HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-10-21 - Orange Coast Pilot1
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• ' • lXOll es f ......... our. ~01ces
Sni~ide ·Red Chile Poet
Vi~ti1n Remains Wins Nohel Prize
On Name~ List For Literature
Plea for Mercy Ignored
* * * 10' * * *
Seel~s Senate Jo"
,. ' , ' . r Ro~~ ~·Iar. a 19-ye.ii r-old coed·al.U.£ DaviS.•\vants tC> become t.herJbst
\VOnlan scrgeant·al·arms in the Cal iforn ia· Legislature. She drew'Sup·
port \Vednesday fron1 Senator h-1cr vyn Dymal ly (D-Los Angeles).
Dymally, chai r1nan of the Den1ocratic caucus said, "\Ve could use
some beauty around the senat e chambers." There has been no deci·
sion yet on Miss itar's application.
Police Raide1·s B1·eak Up
Huge County Bookie Ri11g
Of ..... ~ ~lttt ll•ff
Vk:e officen from e~· ht Ornnge Count y
110llct egencle1 arid the istrk l at~'s
offlct Mve crack a co unty -wide
bookmakln~ rlhg a I arrested seven
al!!~ "bookies.''
~ _('l:ng rtPtQrf~ took bclai J~m J5
10 '5.000 on hbrse 'races and sportin(
t:vtnts ond had an oui<ilde connection
with an undt rv.'Orld syndicate.
Ont suspecl arrested worked In a shot
store In Nrv.·porl Beach's F'AShlon lslaod.
CJthe rs repon C'dly. operated In Gnn:len
Crove. Anaheim and Pico Rivera v.•here
fhey were arrested. • n.ose arrcstrd and charaged with ron·
spirncy and bookn1nking were:
-James Collins Atiller, 48. Sanlll An:t,
11 )!" worked al a 11hoo siprt In 1-,ashion
l ~iand ·
. . . -
' I
-Anthony Casasanto. 38, or 1218 9th
St., Garden Grove.
-Marty John DePiano. 48. or 11930
Banntr Orive,•-.Carden Grove.
-~Jr. and i\1rs. Ger:tld De:Ua.poussayc.
both 35. of ~41 Santa Rita Ave .. Gardrn
....Jesus Garc ia, 32. Pico Rivcr:i .
-Vlclor qirbtopher ~feoli, 48, 18822
Drew \Vay. Oran~.
District Attorney Investigators said bail
was set at •12.soo on each person, exetpt
J\liller. who:!e bail v:as set al $25,000
bf.cause he allegedly was "the con-
!Wclion'' between two bookmaking rings.
The arrests capped a six-week ln·
\'estlgation by officerA Involved in I.he
Ora nge County lnlelllgenct tJ nil (OCIU!
IS.. BOOKIES. ~ ... t i
-.. ' .
• • • •
• • • • •
Test of
·w atso1i Draws
Deatli Penalty
W 01na11 Holcls Off Law at Mo vies LOS ANG ELES (U PI ) -Death
in lhc ga .s chan1ber was decreed
by ;i jury tud..iy for Charles "Tex ''
\\'a!son. lhc fifth person lo be con·
victed of the seven bloody Sharon
Tate and LaBianca 1nurders.
)';AN ~"R A NCISC.:0 1UPI 1 -\\"hen
policl' ca rn e In an·l'sl a \1101nan pro·
Jecr1on1 s1 fnr sho\1·1ng: an allegedlv
oh~cenc filrn. ~he barricaded !he door of
1he booth and offiter;; had 10 bre;.k do\\·n
lhe door.
II took half a dor.en vice squad office rs
111 get tile Jnb done 'fuesda.v night al the
;\"e11· Fulf il'.~ Theater. 1\l iss Sally Duffa 11y.
2.l , w:1s hooked on rhargc!'i of exhibiting
obscene n1a lcrial. co.racy, int erfcrinp,
11i1 h an <iffit·c r an d" conte1npt of a courl
1-'oJice saJd she held orr offictrs for
1nor~ than half 1111 hour brhind The door of
the projection boo1h before they broke
Through \Vilh a ha nuncr. a screw driver
eind a !ire iron.
Sgt. Sol \Veiner of The Police Bureau of
Special Services said unde rcover officers
\1bserved a ''hA rd·core ·· pornographic
f1ln1 earlll'r in the cvc11111g. \\'hen they
told J\li~s 011ffany. the proiectionist. she
11'!lS under arrcs!. she wouldn"I cornr ou!,
he said.
'"She 11 as cussing all the tune,'' \\'e1ne r
The JU ry of six n1en :1nd six
11·ornen delibera ted less !han six
hours bt'fO r(' rejecting the defense
plea that \Vatsoo. 25. be sen tenced
to life in prison.
'fhr defense atlorncv lnr the
lonnc r high school str:.r athlete ha d
aske<I rn jury lo 1-:p<irr \Vatson·s
life. snying . "Tex· should be slud led,
he shouldn "t be kill ed."
Nixon Has Made Choice A nti-A 111e rica
l ,yrics Cited,
By Prize T ea11i Of Top Court Nominees
~TOCKHOL1\'1 (AP 1 -Pablo Nerurla,
!he Comn1unist poet ll'hose works helped
develop the climate that brought l\.-l11r11isl
~overnrnent to Chile. won the l'<obel Priie
WASli lNGTON f AP1 -President Ni11·
on has rnade hi~ sclectlon of nominees l!'I
rill two Supreme Court vacancies and v.·111
announce them to the na tion i11 A 1ivr
Mystery Suicide
Victim Ren1ains
Polict are shll mystified about the
identity of a man \Vho shot a store clerk
lheu killed himself -l('uesday at Costa.
~1esa's Soulh Coast Plaza.
No response has been received in Cost;i
~lesa from bulletins sent to the FBI ;ind
other police agencies in the country.
The dead nla n carried no papers with
identification marks , police said. Coplet
of his fingerprints have been senl to the
FBI bureau in \\lashington. D.C.
It can take several days for F'BI or-
!1c1ats lo check ttieir large banks .of
fingerprint.'!, Costa ?o1esa officers said.
The man entered the Sears sport1n11
goods store aOOut I p.m .. Tuesday. picked ·;~ad~d ~~~~~~i~f~h~~oo~ttorr,~ne.
I le shot one of the store clcrk11 who
gave chase., wounding the man ln ,the
thigh, then propped the rifle against the
bulldlng and shot himseU. TI1e store
clerk , John Bryant. 38. El Toro. is in good
condition tod11y.
Police round 14 live rounds 111 the dead
man's jacket.
No further ind ication of v.•hy the man
took the rifle or shot hhnse lf has been un·
covered by Pollet ir'IVtstigators. ·1
lel evision-rad10 address a1 4:30 p.m. PDT
in Literature today.
.'lerud a. a leader in Chile"s Conunun 1sL
µa rty, became am bassador to F'rance
"'-tttn S~lvaB.f-Allend'!t took ever as
The \\'hite llouse a11r10unccd Nixon"s
plans v.'ithin hours after the \\'ashingloP
Post pu blished a story saying the
American Bar ~socia1ion ~ comrnillee
on the f.ederal judiciary had withheld its· president In Santiago. endorsement frorn two pole n l i a I
nominees who were regarded as fron-The son of a railroad worker in the
rru nners fo r lhe positions. back country of Chile, Neruda -his rear name is Nefvali Ricardo Reyes y PTess secretary Ronald ·I~. Ziegler, Biisoalto -once had to wr ite in secret 111hen asked about the verdict of the ABA cornmittee. said that the Senate has because his father opposed poetry and -destroyed hls son's writings. responstbi!iry lo give ils advise and con· llis J\tarxisl views arc reflected in
sent to nom inations for Lhe high court. He tascades or lyrics. One ~m is called ad.~~~ Coostitu~ion s not requ ire the "La United fo'ruil Company," concerning lt'ie American company whose operations consent of the A · · · they or course do in La tin America were controversial /o r not. ha ve velo power." many years. Ziegler thus left open the possibility Thi s goes in part: " . , . 11 eslablished
tha t Nixon would nominate the two who the <."Omic opera. abolished. the in-
failed to receive the endorsement of the dependeocle:i!. presented crowns 0 f
ABA commi ttee. Caesar. unsheathed envy. attracted the
They are Mildred L. Lilllo . a justice of dictator!hip of tht flies ... "
lhe California Court of Appeals,· and At 67, Neruda is regarded as Latin
Herschel II . fo""rld ny, an Arkansas bond America's greatest living poet and had
lawyer .. ~ haA been active in school bffn a candidate for: the Nobel Prize for
desegregation ca!'ies. twe decades.
Ziegler said Nixon decided just this The prize Is worth $88.000 this year.
mo rning ki make a TV-radio appearance Neruda""" was '"l.1ted ·by the ·si.ted\"!!h
, bu,I saj<I, hejllJ,Y)!"." ~ji>.!Jis ·~11~ .... ~ado~. r..,;;'1.-,.!Jlljl,>V~l\,tl\> 'I"•,
1n1nc! on his choices WCCl'riesdaY i\1gh1. 1(on 'or'3ti"eTh'ffllMCT"1'd?'~e'~it:n•~ 3
First word of the ABA committee ac· continent's destiny and dreams."
tlon leaked oul Wednesda)' night. The The awlriit &c:kted one· more ltriump:h to
\\'hitc House preiS spokl!:sman said he the (.'Ontroversial poel-polltlclan. ;1
\\'OUld not talk about C(lnsul taUons onetime Stalin Prize winner and poHt k:a l
between Alt~ c:en. John N. ~1 itchell and eitile whose convictions carried him to
tht ASA. the pollf. of ambassador to Paris lhls year
Asked if the sudden decision to make after the Marxist regime of Salvador
an ad..!ress to the nation on the nomina· Alltode cnme to power.
lions might not be regarded as pn In· He is the second Chilean to re<:eive a
dlcalion of presidential pique, Ziegler Nobel Literature: Prize. The fl r!jt wn~ his
(Sile COURT, Page 2) ISet N08F.L, Page t i
1 !
Intercept '
LONDON i LiPI I -Soviet scientists for
n1ore than three years ha ve been testing
an earth satell ite \vhich st;ilks othtr
spacecraft and destroys them. "Jane's
1\ll the \Vorld's Air<:rafl" said today.
In its lafesl edition. the authoritative
111JtHit1I on \\'Or1d airciraf1 listed a series
of lnunch1ng.'i ol Sn1·1eL i;pacecra ft and
S.'.l!el lites. r ailing some of the fl ight~
"'01·b1!<1I intercept tests .,
John \\'. B. 1·aylor. Jane's editor . sa ~
l"arlv launches in the interceptor pro·
grar n included Cosn1os 2~9 and 252 in
Il e t.;:i1d other inte rce ptors were
Cos1nos :l74 and 375. Gosmos 3!f., launch·
Feb. 2.'J till~ }'ear ila ssea-•er. r
Cos mos ,394 laun ched 16 days earlier and
'"\\'as subseqt1ently destrOyed," Ta ylor
Cosinos 400. launched ~larch !9. wa!
'"inlerceptf'd" ·by Cosmos 404 on April 3,
the day it w11s launched. the editor said .
Taylor ;1lso0 said the Soviets used
Cosmos designations for niililary •·spy in
1he sky'' re connaissance satellites and
test vehicles for their fractional orbital
bombardrnent system ! F'OBSl, orbiting
-tiuclear b01nbs whlchkuuld.be se:nt plung·
in g earthward.
The spy satell ites were lawiched at the
!See SATELLITE, Pep 21
Orange Ceaat
Sunny but hazy skies are fore-
c~st For the coastal folk on Friday.
v.·1th temperatures.)ocally reaching
78 degrees and Inland teglons hit-
ting 88. ·
Do separate O(lencits involved
flt odmi1iisLtn11g tht Juvenile
Justice S11stt1n work well as a
tea~~ A f~deratlv j l1w:nCo4d uni·
. ... u.~(~!U,""411,.Rl.1#~ ·C.11~\AI•••· •ifl'~<r snagtsts ~t"!ded "inll)r\v!,\
n1e11t. Stt stor~ oil Page s 9 and 10. • . .
C1Ni.t11l1 I
C1i.tt11111 1,1, II
(ll UUIH ~ c-1c• 1• Cr1u-c lt
Dffl~ Nlll~I t
Dl.,.rct• 1°11 ec1~ .... , ""• • ._,.11r1tlft"11ftt n.t1
~I~-· 1t•1' MtrHC-17 Allft L111H r, II
. :f DAILV PILOT S flqjr$d.IJI, Oc.tobu 21 . 1971 ~~~~~~~~=~..:..:.c=.=-:.:c:
l'rom P .. ~ 1
• force ulillting vlct offictn from
aevtnl agencies.
Undercover officers SJ'.lf'nl st\·eral
neks placing beU at the alleged boakm&k.in& operaUon. btUin& as bigb as
Q'..1(1 i1 any week.
District Attorney James Stotler said
the suspecl.l'l were apparently divided into
two ril'lgs, with the Dtllahoussaye couple
and Garcia operating ont organization
acl Casasanto. DePiano and P.1eoli in
a¥ther. y,•hile t.tiller llt.rv~ as a go
fl!ween. .. 'Our officer!'i y,•ere investigating the
OIM:." Stoller ~1d. "Then during the
P6mona Fa ir ~Los Angeles County) the
r#ig stopped taking bets on the fair ,.,tes. The officers were told. ho.,,,,·ever. ~y could make bets with these other
S ig bets. above 55.{)0fl. y,•ere allegPdly
paased on to Los AngPles lnl'es!igator.s
said the nng apparen!I~ ha~ an outside
connection y,•1th organized crime
. The arrests y,•ere made after Superinr
Court Judge Robert Rickles issued arrest
and search y,·arran!s. Stoller said !"'o
~mplaint.s tolall1ng 92 counts have been
;ill!d against the s~'·en ind i,·idua l~
Stotler said he y,\JI seek ··state" prison
:.ime for the se\"en. rather than the
'.)td inarv county jail sentence Io r
During the invesugation. nff1cers made
several individual bets. The y usW police
be.Jicopters for surreillance In the county.
Arresting officers seized 0-shee ts 1 ac-
t:0t1nling forms for large bookmaking
Jperations1. market~ and radiris and
.:locks. reportedly used lO prevent post·
race betting.
Intelligence officers sind DePiaM wa5
the man who collected the gambling:
money. He reportedly used seven dif·
ferent aliases.
Investigators called this one of the. big·
i;e.r bookmaking rings found in Orange
All suspecls arrested. except Meoli,
ha\'e bailed out nf Orange County Jail .
The underco,·er operation included
District Attorney investigators and \·ice
_.,fficers from :-ie.,,,·port Beach. Huntington
Beach, San!a Arut. Orange, Anahe im,
Fulle rton . Buena Park and Garden
Cable TV Firm,
Chairman Guilty
Of Bribe Count
NEW 'YORK tt;PI) -Telepromper
CPrp., the nation's largest c 11 b I e
!elevision lirm. and its board chairman
rtving Ka hn were fo und guilty Vi'ed·
oesday of bribing three Johnsto.,,,·n. Pa .
, officials to obtain an e>:clusi\'e franchise
Kahn was convicted of fi\'e counts
bging him with conspiracy , perjury
itld bribery. The maximum sent~e on
ill coon.ls is 25 years in jail and $42.000
Cine. Teleprompter, which Kahn founded.
~ld be fined a maximum of $10,000 on
~h of the four counts of bribery and
··Federal Judge Constance Baker Motley
i(hedu!ed sentencing for !\01· .. 'lO.
·-The eight.man, friur -y,·oman jury ~f:libera ted an hour at the CQnclusion Of
the seven-day trial before notifying Judge
>1otley i! had a rerdict
Kahn. 53. of Tltamaronec k. !\ Y, wa ~
:barged v.·ith bribi ng the mayor of
Johnstoy,·n and t14·0 city councilmen with
SJS,000 in 1966 to obtain an exclusive 10-
year franchise from the city council
Buena P a rk Infa nt
Drowns in P ool
A 11}.month-Oid Buena Park girl "'·as
Uown~ W~nesda y "'hen she fell into a
bac.kyard pool y,·h1le srrappffl into a u:it
Police sa id Lar a Deanne VrugtmRn.
1aughter of ~Ir and Mrs. John
\lrughtman of S8<19 San A!to Circle. y,·as
[ound at the. bottom of the pool by her
uncle \\1illiam Vi'atkin~
Attempts at res•Jsc1tal1on fa 1\erl
H111ft .. hHI t..a.
,_.,. 'V.tley
OMNCOli «loUT 'UI LllHlNY C.OMl'.i.N'f
ll:e~•rl N. w •• d
''".""'' •llCI ~ubll•,,...
Jee~ ~. C u•lev
Vk1 l'r.,kl""lf 'eM G~tr1! M""""
Thom•• K1t•il
lh•"''' ,I., "'~·phi"• Ml~""" !~l!!>r
C~trlt1 H . t.... ~iG~1 rd '· ~.II
,t.1,.1t!Mll M1n101,.. l!dl!011
Any Port in a Stor111.
r\e'I' \"ork policeman 1.ake s firing po~ition behind his
~coote r :\ction too k place 'Vednesday outside build·
1ng on 44th Street in midto"'n l\1anhattan 1vhere an
office robbery \vas in progress. Dozens of pollcemen
poured into the area to break up the robbery attempt
as thousands of. worker~ left nearby buildings to
\l'atch. One bandit v.·as kdled, another is in custody .
County Planning Aide
Ruffles Unit's Feathers
Of "'' Ol li• Po•e! lt•H
Orange County Planning Commi~~1nner
Arnold Forde told memhe.rs nf !he Sari·
dleback Area Coordina ting Coll n c i 1
Thursday how they can tffcct1vely
par11cipate. 1n county planning and ruffled
some feather s in the process.
The outspoken appointee of Fifth
District SupPrvisor Ronald Ca!>pers tnld
the group that civic part1cip;l11on Jn !he
planning process can be mean ingful. but
calllioned them again"! makinl! mnre
demands on elected off1r1als than are
"Elected officials might slOp listen-
ing ," he said. add ing that some pro-en·
vironment groups already have reached
this po1n1
He cited the recent cnntroversy over
the Alsen! De velopment Compan~"s plans
for Aegean Hills as an example of
''unreasonable·· ci,·ic participation.
The Al.scot firm re\'ised its plan five
limes then decid~ to build townhouses
where single-family residences and a few
apartments had been planned.
Residents of the area objected to the
to.,,,·nhouse de,·elnpment because of densi·
ty bul ""·ere y,·i[ling lo a p p r o v e
apartments H units y,•e.re isolated to a
small specific area.
"I and the planning s1arr felt the.re
were a lot of improvemenls 1n the pl an."
said Forde. ··sut a large number nf
citizens fell there shoulrln't be anv
changes Some spokesmen fnr the grouP
said if to.,,,·nhouses y,,·ere built thr y,•ron~
kind of people y,·nuld mo"e in I thought
th is y,·;:is blind opJXlSltlon to "'hat y,•e .,.,·ere
do ing··
He said grnup~ in unincnrpnraled areas
ha1e a good chance nf gtitt1niz nff 1cia!s tn
do .,,,·hat citizens v•ant if a lar~e grl'lu p
turns out for meetings "anrl !he~ ad npt a
moderate. reasonable pn51t1nn. berause
elected of11r1als knoy,· the per.pie can bo<it
!hem nu1 ··
\\lien asked y,hv lh1s hasn't sePmPd to
\.\Ork in 1hP pa;;i f r1rrl"' ~:i1d . "prrirl"'
ran·1 PXTlf'rt to !!et >1 ha t !hl"1 11;;n1 100
prrcent of thP IJm"' ·
H"' r:iut1nnrr1 thaT larl!P l;:inrl rlP1 Plnper~
h;:l\f' pn11pr In Or111c.a \"111'1!1 ;:inrl fir
hnpPs I.hr public anrl pu blic off1r1:ils y,·11!
s.v.n ha,·e as murh slrcn'1;1h as
"\\'e y,•ho 11,·e hPrP ha\r f'\'Pf\' ruzht to
dPterm1ne our l1ft>~t-' IP PP<1ple whn in·
herited land or got a 'lran1 from the King
of Spain don't have the right to do it for
u~." he sa1r1
He sairl "citizen P'l"Pr" 1~ l.t~ing hnld
and .,,,,•ill ~et s!ronger But he adrled the
county p\aMing department is nril
cap;ible of doinl! a general plan for the
Sa-:ldleback V;il!P, ..
"The SaddlebaCk \';ille,· i~ ;; lnl;i\lv in·
le~rated area and ~hould h;ivp 11n up-lo·
dall' plan." be siiid Bu! he personally
~1\eves it .,,,,·ould ha,·e tn be re,·ised every
Citizens he said, sho\Jld no! hire 11 con·
sultan! to do their o.,.,·n plan because it
costs too much money and too many ex·
Public Beaches
lreme positions \1•ould tend to be
represent ed.
Jns!rad. Saddleback resir:lent s should ,e:o
1(1 thl'ir elected officials and ask them 10
hire a Cllnsultant to do the plan. Forde
"You can't have one plan and expert 10
stick to it," said Forde. "/l, plan is a
piece of pilper. Things change. You can't
Pf'! one plan gond for today and forever.
\\'hars important is for ]()('al E!roups tn be
reprt>Sented \.l·hen changrs take pl;;cr ·
f orrle said he rloesn·1 belir\·e lan-
dholders shoulrl be able to do anyt!ung
the y y,•ant \\'ith their property with li!tle
or no government regulation ~or. he
said, does he believe land should be
totally regulated withou t the lando.,.,·ner
havin<'! a \""ice
.., try to be in the middle or these ty,·o
positions." he said.
l'rom Page 1
said. "t'-'o. I wouldn 't sa.v that"
Ziegler also v.•.as asked Jf Nixon \.l'.'IS
confirlent his nnminees "''oulrl y,•in Sena!l'
confirmation. The Senate. rejecte<l !'A'O
earlier nominees. Clement F.
Hayns 14'0r t.h and Cr. Harrnld Cars.,.,·elt
"He >1"011ld not be sendin,g the nomina-
tions to the Senate if he fell otherwise."
Ziegler said.
Asked if Nix<Jn had notified his
nominees that they had been selected, the
press secretary said, "J"m not prepared
in 11nswer that."
Ho111e,·er. he arlr1Prl. "I'm sure the. at·
1nrnt>v gener.:il has talked to !hem "
'.\11.-..:on made nn pre\'in11,;; l\'-r;idin ap-
pear.:ince !o announce a nnminee fnr a
S111HPme Court \'acancy That >1'a~ \1'hen
ht> selected ()lief Justice. \\';irren E.
Bur.c;~r in l!lfi:I
The Post said 1he ABA comrnt\tf'e
fnunrl Friday un11u11l1f1er1 hy a \Ole nf 7 to
5. :ind r.1rs. Lillie unqual1f1ed by :i \'ole of
I 1 to I RPg 1nn1 n~ with the nnn11nat111n of !larrv
A. Blackmun In thP court Jasl year. the
ABA adnptrd a ne>1· rating syl'lem. \Vhen
asked tri jur:IE:e a pn1spect '!> quahfications
by the Justice Drpar1ment thf' h;ir cnm ·
mittee on the federal JUd1c1ary f1r~t
y,·ould make a preliminary assessment,
reporting its initial judgment informally
to top department officials.
There'll Be No
Con vention Riot,
Of ficia.l V 01.vs
SAN DIEGO ( AP l -The Republican
na!ion11i convention will be staged in San
Diego next yea r .,,,,ithoul turmoil despite
predictions of such b.v Yippie leaders. the
man in charge of local arrangements said
From Page l
NOBEL • • •
high school teacher, Gabriela l\.1i.!;tra1 ,
aw::irded in 1945.
The secretary of the Swedish Academv
Karl Ragnar Giernw "'ho is still in th~
mids.I of the cnn!ro,1ersy surrounding last
,\r;;r s laurr.:itr_. Alexander Solzhenitsyn,
acknowledged in a prrpared radio ad-
dre'.'~. 1hat !he prize, in Neruda. "ha~ a
rec1n1cnt whn is a contrnvf'rsi;il author.''
\'.b ilr st<1ting that Neruda. as strong a
nat1onallst as ComrnunisL became "the
p~t of .. viol~ted h11n:an dignity," Gierow
said: Besides being the subject of
debate he is in some people's eyes
debatable. n0t to ~ay questionable. The.
deba!e ha!> been ru nning for almost 40
~·ears. as good a sign as anv that his con·
tritiut111n c:innoi. possibly ·be b\'passe~.
and the differencies of opinion have in·
eluded thr artistic content of his work."
Berk eley Tops
Tax Fi g ures
SA'.'! FRANCISCO !UP!l -Berkeley
continues In hav e the highest property
tax rate among California's 12 largest
cl!i es, a citizens' group reported \\'ed·
nesrlay .
figure~ from !ht> go ,. e r n m en I a I
rese.:irch bureau put the university city·s
rate at $16 .0~ per SJOO of assessed valua-
(}1hers . Sacramen to .. ~14 10J ~ Fresn11.
$\.lfifl!l: Pa~adena. i13.37: Q;;kland.
513.495: L<ls Angeles. $1.11562: San Fran-
cisco. S\2 73 : Long Beach. !12 .2352, San
Jnse, $1 \.909 : Glend11le, SI0.9222: San
Diego. $\0.179: San!a Ana. S!0.0843.
.\ ..... .
-L A FC Followup
Mayors to Split
Legal Charges
01 Int 01llY !'lie! llt !I
In an early morning strategy session
today, mayors invnlved in the Local
Agency formation Commission dispute.
decided to spilt an $18.000 legal bill
between their cities and four members of
the. LAFC .
The meeting in Fount;un Valley at-
tended by 10 mayors. was held to decide
how lo di\•ide up the bill incurred .,,,,·hen
the mayors took county Supe rvisors
Ronald Caspers and Robert Hallin to
courl over the membership selerllon for
the LAFC.
The bill from the San1a An;; Ja11• firm
of Stev.·art, \Voodruff and Frazee was
presented to Fountain Va lley t.iayor Ed
Just last week. Torn \\'oodruff 1s the
f ountain Valley City Attornf'y.
The bill, which repr!'sents :i total of 337
hou rs al S50 an hour plu~ filing fees and
~osts of subpoenas anc:I rll'posllions. was
incurred In !he process of two la w suits
and an appeal.
. One suit was filed by .Just against Bal·
l!n and Caspers, t~e other ~·as filed by 15
members of the City Selection Committee
;ind four members of the LAFC against
Caspers ;ind Battin.
The appe<il wa s filed by the supervisors
against thr C1!y Selection Committee.
The City Sc!cct1on Committee. as man-
dated by state law, is to be composed of
the ma yors of all the ci ties in the county
for the purpose of selecting the ci ties'
m~m_bership on county boards and com·
m1ss10.n.~. In addition to the LAFC. the
committee also selects a portion of the
membership of !hf' Airport Land Use
Commission and !he county Trans1L
Dist rict bo.1rd . · '
In a plan proposed by Just and c.p-
proved by the mayors at this morn·
ing's meeting. the LAFC "''ould be
asked lo pa~' SJ,894 .74, or four-n1neteen1h.<1
of the total bill. The remainder would be
divided among 19 cities y,·hlch indicated a
wilHngness to contribute to legal cost.<1
when the sui~ "''ere being filed in August.
l'rom Page l
~ate of l'A'O a month bU1 mnre frequently
tn limes of trnsinn. such as when Soviet
and ~lainland Chinr!'e rnrces clashed in
>1arrh and June, 1969. along the Siberian
border. hf' said.
In hi;; pref;ice lo 1he volume. Tavtor
s;i1d !he t'nited SU1te.~ main1a l11ed
satellites in station;iry positions over the
mid-Pacific, including one with a "fan·
tastic 11-lon reconnaissance camera," to
monitor Soviet and Chinese long-range
missile launches.
"Little wonder th at the L.S. secrelary
of defense is ablr to give ~urh accurate
asses~men!s of So1•iel inlcrcontinenta l
ballistic missile rleployment and new
types of wcapo·ns thc.t have been identi·
ifed." he said.
Taylor said a policy or "JlCece through
fear" works and will continue. to work so
Ion~ a.~ fiolh si<les knnw enough ;;hout the
other's destructive potent ial to be deter·
red from i:iny hast y military move.
i . i i
I I ••
II I ! ;
1. ; I
t' I
That makes Pach city's portion $768.
The four LAFC members y,•ho were In•
eluded in the ~u1t were Charles Pearson,
of Anaheim who currently ser1•es. Tony
Coco, may<Jr of Tustin, an LAFC
alternate: William D. J\1art in of Laguna
Beach also an alternate, and Louis
Reinhardt of Fullerton, cur rent ly an
LAF( member
In re\'1ev.ing thf' bill. .Just no1ed that
'.'nobody, inrlud1ng !he attorney.>. had any
tdea !hat costs would run up !he y,·ay they
He addert th;it il is his helief that the
county . should pay thr bill, "but that's
not gn1ng In h;ipprn nnw and it's not
going to S<ilve rhls prohlem."
Reinhardt who is 1tot a member o{ the
selection rommittee, but who attended
the mer!_1ng. nQ!rd 1hat •·the pnce nf
freP~0m 111 a den1otrac.v somr1 imes com-
es h1g_h If it 'A'eren't for thf' selection
co1nm1tlce the penpl r of Irvine y,·ould
hav~ bf~n denied the choice of their own
Reinhardt alsn l'Olun!eered to
personal!_,· donate ~500 tn the fund on the
grounds that it wa s the dispute over his
me:ribersh ip that originally started the
series of rnurt actions. The mayors
declined his offer .
Red Gunners
Rain Death
On GI Ba ses
SAIGON (U Pl f -C-Ommunist guMers
shelled the spray,·Jing airfield 11t Tay
Ninh. northwest ?f Saigrin torla.v killing at
least fnu r persorls anrl destroying seven
U.S. trucks. The Communist s also at·
lacked U.S. Firebase Pace with rock et
and heavy weapons fire.
Across the border in Cambodia. South
Vietnamese troops called off 11 big drive
through the Krek rubber plantatinn area
after l\.l'O days of fruitless erforts to catcll
an elusi\·e l\orlh Virtnamrsc rrgimrnt.
The new Communist shrl!1n.(! attatks
y,•ere conC't'!'lratcd in thr T.:iy i\inh ;;rea
n.ear t~e Cambodi;in bnrdrr and race.
five m1lrs south or Krek ;;nd ju.~t insid e
South Vietnan1. Tay Ninh C1t.v is head·
quarters for the fi1:hting operalions
north.,,,·rst of Saigon.
_Communist forces shelled Tay Ninh·s
Big Tran.(! Lung airfield Wednesday night
11nd early loda.v killing al least four
persons and y,•nunding siK nthPrs. UPI
co rrespondent Don Davis reported from
the scene. All but one of lhe dead were
Sf'ven U.S. trucks also 1rere deslroverl
by a total of 30 rounds or rocket and
mortar fire. D11v>s reported.
The Communists al so rene.,,,·ed their
heavy weapons assault~ on Firebase Pac
y,·ith about 15 rounds of miKed lire from
heavy 122mm rockets, 75mm recoilless
rines and 82mm morta rs, Davis reported.
I '.1 \ .. '1'.
I 1; I .
!11 u1,fu t s,,f, !v Oty
t ftd Co..,1or+1b l1
Oo~bl1 lid by Niij hl
Clilt1 liltM: llC W•t l!tV S1•1tl N-rl l .. cl\: »ll 1"twp...-T te11:..,1 ~
L"""'' tw>et>: m l"OtM! AYt""' tlll'!liflf1'0ll l"clo· 11'TI lff<ll k Ulf'llr•
k(I (l1mt11le: llOJ Horlll El Go"'lrll> 11•1 Access Measure
Si gned Into La'v
"The rflOl causes of what occurred in
Ch!csgo in 1968 are. not present here,"
said Leon Parma. a busine~sman who
heads a cllirens comn1i1tee.
Rever,ib11 Bac~s •nd S11t Cushion • ' . r'' ' ' I ' l ~ I
T...,._ 171•l M2-'J21
Cl _.., .A4..,th1 .. 6•2·5•11
5-c~,. All P.,•rt11M11ts1
T~•H 4f2M2t
C..Y!'lflll, Jt11, O••nt• Colt! "'~l1M"' ~ft,, Mt M WI olt!'le•, lllut1r1••"'1o 911/twltl 1M1!tr ~ •d~.,,11-•lo ,,_,.1.,
IMf " ,...-NII':... wllMl/I llNC"I ,.,.
'"lllll!r ff U'rtltfll fM!tr.
5Kft tl•M ,_,. Pl~ -' 1"•_.-, I Mtll
..... Gilli Mftl, (.e!ffo"ftil . $u .. C•lp!lwl
loy u rrler U JI ""'"'ly< ~v !<11111 u II ,,_.,.,.,.,. ll'lttN>ry llttllnllilfll, U u ..-1P11,,
By Urilttd Press lnleroatlonal
SACRAMENTO -A bill proterl!n~
public beach aet'tss euthorPd by itn
Orangt County legislator y,·as signerl lntn
law Wednesday by LI . Gov. Ed Reineckt
The measure by As~emblymi:in Ken
C,nr.}' (D-G11rden Grove) ties up reAl
est.1te deals invoh1inR sale or lease of
0«anfr0nt proPf!rly by locl'll 11overnment
af!l'ncles to private lnlerests.
Surb transact1nnll y,•111 be proh1b1trd
without ,11;u11rJnteed public arM!s~ throu~h
thl' properly from lhe nf.'li"esL .1r.treet or
high.,,,'i:iy to the bei:ich.
No e-xist1ng privet@ mmmun1t1es nr
propt.rtles. su<:h 11!1 sel'eral al ong the
Orana:e Coast which bar public 11cce~s.
.... ould be afrtc1td
In a Nt>w York radio intPrv1ew .!Prry
Rubin said Monday· "\\'e .,.•ill do In the Republican~ in San Diego '-''h;it we did In
thP I)t>mocratic parly in Chiratto in Ir.AA."
Ruhin and Abbie HoffmAn . annlher
''ipp1e spokesman. havp predicted as
many as nne million persons may des·
ctnd on Ssln OiPgo. Pitrma pooh-pooed
such a prol'pecl.
"The VletnAm "''ar y,·h1rh prn,·lded fuel
for violent confrontAtion in \!!611 is nol
likely to be a m.:i jnr i~sue rlurin~ !he up-
coming p~irlt>nt1a! election," s ;i i d,
Patmit, "anrl"'h ls equally unl1kel)" lhl're
1.1·il! be any billt"r emnllnniil lltn1~~le
y,•!thin I.hf' Rl'pubhriin party for lh"
nomtnatll)n such as that "'hlrh occurrl'li
in Chicai.'.?O in 1968 ~t\.l•een ~1 cCArthy
f"lll'\1,·rr~ :tnlf l'\lherl\"
. .. ···--
( I • "'
I '
. ·--.-... ~
Huntingion Bea~h
Fonnh!in Valley
Today's Flllal
N.Y. Steeb
.VOL 6~. NO. 252 , 3 SECTIONS, 38 PAGES
Yo11 Broke?
CofC Dowi1
To $197!
Of 1M Ol i!Y l'llOI Jiff/
The }!unti ngton Beach Chamber or
Co nunerce is in shaky fin ancial cond ition
\l.'ith a curren! balance of just $197.
The board of directors tvas inforrned or
currenl finances hy 'J'reasurer Paul
Frizzell at. a n1eeling in the Slleraton
Bench Inn \\'crlncsday evening and made
tenta!ivc plnns lo incre:>.<;e dues ror men1 -
The l'h:Jmb<'J' i." alw n1oving 1oward
n1aking a request fron1 the city for a t:on·
tract to pay fo r sorne of the services t!
prov ides the <·otnmuni1 y.
No such request was discussed \Vednes·
day night but l'hamber manager Ralph
Kiser !old the board that he and the of·
I Ice starr \.\'ere keeping a log of calls they
m<i ke and \\'ork they perform that
directly benefits the city and which the
ci ty \.\'OUld ha \'e lo pay for if the service
,\·ere riot P.r~ided by the chamber.
This morrung Chamber President Al
Kli ngens1n i!h confirnied that man)' nlem·
bers of the chamber believed the group
.!Should ha\·e a rontract "'ith the <:lty.
''They \\'ould like il to be tied to a striet
schedule of wor k lo be performed in al·
lracting touris1n and devclopn1ent,'' he
said. ··in no \Vay are \re seeking a
The chan1bcr used to have a $19.f.OO a
vear coutn:ict '"·ith l11e cit11, Und er 1hi~ ~·n11tract the ch<11Tiher hired.\Vi!liarn Back
;is econoniit de\·eJo pn1cnt dirertor, b11t
the con lract \.\'US c;inceled a year ago
'~hen the city created -M sin1ilar po:;ition
and Back v•a.~ a11poi nted lo fill it.
l'lingensn1ilh pointrd oul th.<i!. under
the curTPr11 wagP·prll'e freezP. the
eha1n\M'r could not increase durs for !he
:174 members and the ·board would not
take final action until aHer Nov. 14 Y•hen
1.hr freeze ~ scheduled to end.
l\lingensmitb said, ho\v~ver. that mrm-
bers could be bltled at the old rate and
asked to pay the proposl!'d increase on a
voluntary basis.
This is the new duf.s schedult ten·
latively approved \Vednesday night: A
fi rm \1•it h 1-4 employes from $50 to $75: 5-
9 emp!oyes. $70 to $100; 10-20 tmployes.
~1 10 to $150 ; 21 -30 employes $180 to $200.
·n ie dues for firms with more than :m
en1ployes w·ould be negotiated.
Kiser rcportcd that it presently costs
lhe ch.amber $713 a ~1ear to service each
member :ind said that the bnsic dues of
most chambers in tJ1e county i.5 now $75.
j\1ayor George J\11..-Crackcn, a direct-0r
of the chamber, t eported that the cit y
1.:ouncil would soo n go over the Ernst and
1'~rnsf report on city finances. un·
der\.\'r itten al a cost of $9.600. by lhe
The mayor said that the council hoped
10 meet 11'1thh1 the next JO rlays to l'On-
fit der unification plans for the Huntington
Reach L'nion lligh ~hool District and
. ..-aid that th:it the Ernst and Ernst rPporl
\vould be slud1e<I at that samr ses~ion .
1vhich is ye1 to ht> sr t up.
Costl.y Satellite
Fails to Orbit
(AP ) -A $:l 1nillion salellile assigned to
provide global we;ither reports fa iled to
enter orbit today aOO apparently plunged
back to earth. officials said .
First reporl'l indicated the 696-pound
r;ntellite and its pelta. rocket reenterrd
the earth'i. atmosphere about SICl minutes
after the 4 a .m. liftoff and crashed near
Devon Island in the Elizabethan Group
aha\'e the Arctic circle northeast of
A National Aeronautics and Space
Administra tion official at this coastal
Ct11lforni<1 base said the spacecraft "fail-
ed to achieve orhil ., and they were try-
ing lo de!erminr 11hy.
The satelli1e had been f'Xpected t.o cir-
t:lc the earth in a 900-tnile-higb pola r
nrbit for several years. snapping 11 pie·
tures on every global swing and sending
back weather information every 12 hours.
In the last decade, II weather orbiteril
have relayed infonnalion to earth but
i<eientists said the new aalell ite described
a.-: Amerlca's MWell aqd most versatile
weather spaceu1n . would have done the
job faster, better, cbtaper and lon,atr. -
Surf Meet TV
Shotv Slated
Ttle\•ision "·atchers will· s~ lM
spectacle of Septtmber'!'i U.S.
Surfboard Championships whkb
dre\\' 11r,.ooo to llwitington Beach
lhl11 Saturdny. again in lh·lng color.
The featurr-ltngtb taped show
will be on KH.I Channel 9 from 4:30
l.o &::JO p.m., e d It e d do\\'Tl tn
highllghts of the two-day eve~l
fraturing 17. tn 47-ye!ar-Old 1UrfPrs.'
l,IPI T1ltJl\<lt1
Ch ilean Poet Ne ruda
Lyrics Cited
B y Pri ze Te<1111.
STOCKJI OLr.1 (AP\ -Pablo Ner ud<1 .
!he Coinmuni st poe t v1hose works helped
develop lhe climate th at hrnught l\'l<irxist
governn1ent to Chile. l'.nn the ~ohet Prize
1n Literature today.
.\'"Prud:i. a leader in Chitc's Com111unist
pi1r!y, ht>came arnha.~~;idor 10 Fran1·e
when Salvador Allende took Q\'er a ~
prE-side111 in Santiagu.
The son nl a railroad w('ll'ker in th,.
back rountry Qf Chlle, Ntrud;i -his real
ne1me is Nef\·ali Ricardo Reyes v
&soalto -once had to write in. secr~t
because his father opposed poetry and
i.l~troyed his son's writings.
His Man:isl. vie"·s arr renecled in
ca!tades of lyrics. One poern is caltrd
"I.a United Fruit Co mpa ny." concrrning
the America11 co mpany \vhose oµe ralions
in Latin America wcre contrOl'er.'ii::iJ /or
many years.
ThiS goes in Jlart: " ... II esl<tblished
the comic opera, abolished thr 111-
dependencie~. presentecl rrowns o r
Ca.esar, unsheathed envy. aftra('!cd !he
dictatorship of the flies ... "
Al 67, Ner uda is regarded as Lalin
America's greatf'sl living poet and had
bttn a candidate for !he Nobel Prize for
111,·e clecc.tles.
The prize is worth SBll.000 this \'l'ar
Neruda 1-1a.s t'llPd b\ lht> · S\.\'(·d 1,h ~cademy for .. a poetry 1hat 11·11h lhp ;r.
!ton _of an elt'meolal lor<'e brin~s ali1•r a
t·ont1nenrs des!in~' And drr;in1~ "
The ;nvard addt'd onr n1orr 1n•11nph to
the t•ontro\t'rsi al pucl·µol1t1r1a11 . n
unetin1e Stalin Pn~t' \1·1nnl'r ;ind poh!i1•:1I
r xile "·hose t·o111·u't111n ~ i·arried hin1 Iv
the JXlSt of arnbassadPr 10 P:ir i~ 11!1i, 1r;1r
.:i f\er lhe t-.1arxis1 1·t>g11ne of S;1h':1rlor
Allendr came to power.
He is the 5e<'ond Chilean to reee11·t' :.
r-:obel ~erature Prize. The first \1•as hi.~
high sctiooJ teacher. Gabriela t-.1istral.
a\\'a rded ir1 1!M5.
The secret.ary of the Swedish Acaden1v.
Karl Ragnar Gierow who is still in the
midst of the controversy surrounding last
year's laureate. Al exander Solzhenitsyn,
ack1x11~1Jedged in a prepared radio ad-
dress that the prize, in Ne ruda, "has 1t
recipient who is a conlroversia l author."
While stating that Neruda. as stron~ 11
nationalist a.~ Communist. became "the
J'.)Of'I of violal ed huma n dignity." Gierow
IStt NOBEi., Page ! I
'Street Battle'
Ends in Val1e y;
Light lo Go In
An old street battle was settled In
Fotrnlaln VaUey Tuesday "'hen the Cilv
Council agreed to install a trarfic light a't,
lMI intersection of Magnolla Street and
NilfhW!gaJe Avenue. t
Members ()( the Harper School .2'I' A:
asked for the light becall!ie of ~
children crosslng fl.1agnolla to attend
Harper SC hool.
Previous requf!sts havf! bf!en denied,
but this time Public Works Director
Wayne Os borne said the pedestrian tr af·
fie at the Intersection "is 100 percent
higher than norrn:illy rcqulrcd !ol' a
The tr1fHc light wil l l'ost the eitv
SJ.000. Currtnl prec<iuUons al the 1ri.
tersectlon Include a n1tshin~ yellow ll1i:ht
and a Crossing guard.
Th.ere art> 288 students who tros~
i\l~n111i11 to attend 1-larper School, PTA
~~pokesmenr said. The co uncil dC'Clded 10
tnstall the aignal without rt !crrinf the
itf!TTI to th<' <'ily's treJfic comml1.ttt-,
Watson· Death Decreed
Manson Fanatic Faces Gas Chamber
From Wire Services
LOS ANGELES -Charles •·Tex"
\Vatson. portrayed by his deferuie as a
•1wit hered human being" and by his pro-
secutor as a cold-blooded killer, was
decreed deALh in the gas chamber toda.v
by !he san1e JU ry· lh<1l con victed him of
l\11· sevt'n Sharon Tale niurdcrs.
\\'atson. 2.S, is lhc fifth and l:ist defcn·
d!l11! rhargrd and convicted in the August
19li9 killings . Charles t-.Iauson and three
fr1Ti a\e follo\vers 1vere sentencrd to death
last April for !he s layings of the actress
and six others.
Dooming \\la(so n 1nade thr gas
i'hamber unani mous for !he Char!e'>
1\1ansnn "family'' memberg tried ror the
Beotia De111011ded
seven bloody Tate-1..aBianca slayings.
Watson was refuse<!: a possible penalty
or life imprisonment by the same jury or
six men and six women which had con-
victed him of first degree murder and re-
jected his plea of nat guilty by reason of
l\\anson and three worncn followers.
Susan Atkins, Patticia Krenwin kel and
Leslie Va n Houten, had been sentenced lo
de;ith at the first trial \.\'h ich \Vatson . a
onetime high school athletic star and ex-
c·cllent scholar. had avoided by fighting -~
e lCtradilill n from his hometo\.\'n of McKin·
nc~·. Tex.
\Vatson. dressed neally in a dark blue
jacket \l'ith shirl and tie. sv.•al!owed once
when tht court clerk. read the jury's
verdict that death should be the sentence,
but he did not alter the: vacant expression
on his face, which he has displayed
throughout the trial.
None of the ~1anson family members
was in the courtroom. Virtually all 11r
then1 we re in jail following \Vednesday's
~wt•ep-up of six n1e1nbers as accomplices
in the sensational escape from th e Hall of
,Jusl 1cc jail of Kenneth Con10, 31.
\\lntson had admilted on th.e stand !hat
he too k parl in ?JI seven killings at th~
horne of aclress Sharon 1'ate and grocer
Leno LaBianca.
Bis hop<!s were based on psychiatrists'
lestin1ony that he was psycholic a nd
blindly following the orders of l\1anson.
Charles 'Tex' Watson
Peters Jury Hard to Pick
Nixon Makes
High Court
' Selectio11s
Jury selection resumed today in the
Orange Count..y Superior Court murder
1rial of Gig Peters with the proseculion ·~
i1isistencc on th.e death penalty responsi-
ble fo r '.he elimination of many l>l'O·
:-pcct11·e JUrors.
~1 ore than 20 .s uggested panrl n1ember!f
have been excused because the.v object to
1he death penall y. ,
llepu!y District A!1orne,1• Pat Brian and
drfense la\\•yer Barr~· Tarlow are trying
to asse111ble a jury of 12 person~ who will
rule on the guilt or innocence of the Hun·
tington Beach man.
Pelers. 21. is accused of the murder of
his parent s last April 21 at their Lincoln
.!\venue home. !t is alleged that the
defendant stabbed his father Charles, 55.
a nd strangled hi~ school teacher mother
Flora .. 'l4. at the height of a fa mily argu·
I-le has ple aded not gu ilty and not guilt.v
by reason of insanity. Those pleas mt'an
th:tt :h.is trial will fall into three ph.ase~.
If Peters 1s found guil!y on' the capital
·Cable Television Company
Eyes Coast Area Hookups
A cable television firm would be readr
Lo ~tart installing reception devices ii1
hornes in thr Orange Coast a rea nine
n1onths ;i fter the franchise is granted.
Don Canfield. representing Thet;i
f".able. a con1pany Join!ly O\.\'ned by
ll ughes Airer:ift and Teleprompter lne ..
fold Huntington Beach Chamber of Com·
n1erce members \\'ednesday his company
1s prepared to invest '11 1nillion in a ven-
ture to bring cable TV in to homes in Hu n·
tington Beach, Fountain V a 11 e y .
\\'.estrninster, j';ewporl Bea<'h and Costa
Hepre5entalives from thesr c111e_:; hav11
bi>en studying the concept, ol a\.\·arding a
J0111l franchi se to onr oprator for several
11ionlhs. The. fh·e cities are working on
1·r(';it1n~ a .101n1 attthon!y 10 01'f'rsrr thr:
uµer;1!1 on.
(An fie.Id said raeh i•il r would have 11 ~lud10 -in eHet'l 1tl' 0W11 ·rv station -
1111ct \.\'OUld be ablr 10 ret<'JVC llvr·l'llY
11etv.·ork proi;r;uns and progr11n1~ broarl·
1«1sl in only onf' city. Thrl'e \vould be 2'.l
l·hannels in all. he ~aid .
Cu bie televi sion "'oul d tTia kr 11 <'ily
rnore of a communlty. Canfield said ,
pointing oul I.hat loca l. civ ic aff airs prir
grams could be broadcast.
"The cily council meetings would be
the late show," quipped ?-.layor George
f\-1cCracken i• listening t.o the presento·
lion at the Villa Sweden restaurant.
Canfield said that the market area
would cover 92,000 homes. It would cost a
homeowner SS a month for the service, he
I-le said that his company would hope to
penetrate 13 percent of the homes in the
first year of operation.
Gaofield explained that the company
would la y l\.\'O cables -underground
where utilities are presently underground
::ind overhead \\'here utilities are over-
head -tha t would carry upstrt!am and
clo,vn.s lrearn transmissions.
At !he beginning only the downstream
cable -for be&ining ouL programs -
wou ld be used. but later the upstream
eable on which homeowners \\'OUld be
ablr lo relay informal.ion back to a cen·
tral point ~·ould be acti vated.
Canfield said the upstream cable would
pro\·ide a resident. with electronic homr
surveilla nce to serve as a fire and
burglar alarm. Util ity n1eters could also
be read o~er !his cable. he said.
r anfield admitted the equipment for
the upstream cable had been developed.
hut is no t yet in production.
But. he added. the con1pany would hr in1est1n~ 5::1.000 a mile in the second cable
:ind woul d not install it unless 11 intended
10 use 11
( :011sc1·va l iv es
(;ain On Lahor
LON DO N (API B rit.ai n 's
Conse rvative government has cut the
Labor party's popularity lead from 19
percent to 10 percent, according to a
public opinio n poll in the Daily Telegraph
Asked wh il'h way they would vote in a
gener al election now, 40 percent said
Conservativr:. SO percent said Labor wd
10 percent said Liberal or other. The
figure.~ a month ago were 35. 54 and 11
counts he "'ill race a sanity hearing to
determine his disposition if th e jury rules
~hat he was insane at the time of the kill~
ing s. _ /
If lhe funTier lifeguard is found lto be
sane. then the satTie jury will ha ve to
decide if lhe death penalty should be im·
posed .
,Judge Rayn1ond Thompson is presid ing
O\'er the iury selection process. Judge
Rrul'e Su mner will be on the bench for
the actual lrial or the former Huntington
Beach High School hono r student.
Valley Trustees
To Hear Owners'
De·annex Plea
fountain Valley school trustees hold a
hearing tonight on a bid by two property
owner~ lo move their IBnd out of the
Garden Grove district and into the Foun-
tain Valley district.
The property is 12.75 acres near Euclid
Street a nd Warner Avenue which is being
deveioP.td into 35 homes. The hearing will
be at the board's 7:30 p.m. meeting in the
district offices al Ta lbert Aveuue and
Ne"·Jand Street
The annexation bid wa s unanimously
denied earlier lhis week by Garden Grove
lrustees on grounds that 1t would affect
the ethnic balance or Los Amigos High
Currently the ho1nes are unoccupied .
Bul under i.:u1·renl boundaries, the
fa1n1hes !hat even tually occupy them will
send their high school students to join the
2.000 students at-Los Anugos.
If the rcqocsl is denied by f ountain
V;illey. !he propo!la l "'ii! die.
If f ountain Valley lrustet'S approve it,
the petition "'ill be senl to the county
superintendent of schools who will check
it to assu re legal requirements have been
mel. He then will give it to the county
committee on School Dislricl Organiza·
If that com1n 1ttee denies the request.
the matter will go to the stale Board of
Education. The slate board can either
order the lransfer or call an election. The
election can include either the residents
of the area lo be annextd or the total
.11chool dist rict which would be I06ing the
prope rty in question.
Gold Bat!ker Wins Fight
Pay111ent of Sales Tax to Be Done W~thout Money
Of t11e Dj,jlY Pli.t ll•ff
A Huntington Beach woman who claims
dollars and cents no longer make sense
appears to have thrown the state Board
or Equaliuition into confusion over •
$50.20 bill.
Claire Kelley. an · interior deeorator
who admits to a fondneall for gold and
silver because she believes greenbackJ
are illegal tender. sterns to have scored a
,a tory. ·
Al \\'ednesday·s hearing beforr: tM
three-n1an board she was ,.11owed to keq
IK"r resale license dcspitr: her refu~al to
JXlY the bill with "ille~nl money."
~fiss Keilty needs the licwsc to sell In·
lcrior furnishing! to he r cgstomers. The
bill was for sales tax owtd to the govern•
men!. ~:qualizalion board member Rk:hlrd
Nevins said today that i n _alternate
method of paymenl had been ~,kid ll.}""
but declined to say what ft was.
"We have worked out a methodology
whereby ahe can eonduct her affairs
without U! revoking: her license. 1 can't
say what it is. since I can't divulge her
financial 1ffairs," he said .
Ne vim , however. staled fl a Uy that the
board was not planning court action·
agalnst Miss Kelley.
The liuntington Stach woman's arg:u·
ment Is baled on the assumption that on-
ly gold and silver are legal tendtr under
the U.S. ConstltuUon. The dollsr. she In-
sists, ceased to be legal tender l\1arcb 18.
1968, when the government removed gold
bllckin& from Federal Reser~c note~.
"They have oo pow er to revoke my
permit, .. charged Miss Kelley thb morn·
ing. "They would be acUng unlawfully
and T would deal with !hi.I."
1'This i' a clvil matltr. 'The board ha'
110 judicial _authority.to take my Permit. l
wa ht due process or the Jaw."
'C •
Miss Kelley who launched Into a one--
and-a-half hour presentation on the
money j1sue during h.er hearing In Santa
Ana. is sU\l uncertain about the alternate
system of payment the 1t1te has
"'l'bey certainly didn't lt:ll me about It.
At thtl hearing one of the board members
mumbled something to the effect th.at
'vhat I said didn't change anythlng," she
comme.n ted.
Nevins said he is planning to write her
a lettef shortly advising her of the
board '1 decision.
A-11ss Kelley loday also charaed that the
board "tried to sweat mti out" during the
hearing by turning the air conditioner
down and refusing to open the windows or
the tJe11rlng room.
Membera of Lhe board. on the other
hand, said .the windows would not open.
1'he air condltioninJ wa11 held lo btl
operating properly •
\VASHli\'t;TON I AP \ -President Nix·
on has rnade his selection of nominees lit
fill \\\o :>upremc Court vacancies and will
announce \hem lo the nation in a live
tcl('r 1sion·radio address at 4:30 p.m. PDT
The \\'hite House announced Nixon's
plans within hou1·s aftrr thr Washington
Post published a story saying the
American Bar Association's committee
on the [ederal judiciary had withheld it..!!I
endnrsemenl from two pot t n l i a I
nominees \.\'ho were regarded as Iron·
t.runners for the positions.
Press secretary Ronald L. Z~gltr,
when asked about tht verdict of the ABA
committee. said lhat the Senate has
responslbility to give its advise and con·
sent to nominations for the high court. He
''The Constitution does no t require til e
consent of the ABA ... they of course do
no t. have veto po\ver."
Ziegler thus left open the possibility
!hat Nixon would nominate the two who
failed lo receive the endorsement of the
ABA committee.
They are Mildred L. Lil!ie, a jusUce of
the California Court of Appeals. and
Herschel H. Friday. an Arkansas bond
lawyer who has been active in school
deseg regation cases.
Ziegler said Nixon decided jus t this
ITIOrning to make a TV-radio appearance
but said he may have decided in his own
mind on his choices Wednesday night.
First word of the ADA committee ac-
tion leaked out \Vednesday ni ght. The
\Vh1LC' Mouse pre~s spokesinan said he
would no t talk about consultations
bct\veen Atty. Gen. John N l\1itch..ell and
the ABA .
Asked ir the s udden decision to make
;in address lo the na lion on the nom ina·
11ons iTI1ght not be regarded as an in·
d1cation or presidential pique. Ziegler
said. "No. I wouldn't say thal."
7.iegler also \Va s asked if Nixon was
co nfident his nominees would win Senate
co nfinTiation. The Senate rejected two
earlie r no mine c s, Clemen t F.
1-laynsworth and G. Harrold Carswell .
''He would not be sending the nomina-
tions to the Senate If he fell otherwise,"
Ziegler said.
Asked if Nixon had notified hi'
nominees that they had been Hlected. the
press secr etary said, "'I'm ool prepared
lo answer that."
However, he added. "I'm sure the at·
torney general has talked lo them."
Sunny but hazy ski ea are for~
c ast for the coastal folk on Fnday.
with temperatures locally reaching
78 degrees and inland regions hit-
ting 88.
Do serarate agencies int1olued
tn adminuterlng tJie Ju1111tile
Justice. Systtm work weU at a.
team? A ft dtratly /inatlct4)'1'i-
uttiity 1tud11 o/ iM Costa Mc•
area i ugges ls Nttdtc.I im~ ~
mc1lt. Stt story 01i Pages 9 oiid
Ct ll""'ll I
Clle<•I"' U' 11 Cll»lll.. .,_
C""lc1 !' c, ... _, "
DNtll MttlUt ' Dl'tw<•• .. ,.
••ttel1•1 ..... '
••1et"Mh1fM•f Bot! , .. _ ,..,,
H..-If AIMI u...--lf
• ,
) ' .
I :' ~~ Y PILOT , H Th".;<t, 0c.-21.'1971
. . ( Raiders End B~t• -·Fireproof
Kids Before
. F ire officials from Huntingtnn Beath
;.nd Fountain Valley .ire W'Orired abou t
1 he ghosts and goblins this Halloween.
Mainly they're concerned about flam-
1nahle clothing used tn costumes. An ac-
•·ident could be spooky. they say,
Huntington Beach f ire !l.f a r s ha I
IJoug!as Spickard and Fountain Va!ley
!"ire Chief H. C. "~1 1ckey" La \•:son sug.
1:est these basic oafety rules:
-U costumes are bought at the store,
le rure they are marked "fla me
!•roofed." This includes !Jl8Sks, wigs :.nd
l ~ardl.
-Never ~ly completely on name proof-
1ag treatment and be sure that children
ln ('Ostumes k~p away from flames ,
~parks and inten~ heat.
-Costumes should be short enough so
· ·oungst.ers do not trip on them, and of
~ght colors ro trick·or-treaters can be
:asily se@n by motorists.
Use a flashlight to light up the jack-o'·
lantern that children carry. Do not use a
-Hallo1A.·een decorat ions should not be
Jlaced near a candle or other names, or
100 close to light bulb s, dry leaves, corn
.1usks or similar autun;n decorations.
-It is a good idea to have an adull ac-
··ompany younger children in their
I lalloween rounds of the neighborhood.
. \iystery Suicide
Victim Remains
Pollce are still mystified about the
1entity of a man "'ho shot a store clerk
hen killed himself Tuesd ay at Costa
1esa's South Coast Plaza.
No response has been received in Costa
'Aesa from bulletins sent to the FBI and
nlher police agencies in the country.
The dead man carried no papers with
denhfic.ttion marks. police said. Copies
~f his fingerprints ha ve been sent to the
/BI bureau in Washington , D.C.
It can take several days for FBI of-
icials to check their large banks of
ingerprints. Costa Mesa officers said.
The man entered. the Sears sporting
•'.oods store aboul 1 p.m .. Tuesday. picked
·41 a 30--06: Winchester bolt action rifle ,
Jaded it then ran out the door.
He shot one of the store clerks v.:h o
:·ave chase, wounding the man in the
;high , then propped the rifle against the
~...Olding and shot himself. The store
;:!erk, John _Bryant, 38, El Toro, is in good
~ndition today.
~ Police found 14 live rounds in the dead
:Jan's jacket.
: No furth~r indlcation of v.•hv the man
:)Ok the rifle or shot himself hiis been un-
~-overed by police investigators.
Berkeley Tops
Tax Fig ures
S.~ FRANCISCO (UP! l -Berkeley
·ontmuts to ha\·e the highest property
ax rate among California's 12 largest
1ties, a citizens· group reported \\'ed·
Figures from the gov er n me n I a 1
esearch bureau put. the un11~rsitv r1iv 's
ate at SJS.058 per $100 of assessed 1·a1Ua.
Others Sarr;:imento, ~14 105. Fresnn,
13.609; Pasadena , S!J ;)7. ();iklanr!,
1.1 495: Los Angr!es. Sl3.l562 . San Fran-
i~co, S12.73 : Long Beach. $12 2152. San
ose, $11 .009: Glendale, £lll!l222 : San
)ie.go, $10.179. Santa Ana , $10 0843.
Rates can vary in s0me parts <lf S<lme
it1es because of special distrJrt taxes.
It.ob•" N. w •• d
"'"!<!Ml <11...S PuOll•h~r
J•<I:: II. Curlev
VU 1'r, .. o.,, 1nd G ....... a1 ~n•gtr
,.-Thom11 k'.ttvil
n.o ... •• A. Mu•~~;"• Mtn1g.no Eo:1<1r
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w.,r O••n~• '°"""" E<1<111r
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17175 ,,,,), l oultvarcl
M 1Tli~t Add1111 : P.O. lox 190, 92641
Olhr OHie•
LM'IN -.Ch: m 1<&re1f •-. C..I• ~' 231) Wftt 8aV $1rMI
•"-" BH<h: JSlJ ~-1. aOll tw lnf
S.11 ~le.: -Ho."UI ~ c:.tmir11 II.ell
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,,_llllYI lftlllUrt ... 111111-.., IJ,21 -11\IV•
Vetera1a Police llo1aored
Three police officers V.'ho have each served more
than 25 years on the Lagun a Bea ch Police Depart·
ment \vere honored by th e city council V.1ednesday
night for their fiOel.ity and ded ica tio n. From left to
right are Sgt. Victor Sagan, Lt. J ohn Zelko, Del.
George P\etts 1sen1or officer \~'it h 29 years on the
force) and Ma yor Richard Goldberg. They v.1ere chat-
t ing before council 1neeting. Commendatio n -.,,·as
made by the mayor.
2 Boats Battle
Aries, Dorothy 0 Vie for Finish,
Aries .!nd Dorothy 0 battled in sight
l)f each other within 100 mil es of !he fin·
i~h line today in th e Cabo San Lucas
yacht race.
The Aries skipper reported troublt> with
the boat 's compass. raising the pns~1bility
that its position report may not. be ac-
Dorothy o·s position report places the.
vessel 85 miles from 1he cape anrl the
finish . If winds pick up as expected th is
afternoon. the boat should arrive in the
ear!y evening.
The escort vessel Tempest has arri\·ed
at the cape. Bon Homme Richard, the
communications boat. is now 92 miles
frorn the line and is expected to finish at
5·30 pm.
Nov1a de! Mar tra il.~ th" nee!. with 190
miles to go. abfJut fi ve miles behind the
Sayula. An11a ~1aria 11 and Kahili are
neck and neck, each with 153 miles re-
The positions as n( 8 a.m. today:
Aries, 23·49, lll-26W .
Dorothy 0, 23·35 N. 111·15 \\1
Novia del Mar, 24·32 N, 112-53 \\'_
Anna Maria II, 24--15 N, 112-1 4 W,
Kahili, 24-09 N, 112-14 W.
.Sayu!a, 24-38 N, 112·46 W.
'Superman' Runs Mil£
In Top Ti11ies-He's 73
DA V IS fAP \ -Three year~ a~o
Noel Johnson had a touch of heart trouble
and generally didn't feel in tip-top shape ,
Today he's 4-0 pounds Jighi.er, runs the
mile in 6lh minut es. wins gold medals at
track meets and is 73 years old. And he
Seco11d Patrol
Of U.S. Troops
Balks at Orders
FIRE BASE PACE. ViPtna1n 1rr1 1 -
. .\nflther group nf GJ's here refu~Pd Ill en
nn patrol last. week -th'! ~amP thinft the
n1en they were sent. to replacr dirl -unhl
!hP de£Pnse C'C'mmander Pxpl;:i1n<>d 1-1·h:.r
1he patrnl ""'"'~ neressar~« the ~rikhrr s in·
v11ll·F'd said today
The secQnd "refusal'' in a week :it 1h1i;
a.rtillrry support b.:ase nn the C1mbrtd1an
frnn!ie r l;isted onlv ;in hour on (let_ 12
;:ind involvM 20 memhPrs of ;a 2fl,m11n in-
fa.ntry plat.oon that v.·as part nf Dell .:a
rompany, 1st battalion. 1st Air Ga\'alry
The defense. commander. r.taj. Joseph
0. D~·e of Beo:iverton. Ore .. !(llrl UPI the
refusal v.·as n(lv.' a '"df'arl incidf'n t" and no
char~es v.·ould be brouf!ht.
Delta \Vas sent tn replar.e Bra\'n O:lm-
pan~". "'hich ""as pu lled nul after six men
refused t1> go on patrol Oct. 9_
f\·len from Delta Wld UPI the y did ra.r-
f'\' nut the mlssion after ronfrontatinns
1-1·ith the platoon leader. thP ir cnrnpany
<"nmmander and the base def1>nse com-
l\1Pmbers rir the 2nd squarl , 3rd pl;i\nri n
nf Della O"im pany said fh ey knP"' about
!he Bravo incident and h11d decided not to
take un neC'essary chances.
"\Ve 1-1•erP told to gn on pat rol and "'e
said no ," Spec. 4 Ralph Newman, 22. of
Hammond. lnd .. saitt.
After the soldiers. mo~tly drafte~.
rPfused. Dye, the senior officer on the
base that day, was summontd. He ex-
pl ained the mission and its function. and
said he would go with them if that was
what it would take to make them go out,
the men said.
Dye told UPI he explained that patrols
v.'ere needed to kttp down Communist
)'lressure on the artillery bof.lery.
feels great.
''This man is a superman ," Dr .. Jack
Wil more of the University of Cal ifornia
said after completing a series of tests on
Wilmore, an exercise physiologist and
assistanl professor or physica l educa!ion
at the UC-Davis campus. is lrying to see
if there's a difference bet1A.·een biological
aging and social aging.
"Social aging refers In the fact. that
people apparently become prematurely
old because of poor diet and exercise
habit!'." \\1i\more said.
"The biological aging chani;rs th:it take
place bet1-1·~n birt11 And rleath are poorly
defined, ho1-1'ever." :1e said.
For nine minules. Jnhnsnn ran nn a
trparlmill. aboul hal f tl1P tirne 1-1ith it
slanted to sitnula1e uphill. \\'1hnore
mrin1torrd his henrt. hreath1ng oxygen 1n-
1::ike and n1her bnrt~· functions.
\\.1linnre s:ilrl .!nhn~on is 1hP nin~i
riu!~lanrl1ng ;ithlrlr nf hi s-agr tl1;it \JP ha~
r:..11m1ned. Hr sa1rl . .John~nn. a r<'t1 red
<1Prn~p11rP shnp super\·1..-nr. support.~
a..-~crllons by physical fqnrs~ Pxperts
that regular, moderate exercise benefits
all agrs.
Johnson runs about 150 miles a month
He started serious training in .January
1970 because ""I just do not "'ant to get
cld ··
Last. July he was narned the outstan·
dini? athlete over 70 at the Amateur
Athleti c Union's u_s. ~1asters trark meet
al San Diego. He won three gold med als
at the meet.
Johnson said he eats about a dnlrn
times a da v, "never very much and
seldom meal "
"PMple sh11t1lrl stnp ea ling arid get out
anr! ru n," said lhP 1;re.it·gr;1ndfalher .
"'ilrnore S!1id .!(1hnso n"s imprn\·ernrnl
in physical condi1111n In the p.1.~t th ree
years is ev idence that. humnns can.
d~rre.:ase lheir biological age with proper
ealing, drinking and acliv1ty h11hits.
.. This does not mean, howev er, that life
expectancy will be increased." he said.
"Johnson ls a phenomenon for his age."
\Vilmore said. "Tremendously motiva ted,
he ls genetically endowed Individual with
. a lively attitude."
Ht said John son. a San Diego resident.
was talktd into getting interested in
physical fitness by his grown children.
"'ho thought it might help him get his
mind off so me personal problems of a
few years ago .
From Page 1
Cable T'T Firm,
Chairman Guilty
Of Bribe Count
i\'E\V YORK I t;PJ I -Telepro1npter
C11rp., the nat111n's largest cable
tPlev1sinn firm, and its briard ('hairman
!r\·1n g Ki!hn were found guilty \\'ed·
nesday of bribing three .JnhnslQv.·n. Pa .,
offi cials to obtain an exclusive franchise
Kahn was cnnricled or five counts
charging hi1n with cnnspiracy, perj11ry
and brihery. The rnax irnun sentence nn
all counts i~ 25 _years in jail and $~2,000
fine. Telepron1pte r, wh ich K;ihn founded.
could he fined a maximum or $10}>00 on
each of the four counts of bribery an d
con~piracy .
Ferleral JudgC' Constance Baker r.to tley
scheduled sentencing for Nov. 30.
The eight-man. four-woman j u r y
deliberated an hour at the conclusion of
the seven-day trial bC'fore notifying Judge
J\lotlPy it h11d a verdict.
K11hn. 53. or !1·!11maroneck, N.'V .. was
charged with bribing the mayor of
.Johnstown and twn city councilmen v.•it h
$15.fKlO in l!lfi6 to obtain an exclusive 10-
}'ear franch ise from the city council
Chess Cha 111ps Res t
Bl 'ENOS AIRES 1 AP ) -The eighth
game of the final chess match bet1-1•een
grand masters Bobby Fisc her or the
United States and Tigran Petrosian of the
:oinviet Union has been postponed until
\ '
Big Bookie Ring
Broken in County
0 1 !he D•ll)r 'IMT l!l tl
Vice officers from eight Orange Cou nty
police agencie s and the dis trict attorney's
office have cracked a county·wlde
bookmaking ring and arrested se ven
alleged "bookies.·•
The ring rep0rtedly took bets from 15
to ~.000 on horse races and sporting
events and had an 011tside connection
ll-'ith an underworld syndicate.
One suspect arrested worked in a shoe
store in Newport Beach's Fashion Island.
Others reportedly operated in Garden
Grove . Anaheim and Pico Rivera where
they were arrested_
Those arrested and. charaged wilh con·
sp1racy and bookmaking were:
-James Collins ~1iller. 48. Santa Ana.
who wOtked aL a shoe store in fashion
-Anthony Casasanto, 38. of 1218 9th
St., Garden Grove.
-Mart y John DePiano. 48, of 11930
Banner Dri ve. Ga rden Gro•·e.
-~1r. and Mrs_ r.erald Dellahouasaye ,
OOth 35, of 6641 Santa Rita Ave .. Gllrden
-Jesus Garcia, 32, Pico Hivera.
-Victor Christopher Meoli, 48, 18822
Drew \\lay, Orange.
District Attorne y investigators said bail
was set at $12,500 on each J>(>rson, except
~1iller, wh<lse bail was set at $25,000
because he allegedly was "the con·
nection" between tv.·o bookmaking rings.
The arrests capped ~· a six-week in-
vestigation by officers involved in the
Orange County Intelligence Unit (OCIU !
a force utilizing vice officers from
several age ncies. '
Undercn\'er officers spent se\'era!
v.·eeks placing bets at the al!eged
hr"lflkrnaking operation. betting as high as
$200 in 11ny w~ek .
District Attorney Jan1es Stotler sa jd
the s11spects were ,:ipparentl~· dividtd into
two ring.~. with the Dellahoussa~·e cou ple
;:ind Garcia operating one organization
!'ind Casas!'into. De P1ano and Meoli in
another, while illiller served as a go
Public No tices
In Ne'v Location
Fountain Valley has r.hanged lhe loc.:a-
ti ons v.·here official public notices will be
In an urgency nrdinance passed Tues·
!"lay night. councilmen approved three
loc.'1\ions and asked City r.1anager Jim
r--·eal tn find a few more to use fn r the of·
ficial tXll'lings.
The notices "'ill be posted at city hall.
10200 Slater Ave.; l\1arke! Basket, 9119
Garfield Ave .. and Von·s Market, 17950
il-·lagnolia St
The f1rdinance \1•as needed after one of
the 0Hirl11I posting places at the Alpha
neta i1-1arkel .-it \\111rner Avenue and
.l\·lagnolia Street v.'!1S v.'llhdrawn because
the !'pace v.·as needed for store busi ness.
Ne:il was asked to find sorne additional
locations in the n11rthern h!11f of the ci1y
\.\'here offitial notices could be posted.
"Our officers were investigating the
one." Stoller said. "Then during the
Pflmona Fair /Los Angeles Coun ry) the
ring stopped 111king bets on the fair
races. The officers were told. however,
the)' could make bets with these other
people "
Big bets, above $5,000, were allegedly
passed on to Los Angeles Investigator!
said !he ring apparently has an outside
connection wil h organized crime_
The arrests \vere 1narle a ftcr Superior
Court Judge Robert f\ickles issued arrest
and search wa rrants. Stotler said two
compla ints totalling 92 counts have been
filed against the se\'en individuals.
Stotler said he will seek "stale" prison
lime fnr the seven, rather than the
ord inary county jail sentence f o r
During the invest igation. officers made
several individual bets. They used ixilice
helicopters for surveillance in the county.
Arrrsting: officers sei ied 0-sht>ets lac·
counting forms for large bookmaking
operations1 , markets and radios and
clocks. reportedly ust>d to prevent post·
race hrtting.
Intelligence officers said DePiano was
the man who collected the gambling
money. He reportedly used seven di!·
ferenl alitises.
Investigators called this one of the big·
ger bookma king rings found in Orange
County .
All suspects arrested, except Meoll,
have bailed out of Orange County Jail,
The undercover operation included
District Attorney investigators and vice
officers from Newport Beach. Huntington
Beach, Santa Ana, Orange, Anaheim.
Fullerton, Buena Park and Garden
Accide11t Victim
l(atherine M yrcik
Senices Tonight
Rosary v.'i!l be recited tonight in Hun-
tini;::ton Beach for Mrs. Katherine ~1yrcik
who was killed in a tra ffic accident
The services will be held at 7:30 p.m.
at SLs. Simon and .Jude Catholic Church.
Requiem Mas.<; 1v i 11 be celebrated at 9
a.m. Friday morning at the church.
J\1rs. r.Jyrci k, 44, 1-1·as kill ed when her
car plunged down a zoo.root embankment
on the transition road between the south·
bo11nd Ne1-1'1)11rt Fre1'1\'a.v and the 1-1·est·
bound San 01cgn Frec1vay.
\\lith her husban<l Bernard. she owne d
and operAted the Sp i<" and Span Laun-
dromat. 2fi1.1 Ncwporl Blvd .. Nt v.-·port
Beach for lfi years.
She lea ves her hush11nrl. of the fa mil y
home nt 11031 Drlft v.'nod Drive. Hun•
!ingtnn Beach. Alsl'I sur\·il·i ng are tier
mother, MAri.:a Bahmt'r and brother,
\\'ilhelm Bah mer, both of Dieburg,
Ger man:.r.
F'uneral arrangements are being hand!·
ed by Saddleback Mortua ry, Tustin,
']," i , I I
11 '. • ! i' I 'l
i, I I " .,,
j I
I ,,
11 1!':1 ,\ '
I 'I .\ • \ .,
,, ·1 '
Priced at $289
8e&•1IOfu! Sofa 8v D•v
&nd Com!orl•bl~
Oou b!1 Bt d b~ Niqht
Dye Sl id ~ patrol went out a. .short
lime late r, and that Dtlta <'Almpany haii
carried out frequent patrols Aln<'e that
time without problems and withnut cas.
ualf1t>11. NOBEL
''011r fat•nritt in t,rior dtsirinrr u:ili bt hnppy to a.~.~1.~c !JOU •..
"Before v.·e r11me here "'e ""'l!re told "'t.
t>.'Pre not gointl 4'Ut. on :.ny offtnlll\'e
patrols," A11id Spec<. 4 Dennis Van OrdPr.
20. of ocean City. N.J .
"Wt 11re here, for lhe defe nse of lht
art\ller}·.'' Pfc. 011vid Scott . 19. of San
Diegn, safrt, "We"rl! not gning to lake ad-
vantage of the Army, but we 're going to
slow them down from taking advantage
(If us." I
said : .. Besides be1ng !.he !lllhJrct nl
debAte he i~ in ~nme people'; p~·p~
deba!A ble. not to .0:11y question.<1blto. The
debate has been running for 11lmo~I 40
yea rs, a~ good a sign a11 an y that his co n--
tribulion ~annot possibly be bypa:iistd.
and the differencies of opinion have In-
cluded the. artis tic: cont.en~ or his work ."
6;6.02 75 6<6-0276 INTER IOR DESIGNERS Opell Mo•., Thurs. & Fri. Evn.
' ..
' " ' '
" I
Space Vehicle-
KillJr Tested
By Russians
LONDON (UPI)~ Soviel scientists for
more than three years ha ve been testing
an earth satellite which stalks other
;spacecraft and destroys them, "Jane"!J
All the World's Aircraft" said today. 1 In its latest edition. the authoritative
manual on world aircraft listed a series
01 launchings or Soviet spacecraft and
satellites, calling some of the fiight3
"orbital intercept tests."
John W. R. Taylor. Jane's editor, said
early launches in the interceptor pro-
gram included Cosmos 249 and 252 in
He said other interceptors were
Cosmos 374 and 375. Cosmos 397, launch-
Feb. 2S lhis year, passed •e a r
Cosmos 394 launched 16 days earlier and
"was subsequently destroyed," Taylor
Cosmos 400, launched March 19, wa!
"intercepted" by Cosmos 404 on April 3,
the day it was launched, the editor said.
Taylor also said the Soviets used
Cosmos designations for military "spy in
the sky" reconnaissance satellites 'and
test ve'hicles for their fractional orbital
bombardment system (FOBS ), orbiting
nuclear bombs which could be sent plung·
ing earthward.
The spy satellites were launched at the
rate of two a month but more frequently
in times of tension, such as when Soviet
and Mainland Chinese forces clashed in
March and June, 1969, along the Siberian
border, he said.
· In his preface to the volume, Taylor
said the United States maintained
satellites in stationary positions over the
mid·Pacific, including one with a "fan-
tastic ll·ton reconnaissance camera," to
monitor Soviet and Chinese long-range
missile launches.
"Little wonder that the U.S. secretary
·of defense is able to give such accurate
assessments of Soviet intercontinental
ballistic misslle deployment and new
types of weapons thot have been identi-
ifed," he said.
Buena Park Infant
Drowns in Pool
• A !O·month-old Buena Park girl was
drowned \Vednesday when she fell inlo a
backyard pool while strapped into a tol
Police said Lara Deanne Vrugtman.
daughter of Mr . and Mrs. John
Vrughtman of 6809 San Alto Circle, was
found at the bottom of the pool by her
uncle William Watkins.
Altempts at resuscitation failed.
See#(s Senate Job
Rosa Mar. a 19-year-old coed at UC' Dav is, \vants to become lhe first
woman sergeant·~t-arms in the California Legislature. She drew sup·
port Wednesday from Senator J\-fervyn Dymally (D·l.-Os Angeles).
Dymally, chairman of the Democratic caucus said, "We could use
so me beauty around the senate chambers." There has been no deci·
sion yet on Miss Mar's application.
Sen. Cranston Will Meet
·' '
Civic Leaders in County
California Democratic Senator Alan
Cranston will visit Orange County Friday
and Saturday for a series of meetings
with local civic leaders.
The senator will arrive al Orange
Counry Airport obout 4 p.m. where he
will talk with several elected Mexican-
Americans in the county.
At 6 p.m .. Cranston will meet with
representatives from county ecology
groups at the home or Dr. and ~frs. John
Udall, 1518 Galaxy Drive, Newport
Beach .
He will meet wlth Democratic party
workers, supporters and county union of-
ficials at 8:30 p.m. ih the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Ygal Sonenshine, 1338 Santiago
Drive, Newport Beach.
Saturday's meetings w.ll\ start with
breakfast at 9 a.m. with Orange County
law enforcement leaders at the Sad-
dleback Inn in Santa Ana .
Later, the Senator will talk with
newspaper editors and publishers, foll o"'·
eel by a 12:30 lu_ncheon with local govern-
ment officials at the Airporter lnn in
Newport Beach.
There won't be any general public ap-
pearance during Cranston's brief visit.
The Senator is in his first term and is up
for re-election in 1974.
Supporters o[ California's senio r
senator say he is making brief visits
throughout the state in order to com-
municate with his constituents and learn
some of the local concerns.
Bush mills.
The whiskey _that spans
the generations gap.
For 300 years, a \\lhiskcy from Bushmills has been
\vi1h us.. Charming \us. Beguil(ng us in a. smoo1h,
poli~hed and ah ogc her ligh!hea1 tcd fcishio n.
15genera1 ions have refined i t."15 generations have
sipped it.Theverdic t :Ne,1rrerf eel ion. Bushmills. Full
of ch;uacle r. But not heavy-handed about it. Flavor-
ful. But never over·pO\vering. Bushm ill s. It ref1 ecls
\he pJst vvi th a light and lively flavot that isa!l today.
Compa re it to your present whiskey. You needn't
purchase ~ bottle. One sip at your favorite pub wi ll
tell you why Bl1sh mill s has i'nlrigued so many gen~
erat ions. It is, simply, out of sight.
I lllNl°&F IOOS IR!SM Wll!SK!fS-1& "°°f-IOrTUO IM ll!{lAH1J. flftJIS. G•~tAU CO .. frltWYORll, frl.Y. 0111
• . -. ---·---
• .
TI>11r.dly, Oct'°" 21, 1911 H • _ • DAll.Y.,~ ,f
' ..
LAFC Legal Fees Splif
. '
Mayors, 4 Members Dividing Cost of Flap _ . .
Of .. o.llJ J'n.t ... ,.
In an early morning strategy session
today, mayors involved in the Local
Agency Formation Commission dispute
decided to split an $18,<m legal bill
between their cities and four members Of
the LAFC.
Reinbatdt., who is JIOt a D*rlber ot the
Jeieclion committee, but who attended
the meetipg, noted that "the price of
freedom in a democracy sometimes com-
es high. U it weren't for . .ttie selection
committee the people or'·Ir:vine "would
ha ve been denied the-choice of tbelr own
Reinhardt also volunteered ro
personally donate $500 to the fund on the
grounds that it was the dispute over hiJ
membership that originally started the
11eries of court actions. The mayors
declined his offer.
The meeting in Fountain Valley at·
tended by 10 ma}'ors, was held to decide
how to divide up the bill incurred when
the mayors took county Supervisors
Ronald Caspers and Robert Battin to.
court over the membership selection for
Red Gunne1·s Rain Death. ,
the LAFC. -
The ·bill from the Santa Ana Jaw firm
of Str.wart, Woodruff and Frazee . was
presented to Fountain Valley Mayor Ed
Just last week. Tom Woodruff ls the
Fountain Valley Cit}' Attorney.
Destruction on-GI Bases
The bill, which represents a total of 337
hours at $50 an hour plus filing fees and
costs of subpoenas and depositions, was
incurred in the process of two Jaw suits
and an appeal.
One suit was filed by Just against Bat·
tin and Caspers, the other was filed by JS
members of the City Selection Committee
and four members of the LAFC against
Caspers and Battin.
The appeal wAs filed by the supervisors
against the Cily Selection Committee.
The City Selection Committee. as man-
dated by state law, is to be composed of
the mayors of all the cities in the county
for the purpose of selecting the cities'
membership on county boards and com-
missions. In addition to the LAFC, the
committee also selects a portion of the
membership of the Airport Land Use
Comm issio-n aild the county --irrans1t
District board.
In a plan proposed by Just and ;.p-
proved by the mayors Bl this morn-
ing's meeting, the LAFC would be
asked to pay $3,894.74, or four-nineteenths
of the total bill. The remainder would be
divided among 19 cities ·which indlcated a
willingness to contribute to legal costs
when the suits were being filed in August.
That makes each city's portion $768.
The four LAF'C members \\'ho were in-
cluded in the suit were Charles Pearson,
of Anaheim \\'ho currently serves; Tony
Coco. mayor of Tustin. an LAFC
alternate: \V illiam D. Martin of Laguna
Beach also an alternate. anrf Louis
Reinhardt of Fullerton, currently an
LAFC member.
Jn reviewing the bi\!, Just noted that
"nobody, including the attorneys, had any
idea that costs would run up the way they
did ."
1-fe added that it is his belief that the
county should pay the bill. "but that's
not going to happen now and it's not
going to solve this problem."
SAlGON (UPI) -Communist gunners
shelled the sprawling airfield at Tay
.Ninh, northwest of Saigon today killing at
least four persons and destroying seven
U.S. trucks. The Communists also at-
tacked U.S. Firebase Pace with rocket
and heavy weapons fire .
Across the border in Cambodia, South
Vietnamese troops called off a big drive
through the Krek rubber plantation area
after two days of fru itless efforts to catch
an elusive North Vietnamese regiment.
The new Communist shelling attacks
were concentrated in the Tay Ninh area
near the Cambodian border and Pace.
five miles south of Krek and just inside
South Vietnam. Tay Ninh City is head-
Public Beaches
Access Measure
Sigried Into Law
By United Press Iotemational
SACRAMENTO -A bill protectin~
public beach access authored by an
Orange County legislator was signed into
law Wednesday by Lt. Gov. Ed Reinecke.
The measure by Assemblyman Ken
Cory !D·Garden Grove) ties up real
estate deals involving sale or lease of
oceanfront property by local government
agencies to private interests.
Such transactions will be prohibited
.without guaranteed public access through
the property from the nearest street or
highway to the beach.
No existing private communities or
properties. such as several along the
Oraoge Const whic h bar, public access,
would be affected.
Take your "CHOICE" of the~e "CHOICE" components
and·.create:your own system!·
Your Choice --Any 5 Piece System ...
SAVE AS MUCH AS $169.03!
_.. .. ,. s mm··= =·· 'w~
quarters for the fighting operations
northwest of Saigon.
.Communist forces shelled Tay Ninh's
Big Trang Lung airfield Wednesday night
and early today killing at least four
persons and wounding six others, UPt·
correspondent Don Davis reported from
the scene. All but one of the dead were
Seven U.S. trucks also were destroyM
by a total of 30 rounds of rocket and
mortar fire, Davis repofted .
The Communists also renewed their
heavy weapons assaults on Firebase Pac
-with about 15 rounds of mixed fi re fnim
heavy 122mm rockets, 75mm recoilless
riOes and 82mm mortars, Davis reported.
One recoilless rifle round blew a wl\ole.tn
the roof of the unoccupied American
mess hall at the ba se.
The 2,SOO-man South Vietnamese drive
into the Krek plantation in Cambodia bad
been launched early Wednesday behind a
spearhead of tanks and under cover of
massive American bombing strikes.
It was called off after the South Viet-
namese rangers and armored troops
penetrated three miles into the rubber
groves without fin ding anYf:bing.
Big Vitamin C
Batch Recalled
\VASHINGTON (AP ) -Bottles con-
laining a total of JO million Vitamin :c
tablets have been ordered recalled
because they do not carry a warning to
heart and diabetic patients.
The Food and Drug Administiation sald
Wednesday labels on bottles of tablet.!
manufactured by Lit Drug Co. of Union,
N.J .. failed to note they contain sodium
Sufferers of such ailments as diabetes,
high blood pressure and rheilmatic heart
often have 1odium-restricted diets, as lciw
as 200 milligrams daily.
-!"' -... -----· .... -· . I lit·~,:~;~• ~ '. i~ c• .J ·'2 i -
MARANTZ 2215, New! 30
watt R.M.S, AM.FM
receiver, with walnut grained
metal case.
REG._ ..................... $1'9.00
DUAL 12 1 5 with base
•nd ADC 240 XE.
REG ................. $16'.95
LANC.R 9535-2. 2 w•y
12" 1ystemt, oiled ·
walnut• enclosur••·
U«; ................. $1".DO
OR -
100 watt AM.FM
receiv•r with case.
REG ................. $19'.95
DYNACO· A-25, 2-w•y
IO" systems .. oiled
. walnut enclosures.
RIG ............. : ... $167.to
OR -
-~. ~ ~· .. t;• , .. , .. -
SCOTT 357, New ! SO watt
R.M.S receiver, with matt
black metal case.
REG ....................... $1'9.50
b•ie •nd ADC 240XE.'
REG ................. $165.50
llCTIUNIAI XI, 2 w•y
IO" •yttemt. Oiled
walnut •nclosut'fl •
RIG. _,_.;.._$1 lt.IG
I •
I ~t.._DA11. __ Y_•_1_Lo_r _______ ..;T_h•"'""~a:J, Oci.obtr 21. i•11
R eds W arn
Of Coming
U.S. Mo ve s
PARJS (UPl ) -North Vietnam char1·
eel at the Vittnam Pea ce Confeunce ~
day that lhe Nixon Administration wa11
planning new n1ilitary vtntures In
Indochina anrl thal promises o f
v.ithdrawal wert. "sheer fallacy."'
'The charge ~·as made by Deputy Hanoi
Delegate Nl!uyen filinh Vy, who also
wamed -possibly Ydlh an eye t-Oward
Pekine and Moscow -th at the war can
be 5eltled only if the Uni ted States ac-
cepts the Vietnamese Communists' latest
nei;?otiating offer~.
He told the conference that "the Viti·
namese and other Indochinese peoples
will never to lerate the presence of"
residual anned forces. which President
Nixon intends to maintain in the area,
"Besides," V.v said. "the forthcoming
visits to South Vietnllm of Defe~
Secretary Melvin Laird, J oint Chlef of
Staff Gen . Thomas ~foorer and Army
Chlef of Staff (Gen. W i 11 i am )
Westmoreland show that the N!Ion
Admlnistration is scheming new military
Vv said, "thus, thl" Nixon ad·
mir\Jstration's talks aboot peace,
disenga~ement and tlllal withdrawal are
shttr fallacy."
Cave Man
Outside the conference room, Vy said
that the U.S. government hu plans «>
step up the war by bringing ln troops and
planes all the way from bases in the
Western Pacific. He said that while NlI:nn
makes statements about wAnling peace.
the.re were no signs Uie U.S. delegaUon in
Paris wants to negotiate seriously.
"On the contrary, the U .S .
:Administration is showing through cnn·
crelt: facts that it is ready to step up the
war not onlv wlth the South Vietnamese
troo ps but With the nearly 300,000 U.S.
and satellite Lroops and with the 200,000
U.S. troops in neighborln!;!'. bases,
includin'l the West.em part of the Pacific
"nd v;i th all the U.S. Air Force in Sooth
Ea ~-t Asia." Vy said.
French Geologist li1 ichel Siffren "'iJI say farewell in about a month to
his ~·ife Nathalie and descend 150 feet into a Texas cave and live alone
for six months. l ie will study fatigue, sleep. memory and other life
!unctions. Bald spot on head is shaved for an electrode connection.
Senate Debate Set on New
* * * Five Americans
Effort to P11ll Out Gls
Killed in Viet
In 7-day P eriod
SAIGON (AP) -Five Americans were
kill~ in combat in Vietnam last week,
the lowest weekly death toll in more than
1i:1 years, the U.S. Command announced
The death toll. lhrtt lw than the wttk
before , reflected the low level of fighting
involving American troopa u well 85 the
continuing withdrawal of U.S. form
from Vietnam.
The death toll was the lowe!t !ince the
first week in August 1965. when three
A m e r i c .£. n s were killed Jn action.
J.l owever. the total of American wounded
increased last wee-k to 84 , the command
silid. A total of 72 1rounded had been
reported the "''eek before
The U.S. Command also reported 15
American servicemen died last week or
runhostlle causes, including illness and
accidents. Thls was hl'e more than the
previous week.
Tht South Vietnamese-com ma n d
reported 39 1 of its troops killed lasl week
and 91!1 wounded , 1 modera1e increase
over the previous week 's 333 kill ed and
rfl7 .,.,·ounded. Tht> increase 11 ;is att~uted
mostly to the righting alon~ the t:\m-
bodian-Soulh Vietnamese border in \\'h1rh
almost no Americans are involved.
The two allied commands claimed 1.198
t-;orth Vietnamese and Viet Cong kilted
last "''eek, 229 le ss than tht week before
l1lC aUled commands no"'' hal'e rrport-
Nl thtsr total casualties f()r the war ·
American -45.577 killed In 11ct1on.
l02,020 v.·ounded, 9,1128 died of nonhostilc
South Vietnamese -131,616 killed 1n
action, 291,915 v.•ounded.
North Vietnamese and Viel Cong
778,235 killed.
WASHINGTON (AP) -The Senate is
preparing to debate a new effort lo force
U.S. withdrawal from Indochina but the
Forei~n Relations Commitltt chairman
says he doubts President Nixon v.·ill pay
attention even if it passed.
The ne"'' proposal, calling for total U.S.
withdrawal within six months and bar·
ring funds except to pult out, was in·
eluded Wednesday by the Foreign Re!a-
Uons panel in a $3.2-bill!on forejgn-aid
authorization bill. The vote adding it wa s
II to 5. Debate will open next week.
The act.ion came as a previous antiwar
amendment with a siJ:-month deadline
was being considered by Senate-House
Drive rs Can
Pay in Blood
Persons cited for lraff1c offense~ 1n
Fayette County may donate a pi nt
of blood lo the local blood bank in
lieu of payinJ: a $10 fine.
County judge Robert Stephrn.~
said the program is intcndrd lo
reduce traffir accident~ "thrnt1'1'.h
the edurational impact of ,·olunl<it)'
blood donations to savr son1eone·s
lift "
Another reason is lo maintain 1he
supply at the Central Ke ntuC'ky
B!ood Centrr.
The offer 1~ oprn onl;.· !11 lh(l.r
who intenrl !n plead gu11tv to :i
charge punishable by a Sill !1nr
plus costs -about 90 prrcenl nf !hr
l.300 cases appearing before thr
court rach month
1"he rlefrndsn! 1.• still subject to a
$18 .flO court cost fee.
conferees v.·orking on a military pro-
curement bill.
Senate war critics indicated privately
they n1ight permit passage of the $2 1·
h1llion arm!' bill. even if the antiwar
ri1nendment by Democratic Lei.Ider h1ike
i\lansfield is diluted. But they indicated
they would st.and firm behind the amend-
ment in the foreign-aid bill, eve.n if it
means holding up congressional ad-
journment, now set for Dec. I al Lhe
Incom e Tax Cut
Of $20-30 OK 'd
B y Se nat~ Unit
\\'ASHINGTON (UPI \ -The Senate
F"inance Committee has agrttd to go
along with the ffouse in cutting individual
income taxes for !971 -about $20 or $30
for the average family.
1·he com1nillce alsn appro\"ed for floo r
aelion next "''ttk a prov is ion in the House
t;ix bill "'hich \1·ould inrrease the Jo.,.,· in-
tf">m e allo1\•anre for 1971 from $1.050 to
$1 JOO The allowance -a deduction
alln1l'ed poverty level families -1s
dc~igned to make certain that families
l1\1ns: 1n povrrty need not pay federal in-
cnrne !;ix.
The tax rut and the 101~· incon1f' pro-
11sui11. in a niove t.o speed up their
p:i~~ngr, wt>re rcn10 1·rrl \VednPsrla}' front
;i 1l n11•r-pa ssed bill extending for another
.1e::lt perrnissinn for servicemen lo send
hnn1c duty free gifts.
Artion on the measure is scheduled in
tl1r Senale after Congress returns from a
Jong Veterans Day v.·eekend. Its approval
ls almost cert.ain.
Rains • Ill Texas Subside
Six Die • Storrn That P oundecl E ntire State in
Call torn la
.,. UNITED ~ll•tt tjjfRll:H~TIONAL
~~l-1' C11ilornl1 wit moll!V t U""'V
t "6 1 Cir '""'""''' -v wl!ll 11111-f .... ...,., _,,,. '"" "'°""'-'" ....... lo. Anwtl11 wn Ill""• 1n(I' w1rm..-11., wl!ll I lllt ll CPI IJ. lo<1T~1·1 -
will 1M JT. LI.rot t Vt lrlrhl!IO!l !r<1m
amoe Wll P•Nln.d.
Tl"lf bNclln -• '"""• lcidtv wl!ll ,...,,.,.,,,,." 1,, ft>• ...,.. 101 Tl>I
Wttw!" .........,_1!11rt w11 ""' to.
Me!lllft l,,. ~ ... ,...,., '"" .........
•lrfl ~19'11 tn ,.,.. IOo
TM llllwrh .., .... , '""""· H.,,,,_ CPI 111 .... .._ WW"1 "9C'O'"'lltd IA IM ,,.,._
6"...,_ llllf • llnr" '"""1"tlvrft
w1nntd 1119 lllw Yl llevo.
~ ~ltf\1 W-.0.Y ..... fertc.1111
11•1 ..,.. IOdlY In ..,_... 1rtt1 -••:
i.-leedl IO<M. k 11ll Mel'IUo .._
14. av<Wr*; ....,, Ml. Wll~ fJ.-7',
P1l""llalt ,,.,s, Rlwnl* 90-tl, I'll"'
..,I,..• ~ a1ktnll9!4! tf.1', iln oi... 10o1s. htlf• .. ,..r. ,1.n, ..,,..
~II All9 11 ....
s ........ ,,, •r UetlTI O l'R.11 llllTt •NA'l:IONA\..
,.,,, 1lltt al'ld llflt~ •1J"1111" _,""
-t lleoll wtf "'Oii Of 11'11 11111.., i.
"''' lllllufh 11--blt Wl rmtl"I Ctft-
lll'NN ,,..,., "" ,, .. 1111 """ °""' te
""' -OriMI t.1U1. 1"'1<1~1111... Wll 11,.,lttf Iii ""'"'
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"".,"' fff!\11'11111 '"'"'"' HNV'f r1ln1 MmbltMlN Twt•
Wlld.....cl1y. Ct111l"t llt WI f!e<lldlnt '""' tl• • .._..,.,, ,,,.,, "''" • hie! " •• 1 ..
,.n '" •om• ••t•• tN "'' ... e11n1 -·-.,.. .. er II _,,, .,,...., flWfl In
lht Halt, H_.,..,, bv t1111 ,.,...n1,.., IM r11111
hK tub1IOM. °"'''-' lllM t t lll 11111 -
P'll[VIEWOf HO.I.A H.l.TIOIUt W[.llHlRSERVICl TO 7:00 A.M lST 10 · l1·71
Slll "fljjjJl'l"
I '-<-/.
-· ftlt lt"Qn'I tOl/Tllet" Vlrt lnl1 lo
'IWIOI wllllt JCl!Mr.j .,.._ .. 11'11'1
..... fll11rOtrU$1"~ OC<Urr... """"'
H tlffft M lft-!I • ...., W I I I f ' ft
Wl•(lf'lllll " J!'lf Te.11 '"' Lwl1l1,_ "°'"""" ......
Ot.~1...,.t ,,1., ftll !rem _,.,,,.,
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By British.
LONDON (AP) -Sen. Edward M.
Kennedy was branded a ·•vote-eatchlng
American politician" who is "prepared to
stoop to the gutter" today by a group of
British politicians angered by his
demands that Britain pull out of Northern
"Such a gross interference in the in-
ternal affairs of a friendly nation. couch-
ed in eitreme language, containing'
monumental inaccuracif3 makes him
totally unfi t for the Vt'hite House." said
the Ulster group of the r u I i n g
Conservatiye Party's right wing.
The group's chairman, J ohn Jackson,
158id : "Ulster today is urider attack on aU
side!. Even vote-catching American
politicians are prepared to stoop to the
gutter at the expense of Ulster's torment.
"Sen. Kennedy's ill-timed a n d
dangerous remarks about Northern
Ireland appear to be the Cl')>ening of his
campaign to win the Democratic
prPsidential nominallon next year.
""Statesn1 anship and dip!on1acy do not
corne easily to Sen. Kennedy. vthose bla-
tant pandering lo powerful I r i s h •
American moneybags in the Democratic
machine must shock decent American
j "°'"'·"
Sise!o Proposed
Egypt 0 Ks U.S.
Suez Mediator
Aulhorilative diplomatic sources in
Cairo said today Egypt ha! agreed to an
American sugge!tion designating a top
State Department official as a go
between in Egyptian-Isr.atli negotiations
for an interim settlement that would
reopen the Suez Canal.
UPI Correspondent J1,1aurice Guindi
said the man proposed for the job is
Joseph J . Sisco, Assistant Secretary of
State for Near Eastern Affairs, and one
of the architects of American ~1iddle
East policy in the Nixon administration.
The diplomatic sources said Sisco
would act as middle man to negotiate on
the basis or a six-point plan for an in·
terim agreement outlined before the U.N.
General Assembly by Secretary of State
William P. Rogers.
Rogers said a canal pact would be a
first step'toward an over-all settlement.
However, Israeli officials have rejected
parts of t.he plan called for an Israeli
withdrawal and permitting Egyptians to
cross the canal after the Israeli pullback.
\\'ith the negotiations apparently in lim-
bo at !he moment. both Syria and Egypt
have issued warlike statemenls recentlv
outlining a tough position against Israel..
On Wednesday, Egyptian Vice Presi-
dent Hussein Shatei said 300,000 Egyptian
troo ps stand ready to embark on a "bal·
tle of destiny" by the end of the year 10
liberate Arab territories occupied by
Shafe1"s rentark.!J et~ repeated
slatemenls by President Anv.·ar Sadat
that 19il is the '"decisive year" when the
Middle East conflict wW be settled by
peace or war.
i\leanv.·hile. Israel sal tight loday
waiting for the next U.S. move in
\\'ashington's allf'mpt to break the
negotiating impasse on achieving a
partial Middle East settlement.
Foreign ftfinister Abba Eban re!u~
to Israel Wednesday from talks in New
Yo rk with Secretary of State Will iam P.
Rogers, who has proposed a six-point
"interin1 settlement" plan centered
around the reopen111g of the Suez Cana.I.
'"I understand from Mr. Roge rs that
11 fter the talks at the ministerial level
in New York. the U 11 j t e d Stales
government would Jet us kno\v how it in·
tends to proceed in this matter." Eban
told ne•.rsmen at Lod International
He said Rogers intends to carry on y:ith
his plans e\·en though both Israel and
Egypt have take n exception to some of
the prop:isals.
Hardy plant specials to
make your garden grow.
99~ Pkg.
Tul ip bul b special.
F1rebird Parrot and
Orange Parrot varieties.
Seven bulbs in a
packag e. Plant now.
plants. Our
entire stock
that includes
many varieties
are all one low,
k:rw price.
A"merican Modoc Planter
Mix. 2 cu. ft. bag. Gives
new plants and planting
areas the proper
soil mixture. 129 2aa
Penneys Lawn Food.
25 lb. bag. Our own
brand. A great value
for a healthier lawn.
JC Penney
Cyclamen plant special.
Hardy plants that produce
your choice of red or white
blooms. Growing in four inch
pots. Select several now.
Crocus bulb special.
Choose King of Striped,
Mammoth Yellow. Snow
Storm or Vel vet King
vari eties. 15 in a
package. Plilnt now.
1 05
Special. Aza lea
plants. Choose fro m
assorted colors. and
plant them in the
!hade. Hardy plants
growing in one
ga llon containers.
Kellogg's Nitrohumus.
100% natural humus. A
ric'1 organic compost.
Improves soil in1mediatety.
50 lb. bag. 139
Shop Sunday noon to 5 p.m. at the following stores:
Ava;lab le at tho follow ing stores: NE\'.>'PORT BEACH -Ft1h ion Island. Charge ii.
Ii '
. .
Newport Beaeh
• .
Today's Final
N.Y. Stoelu
Critics Demand · Probe of School Spending
0 1 Int 0.il' Pilel 51111
President 01 the Coun1:1l of the Coin·
1nun1ties or It·\ lne John Burton todav
called for an audit ol Ifie past performa1;.
ce of the Sao Joaquin Eletnentary School
d1slricl adminLStrat ion based on earlil'r
charges re lat ive to use of funds.
Burton. CC I head and a city council
candidate. also said he \\'ill ask CCI to
push for a public heari.J1g into the charges
that monies earmarked for rehabilitation
of Old Irvine School 11·ent tor land a1·-
qu1sition in l\liss1on \11tJO or i':l Toro.
Burton also responded tu c<irlit•r
~talemenls b\' s<.'hool tru stees and
another counc
1l candida1e that Burton
\\·as ma king the accus.1!ions for pol111cal
He also repeated a ('harge thal school
adminis trators. have failed to make stan.
dard applications for stale aid and ha1·t'
not even developed a 1naster plan fol"
gcbool construction.
Red11eed io R11bble
To the aceusat1ons by the school
tru~tecs and council opponent \\'ayne
Cla rk. Bu1·1on stud. ·· l '111 bafned I hat !llr
Clark u'(luld m;ikc the political chargt>
r.hat our unt"O\ er1ng of facts 111 &Jcra-
n1en lu was a politica l effort."
Burton said he and lrvint resident
"tiles Peterson uncovered alleged ad·
ministrative blunders on a rec~nl tnp to
the slate capital.
Burton said the charges are not
polilical. "They are fact. It is a fa ct that
'fhis i::; alt that re1n ai ned today of \restern Canners
plant on l\'"e,1·port Beach's Rhine Channel. Old can-
ne rv building, long a favorite \vi th artists anrl
phOtogr;iphers. has been demolish ed to n1akt? \1·a~·
for a 11c11· 11·a terfront restaurant. This photo \\·as
ta ken rro1n roof' of \ ist a dC'l Lido apartn1ent buil d ·
ing. In background \Cen ter) is. Snug !!arbor bar on
[.(lfa yc\le Street.
Bal Fu11 Zo11e to Be F1111
Fo1· l\iaybe 1 More )~e a1·
The merry-gv-round. the pcnn~ arcade
and the fro1cn banana s!and Of Balboa's
Fun Zonr m;1v J!.r l .i \·ear'" rf'prie\'(' fron1
destrurt1011 .
Applican!.~ rrqucstinj? a 1.on!' 1·hang•• to
allO\\' con.,trul'tiOn o! an !'1gh1-~t0rv
apart ment builtl1ng \in !hr l1istoric pru·
pcr!y l><11d tod:1y lhl'y \\·ill ask the
!\'e1\•port Bc;i("h Pl;1nn111i; Commi~sion fo r
21 t1Jnti11u11n,·e lonight ;it 8 o'rlork 1n Ci1v
The Fun Zone I( within the bou11driry n[
the shoreline height hmilation district .
wh ich prohihiL<1. buildings over :t5 feet for
one vear.
"I .have asked that the matter be con-
tinued for a year.'' D.C. Hanson,
manager of the Santa Ana Jrrigal ion
(;omp11oy o( Orange. O\\'nerS or the pro·
perty. said today.
Hanson also said the company \\'OU\d
··try 1\1 eome up \11\h sorncth1ng el ~C' ..
n1th1r. !he 11 mi ts dunng lhc nc~I 1~
In anolhrr m<11ter. a rl·quc·~t by !ht'
Jr\ ine Compa ny to re subd1vidP 14.3 acrt•s
in Big Canyon for de1•f'lnpn1~n! ;i s singl C'·
f;unily dwE'lling~ \1·111 al~n J.!" hc'f1 lrf' 1 Ill'
l'ornmission .
Located at Sa n Joaquin Hills l:oaLl and
~ig Can.von Drive. lht' dC\'C lopinent
Would feature 72 ll\'o and 1hrer ·bcdroo1n
ln other matters the cornmission :
-ls cspccted to t'ontinuc a rcquc s1 by
the Seafarers Safely ;ind Service Club.
Inc .. for a marine fueling and scrl'ice
station nrxl to the Pavilion in Balboa un-
lit Nov. 18 u•hile the proposal is re\'iscd.
..... w ill con tinue a public hcarinit on a
request by Don the Bcarhcomlx>r
n'Sll uranl In i.iern1it patron tl1111ci11g .11
th e 3901 CAast High way loca tion.
-Will discuss a request by the Emkay
Oe,·elopmtnt Company lo create a 1.3
at re lot in !heir "Newport Project'" for
development. of a eommerci;i l office
building. lt would be localed at Entrance.
and Dove streets.
Punch Con:s un1 e<l
A t Luau Blan1ed
For H e patitis
Pt111l'.h t·on!"un1rd at lhl· :'loulh Shorr
Sa1l111g Cluh luau lt1~! Au~ i 1.~ the pru-
h<iblc cau!"e nf an outbr!';lk of inlt'Cliou~
htp<it1ti!. \1h1eh affrcted !Ill 1>frqins ;11
cordi11g to Orangc {'oun1v Hral1h Offic·1·r
.John Fl Philp
Dr Pla lp. 11'ht1 h<i:: conduc!t'd ;111 f'\·
hdusli\r 1111'rs1 1gatit1n 1ntr1 the un-
prcccdcnl<'d OU!hrr.<lk Of th e d1~case S;'.lld
\\"rdncsday lhC' 1)urirh was the only corn·
1non srit11'(·(' l'f cnnlart fp1· <111 nir rnl)f•rs of
1he Newpnrl Bc;1ch·h:ist•d cluh "'ho ean1c
dn1v11 with hrpt1!it1s-.
J\~ he had rer111rlrd prr11ot1sl1. l)r.
Philp ~tressed rhal 1iH.' rx:1t·t .source "'
the. 1nfecti11n wiJ1 •11c1·cr br· tra!'ed ··11
could conic fron1 the 1n,:red1 en ts. frnn1
the manner of p1·e1>arat1nn or from the
serving.·· he added
The health officer said his dcpar1n1cn!
has 98 l'Onfirined case~ or the di sca sr
t1ris1 ni: from the luau at thf' Isthmus
Col"c on Catalina Island bu! no secondary
rases among those who tiad contact with
the virtims
The punch contained runi. fruit. fruit
juices. soda v.•ater and possibly &0mc
brandy. the doc tor said.
Of the total of 170 persons v.·ho attended
lhe luau. there were other cases of il lnes.~
but laboratory tests showed that only 93
had hepatitis.
S~liJ.000 is b{!ing transferred from the old
Irvine School to buy ne w sites where
three already exist.
"If 11 is El Toro. not !\lisslon Viejo.
rhal's a fine d1st1nrlion. It is no• lr\'ine ."
he said.
Burton also charged . "It is a fact that
1n a ~lay. 1971. foundation count was used
to justify the proposal for state fu nds Lo
build on the new non·lr\•ine site
"It is a fact that the school dis trict ad-
ministrators have not filed th e continuing
j":Jstirications necessary to give the school
district a high prM:lrity required to get
state money to build our schools.
··The adrninislrators ha\'e not taken
tunely and ntcessary actions to assure us
of Relling the n1oney ""'e need ,'" he said.
He also said the lack of a master plan
has enabled other districts to secure
fund s u·here San J oaqu in has been unable
to do so.
Burton ~aid the nlain poin t of his
char·ge IS '"that the gro"·th of lhe Irvine
area is be~ng used lo bu ild schoo ls outsid e
lrl'ine whilt children of Irvine go beg-
gi ng_
··\\'hat is needed now is to solve tht
pr0Qle1n ." he said. ··~1r. Peterson and I
"'Ill ask the CCI to lend its support to a
full public hearing with the developer~.
trustees and administrators.
"1\nd we reco1nmend an independent
aud1L of the school administration's pasL
performance to determine how our
schools le!l so far behind."
Wat-son Gets Death
Tex Condemned Despite Mercy Plea
From \\'ire Servict s
LOS ANG ELES -Charles "Tex"
\\'atson, portraved b}' his derrnse as a
··1\•i!hered human being" and by his pro·
~ecutor as a cold·blooded killer. v•a$
rlf'cre ed death in the gas ehamber today
h.1· !he s;une jury thal conv icted him of
the seven Sharon Tate murders.
\\'a t ~on. 25. is the fi fth and last defen-
dant charged and convicted in the August
1969 killings. Charles i\·lanson and three
ren1al e ro!lou-·ers v.:rre sentenred Lo dc;ilh
last April for the sla yings of th e actress
;ind sl x others.
Doo111ing \\';itson n1<1de the gfls
ch<1 mber unani1nous for the Charles
i\·lanson '"family "' membe rs tried for the
s1•vcn bloody Tate·Lal1 ianca slayings.
\\'atson was re.f used a possible penalty
or hfe imprisonmenl by the same jury of
six men and six wo men \vhich had con·
\'LClcd hi111 of first degret murder and re -
jeclcd his plea of nol guilt y by reason of
1nsanily .
. t.l~nso' and lhrec \fOIDCD f.Q.ijower,,
ADA Blasts Pair
Susan Atkins, Patricia Krenwinkel and
Leslie Van Houten, had been sentenced to
death at the first trial \\'hich Watson, a
onetime high school athlelic_slar and ex-
rel!cnt scholar, had avoided by fight ing
extradition fron1 hi.s homctou·n of l\fcKin-
nev. Tex .
\Va tson. dressed neatly in a dark blue
jacket \Vith shi rt and ti e. swa!lo1\'ed oner.
when the court clerk read the jury·s
\'Cl'dict that death should be the sentence,
bu l he did oot alter the vacant exprCS$l·.11
on his face. which he has disp\ayerl
throughout the trial.
!\one of the Alanson fam ily me mtx-rs
11·as in the courtroom. Virtually a!l ,,f
them \Vere in jail following \\'ednesday-~
~weep-up of six members as accomplices
in the sen~ational P.scape from the Hall of
Juslice jail or Kenn eth Co1no. 31.
\\latson .had admitted on the stand Lhat
he look part in <>JI sevrn killings at the
home of actress Sharo n Tate and grocer
y,io LaBianca.
CMt rle' 'Tex' W1tson
Nixon Has Made Choice
Cl1i cago-Peoria
Flig ht Crash es
Near Airport
Of Top Court N 01ninees
\\'ASHl1\'GTO N (APl -President Nix·
011 has nlade his se!ectlon or nominees to
f1l l t1vo Supreme Cou rt vacancies and 1\•as
to announce them Lo the n<1tion in a live
lele\'JS1on·radio address at 4.30 p.m. PDT
lon1g hL
The \\'hi!e House announced Nixon s
plans w1 th1n hours after the 'Vashington
l'o~t published e story saying the
Arr,er1can Bar Association's committee
11n the federal 1udic1ary had withheld its
endQrscmenl from !110 pot e. n t 1 a I
Tenn.i s Player
])ie:s on Courts
A 53-ycar·ol d ~ewport Beach i"du&·
lnal1s1 collapsed and died \Vedncsday
wh1I(> playing tenni~ on 1he court! !ll
.-..-ewporl llarbor High Sc hool.
Ho.,..•ard Reul<.nd. JU I ~1orning Star
Lane. in Dover Shores, was pronounced
dead.on-arrival at Hoag f\1emoria! Hos-
pital. He collapsed whilt playing ten11is
with his wif e. Joan.
Hculand was a partner with his bro-
ther. frank . also a Ne..,..·porl Beach resi-
dent. 1n HeuJand l-.:lectronics in the City
ol lndustr~.
funera l' services art: pendi111g al ~c.ific
\'ic"· Memori<.I Park in Corona derMar.
~Ir . Reuland is survived by his wife and
tl'.'O da ughters. Penn y of Chino and Joan
of Toledo. Ohio.
nominees who were regarded as fron·
trunners for the pos itions.
Press secretary Ronald L. Ziegler,
'~·hen asked abou l the verdict of the ABA
committee. said that the Senate has
responsibility lo givt its advise and con·
.sent to no1n1nalions for the high court. He
added ·
'"The Conslltut1on docs not require the
const'nl nf the ASA . . they of cou rse do
not ha\'C 1 eto f)O\\'er "
Z1eg1er thus left open the possibility
tha1 i\ll•Oll would nom inate the two "·ho
fai led !n rece1 \'e the endo rscn1ent of the
ABA co1n1n11tee
The ) arc i\fildrrd L Lillie , a justice of
the Californi;1 Court nt Appeals, and
llcr!>chc l H ~·r1r1<1,v. an Arkansas bond
la wyer 1\hO has be('n atl1ve 1n school
descgrcgal rol' ca~es.
Ziegler said Nixo n decided iust !tu~
rnorniog !o rnakc i! TV-ratlio appearance
but said he 111:1} ha ve decided in his O\\'n
111ind on his choices \\'ednesday night.
l'irst \vord of the ABA con1mittee ac·
lion lea ked ou1 \\'ednesday night. The
\Vhi1e !louse press ~pokesma n soid he
\\'OU!d not 1al k about consult ations
bct"·een Atty. Gen. John N. r.1itchell and
the ABA.
Asked if the sudden decision lo make
an address to the nation on the nom ina-
tions might not be regarded as an in·
dication of presidenti al pique, Ziegler
said. "No. I v.·ouldn 't say that.''
Ziegler also was asked if Ni xon was
confident his nomintes \\'ould "'in Senate
!See CO URT. Page ZI
PEORI A, Ill. fJ;Pl ) -A Chicago-to-
Peoria con1muler airliner carrying 1l
least 14 passengers <.nd !l'.'o crew mem·
bers crashed when it hit a power line on
an approach run to the Greater Peoria
Airport today. There were no survivors
reported .
'"There are mangled bodies every-
where." ambulance cre.,..·s at the scene
r;.dioed ba ck lo hos pitals.
The crash of the Chicago and So uther•
Airlines flight 80~ 1\·as confi rmed by the
Pr,1ria Ai rport Authorit y and by the Fed·
eral A\•iation Adrnini.~1 ration (f AAl of-
fit-c 1n Des Plaines. Ill.
Thr planr lefl Chicago's 1\leighs Airport
and l'.'as on its approoch to ihe main run·
"ay at the Greater Peoria Airport when
1t st ruck power lines an d went down at
10 45 pm PDT. The scene was 211 mile~
east of Peoria .
The FAA said !he vi.~rbi!Jry at Ptoria.
w;..s one mile in hght rau1 and fog. The
plane was a Converted twin-engine Beech·
craft, the FAA said.
f'irst reports were lhat the plane ('ar-
ried 14 passengers. a pilot and a ropilo!.
ft crashed one mile from Limestone·
\\'alters Elemerttary School.
The PeQrio County corontr was en
route to the scene with FAA invtstiga.
tors. Observers said the bodies might be
ta ken to 1he school.
Senate A pproves
Neu; Categ ory·
For Marijuann Tustin School Split to Get Vote We•t•er-
Sunny but hazy skies are fore-
cast f<Jr the coastal folk on Friday.
with temperatures locally reaching
78 degrees and inland reslons hi~
ting 88.
from Wire Sen 1(Ts
SACRA:\t ENTo -The Senate gave
final legis\alive appro\•al today to lake
marijuana out <Jf lhe narcot ic category
In stale law end !isl it instead as a rt-
stricted dangerous drug. .
The sh ift would not change penalne.s
ror persons nabbed with illegal hemp
The measure by Assemblyman \\'llliam
Campbtll, IR-Hacienda Hei ghts I. \l."3$
sent to Gov. Reagan's desk on a 29 lo 0
Se-Tuolt v01e.
Gov. HOflald Heagan \'t loed a ~arly
klentlcal bill lasl yea r.
Se.n. Gordon Col<Jgne. (R-lndio). upj)tr
Hoo!IC noor managl!:r for the bill. told
t.-olleegut~ '"It 's ohvious m11 rljuana is not
11 n&rcotic. TI1i s bill simply puts mari·
jua n11 where It belo ngs."
Restricti\'C d11ngerous drugs lnc:ude 1,.s o and amphetam ines. ·
01 Ill• 0.11., ,.li.t '''"
Tut Orange County Committee on
School Oislrict Organization v o t e d
\\:ednesday night to submil to voteri 1n
June a unification pl an thal splils lhe •
Tustin UnM:m High School Dls tricl into
lhree unified districts.
The approved plan. Plan Six-C. nol'.·
goes to thf State Board of F.dueaJ ion fo r
it!i: approvll. The Stitte Dn nrd Is ex~ed
lo act on the plan In January and .,..·ill
formally stt tht dalr for the dlstrtctwldt
election recommendC(I by the Counly
Committee. The ba llolins: is expected to
be set for June
!\"inc or the ll·rnen1ber Counly Com·
n\ittee \"Oted unanill)Ously on the Phin
Six·C proposal. An amcnd'tncnt thal
woul d have provided for separate ballots
In the thret. proposed dist ricts was
defeated 6-3,
i\Iembers ~trs. ~1arion C. Bergeson . I,.
Carlton J ones and chairman Joe Coffin
supported the three-way voting procedure
Iha! woul d have allowed any of the pro-
J'l()Sed districts to unify even if voters in
the others tumed il down.
II w11s argued that shoo ld the Irvine
Unified District be approved . the present
Tustin High 11nd San Joaquin Elementary
dlstricts would be spilt by the new Irvine
Unified District and therefore be difflcult
10 adminisler
Another amendment to tltt Plan Six-C
motion rtceivcd a majority qt the
c1uorum votes. but f;'Jlled when II tncmbcr
s"·itchcd his yes vo te to a no. "l.rynt.
Black. county counsel to the committee
noled, the an.ended motion would rtquire
a majority or the II -member committee
-at least six votes -In order to pass.
That amendment would have changed
the datt ror establllhini! the ratio to
divide ·district.owned' P,.operty from the
1970-71 base year ta 1971-72. It \\'SS
argued that the later Year would provide
more equitable di~bution or property
bet .... ·een the new districts 1ince Irvine
and ~isslon Vlejf artas wouJd gain m
assessed valuati06.
Property will bf: split according to the
ratio of assessed v,iuation of each of the
areas that will m-'<e up the new unified
districts. under lt\t aOopted plan.
Mrs. Bergeson 1nd Coffin said tl'ley fell
an •lternare plallJ-Plan D -submitlcd
by ,.lrvtne area' otganlzations made some
"\fRlJd p0 int5."
i\1rs. Bergeson underl\(:Ored th c
criterion or communlly identit y and noted
there will be poli llcal efforts to ha ve: the
school district and city of Irvine boun·
daries coincide.
No motion was made to place Plan D
before the commiUee for consideration.
The hour-long County Committee session
followed the third and final public: hear·
ing OD the plans held for residents of the
Tustin area.
At tlu.t hearing, Wayne Clark, president
of the Irvine Council for Education and a
candidate for the Irvine City Council.
read a statement on behalf of ICE
member and attorney Paul Tonkovich.
1'onkovlch urged further consideration
of ph1clng 166 acres ol the Irvine
lndumrlal Park within the boundaries of
,tSce TUSTIN, P11&e 2,
Do separa!e age ncies 'rtooit;td rn admin1.1teri11g the Ju.vt•Ut '
Justice Systt.m work welt '" fl
team'.' A federall y /jno11ced uni·
versity study of tht Cotta Mesa
area $Ufi{le.si.s ueeded impro~·
ment. See iiory a1~ Pages SI a1id
C•nlwnt• t
Clttellllte u, 11
c~.iu... .,,,.
c-1o " ( .. M-rf I•
Offlll l'Mtlc•t t
01-c•t t•l t
l f l!Mlt l "•M • ..... ., .......... , ,.,, ,,,._. ll·,. "'¥"<-11 A1111 L•IMll.,, U
"'"' llt llnoke , Mt..... 11-H
M•IWI -..... • JU llMM N9wto ...
0-C-IY t '-"' ,.,,
Sitt~ ........ ,.. ..
TN•ltlH 21 r""'9t't 21oft
Wtttllw t "'-'•.,..... ,.,. w..w ..........
Before, Scientists Had to Take Samples Back to L•boratory
Air !Heas1iring System
Firm Gives Its lu10,vhow
To !ii· Pollution Battle
01 "'• Dl llY Pllol Sl1lt
A Costa ~IPsa aProspace rl"search firm
Is cont rihut1ng snph1 slirated ml"asurine;
system s equipmen t and kn ri1,1• hn\Oo' to the
air and land y,·ar on air poll ut ion.
Gerry LayPr. director of environmenl.11
systems for Atl antic Research CA .. tod ay
e.xplaintd how the fi rm's air and ground
ptirtlhle equipment ""'ill help improve a ir
"You can't control air poll ution wit hout
be.ing able to measure it," Layer sa id
during an hour long press briefing at
Orange County Airport.
On view were a light a irplane fitted
with special devices to scoop up jct ex-
haust in flight and a ground mDb1le uni t.
The airplane trails departing aircraft
and , with equ1pmenl carried behind the
Pilot 's seat. researchers can. fnr thr first
time, record m'lment by mnment th~
cont ent of th e air >1•ith measurC'ments nf
particulate matter and hydrocarbon
The Argonne National Labor21tory i~ us-
ing the system for air pollution studies at
Chicago's o ·ttare Airport and al Orange
County Airport.
