: X PF: P. Ha" ll. 1 1 .-. n .-r \l\:Tr..:r. Ir"" ,.,. •. \\" Hai" r .in1· <Ir" ,.n• C I i ' A'!"" • \,1r<r~ e Hflll•r-G • rr\ I' fl • r . <"!mp r t ,. Hflm1>~1ntfr (''>:Irr ()/!1rP ~I k,.,.,,,.~, r;.1rrl,.,r1nt'. '>rr1·1 r r nn """k"nri~. ,\,.1·n•1!<. C'"'\l· K'lrn'll:irr. i;,1;,...11;;1; in.:•. 21 )lrlur •Pr 1· 1, e !Hi\ll-\l.\I\! i:.;; l r.rnrr."\ F:X-P .111pant •e G::ird'"n"r. _:~II 112~ Knt1w hr.11 . up-k"'"P. pl11n1 r \ J "\TI' r. ll " n "~' f"'~T. trimming, c l,.iln-up ~t1~r>1nTr<>rl ""rk L 1r'rl An,\ I ~~ ~\~<i. ;; ,,.. 1"1"> ('1111 1;;:,_<;;Jn .;:pf."'C"ER ·, L1111 n ."'°l'I •rr , I yri1 ~11r1•h fi1r p 11 1 r ' !r-" ~·· 1.'111 n •''Ir r · I P."'1111~ pH 'Mi"'I ~\fl r11, A!'" l~]r;in1111' rP;:i• ,.\~~.•~!.\ ~'<>r {;;ii .-111 ~f\.\fi_ lnr<n't ;.:11<> np :hr •IJ 'ri'[\"J "\YL f>;;r,-.rhan::;1 r•:< "\.<I 1t 1n r l~~~1r •""1 , ,C:;h1p ~f"'rl 11 l '1. ""l'k c11;;r;int .. ~rl • \\,-. li~1" Cr••r pilr' ,,,.c c 11.-,-1,rk•"'i'"r~ • rr.1rr1- (";;l ''II"'"' r•r .\t \]lq)'i11~ 111 " 111 ,\· r \\111 ·,· 4 \f!r \! ,i_'\'("Y 1 •I• I \<1 "'nr;i \1.; h1,~;i,111 .. ,. :.~:.w,~1 '" .<;hnr<> P..r~1111~· F.12~~j~ ~.<I .i~l-'i~·11i nr ii'4f.-~1~:.! i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij. ( ~ . I . h !· l'I" R 1.1 ·I \ !' 1\ 1: ! R ! .. , c·,,1 • T·;\•'~ t n•·>l ,\· \!;; rl 11'• Trader's Paradise lfn\ l"I r'lt"!<, r l(' \\ l"l)r f'l;i •• f rd \rl -.:o ~1~ O;i1h 1'1!1". 11"1 I ttll. ("r,<Til :l!r•;;i, I . l '.J.'l'";'li ! \Pl• .( prr<<'I n:i hi r" ·n:ir:i::rt <rrk• 111ro'rl. h,v,.! ,,,. lr1 l'"'lmplr\. \\'n:r 1'1:1,•il• .. ,I ;i1! ,n_ :?M. l1;i 1h· r.1.,• r n '"'"" r...;ri \I~·~ C:\ 'lJ>;jl:. \-!EDlf' ~ s.---.:-:\-.-,-,-,--,c,, [)hi!''' !ro•nl flf f 1re . I'~ rll J-"ttl 1-T 1111r . -, U•-o::i:i "·' \,-.[ll\' \! CARL JR 'S t Rr··•ki">111 ,._ r ,. \:.:• lhrrrll R1krr --CO OK :-MAIDS-- DISHWASHERS \ 11 f'>' ··., •,' ~." f' BAYVIEW MANOR 645-30 13 c ·111.: !-r,y FX!'I·.!'. e BLUE DOLPHIN e \' ;i l.1r~1 .. \f·: ( ·r11 "'\Tl I: , .• 1 ... , ~'I 1:-n;r;l1 "~r"r ~ rn11~1 r'1 .. )tn ~ .. 1~~ r\n<>r I r>!pl·1I. 1-"r'll 11>'rr1 r" l1•i11n ii 'll !.· '• ".O .. 111 t.12-11112. /)~1r'~ (',ri1rr11 f\rh<lrlCI', (" \1 \Jll~I hr r\"r<'I' rrrf <"!Irr:!\ Ill llo•111 . °i d11 "k 4,,..,,1 1·,,1np 1111 h.-.11rf1r~ LAWSON JEW ELE R'S :1;·, ll11n1111c1"11 Crn•rr II A .. I Jl-,:'\T.\!. '''I r\l"'r' "'''' :->~l~rv 111'•"" 1 I ,.,,.,._ l~i::1111a !1111' \Jr~ \\1•u 1'<1 H••\ 111 r:1 T•'1". (';it r r1 1-: ;-. T ,\ I. ~rr1'l<11) .f )!f1l·r '.ll.1n;i::;rr 1·•\rrr. or cn!Jr;.:r. lines times dollars -----.-~~--~.).I ~ ;,11;..::r1r111. Help Wanted, M & F 710 \-1,.11,• lln1' tonl'rl l~11r! .t· fu- t11r<> rj"\'Pinp P. l .tl<Tf"ll }.'.~, Sl.l; 1'1-1 \'::ii !.· Sl~() \! \"111 Tradf' 1 or l"i1 h !"r Ii;: !"K1111" <"lr To·~ ~~1-•lfi.i~ 0:\ th., hlurr. ~ C, f111..-1<>r vie"·· 2 IAf1:r hr. 2 r.:1, ri"n f'P Sji..'iOO_ \~'a n' -.ml 11n11. TD'5, )n1~. 1111•n. ~:r.! '{IO, equity. EvH 49fi--l',·1:) ----H .. a lth ~p11 !\lemhf-r~hip f.,f~~ &: ..,,·omPn,. \\"111 1r~r1~ ror turnitur~ (Ir ' 1n .t1 63.1-1112 Trade l2" ChAractPr Br1111 Xln't for Bay Pafrtll'!< . .'\',.M 2 ton dump fir l'rtllk~ rruck. C11.JI . &f2-m.'.I Jl:i1'<' 1 r11ra1 IAri1r~ .\'llJ'I· 111ilrill" ru1;;: 1n 141\ ''h1tr 1:<•lr\ 11111111;:, 1:11 ;it $2()() Trrl !r'lr i::iin•, anllflUr•, 11r1 n h· 1r,·1~ "r ~uhn111. liP.~-fl~02 ~ l'n1t•, f''l~t::i \l"<a, !nr'<ln1r ~1~ l'llfl ~'I' ~Jm Mn. \\';inl :l. nr 4 f';P. hnn1 .. unct"r $lll(YI(). Rtir. fll<<"ln RPallflr :i-\11 .. ii~ ----=c~--,-­\r1, ~Ar. Pm .r, f)!~. ~·'l !lil. , hlk <11ndv hrh. lt11n1 lt;ic. °"1J!'. ~}~\1 f''I f"(lR ~1 ''"'k "t rn ~ n1rr '211rl A::-1 'l17-fi.1:1.I, r1r. 5\1;.f;~F'il H111,. 1 Rrir-;-~., ""-;-, arr"• ,1·11h l''\f111n<11 .. \ r11 r>f r"'im r~"""r' \\ '"1 Tl"l • 1\rr'l•lh<'ad nr :"\ ~ fi!l .1;1!J ThP !f"ll.·1n Cl'\ r: .. 11111,.,r• \1"111 !tllrl'" -,1':---~1111 ]M;1t !. r;im ll""r tr~ll"r 11 !"n1 f'lr C'~r or •• • ______ ...._......., ~ n1sT1:r1H ~·1.-~,,-,-.,cl,ch-~., ,\r!·f1{"\fl'\'t: (l~rk T1p1~! f;,,,,d h(1nhkrrp1n;:, lo;,, k;:1•n111orl, ;ilolf' in n1f'f'I 111• l'llhlif' .~ .. 11nrk Thi ll'~ 1tir11 <::1111 Phnnr ;.\!kl,li7 \!r <. ,\h•r ,,r·rnr·;-..·TA"'T ~:\r·d, '''' 1~t•rr'! f'\""'"lltl\'r "< fl'"r''lllOI) llll~•lm .. n!~ r11rl I 111" AJIPIY'\ t(I In 1'> br• rnn11•hll f,j."">--1Vl1:i ADMINISTRATIVE s~r.n Tnr 11n1rh 11rln11n1~rra ! Ir ,,-.,. V rnr '-f\llllJ l'-'lfllrll.1 c. r • ll I n r m:11111t;i1·r1111n~ f·t'l)l \\nrk I\ \'T'llflO.: f'TTll•fl fir'\ !hr ! 1t 'I,\' Up ('n11t1f"•,1· r"r""111r1 ,\rr'lr,, ~"''" '.rt7 F •. 111!. "' \rn<'ru 11 Tn11 r r Th,. r 11· nr~n;.:r i:i:1'i ~1i:;1 * ATTENTION! * F:r~I f.cl.l'r 1.1rPn•rr• l·,<'r11r1i:~ r1'r'ld11r1.•. l';irt "I" full l1111r c~11 Rnt> Cnl11rl\ fi !h :n:.r, E X ECUTIVE Personnel Agency Call Betty Bruce ( ~ ... ,.". fnri,11· .......• !'l S>i.'il .'-i!1r~ ~('{"-\ ............ -~-~'II ~,.,.-1 ll'<'ln.·;itP\ ........ ~·,;-11 l1r1·rp1 ·°'"" y _ ...••• , .. $."{-ft l •"" 1 !)fh··" 1 Jn< 1 .... s:ro 1\r~.11111 nc ('!Prk . , . . . . S 12-, I.\., \1Pd ,\~,!. 4 r!1t,\~ S-1 hr r. <1 \1,.rl In• 1 da.v irk S1 hr \tt,..nrl<inl/Jlrallh ~p;i S2 ;,()hr 410 W. Coast Hwy., NB Suite H 645-2716 f''f'"I' 1 ''1~111' ( n11l1:, r!"1rlr1p 11110 f1•,1111· 11~1 •hilr r,~nl'i1fl S«n .)r'i!']IJl!1 1 ;,,~r '""'II''"· 1~r121 f"uhrr 1 l!rl, 11'1 •1r .\r·H1· I ('I ,\•k f,., l\~1rir, ~.;-1111:' -, :~--,·,, -.. -----~ \\ '·' r"'rn1 p/t1me f"r "':"!riv :111' l1i-\l<[l>1flfl' rl"l1\ H1 '.\ ll. \!11<1 11111·1> (j_rp,.nrl;d·>lr oi!r !.· h1> 1rha. L .. -\. T1111ro 1;r1-1~110 -Fl 1.1.-1 .. 111 111111· 11"rk) r1r < ,, .":i' 1-'.i!rn r" {fll 11n, C1111 1 M' <inagement h-1·,_ ~I• 1 --.--~ ~;,\I, l-f{lf1.\Y !YI ,IOU tl1.: 1 11·1.-.•1 pl 1-::::l,1n1r•11r' 'Ji11~ 1nh riffr1·• )vir/1 •n ;i•rr;irr11r an•h 1·n'I• :::;it "' ''ll -nn r nf I r• ,,,....~r•]f·r !.fl\rl~ h,.n,·r r~ :-:r ~;;-· c,11 \!:i1·1 Lrr. -,;l).,>lf1:1 ("fJ.\"I \I. \!;!-.'.\("\' :':'"I l!;irhnr RI 111 ,,tl<1111 ~ -er.'" IL\J. n1-r1c1-:. !'lr1.11 nl p11hl1·· ,.r.n1;,1 T f .. r rh"' i.:al "i" Iii-.•< I ::111 "'· ,.\/Tllral!• 11 illJ1..'. . ..:1;i11 5~10. i .oil 1.'n'L' H~1. "i lO !ii(,:, l'fl\:'I \I. At;l-.'.\'CY 1 ;1 \:!· r:.\L ntrwl' I' nri111111 1,, , , r 1, T1·.1111,.r , ,.,,n1p;i1i,\ The Meairs Company I MORTGAGE BANK ERS SJJ.8340 I I ' \ !. 1;1r ,.<I rluT,,.< 111- ,,,. 11; .. 11r hhLq•T't J > 'I 111· :poi. ~l"ll thr:i ASSISTANT MANAGERS IMMEDIATE OPENINGS IF YOl' nE~JRE .I r.lf'l-1, r:F.I\' \r:DJ'r. r r: n FF.'."- s1r1\.\I. C.\J:r:i.:r.: 1\·1111 .11 rr.1-:.\T!\'E ("]1 .\1.LE.'\'f;J-: ,\· ::TAT\ . ._. n\ ·r: ("0\1 l''\\Y \\ILL TP.\I'.\' YOL" T11n111·1~11 nl·n. ,\Jn:o;T _.\n. \"A'.\"rr:n \Jonrr.:-; TF.CH- '101 ·1.:s OF r1n1;..(; RL·~r­ :->1<.''." \'Ill ·· 1.I. I Ii\\' 1-: '1"111-~ PJr;. '\!TY. l'l~l·:ST!GI-: ,\. r r'.\'- \\:rf,\l. ~~:r·t'!":J 1·y TJl.IT ()\I,\" ,\ 1.11-"ET!\ll-. (",\. r:Fl-"r: ('\\' fll-"Fl·:R rr.1-.~ l\'CF.'.\'Tl\"~:'."-1.11-:F. \\;\' 'Fl\" CAP. n~-ynt·r: 1·1111JC"i· ,\· n1·r: ('{)\JP\.\:Y \\fl.I, P\\' Ff\F:. IT · •' I' 1·h f'l.i••l1r•I ad "\r• • Co1inp~n.\ Tri!H!Hli'. .,. n-, II· ro1nr. r () Rn\ I rrfl:::r;i nl _! "" ( •l.i '':::" ('.i !12;;1,; • r 111-h n111.--r< GE N ERAL OFFI CE 1 • l.1h· r;il r·r11•~r R<'nrfi:s (,,••I !11•·•..: f1::i1rr '!p'111i,lr e . ..:·,,,! ln1m"ril'l1"'11· l'.111 \.<•1r1 111r 1\1-..;rc1.1tr 1'1-fi(;:f)'\',1·"1. \(;!-~\("\" ~'<1: ~ \I, ,, r Id r I 1r , '.\ H. rel• :•::n Ytll"l.I. ll,\\"F-: THE .\Jn ~-r \:rFr:1F'\'Cf: r· r: n \l 1'1~01-F"S!O' \I. \1 !., ' 1.11-\~: 1-"llJ:\1!·.I~ STllf' I.: ____ , (;j-'.l·,l<\I. •lirop, lf'\f"lll<·I"\, f "'I,<• 11••11'' f..· ,j, I,\/ 11 \111 I I'! pl 1r< 111 o'i;io~1f 1rol :HI ,\,, '.'•11 I l~ l,1• 1'11'1' I' I) ''"' 1 ilirl Cn<l;i \lr•;i. (',d1r R r, n I•: F 1:. Fl"\: t\.'