HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-10-29 - Orange Coast Pilot7
s~alded~ Bruised
Baby Case Jails
Boyfriend of Mom
• \
VOL. '4, ... tM, I SltT19MS· U , ......
Red China Team
Coming to U.N.
Ut'.'ITED NAT IO NS !UP!l -Ac!ing
l.1tine se Cnmn1unisl Fnrci~n !'lllnister Chi
Peng-fei !old li N Sccrclar.v General
Thant today that Pf'kin~ v:ould scnr! a
rlelegation In !hr current session or the
. General Assembl.v.
A li.N. S)Xlkesn111n s:ud lhP cable
t ecei\'rd 1nrl;iy fr(lm Pr>k1n~ rlid nil! S<'1 a
dare ror arrival nf the Chinl'-.f' Oelegation
hut said it "·ou lfl arn\'e · 1n the nrar
ful urr ·• Diplnm;its h;i1r prrdictcd the
inese ":.tJ11ld ;irri1'r h.\' No\". 4
The c::1bl<' ;il~n dirl n{l! sprr1fy thP
akeup nf the n11s~111n h11 ! !hrrc has lx'cn
peculation 1ha1 Chi 11·nuld hrrld thr
cteleg.:111nn ·rhcrr h;irl hrf'n p;ir!1cr
t>pcculat1on th11t rrC'1n1er Chou En-la1
might even attend.
The Chi cable W.1!i the first rlircr! cnm·
municatinn frorn l,h.e \,()nlm11nisl Ch inc ~e
governmrnt !.n 1hP Vnilrd Na1inn ~ since
1!150 \.\·hen Prking !icnt a rrprr-!ient;i!1\·e !n
New York to discuss thr l\nrr an \\'a r.
The Grnrral 1\ssc1nhlv v o 1 "d
nver"·hrlmingly ~1nnd;iy nigh!. lo r:xpel
Nationalist China from the org;inh;atinn
and In ~ral tht Prnplc~ Republic nf
China , ~ivlng 11 ;i sea! on the Secur_ily
Cou ncil and \•eto power as one of the five
pennanent representatives.
Oran_ge Coast
\\'en Iller
• Sunny sk ies chased away the
clouds today and "'ill lilke over the
\Val.her scene lhis weekend. Tho~e
cold winds lihould die nul tonight
also, leaving un-spoo ky weather for
Halloween.. High around 62 Salur•
day, low~· in !he mid·40 's.
\ fiho.~t.~ nn<I vt11 rr 11·r1rrf rrrn·
ft1r,.s 11·1/I '1tn111f n J1nu .. ~e 1n CrJsrn
1\ft~n tin.~ ll!f'f'kri1d In 11 tt tPrl.n11~
ch i/dren-{T"ntl. n·s nll jnr chnr·
ity. Ser p1ct11rrs ond srorlJ on
Page 23,nf torla1{,~ \\leekPnder.
1 .. 1111~ n Mut~ll l't>fHI• n c:11u1 ..... 11 ' Nt llo<>l l Mtw• • C:hef.kfftt U1 " 0•1nQf C:..,llfY ' C:lt u lflM H•H "''""''"" U·ll ,_kl " s.i..11 ~trltr " C:r1uwarct " SHrlt ••·tl
Oe•Tfl N111eu ' "'" Mlr~th ll·ll
Dlftftff • Tfl0Vlt1911 • r•~·111 "''" • T~ttlt•• ••• "Ml>tl 11·1t ........ ~ .. • Hl,..K-.. W1•k! NIWI •••
"'"" l ......... " ....... ,,,,,,., »•
Mllll)o1 ' ("""''' NtWt U-11 Mevfl• fl.tt
Thant sent a c:abl-e lo Pekini; im·
mediately informing the Communist
Chinese or the U.N. :ii;:tion and asking
I hem to name a de!e~ation . There w:is nn
reply and Thant scn1 another cable
Thursday asking again .
Th:int asked that Peking act as Sf'll)n as
possible r speciall y in :ippoin!inJt a
representative to the Securit_\' Cllunril
~tncr. he said. the cnuncil mu st !)fl ahll': '"
runc!ion (TJntinunusly and all nl lt"
n1ember~ m11s1 "bf> represcn1rrl -'l t illl
times al the se:.t nl the org;:ini?il!1nn ··
Under counr1I rHl<'" :i nrw rrprr"rn·
1at1\•e must con\'PY his crcdrn!ials to thr
SerrPtarv r.cnrral no lrss 1han 24 hour~
before hC takr~ hi <; sr::il in the Cflunr1I
D\plllm:1ts noted that 1f lhc <"h 1ncse
rrprrsent;itivc arrived by Sundil.Y hr.
cot1!rl assurnP 1hr chillrmansh1p of thr.
Security Council for the month nf Nnvrn1·
ber. The rh;iirm11n ship ls ro!ntrrl ninnthly
;incl thr PMp!es Republic wo11ld he rli~i·
ble following Nicaragua this mon1h.
The cahle from Chi gave nn indica tion
(Sec CHlNESE, Pagt 2!
Frosty Weather
Touches County
Pu1npkin Crops
The frost ""'as· on the. nrant:rs and
purnpkins In Orange County lhi!i morn1n.1:
And, according lo the l'~ruil f'rosl
Service in Pomona, inland growers may
expec( more of the same tonighL
Irvine Valencia Growers Associ'!r.l.ion
, reported half·hour dips In the lreez~g
mark early today in soattered groves.
The 32-de)lree temperatures resulted
from an Arctic cold front th11! pushed
through Southern C;i!lfornia Thu rsday .
the .Nellonat Weather Servic~ saicl.
The !Jystem , which Al fir~t brou1;ht
JZloom and then swept 11way the Ji!ray1 n11t
clouds. will lower temperature!! alon,11 the
Orange Coast RI least through Sunday.
Meanwhile. up in the moun!Ains. lhe
cloudy skies and 1~ty winds will persist
with .snow continuing to blanket ground
above the 5,000-foot mark. \
In the deserts, winds will reach 4f>
miles an hour, ca~ing sand and blowing
dust haz.ard! for travelers.
Small craft warnings wert Jnwercd
overnight. the Orange County Harbor
Department arlvised .
Coastal lows lonight will be in the mid·
40s with high!! t xpecled to reach ti2 nn
• I s
Police Get
CdM l(nife
Newpnrt Beach police today ;ire holding.
11 San la Ana man nn ;:issau!t charges
following a blnod~. e;:irly-morning sruffl e
in a Cnrnn;:i del ~1ar hnme \l'hich left Qnf'.
ni::in hospitalized with butcher knife
wound s.
Pnlice assrr1 the 1nc1rJent w;:is flTI·
parently sparker! by a Jove 1riang!e si1ua·
Orficers sa1rJ Hoyt Lre Barker. 27, 1002
f\!r F;;rldrn A\'e .. S:int;; Ana ;;pparcntl y
ri1mf' tn 1hc ho1ne or \Vil!iam He\1,, 1!1, 21;)
roprv Ave at ;:ihout 2 am. In spe;ik \VJ!h
hi s cS1rang~d "''ifr , Rohf'rta. \~·ho police
s;;irl v;:.s sta~·ing with Hetz.
P.Pcau~(' of allegecl prior \"Jolenl actions
bv !hr su~pcct. pnlicl" sairl Hclz armt'rl
him srlf \\'ith the butcher knife and told
Barker In lca\'e lhP homC'
Arcording to police'. a ligh1 cn"ucd and
Hc1z rlroprcrl !he h11trher kn1fP v.·hich
\1;:1<; then pickrd up by fb1rkrr l/ptz 11·as
sla~hed nn the far<: and neck and stabbed
in thC' liide srvC'ral times.
Offircr~ !ialrl 1h::it lle!7 rlrnve h1n1sr\f In
Hoag \lrrnnri.11 Hnsp11al fflr treatn1en t
anrl th<i1 dnr1nr"" ph11ncrl pnhrr
Barkr-r 11 ;is pirkc<l up \atrr ;ind rharg·
rl'l \1·11h th(' 1Ti1nc
Hrt7 \1':1S tn satisfactory cond111nn to·
rlay al Hoag.
Teacher Seized
'Vith Six Oth ers
On Pot Charges
Pohce Thursrlay n1Rhl j;uled a Hun·
t1ngton Beach ochnol teacher. fou r young
men and a juvenile couple o·n a \1ar1ety of
drug charges stemming from an alleged
marijuana part:( in Los Alamitns.
Arrested were Grace Ann Barker. 2!1,
::in art tearher ;il Stacey lnterme<11ate
Schnnl. Oav1d .I. Slonts. 21; Ronald D.
A}ers. 22 . Donald C, Carton. 21. anfl
Bradlcv N Harris. 21. All gave as 111e1r addres~ 4041 !inward St .. Los A!am1lQS,
the scrnr. of the arrests.
Also arrested "'ere a 17-year-nlii girl
from L.ns Al;imitns and a 17-year-0\d boy
from Westminster.
The adulls v•ere honked into Oran·ge
County J;iil on suspirion of po!isessln~
hashish, m;irljuana. d;:ingerous d r 11 gs
and narcnl\cs p.ararhernalia. plus nther,
lesser. rh<1rl:(es. No ba1l had been set as
or this morning
rnlicr said they \.l·ent to the 1-loward
Street ad$lress in search nf a runav.•ay,
juv~nil&8nd stumbled into the alleged pot
pqrt.l(.-f\.l is.s , Barker has been with the
Westminster Schotll District since 11)68,
::iccording to district officials. Stacey
School i!I In the Westm inster district.
tbough it ls localed at 6311 Larchwood
Drive, Huntington Beach.
Westminster school officials sAid lhev
sire a""'(lre of ~1lss Barker'!': :irrei;t. hut
arf' awalllng more infflrmaUon t"w>fflre
decid in!I v.•he lher nr not !':he should bot:
suspenrll?d from clasmiom duties pending
dis position of htr cAse.
Orange~ Pumpkin
Crops Smothered
By Ja~k Frost
' '
Coonski11 Cap
U,.I Ttlffllole
1'1rs. AJlen Be rnes of Fairfax di scq_~ers the joy of wearing a live Davey'
\rockeu ca r . She was cuddliuefi raccoon at a San Rafael museum of ~c-1cnre when the cr itter decit1i"d lo perch on her head.
New,bpdated U.S. POW
List Hinted ~by N. Viets •
PAHIS I AP 1 ~ayor \V. L. Pa trick of
L:1urcl , ~1 1ss . id toda y a North Vief·
narnese diplomat ld him Hanoi plans to
publ ish an upcla1ed lisl of American
priioncrs pf war. He added lhat no in·
d!cation was ~ivea as··tn when the list
wnuld be released .
l'alrlck and twn othtr men from Laurel
met wi1h the North Vietnamese at the
Hanoi diplomatic mission nffices in Paris
Thursday for an Mur and 20 minutes.
North Vi('tnam released a pri~ner li st
last Dec. 22. It. contained the '™ties l'lr
:t.19 Ameri<'ans held in North Vieln:ime5e.
pri~n campll. Since then effort!! hav~
bf'rn made hy American official!! and
others to h11ve Hanoi 1:ive information on
• n!her Am{rican !>Qldier11 believed 1o be
held. T!i-! response hall a!way~ been
Last December's list was g_iven In
representativts of Sens .• I. W. f"ulbright
and Edward Kennedy by the Hanoi
missiqn. A copy of the list was also given
to the CommlUet of Liaison with Fomilie11
of Servicemen Detained in North Viet·
nam, a New York group that has con·
nect1nns with Hanoi on prlsnner m11llers.
Patrick told a reporter the mention of 11
lre!lh prisn11er Hsi came wlier. ht. lold the
diplomat. Identified as a second sccre1Rry
nf the mi!l~inn , lhAt fi vl' T.11uN?I Rrea n1en
had bet>n li!it!"d a~ ml!islng ln acttnn since
IStt. PRISONERS. Page 21
' '
• 1cer
I Wounded
ht Racial <
FORT WORTH. Tex. !UPI) -A sniper
using a high-)Xlwertd rifle with a
telescopic sight killed a "'hlte fliceman
and wounded anorher early tc, ... ~ a few
minutes al!er lhe officers began in-
vestigating a hi-racial nightclub shooting.
Thr. sniper hit !he officers \1•ith R single
shnt anrl then eluded R night-long search
in lhe sr111theast section of lhe city.
The inriden!s ra111e R day after three
J'/egrn organizations protested police
hru1a!il,v and prices of merchandise at
\Vhile·o11•ned stores in h!R ck areas. But,
f10l!C'P !\aJd lhey dOUbfed that the
shnnr1ngs stemmed from 1he black
"\Ve ha\·en'I go1 things al! checked out
~·f'I hut at this lunt J'rl ha\•e lo !iiay no,"
sa id Hon1icide Sgt. J. R. Brizendine.
Patrolman E. '-1. Be!chtr, 24. died in·
i;l ;in1ly \.\'hen the sniper's bullet from the
forriF:n·marlr rifle exploded his skull.
Riis of bullet ilnd hone lra~ments hit
r atrnman nnnald r, Turner. 28, who was
s1.1nrling next tfl Belcher, hut he \.\'as
lrra1ed and relra<;Prl .
Ten niinutrs htfnre thr nH1cers were
hit. Krnneth \V:1rne Harris, 2.1, anrl
0Phr;i Rrnok~. 1!1. '00111 tilack, \\'('ff' shot
1ns1dr thf' Elcrtric (1rcus r111h Ha rri~
v.·;it. in rr1t1r11I rnnd1tinn but l\llss Brw k.s
\~a" not hurt se nously.
\\I. E. Van l!nrik, il!l amhulrince driver,
flescribe<l thr s1i11atinn as tense oft.er
Jf:1rris and l\f iss Brnnks we re sho t. lie
took Harris to a hnspita!, leaving before
th" nffi<:rr \\''1S slain
"1\ lot of hl;lcks \\'ere stand in~ arounct
and t.hrv hass!erl I.he ainbulance driver!I
prrtiy h;irlly.'' Van Hook said. "It "'as
IJre!l .v tense "
A!. the hospital, Van Hook rrceived a
r:.d io call to relurn hecause the officer!I
had been shnl. li e said Patrolman
(See SNIPER, Page 2)
Arraig~ent Se t
For Ne ,vport Man
In Tot Scalding
A Newport Br.ach t'naj laced .. a,...
raignment in Harbor .Jud'icial District •
Court . today on charges of beating and
scalding his -gir.lfr.lend's small son.
Edward George R0cco, 20, 105 M:iln St.,
wa s arrested after police investigated
dnrtnr's reports on the nature of the in ..
juries.. -·
David Hicks, 2~. sulfeferl multiple
burns on his groin and butt.ockA and had
several other bruises on other parts of his
The child had originally been brought
lo Orange County Medical Center by hi5
mother, Shelley Eliott, 20, on .Oct. 20.
Doctors said she told lheftl he had been
hurned by some ho:;:up In the home
they shared with the spect.
Police said !ht ch· d was examined by
Welfare Department And health depArt ..
mrnt officials before police were notified .
County officials have placed . the child
In the care of the Silton Home.
The child's mothtr has not been charg-
•<L .
. '
~ tl.t:1L Y PILOT s ----------
Entry 1tpp1·oced
Britain Divided
On Market Vote
r.n:--oo:'\ 1 l.r -Part .1 :>,1· r~ h1~11'lnr
'"''' ro takf Rr1lci ln 111·' ''" ~ .... ropedn
t nrnmon ~1J1 I.ft 1l'fl bot h n1.1JO r pol1t 1ral
parues ~p1.1 1 .. c.1 • :ind thf' n.Jtl• 111F r,r ~he
1~tO\'l' 1ntn l:.:un 1J.1e in dn111•1
\':1th 1t~ \(•le Th~r ~rl;n n1ch1 1he H ··~~t-
1 • ~ ' "'I' !T, ' "' ,.•~.-.111n1nn~ac<1 1 '(' 1
( 'lflllll"ll \~, •. h· i ·, .\.'''
l r:-rn~ r:P~rit1a1eti I >1" (
i.;01er·1n1rn• cr~1 n~ "n'11 P Hr "' I' 1<;
prep.i •rrl:n1-.1Pl1f•'·'f~111 · (••'.,!.\'
"d 11.ar·pl nne11: t for d J ,,;,. 1:1 .; '·· ::f·d
BLl t ,, ,ear-tnng bat!lf' rrma.1.s tn pu-h
tne r n<i~ .~ _ 1r~i,1;;t,<." ·t:~r· .;h Parha·,
1-1en! "I :: .. !:. B: :11-1, 1 .•. 1 11 "' tr."t rule::.·
••I tilr t:u1 u,,1·<.1 11 !.~· :· :n1r ' 1:1 :11,111,..
\,eforc Lro!,"n li'll• "' t .... !I '" ,,, IL,.,
!arg~i fl<i'r (I f J,11 , !. 1\'1:.1 ,\!I ~tgns
1..omird 111 , :in La Elger~ on 1 ·,e nlure coJn· •
rro\(r!'..:,i ten~l 1,1 c·:tr·.
Pr1n1P \L;. ·tt·r L:C11.1rtl Ht>.illl 1,11•1 :ii•
1,ro1d! 1r p:1111 1p,e ft,I l·r:1t·1 h a 1rJ\C nf
~·m 1 .. '.'.li 11• 1';r !'n1n:11ons 111th '.'.7 <lb~l('n-
1 nn~ 1!£' h.;: n,aJn r11y nf 112 exceeded
,.,1 en 1 r.e-~1 . l·rr.n1cr.: s more op1irn 1sl1C'
fn rec.-,.1 •
St11 '·lih r.1d ·••1 £ hr!p tr r,n1 L.-.bnr 1';11 •
t. n~ocl.s. s11ellf'd the n1a1or1t} to that
1'a:x (111~ Gi,en
Tentative Okav
Bv Se na te Unit
\\ \:,HJ.\r,10\ ·L-PI • -1he ::irna!c
l 1nc1ncr c·o;mmiltef' g;He 1rnl<J!11·e <1p-
r•rn.a! tr.dav Ill ~r, j h1l!1on 11nr1h of
Per~onal 1ncOm1: ta:.. cut~ for HJ/I. l~iZ
and 1973
F"nr the &1er.1CP .\1nenc,111 l.1111 11,1· \\'llh
!11ri depcndf.n 1s and <111 annu;i l t:;;.:;ihl(' 111
-rrime nf ~12 .. 100 !he tax Lll\ 11ould <o 111ol1nt
to ~·fi2 in 1972
Thr· cr1tnn11ttee. h0\1 e1er. r!'ser1cd !he
right Ill r!'11c11 -and P'"·'1bly 111cre<1•e
-the ta:.. r111~ hefrirc .i ~<·nd~ !hr hill t ..
1he Senate fli•or tor <"H'f lf•JI rJ(·~l 11cr~ Thi:
leJ:?1s!a1111n illread~ ha~ µ:.~:'i'cl thr llOU'-f'.
Th" tai. t ut!'i 11n11ld he ;irh1e1ed r!11cfll'
h\ 1ncrea~1111.! th" 1•rrcnnal 1 \t':np:1nt1
tlic.t f'<tfh 1 :.:..p;1~r·r 1na1 i l<11lll i.,,
turn.sell and "<iLh <•f h1.-, dr pt·ndenl'-1 h"
<'xemption nu11 Slia!l. "nuld nse In si;;5 in
1971 and lu Si~ 1n 19i2 and subsequent
) ears
Some comm1ilee 1nrmbero; 11ere rx-
pected 10 attempt 10 1ncrea0 e lh"
rier ~nnal P.\empt10n In ~RflO fnr 19i2 ;ind
future 1 ear"
If !hilt eff nrt fail.~ in rom11111tcc 11 1<;
:i!mn~t certain lo be made on !he Senate
Th'-' c'omm1t!ee 111ted Thur.,d::i1 lr1 p .. t
intn pffc('t rnore liher:il deprer1at1r•n rule.;;
11·h1eh 11•11! s;i1·e L S corpririi\1r0n~ ~13 2
blllion ffi ta\C.S 01·er thf" next f11 e ~ears
!he Deremhtr l1~t "a~ pu~ll.•hra
PJ !rick said <11 th;it pr11nt thF> ci,p'r,:n;,'
tnld him '"\\e are prrp.1~1:1,c:; a:v :ne~ .1•'
In be puhlished b.v H;,nr•J. llarv,1 :.; .,[
decide 11 hen t•• p11bl1~h 11 '
l!r ~aJd rh4· ll•t 1<. .. ulcl Ii( u11!lu!td :r•i:n
!he lJet•rn1bl.'r atc0u1111r.1:
L.i•I Oct i. a ~pnl\e~111an fnr lh" \-,i ·h
\ 1rtn .. mP~(' dr-!C'R.:Jll"11 tro lllr l '.,r.~ j•" f'
1 al\..~ rnld ne11 .. 111rn 1l1;i1 tl1r Ill• r·rnbPr
J1•t 11 a~ con1plr!t> ;irld 1)i,,• ll••r" 11L/f' 11"
;idd1!J'•n.~ 1n 1!1<' l.i ,1 In 111•,l"\!11 Ti«~
1 n11ed ~.i1 e~ 11,,1• .11,.111 I hl"t I ..,
~"r1 1r~'mr11 1111~~111,111 ri ~u111 ,, "'! A ~la Ill•
i !ud111_c 1~2 Ill \urt.h \ ll.'llJ.1111
DAllY Pll01
N•w'o" kac~
le<J•~• ••oc~
Cotl• 11111•
H ~wti•oilo• '-•
fou11tol ~ Ytr!Je.y
~"" c1 ...... ,.
~~o••' t: \>foo d
""~><C• A 0 ,, -"~
J··~ '· c.~-1 • .,. Vj:t 1'1nle-1 t 'l<I C,r t ·ol '·'•"60W'
, ........ , ir, •• ~.t
LO ·or
l~e,.•• .A M .,•p\.:~,
H••o~ng l ,_,-
Col'I .,.PU'. JXI Wf"\l f'o' ~'"" ""~'DO'! BN<"" \Jll "'•V.W•I Bo•'t~trif
L1Q•Jnt 81'·t~ '1i "O• .. • A ~p-vo
J.'~nl no•on llH<"= 1'111 S11<~ Bov<evord
~ .. Cltm-n•o; ¥.l Nor!~ El C•m"'o II.Ml
, ....... 17141 ••l""'ll1
Cl-""M Aftert1W11t 642·1•71
S.. C~.-.. All Oo11>•rt111~1J:
1.1.,i.-4t 2-4410
Cllr(l"~hl, 1•11, 0""9* r.0111 •"~' ••'•• C:•"'Pl"f· "'o ,..., ''°''"· ' ~,,,.,..,~,,
,.,100.,11 """" •• ae~ert '""''". • ~ .. , ~ ..... y bf 'fl>•ad,OC..i "'''''°'" ....... 1 pr(•
,..,,._, 9! co"1'•tr'I "~"'''•
~~Ol>C! •ll M ""''o" ~Id II N ... W -l_ •••t~ 1.,. Co••• ~'"'"· l • "''"'•· •vo""P' o~
llV (l "•I • 1111 ..... ~.~" "" ""'" I) lj
-"''''"' ,,., ~ ...... ,_. 111! "'°~'~
une>.pt>L'ted slzt' Hea1h has no i:uar:tnt e~
th<it he l<ln push through the bills that
n1ust follow on the ~1rength of his 011n
pa~!~ ;;!one
The t rinser1au1es ha1e a 111aJor111 nf
~j Hl lnmn1ons and J9 nf !hem \Olf'd
~1_1!a1n~1 entr~ 1\lany nf these sav lh('J'
;'il l ;ilsn \<11e .. i:,a1n~t thf' Pnahhn~ lrg1 ~1;;.
r.-,r. f ',L''l 1~ 1h;11 n1e.1th b11 ni.;111.: !lie
.,. !,!O\!"l-111]\l;'llt JH\\11
l·urrnrr !'r11nt' .\\uu~ter IJ.i rulU \\11Wn
~~.r! h.< Labor f';:1r11· .11'(' al~o <'l•!nn111ti"r!
IH 11:::hting 1he-f bill ~ dlJ 1he 11,1\ \e;1r!1·
., l!1u d 1.j th e Lat>o111es 11>l ('d 111th lhe
;;r11 ernn1en1 (II' absta111ed Thur:.fla_1 1ugt1L
Bu: most ol 1tit-se defectors Jfi' no-.v ex-
pec!ed\t.Q. retu1 n to the p<1rty line on lht-
lu!tlf1' \ult•, othf'r11 1~f' 1he r ar11 rould
Le -r:11 111ep:ir;Jbl.1
l\d:.un ~ ~11-.1teg1 1-.1., dela1 and ('\f'Jl·
l ual!~ dere:-11 !he gn1ern111enl on 111;8
leg1.!ila11011. fr1rt·1ng a general elrC'll1Jn.
\\'uh the Conserl"al11es trailing Lalli·r
h1 12 percent 111 publl<' op1n1on polls. and
111e puil., ~110111ng ;1 llHlJflrH.1· of l"Oters
;ig;-1111s1 1Q1111 11g E11rripr. \\'iii.o n figures he
11 ou ld h£• returned to offltP.
Ile ~<lid Thursdrt~ night that .'J Juture
Labor go1 ernmenl ll'outd no! pull out of
1hr-market hL!l 11 oul d nol cooperate 11·1th
1t unti l better terms for particJpation
11ere negnt1<1tf'd .
Trouble eou!d .ilso l'orne !Or Heath on
0J1e of the entry lern1s still to be
uegot laled . the question of fishing rights
111 terntunal w••ters.
1"e1ertheless the subst;in1ial maJorily
in the Commons Thursda.v n1~h!. and an
p1 en b1gger margin or 451 10 58 1n the
House nf Lords \1·ere a personal triumph
for Heath. They rrov•ned a decade-long
efiort he began in 1961 when he led Br1-
!<11n 's first negnt iallon!'t tn J<rin the Euro·
pcan C<Jmmun1ty , la!er \eloed hy Pres1·
rlrnt Ch ·rlrs de 1;;iu l!r.
'Florist' /lad
l1iet Message
S . .li CR.'\.\lJ::,\ .. f\l !AP1 !\!rs.
Earl Huff1nan was alrTiost positive
the man a't her door with a dozen
long-stem1ned roses i11 )11§ han;·
"'a'i GO\". Heagan -an'!rshe \\"a
'Hrlln. t n1 Ronald Reagan," 1he
go1 t>rn<>r ~aid 1'hursda1 .
' Your husband as~ed 1nr In
dl.'h\·er these f1011·er.'i lo you and lell
~·ou th;i t he loves ~ou ...
.\lr ... lluffn1an, 11·hose husband.
Air Force T. Sgt. F:arl Huff1nan. is
~!<1T 1nnrd rn /);r Nang. Vie!nam,
said ""I kind nl cnerl ju~l a hit."
"r1n a nnhodv. and I C'nuldn '! im-
;:icJnr ~01nr11nr ;i s unpor!anl as lhf'
rri1·rrnor 1.1\..111c t1n1e In deli\"er
11•11\r-r~ In nH' II "l1kf' a drea1n "'
Rea!!;iJl s u11a11nnunrer! \' 1 s 1 l
~iemmrd tr0n1 a lettrr l·luffman
v.rr,te tl1e gr.rernor t ;:i~t niontll
.,_ ."ay1:ig he 11·as making the unu~ual
reque"t hcrause hr hoped to find "a
drama11r· 11a~ tn shn1v n1y "·ife how
murh l I~\" her··
A <.p<Jke;man fnr Reagan said the
.:r,l'ernor derided "on the spur of
ltiP mnm .. nt ' tn del1vrr the rose~.
hll~ 111~ theM himself de~p1te Huf-
fman s nfler to pay all costs.
Fir11t Bares Plan
f'or Fo ss il Fuel
."i on Diego Plaut
:San Diego ~•.t 1' and Electric (ompan.v
1rida~ con!lrinrd ~pe('Ulat1on !hal 11 wo uld
propose a new fos~il -fue)id elec!r1r
::12ner.:it1ni;. plant _t rrobab!,1· in the
! ';1rlsbad area -1(1 help cush ion delays
1n ~0r.struc1 ion of t111n nuclear generators
at Sa n Onofre.
!nan announ<'c111en1 111ade this mQrning
!he ut1ht v announced that the f':1:isting
po"·er cOmplex al Enctna :;eemed the
111ost likely site tor a ne 11• con\'enlLonal
i>t eam generator t(I cope 1\'llh asserted
po"·er shortages 11·h1ch might stein fron1
thP nuclear co11~1rur11on delavs.
Three separat<' der1~1nns · relat111i; 111
-.;ilet\' and the enl'1ronn1ent ar~ bla111f'<f
fnr lhe delays 11·h1ch might a mount lo
· \\'aller 7.1!1:iu. ~01; <ind E presidenl .
~;ud the Enl'1na loi.'al1•1n 11as chosen afte1 ·
~tudies lo prnbe pos~1ble allern:i!i\·es to
th<' reactor projects.
The San Diego-based u!1l1ty 1s assun1111J1:
~fl prrccnt of the c·os!.~ arid heneti !sjron
1hP ~an Onofre plans. Southern Ca11forn1a
Ed1snn C<in1p:tny has an 80 perce11\ 1n-
1ci·est in (he stalled project.~.
Zillau said the Encina selec\1011 11·;1~
n1:idr because 1he erit1ral need ror po11er
ciO{'<; 1101 al1011· for enoui;:h lin1c tn de1 elnp
<11f entrrelv ne11 .!illr.
'"Stud1eS .:ire under 11·a1· In detenn1nl'
11·hat IYPf' of unit \1•111 be t;onstrucrt-d." he
expl<11n('d. "Thr onr "e choo~e 11·111 be
designed to ('1ltnply lull~· 11 11h al! en
\'tronmen\Hl quality s1a ndards. including
those for "ater, air and esthettcs."'
He .'Jdded that his f1rrn and Edison both
v.ere "dist ressed " b)· lhe delays -cau~
Pd. hf' s11id. b~· a lf'cleraJ court decisif'ln
\\'h1ch l'/rders the Alomic F.nf'rgy Corn·
m1~s1on to 1nelurle the en11ron1nent in 11~
11~1 of conrPrns 1n 1~su1n& reactor
The AF,(" :11~0 h:t~ nrrlered a thorC11 ~h
re\1P11· nl r.:irthQlJiikf' !'afP1 ),..ln po11•r
plant s. Thr l~lebl eur1 ~ <:3"1)1': tron1 !hr
St..11~ nt California "hich rcccnlly 6f't
h:i r~h nf'w ~tandards.
f"rnm PngP I
col !hr rn<Jhl'u p t1l tht> u'l'l1•&<illun buf ~ ... 1d
l h!i' nam('S 1\ould bf' ~en\ to the Sf·<'retary
1 ;eneral l<i tl!r 011. thus apparently rul·
1ng nut ;in\ pn·c;1bd1ty China 11ould take
1>11·r till· 1 !1a1rr11:111•h1p f••r \1.11·1nbcr
f Ii i · ';1!,l1 ,1( k!l'Jll l•'dt:1-d <•1111 I('! C'1'· •
111\! ·111,ll l!
!he l \
1•,.r1 u I 'l'U .. ii io.1:11 , .1lff1I\ ,..,
1""' ;uid u1d 11111 1111·1.'1u11 \11~
11udi,:to 'I 11:+1 .I
"I l1u1t• 11·• L"ll l·d ~·1•~f 1t'k'~r<t 111 (•I 111:!.
':'fi ir1f11nn1n~ 111'• 1h;11 at 11~ 2iit h ~,.,,inn
!h!' (,1'11!'1«1 1\,.~t·111t,l.1 r1f th" l t11tt•c! '\a-
t1 on-. ;1iJ,,p1,•d 1111 llH! ~~ilh ol (/tl11her Hai
rrsol:llr• 11 ,.,.,loflr1g l<i Ill" l'ei•plt·"<;
li1·pul1l11 ,,r \'!una .1JI o! 1rs 11thto; ui !ll P.
I 111tf'd \.1tion·-•it•d 1·\P• 1!1·1;.: li•Tt!1111tl1
I lo· I •"I ll,. ••11! ,1!' , • ,,: 1 '111,111, f\;1, ,,r i\
I 1 "I ti I lit pl.''-, II ii 11 Ii !111· ', 1111 I .. 'A"t IJ I\\ '"
t Ufl,1 :11 lht• I 11111d \.111011<; and In :ill th e
u1r,11111.11u.•1, r1·l.1lo1! 1" rt ( h1 •:nll
( j1;1\l' ,tl•I • 11' "d lh,ol l•J\I 11,n ~
11nl1t1cd all Hu· U.1dl•" .11uJ n•l;.1t •J C:1J.:•'J1·
r11·' u! !ho> l rui.•d \;1t1"il\ of lh1~ rt>~11lu
l1on <iclnJil• <I 111 Pi« l 111tt>d '\;i!J"''~
t :f•Jlf>r~I 1\\5i·inb!v :-ind l1t>l11·1p tt..1t !he
11h111t• 1111·i1!J1•t1t•d r1 -·«l11!1"n 11 111 he
:-J1e1·dil.1· Jdl)Jlt 11w1>l1·d 111 1! ,., \i(l•I\
lt'liut's Good j"or Geese
) 11"1' 111!..,nn l••t• 111"•1 1111• go11t ·r11111r1 l
•ii 11 11• l'l"IPlt'• "' 111.lilw i•I ("11u1 ,. 1·.111 ~t·!l()
11 d1·lo·~<tl1u11 Ill 1111 • lll'i•I" l11!t1rt· I•! ill\( nrl
1hr ~lil h "'''~1·~11•!ht•1·urr1 rl1 ••th'• of 1hc
i:r1a·r:1I ·\~~1·1t1hl·, nr lht' l •utrd \:111011~
·TJ11• na111r l1 •111f 1!tr· d11,·~11t1u11 11 il! Ii~
<1·11! !" 11111 L1!1·r I 'le ;1~l· .l('f'!'pl ffl('
a~,LLl':.t ll( 1 .• 1if 111,1 111;::'.lir · .I '\ltl~ 1(.kral ion " annual n11,:::ra!1rin <,011111. .\bn11L half (1f lhc·rn 11111
lc.i ve before J)ct . I.
1\lure than 200.000 ("anac\1an geese pau,r at lhC'
1/oricon t\\'is,1 Game f-{efugc enc h _vrar hrforc 1helr ~~~~~~~~--'~~-'--~~~~~~~~~~~~-----. '.
J'1.en Rearrc:s tc<l
011 lndict1ncnt
' .~ Grand Jury 1n1.hctrnent 'l'hur .,day
L·harg1ng possession ol 5125.000 11nrtl1 of
n1ariJuana lor sale sp;irkrd lhe fl.'arres l
of 1110 South Co:J-.t 111en 11hn had l>C'en
Jree 011 bail av.a1ting 1.'nurt :1('!1011 111 lh<:
SL<ile i\<1rco111.:s ilge11l~ ;111d ~;;11
CJc1ncnte d<'teeli1 es 111;id1' t!iC' r1·pr;1 t :11
rests nf &ott Dai 1d 11!t ilon;ild. 211. 1it
26fiflfi Calle UltillHL Ci1)1JStrano Bl';11·1i
and Stcl'en Dai id ('arrrras. 19. 111 2-tlili"1
Lns Serrauo::-.. L;1gu1111 :\1gu1'I
Boll1 tnc11 11ere ,111:11t111~ .-11u1l a1 ·11•111
~len11nu1~ fn11n lhe l;_u·ge-:-;ral(' 1",11d
11·h1ch au!horit1t•s ~aid nelted !10 kilos nf
the forbiddt>n 1rred llc! 7
Ra il on 1hr 1110 111rn undrr rhe 111
d1et1nl.'nt has been set al S25.(MH) r:u·h A1·
ra1gnn1cnl 111 Orange (\1un!1 Supf'l llll"
Court 11;is srhedulcd tor tod:11
Because of the (;r;ind .fur.~ ae!u1n ;Ill
l\1u n1c1pal (ourl proc-e(·d1n~!> ;ig;un~t Iii<"
pair \1'111 be dropped and !he l.1se "'111
autu111atically move up to 1he Superior
Courl level.
The 111en \1·ere ong1na!ly arrested u1 "
1ar1;e raid "'·h1ch included the 11 s l' nf
helicopter sur1·eilJ;ince ;it s c 1 r r a I
res1den{'es 111 tlte Capistrano Beai.·11
Pal1.~adrs and !llf• Laguna 1\tguel res1d('n·
l"t' 011 Lo.~ Serranos.
Polite said !hr1· ::.c11..ed h1n1dr('d., nf
rounds of mar1111~ina h1 packaged kilo
lorn1 trnm lhe trunk nf an auto.
Ano!he r large quanllty 11:is scraped ur
rrn1n garag(' lloors
The 1nd1ctment Thur~da\ s:11d lhr a1-re~ts eli1naxed a prnbe · dunng 11 h1l'h
underco1 er agents ;dll.'gedly n1ade ;:1 de:il
In purchase 171 pounds of the 11eed fur
1'apc R ecording8
1'o Be Rep la~ cd
In Ran<lano (a:sc
'I ape rPcordJn,t;~ rciler11nj.( a!lrgi:od • "ll·
\ rt"s;l!1uns br111ern (;rnc l~andil1\("S
.. lrnnt !TI<lll"' <111rl Co~t:l ~lr~a patrnln1,111
1:a1·1· Ha1·111.: 111 ;1~_s('1'1<'d a11 e111p1' 10
ht'1hf. !ll{' f•fl l('('r 1,tlJ br pll1.1ed \tr111dav
11hen lh:-(tr<t t1.£'f' Cu11n1y S11peru11· (PUii.
t1 i<il ol tl1e tn1'1nr1· .'1t'l1porl Be:Kh 111;in
1'1irt1(1n~ fl[ thr 1.1pes 11rJe pi<1.1rd \:t!r
Thur~da\· and (lflh'l'r Rar111g at!drd h1~
1rs11111ori1· In their ('n!ltf'nl bt•ft11·(' Jutlf:~
('laudr (h1ens calll''I fnr· a three d;iy
break ;n !ht> trial of R:u1clano. 47
The l'n111·1ct ed l1qunr hlJ<irkrr 1~ <11·
f'\1sed nf 1\orktng 111111 l.a,guna \1gut>I
businessman Sa 1n u c I n~n1an f,, u~r
Barwig Ill plantJng a pa<'kagr of
d~nger1111~ <ln1J!'" 111 lhr • .1r nF ;1 k('~ pr•I·
rcuti nn 111tness a(:.atn~!..llandano
nsman i~ ser\·1ng a ~1iirpr1so11 te rin
one lo three year~ for his parl 1n thr
,.-•• ,,,,, 1'11~1" I
Brl('her 11·as \r111g dead 111 :a p:trk1ng 101
The sniprr.Ot tirst wa;; b1'l1e1rd ro h'11·c
r1red lro111 a hamhurge'r stand 200 \tJ 2;,o
\ .11·ds :i11·a1· Rrize11d1n<' saat H\I e~t 1g;i!nr~
ia!"r p1npt:)1ntl'd a d1!fere nt lo1·.i111111, t11ll
l\llhheld furlher 1nforn1a11on 11\ht'I" U1:111
thf'1 ll"E'fe seeking a grern r;ir 111 11 ha.:h
lhf.; sniper ll"as behel'rd In l\;1\"f' tlC'd
' \Vhitc House Haunted
\\'ASHl\GTO\' 1UPI ~ -Pat l'\1'.':on hn·
ed up a c:Js! nf \\'alt Disney characters . .'J
~rnup or <'lo11ns <1nd a n1agic1an lo l'n·
lertain loda1 ·s \\"h ire House ll ;illf'l\\een
P:trt.v for ~1(k and h:tnd1c,1pped rtulrlrcn
Yriungstf>r~ frorn i to 12 11 ere 11111\erl !n
,\Ir~ ~1xon·s par!.1 They 11 111 11r:ir
~Pl'f'll\I coslum" poncho~ rrea!Pd ;tnd
don;;1Pcl 111 h:inch\'appecl 11·n1 kP!"~ :it
c;ood11il l liidu~lnr~ :ind rn;i~ks "t'nt tn
lhtn1 n1· :'llr:-\01\<)t) 11h11 h !hr~ lll•
rl111duaJly dccnr:itcd thcm~rl1 es
·w eeke1id Rece:s:s Ordered Chinese Lca<lers
~~ TO.\I flARLE Y
Ot !~I O•olV Polo! 11111
.\.tlllee-cl<l l' h1l·.1~ 111;11IJ,,lt-;;11111!1.\\!••1·
1L11 .l f('il~C' ;1nfl !Ol'I id {'IH "OUll!l"I' hf·l11f'1 II
i1 '1 1;1rd·h11!111~ jll"f>'•C'\'Ulror :i111l 11111rd('J"
'IJ "f!l'l ! ~ .1g ! 'L•h·i·.., · ;in·i.;11:1111 p:1r;11111111r
la·g:-111 1r1rln.1 111 C!/';1ng1• C11u11t1 ~·11prrt1•!"
r\ll 1·;u·t111· lilondf' A1111t l);,rllhtlcinrw
11111 gr1 n 11 rckcncl".-; rc~plll' trn1n 111e
,.1,,in·ll111~ q11P~t1nn.., n/ f1epu1 .v ll!~lr1rl
Alll1111r1 l'ill !11·1,111 11lio1 ••b11nu.'h
l!').:ll!lb. !lit' :-•!II "l111ht•n :\rl'IPP" ('nll";.:"
~r1d11.i1 1 · :is 111.., 111:it••r 111·11sr•1·t1!1nn
11 illll'~~
llu! 1\lh:-k.11·thnlrr111 ·11 11hn 11:1~ bC•'ll
J..\J,Ul!t·d l!llllllltll!I liH!tl l)l'!t~t'l'U !lotl.
11111 '•1 j!•• lo!l lllf' 111lri<''' ~t;111d f0>t 1IH tli1n!
11;11 111 .• 1"11 \l<Jntl:11 !•• ;1;:..1,11 t•·ll .. 1 ll<·r
hi" 111!11 tl11• 111:111 11hn <·al!l'd hun~rlf
1 ~J.!d!·ll i 11111111~1d' 111 1hr dr..,•'rl ~·11111
1nut1" 11t;il 11,1· tl 1L' '1'11 1t11: t11r Iii-. cln 11n~
iol · thr !'!•l!lll\~ 1l'1,.l11t1n11
:\1l~o; B;u thnlr111r11 . :!2 . 1estihrd 1n thj'
t lo"ini; hn11r!'i nf Th11rsda1 " ~t'-.~lh11 111
,l11di:?r l\rnn{'!h l\"Jll1;.111~· 1·ourtrnun1 1h:1t
1'1'1'·r~ <'llrn lo\d tirr •.! 111~ 11.1 r J1•r h1 ~
p.1r1>111 -. (iur111~ thr 111111' n1onth~ 1)11•1·
"1'('111 1ni.:1·ili('t 111 1111• 11t ''"r1 1.11,,.li tll:;1
1\<i~ lin111r• 1111· thr 11nn1.11·11rd l'"I! <11111
:.r1r11 ••llil'r .1•11111g ,,dul!
Thr :\:111 I 111"~1, i.:11 I :1\•1111111,d 111,11 1!11•1
liulh ~llH•hrd rnal'l1u:1 11a ;ind 111:11. l'r1r1 ~
.i1~n 1<1ok l.SlJ ""11l1«11f'\r1· J1« 11;11.ird I"
hc11el1 ! lro111 :1 lrarn111g r\p1·nr11cr
But ~hr ha~ r;11'11('r lt•:;1 1lied 1h;1! l1r
ll)nk net drui:~ nf <1ny t..1nd lorr ;1t lr:i~t ~I
11 .. :.rr-hf'!<'1(' he 111urdrrrd 111~ r:11"t'l11
j 1,1 Apr 11 21 .
!-'rtt'r~. :?1. 1-. ;itl~'!!f'd 111 ll<1 1e ,1;1[)hrd
h1-. r;i!h('T. (h,1rlr~ l'elt't•. i.i. lil111l1Ch
!llP h(':in ;uu! ~t1.1nglrct h1<. u1nth•·1 .
f· lrwa ;,.i. ah11ul ninr h•1ur:« ;ilt t•1 hl' anc!
\1 1-• B,1r1hn:1•111e11 1011rnr11 ·.! Jri,rn ! .1'
\IP\I! an linrr!rr Jn Pie i·i·trr~ 1"1~1111·
Put A
lin1nc ;if J11! Luu:ni11 ~\
llPf1•11-.1· .111 >11111·.1 1i,1n1 'l;1r!r o11 ;in,ur-;;
11 ,,1 l't•tr 1 ~11 :1.·-111 .1111• .<1 \l1r l11nr "I rlir
J:n;u1 <11gu1·~ 111.JI Ilic f<11 111L'I IJll'):!LJ .i rU
11.1~ pC'rfec!l y ~<lfll' :1nrl he 11·111 ask the
J.!1'_1' to 11np11sr lhf' dc,ilh pt•n;,111
11 hn~ 111·•·11 restil1t'd 1h:11 l'i·lrrs 11.,_,
p11hl1cly t!1 ~u11·n1.·d h.v his f<1l!1cr l•·si; th1111
'.(I 1 1()\Jr~ bf'!<Jre 111•· k1l l111g 111 <l :-,;111 ll1,,g11
I rdrr;il cou11n10111 11 h1·rc rile di,fcndant
11 .1~ :1ccurnp11111l'd In· '\11 -.~ Barlh•Jlen1e1\·
.111•l ·l11s hrnt hrr Tnn.1. ti
)1•,111110111· li:1~ d1~1·l11srd !h:i1 Tony r:-111
.11\:J.\ fri1111. ll11111e f·arl~ tin~ ~f':ir t!I ~Htl
!.1 hro!l1••1 ;111d \II~-. H;1r1tiole1nt•11 .11
!l u 1r l'l'l1·r;11 tn Hu· S;,11 (111•co l'OJtll\11·
'" ··rl 1'11111111 I lll'ilf !hf· \le\ll',l\!l l}<u'dPI
\11<•tl1t·r 111••11\1•1 1'•1r1· l 'f'lf'!~ I:!_ t1;1 ~
!•· •1111d 111 .. r 1 ,1~ tul1! 111111 111 1hr r:1rh·
!11>1'1-" nl Atll 11 :!I 111.11 l.1 l1:1d '"~rn1 ra'i
111ntlwr 1 .. lll',tl t'll 11!1! !lllt n.1d n11r ul !us
1111··• I
Th i' bo1 to 11lwtl lh:1t his • ldl'r hrolhr1·
t.11.i l111n. i11.11 ··,;111JOu H<'d l'l,111r·" :ire
;1t•••1ll II• 1111.1r\(' l!1r 1·n11111r1 Ow rr1(1lt1·
l>'"l I~ 11•tllll li.: ;111d 1itP J.'•!ll'l.ll!l H'll l I~
.ol>u1ll 1., I.ii!
\11 lt11 tli•1 1•1111'1\ I' 1,~1HI .. I l•l l~lll
I I ill .J,,1\ "II i 't·i •'I ·' 11\:111_, lr<tlll 1d ! 1•:1
I 1 •1111if,1 I t11l1 ,.! I !it> I'' 1: 111 IHllH 11:11 I '11 I 11 >II'
1io• ,,.111.1r •·d1•n :1 r·,11 t.. 111 11ir 1•1111· p11:-1·
l>0 •ll 00 fr.I li,•111 :-. ;d ,1 !illll' l11t•di1,1!1'1.;: :l!ld
In 1111..; .i1 1d 1111111,111!.! .<1Htt11 l1r11ll11•1 I\ \,,•, t'
.111d p11 'p;11 <l lh 1111 1]11• 11J111111~ I t'.1!!11
S:k It' -t1;;t•d 1)1;it !'rtl'r~ 11 ,,.;; t 1\1 c't'f'lf'd
11!·• ,it!•!' hi~ 1.othe1 1111· ;in .1lr-,,hol1<' ;i11d
1h:11 111· 111111t1rr 11,,~ 1nntr1npli1t111i;:
'p 11.t!P·11 ur .i r1L1 •1rrr 1\11d ~i1e 11,]d
r 1!1011 lh.i! hr1 lo11 1'r 11 1•p! :;ti !hr lli!V
i., :1·• ;1fl11 •Hl'' 1·1110 !!11111111~1 r.n Hcfl•·h
tJ .. 1 111·, 111• · , 11u ldn l '\ r :in1 11a1· nu1 f.ir
l 1~ I ,11 r nl,
Bla;;t U.1\. '.''lo\'C
!:>A.\ "H,\.\( ·1-,cu (' L I' l t
( h1n<1t111rn":. po11•'rtul li ·t1der~h1p Thur~
dav rlr·nnt1nt"t"d 11\P I 111h1d \:illnns as
'·dCc:idPnl and 1·1 n1eal. an<I PrP~idt>nt
\.1\"f'i :1~ a '"pn\1111·;1! '•Pfl'"l!"!l1n1,•! ·• In &
I.I ll' ll•'ll ~ 1 •)t1f1•r1·11!"l' ,1! lh~ II' p:l~lldil·
-11h· t1e:1dqunrh·r~ b111l1l111 E'
/'ht·\ ·111nr-.t' .".1\ < •11111d11:t··. 1·. l11t'h l1:,1 l'
r{·pr(l.~f'ntrd { l1111:11n11 n" f'~1<Jbltshment
~111tr tl1e T<\ti t \\;1r". b111crl,I" l'Xprcssed
r>pposinon tr, lliro ;1drn1~-.1on of :'l!ainland
Ch111;1 to Iii<' 1 11J1 erl '.\";i[11•11s .:111d !h(' CX•
p11ls1011 "I \:H1un:1l1~1 Ch1n,1
The t '\D11l~1"n .. r 'L 1111":Jt1 11;i-; ·th e
beginn111'_ !if Ila' o•nd 1.t thr l .~. ;is a
nicir;il lorC'e 111 1rnrld ;itfairs ~a1d Hev.
T.!illU Tin Taa1n. a form<'r int<'rprcter fo r
l'r•·•1dt•11t r"-i,on .
I ;1 .. 111 ~;1t1l lhl· ll"orld br>1h 11as' :i drca-
d1 n! ;111tl 1 1111t:1I or,:_tlru~nll1•!1 · 11 h1l·h
111\1 to1!1111 111 !hf> fon!~11.'IJ\ of !hr League
nl \:i11••ns hcl·au-.l' 1t h<i~ 11ol<1tcd its 011 n
1111n1·1ph•, ··
1111,. "l~·kr:-;111.in .•lrnngh <n11111ect \ix·
t•ll lor hts fo1rtlwnn1111g 11,Jl t1• l'•'hnig
l'rl''1d1·1 t \1~nn 1~ .1 pnh11ral op·
1~111u111-.1 1•,f' Ch1111 ·-.,• nn11 ha1c 1\0
rr· .. oc~ t lur hi-IH!t·;_11l.1'.· !-.;Hd Dr.
,\fti•pd D,p l.11111. ' \11111 ' of !l1r \'n1neSI'·
\111c•r 1·an~ 111 Ii i!' I .., ,11!1 1 .. tr fnr bun
!II 1\11• nrx1 t-ll·rl u111
'I !H· SI\ ( .,,,,r 111 11'' lf"fll"l' <'Ill ,.; !II(' l,irgl'
1 .. 111 11\ ,,. -,1 11 j,1111•!1~ <-1 I !1111,1l ri11 II II ft11"t'
11· .. tlo 1, 1 .. 1· l!t·111·1 ;1111•11-. h0<1 I' 111tli 1r11rrd
p11'.1t: !I"· o·•nl\1•1!11111 1 ~ lrll\il\t'~\ :i:1d
111l111n1I lit"
'1 lh 'll" l1·.1d1·r~h1 r 1·e1 ·1'11ll~· h;1s !1ern
1 !i;dli·ni.:f'd 111· 1vh<ll1nu '-~01111~ pc·npl~
.1111l 1·11:tl er1•11)1~. \nllH' of 111iwl1 fir" lhl?
Hf'd Ch111r·~r !1111.: :if!{·!' 1!11· l \. 1r11r·
l.111~ l'li1 \\ ;1111.!. :J:! of th!' r:i~t \\"r~t. 11
Clu:lf''f'·A111rrw:i11 11rC'f.ll" publ1c:i11011
· 11pf)'•rtun: tlu• ar!nH'"l!ln ur Pekin~. ll"a~
~·i~·1 trd ff!)tn !hf' nr11~ tunff'renrr room
.. ; 1r;11i11 ,,,"1 1ahl1•t .ind 1.1~~plrd lam pc
·1111 .. 1 ~ tl1• h•nd .. 1 111tu~11d:i.11on th.1t"~
brtn C"ll1t: ,.,1 111 'l11 n;.rn11n tl)r a long
1n11r \\ar.c ~•.id ;i-;; hr left
Glass Under Your Drink
Reqular $189 i
1727 Westc!iff Dr., 642-2050
Professional In terior
Oe~igners Avai1ab~AIO
f'ho"l' loll Free Moo ol Ora1191 Cownty-540·1261
345 North Coast Hiohway
Phone; 494-6551
• I •.,._ .... __ .....__
' f
Hu11tington B·ea~h
Fountain ·valley
Today's Final
N.Y. Stocks
Co1nmittee Finaliz-ing Full J\;layor Report
l\.l£>1nbc~s of !he Hun11ngton Bearh
Charter R.cv,s1nn Con1n111tre will meet
next "'N'k tn hn11!11e the ir recom·
mrnrlarinns nn a fu!l-111nc n1avor for
prrsen\;l1111n In lh<' t•1 t11 enunr1I. ·
The Nnv. 4 rla!e i1·as set during a
meet1nJ,l Thursday n1gh1 allended bv f1\'e
mcn1herf. of the n1nc-n1c:n1bcr conuTI1ttee .
,\l 1he Novrrn bl!r mcrl1ng, to be held
at 7 30 p.m. in i-11.v C()unc11 thilmher.s,
c11mn1itlee n1cmbers "'11! vntc nn a salary
rerommeoda1inn for i1 lull !in1e mavor
and on a report subn1 itted Oct. 12 bv br.
Paul Schn1idt, an assistant social sCience
Gig Pete1·s
'Hot Trial'
Cools Off
Of !ht 0111~ Piro! St1U
A three-d;:ry hrcak thal halts until illon·
day a trn~e and tor!'id encounter betwee n
a h;ircl -hi tling prnsecu!nr and murder 1
suspect C1g retcrs' pregnant paramour·
hrg:1n lnrlay in Orange C11unty Superior
/\ttuiet1\'e b!(lnde Anne RarlhnlenH.'IV
\\'Ill gr1 a ll'eckcnd 's respite from the
searching flUestions nf Deputy District
Allornrv Pat Bn;in 1vtin obviously
regards' the soil spoken Scripps Colleg'e
gr:idualc as his maJor prosecution
Bu! l\liss Barlholcmcv.•. who has been
f!rantcd immunity from prosecution .
must go on !he 11i!ness s1and for the third
day in a row j\.·londay to again tell of her
ltfe 11·1lh !he man 1vho called himself
"Ogden Otto"·ood"'· in the desert com·
mune th:it was !he setting for his dreams
of "the coming rc\'olut1on:·
1'.1iss Bartholemc111. 22, testified in the
closing hours of Thursday's session' in
,J11dge Kennc1h \\1tllJ;,tns' courlroom thal
Peters often told her nf his love for his
parents during the nine munths they
~pent t.ngclhcr in tt1e dC'ser!. ranch that
\\'OS hon1e for the unmarried pair and
ievcn other ynung adults.
The S:in Diego girl <1dn1itted !hat they
hnth sn1okrrl n1<1ri.1uana ;111d thal Peters
also tnnk LSD ""•hcnever he wan!ed to
bc!'lcf1t frnm a learning experience "
But she has cnrlier lc.stified that he
took nn 1lrugs ni any kind for ;it !cast 24
11nurs brfnre he murdrred his paren1 s
last April 21.
Pctrrs. 21. 1s allci;:cd 1o h;ive st;ibbC'd
his lalhcr. Ch.1rlcs Peters, 5i through
thr heart and slranglerl his niother.
Flora. 51. .1bout nine hours ;:rfler he and
r.h!'s Rarrhn!.,mrw Jfltltneycrl frnm 1he
i\.!ex1can border In the Peters family
hnmr at 3112 1.incnln ~t , Hun! 1ngton
(){>fen~r allnrnev Barrv Tarin"' ar~ues
thnt rerers "·as 1r1sane ,i1 the time of the
flrian <1rJ::11e~ th:it !hr lnrrner hfci:uard
11·;1~ pprf ('f'111' ~;111r .1nd hr will a5k the
Jl11'V tn trnpn:,c !he r!P:i1h prn;il tl'
It h:i~ l1cr11 trs!1 f1 rd th ul l'el t'r~ 11 ;is
puhlirl:-i dlsn1rncrl hy 111~ !:11hrr lcs~ 1h:in
2·1 hnurs hf'f11rc 1hc k11i111~ 111 ;1 S•1n 1)1cgn
Feder;;I 1·011r1rnn111 11hrrf' !hr rlc.fcndant
11':1.'> <1f'cn1np<1111c rl hy !\11ss l3:1rthntc1ncw
and his brother Tnn~·-17
Testunon.v ha~ d1srlo~d Iha! Tony r;in
a11·ay frnin hn1nc rarty ~im yea r to Jnin
his brolher :ind i\.1151!\ Barl'tinlcrne"' at
their rc!rca1 in the San DJlgn County
desert eounlrv near !he 1\1c:lic;an border.
Ano!her hrOther . P{'tf'r Peters. 13, has
testified that Gig lold him in •the early
hours of April 21 thal he had ''sent nis
mother In heaven and put Dad out of his
misery ··
The boy tc~llficd thal his elder brother
tn!rl him that "30,000 Rerl Chinese are
sboul to inv;ide lhe rnuntry, 1he rcvolu·
liOTI is enming and the government is
ahout to f111\ "
1'.1iss Barlholen1cw 1cs1ified at length
Thursrl.:ty on r rters m;i ny hEs nf f'rtn-
te1nplatinn :i! the ('om n1unc nd. of hn1v
hr sat naked on..a•rrn-k "in th lus pos1-
tinn:· for hours at :i time "meditating and
f;is!ing and lhlnking :ibout brotherly ln,,e
and preparing for the coming revolu-
Hnn." , \.
She testified !hat Pc1crs 1\·as cnncern.ed
because his father 1vas :in alcoholic and
that his mother "'as contemplating
separation or !I divorce. And she told
Tarlow that her lover wepl a\l the way
Mme aHer one vis1l lo Huntington Reach
becaus' he "couldn't see any way out for
his paren~s. ''
AF 1 Gets Touch-up
RENTO\'. \\lash. fU Pl l -The
prrsirlenl1:il JPl. Air F'orce l. is getting R
twn-rlay paint jnh at the Rcntl')n
P..1unic1pa! Airport
The specinl!y·h111l t Boc1ni;: 707. which
"'·ill carrv Presldtnl Ntxon to Pr.king next
vear. wa·s tinder heavy iluard during the
i-efln1shlng .
professor at Cal State Long B'ach.
Dr. Schmidl was hired bv the cnm·
mittee to prepare a report ·from which
lhc rerommcnded charter revisions could
be dra"'n.
In Thursday's meeting discussion nf
ihe commlllee members revealed that
the' salary range from "'hich lhe recon1·
niendption vdll be selected runs from
$9.{i()() to s2a,ooo.
Schmidt's report suggested including a
chief administrative assistant, an
economic development coordinatnr, ex-
ecutive secretary, a second secretary and
S1111er P11tnpl~i1i.
ooe or two adrn1ntstrat1ve interns on the
executive staff.
The city currently has an economic
development officer, Bill Back , who
Parns '13,000. It "'as consensus th<ll the
administrative assistant's jnh 1,1·ould be·
taken by the city's public information of·
firer. currently Bill Reed.
The job description, wnt1en hy
Schmidt, included Reed''s current duties
as 1,1·ell as budget preparation for the
mayor's staff, management of the
mayor's staif and research and report
DAILY PILOl Pho lo DV Rudi Nltd1!tl\kl
.Kathy Da~'. fi. Jluntington Rea<'h . \\·oo't have In sit in her p\l1npk111
patch on l·lallo1vcen night \1·ait1ng for the Great Pumrkin She al·
rc;idy has captured hin1 and. \V1 1h son1e help, has carver! hnn into
t his 60-pounrl ,1ack-o-lantern. Kathy grc1~· her super purnpkin fron1 a
super seed planted tn her yard at fi572 1\bbot Drive.
Rifle S11i1le1· Gu11 s Do,vi1
Two . Texas l11ve stigato1·s
FORT \\.'ORTH , Tex . rL'l'I \ -A sniper
u~1ng a high-pnwrrcrl r1f\p 111th a
\t'lcsr(lp1c s1~ht. k11lcrl a ll'llltr pnhce.rnnn
;inrl 1•·ounctrd ::in0thcr c;irl_v lnrl;iy ;i fp111
n11nu1cs after the f>f!if'i'rS ht·A;1n tn·
1•cstig;1ting ;i b1-raci;il 111ght cli1h ~hn11!1ng.
The sniper hit the officers wilh a si ngle
shot and then l'luded a night-long search
in the southeast section of the city.
Douglas $ Story
Like Aircraf l:
Ha s Ups, Do,v115
The 1nr1r!r nl~ t<1n1r 11 dri,v nll rr !hrrr
i\eg1·1i nrgilni1.~11nn!' prnlr~lrrl pnhce
brulal1l.y and price~ of 111rrrh;indlSP <11.
wlule-owned stnrr.s 111 hl;irl-<1re.1s Rut,
imlice said !hC'y dnllb1ed !hat !be
shootings stcmmt'.'d from 1h' black
"\Ve haven't gnl lhings all checked out
~·el but al this time l'dth:11:ve to s;iy no,"
said Homicide Sgt. J . R. Brii.t>ndine.
Patrolman E. J\.1. Belcher, 24, died in-
stantly \\"hen the sniper's bu!lel from the
foreign-made. rifle exploded his skull.
Bits of bullet and' bone fragments hil
Patrnmah Ronald G. Turner, 2R, who wa s
standing next to fkl_che r, but he. was
(See SNIPE'R, Page: 21 ~ . ' .
Reed's salary 1s currently $Jti.~O and 1s
slated to go to $111,360 under an agree-
n1ent ratifiei by rot111c1ln1en early this
mnnt h. Back 's salary will go to $15,fiOO.
Under Schmidt"s setup, the maynr
1\'0llld be the titular head nf the staff and
comrnitlee member's said they felt 1~
1~ould be inappropriate to have him earn
less than his staff men1bers.
There are sever:il other aspec1~ of !hf'
n1ayor's duties and responsibilities that
the con1m1tlee w'il1 be de ciding on at the
upcoming meeting .
'I'be election of the n1ayor, hLs term of
nff1C'f' anti re!:i11onsh1p to the cnunr1l are
a few nf the C'onsiderat1nns "'htrh "'111 he
t.1ken 11p h\ the comn111ter t>.lr mhe rs are
;11~0 .<.turl,11ng thr process. Qf chang1n~
1·fl11nc1 ln1t•n's ~alaries, an rl \1•hrlher
dPpiirlnicnl hrads, civic bn.1nls and cnm·
1n1~s1nns shoulcl he gol'erned hy charter
or nrdinanrc .
T11n1 Lh·pngnnd, r·nrnn11t1er chainnan,
ln1 rl lhe f'lly rnunril 1n July th<il recom-
111rnd;1tinns \1·011ld hf' rc.1rly in !)cternhPr
If cnn1n111tce rn cmhers ;:idhere to thr1r
schedule, the recnn1n1endt111on" cn11!rl be
ready for !he council by Decen1ber 6.
A charter re1'1s1on proposing a full time
~aynr ;ind some of the changes being
considered now by the cornmittee were in-
cluded on !he general election ballot last
The measure was defeated hy less than
:;on \'olPs In April, c()uncitmen created
the cnmn11ttee to study the niil!ter and to
<'Cline-up 11·1th concrete proposals in the
1\·ake ()f an rlect1on post mortem which
indicated lhe nieasure failed hecause it
was rint .~pec1f1c cnnugh in outlining the
full time mayor proposal.
Teacher Arrested
Beach W 01nan Held in Drug Raid
Pohce Thursday night jailed a Jl un-
lington Beach schoo l teacher. four ynung
men and a juvenile couple on a variety nf
drug rharges sten1ming fr om :in alleged
man1u;in;i parry in Los Al<11111tos
Arrested were C.r_~ce Ann R:irkrr . 2~,
an <trl tr<i clu•r 1at St;irC',V ln1Prn1crh;i1e
S1·honl; D<1v1d J . S\nnts, 21. l!onald 0
Aye rs. 22 ; Donald C. l'rtrlnn, 21. :ind
Bradle.v N. Harris, 2! All ga~ ;i;;-1he1r
address 4041 Howard SI, Los 1\la111I1os ,
lhe scene of the arrests.
Action Nears
On 6i1 Code
Fee Schedule
A fee schedule for !hf'-nev.· Hunlingtnn
Beach oi! code is experted to he adopted
fl'londay night by the ci!y council.
The dnllar amounts .:ire still a qucs-
!lnn mark, but Acting Ci!y Admin istrator
Brander Castle said today he 1vas prepar-
ing snmr. rcl'nmrncndations .
"I don't. have illl the n1atcrials tngrlhf'r
:ind probably 1vnn't h;ive thr. rcr·o111·
tnendatinn until the cnunci! n1ert s 1\1nn-
d:iy nighl ," he said.
Thr fees c0ver drilling nr
pcrn1its. annu;il in~pectinn
\.\•i!.<.lf' w<tler pern11ts and
refoVl'ry henh•r rrrn11t~.
pcrmi1 s.
oil /1('!d
1\lcmhf'rs of 1he se1•cn-man counr1I :ip·
proved !he "·nrding of thf' code ahnut t"·n
v.·ceks agn, but delayed action on rhe lees
after lengthy dch;ite.
The nriginal fcrs proposed by r.nilt-
r1 lman J;ick l.rern. head of the nil cnn1-
m1llrr, v.·nuld hal'e ra1srd 1he c1!y's
revpnlJe from Sfil.0011 annu;i!ly rn .~t9:i.f)(J(I.
Although (;t'('C/1 11•as hacker! hy r.oun·
f·ilmcn .Jrrry ,\1a lnPY and Nnrn1a f.1hh:;,
ll1P in1posit 1nn nf fees w;is rr)Pt:tc1t
The oppns1tinn -~·l aynr 1 ;rnr~r
\1 r! ·rnrkcn 11nd Councilmen Al C'oen. Trrl
f\ii rllrtt ;ind Oon11!d Shiplry -;irguerl
lh;it 1l1e fee.'> shnuld only m.1trh !hr r1t_v·~
\'llSt nf rnfnrr111.: the code and sl11111lr! nnt
br grralrr
Prnpnsed hy GrrOn were lt1c fn)ln1v1ng
1nrrr.1ses a1111u;il 1nspf'rlinn frr fr om ~2~
lri $1fl0. dnlhni.; :ind re·drill1ni; prrn1its
frnm $!f)(l to $2110, 1mpnsing a sewrr f'On·
nrction rharge nf S!OO, ;ind inspection nl
rccnvery heaters from $100 lo $200. The
"'as!c w<1lrr f)Crmits "·ould have re·
maincd at $30 per year.
While J louse Haunted
\VASl!JNGTON IUPll -Pal N1Xfln lin-
rd up ;i rast nf Wall Disney characters, a
~rnup of clowns and a magician tn Prt-
tcrt;iin today's Wh ite Hou~e J-lal\oween
Party for sick and handicapped children.
Also arrested \\'ere a 17-ycar-old girl
from i,ns Alamitos and ;:r 17-year-old boy
frnm \Ves1.rn1nsle.r.
The t1rl111!s 11'Crl' h-illk<'d into Orange
!"nunt.v .l.111 on s11sp1j•inn nf rossessing
t1:1~111 sh, 1n:1riju:1n;1, rl;ini,::11rnu.<: rl rug s
nnd n;1rc·ot1rs p;1r;iplu·r11;il1a. plu~ nther,
lr~i;rr, i'h;1rµrs. ·No h;iil h11d been set as
of this i11111·n111r,
l 'nli~·r s;1id 1hf'V 11·rn1 In the lln111ar<I
Strrf't ;irldrl's~ 1n sr;irr·h of a runaw;.1v
J111·rnile and sttunbled intn the alleged pOt
f\liss Ba rker has been with the
\Vestminster Schoo l District since 1968.
accnrding to district officials. Stacey
~hnn1 is in the i.y.eslminsler district,
thn11gh 1t is ](}('atrrl ;it fi311 Larchwood
Dri1·f', l!unting!on Bci1rh
\Vcstn1instrr sthool offirial.~ said they
;ire awarP of Mi.~s B;irkcr's arrest, but
arP aw;iiting n1ore information before
(ierid1ng whcthrr nr not she should he
suspended fr01n rlassrnorn duties pending
disposition of her case.
I New, Updated U.S. POW
List Hint'fd by N. Viets
rARlS (AP) -~laynr W. L. ratrick of
Laurel. 1'.1ii;s., ~aid 1nrt.1 y a Nor!h Viet·
namPse diplom;il told hirn Hanoi plans lo
puhl1sh ;in upd.1tl'cl hst nf A1ner1c.!fi
prisoi1rrs or w.1 r. lJc added 1hat nn in-
dlc;:r !1nn wa.~ Jlll'Cn ~s to when the ltsl
woulrl he released.
P;1 tnrk 11nd 11vo othl'r nirn frnn1 L:iurr1
mC't. w1 !h the Nnrlh V1etn;imese al the
Hanoi <l1plnma Tt1' n1iss1nn nff1ces in raris
Th11rsrl;;y fnr an hour ;ind 2f) rninutc.~.
No1·1h ViPtn:in1 rrlc:rscd a prisoner lisl
la st Dec. 22. II ron!:i111ed the names nl
J.1fl An1eric.1ns hr lrl in North Vietnan1esc
prison r;i1nps. f;111rc then efforts ha ve
hccn m.~dc hv Atncric<in nff1c-1a1.~ anrl
ntlicrs to havr ll:inni give inform;il1on on
· flthrr 1\mcrican .-n!dicrs believed tn he
held. The rrsponsc has always been
Last l1errn1hc.r's hst "'as ,gi~·en In
reprcsentat1v1•s of Scn<: .. 1 \V Fulhrtg hl
anrJ Erhvard Kennedv hy thr Hanni
n11ssion. A cnpy of 1hc hst "':is also give n
19 (:11 hans Moved
l'o Navy 13asc
NE\\' Cllll.1·:1\1'\S. l.:1 !Af'1 -i\ grru1n
n! ('111>11ns wlln h;11l hrrn krpl \11 :i rnnlr!
;iflrr fly1 nl! 11110 lhr cnuntrv illPgal!y h;1v1•
hPrn rr;111.~f(•11·rd 1•l lhr US l\nva\ Air
S1:i!1nn r11 Brlle ('lia:-r
f\ St;itr J)cp:ir1n1r11 t ~pnkesrn;:rn in
\\'a,,hlnglon said the move was made to
simplify dclcnhon .
"!'('(}pie seem tn have fnrgotlen th:il
!hnse proplP ;ire in 1he custody" of 11n·
m1gra\1on nffir1;1ts. the ~pnkcsman said.
"ThPy entcrc<i thr country illegally "
The l'uhans. 19 lcrhniri;ins whn wan1 elf
t.n ;-Jtcnd :i susar convention here and lht.
lhrer-man crew of the Russian·huill
ptanP which made the lrip Tuesday, were
moved Thursday tri the air sta tion. a few
miles south of here.
-in the Cnmmitter nf L1a1sl)n with F'~milic!
nf Srrvirernen Detained in North Viet·
nan1, a N!'1v York group lhal has con·
nert.ions with llanni on prisone r matters.
l.. r:itrick rnld a re porter the mention nf a
dffr~h prisoner list pame \vhcn he told the
0 \plomal. irlf'nlHietl as a seconrl secretary
nf the mi s.,io n. that fi vr Laurel area me11
had hcen listed .rs mi~sing in action since
the Decrn1bcr list "'as published .
!'at rick s;i1 rl ;it th;1L point the diplomat
told him ' \Ve :ire preparing another list
lo he puhlisherl hy !-/;inni. I-Ianni will
deride 11•hen tn publish it ."
lie i;alrl !he list wnulrl he updated from
!hr> fJrre1nhrr acf'ntui1 inf.t.
L:ist fh't 7. ;i spokesman for the North
Virlnamrse rlcl<'g<l!1nn to the Pnris pea ce
talks tole! newsmen that the December
list v.·as complete and that here were no
addi11nns 111 the last 10 months. The
I 'nitetl Sates Iii;!.~ ;ibnut 1.liOO L'.S.
~1·r1·u·rn1cn n11s<:1ng 1ri Snu1heast Asia, in·
el11r\1ng i!l2 in r\or!h..Yietn:itTI.
PfltriCk a!sf) said the North Vielnamese
ini;istt'd all AmC'nran prisoners v•ould be
r<'lcascd flS soo n as !he United States an·
ririL1nrrs a !ronp withdraw;il date. li e said
!hr Nor!h Vietnamese again said lh1s key
pr1111t 111 lhf' C'nr11 11n1111sts· seven-point
rf';i•·r> prnpo s<il r n11lrl he realized 1vithout
rrfr·rrn,-•r In rcn1n1·:1I nf President
N!!ll\en v,111 Tl11r11. :innl!1cr p;irl of rhe
"TllC' Co111mun1sts hnve nn several nc·
ril."ll'ltl<: tnlrl v1s1 tnr" that 1h" pr isnner
rrlc;1sr-\v11hrlrawal is.~ue roult! be hand!·
rrl sepal'a tcl y. but th e American rlCll'g:l ·
!inn 1o thr pearr tnlk.~ :i;11ys the linkage
still persists in riflicial sessions •"
Patrick said he wa.~ un;ible lo gel &
hearing fro1n Viet Cong official5 in Paris.
l{e said in telephone conversations wit h
lhE"m "they were not 11gly or mean but
neither werr they ve l'f'lrdial."
Orange Coast
A nine-cent drop in earnings per ~hare.
v.·as reporter! Th11rsrl;iy hy McDonnell
l)nug1<1s Corporation. the St. IAuis-based
aerospace giant.
Third q11ilrler e;irn1ng.~ totaled $l:i g
TT)illinn an1ountin~ In ~:1 cents a shilre
c:ompared tn $1fl.2 million eilrnerl during
the .qame. quarter the .vc;ir before.. The
1970 earnings per share wa s 62 cenls.
'High Schoo,l .Tac.kles VD Sunny skies chaser! aw;iy the
clouds t.orlay allrl will takr over the
V.·eaU1f'r scene !his weekend. Those
cnld wind.~ shou ld rl1e out tonight
also, lt"aving !in-spooky weather for
llal!o"'f'en . lligh around 62 Satur-
day, lo1vs in the mid-40's.
S 1 for the three months ended Sept.
nled to $f>04 million up rrom
Ilion the year before.
nell Douglas noted it employed
93,270 persons al the quarter's end com·
pared lo 95,063 on lhe .~yro\I the same
e in. 1970.
FoT the nine rftonth period through
pfember, tke Bircraft firrn reported nel
income of S5.15 million, or $1.llO per
share. This comperes lo $617 million
earned in the same period or 1970, or
$2 :m per i;hare.
F'irm nrdcr!ii lor the: OC·IO, the com·
p;iny 's \.\•1dc-hndierl commerci;il plane.
stand at J.14. with orit1ons for ;ino!her !!~.
Nin' U.S. anrl 11 foreign r;1rr1ers have
!iihid they wmild purchase DC·I05.-i,COm·
panY. spokesman said.
Adrninistra.tors Ma.p A.nti!drug, Dis e a-~e Progruins
Administrators of the Huntington
Beacb Union High School Di~lrict arc
preparing lo attack vene real disease and
drug abuse with ~ucational programs.
A program aimed at curbing both wi!I
soon be under way at each of the dis·
trict's six campuses. they say.
Combined with it will be teachtr
training, seminars 21nrl workshops f()r
11Ulff and community, liaison with other
.agencies and a new program for students
not p11rtieip21tln1 in existing txtra-cu r·
ricular activities. '•
Len Ewer11, the d1stncl's youth
"These are !!pe ial problem~ lhrit
coordinator, has been 'v,•nrking on lhe ne1v
"\'outh Services Program" slnC:e thr
beginning of summe~ 1'.
sometimes haY.51 at urgency to them .
' ' '. f ,/
\Ve don't want th is to be another pro-
gram. We want results." he 10Jrl lhe_ dis·
trict's board of trustees Tuesdoy night.
Jn an extensive reporL to the districl's
hoard ol trustees Ewers spelled out the
needs for th' new program.
"The task force recently appointed by·
the California Board of Public Health
coocludf'd that anti·venereal disease in-
formation is tot.ally inadequate." he said.
Ewers 11n<l other medical authorities
helieve t.h11t ther' is a venereal disease
eipd{'mic in Orange County. "r\gh! MW "
As for dn1g~ •• tie cited eslimatl'!'P;
by PsycholQglst Alan Cohtn th;:rt mnre
thah1 511 pert'tnl of tke tot11l Arn erlca n
popula tion O\lef 13 years of age ha.'i "PX·
!!fimentcd with powerful. mind-altering
u1yR11. ·•
Thr. first phase of Ewf'rs' progr:im
would be 11n exp11nded health educalinn
curriculum at each of the cam puses, plus
the Winlersbu rg Conlinuation II i g h
.. The curriculum will atlempl to pro--·
vide students with unexaggcrated and ac.
cura!e health information," he said.
The second phase involves development
of interv('ntion and rehabilitation prn-
cPrlu re.!i designed In aid sel~-eferral
,.>lud{'Jlts a~ well as other~ ide ified lo
need medica l ass1stnnre 11nd gui ance.
The 1h1 rd pti;.se consists or a lonf:·
range 1nves'1).l<1!1nn into the r('nl CllUS!'5
for suc1l social problen1s as drug abuse
and venrrra1 rl1 ~ease
No 111netal)lc for the fu11illmenl of
these goals was given hy Ewers.
., .
Gliost~ nnd other Wi?ird crea·
t.1o·cs w1U haunt n house in Cost.a
Me.~n this wteke11d. to entertai11
ch1ldren--071d. it'.t alt fo r cltar·
1ty. See pictu res and story on
Poge 23 of today's \Veekender.
&o•ll"t n Mvtut l ..... ..
Gt1lt<1t"'' • Jolt110fltl Joi I Wt ' Gll.C~•!HI U• .. Ortf\91 GM11tJ • (11,.ltttol ••• Jtt1llvr•"h 11'11
<::o'"lc• " fY l¥11 Per tit " <::rnnM"' " ·-1•·tl De•!~ Noll<•• ' Sttd1 M.t•-•h ll·U
O•~O•Ct\ ' Ttlfvl1I011 • l!:d1totl1I P111 • T"Httn •·" ll'lf\l f\CI 11·1 I Wll!~I" • Hor11co11 " Wt<ll Newt •• Aft" l t otlltt " wtn11M11r »• M1llbo~ • Wtrn'"'' HtW' U·ll
Mo~ltl ""
' "
2 OAILY PltOT ----
Entry Approced Widow, 67,
Britain Divided Def1~auded
On Market Vote Of $1,000
LO:\OOX j AP 1 -Parh.1ment s h1stora:
\Ole In take Bri tain 1n10 1he Europe<in
Com1non ~lar ket lei! bo1h n1ai11r pnl111c:1I
parties split IO<!ay and the t,Jutc1ln1e of the
0101 e into Europe in rloubt.
\\'1 th its \'Ol e Thli rsday night. the House
ol Commons accepted the pr uic1 p!e 01
L'ornmon J\la rket mernbersh1p on 1h('
1erms negotiated hy !he 0,)nser1 a\11 e
tovernment. ser1 u1g not ire Britain 1s
prepared to give up some of its centu ries·
old independ ence for a role in a United
But a ~·ear·long battle rema1n.c; 10 push
!hf' enabling leg1slat.wn through Parlia·
men!, aligning Brit1~h Ta v.s 11 ith the rules
of the European Economic Community,
VD Progra111
Told i11 State
~ .. \CRAr-.1El\'TO I AP ) -A state1l'ide
"cra.-;h program" on l"enereal disease
f'd,ucalion in pubhr schoo ls 11·a:; an·
' nounced by Go1·. Reagan as he emerged
from a summit meeting with top health
and education officials -
The Republican go\'ernnr sa1d Thur~
day he "pledged lhe full resources .. of his
administration to help the State Edura-
l1on Department develop nev.· guidelines
''aimt"d at acceleraling anti-VD in-
~truction programs across the state."
He said they "agreed that there is,
r ight noy,•, clearly enough au thority in the
Jaw to initiate a crash progtam lo coin-
bat VD" without an y changes in the law
attempted b.v a b1!1 ht ea rlier vetoed
That bi ll, by Dem o c ra ti c
Assemblywon1an :'11<1rch Fong of Oa kland.
\1·ould ha1 e all rnl'ed VD 1nstrur tiou
11·it hout oJ."ritten parental consent as 1s re-
qui red with sex educatton courses.•
.\trs Fong and her su pporters contend
that although \II) education na turallv
deals 1\ 1th ~ex. it 1s more prope rly in the
heal!h curricul um rather th an the facts·
of.Jife category.
:'lteet1ng 1\·ith Reagan y,·ere !>!ale
~chool:-chief ~1 lson Rites. Hen rv
Gu nderse n. presidrnl of the State Board
1Jf Educat ion. and Dr Louis Saylor. state
public health director.
Reagan said "the {acl tha t parents
must be notified in ad\'ti nce should not in-
h1b1t or hinder putting such \·ital 1n-
1>Lrucllon as this intu effect imm ediately.
. "As a matte~ ,of fact. pa rental notif1ca-
t zon should assist the student because the
parent will ti famili ar with the education
··the new guide lines \\·Ill n1ake
pcrfei::tly cl ear lhe \\'ays ln y,•h1 ch our
pub!1c school.c. ca n pro1'ide anti-VO in-
struction quickly and responsibly v.·ithout
'·ioJating the intent of any provision of
tht Jau·." he said,
Red China Entrv
PARIS il.:Pl 1 -The exe<'uti1 e tnunc11
nl 1he linJted ~;iunns Edura!1Qnal. Srien·
nflc and Cultural Organ1zauon tnday prn-
,..,l aimed Communi:-t China a~ thr onlv
legitimate repre5tntat11·r of China ~l
The dec l510n, barkt<l hy a \Ole of ~\ In
fhrtt and se1·en absttn11fln.~. thuc,
amounted In !hf' r xpulsinn of :i;a!lonahst
Chi na from t:.:ESC(l
Relie!'t N. w .,d
"'"io .. r '"" P'Mbll1~.1r
J 1di; J, Cu•l•v
~ """'""' '"" c,,,,_,,1 Mlf . .: ..
Thom•• 1-:et•il
no'"'•' Ao Mll'~ki~t .~IEAlol'CI"
A!1R Di<li111
Wtlt O<'ll-CtMlrf E"'
"""'..,.. lHD Office 1717S teeth lo~!,,,,,f
M1i1i-, Alifr111: •.o. lcn. 7t0, 9~i41
-Offl<• LllUllt • .-di, tn '"''-' A.......,_ Gtilta Mew: :QI w ... ~y $!T-
N"""°" 8etdl: .UU fol rwr.o<T &a<llwl~ ''~ '~I JU HIW!b El C.mW R .. I
"""'., "'"°"· ... --tt ~ .... N-f'I-. i. ,wl~ 4'111Y •ctF a.-.. ., .. _.... ......... ~ ~· .... ,..
• -~ Gtiit• -.. .,.,, .. 11no11:n e.ct>. 11'1 Ytllr/', ....... C-"'1 c..,,-Mdcl~ • ...,. -1111 -........... ...,._ P'rl"'lPll (11'1~!1"4 Dl•llt i. 81 a.II WW ..., hrWl. tMlt H.<"N.
T1h••111 17141 141-4J11 a......, '""-"'tlwt '~1-1,1•
Clll'flt"f, ltn, ... ~ CM1t ~1t~"'9 ~.,.. ... -ttlll'IM. 11""'""' .. .. toll,.,ltl ---'"'..,,,_ .. ~ .... ~ _, .... '"""""" ..... 1-~·· ,... WllUftll • cwrrwu • .,..,.,..
~ ti .. _.... oelil '' ,,_,, t M('f\ •"4 C•tt M.,., t •lltornl.I. :kl!nt rip'•""
'' i:o1rr"" u .21 """"'''1 w ,...,1 1111
PNMll"'YI mTIH••Y llnl•,,.1-. ILIJ "'°""'''·
be!o re-Bn ta rn cort acll<ally JOin on the
!;;rget da!P nf .J ... 11 I. l'l7 '! All ~1g11<:
po1111ed t<J lliir h,i~;;tr-. nn thE 11 1t'lrf' C"<in·
ll 01 er~i;1I Tenns r ! t'ltl i \
1'111ne ~11n1sle1· Ed11ard fl e<t1h 11f111 ap·
prn1(1) Ill prlllCl]ile f11 r l'!llry bl a \Q(f' or
:Jj6 lo 244 1n !he Commons Y. Ith 22 absten-
11nn:.. 'fhc ht!; 111a1•Jnly uf 112 t'\•·eedtrl
e1cn the grn·ernment's rnore opt1n1i~t u'
But only 1na~s11e hel p fro1n Labor Par·
I\' rebels swelled !hf' maion!y tll Iha!
1111Px pectt d s1zt Heath ha:.. nn cuaraniee
that he can push through 1hc hills 1hat
mu~t foll'lw on lhe stre ngth or his 01111
pa rty alnnr
The Con~er\'at11 I'!. ha1 r a n1aJU!"ll) nl
::'j 111 Co111n1ons .:111d ;)9 1)f them \olcd
against cntr_1 . :0.1any of these say they
11 1!1 also vote against U1e enabling Jeg1~l.1 ·
!.'In, even 1f !hat means bringu1g lhr
gol'errunent du1\ n
DAILT l'ILOT Phore br Rlch1rG KO•hlor
A 11·1dow lost $1.000 111 a C()fl :5cheme
'fhursda .1' afternoon w· h 1 c: h l\'<11
(haraeten1.ed hy Jl unt111glon Beaeh pollr·e
a~ a ··p1i:eoi1 d1·op ·•
The v1eu111 or litC r!alxlr.i le ~··hen1e
y,·as a 67-year-old l/untu1gton Beach resi·
fk>lecti\·es are still looking for the t11·0
slt"uder \1·orne11. · Palr1c1a'' and "!rent ''
v. ho talked her out of !he money.
Poli<'t" gal'e the fnllo1\·1n_i;! accnunt of !he
s11 indle·
The 111dow 11as appruached by tht tv.·o C· ' 11 0111en in a local de partment ~tore. They
tuld hl'r !ha! l he~· had found 5900 and ~
dect.. of pla.11ng i·ards Ill a ttlrphone
boo th
Frt1111 P11gP I
Southeast Huntington Be•th Campus Slated to Open for Grade Schoolers Next Spring
SupjX!setll.v the di~la ll t·on tea1n l'On·
!acted a ··i\tr. r-.1orley .. at a !ocal sa1·1nc~
and loan or~anizat1on abo ut "'hat to do
with the inoney.
:\lorl e~· in t1u·11 . supposed ly :;;11d lh<1L hf'
ht1d Pxa1nu1ed th e l1nd <1nd di~tOl'P rrct
"'Sel'era! t11011sand dollars" tucked behind
1hr c;ird s. SNIPER. • •
treated and released _
Ten 111inut es bel orP 1he ritl!cer~ \rtrr
hil. Kennrth \I a:.r1r 1 l;irn~. 23. and
!}pbra Rrook.o;. 19. b<itl1 black. 11err •h••t
1n~1de the Elec tric r1rtu~ ('J1ih 1!.1rn!'>
11as 1n criltcal cond1l!on but ~1 1.~:; Broriks
\ras not hurt seriously,
Speal{et· W a1·11s Drug Use Cit)· Schools ruk Ne 11: 1Va111es
1'he con artists said they 1\rre v.·illin11,:
In ~hare their money 11·1th the widow but
tha t 111nr le1' had ;id v1:;ed lhenl to make
crrtai n ~i 11 :1s not a bun1 and a v.·oman
of n1eans
l11vites Bi1~tl1 Defects For 3 Ca1np11ses
Later the lt1'0 11'or11e11 µc rsuaded the
11t·11111 t0 1ri1hd raw !he .51.000 from
anolhrr hank lo ~uppnsedly prove she
1•a;; an l':;la bliio hed 11·0111<111 \\'. E. \'an Hook. an an1bul<i nre drll er,
described the s1r11:it1on <'IS ten~c af1rr
Harris and l\IJ;;s Hrnoks \1 cre !'hot lit>
HlOk Harris to a hospital. lea11ng belore
lhe officer v.•as slain.
"'A lot of blacks v,·erl' stand ing around
;:i nd they hassl ed the arnbulance drivers
pretty badly." Va n Hook sa1rl. ··11 11as
pretty tense ··
At thr hosp1 lal. \an !look r£'ce11 ed a
r.idio cal l !o return b('c<luse !he 0H1crr:-
f1ad brrn sh01 Hr s;11d Patrol n1;in
Relcher 11;is l.11ng de<1d 1r1 a p,1rk1 ng lot
The s111prr ;;t first wa~ bPI Jel'ed io 11;11 e
fired froin a harnbu rgcr s1:i11d 2011 !o 25U
1;irr1~ ;111ay Hn1.rnd111e ~ilal 111\r~t 1i,:11t11rs
li'ile1· p1n1~1111t l•d ;i 1l1flcrr11 1 l1•1;1t1nn l1u1
111thheld fur!hf>r 1ntnrm;it 1n11 111her th;-iu
1hey 11e ~ fier t..111~ a green l'.1r 111 11·h1ch
tht'. sniper "'as hel 1e\·ed tn ha\ e fled
'!hf' u~e ur hrrnin LSD. a111phC'l<"1flllf1f''1;.
a~p1rin and cigarettes can all l('ad t()
b1rtli defects, a numbe r of Lag una Beach
r durators \\'Cre informed in a :\!arch ol
l>1n1 es confcf.ence \\'ed nl'sday art!'moon.
111 arld11 1on. i;;ud .\lrs. G11enda \Vatson,
nf th!:! Orange Co unt_v 1·h:1plet nf lhe
\L<irrh nf D1n1c;; dieting. <!£f' of 1he
111ot hC'r. blrXi<l r1 pr anrl 111fe1·1 1ou~
d1 .,et1sr.~ t ·.1n a l ~o influence the pJ1;.s1cal
.ind 1ncnt11 l heal!h of a ne11•bQrn rhild.
Tli1 ' 1 ~ 11]1,1 11 rs so 1n1por!<ln! to grl
!111· 1111rd •Hll and cdul'alc pc1Jplr ahoul
111£', .llh<'~ rif h.nn ciefe r1;;. l':irf>nt:..-!o-be
~hi·ulr! kno w this 1nforn1a t1on." she said .
0 -ILV PILOl 5i.H Pho!1
Susah Lotze fright) Concent rates on Crocheting
Yo1111g Needler~,
Se ro11d (irfl\I P.rs Wk<' Up Seu:iug
R,1 ./O\\\t: ll EY\01.ll~ i\
\ r<>1 hrt111p. lnrn1 rrh· .;11 r111r1 p11 ,1·
J,11111 rd ('XCIUSll'el_\ In hlllc nld J ;:id1e~ I~
hein~ 1,,t..en up h•: a 111dr 1·ar1rl\ nl p('11.
lt':-one nf the latest !h ini::~ an1nn,:?
t herapy-~eeking hus1ncsii; t<1ecut1ve~
And now a class of second i:;r.1cit"
~tudent~ at Fnunta1n Vallf'~ 's Harper
. hool jlre learning needle v.·ork
Thr~ are membf'r~ of the r !ass taught
hi' C:llhv S!reech a second·1·ear teacher
111 !he d01str1ct ·
ThP~ ·rr nnt lcar n1n~ 11 fnr thr rapy she
explain~. hut for ;i 'a net~· 01 n!hrr
Thto m"~I important rra~nn I ~1:i1 tl"d
them nn thi:c; I\;+!> tn he-Ir 1hPn1 11 1th lhP1r
J1a11d :1nd ('t r <"hnrdin.1!1nn \1)11rh ,, 1n1-
p1rl:H1t fll ·1 rarl~n~ !hrm tn rPr1 d a nli
II tll f' ' ~l1r ~;, td
111 :icid111t1n $hr 1'•"1 111'•
.1l~n hrlno;. th!'
Oil! !l1;i!
,,t,., ,1 f•\1'11\ 111 :i1 I ,1ppri:r1<111011 ;i nd a
11 ,1!•11 .•I :u1Jt1111 t l•I 1 11~ !'b1~~·' ~1ie1i1 I
'-illdli'S nl ,1n1 lnn~ n11d e::i rh ,~lllf'!'l t:tn
l1 rindirr.i1 1~ . !.. ~he ~1.tt!rci the J'll'OJCt'\ <l~ll !W 111•rh~ .igO \\'llh lu11r parC'nt~. ~bfd11'l< d
Jhc ('\<ls~ 111h1 small groups i;o hr
l'l11lrh'en 1·an be l'losely superl'1sed . ' t'!5
11irn(>(! ,,ut ti') be;, good \lay to h:iv r tht>
p.lrt nt!I part1 c1p:ite In the r \assroo1n."
:'lli~!i S!reech added. ·
\1 the tnon1rnt, the class ; 9:nr k1ng nn
pntholdrrs for Christn1as pre~ents. ~l l~s
streerh ;;aid she v.·ould ltke to teach them
Jn ('rOC'htl sn;i ke;; off spools or lhf'!-ad.
'"" ··ilus ha~ really !urnrd out lo be a suc·
1rs;;ful prOJf'<'t.'" she l'.:ud "Al th1~ age
1nu r.111 start the bo1s v.1 thnut lhem hirn·
1·11~ 1hr 1:· noses up a1 11 1!'1t a total ;ir.
•l1tlt\' The,1 c<1n ~ll r.,cr 11hat they'rl!
t>1:1t..1 nl.! as 11 's hrin~ n1ade ··
,\r'tl ('Orf' 1he crochellnG prnJe<'1S ai·e
t<lllH\lf'tf>rl '' "\\'ell l'm thinking of
:1 .. r1111c ll\('111 r1n /..111111ni:-In .J:1 nuar~.
~11r ~n10J
"l know of cases in Orange Count~·.''
\1rs. \\'at son cont inued. ""•here families
!1:1\·e hidden their child ren \\'ith birth
detects becau se they y,·ere ashamed or
h;n ·1ng them . This is no longer needed.
There is so much !ha t can be done_··
A nu1nber of 1nind-bendin g drug s. :.he
ex plained. a:-111e!I as rnany over the-
1'<Jll11ler prepar1tions should be aro1ded
during pre~nancy. "Only prescript ions
nrdcrrd by a physician 1vho is a11.·are or
lhc pregnAncy shoul d be taken." ~;11d
.\l rs. l\"at.~011.
Pren1ature births. stir added. OCl'Ur
n1ns l rreQuentJ.v 111 1101nen o\·er 40 or
under !8 ' lt"s irnportant that won1en 1n
1ht•se a.11:e groups receive adequate pre·
na1a l care to insure a safe pregnancy ·
··Both the mti le and th e female should
J.,11nw each other's Rh factor_" \\rs.
l\;1tson slressed , noting lhat 1f a \\'Lft "s
hlood is Rh negati\'e and her husband·:-: ;~
Hh posi li\'e, they may h<11·e a Rh positil"P
baby 11·h1ch cari <'ause serious blood rear·.
non 111 !hf' mother and affect futu r~
n!fs pnng
'"Fortunate!;.·. a :.eru111 haa hecn
cirvf>loprd to be gi\·en In !.he mother
"ls h 11·ill ;;1lle1·iate '\ny dHficulty. and
al 111 her In ha1·e 111ore children:· :;he
~;• I '
·· 's al so rx trrn1el.v 1mporl<1nl for a
( oi up e pJ.olQ!_11na' famil.v lo :<>ee thei r dfl{"
1"1 for1 Pxamlnations and to r·heck our
!~rnih' hi stories There are a number nf
11;iys !n detcrm1nr lhf' poss1b1ht:; ol 1 Pr'
t.1111 111hr ril£'d h1r!h rlelrl'IS Hl'l'urnng.'
\Ir$ t\ntsnn t:on1 111rn1 rd
'l'/"lJ.~tces of the llun1[n gto n Bea('h Cuy
lelen1enta ryt School D15trict ha1·e chosen
names for three ne\1' campuses.
The Rober! If. Burke School 1\•as nam-
ed in honor of Assen1b!vman Robert Ii.
Burke 1R-Hunt1ngton Beach ). l! "·ill
serve kindergarten throug h fifth grade
students <'111d 1s slated to open in the
s pring of l97 2 -----
Burke 1s a lor'n1er 1nember and ~
president of the Hunti11gton Beach sch~i'--.
board. The srhool n<imed for hirn is in the:
-~ectio11 bounded by lnd i<lnapol1s Al'enur .
Brookhur~! Street. Atl:in!a A1enue and
R u~h<lrd S!reet
The ls;nic L Sti11·rrs School l"<trnes ll1e
1tarne nf a fonner 01v\·er S<·hoo! teacher
t1 ho died rif a hearL :itt<lt k in 19611 .
I ;roundbreak1ng on thP sixth through
_,i~hth grad~ school 1s scheduled next
'"i;ek I\ ith l'o mple!Lon 1n February l97J_
'fhe M11·ers School will be located on
lndia napo!1~ bel11 er11 Ru;;hard an d
1\1 a1?no!1~ Strrrts
The \\.ill1arn ~; t\eHler School . a
kindergar1en through filth grade facility,
1s now under cons1ruct1nn and is 1en·
\~!11 e!,1• s~hed ulrd to opr n in September
nf !972 11 l\il~ n<1111ed 111 hnn'or of the cur·
rrrli Coa ~I 'N,1n11n11n11~· Cnlle,11e t rusre~
11·ih1 <.l•o scr1ed 011 1hr i.J1.,1 rict~chool
board fr(lm 19:0~ tn l!l~·I
The" J\C'll ler :-ct1nul 11 111 he bu tit ad-
1ace11t to a pi!rk ~1 tc non h of 1he SouthPn1
f'aliforn 1a Edisnn plant. It 11·ill lie
bet1>.•een !11<1gnnl1 a. 1\tli111!<1 . l!an1ilton
A1rn11r and :'·•('11·lt1 nd Slrcrl
Thf' I 1ctim ga\·e her 1110(1('~" to one nr
the suspect:; 11·ho supposedly 11·ent inside
the sal'ings office !o show 1! to ~lorlPy.
\Yhen ~he reappeared ~he told the
11 1do11· 1hat l\\orl ey 11·:is 11·aiting inside
1t1!h the Sl.000 plus her S0.000 cut fron1
the !ind.
The victim ·s inquiry at the s<lvings of·
!tee late-r disclosed that no one by the
11a111e of i\lorley had ever v.·orked there.
The t\\'O wo1nen. mean\\·hile. fled in
lhei r car. -----..
Burke Labels
Chinese Events
•Back Stabbino-' ~
Red China's ad mi~sion to lhe t·nited
'\at1ons t-Od<ly \1·as cha r·acterized as ·•the
1110:-t trearherous back·stabbin~ of a na·
lion since Pearl 11 arb or '' by
\ssen1bll'tnan Robert 11 Bur ke c R-Hun-
lln~ton Beach)_
Rllrke has 1ntrnduced a joint resol ution
i11 rile Assembl.v 111 wh1rh he comm ended.
l i~e l S effort toi 111a1nta1n Nat iona:is t
China's· member;;h1p 10 the Li N
He v.as J0 111ed 1n the el fn rl by etght
l"t11r~ as..~en1hly rnen . 111clud1ng Robert E.
Hadh.1111 (f\.\rwporl Beachl and John \I,
Briggs 1 R-F11llert 11n I
The resolution tnctudcs the rcqut sl tn
111thhold an.v l'Oluntary financial support or the 11 N b~· the U S . except for regular
flues assessrnent~ ...
"lt 1s our unde~ding that our nation
!~ presently 1·oluntari!y :-;ubsid1 zing the
S('l(lll. ~!1r ~;i1d . ~u1:l1 a "g£<~1elll'S
t·n11n ~el 1ng"' nff 1re 11·111 open al L'C lr\·ine.
lo he sponsored by the :'\l arch of Dim!':\
<111!1 thr fahfrnn1~ College AJf :O.·led1cine.
ar11a C'f'1,1t to the lr1·i11e c·ampus
\\.f>dne~da ;. rnnferenre. .\-a1d \!rs.
llah·. Hctl Chinese
~i gu Tnuf(' Trcatv
RO.\!~ , l'Pl 1 -It aly and Con1munisl
\ · ,\' In rhe tune fl f well O\'er $100 ntillion •
per \'ear n1ore than il 1.~ required t.o ~
p:iy ... he said.
\tat.s(ln 1s p:irt nf a prn,cr.1m tn ra1:;P
h"rh rdut'a\101111! .1nr1 f1n<1 nr1t1I ~upport ft11
lhr \\.1r1 h ••I lluncs A !11nU clri ·.·r 11·1il
lwc111 111 Jt1nu<1r).,
China .,1gnf'<l " rhree \ear trade ~reatv tn·
<la1·. 11\r f1r•! t•f 1!-kind he!1rrcn PP.k1ni::.
:ind a nicrnllrr nl lhr F.uropran Co:11111on
'\\'e ar(' ;;1lso ask1n~ CongrPSS lo ex-
lr1ct1l e 01irlcountr~' from the mora.!is of
1:1r1nbership in the C.X as soon as possi-
hle " <lccord in_e: In Bur\.:P
Put A Glass Under Your Drink
NEWl'~RT STOlll Ol'EH ftlf)AY 'llL 9
1727 We5tcliff Or., 642·2050
Professional Interior
0-es igners A"ailabl._AIO
P'Mo~• Tell Fr" Mot't •I O'e"te Co11R'Y-540·1Z6J
345 North Coast Hlqliw1y
Phone: 494·6551
' • •
·Battin Foes 'Readjusted' From First District
Of '"" O.llr l'l .. r S1t tl
further 1nvE-~11gat ion of the ·'rrad-
justments" madP Tuesda,\' n1,l::hl to <·nr·
rl'C't "popula!lon imbalances" in the Of v.'
rnunty liU pPrvi~11ri;:i\ d1stritts r('Vealed to·
d:iy that at lr,:1 ~\ four p11ss1hle opponents
In Supl'rVlSOr Rnbrrt Hatt 1n were ger·
r~·manderPr! 0ut nf 1he First !)1stncl
In addition, a potential npp<1nenl of
Supervisor Willian1 Phil lips In the 'fhtrd
Di.strict waii moved lo thr Second District
b~· lasl minute maneu\•ertng
Both Ballin and Phillips face re-eler·
t1on campaign.~ neKl \'t<lr
Prl'vinusly 1t w;is ·revealt'd that 1w1)
planning comn11s~ioners whn h;id been
lelt out of the ir d1str1r1s were brought
back in h:; the adjustmenls.
J\ofQved from Rat11n 's First D1str1cl to
Ralph Clark's Fourth Districl by the mid-
r11ght maneuvers were Santa Ana
businessman Bill Hill, attorney W1lllam
Wenke and de\'eloper Henry Segerstrom
The trio. along w11h f\1ayor Ed Just or
F(llJn!ain Vallev were effecli\'elv re1no ved
;;s nppl)nents -f,\r Battin. All· had been
rtu nored lo bt> potential candidate~.
~·irst )ugghni; of !hf' districts ..... a.~
d•srovererl \Vednesd;:i y 1,1·hen it "'"·as found
that First Disti-1('! Planning Com-
missioner \\'oodrow Yi'. Butterfield and
Fourth District Commissioner F'red Jef.
ferson had been restored to !heir respec-
tive districts by lasl minute changes.
J ust protested fulileJy Wednesday poin -
ting out that the census tri:ict in which hi'
lh•es in the southwestern corner of F'oun -
tain Valley wa s the only nn e in the cuy
nioved out of the First Di~1.rict and int o
Ronald Ca.~pcrs' Fifth D1stric1.
Scgerstrom. Wenke and Hill all l!l'e 1n
a north Sant11 Ana area which was shifted
to the Fourth D1!lr1 cl by having a finger
jut into the First Di!trict.
Terry Rice, execut ive assistant lo Bat-
tin, who allegedly instructed planning
department technician!! to make !he
boundary chc.n,1:es, sa1r1 today thilt ··the
overriding consideratJon was population ."
lie added thRI ptJll!nJ: Rutlerf1e1d and
.lrffersnn back 111 their districts req uired
!he add ition rif 2.200 people to Clark's
district to b<1l<1nce the population scales.
Remnved from Phillips' 1'h1rrl District
and into Da vid L. Baker's Second by
~pl1tt1ng ;:1 census tract wa.~ Henry
Roberts. fo rmer Harbor ctJ:i1trict com·
missioner and rumored candidate lo op-
po~t Phillips nex:t year.
Roberts, a Cypress city, councilman ilnd
a paid government;il advocate for
!\·lcOonnr.I! Douglas Corp. resigned from
the harbor pnst last summer reportedly
under pressure. from PhilliJ>9 .
Nuclear Plant Expa11sion1 Gets 01(
Crops Get
V 11welco111e
Thf' frost wils on lhP nrangrs 11nd
pun1pkins in ()r;:ingr Co11n1 .1· this ninrn1nj,!.
And . ;:ietnrr11ng In lhe Fru1L Frnst
~crv1re 1n Pon1on<1, inland grnwPrs ma.v
exprrt rnori> nr the ~an1e 1on1ght with
lnws nr .1r 28 clrgrrrs
lrvinr \1;ilr;1r1a Cru"'tTS As~oc1at111n
repnrler1 haH-!u11Jr rh1)s tn the freezing
m;:irk early today 1n sea11rred grove~.
The :12-rlrgrr>e l cn)peralurc.~ rcsult Pd
frt>tn an ArC'li(' cold frnnl th:il pushed
through Snu1hern Cahlnrn1a Thursday,
the National \Vea lhcr Service said.
The .~yslrm. 11'h1ch a! first brought
~loom anr1 then sv.-rpJ awa,v lhe graying
clouds, will lower tcrnpcr:lll/tcs alnng the
Orang~ Cnast al least 1hrn11.ch Sunrlay.
.'-ican\vhilr. up 1n the n1n1Jntains. the
rloudy sk1r..~ anrl ,1!11.~!y w1nf!~ will pers1.~I.
n•i1h snow cf111l i11111n~ In hlankrl .cirnund
Abn1'P lhe .~.OOO;f111i\ n1ark .
In tile dr~rrl.~. 1\·1nd~ 11111 rr:ieh 4.">
n1Jlr>s an hour. l'ilU!=.111,1! sand and hlnwing
r111s! h;:iz;ir<ls fnr 11·a1rli'rs
SrTia!l t"r;1rt warn1nµs 11rrp luwerPrf
11rrnigh!. 1hp Or;,n~e ('nun1y Harbor
!)epartn1ent ;:id\'1 ~cd
CnA.~lal lnws 1nn1gh1 will hr 1n th<-tnirl-
41\s "1ifh highs e11'.pe{;led In reach 62 on
Jn ':\nrlhPrn {';ihforn1a, n1an\' lnc·al
lemprratures \l'rre !hr ln\l•est recorded
rnr this earlv In the se<ison.
Arcala rePortrd 25 drgrees. llkiah 2fi,
:\rr1 Aluff :lfl. p;,~n flnble~ 2~. S::intrt
\lari;i 2ri. Frrsno ~I. and Sant:i Bnsa 2i
Sr1n Franc i.~rn·.~ l(l11· w:1s 4i. \l'hile San
Jnse had 4.1 anr11he ();iKland hilt~ 1R
The \1·rathrr ~rr\·1ee s.:11rl snm P clnurl<:
,1·n1ilrl rearh the far north nl lhe ~t;i!r
~;iiun1il v 11·1th , .:irprn:irh nf ;i wcathrr
fi~'str'm 11011· in !hf' Cull nf Ala~k;i.
Nixon lnk1i Bill
To 'fighten Up
U.S. La,nd Sale
Prrsuient Ni~nn Thursr\<1.v ~ll!!l{'d 11
~1 :I!! b1llton m1t11ary <"on~:r11cllon b1!1
11 h11;h contain.<: a ridr r !l'oa1 nc;irlv
rl,.f eatPrl hi~ a11,.n1rt s In oprn portions nf
:·.ltTip PendlPton hrarhr~ fnr puh llc u~r.
Thf' hill 11h 1rh hrramp la11 lhl'.' "'erk
I flO!aln<c a Jll'O\ l~lflO thaf h;:in~ 1hr ~;ilr.
r;isr tr;:itt~h'r nr nth rr d 1~pi.-.:il nf li1 nd~
~I l';in1p l"rnd lt·tr1n \\llh"lll f u 11
l'1>ngrrs-.11>11:il ;ipp101 ;ii
Thal fHl l'I' Pl'l~!lli111\• arprilrr d Ill 11\f'
hill Pilrl1rr 1 !11~ 11•ar ;ind 11a<: 1hr r<'~!l1t nf 11~a~rrrn11•111 1~11h lilt' l'rr<c1drr1!':i;-11liln~
bv lif'l'Pr:il r (•l•1 h :ii lcar1C"rs 111 t 'nngrrss.
· A11t ~1n1 •r !h:i1 ndr r a ~·0111prnn11se
llJ!rrrinrnl g11 ar;:in1rrd 1hc ~~car \ea~P
~I six 1n 1lr.~ nf hrat·h an1I abnuL .1.(\(}{l
arrrs 111 San ~l(llrn t'anyon downcn;:i st of
l)lr \\'r~trrn \Vh11<' li0u~r
The nrw 11pprnpri:itin11~ hill doc~ nn! af~
/pct !hosr lra.~cs, \Vhllc House ~pokesmen
said Thursday.
Long I-lair OK ,
Proiertecl B y
Cons ii 1,111,ion
ST. LOI IS +Ar I -Thr 1\1h l' s Circuit
l'nurl pr Appc11L~ has nil<'rl that a high
srh0nl pupil's right tn "Tar l0ng ha ir IS
protl'clccl by the Crinst1tu't1nn.
The {'Otl f1 s;iitl Ill t)le Cil~C of Slr1·rn
Rishop. Ii. that srhnol dress .corlcs :i re
riften h~sed on the prejudices or school
officirtl s ,
Bishop w;:is susprnrll'r1 from St. rh~rles
High School in FeLruiir,Y 197fl for hi~
refusal t1l i;ut hi~ hair to j'Onform 11•1t h
!he Sl·hool 's dress coclc, and 11 federal
cf)l]rl JUd~e uph~lrl the eorif'
Although h1~ hair 1s shorter nnw,
Rishop lcFI. lhe school Jn hi~ seotnr year
l l'l'PrRl w~k s ago to 111 k e cor-
rl':sponrtcnce i;our~r~
"I'm 11:larl rnr cvrr~·ru· cl~e:' Bishop
v jr1 when he w;:i~ inronne<l of the cour~
decision. "H~ wa s ~lw11I'~ A t0r student until his
lrnnble wl!h h1~ h;:i1r:· s~lrl the boy's
molhtr. "But I th1~k hr lo~! f.:i.Hh 1,,
l"Ch<inl .:uithnr1t.v. He dncsn'1 know now
whcthr r he will i;:n lo collri:e or not "
l~et1riH!I Court.
11. r. illadctrn. 2.1 drrt \. :incl llcnnis :\. (i riffic, 18, lcavr !"nurt in !.n11,I!
Rearh 'l'h orsday nrtrr arraign1nc11t nn fnnr ro11nt s of kirlnap1n~ ;ind
1 hree l·f'lu nt.~ <1f rubhcrv. 1'hrv arc a<·c·usrrl of \hP r-r1n1£-s 111 c·n nnrf'-
lion \\'Ith a 1hrcc-en11n\y ('ht1 ie th<11 11u'lt1 drd an intrrl11rle 1n l.::igun ~
1-ldls 11·hcre fllr1111ftLJ(' J)re1s. H. \1as hrlrl hoslacr. 'l'hrv tradrrl lier fnr
an esearr car hut \l'rrc cap1ur·rrl 111 S;in IJIC',Cn t 'nunt v· 11 hrrf' t110 hfl'I
:ige.<; \vrrc frr>crl .\uthnrilles said $fi.134 taken !ronl a Ltlckv fltarkct
\1as also rei;nvc rcd. -
01·a11ge Cou11ty Ma)' Gai11
If Recli st1·icti11g Ol{aye<l
Frn1n \\'irf' Sr rl'it·r~
l)ral1~P t:ottntv 11•111ild rr1:i1n il s lour
assrmbly ~rill<: ;ind gain r<•p!'c \rnta1lrin
in 1hrl'e prin1<1r.1l_v l.11~ Angrlrs ('nunl~'
a ~sembl,1• rl i.~trh·1 s if a Drmorra1 rrap-
pnrtionmrnl plan un1·rilrd Thursd;iv 1s
approved b,\' the lrgis!:ilure . ·
ThP J)C"mrH"r;:i!.~' pli!n 1-rr<1tr~ nne
dlstrirt around the ('ll v of flrange th;:il is
prim;irily Rcpuhl11·an.
It al sn rrratcs ;i r11slri1·t thal ha ~ been
rlr srribrrl as ;in "1u1f1nr•hPd )lgsav.•
pUZl'lr ' fur As<;r>n1hh•111an f\rnnrth Cnrv
t f).(;:irdrn Grn1·r f, Thr d1stn1·1. J.1hrlrr1 :i
' Cnry--1lnr" h1· llrp11h!1ran~ hon'!~ thi•
Drn1ri<:rat11 · rrJ:t.<;1rar1nn nf C1<r\'·~ r11~t n11t
fnlnl 51 ti• f.7 r•·rr·r1 1!
rnr!J11n' nr Or:'ln!:.•' l'1111ntv 11011111 h1• rPpr.,~rr11t•d h1 Lo" /\11 gt;!1·c n>l111I\'
Hrpllhl1c;1n <; .J11n1r~ l!i1 11·s :ind \\1111;1 111
1'hr <11~1ru I rrpn·..,rn11·d h1 l"ln1d
\\ :1krfirld 1 H·So111ti t ;;:itr 1 11 !•tilr1 ht' rn111 -
rd 111111 l/r,111gr \'•1111111' I r :i 1i11g
\\'!ikrl1Plrl"s linnH' 10 .~ hr ii 1 1 I 1·
! lrml'.lrr<il 1!' di \! r11·1 11 •prr~\·11I r·r! h~ l/;l \ 1d
!'1!'rso11 1 IJ ln ~l;·111111d •
Assen1hly ll1·p11hl11 ·:i n ll'adrr HnlU"r1
!'llnn;igan ;:1cT11~1·ct Orn111(·ra1 s nf rlf'lay1ng
thr un l'ciling of tll r l'f'.appor111Jn rnrnt ph111
so Hcpuhlicans. 11•ho 1l'oulrl ha vr tn ninvP
In rcmai'\ in their ct1s t ricl.~. 11•0uld nnl.
ha ve en~~h time \o fin sn.
The state. rnnslitutinn requires 11 {;i!O-
d1rl:tlr !n J11·e 1n h1,; d1 s!nC'I ill lr<J "I a
~ r;:ir pnnr !n rlrr110r1.
Hrn r·y \\':1~111~11. a DPrt\U!'l'ill 1·ha1ring
lhr aS:.r111hly rr;ip1iort1on1n1'nt 1•nn1-
m1l(CC, 1·all<'d a hranng fnr next \\'rd·
!lf'~d~.v nn the rrrn;:ip hill. Thi~ n1ran<; the
rinal produc·t rrnb;ihlv V.'flf1 °I he l'll!ll -
rh•lrd hr>f0rr !hr end l•f thf' l1r~t V.'rrk Jn
f\111t•rnlwr. 11nr \l'<ir ahead 11[ thP 1972
1:rnrr<1I elcc110p_·
\\'a.~111;irl S<tld Iha! 4;, 11f 1hr prnpn~rrt Rll
A:-~r1nhl~· .-.c;ll~ 1\ill ri1hrr ha 1· e
nrrnn1 -r:11 in1 ·un1lwn ts nr v.•n11ld hr hea\ 1-
h Dl'rnorratic Jn 1·ott•r r·ri.:1,1ra1111n.
flt'n1ot•rals prr~rntl \ ronlr•1I ! h f'
A~~•·r11hl~ 42·J7 11·11h unf' vn1·;uu 1
l.nrl1•r lhc plnri 1.os Ani:;1•lt1~ 1'n11nl •.
lo~'''" nr;1J']~ 1t1n•r ~f':ll "-h<· l-:Jid IJ1•1 .~ll ,.
(If p11p11l;it1011 dr'l!L~111 thr• '11h111t1 ....
:0.;111 Fran!'1-.1·11. 11 IH1 Ii !i ll~ .•1 ~l .1hl•·
!'M•Plli;Jll1•ll ll•'lt '!'lht·lr~~ !1\(1,'I (!II •' up :1
"'':1t 111 thr r~is ll'r gn"11ng an a II• 11;
\\;1~111an ~ pl<i 11. •·1111..,1d1•1••1t 11 ,I'
n.rp1 il1il('<lll~ !O hP "\\1;JXtllallc!l'l"l!lJ.: .. ;t
11 ·1·111 dl'n1·1·d fr•Hfl 'gcrryrna11rlrr111g ·•
t·rra1r~ ;:i !argc ·ti '' sh<iprrl 1t 1.~l rit t 1n
1111d-(';il1fnrn1a. 1t str•rl(•hr,; lrnrn nrar thl'
(·na ~t 111 Vrn1ura rnunlv In 1hr ,\1rd.:i1r
[)"S('ft in San Brrna rdinn C.n11nt v 11•1!h a
:11 prrC"rnl l)(omiit•r;it 1·nlcr rrg1~1rat1nn
Thrrc is no incu mbent in !ht> prnpn5rd
Tustin Wi &
Gets· Letter
F ro111 Her POW
A Tu stin won1;in whose hu~band w ;:i~
shut d!111'n Ol'f'r J\nrth Virt11a rn in 19tii, l!!
thr only Pl)\\'-~11A wLle in Or;ingr t:nunt y
In hal'e reee1 1"ed a te ller from her hus-
band ~ltl('f' i\·1arch
i\1 rs. Ed1snn l\llllrr nf Tu stin rrrri1·rrl
lhe l•·ltPr lhrnugh ord1n;ir,1• rhanncls. the
·rust1n·ba . .;ed Con1·rr11 lor PO\Vs said !er
dll .1'.
l\lrs. l\l1tll'r 's h11.~h:l1ld's nanll' wa.~
rrl eil.~l·d with nlllf' 11thcrs 1'hursd;11• hv
l hr('e rnt•r11bcrs nf \\'nmcn's Strikf. f0r
Peacf'. The trio rf'tUrnerl from Hanni with
32 lr>ttcrs tn. famil ies nf prisoners or \\'.:tr
in<"lud1ng nnr frnn1 thr first Americ;:i n
flyer shut duwn 111 North \11ctnam -LL
EvereU Alvare~. Jr. of S;in1a Cl ara.
The trio. fl1rs. Amy S.werdlow. Erma
Z1µ<1s f>f Nrw York r.1ty and !he Rrl',
\\'ill1c-flan·n\\' nf C'hiragn, ~;,1ct !hr.v ~prn1.
1(1 d<1ys In Nnrth V1t'lnilrn as guests of the
\'irrnan1f'~r IV0111en '.~ Union~
Tht'\' sa id lhc1· did nnt knn11· 1f ar11• 11[
I hr 11i;11I I l1r y ~·rre hringing har k ·"·a~
Jr11rn n1rn whn wrrP p1·pv1nusl v lis!Prl ;i~
n11s.<.111g 111 11ctio n. All nine. of ihe nainr.~
1111•1' rclL'asrd werr of men rrnrn
'l'hP T11s1111-ha~C'd 1'0 \\' n;;:n11.atJn n
h;irl rr!'rivt'd ;:ill n1ne namrs earl1Pr, 11
spnkrs1nan sa1cl
Thr\' art• f',1ul Srhu!11. nf Safi D1r~n;
llohcrt I. St1n11. Fnrf'~I City , .John Ferr,
S:111 PPdrn. Edward R. J\1 ar t in,
('ornnadn , i:enrge t.1 cSw;iin, Montro!e :
llui::h Sl;:ifford. San Francisco, and
ll uhrrt V1~her. ll;:ineho l'arden<i .
1\l r.~. Swerdlow said lhP group re:
~11e~ted prrn1i.ss1nn tn 11s11. the prfsoner~.
h'h1 11·l·rr rcfusrd brr11use of "securi1 y
Shr :il.~r1 ~aid llan111 (iff1r1:1I:; "lnld 11.~
lhal 1f Prrs1drn1 J':1xnn would srl ::i rl;Ur
lnr 1rHhdr:1wl'll all the rO\Vr. rn11 lr1 hf'
hnrn r b.Y Christmas"
;\. Broken J{u]c:
No Horsepla y
] 11 'J'h eir Pool
1'\l.ATt\1 ~:. Ill IAl't -''.Jnho '" 1·all-
f'•l .. 111 Agnrs Annsl nlng In ht>r hush::inrl
11 hn 11;1~ sha1 IOJ:'. 111 the h;ithronm
",li1htl thrri' ~a hnrsP In !hr sw1mm1n~
11'"•1 ' 'Ann~ln•ni: p11t.cl1111n thP n11.t1r and
11;1lk,,1l 10 1111• w1ndn11 ThrrP was a hors<'
Ill 111t' ~II 111\lllltlg fll~•I
'l'!u· Al'1n.~n·uni(.s ~l;n11ihtrr, O;irhara,
17 1 :tn11· In li~•I> y,.,, !h1•n· t·rrt;11nl;. .... as ;i hor ~r in the
.•11 1n1m1nc 1~~.i
ll:i\ 1rl .~ill'" 11f thr ('!l()k ('nunt1· ~hr;nfl'<c
d1·J1:ir11nr11t 11· .. ~ lhr 11rx1 prr~nn 111
('Hn lu1 11 lh;i( lht• h;1 1· J.:"lt11ng hart JUmprd
1ll11•llJ.:h ;1 11vll•n 1·u\•rr nnrl 11·;1 ~ ~1and111;i::
111 1111·1·•· l••r ! 11111·al1'r al !hf' s h;:ill nw rnd
1•( I h<• pnol
r\llr" ;uni Jhr Arlll).lron~ family ri~grd
:i ra111p nf flag stone anr1 lcrl the st11vering
b11t plac·1rl hnrsr nut nr 1hr w;iff'r.
Ann ~lrnni::·s .11l-:irre cs l;ilP 1s 1n a rural
arra and hr as.~umed !he horse belonged
In :i nrighhor
He began telrphon1ng:
'"~osqui:to Agency Needecl.'
. •'\": .
A11gry Disl,rcc~ ll1unagcr Attacks Grt1!1d Jur:~· Work
.lack H. Ki r\lha\I, n1anagrr nf lhe -In the lnteresl of effcf'lllP gnvrrn 1,111hnut t'o mrirns11ti"'n-, Thry 11re 11llowed
Orangr Cnuntv 1\1osq111ln Ahatr.mrnl nis-mcnl thf disiriet functtnn.~ could he lakrn nr('c~~ar.I' travel expen.~es only no! lo e:t~ -
rri ct tnday ;,ngnly h11 b<ick ,11 :in Or;:1ngr 01·rr hy the cn11nty healtl1 departmenl ~trd, $.15 ;i month.
Counly c;rand .lur.v rer·n1nn1c11d~t1un Lhat Kl~tRA LL: There ·are G:l rnosqultu -The d1 slr11 ·l has 25 full time ;:inrl l!J
thr district should ~ ahnl1shrQiro. ahi:itcment agcn1·ics in Califnrnia, 53 nf part t1111e emplnyes.
He sllid the j\iry rl'rort. "ronla1ned 111· wt11rh rire scp11r<1te districts anrt nine ;:irl-Kl1\1HA LI.: There are only 2G ful l lime
aecu rac1es.l rnisslalen1<'n1 s and 1m-ni1n1 stered by city or county hral!h cn1ployc.~.
p1ic11tions ..4 ich ('its! rlriubl. nn the 1n• departments. 1'he nine arP in areas which Kimh11ll conC"ludcs his rei'utlal w1!h
1egrity nf tn trustees and of the have minor mosqu1tn problems "the r;rand J11rv ha!! not offered ll sinl!;le
district." ;-The D1slrict's employcs sala'ries are cnnslrurtive cn~1n1rn1. for tht bellerme.nt
The Jury, in a sernnd rrport on the suh-cnns1dcra1Jly higher than ~htlse fnr Co!n-of mn.~quitn enntrol in lhe county .
jecl in reeen~· 1.~1ccks, also charges that par;ible pnsitinns 1n C(\unty 11nd city "The. entire absence of objecth·r ari-
lhe mosquito distrir!'i; emploves are cstab\i.shmenls. pra isal or ex i.<:!1 ng and future ni11.~q111tn
n1•erpaid and 1hal. there llre 100 'many of Kl~l'RAl.1,: The jury's hehPf is oh· hreeilin~ potcnl1al Indicates that the iury
them . 1·iously based on hear~ay s1nre tt1esr Sllh-1s nnl aware 'tll or concerned wilh the Al~n 11tlal·ked in the jury rrpnrl arr the jrct~ were ntl l rxam1ned nr d1,;cus.o;cd b)• ~erv1rrs pel'formcd by the d1stricl for the
Jl;ev.·pnrt Drainllge 01~tricL Talbert lhe 10 niemhf<rs rif I.he iury \\'ho v1l11lf'rl prrsrrv11t1on of a mnsquitn-free en-
Wate_r A~ral nl\ge rlistnrt~ htlth in th~ d1slr1rt hratiquartcr~ nn Oct 7. The v1ronmrn! '' ~f\Jn~on •. ~cach-Foun1a1n VAiley 11rca~ e.rnployes salarirs arr O!'lt hi~her. thtv The d1slrir! n1ana.1tcr conclude.5 wit h
and the South C11;:ist Cnun1y W11ter are 11hgned 11."ith cnunty department thr statement thal the j,!rAnd JUry
Dislricl 1n the. South La~una-bana rninl figures. rr1!1 ('f<;m dnf'.~ t'lt)! 1nd1ratP thP knnwlrd.1::e
ari>~. . -The d1s1 r1ct h;;~ 21i pa1tt inrinhrrs nn th;it the I01'al rl i~trict .s ··recoi;i:ni1.rrl
Kimball ha~ anS\l'Crrd thf' iu ry·ll ii~ hn~1·d, five lo seven should he .~u f-th rnughn11t lhr wnrlrl lor 1t~ .~11ece~sful
ch11r,C"f'~ pn1nl h)' p<Jtlll. The cmim~ and l1c1cn1 anrl ernn11m1cal rxccut111n nr ~n 9h~te·
his replicll 11re ' Kli\1BAl.I. Th t hi,>ard member~ ~crve mc.nt program."
DAILY !'llDT Siii! l'ftol•
Supe riof Court'• Sumner
Laµ11110 '.~ ~1111111ef'
JVa111ed l 'o11111,y's
Pr c.~i,1li11µ Jru/ge
H.1 TO\I fl ARLl·:Y 01 t~t Dt 1I• F'l!ot Sl•!t
JudJ;::P Rn1 ce Sun1nr r of L;iguna Bcarh
\l'llll ~lecter1 pre~1r11n~ judgr nl 1he
Or::io.i:e Cnun1 y Sl)per1or Courl Thursday
by an overv.·helm1ng \nle nr hts 2~ fe\l(l w
Hf' will rr>pl:ic<' .l11d~r \\'11 11"111 r S1>1·1rs
11f i\'r\l'J'l(lf'! Hr.11·h ;is !hr l"(UJ!'I '.~ ad-
nl1111 ~1rilli l'<' i11dgr .J:in . 1 and \I Ill ~rr1·e ;i
nnP .1ear !rrn1. .J11rt~e ~rrus, 11hn h;is
srr1'r!t lw11 y1•;11·~ a~ prl'.'~1d1n,i: JU!'lst. did
1101 srrk rr·rlec..:l 1rui.
.!11dgr S11111nrr 11·;i ~ thr -"11 pcr1n r 1·•111rt
1ucti::~·.~ rlloa·r 111rr 1w11 nlhrl' <':u1d1d;i trs
lnr thr nff1e·p -.111111.:P.~ ll;:i) rnr1nr1 \11nC"ent
anrt \\11111;:1111 l\nccJ;ind .
.Judge S11n1 nrr n1nd1• no .~crrrt nf h1.~
4·;:inrlidaf'I' twn wrr>~s ;.rj.!n whrn he rP1ral-
rrl th;i t he harl rnr!rd a l1fclnn~ a.~~fll'lil-
1111n with lhe llcpuhl~r;;n party 11nrl
rr.:1.~tcrcrl 10 f)r;:i ni;:e. (.:ounl,v rt.~ a
~mntral .
ThP fnrmrr llr11uhlw;in ;issrmhl.vmil n
~!a lerl at lhAL time !h;il he woulii Sl'l'k the
nlf11 ·p nr pres11l1ni:; 111rli:;r ;i nd ll \1;1<: lr<1rn-
er1 aftrr thf' PIP1't1nn l;ilP Thursfla y 1hal
h 1~ lr llnll' JUd~c~ s1n)n~l y supporlrcl his
l'a nrhd<ic~
.ludj!!' ~111nnrr \I ;1' ;qlJ~•l ntrr! to I h~
Suprnnr ('n11rt hrnr·h h1• f,n\ l·:r!n111nrl r;,
Hr·n11n 10 111f1;1 sl11Jr1lv ;;fli•i his flp fr;it tn
!hr s!:itP .~rnal f' r;il·r n( !!161 at the !land:-
1il .lohn BuTh Siu ll'!,\' !rlf'l\1hrr .lnhn r;,
S1 ·lun 1lz.
1.nng r·rgHrdrd !JI' f1 1·;111~f' ('011111.v
_j11r1g1•s ;ind 1:1\\yl'r·~ a.~ 11n1• nf 1he
1111111 111rnr lrg711 ~,hol.:ir-s 111 lhr ftrr.1. hi'
11,1 ~ lhr rre1p1rn 1 1h1~ vr;1r ot tilt> OranRe
1·1,11n1v !i<1r As.~rw1;iti11n ·~ Fran klin (;,
\\'r$I 0A\\'arr!.
'rhr tr1h11t r i.~ nffrrrd by the hcnt'h anrl
h;ir 1n \hf' nanir 1Jf ;i rrt1red S11prrinr
C'nurl judge In 1)1fl.~f' ll'ho h;i ve sPr ve11 lhe
cause nf J!l.~llC'P 10 sonic spee1al wa,v,
.l11rl~P S111nner w;:is honot'cd for h1 ~
\l'tlr k nn thl' C;il1f11rn1a Con"tllul111n;:i !
Rf'VISJnn Con1m1.~s111n and re t i re ri
California Suprrmc <'n11r1 .Ju~1 1rc lfoi;:Pr
.I Trt.ym'fr m;irlr a spec1~J 1r1p tn SanJ ;i
flna ~o prrsPnl the lrQph:1' 1n ./11dg,. Sum-
"" The l.agu11a i11dgc was alsu puhl1t·!y
1·ongr;1lu l;itrd hy ho1tl house~ of the
{';ilifnrn1::1 leJ,!1.~laturl' fnr hi~ ;1•nrk as
Resource Unit
Won 't Oppose
011of re Plans
l·:xpa nsion nl 1 N"iulhern Ca li fornia
E:dtsnn Cl'.lmpany's nuclear pnwer pl;int 1.t
San Onnfrp and live olher electri cal sup-
pl,v ri·ojPets will no1 he oriposerl by th•
California Resource Agency.
The state's agreements l' over in It
1 1utl~;ir and fossi l ful'I plants. repnrte.dly
"·rre s1i,:ned without publiC' te.stin1ony And
prior ' to hearings held hy the Public
t:t1l1!1f'.~ Cnn11111s.~inn, the Atorn1c Energy
l 'n1nm1ssinn and local governments.
The agreen1ent covering the San Onofre
plant v.·a.<: signed ~'larch 1(1, 191i4, during
!he ;:idm1n1strat1nn of former· Gnv. Ed·
rnun rt C:. "Prt t" Brown by his resource!
i_. ThP agree111cnls <1l ~o cnvered project!'!
including a nuclccrr plant in. Coral Canyon
near !\>falihu. a ~an Diego..C.as And Elec·
tric plant io Snrrcn1n, an Edison plant in
Ormnnd Be;ieh, another planl for San
01 cgn and a planl 1n Lns Angeles Harhnr.
The disclnsurr fnllow,~ an Associated
Pre~~ rcpor! th at the Rea~an ad-
ministration signed iln agreement 1hree
~1r;irs ago not lo nppose. a Pacific G11~
and F:lrc1ric Company n11c!ear pla nt
;:ilnng the ~1 endnri no ('fl;:istline.
Ttie ;igrrrrnrnt.~ rrpor1cdl .v were prn-
rc~srd h~· thr .~talr P1111•er S11ling Com-
n1illcr. r ... lahh~her1 bv Arn.,..·n 1n 1!16!"! and
111;idp up nf rrsnur/'eS agency ofric111l!i. . , .