The results of the tsO.oon smflg tests
will give prteise information about the
effect of airpo rt operations nn the air
qual ity or surrQunrlini; e<1mmunities ,
A U~nlic Research offi cials i;aid
It may ]('ad. Layer ~aid . In changes in
airport routine that cnuld improve air
quality by doing such things as spacing
jet fl ighll'i or usin,1? t lectrir inste::id of
gas"linc·pov.·ered .':round f'quipmC'nt.
Atlantic Research eq•1ipment . he sairl .
al!·eady is bein<:! used by ma nufacturP.rs
of airplane rn"1nes to :11d in redesigning
en,.inrs to lower emissions .
At tl1e hea rt of the smf)i; t e.~t.lng is a
quartz crystal ni1rrob alance developed by
Dr. RaymQ11rl Chuan lt i~ capahle ,,f
measuring particle content nf air passing
O\'er it. Prcviouslv. scien!ists had t.o take
air samples back. t.o the lab to measure
particulates. Al~ngside !h(' All.lntic R~~.-arch uni t
carried In the p!anP an<'l th.-~nund unit,
is equipment produrcd b\· ann1her Orano;:e
CClun ty firm. Beekman Instruments. The
latter un it measures h/drocarbon con-
Dr. Chuan ~aid hi!'> t''1uipmcn! 1\·.1s
rle\'eloPf'd ab"IUI 11 .. 0 ~·Pflf<, ag() anrl !hP
OranJ!e Cnuniv Ail"fY'TI te~t~ mark the
fi rst time the firm ha!< bcf'n paid to u~e It
tn monitorin; air quaht~·
Dara on . .\1rbnrn e sril1 rl ~ l"':tl
hydrocarbons. f1),,11es rif n11rn~P:i ::ind
(1:r')ne ::i nd lf'mpf'r::iT11rP al \'anr.,.1~
·1!1 !1!tudf'~ 1n anrl arnu:id !hP .:1 1rprir1 will be
c,.,ll ~tPd
\Vork1ng fo r rh"' Feder.:il A v1~!1"1n
Administrauon ·FAA• Ar~,.,nn e re'earchtr~ \1111 thrn · ma p" tht· 1)~11.,:1·~11
ito•••I N. w,.d
Pl""'id"'I 11"1 l'wl>ll>lltf
J ock R. Cwr11v VI« ,, .. 1c1 .. 1 I ncl G-•I M1n1~1r
1ho"'•• Ko••il
T~•"'•I A. Mwr~~;~.
1/1'1~ "19 EO•""'
l. ,.~ •• k·••1 ~.wpo•t llH<ll C•"f Ed.lat'
New,.n ._,. Office
l lll New,e•t low11~1•tl
M1il;"g Ad dt111: l'.O. lo• ll1S, '1 2 ~6)
Otlllll' OHkw
Oirll1 Mft11 UI W.,t Ill' St.wt
U g""' llNCll: '2: ,O<ftl ... ........
"""''""""' •••tll: 17115 ....... 1 .... 1 .. 1tt aa~ c.-11: as Nonfl 1.1 ClrnlM It.ell
,...,.._ .. 1714} 142--4121
Cl-"IH Alf•1onhl"11 14~·•171
• C..,,.'9flt, 1m, O••~" o u1 ~1.~1,.. ~. ,.. -· tlOl'IM , llu"• .. n..-.. .. 1-.. 1 --... .0 ..... , ........ .,, ~ .... ,~ m1p ... ....l'MllcM •llflowl I PIC!tl ,,.,...
m JMifll OI ~·-Ill O'O'fltf,
J«"'41 (1111 ... ttfl bfi4 II JlirwPOl1 .M(ll
11111 • C1111!1 ,,,._, (1+~ .. ~·•· ·~•c•l,!111<>
01 Uffi.t' ''·" _,,,,,, ~. ,_,.11' It 1J
"""""'"'' l'llllli.r)' lll1111Hf!illlft1. 11.IJ ..-11111,.,
.. :
Atl1ntic R1se.1 rch'1 Chu.1 n
fin ding! by computer The maps, Laver
said, w·Lil help in planning and locat·m~
nr-w• a1rpoM~
The sampling~ al Oran £'e Cnunrv
Airport be~an t.ndav anrl 11111 mn\·e 1n
early ~o.-ember tD o ·Ha rP f trld in
Or;in~e r iun11' .'\.JrpnrT WA~ 1'"1~rterf
h"r-11use it typif1('~ a !'rniltl Airpr"lrT ll!'ed
prim arily for rrl\ are and cnrporate a\·1a·
Anti-O C Airport
Expansion Bid
Nets 400 X's
A pe:.1uon repor1edly si gned by 400 per-
sons opposin g fur ther e"'pans1on of Or·
ang e Coun1y Airport, 11 nd compl11in1ng
About conditions as·they ex•l'it nov.·, v.•as
presenterl 10 i.1rpor1 officials \\1edntsd11y
night rfu r1ng 11 mPeting of The Bluffs
Homtowne rs A.ssociation
\\1!11 .~ H11bb11 rrt. 11~•r"l('t11 !1f)n pr11.~1rltnt.
!'t r!'!'~d thar !he pelll1nn wa5 fl'll .~pnn
snred nnr fo rn1ally enrtor.~ed by rhe as~o
c1a1Jnn. hut harl bet11 ci rculated hy indi-
\'irl11al members.
Aluffs hom~"'Tlers h<'llrd 11 present •-
rion on airport nnise hy Airport 01rec!or
R0~rt Bre.o;nahan and membt>r.~ of his
They expl11ined the noise monltorlnR
equipment now Jn oper1111on and outlinffi
steps planntd by the airpor1 to help re-
duce. the noise. problem.
From Pqe J
the propostd Irvine d1s1nct.
Under the. commlllet. adopted plan. the
Nrte.I Is part of lhe. propo1td TlJ ~tln
Unlfltd lllstrirl. 111t hnu'h it lie~ wfl hln tht.
houndaries (If the proposed City of lrvlne
Tnnk">vlch 11lso urged ~p,11 rate. e.lectlnn~
ffl r e11ch nf the three proposeQ districts
3nd 11 later ditle for eM11bllshlng the ratio
fnr riivl~ion of prope.rty bt sed on assessed
DAILY "'LOT ,,_H l'lltlt l
Big Bookie Ring
Broken in County
01 I~• D1llJ l"llet Sllfl
Vice off icers from ei ght Orange County
police agencies and the district atlot ney's
office have cracked 1 county·wide
boo~making ring and arre.sted se\"l'n
alleged "bookies ."
The ring reprwtcdlv look bcls from !.a
to sa.ooo on horse 'race.~ and s1>nrtiog
f'\ cnts anrl had an outside connl'Cl1nn
"''i!h an underv.·orld syndicate.
One suspet't ar rested worked in a shoe
lilor!' in Newport Beach'5 fashion Island.
Others reportedly opcraterl in Garden
Gto\·e. Anahein1 and Pico Rivera v.·here
they we re Arrested.
Those arre.o;terl and charaged with con-
spiracy and bookmaking wtre
-James Collins ii.1il!er, 48, Santa An11.
whn worked at a shoe store in Fashion
-Anlhnny Casasanto, 38, of 1218 9th
St .. Garden GrQve.
-~1a rty John DePiano. 48, of 11930
B;inner Drive. Urirdcn Grove.
-Mr. and ~1rs . Gerald Dellahoussaye,
OOth .35. of 6641 Sanla Rita Ave .. Garden
-.Jesus Garcia, 32. Pico Rivera.
comp!alnts tot11Jling 92 C(lunts hH ve bee.n
f1!e.d again~! the seven indivi duals.
Stotler s11 !d he will seek "state" prison
lime for !he seven . ralher than the
ordinar~· county jail sentence f o r
bookn1aking .
Ourl ng the Investigation . officer-" made
se\'erA! indiv idual bet s. Thry used police
haheoplers for surv!'i!lant'l' in th" e{lu nty.
:\rrest1ng f1ff1cers se11erl O·.·h~e1s 1ae-
eounti1_1g forms fnr large lxx>km11k1ng
nprrauons l, markers and radins and
elnt'ks. reportedly used to pre1 ent post-
rare bettin.':.
Intelligence officf'rs said Def>iano v.·a!
th(' man who cnllected the gambling
money. He reportedly used seven dif-
ferent aliases.
[n\•estigatnrs called this one of the big-
ger bookmaking rings found in Or1n1e
Cou nty.
A!! suspec ts arrested. except M&01l,
have balled out of Orange County Jail.
The undercover operation included
Di~trict Attorney in l'estigittors and vice
officers from New port Beach, Hunlin(ton
Beach. Santa Ana, Orange, Anaheim,
Fullerton , Buena Park and Garden
THIS IS DEVICE THAT SCOOPS UP AIR SAMPLES -Victor Christopher Meoli. 48, 1882.2
Drew \Vay, Orange. It is Attached to Win g of Sm1ll Pl1n• Th.1t Tricks Jtts District Attorney investiga tnrs said bail
was set at Sl2.500 on each person, ex cept
l-liller, whose bail was set at $25,000
Police Course
Scheduled Swells Swipe Sands
because be allegedly was "the con-
nection" between tl'-·o Dookmaking ring.o;.
The arrests capped a six·week in-
vestigation by off icers involved ln the
Orange County Intelligence Unit (OC!U l
a force utilizing vice officers from
i;everal agencies. But Army to Rescue Undercover offlcer.s spent several
weeks pl~cing be t.s at the 1lleged A new police. education courst!' will be
bookm aking operation, betting as high as i!ven next term at both Newport Beach
At 2 Schools
St>ptember's south swells that ann1111llv
plague West Nev.·prirt beaches ha ve IPft
less th an 70 fttt of sand llt one strPtch
but offici11ls 511\d today th.-ir fear~ rhat
mu ch m,.,re sand v.·ould be washed awa.v
are r.vC'r.
~ "\\'e're past the most dangerou~
period," (;porge Daw e s, harb1r and
tidelands director. said this mnrning
Dawes said the 32nd Street beach &Uf·
fered the most. but noted th1H beaC'h is
l!llread y sched uled for a massive sand
haul next spring as part of the ong,.,\ng
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers be1tch
&tabili za liQn program for Surfside and
l-.'e1''p<Jrt Beach.
Oav.·es said 100.000 vards of sand will
be. spread near 32nd .strttt and, in ad-
dition. a 800·foot rock rubble groin will be
built there.
The. project. wh1C'h wil l also include
convert ing tv.·o experi mental nearby ~1 Prl
groins to rock rubble, 1s cs1Jma !ed to co~L
a bout $250,000.
Dav.'e.S said his nfl ice and Newf)"rl.
lifeguards v.·ill kePp 11 w11 tchful p\·e
on the 32 nd Street bt ach throughnu! the
winter, but nn!('d 1ha1 artA is now expec-
ted to start .-.ccret.ing ~and.
""-'e'JI st art to get a normal drift frnm
v.·e.st to ea.!.t nov.» .. he said. "lh11t v.·ilJ
bri ng back some of the sand from the
I Shot J\lisscs,
I J\1rs. SJ1ot-
Ri gh t to Jail
An angry woman tnnk a pcit.;hnl at th"'
0\1'nC'r of !he Beach Ri!\I Restaurant 1ri
:-..·Pwpor! Rl'arh. !'hor111' aftrr m1dn1~l1t
pnlire. re.porterl tfl<l<i1' ' '
The ~hot mi.~~ed ·but pol1re 11 rre~terl
J ririe \'1clnri11 Welch. 26. of 547 Al1~n
Ave .. Newport Beach. on charges 0f
assault with ,11 dead!~· l'-'eapon.
Police said she ~tormed into !ht> BeArh
Ball. locilted near Newporl Pier. and
argued with ov.·ner Geor~e Raeger.
Then Mr.~. Welc h, a divorcee , 111\egt.dlv
took a pistol shot at Ra ger after the\•
11rgued in I nearby alley. He left the area
before police arrived.
From Page J
COURT • • •
conf1rm11tlon. The Sena te rejected 11''1)
Pii rl1er no m in e es, Clement F".
Hiiyn~v.·nrth and G. Harrold Carsv.·ell
··He v.·nuld no! ht send in g the no min<i-
Uon~ to the Senate If he felt otherwise ''
Ziegler :;aid . '
Asked if Nixon had notHied his
nominees that rhey had been select ed, the
pr!'ss Sl'('T('ti:try said, "I'm not prl'pared
lo ansv.·er that."
Howe~·er, he 11idded. "I'm sure the 11l·
lornry ~ener~J has talked In them ."
Nixon made no previous Iv-radio ap-
)'.IE'Rr11 nce to announce a nominee for 11
Su preme Court vacancy. That wA~ whtn
he selected Chle.f J ustice Wiirren E.
Burger in 1~9.
The Post !lid the ABA comm ittee
found F"rlday unqui llfled by • vote oJ 7 ,., ~. 11nd Mrs. Lill ie unqualifif!d by • vole of
II to L
Be ~lnntng "'llb the namtn atlon of Ha rry
A. Blackmun tn the. court l11st vf!11r. the
ABA adopted 1 nf'w r1tioa syst!''m. \!.'hen
11sk"(I tn jurh1e • prospecl's quallflcallo~
by I.he Justice Department the b11r c:on1·
miltee on the fe(!eral judlcl11ry first
would make • preHmln1ry 11s.se~menl .
reporting its in it i.1.l JUdgi'nent tnfofmally
La top dep1rtment offlclalJ.
Sa nt a Ana R!ver jetty." $200 in any week. high sch_ools: It is designed to Improve
Dawes said idea lly, the area should be Di!ltrict Attorney James Stotler said commun1cat1ons between police and etu-lhe suspects. w('re apparent ly di vided into dents.
stabilized v.·ith I~ feet of beach and he is rv.·n r ing~. with the De!lahoussaye coupl e Ne wport-!\1esa school lrusteC'S Tue31C!A y
hopef ul the. new groin w i 1 l help ac· and Garcia operating one nrgarilzatio n approver! a course ou tl ine submllt!!d by
comp!1~h lhal. an rl Cas11 santn, DeP!ann 11nd Meoll in Newport Beach Police Chief B. J&mes
''!t wvn·t be 11 total so lut ion,'' D,11wes another, v.·hil e Miller served as 1 go Gla vas and Dr. N'orrnAn Loats. a.!sociate
said. arld ing. "beaches are a dynam ic oe tween. su perin tendrnt nf the school disl rlc!..
thi ng , they're no! static, they are. sup· ''Our officers Wl're ln ve stigaling !he The cou rse will be open 10 all four
posed to ex pand and contract 11nd we'!l one." Stotler s.:iid. "Then during th e izradcs In the ~oci11I studies depart men!.~
undoub!ed ly have to add more sand from Pomona Fair iLos Angeles Co unty] th e of Corona de! .Viar and Ne wport H10rbor
time to lime .'' ring sto pped taking bets on the fa ir Hi.1th Schools.
He said the two expe riment a! groins . al races. The officers were told , however, Glavas outlined the obj!'ctives of th~
40th and 44th Strtets , built in 1967 have they could make bets with these other new cou rse as est.<1blishing .. more ~f-
been he lpful. people." fecth·e communications bet we-en young
They were insta ll ed along wil h four Big bets. above $5,000, were allegedly people and thei r gove rnmen!" and intro-
permanenl groln.s at JSth , 48th, f>2nd and passed on to Los Angele.s. Investigators ducing the American criminal justice sys,
f>fith Streets, as part of the Corps of said the ring apparently has an outside tem.
Engineers' project that began in 1967 and co nnection wilh orgMized crime. It v.•ill b!' 11n n one qu?.rtcr basis at
tn date has ('OSI S5 million, for the \Vest The arrests were made after Superio r Coron;. del ~far and nn a one se mester
Ne.,,,·pnrt projects alone, Dawes said. Court Judge Rl)bf'rt Rickles Issued arrest sy!tem at Harhor Hi.1th.
lie ~aid the project ma~· be continued if and search v.·arrants. Stotler said tv.·o ThP cnurse will he 1auj.!ht hv 11 :-:ev.·port
nrl>rr rxpl'rirnenlal f'rosinn c 0 n tr 0 l Rrach pnl ier nffirer, 10 ht' chnsrn hv thr. p1rrhn<l~. now under review hv !he school dis1rir·t frr1111 a !isr nf f1\·e · sub-
fPdrr,11 i.:01·ern1nenl. prn\·e s:it1sf:irinr1· l '1·i ~tl f{C <'C S ~C fJ m1t!C1i by the pn!ice rlcpartment.
1 hP f PdPral .i:o1·ernmerit ha~ paid iv.·n-Subjrrt.~ C'rJ\'rrcrl in thr C,.,llrS!' "'ill !ri·
thirds or !he cos t of the entire Su rfside-F"T. \olEADE, rvld. IAP i _A two-we.ek el ude hi~!o rv nf the pnlicr. thP Cnn.~t i l u ·
\\!'st Ne v.·port prnject wh ile the. cities of recess has been i:.:illed ln the court-lion. cnurt dcri.~irins. jt11•cnile procedures.
i\'e11'p<1t't flt>:irh. Hunti ngton Reach an d .., mArtilll of Col Qr,1n K. Hendl'rson , ac-oqu1niz cd cr'rnC'. rn rrccti ons an d rights
S I 0 h o c d h Anrl responsibil ilirq. , rii ,,Pflc . r,11 n11:e ount.v an t e Hun · cused of concealing the M.Y I.Ali
a h c · ·h r.111vas said "!his proji!:r:im is b11~ed Jn 1ni:: nn ""ac nmp11 n ~1• ave paid the ma.~.~::icrC' The pr.,~ecutinn r c ~ t e d · rl ~ ;, beli r r thn t muf'h nf thp h"s'1lll v anrl
rPm111ri er \\1edne~d;iy Hf1C'r the ~evcn·ofl1ccr jliry misunder.c;!anding th.:il srr in~ to f'Xi.c;t bt ·
Dawes said the Ne'-''port Beach con· fin ished re.:idin" the transcripts or
·h I h · I ~ r1veen young pC'r1pll' nr hi11h srh,.,ol ap~
ri 11 ion !O ! e proi ect so ar has totall ed !estimony He nder~nn "8Ve at p'etrial d h 1· d $31~ 000 e an t e po Jt'e can he is~1pated through 1--"---========-=-.,=---'-''='='='"~g~'='~":d~i:"~"~":_::A~'m::::..y:l~"'~'~'·~'l~g:•l~io:"~· _ _c•'_l'P~"~8~"~m~o~f~t~h~is type." _____ _
,(M \Ii
ro /' I
I 'I 1' I I '
.\ ····--····' _.....__ __ ~
ReYertibl• a.c ~. i nd Se at
I '
1, \ ..
Priced at $289
lt1u+ih1I S1!1 I v Dey
'"d Co..,fort1 bl1
Ocuble Bt d by N:,~1
You r faVt1 ri!1 •. inttrior dttlgntr will bt hopp11 to o.~sltt JJOU
M6.0l 71 646 -0l76 INTERIO R DES IGNE RS Opett Mon., Tfu1r1. I "I, '""'
• .
Today's Fbial ·
N.Y. Stoeks
Noise Control Ordinance Set for Me ·sa Ears
If you hadn't heard due to the daily din
of life in a city o~ i S,000, Costa ~1esa has
11 new law in preparation to quiet down
the tov.-n .
.\ publ ic lie1;ring ls set Nov, l.l before
ihe city council on proposed •doption or
the oolse control ordinance.
1'he legislation prepared by City
Attorney Roy June is quite similar to one
recently adopted by Fountain Valley.
~1ayor Robert ri1. \\Tilson -if you'll
pardon the expression-has bee11 making
noi se in council sessions for months ov er
7 Arrested
In Bookie
01 tllt o.&llr Pilot Sttll
\'ice officers from eight Orange County
police agencies and the district attorney's
office have cracked a county-v.·ide
bookmaking ring and arrested se,•en
.alleged ··bookies.··
'fhe ring re1Xlr1edl~' look bel.i fror'n $5
to $5.000 Oll horse races and sporting
e\·ents and had an outside conneeli on
with a n 11nder\\·orld syndic<ite.
One suspect arreste<J \\·orked in a ,;hor
store in l\"C\\"fXJrl Bea ch's Fashion Island .
C.>thers repo rredl.'' operated in Gardeti
(lrovr. Anaht'in1 and Pi co Rivr-r11 ¥.·hert""
they were arre.~ted
Those arrestr-d Hnd charaged wilh ('OO-
i;piracy and bookmaking were -
-James Collins '-tiller. 48. f\anta Ana,
who worked at a .shot storr in f'ashion
Island. ·
-AnLhony C~sasaato, la. of 1111 t lh
SL . (.;arden Grove.
-Marty John DePiano. 4!, r,r 11930
:aanner Drive, Garden Grove.
-Wlr. and ri.~rs. Gerald Oellahoustay•.
both 35, of 6641 Sant.a Rila Ave., Garden
--Jesus C:ircia, 32. Pico Rivera.
-\:ictor Chris1opher i'\1eoli, .JS. lm2
Drew "'ay, Orang·c.
District Attorney invcstigal-Ors said bail
was set at $12,500 on each person, except ·
1\liller. v.·hos• bail l\'as sel at $25.000
because he allegedly wa'i "the ton·
nection" bel\\'een t~·o bookmaking rings.
The arrests capped a six-week in-
vestigation by officers involved in the
Orange Qlunly Intelligence Unit (OCIU1
a Force utilizing vice officers from
se\"cral agencies.
Undercover ofricrrs spenl se.v~r11I
weeks placing bf.I~ al !hr-alle:ged
bookmaking oprration. bet.ting as high H."I
S200 i" anv 1\·eek.
District· /\llorne~· ,James Stotl er ~;ud
the suspct ls 11·crt apparently di vided in!o
1wo rings. \O.'i!h lhe-J)e!lahoussayt couplP
~nd Garcia operating one organizl'l tion
11nd Casasant o. J)ePiano and :'>leo!i t11
anotl1er. \rhilr ~l 1llrr Sl'!"\'td 11~ a ~o
'·Our off1ccr~ 1,·ere 1n\f'SUg;iting thP
nne .'' Sto tlrr .;;ud "Then during rht
Pomon a Fair 1 Lo:o; Angeles C...-0unty 1 lhe.
r ing stopped laking bets on thr-fair
races. The officers were told. how ever.
they could make bets with these other
Big bets. :ibove SS.000. were allegedly
passed on to Los Angeles. ln,·estigat?rs
said the ring apparently has an out.side
connection wi!h organized crime.
The arrests were made after Superior
Court Judge Robert Rickles issued arrest
and search warrants. Stoller said l wo
complaints total\lng 92 counts ha,·e been
filed againsl tht> ~e ven individuals.
Stotler said he 11·ill .seek "slate" prison
lime for rhr !'!e,.en. rather lh<in !h.,-
ordinary roun!y jail .~enff'nce for
During the invr-~ligation. olficer~ mnde
several indi\·idual bet s. They used police
helicoplers tor surveillance in lht c:ounl~·.
Arrtsling officers seized 0-shttts t 1H'·
r.ounting fonns for large bookm:1king
operations1. markets and radios and
clocks. reportedly used to p~vent po11t-
race betting.
Jntelligei'lce officers said OePlano was
th BOOKIES, Pase Zl
Nixon Looks Out
For ~al Boys •
The economic freeze imposed by Presi~
tk-nt Nixon celnc.\dentally came just
befort the Boys' Club ol the lhtrbor
Area '1 renl c~rne due.
So naturally the Costa 1.lesa Oty Coun-
cil, "'hich leases municipal properlf for
lhe club's Upper Bay Branch at 213l
Tustin A\·t .. couldn'! faise lht. ftt.
Presidrnt Nixon. who has betn accu~
bv polltlc;it foe!' of looking oul for ~pecial
irl1erests, IS Al.50 hOnorary PruidCl'tl I'
1he Boys CluN of America.
Councilmen. however. ICCtpted lhelr SI
( )-t=Unenl
lhe nted for control and crackdown on
e.xcessive noise.
&und.s above a certain volume or of a
certain irritating nature, endured over
~periods of time. have been pro\'en lo
c;r,use both . physical and emotional pro-
blems or aggravate existing ones.
ciirbing one type mentioned ~fonday
night. however, could be a legiSJative
\Vha: do \"OO do abou! sirens on
emergency "Chicles ?
C..ouncilmen agreed rhat overall , c1t17.e•
C'On1p!aints about patrol t :!r. ambulanct
or fi re truck Code 3 runs -especially at
night -oulnurnbcr noise gripes over the
police helicopter.
~tayor Robert ri.1. \Vilson .said all agen-
cies required to have sirens should makr-
a policy of discouraging their un-
necessary use.
Councilman Alvin L. Pinkley said cer-
tain other factors must be considered.
His home and pharmacy are near a lire
~f<1tio11 and an ambulance headquarters
··Th':' Fire Department rarely goes out,
but when a truck does it's a pretty lethal
weapon if it hits somebody.''. he said.
Trucks also emerge at that point into
busy Newport Boult.,.ard.
Pinkley also suggested the ambulance.
which makes far n1ore frequent runs,
could save. siren use for specific situa-
tions instead or activating the wailer
before it's out of quarters.
Mayor Y.'ilson said the problem of con-
lr'Olling emergency vehicles has surfaced
before, noting " former police chief
threatened. to begin t•has1ng a former fire
chief's trucks.
··we may have to assign one black-and-
white car to follow another." he added.
The mayor also said European nations
seem to have dea lt Y.'ith noise pollutio n
better than America in many ways, citing
dilfel'ent emergency alarm gong systems
as one example.
One other problem that arises in siren
cootrol is an individual's degree of
responsibility in determining when they
arc or are not necessal")' or ad\'isable
A t--omplo1nt against a Hwitington
Beach policeman whose car struck a
drunk. pedestrian on deserted Pacific
Coast Highway at 3 a.m . .several years
ago. ki lling him, charged the officer with
He was using only his red light in a 90-
mile-pcr-hour pursuit.
The officer was found innocent by a
judge. who ruled the red light was ad~
c1uate under existing conditions. a veMict
NJnsidered a landmark decision for
law men faced with the choice and risk of
suc h acc1dcn!s.
Watson Gets Death
Tex Condemned Despite Mercy Plea
Li1ain9 It lfp
.llotorist.-; in Schenectady. N.Y .. were conrused by the curving lines on
one of the city's major streets. So city officials had the lines straight-
ened. The old lines \1Jere X'cct ou1. The res ulting tic-tac-toe effect al·
legedly does a\1•ay \1·ith lhe confusinn, At least, lhat':o; \vhat rily of-
ficials say.
Mesa Sl1ootout, Suicide
Victin1 Remaii1s U1111amed
Police art still mysllficd about the
identity of a man who shot a store clerk
!hen killed ttimself Tuesday at Costa
Mesa's South Coast Plaza.
No response has been received in Costa
Mesa from bulletins sent to the F'BT and
Murderer Finclr • ' Gets Two P<1.~scs
Before Parole
CHINO tUPil -Dr. Bernard !'loch .
who has ~rved 1% years in Jail for the
love triangle slaying of hi! 50Cialite v.·ife,
has taken two 72·hour pa!St-S from pri!Uln
as a prelude to~ forma.I parole: Det'. S.
other pol ice agencies in the country.
The dead man carried no papers with
idenlilication marks, police said. Cop1e~
nf hi!\ fingerprints ha\'e been sent lo t~
FBI bureau in Washington. D.C.
It can take several days for FBI of-
ficials lo check their large banks of
fingerprints, Costa Mesa officer$ said.
The rnan entered the Scars sporting
JOO(ls store about I p.m .. Tuesday. picked
up a 30.$ \Viochester bolt action rifle,
J11<1ded ii !hen ran out the door.
lie shot one of I~ store i;lerk~ who
ga~·e chast>. wounding the n1an in thf'
1h1gh. then propped the rine against Ult:
building and shnt himself. The store
<·Jerk . John Bryant, 38, El Toro. is in good
l'Ondition today.
Police found 14 livr-rounds in the dead
man's jacket.
1~0 further indication of why the man
look the rine or shol himseU bas been un-
covered by police investif(ator.i,
From Wire Ser,·iees
LOS ANGELES -Charles ''Tex''
\Vatson, portrayed by his defense as a
"withered human .being" and by his pro-
11ccutor as a cold-blooded killer, was
decreed death in the gas chamber today
by the same jury lh~t convicted him of
the seven Sharon Tate murders.
\\'atson. 25, is !ht fifth and last defen-
dant charged and convicted in the August
1969 killings. Ch:1rles ~anson and three
female fo\lowcrs were sentenced to death
las1 April For the slayings of the actres s
<ind six others.
Dooming \\'alson made thP ga~
f hambcr unanimous for the Charlps
~1anson ';famil y"' members tried for the
seven bloody Tale·LaBianca slaying~.
Watson was refu sed a possible penally
of life imprisonment by the same jury of
sir. meri. and six: women which had co11·
,,\cted him of fir~t degree murder and rr·
je<:ted his plea of not guilty by reason of
ln1aaity. • .. ' Manson: and three: women ro!lowers,
Airliner Strikes
Poiver Line; 16
Perish in Crasli
PEORIA. Ill, I UPll -A Chicago-l o-
l'eoria coinmuter airliner carrying at
least 14 passengers And l\YO crew mem-
hers crashed when it hit a power line on
an approach run to the Greater P~oria
Airport today. There were no survivor~
··There are mangled bodies everJ-
1\·here." ambulance crews at the scene
ri.diocd back to hospitals.
'!"'he crash of !hr-Chicago a nd Souther•
.'.irhne.s Flight 804 was confirmed by !he
Peoria Airport Authority and by thr Fed·
rr;il Av1a tio11 Adm111istrat1on 1FAA I of-
fice in Des Plaines. 111.
'l'he plane !ell Chil.::i go·s .\1eighs Airport
,.nd 1\'a.s on its ;ippronch to the 1n11 in r11n·
"'<I V al the Grt'lller Peoria Airpo rt i;o.•hc11
it Struck po\1·er 11ne!> a"d went dow11 11\
10 4.) pm PDT Th• scene was 21, mile~
r ast of Peoria
The FAA said the v1s1b1hly at Peori;i
WAS one mile 1n hght rain and Fog. TI1e
plane was a converted !\•!in-engine Beech-
t·rafl, tht FAA said,
First reports were Iha! the plane car-
ried J4 pesSf':ngers. a pilot and a copilot.
IL crashed one mile from Limestone·
\\'alters E!eme•tary School.
The Peorii> County coroner was en
route to the scene wi!b FAA investigll-
!ors. Observers said the bodies might be
ta ken to th~ ichool.
Diller Sou Jailed
LOS ANGELES I UPI > -Perry Diller,
21 , son of comedienne Phyllis Dilly.'Wa~
a rre.~led on 11uspicion or Felony drunken
driving rollov.•ing ~ traffic collision in
\\·hich a t~n-ager suffered serious hend
1111uries. Police said Paul Weisman, Hi,
v.'a.S hurt when his car collided late Tue.~·
tfay with an auto driven by Diller at a
Brentwood int.ersecllon.
Fiilch, who rtllirns from hi!! second
pass today, war allowed the: liberties
under a new ittitc: law which provid'.s
&hit lnma\es are elisJble ta leave prison
to·arrana:e ddaJll for Ufe after parole.
Polire Barred
Flneh and 1llil voluptuous rt!d-hairtd
nurse, Carole Tttgort. -were lried lhrte
timC9-the ftnt two trials ~ndinc in hung
jur~ -bdoft they were found guilty of
shooting Mrs. Barbara Jun Flndl In JM
1n one of tbt: most sen.'llalional murder
ca:o.n of the century.
!\fist Trttolf. nov.· 34. was paroled in
M11y, 1969 11rter serving 10 years In
f'inch. $5. described is 11 "n\Odf!I
prisontr" 11 the Chino ln:Hltulion fnr
P..1C'n. reporledly ktpt abre11st of thf latesl
medical dC\'tlopmenl! while in prl!len and
ha." indicated he hopca to relurn 10 lh•
neld of l!Jtdlclne. A pri110n officl1I s11id ht
hss been offered jobs in aevcral lllales.
Woman Hol.ds Off Law at Movies
police came to arre1t a woman Jll'O-
jtttioni~ for mowm, an aUegedly
~ene: film, shf' barricaded the door or
the booth ind offk.'tr11 had to brer.k dowa
the door.
II took half a dOlf!n vice :iquttd officen.
to .ctcl the job door 1\Jetd11y night at t)te
New ~'oUiC51bu,w. M1R SAUy Dufr~;,
23. w11i booked °' charees or e11:hibJit11
ot>sctne mateda.h--consplracy.Jnterf~
'Wkh •• off1cft'-lftll _..,. ..... """'
order. ii .......
Poli« said iht held ofr officers for
l'DCll't &ban half an hour behlnd the door or
lhl. fl'D]l(tiiJln booth before tbey brok1
t~ · wltb a blmmer. a screw driver
and a ~.iron. SClI Sol Weintt of lbe Police Bureau of
Sptelal Servkes 11\d undercover officers
obler~ed 1 "hardt-cort" pornographic
film earlltr in tbe evening. Whe:o they
·told Ml• Duffany, the. projectionlst, s.he
wu under arrfllt, sbe wouldn't come out,
be aald. , ~Sbe Wat CUllini a Jlhe time." Weiner
llid. • I
Susan Atkins, Patricia Krcnwinkel and
Leslie Van Houten. had been sentenced. to
death at the first trial which Watson , a
onetime high school athletic star and ex·
cellent scholar, had avoided by fighting
r xtradilion fr om his hometo1vn of ft1cKin·
11e~'. Tex.
Watson. dressed neatly in a dark blue
jacket 11•ith shirt and tie, swallowed once
\\'hen the court clerk read the jury"s
\'erdlcl that death should be the sentence.
but he did not alter the \'Scant expression
on his fa re. which he has displayt'd
throughouL the trial.
None of the Manso n fa mily n1cmbC'r~
'-'"<IS in the courtroon1. Virtually all ul
them were in jail following Wednesday·s
;-;weep-up of six members as accomplices
in the sensational escape from the Hall of
Justice jail of Kennelh Como, 31.
~\latson had adn1itted on the staiid that
ti e took p~u'l in <!Jl seven killings aL the
home of actress Sharon Tate: and 1rocer
Leno LaBianca.
Charles 'Tex' Watso"
State Court Says Current
Scl1ool F11nd System Valid
California Supreme Court. in a mod ifii:a-
lion of its landmark Aug. 30 school finan·
C"ing' decision. r1tlcd today that the ex-
isting property tax system for supportmg
the public schools is still valid.
The high court said the Aug. 30 decision
Mys tery Blast
Shakes Glasgo,v,
1'axes ~ix Lives
C:LASGO\\. Scotland I AP 1 /\
1n)sterious explosion \1•recked a <;lasgow
shopping s lrcel today. k1l!1ng at least six
persons amid scenes recalling the blitz of
World War ll
Police said it was impossible to
cslimate the number of injured but it ran
into scores. Ambulances rushed in from
out.side the cily in answer lo a major
disaster call.
1'he blast erupted in Lhe Clarkston Toll
district of East Glasgow. Fifteen shops
nn Busby Street were wrecked , and
c ustomers and sale s staff were buried in
People on the street dug fe verishly into
tbl debris to pull out the injured. A
(jisaster call went out to city hospitals.
Cars from a devastated rooftop parking
l()t perched biziirrely on the wreckage.
Thomas Meck , a truck driver who wa!I
delivering supplies to a bakery, said: "It
was utter chaos ..
"E verything seemed lo cave in above
lhe shops. I could hear people screaming
under the debris."
Scores of ambulances ferried away the
Injured. Physicians and nurses were
brought in to work among the debris.
Signal Systems
Due at 3 Spots
Bids are belng solicited for thr!e traffic
~ignal systems 11t lleav\ly traveled Costa
riresa intersections. a f120.000 estimated
total cost.
City Councilmen authorized b Id
!IQ!icltaUon ~fonday for the ele<:tronic
c<introls which will be. partially ftn~nced
by tax and other funds returned to the ci-
Signals art lO be placed at f"airvlew
Road and Paulari~ Avenue : West 19th
Street and Park Avenue, and Adams
Avenue and Albatross Drive.
was not a final judgment and pointed out
that il only ordered the case returned to
trial court for furlher proceedings and
did not strike down school financing in
If the trial courl subsequently finds the
present systetn of public school fi nancing
to be unconslitulional, the high court
said. it should provide for an "orderly
transition·· lo a n('w systl'nl.
In the n1eant1mc. lhe hig h court said,
1he lo1~·cr c:ou rrs judgn1enL '"should make
1·lf:ar that the c:o.isting system ls to re.
rn;i in operable until an appropriate new
sy:;tc1n·· l·:in be put into effect.
.A. finding !hat a governmental opera-
tion 1s unconstitutional "does not
necessarily require invalidation of past
acts or an i mmedi a te im-
plementation of a constitutionally valid
substitute." the court said.
In the Aug. 30 ruling. in a case brought
by a group of Los Angeles residents, the
high court said the method of financing
school s by local property taxes was un·
constitutional because it p e n a I i z e. d
children who lived in poorer counties.
The modification was made In response
lo a petition by Attorney General Evelle
Younger. who said that some taxpayers
were paying local property taxes under
protesl and riling claims for refunds
because they thought the present system
was no longer valid.
Orange Caut
Sunny but hazy skies are fore-
cast for the coastal folk on Friday,
with temperatures locally r~aching
78 degrees and inland regions hit·
ting 88.
Do separote agencies il1vol1.1ed
i'r& odmi11istering !lit Juvenile
Justice System work ioctl as a
ttam? A /ederolt11 jlnancect u11i·
ver1ity .study oj t11t Costa Mtsa
area sugoests needed imprOlll!'·
ment. See s tory 011 Pages 9 and'
' " ••M " " ' •·1·
Ct tlffltnlt C~tt-lllf Uf c11u1111•
Ct"' IC\ Crtn-•
OMlt! l'lt!l<ll
l'•ltorl • • I tf.11 Enlt<. ,lnlM'
"-""'" AftR l t ""'"•
.. ,,
" "
• /
' OAILY PILOT t Thu"4crl OcttW n. ltn
ABA Nixes
2 Pros1lects
For Seats
WASHTNCTON (AF'l -Prel'itdt"nt Nix·
on has made his s~leC'tion or nominees to
fill two Supreme Court vacancies and -...·as
lll announce them to thr: nation in a· live
television-radio addre~s at 4:30 pm. PDT
The White House announced Nu::on's
plans \\'ithin hours after the Washington
Post publiihed a story saying the
American Bar Association's committee
on the )ed~rali"udic1ary had \\'ith.held its
endo?tment rom two p ot e nt i a I ~o~ees w were regarded as fron·
~s for e positions.
Press i!!ttretary Rona ld L. Ziegler,
when asked about the verdict of the ABA
eommittee, said that the Senate has
~ponsibilit)' to give iis ad,•ise and con-
sent to nomina tions for the high court. He
iddl!d :
"The Constitution does not require the
consent of the ASA ... they of course df')
Qot have veto pny.•er."
Ziegler thus left OJ)l"n lhe poss1bil 1ty
that Nixon would nominate the '"'O y.•ho
failed to receive the endorsement of the
ABA committee.
-They are Mildred L. Lillie. a justice of
the California Court of Appeals, and
Herschel H. Friday. an Arkansas bond
lawyer who has been active in school
desegregation cases.
Ziegler said Nixon decided just this
rooming to make a TV-radio appearance
but said he may have decided in his own
mind on his choices Wednesday night
First word of the ABA committee ac·
lion le1ked out Wednesday night. The
Nhite House press spokesman said he
would not talk about consultations
oetwetn Atty. Gen. John N. Mllche\I and
jie ABA.
Asked if the sudden decision to make
Jn address to the nation on the nomina-
.ions might not be regarded as an in·
::lication of presidential pique, Ziegler
5aid, "No, r wouldn't say that."
Ziegler also was asked if Nixon was
::onfident his nominee~ would y.•i n Sen <ile
.:onfirmation. The Senate rejected two
~arller n om i ne es, Clement F.
Ha ynsworth and G. Harrold CarS"'ell.
"He would not be send ing the nomina-
1.iofl!I to the Senate if he felt otherwise."
Ziegler said.
M ked if Nixon had notified his
nominees that they had been selected. the
press secretary said, "I'm not prepared
to answer that.··
However. he added. "I'm sure the at.-
tor"ney general has talked to them ...
Nixon made no previous tv·radio ap.
pearance tn announce a nominee. for a
Supreme"'Court vacanry. That was when
De selected Chief Justice Warren E.
Surger. in 1969.
'The Post said the ABA committee
found Friday unqualified hy 11 vote of 7 !n
:i, and ~!rs. Lillie unqualified by a vote of
11 to I.
Beginning 11.1ith the nominalion of Harry
A. B!ackmun In the co urt last yea r. the
ABA adopted a new rating system . When
asked to judge a prospect's qualifications
by the Justice Department the bar com·
m1ttee on the fed.era\ judiciary first
\\'OU!d make a preliminary assessment,
reporting its initial judgment informally
ll:i top department officials.
Surf Mee t TV
Shor v Slated
Te\e\'1sion \.\atcher~ will see 1he
s:pectarl e of S<optemhrr's l ' ~
Surfboard Championships \\ h1ch
<Ire.,.,• 1 \fl.000 In Hu nt1n1:ttn n BPach
this Saturday. again in ll r1n& cn\nr.
The feat ure·leniilh 111ped ::.hn111
will be on l\HJ Ch;;nnel ~ from 4 .')l'l
to 6·30 pm., ed i 1erl cio\\·n In
highlights of !he two·d:iy event
featuring 12 to 47·year·nld surfers.
11ob.tl N. w.,d
p,._.50..,1 t NI PuDl••~tr
J t ck' l . Curlev
Viet """~"'' l fld 6-"I M•~•Otf'
11.o"''' IC 11•il
l h•"''' A. Mu•rii.i~• ,.,.,,"•01"9 Ed '°"
Charl es H. lo&1 l itllo•d P. Nall
Au1tl1~; l•h~tQ\'111 [~l!Ofl
Con 111 ... Offl~•
l JO W1it l1y S"11t
MailiR, AJdr.,i: P.O. lor. I 560, 91616 0--......,.,. lhtcto: sm ti~ •oui.v1rd
Li..-••ch: m "-' A.......,. MwollfOlllllll I N CIO: 1'11J BN clo BGUl .... 1<'11 ... (lerntnt.: )OS Nlr1tl &,I ~ ,,....
OAn..V Pl\.OT, .i111 """ldl 11 C9Mb!* ,,._
""--",.. ... " ..... lt~td d11!y fl<lfl s--'MI'( ~ .-r1!9 R ltlD<t• "" L•l""I IM(~,
. .....,.,, I Ndl. CM!I -·· tl ""'lf't-~._,,, P-!llfi Vlllrf. S..1 Cl .... f"ll/ ( .... tt-,,.. Sl'dd l!Dl tk, ,..,,.. w/111 -
..,._..i .. II ... Pton<llMI l"i.,11"' ,i111t .. .. m w.tf a.r srrw1, c-11 Mew.
, ..... ,,, (71'1 64J·4)Jt
Cl•••• "'""' .... 642·1671
It is Attached to W ing of Smalt Plane That T racks Jets
Before, Scientists Had to Take Samples Back to L11bor1tory
Cable Televisio11 Co111pa11y
Eyes Coast A1'ea Hool{U}lS
A cable television firm ~·ould be ready
to start installing reception devices in
homes in the Orange C.011.st area nine
months after the franchi se 111 grantl'd.
Don Canfield. reprPsenting Theta
C:ablP. a company jninlly oy.·ned by
Hu~h1;s Aircrafl and TPleprnmpter lnc .
ln!d Huntinr:.tnn RParh Ch;:inlher nf r.llm·
merce members \Vednrsclay his rompany
i.' prep<i red to inve~i Sl l million in a \'en-
!11re tn bring cable TV lnln homes 111 Hun-
t1 ngt._1n Beach. f ounlain \'alle y,
\\estminster. Newport f;pa ch anrl fo~!a
~ff'!'<l .
ReprtsentativPs frrim tt1e1'P r1t 1rs h
heen ~1 11d.,·1n_g the \nncept nf rl\~·ard1 g :i
jOlnl fr;inch1Se Ill OnP nprator fnt ~Cl r:iJ
months The f1l'e rilie~ are wl"lrking n
creating a joint au!hClrity to nvrrsee lhe
op(' ration.
C;infield said each r1ty 1,1·nuld h<ivf> .1
~tud10 -in effert. ii~ O\\.'n TV stat1nn -
and would be able tn receive five·city
network programs and programs broad-
cast in onJ y one city. There would be 23
channels in all. he said
Cable te!e\'1sion \.\'l'IU\d make a city
more of a cnmmunit~·. Canfield said.
pointing out that local. civic affa irs pro-
grams could be broadcas1.
"The cit y cnuncil meetincs \.\'nuld be
thP la te shOY.'." quipped ~l::i vnr r.enrge
~lrCracken in hst eninjl; In th<> prrsent;,.
liC'n al lhE' Vi lla S"·eden rP~taur;int.
Canfield tr.aid that the m.::irkrt are;i,
y.·ould C'O\'er 92.000 hnme~. It y.•nuld co5l a
hnmeowner $5 a month for the srr\·ic(', he
said .
He $aid th !lt his cnmpany Y.'nuld hl"lpto !Q
pl:'netrate 1:1 percent 11f !he. homes in lhe
hrst ypar of operati1Jn.
Canfield explained that the company
u·nuld 1Ay two cable~ -uncie rgrnund
where utillties are presen11y underground
and overhe.1d "-·here u till!l~ are over·
head -that would carry upstream and
dov.·nstre1m transmi~sions.
At the beginning only the downslream
f'ront Pag~ J
cablP -for be;.m1ng nut programs -
v.•ould be used. but la ter the upstream
c.11ble on v.'hich hompnwners would be
able In relay infnrm;itinn bark lo a cen-
tral point y.·ould be artivatl'rl.
('anfielrl i;airl the 11ri;1re:in1 c;ihlf' y.•nuld
provide a residf>nt 1,1•ith f'l f'c \nin1c hnmP
i;urveillance to ~l.'r\·e ai; a firP anrl
hurJ?lar ;:ilarm lH1t11 ;.r rnPl t>r~ roul d also
be rearl O\ er this cahle. he :-r11r\_
('anlirld admiflt>rl the Pfj ll tpmP11t fnr
thP up:-trf>a1n cahle harl been de1·eloprd ,
hul 1~ not -"el in prndurlion
Rut. he added . !he cnmpan\' 1\·nulrl \)I'
in1·es11nii S.lOOO a mile in thP sernn~ ra h]<>
;ind Y."nuld not install 1t unless Jl 1nl e11ded
tn use it.
Ray111ond Haj ek
Joins Aviation
Group in Me sa
A new member \v 1th a lnng history nf
aeronautical experience has been ap·
pni ntt-d 10 the Costa ~fesa Ai·iatinn Com·
m1ttee . replacing one 1,1·ho resiJilnPd.
Ravmonrl Ha jek, nf 30:;8 ~larli~on ,<\\'e .
11as 1nlrod11ced tn c1tv cn11nrilmPn ~Ion·
rl:i.v night b,11 cnmmill'ee president PoliC'e
S&t. oa,·e Leighton. -
Th!' Cns!a Mesa officer named to lead
the <l\'iat ion unit organi1ed IH mnnths ago
i;a 1d Hajek Y.'lll fill !he s!'al vaca ted by
George riffilh .
lncrf'a.~ing hu!iness career pressures
forced Griffith to quit , Leighton ex-
Hajek has 35 yea rs· experie nce in avia-
tion, 27 nf them In the U.S. Air Force,
whi ch he left as a colonel to join a major~
aeronautical lirm .
He Y.'as tt.s manager e.nd slaf' 1ginee.r
for ;iirporl planning. \\'hile J,r .ton also
noted Oll. Hajek \\'llS former,y !n rharge
of planning and construction al Norton
AFB. San Bernardino. BOOKIES He left the .1\'Ui11on industry In open his
• • • n11 n consulting firm. the R. R Hajek
the man .,.,.ho collWed the gambl1ni:: Corr<>riu ion.
money. He reportedly u~ SE'\'Pn di!-City rou ncllmen Y.'ere ob \•iously Im·
ferent ahasts prf:~s:!'d by Hajpk·s credPnl111\s and ln\'e~1!j!alors c.tlled lh1s on,. nf the big-unanimously <ippro,·ed his 11pp01n1ment
ger hookm1klng rings found in Orange .. , think 1he A\'1at1nn Committee Is
Cou nty. ~Mng 1n become kno11·n national\~· for
All suspects i.rrt.~ltd. e.xcPpl ~lPnh. ha ving a range of experlii;e found
have balled out of Orange Counr ,v .),.ii nn"'hf>re el~t." remarked Council man
ThPunrlerrn\·l'r npt>r11h(ln 1ncl 11rl,.d Jack HRmmett.
Dist-rict Atlorney l n\·e~l ig11 tors And viC'e His fir st i.ct after l11k1ng off ice in A pr\~.
office.rs. from Newport Beach, Huntington Hl711 1,1·as to organir.l! lhe 11dvi5l)ry unit
Beach. Sant;i Ana, Orang,. An1thelm~ he sajd af the time ft was prob11bly
Fullerton. Buena Park 11nd Garden lhe first such municipally 11ppolntt<I
GrO\'e. ____ .... panel 1n America •
.. .
Firm Measures
Air Pollution
01 11'11 O•lly Plttl lt1tf
A Costa Me sa aerospace research firm
is c(lntr1buling ,!;nphisticated measurll\g
svstems e<1uipment and know how lo the
alr and !and war on air pollution.
Gerry Layer. director of environmental
s\·~tPms for Allantic Research Co .• today
c·xplained hnw the firm 's air and ground
por111ble equipment will help improvt-Air
"You can 't control air pollution without
being able to measure it," Layer said
during an hou r long press briefing at
Orange County Airport..
On vie"' were 11 light airplane fitted
with special devices to scoop up jet ex·
hausl in flight and a ground mobile unit.
The airplane trails departing aircraft
and. with equipment ca rried be hind the
pilot's seat . researchf'rs can, for the first
t 1me. re cord moment by moment the
content of the air with measurements of
• ' . ·. '
' '
. ' ••
Atlantic Re!oe&rch's Chvan
particulate matter and hydrocarbon
The Argonne National La boratory is u~
inl! th e system for air pollution stuci ies at
Chicago 's O'Hare Airport and at Orange
c ounty Airport.
The re~ul ts of the $50.000 smog tests
\\'Lil gil'e pretlr.e information,abo ut the
effect of airp\1 operations on the air
quality of s~ounding communities,
Allantic Rcseari:t·officia ls said .
It may lead , L;iye r said. to changes in
airport routine that could improve air
qu ality by doing such ttiings as spacing
jet fli~hts or usln~ electric instead of
gasol ine·powered ground equipment.
Atl;intic Re search equipn1ent. he said.
already is beint: used by manufacturers
of airplane enL!incs !o aid in rede signing
en l!incs tn low rr rn1 issions.
Al lhe hc;irl nf !he smn~ te~!injl; ls a
11uart1. crys\<11 n1i crnbalancr i!el'elnped b.v
Dr fi:1 ,v n1onci Chu:1n . It i~ ('Rpahlr pf
rnr:1suring p<ir!i t:lc cnntcnl uf air pasi;ing
over it. 1~rcviouslv. s(·icn1is1s had to t;ik~
air silmples back to the lab to ineasure
Alon_gside the Atl11ntic Research unit
carried in the plane and lhe ground unit.
is equipment produced by another Oran_ge
County firm. Beckman Instruments. The
latter unit measures hydrocarbon con-
Dr. Chuan said his equipment y.•as
developed a bout two years ago and the
Orange County Airport tests mark the
fir st time the finn has been paid to use it
in monitoring air quality.
Data on A Ir born e s o 1 i ds. total
hydrocarbons. oxides of nitrogen and
or.one and temperature at various
al titude~ in and arou nd the airport v;i\l be
collected .
\Vnrkin~ for lhP Federal Aviation
Administration IFAA l Arg on ne
researchers will then "mf!p" the po\lutinn
findin,gs b~· com puter. Thr mnps. La.ver
,c;aici . will help in planning and !Ocilting
nrw airports.
The s;i n1plin~s al Or;in1~e Cnunty
Airport began toda~· and wil l n1ove in
early No11ember to O'Hare Field in
Chicago .
Orange County Airport w<is selected
brcause it typifies a small airport used
primarily for private and corporate a,·ia-
tion .
Sena.te Approves
Ne w Ca.tegor y
From \'i'lre Servl<'t-S
SACRA~1 Er-.'T0 -The Sen ate ga\·e
final legislative approval today to take
marijuana ool of the n;ircotic category
in state laY.' and list it instead as a re-
stricted dangerous rlrug .
The shirt y.•ould not change penalties
for persons nabbed "'ilh illegal hem p
The measure by Assemblym an William
Camphl'll, tH-Haci£''1dR 1-le i,l!h lsl, w;i.~
sent tn c:nv. Rea gan's desk on a 29 to 0
Senc.te vote.
Chil •1n Poet N•ruda
A nti-Arnerica
Ly rics Cited
Bv Prize T ea111
STOCKl!OL\1 11\!'I -P;iblo Nerud.J.
!he Cornmun ist poel 1,1•hose wor ks helped
develop the climate that brought J\1arxlst
·government to Chile, won the Nobel Prize
in Literature today.
Neruda, a leader in Chile's Commu nist
party, became ambassador to France
"'hen Sal vador Allende took over as
presiden t in Santiago.
The snn of a r11i!road v.•orker in !he
bal'k countr.11 of Chile. Neruda -his real
name is f\1ef11ali Ricard0 Reyes y • Basoalto -once h,1d to write in secret
ber;iuse his falhPr nppnserl p'letry and
desfrn.vrr! his son ·.~ Y.Ti1ings.
l!ii; ill :1rx 1~l r ll·11·s are reflected In
c;isc<tdrs nf 1.vrk:s. Onl' 11ocm 1s ca lled
"La UnitN! Fruit Comp;u1~·." cnnccrning
the An1crican c0111pany \\'hose 11pcrations
in Latin America were cunt ro1·crsi~I for
1n11ny years.
This goes in parl : " .•. It established
the comic opcrf!, abolished the in·
dependenciei:, presented crowns o t
Caesar. unshe;ithed envy, attracted the
dirlatorship or the flies .....
At 67. Neruda is regarded as Lalin
An1eric11's ~rc<itPl't hv1ng poet and had
been a candidate for the 1'\ntxl Prize for
t11o•e ciecr.rlcs.
Thr pnze is wnr1h SSH.000 th1c; ve<ir.
Neruda was rited h\ 1h1> ·Swedish
Ac11de111~· f11r .. a portry Lh;i! y.·1th the ac·
!ion of an e!e1nrn!:1l fnrr·e hring~ :il11e a
continent's dc~\i riy <i ncl 1lrra111,c;."
The a1,1·:ird ;idrlC'd nnr mnn~ 1ri11mph !o
!hp cnntrovers1<1I pnet·rnlitir1an. a
onetime S!nlin l'rlf".e w1nn<'r ;:u1rl pnlilica!
Pxile 11•hn,c;e c:nnl'ii·tinn.~ c;1rrird him to
the pnst of :imh;issador lo Paris thi~ vear
after the ~1;irxi.~t regime of S:iir8dor
Allende came \n (WIW<'r.
He is the seconrl Chilean In receive a
Nnbel Lltcr;iture l'rii.e. The f1rst .... ·;is his
high school tc:icller, G<ibriela Mistral,
awarded in 194;,, ------
. I'
.,.~-I Ii ·( I ij :
Rever~ible Ba ck1 a nd Seat C ushion•
l'nur favarire
"> '·
' ' 1n~o r ~tsi9nr r
I I i
\ .. I
Prieed at $289
!t ~uli lu l Sol1 !1 Dey
•~d Co,..lodeble
Oo11bl• l ed bv Night
ivili b,. hrir1111, 10 n.~.~1.~1 110 11
COSTA MESA, CALIF. INTERIOR DES IGNE RS Opett Mon,, Thur1. & '11. l•n. b4b-027S b1.b·027b
' I )
" Saddlehaek • EDITION
VOL. 6'1, NO. 252, 3 SECTIONS, 38 PAGES
Suddlebock Tulk
Ruffles Feathers
County Planner
01 rll• Dllly ~1111 St11f
Orange Counly Planning Comrnissioner
Arnold Forde told 1nembers of !he Sad·
d!eback Area Coordinating C o u n c I I
Thursday how ti1ey can eftectit·e!y
pa1ticipale in county planning and rufOed
~on1e feathC'rs in the process.
The outspoken appointee of Fif1h
District Supe1·visor Ron~ld Casper~ told
the group that Ci\'ic parlicipatlo11 in !he
planning process can be meaningful. hul
eautioned !hen1 again~! mnking niore
den1ands on ele .. :ted officials than are
''Elected oHicia!s might stop lislen·
ing:' he snid, adding that son1e p!'o-en·
vironn1ent groups already hare reached
this polnt.
He ci ted the recent con!ro,·ersy O\'er
lhe Alscol Devt>lopment Compa ny's plans
for Aegean H ill~ as an example-of
"unreasonable'' ci\'ic participatioo.
The Alscot firm revised its plan fi\·e
limes then decided lo build tov.·nhouse~
\\·he re si ngle-ta1nlly residences and a fevJ
aparlinents had bet'n planned.
Residents of !he area ob1ectetl to the
townhouse develop!nt!nl because of dcns1-
ly hut v•ere \Villing to a p pro v e
apartn1ents if units \Vere iwlated lo a
sntall specific area.
•'I and the planning staff fell there
v.·ere a lot of improvement s in the plan ,··
s1tAlt.r~e. "Rut a large number-of
c felt there sho uJdn'\ be aTJy
changes. Sonie spo kesmen for the grou p
said if tov.·nhouses were built the wrong
kind of people v.·mlld move in. I though t
this \Vas blind opposilion to what \Ve were
J-le said groups in unincorporated areas
have a good chance of gelling officials to
do \\'hat citizens \\·ant if a large group
turns out for meetings "and they adopt a
moderate. reasonable-position. becausio:
"lected officials know the peopl e can boot
them out"
\\'hen asked ll'hV th is hasn't see1Tied to
work in lhe pas't Forde said. '"people
can't exp&1 to get what the~· 11:ant 100
percent of the lime "
He cautioned that lar~c land dc\·elopers
have p<nrer 111 Orangr Cuun!y and hP.
hopes the public and p11blic officials \v i!J
soon have ai. n1uch strenj;;lh as
''\\'e who liv~' here have every ria;hl to
determine our life style. People who in-
heri1ed land or got a grant from lhe King
nr Spain dCln'I have thP rij!ht lo do it for
us."' he said
11e said ''citizrn power" is talt1n& hold
and will j?Ct sln.iuger. But he adde<I the
count y-pJ;inning dt'!parl!nent ii. not
l'apable of doing a general pl an for the
Seddlehack Vallc·1.
"The Saddl~back Valley is a 1otally in-
!egrated area and should have an u~to
date plan." he sa id . But he personally
believes it would havr to be re\•ised e\'el'j·
yea r.
Citizens he said, should not hire a con·
sultan! to do !heir own plan because it
t..'OSts loo much money and too many ex·
treme positions v.·ould tend to bt>
represent ed.
Instead, Saddlebr:1ck residents should go
fo their elected officials and ask them to
hire a consulUmt to do the plan , Forde
"You ranl have one plan and expct:l lo
stick to it," said Forde. ''A pl<1 n i~ a
piece of paper. Th ings change. You can 't
vet one plan good for today and fore\·er.
"'hat's im portant is for local groups to bf'
represented ''•hen changes take place ·•
Eorde said he doesn ·1 bclie\'e lan-
dholders should be able lo do anything
the.v v.·ant \\o'ith their property v.·ith litt le
ur no government regulation. Nor. he
said. does he believe land should ~
totnlly regullllcd \\'ithout the lando1rner
ha\·ing a \'Oil·e.
··1 try to be in the middle of thcsr t11.·o
positiuns. ·· he said.
W nt:son Drlttvs
Deuth P enalty
LOS Af\GELES tUPll -Death
in the gas chamber 11•as decreed
by a jury today for Charles ·'Tex"
\\'alson . the rifth person to be con·
\'icted of the :;even bloody Sharon
Tale and LaBianca n111rders.
The jur.v of six men ;ind s1:t
v•omen deliberated Jes." than six
hours before rejecting the defense
plea thal \VatS<Jn, 25. be sentenced
to life in prison.
The defense atlomey for lhe
former high schooj slur alh!cte had
asked lo jury to · spa~ \Vatson's
life. sayinc. •·Tex should be studied,
he shouldn 't be killed.''
Reel Poet Win:s
Nohel Prize
For LiteratuTc
STOCKlJOLtlf (AP\ -Pablo Neruda.
the Communist poet v.·hose works helped
develop the cl imate that brought ~farxist
go\·ernment to Chile , won the Nobel Prize
1n Literature today.
~eruda. a leader in Chile·s Cornrnuni.'il
party, became amba ssador to Franct>
v.·hen Sal\'ador Allende took over as
president in Santiago.
The son of a railroad worker in rl1P
back country of Chile. Neruda -his real
name is l'\efvali Ricardo Reyes ,\·
Basoalto -once had lo \\•rite in secret
because his fat her opposed poetry and
destroyed his son's writings.
!Us tl,larxlst \·iev.·s are reflecled in
cascades of lyrics. One poem is calle{J
"La United Fruit Company.'' concerning
the American company v.·hose operations
in Lalin America were controversial for
many years.
This goes in part: " ... It established
lhe comic opera, abollshed the in--
dependencies. presented crov.·ns 0 r
Cae~r. un.'lheathed en\')". alt.racted the
dictatorship of lhe n ie~ • . ..
At 67. Neruda is regarded as Lalin
America's greatest living poet 11nd had
been a cand1date fot the No~l Prize for
t11.·e deco.des.
The prize is worth $88.000 lhi3 year.
Sa11 Cleme11te Busii.1esses
Slipped a Tad Tltis Year
Business In San Olemenle during the
first half of the year took a slight dip
over the pact set the year before, lattsl
ll tate statistics ~ho"'·
Figures re:leased this v.•eek by tilt State
Board of F,quallzation sho~red that l&J·
able tran!!actions during the. six·month
period in San Clemente amounted to $11.1
mil\ian . •
During !he !lame. period the )·ear before
!he sum v.·as slightly over $12 mi llion.
The only category showin1t 1 11llght rise
wa.~ In the rl!'Ul!I food store sales whit:h
Increased frorn st.r. million in the nrst
half oI 1970 to almosl $1.6 million in thl!'
nme period O'is year.
Dti;pile the 61i.Rhl slump In bx.able
~~lcs .. however, chamber of commerce
spokesmen who announced the figure~ in
a newsletter th is week said they believed
retail sale!! to ~ "holding up well:'
The largest taxable sale11 thi~ year
came from auto draler11 and auto sup-
plies, registering a sum of $2,229,000. The
amount was about $4,000 lo"·er lhan tilt
1970 perlod.
The sharpellt drop wa,, regi11tered
among tile clty·s 69 eating and drinking
"establishments which logged $2.6 millioo
in the 1970 period and ·nnly S2.1 million
this year.
Fewer bu~ine:;~es are ln oper8tion in
the city thb year 11s we ll.
A! of July 1, 489 retail outlets wf'rc on
the book.s.
Jn July of l8sl year there were $.12.
' . . \ '
• ·I '
Today's n••l
N.Y. Sitteb
• ourt 01ces
It's Not A Bird
It's not a plane. It's not C\'en superman. lt's j ust
l\ilike Rohin.~on, 10, on the Su pers\vin g. The kids
\vho live in the. Bayshores section of Nc\vport Bca('h
have this big rope hitched up to a tall paln1 lrce a•
the beath. Another rope provides the pull li ne. Kids
on the ground pull the paln1 back, back, back and
then laun ch a con1 patriot. !:ice th e launching on
Page 2. It's a real l\vanger.
Mayor Seeks Canine Beach
Cle11ie1itc Cliief to Meet Witli Buckers of Issue
. San Clemente Mayor \Valler Evans -
v.·ho may hold the pivotal vote on the
issue of allowing dogs on city beaches -
Wednesday :.greed lo meel with sup-
porters of the issue lo find e stret<:h of
beach which might suit the pets.
The mayor -in a resurreclion of the
sometimes caustic debate of two \\leeks
11go -agreed l-0 meet with ~liss .Kori
~filler, 16, the advocate of relaxing tht.
restrictions against I.he pets.
San Juan Witches
Ball Set Oct. 30
San ,Juan Capistrano Chamber of Com-
men.'f: wUI sponsor it! aeeood annual
witches and Warlocks Ball Oct. 30 at the
San Juan Hills Country Club.
The ennunl ctlebration of llaUoween
·,vlt l begi n with a cocktail hour at 1' p.m.
rollo"•ed by a steak dinner at a p.m.
Costumes ire in order, say the
sponsors.·TickeL.~ at S3.75 per person can
be ' purchased through El Peon or
Goodie's Boutique, in San Juan. Retitrva·
tions also are avallablc by calling ~93"
"rd be most willing to be taken do\vn
thcer and shown where you thiok th !
could be given a chance," the ayor
"Then I'll show _you ." Miss Miller said.
"It's a deal ," the mayor repli
The bargain came after deba e erupted
again befi:>re councilmen Wedneaday. The
panel had routinely received and fUed
two letters on the matter then attempted
to move on to the ne,;t item.
Doi.en.s of persons in the audience,
however. begged to be heard. Councilmen
Jim Kuhl, who wrote the council poin-
ting "t more lenient codes in Laiuna
Beach and Newport Beach, asked coun-
cilmen to give dog owners In San
Clemente "a chance."
11e sUggested a ti1al period on • seg·
Ment of city beach near tbe Riviera
bistrict "which ia usually deserted during
the winter ~ason."
' Mayor Ev•M told advocat~ of allow,
>lng the pets on ~ 11nds that ~ would
he.ve f.o.be cOnvlnced that the segment of
bt-ach could work for pets. thot access ~oulrl ~ adeqUatc end that there would
be means of patrolling the stctloti once
dogs were aUowed.
Councilmen heard -and agreed with
-some dog lovers who complalned that
lht' crux or lhe ·co,.trbversy Is not with cl·
~ . ' _,,. -
ty enforcement practices, but those of the
State of California, which has vigorously
enforced its dog ban on state park
One retired San Clemente doctor told o(
being "'harassed by a young stonn
trooper" as he wo.lked his pet along the
railway rijht-of-way near Califia Beach.
Another woman who told councilmen
she would walk her poodle on the sands to
assis~ her in therapy following seve1·e
back surgery was harassed at the dawn
hours by state lifeguards and rangers.
"I don't know where they came from at
that hour. but they'd find me.'' she said .
CofC llead Ad dresses
SiroptiJnist CluJ>
San Clemente Chamber of Commerte
Manager fU>bert Evartt Will addrtn the
annu81 Founder's Day Dinner ceremonit-S
of the Soroptlmlst Club of San C~mente
Oct. 3ll.
The dtrin er will L'Ontmem<1r1te lhe 50th
annive~ary o( the Woman's organiiatlon
wtuch btgan In 1921 in Oekland\
Founders and other ofri clel5 of the
local club "'Ill be among tho.st ronored at
!he dhu~r celebration.
ABA Nixes
2 Prospects
Fo1· Seats
WASH INGTON (APJ -President Nix-
on has made his selection or non1inee.s ti\
fill two Supreme Court \'acancics and will
announce then1 to the nation ii\ a live
television-radio address at 4:30 p.n1. PDT
The White Jlouse announced Nixon·~
plans within hours after the Washington
Post published a story saying the
American Bar Association's con1n1ittee
on the federal judiciary had \V i!hheld its
endorsement from two p u l c n ti a I
nominees who were regarded as fron·
!runners for the positions.
Press secretary Ronald L. Ziegler,
\Vhen asked about the verdict of the ASA
comrnillec. said that the Senate ha!'I ·
responsibility to give its advise and con·
sent to non1inations for the high court. He
added ·
"The Constitution docs not require the
consenl of lhe ABA ... they of course do
nol have veto power."
Ziegler thus left open the possibility
that Nixon would nominate the two who
failed to receive the cndorsernenl of th e
ABA co mmittee.
They are Mildred L. Li llie, a justice of
lhe California Court of Appeals, and
Herschel H. Friday, an Arkansas bond
lawyer ·who has bten acti ve in 3Chool
desegregation cases.
Ziegler said Nixon decided jU!t thU.
morning to make a TV-radio appearance
but said he may have decided in his own
mind on his choices Wednesday night.
First word of the ABA committee ac-
tion leaked out Wednesday night. The
White Hoose press spokesman so.id he
y,·ould not talk about consultations
between Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell 11nd
the ABA.
Asked if lhe sudden decision to make
an address to the nation on the nomina-
tions might not be regarded as an in--
dication of presidential pique, Ziegler
said, "No, I wouldn 't say that."
Ziegler also was asked if Nixon waJ
confiden t his nominees would win Senate
confirmation. The Senate rejected two
earlier no m in e es , Clement F.
Haynsworth and G. Harrold CarsweU.
'·He would not be sending the nomina·
tions to the Senate if he felt otherwise,''
Ziegler said .
Asked if Nixon ha d notified his
nominees that they had been selected, the
press secretary said, "I'm not prepared
to answer that."
lfowever. he added. "I'm sure the at·
torney general has talked to them.''
Nixon made no previou5 tv.radiO ap-
pearance to announce a nominee for a
Supreme Court vacancy. That was when
he selected Chief Justice \Varren E.
Burger in 1969.
The Post said the ABA committee
found Friday unqua lified by a vote of 1 fll
5, and f\.1rs. Lillie unqualified by a vote or
I I to I.
Beginning with the nom ination of Harry
A. Blackmun to the court last year. the
ABA adopted a new rating system. When
asked lo judge a prospect's qualification~
by the Justice Department the bar com-
mittee on the federal judiciary first
would make a preliminary a~ment.
reporting its initial Judgment informally
to lop department officials.
or .. ge
Sunny but ha zy skies are fore.-
cast for the coastal folk on Friday,
with temperatures locally reaching
78 degrees and inland regions bit·
ling 88.
Do stporale agencie!'l' btt1olued
tn. administerl11g tht Juverd!e
J u.st·ice Sy,tlem work -well a.s a
teC!m7 A federally /l1lcnced uni·
versi!u 1tud11 of the Costll A-lesa
af'ea. s11gge1ts needed ifnpr"ove·
111ent. See story on Po~s 9 oud'
C•Mlerftl• t
(Mell,_. II• II CIMllll... ..,.
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! D.lll V PILOT SC
;:Tustin i·strict Split.
lly Gl!X>RGE LEIDA!.
.......... , .... hi ..
'llll Oraac• County COmmlttet on
5cbool Distr ict Organlialion v o te d
, Wednn::l.1y night to llubmlt Ui \'Oters in
June a unification plan that spli ts the
'!'ult.In Union High School District into
~.hree unllled dl&tricts.
The approved plan. Plan Sb:-C. nciw
;J:oeS to the State Board of EdLJcation for
•.ts approval. The State board is expected
to act on the plan in January and will '
; fonnally sel the date for the dl1trictwide
'·!lection recommended by the County
Committee. The balloting la expected to
·Areas Eyed
be 1el for June.
Nino ol tbt ll·momber O>unty COm-
m.ittff voted unanlmoualy on Ow Plan
SlJ·C propo!ll. An amendment th1t
would have provided for 1ep1r1t1 bl.llott
in the three propoud dlltrleta wa1
defeated &-3.
~tembtrs Mrs. ri.farlon C. Bl!rgeson . L.
Carlton Jones and chairman .Joe Ctlffin
supported the three·way voting procedure
that would have allowed an y of the pro-
posed districts to unify even if voters in
the others turned it down.
It was argued that should the Irvine
Unified DiJtrict be. approved, the present
Dana Hills High
Attendance Told
Students in the San Juan, Viejo, Crown
V.a.lley and Richard Henry Dana elemen-
1Ary school attendance areas may be.
;oing to the new Dana Hills High School
when it opens next year.
Students in the o th e r schooh' at-
·:.endance areas -Concordi11 , Ole Hanson ,
?alisades, Las Palmas -will continu e to
.lt housed at San Clemente High School if
1dministrative recommendations are ap-
Superintendent Truman B e n e d i c t
ouUined the altunativea and mad e sug-
gestion& to the trustees of the Capistrano
Unified School District Monday. The
ooard decided to study the matter during
a workshop Nov. 2.
Benedict al!IO recommended housing
eighth graders from the Dana Hills at·
:endance area at the ne\v higl1 school
alone with ninth. ten th and eleventh
"Seniors should be. allowed to finish th!
vear at San CJemen te High School," he
The advantages to this plan , according
t.o a report by Walter Spencer, principal
?f the new high school. would be. to help
·_alleviate overcrowding at Marco Forster
Junior High ; seniors could complete their
~ucation and strengthen extra curricular
1Ctivit1ea at San Clemente ; eight h
~aders at Dana Hills could have some
. .:urriculum advantages .
Disadvantages to the plan include
oos.sible 50Cial growth and development
problerra for eighth graders in a high
. ;chool environment : eighth graders
· would miS& status situations a n d op-
portunities at Mara> Forster; e i g h th
graders living near Forster would need
: transportation.
):High Press ure
;·in Water Pipes
'.'Triggers Leaks
Parts in a pressure regulator in u.•ater
mains serving San Clemente's Harbor
E:st..ates neighborhoods broke do"·n Tues·
day evening, causing .severe increase in
water pressure and some leaks in the ex·
pensive homes.
Police reported being besieged u.·ith
~alls from the north city neighborhood
during and after the dinner hour St\•eral
residents com plained of some noodi ng in·
side their homes.
City Engineer Phil Pete r said a
diaphragm and solenoid 1n a reog1i lat or
both malfunctioned and were replaced by
city crews.
Peter said that des pite some call~ to
police of flooding. other city ofrice.s had
heard no complain!s of damage .
"If there 1.1•as dama~e . hou.·eve r, 1t
would be the indl''idual'! respons1b1hty to
repair i~,'· he said.
OMHl1111 ~An' ,l:l~ISH INO C.ot.\r AN'W'
'-•h•rt N. W•od
,1 .. id1n1 •fld l'uth•~tf
J1cli: ll. C111!1y
Viet Pth lf"'I •M G1ntr1I Mant;.r
'Tiio,,,11 K11yi!
Th~"''' A. M11•11\in•
M1"1g,,.gi Edll'Or
Ch1rl .. M. l""' Rit~1rd II. ~h!l ""'~""' M111111no 1:a1111n
1.,u .. '-ell Offk•
l ll F&ru t .1. ... ,...,,
M1 1H1t1 1<idr1u: r.o. '"" 66&, !26Sl
5• Cl•...,.t. OHie•
l05 North £1 C1"'i110 R11I, !1•71
Otti.T Offlc•
Other al ternatives ln the makeup of t.ht
new school would bt to house ninth, t.enlh
and eleventh aradera in the new hi1h
school. leavlni seni ors at San Clemenle ;
hOu!!lng all four hi1h school grade level!
in both high achools, or give seniors a
Spencer's report states that seniors at
the ew hl1h scboo.I woo.Id ~ able to
establi!h traditions and would find
greater opportunities for leadership roles.
But he al!IO s11.id Iha! curriculum pro--
bably wouldn't be as exten.11ive at the new
high school thf! first year.
Enrollment projections show that the
administration's pl ans would probably
create a fairly equal split while. easing
crowding at Marco Forster.
Trustees said they will be. very In-
terested in parental re1ction to th e plans
and will probabl y make a fir m decision
on both boundaries and grade levels fo r
the first year at the Nov. 2 work.11hop.
Clemente High
Signups Begin
Applicatiolll! are. being accepted at San
Clemente High School fo r the NROTC
NavaJ.M aMne schol u sh ip program which
can provide financ ial 11.id through four
years of college.
Applicants for the program offered
e.ach year to high school seniors will be
selected on the basis of either the
Scholastic Aptitude Test or the American
CoHege Test.
Requirements for applicants include
the taking of either test at the 1pplic1nl's
e.x~nse before the eod of this year and
applic ation for a scholarship before Dec.
1 of this yea r.
Bullelin.!1 covering full eligibility rt:·
qu irements 11.nd applications are avellable
through Russel B. Hathaway at th e high
school or from the nearest Navy or
~1arine Corps recruiting station.
Lag una Co uncil
OKs Parking Fee
All Yea r Round
The LRgHnR Beach cit y c0unr1I der1tl l'ri
\\"ednesday that weekend visitors ro !he
Art Colony sbnu!d ha"e to pa y a parking
ftl". evPn in winter.
8\' a 4-1 vote , w1!h councilman Charl!on Bn~·d dissenting . tht cnuncil voter! !o
eliminate the free Sunday parking policy
that has heen in rffect during u.·1 nter
months si nce 196.l
Boyd s1id he felt th! move \\'a~ unl4'i se.
llS "·as thr recent 11ction to increa~e
n1eter \'inlalLon fines fro m $\ tn $:1. ;,"'e
shnuld nnt de(M'nd on the police depart-
ment for additional re\'enue in nur city .''
said Boyd . "And anywa y. we're not really
gaining muc h."
Asked by ,_1ayor Rich ard Goldberg
u·hl'lt the net revenue might be., con·
sidering ccist of reactl vaUng the meters,
city manager La~·r~nce Ro.!;!'I replied that
the action woul d not be so much a source
of revenue. as a wa y tn provide. m()r!
parking turnovtr in congesled areas and
to give more people 11 ch11nce to find •
parkil'\i space. The demand is greater nn
weekends th an during the week. he noted.
' Tutlto lllCfl tnd San Jooquln Elementary
dlltrtcla would be tpllt by tht ... lnin•
lJnllltd. Dtttrlct Ind tbtrtlort be dltfkult
to ldmlnLtt.r.
Another amendment to the Plan Slx.C
moUon received a majority d tht.
quorum votes. but falled when a member
gwltched his yes vote to a no. Jryne
Bh1ck, county cnun!'lel to the. crmmlttee
noted, the a1nended morion 11.'0ul~ require.
a majority of the II -member committee
-at least six vntes -in order to pass.
That amendment. wnul d ha ve changed
the date for establishing the ratio to
divide district-owned property Jrom the
! ·-·
DAil V l'llOT llfll ll~tlt Tree Launeh
Youngsters in Newport Beach
are shown putting tension on
tov.•ering palm tree as they pre-
pare to launch Mike Robinson,
10, over bay on rope . The Sup·
e rsv.1ing causes some mothers
to worry. Kids love it.
Thurston Week
For Centennial
Se t i11 Lag tu1a
City c o u n c l I me. n \\'ednesday
unanimously decreed Nov. I~ through 20
115 Thurston Centennial \\'eek in honor of
Laguna Beach's fi rst settlers.
Th! action had been requested by the
cit~· Historical Societ y. u.•hich has planner!
several aciivil ie.~ for the "'eek marking
the IOOlh yt ar of .Jo~rriO Thtirston·~ ar-
r1l'al 1n 1he Art Cnlnn~·
Thr late hu.~1 nes~m;:in ;inrl !;inf! n11·nrr
arrived with hi!! f;un il\' at Al isn r.an \"nn
late in November of lli7l when he Wil~·on·
1.v three-years old. He grf'"' up to become
a civic leader and land de,·eloper.
Co fC Dons Bib
For Cas tl1 wHys
Director~ and general members nf !hll'
Dana Point Chamber of C.Ommerce will
m,.et. TUel'ria~· .=it ,11 h1n<'hl"f"ln l'lf\Pn In 1111
area resirlents at !he new Castawav~
RestaurAnl at D.=ina Harbor ·
Tht noon lunche<in will take the place
nf !itpar.11111' rPguh1r meeting~ or tht bo11rd
and general membership.
An Open in,·it.atinn h•s been ext!nd!d In
Dana Point residents. said Chamher
President Art Humberg.
Reservations can be obtained by calling
Hu mberg at ~96·5797 before Monday.
Coltt Mt11• ill) Wtll lt"f S>r..,
N""P0'1 8Mcl\: lJll i'l1WP&r1 aou•1~1'1t
>J""ll ... fOn •Md!; 11111 ... C/I loul1v1ni1 2 Boats Battle
IDA.t\.V ''~OT, -111111(111' Cl&tnblned,,,. tf-•Ntt, II fUOI~ lfll" n c_, Sv1\o ••r lot Mjllolrttt •"'kin' fer LAI""• •-11. N-' lfftlil, C..11 IMll, !l""'lifrf!il'll a.Mio. ,._lft Vtllrf', atfl Citfr.en!I/ CiJll"-.... a.HltMd10 1i.n. wll!I -
, .. .,... •""""· ~rl!KlNr .,i.ttlnf $IW It et • W.I Ny &tr.I, Ctlll .......
T ...... 11 17141 Ml-4Jll
O..tfiM AhlnfN~ 642°1671
S. Ci....t. All D~:
, ........ 4!2-4410
~ ..... All Deptrtwttt , .......... , .. , ...
c.,.,.,,...., ltn, 0..,... °'"' ~'-"" (e............ "' ~ l ltf'-'. ltlvll!rt1101<10
.,!l9rlill """... ... ..,""1'""""'' ....-.111 -~ M ~· w!IMut 11*111 Ill· mlMllll flf .,,.-11'11 •Wlllf'.
'-"f ctt" ,...1 ... N "f 11 H......,. hldl .... (Ml• ,M .. , Gt\lffr'Oll , ~If!• "1 U tfltl' IJ,tl ll"l(lllillyl Ir N II IJ.11
·""""""' mhlhl,r ll•IN lllM. 12.fl ,_.,1r.
A ries, Dorothy 0 Vie for Finish
Ari!s and Dorothy 0 battled ln sight
of e:ach other within JOO mlles or tht. fin·
i~h lin t tod i.y in the Caho S11n J..uc11.s
yacht r.11ct.
The Aries skipper reported trouble v.·llh
the bnat 's eomp&!!.!!1. r11 l.11ing tht posslbllily
the! lt11 position report m11y not bl! 111e·
Dorothy O's position report placeR lhe
ves~!l 8S miles from lhe cape and the
hnlsh If wind., pl ck up a11 !Xpec!ed this
11fterntX>1 ., the boat should arriv e In the
early e\'t:ning.
The e~cort vess!!I Tempo! h1a 11rri\!Pd
at !.he citpt.. Bon Homme !}!shard. the
communicatiolll! boa t. 111 now 92 mi!es
from the line and is exPKled lo finish at
$:30 p.m.
Novt11 del Mar traits !he fleet wHh l!IO
miles to go, about fh•! mlles bthind the
Sayula. AMa Maria II •nd Kahili 11re
nttk &nd ntck. each wlth 15.1 miles re-
The po~itinn!I 1111 of II ~.m. tod11y·
Aries. 23·49, 111 -UW
Dorothy 0. 2.1-3!1 N. 111.15 \\'
Novill dtl Mar. 24.J.2 N, 112-5:1 W.
Anna Maria II . 24·15 N. 112·14 W,
Kahill. 24-09 N. 112-14 W
Sayula , 21-38 N. 112·'"1 W,
Plan Sent to Voters
1970.11 bast yter to 1911 ·71. It was
tr1utd thtt tbt lator YIAf would provide
mort equlltblt dlltrlbutlon ol property
between tht MW dl1tr1.ct.s sln« trvln•
1nd Mlsalon VltJo 1rt1s would gai n In
assessed valuation.
Property will be split according to !hf!
ratin of l!'ISes.11ed val uation of el!lch of the
areas tohat will makt. up the new unified
di.~tricts. under the adopted. pl11n.
i\1rs. Bergeson and Co ffin s.11jd they felt
an alternate plan -Plan D -submitted
by Jrvinr area organiiations made aome
"valid points."
~!rs . Berieson underscored the
criterion or rommun1ty identity and not!d
the.rt will be poltilcal efforta to ha V• th•
achoo.I district and city of Irvlce boun-
daries coincide,
No mot ion wa s made to place Plan I)
before lhe cnmnilttet fnr considrration.
Th!! hour·long County Committee .11ession
followed the third and final public hear-
ing on !he plans held for resi dents of the
Tustin area.
Al that hearing, Wayne Cla rk, president
r:J tht Irvine Council for Education and a
candidat! for th e Irvin~ City Council.
read a statement on behalf of ICE
member and atU>mey P.11uJ Tonkovkh.
' Tonkovtcb W'llKI furthtr con1lder1Llol\
ol placini 1811 ai:ru of th• ·lrvin•
Industrial Park within the bounda ries of
th! proposed Irvi ne dl!lrict.
Under the CQmmit tee adopted plan, !he
parcel i5 part of the proposed Tustin
Unlfied distric t. although lt lies within the
OOundaries of the proposPd City of Irvine.
Tonkovich also urgt.d separate elections
for each of the three propos!d districts
and a later date for establishing tht. ratin
for di\'ision of property based on assessed
Marine Beach Talks Go On
Pendleton Strand Op e11 in g Dela yed by Sorne Issues
State parks official! and repre5en-
tativt.s from th e rjavy and Marine Corps
re<:en!ly met for the first ti me for initi.111
discus sions on the tra.n1fer or control of
San Mateo Canyon and 1.5 miles of Cam p
Pendleton shoreline to the public.
But despite lhe Initial di.11cu1sions last
Friday In San Bruoo, little progress has
been accomplished and an opening da!e
for the ne w state park property south of
the Orange County line has not yet be.en
set .
Se11eral i~sues must be worked out
before the Marinf! Corps formally Jeeves
the territo ry leased for 50 years to lhe
stale of California after complex legal
maneuvering in Washington. D.C.
Ora nge Coast area Chief Ranger
Eugene Junette said today procedures
must be worked oul to assure the smooth
ope.retion or the Mari nes' training opera·
lions deep in San Mat.eo Canyon.
The training areas will lie near the
boundary line of the Pendleton property
and the new public acreage which
ultimately will be developed for cam ping
and parking .
"We have lo work out suitable ar·
rangem ents on that matter as well as ac•
cessts to the co.11stlint and other things.
Delldline Told
For Dire ctor y
Adve rtis ing
A deadline extension for the return or
advertising copy for nen year's edition of
!he South Coast telephone directory "''".!
announced this week .
f\1rs, Lucy Carr, who heads this year's
directory project for the chamber nf
commerce. !laid that advertisers now
ha"e until No v. 20 to submit copy for lhP.
new book. New advertisers ce n .!lrrange
for ads as well during the period, she
s;i id.
The 11noual directory will be distributer!
e11rly next February and will contain
seve rlll dozen more pages of phone
listings and yellow pages, she said.
An extra 2,000 copies will be. prinlrd
!his year. alleviating the depletion of sup.
plies ea rly in the yeHr.
The dirtctorie!'I are distributed rree or
charge to all local residents.
"Righi no1.1' Navy and MarinP person nl':I
are. having mPetings of the ir o"·n to work
out the det:iils. ·· J unette said.
He. said rei;:ular meetings are scheduled
as we ll in the Sta te Park~ system on
rlevclopmenl of the :1,000 acres nf canvon
plus Lhe coveted .~horelinr . ·
The Marine C(lrps ren1ains in tenancy
on the leased seclion and the public .!!till
is forbidden access to lhe acreage, he
Complica ting th e acces.~ and !anrl use
matters is the f;ict that lhP Marine
Corps' enlisted man's beach club will re·
ma in ln mili tary hands and it lies within
the coastal area relinquished to th!!
publ ic.
The private San Onofre Suri Club also
lies u.·ithin the new !ilale territory.
Slate Parks nffiti.111~ In Sacramrnto
ha\'e said 1l ma~' takP several vears
hefore permanent development of 1he
property takes place.
Sewer and water servit~ wilt be the.
subjett of pending nego!ia lion.o; with the
City of San Cleme11te, which already has
received stale overtures.
Some funds have been set itside for
preliminary designs and initial rough
development or the segment, stale
spokesmen have said.
In the meantime. bus1nes~ will be L'On·
duc ted as usual at San Onofre Bluffs
State Park -the rirst segment of Camp
Pendleton roastline to be relinquished b,Y
the military.
The public is welcome lo use those 450
acres all year long, Junette said.
A1nbulance Buy, $25 Fee
Ol('d To E11d Service Lack
S;i n Clt'men!e C'Ounci!mt'n \Vednesda v
.11greed to spend $4,500 on an emergen(':V
ba sis to buy a used van -type ambul anc!
which has been on loRn to San Clemente
for the past several u.•eeks .
The pri ce is about half that of a new
And following that Sl'.'if!. unanimous ar-
tion. cnuncilmen R!Sn ai;:reerl to impose a
$2."i service chargf' tn ea ch person
transpnrted In the hospital in the new cily
The Ire enrli< a lo°"·St.and \ng tradition
that patients transportf'<i by the city pa id
Sf)()n ar!er the Action for purchRsinp: rhe
vehicle rr nm the Schaefer Ambulanl'P
~PrV\Cr Whirh ]oan Pd fhe v;in in 1hP f\rs l
place, Ci1y ManaJ:er l\en C.:irr reiter11 t.erl
1hat rhe purrht1~e "d{)('S nn1 put Lhe cit.y
inlo lhe an1bulance business.··
Cflrr r~pl;iincd ;iftrr lhr ('OUn(•i 1
meelin2 !hal hr .~nught t11r purchase 11nrl
feP "only !n improve our equipmenl. ,.,
Au! tiP.<;pi!e tha1 philn~ophy. the ciry
~rrvit'(' i~ lhP nn1.v ft1ll·tin1 f' nne :iv11ilahlP
In emcrgcnr-y patients in ~an Clem ente
after !he rl!y's onl y private firm pu!IPd
out earlier thi~ year.
Firemen :ind pohcc olf1cpr~ man the
~ ' 1
' '
. I' I I i '
:1 I ,, 11' I ' 'I '·
van on emergency calls only.
Carr tol d cou ntilmen lhat th! fees
am ounted In about half the price
normally char~ed bv private firms fnr
the ~ame type or run to Snuih Coast Com·
munity Hospital.
He ~tressed. hou.·ever. that any privall!I
fi rm "''nuld he "l"xtremely we!N,me" to
move into th e city a.nd !'et up nperation~.
1f that hap!)f'ns . he said. the new city
ambulance would be placed back on
stand -by lo be used 11s needed when
private service was not a1•all;.ble .
Ri ght On, J PL
PASADENA. Calif 1t1Pl l -Scie ntista
itl. thf' Jet. Propulsinn L;ibor11tor.v (JPL)
h:n•e canceled plRn~ Fnr 11 ~econd mid·
cour~e corrert1nn for A merica·~ Mariner
9 .~pRtl'cr:ift htlunrl for MRrs hec.:1use the
first corrl"clive roc ke t firing wa~ so
"Months of trackinll rev ealerl !ht fir st
midcourse correction performer! last
.lune 4 wa.~ so precisl! that a second mfr\.
tourse would only yield R ne~lil!"ible in·
crease in the acrur11cv nf thP insertion
aiming point." ~aid .IP!. nff1cia!~
I I I '
Priced at $289
B•o ui;lu1 Sela 1¥ O•v
.~~ c,,..,1.,.1~b1.
Ooubl. Bod bv N.9~!
You r favorilc inte rior designer wili hf hnpp'll lo n.~.~i.tl JIO!l
Op.,, Mon., Thurl. &-Fri. IYn.
646.0175 646-027&
• ~
Laguna Beaeh
.VOL. 64, NO. 252, l SECTIONS. 38 PAGES
Irate l(rish11a
Neighbors of the Society or Krishna
Consciousness •·te n1ple" at 6-f.l Ramona
A\'e. in Lagun.i Beach ha\·e r"eached the
end of their pa11encf'. th e ci!y cou111.:il \l'<JS
advised \Ved1)l'sday night. ·
"Noise from loud cl1a nting, tam·
bourines. cl<inging bells <ind shouting at
hours ranging from 2 a.m .. 5 a.m .. noon.
5· 30 p.m. and 8 p.m." are causing loss of
sleep. harassn1ent and hardship !()
,residents. Oren Ki ng told the council.
King. 1vho lives at 635 J{an1ona Ave.
presented a pe!il i1Jn signed by a dozen of
the harassed neighbors. urging the coutl·
cil to authorize furthrr lega l efforts to
quiet the noisy Hare Krishna group a_nd
cease their violation or city zoning laws
In using the residence as a ('hurch
\vithou\ providing required p:1rk111g spacr.
During the discussion, ii was revealed
that !he residents have m!'t repeatedly
with cit)' officials to n1ull (he problen1
and that the city altorney a!ready has
filed several legal actions, v:hieh ll1e
llare Krishna group ignores.
The proble1ns began. f\ing s:iid. when
the robC'd secl·rnernbers moved into the
residence last ~1 ay lru1n their fornv.'r
Laguna Canyon 'l'en1ple There are nine
pt>rsons lh·ing 111 the house. others comr>
to ~lay overnight and 011 Sund;i~·. when
Neighbor·s Confront
public services are held. the narrow
street i:. so jainmed \\'ifh cars emcrgen<'Y
vehicles could not get througli. he added,
Effort s to reason with the group ha1e
been met 1Yilh the response that chanting
and uther a{'\ivilics are undertaken
··y.·hen the spirit n1ves them·· King comrr
Citl' <1tlornev Tullv Sevmour said he
had filed a co.mplairlt Alig. 6 in Orange
County Superior Court to ab.:i1e the puhlie
nuisnnce and enjoin vio!.it ion of zoning
ordlnilnces (spccificall,v a li:ick of 15 p11rk·
111g spaces. 1
r-.•011ces to aba!e also 1verc sent to the
occupa nts and oy.·ner or the property,
Seymour said. but the noises and large
gaihel'ings ha\'e continued.
On Oct. 12, Sey1nour said , he also filed
t1\·o inisden1eanor <.:ounts against Roy
Ch1·istopher Richard of the sect, again
charging disturbing the peace and main-
taining a church without parking,
During a!J·this time. King asserted, the
chanting, tan1bourlnes and clanging bells
have continued.
"\\'e plead with you r honor<.ble body."
lie told the council. "lo request further
lc>gal JL't1on to obtain an injunction from
the Superior Court lo restrain their con·
tinued u~e o[ lhis hon1e pending the
Superior Court and 1'1unicipal Court
Seymour said the Su perior Court action
on the mailer<: already filed could take
rnonths to come to trial. He estimated the
legal cost of seeking a preliminary in·
junction pending the trials would be
about $500.
"'These people." said the attorney,
•·seem to feel they are above the la11J
because of their religious position , .• it
is difficult to deal with people who do11 't
respect the law and who disregard court
orders. 1'here is a clear l'iolation here.
but they are very difficult to control and
they seem lo be digging in for a fight ."
1rms eac
Today's FJ•al
N.Y. Stoek8
Seymour added that the Krishna
group ·s own attorney had attempted to
reason with thern . but \Vithout success.
As the council voted ~unanimously to
authorize further legal action. Mayor
Richard Goldberg said ."! have repeated·
ly talked to these people and tried ti)
reason with them, but I found a total
disregard and lack of concern for the
rights of their neighbors. I get.a negative
response every time. I don't feel because
they are a religious group they have th11
right to disturb their neighbors. 'fhis has
nothing to do with their life style. It has
to do with a publit nui11ance."
l(ille1· Te x Festival Lease ·
Get s Deatl1
111 Cha1nb e1·
Fro1n \Vire Services
LOS ANGELES -CharlC'S ··rex"
\\'a1son, po11 raved by his defensf! as a
•·withered human being" and by h\8 Pf'O·
sccutor as a cold-blooded killer, was
decreed death in the gas chamber l.oday
by I he same jury that convicted hhn of
the seven Sh¥Qn 'fate murders.
\\'atson. 25. is the fifth and last defen·
dant charged and convicted in the August
1969 killings. Ch;irles r.tanson and three
female follo11•ers \1•cre sentrnced to death
last April for the sl<tyings of the actres~
and six others.
Doo1ning \Vatson 111adc the gas
c:han1ber unani1nous for tht Charle~
J.fanson "family" 1nembcrs tried for the
seven bloody Tate·LaBlanca slayings.
'\'atson was refused a possible penally
of life iin prisonment by the same jury of
six men and six women which had con·
,·ie!cd him of fi rst degree murder and rr·
jected his plea of not guilty by reason of
1\lanso11 aud three wonlen Fo!lo\1'er.~.
Susan Atkins, Patricia Krenwinkel and
Leslie Van Houten, h11d been sentenced to
(te:ith al the first trial v;hich \raison. a
unetln1e high school athletic star and ex·
cellent ~cholar .. had a1·oic!rd by fighting
extradition fro1n hi.~ homct1JV.'fl of ./\·lcl\1n.
nf'\'. Tc)\.
\\"atson. dr(';;:;cd neatly in a d:irk bl\H!
jatket 1v1th !ihirt and tie. sv.•allowed once
11·hen ·the ('Ourt cl erk read the j ury's
\-erdict that drath should be the sr.ntenCl'.
bttl he did not al1er the vacant cxpr~ssion
on his face. v.·hieh he has displayed
throughout lhe tria l.
None of the ~lanson family members
11•as in the courtroo1n . Virtually all of
them were in jail follo1ving \\'ednesday·s
sw1..-ep--up of six 1nembers as accomplices
in lhe sensational escape from the Hallo(
Justice jail of KeMeth Como, 31. 1 1
\Vatson had admitted on the starfd that
he took part in 2JI seven killings at the
home of actress Sharon Tate and grocer
LC'nO LaBinnca.
His hopes \':ere based on psyctJiatrists'
testimony that he was psychotic and
blindly following the orders of l\.lanson.
Threat Charge
Lands Lagunan
Back in Jail
A Laguna Beach narcotics su.s~~-oul.
on bail awaiting trial was rearrested
\Vednescfay night on charges of threaten·
ing a witness in his case.
Police said Daniel Glen Dismang, 22, or
2734 Highland Way. was arreSted at hi~
home on a warrant signed by South
County l\lunicipal Court Judge Richard
Hamilton. Bail On the felony cha rge was
set at $22.500.
Authorities said the suspect was Jlr!ll
arrested Oct. 8 on chii rges of i-:elling
1narijuana, but \\·as subsequently rcleas·
cd on bail.
Official s rlain1 Dismang th~atened
lll>dil y harm to a witness in the drug case
if the person !~stifled against him in
co1:1rt. •1e \Ya s ~chcdllled for arraigninent
on the charge this morning.
Vete r1111 Police Ho1101·ed
'rhree police office rs \vho have ea(·h served tnore
than 25 years on the l.aguna Beach Police Dcpart-
n1ent \rere honored by tlie city council \Vednesda.v
night for their fi delity and dedication. Froin left to
right are Sgt. \:ictor Sagan. Lt. .John Zel ko . r1c'L
'Vastc 1'rcatin g
Pilot Progran1 ··~
For Lagun a Eyed t •
DA ILY PILOT l!tll l'h~le
George Pletts <senior officer 'vith 29 years on the
forc·c) and t-.layor H1c hard l-;ol dberg. 1·hey were cha t·
ling before coun cil meeting. (;omn1cnd ation was
n1ade by lhc inayor.
f or the bargain price or as little a.'\
$1 ,i50, the city of Laguna Beach may be
the site or a federally funded \va sre treat·
ment pilot program that could be come an
environmental mi lestone. ,.
Delighted city councilmen learned \Ved-
nesday night that tht' city may be eligible
ror a $50.000 Enl'ironmental Protection
J'rogram grant lo finance a demonslra.
tion progra1n in ~ ne1~' !iYStcm or treating
munici pal sewage.
The cily's share of the cost. originally
t stimated at $[1.000 to $15,000, wou ld be
c•nl~· ~ percrnt of the grant. or $2.500. a
reprtsentalil'I' of Barber·Colman Com-
pany !old the council.
Councilman Roy Holm suggester! that
the engineel'ing finn might})(' willing to
share Lhat cost• with !he eity for the
privilege of demonstrating its "wet ox·
idation·• process in the Laguna sev.·a~e
treatment plant. "We accept," said
llayden N. Ringer, spok,esman fo r the
City manager Lawrence Ro.~e 1va.-t
aulhorized to prepare an application ror
the grant.
Ringer explained that the process of
treating solid waste, already successfully
used in the mining industry, would make
it possible to ·1ur11 s ludge into liquid and
harmless inorganic chemicals which
OOllld sarel y be di.!ieharged from the
oi:ean outfall with other liquid etnuerit,
cllnlll1ating costly sludge.hauling trips.
"We were .trying to find a plac~ to
denionstrate the prbce3s." said Ringer,
"atid when ~·e learned ahout Laguna'-"
trcatnient problems, we. approached the
El'A in \Vashington for a grant. They
\1'ant to rind communities wtlllng to
sponsor surh a I rial and said they would
be "receptive 10 a gra•H 11pplicatton from
Laguna Beach."
' ' , r.
I ' r• ' ...
DAIL.Y l'ILOT St .. 1 ,.._,.,.
Mtis i c on tlie Mn1•cl1
Music in Laguna Beach tTnitied·School District ha~ undergone a re·
naissance. At leasr it has gotten n1o:re popuJir under the direction of
Deane Bottorf. lie is shown ConducliOi c:lass .wi th Jer.c Thibodo in
' ' background. See Page ~,for. .story and p 1cture.c;. ~. ·
~ ' •.
Off er Supported
01 lft• D•lly Piiot STi ii
Sticking to its guns on the controversial
festival lease issue. the Laguna Beach
city coun cil \Vedncsday night reaffinned
the action that led to withdrawal of the
Festival oft'.er ·to help fin ance the JI.lain
Beach park.
By a 4·1 vote , wlth Councilman Edward
Lqrr dissenting, the council approved a
mqtion offe,n;d by C.lluncnmai;i PtJrl\Qn
Boyd to' stand by its last counter proposal
' lo· lht!! Festival. which would have ex·
tended tht Festival -tease-to ·1-.,btetnd
or 1998. and to affirm its support of
negotiations conducted by Mayor llichard
Goldberg and Councilman Roy Holm.
The Festival in ApriJ offered to assist
the Main Beach financing program by in·
c reasing its lease payment lo the city
from the present 171,2 percent of gross
revenu e to 27 percent or $155,000,
\'lhichever is less. under the new, 27-year
lease agreement.
On recommendation of Goldberg and
l~ohn. again with Lorr dissenting, the
rouncil proposed the shorter lease, which
the Festlv al board found unacceptable.
Festival directors, noting that any in·
crease in either the lease or ticket prices
1vould be impossible under the price
freeze. withdrew the offer, but left the
door open for future negotiations.
Councilman Roy Holm read into the
record Wednesday night a detailed ex·
planation of the reasoning behind the
council action.
Followin g his statement. city manager
J ,awrcnce Hose read a letter signed by
four members of the i\1ain Beach c:on1-
1ni!lce. l'lhich initiated the F'estival a id
plan. also supporting the city's stand.
The letter was signed by 1\1errill Johnson,
\\.illlan1 \Vi!t·oxen. Vernon Blackman and
ltarrv La\\Tcncc. IL was noted that
Vcrn0n SpitalerL fifth member or the
f"ommi!tce . no1v is in NC\\' York. but that
tile other members understand he feels
Ilic city should have accepted the Fcstiv-
;iJ offer.
The letter stated in part, "It is our opi-
nion that the city wa.~ right in refusing to
consider a 27·ycar, fixed-dollar lease to
the Festival ... the city's offer of either
a Jl).year. fixed-dollar term, or a percen·
l age override al:xive a fixed-dollar
amount were both reasonable offers in
our opinion."
The letter suggests that some other
lease provision y,.·hich would protect lhe
city by recognizing the possibility or in·
flation might .be more satisfactory for the
}''estival and suggests that there is "am·
pie time to complete negotiations." It at·
tribute!! lhc city's de-lay in respondin.ll to
the F'es!ival offer to "!he .emotional in-
itiative election ... in which both sides
\vere using beach fini.ncit1g problems in
their arguments .. ,
In his slai ment. Councilman Holn1
a sserted, ''The net effect of the city's ac·
c epting the Festival proposal would be
that the city would do well during the
first few years, bul would do very poorly
over the life of 1he lease. This present ci·
ty council could look very good during
these first few years, but our citizens
would have.every .reason to feel they had
been short·changed when 'they eventuall y
came to realize that "&· very poor ar~
rangement had been negotiated."
Assuming the Festival iricreased lickel
prices. which wasJ tbeJr hltentlon to pro--
duce the additional revenue, said Holm,
the city. even Under the present 17~ pir·
<"ent agreement Would get $100,000 a· ye~r
btgihning in Oct"ober, 1972.
The rate of inflation over the... past 27
)'ear s. he· added, has poshed. the local
consilmer prlce index ·to m 'percent of
what it was 27 years :tgo: With lhis rate
of increase, averaging 4.116 percent a
year, the city would be realizing $225,000
11 year•by 1t91 by Rla'iniog t~resent
Councilman Roy Holm
171~ percent lease payment.
"Even wit h a reduced inOationarv rate
over that period !he city would do better
f111anc:ially to reta in the presenl incon1e
of 17.5 percent or gross revenue than a
flat $155,000 •.. which in 27 years would
be worth $69.000 1971 dollars based on
past inflation.''
Early al·ccptance of the Festival offer
would not h~ve hclpt'(I the city. Holm ad·
dcd. if the contract had been contingent
upon increasing Pageant ticket prices,
since the price free1.e specified that
charges be based on a 30-day base period
or Jul.Y 15 to Aug. 14 and price increases
announced. but not in effect prior to Aug.
15 cannot be put into effect.
Holm concluded. •·1 sincerely hope and
belie~·e that In the near future represen·
tativcs of both organi1.ations can resume
discussions which will result in a lease
arrangement which will be falr to the ci·
ty as owner of lhc park and to tjie
Festival which has contributed greatly to
taguna Beach both culturally and
Orange Coa•t
Sunny but hazy skies are fore-
cast Cor the coastal folk on Friday,
with temperatures locally reaching
78 degrees and inland regions hit·
ling 88.
Do sepa rate age·ncits involved
rn. administering the Juvenile
J1'3tice Systeni work welt M a
team ? A federally fi11a11ced. uni·
versit11 study of the Costa Mesa
«tea suggestg needed impi:_ove·
mcnJ,, See-story on fl.age; ~O!ld JO •• . • • . ' . \
C1lil••nl• t
[ht(-IM IJ•, 11 Cl•nlllMI Jt.M
C•mlCI It
Ct11:flW9t• lt
DI"~ Nlt!Ut t
DIYfrtn •·II
E.itwi.J P"t • •R!frt•!n .... ftl to.ti
1'1-M•H "''"''.. " An• L•nlll"I IJ
~I~ Sr/let 1
M9Ylt t JI.fl
MWIWI f'Wllft ll
N111ef11I N•wt W 0r .... , c ... !Wf t
s-~ n.n Slt(ll M.,_tlt »1' ,.,..,w... JI
'~'" tt-tl w,.111tt • Wt lfleJl'I 'NtWt IS.111
Wort.II "'"" .....
01 .. !)oMIY l"llilt t11ft
Tht Ofqe County CommiU.. on
!<boot Di.strict Organiz11tltln v n t e d 'V~sday night to submit to voters in
. une a unification plan !Ml :splil1 lhe
''u.stin Union High School Dist.ri ct inlO
Oree unified districts.
l)t approved plan. Plan Six-C, now
i:oes to the St.ate Board of Education for
1tl approval. The State board is expected
I:>~ 8ct on the plan in J anuary and will
t<Dully get the date for the districtwide
1 i,.M1on recommended by the County
~· Tbe balloting is expected to
.4.reas Eyed
l ttunday, Octobtr 21, lm ·
be set for June.
Nine cJ the 11-member County Com·
miltee voted unanimoual)' on the Pb:n
S!J:;-C propo1al. An amendment that
woul d have provided for 1epar1te ballots
in the three propo1ed districts was
defeated 8-3.
l\fembers Mrs . Marion C. Berge11on. L.
Carlton Jones and chairman Joe Coff in
i;upported the three-way voting proctdure
that would' ha ve all owed an y nf the prn-
postd districts lO unify even if voters in
the others turned it down.
It "'as argued that should the Irvine
Unified Di.strict be approved, the present
Tustin Kiah and San Joaquin Elemtntary
dlatrlct.s would be split by the new trvln11
Untiled District and there.fore. be difficult
t.o admln11ter.
Another amendment t.o the Plan Six·C
motion received a majority of the
quorum votes, but failed when a member
gwilched hi.'i yes vote to a no. Jryne
Bl11ck. county CQUnsel to the comm ittee
noted, the 11mtoded inotioo would req ui re
a majority of the 11-membe r comrnittee
-at least she votes -in order to pass.
That amendment would have. changed
the da te for establ1shin~ the ratio lo
divide distr1ct·o"·ned property from the
Dana Hills High
Attendance Told
Students in the San Juan. Viejo, Crown
1r&uey and Richard Henry Dana elemen·
I.al-)' school attendance areas may be
1:oing to the new Dana Hills High School
when it opens next year.
Students in the other :ichools' at-
tendance areas -Conco rdia. Ole Hanson,
Palisa.d~. Las Palmas -will continue to
he housed at San Clemente High ScOOol if
i::dminb:trative recommendations are ap-
Superintendent Truman Be ne d ic t
[Utl intd the alternatives and made sug-
! est ions to the trustees of the Capistrano
1Jnified School District f\.1onday. The
board decided to study Ille matter during
L workshop Nov. 2.
Benedict also recommended housing
1 ighth graders from the Dana Hi!ls at·
l!ndance area al the new high jC~ 1J9ng with ninth. tent.h and efevent
··••Seniors r;hould be allowed to finish th
"ear at San Clemente High School," he
; .. id.
_,Ttie advantage~ tn th is plan, according
lo a report by Walter Spencer. principal
{the new high school, would be t.l'l help
.intviatt overcrowding at Marco Forster
,!unior High; seniors could complete their
1idO.cation and strengthen ertra curricular
:ietivitiu at San Clemente: eighth
1-adera at Dana Hills could have 110me
··bniculum advantages.
.. J>lsadvantages to the plan include
1},di&giblt social growth and development
~blema f'or eiabtb cradtrs ln a high moot environment; eighth gr•der1
\'OU]d miss status s.ituatiom a n d op-
.crtwllties at Marco Forst.ff'; .e I g ht h
~·.~ '\ f ers Uvin& near Forater would need
' •
J.ligh Pressure
jii Water Pipes
Triggers Leaks
Parts irl a pressure regulator in water
nains serving San Clemente's Harbor
~ates neighborhoods broke down Tues-
lay evening, causing se:vere increase in
"'ater pressure and some leaks in the tX·
:-ensive homes.
Police reported being besieged "'1th
·alls from the north city neighborhood
luring and after the dinner hour. Se veral
:esidents complained of some nooding in·
,1de their homes.
City Engineer Phil Pet.er said 11
tiaphr•gm anrl solenoid in a regulator
JOth malfunctioned and were rtp!aced by
:lty crews. ·
Peter sa id that despite some calls io
JOI.ice of nooding. other city offices had
1ea rd no complaints of damage.
"If there was damage, however, it
.1·ould be: the ind.ividual"s responsibility to
-epair it," he said.
l el.1r+ N. W1.d
Pr•-"'tri! W l"llbllt./llr
J1clc R. CurltY
Vim Pm~ en.I ~rll "'--
1liern11 K11'll'i1
n..: .... , A. M....,).1ne
M•"lflnl Edi!Or
Charl11 H. l POI l ich1t4 '· w.n
Au,1l1n1 MIMgint f.dl16-.
1.,u11• '"'" Of'fk•
222 FPr1s+ Av•nw1
M1iJint •dd11u : ,.0 . l o• •6l, '2lS2
5111 Cit-Pe OHlc1
• 301 North f.I Cimino R11I, 9l6.72
°""'o""" c-tl M-· nt Wiii ••Y I"-" NC'#pert a11o:11' :»JJ N1-1 •ou1..,1P'd llilfll~ ... UI: 1111S ._,. "°"lftlrC
Dlll.V "7\.0T, 'lltlfl ....,~ft _..,,... h
tt11 • l'nN. If "'*"'*' Wlf't' ....... S-4n' 1J1 ..,..,.,. .in-. .., UOUr>& l•(J\o ..,.._. hlCI\. C•tt ,,...., H11111rtno1M 9llll'I. f'1Unl11n V1I...,, a..ft <,.._of
C>fi!Pl'IM .... I.let~ •IW!I •flfl -.......,, .illlfoo, ''l"CIMI ... 11\llrlf ll!Wil If at »t W.t tly SrrMI, Coll\I #.eu.,
Tt1•••n1 C714) '4J ... J21
a--.; ,l4-tklllf '42·1•11
S. C........ All D1l11.,,_ts1 ,...,.._ 49%-4420 ............... 11..,~ , .......... , .. ,466
Gwtrltfot, tm, Cl,.._ (",Nit P'utl!JtM"' ~I'. ... -110tlel. 111 ... , ... ...,,.
efllerltl fl'\lllfl' ., "".........,.,," ...... "' _, ... ,.,..K91 w1ffl0oll tf*\U ,... ,,. ....... _,.,""' -·
kW ti.-,ml ... "Td 11 N""°" ~
.... c..i. ·-· (.llltenl ... 1'*<111111111 .,, "'"lif" tt.11 -1111y1 w .... 11 n .11 .-tfl'11 ........ ,,. ... ,,.., .. , •.U _.,,..
Other alternative.!l in the makeup or the
new school would be to house ninth, tenth
and eleventh graders in the new high
school. leaving seninrs at San Clemente;
hnusing all four high school grade. le vels
in both high schools. or gi ve seniors a
Spencer's report states that seniors at
the ew high school \WU.Id be able to
establish traditions 11nd would find
greater opportunities for leadership roles.
But he also said that curriculum pro-
bably wouldn't be as extensive at the new
high school the first year.
Enrollment projections show that the
administration's plans would probably
create. a fairl y equal split while easing
crowding at Marco Fnrster.
Trustees said they will be very in-
te.re6ted in parent;il reaclion to the plan!'!
and will probably make a firm decision
on both boundaries and grade levels for
the first year at the. Nov. 2 workshop.
Clemente High
Signups Begin
Applications &re being accepted at San
Cle.mtnte High School fur the NROTC
Naval-Martne 1ch6larihlp program which
can provide financial aid through four
ye ars of college..
Applicantl f'or the program offered
eaCll yur to hJ#I school senlora will be
se~cted_ on the basis of either the
Sc~olastic Aptitude Test or the American
College Test.
Requlrements for applicants include
the taklng of elther test at the applicant's
expense before. the end of th is year and
application fur a scholarship before Dec.
1 <tf this year.
Bulletins covering full eligibility re·
qui rements and applications are available
through Russel B. Hathaway 1t the high
school or from the nearest Na vy or
~1arine Corps recruiting station.
Laguna Council
OKs Parking Fee
All Year Round
The Laguna Beach city counC"il dtcided
\Vednesday that we ekend visitor5 tn !he
Art Colo ny should have to pay 11 parking
fee, even In winter .
By a 4-1 vote. with cou ncilman Charlton
Boyd dissenti ng . the council voted 10
eli minate the free Sunday parking pol icy
that has been in effect during winter
months since 1963.
Boyd sa id he felt the move was unw ise.
as was the recent action tn increase
meter violatio n fines from $1 to $3. "We
i;hould not depend on the police depart-
ment for additional re\'enue in our city,''
sa id Boyd. "And anyway, we 're not really
gaining much."
Asked by ~1,qyor Ric hard Ct0ldberg
1<1.·hat the net revenue might be, con-
sider ing cost of reaC"livati n2 the meters.
city manager Lawrence Ross re plied that
lhe aclion would nol be i;o much a source
or re venue as a wAy In provide more
parking turno ver in co niz;ested areas and
lo give mnre people a chance to find a
parking space, The demand is greater on
w.eekends than during the week, he noted.
bAllY llllOT ttlfl '""'-Tree Laaneh
Youngsters in Newport Beach
a.re ~hqwp .pµtting tensiop on
towering palm tree as they pre-
pare to launch Mike Robinson,
10, over bay on rope. The Sup·
erswing causes some mothers
to worry. Kids love it.
Thurston Week
For Centennial
Set i11 Laguna
City c o u n c i I m en \\'edne5d;iy
unanimously decreed ~ou. 14 through 20
as Thurston Centennial Week in hoiior of
La,:iunii Beach '~ first i::ettlers.
1'he action had been rE''1tle~!ed h.v !hP.
cit~· His1nric!ll Soriety. "·hir h has pl:i nnrrl
st\'er11J activitie~ for the \~·ee k marking
the JOO!h year n' Joseph Thurston ·s ar-
rJl'il l in the 'A.rt Colony.
The l,qte bui;ine.~sman anrl land ownPr
arrived with his fam ily al A!i sn r:an.vn n
liite in November cf 1871 when hP. was nn ·
ly lhree-years old . He grew up to becom e
a civic leader and land developer .
CofC Dons Bib
For Castaways
Directors Md general members of lh~
Diina Point Chamber <Jf Commerce will
meet Tuesday at a luncheon open In all
:irea residents at the new Castay,·ays
Restaurant al Dana Harbor.
The noon luncheon will take the place
of ~eparate regular meetings of the board
and general membership .
An OPfn invitation has been e1tended to
DMll Point residents, said Chambe:r
PrP.sidt.nt Art Hum berg.
Res@rvations can be obtained by calling
Humbe.rg at 496-5797 before Monda y.
2 Boats Battle
Aries, Dorotliy 0 Vie for Finish
Aries and Dorothy 0 blltUed in sia:ht
of ea ch othtr within 100 mil es of the fin·
ish line todi.)' in the Caho Sin Lucas
yacht raee.
The Aries 1klpptr reported trouble with
I.ht bo3t's C('lmp8ss, r3 lsing tht pouibl!ity
that it.'i po~ition report m1y not be. ac·
Dorothy 0 '1 po~ition report place~ the
• ''essel 85 miles from tht cape and the
finish. ff winds pick up ~s txpecte<I lhi!
afternoon , the boat should arrive In the
early evenln1.
The eacort ver;ael Tempellt ha1 arrived
at the. cape, Bon Jiomme Ric hard . the
rommunicatlons boat. ls now 92 milet
from t.he line and Is expected to finish at
S:!\O p.m.
Nnv!A del MAr trAil!J the neet. wil h 190
miles to go, about five miles behind the
S,.,:-,11la. Anni ~1Arla II and Kahill are
ne<'k And neck, each wit h 153 miles re·
The pni-;it1nni; as or R ll m. tndA y:
Ar ies. 23-49. ll1·26W ,
Do rothy O. 23-3.' N. 111·15 \\1
Navia del ~fa r, 24·32 N, 112-~.1 W.
Anna Marta II. 24·15 N. 112·14 W .
l\ahjli, 24.00 N. 112·14 V..',
SayulA, 24-33 N, 112·4-0 W.
" t
' ••
Plan Sent to Voters
197().71 base year io 1971·72. It was
argued thlt the latar year W6Uld previde
more equitable dl.1trtbutioa of property
between the n~w dlatrlcta slnce trvtne
and Mission Viejo are.s would gain in
t&ses11ed valuation.
Property wlll be 1plit according to I.he
ratio of assessed VA)uatlon of each of the
areas that will make up the new unifi ed
distr ict.'i, under the. adopted plan.
t\1rs. Bergeson and Coffin said they felt
an alternate plan -Plan D -submitted
by Irvine area organizations made aome
"valid poin ts ."
t-.1rs. Bergeson underscored t h e
criterion of community iden tity and noted
there wUI be pol!Ucal efforta: to have. lht
school dlstrk't and tlly ol Irvine boun-
daries coinci de.
No motion was made to place Plan D
before the committee for consideration.
The hour-long Coupty Committee session
followed the third 'and final publlc hear-
ing on the plnns held [or residenls or the
Tuslin art?a.
At lh;.t hearing. Way ne Clark. president
of the Irvine Council for Education and a
eandidate for lhe Irvine Cit y Council,
read 1 statemen t on beha lf of ICE
member Ind attomey P11 ul TonkovlcA.
Tonkovich urged furthu eons lderallon
or .placlnc 186 acres ot. the l~ln•
Industrial Park within the boundaries ot
the proposed lrvi oe district.
Under the C'OmJTilllee 11dopted plan . the
parcel is part of the proposed Tustin
Unified district. although it lie s within the
boundaries of the proposed City of Irvine.
Tonkovich also urged separate elections
for each of the three pro posed dlstrictl
and a later date for establlshing the ratio
for divis ion or property based on assessed
Marine Beach Talks Go On
Pendlewn Strand Open,ing Delayed by So1ne Issues
Slate parks officials and represen-
tatives from the Navy and Marine Corps
recently met fnr the first time for initial
discussions on the transfer of control of
Sa n M,11tco Canyon and 2.:'I miles of Camp
Pendleton shoreline to the public.
But des pite th e initial discussions last
Friday in San Bruno, little progress has
bf'Pn accomp lished and ;in opening dl'lte
for \hr ne w state pnrk property south of
the Orange County line has not yet bee n
Severn! iss11es must be worked out
bffore the Marine Corps fonnal!y leaves
the territory leased for f>O years to the
11tate of Califomia after comple1 legal
maneuverif'g in Washington. D.C.
Orange Coast area Chief Ranger
Eugene Junette said today procedures
must be worked out to assure the smooth
operatinn of the Marines' training opera·
tlons deep In San Mateo Can yon.
The training areas v.liB lie near the
boundary line of the Pendleton property
and the new public acreage which
ultimately will be developed for camping
and parking .
··we have lo work out suitable ar·
rangements on that matter as well as ac·
cesse:s to the coasUine and other things.
Derulline Told
For Directory
A deadline extension for the return of
advertising copy for next year's edition of
the South Coast telephone directory was
announced I.his week .
f\1rs. Lucy Carr, who heads this year'R
directory project for the chamber of
commerce, said that advertisers now
have until Nov. 20 tn submit copy for the
new book. New advertisers can arrange
for ads as well du ring the period, she
i;a id.
The annual directory will be distributed
early next February and will contain
se veral dozen more pages of phone
listings and yellow pages, she said.
An extra 2,000 copies will be pfinted
th is year. a!leviating the depletion or sup-
pl ies early in the year.
The directnries are distributed fret of
charge to all local residents.
"Right now Navy and Marine personnel
are havini:: meetings of their own to work
out the details," Junette said.
He said re gular meetings are scheduled
as well in the State Parks system on
development of the 3,000 acres of canvon
plus the covctt>d shorelin e. ·
The Marine Corps remains in tenan cy
on the leased set'lion iind the public still
is forbidden access to tl1e acrf'age, he
Complicating tht• ntccss and land use
matters is the f;1ct that the Marine
Corps' enlisted man's beach club will re-
main in military hands and it lies within
the coastal area relinquished to the
The private San O'nofre Surf Club also
lies within the new stale territory,
State Parks off icials in Sacramen to
have said it may take several years
before permanent development of the
property takes place.
Sewer and waler services will ~ the
su bject of pending negotiations with the
City or San Clemente, whi ch already has
received state overtures.
Some funds have be.en set aside for
prelin1inar.v de~igns and initial rougi'I
development of the segment, state
spokesmen have said.
In the meant ime , bus iness will be con-
ducted as usual at San Onofre Bluffs
State Park -the first segment or Camp
Pendleton coastline to be relinquished b)'
the military. ·
The public is welcome to use lhose iSO
acres all year long, Junette said.
Ambulance Buy, $25 Fee
Ol('d To E11d Service Lael{
San Clemente councilmen Wednesday
agreed to spend $4.500 on an emergency
basis to buy a used van·lype ambulance
v.·hic h has been on loan to San Clemente
£or the past several weeks.
The price is about half that of a new
mod el.
And !allowing that swifl, Unanimous ac·
lion, co uncilmen also agreed to impose a
S25 service charge to each person
transported to the hospital in lhe new city
The fee ends a long-standing tradition
that patients trans ported by the city paid
Soon after the action !or purchasing the
veh icle from the Scha efer Ambulance
Service which loaned the van in the first
place, City t\lanager Ken Carr reiterated
that the purcha se "does not put the city
into the ambulance business .. ,
Carr explained after the council
meetini;: lhat he sought the purchase and
fee "only to improve our equipment."
But despite that philosophy. the city
ser\'ice is the only full-lime nne available
to emerge ncy palients in San Clemente
after the city's only private firm pulled
out earlier this year.
F'iremen and police officers man the
van on emergency calls only.
Carr told councilmen !hat the feti;
amo unted to :lbnut half the price
normally charg~d by private firms for
the s11me type of run to South Coast Com·
munity Hospital.
He stressed, however. that any privat e
firm \\'OUld be "extremely y,•elcome"' TO
move into the city 11nd :set up operations .
If that happens. he said, the new city
ambulance v;ould be placed back on
stand-by to be used as needed when
private, service was 1ot avail &ble.
Right On, JPL
PASADENA , Ca lif. <UPI ) -Scientists
at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)
have canceled plans for a second mid-
course correction for America·.~ Marinet
9 spacecraft bound for Mars beciiui-;e the.
first corrective rocket firing was so
"Monlhs of trackin g revealed the first
midcourse correction performed last
,June 4 was so precise that a second mid·
course would only yield a negligible in·
crease in the accuracy of the insertion
aimlng point." said J PL offici als.