\l"IA!. "-''•-''' I,~ \J-:f". \I. llnt1•r(•lran1q:::., 1,.1 •' • 11 ldrl'n_ ill"'l1rr hn1nr .\Ir·n/1--n 'I ~ri.·, 'ff f:••rr,1! rrr' ~7, •1 k ,,111--1\'2!:' -!,l!'.I. 1•1 il"'l'T n111rn1f111 t111''r" rrprr•,.,111~111 r-. \111« lir 111 :11l;ihl" !fl t1·a1 rl _:r; r'n"\.~l"l.T,\:"\T n .\RR\" 11\\"I~ .~· rr\'.\:"\{"1.\L I:'\ \"l: . ..:T\11·~'\T ,\.'\.\l,Y::T. R r: nr.n1.:;i::R. ['l,\\'lf"'I B 1.nrii.::r:-;{;].;\\'D. T(l ~.\HT yn1 · 11:-.· THI-: r:n\n TO\\". \f'fl:" \'' f::XC!Tl'.\G \'E\\' CAl"lEEfl. CA LL NOW ! 558 ·0444 Ask for Mr. Stocker GUARDS I'•' • r·d,,,•,-. j• ,p '"llr ~·t ,-11~ ~I 'llli!l'•f" "'Hllh I MAINT E NA NCE P" MEC H. J,,. ()f'r •!'"'HI'•·· ,1..-.11p1arr (:'ll';o .t '11'1;" ! I< I I •1 phol11< 11!)1 f'l'"l\'l<i~ ""' 11!'ll.1 l··nr-~ ,\. "'1'11•. flll1"fl•r\ .;. ;irl1:11•«,.,1,.111 Tn S•'l'1!1 1 ·r .( ·r.,.r1'""1 t• ·:•I c~;i r."n \1'·1·•111 ',111-""'-,~. \f•f•I• >11' -.., I, ,..;. \11.1 1'(1\..:1·\1 \!,L\('Y !".'l'J d ''l'fl"l"tnn1·1 GUARDS 11, 'r 1, ~" '' (' I ,. 1!1111 (".,nl.-11·1 \'1>n1 1, .-..1•r1·, 1•1;·1)() .1~011 ... r,.,. !~.1d, \«11pr1rt 8"~f'll. ~·:~.ro;./1fi ,., ' ::.17.! :>I• 'l ''1)~111, \ln11 1-n I 11,1 r r~ ~ nrsT~-:-1tr•~11-;:;, ·I 2~·1,i 11,.rl•'I P.I •• r ,\111 rs \1~1T1'f'Jlil' "fl' <'1 I ,, rr·I p·11 ·,..r1• 11 -.•r I * • ,.,_,_ --\1 \P.l'll II '.lf '\ \fl 1.:t· 1111111 Iii ,r1•1·11-r "11 "'lillj\ill<'•1• .~· Ir> <1'11 nll1r1 \\•'I I, (',1Hl•I 1'\r 111 itn•1h. ri.: 1•ro'1 ,r,1 1< 1•11·•••11" F"1rn,1·:: "f'f•'fTll'11'' ~]7.i '.I~ l"oll r,,1· fl"r<nt•nl 111•~n 11'\1 hr. r11r<"11); .\ 1(1 \\I, 1·,r,_•f:'-°'., r;,rn onnrr 1h11 11 if\', 1111 11· 1 II ,.q 1;~ .. -11~1, h111·r "' hll~lf)f'•~ In IOI\ n !,, [ .\•••ir h"lr If ;i t."l"'Ulld l'l'l"'•rr11n1!,\ nff<'rr<I 11,. 11 1 P11·1~1nn nrr•I I-r«I• -----nt'Ylr 1rr.n1c11r. '" " nnh11pf"ll1<r nr11 1·11. 11 /nr1• ul,.,11-. r-•~-•hlr ".llrnuu:' 1n ,-..,,.r,~ rof ~1/1 f'o'Jll !.· m<>r,. I""'" ~ r INVEST IN YOUR FUTURE BE YO\,JR OWN BOSSI Meh or Womtn lease A Yellow Taxi Cab C:i!I lnr ,\ppl 546-1311 1)(1 1'"''1 hill r ::1 l'l'Jlf'f' rh;iT ;in<\lf'r~ ·1 i1nn 't kfl'1" ""hn ·'"'' "!"" h11t 11 ~ n1~ t1l hr~r frn1n 1..-.u"• [)oto~ It ~mill' ~f"''tk~ "hrn ,\,..U p,.,.:.~ 11>11r r11ll .. r ~111 '4 ~·~ Tf';t•'h lhr 11ar1y h"' 1~ a.•k1ni:: f,,r· n,, ·'"'11 ,....mm1111!l'::+tr r rtrr. !11·r1\' "·uh 11\r p11hl1(' '4 11'1 h~l"r l:?"ll"r~l (llf1rr 11nrl 11·p- 111a: ~kill<' -CITY OF - NEWPORT BEACH $523-$636 Per Mo . Hf''lU<i'PS h1i::11 ~<·h·'ll 1,:1;11hJi! I Tton 011r ~'"'•1 n•,·r111 1.11•1111.: ,\. lo:"n1>r;1J ••lf11·r 11•1rk 1\~­ ~l\;lllllr>lll 111.i.~ Ill' '" d.-1_1, 1111r '11' llll•I rll 11,: .. 11111. \Ill" 1 ll,v 01•11\!11'1 "llllh. 1'171 10 Pr1·- "'•llll• I ()ff1r·r. ::111 ,\.r11rn·r 1 Rll 1!, '-• "P"1 11r,,.·1 1 c ... 1.r '•;,i"11 •1!•11 !i7:1.i;t;•·· ~ fl 1"1 ! lp1• •r !-'.111pl<•.• rr flll• ... VIETNAM VETERAN 111 a !d•'illnr npfV!r lw • ll1 ,._,, .... ~f; of s:;n0. prr \\ k '.\'r') ran1 ::i~s1ni;: or ~'lhritin;: Jn1en·w11s h,v ;ip!)llinlllicnl rlnl'r>l;;1I rl1·;;i11r>r< fi1·i1~~ 1111- orily '.l-'.1 11rrkda.is. LotJ !1'111" kl'~ lr,,.k~ nn ;ill (:111110, ~.-~.i2iil. llr;i11rr •. 2~\;42-:.'l n 1 2'' ~~----------1 '.\!11lf'hl11~ n~k rh;iu· ~i;:, .\ :'a!r< -Tn1r 1''111<'1·1nr·~ I T"' m ' E.\l'l·:r.r~;.\("VO ~,\I. 1-.;.; 111-:LJ'. .\l·t•I !><' :..') nr <11, r .\f•P•,\ "' T II~~ ,\l["•J(" i!\l.J. '•I ~[ Y>1•h1fln 1~till>r\ '.\R ,\, ro~' ld~-:\'11'; ;if1 Ii prn. .\."-l IQL !-: \\ lkf',\'< fr'·~lll 11, .. 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In\(' "'111 ~ 11'1 ll'i I • I" 11.olnu1 ht•rlrnom ,,.1, \ '" .,-, I :; 1Jr;i1•rr "Alnu1 rnr~I.< l1nn1 J I'\ 1r, 1\1,\"(; 'I. l"r-lhrl ~-r•f\n1mn•I~<. :'pan fr1u111nnd 11/C<"llrl l~il f •n•r rl c :11F'i-Z'1~1. 111 m r • ---~--1 \'nfl.(;~. ••flrfl"Tt"r'l• "l<'rlnr dr1r r', 2 ,Ir< nlrl S70 Anh· <Ill" "hi'" •11111 hrrl p<l~I• '1' l'l'.\-'lll~ jo"flR ~alP 1w-.t "Uh <h""'< l.· Kin;: ~ 1r 11;;1rr prntri lf">r plld ft;inir \!ilk,. nf- i-;,..-,\RI-: 1111~l11v Dn1Pr :~!~-i~ JQ 1;ranrl r111nn h~·· !.: f111•n1111re r r., m H nm ", --·----!\'F:\I. r 11 ~ ! n ni hl1 le;:. llli!ll ~ ln11!1~1' .\· •T• .. .f, nl11 r 1'1'!1 ~1 -JJ :•7:l-1:1"1'1 S,\. \"lfll rh11w 11!1.U~ ,\:r1l!hlYlrh<l{)('! G::1r11t" ,<\;;I". ,..;•1·111•'• .-;1rnllrr s; :.n. Tup- 11•'111;i1,.. 1nr lfl $1 \\',,rld1n'-'. t: f1<: l'"I' r u<rrJ Sl !fl ~10 \l;;in1 Ill"' 11 r n1•. !l'»~-1:~2 'l!.1-0~ltll 101::! :<1 ::-~r1 <'•r !t R <\h"'"'"l<'~l lt~!'. I.I· \\.l\1, :-;t;Hr-11nu:-R ·~·'' ~'I' r\· <r,_ T1·111•11ri1rr t ''i_ \•;ir. S17 r:rr01d pla1rr t ·, l.1111111~ S 1. Ch~1r~ .\1'l \1~t·r .. 1 tu1\ sprc< S21'l \] ~, 1n ~1 1.,::r11, \\' n~lh•)., 1~11rJ '" ''l"'l, ,\!r'ln . 1,.11 I " ~--' --1•1·1 .I \ "l~•'I r111;::r l •1:1,11RIFJl-:n-Fl.F \-\ll.:;1 1 ' . r•1·•'1\ r '•1,·I<, 111nr1·, ~tf1r~r~ I 1'11< \11\ l·;;r1 "f <:.-!11'1! ~1·1 \·ri p .. 1·1 ,,f '"II! <!oil ~1ri f,j . ,~'o'l C··~·· <-•,n111111r1111 ll n·r1;il • •11 <I \r,1 •i1'•1.:: ,1 .. p· 1 l'•:n "I· ·ir:" 1 ~-;;.:-1~1k,.---;;;-l·r•I 1,11 nf \1·1 1;1,1111ir1~. \1111'"'' f-\··~·11 l•r·<'•' r:lr-inlfrr li1·1 1·.,._1.;111 rv• .. nln~p•l\ ll'.11\\ I°"" l'<•r:.~ l••I l1 ,r111Jh i•!! 1 loi'l 1''r1·1 :r11 Th111·~ 11,·• 111'1 ~r:1~ n 111;.:n n: r"1 '''"·•hi• .-l\Jllr.Ll'D()l,-ff7°F!~ •,,,,,,c,, · ,., ... ~,.,.,., ;'.' ,1 .~,I r; ., --n1~y1 ·r,. '.\"L.\"T ('r1\:n ''ildr!H< \1•pl\ 1,1 fl.II • * f,11-.0:'1.~j •• 11!~1 J; :1;10 \I, \r'!1ur f:h•! BEST OFFICE TEMPORARIE S Jf;,I~ :'\r1• pror l Bh d rn<la \1"~"' 1;1:1-."16911 -TV TECHNICIAN- !::'• fi" 1111\ Mllt'h"~. i:;1: .... :i•t' 1-:\prn"'''·"d Rn1.1. a1•av hrri"~:•f'\1 fl')cr, DAVIS BROWN CO . !r,,, ExrrUr n1 rnrllf.---/ 111 E llrh S' , • fill-l."1'U • Colla Mesa 64 6.-16841TI11T r!1nrn .. ~"'· s 1:1 F rrr'lrl\ R1 \l\1\l;i. :-.\I.I· 0r1 \"11J, ,i; 11~111 \r11pnr' "h"I""< ("lo1hhn11sr , :111 (" ~ n' I .\:.-"1~>r1 R,.~,.h ~n 1r1-·, S:11 Jn.' ("()F~'Ff.-.<-Pn•1 -1;h1r~. l"l.,rh•'~ <t 111 ~,, rl.,11~ ,\ 1'"'· 1u111111·ou• nrhrr 1rrn1~ Thur 11'1 ""'' l'lnt.1. ;\11j\ i..;.1111or""k 1.n, (" \! Y 1r:n rl I< lv'!o, Fn_ k (. \1 ~Al.r . f'!nth r ~. furn1111rr !.· n1·~r S;iT i;i:;ri Crnrrr Sr . C .\!t,\i;F Nll~;i.1-\1,..n. t11<"l!"r. \11- 1.;1 Clp ::+I. Cambrle P1nr.s·2~ unu ~l"­ ttl + owntn •Pl. AAA r1t- ~. ~ X groa. Trrl Sl4~ !\f eq for uni!~. tr1r ,11rk. or • Pyr- amid Exch1n£?1"1 !!~~. * * * 1~ ·'°""''!Ylf! Rh•t. • 645-Jjf\l • * * * 2 flp,.n1nr, •n n"""I.\ "~p11nli ­ "'' n!/11r •n <''lron;i df'I ,\l;;r• >::rr \lr \t,r11n f'IT '.\Ir f'or h•n I. \l'F.RIF:'\'rF:n ,,,!<•11nn1::+n lr'lr :-pnrl•11rat \l•nr Fofll r1111r., ''""r 2.1 (, :r, .. )·,~ • PA:-..1rrr:r;ss p I 11111'' f'l"f'• '.\'A .:ir.,..11 sr ... rr S2 111· ~-' Jlflr. 11(11 11rrr•~ :ii r ~)~/ H0111•,. H~11ns:~ \\';ilrh 1hrJ ran u• ~nrl ~h·~11· 11~ fi-12-1~ P.'i'.1 .\-,,(t LEADERSHI P Housing Systems Int. T\·rl:"T 711 11pn1 JB;\1 Cn1n· pn<rr "'"P prrfrrr"l'l I 11 1 ~ ~!on Thr11 f"ri R'l.l -:' .. i:?f; r ro1'1 11t'111.I rur11. plr\'r~ fi·l\-j.~28. T11rn 1-;e-\v=h-,-.,-E=.c,,-,-,-,-,~,.' CORBIN.MARTIN l'l!!!l!l!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ J R E A L T 0 RS 644. 7 66 2 ~ flr ~ .. , 1 r.-< u I!<' M 2-~ 7~ I' ---__________ )_ I orEN llOL"~E rvih11nn I F'.tf'J~I ~ .1 ~II !!1r old ~t11H n111~1rt1111 11~ 1>n1 pin) "'r '-'-"-'-' -'-'-"-"-i~r------- " inr(I ca~h Thn1 i'I 011.ily P ilnt nAtLY Pli.OT D1ml"-11.-!in" ,.d!1 }>·or be!~r rr<1J)1,· '-----~.-- ll'lt :>1rt1n,.' ~1-:ii7A ' I I I ,, '--...... _ ..... __,Jl§l ~' _""''_'"'"'__,Jl§J I~·~._, v~-1 ~ I J~ ~[ r_ ... ,....,_;,,.;:__,][i]l l~r-.._.._" .. ~ *AUCTION * FRIDAY 7 •.M . OCTOBER 15th D1su~~Pd ma plt 1ablf>~ & Capr;u n·~ r h<1 11°' Rdrm ~P r~. Runk n.-,.h C'hl'i l/i. ~·llrlf>rd dt sks, C;;nop,1 n.~.is, DrPs~­""!. CnHP,. ta hl,.s, \hrrrws. Diva!\~ ~l~ru·P~Ff'!, ~piano~. Cnlon-<1 1\' < !'