'' -·~. H ..A.
San Diego Plnnt
Fir111. Bares Plan
For Fossil Fuel
San n1eg11,<:11s anct !::lcrtrlr Companx
tod ay rnnf1rmPd ~peculation thal it would
prnf}O~r a new fnssJ t-fue\ed electric
~enrra1111g plant -prnhahlv in the C;irl~bad area -In hrlp cushion delays
111 t'fl_nslnu'l1nn of lwrn 011clear fO!enera tor1
al San Onnfr·e.
!o ;in ;1nnn11ncernrnt m;:ide this morning;
!lit-utility announced tha t the exlstini:
pnwrr co n1plex at F.nrina seemed thr.
1nnst iikely s1le for a new cnnventinn::il
slram grnPralnr tn rope wit h asserted
fl'l"'Pr shu rt;igrs wh1 C'h niight stem fro m
thP nurlPar rnnstructino delays,
Thfee sep:irate ctec1slons relating to
:.;afel\• ;inr1 I.he envirnnn1cnt are blamed
f11r lhe delavs. \1·h1ch might ;imount to
\l.:i lr rr Z11Jau, s nr; and ~; president,
:-;;11r1 the F.n1·111a toca11nn 11·.:is rhnsert afler
sr11r\1P~ 111 prnhr pnssiblt' altf'rnative~ tn
1tir rr:1!'!nr proJCC'I~
·r1ir :,<in IJ1r.1:o·hasrrl 11!11i!y 1s assumin;t
~O pr1'1·rnl nf !he 1'0SI~ an,! hrnpf11s from
!lir S;1n l/n•ifrf' plan~ So11thern ralifnrn1a
l<d1~11n C1 1 n1p;1n~· h;i s an fl() percent in·
!rre~I 1n !hr sl;.rl lr>d prt11ecl~
i'.1!1<11 1 ":11d lhr ~~nt1n a sPlrc!1on w~~
n1:1cte he<·ausr th,. cril1eal nef'rl lnr power
rl1•r~ nnl ;:illnw for enough time Lo develop
an l'r1!1rrly nrw site
"S1ud 1es are 11ndcr way lo ctetermine
whar type of un1l will he cnnstructed." he
r xpla1ned ... The ont Wf" chon~e ·will be
rlPs1gnrr1 In 1·n n1ply f1d\y v.·ith ;ill en-
v1ronmcnt.1! quah1v s!and;irds, inrlud1ng
lhnse lnr v.·.:i1cr. air and csthetirs."
He adrled that his firm and Edison bot h
v.·erP ··dis.tre.~sed" hy the delays -cau~·
rd. he sa1rl . by a federal court decision
11·~ic~ nrdrr.<: the Atomic Energy 0>m-
m1ss1nn In 1nclurle tht ~nv1rnnment in it.•
l~st rif concerns 1n i.~~uln~ reactor
t·ha1~m n nf the Constilul1nna! Rrv1s1on .., (' . I . s ~-, • ' .0;~1 ·~!~~1°011 endnr~t'rl hl.'...._hoth hnu~c; an/ ' ra11c1 sco s
noter! .:it he 'h;ir! lcrl 1hc rorhmttlf'r~tl\ a I • •
prfij that had resul!rd in thf' rlrlcr1 n"""' ChtllCse T .:__ d
nf ~ me :10 .000 words from a constitulion ' .L.(;3 ers
that once contained llO,ooo worn.~. Blast,.. U .N • MOve
Cnpo Missi,on
Turns 195 Y cars
~1 1ssion S<ln .Juan Capistrano will be 19.'i
year:\ old Sunday.
And to cclebr;ite the hirth or the ".lr11•rl
of the M ission~" A specia l lt 1gh ~lass "'"·111
ht-c~lebrated <1l 10 :10 a m ln the Old
M111~ion Church 11:nd mariach i music and
celPhration i:ii: ~cheduled on the mi~sion
grnunds In lhr Aflernoon hou r~
Student~ from the Old l\·ll.o;s1nn School
11lsn wi!I t11kc part in the fe st1vK1cs.
Tht rn tss1iin, Orani;:e County's o!dcst
ex1st1n.c ~truclurc . \\':I~ fnunr1rd nn Nov.
I\ 177ti by~ F'a!hr:r Ju"tpcro Scrr;i. .. ,
Ch ina1ow1i's po werfu l leadership Thurs·
da y drnnuneed the United. Nations as
"ri('C.:tdenl and cynic11I,'' And Prcsid~t
f\i~on as a "political opportunist." in a
rare news cnnferenc~ at their ~goda
~f.vlc hrarlquarlers building.•
The Chinrse Six Compan1t11, which h;.vf
represented Chin;itown·s esta blishm~nl
since !hr Tnng \Vars . bitterly expressed
npposition lo the admission of Mainlancf.
China tn the United Nat.ions and the e.t·
put~inn nf N11tinnalist China.
The cxp1Jl sion or Taiv.·an was "lht
hl'i,:1nnin~ nr the rnd of thp U.N. ~s 1
moral 11'rrr in 11·orlr1 11ff11ir~ ... ~Rid Rev
Ts11u 'Tin Taam, a former Interpreter for
Prrsidenl Nlxnn
~W itcli' De y
ls H<1llo1 ve 11?
R) TU0:\1.\S \l l"llrlll\'1': Ot •~t Oa,1, P,101 ii.ii
.l!O\ ernn)t'nJ;il pen< ha n!
;irnund hohda\ s in rrrrnt
fot 1 tn assurr ({ilks nt
\\eekrnd~. h;i s rai~ed
for J11:.c;er1n~
\e.ars, 1n an l"f·
Sf)me three-dav
hnh \\llh the
\~hat ! mean is tha1 tf)lks h.-i·e a h;ird
time f1gl1ring nut \\llrn Ir• <'<'lehr-ale
UPI Tt1eiino10
Fight Blast
Amchitka's Foes
To Go to Court
\\ A~Hl.\"l.TO:'-l + 1·p11 (nnserv;i.
hnn1~1s drr1d erl tnrla.v 10 n111ke <1 J~st·
(!1tf'h lei::11I A11Pm pt. tn hAll the un·
drr_.;rfl1111d 11Ul'l\':tr t e s I nn A l;'.~k;1 ·~
An1\·l111k11 [<.lrind tlial 1hr1 lla1n1 11111
r:H1 ~'' l1arn1 !•1 !hr f'l1\'1 n11111u•11!
Dillld I. ,<;1\r, ilth•rnrv fur 1hf' ( <1111 ·
m1ttre t11r ,\111·1,,ar Hc~pni1~1 h1ti11•. c;a1rl he
11ou]ci 11 <k a frdc·i ;;I JUdgr-i111n1rr!1atel.\ lo
Rt'I on h1~ 11 111111111 fnr .-. pr<'l 11111n;H'} in·
111n<t 1on ti) h;ilt 1/le hlil~I , r<'pnr!rcily ~et
(or 111 \I Th111 ,d;~~.
~l \f" drc 11lrrt 111 a1 I 11111111(•111 ~ af\t>r tl1e
~011 •r11111i•nt ;i1u111111 1< f'rl 1t 11nuld nut <ip-
pr;il a I .;; 1 · .. 1~rt of 1\ppral~ ru!1nc rh;it 1t
n1 u "l h:1n1l n \-r r fr•r Jlld1c1ar .-:rru11r:v
doc·u1n 1•nls conser\·at1nn1~l~ el111m \\ 1·11
11rn\·e the ir fears of environmental
The .Ju<.1!cf" llrparlrncn! arl\1Srrl the
l S. C1rru1t lnurt of 1\ppcal~ here lhiil 1t
\\n1i!d not :triric;il In the Sl1p rerne ('ourl
!he ruhn.E of Th11rsrl11v. Thill n1eant 1he
rlocumcntq 11C1ulrl be ~1\·cn tn t S.
0 1s1rict rourl .lurige Georg!' L. Han for
sec-rrl f'x11 m1na11nn to drtrrm 1ne 1( l11rv
lhrn shn11lrl he n1~rle a\·;i1lable In Sf'l'Cn
cnnsf'r1·a11nn1st groups ;;11cmpt1ng to pre.
\"enl the hl;i.~t.
lhl' gn1crnnv·n1 < h(l~r not tn ~ppe:1I. ·"\\'e
11 ill hr 111 J11dcr Han 's cu11r1rrv•m ask1nit
h1111 for an 1mnH•rl1;itr r11l1n)l. on a
p1·f'J1 1111 11;11'\' 111n1 1r111 l•,r :ill 111111nr·t1on ha~·
rrl Pll 111 fn1 tllfll 11111 111 1111· rln( u trH 111 ~ '
Tt1r l.!l"(•11p..; i1lr1 ·;1r l\ h;i1r h1''''1 rlt>lll l'rl
illl lll l'l.r\!'llHll Ii• 1il1wlo. 1 11~' ll'~I IJU! ~I the
11mP thP\ d1rl nnt li;i11· thr 1nfrun1a!1on
11h1l h 1h'ry tla1111 11 1!1 1·on1 1nr r Hart t1J
gr;inl ~11t·h ;in 01 drr. l 'hr i;:n1 crnn1t'nt
;·l;un1rrl l'Xl'!'1Jl 1\r H"r! ln cr<111t ~UC'h :in
i l:i11nrrl r\CC1H11 r p~11ilrd !:!r 1n ~rep1ng
the report setrrt.
U.S. Sceki!ig
\\'A~ffl\~TO.\" 1 l !'J • ... Th r gcnrr;il
p11bl1c 11 <1~ uq::rd today tn send sug·
i:r~11on-" 1n \\';ish1ngton fnr krPriing pnres
frr.ni ~o;ir1ng ;iftrr lhe rronn111if' frrer.e/
If ynu are a ~1mplr., s1r;i1ght·l1ne
thinker like mf'. ~·nu'd probably say 1hat
Hallov.·een be ing on the evening of
Oclnber :ll. thal'! ""'hen ynu nught In
celebr:ue 1t Right~ \Veil. mayhe.
Other folks have more flatr for all this
moving about nf hohdavs ;ind they have
reasoned 1h111 mns1 places have srhon! nn
illnnda~'· Therefore Sunday nii;;ht might
nnt be best for 1 he li1 tie demons to be nut
and about tricking or treatin11:.
Princess in Hong Ko~
Britain's Princess . .\nn JL). a crompan~ed by d.\'·ln·
\\'ailing. is rn"·ed acro."s Junk Ba y tn !·Ion;---ong by
a f1 sh1ng·\\'Om an durrng her 14·eek·long official
·A ,l!O\'crnrnrnt ~pokr<n1;in said the
dorumrnts 11'nulr! he checked 1n remn1 ·e
an~· tnateri-'11 ro~s1r!rrrd 1n the n.:it1ona!
~r-r11rit.v ;inrl thr~rfnrr nnl relr1·;int for
~urh 1n~pert1on. 11~ ~aid thr-dnr11n1rn1s
probably w1!! re <tch ll;irt Sflme tune to·
Thi' rrqur~l fnr irlr;is <';i1n r frnni !hi'!
pru·p rnn11n1ss1nn, one of t11·n p:inels
;-rr;itrd h1· l'rr<;1drnt \"1~nn tn m11ke
drr1'1"0" nn h .. 11· 1n1u•h 11;icr' :ind prirr ~
11 il l hr al!n11 f'ci 1n mn1 r up11 ;irrl aft Pr the
frrr1r . :O:l'herlu!rd to rnd \"nl". ll
' }
SO IN THE i':\lO, <1 Int of our lnval
subscribe rs arc ralhng and asking us· to
arbi trate. \Vhich is it'.' Saturday night nr
Sunday night?
Ma1iner 9 Set
1'o Reach Mars
Police Fo1·tif)i Saigo11
da r . / . .\ spokrsn1an rnr the ("()n1n11U,?' fnr
t\url.,.ar ResJ>11n~1b1li!y, t>nP of the ~rn11p~
protestin_l:l the blast, ~aid Thursday that If
Thr r-h.:11rn1;in nf l hP sr1·rn·n1rmhrr
p1ic·e 1·11111n11s~u•11. (' .J;itkson t.ra~son
Jr . :''11d 111 a s1;11r n1"nl ·
\\'ell bust my punkin. fo]~S. \\'e're JUSt
not as good al hohday·deelding as the.
federal or state ~nvernmenl. And so far,
they'\·e kept hands off Hallo.,.,·cen.
Before Russ
\VASHINGTON 1 L;PJ ) -An associate
space agency arl!Ji(nistr<itnr said lorl;iy
America·s r-.(ar it)t'r !I telP\'ls1nn i;a!Pll1t P.
\\'Ill rPach ,\Jars next mnnlh ;ihrad nf f11·n
hea\·1er Ru.~si11n sn;icrrraft th11l wPre
laun('hed brfnrp r-.1annr r l11st :'Ill;\·.
Fo1· Tl1ieu's l11augu1·atio11 Blount R esigns,
But Slavs ~1um
'"lf 11P ;ire to hr f'ffrt·111r in n11r rHnrt~
1n r:-tah1l i1r-pru'rs 111 th t" 1·nunlr\". >1·11
n1 u.~t rl'mriin in tulH' 1111h thP pf'flrile In·
11m;itcl\' ;;HrC!('d h,\ thr rrn~1f}n 1hat h;i~
t,1ken pl;;cf' in thr1r pot·hrthnQk and bank
h;il;inre~ hr!·;iuse 11f 1nfla1 inn.
Diligent pursu1 ! nf the facL'> by our tn·
spired ne\\"S staff. hov.·e\·er. has determln-
f'd that ~lallowrrn \\"il l he celebrated
some places on Saturday ni~ht and snml"
places nn Sundii.\' e\·e. ln J\e \.l·port BeaC'h
and Crn;ia ~1 esa, for ex;implc, !\1nnday is
11 school hol1da.v ."n the pnlice 11nd fllhers
ronrerned 11re expertinJ:: the li!!le ca ndy·
hunters on 0<'1 . 31. Sunday night.
SU1'"0A '' :\"ll.llT is rilsn ticketed fnr
!he Pumrikin Patch 1n\"aders in places
11ke Huntini::1nn Beach. S11n Clemente,
Fnuntain \';illr \". Ir\ 1nr. l.ai::una Hill~.
Sa n .Juan (';ipisirann and F.I Tnrn.
There rnay he .~on1r t>xceplions surh a.~
T.aguna Bea<'h <1nd \Vestrninslcr where
Saturday night P\'l"nts like Lai::una 's Rnn-
Blasl ma~· t>ncnurai::e the kiddies In JUSt
follow lhroui::h on that night.
Desp1tP thr ~m11!I <ireas nf cnnfu~inn,
you c;in he ;issurcrl that history i~ 0n the
side of Sunday night.
A :'\TL:STY TO\-l t:: in my nffi{'P SllS!!C$!S
t hat thP \\hole thine; got. started 1n
midieval times \\•hrn All H2.lln\\-:r; "'as
celebratrd on thr Pve of All ~a1nt s' D<tv
on Oct .11. It \1·11." ;i Celtic festival lo
mark the i;nrl nf su1nn1er
If our frigid \!,·e;;1 her (lf recent nights ls
an.v indir111nr. sumrn rr is nrer for sure
Blong the Or;i.ngP Cnas!,
";\1;innrr !I 1111 1 h11pcl11JI\· gn 11110 nrb1 t
aroun<l ,\·1;irs 01r 1~th of ,\'n1·rn1hr r anrl
!he twn Sn1·1c! spacr<'rart \\" h 1 ch wrrC'
);iunrhrd nn thr lllth ;ind !hr 2!'llh nf :'lf;iy
will arfl\1' 111 .\lars sn 1net1mP :ifrrr !11;11,·•
:;:i1d Dr. John E. ;-..·;iuglr , 11 ssnc1a le 11d·
min1stra1or for Spi!ce Scir nre ;ind Ar·
He said .\1 arinrr !I, launched ;\1::iv :in
from Cape f.\pnnedy . i.~ nrirr;it1n.(!
nnrrnall.v on its 241\-m 1lJ1nn mile 1 r.1 ;:iµI'
<1nrl lhat ··11·e h11\'e nn knn\\"lrdcr nlhrr
!h;in that thr Russi;in sri;irrrrafl ;i lsfl ;ire
Jn .Eood ~hape."'
The Sp;:ice. A~enc~ ;ind the So\ 1et
Academy nf &ienc:es ha\P a_l!rf'rrl In PX·
rhange information i::at hrrrd hy the threP.
il>l;i r~ rirohes. A tele!~·pp rnmmunlr;itinns
link has hPen set up hrt11rrn the 1\l;innrr
<'ontrnl Center 111. fl;i~;iciena. i!nd the.
So\'Jet Control Cen ter.
"1 !hink this cnmh1n;i1111n nf An1r n1·11n
and Sn\"ie t sp.:icecr<tf1 , tnµrthrr with :in
rxtensive sludy nf thr pl;inp1 h1· r;irth
lelesropPs. ~hnulrl ;idrl rnns1rlrr;ihlv to
our knn11·IPdµe of i\lar~." ~~ugle said .:1t a
ne ws briefing.
SA!GO.\i !UPI \ -Sa1gnn police tnday
rnforf'ed !he 11.;;htest ."ecurtty restrict inns
P1rr imposed 1n the c11p1!al 1n prrp;ira·
11nn fnr ~unday's Pres1dent 111I lna1ii;:ur;i .
11nn. t\n1l'r1(";i11 off1r1als v.·;irnt>d 1h11t .:1
11;11•e of 1rrrnns!. ;l!1 i!f'k$ >1'nuld be ex·
pl'C'ted rl urini:: the \1·erkrnd.
()uls1de the C'ap1!<1I , {"nn1m11n1st .1:1111 ·
nrr s ~h·il d1111 n <1n t\n1erira11 OHfi
hrhr-optr r 2.1 milrs nnrlhl'ast 11r S;11_cnn
ludi!\. but 1he l11r1 Aml'rirans ;ibn;ird
p:ii·;.i-rhulrd !n s;ifcl.1, the l' S .. '-1 1h1ary
('nnirn;inrl .,;.i1d.
The 1\111enean~ l1ad rJ1111n rune 1n1\es
nn1 !11nf1hP hi:; l ' S. air hase at Bien Hna
~rar t hin): fnr Corntnuni;;t mnvemenl 1n
1hr ;irr;r 11 hrn thev \\'ere hit h.v _l!:rnund
lire. l{tie c:hnpper 11a~ drstrn_\ed \1·hen it
h11rnrl! no landing, sriokrs1nen .~<1 1d .
("()mmunist .i::uerrill;is todi:iy !aunchrd a
\"1r1nu s 7fl..pound mortar bi:irrage <1ga1nst
an 1nf;in1ry rrg1mpn\Jll he<.dqu;irtc-rs 1n
1he tnnunt:iin rc~nrt ln\\n of J)al;it. 1 ~[1
rntlrs nnr1hP;i;;t nf thr cap1l;;il, and fn!l(l11·
r rl 11. uri wi th ;i l"nm1nandn ;it!af'k, thr
,..;;i1i:;nn cnrnn1;iod ~;i1rl They klllcrl s1 .oc
_cnvPrnmPnt trnnrs -:n1d >1·nunrll'd fn11r,
lr";ivzng 0 e--tfody behind. <I spokrsman
Srtld .
1\1 nr1t1r;; 10 ~.11;'.!nn IOC'rr11srrl ~rrurilv
.1 .~ f0rr!i;.:11 r!1 (!n11;ine~ bci::an ;i.rr11 inc fnr
l'und<t,'.o ·s tnaue;uratinn of P r e s J d e n t
Anyw;iy. H11lln\\·ern m;irkcd l ~e s!;irt nf
the ne\\' ~·Par 1n 001h Celt ic ;ind Ang!n-
Saxon times ;ind it hci::an l.n lake nn
fpooky imphca t ions \1 hC"n ~omrhnw
rum0r ~nt ;irnund th;it. this w;i~ thC' n1 _1!hl
tha t dead :>nu!s returnC'rl tn their hon1e.~
Women -Cancer Victi~
This m;iv ha1·r dp1·rlnprd hrc11ust> 1n
mark1n~ rhr r nd nf ~ummer !ht> folk~
11·erP lnok1nc: for\\;ird fn !hP gloom\·. cold
~eclinn of 1hP \P.-.r <1nrl ;:ippar11 ion.c; 111.P
~hn"I", "urhrc; and t!rmnn• sN'merl tit-
ting for !he ~c;i-'"inn
Decli1ie; Males Climb
SCOT~ l"~[) TO ;ic;~r mhl e o n
H<t!IO\\ ren to i::n thrt'lllJ:h ;i bunc~ nf in·
('ant;it1nns In drtr~nlnlP 11 ho ;inion~ !hP
;.nunh 11nuld n1;iri·1 dunni: 1hP rnm1 n):!
1 rar (i1rl~ tr1rrl 1ri ~rP !hr 0pr1irr rd
ihe1r fu1UrP matr~ hi' c:nini: nu! :inri <:nw-
1n~ SPC'rl nn p!n11·rrl f1 rld~ at m1rln1i:ht
Dunking for ilflfilr~ )'.!nl ~lartcrl hrf·1111°P
1f \011 cn11lrl grah onP It \\·a~ s1ippn~rrl In
bring \Dll lurk durinf! !hr rnm1n.i: ~·r;ir
. .\n\·\\·a1". \\llh all th l." h1~tnrv hrh1nrl
l)r!, ':l!. \Oil find i t rl iff1Cllil to )lilt lh('
knnrk t1n .Sunda\' n1i:h1 ;i~ llallnwrcn
Prnbab!v 1he hr~t i:!hnst or a ht!l rnl
lectnr fhai ~hn11·s ur a! my front dnnr on
Saturday night .,.,·ill change my m1nrl
\\"ASHl\'f";TO\: I Af'1 -Th~ \:it1nn;il
c~;inf't>r ln~r1tu!r rPflllr!Prl tniia1 thrrP 1 ~
Pl 1denr e c:int·rr I' rlPf'rr.1~1ni: ;imnn;:
11 nmen ;;nrl 1ncre;;i;,1n.c 11mnn;i mrn1
r ~prri;ilil hl;irk~
1 un.c r;inrrr ,;pprar~ !fl h!' 1ni·rr~~1nc
;in1nni:-hn1h 11h1!P ;inrl hl:irk mr n and
11nmrn, h1111P\f'r , rrsp;ir·rhrr' s;11rl.
Thr prrl1n11n.1r~' d;i1;i .'trrns frnm ;i
111r.~ SlUrl\' C'tl\Pl'\ll~ !011" :ind PIJ:hl 111;;111r
111r1rn1111l1t;in ;irea ~ \\"tth ;i cnn1h111C'rl
pnp11lat1on or mnrP th;in 20 rnill1nn, or
n!l!'·1rnth nf !hr n<ttinn·~ lnl;il
A fnlln\\'llP In n;it1nn11I c;;ini ·rr sur1e\S
In l!lJi and l!l4i. 11. 1~ not rxpecl ed !fl be
r(lmpleterl until 1!17.1.
~ftn are sulfcnng more ra ~rs of c;:inrt>r
nl lhP prn~t;:ilp .:inri \ung, .:inrl !h ;i Jts~Pr
r -.1r n1. nl rhf cnlnn, rhr ref'll'lr! ~11 1rl
TilP J:,f'nrr:il d rrrr;i~p .:1mnn:: \l'nmPn
11 ;is ;it1r1hutrd tn;; ·rirnr in <'~nf'rr nf lhP
11trnnt> rrr1 I\. stn11111rh 11nrl rprturn
l llP r;:i!r r>f l11ng r~nrrr :inlnn~ 11nmrn
rl1111hll'rl rl 11n11c thr 22 ~e;ir<: s1nf'r thr l;i~t
~lurll , tri 12 c;i ~rs per lflO.fJOll per~fln,,. lhe
1r"r.1rrhrrs s;i1eL
The \;ilr."t f1i;urP~ ind1ralr . !hr~· ~;i1rl,
th;it ;ihn11t li lO.ll(){l new r.:1,•r~ nf C'!lllf'rr
:irP d1;;gnoscd in 1he L'nitr-rl ~tatp~ t>ach
I r;;1·
• The rllllf'<'r rrilP an1nni: n1rn 1nrrP<1~rrl
from 2~n f'('r 100.000 1n 19~7 !n 304 1n 1%'l,
anrl d!"crcased among >1·omen from 29~ lo
High Winds Lash Valley
IJ.S. Summar11 ,.,..m Wl"' i.,vlc..C 1.1,.,,. "''~"• ·•~•<! ·~· So" /"oc V•""' 1010 T~v••dfv •'l•r•NI '"'<• <Ill" ~loud,. •O'h-.i po••• ''"" 1"'1 rout• "O
'"' • 1'Jll .~ .. b'll'" .... , o •colo.~,,..~ ,.,. !~• '""Cl vollt v 1 ••
::e•:l::~t1M .,~·I~~' \(IC>O~;lf~l"~.~O•;;:,~ ""''•<! a I" +•t \ Du•l't/l 700 t<'•I "' .,, • ., .,.,, ti''"" lo"<! ,,, 1ht t"'l'"·'"
1u,1 \O<J!hw•• I o' "'''~"' ThJ flll/O ••VD!•~ •tl<><JI f Yi D"' •"f~:'~~~~·;,•;:~,:,~,~~~1,1 ~0,;.~~.
'"• ,.,.1,ne• "'"" """'~""" ~" '"" t '"'l-""'""\In '""" botl'• 10 ~·I"" ....
'"' uM•• ton<t ln••,.nl , T~o ll•""e< 11"> <""•~ml<! Tw<! '"'''"
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..... "I><;•• .• '"' ............... , ••
fl' 11 •·~ "•I e~•• ~1'1 .,.,, o' •••
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,"\i::u.ven Vt1n Thieu /or a second four·year
rnl1re barred molor1s t~ anr!
prrlrsrrians from a [nur·sriuarr·mile ~rPa
111 thr heart of tl1c r1ty 11ntil <1fter Thieu's
1n1·pst1ture. Pnl1re. tnlrl c.w1li:ins tn
r1 :icu<tle 11111 kl'd 1·;.ir.~ frn1n the area and
'str1rllJ ohr.1" pnl11·(' r11rlrrs
Pi•i ll'f' :ll"l'r -.Jrrj .1!\ II 11 I rl r 11 I i f I C' r!
,\rnrrl('il!l lr11111: In 1:1!..r prr-tu,·r~ r,f thP
1n;i11gur;il ~11e r;ir11' th 1.;; 111 nrn1nc 11 h1IP
runrl11rt 1ni:: dnnr 1n·rlnnr ::ind rnnftnri
sran•h<>s around the big ll"ood anrl steel
Fi\'c So lrli ('rs Drown
In South China ~ra
S ·\l!;n~ ! \P • ~·11 r Amrrir·;:in
~nld1rr." ;irr nu.;;~1nc-<1nr! rirr~umrrl
1lrn11 nC'd 1n thr Sr.iii Ii r h1n;i ."r :i fn!ln11 1ng
;:i f1"1l11h;i ll g.-.nir nn ;i \ 1!'!!1:lll1''~r hr.1C'h,
lh~ ( ~-l'nn1111;:inrl ;inn1•11n1Td tod;11 .
!\II 11r1"r frn111 !hr An1rrw:il 11111 .. 1011 ;;l
('h11 L;11 .. 1HI rnilr~ nnrthr:1st (If ;-.,11g11r1
Thr ("fln1n1r1nrl ... :iirl 1•1H' of tl1•' .;;nlrl1rro;;
11la~11u: fnnrh:1ll Th1u· .. r1a,1 ~pp:irrn!h
11rnl 1ntn !hi' 1\·;;lrr In rrln r\!' 1hr bi111.
i::nt 1 a11gl11 111 .in unrlr·1·1011 <1nd \1~~ s1\rpl
11111 Jn ."t'il.
On Sena le P Jans
\\"A SHl\f:TO'i I t.:rt I -rn.~llllil~lf"r
Gen<'rlll \\"1ntnn ~1. Rlllllnt rersnn:ill.v 1n-
fnrmrrl l'rr."1dt>nl :'\1xnn lnd;il' th1tt hp,
11 ;i<; !"<'~1i:.11111g 1n1111rrl1~1ri\'. 11 11;1s fir;t
:;trn 111 Al0u11l ·s plan 10 rUn for the L. S.
Bl•u11 1!, ;,n, 1111•1 pre~1rl ed 1i1er tlir
1rnn::An11:ill1•n ,,f thr n;il111n·s n1;il)
srr1 it·r. r!f'r·l1nrd ;it a \\h11P Hn11~P nc11·s
t'nnfrrrn1·r. h1H1r1e1. to Sil\' flt1tlv ii he
11 11uld il!trinpt 1a un~c01t Sf>n. Jnhn J,
Sp<:irktn;in 1 /) Al;.i t, 11 hn 1s 71 .
Rlnunl ~;i irl hf' 11•1uld a11nnun1 e his
fu111re pnli!iC':il plan~ ;:i rn11 nrl \rw 'r:ir"s.
flthrr ~hl lf"t"t'S ~;i1d H!ntint :ilrrarl \' h;is
!J r1 1drd 1•1 :-.11rk l he ltrpubl1c;in no1n1n;i-
\1on r .. ,. !h<' :-.rnalr
f\<;1-.l'd 11h\" hr l1'<..1i.:nrrl 11••11 , f.\l1•unt
rrnlirrl .. 1t \\"<;tune f<lf 11lf' tn IP:!\(' thi.o
p()~I n!f1rr ;inrl Tn Ct'! 1i;1ck Jn Al;ih;im;i In
!11<1kr llP tll \ !lllnd" l orlrr !hr rn.,t;i)
rr111i.:;i 11 1fill1nn. Blount fnrn1;il11 .•11hrn11 ~
!11.~ rr.,1g11;1T1nn ln lhc pnslill ~rr\·1ce hn;irrl
pf i::n1 rn1n1·~.
\\'h1tf' ffn11-.r l'rrs~ :-;l'!"ll'f;111 H11n;1ld 1 •.
Z1rl!i •'I' •;nd \1xn11 "r.\pl'r~.~rrl h1~ ;ip-
11:·r-1·:;i11r.11 In l!1r postn1;1.~trr i:rnrr"l fi1r
ll!Hlrrt ;i ~1n.i: '1nrl ;ir·cn111pll~h1ni! 11 h;it
111;u1.1· !hnui;ht 11 ;1~ <111 1111pns~1bl c l;;~k ."
··rn r st11hli~h !h;it. rrl<1t1on~h1p. !he
11nrr rnmm1-..,11111 1\ ;in I .~ In hP<tr in
1vr111n;:: from :is 1n;i11\· people ;;s poss1hl e
11hn 1·an rnntr1h111r 1rlr;i" ;is !fl ho\1· price
1n<"r'";i~I'~ 1·;ir. he n1 n.~t ('ffcr!11·rly ron·
1 nillrrl ·•
'l"il" :irlrl r·r-~-. l~ rr11 '(' i'n1111n1:.~1n11 1il7
11 Sirrf'1, .\ \\', l!lh f]11nr. \\";ish1ngtnn,
p (' 211111:
111 n1li1 r 1\1 (•!1••11lll' dl'1rl 11r1ne111~ thP.
)..'1•1r r111\1f'•11 11'p•1r:l'rl !hr fll"\! forr1i:n
11 ~dr ~u1 plus 1~ ~1'f111'tnhrr in s1~ mnnih~.
h1:t :in1i1hrr rr1virt ~l1n11rrl t h;;t th!!
n11n1hrr nf 111"1''r 111·h;in ;irr;i~ wit h
~1Jh~t;in1J;il 1111r 111riln\tncnl 11;;<; -'It 11 ~
h1l!hrst IYJ1nt in 10 ,\e;iis. (Story, Pa.ce 5J
Sini1'1er Si ci I ians
\"ahl"'il in Bo11nrl11p HO\!~: 1•\I'1 lt,tl1;.in po\lf'~fPStrd
F1;-.r1 ~ !"nrr•1l:i . trr111rrl h1 thr1n !he rlr;.in
.,f 11111.~ ' 1u1<l"t 11 n1 lrl . ;inrl n1nf' nthPr
\1;il1a ~U'"P<'1 t:1 in ra1rl ~ T!1 ur~rl;i 1· 1n f11 11
1 ·111 r~
!'.1ppol;1, ';.k 11 1ir) 11.1<;drp"r1rrl from !h i!!
J'11 11crl !'ti1lf'i rnnrr lh;111 10 ;.ra1·.~ ;i~n.
1~;i;; .11Tl'\~rrl nl'~I' Hn111r 111111 lhrrr nthrr
lll•'n. T11n 01hr r 'llf'n 11rrr .1rrr~1 rrl 1n
\11 1,,11, 1110 10 l'r1lrrn10 :ind nne each 111
T:1r.'.lnln ;ind H11ni11i .
Wiii-,._, ...... A T I""
• .. "' f
C.., .. .,.LI ''
' .·'\
~ ,L /'/
' I
Tl11·ee A1·ea s
Of Jobless
\\ /\Sll l;\CTD.\" 1L"l'l 1 -The number
11( 1nt1l•lr tlrban areas 111tli sub:.ta nl1a l
11nen1pl111 111(•nt "!(;od al 11s highest poi nt
1n I? 1 r,11"!-1uda1 f-lut 1h1're also 11·:is thl'
~11"1·~hlPr n£'11 \ th:1t 1111' I nited :0.tatrs had
~l·1•l"l·d 1\, l1 r.-.1 l•111·1g11 trade ... urplus in
~I\ !lll'll!h ~
1h1' l..ibur lh•p;tr\t1 11•1ll '<lid l hfl'l' 1na·
1<11 ,111 ·;1, "''I•' addt·d l•l tli•' li...t of <'J\Jr o.;
111111 h 1,.·r1·1·11t lW rno!"r· un1·111plo~1n('n1.
.luhh•,-.in·!'>~ 1h·opp .. d h<·lc111· 1h;1I h·1cl 111
111" ·~1h•·r 1·111r<. hut 111•' 111•t ~.1111 1.11 "nf>
lor1111ght !hi' tut;1I n1:1Ju!' art·a ~ tri ti, I ii<'
l.ir)!f''I nu1n her s1n<·c ~Jl'IObt't 1961 11h1·rl
!hrn· 11r·ri• t\11
lfare Beauiu
... . --"
Asian War
Fund Cut
\\1ASl-fINGTON (AP I -Crushing the
first of se\·eral rxpected attempts tn cut
the L1 S. ~·ont nbu t1on lo !he L'n1 leif Na-
tions. rhe Senatl!' also has disC'arrlf"d a
~rw end-tht.'-war bid and r!eared 1he '"·ay
((lr final pa!->sage of a S3 2 bilhon foreign
a11I hill.
Jn a long ."erirs 01 roll rall \·nLe~ tasu ng
11ell into Thursday ntJ,\ht. the Senate
rlCl'1drct, a\~o . 1n rr1a111 rf'stn<·t1u11~ nn
1 • S s1wn1hn~ 111 Can1bo1..ha !hat '"'err
\1rll1t'n 111\u tht' !Jdl b1 1hr Foreign llela-
l1011.~ Cnrn11111ll'f'
fr1day, Otlohfr t~, 1'171 DAIL.Y PILOT 6
Hundreds Stranded
Blizzard Sweeps
Rocky Mountains
A bl17.zard '"h1rled through lhe centr:il
Roeky \\lountains today stranding hun-
drrds of n1otorisls ln \Vyom111g and free z·
ing r:.1n ~lo11·ed tra1rlers in Kan sas.
.\ebra.\i..:1 nnd srveral other states in thf"
(; rf'i!l f'\.'1111S
ln l.1t!lr Amt•rica. \\'~Q. aulhnnt1r'
11,.n· 1r1111g 10 flnd 11.a.1s of aC'·
t·n1n1111>et:1t111g !lll•r1· l han 450 !r;nrlPrs
11ho h:11 1· l)('r11 unable to proterd along
l n!rr~t:111· 110 bf'C'ausf'.' or the hear1· snow
and p••1r 11~1hiht~·
i.1-·a.rning °"'as put into effect from Lilah
and northern Anmna to the central
P lains.
Freezi ng temperatures and snow nur·
ries '"·ere sca tlered along the northern
Plains slat es to La ke Superior. In
:'\ebraska and Kansa.~ freei.ing rain and
drizzle created hazardous di 1~·ing early
COld l\'E>athE>r prevailed In the Pac.if1e
f'\nrt hwes1 as the mercury dipped inln the
20s Thursday. :O.lotf' pleas:int v.·ealher ei-
lf'nded Ol"er the rest nf the na!lon with
above nonnal temperatures in the East.
Arlded 111 th1• tui-;h une111111o~n1l'nt 11~t
11 f'rf' thrrc Ohio CQm mun1t ies -fant1)n.
l.11r;i1r1-Fl~ r1a . and Young stow11.\\':i rrrn
llrnpp('J 11l•rc !he Indiana c1t1es of SQ\llh
Bend a11d Trr·rf' Hau(('.
E1 gh1 !<1n;i\ler ar<•a, also 11·ere added to
thf' 11,t. 11hile thrc·e 11 rn• rlrnpped. briJ\g-
1111! lilt' 1n1;il 11! ~111.1\lt•r ;1t\·a~ tn 785
,\Jirh;.H:! PrQst.1:!5. i·;l!-Jly brat out live fen1.:1l e r anrhdates for ,-\r1zona
1·n1 \'crsity hon1rconung quren. lie sa1d hi." hair·do 11as the sC"crt·l. 1\011
off1t 1als ha\e tn del'1rle \\hr thrr he"lt be c·ro11·ned at ~aturda y night
football ga1n e 11 1th :\1·11 :'lle .-;1co.
Earhrr Thursda1· l l,;>111·~· f\1ss1nger. lhf'
1'rt·-.11lt'11r·~ h111 !cor('1gn affairs ad1·1Sfr,
11;1n1rd .\'r\1111 1111gh! 1('tu ihr en nre
111r.1~1u·t' t111lt';o;s th(' :\('natP e1!n11nated
the l'nn1bodioi re!>tr1cuons and drvppetl
an antiv1ar prol"is1on drafted into 1he bill
br St>ns John Sht't111an (.'{)(lpt'r t R·I\) 1,
and Frank Church ! 0-ldaho f
Tht' Coni>l'r-(.'hurl'h pro1·ision v.·ould
li::11e 11n1i!ed all funds l•1t tht' t.:.S.
1n1l1tary in Vietnam. Laos and Cambod ia
Lo those nt'('det1 for 11·1thdra1vaL
"\\'e\r gol Pfflpl e e1·rr~·1\herc," said
\Ir~. H1·111 Trql\>. a telephnne operator 10
thl' ~1nall \\ \Otn1ng l'Ommunill'. "Some pt'tip!t~ rod!' 111 11.·11h truck dr1.1·E'rS 111hn
pit·kt>d thr1n up alon~ the highway 11·here
l h!,'tr e~irs 11 ere stuck."'
!nlrrst;1 \t" 80 1s the ma1ri east-11.·est
ar1 rr1· tt1rough the mountains in \\'vonl·
Lflg \lany of !hr lllOIOfl~l:, hal"C'" .bE't'n
str:inded ~ltl{"C'" \\'ednesda_v rll j.!hl 11hen
s1rnn~ 11 Inds hrg;in to whip the sno11·
bal"k and forth ::ll'!"O~S t lit~ high"af.
Tr1nprr:1 t11rrs 11err in the t eens .
Qucc11 La ys Egg,
Loses Huge Gem
HA~1B L"RG. Gem u:i.ny ~G"PJ ! -Queen
.luhana flf the r-.:etherlanr!~. on a state
1·1~1l ro \\'esl Ge1111<1ny. hriefly los t a d1a·
1nonrl the si7.f' of a sm ~ll egg anr! valued
at $300.000 during her vrnrrir 1-lamburi;
Thursrl;iy . pnlire rrporterl today.
Thr e11-:hl ~1n:il l1'r an·;1~ :~t!rlt·d 111•rf'
\·lt·H,tr. 1,a · F;'.1·1 111t1)!ln11 :111d H:~11t'IL ,
'll<11nf' :\11rt ilun1b"rl:1nd-Str;1tford. ;\ 11
Silrer C111 . i\ :-01 . Sulp!1u r. Okl:1 · nnd
:0.10rg<111 1n1d \ t•1"11'1i. l t;d 1 ~111:11!l·r ;ire:•~
1en1u\·rd ln1111 th(• 11•1 \\\'ff' 'l"l'\;1rl..,111a,
'fr-:. and Cl1r11•nne and l'a11nf·t. Ukla
n::1111i<111 tilJ<>r11tio11 Coeds Prof,esl, lt 11·as s1ruck fro1n Thf" bil l Jn a 47.44
1 ntl.' de s pi tr ;i strnng atte1npt b_v anu11·ar
forcl·s to !"l.'l"f't'sr lhe deC'\sinn TIH' \\".1on11ng ll ighw;i y Pafr(il rln~rrl I·
80 '"irly Thursday from Laran11e to the
lt11h border bc("a11se Df blo11·ing and dnf-
t 111i.: ~11011".
:-11: \;-.t fl \ •l l'I
\•,,111g 11.111lt·11 1 .. .,i., n1t•r lhE' i 1ll1c·es of "
(1•llt>~1· pl"<''ld('!lt Thur ~d;11 a11d clc111a11d.
('r! rr1·\' '<•lllr:1 ... .-pt111f''-i11id 111i!l"C ['CIV !fir
lr111:t h· rrnp!n~ r~
c0ffit.1rat1on:il !11Uf·\f'ar S{'hool CJ[ 5:11)
Scn atf" Ht'1>ubl1can leader Hugh S<·ott of
Penns_yh·a111a 1nanagt'd 10 huld his fin ger
111!he 1!1ke nf anti11ar sen tunenl. pleaclin~
111th Sl'na!ors In listen to '"·hat !he Pres1-
1len1 has to ~a \' tn his i\n1·. 15 troori-
1 ed ue!u:in speech beforl" the.v cornmit
lh Pn1.~r11·r.~
A 22-ye.llr-old pol1cem<1n found the d1~
n1ond near the red carpet rolled out for
the queen al the entrance to Hamburg Ci·
tv Ha!L A protocol ofl ieial hAnded il back
10 the queen in the C'flur!le of the city hall
dinner 11·hi(·h C'hmaxed her one-clay \'IS1 t
lo Ham burg.
si udenl ~. but pronH.-.:1·d 10 return today. Thf' ~:11iflnal \\'eather Service con-
ltnurd 11, blrlzard 11·arning for lhP rrgion.
bu1 !-flll1C' ;uithorities ~aid the roads mav
op<>n l<llC'" tnda_y. ~1ean11·h1le a hea1•y sno1V
Tilt' 1u1~·1nplo.1 rnrnt rc 'p<irl 11 <1 s. h<l'.<~
nn rrf'\1nn11;11·1· da1,1 l"f•lll'( 1C'd 111 :\U~ti'I
;;nd Sep1"111bcr l.;ibor Uepartn1c11t 1\!
llcial~ ~<ial. Jl11· 110111t't1 ll·H the 1Jlt1.r!-iii f'p·~idcni
Tl1E> gro11p refu-,f'rl I!). allo1v anv niale<:
1l1to the olfiees :-ii'i('r presenting a \isl nf
ilf'111a11dii to Elmendor1
Tire•I, tt1011nded Si1111t,ra Sues
l 'a11<·e r Stor)·
8nai-~·e Ma11hu11t E11ds
As F1~gitive Surre11ders \·~;11' YnR.1-\ 1/\P • -~·rank
S111;itr:i ~ l,1111L'r" h:11f' t:l<'d a
~:1 m1ll1on i.u1 l a)'.:J111s1 Ill<'
11rC"kl.1 111·11.,p:ipel" ' \ltdn1.i::hr·
l"lllll111rl)'.: ll1f' p II b \ 1 c <l t I n 11
cl rf;11 nrd !l1r rr 1 1 r r d en·
l•'l"l;unf·t" h1 hd~f'I\ n·pnr11ng
Ill' 11.nl 1 ant'l'I ;.nd 11 .. uld ~no11
LE.'\l~CiTO:\. l-..1 1CPl 1 -
\\'oundcd and e x ha u s ! e-d •
. ](1n1f's [.('roy CD<'hrffn ended
a11 c1~ht·d<t_1• ll1glil !ron1 pol11.·r
Thursday night b~ relea~111g
his last lour ho-Stag es. taking a
mote\ roon1 11 1th a hath. 1hrn
quietly su rrender:nR lo FBI
;igrnts 111-1e;1d .. 1 sh011!1ng 11
i;iu1 as he l1ad s11·nrn 1<'1 dll
('l)f'ilri+Jl. 3.i nl SI Lou1i:-.
l1:-1d bCl'll I if'l'lll!! e1 f'r ~illl"C' hf'
;.i11rl a 1·0111pa1111111 ;illrg1·(\I\'
l"(•bhrd " ~a\ 11 1r~ :uui 10:11\
a~~o<·1a111r11 10 .0.,1 ! ... 111~. \\".
O,t :!I l'•llH"f' :1 l~n 11,1111-!11
f!llt'~l lOl'l 11!111 1!1 !hr d1•;,Th 111 ii
Tiu· 1'l11! 11\ I S
f"uu1 I 111 \!,111hal1.u l
I \ill!llf:'d
City's 1'op
.101111g 1111111<!11 ll lhun lit' h.ul ~1n;1!r;1 ··h:1~ nf'1 1•r harl nor
d<ilrff ~t'irral tunrs 11111 11hn ,1J,1rs hf' !1<11" i·ani.:tr. 11"r ha ~
"·anted tu rnd tht'ir 1 rl.i· ;.in1· d1:i~no~1<: bet>n 1n.;1dP b~'
flfl\ 1h1rtur 1h<1I llt' ll:is t an·
11onsh1 p. lh'r 1·.1r allt•gt·1!1v ··er
"·as used 111 the holdup. l11rd in !he r•nn1pl;,u1t "·as a
Since h1i'i flli.:ht he g an \1111 10. 1971 ··~1 1ctn1t:h!" ~!nrv
Corhr an has held find rele:i~ed hi.:acll1111·11, ··Fr:inl. }.111atra ll a·s
un harn1t'd e1J?hl hll.~ta)?rs. 111· t"ancrr" 1h;i t 1·l:i11ned the
rlud1n!: 1111c fnr °"hri1n he OI· ~1n~rr 11 ;1~ forrf'd tr. retire
PJTI'SBLRCH it;P! 1 -In tered tn unl\1a1I h1~ i.:1111 !>11 thr\ hrr;111'e hj' 11 ;1.; "~11ff('ring
11n unprf't edented case. tile could :.h,1re ;i n1011n!a111 111•·.1 110111 t·:irwtr nf 1hr 1hroat: and
niaynr and police cfue f nf 111 .\·t·•1 :'11t~'l:a'<1 111..; • nr 11 a ~ tli:-il 1111h111 :1 pennd nf nne
r, 1 d nr!dlPd 111th h11:t1'1' !l111·111c !ht· 1 r.1r 11!' 11(1uld hr l11rcrd 10 be .leanne(tr, a. were con1·1c e e~rnpc lru1n 1hC' l'11hlll·1·\', a11d 1'11nf111erl !O a hosp1 t:-il IQ awa1 !
a11d senlcnced to une ~ear irn · lie has ~hn! 11 11111 1111~·r 111111 t11• .-lralh ·•
pnsonn1ent Thursday on pnl1ce ~1nre llr 11 ;1~ 11 1iu11dl'd Tl11· 1•r1111pl:H111 :-il~11 \;t1d
charges o! conspll'ing 1\'1lh a dun11i! 1 11,.~r ~1i11i11i•u1 ~ S111;111·:i 11 :1~ libeled t11 :1 \111
'''"!!!'' Clllf' h11•i,"•L'.C' ;1tl~'I' I i'l'I ·11·ttt'i" tt> '\lttlnt,lli" local nurnbers •Jpctalor. .,001111., • .,,,,,1 1,,',,,,11 ,, '''''' ·' ' ' .., rl1<L1 11'fl'1 t"ted Ille P11tl'r1:i 1nrr
l. S Attorney H1ehard L. u1gether l'11r ln:i11 h;1-. dr11 l'n 11 :1s ~C'\'ff'1l \' 111arr11'<I and ht~
Thornburg, 11 hn prosecuted tn1m r-.1 1~·111111 tn /\t'11· \1rx1{'n 11t•11 11":!1' 11;1s pn•g11:1nt
t hr ca~c . said 11 11as the first and b11cl-FrrHll one of 111<' i\:11nrd 111 !he s111 t 11err the
time in the nation rornictions host<i~f'"'. he 11i"I. SHI f•rr ll·''· \llrtn•t:hl l'11hhshi111:, Corp. a
and rrlu~('{! to lake ;.in.v 111or1' 1·an:id1:111 11ri11. 1: a w <' rt I
11 ere ha nded do11n under a ..... ,,,.,,,,, "Ii• ,",'ttd ''" dttln ·l I' It t t t ' h ''"'.. " ,. .. 1111ea 111ns 111·, .rt>rn11·1c .
section o1 the Org<11111rd he!ie1e 111 1;1k 1n~ rnnnf'V !ron1 ('f11111. th f' I S. rl1;;1nhulor.
f'rune Control Art nf 19i0. 1111rk u11: 11enp]f'_·• "'aid ,\I r~-:ind ;\l;inh:i11;111 \P11.; Cn
dea l1n~ °"·iti"I the ("11rn1pl!N1 nf .\I Jflf' [);1nan, <1llf' nt lt1f' last h~trd a~ !hi' /\e11· Ynrk t:ll)
Jaw enforC'eme nl c•fflllal~. hostai::_r<: d1\tnhutnr nr "\11drught"
The tf'rms v.·tre unposf'<I inl-------------------------
1 S. lJl'-ll"lf"I t'nur1 :it:,;i\n!->1 ...
\l;i\nr \1 1t·h:if'l \ f\1f'hl. ~f,
Pr.hi r t'IH<'l Arthur H1n;1ld1.
41l :ind-.l<iinr~ L i. h11·i... :"\3 _
f;rern~hUfJ' a r ri n fr~ 1" e di
nun1hf'1 s 11pf'r;11or
l\1('hl ai.d ll1n.dd1 11<'1T a1·-.
!'ll~f'd (,j 11,111 \! 1]1{' 11!'\\l"I. (1\
tl1t1r JXl!<l11fll1S \n enablr i.h1f"i..
tn ga111 111nnnpoll' Ol"('r :'lll
11un1!)ers oper:l11011s 111 1hr
JC'annrllr an•ll.
In Jcsl1111on~ ;il tlir tr1:1l,
Ch1rk al!n111ted '1f)('ra 11ng :t
nurnhers rac-ket in Jeannette
nfl and on s1 nce !966. But he
denied e1er ha\"1ng a n~
polnical connectJons or p'1hce
.J udi;e Grrald \\"E>her sen·
tenced the defendants to one • <
year in prison but said the • ·
t~rms \\'ould be suspended
;ifter each had served six 1 1
Welfare Bill ~
' -
Gain See n
\\'i\SHll'\CiTO'.\' I t;Pl I
P rc~idenl Niion·s plan to
rr1·a111p the nalion"s welfare
s)stem. sta lled in Congress for
1nore than two years. may
begin mov ing again soon.
S€<n. Abraham A. Rib1coff
t D·Conn. I. said Thursday he
hacl 11·on a pledge from Sen .
Russtll Long j 0 -1.a \ to C'On·
duct hearings nn the measure
and lel Long·s Scna1e f \n11ncc
Comrn11tee take a votE' on 1t
The measu re. appro\·ed b~
the llous~ 1 n .June. "'ould
11;uarenlee an 1ncome of $2.400
a \"C<ir \o eH cll farn1l1 nF lour .
1ntlud1ni.; the '"11ork1ng poor:·
Onr of evf"r y 12 1\1nrr11•a n~
c:vu!d h!' f'll~1ble for ~nmP
form or federal help. althougt1
tht 11mount v.oul d bl' lr1w fnr ..
ni an~·
Somewh ere <1mong Jack's great
new fall shirts is YOU R shirt!
There <1re so many terrific
stripes & patterns to choose
from, you can't help but fin d ~
one that's Y 0 U. And , after
you've found it, take a look at
Jack's new sh ipment of double·
knit slacks & Spor t coats .•. You
might just find one to ~go with
YOU R new shirt!
, 3467 VIA LIDO
67 3-451 0
, .:
, ,,
With import prices rising, here 's how Pinto compares:
•Pinto now priced ~228*less
than Toyota Corolla 1600.
•Pinto now priced $300* less
thanDatsun510. -
'A compa rison o! manufacturers' suggested re1a1I prices, includtng surcharge, for the base 2-door models.
Dealer preparation charges (11 any), destination charges, state and local taxes are ext ra.
1972 Pin to 2·Door Sedsn shown with optional whiltt
sidewall lire•{$42) tnd accent group (S72),
And look at the value you get in Pinto:
Precise rack·a nd·pinion steering,., wide stance de sig ned
·fo r surefooted handling on the highway ,..1600 cc.
engine, alrea dy proven with years of own er-driven miles
,,, self-adjusting brakes .. , oil cha ng es called for only
twic e a year,,, most routine maintenan ce is so simple you
can do it yourself.,, extra -st rength parts' (Pinto starter
motor, ball an d universal joints and rear wheel bea ri ngs
are heavy duty).
Look further into Pinto val ue at your local Ford Deale r's nowl
' 0
PINTO. Different where it counts
A Strong_er Oil Code
:\more stringent oil code ha~ bfen :i.dnp_led in •tunt·
ington Beach, a !a\\' \1 hich should further increase the
dri\"e tou·ard rldd1ng the C'llY of the bl!ght caused ) by
derelict 01 1 11 ells-11
']'he main rlau5e 1n lhf' ne11 · code 1s one \vhich
strcni:;thens the def1n1ll on of an 1d!e 11el l. L'.nder ~he old
rnde ;ut opera1 nA1n1rly had to ~ho1\ 1ha1 lo tont1nue 1n
ex1s1cn1·e the v.el! had produced 20 barrels of.011 or 20.-
000 cu bic fer\ n! gas 111 a :ear; nov. this minimum pro-
duction n1usl be n1:11nta1ned each quarter. ·ro 1he d1~a rpo1ntme nt of 1hose \1ho \\'1shed to see
the 011 in dustry hit \1 ith heavy fee ~. lhe council _rejected
inspection fee incrca ~es \1 h1ch 11·ould have raised the
cit\ ·s annual re\"enue from 564,000 a year to a bout
s200.ooo. ~'! The or fian{"e. ~aid a majority of the council. 1~ a
re-gulalnry n7e and is not drstgncd to be revenue-produc·
in,!! nr pun1tf\'e 'fhe fees ought to relate to the cos! _or the
c1tv"s £'nfnrccr11cnt nf th e rode and by l he adm1ss1on of
the s taff presen t fees already exceed present cosls.
l"he rouncd ci e('1 dcd to revise !he fees on an annual
ba:.t:., n1a tt·hing 1hen1 \\Jlh prn1ected costs of code_ en-
fnrcem£'nt in the VC'ar ahead 'fhat !S the ''"ay lo do JI.
If add111onal City 1nron1e is really needed, there are
\1·avs to 1nt'rr~1 5c laxes on the 011 con1pan1es other
th.in 11 !th service fees.
School-Parent Rapport
Ocean \'ie\1· S{"hool Di strict ad111inistrators have
c lo~ed the gap bel\1·een platitude and re_alilj' ..
\\'ant their children educated and then develop plans to
fulflll lheir desu·es.
La st su mmer the di strict scnl a su rvey tn the parent!;
n( eat:h of the d1srr1 ct's 13.000 students to 1dcnllfy their
necris. They ranged from 1mprnvc1ncnt 1n mathernatirs
to reading skills and com1nun1eat1on, bct,1·ccn'\chool and
Individu al tabula11on of tile rc!.:i ul\.\ by school soo n
gave Ocean \.'1e•v ad1n1n1.stratiJrs an cxccll<'nt pieture of
11hat rarents lhoughl Has 11rong on carh eampus.
IJatcr. the. principals and teac hers from eat·h of the
23 school s develo ped prestr1pt1on'> for inadequacies.
They are educational plans \vhic h tell the parents '''hat
kind of unprovement 11·1H be underlaken, hon• it \\'ill be
done. and most importantly -\\hen they can expect the
The Ocean \'1c\v Srhool Oistr1rl staff deserves to be
commended for its cfforls to better undrr!'tand the needs
of the community.
For Children's Safety
If all gnes aetor<11ng to S('hcd ule. an old Fountain
\laJ!ey ~t reet battle 1rill be ended in ahout six \1ceks \1·1th
the installation of a pcdes!r1an crossing i:1gnaJ
Councilinen voted to in s tall lhC' signa! at rh c 1nter-
scc:t1on of r·;Ja gnoli a Street and J\"1gh11nAo'lle Avenur aflrr"
me1nbers of the llarpcr Sc hool P'f.-\ made personal picas
for t'1e light. \\'ayne Osborne. pub!1e \\·orks director,
says the light 1vill be Installed in six 11"ccks.
\\"h 1le some other educators are still talking about
the need for our country's schools to be "responsi ve lo
the needs of the co1nmun1t y." Supt. Clarence !·{al\ and
his ~taff are d oing ~om eth1ng about it.
The formula 11·as simple Find out ho11• the parents
l'he intersectio n has been a da ngerous problern for
t he last t11·0 ye ars bcr ause about 40 percrnt of 111e th1J-
drcn attending l!arper School n1u st cross ri.1agnol1a . the
second bu sies! north-south street in th e t1 !y. There ha ve
been a number of acc:i rle nts alread: 11'.~ fortunate tha t
acl1on \1·as !akcn before a fatal atc1dCnt oecurrcd at the
""-~~· ·~EE-WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF rHA~~ ......
War Is Central·
Moral Problem
To the Erl 1!nr
I've JU~t finished rP:iil1ng 1hP txink b~
Alh<'rt Speer Tilled ... Inside-ThP Th1rrl.
Reich " To\1·ard the rnd nf t he
autobiograph~·-he quntri> rhr Amcncan
ex-Sec reta ry {lf State and nf \\"ar Henry
L ~11m son·
"\\"e must never fnrgrl. that unr\rr
mod em cond1t1nns of life. science. and
technology. all war has become greatly
brutalized. and that no one whn JOJns 1n
it. even in ."elf-dt'.'fcn~e. c.:10 esr.1pe
becoming 111 a mea."ure brut;>.Jiz~d
!llodem \\'ar cannot be limi1ed in its
destructi1·e methnd and the 1nevl1ab!e
deba sement nf all par11cipan!s.
.. A FAIR SfRLTl:'\'Y or the I.1st fl•·o
\1ur!rl "·ar.~ makes clear !he sieady 1n-
tens1fica1ion 1n thr 1nhuma11 1t.1 r•f the
v.·ea{Xlns and n1rth0rls emplnyrd b.v hr•Th
the agi;re ssrirs and the v1ct11rs. ln nrdcr
lo rlcteat ,Japanese <1$!!,!rf's~1Qn. 11 r 11crr
forced. as Ad1niral J\imi!z h;i s sta1rd. 10
employ :i trr hnique nf unrestricted su h-
marinr ,,,·a rfare. not unlike that which 2~
years a~o was the prttXimate cause of our
entry into \\'or!d \\'ar 1
"In the use-of strategic air po"·er lhr
Allies took the !1,·es nf hund reds nf
l housands of c1\'1hans in Germany and
"\-\'I::, AS \\"l::LL AS nu r <'n£'n11c~. h;i1 f'
contnbuled 111 lh<' prnnf 1hat 1he rPntral
moral problPm 1~ \1ilr ;inrl n(lt n.:;
melhn<ls . :ind 1hat a rn11111111:inre ni 11"1
\\"11\ in al! proh;ih1!11.. rnrl 1111h the
deslnn·11nn nf !'lilt r11·11i11<!1on
1Thr a!Y11r 11 ,:i~ 11 rll !rn 1n ;i n a111rlr
titler! '"The \"u rrmhuri::: Tn.:1\ Lan-in1<'r~
in L<I" •· In 19-1'0 •
The ;ih0\l' r.:1 11~flo;; n11r tn \\11ndrr \\hrl !
one n\eani:. \\ hrn hr ~:11 !'.. t nd~i\. \\ h:it \IE'
\\·ant 1<; an h1111nr:ihlr rnrl 1•1 thf' 11 :-ir
Docs hr mr.:111 11\ !Y1mti 1tw !h<1u~;irid~ r•f
humans nn !hr "rilhrr ~1rlr · 111111 ~uh·
m1ss1on" By the orv.sp;;prrs. 11 sern1 .,
that y,·ay.
l\11\SS l\ILLl;'I."(; h1 hrimhln!! In ;i
rle~rr~ 1ha1 i~ C\"ldrnlly hr.1ond the («1m-
prehens1nn <if 1hf' m111nrity of l.rner1rans
v.'hn ha1·e nr1 cr rxperienced thr trrrnr nf
beiniz bomlx-d ~;ii:. I h.:1\"r1 1nrl1ra1es the
r:ithrr d1sn1al pro~prct !hat. n1an may
ne1·er learn and arr <in ht~ ni1~t<1ke<.
4 n '<1ll< 0111. of t · .. , ..
/ Tn !hf' Ed1tnr
t\o\\' is !hr 11mP that the l"n1!rd 51il!P~
should stand up \\'1th 1!5 friend~. not its
f.('l/f'r.~ 1rn1n f"rnrlcr~ nrp 11'1'1Cflml'
f\1orma/11J 11 'r/ll'r.~ .~//011/rl rn111·Pµ thr rr
Tllr$~0f11'5 111 .1()(} ll"f)tf/.~ (IT lf"s~. Thr
119llf ;n cnnrlc"sr /rrr,,r~ fn jlf ~JlflC~
n; ~/irn111nr c /1hcl 1~ rr~rn•r>rl. All /r1-
1rr$ n111~t 111ct11rl e .~irp1n111 rr> n11rl 111n1/-
n1fl ndr/rl'.~-~. hut Y>n111r.~ 111fl!/ ~,,. 1i ,,11 -
/i p/rf on rr>ro1rst 1f suf11r 1r nr rensn1l
1~ nppnren!." f'oet111 11 111 nn r b,. pub·
ene1n1es. and be cntmtrrl 011 lhP <.1de nr
frePdnn1 bl' ~;il k1ng ri.l!ht out n! the
C111!ed N;i11ons. This-1.<. Ph;ise I
Pha~e JI i~ to cut Qf{ all fund.~ to the
L' \'.
rha~r 11 1 15 to erase hns ting the l ' :-;·.
Lel the Communi.'.'i\S ;ind lhe1r sym·
pathtzers find other quarter.<.. l\0,,11.
PAT RIOT IC Americ2J1s who Jove the
sovereignt y nr the L"ni ted Slates of
Amcnca. ;:inrl abhor the idea nf world
go1·e rnmen1. ha\"e been sayi ng lhis fnr a
.Inn~ time. La.~! '.\londay ·s act ion 11·1th1n
the C \' 's General Assembl y makes 11 lr1-
lnlPrablP tha! ~·e rrma1n in the t: :\ .. or
support 11-any longe r.
Till~ [.\tPOHT1\:"\T drr1~1nn ~hn11\rl be
r 11t !n ;i 111!P nf thr prnplP nf 1he l"n11rd
Sr.:1tr<. ;i nrl nril l<"ft !nth<' ··rnrnmle-~~ m-
p;i!hl71il'-· p<ih!1r1:in.<. !n rlr r1flr
11LJr ;irt1nn nn\\ 11 ill prnrla1m tn i:ill thr
11 nrlrl 11hrrP 11r .:;tanrl Lrt"< br sure nllr
pns1 uon 11' nnt n11sunrlrr~toocl
PAL'LJ~E E ;..!QI:::-\
\l'l•!I Cnble T\"?
Tn !.hr Ld1tnr
1::11 ·11t1rnn1c tha1 ll1nr;ib\e TV ar11rlrs
in 1"11ur Th11rsdav p;iper are running ha!·k
l(l b;it·l-i " In thr frnnl paJ:?r artirle. our ci-
ty ('!'IUnc1l 1s rnn~ideri11g a franch1:;r: \\hile
nn the rrvrr.c.e ~1de is an article on hn\V a
cable TV rnmpanv paid nff city cnun-
ciln1en for a frnnchise and \\'C're raui;hf.
l '\\ Sl:RE OLR cr,,inc1lmrn arl' ril the
hone~t \·;inrl.\", huf I wn11lrl l1kp tn ra1~e
anl'lthcr qUC!'.!1on \\'hy arP \IE' rvf'n ron-
~1rlenn~ c:iblP TV in lh1nlln~t(ln Bf'arh
.. 1·hen n11 r rN'rp!ion fr(lm '.\It. \\'il~n is so
excellent uid doesn 't ro~1 a cf'n!'
Idea for Golden--Gate
From !ht St. Lnui~ Post-Oi!ipatr b
What woulcl hr n1t·er 1han In have !he
magnifi cent. Gnlrlcn G_atc Br idge in
~ San Francisco all p11trl. for~ Fe1\·er veh1-
' cles on the bridge. that's v.·/1at.
The aut hority 1hat adm1n1srrrs l h1s
twin·towered "'·onder 1s now prepanng an
$87,000 adver1 ising campaign to
di:tCOOrV',,.e drivers, le5..\ than a month
after lt made the final payment on the 34·
year-0ld bonds.
o\rr THE CAf\fP AIGN \\'OUld nnt be"'
negative as 1L r.ound!i. As ;i rr~ult <if
90.000 crossings a day land cnuntless !ral·
fie jams ). !he 11uthorily has acc1l11lula1rd
11 $22.8 mill ion sOrpl us . lnslead nf doing
) the usual thing. whi ch is to cont1nu C·
cumulating surplus. expand I h i bureaucracy 11nd bo1ld .another de ck. the
2.uthorlty has docidtd to diversify Into
t' mass transi t.
Jl hopes to dri"e com rn uler!i lrom lherr
• •
cars 1ntn a nt"' flcrt of ferri es and busc~ ' !hat 1t "·111 buy with lhe hrlp of federa l
Funds. A tnal run on a 1TC'cond1t1oncd fer-
ry boat has prov<"n so ~uccessful i 1
m11l1on passrngers this year! that !he
authorit,)' ha~ decided to ma1n ta1n and ex-
pand it."""
IT ALL ritAKES A lot of. sen~t The
bridge is pa id for and there v.·ould ht no
need to encourage maximum traffic to
mrrt 1ni:tallmrnt dradhncs On !hr other
hand. !here 1s no sen~ In hfl1n~ the toll
and tununi:: 11 h;id traffic ~1t uat1on 1ntn 11
nightmare So Yt h)' not J:ll't thn~r 1•:hn
y,·nuld rat.her ride 11 hoat nr a bu5 a
11 m11::h~ m~ke thr 1111n~ r:i~tf'I" {fir :ill.
m1Rht prove , p;irt1cularl v tn 11 r11y !tkl':
Sl Lou1~. rha r Rell lnlo! rrnplt 10 RIVe ur
lhelf pr1,·11 tt <'llr~ In lr111'el In and from
"·ork 1~ Ml ~n tmpo~s1ble dream .
Si11111le Trutli
But flard
To Observe
Vn11 1.:1n11ot help snn1c hnrly \1 hn rl nrs
not \1•ant lo help h1rnsrlf. This 1s a .~1mple
tru th. bu t a hard one In lr:irn and 10
<hrr !he year;..~. 1 ha\'r sn111ct1n1rs brrn
;i .<l.:ed by friend ,, lo i;:c1 together anrl ~eP
1f v.p could do .~nmelhing In help friend
R Fnend B is falling ap;irt. in \11lrk. or
n1arr1;>,ge . or JUSt general!.1.
~ut 1f Frirn1l R 1s not rrad~ In hr
Sydney J. Harris
hrlper!. ! )1.:11·p lr;irnrd, !hl'n 11(' m1ghl ;i ~
11ell sa1·r ou r brc<i th 10 ('0111 our rr,r, 1dge.
JI 1s Qn ;ihsClluir :i:o.:-
1nn1 th;.I 1ou eann!lt ~('t 11rl) · unl tl \(JU
l-i no11· ;11u ;irr i.1 l'k
Thi~· IS lrl!r 111 rv ·
rrv <1re<1 rif hurn <1n
rci ?.!1ons. The <1!l"O-
hol1c canno! rrspnnd
to treatment nf 1tri.1·
kind until he arl1n11s
h"' is an <1k·ohnhc
111e emnr1onally rli~turhrrl rrr.~nn cannnr
bf' hC'lped hy psvchiatrir r:1rP Un!il hr
;:irknowlerlges that he 1s deep!~ !orn :inrl
Anrl thr phlln . rf rh ,1fl''i'ill\C ra1 ! 1~ 1h:t 1
rna n1 prr~nns do nn1 11.1rl1 In hr lp
Tli<' 'f'<ll-rl1'"ll"t1•·!11r urcr 1· "rtnr~r r
than 11r \...n1111 !hr r1r·nr !n f.111 111;1\'
hf'1·n111r ;i n.1~,1n11 tfl P rrtrral tn 1r
rr<.pn11s1blr 1nfani-\ m;11 111111 111!'1 ;i 11.:1\•
1•r l1fr ianrl. nf c1111rsf', r1 tntu.1ll ~. 11 11,11
nf <lra1h •
I A\1 L'~DERlJ ;\"l\I. th r ~ r 11h11nu~
tnl!h• nnl; hccau~r 1 srr ;i (I ;irnund n1P
p('rsnns 11hri \\{1111 tn ru"h nlhl'I"~
l1u.~hr1nd~ 1qvr--". re!<1lill'.f.-1n11) ·1i:r111ni;
p~1'Ch1a1rir hrlp ·•
Rut nnhnrl\' c;1n hr Pll"hrrl 111tn 1111~ . .:1nv
more than sn11 c:in pu;;h a rlrunka rrl 11110
Al cohnl1c~ Ant')n\'niou-" Thr rro1gn1!1nn nf 11·1':.:1knr.~s rs the. l1r.<I ~t rp nn thr rn;id !o
~t ren,l!th ; and this step n1ust hr taken
vnlun tar1Jy_
t'reud h1m~rH arln11!lrd ' ha l
ps~·choa naly..,,1s could CllrP nnlv thn~r 11 ho
chc!ri"t nerd 11 \'£>TY much -h.r "hl•'h hr
n1eant that thnse 11 hn frrrl\" ~t'.'rk hrlp nn
1he1r o\\n are alresdy halfwa1· homr .
Tll F. TR l!L r 0 1:-iT l 'RB E JI
JJ('rson;i!1t1e~ ;ire tl1o~e \\·hn mn~I rr~1s1
a nrl rrsrnt any !'t:~~c~r1nn t'1;:ir lhcy nrrcl
a.~~1~t;ince 10 coping \1·11h thr1r emnt1onal
A friend, or cnur~r. {'<111 holrl l'1111 a 11,eht.
can offer support :i nd undrrsland1ng Rlil
he cannot ma k(' !'Omf'onr 111n1·p 1n11.:1rd
th.:11 l1~h1 until he 1:;; prnn1ptrd hi' ~on1e cf)n1pellin~ dri1'P of h1~ n11n '
\Vorel~ 11re usclr."s. lng1r· 1~ f\J1ilr. rv1'n
lnve cannol !ouch the innPr spring~ of
n10Qyat 1on -for the ncu rp11c is unabl!' tn
R11·e,'nr rci>pn nd tn, love 1n lh<' proper
11"ay. !I is hard fnr friends tn ;:icccpt this.
but "'ho el"er s11 1d tha! li fe y,•as ea sy?
llnu~lon I. fhiur-noy. 5late fontrollrr -
''California 's public A ~s1slance pro~r;i m.s
h:i ve J?TO\\'TI :i.I R rate 011er three t1mr~ :is
fast ;ii; our J?r(l111h in !:ix rl'\'rnues -and
11 has flnally ca ugh! up" 1th uc. "
Ed"·ard I_,. \\'alters. ~-F. -' \\'ork 1o;;
fh(' fOUnd.'lflO!l {lf .::ti\ bU~lf\l''"• !hr rnunl /If
;:ill rrosprnT,\". thr pnrr"nt of grn1u.\ 1h111'
i1 m'.lst be ln1·ed llt'fnrr it C.111 b<'o;;1n11 1t~
i;irr:itrst blessing anrl arhirve its sren?c~t
Bi partis111i B11cl.; i 119 • 111 Congress
New Social ,Security Boost
\\ '\Slll."ll GTf)'i Pro:;rrrts a r P
drf1 111trly brightening fnr ;innlhrr Sorial
Srrur1 ty inrr·ca~e nrx! .J ul~· I
Th11! 1rnuld be at_co1n11l1."hcd hy ~t rip
ping lhr> Snc1al ~r-
1·ur1t1 pr .. vis1on." 1,£
lhr Srn;11r -stalled
f;unily a.~s1~tance
n1ea~urr :inrl mak1nr:_
the1n pan of e1thf'r
!hr f'h;:i.:;p 11 e1·n-
n,,rn1r pn•pns,11<. nr
!hf' lil\ rcrluct1on
Rn1h 1 h£'.~r mr:t"
urr~ ;>.rr drrrnf'd rmrr~cn<1' lc.c1~1a11e1n
anrl cr11a1n of pn11r11nrnt l h1~ 1·ear_
n1 },h1ft1111t. !hr Snc1.:1! !'iPt1lr1!1 h1kf'
rrnn1 1hr hugr and h1_ch ll' rn11trn\"rr~1.:11
1\r'lf;,rr• l"°"1~J;ir1rin I•• 0111• nf thr'r h1 ll" t1\
adr1rt1nn 11111 hr ilS \\l rf'd thi s 1rar -111-
~l"<Jd nf i!Olng n1·rr to the 1972 ~r."s1nn nf
TlllS SMl!E\\"O l'l.A~ h11s 1n1rnr!;111t
h1 -p:ir11s;1n hael-i1ng 1n both the Hnu~e and
II ;:i l\n h11:; a protf'dural ::irl1<1nt;ige that
l\'l111lrl be c·rur·i;il 1n the llnu~£'
A-" 1har rh.1mbr r h;is already epproVC'd
1hr Sn("1.il Srrun!v 1ncrea~e -11·hen the
rh;imbrr pa.~srd !he-famil y ass1s!at'lcr
program l;ist spnn~ -!hr formf'r \\nutrl
tir •·i::erm.:1nr:"" a~ part <if an<i!hcr btll
Hnu <.c rulr~ b.1r rnn:-,1dcra11on of
;:i111rnrl.ml'nt~ nn! prc1 lously \'l'llrd h~· 1he
Tt,<11 rrs!!IC'!lnn \\ntJlfl ni.t :ippl1' 1n ·t;-1~
u1~1:in1 r !hu< rlim1n;il 1n;::-lhf' [""l~ ... 1h1h
r· 11f 1hr ~n11;il SrrunLy bnnst htl!l!;
h!o·•l..cd 111 :i n_1 11 11~
Robert S. All e n
lt~ ;1dHp1 inn is a tr rt:11n(~ if 1l ean i::rt
ern1~1dcrat1t•n 11 11 ;:is a ppr n v e d
unanin1nu1'ly bv !hr llou~e -11hPfl' 1t
plavcd !he rote nf a ··~11·ec!cner "' !n hr!p
put n1er the ,·1gornusly flPP"Sf'rl n1ult1-
h1Jl1nn-doll;:1r welfare mea~urr . Ir 1\oll!rl
hP ~1m1larl 1 p;1~sC'd b~· the SC'na:e if it
can hP brou,l!hl Ul'I rhcrr.
Tll\1 '~ Tll ~; 0:"\LY uh~t;irle 1n t1~
11.:11 . ;ind thr h;i1'k'if<1gr pl;in tn 'i\11!,ch tl
frnm th(' r1.cf'nn holrrl fani11 .~· ,1i:.<1~!i1rr f'
pr<i.cr.1m tn flnr-of th" rmrrgr11• '-'
r rnn11n11( mrn~ure~ l.~ dc'i1g11rr! in h.\ ra~s
Another 1n1rnrt;1nl f;ir10r !C';:idrrs nf lhe
plnn ;1rr roun11n~ nn 1~ -po1!11r~~
i\'f':.:I .1r:ir 1~ .1 n1;:q nr elrrt1on ~'rar \\-11h
all 4J-, n1rrnhcrs of !hr Hou~c :•nd nne-
th1rrl nf !he Srn.11c lip for r£>elct1lnn . t11n-
d11lons <ire uns ta ble :ind gril'1·ancr s
numerous and w1de$prearl . A~ 11 ron-
sequenre, 1hP lrg1slarnrs arr rx!rPmclv
ea(!rr !n ni;i l-ic friends ;ind inlluence
A h1111 •h nF Soria! Securi1y inrrr;icr~
nr\t .luh r nulrl he expected 111 heir ajl-
rrr1·1;1tih nn th:t l
Th!<. 11.1~ pn1n!rdh nolrd b\" Hrp
:--01nl11rl ~1r;itton II>-\ Y hln(l .1 lf'a:irr
1n arl1flt.•l lnl! h1gg<'r Snr•111l Srr.irll\"
l'1rrir f1r ~ f-1,. m;i1nta1n~ 11 rlnP \11 t w:i ~P
~rn-"P tn clrla 1 cnns1der11uon or annth1 r
Soria! Serur1ty inrrea~e becau se of the
opJX'~111nn 10 thP welfare bill.
"IT "S Hl[)I Ct.:LO LlS," s;iy~ Srratto n,
'tn a ~k 1t1r n11ll1nns of senior ril 1zens ]l\'-
i11g nn Sncial Serurit.v In 11·.:1it another '"'1'
nr lhrC'e .\"£'ilf$ !o ~C'! much-needed ad-
d1t1onnl hrnrr1ts which onP hranr'1 r,f
(nngrl'.ss has alrcad.v apprn\"Pd ~impl.'{
brc;iu~p nf the-diffi<'ulties associaled witli
an Pnl1n•ly d1rfrrenl pro,er.:1m. Soci:il
SPrun!I" 11npro1·cmPnls arP rc."rntial now
anrl not l'nn1r rime 1n !he d1s1;:int future-.
Thrv i:h•111lrl be ;ic\cd 1)0 this ~·ca r beforfl
Cnnl'!rcs~ ~·1nrls 11p. anrt th;:it's \\"hill v.e
;;rl' 11-orkin!! 1111 ··
A~ ra~•rrt h1· 1hr Hou se !;ic.f sprini::. ;i ~
rarl nf !hr rmhi\!llrri 11r lfilrl' refnrm
lr-i:1•,l;i111111 thr Sni 1;il Srrur1t1 incre;:i~e s
1nr lurlr !hr f,.l\0111ng -
A .) p('rt"t•nt :i1·n"~ lhr·hn:ird rais:.> 111
n111nll1h l),.11rft1 s 11ilh a $74 m1n1murn
hrncfu -hn1h rffcrt1ve .lull' 1. Al~o :in
;:t11!nm::in1· en~t-nf.11v1n~ inc r,. ;i ~ l!I
whrnr.1rr 1h!' CPI cxrrf'ri~ .1 rerrcnt -:.
nf'11· drpar1urr in Socl;il Srruri!y benPltts.
Al.SO, THE ,\OOJT I 01~Al. r.<trnin1211
lim1t;i1J0n r<11scrl fn $2,000 lrnm il.6~!.:
;,11rl 11 1do11 .~· brnf'firs 1nrrrased to JOO
p('rcrnl rrnm fl2;, percent n{ the
hu~l)and·s hrnrfil5.
There 1<. ;il'in a rn~~1bd1t1· lh<' rrof""SM
~ pPrrrnt b!lo.~! 11111 ht> rais rrl ti) 10
Thai"~ hr111!: 1!1.-.t ·u:;.-..1.:fi h.1 )r,1rlrr~ nr tMe
pl<ln hill nu rlrr1<1r>n h;ic. 1 rt hr!"n
f<'<lrh"r! Th,.,1 ;irr a11 a111nl! dPl"PlnpmrnlJ
fn ~"" 1Jn11 thr li;>c1~\;it11r ~1tu:it1nn ~haprs
A Year of Chilean Marxism
Cl1ilr s pol11 1cs .1re a' ann1nalnl1s a~ It~
gr<1gr;1ph\ !t 1" 2.liO(l mile$ \nng , r11rrlv
ninrr tha11 IOI\ n1ilr~ \11rlr . :ind 11'\ 1~ tl1r
nil\\ 1•nuntr v 1n Sn11lh An1rrlt"il 11·1th ]){l!h At l~1111r nnr! P;1cil1t: p(lrts Rut Chile 's
n1aJn t11.~!1nt:!1nn ;:i1 prrsrnl 1~ tl1:il 11 h.:1 \
1hr 111ir1r1·-" only frrrl~· elec led :O.·larx1s t
g•11 C'rnrnrn1
1'1 r~1rlrnt Sal\·ador Allenrlc ~ Pnpul;ir
1"11111 Frr)nt , ;i rnaht1nn of .!'IX lf'fli.~t
p:trl 11'~. l <1n1c !ri 11ft1cr onr 1car ago 111rh
Jh.-11r11H•1•(>.•! of pl11rahr 1r~ ! 4 prrcrnl
10 ;i 1hrrr-\1ded rat•e Thr world 1:;
11:i11111g 10 srr 1f h~ c-.in crea!r a :\1 <1r'(1<;!
snc1<1h~1 s!fll r 11 ithou! tramplin.c nn
Chtlr"s rlceplr rnn1rrl frrcrinm~ of sperrh.
pre"" ;:ind pol11lral as~nt·1at1on ,
\!r.:;. Allende. "'hn is as ar11 cula\r ;ind
pn\1 !1r::illr s11ph1~11catrrl a~ her h~shanrl,
h:i~ no 1llu."ion~ ;ibo111 thr ri1fl1rult1r:; f.:1c-
111g lhe go1'('rr1111rn t. · \\'p ha ve a \"ery ](l\V
p1·r-ra1111.:1 1nc0n1r . a h1~h 1nfant m0r\;il1·
~1· rillr. rnllth \llitrr<icy, unrmp!o.1-n1f'nl,
~·horl:1 i;c~ n( hfl1J~1n~. hn~pHa lo:. ;inrl
~chools. These ore prob!rn1s we ha1·e to
Gloon1 y
Knn"' 1~h;it l"m .tloing ahoul :i.11
lh csr ~tupirl Halln\1 t'en rnstumP
parries" Im nn! g<nng a1 all anrl
then lrll f'\'rrynne I \\"as there as
l[n11arr! !l uRh rs
~A R. V,
'~" l••'~·· ••11••1• ••• ~ ... · ~''"''· ... 1
~1<1,urnv t~n.. a• •~~ ~·"'•••'"'· StH
JO'J r l't! l'H•I ,_ Gfff'"' Gu1, 01111 l"l!Ot.
F.dilori a l
~nh·r hrf0rc "'e can reach that 1dra l
."(l{'1al1st socirry\ ... "
SO:'llE SL IPPA GE 1n ~u rrort fo r
1\llenrlf' has l:ilrl~· hel'n nnled Thr Pojl-
11l11r I n1tv Frn111 rrrrn::1· ln~t l'lctl1n11~
rn fill a "nnu~r 1·acanry: .r'1e rec!or~hi p
nl !hf' l'ntl"rr;;11~· of Chile. !hr rl1rrctnra tr
of thr Jt"Jt1rn.:1h~ts' :ind 1hr t;ixi uninn.s.
nn rl thf' lcarlrr~l11p {If -"rconrt<irr J!'rhoril
!'lurl('n1<.. · F.1 rn hii.;h srhn11I rlcciH\11 ~ ;ire
fnu,ght nn s1r1rr p.1r1v l1nr ·· 1,, l hilr.
l.Cl\J<, !-I DIU J:!ll!cl or Tl1e \\;:i shin,i;t•ln ro;:t
n\i~rr1 rd ·
~r1·<'rlh(l!r~~. i\llcndP rnn11nurs tn
p11 r.<;or 111~ .\larx1sl p<il1c1cs. i\'"ume rntl ~
pn1·atr 1.:nn1pa111r.o; h:i 1·p hrrn na-
t1nnal11rrl , ml"lre than 1.J(lit l;irge farn1s
ha1e p11."~t'd 1n10 the· hand~ of pe11~an1:;,
anrt niost bank5 are TIO\\' In go1·rrnmrnt
In !hr l1rlrl of roreiJ:?n aFl<11rs. C)t.f.Jr hll~
establisher! d1ploma1ic rl'lHtioos \wit h
China, Ea~t Germany anrl Cub.1. Fidel
Cast ro·~ forlhrC1m1ng visit tn SJn!iai;:o
,,,•ill be the Prem ier's first trip to A Larin
Amrricnn c0un!n• ~ince he declared Cub;i
In be a snc iah."t Stall': in l!Hil ~lran"·hilc,
("hilc i~ piount1n~ a diplnm:i t1c offcn~1 ,,·e
th<it a ppe;ir~ dr~1,1?nerl In weaken l: S ln-
fl urncr in thr llrmispherC'.
tl.S. l;\"Ft.l:E\CE in Ch1k lt,rlf \1.:1~
rrr!urerl ~11h~1ant1;illv l\hrn , I.is! .1111.v, !Me
A!lrnOe .1:n1rrn1nPn! r \ r r op r 1a1 r rl
1\1l1rrir;in 1n1rrr<.!" 111 !he fh1 le:in cnpprr
inrt11s!r~· Allhnup;h that mo1'1' wa!; rx.
pt('\rrl . 11 \l a~ assum('d thi11 the l' S.
rnn1p;in 1rs would rec'C l\"f: ."ome com·
pen~at1nn. ll \\·as announced on Oct. 11,
hn11·t·1cr , lhal no •111·h rci1111t·t1! \1nulrl hill
fnrthrnn11ng hf'ra11~r lhP rnn1p.:1n1e,c h:i r!
R!"CUm ula1rrj n1n1·e !h<1n ~71'111 m1ll1nn 10
"P\{"f'.,S prllflts' ft'Olll lhc1r f"htlra n
SPrf1'1ar\' n[ S1alp \\'1!11:1m P Hni.!rr.•
."harph rrpr01·rrl I 'h1lr lnr 11 h111 he 1crn1·
crl a '".<;f'flOll\ rlcp:irt11rp frnm .:1r.rrpter!
~t:lnrl:lrd<; nf 1ntr)·11at1nnal la\\'" Ile
11arncd !h:ii !hr rcfu,;il rn pay com-
prnsn11nn 011,C:h! jrl)parrhZ(' !he flO\\' nr
pnl"ate. 1111"e~1111rnt .f11nds 1n Chile and
erndf' ~uppnr! fur fnrf'li!n air!
Teinpers may rnol 1n hn!h S;int1ilf:!O and
\\'ash1ng!on with 1hc P"-"~a,l!c of time. Th11
T1mr~ nF Lnnrlon pri1nts out thal Ch1l!'I ··n,-.l"rl~'\{orrign ('~pl'rt1se in pi:nce~s1n 11:
her cnpprr ;ind /nrP1g11 1nITTkrts 111 d1."po.~-
1ng nl it .. 1'nt1 r.hr I n11rrt Sta ir." cannot
:df11rd tn t<1~r 1nn h.:1rd a line lest 1t
unrlrrnl!nr rhilf''s alrr<irl\' ~ha k y
Pr(l11on11' :ind !hrrrby, pcrh;ip~ further
\1 caken 1ls rlemorrari'( in."11 tut1nn~.
Uobr.rt N. lVPcd, Pub lisher
'Ilioma.s J\cc vil, .Editor
.4 /brrt 1V. B111r .f
Ed11ori11L rngc Erlttor
Th" rrl1!nrl1>l p~C" rif lh" ni..i l)'
r ilnt '°iJ"f'\(~ to 1n1 .. rm 1'11111 ~timu·
l11 1r r r1<t• rs l•v Pl"'"'rn1111i:: !hi•
nr"~l "'l•f'I ~ n1111111111s ;inr1 cnm• n1rn\111v ••n l••r•W"I ,,f i ntrr,.~I 11n'1
1'1cn1 l1··.,nr·•·, h~· 1''"\1d1111:" f•0r11rn f••r 11'\r "~J't"•·,•11111 ,,f ""r rr11rl,.r~·
•'11n1nn•, ,in•t 1.,.· l''"'·"n11ni:: th'!
ri 11•'I "' '1""f~>1n1-"' !nfr•nTirr1 n\..
~.,,,,,. 11nd ~l~•k'"m••n on tnJtlrJI
.. 1 1l1r d:o ).
Fnday, Octobor 29, t sl 1
. ··--------------~
Newport Bea~h
Today's Final
N.Y. Stocks
Air California Presses for New 5-year Lease
Ot !~1 0 11!' l'tl&I Siii!
Alt' Cahforn1a wanl.s another Jive-year
lease on terminal space at Orange Count y
Airport and tias launched a campaign
throughnu! Oriln~e County t() gel
businessmen to help 1he1n get It
Airline' officials Thursday. however,
declined tn !alk about the numbf>r of daily
fl ights they will he asking for in advance
or their negoliat1nns for a new contract
v.·ith coun ty supervisors next v:eek. Air
Cal's. le;1se e;1;pire s No\'. 9
"\Ve don 't. \1·anl tn get into a numhers
game," sa1rt Rnhe1•t Cli.Hnrd, r\ i r
California pres1clent , pointing to a de-
On Dele1111tes '
mand by the Ne~·port Beach C1!y Council
that the num bu of nights be held to e:x-
isltng levels.
''The number ...,.e ha\'e now -about 2l
flight s per day -and those projected fnr
\9i2 -about 28 per day -are realist1c,"
CJ1ffnrd said.
"][the county grows five percl'nt. thrn
,..,.e expect to increase service ri ve p<'f·
cent. W~'re not going to exceed that klnd
of increase in the future," he said.
Clifford did say thRt R Newport Besic h
resolution ca!ling fn r montl y nr ('\'en
yl'ar-to·year leases is out 0f the qu es11nn.
''\Ve .... 'ill ask for a five -year lease," he
said, "we're a multi-nlilhon dollar coin·
Red China Sends
pan y and can't do business on a short·
tern1 basis ··
Clifford rlechned to say spec1!1cally how
much easing of fhgh r limits he \'.'ill ask
for 1n !hf' upcoming negotiations. nr
"hrthrr he wl,)I ask that all l1n111s be
l<1kt>n off.
l!e \\'as equally \'ague. in a fnrrn ltller
sent rn mcn1bers of the Orange Coun1y
Chamher of Commerce ask1 11g fnr a lrt-
lrr-wnun.~ can1paign lo supervisors 1n
suppnrl of expar1ded JC! operat ions at the
Cl1ff\1rd noted the rre!'sure~ he1nA ap·
pli ed hy t\f\Vport Be<icll residents nr·
posi ng Jet use al the Jone coun1y·owned
au·iield and said : l,
''ThtrP is a group nppos1ng commerria1
a\'1at1on 1n the county l\'l11rh is taking this
oppnrturul\' tn ask lhe bnarrl tn sel rf"r-
ta1n l1m1t ;ll1nns thaL 1\·nu!d severely
harnper our ah1hty 10 pro~·1de th11!")e 11·hn
fl\· /\Lr Cahfnrn1.1 11 1th the l\'pe of ~f'rvice
aiid the frequenc y yC1u de~1rr
"SomP ha\·e stt!?gcs1rd lhat i;:urh ~t nrl
!1m11s be plarcd on take-off~ ;ind l;indingi;:
!hal 1~P 1\·ould nfll br able lri 1nrrease frP·
q11ent1es tn nu•et the need s of an e:<:·
pa nrl1nl! markc1 "
Cl1Hnrd Thursd;iy ~a id th;i!. cln1nf! ;i~
Ne\l'f)Ol't Brarh ;ili;:n Sll,Et~PS\~. r0lllng
bar\.i fl1ph! 11m11 s to l!l70 nr even Ille l i.>.~l
lll n10111hs. "\\'ONlrl not take 1ntn aeco1111t
oi.i r nc\I.' Sacra!'nC"nlo service or our
~nPtra!1nn tnin the San Diego ma rke t"
fl1 fford said again !he purpose of the
mailing to county bu5inessmen was not t('I
hagglP 01·pr fl1ghl numht>rs ... bul to make
people a\\ar(' there are effort s to ban the
"\\'p fcrl ii i~ 1mf)()rtant fnr a1rl1ne
u~rrs tn PXprcs~ themselves, s o
:;11prr1·1~llr~ ..., il l recflgnize the com·
n1l'rc1.:il v11lur nf lhe a1rpnr!. the mone v it
h;i <, hrnugh! into !hP county ·· ·
HP prn11ded a form letter to he sent Ill
Cliff1ird sai rl !he r11 rfe\11 proposed hy
Ne1l'port Beach. from ll p.m. to 7 am.,
11 ntildn't be \'C!'Y h!lrd for his airline to
Ji ve 11·1th. ·
He said th' only nights it would really
affect ar' the well-known Disneyland
f light ! \I.hereby the airline fli'"
Northern Cal1forn1a high school studenlJ
to the county for a night at Disneyland.
Several nf those flights stirred corl'·
froversy la~t spring when they lefl on the
return !rip between 6 and 6·:10 a m.
A number of romplaint.s about the early
t:ikenff s \'.'ere re ported and Clifford
Thursday said he didn't th ink much ol
thn!'e whn niade them.
"f "'ould lh in k it's \'.'Orth sacrificing Hl
m1nute5 ' sleep to keep kids nut of the
dope haunt s in San Francisco," Clifford
J l(illed
Reply to U.N. Boo1n Hits Hospital Power Lines
lil\'!TED NAT!O:\S (UP\'1 -Aeling
Chine se Com muni st Foreign !\.1Lnister Chi
Peng.fr 1 told L' .:-J. Serretarv Ge nera!
Thant !odn.v th :1t Peking wn1ilct send a
deleg;ilion to th(' rurrcnt sc~sion nf the
Gencr;il Asscn1bly.
A U ~-s roke~n1:in said the rable
reC'eived torlay from Peking did nnt se1 a
date f0r arrival nf the Chinese delegation
bt1t said 1t \\•ould arrive "In the near
future." Diplomats have predicted the
Chinese would arrh·c by Nov. 4.
The cable also did nol spct1fy the
ma\.ieup nf the mission but there has been
zpecul<1!1on !hat Chi \l.'Ollld head (hf'
delega tion . There had been earlier
15peculation tilat Premier Chou En -Ja1
NetV]}Ort Ma11
F cices Child
m1gh! e1'en attend.
The Chi cable .... ·as the Firsl direrl rnm·
municarion froni the Communist Chinese
gnvcrnn1en l In rhe t:niter! l\'at inns since
1Ci5f\ 11·hen Pekin~ scn1 fl rrpre~entalire lo
i\'ew York to diseuss 1he Korean \\';i r.
The General A~semblv \' o 1 r rl
nver.,.,•helmingly ~lnnday niSht. tn expel
!\ationalist China fr om the 0rgantzation
;inrl In seat the PC<lplrs Republic nf
Chin <i. giving 1t a scat on the Sccuritv
Council and 1·rtn power as on e of the f1\ e
permanent represcntat i\·es.
Thant sent a cable 10 Pe king im·
mcdiat('ly in forming lhP Cnmmun1~t
Chinese nf 1he UN. action ;ind asking
them to name a detee;at1on . There t,1·as nri
reply and Thant senl another cable
Thursday a skin~ a~ain.
Thant asked that Peking act a ~ srvin as
possible especiaUy in appcnn!lne: a
representative to the Securit y Cnunril
since. he said. the council mu~t be ah!e 1n
function continuously and :ill of i1 s
members mu st. "he represented at al l
WTib-lfl the se;i!. nf the organizat ion ."
A b C ---../ L:ndcr council rules 11 new rcprPSf'll· use oun t !alive mu st convey his credential s 111 the.
Secretary General no less than 24 hou rs
befo•e he lakes his scat in th e coun r1J.
A '.'\e wpol'I Be;ich n1An !;iced ar·
raign menl 1n l\;:ir~r Judicial Distr ic~
Courl t(l<lay nn charges nl beating and
l'icald1ng hi s gi rlfriend's small ~on.
Ed1ran:l \,('orge Rocco. 20, 10~ ~1a1n St ..
"'as arrcs1ed .'liter police in\'csriga ted
doclor's reports on the nature of 1he in-
David H1c\.is. 21:. sufferM multiple
burns on his grl)111 <1od bullocks and had
se1·eral other bruises on othe r parts of his
The rh1ld ha(! originally heen brou'lht
tn lltangp Coun ty tl1rcl 1c.1! Center by his
mnU1rr. Shellf'v F.11011. 21). nn Ori '.!O.
Dlr1nrs s:i1d :-:fi,, 1nlrl 1hem he had been
hurnrrl h) some l1n1 snuri In lhe home
lhr.1 sh.irt'ii 1111h lhr <:U<:IX'l'!
f'nlicc ".'lid lhc r111lrl 11';1~ rx:1 1n1ncd hy
\\'r l[atf' [)rr:irllllC.111 Hnd hc;illh del)ar1·
mrnt offic1:il~ hrfore pnl1ce 11·er~ nflt1fierl.
r nunt y nff1r1<1l.s h,1re placed th e child
in 1he r;irr nf lhr S1tlnn Hn1ne .
The child's mothe r has nnt been ch.'.lrg· ro
Di spute Sparks
Knife Fight;
CdM Man Slashed
Blind Man Gau1 s
$175,000 A'\'ard
Fron1 Ne ,vporl
A S5 m1\l1on !a.,.,·su11 lhal opened \'.'Ith ;:i
bang \ast \'.'eek when I l trial la1'') er"
marched into the cour1room of Orf!nJ!f'
Cnun!y Superior Court .Judi;:e Ronald
C'rno\.;shank ended with a t,1·h1mper Th ur"·
da1· \\'hen l.hry sclllcd nut of court fnr
.lames L R11ck. 411. :irrf'ptrd the sr1.
llement nfft;>red h\i tl1<' C"l!i' nf 1"r1~rort.
Reach. 'he lrvlnP. ('runpanv :i.nr! s1•\rral
con!":truct1on firms named ·11s de fendants
in lhe la11'c;111t he f1lrrt lwn years ;ign
Burk \\:JS 1n111rerl IJef' !1, Hlll!l. whrn his
we~tbnunrt a11tn sma!'hrd t hr0u~h h:ir -
rir;idc!' rrciJrd l1v the cit\' ar San .Joa-
quin Hl\ls Road aiid .Ja n1hnrC'C Rnarl H I<;
f'<i r overturnr<l nn rn;:i dwork rcla1ed In
the CQnstruc tion nf 1he Park Newport
A jury had listened lnr threr riays In
teslimony that Buc k. the former office
manager for Costa ~fesa trial l;i.,.,·yer
GeorRe Chula. is now blind and ha s Inst
his senses or smell and taste as a resu lt
of the accident.
It was learned today that the CJt y nf
Newport Beach will contrihute $17~.000 to
the settlement. The balance \l.'lll be
shared by the remaining defendants.
OAILV PILOT Slllt rno!o
Fair Bu11s
Paln1rr boys -.J1n1. 7, ;\la rk.
fi : Senti .. 2-pick pun1pl\lns f11r
roun lry fair Sunrlav ;it .'it. i\•lnrk
PrcsbJ.1rrian lhuirh 111 :'\o\\.
rort !~each . Even!. ::;c hC'Ch1lerl
ff'lr 11 a 111 lo 4 p nt . l\'111 heir
fin.1n<"c crl ucaUrin of ~tu dc n t
from Ghana )'ponsored hy
r hurch. f air is open to publtc.
('hurrh 1s ar r o'.';s street frorn
rnrona rl el ~l :i.r l·li gh ~rhn11J
Poli ce Off er
C"11d _y Tr""',.~
On ll..il!h\1rrn 111pht' 1n lhr p;i~I lr1<k ~
Pl'Tfflfffirrl h1· 111i~r)1lfl\01J" I hilrlr\'n l'lfi{[l
,,utnun1hr1·cr1 th"' lrrrifc,, !hr.\' rr1'r1vrd.
A cnn.ctn1chnn .,.,-nrkPr \\'a.5 kdleif at
lln:>g flfrmnr1a! Hnspital I. Ii i s n1omin1;
\1•hrn ?. ~01 1 tf'<;t1ng de vice he 11·as 11·ork·
inJ:: 11·1\h S!!'lll'k an ll\'Pfhl'Clrl f)011P:-line
shrirtlv h('fnrr 11 ;i n1
Th" m;i n, 1drnl!§lt[_I .'I~ fharll'.<.. Rn11r!P
nl \\'h1t t1 rr. ~1rd nf'~~\· ;in hour l;it@,
;if1rr c•ff.~r!s lo rrv11·P. him in 1.hf' hns·
p1 t ;il '~ nt'arby e1nrrg !l-i1rv rnnm f.11 lr<l
~n111hern (;1hf11rn1;1 Erlt."°11 Conip<"-'lV
nff1r1<d s at, the srrnc .<.aid the y did nnt
knl'l\I.' e:.:;ic1l v \\·h,1t A{lurte 11•as doin~
\1·hen Lhe 1n1Shap occurred.
Joaq11h1 Pla11s
3. Ne w Schools
Nea r lrvi11e
Thr('e :;rhnnl ~ite~ l111vr hren s1ni::led
n\1! for pre -planning art1v1t1es·by nffir1;:i1~
nf the: S;in .Jnari uin F:lementary School
Di~t r1c1 <Hld the Ir vine C1)m p11ny.
1'11r dr1·1~ir)11-p;irt nf the Irvine Cnin·
r:in,v·s nffc r flf land :ind n1nnry In hrlri
<;(11\·r filf'fl'lr t J:(rfl\l'lh prnhlelTI" -\Vil~
111:i dr Tt111rsd;iv fl urini:: ;i sprr1;:il mP1>!1ni;(
;it 11'h1rh :i dr?;iiled cxan1ina ti nn of 1he
romp;iny·s prnrms:ili' w;i~ m:idc ,
Thr lr1•111c (nmpa11y ha<; offered 11p 10
~I 2 n11lllnn 1n1rrr~t frrf' tn hufld "
srhonl . 1n1er<>sl frrr fun<l.' 111 rl n
prrhm1nary sit<> '"-·nrk anrl arrhitr.rt's
rlrn11 1n~s. !and for schnnl site.<; w1thnul a
r101\ n payment.
KPn Lr.,., i~. a~'tsl.1nt rn Superu1tcndf'nt
Ralph Gair~. ~;iut thl' d1 .. tr1f't i~ w11rk1nri
\'l'rv h;1rfl tn tllPf'1 a :-rh1>rlu\P th:it 11 ill
:il1n11• ii tn rcriur<;I thr hinni:: flf thrf"r
arrh1trrts rn prep;i rr dra\\'lngs fnr three
Onr t.~ 111 1·n1\'rrr-l !V Park 111 a i1cw S
;ind S f'1111<;.l n11 l1rin tr:irt ;i !'rrntvl 1v1ll
h,. 101·;11rrt 111"1 ~nulh nf \V.'l\n11t ;ind \l rS!
nr C11hrr !l•1;1d a 1h1rd .,.,111 hr in \\'alnul
\ 1J1 ;1f!r E.~<.!
, "T1111111~ v,01\I drprnrl nn lhr• rlr1"rlr1p.
n'u•nl nf lr~!f'l;ind• 1h;it ~11rrn11n~ 1 ilr~P
"11"' h111 111• 1~·11 hro~1n ;irh'1H1re pl:1nn1ng
:ind 11 1•1!,.111{! 11r 1v1ng' "'-.;11rl 1 .1'1\I~
Tn rflmh::i!. StH 11 :ir11\·11ir~. ,'\r11pnrt. fi r nrldcr! h,11 !hf' Or: .. nl!r r nun tv
Bcrirh piilic(' v.il! !')(> 111rrr::is1nr.t thr Cn1111srl \ nffu ·e 1~ 1nvr ~1 1J,.:flt111c, the
;ivat!ah1\1t.y nf trtal:; hv .)5() worth of can· lri::;iht\' nf thr dis1nrt making pl ?.:-JS fnr d~·-gum and caramr~ ;..,;~:rirn lhcsf! ~i!rs 11•1!h11ul nialong a rie[)l1.~1t t1r
V " ouirighl purch ;:i ~" The le_g;il advisor alsn
Fnr thC' fifth cnn"l!CUt11·c ~e;ir . pnl1re is chcrking into 11 hrrher &ti nfJI the ~chi){)!
will condu ct a "[)('Int tnrk. \\'r 'll 1rPa t" distnct can hnrrnw i monry I n r
pr0gram !ilar\.icd police c;ir.~ wlll carry prl'lim1nar\I s1!c .,.,·nrk and sch~l Mn·
boxes of candy on Sunday. H!lllo-necn slrur11nn lrnm a private rnr]"l"lrat ion. l.('\l.'iS s;i1d nn .~pcc 1hc dcc1s1ons have
night: . ~·C't bcPn rf"at!hed nn the Irvi ne Com-
Ch1ldrcn can stop the rnhrcrnen and pan~"s offer to !end the district up ln S! 2
receive :i treat. but the drparlnl('nt urgl's million to ronstrucl a school. bul talks
caution in hai ling t"hc cars. 7i slill rnn11nu1ng.
r olire handouts will st.art al dusk c The a c;s1~tant suflerinlendcnl c.m·
ding \\'hen the goodies run out. tSee OFFER. Page 21 ,
,..-..--' .
1'1e\vporl Beach police tod;iy are holding
" Santa Ana nlan nn assault charges
inll(l\l.'ing a hl('l()(!y. c;irly·m(lrning ~uffle
In a Corona cl\'I Mar home Yi'hich \cit one
man ~ospita!i7.ed with butcher knife
\l'nunds . ,
rnhce as.:r;f'r\ the 1qc1dentt' ap-
ri:ircntly sp<1rked by a love trlan le si(ua·
tuin . ' .
' Irvine C~y.didate~ Clas
Wirges Charges Ray Quigley Wi,th 'Doub e T<1fk ,. _, Offlccrs s11id lloy l Lcr ll:irk . 27. 1002
r-.t rfaddco A\'C. S11nt11 Ana apparer,fly
ca me to the home of \\'i!l\am Helz, 19. 21~
Poppy Ave., Ill Ab'1Ut . .'l. ::i..nl. tn speak with
his estranped wife. Roberta, who police
11aid \'.'RS st;iyinl!: with lleli.
Because of alleged prior violent actions
by the suspect , police said Hetz armed
himself with the bulcher knire and to ld
Barker to leave the home.
According to police, a fight ensued and
Hetz dropped the butcher knife which
was then picked up h,v Barker,..HeU was
a;]ashed on the face a~cck _._d stabbed
in the side several limes. -· £
Officers s11id th:it Uerz dro..rflimself lb
Hna_i ~1emorifll Hospjtal for treatment
anrl that doctor:-; phoned police
Barktr was picked up later and charg·
ed w[lh the crime
Mt>tz wris in 11a tisfactory condition to-
\ day al }foag .
lrvine city counci l candidale Roht>rt .I.
"Skip" \\'ir.'!es today criticized Irvine city
council candidate E. Ray Quig ley for I.he
latter's i\ltac k on Irvine Tomorrow for
nOt. dtclaring ita pol'lition on incorpora-
Declaring thal he Isn't a member n[
any of the major pro-or-anll·incOf'J>Ora-
lioo ~.or Irvine Tomomiw. y.1irge11
said: ·
"I feei thal Quigley's blast is a lot
of double talk de:5igned to confuse the
vot.erl!l Md discrl'dit the oq.::An1zat 1nn.
"Quigley complain.• of not getlln~ an
inv11.:it1nn to interview for endorsement .
when lhe same ,ii:roup held a roctnl 'mr.et-
the-<andidates' night. he didn 't even show
lip ..
t\oting Qu!gley ·s cllargt thal ~cv~a1
counci l c:anrhdates ~e Irvine Tomorrow
members. \\'irges sai d 11\mt'.lfil ever v
CMdidate 1s a member or one of lhe or·
"All l.he.."f! nrganixations are suspecl as
lo lhcir motives," he said".'
Y. irges said of Irvine Toml)rrnw's '!11.anrt
on neut.ralily, ·•f 'A'a~ under the im pres-
sion that .when lhe citizens of Irvine sign-
ert liH! ,petition ff)f lhe right to vote nn
c1lyhood, il ¥:a~ lnr lht. right to vote for
or against inCfl rporzJ.ton,''
Qu if:!\ey respnnde.d tbis.moming ii:aytng
that hr. didn't li ke ~'hat Irvine. Tomorrow
w;i s dnln~ hecause il.8 ~ition on clly-
hrl1'ld ts unkno11•n
''All lhe. nthcr org;in1z:i!l0ns havP de·
f'l11red th<'ir poslt1nn on the core is.sur,"
Qulglry said. "there. are no doub~ where
they stanrt,
cwdldales '
t Lh<'y ·are no~ end~sing
Quigley aid he thought a group should
endorse tyhood "before they ~eek Lo
control 11tlcally 11 city rouncil "
QuigJe said. "any group hM the r1ght
to endor e candidates. but they .should
address e central issue first."
F'ollow1 g Quigley·s initial cri lirism
ecirltM" 1 ·s week, 11n Irvine Tomorrow
official hr.i !'iaid thal group ~nold nol
ttike 11 pDS1tlon on the incorporation i!;·
~re because Us members are spfh on
the questtnn. .
The r.poke:smao ~aid the iroup 1\·a~
fo rn1crl only lo provide the nucleus nf a
well-informed community oo kt'y i~sues.
A crev• was drilling i:it lhe site of 11
future parkin g Int tn IPSl soil conditinns
11•hPn a hnnm on the rlrill\ni:: device struck
a 12.000 \'nit m:>.1n powrr line.
'111r. 1n1sh;i p cat.~cd ;i f)O\l'Cr ln5s In
;ihrn1l I ,~00 hon11~.~ Alld h1L~1ne~.o;es 1n
\\'l'~I Nr11•pnrt ;ind 1he Penin5U!;i for
ahn11!. 20 n111H1tr~.
Thi' rlra1I n1an 11·<1~ en1plnyed hy the
Lf'rny r r.1ndrll and Associa tes :-nil engi·
nerring firm.
Boorte 11·c.s l a k e. n unmedJately for
Skie r.~ Slate
Bay Cl~anqp
Th" C)'lrona del Mar High School
Ski Cluh is spnn~nring fl Back Bay
clean11p day from 9 a.m. to noon
The publi c I" 1nvl!ed to jnin in the
shnrrl1nr. cleanup th,1t also involvrs
memhf'rs of lhe high school's
Ernlngy Ar.lion Cluh.
Tl1e group \\'II! meet <1t !he nnrlh
rnrl nf Back Bay Road, al Eastbluff
Ne ,vpo rt Beach
Co 11nci Jn1an Asks
To Muffle Noise
r:n11nr1lman !\.·1l1;in nvs1 <il lhu1ks there".<:
Inn much nnisP in Nr."'flOrl Beach and
\I.fin!~ !he planning rnrnm1~s1nn to draft
;in n.rdn1ancr tn quiet th1n,11.~ dnwn .
.. \\'r arr rxpcnrnc111i:. rxrf'~Sl\'f' llrhan
1101.0.,.,'' Dnsl:ll 10111 felJ11w rnunl'1lmcn this
\\'rl'k, "!'nrnr1h1nl! ~hn11\d he rnn.o.idrr('d tn
hf'lr put a ~tnp 1n it ..
[ln1.t.1I .!i<lld t1f' wa' t:llk1ng ahnll! noi«f"
J'l'llli1!111n hrl'nnr! 11•hal'~ rrr,11cd hv
Oran1.:ro \n11n!.V Air prirl
"A1r t'r:ifl noi~r 1 ~ nop 1h1 11g." !ln.~t :il
~;ijrJ. "htJ1 (h•1re ;irr ~n 111any n!hr r~ ··
l!c stopper! 1n m1dscnlrnce as a lraf'lnr·
1.railrr rna rte rl hy outside , help1rig hi1n
dri ve hnnir his pn\n!.
lie peered out !he w1ndnw and ~nnned.
hut pnln1erl n11t he was ta\kin~ ahnut a
variety nf noise-prodllc1ng vehicles -
"minihikes. emeri;cncy vehicles and
trash collertH)n truc\.is.
.. Thr prnh lem is growing rap1rlly . .,.,,e
must do snm rthinR ;;hnut it." Dostal ~<11d.
1-1 (' suggested planning commissioners
\.\.'l1r k 1n the area of huitd1ng code stan·
d:tr<ls. writing tnugher sound allenuatin~
req111re1n cn!s 1nto the ru les. as one way
-to hrlp snlve lhe prohlern .
··~I 'd l1 ke~n s('e the plan ning rflm·
m1ssinn t.<i ke a goorl. hrnad look at the
I f noise." he said.
Cnuncilm tnok no rormal acl.10n on •
!hl' pr oJ>l)sal community development
nff1c1als attcnd1 !he cnunr.11 meeting
s;iid rhe cnmmis n staff will exprr!lte
rflnrt~ tn draft rcp0rl on (1Qss1ble
ans"'·ers to the pro em.
Pair IAju ed
111 Auto Crash
Twn Newpo rt Beach residents were
still l'mpllallzed tflday following a tw°"
car collision al a H11rbor View HUis in-
tersection \Yednesd&.)'.-
BRrbara Packard Dean, 4:1, 1215 Key
\Vest Dr. i1 lisle<! In good t<indltion .11l
Hoag Memorial Hospital wilh bruises and
The driver of lhl! other ch . Gregory
~lichi!el ~fcN;;m,e.. 17, Ul12 ·r or t
r,1:iq::11tc, is listed in salisfacl ory con·
ditinn at Hoag with lacerations, a PQSSi·
hie concu~sion-and three broken ribs. .
emergency treatment but all measures
i,,c!ud 1ng 45 minutes of heo.rt massage
were un.suC<'essful. He was pronounced
dearl ;it 11 :45 a.m.
Hnai:: Ho!'pital is 111 lhe Par!y stages
of a 1112.jnr f':.:pans1nn pro~ram that v.·ill
he highlighted hy an l I story 101\·er and
a mult1·st.nry parking garage.
The p;1rking lnt .,.,·here Bourle suffered
his f;Hal in1urics is located below Iha
hluHs adjacent lo the hospital just north-
11'£'Sl ol The Arches.
Viet Watchers
Expect New
• POW Li sting
PARIS 1AP ) -Mayor \V. L. Patrick of
L:iurel. flfii;:s .. said toda y a North Viet-
namese diplomat told him Hanoi plans t<J
puh!i~h an updated li st 0f American
prisoners of war. He added that no in4
d1cation \'.'as given as lo when the list
'vould be released.
J~a t rick and two other men from Laurel
meL with the North Vieinamese at the
Hanni diplomat ic mission offices in Paril!l
1"hu rsd:iy for an hour and 20 minutes.
t\orlh Vietnam relc;ised a pnsoner list
l:ii;t Dec. 22. It contained the names of
:l.11'1 Amf"ric11ns held in North Vietnamese
pnsnn camps. Since fhen efforts have
been made hy American off icials and
n!hers lo have Hanoi give information on
nthPr . .\mt'.'f"ican soldiers believed to be
helrf . The response has always been
nega tive.
Last flecembf"r'S hst \l.'ilS ~iveo to
rl'prescntar11·es of Sens. J . \V. Fulbright
;ind r.n .... ·arrl Krnnedv hy th e l!anoi
m1s:;i11n. A copy of the ·11st was a!so g1\cn
i n the \omm1tter nf Liaison with Fom1 hcs
nf Serl 1ce1ncn Detained in f\orth \'1rt·
nam. a Nr\v 'r'nrk group that h;:is con·
nrrt1ons \Vi!h llanf11 on pri ~nner m;i ltrrs.
l\1tr1ck t!)ld ;i rrporter the nlention of a
frc~h prisonrr li~l came \\•her: he 1olrl the
rl;plnma!. identified as a sccnnd secretary
nf the missiri n. that fi ve Laurel area men
had been listen as missing in action since
the December \isl was published
Pa Irick said at that point the · diplomat
!.old him: "\Ve <1re preparing another li st
to be puhlished by Han0i. 1£anoi will
deride when tn publish it..·•
He said rhe list would be updated from
(Stt PRISONERS. Page 21
Orange Coast
Sunny skie~ chased aw11y the
rl!'luds today and will take nver the
...,·cather seen' this weekend . Those
c0ld wul.ds should die out tonight
nlso, !caving un-spoo ky weather for
Hallowren. lligh around 62 Satur-
day, lows in the mid-40's,
Ghosts: n11d. otht-r t()f!ird cren-
tures wilt h.aU'llt a house in Cos!a
J\Jf.Stl t/us week.end to entert.aiH,
children---O'lld it'.t all for char·
1ty. See pictures and .storu on
Page 23 of today's \Vtekend~r.
..... ,1 .. , n Md!NI """ " (llllGr•lt ' Ntll9Mt .. ~ ' (l'fo(~l.,1 U• "· Or11191 CllHltv • ci. .. 11'" ·~ Jlttll!H'a!I~ ....
COllllCt " Iv"''' ... w " (fHl"'tr• " $~1"11 ll•JI
Ott!~ Nt!ICll ' ·~· M1tk1t1 U·ll
0 1 .. orct• • TtltYltl\lfl I ,.,: Eoltor111 ,,,, ' t~ •• , ...
""'·"(' 11·11 VU l !fltr •
llttt.Clt• " W&11od ·~ •• A•~ L111(1tfl " WNlt ... t< »•
Mt+llll• ' W..,.,tfl'I NtWf 11-11
Mt•ll• 11-H •
Gig Pete rs
'Hot Trir1l '
Cools Off
8\ TO)I BARLgy
Oi !~• 0"1> PHO! Sitll
A three-day breah that h:th:. untt! .\lnn -
da.\· 11 trnst> and 1orr1d ('1~1·oun1i:>r bet11e<'n
• hard-hitting prosecuior and inurdt't
suspecl Gig Peters· pregnant para1nnu1
htgan today In Orange Count_1 Superior
Allracll\'t: blonde Ann ie Ba r1hnlemr11·
wLll get a weekend's respite fron1 the
searching queslJons of Deputy D1 str1c:
Attorney Pat Brian who obi iousl\
regards the soft spoken Scripps Co!lf'g~
graduate as his maior prosecution
But J\llss Bartholeme11>. v.·ho has been
granted immunity from prosrcution.
must go on the \rilness stand for the third
day 1n a ro"' r-.tonday to again !ell of her'
life with the man v.•ho called himself
"Ogden Ottowood" in the desert com-
mune that 11•as the sett ing for hls dreams
of "the coming revol uti on."
f\fis! BartholemeY!'. 22. lestified 1n the
C'losing hours of Thursday's session in
Judge Kenneth Williams' couriroom that
Peters often told her ol his lo\·e for hi s
pa.rents during the ni ne 1non!hs they
s~nt togethto:r in the desert ranch that
was homt for the unmarried pair and
se\'en olher young adults.
The San Diego girl admitted that they
bo!h smoked marij uana and that Peters
also took LSD ""'hene\·er he 1\·anted tn
benefit from a learning experience' "
But she has earlier test1f1ed !hat hC'
tnok no drugs of any ktnd for at least 24
hours beJnre he murdered his parents
la5l April 21.
Peters. 21. is alleged to ha re stahbed
his father. Charles Peters. 55, through
the heart and strangled his mother,
Flora. 54 . -about nine hours after he and
;\liss Bartflolemew journeyed from the
!\lexican border lo the Peters family
homt" at 302 Lincoln St.. Huntington
Defense attorney Barry Tarlow argue'.'i
that Peters was insane al the time of the
killing .
Brian argues lhat the former lifeguard
\\·as perfectly sane and he \\•ill ask the
JUry t.o impose the death penalty.
I! has been \est1ried th:it PetC'rs \1'a'.'i
publicly diso14·ned by his father Jes:-. than
:?4 hours before the killing in a San Diego
Federal courtroom \.\•here the defenda nt
'-ras accompanied by ~liss Bartholeme1v
and his brother Tony, 17.
Testi mony has disclosed tha t Tony ra n
away from home early this year to join
his brother and ?\liss Bartholemew at
their retreat in the San Diego County
desert country near the !'.1exican border.
Another brother. Peter Peters. 13. h<is
testified that Gig told him in the early
hours of April 21 that he had "sent n1s
mother to hea\'en and put Dad out of his
1ni~ry .,
The boy testified that his elder brother
told him that "30,000 Red Chinese ar~
about to invade the count ry. the re\'olu·
11on is rom1ng and the go1·ernme 11 t is
ab<lu\ to fall··
~!iss Barlhole'TI1e1,-testified at leng th
Thursday on Peters many hour'.'i of con-
templation at the commune and of ho1v
he ~at naked on a rock ··in !ht lotus posi-
tion" for hours al a llme .. meditating and
fasting and thinking about brothe rly lo1·e
~od preparing for the comin~ revolu-
Fron• Pag<' I ·-PRISO NE RS • • •
1he OKember aC'C'o11nt1n s
Lut Ckt. 7. a spok esman fnr the '\nnh
\'1 etnamese rltle e:at 1nn to the P.1r1!' peat r
t11lk'.'i t.o\d ne"'smen thrit !ht DP rembe r
]1st 14'i S complete and !hal her!' 11ere n,.,
additions in the last 10 mnnlhs The
t:nited Salc5 11!'.ts about 1.500 l ~
r>er-·ieemen m1ss1ng 1J1 Sout'.~east 1\s1a. ,h.
t·ludi.,g 792 in ~nrth \"1t tnam
ClAJll'Oe Q?o\.!f PUILISJ.lf?ll) CQMJ"""
··~rt N. w .... ,.,..,..,, •nl "'*lllMf , . J ·~" 11. c~.1.,. ,._ Ya ,,,_lffo'IT ,,... 6-rat MIMI., ,.
l Jioll'tl kttYil
n, ... ,, A. "'""'l.;,.
Ml.'IW .. Edl!or
L p.1.,. I(,.;_,.
,...,..,, .-.. ('.1!y rEd!ftlr
... ...,... .... otnc.
l lll Nt..,,ort l ow.I•••"'
Mam., Alldr•i•: P.O. In 111J, ,,,,,
°""'"""" bt'll9 -..i -W•I lf'V l"'9i!t l....-leldl; 22: forftl '-""""'
...._. ........ ~· 1111) '"'" llov! ...... .. ~ ~ -Nclrtll [J ~ ... ,
Toi ,, C7141 M1-4JJl
~ ...... ~ 641-1671
~ ..n, 0-~t CNtt "ublkl\t.of ~, .... ~ , ......... """'"' .... •· ....,., --~ H,....,1,.....," -··~ _,. ... ,_..,,. .. ••"*11 -·•I .,....
......... ~tW/*',
._., ~ ........... tl N..,.,<'! 11 .. e.,
.... 019tt #.flt, C..Hl .... 11 i vl>\f'•D"""" llW ....... u .n ,_,..,.,, I V ,...,, u It _....,, ,.,,1111irr ••1<11o11.on•. JJ.U ....,,...1,.
'Florist' Had
Viet il1essagf'
SACRA:\IE!\TO 1AP 1 -~!r~
Earl Huffman was almost pos11h:e
I.he mar. at her door ~·1th a dozen
long stemmed rose5 in his hand s
"'as Gov. Reagan -and she 11·as
··fl pllo. l'1n Ronald Reagao 1he
co1 l t nllr said Thu rsda 1
"You r hu!':hn nd ::i skrrl rnr !n
rl rlnrr llir:.r lln11 ~r~ In \<"IU :inti !• ii
\1 11! l li:1t t1P lu1 r .. \011
\Ir• !l ufl n1;111 1•.t 1 .. ~e hu•btt11rl
.~Jr ForC'e T ~t.'I E.il'l ll,1ffn i;1n 1
sl<il1<1 ned 111 D;i \Hnp. \'1l't na111
~aid · r l..1nd o!, r1ed Ju,1 ;, h11 "
.. I 111 ,1 nobod~ and J cuutdu 1 1n1-
a~u1c •utnf"t.lnr <1:; 1n1por1;i11t A:. !hr
go1 erno r l._.1ku1g rune l•1 dC'l11c r
flo\\·rrs tn mi' lf'c; l1kr a <!ream '
RC'ag<1n·~ unil nnnunl ed r 1:. 11
stemmrd from a lt'\lf·r l!uff mau
11 rote the go1 C'rnn r la<:! n1on1h
~.'.I\ ing he 1\·as rnaJ..1n,:: the 1111u~u;it
rf'que5t bC'c<iu~f' he hoped to find a
dramati r 11·a1 tr. c;how nl\ 111fr ho11
niu<:h I In\ e ·hC'r
A >1XJt esn1an lnr Hcag:-111 ::..ud tliC
gol'ernnr dec1dC'd ·011 the :ipur of
Lhe moment" lo deliver Ole ro:.c~.
buying thrn1 him self dC'!\pite Hu!-
f1nan 's offe r to pay all1i'ost ~.
S11iper Kill s
White Texas
FORT \\"Oli l l! lex. 1L Pl 1 -A sniper
using a hrgh·po\\·ered rifle 1~·11h ;i
t.eleseop1r· sight killed a \\·h!lr pollce1nau
and 11·ounded ano1her r3rly toda1· a te1v
rninules after rhc officers bcgao 111·
\'estigating a b1 -rac1al nightclub shooting.
The sn iper hit the officers 1vith a single
~hot and then eluded a night-long search
in the ~nutheast secli n11 of !he cit ~·
The 1nc1dt'ntor eame a dav af!C.r rhrec
;\egro organ izat inn'.'i proresrerl 1){111ce
bn1tal1ty ;ind prices of 1nerC"hrind 15e «I
11·hite-owned stnres 111. bl:ir k arPa~ 8111.
poJiCJ-. 5a id !hi'\ douhterl !ha t !hr :-,hoot111~s stcrn rTicd from lhr hlrtck
\\f" hjj1en 't• ~01 lh111gs all f'he('ked ou1
1 r! but at !hrs tJn1e rrl ha\ r !n ~i'll nn.''
s.;J d l!n1nu·i(!c Sf:I J H Bri1rndi111·
Pa trolman 'F:. \11. Rei t her. 24: d1Pd 1n-
~tan!ly 11hpn 1he s11iprr·~ h1illct !rorn !hr
Iore1gn·n1ade rifle explodC'd his skull.
A1t~ of hullet and hnol' fragments ·h1l
Pa!roman Bnna ld 1;. Turner. 2R. 11ho 11as
standing ne>.t to Belcher, but he \\',\">
lreated and relea~cd.
Ten n1inutes helore the 11f1 1t<'r~ 11crl"
h11, l\enne!h \layne Harris, 23. and
Debra Brook.~. 19. Doth blac~. \1 Cre shn1
1nsirle rhe l-:lcctrir (irru'.'i C!uh. Ha rns
11as 111 critical conct1l1on hul :'lliss Brooks
11·as not hurt scnnusll'
V.' E. Van Honk. ai1 am bulance drncr.
desenbed !he s1t1ia1ion as ten.~e af!<'r
Marris and J\.l1ss BrOflks 11·ere shoL He
tonk Harris to ;;i hn.~p1t al. lra1·1ng ht>forP
lbe nff irrr 11·as ~l;un
.. A Int of tili'irk ~ were .~!<1nd111g ;irnund
and thE',I' ha ...... -Jr rl lhr :in1 hul11 nre dr11·rrs
prrn.v bad I~.:· \a n ll oo k ~:11<1 ' !! 11 as
pre!t;. ren:-,r
At the hospital. Vall /look t:recri1 ed ::i
r.:irl10 call lo relur n berau~e 1he nff1C'er.~
had been shn1 Ill' said r n1roln1a11
Br le her was 1:-. 1ng dead in a parku1g lot
The ~n1 per at first 11·as bel1e1C'rl lo ha1e
I ired fro1n a hamburger s!and 200 lo 250
:'-.'i rds away. Brtlendine said inl'est1gators
!:1tcr p:rpointed a <lHferent loca t1•1n hut
11 11hhe~ further 1nforma t1on other than
i he~· \1e e seeklllg a grten car in \\hll'h
th.e sn1 r \\'BS bel1e1·ed to hal'e fled
fJu ys l 'lub l.~11 '1.
~~el li11 {:! Ca 1uly
Soine !!arlYir Area resident ~ be111g ap.
t•rnach ed b; candy·sell1ng ) o u t h !I
1111.:.take n!Y belie\e_ thcr arr spon~orl"d b1
area Bo\~· Club branchPs.
Lou Y·anlorn e:>.E'cut11 I.' dire< tor of fh,.
Bn\S Club ri f the /\arbor ArC'a. ~a1 s thr
,oUng door·lo-door s<i!esmcn h31e "no af-
f1h a11on
For Trial
Tape recordings relle<.'\u1g alleged con·
1r·r~:i\11111~ bt.>111ren l ~i>nr fl. .• 11d;ino''.'i
' lrnnt rna n ' an d Co~t;i ~le.,.1 p,1!rohn<1 n
1 •• 11 1 Ba1 ·.1 1t: u1 :i·~t·1·1 ed atten1p1~ tn
bri he 1he 0!11cer l1 111 be pla)ed \\ondav
1•hco the Ora ng e Coun11 Supe rior Court
1nal !,f the formrr \'t>11pnrt Brach 1nan
Port101~ ol lht. tdpe:. 11err µla~ed lalr
Thursday and Officer Bar1v1g added hi~
trstunon~ to their contenl before Judge
Claude 01\ens called tor a thret dav
brea ~ Ul the tria l ol Ra ndano . ~7
Thi' ('•Ill lt'led liqunr htJaC'kt'r l'.'i it\·
.usC'd nf 11ork 1ng \11t h La guna :'-.igur l
hu~1nPs~r11an Sa 111 u f' l Rri;n101n to oSf'
Rar11 1g 1n pl.i nt1ng a rack a gt nf
dangerous drugs 1n !he i;ar 01 a ke; pro·
d i secl1 t1on wllness against Ran ano.
Rosn1an 1s serving ~ ~late prison lerir\
D1·iue1·s EsctffJf> Injury
'f'hrcc !!arbor :\rea re~id'ent~· met the hard \la\'
·rhursday evening at Jam boree noad and Pac11il·
('oast l·ligh\1ay, but th~u· cars 1rere the only 1h1ngs
tnJurcd according to ,'\c11 rort Beach police. Or1ve r:o;
. . •
11cre 1denllf1cd h;; pol!ce as A.nne 'J'roat. 58, of 147
E l8lh SL, c·osta ~teSa. Charles Lehman. 44 . of 133
Topaz. Ave., Ne\\1port Beath, and 1\larilvn Sclbv 42.
of 1827 Tahuna l 'crraee, Ne1vport BeaCh. '
of on e tn !hr,,.e years for h1s part in the \
c·onsp1rar1 . s 1
W ar11s D1·ug Use Protest Wave The alleged bribrry atten1pt tollowed Ilea •e1·
!he l)rangc Co11n1 y Grand .ll1r1 ·s in· ~ ,._
d1 rtment rif R;indano and Charles
•·('huck' l)re,1·er o! Lagana Beach for !hC'
hijacking or n1orc than 300 cases nf 11-
tt wa~ <i lJeged tha1 H.anllano. a pJrt nrr
<i t lhl' 11n1e 111 rntrttainr; .Josr Fel1·
1 ·:,,nn ·s \\·es11·l1!f Dr11 e restaurant s11 itch·
ed 1hr l1q1J(•r • f1f1~1gnn1ent frn1n lh r
former Saddleback Inn in Laguna .fie<H·h
to lhe \'e11µnrt Bea1·h pr<'n11~es
lt IS d!le~e<l Jn the C"drrf'11t tnnl tha t he
rnasterminded an allenipl to p10 dru,;:
{'harges on Dreyer "'hen the Laguna 1nan
agreed to appear as a 11·itness for the
T;ipcs being u ~('d 1n thr tnat rtOect
convf'rsalJons bet14·een Ro~n1a n and
Barwig 1n 11·hich the patrol man :igrees to
ha ll l)reyer's car !•)r a phony traffic Ill·
lr;;ction and dump tile drugs in the
Laguna n1a11's frn nt seat. 11'h1le the tra ll!i·
lirke! is he1n~ processed
Randano 11as convicted bv a )Urv lasl
111011th on !h1< hiJark111g charge'.'i. He 11·111
be '<'llh"'ll('('d Thur~da v 10 11 h;;t r·ould be a
lll·1·car ~t~!c pnson ter111.