Priced at $289
l••ullfu! Solt Bv D•r
•"d Comlo rt•blt
Oo11 bl1 Bid by N:9ht
Yout favori te inttrlor dtJign1r will be happJI lo 01sist 11ou
646.0275 646.0276 INTERIOR DES IGNERS OpM Mon,, Thun. & Fri. lv•L
' •
* YOL. 64, NO. 252, 3 SECTIONS, 31 PAGES
• IXOll
Saddle&ack Talk
Ruffles Feathers
County Planner
ot "'' oau, "11•1 s11tt
Orange Counly Planning Co1n1niS6ioner
Arnold Forde told men1bers nf the Sad-
dleback Area Coordinating Co u n c i I
Thursday how they can e!fcetively
participate in counl y plannipg and ruffled
tiomc feathers in the process.
The outspoken appointee of Filth
District Supervisor llona!d Caspers told
the group that civic participation in the
p'!ann ing process can be meaningful, but
; cautioned lhe1n against n1aking 1nore ct~ands on elected oHicials than are
.. f.l~~ed o. ficia!s n1ighl stop listen-
ing.'' he-~Rld , adding that son1e pro-en -
vironn1enl groups already have reached
this point.
He cited the recent controversy over
lhe Alscot De\·elopment Companv's plans
for Aegean Hills as an exainple of
.. unreasona ble" civic participation.
The Alscot firn1 revised its plan five
tirues then decided to build to\vnhouse~
\\'here si11gle-rarnily residences and a rew
apartmenl s had been planned.
Residents of !he area objected lo th e
1o\vnhouse development because of densi-
ty but v.·ere "'illing to a pp r o .... e
apartments if units v.·ere isolated to a
i-mall SIM'Cific area.
"I and the planning sta/f felt there
11·cre a lot of improveme.•l.s in the plan "
said .Forde. "But a large-number ~r
l·it izens felt there shouldn't be any
changes. Some spokesmen for tbt group
:said if townhou~~ ·.,..·ere built the wrong
kind of people would move in . l thought
1his \\13:i blind opposition to what\\'!'! were
He :i81d groups in unincorporaled areas
have a good chance or getting off icials to
<lo what cilizens wan t ir a large group
1urns out for meelings "and they adopt a.
1noderate. reasonable position, because
rlected offi ci als know the people can boot
lht'tn oul.."
\\'hen askt!d lvhv this hasn't seemed to
1\·ork in lhe pa s't Forde said, '·people
can·t expect lo get \\•hat lht',V \\"Silt 100
percent of !ht time ·•
He cautioned that large land dcvcloperr;:
ha ve po1\·er in Orang e Q;>unty P.nd hi'
hopes the public and publir officials 'viii
.o;oon ha\·t os n1uch f:trengfh 11s
"\\'e 11 ho live here h11vt' ev('ry right !Q.
flel ennine our tifes t:ylc. People v.·ho in-
herited land or got a grant from the King
of Spain dnn·l h;ivr. !hr Tight to do it for
L r~." he ~aid.
He said "'citizen power" i.'> laking huld
;ind will gel slrvngC'r. But he added tht'
1·0unty pli'lnnioi;:: departn1ent is not
1·apab\e nf doing a gt'neral plan for !he
Sadclleback Valley_
"The Saddlcback Valley is a tot.ally in·
legrated area and J1hou\d have an up-Io-
date plan ... he said. But he personally
believes i1 \VOUld hn\'C to be revised e~·ery
Citizens he sai d, should not hire a con·
~ullant to do their o"A·n plan btocsuse it
costs too nluch money and too many ex-
treme po.~1tlons wouJd tend to be
Instead. Saddleback residents should go
to their elected ofricials and ask them to
hire a consultant to do the plan. Fordt
5uggested. '
"You can't have one plan and expect to
st ick to it," said Forde. ''A pl:in is a
piece of paper. Things change. You can 't
11et one plan good for today and fore\'cr.
\\'hat's important is for local groups to be!:
represented \\'hen changes take place.··
Forde said he doesn't beliE've lan-
dholders should be able to do anything
they \\'ant "'ilh their property v.·ith little
or no government regulation. Nor, he
said. does he believe land should be
!otally regulnted v:ithoul the 1ando\1•nrr
having a voice.
''I try to be in the 1niddle of these two
positions," he said.
Watson Drawi;
Deatli Penalty
LOS Ai'\GELES (U PI) -Death
in the gas chamber was decreed
by a jury today fo r Charles "Tex"
\Vatson, the fifth person lo be co11-
victcd of the seven bloody Sharon
Tale and LaBianca murders.
The jury of s1:t men and s1:t
\\'Omen deliberated less than six
hours before rejectin& the defen se
plea that \Vat.son, 25. be sentenced
to li£e in prison . .
The defense atton1ey for lhf'
former high school st.;;r athlete had
asked to jury lo spare \\'atson ·~
life, saying. "Tex should be studied,
he shouldo't be killed."
Red Poet Wins
Nohel Prize
For Literature
STOCKlIOL!\1 I AP) -Pablo Ne111da.
the Communist poet v.•hose \vorks helped
develop the climate that bro ught r-.tarxist
governme;it to Chile. "'on the Nobel Prize
in Literature today.
Neruda . a leader 1n Chilc"s Com inuni~t
party, be<:'an1t ambas!'.odor lo Frail<'!'
"'hen Sal ,·ador Allende look n1·cr a~
president 111 Snntiago.
The son of a ra ilroad worker in the
bark country of Chile. Neruda -his real
na1ne is Nefvali Bicardo Jleyes y
Basoalto -once had to write in secret
hecause hi:r:. father opposed poetry anrl
destroyed his son·s \Vritings.
111.!; ~farxisl vie ws arc reOecled in
cascades of lyrics. One poen1 is called
''La United Fruit Company." concerning
the American company \•:hose operation~
in Lalin Amefica were con troversial for
many years.
This ~oes in part: " . _ It esLablished
the comic opera. abolished the in-
dependencies, presented crowns o f
Caesar. unsheathed envy, attracted the
dictatorship or the Oit!S .....
At 67, Neruda is regarded as Latin
America's greatest living poet and had
been a candidate for the Nobel Prize. for
I ~'e decodes.
The prize is worth $88,000 th.is year.
San Clemente Businesses
Slipped a Tad This Y eru·
Business in San Clemente during the
first half of the yu:r look a 1U1bt -dip
uver the pace 11et the ye<'r berore, latbt
state statistics .show.
fo"igures relea!ed this week by Ille Slate
Roarrd or Equal!Urt lon showed that tax-
able tran'.'lactioM during the alt-rnoolh
period In San Clemente amounted, lo $11.9
During tht same 'pr.riod the year befol'f'
the sum W;I! slightly OVCT' $12 million.
The only c1te11:ory showin1r a sllght riSf!
was in the r~ll food stott 1aJes which
Increased from Sl .5 mll'lioo In the first
Mir of 1970 to almo1d $1.6 million ln the
same period this )'f'!'lr.
Dcspltc. the. J!lighl shuup in ta:iable
~ales, however, ch"arnber br .. commerce
spokesmen who announced the figure., In
a newsletter lhi& week said they be.lievtd
retall sales to ht "holding tip well."
The largest tuab)e sales this year
came from aulo dealers and auto aup-
pl~. ttgisterlng a swn or $1,~.000. The
amount wns about $4.000 lower than the
1170 period.
The. sharpe!!t drop "'IS registertri
among the eity·s 69 eati ng and drinklni;:
establishments whleh Jogged .$2.G million
in the 1970 period and only n .t million
this yenr.
Fewer businesses are in operation In
the: city th is yc.1r as well .
As of July 1. 489 retail outlets were on
the books. i
In July 0£ LMl year th ere were S.12.
' .
•, -"-·-
.......... ourt 01ces
It's Not A Bii·d
It's not a plane. It's not even superman. It's just
f\·fike Robinson. 10. on the Supers\\1ing. The kid r-
who live in the Bayshores section of Ne\vport Beach
have this big rope hitched up lo a tal l palm· tree al
the beach. Another rore provides the pull line. Kids
on the ground pull the paln1 ba ck. back, back and
1hen launch a compatriot. Sec the launching on
Page 2. It's a real t\vanger.
Mayor Seeks Canine Beach
Clemente Cliief to Meet Witli Backers of Issue
San t1e mente ~tayor Walter Evans -
v.·ho may hold the -pivotal vote on the
issue of allowing dogs on city beache., -
Wednesday agreed to meet with sup..
porters or the issue to !ind a strelch of
beach which might suit the pets.
The ma yor -in a resurrection of lhc
sometimes caustic debate of lwo Wtck5
ago -agreed to mut with Miss Kori
r\.filler, 16, lf?e advocate of · rela:iin.g the
restrictions against the pets.
San Juan Witches
Ball Set Oct. 30
San Juan Capi!lrlno Chamber of com-
merce will !ponsor lb ltCOnd annu11
witC!he! and Warlocks Ball Oct. 30 at tile
San Juan 1.flll! Country Club.
The annui l eelebratlOn or Hnllo~er:n
will btgin ... witbH cociJall...hour at 7 p.m~
followed by a steak dinner at 8 p.m.
Costum es are in onler, say the
sponscirs.. Ticket.. at $3.75 per person can
be purchased through El Peon or
Goodie's Boutique, in San JMn. Rc:serva·
tion! also a.re availabl~_by .callh'lf 493--
"I'd be most willing lo be taken down
1heer and shown where you think the dog s
C1lUld be given a chance ... lhe, mayor
'"Then I'll show you." Miss Miller said.
"It's & t.leal/' the mayor replied.
'fhe bargain came after debate erupted
again before councilmen \Vednesday_ The
panel •had rouflnely received ' and filed
two Jetl.erit on !he matter the n attempted
to move on to the next item.
Dozens o( perSon!I in the = audience~
however. begged to be htard .. Councilmen
Jlm Kuhl. who wrote .f.he t.'OOnci l QOin·
ting out. more JCniegt cOdes .in Laguna
Beaoh and Newport Beach. asked coun-
t•ilmen to . give dog owners in San
Clement.e "" chaQCt'.''
Re suggei1ted a ttJal perk'ld on a seg· ·
mf:nl or city beach near-ttfe-Riviera
Distrlct "'which is u~ally deserted during
the winter season."
Mayor Evans toij:I advocates of allow~
ing the ~Is orr't~ san<ts Uiat he ·would
h·ave to bt convlnced1 thal the segrn,nt or
beach could work Jor ~ts. that acces~
would be adt:quate and tllat there would
be mean." of patroJllng · lhe !l'ectlon once
dogs \vere allowed.
Council men heard -and agreed with
-M>me dog lovers who complained that
the crux r' :.he cmitroverlJY 1$ not ·with cl-
Ly enforcen1ent praclices, but tboie of the
Slate ot California, which has vigorously
enforced its dog ban on state park
One retired San Olemenle ·doctor·told or
being "'harassed by a young storm
trooper" as he w"lked his pet along the
ra.ilway right-of-way near Califia . .Beach.
Another woman who told councilmen
she would walk her poodle on the saDds Lo
assist her in therapy followi ng severe
ba ck surgery WJl.1 harassed at. the dawn
houri by stale !Ueguards and rangef"!I.
"I don't know where they came from at
lba.t hour. but they'd find m'." she said.
CofC Head Addresses
SiroptiJnist Club
San 'Clemente Chamber of Commerce
Managtr,Robert Ev•T\!!I will address lhe
annuaT FO\lnde.r's: Day Dinner ceremonies' or the Soroptlrnt1t Club or San Clemente
Oct 30.
The dinner will commefr)()rate the 50th
anniver11aey of the woman'! organl:tatlon
which began In 1921 in Oakland.
Founders and other officll•b or .the
loca l club will be nniong those honored a~
the dillnt!r' eclebr11ti on.
,f ...
2 Prospects
Fo1· Seats
WASH INGTON (AP J -Prt!sident Nix-
on has made his selection or nominees to
fill two Supreme Co urt vacancies and will
announce them to the nation in a li\le
television-radio address at 4:30 p.m. PD'l'
The White House announced Nixon'•
plans within hours after the Wa3bington
Post published a story saying th•
American -Bar Association's comm.itte•
()11 the federal judi ciary had withheld ib
endorse ment from two potent i a I
nominees who were regarded as fron-
trunners for the positions.
Press secretary Ronald L. Ziegler.
when asked about the ve rdi ct of the ABA:
committee, said that the Senate has
responsibility to give its advise and con-
:sent to nominations for the high court He
added :
'"The Constitution does not require the
consent of the AHA • __ they of course di)
not have veto power ...
Ziegler thus left open the ~sibility1 the1.t Nixon \Vould nominate the two wh(I
failed to receive the endorsemen t of th•
ABA committet.
They are Mildred L. Lilli e, a justice or
the California Court 0£ AppealS, and
Herscht!l H. Friday. an Arkansas bond
lawyer l':ho has been active in school
des egregation cases.
Ziegler said NW>n decided just thls
morning to make a TV-radio appearance
but said he may have decided in his own
mind on his choices Wednesday night.
First word of the ABA ccimmittee al'·
tion leaked ou t Wednesday night. Th•
White Hoose press spokeman sr.id he
"'ou!d not talk about consultation.•
between Atty. Gen. John N. ~!itchell and
the ABA.
Asked if the sudden decision to make
an address to the nation on t.he nomina-
tions .might not be regarded as an in-
dication of presidential pique, Ziegler
said, "No, I wouldn't say that."
Ziegler also was asked if Nixon wa!I
confident hls no minees Y.'Ould win Se:nat.
confirmation. The Senate rejected two
earlier nominees. Clement F.
Haynsworth and G. Harrold Carswell.
.. He would not be sending the nomina·
tlons to the Senate if he felt olherwis,, ..
Ziegler said.
Asked if Nixon had notified his
nominees that they had been selcclcd, the
press secretary said, .. I'm not prepared
to answer that."
Howe ver. he added. ''l'in sure tb'~''r.'
lorney general has talked to them.'<'~~_,,
Nixon made no previous tv-r io 111>'
pearance to announce a noini e for a
Sup reme Court vacancy. That as when
he selected Chief Justice Warren E.
Burger in 1969.
The Post said the ABA com1nitte1t
found Friday unqualified by a vote of 7 let
5. and Mrs. Lillie unqualified by a vote ot
11 to I.
Beginning with the nomination of Harry
A. Blackmun to the court last year. the
ABA adopted a new rating system. When
asked to judge a prospect's qualifications
by the Justice Department the bar C()m·
millet on the federal judiciary first
would make a prelimi'1ary assusmenl,
reporting its initial judgment informally
Lo top department officials.
Sunny but hazy skies are rare.
cast for the coastal folJc on Friday,
with temperatures locally reiichlng
78 degrees and inland regions.hit·
ting 88.
Do sepGrctt agencies involvtd
t 11 administtrlng the Juwnile
Justice Syitem. work wtll cs cs
team? A. federal.tu /inane.rd uni·
veT1ity 1tud11 Of t11e Cotle M•to
a.Tta sugge1I! needed lmprout·
ment, See 1toru on Pa.ge~ 9 0114
(•1119nola •
Ch«iw.. VI' II
Cl•ulfW ~ ••• ·-· CrHIWf 1f °"""' •Iott t Dlftl'CM. fo.lt
•4l"'1M I'-•
•111 ... 111-1 "'" l'IHllC• ll·:rt '"-,, Alllll L....,.. IJ
' ,,.
J >, •
ot .,.. O.llY "ti.t "-"
Thl!l Orange CQunty Committee on
fchool District Organi:t.aUon v o I e d
'Yednesday night ll'I submit to voters in
• une a unific&tion plan that !!plit5 the
'llstin Union High School District into
three Wllfied districts.
The approved plan. Pla.n Sill-C, now
1 oes to the State Board of Educallon for
us approval. The State board is expected
lil act on the plan m January and 'A'ill
fonnally set the date for the distrlctwide
1 leetJ.on recommtnded by the County
Committee. The balloting ii expected to
. .\reas Eyed
lltuf'5dcy, Oc:toiltr 21, 1971
bt set for Junt.
Nine of tht l l·member County Com-
mitttt voted unanhnou11l y on th• Plan
Si.r.C proposal. An ameDdment that
would ha vt provided for ltparatt ballot.I
in tht thret proposed dlltrlcta was
defealed ~3.
~!embers Mrs. ~1srion C. Bergeson. L.
Carlton Jones 11nd chalrman Joe. Coffin
supportt'd the thr~way voting procedure
that \\'ould have allowed any nf the pro-
posed districts to unlfy even if volers in
the others turned it dnwn.
It was argued that should the Irvine
Unified District be. approvfd, the present
T\Jatln Hlah Md San Joaquin Elementary
dtatrlcta would be llJllll by the new Irvine
{inll)ed District and thttefore be difficult
l.o 1dmln.l1ter.
Another amendment to the Plan Sl:a:-C
motion recdved a majority of the
quorum vol.es , but failed when a member
.switched his yes vote to a no . lryne
Black, county co unsel to the commilltt
nott'd, !he amended mnlioo would requirt
a majority nf the I !·member MmmHtee
-,11! least six votes -1n order lo pass.
That amendment wnuld have chansed
the dale for eslah!1shin~ the ratio lf)
divide. d1strict·owned prope.rty from the
Dana Hills High
Attendance Told }
Studtnt.s in the San Juan, Viejo, Crown
•'all ey and Richard Henry Dana elemen-
1..!ry school attendance areas may be
roing to the new Dana Hills High School
\'then it opens next year.
Students in I.he ot her scho<M'. at.
lendance areas -Concordia, Ole Ha nson,
Palisades , Las Palmas -will continue to
1.e housed at San Clemente High School if t.dmlnislrati~e recommendations are ap-
Superintendent Tn1man B t n e d I c t
rutlinfd the. alternatives and made sug·
1 estions to the trusteu of the Caplstrano
IJnilied School District Monday. The
hoard decided to study the matter during
1: workshop Nov . 2.
Benedict also recommend~ housing
righth graders from the Dana Hills at·
lendance area at the new high school
ci.on& with ninth, tenth and eleventh
G~ade.rs. . . "Seniors should be allowed to fuush the rear at San Clemente High School," he
The advantages to th is plan. according
:o a report by Walter Spencer. principal
n[ tht: new high school. would be to help
::Deviate overcrowding at Marco Forster
,,'unior High ; seniors could complete their
il<!Ucation and strengthen extra curricular
1:.etivitil!:! at San Oemente:: eighth
Taders at Dana Hills could have some.
·Wriculum advantages.
··Dlladvantages to the plan include
1ll0Ssible social growth and development
1roblems for eishth rraders in a high
chool environment: tighth graders
YOUld miss statu.s situations a n d <>\>'
;ptunities at Marro Forster: e i ght h
qaders living near Forster would need
~portation. .
~ig~ Press ure
In Water P ipes
Triggers Leaks
?art.s in a pressure regulator in wa!~r
na.i.ns serving San Clemente's Harbor
1~tates neighborhoods brokt down Tues-
lay tvening, causing severe increase in
.vat.er pressure and some leaks in the tx·
i"'nsive homts.
P olice repor~ be111g be5ieged with
~alls from the north <'it.y ntighborhood
;iuring and after the dmner hour. Severa)
>esidents romplained of some flooding in·
·ide their homes.
City Engineer Phil Petl'r SAid ~
liaphragm and solenoid in a regulat('!r
JOlh malfunctioned and were replactd by
~1y crews.
Peter said that de.spilt some calls tn
"Xllice of nooding. other tity offices had
ieard no complainL' of damase.
"If there v.'a.'I damage , howe\·er. it
would be. the individual's responsibility to
:ep&r tt," he said.
. .
••b•rt N. W••d ,,_lNtll •"" Pubt1'~et
J.,11: •· Cu1l1y \',_ ,.,_1591f eM 6-r•I ,,...._
lll•llltl kt•Yil E•lt.r
T•~"''' A. MvrDlii"• MIMl<rtl f dltor
Q 1rt .. H. l&es f\ich1.J P. Ni n
~lllM!I M'""l"I IEGI'°"*
i..-.. IMdl Otfke
212 f•r•1+ AY•ft u•
M•ilier •••r•ni r.o. 1 .... 466, 92 611 s.. c.__._ Offk.
J05 North ti CtmlR• R••I, !J671 .,,._ _
c.tl M-· JM Wl!lt •n StrMt .. _., .... t~: Wl ... _., hu!tvtlf hwlllrlflla ... c;l'll 1111J "*" -.u .........
Other alternatives In the makeup of the
new school would be to house ninth, tenth
and eleventh graders in the new hi gh
school. leaving seniors at San Clemente:
housing all four high school grade ltvels
in both h.i&h schools. or give senior!! a
Spenctr's report states lhat senior!! at
the ew high school would be able to
establish traditions and would find
greater opportunities for leadership roles.
But he also said that curriculum pro-
bably wouldn't be as extensive at th e ntw
high !!Choo! the first year.
Enrollment projections show that tha
administration'!! pl11ns would probably
create a fairly tqual split while easing
crowding at Marco Fonter.
Trustee& said they will he very in-
terested in parental reaction to the plans
and will probably make a firm decision
nn both boundaries and grade levels for
the first year at the Nov, 2 workshop.
Cl emente Hi gh
Signups Begin
Applicatioru: are being accepted at San
Clemente High School for the NROTC
Naval·Marine scholarship program whi ch
can provide financi al aid through four
yettr!I of college.
Applicants for lhe program offered
each year to high school seniors will be
selected on lht buis of either the
Schola!!tic Aptitude Test or the American
Colltge Test.
Requirements for applicants include
the tak ing of either test at tht app\!cant's
expenst before the end of this year and
application for a scholarship btfor'I!: Dec.
I of this year.
Bulletins covering full eligibility re·
quirementa and applications are available
through Russ@! B. Hathaway at the high
school or from tht nearest Navy or
Marine Corps recruiting station .
Laguna Council
OKs Parking· Fee
All Year Round
The L::iguna Beach c1!y cnunl"\I rler1dtrl
\\'ednesday I.hat wtekend visi!ors 10 !he
Art Colony should have lo pay a parking
let. even in winter.
By a 4-1 vote. with counl"i\man CharJt(ln
Boyd rlisse.nting. !ht council vot ed to
,Hminate lhe frer.'Sund;i y parking policy
that has been in effect during 11.•inter
months since !96.1
Boyd said ht felt the move. wa s unv.·ise,
as was the recent a<'tion to increase
meter viol a!ion fines from $\ tn $3. "We
nhould not. depend on lhe police depart·
ment for ad dition11il rtvenue in our citv,"
said Boyd. "And any1A·ay, \\'t're not rt3Jly
gaining much."
Asked by Mayor Richard r.oldbtrg
?.'hat the net rt>venut might ht>, con·
r;iderlng co~t of reactl\'atlng the met.era,
city manager Lawrenct Ross replitd that
tht action would not ht so much a source
of revenue 11is a way tn provide ml)re
parking turnover in congested areas and
to give mor e peoplt a chanct to flnd a
parkin& apace. The demand js gre.11ter on
weekends than durtna lhe wetk. he noted.
0.111\.V l'ILOT $1111 "~011
Tree Launeh
Youngsters in Newport Beach
are shown putting tension on
towering paJm tree as they pre-
pare to launch Mike Robinson ,
10. over bay on ro pe . The Sup·
erswing causes some mothers
to worry. Kids love it.
Thurston Week
For Ce ntennial
Se t in La g una
City r. nu n c i I me n \\lednesday
unanim('!usly decreed Nov . 14 through 20
as Thurston Cenfennial Week in honor of
Laguna Beach's first .'!til lers.
Tht action had hee.n requested by the
ciry Historical Soclel.y, v.·hich has planned
~evera l aclivities fnr the v.·eek marking
the !OOth ,\'t;:ir of .Jn~Pph Th urstrin"s ar-
r11 ;:ii 1n lhP Ari ('nto nl'
The late hu~inessman ;:ind l;:inrl nwner
arnverl v.•ith his familv at A li~o liinvon
la!t> in Nn\'e mber of 187! when ht> w;:is 'nn -
ly rhree.years old . He ,11te'>I' up to become
a civic: leader and land dti•tloper
CofC Dons B ib
For Castfl tV HYS
Dire"l.ors and general m"mbers nf the
Dana Point Ch111mbt>r of Commt>rr, v.·ill
mttt T11esd11 v 11t ii lunchMn ri{l"n In All
are.ii rt>!iiiden.ls ;if lht> n,.w Ca~111w11y~
Rt~taur11nt &t 0111na Harbor
The. noon luncheon wlll ta kt the plAr~
nf ~ep11rAtf' rt~ular mepting~ of lh!' hnard
ann general membership.
An open invitation hAs bet>n erieni'!ed to
Dana ' Point rtsidenL11., ,;aid Ch ambtr
President Art Humbtrg.
Reservations can be obtalntd hy calling
Humberg at 4.96·5797 before Monday .
2 Boats Battle
A ries, Doro thy 0 Vie for Finis li
Ari~ and Dorothy 0 battlfd in ~ight
¢f t1ch othr,r within 100 mlltt of the fin.
ish line tod r.y In the Caho San l.uc1s
yacht race .
The Aries skipper reported tro~ble ""ith
the bo3t'1 compass. r1l1lng the: pos!!tblllty
that lt11 position report ml\y not be I C·
Dornthy 0'1 poslllon report pl11c~s thf'
vr,~el 85 milt!! fmm the cape 1100 the
finish If winds pick up ss expected this
afttrnoon, t~e bo.11t st.nuld 11rrlvt: In the
early evenlria.
Th• "fr.t v~J~t.1 Tempe!ll hAs arrived
11t the. pe. Bon Homme Rlthard, tht < I
communic11Uon,11 boat, Is now 92 miles
fMm the lint and ls expecttd to rln!11h 11.t
5:30 p.m.
No11/,11 del Mar tr11.ils I.ht> neet wilh lllO
milttt 10 ,l!f'I. about flvt miles bthlnd the
Sayu\11 . Ann11 Marla It 11nd KAhlll art
neclt 11nd neck, each wllh 153 mlles re·
The po111!lon5 II! of 8 a.m. tOOay .
Arlcs, 23~9. 111·2~W .
Oorolhy 0. 23-J.~ f'l . 111·1~ Yir
Novl3 der M11r. 24·.12 N. 112·5.~ W
Anna M11ria II , 2~1~ N. 112·14 "1
Kahill. 24-09 N. \12-14 W
5,ityula . 24-38 N. 112-4-0 \V.
Plan Sent to Voters
tfro.71 base )'W to 1971·72. It was
argued thet tht. later year would provldt
mort equltabJt dUtribUUon of property
between UM: new dl1trlcts 1ince lrv7
and Miulon Viejo artaa wnuld gain i
aauaffd valuaUon.
Property will be aplll 11ccordinR to the
ratio of 8!5essed valuatlon of each of the
artas thal will make up the new unified
districts, under the adopted plan.
~1rs. Bergeson and Coffin said they felt
an alternate. plan -Plan 0 -submitted
by Irvine area organ lzat1on5 madt some
"valid points.''
Mrs. Bergeson underscored l h e
cr1tenon of community identity and not.ed
there will bt political efforts to have tht
achoo! district and city or Irvlne boun-
daries coincide.
No motion was made to place rt11n D
~fore the committee for consideration ,
The hnur-!nng County Committet .session
follo'A·ed the third ,11nd rlnaJ publ ic ht11ir-
ing on the plans held ror residf'nts of !ht
Tustin arta.
At thr.t hearin~, Wayne Clark. pres111enl
nf the Irvine Council for Ulucation And a
('andidate for the Irvine Citv Council.
read 1 statement on behail or ICE
memhf'r and aUomey Palll Tonkovicla.
Tonkovlch ur;ed further consideration
of pl11cing 166 acres or thl! lrvln•
!ndustrl11! Park ~·ithin the houndar1e11 ot
the proposed Irvine distrlrt.
Under the contm11tee adopted plan. the
parcel Is part of the proposed Tu11tin
Unified district. althoush it lies within the
boundaries of the prnp11sed City of Irvine.
Tonkov1ch also uri.?t'd separ11le el&·tinn!I
for eaeh of !he lhrce propnstd distrlcll
<1nrl a later dt1le for establishing the ratio
for d1v1,~1nn of property based on asse!s~
Marine Beach Talks Go On
Pendleton Str and Opening Dela yed by Sorne Iss ues
State parks offici11ls and represen·
tatives from tht Navy 1.nd Marine. Corps
rtcently met for lht first time for inltil.!
discussions on the lr1.nsfer of control of
San Mateo Canyon and 2.5 miles of Camp
Pendleton shoreline Lo the public:.
But despite the initial discussions l&st
Friday in San Bruno, little progress hall
been accomplished and an opening d1.te
for the new statt park property south of
the Orange County line has not yet been
Several issues must be work td oul
before the Marine Corps fonnally leaves
the territory leased for ~ years to the
state of Califomia after comple x legal
maneuvering in Washington , D.C.
Orange C,oast area Chief Ranger
Eugene Junette said today procedures
must be worked out to assure tht smooth
operation of the Marines' training opera-
tions deep in San Mateo Canyon.
The tra ining areas will lie near the
boundary line of the Pendleton property
and the new publi c acreage which
ultimately will be developed for camping
and parking.
"We have to work out suitable w·
rangements on that matter as well ai1 ac·
cesses to the coastline and other things.
Deadline Told
• For Dire ctor y
Adve rtising
A deadline extension for the. return ol
advertising copy for next year's ed ition of
the South Coast telephone direclory was
announced this week.
~1rs. Lucy Carr, who heads this year's
direcl.ory project ror the chamber of
commerce, s1tid that advertisers now
have until Nov~ 20 lo submit copy ror the
ne.w book. New advertisers can arrange
for ads as well during the period, she
The annu11 l directory will be dislribu!erl
early next Febru11ry and will contain
several dozen more pages of phone
listings and yel11111.· pages, 1he said.
An extra 2.000 copies will be printed
this yea r, alleviating the depletion nf 1up-
p1les early In the year.
The directories are distributed free of
ch arge to all local residents.
"Righi now Navy and M;:irine pt>rsnnneJ
are hav ing meelini,:s of their own lo work
out thP details." .Junette said.
He SRid regula r meetings are scheduled
as well in lhe State Parks system nn
de\'elopment of. the J,000 acres of canyon
plus the coveted shoreline.
The ~l arine Corps ren1ains in tenancy
nn !he leased section and the public still
ls rnrbidden access to the acreage, he
Complicating lhe atcess ;ind lilncl 11se
matters is the fact !hal the fl1anne
Corps' enlisted man's beach club will re·
main in military hands and il lie~ within
lhe coastal area relinquished to lhe
pub lic.
The pri vate San Onofre Surf Club also
lies within the new state te rritory.
Sla(e Parks official s In Sacramento
hav? said lt may tak e se\'eral years
before permanenl de l'elopment of the
property takes place.
Sewer Hnd w11ter servicf!1i will be the
subjrct nf p('ndini:: nego!i;:it1nns with !he
City or San Cle1nentr, which alreRdy has
rei ·eivetl slal e overture.~.
Some funds ha\'e been set 11side ff'lr
preliminary designs and initial rou~h
development of th e sesment, state
spokr~men h;ive said.
!n the n1eantime. business will be con·
ducted as usual at San Onofre Bluffs
Staie Park -the first segment nf Camp
Pendlet.on coastline. to be rtlinquished b)'
the milit11ry.
The public is welcome lo use those 450
acres a!! year long, Junette said.
Ambulance Bu y, $25 Fee
01\.'d To End Servic e Lack
... San Clemente CQuncilmen Wedne sday
agret>d to spe_nd $4 . .lOO on an emergency
basis lo buy a used van -type ambulance
which has been on !<11n to San Clemente
for the past several week~.
The price is about ha!f lh;it of 11 n('w
And follnwin11: that swift. unanimous 11r·
tinn, councilmen a!so llJ!reed to impose. a
$2!l .!'ervice charge In rach persnn
transported tf'I !he ho~pital in lhe new ci ty
The fee ends a long-st11nding tradltinn
Iha! patlents transported by the city paid
Soon after the action rnr purchaslnR I.he
vehicle from the Schaefer Ambulan<'e
Ser\'ice which lnanrd the van in !he fir!'it
place. City Manager Ken Carr reiler11l.ed
that the purchase "does not put lhe city
into the ambulance business,··
Carr explained <lf!rr the coun<'i!
meetinc !h;it he soughl the pu r·chase rinrl
fpr "nnly to improve our equipmenL"
But despite l.ha1 philosnphy, the city
~ervice is lh<' onl~· full -time one available
to emcq;:ency palienls in San Clemente
after !he city's ont.v private firm pulled
out earlier thi s year.
Firemen 11nd police nffirers m11n the
v11n on ('mergency calls nnly .
Carr lnld councilmen !hat the rees
11mounred to abfiut h11Jf the price
normally ch11r11ed by private finns fnr
lhe same type of run to Snuth Cnasl Ccm·
munity Hospital.
He stressed , however. that an.v private
rirm would bf' "exlrPmely 11.•e)come·• to
move into the: city and ~er up llper11tions.
!f that happens, he sa id. rhe npw city
ambulRnce would be. plared back on
~tand·bY lo be use<! AS nePde<i whe:n
private service 11.•as 'IOI al'ail;.ble.
Ri ght On, J PL
PASAOEN A. Calif. (U P!l -Scientists
at !he Jel Propulsion l_,;:it>or11tory IJPLI
hll\'e c:inceled plan~ ror 11 second mid·
course co rrection for America's Mariner
!I spacecraft bnund fnr l\.1;irs bec11u.~e. the
first corrective rocket firing w111s S()
"Month~ of trackin~ revealed the firs t
midC<turse correction pl'rformed last
,Tune 4 wa!'! so precise that a second mid·
course wnu!d only ,vield 11 negligiblP in·
crease in the accuracy 11f !he insertion
aimin11: point." said ./PL nfficials.
-· ·soFA BED
l'ric•d at s239
l••ultlu1 Sel1 8v Div
""d Ce,..let11bl•
Deubl1 l td bv Ni9~t ,
-~ ,. .'J ~~"'~~-M++~++~o+o!""'~·~·~"""i!+l4ol ;,, ... ~ .... ~~ .............................. i!lil.~ -~-.--------
Your ffloorite intt rior dtsl(111tr 11)1/i. h!f hQPPll to o..•si.~t l/QU •••
INTERIOR DES IGNERS o, .. Mo•. Th•.s. & hi. i,.._ COSTA MESA, CALIF. • 6'46 .0275 6<46 .0276
' ;· t •
} .. ' • •• I • ' •
_ .... -.
The marlin have moved closer to Newport Harbor.
reports Jie!en Smith of the Balboa Angling Club. A
number of bill fish have been spotted near the east end
of Catali na and on the 14 mile bank.
. Tryere are no t too many anglers out chasing the
sp1 keb11ls and th is could account for the drop in fi sh.
Bill McGee of Newport Beach tagged and released a
marlin some 12 miles. 60 degrees of f the east end . ~1cGee
was tish1ng aboard his sporlfis hcr the Bill Fisher.
The water has cooled dO'.l'M to a reported 64 de-
grees and rough seas follo wing the weekend storm have
scattered the marlln. Artlon is also reported as being
very slow in the wa ters off San Diego.
lle11urary DerbfJ Cl1airtr1n11.
John Bromfield of Newport Beach, well known as
the Sheriff of Cochise and outstandin~ sportsman, has
been named honorary chairman for the 1971 seventh
.lnnual Sportfishing Derby held for the benefit of the
Orange County A·ssociation for Retarded Children. It's
the second vear in a row he's had that honor.
The derby will take place Sunday with Art's Land-
ing, Davey's Locker and Dana Wharf Sportfishing par-
tjcipating in the day's fishing.
Boats will leave •t 6 a.m. and will return at 3 p.m.
Anglers will vie for pri:r:es donated by local businesses.
The top pri:r:e is a $100 S.avings lend contributed by
Mariner.'s Savings and Loan to be awarded to the angler
catching the largest fish of the day.
Reservations are requested in advance and interest·
ed anglers should call their favorite landing. All dona-
tions will qo to the Orange County Association for Re-
tarded Children.
Area f'isl1i11g Actit11t Slo1t·s
Spor tfishing is general'I.v listed as slov; by all coast
spor tfishing landings. A Jew nice catches of bass and
bonito are highll ghUng the action each 'veek, bu t the
bulk of rish are rock <'ocl.
A sprinkl ing of mackerel anrl other small surface
fish are adding to the excitenlent -0f a day's fishing fo r
those anglers using very light spinning tackle.
The i .~lan ds are rroducing the best ca tches of bass,
'vith the offshore reefs getting the now for deep \Vate r
roe!\ fi sh. A fe\v large yello\vtail are cruising the t'A'O
outer islands. but th ey are no t bitin g.
Some medium sizerl v/hite se(I bass are finrling their
\Vay ·into an glers sacks both near ~he local l\clp beds and
also at the islands.
Bav fishi ng is ri rkin;.: un for spot.fin rroaker t0
seven Pounrls. A number of the large spot.ties \\'ere pick·
ed uo over the \veekend by anglers using shrimp or
clam s for ba it in t he deener channel s.
Ba.v and spotted bass action is also on the increa se
as rental skiffs out of .<\rt's Landing and the Pavilion
report picking up nice strin;l!ers nf the hard fi ght.in~ bass
on deer running plugs. feathers and live anchovies.
1l'en.tl1er H11r·ts Lal-.e Actin11
The weather front which p4'ssed through earlier
this week, cut down the anglinq pressure at most South·
land lake~ over the weekend. Fishing was onl y listed as
fa ir for those an~lers who braved the winterlike ele·
Vail Lake produced some excellent c11tches of cat·
fi~h and lar~e craprie. Vetitran Newport Harbor angler
Phil Hedl und pick•d up a large stringer of crappi• trol-
ling ~mall lures near the di!lm.
Bas& have started hitting at Vail also as Earl Mat-
hews of Oranqe County ba~~ed thre1 nice bucket-
mouths on surface plugs -the ~rgest hitting the scales
at fi ve pounds.
Biq BiD.a r L<"lkP. has been troubled with strong winds
and there have been only a few anglers out on the lake '
Trout ar• still being stocked in the high lak!!s but v•rv
few are beinq taken. The best soot to fish at Bia Bear is
near the dam from shore. For boaters Metcalf Bay is
the place to anchor.
U11iversity's Defense
Co11ce11trates 011 Blu111
Nnt much r:in br J;;iid 11bout
1he rurrrnt fnotb::ill situation
fnr University's Trojans 10-41
<'.~cer1 th:i.t a \\·1n is S(lrcly
needed tn !xilster v.'hal. has
be en a _guttv pcrlnrm<1 ncc thus
far by the Tro,lan defense.
The Uni stoppers have given
up !'i5 points 1n 1hcir four con-
tests but 1nany nf those enemy
m<trkeri; have het";n a direct
resul!. nf the Troj<1n offense
( \3 points all told l coughing up
lh e ball. 1
Nt";Xt in the path of the
ynung Troja ns of coach Jerry
Redman is powenful S'.)nora in
an Orang!' League tilt Friday
night at Mission Viejo 11igh.
Sonora is the defending loop
titlisl and was a CIF' AA
semiflnalisl last season.
Redman is mnving some or
his personnel around in hopes
of generating a decent of·
fensive thrust.
"We haven·t added any new
wrinkles but we are n1cssi ng
around a bit with wh<'lt we've
been doing already," Red ruan
''Sonora has a very fine
team -In fact. I'd Ray
they're one of the strongest
we'll have played. They have
so many good players."
ft 's no accident that Red-
man has his defense prin1ed to
gn after Sonora's Boh Blum.
v.·ho's piled up i:.lx of lhe
R aiders' f ir s t s e ven
touchdo11•ns in 1!17 1.
Redma n comments o n
~lum. ''he's the remaining
back ifl 1he double .slot which
1hey run nut nf and he has the
f:ii:e. speed and move~ to do
v.·hatcver they want with hi m.
"He 's the best hack of the
ones we've seen or scouted."
By the same token, Redman
claims he hasn't SCl';n any
_glaring weakness in t h e
Sonora deft";nJ<e e i I h e r _
"They're well drilled and good
crisp hi tters," he says.
"They ha ve probahly the
best defense we 'vl'; faced all
year ,.
On the Trojan side of the
fe nce. starting noseman-of·
fens\ve gu;ird Mark Olson was
lost to the squad la st week
with a severe spra ined ankle
o,1•hile the re are two other
doubtfu l performers.
Linehal'ker Joel Champlin
pulled a hip muscle and se-
cond string quarlcrback. Ray
Hale. a possible starter if
starting QB Ed Ciill was mov·
ed back to halfback, pulled a
shoulder muscle.
lllAll ADirillRA L CMAllLfS tl8MI
U,S, COA.St OUAllO (lll!T,I OUt ECTOll ,.._.,, ~ hff ...... , ...
loetlttt Sor.ty M.._relen
,.,..1tt1ft1lll SltM, Cl*'"'""' , .. , .....
1 Me<1t111 com,1•110~. ,. .. ,,,., T11!l!Ofl,
ltoehllrt Oii ... Yell,
The Boardwalk Huntington Harbour
1 '1•5 Al•'M'l~•I• St'"' H••thMJhHI .... 146·211 0
fffltillf'-t61· 1-ZOJ
1,n1r~1r1c•l'4 I M••l•r,Chl,...
t;OlF. • •
(Colltlnucd From P11e !61
with Fort";!\! Smith anU Deedee
White in lhlrd. place.
Two ace~ ha ve been scored
during lhe past ~·eek on what
hss become known as thl';
eariest hole on the coursl'; -
the new No. t Ben Hazewinkel
and ·Charles Caserly, both o(
Newport Beach, aced the 140·
yard. over-water hole.
Jtllle Sq11nre
Penny Couch nf Fou ntain
Valley srored a hole·i n-o ne on
the fourth h-Ole ( 160 yards I at
F'ountain Va.lley Mile Square
Th'e ace was Penn,v's first·
ever and it was made by using
a r'ive wood. She has been
playing five years.
1'li••io1& Viejo
The }!arbor Day School
tournament, an annual event,
will be staged at fl llssion Viejo
Country Club on Friday.
The f i r s t member·guest
tourney sinr.e thl'; clu b turned
pr ivate will be staged as a
halloween evt";nt on Ott. 30..31.
It will Feature a dlnner-
dance Saturday night in con-
junction witb two days of com-
petition on the golf course.
El l\'ig11el
El Niguel Country Cl ub
staged its first annua! seniors
tournament recently with 54
contestants 60-years of age
and older competing.
The senior champion in the
36·hole competition v.'as Harry
Bouchier, wit h a low ,gross of
1.J4 . Runncrup hnnors wen t to
Mill Gray with a 160.
Jn the low net competition,
Bob fl1cCafFery was the win-
ner "'ith a 139. He was follo w-
ed by Dr. George Woodrufr
v.·ilh a 140.
l ... ag1111a Hea~h
" Prep . Water Polo 1
Tars Sink Oilers;
Tkursd.1y, Octobfr 21, 1~71 DAllV PllOT !27
MV -.Faces Area Sports CaJendar
B • T r.DOtNIJ -8 fvio. Amil "" M11., • •g est C:~b:::;;:-z .. «•~·, E•l>Jl<it
""•"• I I Wtittr• \llom .... ,, Le9U ...
... .,. 11 Voloncl•. Glldtl'I W•' "' LA
Hu-•• Ot•llf9 C-1. G, __ , "•
~tO<ll• .... c._ •• Mlulo!I V!tl1. °'-
t Ollll Full•<i<ln •' -"NM.Im fl••'""' ., O••n~• Co••I Calltttt. HuJ1tl<1t!J1~
Laguna, MV Win lwnh•" Ky •• ·, ,a,,nc1te,.~loa''"·g.·. ~~;;'.:h~~{£~;z~::~'. ~i~;!~~~·~~ii?~7£~;
" 1..: Mnttt O.i (l cli), S•cl<llf'O&Cl< ~"" '•n Wt •tmln•lft ol G<>lclen W••I (•II •I It
Co•sl a.rea 's top runn·ing "-ck' •••n1r.s;..., 11 c11ro• U<Jt)), ~ ... 01"0 ;="="=·'=========;
(tll •• l!)Ol.
Huntington Beach'1 Clay
P.vans scored all t";ight ·goal!!
/or the Oilers \Yednesda.11 ;,f.
ternoon but It wasn'l enough
to derail coach BUI Barnett's
Newport Harbor water polo
tt";am as thl'; Tars copped a 13·
8 ·opening sunset teague
decision in the losers' pool.
F'or Newj>ort it was the 10th
straight victory with Tom Bill·
ings and Jay Farrer e.ach hil -
ling four.
Lagu na Beach also opened
league play Wednesday with a
12·9 victory over h-Ost El
'norado wit h goalie Larry
Fisette playing an out.5tanding
game in the nets for coach
George Carey's team.
Uni1•ers\ty dropped a 24-S
verdict to host Sl!ddleback in
the Orange League whi]I';
fl1ission Viejo topped visiting
Long Beach .Jordan. 7-6 and
Corona dcl Mar 's Sea Kings
lost 1.(1 Wilson. 3·2.
Jn the Corona loss, I.he Sea
Kings committed their 10th
per.sons\ foul late in 1he game
but a goa l was scored before
the buzzer halted play and the
pena lty shot was 2lso good for
the victory,
Coron• Ciel Mor O O 1 1-j Wll"°n ~ I 0 l-Co•on1 <!~I Me• ocor+n•; l(r1Jn1...,011,
Palmer .
• 'l
v 1 .. 1tr Mlulo~ Vlolo l 1 I >-I Jor~•" l I 1 '-• MIUl<>ll Vl•lo K orlno C1mDMll J. Ploo•. An<!tew1. S1.,•1t0n, L~I•. Junl<H" V1r1l1Y """'I°" Vlolo J o 1 1 o o-' Jl!r<l•n l I I l ? 1-1 MIUIOn Vi•le «<>rlno Al•m•"·
'NII ...... G•ru1~~..:tl~s1:;~ ?.
M,-.lon Vit lo 1 1 ! 2-11 Joro~n o o o l-1
Ml•"'on Vl•lj >(odn• f1',•ukl J, H~G!C<I J, Mo '"' 1, M~•l>ltv. L\'lf , Nfbock•r. Mol.,.<"o. V1ri111 L•tuno Seo<:h • J J l-11 El"""'~" l J l 1 -• Latu~• Booe~ •<O'"'" l)rotn~r!On ) HarDold J, W1•• l, Rod .. +!I J, w01111rY '· J unttt· Yo,.llv l~o•m• B••<~ l I 4 l(l-11 E100to<lo 0 I l 0-J l•ou11• 8 eoc~ •CM1~g· So•ma11, P~••O~• 1. PO<lon l , 8un!lno 7. C.orl•on.
Jacob1cM. Ro~·~;,k~~~~a•e>n
laoun• 88oCn J l J J-1~
€1 D<>••<lo 7 l J 1-J l atuoe !It•~~ •to<iM· Am1<1en, Slm· mon• ), Jo11n~n '·Menon.
Sore Point
At Marina
~ .o.uec lnvlt•llonal !GQIO•n Weu,
against ~ team that boasts Or•nG• COL••. sooa!•O•ci<. uc lfYln~I W>IP!' l>Ok> -('>SI• M"• 01 Down~•. th ree shutou~ in four footba ll 1.1n1,,.,111y 11 t.111111, F"""'u 1n Voll•v •• THE BEST
I f<unll"QIM llee~n (&II at J•lll. lACC OUf.Jn!iS1 SCJtnf:thin.1 hl.S to give, IJ GalOtn W•>I Ill. Mt. Son Anlnnl~ •I
R('ad('rship po 11 s prove
"PPanut11" is one ol the
"-'Orld's mo~t populttr difnic j trips. Rt>ad il daily in lht
:I. Oran~ Co-11 ll:JO I, S•<> D!•to Slltc t i That·~lll ~ the case &tlur-uc !•Yin• I• p.m J_
, Solurdof day night wlien coach Bob Foot~ll _ co•on• 11t1 M•• v• E<11•on
H • •-h. 'f' · /' · I t Ntw_.i Hori><>•. Min ion Vl o.lo vo 1vner sen...... l.!l u 1S!l1on \ !CJO _c.:....::::::::.c.:....:::=.:....:::::.:::::_::::.:::_:::.'===========
Dlab los against "the K.atella l
Knights in Crestview League ~--------------------~--,
action on the \Yestern High
field \81.
Aundre Holmes, the eJusive
runn ing back at Mission Viejo.
has amassed a tntal of 552
yards in 82 carries this year
and has SCQred t i v e
This is one more touchdown
than the KateU:i defense has
allowed in fou r games.
"Kal e!la is a physical team·
<'Ind !hey run right at you,"
Hivner Sflys.
"Their defense is al.~o one of
the best around and when they
II/Jill If 219
& SUNDAY, OCT. 22-23-24
Siems, discontinued desi9n , chan9e over. Hur-
ry in for good selection , only 800 tires to 90.
All drastically reduced!
3 ways to charge·
475 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa
8 to 1 Fri. -8 to S Sat. -10 to -4 Sun.
l ..
21 OAILY •ILOT SC Th!Jnd1y Ottobt'r Zl 1911
No Wlihdrawaf
U.S. to Conti.J.1ue
Business Control
"" l llM-• 41'•"°11
NEW YORK (APl -\\hal
are w1odfall profits ? How long
1~ indefini te? Ciln an ag
gressive labor mo~ement now
partlc1pate 1n holding down
"ages., How long will bu!1ne.ss
agrl!f: to hmils on profits'
These are some of Hie ques
tiolli before the American peo-
ple and their gover111nenl
They hardly could bt n1ore
fundamental and ~et they are
merely a sampltng A tough
reality he!'! ahead
l"orthrom1ng davs are going
to require an exa1n1natlon of
the charters and ronstltutions
and theorLt'S u11der "hi ch
many of o 11 r 1ns1tlul1ons
operate Criter1as '~111 be
established rather than lound
1n hl.Stor1cnl rdf!rences
A windfall profit for u
ample1 has always been
drf!amed about 1f not acll' ely
sought by 111d ustiy and when
1t came ti has ah~ays been
considered a Pf!rfectly ac
ceptable gift from above
although sometunes attributed
to skill
Record producers hot stock
traders 1n1n1ng ~mpanies
fad make 1nve 1(ors ha\ e
had 1'!'1ndfal s. w h the y ac
cepted E en he lnternal
Revenue ice w h 1 c h
seldom turns do~n money
usually treats windfalls 10 a
special category ,
Op1n1ons may be more
definite on the matter of 1n
deftn1teness Government eon
trol of the econon1y 1s to be
continued for an 1ndef1nlle
period, 11 1s understood and 1t
1s agreed that the period wi ll
be extensi\e rather than brief
It 1s d1ff1cult 10 fact to 1m
ag1ne that the government ~ill
ever withdraw completely the
powers that it is assuming 1n
the marketpla~ Previous in
volvements persist, although
1n changing form
The rnltoduction of Social
Security for example was ac
comparued by heated op
pooillon but ti is here to stav
Public heal th 111.~urance was
battled as vigorously but it 1i;
almost assured of acceptance
lly TIRlllY GRANT, R Ph
Glaucoma is charaC'tf'nz<'d
b~ a s lo'llA, 1•rni.:1 l·~~l\P l•IS/'o
nf \ISllftl flPld~ f,111,"ed
later Qy l•i<i: .. r ••1111111
VJ!!IOn I n 8 1•1,llt\ !l\ll r !
t y 11 ll'o a 11nl 1hn1~ 1 A \1
flnf' 1\-hO ll(lllll•S 1t(l]ll1111
r hang1 s: of lrn"·~ h11~ n\lld
hr/\dac hrs i;I'• ~ hu]n, 1rt1111\d
flt C'!flt h>:ht~ 11 !1H~ 1! 111 It>
adaµ\1 nc: tn da1 knt !;, !;huuld
~ SllSp!.'C'l
Us1n~ a dr\ 1rr r 11llrd ft
tnnnmttf'J \1hh h •H['!lSlJlf'~
1nlr11 0111l~1r 1rni.1011 11:lri11
rnmn '110 1~u11it) t. ti IP• l
1'<f 11111 n11 1111\11\ 11 ~•rll
t\nn dril~l' lhAt 11r IHl\C'
~vallablr tlruii:~ 111 llid min
llC~ "h11h er r ust>ful in h"IP
1n~ 10 Ciln!J'ol gl&\ll'\ t1HI
l':vPl"\•.HlP ~h•1ul d hlllP lh••U
,. ye~ rh• r k('d r~r ll.dtr;i,11~
hut fnr oldrr r~·\1111• 11 ,_
rssrn\111.I l/ncon tr 111lrrl cl11u
i omit cen r1>sul! 1n ab~nlu lr
New l••l•ft9 1m1!1 olf1c11 •P•~•
'" +~. ,.,,,., •• c •• D"I .t11I Mar
bro\1r191 off ~•• ef L11&ler
J425 lent Cent Hwy
f ,
21211 H'ARBOR
.___."'" ........... ..,.....,. ., ,,..,,., alsl; ' &.a ..._ 11.u& ,.11C .. 119 ..... .._ Miff ., _rt;.,_ _,..._ ., ~ ......
NASO Ll1tlngt far W•dn•1day1 October 20, 1971
' '
Complete-New York Stock List
' DAJLV mor u
Complete Closing Prices-American Stock Exchange List
lal•• -(11•• ) HI ... l•W (ltM tft•
,,,.. Mt
1114• ) Hltll ltw Clttt Cht
.... , ... ,
(hft) Hit~ ltw (le11 Cht ,.... -!1M11 ) Hltfl L1t111 (1111 Cllt
.. ,.. ....
C~ft I Hltll ltw (ltM C ...
NEW YORK -The nl':xt 12
month! should !ee a strong In
flow of foreign money into the
Li S stock ma rket DuPont
Glore F'organ bthevt~ Tht
means 1s thert the firm 11ys-
ob~erv1 ng that hold ings bv
lore1gn@rs of US dollars .1nd
short term money market 1n·
strument~ hive riaen 11h11rpl y
tn the past year Interest rn
the market wlll bt revived 11'
500n a~ exch1n11r rate con-
fusion JS regolved and fore11n
investors become convinced
the U S economy Is definlttly
recoveMnf, It uy•
.. .
• •
" ,,.,
: . . ,: " .. ,
I, . .. . ,
• ·-
,. DAILY PILOT lliuoday, O<.tobtr 21, 1971
cm ., COSt A ,. .....
OllANO• ~Nf'f, CALl,.O•Mlf, ..,.. 1.U """ .. TIC• TO Ca•tHTO•I OI $AL• OP HTIC• Of' T•UtT••'I lt.L•
$Toc;I( ltl OllUI UO •"ftel Of' T.J, NO. *W1
Hl'tlMD•D ThlollPOI Of LI0 \,101 00¥£11: 1t:QU1Tlfi. tJll(,, I --•Tiell.
U (llfl• Oii LK Ollllll 01 "'" 1H01nt.H Trvltff uPldf< tllf NOTICE IS Hfll:OY OIV£M: ,.,,-iolo<IM fttoer!W do...i of troJtl WllL
Tlltt Curll• A., ~t ud Vl<tlnl1 l. Sfl l A.T ,UI LIC All(l'IOll 10 THE
H....-., 1«. Set. NI. Jjl »,.Sf iMt tilGHfST 11001:11 FO ii CASH Cp1vo1>to H~J ....., S.OC. SK, .... SIA XI ™1 •! ti,,.. o1 wlo hi l•-1 ,..-. "' IM
INtn. Hlftlltrttl, 1 r • 11 t r , r , r •1111 uniltd !111t1! •" 1'111111. !lt1o oNI 1nrttttl
Lie""""· -· """""" -••ts !J 1911 ~..vtd 10 l nO -l'>e .. Cl1 II una., "°' Ht,_ loulev1r11. In "" Chv Ill Cotto Otl<I ol ltvot 111 lho ••-•IV ht <el"'"" '-W•• .,.,,, ,...,.,,.¥ "' o.u ..... !t•I• ol -.,,111111:
C•lllornl.o. lo.!M>d .. t ... , .... 'l!lt'< .,,., l !HtSlOll: MOii! E'I" It .... 0 -I.
•tllt>n ,., M. Lt Ill~• H"""""· Sot;_ SK-o .. ru_f"IE LINDA FlllEO. llutbond ...
1'1CI. JIU 1' 1"1. hln•lt•fl onO lnl,,_, ..,11,.,
tt1ntr., ... -,. DU•IMu l<l<l••U I• ttOO l!ENfl"l(IAJIY · f llNf Sl V Fll ll.I I.
litOTlotl Ut Wnt111e l lOS
NOTtCI" 11 Hl!lll!I ~ DIVt:N "''' i.MIMI IW-•I~ •Ill bf. 1K tl¥t<I 6'( .,,_
CllY fll Co-tit ,..,_. fl lfMo Olllct 01 -Cll• c .... ~ t i m. CJ11 H•ll, 71 ••1..-O•l'ff,
C•I• Mo ot , (olllo<n.lt, ""'U t,,. heUt OI
ll:ot a,m, °" (k-"· lt Jl, 11 wt.lcli II-llM• wlh ... _,.,.Cl ...,.lie!• •ncl ••t'll ·-111 ~ cD¥nC!I c11em1M,. tor M ATt:ll;I A L S , EQUl ,M E NT,
lliAl'llS~llTA1 1°'4 ANO ~UCtl OIHER
F A~l tl!l!I .. s MA'f llE •l!&vtlll!O
FOii Tttl! llllllG,t,TION fOlt COST A
Ml!llri, l'Alllt, Jlt WEST l•Tfl ITltEET,
A •~t OI .Uno, op.c:lllct 1lon1 one! 111111 or • .,. ............ :tuht o. In !ht CU• "' PATRICIA AN N f Jl lll ..... _"" """ wh•
lltlfnl '•rk llOl11t, COltnlv ol °'"""~· 01 !Dini 1en1nh,
S!ot1 "' C1tllol'nlo. !he to!low!tiil llocoro-.i 0<1-1, UU. 01 ln1tr No.
.i..tet l-l"lt Jor+tl prOIM'rlv. to Wot: d ! Jn bO(ll{ 11'.ll Pff t IM of ONlc!t l
.ti ll ll<M:k In t<ldo, ll••ur••· ...,lpn>onl ll•cOtdl In l!U' ofliLt of lltt flKDr<lff ol
•ncl -,.rlU <II o Cl<llln ll•t11! Liquor O••nttl ((J•>MIV ; 1tor1 bu1ln111 kr\CIWll •• Harbor LIQ~or. All !ho! <•llolft 11(oCI 1llu1IM1 In t~t
lntr.,.,1,,. 1nvrn1or• ""' I• ••<•I'd 51111 111 Co11tor nl1, Coon1v ol Oronff, ,,,,oao.111. Ind loc1le<t •• "" Ho•OO< ~ ... ,tiooa •• IGllOWI
llo..1 .. v11d. In ti.. Ci!v ol CG<lo Ml'U T~ol -l\0<• ol Loi lllO ol lrfct No
'11111, Counh o1 Oronoo. ''•" ot roe, ., W...Wn on • M•P '""1ro• ( flilnn>tt , •Oii 1ronll•< l!!O tollGwln;i <ttordtd Ill loot< 11. Pfil 13 ol
•lcflhOllc -t rf11t u,...... Ott ~&I• M!U•I"'"'°"' M1PJ. rKOt<l>I cl 1110
Gt norol lv"" ti, No Snto now 1u uoo 10 °''""' County, d~•<:<lbld 11 lol'-:
poemlM.I ID<l lld ., lt71 Hor-B"'9inl'lil'lg It !Ttf' IY\O'&I '"°''""I• .... , .. , e .... 1•••'11. c .. 1. "'•••· Y.61' '°' lh• o1 ..,;., l ot 110; tt•l'llC• 5ow'"'""'"1'
P<lrn\lel le(.11ect 11 lt'.11 H1rbo< olO<I~ !ht No•l.,.,H l.,I• lino 01 11MI llou1~or<I. In th• C"y QI (O<IJ M••• l ol. l?C 00 '""'' lo • -n!; 11\o!l<t Soul!•
'14fl. C,,....1¥ (If Or1nff, Sl•I• ol .. -... 1111v !n • "'""'' 1,,,. ro • POiio! C8tlfo"•I• In "" We••~< I• lino OI ••la lot • ..,,.,
Tflot tllt ltn.,..nl or PUrcn111 .. 1.co or ~""" 0ti1.., !'10.•t ltt! Sv\.111-tt~•I• or <Dflt~r1llOl'I In (<lflnf<l•on -,.,,,, l•i<I tile '"°'' W•""I• "I"'"' o! t •ld lol,
trt nJl•r Of w ld lk""'" 1, "'' ..,m ol th•!I<• Nor1n .... r .... 1. olunw 11ld w .. 1.
110.00C.Olt. ""'lcn <Of""" Gf tn• 1011-inv '"' wn1 QI t oio l ol 100 11\d ,.,.""l:Oll C••fl 11.000.00 • Un•K .,rea No•,. .,,v lln. ol ,.,.,.., or1~1. 110.• ,..,.1 to
lt.oaooo ""'d ,,_, W••lttlv "'"'"' th•nc• lno! t111 .....,..nl DI lt>t ""'"""'" prl<• N0tll\N1l1rly l lo"lt ••I• Norlhw1•ltrl• eo-ran11ffr1Uon '" con.,ocilon w•llt In• ti,.,. (>I 11id l<JI V'J ~ ""~'·""""or IOH,
lr•n•"" ot ol i<I bu"""" 1• lho •um O! lo tho 1><1lill ~I l><'t,l•fltiln•. sn.000.00, ,..,,Len r"""'" o1 II>• ronow•no· M•• ""' ~ ~-n 1•· 'XI'\ ,.,.,,,.
U•MC<tt ... Hott , U ,OO(I 00, Stt•rir<l Noll , Orl~c, (Dlla Mo•1, ColilOrt"I 111 I
Sll,000.00. Tno! th• oonovnt o4 Ill• ltrctl o<k:r1" « corn"""' d••IVo•lion '"''~ltt Prlro of ce.,thl•,.11"" oppll<.•blo I• >1>ow11 •t>o••· no w•rr•nlv It V••on lo lnv...torv k 11J,OOO.OO whl(ll C'amhl• ol •• to II• coor.i1t1,.rio .. or corr1<!ntt1f.
lollowln1: Nole t•K wle<t b> lror,.lt•H IG 1111' ff,,.,lirlery ullll1r 11 ld D-or
T<1n1l1'tor 1,. AfT\,..,nl of lU.OU0.00 ' y, .. ,,, b• '~"'"" ol 1 bt••<h 11t <l•llull I"
A!I Dlhtr b<l•lne .. nomoo or\11 o<!O r•s••• u,. oblova11,.,. >Kwrfd 1 n t r • o •,
"""" b• !ht l<•n!l..,or wl!non ,,,,,.. •••'I htr•l1>'9<"• "'''"'"" "''° ~01i.,,.,.., lo '"• l11t 0111 .., fAr •• known T<t 1110 ul>d•ttiwo•<I • wtlll•n Dec•••1llon o•
Tron•h <•• •rt· N001t Dl'lowll 1u<1 O•<n•ll<l tu. ~"'"· iU<I wrlll<'•
Tl!ol It 1101 bffn &gr""' M!wHn l&ld n1>lott of l>•tacn "''° (If tlttlloro 11> <•UH
llter>•H Ar\11 lnttllllo<I tra"""'" •• rro• un<10,,1vn~J 10 ,..11 .. Id "'""''r. 10 r 911ulr.,i by SK. 1001• Of rn1 llu•ln••• •n<I i1tl1t• t1id Obll...,1lan,, 1,,d u .... eolre, m.
F'•aft ,1lon1 Code. rn11 11,. can1IO.,a!lo.1 wn<l•"IVn<'<I <•"'...i >•Ill ooll<t of h>'t•<h
lor !ho 1t1n1!er ol •tld lKr>lnou 11ld ana "' .i•<t"'" 111 ti<' rtt11t<IP'<l Jul• J'J,
lt Ant htr ol 011<1 !1(011"' 1, to ~ po1d <><•1¥ 1911 •• ""'" No. 1011¥ iu bOoO. f711, ""~' Rll1r u ld ttenl!tr hi t bten u >PrOvir<l bv llS, ot o&ld OllOd1I R~<u<JI.
tald °""l rlrntnl ol "lcOflo!lc '"""~"" S"ld ... 1. woll be "''""· bu! without Con,•OI. cov•n1!lf .,, W1<r1111y, •~P•tH <II lonpli•d.
T111r o w~. tranlltr 1n<I 11!l1nmrnl of r11arolng 11111, p o 1 11 1 1 Io n , o•
tne •lorew ld 1!<Kk ln ltl<I~, li•turt•, 1n<un•1>r.anc••, 10 .,., lht ""'"'nlnv
...,.,lpmonl 11\d eooa wlU OI It•• •1.d prln(lpal oum or 1111 nol111l u c .. rt<I I>•
M !nn1 wit! be mlM. 1o<l '"' ••id o..a of l•~•I, wir~ luloro" 11 '"
contl6er1Uon IM<t lol' tow•r>e• W•lh "'' .. ia ,,.,,. "'""'"oa, ir<l•1n<11, u 1"• u1111"
can11<1.,.1tlon ror tho rron•t•• ''"' ''"' 1 .. n,. or •••<I o.-i or rrv11. I•••·
au l•-t of I"" 1l0t•••l<1 llr•u•• It to c~•<wt• 1n<1 ''"""1~1 ol II•• "'"""" ond bl consumm•tld on 0t 11!•• mt n111 di• Gf 'ti"' ttu\11 c•"•'"' ny 11;.,, 0,.... ol of Od-r. lfll, •I !f\P OKrOw T<"ll
-rln .. nl ol l!ANIC OF "Ml!:lllCA S1•d 11!0 will be hela an Nov...,b<'t 17,
N.1 .1.5 ..... Whl!!lf• "'•In OftlC• •1 IXIU7 ltll. 81 11 .llO A,M .. •I 1h• '""lh l!rono.
e. Phll-t""I• SlflO!I, In ..... Cl!y of onu1nct 10 '"' ("""" (O•lflllovl•. 700
Whin ier io.ot, (Wnly ot LOI A"Vf'll'I, !lock Wt•t Soni• AnJ 8!•d., S•nto Anl,
Sto10 of C•llfornl1, Pl"""!"e<t thl! tllt Coli!ornia.
OtNrtm"'t ol·Al(Ofoolk erver••• Control Oort ; Qc-1-< H; 1'11
conlr.cl ooa.mtnh ,..., bf. obUIMd at
,,,. Mlle•°' tilt (!Iv c1..-~. n F•lr DdVt ,
Coolt M<-11, C1Ulor~l1, U"91'1 I df-11 ~
11100, A Chi<_. 01 ll.I» will 1M mMt If ~~';'~": ... ,:·,11~t~IL• PLEASE MAIL
loci\ blcl .,..II ~ 1naa1 1n lllt ,,_.,1
IO<m ••>II In 11 .. ..,,.,,.., Prov'd.c! In l~t
COO\lrl <I clO<uf.-11, I ncl .,.Ill IH
IOCC001!P1nlt<1 by • CtrllllN Of , • .,,1 .. ••
cl>o<• or I bod bof10 IOt l>Cll IUo 11\en 10
-""'' Of ltlf .,.......,1 ol !!If bid. medt P••.tllt To 11"' Cllr Of C1>111 Me.1.
NOllCf IS l'Ultl Hfll G IVEN !hi t lho
Cllv Covnc11 oi tt!<! cif\o ""' ""~"""'• ... 1bll.,.... I .... 1v1lll<>11 ••II ..... K olt "'
wo•t1, in a((Of dl nct will\ ltw, It ~ ptl<I
In 11 ... UW,.ltu<ll°" o1 11>1 ol>Ovt otUITted
lmPtov•lll•"'•· Th1I u la '"'' """ •<•I•
,..., lllOPINI I • tile C•I• (o,,.1<1l bv
No W)luliO<l No 1(Hll 1111 1 ... n,1 <II • 01
Oo<oml>tt, 1910, •nol h "" 1111 in IM
~Ill<• ul lht (1lv Cl••• u1 ••l<I CilY. "Tho!
11;o rt ll 11111 ><111 11 hUllh rflo ..... ID
10ll IO<lplt<I in !!>It r111l~r •• 11'10'"" fullv
10ll cwu~lttety H t lol'lh h•••in, •n<I tho!
••I~ Hilo, •• """"'"' b• H id ·~•olulion, " roll<lt I IUTI 1>! lhlO tlllll<o ~V tt l .... t ni;I.
,..,. Contra.-l<>r •ll•lt, ln the
.,...,,..,.rn1nc1 01 Int wor• 1 n a
hn~rovom1n1" conl0<m IO"'' LI"'°' Cod• ul 11 .. Stolt ol C1ll<ornl1 1/>d otn1r l~W!o
Ill "" Sl1I• or Collrornl• 1po1kobl•
!l>lrolo, with 1111 ••<nillan Ol'll• ol OU(h
v1d1llor+1 11 "'"' ~ rH ul•P<I ullllPr '"" 11>ed 1I Ullu llo 1>Urov1nl !o w"lc"
procH<ll~"' ""'"'"""' aro l•~•n 1~a wr.lcto l>lv• Ol(lt -n •u,,.,,....,_., bv •~•
ll•Ovi••"'" or rn .. Lot>O< (11<1•. "'"""•n<•
I~ l•b<>< •t••!I be i l••n <>fl!• In !~• "'""""' 1>ro•!OM1 1>y low,
lr.o ('">l<ocror 111011 u" o n IV
u11,.,1nulo(!urP'<l nll!orlfh Qrlldu«•<I In th•
U"IT•<I' Sf•lu 11MI ooly rnAnut•<lvro<I '"•l••i•I• '''"nut••lu<NI In •h• Unil•a ~!olf\, lul>U•ll)ill!w all '"'"' "1o1~ro•I> 1>r<lllv<NI "1 lh• Unll•<I s11tn , in 111•
~ortl>fll\ont.'t OI ltit «>lllfoCr.
No bkl 0111!1 IW' conolderP<I unl•U It It
m1<W an 1 1>111>1< JO<m lurni""td DV 1110
Cil• ~I Co111 M•>•, i nd It mad• In
K CD<dln<I with the P<O•!tlon• ol 1'\t
pr-II r~vll'OfTl•ntt,
fo(h l>laa.t mu11 N llconit<I """ "''" ort<>11oll!lt<1 •• rooulrt<I I>• low.
"'" Cito co.mcll or 1110 c; .. or Cooio
Met• fUHVU lh• ri"'' t<t rtlfel on• or
oll '""'· e v Olll OE lll 01" 11-i[
Ooltd Ocl-• !I. l"l
P111>llU11<f 0..1""" C0&11 0.•I• l'•lol,
h11 • ...,,.,,.eo ••Id ... nolef ol ••kl !lcon11. OOUEll. EQUITIES. INC: .• OCOOl>lr 71, 7j, !fll 2'M·ll
Ollf'd SpPllrnbo-f 11, !t 11 •• •aid l•u•IH
Cur!11 A. Htrllln1 1!1• 1' D. l•••i<f' Com1>•nv, A••nt,
Tt1n1Teror •r>d l k•n•H a, W•ldo II, 1-i•u•. vM: ... PrHl<lln! LF.GAI. NOTICE
Vlr11ni. L. lierbl<to Pu~lhnN! O•anU• C<>o" Ooll• PUol.1---,,,cc-=~-c-ccc--~~~~~--!;,•~~t~':,. ·~,c~;t''' Oct-1\, 1lt '"" No•....,bl'r 4; .. ~~:: JllOfl(I' 01' "TllUSl lil 'I SA Li
lntorw:t"CI l r1n1ffrH f .I. "lo. ll·l :IO ........ A .... rlc• On Novtmbtr 11, If/I, &t Hl:OCI A.M.,
W111Nltr MflR l roncto LEGAL NOTICE I' E 0 E II A L NA TIONAL MOlllG ... GE 1•1 I!. PMIM thtltlf llrffl ASSOC IAllON 11 ~ulw 1w"°uu1<1 lru>11t
Wlllflltr, C•N!or"ll -un<t•r o'n.J wur\<tl "I lo LUOHJ ol l ru'1
Et ef'llW •U·J1"41·K NOTl(I[_ 0 ' l lJl K TIANi l'llt <ll lt><I Ao>o U II, IHI r•<O•<ltd April "·
1"<1bll1h"" Or1nto C0&1t O•iTY Pilot, NOTICE I~ 11Ellf 11 1 GIVEN 1 0 Tt\E IY&I, 11 Intl. No. 10 11, lfl °""~ U /V, ""'"
Oclobei' '1, l•ll 2...0.7! CllEOITOllS OF Ktnnto~ I to w 11 , .OJ, O! OUld1I lll <<l•"-In lh• ol!ICt ol ;cc:;;:c..:.::..;.:c _______ _:::::cc, l ronol~""' ll•ll • b .. 1i.. 11 1111t1r ,. alioul lllf ClkJnly H~ord.or or O•anv• Cov11!•,
to IK <n•<I• by 'lr•n•!•!'Or. Wh<l\ll l>ullneu Sl1l1 or C1l<form• Wll l 5£LL Al LEGAi. NOTICE o~d'"" i,·111 E '~'" ,,,,..1, in '"• cuv "u.111.1c Auc110N 10 HlG•iE5T e10.
-,,, ••••• -, ... , ••• ,..--, ~Cull• M .... c ...... ,. Ill o •• ,, .... llol• ol Ot:H J'Oll CA5H (P•••blo ~t llmt of ••I• v • " c.1.1ornle, ~no 411 ol ,...,..., i...01.,,11 In l1w!ul mor10• _or Ill• Ur1>1HI 51•1••) 1!
I TJ,Tli 01' CALll'OllNIA FOii: n.,....1 °''° l<ldrnl*" Ulnl wUhl,-, th<N fllE NDll TH 'MONT l:NlllAN(f TO
"T"l COUNTY 01' OlllANOl Y•lrl li •T I>•>!, •I> 1., 1, uiown I<> THI!' OllANGf COUNTY CDUlll HOUSE.
NI. A 17J11 lro .. 11 ........ 111 E 16111 Sl•••t, COii• tOCA~EO Ar 100 CIVIC CfNl Ell
NOllCI' 0 1' IAl l 01' M•"'· C•li!<><"•"• !O 11) S IO~•n II . II.Ill\, LIRIVt: W£$l l l"ONMfNLY W. llH SI )
lllAL ,AOP JNTT AT ,11/VATlf IALI!' Jr. ollll l1! 0...,~I•• B Ko.,I, Tronii., .. ,, IN l HI' CtlY Of .SANTA . AHA,
In th• Mot"' ol "'' fllllt O! GOLOIE .. 1.c. ... '""'"~" •<kt• .. , i1 !I) lllo!I l Al IFOllNIA, Ill rl~"'· hll• ~"" onlor••I
NA!': SlANOll:tOGE. 01<.101.,a. Cl•rt1nc.re Avf ,, I "''V D<ecf!. Couri!r or conw1Ytd lo on<I no"' h1ld by II YOd tr ••Id
Nollet 11 "°'"D't glwon 11'11 on or ol!ot Lui Anv•I., .. (olifor,,io l'i) )IS N. l I LI•"""' 111tt1 '" "" W•W"t• ••lw .. 11'<1 '"
Nov. 1, 1t71, 1ho unllt<"\IMd, Willl•n• //!._ lltin• S"••I, ,11 11,, Cltv 01 Ani ht lih. u id Courotv 1no $t•t• d11cril>ed t o: Smit~. Al AdmlnlHt1tor ol lhr E1lot• ol (wul• el Or•uwo, Sl•I• ol l i lllurulo,"' \~I JI I!! l r1<1 1111, •O th• (It• Of
Galcllt Met S11n<1r,<lff, <Joc•1•..J. will .. 11 11,. !oll1>wlni d•ltrik<I Pt'r lGno! """""'I• Cotl1 Mf H , It ""' mll> rKo<•ffl In
•I orl ... •le ,.1,. lo"" hiVhOOI ... , l>•d<IH, at l•~h!I"'"'· I(<..... ""'*II,"""" n ..... 11. M•><•!!A,,.,,.,.
IUblK! lo <onfl•mll•Ol'I b• !llO lllOV~ All '1<><~ !n ....... ti.tUtf \, tllVIPmf nl M•~•. In lht <1lllc• ol 1111 C!Kjl\IW e~!lll!'<I $uo1tior C!Kjtl, 1 11 lhl' """''·HU•. fllonuticl"''"" llu"""'' ''"""" 11 IC"1nv No<<H<l•< Of u ld Or """" ('>(only,
lnltrel!. Ind 1110!0 or lllt <lt<tdl'fll 11 tor(<"'" "u•u•I"'' Mon"•~cluroni ••Kl 11,. 11•"1 •<IO•f U l rl<I othor rommon
"""Umo Of N r <Ifill\ •nd Ill lhf •ll!hl, ID<•ll•I •• I!! t , '"'"Sh •~(, •n 1!11 Ci•v dH!Vf\lllon. u 1n •. "" 11\t '"'··-·tr
litlf, ond lnlore~I ....., •~l•lo '"'' l>y of '""'' M•••. (av"'• ,..1 Oionwi. s11 11 .,1 d10<•1Wd1b~V• lo ""'-loa lo Ill:
-r•l"'n of l<tw or otht"""'" OCQU"<d (llih><"''• t iwl thol "" IO!~l>CI bul' •\o W•U W1l1on 11,.0I, Co•!• Mt••·
otbot tllfn or In e<t(lohon to rnOI or Int """''" w"I IW' <'""uiun•lll'<l 0., or •II~ (ol.toon.o. dtceOen• II !ht tim• o• hlf <I••!/\, !n o,. 1111 <I•• c.I Nav .. iHwr. 1"1· lh•oueh T111 w•kl,. •hrn•d "T•u•l•• dl~el~lm• onY
•nd IO th1t <1<l1i11 ff•I PfOlffl'h IO<llt<I ~ •«-No 11' l7'l, ol I... • ... _ liobll!1Y '"' '"" ln<Otfl<IM U of !ht ... ..,1
1., tht Cwnly al 0 <1n<1<, 51911 "' C:1li· d~P•""""' OI lh• (°'I• M•t• 8••n<h o1 """'"" 11><1 "'~" u..-nrnon d111vn1lion, ii
lornl•. d11crilll<I •• !olto"'" ~rcurH• P1clh< No1/,,.,1I 80<*. o! 16t Ii, ony, lllOW<I l,.roin.
Loi llJ a1 l roc1 No. Heu, 11 ,,., map llm Slft ol, In rho e n, of Cott• MHe, Sold ••I• w<ll I>• mid•, b\11 wit~°"'
rtto•at'<I In 1100~ 111, P1yo n !o 1) Cou11tr ur o.-.,.~ •• S•••• o.r C•lll0<nl~. co><.,..n, or w1rr1nl>', ••Pr•u •• 1m11•led,
lnc!u\IW' of MIK<llfn"""' M•PI ln tllt 0Al[0 Oct.,.,., U, 1911 rtlOO!dlro" loll.. "°"''""'" O• •n· Ol!O<t OI tno Count• 111<00<1., of ••Id 5,.,~,." ~i>h, Jr. cv111br .. n<11, to Illy 1101 <t<111,nlno Ptln-
(Oun!Y. lol ullf',.t fipl l "'"' ol l!" nol•h l •1<.u'"" O• ••ill
l ublt<I 10: ulr<fnt 11~u. co•fn•nt1, 0.,.,.,1., fl. k tnl DIOd G-1 l•v11, 10.wit; •l•.l16 It. with In·
c on dl!lon•, t~\trlrlion1, ,,.,.rv•liO"'· 1 1 •n>f.,,. l•r'11I u,., •O<l, ~• ~'0""'"' in ••I~ •Ir~!<. ,..,,,., of "'·'•• ••1""""11 8n<I Pvbillh•t! 01 •nD1 Co&•I OlllY "llclt. nolellt, l llvoncH , If •n•, under !hi ll(mt
9"COJmbr•n<•• o! '•'O•d. Oclt;Ol>f>r 71, 1'11 't tl·l l ot 1010 D••ll ~r lru<t, 1 .. •1, '"~'"·~and fllrl• or oll•'I Mt lnwl!O<I !or !ht l•Pl ll•H ol N11 l rvl!ft OIWI O! t!it 1tu1t1
1>ron~rly on~'""'' bl' in wrdl..O ind n'I• rtt•!!'d b• 1110 D••<t "' lr!I•!
\',;, a:1111~;~..i,,,'oh::1• :i~~;~~~~1·0~~~.~r ~~ f.F:CAI. NOTICE ,,~~~ 1,~~:~;:''•~~~~.'.r •:,:: :~.,:~
L~onh••r. )')) Norlh Co••I H;ohw•v, ~WI•
l , l •OUlll ll••Ch, C•lofo•nl• t'/6\1,·~· m•..-
i.. t•led on 11,. Oii«• c• '"' tltr~ ol 11.,
Sup.,:o• Coufl "' ~n• t•mr """ rnt !It.JI ~ubiltal\o" ot It"' "D'•C• 1llll bttoro 11 ..
rn1~ln<t ot I~• ••I•
To•m• ond tondl!lnn1 of 1al•· (.,h I"
lowlul mono• or tht Vnilfd $10lo• or
Amuieo; 10•. G! '"" omwnl bid to
occompon• 1110 oll•r """ Hot 1>•l1n<• 10
br o••<I "°"" <0111 .. m~•'o" ot '"' b• lh•
5UPt •iot (OUtl. l •>U, tPnl•, O<'lf81;"'11 Ind
m1•n!On•n<< t <O,n<••• ~t>tJ P''"''""" Oil ln1u••¥• or<•~tal>I• !o th• 1>urd101f't
1n111 Ill or.,.11Ht "' ol 1110 n110 or
rl'«""dlne ot con••v1n<• T"' ''''"'""""'' o• tlll• •t<o•dlnt ol con•••••><• •f'<I any
Till• ln•u••nct ool«• •h•ll h• 81 1ne
t~H<llt of "'" "'"'h•••r '" ...,rcnou r\. An• olhot ,.l><>nAl>I• l.,m o U>I• bo .,, . .,,..,
e1a1 "'"'' "" """" eno wilt b• on•"•o 81 Inf Oft••t Of 11 ,,.., C. l o~o>t .. M Jll\
Norin (.,..01 "IOhwt•, Suo,. L, L•~una
ll••c~. Cotlforn•1 11 lh• _,, o< !O o '" ol
"'" oboye a1to. T~ ~'""'"' """n <l•"rlOo<I ;, ~ommn11lv rtltr"<I In •• I 1 1 1 l w .. ~h'""ond t •n•. H"~"nt•~n ll@•(h
(olllo•~•~. lh• ~'>Cl•f\itn•<t ro'frV•I I~•
r•Onl •o '""' on~ ;ncl all bl<>•
Do!"<1 0<1 IJ, lt /I
WllllAM A SMlll'.
•• ~amln.•"•I Of o• ""
•bo•• ~""'"~ ~"""e111
I OClll $. L•NPNEAll
JllS ~or!h Cou l Hlt hwoy
S~ltt l
L1,..n• l t•<h, Cl lll\>f•lo f1Ul
.,,,, !11<1 ff•·""
•lf&o-ntV ... A'onl•l•l'll9t
F'unll•nea Or•"'' Co1U D<IH• P ,lclr
OcTOMr I•. II, JI. 19/l 11111;111
IAll l5H
'UPEll !Cll CDUll T O P l Nlf
T .. E CDUN l Y OJ' OllA N5 1
Nt . t.·llU I
f'O• P•OBAll OP .. OLOG•AP .. IC
WILL AND FOii L.lTT l lt l
to th• undft1IW110ll • ~<ltten Ot <lor11icn
ol Dotlull •n<I O.r>1ono le• S•I•. •~d •
wt l!!1n Nolo(O "' Oo••ull ln<I El~<llOI\ '"
••I!. lho U<1d•r1lg...., <1u1•a '"'d Nohe•
OI Ot l•u!I •nd i'lt<tlon to ltll Ip bl
•tto•af<I In n,. c""nly "'"'"'' !hi rH I P<llOt <ty I• l<KO!O<I,
0111: s .... r..,,,l>Pf Xt. 1"1
MOfllG"Gf ASSOC IA_T!ON E"•!• or KENNEllt EAllL 1'EEO. 00 oJ>d l<.,ilH,
11\0 ~nuwn f l KE NNE 111 IC ll EfO, 1100 ev Ito"' l!ltlOKO ~""""n u K £. ll EED, <'H •ou a. Aulllorllt><I lllfloluro NOTl(f" Ii HE_AEbY CIVfN lh1I fUH
WU.LIE BE. l!LE.O hi • l·lt<I h .. f'ln • Publilllt><I Or•nvo Co••I 0-11• Pllct
ll•l<lhl<l lot PtcAl•to or HOI0..••11<"< Wiii October '· II, "· 1'11 n ... 11
1/>d !Of iu u1<><-• GI Lf'!!•" l t !f ml nlltV l----------------
10 llt hhonor. •~•or•n<• IV which "modt
'"' '"'"'"" II"'."'"'""• 1...r •not •~• tlm• •l>d vloC• OI h••"flll u .. ••m• hi• boon LEGAL NOTICE
,., lor NOVl'f<lbot ., It/\, at t ::IO 1.m , !nl----------------
!11• """t<""'" o! 0.~111m•"' N<> J ol 11•<1 C\Jl/r l, 11 100 Covie ,..,,., Dtlvo
W••1, •O "'' (•1Y <II Soni• Ano. Ct lllorn11
001.., 0Clobor II, lt lll
Co.ml• c'°'" BA l!I D, RA l ~D I WULPt l lllT
•• , I O!IGNY I Al!IO
•nt lont •••<h •••• .. twit• "A"
P ,O, Bl• /Ill
lont 8 •1cn. Coll!O<'nlo '*'
Tel: Ulll Ot.O•tl
Atlo•n•., tor; Pt ll!oontr
P11h"•hf<I OtOl\90 (Q•ll
Ono~., 1Q, "· ?!. ltll
, 1)1,.
P ICllll0\11 l \1$1NIJI
lollowlr>o P""On 11 dOllll bllt!no"
'ICltflOUI IUS•Jlll ll
NA¥1 l l Afl¥1NT
""1c>w1,,. Ht...,. 11 do/flt """';~,
.. • ,
2 -
DAitt· ·p1tOT WANT ADS
l~I .-...... ,. ..
l I~ 1.:;I ;;;-;;;"'';;; .. ~'~~1 .. -....... ""' ~'~~
Gener ii
Spacious 4 Br. ho1ne plus income. $134 ,900,
Open .fo~ri. 1 to 5. 215 Marguerite Ave.
BAY & BEACH REALTY Jea~ Col• 675-3000
Rl•nlly Com p1:1ny
1'111' t1IJin111 1<• 111 l 1v1 n~ -wilh
yt)Ul' own 1rw!oor hi-allh room
w /pool • s;111 na & sun l1tm1l5.
lll':1ut ilul. lil;f' rww custom
hon11• w/ Jll.l!'hlr ha!I.~. for.
111111 DI!. J Bit. 41 ~ t);Hh.~.
A f•'f'I IOI !II Jhr• 1'>.1·l11 ~h·e
Do1·t'r Shore!! llJ't•a. S'll!l.:l()().
Op,·n Sa! I. Sun l·."1 p.111. 1:!1i
r.al11xy Dr i \' . Nrwporl
i I
f\lflll<'rn 2 Drrlroon1. h11tli &
'·1 s11tdio 11p11r11111•n1~. 11,ith
bu1!1in.~. 1 •arpo>1.~. <!r111l('.~.
f'lr. ,\ f'Plll dnll11r produC'"f'r
111 a full price 0r
F1 irvi•w
IORl\l [ Ol \O\
2 Story -4 B1droom
$0 Down -VA
Bargain 1in1r! ! J UST LIST·
_ED!! Lovf'ly junior f'XPCU-
11ue 8/'f'a. 4 huge bf'rltYJOms.
Crackling USf'rl bnek t'IR~:.
PLACE. H1·ighl roon1y
l;i1t·h('11. Ov+>rs1z!'rl patio ror
)~'llr around enjoyrn1>nt.
Hr11~ a puinl llrusl1
'l'JI AT'~ ALL. Turn 1his b1tr-
gniu inlo proli1. U111>eii!'I'·
11blt• Ht only $:{{1,9(XJ, "(l"
<lown VA. ll11rry.
CALL 64S-0303
22':19 llurbor, Cos1a Ml"i;a
C us111n11,.·ol, t''ipa11dt>tl 1.'I;~ ..,.,...,..,..,...,...,..,.,....,..,I i:q. 11. ·lat.,::t" ~'(Jt TR HDRM,
-~ --$5,000 'rllH t:~; BA'l11 110;\Jt:. Con1.
plt·lt·ly 1u·11• B/I t·lt·1·l!'1t·
BELOW CRY k11r1i .. 11 l••i11l('d 11•1lh t''ilra
Gener el General
New on m•rket -119 Vii Mentone
New, del uxe l-tl unil ape.rt. Lovely contemporary home o( \op quality ment complex, IOCRted in
C08le. Mesa. Exl!Jting loftn construction. 4 Bed(oo ms & 3 ba., incl. large
ill Sl,300.000. ~nt in-master suite downs tairs. Cath edral ceiling
COffif'. $292.ooo. Jlf'.J' y'eu. c..u over liv ing room & family dining room. Beau·
for fllrthf<T dl'!iail1 ii YoU ti!ul 2 way fireplace, su nn y south .[>8_~o. Truly
have $500.IXXI. to inv!St. an outstanding home at a.....r:e{LIJ«tic price.
Newport $9l .500. '
., Ken Brittingham, Realtor
F • i rv iew I ~"40"2"·"32n'l"'d""S"t ·,.· "N"."B". ""~'l!""'"~""'""'"6"7!!!5-ll""'l 2"l""'
~6-88 1 1 Gener1I ~eneral
80' x 110' ff.>f! lot on TRADE-
WI NDS. Ca n build 2 story,
plan~ included. VIEW 0~~
UPPF:R 'BAY -Full price
nnly $2\000.
8~' x 1411' loL on SANTIAGO
,t· l lOLJDA·V. Very exclusive
<'lr('a, 2 story prr m issible . A
1\'halP of a buy a! ONLY
$2i ,OO').
Yonnerly Lfl8ordl" R .F.,
220 E. 171~ St., C.M.
CALL 646-0555
Evf:'ni n~ M6-84ffi
This 4 hfotlroom home with
f11mily room, is one ol our
only 2~2 years young and
conveniPntly localed near
freeway ac:cess &" Soutti
Coast P1117_.. on a !lh()rl cu!~
dP-s11c street. A·LL TERMS
OF'F'EJRED including t'Xi!l-
ing VA loa n which can be
assumed wi th TCYJ'AL P AY·
!\1ENTS of $2~1 per m()flth.
Appralsat priced at $32.500!
\\'•II located close
to Youth Center
and 1hopping
3 be<'lroomg, 2 haths
Modern exterior d esign
Reduced in price
to $f>7,500.
SINCE 1944
673-4400 JCil,,,., co:Ts
~WALLACE l """"""!'s2~8~,oo-o""""' REALTORS
(0pon Evon;ng•I New En9land
wilh l "l!~~~~~~"' Cape Cod J11rg(' n1anicur>'d y;1 rd, hugP. CORONA DEL MAR
ImmanJla1t-rond1 linn
Charming home, 4 B<!drooml, r i .. s.'(! tl':•ar1h l1r€'pl11{"(', 15'x FOR SALE 21' r11n-uly rooni, sparkling 3 Bath, Fa mily Room, Din•
H b Vi H•ll ing Room, Firepl11.ct buill· bllillui ki!rhPn. Ip x l11I coun-Gr or •W I $ ins. Picture Windows with
1ry t'lub urra. Aln1o:o;t 1111· Broadm· oor 1hul'ters. 540-1 720 n1t>dint1• posgf'ssinn with as
1,111. 11.~ !O"I· do11·n. P!Y'stige comfor!. SpaC'1ous 4 TARBELL
Call :-1i:r&l24 (Open ('V€'s.1 'l:>f'~lroom , 3 b11 1h lam1ly
\outh ~ (-oast
Bl'1111t1ful Collt'ge_ Patk homr
"'llh OVf'r.~11.l'd IOI , Bi~ 18x
Jli 11 hf'alf'fl & lilll'ri'd pool.
(';old ~hag r.11qwls thrunut.
()Wrlf'r llr111J{f11 n P 11• horn I',
n u1sr st•ll. No dn. 10 Ye111 or
11,11· ;Ju rllA.
Call !"1'16·7'.~ilo {Open Eve~.)
room a n.-J form11l iiining 29:'15 Harbor, Co!tta Mesa
mon1. P lanned for family I ·-~Rc=~=.:c=:=~~:O,,C.:,:,:::...
living. c.im" to ~~8shion Is-EPOSSESSIONS
land . Community recreat ion Sparkling clean homl!l!!I, aome
area & poOI. Call !o s~ e ny . newly painted & ~arpet~. 1
timr. 2612 Lighthouse Ln. 3, 4 I. 5 bdnn1. Some with
pools. FHA-VA conv. terms,
trom $20,000 to $40,000.
8843 Adams Ave. 96l-5523 Lachenmyer
lfl60 'Newport Blvd., C.M.
Ca ll 64&3928 F.vl'!I. 67J. 7575 -a-Presti 9e Address
4 Bedrm, laJJ:e family r m. I
BA. View from every room.
646-0228 r;1n111.~t1e HEC". HO(l,,T wrl
har. Lovt•!.v /11rn111i 1tu1111g ""'"l pl11~ .s11nk\·n l1t1111!y
rorin1, 4 lari::t· L!f•dmnn1~. 3
h a!li:;, in ah.,i1Jti11· i111n uu•11-
~alP 1~101/11inn, Pr11111• J\':'<i-
d~>nl1al 11.n·n • U11l tt·l11•v11l•lt'
hul if'~ TBUJ;; ,.1\11 L:i11ny
54.S-ll-l:l•I or ~IO·Z2l<li.
~·;,l11111•!s, 11ullt'ts 11.nd l·un.
V1·n1t'!K'1'.~. Nf'wly pa11111•d
h1.~1d1· 11rwt oul . tup gnu lo>
<'111']><'1~ and drept>11. ·"'·µi.r.
111,• >1<•rv1c·l' porch -1folll)l!'
g11r111.:1·. \\'t·H lantl.~r11Jlt'•I
rr11r1r 1.11~! 1'!'1tr w1111 1;pnnk· / :::::::::;::;::::;::::::::::::::~:' /
l•'r.~. ('•111vf'u11•n1 10 sc·hooL~ CARE FREE LIVING
11n1l ,..h11ppl11.1:. A p!1•a.;;u"" to ln llU" BLUt·rs on quil't
Cui;1om hu ilt f11n1ily homr in
~li!;:"htfuJ Wei;ldiff. 4 bed-
roon1~. large par!f'IPd fa m-
ily room & living r (J(lm w irh
fi1't'plaCN;. La r R' H&f
'J:>(X)L, Many addl'd /earure.~
-Pie•:. g-ar11g" ()pl'nt'r, "°ft
\\'llll'r uni t and outdnor light.
ing Iron! & N'll r. PPrfPct for
l'ntrr111inini: .'Ind idPal /or
farnily living. lt'i; a N>al viii ·
ue in 1hi11 m,.,.,,t 11•anrerl 11rea
111 $66.500. CALL 675-49:UJ.
roomK or could be u~ as l
twdmoms -Dfn. 2 hitths,
huilt-in11, f1repf11r.P, circular
rlrlv1111•11y, $25.950. Birr., Ce ll
day nr night, 540-1720.
s l1<1W • 11ppuinln1enl 0 n 1 y ~l'f'••nbl'Jt CIOSt' In POOL.
11lf'lls1•. <JNl.Y S:ti.fY.J(I. Four nit'{" h1•rlrnon1s 11•i1h
ORANGE VISTA hi'(! halhs l!.11{1 ./ ./ check \outh ~ ~ oast
Cl•ssifie~ INDEX Advert1s1ng
PROPERTIES '"'·' '""" 11 1'"'""'· "-... ......_. 1''or111o>r!y T~'l:k11'df' RF..
220 E. 17th St., C.M.
CALL 646-0555 ~'co.I
~"--~'"_'_•__,!le )
Clessif icetion I 00-1 •9
North Bnyrronl, H·:l rorrll'r.
.l !11'+'lri10n1 h<>1lll' -ulf'al ln-
r 11 11 .. r1 lilr 2 .c•ory <lupll'~ nr
lu:-.ucy knrn<'. Cnll Jlttn
i.)1nd11 iddir for 1h·!;iil~.
64 2-S200 ..
On lnrgp 7.i' "' 17i' lul wilh
Rill')' !l('('t'SS. Q\1·11<•r 11·•~1Jrl
eons11Wr 11·11~111~ 11·1lh op11or1.
Ynu ~11 1111111 YOllr' 11•1'111.~ -
nwll<'r a nx ious. A s k i n;.:
S21i.'.Y.'-,O, C.111 616-7171.
·"'-ESTATERS ~ . .. ' '
Super sllnrp 2 bN-lroom, rtin..
ing ,f, :.I balh.1. ~·u11 hu1lri11
kliclwn, CArpt'l!'I, draP'f'!'l Rnd
riouhlf' j!'ara1tr. NO.\V V AC •
• ANT, ~l'C' it 1orl1ty? A ~kii'ltZ
nnly sn.w..o. --
C11ll 54().1151 (0Jlf'n Pvt'~. I
hon1(', pmlf's..~innaHy 1tpmi·nl. .-.t ,f. l111J<ts.·apo'<l. N•)l h1111:
1>1'1•r~t•Ok1,-I 1n r;1ake th1.• !hr
l0V<'ln--st ~' !l("Ciroon1, l :•n11ly
1«•n1, dining room. J f'llr
g ;u'AI!•' ho111P i n lhtrbor V1Pw
llnn1.·s. tlli.:,oo.
('all for lt11·rurr ca !al~
"11 11 pru·i· ,f, df'l11'1I~
4 n~~Dfl()()t>-1 , lanirly roon1.
1111 1,1t1l l in.~. r1trlJ('t11. Ol'f"r .
Sl~t•<i t(:'11'i1J:t'. ('j\'l'{'l'fl IJll!IO,
lu•nvy sh11ke roof and <VlOI
pnnJ. Naill(' y1111r 1l"flll~. VA
NO OOWN I fllA LO\\'
DO\\'N or 11u hmir .• S2!1.!lfi0.
J>ritll!' rt'SNIPnli11f a n"l\,
C 11ll :-.1: .. !t42·l tOpen eves.)
l.Oll'l'S( priN'd hnmf' in MMa
• V1·ri!t' w i1 h VA & Jo'llA
1('1'111~. Larg" 3 bc'dmonl,
l'•1Vl"r't"<l pa!i<I, doubJp gllr ·
l'tgf', Sh11rp, c tr11n &_ V11('Jtnl.
F'ul! price $77.~llO. 11•i1h no
fln"•n Jlll.YllH'nt,
Call 540-ll~d i()J>t'n f'\'N. I
Coldwell, Banker
833-0700 ~2.JO
3 Bdrm., 1:1.~ baths; ell on
one floor. \\'alk 10 pool &
shopping. 0 11 nrr wan1s loni;t
P SCl"(lll', Ei.:cl11~1vrly li.~11";1
"'l!h Us 11! $:\2,000,
REAL TORS 644-7662
Yrs. you ,,•a<I ri~hl , this r"P·
rP~t'nl 11 on!' or tht• \•l't)' hrsl
vnlil"ll in \.M. Thill homf i~
11·i1h in 11•alki ng rli,t11ncf' to
St. John• nnd shopPini:: anrl
h;u; l bfflrooni, 111nd 2 h.-1tJ 11
11nrl 11 half. Thill is lhe tyt'lf'
of home Iha! ~ no! IAirt
lonJoi, 50 hurry and call
Bay Ave • .W1terfront
' Bitrm. 2 ba lh home
P ier I. Sllp. $195,000
Call : 67.1·:1663 642·2'253 E\'Cs,
.ZOJS W ll<tlboa 6]J.J66J
l\fodPrn duplex; 11 BR. 2 Ba .
& 2 BR., 2 "'· ""''" Siep.• r~·iiii~_ii.•j~llllll ... ~.,~A,~G•ll /::::i::::i::~~:;:~~~ 10 ()('ean. Good cont!. 011·nf'r I.. _ * BACK BAY *
reArly to sell. Prictd al l=======ZZCC I J RR, 2 BA. !amfly rm. firepl, $.l.o,500. bi I h "k I I Call: 673·3fi63 s.18-5942 Evc11 I ns. tlgc w11.1 • n c otiel8,
!OJ~ W ilatboo 67].)66)
Vlt;w . 4 Bit lh1s 11 ~r~
rll"'!l81ni;c n'll'lmAI, 3 RA,
Ulll"iMJ~ '[OJ'JlU1I rllninJ[,
ou1sr11 ndlni;t t11n1\1y rnnm.
.f!Xl EM.'T 17TH C.M.
Mis• Verde l .'Q 9Q f!. New t'rp!1/d l"llpet,
Country Club Ville S..10,000.
-only rmt ivdiloble. ae11u. Roy McCerdle Realtor
tllully lmproverl 2 + 8mJ.. 1810 N'e"A'J)Drt Blvd., C.~t.
Mn. pool, 11ir-cond fie, Hur~ 541-n?t
ry! call S111n tl1~r, 546-~ i ~""!'"""'!"""~"""."'""~
or 5'19-1366 Hrrih1,,irt R.F:. * * * * r Deli9htful EAST BLUFF
RMluHlul ~ bMroom, l NI.th
2 KIOty hnml" On ('hole! ll'lf,
f'orm11I d ininR room, ('l'tr-
f)('IPfl ,t; rlr'1pM, "'111'1" V\1"11'.
•1111. S.-ll ,500. Call 67;>·72'2.'>.
Home & Investment
8-'IYCl't'K\ .t Bdnn l'IOm111 w/d!n
rm., lrg fa m rm., wet b11.r.
Arnold & Freud
An UpPM' Ne11•porr Bay f'-''o
lwd roon1 t11·0 bath ('Ondo-
m1niurn fl! $27.500. Con1plrle-
ly 11.1r·l'OndillnnPrl, 11 11 Plf'f'.
1r1e 111lfl m11intPnJ1nrP f~.
T11•0 ~w1mming pools, J~ holf'
putnng-~rM'n anrl ~hu Hlf'
ll.-);ird. Thi.~ home i~ priN'rl
S2}r0(1 und('r orii;tinal eosl.
ra11 &l&-7111 fo r an eppoin1.
n1l'n! fo Sf'('.
Real (11111. !•I G.n1ral
Cfassific•t ion 150-184
.__ ........ __ '"_""'_' _,l/e]
Clas1ific•i ion 30 0-355
/.p1r1ment1 tor R1nt / 9' J
Classific ation J b0 -370
.___··_·"_" _ _,IJ ...s I
Cle11ificalion 400-465
~--~--·~" )~
Closs ification 500-5 10
~"~" ... ''~'~ C1es1ificefion 52 5-53 5
Sharp! Sharpl Sharp!
T irPd n! looking at din y re·
Mir~? Thrn St'e th is beeu ty
tha! ShOll'R like II mod€'1
homf'. J brdrnoms, 2 hn lhg.
h11ilr-1 n ktlchl'n including
<lish"'ashf'f, llf'W beau tiful
~ha11: \\1/W l'Arpf'ling, hig
double ga rag~. 11nd acceq
for hoa1 or tTailer. All this
111vl f)(lly $25,500 11nd $214 per
monih includin,. 1axes &: in-
Walk er & Lee ._,,,I ~l"•~··"_"""'__,l[g]
Cle11ificetion 550-555
2790 H11rbor mvd. 01 Arlem~
5'45·0465 Open 'Iii ~ P'.\t
l'fln buy f11n1ily happi ~.~.
('1)1.y up ~irll' I<>~ hurnini;t
l\rPpl11ct • 4 biK brlrn1~ r,,_ .l
Nith8 for lhP k irl1. Modr rn
kirchPn + ~trir. Relax 111
J!Tlv. bl!11ct1 -Ownrr m ,qy
carry a 2nd. T/D. No w
$.14. 700,
113.l DoVtt Dr., N.R.
fi,t;,.4400 &45-lUO
View home witti pool. •
Bc1rns. 2 bath.~. F•mily
room. N" yarrl "A·o r k .
Unu!lu11.l 11 t1i1": -4th Brinn,
w" Mv~ ltQOff l't"tlt11J~r
:11.1~1 F.. Cn1u11 Hia-hw111.y •
f nmnA dt'I ,Mllr 6U-!l010
Vl~tA Del L11!0. Pier • AJip
11v11ilahll'!. F rom $31,!!00;Stll
nr le111~e. •
G•ora• \"ill h1mson
"-::-:-1 --.,-'""""-,-'"" __JI~
Cl•i iifica tion 57 5-580 , ....... oM·-115J
Clo1,ific otion 600·6<19
~· ...... _-,_l[Il]
Cl•••ific oticn 700-710
<..1 .:1111ic l'l ~ion 800-836
.__"'~' ... _-_· ·_.)~
Clo11ific•tion 150-151
Cf111ificatlcn 900.9 12
~-T~~"'-"°"_'_""' _ _,Jl r11J
c 1.,sification 9 15-t•t
6f6.32[6 E,·,$: M2·2225
Re4l ty
llt't E:. Coast Hwy., Cdflf
DlJPl.EX..ChnrmlnR o"'nt<r s
unil. Quiel 11. Goorf ln'."flinf'.
Fortin Co. RHrs. 642-5000. 673-43SO 615-1564
·~••to<S.• ll P.]
Cl•1sificat\or1 • 50-990
' '
I' ''
. I
'M usic Ma11' •
Puts Sou11d
l 111 Schools
or '~• 0 1111 P11o1 111ft
\ There could be a lot more than 76
trombones leading the hig h school band
someday if Laguna Beach's "music man"
keeps inspiring his elementary school
In fact, thl.re could possibly be a
marching band too big for a halftime
foot ball show and a string orchestra with
too rnany members for the stage if Deane
Bn1Lorf doesn't slow do"·n a little.
The elementary sc hool instruct.or,
director's. baton in hand,. has already
taught hundreds of fourth, fifth and sixth
graders a variety of instruments. When
he fir st came to the Art Colony a few
yc:irs ago. most of the upper-grade school
children didn't know "·hat a horn or violin
sounded like .
J\1ow. about one !h ird of them can play
so1ne sort or musical '\nstrument.
"If the program keeps on going and
gro\ving." the goateed music teacher
says with a proud smile, "the high school
\viii ha ve both a string orchestra and
large band of very high quality."
Bottorf notes that his 1971-72 budget for
l11r music program has been "whacked
right dov.·n the middle'' because more
youngst ers signed up than he had
counted on. So far this school year, 225
youths have enrolled in the music classes
\\'i!h 185 of them "rank beginners."
Because of the increased participation,
Bo!torf for the first time was forced to
a• k parents to provide violins for their
children. Although lhe district has 39
of them, 53 children signed up to learn to
play the string instrument.
1'he other students enrolled in the pro-
gram include 38 on the flute. 36 the
clarinet. 16 the alto sa xophone, one the
tenor saxophone, 39 the trumpet, 15 the
trombone, 23 the drun1s, six the cello,
four the baritone horn and one the
French horn.
Bottorf says that most of the children
rent their own instruments, although
some parents cannot afford the expensi ve
rental fee -Sia per month for a horn -
and the districl provides a few in-
struments. Bottorf adds that it is not
alv.·a\'s poss)ble to rent string in-• I stru n1en ts and these are provided by the
E<.ch child enrolled in the program
meets tv.•ice a week with Bottorf for one
half hour with classes Spht by type of in-
strument. To be eligible, the youngster
must be in the upper grades and his
teacher must certify that the child is
doing well in class.
One added expense to having so many
youngsters is that the district must
Big Vitan1in C
Batch Recall ed
\\IASHJNGTON (AP) -Bottles con·
taining a total of 10 million Vitamin C
tablets h a v e been ordered recaUrd
because they do not carry a v.•arning to
heart and diabetic patients.
The f ood and Drug Administration said
V.1ednesday labels on bottles of tablets
n1anufactured by Lil Drug Co. of Union,
N .. J., failed to note they contain sodium
Sufferers of such ailments as diabetes,
high blood pressure and rheumatic heart
often have sodium-restricted diets, as low
as 200 milligrams d;lily.
purchase n1ore music for the classes.
"l \1•rite some music," Bottorf noles,
''so "'C can leg::illy rept"od uee it for
nothing and use it in class.··
The ultimate goal of the enlire pro-
gram, Bottorf explains, is to provide
musically trained sutdent s at the high
school and junior high school levels.
"I ant delighted because the program
is heginni ng to pay nrf ntll\' at Thurston
l nlermediate School,'' Bottorf sa_vs.
Jeff Fosler, Thurston music I.cacher,
echoes Bo!torf's enthusiasrn for the
elrn1entary program in noting more
youngsters are now enrol led in his
"This is the first year that l have
really noticed that it has helped a greal
deal.'' Fosler says, adding that !he
numbrr of music student s has jumped
lrnm 55 last yea r to 95 this year.
Foster explains tha t the school's flex-
ihle scheduling procedure enables him tn
conduct a!\ of the classes without too
much difficulty, although he antici pates
that more teachers could be needed if
trend continues.
The whiskey that spans
the generations gap.
f or 300 years, a whiskey from Bushmills, has been
\vi lh us. Charming us. Beguiling us in a smooth,
polished and ;ii together hghthearled fashion. •
• 15 general ions have refined it.15 generat ions have
sippedit.Theverdict:NedrPe rfectio n.Bushmills.Full
nf character. But not heavy·hd nded <1bout it. Flavor-
fu l. But never over-po\vcring. Bushn1dls. It reilecls
the past \1•1\h a light and l1vclyflt1v9r tha t is<11l todc1y.
-Compare it to yo ur pr.csent \Vhiskey. You ncecfn't
purchase a boulc. O ne si r at your favor ilc pub will
tell you \vhy Bushn)ills ha s 1nlr1gued so m.iny g<'n·
erat1ons. It is, simply, o ut of sight.
I All~D Of 1001 IRISH W~IS~l[S-St P~001 -IOITL[0 !II l~!llND TH[ JOS Gl~NlAU co . !l(W ~o~~. Hr Cl,tQ
Capo Youngsters
Won't Receive
SmR llpox Shots
The U.S. Public llealth Service ha!'
made things a little less painful and ir-
ritating this fall for hundreds of first
graders in the Capistrano Unified School
The kids won 'l need smallpox vac-
cination.~ any longer.
Dr. Gerald \Vagner, C<lunty public
health medical officer. has told school
district officials that the routine program
of smallpox vaccinations are no longer
recommended and will no longer be given
to school student s.
Dr. \Vagncr suggests that parents with
riuest ions concerning the new decision to
abandon the smallpox program can con-
tact his office in central Orange County
at 834-3131.
Mik• M1l•r Seems Dwarfed by His Baritone Horn
County GOP Committee
Adopts Debate Gag Rule
The Orange County Republican Central
Committee adopted a gag rule this week
to hold riown two of its more militant
In the 15-5 vote debale at meetings was
limited to two minutes for each side of a
controversial issue.
r-.1rs. Janice Boer. well known critic of
the Board of Supervisors and the Santa
Ana Colfncil, and George Brokate, depos-
ed treasure of the central committee
v.·erc the targets of the gag rule.
The pair took more than a hour Mon·
day night in criticising the central com-
mittee's executive committee.
They charged that it wields undue ln-
nuence over the main GOP body. Mrs.
Boer charged that the .11ubcommittee was
illegal because it does not include 'a
repre sen tat i ve from her first
supervisorial district. ~-
Brokate demanded that notices of et·
ecutive committee meetings be mailed to
all central committee members in aio
vance and they should be allowed to at.
Brokate was ousted as treasurer last
~lay 17 after a heated controversy in-
volving an audit of lhe group's books.
The controversial Corona de! Mar
Republican grabbed the headlines agall)
recentl y when he heatedly denounced
President Nixon's plan to visit Ric'!
Otina. He is said tn have contributr.d
$18,000 to the President's 1968 campaign.
Take your "CHOICE" o.f these "CHOICE" components
and · crea~e. your own system! $J99s1 Your Choice--Any 5 Piece System
SAVE AS MUCH AS $169.03!
... :>"· .--,.'J
.-v6ee.-_, .. it•u . . .,,. 11·' 'ti ' "{' . .. . . ~ '·-. . .
MARANTZ 22 15, New! 30
watt R.M.S, AM.F M
reteiver, with walnut grained
m.ital case.
REG. _ ..................... $199,00
' --,_.,\,, ..... ; -·-·1' lit::@#Lw . .
DUAL 12 I 5 with ba1•
and ADC 240XE.
HCi ................. $16'.f5
LANCIR 9535-2. w1y
12" 1ystems, 1led
walnut · enclos res.
HCi ................. , .O
-OR -
SHERWOOD ... S-7100
-, 00 wa tt AM -FM
tetei.,.er with c:ase.
REG ................. $1'9.f5
DYNA.CO· A-25, 2°w1y
I 0" 1y1tem1 • oiled
. w1lnvt enclo1ure1.
RICO ................. $167.90
SCOTT 357, New! 50 wet+
R.M.S receiv•r, with rn•tt
blatk met•I case.
REG ....................... $19'.50
l:ias• •nd AOC 240XE.'
HCi ........ -... $165.10
IO" 1y•t•rn1. O iled
walnut enclo•ure1 •
llCi, .......... -.$1 lt.aa
) '
" I
,, •
• '
I\ ' ••
• • ! .
' l l
• •
4 D.l1LY PILOT lhund.11, Ottobtt 21. 1~11
Reds Warn
Of Coming
U.S. Moves
PARJS {UPI) -North Vietnam ch•ra·
ed at the Vietnam Peace Conference to-
day that the Ni.J::on Administration was
planning new military ventures In
lndochlna and that promises o f
withdrawal were •·shttr fallacy."
The charge '1''85 made by Deputy Hanoi
Delegate Nguyen ~iinh Vy. who al&o
warned -possibly with an eye toward
Pekinfl and r-.loscow -that the war can
~ se!tl~ only if the United State11 ac-
cepts the Vietnamese Communists ' la test
neRoliat\ng offers.
He told the conference that "the Viet-
namese and other Indochinese peoples
will never tolerate the presence of''
residual armed forces, which President
Nixon intends to maintain Jn the area.
"Besides." Vv said. ''the forthcoming
,-isits lo South Vietnam of Defense
Secretary ~felvin Laird, Joint Chief of
Staff Gen. Thomas Moorer and Anny
Chief of Staff (Gen . W ! 11 i am )
Westmoreland show that the Nixon
Administration is scheming new military
Vy said. "thus, th(' Nixon ad·
ministration's talks about peace,
dlsengapen1ent and total withdrawaJ are
sheer fallac y.''
Cave ltfo1a
Outside th~ conference room. Vy said
that the U.S. government has plans to
5lep up the war by bringing in troops and
planes all 1he way from bases in the
Western Pacific. He said that while Nixon
makes statements about wanting peace,
there were no signs the U.S. delegation in
Paris wants to negotiate seriously.
"On the contrary, the U .S .
'Administration is showing through con·
crete facts that it is ready to step up the
v.·ar not only with the South Vietnamese
troops but v•ilh the nearl.v 300.000 U.S.
and satellite troops and with the 200,000
U.S. troops in neighborin1t bas.e~,
includini.t the Western part of the Paciltc
1.nd with all the U.S. Air Force in South
East Asia," Vy said.
French Geologist r.1ichel Siffren v.iHI say fare\\'ell in about a month to
his wife Nathalie and descend 150 feet into a Texas cave and live alone
for six months. He \Viti study fatigue. sleep. memory and other life
functions. Bald spot on head is shaved for an electrode conaection .
Senate Debate Set on New
* * * Five Am ericans
Effort to Pull Out Gl s
Killed in Viet
In 7-day P eriod
SAIGON (APl -Five Americans were
killed in combat in Vietnam last we~k.
tht lowesl weekly death toll in more than
1ix years, the U.S. Command aMounced
today. ·
The death toll . three less than the week
before, reflected the low level of fllh\Jng
involving American troops aa well as the
continuing withdrawal of U.S. forces
from Vietnam.
The death toll was the lowest since the
first week in August 1965. when three
A m e r i c b n s were killed in action.
Howe ver. the total of Americ an wounded
increased last week to 84. the command
said. A total of 72 wou nded had been
reported the wttk before.
The U.S. Command a1so reported If>
American service men died lasl week of
nonhostile causes, including illness and
accidents. This was five more than the
previous "'eek.
The South Vietnamese com man d
reported 391 of its trl)(lps killed last "'eek
;i nd 91!1 wounded, a mcxlerate increas1>
O\'l'r the previous week's 333 killed 11.nd
87i wounded The i11crca~e "'flS attributed
mostly lo the fighling a!on,g the Cam-
boclian·South Vietnamese border in which
almost no Americbns are involved.
The two allied commands claimed 1.19~
North Vietname~e and Viet Cong killed
hist week , 229 less than the wetk before.
The allied commands now have report-
ed these total casual:1es for !he war:
American -45.577 killed in action ,
302.020 wounded, 9.828 died or nonhosli\e
South Vietnamese -134 ,616 killed in
action. 291.915 wounded.
North Vietname~e and Viet Co ng
T78,2J5 killed .
WASHINGTON IAP) -The Senate is
preparing to debate a new effort to force
U.S. withdrawal from Indoc hina but the
Foreign Relations Committ~ chsinnan
says he doubts President Nixon v.-ill pay
attention even if it passed.
The new propossl. calling for total U.S.
~·ithdrawal within six months and bar-
rin.R: funds except to pull out. was in·
eluded Wednesday by the Foreign Rela-
tions panel In a S3.2-blllion foreign·aid
a.uthoriz.atlon bill. The vole addln,11: it was
11 to 5. Debate will open neii:t week.
The action came as a previous antiwar
amendment with a i;lx-month de11dline
was being considered by Senate-House
Drivers Can
• Blood Pa.r Ul
Persons cited for traffi c offen~e~ in
Favette County may donatt a pint
or .blood to the local blood bank in
li!'u of payinJl a $1 0 rtne.
County JUdjje Rohert Stephe ns
sai d th!.' program i~ lntend.-d I()
reduce tr11ffic :iccident.c; "through
ihl' educational impact of votunt11r"
blood donations to save someone's
An o!her reason L~ to mainla111 tl1e
:t;llpply at the Central Kentueky
Blood Cl'nll"r
The offf'r is oprn only lo thnsr
'.1.'ho intend lo plead guilty In A
rharge punishable hy a $10 11111:
plu~ costs -about !IO per cen1 of thr
J.300 cases 11rre11ring before 11w
coPrf e11ch month.
111e defendnnt is still subiri:-t to a
$18 .50 court cost fe!'
conferet'S working on a military pro-
curernent bill.
Senate v.·ar critics indicated pri\'ately
they might permit passage of the $21 -
bil\ion arms bill , even if the anti'4·ar
amendment by Democratic Leader ~!Ike
~lansfield is diluted. But thev indicated
they would stand firm behind ·the amend·
menl in the foreign-aid bill, even if il
n1eans holding up con,11:ressional ad-
iournment, now set for Dec. I at the
lncon1e Tax Cut
Of $20-30 OK'd
By Senate Unit
\\'ASHJNCT0:--1 ~UPl1 -1'he Sena!~
Finance Committee has agreed to KO
along "'ith the House in culling individual
income laxes for 1971 -about $20 or $3()
for the average f11n1i!y.
1'he comrnittec also t1pprov!'d for floor
8('tinn next v.·et k a pro\'1s1r>n 1n the I-louse
!<1~ bill '.l.'h1ch "'llU!d int•rcnsc the I0'.1.' in·
C'<Jme allo"a11ce for 1!171 from $1 ,050 to
$1.300 Th!' al\n1\•t1nce -a deduction
:i!Jnwcd po\'erty lev!'! families -is
drstgncd to mRkl' crrta1n that r11m ilies
l11·in,g in po1·erty need not pay federal in·
rnn1e t:1 x.
The tax l'lTt and the lo1v income pr~
1·i~1nn, in 11 niove to i:;peed up lheir
p:10:.;::1g1'. 1>.\'re T'f'1no1·cd \\'ed 11e~d11y fron1
a H•1use·p<1s-sed bill extending tor anothrr
,ll'ar p~r1n1~~inn For ser\'ice1nen lo send
hrnn' dLll.Y Jrel' Rills.
1\rli on on the measure is scheduled in
tliP Srnat!' 11fter Congres~ returns from a
!11n.[! Veter11n~ Day W!'ekend. lls approval
is almost certain.
Rains • Ill Texas Subside
• Sto rrn That Pou.nde<l E ntire State Six Die Ul
J{jyttiern C1lllornl1 w11 mos!lv 1vnn1
•"<! 1 ~11 w1rmtr IOCMV w!lll 1v11Y
wl...,1 1w-lnt !r>t mount1fn 1r"1
• l <» Angtlt1 w11 1vnnv 1<>11 "'''"'''
1100 will! 1 "''" f1f 11. TonlfM'1 !lw will N J1, l !1t.! ..,, lrlrl1lfCW1 lflll'TI
...,,,. Wit PttdlW!td,
trot btt(t.• w1rt tunnv IOdl~ will!
!9"'-t !vrtt In "" llw 1'0t. TM
.,..,.., ""'""''ll't 11<11 nw r '°·
Meunt1litt -• wlnd't •nol 111nnv
w!m •11111 In ""' 1111
T"' --11 w1rt ounnv Hl1M f1f 1'0
-flll -• '"".,~"" In 1111 .,._.
tf t•ertl tM IO lltt''' 1tm1Ht t11rn
wt""""" 1111 low v1t11v1.
S-. t.lthi WMne1<11• '"" !Ot H.111 ~lflo1 fOr la•llY 111 ~r 1rr11 w1'1 ~
l-eHcti I0-411, '1n!1 "'onl~ U..
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Kenned y
By British
LONDON (AP) -Sen. Edward M.
Kennedy was branded a "vote-catching
American politician" who is .. prepared to
atoop to the gutter" today by a group of
British pollticlarui angered by his
demands that Britain puU out of Northern
"Such a gross interference in the in·
ternal affairs of a friendly nation, couch-
ed in extreme language, containing
monumental jnaccuracies makes him
totally unfit for the White House," 1aid
the Ulster group of the r u I i n g
Conservative Party's right wing.
The group's chalnnan, John Jackson,
said: "Ulster today ls under attack on all
sides. Even vote-catching Amerlc~n
politicians are prepared to stoop to the
gutter at the eii:pense of Ulster's torment.
"Sen. Kennedy's ill-timed a n d
dangerous remarks about Northern
Ir.eland appear to be the opening of his
campaign to win the Democrat I c
presidential nomination next year.
"Statesmanship and diplomacy do not
come easily to Sen. Kennedy. whose bla·
tant pandering to powerful I r is h .
American moneybags in the Democratic
machine must shock decent American
Sueo Propoted
Egypt 0 Ks U.S.
Suez Mediator
Authoritative diplomatic sources in
Cairo said today Egypt has agreed to an
American suggestion designating a top
State Department official as a go
between ln Egyptian·lsraeli negotiations
for an interim settlement that would
reopen the Suez Canal.
UPI Correspondent Maurice Guindi
said the man proposed for the job is
Joseph ..: , Sisco, Assistant Secretary of
State for Near Eastern Affairs, and one
of the-architects of American ~fiddle
East policy in the Nixon administration.
The diplon1atic sources said Sisco
would act as middle man to negotiate on
the b8!i5 of a six·polnt plan for an in-
terim agreement outlined before !he U.N.
General Assembly by Secretary of State
William P. Rogers.
Rogers said a canal pact would be a
first step toward an over-all settlement.
However, Israeli officials have rejected
parts of the plan called for an Israeli
withdrawal and permitting Egyptians lo
cross the canal after the Israeli pul!back.
\\1ith the negotiationl!'. apparently in lim·
bo al the moment. both Syria and Egypt
have issued warlike statements recently
outlining a tough position against Israel.
On Wednesday, Egyptian Vice Presi·
dent Hussein Shafci said 800,000 Egyptian
troops stand ready to embark on a. "bat·
tie of destiny" by the end of the year to
liberate Arab territories occupied by
Shafei's remarks echoed repeated
statements by President Anwar Sadat
that 1971 is the "decisive }'ear" when the
Middle East conflict will be setlled by
peace or war.
llteanwhile. Jsrarl sat light today
v.·aiting for the next U.S. move in
"1ashington's attempt to break the
negotiating impasse on achieving a
partial Middle East settlement.
Foreign Minister Abba Eban re turned
to Israel Wednesday from talks in New
York with Secretary o( Stale "'illiam P.
Rogers, v.·ho has proposed a sii:-point
"interim settlernent" plan centered
around the reopening of the Suez Canal.