!!"rPn~. PIJOI ta bl~, BuHf.t~. RP lri ~ ~. D15h1<;r.!h<>~. II 11.shrro;, Or;.. f>r~ l.: ~lt '\H \1 ()R ~' WINDY 'S AUCTION CO:'llE BRflll:'L ,\RnL'\fl 20i.11, s .. " rnr1 Bl 1 .; 6"h1nd Tnn~ ~ F.lldg \l ;i.11~ C""''' \Ir~~ • h.!f:;.c:i;s~ Ol"'E.'\ flA[LY ci •n 1 CARPETS DRArFP.Ji°:S Jntrnor rlf>rora 1nr fnl, ~n rn ~rll nut l~n::P ~1 .. ,-h tr" qu11h~ n~!nn ~h11 ~ .(· r li •h p1lt carpr 11n ~. Al"'l .'hPr1<, t"fl"n 14'•,l\I' ,.. hT°lll 1rJP, rltaP"r:> f~hrJ<'< \\ hdr 1n- 1Pntnr.1 lv1s. ~n11 .-;;i n c;i1" a m1n1m 111T1 nf .'ii'', Iv ci:-1 rr~,. f'J'(1fr~~•"!ll!.I fl•, n1·~·111i:: ~dv1r.. f r,r ~ l'Stlm~1,. r~ll 492-22.i~. nn rt>[l:::~nnn .t~<'1n , I 11 11 THE \'AR\' B\Jl .T!QUF: Fl:>/AL ~A LF. All .1Jrn~ -f11nr1 <lr,.~s· \\'1n· tur k· !prir!.•· "nr~tf'ri -Nl' ton ru~ . ~u,;;~r l.: r r,.a m cut n.1~ 14onl. !'rt "1 ~hth1ng A: brack"'~ -~!,.ti t\"r tahlt>s. roun!t r .t· r;ish Tbursrl;i,1 thf'u S11nriay Oct 14 rhru 17 l·lll Cahr1lln. \fist~ \\P<a STEREO. l nr!;ii 1m"rl l11.y- ;ii 11·a ~·. 1911 mtX!Pl. Garrarrl 4-sprl <"h a n ;:P r , A•r ~u s p P n ! 1 fl n ~fl f al.er s 1\/mulhple r r n ~"'·"\ ,,r rarl1<1 I.· tapP rlf>('k S1 1!1 hr;intl 11P'll', ~r>lrl lnr s~ ~; - P;;i,\' r1ff h~l;i nrr rif S12il i"f ~m n1nn1hly flil ~ ni r n t •. Cr,.rl11 D<'fll, 114-S-'l~-ll'>lll •AUCTION• H.OUSE On al! camptrs, rr•ilt rs I.: m1n1 homf>s. M iscellaneous Wantt'd Ttie truck fMOple from 906 G•neral Motor1I b0""N'"'''· 0--o"'s-rn-,-. -"-,,,-,,-,-,-., -,-, . MIKE McCARTHY l l h t>t',;:l a~.· ~larlt 1n 820 CASH PAID FOR flnP furn:iurf'. appl!anrf'~. annriu""< on,. r 1ere ,,r bou~"!LJI. Call day r:or ni6hr, 5:ci.12.n or :=,17-ii33. BEAGLl:..·:il1"Pll•'rrS p 1.1 r r .1 . small lf'm;il~. 6 "k!, Shr!s. G(lnri hnn1 P fi l'.!-llif;(l P\f'~ FRE ~: 1n ;-n~1 \rlnr~hlP Spanlfl·IYPP p•lflp.t <, hr1::;h• l ;ilf·r' -..lfi-:7~' f REE nn~ !..It). 6 C'ld. Musical lnstrumt'nts 822 --FR-E E-woo-~D~-- 1, STo l''" 1 , I \fi.l.\ 5UpPr!nJ . (\1 h.11;-.iZ:,J _ . " ·"' "M' 0:111 1r ..------" EnglanrJ B1a11ii n""· .,.,m GMC pl Pr" arl"'S~rl~S. GrE"i!T lnr I !111 n;:: ~.;.;(I An«h11r \l.irlne ~P11pi'lrT Dlln"~ laLJncn1 ~ li'}.l.J331i :131·2~'11 r;r.n:p , h!'r..!'.C ·''" por•t r C.ornt r RParn A.• :'l\.-fadden !nn 1 Bnnb ad tor $13 Gi.!'· l\'!"<lmtn~;r r Cnmpl J'Pdt r. Sh~ 1·i·;i1~ Drps. Onan ,i:l"n , S In 5 \\"ny ntht'r \U'aS, .\'n" ran r allcird 11, 1nust M"l] .;:.~71~. WHO ARE THE 1.~.101 RIDGE RCL'TE nn 1Corntr rit :'11oulrrin P lt>1)1 • Pn.~h~ arll! «ommun1ty ad· 1dCPrJI to LtlSUf1" \~'orld e:eauu!uJ surround 1n5:~ . .tll lU.\llf)' a ;>poJnfml'n t~. The1·- ,1 ~LJl!r por>I, Sd l1n11~._ E.,er- rt~ 1nm. 4 h1ll1ard t.1 hlf~. .\1 t;CH )!ORE' Sf<t bf'11ut turn modth in fl"lrk·hkt' Sl"t!Jng. ('A LL S.'lO-.iMQ or !'.)!\-l'.n'l TAl\E OVE;R P,\i':'llE'\T.'i f lJI! pr:rt> S1!l3n Pa~ .. ~ s;~.21 mo. 2 Bdrm. mnbi]<' h{'ITll'. SP! Up In quit ! p11r~ Pf!'ls \1ficome. Spacf> rt n1 S.i i ;,ii mr1 r : .. a~e .-~Jl !nr n1nr,. :n!ormatJon \l~r<>rn ~lnl'itlt Homf'~. 121.> :-."n Hart>or, Siln!.a Ana. 83~ C!o~l"ri Sunrl;i.v~ r ;;i<.f> ~ rr .• kf' -;:i mr _ A '.\'EED hnm,. for 11 , ,1r nlrl 1.rfl 111<tr11n1 Pnl-f-n•t ~;:.o l p;iir1 Lilh k ll rim~r~nf'r. \'""·" 11 ~,.II ~11'.1 i;;:r,2n.ii fPn1 \o ~ml rh1!<l rrn PA R r:--LR \\ A.'-TED ft1 r ~.}· WEIGHT :\iorada. SliOO D1.1 ri. r yrnis :; STAR park :'<1n ,Juan (ii!)"', ru11 597 pf'r nto. C..J..I :!-l..~60. 2 br, 1 lull ha. l;in1 . STRL'\'G h;i<s ·', Sil t bo1< (.'j'\\er Grnr1 1·nnrl. ,1;,)()....6tj2 ! ask f B WATCHERS? Ill<''" lnrlsepg, S11',.-..rtl Q1\11tr r ol-R k.Pf'r.•, 2 mnnihs olrl. GaJ rPI ' <Jr e n • C"(1uld fm11 net , 4'.<3-3S2~ :'>.1"-"1-'l~ :i.1 l,~rl c.ol .... r• I T I 94S ,,;u,.~11; l'l\(1 IS SRO\l~IXG Af'ro Tlie truck peopl• from Trai •rs, rave • (.;l JTAR·G!b~r)/1 .J.:{) G I M t I --Cr .. :• ~~hp E11nrUdf', & enera oors lli' BUDGER. Ca m p 1n z II 'la•.-. ;-.Pl< f'•1T\ril!JOO rRr:r. !rm<11r ;Vn1•1p !I) ~non Mil([ M CARTHY " hnma. Li\.:Ps c hild rF n, \·;inooin J.c;e «hl 1r lr. f'.Ppo. C Tratltr w/1"·1 n h u1 .s.11 P Rr <t nl!Pr .J.I0-29i1 gr.·r 01f!•1·. ,;.!i-:~7[. r11.nk~ EZ l1f: hitch. elPr Offl F I / ;,:J..,;.r...M Ce urn ture 2i CHRIS Crall Cahtn GMC rrlr1t;. !->lt'f'p~ 4. $6:11. :,1i; Equip. 824 RE,.\L:T!f l.L ft>nial!' Shf'JrlP t:nu~<'l'. lS:i hp. \'-S niarinP Tr;;i ver~t> Drl\'f', Co~r a -------3 yr~ . ~rot;.i·d. Pf'd1g:·tt>ri :;:i.t "60!'!" c<'r.v papPr lype T., ~'10'1 hnn1f' ,;.JS-I~ r r,; Top runn:.ng t (ltvi. Best 8:4·ll* ;..11.2.i;.i \!PAA ,,1 nfff'l· (l\f'r S22J(L h.l.\J>.l4S -A-t--s--· -~p--,-9-4=9 ,.., lri nn;:<111al rar1 nn& l,;>.brarinr R rtrPli~r Corner Bf';i.ch I.: :'llcf addtn, u o 11rv1ce, ar s ::!.()()11 ~herl~ S12 x 14" anr\ 11 Iii' Gla~par 5..>afarP ~Nian \l'••-•'"•.l•c , .1T~. i;hnr~. l1ce11>&!. "' " r e e eTIRESe e e :;!X\i') ~hf't t~ (i1l: :-; 11". Xln r ronrl. \\" iO :\·!ere. 6.l --===------1 S u r p l tl ~ f r om tr ;11 l \tlYY! iiatchrl<1t: ,;.\fl-Ol!Vl hp Oll!board. 15 hrs_ !:l'\3 CHE\'\'\·~. 1012' Y !I CLOSE-OUT!! rl"nl<"n<rr~rinn P rwr $j Q 1 'YR ft>m11 I" Lla<.(I Ar:<n !..· S2.;ro 71-1-j:i:?.~~·l.3 ~nl, m11 n1· Xtras, "' BaJa BLE:'llS chani:;t> <11·t~. rli~· "'II 'I'.' •.','I,,.,.,-,·,. rrrn~r nrr11s hnrnf' c::1111rrl~. Bu~ d un" bug~. :<trf't>I Ir-ennnnued dC'!1gns. 4~,..~ nt: \. " _..., _ , _ JC!i'O SEAf LIT f: 'I 1th rrailPr, J & Ii ~ "" 'I I s11f'"' rJ1~fl'l<·r1n11 _ fili-flfl~3 i il · · onn a ;J'' .., l 1n 'I: 111 l'S('r] n nos. large £t lecnon . !R\1 F:\f'('. f)'f1P 1<r11rr l:kr· lb() hf\ :'lltrcru1sPr, ~~.l:MXI, mreh .....,nrl ,_. 1·rry c]P~n S·I Sil or $$ nP1<, JU51o 1 ,,_ r h ;;i u I rJ "..j . 965-146."l 01' 96.~J.l l. S:i;1ij 492.2716 Qr 48:!·2S~. t·:noslont Sroi'f'. 4;5 E. P hnnf' 'lfi:!-1 1&!. a ~l.<1 11:::: S2."1 L_._._ .. _._"_'_'_'_'_._·_·~l['L.1 j zs · t.:.\:IFLIT E 60 T s. f;_ lo Cycles, Bikes, 17rh Sr . C~\ 6-lfi.:?4-1-1 Pianos/Organs 826 _ ~ hr< nn rel:ih "~Jttps l Scooters 925 2 CJiE\ll. Ash"Os, \~\' II.) ............. ___..~-----~i'!'OO 0 1"nr ~~f>.l43iT. -~ Cht>I)' 11rlaplf't~. chromt> lut WOULD YOU 11-DORSETT cabin CJ'l!IM'r nu1s and locks. :'llusr Sell BELIEVE Cats 852 k rra1lf"r. 100 hp ~!P1Tury, F REE ORGA'.'1 LESSO:-O:S LO~G haired. llluP P.i ed, Sl.hOn ;)~·1-Jl.1~. as Ion~ a~ .l'OU like ~ l'o reg. SthP:tli 1e ~t r1 rprrl kllrf'n Boats, Rent/Chert'r 908 1.~TT11 t1on. :-;o ohlii;ation .. Tus c ·''.'_:i'. _lfi'.l Dr.i«rt Lr1, c :-r ···:---·--~.:t • Comr \l0nrl;i\·s 7·311 pm . -k -Cal 2!'~ Catlina 27 COAST .MUSIC ,,,,,. ' ---:l 11eekdays !or s110 Fully 64, ""' BEAL:Tlfl L ; II k St.in1f'~I' -""';,l ('f/LJ1rperl, Loca rion :-.'e1<·rort l~l rtl'n~. f.ki>; rra111,.rl. S20. HA:'lt:-10 :-:D. S 1 e 1 n w a)'. !-!art1<Jr. 71~ * 4840 !or info • :)-1~!\jJJ • INVENTORY SALE BIG SAVINGS ON ALL NEW 1971 YAMAHAS Y~maha. :\'e'\' & us!d B L L'Ell'ATE R YACHT Pliln0.~ nf m0~1 m;i.kes. Best Dogs 854 CHARTt:RS AWARD MOTOR:S, INC f'~S-:13.-0. FORD 1:'> t.i :'l!ag nms !.· J.\ 1n n111;:: r1m!I 1qth lu~ :-;""' <anrl tires l 1-l ~1 f;.\~J2.li. LATE )!orlt ! 3(12 Tnrd Eng111!" .. J u~t rthuil r S.11n ~\+:,..-09i.i '!il V\V <'h11SSI S SI~ Auctiorts:·evrry F ri, 7 ;;m ,_,, ~· bt1ys in So. Call/, at Scl1m1dl N'Elll'OR1' J)~-, r,RflO)I F1sh1n' . C11.11s111~ 1 1680 NEWPORT BLVD. Furn. Arp!1. Annq ues ,\fLJsic Co .. 1907 N, !'lla1n, f:RY, 2'11l~ · t Xeii p.:.rl f\t>s~rva11ons f:-J.!-~111 COSTA MESA '1;2 ChP\')' I! 1131;(1n, rtnt~ SIOO . 4:Y.)-\~Hl. nrl!'rl~ 301~ \\°. \\'ar ner, ~A . Sania Ana. RJ,d . 1in the P"'ntnsLila Boats, Seil 909 d ollnw ~Parch h~nro PIANOS** 0-R-G-ANS FT,i.77f.fi eTHE BIKE SHACKlli 51!1·'.?2·11 e :,.17.1;.13 ,\"an1e Brands · S:a1p SSS Al\C Lahrc1rlnr~ F ... !rl rhilr.i· ;.;.ci t'IG CC sloo p ~tJ·a n1cP NEW B ICYCLES GOOD CO~l'llTJC);.' . \a• .. :'-P\\.l'<Prj • E;;is~· Terr.is \:ol ii 'I • ii4/w;1 ,\ ;~1 ~/\J Lo ... ~trr l§J ,, DAILY PlLOf 37 '-----'-"_"_' ""_"_1·-~l r~ l LI _'_'_"_' _'"_"_'_' ___,] f n , I l§J '62 Autoa, lmport9d 970 Autos, lmportMf 970 MERCEDES IENZ 4 WHEELER 67 Cht vrnlt>t ,1·burb&n, \\arn hut>!, :;2'1 v.11. 