Nb,~rt Presses
Underg rounding
U Lilitv Lines
:\e1.1pon ~a\·h w1ll redirect Ifs l"fforts
l·l get .u11!11 y 11n<'s underground b_1· g"ll'·
111g tnp priorit\· rn overhead Jines alo11g
l':,r·1f1!' Coast H1gliwal'
Ar r1ng .:ti 1he urg1i1g 01 the Or"cinge
f '01inr v tna.~i 1\~sn('1at 1011. and 11.~ O\\'ll
i'uhl1t· \\"orks Drpar11nent !\"c1~pnrt
r>l'i'!('h l'OUnCilmen lhlS 11·re-k also dire..:·
\ ~['lf'r1a l rr1·1rw (lf undergrnuod1ng
pr1nr1l1t's 11 hen an e:>.:lr11s 11·e \Onstr11ct1on
1•roJC'C t 1~ propo5ed along 111<1Jor and pri-
111ar~ ~t ref't S
-Th<.t !hl' l"ndrrgrounrl l'tiht1es Coor-
rl 1na11ng Com1n1ttee 5tart niee!Jng quar-
lf'rh 11n le~.;;; ::i '.'iprC'1a! mee!ing is nercs·
Thr ne1r pol1C'~ 11•1!1 nnt afff"('t rhe r1r1 ·~
f1r$! under~rV11nd1ng pro1 c{'I along Ocean
P·1u)r\.1rrl 1n f {lrnn;i drl ~l ar. t>.·h1ch t~
.1\>11111 to hf' f('lmple!ffi It kill~ rt planned
prritf'l'f ;,lnn,t: 11(l~r11:i! Ro.1d. t Ol\f'l'rr
P11h:u \\'orh~ 011·r,·Jior .J ... •<'Pll p, .. 111"
~,.,d Th1 1r~11"1 his nrf1c-r 1~ 11,q111nc: 1or
qtle 111ore (), 1>..i1J R•l1Jle1ard hon1('01\nf'r
111 mal..P rlf'\\' e01111"1.·11011~ hf.fnrf' nrdrr1n~
r,11"" 1nrn 0:11 illr'>nl! rh.11 s1.Pnlf' ro.1rl1.1·;i1·
l nf' I Jr.1 11~r (".,111111 !~I'"'' A ~~o11a1 1011
11..i~ herri plu_!!~l nJ:! fo r c1t1e,o ::.nd lh•'
, oun1\' lo .crl ri ct c>I i:tll 1!1 polr~ :ilnnR
1 ·na:-f H1~h11 a1 frn1n ~;1 1 RrHr h tn S,1n
\ 'lE'!lle\111' .
<\~~or1;i11nn •i11 c1.'ll l.t~ Rern1ntr~.
• ha1rn1,qn (If !hr h(';111!il1 r.<unn rn1n1n11 -
IPe. ~pnke 1n t,111n.·!lm en T U !"~rla) 111ght
.. hn11r thr pro1ec1
·l11vite s Bii·tl1 Defects
The use of heroin. LS D. an1phetan11nes.
aspirin anrl ti ~arrttes t an alt !C'ad tn
birth dcfet ts. a nun1bcr of Lagu~a Beach
"ducators "ere informed in a ~larch of
!Jimes ronfercnee l\'ednesday afternoon.
In -'lddilion. :.aid ~!rs. Gwend a l\1atson.
nr the Ora nge County chapter of the
\larch of Dimes. dieting. age of the
n1othcr. blood type and infectious
diseases can also influence the physical
and nicntal health nf a newborn child.
.. This i~ \\'hy it 1s so important to gr!
1hc word out and ed11catc people about ,
1l1e cause~ of b1rlll defects Parrnls·to.he
~hould kno1\ !hi ~ u1forinal1on ... .she :-,aid
.. I kno11• nf 1·asr~ 111 Orange Coun!1·"
\Ir~ \l'at ~un 1·nn!l 11 t1rd _ · 11hrre lan1il1f'~
ha1£' hidd en thC'1r 1·h1!drt'n 111th birth
rlefCt'IS becau~r lhf'I' \\Cre ashamed Of
ha\11ng them. Thi~ 1s no IC1riger nreded.
There 1s ~n much I hat can be done
A number of m1nd-bendu1g drugs. ~he
rxplaincd . as 11ell a'.'i 1nany 01·er lhe-
1·ounter prrparauons should be al'o1ded
during pre~nanr~·. ··only prescript1on5
nrdered by a ph~ s1c1an 11·hn 1s aw are of
!he pregnancy should be takt'n .' said
~!rs l\'atson
Pren1ature b1nhs. :ihe ;icided . oct·ur
niQi.I freriu r nllr 111 \1rimP11 orcr 40 or
11ndrr 18 .. r1 ·i;. 1111portri nt 1hat 11omen 1!1
l l1f'~<' ag£' grnup~ recr1 1r :1drq t1:.i lr rrr
11:1t.1l t·;irr 10 111~ul'r ;.i :;;i tr rreg11:i 111·\
. linlli !hr ll);jk :lllf) 1111' lem.'llC ~hnu!d
1;11,111 i•}l(·I\ i>lhr r·,_ 1!11 t.11 111r • \lr:-
11 ntsnn ~t rrs~l'rL 11n11 n~ th:tl 11 " 11Hc ~
lil1111d 1 ~ Hh nrga111·e and hrr 1111• b."lnd s 1~
l!h po!<l11\'f' thr~· niav h;i1r .1 Hh on~1r11 1'
h:ihv 11·hiC'h can t•au.~(' ~rr 1011~ hltX!d rf'a1·
111111 1n the mo1hrr .1nrl <>fft'C'I fl1tu re
n!I ~pr1ng
Fortunatcl.1. ;i ~erun1 hci~ b£'1'n
rlc1 Ploped lCl be g11·e11 tn lhr molht'r
11 h1<'h 14 111 rill e11:i.1e an~ difllf ulll'. and
.1!1t}w h£'r 10 h;i1 c 1norc 1 hildren. ·· sh£'
'·ll ~ ii l~n r~t rernch Important lor 11
c·ouple planning 11 f;un ily to ~ce 'h~1 r doc·
f,.,r fr1r c:>..'lmLlldl il)n~ and 'o r·hl.'C'k oul
lan11!.1 h1s1onrs There are .'I nun1hc r rof
11 d'.. s to determine the pos~rb1h1y of ee1 ·
rain 1nheritrrl birth defcCt!i occurring:'
\lrs \\ at~on t'o mmented
Tri cycle Race,
Sand Cc1stles
Se t for Sundcrr
1 1111 trad11ional 1\'e11port Bf' a c· h
('1£'nts. the (ireat Tric~ele Race~ ::ind th~
Sand Ca sile l'onlcsl. 1111! rake place Sun-
rl<i~ .
Bu1h !hr fou rth annual International
1:rand Prix !or Tr1c\cles sponsored b\·
!hf" Bird f h1h and th r Sand Castlf"
I 'ontcst sponsored by the \e1rport
llarbot l hambe1 of Co mn1trce will beg10
a1 l p 111
The tr 1rvclr races are expected to at-
tract up to fl ,(l(}(l ~pccta r nrs and at least
;'iO ent1·1f'~. according: to Bird Club off1c1al
Uare ,Jnh n~on
Pa1·t1r1 pa11ts 1n 1hr l';tr·e. \\1th fi1·e
d11·1s inn~. m115! hr 21 and in t·nstume
Tnt-;-fles rnu sl br hand or foot -powered
and no h1ghrr th;in Hiref! feet
F(rg1:.1ra1111n fl)r !lir 11ve d 111s1on~ will
he l;i kPn al noon 111 thr snulh parking Int
111 !11r \e1\'!Xlrtrr 11111. ::i trir\Tle parade
11 111 ~!;Jrl lhr artu.:i l ('1r111 ,qf Ip 111
Thr Sand l'a ~t le Cnntr::>! 11as po~tponed
lrnrn !)r\ Ii be~·a11se nf wet 11"f'<llher
~:ntrie~ ;irr still being acl't'ptcd ror tht
hu1ld1 ng e\Cflt ill H1g C0rn11a. T\1e nh ·
!l1ree en1ra111 :. hair signed up ·
Although a11ards arr ~11·en ror L"erta1n
1 _11w~ fl f ca~l l<'~. f'ntran1s dnn't ha1e tn
rlr1enn1 ne 11 h;it lhc.1· <ire building until
the~ are done .. lack Barnell. manager of
!he ch<1n1her. ~aid
.Judging v.·111 takt placf" about J p m
Put A Glass Under Your
On S1u·fing 1'ime
Brin~s ~J ce ling
.\e1.1·pon Bea,·h tount'1 !1nen "111 n1pr t
1111 h n1embers of ih.-. \'('1.11>or1 Hnrb.1r
lt1gh s ,'hool S11r!1ng ('l1 ib to SC(' 11·ha! 1r
an~·tlung. e.111 be dr•n£' !fl l<'ng1hen 1n11
hours l ily beachec; are open to su rfrr!'.
Desp11e a recomtnendation by C!T \• ~tanager Robert L. \\'}nn that s1Hfe rs b~
kepi out of 1he 11·atrr un1il 7 :lo a 111 . ;is
existing rulec; pro1·1de, cnun c1ln1e11 Tues·
day night stt1d the issue warranis furi her
\\'ynn said men1bers of lus stnff had
lalked with surfers. and beachfront pro~
ert~· o·.1·ners, and ~a id he tho11ght 1hr cur-
rent reg11la11on;;; ··,erm 1n h::i1 e s;itisfitd
a n1a101·1t r nf lhr hc:..chfront properly
n1111er5 and ~urfer<: ··
lln11e rr1• H<1rh<1r High ~t11drn1 Lrirrv
Fn.qer 1olrl rouncilrnrn T1iesrlriy that hi!!
1•lub ft'el frus1r,1tt'd 111 its efforts rn get
lhP :aw c·hangrd
\\'f'.fP u1 <1 hnl r:· hr said. ··1.1e net'd
hr lp to r h<>ni?e thF 1 .. ·.1 •·
Foster 1n 1·11ed council men to .l eluh
1neet1ng and at )f'a~t two. \'irt' ~1a1·or
\[nv•ard Rogf'rs and Councilman Don ~!C·
Inni s, said thE'y 11·i!l go.
f'rnr11 Pt•!/C I
OFFER • • •
µh;i ~ut>d Iha! the nrx1 Sl'h(}(l!s ~·i!I not be
hull! nn !hf' ~i tr unrlf'r rl1~ru~s inn
Thf' nr~t ~rhN•I. for 11h1<"h 111nnev h<t5
-'l lrrad.1· brcn ;:illor;il ed hv thf' ~lat;. will
he nn Prl'ciados Ori\ e ii1 .\l1 s.:.1on \'ieJn.
( 'n1nplrl 10n d:i!c l•)t' this ~rhr~1r 1.i:. ~<'P·
1r n1brr 11fi2
.o\ set'Ond ~c·h(l(•I. tn hf' h111lr w11h Inca !
bond mone\' :it sno11 a~ bnnrt~ can be ~old .
\\'ill be in Lakr Forrs! on Ri\·rndPll l)r11 e
11nr!h nf .Jeron1111n Hoad Thi" school"s
l ninple!IOI\ d.11(' I~ ~pring nf 19/3
The third schnn L for 11·hich an ap-
pl1ra11on for a ~ta!(' loa.n 1.; about to be
~ent in. is on Karen Ann ()nl'e 1n lr1·1ne
off \\alnu1 be!lrren the r.'l t!road tracks
;i nd !hr Santa An;i Frce11 ;iy Complet ion
cl<ile for !his fac ilit~ IS September o( 1973
if state funds are a1·a1lable.
The local nrg:in1zat1on s c-;.u1d1• sale~
.:irP 1n !hr ~pr1n~. to finan ce summer
1 amp trips
\\'hil e Hemn1er~ lalkrri abtlu1 aes111e1
1• 5. thf' 1·11.1 :;, puhl1c 11(lrks \'h1ef 1alk!"d
,1 tli'lll mnne1
The .:in1011nt 11! funn.~ n1arll' ..11;ul a hl~
'" the c111 15 ~<'\'('rel:-~imlled.'' Ot>\'l1n
italv. Red Ch)uc,e
:-i igu Trade Treaty
RO.\lf: 1L"P1 1 -Ha\v and ton1mu n1sl
1 h!na s1i;ned a three ~e'ar trade treaty to-
<l.n'. the f1r~t of its kind between Peking
:ind ri~mber of lhc Eurnpean Co:nmnn
l "nder thr ex15t1 n~ fundL/12 11 i~ es11-
f'1 ilted 111 th<' citv of \'p\1-porl Btarh
a.lnne 11 will Take. )00 ~·ears to 1u1rler-
ground rh•' ;'!Pn:il plant l)n arter.1al
~irr,..r~.'· he ~;11rl
\\"1th prniect ~ hmi!ed lo lhl' Coa~t Hi,l!h-
" <11, 11<-1 l1n (',o(imnted 11Tilit1· lini>!\ fr n1n
n 111 rr f'lr11 r I•) \farArlhllr Erit1\r1:ird
, ·(111\rl n,, u11der~r,111nrl,..d h:-It'
f!p •Hd Tha r 11 0rk ,qlnne. 1.1·111 i·ri~!
$77:! flflf) a~1hnugh the stat£' d u1 1hty
, nrnpartJCs 1'>11\ pay the bul k of th 11st
~e1i. Carpe11ter MazJs
Sr1n Joaquin Measure
Ltg1sla!1on is being dr_afltd by Slate
Stnatnr Drnni~ Carpcn:rr.s flfflce l4'h1ch
may ease !he fa c-1hll' cns1s'1n !ht San
Joaquin Elemcnta r~ ~hool 01~lnt1
l\f'n Le1"1s, as.s1~lan! lo Su perintendent
R~!p~ i~a tr~. ~.'11 rl t!YtA1 \hr d 1~t ricl hJ\
1 oolac-t~rl thf' Srn:;lnr ~ nf!11 r ;inr1 h;t '
b<'rn l:!'.{'n a•su1::i11\e !hill a~~ur('rl\!h:;\
t ,,rpcnrrr 11 il l a11f"111pt !'1 11nn1t'<ti.'l !(•h
1r1rrt<lu1e lr J:;1~l .~t1on 1n•'r":i~111 i: 1hr lf'E:al
l11n1! rin •hr •l!lf' r1f l0rril ~' h0<1) h1inrl ~
·1hr 1111-r•••I 1r1l11 1i; 0.1 lhc 1.1 1!.r of
bonds that can bt sold u ll\t percent t'Jl a
d1str1cfs assessed valuation. The d1slr 1ct
h.'1~ asked Carpenter lo attempt to raise
the limit to se1·tn pe rcent
II tht' lcgislallon pa::ses. $4 6 m1lhon
1nort 14·111 be ava1!able for schonl con-
.•1rur t1on -enough to build lhrcf' n1ore
<~11•111rnl.'lr\ (('hools
\ n!rr~ 11\ lh" d1strir! r't'c!'n1!y apprO\('rl
.1 ~1;, ni11l1on bonrl t~sur But I.ht lel(a l
hr111! nl 11\(' pe rrrnl h11\ forcf'd 11\1'
rt1\!1'io't 10 1tcc11 e 'lale building loan.~
11h1ch hiri i;r on thC' <H i11lahil1!; nt fund~
llt'l)ulOt' SIB'
ANTIQUE. YEb. y.t. 30" l 60 ", TH ICKNESS : !~" "
1727 Westcllff Or., 642-2050
Proftssion1l lnt1rior
01si9ner1 Ava il1bl9-AIO
34S North Coest Hi(lhw•v
Phone: ~94.6551
l'~o,.... Toll Fr" MM! •f Or•"'' CtM1tfy-140·12•)
I •
Join Ra11l{s
Of Jobi e~~
\\ A:'ill l\f;T():\' 1\..Pl 1 -The number
of llli:I JOr urban <1reas 1ritlt l:iLJbstant1al
unen1plo~ 111rnt l>lond at its highest point
int'.? 1er1rs \(i!l<t \. But ltiPr e a l:-0 was the
bricrhler n1•11..: tt1:1t the Lnned States had
l>l'11red 11 ~ l1r-1 1ure1g11 trade 'urplus in
~IX tl)(1llth~
Tht> Lc1hor Uepar11n,•n! 'aid lhree 1na·
t•ll arf'<i ~ 11t'ri' ;uldL'<f 111 rhr 11,f nl !'!!lf'S
11 >lh b l)llfi 1•111 or 1nu11• u11i"1nplo1 n1ent.
.l1•blt''''"'·':< 1!1••1•11<.'d II• 1~1" that lt·1o·I 111
111n nthrr l'l tle' bu1 rt1" 111 t ca111 011 "ne
hniuJ!hl lhr 1111;1! rr1aJur arr:i' In fiJ. 1111•
lari.:r,1 11urnh1•r ~111er lh•\ob,.r 1961 11hf'1J
thr11· "ere 1)11
Addcd t11 the !11gh u1 11•1nplt1~1nt•nt ll~l
\\t'ff' lhri.'r l!hlO l'!\ITIITIUlllllf:'S -l 1111tnn.
111 ra1n-~-h ri.1. :ind Voungstt.11·n-\\ an •·11
!)r11pprcl 11l·1e !hr 1ndtana c1t1cs ot South
Bl'n<I ;n1d Ter'rr Haute
1·:1l!h! ~1n.111er area -: at~o 11·rrt' added In
!he list, 11l11lc !hrt't 11c1'\' drnpped. bnng-
1n~ the t111:il nl !'ln:1!1l'r ;1re:1~ 1(i 785
The c1gh1 ~n1all er ~1re;1" .1ddcrl \\rre
:'lie Hae 1 ;a . F;>.nn1ng1no ::111'! BallPr1
.\la1nr : r\•1r1hun1hcr l<111d·S1rallor·d, r\ !I
S1ll'er l'11.1·. 1\ ,\1 · S11lph11r 0~111 : <i11r!
:'llnrgan ;ind \'ern<rl. l"tah. Smaller ~1re:i <>
rem111·ed lr·orn thl" Ii.•! 11err T<•:>.:1r~1111<1.
Tr\. and Chf•\'Pnnr and Pa1111re. Ok!:1
Thr 1111l'n1pl"n~ mcnt rrp11r1 11 ;1<; ha-~'d
no prP)un1n;-ir1 cJ rit<i 1·()!1er!ed 111 :\UtHi~t
anfl Se1l1en1bcr. Lalxir Ot>partment 01
IK 1al~ ~aid.
'l'iretl~ \\1fJ11111le1l
~l ;vh.tt·I l'r•)'I. ,;!.). (';i,i l\" l>e>;i\ 011! l!\l' fr111ale cand1datrs for . .\rilona
l n1ver:-1t~' lio111cto11i1n g"q11cr n. I le said h1 :-hair-d G \I as the secret. J\'011
ofl1r1 al s ha\'e to der1 rl r 11tirther he.I! be ('-ro11·ned at Saturday night
foo!bJll ga1ne 111th '.\e11· :\lex1co.
TT1 11111f111 Liberation Coeds Protest
~ \fi \:"\I iT \ 1l Pi 1 'f11enty-f1\e
~·d111~ 11r111H'1l 1r1r1k t11rr tl1e otf1ces ol a
~ r,!1·'~1' pi •'~!(l\'n\ Thu1 -d.1\· ;in!l rle1nanrl ·
,..,, 111»· •'!lr1!1:11·<'1lt11r~ ;11 ,tJ n1r11 r pay l•1r
!1 llldlC' f'l~Jll'1\l'S
'!he 11<1ntcn !t'!t till' ••fth<'!_, n1 P1e~1drt 1!
,John El111cndurr of !\e1\' College. a
cnedul'at1on<tl four-~f'ar school of 5:JO
student~. bu! prom1~ed lo return !oda)'.
The group rc ft1,rd lo alln1\' ;iny n1alr<11
111!0 the otl 1ee,!: ;ifter pre~n11 ng a list of
riem:inrls to F.l1nendon
. 'Ii""' ro S u e.~
Can ee r .'lto ry
• Bizarre l\la11l1t1nt E11fls
Asian War
Fiind Cut
D efeated
\\".-\Slfli\GTO'.\ ~AP f -Crushing_ the
first of sevt.ra! expected alltmpts. lo cut
I.he U.S. contnbution to the L'nited ~a
l1ons. !ht' Senate also has disC'arded a
"e'.I' f'nd-the-war bid 11nd l'leared thE' \1·av
fnr f1n<1 ! pa ~sage ol a S.i 'l b1lhl•n fore1gi1
aid bill.
l n a lung .;rn!,'~ 11f roll r:i 11 1 oles la:.1111.c
11ell in10 Thursd11y night. tl1e Srna1r
rl1·i·1de1I. al. .. 11 . 111 rrtau1 rf'St ri ct!ons on
I S '-l><'n1!1ni.: 111 {';unbo111a that 11('rr
11r11ten 11110 1hE' bill b1 !he Foreign Rela -
hun~ Con11111t1c~· _
Earl11•r Tlu1r~d.11 !trnr1 l\1s~1ngf'r. !ht
l'rr,,11!i'nl ~ h'P turr1~n affair~ a<h 1ser.
'''U'th·d \1xo11 nHght lf'IO !hi' f'll\lff'
11\t'<l~lll!' 1!1llt':-:s 1h1' Sf'nfllt' l"lun1nate1t
!hr l'1.rnbl.id1d restn~·r1011,.: a11d droppf'<I
all ant111 ar pn11 1su.i11 dr:ifled into thr btll
b~· St-ns. John Shen11<1n ('OOpt'r 1 R·Ky 1,
and Frank l'hurt·h (l).\dahu 1
Thr Cooper·lhurC'h pro11si011 11·n11l!I
h:i1·e l11111trrl a!I funds f11r thf' l S
1111!1tar:-tn \'1etnnm, L::ios and Ca111bod1a
t() !host' nr-eded for withdrawal
!1 w;1s struck from lhe bill in " 47·4~
101.c dr~plle ;i strunJ:: a!lempt by·anu11'ar
forces 10 rrvr-rs(' the deC"1sion.
Senal e Hepublican leader Hugh Senti rir
r rnns:-·l\'an1a 111anagerl to hold his fingrr
1n rhe dike of a:1tiwar sent1n1enl. 11lf;Hl1ng
111th ~rnalors to listen tn what the Prrs.1·
drnl ha~ In s;i~· in hi.~ \01·. 1;> 1roop-
re<lur11nn ~pecc·h befor~ they con1m1t
Friday. Octobtr 29, 1q71 OAJL.Y PI LOf fr
Hundre ds Stranded
Blizzard Sweeps
Rocky Mountains
A bhiz~rd ~ hirled Lhrough Lhe central
Rock y ~1nuola1ns today stranding hun-
dreds nf n1otor1sfs in \\'yoming and freez-
ing r.1111 ~lowf'd travelers in K an~as.
\ebra..,k:i and se1·rr;il rithrr st;:ites 1n the
4 ,rct1I I '1;1111.~
In L1!tlt' AmerLL'<l, \\'~·o , authnrJ11e.!I
11 rrr 11·1111,i: lu !ind "a1s rif ar-
' 111111111J(l.1l 1ng n1urr lhan 450 tra1 rlers
11 1111 h.11r llt.'t'n unable \" proreed ;:i long
lntf'r,1;ilf" RO hrr;ill'P or !hi" hra1 ·1 'n1,11•
an1t pnut' 11,!hlllt,1
""\\"1• i t> i.:ot p<•ople e1er~11herr." said
\1 r~ Hrn1 Tnpp. a telephone npera1nr 1n
ttu· ~1 n;1\I \\".v<1111utg t'(ltlHnun1tr. "'Sonic
p('up!r rt1de in \111h trurk dr11rr~ 11hll
p1l'l.rd lh1·n1 up :ilong 1he h1gh1\·av 1\here
thr1r r rir~ 111•rr ~!ul'k ·•
(nt r·r,.1:itf' BO is !he main e<1Sl·\1est
:ir1l'r~ !hrough 1hc 1nountains in \\'~·nn,.
1ng \1;111y nf !ht' m0tori sts h;;11·e been
s!ranrled ~!TH'f' \\'11dnr-sd;i_1· nii-:ht 11 hcn
~tr1111t; 111nd~ hl'gan t<1 11h1p the snn1v
hark a11tl forth :ic ross the h1gh11·tiy.
Te1n11rr:1r11rf·s "·ere in the teens.
Thr l\"yon1ing llighw:1y l'atrol rlfl~ed I·
llO e<1rl:-· Thursday from Laramie to the
L"t.1h horr!rr beeau ~e of hlov,ing and drif·
ltng Slhlll "
Tht' "\;1!inn11l \\"p111hrr S!'r1·1et' ron-
1 u1urd 11..; hhlzard "am1ng for the-rl"gion,
bill ~n111r ;:iuthnr1t1e~ .~11 1d the road s n1av
n;if'n lii\f' 1nday. ~-lean"·h1le a heal"y sno~v
"·~vnuu: v•as put into effect fi;:om t;tah
and northern Arizona to !he central
FrPe~1ng temperattir<>S and snow nur·
ries v.·ere scal!ered along the northern
Plams states to Lake Superior. Jn
!\"ebr<i ska and Kansas freezing tarn and
drizzle created hazardous di t\·ing early
r o'l ct \\Plifher pre\·a1led in the Pacifle
\orth11('St as l!!e mercury dipped into the
20s Thursday. ~1nrc pleasant wealher e'·
ff'nded n1·cr the rest of the naliQn v.·1tll
abol'e normal temperatures in the East.
Qu ee n Lays Egg,
Lo!Ses Hu ge Gent
llA\1BL"Rr.. Gern1any 1t;PlJ -Qu~n
.lul1an:i of the i\elherlands, on a sta!e
11s1t to 11 · ... ,, r.ern1;u1~·. hricrly ll'l~l a dia·
niond th(:' .c a srnal l rgg anr\ \'alued
aL 5300 durin er \"isit to Han1burg
Tht . r <ii'. police rr .
. 22-year-nld ix~llceman found th!:>
niond ne&r thp red carpet rolled out f9
the queen at the entrance to Hamburg CL·
11 Hall . A rro1ot'Ql official handed it back
to ihr queen 1n the course of !he ci1y hall
1hnner "h1ch climaxed her onc--day visi t
!o ltamburg .
As Fugitive Surre11der@ Publislfe rs With import prices rising, here's how Pinto compares:
LEXJ.'.\GTO'.\. l\r . 1CPI1 -
\Vounded and ex ha u s t e d ,
. James Leroy Cnchran ended
an e1ght-det~ tl1gh1 from police
Thursd;i_v night b.v rc!rasing
Ju:: last four ho~tagt~. !akin.c. a
rnotel roon1 11·11h a ha1h , then
quietly surrender;ng tr. l'BI
City's Top
110 unprecedented ca~e . the
niayor and-1xillce chief <If
JeanneHe, Pa •. \\'ere con1·icted
and sentencl!'d In one ye<ir 1111·
priso nmenl Thur,.,da.1· o 11
t·hriri::c~ of <'On.~p1r111g 1111 h a
local nu111hers upcrator
l. S Atl r1rnrv HKh11rd L
Thornburg. 11 )1•1 pn)~E>t·uted
the Ca~I'. :-:aid It \\<IS tile fl!'~l
agents 111~1e:irl of ~h!)(1l1ni:; it
out as he had ~1rorn 10 rin.
('orh r<in .. 15, 01 SL Lour~ •
had been flce1nE: e1 c·r ~inrr hr.
<•nd a romp;:ininn :i ll('gPdl\'
r11hhed 11 ~;1\111;.' and 1••:111
<l~SUt'lilll!lll 111 ~I Lu111'. \1,. .
\)r1. 21
'J tir.~1 10111 111111 111 !hi> rl1 ;.rh" a
.1t1u11g 11•1n1.1n 11!11 "n l1r h.111
<J;-1led ~e1rr:il t11nr~ hut 1•.!11"1
IH r111J lht•U" 11•J,1
llrr 1·~r :il\t•f!r-dll"
\E\\' "YORI\: 11\f!1 -Frank
:-1n:11rH·~ l:111 ,1rr.s ha1e filed a
~.l m1ll 1on ~u1t agfi1nst the
11r('kfl· r:ew;.pnl)C'1' •·\T1do1gh1··
t l;11n1111{: I Ile r II b 1 i r <l ! i fJ n
1l ('ran1t'ri 1he r" I I red en-
i .. 11,11r11·r Ii\ 1.,1'1'1\ 1f·r1or!111g
lit' had~ :u11·1'r ~111il 11,.uld srin n
'1 ll<' '-llll Ill l S ll1.~tr1t·t
<"uurt u1 \J.,n!l.11L111 1·la1mrd
~111.1!1 '1 · 1i,,~ nr11·r h;id nor
th•!'' hi• ha1 r 1·ar11 1•1 11nr ha'
;in1· 1h;u.:nn'1" hf"P11 111,id" 1)1·
'1 11\ d1>1.tHf" !h,11 I\(' h<I!_. t'Jll·
9.'<IS used in the hnlrlu p. < '11 crl \n thr ron1pl;-11nl v.·as 1111
Since his 1!1~l1l he 1o; ;in :'11<n \0 l\171 ··:-.hdn1.c.h1"' ~tor\"
Cochran has held anti rf"lf';1~rd ht;;rll1 n('d, .. Fr,1n l. S111atr;i Ha's
unh;irn1cd eight hri~!;H:~f'". Ill·'" C;1nl·rr." thal r\a 11ned the
eluding (lne fnr 111ir01n he nl-i;:rngrr 11n<: h)rrrd 10 rel!re
ferE>d tn nnhiad his .c.1111sn1he.v tirr-.1u.'r he 1•;1<;: ··~ulfenng
!'011ld st111r£> a 111.1un1111n l ii'W lr<1111 ec111r·rr or the !hroat ; and
in '.\p11 \lrxl!'n 111" 1;1r \1,1\ !li;,l 111111 111 a penr•d !d nnr
rirldlPd 11111) !1t1:itl ~ rl11r1nc :iir \r:1r ]1c 11ould he ff,t'eed to !"1r
escape lron1 lliP rnl1hrl'I'. ;ind ; nnfl nf'll 1.-. ;i hri~p1la l to ;.i11·a11
he h;:is ~li"t rt 1u11 1\\'1cr 111!11 hi~ r1~~:i1h ·
polite ~rnt·f' II•· 11 a'. \\(1U11drd Th<' 1·()111rl r1111! :ti'" -.urJ
dt!l"llli.! 11111,P -11"1.!11111" '~1n:-;!1 ;i ,,;,~ l1ht'lrd Ill a \.11
:0-1•11111;., 1•ili' !111!>l;•u" ;111\1 I Hl71 ;111ulf' 111 "\l1r!n 1~hr ·
:inn1ti('1. :ind 1tn:ill\' 1 .. ur 1h.1t rf'J"lt 111 <'d 111(' <'111 .. 1 !;1111,.r
1••,t:f'f li(·I (',\• 111';111 li~1' <h·111·11 11.1" "I'•!• I)\ f11;111'1f'd <lnd h!~
11·11rn ~1 1-,11un tfl ;\1"11· \1~·111·1• 111•11 11 1!r ~1 ;;~ pn·~n;i11l
and h.11 h. Frt•'ll "!I(' Pl Thi' \;1111t•d 111 ll1r ~1111 11f're ihr
Lin•e 111 the natitin con1 i(·tron<. hfli;t;;gt·'· \u• '"11h. ~HI f11!' i:"'· \!1d1111.:h1 Jluhli<:llui~ i: .. rr. a
:ind rr 1U"'rl 1r1 I.ti.(· :in v 111H11· 1':-1tl;l 1,111 t11 111 I ;i I\ 1 rt t \\Crc handed (Jnv.n under A I · h l)l'r;u 1~r '·lor ~;utt hr tulnl l'u 1t·a11nt1~ ln1·, t ,n•r11111c
~ert1on or tl1e l)rC.i!lllCd br-l1r~r 111 l.1h111r 1111111<'y !10111 l'n n . 1he l S. rl1stnhu1nr
l"t1mP f'rin1rnl Ar t l'f l~iO. 1101rhi11c prurl!•" "illrl \fr<:. ;;nd \l;:i nhall;111 '\1 ·11.' l '1
dt>a1J1~g 1\·Jth l/Je cnrrup11un u1 \l.,rie 1i.1nan, une nf lhe !a<:t lt"1rd :i" !hr i\e11· Y("lr k City
\1111· rnforcement ofilc1als. hostage·~, ci i-.tnhutnr nf "\l1d111ght"
•Pintonowpriced $JJ5*less
than 113.
•Pinto nowpriced ~228*less
than Toyota Corolla J600.
•Pintonowpriced ~300*leSs
·A comparison of manulacru~ers' suggested retail prices . ~01ng surcharge, for the base 2-d oor models.
Dealer preparation charges (ti any), deshnatton charg es,,ete and loca1·taxes ere exlra.
' The 1erm~ v.·rre 1mpose<l inol---_.::_---------------------
l. S !)1-lrlf't ('nu rt ;ic.ain~t .. l -----·..-
~\;11·nr i\l1rh;irl ·\ n1f'ill. 41i.
r rillr(' C'l11rt •\r1t1ur l!11u1ld1.
4rr _ ;;nrl Jarne~ L. Cl11rk. :n.
1 ;rern~!)ur~ a r n n f e i:; s e d
rwn~ s npeni1rir
l:1rhl ;ind li111:ilil1 11('1"C :J!' 1
1 U~('(i (,! 11•111,: till' i"<\IP! p(
1he1r po~i;1r111s 1ri rnahlt> Chi<·l-.1
1ri )\i-llll lll!)llOf~'I~· Ql('f ;ill l
11tJn1hrr~ (•pr1'i'ltiu11s 1n the
.)f':11l!lf'flr :if":!
In 1c~tl111'1in.r .it ll1t tn;il.
L'h11'k a1l11111tl'1.I o[lf'r1111 ng a
nun1bers r;ir ket in .Jeannette
<1ff ;ind on 1'1ncf" l!lfifi Hut he
<lenierl r1,,r h,n 1ng a 11.1·
pnl111ral cnnnecllons or polrcf'
Judi;e Gerald \\'eber sen·
tenced the d('fendants to one
year 1n prisQn but i::;iid the ~ t~s v.·nuld be su~pended f"
aft t ach had served six ~
month i
Welfare Bill 4
Caitr Seen I-\\';\SHll\GTO:\ I L P\..t
PrPs1dent l\'1xon·s plan to ~
re1111n p lhe nation's .,..•el£are
s1sten1 , stalled ih Congres~ for
nlore than two ye;irs, mny
beJ::in movin~ again soon.
Sen. Abrah.'!!ll A. RibicoH
~ 0-Conn L said Thursday he
had "'·on 11 'Pledge from Str1.
nussell Long ([).La 1 IQ con·
duct hearings on the measure
and let Long's Senate Finance
Commit~e t.::tke ;i \'Oii!: on 11
The meAsurr , appro1•ed by
(he House 1 n J11ni:-. \1·nuld
guArantee an income Of $2,400
11 1e;ir to e11ch IR1n1l~· nf four.
1nClud1ng the "11 ork1ng pour.'"
0nf' or e1'(•r\ 12 1\n1E'riean s
l'OUld he c ll111hlr lor so1nc
form of fedcr11I hPlp . <ilthnllRh
the &n1ciunl \l f!Uld b~ ju11 for
Somewhe re .srnong Jdc1 's greet
new f~I ·~hir ts is YOUR shirt!
There dre so mdny terrific
stripes & patterns to choose
fr om, you c.sn't help but fi nd
one that'i Y 0 U. A nd, after
you've found it, take " look at
J.s ck's ne w shi pment of double .
knit slcScks & sport cocS ts ... You
might ju~·t find one to go 'W.ith ~
YO U R--n~w shir t!
34b 7 VIA LIDO
' I ~
1972 Pinlo 2-Door Sedan shov1n with optional white
sidewall Ii res ($42) and accent group (S72).
And look at the value you get in !!>into:
Precise rack-and-pi nio n steering ... wide stance designe d
for su refooted handli ng on the highway ... 1600 cc .
engine, already proven with years of owner-driven rn iles
... sel f-ad1usling brakes ... oil cha nges called for Ort~
1wice a year ... most rout ine maintenance is so simpleiYOU
cari do ii yourself ... extra-strength parts (Pinto star ter'(
mo tor, bait and universal jo ints .an d re ar wheel bearings
are hea~ duty). · 1
Look fur the r into Pinto value at you r local Ford Dealer's nowl PINTO '~
PINTO. Different where it~ou.nts
C opt er Night Scanning
Givin~ the 1111pression they are: enthusiastic about
the idea. Ne\\'pnr1 Reach councilmen fh1s \veek unan1·
n1ou.~ly authori7ed the police rlepar!ment to apply for"
!100.000 federal gr.int to develop a night vie\l'ing device
for 1t.c, helicopters
{'0unc1ln1an l.111r1 slcv Par!'ons said he 1h1nks "it's a
\l'nn d crful ld('a" bcr au:-e· JI 11·n1dd get the hclicoplers up
higher .'\C'cording In pred1cl1nns. !l l\'Ould eJlabJe the
hellcoplers to operate as hi gh a"> 1,500 feel a11cl ::;\Ill nliUll·
ta1n satisfat•lnrv s11rv<'lllanee '!'his \\fluid be as n1ueh as
1,000 feet h1 ghCr than pre.1..ent night patrols
At the s-arn£' 11n1e. helicopter pilots 11·ould be able to
see everything nn !he ground belO\\' ""·1th daylight fjUal·
_11'1 y" on a n1on1tor in thr1r cockpits \Vh1ch would light and
/ ~lagn1fy unagrs l "hns<' on the ground \\•ill be less able lo
lell !hey arc bctng obser\'ed because of the higher all~
tude of the copter
l "he prospett of t'l!1 ting rlo\\'n on the noise of the
heltcopter and 1nrrra<-ing safely \\'hile maintaining or
increasi ng their sur,•e1llance efficiency ob\'iously appeal·
ed In the counc1ln1cn For those critical o[ helicopter
palrols because of allegation.~ nf invasion of privacy. tbe
scanner \l'ill add fuel In the fire
SPeklng drvelop111cnt of such a v1e\1ing device fnr
the police helicopter makes !'rnse. llo\v tl \\'Ill be used
1s the sub,1cct for another council decision \1hen that
time r:on1cs.
Restri ctio11 s Sorely Needed
Newport Reach \'ice J\tayor Ho1vard Rogers didn't
say it in so inany 1vnrds Tuesday night. but he g'f\'e in·
dication he is trying to head off the proposed ne\11 munic·
ipal gas i;ta tion ordinance,
Rogers staterl !hal '"things like this legislate people
out of business" as he moved unsuccessfully to have the
matter tabled. It nO\\' 1s scheduled for public hearing
December 13. after councilmen have a chance to re\•ie1v
War Is Central
-Moral Problem
To the Edit or
I"ve just finished re11d 1ng thP book by
Albert Sprcr 11rlcd, "Inside The Third
Rei ch." T0ward lhe end (lf the
autobiography. he qun1es the American
ex·Scerelary of Stale and of 'Var. Henry
L. Stimson ·
"\Ve must ne\'Cr fnrget , that under
mndern concl1t1ons of l1/P. science , a.nd
technology. all \1·ar has become. grratly
brutah7.ed , and that no one \\'ho Jn1ns 111
it. even in self.defense . can escape.
becoming in a measure brulc.lized.
J\lOOern \\'ar cannot be limitrd in its
dcstruc\i\'P mrthocl and the inevit,{\ile
debasemen! of <!!I participants.
"A FA IR SCRUTll'·y, of !he lai;t f11·0
'1'orld 11,ar.~ make<; clear the stcarly Jfl·
tensificatil)n Hl !he 1nhumani!y nf the
weapons ;ind methods emplo.ved hy bnth
the a,::gressnrs ;1nd the viclnrs. In Qrrlrr
lo rlefeat J;ip;inrsc a~grcs.~1nn , \\e 1vcre
forced, as Aclrn1ral Nirnit1. ha s stalrcl, lo
employ a trchnique of unrcstrictrd sub-
ma rine \\'arfarf'. nrit unlik e !.hat whi<'h 25
yei"lrs ago \\'as lhe proximate cause of our
entry into 'Vnr!d \\'ar I.
"In the usr nf ~lralcgic air po\\'er lhc
Allie s took the hves nf hundretls nl
thousands of c11·1Jians in German~' and
••\\"E, AS \\"ELL AS nur rnrmlr<;. h<1\'P
con!r1buted in 1hP proof that !he central
moral prnblrm I!' 11:ir :inrl nl)t 11"
mr1hrid s. and that ii rnnt1n11rinrr fl f "·;ir
"·ill in al! prnhah1\1t\ rnrl 11 11h tliP
dcs1 ruct1nn nf nt1r c 111h1al111n
1Th<' abo1P "ll" 111 1\t rn 111 :in :irrir\P
lit1£>d "The '\urr1nh\lrJ! 'fri.11 L::inrl1n11rk
in Law " 1n \!Hi '
The ah<•\I' l'illl '-"" ionr lfl 11•>11r!rr •.1h.11
one mf'an ~ \1hen hf' ,.,11 s lod;n \,j1 it 1\1'
"';int i-.. an hnnnr,1h lr cnrl 10 tl1t 11,,r
f)np.c; he. n1(';1n In hninh 1hr thn11r,:ind:> !•f
huma11s nn lhr "othr r "1dr' intn su h-
mission~ Rv the ncw~naper,.. 1t $l't'm~
lhal way .
l\tASS KILLl\'r. h1· hnn1b1nl! t'I a
degree that i~ r1·1dent.1y )cyond thr ci'lm·
prehf'ns1nn Qf 1hf' ma1on\y nf 1\meriran.~
\\'ho ha\·e nr\·fr fxprp41tn crcl !hr terror nf
being bombed las I ha1·e 1 1nd1catrs the
In th e Arena
Pr es~ Cornn1cnt~
!-. l'\-ew Roads, La .. l'oinlr Cnu pee Ban ·
ner: "It 1.~ no! 1he cri!ic \1·tifl rn11nts. nol
the m;i;n "·t1o points ho11· 1lir strong n1an • stumbled or v.·hcre the r!nrf 11! deeds
: cou ld have clone bcltrr The rred1t
• belon8S 10 the rnan "'hfl 1s ac1ually 1n 1he
' arena · "'hose face !s n1<1rred by du sl and
sweal and blood ; \\'110 stri\'eS \'ahantly:
• wh o errs and comes i;hort ag;i1n and
again: who kno\\'S the great rnthusiasms,
Lrnrr.~ jf()))t 1·rnrlrr.~ nrr ior/c(H1/r .
.\fnr1nnlly 11·r11rrs slinzl/rf 1·n1111c11 lllP/r
mcssn!)es 111 .1()() uinrrl~ nr Ir.~~-Tlir.
r1r1h1 in cn1Hlr,,sr: l rttr r.~ In /ii .~pQre.
nr :·/1n1u1nte libel 1~ lfsrrrierl. All Ir'·
lf'rs 11111s1 111c/11rle s1r11u1t11rP nnr1 n1n1/-
1119 adrlrrss. but 7111111r.~ 1n1111 b" u11 tJ1.
/IP/cl nn TCf[IJf'.~I 1{ SllfflC ll?llL reo.~nlt
r.~ opporc111 f•ort111 11•1/I 11or be: pub·
rather d1~mal prn~J'f't'l. thrit m;in rnay
never learn and act on his m1 ~t;ikr'
l111pli e1I l>e1li1·nti1•11
Tn the Edi!.or
Harr.v B. iltcDonalcl Jr·~ riuest1nn
lillailbox. Or!. 1rn "'OS a fair one. He
11•ants In know \\'hy ~ome lrvinr. Company
prope rty around Upper Ne\1'porl Bay is
frnccd and pcisted .
[~ is fenced :ind pos1Pd because the
courts have ruled thal unless 11 man cf·
fectivel~· pro!t'Cls his property from
trr-spassrrs. lhP public might acquire an
1nteresr in it through \\'hat is kno"·n ;is
"1mplif'd dedic:irlon · That mrans !ht>
!akin£ nf pni•ate prnpcrt~· h\' thr public
111thnu!. cnmnrni;;ilinn tn !hr n11·n!'rS
\\'E On :'\OT hrl1r\r lh1' rri·rnt l'nur1
rlrr1s1nn 1~ clr;ir nr scn~1hlr Anrl 11 1~ ;i
rlr·r·1~1nn nf rnur~r !hill ;:iffrrt~ ~m::il\
rirrinrr!\' 011nrr~ a~ l\fll ;is lan::*' !.:i.nrl-
011 n1·r-
l'l'rh;ip<; nnr !h1ng r;in hr sa1rl fnr thr
rlrr1~1on , ho11·r1er. Thr frn rinc \1·l11rh 11•r
[rel 1t 1<; n11\1' nrrc~~;ir1· fnr ti~ !n 1ni;tAll
rlnc s en;iblc u<; inore surcc~sfully to p\;int
thr arf'a fnr rrns1nn ;ind siltation tQntrnl.
THE \"l::fiETATIO N i.hnuld no\v gn un·
!rampler! and , <1-" a result. e.ros1on into
01r bay funher reducccl.
In any case. because of the '"1mol1rd
declication·· clecision "·e feC'I th{' fenrrs
;ind sign!'. musl remain \\1e hope l'\1r
~lcDonald and nlher DAIL\" Pf'l .OT
rc;idrrs will undrrstand lhat. "hat we
h:ive done is not. in fact , an arrogan! or
rude act
r. \\' FERr.rsoN
Vice Pre<i1rlent
(°,(lrjXlra!P Communicallnn\
The !r1·1nP Compan~
"'""' ""' "' u .. ,. Tn !hr Ecl11 nr
\ow 1s thr l1mt that the ,L'.n1tcd S!;itr<;;
$hnu\d s!11nd up with irs f~cncJ,<;, nnt 11 ...
enemir.\, <ind hr rnun!erl nn Ui r s1rlr of
fre<'dnm hy \\•;ilking right nu t of the
\;piled N;i!ions This 1s Ph;isc I
Phase II is tn cul. nfl all funds' IQ the
L: \,
Pt1ai;e Ill is ti) ccasr hosting \he UN.
f1::.el 1he C-0nfmun1s1.~ and 1hc1r sym·
'(;ithizcrs !ind other qu;irters. ~01~._
it at .l joinl meet.in~ 11•1th planning r11n1n1i~~1r+nPr s
'!'hat body has spent two full years !including \\\'O
publlc hearings) developing th(' ordinance that docs place
!'nme tough restrictions on srrv1('l' ~ta\1011 5 But it doesn't
lake much of a s1urt11 to .sho\r thar tougher resll'l{'ltnns
on use and appcaran(·e are tn11c·h 1n 01·drr
Staff n1en1bcrs rnacle 1l r·lc:-i r thrrc \1 ill have to he
some cxeeplions lo the ne\1' la11·~ for older. existing
i;tations, that can't pos~1bly n1ect so1ne of the reriu1re·
'fhat is rcasonablr. Killing lht• <1rd1nance is not.
Caspers Changes Hi s Mind
Only days after he had rrititizcd a county shoreline
planning committee report for rcc:onimendin_I! tempnr·
ary elimination of 'rhrcc .A.reh Ray fron1 hcarh al'C'C'SS
req1urements. Fifth D1str1tt Surerv1:-.c1r rlonald c·aspC'rs
\1 as assuring hornc 0\1 ncrs 1n the f'Xl·Ju..-1 vc 1·nn11nun11y
he agreed 11·ith their cla11TI that 'J'hree .'\rch Ray should
be deleted as a heath attC'SS roule
'!'his apparently rapid rhanj.!(' of rn1nd ma.\ i:;1rnpl\•
111dtcate 1hal the super\'i~or 1s c·ont1n111ng lo trarn all
lhings are not ncces~arily bl(l ('\.i or \1·h1lf·
ll 1vnL!ld seem reasonable th;il th(' ~horcl111!' t'om·
n11llce. and no\v .Caspcrs, ~hould advor:!lr 1·nnt'Pnlra1Jng
on undeveloped shoreline areas for 111111al arrlica11on
of the heach access ruling. Hut 1l cnul<I be that r!clc·
t 1on of one private beach entlavc \IOlll(J set an uncnm·
forlable precedent for f11ture access acllon.
'J'he small 'rhrec ;\rch Bay hea{'h are<1 probably isn't
\\'nrth a great legal baulc. even if it coulct he 11•on. Rut
the d ay may come \Vhen lhc den1and for n1ore beach
space \viii make it necessary for the counly to cast il.s
eye upon sorne of the ronn11er strands no\v hlockcd fron1
public access by \\'ailed comn1unit1cs -and 11hol'ie re ~1-
dents doubtless 'vould he equally cool to the idea n(
opening a niche in the masnnr~'. N
Si1'1tple Trulli
But Hard
Bipur·tisnn Bnc/.;iug ita Co11g1·ess
To Observe
You cannni h<'lp somrhndv who rlne "
noL want to help hin1seJL This ts a s1mplP.
Jru!h, hu1 ii hard one 10 lrarn anrl 1n
l)1'rr !he years. I have so me11mes bcrn
a~kC'd b.v friend A lo gr t 1ogc1her arirl scr
if 11•e rould rlo something rn help fncnrt
R. Friend R is f;:i!ling ap<1rt . 1n work . nr
rn;irr1?.j:!r. or JUS~ grnerall\
Rt1! tf fnl'nrl B ts n•)! re.1th l<'l I-Jc
Sydney J. Harris
helpN!, J h;ivr lc:in1rd, 1ht'n 11'e n111-:hl as
v.ell s11vc our breath tn cool our porr·1d ~c.
It 1!'< an ;ibsolu!r ax
111m 1hnt ,1n11 rannnl
gr! \1•c11 uni ii 1 01J
knn11· v1111 arr Sli'\.:
Till,~ 1~ tr'll!' 111 rv-
f'fV ;i1·r;i nf hu1i1;in
rci~J1ons. Thi'! ale0-
holic tannnl rrsronrl
!.n trc;:ifmcnt nf an\'
kind until he adm11."
hP 1.~ ;in ;ilcoh()J1r.
The cm(lt1onally disturbed pcr.<;on rannnt
be heJpPd by ps\'chiatric care until hf'
;1cknowledges that he is deeply torn and
Anrl lhP pl<11n, 1f r!1.<;trf' ... ~1nj: f;ir! 1<; lh:tl
many per ... on~ tio nl"lt \1an1 lo h"lP
Thr :;rlf·dr!>lru<·1nr ur cr t\ q tnni:rr
1han "e knn11 . rhr dr~1rr !n f;i1I 1n;:i1·
brcnn1e ;i p;i~~1nn . rl\e rrtrr::il !11 1r
re~pon.<;1hlr 1nf;in1·1· ma.J li1rn 111ln ;:i 11:i1·
nf l1fr 1;ind. nf cour~r. r1rr11ualh ;i 11 ;i1·
nf {le;ilh I
I 1\\1 Ui\'Ot-.:RLl!\'\,\I. I 11 r ~ P nh1u111~
trlHh s onlv hrC'.iu:;e r ~er .1 11 <11·111111rl nlf'
prrsons ~·ho ll';lllt 10 p11~h nthrri. -
hush;inrl~. w1l'rs, relat1vr:;-1nto ··gr111n~
psythia1nc help ..
But nnbori.v ran he pu~hrd 111to th1:-. an11
mnre 1han :-.·nu can push a r!runk:arrl into
Alcoholics Anonymous.I' The reeo~1111 inn nf
11·eakness 1s the firsl step on the road 10
slrcni::th : and this step mus! be 1akcn
Frrud him~elf ar!1nil1erl 1 ha 1 ps~'choanalysii; could cure nnl.Y th(lse "'hn
ritrln·r need 1t very much -hv 11h1rh hP
meant 1ha1 !hose Who freely :r-tck hrlp nn
their O\\'n are alrc;id~' ha\f\\'a~' homr
Tll E T R U LY U l ~T l f RRF.:l l
pcr~nnahhcs are 1hose 11·hn n1osl rrs1 <:r
and resent ;:iny suggrs!1nn that' the y nrrr!
assistance in copin!!"1f,ilh rhc1r\~rnotion11I
1\ lrienti , nf rourse, can hnlrl 0111 ;:i 11,cht,
r;:in offer suppnrl anrl 1intrerst11nd111i: F:lut
he c;innn! n1akP snmrnnr mnl"e towarrl
that light unt1! he 1~ rrnn1plrd by snmr
cornpcll1ng drivr nf hi~ own
\\'nrds :i re u~clrss. lng1c 1s f1111!1', cvrn
lQvr can11ol touch th(' lnnt'r ~pr1ngs nl
mnt1v:'lt1011 -for Lhr neuro!!r J~ 11n;ihl(' !n
r;iive, nr responci In, !ove in thr proper
"oiy ll is hard.ror friends In acrrpt th1i;,
but who ever said that hfe \\'as ea11y~
New Social Security Boost
\\'ASH!~'GTO\' f'rOS[lf'C \S arr'
rle(1r11 rely hrighten1ng fnr another Social
Srrurily int'rr11se rtr.x! .July I
Th:i! 11oulcl hr ar'('01npl1i;hcd hy ~.tr1p
p11u.; the Snc1al Sr·
\'l!J"il.\' prn1•1s1nns nf
!he Srna!e . s1.:ill1·d
family :Ji'SI St;inrE'
1nra~ure and mt1k1n.I(
!hen1 part of eithrr
r he Phase I I ecn.
n1 in11c propn:-als or
thr 1,1x re<1uct1un
Hnth r hc~e inen ~·
Hf<'<; ?.re rlc£'n1ed e.m<'ri.:tnc:-r \eg1slat1nn
;ind rrrta1n nr en11rlmcnt th 1.~ ,1cilr.
Bv :r;h111 inc. tl1r Sflt·1;il Srf'11r111· hlkP
f1·nm lh" 111 .. ~r ;inrl h1ch l~· rnntrn1·rrsi;il
11<'lf~rr lri::1 <!;:i11nn !11 nor 0r thc~P hills rls
11rlnptinn will hr ;:is.sured 1h1~ 1rar -1n·
~rr;1r! nf going over In 1hr 1!172 se~s1n,, of
CtlOJ.!l"C I'~
TlllS SHflE\\'ll l'L/\:" has nnonr1~111
b1 ·p;1n1-.;u1 h.1 t k1ni: in b<lth thP 1-!nUs.~ <1nd
1! 11li.11 h11~ a prnc:rd11ral ;idvanl<1gr rh:it
\1•nulcl he t·n1c1a! in 1he H•)use.
As tha1 !'ha1nher has already "'PP!'nvrcl
lhr Snr1,:il Srcuriry 1ncreasP -"'hen lhP.
,.lillnlh('r paSsrd 1hf' fatnilv ilS1'iS!anf•f>
progr;i111 !a.c;1 c;pnng -rhr form<'r w11ulrl
hr "gcrmilne"' <1S parl nf anoiher bill
House rulrs bar cnn!'1rler:;it1nn of
;imrnrln1en1< nnl pr('\·inusly \'Cltcd b~· ThP
Thii! rP:-.!n111nn 111>ulri n"! ;ipph in '.~.1 "
u1~t:in1 r -rhu~ rl1m1n.111ne, !OE' fl'\~"tl:i1l1·
t1 nf H1r ~or1;il l'{'C'Unt1· bnnq hPlfl~
hln1 hrd in rin1 11 ;i1
' .
Rohcrt S. All en
lls Hdupt1on is ;:i cert11inty 1f 11 t;in ~rl
ron.-.1drra11r)n !t 11·.is a ppr 11 1· e d
un;in1n11•usl y hy the Hous(' -whrrP it
pl::i,\·rd lhr role nl a "s\1('ercncr " to help
put 11\'cr the \J~ornus!.v opposed n1ulr1·
b1lhnn dollar \1•rlfnre mc:isurc. It \l'l)Ulcl
hp ~1m1 larl~· pas.,.rd by lhc Scna'.e ii it
can be broul!,ht ur there-.
TllAT'~ Tii t-: ON LY nh~lar!e 1n it~
1111,1•, ;:inrl lhr> hark~t;:igp pl.i n lo swi1ch it
frnm thr p11;cnnhnlcrl fan1 1ly ;i~~\~t;:i1;(e
prne,ram In nnr of !hP ro1rr~rory
rC'nnnn11r n1e:l~\11·r~ 1.c; dc~1g11rd 1n h.1·p<1 <<;
1\no1hcr 11111,l(lrt;.in( f;1('1f1r lc;.irlcr-s nf t11e
pl;in arr coun11ng on 1s -pnl11ir s'
Xrx ! ve;ir I\ H n1111nr rl{'1'linn \'"ilr w11h
;:tll 4'.\.~ '111rn1hrr ... n[ !hr Jl1111<;;c · «nd nnr-
lhircl of the Scn;1 !t.• ur fnr rcelrr11n~ Crin·
d11inns arr un~l;ihle ;ind griP»i"lnr·cs
numerous and 11 l{le~preacl. A~ a con.
~c<JU<'nt<', !hr lcgii;la1ors arr rxtrrmclv
eagrr 1n make friend s and 1niluence
A hat rh of SN<1al Sccuritv inrrca~r<;
orxt .Julv rnul<I he expect rd · !.(I hcip ap-
preria.b1~ nn 1ha.t
Thi~ 11,i<; p<•1ntrdh' noteO h\ Brr
l';in111e\ Stranno t n '\ Y " lon~ ;i lridrr
In ;irl1 <H il1J!1C bii:grr Stl!l;ll ~{'f'!lrllV
hr11rf1t·· Hr m:11n1;i1ni; 11 duri.n t 1nil~P
~rn<r 10 t!rl.:iv r11nc;1drra!1nn nf another
Srrc1al Security incrc;if.e because of the
nppn~11Jon !n !hf' \1•rlfnre bill.
"IT'S RIOICU LOL'S," l'il)'S Slral tl)n,
"tn ask !hr million " of ~rninr citizens Jil'•
ing nn Snc1<1I Security tn \va1t ;:innther two
or three ycari; !n grt n1urh·needcd ad·
r11t1nn<1! benefit~ \\"h!l'h nnP hranrh o(
Congress J1;is 11lrrady approl'rd simply
because of ihc d1ffr{'ullics ;issociated witA
an entirely 01ffcr<'nl nrogram. Social
S('rurit.1· unprn\"emrnts :ire <'~S<'ntial OO\f
ancl not ~nmr rime in lhe distant future.
Th<'~' shou ld l"lf' a.ctcd nn !his ye;:ir be.fnrfll
Congre:;s winds 11p. and Iha!"~ 1-1·hat "'s
arr 11•orking nn "
/\s ra~~,.(1 h1 !he H nu.~r lR~1 ~pring, ::is
p.:ir! (If !hr rn1h:11rll'd 11r!f;irt' refnrm
lrg1s\.:111on . thr Sn!'1<1I Sreurit11 increase~
1nciudr \hr fnll(1...,1ng . -
A 5 pcrCL'r11 <1r-ri1."'·lhc-bnard r<11~~ i11
1nnn1hl~· br..nrf11 $. 11·1th a. ~7~ minimum
benf.'f1t -bnth cffcrU\'C .Julv L Al so an
alltom;i11r rnst·nl li111n~ ·i n c r Pa s 1
\l'/1enrl'Pr fh(' ("f'[ CXC('Cf[:r;. ~ prrcent -;i
new drpart11 re 111 Sne1al Srcurity benefits.
r\LSO, THE 1\DDITIO NAL Cf'rnilll'!.S
l1rn1latinn raised In $2.00<l frrim Sl .6111.:
;inrl "'1dr')\1'.~· brnrf1ts inrr<'ased tn \110
nercenl frnn1 R2 5 percent of !he
hu.c;b;ind'~ bcncf11:..
Thcrr 1s al!'in ;i pns~1b1!i1~' thr rropt>sed
5 percC'nt brlost "·ill be raised to JO
Thar 's h<'1n c dt."C'llS<>Prl h\' lrac!rr<; of !he
plan. hu1 no dcrr<;1nn h;i~ )lfl h<>f'~
rf'a.rhrrl Thr\ arP ;i\\;il!Jng rlPrl!'lnpn1rnt:r;.
In l\Pr hnll' the le.cisl;:itr\e ~1tual1ori shapes
A y-ear of Chilean Marxism
i"hilf' ~ p1il1tl!'S arr ;i ~ a.11nn1;iluu~ ll " !1 <;
gro,::rnnliv. ll 1s 2.liflfl 1111\es lnng . rarrlv
rnnrr lhan 100 n1ilr~ wide. ;inrl l'l't is 1hf
1)111\' ('Ollntr\' in ~nulh Amrnra 1v1!h bo1h
A1IAnt1r an'cl Pnclf1r nnrts Rut Ch1\C''\
nie.:.n ri1::;t1nC\1nn :11 rrr<;Cnl I~ 1hat 1t ha.\
the 11·orld"~ nnlv lrrcly t'lcrted ~·1 arx1~t.
rrcs1drnl Sal1 :irlor Al!enrle ':r;. Popular
l'nt1\ Frnnl. ;i rnaht1on of six lrfri~t
p:irlu:":<-. 1·an1P tr+ nff1cp nne 1e;ir a.co 111th
the narrn\\·t'st nf ptural1l1c~ -14 percent
1n a thrcr·s1rlrrt ra rP Thf' world is
11a111n.c to ~rr 11 he ra11 rrcatf' a i'-1ar~ist
soc1;11l:-1 ,<;t<Hr 11 1thr+1.11 tramplinj;1 nn
fh11r·s rlrr>pil rr+o!c d fr<'t'rlorns nf speech.
prPs~. anrl pol1!1r.1l a~soc1:tt1orr.
il-lrs Allende. \1·hn 1.<; ;is artirti!a!r ancl
po\1t1t·allv :-oph1~t1r;:itrrl a~ her hu~han<i,
ha . .-. nn illu~ions abnu1 !he rl1fficultilt. fac-
1n~ lhr gnvrrnn1rnt "\\'p h<11·e ;i very lri\1'
prr.rap11a lrt!'Olll<'. ;:i hi.ch 1nf::int mnrlllli-
1,\' r.~lr, n1ueh 1ll11rr;icy, uncmpln,\rnrn1.
shnr1;ii;:cs nf hou~ing. hospilals and
schools These ore f)TOb!('mS ""'e have to
B e~Pa rc h
i;nh·e l}efnrr 11r ra.n rc;ir h 1hal ideal
~or1al1~f sOC'1etv ..
S0~1E SLIPP,\f,E 1n su nnnrt -' for
/\llenrlr has l;i1rly been nn!rd fht' f'nJl-
ular 1'11111 Fr11nt rrrrn::1 111$1 elrrl1nns
tn fill a ·Hnu~r 1 ac:inry,· rhr rertnrsh1n
of !he l'n 11·cr~1t\' qf f'hllc . thr r11rrrtorarr
ol lhc Jlllll'll'1115!s\ and 1hr taxi 11n1nn~,
1,ncl !hp lradrr~h1p of .~erondar\' ~rhl'll"I!
~ruclrnts .. "Errn h1,'l'h srhr1nl rlrt't1011~ are
/n11J(hl on slru·t p::irt.v l1nr" 11'1 Ch1lr,
Lr,.,·1~ H Diugu1rt nf 111r \\"fl~h tnJ:lno Pn~t
ob~Cr\·erl I
;\'r1rrlhrlr~~. i\llrndr rnnl1r/Jrs !n
p1w.;;11r h1~ \l flr~i<! pnlic1rs. :'\11tnrr(\tJ~
pr1\·ate ron1panie.c; ha.\'r hero n;:i.
t1nnah1e<1. 111nrc 1han lJOO l;iq;r f11n11s
li:-i1•C pA~Sf'fl 111tO !hr hands of pcA sant~.
;inrl moi;1 bHnks are nriw in gnvernment
h11"1'1rr lha.t nn ~1 1rh p;11n11·n 1 would be
forThrnm1n~ h1·causr 1hl' c·nrnp;in1es harl
t11"cum11la1rrl mnrf !han $i00 in11linn 1n
"rxcrs" prof its· fro1n lhfl ir Chilean
oprral Ions.
Sctret<iry of Stat.' \\'1111,im r Rnger~
sharplv rrpro1·f'rl Chil(' for wha1 he term·
rti :i "~pr1n11s rien(lrt11re from ttcr,ep1erl
"tandard~ nf 111tern;:ir1nn;il l;iw" He
\1•arnt'd !hat lhe refusal 1n pay coin.
pcn~at inn m1,::h! 1roprird11r 1he nl)\\' nf
pn\"ate 1n\'E'.Sl1nent funds to Chile and
erod" support for fnrrtgn air!.
.Trmprr:-nla~ t'f"lf•I 111 hnth Santiago ;in~
'\·ash1n.1:1on 11·11h !he pass;i~f' of time. Thr
Tin1rs of Ll"lnrlon points nut !hat Chile
"needs fnrc1;.;n f'"1;Jlrr11se in procpssin11;
hrr cnpp<'r and f1lr·e11111 markrts in dispn~·.
trig nf 11 " Ar1d tl1r l 111trrl S!atcs cannot
:1ffl"lrd In take trio h;in1 ;i line lE'~t 1t
i1nr!r'tm1nc C:h1!t'" Rlrc;:idv ~ha k v
frnnnrnr ;ind !IH1rf'hy jl('rh,aps furthe..r
1l'eaken its rlemr1<:r.:i11c·in.~tit11 t1nns,
the great de\•olions and spends himself 1n
a worthy cause; "'ho, at Mst. kno\\'S 1he
triumph of high achievcmmt and "'ho. at
\.. the worst, if he fails, at least ra,.1!s while
"' daring greatly. so that his place: shall
'\ never be with lhose cold and t1mlcl souls
who know neither victory nor dcf<'at.
PATRIOT IC Americans who lo\'!! tht
sovereignty of~he l"n1ted States nf
America. and a or the idea nf world
~over~men\. hav~lpeen sayinr;i. th1.\ for a
long lime 'L~onday's action "'ilhin
the U N.'s r.eneral Assemhly rnakr5 it in·
tolerable that we rem11in in thP U.'.ll .• or
suppor1 IL any ionJ:er.
In the f1elc1 nf fnr('1cn.aff.1ir.~. f'hilr h;:i~
P.~tah\i~hE'd r!1plo1natic rrlat1nns wilt\_
Chinii. Jo;a51 Germany and Cuba Fidel
Castro'.~ forthro1ning visit tn Santia_l!n
will be !he Premier's firsl trip 10 a Latin
American country since he declarccl Cub11;
to be a socialist slate in 1961 1\lean\\·hilc:
Robf'rt r-.r. \\'red". ['ublisl~cr
T/10111 115 1\crvil, Ed itor
Albf'l1 n·. Bo lr.c
J;Qi/orioL rn!IC Erl1tnr
Sacrameolo, Calif .. Jnurnnl "Diel you
read that a 511rvey of 14 ma1or cities 1n·
dicate th.C ONE THIRD of all real estate
In the U.S.A. i.!l now 2cUin1i a FREI'~
ride. . . .al. the expen~c of th!' pcnp!('
\\•ho 00 pay taxes? If all 1hC' exempt prn
perly were added to !tie tax ro!l.c;, 11
would mean a ~11ving of about $300 prr
year tot.he av~regc ta~payer. t>-1.aybe 11'ri
time WE revolt!"
TlllS l~IPO~TA:'\T dcr1s1nn f!hould be
nu1 to a vote of r propl'° of thP Unitrd
St1'1{'~ and no1 lr I rn !hP · rnn11n1e-sym·
p;ithizini;:" poht1~ ans In drr1dt "
""'"" 0ur act n no \I'll! pru<:laun !n all 1hr
>A·nrlrl 1-1·hrr I' ~1$nrl 1.rl s hr surf' our
')0~1t11}n is not misunrlrr.~tl"ol"l<l
PA t.:LJNE F.: 1'.IOE::-1
Houston I. Flournoy. stair Controllcr"'7:
"Cahfnrnia"s •ublic assislance progr11;ml:\
h11,•e grQ\\'n ate rale over 1hrPr limes ;:i~
fast as our gro\\'lh In t;ix revrnucs -and
it has finally caught up "'1\h us "
1-;riward L. \\'alte r~. S. F. -"\\nrk 1~
the fnund:tllnn nf ~II hu~1nc~s. th~ fount nf
;111prn1P~rity,1hr par<'nl nr grnl\JS thtll I
it mu.~l llt' lo\"rd befrire It r.:in hr..stn11· 1!~
i:rratrst b1css1nf! and AChie1·r its ~re;l!e~t
\ ~now "'hat I'm doing about all
rhesr stupid Hal10111ecn costume
par!1rs? rm not ~oing at i\ll and
then !ell e1 rryone I "'<IS there a~
Hnw:irrl Hu1:hrs
-A R V
T~rl fo olvro ••11 .. h , ••• ,,.. V"""'· Ml
~"'l:f\U ro•• ·~OU •I t~• ~ ... )POPt•. s.~,,
1•v• •ti P"Y' .. Glffm¥ G~·· D•lfY 1"1191.
Chile is mountini;i A d1plom11tic offensive.
lhAI appears dr~1Rned tn 1-1•ca kc.n li .S, in-
nurnce. in the HE"misphcre
U.S. l\'Fl.UENCF.: in Chile 1t~clr 1vi1~
rrd11ced :-ub5f,1ntiallv 11hcn . las! Jul~'. thr
Allt·nrle Jlo1rrnmrn1 c x pr n pr 111 I<' rl
1\n1criran 1ntrrrsl~ in 1he Ch1lran rripprr
1n<lu~trv Al!hn11i:h th11t mn11P 1v.:i~ rx·
pcct rd. II 1-1·a~ 1t~g11n1rcl thRt the t; S.
rnmpanirs \1·riulrl rcrl'I\'' somr com·
pcn~.1tion. lt was ;:inno1111ccd on OcL 11 ,
111" r'1 1tnri1>l f'"I:" f'f lh" TM11y T'll11t """k" I.fl 1n1 .. rrn 11nrt "Limn ·
\~t.-rr>:1 rt.-rs }"11 prr<rnt1n i;-thi•
nr>l'•t ~•ro·r ~ n11n1••rt'> 1>nrl r•1m ·
n1rn1111~ ,.n l•l!'"'' nf lnt,.1r<l l'lnd
~1t:n1l11 •tn'"'· h1· I''''" 1t\1ni: 11 f"rum
r .. ,. 1h,. "'l'"'••t"n ''r ""r rr11rtrr,· n1·1111n1". ~'"1 b~ l""u•n11nc: th• r\11!'1·,,. 1"'"1•111111.\ ,,f 1nlnrn1f'rl nh-
)''l'•'r' 1111(1 1>)..i),;,r~m"Tl nn tnp1ri
• .i 111<' d111
Friday. October 29. 197 1
• '
Costa Mesa Today's Final
High Red I-lints New POW Li~t Forthcoming
PARIS IAPl-f\lavnr \\' L Pa!nck or
Laurel. f\11~~. satd irx111v a "\nrth Viet-
namese diplomat tnld h1ri1 ll anot plan !'> to
puhlish an updaied ho:.t of Ameril·an
prisoners nf Y.ar . He added that no in-
dication was g1\rn as lo v.·hen the llst
v.·ould be released.
Patr!r k and t11·n JJ!hl'r men frnm LaurC'l
met \'li1h the North \lietnamrsc at the
Hanoi d1plnmat1c n11ss1nn c1ff1r{'S in Paris
Thursda y for an hour and 2fl n1inutes.
North Yictnarn released a prisoner l1 ~t
Glaostly Tnles
last Dec. 22. It con!aincd the names of
339 Americans held in :\nrth V1c1nan1ese
prison camps. Since thl'n eHorl s ha1•e
been made hy Aml'riran nff1ct11ls and
others to ha ve Hanoi g11·e infnrm<1t1nn nn
nther American soldiers belie\'C'd 10 he
held. The response. has al\\·a~·s been
Last DecC'mber 's list 11as given tn
rPpresC'nt;iti\'eS of Sens. ,1. \\' Fulhnght
anrl Edll'ard Kenned y by the H;inni
n1ission. A co py of the list 1vas :il.~o girrn
to the Comm1Hee of Liaison \\'1th F:::.m1!1rs
of Serr1cen1en Detained in ]1-:orth Viet-
nam. a Ne\\' York group that has con-
nections with llanoi on prisoner matters.
Patrick told a reporter the mention of a
Ire.sh prisoner list came wher. he told !he
diploma!, identified as a second secreta ry
('If !he mission. that five Laurel area men
had heen listed as missing in action since
the December list was published .
Patrick said at that point the diplomat
told him: '"\Ve are preparing another list
Dre~serl :is a ~host .. la111r" rarlry pre~1drs as lhe
~torytcll('r rlunn~ llal J011cPn p:ir!v ;it l\lr!'a \lrrrle
1.ihrarv Ill c·o!-;1:1 ~lC"il Partv 'J'l1uri;da v \\ll ~ fnr rhd-
dren \\·ho a1!c>nd \IP1.:ldV s10ry hol1 rs .cnnducted hv
f i"lr ley 's l1hr;ir111n '1•1Je. LnrPtl~-Fe1r!ey. ;i n1111 1.~!c1·.
s.i t u1 fnr his \I 1fe Thursda y. He told ghost sloru.·.~.
o( cou r~e.
. . .
Worker Kill ed·
As Boo1n I-lit s
Po11;e r Lines
.\ cnn!i!rurr1nn 11nr~.Pr 11 .~ .. k1llrri ,,t
l lnag ~\rr11riri;1I 1!•1•111!a l I 11 1 < ti' rn1'.':z
11·hrn ;> •. ~nil !r'.'it1nc dr\ H" 1-." 11 •• \\•I ;...
ing 11 1th <:lr11rk ;in n11rhr;id p11111', line
~hnr1l_v brf ,rf' 11 .1111.
Th r 111 .1n 1rl<'1\l·l11· I ;1•-r 11•1il(·< Rn11r1c
of ll h11t1rr. rll •'d n• !JI\ .111 J\1•r l11 r1
;iftrr rff• rl:<> 1 .. I\'' 111• h1111 111 Tllr l11 1~
pi1al '~ n011rh1· r111rrr.:rn"1' r<J',!ll f;o1lrrl
Southf'rn {';il 1frrr111;i I d1vi11 ( nrnp;·.'1v
nffirials ill lhc ~1·i·nr .~.i\rl thf'I" d1rl 1Jf1t
know t:1:<i r 1!1· 11 h;1I IV111 1·1i• 1i,1~ do1n:;
\.\'hen thr m1.~hnr (llT\lrti'd
A rrrw ll-':l$ 1lrill1ng J! thr· ~1 11' nf a
future park1n~ ln1 to 1<'~1 soil condi1 inns
\.\"hen ;:i boom 11n 1hP drilJ inJ::, rlC'\"JCe .~!ruck
a 12J)(lfl 1'nlt n1:>~n p<iwrr hnc.
l'hr mi~har rausf'fl :i p<i11r r l<•!i!i In
;:ihouL 1 .. 1QO hnmr~ anrl hus1nr>:;~t's 1n
\\'es1 Nr11·pnr! and the Prninsula for
:ibout 20 n1lnule$.
Sac1·a111e11to Officer Sl10t
SA CR>\.\fE\TO 1Ar1 -" !"II\" fl(>llrl'
nfll•P!" 11 ;is ~hn! 1hfPf' 11n1r, !•,r!:I\ 11\J,lf'
1r;-ini:; tn ~tor :i p;11r nf g11n111rn !\1·rPH?.
fr••tn an nttc1np1<'d rhJ11nl111111 h.111~ r1)h-
00!1rr li!Ull!'hf'rl '1 lTI1!~~1 1'r ~r:1rfh f If
\1111 ~ll'[lf'{I". h01h 1n !hrir n11d 2(!~. dn1·
lllb ;i late·n1odcl red auln.
Boys Clu.b Isn't
Selling Cand y
Some Harbor Area rrs1drnti> !wing :irr
pr0;ichcd h~ candy·srl11ng y nu t h !'!
mii;takcnly hrhc\"e thcv arc sponi>ored hy
area &ys' Club branchrs.
l,nu Yanlorn. exrcuth·e director nl lhl"
Hn~ i; Cl uh of the llarhor Area . says !he
ynung donr·to-door salesmen ha\"e nn ar-
The l"f'al nrganizal!on"s crJndy ~ i\r<;
,ire 10 the spring, to f1nan t'e su inmer
camp tnps.
Off 11 1.1 10: Al tl1r f.;ink nf A1nrr1;;i
hr,111'"h, !Ii·· .ii '1 Ii _·uyl 11 t!rrrt·, rJ1•rl1n·
Prj Tri r" l'i>'rllt 1111 h 11 rh1' !11iltl11p or-
l'l!Trrd or J11rw 1n111 !1 n1n11r~, if .1111, 11·;:is
nr111·rr fl 11hrr! Sr111i1f'• ;,J \1;;., "hot
frn.r l•l"t'\..' f11•n1 01P h:tnk whrrr til•'
~u<>pr< I' <.11,1!'hrii rnr~ llP 11'fl\ rrpnrtrd
111 fair !·nnll1!1nn 11·11 h g1111~hnl u·1\11flrl\ 111
th<' h::irk ;ind sho ulder ;i1 ~utt!'r ~le1n0rial
l'nl1tr look nnr rniln into ruslody bnef-
1)' hur lat<'r reJe;i srrl him.
!\Inst, bank f'mp!f)yes 11'rrP i,1•f'ar1n~
l-!.1!1nwpcn <'os!umrs and w1tnessrs s.11d
thry f1rsl lhought the p;iir "'e::ir1n11: fakP.
mnul'.l<irhes and carrying gun~. \.\'ere part
of !he festivitie s.
\Vhit c House Jla 1111t cd
\\'ASHl:"/GTO:"-' 1Ur1 1 -Pat i'\1xnn hn-
l'fl 11p a cast nf \Val! D1snry r haractr1rs. a
~n·11r or r)n1~·ns .:i nd a m::i11;1c1an ,., en-
!rrl;:i111 tnrl;i1 "s \Vhite Hn11~e i!;:illn\\'een
Party for s1Ck and handicapped children.
to be published hy Hanni Hanoi "'tll
decide 1\•hen to puhlish it "
He said the hst 1~·nuld be updated from
the Decemher accounting ...
Lasl Ocl. 7, a spn1·-':"sn1an for the North
Vietnamese-delegation to thP Pan.~ peare
talks laid newsmen that the December
list "'as complr!.e and that h('re were nn
additions in the last 10 months. The
Unnt'd S!atrs li.~rs ahout 1,600 l' S.
servicemen n11ss1ng 111 SoutheasL Asia. in·
eluding 792 in Norlh V!el nanl.
PatnC'k alr;n said lhe North Viet namese
insisted all American pnSClners 11·oold be
released as $rl(JTI as !he lin1!ed States an-
nounces a !roop withdrawal date He said
lhf' Nnrth \11elname~ again said this key
point in the Comn1unis1s' se\'en-point
pear.e proposal could he realized without
reference to rcn1nval nf Pres1dC'nt
Ni;uyen Van Thieu , anoth er p.1rt nf 1he
"The Con1nu1n1sts have on se\·eral oc·
('a51nns tlllrl \·1.~11nrs that the prisoner
relea~e·11 11h1tra1-1-al issue CflUld be handl-
ed separal!'ly, hut thP American delega-
iinn tn the p('acr ta lks says the linkage
still persisls in official se~s1ons
Patri<'k ~aid hf' \\'as unahle to gel a
hc.1ring lrnn1 Viet Cong officials in Paris.
I-le sairl ill trl..,phone cnnversatinns with
then1 "th ey-w11.rr nn! ugly or mean bul
neither were th~y very cordial.''
Bribe Tapes Heard
' ...... M e.l\a Officer Testifies at Trial
Tape recordings reflecting alleged con-
versations hel\\'een GP11e Randano·s
•·lronl man" and Costa f.lesa riatrnlman
r.ary Barwig in asserted attempts tn
bribe !he officer will be player! ~·londa y
whf'n lhe Orange Criunty SupPrinr Court
trial of the former f'.'ewpcirt Briich man
rnrtinns nf the !aprs 11·er,. pli!\'f'd l;i\e
Thursda.v and Off1crr R<1r1•ng arldrrl h1~
irstimonv 1n their rnnlent hcfnre .lurlcP
Clat1de Owens called for a three d:iy
Mesa Police
Cracl\. Ho111e
Bm·glary Ri11g
<Ast.a ~!Psa polict said tnd11y lhty have.
cri.rked a rt sirtentia.I bar~lary ring which
nPf'rated in broad da ylight in the Harbor
.Jn1!rd nn s11.~p 1c1nn of h11q;.!.:1ry arP
GE'rald r . \\'ti.11;ht. 2!. nf 11:,:. An:ihP1m
A1·r . Oist11 ~!Pc;-l, .;nr! \Vi!liam E l.,n11-ry
.lr. 21 , whr1 · l1!'ted ;:i Hnu~!nn, Trx-. flrl·
<lrr ii~.
Thl'y 11•rre arre~lcrl Tucsrl;iy ;;lqng w1ih
111·n yni.il'l,11 11'nmrn ll'hn, pnh cP s;url. wPrr.
L1trr relea~Pd 11hen it "'a~ de1errntncd
th;it they i,1•ere nnL rhrer!ly 1nvOll'rrl in
thP rase.
r nl1Ce allegPd th;;! lhe two SIJ.~f'l('C(S
"·nuld knock on a <ioor picked 111. random
1n 11 re~ldenl1al neij!hhorhoorl . If no one
:ins\\·erPd, 1n1·est1gators claim. I he
!'llSf)('cts "·nulrl hrcak inln !hr house and
~rral v.·hatel"er ihey r nuld c;irr.v.
Jn\"rst1_gafors s,11rl !hev found nP.:irly
~:t.000 \.\"Otlh nf l'lnlr n .l!llflris in \\Tright's
;iparrmenr .:ilter !ht :irrrs1s \111ch nf !he
nirrrh;:in1!1~r. wh1 rh tnrl11d0rl n i n e
<'h!lrlr<'n·s p1CC\" h:-ink~. h::io: hrf'n 1rtPn-
11•1rd ::I!' ~1 nl r n frnn1 NP1\f10r1 nf'arh ;.ind
( .. ~1 ;i ~lr~;i hnn1rs pol 1rP .~:i1rl
Th r 11Pnl~ fnuntl ;:i!sn 1nrl1uif'd fn11 r
t rlr1'1~111n st'I~. l'r1rn r;:irl1os. a~~nn r>rl
1r1\rlrv anrl 011mrrn11 ~ en1n cntlrct1<1n~.
acr0rrl1ng tn 1n1·r sl 1J:::ilnr~
Pol1rr ~0:1d lhr 111n ~u~prc:t s 11·rre ~r·
rrehl'nderl aftt'r 1hrv ali,,.gedl,y anrnipt,.rl
In hurglariir lhP Thnrn;is Drar!h
rcs1dentf', 17,1/J Samar Drive, in Costa
r.·lesa's t.lcsa Verde area.
Mail Th~rn Early
WA~lllNGT0N 1i;r1 1 -The: ll S.
Pnslal Srrvl('f' mav i)P nr11•, hut 1t trntlpd
out an old prohlti-n today -Chr1.~tmas
ma il ·
Tht. i'<'r't\r(' 1iri::rrl !hilt parrels In rl1 s-
lanl .~l airs he m~led h\" ncr 1 -.---f)('{' 10
fnr ne<'!rby are -anrl c.:irrl~ hr rn:i1!rrl
h:J Oi>r . 1~ A rm<1 1I p:irr"I~ ~hn11ltf hP
~ent hy Dec. I anrl air n1:11l cards by
Dec 22 .
break 1n !hf' lri<1! of Randano. 47.
The cnnvicled llriunr hiJa<'ktr is a!"'·
cused of \1·ork1n,g with Laguna Niguel
bu~inrssman ~a mu e J Rosman In u.~e
Bar1~·1,i:: 111 planting a riacknge rif
rlangerous dru,i::s 111 the ca r nf ,11 keY" pro-
~er11!1on I\ 1tnr.o.s ft~.1 i11st Randa no.
Rns111;in 1s ~rrv1ng a s!alr pnson 1erm
nf nnP tn 1hrf'f' yenrs for his p.1rl 1n rhe
Thr allPgcd hr1hrry allrrnp! frillnwi>d
the Ornnge Cnunry Gi"and Jlll'y·s 11l·
'Florist,' 1-1 ad
Viet ~1 ess uge
SACRA~!ENTO l AP ! -~1rs.
Earl Hurfm;in "·as almn!it positive
the man 11l her door v.·lth a dni:en
lnng-slemmed rni:;es in his hands
w11~ Gnv . Re;igan -<1 nd sht v.·as
righ t <
"Hellll, I'm Hnnalrl Reagan." thl!
go1·ernflr sairl Thursday.
"Your hushan<f asked mp tn
dl'l1vrr thrse flnwfr!i In you and tell
ynu th;it hP lnvr.~ ~·nu ••
l\lrs ll11Hn1;:i11. 1vh1J.'" hu~h:inrl.
Air Fnrrr T. ~g l F:nr! ll11ffn11111. is
. ~t;1t1nnPr! i11 J);t N.111(!. V1f'!n:im,
~a1tl '"! k!nrl flf r·rirrl ju.~! a lirl ..
"I rn a nohnrly, :ind I i'nuldn'! 1rn•
ag111r snr111'11nr ;1s 1n1pnr1:in1 a ~ 1hP
gn\'rrnnr t:1k1nc l1n1r tn rlrltl'rr
f)n11'f'l"S In rnr 11 ·~ /1kr .i drp.~m"
r!('a,i::an '.~ 11nannn11ncPd "i ~i t
i;trmn1f'd fr nm 11 lrttr>r ll11ffrnan
11·rn1e the .cnvf'rnnr la.,t mnnth
~a.v1ng hP wa., m11k1ng thP unusua l
rr1]11e.~l het'ause he hnped tn find ";i
dr::im.:itir 11·11v tn .~hn"' my v.·1fe how
muf'h r lnvf' her ..
A sprikr.~m<+n fnr RPagan s.:i1rl 1h\
.cn1·rrnor <lrr1rlrd '"on thP sp11r n
the mnmrnt"' In fipJ1vrr !hP rn~P~.
h11y1ni:: thPm h1m~r1r n,,.~r1 rr H1if·
fman 's nffrr lo pev alt cnsts.
WiJ son See ks
Club Support
For Beauty Plan
~1ayor RohcrL \\li lson Th u rs d a y
challenged memhf'r.~ of Cnsla f.-fef ti
Kiwanis Nnrlh In join lhe r1ty"s "ecology
begins at hnmp" mflvemen!.
lntPrnatinnally the C'luh h:ls zf'rfl('rl 1n
fin ecf)lngy ;ind clranup as :l n1a 1nr An.11
under its "Project Environment"' prrr
\\.11.~nl'\, Spr;iklll;:\ ::II. llJP rluh'~ rP£1Jlilr
wecl>.ly lunr hf'on merting :it thP r.!f':-..~
\'rrde ()111ntrv f"l ub. A~ked l\1v.·:ini;in.~ In
!1r1lr ci!.Y 11ffici als \\•ith 11 s contest ror
res1denf.ial bf',1ut 1f11:ation .
d1r tment of Randano and Charles
'"Chuck" Dre} er of Laguna Beach for the
hijacking of more than 300 cases of li·
It 1\·as alleged that Randano. a partner
at !he time 10 <'nlertainer Jose Feli·
e1;inn'::; \Vrstcl1ff Drive restaurant switch·
Pd thP l1rp1nr rnnsignmrnl from Iha
fnrn1rr Saddleh:10k Inn in Lagu na Beach.
trr till! Nr11•pnrt Rl'ilCh prerni~es
It ii; allrgPd 111 thP rurrent trial that he
tSee RA NDANO. rage 2~
Child Beati11g
Charge Filed
Agai11st Mom
rnsta !\·le!<a pol1cl' today filed felony
ch1lrt lwa!~~ rlmrge s aga1n~t !he mother
nf a 14-mflnlh·old girl "'hn had been
hrnught rn Riverview Hosp1tat in Santa
1\na \\1Pdn('sday with a broken arm,
hrnken !f'i;~ and hru 1sr.~-
Ben11.i Elaine ~Bnc:hez. 2.1 of R9/\ D~rrcll
ST . ('o~ta 1\olr~11 w;is <irrr~ted follo \\·lng
;in 111 1 r~t 1g;it 100 1nlo the circun1stances of
the ('hdd 's 111p1ries .
Thr h;:ihv. Ra clirl L0rr;une 1!11rns. was
h1·1111g lil tn the tin~r1t,1I by hrr n1nthcr.
n11rrr1rw rl flr tnrs X·ra yrd the child
\\'f'dnr~rlay and f(111nd p;irtlally healed
frarturrs nf hnth le~s. police said, ap--
p:irrn!lv C'<111srrl h,v a hvistin.I! ac1inn. The
a nn hone \.\'as hrokt'n con1pletely in half.
Tht bahv i.~ 1n .~;;t isfac!ory cnndition at
Orange County ~1ed1caJ Center today.
-!:I -(:( 1<
Ne,vpo1t Man
F aecs Charges
Of Child AJJ11 sc
A N"r11prirt H!'ilrh n111n f;u:-ed ar-
ra1'.!,nmf'nT In [1 ;1rhnr .lurJ1r1al r>istrict
f <•urt tnd;iy nn chilrges nt heating and
sr:ilding his g1rlfriPnd's smal l ~nn.
C:dv,·ard \.rnrgr Bcccn. 20, 10.'i r-.lain St,
y,·as arr<'st.cll aftrr pol1re in vestigated
d1Jctnr's repor!s on the nature of tt1e in-
D11vifi I lir k:", 2""· ~uffcrell mul!ip!e
hurns on his .(!rnin ::ind bu!lncks and had
sp1·rral nthf'r nruises on o!her parts of his
bnd v.
ThP rl11 lrl hall or1g1naltv hrrn brnu~ht
fri !lrang,. <:n11n ty \IM1cal Cf'nler by his
n1oihrr. Shrllry F:lintt , 20. on Oct. 20.
I kort11rs s<i1fl .~h,, !nlrl thP1n h" hall hrcn
h1Jrnrrl hv snme hnt snup In lhe home
tbr\' shar..,rl 1\"L!h !hr ~u~perl.
Air £al Seeks Long Lease
The rnnlt:sl nffers a tnlal nf l41 sma ll
pri1es -12 ea('h mnn!h for 12 m11nth~ -
t.o he i;:iven to winners in the .~i:; art'as in-
tn which lhP. city has hern divided by the
beautification committee.
l'nl1c:e sairl !hr i'hild "''as r>:am1ned hy
\l'r!f;irP flrparfmrnt and hrallh depart-
n1r•11 nff1r1ril.~ !}i>fnre polif'e wf're nntified_
C'nun1y nffirials have placed the chil d
111 t~e i·:ire of the Sil1on Hnme.
The ch ild's mother has nol been charg-
Surmv ~k1rs ch<1sed a11<1v 1he
clnurls ·today nnd will 1nkc ov.cr the
i,1·ea1her scenr this 11·ockcnd. Those
cold 1vinds !ihnuld die nut lnnif!ht
;1lso, leaving un·~pooky \veathcr.for
Ha llowecn. I ltgt·, a round 62 S;itur·
day, lows in the mid-40 's.
Airline Wants · 5-year Pact at Coup,ty ·Airport
Wi lson anvisinns 11 windup of the c:nn-
t.esl in wh ich one grand prize winnl'r ll'ill
he given an all·expense trip for two to
W<'Lshington. D.C.
Three runners·up would receivt: trips to
Sacramento, San f"rancisco and Las
~air lnjurecl
1 lh Auto Crash
Ghosts nnrl ntl1Pr 1rr1rrl crpn.
turr.~ 11•11/ hrnn1/ n 1!()11 ~r 111 Cnslrt
f.1esfl tl11s 11'r rkr11rl In r 1tr1>r1n1n
c.h 1l<lrPn---n11rl ,,·.~ nil Jnr r:/111r•
il y. 5,,,, r1rf11rr~ nud .~ln ry 011
Pagt 23 oj torloy ·.~ \Verk..,nd cr.
1011!~• -" Mutu•I 'und• " Clll"'"'ll ' H•tl6'11! IOW\ • Ch .. -1"' U1 " Otl"OI Ctun!~ • , ......... Jill•H ll••••ur1n11 UH
c .... +u " Sri vii ,.,.,., " CtOH WO•f " SHri. 11·11
Oll!h H&!ICtt • SIP<-M1t-l h ll·11 01 .. rc•t • T•ltvlt lt• .. lidll9•1•1 ~··· • T~c111rt H•1' ,1,..nc• 1111 Wtll"tr • Ho11 .. IH " World ~ .... " Ann L1M11r. " WH-tndtr ...
M1llbt• • Wtn"n'1 Now• ,,_.,.
M&vi.1 H•tt
01 ,,,. 011i.. ~llfl ''""
Air Cal:~drnta want s anot her f1 ve·yeRr
lease on 1erm1nal spacr at Orange County
Airport end has launched a campaign
... lhroughoul Orange County lo get
businessmen lo help them get ii.
Airline. oHicial!i ThurStl;iv, however,
declined to t11lk about the nu rl1her fll fla1ly
flights they v.·111 be asking for in advance
of their negot\alinns fcir a nei,1' cnntrert
\.\"1t h county supervisors next \\"eek. Air
Cal 's leAse exriirt-~ Nov. 9.
"\.\'e don't v.·ent tr. ~rt !fi!O :i nun1ht>r~
game," said (l.obcrl tlilford, A I r
C.11titornia pre~ident. po ln!ing to 11 de-
mand b)' tije Nei,1·rort Beach City Counci l
th;:il the number of n1ghls be held to ex·
istin~ levels.
"The number y:e hal'~ now -about 21
fl ights per day -anfl those· prnJecled for
1972 -ahnut 28 per day.-are realistic,''
Cliffnrd said.
"'If lhe county grows f)ve percPnt , thtn
-v.·e expect to increase. service five per-
cent. \\'e'rt. not going to exceed that kind
of increase in the future," he s.11id.
'Clifford did say that a Ne"·port Beech
resolution talling for montly or even
year·ln-yrar leases is oul nf lhc question.
"\\'r w11! ask for 1l f1vf'·year \ea~t." he
sa1d, •·we're a multi ·milhnn dollar com ·
P.fny and can't do business on a short·
term hasis."
' -; ·,
Clifford deelined In say spec1fically how
much easing of fli;~t limits he will ask
for 1n the upcdming ,negotiations, or
"'helher he will ask that all limits be
taken off.
He was equally vague in a form letter
Af'nl to mt.mhers of the Orange Criunty
Chamber of Comm.tree 111king for a let-
ter-wnting campaign to ~u~rv1sors in
support of expanded jet operalions at the
Clifford noted lhe pressures bting ap-
plied by ~ewport Beach residl!'nt!'I op-
pnsing jel use .11l the lone county-ownP.d
ajrfield !nd Sllid:
"There is a group ON'Osing Mmmerci11l
(Sff lEASES, P•&e %)
-. .
' .
•·we're ~lling SOl!p, I guess." said the
maynr. "but we just h11ve to f!et citizens
involvr:d in cleAning up and beautirving
the city. Ecolo~y doe~ start at Mm<'.:.
Lt. Austin Smith of the Coste Mf'~a
Police Department. a~ a memhcr of the
Kiwanis North club, wfll coordinate any
cluh Activities in connPCtino with the
"ecology begin~ at home'' lh<'me.
Students from ecology clubs at Esta~
cla 11nd Costa ti.iesa lligh School~ al·
1endl:d ThurMey'~ meetin11. Lt Smith in·
rlic<1ted the young people 11re ~ntrrested in
findi ng pmjeel..'i In which they can
• !
Tu·o Nf'wrorl Beach residents were
~1111 Mspitallzed IOOay following a tft.>o-
r.ar eollisi('ln at a Harbor View Hills In·
trr~('clinn \Verlnesday.
Barbara Packard Dean. 4.1, 1215 Key
West Dr. is listed in good condition at
Hoa.I! ~lemorial Hospital ,,~;ith bruises and
The driver of the other car. Gregory
~1\charl tllcNan1ce. 17. 1812 Port
i\·!argate, is li~tcd in satisfactory con-
dition 11t l~oag with laceration~. 8 po&!il·
ble concussion and th ree broken rlhs •
t OA!L V PtLOl c
Cig Peters
'Hot Trial'
Cools Off
8y TO)I BARLt::'i·
0! "'-O••I> l'ol•l ~1•11
A thrf'C..<Jay brr:ik I hat hall!> un1 1I ~lnn
da.\ a 'tensr and torrid t'llCounte r betv.een
a hard·h1t 11ni; pro~ccu tor ;ind rnurder
suspect Gig
began toda\
Court .
Peters· prt'gnant paramour
1n Orange (ou11ty Supe rio r
AtlriiH'l1\e lllnndr /'i.nnl H:1r!hr1lr1nr1•
\11!J ~et a v.rt'kl'nd':o: rr<;p1tc lron1 !he
searchmg questions ol Deputy District
.A.Horney P~l Br ian 1\ho obi iously
·regards thr sort spoken Scripps Col lege
graduate as his n1aJor prosecution
But )l!ss Bar!holeme"" v.·ho has been
granted immunity fro m prosecution.
must go on the y,•itness ~land for the third
day in a IO"'-' ~1onday lo again tell of her
life 1\·1!.h the man ~hn called himself
"Ogdt'n Ott.o""·ood " i the desert com·
mune that wa s the sett ng for his dreams
~ ··ihe con11ng rf'\Olu!1on ··
!\l iss Rarrh ole111rv.•, 22 . trst1/1ed 1n the
clOsing hours or Thur£1d.1~··s session 111
.fud_g@ KenneLh \\.illinrns' cou r1roo1n lha t
Peters often t-0ld her of lus Jo\ e for hts
parents during the nine nionths thry
spent toget her in the de5ert ranth that
"as homt for the unmarried pa ir and
se\'en other young adull s. '
Thr San Diego Ji.1rl ad1n1ttcd that thr\'
both ~rnoked marl)uana and that Peter<;
al so took LSD ··whene ver he v.·anted If•
benefit from a learning experience."
. But she has earlier 1eslified that hr
took no drugs of any kind for at least 24
hours before he murdered his parents
last April 21.
Peters, 21. is alleged lo ha1·e ~ta'obed
his falher. Charles PC'lers. 55, through
the heart and strangled his rnother.
Flora, 54 . about nine hours af1t'r he and
.\1iss Bartho:emew journeyed from the
~fexican border lo the Peters family
home at 302 Lincoln 51 • Huntington
Defense attorney Barry Tarlow argue~
that Peters v.·as insane at the lime nf the
Brian ;irgues that !he fornier 1Jfegu.1rd
\1as perfertl y sane and he \1·11J a~k tke
Jury to imix:ise the dealh penalty
It has bel'n testified th:i t Peters 1\·as
publicly dlso1,·ned by his fath<'r les~ than
24 hours be fore !he killing 1n a San Die ~o
r~ederal courtrooni v.·here lhe defendant
,,·as accompanied b~· ;\llss Bartholem('11·
and his brother Tony. I~.
Tes11mony ha s disclosed that Ton) ran
~v. ay from homt early this year In JOln
hi s brothPr a nd ~l iss Bartholen1e\"' ai
!heir retreat 1n the San Otego County
desert country near the :'>1exican border.
Another brother, Peter Peters .. 13. ha~
testified thal Gtg lold him in the ear!y
hours of April 21 that he had .. sen t n1s
mother ro hea1·en and put Dad ouL of his
The boy tt"st1J1ed that his elder brother
told him that '·30,000 Rerl Chinese are
about. to invade 1he cnuntry. the re\'olu·
11on is coming and the govcrnme11l is
about to fall ."
Service Station
Burgled in l\1esa
Cnsla ~te.sa Pnhce .1 rr tod a\' 111-
\('Sti)!atmg !he bur)!lar;. flf a ~er1·1ce S.13·
nnn 1n Y•hich Sj 44 \\'or!.h ni P'n1 er 1001~.
cas:i and trading stamps v.·Pre s:olrn
Officers said the gara.er v.1ndo11· ilt !hr
~talion located :it :!2.81 :-.\·111111r! Bl\<l .
h;id beC'n smashrd as an rnlr;.·v.;n· fnr
!he th ie f The ("nmr 11 ;i,. rrpnrtr<l h1
m:>n:ig.£'r1\rnneth 1-:strp 5'!:i \'ictona ~! ,
1 ·n~\,1 '.ll esa
The \f)fll<, 11prth ~\l)J 111 rf' t;1f.• 11 fri·n1
(I v.rirk bench Ill !ht' ~!all•!O t1JITf•IH \
.1nd change l<')ta!!n(! ~~ '.\\rr ,,l_,,-1 1al..rn
lrom rash !lnxrs on the bf-111 h Hlue 1'h1r
St.amp'.'i v•1th a redeemed 1·alOC' nt S64
1\'f"rr also taken
•ol>-rt N. We1d
~rnlCl911T •NI PWli•Plef'
1.f J•(' .._ c,,1.,,
. Vo ......,,,_t Mil "-•1 M"'"" .. ,
Tht1111 •1 K1tYl1
n., .... , A. -.&11rp1'oi"•
MtlW'jlinlt ltGL!Or
' Otrft'I H. loo• a.;d,,.,, P. N1U
""""''"' ~~ l dllOlri
c ..... M"• Offk.• llO W1,1 l•v ~trio!
MtiTi119 A';i!""': ... o. 101 15•0, •l&l&
o"'"° OHie" " • ~ Bu<f<: !mt w_, e~
LA9""" ll•dl: 7r. '""'"' Av"""" t-1.,..,11...,,.... 11-.t~: 1/llJ 11NC1> 11 .... ~,.... * ~: ~ -.al"lll fJ GlnWlCI RMI
D&l\.Y "1\.0T', ..,,. wro10I '' _...,.., ..,_ "_...,.. .. h ,.....i. .... <h•f'f ...... ,,_
.,.., ifl ....... Ito .. I.._. .... U911"_. l .. c ...
"..,.., a.tell. c.... Noa•. 1'1 .... li"""" a-cJI, lf-llilo V1!1f1, .SN ('._..,,
C&phlrl M 1..t SHd~ ....... y llfl -"'°-' .i11;o... p.;..,.ioel pr'ftll,.. p1q b
et a-Wftt •• ., .Sll'W\, ""'" --
, ... , •••• C7141 '4J ... JJ1
Cl&)'•• u .. ,.,.., ... 1.u11
Cf'O"f'11M. t•n, O<'ll'IO• CM1! t>ublioll~ '9<'1'\"""Y WI -,,,,.1... lt!!l'!U'«~n. __,_,.1 '...,_,,... .,. IM ..... l,_ll ,.....,,, .... ,, " ~ "''"'°"" ~Mil ,,... "'".--~•..wt.
,...... d.-..... .,.w .t N-1 a.tllt .... °"''' ;..... 011~. .S-1P'l"'t .., ..,....., a .a -"'1•: ..., -" .0.1J •n•'lllllYI fnlllt•rv •••IMI ...... nJI ,...,,,..,, ..
Fr ~JJ. Ottobtr 211. l.971
1t'l1at's Good for Geese
~lo rc-than 200.000 Canadian )'.!C'esr pauf.r al thr
l·loriron (\\'1s.1 C.an1e Refu gr cat'h _\·C'ar before lhcir
annual-m 1grat1on
leavE' before J)c1".
Douglfl.~ S .';tor:i·
Like Aircrflf t:
fl as Ups, Do1vns
A nine-e'en! drop in earnings per sharr
was reported Thursday by i\lcDonnrll
Douglas Corporation, !he St Louis·based
aero,<;pace giant.
Th ird quarter earning:; tnt<iled SFi 9
million amou nl1ng tn S.1 cents a <;hare
conipared t•'> Sl8 2 1nill1011 r:1rnrd d11r 111g
rh e san1e quartf'r th<' 1C"ar hrforr Thr
!9i0 rarn1ng.-. per sh;·lfe \1·as ~2 cent<;
S:1lrs for the thrre month~ r11dcd :-itp!
.10 arnounted 10 5.'>04 1111l11on u11 fro111
St!6 5 111tll1nn !he .1c;;r hrhwr
-'lrDu11nel l DougJ3~ nQtrd 1\ en1plo1rd
9;).~iil tlCr~ons <1! lt1c qu.irrer·~ rnrl ro111
p<1rrcl tc• !l.i_Ofi.1 u~1 the JJa\1011 1hr ~a1nc
datf' 111 !970 ·
F11r lhe JHllC' montll )'('rind JhrulH!lr
Sf'pt('JllbC'r. 1hr a1r1·ral1 f1rin repnrird nr1
1n1·n me <1f S.>'.l 5 1111111011, or 51 80 pr1
sh,1rE' Ttus 1.:omp<1 res 1.1 S67 i m1t111111
rarned tn the samr prrul<I 111 !1li0, 111
S2 .10 pe r sh<1.re
!'1rm Hrrlers ftir 1he OC-10, lhe <'Olli·
pan:-'s 111dr hnd1e<I 1·nn1111rr• 1.11 pl:111r,
~!<ind at 134, 11 1th options for ;1nn11ler !li .
~111r l S. an<! 11 fnre1j!n (',1rr1rr~ h!il e
_,;;,1d they 11 uuld purlhasr L>C-!Os. a 1 0111-
pany spokesn1an said. ••
Beach 1'eacher
Jailed After
Pot Partv Busl
Pnhce Thursday night JiH!e<l a Hun-
lln!-':!On Beach school tearher four young
111rn and a JUl'enil e couplr on a 1 ariety {lf
drur: rharge.~ slenl1n1ng from ;i n allri;ed
rnar1Juana party in Los :\!:in11to~
.\rre~trd l•ere 1;rat·(' Ann H::irker. 211
..n :irl tf'acher ar :-i1.1rr1 lntcrrnrdia!e ~chuu! Jla 11d .I Slont~. '21 Bonald !t
\l•'t". '.!~ l)nn;i!d ! · < ;1r1on, ~l. anrl
~~ H1.id l11 \ 11.irrt· !I \11 ~:l\r .1~ 1hr1r
;;rJrt~r~· 41111 H•111:irr! ~1 l.n~ \l,111111<1<,
\I ·" .~1 1 •·,11·/I 11,1r" I~ '.l".•I •!1 1! !.'.lrl
11 .. 1n 1,.,, ,\1:11111111<; and :1 I~ \r:ir·old IY11
I J't<111 \\ f'.'l 111111· I•'!
lilt' udults \\('/'!' lJ111Jhrd 1111'1 \Jr,1ngr
I .. 111111 ,!;111 nn ~11~pl('J!'ln (I! l'IO~.,cs~in~
11;.i~l\1:-h. 111,1.1111:111.1. d<ing•'rnl1.~ rl r u c;
::111d n;11~'11t1cs p.ir:1phrrn:il1.1. pill"-01he1.
]t>.<;~f'r, charge<; :-,'.o ba d had been :o:cl as
nf th1~ morning
r oll1..·(' }.J1d thrv \1ent tn the Ho11ard
Street addre~s in" :o:carch nf ;i runav.·av
JU\'enile and st11mblcd 1n!o the alleged pol
pari" ~1 1.~s H;irl.C'r has bef'n 11.11h the
~·es.tn11n~ter Schnnl Districl since \!l68.
accnrd1ng T'l di~tricl 0H1c1als. Starry
:••:hool 1:. ui fhr \\'rs!tninsler district.
•hnugh 11 1~ 1'·• ;itrd a! 6:\1 1 J.;irch~ood
llr1\C. ll11nr1n;::l•lll Bt>:11l1
\\"e~l m111ster :-rhl')(ll 1•ff1 c1:i\!i said !hr\·
.1re <1v.are of .\h<.;; Rar~er'!i ;irrr~I. but
.irr. aw.1111n,I'.:! mi'lr·r 111 for1113t1on brfnrr
<ler1d1n~ 11 hrthrr l'lr 11n1 sh(' :o:hf1uld hr
~u~pendf'cl lr .. 111 cla<.~roon1 duties pending
dtspns1!1on 111 her ca:.l'
Won1an Injured
In l\1esa Crash
One person 11·as inJurrd shghtly Thurs-
da~· mQmini; in a lhrrr car rrash near a
Costa \lrsa in!C'rs.e1·ti1111
("Jara :-.1arir l-l;imn1on;;. 6:0 5002 \\'
~lrF'adden. Saiita Ana .,., as trra!cd and
released at (o<ta :'11e5a '.llemori~l Hos pi-
tal lolln1.1·1ng The :irc1den1 in "h1ch hrr
car ~niasht'<l 1nTo In<'-rrar of ano1hcr car
1\'a1!1ni: for a !>1gnal :it the Ad ams A\'enue
and H;irbor Bnu l,..1;ird inrrrsrcnon.
Pohre said she :sa11 !hf n!tllq..,.;ir too la te.
Th11t r ar. dr11en ~1· i.l'flta Arlene
\\ d!>on 49. 922 ~ Par~nn~ Pl<1C'r. Santa
Ana . 11as pu.<;hrd b1 1hr unpact tn to the
rrar Qf a third car. clr11·('n by Sado
'Y<1.nagioka. 54. 4.'i(l,\ \\" Hn!l\'ilr1c A\'e .
San!a Ana Thr. other l~o clri\ers v.·ere
nrit h11rt.
Tl1e use of hcrom. LS D. alJliiit!et:imine~.
aspirin and 1.:1gare1tes caitlJ'IJ lead to
hlrth defects. a numOCr of Laguna Bea ch
<'durators. 11C"re 1nfnrn1ed 111 a \larch of
l)1n1cs ronfercncr \\'ednc sd.1~ afternoon.
ln .1ddil1on said _\lr~. (;11end;i \\'atson
uf rhc Orangr County chaptrr of thr
'\:Jr< h nf r>nnc;; dl('l1ng. age or thr
111uthrr blood !~pr and 111lf'(·l1nu~
dJ.,(';J:-.r:-. ~·an al ;,n 1ntluence the pt1_\~1ra!
~111!11nrnt;il hc."llth nr a nr11·1>11m t'h!ld
This 1:. 11h1 11 1s ,,o 11npor1:1nt lo ~f'I
1Jir 1111rrt oul a1ul rducatf' people al.lout
;hr 1 ;t1hr<. 1\f h1rth d('i r<.'1~ f'arrn1.~·H>-be
•hnuhl h11•11\ in1--1nf .. 1111:1!11•11 •hi' ~aid
I !d:11\\ 10( 1·a, ..... 111 IJr;111~r l 0•lll!ll1
'lr ~ \\'at<.on <ont111uf'd. 'v.herr fa1 nil1rs
11;11r h1ddcu 1l1r1r 1h1ld1rJ1 111lh h1r1h
dr!C'<!~ l>ctaU~f' !hr\' 11cre <l'h<1111f'd r.1
h:l\111~ lhenl. This 1s no \on~cr ne('<lt1t
·1 hr re 1s ~o 1nut h 1!1at t·an be done
\ 1111111brr nr !lllt1d bending drug~. ~11r
rxpl.~111ed. :is 11l'll ;15 1n•Hl) 111rr lht>
, 01unter pt('par.1uons :-houJd be ..11 01clcd
dur111g pregnd11<.:.). 'On ly prc:il'r!pt 1011~
11rderrd hy a phy$1c1an who is a11'.1rr I'll
111r pn·gn<Jnt·y ~houkl be tal..en !>aid
\J r.~ \\J!C-:011
Pre1n:iture births. ~he added. orrur
n1ns t lrrqt1C'ntly 111 \\'Omen 01·er 4() or
under 18. "!l's 1mportant ll1at 11 omen i!1
!he ~e age groups rece11e arirquate prr·
lhtLil 1 arc to insure' a sale prcgnanc\" ..
"Both tllc 111:i\e and 1hc fe1nale should
\..110\Y ('arh other'!-\ Rh factor ' '.llr!'
\\'atson stressed, noting that if a \1tle·~
hlriod 1s Rh negali1C' and her hu•band·~ 1s
Tth pos1 tl\'C. thr~ may ha\·e a Hh !l0~1t11r
h.1h\ 1rh1rh t'a" eau.~c serious blood rr3r·
1111n 111 ;he 111uther an;! offecr fi:H1rr
· FnrtunJtr l1 a ~rruin h,,, bren
11,,1rlnprrl 10 h,.. £.llf'n In lhr 111(!thrr
LE . .\SES ...
... 1nrn111111 the <"L~111lt\ 11 111rh 1 .. 1<tk111g 1h1s
.. pportlll1l11 tn ask 1'hP hoard IO !-it'! crr-
t,11n 1111111:.tinns Iha! 11ould sc1crrly
h;unprr 11ur abi111~ 10 pro1 tde thosr "hn
Ill Air c';ili!nrn1a 111th the lvpe o! ser\ ict.
:oi1ft 1hr lrrq111;n,·.v :ou dcsi;·e
· Son1r hn1·r suggrstl.'d !hat sut"h ~tnrt
h1n1ts be pla rcd on take·offs and landings
thn! \II' \1•ouid not be abl e lo increase frf·
q11en1·1rs to nlerl lhe needs (11 an ex-
panding market ..
Chlford Thursda.\ $aid that doing as
\e\\port Bearh also su~ges1~. rolling
h.11·\.. fh~ht h1n1ts ti\ 1!170 or e\'en lhc l;i.;t
12 nv111!h<., "11n11ld nnt take into ac(·ount
our nr11 Sacran1ento s!'r111..·e 01 our
prnrtra! ion 1nr<\l the S<tn Diego n1arket "
\'httord :;<1.1d again the purixisr of !he
1nail1ng tn cnunt1 bu~1nrs~n1('11 11 a~ nnt \fl
hap.c:lr 011 rr flight 11111nllr1~. • h111 tn n1ake
11rnplr ::111ctrc lherr ;nr rl lilr!.'· !fl l:J3n !11r
\\(' rl'cl 1t , ... 11npnr1:int 1111 illrl111e
11-cr:. (\• r:.:prc:;s 1he1n~rl 1r~. <.o
>ii prrY1sors v.·111 recngn1ze 1hc (·0111-
111crr 1al Vi!lue nf 1he ai rport. the 111oney 1t
h:i~ brought tnlo the county "
1 IC" pro1·1drd a fonn lct!er to \JC' sent 10
-(!11/nrd ~aid 1ht. curlew propostd hj
'\t'lll'Klrl Beach. fr om 11 pm tn 7 ;i m .
11•ouldn't be 1·ery hard for h1~ a1rhne to
l11·e "·Uh . '
He said !he only flights 1t \l'Ould refill;-'
::if!ect are the "·e\1-kno'l\·n D1sne1·land
I l 1 g h ts \\-hereby the airhne 1 ·1 1 e s
\ri rlhcrn C"ahforn1a htp.h school sludrnts
10th!" count~· for a n11?hl at D1sne~·l3nd
!-le1eral of 1hnse fl i1thts stirred con-
rrovr.rsv l11sl spring \.\ hen lhr~ ltft on the
ret11rn trip bet11een 6 and 6 30 a rl'i
.-\ nun1ber t1f 1.'0nlpla1nts about the rarh·
taJ..rnFfo;; \1f'rr re\1(1rled and ('l!flnrd
Thursda1 ~aid he didn'l 1h1nk niurh of
thnsr \\ho n1ade lh~n'
"I 1o.ould th 111k ir~ v.nrlh sacri!1c1ng !O
n11nu1r:-' ~l rrp In keep kids out of !lie
dope haunl~ 1n ~an F'ra111·1scti." Chf!ord
' '
:"OU !h.
Abou1 hal f of them \\ill
1~h1(h v.·tll al!c1·1ate anv d1fftcultv. and
.11!01v he r tn ha1·t. 111o;e chlldreil ." she
"\l"s also extreme!~' important for a
1 ouplc planning a family to see their doc-
1 .. r for exa1ninations and lo check out
familv histories There are a number of
11 ays ·to de!cm1inC' the possibility of ('E'T ·
lrlJn 1nhrri(ed hirrh deftcts occu rring.''
\1rs. \raison con1n1rnted.
[(osygin .i\.rrives
.\ t ( :uba <\irporl
'l'o (;reel l:ro\\ el s
\\l,\.\!I FL-\ 1,\P • -Sn\'1rt rrem1rr
\l~·~"I t\o~~~ul ha" arn\t•<l at the rain
rtrrnthr<l i\nlnnin ~\ar·en Airrort In San-
11:.igo de t 'uhil. ;:i r(·111n p:in1ed hy l \Jhan
l'r1111c ~11 n1st<'r F1df'I <';istro, lhr Cub<1n
1.odio re1'10rled trxl.'.ll
S;in1i;ign. fitlfl 1111lr s sou!hea~l or
11111 ana. 1-. Lub;i s :.ceond 1'1r;::r~I e1t~ ;ind
,·;1\lll;il f1[ t";1~!!'r111nn~I flnrnH· 1-'ro\ llll'r
Tl 1r• hrn:1d!':1~1 1n1111 1l<1rrd 11i :\11<11111 ~:i1fll.
!hr•t1,il11t1-; 1;1111111<'d lhr• ;11rpori <111d !hr !."1-
111 ilc r11ut<' l•1 dnwn!o11·n S;i nt1 ago 11·;:iving
( '11h.<1n ctn cl nu~~l<ln tlag ~
Tbr l uli;1n ;.:n11'r111nrn1 r:t<l1•1 ;u1d
1C'lr1 1-.1f'l 1t 11~,111 .. r~ tno111!flrl"d \\vs\ gin'
.-11Ti\'rtl trnn1 San11.1gn
Tlir ;11rrr:1I! 1.uwl1rd d1111n ;it !1 fl:,
a in :1ltholll!h ,irn\·nl h.id lwen ~thedulrd
tnr !I ;i 111. <ll'C'llrdln(! to the radio \o ex ·
pl;111a!1on 11 a:o: g11 en fnr the de!a\'.
\l<'n1ht>rs of thr l rntral ro1n11111!rr nf
thr ("uhan l·n1nmu111-.1 p..irt1 v.rl!'f'\n1r<l
ti\P S1111rt prrn11rr ~lld his clrlrf!;\llon .1ncl
1t1r C'11h;i11 lt•.idrr ;ii thP :l\T[lflrT arr11;il
011 Delegates " .
ked China ·sends
Reply to U.N.
l':-.rTE:D !\.l\Tlf>\S t L'PJ 1 -Acting
Chinese Comn1un1~l Foreign l\hnister Ch i
l'rng.fr1 1old L ~ Sel·relary (je ~eral
'l'hciri r Inda \ th:it Prk1n,1: \\fl uid send a
rlelegat1on \fl llH> ('Urrenl ~r s.~1011 o! t)1e
t;rn('ral A ~lir 111hJy
A 1" \ ~pokl·~111;in ~;ud thr i·ablr
rr1·1•11 rd !oda1 rro111 I 'l·kzng did nul sPI ;i
<tali• lu1 :lrri1;1l 1iJ 1hr Lh1nC'<' delegat10J1
but said II 11r1uld arn1P ' 111 the near
future" U1plon1als hair. predicted the
l;hinrse 11·ould arr11c by ~ov. ~
The eablt' al so did not speci fy thr
makeup of tht' 1111ssion but therf.' has ~en
lipecul ahon that Chi 1\0Uld head the
d<'legat1nn. TherC' ha d been earlil'r
~peculallnn 1ha1 Prern 1er Ch~u [n.!ai
1nighl even attend
The Chi cable 1ras the first direct co m-
1nunication fro1n the Cornmunist Chinese
go1·en1n1rnt lo the linited /\a!ions sine~
19.50 11·hrn Prki11g .!'ent a rt>presenta!i\'e to
;>ie11 York to d1 ~cus~ the l\orc oin \Vtir .
1'he t:encral Ai;scm bly v o t. e d
n1·rr11·hel ming!y ~!nnday night !n expel
\'a!lonall st China froin the organization
and lo srat thr Proplr~ Rrpub!ic n(
China . g1 v1ng 1i1 a sral 011 1he Securuy
Council and \'eto po~·er. a~ 011e of 1he fil·e
permanenl reprCO't"fifat11'es.
Thant sent a 1.:ablr t() Peking u11·
n1ediately informing lhf' l'om1nun1~t
fhinrse of !he l! :-.:. action and ask in~
them to name a de!cgat1og. There "'-'as no
reply and Thanl sent another cable
Thursday Rsking again.
Thant asked that Peking at·l as soon a~
possible especially in appointing a
repre~entat il·e to !he Sccurit:· Council
'i1nce . he said. the cow1c1! must be ablt. to
funrtton continuou~!y and al! of it.~
niem bers must "he represented at al!
times at the seal of the organization ...
Cnder council rules a new represt.n-
tative must convey his credentials to the
!'iecret arv Genera! no less than 24 ho urs
before hf. takes his ~eat in !ht> council.
Diplorna1 s noted that if the Chip C'se
represent11 t1 ve arrivrd by S11nda y h~
,t·ould assu1ne The ('hal rn1an sh1p of 1he
ScC'uri !v Council fnr lhc nlonth of l'\0\'('111-
hrr. Tile rhairn1iin!'hip 1s ro!n!ed monThly
;,nd thr PC'oplrs Brpubla· \1·1~uld br rl1t.?1·
blr fnl1011 nig i\11·aragua 1h1 ~ 1110111h
Ttir 1·ahlP frurn 1111 j!<l\'f' nn 1ndirat11111
of tht" 1nakt'UP nl the d11lrg:1!ion but sa1rt
1hr nallH'<: 1111ullt br srnt to !hr ~crrC'!arv
•;rneral ··1atrr 011 · 1hu~ apparenlh rul-
1n~ nu1 an~' pos~1b1hly China 11.·ould take
r;\r r the <·ha1rn1an~h1p hir '.'\o\·ernhe.r.
Chi s 1·ahle ;it knov. lrdged cnl~' rece11 •
lni;!: Thant'<: ""rlie r official notihcat1on or
Jhe L' \ \·olr ;ind did nnt mC'nl1on the
• • •
nudge Thant sen t later t1rgm~ mnre
"I ha\e rece11rd .1n11r 1rlegram nl ()1·1
26 1nfnn111ng mt. th<.1l n! 11~ 26th srss1on
1he (;en<'rt1I A ,~~·ni bh of rhr l n11ed ,'\a·
110111' adoplrd 'i\n thr 25th 1d (J1·tnbf.r !hf!
1esCih1r1"11 rr,tor1111!, 1 .. !Iii· Pe(1ple s
rti>puh!1l' of ('hln11 all or it~ ri~t1t~ In !hi'!
1·111\l·d \;1t l••!l~ rind 1•xp<•!l1n~ l11rlh11i1 h
I h1' rr'prr.,rnt ;111•. 1·~ nf ( 'hia n:: 1-\it 1-,hrk
ln•J!I It\{• pl;H ~· II hi• h 1he~ lll\l.il\ ltllh 0( -
' upy al !he l 111!Pd ,\1111011!'> and 111 all the
11rgan1ta11ons tt·laled In 11 Chi :::.aid
"l ha1 e al.:;o n•1ted lh<1t \n11 hai l!
11011fied all the bodie~ and rela'ted agtn·
r1es of the l.;111ted r-,'ations of lh1s re~lu·
11011 adopted hy the United i'\jation~
!iener.il Assrmbll' and belit.l'e that the
a'oo1·e n1rntioned resolution w1ll be
speedily implemented in 1!s e1111rety.
"I no11.· inform you tha t the governmt.nl
of the Peoples Republic of China 11·111 send
a delegation in lht' near futu re to attend
1he 26th session 1thr current 9ne.1 of the
General Assemb\I' <JI 'hp Uni1tft:! !':itlons.
· The na1ne !bt. or the de lega \ion will be ~cnt to you later. Please i ccept thfl
as:.urances of my highest consideration."
8niper Kills
White Texas
Police111an · •
FORT \\'ORTH, Ttx. I UPI ) -A sniper
using a high-powered rifle with •
telescopic sight killed .11 'l\'hite policeman
and "'·ounded another .early today .11 few
minu tes after the officers bcgan In·
\'estigating a bi·racial nightclub shooting_:_ J
The sniper hit Ille officers with a sing~
shot and then rluded a night-long search
in lhe southea~t sectlrin of the ci tv.
The inclden!s can1e a dav af1'er lhrec
:\egro nr~anizntions prntfstrd police
bn1tal1t1 ;111d price!' of 1nerchandtst. at
whit e"n11·ned stnres 111 b\a('k area~. But.
police said thev doubted that the .~11011t 1ngs stenirilrrt· lrnm !he black
\\'e /J a11>11'r ~ot !hn11::0: all l'hecked out
\r l hut al th is lirne I'd ha\e to say no.''
!-\<lid Hom 1('1dr Sgt J. R. Rrtzrndinf'.
Patrolman F. ~1 Bel<'hcr. 24. died in-
.~tantl~· \1;ht.n !hr sniper's bul lei from the
foreign-made r1I Ir exploded.. his skull .
Bits of bul!et an d hon e l ragments hit
Pal roman Honald ti. Turner. 28. who v.·as
standing ne):! to Bel cher. but he n·a~
treatE'd and tC'lea sed.
TC'n minutes hefnre !he officers \.\'ere
tut. l\enn C'th \Vaine H;irr1s. 2.'t, and
Debr::i Rrnoks. 1!!, both black. 11ere !>hot
111s1de the E lectrit t'ircus Club. llarri:ii
1na~t erin111drd rir 1 <lllr nipL lfl pin drub 11 a"' in c:rit1cal cond!l1on bu! i\liss Brooks l'harge.~ on Drtyrr ll'llen the Laguna man \\'as not hurt seriously
;igreed 1n .1ppear a.; a \\•11ne~s for the \\' E. \'an Hook. an ambulance dnver,
1iroscl'ution de;;cribed thl" situation as te ns~ af11'r
l;q)t'-~ hC'111g 1hed 111 ihr trial refleC'1 1-illrris and i'i\Js~ Brooks 1\'ere shot. HP.
l'fll1\r rsrit 1ons qctwcen rtnsm an and look Harris to a hospit al. leaving befora
R11r11 1g 11111h1eh the patrn!n1an agree~ In !hr o!f11cr 11as .;,\a1n
11,11! Dre\rr's 1·ar lnr ~ phon1· lraH1t in-A lot or blacks v.·l'rr standing aroun d
frciel!flll ·and cltunp the drugs in the ~nd thrv hassled the ambulance drh·ers
L;i,guna nu1n·s frnnl seil! wl11le the traffic pre!!~ badly ." Yan Hook :o:a1d •·tt was
th'hl"! 1:-; hc1 nc rrorr~~ed prt>tt.1· tense ..
nand:inn \las C'Oll\ u'trd h\ a JU!'\ la~1 Ar th<' hospital. \an Hook reccivrd 111
n1on1h nn thr h1J;1cku1g ehargrs He 1~111 rad1n l·at l to return becau~e lht! off1 c:ers
h" ..;rnlrncrd Thur~da~ to 1\hat criuld be a harl betn $hnr Hr said Patrolman
1 r-rrmo1111'.• 111-1 r <1r state pnson lt'rn1 Belrher 11·as l.1 1ng drad in a parking lot ~~~~~~~~-'~~~~~~~~~~~-'-
Put A Glass Under Your
• /' · ... -~· ' ~ . . ., . .. , .. -: . .... ,. .
R~ular Sl 89
NEW,OlT STOll 0,EN PllDAl llL 9
1727 We1teliff Or., 642-20SO
Profession•! Interior
Oesigners Av•il•bl._AID
'h•11• felt Fr" Me•I el o ,•119• C•w11ty-540·12'J
J4S "iorth Co•st Highw1y
,;hon•: 494·6S$1
Join Rank ~
Of Joble ss
\\.'\SMl\r.TO'.\ 1UPIJ -Tt:e number
cif inaJor urbnn <ireas 111th .-;ubstantial
11tH'fllpl .. 1 rnr11t slu11d at il s hh.:he~t point
in L! \r.11·., t11d._11' ltul 1t1cre as o 11·as th e
bnµh11'1" 111·11 ' 111,11111<'l1111rd States hrid
~("·1-,·d 11~ !11,1 1n11•1!;ll tr;uJe ~urplus in
~I I ~ llOllll lo:
'lhl' 1 ;1 h11r llrp:1r11n•·nt '-<lid 1hr1•e 111a-
\"1 .111';1" 111 ·re ._1ddl·d 1<! 11il' hs! of l'lt1es
ll llh" llt 'l"l•'llt \II" 111••1'(' !U\•'111plf'll ln{'I\\,
.lulilt''~ll('s~ druppt"<I h1.lnll' nr 1t lf'1f'I 111
11111 ulhl•f 1·1t1r~ bu! th(' 11•t ~.nn on one
hrnucht the 101:it rn11J11r :irr11s to 65, the
h1q.;t·:-t 11u4l l>er since OC'l-O b1 r , 19til. 11hen
lhflrf' v.·cre 63
Added 10 1he high unemploymrnt list
11t rc three Ohio commllnities -Canton,
Lorain-F:lyri;t. and Young~lO\Vn-\rarren.
J)roppcd 11·t>rc the Indiana cities ol Soulh
BMd ;ind Tf'rre Hoiute l~lt!lil ~111allcr areHS rilso 11·ere added to
thf· 1 1~t. 11\iile 1hrre 11crc dropped. bring·
1n~ ltlr !n!;d nf Hn:dli·r :1r1·as \n i85.
1'hr f'ti,!lit ~1nallrr :11·1·a~ :1ddt•d 111·re
\1 1 l\,1r. 4 .:1 l-'1·.r1111ng,t .. 11 ;111 I l~~li lt·n .
\L11!1" \.,11l1111nlwd.1nd S11;1llill'lL "\JI
S11\rr l ii\. \ \1 ;.i1ilpl1111 i >l..la ;,nu.
\1·>r~;111 ;111d \ 1·1·11:d l 1:1h. :-.111:11l1·r ;11"•',1"
lt'llii>\{•d fl'Hlli !11(' li •l \\('!" 'li'.\;JJ'l.:t11 ;1
·rr\. and !'111·.11·1\111· ;1 11r! l':1111H'e. tlk\;1
Vl"I T1lt1>~ti.
Rare Bea1ity
ilirhael Prost, 25, easily beat out fivf> fe tnal e candidates for Arizona
U niversity homecoming quee n. lte said his hair·do \\'as the secrel Now
o ffici als ha 11e to decide \1·hether he'll be cro\111ed at Saturday night
football game \1·ith Ne11· l\lexico.
lT "'"'"' f_,iber"tion l 'oeds Protest
:' \ll.\;.il\T \ 1 l f'l 1 T11c11t.1-f11e 'J l1\111 )~n1rnd?1'r or \ew Collrge. 11
'9t'dflcat11lnal }_lour-\car school or 530
s!ude 11 t ~. but p?onnsf'<I to return !oday.
Asian War
Fund Cut
WASHINGTON (AP ) -Crushing the
first of u veral :expected attempts to cut
the U.S. contribu tion to the l lni!ed Na·
tion s, the Senate also ha s disca rded a
1tr1v end-t he·Wilr bid and cleared the Y.'3\'
for final pa ssage of a $3 2 billion fo r e1g'n
aid bill.
In a long serif's of rol l l'all 1·otrs !astin~
11cll into 111ur.;d:J\' n1J::ht. 1hP Scn:ilc
rlec1dctl. aho. l(l 1 .. 1:1111 restnl'l1on~ on
l S spcnct111i:: 111 L':nnhod1<1 !hat 11·rre
\\ 11l1C't1 1nl11 thr bill lJ.1 !hr For£·1gn Hl·l:i-
t.Jons C'om1111tll't'.
Earhrr Th11r.;d:i.~· \lcnr1 l\hstn~er. the
PrPstdent's hip foreign :tffairs ad11ser.
11·amecl f\1 xon migh t \"et o 1he e ntire
n1ca~urp unless Uie Senate etirninntffi
the Combod1a restnctions and dropped
an .'.lntiwar pro\'ision drafted into the bill
by Sens. John Sher1nan Cooper (R.Ky.l,
and Frank Church 1n.Jdaho J
'!'he Conper-Churrh pro\·ision would
ha1·e 111111lrd all funds for the l ' S.
lll1!1tary in \'ietnam, Lan<; and Cambodia
10 those nerdrd for 11·11hdra\\:'il.
11 11·as struck fro1n lhe bill I.fl ii 47-44
111tr d p:o;p1lr :1 !'tr1111g altrrn pt hy anti war
fur('t'S In rt·\'l"r~r lhe drc1~1on .
Hu11dred~ Stranded
Blizzard Sweeps
Roc~y Mountains
A bltzzard 11·hir!ed through the c('n\ra\
Rocl.y ~1nuntnins tnday stranding hu n·
dred~ of niotor1sts in \\"yoming and fret"Z·
inc rain .-.lfl11·f'd tnn·rler~ in Krin~;is,
'.\t'hl".1~~ .. 1 :incl srri'ral uther states in !he
Cr\'•il l'l;1111s A
lll l.11tli• 1\!lH'fll:l. \\~11 Blill1t>r1 h(':i
111•rf' !r~111,i,: t•I l uid 11~1-s nf HI'·
<·n1nn1od;1!111~ n1orf' th;in 4.YI tral'rlers
\\liq 11.1\f' hf'l'n unahle to proreed along
l11\l'r"l•1!(' 80 hrr:iuse of the h<'al-y sn11""'
<111d l'l'"'r 11i;1h1l1t1· ·
"\\'('\·r J..:OI pf?\)p[t" r\·crvv.here." sairi
.\!rs, Bet11· Tripp. a tele11hone operator 111
tl1r s111nll \Vyorning community. "Some
pt>t1plt> rude Ul 11·ith lrul'k dnl'ers who
pirlo.ed th1·111 up along the hi~hv.·ay 11 hrre
thr1r cars 1\'ere stuck ."
!ntf'r.~IHle RO is the main e.:ist-west
ar1cr.r !hrou~h 1he mounl<uns in \\'yon;-
1ng. ~l;in~· or the rnntorists have been
:o:lr;inr!rd sinrr \\"ednesd<>~· ni~ht 11hen
slr1111g 11111d" hcgan In 11hi r \hr sr10111
h;i1·k otnd fort h HC'ro~s the h i~h1vay.
Trn1 pl'r:1t 11rr~ 11·ere 111 the te«ns.