"I understand from Mr. Rogers that
after the talks at the ministerial level
in New York, the U .ii Led States
go1'ernment would let us know how it in·
tends to proceed in this ma1ter," Eban
told newsmen at Lod International
He said Rogers intends to carry on with
his plans e\'en though bolh Israel and
Egypt have taker. exception to some of
the proposals.
Hardy plant specials to
make your garden grow.
ggef Pkg.
Tulip bulb special.
Firebird Parrot and
Orange Parrot varieties.
Seven bulbs in a
package. Plant naw.
plants. Our
entire stock
that includes
many variEti~
are 1111 one low.
tow price.
American Modoc Planter
M ix. 2 cu. ft. bag. Gives
new plants and planting
areea tt\e proper ·
soil mi•turo . 12 9 2aa
Penneys lawn Food.
25 lb. bag. Our own
brand. A great value
for a healthier lawn.
JC Penney
Cyclamen pla nt special.
Hardy plants thal produce
your choice of red or white
blooms. Growing in tour inch
oots. Select several now.
ggcr pkg.
Crocus bulb special.
Choose King o f Striped,
Mammoth Yellow, S~ow
Slorm or Velvet King
varieties. 15 in a
package. Plant now.
1 05
Special. Azalea
plants. Choo&e from
assorted colors, and
plant them in the
shade. Hardy plants
growing in one
. gallon containers.
Kellogg's Nitrohum~
100% natural humus. A
rich organic com post.
Improves soil immediatety.
50 lb. bag. 139
Shop Sunday noon 'to 5 p.m. at the following storea:
Av•il.blo •t the fo llowing store.: NEW PO&T BEACH -F•shion lslend. Chorge it.
Russians at Mt. Vernon?
Pay Bill
WASHINGTON (AP) -The possibility
,ol I.he hammer and aick..le flyinc within
.five miles of George Washlniton'• home
has turned a rl-ai estate deal Into a minor
atonn whose winds have reached the
White House.
At issue ls a 27.ft.acre estate five miles
down the Potomac River from Mt.
Vernon, home of the nation's first presi-
dent. being sought by the Soviet govern-
ment 1.11 a recreational fscility for em-
bassy persoMel and their fam ilies.
The State Department. whic h must ap-
prove private land transactions by a
fnreign government. said Wednesday it is
considering the Soviet purcha se of lhe
\\'ellington estate but ls not at the mo-
ment disposed to approve the deal.
According to Cha rles W. Bray, depart-
ment spokesman. "We have some
rtservstions about the 1;ale of land for
'"Neither do I believe the American
people want the Soviet nag flying on land
adjacent 00 the most haUoy,·ed land of our
The White House had no immediate
The Virginia congressional delegation
protested the proposed deal to Secretary
of State William P. Rogers. The con-
gressmen said they believe "the peop!f' of
Virginia would be particularly incensed
at the thought of Soviet recreational
facilities being utilized so close to George
\YashingUln's shrinf'."
An Arizona broadcast executive m11de
the same point in a different fashion.
Tom Chauncey, president of KOOL
RacOO.Television. Inc .. in Phoen.it said ht
Is negotiating for the same tract.
"I think it is important that we
preserve such property for Americans,"
he said ln an interview.
The United States occupies a 1imllar
but smaller country esta~ 16 mUea from
Moscow for lhe recreatloaal use of em·
bassy personnel. And the Soviets have
such a facility on Long Island, N.Y.
\\'bile Broyhill 1akl he is "penonally
incensed" over "a Russian playground"
nexl door to ML Vernon, officials at Mt.
Vernon didn't appear quite so eoncemed
about their prospective neighbors.
Russian V.N. Mission
WASHINGTON (UPI\ -buildings which have some histcric mean-
Afler 104 years, the House has in~ in this country." OR k d
d'°cidtd what the republic The Wellington e.slate, now owned by a e
owes the people y,•ho Jived in mill ionaire capitalist Malcolm Matheson, by Four Shots
Alaska before it belonged to was once part of the la nd owned by
Russia, America nr anyone WashingUln. The main house on the pro--
else. The bill comes to $925 perty wa s built in 1757 by Washington . found in the college building. Potic:e II.id
million and 40 million acres of It is the historic nature of the $1-million fired through a window of the Soviet the cello case apparently had been used
NEW YORK iUPI) -four shot.s were
land. properly that brought about the con-mission to the United Nations Wednesday to Jmuggle tha rifle Into the building,
For the 55,0000 A I e u l s , trO\'er sy and the White House in-night. The bullets sla mmed into the wall where a musie class was In progres.s at
Eskimoes and Indians still \iv-voh·ement. of a room where four children reportedly the time the shots were fired.
ing in Alaska. that breaks Rep. Joel Broyhill. a Republican whose
doy,·n to about $16,000 and 720 Virginia district includes Mt. Vernon, were sleeping. About five hours after the shooting, an
acres of land each. sent a telegram to Presidf'nt Nixon Police said the shots v.'ere fired from .11 anonymous c.111\er ivho sounded like a
But the payoff, un de r demanding the department be ordered tD 14th floor parapet of Hunter College, 700 young man recited I'll four-line "poem'' to
legislation passed by the House refuse the Russian offer. feet from the !Ith Ooor y,•indow at'lhe UPI over the telephone, The firlit two
Wednesday, will not be as "I can't co n c eiv e of any·• Mission building on east 67th St. They lines were: ·
si mple as that. For one thing circumstances," the congressman told recovered 11 high-powered Remington ''Four shots were fired.
the Senate still must act, and the President, "where the Russian .243-caliber st'miauton1atic r ifle from a More could have been done."
that body is considering ll government would allow this nation to 15th floor alrshaft in the college building. The thi rd line sounded like,
lilightly more generous set-purchase land next door to that of the Four spent shells were found on the ''Free Soviet Zionists,'' and the fourth
Uement -$1 billion and 50 fathe~ of their country. parapet and a black cello case also was lin e was, ''And Never Again."
million acres of land. :!:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ l-*~~i~~~~~~:!~~~~~~~~*I And the House measul"f! pro-* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
vides that the money would lo'(O MERCURY SAVINGS ;oto ,.,;,. oo•pornlioo< io
\'>'hich each native would be
given a share of stock that
could not be sold for 20 years.
The land would be selected
on a village, rather than in -
dividual basis.
New Disorders
:P.fEMPHIS (AP \ -Arson,
brick-thtoY.i ng and sporadic
gunfirf' spread through sec-
tions of the city a~ ?i.1emphis
experienced a second night of
vio!,nce Wedn,sday.
\' • Open Mon.-Thurs. 91.m • ..( p.m.; Fri. 91.m.-6 P·"'-
BUENA PARK M"'ury S,,;ogs B~g .. V1lliyV•w at Lincoln
HUNTINGTON BEACH Mercury S..ings B~r .. Edilpr at-h
TUSTIN M"""Y S..iots Bldg,. lrtlne Biid. at H'"i'Ort ""-
The mtemationalist.A suit for the
man who's going places. Styling,
new as naw. At home euytilue, any-
where with wide lepels and stillle
shaping. fl'Clll a colecllon of
models wl'1 dietlnctive poc;bt
1tee111M1111& Choosemlpes, hei1•1g-
bo11es, plaids, c:heclls In pilre
wool WIAIGkd&Or ,_ l9ICIUSI !able -p:IJ All nbllllB lcnlls.
Halt Schalll• l Ml!x
-~ 1"e Au,.,,..,
...... *1.
T1rnrsd1y, Dctobtr tl, lm
Proportioned .pants!
; '
Now ... a polyester pant
to fit your height, too!
Excit ing sire difference! Wards 100'/o polyester pants are
not only proportioned to fit your hips , but your height, tool
Easy stra ight-leg styl in g; designed for perfect fit. Pick
petite, average or tall misses sizes. lush colors in easy wear,
eosy care fabric that you machine wash and dri p dryl
Petite 8-16; Average 10-20; Toll 12-20 .
Shop Mon-Sat 'Ill 9:00. Sun 12·5PM
L..A ClllNIGA ...... ono.,e e36-7~22 TOltltANCE ........... O"'Of'I• 542-697 l !""ULLll"TON .... ONl>'"lfl 71 4·879-2!>00 NORWALK onone 868-09 11
SANTA ANA -o~e !>47-6.!!Jd \ HUNTINGTON BEACH O"'O'"'e 714-892-6611
ll"ANORAMA CITY. Cl'°'°"& S9A-821 L VENTU~A 'ot">one• 48!>-5421 • 642· 754 1
ROSEMf:AO ot-1one 573-3 1 !O 'CANOG>. P'ARt(.... l)h()t'le 883-1000
COVINA l'l~ 966-7'1 J.'
/ •
' J
' .
School Growing Pains
Everyone. it seems, is I.akin& pot.shots at the San
Joaquin Eltmentary School Diltrict board and admini,1-
tratioo. But the plight of this district bas implication1
for many other district& in the county.
\Vitb 3,000 students on double sessions and a pro·
jected shortage of 8.5 school! in the nei:t two yean, It LI
possible ihe district deserves some blame. Yet, when tt
is understood that the state's fast.est-growing diltrict h11
jumped from a one-school to. 15-school district. with an
enrollment of nearly 10,000 in just 10 years. the prob-
lem eallis some understanding.
The problem is simply &tated; There are too many
children for the classrooms that have been built or are
under construction.
Solutions are not as easy u · some land developeis,
planning commissions and budding politi'coa pretend to
believe. '·
Encouraging it is to hear developer• come forward
with possible financial help. After all, without good
schools, hpw can the homes be 1 good value? .
But, as the district has suggested, everyone, plan·
ners, developers, parents, and the state, must cooper·
ate if students are to be served.
L WV's Great Service
\Vith government at all levels growing ever more
complex along with the society•it serVes, it has become
increasingly difficult for the average voter to be well
informed on candidates and i.ssues.
The League.of Women Voters (LWV) has long stood
out as a very effective group in answering the commun·
ications challenge. l t has served both men and women in
iU nonpartisan orgaJ)izing of candidate forums, by pre-'
Attitudes of
A Genuine
What is the difference ~tween
"conservatism" and ''reaction"? I
suspect that many persons who call
themselves "con-
servatives" are rt.al-
ly reactionaries and
don't know it.
I was ttminded of
this by a letter from
a suburban lady who
wrote that she won-
ders "if Abe Lincoln
had been able as a
youn1ster to lean on
such wordJ as 'disadvantaged' and un·
derprivileged,' would he have done as
well ?" She imagineJ she is expressine
a "conservative'' position, but it is really
a reactionary one. In the first place, the
poverty of Abe Lincoln was nothing like
the poverty in the modem urban slum.
He was underprivileged rcononiically,
but not culturally and socially as well.
1N THE SECOND place. we don't know
what anguish Lincoln might have avoided
in later life if his early years had not
been so bieak and hard , or how much
more he might have aceompUshed in his
personal life. wh..ich wag not successful.
In the third place, the assumption that
being "disadvantaged" and "un-
derprivlleged" somehow builds character
and enabl es us to triumph over adversity
is not borne out by the very people who
utter this cliche. For they give their own
children the bf.st advantages, send them
to the finest schools. and use their con·
nectloru; to the. utmost.
NOW A GENUlNE c&nservative lt. one
"·ho '11.·an ts to conserve the ~sl that we.
have: that is, he does not want us tn
squander our resources. But the moot
precious resources of any country are the
Con.sidtring what went m tn the
streets of Pittsburgh after tJle
World Series win, perhapi . ha-.
ball's claim lo ~ing Arbeftea'1
favorite pastime is ~. longWr
valid. ...~ ..
~A. R. V.
TMt fulUN rt n.tTI ruftn' Yltn. •I
ftHltMlr11'1' ftl&tl 11 1111 --· ......
r1ur ...,1 ,..,.., "' GIM1nr Ott., 1u.i1r ,llM.
' brain! and talents of the youn1er 1enera·
lion. It i! abaolut.e.ly essential lh1t they
be utiliud to the fullest. True ·con-
aervatilm would demand that every chlld
be given 'the kind o'f educ,atlon and e.n·
vironme nt that wouJd aummon up hi• full
capacities. It would be shocked at the
thought th&t millions of youngsters have
practically no chance to demonstrat1
what they could do under optimum con·
ditions, and that millioru of otber1 fritter
away their advanta1e5.
THE REACTIONARY p!ajtion .:...which
is often confused with·conservaUsm -is
indifferent w this squandering Of. natural
resources. It confuses an economic and
social elite -whlch ts one main ly by
chance and accident -with an elite of
character and intelligence. It wanU only
to keep what It has, and tn get more.
rather than to spreaC the opportunities on
the widest possible base..
If unde.rprivUege were such a bli ssing,
there would not be only one Lincoln for a
million semiliterates and unemployables ;
if it were so good for the souJ, the
suburban lady would sell her house and
rear her children in the slu ms . But of
course she won't: disadvant.ag~s are
"good" oniy for the. &re.at, the dead , and
the \"try remote.
Sel ections from Mr. Harris' l.attst
coUections of column.s in book form.
"Leaving the Surface," ar t being rl!-
printed whd.e he ts on vacation .
Welch , Roth and Nixon
Ca.Ufon1a Feature Service
"Camon to the right of them, Cannon to
the left of them .... "
TeMyson might have writlA!n those
lines for Richard Nixon, in.stead of the
legendary siI hundred .
On the Rleht, Ro~rt Welch, found ing
leader crf the John Birch Society, find hls
shells at tM Pttsident in a newsletter
claiming Nixon wants to become Chief
Executive of the World.
On the Left, Philip Roth. ~·hose mm;t
recent claim to fame was authorship of
that gaudy novel about a very personal
ldiosyncrecy, "Portnoy·s Complaint," ha1
wr:iUe:n a &Btiricol blast at a U.S. Pres!··
dint. tblnly dilia:Wsed as Trick E. Dixon.
Wl'J.Cll BU llAD quite a brainstorm. Ii his pamphlet he 1ay1 :
"Tbt record seems to me to indicate
qult.t. clearly th1t. s!nce st lea1t 19&0.
Richard Nl'lon has had the. all.pervading
ambUioP and the unshakable determina·
lion to .UK lhe. presidency of the United
Stales as a stepping ttone from which '°
btcome the flr1t ruler of thl: worl d."
Weldl ml.ket: It clear th1t such a goal
couJd•be achieved only by COflllltllt of the
~·II movement.
~ '
,.. Dkkll-••. r. llllerlor de1lper
-''!Jelance tJ ..U-u1urance. in one
Hl'IM 111111 notldnc: la u e11ily •potted as
tf you will stop laughing for just a
moment, here i! \Velch's rationai,:
"THIS BELIEF INCLUD~ the turthf.r
opinion that Nixon knows any such posi·
tion can ol\ly be achieved with the ap-
proval and support of the Communist
movement Uld of the inslder1 who control
it. Ab6, I believe he realizes, e1pects and
intends this role ... wW and must rapidly
evolve into an absolute C.Ommunist·style
Graciously, Welch does not accuse. tbe
President "of any specific crimes, but Of
the broad sin of overweening and ruthles1
am.bi.lion." Aa evidence ht points to Nix-
on's upcoming: visit to Peking, his
monetary policy, aQcl the-1ippolntment of
"ltn wlngen" 1.Uch • a1 ·Burier and
Blackmun ?) to his admlnlatratio.,
Quit gtglini, Alger Hlas!
AS TO TRP.: GJ\IPF..5 of Roth, the new
novel soon tn be published la titled : "Our
Gang. Starring Tricky and Hl1 Fri~nds."
Advanct reporlJI from the publisher say
I.be central ch•racter, President Trict E.
Dlxon, pmmlses complete withdrawal of
Vietnamese frtMn Vletnam Jn 19n: ln-
vadtis Denmark because of it1 "pro-
pornocrapby" 1t1nd; mffb with advt1en
dreued In football unlfonm In an un-
dfrground locker room at the White
Hoose: condones Uie poison gassing of
demonstrating Boy Scouts; •nd lnsUlults
a program under which aentenctni for
O'imes is immediate.
All of which pull Richard NI.Jon
aquartly in the middle.. mainltre•m.
Sn wbai else. l! ne w?
se0Un1, after thorough study, the arguments }9r and
against ballot measures.
Taken &lJ together, L\VV's activities including it.a
publications add up to a fir.st rate postgraduate courlie
m civics. Although members Jive freely ~f the~r ~me and
talenLs, it costs money to pnnt and mail their infonna·
live literature.
This is LWV's fund-raising week . A contribution
to this group's meager treasury will get maximum mile-
age toward a better informed electorate and hence bet·
ter government.
Refusal to Face VD Facts
A house is on fire and both Governor Reagan and
Orange County's Assemblyman Robert H. Burke would
uae a water pistol to put it out.
The (ire is the rampaging venereal disease epi·
demic, now grown to pandemic proportions throughout
Under present Jaw, health and hygiene teachers
are afraid they'll lose their credentials il they talk about
VD to their students. The law prohibits required at•
tendance in courses where the human reproductive or·
gans are discussed without specific parental consent.
Reagan vetoed a bill to repeal this restriction , say·
ing he wanted the parental ·prerogative man~ained. (As
one newspaper commented, "Now. if Reagan could only
arrange things so that kids wouldn't catch 311y or their
diseases witho1.,1t their parents' consent .•. ")
Now on the governor's desk for signature is a bill
by Assemblyman Burke. It would "make available on
request" information about VD through drug and iiquor
It is hard to conceive of a less effective means of
attacking suCh a monumerita.l problem. The go vernor's
veto should be over·ridden and the Burke bill forgotten.
Fire and Clout Behind Threat to Slash F u nds
Congress Angered at United Nations
WASHINGTON -Two lllfli·ltanding
grievances are p>Werfully compounding
the widespread Congreaional arcer at
the United Nationa over the dire-possibili-
ty Nationalist Chiila may~ booted out.
The openly-voiced bipartisan threat lo
&lash United Nations
/undJ in retaliatien
is very ttal. The.re
is a lot of fire ~hind
that smoke. Not DrJIY
is there extensive
!lf;lltiment ~or doing
that, but the: leaders
U:ateJy mean it and
haVe the legislative
dout to do it.
:Potently reinforcing" this wrathy in-
tention are the two long-standing
rtsen lments against the United Nation~:
(l) THE U.S. PUTS UP the bulk or
UN fund s. This share amounts to 32.52
percent, according to one basis of reckon-
ing. and more than 50 percent according
to another. This year'1 UN budget totals
That includes an 8 percent pay hik'
voted tn UN employes that is costing U.S.
taxpayers Sl.5 million. The total raist
was $.S,034 ,000.
(2) Default..s and arrears h1 UN dues
and other payment.11 now exceed $190
million. Many of the countries that !UJr
ported the pay incre11.se are in debt to the
UN -in a number of instances running
into millions of dollars.
Foremost among the natioru; in default
(on the ba.i;is of latest available official
figures l are:
Russia, SM .530.882: France, $21.32£.,662;
Ukraine. f.10,363,001: Poland. 16.693.692;
of the clamor for admitting Peking and
, i unseating Taiwan.
Ciec.hoslovakia; '5,BIM,952 ; Hungar y ,
$2,896,995 ; Ar.g1ntina. $2,1 57,878 : South
Africa. · Sl.BM.T.35 ; Mexico, Sl.64 1.410;
Rum 11.ni1o·, Sl,&13,322 ; Bulgaria. $783,074.
SEVEN OF THESE 11 leading fund-OW·
lng countries are Communist ruled.
All are among the most persistent and
rancorous denouncer1 of the U.S.
Secrelary Genera1 U Thant, who
1ometime11 has difficulty masking his
anti-U.S. bias, gels '50,000 salary, tax-
fr~. plus $$22,SOO 1o-ca1Jed "represen-
tation allowance" and another $12,000 11s
i'post adjustment allowance.'' Jn ad·
dition. he is furnished 1 residence in a
fashionable section and a chauffeured
If Nationalist China is expelled from
the UN, that is virtullly certain to have
highl y adverse effect on the pending
multi-billion dollar foreign aid legislation.
TIDS PROGRAM already is widely un·
popular in Congress. In the past several
~·cars, its budget narrowly squeaked
through the. Hou.lie. It wouldn't take more
than a handful of votes to kill it.
Seating Communisl Peklng while axing
Nationalist Taiwan could produce them.
Bipartisan feeling is that strong .
A key reason for this seething
Congressional anger is tha t the chief
beneficiaries of the tens of billions the
U.S. has ladled out in foreign aid are the
undev~oped countries -in the forefront
The fateful rollcaJl will be lntenUy
scrutinized on Capitol Hill.
It may well determine not only the
future of the United Nations but also the
U.S. foreign aid program.
IT'S NOT GENERALLY recogn ized,
b\lt Congress has already turned off the
spigot on two United Nations multi-
million dollar projects this year.
One was a $20 million contribution for
the erection of an additional $80 million
UN building in New York City: the other
$7.816 million in dues for the Inlerna·
tional Labor Organization , a L'N agency
with headquarters in Geneva.
The State Department <>i,1:n rously ad-
vocated both outlays. But they were kill·
ed in the House -chiefly by Rep. John
Rooney (D-N.Y.), chairman of the Ap·
propriations subcommittee in charge of
the State Department budget. He refused
to in ch1de money fnr these purposes, and
the House backed him.
He was forcefully supported by Rep.
H.R. Gross. Iowa. veteran eronnmy
champi on and a ranking Republican
rocmber of the Foreign Affairs Com~
ROONEY ASSAlLEO \'Oting a grar.I tn
the n.o on th e grou nd U.S. labor is hi~ly
critical of it because of Ru ssian domma·
tion . He stressed he does not favor quit·
ting the lLO , but giving it a dose of the
same medicine. it constantly gets from
the Soviet bloc -being in arrears in
;'Maybe it we cut off !LO fund s for a
couple of ye ars, as the Russians do,"
Rooney told the Hn11se, "\ve 1night get
romething out of th is org anization. Let
lhem find out that we do have some say
as to what goes on in the ILO. \Ve ought
tn. \Ve contribu!e most of the money -
approximately 25 pe rcenl of its $31.265
1ni)lion budget.''
The House heartily agreed \\'ilh
The ILO claims a membership of 121
countries. Russia is supposed lo pay
~-1 2.)7 million -10.45 percent or the
budget. But characteristically. it's in ar·
rears more than thaL
posed S20 million grflnt for a new UN
bu~ding as misleading. He charged the
<ictual amount the U.S. \VOU!d put up J:i
$51 million of the ~80 million .struc ture.
.. Dnn't leL anyone tell you." Gros~
declared. "that the propos ed $20 mil!ion
onlribulion is all the money invoh•cd . It
i;n"l even a third of what Ameri can ta x·
payers \\•ill \Vind up pa,ving for this lux-
urious addition Ill th e UN. Through
\'arious 01.hcr ch:innC'ls, the actual U.S.
total will rome lo S64 million."
\Vhereupon, tht> House ki llcrt that item .
The Senate restored ho!h. hut the
House stood pill and in the enrl 11·on out.
\Vith Rooney keeping a watchful eye on
both proposals lo make certain they are
nnt quietly revived in a supplemental
budget request , he h,Js rccl'ived State
Department as st1r ances !hat 1von't be al·
tempted. The Departn1ent is throv•ing in
the towel.
\Vit.h good rea~nn. A rPqut·i..l fr"lr surr-
ple.mcn!al fun ds \l'r:iuld be handled by
Rooney's C'flmmiltee -and that l\'Ould be
the end of it.
U.S. Departs From Postwar Role
WASHINGTON -In his memoirs of
!he presidency Lyndon B. Johnson el~
quently reasserts the common wisdom of
the World War JI generation of leaders
that where aggression occ:urs, It mutt be
put down or contained. otherwise I I ·
gression will 1pread
and acce.lerate unti l
it threatens the safe-
ty of the free world.
Hitler and Stalin
taught the world
This ls the as·
1 umptlon upon
w h i c h American
policy through five
presidents, from Roosevelt through John-
son, has been based. lt Is now under
ae rk>us challenge as an over-Inflated
coocept no longer pertinent and, in any
cue. beyond the capabUity of the Unit-
ed States to Implement.
On the faet1 of events, it can be argued
that President Nixon is deflaUna this
World War It concept while using its
rhctpric to jusuty a reduc.M role by the
Urdt~ St1Ul1 In world affain. The Ni1on
doctrine, it can be argued, la not only a
"lowered pro!ile" but a withdrawal lrom
primuy Ame~an responsibility. Tbe
withdrawal ,ftom Vietnam, however
dlsgulled ,11 "Vietnam lzation.'' i1 a
withdrawa1 and acknowledgement of
tbe nation into what am~ts to a mod-
tfled form of isol ationism wblle pr!).
ftning 111 the while that he ls dolr11
nothing of the kind and Isolation must be
avoided at all ·costs.
There ls enough plausibility in this
argument tn ,ive it academic standlng,
or enouah, at ieast. to that Walttt Upp.
marin in a /recent lnte.rvtew can a~
provingly call NIJon a "great'denator" o£
unfulfillable America n commitment~ -
arriving at the deftatlon by roundabout
met.hods dictated by neeeMlty If not pro-
feMed in advanct.
other evmtl thin the Vietnam
withdrawal, the reversed Qllna policy
and the new approach to Russia ctn be
Bii Geo,..e -------~
Dear George
J Ilk• to be by m,,,~r • Jot and my wUe keeps after me to join
somethiJ1g. allhough J.reaJly hate to
I~ to meetlng1 and all that slu!f.
Who Is right -my wlfe, 1ayina I
need more activity, or me , Prefer·
rlng to stay a loner~
~ar S. P.
I hi''' t.hc. Ideal coniprnmi!e
solutioc. Join my club. called "A."
It st.ands for "AMnymous." You
get • mr:mber!ihlp c1rd with the:
name left blank. Tbtrt Is a phone
number on the card . Any Um!
you're tempted tit go lo 1 club
meeting. YoU call that number and
nobody answers.
Dear G!Qrge
t have heard that dogs eat gras5
when lhey are W. What d~s this do
for them ? B.E.
Dear B.E.:
II get~ them bu.sttd. ii the na rcs
find out aboat it, thal"s what It
cited in this connection. American in·
de.pendenct in moneta ry mat.t.ers, foreign
ald and foreign trade suggest a l30 a
depan.ure from the post-war role <is finan-
cier and protector of the free world and
its friends.
l\fORE THAN ORDIN.ARY foresight is
requ ired to he certain wher' these
radical depar!ures will end, an~ that is
certainly no t the purpose hert. ll is
eRll!lgh to knO\\' that \Vhat l'fixon ls
doing, as well as some of the thi 11gs he is
saying. are profoundly different irom the
common wisdo m uttered by former
President Johnson in his memoirs.
Johnson woulcl not agree wit~' th is Rnd
would say th at he sought to end the Viet-
nam War. buil d bridges to Oiina and
Russia end create a world al peace. Nor
would Nixon be likely to disagree w!lh
Johnson 's recilal of the American ex·
perience from the 1930s which created a
post.war consensus on prompt 11nd firm
re1istance of aggression and led us.Jin.
uorably into the jungles of Vietnam.
Nlion and Johnson are or _.the same
generation, Influenced by tlie s<ime
events. They Served in the same war and
80 far as the world is concerned thought
much the same thoughts. Their poliqeal
experience had many point.I or similarity
despite their strong partisan differences.
American commitment against Com·
munisl aggression. They miji!hl ha\•e dif-
fered on internal communism but not on
lhe external thre.11t. They viewed the
Vietnam War Jn much the same: way.
It fell to the ll>l of one of them to carry
out thr. Ct'.lmmitment tagAinsl aggres sinn.
Rnd I.he other ls liQUidRting that COTTI·
mltment. Nol only is he Uriuldatlng one
commitment but he is moving into new
area~ formerly off limit,~ in the era of
confrontation with C'otnmuni1;m.
This illu/reat <h•nge from
the post.war psychnloav outlined by
Johnson 1n his n1r-mri1rs 11 h1ch v.·as
shared by N1xo11, and wh ch. !•1 e oirta1n
extent, Nixon becomes l11e sixth Prcsi·
dent. lo espouse.
NIXON 'S AOllERENCE to posl -war
concepts in general princi ple .se•s him
apart from most of \he Den1ocral1c
presidential candid;ites \Vho would unseat
him. But 1\·hat he !!l dn1ng unneri-e.s and
baffles them becaullf! it is as ~nurh as
they cot1Jd expect to dn themsell es if any
of !hem was PrC'sirlenl
It v.·ou ld bt• ~ratifying In be able to
dra w some-1Jlurninat1ng cnncJ 115io111 from
all !his. There is n sen~e of historic
change in the !ra n~it1on from :he John.son
of 1953-68 to the Npcon of 1911.
But is hard to ht>lieve that this Is th!!
kinrl nl chant:e \\'hlrh \l"ilt endure long
enough to satisfy the Rdvocates of ttle
new isolat1on1sm
l<obert N. lVt rd. Publish(r·
Thomn.i: r>11rvH, Editor
• ..\1/Jrrt \V. Bot.es
Ed1tonal J'uge Editor
Thro l'dllnri~I 1·a~~ oir thc-Daily
Pilnt ,..,.rk~ 1 , 1nJ 1,rn1 ;r.nr\ &llm11•' .. l11tn 1·•·~rtr-r.{ hy 11rrst'ntint: ttl15
"""~l''f'' 1 ·:. 1•11nh111.~ and com• m1•nt1 rr "" l1'f11r' tJr inlrrri l 11.id
f lcn\11c1un• hy p1nv1d1n'-a fcirum fnr th,. "'i'',.'•l••n flf nur ,.,.,.d,.r~·
.,pln1""'· ;tl1•t hy pr,."'rn\1n::: 1hc-d 11 •·r•"\1~11 rir.1n1.~ nf 1nforn1rrl ob·
'''r1•1 .,r,d •l'"'k"'01"1'l (In t9plcs ('! \ho< ·h·.
Thursd ay. Oct obe ~ 21 , 1971
TI111M1y, Dttobtf n . i m OA!LV 'ILllT J
OCC to Off er 'Midmester' Courses :for the First Time
Of tM 01llY ~1111 '1•11
Orange Coast College's dean
of instruction hasn't seen
manY strapping youths !e2.ve
his campus in June to gather
the harvest.
Yet, says Dr. James S.
Fitzgerald \he co l leg e
registration syste1n has for
centuries continued scheduling
classes in order to pro\•ide a
sum iner off for lending crops.
For sorne 11me now, the
practice of starting school Jn
September and again i n
February Lo accommodate the
harvest anachronism h a s
perplexed Fitzgerald and
other educat ors.
So, beginnin~ Nov l5,
Orange Coast "'i11 takr a giant
step toward cha nging the
semester package of in·
struction by offering a wide
range of'' mid m e ster ''
The midmester offerings. to
be available only on the Costa
l\lesa campus, a re expected to
make room for 200 new
students and allow continuing
students to arrange classes to
replace ones they've dropped.
In about two min utes flat
this week, Dr. Fitzgerald sket-
ched ou t a full !oad class
schedule that rould be a prac-
tical reality for a returning
\'eleran. or a student who mis-
sed fall registration.
By combining the miracles
of the computer age with a
forward looking f a c u I t y ,
Orange Coast College I s
prepared to offer courses that
begin Nov . IS and run across
the traditional semester boun·
dary line and enci during the
mldqJe of the spring seine.st er.
More than that. some in-
structors ha ve spli t the usual
l8·week courses into smaller
• • I e ss-than-semester-length "
c I a s s e s . The shorter term
units of learning carry credits
varying from three-quarters to
two uriits each.
For example, a four-unit ac-
counting class that formerly
required 11 .... ·eeks of rontinued
study by a student. is now of·
fered In four, one-unit class
sections that meet for four
and a half weeks.
f or the late starter who
v.·ants to study accounting, the
smaller unit course offering
means he can pick up the ac-
counting course at either the
second unit level or start near-
ly. five weeks late, at the
beginning level of course con·
The "system designed to
destroy the system," a s
Fitzgerald calls it, has an ad-
ded advantage to the studen t
who signed up for more than
he could handle at the begin-
ning of the fall semester.
In the past if a student finds
he's bit!en off more than he
could chew, he merely drop-
ped a course. That frequently
meant he waited a n o t h e r
semester, or in some cases. students who move -from one ma ke Jt easy for 1 student IO counting, Englistrcomposlllon, classes and laboca.tor!es Iea v. service I wanted to gel into
another year, for a lower \eve! course to another 11:1 their -round out hls schedule. Spanish ·and western il'¥illu · 1ag adequate time lo sludy in school in a hurry. But, J wa1
course more suited to hls personal schedules and. in-The example sii.etched by tfori . · . • ,the library. discharged on Oct. 15, a mon th
abilities, Fitzge rald said. clinations demand and can Dean Fitzgerald fo r th e TI\at's a menu of courses -Such a class load would re-after classes begal) at Orang•
"Under the new non-system, keep track of decimalir.ed hypothetical student who typical o! a be g In n In g quire the hypolhetical student Coast," he recalled. "That
Qe can enroU in midmester In course credits earned , might enroll Nov. 15 would freshmen and could be varied to stay on campus Wllil 5:30 1neant I had lo take a full time
a course that suits his Fitzgerald l'tlntends. as!Ute hln1 or·a convenient, 13-iby -cirok:es of eta~~ tha t p.m. just· one day· a week. -job. knowing I wookl quit It
capability perfectly. or drop As more and more faculty credll hour program with begin at earlier hours or meet .Tuesday. Y:hen l could register for
back and begi n again with a beC<1me interested in the idc·a·, room for any cf a dozen later in the day or .e".en ill F'iliGerald ,. ii native o( classes in February."
fresh outlook fur the Orange Co11st can· add a ""Jllternate .tw'Q-credit courses. evening cellege. Alhambra and graduate of ffe believes that the 200
matcriilL" greater variety of classes 't ha t The mldmester beginner could It is also a schedule that fits USC, admits he ·had some sp~es opening at Orange
This advantage of the short begin and end at times wh ich take physical science, ac-nict ly into an 8 a.m. l-0 1 p.rn. pe:r.sooal motiyaUon. to develop Coast this Nov. 15 may be just
course program makes possi· time block, five days-a week the plan. . wha l some returning veteran
ble a sayi_ng of student. fa.eu~ty • ..,,~ .. ~~=::'"'~)"'l=~~:=::~~. ~"~~~·;x>;·~·~·!·~· ;·:, :··~·;·:·;·~·~·;<:: .. ~:,=~·liiwlit~hJ· sec•;tt:er~i~ngE·~,51 ~·irt~·~'"i°'~"i:~"IW:h~·~n~l~re:_ t~"~'"~~I!~":'tm~tb%.~lml'IYr·~'"~t~. ~::::: and fac1!1ty waste tbat is 1n-
~~~~~;c~ th• str ict "'"'~" Men in Service
"A teacher might sign up 40
students under the semester rr-c ~~-=---....:mr1"'.C0:::".ll""""""""""""I system. By midlerrn, five' or""""""' . . six of the se 0,av hai'e droppffi U.S. Air Force Chief t.taster superintendent "'ilh a unit of
and by the end .of the tl'rm the Sergeant ArJhur \Y •. Df. Ba~n . the Pacific Air Forces. Before
class might number only 28 or son of t<.trs .. Dorothy_ B. Lee of his arriVal in Thailarid, tre
JO," the dean said. Ocea~ Boulevard. Corona del ser\•ed at the LIS AF r-.·lar. 1s on duly at Koral Royal Recruiting Service. Randolph
"By splitting the cou rse con-Thai AFB . Thailand. AFB . '.J'tx. He was assigned to
tent into sn1aller units, lhe Se "-B ls d" the Pacific Theater of O""ra-teacher can attract students to rgeant ue aun a ra lO ,,~ and televisio n p r od u c l i o n tions during \Vorld War II.
replace those who've droppedl;:======'================:;ll n1eaning faculty time and
classroom space is more ruUy
utilized without spe nd ing a
penny more," he said.
Fitzgerald envisions . l he
Nov: IS enroll ment just the j
beginn ing of·what may even-
tually hecome a year-round !
registration where stude nts!
could enroll in a c o mplete
course schedule "every l\Ion-
day morning." I
Computers can easily ac-
complish complex room and I
cla ss scheduling, keep track of
Come to this Christian Science Lectvre
"A IASIS fOl J.USTICI" : " \ ALAIST!R O, !l.M!T H:c .s.1.
l'ltto .... Y, l)CTOl!lf n ; ,,DO ,.M.
lST t HUlftH 01' t H!1:1ST. S(l!NTIST
'Adil,11' fl11 ln1tllultd 1 r1voluU0111ry·Mw ld11 In sptrts shoes wit h th• 'Shootin( Sbr'-the only b1sk1tNll
11!11 will! v1nti lat1d ny!tn upp111 tllat 1ll1w p1ttplr1tl1n to evaparalt. Wb!l1 u11p1r1 wllh t~rttl 'Adid11' blldi
s1rip1s •. Jle1I, 1c~llltl ~11~n ind 1nkl1 1r1 'So~rtltct' p1dded !or comfort 1nd 1ur1 lil Vulc11lz1d ~bbtr 11111.
7 99, ·a.os . -. . ,, .....
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Jtrt. 1111-lliJ riJJ!' Jilt. l ulb r IOI CIJ for IO"flr •ur.
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17.99 22.DD
''' ,ubty It• ctr! tJJtrt. SllJ·Jrttl .. IU•tl 1t1•t tt Hltl •
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"""' .... ., .. l ... iUl!i, MIL •tH JU ttCllf.
CDr.,•r 8roolchurst
' .
l ' I
. . -
lleagan Blamed \
No Tax Relief Ordinance
Di scarded
For Landowners SAN FRANCISCO r UPI ) -
The California Supreme Court
has struck down a
SACRAt.1 E~TO (t:Pl \ -Ltgi!lativt
l!.ldtrs today pronounctd the death of
property tax rr hel for the 1971 stss1on,
ackn~·Jedging 1t 1s far tougher to change
the tax system th11n to control Wl!'lfare .
"All you have in welfare reform is !he
Uupayers vs. the poor.·· shrugg~ one
veteran Repubhcan Tax reform. he ad-
ded, p!t..s the taxpayers against each
With the legislalurt·s killing \\'ed-
nesdly of two m11jor property 111..1 relief
bills -one spon!!Ored by Democrat! and
IM other by Republicans -welfa re
reform remain~ the: 1971 ~ssion's ma,or
ll appeared certain the legislature
aga in y,·ould fa il to provide the prpperty
ta.1 relief both polilica! pa.rties have bttn
promising voters sin~ 1964.
"For the last seven years you've been
1oing to the people or this stale te.lling
5-Death Trial
Jury Impaneled
REDWOOD CITY (UPI l -A jury of
eighl women and four men wa.~ selected
WedneMJay in the murder trial of John
Linley Fr11zier. a high school dropout
charged wit~ the '"'imming pool slayings
of five persons 11t a Santa Cruz mansion.
Seltclion of three alternative jurors
preceded the opening arguments today
a gainst the 2£.year-old former auto
mecha nic wh o quit his job and his "'ife to
live "hippie·slyle"' in the Santa Cruz hills.
During questioning of prospectil'e
Jurors, defense attorney Jamel! Jackson
indicated that Frazier may not testify
during: the trial and mlly not pre5ent any
lhem how you're going to Sacramento Thousand 0 a ks anli·litter
and do 500ltthing about property tax ordinance on ground!! lt in·
relief,'' Assembly Speaker Bob Moretti lerfered with First Amend·
(0.Van NuysJ, admonished hi$ colleagues ~"Jct& •f. n1ent rights of free speech and
during floor dehate. ,, ... ,~ free press.
"\\'ell, you lied . YC>U know who you are , CA[J. FO' Au&~~!.:~. The court, in a 5·2 decision,
protecting. You're protecting !he people ' ·..,. ... llftllt. --overturned the Ventura Coun·
who gave you the big campaign con· • ..::·-·-·--.-. ___ _____,,___ ty city's ordinance which pro·
lribuhon.a , . , !he banks. the ('Or· poralions, the oil companie..s and the hib1ted th!! delivery o I
tremtndously wf'althy.'' L pJ d pamphlets or other materials
Morelti's angriest worcll \\''ere reserved 3 \\'yer ea S to homes "'1 thout pr io r
for the man he hopes someday lo suc· permission from t h e oc·
ceed. To Save Wa•con cupants. "There is only ooe man killing tax • ~ The maojrity decision, "Tit·
relief in this legislature today and that ten by Justice ~1alhew o
man is C.ov. Ronald Rtagan," the For Bra1"n Study Tobriner. said the Ja w should
Democrat charged. have been written .. lo aim
Senate Leader James B .. r.tdls I D·San 0 · l l te told "th t LOS A\ .. GELES (U PI) -The dere"c... specifically at those ""'ho litter iego . a r a newsn1an e mOl!I """"" rather than broadly curtailing
we now could pa!i!! would be enough to attorney for convicted murderer Charles p er son.to-person, house·lO·
cover the budget deficit -and \.\'e might "TelC·• \Vat son asked the jury deciding house dislributlon of "Titten
nnt be able to do that." his fa1e \\'ednesdav. to sr,are the Manson ,;;;;;;m;;';;'';;,;;;a;;ls;;.';;' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_,! Both legislati~·e houses figured in
Wednesday's doubleheader tax kilting. cull member's life, saying ''Tex should
In the mo6l dramatic action, Assembly be studied, he shouldn't be killed."
Republicans voted in a bloc against a $1.1 '"ls there some moostrous equation
billion Democra"t plan. The bill needed ~• wh ich req111res that t\\'O \\'Tongs make a votes -a two-thi rds majority -for
pass;,ge. It went down to defeat 37.27 in righ1.?" asked attorney Max\\•ell Keith.
Lhe Legislature's first major floor fight of "If anvone should die let (Charles)
the session over taxes. ~lanson die, not th is poor puppet "'ho was
Later. the Se nate Revenue and Tax-his roDot.,. his slave."
alion Committee rejected by one vote a Keith said that in future years medical
SI billion lax AA.ift program carried with science may find more defin ite ways of
Reagan's blessing by Sen~te Republican brain examination "'hich would prove that
caucus chairman John L. Harmer of Watson was insane during the seven
Glendale. Tale·LaBianca murders in 1969. Watson
Assemblyman William T. Bagley (R· pleaded innocent and innocent by reason
San Rafael), announced he will ask the of insanity. His defense was built on the
same senal!! committee next Wednesday contention he \\'as only a zombie carrying
jewels by jo•eph
searches for jewels
Con.,orl unwonl1d l•wtlry to lmmH I·
•It t••h by 1111 If • llrm wll• .. know1..i,1, 1•,..r1i11, tnd inte9r!IV
t Ullr• yeu c•rt'lul tY1tu1tlon ti hi· ••v• m•rli .. "•lu•.
W• will be ,1101..i It •••miM \'O<lr 11m1 11111 tihlM r.,trdlnt ltltlr clli-
,.. .. 1.
C1U ~r. JtMpl'I er Mr, Flltl; at 5 ... .....
to approve his "mini-package'' -a half· out i\lanson's orders. 11;-====--=::;_--,
bill ion do!lar program designffi primarily Afler Keith's plea, the same jury that
to balance the st.at.e"s budg!!t and resolve c·onvicted \\'atson began deliberating his
South Co11f Pl111
l ri.tol •t lho Son Oioqo Fwy.
Cotti Mt•• 5'40·901111 an 1.cute cash flow problem through in· fate -life imprisonment or lhe gas
come tax withho!ding.~ ___ ..:._ __ _:ch~a'.:m~be'.:'::.· __________ ~~~~~~~
MENS FASHIONS at their very BEST
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BY ANY STANDARDS! II you du't need 1 at this time , bring someone
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$ 28. 9 S Slacks .......... 2 for $ 28. 9 S
SAllTA AllA AllAMIM HUllTlll&TOll .. Cl
Democrats to Bare
Reniap Plan Friday
SACRAMENTO IAP 1 last vea r. woold kR the entire
San ·Luis Ob ispo County por·
lion of his district. the area
where he Wtln his biggest ma·
Democrats are planning a
re I pp O rtionment O[ the
Assembly that would el imi nate
the districts or t h re e
Republican a ssemblymen 11nd
weaken three other
Republicans at the polls.
The plan also abolishe~ the
aeat of one incumb e nL
Democrat and results in a n'tt
ahift of one Assembly seat
from northern California to
Southern California.
U adopted it would increase
Otmocrat!c control of the 80-
seat Assembly from t he
present 42 seats to at least 45
and possibly 48.
The incumbents who would
lose lheir seats in l h e
Dtmocratic plan are Floyd
Wakefield, (R.Sou1h Ga\el,
Charles Conrad t R·Sherman
Oaks \, Pe1er Schabarum 1R-
Covina l, and John Foran ~D·
Sa.n Francisco).
Big blocks of Democratic
\'olers ""'ould he added to the
distric ts of R e p u bl 1 c a n
assemblymen Kenneth r-.laddy
of Fresno and Frank Belotti of
Another R e pub I i c a n 1n·
~umb r nt, W , DQn
r-.1acGilhvray {If San I a
Barbara. would lose a bi~
chunk nf Republican vntps
from h i s nverpopulated
district. r-.1a cGdlivr11y. "'ho
won reelf'cl ion by nnly 1.MIO
Others have
ottemptod to copy
the Rolax pressure-
Dock Talks
Near Pact?
The Paci fic Maritime As50Cla-
tion, representing West Coa~t
~hi ppers, has called for "im·
media1e resumption'' of tal ks
"''ilh the Long.~hore Union.
saying there "'aS ' ' n ea r
agreement'' on fil•e of seven
major issues befnre negotia·
tion~ ended.
The Pti.1A made the request
V.'ednesday as key dock
"'orkers in tile Los Angele!i·
Long Bel'lch port complex
lx>gan v»alking nlf the job in 11
local di~pute over h1nng pro-
Attorneys for the lntrrna·
t1onal Longshoremen's and
\\'arehouserr1rn's Union go intn
federal court today lo show
c;iuse v•h y the 15,000.member
union should not be held in
contempt for work stoppages
anrl ~lnwdo""n!i in vin la!ion nf
a Taft.Hartley hack·lo·wnrk
proof Oyster case, the
self-winding mechanism.
the date feature, the day
and data indicator, all
innovations of Rolex .. But
the Rolex skill, craftsman-
ship and dedication could
never be duplicated. The pride of·knowing you
wear the r8al thing is the pride of wearing a
Rolex. Above, the Rolex Day-Date, a 30-jewel
self-winding chronometer w ith day and date
Indicator that changes automatically aJ
midnight. Guaranteed pressure-proof by its
18 karat gold Oyster case to 1 depth of 165
toot•. Wrth m1tching 18 k1rat gold bracelet,
S12!i0. 't
"W'*' C8M,. crown 1nd O'\'ltlf m lntlct. JlOLU
4.,...IC.lfl IA ~.
llflkA-'rlrf 111f M" .... Cl'll ..... M.
J.-\\·eler1 Sine« 1917
NEWPORT BEACH -644-t 380
Or>•" Me n. •nd Fri., 10 •.rn. to ':30 p.m.
• • • • TOMAS IS
Savings to
Living room, dining room and
bedroom furniture. Lamps and
hundreds of decorato~ items.
and 0 more!
Man. thru Fri.
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For the
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U . ton •u..;,vl!'d b• wl1•, ~;"v "' •~;
"&"'"' """ j?• '"""'"' T .. ow•ov ~ <"·•"'" •: o~• ~ou•"•••. 1 ··~ )ON"• o'
llOl"All 50..,,ic•1, TIHtrMJ•• (1<1 11 ,1
., "' ., ~-11 ~·.,·~··· '"""""' ,. •.•••• ln•o;.,. ••. ~·ti 0'~1d.i•Y M?rouor,, C~oT&
M•Y>, Oorr<10" MYRCU(
'27 E. l?Ui St., Costa Mtn -• BALTZ MORTUARI ES
1Cnro11a del Mar OR 3.9450
Costa Mt•• ft11 ~24.24 • BELL BROADWAY
110 Broadway, Coit.I Me••
1795 I.Apo• Canyoe Rd.
· Oapel
3$90 Pacific View Drtv~
Ntwport Bead!, CaUfornll
llU'I• • PEB1l FAMn.v
n11 Bols1 Aw.
We1tmll•ttt ttUllS •• SMITHS' MOllTUARV
crl Mala St.
nunlln~ton Btacb
Juvenile Justi~e: Seeking Answers
ot 1M 0.UJ l>li.I U11t
several separate agencies, system exist. reducing its tf-provide social, tc000mic and One agency may send a department and students. One successful tool In %7
with overlapping roles and fic1enc)'. JUdlcial yardstick! to measure memo to another, for ex-•"We ha\'e failed {() find a schools servine 15,500 Harbor
LOS ANGELES _ Shat-duUes. So 111 et i mes lhe Why isn't it logically true at the need for Spe<'ific \m-anlple. regarding a gi\'en con1munlcalion gap involving area studenl.!I is the police·
lf!ring ln the night like a mechanism breaks down. the juvenile ]e\'el'' provemenls or changes, aspect of the juvenile just!re the system as a Y.'hole. But we
I Th thu' t'O n h f pupil ride-along program!, mother's broken dre.11m that Literally. the left hand Us!ng the theory t ha l Captains. lieutenants and sys em. ey are I • ~\"e ound a gap between two
d ' k h h h f Oh m n cat'ng 1.1luch shuw law enforcement her son would ne.,.er do such ii oesn t now w at I e rig t 5omething L.; wrong , la wn1e11 sergeants rom 10. Virginia, u 1 1 · or n101·e components," the
thing, the service station win-hand is doing, yet each is sup-enrolled at the USC Delin-New Jersey and other ~!ates Only they may not un-report cont inues. first hand.
dow breaks. posed to be helping lead a quency Control lnslltule (DCI) interviewed a broad segment derstand each other's prec1sP ~pcciflc instances include The OCI panel proposes car·
I b k f f h ·1 c ·1 f · h.I h I t rylng lhe concept a few steps One block away, 1 patrolling young aw rea er away rom hickled lhe problem recenlly. o t e commun1 y. 1 y. county, unction, p 1 osop Y or nttrn;i 1nl!understandings bet.,.,·een further.
policeman hears it. crime. One of the 19 was Capt. Ed poliC't'. educ;itional and penal operations. Sl'hools and probation officers:
Gun drawn.-• w•.th b•ckup The individual result can be GI a 11 go w . Achninislration oulhorilies were. questioned, The DCI team has compiled police and probation: schools Police. probation depart· ·~ t g w'th lh t d 1 n1ent a n d Newport-Mesa officers en route, he spotlighr.s failure (If rehabilitation. Services Division commander a on 1 e s u en ~-i!s findings and set forth a set and ju\'enilt> court. students Unified School !)!strict or-
th• sudd•nly·scar-• p••·r ,·,. The net result lo the systern of the Cost.a f.tesa Police 1'hey reached a rath(>f" of recon1mendations it feels and police. and students and f 1 Id 1 . " " = 1• icia 11 wou eac 1 spend time
.do. itself can ultimately be self-Department. start 1ng conclusion. can ease. if not eliminate, ex· their own adult cam p u s · · A.. · h h
I "Citing acqua1nl1:U wit t e defeaL • Costa Mesa was selected as A so-cal ed communicaf1ons 1sllng problems. authorities. .,.
One is 16 a nd gathering up Criticism et many levels has one of three representative gap does exist a 1n o n g "Our study has Indicated No concrete action hes yet Clther's job. tools h T1\'0 representatives frorn · led lawmen to accept the fact study areas. as were Torrance themselves, not betv.·ecn 1 e that a misunderstand\n"" of been taken but the CJ gro>•" One is 17 and prying the " · · 1' 1 .... ·o agencies would be hosted cash box . lhal communication gaps in and Ventura County. system as a whole and th. philosophies exists ... between proposes several methods or
"Police Officer ... Freeze!" _1_h_•_A_m_or_i_"_" __ ,_d_u_ll-'J_ud_i_c_i•_l __ T_h_oo_,_•l_ic_a_l_ty_._1_h_•_" __ ,_'_"_' __ c_o_m_m_u_n_lt_l_" _________ ,_c_hoo_l_s_, cpo_li_c_•._•_h•_P_'_o_b_•_li_o_n_c_o_c_c_ec_1_in_g:_t_h•_m_. _______ ctS_" __ J_U_\_'EN __ 1L_E_'_, -·-·~•c'-'-'-'
he commands.
This moment -a kid"s first
bust -1\•i!l be equally frozen
in memory. whether repeated
offenses, arrests, and prison,
or rehabilitation lie ahead for
For the thrown stone that
branded the boys burglars
caught in the .act also set In
motion the complex process of
juvenile justice.
The juvenile justice system
in Orange County Is intended
even more than its adult
counterpart f()r rehabilitation.
The system is built on
Trial Faced
By Marine
In County
SANTA ANA -A f.larine
Corps sergeant has been
Clrdered to face trial Feb. 2 on
charges of assault V.'ith intent
to commit raPe and burglary.
Sgt . Ed\vard ,\.l a 1 co! m
Rideout. 25. of El Toni. 11•as
also ordered by Orange Coun-
ty Superior Court J udge Byron
K . McMillan to return to his
courtroom Jan. 7 for a pretrial
hearing. .,
Officers identified Rideout
as the man Y.'ho allegedly at-
tempted to rape. a Garden
Grove 11·oman after entering
her home through a windov.·.
The v.·oman's husband rind a
neighbor who had heard the
viclim·s screams were in
pursuit of Rideout \\'hen of-
ficers arrested the h1e.rinc,
Gets Bigges t
Ta"\'. Rebate
SAt-.'TA ANA -Hunting!on
Beach with $22 ,063 topped all
Orange Coast cities in cigaret-
te tax apportionment from the
s tate, a<'cording to Slate Con-
lroller Houston I. Flournoy.
Other September city alloca-
tions included Costa ~1esa.
Sl9.2!l7: Laguna Beach, 53,458:
Los Alamitos. $2.896 : Nev.·port
Beach, $12,737: San Clemente,
!2.995; Seal Bea<'h. $3.700:
Fountain Valle\'. $5,759: San
Juan Capistrano. $ I , O 3 4 :
We~tn1insler $10.922.
Orangf' r o unty
allocated $17,732.
Neiv Parent
Classes Set
SAr-.'TA ANA -Opportunity
is knocking up here f0r ex·
pectant v.•ives a n d in-
cxper!enc(>d husbands as !he
Orange County Health Depart-
ment sponsors lwo n e w
classes in childbirth and rear-
Conducted by a public health
nurse. one begins Nov. 1 and
the ~cond Nov. 9. running silt
week~ with films and lectures
on all aspecl.!1 of child care.
aass size is limited and
candidates may call 776-555 1
to register early.
GWC Offering
Joh Skill Meel
formation meeling to help
social service work er s
upgrade job skills and earn
advancemenl v.·111 be con-
ducted Oct. 23 by Golden V.'est
College Social Service Direc-
t.or Diane Lopatin .
The meeting is scheduled for
5:30 ~-at 801 A North
Broadway, Santa A.na .
e 6 1trr1,ti"t
M1 dit1rr1 n11n
e Acconh in
e 5 '/1" deep, 5"
wide. a·· !11!
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du1tl e11 •I·
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cludt1 b11it
tool plu1
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ing t11t .
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wood be1ufy
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1 ':' \ f< VlcDL lRM'S DO -:: \ \~\t·W\N. sr.R -s-oul I( ~' \
l . -. . I ,~ ~·
1 ~ oou·~ HA.Ml ~": I ,~~ ---;-:·l \\ :~ M'<f'lt..Ml PHO"-lf---: I
I ~'Nl i{l\."lllN " , ...... ,·.·.· •• ~ I , t >!PP -'"'"\'' '"" · > I :. ,.uoi.l:., o1•tJ1 111 i..u "1····::.\'''·"·"'.'.· ,.,,, --O'--..l.J
-i . •""\'\,.\ "' ---1 -~,,··•\''''',\',',\'.\,••y.\~ -------\ -~•"\\\\\\\'. ..... ..:...---;:.:....---1 l.Z\~~:-----L..::------,rlc" Ci>eo4 ThrY Wed., Oct. 27
.... II purpooo .. ,;~ '~''"
I ,,.._~~"!
Pal Ill , llEmover
e Quie~ly, •••i1y
·~d co"'plt lely
••ma~•• ••r·
""h10. loc·
~"'"· .h,11 •••
lot•• ptin!,
1 ... ·~d
t 1p~1l to.
.... 2.4f
USEFUL 20-50
e Wt tlht,•oof,
1!11rdy plt1lie
• 1Ct1p lr•1li
~••' I t•ni+••Y e Fo1 ••Ir• +•e1h,
'•••••, cli11·
e Pr••+"'ood,
full~ ••·
For W,11 er
l•tt .i.~dtn9
1~'"w ~ I 2"'(1
.. l<t'"h
• <
e Quic~ly con•t •h !toll!
1dgtr lo trim''"'
e l op conlrolo far •••1
l.endli n9
e S1f11'y elute\.. ••11
1l•tl l1•lu•••·
Swilch•• li 9hh on i nd
off 1oundl.u lv
Sin9I• pol•
U.L. t11t•d •nd
1 ppto•1cl l•t 1e felt
e Fo• 1" ,o:nd
d u(I e Powt rlul. Wt •
motor k••P•
ft 11h eit cir-
cul1tin9 e Mod•l N ••
• lwo •iltl,
I I '11 '" •~d
I ]"'
e F.e1v to fn·
,1.11 . .,;.
,lud•• .n
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E•1ry ~""'•
"'"~' • 11!
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' • j
. '
Jt )~LY PILOT Thurlday, Oc.tobtr 21, 1971
Lawu1en An .. lyze Juvenile Justi~e
Do Orange Coun ty agencies
do Jutke to juvenile offenders
1n b.ndling the twndreds of
Cl!IO of those they t.ttk to
A panel of 1,wmen making a
federally-subsidized academic
.Wdy of the "''ay It Is ad·
ministered in the Cos\1:1 !\fesa
area intervie wed s~cialisls in
\'arious juvenile J us I 1 c e
system roles.
They included a judge.
educators. polLct'men. prn·
bation department and Cf)r·
rec!lonal facility perwnnel ,
(Cot1Unued from Page !J
by the Hurd , nn a revolving
basis, fi!OJng through each
other's v:orkdays.
Some forrr nf 1nter-
depar1menla! ne"'·sle!ter could
also be established, sup-
plemented hy regular, lower-
t'chelon staff meetings among
overlapping agcncjes.
Complete reporls tif the fin-
dings are bt>in~ubrn1!1ed !o
the agencies inv ved and the
California CounE:lt n Criminal
Justice for reviev.·.
The USC Delinquency Con·
trol Institute was founded 27
years o:igo and has graduated
1.300 persons from 47 stales
ana 40 foreign nations.
Ea ch class adopts a special
approach lo a specific problem
of la111 enforcement, em-
phasizing delinquency a n d
positive youth guidance.
State Gives
Road Pacts
To 2 Firms
Panel Slieds Light 01i Problen1 's Extent
each 1ndividu1l asked 11 que.s-
-15 the juvenile ju5t1ce
system effective?
· -What would you change,
add or eliminate?
-Y.'hat do you consider a
n1ajor factor in delinquenc,r'.'
-Do you feel cnm·
mun1cat1ons among aRenc1es
in\'oll·ed 1n the system as a
11o·ho\e coold be imprO\'ed ?
The re:.earth tea1n con-
cluded the ans11o·er to the Jailer
1s \'PS, 11o·h1le col!ecllnM some
t h 'ought-provoking observa·
11ons among those polled
"The i;ystem is effecti1•e,"
said Ju1·enile Court Judge
Robert J. Kneeland, v.•ho
unhesitallngly !Js ted home en·
vironmenl aM d rug in-
volvement as delinquency fac·
··No .•.. " countered Costa
f\.-!esa Police Chief Roger Neth
on the effectiveness of !he
Juvenile .lust1ce Sy:>tr.m.
··But ;n lotal 1t 1s not !he
system but socie1v," Chief
,'Jl'th explained. ''P°e rmissive-
ness on 1he part of paren:s
. . . !he l'OUrts ... e1 en pol ite
at times. Drugs are a big prob-
lem ."
Like J ud.ee t\ nee I a o d ,
Orange County 's Chief Proba·
Yorba Park Fu11di11g
OK'd by State V11it
'i'ORBA p 1NDA -An ap-
plication by Oran,lle County for
$1.3 million in federal fund s lo
finance al'quisltion and im-
provement or 140-acre Yorba
Regional Park on the Santa
Ana River has been ;ipprov ed
by the slate Department of
Parks and Recreation.
Director "'illiam Penn r..iott
said today that the project will
be recommended to t h e
federal Bureau of Outdoor
Recreation for funding under
provisions of the Land and
Water Conserva tion Fund Act.
Orange County Super1l"
''i'illiam Phillips saif!. state a
prova] make! the fede · I
grant certain. The proposed
Old Star Dies
Bronson. the sill'nt sc.:reen's
park is localed in his 11'11rd
district north of the n vcr
channel and ' !'ast of lmpl'rial
The Yorba Park funding ap-
plica tion v.·as pushed through
the Board of Supervisors last
June hy Superv isor Jlalph
Clark of An<1heirn.
Clark s1iirl !oda,v. ''It v:as
!laid we could not comple!e the
application in lime to meet the
deadl ine hul 1\c did . I 11·as cer·
lain v.·e could d0 it hecause of
the tremendous public interest
in pr~serv1ng the San!a Ana
Canyon «nd this park site
from devclfJpment."
The cnu111v has r armarked
$!.2 m1ll1on' in the 1971-72
bucli;ct for the l 'orba Regional
Park pr0ject.
lion Officer. Miss Margaret
Grier, agrees delinquency
heg1ns at home -a troubled
Drugs use, she continued, is
basically a symptom of delin·
quency instead or a cause.
!>.liss Grier voted with the
rnajority ot those asketl about
lack of communications
among police, prob a Ii on
department, sc boots and other
d1v1S1ons pf !he total Juvenile
Justice System .
·'There is a communication
p~oblem \l'Jthin our ow n
dl'par!ment." She admitted.
"'There are SO deputies work·
ing "'ith the schools on their
own lime. , . .representing
me "
The probation of f ice r s '
duties and methods drew
rather sharp critici5m from
Estancia High School Assis·
tant Principal G e or g i a n a
f.icLeod .
'·\Ve have several probation
officers who work with our
kids." she said. "I don't see
any results. These guys come
out, say "we sbou!dn 'I do this'
and .all that jazz. -\\'e have
very negative feelings with the
probation offil'ers."
She agreed many young of· •
fenders do not belo ng in
juvenile hall: expressed strong
opposition " to leniency, and
concluded by concedi~g she
could suggest no alternative to
the present system.
Costa Mesa High School
Principal William J . Vaughn
concurred in Mrs. ~1cLeod's
criticism of communications
v.·ilh probation officers.
"There is not a gap between
this school and our local
police,'' Vaughn added.
alt makes & models now thru Oct. 23rd
LOS ANGELES -Contracts ting career spanned nearly '"Peter Pan" in 1924 whose ac-511i1111'" ,
wi·_ -~·; ·~-.
loaling ~75,000 have been five decades, died Tuesday
awarded by the State Division 1-~a~f~te~c~a~b~c~ie~f~il~ln~e~ss~o~l~H:u:n:·~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ of Highv.·ays for street and tington 11emorial Hospital. roadway projects in the
Orange 3nd Brea areas.
A S-46,800 contract
awarded to Steinv ;ind Com-
pany of Los AngCle~ for the
addition of o righL turn Jane to
the Tustin A\·enue offramp on
Route 22 1n Orange.
Renovation or Houle 57, or
Brea Boule vard. \\'ill also be
done under a $28.300 contract
lo E.L. White Company or
Orange. ThP work will he done
between Harbor Bnulevard
and Imperial Highway,
Towll Hall
To Discuss
War 's Encl
ANAHEIM -The f'hallen$!e
facing America after the Viet·
namese Yi'ar is over Ynll De
discussed hefore the OranRr
County Chapter of Town //;ill
Thursd;iy hy newsp<1pt'r CK·
ecu1i ve H1chard (:.Capen .Jr.
Chapen, who left C11p!ey
Newspapers for a stint 11s ad -
viser lo the Srcrctary of
Defensr , v.·111 ~pt>ak lo the
businessmen 's grnur> 11t noon
at the 01.~nevland Hotel
lip h11.~ 0
rcturnrd lo thr
nrwspnpcr ch.<11n 11nd holds [hr
po.~! of Cllrf)Ora!e cl!f'E'Clnr f)f
puhl1 c affairs
Hi s !alk v.·111 cen!rr 1111 th••
probl ems lhe df.f cn sr
eslab!1shment will face "Aft er
Vietnam ."
Forest Arca
R eopened
SANTA ANA -R.ain from
las! weekend 's storm has le<!
la temporary lirting of fores!
lirt area <'lo:<1ure~ 1n !he
Trabuco Canyon and Santa
Ana Canyon areas, on a tern·
porar.Y h11.~is
Despite re<'f'ivin~ an inch or
rainfall i:illowing :i temporarv
liflinR of the lr11vel h11n unl il
the rirr .~('ason offir1ally ends, nev.:. San la Ana winds <'ould
close the area Rgain.
Cleveland Na1ion11 I Forest
Supervisor Ken Clark s11id the
public will be Quickly nntlfltd
In ca~ this h11ppens
U yoo ha\•e new 11clJ:hboM1
or .know or •nyone movln.lt'
to wr .,..,, 11lcase 1cll us
IC> that 1''e fnlJ" t'Xt~•nd a
trlrndl.7 •-elcome and htlri
them to. bl-come acqu11lnlf'd
tn their new 1urrounding1. • SI. Ceast Visitor
... ,, 4M-f3'1
·,~ --..• ~ ........ --·-·-· ....
SKI f!AI '
Come join us at the Fashion Island Ski Fa ir on the Mall
.Friday and Saturday October 22-23. See ex citing exhibits
and demon strations -visit with popular ski professionals
and ski club members for an 11 up.da te11 on what's new in
skiin g. Open Friday nigh t.
Pac ific Coost Highwoy -Between J&mboree .iind M4cArthur
60 Fine Stores and Services • Open Frid&y &nd Monday Ni9ht1
For the Record
2640 Harbor Blvd.
79! .. 6 FOR J99
.hnt 1torth1t to blooni
1 ~AL. 295 s GAL. sso
169 , .. •or
u .. It Cl1I 9to•lt4 co.er, to Jilde
c.lt.111 lllrli, to clhl'tb , .. ..,, fill
pl-tin or jnt ht 1Mell 9eodl
IEG-. SJ.SO 88'
Well 1hoped, propor•
tloM'd, 101M In blo11om.
NH! Potlo or S98 lolco11., P'!oftt
~ 50% OFF
Complole With ••· if c.~11lotl1tt '•"'P ...
Ne Ph1r11bl1t9 N•dod
•.• JU1ot Add W9ter
& T•n1 011! l11doon
or O•t. Not11rol·Loolt
,.~, ...
DAll y PILOT l I
Ho~v Ma11 y Yards
Ca11 a Cow Moo?
By L. M. BOY O
N,.OTE THIS, please In his I~ast \\'ill and Tesla·
1nent. ii \l"rll·tn·cto Te-..:an ~ct aside a sizable sum of
1nn11rv \11th 01lcl 1nc:1ru('llOn<; to his altornev. "U.c:e
tht<: b!'qut ..... 1." he tlrrrel'd ··10 sue mv do~tor for
n1alpr;il'l1l'C." Ile rL"pOrtcdly submitted a co py of
lh1s part n.:11 lar p:i ra:.:raph t() hi s physirian. :\nd that
prof(>'<<:1nnal gcnllc111a n, 1t"s ~aid. no11 goes on doing
~lts c~r·('llcnl be:.! 10 k~cp the nl d boy alive and \\•ell
in 11alla~. No. I didn 't 111akc th is up. This aforemen-
tioned .1tt1 1rnry .c:11·ca rs 1rs true.
A HUNTER 11f 111ld g;in1c eon ten ds the only big
Ct!t :111\C 1!i:11 (·;u1nnt hr lured into a trap is the
c~1cct<1h ... THAT WIDESPREAD belief that plaid
c·1oth 11·as cre;;!er! h.v the S('ots is erroneous. Egyp-
11a11s originated nlaict ... SOR RY, STILL can't track
do1v11 ;!111· onC'·:-<yll;iblc \VOr d longer than "straight"
or "~ln.1n g th .'' .. HERE'S a pediatrician who in·
s1 :.t); it'.c: thC' rolirkv b:ih\' 11'ho's rn os t apl to turn in to
a c!evC'r conipc·litive l·ha racter ... LATEST SUR·
\'EYS amonJ?: coeds turns un one out of everv five
\rho says she still \1·ould refuse to date a boy "'ith a
EVER NOTIC E 1h e nlost beautiful \\'Omen oft-
enti111es have ,·oices lil\e the tearing of tin . It's thst
"ay \l"i lh birds. ton. PC'ac·ocks scream. maca1rs
sc reech. birds of paradise blat out only fou r nasty
tones. and the gorgeous Quctzel bird sounds as
th ough it just stC'r ped on a nai!.
CUSTOMER SE RV ICE: Q . "HO\\' many \Vives in
this country earn 111orc money than 1heir husbands?''
A. Co11plc million ... Q. "W HERE DOES the morn-
ing sun first fall upon the United States?" A. Atop
!'i1t. Cadilla(' in ~l ainc'." :\c:adJa Nalional Park . .
0 . "HOW LONG \rould it take to count a million $1
hill s'.''' A. At one a second In elght·holir shifts in a
fi\•c-d ay 11·ork\v cck, you can figure al 1nost seven
11 eek.''..
A UNIVERSIT Y SCHOLAR 11·i th nothing better
t o do says he ha~ kert a rou,ll:h record over the 1Rct
four years r'f the rhy~ic at t.vnes in his various cl asses.
In the really !ou!!h trchnic al courses, he claims.
there'" ::il11'R _1·.~ a prcpondcra11ce of tall skinny bony
n1en. But in the easy uncon1plicated studies. he 1ays.
the great 1naior:t.1· :ire !<hort and stocky. He 5ays he
can't explain 11 hy. :\cil hC'r c:an l.
HOW i'-~.A N Y YARDS is a co1v's moo~ l-lold on,
no \1'hin1 )-y 111tl'ndcrl Jl i:-tancc in ~01ne parts of India
for hunclredc: nav thousands of vcars 11·as measured
by ho11· f;ir !h<> Citizrn\' 1hcrf' co'iilct hear the moo of
a co11•. ~ .. thflt be~·an1c in !h r l::i n_guage.~ a unit of
l inc::ir mensurc: ,S.1me body n1ight say. the rajah's
p ;1l.11 c is nnl,\' 11\'C' <·011 's moos up the r il'e r. or y.·)lat·
c-. rr ,
RAPID REPLY : l .l'". :'.!rs. R .. dentists ~3\' the
;:i1·c r.i :::e 4-vc:•r-n!rl h.1~ lhrc(' ravities, and no,· !'.tr:i:.
D , dc nturC plate:. ne1·cr rontairt \1isdom t eeth. . ,. "
Y rJ1irJq11esr1011~ n1)(/ ro1nn1e11t.~ nte tee/come _n11d
1cl/! be scr! 111 C!IEC!\ll'·:(; UP 1rl1ertvt r po3s1blt.
Pl.,n.~e r¢/dreR~ ... 1.-riur /rr tP r~ lo L.. !If, Boyd, P.O. Boz
18 i5, :v6l·pn rr Bcr:rh 92660.
Colo1· It "Tall'
SF In Jl i,!{h Rise Stru.ggle
:":A'\ FR,\.\('fSf \} f.'\1'1 -
"Once ihrre 11a~ a San Fran-
t·i .. cn th;it 11 fl~ liJ:hl and
pastel hilly. orr n and 1111111ni.:
... ThC'n nth 111rn bu1l! J;ill
bu1ld1nf!s arid S.111 Fran rlsl'O
brt•;in 111 loo k s!1f/ anrl forbid ·
rli nc like ::ir1v o1her :\m~
cit\. · Sr! be~\ns a 2R·p:i$:t• 1·11li·r111g-
! !)11k de!':,t:ned hy \(i 1.r1 1c;i~ 1h;1t
is the 111;11nr r;.1111µ;11:,?11 11 l'<ll>l•l1
in a f1~lit tu han 11e1v
:-k.rscr<+prrs in San 1··ra11c1sco.
Un r\n1-. 2. 1n!rrs 1n I his ci!y
by the Golden Gate 11•1!1 cnst
fh<'lr h?.llnt s on P!'np T-rin 111-
i!inli\"r spun:<;ored hi, <l re!'s
n1anufa<.:lt1re Al1111 flu s k 1 n
tha1 \1 t1ulcl l1m1t new hu1!cl1ng"
in the c11y lo six stones or i2
f ef'f.
So f<1r 50,000 highrise cnl-
oring I.looks bav r been printed
and 111{1.000 more are on order.
Duskin. who is A candidate
for the Board of Supervisors.
said the n1easurc is real\~· a
vole on the qun\ity of l1fC' San
Fr;inciseans want.
•·Do wc \\'ant !o lil"c in a
touris1. t(1111·cntion. hi~h;-ise
C('nte r'! J)o we want to li \'e in
Disneyland , bcrause that's
\\'hat it's beco1nlng." he said
· in an inler\1el\'.
The San Francisco Ch;:i n1ber
of Cnrnmercl' and t1 ~roup
called Citiz.c11~ for San Fran·
cist o arc !e::irling the cam·
~ ll?ll against 1 he lluskin in·
Jtiatil"l', sa} ing 1hey want lo
pre.serve the beauty ot the city
hur "thrrr are placf's for the:
taller buildings too"
As fl full-page ad verti5emenl
bv U1e citizens committee in
Tucsda.v's San f' ran c I ~ co
Chrnnicle put i!: "V.'r. don 't
h11vr to adnpl th r simplistic
phtlnsnphy that !All !s bad.
!'hOT\ j~ good. (J( t'OUrSl', Wt!
don't \<1sh lei MAJ1hattan1ie
S;111 fl';JtlCIS('l"l •.
l)tJ sk1n ;ind his supporter~
('f'l11lend !hilt there are now
rn1p1y office~ in Sao Fran-
ri:-::co. Ilia! hig hrise buildings
l~d 10 highC'r' property taxes
;tncl a higher cost of hring -
and that touri!;ts won 't come
tn the city if tall buildings
block the view of San Fran-
('i~eo Bil\".
The a'nti -Duskin f orces
<'ou nter 1:1al "20 block.!1 in the
financial district bring In the
more revenue than 200 blocks
in the Sunset" residential
district -and !bat a freete on
building heights would frefu
ne'v buslne.~s tax revenue .
"\~1ho'.• going to pa y the rls·
ln11: costs of running our city~
l..ol'lk in the mirror -that's
\vho." s::iid the citi~ns com-
ntltlre ad1·ertisement.
The city controller h:is
estlo1ated that a . six-story
height limit will mean a JO
percen t increase in property
taxes and a Chamber of Com-
merce spokesman aald: "I
think whl'n people read the
c·oolroller"s statr.ment this wlll
put the nail Jn the cofrin."
Mail Out Yule Gifts Now Would you like
new Post.ti Service came ou t
lod<' .. 11 wilh the trad1tion;1l
Christ1n.11s advice to "111a1l
early" and set down deadhn('s
Its customers sh01Jld met>t to
get card! and pack.ages de-
llvered by Christmas Da y.
sent regular rate for delivery
in local and nearbv areas
should be mai led by . Dec . 10
and ,lll"et'ltng cards by UC'r. 15.
Thc deadlines for distant
states -e:'lcept Alaska aid
Hawaii -are Dec. I for
regular mad jlarcels and Dr<.·.
15 for cards. The airmail
dcndline for nearhv anr. dis-
tant points Is Dec. 15 • for
pack;iges and De<' 22 for
For Ala~k;i and Hawaii. the
service ~uggrsted Nov . 30 for
package~ .1to1ng by surface
1na1! and !)cc, 15 for those
going l'l1rmail. 'J'he greeting
card deadlines are Occ. 5 fo r
surface mail and Ott. 1$ for
The deacllires for assuring
servicemen ovrrseas received
their packages by Christmas
is Nov . S for 5urface m11il.
No v. 19 for s poce av11ih1blr
mail, Nov. 26 fnr parcel alrllft.1
to know how
Christian Science heal ~?
Come to thl1 Chrl1tlan Science Lecture · 1
•'A I AllS ,Ol J USTICE" .. ALAnTIEI Q. $M ITH, CI I ,
,llCIAY, OCTO l l'I n . l •M, M.
li t CHUI CM 0 ' CHI ISL SC!l'HTltT
I .. MIJA Vll OI' 01 .. COITI. MEIA The service said packages
' \
Safety At Bargain Prices
M.rk (. ,,, ..... Ch•lrMl ll •I Ill• ,,,,, Ju8t A rrh·1•d
.. ... nfi•fortfott .--"7'.,-,-~~~~-~-"
Gua ,.an f c>f"d " S N OW
SP EC IAL! Extra W.f.D.E 6 0 & 70
F711 /l I s2495
G70 /l 4 s2695
G i0/15 s269:s
(;60/] .) s3995
In•• IO!l .. llH ,,d I•'••
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.;.r.n,11 12 ·~r?..
O VER 5 0 o/o * * * * * Alignment $/~~
4 Shocks $27~:8:::· .l.6lh; I) I•""'•" 1., .......
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* * * Sl 'E'CI A l ,S I>.'' OTH f."R 511 Zf,".)'! *
Belted Glass 8 ., B 88 '::: ,,';;: *
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Alignment !
Front Whee l " Pack $8!J ;j
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!0 '1· l•<l""'"\J 0" (O """'O"•"
•o" &. C~..,,1,, To•"c" Bo" ,.,......
\"alt•f> S t f"nt• 95c .. ........ 1 . ·"'· ··~
_f ~··&1 3 ''
1''nrr/ .P f_y.(;/1P v.
4 :$88
' ... ' ,. , .... u •l
rod t. '••
G78/1 5
J'n .•trak
* Ult 1(.:1 ,\';\I, f_;q1 Ir. "18 .lit ;Rf f;S" on .lfillfo11.c o f ' 71 (',\R.'i'. * IJOl 81,f." R F.l .1'F.U (if ,;\S ... * t•Of.l "t .'STER "
F7R/I ~ -
F;H/ l.i 26 ""
1.71\/1:1 2195
(7.lllh.! h
(;;H/1 1 29"" l;7R/1 I
C H/l • 22 0,; 11>.•1;,, 111
Jl ;R/14 33 11.~ H7R /I.) I.:Hll i 36 ffS
6 . .S llx 1.1
!·11-: l\~flfl1 ...... '
.Full 4 Ply WHITEWA LL Tube less
' '
13 95
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:-i~,11 ..... -~,,
H~;\I \ '·~"' •1~ 1695
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)!. j;, 1-.
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1995 2J95
7_7,-;, 11
t u-1 ~:11/1 1)
•;_],;,1 i
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81.ACkWAll S?..95 LESS
fl -;:;~ , ~
8. j;,, I-,
!·11-J!;Rfl I.
11 '.!i/Jj '2295
~II• t ~ ;IJ/l.i) 'nt1/ n1·ni/n/,/f' in hf'flf'rl
Ht:l:l'f:D or M"HIT•:"'.\l,l .S S2.9;t l ;x tr•
t.-~1 .. •fl.RI tn!-~.12 r~,1. ~-.•. T•x
* F ULL S IZE U.S. C.4RS *
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ltllEf:I ,,.._ Major Broke Job
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7 J)()x 15
r..;1i..1; 819 9~
R.f<,,16 .. 1 •29n;;
~ I (_1~· .--8~\
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l.-1111 .Si1f! V.S. C a,.•
J'f""l.l.S/7.t: I .~. CAfl.'i
B r nkf"• Job lnt'fttd f'.t: * NEW DU"l fllCllON llNING
IN51 All!O ON' WHEllS * tEIUllD .lll Wl-lf!l (l l/ND!tS" * TU IN & IE5Ulf.l(( .lll 'OIUMS * lf~A(( flONI WHf!l l( ... tlNGS * l ll!D All \lf'HS • .lDD ltAK~
llAKE l-l~!S * AlC Gtl""O 11.l~E Sl-IO!S * !NS~!(l GREASE S(Al5 * fl(! .lDJUSTMfNTS fOt llff
or LINING •·"'''"''If"'""''~' ... T•r" """""' fi.l!Mil~ 1.&l••·i'...ll li,rl"f "' "·
1000 165 •4 495 TIRE SIZES! ,~. ~"~'"''""i" "·'"" Also BRAKE SPECIALISTS on Truclrs & Vons Tao !.
Blt,\J\f.S * tOAO T!Si f OI SAf!I'!'
·11~ ~ .. C~ioftn .. 11 Vtl u 'HOho"! ltrlot1, IHll ... lit• h i.. llouo. Wit .. ! ... ,1 .....
tit. hire (tot II .. _.,~
• Ser vh•g Costa Jtl esn-Nemport Bencla Are a
14040 B!oolc hurst-5~0-3200 • 6962 Lincoln Blv d.--826-5550
' '
1321 Euc lld-170.0100
1 I
' •
'' '
" •
N. T c;. . D T Id .. l'HOTO SE RVI CE .. PACKAG.£DE51GN IXOil r1p angers . 0 · ~~'.~~1~\·~~t~~~u~~~·".."0"~:.
\\' llSH I i\I :'1'1):--; 1UPl 1
President Nixon·... d1sclo.~ur,
that 111s v1s11 to Pekin,:: 111!1 be
followed hv a su 1n111i! «011-
lrrence 1n ·i\luscow u nderline~
1he global naturl' of lht
d1plo111a1ie ol fens11 e he hns
been movi11g toward sinc.:e he
took officr al n1osl three yet1rs
nut·lear 11ea pons in1el'e.-.t~ of the other·
The Ru ssians. tol' !hf'll' p.-irl \l'°nnwh1le lhPre ~ft' ['10l('n-
gret1 ed ll'ord of ,\: 1 x o 11 .~ 11ally devastating tune bombs
230 EA ST 17TH ST. • 548-7202
;i nd in the i\1 iddle Last lension I =~;;~;:;:;:::::;:~~~~~~~~;:;:::::;:;:::::;:::::~§§~ has Jncrea:;ed as :11 rei;uU r.f 1;
;-.Ioscow's nev. pledge tu slup
det 1:>1on tu ~L~l1 J \'~111g w11h l1ck1n,i: away 1n the lnd1<1 n
hitleruess. asserting thur rbe subcont1ncnt t111d lhe !'diddle
l'hinesr 11illing11t"!>S tu recl'ne l~;r:;t. 11·hJL·h 1:ould :.abo1;igc
.'\1.1;.on re pt'esented a betrayal the proposed su1nm1t meetings
of the Vie L n a 111 es e c0111• 1f they ex plode within the near
more military equipn1enl to1
£gypt. Do you wish you had
more faith in God?
1nu1Hst;.; and <111 rmper1;1i1st <'I· fo ll.ire lnd1;i "nd Pukist<in arc
The Pres1de.nrs diplou1alic
ln111allve offers greal pros·
peels for progress but cit lhe
satne 1 une involves risks
whith cannol be discounted ago. fort tu "spl11 1h~ raiil.i ol lhf' rl'pcirtr.d on tile 1•erge or 11a1·
·nie Pres1de111 ·s dran1t1!ie in· an11 -1n1penal1~! fron1 .'' :::::;:::::;:=::;:=::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:=::;:=::;:::::;:=::;:=::;:=::;;;:=::;:::::;:::::~;:=::-. Come to this Christian Science Lecture
itiatives with thf' two 111ajor '\ix(in's !<ii k 11•111 bt· to <"iii\· "A IASIS FOil JUSTI Cl "
L'on1munist l:H 1"'er~ logrther 11nce e<ich 10 1n :tl.f' '('_:\]-\.L·: '('J-I E NEWS QUIZ ,.L ... 1\r1:11~.n~M1TH,cs.1
with 1.:onll nued offiei;il OP· ;1grecn1en1 s 11"h1eh r /I s e "~1o ... v. ocro11:• n . 1.H ~ M
tiniisni conl·l·rninli li · 5 · tens1nn but do not invol ve any W e Da re You . , Ev ery Saturday 11~! ~~~!':1:~~r'~~1.~'Co~s;1.1:'!.';~: w ithdra <A·~l rr·on1 \"1etnani, 1...'.'""_'l~1·~;1~n~·~"~la~l~a~r~1~10~"'-"-''~··~;~,.~·'~I ~"~"'...'.========================='--'========================= r1;1turalh• h;11 e r;11 ~ed /1op<-s
(.'Onl!trning the 1)oss1biht,I' of
rnajor pi ogrr~~ for pe:1t't 'in
Asia t111d greater s1 ab1lit.v in
... ~-. -·-·-'
"Jl looks Jike the losers 11re a l ittle annoyed with
the dec ision."
Co1ivicted Murderer
Sells Mot ,ie for TV
.STILL ll'ATEIL .\hnn 1Al'1
-Pa.roa y ciirne~ h1g for
St illwa ter Prison uunate :\o.
22251 -lilie $:.!:>.OUO \\"Orth .
Emil R. Johnson. 34-year-old
eonviclt!d n1urderer lurnetl
'1 riter 11ho"s servi ng up tu
40 \'ears. ha~ scored vd!h a
1wO:hour tele1is1on 11101•1" lie
say~ 1he No1 19 produt·lio11
orer CBS "·111 c·11sh1nn his
;ilre;:idy su bslan!i;i l b<ink <tt'-
Johnson a 1n1ld-n1an11l•red
prisor1cr in khakis who 11ear.~
<1range-size linted glilsses. has
had uncann.v sut:cess brr11liing
into writers' ranks Du :1ng
tree time and when he wasn L
on the job in the prison rost 11f-
lice. Johnson wrote slx book~.
1111 published b,\I Harper and
Row . lnc. Another is abou1 10
comt off tht pres~ and
.Johnson J.~ wor ktng on an
CBS has adapted Jobnsun ·~
i;econd book. "~tongo'.~ Rai·k
10 To"·n." for i1s ~·nd;1y nig ht
mo\'it slor
"~1ongo" 1" a clelec111·r
mystery. li ke .Johnson's othrr
bool.c;. .Johnson gre11 up ;:i t
Phill ips. \\'is . 11·here he f1ni!\h·
eel his l1rs1 ~·ear of high
:iichool. 1'hen he dropprd out
and joi ned the Ann.v. 1vhcrt
h• finishffi hL.~ h1ii:h ~t·hN1I
He Wtl!'. a pulp wvod workr l'
ln norlhern \\1is1·onsi11 but
when th(' going got toug h
Johnson turned lo r·obbcrif'!'.
and i;:er1ed l1111r 111 Hutch·
1nson. l\an.. and L1ncolu.
!\'.eb .. before hr c<1me In lhe
·rwin Citie~
Jo 1964. lie and another rna11
robbed an Eden P r a i r i e
ser1·ice station The at1enda11l
was shot <ind died or wound.~.
i.:aught later in .'\ebraska.
Johnson was conl'icted ·and
gi1·en a term up 10 40 .rears
for s.ecoruJ.degree inurdcr
··1 never 11·rotr anyth ing
before 1 camr here.·· sa id
"But with plent~· of 1in1r 1111
1n.1· hands. I figured 1~ yould
be a good thing lo do '"
He took a three-rnonlhs eor-
respondcnt:e t:ourse 1n shorl
storv wriling.
··Thal taught n1t so111e fun·
damenta!s of t·haracter1 z;i1ion
t1nd moti v:i tion :ind bBsic story
s1ructure.·· Johnson rec;illed.
I le scratched out a 38,000·
\vord book he '"a lied ··The
f'1111p Killer ··
An editor of Harper & no11 ·
!he first publisher he 11r•ote·
gave encouragement
She suggcsted he expand _!he
book to at least 40.000 words.
Johnson wound up with 4Z.OOO.
The pub!i~hers 11lso t·ltaned up
the title. s\\11tch1ng to ··s1l l'er
Street ."
·rht \'arn, about a 111an fron1
1he .~lu.ms who rtu·ns to dete<··
!1\e work instead or t'l'1n1e,
won an Edga r Allt111 Pne
A"·ard from tht ~1 ~s1ery
\Vri!ers or Ament·11 111 l!lfifl,
• Johnson ~aid.
Johnson ha.~ bee11 !urned
down !or parolt tw1re befnr'P
and ha s anot he r het1ri11g f'on1-
ing up in !~71 Whal will he do
if 11 nd \\'hen he gels our'
"I'll 1\·ork on a nol'el t1b0ut
prison lifr."
i\'e1v Scltool P•·oposal
There is 11 real dani::tr .
11 h1('h adu1 in1s!ratio n official s
i e1.:ogni1,l'. that the publil· 1na y
f':tpcl't ;;re;i!er proi::ress !han
i" pos:-:ible. wh1eh 1·nul.d niake
1tie t1igh-lel'el 1nert1ng.~ a
l!lill US instead nr a (l]U~ Ill )Ill•
pro1'111g thr 1ntern:i!ional ;it -
Vor that. reasu11, thr 11d-
ininisl r<1 tio11 l!<. expected lo
warn fro111 l1n1e ro ti111e ihal
ihe 111ee11n gs 111 Pf'k1ng and
\loscow canr1ol be expected lo
settle t1ll of lh e problern.'I t1nd
t1eh1e \'f' all or the progress
wh ic h in1ght be hoped.
There ;i re other ri sks
\'Oil ed ll''h1ch 1nake .
necess:i r~· fo r the President
t1nd hi~ top ad1•isers to pro-
c.:erd very <·au liously as_ they
see k 1o reduee the peril~ of
major ronft iel. .
The Pres1den!'s su1 TCSS 111
arr.:oiguig 1he Peking and
.\IOSl'Oll' sunun11 talks was due
111 lari.:e niea~ure ro the co11·
11noa1 ion of lhr bi!lt_r
ideologil'a1 ;ind geographic
dispi ite between r.1ostnw and
Pekinl(. . , ..
Tlie .~ticrrss of liis 1n1t1atn·f'.
liowever . will depend to a ~~11•
siderable exlrnl on his t1b1l1t~·
!u convince eat:h (.'oun1r y lha!
lie du e.s no1 seek :i greernents
11·1Lh one al lhr r~1le11~e nf lhr
other. This ta.~k 15 eo111·
pounded by the f;il'l thal ('ll!'h
of the tll'O Lo1nn1un1s1 powcr'
1 .. highl y susp11.:1ot1" or wh<1 t
-/\1xon 111:.y be up to 11·11h the
Chinese Prtn11er t:hou ~:n
l:u ha s 1nadt 11 vtr~· clear 111
111\etvie"!'. \\'ill! US 11rwsn1fn
thal a nHIJOr ft1\·tor 111 lu~ w1H-
1ngness tu ent.e rlain !hr 1dr:1 of
easing ten~ion.'I 'A'11h the
L'niled S1111es \\ti.~ tu~ l"On1·r r11
01er 1t1t> <nlf' 1111111011 S.01 1r1
l r(lop.~ and 1.000 Hussian w111·
plan!'~ dr:plu.vrd alorl!i thr
S1nl)-St)\'iel border .
II secondarv l"Ont•ern. Chuu
!':tprf'ssed wa s ovf'r ! h r
possibilily 1ha1.Jt1pan .1hr third
111du .~l rir.l a11d ('l'(l11on11c power
111 lhe 1vol'ld 1111gh1 drcidf' lo
11nder1akr 11 111<1101· n'.i1·n1il·
n1enl program 1 n <·I u d in~
-Sexual Ste1·eoty1)es Blastecl
LOS \.\:(d::LES I ~p , -111
Los A ngelr~ srhvol~ 11 .~
el5ewherr. ~ports arP pnn101'1·
Iv for bo1 s. hl!HlC ci:o111)11HC.~ i-. 101· girl.~: shop 1s for boy.~ and
so fort h lne\Jlabl.\, 1t '~ drawn
!he a11e111ion of 1\·onlf'1t l1lx-ra·
fif'ld~ -1he1 11('1 £'1' 1:rt prionr~·
vn the 1na1n sl t1d1u 111
Thp l'ommlltee. 11 l11c ·h ha~
;1bout 100 1nrn1l)('r.<. ronned
las \Jav by :-oung mot he r~ ;,J11d
prnlf's~ion ,11 "'nin e-11. ::il~o has
;.i~kt'd pubJu · ~rhnnl olfit:i ::i l~
lo I
The \\r~l:.Hle \\ 11111 ' 11 o; (,.111plt•te11 t•l't•rhciul and ~·on1111il!.CP. c111npii.'>cd 111 111 ie"nl r s«hool 11"'\lboohl' so
lluen1 ial 11'on1C'n 111 bll~l ll<'~'. 111,.1 ~irl~ 11" l1•11gr1· will ha1e
rciucat100 t11 1!1 1)Jl1e1 l1rlr!~ 111 tidri ;ilr ti ··h11nll l1a!111 t:
11 t1n!!'.11 ho\111 01•;1hh·lo f'111 1•1 11,11 ,1rlf' i•f n g~l )l f' letn;il r ~"
;i l'las.~rno1 n l.111·111'11 111th 111~ f 111 '-\'llo<\l-;ipp · 1·rd I t" ! I u 11 hcod he ld l1igh 1111d i:.11 1~ Ill llJa!lf'r !n!' stu ill.,~
Pla.v L111le l.A•;1g11e ha:.i·li,111 ~ l·:nrl u1 Hlel't' .~a1·. .-.r,::rrg~
1"hc grnup also wanl ~ puolir· 11n11 uf bo\~ nd g1rl!I 111
!<.Choo! u!hcioil"' !11 :.pruil a-. 1 1 ~-~1 fi(ln 1c hon1P rfo1101111c~
much rnoncv on girl~ ;i rhlrlit" i·l ;i~~c~. ir1r r.;i r and ai other
1ht b;:i '-f'll:i ll 11c ltl" 111
\os~ 01 1 111 pt1rk~
1'l1e c· o 111 1n i 1 I e r '~ 111 0.
prongtd ca1ni:-a1gn for !--f'Xttal
eq11alit.v both 111 the 1·!assron111
;ind !t1r pl:1\'ini.: l1elil h:1 ~
dr;.iwn thr ~11ppor1 nf al lr;is!
011£' !eg 1.~l:1tnr . Sf;ilr Sf'n
<\11lhun1 Brilrn!'.on , D-Rrl'Prly
JI 11 1.~
!Ir 11 rn!r ~t;.1lf' Schunl St1pl
\\"1 1.~(Jll (' ll1!e.~ lt1 sl mont h.
.~ny 111g 1h.1t i.~~ue ~ raised bi
tlif' 1vn1nen ·~ c·nnHn11lrP ''t1rP
t11nrl.1· 11nd ht11't eon.~iderablr
rncr11 ·· and •.1r~i11g .. an ap·
propriale rel'is ion or edul'ti ·
11onal policy ill thr state
le vel" progran1s 1hi'll pn n1arily art' !il'hool at:IJ \'it ir:; ~
;ill-male 11, in••n'·•, ,01~ .. ••"111 II• • ... m:• "~ .. And C"ll \' recreation oflle1al!'. And lhe.1•1e gulle11 l,ai·l.ing ,.1,,. p, .. ""'· ,11d Rrc·'""a, \•011 · 1 '"' '• ha\ e pro1nised a 1·01nplrtt' on this poin1 fr·orn lloherl · l)•:na !'1nienl \oo·rQ111rP lh;il all · t ] ... ,. re1 it11· !o set 1[ i:•rl~ are Doctor. a Los Angele.;; !}t· 100 1 hild rrn. 1·rg;irdll'.'~~ of Sf'I 01· disi·i·ilnin::i1ed 11 gainsl 1n public Board n1e111bc r ll'ho al:;u >i<IV:<-•· II b ti " •· \ .~,;;1 r 11 011r11 1<1 l;i,;;e p11r park~ and hnll' he think:; 1he i::ro11r1·~ i·hat ~f's •n ba~rhall an<\ nlh!'r -"Jl;"tr1~ --
1hat sthool~ t1 rf' pcrp1·t11a1111~ !'1f'ii1.~ helll 111 publil' µ;1r k~ Your Hom etown .'''"·'I ~ti'rC'Ol .1 "''-~ ar r 1>1>1·1h .1.1 ,.. I• a11 n-uf thl~ \\l!Ulrl lw !11 N I I · ·· ewspaper s e io orrn~ rnl!'r 1hc 1.11 11(' l.('tl j!Ur 111
.. 1 lh1nk for r~a nip lr . !li)l fj"f k it:; 110-1.:,1 1'1~ 1r::id1tiu11 011 The DAILY PILOT
1he ~trrtol yJ>t v.·h1ch in1 pl 1e.~\,r-~:---.::.~~~~~~------------~--..,
thti1 no girl is 1111erc:<1f'rl 111
!-'hop and no boy 1~ in1crcstf'd :
1n horn'" • e<"onon1ics i "'
ridicu lous.·• :-.:aid Ooctor. t111 1
education profrs~nr 111 Sa 11
1 Fe.rnandn V;ille1· St a I e, . I C.:Ollegr. 1 111 sport!! ll1e ell)·~ pl1bli l'
~t hool ~ h:Hr lht l; Jr I ''
ALhlet1(" i\ssoc.·ia!io11 ' but \h i~
\!I prin1ari1y 1ntran1111 :11 · ht·
,11ys. adding that !ht girl.~
"work oul 1n lhr "'·or~I ,
; ... a, ~TAt.1P OUT
... THE ,
~ lJikin . . i : ·. ..· 9 ·. ',. . "~ . L _____ ~
' ' ..
I See by Today's
Want Ads
e ~'l)n '\ \!"Tll.()['{ F \~!\
.llfJUlltl(llll . ·~1n 1pll'lf' l•llh
• c·.11bu1"•· -"'~nir f1~h plnnt~
.11 nd .11 f1Jrrr In "'""1Jf'n1
.r.11d111nn lhu f' fu11 ".111ch.
111i: ll~h. Cl\p1 . :\!'111{1'
• J~· f<n ; t ' A '\ t"t(.;t;RE
()Lrf' \\'1t ,,·r \f/XTl'RF. IT
I,._ YOU C'AN llAV";: A
SJ)OOrll f' ri<lir lhn1 ,_ 111
.1 r;1 r~ nlrl. ln1nblr. 11r1rl
l•f'f'r!~ ~ ((IHfi \it\(11", "J"hi ~
fifJOOf1Jr \\i.nt• YO!I!
~ ~ A mar-Wtloos oppor!un1 ry r lo enioof <I luJt 7 II. k>ng attd 6 It. wide: ~e mat"ess and 2 box sprlf'lgs ar rhe
W!!ty kJWest prices! This areat K1nQ
feirtures Crown F1e.i: Cen1er Suppcn t
and lo.,ely sc1oll lllrined GoYer. Includes
~~~;~~~ ~,~~~~~'.~ ;~:~n,~.~ $
°'~So:'<:! botslt.~ poi!O'*'$ • :? pillow C il~"S • K\rlci CH o., ......
sore 11•«H••.,!l"i pad• Kar>g °' o ... een size metlM lrairne on e;isy·
,otlorlg ca~s.
1'tE DOUBLE' BONUS King CH' a.-: l"1~bo11rrl pl.•t<; ryuil~
l)"<~ TWVI O< Full: f <~:itrl _-j ~I"" l<(>m" ()(' '\'1'SV-
Jot-itng l'-'l\'!-"i Co•wl!'!'hble Sol•: G~l•«>e Sh'J!oh~r(i r1\'~·~
M>dli!""darm r ;ir -
Of the Big Four
mattress makers,
only Ortho
sells, ..
Reg. S69.9!>
Never A Middleman
Thti ~t O., ori Yer~ti!itywltn lhi&
br:tollli!I ConTnmoo«l•Y ~1f!n.
('"m101111bit:> IOr s1t!•flo or $1ecping rhr~
Sola t~11ti11"• 011R1,1y rOl'l!lr!!C!Kln. $158
Av,,<l~tllf' n 11•1 •,,,.,..~ ln,,Judrc
Onho mal!ff"S! 1100 Doull'I,. 800'1,1 _ l"\JLL 5'Z£ . .,..w-
The Nation's Largest Chain fJ. ·
If Y'O'! di:R>'l ~ .. 10Qn'I ~ 11 ~ •nt: yt>tt r.an "il•'I
~'!' lt1Jt1r!Ol.f!;. !llo>f>p1nq coml<Yt Ofl Iha$ Q•"11•T1
01~"-so te rnaumss 11ot1 box ~in!J. 0.-1110 ~
~'S for 9t'1P"'r 51\IJ)DO!'l leBH.IU!•:>; 111 P'oCe">
10\J e!I~ 11llord. IOICkMtes OffTHO.PAK
and OOU9L£ B(HIUS!
You can only buy Ortho
mattresses al Orthostores
Long ldslu>Q O•or<1boli'\y is your~ 111 mvclil
lo'wf ... fll1C1!15. b!!C(IUS!? 0rlt\Q scilS
<:i>f«CT 10 1cu. Ln!O'J' emnrort and
~1~0!'1 on th!:'iie !1fr,111 twlt"S N'd lullS.
Price wor:lu!'jc'I mall'<'S" and bo" spring,
~ V>e ~005 DOUel.E: BONUS!
lol1ke room tor a COOYersatloo corMr w11h tl'le prec l!c11t ad~11n1aoe of sl9eo-
W!g comfort. Nioe p.ece SIJ:r lf'l(:ludc!i
2 Ollho malt•esscs. 2 box SP'lfl~,
2 bo1&1!!•5 and 2 O<•illed C0\'9~1~.
pltJs Mtrach¥e CtJrT'EI' t!lbie1
of Mattress Specialists!
ot433 C•ndlewood Ave nue
1811 West Lincoln Avenue __,. C•ndl•wood St.ops
(11 cros5 from l 1kewood Cenlf'r I
Phan,.,. 6 3 4-<1 134
16131 Harbor Blvd,
(C Otfle r or Edinger I Ne 11;I 10 Zody"•
Pho~~; 8 39 -4 5 7 0
Belween Euchd and Brookhurr.r Avenue5
J ur.! Easr ol Fed M11rt
Phone: 776-2590
{ irst Born
ot Always
Jet Gets Big Che~kup I
Nixon's 'Spirit of '76' Prepared for Chinn Flight
\VASHINGTON 1 AP ~ -Prtsident Ni.1-
on'.s h1g Jtt plane is .,.,.1n<t!ng up its annual
ptcysleal checkup !n New \'ork ,1nt1 Texes
NEW YORK f UM 1 _ f.1any and is ready fo r missions to l'o1oscow Md
ial iu;:ienlist.s hal'e found China.
atisticf as !~ c i at ion 11 llS chief pilot, Col. Jlalph ,A!brrtaziie,
twee'},'iucreii;s and bi rlh reports he'll have no langu;ige problems
rder-fl I 1born c h i Id, getting in to the lwo Comrnuni.~t countries
econd, t.c11 Now comes Or beet.use English is the Jnternational
nw::ird M Bahr with ;:i "language Of aviation."
witch _ He looke<t for a~~nci:i-Rut he pQ1n led 11u1 •n an 1nter\11rw \\'e11"
ions bet"'Pen failurf' ilnd birth nesday that the Ch1ne£e and the Rl1ss1an~
rder. niay w;int 11> put their own crew
He found nnlv onl·. hut one nH_•rn bers abu;1rd lo see that the
'hich contradicted a surce:<1s· Presidenrs aircrafl gels down safetl y
irth order as .s n c I at 10 n . AlbC'rtazzie. fron1 ~1organlown . \\'. \'a,
""'ever. he had ;:i tct·hnical the n1ost experienced pilot ever 10 fl y a
rnb!em the othrr sc1rn!1sls U.S. President. has lsinrlr<t at aln1ost
idn't ha1·r . 11 ·s eas\' \q 1den· rvt·ry n1ajor a1rf1eld in \ht' world since he
if.v apparent succeSsf's. \'ou st arted his n11litary career 1n 1943_
ake the men who are at the Like Nixon, Albertazzi e ha.~ been to
top of their calling nr pr (}-!11~t'O"' before but h:is never been to
fession. Ch1n.1.
Rul how do \OU sell'<'t ;:i Albc rtazz1 (• y,•ill i t>I .a practice run l;i~er
);irge group-an.cl .\'f)U rnu st this n1011th when h} f~ie~ n11t1onal security
ha ve a l;irge group t.o achieve ad viser Henry A1 .K1ssUlger and an ".'Id·
statistical significanre-who l'ance team .tn P8>:ing .. Ht' "'!ll bt' the first
are by common cnni::cn! in-A.merican pilot Committed to land there
eluding th eir 01vn, dismall y since 194!1. .
complete failure11? Helping lo guide him will bt' inertial
1ulda~ systems ior na vigation, wh ich
use forces of gravity rather than elec·
Lronlc signals to determ ine v.·here the
plane is.
Albertaziie said flight dala is scarce
nea r China and he recommend~ that any
pres11 chAr\rr plane also have tt11s equ ip-
Out of srrvice since Oct. I. lhe big
Boeing 707 got a complete ,gn!ng-<>ver 11t
Ne w York 's .John F'. Kennedy Airport,
""'here everything from erigines to w1ng11
and landing gean were checked,
At the Collins Co. in Add iso n, TeK.,
near Dall<1s. it was outfitted wi1h more
up.t<>-date communica11ons equipment to
''keep up with technology," Albertazzie
The plane. now _ known as "Spirit of
'76," can make the 5,000-mile hop to
Moscow nonstop but will ha ve to make a
slop on the R,000.mlle flight to Peking.
Albe rtau:ie said he is wi lling lo send
<1long one of their na vigators or air n1en
to guide the P~idenl 's Oight.
When Nixon new nonstop to r-.1oscow as
''ice president in 1959, the Russians sent
over a navigator who took charge when
1he plane Oew into Communist territory.
Bahr wanted Lo cross·cherk
the success findings . These
studies agrred that the suC'-
cessful \Ye re most likely lo
h<.ve been first-borns or only
'<:a 11tain l(angaroo'
Supporti11g TV Ads
. ' The t:h1nes.e n1ay do the samr ,
Alberui zzie noles. or they might sugge~I
a st.op 1ns1<ie Ch111a t11 p1t'k up R Chi nese
crewmen <>n route.
Albertaii ie sa1<l hP Js
lo the China !ri 11 ··as A new
te restin,i: cx!l<'rient(' "
and in·
An he 'i; got an extril set for lhe trip !
"I learne1J 1o eat with chopsticks a
nurnbcr of ye ars ago."'
Tree Work Phone
N 1t1nber Corrected
Sorry Folks. We g;i11e you lhe "''rong
number !or phoning tree problems to
Co."ta l\lesa ~arks personnel.
The story in l\>1ond:iy 's edition nf the
Daily Pilot on ecnlo,i:y patches incorrectly
listed th e parks depart1nent nun1ber.
The proprr nuni!Jer lo phone for ques-
tions or prnhle1ns on landscaping <1nd
tree tri n11ni11g in Costu Mesa is 834·5401.
Theories ha ve been hu!lt on
these find ings. One is that
first-borns and only childrrn
are given more responsibilities
by their paren~. h:ive more
opportunit ies to identify y::th
them and other adults. and
t)lull achieve a higher degree
of socialiiation while still
Ke~han. television's Captain
Kangaroo. said Tues.t<1y night
It would be imjXISSible to im-
prove th_,..qua.lity ol children's
,televl1ion programs if com·
mercials "'ere banned.
cludin.R: spt.'Cific broadcasts for
different age groups. Come to this Christian Science Lecture
Successful adults usuallr nnt
onl.v take respons!bilitics bt:t
seek them. The y read ily af-
filia!e with nlh1·r people 11nrl
are thnrour.hly s1Jtial i1,c<t. th:it
i~. they're al11'?.1·s in the s11·i:n
y,.h::i!r.vcr thr sw1111 is
Bahr. "·ho is J so<'iuloi.:ist al.
Washington St<1!e Unil'er.~lty,
took for his uncflallen~eable
failures 203 residents of New
York City'! Bowery, one of the
\\'Orld's more notorious "'skid
rows." and 199 inm11tes of a
rehitbi!itation camp special iz-
ing in Bowery bums.
Such n1en re f tJS t
··1 f.'11 seririui::ly concerned
lh:i~ !hr proprisa! can be . and
vcr} likclv 11·i11 be countcr-
prOOuctil'e. "'Kceshan said in
a t.-.Jevi .o,ion dl:'ba!c .
1lie loss of revenuP frnn1
such corn1Tiercials 11· n 11 ! d
hinder "the efforts th;il are
beinr;:: made toward tht pro·
duction of better :i net mo re
creative t e I e v i ~ i n n for
Opposing Keesha11 on "The
/\tl1·ocale.~" television show of
the public hr o a cl c as t i n g
ser1·1L·e "·:is F:1·clvn Sarson.
presidf'nt o{ a grnuP called Ac-I
resPQnsibi!ity, e v t• 11 f n r
the1n selves. Jn B;1hr"s "·nrds.
thev are •·untl er-sociali1.ed"
"'hi.ch is spc<ikinJ! in a
"'hisper. Their abili!~' tu ;if·
{·1· t ·1h one "nothe,. li on for Children·s Tele1'ision '1a e,_even w1 " ,
is markedly lo"'-(ACT).
stigmatized ;is fai lures a <1nd Mr'.'I. Sarson were broad-
"They are com m n n It: The rommrnts of Keeshan
cQnceived as occupyinl! one f cast Tursd:iy night on a pro-
!he lowesl ima ginahlc sot•• I J?rfl lll originating over KCET
st;:itu ses." Bahr .~aid. hr·rr ;11trl 1·nrried hy n1ost of
It should follo111 then , 1f fi1s!-!!1" n:1!1"11 's 200 non·com·
horns and nnl v childr('n arr n11'r'ci:il 11·lr1·isio n stations.
more likely 10 Sll!'Cccd t1101n '\("!' h;is pe1it1oned the
thn~E' lower in a hirt!1 nrrJer. F r d (' r :i I Co1nmunication~
that rel;:itivcl~· !cw fir~t h.irns Cnn1n1lssion In requ ire al! sl a·
and onl y children shoulu be tinns 10 c<1JTY at least 14 hours
an1oni;: them . of eoinrncrcial-free chi!rlren's
Mrll. Sarson sajd "the only
reason fo r the content on these
(children's 1 programs is to fill
in between tht commercla!s."
ALldSTLii l G. SMITM. C.,,I ,
l'llDA'I', DC TDBEI JJ, t :Dll PM.
Long lhath-Saaa111ento $11 lncludlngtax ~
PSA knows a capital way to
get to Sacramento. It slarts
at Long Beach Airport. Easy
to get into and out ~f. ....
Plenty of parkin g. ......,,
And the crowds haven't
found it yet. Your trave l
agent knows the \•tay.
. -r 7:10 am {EKcept Sun.): 10:00 am,
~-'fi 1:00pm ,4:45 pm (Dally):7:0D pm P (Frid11y 11 nd Sund11y),
r:-.i a squeoe. PSAghim: r:-.i • llft. Bah.r found this v.·a.~ n1 I so. programming each week, in-
F'irst-bnrn.s "·ere repre~en1ed --'--''-----'--------------------------------------------1
in the s<1me ge11eral propm-tion
they OC'cupy in the grneral
population. But nn1 .v c~!!dren
"'ere distinctly ' • o v e r ·
r!"presented. ". ,
In repnrtini;:. his stud.1 lo !he
center of alcnhol stuiies at
Rutgers t:lniversily. N r w
Bruns"·ick. N . .I. Bahi nHcrrd
an explanatinn whi rh he <·nn-
c!'dcd wai:: sprr:11IRtio1
!f parrn1s eK1l(l('t m 1rr of ar1
onh• child lh.in th('\' 11n11ld of a
nufnh('r nr ch1lclrf';1 ::ind 1f lhi i::
accoun1s fnr ~n rnuc~ succrss
for nnlv chilctrrn, lh<'n !hr
sam<> ."l'l·up r•r>uld ;il;o ill'C<n1n1
fnr n1:inv f;iilurP .'i
•·t·nrrA.~fln;ili l~· h1 i:l1 parr-11t;il
txpectal1nns" rnu lrl r 1 rntually
fn~ter 11 retrr;it frn1n 111r coin ·
pelitive wnrlct . he s~id.
Israel Bae kcr
Ca111p~i~11 Se t
Suprn~~ (lf l ~r;i<'I \\·ill
launch !heir 19il -72 bond salt'
r11mpai~n "•ith a dinner Oct.
31 al the Al rportrr Inn in
~e"'Ppf1 Rea ch.
Dr. and fl1 rs .. t.lii\'wcll L.
Roslon \\•ill be honnrrd at !ht
dinner 11s lht couq\y 's nu!stan-
ding Je\\'ish couple. 'fhe bond
sale, or \\'hich J)r. \lns1on is an
acth·e backer, annually helps
the economy of JSf11rL
At Sear• .•.
Planned tor
Phone your •.!•rest
Sa1urdayj in
The rine1 syslemyov'd
need a sc1ent1s110 ex plain
• , . bu! Oo1al says it in
two words, "Tas1eme··
~ ' . '
,-,1,·' I•·•, :··'' ,., ....
•'' .. ·1-I•"' I ' '' ,,.,,, ,,1· ""·'
' .. fllll.R \( "1i II!' .09 "'I n•;oitnf, Mi~l~OL 14 lf'I 111' ,I 0 ~g ~·co1m1.1v ~I! c1g1rlijl. /IC Atpott •oo ·n.
. f
101 GA!. !.lATION,
....... ·.
OA!l Y P/LOf J 31
REG . 2 09.95
Words lawn vac uum cl ea n!. p rofes sionally and economically!
Swoops up un sightly pope.rs, lea ve s, g ra ~~ clipping s, ev en pin&
cone~ on lawn, work and ploy nreas. Brigg > & Stra iton e ng ine,
easy-spin recoil start, height od1u>tcrs, 9·bu. bog, 30'' path.
19.95 l AWN VACUUM ACCESSORY KIT ............... 17.88
High-velocity mo tor r.ucks d irt and
leaves into low-dur.t bo g , or
d isposable plastic bogs (extra).
Great for garage, walks,
and lawn! low pricel
14.95 HOSE KIT, 12.88
l '/'IOSI atUSH NOlllf
_ ... ,'
Shop Mon·Sat 'tll 9:00. Sun 12·5PM
oho•1" 1 :4 8 7"1 7"'f'O
J"'··~•"P 54 /,C,'3..:t!
,,.,.,, "! er::.,, ~' i t
o• r•nfl -'73 Jl 10 COV INA
"TORRANCE o• ""t. ""4 2 ~97 1 NO RWALK onon~ 968 0 91 1 H).JNT INGTON BE ACH o.,0.1" 7l4·1992·Ei6l I VEN"TURA r•·<J• ~c, .i::.$-!142 1 • 642-7,41
CANOGA PARK choro e e83· l~
Drione 9 56· 74 ~I '\.
. -
J4 DAILY PILOT Thur~ay. OctObtr 21 , 19 71
New! Corelle
by Corning
The incredible
everyda dishes
wo full years
:--.1·.ll V ICE ff ll! ~· 11·1: 11u·h 1d«~ 4 "<H'h l;ir~·· 1Jl;it•'.
1110•1!111!11 [•l;Jl o' ll(I\\ I. l'\ljl ilnd SflU!"!'f
L,k·• nc!h1n9 vou •• •••• u•ed before. II'< n<>I pl.,,t;c , , •
no/ "'°'"~"'"'•'• dnd '"" ch•n•. Yet it hd • the look, f•ol,
Mnd• of o n ~,. ""tP''"I in.ented bv Ccrninq i(i•nli1lt,
C o>•elle R l1-.nq"'"'' c~n t.,l o .,II lhe puni,!vnent cf •"•rvdoy
u•e 6nd ebui~. S•(• '" !~• c~e" •nd d;,h ... .,,~er. In f•cl. Co•n-
inq p<om ;•~1 '" "'-P~•<• ""~ p;o t e th .. t ohould bro•k. chip, '°'"'"
or ,+.,;n d uq nq t .. o v••" of p•eryd5y U>• -fre1 ond without
f.ou• b•eu 1 ,l~I P"t!efn\ <l •o•leblo o n~ lim• bv tho pioco
or bv t~f t et,
S I per day
t! 11/1 p1lrchuse of Blue l11J!r1
Outdoor lig hting you
never tho ught you
could afford!
A qua lity syste m you install yourself
. . . in minutes, with complete safety.
No permits, conduit or digging necessary ... just ptug in! • UL
approved 12 volt sy">!em absolulely shockproof, child safe! •
l hese low volt.-ige sets are complete with large sealed beam
lights, color lense'> (amber, green, clear, pink and blue), weather·
p1oof, shockproof c<ible, transformer with on-oH switch oCJr
automatic timer, ground stakes anti wall br.&cktU •, Use this
eMcitini new light from Lillie Giant in CIOltns al way$ throu,,.,..
out the year for ~ecurity and outdoor beauty. Four separate
.ets to choose 1rom. "
start at
l""'\IOlrlpt OU7000l'I UOH1S
Anothtr l ittle Giant PrOduct
F /\iUILV CtftCllS
.. ...I~. -.. -¥·-
1>11 Bil Kealle
l "Don't worry / P J , Mommy wi11 SEW it LJP, ..
Genetic Disea se Cure
With Gene Implants?
U.S. Public 'lleallh Service
reported today a possible step
toward curing various genetic
diseases -ranging fron1
diabetes lo Mongolism and
sickle-cell anemia -with the
he!p of implanted ''hitch·
hiking genes.·-·
An agency spokesn1an said
the following look place in a
pioneer American research t'f·
fort :
[iefeeti\'C t1u1nan l'ells. rul-
lecled In tc!>I tubes fnun a pa-
tient suffering from a genetic
di~ea se ca lled galactuse1ni<1
\vere appare>ntl.v ;iltet'e<l for
lhr helter when purposely in-
fected O_v a spec1:~1 vit·us .
1,'he virus hore a cargo ot
.Re n c 1 r l' 111alcna!s literally
picked up -like a hitch-hiker
-y,•hen the san1l' virus had
previously infected tertain
Thus. a spet i1 ii· ht>red ilar.''
"gene"' -1nissi11g 111 person1'
::arOicted Y.'11h galaclosemia -
y,·as arliriciall y s11pplil'd lo the
defe<.'tive hurnan cell~ grol'.•ing
ln god<1closern1a ll1ere is a
lar k o[ a gene-producing
~~6..·:.,""'"'1 1 · •I " Men i11 :
Service ' '
Arm.v l'riv?.\f' F1r.~t Clas:;
Sanford t . Van Ost .Jr .. 11·hose
paren1 s 111·e ;11 13 4 4
i\·linute1nan \Va.r. Custa ,\Jesa.
recen!!.1· "'as as.~igned lo lhe
Signal Support Agent'}', Saigon
in Vietnain.
Pfc. Van Ost is a 1eJcv1sion
repairman in !he agency nea r
1!1~ wile . l"her)L hi es al
19!17 Post \\'eybridge ;\ ,
!\"ell'pQrt Bear h.
Arniy Second Lieutena nt
Larry F. r\i(:hols. son of i\lr .
and Mrs. Warren t:. Nichols,
J! 12 I\1ace. Cosla J\1 e s a .
recently completed a field
arlille.ry· orficer basic course
at lhe Army f''ield Artillery
School. Fl. Sill, OkJa.
' . l~
chemical enzyme required lo
(.'Onvert galactose -a form of
sugar present in milk - into
Afflicted babies may fai l lo
grow properly ar.d may die if
the mcJady -easily treated by
eliminating milk and milk pro-
ducts from !ht cliel • is not
The spokesm11n for !hf' Na-
tional In stitute of Mental
llealth Nl~111 arnpliried on a
report in "Nature." a Aritish
scientific~ puhlieation having
v•orldw ide preslige.
'l'he rt>port i\sl',I[ w<1S co-
authorized by Dr. Carl R.
f.1errilt of NIMll: Researcher
!\lark R. r:eier. Columbia
University: and Dr .. John C.
Pelricciani of the Division or
Biologics Standards. National
Jnstitu!es of Hea lth.
·rhe l\1\~111 i;okesma n said
•·our own scien!ists consider
lhe wol'k a step loward curing
rliseast':r> cau!'!ed by genctir
laul!s. such as 4.1 i <1 be I es .
J\-longolis1n, t·~·:;t1c 1Lhro.~1s.
!'iickle-cell a 11 e 111 i a • and
phertYlkelonuria or.'PKU.'
"II n1ighl e\·en havf' l"utu re
irnplieetions for thr treatn1eol
or 1·errain cases of eancer and
he:irt disease -.a tendency
/or which appears to run in
<.'erlaln families."
The virus used in the ga la<'·
tosem ia-cell research wa!i a
particular variety or a virus
rhat naturally aHacks bac-
ten;i. Previously. such viruses
h;i ve been believed incapable
uf lnfe<.'ling 1nan1111alian cells.
Tht' t:iaeterlu1n rho~en for
lhe prel1n1 inary "feeding'' or
1l1e ~·u·u.~ was oue kno\\'ll lo
('011!a1n !he anti-galactosernia
The spokesrnan also said the
L BcpresenJ..~ th«> first
dernonstralion that bacll'rial
genes t:an bl' biologically sc·
rive 1n mammalian cells -
and lhe -fi1·st tesl -t ubt
de111onstration or a specifie
f'orrection of an inborn error
of metabolism ·
2. Confirms the u nive!'salit~
or th• so-called .. genetic
l·ode ··
:L Suggesls that viruses 111ay
play an important natural rolr
in the eli:change of gentile in-
formation among di f~~!cnt
It~ never too late to
discover yourself.
God has ,Riven you unliml led ta1C'Tlt and useful-
ness. A constant i.:apacity 10 Jeam and grow~
This is becansc your real nalurc is s-pirituaJ -
not li1Tiiled by age, background, or ~nvironmcnt.
At our chu rch ~rvire~ thiS Sunday, you wjll
11,ar a Bible Lesson \vhic h e.'(plains your real
spirilual scllliooll. You're wcloomC to come.
Christian Science Church Services
Tonight and every night from 11 p.m. to
8 1.m. you can dial direct (without Operato<
assistance) anywhere 10 California fo r 49C
or less. This new 49¢ ra te also appl ies from
8 1.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday. and ho lidays.·
If yo u can'tatay awake that l~te . it doe•n't cost
much more to dial a call dirert ear her in th e
even ing From 6 p.m. to 11 Pl"'· Sunday
throu gh Frid ay and 81.m. to 1 p.m. Saturda y,
it costs 80¢ 'to dial direct. ·,
On a s\at1on-to -stat1on call
requi ring any t·1pe of Operator
ass1stance -cd,llecL cred it
card, charge ~h ird party,
etc.-1\ costs ~ire . From
6 p.m. to 8 a.m, weekdays or
all day Saturday, SundaY, and
holidays: an QReralor-
assisted ca ll cos\s $1.05.
During the day11me Mond ay through
Fnday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. it costs
$1.20 to dial a call yourse't.
A stat1on-10-s1at 1on call placed
through the Operalor !or this ·
same .nod ol 11 me (Mon day
througrlFri day f101~ 8 a.m. to
6 p.m.). cosls $ t 50
H you do need to make a per!i00-
10 -person ca ll. it costs $2 .25.
no matter when you call.
AM rales are for ltvee-minu1~ calla
from Santa Ana to San Franci sco,
plus lax.
·Holiday 1a1es lot c;slls w•I~,,.. Callloir>tt !IPPIY ..
d-V on Was h1ng\O'l ' Bin~'{. l~ooNldenc•
01)', L•bo1 Dav. Tnank~g,v1ng. Cl'u1s111'16s eNI
'".,..Year ' Day
@Pacific Telephone
Dial direct. u·s laster and c:heaper.
Harbor Homes Dressed for Holida y
I / ' 1
l I
' I
' ' l I ~ . .
' 1
Fa mi ly Lost ; Health Recovered
DEAR Ai'i~ LANDERS· i'.-lr wr1t1np; to
Yotr. J tan'! beliC\'C 1f, but here I am-
ashan1ed because I can 't handle this pro-
blem myself.
:'II)' mother came to hvc 11·1th us 01·cr a
~·car ago. She \\'8S \"l'fY sick and nef'ded
t:are. In Jun(! she had surgery, made 11
rerna rka.hle recovery and now looks and
feels be1\er than I do. i'.lnther is 68 ye:i•.~
Q]d. financially independent, owns two
lovel y homes and has many friend~ --
2,000 miles a\\'i!Y.
Since she ha s rl'gaincd her health I feel
like a prisoner in my own hnmc. She in-
cludes herself in all our S(){'ial aclivitic.~.
just assumes shr is inv1!cd. \\lhrrrvcr v.·e
go. she goes . F:ve ry day shr sa.vs. "\ n1 so
happy here . I'll never live alone sii;:ain."
Mother m;iy be happy but I :im
miserable. I used to look fory,·ard to her
visits and we even enjoyed takfng her on
vacations. but to have her y,•ith me 4
hours-11 da y is drivin~ me cra zy. I fin
myself hiding in my room.