4 sllffd, r1. cl!o, ht&!tr. spin rim~. rt"oi.l sharp, mus! ~ti!. VKC-9i5 Mike McCarthy RECREATlO:-:AL VEHICLE CE\.TER Cor. B~a~h b ~!cFaddf'n, \\'f>~tn\lnStPr ~l·\336 1531-2~::.n '66 Chevy 1h Ton eu~rom c~h. ,.,. °"r!. \·!'. J'i'"'-· Pf srttrina:, pol< Pr tirakl''. !11.ctory air ronrl 1'160!!_,\1 ~er hunrM" SP"Ci.a.l' S119S H IGHLANO MOTORS :!1.4:i Har bor S lid ("()~fa .\ftM 6~.i-~ • IH. lniematJonaJ Har.•esttr RECREATIO~ CENTER ROY CARVER, Inc , :2925 Harbor Blvd. Costa )!esa 546-4444 '6~ CH E\\. Trtlck f !Pets1dr Pit; 11 /camper sht ll ,Sfflll or n1akt o!Jer. Good rnnd .HS-S'.).17. '6.) DODGE ·\ Ton PU 2m cllstom cilh. r lh. 4 nu 6 ply h('it \'Y rluty lll't'S, $J.iil. f;.l.'.-11.)76 or 96S-WJ.l. 4:. FORD pick·llfl "'t!h '1'2 il!f'rl'W)' t rJ;tne. :'II a !I': V-httls. :-.'trrls some "or k. S~'OO 6i:r1345 11fttr 6 pm. J'.)6} ·\ CH EVY Pick L:p Good cond. S~j. j.>ti-l!Jjl BMW 70 B~ll\' 2002. Orar:z ... 1962 :'llerct'tle~ Btnz nt'W ma.5. A.\llf~I. )l!rhelin Block. no bll •ni. nu uphol. r ~rr !~ :r.1. ~lt:~t w-lL ~.tak~ Sl l~ Cal! :-.iul:". °'9'3-WOO or r>Urr 64~-2432 aft 6i5-&li9 C 0 R Tl NA "°&;"'1°':J1"s~L~c~.,-.~,7~-, -""-· ~,,~ .• =,, m i. AIT. ps, •m/!m. $-1750. fi7.',..);i21), fiiJ.-0728 Pl'!"~. 1968 Cortina GT $1095 ~ sprM, l'hrome 14·h+'t>!s. only ::t r()() m: .• lmn1acula t!': Phon~ 6.f~. 7~1. MASERATI MASE RA Tl 1%~ Coupt. 14.00'.i miles, shri14room cond 6+l-'i.357 '&6 STA TIO!\' l\'ai on. ~:ll. mi. G~a t 2nd ear S.-h,., rir 1<·ork, J.100 6--12-'i'.:7 DATSUN--1 ___ M_G_ --BRAND NEW '72 Datsun Big 510 '71 AUSTIN AMERICA 4 Dr dlr 4 spd SHC. Tml l:'l.ls~. undf!'~ Li(l(I mtles, tu!!, tact 14·a.rranry. Rer. Bucke• seats, 14·s"' ores Take small rlo"r' nr olrltr trade. (11~­ DLf1 \\'ill hn p11 pry, Call ,146.&;.~i; or after 2 pm -19-l-6.~11 , '70 240 'Z' S1735 ta& THINI .al,,~,, ''FRIEDLANDER" Colorado red. locaJ car Jully u 71o11 t t:ACH orwv. Jh t l'ju1 pped lmmacula r.-1hru.1 ___ "'-_7566_.,_• .. 53_T-W< ____ 1 oll!. dlr, \l'1ll Like 1.r~ife Or MG f1 na nre p1·c pty, (424BLOJ AUTHORIZED C;iill 4!H-6Sll or :J.16-SjJQ. SALES &.-SERVICE '66 1600 Roadster ·1 spd. dlr. Lit•le Jt 11el , hug. gPr or;i.ng;e 111Th hard:op NEWPORT IMPORTS •TBS22'/J Excellent cond. J100 IV. Coast Hwy. thruout Take sma ll rlo11•n. Nt!\\-port Btacl Lau aft 9·30 an1 4:\1.~tl 1----o' :\!GA ·::.s RI! 1:00 pm Cali s.!fi-~i36. 1967 DATSUN 1600 ROAOSTER SHARP • A·l CO:-O:DfTIO:O: compleit ly tti;Cores * ... 046-56711 ** MGB $99S 1968 CH EVY PU ·\ Ton. V-fl. PHO'.\'E 5-l:i-203.3 M t.IGB , "tres, Blaupunkt a_uro. p/s, RIH, nt>w nrtos, f :'ll, .\l!chthns. mod . mllst ~rl!' SISjl'I. !!ii8--082fi. 'il DATSUN P.li. fiber,:la~s Abarth. :.:Int cond. $1395. '1'7 FORD ECO;.'.OLJN J:: ~~Pll, hvy dry ~rtr hllmpPr ~2-1~. I D V ,..,_ 12.1)"1() mi's, S2Jjll. SM-;;2;,2 :-:;-'°"C'h=c-=--,--1t>a1')' \l!Y an ._...m pt-r alrfl':; pni t>.) :'ll GB Rdstr. VPry clean. Sl~ij eee ~¥-4SjO Si OO, rir btst oU!"r. Phoflt' 964 RED 1970 DalsLJn 2·Jll-Z S·l&-3.121. Auto L•••ing p f " , 1 -------'------f>r t r.1 mn.,. . lust Sr l. l -7>·""""~=""...,-,,,---Ca.!! :l3l-38J..) ti.~ ,\ll{X;ET ·~1ariy >:tras OUR volun1e lea~• rlrp.:irt• m~nt nNer5 11 ll popul ar An1Prica11 &· lmporr makt~ 11 t m m[ltnf1ve ratr~. Lf.t r>ur leas~ exflt'rt~ ta ilor YOUR lrallf' In YOUR nttd~. "It's th,. r<t r•1c,. !ha! mai-;es the d11/erPnrt ' THEODORE ROBINS FORD ~HARBO R BLVD Xln't rond. Prvt Parry 1968 Oat1un 4 Or. 510 s1:::i'I •... &12-2S76 e ii49-3&.il '70 i\IGS.GT. "'ire 1••httla FERRARI T.OP. "·"'°· FERRARI AUTHORIZED SALES & SERVICE • 673-198~ • OPEL LIKE new 'jO Opt'! GT. $ii() !: ta.kt over pyn1 t • 6i~l92 al!tr 6 P:'ll :-t FLfl.<;;()\:IC I!' Hf.RF.: p:•1n ""' tnP ~r, 1111\ .1o. PAP.TS e AC'Cf:~SORIF.$ ml\dP! ~o· l\',.ri c_P 1<n n r1 hlk• Slill.ill··l'l4-.11.12 a!r 6 ,,J,.np. lmmac. Try $11~1 E X PERT REPAIRS \Inn /..· Fn Pl <>e 'r1I 9 siov,.. 111fl n1 f'ns. mr1~~f'rf' pm UI:-LI1.l:.S: A\Pry & L.o. ON ALL MAKES General 950 C'OSTA l\IE!'A n.12.nn1t1 I Autos Wanted 968 NEWPORT IMPORTS . i'ORSCHE A !lilC'hm~nr~. u:n ! n r 5unrli11' 12·5 ''~=~~~----F-l-l -f).!{);, R ' 11· I Fr1,.tirlh· rr l<>rhr'nr 1.,!0r_ o,.c HS!!L.::\D l"'llpp:,.~. inin r~11ni:_ · f! rltni:: hurnf-T S12~. r-..•n mat•h~t flf:Lll:. F'lA .'\O en. Al\C. \la!;hn;: rro rl, )l.k .\· 3:-. :-I ATTH E\l":'i-C l~c 1093 C BAKER, CM ACTfl ;ii1r n"lnrl111nn"'T /.. WE PAY TOP rnm rrP~~l'r !or \·~ Be~! oJ. 3100 ~'. Coast H11oy. 'i(l :111 s j ~prl . ma.i;,-;tl-:;; S'\l~i. S!'!(X) bt'low book or trar!e lnr ,,_~ T late mode'! tru.-k. 962-P-';Sj . uphol stt r"rl (h,11 1r• 1., 1· J(l~.l ·'"'"'f"'r! BJ\·ri t<1n \1NI 6~3-¥11/;; L 1 \· e ·a b o a rd , HI.: C. \:"~r F.t lf\1P" e 546-41::.n ton1an S.'11 l'il'rl Sj. l\:1 Ar· C'n<i;i :'<!+'~ii i i 1 ~\.,"i?:"1 PL'PPIES AKC AririrablP Lnrmic.J h•ari. B ll 1 iill" I rn~l"I C'h1C'C'>. l.-.1!1111il P.rh. --0-RGAN SALE tr•1p /..· Tn.~· P""dlr~ ;ii!J ~101e. A~ktnt: on!) :S-10~1 '67 HONDA I fflJ.j/).j I S39S '" """· "''"""' CASH Antiqu•s/Classics 953 Nt .,.'POrt Beach FIAT ~~4-!'li:22 --~~--,,,. 1>-1~11-JIJ;. okr _7 Cnnn Orr:~n Annu:il F'~ll h 1lrirs l flny fr>male Ynrk!f> IX DJ'VI[ll'AL ... u1no: 'TU;;i l1 1~· I 11,.ms lurn1!ur". k111~ •7 bPr! ~P l, rr•nt.~. r111nnn:::< t>1r. • 1., 111 1"-1 1tr m< \\'om;in ·~ r!nthr ~ •1 '" .l•:I;"" h<IX c<'.l~! S12M r r 1·r S~ t 1rm Frt !..· ~~! 0:-.·1.y :i~; Emt>r11lrl E\Ry . L Fl 4fl\-171.~ l\1 "609 " !"Of\Y f'il p<'T t~·rie 642. Jn nr1c:inAI r~rtnn~ 2.000 shf't'.!~ 8 1 ~ X 1·1'' <i nr! ;'1,000 sh('~ts ~1 , X 1r·. Su r p lus fr o m t r i ;;il dem('lnstr.~11011. r'r re s·•o C.1ll &12-4321. ext 2;;, E.~GAGE\1£:'\l Car111 D1amQ11rl $.ir-r1!ltP fnr .--1• ~ Clf'-ar11nr <> N 1· .. Ill' 1n SJfYIO :>::U-!l;I'l. ,Ci\L.1n. ro l~r Jud1 ng J.b , nn .~f'l ""'"rl ronsole Umr ,\FGH-A-,-,--,-,-,-,-.--.-1-,-,-. la~sl'd ruddt>r, outboard rlPmri'. Huce dl5M11nts on T<>rm~. :\1nl flPrl t ;;:r ""· heari . c o m p as ~. all 111 00rls R bl "' _. pnv pt). SZ600. .<>~Yin~ ~. i:ll:n,. -ra1sr.,, COAST MUSIC <.1.1-1.>;2, :--.·1:-\l.PORT & HAR B()R rr>~li\ :'<ll"~il • M~-2~1 • L'.':GL!SI! Sl'LLonr. Pur~. Al-\C. rh~mp hlonrl Lne :'11 .\· ;-.. ~·12-.1~34 BALf"r\\'I:\" A rr('l~(lnJc I.· hf'lirh mahn l(. ~·l"1. ;..:~-2 1il Sporting Goods 830 r nr. :;;l\IP, J~jj 2:! r~Jtbi>r \t~rhn l ncl .~cnl"'. rl1p l..- Rmmo ~y1_ Call !lli2--Ji)li;. EXCF:LLJ::'>T ri'\rn:ri,. l'lrl!') s l:.11 f;~1.:--;.n 832 1 rrarl1n;:: 11111,. r11rir1f~. 3 \1fr ks nlrl ~nnrl .-h1lrlrf'n·s p!'I. ~i fi.\7-1.';)~ '.l-'i ~.n. SCHA'.\ t•7.F:R pllf'f'llP • niln . AKI. f'l';.'l''rrr..J ,-.f,r•I.< $1.ij ~;ich f'.M-i10.:r1 -----."----BE.·\Ll!Fl°L rh1hu~h11,11 pUp· p1•~ 2 mal......, S:'~• "~ . 1 fPm11lr ~~ .. -, 1>1i;..y,~­ --C()l.l.I F. r t ·rr=1=c=,-- 6 .. ,.: .. 11Jr! \~n P~•·n. • : ... 1;..7~f;l • sallbo11.r .ab1n. motor . ht.1d. lea k k. 1,"JI)'). or ne~t of!f1·. CaJf~A.li-14 14 LIDO l·I. ;;ood sails, nu cn1rr, hwy trailer, hnf' C'Clnd . race rli:i:~d $830. 67.>-l.J.i7 HOBIE·lfi. j;ood ~nd, Cus- tom trailer Proven rarf' 11-1nnt r .$.1500 6-12-JT.6 a!1 :i. r\HLBERG li. rlmt llr A 1·Pa l rlt <tn r.oa• Tl)' SIG j A1Pr;. f.· Cn-f>.IUH/ll. LOP.O:-;ADO 23. GrOO sail~ N b<"U . Try S.l.'ll1!. l.tlcal boa/ .\I 'fV 1 ... C0. fii:H l.C.'i price Pri111TP r.ir•1 TV-Rd ' H 'F ' j.11',-;,;1n a!I "r ~1· ' • 10, I 1, r r.,, C11.ll mn<:!el I ·n-L~n-o=--,,-,-,,-,~~h-,-.-prt~n.-.-,-,,-,-, :-O:CP.. I"'' nr ~hn1t ,.\I\\ •h~n1p < rr rt Rt.'I~ rr1rr< :-~.:;-:')!;'• ~\-fATt RF.'.