Tlir l\~f1 111111g 1t 1~hw ;1,\· l'alrnl closed 1-
!lO rarh Th11rsd;.11· frnn1 L:iranHe to the
l-lnh h;•rdr r br1·nl1.oe of bln \11ng and drif.
ltric :-111111·
v.·u ninc:: v.·as put into effect fTom Utah
and northern Arizona to the central
Freezing tPmfiatures tt nd snow flur-
ries 11·ere scatt red along the northem
Plains states lo Lak e Superior. Jn
:\'ebraska and ·ansas fretzing raUl and '"
<!riz1le created hazardnus driving t arly
Cold 11rathrr prC\';iile<l in the Pacifi c
"\or!hwest as the mercury dipped into the
211~ Thursday \lore pleas;int v.1t t1lht r ex·
tended ove r the rest or the nat ion v.·itll
abQve normal temperatures in the East.
Queen La ys Egg,
Loses Huge Gem
l lA\lBCRG, Germ:iny (UPI ) -Queen
Juhana of the Neth{'rlands. on a state
1·1~it lo \\'e~t Gem1an~-. brieny lost a dia-
n1ond the s11.e of a sinall egg and 1·alued
at $300.{)!)() durini:: her visi t !o Jlambur~
Thursday. police reported today .
Thr 1111r111plo1 n1r11t rt'jilll"' 11 a~ lla~l:'d
1-~ff'11111111:1rv d;it ;1 rulif'l'f•'d u1 1\11gu~1
afld""1ii1·pl•·tnbt·r .. l • .;blir Oepar1111e11t f'll·
licials said.
1u11ni.: 110111.-•ri 1uuk 01 er the offices of a
; "ll(•gt' prr·~1ilf'11! Thur::.d:i1· ;in<! dett~rtd
rd f1i·c 1,;~1ntrarrpl11l's and rnore pay for
fr111ale emplo.ves
The 11·0111cn left Lhe off1{·es of Presi de nt
The grr.11p refu~rd !o allow any n1a!cs
into the otf1ces after presenting a llst of
demands lo Elmendorf.
Sr1u1le R1'11ubhran ]f'ader llugh Srot! f1 f
Pi'11ns~ ll';in1a 1n:inaged !o hold his f1nl!;er
111 lhe dike (If an!111·11 r srn1 in1f'n t. plrad1n~
11 l!h senalnrs 10 lislen lo 11·hal the Prf'S1·
den t has 1.0 say 1n hi:o; l\'01'. 15 t.roo1>-
reduction ~pttch before they commit
'l"hl' \:11innal \\'et1!11er Se ri ice mn-
l111urd 1!s hl1iza rd 11·a ming lnr the region,
b11! se>n1c nu!horitif's ~1d the roads mav
oprn late today, \lean11J11le a heavy sno11•
. .\ ~2.year·old pol k·e1n an found the di3·
1no111f neJr tJ1e red carpet rolle<l out 'for
the q11re11 11! the Pnt rance to Hambu rg Ci·
t~' l-lall. A protocol official handed it back
to the quren 1n the course of the city hall
dinner 11·h1e h climaxed her one-day visit
to Hamburg.
Ti1·ed, 1t·o1111ded ..
Bizarre Manh1111t Ends
As F11eitive Surr e11ders
!.E\l\'(;Tn:'\. t-.1 i L'f'I • -
\\'nunded ;:ind e x ha u s l e cl ,
.J11nV'!' Leriiy l'ol hran r nded
1111 C'rghl·d<i,r llit:lil fn 1n1 pota·e
Tl1t1r!;d<iy night by rt>l1 'a~in~
l1is last four ho-.\agr~. 1:ik111~ a
nintf'I room 1r1th a bat n. t!irn
qu if'lly surrender;ni; 10 FBI
Cit y's To p
Senle uced
f'ITTSl3t;HGll I CPI I -!11
f\11 11nrrrcedentecl ca;e, 1he
rna\nr <1nd police cnicf of
.lrannellc, P;:i , were t:• n11 <·trd
;ind sentctitcd tn one ~ ·~\r 11n·
pn.~0111n1·n1 Thursd;1,' on
l'l 1argc~ ol run~pu·1111J, 1, 11h :i
J.,,·;d 11t11111Je:·s Op<'r.'.l!Or
L'S A!lor11r1· H1L'11.!l'd L
Thnrnti11rg, 11 ho prf• eru1l'd
the ca"c. said 1t 11 as t liC' first
tune 1n 1he na11011 con1 lrtion~
11cre handed do11 n u1der a
sec11on of the (1:-~anile<l
Crime Control /lf'I f1f 19i0.
deaunl? 11·11h thr curru;i11nn ol
la111 enforc<'n1cnl nfli1·1a!s.
The 1rnns 11ere 1m1>0"ed in
<l)..:L'll1 S 111;;!Pad f1f ~lhJ(•l11 1f; ii
out as he !i.lll swo:·n to do.
('ochr:in. l ,1. of SI. L,1t11.c:,
h<ld bl'cn flt'eing t>icr ;;int'!' he
;ind ;i ron1pan1nn 01tlegedl.1·
rnbbed 11 ~;n 111:;~ ;ind In.in
as"oci<1L1011 111 ~I Lt>U I". r.10 ,
Ort. 2!. Pol11:e al:)O v.·ant to
(jUE'S!IOR h1m 111 the dr:i th nr a
young v.om.'.ln 11 hom he h:id
dat<'d sr1erRI ti1nes but who
v.·anted to end their rel:i-
tionship. !I• ( car alll'Redly
v.·as usf'd i:1 thf' hnl dup.
Since his fhcht b e ga n
Cochran J1.1~ ht•Jrl ;ind relea."ed
unhrirmC'd eogl1t hnst;iges. in-
cluding nnr l1•r 11hnm hP f1f-
rPrl'd ln Utl\,,,1.f 11 1 j.:Url <;() lhl'V
('OlJlci ~h.lff .1 l\i, lnl<l+ll I J1'1\'
111 .\'('\\ ~1 "\ " I I,~ <';Ir 11:1>:
nddli•d 11 1' 1 il11r111!! 1111'
('~t'<l\~ !n11 11 11,1· 1111\brr.1, :-ind
h(' l\;1:-~11 .. 1 ,!' l\llf'!' 111111
\"\(}i t('(' :.llH'{' ' I •if' \I OUlldPd
du1111g !h1i.,, ,,1,.,,~\t"
"111111L: u1 ! l.t')l,f ;.\ttrr
.11111 111("1. ;1•111 I •·:illv' tuur
1ng1.'tilt•r. (.11• II li.t~ dn\'f'n
ln1111 .\lis~ou1 1 lro \t'w ~lcxl(·n
;ind hatl-.. Fr.1111 onr of !he
ho!'!agP!'. Ile H•< I.. ~JO fnr g:i~.
and reru~rd to lake any morr
hrrallse ··tie said he didn 't
hrliel'e in l ;ikin~ mnnr~· from
11·orkin::?: penf'le." ~aid ~1 ri;,.
\l;trie J)a na1 . one of the Ja~t
Sinatra Sues
Cancer Story
\:l':\'i' '\'ORK fAl't -Frank
!'-1111:i1rn·~ lall'yers hare filed a
$~ 11111l1on suit against Ille
11rekl~· nr11·sp;1pr r "\hdnii;ht"
<·lnin1i11g th,, p 11 b 1 i r ;i ! 1 (In
drfa111etl the r e 1 Ir t' d en-
f(·r·toilner bv fal!>l·ly rrport111g
hr had r an("f'r and 11·nuld soon
<fl" Thr .<:ll1! in l' S Oistric1
f"ourt 111 ~lanha!tari claimed
Sinn1ra "hn~ nt'\'<'r had nor
does he ha1·f' cancer. nor has
;:iny d1agnos1:i1 been made b~1
an~· doctor th11 l hr has can·
< ·111."d in lhP c·omplaint v.·as A
~l ay 10, \!Iii ":-0-lidn ight" story
h1·atlhnf'd, "Frank Sinatra llas
<":1rK'er," lh:it cl<umed the
s1nt?t'r 1111<; fnrf'rd lo retire
he(·;i11~e l1r 11·as "suffering
frn111 (',1nerr of !hf' 1hroat. and
!h;it 111tl11 n a peru1d nf one
1 ~,:ir llr 11ould hr fn!'r·rd lo hr
('ont111(•d 1n a hosp1t :1I lo a\ra1t
111~ dent ti "
T!1,, t·•1111pl111 tlf :1\~0 ~;nd
~111;1 t r:1 11 ~1s l1hrle<l 111 " "'"'-
1. l~ti l 01rl1rlP 111 ··\11dn1£!h!"
th.il 1rror1r d the r 11\t•r1a111er
11';t ~ ~l'C'l"f'1 I\" 1narprd :ind his
lll'I\' 111fe 11a~ preg11<1n!
l\arned 111 the su1I 11ere the
\l1d111ght Publ1sh1ni:: Cor p .. a
('anad1an firm: Fa v.·cett
l'uhl1cat ions Inc., i :rttn\\·ich.
Cl'nn., !he l'.S. th5lnbutor,
:ind ~l anhattan i\c·""s Co.
11.~!ed as the /\e11· 1·ork City
dl"-fnbutnr of ' \]ldrught."
\ :--J)1,1rii-t Criurt a~:iin~t .--
\J.11o r \1 ir li.1rl \ Ho"lll. 4r., ---------
]'111 1• r ( l11rt \itliur ll1n<1ld1. \
1•1 ,111d .I 1111 "~ I. ! I 11 ·1-,, :r: 1
i .i e1f1~1i111c. :i 111nt~"~P c1
1111111'1•'1 · r<p+·1·111,.t
1. ,1 I 1 .1 ol 1: 11.1lil1 111 11' n1
' 1 • 1 1 1 "':11 tl 1r 1•1.1• ,,, 111
l li(•U 1~·\1l1u!l ~ l•l 1•11,1l >lf' l h1o·h I
111 iJ ,1111 111n11<>p11h t•,l'T ;dl 1
1111111t1i r\ "1'rrri1h•!I~ lrl thr
.J1'111nl'lll' :111 :1.
111 IC'"'-l1111"11y ;11 1l1r tnal.
Ch1lk adm1trrd (1pcrat1 n<; a
numbers rarket in J eannr.lte
off and on ~ince 1966. But he
denied c1•er hal'1ng a •1 y
J)Ol1\lcal connections or pol'Ce _(,
Judi* (.jeraJd \\'eber Sf'n· r
1e11ced'l 1hP drlendants to one
year 1~ir1S1Jn but said the
1Prms l\'Ould be suspended
aft<'r eath harl ~rrl'ed : ix
. -
Welfare Hill '
Ga in Seen
\\'ASH INGTO:\ I L"P! I -t Pre~ident Nixon's plan lo
rc1an1p the nrition's .,.,·elfarc
sys1cn), stalled in Congr,ss for
n1ore ll1an two ye;i rs. n1ay ~
!)('gin mo1•in~ again soon
:.t-n Ahrah11 m A. Ril1icoff
<O·Conn 1, said Thursday hP'
hat! Y>Otl a pledge fn;nn Sen.
nus"t'l1 l.A:ini:: r D·l.a l 10 f'nn · ~
dut I he;;inni;::s (111 lhc n1rth1Jre
.ind lei Loni;:"s Senale P1nancel
l,;om1nittee la ke a 1otc on 11
The mpasure, ::ipprO\ ed by
!he Hou~c 1 n June. 11ould
i;:uaran tec an incon1e of $2,400
a \/CfIT lo C.1.t'h /aOHl)' or four, ,_
inCluding the "'>'·ork1ng poo r."
One of every !2 ·Americans
rould he ehg1ble f(lr sn111r
rorm nf federal hc!p. al1hough
!he 11mount \\ould br IO\I' for •
many ,
Somewhere emon g Jack's gr eet
new fall shir ts is YO UR shirt!
There are so many terrific
stri pt!!s & pattern s to choose
from, you can't hel p but find
on e th at's Y 0 U. And , a fter
you've found it. t a~e a loo k at
J ae.k's new shipment of double·
knit slac ks & sport coa ts ... Yo u
might jusf lind one to go with
"'. YOUR ne w shirt!
346 7 VIA LIDO
. -..
With import prices rising, here 's how Pinto compares:
•Pinto now priced $335*less
than 113. ,
•Pinto now priced ~228*less
than Toyota Corolla 1600.
•Pintonowpriced $300*less
•A comparison o1 manufacturers' suggested retail prices, Including surcharge, for the base 2·door models.
Dealer prepara11on charg es (1f any). des11na11on c harges, state and local tax es ere extra.
1972 Pinto 2-Door Sedan shown with optional whil•
sidewall tires (S42) and accent group (S72).
And look at the value you get in Pinto :
Precise rack-a nd -pinion st eering ... wide stance designe d
for sure footed hand ling on the highwa y ... 1600 cc.
eng ine, already proven with yea rs of own er-driven mil es
... sel f-adjusting bra kes ... oi l changes ca lled for onl y
twice a year .•. mos t routin e ma intenance is so simple you
can do it yourself ... extra-strength parts (Pinto starter
motor, ball and univers al jo ints and rear wh eel .bearings , / are heavy duty). v
Look furt her into Pin.to val ue at your local Ford Deal er's now!
' PINTO. Different where it counts
...... "r' . I
Justice for
Bob. 17, ,~·as caught v.•1th a mar1;uana cigarette
when his car v. a~ stopped due lo a faulty ta1lh!;hl.
Terri. 15, \\'as taken 1n by police ca lled to a v.'lld
pa rty v. here they fo.und nn adult chaperones and so1n e
evidence of drinking.
Phil. 16, held un a·serv1ce station.
Their family and comm1lnity bat kgroUnd may be
totally rt iffcrent -as \1'ere their offen~es -bul they
have one thing in con1n1on . They h.a ve r un afoul of the
law. Thev have come under a. degree of control of the
J uvenile ·J ustice Sys1cn1_
Criticisrn of that svstem caused !a11•men to enroll
at the USC J)cltnquenc~· Control lnst1t ule (DCIJ to lry
lo p1nro1nt the faults and thelr correction. Costa ri.lesa
\\as Ahosen as one of three represen1.at1ve study areas,
along '' 1lh Torrance and \'entura (:aunty.
The~e areas al least in theory. rvovirte soelal , ec·
onnmic and judicial ya rrtsticks to n1easure the need for
:-perif1c improvements or changes.
J)olice officers from a nun1bcr of states. inclu ding
nne froin Costa Mesa. concluded after many in tervjsi1vs
'vith city and counl y police. crtut'at1onal and penal auth·
orities. and students, that a serious cornmunic.ati ons prob·
icm exis ts, firima r i\y \\'ilhin la1v enforcenlcnt agencies.
l\tis uri'derslandin gs have arisen an1ong school.~. no·
lire. the nrobalion department and students. A n1ove is
under\1·ay to have police . probation office rs and Ne\\'·
port-1\iesa Unified School Distric t offi cials gel acquainted
\Vlth each other's Jo bs.
t·he _Young
Both Beauty and Safet y
In a c11y \1·here beauty doesn't aJ1,·ays abound. it is
nice to be ahle to noipt v.Jth pride -and even, perhaps,
i::o rne an1a zcment -1vhen an unexpected escape from
a~ph al t and pol es shOY.'S up on one of Cos ta 11csa's
strcel i.:.
Such an cxa1nple can he found on r\dams Street
a .~ 11 \\lll<iS 1hrou gh the orr ra1npus bct11•een Fairvie\V
R0art anrl Harbor Boulevard /see rhoto ;ihove\. ln ste;i d
nf laving rl O\ln ano!hcr pair of asphalt ribbons, the ci ty
1n t l1is <a.-.r dr.<;1g11ed the street 11ith a gC'ntle flo\1·1ng
curve, thC'll added mnltirolor Oleander bushes alnng the
nol'lh Sl(IC' nf the ~t ree\. Final!'" ln rcrrnt 11'eck<., the
hcautif 1(;1t1011 program \1·as conlp!r1efl 11 1th 1niilallation
r,f a .~pr1nklcr ~ysten1 , ~ras:;; and fln11cr1ng fn11 t trees
in Ille nicd1an .
1'!1c rcs1111 a safe. street that at 1hc san1e lin1e of·
fcrs a little bc;nJty.
Cos ta l\1esa as a community is fortunate to ha\'e been
rhosen for an en lightened a pproach more focused on
reclamation of '''ayn·ard youth than on their nunitivc
/\ .-;i milar pro.1cct is al most comnlc1crt nn tilcrrim::i c
\\'<iy. !he ~tree!. !hat runs through the so1111lcrn part nf
I.hr Of'f' rampus. Others are planned for J\'c11·por! Boule·
"ard bet1vecn 17th and 19th and the n1ed1an strips ori
Sunflo111cr and Bristol.
''1EE-WHY DIPN'T I THINK OF rHAT?"°a:.. ......
War Is -·Cenfral
To !he Ed1!nr
I've JUS! f1ni Sh('rl reading lh(' book by
Albert Speer t11lcd . ··inside The Th ird
Reich." To11·;1rrl the end or I h e
au!obiograph_v. he quolcs the Ameriran
ex-SeC'reta ry of SU1tr and of \Var. Henry
L. Stimson·
"\\1e mu sr never foq~et. that unclrr
modern conditions or life, science. and
lechnolngy, all 11 ar has bec('lme J!reatly
brutalized, and !ha t nn one v.•ho joins in
it e1·cn 1n self.defense. c;in csc;ipe
bi\.oming 111 a measure brule.lized .
!llodern v.·ar cannot be limited in its
desfructi\·e n1e!hod and lhe inevitable
debasement of all participants.
"A FA IR SCRUTli\'Y of the last !11•0
\11orl<l v.·ars miikcs clear the steady in·
tensification in the inhumanity n[ the
weapons And tne!hods employed by bolh
the a.ei:;rcssn1s and rhe v1c!ors. In orrler
t.o defeat .J apanese aggressio n, 11•e 11'ere
forced. as Ad 1niral Nin1i1z has stated. tn
i:mplny ;i technique of un res1rictect suh·
marine ··••arfare, not unlike that 11·hirh 2~
years ago wa s the proximate cau se of our
entry into \\'o rld \\'a r L
"In the use of slratcgic air pn11•r r the
Allies tnok thr !i\'PS 0f hund reds nf
thousands of c1v1hans m Germany and
"\liE. AS \\'El.L AS nur f'ne m1c-s. hal'P:
cnnlributerl tn the rironf that the rentr;il
m0r3I prnhlcm 1s \\".:l r and nnt jl<;
mcthnrls. and !h;i t a rnn11nu:inri" n[ \1 :1r
will in all prrihah1hrv rf1rl 11 !th !he
dcstrurt1n11 nf nur r1\·1hzat111n
1The abn1·f' 11 .:1" 11"r1tt rn 111 :in .1r!1r lr
t1tl rd "Thf' ;-.;urr1nb11n:: Tnnl L;inrt11i.1rk
in L:iv.-"' in l!l~i 1
The Jhn1 C' r,1u~('~ nnr In 11 nnrlr r 11h·11
nne m ran~ 11 hrn hr ~:11 ~. tnd:-11·. 11 h·11 11r
v.·ant 1s ;in h0nnr:ihl(' r-•111 to thf> \1;-ir
nol'S hC' me;in tn hnn1h lhr l h1•11 ~;1nd~ ,,f
humans nn thr "n1hr r ~1r11 ·" in!n ~lll"l·
m1~~1nn" By 1he ne.,.:-paper1'. it ~cr n1s
that 11•ay.
1\1ASS Kll.Ll~r; bv hnn1h1n1? In a
i:Je~rce th11t 1~ t'l'\dcn!ly bcynnd the c,1m·
prchen ~inn <1[ lhr rnainrity of Arnerir:i ns
"''ho h;i1·e nrvrr r~fl('nenred !he terror nf
being bombed (a ~ I ha rei indicate" the
In th e Arena
Preos Co1111ne11ts
l'\ew Roads. La .. Poinle (tJUflt" Ban·
nr.r: "It i~ nol the cri!1c who cuunt~. not
the man w·ho potnls how thf' slrong ma n
i;tumbled or where !hip doer of deeds
could have done better. The credi t
helon;s to the n1an who 1s actua!ly 1n the
a rena: "'hose face 1s marred by dtL~! and
sweat and blood . .,.•ho s1r1vcs l'lllian!ly:
w·ho errs and cotnes short a~a1n and
again: w·ho knows the ~reat rn1hus·11sm!i,
the great rlcvotlons 11nd spenrls himse lf in
a worthy cause; ~·ho, al brs~ knows !ht
triumph of high achievement and who, at
the worst. if he fail s, at le.:i.st fails ~·hile
daring greatly, 50 thal his pla rt> sh111l
never be wl!h those rold ani1 t1m1cl !'Ouls
who kno w M1ther \'ictory nor dt>feat.
Sacramento, Calif .• Journa l· "01rl ~nu
read that 1 su rvey of.I• ma1or cities in-
dicate thal ON E Ttl!RD of all real er;1::11e
in the U.S.A. IS now ge tting a FREE:
ride ..•• at tbe expense of U1e people
who DO pay 1axes" rf all the exempt prn·
perty werr addtd to lhe ta 11: rolls, it
would mean ' saving of aboul $JOO per
ye ar to the ave rage taxpayer. Maybe 11·1
lime WE revolt !"
Lrt1 r rs Jrom rrnrlcr~ are 11•r/cn1•11>.
f\lornio/111 11·r11 rr.~ sl1011/rt r nnveu /l1r1r
1n e ssa9e.~ 11t 3()0 irnrds or lr ~s. T /1P
r1g/11 in rn11r/cnsr lf'trers tn fit -~rnrP.
nr ;-/in1nu1Jr /1br l 1~ rf'sr rvrd. All /r/.
1rrs 111 1•~! 111.r/url r s1q11nt11rc o ur/ n1ni/.
111g adr/rrs.~. hut llf!;llr.~ "'fl!/ br 1r111r.
Jie lrl 011 rr r111 rst 1/ s111f1c11>11! reasn'l.
i~ apparent ' f'oer ry u·1/l !lot be pt~b
ra!her dismal prns pf't·t lh;i! m.in rmay
never learn and arl nn his mist ake~
l111pli ed D c1lic11ti<111
To the Ed1lor
Harry B. /<.1C'Dnnald .Jr '!i ri11cst1nn
li\lail!xix. Ort. 111 11·11s :i fair one. He
ll'anls In k11ow why some lrvinc Company
propert.v ::iround Upper Newporl Bay ts
fenced Rnd pos1ed.
lt is fen ced ::ind pos!ed bccau ~e 111e
rQurls havr ni!ccl that unlcss a man rf·
fcr!il'ely protcr!s his property lrnm
tr('spasscrs. !he public mighr arriu ire an
iri1erest tfl ii thrnugh 11·hat is knnwn ;is
''impherl rlrcl1<:<1 t1nn" That (llf'i'lns 1hP
l;i-k1 ng rrf ftfl\"ille prnperl v bv !he puhhc
11·11h0ut cnn1pc11,.a t1on to the 011·ncrs.
\\'F~ no i\'OT hchc\r 1 h1~ rrrr nl cn11rt
rlrr1 <:.ir>n \<; r1r;i r or sr 11s1hlr And 11 1~ a
r!rr1~tnn, nf rnurl'c. !h.1! af!rrt<; sn1:tll
flfi'rcrtv n11ners 11s \1el l as laq::r !;i nd·
r.11 nf'r~
r rrh;ips nnr !l11 ng ran hr said for 1hP
rlrr i~1on. hn1,c1·rr The frnr 1n~ wh1r h v e
frf'I ll is now nrC'r:ssarv for us to 1 n~1 al1
rfnr <> r<nrthle us mnrr su(·cr ~sr11ll.1· to plant
!hf' area fnr crc1slC1n and siltat1 nn r ontrol.
TUE \'l:.f.ET,\TION shnu\d nn\1' gn un·
tr11mrlcrf and. as a result, ero~1on 1nlo
thr b;i v fl1r1h('r redu ced.
In a;1v rase . hecau.\e "r the "1mril1crl
derlJC(ltfnn" clc<"1sinn \\"r frel the fenrr,\
ancl f.ign~ n;u~t rrma!n \Vr hnPf' L\1r
tllf'Oon:ild and nthcr O/\ILY PP .OT
rr;i rlfr5 \\!ll unclrr~1;incl 1h11! \\h;i! \\'P
h111·f' rlfl ne is no\. in (act, an <"rrng an1 nr
rude ;.cl G 1r Frnr.r~o'\
\'1ce Pre51dC'n!
(nr~r;i1p Cnmmunir1111n11<;
The Jr\'ine Con1pa 11y
O"nlk 0111 of U •. , .•
Tn th(' Editor
l\"nw i~ !hr limP 1hal 1hf' l'n1tcd Sl ate~
shnuld ~!and up \l'ith l\s fr iends. nn1 1to;
rncm1es. :ind be counlrd on !he 5.icle nf
frrrclnm h~· walkin~ ri~ht, nut nf the
Llniled Nati ons.' Thi s is Ph11tr I
Phase II is to cul off 8ll fu nds tn 1he
L. ~
Phase Ill is tn rrase hosting the U.N.
Let rhe lommunisl.'i and their sym·
pathiz('rs find other qua rt ers. Now.
PATRIOTIC Amc r1c<V1s who love thP
SO\'('_rl'1gnty or !he United S_latts or.
America. <ind ahhor thr idca nf 11·nrlrl
gn\'crnmcnt. ha.j't' been s;iying this fnr ;i
lnng time Last i\1oncl;i y's ectinn \\'ll h1n
lhe t; ~·:s Grnrral Asscmbtv makrs 1! in-
tolcrablr !hat 11·r rrmain iri the U ~-. or
support it . 11ny longer .
Tll lS J\lPORTA~T dec1s1nn ~hnuld be
put In a \'Ole of tht rrop!t nf the Uni!rd
States and not left In lh<' "Commie·sym·
pa1hn1ng" polilirian~ t0 drc1de
Our acli('ln nn\\' 11 111 prorh1im tn Rll lhf'
\\·oriel "'here .,.., .~!.'Ind . Lrr~ bt sure OlJr
pns1tton 15 not m1 sundrrs101'ld
S i11iple Trutli
But Hard
To Observe
YniJ 1·annnt he lp snn1cborly who rlnes
nnt 11<1nl 1.o help himself. This is a simple
JnJth, hul a h:ird one lo learn and lo
01rr the vr;ir~. 1 have snmet1mes hcr.n
;i ~krcl h\' [nend A to ~et logc1her and ser
1f 11e 1·11ulrl dO snmelh1ng tQ he lp friend
R Fncnq R is falling apart. in 11·ork, t;ir
marric>.·~c. or JUSI generally.
'Ju! 1r friend B ls n<1! rPad y to be
( ..
Sydney J. Harris
hr lperl, I ha1·e lr;irnerl. thrn \IC' n1ighi 11s
11·ell save our breath 10 cQOJ our por rtd!;e.
lt is an absn!utc ;1:1:.
1ll m 1ha1 yn11 c<innot.
~('~ \\'Cl! 1111111 .1n11
k'n11w you are swk
Thi ~ 1~ true 111 e1··
er~' area r.r hum:1n
rcl?.11ons. The <il cr>-
hol ic cannnt rl'sponrl
In trc<ilmcr1t nf <H1\'
kind unt il he 11rl n11ts
he 1.~ an ;il cohnll r
Tl1P f'm n11on:illy di.\turbcd per.~on c11 nnnt
bP helpl'd hy p5ychiatrlc carr unlit he
acknnwledgcs !hat he is derpl)' torn and
lro ublrcl
And 1hc rla1n, If rltstre.<:\!Jl,t:. f;:ir l I~ 11111t
manv rrr~ons clo nor. 11·;int to hr!p
lhf'n1~eh rc
Thr "l'lf rl('~tn1(!1 1r 11rg<' 1r; ~l rnngrr
lhan 11<' knr1". the dc~1re tn f;11I tn~v
hrl·nrnf' ;i pa~"1nn. the rrt reR ! 1•1 1r·
rr<po11\1hlr 1nfaricy nia1 turn 1111n ;i "<II'
nf l1fr 1 ;:incl, of t·ours(', c1·entualh . ;i Wfl .V
nr ctc;ilh \
I \\1 l'\TIETil.l~'l 'if; 1 h r s f' nhl'll'ltl.~
t ru111~ on ll hcr,1use 1 see :ill arnunrf nie
pf'rsnns 11110 11 ant tn pt1.~h nfh{'r.<: -
hti.~hands I• 11·('~. rcl ahvcs-1nlo "grtt1n~
p\1 ch1a!r1r ticlr "
But 11ohnch c;in he pu sh('rl 1n1n this. anv
more than ynu ca n push a drunkard 1n1n
Alcnhuli c.-; 1\nrinymnus The rl'cngnilton nr
ll'l'ilkn<'ss 1s the first s!cp on rhe ro;:itJ tn
sl ren):!th . and !his stf'p mu.-;t he !akcn
Frrul) him~r!r ::idmi!lrcl t h .:i t
p<;yrhnanaly~ts rnuld cure onlv lhn~r 11 h11
r!uin "I n('l'cl 11 \C'r~· much -h,\' 11•h1r h hc
mean! thar !hn~l' y,·hn frf'f'l !J .~rrk hf'1p on
thc:r 011 n arc already llaH1>.·a) hnn1c
Tllf T R ll LY n 1 ~TU R R E J)
prr,;on.1l1 1 1r ~ :i re: thnse 11 hn n1n~t. res1~t
;ind rc$c Ot ."ln~· .~ui::_S::f'~linn thal lhf',\" nrcrl
::1.~sis1anre in roping with t hc ~r cn1otional
pr nblt·ins
1\ friend, or cour~c-. <"an hnld out a !1gh r.
can offer suppnrt and understanding . Rut
he cannot n1.1 ke "nmcone mo1·e to11·ard
!h;i1 light until he 1s pron1pted by so me
cnmpcll1ni; drive nf J1is own.
\\'ords 'arc useless. lng'lr is fu!llc, t'vrn
love c<1nn0t lnuch the inner sprin~s nf
mn1ivalion -for the neurotic is unable to
,e1ve, or rcsponci lo , lo\•e in the prnper
11•ay. 11 is hard for £rie2 , a~cept, this ,
but 11•ho eve r said lhat life v.· s easy?
Q110 es
Hnuslon I. Flournoy. state Contrnlle r -
"California 's jruotlc assistance programs
hai·t j?ro"'n at a rate over lhree: times as
fasl ;is our l!f(l"'lh in tax rf'vcnues -and
11 has finall y caught up "''l!h us."
t:rlwArrl I.. \\'."111f'r~, S. F, -"\\'nrk i~
lhe fouod11tion of :ill hus1ncs~. !~(' r11unl ol
R\I prflsper111·, thr p11rrnt f\f ~tniu~ !hut 1
1! n1ust be ln\'rd btfore it ran be~1011 its
,t!t r::itr~t blessing and ach1e1·e i!s e;rr.::itc!<t
f'nds ."
Bipa.rtisa1i Backing i11 Co1191•ess
New Social Security Boost
\\'AS!l !NGTON Prospect~ ;ire
rleftnite!y hrightening fnr another Social
S{'<'.un ty in.crr.11sr n('xt .Ju ly I
Th<tl wOulrl be a(·complishl'd hy !<tnp-
p1n i:: 1he Snc1;;) Sr.
ruril v provis1nn.~ nf
!he Senalr · stalled
fan1 il.v <1ss1 stance
measure and making
thrm part of either
I h(' Ph:i~r 11 eco.
nnm1r propo~a ls nr
thr !:i x redurlion
bill )),\-!i
Rnth these meas-,,--
11rr!i ?.rr tlrcmed rmeri:enly leg1slat1 nn
anrt certain o( enactment s year.
f\\' shirting the Social • erurity hikr
fron1 th e huge and hig . rontrnvrrsi<tl
11•rlf;'lrP lrgisl<ltio'}ln nn . nf thrse hills its
adoptif\n will be ~sj;ur lh1s ~e;ir -in·
~lead uf going over to 1he l!li2 sess ion of
THIS :'i ll RE \\10 PLA .'1 ha ~ 1mnnr1;in!
h1·p;1rlisan b<1ck1ng in both the HoLls"' and
I! also h:is a prncrdur:11 acJ\'ant.age th2t
11•01ild be i•rur1;il in the Hnu~e.
A~ 1hat ehambrr has alrl'ady :>pprn1·rr!
thr Sn1·1al Sccuril~' increa se -\1h!'n the
f hamhrr passrrl the family :issislan1'P
r rn,1:r11rn last spnng -1hr fnrn1rr 11 n11lrl
be "~erm;ine" as parl of <1nnth<'r bill.
llnusr ni!cr. bar rnnsiderai1()n fl f
:inlf'ndmcnl~ not prc\·tously \'Otcrl by the
Th.:it rrst ncllon"'1·nul d nnl ;ipp!v in '!;1~
inst:inre -rhul' i"\1rn1n 11!lnt: 1hP f"lS~1h1\1 -
11· nf the Snt'111 I Sccu n!y bmst be in g
blnck cd 10 an~· 11 ;i~.
Robert S. All en
ll> ;1dnprinn is 11 t<'rl11in1 y if it can ,grl
r nnsidcr:i tinn It 11•as a pp r o v e d
unanimou.~ly hy the !louse -whrrc it
p!a~('d the role of :i "s11.•cctener'' to he.Ip
pu! O\'f'r !hr l'1gnrously npprtsrcl mu ll!·
h1!J1nn-rlnll;i r 11•elf:irc measure. It 11ou!cl
br s1m1 larly paS~<'d b}' the Sena'.c ii it
an be brought up there .
THAT 'S Tilt: O.\;LY nbst:icle in it~
\ a.v. and !he bac kstage plan tn s11·1tch 1l
f om !he pigcnnh(llccl family ;i s<;1~ta1;( e
rngr am tn on r nf lhr f'm ('rgrnry
cr\lO(l!l'll(' inea sures 1s designed to b~1paES
Annrhr r Jfl'lfl"r!<int f;:ir1nr leaders of rhe
pl11n 11rr rnun11ng no i~ -polit ic~~
l\'rxt vcnr 1.~ ii ni;11nr e\t'r·linn V"ar with
;i ll 4~5 'n1 ('nlhrrs r1f thf' Hnt1'(' 0:-nd nn('-
lh1rd nf the :-irn;itr tl[l for rrrll'rtin:i Cnn·
<1i11nns ::ire un st;ihlr ;i ncl gr1e.,•arll'rs
numcrnus ::ind 111drsprcacl. As R l'flO·
."rourncr, lhr lrgi~l :itnrs i:ire el}rrmLl.V
r;ip:cr to rnake friend~ and 1nilucnce
A b;:i!ch nf Social Strun1,v inr reasr!'i
nrxt .l11l_v rnulcl he exp<'rtrcl to help ap-
prer1abl_1· nn th111.
This was ro1n1edll• nnlerl h1• Hrp.
Sarnuel St r<11!on i D.·i\' Y 1. Inn!! ;;i lr:icler
1n ;i1l1·nr;it1n1: b1i.;grr ~nc1al :-,rr11n1v
tirncf 11~ Hr m;i1 nta1ns 1t rlnr<;n·t ma~e
sense tn de-lay cons1dcrat10n of annther
Snr1;il Security 111crease be<"ause. of the
nppno,iti on Ir, \hp wrlfa re bill.
"IT'S HTOICUl.O liS,'' says S!ra!too,
''In ask !he mi1J1on s nf senior citizens liv·
ing nn Sneial ScC'unty lo \1-·ait another '"'0
i~r three :.-·e;:ir_~ '.O ~et mueh-ncecled Ari ·
il it1nna! brpcf1ts 1vh ic h nne br.:i.nch or
Cnng rrss 1"41s alrcarfy approved sim ply
hc rau se nf the d1flirulties associ.:ited witt't
an rnUrel y different progra 1n. .Social
Sl'curi!y 1mprovPmcnts arc rsscnlial nolA'
;o nd not som<' lime 1n the distant future.
They ;,hould be at·\ed on this year be fore
Congress \'t'inds up, and that's what \\-'II
arr 11·nrking nn "
A ~ pasH'd by thr House last spring,::..~
p11r1 nf lh<' embaltlcrl 11·{'lf;1rr reform
/{'gtsl;i tinn. the SrJcial Secur ity increases '
inrlud{' the fi~llow1ni:::
A ~ pe.rcent .:i.t rn'ss·the·briard raise in
mnn1hl ,V bene fits. y,·rth a $74 mintmum
br n{'/1( -both c-ffcC'ti1·e Julv I. Al so ;i n
;i11t!)n1at1r ros'·Of-living i n c r r 1 s e
"'h('ne1·rr the Cl'l e,;rrcrls 1 prrrent -a
nev.· drpar!ure in Snci;il Securily bc nl'fit s,
ALSO, 1'1i t: AO[)ITI0:'\1\l, e~rni11c.5
!11n1t;:it111n r<11 scr! In $2.noO from $1.6R(,:
<ind 11·idov,.s' htnrfits in creased lo JOO
pcrcenl frn rn R2 $ percent of the
hu sh;ind'.-; bcnrf1ls.
There Ls a!sn n pn!is 1b1l1t.v lhr r ropnsed
~ pt'trcnl boost 11·iH be rais<'d to J(t
Th:it"s being d i~f'USS('cl b\' lradrr~ or !h&
plan b11r nn !lf'c1s.1nn ha s vel hf'f'n
re.:ichcrf Thr\ arP av.;i 1nn~ d<'1·E-1opme nt~
In see h1111· the lc~1slat 11·<' situatio n ~hapes
A Year of Chilean Marxism
(h1le'!i pnt 111 rs arr R~ ;innn111lnus 11~ 1!~
,t:co~rarhr, 11 1s 2.600 inllrs lnng. ra1·rly
n1nr(' than HHl n1 ile ~ \\•ide, ;ind .1r1 i~ thP
only enunlry 1n S011th An111r1ca ll'J1h ho1h
Allanlir ;inrl P11r1 f1r rrir l ~ Rut (h1lr'_~
nia1n cli~1inclion ar present 1~ that 11 hr>s
lh(' 11•nrlrf·.~ nnl,v freel y cler1ed 1\larx1~t
r rr..,1clrn1 S:ilr.:irlnr Allende's Pnpular
I 11111• Frnnt , ;'l rna!11lon nf six lel t1st
p;irt 1r~. rainr tn 11ff1ce 11ne ye11 r a,1?n 11•tth
the narrn1~('<;1 nf plura ht1c~ -I 4 pert"t'lll
1n a three .. ~11lcd racr. The 11·ortd 11;
11a111nc In "l'f' d hr ca11 crcale 11 M11rx 1~l
!:flCt;ill~t s1.1rr 11 1thnu1 trampli ng on
f'hi lr'$ rlcrply rOO l('d frrerlom.~ of sp&rh ,
pres~. anrl p11hl1ral <1 . ..,sor1a11nn.
M"rs Allende . who is a~ :ir11cula!r '-"d
[Klllt1cally ~oph1~11rq_terl a ~ her husbt1nd,
has nn illusions about the dH f1cul!ies far·
in~ 1he gnl'rrnmrnt. ''Vt'r h:ive ;i very low
pcr·c<1pi!11 1nron1r. a high infant mnrtali-
1.v rate, much ilhter11 cy, 11nl!n1plnymcnt,
~hnrl ;igc.~ of housing. hospitals anrl
school.-;-, These ;.re problems we h~ to
Dear ·-
Know ~·hat I'm doing about~ all J,hl"~ r;tupid H;i!lowetn cos(u me
p11rt1e~" I'm not gning at Rll end
lhf'n tf'!l rverynne 1 ~·as there 113
llO~'<lrd Hughes.
-A. R. V.
n~u t•••ur• ••llH!i •••ft,.· v•••I. llOI
""'""""1' !ho" "' th• ••••••~•r. l••f ••u• !HI ... v •.. 01 ...... •u•. Cl•U• ,Ii.I.
Edit oria l
H1·"'aJ·c h
s(lll P h{'fnrr 11c r;in re ach lh;it idral
$0C'l<l list ~OCICIY •. .'~
SO\IE SLI PPAGE in sup[)(lrt fnr
;\IJ('ndr h::1s 1.1:rir been nnrer!, The r or-
ular L"nitv F'rnnl reren::y lost r lrct inn.~
tn fill a ·llClu~c 1·;iranry, thr ret·1orsh1ri
nl thr l 'o1 \'f'r~i1 1· nr Chilr . thr cl1r('r!ort11e
r>f !he jOUfO<lh~l~· ,1nrJ !he !.'lXI llnlOn~.
;,nrl the lr:u!cr~h1p nf scrnnclar.\' ~rhonl
s!urlents. "F.1tcn high ~rh(l()I rlcclinn.~ ~re
foughr no strir1 part,v tine" 11'1 Chile.
Le11.·1s H Diu~urd of The \V;ishingtnn Pn.~l
Nc\'t r1.hrlr~s. Allrndr ('nntinucs 1o
pursue his r.1arxist policies. l\'11n1erous
priv::i te cnn1p11nie~ have been n<1·
lionall zed. n1n rl' 1han 1,.100 l11r~r fa r~
have passed in!o the hands of peasants.
ancl most banks ;ire now in government
In the field of foreii;:n affairs. Chilr h;is
f'stablished cliplomat1c relations with
China, East Germany :ind Cub,1 Fidel
Castro's forthcoming visit to S;1 nti11go
"'ill be the Prtmier·s firsl trip In 11 Latin
American <:ollnlry since he declared Cuba
to he ~ jPCl111isl state in 1961. ~1c<1nw•hile,
Chile~ mounting ll dip\omAl ic offensive
thAl,.l!ppear.o; designed IO weake n · S. in·
fhif nce in !he Hemisphere.
U.S. INFLUENCE in Chile it.~elf w;.s
rcchJC'l'rl .~ubst.:in1latly when. tasl Jul,\'. the.
Allende J:Overnmcnt exp r op r i .:i t e d
An1erir11 n interests in the Chilean cnpprr
inclustry Although !hat mo1·(' was r«-
pf"clec1 .' it w;i~ ;issun1crl that the t' S.
cnmpanirs 11·nuld ref'r ivc some com -
pensa!1on. It wa s nnnounred (')n,()et, 11,
l1n1~'l'\rr. lh:i.t nn surh p:i~tnrnl 111nuld b&
fnrthcnn11 n~ h('C''111.<P ihe rnmp an1es ha~
;ir'f'lJJnul;itrrl more rhan ~iOO m1ll1nn 1n
•·e:-.rrc~ profits" fron1 their Chilean
n11rr;it 1nn~
~t'crrla r~' of S1 at r \V1l l1an1 P Anger!
r-harpl l' reprn1 r(i f'hile for wh.:11 he !erm·
ect a ".~f'r101J~ rlrp11r11 rrp frnn1 :irreptrrl
s1<tndard~ nf 1ntrrnrit 1nnal 1<tw ·· He
1l'11rnccl th8l the refusal 10 pay cnm-
1>ensat)nn 1111gh! irnparch1.e the nnw nf
pri\'a!e 1n\e<.l 111rn! f11n1ls In Chile and
ernde sup porl fnr rorr1gn a1rl
Templ'r.~ ma,\• C"Ool 1n hnth S<1nliai;:o ancf
\\'ashington "1th !tfto ras~<1J!r of 11n1e The
T1n1cs of ·llAlrMinn pn1nt.~ out 1hat Chill'!
''nreds fore1.i::n f'X[K'rl1 5f' In proC'essinit
her c·nril('r and foreign m;irkrt~ in d1spos-
1ni:: nf Ll " And lhe l"nttr S!t1t<'s cann('l t
affnrd to take !nn har a line lrst 11
undermine f''hllr ·s rcarlv sh~ k v
ernnnmy ;ind thrrrby pPrh.::ips furthe.r
11·eaken 1is dernn rr.:itic 1nstitulion~.
Robert N. n·,cd, Pub/Uli.tr
Thonias Kr.e vil. Edi!or
.1/bPrl \\'. Bn!r$
Ld:ioriol Page Ld.1tor
Th,. rd 11r>ri~1 !•At:!' <"[ !he IJ11ily
lil<"l 1-("'ks to 1ntl'lrm 11 nr1 «;!1m11·
J;:i tr rr1r1rrs h~-rorrsrn11ni; thi~
tic11sp111-.,r·s r'lp1n1••ns 11nrt ("nm •
mrn1 >\r~-<"M l•)r111.; ,,( in1,,1·r~t 111 !]1
1'-lc::n111,1•11nrr, hy rn1v1 dir11: 11 '"'"'lf1'1
l••r It'll" •'\l•l'''!<l••n n[ '"Ir rr;:i(l"r~· t>p1 111n1". 111 nrl hy 1'1·r,r11t1nr; the
f111rrs!' \'i ~111•nlnl~ f•r infnrmrf! nh·
)•'l'\<'I ~ 1111d JOf'<•kNm<'n on tnp1(:ll
.. r 1 he d~>·
Friday. October 29 , 1971
-\, ;•
* \-
rou l
Brick Deal: Paris Discussio11
Tanks a Bunch
Dt:u1 Point rrsirlcnt.~ 1n rerent
1veeks hBvc heard appeals frn1n Lhe
, Dana Point Sanitary Oistnrt !n
take a C'n1nn1011 brit k and drop 11 in
evcrv to ilrt tank in Ln1\•n
New Hanoi POW
r11a1 li!1tr" 1rick. said dts1riC'l
n1an;igrr II u f! h Kimb .... 11. coul'I
\1·ork 11onders <10 tile O\ l.'rburdenPd
trcJln1cnl pl;;int. ·
But ~nmeone h;1s forg iilti'n the
a:-.:10m !h<il v.·atrr conscrvallon be-
gins <1!. hoinc.
:\s nr last \\.cdncsd:i~· nighl. 1he
to1!el t;ink serving the bo1\ I in the
sanitary district's 011n office had
one fl?.w in the brick plan.
11 didn't have one.
Fossil Fuel
Pla11ts Eyed"°'
For S. Co1111ty
Diego Gas and Elcctrfr Con1pany
lo on!1rn1ed speculation I hat it v.·outd
pr a new fossil -fueled elerlnc
~nerat1ng plant -probably in the
rl sbad area -to.help tush1nn delays
cnnstruction vf tv.•in nuclear generators
San Onofre.
nan announcement made this morning
the utility announced that the uisting
power complex at Encina seemed the
mnst likely site £or a new conventional
f;!eam generator to cope v.·1th asserted
po11'C'r shortages which might stem from
the nurlear construction dC'lays.
Th1ee separate decisions relating to
i;afcl'/ and 1he environment are blamed
fnr !he delays wh1rh n1ight an1ounl to
\\'alter Z1tlnu. SOG and f. presidl'nL
Eaid 1he Eric·1ii:1locat1nn1r:is chosen after
5tudics tn probe pnssi hle ;1!1erna1ives lo
lhC' re:Jctnr prOJCl'I S
The San J)1cgo-hased ut1!11~· is i1s!'un1ing
2fl prrtent nf !he cosls nnJ benefits frnrn
thi:> S:in Onofre plans, Sou1hcrn Cal1fnr111a
~:rl1snn Co1np;in~' h:rs an RO prrccnt in-
terest 1n the stalled project~
Zi11au i;aid the Enc1na selection was
made becilUSc the cn!ical need for po1ver
d0es not allo11· for enough tune to de\·elop
an C'nt1rely nev.· site.
"Studies are undC'r wa.v \Cl determine
\vha ! type of unit \1'ill lie cnns!ructed ." hC'
rxpt<1 ined. "The one \.\·e choose v.·ill Ile
designed tn com ply fullr v.nh all en·
,·irnnrncn1.1I qu<1l1ty :-tand:irds. 1nelud1ng
\hnsC' for w;itrr, air nncl cs!hc11cs."
Hr arlrled !h;i1 his f1rn1 :ind J·:d1snn hn1h
11erl' "d1~!re~~rd ' ll\ the rlPla1~ ~ rnus·
rrl . he s;iirl h1 il frdrrn! cnur1 cler 1s1nn
11 hirl1 nnlf'rs ·1hr 1\101n1{' 1-:nrr~.1 Con1·
n11~:<11 •n 111 Jtlf'f11r!r th1· ror,1 .i·~nrnC'n! 111 1!•
Ii: t uf ronr·rrns 1n 1ssu1nl!. r r.1rtnr
AF 1 Get s Touch-up
T1ENTn~. \\':i sh ! t;l'l • The
{lresident1al Jl'I, Air Fore(' l , 1s gellin~ a
t1\·n.day patnt JOh at the Renton
r-.1 unicip:1l Airport.
The sper1ally·tnult. Boring 7Q7. whiC'h
\\•111 carry rresiden1 Nixon lo Peking next
vear. 11·as under hea vy guard during the
Orang~ Coast
Ilic.-,_.,, ~
n ·enlher
Sunny skiC's ch:i srd av.·ay the
clouds ·today and will t,1ke ovet the
v.•eather scene th is v.·eekcnd. Those
cold V.'inds should die oul tonight
alw, leaving un·spooky weather for
l-!alltiwel'n. High :iround 62 Satur·
d~y. Jov.·s in the mid·40's.
Ghosts "nnd otlier IVf'ird r.rea·
t11rr.s u!/IL ha1rnt (I h()!ISP iii Costa
/lfe.5n rlns 1/lf!rkrnd to rnt.ertn111
childrP.n-~riHI 1r ·.~ nil for chor·
i1y . .'irr p1cr11rf's n11d .~tory Oil
Pape 23 of iodny·.~ \Vecl.'.cnder.
l a•li"• " M~luJI 'U""J " t l l!fof"i• ' tll1•1an11 H•wt • tlltt_,,,. u. ,, Orao11 t ... fttW • t l1nUllttl JO.o llh•l•~••n!• U·tl
tn.,,lct " S•IVll "'"" " c. ........ d " , ... ,, 11.11
0t:•l1'1 NltlCI> ' Sitt~ Mtr-t!J 11·11 D•...,..c•• ' l1itV)tlM • ldolorlt l ..... • '"'.''" ,..,.
,iftlll(I ll·IJ W••'~'' • H1rto<ti>lo .. World ""''' •• lftft ~ ........ " w~'""'' 'l·JCI
M•llioe1 • Wt..,..,•, NIWI U•1'
Mt•ltt U·tt
List Indicated
PARIS ~AP J -!\1aynr \\' L Pa1rick of
Laurel. !1,11ss .. said tod<1y a North Viet·
11;Hncsc diplo1nat told hirn 11anoi plans lo
publish an updated list of An1erica n
prisoners of "'ar. He added that no in-
dication was given as to when the list
\\'Ould be rclcnscd ,
Patrick and two o1her men from Laurel
met \VJth the North Vietnamese al the
!Ianni <!i ploinatic n1lssinn offices in Parls
Thursday for an hour and 20 minutes.
Nnrlh Vietnam released a prisoner list
la st Ike. 22. IL contained the names of
3.19 An1cricans hrld in North Victna111rse
prison catnps. Since 1hcn Pfforts have
hecn rnarle hy .i\mcric;1n official~ :ind
others In ha\'e !Ianni gi1·e 1nfnrm.1!1nn nn
nth<'r American i;nld1£'rs b('Ji£'verl tn he
held. Thr.' response hn s :ihvays been
La sl J)ec£'1nher's !isl was g1vrn !n
rcprcsrntati1·es of Sens. J . \V Ful bright
and Edv.•ard Kp.n.vrdy by the Han0i
n1iss inn. A corv rl(_ the list was also gh'C'n
tn the Comm11tCc n(Liaison v.•ith F';,m1!1rs
of Scr1•iceml.'n Detained in !\orth \'1ct·
T,vo South Coast
Men Rearrested
On Indictment
A Grand .rury ind1ctn1ent Thursday
chari::ing possession nf $12a.ooo WC'lr!h (\r
111ariJuana for sale sparked the rf'arrest
of t'-l'O South Coast inen v.·ho had bern
free !111 b.'.111 :i11n1ting cour! actkin in the
St;itc !\'orcolfcs agl.'nfs <'Ind S:in
Clf'n1cn te detce11vcs r11:1rle 1h~ r!"JlC'.:I! ar·
res1s 11f Scott f)a1·id ~·lrl)n11ald. 20, of
2filif.6 Cnl!c Ult1m;1. Cap1~t rann flf'iJ<'h,
;incl Stc\·cn Dal'id Carreras. 19, of 24fili2
Los Serranos, l.agun:i /'\iguel.
Roth men v.·cre awa1ftn~ court action
stcmrning frnm the lari;e-sralc raid
\1•hich authorttics said neUed 110 kilos of
the forbidden weed Oct. i ,
B<til on the tv.·o men under the in·
dictn1cnt has hccn 5ct at S2.5.l'IO(I c:ich. Ar·
raignmcnt in Orange Coun1 .v Superior
Cn11r! \\'i!S schrrlulPd for tnrla y.
B"c:i11se of Ilic Grand .Jury actinn :ill
rl'lunir1p;1l Cnurl prorecdings ag11in~t Th e
pair 11·1)1 hf' clrnppcd and 1he t:i~r \1111)
<1Ulom.111"nll_v mn1'r up in the :->upcr1nr
C1111rt IP1<'I
Tiu~ rnt•n 11·rre ongu1;illv ;:irrrs!!'d 111 a
11r <' rilld 11 hirh 1nch1llrrl \hr ll ). c l•f
l11•IH"JllC'r s11r1 r1 1!anc1· ;ii ~ c 1· r r ;:r I
rr,,1dcn(·l.'s in !he C:1p1:-.!rano Hra<'h
l 111l1 ~:1des ;inrl lhr Lagun:i N1~ucl rC'~lrlrn·
Ct' nn Los Srrr:1 nns
r nl1ec s-al'' th<'v sr1zed hundrl.'rl~ nf pound~ nf marqu;1na in p,1ck;iged ktln
lorrn frorn 1hc 1nJnk of nn a1110 _
Ano1her large riuan111 y v.as scrafl('(l up
from garage floors
The indictment Thursd;iy said !hr :ir·
re.~ts chmaxed a probe during which
undercover agents allegedly made a deal
lo purchase 171 pounds of the "'eed for
$13 .250.
50 Old Pac·kar<ls
Arri Ying Sunday
In San Clemente
An c~timatcd 5fl vintage Paek;i~d
mo!.orcars y,·111 ;irrive al the San
Clemen le Jnn Sunday morning. then re· ..
main there for several hours'. public
viev.·ing brfore pfocccding to r.ther
Orange County loca tions in a daylong ac-.
tivity !iJJOnso red by the Orange County
Bi~ Brothers.
The appearance nf the classic autos at
the San Clemente. hostelry will be one of
lhree. "cnnrours" competitions scheduled
throughout the co unty. The cnrs all
belong to mC'mbers of the Pack:ird Club .
Jnternational .from Costa Mesa.
Tnurmastcr Bill Lauer sa id the o~lers
And lheir cars are_. expected l-0 arrive at
9:30 11.m. and 1\·hile ov.·n{·rs h11ve
-breakfast. the public i~ welt'ome In see
the examples of Amcricfl n a u Io
rraft ~manship bttv.·c~n the ye ars of 1917
to l9fi6.
La ter in thf' d11y the same cars-v.·111 pull
\nlo l.n P11ht111 Sl11dlum and appear dur·
ing haUtlme acllvitie.s of the Orange
County Rhinos game.
' I
na1n. a i'\r111 Y0rk i.;1·nup th;il has cn n·
11cc11nns 11·11h HanrH on prisoner rnat1ers.
Patrick told a reporter 1he nicn!ion of a
fresh prisoner list ca1ne 1vhcr. hr told the
d!plomat , tdcntificd as a second secretary
nf the mission, that five Laurel area men I
had hecn listed as 1nissing in action since l,f
the Decrrnhcr list 11·as published. I
Patrick said at that roint the diplomilt
tn!d him· "\\'e are preparing ano thr;r li~t
to he published by J·!anoi. I-lanol 11•ill
decide when to publish it.''
Nixo11 Sig11s
Worl( Bill Leavi•t!J Co111·t
Prc~1df'nl N1x0n Tl1ur.>rlay i;1gned a
~1 'HI billion rn1hlary constr11ct1on hill
V.'h1ch cnn1a1ns a ridl'r thaL nearly
defeated his atten1p!s In open por!tons o{
Ca1np Pendleton benches for puhlic use.
The bill "''hich became Jaw 1h1s week
contains a provis.ino that bans 1he sale,
lf'ase lr;insfer or other disposal of lands
at tarn[) Pendleton without f u 11
Congressir1nal approvnl.
JI L. ~ladden . 25 rlr.ft), and Denni;:;/\. Grtfftc, 18. leavr rnurt in Lring
Beach "fhursday artrr arr:il,t:nn1cnt nn four rounts nf kidn::iping and
three counts of r obbery. '!'hey are accused of the crin1r." in {'Onncc·
tion \\'ith a three·county chase that included an intrrlu'dc in J .a~una
J-lills where Mon ique Dreis, 6, "·as held hostage. They lraded her for
an escape car but \rcre captured in San Diego Co unty where two host·
ages were freed. Authorities said $6,134 taken from a Lucky l\1arkct
was ti5(fTecovered.
That rider nrij:!inRll:-" apprared in \hi?
hill earlier this vear anrl 11·as 1hr> resull <if
rl1sar;.irern1cnt ~·11h lhe Prcs1c1('nl's plans
hy several political leaders in Congress. Cle1ne11te Pla11ne1·s Reveal
But sincl' that r11!cr ;i cntnprorni~e
:igrecmcnt gu;iranteed the 5fl.yC'ar lca~e
pf six miles nf hc:1ch ;ind ahout .1.(){)(I
01r rc~ in S;1n l\1aleo Can~1nn dnwnL·Past of
!hr \\'c!i1rrn \\'h1t(' I fn11.~r
Thr nr11' ::1pprorn.1 11nn~ hill doe s not ;if.
fecL!linse lrascs. \\lh1tc 1!01isc spokc.~n1rn
sa1Ct~ThlJrsday. l
Pa1·l{ Develo1J 111e11t Goal s
Police Arres t 2
Following Theft
At Ga s Sta tion
A San Cle1nrn1r !il'r\ 1rr -~l;itjnn ::rt·
trnrl:i111 .. nrl ;:i t ;i1n 1• l'••ndlfl1<1!'\ ~lar1n1>
11·1•rr In p•ihrr f\:<ll•rJ\' !11!1 '1\I 111 11 h<1 I nf·
!icrro; :i~serlrrl 11,1~ :111·1n;1d" l!•h'' rnh·
lif'r\· carl1 rr !hi!-ll'f•rk al a l1J! ;11 g;i~ ~1,1·
Kurt 1.!'1.1Jrl :-i1n1~. 22. ,,r 112 rrla1n
Apl :1 11 .1~ :11"rri;t1'rl :i 1111 hP11r~ ;if!Pr hP
;illt):£'dly n ·1">1.r!r·d 1hn t hr wns slrurk on
lhr hr<irl '!$hr 11 nrkrd TlJ1e1·e<;. hr> 50'.lid.
c;;!nle tire~ :ind an undetrrrn1ned an1nunl
of r;;ish.
Police booked Sims nn rharges nf 1h('fl.
anrl filing a false fYllicl' rrnnrt.
On Thursday officers drnvP In Cam p
Pendleton In arrei;t David Edwin Gondcll ,
21. nn f'harges of !heft anrl bur~\ary.
Pnlice ;ilso recovere<I ;i set nf nf'1v tires
:il!cge<lly t.1ken from !he (;nrdnn i\.!f)('ln
Standard Station al El C;iminn Heal and
Avenida S:1n .• Ju:in .
Off1rrrs i;airl !hey l1r~t \.l'P rr told nf thP
!hrft hy Sims shorlly before tnidnight
San Clemente p;:rrks ;:rnrl rerreat1nn
i:nrnmissioners h;ivp ('QrnrlPled a to1a1
E>Valual1nn of the Ci ty's proposcri parks
and approved gC'ner;i! concepts fnr
de\•elopm<'nt of the ;rre;rs, One nf rrin1e
interrst and cnn1mlssinn .support is !I
viev.'('lark on slate prorcrty on 1\venida
Aflf'r Inuring ea<'h nf four park sites
anti ~rrk1ng gf'n('r,11 r"Onrrpts fnr ii c1!y
i:.enr"r:il pl;in or rark:. <1nrl rccre.1ti011 !he
('1101011:.<,Jr"l o.rlltr"il nn !ht"P rn>n!~·
-It 11;ii; 11n:inin1nu<>h' ;1~rl'rrl lh-11 fhr
pnrk projYl t.rrl fnr l·;;,,0.1 Cnrrl•lh~ l111lh :1n
nll lt.1;111rl 1ng n!fer h\' 1ht? K1111n1s Cl uh !n
hnnrlr,.. rlf'\ r·l11prnrn1 • ~h .. ulrl \,r .11"·
l Ht1lpl1~hrrJ r11 n If !lir <:crv11 r r lub
<lf·rirlf'\ :J).;!1111"1 II \ rroJ!'! t. 1'h(' r1 tv !'.1Jl
lrase 1hf' lanrl for SlllO a vr;ir lrorn Iha
S!a\r IJ11i.•ilnn nf Hi~hw:i~i. 11:.il nnly 1f ll.
r.11h1n110. a (!C.l'rlnpni rnl rl:in and com-
plr"ll'S 1hf" prnJrCI v.·ith1n a yea r.
Son1e i;u11g<'S!crl physirial fe;iturf'~ ot
lhP propn"ed VII'\\' park Y•nuld inCJUrlP.
gravrl trails. l;i\\·n. shrub~ and 1recs \\'Ith
a lnw prnli lr !o Pnh11nrc thr view.
benrhcs. a thrre.fnnt l'h;unlink fence and
a small park1n~ arPa .
-Vi~l;i R:1hi :i. v.·h1rh alrrady r011 t:iin:i;
a 1'011th hast'h<11I rli<1mnnd anrl finn!! ra~gr. coulrl also he sui1cd fnr campini:i:
use b~' ~cnut1n,1:: :inrl 0ther .vnul.h groops
bccau.~e of its woodsy location, conf'
I '
Code Eyed
Planners Study Bookstore P~mit
San Clemente plann1nF: commissioner!! cedure before an influx. o\ businessctf
this week armed lhemsclves with a new were the most mJCcessfuJ.
list of questionable businesses which But cities which tried to impose con·
might be added .to adult bookstore'.'i under trols after ' t~e appearances of the con·
a tough new city code they will study troversial busines.~s have f o u n d •
a.!(ain e~rty in ~ov~mhcr. therrfselve!I in court. bf!ltles over ques·
The !1st. which includes peep sh.lws, lions {If obscenity and immor,111 activities,
adulls-0nly thealers and ma ssage parlors, he· said.
wot~ld be incl:Jded in a number . of San Clemente as yet hlls none of lhe.
businesses In comnwrc1el zones >,1.·h1ch t'on d· hUsines&es wOu\d require a corirlitiona l use permit men 1 e . . ·
cump1t,te with public hearing5 befOff; Tht cpmm1ss1on ~t\entlon toward t~e.
commissioners" and ci ty councilmen. C(lrtfn:rls has per111st~ .for thr . past Commis~ioners will discuss inclusion of several mon~hs -aftel" -c.•lY .co1mr1 hnen
:ill the labels in the revi~ed code at a SOJindly rlen1ed one. apph~atiOn for an
shid.v ses~ion Nov. 2 at 3 p.m. In city hal l. a~trll bookstor~ a.nd 1mmediatel:y ordered
C11y Atlorncy f . ~facl\cnr.ie Brown told stiff new restr1ct1on!'I.
commissioners \Vt.:dnrsday thnt after Under the conditional use permit ·pro-
!'lurveying several citlc~ and their means c::edurc the city could lmpo11e stricl con·
cf coping with lha;-naugj:)c.)' ..t)u.sl~. dit.iolll -AOme ro Mr~h •~ le make such
c1tie.s 1o11hich had lht -11111 ·~·-pro-buatneuee impossible to optr3te.
,. t • . ~· • "'. . ' ... ••
ni1 ss1nnrrs agrrrrl Thr p;inr! :iw<'rrl 1h.1J
a~ i;Of)n as a sn1a!I city yard and ~tnr'l~e
rnn1plP:ir is rrlrit:itrd from V1~l.1 Bahia,
rl)()1n w{lulrt exi!',I for r:1mp111g :ic!iv1t1es.
Cnrnn1issioncrs nl so sug~~~!Pd 1h;i ·. 11
small pl:1ygrn11n<l be huil! <1l thl.' parlis il<'.
-Thr prnpn.~rd StJcorro p;irk sitf' in
Shr:i rcrliffs rnuld he pl:innrtJ in rnn-
j11nr!1n11 v.•ith rhr dl'\'f'lnr:-nr nt nr ;in lfl·
:ir rc rlrn1rnl ;i rv SC'hr)lli. Th<' prnpcfl v 1.~
01\nrri hy 1l1r (',1n•~tr;:i11n I ''11f11'd :"r·honl
l l1 ~trirt ;1nd jn1n1, p;irk..;, :in1I rd11t·.1t1Pn;i[
u~r rnuld h<> 11t•\·P1i1prrl 1\ '~/111.fnnt ~rrt 11·11
pr1r lhr fr1•r11!1,v r11ulrl ht' 1· .i~•·•I 11nd• r
1hr ~lfl0-;1 \'l·;ir 1·11nr·•·r1 il1" 11n11,.·1·11·
1 r11ilrl rnnt •1111 h:1~•<i1:1ll l1rll)-.. ),.,·,~rlb:1ll
rn11r!~ ;ind ti:1nf!h11l f;i11h!1"~ l 1~11 r 11n
1·rp1 11 1111ld hr .1 rlr1·rlnpn1rn1 tnr :ill US•'~
lnr all ;i gr~
-Lrs!ie r 01rk. ;i s1n;1lJ VIPIV :i rr.i f'lll
(;:ill<' rlP lns Alamos, \.\'nn hrarr,• rrrnn1-
mrnrlarinn.~ hrra 11~e nf an •1nmnlr<;lrrl
v1rw rancing frnm th1· W1•s!"T11 \Vhitr
lln11se In fJ:in;i Pn1nl. But r>PC'n11se nf !he
lark or rxi~!ing fund.~. con1rlf'linn nf !hr
p:irk is sti ll uncertain, com111i~sifJncrs
agrr£'rl , Cnmmi.~~1nnrrs ~uggrslrd Iha' a
pai.;0rl:1 of Spani;:h <!csi~n be in('\uded to
inrom pletion plan\ l.o take cdvanlage of
the view.
Caspers Balks
At Encroachrncnl
For Sewer Linc
Ecol()i:lY requi rements musl he mPt ;ind
steps taken to hold down J:irow1h ln the
·Lagnn.:i. Ni gue l nrf?a befnrr an rn·
crnachmenl pennil will rere.ive his ap-
proval. a<:t:tlrding tn F'ifth District
St1pc rvisor Ronald W. Caspers.
J1e gained a two-week delay Tu!!sday on
th~ request ror a pennit by the r.·loulton-
Ni,t!ucl and Santa Margarita water
districts tq install' an iDtc,rceptn r tt:C'\vcr
line in the nood Control District rights nf
wa y in the San Juan and Trabuco creek
Caspers told feUow i;upe rvisrirs that he
wanted to be. certain lht> districts y,·cre
not planning \.0 dump efOuent into the
orenn mnd were not pmvidini:i st.wrrs
large enough to support. large \l".lpulatinn
growth ·
Carl Ne.l~nfl. a55ist11nt f"lnod ·Qin!ml
ni~lrict engint"C'r, !!.~Id present !'lf'WPr
f;u:ilities In the area are overtaxed
becau~e o1 recrnt development.
" ..
-·· . .l
Today's FinaJ
'\ N.Y. Stocks
t ax
U11cler Fire
0 1 1n• O••IY Pilol S!lll
A srna ll group of i-outh Orange County
residents. angered over the recent lm·
position of a 34·C'ent permissive override
tax tiy Saddleback College trustees,
;igreed Thursd:iy to seek a court in·
junction tn halt lev}~ng the t;ix,
The residents, headed hy Paul Sayre of
DJna Point, n1ade the rlecision following
a inretin.q on the problem of about 100
di strirt voters. r-.1ost of lhe1n, by a show
of hands, are from San Clemente.
:;n,r rr, nf 2fi2:i l Sra Rose Co urt. said the
IC' gal costs of filing the in Junction wilf be
hnrne h.v his t::roup. b11l he \.\'ould not
dr~lnse the 1dcnlity of the other backers.
Thr !i!'lf·('n1plC1ycc! husinessn1an ex-
prc:;:;rd con1idrnce that such an in-
JUncl1on \.\'nuld hf' issued on grounds th;.t
lhf' tnislecs c1rcun1vented !he \1•111 of the
Cnl!C'i:;e I rustres al their Oct. 20
nieet1 ng approved the ta:-.:. \\'hich 1vill be
le1'\ed 1n 1~72 to r,1ise S2.4 million, This
mnne~·. officials said at rhe time, is need·
ed to match $2 .2 million in state funds for
!he co nstructio n nf a scienc e ·
n1:ithe1na!i1·s buildini;.
If 1hP f0(',1 1 money is not. raisrd, college
offiri.:ils no ted, the state aid \Vi ii be lost.
Vo!C'rs Srpl. !11 defeated a $24.8 mil!lon
h<:>nd i.~sue \1•hich v.•as to have pro\'ided
:1n1ong o!her th ings the necessary
1na!rl11ng funds for construction of the
st1t•nr,.·1n.1 th hu1!d1ni:;-.
Besiden1s :it Thursrlay night's met"ting
11hl"h w.1.~ callrd hy_ Sayrr. expressed
hn!h rl 1~111.1v :inr! :ingcr !hat 1he trustees
hi d r!r1 ui,.rl rn 1<'VY the tax follo\.\'ing
<lrf1'.11. nr lhr hnnrt issuC".
lJJs(·u.i;sion nf possible action against
lhe hn;1rrl r;1ngrfl from 11utright recall to
~1rnpl,v pc!ilioning !he board lo rescind
lhc In.~.
(Hl1rr altC'rn.1tivrs discussed Included
S"P'-Jnf:' :i rnurt inJunctirin to slop the
hoa rd .• 1sk1ng 1hc_ state legislature to
l•Utl<tw pr11n1:;s1\'C nvcrrirle taxes end
~pr·1•d1n~ fi'<11n 111,. rollegP rl1.~lricl.
'1'11" 1lr1·1sinn tfl st•,.k an injunclion was
1101 1n;1d" hv all (lf !he re~idcnts, but
f';Jn1r af[r'!' th" n1r!'tin~ \\.'hen the in·
111n1·1111n pt•1p•1i1rn1~ rnnratfl.'d Sayre, he
Tlir f.ir~••'f' ~lf•llP ;igrcrrl In fnrm a
1•on11111llrc· !o ~l udv lhn ;:rl1rrnat1vr ac-
11,n-\ "<'''011d \r,1r1~· n1r•rt1ng will be
hl'lrl 11 1111111 tJ1I' nr·\i11nnn01 ,1hcy agref«I
:-i;1\1 f• C'.1ll•rl !hr hnard';; ar'lton to [evv
1lir I.ix .. 1.t1;il, willf11 ! d1 srcg.·1 rd" of rh~
\11!r'r~· 11 ishr-~
' J rr.~ent ht•1ng rrgardcd a~ a sheep lo
hr shrin1," Sft}r" told the res1d•/ts.
flla11n1ng 1h.1t the hoard's ac:tinn "was not
111 lhe hr.~! u11crrsls of the public."
HI" said the t)llard. like many district
rrs1df'nt s nn fixed income~. "sh<Juld do
v.·h11t a tot nr us :ire doing and learn to he
lrug:il "
•·gut a recall "'·ill he the Jnngest.
h:irdr<;t mnst d1ff1C'u!t way Un rescind
lhP 1;1xl." S;i~·rr notC'd, arlding that the
<1uirk('~t 11·ay 1v{luld probably be a co urt
injunr ion
flnr n1:rn ~11gl!es!C'rl that. if enough
t.e" !.~ 1\•riuld a1tcnd the monthly hoard
n1C'etini.;s. pressurf' t'Ould be brought on
the lrustc<'5 ,1nd ma ybe they would
ch:inge thr1r minds
"\Ve could wi anrl act rowdy and get
1'V driwn lhcre." lhe gray·haircd
gcnlleman sugGested.
I\ younger resident suggested that
rc~idents si mply refuse tn pay the taJC
when their tax bills come due.
Capo Mission
Turns 195 Years
~l1s~ion San .lufln Capietr11no will be 195
}'C'ars olct 5unday.
1\nd to celebrate the blrth of the. "J ewel
nf the r.1ls~ions'' a special High Mees will
bl'. celebralcd at !O:JO a.m. il)..the Old
M i~~ion Church 11nd mariachi rih.i:sic and
crlchr11t1on Is scheduled on the mission
grounds 1n the .:il1ernoon hours.
Students from the Old Mission School
111~ will lake part In the festivities.
The mission. Orange County's' oldest
PXi~llng structure, was founded on Nov.
I, 1nli by Father JuP1Jpero Setra.
YWater Board Chided
Ju,.y Ter1ns District 'Unres onsive'
Thr Muth CAa~t Cc.uni\ \\'a1r.r 01~tr1ct
'1as single<! out 1n a n 'or:=u1i;e Coun1 ,v
(;rand Jitry report rrle:<ist>d loday as
be1na: gOV'tfl'lltd by a board "un re~pons;\·e
to its constituents ''
The jttry• rl!"port al~o ~!atrd that
charges tor waler bv !hf' di strict are e-.:·
cessil e and !he l ~X r.:itr is high, The
cl1strict ser\-eS the :inu1h Lai;una-Dana
Point area
The grand JUry preVlousl} att11cked \ht'
Joaqui11 Pla11 s
' 3 New Schools
Near lrvi11e
Three school sites have bf.en ~ilngled
out for pre-planning activities by officials
r.if the San JoaqL1in Elementa ry School
Distric1 and the Irvine Co1npany
The decision -part nf the Jn·1nl'.' G.'.lm·
p<iny·s offer of land and nioney t(J 11elp
solve district grov.·th prob!en1s -was
made Thursda.\· during a special n1r etin g
at vthich a detailed l.':->an1ina11on or the
('f'mpany's proposals v.•as n1ade . .a
The l r\'ine Company has offered' up 111
~I 2 million interest frel' to build a
school: interest-free funds tn do
preliminary site V:·nrk and architect's
drawings: land for school sites w1!hout a
down payment.
Ken Lewis. assist.ant to Su~(1ntendent.
Ralph Gates, said the d1strirt is v.·nrkin~
verv hard to meet a schedule that v.·111
a!lo-w it to request the hiring of thrtie
a rchitects to prepare drawings for three
One is in University Park in a ne111 S
a.nd S Construction Ira ct : a second \\'ill
he located just south of \Valnut and v.·esl
of Culver Road: a third vnH be in \\'alnut
Village East.
"Timing V.'ill dr;pcnd on !hr develop·
rnent of Irvine landf: that surrounrl these
hi t.f's but v.·e '-l'ill begin advance plannin~
and v.•orking drav11ngs. ·· said Lev.·i~
He added that th e Orange G.'.lunty
Counsel's office is 1nvestig<Jlln;i; !he
legality of the district making plans for
these sites without n1aking a deposi t or
outright purchase. The legal ad visor also
is checking into v•hether or not the sc h<)()I
district can borrov.· n1oney f n r
prelimina ry si te v.·nrk and sthl'l(ll con-
struction from a private corporat1nn
Lev.is sald no specific decisions ha\'e
vrt been reached on the lrY1ne Coin·
Pany·s offer kt lend the district up In 51 2
million to ronstruct a school , but talk"
·arc still continuing.
The assist.ant superintendent em-
phasized that the next schOl'll!> will no t be
built on the site under discussion.
The next school. for \11hlch money ha !'
al rr:adv been allocated by the litate. will
hi> on ·Preciados Drive in \llssion \1ieJn.
Completion date for !his school is Sep-
temlx'r. 1972
A second school. lo he built v.•ith local
bond monev at sonn as bonds can be sold.
\\'~) be in J~ake Forest on Rivendell Dri\'e
north of Jeronimo Road. This school's
completion date is spring of 1973.
The third school. for 1, h1ch an ap-
plication for a state loan is about to be
sent in . is on Karen Ann Drive in lr\·ine
off Y.'a\nul bet\''een !he railroad tracks
and lhe Santa Ana F'rcev.•a\ Con1pletio11
date for this facil!t~· 1s Septe111ber of 1973
H st.ate funds arc a\"ail ab!e.
Jets Flyiug Hi gh
TOKYO (API -r-.iar1iuana has bf-en
found aboard three l' $ mi h!arv pla11rs
irom the Ph1hpp1nt>.~. a fighter and 111n
1ran:;port s_ a nd 1hl" An1(·ncan ('\'lll1111:ind
is 1n\es11gat1ng
ThC' commanrl ~aid S!1 .0C1rl \l.(1r1h of thf'
drug v.-as found on 0C1 Ii. Hi <<nrl !R
flboard pl;:ine!> fr on1 the l'1Jh1r B.1\ n;Hal
base that landed at the rs !\lanne bast·
at Jwakun1
ORANGE co.a.Sr
f(ob•rt N. w • ..J
Pr•i0on1 •nd Pu~lwr
l J•tk f(, Curll'¥
VP f'l'IS"'•nt •!'Id G•ntr1I A~tt
Tnoll'"' ll11Yil
1\;11111 A. Muttillin•
Mlnf~I~ E~•IOI
Qwl• H. l _, J;;cll1rd P. Nt!I
AliliStw ~'"9 Enl!ori
1-t••• hoelll OHie•
2 1~ for••' 1-Yl ftUI
M1\1it19 •ddt•n : P.O. 801 ~l6, t 2l$2
, S.... Cl11111•t1 Offlc•
105 North t i C•111lno ft11 I, t2l72
"""" OflkM \ C... ~· Ul w .. 1 lllY &"""" """"°" 8-<;h: 2J3l ,._, l'IO<>~ ~ •lldl: VVJ II""' kllln1rd
Ill!\. 'f t'l\.OT, wfttl ... !di b trltl'bl""1f """' .. ,..,,..,., .... h JIVl>llthM dt\I~ ••ct&-• ~
lkY Ill upll"llio ..,JI_ .... l.lg\1'11 l!11eft,
·~ c""'" """'· li...,,,...,,.11 ~'"" V1lll'J', lie~ c1.....,_111
lf'lll '-llO!tbl>de, •lD'lt Wiii\ O"' lfll~ll •ltlor\. l'•lt><IC>ll D•IMhO PIW i' al Aa1 W_, .. )I' S1rnt. C:oi.11 Mesi.
, .. ., ... 17141 442'-4JJ1
Cl_.,)M A'-tltl .. •41-S,71
,_ ~ .. All o.,.,,.....:
, ......... ,, .... 20 a.,.. .._. Alf Depll"t-'tl
T ...... 494-74''
~ f'7J, o..r.o ~ ""'"'"!flt ~ .... ~t. Ill -llOl'l"-lllut!"''O"'• m11er .. 1 -l!f!' ., ldv«TIMll">•"" Flt''"'
-· .. r"'rodllC• Wl"*if .,_Ill "1°"
,.,lfl.M • """"""' ·-·
"·atPr district and other special dlslricts""-:ear y lai le\'Y must bt: considered Im
St\'eral months ago. de rmining the total cost of water to
Today's report notes that the water Private water companies do not
agi•nr.1· hils • rtic£>nt!y raised it s rates 50 !his tax advantage." the iury
prr··r11 t 11 l11rh has aroused wide5pread conclud£>s.
conr·ern 111 thP dt~tril'I .,
II 111·11 1hr d1~trwr~ d1tPi'tnrs rc:lu..,cd In
lll5!d'. ur n'dl.l"'' lhr ratr~ a rr{'il ll nf four
nf 111e f11·r rl1 n·<'lf1r~ 11.'l!; 1111t1<1tl'd thr
JUr\ rfrnn ( h11rg\'-'
· l\lu·n t11e coni ple!ed rt'c;ill µet1t 1on!">
\1Prr-crrt1r1M and ret urned fro1n the
• dl1f1\\ nc~J~\r.11' of \'o1ers. the <it!n mry
fi·r th1-d1-..1n1·1 ~!at rd !ha ! all nl thr ~ll ·
t1 r1n" 1·011 !~1nrd ,'\ ·glannp_ fat al r·rrnr' 11nc1
thP ho:~rrl nf d 1r1_·r1or ~ rrftJ<.ed t" c:1ll 1l1r
rr( 11\1 l'l\·('!11111 thr Jtiry stair~.
'fhr rr(Ylrt ('rin?1nue s: ··Th r attp rnPI'
later clairned ll11• j)€L1!iOns \1ere 1n1 .-.l1d
tw(·;i use 1J1r\· 11 1'r't• no t accon1pa1l!ed bv a ~i:1!t'n11'11 t 1r1 .n1 thP fl)ur directors \1!10se
recall wa s sought.
"'The. California State Leg1 slati\"e
Q)unsel has subsequently ruled that the
petitions were ln order and that the board
did not ha\'e the righl to deny a reca!l
ln regard lb rates. the jL1ry reriort
st:ites that the South O:iast di strict
c harges $6.72 fnr 800 cubic fePt of v.·ater.
"The rat€ for the same a[nount of 1vater
ch<lrged by a private v.·a~r company in
thf' Tustin area is S.1 20.
"The district a!so le\·ied a separate I.ax
r<-J1e of 78 cents in 1953-69. 'fhis additional
Tax Cuts Given
Tentative Okay
By Senate Unit
\VAS~fINGTO~ ~UPI I -The Senate
}'inance Committee ga1·e lentar11e ar-
pro1·a1 toda.v to S6.5 bl1J1nn 1rorth or
personal incomC' ta.~ cuis for !~ii. 19i2
.i nd !9i3.
r or the .a \·erage American family ,~·1rl1
tv.o dependents and an annual 1axabl e 111·
1·orne of $1:!.500 Jhe tax cut 11·ould ainount
IO $62 Ill 1972,
TIH' ro1nm1ttee. ho"·e1er. reser1'ed the
r1gh r In rer1r11 -and p11s~1 bly ltllTra ~f'
~ lhr 1.1.\ l'U!~ l1rfore 11 srnds the bill tn
lhr Sl'n;ile lll)(lr tur a('t1on ne.~t 11erk Thr.
le,c1~la11on already has p:i ssed thr ll ousr.
The tax l"Ul!> 11·011ld be ar hie1·ed chiefh·
b\ increasing the persQnal rxe1np!1o'n
thn t eat h taxpayer may l'l11in1 fnr
J11 1n::elf and ea<'h nf hts dependent!' 'fhe
rxflmpt ion, nn1\· Sfi50. ll'nu!d rise to S6i5 111
J!)j"] and to $750 in !9~2 a11d su b~e-quent
,\ ~~;,~1'
Some ro1nm1t lee 1nr1nber~ 11rrr r -:
pt·cted io a!le1npt In i n(·rca~r lhr
persona l e xemption Lo SSfJO fo r 197~ and
future )ear~.
City Seek s HeJp
On l\1ain Beaeh
Lag11na Beach t'Jly coun cdn\e11 l1 a1 e
;"Jpprol'td :S3500 for !he emplo~·ment l'11 a
t;onsultant to appraise the en1ire :'11a111
Beach propert~·
The appr;1i sal flf rhe land, said Cit y
,\1 anager Larry Rosr. ,1·111 take bel\1 ce11
.10 and 60 da~·s Foll owing it. lhe c1ly 11 111
br_gin nego!i<lt1nns tn bre<1k lea.~e.!1 \1·1 th
rn!erprises ~till oj)('ratJng fln 1J1e c1 !~ ·
.. wned ill ai11 Bearh. Rose added
T!1P I\ewpc rt Brach firm of t.ellrge
.ll)nes anrl A ~.'\0e1at e5 \''Ill conduct the ap-
praisal of lhe property.
Cl e111 ente <:ollie
J(illed BY l•'iend .,
\ 1.11~c 111J le r·nll1 r do,g 011 11ed bv a ~;in
t len1ente 1nan appartnlly 11'aS 111~ v1ctun
11f a do~ poisoner, a ]O('al 1eter1narian
lo!d pol1ec Thursday.
The pct owned by Roy \Vorth. 2009 l.Q!;
.\lamo;;, died from litrychnuie poisoning
:11 thr offices <if the local vet.
Pol ice :;aid the investigation v.·ould he
l1andled by the Orange Co unty Animal
C'ont rnl Department.
The J n1 1nal apparently took the (atal
~in!5r on \l"cdncsday.
Fro st_y W eather
Tou ches (,'ounty
P11111pkin l 'rop .'i
Tlir 1 1·0~! 11a~ un lhf' (1J'a111:r:; J iiii
pun1pk1ns 111 orange Cou111y 1h1s 1norn1ng
/\11d , :1c1.:ord111g to !h£' Fru r1 Frn,,1
S1°r11ee 111 l'Un1ona. 111!<1nd grt111 er~ 111;.i.1
r xpt't't 11111re 111 the :;a111e ton1g111 \\1th
lows near 28 degrees.
\rl'1nr Valencia Growers Assoc1at1on
reported haH-hour dips to the freezing
1n ark early toda y in scattered groves.
The 32-degree ten1peratures resulted
from an Ar'('tic cold fror1t that pushed
thro ugh Sou tllr rn Cahfor11 Ja Thursday,
the r\at1nnal \\'ealhe r Se rvl t·e s:i1 d
'fhe :o;\.~t r 111, ll'ilich at first brought
g!oon1 ai1d then swept a1,·ay lhC' graying
clouds. will lov.-·er ten1pcralures along the
Or.1nge Coast at le<i st through Sund<iy,
r..1 ean11 bile, 11p 111 the n1ountains, the
t:loud1· ::kn's and gustv \\'ind~ 'viii persist
v.·1th 'snoV:· tflnt1nui11g. to blanket ground
above the ;i,OOO-foot n1ark
In U1e deserts, winds will rea ch 4f!
niiles :in hour . t::aus1r1g sand and blowing
dust hazards for tra11elers.
Small craft \varnings \\'ere lowered
overnight, thr Or<.nge County Harbor
Departinenl .advi sed.
Coa~tal lows tonight \\'ill be in the mid-
40." v.·ith highs expected to reach 62 on
In J\orthern Ca lilnrnia. niany loraJ
temperatures v.·erc the !nwesl reco rded
for 1.h is early in ihc season.
Arcata reported 25 degrees, Ukiah 26,
Red Blu lf 3~. Paso Robles 2:!. S:-inia
~!aria 26. Fre:,no JI. aFld Sa nta Ros11 27.
San Franciseo·s !0\1' \1'as 47, while San
Jo~e had 4.i and !l1e Oakh1nd hills 38 .
Thr-we a1hflr se1'\'ICe said SOllH' clfluris
'''ould reach the f;:ir nflrth of the state
Saturda~ \1·i1h approach of a 11·cather
s~·stc1n now in !he Culf of Alaska
Stale Agency
\'1.on't Oppose
011ofrc Increase
Ex pa11s11)n •·f &•u thrn1 ('i<ldorn1<1
!·:d1so11 C(ln1 p:in1 ~ n11 l"l >'<ll' µ.-.11rr pl;cnt .. !
So111 l)nnlre an d 111 P ot l1er Ph'l'll'll'<d ~ll!r
pl) prOJt>ets will n01 tw oprr1,.f·1r b.1· tJ1e
Callk1 r111 a Hf'SOllft'P Agrnc}-
·rtie slate's :igrPP n1ents c o \ e r i 11 ,g
11u1 ·leii r :111d ln~~ll lu"I planl ~_ 1·1·1hir Tedl,1
11f're ~1 Rnrd ll'1t l10111 pt1l>l11' test1n1n11\ <-111d
prir.r to hrnnn).'~ he ld b1• !Ii•~ l'ubln.:
L"til1t1es Con1m1 ss1(Jn !he Aton11t Enrrp.~
Con11111ss1n 11 and lnra l g(11 ern1ne111 ~
ThC' agrren1c11t 4·n1 rrin:,: lht' S1111 (lnofrr
plan! \1;1 s ~1 g11ed L\Lirch 10. 1n~t clt1}'1n~
lllC' acl1n inistrat1011 of t•lrrnrr {iO\, !-.d-
111und (;_"Pat" Hro11n hv h1 ~ 1rsnu rces
The ai:ree111ent s ;il~o ('!"l\f>rt>d prnierts
111clurl1n~ a nllcle~ir plan! 111 (~nral C'an~on
near :"1·lal 1bu. a San Diego (;as and Elrl'·
trit' plilnt in Sorren to. a 11 Ed1s0n plan\ 111
(lrn1011 d 13e ;ir h. ;i n•ilhrr pl fln t fnr San
l )1P~(I ;;i11rl a pliinl Ill Lo,.; A ngrle~ Harbor
·r11r d1 ~1·if!."lll'r f11ll(111..; an •\_.;.<11c1 ated
l'rr"'" rrpnrl !hflt thr l\eng;:in ad-
1n1n1~1ration ~gnrd an agrrr n1ent lhrer>
1 r:ir~ ;ii;11 110t t0 nppo"r a l';H'1l 1c ( ,;,.;;
.1nrl E)f'1·tr1 c l'n1np'111\' 111J1'lr·:;r rlanl
.tiring tlir i11Pnlior1nri !'0.1~1 11nr
The ai::ree111P n1s rrrnrtrdl1· 11rrr p~·n
• "'~!'f"d hi· lhe ~!d1C' Pr111('r .'i1H111i: ( 11m
r11 1tlr•r . r's1;1h\1~hl'rl b1 Bn111·n 11l 19ti.'i a11d
1riactr 11r .-,r rrsn11 rrf"~ agr1l!',1 r.tf1r1;il•.
\l a il 'rhe111 Ee1 rlv
\\"ASHl\GTC,.-;: 11 ·r 11 Thr \ ~
l'ristal Sf'r\Jcr 1na;: br. nr11·. but it trol!rc1
"lil an \ild problem tndav -Chr istn1a!>
The :;erv1t·e urged Illa ! parcels lo d1s-
t <i 11~ slates be ni a1led b\' Oel'. 1 -Oec 111
f,ir ntiarbv areas -a1id cards be 1nailed
t>.v Dec ·15. Airmail parcrts should b<'
!->f>l1t hv Dec 15 and air nla 1: cards b}
Tttsti11 W 0111a11 ~eceives
Lette1· £1·0111 POW Mate
A Tustin woman \\hose husband v.·as
~hot dQ\1n O\er i\orth \"ietnam"in 1967, 1s
!he only POW-~11A \\'lfe 111 Orange County
111 ha1e received a letter from her hus-
b;ind ~1nee f.larch.
,\!rs. Ed1W>n f.1 iller or Tuslin received.
!he letter lhrough ordinary channel~. thl'
Tusll n-based Concern for PO\Vs said to-
tl a.1
i\lrs. r.11l1t(s husband's name 11·:1~
re leased v.·1th nine 01hers Thursday by
!hr~( nten1he r~ of \\"omen's Strike ror
Pral'r Tht trio rPtu rn!'d lrom I l;inni 11·11h
32 len~ri; to fatn!l1es of pn~nner~ of war
1nrlud1ng fl!le from lhP flroe;t An1erican
llyer ~hot do11·n 111 ;\1Jrth \'1Ptna m -Lt
F.1eren Alv;irp1 .Jr. r1f ~:int:i '(lara
the inail they v.·ere bnng1ng back v;·as
fron1 n1en \1'hr \\'ere pre 11ou~!.1· !is:ed a ~
lTii!>~ing in action. All ni ne of !he n.1me~
they released 11·ere of men fro1n
The Tu~l.in·based PO\V organization
had recqil·ed all nine namts earlier, a
~pokesman said.
They <ire Paul Schu!11. of S11n D1tg0;
Robert I.. Stir111. F~1re.~t City: J ohn Ferr.
San Pedro· Ed1l'nrd R · r.t a r 1 In,
(11ronad f'1 lienq:;e ~1cS11·a1n . f.·1ontrose:
I !ug h Staffn1·d. S<l n francisro. and
ll 1ihert fisher. R<tn rhn Cart!eoa.
~!rs Swtrdlo1v said the group rt·
riue~tE'd pern11sslon to \'i.!'il the prisoners,
but \\'f'fP refu sed l>crau se of ··stcuritv 11•;\'-1!11~ .. .
" '
UPI Ttl •~~O!o
. \tl«tc·l~s J' i .l'fJll
f~ep Paul\\' "Pell'" l\ll'L'los kC>y
1 f(-L'alif 1 r ai~ecl a 11e11 1::::-uc 1n
hl$ pre~1 clc 111 i.1I t :1 n1 pa 1g 11.
4'!iar g1 ng tha t :\'1xnn has faded
n11se rablv as cnn1111ancler·1n -
1 ll 1cf 1'Jf 'the arn1cd (orce!'.. See
!'itory Page 7
· Fl~rist ' fl cul
Viet ~lessa ge
Sr\Ci1 r\\1E'\T() 1.-\f'. \Ir;,;
l.;1r l 111111111:111 11ns .1ln1 r1!->\ !11J"IU1 r
thr 1111in :11 hrr dnor 111!h a do1r11
long ~1 P11111ic·d f!J~es 111 hJ.<, hand s
\\It~ r;ol' Ht'a~an -an d ~hr 11a~
I J~l\I
· ili'llo 1 111 l!un11l<I llragan " lhr
!'.;lll'trnvr ~a id Thur~d ;n
"Yrn 1r hu ~brind a~k rd 1nr to
d('l11·rr th ese fl o11 ers ti) 1·ou and tell
y1)u I hat he lo\'rs you
1\Jr,;. l11illrnan. \l"hfl,r;t> husband .
,\ir Po ree T Sg!. f,;irl Hurfman . 1s
~t.l1 1rined 111 JJ;-1 ~ang. \'iet11an1.
s<i 1d "1 kind of cried JUSI a bit ..
"'I rn a nobody. and I couldn'I. in1-
agi11e ~on1r(1nr as i1npor1 ;.rnl as !he
governor laking 11111e tn del1 1•rr
fJ011rr~ 111 111r 1r ~ lik e a drean1 "
1{(•;1~;111 S Ul1:'1!111nUnC ed \ I 5-. I f
st(;111rnrd frr.i 11 <i li,ltr-r llL1l f111:1n
1,ro1r thr g_o1·ernr<r l ;:r ~t 1nr1111 h
!,a~ 1ng he \\'<IS makin g the unusu al
rrque~t hecau~P he hnpPd to find ··;i
rir:illl;"J!11' IY:ll tn ~h•111 m1· \\ ifc 111111·
nHH·h 1 ln1r hrr '
t\ ·'ilo:1 kr·~n1;\n lor Rr;ig:in ~aid 1hf'
(!nl'r.runr dr1'1dr tl ·-t'ln thr spur nl
!hi' 1nflrnf'nt" tn df'llrcr llJ(' rosr~
bu)ing th r111 himself rlrsptte 1111!
fn1:in ·s offrr lo p<iy all t·fl~t~_
State Ma v Aid
South Cotwtv
School Cril'ib•
Lcg1~lat1on i~ being draflc-d by State
Sen:1 tor Orn111s Carprnter's off ice which
111:i.1· easf' !hr f;icilit.v 1·ri.•;is in the San
.lnaq111n Elr1 nent.;.ry Schoo l n1~t rirt
l\rn l...e11 1s-. ass1sla n1 lo Supt'rint e11den1
H;;il ph Cates, 1;.11c1 tod:i_1· th r d i.-;;tnet ha.<>
1·.,11!;"JCtrd the Sf'n :it or·s f1 Jf1cr :ind ha ~
hcrn ~11·1~n i1S~t1r:i11ce lh;ol :l~surrd Iha!
( dl'J)('ll(Cf II ill af1,'(llpl 10 lllllllCdtatel~
111trorl1h·r lr~1sl;it1011 11)(•rea!>11\g 1hr. legal
1111111 fltl tile ~air of lnt•;1I !->('hnol bond.<:
Thr <'lltTC'fl( !'r1l1nc 1111 Hir 1 a!11e 0J
h"11ds tl1.1! r;i n bi• ~ .. Ir! 1., l11r pl'1'rrnt Il l .1
d1.,1 111·1 s asc:e,,<;f'<I 1:ili1.1l1nn Thr d1:;1n, I
1111<: ,,_,ked t.1rpe111~r to attempt to raise
Ill•' lln11t 11') Sf'\'en f>PrCC'!il
If !11r leg1,,Jat1on pa~.<:rs. ~4 f. n1tll1011
1111•rc \\Ill be a1a1la blC' for lil'hoo l 1·r<n-
"tr11cl1rr11 --f'nn11gh to buil d 1hrf'e 1nore
r lr mentar\· schnnl~
Aid fo1• B1ises
Parking _Banned
On Nyes -Place
In a 4-1 split \'Ole \\"f'd11esday night
Laguna Beach c-if y ('ouncil n1r n appl'O\'C'd
a req uest b:i.nn1ng parking flll lo11cr <'i,1es
P!ace so that lhc sch1)01 rf1~trir·1 l':in ~end
bu.~es tlirough 01e narrow ~l rf·t1·li
' I lh1nh 11e s!o1 1td look al l\'ht'!)lr r (H'
1101 Ille cll y 11v1lld bt' !wld l1:ible it ;i
bu~Joad of ch1ldr'f'll 11r1 e \.,ll led ' !'OHi
1111'nl!'rl -·oun(·11i11:i11 ('l1;11'lt1on I' Boid,
11t10 1n1c·d ag_a 111 ~1 1!1r h<1n ·I 11i1nk tl1t
( 11y n11ght bl' ln1·1'd 11'1!h ;i lrn1su 1t and
l11sr II!' ~l11 r1 ..
Cay :\ttorne.1· ·rull,1 Sc,1·n1our ~J1d lllr
t 11_1• \1f1uld not be held l1sh!e ~1nee r<lUI 1ng
of st·hool bus''" up 1he ~lef'p rvad 1.~ ;i
school bo ard det·Js1Qu_ "Since that is thr
c.i se, the school distrir1 1\•11u ld l1a1'i> !ii
carr.1· !he responsibility of l.Jc:i11g 1i:J b1c 111
1J1r e1·ent an a('c 1dent ocr'tlrrl'd ·•
Counciln1an l·:d1l'ant C. Lorr t·hargrd
that Bo~1d \ras "'using le\'rrage to f('\'er~r
1he rje(·ision of the ~rl1ool hoard <1dopti11g
llir new rou1r·· 10 lllf' l'ortat111:1 ar1·:1
Your ,1·ifr lri~I ilut on lhr 1utt' :11 1<11111\\/
~(1u-re trying lo u ~r !lie t«lt1nc1 I l1\ r!i <tncr
rhe dE·r·1s1on ... l.nrr ~aid ;'llrs Bo.id. 111!0
is a S(hool truslrt>. 1oted aga inst !hr rtf•11·
route \\'hen it \I as appro\'ed Lll'U ll'eeks
agn ·I re.~enl 1t." Lnl'r ad dt'd
"'l'rn· 11nl i::11111g lu r'e.~poq1I In 1haL''
80\'d ~a id
Ci t.I' '.\!anagrr l.a1\rence Rose said that
111 add ition 10 !hr rrque~t fro1n thl'
~chool~ to el1mina1e the p<1rking along
i(Jwer r-iycs. su i a niore wa s being rr.
rp1e~ted by th l.'.ilv traftir 1:omm ittee.
·-irs 1ust a eo1nc1dencti 1ve happened to
get this request fron1 the school s." Rose
San Francisco's
Chinese Leaders
BJasl U.N. Move
~A \ ~'BA:\CISL'll 1 l PI •
( h111;11\1\1-n s powerful ll'ader~hip Thut·<:-
\"1;1\ drnounc\·d !hl' l'nHed Nations ;i<;
· dr1·adeut and i·v1Hr al ." <Ind Prrs1dc11I
'\1xon as a · l'l<ll ilieal opportunist.'' in a
r:.irc 11r11-.~ i't!Pi1'rcn ('r <1! l1lr1r pagorl;i-
~11·lr t11·:idq1 1:-it'!1·r~ bu1 l1!1ng
Thi' 1 ·n1nr~r> ~I.'> ~~oq1p.1111e .... 11 1!1<·!1 11·,1 *'
n·µrrsr11l1'd (·h1n;1t<111 n ~ f'~tabl 1.~lln1r1 1t
:-1n<·e thr Tnnu 11 ar~ b1tlC'r !y «xprc:>~f'd
11p}!ll-l lttill 1n !Ii•· ~1i11 11i~~11111 of 1\1;1111\<ind
Ch1n;i lo 11\r l'n1trrl \"~1l 1nn' ;i nd th t r x·
pt1l,,iu11 (lf Nat1onal1 sl Chu1a
"!'hr> rx pul <;ir111 .. r 1";1 i11;111 11;1'-··11ir
br·g111111ng nf th1· rnd r•r the l' ,\ ;1 ~ <I
1nor~1I t.nTr 111 11 orld atla1rs.-· saic1 flt1 _
T~u11 T111 T.1am ,. ffl nnrr 1ntrrprf'trr for
Pn:-·~1dP111 i\1~"11
Taa1n said 1hr 11·orld bnd) ll'a~ •·a dec<i ·
fk·nl a nd c~ 111 i:;ll or;:t:in1za tio11" 11 hirh
'will fol low in !hr footstep~ of lhe Le ague
,,f i\at1(l11s beca11se 11 has \·iol ~ted 1ts o'rri
pnne1plr!' ·•
One spokcs nian slrung l~ L-n 11cvrd \IX·
1>11 for 111.-. fC'lr1hcn1nlng \'isit lo Peking
"Prrs1df'nl i\JXC'lll i!-> a poht1ea l op-
portunist, l\'f' Chi11c~r nnw ha \"e 110
rf'~\)('CI for Ins integrit.I' ·· ~a id Dr.
-\lfred Dql Linn . ".\'one: nf the Ch1nese-
\tnen1an~ 1u 1he l. S. v.ill 1·ote for h1111
1n the oext eleet1011 "
Th~"1x Companies represents !lie largt
f:i1n1l, a~~t'IC'talit'ln !' '11 Chinatown 11hns*'
lr>ac!rrs for gener<l!ions ha 1·e innuenc!'d
iz rea!l_1· tlic co mmu11 1t.v's business and
1 11l!ural lifr.
Pubhc \\"or ils J)1rf'l'IOr Joseph R:_
Sweany said parking ~long !ht ~trefeh l'
rla 11grr\u~ brr·au\P of rl1e 11un1 bf?r {!j ( <lfot
po1led 1i1r narro11 111dlh 1•f the ~trC"et
<111d th 11l1111!l1'1' 11! prdr~trian.•: tn !he
:irra d ·111g lhc :.tu11Ji11·r 1 11untl 1.~
Slieeter Cw·h
(~hief lrl\ecl
.4.t Jtu·y Bla~t
.li1r il II l\11 11b<1ll. ula r\<lger ol the
Orange ('ou nfy ~-to~quito Abatement. [J1~-
1r 1cl loci<•,\ ;,11gn l.1 hit bat•k <i t an Or·angl'
('11u1111' (;rand Jur.1 rf'(o tnir1cnrlat 1on lhat
tlie d1~1r wl should he ahoJ1shrd
Hr ~111d lhr 1u1·y rrpor! "contained iri-
:1c(·11ra r·1f";. 111i.~i;!;1h'n 1tnls a 11 d in1-
pl u-;1l1u11s 11hu·h 1·:1 ~t doubt. n11 the 111-
!l,gr 111 "I l•'ll 11·u.«ti>1'.~ ;:i11d 11r lhe rl1 ~t 1:1(·1 ,,
Tl1c 1ur_1 111 ;.r ~1·!'1i11d 1't-1.l()f111n 1he suh-
1!'('1 111 r·ri·e nl 11erk~. al~u 1•h.:irges that
1/1e 1no~qu1t o d1 stnc1's e111ployes a re
111erp;i1d ;111d th:1t lhrre arr 100 nlatl\' nf
lhe1n. ·
. Aho alla(·krd 1n 11·.e jury report are the
:\e11·po rt Drainage Dls!ricl , Talbert
\\la!f'r and UraJnr.ge d1stl'icts both in th9
Hun11ngto11 Geach·~·ountain \lallev area'.'i
and the South Coast Countv • \\'ate~
D1slr1t l in the Sou1h La gun;i-D:lna Poinc
~rP'1 .
l\11n bal l h<i s ans11e red the jury ·~
«harge.~ point by poi nt. The charges and
hi.~ rrplirs <l r-e
-In l/1e 111trre'-t nl ellect11'f' go 1ern·
n1t nt tlir d1~trlct !unctions C'Ould be taken
f11r 1· h1· lhf' L'011n1.1· l1eal1h departmen1
Kl \lB.\1.1.: There nr1' f •. ~ mosquito
<1 h;1!•'1nrnt agent'u·s 1n California. 5'.l nf
11h1eh are separate {hstncts and nine ad·
rn11 11~lered by cily 0r eounty health
<l~part111 ent ~ Tlil' 111ne ~·re 111 <:1 rcas which
l1:.t1·e 1n111or 1nosqu1tn problen1~
-The lJ1 ~lrict 's en1ploycs salaries are
l'(Hls1drrabl~ h1;:her tha n those for co111·
p<ir;1Ule p11~1l1t'lns 111 coun l) and city
r~t :1hJ 1~hm(•nr~
KL\113ALI.: Thr Jtlt} ·s bt'her 1s ob·
\ un1sly liased on hea rsay ~1nre these sub·
it'tls 11 ert nol \'\i11n1 11ed nr discussed by
thr 10 lll('!Jlbl'l"S Of 1/ie JUI'> 11/Jo visited
dr,,tn(·t headq11;1rl e1·.;; on Oct 'i. The
Pt1l p !<1~ e~ ~al;ll'1es are 11ol hi gher, thev
;i re ali gned \\ 1111 t·11unt v dC'parfmerit
-Thr d1.'tncl l1as 21> paid rnembers on
11~ bflard. f1vf> I<) sc1en should be suf·
!11'1 •·111
Kl.\IB1\LI.-'l'he board 1nembers serve
\.\1l hou t con1p<'nsa1!on. They are allov.·ed
nrrP,.,~:ir~ lra1 f'I exprn~e!> onl,\' not to e,;-
1 r1:d s.~.'j a 1nonr h
-The d1sll'lt'I has 25 fu ll lt n1e <1nd 19
p}l1'1 11111e ernp!oyes. -
l\l~I BA LL Thf'1'e are onl\ 20 full lune
C'1npi111 P~
l\111iball cnt1<'iude.o: his rebu1t al "'1th
··111e r;rand ,Jiffy ha~ no t offered a single
('\•ll~t n1 rl1\·e c11n1ment for the bet!ern1ent
!ol n1o~qu11n vontrnl 1n tile count1·
'"Thr r111H·1· ;ohsence of Db1CC t1re ap-
pra isa l or f'.X1~1 1ng and luture tnosqu1to
hrced1n~ p<>lenti.11 indicate s th at the jurv
1~ nnt a1\a1·e ri f nr C(lncerned \l"llh the:
,.,er11l'rs pert11r111ed hy the d1s1ric1 for the
preser1a tinn 01 11 n1osqu i!O·fret en-
11ron1nen! ·•
Put A Glass Under Your Drink
Requlor $189
172 7 Westcliff Dr., 642·2050
Profe1sion1I Interior
Designers. Availabt._AID
Plltn• T•ll f'fl "4•11 •f Or•1191 C1u11ty-S~O·l Z•l
345 North Co1111t Hi9hway
Phone: 494·6SS I
.._. ct.. -"-" .. ld If HfWll0!1 •••t'I
.... C..tl Mft•, C.llfll"llJI;. '"""'""'""" 1¥ U<'l'lel' t.1.2' -lfll',r: W rou11 H.7'
'"!l\lfll11 ldllUlry Clalil'lltlonl, #.U IF*'!~ly,
Thf> tr111 ~1r! Amv S1\err1lo11 , Erina
Z1).!<'l< ,.1 \r11 \1.i i<. 'c111 :i11rl thf" He1,
\\'1ll1i> Ba rr<)I\ n1 1 !\w11 ~0. ~:>1<1 the\' ~ptnt
10 da1 ~ 111 ~orr h\1eln.1n1 a~ ~ue~t'~ of the
\ 1etna1nes 1> \l nrn1>n 's Ln1nn
Th•~ ~111'1 thr:i did nnt knriv.· if any or
~he :i lsn said H:111oi off1c 1<1 !5 "told u~
lhat if Prr~1dt'n t :'\1xon \1·ou!d set 11 da te
lnr v.1thdra11al all 1he PO\\'s r ould be l ___ ::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-h,)nl r b~· Christmas."
'. 7
) --r
Laguna Beaeh
Today's Fiiiai
N.Y. Stocks
Citizens Seel( Court Halt of Saddlebacl( ~Tax
B:V PATHl(t\: BO\"Lt..:
0! l~ft Diiiy ~olo' SHI!
A ~mall group nf snu1h Oran,11e County
rr;:Jrlent~. angcrrd 01rr the recent im-
pos1t111n Of a 3 1-~·enl JICfrlHS!>lll' r.l"errldC
tax hy Sadd!cback <.:ollege tn1.~ter5,
agreed Thursday tfl seek a court 10-
junct1on 1n ha lt lei ~·1ng the !.-ix
The re~1dcnt~. hc:idrd b1· P<1 ul S~.\Te of
D<1na P111nt. n1acle lllr dcc1s1nn fnllrnving
a meeting nn the prnt:ilcm rf flbnut JOO
dislric! \"Oll'rs ~)1 1'-! r1I llicrn. b~· a ~ho11·
oi hanrl~. afr from ~Hn Clen1cnte
Sayre, of 26251 Sea Hose Court, said the
T1·11sl1y Sto1·11
legal costs nf filing the inJunct lnn \\'Ill be
borne by his group, bul he \\·ould not
d isr-lo~ !hr 1dcntlly of the other hackers.
The srlf-crnployed businessman ex·
pressed confidence that such an 1n·
Junrr1nn "'nu!d be issued QTI grotJnris th:.t
the trustees c1rcut11\'en!ed the 1\·ill of the
1 nters.
College lrustee.s at their Ort. ~O
mcrung appro1ed the t<i'\, 11'h!tt1 1vill hr
le\'1ed in 1972 10 raise $2.4 n11llinn This
n1nney. o!f1r1<ils said at the lime, 1s need-
ed to n1atch $2 .2 million 10 slate funds for
the construcuon of a s c i en c e •
Waste Disposal
System 'In Bag'
Of lft1 0 111>' Pilol Sltll
A ne"'· rxtcn~1vP ··w11stc n1anagement.
i;vstcm"" tn handle both ruhb1sh and
!el\"er "'aSICS JO !he city or Laguna Beach
Brick Deal:
Ta111-.·.~ " Bunch
[1?.'l<I r n1nt rc.\.1drnls 111 rrcrnt
11peks ha1·r hC'.1rrl appeals fr0 m the
nnn;i Pn111 t S:inlt,1rv District. In
t;ik,, <1 <'r1 m111nn brict;"a nd drop lt !n
cvrrv toilr1 1;;nk in Lo11n,
Th.;i t l11tlr Ir ick. ~<11rl d1str1cl
n1nn:n:P.r 1111 g h K1111hr-.l l. cnuld
wnrl.. wr111rlf'r~ nn the ol'erhunJencd
lr".11rncn t plan!
P,11 1 ~11n1cnnr hn~ fnr~ntlrn lhf'
;i\1r11 !h;ii 11 111rr ennsrr1·ntinn hP·
£'1n-.: ;"It hnmc ,,~er l.:i~1 \\rdnr<.rl:tl n11;h!. the
l"i\f'f 1;ink ... cr1 1ng th<· how\ 111 !hr
.~<i n11;irv rl1•1r iri"~ 011'1 nHire hail
On<' fl,,.\\" In !he hnck rlan
J1 didn"t h111'r nnc
T\\O Sou th Coast
Men f{<'arrc :-lc<l
On I 1uli•·l1n c 11l
A (ii ,1url l1u \ 1nrl1i 11nr111 Tl1111 •.fl;i :v
1"l1.1n::1ng pn~~f':;:i l•111 rif s12:, !lllll \\(ll'lh of
n1;ir11unn;1 for ~;ii r 5p11rkrrl lhr rrarrr~1
11[ \110 Sn11lh f"n;i st 111rn 11ho h;id brcn
rrce on ba11 awaiting cnur1 action in the
State r-.·areol1Ps agcn!~ and San
C!ernente dc1rcl1ves made !he repeat ;:ir-
rcs1s nr Scott Oa1·1d :-.tcf>onald, 20. of
2Mllfi r ::ille I ')tuna. (:ap1str11no Beach,
11 nd file\"en Oa1·id Carreras. 19. of 2~6fi2
Lo~ Serrano.~. La,c:una ~igucl.
Bnth men 11·crr 1111·aitini:: court action
f'!cmm1n,c: lrnnl the large-scale raid
\vh1ch authorities sa id nened 110 kilos ot
thr forhiddrn \\'red Ort 7.
B.:111 on lhc t,wn incn unrler the in-
t!irtn1cn1 h;i 5 ni.-cn sci 11l S25.oon each. Ar -
raig'nment in Oranµ:e County S11penor
Cn11rt 1va~ i-eher!ul('d fnr tod11y.
Bec11use of !he (;rantl Jury actrnn 1111
~lunicipal Covrt prncccd1n!-:S against lhe
pair w1ll hr dropi1Cd and the case \Oo'1ll
autom11t ic.:i lly mnvc u11 to 1he Superior
rourt le vel,
The n1en were or1ii1nn!ly 11rrcstcd in a
large raid 11·h1eh included the u s e of
helicopter sur\•clfta nce .:it s e v er a I
residences 1n the Capistrano Beach
Palisades and the Lagun11 Niguel residen-
ce on Los S<>rranns.
Pnlice saiil thcv scn:ed hundreds of pnund~ of manJu~na 1n packaged kilo
f.1rm frnm !he tru nk nr :in auln.
Another IAr~P fluanhl y 1\::tS scraped Ufl
frnnl g11ragr 1lnors
1'he tnrlirlment Thur~d<ly .~aid the :ir-
rest~ clhn;ixed .:i prntw durinl!. wh ich
11n1terr0ver .1gents nllrged ly made a deal
tn pu rf'ha~I'.! 171 JXIUnds or the weed lor
"·as uove1!ed this "'eek by City r.tanager
Larry Rose .
In a preamble tn the system, Rose
states the plan "'as crcaterl "\vtth lhe
hope of bringini:; cffecll\•e management to
a formirlab!e urban problem. insofar as a
ci!y is capablP of rloing w."
l'ndrr !he pl<in. each parcel of land
11 ithin the c1t.1· 11•ill pay a $1.5n per nlnnth
~w;is!r m;in;iJ::en1rnt ta>: Arlrlitiona!l.v. /I
se1 of su rtr1xes "'Ill hr levied in addi11nn
to the b;ise !ax on developed proper!1es
Single fam lly resldrnces must pa y a $2
rier 1nnnth sur1ax. bringing their lo!al
,,1·aste management tax to $3.~0 per
Hntels. 1notels and apartmrn!s 11·dl p.1y
1hc h,1:;e t;,x plu~ SJ per unit per n1nn1h
Ruhh1 sh (:o11Pc11nn 11·111 heromr n1an-
' rla!nr~· unrler ·t._hr nr'>v s,1's!cm. \Oo'llh lhr rt-
1.v ntqu1n11J: rl\~ldcnts ln pl11ce t r;i~h 1n
rli~po~blc pla~ltr b;i g!"i a~ nppoi;ed 10 har-
rr l::; on col!rrt1o'n clay The hag~. Hose
said. 11·111 he ftrrn1shcd by thl' city
l-ndcr a ~·ct-tn-be·neJ:ot1a1eri cnntrart
11 11h a nihh1sh rol!ccl1t1n scr\·tcc. !hr co!-
letlnr \\lll he required to pick llJ\
11nl1m1terl quant1!1rs of trash and \\"111 hr
responsible for all spillage and n11ssed
An artdrd fr::i turr. Rn~r ~a1rl . v.·111 be
lh,1! hnu,rhnlrls 11<..111~ "'tr:i.~h rnm -
par:nrs· 11111 hr g1 1•rn lnwrr !;ix r;ilrs
lh;:in lhn'r 1\hn do no!
1•,,r ... rino; 111!1 p~11 rhr 1;11;r, flll 1hr1r
rr":11lar li!X hill 1·hi' t11~· 111 11 rh ,h111 <.p lht'
f1111•I . ;i<.. 11rr·1·,,. ... nt1' 111 11av lht1 1rr1c;h ron
!f:J\lnr. 111:1kr e1q11!'1I 1111prn>1·111r11!<. 1111
wa~lc ~v~lr1n~ and co11•r t1pPr,1t1fln.1I
cn~ls -r sprl'1:1lly lnr 1hr scv.rr pl;inl
Rn~r nn!r('j 1h;1t th,.. 1~:is1r n1an;igr111rnt
tax 1v;is approved along "'1th 1he budget
in Septcn1ber and 1s one of several new
/evcnue sources for !he city
L"sers of the trash rollection scrvit·e
nnw pay Sl.75 per mnn!h for pickup .
Cos1s for the se1ver plant have fnrmrrly
heen patd for out or the c11y·s genera! lax
··The prnhlcm \\'1Lh !hi-.: rlan," Ro~c
s;.1rt. •·1s th11t 1l"s five ye<1 rs ahrad nr lls
rime Bul "'" musl take other thinl!s into
cn ns1drr;itinn anrl nnt stay w1lh these an -
tiriu;i!cd v.·;;iys of gelling nd 11! trash
l..el's fac<' it , the garbage can 15 an 11\!h
ccn111ry fixture ··
rlllsc said 1hr proposal ror the w;i.~1c
management system comes ;:is 11 recnm-
mrndatinn In The city rouncll for arlop-
li on Counrihnen. hnv•ever, heforp !akin~
a 1•1l!r \Oo'ill ~t ud.v the new sv~1r1n 1n ;i
special meeting Nov. 111 al 7 30 p.n1 nt
City Hall .
Capo Mission
Turns 195 Yea.rs
Mission San .Juan Gapistrano will bt: 195
years old Sunday. ·
And to celebrate the birth of the "Jewel
of the Missions" 11 l!pecial lligh M"S! will
be celebraled al 10:30 11 m. in !he Old
)l1ssinn Church and mariachi music and
c:clcbr11tion i~ scheduled on lhe m1ss1on
1 grounds in lhe afternoon hours.
Sludrn!s from lhe Old l\l1ss1nn School
alsn will lake part in the reslivilirs.
The mission, Orange Coun1;v·s olrle~t
tx1st1ng structure, was founder! .,n Nov.
I. 17ifi by Father J un 1~ro Serra.
mathentalics budding
ff The !(l{'a! mnney is not ra ised. cnl!ege
off1c1als noted, the stair aid 11·111 bC' lost.
\'oters Sept. 14 dC'featetl a ~2~.11 million
bnnd issue wluch 1.1•as to have pro1 1ded
among other things !he ncccss,1ry
marching fu nrls f(lr construc!1(1n of !he
sr1rn<"e-1nath hu1ld1ng.
Hrs1dents at Thursday ni~ht's n1ce1111~
1111ich w;-is c<illcd hy S11;.·1c. ''.~prr~~cd
hoth d1s1n11y :ind nngrr lh'1! the 1rus1 rrs
harl dccirlert tn le\'y the 1:1x foll'1'>'ling
defe;;i t n( the bond issUP_
Discussion of possible action against
f_,enving Court
the hoard ranged from outright recall to
simply pe111to111 ng the board to rescind
the tax .
Other allcrnat1,·l'S discussed included
seeking a court injunction to stop the
board, askini:, 1he state legislature In
outknv pern11~~i1·t override taxes and
seredini;:: frnrn the college dislricl.
The decision In sel'k an injunction 11·a~
1101 madr by <11! nf lhe residents, l>ul
carne after the meeting Y.'hen the in-
.\unr tion proponen!s con!acted Sayre, he
The larger grou p agreed to form a
IL I. ~l<ictrlen. 2:'i fl rftl. anfl Ocnn1s .-\.Griffie, JR. leave rour1 1n Lnn.i::
P,r;irh Thur~da.v ;iltrr ;irr;i1gnn1cn1 nn fnur counts of k1rlnap1n.i:: flnrl
three rounts of robber\'. 'rhcv arc :irc11~<·<l of the cr1n1c~ in ronne<'·
lion 11i\h ;i lhrcc·co unly rh.1;c Iha! 1ncl11dcd an interlude 1n Lagun;i
llills \vhcre J\loniriue Dreis. 6, \ras hclcl hoslage. 1'hcy tradect her for
<1n c.:rapc car but \l'Crc raptured in San !)icgo Cnunty \vhcrc tv:o hoi;t-
a,;:C's \1·ere freed. J\u1hor111cs said $6.134 taken from a Lucky J\farket
\1 a,t also recovered.
Fo ss il-f11 ele<l l~l ectt~ic
San D1Pg11 (j;is and Elert.rle ('01np;iny
trw!ay cnnl1rmed spcrul;i11nn th;it .!l would
prnpn~e a new fns.~11.rucled rleclric
genrr;1t1ng pl;int -prnb<ihlv 1n 1hr.
Carlsbad area -In help cushion delays
in constr11c11on or tv.·10 nuclear generators
at San Onofre .
In ;in :innnunremrnl madr !his morning
lhe utilit,v announced that the cx1stini::
po1.1•cr rnmplex al Enc1na scrmcri thP
inns\ ~lie]~ ~ite for a new cnn1·entlon'11t
i;1cnm gcneralor In rnrw w11h asserlccl
PQ\Oo'('r i;hnr tagcs '"'hich n11ghl stem from
the nuclear construction delays.
Three sep:irate decisions rel,1t lng tn
safely and the environment are blamed
rnr !he delays \\0h1rh m1ghl amount In
\Valtrr Zitlau, SDG and E president,
said !he Enci na loc11t10n was chnsen afte r
studies In probe possible alternatives to
!he rc;:i ctor prnjects.
The San Diego-ba sed utility JS assum1ni::
2n prrcent nf the ensls ;in,I henrfi1i; lrorn
1hc San Onofre plan~. Southern Cahfnrnia
Erl1snn Company has an RO percent in·
tcrc~l in !he stalled project~.
Zitlau :.a1 cl the Enc1n11 select1nn "'as
n1ade l>ccau.~c lhr. cri!ic11l need for po\Oo·er
doc~ nnl allow fiir enough time to develop
an entirely new site.
Roa1I Requested
Trustees See k Bus Route Speedup
La.1::una Be;ich school trustees ha,1·e
sent a le!fer to county supervisor Rorlild
Ca spers asking for Intervention to ~
U{> construellon ol an,cxttnsi<m 10 Alia
Laguna Boulevard. ~
Tht: jirojeCt, nnce scheduled for early
1!172. has been moved h11ck to~l973,. 11c·
cordini: to county road nH1clals. Ex-
!ensinn of the road from Top of the \Vorlrl
In Arch Rr.:ich hei,ith1s would perm il.
schnnl huses lo ~tnp climbini;: m1u\y of the
s!C-;'11 bills 1n the rommunlty, !!Chnol
tn1~tpes nn1 cc1 10 !heir lctlrr
"\\',.. are ex!re1nely concerned e.houl
Hus decision." the. let1er statl"s1 "because
tlie·distncl has (aced the responsibility of
provid1n~ transportation for a number of
YOU1J~ter11°1iving In the Porlafina Laguna
'and Arch Beach HcighUI areas."
' The · letter "then" Oulliiles the•.m::ent
hoard declSion to tstablish-a.bu.5 rdtrt.dup
r\fts ~lace and.invites the Fi~th District :
s~rv1sor to comt: to Laguna Beach ~and
"riclt 11 bu!> up and down our questionable
bus rnute ...
, l)\);tricl supel'intendent William Ullom
tntd tru.<1teel! Wednel!d11y t.h3t city officials ·
arr. 1Brt ~etking tn hflve the limct.11ble
ehanittd b;u.:k to Jl-s original priority.
<Ai1.1nty 'l'lfficlAls i;Ry tht Laguna lleAch
,ptiiJttl \Oo'll.'i moved Jowe r (!ov(n .lts list
'ht>.cr;'3e of the lo~'! or $2 milffon in an-
tici pated g11s tax revenues. •
ernnm1 11ce tn study the altrrna111•r ar-
t ion~. A stcond vott:rs' meeting \VIII be
held w11h1n thr next month, lhry a_greed .
Sayre <·ailed the board 's aetu)n In lr\"Y
th(' 1.1x '"total, \\'illful disregard" of the
\'Otcrs' "'ishes.
""I resent being re~arded as a shcrp 1n
hr l'hnrn." Sayre tnld the rrs1ri1>nt~.
claiming !hnl thr boa1·d'"S arnnn "11·as nnt
in the best interests of !he puhlic '"
Ht i-airl the board. llkr milny d1~tr1rl
rrsir!ent~ nn fixed lncnn1e.~, ··shoulrl dn
ll'hat a lot of us are rlo1ng anrl learn t.n he
· lrugal."
"Bul a recall \1•ill be lhe longcs1.
hardesl, mnst d1ff1i::ult way (lo rescind
I.he tax~." Sayre noted, adding that the
q111ckes1 \Oo'ay v.·ould probably be a court
One man sugi;ested th:il , if enou~'1
rPs1den!s would allenri the monthly board
meetings, pressure could be brought on
rhe !rusrecs anrt maybe they v.·ould
chP.nge !heir minrls.
'"\\"e could i::n ;:ind art ro1vdy and get
TV do11·n therr," the gr11y-l'laired
gcntlen1an suggesterl '
A ~·n11ngcr resident suggested that
residents simply refuse to pay the tax
when their tax bills come due.
• ices
50-doctor Plant
For South Coast
0! lht O•llY f>1IM $1111
The 23-mrrnhrr ho.ire! nf dirrPIOr5 nr
thr South Coasl Con1mun1ly 1lnsp1t:il has
voted In <1pprnl'f' th<' c0ns!r11ctlnn Qf a
merlica1 h111lrling dr.signrd I n ac-
cnn1n1nda!e apprnximalrly 5n dnctors on
the hospital .1::rnuncls. rrrsident Victor
AndrC\Oo'S announcrrl Th11 rsd ay.
ThP $2 n1illion , 50,000 ~quare font strue-
turt: will he buil on !l I Yi:·lo-l-acrt slit. in
the northwest cnrnr.r nf the hospital prn-
perty between F'1f1h Avenue anrl Sun:\et
1~ i.-. nppnsf'rl h.11 snmr doc tors and snmr
are1t rf'sirlrn1~
Thr building \Oo'ill br fln11nrrrl as a inln!
\lenture np"ra1 1n11hy1t1P dnrtnrs \\0ho will
oerupy its n1£'ft1r;il ~11itrs anrl thr r.1nd
will be Je;i.~crt fn11n thr ho~p11al under :l
nn-_vear rontrarL ;it thr rnd of which the
builrling will revrrt 'n 1hr h0sp1l:il.
Andrews s11irl Thursda.v I hilt the n1a l!l'r
nf ar!rli ng :i rnr.d!ral b11ilr\ing to tht!.
hnspit111"s South L.111:1111<1 i·nrnp\rx h;;s
hr"n 1111dcr e.,n,"idcr;ilin11 fnr 10 .v('.1rs.
1·,.,11 vr;irs 11go, hP ~airt. thP lrvinr Foun-
rla!i11.n. \vhif'h i.:a1•p !hf' l:tnrl f11r !hr roo-
i-tr1t<·t1nn of 1h" nnn -pr ofi1. rom 1n11n11y
hn..,pit;il. \\'a ~ a~kr1I 111 arnrn\'f' :-•wh R
mf'1hr;1! h111l1li11t: prnJrrt and ~ran!rd tl1P
;ipprnval. hr i;;11rl
llr rmph;iSl7.rl\ !h!!I lh<' rrn.1rrl IS
tol;11lv srpar;i!e from thr. hnsp1!<1rs r11r-
rrn1 funrl rlri\'P for Pxpans1nn nf thP n1a 1n
f.1r1hl\" <inrl v.1!1 he r n!ircly f!nan1·('1l hy
1h" par!1ripa11ng cll"IC'l or~
J)r. Pr !cr r Rr11n1wP\l , \Oo"hfl l•llh n ri;,
f.rir F.1·ans 11nrl \\'ilh:t111 Rerli n1acle 11p a
lhreP·mr1nhrr rrin11111tlre rlr1·1pr\ hv a
J:!fOllp nf :lfl t!()e\r>r~ whn in1ll;ilrfl t\1P lllr·
rPnt plan a \"1!'1r :igr\ s;iid 1hn ! 4[) /l(1rlliT"
h;i1·r 1n;i1lr flrn1 rnnHnt1rnrn1-. 1n
p;1rt1 r1p;1 1r and anr11h1·r \II hal'!' r·•·
pr•·~~rrl 1111!·rr ~1 _
llr Or:nnwr!I ~;11d tii" rn1n1n1lh't' 'lprnt
a vr:ir kinliin\.'. r.,1 ;i <.111l:illl1• <.11r f11r 1hP
1n~rJ11·11I r·rnlrr ht•f<1rr S<'lll1nf.!, .nn I.he hn~pital l.1nd h,,1·:iusr ,,r Hs pr nx1n11t.v ln
thP hn~pil :i l ;irul thr• f:1v11r:ihlf' lr:-1sr
nramw,..11 :ind Andr••WS str'.'SSrd !hr11.
lhe "mC'rhca! rrnter" rnn~cpl 1s the rur-
rent. apprnaeh in med1c1nr and many
laroie hospitals have 11rceptrd the ad-
vantages nf having rlnctors' offices Close
b' /hhnd"' ·"The pnmarv cnncern o t r ar ·
snid /\ndre\Oo"fi, "is that nf scrvtce to the
1111t1r.nt. anrl the nc1v cnnecrt in patient
care 1~ thal the closrr the rtoc1or 1s In the
patient. the b"t\rr off thr p:111cnl will he.
Lives have hccn lost h<'cau~e rlncrnr~ had
tn tr;:ivel long dislancrs In reach their pa·
lien1 s." ,\lsn advanlagro11s ln hnlh pa11rnts anrl
rtnctnr~. 1h"Y said , would l"H'! thr prn-
xin1ity nf r:1c hnsp1!al'~ costly. ~1.111 CX•
tensive X-ray 11ncl lahnr11l.nry fac1!1\1cs.
An ;1dv:int11i;:ie 1n the hnspit11!. Andrews
said wnllld he that nf h;ivin~ a large ~rou'n of df){'ln rs elnsrly tied 1n the
hosnltal 11t a t1mP. when snme o! 1ls pa·
hents are hci ng funneled n/f "h.v the cnn-
strurtion or new hnspit11ls in nlhr.r arras.
Stnce the opening nf lhe Mi~sion Com-
munil y 1-!nspital in r-.·lission Viejo. South
Coast occupancy ha~ dropped to pcrtent
ahd lhe npening of the new San Clemente
hospital il~.ex-pccted lo resul l il1 a further
cut of 17 percent. These results "'ere 11n-.
tit:ipatOO . he Mid, ~-ause paUcnUI in
ttfo.se ·areas. formerly admitted In· South
COast, naturally YIOUld prefer to go to a
hospital clo'ser lo their homes.
Andrtws said that all the 120 doctors on
White Hou8e Ha unted
wAS0 1NGTQN !UPI) -P:it Nixon hn-
00 up a cast nf, W~ll Disney cbar;ictcrs. a
grnup. of clowns 1u1d ll rn<1~ici!'n to ('n.
tertaln today's White llnu~e Halloween
P11rl y for sick at1d handicapped children.
1ht> hn.~r11~1 s!alf ;ind others 1n the com·
111un1t.v were 1nv1ted tn .in1n the merliral
rrnler pro1ec!. lie nnted thal RS percent
nf the hospital's raticnls arc admitted by
;;hout 50 doctors and JSaid that the doctors
\Oo'hfl :ire interestcrl 1n participating the
huild1ng pro1ect makr up "a substantial
proportion of the staff."
Hesponding In criticism or the plan
from ~ome rloctnrs. including Dr. Vincent
Carroll. v.•hn outlined his doubts in a lei·
1cr 10' nr. '1<"ek and lhe hoard. Andre1v~
.':url 1hP proiect wo11 ld not affect the
hnspi!al 's l<l'\·e xrmpl status as a non-pro-
fit nrgrini1a1 1on bec:111se 1t 11·1Juld be part
ol the hnsp1tal's function lo ere.ale better
p11!1rnl ran>.
C'.:irroll al sn 1111r~t1nne<l !he conflict or
the joint vcnt1 1re w1lh !he hospilal'.•
"rnnr.'11. r!hu·a l and leg:it obligation to the
c<Jn1m11nl1,1·," along 11·i1h possible confl ict
\'li!h suite :ind f<"rieral funds provided for
t'Xpansion of I.ind. buddings and equip-
1\11drl"ll'S sn1rl thr prnJccl had been
lhnn111gllly !"PSP:irrhcd and added "it was
JU•[ a h;isl,Y r!rci~IOn ." r
i\'11t1t1~ conl'rrn P\Jll"C.~.~rd hv owners of
r\prnl'il'P rr~iclcn!ial property adjacent
lo !he hnsp1tal. he addfd. "we have
<1[11·;i.vs rn:1n,1gcd lo ;:ict along well ll'ith
nur ncrghbors and rm sure 11·e will con·
1t1111r to dtl ~o-I can assure them that thi.<t
11 111 not he ;i 'htgh rise' structure if that
IS thr1r rnncrrn. ·•
1\e.\I sli•p. hf' i-aid v.•111 he for the doc-
tnrs In prnrecrf \1'11 h dP~i.i::n and engineer·
tng n!ans for !heir building.