I'd never ask her to move. I don 't want
lo hurl her. yel I feel gullzss for oci
being able to free myself, Am I 11 b
daughte r because I can 't npen-hRndedly
1hare my hon1e with my mother' I am
\o'.llW'<i In on ::ill sides. You arc my Only
hiopt ._Shc reads )'our cn!umn rvrrv l'IR~.
Ma,·br. sh@.'.il rccngnize hi?rsclf.
yOur room , go sit with a counselor fo r an
hour a da~·; ty,·\ce 11 wetk. )'ou need to
\'entilate ~'our hostility and your lruslr11·
lion. Perhap.li In the proces~ of \'tnlllation
yo u'll open some doors to Relf-un·
derslsnding and learn to tolerate your
mnthrr -or find the strength to free
DEAR ANN LANDERS : 1 am an of·
ficcr in the United Slates AnTI,Y who ha s
a suggestion for that young brid~ whose
hu~band is in Vietn::im and whose mother
is dyi ng of cancer. I hope she will advise
her husband to appl y for a compassioniite
assignment at 11 post near her parents'
home. Thi s would enable hr.r to be .,.,,Ith
her molh('r as long as possible -and lo
help \\ilh the younger sister and brothers.
She could also give her father the emo-
tional support he needs at this difficuU
lime in his life.
l( her soldie r husband run! in!o
resistance when he makes this req11e ... 1,
he sh(Juld ask his chaplit in ll'l inlervene.
Me should also request help fron1 his lwn
~f'nlltors and his congre.,.sm11n. What I'm
sa~·ing is he should not give up. He should
lry until he ~els the assli;i:nmenl.
DEAR AN : Shr won 't rcroi::niie I spe<1k with 11uthoril y brcatlse T m:ide
k.eri;rlf. She 'll think ~ht·~ lhf> tll Ctptlnn-the mistake of not being persistent 'in 11
11nd thtrc ~RE exceptlon5 , but they ar' '" 5lmilar h11rdship situa tion si nd I have
~Carce a1 Wen's teeth. lns1e11d of hiding Jn -·regretted it ever since. Good luck lo him.
OEAR IS . Thank you ror the sug·
ge~tlon. I ceh·ed 11 grt'at many letters
from read n "'ho felt I · had gi\•eo the
\ll"rong advic t you y,·ere lhe only
ooe who came. up with a practical
alternative. Thank you very much.
DEAR ANN LANDE ll.S: You arr. a
fake . I ha ve written to you about the
same problern three time s and you refuse
to print it. My problem is a lot more
serious than mos l of the junk you publi1'h.
I think you make up letters so you can
use some or the sm11rt-aleck remarks you
reiid in the jo~e lx>oks. Here·!'! one you
won"! print. -FED ~p IN TOPEKA
DEAR FED: I'm ~·ell awart lh11t you
h11\'l!0 ~·ritten lo me with the same pr4-
hlem three limes . I didn 't print it
becau~ I don't ~lleve you •·ant ad,·ice.
Ynu w11nt onl)' kl embarrass yoor tl5ter·
ln·law. This colomn is not a"hlllboard to
gel e'·en •·Ith relatives. Sorry.
Hoy,· will yo u know when lhe real lhing
eomes along? Ask Ann Landers. Send for
her booklet •·Love or Sell and How to Tell
th e Difference." Send 35 cents in cnin and
a long , !'!elf-addrc ~sed. Stampt?d envelope
with your request in care o( the DAILY
Plonn ing • fie sta
in the J. R. Betson
hom e ore Mrs . Phi lip
S. Northcote and Mrs .
Be tson I above, left
t o right). At left,
Mrs . Yarger R. Buck
I left I and Mrs. H.
Law rence Hu ll Jr.
admire the atrium
in the Willmon home.
• The holi days will arrive a little early in the Harbor
Area Saturday, Oct. 23, to be on time for th e second Home
Tour and L'nique Boutique planned by the Punch and Judy
Guild of Children's Hospit al.
Opening their distin ctive Back Bay and gol f course
homes for the tour will be Dr. and ri.-1rs. J R. Betson. Mr.
and lt1rs. Leroy C. Willman, Dr. and Mr s. Schuyler C. Joyer
and Dr. and 1'.1rs. Benjamin Kraut.
'fhe \Villiams' Ba ck Bay hon1e \\'ill feature a Thanks·
giving theme, as created by the Mmes. \l arge R. Buck. Mar·
shall B. Stamper and Thayle 'Taylor .
... Guests will view the home's large atrium , which is
decorated \vith plants and pots of chysanthemums, centered
'vith an abstract iron sculpture by R. Tarzium. and Mrs. Wi l·
l!am's unusua l china and heirloom goblets 1,1,•ill grace the
d ining roo1n table .
The living room, family roo m and master bedroom
11 11 open to the atriun1 . 1A1hil e the children's '"'ing is set back
and can be closed off. A ·high sky·lighted ceiling gives the
hon1e an out·of·doors feeling.
The color scheme of the house. focusing on golds,
turns to yelJO\V and white in the \\lillman's daughters' doll·
filled room. aod their teenage so n dis plays his architeel ural
Interest 111 a bro"·n, gold and green hidea\1·ay.
1'he !argc Spanish style home of Dr. and ~1rs . .J . R.
Betson. also n1 a Bar k Bay setting. radia tes spaciousness.
Custorn Spanish furniture in the earthy orange. green and
brow n tones i.~ an attractive co ntrast to the high, dark-stained
cathedral ceilings and 'vhite rough plaster 1\'alls. \\'hic h also
are trartitionally Spanish.
l~an&'paintecf.tMexican tiles decorate the living roo m
fireplace. kitchen and a newly finished patio fountain out·
side lhe living and dining rooms.
Dr. Betson's favorite roo1n, his very masculine den,
features a built-in bar, gun cabinet. large arched fireplace,
built·in beak shelves and \ofL Above the fireplace is a marlin
caught by the Betson's son.
A second·floor balcony overlooking the dining roo m
gives the eating area a two-story ceiling. from 1,1,•hich two
large chandeliers hang. The arched windO\~·s offer a view or
the bay. \\'hich also may be seen through the glass wall of
the master bedroorn.
An appropriate fiesta theme is being-planned for the
Bel<ion home by the 1'.1mes. Vaughn N. Redding, H. Lawence
Hul\ Jr. and .larnes M. Gorman.
The Schuyler C. Joyners' golf course home featureS'
rrsa1\•n \1•ood an d sand·cast red bric k f!oor·to·ceiling fire·
places in the li vi ng room and family room. A ~unny yel low
and 111hite color !'Cherne prevails throughout the house. which
ha s gol f course: vie1vs in the livi ng room, dining room and
n1a ster bcdrooin ._..
. . 1'1~e spacious L-shap~d ~itchcn anrl f;i:n ily room co m·
htnat1on is extraordinary 1vi th its plank flooring and cathed·
ral cei ling, and in cl11 dcs a large working rug 1001n used by '
~1rs. Joyner and a bullt-!n sewing center.
Pholo,graphs taken by the .Joyners are hung in the
hall. alo ng \vith a spectacular shell collection . In the yellow
and 1vhite nursery are a barnyard mural painted by ~1rs.
Joyner and a shuttered bay "'indo1v "'ilh 1vin do1v seat.
''oung "Sky" Joyner has a Bonnie Prince Charlie bed·
room as his hidca11•ay. reaturi ng red. \vhite and blue Grena-
dier 11·a\1papcr. a navy and red plai d bedspread and matchiog
cushioned "'indo1v seal.
!\i rs. Jovner's needle1vork offers a final touch to tht
home, '"hith Will have an old.fashioned Christmas setting. all
created by the ~lmes. \Villi am H. Gardner. Clifford D. Dov.'nl
and A. F. Du _gger .
~··· lt
Inte ri o r
G uest~ who open doors of shnwplac•
San Cleme nte rcsiderices duri ng a home
tnur from I to .'i p,m. on Sund ny. Nov. 7
y,•Jl l be helping deserv ing Saddleback
Cqllf'~ graduate.~ cross the threshold
to higher education .
The tour is the main fund.ra iser for
the Sa n Clemente.Capist rano B::iy Branch
of American A.~sociation of Universit v
Women. PrflCceds are enrmar ktd.for the
na lional AAli W fellow ship fund and local
Participants can vie w the canyon-ocean
pa norama c.nd Orie11ta1 ·art objects(,( the
French-decorated Theodore Tafe home
in La Ladera.
Another stop "'ill he the K. C. Hicks
residen ce in Cyprus Shores, featuring the
la test ideas in appliarn:e desip. At left,
Mrs. Hicks gives Mrs. Jnmes Pointe r
11 prac!ice welcome.
~r. And Mrs. Norman Wright will open
thetr three.story, 20-room. Spa nish-style
home built in 1930 as the !27th structure
In San Clemente. The furTi iture is hand·
carved and designed for the house.
A circular staircase and fioor-to-eeilbtf
1.rt gallery are two of the unusual fea·
tures of the hillside house of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Abts which reflect her interior
decorating talents.
The ~.50 tickets may be purchased by
contacting Mrs. Patrick O'Brien and Mrs.
Dona ld Anderson.
Mrt. Fr::ink Kressen, AAUW president,
a"d Mrs. WiHis Vansell, home lollr chair·
m.i.n al~ are being assisted by the
Mmes. R. D. Limberj!'. Jamet Poin ter.
John DE'lcamp, Harold Riddell and David.
or the AA UW scholarshlp recipicTits
to date, one is doing ~aduate work In
aiding mentally handicapped children
11nrt ;,nother is majorinll' 111 Spanish to
pref)"re for a United NAtions career.
Scholarships al so 11re j!'iven to San Cle·
mente Hia:h School students .
I . ' .
Ttw1~1y, Ottobtr 21, 1971
' J -p ' .,
Sister Sobbing ..
Goliath Finds
David 'Read'
On one of my infrtquent
tri ps to the be1uty shop the
other da y, I emerged knowing
more ahout DAvid Cassidy
than any woman h11s a right to
There were no less than nine
n1ri gatine co1·crs flash ing his
picture and luring me inside
""ith suc h prO\"OCative ques·
lions as. "DA VID RE VEA LS
THEY P.1 ET."' I '' He ll o ,
Mom."l And '·DAVID Tf.LLS or H I s HEARTBREAK"
{Psoriasis, \\'hat else? 1
A yllung teen;:iger literally
has pushed off the front page
the perennial Lennon Sisters
~·horn I round near the back of
one magazin~ under a
he11dl ine . "THE NIGHT I
BYE " by Kathy Lennon.
\They \l'ert all go ing bowling.)
I had lo turn inside to read
~·ha! Liz Burton thought about
being a Rrandmolher. ("It 's
morl!: fun than throwing a Tup-
perware party." 1
Even the much-publicized
Jackie Onassis was on an in-
,:ide page in a storv called,
"\\'HY I CRIED 0~ MY
seem!! she got Greece for :i
\\'eddlng present and it was
the wrong color. J
r kept trying lo figure out irt
my vdldest imagination how
rn ag11 z1n e., can keep filling up
a book month arter month us-
irtg !he same personality. As I
sat there I could visuali ze a
'"8tory conference'' on an up-
coming issue.
'"Okay, gang, we've got
Da vid Cassidy on our cover
again thi! month. (Qoohs and
a111hs from the gang. 1 We sent
11 photogr:ipher in through his
pl umbing and got a fantastic
c11mera angle through the lint
and hair trap of David
brushing his leelh. ·•
'Double Your Pleasure'
"\\'hat <ire we doini; for an in.~ide Jiictu re storv?" <l~ked /\n arts and crafts exhibit bencfi t ling ph1lanthrop1 cs is planned by the Saddle-
HAPPY KITCHEN -1'he ki f(:hen of the St huylc r C' . .Joyner home invites all
sor ts of projects 111th its plank floors and la rge 11'or'k ing spaces. Preparing f0r
the home tou r spo nsored by Pu nch and Judy Guil d Saturday, Oct. 23. 1vhirh
,1·iJI in clude Lhc go lf course ho me. are 1\eft to right) the ~1mes. \V1Jl1am H.
Gard ner, A. F Dugger and Cl ifford D. Downs.
EtMER N U S. :issociate
director or admi ~sions nf ~
Ste phe1u; Cllltege \\'JI! dl'Scribf>
!hr i\.11si;:ouri ran1pus tu high
sr-hoo! ~en1nr J:irl s 1n the
f\e wriort Br:irh :irf>a fn1m
Sa!urda.v through \lond;iv ,
Oet. 2:1-25. He v.·dl be a1·ailable
for interri rw 11·11 h st udPnl~
and p:irrnt.~ 1n the Los Angeles
J·lilton Hote l.
one of the 11Titers. doodli ng on bac k ti.1others of T1rins ('!u h in the San ("lcmente El ks Club. The e\'ent 11·111 take
_ .11 scratch pad. pla ce frorn 7-9 p.n1. Saturday. Ocl. 23. ti.'irs. Albert Roch a gets double help from
"I'm open for su ggestions on her l1vins. l.ynnettce and Gene. J
lhll t one.·· 1fliiiii~~i~"~~,,,~~i~liinl~~~~~~~~~~~ "Wha t 11bout Dav id in a see-1
lhrough blou11e !tiling us how
From Page 15 grandfather ?"
he \\'ill feel when he's al
Holiday .. Homes • • •
A":\ 011. PAINTI NG of A
yello1v rnse hy ~1 i~s \Vendy
'\'~rd of Co~t;i i\.1e~a \\"On a
third prize :it thr Los /\n~elts
Countv f;i ir. :'11 i.'>~ \Vard. :i
~r;i rlti;ite of 1-::st;inCJ a High
N-h<"'I and frrshm;i n at UCl ,
\e;o.rned of ht'r award 11 htl e
,·is1ting £rit>nds in E ngl and.
"We hBd that la~t mnnth.''
'"Ho1~ 11bnul David having ;i
rl i11lngt1 P on sex with Donnyl
Osmnnd ?"'
"·Havt \\'e ruled nut the1
pni;:11ibllitv th11t he could be the
firth Len.l'IOn S1.~ter?"' I
Come to this Christian Science Lecture
to the
World ..
Christmas also ""Ill be cele-~. br11ted in !ht golf cour!t home
of Dr. and ~1 rs . Btniamin
Kraut. as executed bl' the
...: J.t"mes. '.\lichael ~isbet, \rood-
ro"· \\'. Lan e and Fred rick
A c o J o r scheme of soft
greens a nd golds prevails
throughout the Kr aut home.
•• ,•
. -
.. Embroidered sequ in s in long slrips, no'"1ered
... -and ba nded at the hnrdtr on .sil k organza. in.spired
~=.san lorenzo tn creale thi.s e legant go'"'"·
-~-Superh ru1lL n.R: and cl rapln.R: make lhe most of
'.: the fabric frorn the ~tan cl -up neckband and flared
·.,: sleeves. In nne flo\ring hem. It is cinched at the l_: \\'aist \\ith :i self brl!.
;:· This fabr1r. used by lhc d e!;ign£>r in the ltalian
'."-collection. is a\'ailahlt> lnr allv. 72331 is cut in ready-.;.~· to-\l·ear ti.11ssr" Sizes f\-1 R. !'.iize 12 requ·ires approxi·
~-mately 3·\11 y a rd~ of a 44" border fabric. . --
~ To order 723::11 : ~ive size. name. address and
~_:tip. Send. $2.00 . _1\dd rc:;s ~PADE 1\, Box N, Dept. '~ CX -15. llt ilford . N .. l. 08848. f;. To order the origi nal fabric. req uest local outlet
.,.!.:from the above acid res~. !'at tern Books by ClassiJi ca·
~ ·tion: Half Size an d ti.lature l)resscs -$1 . From any \:;~book pur chased, order first pattern at lf.r price.
' .
• . :
C1pftie Ot fl <t She11
Dt nc1 Wet• by D11n ki11
225 E. 17tti ST.-COSTA MESA
541 ·2171
t IAJllKAMll:ICAllD a e MAITlll CMlllt l t
except for !he bnJ!hl splai;:h of
pink in lhe1r daul!:h!er 's bed-
room .
"Has he ever had h i~ tonsils
nu t? V.'e could do fi1·e pages
" .O.L.l.llTJ;ll G. !MITM. CI I .
r:ll lDI Y. OCl OBEll Jl, l :&o P M.
1il (MUllCH 0 , (HllllT. '(IENlllT
l llO MEI.I. VEllDE Oii .• COST A "'li A on. "I MAOF. FRIENDS ....
11o sr1:-;G /\ i\.llll-SEA SO~ \\'!Tl! /\ i\.!AN \\'HO PULLED•l'======================'I
p::il;i ;1fter the r:i t'es :it Sant:i A KNI FE QI\: MF:."' K
An1\;i on S;iturda\·, Ocl. 2:1. '"I got it:' said the head id s Lo ve Uncle
11ill be Clement ~ llirsch of "Tiler, '"How :i bout. 'THE
• IS
let everyene lfa"i" teel
lro'" 59.00----ell celer1
Of Sprc1a[ illl('rr~\ Ill thr1r
home is the rcra n11c tilt' r!o11r,
irnl>'""Jrlt'd from Sp:iin. "luch
run-; lhruugh .. u! !ht• h<lll~('
Olhcr f(':itur('~ •ire lht' l'11rl-
up:ul·~r rn;u·tilt' firrpl:1ct• u1 the
lh•· 111111).! r1•1rn ;111d r11:1~tt·r
bf'dri ~l!TI .1n<I l '1 ·rsi~111 rui.::.~ ;11ul
nPrd lt•1)1i111t µi r!url'S h.v ~l rs.
Kra11t 11t1ich ;i re i11 1n;111y or
th£' rf~l lllS.
i\"cwporl Be:ich, Oak Tree DAY ~I Y STEPi\.tOTHER s
fll"C'<;ident. T HIF:D Tl) P01SON ~IE.'7" Len atur·day 1·n Jo1 I•,~. World ,, .. ~.e"I
(:111·sts w1H gather f or ··vou meart. , ." they all ' lJu 1. co•ir Mwv.
'»c·kl,·1ils !11 Iii!' IJ1t"f>{"l11r,~ e;ij·'. COllOH.O. Ot'L ,,.,.._~
/\ n;il11i• uf Fr:1ner'. lll rs.
l\r;n 11 hots coll«·r l(•d ari·r>s·
i;:nrit•s fr11n1 Eurnpr. 111!'lt1d1ni.::
a 1n:intel rlr>ck fron1 Holl;inil
anrl :in olrl fo11d i;calc fn1rn
r riland.
. " h DAILY PILOT , .. ~'"' '" o:i •••
H11oin . llu·n ;11lju11r11 In !hell~·~· A~p~i<·~t"~"~· ~'~'"~"~"~! ~D~a~'~idkiiii~:~~~~~~~~~~·~~~~~~~iiii~~~~~~~~~~~ ·1111·r ('\uh rur dinner :ind {!;111-being fed :irtlcho'kes bv hll
t·i11g. Jli).'.hligh1ing thr n1r1ng llle pmother. Shirley J one!."
prol!.r;un 11\;11 d:iy 11·!1\ h£' the
_f7;,,ooo Norf(1l li Stakr.s fnr lwn·
c;uild 1nemhPr'> 11111 olfrr
lht>1 r hanr1n1arl(' lrea~urrs nn
thP patio of 1hr fl l;rr\' ~:g.
r rton hnnH'. anrt 11ork" 11•ill he
r1i~pl01yt'r1 hy 1hr ('osta ~1e.'>a
/\rl Lrac.ur du ruu: (:ala Frs-
1J1·11JI''> fr11n1 2 lo fi p 111 ln-
r lu<lrrt \\ill br rnu~1·· :ind
rrrrr"hmrnl~ Thr h<lm('~ II ill
be npt>n fnr the lour from
noon tn ~ p m
T1r krt•. :ii 11 11111 br 1111 i;:;:d,.
:it ri ll thr hnm r~ or m11y hr
purcha~Pd from :iny guild
\Ir• ljnrrtnn (';innnn nr
~tr~ H L:i11-rmct' Hull n1 ay-
~ cnnt::icterl fnr 1nform:ition .
\·p;ir-nlrli;:, 11·h1rh 11 <1.~ \\'Oil 1ai;:1
~rar h~· the host'i;: June llarl -
t:SC TO\\'~ ;inrl f;nwn 11•11l
hr;o.r Arthur t\n1p:h1, cincm<i
prnfe~~nr and cri tic. discu~s
New l'ermt~~1veness in F11ms
1 ;o.t ;i 12 15 lunc hr nn Tuei;:day ,,
1\oi. 2. in the Foyer nn cam·I
He 11·111 hr intrnrlure<l h~·
t-.1ri;:. 1lur<1eto Prnuh; or Hun-
!1np:tnn BraPh, l"ice pre~irlrn1
or rrop:rami;:. f
-~) cl n,.~· fln1 11.rr iJ """' 11r
th,. 1,nfld'" ~r,.e f 11~!rnln
J'."I"~. 11 10 f'Olumn i~ on .. "r 111,. DAJLY PILOT'S iT'Al
'fo<J c111 r1c1i•1 1 (~1t ~ fe1 1 100 11 you •1•d1 in tf!V ~11li"'
er ce •li~9 •qwOpm t nl i nd erd u b1le•1 Nt •1mkt1 r II, 19J I,
The t~1 tk will b• ..,,;i ,d le ~eu 1hoflly 1fl1• th1 1qui"m1nl
1rri•11 11 you• h.,,.,,,
LIMITED OFFER-----------
W••1 efl•rint th\1 "'Wlnt1di"'1 Sp1cl1I" in t eep1r1fien wl01
1111 rticl"1l;nt m1n11f1tl 11r111 d111in'J tht "eH 11111 ~" b111in•n
pori e,. 1~11 i nd Ne•1mb1r 15. 1971 ,
lt'1 t l•Y le h1•1 'I'' ,;, ce"lllilie11i11'1 , , , with • n•w fin1nci119
~l 1n l~•I lnt !udtt pt rl1 end 11•vice <1n tho u"l! fe r 11 ' le IQ
..... ,. •Ir C•1tdlrio11l11t IJIKl.tlttt"
2175 L1gun1 C1nyon Rd .-L1gun1 B11ch
4'4·970 OR 831·2000
From Technicolor
TECHN JCO LOR's• au tumn special is on nowl With
every developed and printed ro!I of Kodacolor 135
or 126 f ilm, you'll receive "FUL L-VUE
SNAPSH OTS" ••. and 200 S & H Green Stamps.
fer larger image ... con tou red co r-
ners .. , tex tured finish ... and the
award winn ing quality of TECHN I-
COLOR® pro cessi ng .
Don't miss TECHNICOLOR's•
Save·A-Thon-and don't miss your
ch ance to get 200 S & H Green
Stamps-Americ a's #1 trad ing
J, C. P1nn1y
Gibson'• Or lve-Thru Photo
J, C. Penney
El Cimino H1rdw1r•
S1i1I 811ch Camera Center
l .
--'~ .........
Thursda~. Oclobff ll, 1911 --;i
69 '· !
I I ' .
CENTER FOR LEARNING -ll1olher \Va\ks her child up the path to the lllardan
Center o r Educational 'l'hcrapy, Costa l\1--esa. J-ler daughter is of normal intclli-
~encc but has special learning d isabilities that prevent her fr o1n attending pub--
Ile schools. Scholarships provided by Las Aln1as of J\Iardan .. ai d children \Vhose
p arents cannot afford luition.
Fingernails grow fas ter if
they are on males. middle
fingers. right hands. piti.no
pla.vers. !ypists or pregnant
/'\ail growth is slov.•cr on
lhumbs. during sleep. for
(crnales nr 11·hcn subjected to
rnalntitritron. t•lrculatory pro-
blen1s or severe cold v.'eafher.
And neither poli s h,
School Made Possible
For Special Children
Cherish means to care.
Lc..s .Almas de r-.tardan of
r-.1ardan Center of Educai1onal
Therapy, Costa \lesa. v.·ill hon-
or I.hose v.·ho cared enough to
donate scholarship f11nd.s fo r
~1ardan students Frida~·. Ck!.
29. v•ith a coffee in 1h(' school.
The center ass1s1s childrf'n
with normal intclligcncf' but
learning disabilities which
make it impossible for them to
function in public school. Las
school through 12!h grade,
p:i rt-t1mc c<lucationnl therapy.
!caehers \1·orkshops and sem-
inars, parent education and
counseling services.
He-elected as officers for an
addil1onal year u·ere the
~Imes. frank i\1arsholl. pres-
ident; HobC'rt B. ,\loore and
Carrh Ber.g<'son. ~·ice presi-
1lC'nls: Hol>crt A. Garrison and
llnrrison Sharp, secr£>t.1ries,
and Hoy E. June. treasurer.
Almas. in irs first vear. has -;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,I
Horoscope: Sagittarius Responsible
Scorpio likes lo run lbe
show. Natives of this zodiacal
sign want their own imprint on
objects and happenings. The
classical Scorpio wants to
choose a place to dine, to
name the time, to decide who
sits v:here -and to select the
ARIES (Much 21 -Apri\ 19 ):
Hold off on trip: you need ad·
ditional information. Ans··••ers
can be found at home, through
family member. Check
reserVations, appoin tmenls.
Avoid driving with one who
has overly imbibed. Take it
TAURUS (April 20.May 201:
Pull in financial reins. Don't
commit yourself to Jong-range
payment plan. Take inventory.
Get rid of what is not needed.
Be realistic about' values.
Wishful thinking v1ill not make
it so.
GE!\fiNI !May 21-June 201:
Lie low. Don't ask ror more
than can handle. Study
Taurus message. Play waiting ber 22): Avoid becoming In-
game. 1'1ake <.'<lncession to volved in too many projects
mate. bu siness a:;;sociatl'. $imultaneously. Be versatile
!)elay signing of contract. without scattering e f f or I s.
agreement. T11ne now is on -Some neighbors. relatives are
your side. misinformed. Don't believe
Ct\NCEJt (June 21-July 22 1: every l hi n g you hear.
Vou do best by finishing Evaluate.
rather than beginning project SCORPIO (October 2 3-
Stick "'·ith v.·hal is fan1iliar, November 21 l : Gu ard
Basic chores require attention. valuables. Tendency exists
Get rid of clutter. O:lrrect now to trust wrong persons.
safety hazards. Keep medical Key is to be available, alert.
appoint1nent. Don't delegate n e cc s s a r y
I .. EO (July 23·August 22 \: duties. Be aware of details.
Avoid acting on impulse. Re subtle nuances. Get money's
considerate toward those \\'ilh worth. O:iunt change.
special needs. i n cl u d 1 n g SAGITTARIUS {Novembfr
children. Speaking harshly 22-Deceniber 21 1: Do what
now \1·ill n1ake a po I o g y gh·es you pleasure -but.
necessary tater. (;i\"e logic ren1ember. payments \\•ill be
equal time. Practice self-con-due. t-.1oans take rcsponsibihl/
trol. for actions., ~tale, partner
VIRGO f 1\u~usl 2 3-Sep. may pro\•ide loyal op position.
len1bcr 22 !: Don't attempt to Hecognize need for creative
force issues. The n1ore yo u changes.
push. the more obslacles yo u CAPJllCORN f Oecember 22-
are likt'ly to create. Kno11· this ,January 19 1: Play low-key.
-net accordingly. Heal estate A1·oid taking others r or
\'.1lues. properly settlements granted. A bit of diplomacy
are best rev iewed -to your now can go a long way.
advantage. Skeletons in closet are rattled.
LIBRA (Septc1nbcr 23.(Jcto-Look behind f o r
an s wer s. Reject the "'"°'wv. 'kNI blnt>d•1• '"" ,, t••" lo Om•" 8-lt!, !ht 0All'!" PU.01 ,
superficial. Welcome truth. '"' J:.io. Gr•"" C•nlr11 s111'°"'' ,..,, Yor~. N. V. 10011 AQUARIUS !January 20-----------
f"ebruary 18 ): Friends could
a rgue. Don't get caught in
middle. Strive lo maintain ob-
jective view. Desires, re-
<[Uirements are subject to sud-
den change. Know this and
don't commit yourself. Wait.
PISCES (February 19-r-.tarch
20 1: Conflict could ex isl
bel"'een honr. and business
duties. Realis't view is a re-
quisite. Older ~dlvidual plays
prominent role. Heed voice of
experience. One in author1ly is
uncertain. Don't push.
BIRTHDAY you can set your
own pace: ·goal is al"·ays
present in your subconscious.
't'ou were on your own at
relatively early age. Vou are
at your best v.:hcn v.·orking for
yourself. Taking orders is not
your forte. Change of
residence could be upcoming.
lo tlnd Ollf """' 1bouT voorH I! ~"° ~'lrolo<iv, c•d•r S>On•~ O'T!art'' SO·
..age l>oo~lt!, lht l r u ! h AboU!
We'll help yov lose weight
and keep ii on for good
111'1'1119 you eal alt day long,
(CAlt 83S-5505)
loon>< ""''~if. -i. ... ~ ...... -
• p<OI""' lh•I '""'"'.'•
IN CALIFORNIA ren1nvers nnr d"1etary sup.
plcn1en!s. not even gclnlir1.
h<ive any <ippreciable effect on
the four-month regro\\•lh cycle
or brittleness.
raised ~2.150 in fund s for use "'
of sturlents "'ho can.iot afford THE N-E-W 111'-='•
tuition. t<>P 'IAl.lJ These li!!le known fae1s
;ibout .. (1ur seemingly in-
significant ;ippcndales that ac-
tually pro1·idc critical pro-
lcc!ion for our sense of
touch.·· wrrc reporterl bv Dr. ~lar1·1n Rnp:iport. clinic31 in-
structor at t.:CLA School of
1'.IC'd icine.
lie compare d fini::ernail
fnrm<11inn (O '1 bedspread [oJd-
f'd ovC'r a p1llo\\· 11·11 h the cuti-
<·le rrpresent1ng the luxurious
01 er lap of materi;il. Grov.·lh
1>eeurs in the ni;i!n x llhc part
undernf':ilh !hf' p1l1011·1 of
v.hich the wh111sh '"mnnn·•
c'rc~f'ent is thP only 1·isible
'"F1n~rrn.1il~ r;in he signs nf
intern:il rn il!adics 11' they are
~nfef'lrd, di~c:olored or groov-
t"'d." Dr. B;1paport said , "But
di scnse to the nails themselves
ls mo st often caused by
ou!\vard h n s l i I i t y
nverpushing the ct11iclc or ex·
tended exposure to "'elness.
'"In these instance~. the
matrix swells. pu s forms on
top and the sides become in-
Donors v.·ill sec first J1;ind
the v.•ork done through contri-
butions. The CC'nter offers day
flamed. The condition is not
contagious and cao be relieved
by antibiotics. But it is easier
to just be kind to the cu!iclr."
Soft creams and proper
manicure tools should be used
Y.'hen pressing cuticles. If the
cuticle is tough , leal'e lt a[Qne.
"Gelatin. thyroid, vitamin or
amino supplements are pro-
babl\• a v:astc of tin1e 'tl·hen
;idded (Q a h:i\anccd d icl for
nail streng1hcn1ng.'' Dr .
Jlapnport added. "These ~o
call ed cures arf' nnt ha nnful
but have dt1bio11s benrfit
hecause nail growth Is n1orc
hampered by physical or
chemical onslaught from the
ou rside."
The use of moderate b;isc
coats under polish or rubber
or plastic gloves offers best
nail protection considering
that "a tittle neglect breeds
mischief" in this tender area.
• Alterations
• Finished Laundry~
• Suede & Leathe ·
In Corona del Mar
Across from See's Candy
3512 E. COAST HWY.
M .... ftl. I te 6-lot. I to 2
~nd FLI PPED •.•
•"d PRESlO! lhe
h1 20 FinJilo11 Sltadn
only $32.95
at •••
JSO·D IEnt 17tti Strfft
Now you too can become a professional shopper and save hundreds of dollars per year on your qrocery
"~:']bill. No need to run all ovre town huntinq for barqains .•. You can b eassured that when you shop at Top
" Yalu, you are buyinq at the lowest prices in town . Naturally, we carry all of the famous brands ••. Top
'' 11.....,.(jluality Meats and Garden Fresh Produce.
UP TO 20°/o
Shop In A Warehouse Of
Fine Quali ty Foods At
535 W. 19th St., At Harbor,
Costa Mesa. It Poesn't
Take A Lot Of Nerve To
Be The Only Store In
Town Tha t Discounts
The Discounters.
10 AM TO 7 PM
Lower expenses for us
means lower costs to
you. It's r e o 11 y that
simple. •
Yo11 1flll 9ft • wide MIKtlo11 of top
tlra11d 11ontn I• o cl""• ft"le11dly 1toro.
011ly yo11 don't pay 011 11r11t 011d 1111 1 ..
for It. Thl1 week, came tot"-Top ¥0111
"waNho11 .. " oporatlo11, No "dolly"
1p.-clal• or co--0111, I••• 111bell..-.a
prlc ...
10 A TO 7 PM
Wt tKtrvt rllt ""~' ,. clla"'• '•kt• •• -te11i. ,.ltM W119e.
we welcome
• t<>P 'IAl.lJ
• we makeOiscot.nlers lookecpensive
535 W. 19th St., at
Harbor, Costa Mesa
. -W-'H~JBd""
Of" •Ol'IE'f
Kicl s Like to Ask Andy "'~;::: !~~:" [i11•1fU•1iJ:ilil!l1]~U•Iif:ilttJWl•IfU11111ili:ll•1~1<•11J:ilttl1Jl1Ri _______________ .::..._ __ 1t.-._.. .................. --..111i.-. iK ' (',
• ll Dlll Y >!LOT
01 1M O.H, ,,1 .. 1 llfH
Claire Trevor and her hus-
band, fo.1il!on Bren. ~!rs. Salk
chose a long gown wilh v.·hite
ruffled bodice and black shlrL
and Jl.l1ss Trevor wore a pri nt
C'11ft11n de!ligned by Attina of
La Jolla.
Music to
Belly Rtiliy perform~ a
varie<! repertory. r-.t11s Reilly
said the fieata perform.11nce
had speeial meaning for her
becau11e she wall atrleken with
polio as a child.
Resea re hers'
enjoyl!d dancina with hi.t al·
tractive "'ife.
1raft1. tumors and norm.al
tissues are retained or rt?
jected by the tmmunolo&ical
system. one of today 's unaolv·
ed my1teries In tht medical
aclence.1 . "-
It v.·11s fiesta time in San
Juan Caplstrano S 1 I u rd a y
evening, and the old mission
town put its best foot forward
to give a colorful ar:d w&Jm
welcome to tht guesls of
honor. Dr. and 1'.1r.s. Jonas
Also at the hesd t:ih!e were
Jtffrey L. Clark , depul y dJrec.
l.or. Commission of
orful pin.a las from Olvera
Street in Los Angele11. and
table candles wer• neat!ed in
huge paper flowers. Strolling
mariachis provided music dur·
1ng the cocktall hour, and
dance music was interspersed
through the fiesta by the El
AdoDe Continental Trio.
Dr. Salk and his wife were
ho~red at a cocktail party
preceding the fiest a in the San
Juan Capistrano home of Mrs.
Marro F. Foraler. pioneer San
Juan residenl . Invited to meet
the S.lks were members of
tht board of the Or11nge Coun-
ty Ch•J>ler 1nd Los Carino~
commll!et members planning
the fiesta.
Many of the women at-
tendin g got into . the fiesta
mood by wearing Mexican
dre11se11 and mantillas. and
several men appeared in
beautifully embroidered Mex·
lean 11hirts.
Diefo. of which ht ia director.
la directing ita eftorUi toward
cancer research and has as Its
purpose t h e ad-
vancement and dissemination
of knowledge relevant to the
health and wellbeing of man
by research. advancing in·
struction Hid training in
biology, in the cause, preven-
tion and cure of disease and In
the factors and circumstances
conducive to thf fulfillment of
m11n'1 biological potential."
Hosting tile fiesta, the first
of 1 serires of "tleg1nt" af·
fairs to be given annu1Jly by
Los Carinos, were the Mes&rs.
and Mmes. Nigel Balley.
William Blurock. Robert H.
Dabney. John Oa\•is. John
Franco. William J1mea Kelly.
William Laing. Dr. 1nd Mrs.
Jerrel Richard.!! and Dr. and
Mrs. Norman Wa tson.
r Approximat iety 200 Orange
Counlians g11thered, at the
bidding of tht new Los Cari nos
group of !he ~larch or Dimes,
in El Adobt restaurant for it
Fiesta F'abulosa to r11ise funds
for the Orange Co u n I y
Chapter '11 work in prev~t ing
birlh defect.!!.
Stated at lhe head table
with the Salk!!' were ~IW
Californias: Arthur W.
Feldman, U.S. Consul from
r-.,ex1ca li: Tony F' n rs Irr,
m 11 yo r of San Juan
Cepistr11no. anrl Or David
Geddes, cha irman of the
Mar ch of Dimes medical ad·
\'1sory committee, And their
The Patio Room of the El
Adobe "'as decorated with col-
Guest : "·ere ser·vtd the
PresidL J's Choice for dinner,
a r-.lexicl'ln combination pl.11te
which actually was Mrs.
Richard Nixnn·s choice when
the First Family dined in El
Tradilion1d Spanish dances
were performed by Rayna and
her company or children, call·
ed Los G!tanitos. and sinter
The gueat or honor was
allowed to remain simply a
party·gl'Jer . ind quietly talked
with a f1w of the guests 1rid
Dr. Salk 's modest maMer
belies his mo nu m en ta l
achievements in lhe fleld of
medical research. which have
betn recognized by the Lasker
Award, the. Robert Koch
Award , a Presidential Cita-
tion and Conirwional G<!Jd
Medal .
Ttie Salk lnatitute in San
Financial a~istance to the
Institute has been pl~ged by
the N at Ion a I Foundation·
Mareh of Dimes and other
Dr. Slllk's pre1ent work ls
on the "mechanism whereby
Mail.tr of ceremonles w1s
Dean Joseph Kr oll of Oranfe
Coast C<illege.
Measles or Rubella:
1 What Does it Matter?
\ ' \
-' \ ..
. ' ,r
~'hat's the d If re rt n c e of the disease i11 usually the avoid any pos1ibility e t
betwee:n rubel!a and measles painful swelling that com-preanancy for two to three
and "'hY is it important to monly occurs ln the glands 1t months afterwards:' Or. Kay
kflQw? the back of lhe neck and concluded.
According to Dr. Fred Kay, behind the ears. A slight feverl----:::;;;;;,;;;;;;:---
Jlresident of the Orange Coun· usually accompanieg rubella,. I
ty Medical Assoc i a t ! on , The major danger in this
rubella i~ not measles at all, disease is the potential of
but lln entirely d i ff e re n t severe phy11ical and mental
di.~ease caused by an entirely d.11mage to a pre g n a n t
different \'irus. woman's unborn chil d if she
"Rubella wa.~ first classified acquires !he disease in the
by !he medical profession in e;irly months of pregnancy. In
Germany and this is probtib!y snme cases the mother will
"'hy the misleading name abort. and occasionally the in·
'German measles' was used in !ant "'ill be stillborn.
other countries . ln Germany it "A woman should be Im·
w<is called Roteln ." munized before she becomes
Both measles and rubella pregnant and she should clear·
i @!,.~~f.~,f!!Hfi
W•1t1tRI Al'll•rol lly
• Norman Wia tt e Bl•yl e
All o Go lf W"r
27 11 (ott C•••t HW'y.
Cor•11• d•I W•t
I ' ; •
can cause s er in us cn1n·l ~\y~u~n~de~r~s~ta~n~d~th~a~t~s~h~e~m~u~s~t ;;;;:;;;;;;;;~~;;~;;;;;;;;~ plicalions. Dr. Ka y said .
''Because of these com· G~ "THE STORE WITH plicalions. ;i ll medic a I , L ABELS OF DISTINCTION'' ' . I • authornie.~ o re urg1n2 \'ac. cination •ga;n<t .. _th d•'se.ses OY• '""1.a1 •• t .~, l'rld• lJV ln HtlOlllf 'l'lu LM• Yt ur IMI
Auxi liary Sets Sight on Successful Harbor Rubella usually is sur.h a mild
childhood disordfr that mnn~• 251S E COAST HWY, CORONA DEL MAr:t
< .(
Charting a course of fund·ra1sing for the Florence ('riltcnton Serv·
ices of Orange County ii a su pport group, the Sea Circle Junior
~.uxil iary. ?i·lembcrs and guests \1'i!l be piped aboard the Pavilion
Queen tomorrow evenin g for a harbor cruise, the first of a series
of funding projects. Setting siahu on a successful event are Mrl.
~1ilton Patterson Oeft ) and Mr!i . Ro~rt Dennis Jr.
people may not know if fhey Your e h 1 r9e ~ccounl wel~ome fi 7J-29go
have hRd it and 11re alread.v1··~g~~;;~~~~~~~~~~fi~~;;;;; immune. An undersl;inding of Full•rton Open Sun., 12·5 p.m.:===='il the symptopis of t h es e
Fund-raising: Game Coast Clubs Play
f;~~.~~" may cl"HY the ,;tua-Half s.· ze!IO:!
Here are the symptoms : ~
r-.1easles: Th is disease lasts
aboul 10 days and at the. onse!
13 characterized h.\' A dr~·.
scratchy cough. runniniz nose.I
inflamed eyes Rnd an ir·
regularly e I e 1• a t e d tem·
Orange Coast cluh memhers
are 1n ters-pcrs1ng their usual
rummage and b;ike sal es 11•1!h
oulinli:S themed to Japan.
Germariy Rnd Las Vegas.
Bon.oi Exhibit
The Or<1nJle Counl~' Bonsai
Sociel~· will start its eighth :in·
nual exh1b1t at noo n lh1s
~·eekend. Ocl. 2.1 and 24. The
displa.\' of 1niniature trees 11t
the Oran~e County Bukkyo
l\a1 1n Anaheim wi ll close al
1n p rn Sarurday and 9 p.m.
FY Borbec ue
A book sale and tacn stand
11·i ll be 1wn of the club bonths
at !he cnmrnunit~· Hallowren
barhec-ue Rt Fountaih Valley
High School lrom 10 a.m. to 5
p n1. Saturday. Oct. 2:1.
Women of Co!onia Ju<1rez
Com munity Cenler 11'111 make
!he Me)(ican food to be sold
by 111e1nbcrs or the Federal
Come to this Christian Science Lecture
",t, 1,t,SIS FOR JfJSTIC(" .,
Al.l.ISll• G, SMITH, ( S &.
l'llDA'I', OCTDl£1 ll. 1,11t ~.M. 1Sl CMUICH O~ CH•IST. SC!INTIS'f
1tH MISA VllDI Oii .• cosr .1. MllA
... tl>e M• li1te •' l•1M
Clui1t11tcn C••di i., ,t,111. erk•• ,,..,11191 . ' •
'-" T•11th, H1ny H•bi.y,
... I.lows, hw"'•••in, tr••
•1t1•11ol . . . • uyJ. t1
tiilt y•wr let!• erttl llft~h!
Imprinting .•
1 ll11e ''" •• cerd, ... edllit, SI I
1 Week Only
h1h•ll1t1tt•ty .... ,
et1d1 Wed., Ocr. 27
The Very Specitl Wty To RerMmber ....
S.. '"' ,..,.,_, c•ll.ctt111 •f Ctirl1t111• ,_.. .. ll•MI •.•
,., -"ltl•••' .-.c,,1 ... , ,., .... 11." 1 oo;0 OFF a_,. . , ... , .. , ......... THIS Wiil
;:sa als
t04t Atl•t• A••· --' M .. 11011•. "'' t• L11t.q'• o,.. ...... JM. 10" '· f'tt••• •••·0111
,,.. 61ft Wr.,,t11t
Advisory Board at their joint
hooth. Friends of Fountain
\'alley Library will sell All the
Books You\·e Always \\'anted
to Own , But Couldn't Afford to
Irv ine Junio rs
r-..trs. Danirl r.1 e P t e k ,
chalrman. said d n n 11 ! i o n
delivery information ma)' be
obtained by calling ~lrs .
Andre\\/ Kurica j. Buena Piirk,
or Mr!. Jack Vion. Anaheim ,
Bot a Sig m• Phi Mrs. R. Lee Pendleton will i\lembers and g:ue.~ts or West open her Santa Ana home for C.rove Are11 Council. Beta the Irvine ,Junior \\'oman ·~ Sigma Phi. will g;ither .111 the
Club membership tea at 2 L11ra yctte Hotel in Long Beach
p rn. Saturday, Ocl. 2.l t 9 s t d Oct " \\' .. _t th 1 a p.m. a ur ay, . """ omen ~ "'ef'n e sigP.c: 0 for their Auh1mn D11nce.
16 and :15 :ire inl'1ted b~· ~1r.c: ~fr.c:. Carroll L1nd5t\' nf D. C. \\'Alt ers. nienibership Westminster 11nd Mr' ·Trim
chA1rm:in, !.n come and he11r Stevenson of H un Ii n R: lo n ahout. the .club and such pro· h · . 1 al 115 SaddlebRc-k Com· Beac 11re ~o-chinrmen of !he JCc go s . · .... event to which most members mun11 ~·. Hosp1ta!. I n re .c: 1 rif the Southern C11!iforn lt1
r1 allon and Y 0 LI t h C<Juncil have been invited.
;:isst~ ance.
Rummage Sale C li pped Wing •
St11nton Cnmmun1!v Hall will The annual i\1ontP. t:11rln
he the site or Oper;:1t1on Help-part~· nr Cli pptd \\'1 ngs . Uniter!
ing ll11nd's rutnm;>ge sale on Airlines ste.,..'Rrde:s~ 11lumn11e,
Saturdny, Oet. 21 featurinR will h111·e: 11 Rn11rini ?Os Iheme
rlnnated deparlmenL ~tore F:nterlain ment will be11in 1!.
rnerchnnrlise :ind u ~ u a I i .io p.n1 . Saturda y. Oct 2:1. in
A fund·raising Octoberfest
11·ill be. presented hv Ci ty of
Irv ine Now (CO IN ) sup.
porters at II p.m. Satur-
da~·. OcL 2.1. in thr Air porter
Inn C.erman food 11nd en·
ter!a inment v.·ill be provided
for the $15 admission price.
The Andre"' ~la~·s are
C'ha1rmen of !he event and
lickel.I may be obtained by
calling Mr. and Mr~ .. Joe Bal!.
lniurance Meet
Strength T hr o u !l. h Com·
munieation will be an.:ilyzerl ,11t
the sub-region11l conference of
N11tional A ~ s n c I ;i 1 i o n of
lnsursnee \\'omen on Sat ur·
d11 y. Oct. 2.1. in the r.rand
Hntel ballroom. An11heim
At the end or the fir.,t three
da.vs the tP.mper11lure may
penk al 104 degree.~. at which
point the rash "'ill appear.
Afte r l'lnolher three or four
days the rash begins to fade .
lt is from this point !hat the
danger of encephalitis most
cnmmonll' occurs. Th i 5
d1sea5e · 1s a direct com·
pliration or measles 3nd ca n
be deRdlv 0r c::iuse severe
hr:iin cl11rii11ge.
"For 1his reason, especiall y,
imml1niz11t \on 11gR1 n~t mca!'les
is mrisl important ," Dr. Kay
!1ubel la: This i~ usuall.v a
mild d1 sorde:r "1'ic h lasts
about three d1ys. A ra~h often
accompanies rubell.:i but n1ayl
be !'fl faint th11t it gnes un-
An 1d~nr1f.\·101: ch11r11;cteris t1c
Sw .. p in'o
foll in o
long drh1,
So mony
sli mming
1tylM lo
choose from.
Come '"' on• on
1,,, 1i1e.
'""" S26.00
I r '
l I
\ sec-ond·h11nd goods. r-.1r. 11ncl Mr~-Le:etat e Smith's
Hclp\n,g Hand , a (!rnup of F.nC'l nn homl' frir the ~r!'lup
l.eAr·Siegler, Inc. employe 11·hich ~uppnrt.~ the H1rbnr
1·ol11nteers. tises the prnceerls Fnundetion for R t t • rd e d
lo help needy families. Lasl Children.
\Car the ~lub provided" r-.ier· Chapter Party 'r\' Christmas for 45 un·
Insurance \\'omen or Oran11:e
Cnun!y "'ill ho~! !he all·day
ses.~1on !hal. st11rl~ at 10 11 m.
Thi' 1\lmes ~hirlr1· Sh1ll1ng
and S.:irah i\ell.1 . dirrrtnr nnd
chairman of 1he f1vr ·sf.:ite
region. will br hnnnrrd ~11ests.
Rummoge iole
Antiques. Jeweir./-rurniture
clothlnli: and .:ippli.:inees are
being priced fnr 1'l rummase
sale by SL Cather1nr's Cnuncll
nf C11tho1ic ~·omrn from II
a.m. to 3 p.m, S.:iturday. Oct.
23. \n Laguna Beach Woman'!
n1un11y and p11r1sh prn1ec1~.
Arlrl itin n11l donation~ ma y be
delivertd lo the clubhoust nn
Frid Ry.
Temple Sharon
An Evening in Llls Vei;as
\\'ill be the theme and dmr
pr ize for the .c:i~terhood's
spaghetti dinner at 6:30 p.m.
s.oiturda:;;. Oct. 2.1. in Temple
Sharon1 ~9sta Mesa
1 ~~~'sHA~F-~l ~i SHOP
Delt11 Delta Kappa Ch11pter dcrpr11·il eged bys and girls . mrmhers of Bel.A Sigma Phi
Demo Women ,11 re planning a ghoulish party
Drmocrat1c Women o f fnr 8 p.m. Saturd11 y, ()(t. 23 . in
Or11nge County are planning a !hf! haunted home of Mr~.
rumm1ge, bake: and bout ique Ronald Bro.!ichi nsky. Yorba
s;ile from 9 11.m. to 4 p,m. Llnd11. Ha!lowe:tn rlunts are
Saturd11y, Oct 2.1, In El on lhe agenda Rnd admissio n
1\iodena Ctnler. Or11n11:e. i.!i by co11tume onl y.
Mr~. Allen L~nrh Is in
chargt of !he bar~ainfcst pro·
ceeds of "'hich will provide
altar suppl ies, ~chnl 11rship.!1
11nd fin11nc ial suppnr! for cnm·
Proceeds "·ill be usPrl 1n
furni~h lhe new sch o QI
building. Ticktts will cost $6 50
per r.oupl e .11.t the dt'IOr . ·
c1~,~s •. ~.E~~~~T. ~.~Y~:t II
84 ~~~~~~~J~~ .. ~~NTER 8B
CN•n t• l•rl&er Ir••· F11r11lhlr•)
Ala.: lH OllAN!Jl,4111 MALL
Only Coast & Southern offers savers all three:
• 6% two to five year guaranteed certificates.
•Saturday Service. • The Insiders Club •
Effective 5.00°/o·S.13°/o r.,i;•brnk Nr .. ··n-Jr".
An nu al 5. 75o/o·5.92o/o On• Yr•r Cett>l,r ~·· i 1,000 Mir:·-J -i,
Earnin gs 6.00%·6.18o/o Twf'l in f11e Yell• C.•·r.11eo1 tes l~ l'1~1r:. ') r mJ...-,
Up lo 90 di!vs IClS5 ot inter est (In amoun!S w1th(lr;iwn
btfort mal ut1tv r:rn all ctrr1f1c..!l tt eccounts.
Th~ Insiders Ctub: A new w•v lo beat 1nfl11 1+nn llS. ll'ttmber~h1p carrl
permits you to bu y nr.iirly tveryt h1ng you nr.ea fro m the f1nesi clos'!!rl
door showrooms at substantial Sl!VinSS-llllPliance!io. lu~n1!ure . ~tereo
equipment, sport ing goods. draperi es and muc ~1 , much1,more.
You can even buy rl'!rS At the "fleet" price and rnobde hOme!io and
mo1orc.yc.1es a1 subsran11al S1Jv1ngs fhe Insiders Cl ub eiso orov1ais
big d1scoun!s on l1ckets to soor11na and t nterla1nmenl ev~nts , .
plus a .vhote l!s! or It•• services· s11fe dePos1t bo~es. mo ney oro1io•s,
tr11vt lers check s. notary services and the use of document
d1Jplic at•ng eou1f'lml'nt
Me mbPrsh1p reou1remer1 ! tor 1.11vers .\2 .~00 n· n•rnu~ b~l,•11 1 •."
Coast horrowers roow rect 1ve .tssoc.1111 ~ memti,.rsti1ns en!1tl1n~ !hem
!O all outside referr,.1 serv1c t s. Ask 1bou ! J01n•ng e! any Co1Jst C"lff1.-'!.
MA IN 0'r1Cli
J11\ 4 I-fol• L"' A/\r t l•t • lll•ll~l
W!LSMllll •1 GllAMMlllCT l'LNt(· .J•ll W1i.11u1e1~ll ,L A •3 ~1·126!
"L.A. CI VIC C(NT[ll: ;"d A. 8•-:>•llw•y • f.;r..11n1 _
HUN T!N(IT0N" e[A(H:
'I ><unt·"~!on C•nto• • 1111• 1~1101 1
190~ N Ml•" .S1 • (lllt ~1 7 t131
SANTA MONICA · 118 Wol'll"• l t•ll. • JQJ,011~
$A"I 'EDllOI lrtt • '-~,.11,~ •Ill 211 1
WIST CO'llNA· £•••1•~11 S1'n•t1'"I C.t• • Jll·lJOI
l!il!i Van Nuva 11~11. • l•J 1111
lNllU.NA: 111~1 Ven1v•1 @rl~ll •J I~ l&ll
J•d & Letu'! • 1\1 /Il l
t AaT lOl ANGl\li'I:
1111 & Joie · •tu.1J1e
D•llY H•11~t AM t• 4 , .. o,_.. Set1N•p-t AM .. 1 , ...
'Nto! 0-S.1\1 ... IVI
' ' --------·
' \ ,,,
--~-..... . "' .. -. ' .. -' . . --__ .__
l~11'1d1y, IX\Obfr 21, 1971 OAIL V "LOT Jp 't
By Al Cl'rip DICK TUCY
ly Tom K. Ryan
Oil !'OOH
ly Al, Smith
TM l5 5u!T· IS--
You'o 13E1"1'ER
'--,-. TMAT CMA~? EF
t.ATQNI .. ......,.
lj~ ' -
01 r .usr
!&NE IT! LoVf IT !
1 S1r111~d
5 -tllowdtr
' .I.! ii subsraur.it ,,,,,,
14 Sti tt ts s.~ Prtli•
1& Fistt
17 l11tr• •lY -·
HO!M pl1nntr
I~ ~pta~ oubl 1c:I~
20 Jigged
Zl }tylf'IW,lll •ru"' 2J Copied
Z• C.ina0'1!n·USA
srttl t!!>e~:
l words
11 Vaid's p1rt11tt
l~ Tllratr it1I
crr1 rn\1! I Oils
31 Gtt to0r~1 :
2 words
35 In geed
~iul s~
37 ICl!ld el betr
)II FMlrrinr r9rnt
40 (gyp!.1111
42 Spirits M
Ult Mid 111
111Clrnt "°"" ''"Kiss Me-"
.4~ Egypt11n
danc ing git'ls
'7 Up to tht
"\ pr1,enl tl111e:
2 words
~' Weloht unit
' .. '
SO V1titl1te
52 Utist!S a ~ain
S4 P11rt or 1
rnl lit1ry
t s ti ll I; shmtnt
SI. Amus ing
5'1 Ev1 dtnt t of
an OPf'•l\1on
1.2 Purchase
1.4 5,.,,11 ovc1d
&I -qrindtr
&7 '-'1ddl1
t VtnlS
2 WOl'dS
70 Way
71 Kind of letter
72 Swe l!lng in 1
bird's bt1k
73 Wea~ chi1p1nt;1
·~"' 74 Put I ntWS-
Olf)!r to USt
75 FC1"mt1 ly :
l Abode cf tl'il!
1h1dt 1. of
111• dt•d
2 Ward oft
) •.I s1conds,
!ti" on1:
2 words
4 Ont who
wr ites 1n 1
du ll rash ion
5 Olie11t1I lt1
f, Rlvtr Of
f'll ntt
7 "and AndyH 3b Lalld
A Me ntally S!lrO\.ll'ldtd
rtl1rdl!'d by w1tK
~sOl'I 3i Direct tht
~ A long li111t -1tl1nt1eJl'I rJ
10 "1 did lt --41 lil1 k1!. wit
-"·) w!7dS 4) l/C UIOt
11 C.olfer 's 111 excess
i.onttrn 41. Orirnt1! coin
12 This: Span ish 41 Hudshi'
lJ Primitive wind 51 ituman bcnf'
inst~ni 53 Ray1I
lB Fit for 1 king re1 idtnct
22 l'owtvtr 55 Sw-1 ltn par1
25 h l1111 pr1ytr 51 Tin k.,-s ti
2& ke!andlc -\11 Ch:lntt
prm," 51 NI-1
n1rr1tivts W"lll'ld•y
21 H1w1 1i 111 1dj~t.lnt
symbol 5'1 Kil'lll
10 Sp1nish lltlt flO 81rd
3l CllrVer's Ill An Ml1tt
i1T1Plt111tfll: ol fe11tr
2 W!7d~ f,J !nl!l'jtctiM
33 Prrposltion ol fe1r
)4 End cl 1 1i6 Tol1I !>f l11 d
hain~he•d 1 busrnes1
35 A1bitrary i.B liltldGW
decrer '' Finish
••1-.... ....... _,
THE Tm.£. CF
Ml.( E5SAI( IS, ·wu . .D ANIMALS
(F "THE 1JE ST "
•· •• •••• ~J . ',•'• ,.,
~· ·"
_._ .
By Dale Hale
By Frank Baginski
Bv Charles M. Schub
l: ' ' ;1 ~
" \-1 lj !! •• /: , ~~ :-...._~!
By Harold Le Doux
!l'""'""""""' ... ""'""'""'~'<s<..,.;-;";:.o.,:"'I ·~"~.~ .. ~Tl!V=I N,.O~ro""'o"ET=""1"'"""""""=uc"o'"wo=•"•" MEAIJWl-l ILE. -'t'OU CAN &E SUllE
YOU TO Mi&r ERIC.! TIME °"" " WITH A&eev ~ MAll:E WE TI:IP~ weasreR? 6All:IU.6E OF f'l.IO·
By Mell
CUT T~AT our:
By John Miies
" :! .,.,>..,~--'"' • • i.::~::;~-:.=:.-
t:>oN'r ST~AIN 'f0Ull$~LF, DMR--
l iLL DO IT-
By Charles Barsotti
lly Rager Bohn
~e<,> r l/oo Dt1D!'PED
t,\'.)()R 'SM1~ svrrol.l I
"Ob du.r. wben they bow to you, yoq cu bet tben't
ao Sl.IS lunch."
--l.Q.~.:-:i~ ~-v ·
I '
t •
I • '--~~~~~~~i
'MMMMM ".~It LEAVES $111jL Al,W)Q'
tJdme 'JI S!1!S11 AJRI' • J
ft IWl.Y PILOT Thur5day, Octobrr 21, 1971
NOii« I• "-•llllv 11>'*'1 "'"' lt>e I 09td 01 AIDVl•flSIMINT 1'01 1101 lru•fff• OI ,,.,. CN>f CommllftlT'f' Coll~
Nolie. It...,_ elv.., ltltl Irle to.rd fl/ 0111tkl ol Or•llM '°"'""'· C.lllernl1, wlll Trv•~ OI -, ... , Cornrnunlr• COii.Of rKtlll• H•lt<I -· Ill 1'0 H:• ..... ~ ""'°"'"
Clllrkl, l'Mftl"'llet ,.,_,,_, M •• IM t:ln, N.,.......bef 1, 1'11,-' !he ,.,,,..U.. .. M
"OwM<" will •.C: .. wt uo ta. DUI no! l•I•• Dfl>I. cl •••d odloal dl•l•kl *••• •.
lll•n J:OG P,M., TIWl..S.v, N~ 4. 111'11 Ad.,n1 "'"""-"· Cos1~ Nona,
u ri. M•ll<I bkll 1or ttw. ewerd of llK C1tllorftl1. II ,...,k ,, llrne loakl bid• will bl
c°"tti cl for L ... NOSCAPING tor 1111 PUDl!clv _...., Ir.cl ro..a tor: lmP1.m1ft. EN~l llONME NT ... l ([NT[I, OIANCE !1llcn incl fvolu1tlon d l"n>lec!
COAST COLLEGE, CCNll Mu.I, 0•1n9e "Clllr1I~."
'"""'"• c i 1!1ornl1 Such bldl IJ'llll bt All blch ••• to bt In 1CC0<111nce •1111 f9<tlv~ Jn 11\t' Office cl !hf P\lrcli1lln1 11'11 ln1tr11~!oM 1tld Conalllon1 i nd
,.""'· ..,Omlnlltrottlotl &ullOlna. ll/O SJ>Kilk •llon1 wf'lld'I •r• now ..., 1111 •"" "'d•m• ol.ve....,.. (0011 ......_._, O••n•e m•V bt •tcvrl<I In 1111 office OI tlM Co.Jntv. C•ll! .. """ 111111 be\_....:1 1no Purcl\111"9 "'-D""' ot u !d ~ 41o!r!cl.
....,t111c" ,1.., 11ovd In ~ 6oe~ liloom ol Eldl t>klder "'u•I 1ubmlt wilt! 1\11 t>!d 1
ti.. Admlnl11r111on 6ul10lnt 11 lf'll 1bov1 ce>t>lor'• cr.eco.. c1r1illld cl\400., <>< bid·
itotf'<l tlmt. 11er·1 bond m..it 01v1ble lo 11\e <><Ot r cf
Tl\I war• coroil•h of lr<ltellon, ooll ff'lt Coell Co-nmunltv Coll19e Ol>l•k l
1>rtoari!JOn, Pli nll!>t •I'd m1ln!1n1nc•. Boer<! or Tru11HI rn. 1n "'"°""' Ml 11u
All bid• ort •o t>t In occcta1r.ct w1tf'I lh1n tlve Ptrct nl f5'1;,) ol mo "'"' bid 11
,.11,,1, OP1Clflcation1 1nd olntr" p0rjln•nl • Dut r1nt..., 1n11 lh1 blild•f will 1ntor Into
conlract documonl> COll•t• o• '"" lf'le oroPO>ed COMract 11 •~• ume 11 Con!rict Oocumtnh ••• now on tile and 1w1r~ 10 nlm, In !he event of l1llur1 10
-n to pu~llc ln1pectoon In tno >110 orrlco ..,10• Into wch con!retl, ""' pfO<:I"°> OI
ol m1 OwM!. •nd all L •~• I. W<>Od. mf c"«~ will bt tort•i•ta, or in 1"• '""' L•n<UCI~ AIChlle<ll. 110.1 ( 0 1 >1 of • bo.,,,, mt lull 1um .,,.,....,, will be
!"+ft!IW•• S.,..,11> LIQ"f'I., C11it . I n<! fl'I • !odtltti! to Slid IUIOO! dl>lrlr'I.
!II obi•.;,"" 11 mt office at"'" L•""><•Pt. No bidder m1v wilhdr1w 1>11 bid lor 1
"'rtt>l!«'I 1>y 4tllOllll,.. ,is DO tor tlell ••I """'" ot fWIV·llve Id ) <I••• 1t11r 11\t
ol 90,,.,11 plo<u .,,., •oec1!lc1!1on1 Thi• <11t1 ••t '"' T.,• oPenlno ll'l•reol. """°'II .,.;11 tit .. 1undta 11 '"" """ ar• ll>• 80.•<1 ot lru.i ... re,.,r•n IM
rrturntd co-nPi.10 fll<I In -ton<lll.Df1 prlvil090 al relKll~ 1nY l f>d l !I bid! Ot
w;!f\)n fl•• <I••• 1!lor tt>t 1>10 apt'l'lln1. '" ,..1.1 1n~ irreoul1rltlt> or lit' Eitll bl<! ,.,111 1>1 m1ee out on the <or,,.11111,, In 1nv bid or In 11•11 bl<kl•n1.
"Foti!\ or PrOPOWI" boUnd Ill """'" >ti Of tl OllMol.tt E. w ... 1sott SP«lhci11,,.,1 Sectv ~..ard Cl'I Tr111'"1
Eich l>!d shi ll tit 1ccomH niHt bY • O"""' ttovtmbPr \, ltll · lt '.00 •-"' crtt!flf<I or c111>1..,.•1 Che<~ 01••blt to me Pul>ll•l>l<I Orenve Coe11 0•11• P•lot.
OwMr. or 01tl1ll(IOf• 6 ~ 60NI Jn !1•0r Oc1obtr !" 11. 1911 7121 ·1!
Of IN 0...n<r. ••«ult<! l>Y !he 61d<lff ••
prlM•o>•I 1rol 1 11tls1tctorv '~'"' LEGAL NOTICE
c....,Pi n• "' 1urei.. In 1n 1m...,nt f'Ct ltt• ---~~~~~===c----1 t111n IO'I! otr<fnl (IQ .. ! of Ille bid 11\t l<!OTICE TO CllEOITOlilS <ho<~ or b•O bond >~oil l>ot glVfn II I $UPER1011 COURT QI' lHr"
t UAtlnlft !f'l&t tn o blddf-t ..,111 f_•t<u<o I~• SfAlE OF C ... Lll'Olill'llA F Oil
C""!r•<T It It bo 1..-1r<lta lo "m I" THE COUNTY OF ORAl<!GE
COfl!Ofml!y w•!~ "'" Con1r1ct Ooc:um•"'' No. ol.·1'MM
i nO will orov.dt fM >Y•f!V bonO o• bo•a, E<!i•e Cl'I FREOERICI( W. T"'CKM ... N,
10 ,.,.clllti! !nor•ln wi!"1n to n div• 111., Oe<eastil
11ofillc•!lon of ,.... 1w•rd o/ !"-Contr1c1 NOTICE tS HEllEB'Y GIVEl<t lo ttlt
lo Ill• bi<tnu. "~''"" ot fll• 1Dovt """'"" aoc..i<n! rn, Owner '""""' It>• prlvh•g• oi rno! 111 "''"°"' navino clalm1 1g1ln•! 1ne r•l•Cllng on• 1nd •II bla1 or lo """"" ••I ••id df<edtn1 are reculrHt lo t llt mom,
lrrttu•1r111,, or lnlo•,,.•hl•t• In 1nv Old wlrn '"' nece.,1ry voucnoro, In rn1 olHce or In TM blOdlno. ol rn1 clf rk ct lf'lt 1bove enllt!ed '°""•or P~""""' to !h• Labor CO<le or !he Sl1!e 10 "''"'"' 1n•m. wltf'I fllt n•<••••rv of Colllornl1. So<i!f'lfrn C1llfcrnl1 6ulramg voucn•"· to tne <>nd••ilgf'IOd ti 4JO 3lnd
i nd Con>truc!I"" Tronn Co u n <!Is. 51,..,1. tt•w1>Crt 8eec!'I. C•llfornla 91Ml,
lh11tdlng i nn Con1Huclll>fl T••d•• CO>Uncll w~lcn 15 tf'le piece ol bu•'"'" ot '"" o! Orangr Coun!Y. flit 11fd l!oa•d OI unoer1,9.,.., In 111 ma!tet> o>e'lalnlng !o
T•u>lrl• n•s 1l(ort1inNI Int tene••I !ht "''•" of said (!e(eden!, within tour PffVa l!IM rll• o! otr diem w•te• for "'""!hi a11er lh• 11 .. 1 wbllt.1tlon or Tnis
N Ch cr11T "' tyl>t or wo•-mfn """""" to no!lct. l •«ul• the contr1c1 ""'Ith Wtll bt Oaled October 7, 1t7l U"I Teltp"-tt
Nudity Hitting TV~
Y ou'U See (Almost) A ll of Me redith
Television has tiptoed on bare
little pink reel to the brink of
nudity, blushing all the while;
and announcing it can be a.s
daring as the motion picture
"There I!'! little c h a n g e
"Carnal Knowledp:e'' will
become a Sunday night series
in the foreseeable future.
But Friday in an eoisode or
i-Love, A1nerica n Style" titled
variously "Love and the Nude
Wedding" and "Love and the
Bashful Groom ," f\1eredith
t1acRae will gi\'e the aJ>-
pearance or appearing fn the
Sweet, blonde Meredith who
played one of !tie bra in less
beauties of "Petticoat June·
tion." and a nolhing litr !e
bride In "My Three Sons,"
does not, of course. go without
clothes in the show.
She Is probably more
covered up than the average
grandmot her at Sa n ta
Monica's Muscle Beach.
"Actually," said J\1 eredilh.
whose tresses fall be\ov• her
bosom, "I wore a flesh-colored
bikini bottom and pasties. I
was self-conscious at first on
the set.
the camera shots and anRles.
"I just give the illusion or
nudity. The camera shoots my
bare back from the waist up,
'fhe frontal shots w e r e
carefully · done with greenery
covering the interesting parts
of me."
'\'ith r em i n i n e logic
Meredith added, "I would
never have accepted the role
if il meant appearing naked in
front of the cast arid crew. But
I'd do it for a movie.
"The only other time l've
been nude in front of a bunch
or people was at an encounter
group at Esalen in Big Sur. I
do you mean almost nude~" took a communal bath with a
He was some\\·hat but not lot of other prople."
altogether mollified by his They won't show that on
wife. television. And for Papa
Father Gordon, to quote MacRae).sake, Mer ed ith
r-,,1eredith, "had a fiL He didn't ho~cs llri!y never wil!.
Meredith MacRae
like the idea au.u. t ie's really -----------------------
old fashionfd. Mother (actress r·--~-.,--.... ~, '"'
Sheila MacRae) is more ~ \ ..
liberal.Shedidn'tmindabit.'' TV 1 AILY LOGl And no \.•:onder. Meredith 's -·
sister. Heather, 11nd brother, I
Car, ha" appeared in di!-~-· · ' -
ferent productions of "hair" :r,;;.,-il--~~~,;::.·~~-... :.,,,.$
without a stitch. Th d m David froil Sho• Gu~sts ·~
Much is being made over urs ay oebbi! Reynolds. Nanel1e r~b1at.
t 1eredith's near nudity on the E · Pierre Cardin, Marly Robblns. Jerl'f
ABC shov.·. probably f o r vening Clnwrr ~nd Ella Mitchell
1w1tdf'd !h• succeutul bhl<lfr: 1rol ll>f'" "'de!TM Vlroinl1 Gl>C<lm•n, pr1v1ltll'>f •llH 1ro con,.lfltd in 11ld Executrix of the Will
s"'°'llic1tlon1 -!I'd by IM 8oerd, I nd ol rne •bove ...,,.,.., <IKedent
t re •• ll1led. HURWITZ, HURWITZ & ltEMElil
Anthony Quinn, Da ughter Valentina on Set
"But once the scene started
t felt quite comfortable."
publicity purposes. S!ill it is a OCTOBER 21 fr'! (fi) Wnhin,t11n Wtek ln Rtvlt•
step in the direction of £D £1 Show d' loco Y1ldtr
Verboten/and. A hes j tan t, 6;00 0 Big News Jtrry DunphJ 9:00 0 (I) CBS Rtporls An aw1rd·win·
ning In.depth ~ries ol d0<ument•·
ries produced by CBS News, "Pi.::UiO
Is 90" ind "Chicano" are !wo 111ai41'
documen111ies that premie1e on fut
last two hours of toniHhf3 'Padel
three-hour iill·ntws program. "l'lcl!·
so Is 90H Is an lntima1e portrait ol
one of the world's mtKt famou• art·
ists and a re!rcspect of his life's
wor~ "Chicano" is 1n e~1minalion
ol th~ rapirlly @rDWing movemmt of
~aung militant Me~ican-Amtricans.
tiJ ITTi] m Nichols "Deer Crossin~·
Sherill Nichols is ha rd.pressed t11
prevent trouble when 118tcham a~d
an Apache Indian dash over I~•
Jndian 's right to hunt a dttr. 'Ray
Any cl111l!1<:1tlon tool •n!k h>1ted ll'ld 4• l'llWI SlrH'I
l11ted sn1n b<t N l4 11 !lie currt nl w1oe NIWpe>rl 6t1dt. C1llf. nMJ
ratn '"' tile opC>lkablt l••dt """ !71t ) 'n·l'02t
trembling tread. lo be sure, (JJ News Bil! Huddy
but-for television nudity is a D !!NBC Ntw1 Tom Srlyd!f
c1111mc1t!on In el!KI with the above Aftl>f"M•• tor Exffulrlx
U1!1'd lr14es Cour.clll. 11 1n1 tilt• ll1!ed PYlll!lll.:I Or•n11t COISf 0 1ltv Pilot,
art l\Clf curre<1t "' art rtvl1ed bV l1bof' O<:toller u . 21. 21. 1..., Nowmt1tr •.
atreemtn" 4vrl1>1 IM blckll"9 !!mt or ltll zt06.1!
con11ru<1im1 limo. 1uch rev111on1 .non bt[--------,,,-=-=c---[
con1ldt•f<l •"""'of """ 1111t0 ••1n . LEGAL NOTICE CLASSIFICATION
Quinn Fig hts Uphill
Battle i11 T V S eries
That is more than can be
said for her husband, Greg
}.jullavey and her father,
Gordon MacRae. '\' h e n
Me redith came home after
work to tell Greg of the da v's
activity, he demanded, "\\'hat
touchy subject. 0 ~ngs lee Ho«tt L.A .. Klnp
"The censors had to clear vs .. Phl!adelphla Artrs at P1n1adtl·
the . s~rip!, right ~rom t~e i'J'Ntws Bentl. Schobttk
heg1nn1ng, riferedith said. 0 @ Wild Wild Wist
"Then they had to approve all (fl Th' flinbt011ti m I Drt1111 ol le1nni1
{i5] Thii Week
) , IJ.117
,ICTl,.1001 tUllNWIS '·1>4M
By BOB TllOi\.tAS
HOLLY\\'000 (API -Like
James Garner, Shir I e y
f\facLaine, Tony Curtis, James
Stewart and other film stars
who ventured into series this
fall, Anthony Quinn is fighting
for his television life.
The ratings have not been
kind to the big stars. Au·
diences refuse to be dazzled
by the glamorous names;
long-run shows continue to
dominate the Nielsen ratings.
Qu inn, star of ABC's "The
Man and the City." refuses to
enter the battle of the
numbers. Says he : "Numbers
have al.,..·ays bugged n1e. I
kllO\\' it sounds silly, but I
don·t even \\'anl to know hov•
n1uch money I havf'. l 'm
afraid if I find ou ! I'm ril·h , I
mighl lose my ambition.
"The ratings on m}' show'.' t
couldn't tell you "'·hat they
are. But they did tell me that
the rating went up five points
last week, \'o'hatever that
Coinpeting with the Jong-run
''Mannix" on Wedne sday
night, "The f\1 an and !hf' Ci ly"
NAM• IY ... T•M•NT f'ICTl1'10U' 60$1N•ll I' lMI?
llM flOllowl... --1rt *lilt l<IAMI ITATlM•JtT ,ICTITIOUS IUllNWll
...._,_ 11: I Tiit fllll~,,. ,efi.ott r .. O<>Jn• M l""' N.t.MI STATWMIJtt
THll GALLllY, l lO I , ••ttroM •1"1!., 11. "tl'lt follow lntt ....,_ 11 90!,.. bvsl""t
,.--' .. -'l~llf, EL 10110 EttlEltPlt15ES. >v2S. 11.
""119rl Mll .. r M1.M MenOf"l l-Pl . 80....:11 Avt , L1tu111 Nlfulll, (t ilt ll<IE 6AI.V.I, 12t1t W, (11lbOI &IYG.,
P1lol Vwdn lnt~l1, (1tll. l?tH Nl"'l>or"I 8tlK".
Jfmmlt G. "tllflf, Ml5' Mfl'IOlf\)flff J.,.,, M_ ~!l!'IG•-1". ~ 8tfl«ll L.OVIH Vtn k,,.9', )10 Ft r,,1nH St.,
Pl .. Pt!tJ Vtrdlt 1'1"l"IYll . Ct lll ol.vo, L•t~"" Nllu•I Coll! t71n 6111>(1.t
Tlll1 M l ...... 11 titr,., conduc!K .,.,. I l ~ll llullfle .. II bf:!~· ~ondutl..i "" .,, 11'111 t>u•l111 ... I• Nll'HI cmlllutl"' llY '" """"'"'~IP. l"ll·•ldut l !nolv!du•I l<l••bt•I Ml111r JO•ft M ~olll"''"""'"' l o.II•• """ ke'IOC
fnl1 1t11......,1 llltd wlth '"° C:°""'"' 11>11 •t•tt"'""' 1,lfd wit~ "'" C01,P~1Y 1"'' 1!1!t•11t~r lllrl wlm '"' (114>nt• c ... -OI 0•1~11 County Gfl; Oc!c>bl• 11. c.r.ro. ot O•onl<t Caun!y on Se~1emblr 11, C.1••-!'I O•llllH Coonh on SIOI 71, !tll ttn. Ir ltvlll"IY J. MllldO~. Dt•utf' It/I. 6v fl•v.rl• J , Mo<l(lo•. O~PVI~ Ir 1uv,•lv J, M•ll<IO• 0 tpVfV Covnrv c..un.r Cl•"'· Ca1m1v Cler~. C1••k
Pllbllf!Mocl Ortllft (.,.JI 01llY Piie!, Publl•~HI Or1r-o-C°"'' O•llr 1'111!!. Pul>ll1111!1 O••n;1 C.e•1! O.l!y Pililt Oc~ u ." n. n. t rod !+ovtmbl• '· $tol...,blr >e t'I(( 0<.T<X>tr 1. 14, 1t. i•olfmt.r JO •flll Ociotwr 1, u . '1.
ltl1 2117 II It/I 7696 71 "" + ''77 II
.. •I I
-about the mayor of a
southwest city Jike Albu·
querque -has an uphill fight.
In the latest Nielsen ratings
for the \.\'eek ended Oct. :I, the
7-2 Actor Di el{ Ki el Fr:! Hodgepod1e loclrt rn Notirient 3.C m Dt~rt Rtport
Big Man Ill •
show finished 66th out of 67 By GENE HANDSAK ER
programs. }IOLLYWOO D (AP l -He
But Tony Quinn, born of ducks going through doorways.
f\.texican and 'Irish parents, He sleeps northeast by
has been fighting since he sold southeast in a king·size bed.
newspapers as a boy on Los At 7 fee l 2 and :JOO pounds,
Angeles' East Side. lie came Dick Kiel is beyong doubt Hol·
up lhe hard. wa y in films, lywood's biggest actor.
through quickie westerns and "You can ·t nla ke the 11•hole
B pictures, won two Oscars \\'Orld fit you, you have to ad·
("Viva Zapata.", "Lust for jusl to the \.\'Orld," says the
Life.,/ and became one of lhe soft-spoken gentle g i a n t .
most in-demand of in· philosophical about his size.
ternat ional film stars. As for acting-
\\'hy wou ld he lurn to the "f\1y size v.·as a big l1elp i;et-
hazards of a TV series'.' ting startf'd. Mriybe it's a bit
"That·s \.Vhat director·\.vriter ol a hindrance at tirnes, but J
Richard Brooks aSked me the like bCing big."
other day." he remarked in Then, with a grin crinkling
his UniVersal studio ;ipart· n1assive features: "Of course,
ment. .. He v.·anted to know I play a lot of heavies."
how I could stand working so J1is roles have included
hard. "Russifln spies, the bad guy in
.. 1 told him lo ask Bill \Vestern, the dumb-bunny 1ype J~olden or Glenn Ford or any who kills people and doesn't
of us who came up through the really kn ow what he's doing. I
big studio era. \Ve made 8 used lo resent p I a y i n g
pictures in nine days. So mak· demented characters, then
ing an hour TV show _ which began to reallr.e that p!?ople
is 15 minutes shorter -isn"t enjoy them.''
so tough in seven days." A role as a se11man v.·h(I tucked t .... ·o people under his
Quinn admitted that !he arms and tossed lhen1 into a
television gold attracted him. trash bin in TV's late "f\1<in
But n1ost of all, he Jurned to from lincle " started him
TV because of the uncertainty playing. he says, "Ordinary of thf' movie business. heavies." 1·hal is. not dement·
"I've got 15 motion picture ed. "It \\'as my fi rst break 1n
scripts \'o"hich ha\·e been nf· TV ··
(ered lo me,'' he s111d. "Bui Due for release in Frbru;irv
v.·ho's going to make them~ i~ his best movie. break yri,
'\'ho \\•ill be responsible? "Deadline f\1des," 11'ilh Alan
"Jn the old davs v.·c had the Arkin.
father in1ages iike Louis B. "lt"s a kry parl, .i tn11.:k
Mayer, Irving Tha lberg, Dar· driver," snys Dick. 1'1'hl"ee of
ryl Zanuck, who t o o k. us play a dirty trick un Arkin,
responsibility end saw things and J have a good scene v.•ilh
thrnugh. Now you 've got hin1 ."
Holl ywood
traordinary growth ;it Jt His
falher died when he v.•as 19
and he had to go to work ; ap-
pliance salesman, rad i o
engineer, night club bouncer.
A movie stuntman-wrangler
v.'hO patronized tbe c I u b
engineered Dick's first acting
role, in a TV pil-0t. The series
didn 't sell but it led to parts
on "Lassie," "Bon anza," "I
09, Maybt"J' RFD
® Nelll'I Jim Haw11!o1111
,:30 0 Morit: {C) ('90) "Sood Neifl\bof
Sun" Par! I (tomedy) '64-Jack
Lemmon, Romy Scbneidet. Ooro!hy
Prn~ine, Mike Connors. An advertis·
ing man poses as his wile's best
friend's husband in orde r to help
her collect inherilance.
(8) CBS News Wall er Clon~i1t
~ NBC He'll"' lohn Cllancellor m AndJ G riffilh m em CosbJ sttow OSJ Bbc-Joum1I
(lJ P11yinr lht Guit.u
ffi Beat the Odds
~ liireen Ami
a!) Vi'li tnt Hortiguera
Cl) ABC Ne'll'I
Spy.'' "\Vonderful \Vorld of 7:00 0 CBS Ne1u Walter Cron~ile Disney.'' other TV shO\\'S and m ABC Ntw'I Smith, Reasoner
several minor movies. till m NBC News Jo]ln Chanul!or
Dick. 32. li ves on a Lns Ci) Tru lh or Consequence1
Angeles hillside .,..·Ith his 5-foot-(i1 The £1ectric Company Sptcial
!'I wife. Faye. and an Af· O What'• MJ line!
fectionate German Shephertl, @) To111 Jones Show George Gobel
Becca. The Kleis have in· 1rnests.
vested Dick's earnings prn-ID I lo¥t luq m I Dream af Je1nni1 fitably in houses and land, and rJ$) Spe•klnR freelJ
nn the side he's a salesman for ffi Hlltory of Me1ice
a real estate dcvelopn1ent m la lntrust
company. ®I rnm: fC) "Stranp ltdy In
KieJ buys his siie l5EEE Tnlfll" Greer Garson.
shoes hy mail orde~ from fl} M1ntrap
Danton guests.
0 (1) ft) fl) Limgsl1tt!I'' S II t'J
l egacy like Death" Lo.igstreri""~lt
time fo trying to deactivate a bomb
set to go of! In four minute!...
ED @ HottJwood Television Tbeltl'9
€I) la Crur de M1risa Cruces
~ fllm: (C) "Battle Cr('
a!) Rows 11ar1 Veronica
9:30 O 81rter Wa n! News
IO;OO (J @)mo11n M1 rti n Sh o.•
Guests ire Wayne N'w!on ind Paul
'\ Lynde.
0 (Jl (J'}Cl)Ow1N Mar a11411.
Counselo1 at L•• "Men Who Care" Conclu~ion. Robert Young, 1uest1ni
as Dr. Ma rcus Welby, is a proseclf•
tion witne~ against Marsh~ll's clie nt
.who Is charge~ with !he murder ti
his daughter's boyfriend.
O Tht Avengers m N1ws Putnam, Fishman m Anim1!!. Attlon 1/ld Adytntilrt
"The Bird Mtn" 1
fil @ Wo11d 'rtu m Vitio Sinvtri1Jen11
(I!) rootball·Soccer lnl!mltltn1I f\·lassachusetts, has som e , . clothes tailor made and buys 7:JO 0 m Rollin on Ille River Mac DIV· 10:30 m Newt 8111 Johns
lsis guest. ftlURl Id --; ..
others From a San Francisco 0 lessit •1roobli Tr.cks~ While w e r1 o e """'" r.,
store lhat specialize!! in big Ron and Dile i re Wtlfkinr on a rail· 10:'5 €D (fi) D1vid Litt1ejohn/C11!l0<lt
sizes. ro1d, Lessie goe5 e~ptorin1 with llrp "~enne!h Claik's Civlllsation"
"There's a lot of big people Nipper. a 1eistY ti"le pooch who rets
in ltu~ country," he says. into t;ouble easily. 11:00 0 CJ) eIJ Nt'll'I
"That store has the signatures (6) Ta Tell !ht Tru tl! O MJ m Nnrs
of more than 2.000 people who m I Dreim ol letnnli O Ne1n Morris, McCormick
arc over seven feet tall." 0 Million S Movie: fC) (2h7) ''Mo-CJ) To Bt Annout'IC-ld 11mbique" (drama) '65 -Steve
Cochran, Hildegarde Ndf. D fXl aJ News
Arte Pilot
NRC·TV v.•ill film a television
pilot stnrr1ng Arte .Johnson
Jformerty of "Lau ,:!h-ln") in :l
niystl'ry-comedy titled "Dou·
ble or Nothing.''
m Electric Co. Special 0 lrlli:rrie: ~Rotd to Hon1 -.On(' * Bill Cosby previews an (com,edyJ '6i-Bab Hope, Binr Cr!ll-
entertaining and LI· m To Till the Truth
cational new series. (!) Bea! tht Cl0<k
{f5) Candid11es ind Issues
ED W1shin,ton Wttk 1n RIJVie11
II :15 £D C:r1n Cint det Jut\'ft
dozens of producers who are The three pour gflsoline nn ;=============o;,
intf'rested in making deals, not Arkin and threaten to sel him
ffi I ~Jl"At l Tht Dectric Cllmpl!fl
A comedy special o" 1he leaching~!
1eadin K In '.arty school a~es. 8111
Cosby and R1t1 Mo1e110 siar.
ffi (3)Du ptl \
/ ['ll Nun~eters rn [spttlacu!os
11:30 fl (i"J Meri Griffin
pictures. You never know who afire.
to trust. The movie business is Born in De!roit to a\·erage·
such a grab-bag now." size parents, Dick came 11•1!h
\Vhen Universal approached them lo Los Angeles v.)hen he
Quinn for a series, he sug-was 8 and slarled his ex-
r.ead('rshir p o l l .!i prove
"Pt'anuts" is nnr of thr
\\·orld"s mo.<:t pop11h1r comic
slrips. RcAd it daily Jn the
gested a new concept: a com· J-------------'=============~1
pany of improvisational ac1ors
such as himself. Arthur Ken -
nffiy and John Cassavettes
who woul d fly each "'eek lo
the site of news events, such
as Kent St.ale University and
Atlica prison. The actors
would have dramatized the
nev.·s on the spot where it hap-
Net'A'Orks rejected lhe plan.
Quinn said. because their news
departments objected to im-
pinging on their province. He
agreed l.o "The '·Man and the
City" concept with the hope
that It could also deal with
contemporary problems.
"I want lo get i nto
specifici;." he emphasized. "So
far "·e've done pretty well. Wt
did one sh-Ow on Mexican-
American milltanli; and what
they are fighting for. But the
network turned down a script ~
about the Vietnam war. Too
New Thriller
~lew Auntie. Roo? .. is the new
tltlt: for the recently-com-
pleted suspense feature whif'h
formerl y carried the title of
''Glngerbrf'ad Jlouse." The
film will be available for the
Chrlst,as sea!<ln.
.. ··--·-----·""'"DE~ . ~ ... ,,.., .... _ :::.. ._.._ ,.., _.,,
Cl) Squar. World el Ed Butler
f:J @ m ~l\nl!J Canon
0 Collegialt rootbtll
0 (3) (6) CE Dick Civet! Clvttt
1:00 EJ CJ) Slrtf Minutes Subitels ol steks !he young v'1ew nl lift In •
curun! interest are 1HtStn1~ In a 90.minute dittus~ion wi1h si1 New
magazine l<>rmtl. Morley Saler and York schnol children. The youn1,le11
Mike W11l1ce art the re11orttrs, '1he are S.lvi3 Platt, Michael l uflo•(.
SICl Billion Overch1r1e" shew! how Ke ith Go1rlM, ltddie Brown, Flin'•
the cost cf •Ulo repiiin; can be In. Grttne and l>ebbi [pstein,
f!1ted. ID MMl1: (Cl "Thi S!Tlnp1 Worti
0 (1gl m flip Wli.n Guests ire 1 liiun" (tttsltrn} '53 -R1ndol pt
the Supremes. Willia Tyler ind lH· Seo!!, Claire Trevor.
tu. and David rrust m M<tvlt: "Murder 1tt .. 11tnt•
0 rn (iJ ®Alla• Smllll and (mrs-lery} ''S-William Hartnt", m,.
Jona "Somelhint lo Ge! Hung n1h Sheridan.
About'' Heyes ~nd Curry's SUCCtM In
convintln~ 1 rich r1nchtr's runaway ll:t5 9 ror Adults Ont,
wile r~ 1'-lurn !a her husb1nd Is 12:00 0 Movie: "Un!Ofl P'adflc" (wesl-
md m,ed •hen tht rancher Is mur· em) 'J9-Joet McCrea. ere . m Trvtll « Con-.,r1nc:t1
CD Olflltplc Boxlnr
m lHl TlllrtJ 1111111't. w ...
I:OO fJ MD'IM; (C) "fte f1111111 • tM
Butltr (wtsltm) 'S9-Avdl1 Mo!•
11h1. Ch1rle1 Or1~1. :
rn oo rn ~• ...
l :JO GfAll·Nlrhf Show: "l,Jntl hf.
cut," ''HIP ~tleol nndlflt!ll" aM 1:15 0 Kln11 Wrlp-U, "UdJ 'od/vi RW Aptn" '
l:lO 0 MoM: (C) {21,\hl} ..,.'IJ •!Id :t:30 0 JkW1 : lklr" (muslcal) '59-Sldnrp Pollltr, 1 •
Oorothy Oandr!dr•. ! 3:00 0 Tiit G11ltrr ~ ...... t
~day_ . I
-~ >
(dr1l'!llJ 'U-811rt la11Cnttr, Ci•
d!1 Cud'ln1!1. • ~
1:00 0 "Tlll Hool" (draml) "53 -Al
Dou11l1t Nltk Adtrlll. • !~ m "T1ll Ood" (romltlf;I~ ~
• t:DG m {Cl "1(111111 tf KIRMnjn" (Id· Jutly C1rl1nd, Robtr1 Wilk~
"nlurt) '&0-Robtrt T1ylor, Anthony 2:00 Q) "D-ln.(lf'Dll11-unt17" (~
NewlfY I l•r(J ''4. ..!0;,'
' .. 3:00 ~ "tMnr It lip'" <comNfi ''54-9:30~"Wlnp 1111111 Ditl (~ntutt) De•n M11tln. lf;try lew!1.
35-Clr'I' Grin!. "TJJ1hootl (Id· aO) (t) "Tht Lill Mv1ntu1t"' <id· v~nlutt) '(O-Oorotl!y t1rnooi, wn!m•) '69-Al1Jn Oelnn
0 "A M.tte1 ol Who" (eomecty) '62 ';DO £) "In Tbh Du1 Liit" fd1111111) ''2
-T1rry·Thom1s, Aln Nicol. -Bt!lt D1Yi$. O!i't'f1 dt H1vll!and.
10:00 (})(Cl ''TIN lloplnl" CoMlinirln 4:JO m Strnt 11 IOAM N1tln1
' .
I 'I
' ' (
•• •
. -
• • • '' n1 r1c1n
MoSf People assume that the larger size of a 11roduct is a better buy than the smeller one.
This is not always true EXCEPT AT LUCKY. At Lucky, there's no guesswork, and you don't
have to be a m !:!hematic ian to figure which size is the bes t buy. With Lucky's own "Unit
Prici ng", we do all the complicated calculations, a nd our "Guaranteed Value Per Measure"
:, lUC~~Na~':DfD
o:..f PIE MIX ~'ai:;:~~~~-~~'.~ ................. 39' •npLESAUCE V.l.<Allr.•~nis· 20' H'I"' l•OI.(All, •.••..•••• ,._.,.
~ DRE$,SING ~~·0N11.'.';~·~.~~.1-~~--.. •••••• 43.:
tl~llAI(. MIU CNfU ! 0 1 1.000 llLAND
BABY FOOD :.1:~~~·11•1,'.~~:~.~~ ............. 9c
~APPLE CIDER MOIT'SCMlllV 73' ..... ~ ~40!.lll ........... .
POMPEIAN OLIVE OIL :i: ....... ..49' _'-''PRESSING 1•ur Gol111Hc1111• 55 , v:'f $AlAll.110Ll1L •••••• , ••• ,
DU MONTE CATS UP ~:,0'.-. ••••••••• 51'
Hl·C DRINKS ::~:.c!~'.~~~~.~-........... 3Sc
SWEET PICKLES ~;~~.0i~'.'.~.~-~'.~ ....... 75c == M.J.B. COFFEE ~~:: •... '2''
•IGUIA• 01 lllCI II( 'I I C
M J B l~lllNI COHU Sl"
• • •l lOl.JI~ ........... , ...
~BROTH ;:~0/,~!i~'.~.1.~ .21 c
.. ~SYRUP ~::~.1:~~-~:~~.~.~·~11 55e
.,-. OOKBOOK SAUCES 'i.~' ,
(H1(1(£N5 AVG.WT.2~4·l lBS. lb.
lAOY ll[
MEATBALL STEW ~:~11~!:1 ~.'.'. ...... 79(
LYNDEN CHICKEN i1'~~~1~~~'.'.~ ....... 42(
TOMATO SOUP ~:.·.~~;llDAAIOY ............ 1 oe
ORANGE JUICE ::~~~~~l. ............... 85 '
CHILI BEANS ~~~!.~iN .................... 33 '
REFRIED BEANS ~~~~~~'•'N .............. 31 c
PIE FILLING ~?~:'.~:.·.:~.l.' ................ 43'
PEA CHES ~~~'z'.:~~(.1~.~:.1.l.'~·1·1·~~-~~.1.~'..~ ... 79c
GRAPEFRUIT JUICE !:~:.~~1: ....... 53 e
o-A KETCHUP ~:';f •n .................... 49'
PRUNE JUICE !~~izw!:~ .................... 63'
Nll~UT ll&l, I Y&llrT1U, 1 Z OUNCI CIN l 0'
Sil ,At•. 11 OUllCl C&N1
10 '1011i. QU&l l I O!lll
MU OCM. !WIU Jiii~. !Wiii & 1001, ITl\ll~ ..... 29
NDEN TURKEY ::;·:::'.:'~~'.'. ..... >L'--""w ~Von de Komp's
RELISHES ::!~',, .. ······--·············34' AN OUTSTANDING VARIITT l'•MIUl~lr.. "01 OOG O• SWlll
()• •··Kir&f!
, \ADY llE 2 WHIT£. Yl llOW OR 7c AVOCADOC.llllN
120 SQ. FOOT ROll
Gladly Accepted ll.llW
Soolhing <~st
rub lo htl p tt·
litYt torigt~tion 98(
of c1lds. l. l OL
V,cKS \ltpollub'
..... VAllLIHI
Soothes, soh1n1 •rid
-.. -· ·········-
. >
BE If 49~.
$l!CID -l ll. 11G ............................. ,..
J1~!~.~~-I~~~'~·~·~.?.~ ........... 73c
~~!~~-~ll~~.~-·~-~.~~~ .......... 6Jc
~COOKING BAGS 1 111ou11 ~111 '"G 24 ' (llt(~IM Al& UNG, !&llllUIT ITIAI, IUClD TUl lt1 .. .
FISH FRY ~~·;;_'::~" ........................... 95<
SCALLOPS ~1:;1::~~-~-~·.':.~~.;~.'.~ .......... 92 <
fllNCW 111111
M PIES "' 1111 27 ' CREA ,. "' "' ........... ········
IAN&N&, I NOI0\&11, coco~~!. LIMON Ol lllAWllll I
BREAD DOUGH ~M,1:.~~!~~'.~•G .......... 67 ~
BEEF STEW :~\0 :~1:, ... , ......... : ........... J6c
B.B.Q. STEAKS ~~~o! ·~1l', .. ~~.~: ........... 73 c
HONEY BUNS ~g~1~:, ................... 35 c
POTATOES ~;~~~:::.1~.~'.~.~~-~ .. -......... 47<
IUNCM 111111
B RRITOS t.1&111111411111" 55' U Jl'~Ol.,l~ ....•••.• -·-••-""'
,., •··Kirlktl·-.........
ti-COUNT PKG. 29c
ORANGE JUICE ~~~;-~~·:" .............. ssc
DINNERS ~~~A,~~1.~ ............................ 48c
(Miii( IOCMllAOA, 1111 IN{N/1101, Mii 01 (0MllNAl•o•
TURKEY ROAST t•1C•1••01•11 i3 o•
WMITI ANO OAIK MIA! '0 Ol. rl;..,,.., •• ,,..,,,
APPLE PIE ~!~~'.'/., ......................... 35'
POTATO BUDs ftllTT(Ul(Kll $]U er-. 11 01 101 ........ .
PREMIUM CRACKERS ;::;·: ...... 67'
O--INST. BREAKFAST ~1~;!~~~!1G .. 45c
VI.it! I, (•OCOltli, CMOUH• Tl MAI I
PINTO BEANS ~~~~·~~~~.1~ .............. 33<
o-SPAGHETTI ~;~~0::G ................ 41 c
Bou I LLON Wflll CUUI IHI OR 22'
(MICKIM. l l (I •K~ ............ ..
o-CREAM OF WHEAT ~~~~ 1:.'G ... 42 °
Ml•lf'llOW~ iUGlt O• l •'ll <IMNA,,.OM
•• 1,, .,.., '"''"'· 93c dry skil'l tl'l hl!Mls,
kn1111 tit. 10 Oz.
N.w twi!MtlU. n rl·
rift• shlYi"I 1y1tom
fir su,1rlor shtves. 199 Mofut1rs, 1k1l1tot11 •1'111
1th1r ''''Y tha11ll1r1
for Holl1WNl'I hou"'ing.
ASST'D SlltS , 99c •· ll4
guarantees that the larger size is always a better buy than the next smaller size. So when-
ever it is practical for you to buy in larger sizes, you are SURE of even greater saving•
at Lucky, the original Discount Supermarket.
MALT 0 MEAL ~~~\0~~~1.~'.~.~~.~ ......... 49 <
O"OVALTINE ~,"~~~~A~'.l.1 ................ 65•
PL Al~ 01 (~0(0LAll
29 DUNC( , .. 25c
RAISIN BREA0 ~:~~·~~:,·.~ .............. 35'
Ori LIPTON TEA ~N~;j",'• ................. 85'
BREAD ~:!~.1:!:1~~.'-~-~-~~.:'.'..~.~~.l-~ ....... 31 '
DRESSING MIX ~11:~~~:.·~.l~.'.1.~'.~.~ .... 65'
er"" TRIX CEREAL ~~~·,·~~~~'.'.~ .......... S3c
CANOY CORN :::~.',~~.1
................. 36•
CANDY PUMPKINS ~:~~,,~~~ ........ 36c
0"°1'PIE CRUSTll l1Tt •Oc11•,,.1t 25 c 11111. IOl ............... .
~GRAVYTRAIN 'llMl\OO,r OOll 77 c )ll .IAG ........... .
_ ... Guaranteed
and at Discount Pricesl
NO. 1
StlCI0-1 ll . rKG ............................... .
WHIP 0 TOPPING =~.0011 CI0 .......... 41 <
O'"'"" MARGARINE llUI ION~lf SOI I 42 ' lollt.(!N ............. .
t>-11 IMPERIAL ~~'~,M::;.~~~~-~ ............. 43 •
o-GLAD BAGs w~111 1 11u1 -J1 a1, 57, 10(1 ,~lo ............... .
TOP JOB ~·,a~i::;~~~.1.~ ...................... 73•
"Ou• Pti<• Ptt>leoct•on P1>Ucy ;ucil"Ontn1 th-P'i<•1
lo b• 1Heoc1iv• fr<>.., WednMday, Octubet 20th
lhro~gh fu•ulO)", Ckt1>b.r 26, lf 71 1egardl ... of
<olf inueo••"" '
~l~~M ~~~!-~l?.~l~M~~~.1 l:.l~~~~ 73c
~A~-~~c~o~ •. ~.1.~~.1.~ ..••• ,..ltll.PIG, 69C
~1~c~~o.Ll~~ll~A~ ~1!~~11, 1'!'11111 :~~·.~. 48 C
~1?.~w ~~T~N~l~.~~.~~ ..... , 11or.11c. $1 l 3
~N~!il~ •• ~~~·~·~·~·····•• ..... lll.,IO. 69C
IU! 111"'11• 01 MOMUtfll •..... , , , I 0 1. TUii
(}o-tl DIXIE CUPS 101 .1111 l lTMI OOM 51 c
SAFEGUARD 1011/,0100~'~ •oa i.;_" ........ 22 ' ~~~~~~M~.~-~-~.~~.~.~I~~-~~. 59c f
I A!H l l l .............. .,.,. •.
C)*"'f. GLAD BAGS ~IAlll( l•~OWl(O 53' JO~l.PIG ••.• ,,, ••••••• ,
()• •··Kirlkt!-........,
GOlOIN CREllM 5T'fl[ 21 c OR WH0l£ KlllN(L
17-0UNCE Cf\N
DREFT DETERGUH :::•: ............. :88'
~PAPER TOWELS f~·:g.M,1 .• 0u .... 30c
JOY LIQUID ~:~,1'111~: ...................... 57c
MODESS ~!~~'.~~,.~~~~.1.~~ ................... 83 c
llGUu•. IUPll 111 VII ro•M
$MOllO HA"I, 111r, PAil ••Mi, (Nl{llM, 3 9 c (01~111 ltll , •••..• , • • . • 111(111,) Of . PIG.
IVORY SOAP 41•Cl, 101111 32• rl•lll"Al 11 •.•.•••• , .... , •• ,
o-LYSOL SPRAY111 000
1 '1" l ~Ot (lN ...• ,., .•..
CHEER DETERGENT :::•· ............. 88' I O-ZEE NAPKINS IONl •llN, •• ,. 12· AOti.••G............. I Q• •··Kirlkt!. '
J2.0UNCI SOX 75c
WHITE KING !~~; .• ox ..................... 11 •
WHITE KING D ::~'11'1~~' ................. 58'
~WATER SOFTENER ~t~'!:~;~ .... 89'
(). •·· ·Kir&tt.--
These Items Are Available Only at Those
~f( , 0 ltiW
Intensive Ca re
•Rtpler or mini f11vo1 ;
.•,_Uy 1iJ1 h1b1. PRICE
... Kiy&y/,.,.
•ttul1r •r · 109
with btdy.15 OZ.
l1 .. , MM.,. tli1y'r1 for rnll
Our cuddly peiomts go "tri1k •r 19 7
lrNI". , • thtft off lo btd In•
rrh, clnft 1h11tl Ctowt11, cots,
.• dtvlh, h.t11, gh.sts •nil_,,;
'.i-;. Mich COffll S wi!h opp1oprioJ• mo1k.
Alli•1t·'8<~1cf lnchiflfl ''"'''fir
pr1·sthool1r1; omu11s 01 ii t1oclits. 137 6
All ports 1to1t lt11ld1,
WOND!ll: 437 COASTER HORSE •••••••••••••••
··~··· 8" M~llCA! MOllLE •••••••• ,,, •••
ll1'19•!.1lifl!I f11s)1lltht 'f'911 CIJI r1ly lft in 77(
uy 1m1r11n<y; k11p •1v1r1I ~NH •lwoys.
.., .. 011 "0"511£ 39.
,;S2SI IATTilUS • 2.rAll'. •••••• , ...• , •• , ••
f ' Hord ..,.,,il'!IJ 1.,u•G..,. ife!1r9•"' g11o 69 N•'*' llain 11.hlert bu! "" •~It"''" $ 2 09 Atlva"<t fo..,.wln AH ..... :11n• .. ~Ito•, $469 Mnk•• 1:"11""" el !0~9·liu1lna 1udo, yo! 8 2 l h1 lragr•~I ce,.pl11ioA bet lhel 1>•111• 1 a C J
I o«I lh• h•a.y &ell, leavti• ,o!ort btot~' C Drove "'•th•• <l ot~•• t ie.,•, lo boa· "'~'' t eltri irar~!1~; rlee" nn5 b .. 9~1, 11 oO 91nll•. 11 btia«!Y "'"'''your ~""d•. C ~••I' '/'OU• 1\lft yo11ng •t·loo~in9 lo"t•'I f'
e"d •I~•·· "9 OZ. BOX ' .. cl•grodeb!el 171 pz. BOX saltly, 2~ POUND BOX , 32 OZ. BOT TL~ BATH BAR I L--~-----------------------------------·>~------------~~--------------------~-----~ •
' '
ft 8 DAILY PILOT lllursel ay, Octobtr 21 , 1971
Following the Lure of the Sea
!i.tENLO PARK. Calif. (UPI) 1 long lime and there's no r---/;;;;,----
San Andreas Fau lt 'Busr'
P~o••• bv Sltl1" S(h;n1ln1•r
-Deep sea drlllings off the reason the fault won't continue
Californi a coast indicate that doing its thing . We should ex-
the San Andreas P'ault-lhe peel continued quakes in ")o/i!iell, Pacifi c Coast's huge earth-=:;
quake line-moves a couple of California and co nt in u e d
inches a year and has been volcrinlsm in Japan, Kam-
"busy" for about five million ehatka , the Kuriles and the r,(l.l~:S~:t:s;~c.'.I~
years. Aleutians." XEROX 2400 The move ment ri pped Baia School said the findings in-
California off the l\lex1ea_n dicated that sea floor move-"a.ti•• Them OrNa"'at"
mainland and has moved the ment went through periods of .J 5c SINGlE COPY
sou thwestern po r t ion of inactivity and then abrupt mo-
California "several hundred lions be.fore settling down to 1 Oc Quantify Di~count
miles" north during the past the current two inches a yea r $600 l'fR 100
five million years, according pace. (SAMf ~"G~l
to geologists. They predict Los The results ca n't b el s AN CL,.;i\1ENTE_.
Angeles will pas~ San f ran-pre:lictcd but the last signifi-ECRETAR l.\L 1
cisro about 10 million vcars cant atmospheric change had l ERVlfE-492·2.1.12
from now if current conditions major a ff eels in the deep 220 on M.\R
remain the same. 10~o~c~c~'"~'~'-":·e:l~I ~·:•~o~n~la~n:d~, ~h:e~~·~c~•~o>~>~•~•o~·~"'~'~'~°'~;~<~r~g said. ' The North Pacific geolo,g1cal I
dri lling project a lso
1fliscovered th at a rn a j o r
~hange in sea life apparently
took place during the events
that led to the destruction of
Alex /Jiafttk
• P.t.llTIES dinosaurs 65 to 70 million • MATE111•ts (11'! lt14S'S
111 C.t.LLE C.t.r.IPO
SAN CLEMENTE, C,1,l ll". l • f'lOWElll S •ears ago. • CUSTOM l.t.CkGllOUNOS
Dr. Da1•1d \.'{. School, al l~~~~~~~~~~~;:;;:;;;:;;~~~~~:~~ research oceanographer for
lhe .U.S. Geologi"I su,,ey, ~ 1 0 0 G 1· told nev•smen Tuesday that
~11 cores drilled off the Baja.
California co/'lst by the stiip.
1 Glomar Challenge. indicated I
"the San Andreas h11s been i ORDER -.~.
I ' '· /·
tea ring <ilong <1t <1 couple of in -~
ches a vear for fou r or f11•e
1n illion )·ears." YOURS
j··/ •••
Some Can Oown 18 Beers a Day Without Getting Bombed
Mark Quinlan, 18, Jumps Off Fantail
!'11oven1eni '1r the North
Pacific se<1 floor . he said, in I
addition to rausing earth-I
quakes, \1•as respon sible for I
outbreaks of \'Olcanism ig
Japan. lhe Kur ile Islands. th~
Kamchatka "1'eninsula of\
Siberia and the Aleut ian 1 Island ridge o\·er 1he same\
.... ___ .. ::;:
Irvine Youth Swa p s Books for Oars_ length or time.
. "For the luture, this mransi
thl' San Andreas has been at ii
Personalized • Stylish •
.~ .. s
Effici"f -:~
Order For Yourself o r a Friend • w;':'-
Of t~1 Dolly Piiot S!llf
Since men firsl venturer!
abroad in canoes. young rnen
have been smi tten by the lure
of the sen,
Hcrn1 an l\1i:h·ille. Hit hard
Henry Dan<1 and Robert Louis
Stevenson are a fe\\' of the
American _genr:ration flf c-t1bin
boys who experienced life '11
NOY.', a li-~·ear-old frorn
University P'1rk IS prnv1ng
that the age-old compulsion
has no1 le~sened -,even 1f the
ship Jacks sans. and IS S!nke-
bound at <1nchor 111 Los
Angeles Harbo r.
Stefan &h1nz1ngrr. son of
Mr. and Mrs . Rol;inrl Schinz·
inger of 18001 Glllrnan St,
Irvine, signed aboard the r-.1.V.
\Voolgar 1<1st .July Hi.
Since then. he find 24 other
crewmen of !he J'\OT\\'egian
cargo vessel h<1ve ridden at
OUTH COAST '" ...... \AC.UNA QIA(H 4q4 111 4
Op.11 Ni9htly At ,:45 P'.M.
$wndi;iy Al 1:45 P'.M.
<1rH.:h0r inside the bre.<1k11•<1!rr
in ~1ght '1f the \·incent Thomas
bridge 11 ith son1c 45 other
:;hips, idled hy tt1e Pacific
Co'1sl. dock strike.
1,;iden \\'i1h coronu1s fr0111
~·l.1i. ,J;ip'1nesf' n1ntnr~c~·
<1nd coils of :;\eel c;ible ftom
Australia. tile \\'oolgar has
hecn un;ible to unlo<1d sinre
the strike bcg<1n. \\'orse, it ht1s
riot hero able to lea1·e Los
Angeles for other ports, like
Ensenada or V a n c n u 1· er .
hccause il had cargri <1l
dMkside to pi('k up .
So. what :;tarted out 10 hr ;i
summer ''ac<1tion experience
fnr l'n11ersity High's first s\u-
drn! body president. 1•oi!I keep
h11n out of school 1his fa ll.
Stefan '''Ants !o s!<1,v ahoard
!he \Vnnlg11r and sad In !'\cw
7,c;i\and. Austraha. Fiji and
b<1rk to )';an Franr:1SC'O.
]l 's not that Stefan is drop-
ping ou t He sa~·s. "J'n1 t ;1kin~
a temporary le;1v e of t1bsence .
.Ju~t being on th.1t ~hip for
ll1ree 1nnnth.~. J '1•r le11rncd
JTIOre <1bclut 1i1·ing hfe thnn I
did at Uni High." tic r:onlend.~.
Stefan was at !he forefront
of the Tustin High Srho0I
!)istrict dress rode <1nd hair
length battle and ,,.,.s frf'-
quently found In he <1! odds
11•it h 1he adn1 inis t1·a1irin.
!ion Stefan h'1s acquired 01·er the :\orv.'egi:in
the surnmer is the kno\\·\edµe fered help.
ronsula te o.of-lp;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;' May be used, on e nvelopes 111 retur n 11ddre1i
ltJbe ls , A ls o v e ry handy .i1 identification
la bels for markin g personal items 'uch .!11
books, records, phot os, etc, Labels 5f ic k 0 11 '1'!
gl1111 .and ma ~ b~ u1ed for mark ing ~ome ··~
cann ed foc.d item s-. All labels are printed .. ~·
w ith s+ylish Vog l.i e type on fin e q ual ity white·::~"!
gummed paper, • .. ::j
Irv ine 's Schinz inger
1hn! .~ome crcv.·mcn can drink He ga1·e up on f1nd1ng a
"\ll beers a da y on a regular hcrlh alxlard a U1.S. merctiant
\\'Ork day w1lhnut grtling vessel since 1he diffitulties of 'bonibed'. They go ashore for
I " s r gett ing Co<1sl Gua rd mcrcl1ant I 1aL . te an notes.
"Beer on board ship is only ~eiln1an's p;ipers seemed in-
12 cent s a bnltle for surmount;ible . he said.
Norwegian ', hrands. Th r Cornpared lo sailors of other
\Voolgar h;id loaded 600 c.<ist's ships. 1he \V(}()lgar crew has'
of lht' cre11's Fa1·ori!e brev.· enioyed more shore time ..
out," Stefan said. "lJne Chinese hoa1 h;is only
i\'orweginn clt'Jil'<ll'lt'S S1ef.1n-two shore runs <1 week . The
has yet to lc;irn lhc names nf, Bu.~.~1an~ S1:'ldom go ashore,"I
have bern fltt\\'n 1n to please he said .
lhe crev.·'s palate. Cod. a The <11n1osphere ;:iho;1rd ship
/;il'ortte stapll' (If the Viking has s!rurk Stefan as unusu<11.
d1f't. "is one tish nnne of the "The crc11··s feelings about the
An1er1c:ins will ea t." strike ;ire 1n1xed. So n1 e
Se\ en life00<1t lr ips 11 d;1y rr.~pccl the dockworkers' posi.
ha1e taken s;iilors to <1nd frorn 11nn <1s workers, yet. they
shore. At the San Pedro \\·ant tn leave port because1 Scatnan's Church, Nor\1•rgian !hey ;ire sic:k and tired of sit-1
1..·;ikrs and pastrirs <1re servC'd. ting .<iround . Torn hrtween the
·rhe church is ;:il sn a popular two fechngs. th ey lend to
place for the ere\\' In socialize, hlan1e 1he shippers n1ore th;111 1
L1 C1.A 11ho <'nulrl lr<1t'h f1r pla,v billi<irds ;;nd ping pong 1hc dockworkers for 1 tie
\\'0rk for big hu>inr·~ hut and to swi rn. dela.vcd .~1'ttlem{'nl."
1!rr1rlcrt· inste;id lo find 011t \l.'hal life is Rll nbout, .. :-iLefan The lifebo:it ". the idlrd ''Of eoursr. it is rasier tn1 conlnients. snilors' "car~l(IJ" ha,·e heen <1 bl:unr the shipper.~. But , most
source of 1neetinR new friends. nl the c·re1v 1<1kt>s tile strike as
Oct. 21-22-23rd
10 a .m. to 7 p .m.
142 W. Portal
:-" r
______________________ ....._
F•I! ;" T~l•. co~pon, (lio ~nd moll with t i .ll lo: ~ I I P•lot P"nl1ng l•~cl D••., P.O. •~x 1~•~ ....
1 toll• .Mtl~. C•hf. fliU f
I I I :, I
I •"I I :1 1
: ,, ~ I
I ·~I
l PILOT PRINTING ,.> l L---------------------
"Artis tr~ in Movi11g" for the
Elton John
"I'm <111 exlroverl." St ef;in
.. says ... n1aybe too much nf one
I /or the 1'ust1n High dis1nr1 ··
The Norv.·egians aboard the Stefan says. "\Ve shared our snn1e1hing lhat's happened
\Voolg11r tire ··u nbrliev::ihly bciats \l'ith a Grrm<1n ship <1nrl and there's nothing 10 do but
well educated for the joh 1hat J really got to know son1e m11ke 1he best of it. They have
they do. Most speak three nr others during the 25-minutP <111 summer had an op!irn1slic
four lt1ngu;igt•s fluen tl.v :inn rides.·• Stefan, \\'ho spe<1ks fcel1ni;: that lhe end \\'3S
they all knnv.· a lot :.ibout a lot Ccnnan, had hoped to slj'.!n on alw<1 ys jus1 arou nd the corner
of things-n(lt necessa rily !he a c:erman \'f'ssel. bu! optrd 'm;i 1 he next \\'eek' the''
lh'.,., you I""'~",., •ch•·I "he -'· ' "! 1: ~.,," ~ ''" • for the .\'or11eg ian ship 11·hen ~a\·.
said . ·-------"----'-----------------"""""""""""""
580 Broadway :{ ...
Color -Raled "R"
Ope11 Nl9)1tly ot 6;45 P·"'·
Sunday ol 1 :45 P',M.
Just a person who
prolects children and
other livir.g things. -
10'.1 LIUGilllN ·DELORES l!SLO,
· l!}P' "~ TICllttaDI•
WlJl!I !"';\.
Call Collect
i~e thinks of himself <1s a
"progre!"Si\•e'' rathrr 1h11n a
rebel but comments. •·,r one
ht1.~ to hf' a rebel 10 he pro-
i:;re~sr1·e then I'css that is
nu• "
r"o longer d!li .1 ttl e nbnul
!hf' dress codr. Stefan h <i~
sl1orn Iii.~ lork.~ !hat once sn
irerl <1 p~rrn~ al!l'ndinR a
Tustin hoard rneeting he
prnnted to Stefan's hair ;i~ ;in
ex;:i111ple of '''hY lhe distritl
nef'ded l1ghl groorning rcgulfl·
The short h;iir rul. he no!.e~.
is not due lo <1ny shipboard
regulations -1nany others in
the cre1v ha\'C even lnni::cr
ha ir than upset !he Tu.~tin ad-
ministration -but r<1ther due
In his J'lf'l'S(ln;il prt'fe rrnre of
the moment.
"I prrfer 1o 1\1 e hfe rla,r h1·
d<1y, nov.·:· Stef;in s;i1·s. "1
w::int to get Sl'ln1ething 'out of
life. right now." he <1dd!<.
Sharing !ht> sh i p boa r rl
se<1rch for the meaning of !ii
;ire three other Americ an .
"One is a history graduate f
"The c!ficcrs are 1111 111 lht>1r
~Os, including !he car!t11n. The
crew is in their early and mid·
20s. r.t1Jst \'ir1'' sa1l1ng as a
:c;teppi.ni;t ston{'," S1cfa1l s;iid.
"The conk pli!ns 10 open ;1
rcst<1uranl 111 :\'0rwa!' son1e
da.v .''
l\'l11IC' Ille idlrd ('!'Cl\' sprnt
rndlrss da\·s nn c.\r1 1r~1on~ 111
~occcr g1i n1es. D1 s11cy\and.
r-,f;ir111rla11d. fnoth:ill gnlllC'S
::incl l'n11r1·sal Slurlios, Strfan
s!<1yed 11hflard pulling extra
'''atchcs that boosted his
n1onthly incon1e from thr $125
cnh1n boy·:; p<1y to an average
of ~200 a n1on!h.
\\'a!c:hes cons1stcd mainly of
\\';itchin g tele\'ision "including
<1 lot '1f shO\\'S I \·e nevrr
, .. ;itched h<'fore like v•restHng
and r'1ller derOies. ''
Lon~ slrrlches of lcle\·ision
\\'."ltch111.i:: cased the skimp>'
~rhedulc of paintings. rust
chipping. 1·al)le ,1:rc'1s1n11: itnd
11 cld1n1t thn t occu pied the
stnkcbntind rrew
Amon g the incidcnlal cduca-
TUESDAY, OCT. 7 p.m.
R ES.l'Allfl
Presented by FOX & CARSKADON, Inc., Rei l Est;,te Broker1 since 1929,
curr•ntly cn•n•ging properti11 V.!11ued In excess of Fifty Millio n Doll ars •
Hotted' by Dfv•rtlfled Securities, Inc.
Vinyl sling sofa with ash
and walnut pegged frame i~s Tomorrow's classic here today $
In a prophetic design concept.
Hand pegged wood frame
and the softest, richest vinyl
in fashion leather colors, The•3001oo1c01 '"RB p11ce r
"· -; .
'' •• s •,
' ·'
,•' ~
~ ·"' '-~ .. ' . ' ,•
LOS AJfQEllS: 6121 Wilshire Blvd. Mirac le Milt; 11040 W. Pico Blvd.; 8840 S. Westtrn AvL ANAHEIM: 1&72 W. Liocoln BAKERSFIELD: 3010 Minr Ave
CHULA YISTk •76 Broadw1y CLAREMONT/POMONA: 232 [.foothill · COYlNA: 945 N. Azusa DOWNEY; 9435 E. firtstont GLENDALE: 333 N. Cential Ave:/'
GRANADA HILLS: 10100 Balboa Blvd. HUNTINGTON BEACH: 19431 Beach Blvd. Lo\ HABRA: 1720 W. Whittier LONG BUCH: 2189 la~ewood Blvd. • •
MONTEREY PARK: 415 S. Atl1ntic Blvd. PA SAD ENA: 85 S. Rosemead RIVERSIDE: 10.000 Magnolia SANTA ANA{TUSTI N: 1703 E. 17th St. SAN BERNARDINO: ggg S. , ,
SOUTH IAY: 15533 S. Crens~1w Blvd. THOUSAND OAKS: 24 4 Thousand Oaks Blvd. YENTUffA: 3409 TeleRrBPh Rd. WOODt•NO HILLS: 22223 Ventura Blvd. ,
SHOP 7 O.t.YS A WCfK . WCCKOAYS JO UNTIL !a. 5.t.TUltOAY 10 UHTtl6 . SUHO.t.'1 l2:JO UN Tll 6 · rREE PARKING ' f"(( DCCO""'TO" S[ vie(. rll[[ DEllV["'I' ·C!""!VfHl[NT llA NK re
, -
La,,utttt '"Special'
O'Neill's 'Journey'
·QirBeautifully Staged
Ol t~I Otlly .. llot 51111 "I.ONO DAY'S JOUllNI Y
To attempt a produ ction of A ar1m1 bv !u••"• O'Neu1, n""''HI .~Ugene Q'N•,'JJ'5 gr,'pp,·ng ,,,,. l)V i.10 C.1•"•"'· 1u l1Tod b' Ann1~1ire r:. Ou'•'-'· '"""'<II dlr..:•o• c I . I
drama "Long Day's Journey c1111w1•. 111M'"' ov M"'! o u1,11• 10<1 Ot r« L·n~••· •nvna a~· ~~~11 Et•lf ,
muni~ theater stage.
! .. n ommuni Y P••t •" w...in••d••• '~'°"'~ 51tu«11•• {
"lO Nigh!" l c 't <>•euniea av 1»1 L-•1un1 Co..,,mun"•
• heater is a n;ark of courage Y.:'~'1~~;,,.;y ~; 1;~.,~~,,~~n.t,:•t1:;u~~
~'on the fa ce of ii. To succeed, f,~::;e.;,~~:1 L•qvn • Be•<~ Re~•"'•·
As her miserly husband, a
1\·a~hed . up actor who will
neither npen his pocketbook
for his drug·slncken 1vife nor
his consumptive son, David
P<1u! begins une ('enly but
gains strength as the play pro-
gresses. A I t hough his
perrormance Is solidifiOO in
the second act, Paul lacks the
authorita!i\'e pclll'er to com-
plete the dramatic fo!lo1v
~:j~ v:ith reserv;,,tlons , is an J1,.,~1 1.,,nneT.•O! CAST D•v•a PtuT . •l_e\·ation in stature. Morv Tv,on• Bel~• ~1 u1 ~ JI"'•• T''""" .Jr Dl!"Ct 8•r•~tt The Laguna Comm un1ty Edmu"" Tvrene P1u1 w111on Ct0hle1n O~D•• 5ett•eml•t Plavr>rs have mounted an Im· -------------
perfect but none l he I e s s
beautiful production -con·
densation might he the better
·term -of O"Neill's dark and
• brooding ma sterv.·ork as the
.. fir!t in a series of four
' ·"special'' productions at the
i'<H"UlTI Theater on the
.. ·
IPN'1·• 6,Jo1. 1:~<, 5•• 1\!oo. U.Ja
U•d•• 1 7 ,.,,,, B• ~•" ~"""' "flllllDJ" (I ) o~d
-...... 01w• Se l••t II ltokt
Uk• Ut lo""°" !I )
Festival of Arts grounds ad-
jacent to the Laguna Moulton
Pla yhouse. Supper Tinie
DA11-Y Pl\.OT Stttl l'~OIO
It is very nearly the finest
piece of theater exhibited on a
local stage th is year : certainly
it stands as rhe highlight of
the current. still young season.
Direr.tor 1-fap Graha ni , in a
most judicious bit of pruning,
has captured the exhausting.
unending hopelessness and
helplessness of one day ln the
life of the ill·stilrred Tyrone
.family multiplied by many
through, exhibiting flashes of Eric Gillett as Charlie Bro\vn offers an evening meal
depth bLlt pulling a"·ay a!l too to his dog Snoopy !pl ayed by Zack flilcEv.1an ) in a
soon. scene fron1 the \Ve~tmin ster Con1munity Thealer IT
Pflul \Vilson plays t he production of "You're a Good h1a.n. Charlie Brov.•n,"
aulobiographtcal role of Ed-con tinuing Friday and Saturday at Finley School.
n1und \\'ith more stvle than -----"'-----'-----'-'------''----'-----'"---'----'---
substance. conve yitig the
r~·nicism but rarely exhibiting
the genuine pain underneath.