--t>l :lc li C\L 2<1. Xlnr cond. 11 1l()rl1zed m~" !'inl l \l~!h, nTht r ,rra~ S.'!100 S·IS-~l~L Ster t'O 836 ·--..11 " h h -- Ward S. Lee l'l~7 BCICK Spt'c li\l. All oni;: l!lil r~1~tr11 i1on. d r 1 v,. hrlnt t . :-:rr11 Pn;:. ~· tr~n~. 12.34 S. :\lain St .. Sant11 Ant\ l"lr . Call fi~2-2412 11!1 ;, pm. !'>\1.;,J:26 nr Sal !..·Sun CYCLE TRAILER: 1!131 .\10 0EL A C.-.upc, 2A.l Al mos1 nt u·. haul 6 hikes 20 au10. !ra n~. ChPrcy M<i;.. II. ]Olli" s ft "'ldl' ph~nt l~lfol/, "'tll cons1rl,.r trade ~O·.i6.''l! 11~k for R1JJ H&rold i;.\.~:'!.',j3. .~~~--~--532--11·1.1 aflc r 5 pm, J!12~ Bl:tCI\ ~.;ir st>rl;;i n, \l'A~Tl:D .30,'i nr 2.iO Honrla l'Pfy gMd ronrl1!1on Scr1 mbltr, Hnnd;i Tr11 ll 90 ~lake. oflt>r . 21 3·4?.&-iQ71 !":~nn~n~ or Ml a nd part£ Oune Buggies 956 ;,i.Jl-93{1.1. CHOP PER ':iti H~rl"Y· $1100 FIBERGLASS V\\1 Du n r or trarlf> for P!U nr r ar nf Bui;:;:)'. (;Nvl r1Jnr.. Ca.ll t>q. valuP 2.lOI Sunflo14,.r .t!lt>r .i . :,:.7-i44;) an1 B·~. :;. A =--==,.,.-----~I Trucks '6(! PE:XTO,\', ral"1n~ r~rb. 962 r rir:t tl r. /'.'(•ll~htri 21 lrnn! ----- "h••I Gd mo>"~'"" S?1111 OFF SEASON '"·""'· CAMPER SALE ~ILST :Vll' L P1'1 !n t munri-:-' i;i:: Rf"l B\111 E:i.· r ,.1 conrl. j.\&-J~i~ all 6 or ."11 1 1~un 10'7 FOUR."TAR PLA'IHOll~E ONLY $895.00 J.,:OHLf.:R I.· r~n1pN-I( f'<"ln. 1•••1 r <, ,.r;i <nn .. I,. n~ 11 C-L.!\R K 1·1' ~atlboa l. <nl• p:il nn. ,1111 r nt1'1 S /l\ I """-:CO:-'.-::'.':".'-----1-----hH ;;; '\'. C11rr,pJp1p I' /rlarml" ma tn f,; HS~\:DI,~ ~ .\lnlnr Bikr >-1nt \\ th \'\"'lllf purrhll&e nl a 'i 2 Jh , 1'17~ Z.E \!TH:\ on <alt> nn11 \II'\! ~h1'1~117rr< A I\(, 4&-(1 ~2 J 10nni1 4.'il X r11n1h:Pr . rll • d ,,._, n s11bni <~! r~· cu• n1 r~1" ~l rn!l"lr !i'om t".~~. :r.. . · 1:h ~a ll~. 1!li'Vl ~ s. Xln l ~:" ii!r 6 P:-l. tr1Jl'I\ a r r. ~u.:i;<>~.e 1 • i.lnt ,....nrf ~T.11 71't°'J'~ <lo.,11 <'h~n"p i-:rr r: F. ,1~c ~r,.-.•i;. --11-.• -,.T.ED·-0• ,~, <l>-<.'l·l rf .~1, s •1r l-;Pr r .. i;i i! ppr P \;rrJ;!f':'J',j_l\<>11'1 ~!~IP t n p C I I · • 1• ·>n?• " '' ''"' r II C" f ~-,'¥', :\ll ~:'. mn.rlt-1.~ 1n ,<;10r1; 8S6 11·;lt1i:11H ""'I' nr t quipm<'llt RIKES t.1rl ~ Y ti11· n S'j L_ hi ' F' II tZ brd nit ~2:.'1 .. \'L\-271 \ .:i. ,; '"r ,, f\1':1. '· •-. ·I I · fl"•ll~ f; •. .;):IC ,.1,. n1 ·"r R'">O•·•I o,~ .:'.tlP ,. ' Horses • ~ ~·" .,.,, • • ' • • . • ' .:. tmll ,. !lnK -II s " • " u ~ • fl •nr 11 n1 r 11n;ii~ 1n~1a J ~rr! --.-...~~ s ,,...,.. •. i ' \l~n ~ .1 ~pri ~· ·,:n~....& ..AEio.M::z·-. ~r ' h111 (},·! !'! I••• I 'I I ' ,. ' 1' "· ('<ln5n ~· " 1r CHF:.o\T:'\t·r G,.lr!t n~ • .;:r'lllrl Boat~, Slips/Docks 910 Rny·~ S~1ngr..ry-'' !J '°"' -=-~ lrYYl ~ nf 11r111~ \l1is• en'' I''"''''" 1 " I rt ' "o" --·~ -' • !I""· )r-riil ~ .. .....-.n fnrmil •tnn 11 nrl ~hn1" .,.1.,...,9.>;, --• ,,.. ~!A R DA~ THrt1rT .:;;;-in p .• .. r11rr :-.·o rlo11n r<>q11ll'"rl .i;. riu11-lit\. ,_.1 ~-l.'117 . f,.,r .rim. s roE ne. ~1 111 !f rr.~x --, L~~-l.911i -:• ·o:l l~Jl'l Park A1·r (if F..12-~~;.1 :;.; rnnnl h~ tn ra1. nr ra ~h 'Y1 l'lry s lora~P y.·/\.;un1h1ng. HO.:-DA Q fl :~ ~~ - 1"1l"EE ~'"II~ for rt>n!. Sarti' \II ~! BIKE S! iO t:~ STOVE. rr r. s111 rl>fl, 11<l1r. t1 a,1 p]Rn. ABC Color TV . " l ! In JS Satlboio1s o•ll). . · ·~ -· t11n ~"'· ;, rhr~! r\r11 . hr ~~1. n r;in;:r C••11r.t1 '< l:.i ri:r~1 i\na HP1 ::::ht~ arr1. Call Am"r. Lt>;1(!TI. ,\rB. 67J-.il\7fl ~'.'.."r usrotl .11?/l-.1~7 .j z ti\ 111 hrr!~. ('nurh. chair~. Zrn1th ['IPal rr, ~21 A1J::in111 ~:~>t~!>-~l~O~-i~~·~~~~~~~~ I SLIPS frir Pn"·~r Br>a!! 13 10 '!;9 i" A~fAHA 2.YI Endurn ~ !'ilk"!{.· l a mp~. cntfee & ("rid 111 \laf no!.a. HUnt1n&ron 38 . Ba)~ld" Vtl lai f' 300 E "l'h aLJ l(I rark_ ~k~ anrl SAVE $1000.00 thl~. r fr. f;ol:.-47~0 Br;i,.h. %.~:'.~:;><:I f .. .>e I Cs! Hw), i".S. n.rn! P"rl~c1. 613-.l!b.1 !TtVINt Cna~1 Cnu ntr" Cl uti STEREO: 1971 Model M.n~J.~:!ent '\ 1'.. • s rDE TIE AVArL • "-THON i:fA-3SO~ ,::ol! mf>mh~rsh1p l l l'l fl fl . tm \\ATI .-\:'IIT'1JF1EF!, 11.m 20· ro i-r !'.li>~CB. stttet. hl!-aur1ful con- frtt1 :-;ord, Ii !li -:1 :J j O, fn1 fm .~tf>rtn, ~ 1r11ck. !I:" Call h7.i-&l.'il ..J 111on, 1·18.l. 49M12-1J 5.llP lrur l.i, do M t qualify 16 Colors to Choose F rom W-6J.'JO. 11·" a.1· ~II' <USPf'l'JSl"n spt'J.k· Gener a\ 900 ~LIP !or 2~. boa I. l l.YI It. -.~ . .,-Y A.\t AHA-.Wl.=~R~T~-1~ 1 r l "' .. r~. hr~nd n""· p;i,v n f f ---------• 'iO Y•m•h• i~ DT-1 Order Yours Today l/2 Ton 8' Style S ide JRV INE Co.lsr Cnun11°7' u.. CAPTAIN .\iU Cha.nnt l P l ac P , .., I h 1 ~m11ll IT.llanr" Sl!l~, r";: Both XL1\'T 213··13A-707l. membfors h:p il\'ll\ p "" Sii\~ f 1n11.nr1 n" l\\all. r 5 ,\, t.:nl1m1ted l 1cen~e -;i.ny ~ross :XP\\'J)t)t! l~lanrl 673-:i2n;, rlub r{)s!. 49-l-j120 hfi11 n ·' "' S1P1'f'n \\'ar<>hnu~f' l!ll E' tons. 30 Years exptr1cnce Boats, Sp•ed & Ski 911 &· 7 pm 11rb Si.. C :'II f>.13.2+12 !'.illl & power. ProfP.~s1nnaJ T""' •• , All ,,,.. ----~ 14' Sm1!hl'r11Jt. Alllm. OU!· WA _,._,.,. ,,.. ~. ~ · ,,,,, PHILCOTV,-s--~port f1sh1n;:-$1llrle. ~lt>xican • 13.-.,. A•k a1Y>ur packa~P ,,,,-, C traJ A · , p, 1 t'or)ard. 14•1ndsh1t ld & s.rf"t'r-'·' ·~STEREOS n:en mer1ci1 ..,., c1- I < ~,,,., .. t,,..,. \Yt> ,,,,-C I 1n.r: w/trlr. Xlnt cond, S:f-lj, dei. ! . ., yr. ,... " · ALL STOCK 1c oast '";i.ters • nstruc- can rlthver. &11'·1291'_._~~ COST + 10010 tirin Jn ho;i 1 handling, .!'ti!.-i;7.'>-3.l43 '\ TRADE kinr; bt't1 !nr r!ri11h1,. manship. DR &· ctlt~t1al k. S2.l. ~·11 .. ~11rf1Y111 rrl. !nn~ Cnnl'~fl1l"n t Tf>nn! A.-a il;ihie n111·1gat1nn. P!Ch: t:P k [i] ll fo't r,.~rnnl" ~tnrr, .ti.> r, DELIVERY A,'\Y\\.l·IERE; L-------~I (II 11·t'tsu11 & 11rm.\ S6fl, & II I' b S C'l "" ,, T111n.port1tion ii .1, • ,....,. ~44 '""P'''" •~·.t i!11hle fnr <!"· nt •I . :1:1S-7Mrl. ---~" " 11 ' ~I AG:X,\VOX Com hn tended cn11~1n&. Ex1rn~ive ll•••••••••-1~.. POlrF:n rt"'! n10ll'PT, Sr b l'HF . t>rrn p n n n. , adm1nl~trau~·e t.xp!"r 1t nct . C S I / R Briir:is Strannn. 2 HP. fully A~l l F:Ol. Af C. Sol!<l 51ate, fHS-2977• •mpers, a e •nt 920 $2848.00 J;i.1 HONDA. Crtt11•11y lt~11J run~ "'!'II, pr11·a1,. puty $22.l ca~h 646-5~!1 Br.,rlv. Spt1ri cus1om ~ta r -f uJJ Iac- :'11li\'I BIKE 3-~-.P-.--ftlry f!q-U ipperl . 'I• TON Good Conrl . $80 "CAMPER: SPECIAL " !lf'i2-2l!30 $3189.00 l~!l 350 K.A\VASAK I A-7, xlnt rnnrf . Ntw CD ia:n1t1nn S450. ftrm'. &12-!Y.134. Spr>rt cust. stat. V8. custom "'°~-~~-~-~~-! c~mrtr Srec. ~ Ftana:er 1971 Honda in tr"ll h1i-;,. xlnt SITI 00 Exrr~. e<ind. Btst offer over S~5. 1;2 TON 105 ~5M6. "FORD VA'N" fa!' used c<VJ 4 tn.tck.!, Ji.at c11U Ui; far trl!t' ~stim1 tn. GROTH CHEVROLET A.l.k lor SaJes ~!1111ai:er 18111 Beach Bl vd. Hwitin;:ton Be11ch 847 .6'.)117 KJ 9-.1331 DEAN LEWIS TOP DOLLAR IN CASH Pair! lnr y<lllr l'IPan ust!rl r ar palrl !or or n.,t SANTA ANA DODGE 14')1 '.\' T11~nn 83S-3691 WE DESPERATELY NEED Cl Pan u~ c11rs FANTASTIC PRICES Pa id fnr your cu . p11d Jor or n.,r DEAN LEWIS TOYOTA e VOL VO l~ HARBOR BLVD. \n~1 a )lr."il &16·~.>rn ANNIVERSARY •SO e Com le!e Sll'ICk ol '67 ~12 .i &prl. brn & blk 1n1. D' SJf] ~.,'; '•~Y ~~"s~:.1 • ,;.js-;)]09 ~~~----- Think HI ·~ PORSCHE Speedst~r .. "FRIEDLANDER" r~mpl.,•ly "" 0 "' "'"" I.· our :'l!mf cond. $2900. ~)-jl)..t)g96 IJ7SO llACH ILVD. 1'.lf,i; PORSCHE 912, x!n t I Hwy. 3'1 ll~,3.7561i e 537-f.>;2•1 cond. rad1n & !ot; lamps, .a !pd 63.:l--32S3 eves ·n; FIAT 8;11 Rf'hu1!r .'l 11·ks a•n 5;,;;-1 fil PORSCHE. reb!I eni: .. e 67J...12Sl e new ttres. Sllnroof. Sl&OO. =~=~ • 673-8202 ... '!;;: f !AT 8::JI CflUpP. Tn1n1ac1 ~~~-~~~---·I ' .""" '67 912.) srxL Reblt ena:. T'eN cnnrl , t •• ,,_~, ml. :'l!u~r s€'t S.':i.), l\i.~107. ciulch. brks. carbo, p.t lllt. A:'ll/f :-1 S?,g;i!, fi7;"~ JAGUAR '69 JAGUAR XK 2+2 PORSCHE 911 T·70 A.'.-1/F:'I!. Atr, Sp.Jrlom.&t1('. l tnmac. Cond. m-0666 A.