Club Invites
Ghost-;, GobJins
1\JI l .:i~1 111;1 lieac-h ghnsf ~ anrl J:lnblins
ilrl' 1111·1tPd In allrnrl 11 lf:illnween
r;irn1val ~r 7 p.m. s~~lurd;iy nigh! at the
13nv,· Cl11h. lflll.'I l.;1gun,1 C<inyon Rnad
Thr f'\Tnt. being Cfl·sponsore<I hy the
1·ii 1f1 .1nd the t~:i~una Beach J aycees. will
fe:ilure 10 c:irnival booths -each costing
nnly a prnny -a h11un1ed house ;,nd
;i lrPf' n1agic .~hnw.
Pri7es fnr 11•inners al the booths w!ll bt!:
""'arrlf'rl in the form o{ candy and
Orange Coast
Sunny skies cha~ed away the
rlnurls !od lt'!' and will take over the
Wf'(llhf'r scene lhis weekend. Thn.!ie
cnld 1~inds should rlie out tonight
11lsn, le11ving un-spooky \Oo'Cathcr for
fla lloween. High arounrl 62 Satur-
day, lows in the mid-40's.
-Gho.~ts onrf othl!r weird erea-
t1lrf!! will hnu11t. a. house in co,,to .
I !>fC.$_(1 th1s.'wecke l'ii1. to enUHOini ...
children-a'l'ld· it's nit for char:' ·
l!y. SPI' pictures and .litor11 'on
Page_ 23 of todoy's Weekender.
8111,,,,, " M"f"ti ..... ..
C.tllJof•I• ' N-'ltMI ·~ • (11.C:•I"" U• " 0 111111 Ctultlr • ci.niNff •·" It"'""'"" '"'' (MllCI " Sw1v11 ~Hf•r " c.,,._...d " Jfll•h lf·ll Olftta ... 11<11 I '*' Mlt-llt 11-U
01....-C.ll I l1l1vlt l9" • I01Mrl1l ... ,. • , .... , .... ••• ,l,..nc• ll·lJ Wttll'I" • Me ti HI" ' " World .. ~ ..
.l,nt L.-lfl " WftlltMtt ... .M1llbOl • wo ... 1n'1 "'"" lt-H Mov••• ... 1'·"
• ,
2 DA il y PILOT sc ______ ,_"c..''~''-' '-0':.:":.:"c..'....:.":_·_1_9!_1 "-----
·Water Board Chided
• }Jfry Ter11is District 'V11responsive '
The Sooth C<iasl Count\ \~ atrr Distntt
"aS s1ng!td out in an ·orangt> Countl'
Grand Jury report relea~l'd Ind.av as
being g<Wrrned by a bo:irct .. unrr~ponsi\e
lO il!I constituents "
The Jllrv repon alSfl "talf'd that
char88t"fnr...)-13t er h~ thP d1<tnr t arr C\-
cessll·r and u1e t;.x ratr 1 ~ high Thr-
d1 str1ct :-rr\·r~ 1h1• Snu!h Laguna-D::ina
Point area
The grand JUt: pre\ 111ll~l1 a1lack rd the
Joaqui11 Pla11 s
3 New Schools
Near lrvi11e
Three school sites ha\"e b<>en singled
out for pre-planning act11•1lles by official~
of ~ San Joaquin Elementary School
District al'tcl the Irvine Company
The decision -part of the Irvine Co1n-
pany ·s offer of land nnd rnoney In hl•l r
~h·e di!ilrirt growth problerns I\ ~s
rriade Thursday dur ing a special 1nee11ng
at v:hich a delailecl e;1.an1ina11on of the
• t:om pany's proposal s \\·as n1<1clr.
The Irv ine Company has offerf'd up tri
SJ.2 million i11terest free to buil d a
school: interest-free funds IQ rl n
preliminary site v•ork and architC't't'S
drav.ings: land £or s(·hool sites \\'tlh<iut a
dov.'TI payment.
Ken Lev.'is. ass1sL.int lo Superiniendent
Ralph Gatrs. said the d1~1 ric·t 1s \1nrJ..1nc:
\'f'l'V hard to meet a :.chedulc that 11 Ill
allO"' 1l to request !he hiring of thtf't'
architects to prepare dra\\'ings for threr
One is in lini\'ersit\" Par\.. \11 <1 11c11 S
;i,nd S Construction t~act a :-ernnd 11111
be located JUSl south of \\ alnut and 11r.<1
nf Cu)l·er Road. a 1h1rd 11i)l b(' 111 \\a!nut
\"11lage East
"Tin1in,11; v.·ill depend on ll1e cfp1elop·
ment of fr r1 nr t::inds 1h;11 surrllt1flrl these
:.1 tPS but 11·e 11 ill bt:ig1n ach anrt' pl:1nn1ng
and 11 orking dra11·u1g!i.."' sa id Lewi.;
He added that the Orange CQunty
Counsel's off 1cP is mves!tga t1ng lhe
legalit y of thP dislnct n'aking plans for
these sites y.•ithou t making a drposit nr
outright purcha se. Tht' legal advisor also
Is r)iecking into v.·hether or not the school
district can borro\\' n1oney for
preliminary site work and .scho<•l con-
struclion rrom a private corporation.
LeY.·1s said no Spt'CJf!c decisions have
\'et bttn reached on the lr\"ine Olm·
]>any·s offer t.o lend the district up to $1.2
million to construcl a school. bul talks
are still cont inuing.
T be assisla.nl super1nlcnde11t en1-
phasized that the next schools y.·ill not be
built on the site under discussion
The ne:..t school. for 11hirh n1nney has
aJreadv been alloca!ed bv tile state. "'ill
be on 'Preciados Dr!\'£' iri r.lissinn \"ieJo.
Completion dale for this school is Sep-
tem ber. 1972.
A second school. to he built v.•1th local
bond money al soon as bonds can be sold.
v.i\I be in Lake Fores.I 011 R11·endell Drive
north of Jeronimo Rnad Thi~ school's
completion dale is spring of 1!173.
The third school. for 11·hiC"h ;in ap-
p!icallon for a stale loan is about to be
!'ient 1n. is an Karen Ann Dnve 10 Irvine
off \\;alnut bet11·ren the rai.l road tracks
and the Santa Ana freell'ay. Completion
d<1t.e for this fac1ht~· 1~ Septl'mber of 1973
if !'itate funds are areilable
Jets Fl y in" -'" Hi gh
TOl\YO I .\Pt -~lar1111an a ha~ bf>en
fr.unrl aboarrl 1hrf'r I S n11!1t:ir\' pl:in<'~
tr0m the Ph il1pp1nr~ ;i fu:;t1trr ;inrJ ll\o
rransporl'. and 1he 1\n1en c-a11 con1n1and
1:: 1n1ef..t1gat1ng
The f'O!llnlanrl .!-a lrl .S.<l OOfl ,, '1 lh ()[ !hf'
dn.J J; 11 as found on Ott lJ. lf1 and t~
aboard planes from the S11b1c Bal' na1·al
ha~P 1h11t landed al lht LS \larine ba~f'
at lwakuni.
' 11 ob•rt N. w.,d
,.,_,.il-.il Md P11t11ostier
\ J 1t\: R. Curi t¥ ..... Pn!.111 .... , •od c._.,, ,, ........ ~It'
1~orru• Kt•Yil
I!: Oiler
n.o ... ,, ""· ).(urpl.ift• ~i.llDl'.OolOI'
CW• H. loot Rit~1nl P. Ntn ~is~ ......... EDofOR
a.a,.. .... Offlc•
21? For••• A'lt~U•
, Maniltf •ddr111: P.0.1011 66&, '1651
Sn Cl•11te•t• Offi,e
IDI Horlh £l C1'"ino Rt1l, 91612 °"" Offl-~ Mesa· U> Y.'nl 111y &"'P.1
, N,_.,11 1 .. cti: UJJ Nt'"'POrt e oull'VI,,, .......,..,_ atte11: 1111S a-II ao&tl..,trl
v.·ater distriC't and ot her speciail districts
St'\'eral montb!'i ago. •
Today's report not.:r.-lh.a.l the water
ai::enr·) ht<~ "recrntly raised )ts rate~ 50
Pf'rt"f'n\ 11 h1rh 1111~ aroused \1 idesprcad
\flnrrrn 1n th{' d1strr1·1 '
\\ hf'n thr <11,11·11 ! s d1reet,.,r' rr111~1'd rr1
1u,Titv 11r red11• r !he ralrs i f'!'c<ill or lnur ~·I 111(. 111 e d1rpr1nrs 11as 1n1t1atrd the
Jury report <'h;irgf'~
"\\hep the 'on1ple1ed rl'r·oll 1~t1t1nns
"·prr i't<rf iftf'd a1ul rPturnrd frnn1 1hr
1·f•llnl\ Ret?:1Stt<i r ,.f \(lter:.. !h,. auon1P1'
fnr th.e d1sir11:t ~laird !h<1t :di of !hr prt1-
11ons contained a ·g,Janng lata! error" and
the hoard of dirertors relused lo call the
recall elfft1on."" the JUI')' !'itatrs
The report C()ntinues ··The attorney
later claimed 1.he petitions \\'ere 1nval1d
be('ause thr~ 11prr not aceQ1npan1ed b_y a
statemenl lrom the four directors whosr
i ecall \\'a S i;.oup,ht
·The Cahforn1d ::.1a1e l.ep,1slat11e
C.0LL'1Sel has subsequently ruled th;:it 1hr
pPttlions ""'Pre 111 order and 1hal the bo;;rrl
did not ha1·e t11e right lo den!<' a recall
In re~<1rd 111 1;111·'· lhf' 1ur·~ re1x1rl
-:\ates th;1i the :-ifill t!l 01<1~l distri ct
1 ·hargr~ Sh 7~ lnr BOO rub!< lerl of \.\'atrr.
'·The l'ale for Lhe 1'an1e ar11ow1t of \.\'ater
"harged h,v a prl\'ate 1\;llrr 1·01npc111y 111
!hP Tustin area 1~ S:l 20.
'"The distrlcl also IC'vied a separate I.ax
rate of 78 cents in !968-69. This add1t1onal
T-ax Cuts Given
Tentative Oka y
By Senate Unit
\\'ASlfl'.'\<:TO.\! 1l..Pl 1 -·rhr ~rnar e
Finance Committee ga\r lcnta!11c ap-
pro1·aJ loda) to Sli ~ billion 11 r.rth 11!
personal income tax t·uts !or 19/l. 1972
and 1973.
For 1he a1crai;r Arncncan t:1n11l.1 1•.i1l1
t110 dependents and ;111 annu;il la\:.ihle tll·
rorne of 512.500 the la:.: cut \1oukl a1nnu11l
to 51i2 1n !972
The c.:on1n11ttcc. hn11e1er. l'eser1ed lhr
r ight to re11e11· -and possibly 1ncrea~e
-th e I.as cut~ before u sends lhr bill !Cl
thr Sena1e !Joor fnr a1·tu1n ne-:f \\'rek Th~
legisla!ion alread_1· has passrd the Hnu"e.
Thf' tax ruts \1 ould be ach1e1 ed 1'h1rflv
h.1 intTeasing thr personal exPmpli()i1
rhat each taxpa,1er rna~ 1·la1n1 fu r
l11mself and earh of his dependents The
rxemption. now !630. \\'Quld rise to !,67.J 111
1971 and to $7:Kl 10 J9i'Z and subsequent
·' rar" Some comn11t1ee 1nen1 ber~ 11 rr(' rx
pef·tf'd to ;it1en1p1 10 1n(·l'easf' lhf'
personal c>.empt1on Ln S800 for 19:~ ;ind
future years.
City Seeks HeJp
On Mai11 Beach
Laguna Beach ell~· t:n11nc1lrnen have
approl'ed S3f>OO for the e111plo~ men! of a
eonsultant tu appraise Ille rnt1re ~lain
Beach property
The appraisal of lhe land. said C1tv
\lan;iger Larry Ro~e . 1\111 take bfol\.\ee;,
:lO and 60 da~·li. Follov.·1ng 11, the C'ity 11·111
be~in oegoliations h1 break leases 1\'llh
rnterprises ~1111 opt>rating 011 tne Cit.I·
111\nf'd .\lain Beat·li . R<1~t' adJed
Thr :\el\·pcirf Beach firm of f,NJrgc
.!ones anrl :\5soc1ate-; v. Lil conduct !he ap-
praisal of the propert~.
Cl e1nente CoJJie
l(iJled Bv 1''iencl
A l.1rgr male cr.!l1e dog 01~'ntd hy a San
Clemente man apparently "·as the 1 ictun
iif a dog po1soner. a local \"Clennarian
told police Thursday.
The pet 011·nrd by Roy \\'or!h. 2009 Los
A!ainos . died from strychnine po1.son1ng
at thr offices of the local \'e1.
Police said the lO\'est1gat1on \rould br
handled b~ the. l)range County An imal
Control Dt'part1nent
Thi" animal apparently too k lhe fatal
dose on \\"edn esda).
yearly ras. levy must be constdt"red in
determining the total cosl of v.·ater to
users. Private water companil"!I do not
rnio~' tlus 1ax achantage ·• the Jury
rcporl runrludC's
f'ros/, v W eatli er
Touches Co1111lv v
P1111tpkin l 'rops
'Thr trost 11as r•n the <•r angrs and
pumpkins in llrange Cou,nty this 111orn1nf'
And at·f'ord1ng to !hr Fruit fro<;!
Ser11ce in Pomona. u1land gro\\ers mav
t'Xptict more of rhr same tonight \.\ ull
1(111 ~ n~~r 28 degrees.
1r11nr· \'a\enc1 a Cr111•,rrs A~~oc1a t1r111
rrportt~d h<ilf·h<>ur dips \!l !he fr1:ez1nr,
1nar\.. earl.1' 1od:iy in :-eattered gro1t''
The :l:!-df>grt't' ternpt>raturr" rl'~flll't,.d
fron1 an Arctic ··old lront thllt pu~hed
1t1rough S1111thrrn l';1liir11·11i.i 'l"h11r~<lay,
the Nalional \Vc:ither Ser1it•e said
T hP :-.\ .. t1•n1 11 h1( h at 111'~! l)ro11ght
gl11t1n1 and lht;>11 Slll'p1 fl\la.Y lhr gl'ay1ng
, louds. 11ill lu11'C>r ttlllfl('raturc~ along thr
Or3nge Coast at least !hrough Sunday.
:O.lcanll'h ile, up 111 1hr n1ountalns. lhr
1 [011dv skies ;ind gusty winds l\Jll pers1-:t
\11th -s1101\' rontinuing to blanket ground
abo1·e the 5.000-foot rnark
In the de-..erts. 111nds 1\1l1 rcath 4:i
nules an h1)\Jr <·ausu1g sand and b)o11·1 ng
rlust h11zards fur lra1rler-..
Smalt tr.if! 1•anung':! 11t·1r 10111rrrd
01 t·rllJJ!hL lhf' ()r:,nge C11unt y liar Dor
IJepan111t·nt ad11 .. r1I
('oa~lal lu•.1-._ tnni,l!ht 11·J!t ))I'" in thr m1d -
411, 11 1!h l 11gti~ r'-r11·f·tl'd ro rearh !:i2 •111
!n f\Orlhern Cal1lorrua. 1nany loral
'"mperatures v.'ere the lo1<;>est recorded
lnr this earl.v in the se<ison
Arcat a rrportrd 25 degrees. Ukiah 26,
Hed Bluff 39, Pn:.o Robles 2.1. Sarna
,\!aria 2fi. Fresno 31. a11d Santa Rosa 27
San Francisco·s low 11·as 47. 11·hile San
Jrise had 41 and rhe Oa kland hills 38
The 6:·rather serl'Jre said !>nme C'louds
11ould reach the far north or !he state
:-.ntt1rd,1y 11·ith approach of a 11·eather
~1·stem no1v 1n the Gulf of Alasl-.a
State Agency
\Von't Oppose
Onofre Increase
~,;xpan~1!1p n! So11thcrn ral1lorn1a
l-'.t11:;.nn l 'on1pan) '::;nu clear powrr plant 01
:-Odn l)n(lfrP and (l\f' olher r lertn(al ~up-
1'1~ proJe!•!.<; 11·111 n(lt be oppnsrd hv lhf'
l'al1forn1a llrsoun·e AgPncy.
The stai r·~ agrecnic.'nls 1· o 1 r r 1 n J::
11uc·lefll' <111d lnssil furl plant ~. rPporlell lv
11C're signed 11•ithoul public 1rsl11n(u1y and
prior lo he<1rings hrld b~' lhl' Publit•
1·11l1!1es C'on1rnisslon. the A1om1l· Energy
t nn1rniss1on <1nd local J:iOl'rrnn1ents.
The agreement C'o1·er1ng the San Onofre
plant ll'aS signed i\·Jarch 111. 1964. dur111~
1he adrn1nistra!U)tl of f111·111C'r f;p1 ~:d
n1und (; 'f'.1t "" Brn11n h\ t 11~ rr.:;u11n r~
i.c< ret:11"1
Thi' agreen1tnl:-:ib<I t1~1ercd pniJet!~
111rlud 1ng a nuclear plant In Coral C.:in\on
11rar .\lal1bu. a San D1e~o Ga~ and Eler·
Int• plant 111 Sorrrn!o. an Erl1~11!l plant in
Onnond BcaC'h, anothf'r pl<1nt f11r ~,;n
n1rco anrt a pl;inl in Lo~ AuL!cl r~ ll;irhor
The d1.,cln,urc foll fl11 .' a11 i\.<;~11r1atC'd
l'rr.:;~ rfl"lflr! thar 1)1C' l:Pal!;in ru)
1111111~:r;1l1<111 :-1g!lrd .111 agrrrn1Pn1 lhrre
\r11rc .1~r+ uni In l'lf'Jlll ·l' a r.1r 1f1r r..1.;
,1IHi ]·l('1'11 h ( •'ll1jl;otl\ 1,u1·l1•;<1 pl;ttil
:1 l11nc. 1lw \1io1H!1•1 !11" r(la.;!l111 r
1 ht" .+~rer1111·11 t :. 11·pnrlrlll1 11 f'r·e prn-
' r·~rrl 111 !hr :-ta!t' Po11er ,'o11t1ni; \om
1n1 11~r. ".~1;1hlr,hrrl h1· Hr o11n 111 l'lli.i .111d
1n.1dr up nf 1·c ~rrurrrs :igrnr1 otf1cn1I ~
.\tail l 'hc111 Ea rlv
\\A~!ll:'l'GTO:\ 1t'Pl 1 -'lhr l S
l'n~!al :--ier111 c n1a.1 be ll<'I\ b11t 11 1rnHrd
11111 an old problrn1 toda y -Chrt~tn1a5
Thi" srr1 ice 11rgrd tha t parcrt~ to d1s-
la11t stairs br 1na1!ed b1· Det' ! -Dec lO
for n<'arby areas -a1ld c::irds be mailed
b\' ntr 15 Airm:ul parcel~ !'hou!d hi"
:-rnt hv 0Ct' J.l and air n1a1I cards b~·
Dec. 2:?.
Tustin W 0111a11 Receives
Lette1· £1·0111 POW Mate
A Tus1in wonlan v.·host husband Y.a~
i:hot dov.·n 01·er Korth Vietnam in 1967. 1s
thp on!y POW-~11A wife in Orange Coun1y
IQ ha\'e received .'J letter from her hus-
band since i\larch.
Mrs, Edison !\liller of Tustin received
the le.lier through ordinary c-hannels. the.
Tuslln·based Concern for PO\\'s said to-
!\lrs. r-.filler'.~; husband's name. v.·as
reltased y.·ith nine others Thursday by
three members of \\'o men ·s Strike for
Peact The trio returned from Hanoi v"ith
32 letters 10 families of prisoners of war
including one frflm lhP f1r!tl Amrrican
1\yrr 5:ho l do\\n 10 i\orl h \"1etnam -l.1.
£\'ere.It Alvarez Jr. or Santa Clara.
The 1no. ~l rs A'rrn• Sv.erdlo". Er1n1
"lrgas of ~el'.' \'rtrk ·city and the Rtv.
\V1ll1e S.rrow (tf Cnirago, !'i<>id they spent
10 dll!<'<; tn North \ 1ttnam a!'i gutst! of the
\"letname.se \\1omen"s Union.
They &31~ they did not know H ii ny of
lhe n1ail I.hey "·ere br1nginG back "·a~
from rnrn "·ho 11erc pr·eviousl\' !isled as
nu:>sing in act10n All nine of .the names
lhe.1· relea~ed \1ere of men rrom
The Tushn·based PO\V organ1zat1on
had rtceh·ed all nine names earlier, a
spokesman said.
They are : Paul Schu,!lz of San Ditgo:
Robert L. Sti.rm, Forest City; John Ferr.
San Pedro: Edv.·ard R. l'ol art 1 n ,
Coronado: George !\1cSv.•a1n. 1\lontro~e :
1-lugh Sta fford . San Francisco. and
l\1bert t'1!ther. Rancho Cardena.
1\1rs. Swerdlow said the group rr-
quested permission lo visit !ht prisoners.
hu t ""·ere refused because of "security
rcoison~ "
Shi' iilso :-11'11d Ha noi offirial ~ ''!old u..;
1hat 1f PrPsinent f'1xnn v.·ould seL a d-ale
for \I itl1dra"'al all the Pl)\\"~ ~oul d he
hon1c hy Christmas "
. ,,,,, .. ,.,.,. ';,,.,,,,
liep Paul \\. · Pete"' ~tcClos key
1 R-Caltf 1 raised a ne1v issue in
his pres1dent1al Ca n1 pa1 g n,
L·harg1ng that i\ixon has faJled
n11serably as comn1ander-in-
rhief of the armed fo rce~. See
Story Page 7
·Ffori.~t,' ll"d
Viet J~l essag<'
~AL'R.-\.\IE\T(I 1 l.f'+ \lr·s.
E:irl Huftn1an 11as aln11i~t pu.-1t11e
lhe n1a11 <1l hrr cir.or· 111\h a dozt!11
h1ng -s!t'rn111cd rv~l·s 111 l11s hanJ~
\\13S 1;01 Bragan -and ~h,. 11as
"Hrlln. 1·m Rnnald Re:.ig;;n 1hr
li"''ernor .. aid Thursd:i.1
"\'our husband a~l.1·d rnr !n
drhrer thrsr fto11er-; tn 1ou and lrl1
IOU !h:1t h<' ll'H('>: ~fill
\Ir' lluf!n1:111 11hn~r h11-band.
\1r Fure1· ·1 S~1 r:,~rt Jluffin:in . t>;
.. 1;1t1onrd 111 1i.1 \;:11~ \ 1f'Tnan1.
said "I kind rif rrit'd iust .i hit '
1'111 a 11obocJ1 ari(l I 1·1•11lfl11'1 1111-
ag1ne :.un11•onr ;,s unport<inl a; !hr
RO\'ernor taking tunr 1'1 drJ11·rr
f1011·ers !o n1r. 11's like a t!rean1 .,
Reagan·s unannounced 1 1 s i I
sten1rned fron1 a lellrr •lull n1an
11Tolr 1he f.;O\rrnor last rnonth
~ay1ng hr ll'aS making the unusual
rc<1ur.s1 beC'ausr he hoped !O find ··;i
£iran1a!1<· ll'a_r 10 ~ho"· iny \1lfr ho1•'
n1uch I IOl'f her -·
A spokrs111an l!;r RC'agan said the
go\·rrnor decided "on !hr spur of
thf' n1ornen1'" t.ll deliver thr rose-..
bu~·ing thern h1111self de spite Huf-
fn1an·s offer to pay all eo!'t~
Stale Ma v Aid
Aid fo•• B11ses
Parking Banned
On Nyes PJ.ace
In \ a 4-1 ...i;pl1t \iile \\'etfnrslla.v 111gh1 La g1~1a Beach {'1!_1· t'OLJnrilinen appro1 Pd
;i rrque~t l1:Jnn111g p11rk1ng 011 1011rr '.\~C's
Pl;it·e "' tli.:01 tile .'ol hoo! 1l1s1nrt eiin ~r11ct
bU~l'~ rhrOUbh tl1e IHifl'OV.'~lrt·lth
"I tll111k 11e ~\uultl looJ.. al "'ll'l llt'r l•r
nul t!}e (·11~ 11(1u!d br hrld liable ti a
bu:.load nr t•hildr('ll 11err ki!lrtl ,' 1111n
1nentetl Count·ilnian l"harl1orl P. E:lo1d .
1Yho voted aga111~t lhP ban. "I think lhe
<·1t.v n1 1ght bto laced wilh a la \.\·su11 and
!o<;e ils ~hirt ·•
Chy A1ror 11e1• Tull.v ~E'\7llOUr said rhP
c·11y \.\"OUld not be held liable s1nre rnut1n g
of srhoo! liu~"-" up the strep r0ad is <t
.school t>oard drc1s1un ··s1n<·e that 1s rhe
tdSi'. th<' school d1~lfl('/ 11r1uld llltlf' !!'I
i .~rr1· rhr rC'spon .. 1h1l1ty of br1n~ :1able 1n
tl1f' ti•ent an a1'('idf'lll •>1 ·eurrrrl '
('nuncihn;111 l·~dll'<trd t ' l,{)rT lli:tr~t'(l
!hat B1l)d 11;-.~ "11~1r1;;: li!lt'!'[1iie !o re1·rrv•
lhe ilee1:.1nn uf thl' .st·J1(1ol lr).'.1rd ndnpl1n.g
thr nrw rou1c" 10 1he Portii'f1 na .:11\•a
'----oorfnur w1ff' losl 11ul CJll !hr. 1·01t• ;111t! lloW
~ull re I i'~ 1ng 1 1~ ll~l' lilt' l'01.1 ne1I In r·l1;111gt'
llif' de c1sion.·· l.orr ~<11 d .. \lrs Bo1·d. 11hn
1~ a school trus!ef'. 111trd aga111st 'the nt·1v
roule when 11 11as <ljlfJJ"Ol'ed lwn 11•eeks
agn "I resent 1t." Lorr added
"Im not going lo rrspond to !hot.''
Bo1 d said
t..:1ry r-.tan<iger La1vrenl·e R<isc said that
ui add1t1011 In the reque~l from the
~t·hools tn t'lun1nale lhP p<1rk1ng ah1ng
l1111cr l'\.1r<., 1'.Ut·ll a n101e 11as being rf'·
riue~trr! b\ !hr 1·1ty lrall1t (0rJHllJl!Pe
· 11 ~ 1u·I ;; eu111ltrleiH •c 11r happrned 111
~el this reque~t lrnin tht> :.chools. Rn:-.e
• 1>1111nenled
i.: l ' . ' ,J an < ra111·1 s1·0 l'i
Chinese Leaders
B la:-;t
1 l !' I •
("h111;1t1H1n s )Xlwerfu! lc:1dt'r~l1111 Thur'·
rl:i.1 <li •nnunrerl !hr !'nurd ~~1tion" .1~
'·dec;idl'llt :inrl ,·~111(·;11
\'1.'1:1111 ;i~ a "p1 1l111r:il uppflr!11111~! 111 "
r:ire nP11·,o; n1nlt'rf•111·r r11 1hl'lr p:igoda-
~1 1 lo' l1r:1dqu:tr1Pr~ h11rl<ltt1c
The ('111111'.~t' :-.1\ Cn1np.11ur-.. 11 hu·h ll;.\f'
rPpresrnlNl Ch1na1n11n' f''!i1bli~hrn1·nt
~1nre !hf' 1·11nc II ar .. h1ttt'rh r>:prr .. ~ed
pppos1t1on 10 the ad1n1:-Slf•ll uf 'la1n!anll
j h1n<1 tu thr l nllrd :-.a1i1111.; and the rx-
P11bl11· IVor~s 011'f'('hlr .Joseph R,
~11·rany sa1rl pa rktng along 1h" stret<"h 1 ~
da ngerous berause of t)le 11u1nber of L'Jf~
pa1trd. t!1e narro\I' 111dth of the strret
-..irlrl !11r nun1h1'r 11f pl'destrian~ 1n the
ar,.a rluring tht suninier 1nonths
Sk.eeter l:tu·L
Cl1ief lrli.ed .
At Jr1ry Blast
.Jdt'h I! f\unball. inanager nl the
Orang(' CoHnly \ll)Squ110 Aba1ement Dis·
tr1ct 111\la_\ ;,11grU.1 li11 b<irk ar an Orang!!
1'npn!1 1;1·:ind ,JUI) rri·o111111rnda11on that
11i~, rl1~!n1·! ..-tiuuld be abo!1~hrd
l!c said Hie iu1·y report. "eo111a1ncd in·
a1·1 ·ur:it'lr~. 1111:-st:11t1rllt•nl <; tt n (] 1111·
plu·;,11nn~ 11l11rh c11-..1 doubt flll the 111·
lri.:n t.1· of 1''1! !n1~t(•rs iind of the
d1si 1·11·! ··
. 'J'he Jlll'~. 111 a ~el·ond rrport on !hr su b-
ject 111 recl'nt week~. al so charges that
the 1nosquito distrirrs Prnplo\e~ are
o\·erpaid and that there are too ·inanv ot
1hen1 ·
Also auac·hcd 1n the j11r1 report are !he
r\e11·por1 Drainage D1~!rir1. TalbPrt
\\at er and IJra1nflJ.!P d1slriets both 111 !ht!
llun!t11gt u11 He<11-h·Vn11n1a111 \';11lrl' are:ic;
and 1hr Snuth 1 ·nast ('oun1v \\'ater
1J1~tru ·t 111 the SiuJth l.:iguna ·D<lna Point
f\1n1b:1ll has a ns11e1rd the JUrv·~
1·hargcs point by point. The t·har~es 3nd
his repl1e~ ;;ii·r
-Jn the 1111ere~t Hf rltce111e govern·
tnenl the district functions could be taken
<11er b~ thr l'ou111_1 health depitr!ment
...:l.\lBA LL: Thi·rr arr f.:I n1n~qu11 n
ah<1ll"n1r111 ag(·IJ1·H·~ 111 C;difur111:i. f)3 11f
11i111·ti ;11·e \('l),11;1IL' d1 slr1t'l;; and r11ne ad·
n11n1sTcrrd 111 1·111 •JI' rountl' healtl1
rt ep;11 ln1e111.-lht• nine are in areas wh1rh
1111 •-e rn11 111111H1S(ttJ1to p1'oblen1,;
-Thr 111,Trlf'I '~ empln.ves ~11laries are
r ·1,11~1dt'1.1b!I h1gli('r thon those fnr co111-
p.1r;11\l1' p11;1l101b Ill l'HU11l1 ;ind l lty
l'~t ;1h!1.~h 111rnt ~
South Cotmlv
S('hool Crisi1'
.f \ pul~1011 of i\;i11onal1:-l China
T!u· P\pul:-11>11 flr T.1111 ,111 "a~ ··1hr
1\1.\IB.\l.L: The JUf.1 ·s behel IS flb·
'i+•u~!~ ba~Pd 011 !1rar~i:l1 ~l!lCc rhesr suh·
h'Ct s 11rrC' on! rx:im1ned or d1scus~l'.'d bv
!he 10 mrtnhrr~ nf the JUr~ 11ho \JS1ted
rl1"-!n!'1 hradri11:1r1rr<; on Oct 7. '('he
r rnpln1·rs ~;'!)an('~ are nnt h1ghrr. lheV"
arr a!1g11l'd v.11h 1·uu1it,1• t.lepartn1ent
l u::urr~
Lf"g1~l;11 1,111 I~ IJt'ln,i: dral!rrl h.v S1a1 t
Sen::il i•r Denni s <'::irpcnter's oif11·1• 1'futh
1na1 ea~ !hr faril1tv • ns1s 1n rhe San
JO~flllll1 1-;1rn1P11!ary Srhvnl n1slr1r1
l\Pn l .t•11'1~. ass1stan1 lo Suprnntrnctenl
nalph 1;i'11rs, sa1 rl today !he d1~1ncl ha~
r·ont<1r ted the Srn11 tor's 11tfirr and has
ht1en ){11·en assur:ince lha t a ~s11r(·d that
Carprnlrr 11 ill at1cmpl. In 1mn1Pd1alely
111trodut·e !f'gislat1011 1ncrca~1ng !hf' legal
l11n11 on t!ir ~air ot \or;il $Chonl hnnds.
Thi' r urrc11I 1·r1l1ng 011 lhr 1-.1lur nf
l•1'111!~ that ran br ~ill! 1s t11c perr cnt of J
•11,lri• ts a~~r,~ed 1 ;ilualion Tl1c rh~!rlll
h.1" ;1Skrll l".1rprn1rr fn attrrnrt 10 raise.
the l1n11t trt $('\f'fl prreent
If !hr lr,g1"Ja11nn pa..,,r~. ~4 6 mill111n
111i11 e 11111 br ara1lab!e !fir srhonl t.'fln-
"!rt11 ·1ir.11 rnnugh 10 builrl threr 1norr
el<'mf'ntar1· 1'ct1nnl~ --,,.,.,,--.......
brglnn1ng of Hir 1•111! .it (hr l \ ;i, l'I
n1nral f111T1' 111 l\'1lrld ;1lfa1r<; ' s111d Rr \
·1,uu T111 Ta<i1n .. 1 lorn1rr 111l1'rprrtrr l()r
l'rr~u!rn1 :\1-;1•11
Taan1 :-.11d lt1r 11nrld 1JoJ1 11;1~ a df'rfl
rirHI ;11id r 1n1r:i l flrg11n1.'.11!1on · 11l11rh
l\'ill fnllow 10 lhr fMl~~rps ()f lhr I.rogue
.. 1 '.':at1nns bt'l'ilU.')C ll ha~ \'lilla ted 1ls 011'11
iln« ~p11kr-.1na11 s1r1·n~l1 1T1t1r111·<I ;-.:ix·
1111 fnr h1~ !nr1h1 ·0111111g 1 i.-1t lo Pc,J..111r; ··r1·r~1dcnt l\1x()11' 1~ a J)lll1t1C':il np·
!Xlr!U111s1 11T Chines,. nnw hnl'e 11n
r f''\}f'l '1 !nr hi • 1n1rgri!1' '"Id Or,
1\lfred U1p 1.11111 ' \•1nr 1•\ the Ch1nr~r
.\1nerirans 111 tl1r L :-.. 11111 101(' !or h11n
111 !11P next e!rct1u111 ·•
Ti1e Six Con1pa;11e:i; rcprt':.f'JH~ lhr large
f;im1h ::i~i.oc1ation~ 01 (h1n<tto11n 11ho1'e l1·adr~~ for genrra11011~ ha1e 1nnuen<'e<l
grra1l,\ lh<' commun1I\' s bu ~ul('~~ and
• 11lt11ral hlr
Thr di:-!1'1('! h:i, 2•i p;11t.l 1111 nibrr~ on
1ls l111;11·d. t11r In ~('\t•n :-hou)d he suf-
tu·1(•111 "
f.\1,IB.\l.I. The board 111en1brrs seri f'
1111/\0ut cun1prn;-.,1t1 nn ThC'y :irr allo1rrd
11r1·c·~~ar~' !1:11 1·1 e~pcnse~ only not toe~·
1..eed S.15 a month
~The d1s1rirr l1as-2.'> rull t1111c and 19
p<1r1 t11ne emp!n.rr~
Kl,\I BA LI. Ther<' .1re on]\' 20 full tllTI S
c111ployes •
l\.11nball concludes lus rebuttal 11·11h
"1he f~r:inrl ./ur_1 has not offered a s1nsle
en11!'.lrue111e co111111ent frir the bettrrm~nt
nl ni11s4111lo control 111 the count1·
'Thr rnllre ;:ib~~ncr nf obie'tt11e ap-
praisal nf rx1s11ng ;1nd future mo~qt1110
hreecl1ng po1enl1al ind1ca!es I hat the Jury
1s 11r.t a11arC' llf or 1.:llncerned v.·11h the
\er11rr~ perfortned by the dist rict f0r the
µrrsrr\a!L•rn of a 1nosqu1ro·free rn·
11r.,nrnr11t ·•
Put A .Glass Und Your Drink
·-~ '})
1727 Westcli ff Dr., 642-2050
Prof•11ion1I lnt•rior-
Design•r• Avt il•bl.,_A.10
l"he111 l oll""" Mott et Orettte Co11•~540·12•J
345 North Coast Highway
Phone: 494-6551
San Clemente
Capistrano EDITION
rou ts·
Brick Denl:
Tllnks u Bnnch
D::-.•1a Pn1nr rl'S1dcnt.~ In re1·ent.
1vecks h<1ve he;irrl appeals from lhe
J):1na Pn1nt San11<1rv District tn
take ;i cun1mon bnck.<1nd drop it in
evrry !oilel t.ank 1n tnwn
That Jit!lc Irick. sa id distncl
managcr H ll ~ h Kin1b1·.I!. cnulrf
work ll'Onrfcrs on t11e overburdened
tre::itmcnt plan t
Rul snrnenne ha s ror~ri!len lhe
axiom that wat<'r c•1nscr1·at1on be-
gins at hnn1c.
As of las!. \\'C'dncsclay night. lhe
tnilt-t lan k serl'1ni; the bo1\I in the
sanitary dt strict·s own office had
one fl;.w in the brick plan.
II didn"t have one.
Fo ssil Fuel
Pla11ts Eyed
F'or S. Cou11ty
San Diego Gas iir\d E\eclrlc Com pany
today confirmed spec ulation that ii '-''Ould
propose a new fossil-fueled electric
gener3ting plant -probahly in the
Carlsbad area -In help cushion delays
in construction o! l\\'!n nuclear g,nerators
at San Onofre .
In an announ cen1ent 1nade this morning
the utility announced thal the toxisting
power complt>x at Encina seemed the
most hkely site for a new convei:rtional
steam generator In cope with asserted
ixiwcr shorl a~cs 11•hich 1n ight sten1 from
the nucle;ir cnns1ruc!ir1n de lays.
Thrr.e sl'parate drci~1nns relating fl')
safetv and the en vironment are blamed
for lhe dela ys which might amount to
\\'alter Zi11au. SOG and E president.
~ald 1he f,ncina loca!H)n was chosen after
studies In probe possible alternat ives to
!ht> reactor projer1 s
The San r>1egn-basrrl ulrlily is a~sum1nji!
20 percent nl the costs ;ind hcncfit.~ from
the San Onofre plans. Southern Cahforn1a
Ed ison CClmp:.in.1• has an RO pcrrcnt 1n·
tercst in the stalled projects.
Z1tlau said the Enc1na selccl1nn "'a~
ma dt> bccausr the critical need for power
does not allow for enough tin1e to develop
an entirely new site.
"'Studir.!'i are undrr 1\;ly In rielerm1ne
\l'hat type of 11011 11'1!1 he cnn~tructed."' he
Pxpl;11ncd. "The one \\'e choose \1•il! be
dei;igned to comply full~· .,.·i1 ti all en-
vironmental quality s1and11rrls , 1nclud1ng
those for 11·ater. :llr and rslhet1cs"
He arfded !ha1 his firm and Ed ison hn!h
1\·ere "disl rr.~srd'' h.\ 1hc de!;:rys -rau~
erl, he s;:rid. hv a ft'der;il rnur1 rlef'1s1fl n
\1·1Jich order~ 'n1e A!n1111r Energ:-r Cnm-
m1ss1nn 10 1nrlur!r lh<' r n11r11nmcnt 1n 11s
11st of concerns 111 l~~u1ng rear.tor
AF' ] G!'ts Tourh·up
HI::NTOI'\. \\';i~h 1Uf'l 1 The
president1:il JC't , Air Force\. i11 gelling a
two-day p;1111l jnh <it !he Rrnton
Municipal Airport
The s1>eciall.v-bu11t H°"1g i07, which
will carry Pre~ident r\ixon tro Peking neitt
ye;i r. was under hea1·y guard during the
Orange Cout
.Sunn v si..1r:-ch;:rsecl a\\':JV !ht>
clnurfs 0!ort11v anrl will lake ov.rr the
'-''ea!her scCne th1.~ weekend . Thn~e
cold 11·lndi; should die nut ton1~h l
::ilw, Je11v ini; 11n-spr1<lk~· l\'C'alhrr fo r
HallnweC"n H1~h ;irounrl 62 S:itur·
day. low~ 1n the m1d-40's,
Gho.~f-~ r111rl nl/1 rr 1vr1rrl ('l'Prl·
r.urrs u·11/ hnu-nr n hnu$r 111 Cnslfl
fl1r sn this rveelfen<I to cnl cr!a111
ch l/rlren-rntd it'!! nil for char·
ity. Ser pictures 011d story 01&
Pnor 23 of today's \Vttk:t ndtr.
... ,i... " M vtvt l 'woMI• " (.t tli.r11!1 ' N•ll ... t l ··~ ' t ltff•l11e U• " Or1111• ,..,,,,, ' ci,,,,111eo1 •·· ... 1 ...... ,, H·ll
Comic• " ,,, .. ,, .. .,,., " '''"-" " ...... 11-Jl
Ott llt tf1tlc11 ' !1Kk M1t•"1 11.11
Oh .. t'Cfl ' TtltYl11M " E~111r i.I ~ ... • T~••llrt :11·1• 'lu ne• u.u W~J•h•r •
Htr9KOlt " W"rtt NlfU " a11~ L1-11 " 'W-1/llfl t ll•M
Mil!"°• I J' WIHl>t~'t N••t lJ•U
MIYlt• ,..,,
Paris Discussion
New Hanoi POW
List Indicated
·'-PARIS 1API -~taynr \\I L. Patr!rk nf
Laurel. l\l1ss. said roda~· ;i r-;"nr1h V1r1 -
namese dip lomat told him Hanoi plans to
publish an updaled hsl flf An1er1can
prisoners of \.11ar. He added tha t no 1n·
dication \\'as given as to when the ltsl
would be released.
Patri<'k and t"·o o!her men from Laurel
met ~'ilh the North Vietnamese a1 the
llano1 diplomatic mission offices in P;iris
Thursday for an hour and 20 niinutes.
North Vietn;im rrleased a prisoner !isl
last Dec 22. 11 contilinccl th(• n(ln1cs 1,f
.139 An1rri(·ans held in North V1rt11,11ncse
prison rarnps. Since 1hrn rflnr!s ha\·e
been n1ndr IJ.v An1cru:·an (lff1f'1als and
others In have Hann i g11·e 1nforrn;i tJ11n on
other ,\rnerican srolrl icrs bct1cvcrl tn he
hr!d The response has alwa ~ s been
La st Decernher's l1 sl 1ras ~1ven lo
representa!il'eS nf Sens. J. \\'. Fulhr i~;l1t
and Edward Kenned:--b.v the Hanni
mtssinn. A cop,v of the list "':i.o; ;ilso gil'en
to the Con1m1ttee of L1aisoo with F"onul!Ps or Servicemen Detained in No rth \'iet· 1
Tlvo South Coast
Men Rearrested
On Indictment
A Grand .Jury 1nd1c!n1c111 Thursd;i\
t•ll;:rrging possession of $125.000 11·nrlh nf
marijuana fnr sale sparke<i the rt>'11Te.~t ""
nf jwn South Coast n1en 1vhn hnd been
free nn bail awaiting courl action in the
St;1te /\"arcotirs agents ;inrl San
Clen1cnte clctccl1 ves mar!r the repent ;ir-
resl:-nf Sco11. Oa\'id ~·l cflnn:ild. 20, nf
2!ififlli c;;:ille Ul!1rn;1. <.:ttpistrnno Beach.
and S!evcn £);'11·Ld t:arrrras. 1:1, nf 24!i!i2
Lo.<; Serr:1nfls. L;iguna J'\1guel.
Both 1ncn \\'ere awai ting cnurl arl 111n
sten11ning from the largc-~r;1I" rald
1\·h1ch authnnt1cs said netted 110 kilns of
the forbiddrn v;eed Ort. i.
Rail on the lwn 111cn under the 1'1-
d1clr11cn1 has bel'n set al S2a.non r.:ich Ar·
raignmcnl 1n Or:in,c:c f.nun ty Superior
Cnur1 11.:is sf'hf'dl!!C'd for lnd.:i\.
Brri1use n[ the f_jr;ind .JurV a1·11nn ::ill
r.1un1r1p:il Court prnrcerl10J:~· a,c::iinst 11111
pair will he drnppt>d and 1hP ra.<:e w1!1
autnina11r;1lly mo\'e up !fl !lie Superrflr
C:ilurt level.
The n1l'n 11·rre 0r1,c:1n;:rllv iirrrsted 1n a
l:tri;e r:i1ri 11h1rh 1n1'IUri('d 1hP 11 ~ ri nf
hrhropter sur\•r11lanc·r at _< e 1 r r ;i I
rr,irlen('<':-111 !he C;ip1s1rann Br.1rh
l'at1s;ir!el' ;'.Ind the l.agun;i /\1gu(•] rc~1rlcn
cc (\fl Los Srrranns.
Pnl1 re sa 1~ they Sf'J7.rd hundrrrls r.r
pounds of milrquana \n r;:rrkagcd kiln
form frn rn !hr 1J·1111k nl an ;iuln.
Another largr quan!l ty 11·as scraped up
lrnn1 garagr tlnnrs.
ThC' inriirtmcnt Thur~dav s;i1d thP ar·
rel'IS climali:ed ;i prnl>e · d11rini;: wh ich
undercover agents 11llegedly made a de;:rl
rn purchase 171 pounds of the '-''Ced lnr
na111 . a l\P'-'' York group that has cnn·
nrrt1ons with Hanni on rrisnner matters
Patrick told a reporter the n1ent1on of a
fresh prisoner list eame when he told the
d1plo1nat. identified as a second secretary
of the n1ission. that fire Laurel area men
had bi>en listed as missing 1n action since
the Decernher list ,,.·as published.
Palrick said at that point the diplomat
lnld hin1 '"\\'e are preparing another hst
to he published by Hanoi. Hanoi v>'ill
declde \\"hen to publish it.''
Nixo11 Sig11s
~i ilitary
Worl{ Bill
Prcs1rlC'nl Nixon 1"hursday signed a
~! ~~ billion n11h!ary construction bill
\\'h trh contains a ridf'r that nearly
<1PfeatC"<1 his attcn1pts In open portion~ of
Camp Prnd!eton beaches for pubhc use .
The hill "'"hirh bf.came law ltn!I 11o·eek
rnntains a prol'tsinn that bani:: the salP,
IPaSP !r11nsfcr or other dtsf)()sal or lands
al r11n1p Pcnrllelnn wit h(IUt f u 11
Oin~re!>sinnal i:rpprri1 i:r1.
Thal rider ori,gin:illv nprearPd in 1hr
hilt f'arl1rr th 1~ vrar ::r.nd 11 ilfi thr resull nf
rlis;igrePmcn! ~·ith lhr Prrs1rlr nr.~ plans
h1• ~rver::i l pohl 1ral lrarlers Hl C.nnµ:rrs.<:.
Bu! s1nct> lh'11 rirlcr a ron1prnmi~e
;ii:rc<'n1r nr. g\1;:iran!ced lh<' ;io.yr::ir lcasr
of ~1x n1rlrs of hrarh and ahnu! ,1,()00
.1rrrs In San i'l1:l!en Canyo n cln11•nroast of
thr \Vr.~Lern \\'hjle Hnusr
Thr new appropriation<: hill does nnl .<r [-
lert rl1nse lrascs, \\'tute House spokcsn1en
said Thursda y.
Police Arrest 2
l'ollo\vi ng 1'hef l
t\L Gas Station
A Sa11 f"lernrn!f' ~t'r\ IC'P i-;fa11nn al ·
!1>11dant a11rl a l;:in1p l'rr1rll cl on ~·lannr
\\PIT 111 pnlirP ru<-lodv lorl;iv in \\hat nf.
l1rrrs a~~rrtrd 11·;is :-111 "1n~1rlr 1nh" rnh.
tir rv r:1rl1rr 1h1s wrrk al ;r lnral ~as s1;:i.
l\11r1 <:r1rilrl ~im.~. 2'2. nf 1!2 l'rl;iyo
Art ~-11rl~ ;11 rr~trd a 11•11' hn1ir~ .:illrr he
;;illrl!rrlh rrpni lr>d 1h;1r hr• 1\·il~ ~t rurk r•n
lhr h1·:1d :is hf' 11 01hrrl Th1r1rs. hr ~a1rl,
:-lnh· t1rc.s and :in undc1rnn1ned amount or rrr~h
rnhrf' hookrd S1JT,<; 1)11 rhargcs (If thrlL
and f11\ng ::i false police rrporl
l~eaving Cotirt
11. L. 1\-ladden. 25 /left). and Dennis A. Griffie. 18. leavr cnurl 1n Lnng
Rea ch Thursday after arraigninent nn four cnt1nls nf k1rln apu1g anrl
three counts of robbery. l'hcy arc accused nf the rr1111rs 1n conner·
lion \\•ith a three-county chase that incb1ded an interlude 1n l.agune
Hills where 1flonique Dreis, 6, was held hostage. T hey traded her for
an escape car but \vere captured in San Diego County \\•here t wo host·
ages \Vere freed . Authorities said $6,134 taken from a Lu,cky Market
\\•as al.c;c recovered .
Cleme11te Pla1111e1·s Reveal
Pa1·l{ Develop111e11t Goal s-
r( San CIP111ente parks and rcrrea!inn
cnn1n11 ss1nnrrs havr cnrnptete<l a !()fa\
ev;:rluat1nn nf the city's proposeO park~
andL~pprnvrd grneral mnrrp1!'. foir
dc\clnpmrnt of 1he areas. One of prlmc
inlcrri;t and cnminiss1nn support is ;r
\ ic11•p;:r rk on slate property on A\en1da
After 11111nn~ Pach of fnur park i:.1t~c;
and srrkinJi! grnPr;:rl ronrrpt.~ fn r ;:r r11y
J:PTI('r;:il plan nf parks ::inrl recreatinn the
rnn11111~s1nn ~r·t!l"d nn thrse rn1n1.~·
-1t 1,1·;:r~ un:in1n11')usly a~reed Iha! the
p.irk prnfl'"l~rll for l-:;1s! f nrrlol'i:i ('.l•i1h an
011!<.1;:rndu1g r1ff(•r hy thr f\iw;:rn1s f l11h Ill
h~111rllr rl1•\·r·l11p111rn t 1 <.hn11lrl ht' ;JI'·
1·11rnpl1~li1 ·d r10•11 1[ !hr ~··1111 r 1'1\lh
1lrrrri('f. :1i:;:r1n~t 1!~ prn1rrt Tt1r r1Ly r:in
lr:i<;r lhl' lanr! for $100 a ye;:rr from th.~
St;1IP [)1v1s1r111 rif ll 1J.:hways. l1·1t r;nlv if 1t
suhn11ts a dcvfl1Jpmcn t plan and com-
plrtrs lhc prn.1c~t wil hln a :--r;:i r.
n11ss1nnrrr. ait;rrecl Th(' panrl ;igrrerl thal
;is soon ;is A .~mall r1ty ya rri arid ~tr)rnge
eomplr>: 1s rr\or.1 !Pd fro1n Vi~l;:r nahi;:r,
room v.·n11ld rx1st for ran1ping 01rt1vit1es.
Cnmn11ss1onrrs al sn sugg"s1Prl rh;i' a
sn1all playground llf' hurl! :it lhr parksitr.
-Thr propnsPd Sornrro r ark SJIP 1n
Shorerl1ffs rnulrf hr pl3nn<'d in ri1n-
1unrtion \l.J1h thr rlr~rilorm"11l of an lR-
arri> el"1nrn!ar~· Sf'hnnl. Thr prnpl'rlv is
r111nrtl h1' !hf' rapt~l rano Hn1 f1o"'<i Srho.;I
f)1s1rirt anrl in1nt par~« anrl 1'rh1rat1r>n;il
l!SP rnuld llf' drl'••lnp1•d 1\ 2f)ll fnlo! srr1or•n
nr11r !lir frrrw ;1.v rr111ld hr l,.,,,~rrl undt r
1hr ~lflO a \r:1r rnni•rp! TllP proprr1v
f'Olllrf rnn!;un hn-.rhnl\ l1rlrl.~. h:•<;krtfl;.ill
rn11rt<: ;:ind h.1nrlhnll fn('tllli"S 1h" r'flr1-
1·rpt ll'n11ld hr ;:r rlr1rlnprnr·nt lur iill 1l~C'S
for all ;:r~r~
• $13.250.
On Thursday off1r·er~ drn1•e tn C;:i1np
Pendleton to arrest 0;1\'Jd Ed\\'ln (:nndel!,
21. on c-harges of theft anrl hurglary.
Pohce also rCf'(IVercd a set of oc\11 fire<:
allegedly taken from the Gordon r..1onn
Standard Station at El Ca mino Re11I and
A1·cn ic!a San Juan.
S11me sui:ges1cd ph,\'i:.ic1al features nf
1hr prnpnsrid view park '-'''lUld inclurl~
gra\'el trails. lawn. shruhs and tree ~ wi!h
a low prnltl~ to enhancp thr \'if'w ,
benrhcs. a rl u·ec-font chainlink fen ce and
a small park ing area .
-Lr<;hr Pal'k , R ~111nll 1'11'\V nrl'il rn
(.:;illr rlr lns A!:imn«, 11u1n hr;:rrl \I ri"rnm•
1nrndi1tinn!'. hrrausP nf an uninrlr~trrl
vil'w ranl!fng frnn1 ih" \\'r«trrn \V h1IP
House 10 ()ana l'nin! Hut nrra11se nl the
lar k of r.x1~ting runrls. con1p!Plinn of the
park is still unrerta1n. cnmmissinnrr.;
agrred . Cnmmiso;;innrrs s11;:J::e~lf'd tha' a
pagoda of Spanish dcsi~n be included In
incomplrtion plans l-0 take advantage Qf
the view.
. I
50 Old Packards
Arriving Sunday
In San Clemente
An rsl!m;:rlcrf ~n \ 1nl<lJ!e l'.1rk.1rd
motnrreirs will ;irrive ;i1 tllP ~a n
Clcmcnle Inn Sund11y rnnr11u1r.. lhr.n rri·
1n;:rio 1hcrc for srvcr:il hour.~· p11hllc
l'ie1•.11ng tx>fnrr prnf'<'C'din,c: In !.!her
Orange Coun1~· !Qr;:r t1ons '1n ;i d:i.vlnng :>r·
t1vi!.v 5pnnsnrrd by lhr Qr;inse Cou nty,
Big Brothers.
The :ippcarance of the ch1si-ic ;:rutos at
1he San Clemente hostelry will be one of
tfiree "ctlncours" competitions scheduled
throughout !be county. The cars all
belo~ to members or lhe Packard Club
International from bosla Mesa.
Tourm11.ster Bill Laue r said t~ owtt rs
:ind their cars Are expected to arrf~ al
9:30 a.m. and while Ollo'ners have
breakfast, the pubhc is welcnme In see
thr examples of Amrrir:•n <1 u t n
rraft<:manship lx!tw een the yrars nf Jlll7
to J9;..li.
Later in the day the same cRrs \l.•111 pull
intn La Palma Stadium and appt:nr dur-
ing halfllme actlv\tirs of the Qr11nge
County Rhinos game .
Officers said thev flrsl "·ere told ol !he
theft hy Sims shOrlly before midnighl
-Vist;:r Rahia, whiC'h already rnnt::iins
a youth basehall diamond anrl firing
r;:rnge, could alo;;o be suited for camping
use hv scouting and other youl.h grQups
bcrause of its woodsy location , com·
New Code Eyed . ~
Planners Study Bookstore Per1rJ,it
San Clemen te plan n1n~ comm1ss1oncrs
1h1s '-''Cck armed thc1nsclve.~ wi!h a llC'W
list of questionable husinesscs whi ch
miRht be addrd to adull bookstores undrr
a tough new c1ly code they will st udy
again early in November.
The list, which includes peep sho"'S,
adults-only theaters and mas58ge. parlors.
would be included in a number of
businesses In commercial zone8 w'hich
would require a oond.Hional use penntl
CGmplele wfth publ!c hurjngs tiefore
commissioners and cily councilmen.
Comm1~iooers will discuss inclu.,ion of
all rhe l11hels in the revi11ed cncle at a
swd,v se:-sion Nnv, 2 al :i p.m Jn city hall.
r i1y Attornry F t.fac-Kenzle Bro wn rold
con1rn!.~~1nnl"r~ Wcdnrsri11y that aft er
surveying !';eVCrlll c1t1es iitid their meanit
of coping with the naughty businesses,
cities ~'·hlch h>ld the llSe pe.rmit pro·
cedure before an u1nux of busi nesses
1,1·cre the mo.~t i;uccessfu!.
But ci ties which tried lo impose con-
trols after lhe appearances of the con·
lroversial busi nesses have f o u n d·
theinselves in court battles over ques·
lions of obscenity and imrTioral activ1tie1.
he said.
: Smt. Cltmente as YJ?l has r¥1ne-of the
mentioned bl.lsinesses.. • 1
The com m1:ufon 11tlent ion toward· the
controls has persisted for the . f)aSt
sever11J months -afler city .collncl lmen
so11nrlly denied one Application for an
aclult boo11.store and i mmediately ordered·
stiff new restrictions.
Under tht' C'OndllionAI use pe rm it pro.
i:e<Ju re lhe city could imPose strtct con·
d\tlons -some llO Niir~h 11s to make such
l>usinesse11 impo.sslble lo operate .•
• . ~-
Caspers Balks
At Encroachment
For Sc\ver Linc
F:cn!ng,v refJt1irem"nl s must hr mel and
sleps taktn to hold down ~rnwlh in th e
Laguna Niguel area hcfnre ;:rn rn· _
croachmenl permll will recei\'e his ;:rp-
proval. acCQrdini; lo Fifth District
Supervi~or Rona ld W. Caspers.
He. gained a two-week dt:\ey Tuei;!iav on
the reque5t for a pe.nn ll by the Moulton·
Niguel iind Santa Margarita water
~str.lcts to . install 11n interceptor ~ewer'
Hne in the Flood Coot.rQI Ois'trlc~ rights of.
W8Y ~ .the Sin Jua~ 11.¥ Trabuco creek
tjl1nntl!i. •
Chpers told fellow. !lnpervh;nrs. that he·
wanted to be cert<iin the dislri('I.~ w('re
Ml plenni~ to d\J mp ef0urnt into the
OCE'Rn . and we~ nril pr11vi1HnR ~r\l.'f'rS
l11rRe finough ln support large ~pul ation ·
f,11 rl Nilson. a~si~tant F'IOOd Contrnl
Di!!lrict englnM'r, s11irt "f'resent sewer
fpcilili~tt · in ° lht! :irea are overta ~ed
bci;1nise of rl!cent dcvelOpn1ent.
1 '
• L .• -. _ ........
Today's Flnal
N.Y. Stocks
' .. "r Saclcllehack
Uncle1~ Fire
0 1 •~• 0111v l'llot ~""
A ~mall group nf south Orange County
resirlents, angrred over the recent lm·
position of a 34-cent permissive override
t.:i>: by Sarldlebark College trustee!,
agreed Thursday to seek a court In·
junct ion to hall le\•yin~ the lax.
The residents. beaded by Paul Sayre or
Da ha Point, made the decision follo wing
a n1et'ting on the problem of about 100
di strict voters. t.lost of them, by a Show
of hands. are from San Clemente.
Sayre, rof 26251 Sea Hose Court, said !he
legal costs of filing the injunction will be
borne by his group, but he \\'ould not
disclose the Identity of lhe o!her backrrs.
Thl' self-rn1p!oyed husinessman ex·
riressed confidence !hilt such an 1'1·
J11nr11on 1vou !d be issuerl on grounds Iii~.
1he !rusler.s circumvented the will of the
· College trustees at their Del. 20
meeting approved !he tax, which will be
le1·1erl in 1972 In raise $2.4 million. This
money, officials said at the time, is need·
ed lo match $2 .2. million in state fUnds for
the construction of a ~ i e n c e .
111:ilhematics buildirig.
If lhe local money is not raised , college
officia ls noted. lhe slate aid 1\·ill be lost.
\'o!crs SrpL 14 dekated a $24.8 million
brind issue "'h ich wa!'i lo have provided
among n!hcr thing!! the necessary
m;:r1ch1n g funds for cons truction of the
sc1cnce-ma!h building .
nesidf'nls at Thursday night's meeting
\Vhi('h was callf'd hy Sa.vre, expressed
Nith disn1ay anrl ;inger that the ln1sleeit
hat! rlC'ci<led to levy the tax following
drfrat of the llond i!'isue.
J>1sellss1on or possible ;:irllon .:igains t
the hoard rangPd from outright recall to
s-1111pl y pc!illnn1ng !he board lo rescind
thi> tax.
Other alternatives rhsf·usserf included
seeking a rourl. injunction IQ stop the
hoard. askin,:: the slate legislature to
11u1la w pC'rmissive ovPrride laxes an d
sPrrrlini:. lrnm the rollege d1 str1c-1.
The drc1s1nn 10 seek an injunction 1vas
nnl. marle hy all of the rrs1denls. bul
t:ime aflPr the meeting when the in·
JUneuon proronenL<; conlacte11 Sayre, r.e
TbP l;iq::rr grr1up ;:ri:rcrd tn fnrm a
o·r1n11111!1t'P to slurfy 1he alternative ac·
!ton$. A ~f'i·nnd \'nlers' m{'rlin.tt will be
hrlrl 1\1!11111 lhP fl"~t 111nnth. thi>y aJ:rerd.
S;11rr t!lllrrl !hf' linarrl'~ a(•!inn to levy
th·· 1:ix "'tnlr11. willful d1sreg:1 rd"' of the
vritrr~ · \\'l~h<'S.
"I rf'srnt bcin,[! regarded ;:rs a shePp t.o
hr ~horn," S11yre told the residl /.ts,
r:'la11n1nJ! that the hoard's action "was no t
111 the best interest~ of the public."
Hr sa id the board. like n1any district
resHlents on fixed incomes, "should d()
wh<1t ;:r !01 of us arf: doing and learn to be
frug;:rl "
"But a recall will be the lnngesl.
hardest. mnst difficult WRY (tG rescind
I.hr !axl," Sayre noted, adding that the
quickest way would prob.ably be a. court
One man suggested that, if enough
residents v.·nuld attend the monthly board
meetings, presgure could be brought on
lhf' trustees and maybe tbey would
cban)ie their minds.
"'\Ve could go and act rowdy 11nd get
TV dnwn there,'' the gray-halred
grntlemRn lluggested .
A younAer resident suggested that
residents simply refu se to pay the tax
when their tax bills come due.
Cnpo Mission
Turns 195 Years
Mission San Juan Capistrano wilflbe 115
;years nid 'Sunds;.
And to celebrate the birth of the "Jewet
nf the ft.1issions" a 11pecial lligh Mas,, wi ll
he celebrated et 10:30 a.m. in the Old
:-.1ls~inn Church and mitriachi mu!fiC and
celebralir;in is scheduled on the ml!sion
grounds in the afternoon hours.
S!udents from the Old ft.l isslon Sch1Xl1
also 1Yil\ take part i.n the fe~t1vitie!.
The mission, Orange County's olde1l ..
exi~ting structure, was founded on Nov.
I, tn6 by F'ather J un!pero Serra.
~~ll ~· 1>1_to_r ____ 1_0 ______ ,_"'-'-'-°'~li><><_•_>_•_, _1,_11
Water Board Chided
Ju1·y Ter11is District 'U1iresponsive'
The South O:last Count\' \\'ater Distrif'l
"'-as Sltlgled out ltl an · ()rang!" Collul\·
crand Jury rrp<lrl :-r!c..1srd tod;iy as btin& go•oerned by a board ··unreos ponsJ\ t'.
1.0 iU constltuents "
The Jury reporl al!O ~t:att'CI Lhat
<'h3f~fS tor ll'alrr b1 !he d1~tr1f't arf' ex·
tf's,;1\·~ and rne iax r<itt"' Jc; high Tile
dist nc~ -srr;es th£' ~11uth Lagun a-Dana
Point area_
Th~ grand 1~ry prcvwll61v allacked the
Joaqui11 Plans "
3 Ne\v Scl1ools
Near Irvine
Three school s~es have been singled
our for pre-planning activities by official'>
of lhe San Joaquin Elementary S(·hool
Distnct and t.he Irvi ne Con1pany.
The decisi c.-1 -part of the lr;·ine Com·
pany's offer of land and money to help
solve distrit't grov.•t h pro blems -was
made Thursday during 11. special meeting
at v.·hich a detailed examination of t)1e
company's proposals \1•as n1adr.
The lr\"lne Company ha s offered up to
i 1 2 million interest free to buil d a
school ; in~rest-free funds to fl o
preliminary site V.'Ork and .irchilect's
drawings; !and for school sites without a
down pa}ment.
Ken Lewis. assistant lo Superintendent
Ralph Gates. said the di.strict is work int:
,·ery hard to n1eet a schedule that wil l
a!Jow il to request the hiring of lhret'
architects to prepare drawings for three
One is in University Park in a new S
Md S Construction tract; a second v.·iJI
he located just south of Walnut and west
of Culver Rl)Cld; a third v.·W be in ,,.alnut
Vil!ag11: East.
"Timin g will depend on the de\·elop-
ment of Irvine lands that surround these
sites but we wi!l begin advance planning
and v.'orking drav.·ings." said Lev.·1s.
He added tha t the Orange County
Counsers office is investigating I.hr
leg ality of the district making p\an·s for
these sites without making a deposit or
outright purchase. The lega l adviso r <ilso
Is checking into v.·hether or not the school
district can borro\11 money f o r
preliminary site work and sch(l{.J con-
struction from a private corporatirin.
Lewis said no specific de<>isions ha\·e
~et been reached on the Irvine Cont·
pany's offer to lend the district up to !l.2
million to construct-a school, hut t;ilks
are still continuing.
The assislant superintendent en1-
phasi2:ed that the next schools .,,.-ill not be
built on the site unde r discus~ion .
The next school. for which money ha<;
alrndv been allocated by the sta te. v.·\11
be on ·Preciados Drive in i\fission VieJo,
Completion date for this school 1s Sep.
tember, 1972.
A second schoc•L lo be built v.·jth local
bond monev ar soon as hands can be sold.
v.·UI be in Lake Fo rest on Rivendell Dri ve
nortll of Jeronimo Road . This school's
completion date is spring of 19i3.
The thi rd school. £or v.·hirh an ap-
plication for a state loan L<; ahout In be
sent in. is on l\aren Ann Dri1·e in' Irvine
off \\1alnut betv.·een the railroad tracks
a nd the Santa Ana F'reev.'ay. Completin11
dale for this facility i ~ September of 19i:l
if st.ate funds are al'aliable.
J ets Flying High I
TOK,·o (APl -tlfariiuana has 'bt>c11
round aboard three L. S m1!11a ry planes
from the Philippines. a fi gh ter and f ,1·0
transports, and the Arnerican C'On1n1and
is 1nvest1gat1ng.
The command said $9,000 wort h of thP
drug ""a s found on Oct 15. 16 and 18
aboard planes frorn the Sub tc B.1y na1 al
base !hat landed at the lJ S. r.lanne base
at lwaktini.
1ClllNIGE Ctl.uT ,.UlllSH tN() C'JM.1'AHY
Reoh1rt N. w.,.J
"-111..U •r4 PubJilha"
J•t\ P. Curl •v Ya r'tde<ll •rd Geneu l MINQcr
TI.017111 1':'•1vil
T&~11 A. M"'Pliin1 ,,.,_,,~ l'dilDr
) QlrW H. Lees l;idi1,.f P. N•R
I. --~Edllcn
""' ... INcl omc. 22Z fOltlt Av1nu1 • M-t'1ll, •ddt•n: r.o. 101 666, t2&12
.) S.. Ci......t. Offkt
IDI Hirth fl C1ll'lino R11I, 92&72
l °""" Offk.t. .,~ C#lb N ..... :llO W"t 8l'i' S'""
I .-.._, '-OI: :U:0 ,._. ll01i1Nf..., ';) ti~ l•tll: 11175 ht!JI louln114 •
' l!An.Y Pn.O't • ...,.. Cfl h CD ...........
,.._.,.....,, h P,,.$1llhe<I cl•lly •'<C"fll &v"'° ..... In Mplr.1$ elll!M>ttl ... ~ Litg-ll••ell.
,.....,.. 1-.i;tl. Cott• ~·· 1-i""!l~•Q" ~ F-1•111 V•O.,.,. s.o~ Cit-"*"'°/ ~ -"'611~ ·-Wl•~ ..... ......, ed'I*"-P r111t1MI ei"lto!lr>D S>IQ "
.. -..... , $U-C. co.la ~
,...,.... 1nc1 M2"4l11
' Cl..in.4 .Ach1t1t ...... •4Z·J671 .. c ........ "" o., ...... : 1 ........ 4f2 ... 4H
i.,.. IMU An De,-~ T.,,.._ 494-14•6
~ "71, °""~ C.•Jt 1'\IM'lttl!"t ~1¥1 ... ft'j', ... -,,...,, mv.1,.11011. ..
M JIOll<tl fMtW If •<1•"'1i""'.,!t '*"•'~ IM'I' .,. r~ui:• wltt.ovt t,ll'ldll ,.,. ,.,/MM .. eopytlDl\1 ....... ,.
wa~r district and other special districts
uveral months ago.
1'oda}''s-report: notes that the water
agency has "recently raised 1t~ r«tes 50
Jl<'reent 111h1c.h h;i s aroustd v.·1despread
i.:Ollc·ern 1n, thf' dL~tnct. '
\\'hrn lhe d1strir1's d1ret t•ir'> t'f'lll!>Pd 11'1
llJ~r1r1 .. r ~'dU,.r rhe r<Hr~ a r<'call fl[ four
1•1 ~Ii" 111 1 .. <ltl"ert~,r ~ 1'~1s 1n1ti:1trd; th"
JUr~ rrpnrt t h;1rgP~
'\\'hen tile l'O!npleled rrrall pet11 1pns
\\!'!'<' cert1i'ird and returne-d from lhe
1'11u111~ Regi ~trar of ,.oters. lhf' al!orne v
fo1r !he d1str*'l stated tha! all or thr pell·
1ir111s l'fln !alned a ·glaring fat al error" and
lhe board of d 1rec·tor.<; rrfused to call the
rec.ill elct·!lofl ... 1he jury state.'!.
Thf' report continues -.. ThP alttirnry
later rla1111ed Jiii' pC'l1\1ons 11ere 1n1al1d
hecr1t1se Thry 11"<'rc not ;;icrnmpanied b~ a
s tatrn1enl fronl'. lhl.' four (lirrc·tor• 11hosr
rC'Call 11a s sought.
··The Cahfornia !'.itate Lcgisla\1 \'e
Counsel has subsequently ruled that the
petitions ~·ere in order and that the board
did not have the righ t to deny a recall
In regard to rates. the Jury report
:-;!ates that the South Coast district
t·harges S6.72 for 8QO cubic-feet of water.
··The rate for the sames.mount of water
charged by a priva~ water company in
the Tustin area is $3.20.
"The dislrict al so lrre\•ied a separate tax
rate of 78 cents in I!lm-69. This additional
Tax Cuts Given
Tentative Okay
By Senate Unit
WASHINGTON (UP il -The Senate
Finance Comm ittee gave tentative ap-
proral today to $6.5 billion v.·nrth nf
persona! income ta x cu!5 for 1971. 1972
and 1973.
For the average American family l'.'llh
two dependents and an annual taxable in·
1:nn1e of $l2.500 the tax cut \\'Ould amount
to $fl2 In 1972
The con1m1 ttee. ho1vr \·er. re.c;er1·ed th e
11gh1 tn rr11e11 -and po~.,1hh· 111crea~e
-1hr l rlX l'l1ls belorr 11 ~ends !hr bill !u
!he Senate floo r tor af'!Jon nf'xt 11rel-.. The
lrJ::1slation already has passed lhe Hnu~r.
The tax cur~ IA'ou ld he achiel'ed ch1eflv
by increasing the personal exemptio-11
tha t each taxpa.ver ma.v claun for
h11nself and each of his dependents. The
exemptinn. now $650, 11•QtJ ld rise to $675 111
l9il and to Si50 in 197~ and subsequent
Somt' comm1ttee. members were l',;·
peeled ln .it1emp1 10 1ncreasf' 1he
personal e:..emption lo $800 tor l9i2 a11d
!uture )e:irs.
(ity Seeks He lp
On !Vlain Beach
Lagun<i Br:ll'h c·it) tfllllll'lln1e11 Ji:11 e
appro\'ed $3$00 tor the e1nploymen1 nf a
<·onsult11111. lo appratse th e entire t-.1a in
Beach property.
The appraisal of the land said CtlY
i\lanager Larry Ros e. w1 !1 take btJ\vrr;1
:io and 60 days. Following i1 , the city v.·ill
begin negfl\ia tions lo break leases: v.·ith
rnterpri~es s1ill oper;iling on the city·
owned .\lain Beafh. Ro~e addr:rl
The ~ewpr•rl Beilrh firn1 of r:eorge
.Jnn('S :inrl A ssnc1atP~ v.·ill condur! !heap·
pra isa! or thf' property.
Clen1ente ·collie
KilJed B y I<~icnd
A, large mal e cn!)lr I.log. 011nerl b~· a ~an
Clement e man app;1.rrntly l\'a-' the \ 1r1u11
of a dog po1sQn~r, a local 1 eter1naria11
!old police ThuJ'i;d;-i~
The pr! 01~·ned bv Ro~ \\'0rlh. 20\19 Lns
Alan1os, di ed fro1n s!Iychntn(' po1sun111g
at the off1cei1 of t11e local \PL
Police said the tn\·estigation \\OUld bf'
handled by tl1e Orange County c\nunal
C-Ontrol Departrnent.
The ani1nal apparently took I.he fatal
dose on \\ ednesday.
year ly tax levy ..must be considered in
determining the total cost of v.•ater to
users. Prf\'atf' walf'r compan1e:o; do not
enio:. 1/us ta:\ advantage." thf' JUry
report tO!\eludcs
Frostv iVeatlter .
Touch es l'ounty
Punipkin Crops
Tllr tro~t 1ias on 1J1r. oranges anct
p1unpki ns in Orange Count_y this n1o rn1ng
And. according to the ~·ru11 Fro,;t
Sc>r\'1ce 111 Po111un<1. uilalld gro1,er~ 1n;iv
expeet inorf' of !he san1e tonigfit 11 11i1
IOll's near :!8 df'grces.
Irvine Valenci a Gro1rers Assoc1aoo11
reported half-hour dips to !he freezing
mark early today in scattered groves.
The 32-drgree tcinperatures resulted
from an Arctic-cold front that pushed
through Southern Ca llfornia Thursday,
the Nationa l \Veather Service said.
The syslen1, which at first brought
gloo m and then S'>l'ept away the graying
clouds, v.·ill lower temperatures along the
Orange Coast at least through Sunda y.
Meanwhile. up in the mountains, lhf'
cloudy skie.~ and gusty winds will persist
v.·ith snO\V continuing lo blanket ground
above the 5.000-foot niark.
In the deserts, \l'inds v.111 reach 4~1
mi!rs an hou r. causing sand and blowing
dust hazards for travelers.
Small craft ll'arn1ngs \\'ere lo1;·ered
overnight. the Orange Count y Jtarlxlr
Department advised .
Coastal lows tonight '\\'!ll be in the m1tl·
40s v.•ith highs expected to reach 62 ou
In Northern California, 1nany local
temperatures v.·ere the lowest recorded
for this early in the season.
Arcat;i reported 25 degrees, Ukiah 26,
Red Bluff 39, P;,so Robles 23. Santa
Ma ria 26. Fresno 3!. a11d Santa Rosa 27 .
San Francisco's Jov.' was 47. while San
Jose had 43 and the Oakland hills 38.
The v.•eather service said some cloud.'!
\1·ould reach the far north of tl1e stat e
Saturday 11·it h approach or a ll'eather
s.vstem no1v in the Gulf of Alaska
Stale A er ency t"l •
Won't Oppose
On of re Increase
Expan~1011 {)[ SoLJthern Cal1forn1a
f.:d1son C0111pan;(s nucl ear po\1-er plan1 01
:'.1 11 Onol re a1id 111 r 11lher e!rt·trical slip.-
ply pro1ec t.~ 11·111 1101 bl:' <)P[Xlsrd by !he.
L'<Hitorn ia Re!'OurcP Agenc~.
The state·s a~reements (' o 1 tr i 11 i;.
nu\'lr;ir and !qs.,il tuel 11lant ;;_ rrportt'd lv
11 PtT "1gnrd '11th111H pL1bhr lt's-1111111111 ;ind
Prl'll' to he<1nnJ:!s held Ii i' 1111' l'ubl1c
Ct1 li t1f's Cnn1m1ssion. th(' Aton11c ~:nergy
l'on1n11 ss1on c.nd lflc:il gnrernn1e11ts.
The a ~reen1ent 1'r11 er1 ni:; rhe San Onofre
p\;1111 11 :i~ :-1gnrd i\lan•h 111 , 1'.llH. rlu n11~
the ad1111n1str<11Jv11 VI 1orn1cr <~01 l~d-
1nund G "flat·' Br0ll'n In h1 ~ n~source.~
:-rcre1.:ir1 .
Tile agreements also covered proJ eCts
1nclud1ng a nu clf'ar plant 111 Coral Cany()n
nrar tl1alibu , a San Diego r:<1s and E:lec·
inc plan! 111 ~rrcntn. (In Edison plant 1n
flr rnn nd Bea rh, <1nother plant !nr S:111
D1e~o and a plant 10 Lfls Angeles Harbor.
Thr dL'<!'losn r•r 1111111\\" au A~soc1ated
Pl'f'O,~ rcpt•rt th111 tl1c Bea~::in ad
1111J\1s1ra11011 ~1g11cd an ,1grern1rn1 th ree
1 ear~ .-igfl nr'lt. 1r'I 0p p0.•r a Paril1r (;a~
.1 11<1 F.\eo·Jrl\" ('11111p<1111 111 1~·lra1 p!.'ltll
~1 1(1111'. lhr \lend(lr1no 1'11:i,-;Jl1nr
Thr ~f!retn1ents rrpt1rtedl,1 11 er·e prn-
1 r.:;:-rd h.1 thr ~!ale Po11rr :o;1 tt111g Co111
•nHlf't. r::1.1bl11:.hed hr Br011n !n 1963 and
madr ur of reso11 rre~ agenry of1 1cu1\5.
\Jail Thcn1 Earh·
\r,~s111.'\c;ro'.'i it Pl 1 -,r11r t ~.
P0stal $f;"r\1ce inay be 11t>11. but 1t rrottrd
uut ;111 old problrn1 tn(!av -Chn,1n1a~
1 he sr1·1 l!'r 1Jrgcd !llal p<ircel~ to d1~
!Jnl slalrs be n1a1led bv Dec I -[)e( HI
lor ne:irby areas -a1ld c::i.rd~ be 1n<iilrd
hy 11e~ 15 ,<\1rina1l parcel!> should be
:-cnt b\ Ori· l:i and au· n1ail rards bv
Oct: 2~. .
Tustii1 W 0111a11 Receives
Lette1· £1·0111 POW Mate
A Tusttn 1.;01Tian \1hose husband v.a.~
shot down 01·er r\orth \·1etnam in l!J6j_ 1~
the only POW-:'lllA v.•1fe in Orange Couol y
to ha1·e received a letter from her hus·
ha'nd since ~larch .
~trs. Edison J\!iller or Tustin rece1 \'cd
!he letter through ordin '1ry channels. the
Tustin-based Concern for PO\Vs said to-
!11rs:. f.liller's husband's name "·as
releasNt 1,rith ntne ot.her~ Thursday by
three members (I f \\'omen·~ Strike for
Peace. The trio re turned rron1 Manoi V.'ith
32 letters to fa milies nf pn~nnefs of war
including one fr0n1 the first American
fl~r r shot down 1n l\'nrlh \'letham -LL
Evf're tt Al v;ir1>1 Jr ol Santa Clara
11\r niail 1hey 11·crf' br1ngu1g bac\.; v.·as
lrn111 n1cn \1 hp 1rcre ptC'\ 1ou ~I~ l1~1rd ;i~
r111ssln.i.: 1n <ic!Hln All nine ot the na1nes
\hC'~ l'Clea.-rd 11'ere nf men tron1
t a.hlornia. "
The Tuslin-basf'd PO\\' organ12at.ion
l1ad receil ed all nine names earlier, a
spokesn1an said.
They :ire · Paul Schu ltz of San Diego :
Robtrt L 11Stlrin. Forest Cit~. John Ferr.
:;\an Pedro: Edward R. ~I a r t Jn ,
l'-0ronado: Geo rge i\1cS wain. i\lontrose:
Hugh Starford. San Francisco. and
Hubert Fish er. ~ancho Carde:na
)lrs. SwerdJ±i\\' sald !he grnup re·
quested perm1.ssiDn to \·1s1t the prisoner~.
but v.·erP refust!d b'ecau~c of "seruntv I r/1!'.011~ ., .
Aid fo1· Buses
Parking Banned
On Nyes Place
U t"I TtlrOMl!O
All••«·l.:s 1\ i.To11
Rep, Paul \V. "Pete'' ~J c(:Joskey
1R·i 'a]iL) r;u scd a 11e\1· i S"~ue 1n
his pl'e~ide111 1al ('a n1Jla1 g n ,
ellarg1 ng that i\"1xon ha s failed
nli:>eJ"ably a~ ronunanUer-tn·
1·/uef of the arinecl f ori.:es. See
S rory Page 7
'Flori.st' /lad
Yiet 1l1 essuge
S.A.C RA~]E;\TI) 1AP1 -~l rs_
Earl Huffman 11r.s aln1o~L po~1tive
!hf' man at her d(l\'.Jr 1r1th a dozen
long·slc1n1ned roses 111 his hands
1-11a~ (;o\', Reagan -and :-;he was
n pht
"ll ello, rrn Rnnrild Reagan .. the
go1ernor said Thursda~
"\'our husband asked n1c tn
deli1·er these r!ov.·ers 10 you and t~I!
you th a! hP lnl'r" you "
\!rs. llultmnn. whQse hu~band,
Air Force T S~t . Earl Huffman . is
stationed 111 IJ;i .'\;ing . \'ietna1n.
said "I kind QI cried Just a biL "
•·r rn a nobody. and I rnuldn·t im-
agine someone as important as thf'
governor taking lime. tn deli1er
f!oll'rrs Vt me. It's like a dream."
Be11gan·s unannou11red \"is it
s ten1med frflnl a lt't!•'r l!uff111<111
ll'rote the go1'rn1or l11 ~t month
sa.vi ng he v.·as maki ng lhe unusu al
rrqut'~I betause hf' hoped ffl find "a
dranl<l1ir 1\·a 1· In ~how 1n1· ll'lfe 11011·
n1uch I )p1·r her '
A :0 poke;;n111 n fr1r Reagan said the
J.!<11r rnnr det'lrlerl "on thl' spur or
!hr 111on1rn1' to df'lil·l'r thr rn-.c:;.
hu ~·111g 1l1en1 h1n1sell dr~p1t e Ht1J T
!111.111 °$ olff'r tn pay all eosts.
State !\1a y Aid
South Countv •
School ~·i si s
Legislar1on i~ being d.ta!ted bi. S1a1r
Senator J)en111.' Car!)f'nter·s office v.h 1ch
1na\· Pi!S{' the fa (•d1!v tTLSIS 111 Ille San
.Joaquin Elen1enlarv Srh<xil D1~tr1 ct.
Ken l ,c111 ~-a s~i~!an! to S11perintcndr11t
Ralph Cat r~. s<11rl !od:1~· thr <t1fitr1ct ha~
1·on la("lrd the Senator )i olf1cc and h;is
bt:'<'11 g1l'en :i~surancr !hal. <issurerl tli;it
f:lfpC'n!('t II Ill <11t elllp! 10 1mmed1alel~'
111fr 01l11l'e lrg1slat1on 1nc·reas1ng the leg.a l
!11111\ on 111" ~a ll' ol lne11I s~·hool hnnrl5
Tl1r 1·11rrt'11\ ('f'dtng (111 the \ :ih1e of
bnnd ~ that !':Ill he !'old 1-; 111(· p1'1't('!ll (ol ;i
1 i1~lriC't s assr:-~ed 1alu;1111111 Thr d1~1r1r1
Ii.is <isked Carpenter !o .:1tl~mp1 tn ra1~e
lh r lnnil to se1en perernl
If lhr l<"gisla!1on pa:,.<;r", 5~ 6 1111l11n11
rnore 1111 1 bfo a1adahlr-ror st hool con -
~1rurtio11 -('nough to build Uu·ee 1nore
eler11en!ar1· '-L'llofll•_
In a 4· 1 ~p!Jt \ utc l\'f'dnesd:iy ni gh!
Laguna Beach t'1i v councilmen appro1 ed
a rcquesl hit11111ng parkinJ: on lo11f'r K1 ~-~
Place so Iha! th" ~('hi•OI dl::tr1<·! r:-in send
bu:,c·s th roLJgh lhl'' 11a1Tow strrt\'li
··1 thin k \\(' s!1;uJd look at v.l1et l1es c.r
.• 1101 !he city 11ould be held liable 1f a
ll1hlOa d of rh1Jtlrrn 11rre killed ," r~11n·
111e11led Counc1Jn1:1n Charlton P. Bo.i d,
11110 1nll·d aga1115l t~1r ha n. "! think rhc
e1tr rn1ght bt' fal'cd 11·1th a la11suit and
to~e its ~h1rt ..
Ci ty A11 ornr1· Tullv Srrinour ~a id r!1e
f'il)' 11'oufrl not be held liatile ::iu1re r.1u11ng
uf school b11se> ur Jilt' str(•f} road 1~-:J
.s('hOol b<lard tl e1.:1;;111n '"Suire tnat is tl1e
ease. 1he ~chool rlistrict 11ould h111e 1(1
t·arry !hf' tf'spo11s1hil1ty of firing :iahlr trl
th" l'lf:tlt ;in ;:icc1tlen1 '•1.:ru1Ted "
l 'ounc ilnu111 E<lll'ard l' Lorr cltar·g1·d
that Boyd was .. using lrv{'rage lo re11 ·r,,e
the decision of !hf' schonl board adnp11ng
thf' nev» route" lo the Portafina ~11·ea
"\'<our 11'1fe Inst ou1 on the vn11' and now
~01.i"rc lry1ng lo use lhr council IQ ch:<nge
lhe drc1~ion." Lorr said tl'lrs . Boyd. \lhll
Js a school lrus!ec. voted again st the 11e11•
route v.·hen 11 \\';is appro1·ed tw o v.·eeks
ago _ '"T resent ii ," Lorr addrtl
'"l'n1 not gr,111g 10 rr)ipond lo tha t"
Bo~·d ;ia1d.
Ci t.V ~lanager Lawrt'nce Hll~e said that
1n addition 1n !he requcsl frc1111 the
!:chools to el1n1ina te the parking along
lower /'>.'~·es. ~\lch a mol'e 11·as bei ng rl:'-
fJlle.~ted bv the e111· traff ic con11n1flee
.. ll 'i; 1u~t ·a co1nt1dence ll"e h~ppened t~
get !his-reques! lro111 the schools." Rose
i::orn rnented.
San Francisco's
Chinese Leaders
Blasl U.N. Move
SA,\. FR _\\CJSCV 1 l ' PI 1
Ch1natn11·n:; l)(ll1'erful lr-11d1'rs h\p Thur:<-
rla1· de11nunrrd !ht' 1 ·111trd :-..·a!ion~ a.~
"dl'caden1 <ind 1·,1'11i1·at_ · ;ind Pn;•s1de111
"-:i xon as a "'pol itical opportun i~t ,' in a
1-.1rr 11('11·s 1·n11frrrnl"r al 1he1 r p<1g11d;i·
~r~·lr lif'art1111;1rtrrs h1 1i ldi11~
'!"he (')11ni,><;f' Si.~ c :(11np;;n1r~. 11 h11 ·)1 h;. 1 (•
rrpr·cs(•Jlled t'hinflto11·11 ·~ f•::1:1hl1~1l1l'\('t\t
~1nce !he Tong ll'ar.s. bitterly cxpre~scd
npPQSil>on lo lhf' :idm1~s1on rof 'lla1nlanrl
Ch ina to ihe l '111lt'd ~:i tinn ~ and the ex·
pul.oinn of l\at1onalisl China.
'1'11e t>xpulsinn of Ta111·nn 11;i.i; "!hr
bcg1n111ng nf lhr rnd of rh» l' \'_ <-1~ a
mor:il rnrce rn ll'firld a1fairs:· said Re\.
-r~ou Tin Taam. a lormer interpreter for
Pre~idrnt :\"ix<on
Taa1n stltd the l\'Ot'ld b<od~· 1·. as· a rlf'ta·
dcnl ;ind cyniral ore;ani1al1 on·· 11 h1ch
"\1·ill h1llo1\' in 1111' foot ~tep~ flf H1r League
11f i\:i1 111n!'-because ti has.\10la!ed 1t' 01111
pr1 11e1ples ··
()nr ~po l-,1's111a11 ~!rongl ,\ r·ntte11cd :\1X·
rin f0r hi~ f0rthr0rn1ng 1-151( In P1·k 1 11~
··Prr~1de11I !\1xnn 1s a [Ylh!l'";J i op·
ronun1s1 I\'(' Ch1nr ~p 111111· hare no
rf'J'P"l't fnr !111' 1111f'gn1y ~<11d Dr.
·\lf1·prl Dip Ltnn "'.\1111~ o( 1l1e ('h1nr>~r
·\n1encJns 1n the l S will 1otc !or l11 n1
in tl1 f' next (•lrcl.10J1 ·
The Six Cnn1pan1rs rcpre$rnt -. the large
f:.i milv assoc iations of Chlnato11n \1·ho~r
)cndf'rS f0r grne ral.ionS haYe influenced
grc11!1y the t"·o 1nm1m1fy's husine~s and
•·ultural l1fr.
Put A .Glass Under Your
R~ulor 5189
Publ1t \\'orks Dlr .. etor Joseph R.
So,i.eaHy :o,ald parking along the stretch 1s
da ngerous liel'au.se of the ntu11bf-j of e:;r~
parked. lh(' narrow l\ichh of !hf' ~1 rcf't
a11d tile n1Jn1her rd p£'d·~~tr1ans in Lill!"
a1·ea <luring ll1r ~un11nlT 1 11nnll1~
Sli.eeter Ct1rl,
Chief lrliecl
At J111·y Blast
.J;il'k lf 1\1111!);,ll. i11:1nag1·1 1lf the
(lr;i nge County :\lo.,qu11 <1 Abatement D1.~·
t:KI toJd;1.1 ::.ngril.1· hil b..i('k ar an Orange
(r;unly Gr<1nd Jur_1· rero rnn1end<1tion that
the dis trict should be abolished .
He ~ai d the Jury report '"c:onla1ned in·
a!'l'Urac1es. t111ss!a!ements and itn ·
pl1 c;111ons ll'hich c:-isl dou bt on the 1n·
tegrit~· or ten trus1ecs and of the
dis1nc1 ''
Tile jur,1, in .-i .S('l'O nd report on the sub-
ie(·t in recent wrek~. also charges !h~t
lhr rnosquito di£1rll'!'s rn1ployes a re
n\·erpa1d nnd !ha! 1hcre .'Ire too inauy of
Also anackrd 1n the jury report are \hf'
~ewpnrl Dra1n.:1ge D1slrirt. Talbert
\\'11tr1· and llra1nage d 1slri ct~ both 1n the
Hun t111gron Br.cich-Fountain \'allev areas
:111tl rhe .South Cvas! Cou11!v -\Y a!cr
01.,lr1L"l 1n 111£' Sou1/1 Laguna -D~na Point
l\1111b:ill l1as answerrd the ;ury'!!
cha r·ges point by po1n1. The charges and
his replies <ll"e
-In the 1n1eresl of effec t1 l'e go 1·ern·
1nent. the C1strrct funrtions could be taken
O\er by the co11nl .1' health department.
Kl.\IBAl.L: TIH·rc <1re 6.1 111osqu it o
;:i h;lle111c11t agl'.'n\·1 1·~ 111 Cal!forni::i. 5:1 or
11h1(·h are sep1H«1 te d1stric1s and nine ad·
n11nisle1"ed b1 cilv 'fll' ('Ot1nt 1 health
iiPpiil"tlllf't\I• :l')1e )llll(' 01rr lrl areas ll'hlr h
ha1e n1111n1" 11111~qu1 !1'1 problen1~.
-Tile 111,11·1,.t ·s e1npl o.1 es :s<1laries are
«On~1d1 ,r;11Jl~ h1gl1er !h:111 lho~e for coni~
parahlr po~1 linn.~ 111 \'Olin!\ ;;ind ['JfV
f'~r.1h l1 shn1f'nl~ · '
h.1.\18,\LL: The jll!'\ -l' belief IS ob-
\ 1ously IJ<1srd on hear.s.iy s111L·e these sub·
1e1 'I" 11rr·r nnt ('X<J1111ncd 1tr di scussed bv
the Ill rnc1nber.'\ of Lhe Jllry \1 ho \·isited
U1slr 1c·! headquarters on Oct. 7. 'The
cmplo.1•es sa!.'.lries are not higher. thev
,.re aligned \\'ilh t·uu111 y dtpartmer1t
t1gures ,
-The d1s!1'1ct has 2fi paid n1embcrs on
its b(1<1rd . five to seren should be suf·
J\l)IBALL The board me1nhers ser1·e.
11 ithnu t L"o n1pensatlnn. Thcv are allo wed ne(·t·s~~-irr lra1 el ex penses On!y not to ex·
L'Ced ~:1.1 <J rn onllt
-The d1slnct has 2J llill t11ne and 19
part 111ne empln,\r.~
1\1 .'\lB ALL. There are onh· 20 lu!I time e1npln~ fl:-·
l-\11nh<ill roncli1drs his rebutt al with
'1111' f:r;,11rl Jury ha~ no1 0fft'red a single
4:on,trur11re con1n1e11! fnr !hf' he lterment
of n1n~q111tn rnntrril 111 tht' cnunt1
..Thl' ('11! Jte ah~cnce nf nhJe0cL11"{' ap·
pra 1.•;1I nt exis ting and fu ture n1osqu1!.0
hreeding potential 1nd1rales that. the Jury
1s not a11are of nr cnncerned 11 ith the
:-f'r11cf'• prrtormed bv the d1stntt. for tha pre~erv11 t 1 011 nf a ·mosquito-free en·
1 ironmen!.''
Nt:WPOIT STOil Ol"IN FllDAT "Tll t
1727 Westcliff Dr., 642·2050
Professional Interior
Designers Avaitabl--.AID
1'~6'11• l•tl ''"Mou •f Ora1191 C•1111ty-540·116J
345 North Co•1t Highwty
Phone: 494-6SS 1
...... t'llll IOl'-OI' N ld t i H~ (lfl~
.... Gitt• 'M.u, C.11 ..... 1•. Jul:>Kfllol ... 11¥ CMTitf' 11.n -"''r1 ..., .... 11 11Js _,,..,'YJ mllit.'1' O..!IMllOI-. t:LU" -.!Pitt,
The trio. ~Ir~ Am.\· ~11erdlo11'. Em1a
1':1~a.~ nf ~e11 \ 111 h f'1t,1 an<I the Re \'.
\\'1llie Barro11 <i! \ h1ril ~<l, ~ .. id thel' sptn1
10 din s in ,\rirt h I l•'tn,1111 a~ gues!S ot lhf'
\'ietname~P \fri1nen s t n1o n
The; 1><11d tl1P.)' did no! kno11·· 1f 11 ny of
She also ~.11(! Hanoi 01t1c1al~ '1old u~
inat 1f Prf'.•1den1 :\1 ~nn ll'ould SP! a da1e
for t1 1thdr:i11~I ;ill the PO\r~ ... ould be-l ___ -=~~~~~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--ho n1r. h~· Chri~tm J s · 1.
Fast Growing
Large Fi1·m s Eye
Doo1· Sales Force
NE\V YOR K (AP l -Big
com[lc:tl"lles at~ increasingly
knocking at lhe donr of c!ln-
sumers \\·1th the IL1rect ~t>lling
apprrl<lCh 1n an el for! to grt in·
to that ra ~t {>1rn1\1 ~i;: and
prnfltab\e ~e<:!o r of thoe retail-
ing field.
"~lore allentton is being
of door-to-
hy ron-
paid to the <l.rea
door selling
golomerates and large c(lm-
panies looking for consumer
sales have g(lt\en into door·IO-
dnnr selling." Sfl yS Stephen
ShC'ndan . a Vl{'e president of
'\/isiflle' ,\11to
NY Excha11ge Cl1ief Bla1nes
Low Ma1·l{et on U11certainty
NE\111 Y<)Bt< 1UPll -\\'all
~trf'l'l i::enrrally tias heen
surp1 1sr.rl hy \hf' p <11"1 r
po.rfonnance of the stork
p1;irkl't s1111·r I h I' <111·
noun1·.~n1rnt of l'rrs1rlrn1 :-,!1.,
~Hi's 1'h:1~e 11 proi.:ran1, !1.!l!!lh
!1cnun1.10, 1•h;11nna11 nf the
board of i::,(1\erriur.~ o( the !\l'W
Vfirk ~!n('k ExC'han~r . so11d
d1~ussen such 8 mfJ1'e w11h
n1r four mnnths agn ," siud
'IJ1r rr has hern spei ·•1la1 11u1
1n \\'all S1 rret abllut a s1ir ·
i·rssor. "fhe nan1ts n r
Secre\arv of S\<11r \\'1 \\1an1 n l"l~ers, 'eommerrp Secret_ar;.-
Ne \v Course
Helps You
Find A Job
Mauri('f' S1:ins. Paul Knl!nn,
now nrP~idrnt nf the American
St11rk Exl'llan,11,r, Halph Saul,
\we rh;i1rrn.<1n nf First Rnstnn
Corp :incl fnnncr 1\ rn r :<
Ptcs1 rlcn!. I.re n Arn1niz. a
:"!'11iflr \!(•f' 11rps1 rlcnt nr !he h1~
ho:irr!. :u1d J)an Lufkin, a
f11r111l'J' h1g hi1<11·d I ~ol'ernnr
11 o 1, L'nnnccllrul s fOrn-
n11.,.,1nncr 1,f f:n1·1rnnment11l
1\ff(l1rs, all ha ve bef.'n n1rn·
l lnnrrl
Drnun11r1 Sii1rl he hupP.~ !ht'
f'Xrh;ingP gnvrrnnrs c::in 1·01 e
nn ~ rrstructunnj.! pl;in in
.J;111u<1rv ;inrl !'11hrn1I il Jn !hr
n1rn1hrrshq1 ()n !he lar~Pr
If ;i 1·1Jn11nun111· ('11llr~e 1s 1~~ur •lf ul!un<ilclv rre<1t1ni.t a
11 ,,rlh its s;i!!, 1l hRs tri hr 111-:r:1ni:.lr 1•rnt1 ;il s " (' u r i I i r ~
pan1es 1\·ho ;ire acciu1nn~
firms 1n the dtr('l't selling
area,·· says Robe rt Brnu~e.
prf'.< 1dcnt o! the D1rccl Se!hng
~lust peHp\e in the industry
pouit ln one fact(lr making the
<'ons11 n1er 1111)re a nd more
recepl11e lo the door·lo·door
sc1!1n~ apprr;a!·h con·
Yen1eocr . Trafllc j11n1s ;ind
park1n~ problems ha1·e made
a Jumble nf s u r bu r b a n
shnpp1ng arras and most cus-
1omPrs consider 1hc1r ume ar..
important enmmod1ty. 'l'his 1·11t a11 ~y v1e11 ~ho11s ~o rnc of the featilrei,, or an exrPrnne111al s;i!e ty le·
"The consumer 1s fed up hirlc Gcn('ral !l lntors 1 ~ huddin;;: Eng inerring innn1·a11ons 1nrlucle 1n('J'C'a~rd
He SH1d ht hr!1c1rs the 1r·
r<'fl l prr[11rrniHl l'I' !)f lhe
111!l1'k1'I h;is 1r.•11ilf'<I frnrn
uncl'rla1nll<'S :ibuu! lU"t how
l'h;ise 11 \\ 111 he 11111 in1o ef·
feet, :ihou\ possible s('runis
bus1nc~s rr1·rss1n11~ 1n J-:u1opr .
the 1·urrr.nl \ugh r:ilr ;,r
1nu1u,1I f11nrl rrrlr111p1 1nt1s :1nrJ
(ll\i('r 111•)!?~111' l.tr l•irs Hut
l )C'IJUIH/(l 11,1'i p1·r-.u11.ilh" •lll·
l1m1stu· ah<>u\ !he ••Utl<~1k lot'
thr 1·1·11nu1111 :111d t hr
fil'l'Un11r~ n1a rki'\s 111 \9i:!
101\Pd 1n !lie ··n111n11uu1v ;.in<1 rr1:1rkrt. he th11ui.;ht 11 11•nutd he
(lr11nge ('n:isl ('nllf'l:f' t.~ tining 111..;rr lo hutld on lhf' e>:· JLL.~t 1)1;11 l\('lp1ni.; pc<>rle 011t i·h:.>llgr':-1·C'11tr:ll 1·cr1lfl(•;ite
(1{ w11rk ftnd ;1 J"!o ~1·r11t·f'. 1n "hirh $2R mdlJ(ln Consnl1aled Foods Corri now
h;is E!cctrolu~ anrl ,.~uller
Bn.i~h D;irt lnduslries Inc.
h11s 'Tupperware and \'anda
Bea11t \' Cns1ne11 cs Bristol·
r.1verS Co. ;ind (;cncra! Foods
cOrp. ho1ti have acqt11rcd their
nwn d1rl"et selling t'Clsmetics
companie.~. And J C. Penney
Co., Inc. has 1nstitu !ed a prn·
gram in \I hi ch t r a i n e d
decl"lra tor cnnsultants sell a
complele hne of furnishings in
the home.
11 1th self.service and n 0 US(' nf \\C:lghl ~a1 ing a lun1inum tn bn lh engine and hnd_v f'On 1pnnc11J1:;., I0·111de·
ser\'lte and apathetic 1:!erks," pr!'·hnur harrie1· 1111p<irt rrnnt and r ear bumper energy ab.r;nrbers and pillar· ;i\rr;ulv has twen in vested,
expl11ins Rrouse. !e~s front upper body design. "~:ach of us \\ill11S to he _.c:,:_::.c:, ____ ...'..C.:'---'---"-------------------------
"[thin k ;J~ Ph:•Sf' 1! 1111/oll!-;
:in(I p.-.iplr \>e•i.;1:1 to \1:·11r :111
unrlrrs!anrl1ng nf ho11· 11'~
g111ng tu 11or\.; 1hnl \\ sl111u\d
;1!101y s11111r uf lllrsl" frat·.~.''
llr111u111<1 sn1d. "I ;1111 op·
11n11st1e about 1971. ! 1h111k
1·nrporil\I' pr<•I 11.~. hC'c:1nsc 11f
11h1lt h:.is hapµc11rd 1n~1dc l'~or·
rnr.1!1111i.~. :irr g111ng 111 enn·
t1n11r 111 hr prrlty good.
11 1~11 ~:;i~11~ :i \~'1~:11.~~1~11;:;:;r_1:.~~~ th:.in t~ 1·refllr fl ne11 frderally
n1ul'sf' 1n "!'rurrssinnnl ('arerr vhartrred go1•ernmcn\ cnr·
"\\'{' 11ere t'nncrrned 1\1\h
establ1sh1ng lhP br~l 11'<1.\' nf
ge111ng 1n ;inr\ ser\!ng
customers. \I e felt this I ~ pe of
shnrp1ng \1as 1\ha\ lhc l'Oll·
su1ner \\'ilnlrrl 1n l;irge ticket
total decor<111ng buyu1g." Sil \'S
Charles Lngan. he;iri l)f Pen·
ney's custom d r co r a l i ng
A look al 1he gr(lv.'th and
prnl1tab1l~t~· of c n m pa n 1 es
already estab\\shed 111 the
dnor·t(l-r!nnr sellini;: field al so
gi vrs a rlu"e to wh;it is !uni"!~
big cornp;in1rs 11110 !he ar~.
lnrlustr~ so 11 r r cs )!.a~'
eSll111<llC'S J'llll thf' Slf,P o/ the
ind11strv hc\\\•ecn s~ hillifln and
$4 lilllion
A\011 Produ«I ~. the lar~<:>st
cnsn1e\ir i·ompan.v 111 1hc
v.·orln. ha<; d(•uhlcd its s:.i!rs 111
the p.:i i-l f11·r .1<';irs. 11 ~ ~;.ilc<; 10
l!!j0 11·rre !.75!1 n11ll1on 111th
earnings of ;;lJnul $!l!l m1l ho11.
Amv.ri~ Cnr p a Jlrtl'alely
held comp:iny 1\'~rch began in
19;'.i!l \)~· sel!1n~ fine detergent
product don r to d('M'lr. has sales
in e»C'f'~s of $!65 1nitlion in
fiscal l!ljl.
"BaSlfl'lllY h1g companies
are in!erested in an~·t hing that
l~ prof1t;:ih!e and n1:1ny com·
cnnsidered important. \\'hen
someon!'· comes to the ho111e.
gives the ronsumf.>r persnnal
atte1111on. ansy,·rrs quest ions
fl l"ld knows the prodt1ct, y,·ell,
th;it appeals lo the con·
sumer." he says.
Arouse ;i lso n1aint<1ins that
people ;ire more rd1ic;ited tn-
da1·. ThPv <ion'! loo k Just at
pr;re bu\ also at qua!1t~· arid
g11:.i rantrrs.
In l\1(' davs 11'. 111 ass
rner·chat1d1sing' and n1ass cnn·
sumption there :ire fe1v clerks
111 1he srnres 11-ho C"an !ell them
:iboul these things. 'fh11t's
anolher ftltis for the door-to--
door salesman 1\•hu is usually
thoroughly briefed on his J'lfO·
duct. Brouse says.
"!n large tic ket i1cn1s like
we sell the personal contact is
in1por!;int." sa~·s Logan, of
Pl"nnev, v.·hirh tine~ not knnck
on doOrs but works b.v ap-
pnintn1enl. "A\sn. the ,,·om11n
11·ho is rrdecnr;:iling h"r home
lt krs \•1 ha\'e a dceor;:ito1· who
can help hf'r !1e 1h1n>:s
IC!ge!hrr . She (\{lesn't like tn
~hllli frnm store 1n s!ore "
!t 1sn'1 a lw;i.1·i; e<-~v for the
rlnor-10-d11or ~;ilesni<tfl 11•ho
sn1netu11es f1nrls the door
slan1n1c(! in his facr .
"A 1.:u11.~c1011s f'ffnr! has hecn
niarle in thr pa."l JO y<'ars by
le;irl in~ companies 1n the
ct 1rect selling field tn 11:et away
frnm the fnot-1n -tht>-rl()Or im·
ai:e their salesman harl," says
Sheridan of E I e c t r I) I 11 x .
"Thrre·~ brrn ;i rral upgrart·
1ng of rhe sales forre."'
\IPI T•loo~ote
Cop11er Sunf,es?
Rings of copper tubing fra n1e a ser\·ice inslructnr
as he makes an ad1ustment on a centrifuge] li quid
ch ill er use d in air cond itioneri::. Thi~ ch iller is in
a schon l operated by Borg-V.1arner Corport1tion in
York . Pa. ·
I See by Today's
Wan t Ads
e NEED TO fl'HNJ!'l-1 A
r.t >!Pl ·s r.n0\1" Lnnk
jnr th1~ 1' n111·rnport. I!
h.:1~ 11 m.:1trh1ni;: l11rq11
s1•'1\'<"l l"'!'k~r •111h 11n 1)1·
tnin;i n, Thr rolnr !~ r""' Ge•t· m.:1i1e 1111h hr~vy
U.S :'\aui;;;ih~·ri<>. Tho~'
~Muir! tilkf' w<';ir 11.nrl ,,.~r.
• IN THI:: ;..1us11 DEPART·
:.!E:-0.'T. ftJr h~1,.n1 n.: en·
ioym11n t try 1h1.1: :.l;i11;nn.
1'0'< ~!rr..., It i~ 1n e.'<rl'l·
1,n1 condi11"n.
• rr Yr)l" TAKF:' CAR~: or
CARE or Y0t1! CJ'hll'i
Chr~·~!~r l'r 11r-ir1, ntfirit
1n 1'1&1 run~ i;::!'ll'lrl and l~
OCC Slates
On Estates
The 1n\Sl('f'll'<; 111 "l·;i1n1!.v
Es1a1r Pl11nn111,C." 11111 fip {'X ·
plained h.v !•Ile nf 1hr lr.1rl1n~
nuthfl rit1rs 111 1J1r l1elr! 111 11
fnur·parL fl:·11ni.:t> C 11 <t s l
l'o!lri;c f'IC'IHng le1·ture scnrs
start1ni.: \\'rdncsrla:..
The srrif's 11 1ll run 1hrough
No1. 24 frorn 7 :in-!l :Ill p 111. at
r:asthluff Element;ir~· :-)ehOl.•l
1n ;\cwport Beach. TJ 1e1 e 1s nn
1u1tH1tl anrl prr!'nns n1;:i y
rrg1stcr al the door 1111 let•1t1re
P;iul ~-. 1\1;11·\. ii p1''H'\1r 111l;
a1l11rne.v speei;1l 11u;;.: 111 "~t ate
pl:.i1111lr1g. 1n1·on1c 1;1\ ;111r\ t'nr·
p!lt'fltlOrlS, II 111 111'€~(·111 I hr l11u:·
lrr1t1rr~. llr 1~ ;1 111Pn1 fH'r 11f
the c" 1 1r11 r 11 1 :1 St ;i1 1·.
1\111rr1.-.in. Lo~ AllLt•l1•..; ,111d
()r:inge ('011nl~ Jl;u ,\~~ot·1:1 -
t1n11s :ind ti;1s )"J '!llt"d 1111
1 :1ri11us ropws 111 tli1' i1l'ld tJ!
fecleril! inc .. 111c 1:1).t''i to :111·
d1 rucl"S 1hr1•11ghnut 1· .. 11f\1rr11:1.
Hr rrt'rtl<'d )us drgrrl' l!'on1
lhe l[;i r1a rd La11· :-Ot·h11ul ;ind
h;:is 11rr11ou-.lv l;iughl !·'.sta1c
I 'IT1nn1ng at (lran1;1· 1 'o;i ... 1
!hs t1rsl h•ltu11' \\t>tlnr~1l:1v
i~ 111\crl "f'rl"lper1 \'" !le 11 1!1
ci1.~\JS.~ !ht• 1 I J'l'S h\ !)l't1•
per\~·. the 11 a~s 11! 11 .. !d1nc title
10 properly 1111nt'd . 11 11 h
;inn!hrr, ;ind \hr 11·;111 .... !rr of
propcrt.v :.it llr:11h
The .~r1 ·1111d h'1·111 1·r n11 \'111•
Jfl 11'1\I fn<'llS \)ll' d 1•'('ll~' \ltr) H!l
"\\'i ll s ., r.L11x 11•111 !'•l\('J' SU('h
~uhjccl s a~ 1r:1n~(t'r o\! pn•-
prr1\I a1 1!Pfllli hv 1r1ll; ;1d·
1:111lllJ:f'li 11f 11 1l\ n1rr ll\·
lcri;t<itr ~111.,.·e~~ltfn · t1 prs 11f
\1•ill~: pruh~ltl" ;u\111HHi-lrilt1on,
;ind 1hr usr nf Jullll lenan<'IC'S
to rt\n1d prohah·
On N<>v. 17 hr 11111 1·111('r \1fP
insurA111·e, \i vu1i:: tn1st!' il11d
gifls. He \1 11 1 !;t1·hlr -.iu·h f]llf'"·
l ions ;is 1!1r l!'-e 111 life 1n-
s111·;in1·c tn <l lfllrl p111h;:i1r .. "r\·
tle1nrnt ;in ;i11gt·nu·o1s .1ud np-
t1n11s: tl•f" u'>r .. r 111 r11i:: 111"1s
111 a1111d p11•h:.i1r and th<' 111.1k
1ng (If g1f1s t•f ;o1 .. 11l 1u,,11111e
The 11na! lrrll!rr "" \111 ::!
\\tll rlr:.i/ 11 1th 1l•·n 1l1 1;1\r•; ;,nd
gill taxes \ 1\lh !' 1t1-.ith 1:1\r•,
;.,.1~r x 11 rl l c11n~1dr1· !'ahf11rn1'1
inhrril:1ncr l<\>: ;,1>r[ fl'i1r 1,1I
e~111te !;;ix : '.f'
hnl l1 C.:il1lnrn1a
gift laxes,
11 111
1l 1~r11•<;
T\\ () J•'i l'lllS
] n l\1c rcr er ::"" LOS A\t";ELLS 11\l'1
Southr1n 1'al1forri1 r1 c;;.i~ C'n
and Pariliic L1i.:ht111g l': r1·11 c
Co. 1\·1ll nll'rgr !ht>1r P"''nnr1PI
in an cff1i·1rncy nu11 r ~a~~
Paul /1 . :\!Iller. prrs1drnt of
the parent 1'1Jn1p<in), Paci!ic
Li1:hling <.:orr.
The 1nrrizrr 11 1\l 1111111\·f !lM
emplnycs of P11cif1c L1s:;httng
Jnin1n~ Southern t":1hforn1a
\.11~. fl.1ill e,r ~airl Tursday .
E 1ig·ineers Still
Have Di11i Outlook "Tl1e hrll 11i:htr111ni.: 1ha1 ;i
].,! of i·nr\MU .11 1n11~ took a~ ii
J"'\ann1n~" -\hP lt'i'\\nl(\llf'S poratlf>n ;.\S tirged in ~nn1e
:111d pral'!i<'cs (lr f111d1ni.: ;i i1111. <11111rteri;
II will 1nrel 1'll fnur Slll'l'CS~ll f' llf sr11d C('S e1111l cl he spun
j\[f hv !lie NYS ,.: find theri \l'rdnC'~d;iys frn111 i 10 p 111. 111 · Ho11111 N(l, 25 11{ the Sctenee joined hv lar~f' h11nks around !he l'oun!rv "nrl this truly nill · Bu 1!d1ng. . !1nr1<il rlrpns1tor,v woul rl be the
11 n11r~n·t eos11lll,1'1hing. anrl best 11,._v 1,1 work toward a
~1uc!e111s n1a.v rrg1ster righl 111 rentral, niarkr!. th r i·l;i,sn101n . 'The r\<1ss, _:_::: ___ __:_ ________ _
!llt'l'!" fronl 7 10 p TTL
BQ.\T\1\' i Ar i _ Thuu;.;:inds lhlll lir 11111~ide th r 1 r n·-.ult uf 11l1;it happencrl 111
of r ng111rl'rS and h1ghl.1 ~killed !'-pec1<1!1t1cs. l~!'iU is :-ho11·111i.: up 111 lhl'1r
ti111· H1~h\Pr. \nslnH'l"r {n1•
llir t•nur"<', s;.11•s ii 1~ i1rr11 1•1
;1111 .. ne 11ho nc-'rd:> help hnd1n!::
,1 J•lh.
EARN 10% -PlUS!
l 'i·hnicl.~Jl<; "''l'U!'!omrrl 1 0 1 1 1 ~ .. 1',1n1111gs <ln<I l'n1 rnorr 01)· T \f' 1'<'111rr l~!s 'I Jf'n r11111s1u· l11;u1 thr tll<lrkrt hit~
J l;i ~ !'hn1 t • Trrn1.J/1 i::h· ~-lj\H\)' Trill.I !'lrf'd~. Sl'('Uf(' 11>hS 1v11h p Ill Ill p oprn111gs f.-.r r Irr Ir l c a I
I .. 1n1ti(•ated" "'(';11\ 1\ ;1 1'nu·-11•rck ~crirs 1n
juh !1n<l1ng." he s<11rl . \\'p 11'<1nt
ln t•xp;.ind the r;inge (I{ 1){'11plt>
11 h11 1'(11nc and nol hn11t 1l 10
~;ilar 1f'S a11• nut o wn rk 1n lue "'''''"''" 11>'<1 l<"•e <'''" ,,.
1., .•• ,, .•. ,1 <<><l<<Sll''' c·l•••. l•••d '1 ,-·' · " ( ' ,,. l)Ptl1tn110 adrlrt·.-.sl"d l'n1t.1ct No Fee Or Comm i5 sionl
Free Coll ection L lht '''' f1 llC'd ll\f 3(11\:1\S •11' 11hl\(', l'it·s.~ lnlt•r11a11nn;il's rchlun;1l
<ll'Olllld Bo~tun. And the lllll· J)dl s:11d, "'l'h1s sl1n11i; lh;tl [ lr~)k f.,r illl\.' nriv deni;ind !or 11,. l>"<<pl• ,,. 1,,.,,. 1,.,, •• ,,, hn;ir1t 1111 the pr11hlcn~.<; 1a1·1ug A nd Servic:in q
•· • ,_ • ,. •' r' thr ('nlire .~r1·11r1t1r~ 1n111slr,1. 11rP1sp11re.
t11r1r t.ileo!S IS gnrn. skill~ lhiil ;.tfC'll'l Ill tl rn1;inrl, d r C" 11 h' II ' At \he
rrofessil"ln<1! A 1u'f'·[lrr~i enl 11 r.ircrr·. "Throne I 1ng-1at 1s int· AllA i •·.'lyr.l·1iui.~&
nnd thr e(l111p;11111':> :ire lnoktng rr,.,horli· illlll t'n., lie .~all\ \1r pur\;inl is 1h::it hn1h h11~h;ind h111·<' crrl!f1rd <l.!lprBi.!.al.!..
~rr1·1rc ("rntrr, a s t ii t e I k II II l 'l f'lnplP~nirnl l)ifice set up last or ·" 1 s i:i 11 r e n p1·1.t,;1hlv 11 111 !1c 1he la st 1111-a11d wire p;1rl1eip;11e 1n~ethrr ,\\lfl\":'\T J'Y~!!'\T. J!'\T.
J:.inu<1i .v tolielpenginecrsand ai;.ii\ahlr" P"ld ('lHHl'l11<-111 u! 1hr bi~ ·"'\he~' 111\l unrirrst:>.nrl "nd$.l.~'!·l.li:l $-1!.f;fl 10.t.. And 1!1t• 11dds 11r S•l ll l('\1111 1).!, hn;irrl h<'l':1u~r l'<'~ll'!l!'!Ur111g .,f <ll'Pre<·i~!I· ,1nh f1 nrl1n~ 1rehni· ,5 '!,''.Ii/\ :11 $ :i:t :111 10"1•
opr111ng 11p f11r !hr~r 111cn, Pill 1l1r f';\l'\H1llt.:<' ;1.~ rrr,1n1n11•ndrd qtirs ;111d sr1·nnd c <ire c r 1 ~ ·~.~,(~\.!10 ~ -Hlflfl 10 "/,, ~r1en11~\s Lnd 1111rk. nll1re
!ll,ill i;,oon P<'fSO!ls haie ap· s;;1ri. ;111• '"d1•pl11rahlr" 111 thf' 1\1r1r1111 Hrp<lr! would P"""1hil it1r·~" 1:-: :.:,i;'.!<)d!t S :~7 til 1o•;. plirrl fnrJ•~hs.
"l'C(1)1le:u1.•11011~1.1rl111i.:l" <Tr;ilr' ;i full t1n1e 11;11d A1\hr P11dnf 1':1••hs!·~~11•11 .'i':l.•ll 1K ti:l $'j \f•i lO-;'. \In•! ;11f' •'ll~lllt'''I~ :111r -<i:. ·::111!1 1~1 ~ 71,1;7 10'/, frrl !l ie 111q1:11·t 1•1 I )I!' j·h:111111;111. H1~h1er· prn11dl'~ Jnh J1r11:'i[ll'<'I ,. '.1,'•·:·~,' '·"' .<, .<',.·!" 10 "'• s1•1t·r:1I ;11r 11ul·\rar ph ~s1r1sls I "~ " " lf11 ~s1.111.; 1 1111111 ·11111~ Sp11l111k,'' In :111,11!'1· 111 ;1 q11t1•ll!)ll l\1.1\ ~h!·~'I ~ w1l 1 \l•:1d~ •\I\ 011rn111!!,~::; ,·,1:.:··.1 ·1 $, \\(l1M'I 10''•
\I ,Jh dt1rl1•1'i il f'S. I< "llni•
, lt'i
r pli\'>l~·i~l 11111 ,,aid. ',\ 111 11,!«. pl't'\ ,i•ll"' -.1q.!gi·~ttd !'n''ldr11t l!f1hr1 t :111d !hr prnpPr· JH't'M •f\ \,. t'nll · oi; 1 ~11 M 1 !111 ~ :1• ;,o 10 •;.
11 11
h ,. J'h [) h.1 ~ hcrn s~~t ::-111 11:·:~ h111\1 up I" put :1 l1:•Tll'k ,,f 1hr :-.1·1rk 1'\!·h:1ngl' 1:11'! \\:111v ul ht. ~t11dc111 -....: 1 :.1w11~i ~; 111 1111 1g'f.)
., 111:10 ""Iii•· 11u~111 11 :1~ 1 ,11~hl·d 11110 (!t'''l111111" 1i;11l' hrr11 sl1('<'t''>~f11l 111 fu1 I" ii;;~.:(") s1n<1~1·I ..-1 •;.
11\ll 11! 11111' fur !1111 ~l'ar~. " I I II I . , I 1:• ;1 o.•Ml •11 1 S \Ii 1i7 10•/. '·:-O:o l111d1' l-';111! h:1rh i11 \)11• l'(',1t>1>rn<1lJlll·11\ ll•'l\l .111\v h<' ( 1!1" I" l~ 11' 1l<'l s<\!I i-.11d Hwh:.r\! I. 11111. 1n;i11<H!('f · "' · · ... · · o; ;,l'-; '. 17 ~1·1:• '~"I 10•;. h•·i.:111111111-:. '11 lia ! li:1pp1·11-..11il'f ~:1111 111al 11 11:is :1h~111uti•lv H 1~hlcr 1s 111 ll'rn:d p\.11•f' 1.;: ·,,•ii ',1,,; i-:,·1·.'>1 111 10 ''•
nl lhc r•'11t.-r. "llr's ~11en up. '' 11 r grl ;1 111:u11n '.he n1u11n ;ind 11 1lh11111 !ut11ul;l1 1n11 n<-1111111111 1111'11\ :ul111i111~t r:1tur [ 11 t ,._ ·; '.~1 1u1H1 ~ hOflO 10''•
lit·\ 1111 11 r1!:1rc. '' ..
ht\\l\\ ,11 ;:in .. lhrr \!II~' l\hu h;1r•k"'" Tl1P ;111~11rr l'i 111.11111" s:11d 1111• hu:1rrl 11f gH11'111q1·s \h·i>1~1111<'ll llnui:\as l'ntp, 111 ~)i,1<to:~~1 $.\Oi'JliO 10•1.
\l .l'i prt'sl(('Tl\ 0 fl 1·111npany I r I r l rl . l r !'rri;rl!\S ll'1Sh1nj.( 11\HJP Hl ewpor EquHy Fun ' I r g111·rr11n1rnl has 11 11hrlra11·n \1~s g 11 Pn nn •·nns1i1rr<1\1r•nlo;1 Hunl tnl'.lnnH1'.uh. I N 1 d
th.it hu il! inissilr lr.:ii·kin l'. !1r_. 1~r 1ni; rnin l lr 1"\Slrin. :;urrr ssor an wnnt11n\1 atrr l·im·l<<•<>,•-,,l """ll °'<·'·R"ll ii u i •HllHo,in•i •u lJ&i
" I d I ii~'~""~'~";'~'~l ~,l~c~<n~h~'~'~'~'~'~<'<~l~<~«~.;;;;~l~h~c~l ~"~'~I ~o~l~i~h;'_;;>;'~''~·~"~R~<~•h~~"~;·;;:;:;;;~";"~";;;'~";;.;•~•:;;;':;:;'~~~~~~~~~~~~~ an1rnn:is. !)ii sa1 . "I e gol
a J~1h 11.,rk111~ <is a r!erk for\
SR!I ;i 11cck "
Sha1 p t·u1h.1~k" 111 drfrn~('
::\Oil :1rl'o~par·e proicrls. ;ili•ng
11 1111 ;.i ~1ug1:1sh rc·11no1n\·.
c;ill.""I I !lf• 111:1ss1\ r l:.i~ off~
:dong f1'1t11 (' 12fl. ;1 s1x-lanr
1111.:ll\1:11· ;1111111\rl Rn l'(•IP rin1·l
n1rd 1111h sh1n1· lci·hn u·.11 ,~nn1
p,1111!'\ 111 hn~ht('f' 11111('.~. thr
:i1·t';1 11 :is 1'('lf'rrr!I 111 "s lh r
"(;1,lrl('ll S(•111u·1r1•le'"
'l'llP la!t·~! hl1111 ;i~ lhr ;in-
11"11nr1'tll('nt liv Ht"A 1·n rr
th<i\ 11 1~ g11111g out 11[ lhe
grnr1·.il t"1111pult'!" b11~l l1P~s.
f~l \ r1npl11~•('<i ;ihnut 2.200
t·11n1p11!C'r 11 orkers 11"1 1h<' ar·efl .
;•nd ~rt f;4r, ~i2 of thrm )i;1ve
bePn lnid off.
Jlr frn~e f1r r11s f111cl \h('
d111.rn5 ,.f 1'hll1 Jll'ln1t•s lh.:il
1n:1df' gadgrtr1 for 1llr p1an
1u·d <.p;11'!' pr1Ji!ra1n )l;i1 r hrf'n
h 11 <if·"! h1I Hui thf't'f' )l;i1 "
:ii"" 111'r11 l;ir·c.r ~ealr 1a101fs
:11111111~ ll•lllf1;1n1v" th;H r11<1kr
1111 d11-,,J 1n~1n11111•11!•. ~·un1-
p111rr, :Jrt!I <111T1af!
1\hn1JI 1:1 pl'tl !'Ill l'f llir )t1rn
11 hn i.:11 !11 tlll' JfllJ l"('nlr1· ;:ir!'
1''•'1\111,1111 pl~u ·;•1I 1n J•lhs Hill
.. 111! 1111 tllf' 1111111'"" 11~1 ;11 ('
I 1 !II 1•11•,·11 1(';11 r11i.,:1nr<'r~. :,r,11
lll•'<'ll«llll ;d f'llhifl!'l'IS '°'nd 2!'10
lllfhl->ll'l;ll t•l1,Cll11'1't s.
! 11111p11111rs 111 :11 l•IH'r l1;:id ,.
h.1rrl 11111" ro11nd 111i.: 11 p
1'1 11p lo1 rs hnr! lhr 1111nd-hoc.-
gl1ng :<l'l'i1\ nl q11a)1l1rrl pr1lrn ·
!1al workPrS . And lhrv h;ivp
l1rt·n1111• 1 r1 v chuo.~v · abtiut
11 horn thc_v li1rl" .
Hur 1hf' nll'n·s ~p•·c1:1l11.11!1nn
-fnr in~1'1nrl', drvelop1ng
11nv il!ll<'nn as th11t 1\rnl 1ns1de
flt\11· -outd11led sa1 r ll1 t<'s -
111;1 \.;p 11 hard f11r thern to
:;111tch 1n!11 rn11re promi~ing 1
fiC'lrls of eni:inf'rr1n1:. I
1\1any of thrm h:1l'e sk ills so
nfltTn\.,. th;it thry h11\'e: forgot·~
ten the b.:isi s of engineering
·4rP'·'. f-\. •·> . . .
. '
l~e ol H.~tale Val 11<'.~:
Th ere's no fre eze on real
p rices. And
th e
real of land
pcoperty deve lopmen ts
keeps going up a nd up in
California . If
you 're wondering how you
cen capitalize on it, here 's
a free serie s of lectures
that will tell you how .
Wednesday, Nov. 3, 7:30-9:30 p.m.
Joc k Lincoln , Attor ne y -PLANN ING YO U~\
1972 Continental
Newport Harbor High School
15th & Irvine, Newport Beach
r. i~,' ~ --~.11 .._.._
~ca .'.' ffi':!O'-"""' ohn~ah.& son .
Tick et l11for111ntio11.
No 1dmiss.ion, but t ickets. ire required. They c1n be picked up In edv1nce
at th• Or1n9e Co1 s.t College ind Golden West College c1mpuses and 1t
the Oa ily Pilot offices In Ccsta Mesa, Newport BeacM, Huntington Beach,
Laguna Be1ch and Sin Clemente ind from the Newport Harbor·Cos.t•
Mes• Bo1rd of Re11tor1.
Co-s.pon1ored by
In ,.~r,,1IPn 1 cnnriitktn In·
f.lcl' .11 nrl ou t. !•'-------------------------
J2 OA!t 'Y PIL01 SC
l' 0111· ltf.{)11ey
I ~ No.f ault Pla11
Co1np1 ete-New York Stock List OVER THE COUN 11ER
l •ltl NJI 111•1 J H1tlt Llw CIOM Cht
""'tHflll llV• Mltr .... l lef' -.. 1ari...1 11 •H,.,l ..... ltly t A.M. l,.nt HMO.
,lien h ,.., tfl<l<ll• tel .. I Ir """rll~P rn•rlllll•~ It Cllftm Ull~ •m ~1.,11 » Afl. T .. , '" .. , ~ :I"" ltl ' .. ·~ • ,,1, 11>,. SI • ll , IJ>.
I/ ' 11 , ?I ?:tfo
NASO l•\hngs for Thursday, October 28, 1971 Am 11.T 160
Alft 1 1 T "' , A\';1!W\ 60 ~· '" " ... •• '1'• • ll •· 011 U.S. J\ge 11cla? .... -.. 'Z
NE\l'I 'VO Rtt API .O. l 1~<~
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nr 1!1e nh ... t 111 ,,1Lli1rh.! (i•lt
"u1n~11 1111 ... t1r1 prop11~t d
1 he bill f rll lli1 d Iii• 'i 1!1011 ii
~o /. 11dl \I, I •I \ f' h I 1>
lusur 1n<r '''I 111d ~ o
"Plll!SUI ld b1 ~11-I f'11 l1p 1\
ll ttr1 1[) \l 1ill 1 11 ,I l\,u 1t n1;
1\1 1gnuso11 1 [ 1 \\ ;i ... h 1 ~ d i~ 101
a 1i'1nlu1Ju11u1 11•111 111
11011 11 1d( "''1~111 .. r nol 1ul l
autf!lllC•hilt> 111,11r .tnl r
1 ht' !Jlfl lllJI' 1 ll I'~ (hi~
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1 oulrl h:11 r .111 r11u11111111• 1111
f}'1l1 bntli \lll tll(l prrn1uu11
r,11e, 1uu arr n1111 p01 1111g 111tl
on the rn inner 111 11 huh 1 uu
are C'o111p·e11 ... ittd 101 a11t<1 u
(Jdr111 J11sses L nrler 1hr b ill
\o l 1ult JU! u lllSUrilll(('
11 ou ld belon1e n101 nd 1t11r1 !r•I
all LI S c1r n11nt'rs Jn~ur:ln\r
11ould het 11n1C' a\ 1 l<1hlc to ill
1 Ctnsed dr11 ers on a non
cant C'Jlable ha sis 10 all
Pi C'1n1urn <1111ounts 11 oul1J
dC'pend nn ea(h 1n<l1v1dual s
r 1sk of loss and loss ex
posure ' ba sed 011 1n11r 111
C.111du i!I dr111ng re1 J11 d thr
an1ot1nt .ind 11pr nt s 1ft t1
equ1prnen1 in 1 nut 1.::u 111111
u1co1ne lt>1 rl el!
\ou the 1111 1111 flf an a tilo
accident as p.1~senge1
dr1•er or J)t'des1n::i11 -11 nuld
be paid tno n1atttr 11hose fnuh
the acc1den1 \\as• for all
hospital and 1chab11Jtr111on
costs properl1 dr1n1agt !r x
cept damage to 1our c.ir \ up
to SI 000 a month 111lost11ages
fOI'" as long as \OU .tre ,1\\,IV
from work funrrnl costs
01her rosts s ur h is hou <>C'hold
help \I OLild br ('0 \('ICd !on
'ou (·ould bu1 npt10111I
ro1eragrs f1 Qn1 o u 1 n
~ll! <inre rornpnn1 111r lud1ni:;
extr ;i 1nco1nr p11ili'~ t1u11 r 1011
11 er e 111 ri h 1,d1e1 111{0111e
br<ilke1 1tllJ1s1o n 111,u1 trill 11
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< ar sptc 1.1I t f11 ernge 1,.1
aS~OClflted p llll ,u1d Siii
P:i\ n1en!s \1ould hr 111::1.tr
bv 1nsur:incr ro1npan1es "1th111
'.lll da\~ of earh at cidrnt l\1lh
in1erest lacked on after :10
thr "' suranre < co 111 p ;i 11 \ :i rul
pot1c1holdt r 11nuld be rr~ol1 ed
b1 arhll r.111011 or 111 10urt p1 0
rerd1 ng~ 1111h t 111 1r1 ~ !1 P~
paid b1 1hr
D•~~' .o.,, ~·• "~• ! " ' • <Q... • fl' • A "
" • " • " . lit ll o o,o~"•• Lr ! ., o ., c ..