His !M'rformance is articulate
and effective. but smacks
O\·ermuch of v e n e e r ,
particularly through the use of
a red toupee which he and the
rest of the cast take care not
The fat is trimmed lo the
bone, but the lean , red
dramatic meat remains fl"lr
the theatrical gourmet, as v.·ell
as the summer playgoer v.·ary
of spending an extensive even-
ing but desirous of ex-
pefiencing exception al theater.
The entire play runs just two
hours, about half the length of
the original.
Stewart Mystified
By Show's F a,ilure
The imperfections n o l ed
earlier are notice;:ible primar-
ily because the pcrformanre of
one cast member is so strong,
so brilliantly right, that the
other three appear fla\\"ed end
stilted by comparison.
Betsy Paul turns in en
a b so ! u t e ! y stellar in-
terpretation of !he l.rngic
~1ary Tyrone, O'Neill's mother
thinl y disguised, 1vho b y
graciousness and charm at-
tempts to mask the facl that
stie is once more on the
morphine habit. r.li;;;s Paul is
almost fr ighteningly real in
her portrayal, her 1·arlatlo ns
of mood end manner sharp
and true. her hands painting
the poignant picture she dare
not admit e\'en to herself.
Seldom has such an excell~nt
performance graced a con1-
Revue Set
At Chapman
to muss. By VERNON SCOTT
The \vastrel Jamie is more HOLLY\VOOD (UPI)
'cogently 1 n t er pre led by J immy Stewart enjoys the af-
P.;.trick Birkett. who delivers perhaps the most intense fe ction of almost e1·eryone, in
prrformance or the male cast and out of show bu siness. yet
members. Birkett. hn1\'e1·er. his new television sho1v is an
\1·inds himself up t()I) t.~t in eitpensive bust.
the first <1ct !o al low'"°for a Can it be that Ste\\·art's
loosening in his bi>: drunk scene in the second. Ttiu5, his debut as a seri«s star Is
heady monologue is quite sym ptomatic of movie stars
literate, bul a bit t~latic. in1·ading the tu be.
The fifth <1nd a!mosl forgot· Shirley i'tlacL<11ne, Glenn
ten memher nf the cast. is Ford, Anthony Quinn , Tony
DeeDee Settlemire , "ho turns in a fine performance as the Curtis and Roc k Hudson. In
kitchen maid. perk~· and name other film stars · turned
likeable, a glimpse of !he real -video -regulars. are not set·
world in the midst of a gloomy ting lhe v.•orkl (In fi re r>ither.
nightniare. It inay be tha1 "The Jimmy St e 1\' art Show" faces Carl Callall'ay 's fragmen-lar.v setting reflects the mood fnr midahle opposition from
of !he pla y, t'mpty and un-"The FBI " and some pO\\·erful
fini shed, aider! bv ~oft, muted m(lvies. Perhaps it takes tim e
ligh ling \\'hicti sUggesls a fog f0r a ne11' srries to catch on. \\;hatevr>r the reas on ,
rolling in nn the lives of the St.ew;irt. is baffled .
Tyrones. Again~t this dark backdrnp. the characiers all "'I thought !he series 1vas a
dnn v.·hite ln the opening gond idea." he ;;;aid openlv. "It
srr>ne, an effecti\'e contra~t in-had a gnod story line. Hl!'nry deed , Fonda helped influence me tl"J
do it. and the re wer~t any "Long Day's .J ourney" is a p;irlicularly exci tin g mov ie
1nnving experience. and the script!; in lhe fut ure .
performance nl Betsy P;iul •·B11l thr ra11n_gs .:irpn't. good
rende!'t it an unforgettable and 1 don 't kno\I' \\•lly."
one. The O'Neill drama ron· ~te1\'art plays a wh1m1scal
tlnues for l\\"fl 11·eeks, \\'ed-college profe ssor with a l!'!-
nesdays throughiSaturdayi;, in year-old son and an 8-.\·e;ir-old
the Forum Thea ter on the son. He struggles 1vi!h the
Chapm an College's drama L.-guna Beach Festival of genera!io n ~ap and mino r
departn1ent has scheduled "A Arts grou nds. ca n1pus adventures. '
Thurber Cerni l'a\" for it s fall Ste11·art. agreed tha~ lhe 1·e.ry
production. The shr,w is a basis of the series ma y be a1
series of humorous. satirical, SAC Plans fault , -. . .._
blackou t skits drawn from the First. the shri1v takes place
Thurber book. sel in revue on a campus. Vie1\•ers think of
i;t;..·J e and backed by a four-St'mOll Play Kent State and Berkeley and piece jaz7. combo. i;hy away from academies.
Performance!i will be at 8: 30 Second. Professor S t e w a r t
p.m , October 26-~l in Santa Ana Col 1 e g e \\i.ll l
Memorial Hall Aurlitorium. 333 turn to !he lib·rary of Neil eGnn ...emc eo•rr l!IOW.n', m "·
N. Glassel!. Orange . Simon 11·orks for its next. pro· ~
Directnr R ichar d P. rlur11on. '"The. Star Spangled
nne!ko11 . assi!'tan t pi'nfessnr Girl." schl'd11l ~rl for a three-~ j""-""""
nl !=.peech and drama , has dil\' run No1· 4-li,
select.rrl apprripriate s k I ! ~ Thomas Brucks. theater arts ~n 's li~ 5 3
frnm 1he origin:il stai;e prn-1n>-tr·uctnr ::it SAr. \l'ill rlirec l QF
d11rt inn and added .;..se1·eral lhe prnd11c1 1nn, \\"hirh features , ~2 I
scenes to gi\"e the prod11ctinn a f\athlrPn Hargro1-p 1n the <t itll! I ;t • -.._,
contemporary UAvnr . .Fam ous rote with Bruer Rob!n!on and ~ ~fWJc:.:i:$il :==-.' I
'"fable;;; for Our Tim t'" sorh• Frank C:amacho as the
a.~ "The Unicorn 1n the pubhshrr~ nr an underground
GArden" and "The Little f.irl maga 7.ine. I J' ''·----· and the Wolf" pl us· a sequence rtrformanct,~ 11"ill be given e ta t\dL.d.1' S
frnni '"ThP SeQre t Lift ·or / jn Phill ips H,IJ\1 on lhe Santa the
"\Val ier Miny'' will be in· Ana campus, 15.1[) \I/. 17Jh St.,1
1,.;';;' ';;'d;;;•;d;;. ;;;;;;;i:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;w;;;;' ';h;•;n;;;;' ;';. ';;;';;';;;' k;;';";'';';;1 ';;·;;;;;.;I artamre•
bridges the generation gap
among his sons. Viewers have
had the generation gap up to
here .
Thirdly, "The FBI" has
be.en ln the top 10 ratings since
Dillin ger ~·as Publlc Enemy
No. !.
That's three strikes before
Stewart emerges from .the
The No. I televi~1on show 1n
the ratings, "All in the
F:iniily," leat 11re5 a bigot. who
dynamite!\ bri dges over lhe
generation gap and who con-
siders a college ca mpus nn-
man's land of \l/rirld War Ill. Viev.•"r~ t\i1'e it in becau~e
A'lhie Bunk\:-and clan don't C~municate. are i11<:ap;ble or
resolving problems and poke
flln at precisely the decent.
God-fearing fn\k Stewart and
famil y present. \
Vaguely. J immy Stet·'llr.t i~~
aware of this fact. ·A\\•afe and
confused . _,
"l ll"anlcd to pla y a fl1ddy
--dudrly," ht' ;; fd, ··1-rlike In
11·ork and ah1• vs·ha ve. 1'11ak·
ing m(lvics h 5 ·ah1·;i_v;; he~n a
jnY ! loved i And I like mak-l n~ thi;; O\I'. J\1BC and
\\I ne. 11r_g great ;ind
t s fine q11<1h!y.''
M-911. thn1 Thun .-1 P.M,
F-r14r, At 1:30 m\.'I• '"·"''i Progc•m • w~metlf a ~====~~ ~ ... ~.~~ ,.,. ~~
~ (0110"4,t, DIL. M,l,11. .....
Sot. 1 :l0-1:00-l:JO
!u". I ,.M.-4:i0-I P'.M. ..
Tht Mlrlsch Production Company pr1M.nt1
In a W•lt•r Mlrlsch Pracfuctlon
A new fifm frcm
Co1t1 G1vr11 wl'lo
• 91VI UI "Z"
"ONI O' TMI Yf.All'S 11 11,T"
-'"' "" ,,.,CI N•TINO ,ll-M , ." -Juo111~ cmt --......... _...
A ~Ot;e'l Corlrr<!f11'1 ...,
~rO"'(! JC)V(JI i'IOO!J(!,V.
~Yves Montond
-.. S1rnone S1gnore1.
, "The Confession"
ALSO-Thl1 Pre91e111 retMI "R" i
Je911 leul• Trl111lg11.,111
"Ii DA11L IN0 MOVI ! _,. SUPl ltlOll" -H.,. 1"1"'''
"W.Jlter Matthau as 'Kotch' is
•t lh• tOR of his Yorm ...
a splendid :!.
andsafty ~
performa nce-." ~lt ,,.. __ _, .... -Cl'i1rles Cl'i1molirt,
L.A . Times
-, . :~'i:-} -~----
W•lter M•ttheU In I
role on1y t">e could
l'Mf ke ~O eYC•tint•t
d.lfere11L , you !I
~t•rt t1lki111 atieut 11
tram trie ooenil'll scerie.
•dw•rd• I CIN•MA
CM!l ll'tlf • ~,31~
CUI !><loll! '0' ~~c..i ""''~
Jaek t t mmo11 directs.
~·ta~•~ his 1111e~t
''!lthll'IO"·t"e ca mt••
!or the f,rst !1l'Me
toal!lda ~e· .....
fresh dil'Mt 11s1011 !o
his bnllian! c•rter
O"AN0&•1 to.t "'l ·ll'I • Obl'IOI
"'°ll""'•tOI ~ •~ I I
l~I" SllMI 11 0~11
'Max' Hits
With Thud
B}' \\'lLLIAtll GLOVER
NE\V YORK tAP I -Slight
f I i g h l s into fan ta s y
preposterou~ly labeled "Th"e
Incomparable f'o.lax ," opened
Tuesday night at Broadway's
Royale Theater for those V.'ho
sA vor muted drama.
,.EW,ORT 8EACM • OR.3-IJ5b
R) So what's
with being
a voyeur1
The title deri\'eS f r om
Bernard Shaw's descnpt in n of
Six f\13x Beerbohm. a noted
dandy .y,•it-caricaturist-critic
of th e Edwardian era. hardly
rememhered nov.• except by
fanciers of tartly faded com· Georg• C. Sc.ett
ment.arv. MAJOR lnste.arl of exploring his '
m a n -about-tow n grandeur,
ho\\'Pl'er, authors Jer om e ·STUDIO
Lawrence and Robert E . Lee
concentrate-af!er a fev.• hrief PREVIEW
snatches of barbed l'llax-!
cursions into story telling . FRI DAY ims-upon Beerbohm's ex-1
As the redoubtable her,o.
Clive Revill n1anages \\;\th on 8 40 p M lv minor textual difficult ies to : • ,
sl ide first into a science-fi ction IT 'S FROM FOX ,
trifle, then explore a spook y l~lllJllllJllllJllllJllllJllllJllllJllllJllllJllllJI~
1 )·arn ahout. a palmreadf'r whn i:
perhaps foresaw a railroad
\1'J"eck . In each instancP.
Richard Kilev , taki11g a hQ\i-
day from musical r o I e s.
portrays the coniured figment
of Beerbohm 's literary doodl· '"". Kiley makes the bette!"' ()f
Enoch Sams, a third·rate p!'let
11·ho ln his yearning r('lr im-
morta\itv makes 11 <le<il \\'ith
the devil for <1 peer at !hf'
reading roon1 of th~ Brlti!h
J\1useum a hunrlred yrars
hence . \Vith f\t11.rch hare den·
ture!, ~ardonic lines end in
rnmstume~f t.att"red despair.
Kiley ;inimatcs the episnde
11·i th rakish aplomb.
A~ A. V. Lflider , the ma~·he
so0thsaver. Kilev is p!e;is;io1
bcit ord inary in the other \·cry
ordinary me I o dram a t-i c
charade about reality and il-
Jui;ion .
It is unfortunate t h ~ I
Lav.•re nce end Lee prol'ide
Re\'ill \\'ith nothini.: really to
either flesh out character or
.Cford credPr\ce for that "in-
comp<irab!e" boast.
"The Incomnarable f\lax"
nevr-r nu it t> shakes off its
musty, booki~h ori~ins 11.noi r~
m:iins a delicate, ·mildly
rli verting dubi rius contender
for 1virlespread audience ad-
Elsa Guests
E!s;i Lanchester \I'll I appear in
!hree of the fir st 15 segments or this.year'.~ "Nanny and the
PrnfesSor " series.
Wlnn0t .i 6 A<ldt1"y Aw•l"ll1
"OR I~IVA00"
-1 w,,.~ Only -
,,,_,..i '•o:t\ltl• ,,ne•ll
A Her bMt Ross-Peter HyolflS Productio1'
Wfitt1n 011d Produced by P1ter Hyo ms· Directed by Herbert itcn ·
[........, .................................... , Coleo-~TfCHNTCOlOt'f R:I
IGPI .. --~ ...... -..... ·~-~ I A ,Ot.OIOl<"'''llv" :" ': . .---Jr __ ..... _ -. \~!.....·-'
NEWPOfllT SEA.CH • fl''·0750
' I
MON.· OCT. 25th
.... ,, ..
t ~
•••-''"' u wiu"" u • tott• •IU uo o-t•J -" LAST WEEK Jame.s Garner
Skin Game
Lou L:Jos.seit Susan Glark .. ~.
lv:r-\~'l'l'"Y<&::t. A.~-,~""1 "'s:.•~S.-r"~
~lit 011'•0 , .. , .&! I 0&/ IJ~ .. r>fl
810 ~'191)
IGPi .• ,.
;;_ ' . • ~· 'I • " ~-·· .. !<Dl'
111~1 l ~GI.Pl• .,IT • ft'l· .. tl
H t•ll• '"~'" ••o•t OU• ••IOf '•'I funny How Loms Start Is
PLUS . Sl£V£ McQUUN !~
;12 DlJL Y PILOT Tt111rWy, Oc.tober 21, 1971
l "
' Now on tho
. \
-/'-__A_ ____.._ .....
Christopher Columbus-
Everyone is \vell ay,iare that Call·
fornia is a V.'onderfully diversi·
fied setting with mounlains1
plains. rolling: hills, deserts. for·
ests. fog and sunshine. The states
history is as richly varied as)
thi s natural endo\vmenl.
151 9
151 9
152 7
153 2
\Vell over 400 yea rs ago. the
Spaniards began to seek out this
land, and a l1Ltle n1ore than ~00
rears ago tt>c y returned wi th.
i11i ssionar1e s. soldiers. and set-~
tiers, to n1ake th i5 an out post of .
1t1eir empire. Over these years
there have been a sucression of sk yrocketing changes.
The hi story of California really starts in 1\ugu st of 1492,
when Columbus .~ailed \1•eslv.•ard, n1otivaled hy the de-
sire of seeking a s hort cut to lhe "Spice lsla~d s" in the
Far East. T rad e \l'ith these island.~ had previously been
carried on only by m eans of long. ~abor~ous V?yages ,
around the C::aslern Jlen1isp ere. jtil..h_hi:i accidental -··
discovery of the vast mas olland_ in thC:. \\les.t~rn
Hemisphere that blocke I hi path. Spain \1•as in position
v. ith a nevi Lerritory to ploit, far ahead of any other
na tion . l''or 115 years, Spain conquered ,,·here she \\'ill~d
unopposed. but d id not permanently scll!e ('al1for~ta
until 1769 277 vcars after her arriv al. But th at's getting
ahead o[ 'the facts. Ot1r heritage n1ay have been s!o\Y
in getting sta rted, but on ce ii gained moinentum there
v.•a s no stopping il, \Vhat follO\.\>'S is a condensed version
of the highli ght s -1'
The island of l·laiti, the first Spanish set tlement serves
as a base for further colonization.
Spain establishes settlements on Puerto Rico. Jamaica, -.
and Cuba. Diego l'olun1bus. son of Christopher. Gov·;,-
ernor of l·laiti. appointes Diego Velasquez as leader of an "
expedition to l'Onquer (;u ba. Velasquet conquest· is im· 'Ii.
portant to California h istory because in turn. it leads to :1
the exped ition of J·lernando (:ortes to ~1exico. I
Va sco Nunez de Balboa. an imigrant from Spain. ge ntle· :,•
man farn1er from 1-lait i. his luck all bad, including tha(
\\•Ith hi s creditors, le<tv es the island as a stowaway in ·1'
an en1pty provision cask. A young 1nan in his thirties,
an im press ive rigurc. v.·ith natural dignity and persuasive
oratorv. he bccon1cs a leader on the lsthn1us of Panama.
From 'Indian friends. he hears about the bi ,g s<'a on the
other si de of the Isthmus. lie for ms an expedition, in·
eluding 1'~rancisco Pizarro. \l'ho \Viii later tame the Incas
of Peru. and through a succession of streams. swamps,
and forests, first secs t he Pacific Ocean, on September
25. 1513.
A few years l?~er .. r·erdin~nd fl.'la gcll an. on his '"ay to.dis· i ·
cover th e Ph ilippines. sails around the Souttt American II'·
continent at the ~l o rn . into the Pacific Ocean. making
it clear that this en trance \Vill be 100 stormy for the -..
small European shi ps of that period. and lhus further.~
encourages a search for other routes. The Spaniards, L
realizing that son1e enemy nation. particularly England
or Russia. n1i,ght find an easier passage and fortify it,. lC
are in haste to ,l!et there first. ti.1os1 navig-ators seeking ! ft
!his exclusi\·e 1\·<1ter\va)'. dub it the Norlh\vest Passage,
or Strai1 of .i\n ian. ;i n;irne of unkno\1'n Qrigin. ln addition
t.o ·the riches so ught. 1he searc h for the Strait of .'\nian
i.~ the niagnel fo r future exploration.
l ortes. :;;ailing from ('uba. arrives at Vera ('ruz in June
and scuttles his 11 ships to prevent desertion of his 800
plus men. 1
Cortes leaves 'v'era lruz for the .1\1.tec capital of Ten~-·
ochtitlan. a11 island-li ke citv of 270.000. connected to the
mainland by three long ca'use"'ays. I-le n1ects Montezu·
nia. ,1·ar chief and emperor of the Aztec~. November 8,
l:'il9. nn the s hores of L;ikc Texcot'o, \vhich surrounds
the ci ty. Mon1 ezun1 a "'elcomes the Spaniards, invites
t hem into the Palace. \l'h ere ('ortcs seizes him and holds ,,
a:; hosta ge. The Aztecs rebel. fig ht to oust the Spaniards.
l\-1on1ezun1a 1.~ se nt out on 1he Pal<ice roof to calm
his people, is greeted \1•ith a ~ho11'er of stones. hit in the
forehead. and d iC's.
Cortes attempts to steal out Clf the Palace at night, by
the shortest ~2 mile ) rausewav. A wonun1 shrieks lhe
alarm. the Az tecs attack the rclrcating Spaniards. J·[eav-
ily laden \\•ilh Aztec loot , they lose over \\\'O thirds of
their men.
\Vith reinforremenls fron1 l laiti. ('ortcs again la.vs seige
to the t ity. 'l"he Azlecs. \\'eakened by srnall pox brought
fron1 ('u ba. :ind the loss of 100.000 d ur111~ 1he 10 \veck
ba ttle. are defeated. F'our-frfths of their r ity is rlestroyed.
The survivors are allrnvcd 1n flee befnre the remainder
of the c it y is dcstro.ved ·rhus bt'g111s a ~e ries of con-
quests that redurP the na U\'r." 1\'et1!t h or rirrrious metals
'1n rl s1011es 10 nothinc. <ind for<'e thc111 ul!o ri griculture.
L sing Ind ian \a hor, <"or1e.~ spends \hP nexl three years
rebuil ding the site into :'il exiro (·11 ~· l.;ind is granted to
h is follO\\'Crs. and they arc con verlr d in to ('hr1s tranity-
:;nrt of a tnndel plan for la1 C'r \\'llh l:i nd grants and mis-
sions I n l "alifornia
The conquesl of l\·lexieo 0 u1 of the 11a.1. 1 ·orte~ begin ~
h is search for the Str;iit of .'\nian. 11·1 th a lingering hope
t hat he \viJI :ilso find the lsle of the bronze cu lored Ama-
zons and thei r Queen Calafia. '['he Queen is a character
in a 15th century novel. "I.as Sergas cl<' Esplandian"
jThe Exploits of Esplandian ) v.1r itlen hv Garci Ordonez
de ~fontalvn. The novel. is at 1he hei ght ·or ils popularity,
'''hen Co rtes is carrying olit his e.-..:pl oral1on s of America.
A semi-paga n li le:-ary cra7.e runs lo s uch extremes in
Spain. !hat there is talk of prohibiting fictio n that fea·
lures the supernatural. !l·la<i they done so. California
might not today be called by ils 1n·esen1 name. It is not
clear who applied the name. but n1osl historians credit ·
explorer Francisco de Bolanos. Whoever ri rst na med the
province. there is no reason lo doubt that California ~·as
first called. in ant ici pation of findin g there, the pearls,
gold, and other riches mentioned in Montalvo's romance
about the mythical island of Queen Ca lafia.)
<:;or tes establishes a ~hip building station at the heavil y
tunbered harbor of Zacatula, on the western Mexico
shore. All iron v.1ork and rigging arc brought overland
from Vera Cru:r. on the Atlantic side, on the backs of
Indians and animals. The firsl three ships sail for the
Far East. T"•o are lost at sea, the th ird captured by
the Portuguese.
T\vo ships sail norl.hv.1ard. up the Mexico coast. Thi
c rev.•s 1n~tiny. kil~ Cc;i ptain Die go de Becerra in h is s leep,
and continue their Journey. They are pocketed in the
Gui ( of California, so turn around and ccin1e back down
the opposite shore, land at La P az whe re they are killed /:
by the Indians. ~
King of Spain sends Antonio de r-.1endoza to ?v1exico as
Viceroy. Later, as senior offi cer in Ca lifornia he will
send CabriJlo and Coronado on their expeditions.'
Francisco de Ulloa receives orders t.o ma ke a voyage
furl.her north in three small 100. 35. and 20 ton vessels
from Acapnlco. Again he sa il.~ up through the Gulf to
the Colorado niver, then down lhe eastern shore of
Baja , California. Alter resting in Santa Cruz harbor for
eight days. he the n decides to round Cabo San Lucas
and run alon g the Western shore of Baja .. i\t lhe Point.
they n1eet heavy contrary \vinds and run into a violent
te mpest tha t forces them into lhe open sea. For eight
da ys they ~at tie the sl~rms ·before succeeding, and so ' s.f.art ~ the first (If a series of \royagcs tha t "'ill lead 10 1
the discovery of l".eti fornia,
' • (To B• Con tinued Neii:t Week> 1.
Angels Complete Sweep by
Sports Clipped Short
County Gridder
Dies in Anaheim
Ronald Pinedo, an Anaheim High
School football player on the sophomore
squad, died \Vednesdey at Anaheim
~lemorial Hospital following an operation
!i1onday due to cerebral hemorrhage.
Pitledo, 16, coln1pscd on the practice
field 1'.to111day and was rushed to the hos-
F uneral arrangernent~ are pending.
This is the second football death in lht
la st two yea rs in Orangt County.
Edison High's !itark Naylon died fronl
injuries in the 19«1 Estancia game -the
only otber known prep football fatality in
Orange County: ,,..
LOS ANGELES -Former Californi a
Angels pitcher Minnie Rojas filed a $12.4·
million damage suit \Vednesday in con-
nection with an automobile accident that
killed t,,_,·o of his thildrm and left him
paralyzed from the neck down.
The suit was filed in U.S. District Court
against Slate Farm ~1utual Automobile
Tnsuran« Co. An attorney for Rojas and
his wife, who also was serioJ!sly hurt in
the cr ash, contends ihe compaiiy-lried to
coerce them into accepting much Jess
money than they were entitled.
Rojas maintained his car w a s
sideS\viped by a truck in Florida in April
1970. The insurance company has
asserted 110 other vehicle \Vas involved.
TI1e rormer relief pitcher was granted
A Wilcl Show;
'Ba1na Bear,
ltalia11 Stallio11
TUSCALOOSA Al a. (AP ) -Paul
"Bear" Bryant, v.•ho built th'ree nalion:1l
championship t~ams at Alabama in the
1960s, is getting tiis kicks again in 1971 -
primarily from a multltalented running
back they call tbe Italian Stallion.
He's better knov.11 as Johnny ~1usso. a
5-1oor.11, 196-Pounder from Birmingham,
"Musso is the greatest back in
America ." says Bryant, "and if you don't
believe it. just watch him play. When
t hose folks gft ready to vote on the
Heisman Trophy, I sure would like lo talk
t..to 'em."
J\lusso has triggered Alabama's return
' ~o the natioiU football elite this fall.
$parking the Crimson Tide to s]x con-
SC'Cutive \·ictories v.·hile closing in rnost ni
the Southeas1ern fonfercnce r11 shing
and scor ing records.\
Despite s itting out a~ca 'it ~all ol lour
games, Musso has r ushN:t,Jo/ 668 yards
on 114 carries. a 5.9 average. and I allied
l I IWJchdown~.
He already has surpassed by tv.·o
Charley Trippi's SEC career touchdO\Yn
mark of 31 and nel!ds onlv four more
points lo e1111al the leagUc·s scoring
record of 204 held by Billy Lothridge or
Georgia Tech,
In 26 games, f\·lusso has carried i 97
limes for 2.32 1 yards. caught 60 passes
for 493 yards and completed three of four
passes for 61 yards and lwo touchdowns.
He needs only 465 yards in his five re·
maining gan1es to equal the three-year
rushing mark of 2,786 y::irds held by
Tulane's Eddie P rice.
BryanL said lasl year that 1\-lusso was
I.he greatest back he's ever coached, in·
eluding John David Crowe. the fonner
Texas A&~t great v.·lio won the J.leisman
Trophy in 19fl7.
"I think f.fusso is the. fines~ running
back. and possibly the best football
player, in lbe country," said Norm
Pollom. a llls Angeles Rams scout "'ho
saw him aRainst Tennessee Saturday.
··,Ve would put a suit on him today and
let him play tomorrow if we could.''
Art Rooney Jr. or !he Pittsburgh
Steelers said, "He has great balance and
I 've ne\'er seen anyone with any more se-
cond effort. He's one helluva ball player
for one helluva team and coach. 11e could
probably wll'I 'a starting job for us Sunday
If we had hbh." .
"The won~ thing M·usso does is carry
the football,'" said Bryant. "He's the best
blocking back I've ever seen.
a $21,630 arbitration award again5t the
company earlier tbis month.
' ,,..
BARCELONA, .Spain -Wimbledon
champion Joho Newcombe of Australia,
seeded No. I beat his countryman Ray
Ruffe/s 4:6· 6-4, 6-0 Wednesday to gain the
quarter-finals or the Spanish Open Teonis
Second-seeded Rod Laver of Corona del
~1ar defeated Harold Elsembroich o{
\Vest Germany 6-1 , 6-3. and eighth-seeded
/\1artin Riessen of Evanston, Ill.. downed
Andres Cimeno of Spai11 4-6. 7·5. 6-{), and
Au stralian-born Martin Mulligari o! Ital.v
l'rushed unseeded Yugoslavian Zeljko
F ranulovic ti-3, 6-3 in other matches. ,,..
LOS ANGELES -Southern Californiit
co.a.ch John i\1cKay says the Troja11s Y.'i ll
need what they have seldom had !his
year - a balanced atLa ck -to move !he
ball against unbeaten Notre Dame this
Saturday. '
"They are too big to just run against."
l\lcKay said Wednesday. "Bul we're not
practicing passing all the time because
voe don't want to go back lo South Bend
and be in a driving rain and jusl have
practiced passing."
The coach said he \.\-'ill use all four or
his running backs. San1 CUnninghan1, Lou
Harris, Char les Hinton and~ l\Iannlred
l\1oore, against the Irish. ,,..
Pl'ITSBURGH -Brian Hcxtall scored
a pair o( goals to lead surging Pit.tsburgh
to an 8-1 \'ict.ory over the Los Angeles
Kings \Vednesdny night, th" Penguins '
fifth triumph in six National Hockey
League games this season.
Other NJ-IL scores \Vednesday included
Ne1v York over Chicago. 3-1, Boston on
rop of Detroit, i -3. Buffalo 01·er To ronln,
7·2. 11.linnesota v.'hipped Vancoul'er. 7·0.
~nd l\fontreal defealed California. 4-2 ,,..
ARCADIA -Bill Shoemaker rod e fivt>
win ners st Oak Tree-at·Santa Anila
\\'ednesday but missed in the feature. as
favored Vegas Vic. with Howard Grant
aboard, captured the $33.550 Volante han-
dicap. ,,..
Philadelphia's ?Se.rs sh1yed unbeaten in
National Basketball Association play
\\'ednesday \1·ith a 100-93 victory over
In other NBA action Golden .State !urn-
~· back Cleveland, 115-98, and Houston
dropped a .125·1 IO decision to Chicago.
NOW GONE ~ Angels' general nla nager Dick \Valtsh rtop) n1ay be
replaced by U1e Balti1nore Orioles 11arry Ualton. He is shO\\'ll \vith
c.x-Newport llarbor lligh a nd Orange ('0ast s tar Bil! Voss. The lat-
ter is no\v with the ~1il\vaukee Brewers after being traded by the
Angels a year ago. -------~---------
Serles Star Speaks
C lerriente Nixes Idea
Of Becoming M,anager
NE\V YORI\ 1t :r1 1 -For !1obt·1·1n
Clemente, !hr ne~t step 1s perfl'rlly oh
They asked hu11 abou! thal nexl ub1'10us
.~1ep \\1edoesday after Sport t.1agazinr
had presented hin1 v.·ith a neal ne11•
evergrl'en colored sedan for having been
named the outstanding performer in 111+"
\Vorld Serie.~ and P ittsburgh'~ intensl'.
high strung superstar. whose rncntfl l as
well as physical n1achinc1·y is sucll th.1!
he·s generally 1va~ flhead of 1nosl peop!r.
ansv.•ered the question a.~ if he already
had antici pated iL
"l'1n no1 interested in n1a11ag1ng ."' hf'
.said. "Not \.1-'hatsorvc.r. A n1anagcr has to
be tough with th e players. I notice on a
!1111a <·h1b.~ t!u· p!ayPrs Uon'! w~nt to talk
111th !he n1:i 11agcr. I get along with the
playt>rs l'l'l'V good I £'11JOY the rela·
t1on sl11J). I 11''1111 proplf' tu like ine. and
1!1t• way I ral\( \\'I th 1he players now I
Lan·l do thal as a n1a nagcr.''
Huberto C.:lf'rnenre. in 11 wa~', is PIO d1f.
ler'cn ! rha11 Babe Hulh.
\\'hen Babe Ruth "'as through doing
r vrrything one n1an eould possibly do on
a b;iseball rie ld thl' next slep for him v.·as
IM'rrect ly obvious also.
li e \Yan!cct to 1ry h i.~ hand n1anaging.
\\'hy n(it " !f tie cou ld hi! all lho;;f' hon1 r
nin.~. he /'oulrt 1ncinagr couldn'1 he '! \Vh<il
11a :-; so diH1eulL ;il)QU! keeping 25 p;1looka~
111 line '' 1-;~pceiall.v 25 palOnkas he knew
so well.
In any l'3St'. lhe Yankees ofll'red Ruth
a JOb n1an aging their Newark club in the
lnlernat1ona1 League and he said no dice.
lie wasn·1 going back lo the minors al his
age So Babe-H.uth nrver 1nanaged.
Hobcrl11 C.:lernente has, He managed a.,
re 1·(1ntly as one year ago when he handled
the San Juan club in the Puerto Rit a11
winier h.'<ljlUC' lit> 11•as more than merely
a ~uod rnanagcr. II(' 1vas a n excellent
lie claitns he wasn 't tough on the
J>li1yers and in a sensr !hat 1vas true. In
another sense he 11·as 11s tough on I.hem
a.~ he had to be. Aclually Roberto
(.'lerncnt::-::ilways is !oughe~l oo himself.
"'Oh. I 11'o n'! stand for any foo!isliness,''
he s.1ys iibout his basic philosophy on
111a11a~i11g ... b111 J ci(ul't thin k a inanager
l'a11 treat a pl:1y1~r nil1gh ··
Thcrt' a~fl1n the f'ir<11es· 37-yrar-old
rig htf1t•lller is g1~1ng Jhr i111 pre~sion 1hat
hl' c;u1 he had. Mr l'an·1 be tough. Not ton
SomP. years back C:le1nente was asked
to mar..;ge the San Juan club temporarily
and amoog his players was one of tht-
American League's foremost stars. This
player thought he y,·ould "'lest" Clcmenlt-
;ind when the showdov.•n came it turned
out to t.c no con!esL
"He's a great leader on and off the
field,'' adds the nation's winnlngest f!C·
live coach. •·111e only thing about Johnny
I don 't like ls that he's a senior."
.. Look." f'll'rnenle !old the ~tar. ''I
don·1 care 1\'llC) you are nr what you a re
up there in !he Amrrican League, but
whe n you're playing <lo,,_,·n here for me.
on lhts club, you gel here on time, you
put out like everyone else and you get no
$Ccial privileges lhat nobody else gets.
If you don't like this arrangement . say so
now, because as long as I'm manager
you're goin~ (o do it this way or you're
not going 10 he wilh thi.! club. I guaran-
tee that. ..
Ctcn1ente had no more trouble wi1h
that particular player. Philadelphia Wan, 100-93, ta Stay Unbeaten In" Atlentic Division.
Bo~k of Soqth Bend:· lrislt
SOUTH BEND, lnd. (AP) -Forgd th
"Ftahting Irish." Well, maybe don 'l
forget 'em -but make room for the
'"Stormin' Sham roe ks."
That's whll silWranked Notre Dame·s
de.Iensi,·e front four art called on campus
he:re and they'rt making themselves
pretty well known on 10~ other cam-
puses, too.
The entire Irish defense has called the
tune in Nolre Dame's Ove victories this
season, but defene:lve t:nd1' Walt Pa tulski
•.nd Fred "Swede" Swendsen and
dtfenslve tackle1 Mike Karilsh·11nd Greg
Ml>l'X, all 1enioi-s, have been the
Patulski, 6-foot·5 and 260-f»ounds. fs
generally considered the leader of IM-
front four. and,'"in Saturday's 16--0 vlct.ory
over North Carolina, he was just that,
making three solo tackl" 11nd eight
Notre Dame's five opponents lhis
se'ason have hem held to an average of
55.1 yards per game rushing and 110.8
yards p3ssing.
Notre Dame has !dipped ahead or
Michigan into the national leadership in
derense 11gainsl scoring. The Irish have
given up only 16 points \Vhile 1he
Wolverines have allowed 25.
"The tackles are the best in the coun-
try," says Patulskl. "Mike is so 5lroni; al
270 pounds. yet he 's quick. Greg is also
strong, so the t"nds don't have 10 "'orry
about stopping the inside rushing game.
Those ty.•o take care or that job,
.. Fred and I can concentrate on our JOb
-containing tile outside rushing ga1nc
11nd putting pressUre on lhe passer "
The offense has piled up an average or
239.4 yards.;t game. Using lilS ·1nany 8S
nine n1nning back!! in a game several
times this sea!IOrt; it ha!I rolled for 20.1,8
yards per game on lbe groun(:I.
Next on lhe agenda for coach Ara
Parse:ghillo'5 Irish are the Trojans of
Southem California; 2-4 th.is year. They
ere the nemesis or )>il!!t seasons. tn-
~luding last year. and have wrecked
unbeaten seasons for Notre Dame four
\Vhcn Parseghian was askrd if he I."
disappointed with thill le8m's national
ranking. he 1<11d : "The imp()rtant thing,
1l sccn1s lo me, is don't lose. I c1on 't think
I here . is 11 prerequisite for a certain
.amount or points to win. Basically, ~·e
are 11ot lntereslt:d in slatistics -ju.st tl!c
nnat score.''
Firing Walsli
H oitse Cleaning Ended;
Dalton Still · in Lirribo
Dick Walsh, hailed as a t rading genius at the start of the i97l base·
ball season, has been fired as general manager or lhe California Angels.
Board Chairman Gene Autry and Angels' President Bob Reynold9
announced \Vednesday night !hat they \Vere not retai11111g \\1alsh, 45, \\'ho
has four years t o run on a seven-year contract
The executives said "exploration talks'' have been held with th e
Baltin1ore Orioles ' vice president in cha rge of player personnel. Harry
Dalton, w h o has been nnn ored for the past month as a likel y su.ccessor .to
\.Yaish . "A final decis io n will take several days," Autry and Reynolds said.
in a joint st.atemenl. "There are import·
ant considerations for both sides."
Dalton declined con\ment""n B;illimort',
and \Valsh "'as not immediately a vailable
to ne"·snieo.
The Angels were touted as the leam to
beat in the Anlerican League \Vest at the
start of the season. and rnost of the
c redit was bein'g given lo Wa lsh. who had
engineered trades for, among others, Al
Johnson, Tony Conigliaro. Ken Berry,
J erry Moses and Ken McMullen.
But the bright hopes turned cloudy ear-
ly in the season. J ohnson w33n·t hilting
as he had in 1970, when he won the league
batting l'ha1n pionship. And even berore
the season began. he was at odds with
111anager Harold "Lefty" Phillips, who
accused hi1n or fai ling lo hustle.
NeithEr &rry nor Coniglairo, Lhe other
1\YO-lhirds of the "dreanl outfield.''
performed as ex pected. Berry "''as bench·
ed. Conigliaro .announced his retirement
.luly 10, tell ing a da\vn flell'S conference.
''I ha\•e lost my sighl aod ain on the edge
of losing 1ny n1ind."
But the slorm center 1vas Johnson , who
was benched by Phillips several times.
reinslaled -·r eportedly at Walsh's urg-
ing -and ultimately suspended. Tearn
n1orale hil bottom after Johnson accused
1eamn1a1e Chico Ruiz of threatening hin1
\Vith a gun in lhe clubhouse. 'Valsh ma in·
lains the incident never look place.
In addition. Walsh, who was onl'e
quoted as saying, "1 don't v.·ant lo get
close lo ballplayers." 1vas being criticized
publicly by ~umerous players.
Shortstop Jim Fregosi. the team's
acknowledged leader. maintained the
general n1anager hadn'l given Phillips
('oough support in !he Johnson affa ir.
:\·loses and 1111other newly acquired
ealchl•r. Jt>H Torborg. both rapped \Valsh
111 an 1ncer1'if'w and said they wanl.ed l.o
b;' 1raded. P1lt her Andy ri.1essersn11lh ,
who lioi-;hed lhc sea.son with 20 vielnr1es,
told Autry he wantctl lo be dealt to
another l'lub if \\'alsh stayrrl.
After the .-'Ingels stun1bled 10 11 fOU !'th
pl<1ee finish . 25 1:z games behind firsl·
plaet' Oakland. Phillips and his entire
l'Oaehing start were fited. and It w11~
widely reported Iha! Walsh would be
\Valsh . who had a trial as a player with
!he Los Angeles Dodgers in 1948. enl.ered
lhf' Dodger minor league organi?.ation
!11aL year as a 22-year-old a.~sistant lo the
president of the Forth \.\.'orth le11m. a job
that included ~elling tickets and hot dof:S
and swerping lhe s tands.
He v.·orked his way op lo vice president
in charge. of stadium operalions, a job he
de.scribed 11s "the h e ~ v y at Dodger
Stadiun1 .'' After he spent two years as
comntissiooer of a soccer teague. t h ~
Angels )lired him in 1968 lo replace. rh,.
rel iring F'red Haney. general m.11nager
since. the club v.•as created in 1960.
\\l ith \Valsh apparently slated for
d1smis.s::it. the Orioles reported lwo \.\'eeks
ago that the Angels wcrr trying to talk lo
Dallon, 4.'J. who completed negotiations on
the'J965 trade of Prank Robinson and v.·as
the architect of the deals for 20-g::iine
winning pitchers Mike Cuellar 11nd Pat
Orioles' Board Chairman Jerrold 0.
Hoffberger sa.vs he has offered Dalto11
"highe r and more responsible duties." in-
rll1ding a promoti on lo cxetutive vi1'P
pres ident. in hope!'> or keeping hi1n"'.1Yilh
Balli more.
Dallon joined the OriD le.\ organization
before the IV54 season, when lhe team
moved from St Louis to Baltimore.
He assumed his present office in 1966
v.•hen Lee McPhail left the Baltimore
Next Hl106 GM? •
Amputee Golfer
Does It All,
Does It Well
LANCASTER, Pa. tAP 1 -Last t-.1a ~'
Dick Rice shot a hole·in·one al Coneslogtt
Golf Club here. ll was the second ace of a
rernarkab\e ainateur golf carel'r.
The 55·year-0ld Ri ce Just his Jen ann
v.·hen he was run over by a truck al al!e
11. Ht'. didn't al101v tht' tta11d1cap 10 111-
terlf're with a fer vid inl crest 1n sporl s.
"I love 11ports." saul the ha llhng, ex ·
ullerant na tive or l.an<·a-;1l'r. "1 ah~ll)~
played all sporls. l'it ralhcr pl<i.v Lhrn1
than e<1l. ·•
Golf 1s 11 gan1e in wluc:h the \Vay rb•
player grips the club sets lhc )ilrength
and di rection of the drive. The ordinary
golfer's grip <>nd swing derive from rhe
leosile strength of two han1ls. fifth anll
second digits interlaced on tile flan cllc or
the club. Rice. relyi n~ only on a eon-
vertect tennl.<1 swing, lti ts !!1e hall 200
yards off the tee.
ll is latest hole-in·one was a 150·yar1l
shot •
"It was one of those lucky things ," h~
said. "You hit1tnd it ran on. This one wa.,
a goJ£ shot. You have lo hit !he ball up in
the air. U hit the green 12 reel rron1 the
pin and rolled 1n.''
While Rice's unique ability may rai~r,
1he eyebrows or the uninitiated. his goH·
1ng partners, like all golfing partners, vi e
fiercely \l'il h the one-arn1ed man for I.he
best score.
"\\le play gOOU curnpct1 11 vt' gul l.'' said
<:hip \\'eeks . a player in Rite s regu lar
rou rson1e. ··And he's JUSI a~ '·on1petittv&
as everyone else.
"We never gh·e him a thing." \\'eek ~
added. "Me tends the fla~. get~ his nw11 ·
ball. lt"s just. like playing wilh a rnan who
has oevcr .expenencrd 11 handicap Ile
could be a mo<lcl for a Int of people ."
Bice, who shoois in lhe 80s. has onft
rl1 s;,ippointmcnt · nevl'r playing the chan1·
plonsh1p fhght at !he annual An1pulee
lft1lf Association tournan1cnl .
"These guys shoot in the n11dtlle 70s all
lhf' time." he says with in1patience.
Jt would take niore than the loss of an
11rm to curb Dick Rice ·s fondness fo r the
fairways, J.le ~as passionate in his devo-
tion lo the game as any dedicated
a mateur.
West Out of LA Ope~-_
Lakers Bombard Atlanta
ATLANT A (AP) -A1lanla "Jlawk1
coach Richie Guerin had his team work-
ing on penetral.ion and stopping tumover!i'.
most or the week and when they met the
l..os Angeles Lakers Wednesd11y night
''we did all •e wanted to do for three
"Then in !hose last 12 minutes tbey
thot the hell out or the ball apd we
"didn't:• summed up Guerin after the
unbeaten Lakerr pulled away from a two--
point margin for a 126-UM pa!IUng ot the
winless Hawks .
WUt Chamberlain, seeing AUanla fort·
ed into a gambling woe press ~enu,
i;cored 13 or his 11 points in the final 31\r
minutes a11 the Lakm ran their Natlontil
Baskelb311 Association ret..-ord to 4-& and
the •lawks sagged lo 0-3.
Laker Jerry West lumcd hi s ankle
when he came: do"'" on Hnwk rorward
8111 Bridges' fool 11fter a scr11mble for a
Josse ball.
"f'1n pretty sure nothlng's _broken.''
Jaid West. but cooch Bill Sharman i;11id
West mosl likely will m iss the Lakcrs' •
neli.t 'game Friday ••. lhcir Forun1 ho1ne
opener .
The big gun for Los Angeles was J im
McMillian, who started in place of the in·
jured l~a,ppy Hairston, ;o.od enjoyed his
best professional night with 39 points.
McMillian logged 4& minutes playing
time and added, •·1 was surprised I
stayed in long as r did. Yes. I got tired.
But when you a~ scoring well. you doo 't
notice weariness.•·
Lou Hudson paced Atlaota wit h a 37·
point effort and Don t.1ay added 21.
Veteran Gail Goodrich contributed 29 for
the Lakers.
LOI r.N••L•i . . '
' -'"' I &•ylor
£111• GOodll, ..
MeM Ull•"
l!otiln1on ""'
• ,., 11
I ,., I
II I 10 l't
·~ •·11 .l9 I 11 J II 'l ,.. 10
101111 .. )1.)1 17'
Loo .\n111n
"'"•nt• "oultd 0111 -Ntw1•.
l.Tl l.NTI.
l•litm~ l rk19ts
0.•l• GlllltlT'
1-<UOIOll ...
'""" Vl ll"1•
To!•I• n n l• 11 lJ lt
. . ' I .l.t 11 I I ) J
0 6.0 • 1·1 ,. •• • ,, t' l1
t >-• ll
1 0 I 1
l o.o ' 1 o.o 1 ..., , .. )) 10•
JI -l:lt
Ill -!04
Totfl r.,.,1, -L<t• "'ne•le 1,, A!!lnl• 11 ..tl•llll•llC• -J.~J
ff CAIL Y PILOT Tt11111&11, Octobu 21, ltn
Tickets for Saturday night's South
Cout Conference football bia1ie in·
volving Orange C-Oast College and
Fullerton JC at Anaheim Stadium Art
no"· on sale at the OCC bookstllre.
The bookstore is optn from 6-9 l-Onight
and B-2 Friday.
Ticke!s are priced at $2 for general arl·
mission, $.1 for reset\'ed, and $3.50 for
club bcu:.
Children under 12 will be charged $1
general admission with regular adult
prices in effect for reservM and club
CdM Season
On the Line
Vs Char ge rs
Corona de! Mar Hjgh's footb.r.JI season
is on the line Saturday night {8) at
Newport Harbor High.
It's the third Irvine League lest of the
year for coach Di;1•e Holland 's Sta Kings,
who march in with a 1-1 mark agains t
loop--leader Edison.
i •· I . . .
:-j A Sleeper,
Says Rhea
Los Angele1 Harb:ir Collea;e may be the
alee-per In the Southern C1Worn11
Conference football flag chase this 1e1&0n
and coach Floyd "Scrappy'' Rhea won't
argue the posJSibil il>'·
Rhea will br ing his rejuvenated
Seahawks to Or11.nie CoaJSt cOUeaa
Stadium to do battle with the-Golden
West College Rustler~ Saturd11.y ni1ht
(7 :30J in the opening conference game ol
the season.
Asked to pick 11 probable favorite for
the league flag chase, Rhea answers:
_ "It's hard lo figure because the league
1s balanced. Any one team is eapable of
beating another on a given night and it
depends on who has .the bot hand that
"If our team plsys up to its
capabilities, it can beat anybody . But we
beat ourselves in 'the first two games .''
Edison has plenty going for it, including
:lO straight wins. I970's CfF AAA 11ward
in the trophy case and momentum from
four straight '71 Conquests.
The Seahawks lost to San Diego Mesa
and Orange Coast in the first two games
and since that time havt shut out Mt. San
Antoni o (34-0J and Los Angeles Southwest
Holland was asked how Corona de! Mar
ls to sccomplish something the last W
teams have been unable to do -that is
to contain the Chargers ofefnse.
And although it's evid«1t from the t.ooe
cf his voice tl)at he's confid_ent his
players can pull it off, he answers with a
"\\'ho do
Harmon ?'J
you stop first? Fred
Rocky Whan? Mark
\\'ith th ill defensive problems discussed
Holland speaks Of Edison's defenders.
"Defensively they just go berserk. ll's
11 run -and-guO type defense. We have a
lot nf problems and it's hard to name one
or l>A'O things," says Holland.
ln the same breath the CdM boss
remarks on Edison's qu arte rback
Harmon. who came into his own against
Estancia with three TD runs.
}iol!and's crew is coming off a
lackluster performance in dropping a 19-
13 l'erdict to Santa Ana Valley.
The Sea Kings' defense allo.,•:ed the
winners to control th e tempo of the game.
Offensively CdM had only 33 plays wilh
20 running plays netting 81 yards and two
con1 plelions accounting for 92 yards.
Si:• passes werl' dropped by
l'J Uarterback Reed Johnson's receiver!!
and the potent speed that is said to
dominate the Sea Kings' offense failed to
materialize consis!enlly.
Fullback Bob Ferraro ran 79 yards for
a TD against Valle.v, >A·hich means the
rest or the running game netted t~
yards. .
Holland contemplatts no changes tn the
starting offensive lineup althouth be 'a
shuffled hls defense considerably.
Tars Working
Against Tou gh
Ground Attac k
Consistency has been added In the lnot·
ball picture at J\1ewport Harbor High
isin re the first !wo "'eeks of the 197l
The Tars nr coach Don Lent \.\'ere not
consistent and loo ked off in their liming
their first two ~ames of the current cam-
palgn (a 7-0 loss lo Corona del Mar and '1
40·7 1-1·in over CQsta ."-1e5a >A'hich wa~
sparked by the df'fen~e l,
Jn the past 11110 wrrks, ho>A-e vl'r, the
modus operandi has changed con·
siderably as Lent 's cre>A· li;1s turned tiger
aince the Sunset League sla!I' began.
New·porl h;is won three in a row, in-
cluding an 18-0 Sunst"t clamp job of Loara
and last \veek 's 28-7 romp over Hun-
tington Beach.
.And as the \.\'ttks rol l by, the gning
be\.omes stiffer for the Sailors, as eviden·
ced by Friday night's Sunset crucial at
Newport against the surprising Western
Pioneers. 4-0 overall and 2-0 in loop
Whil e the Tar defense has re11!1y done
the jnb so far, ii appears the offense w•ill
ha\·e to duplicall' its 249 total offense net
yardage of last week and then some ii the
hosts hope to top Westrrn.
Says Lent, "we're ~pending an awful
lot of lime this w·eek working on defense an.a trying to stop their running game -
witil their good qu111rterback and two aood
running bac k~. they havt a triple threat
tll•l's hard to slOp:'
As for Nl'wport's I) f re n s iv e ex-
pect ation$, improvement has taken place
ill that area. .
"l thought we Improved SQme more
thil pail week and sh<iwed more con-
eb:tency on offense." Len~ays. "I think
our. passing game has co elong tlnce
Duane DeKalb Ohe 'T'ar q rback f h&s
gained mnre confidence an picked up
added protecti on
"We're still Jacking in depth 11nd hR ve
hid a couple-of minor eases of nu 11nd
attM"ted 1m111\ Injuries. '3ut I think most
ol U:lo8e will be gone-by Friday."
On the 11eason. Q.B DeKa lb ha~ clicked
on 11 of 33 p11sses for 253 y11rds And a
1COre. It should be-pointed out . however.
that the senior thrower got off to a hor-
11tndoUJ 1tart and bas improved greatly
(he mt on five ol nine for 117 yard~ last
week ) since. then. for it! runninl ettack. Newport h.-s
rtlled mainJY' on 1 p11lr of 1970 returnee-~
-. halfback Tony Hof\•ath (243 yards /
ind fuJll!lack 011.n Seals 1219). Each has
tallied two T~.
Big A Biggie
Set Tonight~~
MD vs Amat
Mater Dei High 's ambitions for an
Angelus League football diainpionship
and enlry into the CIF AA.AA playoffs un-
dergo a severe test toni1ht at Anahe-im
Stadium when the MonarChs meet BiShop
Kickorf is set ror 8 o'clock and coach
Bob \Voods' Monarchs are one-point
choices to knock off the CIF'a No. 2 rank-
ed eleven in the Angelus League opener.
Amat enters pl ay with a 3--0 mark after
rolling to 17 touchdowns in disposing of
Fontana, Bonita and Hemet.
And coach Dennis M c Lau g h l in • 1
Lancers were the 1970 CIF AA AA
champs after finish ing second to St. Paul
in the Angelus circuit.
Mater Dei's triumph~ are-more-im·
pressivl', howevl'r, with wins over Santa
Ana, Chaffey, Lakewood and !Ang Beach
\\'oods ' crew relics on the pass~ng and
runn ing of C!Uarterback Bill Clough, a
Costa Mesan who has . riddled1 enemy
secondaries for six touchdowns.
His primary receiver ls Terry -Martin·
dale. whti has scored three TDs on
catches of 10, 29 and 22 yards, '
And be ha s another able 1receiver in
:r.tike Coury, son of Cal State (Fu.llerton )
coach Dirk Courv.
Add a hard-chargi11g ful lback in Rick
Sheldon (seven touchdowqs) and the
re-turn of ta ilback Rocky Shr1pson 11nd th,e
Monarchs appear to Mve the necesssrv
ingredients to revenge l'aat year's 48-16
walloping from Amat.
The Lancers, hov.·ever; have a few
thing., goi ng for them also:
Quarterback John Sciarra is the central
nervous system of the Amat a.ttack wittt
his rolloul style. '
He's accounted for a dozen TDs, half on
the gr ound, the other half passing.
He'!! averaged 10.7 yards per crack run-
ning and each of his 24 completion! has
averaged 14.5 yards.
And backs Denn is Rosser (6-1, 195) and
Carl Neder (5·10, 1851, provide Bishop
Amal with solid halance. Each has
scored three times.
Receil'ers Sieve 811channan and Brian
Kel ly ha~·e been Sciarra's ma in targets.
Perhaps the key to the test v.·i ll be
\Vhether J\1ater Dei's defensive li:ie !Steve
Moore, Joe Knox, CraiR Hanson, Nlck
F'istonichJ anrl linebackers (Jeff Clark,
,\fark Stanbra, Jim Meehan and Dave
Burchard! 1 can contain the offensive
blncking of Amal
The Lancers possess A froot five that
aver<iges 219 and McLaughlin terms it
the-heart of his team's attack.
, Orang~ Coast 6th
I n State Ratings
Orange eoan C<Jllege't football team
continued its climb in lhe state JC rank-
lnas this weekl
Coach Dick~cker's Pirates 1rt rated
sixth today in the large schools divis ion
a JUm p of t~· ipots according lo the-JC
Alhlrtic Burel\!.
G<ilden West. (·2·1·11 ii; currently in a tie
fnr the No. 1 ~ ~ltion with Santa An1 (3-
College of San Mateo (5-0 / continues fn
the-top spol
Ll>w lc-11 h11Jlt lc,,..11
PH. (111... llM. '"' C.119.. •«,
1. Cell•M ol I, C&llfft o1
5~~ M•loO $-t.tl l "'WOllll1 J..(1.,1
1 CeT"'•• ol J f""" o.6.0 ~11ftl9t ~I : ll1n i><l "<OC.• •I.() >. tf (;eml,..,. •·~ I. Cl1v!l1" .).l·O l l ~ll •Mf ' j' 't'11tMI 1·11 ' t" J°"<ly" 0.ITel• .() • H•rlMll ._
' '""" (ll tf -1·6"1 1 ·-lfv 1·l·
i l"lor<\ "l I, (Glletl fl" Ofit '1 <•1-0 ~"fl ..,,~ 1,-1 t Ce""" o•
1Dot •j C1nve"• )•! O 'j· r.ra •"t1a•1 •· · Collto• o• 5 1,~1v-... I , U I '1•11!~ '°lj .• I . l\l••l•ol!I I MoMttt¥ •t"l"lll'I ). ' •1•d•"I •·'· t-4 U G~ .. ~WM! l ·!. V•<le• V1ll•v J.!~
~·"'' "~• ~·J·n
Wants Team Title
Orange Coast Star Sets
Individual Goals Aside
Craig Zaltosky, Orange Coast College's
premier defensive back. was accorded
just about every honor p!)~Sible last foot-
ball season.
He not only \.\'as selected as OCC's lop
pla yer. bul also earned All-South Coa st
Conference, all-state and JC All -America
honors es well.
He captivated Pirate fans with his dar·
ing punt returns and spectacular in-
terceptions -eventually finishing with 11
thefts for the season -an OCC record.
And in the San Diego Mesa gamr he
nabbed six enemy passes -a sta le
But one prize eluded the S·7, 160-pound
package of dynamite.
"I've always played on a team basis . !_
never have played for myself. That's \1Jhy
J"d like to be part ol a championship
team," ~ays Zflltosk)',
And the ex-Huntington Beach High slar
feels rha t if the Pirates CAO beat
F'uJJcrton .JC Saturday night at Anaheim
~ladium f7:.10 l, lhey·JJ have taken a big
step in lhat direction , .. a title team.
But he also figures that F'ullerton is
Orange Coast's biggest challenge of the
"I don'L see how anyone can count
them nut The.v have a great defen se. \\'e
should be rated dead even with them . I
even thought about not reading the paper
this wee{ because everyone is saying
we 'll beat them easy.
"But I know belier. lt's going to be a
Skill ed Backs
Chief Co11cern
For Bo swell
Coach Bill Bosv.•ell and his Westminster
Lions have a good thing going for them
\\'ith their imposing aerial ci rcus, thus his
major concern \.\'ith Huntington Bea ch
High is f<iirly predictable.
His Lions enterlain the Oilers Fridav
night in a Sunset League football cruci31
and one of the key items ln Huntington's
hopes is ~parkling play from the
defen sive secondary.
"The thing that scares me-the most
about Huntington is the presence of such
skil!ed athletes in the secondary and at
linebacker," says Boswell.
"They pdssess good pass defense with
people who react very well. To m Crunk,
Arnold Ru iz, the whole bunch of them.
And this, of course, is our strong suit, the
passing game;• adds the Westminster
Westminster l1as rolled lo three
straight wins and most of the success hAs
been provided by the right arm of
quarterback Jeff Siemens, another in 8
long line of oustand ing passers to come
, 1 out of the Lions' Den. ·
He's connected on ~1 of 83 tosses for
'103 yards and three touchdowns and a
healthy 61.• percent.
Boswell inserts 11 bit of fancy in his of-
fense , too, to keep the deftnses honest.
"We like to ke-ep'• Thursday play In
there to keep things lively.'' quips
As for Huntington's oriensive thrusts
it's Boswell's opinion that hill eleven must
co ntai n the cofnbinalion of S t eve
Pickford , Blll Dres~ler And Tony Ci11rtlli.
"We hl\'e to slop thflse com bl nations."
he says. Of Pickford. he 11dds. "He's a
hlgt\.ly dangl'rous kid when he-gets loose.
The big thing v.•i!h hfm ls ''OU have to
.o;top him .at the-line of l!Crim.mage-.•. lf
you don't It may be-loo late-,"
Cornerback Gary Rungo is lo!ll for the
HunlinRton game becau se of pneumonia. \\'all~inner takes his place while Kevin
L'1mb returns to middle lin,backe-r.
Jim Wiskerchen rtturns to offensive
gu~rd 11fter re<;nvering from m11ssh•t
blood r.lots in h"' legs and arm~.
lough game for us ."
Although Zallosky has only t~·o in-
terceptions this season he is ahead of his
record· pace nf 1970. At this time la st year
he had ju~t one.
But he doesn't expect lo make as many
pas s thefts this year as he did in '70.
"In our defensive secondary the
safeties are expected lo make a Jot of
tackles at the line of scrimmage SQ we
don 't get the interceptions that the cor-
nerbacks are capable of getting."
Desplte the fact lhat the interceptiOns
helped earn Zaltosky the many honors in
'7fl -he claims his biggest thrill is
returning punts.
And he also enjoys blitzing .
"lt 'i\·as quite effective last ]'ear. but
a!ter doing it so much the opponents
start catching on. So we·re not blitzing as
much this season." says. Zaltosky.
It's a completely different group of
Saddleback College Gauchos who'll be
hosting the GroSsmon t Griffins Saturday
night in a 7:30 Mission Conference foot-
ba ll tussle al ~fission Viejo High.
Last year's Gaucho gridders s>A·amped
the Griffins, 25-0, down at El Cajon . But
coach George Hartman's Saddleti11ck
eleven had the services then of such
names as junior college a.II-American
tailback Toby Whipple and all<0n·
ference fullback Rocky Fletcher, to men·
lion just a couple.
This season·s freshman·studded Gaucho
team ha~ staggered thus far to a 3-2
recflrd wl!h only a few bright moments
entering the pi cture.
And niost of the brighter spots ha ve
been attributed to swift sophomore Rudy
Holmes. O
The l45·pound defensiv e back from
r.1ission Viejo High >A'as the spark as Sad-
dleback overcame host Southwestern last
11·eek, 22·!6.
Holmes ran back a punl 90 yards for a
scor~ and later went on a 68-yard non·
scoring journey wit h a Southwestern
f--!artman says of Holmes. "he only
weighs 145 but the kid thinks he 's 220."
With Holmes doing well. Saddleback's
problems have been in the most im·
portant nf the skill positions
In an attempt to upgrade the Gaucho
pa~ing game, Hartman has yanked
sopllbmore Bob Bosanko and inserted
freshman Bob Dulich at the QB spot.
Even with the QB woes, though, the
biggest Gaucho thorn hAs been in the of-
fensive line, which is composed mostly of
frosh performers.
"We need more pride and son1e extra
effort in our flrfensl ve line." Hartman
says, adding, ''I'll tell you th is, our of-
fense has to jell for us to win the con-
ference 11gain.
But Rhea explains it this wa y:
"If our players can execute, tl}t:y can
beat anybody but _if thl'y play li ke they
did in those first two games, then they
won't beat any body."
The Scahawks are directed by three
freshman quarterbacks.
"Primarily we are nrit .a passing team
this season," Rhea says. "We throw 10 to
14 limes in each game and that's about it.
O_ur concentration has been on the run·
ning game."
Starting at quarterbe.ck for the Hawks
Saturday night will be 'Jlony Cowan , a S-
11. 17~-p!)under.
The running game is keyed by tailback
Ron Cheetham. a Narbonne High
gr<1duate \.\'ho we ighs in at 175 pounds.
The Seahawks operalt out of a slot J-
formation and make a Co:lmplete S\\'itch in
personnel from offense l•l defense.
The ~efensive unit has pretty good si:tt.
according to Rhea, who admits the front
four on !he unit average about Z40 pounds
per man .
_ Rhea looks at Golden \Vest as a p!)'ten·
t1al leagul' champion, •long with Lo.s
Angeles City Cflllcge, East Los Angeles
and his own Seahawks.
"Golden \\''est is well·balanced. well-
coached and ll'ell·drilled and thev have
S?me fine athletes. They al ways s"eem to
rise to the occasion when 1hey play us.
"I w'ould rate them eoual lo Orange
Coast anrl they are-cenain!y stronger
than Mt. San Antonio." he concludes.
Last year the Rustlers cf Golden West
C<lpped a 14-7 dec ision from Rhea 's
P irate Polo Team
After 14th Win
Attempting to stay unbea len and ahead
of the-rest of the tough Soulh Coast
Conference field, Orange Coast College's
water p!)lo team tangles with Mt. San
Ant onio Friday at the OCC ilOOL
It begins at 3:30.
Coach Jack Fullerton's Orange Coast
Pirates i:urrently lead the South Coast
circuit with a 3-0 mark. T~e Bucs are
unbealen in '71 wi!h 13 victorie~.
. Rugged ~1 t. San Antonio dropped \t.!1
rirst game of the year Friday . a 11-6
decision to Fullerton. Mt. SAC has a 10-1
record for the season .
Yej m Carr'!. • •
•• '
• ·~!( f!ps ets Spic e Grid Menu; . ,. ""'. .
;i'.) Loyoln Saved by Lightning
It's hard lu rccollet.·t "hen a football
~"'!bl pro111.ded nlOre shocking results than
l id the Jr111ne League elashes Fnda.11 night
The losers -J\1agnol1a. Corona del ;\l;;r
and fountain \ ;illey -11c1·t· u11a11imous p1l'l.S
to wh1 handsomr l.1
But Costa \lesH. $n1H:i .<\11<1 \'allr1· aiHJ
.. Los •Alam1tos n1ade 1nonkcvs out c;f !hr
: ~.DAILY PILOT .staff and 11.<1 ·:.elel·l1uns
The only tearn to escape the upset 11.<11 r
was Edit·on and !he Chargers 11·erc hard
___ "'t __ __
.. ~ ' ROG ER
CARL'iON -----__.
prest ed lo overcome a feist y Estancia unit
Passless Estancia mighl be !he best !·3
team in Orange County
A decade from no1v so111c<inP n1a;. l'hC('~
1hrough the record books and no1e Dpening
Irvine League losses by Estancia to Fount<iin
Valley 123·9) and Edisou ('.!4-101 , fa1rly dc-
t.:is1l'e margins,
Only those directly involved 11•111 k11u11
·-just ho11• 1.:l lSe those two con1csts al'tuall~
11·ere. howc\·1·r.
Perh<1ps the n1osl surpri~111~ upset 11as
L'os\<1 :0.lesa. The tl1uslangs o\·crll'hclnte{l
!\lagnolia . 19-7. and coach Joh.Ji S11•eaLy wa~
. or the opinion his team could lia\·e niadc 11
• J0-0 had he chosen to stick v.•ith his regula rs
all the \.\'ay.
, . That's nol a btd comeback lor a teanl
after poor sho11ings against Katella and !\·e11-
port I !arbor.
Too. the tilesans lost three performers
/or disciplinary rea~ons.
_ .\lesa's .<1tarling cl'nter, J eff Enckson,
is listed at 150 in gamC" program.· In reality
h" checks in at l~.i 011 .t 5.5 fra1nr.
* * * Jluoling1on Beath Hig h .athletic dirtc111r
tlon \\'alker i~ loyin~ \\'ilh the ltlta o( con1·
· · pctitil'e volleyball in the spr ing.
\Valke r say:i; he ·s r't:eh l'd •Hlrm:i.tl\e
responses in thr; initial stagt11 from Edison
and Fountain Va lley -but others aren't so
ext:ite;d about IL
Tht sport, end Olyn1pil' item and one
th1c1! can produce albletlc scbolarKhlps rrorn
i.utb !n~tllutions as UCL . .t,. and Cal Stat,
1 Long B':u·h j. i~ another chance for a kid h)
pt1rlit•ipalt in atbl,llcs. IH'l'Ording lo \\'alkcr.
lntercste;d p<1rtics should t'Olttacr \\';ilkt'r'
at 5Jfi-!.ll t
* * * Hc111C'n1tx>r .\lanna 11·citer po lo L'Oa('li
Larrv Angelet ·•
1/1~ Viku1g !)11•1111 1ea1n n1i~.~ed lhe Sun .
~el League championship 1n 1968 when a
referee ruled his ace rni ssed touching on
the turn of a kC'\' event
Later he R,a\·e up lus Job and said he
11.1s wailing for :.i better coaching pos1t1on
lo present it self
Ap11arentl} 11 chd bei.:ause he 's 11011 ht';ir1
1·1)t1l'h al l lun11>oldt Stare College and 11 1'
~·O 111 tht' Fa r \\'(':;:! L'onfrrcnr('
·r11 0 rorrner Corona del :'llar ll1i:h pJ;.11
('I'S are loilrng under Angelel Tun :'ll rf.1H anrl
Turn I-lorn.
* * * Tbt r' is no end to the lnltiath•t or .\Jar·
ina ba~tball conch Ray Allen,
Our n1an from t\ent ut J.:y orftred a St5
~<1 \'ings bond 1 out or his own pocket I 10 I be
1\1arina student who could t:ontr. closest in
a \\'orld Series pool.
Al the. bolto n1 of each b;illot was spat't
provided for application In play ba~eball for
Allen .
* * * B1:;hoµ A111al H1gh'.<1 football t'('turd i ~
3.n ra!her than ~·O because or Saturda.1'~
freak lightening storn1 .
Loyola lligh's Cuhs gol olf the hook
\1·hen first rain , then hail and finally lighl-
ning stopped the Lancers' t·on tesl 11ith Loy-
ola a! Ca l State 1 Lo.<1 Angeles /.
The c-lincher can1e 11·hen lightning hit
;i light standard. knocking out the bank of
\Jghls and injuring several specta l or~
* * * The An gelu' !.('ague's po11er sho11·s in
th e football loJt~ \\htre St. Paul. Bi.,hop
,\n1at. \hllrr l>ei and Strvi lr hair ii 1·0 111-
hi ned record of ll-1·1 in prr.-league at•tin n.
,..,Pr1ilt'!i onll' los~ in four outi ni::.~ \I'll~ 11
111o·poi nt drfe:11 '10 Loar'1 .
* * * Lipset nf thr \\·eek Coroni1 del Mar
nver Edtson .
Bacli Ke y
For Baron s
OCC F'<ills to No. 12
11·1 Natio11-til Ru11ki11gs
tlr<lnre" Coast Colleg('. 1dlr '"'''0"•' ~11 '"'' I e> • IJ ( G"d·W"•I last 11·eek. dropped fro1)l !he ~... c.1.... ... .. ,.1 '\'o 3 spot into a three-wa\' l1f' r. .. 11 <o••!, .,,,., 1.a..:o
for 12th in this ~·eek's poll or ~~i1 ~:~~f 11... tti1
Fountain \'all!'~ 11 1 g h !hr nation's junior cpl\i'1:r ~:·1~0;~· T•• ~:gi .
School's lootball lf'a m look a foo1ba l! rea1"~. conducted h.'· ri C•m·no •,,'.'•I' " /"~ll~G• ol '~aun••' physical be;ating a week <lRO lhr J c (;nd·\Virc. • Gr••• "••Do• W•1n ~~~I
and lost to Los Ala1n1l os lligl1 • ""•" 11•nc0<.• The Pirates (J"O·l ) are l'Ur · :~ :~~;~~. ,.,.,a•n t:1
Coach Bl'llCI' r 11· k f o rd rrntll 111 a tie with two 11. O••nv~ C0·"1 C·1 I · I Id ' Lon• ll••c~ • i.o, figures 1hat beating n1a y 10 \lelropolitan C on feren ce-P•••u~n• •1-0 1 '· F ·1 h1· 11 I (' 1~ P•••lll.••e• ,\,•• •1-0 the .:ev lo ·ricav 111g s 1ir< !t•:11n~ -Long Beach ~·l--01 i. c:o11eo• n1 '1«1 ,,oao• 1-0--0
1,,1·"•·1 ~a<•ue niatt'hup :is lhr I , d 4 10 L 11 ~.nr• 11.0.. 1.0-0 1 " LJ<: I> ill)( [ a'a CiH1 ! --I. OJlt.:: If f.\e••· Arlr t::gl
Rarons !iln'11e 11ith ho!ll B(>nctiwas unrank<'!dlasl \\'eek: ·;~ ~~;~.~:,',','.'1~ .... "' s.0 11 ,\la~nor1a on ll1e \\'cstcrn ll1gh 1rhilr Pasadena ll'a t rated No.;===='='"="="'="="='='="='="========'="=',:
fiel d al 8. Ill
"Our b1gge~L te~I 11Hs 11 ee~ l;u!I (..'o;i sL .\11~~ ti 1s n1011ed TAKE THE
Is in seeing II 11·r l',111 .II.Cl up into 1he top !ilu1 replacing
off the ground allcr that l'ollei:e of S:i n;.\latl',:, which NEWS QU IZ
phvsical beating (lropped to thf'. \o. :! pnsilion, W 0 y
.. \Ve lost our entll'r ::>1 <11'1111~ 1;ulf Coast has a i·tl mark · e a re OU -'·
b;i.ckfield at one lin1e durin~ \rhile San \latcc1 is unbeaten Ev~ry Saturday
the ga1ne and only part of -~1~"-'~''.:"'....''~'~'"~'~'::·------~=====================! 1he111 \\·111 be ready 10 pl :i~
Friday night hut 1'n1 not ::.U1f'1
11 h1 Ch Oil{'~
Une thing 11e 11.r.r !•l tlo is
gel. a bi1 111ore ron.;.i.~t cnc1 in I
our offense In facl 11 f' need
1nore c·onSl3lCllC\ II\ t)l!!' l)l a~.
·1 ha ir bcC'n d1~appv1nted
the. last two ll'rf'k~ 111 our run·
nln~ garnf' hut ! th ink a large
part of 1t ha.~ hern brou~hl
;ihoul by the fart 11r ha1'(' had
10 n1ake prr ~onnf'I c.:lianges
because or injuric.~
...... ,t
t,·· ... ' ' ··. :(.~ rriet>S EtfeCt.i'\.'t
s.. ,i. tbru SulMla\· " . 'r\tober %.4.
"Our lC'a1n hasn·1 really
looked gootl 111nC'e l\e played
Hunlington Beach. 1
-.. \\'e just ha\·e to turn things
around and pul it all together
1f 11·e arc going lo be in the
gan1e \Vith ~1 agnol i a ...
\Vhile Pickford d id n ·I 1
elaborate on lhe player.~ "'ho
11•i1I be out of action. he did in-
dicate that 1wo of hi~ backfield
starters 1rould be replaced -
oit least 1n the opening lineup.1 \like ~faleolm. a tran~fer l
J;!Udenl Jron1 ~V~slmins!l'r.
11 ill lak e over for 1nJured Tony,
Sepulveda at tailback.
\la\col n1 ll!I a !~·pound
junior "'·ho 11·11sn·1 with lhe!
tcan1 on opcninl! tlay llC' has '
big shoe.<1 to fill in replacing l
the Barons' !ending I,rround
gainer. Seplllvcda. j
The other loss 1s <lt fullback
..; 11·here Le~ Becher \1·ill be IJ.-.J, replaced by ~lark \litchel! on
offense and by i\1ikr :-Olobley,
on defense al ~ linebacker! • , post
.:.. Pickford Rnnounccd on ti
other change in the dercnsi\'C1
alignment "'ilh Bob Dudre)'1
ft+ taking o\•er for Malt Mohulski
' at cornerback.
\Vood Ski \\1as S3!1.!t9, . . • • ••••..• , , 7 .99
Trunk De ck Ski Rack
With Lock 11 " !29.!l!I ...............• 19.99
S·400 Metal Ski 11".s SSO •............. 24.99
:\luminum Ski Poles \\'ere ~9 .99 ........ S.99
VIV Ski Rack """ S9.99 .............. ;,99
Thunder Step.Jn
Bind ings Regular Sl9.99 .......•....•. 9.99
roo111 :i.Rut klt s~~8001 .... \\1~s 1t.t' 7.99
:"llta' ~·Buc~lt S1nthtli1;
Ski BooL \\a'«~ .. ,, 23.99
.\'''' !'iki 8001 II•~ SI H j ,99
.\lt11i· Aprr•
~l.:i Boo1 n·11s1~.n ... 9.99
,,,...,.Park• l\·1s s3;; ... l!f.88
\\omt n'' rarka \\1~ SJ~ 19.88
.\lt11·l>omr" t'11111n T11riltnec~~ Yltr,s.>.~ 3.00
fompl,1 .. rt nt~t pro1 r1m i11·
d~dt\ ,\duh and Jr. Jite, Mt 11I
~1.:i~, Roo••. r ol .. •
:.1)11 11~ .. ~r nd
10 '" l)I SCOli~T TO
Li mited ~ Quanlitie1
In looking ahu.1 to t he
., Magnolia game. Pickford [e;els
"" the Sentine\l!I ran into much
the same problem his team
' did last week. .. They Just (illed the air w11h So uth Coast Plaza
" rumbl .. "'" m!Splay • '"" I Sears I 3333 Brislol Slr«I
playing a good ga1ne aga1nst 1 Co!ll Mr:i1a !"!40·3333
Santa An;i Valle~·. That's the
~ame thing we did against Losl 11"'"'·•itrouc• .. -c.,. J1i<1l Sly Clllt rt' 11 At SU.r1
~l11 ~ltos ;ift ~ be;i!ing E.~tan-'----------------------' r.1a.
Mi stakes
SC Coach
Eagle QB Out
Picking Selves
Up Ag·ain-Brown
Hc<id fvol-O;i!J 1·o<il'h Phil
Hru11,11 of the ~·~1<lnl·ia E;1,C!C'~
al11ay.<1 fc·el ~ torlu11alr 11h!'n
hi s tean1 11111'
ft:red beeaus" •if shoddr of·
fcnsive pl;i~.
"I think. bel'iiUse of 1!·1r.
failure of our offen se Lu eon1t>
Six Britisli
Cycli st!i
Ra ce in CM
Th.. 1nttrniil!ona1 T t -I
Senes returns rv Orangr..
Count~ F'11wgr·11und~ In Costa
\!t>~;1 Fnd;iv 111gh1 with fiil' of
f;rt>i\I BntaH1 :i top s~t:d"'ay
n1ut1H't'1t•le ndrr~ r·h:i lll'nRing
;i h;ilf-du1.en :\111cr1r;1n ;icts.
Hiding the elevator up and
down the Crestview Leagut
footl.Ja!I standinRs. t·oat•h '1'0111
!·:ads hopes this 11eek !o
<'li1111nale rnistakes and i:"1
U<1t~ on the s l~ <' re ho a r d
aga11tst \he tough delense 111
Tust1u·s Tiller.~.
Bru\1'n h:td 111;it !orttu1ate
feel111g 1nos1 ur tas1 vc;1r with
1hf' Eagle~ 1·111111i11g -uµ a !f-~
record and <1d l';111,.1ni: 11110 l11r
second round uf the CJF AA/\
thl'Ol!E:h , 11 h<'ls (JUSed an cnlO· -------'------
l1011al letdown whil'h h;•~ Calt•s al't <ila!l.'d t(1 nptn ;1!
6 '.\\) 111!11 1·;1t·inR '<l;irling at
8 l.:l The lwo tean1s inert l'nda1'
111ght in Tustin 11·11h kickoft .\t • San Clen1entr·.~ Tntons won
their opener 111 11npressi1·e
rashion over defending cha1n-
pion Orange 124·7t. then dro11-
ped a 1:..0 dec1s1011 to Foothill.
~~rralu' passing that sa11• thr
Tntons g11·1n~ Ufl thr Foolba!I
un f11e ut ras1011s !h1ough 1hf'
111!erceptio11 routf. is {If fUll-
tern 10 £ads this wee~
..\\'e 11,·ere effect11e with 1hr
passing ga rne a~a111st Ora11Re
bu! last week 11e had !11e 1n-
"Our kids JUSl 11t·ren't pick·
1ng up the stunls Foothill ap-
µlied and we couldn 't du
an~·thing righ1
"We have to «hange this
pattern or doing lhe rtght
things one week and thC' wrong
ones the next ." •
The flu but: ha~ hit 1he
Tritons along with the usu;il
bump.<1 and bruises but 1he on-
ly st arter 1111ssing !his 11eek i.~
guard Doug Bourg. Bourj!, ha~
ii thigh injury and will s1l out
the Tustin clash.
This rneans lh?J Robin
Beamon will n101·e to offens11·e
center 1vith Bill ~ladden tak-
ing over for Bourg at gua rd.
.<\nd one of l11o~e nine 1 il'·
tories 1\'aS an o l 111 o s t .
rniraculous la!>t m 1 n u I e
squeaker 11h1l'h l!:stanc1<1 pull
rd out uf tlif' l1rr a.g;i111-:r
undcrdo~ tro~s!tl11 11 lne {'~,~!a
Hui l:1sl _1 <'<ll ~ 18·16 i-:aglP
~·onque~! rneaus :io1h1ng 11011
<ls lhr tciuns 11rrp;1re to go in·
10 1nurt'1I con1b:H again Fri·
d<1.1 night ill 01 ;u1gr L'oas1
This !1n1e. instead of rolling
<llong 1rl\h "' single loss.
Estancia is rceli11i.! \\'ilh A l·l
recol'd 1 sa n1e a~ ~lcsn 1 alli! as
Uro11·n puts 1t. "you 111ight sa.v
!hat lhey're 011 thr ri~e :inrl
that ll'e·rr ll;n·irig lu pit·~
nurse II c~ up :i~ain .
"Our onJ.1· pr:i.1·rr i~ t•~ 11'll1
llir rest of our l!ilines and
hope th;i1 Edi!lon 1 the lr1 ine
League lcader·1 loses a couple .
But 11·e hal'e to 11•111 lhi~ i:an1e
Fntlay night first," Bro11,·n
The fur1~1er t:nivers1ty of
Redlands tinen1en feels his
defense -the ha'llmark of last
succe~ses -has suf-
shown in our defcnslvr play ."
B1·011·n says
"The other te;1111s lia1,.
laken adl'antage of this a11tl
1!'s dis!ortl'd rhe pit·turf'
because 1rr do ha 1" ii goo1t
defense "
\\'itl1 s!<1rt1n~ quarlerb:1ek
I lanh \\001·e 1•111 fu1 th1> 1 r
lll:l111der of thf' srason w1lh
stn11ned 1iga111 f'nt~ ·'I ~ n :i l
ca!l1ni: l'hores h;11r tallt•n 1nt11
the hands of Chuc~ Boeg"I. rhr
regular backup 111a n. anti ~ ~
Lef' Joye('. UI) until 11tl\\ !hP
Slilrling rlanker
Biggest su rprisl' in 1he
i-:agle eamp has been fl.4 . 141-
pound l<iilback Dan Pnn·
l'f'Otto. \\'ho·s been the squall 's
lead ing rusher 1vi1h 475 yard.~
1n 79 tarries sin~.hal'iAg tak-
en aver the 1ailback·s job fron1
injured a I I · l ea g u e r Jin1
' .....
Curnclin,; 4th
I 11 Sta le Stab
l.o!den \\"e.<1!
q1111r1erb:1ck lltil
(' u l 1 r g ,.
( '•)!'!ll'llll5 I~
r:ink1.·d lnt11·1h 1n !hr ,1atr 111
pas.~1 11~. ;11Torcl111i; 111 -:ra11 .::1u·"'
1·1;1npllcd h~ !lli' ,j(' .\1 hl('t 11·
('n1·ncl1u~ ha.~ 1·1,1nplr1ttl :,1
of 101 aerial.~ fur 7211 .1 an!.~
and ~ix ro11rhduwn~ ( :1·ei;:
tivocl)car of Sant<1 .\·lonica i5
!he passing leadcl' with %lt
ya rds.
Ora11ce Coasl Co 11 e g e · s
Ste\'e Monahan is s1xlh llJ pas~.
reception~ w11h 2n for ,,41
~·;irds and fo11r touchdown.•
Tlw h~t of Bn!1 sh F.1npint
1·1llers 1~ headed by four-time
l\Orld t:hamp1on Barry Brigg~.
1hree·t11ne i.:tohal t1tilsl Ivan
\la:.iger ;111rl ('ahfornian Da~f!'
1:1ffurd atl nri!11t•: or ~-t:w
i'..r:d uul
\b11 rf'pn•«t>rl!1ng 1;rra1 Rri·
t.11n ;:ur \ustr;.r.l1<1n (;corg1e
I h1111er• and Sc·o1 s1111'11 .Ji1n
\1 e.\hllan anct Flen Harkin,.
Hn11~h reser1e 1.~ ,)1111 i\Jrt.\.
He1·ently .(·rowned r1at1on;;I
('h;11np i\>hkt Bas1 or \l;;n Nuy"
i.~ at the 1op or the Us. l1sl n(
!'1ders whieh alsu includes
Hu11ti11gton Beal'h's 1970 na·
tional kingpin Rick Woods,
'rop,,,iga ·.~ Sonny N ut I. e r ,
Fullerton's La rry Shaw, !\.1ikl'!
KonlP of l:ranarl:i Hiii" anctl
l'ese!'\'t \Vilrl Aili Cod y o(
all m•kes & models now thru Oct. 23rd
• Made of rugged 11ylo11 cor,;Y
• Deep biting 5-r1b tread deSign
• Good rnileage at low prices
LONG MILE R r---.--1 iti-..E 11-;L--I 11lGulA11 J f~CtSf lllAO[ Ill S Ai f r Si?T fAX Pll!CF PlllC£
-7])0 ·u ,, ,, -, -~,13_8(l-:-_!_lt.eB-
73514 JOI j 20!!0 18.45
. 77~t4_-?J.4 ___ ] ~zlCiS -18 .94
' B 25 14 2 ]~ I l 4 2:, 21 82 r,-, .... ,-·,,u -,o io~1-= ,-e-:lsl 775.1~ :'l6=1 l t5'.> 19.39 i-~25.1 5 _ -=-~-.J=--·,14g~ j 2_3 .36
',\'~'"' •<• •'•G'"'I' •9' •r
BFG Wheel
Alignment Special
Tr•tn.d BFG Mechanics
wHI affgn JOUf front $ 5 5 5 wheel• according to tn.
auto manutaetwrer'• -•" , CA•l
1pec1ficattons ··-l -·-----
AT ONLY $6~!H .
. f.!. .,
I f ~fl"' ....... "" "" -•!'
... lolllH ... ,... ... Ill «11'.JOQ -· .. _ -.. -·'""-'"' .... ~ .... ......... ,,,,_"" ~-"t' I•• .. -· ""'"" ... '"'' ,..,,,, ...... "'"' rt111tcf<I"" 1 aro r••td m•l,•Q•
b .....
20.19 1Horbo• Blvd.
(•I Boy). •
6>46-4421 540...343 .
1100 No. Tu~ti n Av•.
l•cros1 from new Post Office)
2 r.::::;p, 3 =·· • \·:·':"·':1 ·I . ~-__..u :
l. J. Llhll · • 0 TIRE
--· •AMALTm -,,,.,., ••
13S1 ....... Ave ,
l~ I
If D~V P1'••
._ Start Lagunans
Your Stress Ah·
Engin~! Def~nse
Darnell Captures
Mesa Golf Title
-. -·-_., ~ ... --..... -
1. / ~guno Btach Hl,h'• Arllll! by Dtl{t Hou gate 111 bi "''"R to '"" thetr Or nit Lfi•Jut football rtcord
.-.ae·•4C-MA Wr~tAtlf"l'llf*'~"'"'•••m.,.., ..... ••" It 1-1 S11tur I)' nlllfll 11i Valtn-cl1 Ind for coaC'h Hal Akin!'!
Onca 111in the monty and tKhnica\ proficiency of a power-It'll bf• unique •llustion.
ful corpor!t.lon 1 Honda of Japan). the mechanic1! geniu11 of a
Bob Dlrnf!IJ ta tht new
Costa Meila Golf and Country
Club men '& club ch1mr,10o
•flflr flrln& i 164 for our
round• of pl•y il'I tht annufll
ch1rnp1on1hlP •vf':nt.
Chtrlea McLtuthlln: Jones
downed Dr. John Helton ; and
Whltlkflr dumped Dr. J1ck
l.yco tpeclal1 Velu• .. le Cou1ton1 ~--~---mm------~'·
I IRAKE-RELINING I I Premlum·lr•k• Rellne I crew (Rt1clion Dynamk~ ol Mil "·11uket l and th• br1v1:l of a Akln8. wl'lo conlounds the
d I M Ill UI oppogition with ht~ 11tackM Jn -
r vtr \Jon cK lbben ) •re on lhf' line flt Bonnev e. 8 · formtllon, Is confront~ with
McKlbbtn. of Newpor1 8each is teekint lO br11k lhe Land 11 foe with an t lm<lllt identical
Speed Record lor motorcyclt1 11et a year ago by Calvln Rayborn attack.
!n 1 JUr1.,.lJ1vldMM1 1tr16mllne r 11 2t6.4t2 m.p.h. "This Is i o!ng to ht lfl'-
1'0 IM late comer It Htms that 9onnevlll• i• tht plllcf: they tereslini." says A k 1 n 8 .
always go to !el worl~ •P.ffd record!, but not to. "\ltlfncll run~ I.ht trlpl t 1. I
Tht ttl'il .n11t .,11 ~f Westtm Utah II only the 14th plate think Wt know 1 lltllt 1bo!lt
on earth where recorcb h,.i Ye bel!n m1de by 1utmnobt1111 tnd ll'lt 1h1~ lnrmr.1.1on and how to
121h where ma rk• ha ve been set by motoreyc!tl. ,,,tr• 1r1 an· dtff08t it.
othtr dor.tn placu around t~ globe where record runl hive
bM1I unsucce11fully tried or w-here endurance !tall havt resulted
·I• rleords.
run1 waa created 10.000 to 100.000 year~ 1110 dur1n1 the l18t lt:'t
Al•· when mot1t of Chat hll(h pla te11u was under tht &Cfln. Grll!-
'\utlly Utt OClltl Ooor folded and crAcktd. c1U1ln1 rock ml•H• to
Jorm high peakl all around 8onntvlllt.
Ume1tone bed• were then eroded by snow. rain and wind.
:Whln tht iclaclflr• melted, thfy poured billion• or tons of water
onto tht plain surrounded on Ail 1lde1 !ly rncmutalr\1. With the
water came the 11111. Th~ Gre11 l Sal t Ltkt, 11 frac!lon of which remains toda)'. was
originally larger than Lake Michi,1an , 171 mlle1 wldt at one
.J>oint and 3~0 mile• loflj, covering what Is no-w 9alt L,1ke City
to a depth of 1,000 lttl.
Trqlr, Hl!rolr !llarll!•
The b.lstory of tM 1111 Ha• 11 l•te4 wtr• tr111c and berolc
storif-1, lndl1n ~etld pl1ct1 evU 1p!rlt1 1ttere, Army C•J'tlla
Benjamh1 l . F. &11.tlevllle Is crtdlltd wit h 4_1~QVH°ipg It 11 J*3%,
but pionHr scout Jtdtd .. 11 Smltb ll•d alre1dy'crt1Hd tt with
two comp1nlons In tm, cooldna uf' e1tt11 U11lr llor1t1 Ind
mule5 as ttley went LI order to 11ay alive.
Later pioneers, lntlt1dtn1 the lll•ftled Donner party. llt4 tllt
11me aort of dlfflc11Ule1 eni11ln1 the llfele11 detert t.1111 It to
bllndln1 wllltt d1rla1 JM. di)' U c101e1 lt1 own unique ktnd of
In 1•.M . 1fi.r 1'ttllhy Bfltlth 1entlemen lltd beld the •orld
record for ff r,e•r•. Getrgt Ey1ta1 predicted tlltl the neat mta
lb do U won d be 1a American hot rodder who learned hit
\ merhtnlc1I tnd drivlnt i;kill dur ln1 Bonnevtllt's t nnual 1peed
Ht turned out to be rl1ht nlnt ye•r lat.er wb1n Cr•il Br~ed
love ir•vtled '°'·" m.p.la. l:P _bl.4. J•l·powtr.cl iplrlt of Am1rlca.
Dt8pltt the glemoar ud ~mtnl of 1pt.td, mo1t ol whlllt
pes on al Bonnevlllt is • crashing bore. Record runs consist of
Mnse concentralion for the drive rs, lona hourt of lli1rd work for
mechanics and days of doing nothtna for tverylto4.y 1l1t.
Darntll d6f11ttd • t t:' on d
place Jack Valasek by 16
1trok111 to cop tht top ptizt.
VaJ111ek had tO dlftat Sttvl
Woodruff in a &uddtn dt:itl'I
pl•yott m1tch on tht Uttt l'lolt
to gain 11tcond pll te In tl'l l!:
chatnplonah lp n11ht. £ach had
A lie also resulted 11 301 tor
lourth pltct bitwHn .Ti ck
Feller and Tony C1111ll111 •Hh
Ytller wlnnln& tht pltyoff 1 n
1111 third hole.
In th~ flight competition,
.lick Bl11ckketter w11 tht win-
n.er in tht lirtt r1t1ht with a
2U7. Dick Gier pl1ctd ucond
Al 1Gt followed by Bob Hay ~110), Almo P11\ontn liltl and
Ron Sumner (Ill).
In tht AtcOnd fil&hl, Al
Rasmussen wt1 lht victor
wit h 1 2• followed by Chuc k
Maise <IOI ! tnd 1 Ht bttwetn
Tom Lttkt and Biii Aumus
(209 1.
Third fllAhl wlnntr wit 8111
Diiion 1to0 1 with Pete W\l1on
i201 J. W11yne COl~ 12b4 I and
t:d Hu1he1112051 followin1 .
Competition ln tht chtm·
plo n1hlp fll&hl w11 over '!
hblta with baltnt:'t of lht com·
petition ror 14 holea.
In 11 three bli nd mlc1
tourney for tht women 'I club
at Coata Me11 . V! Hotklnt wa•
A fllRhl winner with 53 fnllow-
ed by Mary E\•elyn Imler f&A•
and 11 tlt belween HaJ.tl
Web~ter end Robin King ti &7.
The B fll&hl wa~ won by
M1.rlon Vo1s !ri4 i with• Ann
Martin ind Roaemary Sk\lllon
(55 ) lied for second. Cornell
Kennedy won the 0 flight with
• !I.
Mem ber11hip rolls •t Big
C1nyon now number ov&r 400
with a limit of 500 members
expected to be filled before
end of th• year.
The new clubhouse roof has
been comp11led ind opentn1 of
tht ntw bulld lrJ.1 h!1 1chedultd
tor ea rly in Mirth.
Comp1:tillon In the men's
club t:' h 1 m p I n n 9 h l p et
Mt1dowt1rk 11 down 10 the
qu1rterfln1I rnund 1fter con-
cluston of ttrond round play.
Winners ln the seCQnd round
m1tcht• Included the lollow-
Hank O<>wdy dcfe1ted t.arryl
Du Ree, 5 and 3: Ttrry Palmer
ov~r Roa~ Ba il ey, 4 ~nd 3;
rrtd Good OYtr Mike fo'1rrel\.
2 end I; 11nd Mark Swain over
George Her~hty, J-up In 'the
upper brackel.
Lowtr bracket re~ults in·
eluded : Le11 Harris ovtr J1.y
8ttttr. 2 ind I: Llirry Brown
over Olen Miii er. I-up on the
19th hole ; R•y Bretl over Don
8oa1. 4 and 3: and Bob Abbty
ovtr Ktn11n Smith , l·up.
'11.91 MOU '34 95 ALL. AM•-· I CA•• I . CA•S
I •tllftt · N•• • ff, ... • Miit t1ttrl~1Mf , IMI ... , '''"'+um -H•w · •1.to0 ·M il• -G1"ranl•94 . P'rilfl'IWM LllllJtl . LtMr .. 1 .... 1u11i.... IM:lllllM . • Lllllflt • LIMr . & • 11111111ui.~ . 1..crv<Mil.
$3 $1 ~SI SI ~ = = =--= = -::J = ll:: =--= = • -PRIMIUM-RETRIADS -, SS •11 I WHITl·WA\.L&.ANY·llU I CUSTOM -FIT . FULL -SITS f
I "~~. •a 88 .:~n . I SEAr-covERs I
•sou•••o • 1.4 •. •·"••·t•111 I '24 95 MosT
,,...Allt1-....Wttt.o4·Tlret I . CA•S j$io = =--= :z: =;I~ $5 ·--"'"'"'"'-WI ........... ~sl
CONVERTIBLE TOPS 1¥. = = -_. •• = I Sport·Yl•yl·M....-kil..t.11...._.,...ttft·"""" I $ 10 ,,10 I . •59 95 I REPLACEMENT. HIAD"INtRS . I • I IN. VINYL . AUOltTID COLORS I
,510 ... _._k .... ~.c ............ s101 I •49.95 · ~::
i... = = =--= = = ':Ill I c'"'""-" 111.tl I
fijFE . tlME -STO~K -MUFFLIJU I !!. ~ = ....... ::r: ,21!,
I 15°/o OFF 1m -sl'·
1 ........... "' .... , ... -.. -, ... ·~ -'"' I $ MINOR-TU~!-UP I ~~'· Tiii e• • h ·Ht · St mtt · CRl'1t · Tt . Ill•<• I 21' IS ln•:LUDING = ::I' = =--= I:: = = I l'•rt• · lncltlol.,. ~Art . f.ti.tt . s~':-1.T?1..,. . c .... I •· Niw~TIR'!-S' 11~--..... _ · ..... " .. w.... s3 I
~llRI -OLASS-POLYISTER. .-= -IS".J: = = -Pro shop assistant Dick I
Moraan Is reroverlnl{ th!~I
we:tk Imm 111n tmeratncy •P·
pt:ndectom~ but Is not ex·
petttd back at the r:lub for
tnoth1r couple of weeks.
- - - - - - --~ At · D~ltOUNT . PR.ICES 1$3 - - - - - -~ M•rt·0•·•1A.t.f..u1.coMl'rT1T10N. $3 I ON-•U•·•U•llTY;GRADl'..Tlltl'.5-I I llRT. END-ALIGNMENT I -COMt-lfi-••!:,"~ --
\\'inners In !he 1 n n u Iii l I COMl'Lftl·CAMll•·CAITIR ~ • :I: :J:-_ - -..., me1nbtr-membtr derby com· tdl·IN·TOl·OUt I ' RAYCO· WILL · BALANCE . YOU9' I
pttilion thal 11w 13 teams $6 99 I t • T!~ES -FOR I
lrvllll! CoOJll
open lt:'llon with th1 field cut I • MOST CARS I • J 1 Q#o b,Y ont ltlm ••ch hole , \\'l'r! •1r • Colld. • •111ht11 • Hftftltl'. • 'ti EA. MOST CARS
Ken Jacobsen and R ick \ I $3 $3 I L ?•~ll·r•t•t•-yeur·tlr•t-Flll ·I
Gunter at Irvine Coast Coun• - _ _ "*·you-he••·lh•m-b•le•r:•d.
Pholographers ldll time by tosslnl 1 coin t1 tb• llr and tlk•
In& turns 1ttlng how many times they e1n pbet.oP"•Ph It blfor•
tt· hits the ground. The whiner 11 detl1rfd Ute l1ste1t camera
I• the WesL
•'9 Ca11won ,,~;:~~ pl.c• wool to "' 2860 hrbo;-llvcl • .=cts;;-Me;; - -
Daugherty and Bobbie Smith Ph•• 540-0170 • OJii9 Ml ~y-Saturday, 8·6
Nell Lakenan will ftte 1 _~=~tStt5i'~G<>Etilf~P~•~g~•~?~7~1 :J~=============~=~~~:§~~~~~~~~====~ Frank H1.rdiJor\ 11nd .Ji m
Jone~ will m•el Ur. Harrv A filmmaker le(I two camer1men Jn a triller on the tall ont
----.)' "·Ith these inslructst1n1: "If 1nytbln1 "'"'''· 1hocrt • plctur1
el It. It may never com e by 1111n:· Se\•t rll bour~ lab!!,. Bt'HCI·
lo\·t made a sptctarular ,..., and the director retuned to find
his men absorb ed In a lln rammy 11mt.
"Did you gel 11 all rl1hl'?" be 181ted.
One man looked up. "Get •bat, bo11 ?"
Jtlcl~urer1 Tea1n'• Secret Weapon
First there w::is Bruce 11-icUren. !hen Deni• H'ulmt. ,or
awhile lhey h11d the 1ervlce1 of C01ta Me1a'1 Dan Gumey end
now their hero is Pete· Revaon. Throllgh It ill the McL1rtn RIC·
Ing Team has had a 1ecret weapon Jn Tyler Alexander.
As chief mechanic, Alexander allracl• llttle pllbllc allentlon.
Few enlhllsiasls, not lo mention the general public, care i1bout
the drama behind the l!cenes In r1i:!ng . There !1 nol much tll·
cltment in building engh1es. as.1embl ing chass!I and chan1l~I
.uspension geometry . Consequently, lhf' qu iet men of racing are mechanic& like
Alexander. Very few of them have been as succe11ful.
A good ins,l~ht inlo the American v.·ho has played I l1r1;t role
1n racing suc,ess of TeRm f.icLaren . partieul1rly the five
1traight Can-Am titles it has v.'on, iio contained In Eoln 'i'oun1'1
latest book. Young, v.·ho has been close to 1he late McLa ren and his
company from the bt'ginning , devoled a cha pter to Ale11nder In
''l.l cLaren-the f.1::.n, the Cars and the Team" (Bond, P1rkhur1l,
1171. $7.95 hardbackL
•·Ji scares the he ll nut of me all the time when I think of
what could happrn during a race." Al exander 11y1 Jn th• book.
"I worry aboul what could fall off tht thing . you know -
it's a lethal v.·eapnn. I ~uess nobody ever 1ay1 1nythln1 about IL
because nobody f'Vt'ry says an.vthing abou t people aetUnp: killed
Jn mot.Qr racing They ~ay . well. it'll never happen to me ."
Tiro C"'1rlkllng 6oall
Worry is so ml'.th lng all mech•nlc1 hive In t"Gmmon. Tllalr
main objecllvt I~ t(l prepart • wlnnlnt car. but thtlr m•ln con·.
cern 11 lbe t1fe:ty of the dtl\•er. '
Tbt: !WO in11li connlct wtth ••ch other. To 1et both job~ doae.'
r•cllll mechanics work ancnmmnnl y loflf bollr•. mncb I
ind t1nder wor•e condition• than ordinary mtthlei<'~ otlld
''Your bands 'cet fuuy ind your teelb feel furry and y r
eye1 get • bll blurred, but I 1u111 alt1to11h you ca mplaln tbnM
tt lllle hell. way In the back nf yo ur mind, 11 Joni 11 yee'\''
101 a chance of wlnnlnf t1M: raie you jli1t kttp dolnf It bect18'
yo• bow it'1 1ot to be dont," Alexa11dtr says. •
"If you can do 1 }ob wltbl• rt•aoaable workin1 ltoiln. tta'
but If It takes tlliree day• ind thrtt: 11ltbt1 ton1top t. Mvt •
done by Friday mornln& 1t 18 o'clock bec:tutt that'• wltu It Ill'
to be done, tbe1 U11ft •hat It tak11. The only rtllOI JO• 1v6r
.-lop worktn1 oti • racln& car ii bttl\1$1! tht 111y drepi dM: 1llft.
ln1 h•&·
"Loni hours •fleet different people dllltr1nt w1y1, It el'IM
dtptnd1 on whether yov're wln1ta1 or Jo1Ln1. It'• rre.11 lflitr
twe er thrtt all·nl1lltan II you wbl dtt rice er lf yM Oilnk )fM
l11vt 1 chance of wlnnln& tht. r1et.
"You m1y be compl elely bu11ered and eollaplt. bit you ..a.
lap• wHb I 1mllt cin yn11r f1ct."
Zone PPK Contest
To Costa Mesa Boy
CO.ta Mea'1 John Wa llace
won lht 1'it"1t 4 ( Oran1e Coun·
ty) punt, pap and kick contHt
· 1t Orange Hl&h School and
quallfied for the Dl3trict f\n1l1
•t Holly•ood HJah.
Young Wallact qualified for
the 10.)'Nt~ f'iMlt In
Oi'an,t County with 1 com·
blnod IA>UI d 210 r.et ot the
Newport.co.ta.M .. fina la.
Six IP P'OUPI " t r t
reprutntld In tbt 242 tntr•l'ts
al,. tbe M..,·Newport fln1!1
iri1b the top three I n
each cittJory 1•ining trophi~s .
' . . ..
. .
' ·: I
. ,.
.. Pelf'. 11 run-
Whitaker In tht 11tmlfln1l1 0'1
tht flr~t 11nn1111I min ·~ rl11b
i olf ch11mplonatilps 111 811 C•n-
von Country Club Jn Ntwp(Jrt
The 1em l~ mu1l bl pl1yed
by Saturd11y t ven1ng with tht
titl e match ichtduled Sundhy.
In qu1rt1rfln11l 1 ct Ion ,
L1kl!n1n dtr11ttd Ph 1 !
Werrif!r : H11rd i.\on t ll pp t d
sale ·
20 % olf on
a select group
of w11tem style
boots from our
regular stock.
(~•'f• II! IM"I f~tr,f -.......... ~ .... -Mltl« C....
-. ' '· .. ...... ' .. ann1~ ry
_.,ther $fy/e
.. ! PAIRS •25.97
_-and heel will never
• need repairing
~C:O'l11fort ... fi t ... style
'r.ee~•n~. 'f".• ~ tim11 tou9h1r thon ertllnery materiol1. No 1hreod1 to rot or brea k Alio
wol ~,I W rtflof, light •nd fle•lbl•. Th• g_rain fini1h1tl 1tyle it i11 browl'I, The monk ''"' ' ~~ -~~y•t;., b iri burnished brown or blo ck. Si111 8 10 12 C, 6\i lo 12 o. and 7 to Tl ef.
, ·~ ••..••....•.•.•.•••.••••.••..•••.....•.•. ·.· •••••. ONE WEEK ONLY .
9'adt:lmoolh "' S1yle 22•9 1 B•own Smooth -Style 21 •B • B•own Groin -Styl• 21 47
-··VY •• • ............................................... -....... ~ ........ ":'"..... · ,. --------·-·-----.---~-INNES SHOES, llll Bris tol Str 11t, Co1 !1 M111, Ce .
f\A~'E AODRE:ss=-------~~~~~~.=..~....Jc...._
CITY,-:;-::=::-::::::::::-;=~-~---------"'.o. oil twrcw:: fNClOS(O 0 C!-i~•O! 0. AOO J'J.SAlfS TAlC .. J' MA ILING cost
CHAl•I 111 INNU CHA ~•I -IANk~MlllCAID -MAITll (:HAiai
•• ·•
•• T
t µ
-~-----~ ~ '
-~llAJ'~ IN-
a;, JIM Nl~UEC
Tbe m.arlin bave moved' clos~ to NewPQrt Harbor,
ports Helen Smith of the Balboa Angling C'1ub, A
umber. of bill fiih hive been spotted near the east end
Catalina and on the 14 mile ban k.
. Tftere are no t loo many anglers out ch asing the
1keblll s and this could account for the drop in fish.
ill li1cGee of Newport Beach tagged and released a
rlin some 12 miles, 60 degrees off the east end. McGee
as fishing aboard his sporUisher the Bill Fisher.
t Th'e water ha s cooled do\vn to a reported 64 de·
es and rough seas follo\ving the weekend storm have
ittered the marlin . Artion is also reported as being
y sl ow in the waters off San Diego.
j I Uo11oraru Derbu Chainna11
1 , John Bromfleld of Newport Beach, well known as h Sheriff of Cochise and outstanding sportsman, has
•n named honorary ch1irm1n for the 1971 s•venth
nu1I Sportfishing D•rby held for th• ben•fit of the
ange County Asse>c i.atiah for Retarded Children. lt''I
e second ve1r in a row h•'s had that honor.
t• The derby will t1k• pl1ce Sunday with Art's Land·
g, Davev'• Locker ind Dani Wharf Sportfishing p1r·
cip1ting In the day's fishing.
Boats will le/live 1t 6 a.m. and will return at 3 p.m.
nglers will vie for priz:es don1ted by local businesses.
he top prize is a $100 Savings Bond contributed by
ri n1r's S1vings ind Loin to be awarded to th1 angl•r
atching the largest fish of the day.
Reservations are requested in adv1nce and interest·
f 1n9lers should call their favorite landing. All dona·
ns will ~o to the Orange County Association for Re-
ded Children.
Ai-ea Fishi•tfl Aetio11 Slo1vs
f Sportfishing is generally listed as slo\v by all coast
ort!ishing landings. A fe\Y nice catches of bass and
nito are hi&hligbting the aclkln each wrek, •ut the
ulk of fish are rock cod. __.
A sprinkling of mackerel anrl other small ·surface
'Sh are adding to the excitement of a day's fi shing for
1ose anglers using very light spinning tackle.
I Tbe islands are producing the best catches of bass.
l 'ith the offshore reefs getting ~he no\v f~r. deep water
Cock fi sh. A fc\v large yellowta1l are cruising the two
~uter islands. but they are not biting. I Some medium siied \\•hite seR ba ss are finding their
fay into anglers sacks both near the local kelp beds and
so at the islands.
Bay fis hing is pickin~ up for spotfin croaker ut_
~ven pounds. A nun1ber of the large spotties were J¥Ck·
d uo over lhe weekend by anglers using shrimp~ or
amS for bait th the deeper channels.
Bay and 'spotted bass ;ictif)n is aT~o on the increase
A.o; rental skiffs out of Art's Landing and the Pavi.\ion
ileport picking up nice stringers of the hard fighting bass
on deep running plugs, fe athers and live anchovies.
lt'e ntf1et• ll1trf1 Lake Aetlo11
The weather front ·which passed through earlier
this weetc:, cut down the angling pressure at most South·
land lakes over the weekend. Fishing was only 1ist•d as
fa ir for those angl1rs who brav1d the winterlik• el•·
ments. -..... •... ..
Vail La ke produced tome excelt•n' "c1tches Of cat-
fi sh ind large crappie. Veteran Newport Harbor an§t•r
Phil Hedlund picked up a large stringer of crappie trol·
ling "mall lures near the d~m.
Bass have started hitting at Vail also as Earl Mat-
hews of Orange County bag!1ed three nice buck1t·
mouths on surface plugs -the largest hitting the scales
at five pounds. ·
Bl~ Bear Lake has been troubled with strong winds
end thitre have been only a few anglers out on the lake
Trout art still being stocked in the hi~h lakes but very
few are beinq taken. The best soot to fish at 8 it:1 Beir is
near" the dam from shore. Fo r boaters M•tcalf Bay is .
the pl1ce to anchor.
University's Defense
Conce11trates on Blm11
Not much can be s;iid about man has his defense primed lo
!he current football situation go af ler Sonora's Bob Blum.
for University'_,; Trojan s \0.4 J who's piled up six of the
except. that a \1·1n is ,sore!y Raiders· f i r:ii;l Se\·en
needod to bols1er ,,..·hilf. has touchdo1.,.ns in 1971 .
been 11 gutty p<'rformance thu s Redman comments n n
far by t~ Trojan dPfen~e.. Blum. "be's the remaining
The Uni s!oppcrs have given b:ick Jn the double slot which
up f>5 points in 1hcir foul-con· they run out of and he has the
tests but many n( !hose ehcmy size, speed and 1no res tn do
markers h;ive been a direcl whatever they want ,,..·ith him.
result of the Trojan offense "He's the best back or the
113 points all t-Old J coughi¥' up ones we've seen or St'OUled.'' the bill.
Next in the path of ·the By the same token. Redman
young Trojans of coach Jfrry claims he hasn 't ~een any
Redman is powerful Sonor~ in j"laring Y{eakncss i_n l he
an Qra'llge League tilt Friday ~nora. defens~ e 1 l her .
night at Miss\01 Viejo Higti. ~hey ~e wel.I, drilled and good
Sonor11 Is theldeferillne: loop 1 crisp hitters. he says.
titlist and w• a CIF 'AA ' ''They have probably the
semifinaJ isl last llf:.!l!Wln. 1 be~l defense we've fa ced all
Redm8n is moving some o{· year
his personnel iround in h()JX'l!I On the Trojan side or the
of generating • decent of· fence. starting noseman-<>f·
fensive thrust. fensive guard Mark Olson \\'as
''We tllven't added any new ln.~t to the squad last week
wrinkles;· but v"e are mess ing with 11 severe sprained ankle
&round 1 bit with what we ·ve while there are two other
been dotng al read y,'" Redman doubtful ptrformers ,
states. l~inebacker Joel Champlin
"Sonorl. has 11 very fine . pulled a hip muscle and se-
team rr In fact, I'd say rond string quarterback Ray they're~ one of the strongest Hale, a possible starter if
we'll h~ye played . They have starting QB Ed Ga ll was mov-
so man¥ good playets.'" ~ back to halrback, pulled 11
It's oo accident that Red· shoulder muscle.
111111111 •Dlrt.lllAL CMAllLl"l fl&MI U.I. tOAIT eUAllD CllllT.I Dllll!CTOtll
• ........,, h-4 ..... ""'
....... ....... M.-.. ...,
,.rto1 .. •i.rtlll 11.n, -c .. u,_ SftdoM
I M9!!t111 ~...._ -~•It Tlfffltfl.
INC~-Oii ........
J he Baardwalk Huntington Harbour
16141 ............ "'"' H .. titttf .. IMclt 146-2111
• loc.iR,I f61·120J
" l t!lllA-k•r41 & ....... ,., C~ .....
GOLF ...
!Coadlued From P•1e HI
with Forett Smith and Deedee
White In third plact~
Two aces hive been seored
during the pa.st Week on what
has become known a.s OW!
e••le!t hole on the course -
IM new No. 4. Ben Ha iewinkel
and Charles Ca11erly, both of
NeWport Beach, aced the 10-
yard, over·wale:r hole.
Mile ~11are
Penny Couch of Fountain
Valley scored a hole-in-one on
the fourth hole (160 yards \ al
Fountain Valley Mi!e Square
The ace was Penny·s firs!·
ever and ii was made by using
a five wood. She has been
playing five years.
1Ul6slon Viejo
The Harbor Day S.:hool
tournament , an annual event,
will be sta ged at Mission Viejo
Country Club on Frida y.
The f i r st member-guest
tourney since the club turned
private will be staged as a
hallowecn event on Oct. 30·31.
It will feature a dinner·
dance Saturday night in co n·
junction with two days of com-
petltion on the golf course.
Ill Niguel
El Niguel Country Clu b
staged its first annual se niors
tournament l'f'Cently with 54
contestants 611-years of age
and older compelin,f!.
The senior champion in the
16-hole competition was Harry
Bouchier with a low gross of
154. Runnerup honors \\'ent to
f\.1ill Gray ~·ith a 160.
In the lo\Y net competition,
Bob McCaffery was the win·
ner with a 139. He wa s follow·
t>d by Dr. George Woodruff
with a 140.
·~·-.;" -... •'"'
Hunting:ton Beach'!! Clay
Evans acore:d all eight goal~
for the Oiler5 Wtdnesday of.
ternoon Q.ut_it wasn't ehough
to derail coich .Bill Barnett's
Newixlrt Harbor ~
team as lhe Tars copped a 13·
8 opening Sunset League
decision in the losers ' pool.
For Newport it was lhe 10th
straight victory ~·iLh Tom Bill·
ings and Jay Farrer each hit.
ting four.
Laguna Beach also opened
l1>ague play Wednesday with a
12·9 \'iclory over host El
Dorado with goalie Larry
Fisette playing an outsta nding
game in the nets for coach
George Carey's team.
Universi ty dropped a 24-5
verdict to host Saddleback in
the Orange League \Yhile
Mission Viejo topped visiting
Long Beach Jordan. 7-6 and
Corona dcl f.far's Sea Kings
Jor;t lo Wilson, 3·2.
In the Corona loss, the Sea
Kings comm~their 10th
personal foul at · the game
but a goal w red befnre
the buzier halled play and the
penalty shot wa s also good for
the victory.
Vl <tlll' C<>•Clf\• <!el ~f 0 0 1 l-l Wll•on O ! O 1-l
(Of<lf\I <!~I Ml< •CO""" Knimoholl. Pllmt•.
Sore Point
At Mari11a
r..tarina High football coach
Leon Whee)Pr knows how he
can defeat Santa Ana Friday
night in their Sunset !..eague
tilt at Santa Ana Bo\.,.l.
.. We can beat them if ,,...e
stop making mistakes," says
But thal might be an
obstacl t In itself.
MV Faepi
th ANNUAL -,-. -( ' SKI-FAIR '
' ~~ ISLA'NI>.,' RT COOER· •
Fl'4AY. ot:r;.f1.23J
) . '
A1·ea Sports Calendar " .
1(1fell1 11 We,lt"' (letft 1t .) • ..._...
"t.pi ., V1111\d&, ~ W.,., ,.. I.A
H1Aet ~ Or-C-t, Gr-..rit .,.
l.001..t>Hll I I Mlnkllo vi..io. Or• ....
CO.OJI P\llWi.11 •I AMl>tl"' Jl..:I"""'
4•11 •• l:lCJ.
Readership po I I • prove
"Peanuts" is one ot the
v.·orld's most popula.r comic
s tl'lps. Read it daily In the
& SUNDAY, OCT. 22-23-24
Blems, discontinued design, ~nge over. Hur·
ry in for g·ood selection, only 800 tires to go.
All drdstically reduc.ed!
• 3 ways to charge
475 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa
8 to 7 F ri. • 8 to S Sat. -10 to 4 Sun.
• • INl>OC>e I.I, GUN IAT., NOV, TJth CHAMPIONSH" tANT A AHA iT~ll """' .... ,.,, ..... 20tt.
fttturlrtt 0.. lraMh &n4 • '1RST ANNUAL
1971 Oran91 Ctunty Teur· IONOO IOAID
"'"''"' Wlnntrt. lxhfbl· _CHAMPIONSH't
tlewtt and autlllftct partkl· '"·· S.t .• Nt•. t•th·a 27th
patlOJ\. Oue1tlons & .,,. (Att 0111 tfOlll ' •01 'AITIC~ IWtn.
: :
OAIL't' PILOT , 5 lt1Ur1dlj, Octobtr til, 1971
No Withdrawal
U.S. to Co11tinue
Business Cont1·ol
'-~ av•l""' AMIYtl
NEW YORK •AP ) -\\'h:JI
are wlndfoll profil11? !low Jong
is indefini te'.' Can an ag-
gressive labor mo.,.emeht now
participate in holding down
wages:' How long will busi~s
agrtt lo limits on profits~
These are son1e of the ques-
tions before the American peu-
ple and lhf'ir governmf'nl.
They hardl y <'ould be more
fundamental, and yet they are
merely a sampling. A tough
reality lies ahead
ForthC(!ming days are going
In require an exan1inalion or
the charters and constitutions
and theories under which
many of o u r 1nst1tutions
operate. CrHerias \\'111 be.
establishtd rather than found
in hi3lorfcal rererences.
A windfall profit , for ex-
ample, has alwavs been
dreamed about if n'ol actively
:tought by lndustry, and ...,·hen
It came it has always been
considered a perfectly ac-
ceptable gift from above,
although sometimes attributed
to skill.
Record producers. hot stock
traders. mining companies.
fad makers. inventors have
had windfalls, which ,they ac-
cepted. Even the Internal
Revenue Service. w h i c h
seldom turns down money.
usually treats windfalls in a
special category.
Opinions may be n1ore
definite on the matter of in--
definiteness. Government con-
trol of the economv is lo be
ctintinued for an · indefinite
period. it is understood, andl"'it
Is agreed that the period '>''ill
bf extens1vt ralher than brief.
It is dirficult. in fact. to im-
agine that the government will
ever withdraw com pletely 'the
powers that it is assuming in
the marketplace. Previ(lUS in-
volvements persist, although
in changing form.
'fhe introduction of Social
Securil.v. for example. \1·as .ac-
companied by heal~ op-
position. but iL is here to sta~.
Public health insurance '>''SS
battled as vigorously. b11t It Ill'
almost aiiSurW of accrp!anet:
... ~NGIN~ ~aJ>NOW7
lty TIRRY GllANT, R.l'h
G!at1C"on1a iii; charactcrl1.l'd
by a :dQ\'" progressh·,, lo•si;
of l'i5uAl firld~ follo11 t'<i
ll!I C>r by loss nf ccn1ral
vision. In R pC'r«nn n\'l!f for-
ty, it i:I' a real rl81lC•'I' Ar1y-
onl' 14·ho rPq uirrs frequr111
r.hangt'!i of l"nsl's, hl\S mild
h!'adarhl'..-. sr('s halns i1n111ncl
<>iertr1c lli:;hts or has 1roublr
11.dapt1ng 10 darknf'5s sh.,Uld
be ~usper1 .
Usin11: a d"' 1<..-. t'Alll"d 8
1 nnom t'IPr. '' l1 h·h lllf'USllfl'lt
1n1rn·r>rUIA!' ff')'ISinn. Jt)A11-
4'1\!T18 t·an ll\1 Htlly l1r di•trcl-
"d. T ht>rr tirr 111nn) 11r1•1•c n p·
1l••n r\1·u~" !h~I \1·r l111vr
1111·ailnhl r : rlrug~ called ml11·
t1ri; \1 h1rh ar(' 11~e_ful in h"ll'l·
in c tn control i;lau('on111.
EvPryon" should hfl\I" lhPir
,. y !'.' s chPckM llf'rindically
hut for nid(•r fll'nplr. ii tJt
r~st>nliAI. LTnrontrollrd i;:lau -
roma can resul( tn absolulr
CAN PHONE US \1 hrn you
n,..M a di-li\·rry. \Vr \0. ill ilr -
llvtor f)ron1plly ~·i lhoul e:>o:t.rA
c!111J"~f'. A great m8ny J*n\"'
rPl:V nn 111 for thrlr heath
nttds. \V• \O.'f'lcoml' N'Que1ts
for drli \'e ry gt>r\ j('.lf 11nd
chari,:t 11.cf"oun Ls.
l!l Ho1plt1l ll• ..
NIWpot"t l••ch M2-1SIO ,,... P91 lnry
1972 Continental
..... ~ ........... "' ................ ,.""""', ........... ....
• HOii ......... ~·-, ... JI .,, _....,. .. ,,., ... ., ...... ~Moll.
NASO Li1tin91 for W•dneld•y, Oc:tobtr 20, 1971
Complete-New York Stock ,List -.. (WA.I ltltll L.aW ci.w CJtt •
Complete Closing Prices-American Stock Exchange List
,.,.. ...
CM1.l Hfllo Uw ClllM Clt9
..... ..
l'""'J ~ ..._ C•M Clll
..... ..
( ..... } IO• OW C .. M Cllt.
.... ... Ul*.I ,.. LAW c;-. ...
ll'A -'A ,,,_. ... ,. ... -...
.. ,
' . \.
-,,, -
" .-
1 • .... -..
". . -.
H . OAll y PILOT
M .. fllO'hC9: 'n u•Ol'toat 0' IALI 0' llOCX ill l !AI( ._ ltCITICl5 O' un·••Ho TltA•tPI• ., LIOUOI &.~ oe 1.ic;1•111
MOTICf IS HfllEIY GIVE11: f TM! Cw1i. A, ........ ,.,, tt\d lll•t l<llo l.
11....,,._ Sor. 1.te. No. )U.» nil !M•.
....,_.., -..... "'· ..... u. • '6•J Ulilt"L. H..,.,,,111, Tr1n 111ror •na .:.I(-'Wh!»t llulllw'H IO(lttP II 1.,1 Htr""' ....,...._,., In the Q I¥ of Collt
-. 11t.)1, (..,.,,, .i O•o.,.,, Su•t ol c.i1,.,,.i.. ~ i. 1-.11~ tr111>!ff -
1wi... • M. Lo •"' liAtc.,11. i.oc. s.c-.
NI, :11115 :M ltoll. '""''"" -1111-a "'-'-'""· -11..,1 ..... _, ... :, ltOO Oro....._..., "1111 0. In tho City at
' •-Pork .0.Jct, County ol Dr•ne>f,
$!019 of (O~IOtnl•, ll•t 1-ellOWlfttl
ducrlbM -·-I pr-Iv, fO WIT:
An •llld< Ir+ "-· l!•!u•••· -.1-nt 1t\d 90od w111 ot , c.-111n Rflo!I Llauor
Slort buolntOI ~-ot H11-Ll<o"°'.