\I/F':\t i>fust AUTOS WANTED Sanra Ana rop doUar lor cleil.JI LJsed le~=~=~~~~-,~ TRIUMPH c~rs . S..e Anrl,v Bm1.1.•n. 'f.~ XKE \\'!rr-\\:hPf l~. ;..;1n1 ~---T-R_lU_')lPH THEODORE Mnrl111on s~1no ROBINS FORD • '37-1."1) • SPORT CAR 2060 HARBOR BLVD. JENSEN CLEARANCE SALE COSTA ~rESA &12-0010 ""PAY TOP DpLLAR JENSEN NOW'. t•OR TOP us~ CARS AUTHORIZED II your car 1&/tr1. citan, SALES • SERVICE FRITZ WARREN'S -uc lls trst. SPORT CAR. CENTER ~ ·BAU~ BUICK 710 E . l~t St .. S.A. 541~76' 23 : E. 17lh St. ()p('n daily 9·9: C]Olied Sunday Costa il1eM s.i~n65 I~fPORTS \VA.JITED Orarise Countie1 TOP ~~UYER Bn.L i\fAX~ TOY OT A l&Si!l Beach Blvd. H. Beach. Ph. 847-Si5J Autos, Imported 970 'in 2·11J.Z, L.:i m1·, • ·1n OP"l GT. ;r.utn e '71 TR-6. Fae warrArlly • '71 Alfa GTV, <'\IT • ·~ Alfa GTV. Sharp • "1any moN! pre§lli e ~ports cars to cboo!I! from. All1hortzetl il1BZ Dea.ler i 1 ) 523-n:-iO AUSTIN TR-3 1961, runnllli Cl)l'lditiol\ $210. ~721.'i ·i;.i TltlU'.\-1PH . New fnp. )!a.ny xtras. ~ or bKt of- ----------I !tr. 962-tn!l. LOTUS -~TO~Y~O=TA~- AUTHORIZED SALES &. SERVICE NEWPORT IMPORTS 3100 W. c.oast Hwy. t-.'ewpon Beach LARGE SELECTION NEW 1971'> ..rJeait Lew W TOYOTA 1~ Harbor, C.M . MERCEDES BENz 1 -s~A~N-=T~A-A~N~A-' 11ut('I, :I yr1r olr!. S~5. dul'll ~pt'llkt'N-. 8Pau1 hrdwd ~It c;ii h Xln': ('<lnr] St'll for t /J BARCA IN S Off1r,,.. f 1• r n r>f ('(Isl. h42-91.':~. SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS $2926.00 TOYOTA '6.'> FORD \. T • .,.·ith ·67 8' 1!)6(1 BSA complP'le!)' rtblt. Cnlt cabover camptr. P /8, :.l~ke mt l'ln o!le r: 1$0 AUSTIN Htal~y 3003. 6 Atr cond. Rtal clean con-!168·&::.11. cyl .. t'vtrythi11r Mw. $900 or HOUSE Of IMPORTS, ll\'C i\11.c. n~~ rhr~ E;lt>c. cll)Ck. 2.l ' ZE:-..'JTII cnlor, la!t Painrinss. Lti"· pr11·"~· ~9~ rTJorlf'l. h1·f1d t'hty. Space Park. Bi.I l~lt Command, VHF t,, t.:HF. • • D1n1ng Or.·tr S..O rlr;!~tr ~2fl. rrom 5Pl s.'10. You!h hPt1 k !162-5741. tf'll)Olf' cnn1 ro l . Cnn. 1,.mpor.:i.r:r hrd14'1'! rab. S11c- Slij, &t2·91AA. Nicety -CM!!" -J~rky - Braz.en -BACK IN S1,;;n •1 tnlT.tll<'r of army h~lll l jn(l{'ulllr inn star1on . "BACK JN w 1 r h Pants ONE ~·"'in· Antique Bru n~"'lck ~nonk,.r !11h!P. p 1" alalt' !op, 4%-~14!! ~IAGr-;AVOX CnnMl" Clllor TV. Exct l!Pnt rl1t1on $lj(). 548-(.632. C<)n· Drrwn '• CE'.'<fENT m!xf>T 41, cu fl, !"\er L1kt fll"W . S110 67lo--07!M nr f'7~:l>l~ ~-~ FIRE\\'OOD r oR SA LE Ora n1t k Eur1J,1•rif11~ !t.14-71'~1 t !SH ER ;,()() TX &mp, KlO r,1·r rh., Garrarrl turnt11 b!t . 5Pkr!. 1111 SPfl, ~fi...773.J. e ROBERTS !Y.17 R!"l'l-Tn. TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD dition. good nrl!'5. Good 1 ·,~,.=,~,,~.;~H~O.C.ND""-A=&-,-,-m-h-l,-,·.I fduJI la~tory ,quipped -rtar 1-"'-"-•-'-''-'=' ="~"'='="'~· --- n1roctur.n1cal r on rJ ! t 1 on . ~rlttf eondll1on. $ 3 jQ, oor !,,"r' ON 123.5 BMW Sacn tice Btgt 0 I I e r ! 5'1l-~ It -...,, ~S-05.10. a J pm. Sl::JPER VAN '70 YAMAHA 125-MX $3096 DO DODGE Van Camper '68 Exc~l. ronri • !!40-9136 • :\'l nt cond. ~asonable 9"2-6480 Mobile Home• 93S f ull factory ..quipped 1970 SHELL, ~· u.•JcAbiritts. ~ Ol1•ner ~43 Lanct r fully Half price• 111 $225. Call crptd. drp1 lots ol :o;tras. 837~. Nt w c"nd. A<'luJ! p.trk "~t~kf! R.onm For Dad· wkri1y1 al! ~ & 11nyl!m!! Sa.1 ri y '' ... c I ea n !'UI the 1 _"_"_<_·'-"-'-"---'-"'-'-·-~--I g1r11gf>,, .your tra~h is CASH '. r e.LI ': 1!166 Gr e 1 t 5440 Garden Grove Blvd., "'ilh 1 DAILY PILOT L~kc~. J BR. 1 BA Si.'!00 \l'e5tm1n,rt r r 11!sl1t<i 1.d Call .o.lt~r 1n A ~t. M7-f..\17. !21J 1 .~-;,.;88or rn •1 f\36-<!0Hl I & ROY CARVER, Inc, 2925 H11rbot Blvd. Costa r.trsa !546-44« 'h!I 6;\f\V 2002 'Ii Xln'! Conti. ~unronf 12Mn ti~·.':·107 } o lfers '70 2&>-SE:. fully St'rvice dt'pt. opt'n 7· JO am equip'rl • ·10 250 C coup<!' e 'n: 9 pm l\tonclay 1hru Frl· '10 28'.SL e '68 2((1 d1e~I e day. '67 2.;l).S udan e ·57 m s PHONE S40..2512 cliuaic convtrhbl~ • ;\!any 41' W, Wl.rnt'r, Sant11 Ana rMrt 10 choose trom. '70 T0y0ta, 1.ulo tra.n~. Z4.000 HOUSE or Il\IPORTS mi. A.~1/f~I rad, ~IV rhgla (ll 5:n.72M ~lrttl 1u-e1. A-1 cond. $156(). Ori1n'l•' County·s l .11"1J(·~t '-'•'1Pcl1on N<-w & U-.erl M,., {<:·ii .. ·, P.e111 Jim Slcmons Imps. W .1r11 e 1 & M .11n St. Santa Ancl 546.4114 &t2-08+t 96&-4622, 1969 TOYOTA C o r on • automanc trana .. 27.ln) ml. Very Clean Bt1t olftr. Call Chr1! ~52 or 613-0016. "TO t.fARI< lI auto, x1ras, lo ml $2050. 54g...g251 '2319 MsrJaret Dr .. N.B. 0 • 0 33 OAJ LV PILOT ln11r~!1ily, Oclcbtr 14, 1~7~ [ l§J I Auto1 for SM )§] .,:;;;! ;;;;;;;··~;;;;;;;1·""~J~§] L'.,, ... .;,=1~J [ ~ '_"'M '_ ..... _)B ~, ~.,,.M~ .... ~. ~)§J~f!~~ ..... ~.,, ... ~. ~)§]~ l'-----~-"'"1_"'"'_J §] [~~'"":_'·" m-u~ mA•-~ m-~ mA·-~ m-.u.~ mA••~ m-~ Auto,, Import.ct 970 Autos, Imported VOLKSWAGEN -VOLKSWAGEN CADILLAC -----:--------'69 vw Fastback '67 vw Bu9 CADILLAC 1968 rtgh1 m tll',; good (.'01ldition ,\!Jsolu1" 1·h•'rry, l:laniotu· C PE· DE VILLE l'\"D._' ' l-.\1 'TOltY • y 1,,1 hluf' ni<·talJJt· t11tiru 11·i t11 ;.IJ $1475 .xrr;. c·o:-.D1T1(J:'\l:\Li !ht· t•.\[1,,~, ot'!:;'l.'7'.)0\ .• ~~ c.Wut our 100', gu,.r·.onlf·e l'Jdot•·1I !••I\ 11111 lo:'<Uh"I' 111. 1•'Pl••I. ..II JlOll Pr ••\Ir""· ,\,\1 f\1 1.<rl111. 11i11.11y 01111•1· e\1!';1~. 1Z\llJ~lll $2999 NABERS CAD ILLAC AL.:TllORIZED DE.\Ll:.l: L, .J ~'tiOO llf11 l~1r Rho!., '\f' L ' c,.,1 .. ,,i. ... ,.,/l :'i-t!t.JO:n t .. -.:t . 66 "r 67 1970 H1,RBOR RL\"D. CO.l:.TA :\IF::':A '71 vw Camper \\'estfal1a n1 ocl<'l. lnun1tculafc cond. 1111h rl(''Y tf'nl. ONLY $3495 MacHoward 5.11-6000 "\f C.11! ',\ij.'lliitl 0 J1''11 !'und:1y ~',tl)..30:ll E\!. 6ti r.r t-7 J~lill JL\f{HOR BLVD. CO:.IA :'II ESA ·;11 \'\\' f ;,..,1h.,1i... ~1i .• rr1' \1r 1T•l~I , r.1t11al l\l'(·s. lo n11., t1111~l «•'II 71 ~: ;..· · J)!l !'.Mi~ \'\\" !'urntf<i l c'.1mr 'r /\-! ,,1n<l. ,\\1 F:'ll1sh't......-J/lftllf' r:JU1'l. s1: •. ->0. s.1;.on2. -------• • \'\\" '71 BUS \' 11h hPd, rad~1. SJOOO. 612--6:ti6 and ·lfll-'.l~~i:J. --~~-~-'!)~ V\\', Xtnt t'OrH!. S~1~1~i/riftn· 61:.-:?".'lll nr (i71-Rlfl!l LARGEST SELECTION OF CADI LLAC S IN ORANGE COUNTY SALES-LEASING A l.:11101~17.l-:O -SERVICE. Nabers Cadillac 2600 llARll0f{ BL., COSl'A ~I ESA S.10-9100 0 1M'n S unt/;iy 'fi.l C1\Dll.1.,\C I ci r ~·'<i.,,1. l'IS, r/H. ·,;,,12·, 1111'~. Sll.1, :!l\ .\ln~11ril1<1, (" \1. CHEVROLET DODGE ----------1-------------'70 CHEVROLET 10, fH)!JLI !J.oit 1, r MONTE CARLO ·t:\lra r11«f'. 1-';1(·1011} .\11 C"11nil. .\+H•' 1<11/1 "" ,,,1 .. 1, 'It,, l !H ' 1 .. 1'.lf'i'l \\111llw11:;, L111J.1u IVP. FORD 1\111~· T r·o111.1,, J1olll!' ~r, "''· -- 1111;, Pu1, .. ,. 1:1·,k,.~. r;.0>110,1----,-7-0--F- 0 -r·d-- Ht·titPr, 1Z\'1'::.!.>'i1 11v11· nnJ.; $3195 Maverick Coupe \ll.,r!\Hll\'_ l!1il>11, f; •.\I l~!i MacHoward 1.11:;.111 .1,~'\J·\, $1595 531 -6000 OR 531 -0608 ('nr1wr 1-r & Hnrbrw .<.;,:.nl<1. .\11'1 ~.6=8~CHEVROLET­ CAMARO Mac H oward 531-6000 OR 531-0608 l •J1 I>< r 1 I ,\. J l.11 I• ! :-•• 111,, . \q,1 '71 Ford E300 FORD '69 For d LTD Cpe. . \.,·u 'lr.111•. )'.,111·r 'il•'"lol•.!, I ' '\I < · 1• J : I , ol .1 '. !• u I U[ \ \ I i· ..... 1, J~ .. r.•!du 'l•·1'. 1'. \T $2195 MacHoward 531-6000 OR 53 1-0608 11.JflJ!ll' 1'; '71 FORDS * t,;.\L.'>.\JI·:' e '·ll'."'T.\.'\l;'i ') ( 11: l\(i,..; HERTZ CORP. .!_·1 \\ h.1:• ··'· (7 14 ) 778-4050 INTERNATIONAL I :; II [ .... <•UI 1 \ 1 .\JI.' " < •I •"'·•I I "''' \"~I \li-.;11 .. , OLDSMOBILE PLYMOUTH PONTIAC '69 Olds Delta I •1. l !.inJi.111 ~ .u l!'f\ ,\11 c ·11 1. ,\,11,, 11 •• 11, r;.,11 ,., ·'.,. • • '"" !'"1"·r , L1dkt· ., J. oti1!.H1 !"u11 I 111 .~ T • j,. ,,.,1plt· I\ li•·o-., ·1 ,, llo'\\ I<'• d, !,\~".,\/.II ' $2595 MacHoward 53 1-6000 OR 531·0608 PLYMOUTH '' 1 ·\I 11, , .,, 'Hu h,1•1 \\ • ',,, '• 11111 :,: .. , '' l·•ll 1111 ' ' ~·I • • .o 11, ., I ,. \\ , , l'I . . ... •lof 11>1 \·~•.l~~I ••'II y:.