Jl 111 I
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.. ' ' " ' . fct o
''" Loo , E aor • ~
l lP•< I lib• S I •Floe I ~
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oitll to li• f1 1ll'lulent fr11 uluU'S :~~ ~s ~ : ~,/tc"' n Df Ii
I ~ " I I " •
l ( ~ '' w r "''~' '• re• , , A 0 I < A nd, I
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r1t p1en11u nl p11d nrar!1 1!1111
hie tod 11 s 4fl lo 4~ <:t !ll s Jl(I
t;I , 1 p1t 1111u 111 pa1t.I
Thi' i\1 xun l{ln11n1o;\ra1 1nn s
olf1l ~J ~! 1nd 1s th.it no fau ll
~ll!(l lllsU!/l!l(C IS l 1111(' idea -
and !1 1~1 the ~lates one bv
onf' should enact !heir 01111
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fh:i1 si1und s J.;re:il on th r
~urr u e Hut ~(I d1fferen! ~1c1te
l 111 s l\11l11he c ti.1os :indt nr1
tus1nn !hill <:nuld bring' 1\nd
I hr 11 1de~pr ead drcep1111n ! h.11
e:isih 1n1i:h t entntuage
All e l(l\ 1nilllons or d1 JI f'rs
u1 s t ntP~ rh:i t h 11e p 1s~et1
~1!111(' fllllll Of 1e1\ l•{',tk
11 .l!ereddo11n no f ault in
su r<111ce arr covered b1 Ja11 s
11 h1ch f;ul ulterlv lo el1rn io,1le
lhr conlep1 of f1ul! fr o111
n1ns1 accidents 11 h1ch fail to
1educe prcrn1un1 costs as
n1uch as they should anrl
11h1ch pa) J1!tle 01 fiO a.1en!w11
Ill !hr steep rnst ll [
r 1 hab1l1l::it1ng acr1de11L \ 1c
t llllS
SI ale lll '<!<li e no fuill l111 s
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\lnr1 u11 hoard l h 111111 ~11 of
fl.11s Ht nt \( 11 h1lo1 t thr
:-.Cn 1te ( 11111mer1 r (un1u11llf1
11111,1cle11 ni; rh1 1111 l,iul\ hi ll
If the "I llf:s a1e 1!1011ecl to
C'\erc1sf' thr1r Cl\111 1n)1t1(Jt1 l11r
Jnh ne1er 11 tll gf't dune HI
(trd I .. I l,11 Johnson pres1
den1 ul Hu\ 11 f .lohe Insur Hilt'
< urnp 1111es heh-'!<' !hf' s 1111e
1on1 1n1llt f' i\<> <1 ln11tn11lr th
ho!h 1hr1r rlnliu k~ 1t l•~·f.. 1
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p:iss 11ork111rn s c11111pensal1on
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1 ul1 gel 11 111 br up to 1011 111
1he 11 ord s nf :i spoke~1 n u1 Ii 1
lhr Sendte ( 0111111erce ( 11n1
Exe euti ves
SeJJ Sl1ip s
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l ttirt d t ll1t li url I I 1!1011
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Pf"!l,!'C!i!Hf~ [fHlll 't'l 'l,ITI '' II
\tii lll:tll ] !•f 11'1'1 11' !!Oil\
1!1rt'1 l!ir "r t 1... I 1 < • 11ul 1l11
! 1(· fl'l1tlo t ~ f•'I' I 1! I' '-.'I' ' 11.,,
).:I•\ f'!"tlll"'ll1 h>I'• \ I I ! 11 ~ 11 '
1·r:1 rd 1•• :I k [1q-11•1• 111'11\ ,.
rl1,• •·ti I., 1·1
· ll 1'1r tn:iril' ii 1 "IPll''"'
('' "l"!'.I I " f1,r I iiP ~'ti I 1'1 •1 'I.,., ii
I" )"1'11~ <11111111' :,111t d1Jl111dl
f f1I f I 1f' ! ''II !'I 1!1111'!1! f •I ~'1 1 ,1
p• 1'!11,.j d1•!1•1il ~·111 111 ti('I" ., )11'
~:>''' Hr1"1·d tllr d1!f1t'lll l1· of
1rr1~1li1 h":•ru1i.:~. 111f' I S :11
lr.nw1 .•11nl.:f'-r~1:1n ':!Id 11r1•
~"1·1111,,.,. arr r"~<; ini h11"d 10
a~k l<ir prf'1Pnl111• 1h·1r11!1•111
no"· th:i r J.,,·:11 <'t111rl " ,.,.
p:inc!l'{t ,1ncl rr11rt::in11rd h1 thf'
0 (" r 11111r ;u'I :irC' !r1 ini;
l"Fl~f'" rnorr quir·~h-.
Thi' n11«1n~ 1111!!•11ti:1! rrn,,at
rr11n1nals :ire on !hr ~1rr1'! for
a •lior!rr 111111'. llf''ill~ lt•ss nf
a it:in~rr In !11r pt1hl1c.
1"1c•ln1·~ 11f 1111 lo ;"l \'1•nr :1111! ,,
lir1lf 11 r·1 r n11l 1111111rnn111n
hrl ,,1r. liul .l11d 1'1' fircrnr s:i1~
'""~! 1 '11'1•111'111·:1~('~ flf)\\" t'Ollllj'
!n I, 1;d 111 4~f d;11 :;.
S••r• h•• th1
Big C•p•clty
Water Heater
You Nud
, .. ,_ -"' S-1 ,..,,
..... M11111Ill 1,... "'•"
Sft,.11 .. IL
ir•ddy Ottotle1 t~ 1'171
• Sanforized • washable
S,M,l,Xl REG. 3 .79
249 j '
• Woven pla id flannel
• Double-stitched cotton
•Men's sizes
M fN S \Vf"R
•Great no -iron Avr il iil
rayon cotton blend
• Re sis ts creases
• 45'' width
Y,o.~O-"Gf. Of Pf.
,. '
REG. 994
• Pres lo stainless steel 17 88
A meal in 1usl minu tes
• Great gitt idea , too!
• 20.99, 4 -gL ,. 16.88 RE G. 24.99
"0• l'f WA Pl ~ DI rr.
f;l (i
" l :1 .-' ,. ~·1
... -r·"·V" ' '
·Room temp scal e 9ss
• Heat ontici potor cod
• Silv er -gray f1n1sh
•Two styles-your choic e REG. lJ.99
PlUMr.oNG .ol.NO H[,t.llNG OEPI. •
o] ' , '
i '
REG. 3.49
• Hip-hugging, shape-building western flares
• Tough cotton denim with scoop·front pockets
•Patch hip pockets; No ironing needed!
•Sli m sizes 6 to 18, reg ula r sizes 8-20
J .. , .
REG. 1.39
• Durable 4 -gauge
• 371/,"x 6' white pla stic shade
• Gives many years of service
• Waterproof; resists mil dew
.. -,
REG. 134.9S
Powerful 31/i-HP
• Cost iron gear case
• Sixteen 12" .slasher tines
ad just 12 to 22 inches
" .
" Uflllltll SftOALI ,_
• ••
• Ch ic ken Chow Mein
o ver Chinese noodles
• Tos se d green salad
• F1esh roll a nd butter
• Ag ilon ny lon
• New fashion colors
• Stay-up top
• One size fits oll
HOSl(RY O~f'f
• Clown head lens
• 2 "D'' batteries
• Pick up several
• Gloss door proleclion 14 8 8
• Easy to asseroble
• Smart walnut finish
30XlJ1/, X 32" high R[G. 29.95
• 19" lawn rake
• Flexible steel teelh
• 4 IL wood handle
• LEAF BAGS ... 5 /69,
G,t.~OEN ~HO.P
!Ob"" o• 'C''t°'" ro•P'l'l'Od hl~d ot 10" ""'"O•rl1r10 br,1•0! of •l'•r~'cr~•h
l)l>('l'P 547-('ol\41
----~r.hon.i: !l9'1 8~---·---'-"-'-·-"~' ~-~o~o~o~"'.,.,-'-"-'-"~'---1
loroonga plnlet b11rronco ot 1rin br'l'O•rl·"':I
ri hone 883·1000 freeway-phone 906 741 1
500 •ow'h m·I' roiirl
485 -~.1 /1, 642-7541 ,1~1~ 0 l'l '"' 10•
J'.r•d~1. 01.•obt• 29 l"l71 S DAILY PILOT 3
Battin Foes 'Readjusted' From First District
01 •~• D•"• ,.,1., i .. u
F11rthf'r 1n\t'~t1i.:::it11•n of thf' "read-
Justrnrnti;" n111de luescta~ n1~ht 10 <'fir·
rer! "1J0pul11uon 1n1tialanees" 111 the ne"''
1·011nt1• .' llJlf'l'I 1.~nri;il d1~1r 11·t~ rr1 e;1led 111-
'1<1.1 lh at 111 1(';1.-.1 four pos.-1hlc 11111~1nen1~
tn S11pt>r11snr Hohrrt B::i1t1n 11erP ger-
r.vn1anderrtf 11ul uf lhe F11·~1 D1~t1·1ct
In arld1tinn, a potr1111al npp(lnent of
VD Progra111
Told in Stale
St\l"HAtl1~:NT(I 1Al'1 -1\ stalf'"''lde
"<'r11~h pr-o~r;un·· 1111 1·rnf'real rt1s('ase
rdllc<i!ion 111 puh\H' srhools w;is an-
noun(·ed h." 1;,1\'. /1(';1g;rn as he Pnlergrrl
fron1 a su111 1n1! 111rPling w11h lnp health
;inrf rd11c11t1011 r\f!1<·1al~
Tl1f' llt>puhll<"flll ~01 f'rnnr f'c•.al Thurs-
dily hr "plrdgr1t lhP full resourt·es" nf his
;r(l1111ni.'<!r111i1111 lo hrlp !)1r Slal e 1".d u('a-
t1on nrp;ir·rntcnt rlrvrlnp ll('ll' guideline.~
";iin1rr1 ;1 1 <1C'(Tler:il1ng an11 -Vl) i11-
stn1rlirin pl'o~r;1 1 n.~ :llT0:>~ the st:ite"
Hr .'<IHI llif·I' ··a~!f'(•rl lh;tt lhPn' I~.
nr.:hr ru111·, elt>n.l'lv f'nnug h au1l1nntl' 1n the
law to Hll ti;rlr a· 1·r;1.•h-p1\_1gra1n in e11111-
h:it \·n·· ~1111011! 1111~ eh:ingr~ 1n the J:i11'
;i11rn1pl1?d hi' a hill he earhf'r l'f'toerl.
Tha1 hill . hy 1Jen1nrra1ic
A~sen1bl~•1\nn1;in :'1·1;.1rr·h 1-"nng of Oaklanrl.
11·oulct hill'!' .. allowed \.'I) instruction
\\'il hout wrillcn p;irent;1I t unsrnl as is rl'-
quired n•11h ,.:;ex Pdue;itinn roursr.~.
r-.1rs Fong and h('r supJMlrlers contenrl
th;11 :ilthough '\'f) education na!ur;i lly
rle11 !.~ 11·1th .~C'X, 11 1~ 1nnre prnpt>rly in 1he
health rurrieull1111 r;t!h<'r lhan !he f;irts-
of-l1fe c.1tci.:nr1
,\!crr111i.: 11·1th llear.:;111 1,·rrc st .iii>
sehonls c·hicf \\'il~nn Illies, llenry
(;unrl{'rsnn. pn'.~lrlf'l\I nf lhr StA!e Roanl
or F:dt1(';H1nn, ;111<l n1· [,/'IUI.~ ;;;aylnr . st ;ite
puhlif' hralth ct1ret•t1)f
!le;ii;;111 ... ;:iid "lhr f;1('! lhll1 p;irent..;
1nu~I he nntd1rd 111 ;1ch·;:inl'(' .')i(itJld no! in-
hibit nr hinder p111!ing Slil'h 1·1t;il in·
s!rucrinn AS !h i.' i11tn rffecl i1n1nrdia1cl.v.
··As a n1ill!rr nf f;:irl. p;iren!;:il 11otifica-
l1nn ~hould ;:is.~1.~1 lhr studenr hrrau!'e !hr
p;i rcn! will he f;i111il1111· wi1h 1ht> eduration
"Th" 11r11· c111df'l1nr~ \1·111 n1:ike
pt>r fPc!I\• 1'lf'.:1r r h~· 11<1\'F 1n 11·h1(·h nur
publir 5rhnnls c;:in prn1·1de an11.\I O tn-
Flrurtinn riu1rkh And respnn.<.1hlv "'1 lhoul
\ inl<illrli: !hr inlent Of ;iny pfO\'IFtfln of
!hP !a>1\" hr said.
A Broke n R11Jc:
No Hor~c pla ~'
111 'l'hcir Pool
rALATlr\J·:. Ill 1A J'1 -'",)i•hn"' f'lll!-
rd nu l Agnr '< Ann~l rnng In hrr hu~h;ind
whn 11·;is ;-;ha1 inc 111 thr h~!hrnorn
··.1nhn , lhf'rr s a hnr~r in lhr ~11·1n1n11nc
pool"' Arn1srrnni::. pul dn11·n lhe r:i7.nr anrl
11•<1\krd 1o th!' window There wii~ a horse
in !he S\'.'Jffilllin~ pt•nl
Thr i\rn1.~iro111(s dAughter. Aarhara,
17. ram<' 10 look
Yf'<i. lht>rr rl'r!:iinl.1 11a~ a horse in thr
~11 in1n11ng pool
/);i1·ict .'\1Je.~ nf lhf' t'onk ro11n11 ~hf'rtff'<;
rlr[l:irtrnf'(l1 11 ... ~ thr nr'I;! 11rr<nn rn
1·onf1rn1 1h<il !hr ha\ gf'l1l1ng h;ir! 1un1prd
lhrnui::h a rn!nn ('nlf'r ,111r! 11;is Ftandln\!
10 1t1n'r frPt flf 11;Hr>r a1 thr sh:illn\\ tnd
of t hr pnnl ~1lc~ ;in(l !hr 1\•·111,frnn~ f~r111h· r1j:!)::f'<l
a ran1~f fl.1 r:~trinr :inrl lrd H11• shil'erini::
hut pl;1r1rt hnr'f' 11111 of thr w;:i!rr. ,,1·n1~lruni::. ~ .10-ill'l'f' 11~1;11r 1~ 111 :i rur;il
rlrra and hr .. ,~!lll1Pil lhr hnr~r hrlrngrrl
1fl <I IH'll!lihol
Hr lire.in 1rlrpllnn1n:.!
· llrlln. 1h10: 1• lr11111 Arn1,1rnn!!,
11r cnl 1h1.~ h11r~r 1n n11· ~11 11nm1ni:: pool
;ind I 1111s 11n11drnni:: .. , '
Lairuna ~ School
Book Shortage
To be Remedied
l.<1guna !>i!-;i1·h s1·hool nFfict<il.~ si!irl
\\1Prlnt'~d:iv !hat the honk .shortage al ihe hi~h ~<'hnfil .~hnu\r! bf' allt>viaterl wilh1n
thP n('XI r11n 11·rrk~ JIS new texl~ ;irrive
from the p11hh.~hc r~.
School r11str1<'I St1per111len<lcnl. \\11\liam
!'110111 told the !irh1llll hn;:irrf !h;i1 !hr
~hor1agr 111 a fr11• l'las.~rs s1Pnuned lrnm
more 5!11den15 enrolling 111 t hr~e l"our~f'~
than had heen ;:int iPip;ilcd
Books now nn nrrtcr "'ht rh h~ve not
bren receil'rrl inrl11(!(' 35 copies of f:ctgar
Allen P0r·.~ 51orics., 2fi Ribles for
\ilcrAlure and <i rl c1 as.~es. 2."I rnnsit book!!
11r.d :I.~ CQpies or a novel, "'Thr Maltt>se
Falcon ." nr. Ullom told !hr !r11s1rrs it l'.'ilS nnt a
('fisrric1 poliC)' tn ('lll'T~' a l<irJ.!P invenl ory
of ar!rlitional honks, but sugp:cs!ed that
~uch A ['M'lhty coulrl hr arlopted.
The l11strirr srw.·nrls 111>nut $6,000 ptr
year on nl'"'' tcxls, Ullom norerl, ;iddin1t
1hat mn~I of them ;ire purrh<iscd for use
in !he h11Zh schonl. Elementary anrl iuninr
hi~h schools 11sr state-supplied text
books. Off1c111l~ s:iirl ii y,·as .ilmosl 11npossiblf'
tn esliml'llr "''llh ArrurAcv the number of fell'!~ required carh YrAr. R. o u ii: h
r~timal!'S ;irp h;i ~crl nn thr results of
fll!l'~lionnairf's complttf'rl hv rnn11n11in~
~1t1rl11nts in !hr 5prin~ :ihnut which
t!11~~es thty would like Ill t11ke.
Supervisor l\'i!hAn1 Phillips In the 1·h1rr1
District ..... as moved to lhf' Sc>cond 01stri<'t
bv last minute n1aneu1·erini:
·Both Ba111n 11nd l'h1Jl1p s face re·ele('-
t1un c·arnptugn.~ next ve;-ir
rreviou~Jy 1t \'.'ii~ re1 ralrd ihaL 1110
pl;i11n1ng ('tJn11111s51r.nrr5 11hn l1ad h~·f'ri
lctt 011t of 1hl·1r d1slnr1i;; 11t'tf' hniughl
b;;irk in hy lhe adj11s1rnrn!s
Mrn 'ed fron1 Rat11n '!; 1:11'~1 ll1~1r·1c1 lo
H.:ilph C'l;ir\(.~ F11t1nh 11i~!r+t't tl\ !lir 1n1d-
n1~ht milneul'ers were SanlA Ana
h11s1nessman Btll Hill. allorney \\'1lham
l\erike and de1•elr1pcr Henr~ Segerslrom
Tht· trio, a!on~ w1th .\1:i\'or ~;d .lli~t or
Frttrnt:t:n V:i!lrv wrrl' rfjrcr11·1·h rrn1.11r./ ;i~ ''flponents ·1,1r B:i111n Al! · hRd b1·c11
i'l11nnn•d H> b<> poh,nt1:-1! t',1nd111.11rli.
First Jllj::gl111~ nf 1hr d1str1C"t~ v.a"
d11cf1\f'rf'rl \.\'edne~rl111' whrn ll w;1s f11u111 I
1h.~1 First D1!-olf'l<'l J'lHnn1ni: Cf11n-
1n1 s~1oncr· \\'oodro11 \\'. Bu!lerl1eld aricl
M illio11uire
Sii i11 g Bet1uty
Over Jilt.i11g·
t.1l\l)<l\ 1:\1'1 -c;,1lr! hrac·rlPl'i Iron\
(",trtlf'r5 ~t'il!l('rrd like 1•,.,nff'ltl 111 11 111•d-
d111~·' \\'r1:i1 11.;1t~·h(•s i::1\·1·n ;i-; h01el 1111,·~
t\ .~~o 11111111111 <l11'tlf'rr st!tlrn1£>11I"
Thrsl-' qu~·StH1ns 111'1'(' r111~t·d tnd:11 in
1.11111!\ln·s l!1ull ("nu1·1. 11IHTf' An1f'1'11·;i11
111111 If' 1111ll!11na1rt' [(al11h Slolk111 I<. 'l!lllg :i
tint1~ti ~0114'11' hl';Hi t1· 111111 11ns n1u·r ;1
g11 I I• 1f'11d .. r t!1r \g;1 l\h:111 1,.1 ""''I' h:1!f
a 1111 111011 dnll.<r:i 1\'111 !h ri f ~lits '111d
~ Jt'\\t•ll';.
l SiHlJ.,111, U\I 111'1' !•f ll tdli.-IHll~. !«ills-
)l ~ ~"~t'('S :111d :-t 1\Hlll(ll\ ,("IL!I' \<i\'h1. 1·la1111s ,c·· , :\. -hi\ J.;llll' l':l11 u·1:1 \l olf~oll 1111• ,11'1\(•I.~
~· <~·'... W 11\1 111..111~ ~hr 11;>,s gi1ing 1<• 111:1rr1 h1111 ·~~ .. ,~,~~·"·• H111 thr :n.11•;u·old il't ~('t t1•1· t1u·1tt'd r~<.£;? ~ 1 h11n 1!n1' n 1111h \lh:-tl S111l\,1n 1·:11\r(\
, ,."' , ,. ··1hr \..111dt·~1 ;u1rl rnost i:t•11!l1• \.,1-.~nlt l . .. h;11 r f'l"r ~rrn'' -:ln1t \..~·p1 1l1f' p1 r5f•n1 ~.
Superior Court's Sumner
f_,fl!{llllO '.~ S 1111111er
1''0111cd (:011111 y'.~
P re.~id i11 p,· ./ 11d p, <'
H.v T()\1 fl ,\ ll l.t·:Y
01 lh• DA•l1 Polol ~IO!I
.l 11<i~e Hnitc S11n111rr of l.ac:11na Ht•;irli
11·;:is f'IC'ctrrl pl'r~1rl 1n g 1urlgr flf !hr
Orange t'nt!nl:-' Suprr1l'lr C(\1111 Th11r<:.rl;11•
h.1 <111 n1er11heln11ng 1•llf' 1)f hr~ 21 lrliu\\
ll!' 11·111 rep!;u·P .ludi:;r \\ il!1;i111 (' Spt•1r~
of !\'.{'ll"pnrL Rca('h a~ ll1P ('0111 r~ ;rrl-
n1tn1s1ra\1\r Jllrlgr .l;i11, 1·111rl1111\ ~l'f'\{•"
one ) e11r terni. .Juc1ge ~pr1r~. 11 ho h.i.~
5erl'rd twu yP:ir.~ ;i~ prrs1d1ng Jllrl~I d1rl
nol srl'k re-elf'r·11 .. n
.Judge Sun1nl'r Y.,1\ lhr ~t1111'r1i.1 1 ••lilt
JUrlgm; chnu·r ~11l•r r11n ll1hrt ('.1r1d1rli11r~
fnr !he off1<"e -./11di::r~ f1;i1111nnd \'1 nrrnt
;inrl \\'1IJ1;in1 l\nrrl11nd
.JurlJ.:f' ,<.;urnnrr n1;ul1• 110 5f'i·rrl 11f h1~
r:1nrl1cl'1r1 !l•O \.\(>('\.,~ :11:1111lir11l1r1·1'1ral-
('/I t!J;il hP Pl:id cnrfrrt :i lofrl11ni: ;1~~nc1:i
tion 11·1 111 th P. Hrp11bli(·;in p;irly ;inrl
rri::1slrr·cd 1n 01·;1nge C'•)lllllY as :i
0 Ptnnrral .
ThP fon11rr liPp11hl11·1 11 ;i~•rrnhll 111a n
.st;ilrtl at thil1 llnH' lh:i1hr111\ultl .-rrk 1hc
nffl('f' (lf rr·rs1rl111g jllrlgr :inrl 1t 11 a~ lr;irn-
erl ;illrr thr rlrt•11nn lalr Th11r~ilal' 1h11l
h1~ frllow iudgrs strnngly suppnrled his
.J11rlgr ":o;un111rr 11·ao: ;ipf)l"11nli>r! tn thr.
Supr-nur l'llurt hrnrh h1 Cui F.rlrn11nrl C.
Hrnwn 1n 1%.) ~llnrrh· af!<'r h1~ 1lrlf'<1t u1
!he !';l111P 'ien~1c f;'lre of \%,\ :11 lhr h;in1!o:;
n( .11,hn Hirrh So<·1rl\ 111c111hrr .tolu\ 1;
l.oni: 1ri:.1tdi'd h1 ()r,1111.P I 1111•1!\'
Jurlgcs ;inrf l;i1\1cr~ ll'i 1>1\r ••f 1l1r
11111111r1rn{ lr~a) ·'''hnl.1r~ 111 lhP ;1rr.1. hr
Wil ~ 1hl' rr('\p1 rn1l!\1o:;1•·,1r nf 1hr ()r,u1i;:r
Co11n11 B;ir :\<;~ror1 '1!lf•tl .~ Fr;i11\.,l1n ( :.
\\'est ,\,11;ifrl.
Thr 1nh11lr 1~ rifl1•11·d li1 !Ii" l'rll• Ii ;ind
h;i1· 10 !hr 11.i•nr n[ ;i t'f'l1••·il :--1:1"''1''1"
t.'n11r! 111r!cr Ir> lli••>r 11lir1 fir11r .'r11 •·rl 111c
(';Jl!<;r (lf j!l~IH'(' Ill 'l11lH' '\i''•'lil l \\,I\,
.l11di;:P S111nnrr 11 ;1~ lin1ll11t"d 1011' 111<;
11nrk nn 1hr !'alifnrn1:1 l0n11•lll1it1•i11;1I
/!r1·1~11111 r·111nn11,~ir•ll :ind r" I 1 1·,. d
c.1 l1ll'l rn1.:l ~li\)l'('rl1f' ('.111r't ./11 ... !l<'r ll••L!l'f
,J. Tr;,1·nnr rnarlr ;i .~prl'r;il 1r1p 10 S;1111.1
An:i tn prf'srnl !hf' 1rnphy 10 .!11rfi;:r Sun1
"' The J.11g1111<1 j11dg<' 11 ;i.~ ;ilso p11hl11 II•
f'nngr;:i1u\;ited hi' hnth ~n11~!'~ of thr
Califor111~ leg1.~l11111rr for hi~ 111•rk a~
rhairman of the <.:onsl1t1111on11I liev1.c 1nn
A resolurinn r111t .. rsf'<! hv hn1h h1 .. 1~"~
nolf'rl th.ii hf' h;irl lcrl !hf' rnmm1r1ce 1n ;i
prnJerl that h;rrl rrsullrd 1n !hr rlo'lrlion
of snmP :ui.oon words from rl tnn~111ul inn
that nnce cnot.11n<'d 811.000 ..... nrrls.
~tull,111 .'i:l -nf l.ns Angt·lr.~ -i~ ;1
I \11illll'l"I" Ulihli-1 I 1;\ll~I 11 hn 1ntt·f• h1\111:\11 :10
prr·rrn! 11f MI\ t) l'r1·1urr·s frnrn ll1111a1d
Hue.hr~ :1n1t hr1·:i1 nf' I{ !'.. O 's p11"<11!1•u1
\Ir~ \\'nl f..,1111. 11 hn ~i..1Pd aur! !lll!l• t'rf
,\\ 1\h th<' <\;!:I l\han 111h<'r1t<'h111.1111r 1\:11 ~.
1o:; rh" rl111,n·rd 111fr nl Jl;111d \\'nl!'ion,
n<'J'lh'\\ ,.f ;i !\n11~h 1l<'ra11 111••r11 ~1111'<' 1.1
\11 ~ \\1111~,.n·s l;i1111·r. !.rH11:i11!
I ';1pl:111, 11·1 Ill~ 111 ~!in11 lh;il :-it11ll..111
hou:!,h1 \f'llt'l1·1 ;ill1 1111 ;1 ~ <':1 •u;1I\\ fl" ~111111•
prnplr bu;. r1;p''''!'rl 1111•n111111r<I. !11r i.;nld •
h1·:1vf'irl~ 1nnTh;1'ird fl'10111 ( ';irt1f'1 's 111
';11· s.,1nd ~.1irl ''I 11nndPn·d 11·hPl l11·1· 11111
11 rrf• ~n 1u' tn u~t' th(·ll1 a~ ('Onfr!I! 11r
I 11;1.., !>•111n)! 1·1ir1~1111n'i prC'i-r111 5,"
,..;tnlk 111 rep I 1~·1t
Tli·· 11111111•!1.'llf(' l1ilrl 1111' !'OllT1 hi'
~111111•!illlP<; c;n r r~pr11~11 r w;111 !1ro:; 10
h11!l'I r11;111:1J.!"1'" for .~1.rr1;d l1<';1tlllt ,nt h11!
lit• d<ni.~d l1r r 11•r 111Jrl \11 "· 11·01(.,.1111 hi'
h;u! cl1\•nt 1·!I l11s 111f<' 111th 11 "<'1!lrn1rnt
11f ~2111111111"11 -"11111r1· !h;1n llf'ru1 l·'111d
h;id :.'.II f'fl /1h II 1f1·
Sh1!\..1n ' l:i1n1~ lh;o! 111 l'llill lit• c;111• \Ir~.
\\',,lf.,.,,11 ;i !11x11r1 ;;p,1r!111r111 1n Lnn1l1111
d1 ;11 111111d rH1i:~. i.:1·n11111•r! br:1,·rlr1s 1111rt
11••1 hl.1cro:; 11r,r1h a tr11;il •If ~;-,fin,0110 rhrnk
111c lhr>\ 11 ould !w 111:\r11C'd 111• (!rn1,..d till'
J:llt'i 11ere "tr1nkt!~" fnr ;i 111<111 nf hie;
\Jr ' \\ull~ofl ;1• cur~ i:hl' i.:111 !hr
111'4'\('!l!'i hrc;111-!' ~hP ~;11T11i1·11d ii (nr·11111,..
Iii i:,.11111'-' a qrilf'klr <!11n1TC lrnm hrr
I !<'I' l.1 11 Irr i'/';lrl IHI ~ 11·11111 ;111
A111r1·11 •;r 11 hHllk 1·;illrr! "rhr :oirrll'hholdr1 "
hi' l\1lll;:i 111 llnflm;,n, 1·ri1n111P11l1111; <ill
1r!'.0!')~ flll ~l.!ilk1n s hi1 :!.!.1_r:-:s jJr;1!'t11·""
Tl1r n11lli.,1uurr ln1r1· ~hniCC•'fl 1.rr lhe
1'rn1;r1I-. 111lh ''I ('ll!ild llOl l'r!I<' !CS\"
J_,011~ J-/11ir ()J(,
Protecl<>d BY
(,'011 .~IiI11Ii1111
ST [.Ill IS I '''I
('1,11rt nf \np1•;1I" h;io;; r11l1•rt rllat
~' 11+111! p11p1I ~ r 1t!hl 1•\ 11r;ir t .. n~
p•11I<'• 1f'rl ll1 lhP ('•r11•lil11!P•n
( '1rr +111
:l high
h,lff IS
l'h•• Cll!ir'I ';llri u1 !IH• ('I'/' t•I \;l o•\ f'!I
H1~l1•'P. I~ tli;l! ~· /);1111 •It•' 1"•dr\ ;,I I'
l•·lt•11 l1.1,r1I un !fir• pr1-111tli<'' nf "'!""II
1 •111• 1:1 I•
f~1 ·ll••P 11:1• <:•1•p•·11drd fr"ll11 ~I 1'li.•1·!, '>
ll1;.:h s, h1u•: 111 J."rhn 1:11 1· l'l/fl f1w Iii"
I' f11 •;il lo I +1 t 111<; hair' lo l'!1!1IH!'111 \\ 1111
lhr• 1;i·h.,1°I ~ 111'!':.~ ('otlf', :i11rl ii ft·d•'I ill
•·01111 pnll!•' 11ph,.id llu· t·ntl<·
l\ltli11uch 111~ l1;i11· I<.: ~hnnrr 11H11,
J\1•hnp 11,ft !ht· s•·hrnol 111 hi~ sr111 nr 1r;1r
~r1 Pr:ll 11'1'rk~ ;i~o !o t ;i k r 1 or-
rr•pnnrlrner cn11r~rs.
"I 111 glri1t fnr c1cr1orir rl-:r ' 11 i-.hnp
.~a11I I\ hen he w;1~ 1nlnrrnrf1 11(· tllr ruur l
rl1•1 1~1nn.
·Hr "·;;i, ;il\\;i.1~ a top .'iud··nl 1111!11 hr.,
1r1u1hl1• 111lh h1o;; h;i1r.·· ~;iul t\1f' h"1 ·~
1nn1hrr •·Rtt! I th1nl-. hf' lo~! filllh 111
srhonl au1hnr111· Hr rio!'~n·t know now
11 hf'lhrr he y,·1 )] go In eollt>i:e r)r no1.··
tl1e B11s~
Lag1111.a Seeks JJarki.11.g Relief
The Lagun;i Reach Ch;:imhcr flf ('.11m-
merce ;inrl the llnwn\r>"'n R11s1nr~s
A~sociation will ini n rnrc~ \o pro111ote a
nrw slo~an, "T11ke 1he Ru~," whf'n !he
c1!y's four nrw 1nun1r1P;1l hu~c5 1:n 1n\n
nper<1tuu1 No\·, IS. L"h;i1 11hrr prrs1dcnl
Roy ~l arcnrn 10111 <lirrr\r•rs Tucsrl:iy. ··"re hope evrf!'flOI' will u~e !hi' bu~f'~
('Xlensive\y to hrlp reht>ve our par1'1ng
prnblerns."' ~aid Mar<'o1n.
Vire ~!ayor Ch11rltnn Bnyrl.~11hng 111 nn
the d irrclor~· meeting in place 11f ,\111~·nr
Rrchart1 Cnlt1bcrR. reporlf?rl !hr eily f'~
pects, thr four 25-passt!nger vl'h1clcs tn
arrive ~lon1la.v.
"The city hope5 tn rnakc th1~ a b11~ llnr
lh<i1 truly 5erl'e~." ~;i1ij Rovrl '\\'r 're
"''l lling to experiment and opr11 to idea.~
lrnm lhr puhlir "
In h i~ report to !he Ch11n1her rl1rerlorir; -r '
on (·i!~ il<'l111 11cs thl' 1'1f'f' m<1ynr ndrlrd
-Thf' t'l1y n1 anagrr is in 1he prnce ~~ nf
nr·,i::nt 1;1IJ11g 11·1!h two oil ron1pan1rs 1Shrll
;:inrl i\r(·o1 n111h rcg:irrf to \h('1r \1:iin
lle11rh rrnprrt1r'i.
0n'>t of prupi1~;:i\~ In n1nve the olrl
J1hr!lrl' hutld111f: 1ndlCil(I' II flrOb:-thly 11111
br ncc·t"~~<ir\' \11 rfrn1oh!>.h 11, but 1hr r1ly
s11!1 11111 he rr<·rp11ve to "fe11s1ble
melhOO.<i" nf mnl'::i;: 11
-As Ion~ ;is 1he ,~1t,\ rnn11nues In rnrrt
\\'alrr Qu11hty C"nn1rnl Board fi1anrlar(!o:;
<ii lhe.SPY.'agc trra1n1cn! plant. there \1'111
hf' no nrrrl lo hm1\ ronnrrlion~. 1'hi~
J)ll)1r.v ha~ hcfn ;..1·rrptetl hy !h(' rl',1?inn11!
hn;ir1I. ('11y rng1n!'rr J11..,1'ph Sw(';1ny
hrl1evr~ thr LIPl!rarlr•rt sv.<itrn1 rnulrt l:is!
;i~ lonli!, il.~~li,l' ;.icar-. if nrrr~s;:ir~'. hul
thP <'il v h11rc~ 10 huild ~.('1('11 ~~ •trm, or
jnin 11 rcg,nn;.1 f01r1h!'{ 1n 1~·0 ' rir thrc('
/"ourlh District Commissioner Fred Jef.
fer!lnn h;id been restored to their respec·
t11 e rf1st rlcts by last rntnute ch;in~es
Just protested fulilf'ly Y.'ednesday ?Oin-
!lni: nUl ll1vt !lit· e1·11sus tr11cl in whieh he
111.-.~ 1n the snuth\'.estcrn corner flf Foun-
1;'1111 \';illry 11il~ th<' unly on<' 111 !he c11y
111111 1'rf !Hi! ,,f !he ~·irst D1stnrt and intn
Ji1u1;1id ("11~rx-r,· 1'1l(h D1st r[i·1.
Sei:rrstr1)1ll, 1\'t'nke and 1!111 nil l11e 111
a 1111r()1 :->a11l;i A11;i area -...·hith was shill ed
--""' '
l •'illf•d ll'iflr Pep
IJl thf' F'ourth Dtslnrt bv ha\•1ng a finger
Jut 1010 lhe First D1st n rl
Terry RiC"f'. e~f'cu tl\'e assistant tn Bat
tin. 1<hn ;iltri;:e1ll v 1nstrufterl planning
dr[lilrtu1f'11L tl•1·hnll'1:1ns ti• n1<1ke rhe
ho11nl111ry 1·1!;,11;,:"s. -.a~d rndil~· that ··1hf'
r11i'rru11n1; ,·,1ri-1d1•r11t1n11 11;.i<; pnpu1r1t 1on ''
lie ;1drf1•rl 1!1;11 p111 r1r1g B1lltf'rl1eld il11d
Jrfff'l'~(lll h:11 ·k u1 thf'1r d1 s1nets re(JLJ1rrd
1tie adr!1tU\11 of z 21Wl flC'Oplf' 10 Cl;irk 's
d1s!ric! 10 h~la111·1· the JklpUl<1t1!lr1 s1·ale,.:;,
I r ----
OJ\t~\' PILO T ~l•t! Pnoto
Sn11:.: lr;Hlf'rs ;i_t SaddlC'bat k t '~llcgr <ir(' !'or1r1 rrrt r11 r111rh rn ;.:l;i drlP11 !hr
hf';irt of <1ny S;iturd<1.v hcrn ~ r0n1 lf'f! 1i-1 r1:::ht frnnr r011 <irf' ,\l;ir!l\'n
l.11111~r ~lillrr . .Jud.1· E !J ausaur 1· ;:inrf f '1 11rll' .\!1("hf'I<' t;r;111! l.r(l 0!t1
11:::h11111rntr·r <irr Shrr\'I .lean lvrr.,nn !::1 11rla l,(';i ,'lhrll1•r11 :111 11 nf'h
h1r \nn ll1rrkcs. l.C'ft in right rear ;ire ('hr1.~ l 'f'llcrl11, J'a1u{'l;i l\ir
Stalfirr 1 and Reck~· .J ane Carr.
l 11\1 ites Bi1'tl1 Defect~
Thi • 11~r ol h1•r r'1 11 I.S J! :in1phrl.11111nr~.
;i,p11·111 and •"lj.'.<i•'rl!r<; can all lr:irl lo
h11·!1J drlr'r!" a 1111n1hrr "f l.:iC"un;1 Rr:11'h
rrtnratnr~ \1·r r·r u1f•11·n1.-.rl 111 ;i ,\o1ar1 ·h of
1111111•.., n111f,.l'l'!U'f' llo·rlrl<'~dil~ ;if1rrnoon.
111 ;ulrl 11 1n11. ~:iut .\Jr·~ c:y,·rnrla \\';it~nn_
t1f !hi' f)r;111l!f' (°1>111111 c·h;!pl~·r nf lh1•
d11•t111g , agf' of rhr
111n1 hr" lllH' ;11ul u1ff"1 ·t1ull'i
cli~l';i~r~ 1 ;111 ;1!'0 u1!l1tl'ru·1• lhr ph,1·s1t·:i)
;1nrt 1nr11rat hl•al!h uf rl 11r1\horn t•hil1\.
·'])11, I\ 11 h1 11 I~~" !lllpt•rt;1111 to g1•I
f lt~ \ .. •I/I Hiii -'llf! t olih .111• l"'"i•lt' ,l/1<1111
1hr• 1·;111-,1'-. 111 IJ1 rt11 d1•f1•i-1s !':tr't•01 <: !fl-he
..,h1111lr! klll\11 :n1c u1lnr1nal111n.'' ~hr ..,,11d
l l..111•,1 1.i 1·.1~1·.., 111 l l1:111i.:r l '1u1 n!1"
\11~ \\,11•<•1\ f!•l\lllll lO'd '11llf·11• latHlll""
1111•' h11lilP11 lh1 11' 1 h1\1l1'1·n 11 llh hulh
d• j,•1·1 h•'l ;111,r !l1t•1 11rrf' ;i,h;;rnrd 1•f
h .111\L! 1h•·n1 Thi<: 1~ nu \onJ.!"r n1•1·rlr·r\
'Ilw1r· 1~ "'' 1111i1·1i 1h:1t r·,111 l1r donr
·\ 1111111lw1 11! 1n111rl !11•1111111~ dn11.!'-~11,-.
1 ,111;11 11r·d. :i~ 111 JI ;i.~ 111;1111 '"'"r the
1 q1n111•r 1111·11.•1 .. 11 .. n~ shriuld hr. :i1n1rlt•t\
d111 111i.; 1•n ·~'11 "111 ·1 Onl.1 Jl!('~r·np(11111~
"'''\t'l'/•11 h1 ;, ph1 ~II 1:111 \\ \10 l~ <!W<lrr f•{
lli r p11'1:t11n• 1 ~h1111lr! hr !:ikrn." _<i,11rl
\11 ,. \\ .i!-.'111
l'r f'111;1lurr h1rlh~. ~he :<d1l·•<l. 01Tur
111.,,1 JrPq11Pnlh' 1n 1111111('n n1•rr 40 nr
unrh·r lfl ··11 ~ 11nporl;in1 th:i! ~·n1nen 1n
1hr•r ;ii::r ).!nu1r~ n·1·ril'r ilrl1•11ua\r prr-
naf ;ol '""'' 111 u1-.11rr ;i sale rregn<in<',\'."
· H"th !hr n1:i\f' ;ind 1hr rrn1;i\e shn11lrl
\.,n.iw rnrh 01hr1's Hh fa!·t11r ."' :'Ylr~.
I\ :11..,nn s1r<'!'>Srrl . nnhnJl lhill if a w1tr"~
htfll'lfl 1~ Ith nrJ!;ililr ;inrl hrr hu~l)anrl 's i~
nh pu•1ll\r, 1hr1 mav ha l'r" Hh pnst\ll'e
h;ih1· 11 hlf"li 1·:n1 1·:u1~p ~rnflll~ hf11(}(! rr;u·-
t1nn 111 ~hr r11r11hcr ;111r! :;ffrft fu h1re
"Vf'lr h1na!rh . ;i S<'rlllt'I h;i~ been <tff'iflrlllJ.! t .
rir \'r!oprd tn bf' vrn tn U1r rno1her
Ne\\ Hon1c l 'ract
Belo'v Poss ible .
l;--Jight Path OK
A ·n,..w hnn1P dPvPlopmrnl h~s bren :111-
prOl'l'rl hv \hr ()r:ini:r Coun1y Pl;innlnii!,
( nn1n11~s1011 11r~p1!e .,.,,;irnings hy ~1arinP
f'nrps 1>ff1r1:1\~ that F.! Torn.Rasect jcls
rn1~ht 1n;ike !hr area loo noi~y.
Thi' 1411 hon1c ('fOY.'n V:i l\ey 1-liJ.!hl:inrts
lr~rl nf 1.~,::un11 Niguel Corpnration.
\r1t_ ;ilrd :ii 1he northc:is1 ('nrner nf i"H!ilurl
Roacl and ll igh lanrts Avenue, lirs just
ra~1 nf \hi' m;i1n cornrior for jel landings
:11 thP l\1ririnr base . .ircoMing tn Lt Col.
Edw;irr! ,lfln7
1,1111 h 11111 .1llr11;itr :111 1 d1(f1c1ll!1 , a11r1
,,!1011 /1,•1 lri li ·11 r 11H'lrr rhrldrr11 ".~h"
· \! \ ;:i\"1 •'•l1'1•11u·h 1111porj;111! li•r :i
('io11pl~· pl•1nn1ni.: n 1:1111111 1r1 ~r!' lho 11 !111( ·
lor· f,,r 1~\a1ti111;111un ~ ;iud Ill rhl't'k 11111,
f;i1nilv fi1..,li•l'1Ps Th1·rP r11r ;1 r1111nhr•r nf
\\'~ti~ !ii dl'lrn1111H' lh<' po~.~1hili1 ,1 of 1·r1·-
1.1111 11ilu·n1rd hirth drl1 •eto:; h1 ·('!1rnnc,"
\\1 ~ \\;11'1•1! n.1111111·111,.rl
~!11111 "ht> ,,11d . ~II< h ;1 l!• ou•fi• <;
~·n1111..,,·\1nc·· nlf11 ,. 111\1 "1''"11 :11 I 1· I 1\ 111j·,
lit lit• .\pn11 ~n11'1 I h1 llit• \!an·h ol 1111!1''"
;1011 l\1f' 1 ':1\1 lurn1r1 t ",il!•·cr 11! \\rr!l•·uu',
;id1:11 I II! l" JI,.• II I II•"< .!01\1111'
\\ •'1l11•·,da1 1·,,nf•·r1·11•·•· "a11t \lr~_
\\:;!"on. 1-. n;i1! n/ ,, pr11i:1;l1H 1•1 r;11~r
l.01h 1•rh11 .111011.d auol fn1;1n1 :;ii ~11pp11r1 !•'f
!hf· \11rrl1 .,j 1~11111· I flll'd lltllf' 11111
hrc1n 1n .J;11111;11·1
M11r1le1· Cltflt•!1e
Rem()vcf'l fro1n /'h1:!1~' Thirrl n1~1rirt
;ind 1n1n O;n Hf I. R;iker 's Second hy
~p11111n~ 11 censu~ 1r;icl wa.~ HPnry
Robert~. fflrmr•r Hi!rhor district cnrn•
rnJ!'>Sl!•Jlt 'r ;;nd ru1nnrf'd candidate tn np-
µo~P Ph1ll1ps next ye:1r.
nohrrls, fr r} pn'•s c11v councilrn;in and
:1 p;ur! gnvernrnent;i\ Ar1vora!P fn r
\l('])onnf'I! f)ou~l;i.~ Corp. resigned frn1n
Ill!' harhor fXlS\ li!st s11mn1er reported\)'
under pressure from Phillips.
(ounl'' Stands
To Gain If
Frr1n1 \\'irt Ser1·irts
l1r:incP Cnu/ll\ \\·nulrl rrra1n Jls fou r
;i~srn1hll· "•'fll" 1111rl .c.a1n rrprr~('nfation
111 !hrrr pri111ard\ l.ris A11j::.elrs county
a,,sr>1nhl\' r11.,1 r1c1~ 1/ a flf'mner11! rf'a r-
por111)nn1r11l pl;in unrr1\£"rl Thur~dily is
<1pprn11'Ct h)' lhr IPg1>l;1111rc
Th,~ [)rn1o('r;11~· pl;111 tTr111ts nnP.
riiF1n~·t ;1n1und llu> r1!1· 11f ()r11ngr th.iii!;
prin1:inly llrpuhl1ra11 ,
ll :il.~o 1Tt·:i1r~ ;i d1~11·1i·1 1h<il h;is hPen
rlrs<"nlif'd as an "unfin1.-;hrri jigs.:\1'1'
pu7.~le · !or A~.~rn1hll n1;1n l\t·nnclh Cory
11) Cardrn t:rn1·r1. Th11 dt~Lrict. lahelPd a
''('nr,\·-dnr'" In· Rt>p11h!1<'an.~ b('lnSIS !he
n en1ocrat1f' rrg1.,!ral!nn of Cori".~ district
frotll :ii tn :i7 pr-rc<·n!
rort1on.~ nf Or<incr: Coun1,1• y,•nulct be
reprr~1·n!l'r! hv l.n~ Ancelcs county
Hf'ruhllr;ins J<irnr~ Ha\'l'S ;ind \\'1lh<1m
Thr rl1~11·u·l reprr~rnlrd !i~1 f'loyd
\\";1hrfielrl 1f1 -Sn11!h <;;i1r1 wn11lrl he rnn11°
ril 111tn (lrflngr Coun ry I r ;i v I n I?
\fahrf1rli1·s hnn1r 1n a hf' ;iv i I .v
P••n1ner<1llt' <l1•lr11'L rrprPsrn1Prl hv D11v1d
1'1r1·;;A11 1Jl.l11glc11r111rl1
,,_~srn1hly nrp111ll11·iu1 lr;idrr !to brrt
\1 11n11g;in ~crusrd 01'!1\0C'r;>,ls or <lcl;iy1n~
lhr 11nvPil1ng nf 11H' rrap[)Ortinnmrnt plan
~11 Brp11hl1r;in~. who 11'nuld h:ive tn mo1·0
In rrn1;11n 1n 1t1c•ir rl1slrt('1.~. wr1ulc! nn l
h<il'r ('00\lt:h t1n1e tn ctn .~n.
Tl1r ~1al r !'<111~1llu11nn r1111u1rr<; ;i 1·;>,n-
ch1l.1!P Jo 111·!' n1 h1~ d1<:.lr1r1 al lea.~\ a
~r:ir prUll' 111 c!p1·111"1
llrnr\' \\';ixrnlln a fl1•111n1·r;ir 1·ha1rint:
lh·· ;is,.:;rn1hl1 n.'•1111'll'lr\1nnmrn1 rn1n-
1111Uee. 1·al1Ni ;i hrar1n~ /or nl1xt IVrrl -
11r,..rla1 nn thi> rrm;ip hill Thi~ n1r11n~ th~
fin:1! pr11rh1tl prnh:ihl.11 \1 nn'1 hr rnm ·
plrrrrl hrforl' 1h<' <'nrl of thf' f1r~1 wt'rk 1n
'\nll'll1hrr. 011r ~r;i r ~hf'arl nf !he 1!Ji2
!=Pll('!',11 ('ll'\'l 1011
11·a~n1;111 ;;;i1d th;1I 4·, nf !hr pn1po~<'rl /\fl
As"rn1hll· Sf'af'i 11111 r1thrr ha v *'
f ll'rllf•('r;;I 1n1·11111he111.-. or \\OUlrl hr hCa\'I•
IV Drmnl'r;il1r· 111 1·n1rr r<'g 1s1r;i t1nn.
I )r1111l('r;il$ prr~rnl II (·n111.1·n i I ti e
A~~1·1nhl_1· ~2-'.!I 11·1111 nnr 1:i1·anr1.
l "11d~·1· lhf' plan. (.o~ i\ngl'li'<:. Cn1 1n!v
lu.<;r·~ ll!';l l'l,1• thrr1• ~rals hr s;i1d. brr1111~e
of P"\lul;\l 1•111 1!nff5 !11 I hr &11 hurh~
S;1n Fr<1nt·1~1·n, 11•htrh h;is :i stahfl'
pnpula11no. nr\•rr!hrlr~s 1nust ~\\'I! up a
.~•'A l I•• thl' f;i~!rr i:rnw1ng ;irr;i In its
~O\ll h
l\';ix1nan·s 111:111. 1·1111s1dt·rr·'1 h y
H1•puhh1 ;111s t11 br "\\ axn1<1ndf'ring" a
lrnn 1!rr11 Pr! fr11111 • ~trrvn1;indering''
1-r1·;11r ~ a 1:irc<> · 1r· ~hallf'rl rl1~1rirt 1n
n11rl 1 ;1t11nrn1a Ir «trrirhr~ frnrn 11r11r lh"
••l:l~I 1n \t>111111n t',,11111\ 111 !hr ~lnja\I:"!
l)r..,1•1 t 1n San Rl'rr1;of1lJ11(1 ("1>11nt\' "'llh <I
:'1 P<'t•'t•nl \)1 n\111·1,11 \nlrr rrl!\,1ra!1r.n
Thr•1r 1~ nn 1ncumhrnr in !hP prnpo~cd
rh~1 l'!I \
./:inz s;iid the :-.l:irioes fe rtr -nrg:1ni1.rd
;i•·11on hy future residents agA 1n51 the 111r
L11·i11tv rvf'n thnuR:h 1hr devclnpmro1 111
r1e,h! 'mile.~ !rum !he end of the m-a t n
nav1d Brrnt"nst:ihl fri ghtl, arrusf'li of kill ing a \1('0!re Oiv1s1nn police·
n1:in 1\lnn(IAv 11 hill' on ;i 72 hour furlough frnin f 'hinn 'i; raJ1 forn ia
ln.o;;t1tu11o n fnr ,i\lrn, c>n ler~ \Ves1 l,os i\ni;:r l~s ~l un1r.ipal \our!, e scort·
crl by Venice Dclcclivc Sgt. Don11111c k D(l n11rio.
I \
\ ~ps
'Witcli' Du y
Is l-l ci llowee 11?
B,\ 1110.\l ·\<t.; \ll flPIU\f'.:
O• •~· 0•"~ p,101 ~tolf
Of (il/OSTS A\ 0 SL:fll: Th e
J:':OI rrnmrnial rrnr h;1nt fnr 111:.crn ni:
;irnund hn l1dal':<-in rrrr n! 1 rar ~. 1n ;in rf-
fnr! In a~surP fnlk~ nf ~nrnr
"·eekrnrl~ h;i~ ra1~ed hnh
1··11h lhr.
llhat I mean 1~ that fnl ks h<i1 " ;i hilrrl
t1mp figuring nu1 ll'hen In celebralc
Princess iii 110119 f{ong
~, -··
... ,; ....
Fight Blast
Amchitka's Foes
To Go to Court
\\'A~Hl.l\'C.TON 11 ·r 11 -Con~rr\'i!
tinn1s ts dcc1rl£'d tndi!v !n niake ;i J;i~l
'11\r h IP~a) <11tPn1pt. !n h;il1 1he un·
dPri:rnund nuclP:lr I c ·" 1 nn A l;o.<;k;i'~
An1 rh11 k;i 1 ... 1arid 1ha1 thr1 ( l::un1 11 11!
{';111"'' t111rn1 1n thP f•n11rnr1111Pn!
J1:i1·1rt !. S11 P, i!ltornrv fnr the ('n1n-
n11llrP fnr Nuc:lrar Re.~po;1s1hli 1t1 , sa id hp
11nul11 ;i~k R fPdcr;il JUrfi;:p 1rrTn1ed1<1tel\ tn
il!'t on h1<; mo11ou fnr a prPlin11n;i,r1 1n-
1unct1on tn hal! the hlri~L rrpnrtedl\. ,<;('\
fnr nexl Th11r~d::n . •
S1ve derided In ;u·! 111un1rnt~ after the
J!<•vrrn 1nenl annnunC'rd 11 11.nuld nnt ap-
1wal ii l ' S ('nurt nf Appei!ls ntlinc !h/'11 1l
111 u "l hand n 1• P r fnr JUd1c1;i! scrut1nv
1kwun1ents cnnsrr1·at1nn1st<; <'[;um 11 1'11
llro1P !hrir fe11rs of enl'1ronmcnr;iJ
d111t\<!£{' ..
The Jus!1cP J)rp;irl1nrnt ad1·1~rr1 lhe
l s Clfl'UI( ('nurt nr Appt>ill.<; hrrP !h:il ll
v.n11lrl nnt ilflJH'ill tn the Suprl'mP Cn11rt
thP ruling nf Th11 r<;d111'. Th;it mrant the
dn!·umrn!" would hf' £11·rn In l :".
n1"lrtcl Cnur! .Judgr (;Pnri;:,. I .. 1!<1rt fnr
);r•'rrl 1•xfln11na11nn 10 cJrtPrr111nr 1f lhP1'
rlir 11 !ihnulr! be n111dP ;:i1•;ill11ble (fl se1 rn
1·11n.<;('fl'il!inn1.<;! groups 11ttemp11ng tn prp.
1 rnt the hl::ist.
1hf' .i;;n1rrrn1r n1 1 hn~•· 11,11 In ::i1 •pr11I . '\l'e
11 1(1hP 1n ,l11rlgP llrir! ~ "011r1ro11111 <l 'k1ng
111111 frir ;in 11n11irr!1 :1•r 1 ·1!111 g r1n a
pr1 11111 111;11·1· !11'111"11 I •r ..J li 111 11111 l l'•n h;;;.
c•d fill ltlh 11111:111'111 I ll th<• 11111'111 1<1'11''
T)1r ~l<llil" ;\11 •';1111 li.1\" lu 1·11 iir>111f·rl
;!rl 111111111 I 111(1 :,, l>I•" !.. 11'" lo " I h11 I :II !h1•
111111· lil•'\ d11I nn! l1;.i1 1• th1• 11ll('l!ll1ilt 1n"
II l111·!i l)H•\ 4 1:1 1111 \\ 111 ('flll\ 1111" 11..ir! lo
.cr::in1 •11(1! :01 11tthr 'Jl:r i.:1111·rnnH:·11 t
c l;i1111r1! P ~t i 11!111 fl.111 t11 cr.on1 ~u1 n ::in
4·l;;1n1l'rl rxecut11 r prl\ i)rrii;:" 1n kPrpin..:
lhr rt>port ~<'< 1r1
U.S. Seeki11g
Po st -freeze
11'1\SHl\C;TO\ 1l !'11 Thr tf'nPr~I
p11hl1c v.;i~ urcrd tnrl~\ 1n ~rnrl ~Ill!·
i:!"~t1on~ 1<l \\';i,,lllngtnn fnr kPrp1ng prirr'~
fnH11 ~rianng ;if11"r 1!1e l'rnnrun1(· f1'Pf'7.1>
l'nrl ~.
!f .1nu are a s1111plc. st.r.:.1ghl·l1nc
thinker like n1e ~0u·d prnbah!.11 say !hilt.
Hallnwern hc1ni:: nn !he e1·rn1ni:: nf
Octoiler :11 . 1h111 ·.~ 11hrn .vn11 nughl 10
celrbrale 11. R1gh1" \\ell. 1n;iybr ,.
Other fnlks h;:11r n1nrf' flair fnr all !his
mo1·1ng .:ibnut nf hnl1rla1 s ;ind the1 h;.,1 P.
rf'asrJnrd that ninst plarr~ hi11e school on
f\11")nday. Therefore Sunrl::iv n1ghr n1ight
not be best for the h111f' df'mnns to bf' out
and about 1 rick1n~ or treating.
Britain's Prince ss :\nn 1L1. ar ron1pan 1ed h 1' lari\··in·
\1a1t1 ng. 1.~ rov;ed arrn~s Junk Bay in ~long Kong by
a f1~h1ng·11'oman d uring her 11eek·long off1c1al
1\ i:;.01ernn1rnt spnkcs_ni::in :o.i11rl the
dn1·umrn!s 11011lrl hr chcl'ked !n rPn1111 p
11nv material ('nns1drrf'rl 1n lhf'.' n111 1nnal
);f'C'Ur1 tv and thrrrfnrp nn! rPIP1·anl fnr
);IJCh 1n~pPrt 1nn, He ~<11d 1hp dol'Umenrs
prnb;ibly 1,1•11! rf'itth H;irt sn1ne t1mf' to·
The rrrt11,...:-! toq· 1dr;1" 1 ;\l!H' lrr•n1 thP
pnr·r t•nt111nl "!'irin, nnr nf t11n p::inrl '>
r rr::itrd h1· Prr"1drn1 '\1J;nn tn m.:i k:"
rlc'< l'-1!111~ <in IH,11 JT11Wh \\ :l '.!r" ::111d rnrr,
\1tll hr ;illn11·rrl tn n1n1r up11;u·rl :iftrr 1hr,
fn•r?r . ~rhrrl11lrd In rnrl '\n1 . 1.1
SO I~ TBE E~n. ;i Int nf our ln\'al ~ubscp.bers are calling :ind <1sk1ng us" In
arb1lra!e. \Vh1ch is 1t" Salurday night or
S11ndav night"
J'farincr 9 Se t
1'o R each Mars
Police F 01·tif y Saigo11 A ~fl'lkPSmil n fnr lhP Cnrnrnlltrr fnr ~uclrilr Re~J>lln."1 h1l11.v, nne nf the crnup-:.
prntesting the bla st, said Thur~day that 1f
Th" <'hair111<1n nf, l h,.. <;r1rn 111rtnhP(
pnrr 1•f\n11n1 ~-..1n11 i" .laf'k~nn C.ri1 1 ~nn
.Jr .... aid in a !'l::ll<'mrn! ·
\\'I'll bust m.v p11n k1n. /nllo;~. 11e·rr iusl
lll")I a~ gnod ;ii hnl1rf::iv-dcr1d111c ;is !he
fedf'rill or ~l.<!le an1·prnmcnr And i;n f.:ir,
lhe.1•1 e kept hands off !la!lnwccn.
Before Russ
\\"ASHll'\f.Tfl\' 1\'l'l 1 -An ;i:;.snr1.:i!e
~pare .:igenry 11rlm1n1s1r<1tnr J;;i1rl rnd;iv
Arnerica ·:-1\l11rinrr !l 1rlr1·1s1nn ~;i trllil r.
111ll reach ".1;irs next n1nn!h <iht';icl nr 1wn
hp<1 v1er Huss111n .~pkrrrr;ifl lh11t 11Pre
L~unched hf>fnre .~1arinrr l;i'I .\l;i1·.
11"01· Tl1ieu 's l11augu1·atio11 Blount R esigns,
But Sta vs i\'111111
' If 11p ;irp !n hi' rffr•'t11·r n1 nur ('ffnr1.o;
!fl i;t;ib1li1r pru·,.,, 111 rh1" 1•nun l rl'. 11'A
rnu<;t rrn1<11n in 111'1" 11·1 1h lh,. [ll'fl!'llP tn ·
t1mr11Ph aflr1·trd h1• !hr rrn ~nn thr1t h;i<;
l<il\rn plr11·p 1n !11••11' \l"4 i.rthnnk 11nd h<i nk
h;il;inrr.<; hPf ';1t1~r 11[ 1nll;.1l111!1.
Ddu::ent pur~u 11 nf lhe farl" hv l")llr 1n-
::;pired ne11·.<; ~raff. hn11rver, l1<1s <lc1rrm1n·
ed th;it lli!l!nwrrn w1J1 hf' celehr;itNi
snme pla(·e.~ nn Sat11rda1· night ;:inrl snmP
place.<; nn Sund::iv el'r. Jn Newport Beach
;ind f.JJ!"!;i 1\fesa . fflr exilmple, Mnnd;iy 1s
;i schoril holJda.v sn lhe police .:incl nth"r~
concerned are exrerting the little c;ind.1-
hunters on Oct 31. Sunday nigh!
St.:l\'OAY \"l(;llT i~ ;il:;.n !11.:kt>l rd fnr
!he Pumpkin Patr h 1n1·artcr~ tn pl::icr.~
l!kP H11n!ingtnn Rr.:irh. S:in Cltmr111r.
Fnunt::11n \'alle1 . lr1·1nr . L'1J:1tn:1 Hille,
San .luan rap1~tr11nn ::inrl El Tnrn
Thl'rr rn;iv be snmc excl.'pl 1nn~ :;.urh ;o~
L.aguna Rrarh anrl \\'r!'ln11nstrr "hrrp
Sa1urday night ('l'C'nls like l.;iguna's Bnn.
Blast mav Pncnur.:if?r !ht> k1dd1rs tn JU"l
101101\' thrl'lugh on that nii:?ht
Desp11e the small arr;i~ (lf rnnfus1nn.
vnu c;in hr .<1~s11rerl that h1stnr\ ~5 nn !hP
i;1de nf S11nrl.:iy night
A .\IL:STY TO,\IE in m.1' nfl1ce ~llj:J:?e~ts
l h11t thr 1,1·hnll' thin~ gn1 ~t;i rted In
1n1dil'v.:tl 11rr1P." 11·hen A ll H;iJlnw!' w a .~
rCll'hratcrl nn lhl' rl'I' nf All S;i 1n1.o;' r>;iv
nn Oct :II. II 11'i1!' .:i Ce lli<" ft>:;.111.<11 1n
tn;:irk 1hr rnrl nf :-utnmcr
If 111ir frii::irl 11·ca1 hcr nf rl'rrnl n1gh1~ 1~
;in,v 1nd 1c;o !nr. ~11n1mer is n1·cr fllr ~ure
alnng the Or<in.t?r Cnasr
"\lannrr· ~ 11'1]] l1nprf11ih· i::11 1111n nr~11I
<lrounii ~·l;irs lhr L11h nf \01'{'111hP1 ;:\i\rl
thr lll'n S111·1r 1 .~p;1r·r<T,1 ft 11 h 1 r h 11r1·r
launchrd nn thP Htth ;ind lhr 2!11h nf .'1.1.I'
11 11111rr11·p ;i1 .~1;.ir~ ,,nmrtunr .:ifl r r !h111.··
!'-iHrl Dr .!nlin E \".'t11glf', il"~nr1.1!1> ;irt.
m1n1.,tr;itnr fnr :"p11re Sf'1rnr e anlt :\p·
He !';i'11li .\J;innrr !l. l11t1nC"/1Nt \1.1\ '.10
rron1 {";ipr Krnncd1 , t' ••prr:H1ni::
nnnn.:11l v nn 11.~ 24fl·m11J1nn 11111" 1n1;ic;1>
;ind rh~t · 11r hai r nn knn11 lrrlcr nthrr
rh;in 1h;i! !hr fl!15.<;1;in .'i[l<lf'r f'rl\ll ::11<1'\ :u c
in cnnd ~hapr:·
Thi'. Spa1·c At:r nc·\· ;i11d the Sn11rt
Ar ;irll'rn.1 nf St·1rnrr~ ha1 r acrrrri ln P\-
rh;in;:r 1nfnn11ar111n _c;ith!'rcrl ti\ lhr !h1rp
\!;ir~ prt>hr~ I\ !r l,.!1pr <·nmn1 11111r;.il 1nn'
l1n\.. ha\ hrrn ,,r! up hr l11rrn lhf' \larinrr
<-nntiol f'rnlrr ;it l'a~;idcna, ::ind !he
Sn11rt f'ontrnl Crnlrr.
'I tl11n\.. lh1<; 1nrnh1n;il11q1 ,.f A111r1 u 1111
::ind ~111rl ~]1<1!'r1·1:ill , l11gr1/1rr 111111 1111
r x1rn~11r st11ri1• nf lhr pliinrt hi· ri<rlh
lt>lf'~t'llpt~. ~h0ulrl ;idrl rnn~1<ir r11hl•. lri
nur knn11l,.,d;:r nl :i.1a1 ~." \a11~lc s;i1d ;ii a
nE"w.~ brirl1ng.
:;A J( ;n'\ 11·r1 1 -S11 tgnn pn]1rr tnfi;iy
r nfnrcrrl thf' l1)Chlr~t .~rr11nt\ rr~tnrt1nns
r 1Pr 1mr nsf'rl 1n thr r;ip11;il 1n prPpilr<1-
t1nn fnr· Sunrlr1~'-" r'rr~1clent1~I ln;o11 J!.11ra ·
111111 1\111rr1r<1n nfl1r1;il~ w;irnrd lh::ir a
1,;nr 111 lr11 .. r1'1 ;i 1t;.i1·kt v,,.11 ld be r x
p1·1·1rd rlunn.c the 11 erkr11d
(l11!~1d,. rhr «aru;il. 1 'nn11111Jn1 <t J!1111
11r 1 ~ ~llnl <ir11•ri ;in 1\1nrri1·;1n ()IJJ;
J1cl1rnp1"r 2:1 111ilrs nnr!bea ~! of S:i1 iznn
tnd<1 1, hut thr> twn 1\n1cnr·::in~ 11hn;i1d
p11r;11·h11trrl In ~;ifct,1, the 1· ~ :i.11111.:ir.1•
i ·r,111n11111d i>i1 1rl
Thr 1\111Pr u·;111< l1;orl 11011 n n1nr n1ilrs
11111 rh 11f ihr hie 1 · S ;i1r h;io.;r• :it A1rn ll11a
~"il lThl !lf!. (11r ('1un n11n1r.t rnn1 r1n r nt 1n
!hr at" ;:i 11hPO 1h•'I ll f't f' }q t l" J!JT111nrl
!11 r Tlir 1 l1upp1•J 11 ::1<., dr"h"1rd \1hrn II
h11 t nr r! hll lanri1n~. ·'P''""'-llH'!l ~ .. 11t
l "11n1nit101~1 i.:n<'rri ll;i.~ tnd;i~ laun<·hM ;i
1 1111•11~ {fl pr.1 11u! 111011:11· hat 1ai,:r :ii::::i1n,1
rill 1111;i11ir1 1·rc111l•·nt.1 I h\,:tq11:1r1r1·<; 111
I hP 111••11111 :i1n t, -.nr 1 1"11 n 11[ I 1;il;i1, 1111
111 ilr~ no11 !hr;i't !ti thr 1 ;1p1l;il, ;ind folln11
l'rl 1t 1111 111th a 1 nmn1andn ;it1;i1 k. lhP
S:11i::nn rnrnrnanrl ~;i1d Thr1 killr rl "I ~
~·,1 r1 111nr111 11 11"!'' ;ind 1•01 111rlrrl ln111,
ll';i1111:: n11e horh b1'h1nd , ;i ~rook1•s1n;111
1\lll h111 t1r~ 111 '\-i1r:n11 111«1 r;:i ,rd '"l'll!"ll 1
;i~ fnrr1c11 rl1.c111t:i:-1e~ hrtiln ilrr11·1 ni:: tor
Sund<1.1 ·:. 1naug1Jratn)n n( r re .s 1 dent
/\n\·11 "'. Ht1lln11 ccn n1::irkPd I he ~lilr! nf
thr ne"
1car 1n bfllh Celtic ::ind Angln·
.S;ixnn time~ .:ind 1t hegan In t.:ikr nn
~f'Oflkv 1mphr.:ill lln~ 11•hl'n !'nmrh<>w
rumnr gr11. 1trnund I hat !h1~ 1111" lhc n11!,hl
!h;i1 rlf'ad ~011!~ re1urncrl In lhe1r homr~
lf1 onie1i Ca1icer Victi 11is
Thi<; 111.:i \ h;i1 r <l1>1 r lnpcd br r11U!'r 1n
rn;irkini;: thr r nrl nf ~11n1 111 rr 1hr fnlk~
"rr,. lnnl.,1n<:: fnr11::1 rrl In thr .c:lnnm1 rnltf
~rrt 1nn nl thr 1 r ~r :inrl app;orir•nn." l1kP
;:;ho~r ~. 11111·hr" ;;nrl ({rmnns :-reinrd fir.
lln_t: fnr rhr nr( ac1nn
Dec line; Mlt les Cli111b
~COT'\ t :o-EP Tfl 11~.,r rnhlr n n
l!;illri11rrn tr. (!n tl1rn111'.t1 ;i h11n1·h of Ill·
r;int.,.1inn~ tn rlr1r1·n1u1P u hn ;imnn .: !nP
\r11,n;: 11.i1,lrl 1111n•. rl•1rint:: tl1r 1n1n 111c
\f',l l". (,1~1' !1•!·'! In'"" 111r 'Pl.'1'1<'! ,,I
1hr1r fu11,: r r.1~!"~ h1 ~ntni: n11t 11nrl ~n11 .
Jr,t: .<:J>r rl nn pln11rrl fLr irl.>. ;it 1111rln1ghl
D11nk1ni:. fnr :ipplr" i:.r11 ~::i:i1·1rct hrc'1111~c
1( \Oii f'n11lrl i::r;ih nnr 11 11·a~ !-1 1[1pnsrrl tn
hnng ;.·nu lurk during !hr ro1n1ng ;.rar.
Anv\l;,i\ v.11 11 ;ill lh1c h1.;l11rv hr h1nrl
1)rt. ·.11 .\'n11 find 11 rl 1ff1r1111 In put the
hnnrk rin Sunrl111 n1i:.ht ;i~ H11Hn11·rr n
Prnhilhly !ht> f1rc1 _t:hnst nf 11 hill rnl·
trrrnr !hat shn11 " up 11l 1n1· frunr rlonr nn
:;;aturday night ""Ill rh;:rnt:r mv mind
\\"\SH!'\GTfl\ I·\!~ -Ti-r \-"'1'"'.:l l
r .1nrer ln~r 1rurr rrr,,rlr<I 1nrl,.1 n .... 1r •
Pl'ldrncr 1 ;inrr r I' rlrrrr;:i ~1n:;: ;ini11nc
11 n111,.n .in<I 1111 1r.i ~n1i:: .:irnnn c ni r r .
r~prf'1a lh hl;u k'
l.11111: • .111,·rr ;q1p1'a1· I" h<' •1< ''" ,,,~
.:imnn,e hn!h 11h11r ;ind bl.ick nir n ;ind
11"nmrn, hn11 r 1 r r. t ('<(';111 !1rr·~ <~lrl
The ptPl1rn1n11r·1 rl111;i ~1r111~ 11nm ;:i
l !lfi~ ~1url v rn1·('1111i;: \n11 ;i ~nd f'l.C:h! r1;+ nr
1nr1ropn!11an <irr:l~ w1lh ;i r nmhlnrrl
pnpulritinn nf ninrl' 1!1an 2n m1ll1nn. nr
onf"-!rnth nf lhr .n<111nn ·~ total
,\ fnlln11"up In n<111nnr1l r11nccr ~u1·1 r1<
in \!137 ;ind 1!147, 1t I.\ not ('\:pt'Ctrd lo hr
cnmpletrd unlit 1!171
\!en ar~ suffering 1n0rt c;i~es nf cancer
"' tl\r pr11<1:l1{' ::i nrl 11111;: ii nfl tfl ;i l r~~Pr
!'\'rnt n' !hr rnlnn !hr rrpr•rr ~;ud
r1•<> ll"tJr 1-4I d"' 1,..;; • ., ;;rnriot u nnir o
11 .1< ;;1Jnht1T r r! In ;i rJ ~.ip 1n r·;inf'r ~ oif !hr
1J'r•111r '"fl I\ ••1,11•::i1·h ;ind 1r r·111n1
lJ1r t~'r nf 1!1111: 1 ,1 •H·rr .11nn11c 1,1.n1r n
ri1111hlrrl rj11r111c lhr :!:l 1r.ir· ~1 11r-r fhr \;i<I
•'11>1 In I:! 1·;i· r< prr .1o1111nr1 P"r~nn< 1l1r
1r r:111hr i ~.11rl
Tt1 r l;ilr'-1 f1~t11r 1l'rl 11·~IP thr1 <:11rl
l h~1 ::ih1111t lil!l ,l1nl1 n"ll f'.1<r~ nf < :lf'lrr r
a•P rl lR"tnn<"d 111 111" l nll"d . ..:.111 l r~ r 11 r h
I r 11
·111r ! .1nf'<r 1,1lr ;iu\'•11: 1nr 11 1nrrr ::i<rd
11 n111 ~r.n r rr 111n llfl!l 1n l'l.\i tri '.1'14 1n l'lfi'l.
ri nd drrre<i~rf! .<mnni:: 11 nmen frnm 2'.l! 1n
High Win Lash Valley
Po1 cer Lines Felled ; l f:(11i.t.e Bru.~li Fir<'
I • Uftn•d •rtu l"to•n•ll&n-t .,..,,, ..• ," (•· ·~·-.. , <~·· .... ~ 'ft
e r• e•' "'1' ~1 •~•1 • •• '"''"' •• •"'"'•O ou••v w •n• •~•r• "'""' •••••
L•"' ~·o•••I ""'' • ""' •o~ r~nl 1n fll> '"Ill'.._ O(lj <l"'",.t \•00 "'"'·~•I' <•O ltodl >' • ~.Q~ W,l~ 11 r"~ ~V9•1'>10"I
tot l>f'•C"f \ "''"' • ·••• .._•ti• ••ti
<Oil• ..,,or• •••oM ''""" ~ ·~ •• v. '" • ,..,,.. ••moe••'• '' ,., 11
N"'J''"'"I wo•• •~""' '"" "I~ "'I"
1··,-0 cv•!v "'•O•. "0•1 "'''" '" '"•
~"""o W'l"'<I• oo"•<I •t•ou •"• ~"~"' •l•o ... o•• ... , .• '" '"• y, ·"
fhl "°"'' 0 ...... •~<t .,, ·~ fl(.• .••••
It "" o•••r " T•u•Mtl•' "·o"• ••ti .,,, .,..•1•<'•~ ~ ~"' ·~· tl>O•• ·• o·~·, •·••• ... ., lo'"C e. ... t ' 6l·l l Stolt "'o" <• ~) .l1. llv •Ol r• ~II .,., Wol•O• J.l 0 Pl ""(IOI• 4 41 II vfrJ•CIO SI 54 P•t.., So"l'>O' n ~~-!!.•••••' •l<t 1!81 ~'" 0 >...,0 ~J e) ~·Ml e.1•bf'I 1;·-6j An•~••"'·Se•'• .t.·• .t.1-tl
IJ.S. !'i11mmary
,,.,.., ...,., .. itfVl<f l M1a• w,•~• '"''1 ••• \•• I'""" V•ll•• l••t •• ,,.,,,,. ,. "·~ " '• -
o•nu111 , ••II•• ~••" ""' ••ti,.,,,.·•
,, ... 1)0 4'" l)' ... ' ••
" '""' ...... ' ... , ...... ~ """'' l • ""'ll''"'e'"' "• • ~,.... ·•• "'· •· ·~ bi "'I"<!\ U<I '• Ill "'I" ~·· "• • o•t •IHI • '"f •••' .,,, .. ,,, ltl •• " "' o••u 1 •<1 ~'"'' l•r ~ • '"• • .,,... I "'l'~:"'~~';:··~:-· . .,~ • .,"·~~ ,, • v " ...
··? .. :~~~.!:i1::~,:.~·~'. .;.: '. ;·.;,:',"~.
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\i::111 cn \';in Th1t>tJ [nr .1 ~f'rnnd /nur·~Par
trrm .
r olir·e h::i:rrrf mnlnr1~I' anrl
prrlrs1r111n~ frnn1 .:t lnur·.'if]llilr r ·1n1lr arr;i
111 thr hr111·t n/ thr r1l~' 1111111 ;1ftrr Thieu·.~
111 \'f'SlilUre. rnl1rr tnl rl C'llli1;in., tn
r 1:ir11;itr pnrkrd r111·~ fr f\m the <1rea ;ind
· slncrl.v nhr\" p1,J1ve r11'df'r~.
rnlu·r .1 1Tl'~trd .111 11 ll I rJ p n I i f i P rl
•\mp1·1r;in tr.11nc lo 1111\r pwlure<; nf 1hr
1n1111g111.:il ~1 te e:orh· t h1~ mnrn1n_g 11•h i1!'
1·n11rlt1f't111c rlnnr·tn -rlnnr anrl rooftop
""'"r·ch~ ;irnund lhf' b1 ~. 11·nnd and steel
In So11t h Ch ina Sea
~/\l!,n'\ ~A r • F11 P Amrrlf'::in
~"ld1rr~ <I rr 111\~•l n!! ;ind prr~umprl
rlrn11 11rrl 1n lhp :-11u!h Ch1 r.;i Sr;i fnlln111ni;
;i f(l(l lh;1ll ~;in1r nn ;i \'1rtn:in1r'i"r br~ch,
thP I 'S Cn111m::111rl ~nnnun!·rd tnd<1.1.
/\II ll'f'rr frr•n\ thr /\111rr1<';1I 111 11~1nn :it
Chu Lai. '.l~ll 1111lr'-nort hr;i ~t nf :=:.;i 1gnn
1·hr rn111n1<111 d .~n 1rl n11r nl !hi' ~fild1r1·:
pl11V1nc fr•n th;ill Tl1111-.~iil\\ ann<1rrntl1'
11rnt 1ntn 1hr 11::11rr tn f'l'!flf'I(' th(' h;ill.
.c:n1 r<111chl 111 ;in undrrt(>ll' ilnd 11a<; .~11rpl
n11I In ~<'ii .
On Se nate f>Jan~
l\"1\.'iHl'.\J;Tfl\~ 1t;r11 -Pn~t1n;i~1rr
!;rnrr11I \V1nlnn 111 Rlount pt>r,"nn ... 111· 111·
fnr1nrd l'rrsidrnt .\'1~nn !nrlr1y !h:11 hr
\l"il.<> rr~1gn1ng 1n1medi;i1e.I.\ Ir w<i ~ ftr~t
~1 rp 1n Rlnun!'s pl:in tn run l11r !hf' l S.
Srn;i! ...
Rln1111I , ~fl, 11 hn prr~1d<'d n1l'r thr
rr nr1:.:in1111t1nn 11[ th" nat1nn ·s m111l
~rritrr rlrrl1nrrl ::it ii \rh1tr Hnu.<;e nr1\<;
cnnferrncP. hn"e1rr. tn ."a1• fl;il]v 1f he
ll'n11lcl a!lr1npt t11 un<r 11t Srn .. inhn .I.
~park1nan i ll /\l::i.1 , whn 1.~ 11
Rtnunt <>a1rl he wnu ld ilnnnun<·r hi~
luturP pnh!u•;il pl;in~ ;irnunrl '\r11· \ r::ir ~
<1!hr r ~nurcrs .":tlrl Rlnun1 <ilreild'.' hi!~
drr1rlPrl In ~rrk lh,. flcpuhlican nnm ln.1-
1 inn fnr thr Srn;irr
A~kerl 11·hv hr rr'i 1t.:nrrl no". Rlnunl
rrpl1rd. "II 11ri~ 111ne fnr rnP In lra1r the
j\•1'! nH1rr ;:\11ri 10 en har k tn t.,iah;im;i !n
rn ;il\p 1rp rn.1· n11nd" !'nder !he fX'"!!!I
renr~;i111 zat1nn. Rlnunr fnr•m;ilh ~uhn11l'i
hl'i 1·r s1i::n::111nn In the post;:il S!"'r~ ICC bn;irfi
of cn1 rn1ru <;
l\"h1!r Jl n11~r Prr~s ~rr rr1;i rv nnn;1lcl I..
Z1r~lr1· ~flirl \i\nn · ('XprrsSed h1" ;:\r-
1•1·r1·111t11111 tn thr r~1,<.:tp11istrr l!rtler;:il f11r
11ndl'r!11k1ni:: :inrj .'lr('o1npl1 ~hin.c: wh;iL
1n<1n.I' thnughl 11;:\S ::in 1mposs1hle 111.'ik ..
'Tn r <.111hl1'h lfH\l l"rl;i11r•n~h1 p. 1hr.
prH,. ro1111111 -..~1on 11 ;in I"' 111 hl'ilf 111
\\'rl!lllL: frn1n ;i~ 111;1111• rl'nplc ;l' rn,~1tilP,
1·.hn 1·::111 1'nr111·1h111r 1rlri1s a ~ In hnw p1·.1re
lfl("fPil <r ~ 1 ;in he 11111,1. cfte(·l11rly r·fln·
tr,..llrrl -·
Thr ;:idrlrr~~ I~
11 ~1rPr1 :-,· \\"
11 c 2n1 11>.
J'til'f' ('111111111\<il\ll. \il 7
Rtl1 llnnr, \\;i.i;hini;tnn,
111 nll1rr rrnnn1111' rl"1rlnp111rn!s lhP.
~n 1rr11n1rnl rrrotll'rl !hr f1r i;t f11re11?n
rr;idr ~1npluc 1n Sr pt,.111tirr i n 'l ~ m11nth~.
l1u1 ;in111hr r rrpnr! ~hn11rrl th;it lhP
n11mbrr nf 111<t 1nr urh;i11 a rr;i~ 1111h ~11 h~rrin!1aJ 11nl'1 ;1 r ln1n1r11! 11;:i~ ~I 1to:;
l11 ~hr~t point in Ill ~r·;ir~. 1Sln1). Pa;;e 51
.\alihr1I in Ho11n1l11p
JUl\I~: ! \J '• 11-ill.111 p1•l11 r ;i rrr~.l rrl
Fr;inl., f"nrpnla. JrrmPd h1 thrm thr dt;in
nf 111111 ' 1111rlPr11 n•·lrl .• 1nd n1nP illhrr
\J;of1:.i ~ucpt'( Is 10 r;i1d " ·1 hllf~d;i~ 1n f1 1 e
r1 t 11 ·~
~ i 11ppol,1, i"1 11 111111.i ; df'p,.1·1,.,d lnnq lhP.
l '111Jr>rj :-01?1f'~ il1"1r 111;111 111 1r;i1 ; !l'-:n,
11"' ;ir·rr~lrrl 11r:1r fl111ni> 1111h 1hrPe nlhrr
in•'n T110 <lll1rr lllrn \\r•rr iirr·r <:rrl Ill
:\1111111 . t1,n 111 l'<1 lrrmn ;ind nn,.. r;irh 1111
T i1r1111tn :ind [{11111n1 .
.,&1,;. lf;<;l.j' -.j,. ~· ,, . . ~· ""·"'"....,, ~ ,dJil t "', " ' ,• . ~· <\:....,. ,A_: , . ' ,.. -.• ., -.·f' '.lf" , . .. ·"-' .-l: ~ ' ,. ~ ' •.• , • ". • '1 • ' . <f• . . . -. ' , ..• . ·~ ...
. !
• ... C:!i MAlff iOll STTUS TO CHOOSI flOll
' '"' <: # ·'•<I I I
' ' '
d ,.
" "
' •
• "
• h
" r
" '
Tln·ee A1~eas
~ ou1 Ra11l{s
Of Jol1le ss
\\.'\S!ll~~;TO"\ 1l Pl • -Thr numbrr
1\! 11'1.'lt•l r urbiu1 :1rras 11 11 11 ~ub~tant1a l
IH\~n1 1ll•·~rn t•lll ~hM>cl :l! I!~ llil!lif'St p11111t
Ill I ~ 1 e,ir, t11d.11 . fl111 th1're also ll'as the
lJnl!hltT nr11 ~ tli;1\ 1l1r lr11tl'd Stales had
~'"'i"Nl 1t.; f1 r~l t"rP1g11 lrnde 'urplus u1
~1· 1n1111th,
Tlif' L;ib11r lJl·p.u·11111·11t ~aid ll1ret' n1<1-
11ir :irc;i~ 111•rr ;1ddt>d lo 1111· IJ<;\ of c1t1rs
111rlt 1; 1w1·1·1>nt or rnt>n· u11r111plrnn1ent.
,Jnblf'<;snr~.'i cln•pp•·d lw·lo11 th;L t If·\ el 111
l l1n "!hl'r c11lf'.~ h11t tlh• n1•l j!Ollll nn f'{le
tu ought tht• total n1<1J11r arc-as In GJ. !fi1•
l:1rgc:.t nurnlx·r s1nt:e f )~·tolx'r l!l(il 11 hr 11
lht•rt' 11 ,.re liR Rnre Be1111iy
Asian War
Fund Cut
\\'ASlll NGTON IAPl -Crushing the
{1rsl of se1•era! f'Xpe<.'led atternpts to cul
thl" U.S. {'Ontribul1on to thl" United Na-
11nns. !he Senate also h<is d1s~arded a
111ew e11d-1hf>.war bid and eleared the w;iy
for final pass:ige of a $3.2 billion fore1g:1
aid bill
In ;i long ~erit'c; •)f roll t·all 1'(1U_•s lasting
11cl1 into 'rh11rsda~· night. the' Senatr
deC'ided. al.;o. to reta111 restriction~ 011
Li S SJ>f'ndinR 1n Can1bod1a that 11er•'
11·r1ttf'n 11110 thr bil l b1· thf Furrig n Rela-
ILons {'on11n1t1re
H11t1dreds S(rataded
Blizzard Sweeps
Rocky Mountains
A hli11.r;rd "h1r\ed U1rough the CE'nlral
R()(:ky \l•lUnt::iins today slrand1n.1; hun·
ore<ls nr 111r1torists in "'yoming and frePZ·
1ng r.11n '\lo11ed tra\·elers in "ansas.
i\rhr;1,kii .t11rl SC'\'Cral othrr slates 1n !he
(:r!',1! l'l:11t1s
In l.1t!l11 An1enca. \\'rn , authon11e11
11Pn· 1r11ng tn finrl \\'a\·~ rif ar-
L"n1tlllH1d:il1nJ! 1nore than 4:io tral'rlers
11 ht f h;11 l' lit•rn unahle to proceed alonR;
1nll'r:-tatl' 80 b('C;JUSI' of !he hea\'y snow
<'lllrl !XM>t' \ ISLhthl~ •
w:>.rning w<'ls put into eff~ from Utah
and northern Arizona lo the central
Freezing temperatures and snow nur·
rie,<; .... ·ere sc::ittered along the northern
Plains states to Lake Superior. In
!\ebra5k::i and l\an5as freezing rain and
drizzle created hazardous driving early
l:Old .... ·eathf'r pre1·a1led in the Par1f1e
f\'.orth11•est as thl" rnercury dipped into Lhe
20s Thursda~· . .\lorr pleasant .,.,·eather f'X·
tended 01·t'r the rest or the nat ion "''ith
abo\'f' nonnal temperatures in the East.
1\rlilf'd 111 llH' h1~h unrn1plo_1 mrnt h:.l
\l l'I"~' thrt•P flh10 t'n111!nu111t1i's -Canion.
1~1r:1111 F l,\!'1:1 .1nrl Ynun~c;[ri1\·n-\\'a rri'n .
n r .. rprrl \\('I'{' lhC' Indiana ('ltlC'S ol South
l:J1 rirl and 'l't·l'f'{' llaulf'
l·.11•111 ~1n:1l lf'r :irras al ~·i 11t·rl' adrled tn
!hf' 11~1. wl1i11· three 1\Pl'l' dropped . bring·
1nc the t•11:il ol ~n1;1llcr :11·e;1s 10 ~115.
.l\l1L"harl Prost. 2:'i. easilv bea1 out five ten1ale candidates for Arizona L-n1ver~1t y hon1eco1111ng .quet'1i. lie s111d l11s hair-do "'as the secret. T\01v
offi <'ial s ha\e In dei'!dl' 11 hether hP'I! be t ro\1'ned at Saturday night
football gan1r 111th 1\£•\1 J\lexico.
Earlier Thursfla~· HPnr;. "1s~111{!er. !he
PrP!ildent'i; top foreign affairs ad 1'1ser.
1' ;imed Nixon might \·e10 thl' f'll!ll'P
n1easu re nnlPss the Sf'na!f' elun1n .. 'lled
the Cnn1bod1:i restrictions and dropped
;io an111\ar prc•v1s1011 drafled 11110 !he hill
b1· SPns John Sherman ('ooper tH-K1 .1,
aiirt FrHnk l'h11rrh 1D-lc!aho.1 ·
The l'n1JJ'>f'r·Ch11rl·h prol'1siu11 11 flu \d
ha1f l111111e1! <111 t11nrls fnr the \' S.
n11 litary 111 \11ctnan1, Laos and Ca1nbod1a
to tho.'lr nt>"dcd for 11·11hdr;iwa1.
"\\'c '1t> i.:ot prople every\\here," said
~1 rs. Be11;. Tnpp. a telPphone oper;itor Ln
!hr ~n1al! \\'y<un1ni,: rommunit~" .. Some
pt:'up!1· 111de 111 \\1th '11;,.urk drivers who
p1(·ked !h<"1n up along th) high\\·ay whrre
1hr1r t";)I'~ \\ere :;!11ck "
lnlt•r:-lall_• 110 1s till' 111:iin eas t -1\'{'.~t
ar11 ·r1 1hr<n1gi1 th e 11101111ta1ns in \\1"n111-
1ng. \1;1ny nl lhf' n1ntonsl<; h<i\'C' ·brrn
stranded Slll<'f' \\"cdnc,<;rla.v night 11•hen
strong wind~ ht•gan lo 111\ip lhr ~no1v
b;\rk and fnr!h acro.<;s lhe highway.
T<'1n pt•r;11 11r1;i; l\'C'rc 1n thr teen::.
Queen Lays Egg,
Loses Huge Gem
HA ,\IBl'Rf:. l;crn1an,v 1 I Pl l -Queen
Juliana of the Netherlanrl s. on a state
1 isi1 h) \\'est Gcnnan~, briefly lost a dia·
niond Lhe size of a small egg and \'alued
at S~00.000 rluring her visit (o Hambur~
Thurscla.v, pol ice rci)Orl£'d today.
Tilf' t.'IJihl ~111;1l lrr :1rL'<±.'-;1rldf'rl 11 ere
'lh·Hill'. ~ :;1 l,.:·.rn1111;::!(1n :inrl !\;Hirn.
.\\;111H· \'ort!111111her\;111d-Stra!f11rd. '.\ H
51her Cit;.. \' .. \!, Sulphur. tlkl;1 . ;111U
\111rg.1n a11 d \\'rnal l t;1h :.;rn;illt·r arC':t~
r('11111\·ed fr1+11\ llu· 11:-I l\i)!'l' Ti':\;11k:111;1
Tr'. and l'l11•1 1·111u· ;ind P;i11nt·e . (lf.la.
lfl o111<111 Liberation l'oecls Protest. It l\'3$ struck fro1n the bill 111 a 47-44
1ote drsp1 !r ;i slrong a11e1npt by antiwar
forCl'S lo n•1prst' lhe d('ti~ion .
:... \J: \"1 ll \ • ( f'l 1 Twent.1-fl\e .Jrd111 t-'.l111rnct.~rl of :\{'1.,. COll C'ge, a Sena te r!('pubhcan learler Hugh S<'otl of
Pcnns~·ll'<inia m;ina~erl tn hnld his linger
10 !he th k<' of antiwar ~rnlltnenl. ple::id1ng
111th St'n:itori; tn tis1en lo \1·hat the Prt'~I·
dE:nt has 10 s;i~· in his r\01· 15 troop ·
reduction sp~ch befor" they co1n1n1t
Tht' \\'.1·(1111111g H1gh1\ay Patrol <'lnsr<l l-
80 •"<lrl~ Thursday rron1 Laramir tn the
t ,1:1h h<1~dcr because' of blo1\•in,c: .'.Ind drif-
l 111J,: ~THiii'
A 22-yrar-old ?')!iceman found the dia-
n1ond n£'ar the red carpet rolled out for
1he queen at the entrance to Hamburg Ci-
ty Hall. A prolocol official handed il haC'k
tn !he queen in lhe course of the city hall
dinner \\'hich ctin1axed her one-day visit
to t\amburg.
\u•111g 1101n•·11 t1~1~ Olt'I' 11iC' nl fler~ 01' a
<'i>!lrgt rrr~1df'nT Tla1r~clJ1 :111d der11a11d-
l'd fn·t' nin1rf!C<'Jl\llt'~ :ind inure p;Jy /•ir
l\r11;1lt.' {'1llplo.1 c~.
coeduc;il!on:i l !0111·-yrar sthool of !'130
stt1de11r ~. hl1! prnn11sf'd to return tocla.1·. Th1' ~:11i.1nal \\'ealher Ser\"itr con·
l11H1t'd 1!:-bh zLard .,.,arn111g for !he rrginn .
bu1 :-.n11H' authnrit1e<; said !he roads inar
open la1r today . .\lean"·h1lr a hea1·y sno1v
The lUlt'l llpl(I\ 1nc11t report 11a., 1111:-ed
nn prl'hn1ln;ir,1 d;1ta <'o!lrt·lrtl 111 Auicust
::i nd ScptPmbcr. Labo r Departn1ent ol ·
f1e1al s safd. Till' llOJllE!ll Jell t11c Ol!ICCS Of Pre::.id('lll
The grnuµ reJu<;ed In allo.,.,, any n1alc11
11110 the 0111ct's atter preseo!lng a hst of
.:le1nands to Elmendorf
Tired, l1'011111led Sin"Lra ~u,es
Ca11cer Story
Bizarre l\la11l1l111t Encls
As Ft12:itive SL1rre11ders
'-\'E\\I Y(ll11\ l Al' 1 -1··1·a11~
Ll:'.XL\I ;'['<I:\. l\y, 1l'f'l 1 -
\\'oundrd anrl ex 11 a u s I e d •
.J;.imes Lcro.v Cochran ended
an e1gllt·rJ <1y ll1ghl fro1n police
Thursday n1Ahl hy rrlras1ng:
his last lour hn:-tages. laking a
n1ntel roon1 1111h a hal!1. ll1Pn
quiet ly surreudrr:ng to FBI
Cit y'1' 1'op
Of ficia1 1'
agL·nts ini:l!o;ld Pl ~IJ,;.1111 1~ 11 ~111:1lra ·~ l.i11 _1rrs ha1e ldrd a
ou! as he had s1111rn lo cln. $5 n1dl 1on stl1t aga1n.~t !he
\oehr:.in. 35, nf St. L11u1s, 11 eckly ne11·i;pnpcr .. :"11id111gl1t''
had heen fleeing e1er 5ince he cJain11ng Ilic pub Ii r at 1 on
and a com pan1nn ::ill<'~edly delan1 rd lhP r" t i 1· e d en·
rflbbed a ~:111ng:-;ind ]1"1;111 lt'rt;11ncr Ii\' lal~rll 1·rpo!'11ng
a-sul'1;1t1,.11 111 ;.;1 1.•iui.-.. ,\hi. hf' h;id t':llll'f'r and 11 nulrl soon
111 \" I (k t ~I. f'.il1cr ah·• 11:1111 111 Thr _ .. u11 111 1 s 1Jistric1
que~1Jo11 h11n ir1 1h1· d,,;.th ul ll ('11url 111 \lanha1 1.1n •'launt'd
.1oung 11ufl),H1 11ho111 hr hi1d S111:1tr,1 "h:15 nc1'('J' li;1d nor
\l;i!rd '-f l "r;1! 1 1111!'~ hut 11ho ct11{'• hr hiil'I' 1·:inc1·r· 1111r has
I " I I I ;i111· <!1,·1<>110~1" been n1.1ctl' b_,. 11 a11 ,.,, !u en< 11r1r l'C' a-" an\' 1h11:IPr 1h:1 l hf' h:1s ('a11-t1onslup. llt'r t':ir a11r g1·dly ter ·•
1\as u~t>d 111 the fJ<olOUµ. C1lf'd in the r·fln1plai nl 1\·a,<; a.
Since hts fl 1cllt ht' g a 11 ~la.v tO. 19i1 · .\!1dr11ght .. :-.tnry
Cf\chran tia~ liclrl and releasrd h1'adlinl·d. "Frank S111alra Ha.s
unbanned l'ii!h t hfl~!;1,c:r ~. 111-t'ar11·r1·." 1h;11 ~·l a1n1ed lhe
('1l1ding nne [111· 11hu111 hr nl-"ll1grr 11;i<; fnrf·rd to retire
PIITS8l:HCl-l 1L P11 -In tprcdt1111nlii:idl11~1.!llll""lhf'.I' hl'r;1t1."r 111• 11<1~ ':-uff<'ring
nn unprrl1'drntcd case. lhf' could :-.Ii;;((' 11 1nou111J111 11{'\\ !n>111 t•:o1t·rr Dl rht• thrDilt : and
rna~or ::ind police rh1rf nf 111 :\"1•11 .\lcXlt'f• ll1 s 1:1r 11 ;1 ~ 1h11t 1111l11n a pe nc1d .,f 011('
'·1tl1lleil 111111 IJ11:l1•1 .. rlu/'111<> lh•' 1°1r· i>" 1•0 11111 "e 11 ll'f'rl !(I bi• Jt>annc1!e.P<1.1\Tr<'co111 1ctrd ... '' '" '!' f'~capc lron1 !II!' rohhf'ry ;;inrJ co11f111rd li t <1 hosp1lal t!I a1va1I
and .'lentencrd 10 one year 1111-he h:1 s ~hot 1t •1111 1111t·{' 1111h his rlt':ilh ·•
pn.snnn1f'nl Thur.sd:i.1 n n p'lll•·r ~llll'C 111· 11 ;1~ 11nu11drd Tiu· 1·11111plni111 :ib!I ~aid
chargcc; n1 C'llll.~piring 1111h ;i £luring lhu~e ~11011ltlU!~. S1na1ra w:is l1hrlrtl In ;i ;\(ll
S•·111 ng Otl(' hn:>LlJ.:f' ;1ltrr I lf!il ;1rr1clr 111 "\i1dn1gh!"
l'\,\;<il nuinbers 11r1CrtitPr ;ino1hei . ;;ind r111:11\y f(>U r !liar. rPpo r1rcl 1hc f'r1lrrl111nel'
L .S. Allorney Ricliartl L. 11 ,~r!hc·r. t:iw!ira11 h;1~ dr11en 11:1s ~t'f'rr t lv 111an 1Pd and his
Tlio111burg. 11·hn prose(·u1ed tn1rn \1 1,;s11uri tn 1\l•11· 1\lf'\1rn n('1v 11·1fe 11 ,1~ pregnant
the rase. said it \\et'\ 1hc Jirst and l1;11'k Fron1 1111e of 1h£· N11111rd 111 thP ~1111 11erP tht'
linie in rhe n;it 1r,11 ,.,.11, ic tiuns h<1:i:;t11gc .;, hf' t1111~ 810 tu1· ga~. \l 11lr11.c ln 1'11hltsh1u~ Cflrp .. a
::ind refU$Crl In 1;ikr any n1orr l':in:irl1an f1rin Faw c P 11
11rre ha nrled fl,iii n uiider a hrrau-.(' ''he ~aid hf' didn 't P11hl1r(ll1011.;; 1nr , 1:rrrl1'\'lCh.
:-rc11•1!1 111 1!of· 1 11~;11111!'1! !irlir\f' 1n 1ak1nf.! 11111nr\ fn1n1 t'1>1ltl 1he 1 S. <i1~!r1bu!nr
(r11ne ( 11111rnl 1\1·! nf l!liO. 11 11r~1n1: pe,,pll' ... ~:urt ,\Ir,, and \\:i nti:i t1:111 \1·"<; C-n
df'.1l1ng 11ith inc t 11tTUpl •ull of \1;1nr l);ir1;111, 11t1f' nf the la,1 1i~1 ,.(! :i~ 1hr "\ru \'11rk C1t 1·
la11· f'nf11rf'f'l1lt'lll 111!11 1.1ls. h1,:-ta~('!'. d1~t nhutflr nt "\!1dn1ght"
The trrrnc; 11f'r(' 1111pn~erl in,1---"----------------------
1 S l>1 ,!11r! ("11u r1 :1t;a1n~I ...
\!:11111 \111 ·h:1rl i\ l(u•hl. 41>.
1 'c1l11 r ( hl''f 1\rtl111r B111;!1rl1,
·!'l .111d ,l;1111r~ I t hit·\... :tl
l :ref'n~liu 1·J! a (' o 11 fr ~ s (·di 11u111h~·r:-1•11t'1,!l1J1 I
1{11,ld and 1:111;d(!i 11 t'l'l' :ii
,·u;;rd 111 11~1 r1i_: lllC' p .. 111·1 .,f
!hru· 1x1s1l111ns to en;ihle l 'l1ich
In gi:l1n 111r•11np<•I~· 01rr all
11umbr1 " uprra1ion~ 1n thf',
Jeannrlte <11 e:i.
111 tr-.1 11n'l11.1 al 1tir lri nl.
f llll'\.. ;i11in1(1rd 1JJlf'ra11nJ?; ;1
nun1her~ r:irkct 1n Jeannelte
nff ;111J on .since 1%6. But he
denied c1 er ha1 ing a n y
poh11ra1 c11nneelion~ ur pOllC{'
Judgr J,.;rra!cl \\'eber sen-
!cnced thP rlPlendanls IC'! one
\ear in pn~on but sRid !hP
iernis 1\·ould be suspended
;ifler each had scned six
Welfare Bi~]
Gain Seen
\\'ASl-11 7'LTO:-; !l·r1 1
rrrstdenl Nixo~·s. pl;1n 1.01
re\'<im ? the nation s v.·elfa1 I.'
,;\·stem. s\9\led in Congress fnr
11lnre lhan lv.'O years. n1ay
begin mol'1ng again soon.
Somewhere among Jdck's great
new fall shirts is YOUR shirt !
There dre so many terrific
stri pes & p<!!tterns to choose
from, you can 't help but find
one tha t's Y 0 U. And, after
you 've found it, take a look at
Jack 's new shi pment o f double·
knit slacks & sport coats ... You
might just fin d one to go with
YOUR rew shirt!
673 -4510
' •
Sen. Ahraha n1 ,\. R'1bicoff
I 0-Conn '· said Thursday he
had v.·on a pledge from Sen.
Hussell Lnn!l • 0 -La 1 lo con-
duct hearings on 1he mrasvrP
and let Long 's Senate F'inanee
Committee 1akr a \'Ole tln it
The measure. appro1·ed by
the House in June. \1•ould •
guarantee an income of S2,~00
a )ear to each family of four. "
1nch.1dlng the •·working poor."
One of every 12 Amrric ans
could he ellg1blf' tnr ~01nr
for m of federal hPlp. although
the amount 11•ould ~ I0'.1.' for ,.
many. ---
• • .. '
With import prices rising, here 's how Pinto compares:
•Pinto now priced $J35*less
than 113.
•Pinto now priced ~228*\ess
than Toyota Corolla 1600.
•Pintonowpriced $300*less
than Datsun510.
·A comparison of manul8C1urers· suggested retail pri ces. including surcharge, !or 1he base 2·door models.
Deale r preparation charges (1! any). des11na11on charges, state and local taxes are ex11a,
1972 P1n!o 2-0oor Seda n shown with optional white
sidewall tires ($42) a nd accent group ($72),
And look at the value you get in Pinto:
Precise rack-and-pinion steeri ng ... wide stance designed
for surefooted handling on the highway ... 1600 cc.
engine, already. proven with years of owner-driven miles
.. sel f,adju sting brakes ... oi l changes called for only
twice a year ... most routine ma in tenan ce is so si mple you
can do it yourse lf ... extra-strength parts (Pinto sta rte r
motor, ball and universal join ts an d re ar wheel beari ngs
are heavy duty).
Look fu rther into Pinto valu e at your local Ford Dealer's now! PINTO~
PINTO. Different where itcounts
GoOd Time to Complain
'fhe plea of traffic rxpcrts Wilbur Smith and A ~.~n
ciale! for citizen complaints about Laguna's lra/f1c and
parking problems should produce nothing sh~t of an
\Vhile folks in most communities are griping aboul
!he weather, taxes, or the high co~t of living, Lagunans
are more likely to be heard be1.va illng the atrocious stale
of the tov.•n's traffic ~loo much) and parking ~t oo ll tlle1.
Of course the engineers \\'ho \\'lll do the long-herald-
ed 1raJfic study \Vaited tlll after tl1e ~ummer nightn1are
lo really gel dO\\'TI to businc~~. but someone 1s pretty
sure to tell then1 aJ! about that.
1'hey'll also find that everyone in IO\\'TI not only has
a complaint. but also a pct theory for ~olv1ng lhe n1ess-
from digging a big hole and driving all the cars 1n10 It,
on through building 1nuiti-le1.'el parking s tructures. creat·
in g malls. making all the ~!reels one-\vay and runn1ni:::
those cute trams year-round. so more cars can be kept
in storage.
The point of the \1;hole thtng--the government,
\1.·hich picks up the tab. calls it Traffic Operation Pro-
gram to improve Capacity and Safety (TOPICS}--is to
find out the best \\·ay to use our gas tax n1oney.
This is one time \\'hen complaining can really pay
off. .Just send those ca rds and letters to the Public \Vorks
Department, City Hall.
Unsafe Bicycle P a th
F'or months members of the San Clen1cn!e Parks and
Recreation Commission. Joined by the PT.-\ council and
the San Clemente High School Ecology Club. have sought.
a safe bicycle path bel\1•een the Shorecliffs colony and
the high school.
~1r11 rt1on pro1ect, for the roadway -splitt1ng the bill ~
.50-:'>0 bet\1·een county and city.
l'ounrilmcn balked at spending about $175.000 in I
!oral gas tax revenues as the city's share. l ... asl summer
they sought a cheaper version, setting no deadline.
1'he sralcd·do11'n plans for the unprovcment project
v.'ilh a bicycle path still inC'luded apparently are gather·
ing d1Jst some\rhere in city hall.
Councilrnen 1n the meanlnne routinely 'receive and
file urgent pleas for a safe pathv.•ay .
The improvement project i;hnu\d have an urgency
label from ci1y councilmen and should be completed tm·
T hree Goo<l Ca ndidates
~lost '"ater districts manage to go abnut their busi·
ness n1ak1ng fe\.\". 1f any . 1.1·aves. Thus \.\'ater board elec·
lions rarely stir up much excitcn1c11t.
So long as that cool. clear stuff conies pouring out
under reasonable pressure "'hen the cuslomers turn on
the faucet. the assun1ption scerns to be that the fellows
running the reservoir know v.'hat they're doing.
This certainly is the case in the Laguna Cou nty
\\'atcr District v.·here incumbents Dick .Jahraus and JirTt
Schoenleber deserve a vote of confidence 1'uesday.
There \1·ere some slorms in th e Sou th ('nast C"~untv
\\'ater District earlier lhi.c; year \\•hen diJ·ectors upped
l he \\'ater rates and found thernsetvcs the target of an
unsllc(·essful recall action. T\\'O of these directors are re-
l!ring at the end of their currenl lC'rm s.
One >ocuinbcnt. Ted .I. O'Connell. i.c; up for re-
clectinn. Running \V1!h him is l·larolrl F:rlwards. a long·
!11ne Sou th Lagunan v.·ho has previously served the board
,1·i!h di.c;linction.
Scores of cyclists each day use the dangerous
boulder-strev.·n shoulder of North Et Camino Real as an
access from the large northern neighborhoods to lhe
central p2rt of to11'n.
Robert D11_ver. running as an independent. is a man
\1·hn makes a great deal of sense and has done his home-
\1·ork in studying the South c·oast 11·ater situation.
On the basis of their experience and level-headed
<1pproach to the problems of_ a rapidly grO\l'ing district,
11·e endorse these three cand1dales.
, -, . ,z·"tt:.._
.(jEE-WHY Dll>N'T I THINK OF THAT7"~ ..... And months have passed since the ctly learned that
the County of Orange had approved a massive recon-
War Is Central
Moral Problem
To the Ed itor:
I've ju5t finished reading the book by
Albert Speer titled, "Inside The Third
• Reich ." TO\.\'ard the end of the
autobiography. he quotes the American
~ ex·Secretary of State and of \\'ar. Hen ry
L. Slimson:
"\\'e must ne \'e r forp.et. !hat unrler
modern conditions of h[e. science. and
'technology, a ll voar has become greatly
brutalited, and that no one who joins 1n
It. even in sell-<lefenst, can E'SCa~
becoming in a measure brul<>J.ited .
r.1odem \.\'ar cannol be !imiled in it:i;
·destructive method and !he inevitable
debasrment of all partici pants.
"A FAIR SCRUTINY of the last two
world war.s make.s clea r the steady in·
tensification in the inhuman1t~· oL the
weapons and methods employed by both
the a~ressors and the victors. In order
lo defeat Japanese aggression. \.\'t' 1,1·cre
forced. as Admiral Nimitz h;is stared . to
employ a technique of unrestricted sub·
marine "'"'ariart'. not unlike that whi ch 25
years ago was the proxima te cause of our
rnlry into World \Var I.
"In the use of strategic air pnwer the
Allies took the li\'es of hundreds of
lhousand5 of ci\'i\ians in Germany and
1'~'E, AS WELL AS our Pnemies. h3\'P
etintributed to the proof that the central
moral problem is "·ar and nnt its
~ methods, ;;nd that a cnnunuance nf V.;lf
will in all prob;ib1l1ty Pnd 111th The
destruction nf our c11·1hiat10n ..
1Thr abo,•e 11.;1s u•r1ttrn 1n an ;;rlt"lr
titled "The !\uremhurg Trial Land1nark
in Law" in 19~71 .
The abo\"C' cau~e~ nnf' tn unndcr "'Iii!\
one mean.~ "'hen hr ~;iy~. INiay. 1,ha! 11e
~·ant is an honnrablf' rnrl In !hr v.;i r.
Dn€s he me an Lo hoimb the lhnu-~ands nf
humans on the "o1her side" 1ntn ~ub
mission~ By the nl.'\.\'Spapers. 1l ~re ms
that way.
1'1ASS KILLING by bnmb1n~ !" 11
degree 1hat 1s evidently beyond the rom-
prehension ol the majority of Amencans
who have never experienced the terror of
being bombed/(as I ha\'el indicates lhe
rather dii;mel prospect. that man may
never Je3m and art on hi~ mistake~.
Slop llu! F r eeu:o!I
To the Editor:
The: ~ple of Laguna Beach ha\'e donf'
and are doing mu·ch tn enhance and
preserve our local quality or l1fr.
aomething in which \.\'e can a\1 take great
There is. however, one prnJect. Lha1
tittd5 to be laid to immediate rest H
La(Una Beach or any of its neighboring
citie1 want to preserve the qualities th<1t
tiave made them 5uch desirable places to
live and vacation. 1 am referring to the
proposed Coast Fretv.·ay.
TffiS PROJECT can and mu~t be stop-
ped if we have any idea of preserving the
smiJJ town village almo.c;phere in which
•e take such great pridt. This projC'C't
will destroy the greenbell . increase
tnuriJt crowd& .1nd tniffic many t1m~
over and will lead to heller-skelter, poor·
ly planned developments.
The thm is ripe for Laguna to rescind
rt.a freeWIY agrttmenL Such ar.tions nr
51mllar 1ctlons have already happened in
Malibu, Newport Beach and Laguna
NilUf;I. and with ~recent higbway com·
mission ww lhat no city will get a
fretway that doesn't want one. Laguna's
negatl~ vote would save our city from
premature development and c nu I d
po11lbl y kill the entire Coast frecw&y.
BECAUSE NEWPORT has vnltd ln
UftCfl thelr agrevnent. pre&ent lalk
:\l a ilhox
Lrltf'fS }r'(ln/ rcnr!cr~ n•·r 1rr/co111r .
:\'nrnial/11 1rr11 rr.~ shnillrl rn1n·r11 !11r1r
n1es saQf'S 1•1 .1no irnrrl~ nr Ir~.~. Tl1r
r1gh1 iO ro11de"Sf lrllrr.~ in /1! .<pfl'"
nr .""./1nn11or f' /1bf'J t.~ r1~~rr11crl . .'\// /rf-
1ers m11.~t 1111/!j<ft' :>1!)11n111rr nnrl rn n,/·
111g adrlrfss, but flnnir~ 1nny he 1r1Ll1 ·
held 01~ requrst if s11tfrt1r11I rt(L~nii
1s apparent. Poetry 1.r1 // not be pub-
lish rd.
centers aro6nd a frer\.\ay dt11\·n Laguna Can~·on v.·itl\ a lari(e (lverpass at !he Big
BC'nd. \.\'hich \.\'nu!d cross Jhe canvnn and
connect wi!h the O'ia$l FrC'E'wa}• "·h1ch
,,..·ould run Jr om Laguna lo 1he Sa n D1rg()
\\"horn \.\'Ill ~uch a frf'r11;i1· .srrrl:''.' 1l
cl:'rt;iinly "·nn·1 srrve Laguna \.\'llh it!i
pnssible 10 l;ines or traffic endinf: in tht>
('an\'On and it 1s alrecdy paralleled b\·
tw(l othrr freewa .\'s.
The rC'SU11 nf lh1c; frrrv.·a1· \.\\II ht 1hr
l'nd of !hf i::rf'enbrlt and 1n 'its plat'e 111!1
he a sene~ of cheap traf't de1 el'lpments,
shopping ccntrts and ~as stat1nns.
scorr FERGL'.SO'.\'
Df11•!1ero11s B 11Ni11g
Tn th!' Editor
l an1 ;i •!udrnt ar Th u r • ! n n
l11trrmcrl1ate Si·hon!, 1 ha1 e h('rn tau;::hl
lh<il the s1·hr'°I l)l)ard 1~ rlc('frd hi'
J'll!l('!l!i nf lhP C'Ommu111I\' !n )Mk aflf'r
!h(' hi'~! 1ntrresls nf tt1c ch1ldrrn tn the
SfhO(ll di strll'L
If !his 1s 1h<' ('asr. v.·hv rl1d the ~choo!
hnard vote 1n f;i1·or of a bu~int: rnu1e f'lln-
$idcrcd to bf rlan~crOus ro rhr 111.·ps o! tn"
"!urlcnl !' hv s11C'h rxprf1<; a~ 1he
C;i1lf(lrn1a ll1ghwa ,\' ~;ifr(ll. the manuf.if'-
turers of the bu~ ;ind !hr district's 01\ln
transportation department"
IT SEE~1S THE parrnts have three
pnssiblP altema!ivC's:
1. Ori\·e lhe children to the bus ~tnp.
2. Have their children walk tn !he bus
. 3. Bus their rhildrrn and ·1akf' !he
ctftinre nf a tra~ic aC"ciden! 1rhirh !l1P
hna1'do nr education and lhry hclpC'd
DERl31t: 01\\"lS
7th Grade. j tudcnt
H'nlk 0111. Df L·,.,·,
To !he Editor ·
l\n.,... is the lime th11t the United States
i;hould ~land up \.\'llh its friend!i. not 1ls
enem ies, and br counted nn thr side of
freedom by walking rip.hl {IUI of the
t:nitcd Na!ions. This is Ph11sr I.
Phase 11 is lo cut off all funds lo the
t '\
Pha~e Iii is 10 cease ho~1ln!! lht U.:-0.
U!t the C.ommunist.~ and 1hrir ~ym·
pathiiers rind other quarters. i'uw,
PATRIOTIC Amenc?lls 11·ho IOl'E' tl"ie
~n\·erct!!nly of the I 'nilC'd Stale.s of
Amcnca. and abhor the idc:a nf v.·nrld
iznvernrnent. ha1·e been s11y1n,1: this fnr 11
lnni;: time. Last t<.iondav·s action v.•uhin
the U N.'s (ieneral As~einbly makes \tin·
tolt>rable that WI! rrmain tn the U \"., or
-support it, any longer.
THIS l~IPORT A1''T decision ~hnuld Ix:
put to a 1.·ote of tht people nf the United
State~ and nnt left rn the "Comm1e·s1.·m-p111h1zin~ .. pnhliC'1;:ins to dectde . ·
1 n11r 11r11nn nnv.· ..,,ill procl<iun \n 1111 th!'
world \\'here w~ stand l..c!·y, bE sure our
!)'IS1t1nn 1~ not mi~unrlf'r~tonrl
.PAliL INE: E. '-!OEN
S i11t]Jle Trulli
But Heird
To Obs erve
You C"annot, help snn1ebody u·ho doe'.'>
no! v.:anl l-0 help himself. This is a simple
truth. but a hard one to learn and lo
0\Pr the ~cars, T have s(lmetime~brcn
;i<>~('{! h:--friend A to get Together and seE'
1f 1q> c1Juld d1J ;.;nmerhing 10 help friend
B Fril'nd B IS f;illlng apar1. 1n 11·ork , nr
rn;irn?.C'r. o~ JUSt ,eenerally.
J\u1 1i friend B ls nnt ready to he
S)rdney J. Harris
' '
helped , ! have 1,-.arncd, then ..,,·e might as
well sa1e our breath Ul cool our porridge .
It is an absolute aN·
ionl that vou tannot
get well. until you
kn n"' you 11re sick
This 1s 1rue in f'V·
ery :irea of hun1nn
rel r.t ions. The a!cn·
hol1c c11nnot respood
itri treatml'nt (lf an~·
kind until he admit.~
he i!i an ;i!c<1hol1r
The emot1onal\y di sturbed Jlf>f.~on cannnl
be helprd by ps~'chia\J'ir care unt1I hP
a rknn\.\·ledges that he 1s dcrply lorn and
And lt\P pl;i ln If rfi sr rr!islng, r;ir1 1• !h.<1!
n1an1 fK'T~!lns rlr1 nnt 11<1nt In h('lp
Thr ~~1f.rtc~1rut·1n r 11rcJ· 1~ •!ron~rr
lhari 11r knn11 !hf' <lr<1 rr tn l11il m;1'/
hrrn111r ;i pa~~1nn: Jhe rr1rrill 1n 1r-
rr~pon ~1blr 1nfan{'y ma~ turn 1n1n ;i w111·
nf l((P 1 ;;nd , of rourse. el'rntu;ilh ;i v..1v
of drath 1
I A:'-1 LSDERLL\;l'\G th P .~" ntn•t(lU~
truths nnl~' /)ec;;use I .~rf' all <1rnund n1e
per~nns \.\'hn 11an1 tn pt1•h nthrr.~ -
hu.~hands. 111\'""· relat1\'l.'.~-1nto "grtt1ns
ps1·rh1:urir help ·
But n11bodv t•an he pn~hcd 1nln th15. <in~·
more than you can p11sh a drunkarrl 1nln
1\tcohnlirs Annnymnu~-The rl'cngnilion nf
\.\'e akness is the first step nn the roar! rn
strength; and 1h1s step must be taken
Freud himself adm1\IC'd th l't l
psy<'hoan<1lys1s ('nultl rurr only thn~e v.·hn
didn't need 11 ''erv mu ch -bv \\'h1ch he
mrant that those ~\·ho fref'lv seek ht'lp on
their O\.\'n are already half..,,·ay hon1e.
THE TR t i L ,. n I s T u n BE [I
riersonah11e~ are tho.~e whn n1nst resi~t
and rC'~ent any sugge~tinn that the~· nred
assii-tance In coping v.·1t h thetr emol1onal
A friend. of course, can hold out a l1ghl.
can offer support and understanclinli(. But
he c<1nnnt make someone move !owarrl
that light until he is promp1ed by some
compelling drh·e of his own.
\\"ords are useless. logic 1s fu!ilc , even
love cannot tnuch the inner sprinJils nf
niotivation -fnr the neurol1c 1s unable To
,l:l\'e, or responci to. IO\'e 1n the proper
v.·ay. It is hard for friend s to JCCepl th15,
bu t \.\'ho e1·er said that hfe v.'a~ easy'.' "\.
• Quotes
Houston T. Flou rnoy, state Con1rnll<'r -
"Cahf{lmta 's pubhc a~sistance programs
ha\'e ~rO\\'n at a rate over three tihies AS
fast as our growth in lax reven ues -and
il has hnally c;aught up with us."
I Ed"·artl L \\'allerli, ~-t'. -"\\'ork 1..-
thc foundation nf all husiness. the fount of
All prnspC'rily , the parent nf jZE'll1ui. I b\lt ,
lt must be 101.·ed bf>:fnre II can bestDv.· its
~rratr:-1 hles~1ng and 11<;hir\•e Its grc11tcsl
'nds "
I Bipartisari Bacl~ittg in Co11gress
New Social Security Boost
\\'AS~JINGTON -Prospecls a re
definitely brightening fnr another Social
Security increase next July I.
That would be accomplished by strip-
ping the. Social Se-
curit.1· prov1s1on.~ or
the Scnatr -stalled
family as.c;1s111nce
mc;isure ;ind n1aking
1hrn1 part of rilh('r
I hi' Phase 11 e<>n-
nr.m1c propn<;.1ls nr
tht tax reduction
Bnth these meas-
11r~ ?.re rlt>emed f:'mer!!ency lcg1.<>lat1on
and cer1ain of enac:lmen r th15 year.
Ry sh iftin~ lhr Social Sf:'curity hike
from the huP,e and highl y con trnvt"rsi;il
11·c\f11 rr legis\;ition tn nnc of these hil!s 1!s'
adop!1on 1~·ill be assured rh1 ~ 1·e;ir ~ 1n-
ste11d of going over to the 19'7i sess10~ or
Uingre ss.
THIS SllRE\\'O PLA N h;is \mpor1;.n!
b1-p;ir!1san backing in both the !-!nuse and
11 ;il ,c;n has a prncl'dur;i! arh·:in!a~r 1hat
\.\'OUld be crucial in the Hnuse.
A.s that chamber has alread,\' ;ipprn1•rd
lhC' Snr1;il Security increase -"'hC'o the
l'hamhrr passrd the family .::issi~lancf'
program !;isl spring -the fnrmrr \1n11!rl
he "germane" as part of anocher bill
House rules bar cnosiderat1on 11 f
amC'ndments nnt previnu.<>ly vnrrrl hy thr
Th;ol rcstr1C"t1on \.\'ntild no1 ::ipply 1n :r.1 ~
in s111ncr -rhu~ ehm1nat1ng !he rvi~~1h1l1·
1\ flF thP Sori;il Secunry b<M:ist bciti,:
blocked in an~ wa }.
Robert S. Allen
It s <1dnp lion is a ccrh1inty \! 11 can grt
C'(lnsidrr;ition. It "';is a ppr o v e d
unan1mnu.~ly , by the Hou~e -1,11hrrp it
pl::t,l'erl the tole or <l "sv.•eerener" to hrlp
put nver the \'igornusl.v oppnsed niult1-
b11l1on-dnlla r welfare measure. It \.\'nulrl
bP .~1mi!arly pa~~ed by the Sena'.e 1f it
can be brought up there.
THAT'S THE ONLY nbstacle in i!s
\.\ay, ;ind the backstage plan tn S\.\'ltch 1t
from the p1gennhnlc<I family ;;ss1 star.Le
pro!!ram tf'! nnf' nf !hf' Pmcrgcnry
rcnnnmic n1easures i.~ dc~igned lo b.vra~s
Ann!hrr import;int fac1nr lcarlcr$ of the
pl:in arc c11un\lng nn IS -pnli!lcs'.
.'\ext year is a rn::ijor clcrtinn 1r11r \\'i lh
::ill 4.1.l mrmbcrs of lh£' House · i'nd nnr-
th1rd of thf' Scn;i!e 11p for r£'clccti (l'l C11n-
d1tinns are uns!ablr <iod gr1evan<·f's
numerous and u·1despread As ;:i rnn-
srqucnce. the lcgislalnrs are extrrmelv
r;igC'r tn m11ke friend~ ::ind 1ntluence
people .
A b;:ilch of Sor1al Serur1tv inf'reasec;
n<'SI .July l"OUld be f'Xpecled . to help .ap-
prC'ciably on th at
Thi~ 1111~ J)fJJntedh· notr.d bl' Tlep..
Samurl S!ra rtnn In .... y I, !nni:; ;l !r;idrr
in 11d1·ocat1n,1: hii::,t:l'r Snr1;il ~ertJrJll'
h<'nef1l s Hr m~1nt;i1n~ 11 rlncsn·r m;i~e
srn~e tn drlav cnn<iJdcra!lnn I)( annthrr
Snt ial Setunly incrf:a~e. because o! the
oppnsition to the Wf'.'Jfare bill.
"IT'S RIDICULOL.:S," says Strallnl'l,
"lo ask the millions nf scnJl)r c1!1zen~ l1v•
ini: nn SociRI Sf'rurity 1n wa1r .::inother l\1·n
l'r three yc.irs In grt n1u rh-nC'rrlcrl ad·
0111onal hf'n('fl1 $ u·h1rh onP hr<1nrh r.f
Cnni;!rcs.s hAs :i!rrad1,· apprc1\ rrl s1rnpiv
be<:au~P nf the diffirulti('s <'l!<iS(l(·talcd u·11 h
::in ent1rrll' diffC'rent program. Social
Srf'UTIL.v impro1.'cmrn1s 11rc r s!'rnti:il no1r
;ind not .~ome t1mr in !he <listant. (uturr.
They should hf' acrrd nn \his 1.·car birnre
Congress "·inds up, anrt !h;it's 'tl'hrit \.\e
arr \.\'OrkinJ,! on ··
.'\S p;is,.rd h.1 lhr llr11ise !::isl :;prinr:. ;:i~
p11r1 11f !\1C' en1t"iri1!lr'1 \l'('lfrirr r<'fnr111
lci?1:-.bl11on . th,. Sot·i;ol Sccuritv 1ncrea~C'S
1nrludc thr fnlln.,..·1nl!·
A .') pertC'Ol :!t'T'l"::-!hc-h<J.~rd ~:llS:' in
mnnrhl;: b1'nrf11!<i. 11·11 h a .~74 n11n1n111n1
llt'nefi! -bo1h rffrf'l11·!' J1il~ 1 Al~n :1r1
.::1111nn1;it1r l'n~J.nf l11•1nt: i n r r f' ;i ~ io:
1' hr.n£'1 f'r !hr Cl'! e'<rrrd<; :I rirri·rnL -;i
Of\.\' rlf'p;irturr In Snr1:il Srcunl~ hr:irf11;.
ALSfl, Tii t: ADDITIO'\i\I, r ?fT'll'1'1
1ln1il1111nn r.::11 sed In S2.fl00 frr.m ~1 ri111.;
and "1dou·s' hc11cr11s inr re;1(cd !n 11l!l
perr rn1 from R2 5 peri cn t llf the
husband 's hrnrf\IS,
There 1° al<;c, ll pns•1h1l1l1 1hr rrnro~rrf
~ prrrcn! hoosL \1111 hP rai<;ed to JO
That " hrin!;! dl~~·u,,~rrl h\.' !rndrr<; nf thllll
pl;:111 hur nr• t!e1·1,1nn ha .. \rt bc•'n
rr<irhrrl Th(·\ <lrr ;i11;i111nr: rl!'ll'lnpmrnt .;
ln scr h•1w the legisl11i 11r s1tu;i11nn ,.,11:ipro;
A Year of Chilean Marx ism
rh1I<'·.( politics are a.~ anntnalou~ a~ its
~cography. It i.~ 2,fiflll m1lr~ long. rare lv
rnnre 1han 100 m1\p<; "'!df', 11nrl ~·et 15 the
onlv cnuntrv in South Aml'rica wi th bolh Al!~nt1c an·d Pac1f1c ports But Ch1tc·~
main dist1nc1Loo at presen! 1~ 1hat 11 h;i~
!he \.\'orld'.~ only frC'f'ly elected ~fa rxisl
govern men I.
Pres11tC'nt Sahador Allende·~ Popular
ljnit~· t"ronl. a <'nali t1nn of six lefti~t
parties, came tP nff1ct> one year ago \.\'ilh
!he narrn1\·es1 nl pluralit ies -I ( per<'enr
in a threC'-s 1ded race. The world 1~
\1·a111ng to ~ce H he ('an crrate a ~1arxiot
snr1:ilist s!ale 1\11thout lramplinl!' nn
Chile's rleep!y rnoied rrredO~ of s}>E'{'ch,
press. aorl po11 t1 cal as~nciation .
1'lrs. Allende. who is as art1culale an rl
pol1t1cally snphi.~li<'a1ed as hrr hushanrl,
has IJO ilhL~ions 11bnu! the diff1cultie.~ fac·
ing the governmrnt. "'Ne have a very.low
PC'r·capita incom£'. a high inranl mortali·
ty ra!r.. much llliterary, unemployment.
shortages of housing. hospltals anrl
schools, These· ore problem~ we have to
Gloomy """-
G us
Know \.\'hat rm doing about all
these stupid Halloween co!tume
parl1rs" I'm not going at. .B1\ and
then tf'!l e\·eryonc I v.•as there a5
Hnward Hughts.
-A. R \I.
'~" !••'"" ••1111•1 • .-r1' vi"'"'' Ml ""''°"""'' """' 1/ !~• 11_...w,.~1• 5•"" ''Ill' ft! ... VI 19 !)"'°"' •uJ. OtH' ~1111.
Edilo ri a l
soh·e hefore v.'!' can rea ch that )deal
i;oc1ahst society ... "
S0.\1 E SLIPPAGE 1n suppor1 for
Alltnrle has la!ely been nn1ed. The Pop-
ula'r Cnity F'ronl recen::y lost e!M"tin11s
In fill a lino <(' v11canr~·. the recto rsh1p
n( th!' Lln11•ersJ!v or Qh\r, 1he d1rector::i!e
f')f the J{IUrn11l1Sts' ;ind !hf' 1ax1 11n1ons,
~nrl lhf' lc;:ider~h1p of Sf'cnnrlarv $<'hool
sturlrnls. "'Even high sch("IO! election.~ are
fnu~hl on str1C'1 party line" i!'I lh1le,
Lew is H Oiug1.11d of The \\'ashing!on r osl
ob.~erverl . '
r-.·everlhe!e"~. Allende C9fl1111UtZ-1n
j)11rsut-his f\larx isl policies. Numerous
pn\'a1 P rornpanics have hcen na·
lion:ili1.erl. more Than 1.300 large farrtls
ha1·e pass('d in!n lhe hands l'lf pe11~ants,
;ind most banks are now 1n governm ent
hn.,..•r1rr, lh:il nn ~ll!'h p.t\'n11•n! 11n11lrl hr
fnrthrnrn1ni.: hf'(.:11 0.>f' 1hf' r·n111r;i111r~ )1:id
accu1n11latcd 111nrr th;in $i11<1 rn1l llnn n
"es<·c<:~ prn!Jtc; · f1'01n thf'1r Ch1lr;i n
oper:i t1nns_
SC'crf'tar1. n[ ~!iii(' \~'i1!1a111 ~~ Bnt:er~
:::harpll· repro\'ed Chile for u·h;;J! hr term·
f>d a ··~erinu~ rleparn1rr frnrTI arC'ep!rrf
,;landards of 1ntern;i!1nnal l;iw " !IP.
1\;arnrd Iha! the refu~al 10 pal' ton1·
pensR!ion might !('()parcl11(' rht ·nou· n{
pri\'a!e 1nl'r~1mrnl funrt~ tn Chile and
erod!' .~uppnrt for fore1~n aid.
Temper~ lllll\' rool 1n hflth S.:in11.::i~n anrl
\\"<1sh1ngton "'11h the ra~~;ii;:e nf t1n1r Th~
Time~ (lf J,nndon pn1nt~ nut 1h:it Ch1IP.
"nccrl~ fnrl:'\1!11 r~pcr1 1~P 1n pr'lrr~s1ng
her cop})"r :ind fnre1E:n m;irkr!~ 1n rl1~po~
i.ng of 11" 1\nrl tr, l"n1trd Sr::i1r~ 1•;inn(lt
affnrd tn 1ak" !no h;:irrl ;i line ll'!il 1t
11ndcrm1nc Chll,.·s a\rc;irll' ,c; h ~ k v Pcn nflm~· ;:inr! thc:rC'hy prrh;ip~ lu rlhe'r
"·ea kcn 1!s democratic inst11 111 1nn~.