JncluGi..ft ln•ffll.,.... noi to ·~·tll.!IO.M, •l'lf ltct l•d ot ltll Hort:N:w
Boul...,l tll. h• tl\it Cl!y of Co.II Nono
"'671, County "' °'"""· 11•11 o1 (atl1oml1. onO t•1n1ff-C th• !ollowl"9 t ic-le _.,_ l\ttnH' Oft $.oio
Gt,....11 T"' 11, Ne>. """"' MW ls1ut<1 10 .,.....ion lo<•tld 11 1,;1 H•rbOr
&o.o!o¥1td, Co1!o M,..I, ~6?1 for th•
•rtmltll lol:l!M 11 19'11 Hor-
BwlfVHG, In Int e n~ "' Cos!• M••• '1111. Countv el Oro,,..., S1olf ol
Tl\ .. 11\1 1rr.,1un1 ol ..O•cllo!l<I 0tlc• or
cor .. -1tton In connocf;on .. 11n '""'
lr•n•fel ., MIG Ut tnM " "" ....... ol
Sl0.000.00. W!l\cn con1l11s "' lh• IOllO'"I..,,
Catfo Sl.000,00 • Unflt(urtd NOi•
T"4tt ... ""'"""' of Tho wr<.1'1M P<lcl
"' contldtftllon In conntr11,,., ,.Ith '"" •••nMer of M id ...,,1,,.n 11 ,,.. "'"' OI
Sl7.amt,Oll, w/\k h con1l111 of !Hp' lollowlnu:
Unwcur .. Nit•. U ,(11(1.llO, S«urlCI Holt, s1•,ooo.ot. -lnll 1111 •mount oi lh•
-Cll•H l>flco of co<11l~1rot!on 1pullc11>10
te !""'.........., lo *21.000.llO wnkn cootlllo ol
follow! ... : Nolo ••KU1t<I by T•<inllrrM lo
Tr11Wt•or 1,. 1moun1 "' 121.amt.ao
All ......... bu1IMH """''' IM ICl<l•ttlM
Ulfd o, lt>t Tr1t1llft0t w11nln !hr« ''"''
losl Piii .o !or If known la ""'
Trtntfor"' oro: Non•
Thi! II 1\11 bun ll<H<I bfTWffn 1110
llctnwoo •M ln,,."""'1 1r1nll••" 01
rmiulrocl br Ste. !IDI~ ol r11o Bu1i,,.11 on.a
ProlfHIO•ll Cod•, lhOt "'" cori•IG~••llon fo< ltll' !r1,,.tor ot 11ld b<rslrieH anc'
lrtn1lpr 01 Mid lic•"te 11 to ~ p1ia ooly
.11 .. Mid !tonll•r h•• -" ·-OYl<I I>• ••iG Dec>lr1mtnt o1 AlcOhollc B,,..,,,.
Thllnday, bcttlbtr 21, 1m
ftOTIC• 6" T•U•f·U'11 Lill
T_.j, .... ttWI
OOVElll EOUITIU. W(,. • -~,..,...,
11 <fulY o...oln...,. Tl--11\it
lolieiw-"'9 Oc1c'1-..... of !NII WI LL
HIGHEST 191001"11 FOii CASH !1,.••l>I•
11 llft,. (II Mio In 11..+!,il ,,_,.y of 1111
lJn!lf'tl \lllt'tl tM tltnl, llllo -\Mtlttl
,..,,~WM lo •"" ._ llltld ~v It U..-1114 Of.f'<I OI Tflnl In !ht ll'OPfflY 1otor~ln1llPr
"""''*· lltUSTOJI: 11'.0 llllf.Y If l'llED &
OAllLIN( LINOA FJIEO, llu1b.nd o.W
8£NEFICIA.llY: fltNl!ST II flll ll lo
''°'TRICIA AIOI fA ITl. ~wto<lno on<I wit•
•• lofnl lo ... nh.
lltCOr<led ()cl-I, 1'111, 01 l ... lt. No,
Ol In IMIOli 17)11 '"'" "' cl Offl<!t l lltt0tll1 In lr.. Olllc• ol -11..:ordtf ol
O•lhM C""nlYJ All th1r CH!lln I•"" 1llw11...i ln ttw
St1to ol Ct l!l0tlllt. c-tr al O<on91,
olftctibo<I •• lol-•:
T ... t POtJlori 01 Loi 100 o1 iro<I Mo.
106, •I -n DA O ~· 11\0f_l'!ll •Kif'-In B~ I I, •ot• H of Ml1ct1i......;., M•P•. •KO<<I• ot u 1cr
Oto""' c .... ntv. llt~CflDo<t •• totl0w11
B""1n!no 11 ,,,. rnotl N0.-1,,....1, corMf'
ol llld LOI 100: llli'n<t kulllolll.,ly
olarw t,,. N0tl!,..•ll1t1¥ Uno ol ool<I
Lal. IXl.00 '"" ro • i>Olnt; ,,,.,IC. SOUlll· ..,_,.,I• In 1 al•Kt 1 .. .,. to 1 ...,Int
In fl>o w,.1e-rw 11 ... ,,, ••la ll>I, w ill
Polnl r...!ot 110"' 1•11 SOUlhHl!PrlY or
11\1 ,,_, W•Jf'•1V u;,'"'" oj Mid Loi:
'"""'' Notll\w"t.-lv olor,. wk! WH1·
.,tv ""' of ukl Lo1 100 .,... 1111 e .. 1.
""Iv 11,,.. ol """" 01l•t. 1»:• Itel to
Mid '"°'I WtlltflV cor<e<; -· NorlhMtltrlv •lont ••Id Norlll .... ot"I•
l•lllt of 101<1 lDI fl.W ""''· mar• Ot ......
la t"' P<>ln! of 1>19lnoh\tl.
MIY •l>e be ~-n It: :!061 111 .. 1 Drl•t , Co11t Meoo, Colllornio, 111 I
"'"' •O<l<"•u .,. <""'"'°" a...i,.,.11on
h """"" •-•, na '""'""" II t lvon 01 lo ilt como>lt1•nt1t ., c0<r..:hwHJ.
l lllt t>entHcl••r ""°'' 1ola Otect e>I
Trui1. by """"' ol • l>r<'I Ut or att1un In ll>o lllJlit•I...,_ -url'(! 1 II • t t b Y ,
hor.,ll!Ot• •~f'CUIN 1"<1 d•ll-.er..i lo ll>f
un<ltrll•'*' f Wtllt•" f>«laf ol;o., Ol
OO!oul! Ind O!'mllld !ut Sol•, o.W wr lll•ri
""'"' OI brwcll 11"' OI to..:llon to cauH 11\t u'l<ltf>l""'.O lo ... II >o l<I ~rll<>l"IV to
wtlttv .. 1<1 0011..,11<1111, olld lhfftolltr 111e
•nO~r1ltntG <Auna ••Id nollc• ol bro•~~
-ol ol•~ll<>n I<> u. '''"'""'° Julv ll, 1t11 11 1n11f. l'lo. lOMt Jn -t1!7, 1'1¥• U), cl ul<I Ot!ldol 111<0<0•.
S..10 wilt wrn be mod•, bill ""h'-1 (I>'""""' ·or ..,..,.to!Y. ••pron of lrnr1!IN1,
rHordl... llllt . .. 0 • I ••• I 0 n . Ot
f'flCUU\Dt•"'''• f' WY lht rrrnolnlng
D<IM!Pol IUm "' ti. no1t11! ..., ...... b•
••id O.O'd of lru•t. wl1" 1 .. tn•11 01 In
11ia noll """"i<110, oO••~<•" u '"' u,.,.,.r
l!w llro<>\ ol ••id (loO'd ~• lrvol, '"''· 011f~11 •nO t•Pf'"" OI lh• Truo!M •tld
o! 1n,. tru111 crf•ll'd by 11ld O""" or
Sold silt will ~ htld on i>IO¥•mbtr 11.
1'11, of !l:M A_M., ol Uot i""!ll Otool)
pntranc:• lo 11\t CounlY Covrtr~"'· 100
Block Wril S.nt• ,1,,,. 81...0., $.Int• AN ,
MAM•I COUl!lf'r •. ULIPOll•IA.
lfOTtal '""" ... •tll'I NOTICI! 1$ H!•l!l'I' GIVl!N lfl•I _..,, ,._.11 "'111 k rtul'rH 1Jr t1M
Cll'r et '°''" MoHo lol 11M ottkt ot ~ Cir• ClrH .i IM (hy H•ll, 11 F•l1 Otl••,
'"'' """'' C•-lot.,lo, unfn ,... '*" "' !l•Of 1 ,m,.., Ori-7' .• lt11, II Wl\l(lo
Umo lhf"I will be -Md PVbll<t'r '"' 1ood olwcl ~ tM (OUntli ( ... l'f\!»<1 1111'
MA.l 1!111 ... ll, EQUliPMf NT.
lll:ANS.-OltT"'TIOH AND 1V~H OTH!!ll:
F"'ClllllES AS MA.'/ If ltEQUlltfO
FOii THE lll.lllGATH)N_ FOii COITA
MEI ... , iPAltl(. Uf WEST lllH Sllll!El
A Ml Ol 11•"'• -ifk orlono onll olher ,.,'""'' ..,.,.....,.to m.1 b<r ol>toll'MI ot
"'"Oltico o1 Ille Cih (W~, /1 fllf 0•1•••
coot• -··· c 111roflll1. ""°" • d•-11 "' 115.00. A clll••• of it,• w!tl tio m.olo It
1111\d!fld b'r moll. ,.LEAll MAIL
SEP"'N"'lE (HEC115.
loch 11111 ""'" b< m.oo. en .,... prQPOUI
lorm ••>d In II,. ,,.,,.,.., pr""lded I" 11\1
ronlrK I 00<.......,h, •nd 111111 l>o
.ccon•P•.,l.-1 11'1' • certlfl..i " cnlll.r'1 '"""'~ or 1 '"" tionf fOt ...,.., .. , 11\tn 1e
_,..,, of Ille 01•1<•.><U DI lhit blO, "'-...,,11H1 10 IM (llV of (OOI• Mel-a.
HOTKE 15 l'UlllHEll GIVEN 11111 Ille
(ltv Cwrw;I! ol 1oi<1 tllY 1111 'fH.rflolor1
t>!OOllll>l(I o ~r1~0!1iot r1l1t •"" l(llt of
WOIHI, lr1 ICCOt<IO!I<• wll• l•w, to "" pol<I
1n mo conl!ructloo ol 11>1 obO•• onUtl..a
lmPr011tmtnt1. 11\ol w ld r•!• •tld Wi it
w11 "°""'"' I>• lllO Cl!• Cwnrll ov
II•'°"''""' Ho .O.!lf o:>n '"" 71'1 do' ot DK•n•bei, 1'1C. l n<I I• on lilt 1 .. Ill•
otfk9 01 Ille Cllv Clf tl< ol ••l<I Clly. 111•1
uld rll• 111<1 M:olt I~ ~ort!n rtlttrt<f to
"'"' Mopl,.;t in 11111 ""li(f •• -~ "'11¥
""" con••-tr' It! '°""' ...,.,rn, """ 11111 1110 tt;llt. 11 t40tolt<I i.,. 11ld rtWlullon,
h m.<lt I N •I DI lhl1 n<U«• I>> r•l1<tnc:1.
Tllo Conlrotl<>< 1/\1111. In lht
porl0tmon<:o OI 1hlt ''"''k 1 n d lmpr11Y1m•nls, cont0tm to lh• llbor Cod• ar 11>1 Jlllf DI (111!0tn!1 l n<I ""'"' lowo
DI !ht Stolo ot C1Ulornl1 &11PllUblt
t111tr.io, with IM t•<tollon onlv OI ouch
w1•!11ion1 ., mov Ot ,.,.ulrt<I unclH 11\f'
....Cll l 1111Utft ""nuonl lo wl!ith
p•oc:Mdl,.., ,,..,.,1'1111!1" ••• 1 ....... •n<I
wl!lth ....... "°' -n IUHrlt<f.-1 bv tho
proYI"""' "' "'' l 11>or Cod•. PrtlH~l'>C• ro lobOt lillll Ot 1l•tn on1~ Ito lh• m1nnu
provldl(I by low.
Tiie CoolroCIOt t111!1 Ull D" I.
u""'•"'-'f•chu,.;t m11or11l1 Produc.., lto !ht
lJnllttl 1111H 111<1 onlV m"nut1<1urHI
m11orl1l1 ru1nu!1rlu•f'<I ln 111<' tJnltt<1
Slo1••• oub1!1n!i1lly 111 l•om m•••fltl•
1>tod~<.o,t In lht UnllrO St1101, In tllt
Pt"fl0tm.nct ol !hit contr•<I
He> lid 11"1111 0t ~onoioHM un!tH !I If
moo. on • blo.,.. IO<rn lurnlthed bY !ht
(11V of Coot• -··· '"" II m111f In .CCO<OI MI wilh "'"' 1>rG¥fl lOt11 "' '""
"'""°'"I 'OClulrNn~n!I.
E 1ch b10<111 mu11 "" 1;ct~•IMI 1"<1 olso
1>r..,u111tll'd 01 rr•vlrl'd b• l•w,
Tn1 COY Councol <>I th• C•lv ., (1>11!1
M'"u '~'"'''' tll• ri"'! to rt ll'd •n• or •II bldo,
•Y-OllDfll OF lHI!:
0.lld 0<.lob~r II, 1'11
Putollthf<I Or1n~1 C...,>t 0.11• l>llol.
Thoi o Mle, ''""''" """ onJvnrn..,,I ol ll'f &1.,,...flO 1!0Ck In !rodl, li•lurel.
•oulam•nl •"" 90od will DI lllf ••·G
buslnt'lt will be moot. """ tho
con11d•r•1lOA lh•r•tOt 1r>11trnor with lro•
CMIKll tt!lon 10< mo 1t1nottr I nd
aH!t<lm+nl ol th• ol0<1sola !l(•nlf I• 10
bt c..........,molttl on ,.. onor !hf'"" dty of Ocl~r. lfTI, •! Ill• n tfow
cMoorl....,.1 o1 BANK OF AMElllC A
N.TA.S.A., Wl>ltlit r Moin Olll<t II ll001
E. ~l'°"'llt!ll $trHI, :n lht Cl ... Of
Whlttlor -· CounlY ot Los .&niirel••· Sttlo el CollfOtnl•, "'""Id.ct 11>1! th•
°"'"""'e<i1 of AlcOhOlk B••or•ff Conlrol
h11 •P..,OY..:t 1110 fron•ffr Oii 11lol il~•nt•. Dt .. : Ocloblt~ H , 1911
D011Elt EQUITIES. INC., O<;toblr' 11, 15, 1911 -·11
Oot~ Seploml>t• 11. 1•11 •• 1~1a l•~•ltt •
Curtl1 A, Her1>trt1 8• l ,O. S~tvir• Coo•~onv. A,g..,,1,
Tr•n1f•r0< f 'l<l Lict nSH BV Weltlo R. llouo, Vlc•PrHla,nt LEGAL ·NOTICE
Vlrglnlo L. H11btth Publl111..n Orenu• <.otot1 Otllv Pilot,, 1----------~-----
lrenof••Ot ond Llcono"' Ocl-1!, 11 Ind No•~r O, lfll MOTICI' 0~ TIUl1Tn'1 IALI'
M, L• 1t<>1 Htrcourl 7'6J.1! l .i . Mo, 11 .u 41 lnl-l'd l r1r+1!frtt On N....-bf.r II, 1011, ot 10·00 1, M , 811111 .... ,_ .....
Wt.ltlllr Mai• •ron<ll LEGAL NOTICE FED [MA L H .. TIONA.L MORTGAGE IJ90! If. t~llNoitll!o l lt... ASSO(IAllON 11 ~ulV eP1>1>ln1.0 lru1tt-1 W~llllor, C•llllnll• f04oM 1 ----------------:un<l~r oll<I ""''""M to 0 •'<1 or 1tu11 f lCl'9W fA·!1Hl·I( NOTICE 0' IULK l ll .. Nill'l!R Dlt ... April 1•, UM ft COfOtd April n .
,.ublishld Or1"91 c ... 11 Dail~ Pilot, NOTICE Ii HEllEBV G!\lfN lO THE ltot, 11 lnol. No. 1<SJI, in --IS)f, 1>1Qt
0<1-. 11, 1'7! 21.'11-11 CR:f01JOllS OF Ktnn-l'lh I r own, •0, ol "Ottld11 Jl1cor<11 Jn 11\1 olllct et -"'-""-""-~~-------~~-lrron1l•<ot. lh11 1 bul~ l••n•lt r 1, •bou! 111• .CDllnl\' "IW•O•r 01 0••"'" Counl•,
IO ... meclf by lr1n1tlfDt, wl!OM 1>u11 ..... 5!•1• of Coll!ornl• WILL Sl!LL Al LEGAL NOTICE od0rn1 h 111 IE.. ,,,~ 511.,.1, In '"' c11.-PUILIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST BtD---~===~==~=-~~--·I or c 0 ~ DI" FOlt CA'H IPOVObl1 •I llmt ol ••I• SUIPIJllOR COURT OF ~Pll' C illl:~.~(:~;., C";'1~1.-ar°' ron .. w:ir.:.:: In lowlul ,._..1 o! tr.. UnUO'd S!l!cs) 1t
STATI 0, CALIJOJINIA FOR .. ...,., O•>d eo;N;tr•Hh within lhfee THE NOJllH FRONl ENTRANCE 10
TNI' COUNTT OP OltANOI ,,0,, laSI Pio!, '" , •• k._n lo TH£ OllAN GI! COUNTY CmlRTHOUSE. N01 1:':·o"F'~~. 0' y,,,,,,,. ....... Ill i•m Sl•ot•. C~!· ~~~t:E~a:~Fo':OME~~~t~. ~:11"~~~
l;l'AL l'l;OIPl!JllT "'' l"lllVATt: 1All' Mo••· C•l!l<>rn·•· lg in Sl•••n 11· t>:.••h, IN lHE (HT Of' SANTA ... NA
In '"' M11ttt "' "'' £1l1lt "of GOLOtE :.~..:.."° ~~;~~·1·: .. :r.~:"'·1.T'~';j1'';:.;'; CALIFOlOllA, •II tlvM. !l!lt olld IMor.,i
MAE 5lANDlllOG£, OK,1..,a. Clorr<>>ar t A.we , u-,,,, l!to(h, (or.inly <>I CDn¥tYICI 1• •tld now•ht lO bt II U~d.-tl ~d
Nolle• h h'"'"Y vi••n lht! or> or •II•• Lui Anwoi•i, Ctlif"tni• 11I ]I~ N, Lo U<tt<I "' T1ut1 In lh• P•wfll• "'u~IOO '" Nov. l. 1'11, 11>1' und•ni~'""'· W!IH1on A. lltlno 5t!fol, in 11,. C•t• Of Anl hi lm, 1.M<I Cil<Jlol'r t r'IO 510!1 0H(~ll>t<I 01:
$"'Ith, 111 Adm!n!ll<ator ol lhf E1!1lo <>1 Co><rnl'r ~I 0<•"~•. ~tilt lo! Coli!<>rhlo , Ol I.VI II et Troct ?11/l, rn II" Clly ef
Gol<lit M&f si.,..,,iU\11', lloc•••<'CI. will ••!I "" !Dllo;wln~ de•ulbl<I 11.,111011 llrlltllrtv Cosl• ,y.,,., 11 "'"' mop •.!'<or11ea Ito
11 e>rlv111 ,olp lo ti,. hivn .. t llltt bllld•r, vi lron>l.,Ot, Jowl!: 8 otili Ill, 04W" 72 '"° 1l. M•'Crll1noo,,,
I Vb)KI to f0f1!1mo••kl<1 ... "'-' ·~· All 1t(i(~ in ,,.,,., II••~·"· l'IUIPmitnl Moin, In 1111t ol!ICt "' lh1 '"""'' t nt!lll'd iu...,,..,, Cw•t, •II th• roehl, loll•. rn•nulfcl<1ti"ll bul>ntll ~...own •• ktnr>• ltKtH-lltr ol. ••Id Ot•"9• Co..nly,
ln!ereot. •"" tlltlf Of !ht Mcflltnl ot Br-n Furnllurf M.l""!aclurlM •nO lnt ll•H I addr •n ond oth11 t ommon
.... u .... of ,,., -lh I nd •If !Iii ,1 .. n1. IO(.o!J'<t •I Ill £. 16th Sit••!. In 11 .. City dtlieM11-.. If &fl1, of 1111 •••f PfoPt't'!~
till•, •"" lnltrMr !ht t >ltlt hn. b• o1 ~,.Me.,., (ouni, .,1 0,0,_, Stole 01 U..l(lbtO obOY• lt llU<POt"l1<1 10 u..
-•Ilion el 1aw or oth.,111 iH. •<Qvlrto C •~. lo, "'"' 11111 th• '"'°""'"" """" ~ WHI Wll1"" 11•-", Co•ll M.,,.,
o•h•• 1n1n "' In •ddillon !o rn•I "' th• 1r•f .. i11 bl conwminot...i .,., °" oner C 1111 ... n11. OK~1111 •I !h• !Im• of her dNtt,, In 1110 Ot• of Novtrnbor, lt TI, lhtOU!lh lht •Olllftl11...0 lruol"' <tlu lolms on•
ond to ttool t•rl•ln r.11 proo•rl~ lo<"•IR<I EHr~ No H•·l?I~ 1t 1no H c<OW llabllllv l<>r•t n• lnc0tr"t'*' ot lht •l•H t
In lt>I cw.,1y 01 Or•n~•. illlt 111'--Coil· o..iot •nl 'oi mr ca;11 MHI B••'<I• o1 allltrflf •™' oltior <11mmon H•ltnollon, M
f0tn!1 GH<rl-•I fo!lowo· -.;,;.,,, ~ 1¥ P•<lllc NlllW'al 61rll< If 1 .. E •nY, 11lown Nroln, L~I HJ o1 Troe! NG. J'Xt4.' 11 Dlt moo SlrHI, In !h• City Of (ot!o Mno: Sold 1tlr Wlll W modf, bul Wlll\Oul rt<o•~'"" In BDO~ 11/, P1gt1 11 lo 7S 1y Of Or in~•. ~111• ot (olifo1nl1, 0>¥-1>!.,. worr..,!Y, •~•rtu If 1..,.11..,,,
lnctusl•t al MIKtll•n"""' MIPS In ""' OAT[O Ocloblr 11, 1'11 •••••Oln1 lo!lp, ""'"""Ion. ar ,.,..
0111<• o1 11>1 Counly llocOtOtr ol t•IO ~"'"" II, ,;.,h, Jr. cum1>'1onctt. lo P•¥ It•• rtrntlnl1>11 1rln·
counh, lr 1n1t~•H C!Dtl '""' of Inf rlOl•!Sl lt<U•!'il by •old •~olect to: <urr•nl M•fl. '""'"""!•. OouQl•t 8. IC on! Ottd Ill lruot, to·wl!: 111,J!t .U, w!tll In.
ton Ol!iono, rnlrl<Hon1, r•,.••li>OOI, Tronol••H •er••I ll1Pretu1, "' nroviot<I In ••lcf ri~hl" •Tt MI ol we•, ta,.ments e!'O l"~bllon,.;t o,.,,., (0111 D1ltv Pilot, nore(t ), ..i~tnc.f, If on• .• ...,..,. tnt lo•ml
t ncu,.,br•l!Ctt at tl!'COfd. Otlobjor 1\, 1fll 7'11·11 c l ll ld D•tll Of lru•I, It~•. ChMw•I 1<\0
Bid> a• otttro "'' in~i1NI 1or th• '",,...''' al th• 1ru<I•• 1"<1 of Ill• ''"'"
o•oDll'rtr •nil mull bl In wrollnv en<I mor cr.1!0<t b• 1110 0 •..0 Of 1'"''
b• oellv•r'"" 10 Int "'~rnlnl <irtlor or 10 LEGAL NOTICE T~t be~tl ltl1rr VnO•r ••Id Dff<I 11 tl\it oll\co ol 1111 t t!otMv, 110g.,. G Tru•f ~•r-Holof• •~•<v•..i o...i G•llvn•a
LanDM••· JOJ No.-111 Co••I H l<;r~w••, Sult• '"II: >SUI lo lht unao"r""" 1 w•l!l•n 0.rl•ra•fon
L, L1vuN1 8~Kh. Co!if0tnio fU~l, ot mov SlJl"l'lllO" COUllT 0 , THI ol D•t1ult on<I °'"'""° !Dr S•lo, ond I
bt fll...:I in 11\t ol!lct <>I lh• Cl"'• at lho $lATI 0 , CALll'Olll'l l"' ,.011 wrltt•~ IMllU' ti 0 1r1ul! •"" ElecllOll to
Suoerlor Court ot .. ,,. ""'' '"" '"" 11,.. THI COUNTY 0' OJl ... Nll• .. 11. Tn• ,,,..,., ......... (IU>f<I ••ld o.!Hlc• ptJbllcollon 01 thlo "1111<• 1n<1 btol11t1 tho No. A·1flll of 01f1 un 1nd E lf'Cl~ lo tttl 'f IN "'~•int al the ••If NOTICI OP MIA.lllNG Ol'I PITtTIOH •ec11tdocl In 1"" counry Wlitro "'' '111
, • .,.,. 1nd con0nloo1 ol ••I•· (~•" In ,0 11 ,.OBAlf 0, HOLOQllA.PMIC l>torlH IY 11 loc111a,
• • U ··-· '' ' • OU•: S.Pl•mber lQ, 1911 ll'YIU ,,_.,, ho non.-I 11 o Will Al'ID FOR l I! TT I 11 Ii A.-.,tlco; 10._ o! iht 1movn! b•~ IU TISl ... MIHT••v l'IOE.llAL NATIONAL I ! ' MOllTG .. GE A~SOCIATION •ccompanr Ill• D!f•r ona II>• b• one• " P.tl< o1 ICENNl!.llt F..t.AL lllEtj. •• ••l<I l•w•T••• bt 010d .. oon conllrmatoon of UI• h• lh• •loo m own 01 ICENNETll E. 111!.ED, t loo llY l••no B•l•"O
l u..,.rlor Cwrl. l o•••· r1n11. D01tr1.tlng 1M ~"""'" •• II. E. MEED. <IKl•IM. Aull\0tlnd i lino!vro
mo• .. -·nc• .~ .......... o<IO o•tm•Vml on NOTICE IS HE"E8T Gl\ll!N that 11a1
ln1v•1nct or<01>!11>lo to lh• pu•thoo•r Wl~LIE IE. REED llo• lllO'd nu.;n • Publlohl<I O•ongo Cooo! Ooll• Piiot ,~.11 l>o ""''"'" OI ol 11>1' a•I• ·"' ..... Ian '"' Probll• "' HDIOU•I DI"( Whl oao... ' \j n 1911 n ' •Kordlna ol con••••M• Tht •••"''"•""" ono lor 'IHU&M• ol Lt !11r1 1t1omtnlliv ' ' ' ' fl· 1
~ nit O! ""' 1><1rCl'l•U' Ot 1><1trh11tro. onO Oii<• 01 n•atir-. lh• ••m• "'' llfln LEGAL NOTICE ~'"· r<•corolno r1t COfl•PYar>(t , Incl 1ny la a•IUlonM, '~"'""<• •o \Oniel\ 11 moM
1;11• lnsur•nc• H iley tntll bf tl lhl 10< fufll'ff per!lculo'I, o"" thor lh1 !Im•
.J.n• 011\lf •~•>on•l>lf !Ofml ma• "" w! l0t No•.,ubt r " 1f)I. •If·)') t.m , :n,l·---------------
l t<fCI.., In• <t>Uflroom ol Dfoo•dn>•nl No l "" IUl"IJl!Olt COUJl'T 0, TH I
• '
-• ••
. t
-\ "" . , ,,
~ ,,.
6 111• mu•l bt 1"•!011 onO Wiii .... """""' \l ld covfl, 11 100 Cowie Ctnt•r Drlvo ilATI 0, (ALll'OINll POR
...... otfl<o ol llOQ•• G l l hl>!'O IU . 301 W<1t. In '"" C•h "' ~ ...... Ano. Colllornl1. lMI COUNTY 0' OllAN •• Norlh (OAll Hl1nw"y, s,.,,. L. L•;uno 011.0 Otlobt• H . 19111 CAif NUMllJI'
fl•acn. Calilornio t• '"'hour cl l~ 1,m, or w [, St JOHN, 0 -JHll
lh• 1t:io•• de!• County (IOI~ 1UMMONS CMAlllllAOll
ll'I• o•OPt"ll• ll••tln MSUlbf<I lo IAlllD, BAlllO lo WULPSlllT
'""'monlY ••I•""" '" .. 1 I J 1 1 • .,, 8011GNT .... lltD
W rig!Ofw-l 1nf, lluntint1on •••<II, ON L-l11<~ I t•• .. l~lto "A"
C•lil-ernl1 "Th• u""""l•ftftl ••n•w• "'' ,_o. ••• nn
d ill• 10 r•I•<' on• one t ll bldo, Lont Booe~. c o11i.r•I• t ttt1
011.0· on n . 1111. 1.M o nu1 122-1
WILLll M A SM!l>I, Allorn••• ,.,, Ptflll••,.,
•• A.~mlnl •''"'"' ol th• Putohin.o Oro"" co.of Dall~ Oilt)I ,
~OOV•·ft•m..a d•<ftltnt Oc•obrr 1(), ll, 11. 1'1) 1111-1 1 •oGllfl S. LANl"Ml"'I
JGJ No"~ Cont Hl1~war
S~!I• L
Lo"'i\I 1 .. <11. C1llhnilt HHl
Tai: 1111} -·Mtl
Al-Y .. , ,...,,l.,hfro .. r
'ubH1M<I Orono• C,..11 Da il• Pilol
Oc!-H, U, 11 , It/I 11)0-.11
""" P ICflTIOUS •llllN•ll
MA.Ml llAT•MIMT tJv Mlt_J,.. HfMnt ,,. dal ..
(lliM ..... II: Ti,.
G .. LAXll TltU'I( LINES. lllt ful '''
.. ICTITIOUi I Ulll'llll
NAMI Sl ... TIM.Nl
IO>llowl"9 -•on 11 foittor lk.1l""n
.11111 ... &<.llt '· <:••• .... ,.: C•lfl, l't(O'-C .t.•DEM ~·ooucn. '1!
('1 It. HtlMH, .,, 0..• Dr,, Y~llo> """ llrHl. Now-I flt•tll. Clll•Mr+l1
Lind•, C•lll. t1tl0. ~-A. l'ovnt. 11114 !ff-.. llobfrt O, O•W"!'I;, )lf.S C~\eo 110.cr,
H1ft'l.,...lft Dt., CCllf Mtll , (1!11 Coot1 M~•1, ColllMnl1 ~?•
TMJ buolnnt t1 M l"" (8fllt\l(locl ITr o T~I• """""" 11 001,,. <-lt(tad bf '" P•n-11111>. lndloi11u11
'"""" • Pf'rllf 11:-t 0 Ol&il'M t lMI 11tk......i 11t.fd wl•h .,... ,.., .. 1, T~11 1111,,....., ru.., "'"" 111t c-t~
C1'rt; 91 Ottllft (-• .,.. M~. 11, 1t n . Clf!-!II 0•1ne>• t-ty "" Ottobf-• ».
l'r ,...,.,.1y J, M•-• Offlll• '°""'' lt11 , bv 8ev•'•I¥ J, ""M6t:n, o-,ty Cilt•ll.. ,...,""' ci..1o.. ~llhed Cr.ftM C11111t 0.111 1111.et, Publltllld 0•1,,.. C11o10• f)111r iPll<ll. St~lffftbtt )0. 11'1 0.::telft ,, 11, )!, Ot~ )I, 11 •!Id Me......,_ J, 10,
1t11 ~"·" 11'1 11111·11
In rt lh• morrl•u• II! Ptll1,...,..,.
SUS4N AN N N,o.Sl •"" ll"P-•~! GAll Y N[AL NA~l
l o !~• tf•1~~nat11!• GAi!\" NE .. L NA~l
lllf Ptllllon•r hoo lolod 1 H llll"" (Of\
(Prn•no ,...,, morr ••~• You m 1v Ille I
w•ll!•n .+,_,,, """''" lh,r!• O••• ol
mo ~~·· 1~•1 "''' '""'m""' ti '"' vf'<I "" >O~, II VO~ loll lo 1111 • "'ritten
,,,_,,, w;mo" •~(~ i.mt. Y"'" Ml1YI!
m 1Y ~I •nltrNI and "'" coufl mo• cnl., • luGumtot <OnTaon lnt l~IUncllVt or ol"•' ord•u. <Dn<ffnine Ol•lolon OI
pr0Pfrl¥, '"°"'"I IUPl>Or1, (h.ld <uUorly,
chi" •Ufll>Ot t, 1llo•nt••' '"'"· co•lt.. o....i •ucn otn.r ttl!H u rnoy bl 1ron1t11 ov
Int cc:u•I.
U •ou wish 10 '""' tno o<lvkt of on II·
'ICtlTIOUI •UllNllll
MAMt STAT•Mll'lf
fnltowlnt --h Oii,,. ""'ln•n ~I: MIJSllMG lMPLDYMl;:MT "'!;fNCY,
115' Nt WPO<I llYO , C01to Ml61. Ct tl!.
$v11n TOllG. •U H, Au!Kl•n Aw .. Slot.
•• M•••I. (1111.1 P.O. I DM dl. OrtAll, C1111.-.
l~lo llutlftlH It btlnt (-U(lld bv on
1.,.on Todd
l~ll ••~••"'""' lllld w11~ lht (-!Y cior~ o1 o''"" ,_,.. .,., '""'· u. 1•n ,
•• ••vl'flY J. Mt d... l)ff>Ulr '"""'V
r>Oll)lltl'ltd C••ntt C\11•• Oolllv •1w .
:S..91,...btr '3 end Ocl-• I. •lt. I!.
E c
2 -
..... . .. . .
·New, dell.lXe 14] unit 11.part-
ment complex, located in
Coiita Mna. Exkting loan
is $1,300,000. Pret1enl in-
t.'Ome sm,axi, per year. Ca.JI
!or tu11her detaU1 ll You
have $500.000. to inve81.
New on merket -119 Via Mefitone
Lovely contemporary home of top quality
construction. 4 Bedrooms&. 3 ba., incl. larg
master suite downstairs. Cathedral ctllln
over living room & famUy dining room. Bea
tiful 2 way fireplace, sunny south 98tio. Trul
an outstanding home at a realistic pric
F11i rview Spacious 4 Dr. hon1e plu s income. $134,900.
Open Fri. I to 5. 215 Marguerite Ave. 6'46·8811
(•nytime) BAY & BEACH REAl TY
Jean Cole
R1•aHy Con1r•any
Th+-ul1unal(' 1n 1iv1nK • l'o•ith
your own 1nrloor hl'e..Jlh room
w/pool. sauna & st.Jn IBm~.
'Bt>au1 1ful, Jikt' Ill'"' cus1om
hnnu• "'/ n1a rhle h;1)I.~. t·nr.
1nal ort ~ 5 Bft • 4 1 ~ ha1hs.
A ·f('('1 lot in thP {'J<{'!lJ~ive
Dovl'r ShorPS art'A. S21!l,'500.
01)('n Sat & Sun 1 ... ; p.m. 13.~7
Gala...:y Dr i 11 e, Nt'IOo'pDrl
l\1ndem 2 Bruroon1, barh &
1~ i;ludio apar11nf'n\s, v.ith
buil!ins, carpt>ls. rlrapes,
etc. A real dollar producer
at a full priu of
F ilnla.'lllC Rf:C. noOM wet
bar. Lovl'ly lor111111 <!inu1g
J'OO!ll plus sunk('ll lun1 i!y
ronn1. 4 large lwd1'0011111, .1
h.'lt l'l'!, in Hbsoluh· i1n 1narU·
latr conditir1n. Pr11nr l'f'!;i.
dentin! arra • Unlleh1•\'tlhll'
hu! it's THUE f·alJ (:1nny
54~142~ or .~O-ml.
Norlh Rnyrront,
:! !)!'f!room t101n • idral lo·
c1111on for 2 s1or.11 r111ph·x nr
Ju11ury homf'. C11ll llern
011vh~·irtd 1e for rl('1a1ls.
642-5200 ..
On large-'i:r' x 117' lot 1vi1h
111\Py at·N>«~. ()11·n•'r "'ould
f'(lns1rlf'r if'asin~ "i1h npl1on.
You 5ubn111 YO\lr trrm~ ·
f<ll'llf'r anx iou~. Ai; k 1 n g
S2f3.!tiO. Call 6-16-ilil.
SupPr sharp 2 bf'rlroon1, din-
ing & 2 M.1hs. }'uU bui111n
kitchen, carJ)('tR, 1!ra~ anti
Jlnohle gnragP. NO\V VA C.
ANT, .we it 10(!11.y1 ARking
nnl.11 $2'2,!f.l(I.
C11 II 540· I 1~1 (Osw-n ('\'NI. l
MoOPm duplex; J BR. 2, Ba.
Gener el
I ORIS! I Ol \O\
,., f " •• v ~
80' x 110' tee lot on TRADE.
WINDS. Can build 7 1!ory,
plans irK""!uded. VYE'\V Of'
lJPP~R 'BAY -F\Jll price
only i2S,OOO.
84' x 148' Joi on SANTIAGO
It liOL/DAY, VPry exclusive
Rl'f'a . 2 S!Ory permiMibl~. A
"•hale of a buy Bl ONLY
t~ormerly La.Borde R.E.
220 E. 17th St., C.M.
2 Story • 4 Bedroom CALL 646-0555
$0 Down -VA Evenings 646-8406
Bargain rime!~ JUST LIST· I ---"-'CC.'-""-"'-'-""''---ED~ ! Lovp!y junior r XW'U· 5 BEDROOMS
tive art'a. <I hugl.' bedroom~. VACANT
Cracklill)( US<•d brick F'IRE.
PLACE. Brighi roon1y
kH cht>n. Ovt>rsilA'd pat io l••r
y<'ar t1ruun1.l t'njoyn1f'!1I.
Bring .11 paint brush
TIIA'r·s ALL. Tum lhis bar-
gain HllO prolit. Unbelif>v.
able 111 ouly S30.900 ''0"
dol'o'n VA. Hurry. '
CALL 645-0303
2299 Harbor, C0tita J.1ese
Jn1m11t"Ula1e conditlon wirh
lJ111(f' m.11nicur1-d yard, huge
r111Sf'<I hl-11rth firt"place, 15'x
11' family roorn, sp1u·kling
bu1h1n kltcht>n. Jn xlnt roun-
try ('luh ;ir;>a, Almos! im-
n1Prli11I(' pos.~n with i s
low a~ io•;t,, down.
Call 545-S--i24 tOJ)en e\l'f:'li.)'
COLLEGE PARK GEM fir.:iut1lu1 Collt>gc Park home
Custon1 1z,.d. e.,.pan.i:led ]i{i(} wi1h OVf'rslZPd lo!. Big 1Kx
~!!. ft. lar;.:;> t'OUR BDH ~f. J6 11 h"a lPtl ·" filtf"red JJOOI .
"J'llRF:E J~A:n1 llOMF::, Coin. Goht :;ih:.g CtU'pt•ts thruour,
pl.-!<'I}' iit•w Bi l t'IPC!ri<" Ownt>r tuugh! n e w hon1t ,
k1il'h1•n 1oodt'd "'ilh l':>.1rll n1us1 !t"!l. No dn. lo Vtts or
cabln;•ls, oullt'hl 111.nd l'Olt-low 'In f!IA,
\'en 11•r1t't'S. Ne"·ly p;1 in!Pd Ct1ll :'>M:i-:i&~ (Open EVC'l.)
carpets 11nd 11rapei;. S.•p;1r-"91
insid1• and ou1 • 1op gra~ 1~· .. 1
aip :;l'r\'tC(' por<'h • doublt> /~~~~~~=~-~~-~'"~;I Kli!"lll{I', \\'('II lan&.itapt'(/
Jron1 111l(f rt•ar v.•1th 11prink· ------
lcr~. Conv.~nit•ni 1n 5('hooh1
81111 1'hOpPlng. A plt"aSUt'f-10
s how • .Hppoln!n1Cfti only
p!ea;;e. ON·LY Sl't.!l50.
'F0Tn1t>rly LaBorde R.E.
220 E. 17th St., C.M.
CALL 646-0555
t-:vt>ning~ &'6-M06
horn~. proff'S.. .. ~)nally rtecorat.
("fl J. la nchq·apffi. Nn1h1ng
ovf'rlookrd tn make rh 1s 1hr
JovPl•f"Sl ~. b('droom, rnmily
roo1n , 1hnlng room. 3 c>Rr
gRl'lll{I' hornP in Harbor ViPw
Horne.~. Sl'ii.~I()().
C<lll for p1cturf' ('atalOJ:
\•"•lh priC'1' J, riPla1ls
4 Bt:;DROO,\f, f11m ily room,
1111 huilrins, rarpt>t~. 01·er·
SIZt'd )(llrlll('f', t'O•.-.~d pil!IO,
hl'1111y shakr rool and rool
pool. N1tm(' your terms. VA
NC) 00\VN I ~1--IA 1.0\V
J)O\\IN or 11uhn1i1, . $29,950.
PMnll' ~~\1lcnlial QN'!I,
Call 5'1~24 !OpPn evt>S.)
l.6 .... 'i'~I pril'fit home in Mr:M
Vfrrl~ with VA & FllA
1Prnis. Large 3 bed~.
CO\'Pred palio, dolll:tlr gft:r-
8.R:f'. ShR rp, <"lr11n Ir. VAC!Ull,
Full priCP. $17,SOO. with no
down pay1nt"11!.
Cati 540.1151 j•n evf'I.)
Jn 1hr BLUFFS on quiet
gn"('nbelt c]O!;{' IO POOL.
~·our nice bedrooms with
two balhs an.:t 11 check
this priee ./ I $36,500. .............
833-0700 644-24!0
3 Bdrm., 1% hath,,; Al! nn
one flonr. V.'alk 10 !WI &.
shopping. Ov•nrr "'ants: long
~!OCl'Oll'. Exclu~iV~ly li«IM
with us a t S.12,000.
REAL TORS 644-7662
Y ""'· you ~ad r ig hl , !his rrp-
l'f',~f'nls onf' of lhe Vf't')' hest
VRllll'~ in C.M. Thill h<imf' is
l'oithin w:ilkin~ ri'i~l!\n<>e lo
SI. .Johns and ~hnpPini.: 11nd
he:ot .l bl>i:!room~ Anrl 2 baths soOO " h11lf. This is the Type
or horn,. lhat doel!i not la!ft
long, so hurcy and call
Bey Ave. Waterfronr
f Bdrm. 2 bath home
Plrr .I: 3.ip. $195;000
Call: 673·3663 642-2253 Evet .
%02~ W Balb~o 61l-J66J
Ar 2 BR., 2 b&. unltt. Slep11 I ·~. • lllllTAGll to ooe1n. C.000 conrl. Chvner ... -,..
ret1dy to eel\. Pri~ st I ,~:~:;::i ... c·~"'~·=·~ *BACK BAY*
3 BR, 2 BA. family rm, tirepl,
bltin11, hl.lga waJk·ln c~s. S.lll.500.
Call: 673.3663 S.18-S!M2 F.vt'sr ' associated
-Mesa V•rde lllOO s<I ft. New crpt1/dnpet.
Country Club Vilt• SJ0.000.
-only Of'lt!' •v11.il•ble. Beau. Roy McC•rdle Re•ltor
t1Dllly hnproW!d ~ + sml. 1810 NNpon Blvd., C:M.
Ken Brittin9ham, Realtor
401°3'lnd St., N.B. 67$-0122
Thi11 " bedroom home with
family room. u1 Orn> of our
only 2'.-1 yeani young 11.nd
convenien'liy localed flf'ar
tree-way ftC'CeS!I & South
Coast Plaia on a short cul-
de-sac s1reet. ALL TERMS
OF'FERED including exist-
ing VA IO!ln which can be
assumed with TOTAL PAY·
M ENTS ol $241 per month.
Appraisal pritf'd a·r $32,500!
( 0p1_n Evonin91)
Harbor View Hills
Pff'S'ti(l.'P comfort Spacioui; 4
bedroom, 3 b:!th. family
\\'ell located c::ior;e
to Youth Cemer
11nd 1hoppine
3 bed.room1, 2 baths
Modern ~-lC'terior df'!!i&;n
.Reduced in pric.
[O .$57.500.
SINCE l s+t
New E119land
Cape Cod
Charming home," Bedroom•,
:! Ba!h, family Room, Din•
ing Room, Fireplac~ built·
ins. Picture W1ndow1 ,with
1hu1ters. 54(}-1720
room and formal rlfhing 2955 H;u-t:>or, Costa M~ll
room. Planl'lf'd for family 1---,===~====-
llving. OO!le to Fa1thion I~-REPOSSESSIONS
Janel. Community recreation Spsrkling clean homes, aome
area & pool, Call to fte any. newly paint~ &: cupded, 2
time, 2612 Lighthouse Ln. 3, <I I: 5 bdrma. Some with
ljl6[j Newporj Blvd., C.M.
Call &&3928 Eves. 67:!-7575
-~-Pr!'ltige Address
Custom bu ilt ramily horn~ in
delightful We111ctiff, 4 bed-
l'OOmll, Jai;:e pant>ll'd fa m.
ily room & living room with
fireplace5. Large H&F
!'OOL, Many 11dd£'d features
JlOOlll. Fl!A.VA c::on11. te:rnu,
from $20.000 to S4D,OOO.
8843 Adams Avr. 961-5523
4 Bedrn1, large famfiy rm, I
BA. View from evPry room.
ROY J . WARD RLTRS .... ,,,,
rooms or could ~ ~ a5 3
bedrooms -Den. 2 baths,
buill·!ns. fireplace. circular 'driv~way, S25.951'l. Bkr., C&ll
day nr night. 540-1720.
Classifie~ INDEX Advertising.
-elec, g11reg~ opPner, eoft
v.·aler unit itnd ou1door llgh1 -
ing front It rt'Rr. Perfect for
Pn!f'rtalning and ir1el'll for
tamil~ivinR:. II'" 11 real vaJ •. [
tlf' in his mm;t y,•anted llrt'I ~ foi: $.i. If t@ J
Bl $66,, .gLL 675-mi/. '-::7"--c-~-,-'. ~·co.· cr.11ific.ation 100-149 ---'f:L~1l·tut ~
NEVER BEFORE R~:1"~!~111' ~
An Upper Newpoct 8.!ly t1\·•
bf'rlroom '"'o bath cof'ldo..
minium Bt $27.500. ComplPTe-
l.11 a1r-condit1onf'd, fl ll PIPC-
tl'ir an.i:I maintPnance frtt.
Two .«wimm1ng pool~. JR hole
pulllng Q:!'N>n and shuffle
hoRNI. This home i.« priced
$'2.500 11nder orig'inal ros!.
Call 64&-7171 for an appoint·
mPnl 10 '""·
c1.11ific:•tion 150· 184
~'"_-_., _I~
Cle1sific1tticn 200.260
.__" ... _ .... _ .... _l!ie]
C1 a11 ific•tion 300-355
[ '•'"-"" ,M ,,,. ]/WI
Cl•11 ific.•tion 360.)70
Cle1slfic•ticn 400.'465
~·-_""""_'" I~
Cl a1sification 500-510
Sha rpl Sharp! Sharp!
T irerl nf loolrini;: af dirty l'f'.
AAles ~ Then Sf"t'? thi.~ beauty
lhal show!! like a modPl
homf'. J hffirooms, 1 ba1hll,
buill-in kitchl'n 1ncluriing
d 1shwa~hrr, ~w beButtful
ShaR: V.'/\V C;t rpet ing, big
douhle g11nr.ge, and 11('ff..'111
!vr boat or !Tailer. All this
and only n'i.500 And S214 per
month including ""(~ & in.
Waiker & Lee ~[ c=-1~-.:-,-,:-.:-:-.5-"'J~
2790 H11rbor Blvd. 1.1 Adllm~
54.-'i-046!) Open '!II 9 PM
C'Bn buy lemily happifll"IA,
cozy up be5ide k>g huming
fireple~ ~ -1 big bdrms & 3
hath11 for the kids. Mod~rn
_[ =-t"'._,..'··_,_u._, _ _,I[ i• I
Cle1sifi c•tion 575.510.
1-.... -1~
Cl•11ificetion 600-699
kitchen + ref-rig. R~ax a! ·I 111 ·) priy_ be11ctt -Owner may """9r1n1t1l f'
C'IUTy a lnd. TIO. N ow ~------~ s:w:mo. Cl•1sifi~tien .700.710
833 Dover Dr., N.8. -.....,,., I-=--=---~I~ c1.~1 ific•ticn 100-1)6
.1--.... -1~
%01~ W l crlboo 61l·Jt.6J
den, P9'j>l, •lr--cond ttc. Hur.1!!!!!!!!!!!!541-!!!!!'7!'7!'2t!'-!!!!""!!!!
ry! C.U S111n Ml!)°", s.6-581Kl
or ~ Heritage R.E. * * *
View home "~tti pj)O\. 4
Bdrms, 2 b11th1. ~mily
room. No y1rd w n r k .
Unu&UAl attic,,-4th Bdrm.
. We ha~ good n:nlalJ!
Cle11ificetion tso'i;i\
Vlt~\Y • 4 BR (hi1 k hrr,;
dl"'~!rlni roorn,.1, 3 BA.
gnci<:l\11 form11.l tl inf111t,
011tstanthr11z t11m1ly rno m.
"00 &AST ti)"H_ C.M.
646-31~ E\.'eii : 842°2225
Be11utlt11I 5 bMroom, 3 hor.th
2 s-10!')' hOmt nn t:ho\<"f lot
rorm11,I dl.Qlnr room, (:Ar·
petrtl J, dNr.perl, Nict vif'W .
•1111. Jfil.~. C11.ll 67~-722$.
Home· & Investment
:r,,.J,"J E. D:>&&t H\\ly., CdM
Bayc~ 4 Bdrm home w/d!n
rm., lrg lam rm., wel bar.
Arnold & Freud
DUPLEX-Chl'I"\!~~_. ownen
unit. Qulel 111-..._~ lntome.
F'ortln Co. flltn, &U-5Cm.
3135 E. COAtt Highway,
Corona rk-1 Mu '673--9010
Vl,fA Del Lido. Pi~r A slip
tv.t.U1ble. From $31.~. Seil
ot leue,
GNrg• Willi1m1on
673-4350 645-1564
c1.11ifi:.tion 900-912
-=-=-~[iJ ific4tion t 15,-949 -.
' -.. ... ._ . . . . '
-·--------·-T>ond•r. -21, lm DAILY ~I.OJ DJ r,~-----~::...;~-~-·:_,:._~ ______ _;,_ ____________ ~:::;;:;::::::::::::::::::;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;~·
•. I
Every9ne Has
Som ethi ng Th at
So meone Elie Wa nt.
Yo u Can Sall-It,
Fincl It, Trade It
With a Wa nt Ad The Biggest Mark~tplace on the Orange Coast -Dial ·642-5678: for Fast ReS\,llts
l~I _ ... _ • I~ I ' _ ..... .
..... for I*
on over to "POPPY" to see thJs unique 3
bed.r:oom 2 bath split level duplex. 2 fire·
places, builtin kitchen, a lovely almost new
back unit, \valking dis tance to BEACH &
shopping in desirable COl~ONA de! MAR
$61 ,500. .
Let us sbow you this extra sharp split level,
2 betlroom, i 1fi bath home \vith \vall to \.l'a\I
carpeting and bu il t-ins. Clubhouse and pool
\\'ith it's "NO-CARE" privileges. A real find
at . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... $23.800
Enjoy .a dip in the POOL or "PUTT'' on the
ANCE." Three ample bedrooms, three baths,
two fireplaces, 12'x30' solarium," It's got
it all" at .......... , ..........• $59,500. ** LINDA ISLE ** PRIVATE SLIP
A private. "SLIP" itakeS a 50 ft. boat). de·
scends from this fabulou s Linda lsle -"VIE\V
Home." 3 Lovely bedrooms. formal dining
room, 4 deluxe baths, fireplace. An exciting
home to entertain in. A must to see $225,000.
Here are eight super deluxe ·srLIT LEVEV
VIEW apartments. located in EAS'fBLUFF.
o~·ner's unil·3 bedroom, 2~:#2 bed·
room. l V2 bath: 3-1 bedroom~ J:rilth, You
haven't seen anything like .. lJ1~~. ·~_i!~-A
pleasure to sho\v at ..... -.• 1 •• 1 •-.Mli.450.
Gen.ral General
_La r ge Family Ho me
Four bedrooms and den with Yi balh.
Home with many exttBi.S such as fountain
and fi shpond. added room for storage plus
garage with finished interior and panel light-
ing. Home has custom boo~shelves in den,
Kitchen has been remodeled \Vith many ex-
tras. Home is tastefully decorated with vinyl
Also included are \Valer softener , new gar-
bage disposal and 'vater heater.
A-Real-Fa1nil y-Ho111e
COSTA MESA. $46,9~0.
"tnuf\7ir6e :Reaff£_.,
2850 Mesa Verde Dr. • Costa Mes a
• Phone 546--5990
* -~ t * *
Refreshingly different! Brand new 4 BR.
home w /FR & formal OR .. Beautifully vault·
ed ceilings. Light airy rms. Truly hvin? at
its finest. !\lust be seen to be appreciated.
"Our 26th Yea r''
2111 San Joaquin Hill s Road
* * * * * *
l~l.__-_ ... _ .... _,I~ I~--: ... _ .... ___,J~I
Huntington Beach tiuntington &ee~h ==== --REAL
Irvine. lrvlrle New port H•igl'\tt
--------=c=o=N=V=E-RT=l=B-LE;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I MODERN
masler suite is just ONE of the outstanding Immaculate modern home
features in this new listing. 3 bedrooJru, 21h df!.ltgtrttully decora~. 3 &.
bath', family room. large low maintenance 2 Ba. New a.ag carpeta.
yatd. Come see this beautifully upgraded flrePlatt, kitchen bttn.,
and cared for home in deli6htful University ~red patio. Dbl. garqe;_ c
Oppo rtu nity
Pf.irk. Priced better than right .... $35,950. :::~~-. (!). ,,,.1,14 A"'~"" r.E ALTY · "! l11li'l 1dld . "SINCE 1946''
lst Western Bank Bldg. Ntir Ntwporl Po1I Otf lee
Seller "eeds cash last. Big 4 bed.
. room, 3 bllth, • 3 car garage, huge
-- -''i lP11li11r
University Park
833-0101 N ight1
•••• CHARMING, older,
SPANISH •tuccC, 2 BR,
...,,..,...,.,.,,.,. ... .,..,..,..., .... .,...,..,.,..,. .... ., j trplc, redf!e in .I: out, R--2.
H" ·11 ·1 B -• Lido 1110 m .ooo. By OwneT M5-t.f46. un ng on ea ... n
-;;::;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;; l·---·-----1Son Clomonto • OPEN HOUSE
lot. . ............... . . ........................ $40,500.
J bedrooms and large Jot on
dt>sirable East.side. ""on't
Jas1 a t S23.9W. Farrow Real-
ty. 5'1S..8&l.O.
2,;2') }!arbor, C.ilI.
4 BR, fam rm, shag crpts,
11.ll ihis on xtra lge eflrner
!or. 10 .... r Do ... ·n or VA or
trade. 2.19 PrinC'!on. 823-421'.15
Open house Sat-Sun 1 to 6.
East Bluff --------• EXCLUSIVE AGENTS e
Huntington Beach
2 BR Unturn Fr. S230/mo.
Furnlture Available
hea\eP pool-saunas·tennis
rec room-ocean views
patios-an1ple ,parking
SecUl'l ly guards. • 4 BEDROOMS
}j x 37 ft heated & fi!terl!d HUNTINGTON
pool. 3~J yrs new. No\\' prJc. PACIFIC
ed "''ay under ma.rket al 71l OCEAN AVE .. H.B.
241 V ia G enoa One of the bf!n.er hemes in
SpaciollS, newly dro:ire.ted 2 Panician Willa . Immacu-
bdrm pills panelled den. 3 late condition, Spacious 3
c&· gar. 60' street _ to _ bdrm, 2 bath, hi-beamed
lWttt comer with ba.y view, ceill111s. built-ins, mimm!d foyer, Patio with firf! pit. $114,fiOO . .,. b···-·"-·· f ~-OPEN SUN 11..C a wu\IS v>rW 0 .......,..
228 V ia I th ace Point, Sa.n Clemente &. Cata-lina. Bener huny, on I y 2 bdrm., 2 bath plus study er $44,950.
ottiCt>. $49,500. MORGAN REAL TY
bowmib lowaoo JR. 673-6642 675-6459 ........,.. S.l2.500. F1.m rm. firepl, for-tn4) 536-1487
mal !iv rm. all bllin app\'ti, ore open 10 am-6 pm Dllily 1."'.,',.'iiViiiiiaiiLiiidiioiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ..,..,\~ crpts & di'a pci, dbl W!LLrAM WALTERS 00. 1'
gar, CQncrr'te block \vall w/I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""' 3 Br • .l Ba Cor !crt $99,500.
'lxlat gate. dog run, ldscpd, A'ITRACTIVE corner 1 BR 4 Br. 5 ·Ba 50X88 n29,500.
Existing 61-lo/" FHA loan, rondo for 11ale. Many xtra~. 5 Br, 6 Ba w/pier, lilip
..,,_,,., Sain Ju.n Catpiatrano
Are yours from· this spacious
3 bt'l:lroom home, On qUie<
cul-de-sae 111rttt. Spaciou:t;
family room which adjoins
living room for easy en-
tertaining. Spaciolls kitchm
Is sep1.rated from traffic by
breakfast bar. Swep4!' lite
controls. electric garage
door. All this and only
your rln w/hanrlle. 51,4 '7o roan. O\vner le1.ving $245.950
I' oicy. 962-2665. LIDO REAL TY INC.
33TI Via Lido
HZ-4471 ( ::::J 54~11Hl ;lrv:;;;;ine;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I "'""'!!!!67"J."7"300""""""""'
IT'S A BEAUTY Mesa Ve rde
POO L + RUMPUS JW.hard model, end unit, _....... permnirh lot near adult pool. LOVELY Republic Tri-level,
f ROOM Upgrad~Ci carpets and drap--4 BR. 3 BA, lg lam rm, sep
Plus 4 bedrooms, 2 baths; ~ lhroughout. , _This 3 bd· din rm, 2 trplcs, frnt patio,
-··l~ htnll·ln kitchen, new ~hag fm., 2 ba. 1ownhouse is ii1 rear patio w/gas tire pit.
5 .~'-'"J5!i1{'A• car600f)eUng, 2! fire.pla ces. Ov., excelll!nl' condition, haG gar-, $47,_500. 642-7364.
31!501 Camino Capirtrano
\ • I { er sq. !. r .!mpus room . ag•."doo r """'ner,·profeS'!llon-u 1 · y · · -,sf 'i..· It/ 'J U lnC'lud~ \\"el har. No qualify-"" -··-''' 1s1on 1e10
inf:', no loan lees -just take el fy ll'l\J~s<:aped yard and ~/1.·' really J . . er much 'm~. Price $40.000,
2414 v7:t~ Del Oro k~ '~;;~~ 1~~f,1Fii~?!~ .,. ·. red h·111 Ne11·por1 BeaC'h &!4·1133 OCCUPANCY. '
LARGE Lusk built 3 Bedrm w I k & L e . , . hnme, 2 firepl's. Icing size ~ a er , e REALTY
berlrms. tam. &. dini ng rm, lJ~v. Park Crnter, ll'Vlne Realtors " · · ""~ l\O">t1. elert gar. donr opener. Close · J. 'ltiy e, o""""'""'
to shoppln>: & schls. 279(1 Harbor Blvd. at Acl;i ms 1 ~~~~~!"""""""-
$S l ,950. ~15·94~!1 0flt';n 'nl 9 PM La i a
BY """ 3 BR. 2 BA, I c RIPfLED . ,G"t(t.SS ALLS .
level, all elec. kt!. Comer ')"!!!" &stcm"'horne built in a !f!.ri\l-
10('. pool off patio, 2 pahns, Dp G cJrde;, 1111th glass \\'all.,; to
you can ~ 1'he ocean. 3 BR,
2 BA, lge dining rm. 'lard,
patio, complete. Owner
&a.le. 997-0520 ~1r. Gatton or
997-07'20 pm.
AEGEAN Hills area -3 Br, 2
Rl,, fam rm, lrg Iner! back
yrd, cor lot, 3 yrs old. Will
11ac !or $31.950. Conv. tine.
or a&sume 6% Gt iOan Call
aft 5 , 83G-5021.
Mobile Homes
For Sale 125
Laguna Hills
(Corner of Moulton Pkwy)
Presti.it! adlt community ad·
j"'cent to LeiS\Jre World.
Bee.utitul surroundings, all
luxury appointments, 1ber-
apeutic flC!Ql, Saun1.11, Exer-
cise om, ~~lard tables,
Ge neral -------Your Own Pool
PERRON REALTY 64 2-1771 / ' • '
"'lllk lo st<ln'S & schls. . permit 41 1a ntast1c OCf'an C;;.o:::IC::loO'g'::e;:::P=a=rk::::::====~ 1 i 32,95lJ. 1s1 Listi ng, 644.5793 t0i View from all rooms. Cir-
-.. Fountain V•lley ,< Bring , mmer. nails, g!oves cul~ rairiify room ha~ vault.
See bea\Jt turn mOde:lJ bl
pa.rk-1\ke setting.
CALL 830-3900 or 830-7900
MOBILE Home w/ocean
view, must sell. Ready to
move in. lnq aft 6 PM. <n4J
536-0398 or SJ6.87'43.
GOOD & DIRTY and stout hearts. Large, old, l"d c~ihng & ltreplaC4!.
3 8<\rm, ·2 bath plus family 2 s tory farmhouse needs Wrou ht Iron & \\'ood i hMJ-(Fo'rmerly Delency Re al Est ate)
2828 EAST COAST HIGHWAY So ~'OU \<'ant roo,m for a pool
tahle~ Ho\11 aboui spare for
N d I & ' ''
$23,000 F .H .A . help~ Presen Uy sel·llp as ,. g 1 · room. ee s pa111 .'i u . cl 1 IV 11 f . If oll'I. Marble plll mans. inter.
Only $28,9.JO. All ierms. lO 'i~ Anyone quaifies subject IQ up f'X. 1 pay or l't s s.e .. OOm. k. .m~ny luxury fpafur-THE FRONT
YARD '!l!!!~~l!!!'lli!l~l!!!'lli!l~l!!!l!!!~~l!!!~~l!!!'lll!l l se~·eral? This c.harm1ng 2
" CORONA DEL MAR, CALIF. do"·n to anybody. No down Fl-IA Loan with 81h t;"~ an-R-2 Zoning sugg~s!s 5 un lls, ('5'., Bt!ill'-i n kit<'~n with
G.I. Hllrry: Hurry~ Hurry! nual percen!age raie. Tt11al Mos! outst11nd1ns inve!lment cilsh~~h.!r· 4 bdrms 2 Thi~ "Ne111J>0rt Bl!ach home on "lt••I (stat., rAl j~ story home featurt'!; 3 hrd-
G eneral Gene ra l ,n>9111s, 2 ba!hs~ family room
A payments $239 per month. 1n OrangP County. ' ·· .
gt. 675·5726 Sharp 3 bedroom home gl 1~-MARINER ·ReAL TY · b~ttis. 'Be ,;uf'l" to se-e thLS thP f'haTlllf!I with large pier G911«al ~
1.;;;;::;~----------------1 and a 19 x 2j n.impus room. I• Excelleni location in Cos ta BY o"·ner, 4 BR, 2 l3A. pal10,
as!ume 6'70 loan, 2573 Ox-
furd Ln., Cill .146-7956 for
BAYSIDE DRIVE WATERF1tONlS ., ti-lesa, near schools, shop·
ping and Jree\1·ays. for
more 1nJo, please phone
From 122 fl. lot. is the setting for this beau·
tifu! 4 bdrm .. 4 bath home with its o~·n pier
& slip. 1250.000
Corona del Mar
Lrg BR.~ BA , pool hon1r.
l 4J,j(J). <Jp-c.r;i Fri. Sat, Sun
.l-4P~1 4~7 Seaward Rd.
673--0492 Curtt'sy to Brokers.
From this lovely 4 bdrm .. 4 bath home. On
a 59· lot, '"ith pier & floa t. Nice custom drap-
eries & panelling:. SI39 .500. $24,950
Co sta Mesa For complete information
On All Homes & Lots , Please Cati :
4 Bdrm. Den
Family Room TOTAL PRI CE
$25,950 BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR A lt>rr1f1(' home for the mon·
e.v. 2 8.l.ths. 4 Berlrorims.
llSl'd brick ftreplar.e. J2x1 7
Fl)t)I p11nC"Jed den. built·in!.
MIN. DOWN lsl<'lnders Bldg., at Linde Is le
341 BaysiPe Dr., S\lite I , N.B. 675·61 61
IG !~o"n"e"rJ~1"'·"·~""~"'""""'G~•"n"e"r•"'l"""""""""""' I ~o.i2A RB ELL PAYMENT F.H.A •.
for t.hJS fabulous 3 bedroom
b<'auty. Rrady lor your oc-
rupancy now. Completely
caf])f'Wd 1hniou1, al!o drap-
PS. New style kitchen wnh
11lt bu1U-1ns including dish-
11•11sher. Double gar a g f!.
Schools anrl shopping near-
by . LeT U! show it lo you.
3 brirm, 2 beth home on 40•
lot. °"'nE'r desperate · WJIJ
acct!pt any N"asonnb!e offer,
~.fiOO asking.
A large beautiful homr on the
cliffs ovefJook Ne111J0rl Bey.
3 ~c:iroom. 3 bath m11.ke 1hi!
2 story homt> .wmeth1ng
sp!cial. AJ90 o~ of the l1U1J·
est swimming pools in New-
port Beach,
1.nd allO ll}e new t.1 erina can
be .een from this giant 3 BR
homa, .Customhuilt and ex-
qul•itely d<"signt'd Jor mocl·
r:rn· living. 2 itlory bc11uty
11enini on A hlntop. All lhi11
for.S49.m .
Balboa bf!.1.\tly on tht': Mard-
"''.!lk. JU:!LI steps from the
0ce,n. 2 ~~J; .. 2 baths,
bullt-in1 & dishwasher. An
~C't'.llent buy r_. renta.1 or
a t1Ummtt homr:.
:;mJ'WetlclLU Drlw
liiiliiiiiil 1 BR. houR pert. fuml~hed,
f)riv. bta.eh eomm. Year
round .Jal plut ut!l!t!e•.
~;;5 H3rbor, COS1a :\1 rsa
Your guests ;''Ill gasp es thf'Y
s!Pp 1nto this drama.he
This spacious MaCCCI built BA YCREST entry. 3 B i g
OOme has one hl.lgE' a!l-pur-sn·s "''I th sophisticall'!d ms!r
pose room 120 x 301 \•>hirh s\Jile. Sparkli ng. titep-i;aver
1! now ~ing u.wrl AA 1. he1'1-kil, Pirh1rM;CJUP Jencl.o;.riip-Walker & Lee
roon1. Two more bedroom~, il'Mi. You'll be amazed 1'1'bat ReaitOl"!I
rwu bRth~. a flai.rsto~ pA tio $139.500 will buy. · 2790 llarbor Blvd, at ·(riams
and buil1-in ha.rbelf\l('. 220 -GE .. Mo--.., 569491 Open 'tit 9 Prw{
pov.·er find _ cedar CIO!l'el. in 1610 \V Coa Hw NB Che!'ttul home, 2 BR, I BA
ganu::e. bu1ll-ins and f'AtLng REALTORS st Y·M2462:J lndt'Y'•room, g11;r., lg@' back bar 1n family room all go 10 1 ________ _
k .... .., r ·,1 yd. $21,,;oo. $1500 down. ma e .,,is A rem ... c an1 Y B 1•--I I -..i l\.1cNASJ-I REALTY horn~. AU 1his is 1.vaileble a -1 •uu 6424100 ff'r 127,00J. includ in.it F'HA & I'"'==-:-".""..,...-.,.--~=~~-~~~~ VA Tem1.~. Call 546-2313 LITTLE lsland, So. Bay 3 BDRM, hltin kitchen. trpJc,
•'"\.. ESTAT ERS
' '
Fron!, 2 lots, hou~ on onf!, encl patio. AU new e1tt .
3 BR, 3 BA, 3 Furnecf!~. 3 paint le l!:freE'ml. Lge lot
Room e.1 r condlttonen;, w/blk fen~. ~ owner.
malds room & bath, liv rm $28.500 Call 64.z-0514. •
iiiiiiii-.0.iOiiiiOiiii ... iiiil up1t&irs w/wf!t ba.r. thown PRIV party wishes Ill lruy -ANOfHER -111ppt only. MJn 1325,000. nl'Wr:r hOme_ firyr1 or less)
Prlndpals only. OWner P .O. In Mea Verdt, north of
' SUPER DUMP \!OX 212 Balboa J.sland, Ad•m•, •""' ool,y. m,
W 0 w? \Vha1"41-tl1ter-upper! DUPLEX FOR SALE By 892-:Jm,
Bring your boots and sh<>Wl. Owntr. Stepg to bl.y & r.tESA Verde, ! Br. 2 Ba,
3 Beclnn. 2 b.llth. c;orT!f'r lot, ~•ch . Make offer . Ph alt 6 ctJJt drps, cltan. chttrlul
large covered patio &: db\1 pm. 540-2676, • -home, b)' o~'nlr $.ll,500.
gar. 1-righ assume.Ole Ii%·· 541).6314: 3246 Ntw York Av.
loan. 'Be!t part is the price C•plstr•no Be•eh i\fEAA DEL MAR 2 sty, 5 Br.
. • ,S'Zl.450. "for stout heart. '----------3 Ba, R°P· dinirig rm, bltn
only'" khchen. :.t>T805. CAii. "46'5880 f()ptn F,~.l 0 \\'NER MUST ·SF:LL r· Brand Tlf'W 2 BR. 2 BA home 4 BDR.MS., 2 BA, ('Wntry f4•ii!!Jeii·-~IOl~~IT~AGl§~I with an octan vil"'W. only kilc~n. lam rm, frplc. Nr u uun 127,:m. Lo~ly qu~n . s~ Sch!. & shpg 540-58.18.
_ . kitchf!n with 11 built-in CAS ~;;;.;;;;~~;;;;;~;1 d•w", R&O. H"" fo<"< rm 9UICK H
OWNER TRANS.~Bed·-crivf'ffil With "xpenslvf! w/w ~HROUGH A
room11, f11m il~ room. Dining carpoting rlu11 a lt1vt>ly frplc D •ILY PILOT
mom. fireplaCt', built-!ns, It. 1. 2 car garagt, Ca.JI TrJW, "
rlrru!Ar drive to homt. th1~ -...·on·1 lu!. 49'2-9911. WANT AD
$28.500, J.lrk. CAii dAy or Bl11lr ~lly, 11 S. El
night MO-l'n-0. Camino R'l\l San emen1t". 642•5678
. tent"" .v.·uh tender loving 84i 'ss4J very unusual horn,, offered . .., -at 9nly $79.500. Call -hes JUll't been ma~ for sal~~ ';;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;I T ... ·o r;epuate homes. One"3 • care. 2 lllxurious baths, morl-
ern built.in kitchen. Ready ''HOUSE TOO · .JfOtan bedroom, one l BR, Grl!at Ac reagt for ••I•
tor real f!rruly living and
to occupy 1mmed fately. All SMALL??''
buyers welrome. CALL~ wa~r f\ln. $95.500. 646-nn. 21Ai AC. An1elope Valley,
near 11lte of m.ac park and
Jake $30CX>, SJ9 dn. Call col·
Ject evenings, 213/378-1026. Walker & Lee
2790 Harhor Blvd. at Adams
~l:J·!M9L OPf'ri '!1l fl P~1
Just look at !his. ' .5 hu_ge ·•EAL ESTATE be;~1ns. plu~ -a lam1ly '·'·
r>JOI , This home I!\ Ja.rg" ' 1i90 Glenneyre SI.
rno i;-h lo acromm'l(!a1 .. 11. 49-l·!HT.J 519·0316
' ,,1•1 '' ' '!I • !"~
VIEW Business Property 154 to;i:y-tml l team. the yard --sfiANISH VILLA
1he1r p!~y1ng rielrl. i1·s pr1c. Alrr10!9t oe<oan front. 2 1;1ory di t l 136 500 WO\\!'• N .. w LiM:i ng. A Newport 22G'xl3'.I' C-1, Chapman Av . e , a on Y · · · · g-t.tJr.ro \Vllh !'Prl tile ~r. Heights home \i.'ah 1. \'it>W or
Call us now IM2-2J3j B11Ut by Old \\"orl<ls crafts· thp OC"'an, Catalina Island Orange'. $80,000. Terms.
men 1n nne ol LaguI111 'i; hrf· & Ha.rlxlr lights 11t nighr is
Ter Are.is 4 Br., 2 bath. ·rarely for sale. Hurry to st'f!
h111<B hvinR; roon1 with m11s-tht! tastefully decoratt'd 3
~1 \·e 'i"Tnni:-frrf'pl;irP. formal B~, 2 1311., frplc.. Mwd.
--BE:AUTfFUI, aur dining 0rotlm. cheery hrl!ak-floors, crpts., dfP!, sundeck,
150'xll9' C-2 cor 6000 sq ft
bldg, Orange, $87,500.
illr. Wheeler 532-2".W
ABANDONED fa ~! room off kitchPn oveT-·elf"<'. g11.rage door & many Duplexes/Units
e Lovely 4 IJcdronm 211 h11 th looking tfh~ water. OnP. of R. olher chtiice features. Ask-s ale
Franc1sr11n Fo11ntai1:1 homr, kind. Prirl"rl lit S~. ini:: $.19.~.
e FHA •.. 221-02
POOL Sli.:,00 Apprrix SI'{)
lnte.1 COS!•, huys th is
hr-11uty. Rf"lax B.· l'nJflY
carefree 1i .. ·1ng \1 Inn ~·rl
upke"fl· Lrg ms!r ... ll1lr,
gourml't k1tch, p1·1 patio. 2
r:ir g11 r. llnmarula te' e KATELLA REALTY
l'.110 S. !3r 1~!nl. S.A.
Huntington Beach
If yoll 're a handy man. then
bring your pairit brush. J usl
11 J1ttle palnr wt.JI treshrn up
this J ~room home. All
1erms are a vailable, $2S,81Xl
i1r the price, Just won't last
Nf'\\' Orleans s1 y!l ng, PJ"O· .:Q: ft~ CALL ";'\ ''6-141.f
!rs~10n!JI lan~~cariing. Jui<• ~ ~ ~~-' DELUXE
ury 1hru0u1 a.n~ \"acarit . ....,,...._ )DIOlso.c.Ololl'f~WV. ·~ COVINGTON S4Z.~ Snuntl 1nv1ting? SOLJTM ~cu-. ; EAL TY
847·8531 e , 592·5571 ~~-7 Ne1r Nt•por1 Po11 Offlte IROTHERS
$70,000VA.FlNANCING. $19,9SG IS THE PRICE 4-J'ln. Jocatect near FaJ.r..
Qclean view &. bf!ach access. tor thJs very lovf!ly 3 bed-view &. SWtftower (close to -. room. 2 bath t.ome. The Joan the South c:o..t Plau.).
H0bby-work rm,"~' BR, 2~li ls high enougb that yoll a.n With normal dn paymt you
,b11, 2 frplc'a, q.u C'f!d&r. ,. •-·m• ~th paym•"la of SCOT'HMAN'S "u -· " can·nve rent free in deJ11Xe
l'>-.494-~'i&t. •.-,$160 per month, which in· 3 B·R 2 BA w/tirepl, <kt\.
SPECIAL . , , cozy :C. br tn Lag Cyn. clucle1 11.ll. MO<lern bllll1-lns,) wshr, t'tc., llnit"' save tax·
3 BR + sep 15'xl8' worklhop · $22.000 Terms. By oWner 190 deep pile carpets, a I 11 o ett: on the otheT 3 units. Call
or rum pus rm, formal Dl~:. Cl..n)'tlll ,Aaf!I Dr. 213 EX matching drapes. Dou.hi• now tor appotntfn.ent to in.
ING are1., NEWL)' painted 9-2001. •. garage to bootJ Ce.lJ _ · • speci thia tttmendous op-
if)Slde, nicely landscaped L Hiil w I k & L portu ii>'
THE BUY of tho WEEK to1' '"11 pri"' $23.""1. Ail . iguno· . 1 a er ·ee n . ~~~~~0R· ~~1hJ4•7-117lJi ~!SURE WorJd co-op . ' Rf!al!ors ITlfffdMM
' ''' •. ' , ' ' r,·
J BR 2 BA beauiy, high-on.
a hill. Impeccably kept. ~
sume rare VA Joan With low
down paymt_ Only IL.~ ..
near ~an. * CALL 847-8507 •
Be;tch Bl11d., f.ftgn. ikJ manor, 2 BR, 2 bl.. Loa.de? .1190 HIU'bor Blv,c( at Adami! fU.4471 ( :J 1J.l1ii SELLIN.G wl _xrr1.s. Be!t~ location, '545-0465" Open 'til 9 PM
. ,,,_ Sacnflce. 817-3665. -HEAR TIIE SURF BALBOA JSL.\NO Duplex
YOUR HOME ? You're that Ciost to tbe Jor aa.lf! By Owner. Steps to
Free 11ppra!!al • We buy LaguM Niguel oceal'l', Great home. grea\ bay,• beach. Make ol'ltt.
equ.itles. Per110nal attention. · • local.Ion. 3 bdrm; 2 bath, Al. aft 8 pm, 540-2676.
~cfli.iN$"£nWATTS H~~ ~~~~: 1~,f;~Rs~;~ s~~rr Income Property 1"
962-5.52.l 642-0426 Sharp ibdrm. 2 bath condo. ·3001 E. Cit Hwy. 673-6510 ""------·--OCEANWOOD · , SACRmCE ~y OO'NER! open house Jn P.llcllic Island Vi\lagt:. Vl~ !he beaut. batjl; yard (8) 2 BR. DEWXE Apls "SHADE TREES'' Sat & sun. 2 yr old .. BR Oll Extra11. ExCt>Uen t view ol from aJfl"IOll nery room in I ·cul~~sac, nr be• r h , hills. 'JtJlt ~uce<l "u own· thl1 loW!ty-'••apen Fttllns:'' w uoobmumd vi~.,..
line f._ strttfll of the. flllf'
nel,ghborhood. W'Mt an area
to ra.l1~ a family. 3 ltuge
bedrooms and c~ to
M:1hooi1 and Shopping. $28,950
is the price making tt qu ite
a buy. O!tll todn.y 842-2535.
O T HE RE.l\L 1.'"\,. E:STAT!:RS
' '
!~2.!XXI. By owr:ce:'" 20062 er it anx1otts. S37l,'"1R. I 3•Br. tiome w/many extrai; is~~tib :-3'~ddi n
'3'>\li Harbor lr c le. Laguna Nlgue N fy l>ln rm ., fam ~
963-J02S. U0.5050 499.lloM w/breakfut area, 3 Elec bli·lns., erpts, ru,i., ..a ht.d POOL. 1:
CAN'T BE BEAT! OVERLOOKING gar. $69,500. Owner. eabtna. Nearb' an ac. ot: * ONLY $26.500. * GOLF OOURSE 642-5583. land IOned for ~ untta.
Paym1:1: lower than· n!ht! -4 ~11.u tJJully l11nd1ca(lt'fl,'"ea.a)' BLUFFS Cond "f"' modfill on Only $125,000. ~ el9"-
BR 2 BA, tlrepl, pll.tlo! c1.~. 3 ~s. 2 -thl• major creenbl!lt. 3 BR. 2% c•n )'OU buy I unltt w/ .a
HAFFDAL RE AL TY $.17.9'l. . BA, 1:· util nn By OYmer. view of the 'water in
142--4400 Eves: $41·2446 L•guna Nlguel Re•t;z. M4-1M'ft· l'Vell ,. wknd•. rabulou1 Nwpt Beach fCll'
OWNER 4 Br, den, lrg 130-5050 • 4ft.1 $42,500. this prkt! Ph. 513-3600.
$ 9UICK $ kltcht>n, fl'Jllc, ne\t(l y CH ILDREN PA.RJ< Lido Townhouse, by. H0~1E 11 int'OflW -S£11;cious
S pii lnted. nr beh. S.38.500 ,GI 3 WELCOME OWTM!r, 3 Br, 2~ Ba, pool. 6 room, 2 b& house, on trtt
WE BUY HOME r-s old 968·'763&. Fentt'd pi8>1tf'l)Und 3 -bdrm 132.~ or make oiler. stwkd c»mtr lot, nr ocean, r.m: KASABIAN 847-9604 9351 Gr1.nd! CleAn &. pretty 3 fnrm&l djnlhc. 2 ~tha, }..,,,: s-41-~*· In So.n Oement.t. \Y/-4-K ASABIAN ' BR28Aeorner. IO?'n d.,wn. tfy.room.~Down .S.17,500. THE l'astt•t draw in the jolnlna duplex: ·t A 2 Br.
· • $1 9.500. Ht11Ut)'! fCATEt,L~ Lagoni Niguel b•ltv West. .. a Da11y P JI o t cotrip f'\lrn. By ownl!r,
REAL ESTATE REA.LTY 84T-61Xil. 130-5050 -499-1344 Classlfleo1 Ad. MS-!671 f92...66n. -J
. '
•\ -· . . ·' .... ...
Tllllndt,y, Oc:tobtr 21. l 971
~ I -... -J~ I ----.. -I~ ~-., ..... I• I .,,,,_,.,,,,~, I~ I .,.,.,.,., ..... I~ [ ....,,.... .. -11'1 l ~iiiieiiii,.ii,_iiiiiii..,,•~1i"i: HoUMt Furnlthed 300 ~-~~1~u~n~f~u~rn.~~~;1:~~~~r~~~~---30-5 Duplex•• Unfurn.
10 UNITS----....,.--,.-1~-----·l·c-.-,-t.-M-e-,-.-----1 .L_e-'9'-u_n_e_BN_c_h ____ Newport Beach
de Cot.tli M~sa. ire•I
:ISO Apt1. '""'· MO Aptt. Furn.
Newport h•ch
360 Apt. Unfurn.
Cost• M.H
365 Apt. Unlurn.
Costa Mesa
$!rHal •~•. St\'t!n 3-btod· LOS ALTOS e REALL.Y Ni~r l Br nu PRESTIGE area, Pvt heh, l BR. 2 8& clOM to ocean. *$30 WEEK & UP* e BRAND NEW e
rf:ioms and thr'f'f' 1-bMrooms. Pride of Ownership cpt/drp, ~ tn today. ruo ~r ot~an vi~w. 1• Bltns, cpt., drps. Yt!arly Stvdio & 1 BR Apta 2 BR. 2 BA •JM• wl dahwhr, --~;;;;---=--~1 1 r.1o·s FREE ltENT CHILDREN NASSAU PA!.\IS
.afl !lf'p&rale unJa v.'llh lot.t Home ALA Rtnt•l1 • 645-3900 lov~ly older clttn roomy 1st!. $185/mo. Stt 216 Ctd11.r, * STI to $25 WMk Up pri balrony, Ullf! "ol ttHitt!d
T"' ham•. Crpta ' drr>ll. 1.125. "" 1 s~ '7' =i l bill m ..... ct. Sbows a 1sntastlc FamUy wt" t .. "•--olt. ,,p ,.......,.s. ..-'""" · Mot•I Rooms JXll>. lard rzn, Jacu:W & ••• NEW • • • In E. """ S>. 642-3645
T -"' • ._..... e N"EED More Room~ J Br/ &476( ll"turn \\,th lnromt! ol .$1,«KI 4 BMroom 2 bath bUUt tns 2 ;-;--.,-,-"-7----$285 BAYFRONT 2 Bdrm SUNNY ACRES BBQ'•. See at 20102 Birch
Shady J a pane"lle Elma -Pool
J UST FINISHED! J BR. $135 UNf URN ;er. mo Subm11 on do\\·n or carpeoting, dra~s.' lt!Ut! s285 Ba., Eh~Jdt!, k!d1i/sml pt!I. M••a Verde appllal'ICes, Cllf'Pt!tl, drapes. St (nr. 0 .Cnty alrpon, just
i-ade to -~r mo, Phone Lona Beach l i7i Rental' • '4S.J900 3 BR, 1 ~ BA. bltns, shag New pajnl. Vlt!:w. 546-256<1 MOTEL W. of Paliaadt!S RdJ. Mrr
Super Comforlablt! 10 unit 2 BR. Sl45 UNFURN bl~. with (10) 2 BR, 2 BA Boal _ Camf)t!r !'lot~~
W I k & L 213 429 9551. · I b!k. S. ol F'airyrrund111 557-i246. I er ee . . e BELIEVE - 2 Br, 1tv/refr, crpl5, drps, ~w!y p&ln ted. I-;--~=-==~-~
, • • en nsu • fn crt yd, -·. kid.'!/.-. 1125. " · ~. B Ibo P I I Chil•~• ., ·~· 3,35 1 I[•) .11,.",.N"'"',..."',.",.·,.· c,.M,...""..,.""'-.i * SEE THIS! * APARTMENTS
Must s .. to Appr•c:iate NEW Trlpluc. 2 I & e ,
Near Nwpt BA {' k Bay, &c!roon1.'I, living room, din-R l .. ~ ,,,., ,,.,, ,_ n..; ty .,_,. a 0 .,~~-20432 SantaAnaAv~. IA-o • · ei. tl'lrs ALA R t I e ,.,3900 .,...mllu·a. ,, ,v p , n.ci a. ,.._ , ,,.,.. ,_.,,...~ ~Harbor Blvd. at Atlim$ J BR. 2 Ba, lrg kit & llv .rm, •n e 1 -.r 54~7359.' _ V" GARDEN LIVING from S.A. Country Cl ub) Nr, '"--' ing room. Shai cpl. drp1 . ICnu1n5, parks, YMCA, Boy's d' (
;i15-f\465 O~n 't1l 9 P\I !rplc & gar. S275: Open PRIVACY Hf"re-2 Br. rnr, G 2BA Quiet, attrac, pleasant. Nwpt Back Bay. Brand nt!w
' . 11.·knd~. 1905 E. Balboa Blvd. ~.. LAR E 3 BR. ' Util pd. Hf"ated Pool. r.paciou.s 2 Br, 2 Ba. S2J.51
Cluh, ihoppg, frv.')'S l!'fC., l&posa, enclosed pat)o,
Ga5 heat, ra.s cooking and iAt'age, launrlry !acil . lm-
Wat!'r, all paid. MO/t.lO med. nee". $175. 645-lJn 4-?tt~x. Costa !'ttf'sa Sj..J ,QOO fried, gar. ki<hi lflt!t . SJ51J. Cornt!r lot. L!!'a.st!· $250 mo. Apts. Furn. 360 I BR $145 & UP mo p.,. """"' hid I ~·....,it on. may rrd. for 2 & 4 BR hou.st!, "''ailed in ALA Rentals • 645-3900 • Ml).-6004 • • • · • • flO O, from $165, 2324 Elden -Vt! INDIVIDUAL PRIVACY .,~... u ·i J General Adults, no pet3 everything! Adull5. ?-.!gr. Ip:·,
Prtn nnl~·. 0"11Pr ~,.,uho.21°3r: "',:•,_t~~·16 ",t!~ ,,~~e AVAIL Nov. 15. Channing 4 M ission Vie jo 740 W. 18th SI ., C.~!. 979-1218 or clil t.fal\llpr: Barbara Dlx 2 Br w/ aar It ato r. 11,.J
Dav11. Ba, &.dull~. cpl, drp1. hhn.1, Eil..-4 · .. · · ., ·"' · ~. BR. 3 BA. lg !iv rm & fam1--...,...,--,.--,.-,:-Rent &autiful Furnitur. V ON THE BEACH
IMusfrial Property 161 SP,\C ~ BR 2 BA Bay view. rm. encl pa tlo. 2 car g11r. 4 Br, 2 bA Coronado, Cpts , for u little u 1 !'t10'S FREE RENT Lov.•tt duplex. Completf'ly lncd yrd w/ patio. \Vrr pd
Gardner mainl. Call bt"·n l
" 5, 6J6-4t:rl.
~ Snl. 11.nd 2 BR Dix Apt.,. PE'l'fect !or raLSJfli ch1ldrr'n, dps, air cond, bltns. pallo, ONE MONTH NASSAU PAL!'t1S furn. PVl!rytt11ng. J BR +
FUR Saler.tr tradP. lnr \'o\Can1 Sll\..'i. \\'inttr 1!71-9#i7. vrry close ro 5chool5, S300 lge leoce-d _vd. S275 Jse. 177 E. 22nd SI. 642-.'645 den. i\1arrtt!d rplt'. Nn chtld-DELUXE
rt'of"ETf)' 2 new 1ndus1T111.l Costa Mesa per mo. ~1569 499-1224. Shady J1tP1t11ese Elms -Pool ren or ~ts. iS25CJ per mo. APARTMENTS 666 Victoria. Sr. •L 11.'5. ~s tUndPr construcnnn1 VACANT 4 BEDROOM 31'N~e_w_po_rt'"B"e-.-,.h----complete with I BR. S\50 FUR.'\/ ()\\'n{'r, 547-1641. Air Cond. Frplc's. 3 Swim-TOWNHOUSE, 1 or 2 Br.
lfl.000 NI h total. Ch•11~r. fUR:-.1. Charming old er BATII tawnhoUSe with car-your 100-/. 2 Br. Sl65 fURN LIDO SHORES.. ming PoOls ·Health SPA · Shag crpts, dshwl\r, lf!JI
913--1207. hou~e. 2 Br. l Ba . "2 car gar. pets, dra~s. Md use of • DAFU.ING! S~c. k. ai~ Purch••• Option Boal_ Camper Stong!! Bayfront T~nni.J Cr'.a • Game &: Bil-clt'a.n ov1m sundttk. 377 w.
Lbts for Sale 170 on 11 ac rorner. Fruit tre~s. rt!<'ttation hall & pool. Bach. f"um, all utiJ inc. $125. Ind. it t!m &elt!ction. HOLIDAY PLAZA SI ct• liard Room. Wilson 548-3605. 6' bl('k "·all 3 sidf"S, romp\ , -a•.· ,.1 lo• I>". Ag••!, ALA Rentels e 64>3900 24 Hour Dely. u JO apts. Ma id scn'iCf'. l BEDROOM 2 ; .. BAYFRO:"T * privacy. Avail D~ 1-$225. ~ ·;;.,_ • .,., I " DELUXE Spacious I BR. Pool. C!>lor 'fV. S265 mo. Up. F'ROM n50 BR. unfurn apt. Pool. Rf.iia~nriaJ bulliling t ro 1 i , &42-i997. .~=="~=~~1-o~7 i • Oceanfront -Spac 1 Br. F CUSTOM furn 11.pt. Sl35, Ht!ated pool. 617 Lido Park Dr. 673-8800. MEDITERRANEAN ;onvp to shop'g. $135. 313 E. ~veral now a\"ll !l. one u an J B .. droom f urn House LARGE 3_ BR, 2 BA. famUy furn. kid.'1/pet, UtiJ pcJ. SISO urniture R•ntal Amp~e parking. Adults-no RATED x e Adul!s Only 1 th I, rorneni of 17th It ~Ce uonal bu r nl rm. din'i l.?'l'!a, 2 frplc, t!lec ALA Rentels e 64S-39QO 517 W. 19th, C.M. 5"8·3481 petr;.1965 Pomon11 Ave, C1tl. Cdfl!. l Br. S200. VILiAG E Santa Ana. 642·Z714 ~;.~. p~r ba~ ~nt0
rr. ~~5 c~~~N'; ~si kitch~n. crpL<;, drps, pa tio, SPACIOUS Oct!antrnt home 4 Anaheim 174.1.800 I BR Furn. $130 up Incl util, Peninsula Pl. .l Br. $325. 2-100 Harbor Blvd., C.?if. S25 !llove in allow11.nce, niCf!
w/\•1e\\' on btg ba.y. Hurry rib! g11ragf". O;rild rrn ~(!; hr, 2'l, ha, dining rm, S400 L.aHabra 694-37().!I newly dee. beaut gartl~n. Oceanrron! J Br. SJ:Li (n4)· 557-802{) Ji;: 2 BR. yard, just ILkt'
1f ·you w11n1 1h1~ ! &14-6Ul, Huntington Be•ch ok. S285/mo. EHZ-9186. mo yrly. 646-8402. Balboa Island pool, rec. Adults. no pe'ts. Hal Pinchin, Rltr. £7.l--43!!2 RENTAL OFFICE hou~... G11 s. "'tr pd. Nr
Irie Jn1·1n Co., Rtaltor~ 1---"'-------3 RR 2 BA l r dhl 19~9 M11.ple Avr CM Mgr STEPS OPEN 10 AM TO 6 PM Harbnr. 12192 EdinRt'r. 3 Br. 2 ba contlo, p.nl, pat!O, · · rg am rm, VIEW • 3 BR/dt!n. 2 Ba, WINTER rental, 3 Br, 2 bi. ' · ' tn Bch, mod !rg, 2
61.i'l Ne\\1J()M Ctnte'I" Dr. N.B. frplc, ii·/w rrp!, h!tn.'I. $325 firepl , bltin RIO, full y bltns, fl'l"IC'ed . Garden~r. S!t'p t.o the Bay. S300. in-Ap!. 5. Br, frpl. beam cell. AU FAIRWAY 2 BR, 2 BA. crpt.~. drp~.
i\tPUntain, Desert,. n10. 1213! :;n.2675. carpt"ted. Lllrge yarrl . Clean Ch1irl, pets ok. S 28 0. eluding ut ili!ies. Furn. Bech. & T Br. Ex· bltn..;. Yrly or 11.• 1 n I e r . bea ms, used brick frp lc,
·-t 174 & sharp. S235/r.!o. Cal! Coy 646--0995. t ' I · $130 up 64Z.~490 bltns. Adults onl.Y, no ~ti. ,l'lesor Lagun• Beech Winton ReRI E$ta!eo 675.-3331 cep 1ane n tce. • · · VILLA APTS • H~tcr 644-5902. ==-~-==~~ 2110 N Bl d lv;;-;-;;:;-."""-;cc~-=--~-Yrly. S200/Util rx!. 642-8520. ~ .~~----...,---.,-;RENTorLea.s~NEW J Br. 2 DUPLEX 3 BR, 2 BA, pt'nn. ewport V ., YEARLY 2 Br, 2 &, fac1ni;: , ·~ A K • $400. \VHITE\\'ATER view, 2 Br, garage, p.\t10, crpts. Ba. F'Rmily k. dining rooms. C.M . bay across str~l. 223 19th 2 BR. Un!urn. Newly d,.cor. T"'ljl;I"'' !nowballs 11nd havt \" 1 · Be ~ 2 BR d 1 & I · ~ '' . lt!nant. $315. mo. 117 Ola-SI $'8' 2 & 3 BR' Bl 1· 1c oria ao.;n, · rps, s oveo r~ rl.il· ..,.,11 J mmediat~ o c {'u p an c y. mond. Call 67~3288 * WINTER RATES * . J/mo. Adults, no s Im;, drps. Adults, M
fpn fb::Jf"€ up this cabin on 4 Ar!ul 1 cpl. 4~5117 or (2131 tropical M-tting for 1dult~. 644-7124 eves & wkndi. Attrac '"'" SJud•·-. $1l5. pets. 673-2706. Priva~ patlo pool • lndlv. pets. S 1 5 0 I mo . 2854 1011!'· m"Xt to !h" Na!'!. fores! 222-0333 Only. 1 blk In shops. $160. ~==~=---~~ B•lboa P.enlnsula = LO laundry tac.' Hickury. 5-fil..T;:i62 fo P only $6.000 ... ALSO ~~~-------«<176-, o• &1"<30. BAYSIDE VJl.LAGE. Mob. J Br. $125. Adults, no pet&. VELY 3 BR upper Ap!.. 2 N O • L'd I I ~ ' ~ I 213' El bl Jo; t L-t!ar rang!! Co. Airport 6 * BEAUTIFUL 1 & 2 BR . ~er lot for S3.7()1. Call I O Se Hm. $185. No, HI. 2 BR, 2 145. Yt!arly Lri J BR. !urri J dt!n, Mgr Apt 6. -OC O ""ach, 1undt'ck, UCI Adu! nl
Ross (TI4) ~1738 or F1JRN. 2 ity home, 3 Br. 2 BEAUTIFUL 4 BR 2 BA. hig BATIIS. Carpet.a, rlraJ)t!S, Pre! married or ttsp. BEA UT. '69 Bachelnr Trailer bltns, $200. C11n be seen Sat 2tit22 Sa I& 0 k Contemporary Garden Apts.
'iTite: Speocer Real Estat~. .. •. R••t •ru J"'y lot. ,.._,, dbl fireµ!, bllinr;, A )>t!rfect pool. Adult!. ?b. 67'";>-8689, idults. 933* w. Balboa. In C.'.1.1. rourt. V.'tr. pd. No & Sun. 2221-:r :t'ith St., NB nta Ave. Panos, frplc, pool. nso.S165,
00 " w ......,.. I f l t IX>Ol Mgr. Mrs. Joachim, Apt 3-A Ca.1J 54&-5163. i;>.O. Box 2828, B!g &ar 67~1892 bef 10 am or a ll 5 oca io n c ose 0 sc 5' WATERFRONT 2 k. ronv. SJ&.0038 ~fore 9:30 am or chllrln-n or pets. $12{) mo. OCEANFRONT Lovt!ly 2 & J 546-6215
f.;.ah . Cati!. pm. Call Larry 546-5S80 Agent. den. 21>'i Ba. bltns, fpl ., Jlll· I ~"''"'°fo~~""'6o,-'p,m,.,.----,,.--,,--I 548-2370. ··BR. aprs. $225 To S27). -~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I NEW 1 & 2 BR • Fr $135
\\liL.L take S2.500. for $6.0001~'-'---~-~---2 BR hou~ v.•/frplc, g&r., tio. Yt!arly. Agent. 673.7420 e S25 WK & Up. -On OcelVI e Bach.For uni. SllO up \Vinter. R~hor 673-43:JQ. EL CORDOVA Ju.!1 completed, 1pacious, Newport Beach d , -·, .:i.<her patios ••cl +ttv in 2 BR , 2 BA homt.1 --.;._-------· I Yllr · ~ ove, rl'u 1 ' "'' ·· · Deluxe Oceenfront l.o\'ely Bach • l BR -Rooms e 1 Br. furn or uni $125 1ip. \\'INTER, rurn, .1 BR, 2 BA . · garage&, nr
$.Iton City. Assum!! loan of FDR Rent-F'um 3 BR. 2 BA. crpt. Also, 2 br apt compl. 2 Sty J Br, bltns 675-189& Ma.id Service. Pool. Util Pd. Adults. Pool. 642-2181 12 block lo oetan, $250 per Apts. shop "g, 11.dl!s only, 1970 ~.000. 5.l&-2042 t'l"t. lrg h.-lc. Bay \'le\\' house. c64&-'."':~I24~6~0~1~&1~&-6~96~l~. -~' fi1ii<00iiJ'>M!;;;;;;;'-3iJ'l;:-vZ-R;; e Call 673--8740 • .1 BR. POOL, util pd, 11dul1s. mo. &l2-M115. Ne-"' 1 /, 2 BR Lu:.iury Aptg, \Vallact. 646-n>S 548--0804.
'" 1417 ,,. 8•" N B c-•1 !Zl.1• .,,,, V••d• 3 BR' BA. dbl. onth, B.r. 21..i Ba, "oc=E=,=~~o~NT=---,-~l~ D·.l•·"h·• ... ,., ·l-. •I•.~ ...... D'LUXE N'e·" 3 Be. 2 ... f-1..,ST SELL 40 acs. Btaut. · ·•· · · 11.1 ,. ._, 2 frplc, huge k11, lam rm. A,,,.,.. ' apl. Part!.-ly no pets. 1145-Sl.'lO. 383 W. Apt. Unfurn. 365 ~ ~ ' "• '-.,., "'._ .. ,.. "" ~l4'11tn, ranch. cn!ry. TAKE 79fi-2l :'i2 or r;t'e SAT OR f1rel, clean&. sharp, rt!ad.Y •645-4007• ' furn. Quiet cpl pref'd. $175 ~W~il~oo~o~A~p!~.2l~2.~C~.~M~·--,-liG;;;;;;;,-------hoards, lu:-:ury shag ctl)t"g., F rplc, dsh>1•hr, 2 car illr,
QVER only .SZC!lmn. Ntar _s_c_·s_._SJOO __ ,_,_'°-·~-~= for occupancy. S250/mo. Ed yrly. 67:.-5722, 675-2582. ".'NE\VLY d<-<. l & 2 ''•pis. G•n•ral hcaui. rec facil & POOL, pr1v yard, lndry room. Kida
ll' 1 r 96&-0047 1 Riddle Rcaror. 646-88U Housas Furn. or .. u · /:;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;; Adults e No ~ts. ok. $2~/mo. 548-l:w.J ~-al orest. · 3 BR .. ~c K, frp!c, DR, U I 310 Coron• def Mar Adul!s, no ""t!. Close to """'7 Ch
I E;state Wented 184 en. c gar. · · rn or -·-:-c------LRG Bach 2 Blk.~ Big i;hopr;, ln<1 179!h Rochester. NDOME C ~ d 2 Cir-$300 tu T\VNHSE: 3 Br, 2 b11-bltns, n urn, ,.. VE ....,, 11.rle SI. 642-4470 E·SIDE J BR, 2 BA, bltin~.
-uni. 645-2911: 642-7528 d.w. crpt:tdrps. $220 mo. Balboa Island • e ID. gar. W/D, F"/,Yd. No
A T ENT I 0 N H 0 US E H --0-u· .. -,-U-n-lu-,-n-.--3~0=5 Jmmed. a\"ail. 557-7648 or...._,,----,,.,-.,-..,....,,.--Corona. Adults, no pets. SHARP I BR. Util pr!., la~ ™~tACULATE AP'I'S! pet.'!, children ok. SlOO,
¢WNERS wh11t ir; your ----------64:>-0924. 2 BR . .ill.fllge, Little Ba.lboa Sl20/mo. Utll pd. Year!t:_ closets. pool. adults, no ADULT and WESTBAY ELDEN ~104
Jiroperty worth'.' fnr free General Ol'ARJ\.1 1NG 3 BR hnmf!, nr Island, Chi Id r e n OK. 642-8520. -' , 'f)f!JJi . 11184 Monrovia 548-0336 FAMILY Section ,~EW l anti 2 Beclnn. ga.rdt'n Z BR Studio. JI~ BA, drps,
Mi'dential pro~r1y analys-\\'l'Stclirf Plaza. Sl'tl/mo. 675-1314. 673--02l7, I Br. Furn. Nr. l:'tta.n. Sublse • NtCE 1 & 2 Br. Tr11 ileni. Close to shopping, Park ~~to;~~~ wlpoo!ADULTS crpts, heated pool&: garagt!, ~k ~rsonal intt!r.•iew in 1761 Tustin Ave. 537~17. Lido Sends 111 ~la r. Da y 1 800-3456. $75 & up. Chih1 ok. 13.'.\ E >-. Spacious 3 BR"s, 2 ba qUit!t ntighborhood. N 0 -prh•acy oC your home. 8 9 6 -4 00 9, Ev I! I \V kn d 16th St. 642-1265. • Swim pool, put/gret!n 23l1 El~~~.,~: .. C.7"-1. childr~n. no pets. 642-8042. 557-5311 RENTAL FINDERS East Bluff 36-07 * F J r · .,...,.. '"" •KATE LLA R LTY <tlS w. lt!\, con.a. Ml~ ----------13 BR, 2 ba , lncd yartl, 1 blck g: 10. l BR. Furn $140. rp . ndiv/Lndry f11c'l1 e • f.i 0 DERN, b It-in 5 . 1
• • Houses* Apts.. ./ THE BLUFF'S . Spht f.eW:l oel.'ln, pool. Winter S275 mo. 2 BR, fully crptd, pool. So. of Arl~l.'1. no pets. COS1T8.45 An1heim Ave. ~cious. rlsh\vshr. v.·/w
3 hr, 21, ba.. well decor11!~d. Yrly S340 mo. 833-3945: 5105 Hwy. Clos~ lo i;hoppg . !120 Ct!n!er SI. 642-.134,, A f.fES A 642-2824 VILLA CORDOVA cp!s. patio S\5.1. 6'1&--07l5.
' Bfjilness
l°pportunlty 200
t.Jtiusual oppfY for caret>r
~!'led gal lo opera!e hfor
otn sPCre1ariaI serv. Pref.
RE or in~tm nt b'ckgrounH.
q.tt HaJfautis * 67>-2lJ5
ESTBL'5' Jn !. 10-Wi g"r. Bin.int'.s~. Nr11~i-J. &oa~~
::~· IZ13\ 399-1516 after 6
Hj\VE chenis for manu!act-
qr'l11g hUS11'1t'<S1'~.
• SALES ··tne Bmker v.ith Empa1hy"
•1'716 Orange A1·e., C.:'1!.
&t 4170 540-0608 e\'t'.
R% S TAURAt\'T. l.at"Una·s
~~1 propular. u n 1 q u ~
rrstauran:. Cn m plt IP ty
eqlllP'l. X!nt !...,... S2&l 001.
~ 1noon1P i11st Y"llr· ~.001 do\l n RPalnnomic~.
Bkr 17J4J 6i\ . .(;il)').
~ey to loan 240
"336 E. li.TH SffiEET
1st TD Loan
7.2.5~c 1.\'TEP.EST
2nd TD Loan • l.O"'·~i rares Or.-nge Co.
. WE BUY TD'S ~2-2171 S4S-06 ll
* 645-0111 * X!nt loc. S4:.-0 mo. Q\\·ner. Bn1ce Crt'scent. Adlls. $173 !se. 67.l-.it2Ll. isi'uiii~~UJo>iill-rdr;;i:.-S~m;;-;iaJilt~aqprtI.~0;1.1\;':'i;:':':"';~""':""""'""'"" • ~UPER 2 BR • 646-4760 . l,,,.P~~Free t1> LnMloriU 5-17-164.l. \\1 111 ~IL Newport Beach Coste Mese 1.-irh /, N""·porl. Single Balboa Island ~lonrti to i\lon1h. $170 LOVELY 2 AR. "'/W crpl.
$110.Nt!at l BR.. wl gar, New cTPts. <trps, sml yrd, Avail
BEACON * 645-0111
F · V II -d II &12-5583 y-·-;-;;-,---0'."'--lka~ l!f'al·Gas CMkin, • ounta1n a •Y BEAUT ~ I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. 11. u s. · · EARLY lcasf". Gr 11 n <1 \\''10rl nr,:. drps. gar .. ma· .......,..........___. ..---, morlt'rn !ov.•nnouSE', C l L I Ga'! Hor V.'tr, ALL INCL. d l Dana Point ana , tit e Is. Be;:ur. 2 ""'23 IUi? .:i. u Is, no Pf't!<. Re11s. LOVELY 2 story 5 Br homt! l BR, 2\~ BA. trplc, patio, LIVE LIKE A KING ~"' Elrlen Avt' .• CM, 2260 PIACPnlia M&-.3l60 ('ompll'lt! v.•/crp!~, drps. & pool, 2 car gar, 11ll bllfl.'I, Br., 2 Ba., Pri. pario. S.150 646-0032
bltns. Large yrd. S'2H5 mo. crp1s, drape~. Leue. S275 At Budget Pr ices! -.-.-cS~IN~G"""L~E-. ~TV"'".-pool-:-. -.,·,csl ; u!il~. ~~~~~~~iiiii~iiii STI/NNING Garden Apts,
w/ga.rdener. Avail. in1mt!d. !l) 523-4710or846-599J eves nk. Dan11. hfa.rina lnn, 34Lll \\inion Rr;il Estllle fii:;._l1.ll *BRAND NEW* pool, 2 BR's, 2 Ba, pa.n'l
FURNISHED -c 1 Ii B Ibo p de.o. I'~ lolao> 0• oml d-968-9243 alt 6 pm. al!t!r 5 pm. UNFURNISHED oas 111'. a a eninsula L C ~ • ... a osta Apts. nk . 1 Br. SI40. 64.'i-5.'iJ(J.
Huntington Beach 1 &. 2 BR, bltns, 1iW1mming ;;o;====-,--~~~1
SI l5-SEP. 2 BR Bungalow,
srovt!, re!rig, gar, Vacanl! IA c~V~A=TL-1~2~/~l.~4""B~1-;2;-;B~•c.l'.c•o-n-d'o-mc..,;n-;~u-m-1----
BEACON * 645-"111 bltins, crpts. dr.p5. &!per Unfurn. 320 *POOLS
''.''~"~"C.·.':"~'"..''"""'~~31~----li:ASrnLuier-;;;;;;;-N,; *ENCLOSED $165-2 BR"'/ FRPLC.1\,1, ba , ::-EASTBLUFF twnhst!. New. GARAGES bl · & ·1d ok Huntington Beach 2 1.ns, patio gar, chi . br & convert. deo, 21,i ba * CONVENIENT
BEAUTJfUL nt'1v 3 RR, '2 priol, )11.nai, bar-h-que & -Jr-TO\VNHOUSE type 2 BR, Jl,ir
l·-.-,-.-m-.,,-,-1-1;-,0-c_o_o.do-.-,·lll BR, 11.pt. Clos!!~ l'le.'lrhe11. l u~. AU u(iJ pd . .$150 !o $170. Ba, encl pa tio, garitge,
hltns, retrig. encl patio, ,Yr. leasr. 67~2306. li73-8148. AdL1lls, no pets. .vard, nr i;chool, S I 6 5 .
pool, quiet. $130. 675-50:W. Corona def Mer 3f>.I Avocado, Or. 642-9708 ,"'="-~'~"'='~·-,,..=~~-~ BEACON * 6ot&-0111 1----------1 cr1s, drp.~. bltns. S.160. Ust! TO ALL BEACHES
• BEGINNERS Lui.:k·l Br &: ref. (ZlJJ 351-Cl"567
FROM $I JS MONTH 1 BR lum, Condo type livihg, I ~:"'!!"~""'"':'""'~!!"~• I MODERN 2 BR, 2 BA. trp!c,
111().SPACIOUS 3 Br home,
ncrl yrd, gar. big JamUy
B CON * 645-0111
sh & clea.n 4 BR, 2
~A. new crpts, kids/~ ok.
EACON * 645-0111
• * * * ...
$Kl. Util pd. Pvt. eoti:ag!\
siog!e ok. C.M. • • • • *
$125. Util pd. Smg!e ok. N.B.
* * • • *
$US. 2 BR. Jeoe'd, yd. C.:'ll
* • * ,, * Sl4/J 2 BR, ~ar. kids, pets ok, • • • * •
.$1.f5. 2 BR, crpts, gar. Kids,
pl"ls ok. C :'ll.
Free Rental Service
Shp 3 .Br. 2 Ba, shag cpl,
hll ins. ftn~ yd. pets !.·
chtldrrn OK. Bargain $225
p• m_ \Valker & Lee, Rltn.
~1tLE High V i e\\•-Si1 11rp
f~mily hnm,. 4 BR, 2 BA.
nt'"' c11>1s. lrg pa tio. Lea~.
Close to pcl(ll. A!k for Mrs.liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 3 Bdrm * 2 Bath d~hwhr. garage. Nr Harbor
Clsrk, Ms-4179. l" Livlng room "'•ith catht!draJ "· Bakt'r. Adults, fl8.l. ...:! 557-1840.·
lLeJV11'lgunG•. hdBe<•mc.hki>ch•"'tl•. ~-..,. ~I!~~~~ ~ref::JcEnc~~~~ =o~E~L7U~X~E~,-B~,-.-,-,.,-~-. -.,..-,,
furn, \1'11.ik "bch. Kid11/J)t!I!, To h U f
Sl2S. wn ouse n urn. ADULTS PLEASE
ALA Rentals e 645-3900 Colla M11• .VILLA POMONA
e ~PARKLfNG. Viev.·-2 B~, TO\\'NHOUSE-Lease 4 Br, J
cpt/drp, sundeck, ca t_ S16.'l. Ba, large ~arage . Pool. Avl
A LA Rentals• 645-3900 ll(lW S27J. 540-2971 f!lltnings .
3 BR, 2 BA, t!lecl bltin RIO. Huntingto B h f"A ht, crpts, f,O'x.100' renC"cd n eac
lot. dbl gar, 1dsCJ>d. Vacan!, TWN HSE for least'. 2 Br.
n10\'e in loday. S22.i. mo. Wash,.r/d~r. bltns, tull
Ask fr>r rental a g e> n I . lacil. $165 mo. fl l 296-0442.
962-447J. Newport Beach
3 Br condo 14. ba ixx>ls -----•••
clubhouse, Pa110, ia~agt! v.·i * Adults Preferred *
r;rorag,., nr the beach. 3 BR , 21h ba .. 2 car garage.
~ I'll! 5 pm. Facing pool. $275.
4 BR. S2:i0. mo. 4 Sllldtnts R~E_A7L_TO_R~---"'-~~""= 1 OK. 10072 STingny lAne. Duplexes Furn. 345
157H:i7K ~--~~~-~-~1 Newport Beach
3 Bdrm, 2 B111h, lri; le net!d -------
yard. Ch1!drf:n & f!'ts ok. DELUXE bt-ach Iron! .1 BR.
S235/mo. 968-99:17. 2 BA. Grr'at lor ~hidenrs,
Irvine learhers. Chitdrt'n &~ pets
ok, \l.'1ntt!r only. SJOO. Days ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;! 64&-710.1, ~ve~ .. 673-2586.
SHORT TERM. OCEANFRo1''T romer 4 Br,
Glariiorous, ultra modem 2 Ba: ~w upper uplex.
"MarqUt!tte:". f"t!a~ 3 Cp~." , . ~ 11
,:paci(lu~ hMroom.'I. ff.ia.'1-Se hore Dr. r\\' i er
ttor has fireplact'!, 2 b11ths, SJ /mo. Furn. 64~5170 or
lull dining room And 1errif-21 3 :6~12
ic t11.mi!y room. Owner wii1 1 "D~u-p~le_x_e_o~U~n7fu-,-n-.--3~50~
com~rr SHORT T E R flf _.
LEASE 11 low S350. Costa Mes•
Switiiming pool k. children'& hlrn O&R. pvt. pai. pool. ad-
play~u11d . $200. join. 1t11r. 11.du]fs only, no
ttl t ha.lh, patio, modem. ON TEN ACRES HARBOR GREENS peti; SIS.J. &46-7411.
PHONE 642·201S
1176() Pomona Ave.J
OC'f'an VlP\V, quiet. $135 1 Ir 2 BR. Furn, A: Unturn. 546-4353
Unb•li•vably Beautiful 49-1-lr.!.'l(l hf"fore 9;3{) am or Fireplacea / pri v. pallol:, *Deluxe 2 Br, 2 Ba*
VAL D' ISERE Garden Ap~. lllt fi pm. Pools Tennf5 Conl11fl Bktat. BAY MEADOW APTS. Adults. no pets. Agt 546-4141.
Adult.'! • no pebl:. Flowt!rs !iOTEL rooms k apls. Win-90Ct Sea Lane, Cd~f SU.MU Bearn ceilings, J)llneling, NrCE 2 BR BllJdio type apl. r~rywbf're. St rram It 7 (Mg~ur nr ~I Hwyl pn'J patios, recrelltion la-hE."a lf'd pool, r pt I d r ps. \\'aterlalt. 4.'i· pool Rtt. Rm, !l'r, .$ 5 tn $31):) mo. r1:1ues. AU adult!;, no ..... ls. If l..a"'•na ?-.!otor J;in """"'!""' -··~ 4~1/mn Util f'rj f;.12-21 411 Sauna.. Sgis l-2 Bdnn, Jo~um-"'~ B\)'PORT f'o 2 BR's FRO:'lf AS lJ)\V l.i75 ,~nrth ea.a,, Hwv. ' 2 BR d"'nstrs, cp>, •-•. l lnfurn. from Sl3i SE'E IT: * BA )'VIE"' il; Sl:i9 mo · ,. l..aRUna ~.:i.('h 49'i-l537 · hl tns, natio, carporL S1~5. .>JOO~;"';c~~"~'·~&<~•~o;'l~O~. -::-cc f12Biicf);;;;-;;;;;;;;:--C\iii"" Ann,..ur1r1ng-the quit!t Oflt'n;n.. 3Si \\'. Bay St., C.:'lf. &l5-4&ff nr ~.+o n~~4 LARGE l BR. compl turn 2 J?R. f'llr n upstr.s VIE\\' ol Ba.1•pnn Ap1s . • . IT!; CJ\ll 646-00!3 nr ~·""' · \\/bl!1n~. dshwshr, dtsposll.!, Lg't111lron~·· 1 blk BEAOf. AduJrs, And thP. sl1gh1ly !ff'<;.~ Pa rk-Like Surrounding * DELUXE 2 Br • .J11 8 11,'
r Pfr1g & stove. S130. 642-i973 S1200~Ain 'Yr Crnund. A ... ~ult,~. quirt Of)('n1n~ ol 811yvif'\\' Qt.:IET . DELUXE C<Phl.ld drp.~.k ~1\1/D/\\". 211r.
RI! 6 or •1·k "nd~. nq: qu1111c entrr, lu.'l.i , , Apl~. rnr fitm 1r1r". 1.2 k. 3 BR APTS I reno ·. SlS.i. 642-79~R
SHARP 2 BR $155
litrl pool. AdulT~. no Jl"I~.
Trrn nk, M2·~20.
BACHELORS f.· 1 BR's. $130
C"r H")· Lil>: Br h 4~1-!!Ji7 C.:ill 1714, 644-:'>ii.O, 1..,.._. patios ._ Hid Pools l Br. un furn SIZ'l/mri. U!il
81\CHELOR 11 pt !or m.:1T11N" 2 BR·s. s!rt'rl l lrvrl ;\r r;!1np"J:' '* Arlult! only prl. l~I Full~rrin. Nn f'C't!\
m1p!oy~rl m11n n n l y . ii·/home olc nr rlrn ,(, ('[ro~"d Martinique Apts. nr "hilrJrPri, Call s~.7·9ili
P"rmanrnt. Refertnc~~ gar. 1 ·w/rrp\r, I Prnlhou~r . 1777 f.a nla An.:i. AvP., CM DELU::fE-2-Br. Pool. G11.r 4~1-::.804 . [)~hl\'hrs, rl~I c~r ...... rl.~. IT" l'l'1hwhr P111rl \H•L Ruih mo &. 11p, 1vcekh• 1rrn1" '' ,,.. ,.. i\·lgr. Apt 113 646-5"'!2
11.l'a1l., all uTil ..;-,.1,1. No Newport B•ech rnol. $1% Up. fi7 :1-l1711. llou~tr, ~!i;:-r. 714 fi46-1204. ,.-,\·!ESA LIDO 2 BR 11.pr. Cfll!.
rh1lrlrrn. no p.-ts. 998 El 2 RR + r;mall ilrn, 1 R11. firps, bl!n~. close ro r;hop"g Huntington Beech
Camino. ~151. OCEANFRONT.Nr. P I Pr . I'l l T ns, rl i~ h war.her, & OCC. H;i~ lndry nn, pool ----------1
l Br SlJG-2 Br Sl50. Ll'R:. Ktds h ~I!\ ok. S165 to $385. crp!/drps. Ocean i;1dl"' nf & rarporl~. Infant ok. LRG-NEW 1 BR. w/loads ol
ld~al f0r &cht!lor. Pnol. • Lfo1s,, ~I or 644-6111. h11y. No pet.s. S2J5. Yrly. SJ:;{l/mo. Ask about nur dis-.~torag'!, Dres1i'g r m, bl,
Adil.of only, 1993 Church 1 BR. furn apt. no cl'iildrtn 6T~5359 rir 496-23~':i. l'OUnl. l.lt46 PlaC't!n!ia, i\1gr dShwhr. bltn~. !:hag crpt'i ,
~l;-96.'\3. or pt'I.~. 240:i':) 16th St., N.B. 3 BDRl-1.. 2 ha . C11.rJ>f'ltd & ·np1 H. Cr.I. fi.16-8ft64 , prlv Pll tio, 1 blk to shnp'it li
Sl.'lfl.mo dlx flioh home, Call 646-4664 draped .. Frplc., lri: room~. LOVELY 3 &droom. Very cl11~r tn bf'ach. 11262 Atlant1.
romp! !urn, htd pool, adult1, CLEAN tor 2 Br. Adlts, no A•·flil .on le11st S300 mo. Spac1ou~. J l~ Ba th &. 5..\6-7?80.
no pt!l1. • Se1150n 's :01ob Est. ~ti. lg kif. SlT;>-$150. 24Zl C Qr b 1 n -fl.f 11 rt l n Rttr1. Reaut1!ul kt!chen. Sh a g 1140 s;z;1ng Harhor 1tN'a 21 )TI.
!Trust Deeds 260 Balboa Jsl•nd \VE HA VE ornW 2'lY.l Nt1\'llQrl. 54HilJ2 E . .161h St. NB 64&-1801. 64.i-7f.£2. carpt!r. Pr1vatt! halcony.
LRG.1 BR. Duplt!x. Privacy. Tht': !as!Pst draw in _fheo ~ Br. 2 Ba. ~a.nironl 1 BR. "''/~ml study room . Brick anack bar. Children k.
2 Br. unturn, cpl8, rlrp~.
hlln!§. Childrt!n "·l'lrome.
$3(). movt! in 1.llov.·1111('•. N~D CASH, s.l.ln) SIO.~ .noo or mono. ~" Av~
Milt f0r 1 R.foa] Est11 •1! GriAn. Upon apim:ival usr: 1jJe · moflf'y hrt11r1·er ' you I~, Als11 a.~k 11t>-tu1 nt1r un. ~ p!'l"!'On8J )o~llll. A\I.
2 Br .&· dE"n. 2 car gar. Avail.
now, Unique doll houSI!.
Ln~ or privacy. Children
() K,
Sil!1~bur.v Real!.Y ' .'II
Corone del Mer
THRIF'T. 6211 .\"t,, .. porr -...... ,, _____ ~ l~r Dr., IP~i-344'1. . 4"" BR 3 BA tnltv1!t, crpts, orp~. blt1ns. Avail Nov.
P ATE TRL:Fl' HA S .15th. SM5/Mo. 711 Jasmlne.
EW>li. OS avail. fur 1~1 & 2nd &!2-43871642-lm Agt..
st d~~. Sl.5m rn I •C".'c-=----"---
,000. Aho Co l 1 ll t t!rll l Coste Mes•
hs 111'.1 to ~'it e1·aJu1-I ~---------~· Nev.-porl Equity funds .. l BPH 2 Ba, "lith he1tt!d pool.
7l01. 644-AA24 S23.i. fllonth. li46-6697 or
'T111 l1 ·r \·11i1.
"I I I -- -11·11 l11 r
••SfNCE t~"
1st \\'estem Bank Bld g.
Uniwrsity Park
D1ys 833.-0101 'Ni9hts
2 BR. 2 ha. tnMe ···---$275
l BR. 2 be, tnh&e ···-·· V.00
3 BR. 2 ha. horn• , .... S.115
3 BR. 2 be , home ..... , S27D
4 BR. 2 ha . hOmt! ...... SJ7~
12131 6M-2ru!J
NEW 2 BEDROOM 8". . red h·111 fl! 2 lul! bath~. El~ctric kJ.tch~n.
333 E:. 7lst.
FurnisMd 300
1' ~a=o~R:~\l,.--1~,-,.-.-ho-m-,-. -33~7 REAL rr
Og lf!. C~ta fo,f,p. 1150. Univ, Park Ct!nlt!r, Irvine
month. Call 522-3745. C11JJ Anytime, 833..fn'J
4 BR, 2 BA. Fam rm. Lrg ~L"•"e"u"n•""B~e"a"'c11-"""""""'i
yrvt Ch1l'1rt!n A: ~ts Ilk.
Gar. Adull!!. Sil\. J64 E. Wtst .•. 11 Deily pi J 0 t S25Q Win1er. fl,'icrly de-cor. Furn, if dP11.rt!d. :i't!!U" mund 1<mall pets we I c.o m I!.
li'=W=i=l'°="=·=";;:; .. =2Tll::':;· ;::;;::::":;':":"'::'""=:':':· :642-5618:::::·:::::5009::. :"::':"°::"~·;;:;;;:;=6«-434-0;::;;;;;;;o·i SZ25/mo Ulll pd. Avail Nov Rra.i;on.-ble rtnl. No deposl! J . Adlts/no pc1s. 642-9890 re.q uired. 3Sl V1c1oria, Ap!. 3
4 BR. J BR. crpts, drps, SPAC . .2 & 3 BR apt. $140
C/111-Q £\-,. { _ /)'£) ~C:.9 !Tplc, 01 ""°"!" ,hop•. h UP. "'d pool. Pl» yd. ):::>~ J.""tJ ~).. ~ l..J (,[• ;:J hea ch. \Va!rr pd. $39.5. Cpls, drps, bltns, p{l.tio.
TL p / 641-6397 or 644-0;.()4 Kid.'! ok. ne urz e wilh the Bui/f./n Chuc'le ~ t BR. C11>ts, drp!. hHin 1994 Maple No. 3 642--.1813 O ltecrrange la!ter1 Cf lh1
foor tcrombled words e-
low ~ ·fomi four sirripl. wo 1.
~....,.,,R_,U,_Y...,....R "TC _,, t' _ I' I I I .
I R U G D 0 , 1 A mooulaOf vror wno mok" 1-~1-~J~',_,l,-~I.--~ • wotl!r-proof wri!t wotches,
_ _ _ _ _ _ hos come out wit h o coffee. ~~--'-~--'-~ proof wri1t worch for -
I R O y H E D ld vnkerL I•-u t-~1;.;...~1,,,..,1~,r.1~,;;...l--l O C'.ornp'•'-th• chll(~r. 11uo1ed
by filling In lfi1t mhsing word
• . you d1velop l•Dfl! s11p No. 3 ho.low,
range/rtf.rig. Nn Pe 1 s , 2206 Colleie No. 5 642-71)35
adl!a. SI~ mo. 642-4387 or BEAUT. 3 Br, l Ba apts.