•c~1 1\;1.1 I·• !•111 11•••1, I t "'''-hi< l' S11tl1 11 ,.j,. f'I f'•.1. '.~,~-lt..'~1,i. • -~~~~~~-~~~-11 --~~~~-, ...... __...,.,,.,..._ t;!l /{0,111 l{UllH•'L, h ! I. 1.11 /r···d. ,1u'•1 \111-f11. "' • "l<'I, Iii', 1•/lJ, ll1..1i;· ~Iii.I bl~-titiOU PONTIAC '68 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX ,\ lwa1ir1111! <\1r .. \ur,, 11:111 , ·•II' <'"11•1 , 1"''\('r II 111•1<.I\ >. pullt.'1· lJJ..,kl·~ J.l'tll••r ~:,.,·l­ llll'.:. J.111'1.t ll 1..;p, 1Y1:F'.:'l.'1. SPECIAL $1695 BILL BARRY PONTIAC-GMC·FIAT • • Olt'J 21.JO /I(•\\ A 11..-11 'JI 1 .. t"li•h"" 1Jt1'11 t ~111•11 1111 Hr JI. Lii, 'll)~f I , 1,r ,-.:· .'-,,,1., \o ,I • 1,1 .-i1 ,,· ,-. ,\, I·, -.'l ' ·,·,,.lf"MI 1' L" \l.111• . ..'·dr l11dT fl, \11 :•1 '"1 ..... 1. -.t1111, ,\IJ '' •11+"1 111• ~· 11, '" 1,. 1 ulr J 1.1~ 1, ~1-)H~I \fl b ,, 11'1111 !'l\:';('J\\ t,I U 1;~ l-fi••·d, ,111,•<11~1 In·!;~. 111!~1 l1»1lh I• ,,r , rnt. ~11.U. 1,11-,..,~.(/•1 .oll•'I' '!I'll i'""' ('"1'1. ,1>1' 1···!1-I. \l.1ny X1r<1,. ~~' '· i). ti; ,. , .\,~I ------RAMBLER ,, I \ .;1;.\ ....... ,\lHll: !'-I'., \\I'\ 1lo<'ol" lull jl"I , '''"' I I ,1 J.,1, I;'''' k . ) It T-BIR D ,,....._,.~ •.-.......... j CLASSIC '55 J.BIRD I ' MERCURY ' " 1·111 l l:l("h~.T-1~µ;-J lo• \1111 , ••WI, ~11;<1·1 (',1 1! 1,i, LI-,\I,\.\ . .; ""I>\, J'~ . .tll'", _.:I.Ill'' !:1111-•"<fl, 1'Jl'f':J:l71 "'."'"I ,.,.,1,/ )i'.-.0 "I" l .. •~1 "I· 5)195 1, l~\J:J~\1 I I•\ ,111 \ hr' o.7,...i11 1io1 t;1 ..... ;~1:, HIGHLAND MOTORS ; '•I ~ '" I '69 M~rcury Cou-;:ar \L. ,\ I I/JI ·" I I ' " ll' I I ' oil 1·1_1:21,11: h:1r:;:.o!l1~ ~nlon-. C"-.t" \I,,,, \;J;.:110 1 '67 V\V Camp1"r, \rhue 11/i11I xrras, Rubl1 C'111;. 1-.·1·v clean. Bes~fcr. :\lu'.'il Sl·li, !caving C'OUn!ry. :iJG-IOG~. 'ffl V\\'. Xln1 t't>!ld. Crr,d lr~n~p .. ~7.'.0 Ir :>1;~u-.s1:-1-I * CADILLAC 1971 CPE. DE VILLE r A1 ·rn1:Y :.! ,i,· I •I· "I' \',,1 IJ.till P•lot \\'<.1/\l Ad~ 11.~·e [ :.!llo ll,1d1or 1il1d : Autos, U5ec1 990 A~~Used 990 AutOS," lmp;;;feci--970 " • d. %11 I 'l"I 52295 '68 V\V Can1 1,.,,.r i~(~~l 11·/tcnt. Cr!. 1irrs -1)\,000 n1i. Like new. s2-1:.o. 5-«i-5633 ar1 6. '!i7 V\\', 11 ~· \1' paint ni11s; 11 hh., p<'rfef'I tond1°t ion . :}i:1-'.1r:t. Allt ("():";'Ill 1'10:'\'1.'\{; P<1dd1•rl lnp_ lull p'>ll('t ;di ]p;llh•'r 1nto·r1•>r. :'trr·.-r,, dn.11" Jo.._·ks. lilt .~· ll'lo•q'O[n(' ~h'o·r­ JI\;:. l.1~·;,lly •1\1 ll"d .\' ""Id 11('11· .~. st"Jl llt'ol li,v u~. 19"JjDf''.\ • MacHoward .i-.•111 I "1 IH >' I' I .' I{, ' lJ.,> .~.1111,< \•1;, ·as V\V Bu'.'1, 1·"·n1nnuf. rbh tl"'llns, nu clutl·h & Body & 111C'ch xlnt, &l2-S87 1. f'll).!, hrk~. S67j, VOLVO \\••/) .. ~-'I' 1:<i 1.11 1 '1 f'·"' 11,,~··•lr. !'/.; 1971 MERC URY STATION WAGONS HE RTZ CORP. '68 V\\' bug, f'X t•f'! t'Ond, nr11• tires & brakes, n1any x !ra~. Sl.22.'; or best o f f e r. 67:>-29i1. ~THINK ~ 'Yli!,VO' $6995 NABERS CADILLAC AUT!10){f7.ED f1l-.. \l.I::!'. 26llO llarh<i1• lih·d .. ('n,.,111 .\!,.~.• I' I!; "" I;.·• ui • • d. .-\1r. Po·z lf'l'I i utld.l 1nn. \Jn•! :-;.·, lo ,\pj1f\'tJ;1Tt-. $1 l(~J ;,:17-1~61. l•lllf' h "'"· 1·~· ::; ,; 1 \•''. -------~1l'l-fi;':'I 110 •'kt!.11• :~1 \'.. f\.,1!·11;1, \n,·r,t .. 11 (714 ) 778-4050 ---\IJ.l:L'I l:Y '66 vw Squareback p1'f'!ly r<'d \\Jth n1atclung in. terror, ,\.J cnndillvn (RP;\J. '"'" $950 "FRIEDLANDER" 1l7lol ISEAClt fHWY . Jtj 893--7566 • 537-6824 Sc-<' <1nd dii\'!'.' on1> of ll1r 1-ilfe:<l car.~ 1n !hl' \1 nrld at "1Jean Lewi! ,\.,;;} VOLVO I. Iii Harbor, C.:.·1. 6-16.!J.iOJ 'liti Voll'o PlSOO Spo1·ts c pC, '1-~Jltl, OITrft". air. d1~1· IJr:ikt·s, rf'rl /blk, Slti:l!l .\Int ('O!ld, ti·l."1-!12·1 ;;ft. fi. ·5~} Voh·o J-1:1-S .<ti1l 1011 11):n. 1\1Ho, Grral shap<\ $22.iO. Eve: 536--:1630. Autos, Used m V\\I 1970 Bui::, 11111· 1111lt•.<;, ___.,,..., niags, A.\lf f'':\I . .\!ra~ .• '\Int M. B. TRADES c:ond. 5~!1-1:!91 +'\'£'~. '68 Co1111nental coupe, lf';r1h· ~~---·I er, full po\l'f'T, air e ·;o 'il V\\' nu~. Si,'10 (1011 n, & Conl!n1•n1aJ :\la1·k If!, !ully take 01·rr p,vn1 n·~. 1•r1u1p·d. lmn1al"ula1e • '611 • • ~.r1-1;"~ • .. ==~ ___ DoclgC' illon;1co l'CIUfJ<' \I /all '&-l V\V P<1 ~'il'n1!f'r Bus, very options. S.1v.:-! gd cond 1n/n11t. Dlr, 11' ;,2j.j2:>0 61.;..iim '58 VW Bug Reblt. Sf.(-0. t'rl~·6992 1-~~c 'GS V\V 1·ad1n. hlr, r1rw 111·rs, runs i.:•1n;!. $800 • l>:l&-!1711 * '6!l TtEUV\\~1tad1~ 1irc5, Ong "11nl'r. i"f',I' shnc·k.~. Xlnl !'01111. ti'iJ..-06.l.i. 1 ~70 V\\' BUS J111m11c •'Oru!. • !!32-fii2~ * 1'Vl=\c, ~.,o,-.~1 ::00 sri·w-,-.-,-,,-~-1 cnnd. lt.liH, lli·w 11.11nl, SOtl:... %2-sGSR '66 VW Bus 2 Tont" fliiJlll, 1·nn111'('\1!1nn ()ranJ:f', por~l'hl' .v1•llo11, l"'I - f!'t'1 1n ,,1·r ry ,1rta1/ io:~. Cf'CI . :~l!l-~l}~J ~_:"\!, f~i nr ~.7 1\17Q fiAl~riUI{ HL\'!J. ('0."TA ,\JI: .... ,\ "fi:l V\\" la1.,. p(·t'l•'('l c::wnd. Like: nr'\1 . s•1rr1. f.l 1-l ,;·, f 111l r·ond . 7ti9J BUICK '64 RIVIERA IK111'1'r. fa(·(.,1·1· :iir l 011·nE>r cal', (frr\\'. $1095 TERRY BUICK :'>111 ,fi: \\"Hlnti!. 1!11111 1n~1'>11 l'.1·h. 5J6.6S88 --~--­•4;•1 Bl"IC'I\ !'k1la-rk. 1111i1! l'rl!l!f. :.n IKJfl 1111. S.i )(), ltl pa\I"-.. r .~;.~. ~l~OL pa~-{•f l. :-. ,\, ,}l,>-.\i~~l. CADILLAC '63 V\V Bu~. 1wrh'cl Like rn•v.. S!!!I:... 61 1-1.iij c:nnd. ·;,,1 CAD. Nr'\v f"Ll~ .. tr<rll•, 11r rs. Air, 11111 Jl"T· rli« ~.'I:· rf'I eonrl. !11us1 srf' 10 ari- pr{'Cla1r. $'.!j(). 615-1137. • • "6.l V\r CnnvPrt1hlr . .Xlnt ('Ondlf1on, undC'r 50.000 n1!. 536-$721. for that ilem urK!f'r try th{-P<'nny P illC'lM'r (' CANClR ( 'Y.JUNt 11 ~1u1Y 11 ,..,,. d0-7S.81-86 'iO Cad Cp. DeVillc , loadrrl. local rar. Pvt. Pt y. S50 !l46--102'l. 'J 52~~ CP~E~D~E~V~l~L~,~~i ~WI:: "6.i t'Olll•l"I .. J mi-.;1/;1. \l'l' f'all ~.10.!'1100 (Jf1<'n !'und:o.v ---- :,! (Ir I• 'larqn1~ .. 11111 ,\/i . \\"ILL t1·;ulr ·6:! Cp. D•·\lilh• Cad ii! :-.Jn"! t'Ond f•lr :> ton tl'll('k eha,.,~1', ~l.1kf' nf 1·u11d, A ir 1·onrt. :-<"· 111 ·'f'· "'jll jo.,1•! l.lf1 :i<Jllll• \', '"'• ['f"l'••I<•, 2117 l:.11!"11 Al•' 111-J•,1 · .'II", 1'·•11•1 \.'•7., j\,,, ;;!I, C.~I. •l\-7:;'.Jl .ot! 111111 111 1, ·1.,, .~--------1 l\:1n1. 1:~.1 l\!!'1\L,\ f«l•ll •·n~. 11•·1\I."'"'"'····· .. -· 11t'•'•. ;,utn 11an~. ~101, J1: •. 1,I" -0 1 11 f1•1I \lilt \I 'lo "' .... •hr.1 '.7111\ ,\· T 11 f' J '11, ;ti lo•t• +: 'Ii !!-'.\1: .' ~111~JI 1)1111111. ,\ (/ I u ~ T ' • ) ·"'I· \\a:.;. C • "I hi l!.\l:(~t IS /.1 1.ooL .i !ii I 'I)' I 'II: I It 11 ii"• I \ 1 111: r "1, .. 1., .v 1.ri.;,, .\1111 t ljllllU'~. fJ !:!-'i;!~'~ CADILLAC 1970 CPE. DE VILLE ~"\('TORY AIR C().'\!ll'l'IO:\'l:\'(i rULL L~:.\Tlll~n l.\:T!·:1:101: \·111yl TOfl, f111J f)Oll'f•r, !ill .~. 'Pl1 •i<1'11pir. Sl•'f'l lllJ.:, ~!t•l"l'fl, ric1nr Joi·k,, l1gh1 ~·'llTlll•·I, 1111111.: Hpl'rl•'t". \]1(·ho lin I.I · 111;11 !11,·s, l'le. L·~·;1 I n11n•·r. cZV!J'.lti:I• $4777 NABERS CA DILL AC • \LlTll()l~IZl".f1 nEAl.1'-1~ :!\j()tl H :1 1'1~1r 1·:11(!, c·, 1,,f;i ,\lo·'·' Call ~-10-!ll(ll, f l11t•n S11n-l.11• CADILLAC 1967 CPE , DE VILLE r .\CfOltY . \I J~ ('l);'l,'[)l'fl(l:'\l:\1: F11ll Jl\J\l•"I, p,1fl•l<'d :"fl· ,\\1- }''.\f. hrau11ft1l t'!nrti .~ l1•:11h- r1· 1n1r1 lt•l'. 1ol! ,\ 1c]r,1·upu· ~lf'Pnn;.:-, <'I<'. An r:\l't'pllu11J/ 111lur: 1l\"AE::~1 $1999 NABERS CADILLAC ,\l'Tll01(f7.~:U P~:1\LLlt :.:'!;{XI ll;11·t.1<.•1" Rllrl, Crl/<111 :\lrs:1 r a!I '.'1·1fl.'.l1!)('1 C!prn !'1111rl1t.1· CA MARO '70 C.\.\1.\J!U :-.:i t1111 1·111•i11. ,\.\!/f.\1, .Ill\ f Ullol, Ill· 1>ll'lllll•'tl!HI 1••1(." .ollll!. J"1!. 1'l11Tlng. ll\\f rl.-.-hr;ih,,.,, 711.1:.:~. ~-,() I'll.!. I ),1,1 IUll.t ~!'I!"''· 61 ... ;r.;.io1 11f1. j, ::o. '&I Ci\\IAHO ::J7. I ~10\J 1 {1'<1/I~!),; 1111, .II.IC' I\ ill\ 11 'l"h•1111p·••I; tin·'· Stl'r'""· ::::.t~HI 111,, .'