Robert :"I. '\'rplf, I'ubliJhcr
'Tl!omo~ J\rrl'zl, J.'rlttor
Alb'°' t l\". Rn rr~
!,.'cJ1tn rrttl r n[]C f.:rl 1!11r
In the field rif rnrei~n affair~. Chile hll\,, t~tahh shrd rl1plometlC' rcl11t1nns "'ith'-
lh1na....,f:a~1 G1'rm11ny and Cuba . Fidel
Caefro'$,..for1\>eQ.m ing visit to Sant111.~o
·1!1 be lhf'"l?.ft'fnier's first trip lo a L1tt1n
Amenc.an e-0untry since he declared Cuba
tn be 11 socialist state in 1961. Meanwhilt'('
Chile. is mountinit ll diplomatic offensiv
that appears designed lo v.·eaken U.S. 1n
nuence in the Hemisphere .
Th,. rrlil nti~I !•~!:,. nf th,. )lA!ly
l'llt"ll ,.rrk~ tn ln tvrm "'"<! "l.Jmll• \111,. 1••"drr.1 h_1 1prr,r11t1n~ th1oe
nrv.:<~JK'r'~ n111nit1n~ JifY\ l"'tn-
mrnl•1ry nn l"J'll'-< "' !nr1•rr,1 .11nrt i<ii;n1 l1r11.n•"'. h)· 1ur"Hl1nc 11 f"nlm f.,r Ill" rSJ •rr~~1"11 nf ""r rrAdrr<:'
n1 11111rin~. 11.n(t n) l''"~"fl!1ni:: 1h• 11 11.,·~,. Ii• '1pnln1 ~ nl lnfQtmrd ,,too.
~"f''"r' 11!!d 1rnk"'mrn C'n topics
11! H1,.d11).
U.S. INFLUENCE in Chile lt~lf v.·as
rC'duccd sub~tanllally v.·hen. last July, the
Allende go\·ernmerit t'! x prop r ill t e d
Ame.ri<'sin interests 1n the Chi lean copper
industry ·~!t~ouli(h that move \\•as e:ic-
pectt'd. 11 11o·a.~ assumed that the t• S.
rnmp~ntr~ wn uld ·r~tl\•t some co m·
pt'ns:i!ion. It uas annou nced on ()(I 11,
Friday. Ortro ber 29. 1971
IW'\ ,,.
·1t h
c1::i l
inra ...
"" 10
rl h•
"'" n in
ira 11
· of
nnnt ' ,,
k .v
lJroperl y 'f a x
Relie f Sti ll
P o:-;:-;ib Jc-~la Yb c
• • •
S\("li\\11·''\T() 11 !'11 -HC'puhlH."<1!1
nnd ))111 11,,1,1!11 l<·;:1 •l.i!n1 ~ h:!\l' rm(•rg1•d
ltn1n ;1 hr·w l p11 •.;t11• 111,.1·l 111g 111th 1: .. 1.
Ho11;1l•I 1:.';1c;111 11 111i 1111 ·1+'••~1·11h•1p('111ci1
j\l'll[lf'!ll' I .. ~ II 111'1 illll,)" .li'l b,• fll(lt'll'fl
ililllllg 111 1~ ,,1·~~11111,
.\,~1·111IJ:1111 ;111 ,J11(' ,\. (;on~.1 1 \l'~ 1 D-l .. 1
~l11:ula 1, ;1111ilor ol ;l di·l1·:r11•rl .$1 I hiillPll
1:n: ~i'ilt pr .. ;,!i-;11 11. ('\lll'i'~ •'d npt1n11,n1
!r1i1111>111g lhl' Tn1ir~rl;n· 1111·1'1111g 1h:ll 1l1f-
ff'l"C'n1 'rs hi 111t•en Ow j.!11\1111or :inri
J>cr11111:rnt~ t•n tax r('lortrl 1·:i11 he re~11l1-
"I thu1k 11e r1> ~11 elo~e tn ;igrern1cnt."
he 1ntrl nr11 ~mcn aft<'r !Jl(' talks in
R"ae<in ~ ofll rf'.
Sen {;t'nrgr l1rul..111('11nn ! H-!.n11r.
Hc:ich l, '•ll•I, ••\\'(' .-J1~Cll"'''d TllC' ro~"-lhtl1-
I\ of 11>1\lllllllll!! !11 rxpl•>11• tr~ ~ee If
••JlrC'rn1l·11r i ;111 l-i<! rc;i,hrd 1111 a tax
rr lnr111 pai·k'1L'1' ''
1\ lh II.ii 111111: ll\'J.:1111,,1 111::: ~, .• ,1un
h··111 r• 11 Hl·<i!.!.IJ1 ;1·1d li ',(.!l'-l,1!111-.; hrorkf'
1iri11 II 1)1 t. I l.11 g1 .. tl\' r 1 llf ).'II\' rr11•\ "
111~1,1rni,. 1i1:1t .1 111· p;i,\.,:tg~· 111rl 11nr ;1
j11"0\ 1~11111 l1!'1lill hll tll ~ ln\',d ;.:"\I !"111111"111~
:inrl SC'h11,,ls ln1111 1;11,111;:: p1"11p1 !II t;1\1•s.
5 •
Senate .Approves
Ga s Sales Tax
S \CH \ \11-'.\'ftl 1l!'I 1 -f:;i11forni ;i
!"()t1Sll11H"T" II •ltlld PilY <i ~ pi•rren1 ~:tlr'
Id\ on J:::l..,'•IHl'' !o ra1,1• ;i ln1r"1 ~I~)
11111111111 f1•r Jllii~.., !1'.111~11 1111d1•r l••g1~l;1l lon
11 !111 h h·1, h!'<'ll gilt'll l1n;1I p;1~';11•1· h1 Thi'
S1 •11;1!c• :111<1 •fn1 1" c ,,,1 l;nn;ild lt1•:i gan.
Thi• bol l 11\ :-0··11;ill' I l';tth't' .J.unf" H
~!dis 11 l S:111 ! 111•g11 '. 11•1111ld r:ii•t' ;i 1u1 ;1I
111 ~171 ·I 11111111111 11 ith 1111"! nl 1hf' 1110111·1·
1•;11·11J<1r!..i'I! lur 111;1~.; 11 ,,n\ll , Thi' S1•n;1rr
,,.., <! 2i·1 Tli11r•ci.t\ [!~ l"l•ll!"Ur Ill
.1s-.1·111h!\' ;1tll1 'tlfhl11'11t•.
!'n·-.('t11h t",dtf1>rn1;111' pill ;i 111r f'l('f ·
t'l'nt :-alP ,· t:1 \ i'fl ;1\ul•"t c·\1-r11 h111i.: r~
t f ['I g.'l"nhlll' ;11ul foc11t ThP ~1 ~tl(' kr•'p~
1nur p1'1\T t1I ;1"t! rl'tu111, 11111' p1·rrrn1 111
!nr 1! i~"\ • 1·11111111 1
Thr1 ••· ~:1n l·r:lni '!~<n 11:'11• ;11·1:1 1·111111·
1w ~. ~;111 !"r:11 w1~t·.11. C11ntr:i C11~1:1 anrl
. .'\l;111 u•d;1. ll<I\\ p:iv :1 ~,,, p1•nT111 s;ilrs
!LJ 'i -Thl' ;1dd 111nnnl 1 • t·1·nt hrlp~ f111<111rc
thf' Hai 1\r•·:1 r:111irl tl':1n ~11 ~y~11·111. Th••
1hrr(-' ,·..-,1111111'' 11 ,.111'1 ,.,1 ,.11d thr ,;1, pt·i-·
t't'lil ~;111•· !;1~ l'l ).:il'ldll\1•.
T!1r \l!ll-; hill 11 1>11ld 1·11! 1111· st;itc•~
~11 ·11 l' oj th\' ~:i\t'S J;J\ hi' 1i l'l'l1 t <lllrl
;<u1!11q11" 1·.,111111•·~ \1• 1111·r1 ·:rSI' lht'll" ~hare
n! 111<' t:1x ti1· 1\11• ~:1111•· ;1111,,unt Hild use
thr 111n111'\' !1tr 111ass t r:t11~1t.
T('•·l1n w.1lll !h(• (·111111111 •.; 11 111d1! not be
r1n111n·d In 1;11•<' 1IH•1r ~ale·' 1;1\ 111 1hc '1
t'l'tit Hu! nll <;;1lt·, Lt\•' ;uf' 1n!it'('11'd hv
tl-1' ~t;JI(' ;'Ind rc·1un1t•ti tu 11wal i;111·crn-
n•('ll\ ;111d 1f !ht• c ·1Hln'11·~ fin nn1 fill~f'
thc•1r t;1:.1·~ tn •, 1T111. tl1r ~1•,!r \1 .. ulct nol
ha\'f" !t> rul!1•t'l ;111.1 ~;,lo·.; t;i\ for thf t•nun-
\h ~ ~
Tl1r "1111' ,,,, 1•nt1nr1 111 !ht• n·•1111r1·n1r·nl
!ha! 1h" ;1rlrl111n11;1I 11101111 h<' 11.;rd fnr
!llil'"~ 11:\!l'I! 11·1 1t1lcl ht• It\ ('!\\11l11f'~ \\"ll h
ll''' th .11t .·.11nn1111 !l"l'1i1,,111•11
Th~' ,11 1;tlh·1· t·o11n111·~ 1·11111 !1 'l'"11d 1t1r
IH\I lt'l l"ll\11 fu r puliil!' 11;111~p·11't ill l•IP ,
1'1(!111<1111 ;1\ .l•'l\\l:'!!lt'll ;111rl l•'!l'!lll<"!lfln
of !111'<11 •Irr•'' 11r 11llit'f ir;in~p•11·1:it1on·
H'l;1l1•1j :-:.t:f\ ii I '·
l\l 1ll!> told the Senate his bill was sur-
p0rl('d hy o\er 100 local 1?01•rrnmfnl
at::rnc·1f's anrl every mainr newspaptr in
rhr i;tate_
Bu1 St'll II 1. Richardson !ll-Arf<irlial.
as<;1•r1t'd lhr bill v.'as "a $170 million lax
Int l"l':lSt'.
"Th!.' st.1\e is O\'erburdrnrd \\'ilh taxfS
as I! 1~:· H1chardson de cl;ired ,
The ri !llls bill would not ;irlert lhf' lnt;il
~1;i1e st1lcs l<ix revenue. The incre<iserl
111nn!'\' froin r xt('nding the tax to ga~nhne
ll'ould offset the percentage cut 1n !he
state sales tax.
Law1nan Injury
Bill A11tl1orized
SACR1\~I ENTO 1AP) -Gov. Ronald
[\1•;1gan i:;al'e ll ~pccial warninJ: to ''the
tT1n11nal <1nd revolutionary alike'' as ht
signed i111o l;iw ;i bill lo nutl<iw 11d-
1·neal1ng killing nr 1n1unnJ: ::i law ofl1cer.
The bill signed Thursd<i .v m<ikrs it A
fel1\ny lf lht' officer is hurt and a m1.~de
ml'<1nnr if he i.~ n11t
"This lrg1sl<1!1011 scrl'CS nnllce on the
rriminal and revolullonarv a hkr thal
C.'lli!nrni::ins recognize the ·responsibility
11c hal'r to protect those brilve n1en "'ho
pl<1ce 1he1r lives on the hne to protect
us," Reagan said.
Brown to }'a ce Hap
NE\\' YOBK JAr1 -!-1. Hap R1·n\\n , .
re<"01 ering frnn1 hu!lel wounds sullfrf'd
in <1 pnl1ce shootout. has b~n ~hifted to
the prison \\•ard nf Bellevue Hospital.
F.,i!.-~ Octob f• 211. 11J7l ________ _::OAJL V PILOT J
QUEENIE By Ph il lnlerlandi
• '
., 'Think' &igns all ever tr.~ o ffice aren't good
enough for him."
McClosl{ey Bla sts
Nixo11 Ove1· Viet
LA Detective s
Under Scrutiny
\.4)5 fAPJ
persun;1I files J..('f)I 1n ~tat1nn
h(luse locker~ h;11e bel'n ~c11rd
in an in1"est1ga11nn in ln "p<lS\1-
blt' niisc:ondul'I" al L)1(• 59·111;,n .. ll nlly wl)l)d d1'lr1·t11e d111~1on .
1111ire frequent in the futurt:.'1
Hag<in h;id satd.
But \\'hen D<nis was !n·
f111 n1f'd !h<lt hi.~ pres~ aide had
r!f tl1rd th;•t officers' weapon•
1,r1·e IC'Sl-[1rcd during lhe
prn!JC'. 1h1• ch1f'f replied. "Pett
l1.i~n ·1 ht't'n fillcrl in yet."
Jla11s .\Did he would keep
brfn g11111g 1M1 for 1'l'i ll'ffk~" •iH•11 ,n1i'n inforr11ed of the in·
and l'uuld t;ikP flt111thrr t\\O 1 r~t1gHt1nn ;;nd wt>uld An•
1non1l1s. J );t1'1~ d1~1'ln~t·U in R
~l;1l1'111enl Thursd,!1',
lie :,;11d 1111 11ll1cl'r'> h:i1 1•
ht•f'n l"l'[lf'\(·d of d1111· and
tll'cl111ed lp ~11 t' sprrif11"-;,
s;11·111g 11 ~·uultl h1n<h•r !he 111
\ t'~11i,.:a111u1 ,
Askt•t! h1 11~11 ~llh·n If 1nur('
lh;111 one. nftwrr 11;i<; untl<'r'
.~c-r11ti11\, r1 :i 1 1 s rin~ll'rrl.'d.
"Thar~ 11 s:1r .. st;111·111t•nt "
I l:1 I '·'' [ll'f'~~ ;11dt•, (', 1Tl1·
n1;111d 1•r !\•!f' ll:i!.'.111. ~:iid, "If
!hf' rh•pa1 tn11·111 f111d s (T1n11n;1I
;i r•ti11\lt'S, J[ II 1111;11..l' !lie 111;1l-
ll'I" tn lht> d1,l1 l!'l :1l(1)llli'\' 01·
e1tl' nl!1>1"111•1 n11d ul tl' 111: 1he
ol hPr will 1,~111: r1H11pl:11111 s."
l!.'lg;in h:ut tl'ld nr11·.s1ncn
f';1d1l'1· ll111t lhnug/1 public a11-
nnunl"Pn1erit ot t )1 c 111-
1!'Sl1g;1t11111 1\ <IS 111\llSU!ll . SU( Ii
''lnsprel11r t:C'l1('1':!1. r111l11nr~-
n<>1.111•'t' 1!s re::.ult~ ai ,. news
\'l•nl1 •1t•flt:l'.
H.1g.u1 <.ai1I the r e c e n t
!ransl\"r o! Il le 1!11is1nn chief,
(';ipL \\'('~]cl' \\'h1tnker, was
nut 1·fln11P1 1C'<l 11·11h the probe.
11 ,\' I 1' 1-; D
.~ 'I ' _,\ 'I ' f ; .'t
.V ,\ 'f I O N A L
llA 1VK
'1 to 1
17141 540-5211 .
10·5 f'.M.
l 0·6 '·"'·
So. Coasr f'lotG, Coll• Mn• !'t.1 le" 1111r~l1g;11 u1ns 1v c r 1'
rou1inc undrr [);i11s' 111•,) l'e/lrS \\IASH INr.TON IUP!1 the 11·:1~. On Thutsd<1y he ;is Chirf. .
Re p. Paul N. tll cCloskey c R-spokr as a lnng-l11ne arti1e '·\r1•1c 1·nnd1J(·tcd th r s r
Cal1f.1. has raised a 11£'\\' is~ue f rl I · ,. nd rcsr r\ e ~I a ri ne nfrt(·rr ll~t "i'i"i'i'ii"'iii"~'i;';;'i"iiii'i'i'~Y~";i'ii";;"'i.ii' iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!i~~·~i in his carnpaign to deny Presi-
dent Nixon a ~econd term. l!e \\'Ith an1plc c nm b a L rx-J h<i ~ <iccused Nixon of f.'lil ing j)Cl"lfn<'f lie 1n1p\tt'd th;it if -----1nr'Sc~I~· <is t·nnHn;indcr-in-'.'11i"ot1 had seen s11n1c c·n111h:11
ch1Pf of 1he ;1rn1ed furct•s. dunng his \\'orld \\';i r 11 ~;11\
t>.1rClniikl'\'. a dfCor<iled hrrn .~('r\u·r ht' 1t11glit 111•11· thi' p11;.
nf !hf' l\urf;in \\"<ir. i·h;u·g('d bleni 111011• i'learly. I
Thur~d;iy !h;11 f\1xnn"s pnl1r.1• ln t•n111111c11is 111adc at • ii
of gr ;i rl u,. 11 ,\' w1!hdraw1ng ll('11-s t·11nfrrt•n<·1• ;ind lo !hr
An1rnran 1rnnps \1•;is t<iki ng 11 (\1ni!n's\11111:!1 l!f•(·nrd s1;1tt'
!('rnhlr !1111 on the US. 111rnl. lht> 4-l -1·1·ar·<1ld c1tt 1·
---------1111l11ary. tt·ndrr f11r the Hrp11hl l!'il ll
"The l'rf'.~idrnl "s pol i('ies pn•s1 rlcntinl ll<l111111at1u11 1·111n
t his
OCTOBER 30 & 31
-¥--¥-)(-)(--¥-::+ ::+ ~
Featuring the fabulous, new
l1;i1't' ncHrlv desirovfd our p;"trf'd lh'' w111d1ng ill111·n nl Fi1i cli Leaves Priso11
TV itlt New Girlfriend
ilrn1C'd servlt"r.~ -their pride, L'S. l"ninbnl 1111·oll•<'n1en1 t11 i\
lhrir di~wiplinc, thrir mnralt', retrcal.
.'Ind no"· 1hcir co 111 bat fl11r1 ng hi~ S('l"\"H"C ;is H
per!orinaner ," he ~aid. ,\l;irinr pl;i1oon lcadrr 111
f..1rCloskr.v /'tied fl'l'rn1lv J.inrf:I. ,\1 <"i"loskev .~:1 1ct . h1·
p11h!ici1.etl 1nst;111ces n! d1suhf•-11as 1n1·•il1·rd 1~11 11111 l'i•l11':11 , 0<1+1••n-l•nq ''"' E•ir"r''"" n,1 P"bl,, •' wl>~lti~I, p,;,~, f~t
Are •''' P••l•11 ""•ko"'•·
pA ;n+onq•
,~, '"'' """ o f!er0<:l lo l~o
''"'" in tht H•rbct
1 .n~ .\\i,l-:1.1·:~ 1l"l'\1 -
T<-n \•'a1 s ;1J!" 11h('n nr.
H•·t n•11 1! l-"·111 h anl'I rfl'l·ha1red
'.11.,1•' Trrj.!•tlf 11l'rf' ~rntenrerl
\h ]1!1• 1n1pt l",•11111rnl tor the
ll Hl!li•·r 11f !ht· II' l' .'1 l l h y
!'111").'PHn·, ~ot·1:1l1 le 111lr. th('~'
!ht·\ 11lc•rlJ!1•rl 1<• 1•a1! l11r fine
;ln"l h• 1 nn 111:1ll1•r hh\\ lnnJ:.
in a i;tate \\'here 1hcre 1s a
grral ner.d for dnetor.i;. HP hll~
krpt up on the latest medir<il
hter<iture du\nfi: his 1m-
His elderly ather, Joseph
F inch. \l'::t ~ expected to fi:re"t
his son \\hen the gatr~ of the
Cliinn n1in in1um ~Prun1v 1n-
<llfn('f' on lhe batlh·11;·ld. 1111rl <1.~sltul1.~. 111· lo1111d 1h:11
sla.1•u1gs of olf1<·1·rs h~ en!islt•d !hr '"rl;1n'" lruup-; d1,pL11•
1nrn <ind \1·1dr.~rread rrpurls \\hf'n !hf'I arr un lht· nltrn<.1 \1·
of dru~ ;u;ldu·t1ori a1nung <:Is !urn~ qu11·klv 111 dr~p;11r uni"f ;i
•· 1 rt•g ret to suggl•st th;Jt 1\11s r1·tn•:1! h1•g111~
brr:1kdo\\n c:u1 be lr<ll •rl •'\\t·"1(' hf't•ll rt'!T1':t1111g fnr
cl1rec11y Jn thP r11n1n1ander-in-2•, 1 •·;,r~.'' \\{'('ln.,k\' s<11d in
rhiC'l'S <i f!p.'lrent fa ilure tn des1.-11!n11g lhe ~l1':1d1· p111\11u1
rf'cngruze that n1nr;ile and ;i of l S. furl't'~ ln1111 \"11•111;1111
wtll In fight <ire ;is necessarv "You'rl' ;1-;k1ng t1•u n111rh 11[
ingredient s or rn1 htary powe'r ii c;1 !o still ht•lurut 11 ttr killed
<is 1ni.~silf's. guns and !;inks," on 1h1· lasl d;11 of ,. w;ir ..
··'lhr\' :1n• ~t ill 111 hi1c,"
\l1~s T·n·gnlf 's l.111~cr s;_11d ;it
thi· J tr)li'
T1ula1 till'
sti tution fin11ll y ~wing open
}'inch has been ;i model he SH1d 111 ;i st:iternen! lnst'rlfd lhat 1hr 1·1•1111tr.v has g11 t•n 11p
into 1he Congrt'.~s1nna1 Hrcord 11'1nn1ng." !1P d<'cl;1r1·rl
11 a ~ !ttTd prisoner and his tcrn1s of• ThursdH~". ".\'1.1n.1· t:ls 111 S11ulh \'1rt BEAUTIFUL OIL PAINTINGS
sp1·11d111..,: 12 ~t'Hl'li 10 1;i1·1r1us p;irole were unders1ood In be l\IC'C'ln.~kPy h;i..; \\'<1 grd a nan1 ;11·1• 11nw1ll111g I"
p11b :ind go1ni:: lhrnugh thrl'r lrnicnt. For one 1h1ng. there 1 ~ pnl1tu·al 1·a111pa1gn ;:ig:;:i1n.~t p:lrt1('ip;ttl' in c1ffpn~11 1• 1·11111 ·
sr11s;1111111;tl lnals. !\1 1 ~ s no prnvi.~1011 Ag<iinsl ~n1 ng !n N1xo!1 _ centered l;irgel .v nn h;il np1•rat inns nf any kind,"
Tr •'~rilf 11;1<; rrlcascd t11{l plal'C.~ ll'h<'l'f' ii l r 0 h 0 Ii c trild1 llonill do1·1sh ent1cism of s111rl r.1r c los k1·.v.
~ ( .1r~ ;q.:o be1·r r:1gl's Arr snlrl \'1· iiiii~~~~~~[!i~~ij~jj~iiiiii Tl1r 11·:1rs lio11r """'hrr! "Brrn1l'~ s~1nrtrn1n1ng wa.~1
Wide Selection
Of Large S"xl O"s
• :111 ,11· !l1••1r l111P ;itfair .'l!lrl nr1fr l1rg1or,'' an <1ssoc1 ;ite
11•n11.~ of p;1111h• •pr1-1f1(·:1tly s:tid
f1H•l11 h1! ;1,,11c1:•:1nj! 111!h'/•nn-The three tn;ili; -!hf' firi;\ WESTE RN ST A TE UNIVER SITY 24" X 36" DECORATOR SIZES
111·t<·d lt •ltin.;. !lir 1· ha~ not f11n enrlin_g in hung J11nes -
~1·1 ·n 1•,1, h 111lirr ~Ille'(' lh<H l;is\ \l't're a n<il1nnal sen.~H!1nn.
t1;11 1111·111111 iu Jllf;l F1orh !onk thel1'1 l nes.~ s1<ind
F1n<"h. 1n t.11·1. h:t~ a nrw and brokr 1n10 rr;irs :it the ae-
J.!1rl l!u•nd 11 ,1111nt:. tnr him. r nunl of the rl(':ith of h1i; wiff',
:--tw 1 \11~. \1'1 a l1;11 1s .. 1fi. a H;irbar<i. 1n .Jul\·. 19!"19. 1n !hr
1•11!<•11•. "1111 111111£" l•I tun1 ;ind dn1fwav nf 1he1r \Vri;t (:ovina
'•11 111111 ;11 lltf' ('.1l1 f11rn1a h11!111p ·h11mc while <"arolf
111 1111111 .. 11 1"1 \!rtt ;ind h:1.s 1·01vf'red 1n 1he hu~hes Jl r
~I " 111, ,,,llll" 1,1111· 1,1111 h1111 claJm('d the\• h;id g<u11• th('rrl
11l•'ht11 <•11 111·r-,1t 721111ur 11111\' 111 re11snn 11 1th h1~ w1fr
["' t'·" ,i,, l·11l"l il!I\'-<1bn11t,. d11·nrrf' <inrl !h<ll,. i::un
now <i <<tpting men a nd women who 1r1 eithtr;
• ov•r l Ii "'''~ 2 yo•rs of •«•ph bl• <•ll01t •
'""'h (601. .,,
• o••r ,l a•d ).,v• •"•;••d 1,, •r~"'"' l•-••11"""1 ;hololi lh• •q~,.•l•nt o! obovo (lo
b o <lo••<m•nod by t0<t)
Sea Scapes
Still Life
\11 11., 'liws ;+l\il\ frnn1 hr hrn11~hl In lr1gl111·n 11fr 1 ·, ., \: ~. "' ''""··~hp ... -·i !11 I. 'r'f·'" r' c• ··, 3 <6'""· r.r v,•o•1 :. le -. r•· <:•/,
r ,.,.t -.. CARVED FRAMES ;1 I 1l1o. 1.f :1 p1 1,,1t1ll' rn;u -\\'f il l off <1cr1d fn t;i lh
,,•, hill ~,11~ ,hp f111rh !hr lie s;i1d h(•r 1:1.~t "'nnls
r! 11 ', t' :t '\Cl .I' fll~!'ll1<11 ll1 J! "rrr ; '"flern1e. fnrgi\•p lllf'"'
111,>11 H111 1hl' f;i rt 1h<it Mrs ~·1nr·h
Iii·' '1 11'!.!<Jlf. 11•111 .11, h:i<; u ;i~.;hnl1111hebark<indli ;1d ;i
Apply Now for Fe bruary 7th
Day or Evening Classes This Is A Limited Time Event!
( l11 1 i.~··il 1111 11 .. 111r ;111d 11 ork.~ sk11ll frt1l'lu re plu.~ hi!!: <inr!
;1 , l1·i h 111 :1 li1"p11;1I 111 !he C;1r111r·.~ fli ghl to l.;is VcJlil~
1... \•1g• ii '11h11rli~ rr•l1\'ll1C"Cd lhf 1hird j11 ry r1f
1'1111 11 lt 'P"ll•'dl.1 h;1.; hffll Lhr1r g111ll <ilthnugh 1he v re
1ol l1,n·d :1 11>11 111 ;; "tnfdu .:il Jt'.'rlrd the sl<i!f' demand for
, .1p;11 '1 1n thr n11ddle wfsl the dc.'lth pcn.'111.v.
_ ,!rlt"r,1111 C'1!\, .\ln, has ;oc========== e '
800 South Brookhursl
An.ilieim 92804
171 4) 63S-34S3
(Oct. 29) !Oct. 30)
NOON 'til 9 P .M.
!Oct. 31)
l•r111 1111 nll•ll1t'11 a~ ;:i f)Oiili1ble .-
l"i ;illPll.
T ti ~· t1 ~ t 1• n Jlil1h·"llrgc11n
;u1to111;1!u.:alll h•~ h1i; hcense
\I hr-n hr 11·;1~ 1•nn1·11·1rd nf ;i_
fl'lnn1 fl h 1rnrl sarrl today
!ha! I 1111 Ii h:11I )11 op1·~ hr n111?ttt
hr 1 r1n,!,1trd In full pr11cl1re
T'>• rl•11P" .,f J [\ er ll ~. w·n \.,.. <~"1 •. .,.j 1·~0 ., .• ~ •· ~
, ...... "" ... , ... I"",""' •. f "'~ (.~bt~• ot LON, cr•••t·~~ "''·~··
(>-•'1•r <>I 1h~ !>•••• nl C...lih tr ,,
369 E. 17TH ST. -COST.4 MESA
I Look for th e Little Ye llow Cottage )
Phone 645-5360
G••"~•'•• "'" ol·~·blo to T•~• 1~ .. c•;fo.-·, S••·" p., £,,.,,·~··:,"·
Saturdoy• in
Only Coast & Southern offer:s savers all three:
• 6% two to five year guarante~d certificates.
•Saturday Service. •The Insiders Club.
Effecti ve
r~·.~hnn~ fJ n IT 1!l:ri , I r1 ,
(1111> "(.,~. CPrl j 1r~1 ~ }I/Inn M•11 "ltl 1.
I uo lei f 1v" 'r'Pflr CPrl1l•r.<r l<1<, i 5 nnr; /~ " "'"'" ,
Up to 90 days loss o! 1nt1>r"s1 on an1oun t<, w1thdr;iwn
tie I ore ma!unty on all _r,,rt1 !ir ;i1 ,. ;irr n11n l<,.
Th' ln 5.ider1 Club; A ne·N .... ay to hp;it 1nlli1hOfl. Its tTl"lllhl'rSh+ri card
permits you to buy nearly everyth1rig you need lrom !he finest c.tosPrl·
door showrooms at substanf1al saY1ngs-appl1ances. furniture, Sl<:!/PO
equipment. spot11ni goods. draperies and much, muc.ti more.
You ca n even buy cars at !he "!teer· price and mobile homes and
motorcycles at substan!ial savings 1he Insiders Club a lso ornV1d"">
big discounts on tickets lo sport ing and en1e r1a1nment events ,.,
plus a 'NhOlf! list ol free services safe deposit boxes. monP./ orr1Pr">,
tr<11ve!ers chec ks. no!arv !>erv1c.es and !he use of docum1>nt
duphca11ng eQu iomen1.
M1>mbershin reou1r!"ment tor savers 'f.2.SOO m1n1n1um halanr1>,
Cnast borrowers nnw rP<.•1v1> assoc1~1 ,. m€mbersh1ps •n!it lin ~ thP•fl
~n 11!! ou!s1ctP -r•fe1 r ~l s,.rv1ces Ask .>JhOll! 101n1nR a1 an>' Cna">t nff,r ,.,
...... IN O• r1c t'
'11,,.0,Hdl l"'~"IZ''''i;1\1 ~l
rn1.~, 0n,. .,
~4 N F'(()AO• , ll'lu,,. r •• ,,,.. • .l•i '1r1 1
WILSHlll[ ot GltAMloil ltCY ~LACl.
1'1'1 W•''""' !U"". l A . 19• !<'~~
•l A CIYIC<:(Nllll I
r•'"""~ ~11 ... lf.~'"' '"'" · 111 ~nll
~•NOAAMA c!l'rv ·
, "" .. fl•••Mw•/ • ~'f.] 11'1~
"l H(l"l•MJ!lnn(•<>"' • •/14• ~'>/IM~/
l'>O~N "'"'~St •1 1141 ~rl /~2~/
/l.lWol•h"~Rlvtf • jQJl'l/46
~61~ v.~ N,.r• R• • .;, .... , l llL
TAo\-2 4N.l·
J~/~I Y••"•T• fl •<1 •1~~.l•!I
LONG Al.lC~·
,,,, A. l"'"". 41 11••1
[AST LOS ANGrLt"'· ~lh A 'Sr>1n "166 010
Dolly Ho•..-f AM to .t l'M o,.,. Set1ndo~9 A"' to 1 l'M
•Not o~ S..1yrd11t
jt A .. 0<<>1\"'A ''>l>••&•U ... • u
i . '
< ,
" ' f;
·f·"'"''f ~
hO•G "'!MO•li.L t<OJ,ITA~
O<!oDo• 11
Ai•· •00 /," """" C.'•<>1• ~I! i>••<>QOI~ LO""'° a~I M•• DC\
Mr • .,e ~··1 ll•o(• llV"'"' ~ll Tu!f<n
"''""' •·r•O()" ~••tr 01" ,,,, • ...., '·'" 11 •• ,.,.,.,.,d (<'•"•Cd•,
•111 £ 11 0·0·•~ Or"' 1<uol1~1•A~
6 0•<~ "'" N'• •"~ ~" llpg"' L II~•" ••'7
Po" "l•l•O" P IM •, ~,.~.,o·• 11 • ..,.
f,•• '"d /'•• r>-. d I To•I"' lfd
~""e.J" ~'''" (o•I• '·'"" n~•
"" ""' "'"' "~~·" .J "'"''·" n \ '-'•'•"t • "~' t,n ) ( "''• '"'''· ~.
"'' •"<> •. • G•"• ""• :oo.!l 1.,110(0
(1'.l'O l'ou Q " ~" '"" '·''" M•t~•~' "~ Ho!\•, i 'l}I &•"" I ~·• """''""'~" P••rh. 1><>1· ''c •"" \'" cr .. i. 11 G•l'• 111 11 ~· L 'O ~~"' r.• '""" \/,•IO 0"1 /Ip of\ll '•''; JO/"'I I( !0•1·D~•-UO• l:•
\l,.g,,•1• p ,,., N o 1 (MIO M"o . '
t,•• '"" ~,. llr<>"' V 6laC• 11:..'I
'''"'N'" l •M """''~91o" I!~''"' . ' "" -•nd N"' fa~•·• J 11 ,•<"•li, ll;I
\',•1• S""'~~•' ~•"'" "'" oirl
N• ••0 I.I,. '·"'ti'" A ~M•"01t"
1•111 (~"""" Con• f<oJM.noron
l:•o<< • " Ot•ob" 10
/It •"<I 1,-,, "'"""' "' l•n•·"'· 1)100 l'~·tf<•'" ~•' '-0 l o~ LM
o ~..--' < •I
J." •ro I,'" (~" o l.'•n••· in:i ~•o• O• ! '"' ,_. •l.n••on B••<" O"'
I." ""a '·''' JM""' f t ;•qlf ' lnH? ~"'' n Lo"f , '"'"''"''"" B••th, t.ov ,,, """ "'" O•"" w Por•y, 11oon
("<G Bono Loi\! """""""'" B••t'l
•• ,1 ,,,, ona t;,. Art"'" W I/•• B"'' n 1~38 1.-'•'" />OI (. (o•I• ~'"•· b<•
/" •'>O M1' Do"•IO A """ :Ja•
(.o'"O" Pl•r• (<;.''" M"~· 01r! Q(lobor 71
M< •"d I~>< .J•!' (11"" '71! r 1,,.~11 0
~,• 'o"• Mo<~ <I .ff Al• an<! 1:r1 W.n•om (or1~1'•· l•O
(,1 •nodo W••· Cn"• 'f"''' 01r1
//" """ 11,._ Oe""'' Gunn•"""' Jl!•
""'"' ~IOP>•OOd. O••"-ll•· l><lY "" or.O ~'" f ,motny Mo•on, lb-OT WH I So•t>N. A~!. No, ..... "lfWf)Orl
ll•ot-~. g,, I oc1o1>..-n
Ho' o"d M" L~W Pto·..-••, 1115
Wh"Ol'On .. 1-<""'•"9'<"' lleO<t<, OOV
Octobu 7l
Mr """ I,'" 0"'1•1d llv•~''" 111'?
11,""buO Cor,1e f ovn•ain V•ll••. 9"1 M•'·ooa ~,,, D;;d 6hnoo, ~Ill
Aoam<, Hun••f19IO" B••<h, ~"'
Mr ••>C /,\<> """• A•ch~· ~,. S~olr"1or Or"• Co'1• M"~ ~·d
/." ""~ M'• qob•" C ~•o,,.·•"· 1~30
C•'8""' O"v•. Co!I• /"''"· g,<I, M• ~"" ~"' ~l~••n Poe.co. 1lll1 "lor!~
Poln;.to1•, S•"I" Ano ~••
M• ""~ /,'" Tom •''-d•, 11•9~ Locu" $1<••• Foun'•'" V~ll•v. "'"I
M• ol'Mj ~"> JO,~P~ """""°· 1935? Mou•• L•n•, Hunl<n~T~n B•oct<, bov
Al< """ '"" 11,(nMd E"I "' 911? ~U"""~· D' ,, HuM1n91"" e ••• ~.
~' O<loDot l<
M• •"" #" R<><>•" Comt>tt. 10'3 W1ll•t•· So! 1;0' l, Co>T• M.,&, boY.
Mr •r>d M•• Jlmmv W&IO.f " \b<\37 SI" ""'l)Olo, Fovnu in ll&llev, ;irl
Mr •r>d 'Ir• W l"&m L<COf . 161 Sont&
1""'1•• (O.'O M.,I, gLll,
M• •"<I "'" Jo"'~' P l<;v~. 100'1
l'o<T ( rcle. Ho~•.n111on lltoc~. t ••I,
Of !Harriage
Filt~ OClollor 1l
D•••d'<lf', B•'ll••• Tnut.,. 1'10 Nolon
Go• I On!!
t>11ton. Pou''"• A. •nll J>&li>I< J,
Low G•O• J ton Y•on"t •n<l Roa•rl E""•'ll !i1ll1 "1't /\nn " 10<1 /loronoll A. K'"""l n, G•li B••lr•Lt •"1 ~1~ni0>' l ••
W•1t. (a tn•"n• 0 •"II (•r"ll L•votnl Gom•' L.-ono·!I .J •"<l Vlt9•"'" ~ 6t~"1on. (hP'V I 4nn on!! .J""nn• [
RO!.enll"'o. Oo"O or>d Lo1etto
t<vd•on. ll'•rl l •"" JO>•~h /-A. Rov•"· Roneld L on!! l<M•I• M,
P •ot"•' MO·~•••! 0011 lf"!O"
1'!1m1>t<I ng, No•m• L ""!! (h0<le> H
G.roou, Lucv M 1n<1 c;...,,o• J,
R<>Cl,.Quel. J ton ""II Anlh""'
De11tl1 1''otice~
f lrn"' J> Ll.,no•Ton lSI! '""""" LO(\O C0tono o•I Mo• 01,. ot <1•11~. Oc1011« 1'. •911 Su•v"·•!I !Iv \l.'•ft, And1,.•or. ~obi> w L,v.ng1!on. t>ot" of Co,on• del ''"' 5t tV><PI, N.0110 •~. 11 N09n, P1e<f1< vi1w Mot!u•<v. O«ec!on , MC KEl Gec~•r!I "'""" <91 Call> Ca!l•l Lo gvn~ 1•11"• Do" o• ~.,,~ Octoo" 1~. nll ivr.lve<I O• "'Jf• /./,•!lo•, •i;f ll•nThP" Jo1....,, o• ttem•• W1lu11•• >•n JVI" ~••••Hano: (••vii• V••&l11, Fran>
!Olll'O"'' 1nd JMn /Jt O:ff Yur<o
llolit v. lwo """' '• "rm• ( vl~••••on, Lon• !loath. l.'o"on l/•n ~ I f •• ln<!OPf"O~n<e. lol1'>QV" S"'"'"" Mo~ d•Y, 10 Al.\ P•C"•C Vi•" Cnoot1, "'''n '"'
"""' V·>" t <><lo• ~ l A'/, "lo 110 o• >JfW1><1•1 ll•O<'• """ (hU>I•" Rr,O"' l
'·••• ~''" •t'l; '""'""'"' r>"'"" v ~, •1 •• mn··~' P•" w.,1<1<'• c ~ • r • 1 l..\o"u••, 0.06 ~II O '•<I~•\ MONAHAN
f l<Ubl!tn fl llQ"O"O n /el '"""'''" S•, :-.•,~11"·~~::..•'..;o ri•,i: ~~:,·;~~~ o--~J~(4,!l
P'''"il M' ""~ ~'" ""I:>'•! il'DO'> '>•'! C1<men••. '''"' '"" f'"""" P••"' G.-d~n C.•o,. 110~•·• .,.,~..,, f··<1•• :JrloO•• ;o< ; l'.o Pl' C!•ov • .,. 11.,,
S•'"'~"' ,~Ji.~ nPtr., ~· r •T"•' "• "' ;,~ooo (,,t.,oi.t (~v"n '"""'"'"' ,,.. 'IOV,PQ•' fl!~<~ \not'<, l •O'J!\O B•0<n
Mo•!u•" 0 1•otla • O~l (N
[<Jgtn• ' O•i•n ~~· '' o• )(;• ~·n " .. un•.no'~' fl•.r" f,.•. M <!•I'" Or···•"' II ltll ,,,,,,.or, tJ.; •;.lo M"Ho• • '0"
l"11•• f n•1•0 """"~'•·\ "'-•·•" ·.• ~oro• •'~ '~'·''"'" C· W•"•" '"'' ""e" fu •' • r .... ., •"O f•~'" I" O•ve< '"'"' O'•"d'"''n''" ~'''"e'" • r.;,.~;,.,<~-~· '"r~~; ". ~,1 •. ~ '·'11 ;;~: ;~1 ~nt
~"'·'~' l,'D"u•r' On"'IN\ SA>IFO~D (l~Vd '•"''0 'J•t&••n O' <~•'"<·>" "'"'•r«•' W•r ~'l•O •n' ot •-& ~~<~°'''' (Q••• """ D.i• o' o••'" flo•Ob•• l• "II ~"'J ,., '""~'"~ •' !l•H e·~•<l-"•1 '~"''""''
~VU""' s-·'" ~II \' !lo"' !)• ~· GM!!•' f·-'•• !}~" ~· •1•••h Or•o~~' I • 1'71 ~"" ve•! bv •11••• '!•• """~"
"''''"""'· (,~'0"" (,rov• "'"'' ~U'""~" (MIO> (\D'"" Pnv-'• >"V«•1 w•ro ti•lo •Oil••· ~ •. o.,, ' PU. W•Uc "' ~:~~:\ 1 (':,~';.~i~. l~: ... ~1~fr"lt\(_k~D!lf~
Mo•!u&rv ~·i-•aU. Oirt(I~••
U7 E. I 7th St.. Costa J\Jtsa l H~8S8
I 8 A1-.1'7. '.\IORTUARJE.S
' CornnA dt>I J\1ar flH '.l-94an
Cosla ~le~a :\II 6-2~24 • 8ELL BROAOW .~\'
110 Broad•ay . cOita !\Its•
LI g.3433 • l\l rCOR'.\fl CK 1.AGllS:\
1795 Laguna Cenyo~ Rd.
414-9415 • PACJFIC VTEW
Ctmt lt ry l\fortuary
Chapel :tsno Pacific Vlt• Drive
Ne•·port 8f'ach. Callfornl•
hf.!700 • PEEK FAMltY
7101 Bol11 Avt.
\\'estm.ln1U:r SN-31!5 • S.\IJTRS' MORTUARY
ai Mala St.
RunUngtoo ~•ch
01 t~e Ot llY f'lll'f Uolf
IR\"l\'E -Lt>ading tht .!!IU·
dent go\'ernrnent at UC lr\'1n t
rh1 s f t>ar are not one but two
:.tudtnt prt>s1drn1s.
Por !ht' first time in the
~e1 en yf'ar history of lht
11•1 Inf" can1 pus, st ud t n t ~
f'le rted a team of candidatt s
1rhv ran aga inst " field of nJnt
students seeking 'lht ont jolJ'.
Ste1e t.:t1nd1n1a, 20. Dov.•nty.
;i nd l'atric k K. r.toore. 19.
I .aguna Beach. have dil'idtd
rhe :\SUCJ ltadershi p duties.
Chad11na. a ~enlor social
~cienC"es niajor, hand lts tx-
lernal affairs~
1\\oore. a junior hist.ory ma-
jor. handlts rtsponsibilitit!I of
studen t gov trnmtnt on cam-
At a recent Rti;:enls
meeting, Chadima spokt for
tht' prt>sldt>nts of student
go1•t rnments on all nine: UC
campusts. following h is
remarks, Regents aclt>d lo set
a~ide for student projects, a
portion oi tht $21 million rais·
ed through the $100 per
quarttr edu cational fte le\')'.
Closer to the homefronL
il-loore administtrs !ht spen·
din~ of so me $135 ,000 raised
through the $7 quarterly
ASUC I fee ... the lo west stu-
dent go1·ernmenl fte of any
UC campus." ht says.
The ASUCI budget provide!!
' ' services, activities, prir
grams and representation that .
are directly bent>fici al to lht
Jr,·Jnt studeot body.'' t-loort
The la rgest ~ingle item in
lhe budget JS the community
projects office in Santa Ana a
student run soci al strvices
agency \1·hich is funded by
nearlY $13,CH)() of student fund's
and a m;it ching an1ount from
ihe UC Regent s.
ASUCI is attempting to im-
prove its communications Y.'ith
the community around UCI by
One Half , , •
offering a pri 1·1Jege card !hat
alln"s non·studenls to attend
carnpus events at student
1'he ASUC I e'xper11nenh1!
col lege offers cl tisses fur
studen!s and the publ ic alike
<1l no charge. Offerings rt111ge
frorn poller_ll to ph ntD,t:raph_v
and the C(lllr~e listings will
nun1ber about 20 wltl1 the
openin& of the v.•inter quarter
in January.
r.foore a!so noted that both
stud ent government presidents
are willing to speak to com-
munity groups. ASUCI also
provides a speakers bureau of
A new l'enture ol the student
go\·ernn1ent this year 1 s-
P<rl a&h. a coffee house en·
tertainn1enl scheduled every
Friday, Saturday and Sunday
night in Student Cenler L
Potagh. f.1 oore explained, is
an Arabic v.·ord for "a place lo
get togetht>r."
r.Joorr is opti1n1stie plans for
a permanent student union
. , . of Top Team
racll1ty ean he paek<iged fnr
<ipproval of student voters thi~
year. Last year, a stt.idenl
union plt1n "'as r i n a I ! y
defeated <ilthough a 111aiority
of students l'Q!ing in an earlier
elee1ion sujiported the idea.
The early \'Ott' did nnt al·
1rael lhe required number Qf
to!;il 1·o ies for p<issage. 1\l11ore
!oiaid. 'fhe bu ilding \\'Otdd he
paid for by an additional levy
on students.
Both Chadi1na and Moore
admi t to being part of the new
student generatioo th a t
believes much can be ac·
coniplished by \\'Orking \\'ilhin
the systein.
Moore notes that e:in1p11s
unre!'it never "reall y <:ame to
CCI'' and suggc~t!'i I h a t
students have ' ' be co me
di si!lusiuned with tl1e rhf'tor1i:
that v.·e can change hy \~·ayi;
nther than work ing with and
throu&h the system."
''There's been a lot oL voter
registrat'1on on campus this
year," he notes.
Coast Spokes11ien Pushing
Marine Sanctuary Laws
01 floe 0 1111 '"ll•T SIJll
SA.'\TA ;\~A -Supervisor
Ronald \V , Caspers is schtdu].
ed to ttslify ntxt v.·tek before
a t .S. Senate subrommittet
on tht need for establishing a
inarint sanctuary in fedtral
watt rs.
Caspers \\'Ill testify ;\QI'. 4,
befort lht subcommittee on
n1in t>rals. m.11ttriAls and fue!,
a branch of the Senate·s Com-
mittee on the Interior.
Rep re.'i t nl1ng Orangt> Count~·
and rhe cit.ies or !\'t\\·port
Beath. Lag11na Be a ch .
Caspers v.·i !l filt a stattmtnl
ur ~1ng adoption of California
Senat or Alan Cranston's bill to
prel'enl oil drilling in !ht thret'
to l:Z-rnile limit nfr.shorP
This ban "·.;n1ld include the
area fron1 the S11n1a Ana
Rn er to tht ~lexic:in border.
11here a ~late han on oil drill-
ing nO\\' !:'x1s1s to !hi:' thret·
niil e limit.
J oin1n & C'ap strs in
\\'ash1ngi.1n DC In ;1ns11·t r
any co111 m1Ltee questions will
he county IJ;irbors. BcaC'ht.~
;ind Parks D:rec:tor Ktnnelh
Samp~on, \1•ho ltstified befnrt
lhP same cti mmittee la~t 1e::tr.
Cnunl\' Harbor Comm;ss1on
f'h11ir1niin f\1.irt in L:.cab will
<iecompan.1· Samp~nn. who \\'iJI
ll'111·e for \\la sh 1n.1:10n Sunda\'
rn conta ct inlertsled .senat nrS
and rtpresenlati1·e.~ btfor~
Thur~da\'s !t>s!imonv.
The three men he.ld a brit f·
ing Tuesd~.V at ll 11 r b n r
District headqua r!ers 1 n
r ... ;e\1port Beach. Attending the
mfeting \vere C.enr&e Da 1l'e:<.
t\e\1'port Beach harbor and
fid elrinds director . I. ar r ,I'
Leaman. harbor dist rict nf·
fi c1 al and Vic AndrC\\'S and
1-l<i ns Lorenz. both nf the
Coastal Area P r otec Ii v e
The cities of Nel'.'JXH'! Beach
and Laguna Beach and Orange
County ha\-e co·financed a
professional lobbyist. Fred
Burke. in \Vashington to pro-
mote the sanctuary bill
.c;an ri1cgn ha s r"pres.~ed in-
terest 1n contnbuling. but 11:>~
no! done sn ~·c1 ,
llrary oppns1t1 nn is cxpr rtrd
fr on1 the oil indu st rr. whic h
h;is cxplrirrd rhe aretl in lhe
past. but , snid San1psnn . ha.•
not }f'I fpund significant
an1ouJ1L<; nf nil.
Caspers' tf'.~!in1on:-• 11• i 11
stre~!' 1hr 11nport:1nce or
rf('rrat1on 1n !he a1·Pa .
•·J'rn going \n tel l thrn" hnw
v.e ~i re tr~ ing t.n get all lhe
un~1ghtly ele!nents out-lhe
billhoard~. the t e Ir p h n n P
poles.'' (';i~per~ .s;i1rl .. And
this 1~ just another bi!lbn:lrd
at sea:·
E;rch con1mtltee 1nr1nber
\l.'111 rctr11·e an ei~ht·p<r f!r
rf'pnrt. illustra\E'rl v.·1th photos
of county be<iches and bca rh
crowds. Casptrs \1·i ll sum·
n1arize that report in his in·
itial testimony.
Sampson suggested Tutsda.v
!hat if oil dot's exi!'it in the
area. it should be kept ;is a
reser1·e in case of emergency_
Argun1ents by nil cornpanies
that they can drill without
aho\·e.11·af('r ;ipparatus or ;inv
ch<1nce of leakage have not yet
been pro1·en. St11npson .s;ild ,
"\\1e can tell the111 , 'G et !hat
technolog~· and then con1e see
us,' " suggesttd Caspers.
Sierra Club
Sees Sli<les
SA.\'T A A!\A -Thr Or•ange
t'o 11nry Sierra I '\uh ha s
1't'hedu!ed its 1n0r1thly mrelin);
for T11esday a1 7:30 p,n1 10 lhe
aud1tnri 11m of ~n1rdley .Jnuior
l!1gh Sehtl-01, 2120 \\'es t
Edingt'r f\\·e.
The first tinlf of the prn-
gr;in1 \1'1 11 hr dt'1'11f ed In a
pres rnt :1tinTi and cli::;ru.s~in 11 or
lhe proposrrJ arbnre1t1n1 ;it Cal
Stair Fullertou
The :>ci·nnd half \11' 1hc pro·
gr:1n1 1l'il l consist of a ('nlor
slide prorlu r1inn bJ Jerry
l\ea!1ng of Fullerton, focusing
1in hiking . in the hii::ll Sierra.
The present;ilion 1.~ ent1Tled
··ct11nbcrs Vie11· Frnrn the
Sun1mi! ·~
The 1nee linR is open to
111e111bers and guests,
Housing Goals Set
l 'o1tf.ty l'onsiders Lo1v-cost Livi11g
SA:-.-r A Ai\A -Goals of an
Orange: Cnuntv housing plan
hal'e betn adopted by !ht
1·ounty ~Roard of Suptr\')~ors .
Board men1bf'r:i> t>mph!l~ized
1h!l! !he r:nals art nnt cnm·
mi tments In an y sptciflc: hous·
1ng proJlram.
The long·debaltt.I housing
e!f'n1rnt !:-; tht c o u n t }' ' ~
genrral plan, according to
l'lann1ng llirector F or r !it
r1irk;:1~on, simply authorize~
!ht eounly PlAnni'ng Dep1rt -
men1 to sludy pro1trams which
ma.1· nr rnay no t lead to a firm
housing program for the coun.
"The preliminayr houslni::
eltmtnt i~ a minimum , but
nt cessary by st'llte la\I.'. flr1t
step for the rounty," Dicka,on
t'Xpla lntd under que~tioning
Wtdne11d1y by Suptrvisor
Da vid I... Baktr of Garden
Baker had expresi;ed rea rs
!hat the adop tion \1•oul d com-
mit the count.v to substanti:il
f1nanc1nJ in\·nll'c1nentrtn future
housi ng projccl.!I.
Crea!ion of a coun ty housing
;iuthorit~· \\'AS not debated
\Vednesday. Thal su bjec:l 11 ill
he before the board on ,'iov.
The .&:onl!'i and PQl irie~ ril·
dorsed by the bQard include
To eneo urage a n d
partici pa!.f' in 1ht' de\'elopn1rnl
of 11 variety in Cl\$\. de~ign,
type and locat1<1n of dwellings
~o as 10 pro\·id<' adequ!l!e
housini.: for al! residents ol tht
co un1 y.
-To require cnrnprehcns11·e
planning and order!~· dcvrlop--
me:nt or !.ht rural :inrl urbrin
areas of the countv tn meet
the: neerls nf all pfcse ul and
futurt rf'~iden!s.
-1'n assist 111 apd en-
courage tht pro\ ision of IHie·
Quale hou~tn.!( for lam1 lies or
indi\'iduals ha1'ing povert y,
low or 1noderale incon1c~.
-'fn pro1ide utility, s!r<'el,
ncptei:tl\>vand \\'Aste r'emovnl
st rvices 1o ench l'csidence in
t~ unincorporated area,
-To ('ntourage an d '1C·
l11·ely rron1nte coordination
and coopera!1on bet1vccn all
le \'els of 11:o v e rnment
reRa rding h o us i n g re·
qu1ren1rnt s. stand<trd~ and the
integration of C<Juntywide land
use: pl:oinning.
..! To require pr i v a I e
developers. 1vhen plAns of a ci-
ty srsile are pr·opnsed, tn suh·
mit those 11.·hich include com·
plett plaru1ing for hu1nan .
phys ical , economic a n d
gorernmentnl en\'ironment ~.
Tn encoura~e I h ('
dlsf)('rsinn of ~und hnu~1n1? for
low inrome per ~nns
thrnu~ho11t lhl' con1mnuity lo
1n oid the .~oel<1I Anrl ~n-
1 lrnnmtnt.11! rl1.~Ad\'ar1l!lges Of
(uturc slum areas,
The new d iagonal rib.stitdi
in 100% polyester. F11~h
ionable fl11ir le~ $ly1ing
with $lep in elo~tic woiST
b and. Women's sizes 1 O
to 18 in .iissor!ed F"ll col-
ori lo mix or match with
Women'• Polyester and Nylon
Space Dyed Knit Tops
Color coordinated 10 mix -$ 98 ,
or match pants above, Jew-3 e l neclc, plac.ket front. but· ·
ton closing & !ihort sleeves.
fall color~ in sizes S..M·L. · •
Women's; Polyetter
Tunic Length Tops
iunic leng!h with self $ 68 bl!lt and noio'elty trirn -2
med neck . Choice of
long or Short s leeve
styl es. S.M-L
Women's Knit
Short Sleeve
Bubble Shirt
$398 YOUR
Pucl.;e r bubble ,1yle ••.
1n new F~ll colors. Extr11
ie n9 1h for lod.,yi fashions,
Reg. 69c to $ J"
Paint Brushes
1", 11h." •nd 2." Sizes!
Colorful Printed
Bucket Bed Rest
79c "Hot Color"
Desk Accessories
In Butterfly Design Choice .f Colorful P.11"em1
DiKounl $333
Be~utilvt mul r,.
color b ucker
~tyle bed re51s
for 1ouno;i1ni;;r,
Teod ing in bed.
Ch0ice of blue,
g o!d or ~roen
Monogram 6
Filtt. ~99
Gillon · 1.
A fine qualify streigb_t
bourbon !ip&eioll')\
priced even Jowel'
thi n OIJr every doy
price of $3.49.
Choice of: photo
d iory, fool long
a ddre~~ book,
pencil well w ith
pencils. m e mo
boo•i worh p&flll
11 nd note pad.
79c CJ!ippers
~::: ~iied Nuts '--'
1n 12-o::. V1cuum Tin
n1ent of m i ~ed
nuts pac~s in 11
Vocuurn Ii n f o /
f reshnes1, Buy
roow 11nd 1111o'e l
7 Days
and late
Reg. $ 3 00 Du Barry
Necessaire ~; _], feminine Hygiene
~ Deodorant i~' '96' ~
;.;;;.,;;:!;=~· l;;.~~;3·5~.,~,0.~D~';''~·_:;Pk;g •. .__,,~jJ
:;';. ,,---::---::"::"-':':""T"":":,... .... t: Reg. Slc Ka ~an :~
. MPS Pet Food
' ..
Compare to othert at $1.39 ·~
~ o:r ,: "> Flock Lined
Rubber Gloves
$2495 Value!l6 In.
-Sidewalk Bik e
With Training Whee l$
~5 88
$12" Val ue! Mattel
Racing Sets
• Mon1100•• & s ... i.i-. Wheelie Sit
• Hot llird Air Ra ce
:i;O , ..
$799 ? You(
Cho fee .. ~
'!'.::, .. ''' ~.;vnt O"I
t.\al:el iol"" ra~'f''l
•r ·~ hi.uie::I v. 1111
Reg. 1 11• Aladd in
Vacuum Bottle
I ~19
r i•it !.it!l -virltJ•
allv 1nrle~1rv111ble
f'{llynr opy! e n ..
{O~e with tun ond ~
}!Opf'l er, le~"
r •ool, 1u1 1proo!,
d ntnroo'.
$398 to $5 98 Value!
Beacon Blankets
59¢ Value! 8x10''
Color Reproduction
ChooM -from eo11cl' col·
or•, ch•ck1, stripes,
p l1id1 end prinh. Buy
for your1e lf or for thovohtfvl ·11nd proc!lcol
9lffll 72x90'' ".f Stir''
&.<'Icon 811nkeh _
Mount&d color reproduc·
lions ieletled from the
world's great m8~ter1 &
c;on1 empor.try llrttOs .
• $4,99 V•l1.1•I 1•10"
D•c.o••lor f••""'' $'l 21
Ol ll i .llllOl 9 .,.
" Bribery Charges Have Tarnished Famed Scotland Yard
~ond~. and fnr laking hribf'S to
help th1evt:s plan a r11b~r.\'.
rnt1re ~-~· lhe.sf' ra!.es
The .iilOr~ 1n late 1969 lou('h· (l('rltr~ he rver lnok ::inv hnhr 1111h t ip~ lr11rn 1nfnrincrs.
f'<1 flff 11 onP·~·e11r 1nve~t1gatinn A rltfendanl in ann1her rasP. '"Jn n11r 1101"k." said .. n('
p!.111 1111' 1!1E:!I o{ l'lJ.:iil't'l!l!~
<111•1 11 l11•kr1
A rlP!f'f'lll P·~f'r'tPll111 \\-1~
rl 1~rrirt p;Jekrtl with prn·
st11l11rs, i::amh\Pr~ ilnd druii
perlrller~ The polire ttattnf1
l..flNOOS JAP I -Sco11and
~·.1rd 1~ "·orr1e<I that some of
London'" 20,686 pohren1 en are
f11r1n,c: nev.· !Pmp111t1on" that
thre:Hen ln la!'ntsh the. Yard's
pr(l11d bad,c:e nf 111\ri;:n!y
Tv.n dt>tect1\r<; 11P\lt;ired In
enur! lil'>t v.rC'k nn hriht>t'\
rhat gr~-lhr l<1!r-.1 1n 11 !'<'flf'~
nf ill)rj:!ed !"Ol'nlpl1n111 ~1:-.f'S
tf'prrsf'nt an (' x Ir r m t
n1111onty . But thf' V:irrl hii ~
1<:sue<J nrw i.:t11deJ1ne; t1.i;:hten·
1niz. rulr~ nn p<"1!1c·r 1'nntarts
11 11h undf'r11nrld f1gurr~
Hrcent prt'.'ss article$ l'X ·
prti;sed t'flncPrn thal mnre
1h11n a rl n1.en bl'Jhb1es Arl.
aw1111lng tr111I and about f.Q
n!hers are under su!ipt'ns1o n
prnrlin11. 1n\·r<;f1.1:at1nn of rflm.
plArnts ag111nst thrrn LA ~t
~eiir &II po!1crn1en 1n Britain
l'l'rr t'Dn1·1crrrl of fflm('!', 111-
(•]11rl1ng corruption.
h,v :io l\ff1rer~ -thP bu:.£~\ rn· • rle tl!-Cttve·ser~eant, flirt~ rlr!P<'!11 P <'h11r ~Pd \1 1th tal..1n 12. se1en count~ 1nrlud1ng all~i.:en tcrnal probe 1n \"iird h1s!nr~. r bribes, "\\ e h.i1 c tn ~n ;ilnn~ hr~he!! r:ini::1ng .rnm ~O !n 100 'fh· 1h r•• p" 1, r , 1n, 11. 1, 0 11 1 t \i lT1n1111;i\., i\n c1·r1;i 111 r pou nd~. $120 to .~ .
arrested nn bribrr~· and {'11 r In a .~cpar ;itr ease. lht onr t h1ri~~ Rul 11'1 ~11:-rh iil 11f' rupl,•11 •·h .. ,ge<. ,,, .............. ,. h 1 1 1. rt'•'l'l\('0 n1nne\' 1s ahsolu1el\
-r111r1•1 ·Prf t" f,1111 1r:i1 ~ lr•r
•l•••1•<111du1.i.: ~111111'1nnr11, 11r1.,•t
1111 ;111l 1<111r r\t11lr•r !1P hil1'f'il
;1rr11~rd •lf ha11dl1!lC. ~1 nl r n
i:!ill\(\~ \ 1lll~'f f1\!lt\l'd \l i!h !hf'
l"!IJI 111 1h" ra1;.j..1•1
11 h1rh ,., •\er'> Sohn r,portrdl.)'
J.:"f<; !)\Ori' rnmr li11nJ,. nf r"Or• ~
r11fll1011 1ha11 n1her Lnodn11
jlf"P('lll("I ~
!nun~· c;i:-.e 11('UH\1('terl thtrf
tnld ;i rr.111 T he p;.ud aln1nst
~1 ..!0t\ 111 hrihr~ tn ~f\t'ra! n!
thP l.rnchtn lnr<·r 111n a.~
hnhb 1r~ Sn111r ha1·r hrr ild
rrl for rx1nn1nc 1nonr1· fro
~h<"pl..eeper~ thr1 f a I s: e I \
ch.:ir~rrl 11 1th h<1nrll1n~ ~tiiten
Only ::o~ (If J.!iO!l re~Vlrted
t'O!llpl;1 1111s ;ig;i1ns1 pol1r" l;ist
\C'<ir \\"err s11hst<1nt1a1Pd, 1he
\ ;u rl !'ll\ "· anti r11n~r were
llll!l••r nflrn~r" nnt 1n1 11h1n c.
·111111p11nn Rut 1n a ~nr1r11 !'n
11111 ;ih1d111 i;; rhiir n1n!'~
1i<il1• r111rn d,.n•t rllr1·1 c.un1'.
{'\f'fl ~;i li!llr {'fll'fllf>\IOn .. IS
rnn::1fir rrr1 100 mu1·h
One rnrrrnt ra!>r dillP.~ h:11'k
In an r,;pose in !hf' Tnnr~.
Rr11a1n·s m n s I 1nf111f'nt1al
nf'1\'Sflaprr. ;i llr i;1n11. (ha t ;i
!'irn1nr V.:ird n/ficer and 1wn
dr1tct11·e sergeants r on k
,. '-" "'""'" " t :it )('giln ast 11 r f' ... t11H · ·
n<1rcnr inprel1m1n;it"_\ hra 11n~~ dttrcli\e~ llre aectl~rd wit h r 1rl1i·ulnu s"
llnrl are on ba 1!. Tl1P srn1nr nf lhrrr i·tiili;;ns nf pl<l!llp~ In Thrrr rl1•tr1·t11l•S g111 int11
f1rt r 1s t:hi!rfi!l'd v.·11h pln111ng nblil ln"l()IJ !lt)ilflll~ :is a f;ii·flr 10 lrf\1lhlr 11hr11 a crook :i1·t1ng ii.~
!o e x1 or1 rnonr1 frnm a !h1rr rellirn fnr i:rn111g ;in ;:irr('strrl .1 p;;1rl 111frinnrl" !nr thrn\
he a llr,l!C'dl~ (r<1n1rrl rn:in rrlC'asl'd (In h.i ll 11n11111I 11p !urn1ni.:. lhr i·np~ 1ntf)
Thr 1h1rf 1 c.~r1f1<'rl th<il for <'rJurl tt'.'st11n1111\· ;irid pa 1d1nfo1111ers £nrh111 1.
nnr :illcged hnhc he 111;id(' ne11~fHl pC'r ;11·!'011nt s 111 p11sl 'l"hr1 11r1 r _,rnt1'1!<'1'd t.1 1q1 t•1
pa,vnffs !o!;il1n~ $4RO 11111r1rr<1I ('.'IS('~ sh1\11• that unrlrrwni:ld j\111~rilr~1n pr1~"n 1111 \h;ir;ru~
instalments !rft 1n 11 t>o'M">k nn ;:i t·nn1art.~ ollt'n Sltlr! nut hP1ni: A ~1i;O h11hr fnr 111f.,rr11;111"n
l'1 1l1rr 1ns1:-.r ~\H h (':J~r' ;1rr
i)1•,'.!.!r'·1>111,: 1·,1.11 \1111 \,.11
111.111 .l\Jlh"! t'lf •I nl•\r•I ,,11,.111
.1 !•11l1r t.1\\1ni;! I .. nd"n 1tf'lf'I"·
111r. ,,;1.1~ fir l4•:irt11'r! lhf" '1111·
Ill ~ fillr'' \nr 1 :11·1011~ hr1hr •.
<111nnc 1110 1 r'or~ rr~"a r1·h
'\r11n1an l1 r\ 111 Sohn. l'I
f)nt· tl\l'll!"\ 111 \hr pr rS!'i l!i
1h:1t lfnherv hA~ hfocnrne ii
r11i1re ~f'r1nu:;;. prnh\rm rer entlv
;ic: 1 IC'h n1nh:;;.trr!i. mn\·ed 1nln
Snhl) 1<11 krl~
\ "111•e.1•r r"P"· n/if'n p:i1rl
\"t 1\1"1 a 1r;1r·. li11'f' lhP l11re nf
his:. m1111r1 nffrrrd d11nng con•
1;ir1~ w11h Sohn 1nfnrrn cri;. Th'.
':irrl prPf Prs nlder m~n for
1h(' !'.nhn hf;\l car seal. The pol11·1>n1an l<•j(J[IJllill t'. pru1 irlu1i.: pnlu·,~ lhf'_\ ga1r.1h1r1 r~ Jn hl'IJI rhrm
f;;-~~~,) SA VE '3 !
\':' ' \' . 1"< ,:J~ Little Ro ys' Nylon
\I i 'J}·~· Charger Jacke t
. ~ .991 K r~u!ar
SIZ .99
i:ully li ned nrlon shell for
warmch. Raci ng str ipes on '.'i ]eeve.~. Concealed hood fo lds
i nro en I lar wi rh zip r er. A s.'i<l rt·
ed col ors. Sizes 3 rn 6X.
lnfant.s '-Childref'l 'J Drpt.
SAVE '3!
Bo,,s' Hooded
,. ..
Charger. Ja.ckets ,
R,.~·u l ar
"( 1197 '
Lined Anrron(l;I nvlo n oxfo rd
c!nt h. Hood zips a~•a y in cade t
sryle collar. Zipper fronc clo~
ure and pockets. \V indproof,
w arerproof. Sizes 8 ro 12.
$20 Stu dent Si7.r ~• -~] 5. 9 7
B11;·s' Wtar Dept.
UAP. SPor1
R ""o I» ing Charge
. ·~ ..... ,', 8 Great V aloes
'· .. MI • . 1 I' · ,-1 -
.,,, Fill;in H11,11d...,d1 oC ltemo Offered Dul"i~ Thi. F. .. n1 ~r~ Effective' •l>ru Sat. Oct, S01h
l 00% l\ylon S !rr tr h Sri•
J-"l.ircJ lc.L: p.:1n l~ u1irh ~11 11 ht'd·d()'1'1l
t rf·a.,c. L"ll,I.: ~)i't've n1nlrncck in p
r 1riJ.:'· P.HH~ 1n ~olirl rolors. strired
u 11's. S 1\l L (2 tr) <1X).
• '• . t-~ .
·~ ..
I 11/iiri/J ·-c bildrr11 ·., Drpr. ~
' "
Bo yo, S1ud rnls' FlannrlP,J"1
':ilur ! 3r!6
1·oa.<ry-w:trrn cotton fl~nnr l pal• •
m a_< 1n m iddy ~tyl e. l.nng ~lerTt tnp ·
~·11h e L1q1c wat§f Mttoms. AM.oned
print ~. S1z~s 6 tn 16.
B111•i' U'.tar Dtpt.
····· ... ~ ... ~~, "' . ''.''"'11~ ,, I : I I • , ' , . ' . Jf . • ' •/. . . ' .·~ JJ/I~~~,~~· _'i
' > • • f' . . , ~ .. ~ 3 ? ~..-; f
f ;
: j
i , , ,.
i ' i
: vi' ( ..
' ~~I «,. ~1 ... ,i .,,,,,
Halloween Fun Cdltumes
)'n o r
Choi rr'. 129
A ~:ide assonment of tradi tional charac ter s in
bright. eye.catc hing. colors: S-M-L Clown.
Pr inces~. Skeleton. Tiger , Witch.
Tn1 Drpt.
111·••00, S1 I -tJJO •••·0111
JIO.OM I .. ,.,,,,
ll6-2111, ~, •• ,,, J4J·t004, 244-461 1
'17.98WildflowerAf1?han Kit
c:r ea\
Va lu e'. 1288
Kit incl udes hand·w~hab le wool i(1 yellow,
green and white ... lonm and in structions
also included. 48x62-i nches.
f\lfltion.r Dept.
Girls' Cling-Alon • S 1l('k ~ ·
l~r~11 \a r
$1 . I 'J
Cling-a1on® stretch nylon and Orlon ~ acryl ic
kn ee .soc k~ fnr a pe rfect fie , cushion y co mfort.
W h ite, co!ors. Small. mcd1um, lar,RC.
G;r/.s' lfl ra r Drpr.
llt·•••t 111·11'1 ., •• ,111 at•.1111
INSUWOOI OIAMOf 1'!(0 JOI/TN COAIT rul.t.~ ., .. ,,,, 1.Jr.1100 tSl-1112 S•O·l lOI ........... , ........ ,,.. ... SANTA n utl .... THOUIANO OIJCI .,, .. ,,, .. 1 •l l l I, 111·41 \I 1 i.us. aouocx ua> c::o. "4·1411 •t7-41M, 111·1 IJ I
' -
' -..
Cuff Top Panty Girdle
Rr gular
$1 0
I 599
L1gh!ly boned\ cuff •moor h' mid riff. Split
crotch . Avei::ab ro r~n. full hip. S-M·L-XL
Lon~ tor50, full hip ML XL 2 XL.
Bra and G 1rdlt (Jrpt.
fOllANCf Sati1fadion ,.,., s, 1
...... ~~I I' Guaran .....
71l·•••I, , ••• ,,,., Or Your MOM'(
VllM0 "1' Ioele 7Jt.\f 11
I • ' ' I> ' I ~
! ' ' •
1 '
• ' ~
' ' i
' I f.
' ' 1 ' f ~ '
JQ__ DAILY P!LOl rr11fav Or1n!;l'r ?I'! 1?71
H~ !.. \I BOVl1
\I ·\.\V ;:i rrnlr~<;znna l rniln 1~ 11pl In rn1brlJ1sh h1i; fhnst-
m;i!' r::irrl~ 11 11h lhr f;inH h' rnnr<ilt. hut nnnr t<; mnrr 1Jkrt.v
tn rln <;() rrn n 1hP 1n~ur;inre c.1 lr<m;in nr 1'I' ron1cnrls a bU5.''
pholfl~r;iph1 ~h<op ~·t'r1·a1 .ir
\ ll \l.llll'T I' 1n II' pr11111· ::i1 !h•• ;i ~r 1,f l1 ;1n 111 .;;lrr
:it lhf' ;:ip_r of .'! H1 pn1nr I <11111 I rnf';:in 1har"~ 11hrn thr~ ran
dn lhl' !HO"! ru'hUtl" Thr \ f;1~r f' )11••1 !h('rJ
TllOSt-. FOOTl\J\l.I. Pl.1\\ t.HS l<llh the rno~t aprr;1!1ni:
pr1~11n;1)1t 1r ~ llff the tirlrl. 1n nrrirr :trr riu:i rtrrback ~ 1<1rlr
rrrf11rr , •<'11 11'r~ 01llhnri.. ;i nd rii:hc Pnrl~. Suf"h 11;1~ tht>
J\lrlCr)"l"n! r'lf ;i p:int>I nf qx C'f\Arh<'~ C)Llt'rl c-rl nn Lhr 1nilrtf'r
' Tll·\T rn:11r1111nn1;il p.1rinrr!>ll!p lru ... t ;;ipl ID ('11d 1n rl1111rr•'
1.~ rhr n1:1r riagr nf :i widc111 tn .:t w1rl1111rr Th;i1·_.. lh_e 1ndtc;1 ·
1i"fl fr·n1n :i ~turlv (If 1(111<1 1·C'cr1rd-" JI al~ C'nnf1rm~ !hr
111rlr!I l1rld bcl1f'f ·lhf' tn:irriagr mo~! Apt to rnrl 1n rlivnr-rr t~
ihal ~rr11rrn ;i h11 ~bund .::ind w1fr h01h of 11horn h;11r hccn
d1l'orcrd l1<'!C'C prc11uu~ll
\1·111-:.\· YO Ull f;l!A\"Oll<\D 11·;o~ :i tnt the rinctnrs. :ii
lr.::ist n1nn1· nf 1hrrn. 11rrr gC'l!lni!. t hr1r mrd1c<ll rl1mplrin1;is
f1·nm 1n::iil-nrrlC'r ~t'h01l L<; ft('lt111·"11 IRRft rn l!<ll!!. rx;ic!Jv l..i12
j:!f arlualrs nf .~f\·(·;illrri !lH'lilral .~rhnnls put ln ;ipp!irfl!Jll!l~
111 n1r l' S .\rm.1 ,\lrd1e;il Cnrp~ \n<1 7~ pcrccnl of thPse finr
frlln11s f:ii!rrl tn p.1 ss lhP 1n1l1tary '~ n1rrlic:~I J.:nnwlrrlgP 1r~t
Thi~ 11 <1~ tht> cru ~hrd-brr1lrS·lrl-~C'rnsrnr fl"IU!r1 rC' schnnl nf
Cl "STO\IER SE R\.ICF: Q. •·11·h a 1 s
rirf11s· real na1nc"·· A. Juh;i \\'ells . . Q. "!;; \\'arrrn
Beall\" rich""' A. ,\11 [ kn1•11· is he";; ~;:iirl tn hil\"f pulled in :ii
leas! ·si; m1!1inn for ··Bonnie anri CJydr ··
~n YOl" THOUG llT ··snr·· ;irnnnl! thr nuh1.:1rv mrn
;;1i:n 1ftr." 'St.:1nd.:1rd Oprra11ng l'rnl'erlurr" rlicl 1·nu" 1..1ke11·1sr .
/1 df"!f';;n t. tur·n.<; ou1 . Ynu r;;in f'f'lllC('f a fr11 hr!;; on th1.~
rna1hr lla1r ~pl11tcr~ r\r:i ~r nritf' Thr ··s·· 1$ fr1r ··s1and1n~
\l\\"l "F\CTl'fl~:H nf 111;ii..r.\oul'·•\11·n hrliroplr·r lo15
i;a1 ~ hr rrrr 11f'rl ;in 11rrlrr frnn1 ;i S;in Qurntin ('fln1ir1 R11 !
\fl'u knn11 hn11 !hn.~r g01'r 1·nmrnl nlf1r1:t)5 arr. Rerl J;ipr foul-
erl ur thr "'holr 1h1n:::. ~· hp cruildn "1 rlel1\'rr.
IF 1r·s thr hnrle ~ fir ~1 1n;.,1-r1;1 cr ~nu 1·:1n hgurr thr
lll'rif1inf,! trip 1<11i Ja;;t nlrlf rl;;i1~ If If ·~ her 5f'\Orlrl rn<irr!il(!f'.
•·nunt nn ;i s1x·cl;11 1nr I'\ 1r1 p I mr:1n 1r;i\'rl. ~nung Cr\low
Tht> hnn ~vmnnn ;i sl::itr n! rn1nrl . •~ "'1mr1h1nc rt~r !t r;in
ht> rxprrlrrl lo la."1 enn~1rlrr.i hh \11ncrr.
11 •II
)·r111 r r1;•r.ll •n11~ 11111! 11o1•111ir 11I.<; orr 1r r lrn1•1r r1ull
hi' r1,·rri 111 ('fff;('~'/;\'t; /'r /1"/1;1·r 1·r r pn~~ih/r.
Pl;n~r nrld 1 r ~.~ !•''''r /r:irr,~
l~i5 .. \·r 1rport Rcnr/1 12fifin
!n /., .\f. Rn11rl, r .O. Rn:r
M11rs Probe Perile<l
By M ys teri,ous Mutter
rAS\11~:\·\ 1 \P1
Eng1nct·r~ ;irc kc1•p1np ::i 1•nr-
r1l'rl r1·f' nn ,\1nrir11.'I' 9. tht> ! S
i;p;ocPcr;o fl nearing .\1 ;:i r ~
her:iu ~r 11 1~ entrnnc ;i
m.1~trnnu ~ rt'CHHl 1~11 rn1 \l111n
mill'~ Jrom 1nr .~un 1 :1llrrl 1hr
"( ;rr;it I ,al;ir·!lr / ,rw1 ··
Thf' r\prri ~ ;;it lhr 1·a11lr•1111.t
Jn<;l1t111r n! T1 1 hnn\o.::1 ·~ ,Ir!
r rnru1~1nn I .ahtor:ir11r1 hrr {'
clnri l kn1111 11h:i1 1hr c.1111 1<; nr .
1\·1th r1•rt.'ll!l!.1, th.11 it r1 rn r \
1.~!~ R111 l1111r 11! f11 r 111 r 111\1I'-'
rrnhC'.~ Jn \1ar~. rnrlud1nc: 111 11
R11~~1<1n 1"1"<1 11 , t>111·1111ntf'rrrl
trnuhlc> 11!1rfl !hr.1 r ntrrrd 1111'
rr;::1nn Thr !1\n 1111•~1;1n l'r:l ll
11 rrr ,n '<'1rrr.!1 rl.·•111;"11.'"i1
I l1r 1 wr1 r ln-i
\111rn1·;in r\pri l ~ hnpr thr1r
J /~l·f11il l1on rrr•hr 11 !1n"I • loill
I ll unk !hr f .-ll'1 1111'\ I (' !'1111
111t n fl!"~1l1lc111~ a l ti ll~ rf1,t;.in1·"
frnm thr ... u11 1 ~ nv1re 1!11n
Cfl1nr1dcnce Jn la•·1. I'm quill'
1<·nrnerl." Dan Srhnt•1drrn1:u1.
1'.l:irinrr 9 pr111r,·1 rl1rrt:!"t,
Efltcl 1n ;in inter\ 1r1<
"l"n1 0!11 5:t.11n1? 11 will hr
1·;it;i~1r11rl11r Bur 11r'1 r ~nl lo
S<·hneidc rn1.::in addrrl.
The fir.~! hint thrre r111J.!h1 hr
~nme!l11nJ,! ··nut rherr"' 1·;unr
in l\·1ari.:h l!Mi:l 11hrn 1hc Sn11rt
l\·l11rt1a·n prnhr :\!;ir~ \ 11·;1 ~ !11,t
J.12 n11l!1nn n11I<'~ lrn1111hr 1<11n
Jn lht' ;;pnn of l!ll\:1, thr
nu~si;in.~ In~! 7JI I 2 whrn 1t
\1·;1~ l.lO m 1ll1nn 1111 .~ frnn1 II"._
'"" ~1:irincr t
,:parceraft 10
~-~~"'~ fD NC>~71..-~4... ,,......,,._...
"ltb l.l '/lxJOU•T l.J/.6(1!._G ME.
.A&o!JT .4 ....... f ,ll&EP. WIL'11.4. '?"
1ro11hlr ~1<1r1·h 24 ;ir1d \l.i1·1·h
2; ltifl:). wtH\f' 12~1 rn 1l\~11n
r111 lc~ from tllr .~ u 11
l n~!rumrn!s inclu:·;itrct il 11;i~
homhardrrl v.11h rnsn1ir 011~!.
h111 ihr 5patrcr1-1f1 .;11r1·11rrl
;i nd l;i!rr r;irl1<>rri f1rs1 rln:-;rup
l rlr 11~u1n p!<"l llrr~ nl !hr
r r a 1 r r r (I rk pd ,\1;1rt1:in
'l'ito ''' elco111ed
• • • ...
Ca 11i c r" Shou:s Girl's Pl ea /,o Jud ge
.. Oll(f to C•lono•s
i U,l'•IOI (OUIT " '"' $TATI 0' CALll'OllNIA 11'0 1
lHI COUNTl' 01' OllAllt(;I
No. A·IM"
E •l~I• 111 t:lleo M. F1c>11en •• 1.., k"O"'"
"' £.lloo &••~~"" FIOll•"· °"""""'a NOT •CE " "EllEBY GI VEN .. ...
''""'"""' " ... •ba•• n•mt<I CH:«•ll~n•
•n•I •II CH:"""' ,.,.,.,. <ta!m• 11111.,.t 11\9
111<1 <IKtdt"I "' ,.....,;,"" to Ill• --. ,.,1n Tl>• ntten•r~ ~OUCl>erl. In 1n1 oftk o
or•~• cl.,~ or tno •l><I•• tnflli..:I (<>Uf!. o<
1<> P•hUll 111em. .,11n tna ...,, .... ,¥ I •oucn•"· •o In• .,.,.,.,.+gnoa •I tn• Olfj(n
of N,o.11,.,000, ~OE "~ •Oo;1,.SON. illt
N•wi><r" C•nr-. O"""• Su•!• •l• "l•W<><trl
!U•ch, (•hloro••. whl<h I• Tho pl•C• (>I
llu•ln•" ol !h• """""an~d '" 111 m 1>!lt••
pe••~•nl~a •o 1ho ••11>1• '" ••la ""~""""·
..,,min ftNr moolnJ •"•' '"' "'" pul>"C•tlon ol lhj• nall<<
D•loo O<Tnber I•. I'll
f ·•cu1or
~t .,,. wo•\ <>t 1hf
•DO•• "~"led d•c-nl
Hl•wooo, \OOl!N .. -'OKIN,ON
1'0>1 Otloto •o• 11~1
Ntw10•! &1a(~. t •. nu1
A""'""'' tor £•«•'" Punli•nNI O•on9• (n•"
O<•""•' "· n, ~. """
(h oly l'olol
Ne••mbot 1.
11ll 11
tii• UH -• •
lotOTl(I TO CltfDITOll i U,f l lOI COUil 0, , ....
\U,lll!Ott COUllt " '"' SfATf 0 , ULl'Oll "'" '011
'tATI 0 , ("Lll'"OllNIA 1'0 11 t"l COUNTY 0 ' OllANGI
IHI' (-OVNf'f" 0 1' OllANGl ....... ltfll f'fllflON ..... A•N W1 .. or1c1 "' "EAlllNG "' Ell•1t •• EOtlH J h\J&&•llT '"' ,IOIATf "' Will '"' '" o ..... .a Lf"ltflS T!:\TAMt:NT•l'f"
NOTICE " H(llEflV GIVE N " '"• Ello•~ •• Eow,o.110 G O I O O N
u eall1>r• HAMIL TON, .1 ... ~ ...... ,, •• t GOllDO"' " '"' ·-· n1m«1 llO(~aon1
.,.,., 1t+ """""' "••I,.. <'•Im• 1q•in11 '"" .. AMIL 10 .. , DKel>'d
.. Ol•C[ " ++fll(flV Gii/EN .. •• 1 .. 1., OKe<!•ni .,. '""~""' re t1lo 1nem,
"'"n "" n..:•"•'V •ou<.n•"· Ln '"" oH<~• E11ttn 11~""uon W+!>"" n•• Ill"" n.,o,n •
o! ltl• <lor~ or Int aba•• ent>!lfll cou•t. o• <>•ht.Of\ •• o•oe>.OI• ,, ... 11 ... '" " l •U<r> l~>T•"""'~'V •• '"' lo P••••nl tn'"'· ,.,ok '"• ,,..,.,_.., .... ~"•"'' "'"''"""·to tn• ""~•·•!Qnea 01 m• otll(ol.,.,,,,,,..., '"'''""'' 10 '""'"" mod•'"'
ot n., ,uorno• •11(( MOOllE. •lo i""'""' P••ll<ul~•\ """ •n•• •n• !,m, .~~
t!olo<1!rooo "o 1•8 , (!>""'' nol M••. (•l•I 11>•c• o! ••••"no '"" '""" n•• "'"" ;:;4 "1•11. "' ll Ull~ Cl,.1111; llfC TOll ?n••1'"' No••mb.r ,. lfll .•• I J'I ."' '" •
P/nt1•u,,1 110.~. Sim (>••· c.iu0,,,,. "''"'"'""' 01 O•~•""'""' "" } "' ••1,.
t11.ll, which lo tn. pl•C• 01 butln•>' of rourl. •I /IJll C•••< '""'" Or.•• W•.,, ·~
•no un<l~fllgn•d on 111 '""""' oertoin.,10 '"'(•I•"' >•n<• """' (•1••0•h•I. •o "'• •>I•+• ol 010~ OK~O•nl. wothin 1~'-" Oo>•O OCIOb"' l•. l~l\
mon'"' •"•• '"' 11.,, 0>ubll<a!,on ot 1n•• w f. SI JOH'-'. ,...,1,. <0•1111> Cl•"
Ooiea Ottot>ot 1, 1011 SfliCI( •NO Mlll\TO ..
llUIH (llllo( 11{(1011 1)0 (1•! Col,,,•O~ Bl•d
E ••c.,lr" o+ I"• 'Niii Pa11o•n•. Col1forn" •11•1
ot "" ~bOv• ., .... ..., 6MH!•hl Tel. (1111 , ... JIU ... '•"
.ll lCl MOOltf 1•ttorn11• la<! ~•1•1'""" AITOll"ll!V AT l"W l'~nl•,n•O f.l••no• (""·' O.,lv '"'DI
•I• H11l1lr1>p1 NI . l·• Oc •nt>or 1", JC •nd Nnv-o•r ' ""
c'"""• 11e1 ""''· c1111. non l"l.1·11
Ttl: '1l·>01t
Allo•n•• lo< Pub•i"1~d
0f1noo (n••I O•••v Polo•
n .,. """ No""'"""' \
O<!OO•r IS.
ltlt LEGAL !'\OTICJo~ 11in 11 1 ~~~~ ·~::.:-=--~-1-~~~~~~~~j f !ltH
F l(TIT tOU' ll USIN(\J
N""'I SllT(M( .. T l'·IJ/11
~ICT1 l10U, 8US1N(\,
N•ME ST•TEMENT "T••• tnllow•no p•.,on •• dD•nt bu""""
l IY>N!';
I 11tnhrtd
M"n••I II;"~ l ·"""~'O 0"••, Tn,, l>u•I""" ,,
M•<"••I 0:
PllOOU( I IONS. 1111
HuMono!"" 8••cn .
t I I I
11unr.notnn ll t•cl'
l>f•nu cond.,cled 1>~ 1n
LEGAL NOTICE: 1-~~~-'~-='-'--"-=--'-=~~~~-1 '"' ' "'" " 11-1ct 111ous &USIN(\I
!ollo"''"U P•,.on' "'"
U[Wl"'Olll "0MES 1111!
c .. rrP ~'"'' t . r o •~· r11.
ll•Mh (•hi 0 C ~n•v"vnl 1011 \,...,,,.,, l •"''
'"o•on• 0•1 M•• {;.lotO•",.
l n" !>u\ln'lt '' <O""llf' .... t.v ••
0 C ~ntull""I
f!.,,, '"""''"' Cou~lv (I.,~ nl
OcloO•r ll "" Jome• T. t o•••tt
.. ~, "''"" "'"" O•anoo Coun+v
'" "
'"' do•no l----------------1 I' U UT
l'l(l!flO\/S t USINESI
"IAMf ST,.TEME"ll tn11.,...1n9 o•• •on 1, do.no
~u••~fll ••
8••th R•O.• S11...,,. ISMl
SI. Huni1nOlnn II••<~.
~ !l"I ..
reu.,..,ino ""''"" h ~"'"" b"""'"
I I n• '""""''"" Df'>nn ,, nnlno ~""""'
" ~a.D!;l l E ~"(I( ~l!•l Ctl•l " MAINTE .. AN(E. l~ll ""d"'n•• ~c··••
"(' , Son!o """ (•llf
W""'d•lf W W•"O". Jiii v .. \•n
G11>.t.o. I ~oun• Hlj•• ... ;.Ill 9'J\J
y.,:, n'"'~"'' " b""" '""~"""" h• ·~ lndi•if11;;.I
W•"n~11 W W'"""
fft,, "Al•"1•<>r lo!.,, ''"'" Inf c....,~,,,
(le<> n' 0• .. ~a• (o..n!y O" !)co 11. lt>l
6• !!~•"'' J. M•~On•. O•nu!V r"''"+v (l•r~
Fast Gro1ving ·
Lru·ge Fir1ns Eye
Door Sales Force
f\EW YORK tAP 1 -Big
companies are increasingly
Jrnock1 ng al lht door of cnn.
sumers with the cljl·et! selling
apprflach 1n an eftnrt lo get JO ·
tn thAI fa s\ £rnv.·1ni:; and
proh1 able ser!nr n! the retail·
1ng field.
· il1ore attenunn 1~ bein~
paid t(l !he a rra nf door -to-
door sellin~ b~· cnn-
golomerates arlrl l<1f!!f' Cflm-
pan1es \\hn are A1"qu1nni::
firms 1n the d1rec1 selling
area." say.<; Robel'! Brouse,
pr.e~1den1 nf 1he D1rel"1 Selllng
Consol1aterl Foods Cnrp nuw
hiis F.lct'trolux and Fuller
Bn.1sh . Dart Jndu~rnrs Jnr.
has Tupper\\are and \'anda
Beau!'' Co~n1rut·s Rr1s111\.
l\frerS Cn. :ind. Gent'r,11 Fnnds
cOrp. bn1h have <1cqu1 rcri 1hr1r
own dirett se lling to~n1c\1cs
comrian1c.~. :\nd .l C Penney
Co ,. Jnr ha~ 1nsti!u lrd a pro·
gr;im in 11 hich I r a 1 n e d
de.cnrator ronsul1anls sell a
complele line of furn1sh1ni;:s in
the home.
.. \Ve 11·ere cQncerncd \\'1t h
establishing !he bes! \.\'ar of
ge1t1ng lo and s e r 1 i n g
Cl.)S1nmers. \re felt this trpe o(
shopping 1.1·as what the ron·
sumer v.·anted 1n lflrge. ticket
total decnra1ing buying ... sa.vs
Charles Lni:::in. head of r en·
ney·s custom de c o r a t 1 n g
A look al the grn\\th and
prnf1tabiht~ nf c n n1 I' a o i es
alre;irh· t>slt1bl 1shed 1n the
don r-10-dnor !>f'll1ng f1elrl alsn
gi\"es a clu1> tn 1,·h11t 1.<; luring
big C'Ompan ies 1ntn the arr:i.
Jndustry s rJ u r r r s sa,v
estlmates put the s11.e ol rhe
industry belwfen $.1 billion and
$4 billiQn.
A\'O rl Prnrlucts. the l<1q1.cst
cnsn1rtic rompany 10 !he
"'orld. hai:. doublerl iL~ s;ilc:o; 1n
the pa s! fi1·e ~·ears Ir <; .<;ales 1n
1970 11·ere $.i59 n11ll1nn 11·1th
ea rnin,i.!S of aho111 S99 n11l\1nn.
Am11"a ~· Cnrp . :i pr11·111el~'
he.Id cnmpan.1• which he~a n 1n
19;,9 h.1· srlliru; nne rleteri;tenl
product dnor tn d(lnr. ha.<; sale.s
in ·excPss of $1~~ mllli0n in
fiscal l!li\.
"Basirally ll1i;? eon1pan1e.<;
ire in!eresied in an.rthing that
Is prnfjl;:ihlf.' anrl many com·
panieS !Mk1ng fo r consumer
.!iales hA I+' iio!ltn into dnor·to-
dnnr sell1nJ::." say.'i Strphen
Shrridan. a 11ce presider.I of
~ln<;\ pHlple in the inrlustry
pn1nt 10 one factnr mal(1ng the
enn,111nPr more and rnnre
rert'pl 11e In the donr to dnor
sell1nl! apprnaf·h «·nn·
1rn1e1K·e. 1·rafl1l: ian1s ;ind
p.-irk1n.c prohlen1.~ h:11 e made
;i ,1umhle nl s 11 r Pu r b :in
.~hopping arr<l.~ ;tnd 1nnst rus.
1omer.~ ('nnsidrr their time an
11nportant cnn1mod1ty.
··'fhe i..:on~umer is fed up
II 1lh ~elf·SCf\ it·P and n 0
:o>f.'r11eP and ::1pa1het1c tlerk.<;."
explain<: Rrn11.<;e
·· E::ich of us "·ants In he
enn:-;1drred 1mport<1n1 \\'hen
:;ornenn" rnn1rs to thP hnme.
,i::11 rs lhc eru1su n1cr pcr.~onal
at!ent1on. an~11rr~ 11urst1rins
and knn11·s tho produet, ll'ell,
th:it ;ippeals 10 1he con·
.st1mrr.'" he s«~s.
Rrnuse also n1 a1n1a1ns 1hal
prnpl e are n1nre edue::i!cri In·
da1· Th('\' lion'\ ln11 k just al
pr1ee hut. also at qual it~· and
In 1he da~s n~ n1ass
merchand1sin.C <Incl n1::1ss cnn-
sump!inn there ;ire few clrr~.~
in the stflres 11·hn r an tcll 1hrrn
ahn11t !hf'~<' lhlngs. Til;il"s
;inn!her plus fnr 1he dnnr·!ll-
rlonr· sales1n<1n 11 hn is usual1~1
thnrl)u~hlv hnC'f('rl nn his pro·
duct. Aro"use ~.:1 1.~.
'"In !<1r}!e \!cl..Pt \!('it\<: hke
\l"f' '><'II the fll'rsnnal en111;1c! 1<:
un11onant ."' .<;a1~ l.ng;in. nf
Pennr\". 11hirh cint's nn! knnck
nn door!' liuL 11·0rks h~ :ir·
pointrnent .. 1\lsn, tht' won1;,n
ll"hn IS rede('or11!111g tier horne
likes tn ha1(' a dc<"nrator 11·hn
can hf'lp hrr !1(' 1h1ni;:s
tn_cethcr. She rlncsn'! like tn
i<hPP frn in store tn sl11r('"'
Ir 1sn·1 ;il11;i1•<; e::.s1· l<ir rhe
rlnnt ·lo·dnnr S<ilesn1.;in 11 hh
.~nn1l'tlm('.s f1nrls !he dnnr
sl;1 mmerl 1n hi.<; f;icl>.
.. A t"nnst111u~ r ffort ha!< hrcn
n1ade in tnr p;ist JO _l"e<irs b.>'
learlin_c cqn1pa111c<: 111 lhP
rllt·ecl ~Piiing firld to .cet ;i11<1y
lnlln the fnnt·111 lh£··dnnr 1111·
:ige 1hr1r :-;:;ilC'sn1;.in had," s;:iys
Shend::in nf F.: I fr 1 r n I u x .
'"Thrre's bern a rri!I up~r::id·
1ng nf thP s;i les rnrcr ··
CopJJer Stial.;es?
Ring.c; of rnppcr tubin~ fra1ne a ~crv1 cP inFI ruc1or
as he makes an adJU.'ilmenl on a rP nlrtfugcl li(Jlnd
chiller used in air cond il ioncr.5 . 'fhi s chiller t.'i 1n
a sc hool operated by Borg·V.·arncr (orporal 1nn in
York. Pa.
' ' I
I See by Today's
Want Ads
e :-;EEfl TO rt "R.l\:JSH A
Rl .. \ll".'! ·~ Rf)O~I ~ l,l)("Jk
!"r th1<: 7· J"l1nrnpor1 11
h::i~ 11 m::11<1fu11:;: l11re<"
!'I' 11·"1 rnrkrr "\HI 1111 nT·
1n111::in . Th" t"ll"r t~ r""
ltrPil'n. m11rl" 11 1th hr::11-y
U ~ :--.11u1r11h.1rlr. Thn•!'
~hri11l'1 t~k" ur11r ii.nrt '"Plr.
I !:\' rHt: '.\lC:-:J(' nF;P,\RT.
,\IE.'\T. Fnr l1sir111n_t !'n·
in~ m"nt t1-;.· l\11~ ;.,1;oii:nn.
1·n'-~IPrrn 11 I• 1n r .\rr l-
len1 rnnrl111on.
e If YOlJ TAKf: CARF: 11F
C".\Rf: OF" Y('lt:• Th1t.
Chn~l'r :>.e"nnri . m_.11 ..
1n \l\F.\ n1n~ t""'1 11 rvt 11
ll~I f1l•pno10
NY Excha11ge Cl1ief Blan1es
Low Ma1·l{et 011 U11ce11:ainty
l\~;\V Ynf(I\ 1l1 Pl l -\\'all
~1rc1:t . ,c:cnrrat!}' has been
5Ut pn-.cd h.I \ht> p !In r
p<'I ffJt 111(1111'(' or the Slfofk
1n:.rk11t i<HH't' I h e ;in.
nnunr·1·111f'nt or l'rcs1rlcn! ~1\'·
on·.~ Pll11,~<' II pnij.!rilrtl. Halrih
J)1'11111l'll/•. 1·ha1rin<1n nf 1hf'
l111a1'il ,,f g1\1trnnrs 11[ lhe .'\rw
York :-\lowk Ex ehan,C:C' said
\\ t•rl11r'>d,n
[( .. 11:11d he h1,lu·1 cs thl' rt'-
l"t'tll l'!'l"f<1/ !ll;HH '' Hf 1he
111.11 l..rt h,1'i rC'~1!l lrd f1·,,n1
UI\< ~·1 \,11nl1<'~ ll[)'>UI Jll~t h1h1
f'h;1-.1• !I 11111 h•· p111 1tilo rf.
f1'1 t. :1houl 1"'"~1!11·· "Pt u111s
h11~1n1'~!1. re~·essu11h tll l·:1irnpr.
1 h~· •'lll'T't'•tl lu i.:ll 1 :1lt> of
dt<;C"tJ<;:o>rd l'Urh a rnn1 r 1.11th
n1r four months a£o." said
J lrnun11n
Thrrr h:i <: hrrn :o>pt'('Ul<ihnn
111 \\;1)1 S!rf>f'l abnul ::1 <;uf'·
··r~<:nr ThP n«mP.<; n r
N-rrl'lilr.1 ,,( Stat~ \.\'1lll an1
Rn~er:o. Cornmerce Secret11ry
Ne ,v (0111·!'ic
l•'i nd
~laur11·e Stan~. P;iul Knllnn,
nnw prP~tdf'nt nf !hP ."-mer1r:tn
Sllri'k ~;xC'han~r . Ralph Saul,
111·p c·h:~1rn1;.in of First Rnslnn
1· .. rr and rnrrner A n1 e :<
rrrsrrl Pnt. !.('P n. Arning. a
i;eninr vice pres11:\enl nf the b1 ~
Ni;irrl. :ind 11an Lufkin. "
fnrtnPr h11.: hoard gnl'ernnr
n o w ('nnnerlwli!'s enm-
1n1~~1u11rr of F.nv1ninmrnral
Affair~ ;ill h::ne heen men-
t 1n111·rl
I )f>n11t11111 s;i1rl hr hopes lhP
c"1;1'hani;r go1rrnor~ r;in vote
nn a rr~I nH•h1r1njC plan in
.ran11;ir1· anrl i;uhrnit il !n the
rnr1nh~r~hl[l 1111 thP ];:ir1:1"r
'\lisiblt•' ''"'" 11111111:1 1 f1111d rPtl1·111pl111ns Hnd
11tlu'r 1w;:;·J11c f.11·1 .. r...; nut
)lr•p11t'•10 11:1<; IM'l"'-•l!1:ilh' np.
!lltlh!H" :1h .. l1I 1)1(· 1111!!110\; l11r
!111~ •""'l!ln•!ll ;111d I h l'
}1'C llll!lr<: 111,tr l..t'IS Ill 1972.
lf a 1·n111111u111l1' t'Hl\c;.;e is iss11P nf ul111nJ1.trl ~· 1•rcat1n11; a
11111·1h its Sill!. 1l h;i~ ln h(' 1n-s1rtj;!lf' i·rnlr:il s ec· ll r 1 t i r :ii
·r11 1s. ('t1 \a11;i v v1P11 ~!H111.;. ~·'1lle o! !he fcaturrs ot an exper1n1cnt<1l ~afc\.1 1e·
h1rle (;cnC'r.11 >I ot111·.~ I' bu 1lrl 1 n~ En;::1ncrr1 n£ 1nnn1at1nns inrlllde lJHTr:i 'crl
USl''{lf 11r 1~ht ~a11ng al11n11 nun1 in hn th ('ngine and brid.1 rnn1pr111('n1 ~. lO·llHlf'•
per·h'1ur barrtrr 1n1patt fti'nl anrl rear bun1per energy ab~nrber.c; and pdl .1r·
]('~S frnnt upper hnd ~ fie~_ __ __(' ··r 1h111\.. :1, l'fi:.i,!' 1! unfuhl:o;
:1•111 !"'"Pit• h1'i.;1:1 [11 h,111' ;111
11nd1'1 ,; .111111:1i.: .. r hr111 11 ·s
.~Piil!: t11 11•11" t)1:il II ~hnolil
;11\;11 ~1•na· 11r tltp~.r frar~."'
11!'1111111.1 1 ,,;11.I . · I ;1111 11p·
1nl\erl 1t1 lhP (·11111nH1n11v anrl ni:u·l..rl. hr thnughl il wr.ulrl he
n1·<111i;r c'na-.t 1"11llegr 1<;0 cl111ni: 111:-cr !<• hu1hl on thr e:i:·
Jll't 1!1a1 ll1·lp111i; 11r11ple nut 1·h;·~11!1.-~ 1-r111r;:il ('rrt1firi1te
,11111orl.. lincl a J••h .'<rr1u •r, 1n \\h1ch S28 m1!11nn
:-.1.ir!1ni.: \\(•rliw.-.il;n. 111 ·1· ;\\1<'arl1 h;i~ lx'rn in\"r~!rrl,
OCC Slate~
On Es La I cs
The !11\S\rl IC'' 11! • j-';·.111111'
F.~tate r1ann1ng" \\ 111 hr ('\
pl111nrcl h1· 11nc 11f tll" l1•:1d111~
;iuthnri11cr; \n !hr f1rlr\ in a
fo11r·par1 (lrangr I 11 A s t
l"nllrge c1 r11 111g lrt'1\ll c srr1cs
st~r\1ni:: \\'rdlll''>ll:l '.
The .~rnc~ 11111 tun l h1o11r~h
\01· 24 frnrn i :;u fl ·:11 11 n1 ;ii
}<;;i -.1hh1H J•:lr1n"n\:\1 I ~,·h•onl
1n '\r11 rnr1 l:ra! II l lirr (' I• 11 •
I UU l<JO 110d pf'! ~1111~ 111,11
ll')!1slrr at thf cl"fll' 1111 l1•1·1111c
l l!Chl~.
f'a1JI F ,\1;11,, :1 p+;+1·1:r 1 11~
a1\ornt'"' ~p1·1·1;\[l/.lt1;.:. 111 t·-l:-1 :..c.
pl11nnlnE!. 1n(·n1cr lit~ t111d 1·01·
porat1nn~. ,11ll prr ~r11I llh• 1"1 11·
lrrl111e ~ !{(' l~ ~ n1r·n1 hPr ,i1
lhP ('a l1fnrn1 :i .'>'.;11r.
:\IJH'l"l("<lll . l,01~ \l1t:t•)1··, ;1111\
Or:inge l"i1uu1~ Ra r .\.''"' 1.1-
1111ps ;111d ha~ I! 1·1ur•·d •111
IAt"lflll S tnpir•<; 111 !hr l1(i<I ,,[
fr<lrra! i11c·o111r ! 1\t· t11 ;1.1
d1r111·{'s th roucl1n11t l .ol1l•·1·111;1.
I Ir rrr·r11 i«l 111.' t\1 :.:1 1••· 11 .. 111
\hr Hai 1;11d l,;111 :-1·!1""1 illld
has pn~11(111~11 1;1ui.:li1 L Lite
/'l;1n111ni.: nt ! 1r;111gi• I ":1 I
His l1r'l 11>1·1 1111· \\,.d11(--d.11•
is IJ!led .. l'ri •p1'1l1 " 111· 11 11!
d1.~·ll.<;.<; t\iP II 1•t·:-. 11! 1•110·
pen ~. the 11 ;,~~ .,/ 11.,1d1nc 1111 •·
to prnpfrt1 .. 1111rd 11 11 h
:innli1rr. ;irut 1hf> 1r1111~t<'r nl
prnpcr1 \" ;1t 1lra1li
Thi' ~1·1·01111 lrl !111 (' 1111 \111.
Jfl \I ll\ ftJ('ll~ 1hf' r\l'>l"lli~H\f\ '11\
•'\\"ills· ,\l~ux w1l l 1·1nrr ~11rl 1
suh.jcrls as 11·.ip•l~r of l'I"
rrrly ill dr·:i1h h1 11 111. :\d
1;udill.'.t"S •11 "111 ••l•'I' l(l
lrri<!illf' .~IJl'!"f',..-1 .. 11. I• I'"' 11 (
11 1\l~ prnh.111· ;1d111 111,.1r:1l.••n
and thr u-..· 1if Jn111 1 t1•n;u1• 1r.-.
{(1 a1n1d prnh.•lt'
On \111. rr 111' 11 111 , 1•1 rr I Ir
in~UflH\l'r. 1i1111t.: \lo t'I 111\d
j!if1s. !JP \\ill l11•·klf' ~·11 h riu"'
t1nn!' a ~ 1hr 11''' 1>! Iii" 111
.~\Jr?.11("(' tn ;11n1rl po·,,h;1T1• "I
t lrn1enl ;in ;ini;1·11u•111· .• 111d 1111
\1"11~, lh!' \l•t• i•[ 11,111,;, !Ill·'
In ;i1n1rl p1·0.!1;1I <• ;,11d tlu' 1111k
Jflf: llf k;Jli I; !H ~I\ "id l'l "l'jllO•
Th!.' 11nal h•1·t.11r 011 \,,\ ~I
IYiil d~•11J II 1th d!';itl1 t,+\• .1l«f
gift la\"~ l ndt'r rh .1111 l.1 \• ,
:0,\;.irx II 1H t'Hll•\{lrr ( ;1lol0<1 •l• I
mhrnl;in1e Ja\ :111d l"rtrial
e•!;;tr t::ix , ·"
hn1h ( .1 l1t11rn1;i
g1f! !.'I\('~
11 dl
(fl • II"
t1r11 •• i1
Fi rn1 ~
!\l crg1·r
A:'\f;~;l.f·.S t \]'1
So11l)l('f"f1 l ";1l1fnr111;1 1:11~ ~ ,,
.,1nd Pa!·1 fi1· l.1c hl inc Seri 11 r
Cn 11111n1p1·,e,,1hr1r 1M•t ,1•nl\(·/
1n :in rHu·1r1H··, n1111r . ..,;11~
l'<1td A. ;\1illr·r p11·~1d1•11 1 1,f
lhP parrot 1·1~n 1 p;in,1 f':i1 ·1111·
L!~h1111~ Cu1 p
Thr 111rrg1•r 11 di Ill\ •\II 1· •1:;:-1
empln.1e.~ of f':ir1l :l !,ichl111~
Jflln1ng So111hrrn r::i11fOfJ11'1
GaF , ~1 Jllf.'r s::11d T11,,~rli1.1.
~ fll\11-.111" :tiHlill l'li~ l)Hllk
• <: \~, ,·11t"\H•r.1\r prnl 11.', ht'l':lll~l' <•t
I• 11.i! I!;,, l\,q•fll"ll('d 111.~ld(' l'O!'·
)11•1:i11t1!b. :II<' g1)1 !1j! \(I {'!ltl·
1111·."' '" !i1• 1111·1!1 gn111!. 11 rrre Di11t Outloo k "Ti u· 1 ... 11 t1i.:h1e11111i.: 1h:1t a
lo! uf '"111111;1111u1~ Jonk fl<; ;i
111, 1, ir•u\1 pf 11l1at hii\l\lf'llf'<t 1n n11.-;·111\ 1.\!'• -Th•1u~<1nds ' n110 1~ :-h1111 1ni.: up 111 lhrir th;il
nl rrll!lt1""1",; and hil!hh ~\;1llrc! ~prr1<1!1 !1r-" r;11'f11l\j.!S ;i11d l'ni 111nrl' olp· I"' h"''' ,0 11.< .~rc11~tnn1rrl 1 o Tho ''"'11°1· l '<I ~ 'lllfi J"h ' " " ' ' ' ~ -'" 1 1n11 ~ln· 1h:111 the 111:-trket ha" ~r1·111 r l"hs 11 11 11 pl11n1r npenu1g~ fnr t'lrclr1r-:il indw:ih·d ··
.,,.,1,,,.,,"'. ,,, ... lllll 11f l'.111 \, 111 lhe nr•11'"'" 111··1 1.,, 0 "••n" 1111 · ' r .. ..,i ,,. ·' ' " ,.., ' · Dr11111111u :11\rft·f'~.~1·d l 'nilt•r!
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the t·nun!rl" ;inrl this truly na · H11ilri1111! \1ouat d1•pn~1tnry 11·ntild be the
ll dor-~n't 1'"·'1 ;111.1tl11ni;. anrt hr<:I ii;ii 10 11 nrk tn"ard a
..,\\l{t('fll'> 111::11· rC"l!ll'trr riµhl 111 t·rnlr;ll lnilrkt'I.
tlw c ·h1.~:-.11111n1 The cla.~s',--------------
rn!'f'1.<; lrnn1 i ro p rn
(;111 H1gh\C'r. 1nslrul'for [nr
thr 1:our,<;C', s;:i.1.<; II is npfFI 1n
<1n,11n1r who rl"rrds help l1nclin,c:
fl )"h.
"(";di ii ;:i [r1ur·11·rck l'rne.<: \n
j11h f111d111i.::· hr s::iicl "·r 11::1nr
lfl r~pa1HI thr r;u11!e of prfl[llr
111111 c'r\tllf' ;ind nn1 l1n11t ii lo
£ARN 10°0 -PLUS!
l\;o.~ ~htu 1.T,.rn1.J!it:h-
Equ.t.v Tr11s ! [)Prds.
No Fe11 Or Commission!
Fre11 Coll11c.~;on
And Servic.ing
··Thr 1111c thuu.! lh:.tl 1 ~ 11!1 1\11 ;o.1r ·: \L !0::1 11• f..
l'"r1:111I 1<: !h:tl hnrh hu~hand h1H " 1<'r\1f11:,d ;1 pprii.1sal~
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po-.~1hd111rs ., $ ::.1;:.!!l !(f , $.'><ti!
Al tlw r1ul i•f !'ai·h ~('~~11111 .'ii ! \II.'-: i:.! ~ ; l h7 ' <; :\,"1!1!tiM'l $ /l h7 ll1ghlrr p1·n1·1dl"'$ Jnb prnspC'!'1.;; :\.S:!~'.·1:, $ f'l7 1R
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~1111r li 111111 111111r· p1nm1.<;ing
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n;i11n1·. lha1 lhr1 h::il'e fnr gnl·
1"11 !hr has!'; nf cn1::iner>rJn~
lieal t\tale JI al u e~:
There's no freeze on
e state
of land
a nd
prop erty de,ve lopments
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So uthe en Californi a. If
' you're wonderin g how you
c.an capitaliz.e on it, here's
a free s e rie s o f le ctures
that will tell you how,
W e dnesday, Nov. 3, 7:30-9:30 p.m.
Jock Lincoln, Attorney-PLANNING YOUR
1972 Continental
Newport Harbor High School
15th & Irvine, Newport Beach
• call. , • 540·5630
ohnson.& son
1'ir1>rl l11for111olio11. /
~o admission, bvt t ickets are required, They c•n b\ picked up in advanc•
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the Daily P ilot offices in Costa M•sa, Newport B•ath, Huntington Beach,
Laguna Beath and San Clemente and from the Newport Harbor·Costa
Mesa Boa rd of R••ltor1,
Co·sponsored by
111 "'T"ll"~' rnn<fJllllll fn·
!ldl' 1111rt ot1! .. !.'----------------------------'
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l'o11r /tloueu OVER THE COUN1 1ER Co1nplete-New York Stock Li st
I~ No-fe:1t1lt Pla11 • .,., .... Ill Vt 1111 ..... lllff 'IWlll .... 1 .. ,,,,.~lmfl.iJ t A M ,,.,,, "'"'0
~<ice• " ,.., -1-•ti•" ., '""'~up m1r~oew~ ,, Ct lTlm u .., />. ~Id P" IS
'"'"' $10 I )J ... ,,, ... 1 NASO L1!.t1ngs for Thursday October 28, I 97 I •m !&. I 1 Ml
"'" ll. I Pl • .. wuw. 60 .o.me•on 60 011 LJ.S. Age11<la'? --NEW \IOI>~ A .... I Teen
'"• "'"W"tt ••• "'9 ~··
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NE\V 'iORK 1UPI\ -l\ m1da!te1noon ~tock
1narket 1aJl'i att1attecl l1tlt>I support and prices \\e1e
mixed minutes before the> fina l gong Thursda-,
Turno\er \\as n1oderalely at U\ e>
' The m1da\ r 1<:e \I as attributed to barga n htp11
lOg tn a number of io;sues that had beco n1e atlract ,ve
lj priced a" a 1e ~ult or a l\I0-\1eek ~11rd that stnt
leading 1narket a\erages to some of lhe1r \011est
leve ls of lh e ,ear
C ont1nued I he eco no1n) ho\\ r1 r r
acted as .a brake un den1and Also Robert c.: \\.all
11 te president of J111erness Counsel ln r <:aid one
of the biggest si ngle fac tors 11e1gh1ng on the 1narket
1s the red uced cash position of the ins titutions par
tirularlv the. mutual funds
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\\'ASlll.\'{;TO:-i 1A1'1 -lln!'
(If the 1110~1 i·nn! 1·u1 rr -.1:11
r lcmcnts t\f f'rrs1drnt :\1'\nn·~
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fr\\'er rhan 01 rln7.<'n t 11nr~ 111
the ('1,eht months 11 ha.<; hrrn
!\ohnr!v i;; in jail undrr
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1'E'<'U1nrs h:1vr nnt !1"1('rl 1o u<;r
it for ne;irl ~· lwn rnnnth ~.
It wen t 111(0 rlfrrl FC'h. 1 a~
part of !he ,\ 1 x 11 n ad·
n1inistrali(u1's n1ndrl <'rJ!ll('
bill for thr [)islt'l{'t nf Col11r11-
hia. s11!I the only plare 1t is in
Offiri::1L<: s;.i\· lhr rf'11s11r1~ i1
h11<: hrrn ~n l1ltlr 11-;rd ;irr 1!1;
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nf !hf' lil11·
~fran11·hilr , i.t<k n~ll'. I rd gr<;
Ch irf [') c· S11nrri11r !'nu1·1
,Judge llarnld 11 Crl'f'll<'. s;nnH'
judt:r.~ r·nnl11111P rhr liinr ·
hnn11rr rl hut Jrg.111.v 1lubio11~
pr11ct11·r nf unt1•r111t: 1h<'1r •!'Ill.
inforrnal p1 r1 r•n111 r rlf'lf'1111.,n
h\' ."1'11111~ ('\tt·~~l\'('l\ h1~h
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tndrr prr1rn!i1·c dC'!rnl1on
::in ;lccu~rd C'r1n11n:il n1:1v hr
j:i1lrrl \\'11hnut h:ul f1>r 1111 \fl fiu
rl:iv~ if a iud~e drl'ide~ ~rtc•r a hf'~ring that hr rn:iv (•01nn11 1 a
crin;ie 11 lr! n11t herorr trial.
ArrnnliH!! In !1111 1 · S :1 !·
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11 hir·h it h:t" IJ('j'I\ i.:r1u:,:l11
num brr nnh 1 !.
\\'hen Cnngrr~<: ::ipprn1 r<I
prr1Tnt11r c:trtt'1H11111 last .11·;ir
critics r .<i llrd il 11n-
•'nn."t1tut inn;d .1 nd rrrrrs~11·r
Thrv sairl j;iiling: snn11•n11t•
hefiirr hr 1~ !rird l'inl;itrs thr
trn<iitinn.11 a~s11111p1in n th;it n
man is u1 nllt"rnt until [Jrul rn
Tn 111rr1 1111, 11llJ"''!11H1 !l1r
l;i11· rrq111r<'~ ,1 1111n1-t1·1.1l
ll'hrrP 1111nr~"rs 111.11· hr t'allrd
fnr hnth salr~. hrfn1f' tl1r
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,\ ri r l' 1rn1t1r-1l••IPnt1"n
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nrn~rc11!nr~ f1111n ,,.,.t.;1111' 11
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fnr !lir r.n1rrnrcr nt In i::rr :i
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Br1nnd 1111' d11f 1o·11]11· 11f
lrn£th.1 hr:1nng.•. !hf' 1· S ;1 1
lnrnr 1 srok<''lll:lll ~.11t! nrn
:-rrur nr.~ ilrr !r,._ inrl11t('rl in
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p;inrlerl ;inrl renrr.::ini?rd h\· the
D.C. <:r1n1r .1r1. :ire !r.1111::
i;-;i sr~ n1nrr q111ekly
Thi~ n1rn11~ p<ot f'nt1:i l r1•nral
r nn11nilL~ nrr 1111 1hr slrrr1 f•lr
;i ~l-iort1•r 11n1r, )J<•·111i: Ir~~ of
;i rl;in1:rr 1•1 lhr p11h1u·
l)rl:il'!' nf up In ;i 1 r;ir .1nrl ;i
h;i lf \\'{'f'f' 1111{ !HH'nrtl!ll"ll
helnrr. I• ' .lurl~r <;rrrnc s;i1·~
mnst C'r!1111nal c·;i~cs nn1r enn1 r
In t1·1;i! 1n 4~ d;i~·s.
6 I
•• • •• ,. h•• th•
f Ilg Cep .. clty
. Water Heater
~ '.
You Nffd
(.I , __ .,, '-' ,...
• ..... i..t••t le ll•l .t ..
See/I fl .. •L
MEN'S WARM WORK SHIRTS 249 , • Woven plaid flannel
• Dou~le-st i tched cotton
• Sanfofize·d·"' washable
• Men's sizes S, M, l , XL REG. J.79
REG. 3.49
• Hip-hugging1 shape-build in g western flares
• Tough cotton denim with scoop-front pockets
• Patch hip pocketsi No ironing needed!
• Slim sizes 6 to 181 regular sizes 8-20
. ... ,. ' ~ ..
REG. 1.39
. .,. . r
CHOW MEIN LUNCH I• • . 99¢ ,_
' .
• Chicken Ch ow Mein
over Ch inese noodles
• Tossed green salad
• Fresh roll a nd butter •
• Ag il on ny lon
• New fash ion colors
• Slay·up top
• O ne size fit5 a ll
kOS1r ~Y p1 r1
•Great no -iron Avr il ~·
rayo n cotton blend l------• Du rable 4 ·gouge
• 371/41'x 6' wh ite plastic shade
• Clown head lens
2 "D" batteries 88¢ -
• Re sis ts creases
• 45" width REG . 99C
7 .11 OFF 6 QT. COOKER
• Pre sto stainless steel 17 88
• A meal +n jus t m1nu!es
• Great gif t idea, tool
20.99, 4-q t ... 16.88 REG . 24 _99
, __ _
' . .-·r • .,,.,. -
•Room temp scale 9s8
Heat ontic1polor co il
• Silver-grey fin ish .
• Two st yles-your choice REG. 13.99
ruJM81NG ANO llf,..llNG [lfrl.
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• Waterproof; res ists mil dew
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• Giant 120-ounce dispe nser
Hos nylon sham poo bru5hes
• A handy ite m to hove!
REG . 134.9 5
Powerful 3'h-HP
Casi iron gear case
•Six teen 12" slasher tines
odjust 12 to 22 inches
• Pick up severol
• Specia l buy HALLOWEIN SPfCIAL
• Gia" door prolection 14 8 8· • Ea sy lo assemble
Smart walnut f1n1sh
30x11 •1, x 32" high REG. '.29 .95
• 19 " lawn rake
• Flexible st.el.I leelh
• 4 ft. wood handle
• LEAF BAGS ... 5 / 69,
' ff.~#iit5PW
dt l 0"'0 lo::i<'1•0>'1 \(ll"'l't
"'"e'" 5.iF ~971
lo "'""90 ot l81li 11.
rhn'I• 836-7922 '
'"'r-"''01 01 ni::irwnl~ blvd
r.hnnt 868 OQl!
i'-n•Dc-• o' o•n"Qr'"!'"f''
, "f'"" l\J R79 1~00
HUNTINGTON BEACH "d'"J,'" r' b<''lrl, ho~·1,.,.,.i:t
r ... .., .. 7 ld SQ'} 6611
SANTA ANA PANORAMA CITY ROSEMEAD li··~rol or H'•'"'"""rh !ObtO\ QI IO•CO!' tOltlT'tod blvrl nt '0" be•<'o•d•n()-..
phone 547 684! pho'1e 894 6211 freewny-olio.,,. 57J 3110 ----VENTURA CANOGA PARK COVINA ~00 ""l''ll ""II' ro::i"lrl 10D'::l"i0 olo to bcvrnncn q• •n"' h~··nn•d·"" d ~5 .'i.!11, 6.!1 75~1 (le<r n ll ... ,,. l')llori t aJ 1000 1r .... ,,.oy-11f>n"" 966 7J ll
Food for Thought:
By JACQ L:EL l ~E l'O~IH:S
Ot II" D••I• P•lol Sl•lt
1l 1r 's advcr!i~t·d , d1111-1 cill 11
l\'fl trd nutritionisl Ad1~llr J)avis offl'rf'd
th;it capsule adviec tn th0se who want
i1nn1ediatc relief frnrn the 1nalnu1ri11nn
p\ag11e that she lx•l1t•vcs is sweeping !hl'
Speaking bcffire 11~·;1rl_y 4{)11 n1c1nbrrs
and ~ucs1 s nf the I~\ Tnrn !'.1:innt ()f.
f11'rrs' \\'ivC's C'llil)_ ~hr "ai d ,
"\·1<1lnutrit1nn 1n tht> US 1s <1t !hr fl1sastrr
si cH:r I! is the faU'l' of trr111rnd<>u~ ill
hrcilth •lf e1·r ry 1·:1ri rl~ <1h~l'!ilt>r:~111 ,
nbcs1t1·. 1nrntal Jllni·~s. a:cuiln lisn1.
hrart il1~C"a sr and n101·1•
The ::111tliur nf "Lt•l's Conk II Hight.''
"Lei's lfa\·r l!r::illh1· Childro'n ' :inrl
•·Let 's Eat H.1 ~ht to l\crp F11'' 111 :unt:11n~
that $6 billion 1s w11s1('r! ;i1u1utd lv
in !his eountry clue !11 1nalnulritio-n
_,; "hrca11se Lh1 s is a C'aJ>1t:il1 s( countrv :ind
~ foods are rnade lo rn;ike rnonev." FtHlo:l_,
are puffed. prippcd and sugarC.ct just tn
lurP consumers into tllivin,e .
·'Tremendous am ou1l1i; of rnon<'\' ;ire
n1;ide nn absnlutcly usclcsi; fond \1~P 1rlln,
Foods that are good for you like fru1 I.
vei::ctab!e.i;; and 1\ !\o!e grain hrc;ids <ire
nr1·rr ad\'erl1sed
S1·icn11~t~ hait· p1 n1c11 l11l·1 l.<11 1\1,1h ...
ill health. nurturing alniost :111.1 rll~f'a~r.
ju~! h,v jUgi,!l1n,e lhe nu tnenls 1r1th111 the
dll'I sh4• Sliid
"!\lll'lillH.' \1•ll t:ike the h<1\:1nt'•• 011! ur ~-our die!. vr,;1 <1re gn;n<: to hi!\'t• t1·nubl{'"
1)1':1'1,0HES ADOITJ \'LS
[)('pl <11ing lht• USP 11f :'lrl rl :ti1{"' 11pd
prf'Sf'rV:'l!J'I'('<: ~hr s;iid .. TIH'rt' ;irp '20 I)()()
arlditi1·e~ lhar d1111Iha11·1" Ix' pul u1\ the
!abt'I .
'l')I!' pt'OPI<' 11hn ar« h;1r1n\'d 111•,~l 1~~
\llP ~f·nera\ l.~cl, nf ('•111''t'l'll l<>r tlu•!>f' ;irt.
d1ri1·rs ::ire l111~ha!1rls. ~h" ~<ia! J-11.1,ha111I<;
cat nc;irlv h;11f 1h•·ir rnc:ils uut~idr the .
hnrn<'. ''Those rPS l;1\lri1nts d(•li't (':t r•·
;ibo111 ynur nu tritio n ~~X<'••pl l11r 1lio ' fvll'
hcaH'h rrstaur:l?it s run b1• h1pp11•s"
Chilclren arr nrx1 1n lint>, 1'11~' a11r11·d
"1-!ow dn \ll(''('x.111,rl !" !1:11r a !u111·1:
grncr<itinn on pi~k lr111 onadr. '111<1 1·up·
c;ikrs"" shf' a~krrl.
"Thf> prrsnn rt•spnn,1h l<' lri r 1hr bc';·11ih
11! your f;irn1]1 l-" 1·ou 1·"rlt ·• ~h,., tP;1•n-
t:i1 nrrl · Yriu {'<H1 lrl' •' ;it,,,,l ~Jtrlv
gorgeous childr en lf you kno11 and :'.lpply
nu1t11111n "
\11s.s [);JI h . 11111• hi<lr!~ :i BS rlr~rrr
(1 ,·111 tlJ<' l '1 t'.rr~:1:; r.f l 'ri!:fnrrnn ::1
Rf"rkrlo•\ :ind :1 ~1 :-i di":rf'(' In
h 'ol'IH·1111~lrl' frncn 1hi: t n11·cr~1t\· nt
S11'i111rrn (';1hJPrt11;., ~111<1 t•1'Pr1· 1'1nrl ,,(
n1:.tlfu1n1:1:1 .. n, HH'lud(nJ.! lh1 !h:1hdoru1rlc o r1· 1·11 11 bt· l"J11,,•·!l hv ;1 l/11;1111111 t' di'll·
1·1p11(·1 '"Jf 1/1c <lu·I l• t\rrllr-nl ;1 .1r 11~
~'I( 1-i • "' 11i:il1drm11I P wtll nnt (':1uSl'
1'1·•llnl'n1 :1!1<111 .·· ~he <1dd,..LI.
40 \I THIF'\T"i
rot!\ tll' ITlllfl' !11111"1('111: :\l'I' IJf\PdrrJ
1l:11h 1l• h:11~d 1-:norl !1t :•ll!1, :o-hr· ~.'11d sii ...
Ct1'1ih:t 'l/l·d t!1« fll•rd l11r prul1 •111 anrt tHI\
:o-1ri,•rs t'i.!~ vo•lk lr,.,,h 1111)!; Ill• r :111rl
1'.111 \l'\',, llH' fn11c!~ 11 i!li the· h: ·i1r•1 protr111
1,1 111!•: !"•·,1:r111 hn' 1k'< dn1111 1n1,., :1n ·1no
:1 1-~rh thr1 11•.•!1 Iii" d 1:~1'•l 1\1' 11,11 I ''Tl1"."
:-JI'(' ilS ,.~,, •11111 1 ;1 ~ \!I 1111 :11'> "
1f 111!!1' illl'~l'll\,\11--; htT:.k, \dll h;11+• dull
I 1:·.' an1•:u1;1, 1n:•'(i11•11 ut', 1ri '1 ,1 .. 1nrl ll P
:-l r<11.~hl , l••ll 11i:i1 1a·1•d pr1.1r1n . ~l1r s:1 1d.
r• rnpla 1n1n " · 'l'h1"" h1•i" 111da1 :11·•· 1l·r
pr•orl1irt nl 1"111' 111 il 1•1111';!11> nl \'l•'\lilir>n
<111'1 Ill•" 11 1lJ.;r·rl )111111 1 ,.11 I>\• r '
~h<' h"l11•\(''< t' I "•.'l!'i~ ,,i prn~1·1n ;ll'I'
11c'-Octcd t1a 1l.v by 11111~1l':1 . ~o n1t,rc if 11::drr
Claims Not Facts
strr~<:. ''Jr .vou are really interested in
g('liid h1•;1!1h . Irani h' t<ount grams as ~·ell
:i~ 1hc chrtni:f' 1n you r purse "
The nu!rl11on1sl ex prtssC'd a need for
l'f.~cn11,'\I fatty acid s 1n 1he diet.
f'~pre111 llv l1nolrlc acid ~air1r.d from
lt'l!<'t!ihlr rill~. SUl'h as corn . S'ly bean.
col!•111~1 ·1·1! and sa fr\OYier whit h con1a ins
tllP h11-:hl's1 perce ntage nf the ;irid. She
1·rc·on11nc nds onr t.abl£>spoon of l'l't:e!ah!e
o,! dai11·.
.. i"n 111u h-"lvf' poor vi.~ion. suffe r frnn1
gl.trt' or ilfl' Y'"1 prnne Lo 1nreet1on~·· shr
;;~tl·fi Jt n1a;, he caused by a lark of
\'1;11111111 A. gained from ~·etlnw and Rrren
11'gc1:1l1l"s, frrsh f'i::g ~·ol k . crcan1 . ht11tr.r
iind t:orl liver llil V1lan1in A is drs1ro.1ed
ti1 C'hf•rnie<1 l IC'rtil1zcrs .ind ni!r;i trs, she
... ·nd "Cil'e you1· chilrlren cod hver 011.
Thry'll.hi1ve he11:utiful :-:kin." she <1fiv1~rd,
The spr~" 67·1 car-old wnm;:in and re!'i·
d1•nt nf Palos \'<'rdes s::i1d 11'h<'n dn1'!11rs
i'r(' ;.i ~krd al)OUI errtain fiiet supplc1ncnts,
1 ~1·1 rPpl,v. ":'\1Jt tnou~h 1s known yet '
"\\'h:1 t 1hr.1· rcullv niran is 'Nol f'nough
11;-knnwn !'f'l by me
She· drplnrcd the practice of g11·1ni;
children skim milk. "II just doesn 't have
enough food value.''
The nutritionist believes Vitamin B is
Inst durin,11 refinemenl nf wheal and in·
sists on using stone ground and sprouted
11·he<1t. "Bake your own bread. If only
hrtaUSf' il smells ro p:ond." She believe!!
\'it;:im1n B·6 is needed by dia~lits, preg·
nant 11·01nen and those taking birth con·
lrnl pills.
She t-red1ls ;illergenic. h n t !. I e · f Pd
bab1e~. allergies in gen e r ;i J and
h.vr<1glyeemil'I 1!nw blond sugarl 11.11\h a
lnck of panto thenic acid . She ~ugge<;ts
\;;king 30 to 50 milligrl'lms daily if in J.tood
hf';il!h , the same aninunt after each meal
if there are any ill sym ptons .
i\·tiss Davis said cholesterol l'Oun1ing is
unnecc~sary. "The reason a cholrslProt
count 1n;i_v be h\gh is because it hasn't
Oren broken down into smaller parti·
t•les." She suggesl~ Raining plenty of \re·
1tl11n , 11hir.h breaks dnwn ranv acids.
t\rnugh n11lk , eggs , 1:ver anrl nils.
Commen!lng on la~ling, she said.
•·Read your labels . I don'l lhlnk anyone ti
more unethical than lhe bread peoplt... ''
She cautioned against "caramel C'lioriniz.'1
which is only a brnwn dye and "ra1~in
syrup," e. sugar 11·ater.
Vitamin C is needed lo combat tn·
fection and allergy, she sald. "You C'an
tak~ the cheapest Vltamin C you can
buy:• she advised.