642-0596. Clos!! lo shops & scbl11. l
'B 1m111\ ctiUtt ok. .S16S/mo. r. cpr. ra11ge & relrig. n--
Slli.i. iarqe, fin"plaet!. vy<"n HouM? Thurs & Fri 4
433 Iris. 6#-434{1 to 6. Sii! 1-5. 1r,s.m~4. 1010
& 1015 El Camino, C.M. $195-Corolido Triplc~-2 Br
11'1\\'nhse, J ha . Avail 11/.1, 2 BR , l S.. Garden Units.
6T.>-0069 nr .'l.'i1-llTI7. Shll.g erpt'g, d rap~ 5 ,
ilgh1>.·hr. JlllllCI. }l(>l'lm Cf'il·
2 AP. upper, bltns, $225 mn ingr;, !rplc, garef'· 7650
lnc'J ul!J"g, N11 pe:li;, Cllll Eldtn, S31..JJ25. $165/MO.
fi1!Hi1J7. * TOWNHOUSE *
2 BDR'-f nr beaeh. Bltm, 2 Br, p~ &. crpl/drp, pa.
pool. S225. Alao ~!house tio. Adlt!. $160. 132 E. Mrl·
3pt. $250. 6Th-53)4, 67>-111.0, l'ldy Ln. 548-~ • .;48-1768,
2 BR. l11>lc, comp! rt!dtt., nu SIM 2 Br studio, adj 1hnp5.
crpti, oool. adulr1, no pelt., drp/crpt. den, g1r. :WS-8XII
"'11lk to bch. Sl25. 675-3255. 11ft 5, 213: 592-5277 coll. S11fl/mn, &12-4274 aft 6 pm.
4 Br .. l Ba. tam nn, tlin'r
rm. nr St. .lnachtm"s. $291).
F.t"~W"ll Rltr.
OCEAN v1t!v." path to bc11ch
Imm unique 3 BR. 2 ea.
hrtmP ('.OUrmt!I hltn. k1rch.. 8 P~INT NUM&ER£D
br1rk frpl.. p 11 n , JI n C, UTTERS IN SOUAt:fS
2 BR ap!
ITnl, nn
dt oor1.itd.
11nf, duplex for
ch1l(!non, ne"·l.Y
$239. 213 :
Htd pnt'll . A6ulti;, nri pt"\s,
Easts!de • 6f2-9520
WaJlr fin heh. 2 BR. .,.,; e: An run,. OrlJd ok.
ACON * 645-0111
Put 11 l!l!le "loot" In yaur
U:\•1s -M!ll tl'me: !)lluhl.t!~ ff'ir
"hul"g... c.u CJ1sr;ilied
M 2·~7--
:~tch~·a:al, ,::1.!w:~ (j ~~ff~:Jl~ LEtlft~J j j I j j J / t
.~~1~.~· nr.A1,n· •11<--0111 SCRAM-Lm ANSWERS IN CLASSIFICATION 900
.'l Br. 2 Bil. crpt/drp~
6!}9'; P-ofMeltill, Cdl\f
sm1mo. • 6r~:uc
Jr '11 " hrtt7.~. ~rU your
!~t'ml With "'-'&', \I~ Dally
P!IO'I 0~~1nt!d, M2·567S. .
7JJ Uric.-, ~_1169
Ill 2br $1£0, ~t i I br St25.
G11s k v.•8 ter pa id. Pe! nr
cle11 n1n11 dtpos. 54&-7860
LARGE .~ BR , 2 BA Shidlo,
larg' f~f'd ysrrl. Enclos~
garagt!. Sl ll~/mo. No
singlt!S. Ph. 842-4:>49.
2 & 3 BR's. S1£0 up. Plltio,
pxil, childl't'Tl. MORA KAI
Apt.I, lS8881 Mora. Ka ! Ln.,
lh blk E. ol Be11ch. 96l-3994.
8214 Atl11nt.-. 1-2-J BR's
Ponl. Private closed pr.
\1.'&h/dry~r. 536-0336.
Lovely l , :: t.r J BR't. Cpl,
drp~. hltru;, dwhr, M7-39:17
3 BR 2 BA, w/w crpt1. l'ltp!,
bltins fl '7S. No pt!lf. Call
2 Br. cpl! & drp•. ft!nc@d yd.
Children ok, no pet8. Sll:l.
7721 Slatt'!' No. I. 147-7064.
2 BR., nl"wl_y rlecor., Ufll ..
drapes. l llt'agl!. Nr. f-1'orl!lt .
SJ3.5 J\.fo. A,.en1 fi7Mnll0 .
S I~ -2 Br., crplt, dl'Jll!..
bltn~. M7·1~ llr AM-~.
17411 Qurtn~. ~' 11pt. t.
[ ....... ,.,-1 ~ I•·· ·--l~ I ·-I~ ..._I _ ...... __,I~ I .... ~-r.-~-1~ 1 ---1~ '~-"'""_, .... ~
Apt. Unlum. 141 Apts.,
1----------·I Furn. or Unfurft.
Rentels te Shar"I at RMtal1 Wanted 460 Feund ,,,_Ht) 550 Chil.t Care t>1lntint I r Help Wan,_., M & f 710
GlRL '° lhan 2 Br tum. apt, WANttD untum l BR htNM: fOVND. cannot kff;:;f.. UC'iNsED' mo""'..,-,-w'"w..,......, 4 _P_•_,....,., ... _._,...,..1"11 ____ 1ACcouNTINGCLEii< Huntl"lton h•ch .........._ 1-----------~-I Coate Meu
J70 ·-on ocun Yt'ilh Nml' $100 u.. w/c•ra.ie for 2 ",,rlrlns .t fectioiw.t• littll' blk mW yr ol.d companion kit OW11 * PAINTING, frtt.o e1t. U yo1fre &n exper. account.
Ca.lJ Can'>I 673-6822. rTll.able b&cbtlor1. Co.ta Cock ... .poo .It very am.art child. TLC 11~1793. Homes lnttor / e111er. OUice,1 Ing dtr11 &: erijoy using yaur K IDS WILCOME -------bl CaU brn fem. D a c h 1 h u n d .I ~~-~------I Attnc :: BR SU3 It $1~. 3 Y" DRIVE BY Garege1 for Rant W ~~.,~ •. :,",_uooa e, Dtstrve aood homes. Eve1. Contractor on wetMnd1. Actoo1. ceU-mlnd wr: have an openlng 81\, 1189. AU xtru. Peta ok. 1-17 F'lov.'t'r St. 1 BR. .f"urn ..-.-... • lngi, 24 hour 1 er v Ice. for you In OtU' H.B. acCO\Jnl-
UNFUR.N lat Gool' 2 Br .'i4J-9!1M or Marie days MY Way, quality home 847-4128. ting dept, Xln't workifll Pool. RtC" bld(. 1736l "A" or Urdum. Best location in CLEAN Slngle c•r•c e
KHl.,n Lane. 968--7510 or -°"o--'~'~'-'-''"cc.· ~-,'-'='---I w/eltttric:i"". We 111 id e . 142-(;lJj, .-. 'J Huntington Ba.ch ~-Ml-5583.
hou1e or 1.pt ..,.,~. l 547~-ttmod. Walls, celllric. noon PAL"iTINC, professional , All cands & bt>nefir...
dilldnn ~ 4 il S, Cotta YOUNG li~r female cat etc. No job too 1ntal.l . .,.,-ork JUarn. Color CAU.. PERSONNEL.
SPACIOUS 3 BR tri-p!Px,
crpts, drpft, alol'e , rt'frla.
1oi. OK. nss. !i.16-1187_
l•guna Be•ch
I Br apt, trplc, p.a Uo, ocean
\•lew. SlM. 713 698-1522 or
2ll ~-!i717 aft ~-
Lido Isle
l.OVE:LY 2 Br, l 1w Ba. 2 car
gar, bltns, ttJrig, frpl, cpt,
drp, S~ on lse. Sho"''n by
1ppT. 544-~:l. 6T>-3.llii1.
UPPER 2 Br, 2 ba,
crp!/drp~. trpl1-, hl1n kit.
Adults only. S'l50 673-382~.
Mesi Verde
Off=~1-~R~-----440~' 0 ~1eu. area, ~-wMrini (l'ftn coU.ar aJ50 5ot'J..003l, )4 hr a.JI.I. atrv. , p, c t al Jg l . 9 6 2 ...fil4..l, 142~7751
• OCEAN VIE\\' From SW. ce ant el COUPLE WANTD 3 Br, tam rn:! flea coll.tr. C 1 l I AddllioM * Remodelin&: 547-1"41. UNIGARD CNS. GROUP
t BR. Furn. or Unturn, Dia-I•---------543-1411. Gel""!ll·lck I< Soo, Lie. Equal Oppor. F.~)"ler count !or &hldent!f. CASA DESK •P9.ct available SSo rm d.,.,·elllna;. CM. NB. or !\o Wutmw; -
PLAYA. 14th•"'"""'· HD. mo. W\11 provide _.,,.. HB.,.. p~f'd. ,...23119. BLACK • whH• colh<-'>~ 6!3-ti04t * ><9-2170 *WALLPAPER* * ADMINISTRATIVE
,,....,.,, .•!~-~·-~No.""""°EI ~.w/lee.alhcht'I" rollarT. Vic. Drlvew•y• When }'OU call "Mae"
v .... ,_, ....., .__,., .. na a near fl'Tace1----'------~1444 6'6-17ll KK£EP
Newport 8uidti Camino Real, San ll ii14l \Vay, 494-1460. HAWLEY 'S Drive.,.,•ay Seal BOO (R
------Clementr. 49'-40> A~I FND: \\.'eim/Lab (~I male Coating a, tmall pukitli *INTERIOR EXTERIOR*
Resort 1 ,:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;·:;;;;~ Llc. int, cutn.nteed. Call BAY VIEW OFFICES pup. 3-4 mn '•· Pb Kl•ntily '°"· ..._ .. ,.""·'pm. 11.m,, 6<2-1"8. UP<-'11 $650. TO $700. Uvin9 ~luxe, Air-Omdltioned M6-272!1. Engraving airle!S 11p,.,.u!n<>, L'do Ar Announcements 50CI · ~ • Luxury apt livin& w/Sl ntil· R.ealonomi~ Bkr~a l5r>6700 FOUND 9~ b!k_ I: white EXPERT Hand Enuavlng PROFESSIONAL Paintin& _ Fucina!lng .... A t't'al chal-
lion ttetH.tion .• 1wimmina, CLE.N Ha\'tn of Nev.f10rt Banet Terner \'1C. Laguna 'n'ophies, p!aqun, cups, etc. inter/uter. Honeat .uric lenge! Right h11.nd girt to top
tennis, bUJian:ls, and vol-DESK space avlllable $50 Corrvalr.scent Hosplll.l, 1555 'lkach. •91-1813 Ruase!I, 5-iS-2794. da,yl. Llc .i, Ins. 5 4 g _ 2 7 5 9 , finllflC1al execu1 h•e ! Hand!f'
leyba.11, health clubs, aaunu, mo. Will provide furnih.Jft Superior Aw., N.8. ~. YNG. Calleo c11.t wearing flea 642-5153 eves. !H0-1444. CO?]:JOrate payroll, oorporatt
clubhouse, party room, resi-at S5 mo. ~rlrll Ml'Vlce not discriminate a1alnst pa--~!l~~o-., N. "''Pl Heights area. ""a_,001_ ===="°",-..,,--o~c-1 ledg('r, CO!Tt'lfPOnden~. No dr.nc tennis pro & pm ahop available. 222 Forest Ave, tie'!'Ll or employtts of race ~ "' n11 "'• PAlNTlNG/Pllptting. lB yrs lhorthand. Younr: boll5.
and h , s · ..1 LqW\a Beach. 494-9465 d _, 1--~----------in Hubor area. Lie .r. bond-lOOH,. FREE muc more. 1na.es, cree (Ir ...... or. S)fAU. Cock-11.-poo 1 y pe AL'S GARllENlNG ed "·('• ..... '42 ~~ t & 1 BR'&. Furn-Unfum. OF.SK apa.oe av&llabla $50 · .n.c ,,....... -...,..,. Account•n+s Ltd A''Y female. 1ilver & py. I« prdaninc • am.al l NEWL y PAINTED Rents trnm $1l5 _ •. No mo. Will provide furniture S4J-S97!. 1.anc»caplns ~s. call E~!PIRE PAJNTING Div. ol RF:l.. Enterprises
BR ' d I lt>ase T'f'quittd. Models Open a t S3 mo. A.nswerlna: service ...._ ___ ,, ,,, J --c--------...15tO-Sl.98. Servlnt Newport, M:rving Org. Co. sirice ':>S 8'16-1190
· t:p g, rpll, enc &ll.r, nr Dally 10 to 8. available. 17375 Beach Blvd. r.•a,_ La1t 555 Cd.M, Chit.a Meaa. Dover aJ.l -3749 or 968-033.i Jntervi{>V.~ 9 to 12 nnly
!hop'1 " tno.·ys. Adults, no OAKWOOD GARDEN Hunttngton Beach. 642-4321 . Sho W tdttr peta. Sl 40/mo. 645--35.15 or EHLD '"• " · PAINTING: Hone11APT MANAGER-Reliable
APARTMENTS REAL ESTATE BROKER 1 ·s pet, ~cinity llat &: PROFESSIONAL Gardener &Uarantttd v.'Ork. Lic 'd Any couple, rood sale!!v.'Oman le 6'4-1408 or 644-0T.'lJ tor appt. Vacation Rent•I• 425 Clrlnsf'. \\ol11te ma 1.. ' _., Nev.'POrt-North Ollice &: desk space av11.il., -.,---------C-k .. -poo. look• 1,. k, ""'· .,.,'Ork, pr u n In&', size job. CaU ri>5740. h111uyman. DEtUXE 2 .r. l BR, 2 Ba, .... Irvin•,,., .,,= ""= Eltabh.s.hed orfi ...... -,.. __ _, 1: "'" -..;~i.i.... cl jo"-11• ·1 Cl .,.,. d'" '" MV .........,.,.,., .. ~ uuuu \\"IU.. share ride to •he·~o,, •·••••• 10 o.,. .. ...,,.r,, ean up ix., YOU liUpply the pa i nt. nne 1U1s11 a ,,o, f'nt-l aar. SlaQ "'-up. Rental location. MZ--0596 "I"' " • 1 d 1 "-o u Pil 1 p o 0 -·· 1~ ore.: 3095 ltlat-e Ave. Pa111.den11. i\lon -Fri, my ''Brandy'', Rew a rd . •n seap "'· unorce, Rooms painted .$.ID ea. Also 11 y 0, •. OUA J<IV
r>.'•wport-Sciul.h XL.NT o!fice apace now car or )'Otll'S. 497-133) or L''"-~'ll. 6f6-589J, exterior. Ca.II 5om--7046. Colla :\1esa, C&lit. 92626
M&-!034. 1700 16th St. M2-317D l."~:::-:~~'-------l;~;i:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:-:r;-~ •=c-:o::::.:...:::;::..:.::...::.:::..:__,.,;rc;-;~;;;;;;;:--,;:-,;-;;;;, I avail., Lido Bldg. ~Via $-066i. A.L.'S Landscaping. Trl!"e •p h t h AUTO ~techanic, School
N,twpar t Beach VISTA DEL MESA Lldo, N.B. 6/Nm, Jones •p~.-.. -0.,.-.1-,-----5l0= LOST 10/9 sml v.·~ •hlUl' rtmova.I. Yard remodelin&. 0 09r•p Y ____ .. trainffi or 5 yrs minimum p NOW OPEN e Apartm1nt1 Rlty Service poodle f('male, Vu: Brook-Truh haulin&. Jot cleanup. PROF, artist heavy brush .I. r:xper. 5971 \l/egtmiruiler
BRANO NE\V 1 Br Sl60-l Br l &. 2 BR. Furn. & Unf. Db;b-DE.LUX office ideal for in-hum k Garfield, Reward. Repair 1prinklen. 673-1166. light oils al&o 1111 typeg Ave., \\'f'Slni instr.r.
S190. All util pd. Prlv. pa-ivashr.r • Stove & Rebig • i·eg!mr.nt brokf"!'. insurance ~fE:-1', .,.,.hy Mould yoo worry 96U088. EX p ER . H L w a i I an photog. 21.l-694-1797 Atrr'OMOTIVE bkkpr, 1mall
tiO. billlan:I rm. htd pool w/ Shag crpt'r ·l.rg Rec center. etc., 1617 \\'e1tt'lif:f Dr., m a.rout how you ~k? Tkat's Wsr male Gtrman Shep~d Ga rd en e r . Complet e Plai ter, Patch, R•:>•lr oHice, \'arious duties. D~1V
jacuzzi, huge cl0ttts, deep RENT Starts S155 646-03.13. our job. r have .,.,<ork•d Z1 8 ITlOf· old. ~rov."nlsh lil\'er G a rd e ni n g S e r vi c e eKp helpful but no I
pile crpt'g, lush lndscp'g. Tu1tin & Mesa Drive OFTICE OR Slon! (}farbor an at mak· m . v.•/black. Vic. So. Cat. Kamalan!, 646--4676_ * PATCH PLASTERING necessan". Salary op• n .
IA\tl&J••• l
Halp WantM, MA ,. -DENTAL-Orthodo~ am.
Part time, poestble flail
linlt. Exp. d only. Salary
open. Irvine-Co.ta MeM
art'a. ~17{) .
DENJ'AL Au't, Exper on.IJ;
Front desk, w I 1 om •
chain ide, Somr a v••.
DENTAL Sec:rmry.Qfftc;t!
Manager. Exper. or coilep.
25-45. ~-
Erology produc11. Part
tull tlme. Call Bob Colwell
DRA1'15r.1AN -At'rOl'pltt.
rt )'OU have JTal dnlti
1b1ht)' v.•e will retrain )'<I'll
!or civil englneerinr dnJ.
Unf), Raub, Bein, F'ro8t 1
AMoc. 136 Rochester, C.oMi ·
t.lesa, :i48--772.l.
DRESS Conn-actor, nttd &rl •
r.xpe'r factory 1uperviaor 6
operator power machlnef.
Call from 10-t uk .,r
Jackie, 64>-1529, C.M.
Eern Money At Home
Addrtt!ling mild . For Detaila, '
stnd stampe.1, !ll!lf a.dd?Ha-
ed envelope .l :.5!: to Da.reo-
Oc:. P. 0 . Box 9308, No. Ho!-..
!yv.·ood, Calif. 91600.
Per•onnal Afency
F/C Bkkpr $600 u,.
Thru Trial Balance
410 V'/. Co.st Hwy., NB
Suite H 645-2716
Adults. 20102 Birch .St, NB l-=*"="~54~5-41=~5~5~*'==-Bli·d.) 20• X 40. JOlj No. a ye ~ ) Plaza. SIOO re.,.,·ard please1~=-~--~~~-All types. Frtt estimates. Laguna Bf.Reh arl!"a .
507-4246. PARK NEWPORT C"USlom~ra _outsta.nchng. Our c11.ll Larry, Ml-9608. EXP. Japanese Gardener . ..,.-..,..,c_,_u_......, __ , ___ I S46-9967 or 4:M-llll. EXECUTIVE I«')', aal Harbor Bh·d .. C.'.\I . :i4>-Mn l"E'putaUOn 11 ~·hat ~'e made Know how, u~keep, plant "' open, Sha.fl) p l, mid-~I)·
Y" BRAND NEW APARTMENTS CdM lO Sm Offices it. II ~·e can't cut it, we·u \VHITE 1hJDY frmale dog. pert tri:nuttln& clean-up. Plumbing BABYSITTER \\'anted Mon ties, to harodle-all cotTHp. Ac
20412 Santa Ana Ave (Across Bachelor, 1 or 2 Btdrooms, Girl Frid!l.y & Conference braid it!! Sir Walttn, 2052 Name is "LADY." Orangt 961-3486. ' ROOTER SERVICE & \\'ed night 7 p.m.-U P:·m. ofc JnElTll in Irvine forovn -
from S.A. Country Cluh} and TownhouR11. Spa, pooll, room ovail. 175 eo.,OJ~nl5 Ne...,,-port Bh-d, C.M. coUar. 17th & N~'Jlt Blvd. E J G-~ ~· 1 . b own trans., adH, La Quinta -...r •mpl-c, Call L;--'a Spacious 2 Br unlit_ S190. tennb. From $170. Across "" 6'16-561'1. xper epanese . .,...,ener '"'1•1n c eanin& Y t!ect root-Dr .. t.fV. 1130--0825 aft g ..._....,. -.. ~ .. _
· 1 d 1 from Fash.Ion 1.,,.d ,1 Jam. ; NE\\'PORT BEACH ; 3 """""""""""""!!!!!!!!!!"'•I Complete yd aervitt. Neat fi, 24 hr lli!f'I.' .. 1 days wk. /•"kd ., 833-9471. Frplcm, pri\•. patm, 04 5 0 m-300-j()t) Ft. 35c BLACK LAbndor Retritwr. &: Relia. Frtt nt. 642-1389. Results '1J&ranteed $10.o ~pm~"--'=· ~~-~-EXPANDING manu{acturinr . closet.I. Adults. r-.fgr. 979-1268 boree &r San J011quin Hilla SPIRITUAL READINGS 9 month5 old. c:oll11r, v1co~~~~--~~--"""·l~""' BAB'i!nTER: 2 children,
I ,_ 1 Roads. (714) 644-l!IOO. Ph. !\fr. Er.'ln, 67:'>-1601 Arlvicei on all mal!P.n: Collt e Park, 546-nJ:>. Exp. J a.pallf'!f: Gardentr """' .. 1;i Co. nr.ed11 a pt/time Jirl frf· BRAND new dup ex.....-comp l --;c;;--.,.o.c..-=~--i l..awn \fatnt, Clr.ar.-up LEW Takai & Sona Plum-l\ly .home , 3 a.lternoon11. hrs day 3 day& y,•k. Muat bt a
Nov 1. l Rr. 2 Ba. gar, rpts. Wastcliff Rivier• luslntss Rant•I 44J Daily lOA.\f-lOPM _, LOST one 6 mo. Siam~se c:11.t. Trimming 5'16-ll94 bin• llc:'d, "Pi,.,. ~niode_I, flex1bmll!', SI/hr. Own trana. ~If 11taru-r Dynacon Mfl. rl ~r. fepk , ~tudio typtt. -~ 2 Bdrm ... 312 N El Camino Rea.i Ldo P . 1 C ]) • ~ "".,, ·.-.,,,.,cioUs · Bltns, car-IXTERIOR D l!"corat i 111 SI!. Cl 1 i enuuua •Ha, a JAPANESE GardenerExp'd. ne...,,· coruilr, f'rtt esthnalt!. =~==··=~-o--~--Co. 642-1544. ~~/mo.51~~:; at~ 6~ ta . Pf!'IS, drapes, ~ted pool, Nr Studio for lt'ast. 1740 sq. fl. .t!li-9~.e~~'i6 673-7288, Rev.·ard. Complf!'le Yard Service 53&-1742. BABYSITTER, by ,~Y or l.E=x=p=r=R~do-u~h7J,-nttdl-~,-,.-w.
shop'g area. AdUlts . cornr.r a!udio suitable for 1 0=.,~,o=K=~=R=s~. -,~,-.-,-... -~,rn-,=.1-ced HELP1 Lost fem ~rm Shep 646--06!9 541-7958 PLU:\tBlNG REPAIR live in, Lllgun11. Hil.l!I, Ne..,,· il1j m11.chlne operator. A
SEACLIFr\.!aoorApts . .l Br Ask About Free Rcnl de cora l or or other~ blk, sil . IO mos, lo\'e a lot G IS No job too small World. 1130-7402.~~--Sea Su!ts. 825 w. llth St,
'140. 2 Bdrm. SIG(). Crp!A, l!IOO \\'i;,1,;i,,i~0Dr. !1;"'8 commercial busi!'\e11. Xlnt ,t~. ,''m'ornk•;"',:n tl'.llh•'.'"1"'0md•.:," oc Fairrnds l"l!'v.'11.I'd fiTl.2233 enera ervlcet e 64.2-lll8 e BOYS 1~14 C.M.
drps, bllns, gard disposal. v.""'""°" loc11.tion. 1803 "-''stl!'lilt Dr. s~n90red b~· th:e Nati;;;';ai l'lEV.'AR.D! Lon 2 Sa.luki PRINTED circuit boardl, COLE PLUMBING to dtllver papers ln the San FA s H . mode 1 rep .
1525 ·P lacentia Ave. A 11 k l BR, (In canal. patio, ~8. Days 642-4424. E\'l'S 1 bl k & ... 1 bl k d •· • 1a•~ 00· ho 1 0 •·-J Ca •· about our dl!l'C'Ount. 348-2682. carport, boa~ sliP. l20t &W-200.i Anti Smokin& Co u n c i I, dogs, e wnllt. e e-s..,n ui1ca Ill, • r 2-' hr. urvlc:e. M5-ll6l enwnte, __.., u&n pa-w / p, r 80 n • 11 t y a, a
I =====--o--o--~ 673-7570. .r. 111.n, &ii.-3848. run gpecialilll 1 or 100, ----------1 trano and Caplllrano Beach pe&rBnce. No expr.r, necn.
FOR least Ige .-DR.; ~A ~!~~ua, 675-4747• 494-8945 SHO"'ROO~l mfg. Ir. office IALCO~=H~a=L~l~C~S,..-~A~oo=,yrn=n=~=. BLACK cal "'"ith .,.,·hit~ spot comptt'tr. facllitie~~: Keene Remodel & Repair area_. Will train. Min. $3. hr .. t .
apt. Oce11.n vie\\', rp c. ~~~~~~~~~~~I !pace. Ckil!.e in Laguna loc. 0 -hrst, \'ic Labrador in .Enterpr1&e1, 962-1 •59. DAILY PILOT 548-1218 Family " quali!!ed singles. s~ It<< 4,,_. ...,~~ Phone 542-7217 or write "~ RE~IODEl..INGT Addilklf1111 ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiOiiiiiiiiiiiii ... iiil•I '"'· lo ..... mo. .,...-.,,..,.. ,.,.,.. c ., •.· 1-a v,~ •. <•• 7308. TH!.NGS by :'>!OO!!e, Lt. Pl Id H I ...... _ 49l-4-00 67HnO P .O. Box ~ .. J, o!ta. •• e111.. ""~ 1u .nQ"' an~. 1!"111, e p. ''""'~---------" . . ·-·'• II &] "* OFFICE or STORE. 110 CONFIDEl\'TJAL COUl¥4!llng BIKE, red, boys. run sizr. ~!ect .. plumb, ''net:· tile, 1'.0ROC CO. 64~151. 00 you want a wteady part f'l'C BkkprConstr ~ 2 BR Z BA. crpts. drps, bltin .,.,,., ,... sq. fl. NE\\'PORT BEAOI. FA. Hi-area Rt"l.l'ard msUns, carpentry, pamt etc. R fl time job'!' Jn!erestini 5\ll"V'Y Sec·y Bkkpr """!Y
DI\\'. Adlts. Nr Hoag Hosp. ~iiiijiiiijiiiijiiiijiiiij;;~~;;;1.;;;;;;•;;C~•~l~t ~67~>-;l~Ol~t.-•:_i§i;I &r ttferT&.! tor abortion & 96.,1~~ •• '" • • ~"'=,....,.~~·~·=~-----·-~~~---~ ~ V.'Ork trom homt. No Asst_. Bkkpr tD S!fJO II N 4 h 64" "ol 1 •dnption. ApCat-e, 642-4436. ~"'" ....,_ /G Of .. ~ A\'fl · O\'. t · ......... ,., 0 Industrial Rent•I '50 ~~~~~~~~~~~IDELIVl::RlES anytinu•, any LEE Roollng Co. Roofing 1elling. 642-4086 anytime' for ,,..,m . · ·. c ""
642--0596 Roams 400 RUnl GR IER kind in Oranre County, all type.&. R'cover, repa!r1, appL -Re~uon1st $421
•"'EANFRONT I BR.1----------1 1100-1440 SQ. FT. CALL OON A.~DERSON [ I~ th f . . h. fmpor'l/Expor!Clr.rk JG . OC ROO'.\I !or rent 1 urn, "'•dy -··, -·· N•"·-'-li07) &13-8616 lrislructiort Tm' L.A., S.B .. 77i-ll51, Sat & emio roo COBtingr, w lie BOY \\'&nle-d !or yard work. Still Typist $4:115 •. si:;o I mo. Yearly. Crpts, k'I . I lil ....1 . ,.,,., .,,,_... ....,., f.....-Sun, 6'1~~9. &. t'Olor. Llc/bonded, since Part tlme . H, Bch. Call NEWPORT
d"''· &t:>-4201. 673-:l7Zt 1 -pn\' · u .,..., qu1te 5&n Diego f'N'Y. Bldg tully VASECTOMY INFO 1 :;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiij~iiiij.:1 ~7. &12-7222. ,.-,, 0!1-1,·19. ·.-nel..4.borhood nref v.iori.;~ TRUCKS, wlndowg, boats, .,,_
1 8 6" • ,.. nu.,. sprinkled. Cabinet maken. ApCatt, &42-4~ • T G LOVELY 2 BR, 1 < 11· girl 20-~ S!ll. 64>-2526 evts. fiDe-l11.~s v.·elcomr. 2!MO ~~~~~~~~~~ S h I & shov."C:ards. llollday w1ndow · "uy Roofing, Dea.I Di-BEELINE F11.~hion~ nt!!!:ls
Personnel Agency
133 over Dr., N.I .
2.3170 P''\·11.1e entrance, balcony, L' ..... ,.,. d '" C 00 I d ~'3887 «0 "'18 rk1 l do my own work ... ,, I · <n.v-""" Y~-Crace L.n. !So, ol Baker, E. 575 ecor. ~ • .,.,,,...,.., · ' · women. •w er par lime all e!eetrlc. 642--2288. lg] instructions 645-27*1. 548-9500. ..,,.,,~k. W• tr11.!n, _, "''·· \\'!LL ~hare home 1\·/work-ol }"•irview ~~ m1 I Repre-Lott and found I ---------H•uling "' '-B
LRG '.I Bdrm .. 2 1)11.. no pets, ing mother &, child Cir sentati11!'s there trnm 9-U L--------' VOIC E Les110n&-technlqull":l-----·-----1 Sawlng/A lter•iion1 $51)..$80 \\'l!l!lf. 636-0842
childm OK, nr schls & 1hpg. fe male ~ludenl. Betiv OCCI daily. S..l7-55M oi ~nl Pop .r. classical. Su11nne YARD, &arage, cleanups, .;:....___ • .-539-5435.
FEMAL , '·~P cr e dit
checker ...,,·Hh tlrlantt c:o.
dept store exp~Call betwn I
I. 5: 645-315.3.
~~1-... 5'tS-89'ill " ,..,.,., 0939 T SA Aul>» B.:\t. p,f.~1. 49'4-1269. Remove trees, dirt, ivy, A LT ERNA Tl 0 1'1 5 -Chic:IB'~oo=KK=E=•~-P=E~R-,f/,-~~"'""-
.,,"" ""'· -· c r.o:y. "1
"· • * COS A ME * ~~·~~~~~~~:/ backhoe. r~sultA JI ave nred! ·JI ~ (' ...... .,...r. •BACHELOR AP ... RTIYENT SPACJOliS room, pri. ba, 12ttl 1q tt. 111).22.0 po .... ·er, pri. Faund lfr H ads) .ISO ; :4~~~~ 1 d' r • travei.' 59&-04Ui; g~·1_7~ thru Gen'l Lt'dger. Ney,·port
S65. out1;ide enr .. 11• or k i n i vate oUice, new bldg. FOUND rin&tail Siameie' kif-[ I~ collecl Center Ore. Pmp. miJTll ex-
£,/.,..1&12 Agent gentleman. r-;0 s m 0 k, r. ?500 ~q rt, lrg ottiees, plenty teii. 31;; 0 f.!11......,•erite. s.w. * "9pllr1 MESSY Yards I< Gara.res. per p11!'l'd. Salary Ope'l'I.
-.!. '"' s D trv. ... -. \C:anttd! Li~ht f.fovinr & • DrH!!maklng -Alteration& Reply Classlried ad No. 257. V"RLY u·•·-2 9 .. l Ba 675--0310 or .J.llJ-il97. C.:'11. o~ ""'""''""'· nr · · ·y. Corn·· de\ M•• 67' -10 ~---;;;;;;;~;;1 ~ ·~ t · "'" -"'w" •· . C~NA.~ESS RLTR * '"' " ........, · Haullng. TNT Lawn f>1aint. .....,sia•n.u o SU!t you. OaUy PUot, P.O. Box 1360,
Gal Frl~d~.-Y --,.,.~s~s~oo=1
Nice-: v11.riety posi tion Ln pleU.
ant ofl'it"h. Stablt' irowinc ·
co. Top benefit,. Call 1'.fla
Juanita, 5.i7.fil22. Abipl
Abbot Pir"°nnel Agency, 230
U!)£t ain. Patio. Block to BEDR00'.\1. lrj:. c l 01e t s, * · • •.n. · 'J Gro...,,·n Cahc:'O kittirn wt'M'· 548-5863. Call Jo * ~ Costa ~eaa, Ca. 92626.
ocean. S115. 613.ll08fl. v.'/w crpts, nev.• 11.JI ,1,c 23() E. 11th, C.:\t. &12-l4~ B b 'tf',_ ••s ing ~Id collar, Costa. Mesa • Yll I • ._ _ HAUUNG. clean-up, local Altera ions -642-5141 CAR \VASifHELP--* \VF.STCLIIT DR. * hom~-E\'enings & \\'kt s, Stora9•t. ...., c·.., p K 968-8044 -l&.:ZBr.288,bltnappllanr-fi46-'l}.j2 ·, 1'" llf · · COSTA MESA moves, exp'd C'o l leie 1''eat,a ratr.,l:Jyears exp, F /ti mr pt»ltion. new pl&ce.
. srORAG ~ )'11.rd 11·/shtd, The fast1st draw in the Wt!sl PRE-SCHOOL student. Lri truck Reas. T1'lo METRO CAR WASH, 11400 .... POOL.. Ph. &&2-£1•1. SfUDE1\IS . ,., __ .....
Y.'. \\'oerner. S11i1 , S.A.
GIRL Friday, r T 1 · , our commu 1n ~ sq. ft .. S4:> mo. H11.tbor .. a Daily Pilot ....,._\., Enroll mw f'er Fall 534-1846. Beach Blvd H.B.
S.nt. ••• c.~f.• ne"eds 3 m re '· •• , •• , ... "1<16. Ad ..... ~ WNO "UM • T>'I• ••Id ,. ~=-c·~~·~--~~ ing & lite b blc;rouml..
\\'rite Claasifir.d Ad No. 309,
Daily Pi.Joi, P.O. Box 1580;
COl!lla Mtu, 926Ji.
~ ~·jiiliiji';i;""ii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiii,oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijllth .&. Monrovia, ~~ day + TRASH I< Carl.(e clean-up, "" n CHEF AMis!ant wan I ed . members. S50. mo n h lull d . °'----"' -the r1v11cy Clf your borne. t342-l?JJ. ay M#!Ofll . .i-1&n•>= 7 d11.y1. Frtt est. Anytime. A k f Bob 962_96~0 !ll'lme exper nee. No long
* * * * * progrMn, hot lunct»s. Aze• 548-5031. 1 or ' ""· ha l r _ B, 1 ch .B a 11
South Sta Atmosphere
2 BR. -2 BAnt
Carpel!! k df"P:'
Air Conditioned )
Private Patlos \
P!enj¥ of \awn
CRrpoti & Stora~
lflDDEN \r1Lt...<GE
l:iXI South Salta
Sa.nta Ana • 546-15~
3 Heated Pool!
I..arae Clubhefse etc. BBQ
Child Care Cent•r
Great nrw 1 2 .I. 3 Bdrms
From S1•9
1101 ?-1aeArthur BJvd,
Furn. ar Unfurn. J70
ruR~ room. ide;iJ for stu· * 2-6, hn: 6:30 A.\t • 6 PM. HouiaclH In" CERA.\11C tile new & Re1lauran1 , C1111 5'1B-1J20. GE:-O"ERAL offjce ~ ~
dent !emale onlr. H.B. I< $2() ~·k-COMPARE! &424050 n • remodel. F rN! est. Smail>~=~~~--~--~-toni8t. Contact w ; ... .6.r.u.
C \I •o~ •~~ Util pd C · '· . 1 .,. "'6 OiEF-working, fllr pvt !en· .,...---· ·' .,....._. · LOVING child call'. Lrt. OUT H JOva "'r. c:omr . ...,.,....., · nis (']Ub. Conlillt'nW el(f)f!r must be pleasant 6 •uy
Mi-s;i:ri. home. tnerl yd. NUrM.ry MAINTENANCE Tree Service helpful. Apply in Pf't~n. ~ing. Knovdtdgl!" o( 00.ta ·
IDEAL. room. for f'mploy~d T d J p d• &chool a imospher'-. Ho t SERVICE ... --MB• ~T ·•o' Cl b h•lp!ulbulnot.-.'d.Apply -ra er S ara Se GE~ERAL ........... _,..,_ y,.-j "•"'·,,... 11. ... ~, e .... !I u · -~ .. man o\·rr 30. Pril'alr. rn-I \unc-hr"!i. \\'111 ch& ng ,. for he1t\'Y duty hou5ec!ean-1 h ''~.'" """••.kl'" 2fil1 Ei~tblufl Dr., N.B. l..ido Ship Yard, 900 Lido
rrrinc,., Co5ta ;\I ea a , d1aper11. By hr., d&r, \\'k, ing. l1k• ...,,·indo"'s, c&f'Jl"I c ean-up, au ing, 11pr111 er &U-0050 \ Park Dr. ,'/.B,
646-5689 . ~'"334~ c!e11.1>i~ & flooe polo•hl"g repal~. Rea!!. 64~53411. , I d' ti' ' I• """'""' . ..,,, . " . w· d Cl • OllLD CARE -2 'itoys, mm(' 111te part me polr SJ~ wk Up. srudPI\!.~ or work-Ines YOUNG ~her "''Ill bl!.b,\,11 \C:e USI' only rt1mmerc1aJ In ow ••n1ng prefer li\·e-1 n Ref,rs. Som.. lions .1!1\'1 1111.b\t . Sou t b
in,.. nien ~h;ire a IT\'ltel &pl. in hf'r home. 3-:'> .vear old s produc-Ls. No ere..,,-. Son1e-_,,..,. -'---]·" r E ~" ~"'o La<un11 & immt'd 1•icini"" "' HO~tE Prole111onal V.'indow ..,..,...,,. nige o ng. v...-.rroo. '3· 23iti '.'\pl Bh•d. 54S-9i:;j. t• ~!on-f"n, Junch<'s a nrl l1rnts "''lfe "'111 -"!!I I. Call 1.in1form1 &. equip. fur"ilh-1 mes ~!ore 8A.\I or a!T'r J P~!.. Clnning . Average SL>-S20. CLEAJ'\ING m11.1d .,.,./car for ~d. Ca• & 1,1,~ -·d.
PVT. Room w I k it che n ~~~~. Ea!t Cotta .\lesa 537-1508 Jns ld' & our. 5-18-7243. house \n L1u~·un11. &: bot.I in 7°iH307. Anah~i;;;~ ;;.::_1 pri,·il .l 1511.v.•etk.\1M.only. N t 2 11 •r.f!k ""'4_.
• 642-8310 • dollars BABYSITir,.;r; my h nm I!'. C0:'11PLETE SERVICE c'.~,~~ ·,910 .. ~'5 k'd "' ' opportuni!y employer. r M "' · ll tJ ) ~ ~~ .~o w "' J Br run ba I< closet pvt ent · "1tt'/rlay. SJ)"C'i11l ra tr lor .ree ' inor pa irs \\'Jl h l-y,,.,c: GENERAL. off1ct', must chLld 2,, 19 JI. .. f ull limt. 300 Steam a r.11.ned u:i CLERK typist mt rl i c a 1 .........i ..._..,11t, S.H. hel_.,,,_ patin. 3 blk! to bcl\{hay. • ...,.,,., ! ._ I """ I>""" '"" .,.. ... 979-0939. .,._,,/ Shampoof!d SJO a"uratory, "'rm typing, °" For small o!fice. Tapmatic,
673--1023 9am-10pm. Hive=-> unit C&mi'r on 100' $-I.CO> equny in •n 1Alxw)i ==~~~--co----,cc l Carpet lnsta.llatlon Sl.25 yd \\'Pm g@n. office. 67~-4717_ Corp. 345 \\'. 16th St, N.& '
'-iO'TEL Room-Slj ...,,-k liP tn:miage Wilshire Blvd. ~n-~fotor Home, Trad~· Ior xLN·T child rare for yoor CALL. O!Ai\IOND Job Wanted Fem•le 702 COCKTAIL waitrH1 wanted. ~3-3404 ·
1r/kl!. e $30 'A'k UP flpts . ~-=Nit\ E h mou"'''" •obrn, '"'model infan! t1r loddl~r wktl~·&. 64.:..-1317 Free Eslimates . • fnM•i-<'--'pl-•, 11a3
Bl d •1,_97-· edhi-ri~at ... ,,., ... vvv. :.xc · "" '.\teaa Verde at-e&. Rrl s. ..,,_,L .,..,..., .,._, °' GIRL FRIDAY 237i New·pon \' ·"' ;>;>, for N'pt Bch PJ'OP. &W-6111 car or quahty furniture, 54S-li9l. HOUSE ot· CLEAN .-.. ...__._ South Cout Hwy, L.B, alter
Guest Home 4TS Tiie INin Co. Re'a.ltol'!J (7141 ~1774 C.Onun 'I & Reaid. O eanifl&' NEED HELP AT HOME? 6 Pm. Bkkpng bdcP'd. exper'd bl
BABYSTT'TING -:lofy Olrl.. Free est. * 642-U24 * FM TemJ)oran. Se~: -r-ooKS HELPnR accoonts Jl9.)'l;ble • ~v-* PRIVATI ROOM 20' Sloop, cabin, he•d, Jn()-!l;lultiple wned land .l tu-tian Home . Huntin(ton W ..vf-co-· ,,,.. ~ able, u.lea t&X ft{Urnl I: t<>r -11. aJU!!Over plywd + ~ure develocimr.nt La.guna ......... < Bay II. Beach Jan1torial • ~ e )f ' nvalncent EX ~RJENCE p11!'1err""'· . r---1 Fo· eld~rty lady. Bright -• Beac:h. ""' 17. Aides,A Nunes • House-Ma , .. rt time _ i;·n. typing ............. appe • h rd mr 1 Ac Palm Sprlnr1 for late 1.cI"'-ap. SllSM val. A SllOM :----co--------1 Crp11, \\'\ndaws, Doon, etc. phon e-xptt MCl!IMIY f1:Jt c r.ery '" en &un-ou tnp. c d Li I 11,1 rc:ed vaL Trade 1 or both for lrg Carpenter. Rei. & Comm '!. 646-1401. keepen. Sar, Son. Per1C1nnel Office ' • :'>utritlous meals. 548-4753. • • noo n. e H or home Cir TD'1. 4'4-4653. H01tl.£MAKE.RS/UPJOHN South Coast Community MaJlng with cu.tometw. •
Vac•tlon Rentals 425 camper. 77s--148L LARGE OR SMALL WALL WASHING Hospital 499-IJll. 11upplien. Dutift !~
24' Jetfri91, be11.m)-. JOO hp Trade J ac, Palm Sprina1 All type" 11.wk; Cut doon, frte Est 839-6522 anytime For Penna.nent Service: . billing, itCheduline o ""' ..... · .,.,2~.··G • "ult LI vi n .. CONDO on ?>laui, oceanfront. intttttptor eng, 50 hn liince + I hlllskle view lot Or-pane I, nbinett, finish, JAPAN"~ • ·dy d-,·-, e w Ji ,._ -.. u. COOK, tseoondl Ir a 1 nee · l11tion c:rev."t, purchulna, A<..,. "' nu • en f 1 c..::>c. .... "'n '"' e ave '""m_. ..... na: S~ti Ber'ldt-r NeWpOrt c:'Ontrol of aC'C'OllnU, etr. A Beaut 1 & 2 BR turn or UtLf l!t floor; 2 BR., pri\'l lt ~bit. $.5000 'val. 1'rd tor '· -.rite ty or 0!1, car, frame, l'tpairs, ett. 9ti2-1961 hou&e~'Ork. No transporta-e Hou111kee-pers e Practi. Beu-h. Call &es--06.sl. RESPONSIBL.E , ,.,...ttlOZI Apt~. Self clean. oven1, C'O\'t.. Jo'tlr f1'ff pict urt I whl '-ehid~ M ~ Dys boa!, t-ampt'r or-JJ)()tor CARPENTER. ".\tAn tor aJJ tlon. 64l-19S5. tt.I Nurws etc:. At Monthly _ .....,
O m • 1•-2 Bel d~1,, ••·-l ·="-'-'~'~"-"'~<",'c.-"-"'-"-'-= ,,,.._, WkndfEv' 962-4283 home. 77&-1481. .. ,.,, COSMETICIAN v.i th lood pay. Pl.EASE . , ,. "' ,.,., ·-----------1 ttUOnJ.'" Work g u a ran . DEDICATED ct.EANING I · u do
cpts., drpe, jacuiEI "..uNI Rent•ls to Sher• iQO \Yant family day sailor; fi· '57 Chevy PU w1over loads, Rea.l i,tic pricea. &4i.-TJ77. * V.'e Do EwryWnc * HEALTII A EXPER. not nquire: you ~,,,, 11•1• -~. 1----------•·-I• •Ju, ~1 . Havt 'ill has 8" bftl. 1i1 COrvair stick -FA.~Y CARE AGENCY Hunt. Bnch afta, Con1,... have the l'll!Ce9N.l'Y exper. ua ........,. ~.,. .. ....,.. EXP. Remodeling, c1blllt'tl, 24 hr. CaU i7l-4072 '" Res Mtrrlmec Woed1 L.AGU?\A BCH. yoon1 P">-Ford pickup, A/C, V8, c11b runr; perltt1, "ill tT!l.de for 1805 No, Broadway, Mr. J>tottt.on ~. ume.
W c M feg1Jonal man ~:ill 1hart 3 N ha Jld dump truck/tr.00. Call repairs, main!. No job ten Hou~tanlna; By Day, Santa A 547 ...... J .J . KNJCKERBOCKER H.B 4:ll Merrimac •Y, ·' • hi&h Gem top,• •w 11ery l!m. Reaa. 646-422.4. ,..._·rn "'-~-........ •tlo" na ._.DAILY NeMipaper au 10 Phone for 11.ppt. !162·3l5L
C.lt. Mal. Br h111111de house 111'/Uh-"t~' . Min~ eond. 644-l~:Z •ft. pm &4&-0077. V\lo ....... ,....._ .. rn•I ~--] AM A l:::::::'....:::::;::1K~: •97 ls..! ~ C •· 1 C&ll l36-0648 e . ..,,..... y ' pproic GIRL FRIDAY deni:!11ndirig nme. -ru, Equity b' beaut Frt'I' l clear 2,, Ac RandJo trpet ~n' ce EXECUTIVE S t'c: r t t a r y hn U . Xlnt pa.rt time in-•, ··~=.~-Ric nort:h S.nta Ana. htlme. bet CotON le P.iw-rs!M, tab Meaa Oeaninc Ser.'k'e dasitt1 put time •wk. Hun. eome lot re!!pOnlible family Unueu&l oppt,. for """"'* CH. or divorced, lhatt S21.!Xl0 l$1 TD. Trade !or 1"-\ew, ""lm'"' ekoc. 10 pntP. JOHN"S Carpet 6 VpMlltuy Carpet!, Windows, F1oor e-tc. tlnrton Se•ch. Ol area. man ovP-r 3(). eau 54G--3007 minded pl to opf"l"'lt. htr
np. 2 Br. hn.dtf:ront. Ap-)!'.t.._, OC:: ! ,,-Lil C&1'T)' w . no.In). TrUe for inc prop ClH.mera Elftra Dri.sbam-Reaid. 6 Oirnme'I. s.tl-4W Deare'· 18 yn upetitncl!". bdore MOn. own secreW1al MrY. Pril
'-1100 me. Mr. Joy~. /blt ..... .._..,.. or ro·,. Ml'64&! Ownrl bkr. -•--·Scot .... -...... (Soil E H •-Rtsume h1rnlt.hed l.lPOfl ft"> R£ or lnwetrnenl ti.~ .,.,~~·-· ,.-.... ""' .... ._....... x per, OUNW0r111 quelt. 89'7--tllT4. DAVIS.BROWN CO. ~1684 Call Hal Butcs -'" m. -ELDEN -494-T184, 1 •"'"-','°',co;;;;o\lt,lllo=--..,-:-,,~,:--hcc,c:m:-:~::-Have $25,(Q) equity in dear Re~!S). ~urr. " $3.50 hr $48.)154 Mu needed e-xp'd In ln-
\VILL .Mtt. kl\•ely home Ir: (1!!!1'Donlyl + 21t ac Ran-pl'Of"'rt)', •rt pauJtincw ~ all mlor brlahttnef"I I 10 M. OIEERFUL lady will rtv. .WllflfTV I appliaraa. 0 · IF kl Mto
" s-:kl'"' N-' I erDROO't .,. a r 111 II", ne ar ~ be h I N cnm 11•ood t-arvin.n for incomr nUnu1~ bleach fOr w1llte ear-aanry n.c to otlftV, or Hnl~~ 1r r •Y _. u11: t..w "" .. cln, f'rtt A c:r. r na. . .. p peb. Sa,·e your mobey byl-'.O'.'"..,..-.,.------·I va lid. JWid/part.tima DEU (lrl or ddi man. ~ Servk.'t. mM corn· '
1arden 1partmenL Luxur-.,.,./L"UlturaJ l"rl\ned man or Tr &flY or all for Inc prop or Pf'091!-r'U' or '41\ale\-"tr )'OU u vi"" ,....a Ut79 tr110. Will Block wlll1 -Rl'ta.inln&' -... ~·-p/tlme 4PM4PM &hif!, 1 powr opr. uptr. X!n'1 ~ -
1 h land 1 .,.,'Oman. ~mo. 6T'.>--OU3. TD. Ov.·nerlbkr 5"47~. M~ to trade. &ll-MlO ·• """ ~·~ -ii ioo1 pool UI tellP n1, dean llvtnr rm. dlnln1 rm ~plict.1 -RemoMllft( coMP. and/or tnaae<:lea,.. ..,....t Mult be .u 01' O\'e.r, m . •
S190. Ad~lts -no pets. 23U RESP 0NS 18 LE yourc Yi'lll trlde 18' aallOO.t II HAVE 2 BR. 1 BA Sefton ii! hlll ps, Aey rm $T.!IO, Derrick C.Onat Co, Lie 6 Int neat a, df!pendeble. Sl.~ hr. NIWPOlllT
Elden A\·, .. Cella MffB. woman (IS-30) lo #t-.re e&mfltt tnUtt w/tfnl tot' Qt)' ~. $6,000 fStllll)', touch Sl(I, chair SS. 1~ yrs.~ m-sw Int: to elderly person. Pt-SM Ttrry, Hl-nme Dfti, PERSONNEL
••• ,,., ~ !6e1 ~ I aa-• •.. -~11 ·-•-f 2 BR 1ra•'-time. WHI drive. Rell. AO ENCY .,_. or .,_. beach ,.,mt w ........ cats Of' '!. • ... , u-or ... "'I'S. exp 11 what munts. not JMth-Palfttll"ll & ?61-004 • E . l'Jth St, C.M. No
494-!i&lA att 5 pm. 1$ Ne•l'Ot"I er .. d. Of pnrpert)' or !? od. 1 do won myMlt. Goed P•-rM"9lnt phoM calll. rbrinch omc:er • * 2 BEORDOM * l 1iii Ba To.,.,YlhOUse concept.
~m ttilini1 •xU• Irr
bf'drn'l11, pnCl ftat'lo, ftCl'f&.•
rion mi, uunA bllthl, etr..
Ac!uhe. Our SLJnday a!tPr-
noon R·R-Q'11 Ir 1'ttP At1
Leuons 11t1rtlrc ll'ICln.
HARBOR OR!INS ,,..,....
8AOtELOR 4S ahr wl aamt "* MS-l''lm "* -SCS-20«2 tvn "'t 531..0101. ...-Help W1nted, M & f 710 DEMANDING renumentlve M C1Lmpi.1m Dr., N'.B.. ·-
2 Br. tux Ntwporl apt. U$. 22· Ocft1I MlA\.O'Ul9ff JXI C>rifir.al oil i-intlna by Ed-Cement, COMrete P"OR elMl'I .t nht palntlnir, .. back oU!ct nunlnc position Nona W. Jfottmatl ~ l
64s--05CM 1 to 10 rnom. H'P' VI, dt'f!1I hull. 11'1 crirlwtt pr Payne valued $500. Wii i --.... ACCOUNTlNG Clerk Typist. ln MD'J otc:. Provldlni --
WORKING pl wlshH 10 e1blo, pVI hffd, trlr. Tftdt tnid~ for rllaioond ring:, art PATIOS, walks, drlvt, lr11lall lntf'ri9r • ext•rier, Call Coo d bookke e p I n1 sre•t dtalof u titlaetion Jor
llhllt'f charmlni Bal. Jslt ror unt11, T.D. s : ClhJttts. 1ntlQUts or •Ul>mlt. nt'W lawn., ......... httak. Dtck, 968--4065. backl:round. abl~ lit meet "11 qualltkd nut9f. Send
home w/um•. i7>8138. 541-2>11 i 7J-OIJOI ttmov•. ~tor nt. VlNYL Pa P• r ha n I In I ttw pubUe A .,n: Thurs l'ft'l!Jnt, a r.rs kl t°iAulfled
ROO~fA TE 11.·anted tn 11w't *
apt fN.B.J Qia1 approit. SI05.
n10. fi73·1267 _P..mty,
BEAT T'tW! Rainr C.Oncn!'!e tpeot\allat, Yo'Mt cuarantttd. thni SUn. Pbona stt-mT7 Ad Na. 331. Dally Pik>t, * noon p.tio. ·dr l ve 1 Est. 54T-5M6 or 146-2132. Mn. Myer. P.O. Bmc !MO, Coata Me1&, tldt~lks. Don
1 MU~1•. I Sall •Ille ltemf..-! ror best nsulaf ...,..,, c.. SUI ·--,-·--\--. * * * * ---------------I
l •
• I .
. .:. \ ' _ ... _ ;·.~_.9,.;-!.;~·:~-,~-,,·~-.;~-r'~-·!.~:;;;:!!l ·~-;:,:,_ .. ~j-'j~rr~~-~~:.~ ... ~,.-~~1;;fiil_~·::~1~:~~;;~ .. ;,.;; .• "~," .. -~11~1~,~-~111 ;·-!'!! ... !!'a!! ... ~ .• --.~--:~-~~:_~·~r.,~:~~~~-~ .. ~ .. ~_~:~~-t..,.._ .. _,_._·...,,.:-·~1 ·--~
.... , ..... u;t• . ' '· ll;;;;;;;;:; . >7r ~'r.JI• ' . . '--. ~ I ~;;~;;;i~;i;;;
1 u...t-~ .. & I' 711 _._,..__ • -• -~ ' ill MiluallanaM; -, 11• TV, ltM!e, Hll'I, '' • DOii• ! ........... ..,, n1 HolpWanN!tl. "'"·" 710 Haiii;-r ...... M& I' 1111::=.w--.., --''-..._.....,.... • St. '136 ' WK Old o<lni&tutt -• ' ... ·•.-:..:·~f··' • · · ' · • · ~·-'" · s.C-y ~-·• ~·$609 ~40''f:lectrlC •tow:•u!°·~cbqandn.cll~. * AUCTi5ii :*· ~ pupplt• DJ. 6U-C8J!, or
i.....___ -~~ ~tor ·bouM: LT. bJlip.111. ,11op·r t ti:::. Car NCR IOOKKaEPER ltY'lne aru. Vuill!!ty poGtion ~ui \ht'rmo..., ~ene. Barbtl.J.a and •·e-!lhU $.i. FRIDAY' 'f?~ ,,_, PHILCO TY'S ~ 6--10 p.m. ~ ~ U dQ' Pft'I .,en. H., ~d. L I ve in ~ New:~ ottice in 'Mital»-wi'Pddnc )'6Unf e'eefrM.. WMn. dbl own.·Nftr SSOO. suitbo&rd $5. MaS.W kl'lia OCTOllA Hod .,-STlllaOS Wu1ffi-1be ri&:ht hOrM
... eta evn., 141·1519. World. Lai }fills. 831-S452. csdon.. Thi& tine 'tomparuil '~V,pli,,P!!f! adv~-s..er:il:lee:..:::, port. kna.clt ilhelf n .. Pnll down Stor ... Sele CA;s\ s+o;:~ bw a malt BullmaatUI
..... JR.O;E'SSF;R. ·~·~LU£ Of" feme.le. "l"'fttra1 rt~ r11pid 'edVl9neit11. g , nw111 pot@ttlial, Muilf'tinl CM~ a . li&hl fidun ·s:z.;;o. Antique SNJed boxn. di.ah !Jldu;. Coovenie.nt Tenn. A~· lible dog. 67'.;-3590
-.-· · ... .i, tr0n1e• auernbly work i.t~. . ba.~nd. ,helpful, Cl&JI e'"'9ru "• htd frame pi, 0.Uds ~ombo RCA _,.,...._. TV. ,.,.neM.. willinc to worii;, tt · · · . Ci.ii Jnn Brown, 540-0055 Mias Mdaine, S>7~. Ahi· E f Ill o;.. rn111.~ nrestone Stoft' 4 E DACHSHUND Puppie&, min. - . . JllMne alt 7 pm Jncludln1 fllldttin& It at11p-ENCY Abbot...,_ "" qu ,meflt'' de-ak '*'Cfl refinilhlna $7.~. late ~I . S\~ Ir other 17th St., CM 6.s:.24+1' AKC. Ma""""· red, blk A .!!"°~ · inr. MaWtt person "-'/some "COASTAL AG ..i~ ilil 2.10 w"'-·~5 ~o-.a---i-~ood dininc ~ $1. An-cokired TV'a. Pia.Do.. Bdrm .,~,
, ..,........,... exp. StaJ1in( ratt $1.65. V90 RUbOr Bl "&l ,.-ma ey, . · W'r:rner, 1111e PHO'IOORAPHER'S--. •. ~.....-tiQUe mirror $5, Pool table, ll!tl, B.unk bed&. Divans. SPEAKERS, mahogany box-1 ..:'="~·..:M::,;:'-'=:~. fi33-40-'c~-"-· -,cc:;::!
· fGr. privaW: Temrl1 66--lal:l. NEED 10 women, exlre in--;""=·~S~.A~;_·.,..=--;..~ inc out!iL lJlO. 16unie and ;ad ss., E\ec~ Oine~,.Oeskii. CommOO.s, es, 15" Jen~ra. Just bu.ill, GREAT Dane Pupp1el', S·wks :1:tob DWnz 'fOOm .. Call ......... ______ I come. part time, S!eline Sec'y O.n'I Ofc. $520 ~ alter 6 pm ,,g SlQ. Redwood chi.be Buaet.. CustoQa . t2r " rro. 5"-1489. old. $100 each. MaJt It lt-m.
1fliM-0Cl50 tor. appointlMilt. Mechlnitt Fuhions. Call Pat. Ll9-4793 Litr Si ok. BeautihlJ N.B. WANTEI>: Good deal on 35 lou• ~ P11d $5, El!Ctr::ic •tools. Adding macl\lne, l ---K=L~H.,-c&"""'T=E=A~C~-MZ-483<. lllUU~Elt. Uve-in. !in-9341. ~CH. Compa.11,)' would llkt! mm camera, si,.1e nflex IJ"On U.50. Clothtt hamptt Cash. ~ter. Refrig'a, Tape Declt, * 644..(1357 FOR Nit Gennan ahort lwr
3>80. OwQ trUapo.-tatioll. only a li1Ut exptr, IO can lens liE;ht oater.~ n. ~8-6507. ' Ynieu-n. Washers, Dryen Pointer•. AKC, lirld .r. lbOw
Alt 1pm or btfott km: TUBE THE tralll their procedurH. Xln't Furniture 110 S'riRiO. Unclauned lay. & P.fUCH MORI:~ [ ~ bloodline. 646-2158.
' · ~-u!. ~=: A~ajJ ~At ---------away, Im_ moae.L Garnr_it WINDY'S AlJC·TION ~--·---to~Y"' __ _,J S TOY apricot poodle. ltm. lD IJSKPRS ~pl)'.?" J)a)'I ft!:. f.QRMING "-1 "-._. ....... I .Ag••cy ........ BIG FALL 4-spd ch-anre.,-, Air --.,.,.g . A.K.C. -.. , ,....,,....,.,,,.. "Co>•• .:iAJ 1.u1pr n 1 io n1p'ea.ker-1 .n;'"~B'= ·~·~ PLANK HOUSE s!~:~::~:~-.,,~~7., :i:r c~z~~ 2::!.":.::~~:~~~ :Es:t:.~~l~r.,: I 1AST0•3•L•1u•:-~·l:·G·T·i--...... ··'·:·:·:·.· l~G:::.E.~~c ~.i:': ~OUSEKEP'~ 5 days PI«iaion mt~ parts m!.nu-Qualificatiorn;: • exper J.n ·Rfta.i• Division p1y oil balance of slJ> or Costa Met11 . * 64&1!686 h11 produe8d. ti oeedy puir fem11.lP . 846-tl).). . , &"'to :i. cleanifw. faun-_\ __ , l88a .HArbor Blvd, CM OPEN DAILY 9 ln .C pys . .i\fusl ~e 10 be'Jitve 6 ks : • Balboa p e n In 1 u t a . Het -.lmmtd~i·a t ttnrice 1ta. mamt., ~• r. 548.967 m . monthly pay m e n t • , SAi\-10YED pllps, w ,
, •-. _ . • faclurin1 company loeafed O . ~ rt1echa.nlcs Jic. Willing ta I S Otawer wa.!nul chesta ~il Dept. n+.89l--0501. CHRISTMAS portrai11 , ---===· -c-~~--.,, ch.amp. UM. R.t-a10nable . ..,.~.. P9""'11 ' m•""'"'' ,_...nlf! & married. 1ke'tched in pagrels. likene55 SPOODLE ~ 1,. Id 557-2504 F --,........ 119.95 each O!LEQ walnut book ca sf' '"'Iii• .., yn o • -t:i& 1ale ii,-Oarnae Coqmy is inter· Of Costa Meu. area. Base ./ Bctaut. S .,.. c...-nish dt-hdboe.rd, d.bl ~ sill" $25: guar. 2 hr sillinz. $20. Spaytd, ioveableo, n eo t-d 1 . . .: __ .. -1.:... .. , lDc. tdl. &ala"" + iDC:eotive, m--,.... --4!M:i.2&4 ood ho ~· "31 uu...., ....,... ., .. .,-Jtete Bedroom croup $89.95 Akai tape rtcorder, brin&: g ~-0,,.,.....,... • I~
&'13-. 9119. ested In hiririE ._a man, lo • w bl!!nefits.. Call for intert--N .1 .,. S · h t , ,__ •·-I-,..., ...... 1 SWIMMING pool, 12' :ii: 36" DOXIE ed -·' • [ Baettlnd .:Jf l 6__ "'.o pan1s aoa ac """"' your oy,•n "°"I"--... "T""', . r uld.<t, ;, !DO., -· -Y. ~ft-• Iba•-.• _..,L._ ... ineal at' rn''e1. appt. o\lon. all OilJTl, tn4J • e'lO"" e""" Sm! I e rack del!'p. with f.ilter & ladder. bn!tl. hou b k _.-·--......... uua urii11t 'in, -the manlltaetliff ci.IJ ., 540-8962. teat ae-t _. . .,., .....,. car ugpg $50. Call 557--io58 putt , Sf': ro f'O. to ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~! · .. ~·•I need. )'O'U'. help. • .=;~o=,-.,,..,,..---:-::--:-.1 ' 5 pc Spanish ra.me table w/tarp $5. D.Uqu iri aitt .:ood homt only, fil)..5478. 1 . • ·•· rrounq tlQOr op-oi a product· Jiiie involvlna: Fringe' Beeefltt Include SEJl:VTCE Station All!"~: Set Sl l9.95 Sfian blender $3 •. Dry irOn MiscelleMOUI t"REE 10 good homt. loving Gtintrel 900
. · .offerfld by a ww . . P.eld Vac.tion Profit f/lum,_ Jilt mechan1c&l. ,/ Severalov~rstuffedchain, $3. lc"t su itcase', all leather Wanted l20 1 yr old rtglfi., glacial wht ~ ·~ ... ,_.,.......lde.u, pot.Sit/le oL:1 bendin ' lo ti,-s·h I Pl • M . NeA! 1n appear. Rtcrnt S9.!i6 ·ea $7.50. Gold swag lamp S5· 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I Himalayaii cat. 838-ll87. . CAPTAIN ~ imlnp m t~as.bf U'r.ttlll the c · g r ins iir. "ti en, a1or locaP exp. necrs~. Apply ./ 3 pc Wa.l,rTut Bedroom 11tl Silve r pJe.tt lazy IU!al'I tra.y Unllmlted license -any irou
' -. mott por yr interests Medu:el Plen. • • momlng~. 2590 N twp or t $49.95 ..... ~ PURE B~ Germ ~hep !em, tons. 30 Yeara experience
ot. m•"'·""""· · • ~ CASH PAID FOR ,.. ' -"' 1 ~ intttett me! And I • Blvd, c:~. "m."'1!;! .. "",,"",.' .. ,,,"ril'~g •. ~~.· •A•lfl'JION• E'.'.,,Y_ .... , ..... ..:;._Ya ptase. sail I: IJO'oller. Profeuional : ..-.id like to mttt you! For Apply In-Person SERVICE Sia. Attl:"ndant , u" L>::1.l U.,_ ftM turnJture. appli.t.ncea, • ~·~ aport tishing auide; Mexican
' ~ • interview eal I A hl.cqround ot toolin1. n>-JOam-7pm exper. Sundays $49.!fi M!L anti~. One piece or UNIQUE Australian shep. It Central America le Pacif· . ~o.. . 12341 So. Brookhurst Apply F . v . Texaco. '1897a I Full 1iu box 911rlngs & ao· u· SE hOnseflll. Call day·or night. puppy lo good bom!! w/yard ic Coast watera • I1111l'Uc·
HELP W ANTED tary ~nz & IOme ad· J .... !!!'!G~·~a~rd~an!!!!!~G ... ro~v~a!!!!!"":'J Brookhurst, & ~Id. mattress Rt, aterilittd, so.2U1 or &47-7733, 64>2248 alter 5 pm. tion in boat bandling. .ea-
-S:J9.95 98! man.ship, DR le ttltsbal • "m JcicW~ {or exper. \Vait--PART time eombilll'llion cook SERVICE Station Salesman ,/ Severa.I Spaffisb . sol.a. &: Auctions eYfry Fri. 7 ;im GOOD hemt \VI chi 1 d re n navi;;atk>n. PICK UP " : r..t. 41: Buiooy.. Min. au m~i•!J'Blive exPenence is & waitress; Morning shilt, pltimt. Neat in appear. chair seb, tike new $119.95 • Furn. Appli, AnOques WANTtO: Ire pedestal din'g wanted for 10 mo old Jem. DELIVERY ANYWHERE:
: 1J yrs old .• l>a?'lnlte. shltl H.B. 847-3$41. !.xper. 2.l90 Niwpqrt Blvd., 30ti W. Warner, S.A. table w/x:t:r• Jeave1 + Beagle. ~79. captain available for a-~ av&il., Appl.)_' in PtflOO to r.equired. · ~C~.M""'. =,.-,c.--,.,.-,-:-=='.'.". ;~CA total ·9otu)d llO!id state (follow at arch light) cha.In:. Xlnt 'rond, pVt pty. 3 Cu!e female kittens, 61,1 tended crulsinr. Extensiv.e
: · :. The Or!tlnel PAST&·UP. GIRL. SERV ICE Station attendant steTeOll. w/ Am:Fm ~ s.9·2241 • 547-7133 ~. \Vks okl. l oranre •. ;&, tigers, adminislrative o:perience.
; ._:! H9'1H . .r ·p~ , E."~ent .,.OY'lh opportunity Newport Beech All 1hilts open. Ait'piorfTeX· radios, S99.9i H .: OLD Style Selmer Tenor \VANTED used w• pool 962·1668. 646-2977.
: • 3~ NewpoJ:t ;Bl, NB -. l.oc~.new1paper ·iteekA paste aeo. 4678 Camplls Dr .. N.s. " Lrr JOxf,() eXttutive det0k, Sax, m . Le Blanc-Nobltt table, slate top. Good com!. U°"N~u~su=A~L~~ .. ~.-,~lti~,~ .. -.~ .. -o, I ~sc:.:.:,~.:,.,.;A==M~--L~E=r=s=-'
, wanted pUlime day1 l ~ cm:"pany ~netit!I. 4P· ,iirl w/a.biltty to work st&-1757, · like new $19.9'j. . clarinel $l:i0. Singer pr~ 968--0(14 . • male, 1 fem, bouse broken,
' ramt bt lA yn O/t",avtt ~ Wm dummy. 2 _Yea.rU re-SERVICE estab. F ul I er ./ 2 Only-So!a btd It ehft.in: fa&ional typewriter $100, \VANT ED A p A RT MEN T call afl 4 pm, 493-389'1. ~ ply J'ack in the Box 385 E. lated eXper. required. P to "-·-h C"otom•r•. C.M. Up ttls $29.95 Sf'I. 'Pano&011ic Ca s 1 et t e tape ANSWERS k _._ -"' .o1wo " M M Jt "'"6Gl 1ize GAS STOVE. PUPPIES. Cute, 8 1'1'ks, Sm 17lh, C.1-1. Ma.il Complete re!Utnt o! ex• 31) hours per \1·ee U'<"hed"'u1""" lo Sl60 \.\'kl)' to i tarL A Equ'"~.I~ ~~ .. Prie~ ' record'r S2;i. ~114) .... _.. ~ S.~7616 * breed. Mom 's a c:ockapoo,
I. · i•u• upon deadline 1~ t . """ ,..16 I &.1 Y UJW tt,, a.ny day betwn 3:30 p.m. & j .., U li'LP wanted ttl we lll ... ""'6"Vt Dod"•" ~ 7185 ..... , Cell 644-3251 · Come in and Bro\.\'Se!-p.m. A1k for Rod. MU•lcel lnstrumenttl22 · ...,,-·
-W/elderly couple in C.M. perlentt be.okground & waze •!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... "'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!•;SINGLE needle optrator. You 'U be Convinced•• MIXED Shepherd. G o o d
Ghetto -Curry -Gourd -
call 545--1675, 54.9-4.301. I Cl k 'd I p -d vacation · " 3..'1 "fiOO" copy pa.per type STIUNG b11!s % trizt>, cover, 0 ~ le Cl&uititd PerMmM er exp on y, ai · OlE'RRY lhomasville round 64z. In original carwns. wa.tchdog, no children, I
HOSI'E9SES-18 &; ,over. Good typing, &row Ins. Aak ror.SOOk, 642-3412. DIR table w/6 l&dderback 2,IXXI aheet! 81h X 14" a.nd f"~nch bow. Very good. mos.Shotll ,Mebrkn.537-1320
:: ~ter:t~nment It Dancinl:. ad no. B, Daily Pilot, P.O. rorm11 Local. • SPENO part of your day chrs. Eame1 chr $2.0. J t'r. 3,000 sheet& s\; x ll". ~"'"=~"~1~'-· ------. COCK·A·POO puppies need
e tram. Call:. 548-9288. Call Lorraine-with us. New drui store. in Prov. erxl table~ S30 Club S ur pl ll a tr 0 m tr j a l CONN-trum~t near n~w cost g n 0 d homes. 1'1&Y, 12
A manufaclurer who makes
water-proof wris1 watches,
ha1 come out with a cofftt·
proof "'riSt watc h for
DOUGHNUT dllnkers. UCTOR, arts & cram, Box ~. Cost. Mesa, Ca.lit. \VE'STCLJFF Newpoct Beach, create& chr & ottoman $25 fo,falq. demonatr?.tion. Price $70. $210. Sacrifice $90. 1veek.s. 846-9015. ~ -..t , time., Be~ei-Jy M,anar PERSONNEL AGj;.NCY many positions ~r.Jritndly. Pembrvkf' table S20 Sl!c!. ,..._,, "'·'" _,.,,,.,, --t ~7. ** 67:>-1340 ** P't"~ Dr NB ,.. "' •· ...._... .,,............. ...... •• BLK miniature' pUNbnoed Qflr.VaL }fuap. 340 Vic~ria. !0526. 2043 \Ve~tcliff ., ew.tre'in-1 , JJe'l'!IOl'l ... ble desk wlchr k chMt $4il----------Office F1.1rniture/ ~• 2 Id I
Unusual opportunity Jor ag-
grenive ma11 to affiliate w/
well eslah. r't'pu lable yach!
brokerage co. Application
confideniial. 675-09W,
AM I::RJC..\N boat trlr, used
or.ly; 16' G!cn·L, gluse"d
huU ; 847-7975 or 67:;...38fl)
CM · J •..,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!-65-mo . hoUse1'1·iveli, career gals ar Velvet boudoir du-$3;1. 12() ba.31 Cont_eilo a.ccord10~. 124 ~e yrs. o er cp ·
MAOUNE Sh•op.Sec en d PR6DUtftON TR.ArNEE students. Apply: GUJi.'D Twin t>Ookcau headboard all pearl. hke new, p~id Equip. prerd. Good pet. 642-7~14 .
OperatiM. Exp'd 1ma11 Fine bcal Ctl. will train DRUG 1610 McArthur Blvd.; Sl<l. &7~772. $600, 'eU lor ~· Lrg_ 10--li\l "609" copy paper type BEAUTIFUL \.\~hite kitty. &.
mill, O.P .. etc. 540--l213. dllpet'lllable r.a.J . a ean, alr N.B. · · cart frame. cush.ioru; le gooa 642. Jn original cartons. mos old needs home im-
MISC. l IJ r nit u r e blk hres 53:). 4 Hi" \Vino 1-\'heeli 2,000 iheels 8'h x 14" and medialtly. 96&-0088. MACHINIST WANTED conditioning, Pt r m a. n t n I : TALENT HUNT naugllliydt studio c_o u c h !or ·35 VA Ford s:;.5. 5t~3'i00 1 --~~=~==~-
Not production \\'Ork, d11y non-dtfen5e ~·ork. SI Ar l For t"sll l\lovie Production Simmon1 martren just Colnr TV ~~" l,<m Bhee\.'I gt~ X ll". FREE WOOD
.lhilt. Call 54~5U5 5 pm -9 Sl.80 hr. Independent Film Co. Needs l"-'~-oveted, baby c r a d·Je , MOVING: ...., S urplus from tri&I l&U Superior. c;\I MS-3231
pm. Call .Jt11n Brown. 5-l~ NEW FACES-chf'sl drawers dreslier hra.nc.1 ne-w console sterro, de1nonii;tration. Price $70. Boats, Po.w•r 906 --M•n~e-ment
COST AL AGENCY ,2131 461_3051 iwing' aet, mia''\;;.;i-t.)38 0; pall~ rurn, m-;,_1>.·er. slovt', Call 642-4321, ex!. 277.
-00·11 bo Bl t •-' refri& Bdrm su1le eoffet & I l/)o'(] '6631'UniflightCabincruiaer, '' arr ·a ......,arns TEENAGE ·d-•mio· b,m•ke 9a.I934. · . · ' --3181\l-mOdel D.lypewrittrs3 PataMld-'" end· 1bls, lamps. S16-8.J.J7 fuJiy/equ1pped. $21.500 Mr . PROF.ESSfOl.:iAL p·h o n e mo~y for II Mer r Y HERC UL 0 N aofa " alter 4. • auto typists-2 Masters & 1 .1-'ranke, 532·~ eves &ft
.oiicitor • Dana PtliDI, San Chrill.ma1. Cail today, matdlin&: loveu.a.t table1 S!avt. All fm-Sl500. or can 1•••••••••111 7 & week!'.nd~. Ot!mente, Capistrano arn. 557-5889. allio 8• velvet •sofa &. nvo match.int tol~ printed be bought 1 t p e rat t Jy . "-a 154 WO~ In -... own ho-. u"""'littttd chatrs &: ot-64~3934 ~ • 20' Glas11ron, f/O, lliO HP '" JV.... ..,.. TE PO loveseal. ~ mo. o Id i'"" . .,. · Best deal in area. Phone M . RARY Home: Work 64;'r-J701. , tornan $35. Sinalt box apr1111 op0i1:::::-/~0~;:;;;---il1~6l I·---------~ r.fercrui~c,.JLlke n!!~'. Many
, . .. ~l4&5 between !1:00 a.m. requires pit.rents to travel, 4 .,:,..,_.:,..;..-----~.--~I & mattttn p . 425 Arroyo l~Det r9ens __ accessoril"s incilldtni trlr,
"CR •~pr· t•·$500 -.i\fA'l1JRE, ExPERIENC-and won . . 1'!:10 II mos. Ne~ hom;,~oi;:~ DROP ltU walnut, d1nlllg Chito, Laguna Bch. P IANOS ** ORGANS * SPECIAL * $~500. 6-14-2693,~---1
,,. Y p.,.;~ • ~ £J) AND CAREER OR· , I yr old daughler . .,.,.....,.,)UU. table & -I chairs S A Kt~ 4M--982'l. Nimt-Brands -Save $$$ Groomina & Balhing Spec-l97oSE°AFLJTE with tra.i..ler, 1 •• 1' T~!· ~ 33,o°" ""tE:NTED SALES P!.OPLE Rec~t. Gen'I Ofhc k TYPIST; H11 vt )'OU al1'1''i'S ~1!,,,9el!'.c broom fl ~ · MUST iell 1a w11"!?1 0 we r, Nt>ll'-Used * Easy Ternt! ials: AlJ bl'eed!, dogs . \Vill 160 hp .l\1err.ruiser. $3,000. ~-• YP••• "' ~E NEEDED IMM 'D l'O $400 up. Atro space ac • ~·anted tn 11orlt ln a plush ~ spreader. wheelbarro1>., gas MELO-SONIC IS HERE! gil·e your pet tender lovin£" 968-746.i or 96&--4547.
-ACCUN~ 7~ or·m-.MWI S"rA"f1'• OUR EXP'ANDlNG ground hf'lpfll], not ne<:f'ss. 0U1ce. Thia ,jg it ~ung co-KING Bed, 2 nite 11ndl, log. twi11 mattf'E"'Ss & box Mon k Fri tv~s 'ti! 9 care. \Vil! Sllpply transpor-l-16-.-G-I,-, .... --. _50_h_p_M_'_""'_'Y
RKept. G•n' C $-;-75 JNV~T FIELD. EX-· _(;(lod hoaccur. ~1~· 1 C•I " 1vo.rkers. rreat chan~ for dre,ser, t'Xercycle. 1 I kt inring 4 d~·r chest, lad. Sunday 12-5 tatinn if.necessary. 642-4818, outbOllrd with trailer $850.
''''""'1tt 60 w .p.m. • CE"" •NT OPPORTUNITY "".ear 1 pants .. '-"'"")I r-•d•·••<•ment. Sl•r t 14C.. '--' I 534 "'-6-JO nJ 113 'JI'" $550 -C M Co I .. • "" new. 16641 Wa.nderer .....,,, ders, fa n!, washer &. dryer. friendly telephone ln or, or . ....,.,.. pm o y, 548-1336 wkrlys bt'lore 6 PM . E .. r-Trainff-tO OR DV"'CE'~"NT TO vine oles. all 181 nnt, .... LI J 8 "•0 =·5 f"IELDSPI NO CO B-·d a CM F' A ...,_, '""""' "~l 'l?l Ab .. Abbo p ...,. ean ro1~n. J'i\l"""U'.l;;J HunL H.arbour. 495-4'268. · A . '""' w y, .•. 1 Year .Loa.n Escrow or FILL MGM"" POSITIONS. '" .., · igaiJ 1 rr. COASrAL AGENCY -1833 N' 81 d SELL or partner '70 Formula, ' aonm"I Age11cy, ?JO W. War-DINING room table, leaf. 6 GOOD furn & hsehld iltms ewporf v , 12! PED. Lhasa Apso, male, • ~ Sttrttacy exper. 2790 Harbor Bl At Adams CO&ta Mesa 714164f>.3250 champ iinod, ihow qual, 2.3'. xln"l concl. Mr. Joytt,
jll £. 17\11 (&t trv1ne1 Of
~ ' '41·1470_
LH•• A Velfow
Texi ·Call
c..tl Jor App(
SLAND Realty under new
oWnen:hlP ~·1«1ea1 e\'~:to
rny knowledfe. for R.eaJ
Dtate Salt1 -person. Call
G'ra (:e ·W•l li n1 ha·mi,
TO rMJ>RESS UPON OUR i-"-'~"~S="='="=""=· =57.-'=·=,--chain, credenu, Italian portablf' at~no wl!tand. 494-7!84.
c(JENtEL 'IiiE QUALITY REPRESENTATIVE WAITRESS "'an1ed mllst bf' Provincial. Xlnt c-ond . Color lV. shampoo chair ORGAN SALE ~7r:ima.le, 1t11 together. --------~=
AND L\tAGE 0 UR COi'.f· tn .usi'l in new ~st gTO\\'ing over. 21 .i\lexican ?-!>!~ ~7744. tor ihop or home & more, Co11n Organ Annual Fa.II Boet11 Rent/Chert'r 90I
PANY HAS But LT FOR ft. rompany, Berving Orangt: pref bl y_. Daraio~. 109 ;,;, UPHOLSTE1tEO a:rtY·brown 557.<M96. Qcarantt. Sa ve up to SlOOJ AKC rtq'd Mini Poodle pup. c.TlS+'Cetline 27
SELF. \VE'LL G/VE y~~ cOunty. E:<iren\ely high Magnolia. \Vf'~tm1nster club chair $25. :>48-7392. 4-0'2 GENERATOR 2500 watt, on aelect~ console Doo'r pits (bJackJ 3 mo old. 21r.f , 5 weekdays tor $l.10. Fully THE~CHANCE TO OWN & rarnings. FuU or part time. "'ANTED, mature live· rn Costa Mesa Sl.. C .. \f. ON•AN, portablf!. S:n'.t. (41 demoii. ·Huge discounts on 21f . $;.(). 6444211 alter equipped, LociiUon Newport
DRIVE ANY NEW Pfl.ES· Call · .C92~21SO companion 11.vailable 10/22 * * NEW COLONIAL SOFA 110 V Out!Pts. Two bar. all C~~ST M\JSIC 4Pi\-I. Harbor. 714196~ 4840 for into
TIGE CAR OF Y'O.UR RETAIL CLERK tor .1 mo, C&ll IO am·2 pm I< CHAIR. SJOO. bolt11 to bumpe:r W . NE'.WPORT &.HARBOJ:t AKC Poodle pups. ready BLUE\VA't,_F:R YACHT
CHOTCE AND WE 'LL PAY \\'"' l\'ili train mature a.duH ~-2.l17. 641--~l After :'i P~l ~8ij. Cosra MPsa * 642-2851 beolore Thank Ii i vi n g , Cl1AJtrEP.S
f'OR IT. to work in our bu~y i~rvitt \VAA'T'ED expe2'.pousekeep-cusro:-.1 Ttx:tured Velvel .9' FREE GlFT. Thur, f"ri, WOULD YOU C:hoosl'. no\.\·, cash or terms. Fi.~h1ng . Cruising
.outlet i11 (0i5ta l\les'I,. Ca.ll er/Cook. Ll1•e-in._J_l childrTn aofa , avocado &: g<ilrl, 4 mo's Sat., 10 a.in . 6 p.m , F!NL BELIEVE 962-6913 Reservauons 641-8211 e C&mpany Tr&Ulln1 1Zl31 914-9888, a5k for r>tr. ~ & 2 yrs rers. 64:t'6263, !\I Glall 1808 N , I ADORABLE Ai\C Blood. I ~=.:..c==---=.::...=c 1 P,.,._ram .. old. S215. i>4!).-0120. • ar! ery, 'e\.\por FREE ORGA.'l LESSONS ·-• Randolph \\'ANTED-llair dresser in· Blvd C M hound pup&. RcuonabJe. Boets, Sall e f"ull Fringt Bentllt~ -~=~·~===~-1 NE\V .t0fa eold $32.i Take " ·' ' as, lo"• u .-. like! No ttl· REAL ESTATE crease prestnt &al&ry 25~o . .,_, . .,. J--1\!ust sell quickl y. 4!6-3718, l----------I • Start lmm'd. · $129. Ntver u!etl \a\·eseat Removal "Bag" ....,e tscration. No obliratton. J115f SALESMAN Call 646-80j.) at1 6. hru o 22 31919 S. Coafit H"'Y· No. C. ava.1!. 639-6023: 968-581)). I Cl. ~-Mondays: 7:31'1 ~m Ope:n1nrs lor carttr mpn l.t 2 YR . Old wants p/liml" ------, l!XXl's of Items lllust go!! COAST MUSIC S. Lagunii . • CHAIR z, ottom&n S25. g ~1ARDAN THRIFT SHOP ~n! grads in long rangt grandlTl{lltirr . bahysimng, ., M2-2S5l POODLES, AKC, to 'II a .
N.B. rle'<"!lopmPnl t'0'1>· Call Ill e h•kp"<· '"2-411.6. N.8 . conrp. sola SllO. 3 h/w lb!s lSIO P1rlr Avr CM 642-7850 n11n 's, & slan·s. 11.ll "ges & .,., $5. ell.. 54;,..oog3 alt 3: 30. · · " r.tr. Miller.:.~6-36i6. ___ youNG \\·idowtr \l.iUi 2 G S l 112 \VATERBED f"RA~IES, HAMMOND, St ei nwa y, colors, to ZB '', Stlld serv1ceo.
a 1'/0.maha. New a used ,,..," -SAl.ESMAN daughLrrs tl-3t nttd.'i help. •rege • cll.\!Qm bllilt. below ttlail ,,,..,..;;.i,11. pianmc oJ most ma.lie!. Bt>st I ==~-~----S11.l1rif'd rfi~nt'~· record "Nany," hbusckrq>cr & •,.-~-.T-E-·------00 price~. As low 1s S2t5o. huys in So. Cal\!, at Schtnidl FREE 1. f"uni~ Australian 1tort. Must ~ pe . nable. cook , Live-in or · out . w..,, SALE -4 646-2296. Shrphe niix uppy netd~ · · •--··I·" " H 1 I Co del M '===~=-~-~-P,.~usk Co .. 1907 N. Main, "\ oolgntng, ,.,,.,.... . ..,_,iz,_iiy.f', 548-fi72:1 or 543--0833. e 10 rope:, rona ar1f'RIGIDAIRE rf!f · C Ana W home 1'1j h yard. Very
" b I H-···hold op rtezer .,.,, .,.. Y cri LOVELY liOlid wa.lmi.t piano,
W t mode]~ availaNe 11.t
pre-1111 pnr~ur1ax pncE"$
CO,'iTt:ST '17 T.li
!#llQ1 DIJ::Sd $21.950
CONTEST l1 IS :'rt 1
---R. apecial of'.der It
" ~ i".I preciou1 me-
tal•. °""6rlunity 1or ad-
vaidmmt. Call !or apJ)Olnt-
ment ., "''rile lull ~.-us
tl'I Gutlielmo Clni, Inc, P.O.
Of t51J,OOO+ YOUR f"IRS'f
558·0444 '
nd.t, well gYOOm·ed. Youna ~~~~~~~~:::~ 53! g..3, Sun 10:J0..3. Each 1 1 J:ol> .. ':g,. '°,'~• c5='~"="=~=· ~~---lovabl~. 6-15-2248 &Iter j pm. :~;. ':'~:l~ly~ ~~= I , _,,,.,,,, II "'-j ~':is. ~~ha~: a~ay 1~':llf'rt ~alf _Sl5. Dt"fssing tablt;. $j. SlOOO or tint offer. N:~i.°~ ~.' ~=':,;
Hall , no. Ill Fashion Island", V or rurniih yoUr o"'·n house: _,,.......~--·------~ 837·3302 · " 1 NEW t I t -r Blvd., on the -nlntula. N'.B: Don't miS1 this! A! .east wa er Ro . c n "' , Store, Reste1.1renr~ ,....
day will rtw~a.I a lrl!asure. 1utomat.lc timer. Cos! $'400. Bar 132 613-n66. SALESl..ADY. beauty supply • ' Sell f ••7· 231 La BAS3ET HOUND or wl1 ex:p, Apply in per_son. Antiques 10Q BEDS; King, douDl.e l twin. or .., ,). -......... --.,--~--8 WttU, AKC
263 E. 17th St, Co1ta Mesa. . Hidt-a·btd couch. Rug5; Palonta, S.C. '492-946'7 EXCELLENT late mode.I Show quality. $l00
L!Vt.:-ABOARD $24,950
•SAT & SUN, OCT 23. 24
3333 \\1, COAST HWY, NB
Holland Yacht1/N1wport
' 9Dx 1438, Lquna.' &a.ch
«&2. 714. 494-.1440. '
.... ith
1n HWtti~ BN.C'h ""',-rw.
~====~-~. ~-At.iTIQUES: Round cl'aw n. area It throw, Ch a i r SWIMMING pool, abo\l,t chftlme 1900 ltriei NCR. * Gi.>-79al * ~k for /fir. Roden SALESWOMAN-{lur gtrl5 are t.ible, rlreS5Pr, h.all tree, w/hwock, llanrinc lamp, ground, 31J X 15'. F11ter, $35<1. 673-9628 -======oo""=7'o=;,=J
_.;.,..,!!!!!,.;,!!!!!"'"'"'"'"'--~:k~'::O~ ":j: ~~ \'ictori1n lamp table',, Oak Bentwood chair, Ste.r-~o acce!., new liner, $7:>. tv, Redlo,•H iFi, PUPPIES AKC. Adarable
48' Spkm n & St phn,, ywl
PACIJ'ICA. o~ or nmt
beau bo8t~ nn c oast.
fRASER, 3424 Oparto, Npt.
MAN to ·asai1t partial in-HOOl!tr high boy It mtrror pquiP!' i'.ti&e antique!, i\lany 830-!2&8 'Stereo 136 t-cup 4i; t~ poodles all
valid. Driver, handy man. 4P!;, .... J,nlervlewing n ° w · waJnut . drt'sser w/marbl~ houaehld ittms. 64~?106. 6'f ' JACK Surfboa.nl. adj =:r:-::::--:=-----,,-tt1lora. l tiny female. Yorlde CAL 20. Xlnt rond ., anodtted
-· ·d \ ......, STEREO Clesranci'. Must 8'' -19 00 •"· aix day week, refett~s f!-top. a1 t . board. P c!Utt 3101 ..... Avt., CdM . akai, 1 dine. iood cOnd. $40. J'";J• • masr, at balh, o ..... r
qui.mt, daya only. 67~17, Sa.Jes<w0man, holl9e\.\-·atts dep1 frames, larnpS ., rrion 8 P"AtdlLY li.t&Ke NJp, old 8" Formka 1 • b I e $25. &tll itll 1971 mod f!'l s · ('()CK.:A.POQS blonclt k xtras. $2900. Mfi..5181.
MAnmE 'Mloin&n W/credit Exp'd Pl'"f'f. Apply Jn pe_non 646-?lla, 1406 Lincoln La.. " new decorator \lem1. MH1~. AM/fM aterem. turntt.bles black SIO. A $1S. AKc tt1 . .NEW l:l.lD Sailboa.t complete ~tctkln· 1*di~nd. Ul'fJ Kerm Rima H&n:iwiu~ N.8 . c1otks. f\lrn., 1 e wf!'I r"y .1 ~·*~,.,-REW00---0-l'D-R~SALE=~ -:W,~·~~e d=~K:fu~;; toy poodle1 $35. ~?-3851 or wlproc1or mut, Mil• II ).0AN tfooklcft'pin& in Jewelry lllfllj Harbor ilVd., c .r.f. ARll101R.E. cherry, 2 doon-. aqoariuma l equjp. 6562 Orall6!!. •.Eucalyptus eqllip. AbOv, i:emB fmro 547-95!11. trailer 11495. 963-3562. ", COWCTOR" a!OA! . .A.pply .lif~. Sale:•.. 2 d~av.:en •. hliirkicirn. Pvl. Kilda· Circlf', HB, M7-81JO ' 544-7653 -$1.!IJ to $59.95. Prices also ... AKC R.q. Chihuahua 1971 Hohlt Cal
klRK-.-Jl.W.El:.IRS, PERSONNEL AGENCY party, 644-8016. or ~t~. Oci. ?hi, Jlrd 'iii Canl.·D~. Tiffany slash~ on GarTal'd. BSR: puppies, 2 monlhl. $2.) and fl' Dtluxt>
"· · ·ni ,_1 2300 IWb9r•ltiYd -AA! ~~t"arter nn App. II • I02 Ir. :&cth. &l!t~~"Sacrlflet! Sl15 Sana:ul, Standa.nl Mont, $.15. Sl&JO. 548--7943 . ,.,, -,...1.QP--..;f'""'2" c.oett.. M~ ·i· . .)'OU' I ....... enC•• ?..(!. PM, Campinz ~Ip, cUJi ,· ' A alt •. Deno El tmho • us A S\7-5.13.c • • ---------'ktwetn J$t, ~,1(1Sd:,P,e.r1--.,.-,==~N"l'C~•"L'-"-hii:r.!t'!' Warkirig • w/peOpltj . . " "-d' v n. ec ml!. · · · FL.IPPER No. :'135. Grt.tt •°""'·~upon 'knlc -,MECH~, ""· on a pror.uiontl buls'!' we! ____ ;..._____ aurftlbard, rlrl'• bi,,.•:,. ~t-FULL in• m.berah i p lri Wwehouu', 191 E. 17tb C.M. •• AKi.'? Miniature poodlt ahape folu11 uU S2.JO or lM!'!t.
• ·~ 'eo, ~ Experief!ttd·wiJh hand Iii . VIII ~kina. ili. &II ·,in-JU)T,RJGEMIDRS-SI'OVES le tbl Is ~·· JP•,Ple ~n Newpon Seai:h Tennis O\lb. ~2442. pupa co:oa brown Ir bJaclr. offer. 675-86TJ.
lee-Joe ROwteiy. ot , ~ pot.'f!r lilloli".' c.,,.ble of di~ wfio tlffda . a 5 . WA9!ERS-DRY~ ~te~%!: 3~~:;: $4SJ. ~ Sell. 499-363.:i.. -1972 ZENITHS, all model1 ln Shota. 549-100. • MORGAN 34 complete ip~ ~. : ' -• • '. · " • ~TOP. l~"'~ON -"NC·.U1*4
-~~q.n, t&b' Ml· $35.-$35. Various Colors. fWe .Pf. Costa ~feA. SG-9Sl3. *> GALLON A q u • r i u ra_, .a tock. 23" coMCUa from G~AT .Dane pups, champ. naktr gear It ~ip. Call
' ~· V-•-St H.B '. A~ .. tn-: 1 '~~ ·~"~·~ .Nid~ "'7 ' 811:111. 64M930. 'Q 1 PR. cou .... ..'... walnut con· t'abh.t. .Jlth. J>!anta. lilter sm ., 25'" contPOle't from tired. .Show OC\Atf_. M.41: F. Jim t71.CI 6i~ .
.., · .....,. .,; .. • MKT ~ n i •·-· =., 1 • Ne.,.,-port Bh'd, C.M. _,, ,,,_;:-•A•M/FM, __ r-bOx: ~ Xlnt cond. ~II Jl.iO. l~fltdes t yr partt, l BauUJ\JI. 153944119. Nl:."W 13.6 SailbMt complfte
Oppor. Emplo~f Drpet'! ~.->lAO ·irmlwd. ~-wat-.~ .._ . .,. -·blt fo ot ..,. •.~ ~ •. d ··-·" yr; service. 3 yr picturt _,,lNAU-121»'1"1'~~ .· • J:>KNNISTP°ElNNIS r'""""'~ "" ~prlrc/matt .. 3 bar atool1, APPROX. .CS gq', y .• ~ tube, delivery & sel·up. .,...., ~ pups w/ Pruc1or ma11t. 11.lla le
' ' "
' • •
~ 0 • · upr!Jtlt ••· •· ·• ·•• -.·· • ... n66 mi~ 6:14-4iT"8 , ~, carpetinc, 1 a: • · . Stud 1ervk:e-irnomin1 tr&.iler $1)9.';. 968--3562. -~.-) ~.:1,.; ~tEl'I~ •',1".!~ ~D-.·.P.enon!tel ~· RA~ 30•· au1o pi:o! compl ~71n P..eJ\.ll!r $6!t.OO antl'nna in-tl'nn' 846--08.19 Cal 27 buy ~-$7'-
_. !"!J .,... tnlaUli1r.t ~ tull / $ ~lche~~ Dr. liml111: een!u ......... $199 MGVING -ewrythint -must ~tsllatio11 ls ~ during thla -.,
!I ·.-...:.'.-,. Cf t .C 1 i · ~· 'fl ' Co ·-• ~ • : lrV. Int, ~t. , * """ ""11 L""~t 'leo. 1r ro. f.arJiln ,pric@" ·11.:i ,So. Nt.'"W 1 lo'IM\Ut cookwai:e, aalf: w/all ~lcs. -Ne Jk.JSH •lius, J wits. malts l..i11 $10,l;O, 1173-W • • • t mt • .,.,, ,,._,,.._ · 011...---.-.... -. • •l • d ••~ -1 oruy 1'op line AKC for
.. • denr, Qftd rt9Un\e iO au. ' SICRIT~RY "'°"'V "" ·-· ••• ·-· Maxine, S.A. bet 2lrd 16 11.&iniaR ~J~!t~ ~I !:Z' down requited. Qah ;KJ p Atl ... ....: ... •PPI· (213) 331'.-~. 8oet1, Slipt/Dock• 910 A-i bat lor "'·"·· ·... · ·, i..-c.i • · .. ,..,. wn >1~ .. MJ om lo 4 p-· · bib • ..,, ~; 968--;JIMI, ABC Coklr TV. 9071 AftAnta, , ...... ,. ·--~... 11 alt\ed Jad •270 .cw~ "Fl --~·""" ... -"" In Wltt"poo1,· 1s.-· 11, ~ U"a I '" u.. "' '......., 1" .a .. -! Di, .... p 0 .. _ •IObo. .....__.._ ~ "!""' n "''" _,.,_ IJ Huntt-'on Bflleh. !16'1..JJ29.. ACK O>ilte ,.,PB tri<Olors. BOAT tllps awl!, 2$'~' • r-·•· •1, __..,.n ,.,..,., · · -.w.u, Ul9 .. •'--•...i-lOCt., • A. M ol ·-.. trol ~ ••• , ........ r. ""'"'v .... *· BAYSHORES * 2' rAttfILJES -.....u•I ·• "•' ,,_ C.ILJIJL..Armilldd bf' .as _.,..,... 1: ""'' '"'·"' "'"'"" """'"' ' ... ~ .......... SALE (."t\amp aired. 30-Ch•mp XJnl M'COmtnod11tkxls 1r'I • --"'~-'-· -----1 .. ~ -. .h MC.·*'!· ouanntttd. W9 firm, H.B. TV. "'"""""' ............ ., ... , ••• lltm.· Call ~-1 ~ snREO .. 6l · • ...... ' . .:._ MEDIC.U. R.e c e pl I a n I 11 c.11 lllJ'•ry , s.fl056 wi.n• •. 1D tti •'4: J30l!i C'rtlltview Ssnta Ana. , prdl&f'H "°· Sf&-7325 a.ff J. new "J•rln11 il-f.606 ___ . __
' U~ Endiltl ',,co;sr !AGENCY ,,_.....,_ Drf ' eh. 2 ~Atnbuudorapeak-*MJN'I SCHNAUZERS. ,.0;-SLIP°
•t. ..~ ~IOh.' ~ ...,,.1,._ 5 d•--u~a...at Ma,,.. • M~'\-"f'AC rt.Jl'!r W.n -• \"(!, ~':'°°" Bea GAS itoW!' J.15. .or !nde t!f'I 1~ • l'f!I, $299 w/pur· AKC. 10 ,.,.~b. rl'lola. CLI ON TII E PENINSULA
, 1 ~·~ :;_ ~eaJ-;:: !l:flq,;i. ~::::: ... 'tlml, 8IC-"*n • deym. Del w/!O MllCMIMe•ue 111 !or ltd! 1\nll. • chlUf' er 1&1'19 Sl•ndard aftl"t S pm, ~~Im. 67:\-4599
. I,·-·'.. ._,_..., ...... ,, conl &ct -:1"1 ~1 .:... .,. d;i)SUA"l'.531-8637: 113$-1718. -• 675-61M all S Al\1 /FM... MP'X amplifier _ .,EW • ~ .., ..,.,, v.,._ Pl•~.....,., ... ~-._ DECORATf'VP.: 'lll'TTIUrfl1 Iron $71'11 tJ.S.A, 9fttton W•rr· ** BLACK-Lahrador pup. •• I J'~,J· dock lnr P<>""Cr
... .,,. ... 'TM"Wwt I <Mr!, Tillotaon. ~ oAJi.Y -Pn:Dt Outlftfd A9 _A Frl(k!airt pJtf: df'yfr. SOTA Hl"fj·beif wtM "!'&ck; hold•~ batt1e1. boui t, 191 E. t7p1 St .. Cost• piet, AKC, ··~g. I boll1 $5.l mo.
i .. Jl'Uol ,otl'Ll-fftred P'~ .. .,.""" .-~ A pod·'nnt 9d _. * podl °2:-spd, Nf!'W Ctlnd, SSD , GOOD CON ', too. •-·-·~•1 .. •' Mf'SI, &e-'441. 11• ~1179 ••• f>t2-48iM> +••
'f ., • ~-r.-:-~-~~ ·llfWJbnenl!' ~ l.fM260. l!AVI! mt•sar-· _.....:.~c:..::=._-.;."."™'='-"''--• . .:;~:;;....:.··~~.=----. ..:::=....:.::.:.;::;,::....---
• -, ,. 1 • ' .-..
. . ,
lhuf'.\d1y, OetObW 21, lfl
[ -~=-I~ [' ~ l[i] I -·-1§1 I ---·· ·1§]1~~{~' ;:.~ .. ~~-~l~§J~l~l~-!!!!!!!!! .... ~l§J~1~1-~-~--!!!!!. -~l§J~~I ~-;;-~~ !!"t_ ~;f 1·~~;~~E1
·-"· Sllps/Docb '10 Cycles, BlkOI, Dune '""-.;:..i._. ___ m_l ____ L_ .. _ ... ....::;._._._ .. _,.._ 'Autos, lmporl9d .. t70 A ...... .l-'9d 970 A-~ 970 ~· mp1rW
•• ~':...EW BOAT SUPS-iiii-..iiiiiiiili•.iliiiiiiiiiiiiiinsi l ~ .. U'! .. M;:• ::-,;:. o.:,, ~ ·~ ~: DATSUN JAGUAR -.. , MG. . ' M6 ....;.-...:.:-nt ample aubtn ._ • -11-----ec ' ., ~ --------l'i<"h.=:MiU.H>::i:::\ __ _:·...:_::...._ __ .;·:..__ i ' •
CLOSlST TO OCE N -Ga<" ~. "'" """ '" """"""' ~ !mj>ort mal<,. '72 Oat 81. 510 ... ,..,,.,. MK-10, 4.2 .....,, IRAND NEW "" Opel'Ksdlt ..,,,, 4 .0. From :xi· 1D IM' 80~S TN ORY SlLE adv diaplays It. 8howS on!)'. at rompetit:ive rat~. Let our sun I 4-dr, Ltt mi'•, AU xt:ru. m!. xlnt coo:f.. Owne:t •"1J
--t "-~-O-·ec l3'00 '"'""'d. "'"""' ,,... ._,,. tanoc YOUR ·~oo o• oft<• .... •«1. ',68 MG '71 AUST!" AMERICA .. ~·-~--''-• -'~'" ~' 11'00 OJ' beot ot!H. I<-to YOOlt'"""'•· "If • N• ' ' ~ 11 -~::::::. •-,_ '"I;
Marln• ••' "'' BIG SAYINGS ,,.,..,.,., ""-"''· .., ,...,,,.,. !hat"""" <h• 1 °'· ""· • """· s.H.c. ""' JENSEN Automatic ~·
CALL 171.'ll 823.-4641 , ... claw:, under 1500 milt-&. tull, ·---------'\\'·-tll'L-•-•• "·d'·,' H••-·. $1735 EUGEOT DUNE BUGGY, 1qwt lera.l. dltttte.TnH"'&.'O' DOR'., t.ct Y.'IU'Tanty. Rec.. Bucket "" "'"""' ... n.-. w "'" . p r; :; SIDE TlES •Y•ilable, 2:5' ON ALL NEW .. ~ ~ •e&t<, 1\IS'N ti-.· Take imall JENSEN throll.ot &ports .CAf' ~ wtth
Sailboat&. $60 Ptr mo. new to~ ~2)12 '* ROB\ NS ll'ORD down or nl~;· trade. (214-AlT'MiORIZED aulotr1.111, yellow with black
N•wpon Mmn.. »fh S<. 1971 YAMAHAS 2060HARB<l!t!ILVO. DLTl Will"" Pvt pty. c.u SALES.-, SERVICE lni.not. VffY low mil ...
MS-2281. T rucks 962 COSTA r.tE_SA 'y. 642-0010 SlG.8746 mo altu 2 pin
... .. '!ti P~t a. 4
new t1re5 & battery.
a.ell $200. 546-l 7l'S. SLIP "" ,.. "°''· 11."' u. AWARD MOTORS, INC OFF SEASON Aut.; W•nlocl ffl, -"'--68-'IL-'------Jnl Clwtnil!I P l a ce 16IO NEWPORT BLVD. --•·
""""""' t.l•nd """'"'· ' COSTA MESA CAMPER SALE WE PAY TOP .,70 240 'Z'
SUPS for power boau 13' to 10~ FOURSTAR CASH 38'. Sa.yside Villa.ge 300 E. PLAYHOUSE
C.< Hwy. N B TH• ONLY $895.00
-·· SPHd & Ski 911 HONDA
1N ' OWEN fibc!:rtlas1 .,.../'70 -
h.p. Merc~~s1000. a'fRIEDl.Atl)Eft ..
b' u5td can I trU&., .tl1lt
can u. ttt tn-e Httma tn..
GROTH CHEVROLET '66 1600 Roadster
.. MACll rMW'f, .,
13' GLASJ>AR, xln't cont'! Aak for Sa.let Manacer 4 pd. dlr. Lit':te jewd , hUI· LOTUS
wftrlr &. ?S hp Mtrc outbrd Ca!h to:r ~ Honda l821l &ach Blvd. f tr orana;e with. hardtop. ---------I
'SQ MGA Roadsztt. XJ.nr
oood. Fl'eZ 611&:· tires, paint
lo: upho!. $550 or oUtr
t •.• :
PORSC:HES ,',:;ii
Good S1l1ct11111::
1957 TD 1971 ~: 11
I ·-I
•re .. PJO. 64&-4629. 5.17-6824 • 893-7556 Hun~cm &acb (TBS221J E:ir::ce.llent cond. LOTUS eTHE BIKE SHACK• ,.. M7-Ei087 KI~ thruout Take small down. 3100 W. o.t·Hwy •. _.:,
NEW BICYCLES WE DESPERATELY <.aJJ alt "30 •m 4>1-6811 • AUTHORIZED 3JOC W. C..•t Hwy. MORRIS N..._ llffd> ~· 11
PARTS e ACC~RIES -NEED aft 1:00 pm Call 546.-8736, SALES &:.SERVICE Ne""J!Ort Btad. 6Q.MDS Sil!
EXPERT REPAIRS Clean used can 1967 DATSUN 1600 '61 Morrt& Minor, tram ~s L~ to trade'?' Our n;fil'fi
ON ALL MAKES FANTASTIC PRICES ROADSTER fAstttsult.sat"l!";ustapbooe work, el'!i. reblt. Sl:.:'l or P,atad1fteoolumnktr~
C S '·/R 1 920 Brlllng & Welding SAVE $1000.00 Pa.id for your car, paid for SHARP • A-1 CONDITTON call 9wa,s.-: 642--$8 be'5t of!er. 6t2--0119 art 3. 5 linrt, 5 da.Yw tr 5 budci. :; ~!•· a.. an 1093 C BAKER, CM « not. $995 Auto., U . .-ct 990 Autoc, ·uw:t 990 •utos U--..1 1=:
CAMPl!R COMBO No" '"""'w • '1&4130 DEAN• LEWIS . 1--:.:Pll.::O::.N:=E..:5'.::'-..:'°"':::..-3JOO W. C=t ~">'--iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ii ' -•IP1'
'71 GMC TON CYCLE TRAILER Salt trucks do not qu.&lify TOYOTA • VOLVO '70 DATSUN Piek-up. RIH. Newport BeAeh , "·
c""""' "'"'""' mod•! io-Alm"''~•. h'"t '·""'" 20 16 Colora to Choo•• 1"6 HARBOR BLVD. ~<rri• V.U<y Com,... dock -~M~A"'S°'ER'=-A~TI=--THE NEWEST CARS YOU'LL , SIE:· c!U~ VS, autom&nc. pow-ft. ·1ong 8 ft w:idl!. pbone From CO!tA i1esa 646 -93&3 b u mp tr. Good rond --'A'--------EA •; ~ steering, Pf"'l''tr bra~s. 540-5630 ask tor Bill Harold Order Yours Tod•r ANNIVERSARY •SO _MS-_50_12_. -----MASERATI THIS ·Y R -~
2 tone' blue & v..'hH!!, du11I 1 ~"'=-#1==3 "'.U:.:":.:',.;':..Pccm:c·~-1/2 Ton 8' Style Sid• AUTOS WANTED ·n Datsun 2'40Z. air, mags, 1969 Olupe, 14.r.oo mtltt, FORD 19 7 2 -
mirroni. plu11 11-ca bover WA.VTED : 305 or 250 Honda $2848 00 Top dollar for clean used 5.001 miles. or&ngl!', xlnt. g~ cond. 644-6357 FOR . . ~,·
cvnper wilti side dine~. six Scr.unbler, Honda Trail 90. ' ca.rs. See Andy Brown. Btst offfor . 13).7S21 eves. cM=Ec:R.:C=E.::D:::E:=S..:.:.:..:B=E::N_Z_ 11 _ &l~r. slQYe with ove n & Rwining or not and parUJ. Sport custom ttat -Full fac-THEODORE 1967 DATSUN 1600. MH,
retria;. Executive demo. Cost 557-9305. 10..., ....... 1.......i. ROBINS FORD < cl 1 ==~-----1 ., ~-~.. ·"'w.,':,";..,4",'.·m -'69 :....-ced-le111 new $6814. Our Priee BRAND new 10 .s p e I! d · ~· TON ~'----' , ....,,,....__,i ....,..... -~
$4995 Amuiorn Eql• Olympia. "CAMPER SPECIAL" '°"" HARBOR BLVD. FERRARI $79't9
Can FiM"" OAC 19". 1100. Coll '"" 6 pm. $3.189 QQ COSTA MESA 612.oo?D
The truck peopla1from 84fr-912I. · • WE PAY TOP DOLLAR ---------Genti ra l Motor'll FOLD-up bicycle. German, 3 FOR TOP USED CARS FERRARI NEWPORT
IMPORTS MIKE MCCARTHY mo'.s old, Book rack, Like Sport cusL seat. VS, custom U your car is extra clean, AtITHO!UZED
$.l5 Camptr Spec. • Rangl!'J' se-; ns trst. ne\~1. . 548-1489. Sln.OO Extra. BAUER BtnCK SALES It-SERVICE
GMC FOR sale 1971 Yamaha i\.1uu V2 TON 105 23'! E 17th St
Enduro. $250 or best otter. ''FORD VAN" Costa Mesa· 5.a-nss
."'~UZUKI TC oo. 370 $2926.00 TOP DOLLAR 894-1336/531-U~ •
Comet Beach & ~lcFadden,
PERFECT ri&:-10' Alaskan
Camper, but&ne /e l ~c
retrig. ov'n/range comb,
sink/16 1aJ wa ter tank.
Mounted on 1964 Dodge
4fWD, J7\\T wagon ll"llck
r&J 1aa cap. Bltn llOv
generator. Air cond c a b.
Xlnt cond. Pr1 pty. 6Th-1123.
'6.5 FORD ~ T. v.•ith '67 ~·
C.olt cabover camper. P/B.
Air cond. Real cltVl con-
dition, gtlO<:I tire'!. Good
mecMnica.I con d i t io n .
Sacrifice Best 0 l I er !
Open Road Campers
miles. Like nl!\\'! 864 Sonora . IN CASH
M . Costa. ~esa after 6 PM. Full fa.ctory equipptd • rear P&!d for ""'' l ed door glass, ~--r c ttn us car ·n SUZUKI 125 3l TON 123 s pa1d for or not " . SANTA ANA DODGE !'ilO milt-s * xln1 ronrt SUPER v•N · "' 1401 N. Tuslln
ll1S fil ~~"'"" "'"""' $3096.00 835-3691 Y A.~IAHA· 80. Ready tor dll'"t.
Xlnt for Yoong boy. MAke IMPORTS WANI'ED
OU.£!! 64?-5167. Full factory equip~. Orange Counties
\'ti')' skilrp!· Ma.kt otter! ~\)}JI~ 18881 Beach Blvd,
•-:>49-1.ll2 • -Sun-Flora H, &ach. Ph. 847-8555 * HONDA 305: two or Autos, Imported 970 tra~IOr c.l(l'IU._ 5440 Gardt n Grove Blvd.. • ~9-1688 after 6 P>l \\"estminster •Prestige S~rts Cars
1966 SUZUKl Atl'*l bike, fIDJ 598-~ or ITI4) 636-4010 'TI !Jl4 e '70 914 df'\UX e '6'3
netds batt~rr. As lS $'l5. or -'"-'"---"-----'I ilfBZ -GT • '68 Porsche
best oUer. go i~'i. • 912 C<ll..l.Plfl: air • '00 ~IB IH. / ?llO -SL coupe roodsttr 1970 Yamaha "90", 1,'win. e '69 911 E T ~
Excellent cofl\1ition. $2=(). • uga • •1
<-1 '"97 · International Harvesttt T R-6 • 'S9 ~fBZ-GT • '"' -.llJ Af1Pr 2 P.,\f. l'liany m-< 10 -'·· ~m. RECREATION CENTER v• cfJ00'5e 11v
IVANTED' wuc""' "" " ROY CARVER, Inc. A"'"°""" MBZ °"'"" ( 1 ) 523-T.50 $49.95 OVER COST JOj Honda or t'l'lg lor ume.
On all cAmper.!l, tratlers & 673-~1 d11yg, 645--0379 art 6. Cos~g~~e~aarbor B~~-44-44
miru hOmes. 3 Hp ~tin! B!lre for Xma$ gift. FORD 196.l ~ ton truck wi th
Tha trUck people from Good rond. S45. MB-1240 J!'.167 8 tt . cal:tpvtr camper .. 1 _,--...,.-----
General Motors! e1·t s. Fully equip, Both truck &: Automoilv• Exrcellene.
MIKE McCARTHY 'M~o..,b~;~1 • ..,H~.-m-,.--~9JS ~ft~~r ~ orr,g~~:~tm~~: &
GMC SPACIOUS Mobil!!' HoTne 23 Btly it for A REASO NABLE:
x j,.) in Nt \lo-'l)Ort'.s finest offer thuo we e k, n d .
park. Most ~ 5etn to ap. 00 ·
"'-p(ecia1e. 890 \V. 1:.1n. Sp. M. lntertsl p&rUe.s ol}ly. Call ROY CARVER Inc 894.Ul)r;>3l-t1t:il $49-<f'l.t:J. I 0
• •1 r dd Sllperior, 1.1•est to 15th. ,,C~==~----1 292!5 H bo Blvd. Corner Bf'ach "'" '' c a en, l!fil OlEVY Pick Up. Ntw c-ts M•u~ r ......... .. Wntm1ns1e Nr. Hoe-g. .,... .......,....,.TO
T ·1 T I f4l eng. &: tires w/de'i> chrnml!' House Hun ,;"-?. W I h ~-FORD 1965 "-ton truck \\'1th ra1 •rs, rive wh!s. Body 1n good cone!. ..... a c """
1967 g ft. r..a'cm·tt camptr.1---------1 Make oUer:. 67~1 aft 6. OPE N HOUSE coJumn.
Fully tqu ip. Both truck k IIJ gal. propane tank •70 Ford Bronco ll2 V-8, 4 Autos, Imported 970
c11 mp.er in ongirutl con· Slightly u!tl!'d $22
dition. Good investmt nt.1 ~-c-•~.....,~~·6&1~-'='·'-'~·~ ~;~! r::;~;on~'.1 :~7.s, di~~
Buy it !or a REASON"ABLE Auto Service, Part• 149 l ""IV\ &n-15.'>8
llDD· W. Coa11t Hwy.
Newport Be~h
'69 FIAT 124
Porsche ~llow, mag wheels,
just like brand new. YPS-
477. A~k blwut our 100%
~!l-3031 Ext. Qi or 67
3100 \'.'. Coast Hwy.
Ne-.vport &ach
'57 MB190 SL
\VhHf' Wllb perfect original
red Jeaditr. ln this car. show
pride of ov.nership, has new
top & UN'S.
3100 \Y. Com Hwy,
Newport Be&ch
A fJrwt sf'lection of pre-owned
• Comple!e Stock of J\18 motor can at l"!!!S.nm11' HOUSE OF IMPORTS f iaj ~ Orange County's foremost
Mercedes Benz de-aler. ·
Tllld: S.. ~2 M11.nchetttr, Buena Park "FRIEDLANDER" ll<ach Bit ~'.:ii s A. Fwy
1J750 llACH ILVD. 1962 Mer~es Beru: new
f Hwy. J'I ' Block. reblt eng, nu uphol.
893-7566 e 537.ait suoo. r e.!1 Mark. 49!HOCKI or
FIAT '69 124. Sp Q>f'. ~lloll~'I c'::c"c..::.61..c5"'°"'..::,'..c·~---
...,'f'll c41't'd f«. $2.150. Pri· DAILY PILOT for action!
V Ate Pty. n-1-0216 Ca.11 64~E &: Sa.ve?
Autos, Imported 970 Autos, Imported
offer · rhu1 Wttkend, It"· ,""="-·· ='-~·~-~· ~=
TERESTED parties ,-....only, -e-.--'T-IR_E_S-.-."'!" IOC.O El Cammo. $495.-1960
call 5-l!l--0530 .... Chev. 11' ton pickup w/new
l969 FORD Trtx"k w/lJ' CLOSE-OUT I I tng $4!'J5. ~8 BaJ<er, C.M. !T!OIYJO!T!A! SANTA ANA
BLEY1S ("hangf' O\'<'ts, di~-5.">7-14M. campl!'I". By t111o'f1!"r S.l850. r1 d ,,~ f 5J2--.3TI7. continlr"' e:<.igns, ·,, ~ ot · ·s~ Ford Van. lo m1. ntw U~erl !ll'f>s, large 11elecr1on, ti~. 111-~ deck, immac,
'62 GMC -!<. !on \.\'/l01·ii' c11 m-S~. $6 nr SR. mu!t stll fi73-l966.
per. with pss.\ thni. Sl:ilO or FI N-Stone ~rrirr. 475 E. bl~! ofltr. 644--5.'i52. l7!h Sr. C:'-1 646-24·14 l91i.~ ~~ CHEVY Pick Up.
2 CHEV\ Good conrl. $795. Cycles, Bikes, ' Astros, \/'\\' to 5.16-49.;1 Scootar1 925 Ch""1' arlaprers, chrome lug
nnti; ,11nd Joeks. Mun ~ll 1968 OiEVY PU % Jon, V-8,
160 H01''DA. tn:eway legal 548·5380. a uto. p/s, R/H. new' ti~s.
runs well, private puty $225 =r=o=RD""'i"'s~in-.~M~.,-~rim-,~&~l4 must sell? Sl.850-968-426.
c•lllh· 646-5289 Brady. I · · I '69 FORD " To· ~-kup, n. m&g nms with up. ~ " .--"'
FOR Mle 1970 BSA -441 Vic-Ntv.• ggnd tltt5 11·l5 auto, radio & heater. Good
M-r Spec:i&J, 1tt for dirt, 642-3237. shape. $2100. 842-8186:
S500. 49l-3387-=ro=R=0-,-.,.-,~61~.~.,.~it~~...,-rt · · w h 1 t ~ EI~'" ai.ter·
e HODAKA • bloc:k.Just ov e rhau l ed , r~. I'~ + ,I:.."'-OMO:: running )'!JUT house'?' 'f'urn uvuu UJ '""""""" never run. ~ cost •I $100.
'66 HONDA 90, 1600 ml 646--0300. ttlf'm tnto "CASH'' • _,U
$200 • ~5"-5.363 SET of mag whe"els for Ford thf'Tn thru Daily
DAILY PILOT far actton! w/2 new tire.s $151'1.
Tot bat resul tJ! Ml-5678 ' • * 545--0396 * * * Clulriti@d. Ml-M~.
..,. .,
'68 Chevy Fleetside * $2295
Aitt•...._ w-., ,. ...... ,,..,,...,.•Ir cOlldltt••l11t .... 11tlf11I c•Mltl•11 fU,41,IJ
·10 vw · auCJ .............. ._ ............. " $1795 .
'71 Toyota Lanclcrulser . $3195
H~: W ........... ._'ttrH. ..,,_ ... .W. ........... fMb .. 11J7CDJ
Our Ml'ric• dept. wlll lM open 7:30 a.m. 'tll 9 p.m.
417 W. WARNER • SANTA ANA • 540-2512
> ..
eGALAXIE•LT~" . , •
:Aif brand new '71 For.ds and '71 demonshalors ~ ·
.. pric• slashed to ::
.. .o
•' MOVE EM · OUT!-,.
l I •" ..
,. '71 TORINO GT HARDTOP ... V~i. lttili11. Ht1l1r, Power St111ing, AM/~M. W1tt1"ly A.v'1l1"qt..,~ t ,000
111il•'· l )671SXl. .. •. _
ILUI IC>Ol PllCI SJ1'0 ,
OUR PRICE $289' • . ,
... 11'q\111: '°""'V ~11'11: W•o-~ ... ~!II~-. ,1,.lr"Cefld.,
., 6opl mlJ•• (VllL ~>.
'.70 GAL.AXIi , $2396 " ' ~. Hu·d'Ot2, V.J, Aim. . -y,...,.., RldMI, H .. IW. 't'iilyl
. _ltO!ll, Air G!lnd., lf¥/~ltCl. ~
1Jv9 leok Prlc• S21tt, Our l'Ne ·11ue look 'rlcil S21ff Our 'rice
;'! !<!~ f.LC~. < $21. 96 ... Ay!11. Trtnt., '"°"""' S ......
ll'IQ, Vl~yl T1>11, llacfl)ry Air (llH .. GC1D!1111lla . !:XJIS ~1').
IJ .. look Prke SJllD. o.r ,,... -
MUSTANG SALE .. . M~ '9 ell .... fro111. ''5 ..... ?I ........ C.U,-. lterdtopa, ffllMI .... ~·· ..,_kl. S.M w'"' 4 ~ ~' 1:M4Dflul .. -S ·~ ...._ EXAMPLE: '71 MUSTANG H.T. ;·
hfi11, h•1f1r. aot•l"ltlic, pow•r if•tri"t l br1ll••· fit+. 1ir, good 111il11 _C0!9CQRr
\6tt VJN. Iva
With all 11eau. 4
Jpet'rl. GQIXf mlles.. rYWS~01 996 ''7 SIMCA 1000
4 dooc. !,ow mileo. '
Ori(inal thru-out.
CVTM868 )
'68 CORTINA G.T. s99· 6 '66 VOLVO 1225 4 speed. rid.lo, Station \Vaa:on.
a:nod mil~~. 4 speed. low miles.
(UAJ\539) CZXV249) ~--------------1 '68 V.W'. Falltbad< $1096 '65 OPIL Kadott1 Fully .eqwpped, Good miles. GOod
a:ood mllr.s. transportation.
'67 MERC. C-
~"'· • ..,i.,,l'IMltr, ilCtory
911ul"'*9. GllOd '"'*-f)'Sl'0.171
-... -. .,
$596 '68 G•l•xlo H.T. • $Jff6· 'v.,. Aut9., 116H, ~.I., O!IMi ,\ "!ti-.. l.YCY 6.121 .,