• •' 1" ,1 pp1 1·•·1,1h' ~Jl,(Jl) , ,; '<.,It,, '67 C,\~l \J:IJ 1 · .. n1, I 'f'<I. :'1.11 prunt. ,,,_.,. Ir• HJ•fii'•, ,,,,,. $\t;:i()I'.' ~ 1-i~~)~. ----'ti!! C1\\l,\!{t1 ::.~1 ~11. Ill .,pd ;o111n. pl-. r·lh. l:i• ! "d tivrd S~lfl(l, ~;o~-1 ''"· CHEVELLE CHEVROLET ·~·~l Ch!'\ .. \ \\ il!;WO ·• r. xln1 nl('1·h. t.:ond. llu.ly \,no(I .~200. $17-f.~'2·1 'fi'l :\1,\1.I RU v .i>. :1uln, arr. ~1rr1,1, l:1nri1111 !p, rt~ .. \ln1 • $1!li:.lnff1>1·. !'W.\2-!ljlO. CA,RICORN DtC. 22 ~.0: J.(~. ft <11'.. •. 6-'J4.J] •• ~37 ·-:· .AQU.t.UUS 4;0 ..... 21 '.!1 •·1•'' uo::~u111. ~.:'Kilt. Lo.id• d. '.:'• 1W~1 q '1;1; ~-L C:<1111/<'1 v.~. ;n11... t.0::-1 .. ~1 l.\'j "I' \ltl•• .\"Int ,·r.nrf. n• u tu·r•s ,\ l1 1 •liiaioiClloiiE .... m,.,. 11111t;· ~ll+)'), ~d~:!'.!.\!!. ;() (;l'\1..\.\110: .~Jll :! (l1. Jll 1:!1 f'hcv ;\'1Va ~ ·pd, ... 11. \l;i:.;s, $1.~;.J nr li1•,I /Hlc"I', f, 1 ~-n:.:.~. CHRYSLER '63 Imperial l:u· 11/1,li1t. ~~ .• nn. 1• 'I I 11" I i 11 I • r I n 1 . 'i(,J.'.1 ,:~. ~·l)l~ .-. .• 1 •• 1·1o .. I 111~1 LTl•:-1 'Ir "'"1f.01 1:111< 1:"1, " '" I ·'"' J ''"lid Y• .11, 11) •1 -., II'.! ~I i'li-Tlfh·1 f',11'lo1y ,1ir. ll':11hrr, l11ll 'fi'• l·'llf<li \·,.,, (' 1 11 h f.J1·1ury )l\ll\••r ,1,i:;,1 -;1~1 \\';1~1•11. \' ~-:111111 1+·,,1>• $295 11:-11. I•,., In 1111 'l"jl HIGHLAND MOTORS 11' .. 11111.,.i '" !. ,_, 11 . :!11.'· ll;1rhor 1;h,t. t., ,-•d"'· (',,,1,. lh ,,, I 1-,., I! I .• · --1.,J•1\!f:l\.\l,.~h:\! ... n.•1 h!I 11;u;u11. Air ""'"l, 1'1111) !'/°' .. ~ !'If'. 1111 kt·I . ., .,r l'"'l•'r. :\ln1 •·•111!f, l'.!~11 11111 1,,,., \·1w1 ·~ ,_-·, .... ~~·~~~~1~G j ---.---1 197 1 MUSTANGS I HERTZ CORP. :1~1 II 1,.,1,·JI ,,, \11.d" ,,,, (7 14 ) 778-4050 l'.H,1; Ill -..1'\.\L;(·,,111~ .\ ,r, J :,\·JI, I'· •II• I' ~ 1,1, ' 'I· I !.1,\, 11 ! \"' , \'' i I, ' \I .\4 ·11 I· •, 1·d. l 111• 1)/.1 • ., I • \!I ' I "' ,, \' ., 1' ,<tlo• \\ 11 "I I , I, ,, ,iJ 1111·... l\~1' 11rr·. r;, 1•111 ----' · '· ' • -· ti•.nl< . .,11_,.,11;. 1 1:1.· Lr \!'.LI·: 1.· .. n,r .. 11:11.i.11 -OLDSMOBILE ~ -----·1 ... ·,,111 11H'1h.1•1>1·:.I \\••I" I t•'1 .\~.\\l'T ! •tr, :P1, I '/~, l"-'l·'•ird l·,,11,,.,.~·~,'I 1----•·· ~ 111·1\ t.1 I;", :, , 11•:11 , HI, J :, ' -L; o l ! I.' '-.'1 ·"'11•1' olu , ! 1,.;; I ,. 11 ... 1 "''«I 1,i,,i, I' ~.M I I 'I' I I ' " " : 'II '" ' '"" ' .' ' )1\ Iii• )'•'1111~ 1'1m·f., ,. l ,,1•·h• 1.•. ~1\+111 \)<,-t,lh, \!):] t'hr.1,Jrr· ,1,111 •• n 11,,1 .. 11· I ~100. C.dl ,\11"'· ,1..'-,,.1\ Autos, Used 990 Autos:-l ~port~d--910 1 h,..111 rrn :-:.;:1'1 ,\ " ,.(), CONTINENTAL-I I And Away You Go! IN MY Dl·~.,~-~-~~·1 ~.Al~~.1.1\~ I !.I .\.I l'HY !•:Qt "!l'l'l~n l l .. ;...;-,1('. 1,.\,·I',\ )11\Ul'_l'r'\11':1 pllJ' "Ply :.~1.1•~1 o-.111•11111.v d1I\, 11 111d- ' ~. Tl11, J11\11ry l·:11• ,, fl:i11-,,~!liililil11!:~ I•,, 111 •1 ~·r.1 •!1•t;1il. 1 i·.111r·1 I o>\J!" 111.-.p1•1 ·t ·"11 ,, ' 1·._ T\••,01" ;1,11· n !nd1ti1UI 111!1 ho• I•• ·1•·1 I ;q•pro•,.1.111d. Th" 1•·101·1 1 ,1. 11" nl l)u,' H' ,, \;';(1. l!v·I· 1.v Hl11" n.-.,J,,. :'l.••11 ·""1 ,., " ;i-1;. "11 111 rlo~ I 11.11.t 11 '11 th1o; ln\1!l'y '.If I 1· l<nn·l• 1, ,~ 111.111 ~nu '''Hold 1,. :\I .! t!•".1•rl"·' \\ •,] -I I, ''" 111~ • II' "II .inr :-1 ,..111.~ l••li,:. ;,11d [ lll.•I •".l'I' 11 .ti! \ \uol 1111d1 .,ri.I • 11 ~•HZ /1~\" :111\ 'lll•·~lh•lh \<•II ' orl r<'.11"]1 Iii!' :11 1'1,1 !Jl!i hi/)() bo lo'I"" \('Id. .. 1r., 11 .\.\ll IJ' ___ , 1~in r,,.,1111.11·,11 ~ n.· I ~rnli·':i-..;·_"'· ... J~[ CORVAIR Runs (!l'f'il l! 9 fl"'"'"'~•I, Lu;;~a;;r r.1. k. 11\J•:\' I l:!f $S95 HIGHLAND MOTORS 21-1:1 llarhor Blvrl (o)!:.ta ''f'"a r.ri-:1 )(1 1 'ti ! COHV.\Jf: ~lah•1n 11a'.!nn Sl~.-.. ' 000<! HAl>QTOP ''"' ~ '''" I. '" 0 '67 FIAT 850 ,, ' /. j, "' ''•"II, " .•• ~ .. , .. ,, $688 '69 SKYLARK r~1, ... • \'WJ• fl""'· "• ,n•~,.,. ~U't·~ "< l • ,,.,,.,, ..• '"" I "f 1.,,.,. "" c~~11 '·"'"'Q ,,~,..,., h·~•r· "o"" ~•rt• o, 11,.~, jl. Hr•t•r <VU~ :J• $2488 l 0001> ><Al!Ol:Jf' .u. f'c·:1 n•.••• , .. . " ' ' ' '64 IMPALA WGN ~ "'~'' ii I I "" O '''" " l'l''"' . ·'~" 11.""""i+'l" $688 '67 BO NN EVILLE ~""''' 7 !""" ''-'"l'cn, ,.,.,.,. '""' !•.•r··• '"'''" ··~~·• ''"""'n """~' l'•~•"'·• '"'" ~· '/>O""C"'· ~~<'o•v A.r tc•" ll•'•O<l•~'I •vrl( ot• $1288 • lt'-'>-::110 * 'ti\ il Spl'E'd, n •hlt 110. ~ 1lr. huckt'! !oot'ilts. r:1olu•. 12 MONTH /12,000 MILE WARRANTY Xlnt ,,,nd . Sti:<J. 111: 1:1n 'G·, CORVA JR, Lu11 111ilr.~ •. 1 ')ifi, :-ll:orp, $;1~\ \\ knd~ f•I o It'" afl h. ~ l'.:'-:ii:~; CORVETTE "ti~ Ct•L'l('t!(' ·1:!7. fl('\\' 1•111.~1111• Si•<' rn <lfllll't'Cl<l l!', S:!Sl)J. f!.lf>-ll\f,1, ·1~1 r. R-.~32";"1•,•s•·,.-,,-,,,-,-,,-.-,-,-. "l~. CLEAN. $11~r,. f'll' l1r't nlfPr. j lf...(12~9. D~o=D~G=E=-- '63 DODGE DARf 1\"h t•ll" 1):01" f;.,,, l'1111l1;u, • \•'h+•ll" 11 ,111.111!.1 1111 1.-11 \••l"I~ llw ••·1 •·1u' ••r 1•1'l,u•·111,.111 ~ "llu·h Hlh<'I \\/Ill.HI !~' )•',Ol t" •ff. '69 OPEL IH••t\·" ~·'""" ~"'n''"•' • '''" ''"""~· R.1~·n & ><t·'"' !"~ '~v' $1288 169 FORD A\•IO..,•!C ''"~""'· '~" V f P""" ~'r'""Q (BEL"'° '68 TEMPEST f'~>r l!,1•~"·~ ~'"' ,, ,. .... " .. ,,,. ,, '"I l'!Nl'O ' I! 11 l •"'! . " $1499 '69 NO VA ~"'"'Yr• . .,, •• ' rll><I' Avln "'"'' l• ,,,., . .,o,,, Pa·.vr' c;,,,,,~ l\ ~"""' ~ " ·r· \ilJ I $1388 : IJOOr, llnrdtop 1;11 rllr, :\ntol .. ~~~~I lr,Hh, G <·yl, H•1d1<1. llt':•lt•r,l I\ 1 r,., t n111nu1c \~111(f, i.:voJ 1r;1nspor1nt1<'!r1 . SJ85 f.lti.~l,i(~~ HJ' ;1;1.1_·,10 f"\r'!<, ,l~CI~ "' " Y:'.'"_,. . ~·· 101 '". 1. 7-1 0-4:i4i 9-71.53 90 'f "j() ll()J)(;f•: \',1n, fHM;l;;T-:-:-1 !\Int rnnrl, ,.,;)l!ni-6. l'!ln••Jl,•rl. \'.'-.00, 1. .. ~t-,')·,1_2!1 1 1\111:_1 'Id Ji,\ ff/' \\,1;_~•11, \ ._\, illlln 1 In 111111'<, 'licorr \~I\, l1i.~)I r1~,,rn1 .,, ;-,..r; .. c;r A~~. I ~ • I I / ... _ THE NEWEST CARS YOU'LL SEE THIS YEAR FORD FOR 1972 MAVERI CK e MUSTANG e CUSTOM e GALA X IE e L TO ~~__,...._,,.....~ FORD -LTD -GALAXIE -TORINO -WAGON SALE Mo ny to choos.. from. '65 thrw '70 Models, Sport roofs, forrnol~. 2 door h•Hdlop~ & ~edon,. Full power, air conditioning. Wo11ontie1 owailoble. EXAMPLE: 1970 FORD GALAXIE Ir °' door ~00 } dt. d I VI , .tu!om~l•c, lu!I pow•• ... ;, cond;iio1•n9, 9ood m:l~1 19•)AKC I OUR PRICE $24 ~6 ~___..._....___..._..,.__~ '71 CAMARO I." 1/!,.d 11 .rh L11·lo,\ ''''''ll"'"''ll .; ..... 1 11\tl<'-. •'•!•.:! lf,\. '69 OPEL RALLYE ':\I. 1:.t·JJ, I "JI'"' rl l:l'ld \\ ld;11·k '!I'll'""· • "'"I 111:1,. •. IZl.i\ti I:.! I '69 FO RO LTD $2296 :! Jlr. ll T. l!,\,Jf. .111t w .. t' .. ..;,. J;tt I .111, """II •'11),.,.., I l!I~ l I OJl•I 1;"1.":-;.'IHi• '71 PINTO ~~~~~~~~1 f~:odlH, I 1• ~ J, •1· <ti I IH• Jllill I''. '..'""d <11110 · .... 1.r.JB.'-X1 '68 V.W. Fostback Fully 1••11 111•111._1. "''''d 1n1ln•. ~V\\"1'11 ~· ------------w--, ~SALE~ "'o~y to ehOO\t h11m. '65 •h•u '7 1 on odets. Cirntt~s. hordlop~. conyertible and 2+2 fo~Jba'k~. Sarne wil" 4 $peed•. ol•o 11ir condilionlng ond auromotic rnodtlt. EX AMPLE: '71 MU STANG H.T. l!dd,o, l-r•lt•, ~~tO"'•"C p')w ~1 •!~~"'" .t bralr,, l•o\. ~•· q ood ..,f!t1 l(!1 '1COR I '69 V.W. Bu~ \\ I! I• ,1 I( ·< ·.o I o d I, q,oJ II! I' , Y\I, :'';-'" • OUR '60 CORTINA G.T. 1 -.1 ,, d > •tl11·, .• ,.,,,1 IHtJ• r I \h.t l'I' '66 FALCON Wqn. 1;,1 dlP. l1t•:1 !' I" :111111· 101:01 •. '"'d 11111"'· , 1:1 ·z1~1-, 1 PRRCE $2996 '67 SIM CA 1000 I ol ''", L"11 11111, ( I o "' 1 I I Ill 1 I·• •I !I • \"T:'-i'I,:<• '66 VOLVO 1225 :-:1,1111 •p \\ ,, l ':"' d. 11,11 1~'.\:1 ~·1··· '" lo 1!< '65 OPEL Kadette ( ,, "'il 111111' ( .r .. 11! lrc111•1,.1rl.11:1111. • flHS \~(;I 0 ALL OFFERS CONSIDERED TRADES ACCEPTED PAID FOR OR NOT ' '70 Renault Sed. $1196 "'"'° "•o<n • '"~· <·~O M1,,, •. IJ;• BED -------- '60 Dodge Pickup V8. /\u•o' Rl\f! U-J h. '" I l•?;lA I $1596 ----- '68 G,1.,;, H .:.~. $J496 \/8 A~•o ~&rl P~ , ••" M•IU. (VCW 6J:1