Miss Da\iis is adamant about lhe
necessity far Vitamin E ta prevent em-
b<ilism lblood rlott ing\ and anemia . "It
can be f;it:il if the blond clot reaches your
lung, hrart nr hf';irl ." Vitamin E ls los t
whC'n food is refined. stored, frolen nr
hc11ed. sht' said \Vheat germ. nuts, stone
ground breads and cereals are important
Su.rnm:irizin~ her stand, she advocated
unrefined food~. fresh fruits a n d
vegctablC's. untre<1ted meat, fresh raw
milk. fertile eggs and unprocessed
cheese .
"You havp to determine for yourself
hnw yo11 11·anl you and your family to
!""k. how ynu lil'r and what kind of
rllsposition You havC' "
New Lenses Fitted Q • k.
/ as I
UIC a Wink
Ot Hi• 011ty l'llt l 11111
For girls who hate 1n wear glassPs but
C:ln't stand the thought of 11·eeping l1Jng
enough tn le;irn contact lens 11.'earing.
thC're '!i a ne v• solution in sight: soft
rrnrnising a boon for the bu sinessman
\\'ho ran'l !ake !ht time to adap1 to !rrisrs
and the hnusewlfe who 's reluc!ant to
spend the 1none;i for somC'thin~ she's not
sure she can l-l'rar. soft contact len.~l'S
nnw flrr hitting the market in wc;irable
First developed in Czcchoslov;ikia 11
~·r.;irs ago, 1he IC'nses are LlJ;i millimet·
('rs in diametrr ;is nppo.o;ed lo !he small
s1z(' nf the hard lens which is 7.9 mm. anrl
;irt the consistency of a heavy p!as!ic
H<irrl lcnsf's wrre mafif' as early as IM9
;ind first r;illed "corneal !rnSes'' by
August i\1uller. !n 1912 Car~Zei ss via.~
manuft1etu ring gla ss lenses whirh. a<"
rnrding 1n thf' book "Corneal Cfln1;irt
Lenses" by Lnuis Gira rd, v"ere "hard tn
fi1 ..
A 1najor brC'ak through r:oinH! 111hen
pl;istir lrnses 11·erf" introduced. and
;:in0lhr r in1pnrt.:1nt step c;ime when the
sn1<1ll lens was developed to no at on 11
te<1r film in the eye,
i\1an.v of !he new investigatiol'Jal so ft.
l<'nSC's . which are nonbreakablP. hut. can
be torn. are made by Jathin.i;:. a~ 11re the
hard lrnses. The "Snn('nses'' which are
n1adr hv a spill rastini,! process developed
in C7.r.thnsl0vakla a;e marketed in lhe
United Slatrs only b.v B.:i usch .:ind Lomb,
;is licensed hy th(' Fnod and Drug
Adn1 inlst ral inn ,
O!.hrr /lmeric;;in companir~ are in the
prncr~s or developing-11 snft lens, bul
musl go through the entire process of
tes!1ng fnr FDA approva l before putting
a corn peLitivP. lens on the market.
1·he "Soflenses " are so aked in a saline
solution after the.v arf' casl. and they
enlari:ie ;ind obtain their soft charac·
teristic a.~ they absorb water.
They must bC' sterilized by a '20-minute
boiling period hef nre heing warn , and
must be stored in salt v:ater.
Cn!iki' fitting for hard lenses. the
'·Snflcn sC's" are selected from 72 choices.
in thr doctor's office and arr worn home
from th(' offit:r -The dnC'tor simply orders
a replacrment p.:tir fnr the lenses he
sell~. A 5·10 minute ;idjustmcnt perind is
;ill !hat is needed to wear them com·
Nl> DI STOltTIQ[';
The advantag.es, accQrdtng to J. Stuart
Cumming, MD. director of soft lens
C'Jinical research at A 11 erg a n
Pharmaceuticals, Santa Ana include the
short adaptalion period ~.'1d the ahsence
nf corneal distor!.ion wticn they are
removed . I \\I hen hard 1£'nses .:ire worn
dail y. one cannol s£'e out of eyeglasses
for several days if the lenses are not us·
ed I
Soft lenses can be wnrn n1ore easily in
at11lelic cnmpC'lilion since thC'y are nci't a;;
apt to come nu l. and they cannot be see n
in the eye ;is easily.
The disarlv.:tntages are that they c::innot
be worn by anyone with more th;in l '·:i
diopters of astigmatism. they are slightly
more expC'ns1ve than hard lenses and
they take more l!me tn c;ire for because
of the da ily strrilization perioid .
Resea1-ch rcarns <11. AllC'rgan now are at
~·ork devC'lnping sterilizing. sna king and
cleaning product~ co1nparable to tho~e
used for h<1rd lrnsf's, Dr. Cummi ng said.
This v:ill eliminate the boiling process.
tSee LENSES GO SOFT, Page 16)
., Composer Tunes In on Spirit World
Ann Lander s
F ~iends 'Phony'
• DEAR /\.\'!\/ LA r'-'IJ~:Bs (;i1•r hr!trr
adt·1ce 0r i::11·e up, I refer t0 your ;inswer
t0 lhe hn,<;.les s who d i!'('fl\ rrf'fi th;i( ::i Ii·
qunred·up giJest used her phnne nnr night
tn ca ll rel;it,vrs 1n \ f'11czurl;i , 1-lnn nlulu
and Genev;i , Sw1t1.er\:1nd .
I reali7.f' phonP ('lll1lpan1es var1•. bul 11-•e
hine Southern Bell here in Dal~s <1nd it's
a federal nffensr ln "rnisuse' ;inn1!1r r
persnn's phone. If 1he phone company
can 't co llect frnm thf" pe rson 11-·l1n rrc('iV·
ed the CRll nhcy 1ry1, thtn 1he f)l'r~on
who m;irlr (h~ e;11I i.~ In hiJ! trnu hlr !
don't think the federal ~01·ernn1cnt would
h;:ive ;i 1;iw 1u.'>t for one st;ite. ~o 1! musl
be natinn11-·ide.
\Vhen the drunks Rnd rnont hers ;ind
practtcaJ jokers !ha . hi!. ha 1 fine! nut t.h:it
they are n;essing_ f.rnund 11-·ith !he Fed~
they might W<'lil un;1l thr.y ~et home tn
m;ike their k1ng·dislancr ('311.~. -n1111. 0
OEl\R OIAL: Sorrr. 1\-lr . ./of' O'Brien
nf nliO<'lis Rell in Chic;ign trlls me th;it in
thi! pa rticular case. nn federal 111w wa11
braken. The person "'ho made the c;i ll
wa s an Invited guest and there "'"-!I oo
frand 111rainl'I M;i Rell. Thf' ft aurl "'as
bf:tween thr drunk and the owner of the
Ma Bell wlll dtl f'\'erythinp: ~hi' can In
hel p the bos1 collect -for 8UCb ca11~. 111·
clurllnJ? ln,·r ~•ii:arin n and rlncumenrati nn
-pro1 irlrrl. of cn nr."l'. thr \ITOO:'.i'd p,1rt:v
"'i~hr.~ to instilutr lrgal protccd ings. ,,la
hersel f will not sur.
DEr\11 t\'\I\. l.A\TH<R S 1 li:t '.'r firi11f"
qu ite il )nt Of h:<h~ ·~1!11ni:,-: ;ind en Jny ll
1·rrv 1n1l<'h , ThC'n' 11·;is !h1;; nnr 1>,'onH1 n
who fr ll 1n1n !hf' h;:it)11 nr nnl r·"lj ing 111~
lhr nii::ht r>f the jnh hcl'aL1se .~hr nel'rr
h;id anything srnaller 1h:111 ;:i S20 bill.
l1~ua11y ~hr pa1rl 111" lhr n('xl !i1nr . :inrl
<11!hnugl1 J d1dn·1 think It \\;1;.. f~11r I nf'1er
s;ii d an.1 lhing.
Three mon1hs ;.1,en I s:-.1 for th1s wf11n:in
;ind she d1dn'1 p;i v n1<'. \ly hill \1·;is S4 :i~.
She said. "Next rirnr .. \\'('II. .lh<' nc).t
t.i1nr tile hill 111a.~ $fi !HI ;ind .);hf' rlrdn't p:~v
me !hen. either. I l1111·f' nnl hHd a call
frnm hf'r since. I j1tst f()1 111rl nut 111:11. ~h~
is using another girl. I think th1:-: 1.o; 1·111 ·
ten 1-1011' ran a si tt.rr prutrcl her~rlf
;.igainst being taken 11ch·;1111:i cr nf 1n ll11s
ll'a)<' -BEAT OliT BY A n1·:11 nRr~:1\T
DEAR BEAT: or rour~r if.~ rottl'n.
The ll'a)' In prnlrct y11ur.~clf :ti,:;1in.~t ~urh
low·lircrs is: j 11 r.1ake 11 clrar 11·hrn )'nu
11rrcpt 11 joh th11t ynn wnulrl likr to bl'
paid that e1·ening. fZI Bring alnnp; rhange
for SZll.
(3) If fou are not pllid lh::t1 nii,:-ht, 1rl1
her \'OU "'ill be back the next rla v -1hrn
ft" b.<ack the nf'X1 day. 11 shr d~5n•t pa~
~'OU, co mt back lhr rollow\nc. da~-. ao•I
thf' <lay altrr, untll you rlo J.!el p;iiit. II
)'Ou h::ivr to makl!\L hree trips lo i:-rt ynur
monf'~'. be. hu ~y thf' nrxt time ~lrs.
Gtnerosity a~ks y~u to sit .
Moxine Bell cla ims she con
predict the future ,
solve crimes, heal you th,
and write music
and use1 astrology 01 he r
g uide to natu re.
Of !ho Dl llY l'lle! Jiil!
J\.1;ixine Bell h.:i~ an aura of ~trcngth
ahnut. hrr.
llrr snli rl htlilrt rl1scloscs a (;C'rman
backgrnunrl . Hrr gray h;i1r is cropper!
sh<)r'L Hrr r_Vf'S ~re rlarl< brn,,.,'n,
sn1ne!1mes 11•:irin .<ind mo 1h~r1 y ,
snmrt1n1c.~ haunlin11..
She say!' sh p ('an prrdict thr future.
Mrs. Rtll. a w1d1J11'. hal lived in the Los
Angelrs are:i fnr almost 20 years. In
Oe('ember ~he will mn ve In Newport
Rea ch tn cnnlinuf' her work as a C'OncC'rt
plani~1. n1 r.rlium. astrn!oger iinfi heater.
Born in Amr.s, Jnw;1, ~he began tn ploy
plann at !he agr nf three . Hrr love nr
111usic was If) eventually rlraw her into
the world nl psyehir phenomena .
tvlaxlnP Bell 1-1·ri1 es music. Her ucol-
1;iboralors. she claimC'd, are in the spirit
Sinee 1940 Mrs. Bell hall (elt direct COO·
tact with the .~piri1s, receiving mrssages
fr om "the flt.her side." She !isled her co-
:iu1hors a~ past masters -Tchaiko vsky ,
Chopirt. Bach, R<ichmaninofr, ~toiart,
Prnknfiev , Liszt and Brahms.
Mlfl11C flfASTERS
Musical compositions cnme lo Mrs.
BC'll, she said, as if !here is a rafiio
p!;iyi ng full blast inside her head . The on·
Jy way lo escape lhe sound, she asserted,
is to sit finwn at her piano and play.
Whr.n she finishes. she remembers every
Music experts haVe argued that some-
one 11•ell versed in composition tochni·
f!UCS and styles or the masters could easi·
ly mimic a Bach fugue or a Brahms
melody. Others have agreed, the pianist
said, that the compositions could indeed
be a continu;itinn of pa st masters.
She has "received" ti;. compositions and
3 symphony nrchestrated for 150 in·
strumcnts. The last was sent by
'.fchaikovsky .who, she said. materia lired
e;ich day for five years ln her living
rOr'lm .
"l wa~ angry," Mrs . Bell said, "that
they were sending me the music. Send it
to somP.Qne who is schooled in com-
position. I said. I can write only the piano
cues. I looked down and saw a pair of
gray spat.~. then i;t riped trousers and a
cutaway coat. 'I'll hel p ynu,' he said. I
knew it was Tchaikovsky."
Mrs . Bell. a i:ri:iduale of Drake
Uoiversity, had a promisina career as a
cnnc('rt pianist 111 1910 \~'ht'n shP had hrr
first taste nf p~yrh!c phenomena,
She <lesrnhed her following CIJncerts as
musical com edi es. Ten minutes intro e;:ich
perfnrm;incr. shf' said, so m r thin g
humorous 1\·0uld happen. Oner the piano
kC')'boa rd fell 1n(n hC'r lar. A masler of
ceremonies. rr:i incd in mu~11', w011ld an·
nouncr ;i "hatch f11d.c:t ·· Chairs cntlapscd
in the front row Cn11\S arruserl hr,r, sh e
rrve.:tled of p!\\'1111! two Holly 11.·ood
writers for scripttng gags.
In 1·o nerrt. she asscrtrd. shr h;i s nn
control nver her fingers. In practice 5h"
c.<in hit a m11ximun1 2,000 note~
per minu!e. In concert. she clai!ned
reaching 3,000.
"I play in a tranct> .. " she sa1rl.
;virs. Bell's "gift," as she called 1t. ~
not limited tn music .
She claimed the ability to pick the
ponies . She doesn't bet nn horse races nr
pl ay the market, because she feels this
would be a violation of astral law.
"It Is against astral law." she said,'"lll
get something for nothing. The more that
you give away. the more you have."
!\lrs. Bell practices what.she preaches.
"I Jivl': very simply:· she disclosed. "[
know ynga techniques. follow a very
slmpte diel and never sleep more than
fi ve hours a night. I wake up ready to
help those the Lord sends to me."
She studied to ~ a surgeon, worked in
psychiatry and even worked with mental
patient~. Jn 1954. she ' satd , she left
hospital work to do her own form of he;il~
ing, as a li.censed minister of the
Universal Church of the Master.
"If Jesus Christ came back today he
coul dn't do his work without a license.''
she said.
Mrs. B'ell work s from a plain house
~outh of Westwood. People come lo her
for counseling every day. All kinds o(
people. But she feels her special calling ii
helping the young.
"I Jove people. especially young peo--
ple." she said. "I hate to see them gel
Inst on drugs. I ha ve 17 child ren by pro-
xy, an kids I have helped overcome drug
problems, identity , problems and the
desire lo Nimmil suicide. We have a re1"'
(SM ~\YSTIC. Page 111
f8 OA.ll'f' P!LOT
Enticing Fare Lures Members
TAKING INV ENTOR Y -~JaJ.i111g ;i l:i"l·1111n11te
check of Sl.o('k before the ne\1 Sales ;inrl J:rntal Gal-
lery of the i\'ev.·porl llarbnr :\rt ~111~!'1 1n1 opC'ns arc
(left lo right) rilr~. Branch Kcrfonl at:d .\:rs. JGhn
:"1nr'k1vcl l 'f'h<• 1nu ~cum stnre is situated in the ne1v
tae11lt1c;; of 1hc inuseum, 1vhich 11•as previe11•ed by
~even hundred c·ountians.
From Pa ge 15 Rent, Buy or Admire:
nion every 111nn1 h "
\\'idowed in 195(>, ~1r .... R,,11
has a daui;itrr. :II. 11·hn J1;r~
in Lo." Ang£>11'.~ ;:inrl 11nrk~ :>.~;;
\\'flier. She 1rould like to i'\·
pand hrr work to 11·n t1ng n1us1c
for !e!evi.slon :ind llin1s.
Museum Offers Choice
rlH;n1!arteS nl1 enrlrrl granrl
npPnln,C: rrrf'n1on1rs in the
ITI•JSelHll'~ llf'll' f;i clli1Je5 In
'.\"c11·pnrl Bc;irh.
\\11!. music. fa shion and the
lure of assorted gift items .... ·ill
attract Orange Coast Club
rnembers to u p comin£
Hinton Concert
ThP young at hearL of all
ages 11re 1nv1ted to a children's
concert bv San1 H i n lo n ,
folkl orist. ·at ! pm. Saturday_
Nov . 6, in Estancia High
S<.'hool. Costa fl.1esa .
The afternoon or witty lyrics
""'1ll be tbe major fund-raiser
for Hill top Nursery School,
Costa ~1esa. Tbe !I admission
will be used to buy school
LB Women
Rima R:udina. v 1 o Ii n
humorist, will e n t e r t a i n
members 11 nd guest!'! of fhe
\Voman's C!uh nf t aguna
Beiich at their Friday, Nov 5.
noon luncheon in t h e
clubhouse f\1rs Robert Ha ll
;rnrl tl1rs. Ouof'Rn Stewart are
!<!king rcserva!inns
Beta Gamma
Nn1·embrr evcn'ts or Beta
C.arnma rhapter of Epsilo n
S1gm a .....,Alpha. International.
;ire a1merl ln\vard I he
purchase of an artllicial
kidne y mnchinE'.
tl1rs. Eleanor Rupple is
chairman of the fifth :innual
rummage sale from 7:30 a .m.
to 5 p.m. Friday and Sat urday,
Nov . 5 and 6, in the Santa Ana
t<.'loose Lodge.
This project and an all-
month holid ay nut sale will be
discussed at the Nov . 4
business meeting-\\'hich f.1rs.
fl1icky F'Jynn or fountain
Valley ...,.ill host.
Lutheran Benefit
The hnur will be J 1 JO 'a m.
v.•hen Orc.11i:e County Lutheran
High School Aux1hary sho\l,s
Holiday fashions Around the
Clock on Saturday, Nov 6, in
Royal Coach Inn . Anaheim.
f\lr!'!. Glen Sysum, chairman,
report.!'! a model or the futUre
high school also will be on
display at the sho w which '
benefits Christia n education.
NCL Debutantes
Thanksi;iving 1v1Jl Iheme the
decor 11.·hen Dr and f\lrs.
Edward Leisy Co rlett open
their Santa Ana home on Sun-
day. Nov. 7, lo entertain
parents of Newport Chapter,
National Charily League's 1971
Ball comm1Uf'e members
11nd parents or the 1970
debutan!es will share the ex-
citement and compare noh•s
as the Nov 27 presentation at
the New porter I n n ap-
League Jun iors
Three Ne wporl Be a. c h
Assistance Lrague .Juniors
\4'011 !enni.c; tournament titles
;it the 23rd '1nnual Nat ional
Assistance Le;igue convention
in Palm Spring5. The r'l1rnc.c;.
Brenton Ogden, Jerry Parker
and Ric hard R11mel!a. received
Revere bo...,·1s as trophies.
ti1rs. \Villiston Bradway of
Laguna Beach was elected na-
tlon'1! vice p resident,
philanthropic projects. at the
A get-acquaint ed coffee hour
will be sponsored by the
Welcome \Va gon Newcomers
Club of Huntington Beach at R
p.m. \\'ednesda .v. Nov. :'\, in
room 1:'16 of Huntington Beach
Higl1' Schoo!. fl1iss 1'11 arilyn
Hamilton will g i v e a
p r esenta tion on home
Sam Hinton
Irv in e ORT
A benefJL ...,·ine-tasltng party
In the Park \Vest Apartments
Clubhouse \1•ill be host ed by
the Irvine Chnpter M \\'omen·~
American OR T at R p m.
Saturday. Nov. fi . Adn1i ss1nns
nf ~2 50 per pr.r son will help
support ORT'.c; w n r I d w i r1 "·
network of vocational high
Ch ild birth
Classes in ch I I r1 h 1 r t ti •
sponsnrl'd hy the Ch1\dhir1 h
\\11thnut P;un ParPnt l.c;;gues,
ll'ill hcj:.l.{1 \\"i'dnrsrl~\·. '.\"nv. 3,
;it R ~o r rn 11·1111 ;in in·
forn1al1nn rla -.~
Thr ~r~~t!'lns arr _c:l';;irPd for
couples expect1 n~ hab1f~.
In her lengthy career a s :i
medium, p s .v ch 1 c anrl
clairvoyant. she described
being called upon 10 exorcise
ghosts from many h<1untrrl
houses. The process she user!
included rntcr1ng the hou.s.f _
studying the phenomen a. of-
fering pr:lvers and n~l\1ni:.
pl' ace upon 1 he hou~e Act rl'I!">!">
Elke SommPr is amon~ lhP
notables \\•hose homes i\lrs
Bell claims tn ha1 e de-
e:\·cr~ 1l1111g 1.~ b1ggrr :lnrl
hrtrrr a1 Th<> '\rv.•pnri H;irhor
,,n ~1usr11111·~ 11c11· hnn1,., 1n-
rl11rl1 ng 1hr S;i lc.s ;inrl Rc•111al
("011nril 's shr•r. 11h1rh ,,:is
open fnr 1n.spef'l1o n :-.n1urd;1~
eve ning.
Tht" ~1uscun1 Shop ma1n-
l<1111cd h\' the Sales and Ren tal
Cnunc1I "will cont;11n 1ewelr.v,
sc11lp111rt" anrl ccr;..mics as
well as museum reproductions
and clecnrat1ve ob J e ct s .
Original paintini;s and prints
11·111 be availablt lnr rental or
purchase. and the store ;ilsn
"'iii offer art bool\s, posl card s
and stationery. Your Horoscope Tomorrow
1'11rs. Frank Frost 1 s Seven hund rrrl 0 r ;i n g e
Cnunty art rollcctors and chairman nf the rent'11 council ,
"'hich wor ked all summer to
collect and organize select ar~
"·orks for the store 1'11rs . .John
o .... ·an. director of !he Sales
and Rental Gallery. and her
ass1slant, r..Irs. Donald A.\'res.
\'lsiled museums throughout
Cahforn1a lo plan a suitable
Capricorn: Scenery to Change
Police. she. said. ha ve c;illrd
upon her to help solve cr1111es,
an experience she professes
nnt to enjoy. ShP Feels· th;iL in
!he fu1ure police mav t11rn
of!en to cl;;1r\"o\·t1nts to help
solve crimes 11·here there arr
no clues
She cla imc.d lo be able 1n
predict earthquakes. find gold
mines and said shP has seen
into the future 1hnus<inds nf
\Vhy did ~he rccci1·e this
"I fef! I rl1rl unconsciously
v•haL !hf mystics dn
deliberately. I medilaled for
years in pracllcing my p1ann.
r.1us1c. like me£l1!<1tlnn. drilws
!he n1a strr fnrc<'s '1round
you." she expl ;unc£l.
"Astrology 1s not meant to
he a replacement [or r.oc1.'"
)lrs T3e11 stntcs slrongl_\' "lt
is only ;; guide tn the cvcles of
nature. l"ou cannot lrarn this
overnight. It takes :\fl Year~ ··
~l axine Bell prc~l"nts a rl1f-
lerent fa ce In everyone i-;hc
'"Be all th 1ni:::s In all pe0rll".
the B1hlr ~;i\·~ I inert
C\"erynnP 1n his n11"n manner. l
chanpP rlnthcs sc reral t1mf"s ,l
day depending nn \<ho 1s cnm-
in.c. '{oung cir old Rirh nr
··s1g11s srarr pcnp\f That 's
"'·hv I'll nr1·er 11:.ng up ;i
sh1figle sa~ 1ni; psvrh1c nr
medium or minister n r
"PMplc \\'hn Jrarn In h1·r in
a menial heaven nn F:ar1h 11·111
pass on 10 a menial hca1·rn in
death.'' ~he bel1f'1•c.s
H she eYer docs h<1ng up a
~hingle. she"d like it to rrad
"friend "
Mileston e for Ba/boons
;\lr "111rl ~·l r~ f'l\"rle \\C11th \\ho h:l\'£' li'·"rl nn !he
P,;ilhoa !"'C1n111~11I~ for ;'.'2 11.11 ~ 1f'lf'hr.1tf'rl .iO \£>ars
of ll):'l lT1.1':r ;i1 a pr t\a1•· 1 "' kra1I p:ir!~ ·r11r~· r :in1r tn
J\'c11 p,1rt P.r .it h frn111 c a1 Jn, 1:;:1pt \l hrrr ('nl !\.f'l!h
\1a~' 1·1n rn:'l11cl111.£ 111111 r-r nf lhf' ~l!<lrllr Ea ~1 Sr1'11rf'
!Jc 11,1-. lhf' f"ll\ i 1111 nr t r·11~1· d1l('((fll rtn rl hrilh the
J\r.1th:, 1lct1r ~f'tl l"r! n11l"l1·1 11r111 hr•:lrrl ~ 'l'lir linnnrres
hn•f' 1l11t>r chilrl1rin ~11'~ .lao·qL1C<: (·r·rrr:iu. c·;i ~1arla :
C'1:,-rlr ,Ir \l1n 11r,11tn .. 1nrl 1 h;irl c~ nf Lakr11 0nrl anrl
!!I )'.!I andrhildrcn
Fro m Page 15
• • Lenses Go Soft -
illr$. Dv.·an did addit1nnal
research tn Europe nnrl at-
!endrd !he l'lluseum Store~
Assoc1a!ion Se mi n a r 1n
Cireeting guesL~ iit the pre-
. vi,ew cockt~il p.arty were ~l rs.
\\niter D. I\. Gibson Jr .. presi-
dent nf the 1nul'eu1n i'Ollnl'll.
anrl Th0n1::1~ H (j .1r1· er,
n111 seun1 d1rC'Clnr
~lu.<;eum and i;.tnre hnur5
11•11! he Tucsda~' !hr0111:~h Sun-
d'!\' frnrn noon to ~ pm nn-
ccnt tours .... -111 he available
Thursdays at 2 p m
ARIES (/'.larch 21 -April 19 1:
Secrets are hil'.:hlighted . Be
sure a confidential meeting is
kept that "'ay . C he c k
s11fekecp1ng places for legal
documents. other valuables. In
con \•ersatinn.o.. he sure to
make mcanin,ll~ clr.ar,
TAURUS ! April 20-~1ay 201·
Reconciliation indicated; in-
volves fr iends. loved one.
Dnmcs!ic harmony can be
resl1,rcd . t11ke in1!irtt h·e in thi.~
dirc<'linn Pl'ace offering no1"
11·ould be ;i con~tructil"e more.
Ac! accordint:ly
c;Et\llNI 1tl1a~ 2!-June 2n 1:
Prrceil"e n~ason..,, motives.
Oon "l br satisfied "' 1 ! h
superilc1al explanations. ac-
D~ P~tDi.ad~
~~>-"<>;.~ ... ~~
To avoid d isappointment, prospective
brides are r em inded to have their \\·eddlng
stories \\'ith black and 'A"hite j?lossy photo-
graphs to the O.<\ILY PILOT \\"omen's De--
partmcnt one \\'eek before the wedding.
P ictures received after that t ime will not
be us ed.
F or engagement announcements it is
imperative that the story, also accompanied
by a ble1ck a'"nd white glossy p ict ure, be sub-
mitted six weeks or m ore before the wedding
date. If d eadline is not met, only a story "'ill Thr\' ar" pu1 1n rhl' i;.;:io11> ~aid b d
'',, ''''h , fir"' ,r th" l•n-I e use . " " '" ,. ... Fiti;.rarr i nn1\' 1~ hru1~ on In
i::rr11p -Iii.i t hard 1cn,('.~ :irP rll'1clnp hif!'IC';il len~l'i .. <.0 So('ln To help fill requirements on both wed·
<inrl a1 1• 11"111111 1•d h1 t1tt'r:illl" rP?:ling .i;lns.~l'.'i m:i~· n!'lt h;.r;\'e
tions. Display natural in-
genuity . One at top is close
observer. Some pet ambitions
now ca n be ful filled . Go to ii.
CANCER (June 21-July 22 )·
Emphasis on add it i o n a I
knowledge, news from afar.
Be practical. Evaluate po1en·
tial. prom ises. See per.c;ons,
i;.ituations ns they ac!ually rx-
ist. Pul a halt to endless prn·
crastinatinn, Check messages
LEO '.Jilly 23-Aug. 22 1:
Steady pacr will accomplish I
task. Avoi rl the sensationa l Do I
1vhat you know is co rrect. One '
1vho advoca te.~ get-rich-quick 1
scheme is beint: foolish. Don"!
fnlln1v !hat example S!k•k to
lhP farts . I
\IJRGO tAIJ.[: 2:'1-S«pl. 22 i·
Timing no11· is nf p:ir;:imount
import;ince. Play ...,. a i 1 in~:
g;;in1e [.('! nthcrs re1·c:il their :
handi;.. Vou rlo br~1 now b~·1
l1s1en1ng. observing 11nrl lrarn-
ing Accent on marna.cc.
special panocrsh1p~
LIBRA t 5rpt 23-0ct 22 1 I
Accent on basic 15:":U<'l'i. Str1\'C'
fr.r balance. cspet1;:illy u1
work. health ilrca~ Avo1c1 ex-1
tremes ;ind extra1·agance
l\C'ep r £' c £' n t rr.solu!1ons.
del.:iyed is now i;lven green
light. Put idea s to work ~lake
contacLs. Stress product -
and personality.
AQ UARIUS Llan. 20-Feh.
IR 1: Empha5is is on payme nt.
u nrlers1aod1n~. cooperation.
Lril"erl nnE' dcsr r1 rs com·
P I S("E ~ tFeh l!l-~l;irrh 21'1\:
r11·cun1stancr~ 1111 or perl'onaJ
effort~. Tai-le 1n111;iti1 P
collectinn of de bts. A1•nid ~~~~~~~~~~~~ making commitment whirh /~
f'nuld depri\'e family o f
ncce~sities. Stnke fnr izr,;:iter
~ ~I
beny, berry,
IT 'S OUR 9th
<"t nd _you g "d the
s<"t v1og1 on .
20 °/o to 50°/o OFF!
II vou ow" l o• I 00, do""' "llll
t~H• fob ulou~ "-""lver,orv
For ln1tonte , , .
- 1 on ee 1!11"~~1110" --
or ~vnthctlt
Utillz r experi<'ncr ~tick 11"1 ~1 ,~1
familiar groun<i 1mpro1· p BOYSENB ERRY WIGS ••• >495
technique~ '111 Sf ~\I\
SCORPIO 10c1 2~·\n1 21 1 ··~~!.~ ..... ~'-:, IJ1rJ1J. /'/'. •
Concprn 1\'llh chllrlrrri 1n-l I' // f l . / / P ~i
d1ca ted Vo rm 11 I ;i I , C'n· WIG & BEAUTY
!ert;.r;lnn1rnl. rrrrra!1on p!;ins SALON
Find nutlr!~ fnr crea1i1·r 548-3446
enerJ'.:y. 't'l'lu prnf11 no\v from NOW AT YOUR GROCERS 250-D Eo\t 1 7•~ ~""' association "'ilh ~af,?iltariu~ 111-COST.A MES.A
dil'idual \Velron1e change. 1~~~~:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;;~;;~~~11~11~-'~"~;~r.~>.~\~~Q~l ·~·'~"~·I~;~~ .SAGITTARI US IKov. 22-
Dec. 21 ~: Accent on home.
properly, domestic s1t11at i0n
Older individual plays pro-
minent role. Cooperate: witb
Scorpio person. Re " i e w
values. \\'hat appears min or
could be in1J>Qrl11 n1
CAPRICORN ! Dec. 22-Jan.
191 : Change of scenery is in-
dicated. Ciill or messaRe could
get you going . Wha l ha11 been
Early Fall Clearance
To M•k• Room For l-lolid1y M1rth1"di11
Joy To The World Fash ions
1555 I . COAST HWV .. COllONA DIL MAit
l'•r~l"t I" ll•lf
lllnl'hin:: 1hrrn nu1 Or 1hr ('1·(' ding and engagement stories, forms are , . !fl con1r 11·1th mtddl('·age ~1111·r thr\' :irr r.'mr~1 t111r r ~rrrarl. he addrrl. available in all of the DAILY PILOT offices. -----~~~ ;.~~~:e11·fftnh~1\~~ 1~\~~~~~ r11:i~;~. 1n~111 ~ ~~1~ ~0 i~~11'.·;~iic~~ ~~:~~s ~~~~it~~":1a~il~e~be~~s~e~~~.43~ 1r.~;Y£ 'rr:§;;'~~CE:~
r erl ;in.I lhcrr 1° nn µJ;ire fnr· fr.nn<'rl 1r lli('rl' l'i not l'I pair ~ ~ ~
Cultured pearls arc 11!'10· tn• rl.1_1 nr nit.hi nf gl:i:;scs in sizjil or 494-9466. 1 ':,: · !Ji 1 _
derlully adcpL at clu5tering. :it Tl1c •an1r presrnpl1(l n m:i "· Rc11tH1 1hrn Mil l1uly be in . c. • LAMP LIGHT t • ' · 1
~~dti;gb:~~~r~~~ ~~la~~ n~~~ '.' ~r .~":;~ I/;~\'~;\; h~eg,1 n~:' ;~ 1\l;f--~I ;"';;';~·c;;;;o;I ~t~h';;;;"~';;"'~l~d ';;r~-;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;I ~' '· . l'l e l"l 0 r j . ·: '
get .11ttention for the re~t of rn1rl-.Jn~ <1nrl .thc pnrr i;.hnuld .J CELEBRATES
the wearer. too . r·('l1111'1 <lr.1 .. 11 ti con1pe1111(\n OC-1 LIMIT~~ TIME OFFER ! -EXPIRES DEC. 1st
They make atlracli\'r ring~ co'llr<; krrn. Dr. Cutnining 27 YEARS ~N CORONA DEL MAR ~~~~~=-;;:===; 10% DISCOUNT
Go lo G,ve11 s
Sidewa lk Sale
Saturday, Oct. 30th .
BIKINIS ·~ "' s4
"'-REE· DAN S"" """ HOU f"1 • With 520 Purthme
HAlllOlt CfNTf:ll 2100 HAllBOI IL
t•N• "'''" •
•ll:OM CUii: lllOULAll fll1C:a lliT ON
Wlilottllt r Y•~'•• .. , tt.1 d•lt •r 11•t!
r-------FOlt IXAM,LI :·------~
Ou• to,,,bin•tien 1to1vbook of !2 -a.10·, I 24-s.s· •.
... ith Choit t of Albu"'•· Pr1-8•id1I F•"l•1v1 I l ••fured
p,;"11 '175 Co~•••;• NOW ONLY 1151.50
Call 545-6786 foe Home Cons,lt•+;on
lO°!o OFF
NOV. 1
.:,~ ~~·~~:P,1
... , '.> ........ ...:...--~-•·· ..... _._",~ ....
awuillEP, MY 17f'AR GAU.OW) .••
MY SrSTej<
OH ----
'>OU #JD
#·.;; •·•-~.·o
'j 5.l'IOIV )l'llf
10 Lion~
14 M~!~"-~!
IS t11le11\ i:i.1l<>
lit M1r>r enlr~1tcf
17 Vrf'\r11'!.
{'{111 11
, l S Not !h~ be~t
20 W:ir\l,lr'>~
;:;: ~rt>.1tc-:.1 •
{ \",1
23 Protrrtw~
24 011r. wtio ••
2b •·· B•arl(.O
Ri ver ol
Brat •!
'P 27 Enq~grd I 1
JO Hou!.t'tO.J:!.
l4 A.~stontl••
35 Orde/\y "'
43 Reciter or
l 1l~r~'V work~
r.) Ph111r1°1
4 l ~loor
48 111 ,Hld1lHlll
!13 I.' 11 llll' f1<'1
~} l1ql1! brtrze
~a \11 01,,:r
ltl S111rld lbr
r,7 T .1b ·t ~r1 rad
I ,lj. "' ~
b-1 l~o7r
~s (,qn1,.1•11
bb (..•1ecrlr\ .
n•:ir e~~111g
Ii 7 Ot!spr1n(j
; sw,11
l Ac\Qt Jo!~•···
3 L~•ge
1nar1ne !1".h
4 V1('N O.!
Yesterday's Puzzle Solved: !'
~~l (" o S lO~ SEl I
S ~O ~l T A~
11 F 11'>t ir,1,i
!~ M.u<;l1,,1 ··-.
.t .1te~""'"
:3 (rnl111q i.·,p~
will! you119
;i11<J old
]1 F!owe1
71 r~1i1c d'·-
;-5 r~blf'd ~c~
2/, (,tQWll~ l'l
nw l,1nrJ
2& Omit 1•~
zq Ci1IC1l1fd
10 2q 71
1'1 f.vr·v
40 M.11,
p.it\S ol 111.mt~
4 2 o~e wi10 ·~
rlotimed; Sl~ri9
~~ l 1111e penod~
41t G.loorg~ C
Scott role
4 / Part of
h•~ PVl'
l1 l~r~hwor~ !or
:io t.1 .. 1~\rrl "'
old Eng\a1;d
~1 At r1tan l'\\1l
!ll 1•1 a new
3!> Po111\les~ IAlk
31 Combatant
lh~ OCP.1ft connt~I Ne
~ Be~~\ ol' tissurs of
!d S1ate
Ir oops
38 Ne19hbo1
o! New
Bri1nsw1t k
•O Rabe
41 Netherland~
•Z F orte!ul
' J
• ~.i
" 21 "
"' ·-.
-~ ¥
" ••
bn1dl'f1 the s~e lE'IOLl
b Bo+led slowly JO Oeafwi•llJ
7 Onr w110 11n1~t
w~t~s b~t~ Jl Corrode
;ind !o!!IT Jl Tl1e!.aut11S
B 5tr~ngth a111hor
!! JOOy~ars'. Abbr. 33 Celrst1~!
10 Stew bodies
35 Put a knol in
' • 7 " • • JO . "
'"'' "' " "
' ' l• "
" "' 23
~5 Sln!>f'. Scot.
'>It Atllr'>.S ·-
'>7 Grass s\<i!I:
!Jq Member ol
bod~: Abbf.
bO Oo it
incorrec t!y
" " "
-M '
' ~,.
' ' li OH
"' ~ .. JI " '"
t:t!'' ~" .. .. " .~ .. ~ .. M ' ~ ,.
",1 " " (l,\ -.p~·· ~ .. ~%1" .
.JLyre t ~-r.:: i,re
t ~·!".? l < -••
l ~f ... ;:i.~ ... ~
A"'ft"A .....
' . By Chester Gould
By Tom K. Ryan
By Dale Hale
By Frank Ba9inski
" ..
l 'M S02~'1" El<'lC..
T\.llS IS A.~15EV
S.A.M Dli:IVEK' ~
?. --....:_ •·?--A~
lS 1-IEADtD J:"O'
r o NDESf DPF AM OF l.'V£~
COl'lli:. TRUE:.'-'~~
I f _ ~'d;~tlfi1" 1~
MC\57 #A VE ONE!
r:::===:::==::::---;,-;:r. -r \lJ:As
~11~U1 FS
,.\GO ! ·
' • )r
t '
-rorw;, I'M ocn·
EC\~6 -ro EM
Ml) i..oocH ! -
e()11J6 -ro· T~KE Mil NAl'1
0 •
By Charles M. Schub
{Yf< iypetype iyfe DIN&!
fold fold fo ld , lick lick!
do~p <ofol'lp !
01 Ff'.IVAI.{ AFTERN0005 AT
i\~C A LOT a: NOISE !
'(ypc typ<
·;-1.1<71 ::1r!
i :·~c {Yfe Pt.'\;! i..,. ·.~11,
t'.(o'·!ll·· "1,j\
If'":. NICE TO
sPENCE12 •. /!M.
By Harold Le Doux
1 LAW UNDEJ<?STA.t..ID IT W"'S l(\WD ~
'tOlll<' PLA.NE. ERIC~ IJ EW 'VOR:k ! l
.AJ'Vl<'.ECJ A TE rT '
A Go000 PILOT,
Cl'UISIN6 SPni:>.
By Mel
. ' .. \~
·--l''i.1/./.1<.V, Flr:H6J!TV RDOMMA7f!Sf •
.. .br~D I'M tJOI
ecMlb 1V STOP
SOCl<ll.\6 M9
' , 0
• • •
By Ferd Johnson
•·Q11lck! "'hlch y,·ay to lbt-caftte.ria?"
I '
' l
~ Will D1·ea111
Co1n e T1·u e
Fo1· Posey?
0! IM DllJv l'Jtet Sl•fl
RIVERSlDE -\\'hrn thPy ci\ll hirn
"Silent Sam" jt;l'i Hke cal lin g a h1g /;ii
guy "Tiny'' nr a ciu1l1flower·e::lrl'rl
wrt':8t1er ··Angel "
Sam Posey is an.vlhtng but silen1 . a fa r t
he proved again rhis week in a prf)fil e 10
Sports Tllustrated. ·
Accorrlini;:: 10 the i;tnry. Pn~.v said he 1:i;:
still wak in,11: up from Lhal recurring
dream. !he one rhal has him 10 one car
and Jackie Ste"'·art in ;innthPr, anrl bn!h
;ire fighting for the let1rl
Sam a!v:ays v.·::ikc.~ up hrfore hE> finds
out ho"'' thi> r;i1·r cnmes nut .. anrl he
always ~el.~ ni l! or herl rxh aus1ed !1kP hr
has bf-en v.•rci;tl1ni.; wi th 1he s!eerin_~
\.l'hee! all n1i::h1.
This "·eckenrl ls nn rlrr;i111 In rn~rv,
v.·ho v.·ill re1urn In thr Cani\m rn;irl r<ir·
ing w;irs in ;i highly enmpeti!1vr T r:.s T.
McLaren again~\ Strwar!, nf all prnplr.
AAd a ht1ndfu! nf other lop driver!' ll'hn
"'ould be w0rthy nr ras!ing 1n one nf
Pn!'ry·s trrhnirnlor r!reams.
Thr 5r1ting 1~ the 200 n1ilf' Time!'
f;rand Prix at Rivers1rlP lnl f'rnallnna l
Th!"re will bf' Pele Rrvsnn. nn"' knn>A'n a~ "Ch;impagne Prtrr'' nnt for hi~
rlPhauchcry tiut for hi.~ hiihir nf !'haki n~
lhc bn1tle nf \·1rtnr\ rh;unp;ignr anrl
~quir tLOI' specta1nrs anrl pho1ni;:raphl'rs
y.·iUi 11 1nsll'arl nf rlnnkin~ 1t ! He has a
cnn trac! \Yt1h ;i !>p11nsnr whu h rncnurages
him tn rlrink Coke in publ1r 1nstrarl1.
rnsev "'ill alsn fa rr nrnis Hulm r. 111
r~nnv ·\PIPran lrn1n 'llt'\\ Zraland w h n
wa s ·.,.,·1nn1n1?. lhe "'orlrl <tr11·1n11. cham·
pionship ..... fi rn Sam w;i~ r.<1r1ng an Alpha·
Rnmpf1 .~rrl;:in a~ ;in ;1111:1tc11r 111 \%7.
On&> nf the rh1M ;iuta1?.0o1.~t ~ fnr lhe
ri)nnrc·llf'ul \';inker nn11· l11'in11. in
rap1!>!rii nfl P.c:-;ich i~ f);iv1rl ll nhh~. whn
narrnv•l.v hra1 ro~C\' [{1r lhr l!'lil l.A·1\!1
Con !1nental Ft1rn1ula A chiin1p1onsh11)
1 Hnhh.~. whn IS a~ k"rn ;i ron·
\·ersa!lnn11l1,.l ii ~ J'nl'('I' 1s nnrr \l"\~C'
criirktrl that rn~f\ ·, far \\'(!\ rlo11·n f\fl
pri\1·er hf"r:.11.~" 1! lnkr~ lflO·hntsepov.·er
111st t(I npl'r:11r hi' 111n11i11 1
Then thrre 1.~ .!iick1e Oh1"r. 1hr 1nn.,dv
.\•n1Jn1? Rrilon \I hn "'nn !hr lR\1ans 2~
hrn1r the .vr;>r Pn5ev """~ M"ann~ h1m~r1 r
1n thr rain at night nn the ~1ul..,anne
The far! 1• 1ha1 Pn~f'.\'. nn11' 2i, h ~
1nat11rcd ri111rkrr <1nrt rlnnP mnre 1n a
i-hnrt timr than mn ... t prnf,....,~1nnal• in 1hr
~\)('rt . al!hnugh .:it thr rO!'t nf 11·1nn1n11.
i;nme r nr1n1r~ ;unnng thr nthrr rlr11pr~
Hr. bl>r<1n1r rnn~C'inu~ nf motor r.:1r1n~
a.., a 11.1r11r-olrl nn a lrlp ln E11rnpE>, ;inrl
hr <Pl (1111 tn rrtur<11r hi1n~tlf hi" ro\
IP.rt1nt: anrt rt'iicl1nt: h1!' \\'ilY lhroui;?:h a
l1hr;i1·~ or :l(,W) books nn !hr ~prir1 hf'fnrP
hio v.·a• 21 rtf'rl <'ll!'ible 10 hrJ.!ln rln\·in R
Tn 1 .. ,1 hi• nll'n mf'ol.:il rl1sr1rl1ne a~
\1 1>11 :i.• rnnrl1l1nn 111< hr>rly. P11sPv dropfl"rl
;;n f!<'\lod>-nlf h1J; '.!.'ill·f'!"H.lnti frame befor"
ht rlimhf'rl 1ntn lhill first rilrP rar,. ;i
F0rn1ula \'rr
Tn ;irrl\·r ;i! 1 h1~ rurrrnt st.at11.~ as a 1nr
dnvrr f!U lrkrr !han mn~t oUiers. rnsry
Sl"'f'nt ;i rnnstrlf'r<ihlf' pnrt ion nf ii S.100.000
1r.hf'rit;inrf' hu\·1ni:t c-<irs t1nrl hiriii.1:. ~11p
pnrl pPt5onne1 1n !ht r<irly p;:ir1 (If h1 ~
Hr·~ h;irl ;i fr11· v1clor1f''-. hul Jhr pr(\11rl
,.~1 111nment nf rn~"'v's riirr"r 1' 111• 1 h ,.
ri'l v hf' 1• ii~ ... l!'nf'd 10 rlr11,. a Fnrn111\a I
C'ar tn lhP l" S C.r:1nrl Prill at \1;alk1ns
Glen l:1q Srptrn1brr.
"Th('tP arr 1hn!>P rln\'Pr~ "·11() 'bul'·
!heir r1dp.o;,"' Posey ~;url. "but 1 "'ii~ ·p:11i1
tn dn1·p lhP car Tha t'~ 11•herr 1 ;im nf'\\'
I'm being recngn1zerl as a. prnfl"ss1 onal
rlrh·pr "
Pnse~'s T.F.:.S T c;ir i~ !hr ~~rnf' nnl'
crashf'd anti believcrl rlfmnlishrrl twn
1.1•etks '1110 :1! LAw1n<t-Sfr,::1 h.1· Vic F.Jrnrrl.
The V..'oorls ere"' ~~nt if;h 5 ::i dliy fflr
10 ~a.vs rep.11i rin~ it Pnsey 11·\1 ·:1s1e rio
lime dref."fllng 11bo1il 11 duel with ew3It.
He"s going to rry to rluplica1e. 1t 1n
d1.ylicht with hi.s eyes open Sund\(_
Anteaters Face
UCLA Poloists
SAN'J' A MO~CA -IJC lt\'lne s r-;c A. ...
champlonsh/Q.1w11trr P')ln IP11m will f11ct
tM st:hilol it '\tethroned fnr the hr~t tiTnf
this season tnnighl at the S11nta Mon1c1i
Hi•h School Indoor ponl -the l:CLi\
Bruins. ..:.........
Ar tio n \s s'I fnr '7 o't lnck 1n ·a filUl11'
co11r b Ed NP"'l.:inrl nf I :c 1 flgurt'5 wMI bE
a roua:h enrnunte:r lrn m slitrt lo finis h.
"They 1\;Cl.A1 h~v,. surh ii long hl"nch
lh,.y r an 1frnrd in rnul 11 lf)t A~ain~I l'SC
rece nU y. tht.y rQmmi!ted 65 person-,! foul~ and thev 11r' 11 veraging abnwt 60 per
gamt ," the UC! mentor e11plt1in?. • • '
Dalton:. A Man With
01 !~1 llt •lf ~>IOI S!lf!
AI!l'r !lsten1n,e II) Harr\ Dalton nf the
California Ai11.iels nnr l!PI.~ the impression
lhal if hr 11ere ;ible !n Iii!, rielrl anrl
lhrow 11 b~~eb::ill a11 w('ll a~ ht' c;in get
across rn 1ht' prPss, tl1P H;1los wou!d be: a
c·1n<:h \\'orltl Ser1r" rnlr}' 1n 1!172
11al tnn , thr ~;\.11rar .o!d "'1iarti frn111
B:ll!imorr i.:rerlrr! .'I n1ass11•p prPs~ 11rr<1 v
Th11r~d:il' :i t An<1hl'1 n1 S1arl1urn .ind
rl_cfrlv ftC'lrlr-(1 1he qurst1nn!' nf ;in u1riu1:1
11\'f\ Plf'~<;.
1-J.e 's a man 11·1th snn1P 1rr1· •lrf1n1t r
idea" 1n terms nf re~rnuprn.c !hr Angf l"
"P1tchin,t: hA" tn cnmr first. s;i1" lhP
Angels general mana,i::er "That kerps 1 011
resprctahlr After that Jt's defen~ anc!
then h1t11ng \\le knO\\' tht fans are: look·
ir1~ fnr the hitting right a~·ay. hul l'n1
1·rr1· happv lo start out here: with the
p1tfhtn,t: ;ilrtad.v available ··
ThP Ani.:els Gt-.1 i:aid he didn't exPf'rl !11
n<irne a f1elrl 1nt1nager In replat'e Harold
.. l..ef!.\'' Phll\1p,<; fnr 1hrer nr four wePk.~.
i:a,1·111i.: hP had nther prPs,<;1ns.: Jlroble1n.~ to
1r11n nu1 l1r~l \l"llh the re.~t of the AnRcl s
n1an11,1;rn1l'nt .
"I ha1 r r11:ht tn 10 mrn 1n m1nrl for thr
1nh." ~;i1rl Dallon The P,;>Jl1more 1'en1u~
1n rffrl'l, rule1J nL1t frank Robinson fnr
thr posl
' f'rar\k ~ .c;t1)1 .i;ol g1)me gnnO 1 rars lrll
p\<1\'10;: anrl I'm not sure he 'rl 11ant t<1 -/'.
--· -•
stop pl,11y1ng at this stage.'' he told tht
l"he matter o( tradP~ wa.s brought up
and Dallon replied. "Trades are a lway~
nrrrs,<;ary. I've been fortunate 10 trade
:;urplus for a neerl in I.he past. And I fetl
11e're in a position to make sonie good
'"\\'e h;H I" :1 numher o: artrart11e
pla.\'C'rs nn lht~ billl cluh."
n11l!on·~ mnsl famoos !hPft nf t;ilent
\1 a> 11·hcn C1nf'1nna t1 ga\'e up nob1nson
f1.1 t>.1111 P:ippas ::ind nthers.
The onf'-l1mr ~por!~wriler np1nell th<il
1hr Angel~' pnlPfltia l rests with thP
111len!Prl pit ching ~t.aff of A n rl .v
~lessersm1th, Clyrle V..'rig ht. Lloyrl Allen
-~," £! 71
UPI Ttl~~~ot&
011 e Shoots u 92
Golfers S quawli About
Frigid V egas W eatlier
LAS v~:c,\~ !.\P1 -. I \.-11r11 \If \lfl!'F'
j!flln.:! 1n hr It] lf11UhlP ",\ hl"p [ lnrokPd n11t
thr hntrl \\"lflrlnw 1n lhP mnrn1nc ;inr! saw
lhr 11•h1ff".r.:ipp<"rl 11·;i1·p~ 1n thf" ~\\·immin,i::
1'001." R1rhiird Cr;i11·!nrd ~.:11rl.
"C:nld~ All rhr 1:irkriibb11~ ;in rl
rn;i<lr11nnrr~ RTF hr;irlint: nnrlh In i;:r1
"'arm."' s;:i1rl (;;irr!nrr 0 11k1n.,nn
• I nl •n rl'llrl ni.1· h::i1r h11r1 ~:· ;:ir1d l,rP
Trf'1 inn
Thr rnn1m rnl< 11,.,.rr l\p11·;.il Tti11r.,ri;11
;i • i;:nlf ·~ tn11r1ni:; pr<1' h<itllt·rt thr•lllt:h th"
n1•1~t ~r1rrP 11r;:it ~1r1 r11nrl1!1'ln~ •'n thP
1n11r 1h1< <;r;i~nn 1ri lhr l1r<:I rnunrl n( 1rr
~l'.l; IY\11 S:ih;:ir;i !n11 1:i11nn:1l
L;i nkv fi!lh 1!1 , 1.,. .. 10 ;i In , in r r
An1r1 1c;:in ;.inrl liril1 •h .11nil1t'1 1r rh:unpll•!l
<;Pf'kl fl,C hi< fff'1 pin l•1 1r 'lllf'P l!ll\R.
rmf'ri;:P<l lhr lr;:i dr1· 1111h ;i h11ll1;in1 . Jn11r'
unrlr r.par liR nn lh!' JI \~ 1;irr! P;irarl1~r
\'rille1 ('nunlT\' Cl11h l'nur~r
"I 0J!UP ~l' I 1·(' ~11! in ~a1· 1 11:..f· 1t1r
11•ea Lher." D1cksn11 ~;i1cl "H'~ i;:nt tn be
D111Jr ec Tal,IJeo
Ove r Quarry
111 ~01111t y Boulr_
"'fn11ni;: ~1 1kr Qu;irr1 1" u11hr111trn in h1<;
:12 lights <is a prnrr ... ~1nn;il h11I hr !Arr~
th !' to11;:.hesl nppnnPn! 1n hl.<i rareC'r 11·hrn
he i;:ne.~ Ai,::ain~r .10.yr:1r·nlrl .J 1n1m~·
Ou rr<'r nf .Jer.c;r~· 1111
And For lhP 1Lr.o;1 11111r. Q11an·1', 2!1 . hnx·-
1n g tx-rnrr hi.<i hnriir lnwn f:in!'. gnr~ 1111n
Aclinn 11.c; !hr 11ndl'rrln.11 1n ql!r~t nf
l)upree's No rth American I 1 ~ h I
heavy>A·elgh! l1!lc .
Ill" hr :-t rn11nd l '1r pla~i,d 111 :i lnnc lnn c
111111' .
Trr1·n'n i>rnr q::1nc lt'ntn :l ~11 1111r lh1t
h:1~ placurrl hin1 .o;in1·r tu~ ~11 ""P nf thr
An1&>r1ran. C;in;irl1;1n ;:i.nrl RrllL<;h 0 r P n
!1tlf'~ 1hn'P month.o; ii,en look ~rr11nd
.:1lt1nr w!fh ii fi9.
· ! lh111~ l'n1 n·;Jih I" co <i ::?.:i1n." •::i1rl
Tn'1111,... hr:i 1·1l1 hunrllf'rl 1n ~r\ rr;il
l::1.1rr~ llf 1'ill1h1nc. ;ind ;i i.:n'"n 'kt 1 Ap
fl••h r;.1;ilh1 ;1nr1 fl ;i'" fl1111c1.1~• h.1rl ifl~
1n !hr fr1i.:1d 11r,1lhrr 1111h ~1 x p\;i 1 11r~
lur\;l'd :it i i thr llnh· nl h<'r~ 1n thr [1r\rl
pf I I I ah!r !11 llrra~ ~.1r 7~ Th,.1 ;irr f)1'1\
.1.1nt1<1r1 .l11n .J;irn1r~nn nr;inr nrr•l;!r'I.
Rrt! Y:in1'<'1 1':1111 \\nra11 ;inrl Frrrl
\1.1r!I . 11h" f1n1 ~l1rrl ,r,nnd 111l;p.J1,rrk ~
l\111~r r lntrrn11l111na1.
.fltl11'lj! r;1 lt11rr ('i• f;i1 '1flll' II I I h
Trr\ inn !nr I tl<' $:7 !~¥\ r1r't nrt~r h;irl
l11n lhrrr·r11rt hnCll'" rn rn111r tn R ii !hiil
1'111 h1n1 wrll h:i rk 1n lh" f1 r lrl.
Thr h1t:h 1rn1prr;:it11rr \\ 11~ 47 i111rl 1t
1111~ r·n11•1rlrrahl\' rn,1l rr mn~I nf !hr rlil\',
A hli1~tf'r\' 11•111rt tl1;it c11<ll'rl 1n J~ n11l~~
prr hn11r "1arl P lhr rh111 f;irtnr r1•r11 rnnrr
<r,·r rr ThrrP \\•rrr r\'rn 11 frw hursT!< nf
-.p1t1 111 g ril1n. mixed 111!h " fp v,• ~nnw
fl;i Ii P!'.
ThP plal'Pr!' "'~nl ou1 1n la1·rr~ nf
..,wra1rrs ;inrt ra1n gr;ir ~\iln\' of thPm
11 or" 11 nnlen riip.~ ;n,rt 'nme rtnnnr1t
w(){')lf'n i.:lnl'eS hel\l"Cl"'n ~hots. At Jp;:i~t nne
11rnr ou! 11·ith ;i hip n11,k
Thr wr;ithl'r rnnlnhutr<l h' i:nn1 r nf thr
f1ic.hr~t ~n1rrs nf thr ~l'a~nn . Fnurlrrn
p\;i~ rrs wrrr ;it RO nr n1·er. Orfrnti1n1'
rh;inipinn Rahe H 1rkr~· h::irl :1 ill
f r:ink Rc<ird. u~u:1\lv nnr nf thr m.,.,l
rnn~1~1rnt plil.\'l'T~ on lhr 11111r, h:1d ;i 711
lh1 C'h1 nMriJ.:111'7. l1arl lo )llil)' lhP
h;1r k nlnP 1n ~4 1n ,•i1l1·ai:e ii 71i
A11rl Hnh n ilmrn'n. nnr nf lhr f lr~I. n!f
!hp lrP 1n 1hp bitin,c morr11ng cnlrl. look "
hnrrendnus !12.
Ni(·l{Jau s Puts
Stran glehold
On 11'irst Pla ce
H()flAllT. T;1~111;u1111 11\f'1 -/\1nrn.
f",1n prn .!il1·k '\whl;1u .:. ~hol ;i ~,.1·pn -
1111r!"r·r;1r Ii~ !n rqti:il 111" rn11r.~F rpr·nrrl
111 lhr i;f'c•nnrl rn11 nrl nf !hr O::int;i.' Ail•·
ll';1l1;in Oprn i;:nl[ ln11rn.i1nrnl 111 flo.1 al
llofl:1r1 tnrl;i1
r\ i::-a!lr1' nl 2.0(IO ,<;1111 ~!rklaU' rl;iv
ri'11cr i,:nl f 1n lhr $24.200 lourn:irnrni 1n
r:1kr ;i fl\"1'·~1rn~r l(';irl 11 1th :1n ll·Un1lr r-
pnr IJ.l Hr h;irl :in np<'n1n e, r1111nrl AA
\I 1lh a ltHl r r1111rr lurk nn lhp i.:rcrr•<,
llir r1>1Jf~I' If''"'"'! f'/olJlrl 1<f'I! hTl\f' hr"fl
hi~ \ 11.fr.n1 putl nn thr itunt crrrn tha!
11 ti; hri1d1nc ~1r;i1ch1 fr.r th11 hrilr bn11ncflf
r.ff l1nr in thr \:i<t fr11 rn1·hr.~
!):11 " ll tll ;inrl 1):11 1' Sllwktnn holh nf
lhr l n11rd S1 ;1 1r~ .. 1rl' 11rd lnr frrnncl
11 llh IJ~ Hi ll h11rl 11 h!'l 111rl11 1. th" i;amr
:i 0 hii; •'pr11111i; rnu11d ~1flrktnn
fill ;if1rr h1~ if\ Thur~rla 1
At 1:1!1 <irr Snuth ·"fr1r:i n (;;ir~ l'l;i 1'r r
11nti <:r;iharn .lohn~on . <1 1·nun~ \I e~1 Au<-
tr;il111n .1~~1~!:inl prn. 1'111,vPr !1;id ;:i li9
.:inr! ,lnhn~nn. !hr <'nl1>11rler w1rh N1r klaus
Thursd11~·. ~hot ;i il. Rrure Crilm pt nn nf
1\u ... rr::il1.:1 f;i~h1nnf'<I a "6 fnr ;i ]4n.
f"ran111ton .~11n1merl up lhr reeling.~ or
!he 01hrr ron1pP!itnrs ""·hr.n hP said lh<il
Nicklau~ w11s 1hl' t,vpe of gnlft'r whn re-
fused 1n m:1ke A qlistake.
J'la1·1>r. lhf' m;in llpperl as n1o~t like ly
11'1 ~rt !n i\'1rkl;iu~. !'il irl hr h;irl httn pl.:iy-
1ni:: hnP i;:nH 11nrl e,.;rwrtrrl In 11nprn\·e.
Hut hi~ fir~1 wnrrl.~ 11·hl'n hr 11•.:1lkerl frnm
1hr 1Rlh ,crrrn "·ere "fl n>A's i\icklaus
i.:nln11. • ·
llill. 11hn 11;:i' Cr<impton·.~ p:1rtnrr. ~.:11rl •
hr rnulrl nn1 J111d the touch "'i!h his irp.n
"1~111 I ~urr w;i1chrti ~ome fine i;:nlf
nu t lhcrr.'· he Silt<f, referring to Cr11mp·
ton·~ fifi
/\1ckl11u~ coes inln S;it urdriv·~ th1rti
Definite Ideas
and Rudy May.
Alt~r I.ht: hurling corpe comPs Mickey
Rivers and Bill Parker on D1.lton'1 run·
ta ! Its!.
The Amherst Cnllrge grarluatP 1.:ty~ hP
f'Xpecl.~ youth to supply California Nl\h
somt nf itJ neerls.
"We'll h11 ve to si t rinw n ;inrl i;ee whill
WP. neerl . I lhink i! "'ill be b<i~e<! on
.vounger ballplavers.''
Disscns1nn ripped rhe H11los 11pa1t in
thP ·7~ cAmpai.l!n and n 11lton SA \'~. "l/~rv
fr " 11n1e.~ dnrs a !(':tm "'Jlh inrCrnal prO-
hlPms \1 in ..
What's th,. forn111!<1 for 11 ~11rcl\Ssful
<;M., Dalton has that answH too : "It'~
the general manager 's re.spons1bil1ty to
ruml.'.h I.ht plit.v,.rJ; for the field man•get
and negnti11te the contracts.
"But 1f& also necessary lo rell lP w1 Lh
the players anrl to ha v11: a ronsir!.-rate
A.~lRl1on wllh thPn1 . You have Lo lmnw
what make.~ them•llCk without 111terfer1ng
wt!h lhe fi'lc! n1an;i~er. ·•
D11Hoo signer! a five·ye11r (.'On tra('\ with
!he Angels ca llini;: fnr an eslimaterl
5M .OOO !)er :v1num phis stock nghts
He replaN"s Dick Walsh. who WA.~ f1rPd
>A'ith four .ve11r~ stlll rematni n~ nn h1~
st i•cn·yrar ennl ract.
The Orioles 11nn 1he A1nerican League
pennant four t101~s in the !11~1 si x year~.
including twn \Vnrlrl Series, whilt Dallon
served as pla yer personnel director,
Sports Clipped Shor l
LA Duels Royals:
Sharman vs Co~sy
IN\,l.E\\1000 -Two nf the grealei;t
pl;iyer~ in the hi5!nry of tilt NRA. Rill
Sharmiin :i nrl Rnb rnu~v. n1ret fnr !ht
firsl lime ;i s l'nachf.'s tnni ghL \l'hPn
Cou.~y·s Cincinnati Rny:1 I.~ p I a y
Sh11 rm;in·~ Lilk ~r.~ ;it the Forum.
-1"1pnff i.~ at a p.nl.
Sh:irman 11nd <.:ous~· w1 re IPRmmare~
on the Boston Celt ics fnrm inJ: ;i
backcourt called b~· rnrtfl\' the most P'l""
lent in thP hi .sl.ory nf !hP t\BA .
Both former Celtir slar~ we:re .in1nn.i;t
lll mf'n named !n the NBA Sil ver An-
n11•rrsary All·S!.11r lram 111,t ve<ir.
Sh;irman br1n,[!s lhr l.akers into 1hf'
gilinr still lnnk1ng for win Nn. 1 111 !he
Forum 1111~ ~r;i~nn . Thr L~krrs hilve b"rn
h i~hl_v s11t•t•rssh1I n11 thP rniir!. winning
fi1·e wi!hot11 ;i lr1ss. hut rlrop[lf'll their
hnrne npenrr tn Chlf'<iJ.!O 1~.•t. ll'P.l'k .
In ThursdHy ni.i;hrs NRA art1on Nr w
York rou1r<I ll nu~1on. I l ~·!l4 and Seattl e
tu1·ne:d biir.k Buff::iln. Jllfi·!lfi.
M1nnri;o1a iind C:al11or'11a nntchrd
~hut nut 1·1rtnr1r~ in t\:atinl'll!I Hnrkev
Lea!'UP plav Th11rsd :1y n1r.ht ~linne.~0!:1:~
1\'nr1h Stal'~ trimmPrl Pitt.~hur'1:h . 2·0.
whilr f';il1fnrn1a pn~trrl "2·1'1 \'rrrlirt n\'f'f
Rn~1nn In ;innlh('r flit rh1liidf'lf)hia r(\n<'d
\'ancnu1·rr. 3-2 "
~A:-.1 IJIE(;O ~·11rn1rr San 01eJ!n
Ch;ir2er defens ive hark navt Gra"i:.on
Thursrl11.1· riled ;i $350.000 libel · ~uit
ai::11in~t th P Cnple.v •'""''0:1fll'T"
ln. thP ~uil . C.r;i · ~011 iir-11irrl ;i rrporl
p11h\1~hPrl 1n thr S;in 01PC(l llninn Sept . 27
lhAI hr h;i~ p11~~<'<l !Ip~ ri11 !hf' Ch;ir!'Pr.~'
rlpf('n.•P In O;ikl;tnrl ll.:11rl~r wide rereive:r
Freil Bi!ctniknf/.
A s1nr1· in th1• l';:;p .. 1· !iv Ch11r k S;iwvrr
:11\.rgPr! !he lll'n h;:id 1;dk.rrt h~' li:lrph~nf'
pnnr In 1hr ca111r hrt1vr1·11 1hr ChAri:f'rs
.:inrl Oi1\d;inrl. 11h11·h ~;111 !lir,1:0 Inst ::1:0.
r;r;iysnn. whn pl:11·rrl fnr f':1kl;inrl 11ntil
hr 11·;i~ triidf'!l tn San n•,,~n fnr fnrmer
,dj.prn li11·klr l!n11 \1 1 ~ this ~rfl stJn. wi:is
1•111 hi' thr Chii:"/.!f1T~ rl ~lfln)! lhP rx hibil1on
r.ri:iys ... n siiirl h1 • rr:1I r~1 a1r bU"ln"~~
.:inl'I 11 n1,1?.h1 t·luk h,. 1111'n". hn1h In S.:in
OiP,en . had r11pe11rnrP•I ~harp dtclin<'s in
h_11.~1nrs~ ~inrf' 1hP ~tnr~· :i.ppeared .
f,r;iysnn ~?tr! hP <1rrn:inrll'rl ii rPtraclion,
hu1 1t "a~ re/user
!\•\\~.\<.; rlTY \Jnrt;:in;i S111t F
I n11Pr"'\1\' h;i~ hP"n rPor1m~nriec! anrl
rrn"'ur,.d fnr 1'1rili:i •·nc fln;nr1~i :11rl 1n
11thlrll'~ n1lr."
Thf' ar !111n w;i~ l;i,rn Thur srl;i1 h1 ih~
:-.,:1 t1n11al Cnltri;:1 ;1 IP \thir11t· A.~~nr111111Jn
In Srptrmhrr ~•,70 .\l nn111n ;1 ~1;i1r
l 'n11·pr~111 .~ hr itj fr.olh:1 ll r n ;i r h
pr".~rntrrl ii ~Ill 1'A~h 11w11rrl !11 1'1 11 ;ilhlrl•·
fnr h1.c; nu1 ~t;inrl111:1 n1·rf11rm :1orP 1n 1h1>
(rhnnl'.~ fnnthall ..::1fl'I ~ n1\ ~l"p!. 2fi. !970. ,,..
l.ON!XlN -[l!1r ll•I !)ell. fnnncr
nonplay1ng ci'p\a tn ol !he 1 · S. D1~·1s Cup
IP.am. was .sh.t:hUy 1r.JUJ'e:I 1r tin ;iu t.1 :1C-
r ir!ent rarl v tndar.
Dell , :12 .. lefl th"e 1wn ~nns nf trlel'iS1n1"1
1f!nnl." commPl11 <ilnr .J14c:~ l\ramer 1n tht
lnhhy nf the \Vesrbury Ho1"l 1n 1\1ayfa ir lo
gn nulsidF.
"\\'e hearrl !hat tlnn h;irl hrrn 1n ;in ilf'·
rirlent."' ~aid l~·yr;ir nlrl Rnn Kra mer.
"\Ve ru~hed nuts1de lo f1nrl him lyinll 1n
the rn;ir! The driver nr rhe rilr stopped
1mmPdi;itely anrl went to sre flnn ."
Dell \\'llS liikcn tn Chartng f'rns~
Hospital "here, s;iirl Jack Kramer. h11:
"h;id a couplr of ~1!1rhe.~ in his heati and
wi!I he nk;i1 "
LOS A .\r.~~l.1-'.S -~nuth1·rn ("a\'~ Trn.
j;io.~ ~rrnt thr1r final "'nrlin1il lnrl;i y
hefnrP mer11nJ,! rill pnlt~h1ni: thp11· nf-
fenslv r l'an1r in ;i w1nd·wh ipperl ~f'.~~1nn
on runnin g anrl p;isslt1J.!.
\Vill ie H;ill . suffrr1n i.: )1·11111 ii :)Off' 10P
earlier thi s sea~on , rlrillr<I nn his kicko ff
fnrn1 . Hall. \Vhn WilS U~C'rl nn kirknl'f9
again~t Notrf' [l;imr las1 Sii111rr!av lnr 1111'•
first time !hi5 ~e;i~nn . 1~ tht onl~ Tro1an
plare kickrr !n p11t the h;i\l 1n the rnd
zone th1.~ ,\'r<i r,
R~:BKE1.~:Y ("a l1f1,nu;i eniirh R;i v
\\'i!:i;r) s;iys h1~ (;nlrlPn Br;ir~ ~hnulrl hi!
in lnp phys1r.:1l rnnrl1ti{}t1 [nr S111l11rdav·9
fnnthall game here .:1.c:1111~1 Sn11th~r n
Sl<irtlng renter Rnh /11Jn1r lt <inrt ha1 ku p
rece11'er Ross Rrns.iu~. hn1h 111111111h 1·olrl
viruses r hi.~ >A'ttk, re1urnerl 1n pr;irtire
Thurs<lii.1· anti "'Ill be ready for thP Tro-
jans. sAul \\'illi:ey.
St11nrln11! flanker Slf'1'r Swrcnr\" 1n1ssrd
practice 11•11h "snre bar k but i:.ho;1ld pl::iv,
he added. ·
On tlPfrr1sl', .l1•ro111e C:.rrrr rrt11rni; tl'J
his ~larl1n,t: drfrns1 1f' ha.lf h;,ir k pns111nn
aflPr bein,e: d1spl;icrrl l:1 st wcrk hi' Scot t
Stnnger. a.n it ou1~irlr l1ncharkr1-'.~ S;i1n
r.;irarnr.nd 1 ilQ,rt l.111·rn Tnews a1·p ))n lh
"ht1n~f.'d up·· with bru1sr~. \\'1 IL~cy
Don AlexanrlPr. 11•hn h::i.• pl;,,t vrr1 hn th
linebacker rnsit1nns may s1 <lrt in pl:tre nl
l'i1 her TOPW5 or (;:1r;imendi. 1he coAch
sairl .
LOS A:\r.ELES -Sf';i~nnf'1I Ern11> "!n·
r1 1an f"!prl "' l.11pc7. 1•!'111 nf Arcad1;:1,
fl(l('lr~ g;une nscilr "Shnri:un"' Al\'ar;i rl n.
14R'• nf l 'r alrlr. Trx 1n lhr s1xrh rnunrf
;inrt wPn1 nn 1n win ;i lnpsirirrl 10-rnund
rlrri~inn Th11r~d;i\ n1t:h!.
Thf' 2r. .. 1rrlr-nl rl \.<lpr7 ;inr! h1" .~lui:~1n~
nppnncnl . 2~. ~rpt ;i nr;ir f'-'11'1.'lrl tv rrn11rl
nf 9.102 ;11 lhp Olvrnr1 c Al!d11nr1un1 1n ;i
lrPnl.~' nl PXf'ltPmenl thrnui.:hnut 1hP
bn11s1 n,e: m;,t rh.
1\lvi1r11r1r1 11hn h;i s 11r1rr hrr11 knnrkPrl
0111. hit !hr deck frnn1 a prrfrr1 r1l!;hl
!TOFS tn thr rh1n Hr 11·;1i; lip rp11rkh ii!'!
lhP hf'll rnrlrd 1.h" rn1111rl.
lnf1 1;in l{r(l krpt lhr 11rr ... ~111·e nn
lh rnu~hn11I thr If\ rn11nrl s whilP Ah·;irarln,
1Pth<il w11h 11 lef1 honk iinrl 1111h 1'l
knnrkn11ts 1n t l 1'1r1or1P~ Jn h1~ rrP<l!!,
v.·11 s np1•er abl~ In lanrl a rC'::ill,\ i:.oltrl sh ol.
Ex-Vol Javeli11 1"'luo,~e 1·
Suf f e1·s Stahhi11g W ou11cl s
• ..... l\Nl)XV1LLE. Trnn. (A Pl -\\'1 llia m ''Rill" Sk1nnrr. :11. lnrtnf"r Un11 iors1tv ol
l'('nnei:.srr j<11·ehn thl'Oll't'r W.11~ i;tahh~rl Thur~day n1Rh1 Jn An alterr:1!1on nn ;i routh
Knoxv11ll' pilrkin,e: In!. f10hrt sairl .
Homiclr!e rletrr1111p Roh Ch;id"·~ll s::iut Sk innrr iippArrn ll~· i,?nt 1ntn :1n ari:u·
rnen1 "·ilh snn1P rnrn in :1 rr:o;l;iurant :1nrl th, ~t.:ibbing fnlln"·rd ,
('hadwllll .'illirl t>1 irh11rl C. l.tin,I:. 2:t. nf t11;iryvi\lr, 11lsn 11•11~ ~t;ihhrrl 1n th.-in.
cirlenl. The rfelrr!ll'r s::11 rl no arre~ts hAve b.-rn m;itl e.
Skinner .~uffrrrd ~1::1h wound.~ in the .shouldt r. i;:ro1n anrl h;inrl ;inti "'.:i~ rrport.-
er! in ~erinus cnndthnn 1:1' 11 flosp ita\.
Skinner 11·nn n;it.ion al :1nd intem11tiona! f;i me as ;i 1iivtl1n lhrn\\'Pr at l'ennes.'lff.
Ht. rliri not r0mptlt> 1n his senior year t>ec11ui:.e he refused to shave off a must.ache Thi!: bc:lut tit billC'd f11r 12 round~.
J'ro1noll'r f)nn ·r·r:15rr 11nt1c1patl'.'i at ·
tendanc:e: nf more tb11n SJ)OI) il l the
Ana heim Conl'ention Cen!Pr .
nupreP hA .c; ln.c;t bul nnP fi gh! in !he l;ii;t
lhrPP years 11nrl ha.~ \1nn h11lf of hi.~ ~4
sCrap,~·\·ia kmi<:knul ~. lh~ rernrrl 1~ ~2.
In conl rasl , Quarr). ynunRcr brother of
~11\}'\\'eh~ht.conl<'nder .Jrrf') Qu;irry, l1t1s
Oarn rnn. a cluh tJTO fr n.111 Oa\\as. h;irl
QnP ~Iring of five con~eculive double
bogeys . as requirtd by athlrt1c department regulations. /:-
Na~tase Throws Ball at Booing Fan
rou nd 11.·ilh a ~l rilnilehold nn !he tit Ir un.
!css there is an unexpected blo~·up.
!lopped only 10 1n ,his :tz.n rflnrt~
f)up rPe h;is nefn f11Zh1in~ ~inre 1,;1 H~
11•;is stnr1~r1 r ilrl1 r 1hi~ ~·r:1r in A Htle
fi Rhr \Y1lh \'1r-f'01 P Rnndon. rhr \Vnrlrl
Ao)l(ln'g A~sor1:u1nn ch;11np1on. 1n Car·
11cas. Venrzurl.'1
Tht NRA r11rrrnlly r;11r~ Qullrr'' all lhP
'.\fl 2 17.';.ponnrler 1n 1hP wnrl rl anrl
Duprt' Nn .1 RllrnJnn·,_ American
represenl11li1P. 11'l.l'r11n f1J;tl'\\ fl!!llff' Fhll
D11J.v, ~a~·~· Rnnrlnn \\'111 l'f'i~t! tonight'~
11·1nn,.r' Parly nr11'I yf!ar
\\'E~1 BLl::Y. Eni:l;ind tAPt SP11Lllr '.!'
Tnm C.nrn1~n. \l·hn entered 11s an un ... erd·
I'd 1111drrdo~. 1~ A ~troni:: fav orite anrl lhP
l.:i~t ~ur1·11·1n,c l\merirsi n in lht :in.MO
Etnha~~\' Trnni~ tnurn11mrnt. r;nrn1~n whn nuslf':<I Fri!\\' f\-1c1\11llan nf
South Afnr.:i ~·6. &.:t. fi-3 ThursdJJy, Jnin-
erl Bnh He\\·itt rif Snu!h Afrir.:i. C'rirnna
rll'I \111r • Rori Lavrr and rorkv 11\,, l\R~1;i~P nf Romania 1n ~em1f1na l~
matches t~ay.
Ln\'er o\·rrt111nP ;i_AA.:lky sl:trt In drlcal
CUH Drysdl'lll' of SnUlh Afr ira. 3·6. 6-4. 6·
S1xth-seede<l l.,;:t\·r r rnadr a 1·1tal
ser1·ice bre:11k for :i :t·2 lrAd 1n the Sf'(•ond·
srl And thrn Rn! hi.o; pinpo1n1 rf't u rn.~
!lrysdA le n,.v,.r i:;ot h11rk 1n th!' m.:ilf'h.
lra11'11g LA1·er 1ht nnly ~ced nut or eight
lo m11k r thr srm1f111AI!> M e1~·11t e\uninated R:.y Ruffel~ of
Austr1111;1;. fli.t ti-2. and Nastase nl)5rl
i'\tl, I geed John Ne11•roir1be of Australia.
9.1. fi..2
Gol'm3n fe lt be:hlnd in tht lir~t ~~I b\lt
r.-bro~e immediately after d r op p1 n g
ser\Plrt in the th1rd f;lilmf of !he :sectind
l"tl Hi~ ~Iron~ nr1 phi.\' dnmlnattrl tirtion
ln thf' third ~Pt i'\AS11'1~t. 11·hn 11rI::u'° "'il l'\ hne~men and
ht.rAled f11ns !.hrnugh{lut. Announced,
"I'm loo r lor tht.''" ruys."
HP nJ)f'nerl his malch \\'11h Nr.,.,·cnrn bfi
afltr a ~rv1ce break and syste:mAl.lca lly
\l"Ol"P dO\\'n his npponrn1 NP>A"rnm bf' dou·
hie f;iu\!ed In drnp 1he first lj:Ame nl Ult
.S('('nncl st't 11nd quirkl.1· 1rAlled !i-1
Th.-IPmpt r<1ment Al Rnmaninn threw litl
b.iill al one f11n 1vhn honrd
In the 11·nnwn·.o; riiv1li1nn . Rl1\1t .leaT1
KinR of Loni' Bea.oh dnwnffl Patti Ho&""
of L;i Jnl!11 . fi.J, 6-f\ in I\ J-PC'nnrf mund
CdM Battles Barons -•
Irvine Circuit Titanic
At Huntington To":ight
lr,·1n r t.raj,!UP fMLhal! rn1r1<i1s ;ire nn
tap 1nnt~h! In ~PVPrlll rhre<·t1nn~ 11nd ii'~
r.o ri Jlft rrnt 111 H unt in~1 nn Brach H1;?h
1•hrr!' Corf'lna rlrl !\\;ir ilnrl Fountil1n
\'11llry'!. fl;i rnns.. lnck horns in ('Lreu1l
C'nmbal .
r.ilnlt. !1mr is 8 n'rlork
r narh 0a~·r Hnl\i1nd '"' Cnrnna dcl '.\i;:ir
~ .. 1\.111,i:~ fnur·po1nl favnntPS, rn.1rcn !n·
In thr tc'.~1 1\'1!h a 4· 1 n1·cr:ill rrrnrrl a'.lrl
<.hare flr ~I plA<'I" 111th lhrce other~ in !ht
" r11r P for thP lra~UP rrflwn.
And tn;ich Arurr P1 rkfnnfs 11.trnn ~ .1rP.
a notch har k. lockt'd 1n 11 lnu r·\ra~· !JP for
~('rnnrf plilrf'
Rnth ICilJTIS p11s.~r!>.~ SP11rral nfrf'n~!\ p
we;ipnns. hu t 1!'.\ !hr i;?.f'nrral r"rscn.~us
th;i t I! could be a lr111' s1·nr1ni: ha!llr
rrirnnil rlrl ~1ar·~ nffrnsr i~ 1)ar·rd tiv
!11!lb;i('k .lnhn Ff"rr;:irn 11nd hiltlbri <'k .loiln
i\11)e,<;. 11111111: Wl(h flll;l l'trrh;irk f{cpd .
. tohn~rin·s darts In rrcr1vprs Ca rlo T•l!lti,
,J(lhn Andrews and ~rile.~
:\ltles and Tns11 :ire 9.9 sprin1ers ;ind
Frrr;irn Is ;:i ha1·d running 180-pounder
11 ho c11n µic k hi.~ holes .
Johnson·!' p;issin~ g;i nie h11.~ suffered t(J
somr: rx icn!. h<111•r1·er. bN·ause of his
l'f'{'eivr r.~' inability 1o hol d on !o the h;;ll
ln,1uries h11vP hamperrd him latf"lv ;i nd
he nu1.v bP limit~ tonight. Should hP nn L
be able to st;:irt .• foe Tosti l'.'tll t;ikP o\'"r
Carlo Tosti missed lasl week·~ bi,!l.Jil !P.
with. EdisOn-but ls expected In he back in
-tr i:r f.r
l'DUn!ll~ Vllll)'
OUtnMI D1!..,,1
''"· "•vt r w1 . Wr. ''tVl1 f'o• )£ MU"l~fl'tl IA.I •j(l l •OYtl! E
I Ouv•ll '" 10tl O:•d<" I
(; ~•on• 1io 110 ""'"' 'l
c '""""" un 19n M•1rh•ll E ,.., 8~'""•'0 lllO !II s1n~• LB
f "'•~"'"' l~n IO(l Motl .. ¥ LB
l E f'~•t<'.11 1•~ I~ P~"""" l 11
QB M Pul"P' l ~\ I!' Oud••\' (8
r "' M1lrfl'l"ln 1\11 101 "'""""~"' CB
f 8 .<,\l!th•I! IOfl II' H•l,i<'<I ~
l-IB Sca11,, IA~ '"'° .,,.,,,..,. ' Co,on• 11•1 Mar Llnou~1
O!lt~•t l>1!0M~o ""'-Pla,or Wt . W1, l'l••I< l'O•. SE ,a.,,.,,,,.., 11'tl ;(Ll L~ncn I'
I (ltn'\t "'(;t •IA 113 (""' C.
C. Collin• •l.1 l~J '"""'' c, (. C! .... 111• 1~n llltl C•ro•n•~• I
C. C••"'!M•• Ill(! Ul S••" L6
r """''' 1JJ •£.! Sano" Y LB f f S•Olle l\O l~ O.nnl • LB
OB .J"""IO" 111 11,/J •nd'""" Cl\ II!. .Y.llt\ ••.I ,,, G'O"'r' c a
• B "'"''" ••n •~1 "'"'"' ~ •I (o> I~) •I I Ui•" ~
Added Height,
Peppy Off e11~c
For UCI Five
~lnre hr1J:!h1 11'1lh phy.<ilf'<i! ;:it1ri b11te."
sinrl ;i f;:i~!-hrPllk nflf'n"P figurP In fi!l \'r
lhr 1!17\-72 r e ll"l'inr h:i~~e th:ill tr;:i m
mnrr ,en p<1"'rr n1·r r ii 2fi-grin1P srhrd11 IP
lh;it i~ !he trn1,e hr~I 1n thr .~rhnol '~
IV!th r1·r ry n11·n1 brr nf \;1"1 1·rar'." L·c1
teri n1 I lfi..101 rliµihlr In rrt11rn . onll ~IX"
m::ide the final r·ut thi." wrrk ;i< rn;i rh
Tim Tift 1rimn1rrt lhP ~n11;id t!l L1 nr 11
pla,vto r~. iirprnrl1ng nn thf' {·ondi tina n(
i;nphon1nrp (;;iry llfonro n " h;irk
Also rn thr li.<it ;irp 1wn mr1T1bf'r~ nf thP
rrd.<ihir1 sri11 11rl nf a 1 rrir :i ,en. 'lnf'
freshrn;in rand11l;i1e 1 ll;i1 r Rrik"r frn1n
\\l ;irrrn 1!1gh 111 nn\1nc1·1 <1nrl fnur
~orihomnrrs. uu·li1cl1nc llt•n1(•n .
"Tti1'> 1'> rhr f1r'>I t1tnr In 1111 1 ·n;i~·h111~
1·;irrf'r 1h.:it 11r hillf' h;id ... urh 111 1t ~!;inrl1ng
pr;it·11rr "P.s :::.1nn ~" T1fl r"' r;il<'d ln('l .11
\\le ,.,, hart I\ ~"""Ull)~ ;in<I 11" hr11 r n I
e1 "" ('Olil " rln~,.. ro hill'i'nc. :i ~1;id l)r;irt1f'"
[1 I~ alll!iflll): lh;t ! tlirop kiri~ 1·ntnr n>IJ
t"\'f'f\ (1111' :inrt rnnt11111P 1n m;i1n1;:i1n 1hP
al!1l~irlr ;inrl dr'>HP lhP r n1n-
prt 1!n·rnr"~ In h1dd }!1'''<1! pr;.i1·!11·r ~
· 11 "'" 11 rrr In 11111 thr•n1 nn ;i i;r ;1lr, 11
"·oulrl rrad hr111·prn 9~ 1111(1 100 "1••r1
,o.inglr 0;1~, ·•
T1fl 1~ 11ndrr.'>IF11H111hl l' r•11lh11"1.i ~tw
a hout thP I ram !hill 11·111 oprn Ill'\ lhP rn<1rt
in thP r;isl 11·11h fnur i.:;imr'> ;ii thr
liniver.<it1;.< 'll TrnnPs~rr. \\'r~t \'1rg1n1;1.
Arm1' ;inrl Srlnn 1/1111 1n r:irl l' [ll'rrmhr>r,
"Thp~· ~cn~r lh:1 I \\{' 11111 nrrn n11 1hP
road anrl rh1nc ~ h:i1•r hr>rn ··nn11:w11111·r
fnr nnt> ~t ht 10 !r:i\'Pluu: po.<'111"'"., .t 1nrP
'"' Fir'>! ri.1 nf pr<if'llC'r ..
He wri~ rrferrin,I! In !hr trr11·rhnl! .,Qllilrl
nl 10 !lil'li 1·rr.~ 11•hn will hr l<ikrn Frnm lhr
!:J nr7'14 ro.<ilcr pl:11"e ri; f9r ll"m"., in
Snuthern Calilnrn1<1 1~1hrn !hr Jram OD!'OS
In 1be c,11.~1
· trrr~ bn<lv i'> pu~h111c. t01" o1hrr i.:11.v
llft)U fld ;inrl wp ;:irrn·r rrilli l'l'I! foul~ 11 1< ;:i
phyi;ic;il i:;1mr :incl I frrl il 1., rr;illl' i11v-
in~ us nu!~1lltHiin,e pr;ict1f'r ~rs ~ion,<;.
"Thrr1> 1~ no!ht n,1! nri:11t i1'" 11bnu1 ;in1• nf
lhr i;e.~~i'ln~ nr 11n~·th 1n~ th;it h11• rhrnr
nul nf lhf'111
''\Vr \\•111 hn!rt n11 r first inlr;:i.•n11 ;1cl
Sf'rim m;:i11" nn Tnr~rl:iv . Thr 1r11m will h1>
d1 r idrd 1n lo 1wn squ;u1'> 11·ith !hn!'e
pla yers nn nn{' ~]df' t h~I h;i vr rarnrrl 1111"
slarling posi tion ~o liir.
•·We will prnh11hl.v bnn~ it n m e
frt shmcn up 10 f'om plr:ment the 5crim-
ma111e." Tift 11drl s
The six n1 emb('r~ nr \;:i~I 1·r 11r"~ !earn (n
rnakc !hr ~qu;irt inrludP Ail! ~1onrr . Phi l
Rhyne, F.d Rurhni,:h.11m :1nd Troy R0lph.
,.11 5trir!Pr~. in riclrlitinn In Rr;irl R;ikrr
and Phi l i\1ll1hei,1·i; ~1onrl'! hiii; betn n.:tn\-
ed 1171-n lr11m rsipl111n.
,Jim Pinolii . R t riin.~lrr fro m l h~
Uni\l rrs1ly nf Orc11:nn i,1•hn sii1 nut l~~t
1ta.,<;nn 11nrt S1t\•e P;;irkrr. 11 1'£rvrrr
\'tlcran "'tln .<iuffrrerl 11n 1n111rY hrforr ~ta rt nf the sea~nn 11 ye11r flllO. 11re lhe
(i11rrick B11rr \\'llS injurrd in !hr open·
In& ,11:simP 11 ,\·rar 11gn 11nrl rlldn 1 pl11y
ther•nftP r Tht f(lur ~(lphnm0 rio ' 1nrhtrl' 1hr rP
frnrtl la~! yrrir -Howarrl H~wk1n ~. Fred
Mosit!r 11nd Ot>n lnn "'Ith f,nr PaulS-On
ff9n'I two ye11rx 1111n 111~ nn hand.
ae!1C1n. alnn .'!, 11·1th t11t•klt>·l1nch11c·ker Rill
Thf' Qrcak 11 11·111· nf Hnlland ·~ ('fl"\\' i'I
f'Vfdrnt lfl t)l,. Tn \Ct1rnprr~ Of fP rf:trn
and .JohnY>n
Prrra1'fl \;i~ "!'flrPrl nn 711 -'lllrl 40 \ arrl
run,<; "'hil t ,John ~fln h11~ lf!l\lecl nn ~ 4:'1-
) ardrr
And !hey ~rP the s\nwpr of th!! Cdi\1
!'!lunta ln V11l\~1·. ht)Wf:'~'e r. pnsi;P~.<if'~ 1'
fpw oHPni;.11·r thrr ri\i;, ton Howf:'l',.r. the
las! twn out1n~i; h1111e ~een \ht Baron~
1..n;:. Al;in11tos 11rid ~1;ignnl1a pul 1hr
1·lamps tn lhP Rarnns' lriplP opt1fln sr.tup
anrl 11 prime faf'tnr in !hr Fnun1 ain V:1l\ey
!e1dn1,1·n h:is bPPfl 1111une.• tn kry h;irks.
Are;:. Tony Sepul\'ed;:i. I.t i; Berhrr and
~!:irt ~-1 ohulsk i arP nn the d ii;iil)lf'li hst hut
11 '" :o111~·nnr".~ guess ;is !n ho1,1• much Rrt1nn
thr1 'll s<>r
PPncilC'd 1n !n rt'pl;u·e !hi~ tr111 arP
transfer" \f ikP \1 ;i}rnmh. I !l 0-p 0 1l ll t1
fullback Mark ~\itchell and spcrdy To ny
And 1hP Barnn~ h;ivp ri n exrep11nn;:il
placr.kickr r 1n ''ilmp 111 5pli1 l!':nd f.ary
Hernandez. He has a 38-yard field goal Lo
his credit.
}'aJco11s Pose
Big Roadblocl\.
For Charger s
Somrthln.o: h;i ;:. 10 11,i\'P ln111 ,eht whrn
Ed ison HiJi[h ·;:. Cha rJi[P rs 11 nrl S;i nl;:i Ana
\1::1 llP~'-~ F.11\rnn<, ro\lirlP in ;in lr1'inc
Le ague fnotb11ll ~trUJ,!J:lP 11! Ora n£P. Co;i.o.t
1l gets 11nclcr wa,v :ii II anrl lhr w111nrr
is ~u;irantef'ti a por!1nn nf fir~I pla1·r in
the '-''ild circuit scr;:imblP
Both I.earns art 2-1 111 lr;ig11r ;ind 4-l
Coach Vinrf' As;irn·~ i;?:rrr n ;i nrl fi!O!rl-
rlrirl Ch;iq?er." 11·ill hP 1 r~·1ne tn pirk
lhPms rlVf'!i up ;iflt>r l;:i.~I wrrk;:. 12-i ln.•,<;
tn ('c"lrnna rlel ill;:ir, ;i verdtrl Jh;:it rnrled
lhf f'IF '~ !'f'Cnnd loni.:e.!'t w1nn1ng ;:.trr;ik:
Ill 20.
An1nr1,C. S.in!:t J\na V;illr\,-1< 1•u·Hm'> Thi~
,1r;ir l<l'IR l'1>rnna t1 PI f\1;ir, 10.•h1rh ln~t 11'1
f0'1C'h !)1r\,; H ill".~ S!Jf'Pdy F;ilrnn~. 1!1-13."
\1•rck pr1nr tn up!ielting !ht' lh:o1ri;::er~
F'rPd Hern;indez is the rhirl fi!rnunrl
~;:iinrr fnr A.,:irn·11 hunrh. g;iinin.c. !'ili2
,van!" in lll2 !fll'~ fnr ;i ;, ~ ;i1.rritgf' J/1<;
ln!;;il .1';i rrlai;!I'' i ... th ird bei;.1 in !hr Or11 n11:e
(A.11."1. are.11 he.hind ~.,r;:i11cia',<; l):i n
rrin{'eoltn and M1 ss1on \'1PJn's Aundre
Hr:i lme-".
ThP !'\n . 2 1hrc:it nn lhr i,:rn11nd i!i
rpi:ir1rr h:irk ~1~rk H:i rmnn wilh hi." n;ii;,<;.
run np!1nn
H:i1·mnn h;i.< run fnr 1114 y;irrl~ ;:inrl six
tlu1rhflnw11~ He ·~ avrra£f"cl ~I 1·qrd J1f'r
rT :if"\,;, Anrl 1n thr p;i.~sin11 rirp;:irtmr•''
hr'i:. rnnneftrrl 0n 2~ nl ~g l'lltl!':mpl~ f11r
.1 19 v;;irds.
F:rl1snn al ~n ha~ thf' \,;1rkini.: lhrr:it \1·11 h
<:rirv R;ilf'h
Rillf'h 1~ ron~1s1 ,.nt on rAT ;:i11rn1r·~
;ind h<>n!rrl 11 2fi-1·;ircl fi rlrl 20111 :ic.:tltl"!
!'t:ill"l!r~ 011 ~an!:i An::i \';i llrv arrn 1
;nilil;ih\r fl!l ::i "";i~nn;1 I h11<1" hl11 !hr
~ 11h·nn< 11,·1nr~ 01·rr Cnron;:i rlrl \11r
l'f'\l';i\rd ;i !1::1\;inrf'rl ::i11:tf·~
11111'.<i ~;:ipl;i An;i \ 11llr1 rl111'"l1 1111\11,·rl
f'lj'.!ht runnrr.• 1n rli ~ro-~1n a; of Cdf\1 lrrl hi'
l;i ilhn ·k .)or f;l 11 ~p1r
c;1;i,<p1r r~n fnr R\ \'arrl.~ +n 14 th1r.; for
;i ~ 7 ;1 rr r:1cr And riu:-irl i•rh;:ir \,; \·l;ir1 1n
\';in<lf'rll0r~t rnmp\rlrd .~1x 'lf 11 for ~9
\·;ird ." :ind 110 1n1,.rrrp11on ....
· llrfrn~1l'rh lhP F:ilninl.. hf"lrl ('qrnpa
rl1>\ r ... 1;:i r'• rxpln'>1 l'r ;:itl;ir~ In 171 v.ird~
"" O~•nu .. ,, ,., .. ,,
•f ·~'"''~""" ',.,,.., .. ,.. ·~
r. ~'Q"'"' ~ ll'b"" (. r .....
' c;,.v••
1 E T"""'D'~~
f,)~ ......... ~
I ~ H"~•~1•t
~~ D•"'•'·•·~' ~) ,.. ... ~
WI WI '""''
'" ?!rl r.''"" l•I lt ) (•"" ,., oin ,. • ..,..,.~
"' I/II {•"'~~·II .. , 1-1 ,., • .., •• ,.,.,
1G" UI W~•"
ll•'l )II ''"""""""~~ '°" I YI l(oo,.,,
"'' ''l W•• •O IV> •>o••""
191 "' •••e~
6-I 1h Anteater
Lost for Season
After Surgery
'"' ' ' w.
'" •• • • ' '
Srnrt Magn uso n. 11 n-111"1 rorn1f"r 111!-
CIF baskelbRll .~lar at Troy HiRh SchO(lJ
in F'uller1nn whn lransfcrrf'(f tn UC lr1'tnr
!hi!! f;ill tn redi:.hlrt Fnr one; yeRr. had <in
nperatinn on hi~ rlghl fool Thursd11,Y
mnrninp; In enrrr.ct 11n old in,iury.
M11gnui;nn h:is b<icn'wnrkini;: nut with
the UC I CARer~ uriJil !hi.~ week bul thr ln-
Jllr~· rnnti nucd tti pll1~ur hin1 Rnd hP,
dN'idP.<I nn ·rnur~a~'s o~rallon In cnr-
rf'<'t th,. ~1tualioo .
The l;ink y l);i~kf'!hRll ~tRr h;id rhP fflflt
in a pla~ter c:1 st rollowinR completion nf
lhP 1970-71 scaSl1n ;:it Fullerton .Junlnr
;tillrae but il h111~ 1M>t rei;pondt:d 1111d hr
rel! 1( he~! to Rel !hr Opl'!r'11ion nYer nnw
tn prepare for !ht 1972·7:1 5l'B50n 111 Uf.I
~a;i:nusfln pla ytd high Sf'hool ha~.\,;ef
b11lJ rnr oll.!'Sist;int co11ch Jerry Hultwrt st
Troy 11nd 111ll tndtd the Unlvcr~ily ul Min·
nt"snl11 hrfnrt tr<in~fcrrlng tn F"u!lflrtfln
\\1hen 1'11'~ rt!lum~ 11~ a red5hirt. pl11ytr 1n
!hf' .!lprina. he will beli[io In prt:n .. rt-fnr
hi~ finsil twn _\lfll~ of rnllc.i:liiilr rnm·
pe1 1tinn under <.'111\c.h 'f'im THI al UCL
• .,_,...,. __
Crestvie\\' Crueia I
J(nigl1ts ' Big· Defense
S;i n C\rrnrntf'" Tr1!nn~ rl;:i1• ho."t 1n !hr
dPfPn.O.f'·m1nrlrd l\;itrl!a l\ni,ehl" 1nn1chl
n1 a Crr<!1 '1P\\' I .r;1i:111• fllfl!hall r>nrn11nlrr
wh1C'h 1,<; r•on.~1drrrrt 1-r111·1;1I 11 f'llh rr
.~q11;irl hnprs to i-1:1~· 11·11 h1n 1'~';"+1 h 11f
11nbr;it1•11 Jonp lr:1dr•r J-.,1 .\l1,,J1'n;1
l\11'koff IS ~f't for·~ 01\ l•'•<'k 111lh llir
Trilons of rn;1rh Tr11n l•:;.111< 11111'1• pn1nl
f;.i vnri1 c~ to 1•11•1\ 1hr•1r n1r·1:1l l rl'''nnl ;it
:J-.1 ;inti 1111pn11·p lh''ll' i 'll'i 111t 111n1 k II\ .1 I
(;n1nj'.! 11110 lnr11td1I ' ,·,1nf1l•111;111"11 r-;1
~1nr1rn;, r~ 1n th1' C'rr;:.h·1r11 rll'll'rr ~ '(':11
:it l -0 whill' '''lill'h .!:i!'li Lrr'• l\n1i::h1 ~ ;"+fr
11 ~h;icle hrh1nrl at 2.0.1 nnrl lll~t :i 11n11·h
ahP;:irl nf 111r 2 I Triton~
floi!ini,: <ln"'fl !u ;1 di! r•rt ('(l!l\p:.n:,r1n.
the 11 5ilnr ~ ho:i ~t ~•!ll' 1.f lhr ~r!lf'T
drfrnsc.~ 1n tlr<ingr Cn11n11 ll'hll r S;in
Clernr.ntr h;i~ rhP 1·ap::ih1l1!tf'~ nr r\
plndinj! ;oil ;in~ llnl<" 11 1!h !!~ ba l:u\l'(•d n!
rrl! ! 1 ~;,, :ind .ln~e ~1;i l ;i.o;on 11~i11 1,
H11t 11 .~ · 10 !hr !rrnrhr.~ wh,.rr lh,.
Triton~ r an 111n hi~ if lhcv rxerri."r 11
rlrf'1rlrrl ph1~1r;il ;;irl \':tn!;:igp "'i1h ~11ch
~llf',·1n1rn ~ ;i<, .Jrihn Rnmf'rn 1'l:l'11. !'ill
,\1addrn 121.11 :inr1 /l il nd.1' r;i1il~nn 12101
,.,,,trll;:i (';:u ri,:til llu· Tnl11n.~ 11n ;in nf f.
111J!li1 l;i~t yr::ir ;:ind c;in1e nu l nf !hP srid-
11" w11h ;:i 7-n tri11n1r h
' ,11111l<1r sr'tl)~ck f'c"lt1ld pp111r nt-a1··
f;1tal ro lhr Tntnn.~.
\•• (lomonf• L'""'"' 0"""" o ...... r"' l'l•v" w1 "1 "'"'" <r ~.,.~ "" '" {'.lo ron•• • '· ' ' '
I>~..,.,~ l'I ;11> "•!•"•~
~'"""'" n1 '"" r ..• ,~,,.·~• r .1.nnu Ion 1J' llon>""
( ... ,~ ......
'E """' O• , .... ~.,
r•1.•1•n ;1 n '" Ot•n~.,.,
•<11 1" .V•n~•n
UI U.\ Hut1•
11• Il l W<•t n•
"I lln (lo•••~
•In •Ml }•II"' 1•n I" .l•H •'i
.. . ......
' ' .,.
• " " •O" " " '
Fndo1y. Octetw< 2~ ]lljJt DAILY JILOT JD
.S"xnn.~ Capitalize
Oil City Fumbles
A way 18-0 Verdict
Ot !ft• Dt !I• '°ittt l!tll
If 11n_1·nnt h11ppPn"'d In oollrf Hun-
t1na!nr1 ~~.1Jrh Hil{h foolball math Kfl:11
t\.1nlll.\ brnwsing th ro1111h lhf! ytllnw paat.o:
lndRy, rhiu1ce.o: 111rt: ht may h111e ~en
chf"ck1ni;: out !ht 11reil glur fartor1,.~.
Thal a,<;sumpt1on might ho1 vt ~mf'
rredenrt co nllidenng lhP ph.Q:ht nf hill
()ilt i' tlf'1:en fnllow1n11: Thursday n111hf 1
IA-fl l{l l'f:;\W ;!Y Ill I.a P11 lm• Stadium.
l,{111ra H 12h'~ Sainn.~ look 11rlv an111e nl
lhrt, ln.,t lumhlP1111nrl th rtt 1ntercepttnn~
In po.<;I lht 1r SUJ1.~tl Learue. triumph,
~appinji[ A lh rtt-g;imt 108ina .o:t reak for
thP SA:tnn!'I.
Anrl 11 "'ll .O: Huntin gton's th1rrt stra1aht
lirThar k .
Co.o;1l.v first h11lf lumbl~ nrR<>l.M •n,v
chance for t.ht Oill~r.o: to hit piydirt whtn
lhry h.11d proper ht ld posilinn.
In thf fir.111 qu11r1 er alonl!': Hunt inatnn
Rt11eh b11cM fumbled \hr. b•ll 11way no
lht l.11ar11 one-yard line. .11nd lht 41. Ar.d a
l'i:ix nn inlPrteptinn nn the l.1111r11 lhret
!'!!lPl>l'<I ;innlher thrP.111 ,
Ttw-kil1P.r ni;i y hR ve hrrn !he /1 rs1 hoh-
hle; 11Fter Hunl1nJi[IOn lu1rl mnY Pd 1n.0:11tt
thr U:lara five on ii •:1-ya.rrl pAll.!i from
quarte;rb11rk Jim M:1rtin to nankl!':r Thny
Two crack.o: nff tacklP by Slt:llf.
Pickford got !hf! ball ln thf nnt and then
tht fir.<il of four Oiler bobble! e.ndM !he
Mnmf'nt.~ 1111er ~1011\.0:' l!':IPven h11id ri rst
11nd lt>n nn !ht l.n11r11 J7 onl y In lumhlr
thP h<lll RW:ol~'-
[Jl;l rll ~nl 11ntra1•ktorl ;,., thl!': 11ecnnd
pe riod with a •1-y11 rd mltrf'h con.o:uminR
three pl a.v~.
The biR nne wa!I ii 2~y 11rrl Tn J1e rial
lrnrn quarterb.11ck i)l'!Sn Lappin to G11ry
~tewrir!. w1l h 8:1!1 lrfl in the half.
Tnm Bj11rn11Mn pri!!set1 tQ Dan Baill!':Y
fnr ;i tv.·o-.[)(lint. coover~ion 11nd t:. f1 ll t h
H,.rb Hill '!! hn~t.~ h:id an fti41 adva n!a~P.
Rand,v rrn~~tll 1i111v' !hr. S111nn.' 11n \I.fl
h:.lft imr h11l1' with " 32-.varrt field I0-!11
w11h ~·M rrmainlnJ!:
Ann ther fumble hy H11 nlinglnn Ae11ch
·'· . .\.
••M l 11 •1•1ll(I
'"'' ~n,.,,. ''""•na ~ •• ., ~wn• .,.,.1.,.
~ .... ~ft"'''" 0, ... 1 .....
,.,,.1 "''' """""' v.,~, •u1nlnt
"··~· ........ o ....... ""' ~., v••ft• '11•"~
"""" A~"•O• ~"""'-' "•nal!,.J /V••~.• ...,t l•IM
~""'"'"' ~,,..,~, .. IM !
"' • ' • " '"' "' " ..
'" ' " "
' •
" ~' '" " '" 1111 , ..
'" , •• ~ •••••• r1 .....
"u"h ... Mn INr~ " 0 ft " " Ln••• o 11 I
"" .. ···~ ~ .. ~ .. ~ ..
"'"'''" "'"'"'" W•Han '., .. "
L•att<n ""'"••a• MrLt ln
~••l•v !'ti•~~
..... 1,
"'''""'" Mt •e•• ••••••
ll Ull<Uf. 1<u•"••••• I N <•
~•3 "118
... ,, .. ..
' "
VI O•t ·
" ' " '·' ', . '" I 0 0 n ft
I• '"' 1> I •
ol II • )/ I I
•) \II ' •" I 1 n • 0
! 1 0 n I
' IO Io ) I 1 ,
• 'l"I It • I
"'"""''""' ..... •• .. ,..1 ~· 11<1 '''"ll' 11 \)tlU.•
l• I 1 lll ln
" I IOj J):I
11rt up !ht. rin11 I Loar• t•llY in the third
Chuck Mill!!r recoverl"d f(lr (..(111r1 nn
tht: Huntinatnn Reach 12 y11rd lint. 11nd 1t
tnnk the S1u:(lnll one pl11 y tn put 11nnthtr
tnuchdown on !he; bo1rds .
L1ppin fl ippe.d a pas., to Rjarn11.snn 1n
!ht nit 11nd he r1mbl ed for !he. !Cflrl
with i .01In 10 in !he quarttr.
I.oar• tned lo raillt furt~r h11v()(' w11t\
lhr Hunlington dio frnse In !hi!': fo urth
,101n1;;;. but A rn n Id Ru11".' twn tn·
!rrceprino.'I kept tht .'IC'<\re lro1n mnuntt nl
~ny hi1her.
Huntingtnn·~ dtoepe.st Jl'-nPlrat1nn 1n 1h8
sffl'lnd half w1., lo the U.11ra 111, hut a
fivr y1rrl lnss 11nd thrl!':e 1ncomple1ton.s !ll•
ded !ht threat.
Now or Never
For Monarchs
At St. Paul
SA.'ITA Ff': SPRl t-.'1;s -Al. ap-
prn,;im::ittly Ill n'clN'k tonifi!hl they'll
either ht. pumping R frl!':~h b~e~th nl air
into thr i\1atl!':r Dei Mnn11rch~ or th~ de.1th
kntll will ht. runa for the Mnnareh foot-
ball squ11d.
Al g o'clock CORrh Rnh Wnnd i;' M•l.t:r
fl.ti 11:riddl'r~ Arf' ~l11tt'<i In bri:tin th eir 11.n·
nu11l re.m11 tch with !ht hni;t SI. P1ul
Sword~mtn Rftrr 11b.~orhi ng .1 ~7-11 drub-
bin11: l11s1 fall.
Fnr tht Mon11n·h~. i t'~ ;i dn-0r-dit:
~ih111t\on sin(•e \\'ood!!' rrpw drnpp!'rl it!I
npe.nin.11 An,11:elu~ l.PR,ltllr C'r1ll'IRI lo del,.n·
cling CIF AAAA t•hampinn Rishnp Amat,
1.t-7. Oct. 21 Al Anaheim St;ir1iu1n .
Anolhrr loi;s wriuld virtually el1m1n111te
~1AtPr Op1 from sPrin11., A ni.:t~lu~ rnn·
ll'!nlin n whi!' 111 thf ~m" timf' \' 11 u I t
lhP rlf'frnrl in)i[ loop t1tli~t Swnrd~mrn nf
~!11rijnn Anrif'h lo 2·0 in t'irt•1111 :irtinn.
St. 1':1u\ r•nnq11errrl S1 . Anthon.\', t 1-fl,
liisl week.
Pl'rsonnel-wisr . !ifn111 h1 ·~ 1·nn1h:1 1anl ~
arl' rn1q;~hly sirn1l;1r , ;ilthrlu11:h thry ~11
11hnut doinR lh1ni:i; d1 fff'rrnlly.
Rel!wr.ther nf !ht Mon;irch :1U11r k Is
\\'nod!;. hrll.1• option ~erit.~ .
In lhf' bPll.v ~rrie.,, qu;i rtt'rh;irk ~1]1\•
Clrn111:h r11n eilhPr J11m thP b:o1Jt into !h,
~tomaeh or 2il.'>-1x>1Jnd f11llhrirlr Ti lf'k
Shr!don, pi tr·h lo r it hr r not or thr r r:iilin~
halfh8tk.~ ! Rl"ll'ky S11np.•nn Rnd n:iv1
Rurrh11rdl in lh i.~ l'a."'cl nr krrp him.,ioll
i:ind sprint 11ro11nd rilh('r rn<I
1'hl' l;i111'r plo.v h;i sn'1 ll'nrkrd h;:idlv 111
lime..~ with Clough ll:.11·in1: ;:irn:is~Prl I ii~
"'°' y;:ird~ on 1hr gro1111d in '.Ill rr;ic·I.~.
"lnng with it.~ runn in~ g:irn~. '-''hirh h;ill
11n olf·ni.l!hl a211 in!il Arn;it with nnlv :..1 y;:ird~, M;ite.r Dei pn~~,..~~r.~ 11 d;111~t0r1111~
p;i~sin11: thre;it.
Clnujlh rnnnerttd on 11 nr 2.1 lnr l ~!I
~·a rd~ in thl! Am111 rl;:ish ;;incl hP hR ~ ~
p.llir nf l:tlen!f"d widt rrreiVl!r' 1n Rn II' 11'!
J:l!':ntt'>r Ttrry M11rf in""ll' i.l l'lUr hdnwn
f'i!!Cht~• 11 nd juninr Mikf' l nurv inn•
.\rnrinR ~r11h ~
H;i1·1nJ.! •i'orPd 1u .1 H, J'\'•••11" u1 1h·•·1·
l(\(\p n11 ri nc~. 1>.:iirl!.1 11 :1~ cn1tr11 111 "11,.., ,,
11 1~ 111 1·r!111q111<,,h1 nc 111•1 12 1~·1n T • 1n
!racur 11la1 ;ind fl11il 'l:l 111 ... rli•·r~ • 1 r•r11\I Pi1·::1te~' Def e11se }"'aces
Looking Al thr Swnrrlsn1r.n. 11 hnsr on!v
nnn-"•in \\''1 ~ .:i 7-7 Ii,. 111 n:i:i nr hn !ligh in
I.ii~ Veg:i~. !hr.1• 111.•n Mii.~• .•lrrng!n 1n
011' ha r kfi Plrl
Fir.~! lhrrr·~ 1.H~rioun(! hillhar-k \l;irtin
~l ..01n::i. an 11!1-CIF pir\,; in 1 ~70, \\'h;i!rl (•r .,I ffn~1 1 r p•1111 h 1 hi' l\t11 Lh''
flO'i.<if'""· 1! t·r1111•r.; :1rn11T1.\ q11;it·1r1ha• ~
\l;11·n;irr! Tnh1n . 11 h11 :1 ~!-1 11111•rl !hr 'll.!11;d
(·;ill1n g fl'lfl~ f11·n 11 1'(1k> ;1c1 • 11h1·11 -.1,11·1 rr
l\r>1·1n 1,orkrn hr-1~" h1' 11·1'
\l'hrn 1hr l\n1 c,!1t ;11 1.11·~ \i;1•t1 ! h• • 11
1·11< kin~ Lrr h;1<; ir·l1f'd 1111 tlw t11r 111
l';1rln~ Tinot~l. 11 h,. 1111.; :11l1·r!flJ!1C l;11·1r •r'
111 1!11' l\nii.:_lll:>' p;.1r or f'l'l''ll l('ll 11 If\'
l.;i ~t wr>rk . T1n1w11 11 .1 ~ .11·•·Hr:1lr ltfl 1111
r~l!':l l)lll tl1 1n ;1fld1t1011 tn hi.0111111!.'. t11n
f1r·lrl ~n;ilo; 1n p11~h1nc thf' l\nic:hl<. 111rr
.\li~•ltl!J \ ll'jn, l'.l-12
II \Ill~ ;il<;n T1nM'n wh" ~·;1"tu·1I 111 1111
:rnnth"f lhrrr·1)1l1nl r r "' 1hr ~·lnr~ ran 1111!
1n l\:o11rll:o1 ·" :l-fl leac11r np1·111nJ.! 1 wr .. 1 y
nvpr Tu.<il1n
Tht> Tritnn~. oil 1hr nlhrr h;i111t :1a1 r
hf'c.n ;ib!r ln f'llhcr p1lr up a h11~hfl r,f
pciinl<; c"lT hr ,;hut nul
Thr~· hPJ::ln !ht> ('r,.,11·1,.w 1·1unp;11cn
with ;;i 24·7 .1'hnrker n1·pr rlrff'n rl1n11 C'A.:ln1-
p1nn Or;ini::r 1whn l\.;itrll:i 11rr l. fl·0 1 ;inrl -
1hen 11•crr hlanked hy F'nothill . 1'1-tl.
hcfn rr rr:bnnndrnl( I" ~l.1p Tu~tin la.'t
week hy R .14·fl rr111nt
\\'h<'n S:in Clrn1rn!r I" '111. 11 ~ u,11;.il\I ;i
rnmh1n11l1on nl ~-~ 1un1nr riuar1rrh~1rk l-1 111
KrnnPv firin~ p;:i sse~ 1n th" rl1n,r11rin ri f
fli:inkri-reir Srll rr.~ ;i11rl !hr rln11hlr-prn·
naed ,rtftln!ng dun of .•c;:il b;irk" C\;:i rk .J.\\ r-
SA,'! BE R!'\AHPll\'I) -~::irlcll1>h;it•k Cnl-
le11t'~ fMI Mll team li!flf'I' af!er 11~ lh1rri
slra i~ht viclorv tnn1 1Zhl ,1·1lh fi;iuchn~
NlRrh r.enrJile H11rtmi:in hnp1ng lnr ;1 littlr
mnrr succe~~ nn oflrn ~r
Thr (;auchns f;it·(' San Hcrn<1rrl1nn V:1l
ley Collc,i!C hrrr: at th" OranJ!f' ghov.
~l:o1clium 17.:10 1.
llartmrin·~ fnn:c.~ h:i1·r Otiun('f'ci ti;:irk
from 8 openinli[ ri.11~~1nn r.nnfrrenrr In~.,
1n PRlnm;ir wil h l'lfll"lflP ~ !I I (' f
Snulhwe~tcrn and r;rl"l~~mnn1 1n lhP pa ~!
tv.·n oulin l!~
Rut 1t ·~ hrr n lhr rlrfcn~P ilt11I lhr
)li)':C!all y teams thal have provided thr
Stiffest Tc ~t of Seaso11
(11·:11u:r l'int.'t Cnll rfi!r"( rlrfrnsP fi ~prr'
In i::r1 11 ~ "!1lfr"t lrst n( the .~r:i~rin S11!11r-
rl:\\' rnphl \\ hrn !hr llnhr ;:il rn r1r;ifp !nnt
h~il li·<trn Ja nglr~ with l'i~il1n~ Sanl;:i !\'n;i
f'r•ll<•J!" 111 ;:i Snu th Cn;i.~t r.onferr nrP h114·
1:1r :11 7 :in
Th.11'<; I hr opi nio n rif liur br;id rn an
!l1f'k T1u·krr
H11!h lf':1111~ P•tllf' 11110 !hr r·ruri.:il Ul'lh
~1111tlc~< r1r1·u11 rr<·nrd<;, S;i11111 \na h;ii;
rnllr1t p;ist f'\1llrr1nn (!1·71. 1\·ll S:o1n
Antonin t27-01 11nr1 S:in Oir;i:n 1\-lri;;i 429-
!71 "·h1lf' nee ha ~ 'lvrrpnY.·rr•d s:1n
nic~n City Collri.ie i3~·7 1 ;ind Fullerton
t36-2fl I
"Wt> thin k Sanl ;:i An:i h;ii; lhe hrst run-
111\\g h;i ck 1n the conf1'rf'n1·r in Phil Bl11nd
;1n1r l hc~··rr 1hr hc~I p'11.1;,<;Jn~ 1r;im wP'vl'!
l:i rrrl ;ilthou~h F1111 rr1on dirl R Rrind Jnh ;ig:i1n .~1 us IR.'>1 WP!'k." ,<;;iy< Tuc kt:r . \
Rl;inrl i.~ 11 li-0. lilll-[)(l!illd i;nphomnrr
\\'))11 prc pp<•rl ;i t S11 nt:i An11 V:11!e.v. The
~anl A AnR 11u11r1erbackini;: dutirlli •r'
~h:o1rl!':c! hy snphnmnrclli Jerry Dyer {6-J,
1~1 11nrl Ti m Yn11n11 l~·HI. lli,r,1
T11r ker i~n·r rra:llv 11ur' 11 1t 'H hi' 11 h•rh
~rorin~ till !ikP l a~! Wl"tk'' rll'rl~l"'n 11v,.r
Fnll l!':rtnn. ' "I rr 11ll.v rlnn·t ~now. H11th 1 riim.~ <'t f·
t;i111l.v hll vf' lhl" 11bility 10 !lf'nrl'. I hnpt:
they dnn 'I scorr 11 ~ murh 11.~ Vu!IPrlon did
l;i~t Wt-r.k."
rlnr rr;:isnn whv Fullrrton ~f'OrPd 211
pn1 11ts, opine.< T11ckr-r wii,; lh11t rh e
Piralell !r;in1 mi,{!ht h11vr been Ion cnn -
lliervAtivl!': 11ffpr i.:ainini 11 :11l.1fi ;it1v1 nt11il'.
And hi' 11l~n feplll lhRt !hp w1nn,.r nl
S;i!urdri y night·, lilt dM!I nOt have the
confprenc,. rh1tmpion~hip locked up.
"The \vinne.r of !hill g•mt · dOP.i1n'I
nercssri rilv h11ve lht !ltlt but the winn!'r cert11 inly·li'a~ ;i i;:onrl r h•ncl!': 11 it." ·
Thr OCG N>Rrti. lcrl.<1 1h1t 'Cerrilnll i 2-ll f
Ill 11.lill l'ery mu rh In the runnlnJ:, hut
flUirkly 11dd ~ tha1 thio f''o1 le<>nll h11vl' •
mutch tnuli[her conference .-:chedu tl' ,,._
maining wi!h 1tiiin14!~ 1111hi~I S1n Difllln
Mt:1a., OCC, Santa Ana 1nd FuUertnn .
,\1 rdin;i hrnkfl lnn~t fnr hl'l lf'r lhRn PflO
,v ;i rd~ 1n '70 •nd ht h.11 .•n '1 rlll11 11.~l1>d that
p;ir' thi.'> .tf'll~On
M r '~ r;:i!'d rq11;:i!h r~rl'll<•n! 11~ •
hl<H'krr :ind p;i ~.~ pno(r rtnr fnr ~hrL;
l'!Uill r1 ,.rba1·~. .l11rn1,. Q\llrk , 110 •rltpt
p•~~e r ;ind bel!rr·th;i n.1vtr1111' r11nnio r 1n
SI. P11 u t'~ lrappin,I! nffPn ~r
l.ike Clnu11,h . Quirk rnjn\'~ lhl' ~rrv1rt.c
nf 11 lalr ntprl widr rrr•r i\'i"I R rl11n in ~'nlor
spHI end Jirli Or1tiz;:i ;ind JU ninr fli.nkf'r
(.reJI: Kriimer.
\\'hil.t..,eve r.1'nnr i11 w;1t r h1ng thf' tlMkup
nf tht sl11 r-sl11ddtd h;irkFirlcl~. !hP finll l
nutromr m;i~· M derided ~omP plar t
~·hprp nnl much :itlenlinn i~ lMo ine:
ct nle.red upon -in tht linl"
SI. P111d, whirh l r:iil ~ hy nnr ~"rn" in
the ~5-1 serir~ between the lonii;timr
rivals. ha5 be•n inlll 11 11ed a., 11 sf've.n-poin t
fiiv orite.
Ml t..-Dal ll~tvo• ou.,,,. D•!..,1•
'"· ""'" WI, WI. Pt1yor '"· t f l Mort+ .... olo ti\ ltJ M""I•• I
T 81 r1~ nn l?G lil tl>M 1
G ''°"' llJ l \0 ICna• 1 C C.ou11"' 10• 100 ••Inn r
G Ort l N 1'$ "' (I••• LI • P•t•"'•" 11~ llJ Sta"n•• LI Tt (l•r• llJ !tJ M!el .. ~ LI
()-l'.;.1..,1• I., 1eo N •ftrY '"V
L><~ Sl"'I'~" 111 !J.I .I.~"""•*" lt l •"'II ~H•C~•·~• '" l•J J "~tl!t•" ,., s~''"e" toJ no "•"'•"e" t
• Ill Quest of Third Stra~ght
"1n.' fnr thP <;suC'hni;. The offtnse jui;t
hnsn·t got 1n 11e.ir Y'l.
· \\·., h;i\'P tn gt-t nur nff io.nsr: g(Jlna.''
;:.:1\·~ H;i rlnH11n "if wf! sire In ht. 11 N)n·
1en1trr l)\ir nfl rn.<ie has ln io1plndt.
i;nmrlimr and t.<ipcf'iRll}'. the pa.~glng i;!rin1~ And v.•p'cl hkr to ma intain V1mt
k1nrl 11f grnunrl i;,:11rnc WI!': hav n't been
;ihlr tn rnnlrnl 1hr h;:ill vt l.
'1t .< \·rrv ~1~rr;:it1n.'!, to me not to h.llv,
!hr ;:ih1t11v tn s~ A !r ii m pl ... v.~ rlrh.·n!'r
o;n !nn~ :inrl.~nmt>lhin~ 1<. Rnina tn h'1ppPn
Artual\y nu r dt ftn~1v' i·ea m think~
1 liP;.<"rr pl 11.vlnR bo tt"t 11·~.vll anci mayht
\hP1 ;:irr '
'()ur o!fen~e ~\ ~11 11 m11k1ng WI m11l~M
mistakt:s. w,·r~ hlorkin11 lh • wrn n1 fl"l1"
pi t and wht;n wl' dn hlork wt'rt nnt doin~
.1 JOO pt:rr~nl jnh . And nor limin1 I~ J>4'Wlr.
Rut wt shnwt:d ~nmt 11p11rk 1a~t "'Cf'k and
I hopt: W! r11n improvr: .1 lill le mnre thi~
week ," x11y~ H8rtm1n.
Th! S-ddl,b&ck -coa rh •dd.~ tn.11. San
Rem1rdlnn h•~ nnt nf it~ biJtP.sl foothill
tl'am., lt'i1 t:vtr hid. "San BtmtrdiM ha~
creal iic'ilen!l111I. T.he y hive real bl11
llnt:m•n And 11onc1 flllt.,ldP spe:Ml. Wr 'rt
looki ng lnr one of nur tnu1hesl Rlmt~ "
F'r P11hm11n Rtlb Dullch wlll ·~•in h1ndl~
1ht G11 uc l'!fl 'IU•rltrbar k'lna f'hore~ with
sei phomort Bob &s•nko 11.,0 e1Pf:(teft w
!'PP a Int nf Action. lllt:lr pri me tarReL'
will bf widt r~tlvior~ Bnbhy 1!1•1pPrl 11nd
Rir.k Gtdd•a. two nr !ht better nnts [IJ
thf' cnnftr~nce.
Sopl'W>mort: tailback. Sle\lt Divtl •·' ltic
top S1ddlt:b11ck rusher.
l•••1•Hll LI-I • eu ... u Dtf•~ ,... , .. y.. Wt. WI. 1>11w•r
~l l<•U1>l•I •U II) ,~11•urv
1 II,.._ J1j 1'M W1f •
r. """"''" 1•1 m •~'""' C O••lt ••• 1'!'1 "•~•v
(> •f\11•••~~ 1 IJ ''"' nu~(•~ T L~l><I• /J{! 1tt1 (•II
tf; 511'1\'I"~~· 11J 11! ~.,.,, ..... ~
1)8 Ou~Y. 111\ 11& Mtr"l~llU
I I' O<v•• >tll "" M9I"'~' ~L G .. ~•· '11' •7!1 O'~"•
Fl Jlofl~.. 1•1 1111 WI!'~"
1111, ,
• • • • " I •
20 OAll '1 P!LOf
Orange Coast-Defense
Golden West-Offense
Orange Coast-Offense
Golden Wes t-Defense
Wester11 ,
Lio11s Vie
In Crucial
. Jelr S1t111t'11s and h 1 s
1 aunted \\'est 1n1nsfer aer1<il
1·i r1'u~ will fal'e the Sunset
i.CilRUt>'s li>:-.dt11~ !: I' Ou n ti
giHner In !l1c 1wrsun of
\\'r ~lern ll igh's Bu\) LJcipptr
h>111~!1t 111 ;111 11nport'a111 foul ·
IJ;1ll clash at lhe \\'cslt•rn held
u1 Anaheun
/\ ll1n1ted Sf«ll1ng t'<lpacitv
(6.2001 1·vtild force 111Jny fanS
1t1 st;111d 1f thev arrive Jess
1ha11 au /1uur ·befure ga1ne
l ltllt'.
~1t•ine11s d1reet.~ l'f1ach Hill
flus11ell's \\'t>:.lrn1nster l.1uns
1.J-t 1 al qu;1rterback and has
11u1 on a devastating passing
111:.µlay 111 the first ttu·ee
Sunset League en1.:ounters 10
i.:11 l' the Lions a share of the
!tad with <i J·O record .
LJapper has done rnuch the
:..:-.111e tt11ng for \\'estern \5-0J
\\ ith ;i hit of dazzling ru11ning
;1h1l1ty a11d the Pioneers are
undefe<J ted including three in
ll'i!J.:llt;' µl<1y.
Bui wail a 1111uulP.
Buth lcan1s di s p I a y
a11'es(ln1e {]efen slve units a~
ll'f!I ;ind somellun~ has to gire
11·ht•n the Sunse! League
c1·ut1a1 gels under \I' a y
\\1cst1nu1ster. \\'J!h ii lront
four nf Ti rn !\'lack. Gary .Jcn-
r11ngs. B;irt Frankhouse and
.Jim llolland has given up but
one touchdown 1n th ree league
In fact, since the half"·ay
po1nl 111 the season npener
with Lake"·CMid. lhe Lions ha ve
g11·e11 up univ 15 point.o;,
L;ikewoo<l \\'On~ 24 -!9 verdi1·1
Ol'Cr the I.ions, scoring all 24
JH1i11ts 1n !he t1r.'il halt
'f'he \\'(•stern defense'.'
It has gi1·cn up 13 11!1ints 111
tJ1 rer league ganies and coach
.J1n1 E1·r·rctl is pleased with ils
"Our lil'll'nsc has hc•en ;1h]c
lo gil'c us tlial rooOiall 1n pret-
ly guod field 1msition rno~1 nf
lhc lin1l'. This "'as the key 111
our win last 11'l'Ck 01·er
Nc1,·p11r! t lJ-01 bt•c·ause 1hev
\\lTC ha <"kl'd UJ) where th1·y
('OU!dn'! upe11 up ..
l~os11cll 1.._ l1!..t•11 1~1· plea~cd
1111h tu~ lr;1111\ <lf'h•11~11 f' l;i1·-
l1t "
Sunset Action
Sait1ts;, Flu Bug
Me11ace Newport
\\'1th a wary f'Yt' on !ht
lean1 "s sick bay <1nd an ap·
prrhens1ve a p pro a c h to
defensing the tnple option,
('OttC'h l)on Lent's Newport
llar bl~r ~allors 11•111 travtl lo
S<inta Ana Bowl ton!f:h\ to
f:ice a dan~erous Santfl An fl
ll1gh football team 111 Sunsel
League action. Kickoff i.~ at 3.
Leut ll'asn't sure this morn·
ing just how tnany of hi., pro·
liable starters 1\ould be on
hand. J\lan)' of the starting
!->I a I \\'a rt s .inc lud i ng
quarterback Duane DeKalb,
tackle Terry Albritton. run-
ning back Dan Seals and tighl
tnd Russ Tu('ker. have been
attacked by the flu bug this
week .
On lop of t'\'erything else,
Santa Ana i.~ gaining nio1nen·
furn in running the triple op-
tion offense and Lent 1s fea rful
the Saint~ "'ill put it all
tugt>ther lonighl against his
"Thev operale sirnilar to \\'ester~ on offense a n d
although they haven'! had the
After First
'71 Victory
Uni l'ersity /-ligh's Trojans
lry again for Lheir initial foot·
ball viclorv of the 1971 carn-
poign loniih1 "'hen lhey battle
Pal'ifica at Tustin High
< ;an1e lime 1s scheduled for
8 u'clock for lhe non-league
Cn<ich .Jt•1-rv Redn1an's Tro-
j;111s hare not. 1nustered a con·
;;-iste111 offensive attack and
have been <1b!e to score only
l\.l'icr in fi\'e garnes.
overall success 11-4 1. thev
ha ve played some c Io s t
"Santa Ana also has 1 v.·ell-
balanctd dtft nst and i r
DeKalb is mis5ing , y,•e could
ha ve troublt ."
On the brighter side. the Tar
('Oach v.'t lcomed back Randy
llam!lton at, a linebacker post
ror the game,
Hamilton m i 1 .s e d lhe
\Vestern outing with Seals
nlo1•ed to a cornerhack spot
and Tucktr laking over as a
hnebacktt. Tht game n1ar ked
Seals' firsl this year in a
defensil'e post
Tom Bald win, coach or lhe
Saints, is hopeful his offense
can get rolllng this "'tek and
score some points.
··Our offense played well
last .,. .. eek. They gained over
JOO yard~ but we fumbled a
lot. I don'L think "'e ha ve had
a game with less than 250
yards gained," Ba I rt"-' i n
The Santa Ana offense i:s
built arou nd underclassmen
!sophomores and juniors), giv·
ing credence to the thought
Bald"·in is building for the
"ff they quit ma k ing
mistakes this year. they'll do
pretty ~·ell . But five lost
fumbles and one interception
last week cost us lhe game."
Ne"·porl must v.·in to remain
in C<>nlention for a possible
repeat es Sunset League
champions. Santa Ana is 1-2 in
league play "'ilh both Western
and \Vestminster undefeated.
It would take a miracle for
!hem to get back in the chase
tl1i s season.
•ot. Pll •tr
~~ Grit """"' I T1•ry .oilbro!!on
G M•r-01•bv
C W•rro~ 11•1
('. Jim MO"o r Mlkt l rown
fo "'"' 1utllor 0 8 Ouo""' 0.ll(•lb Tl 1onv 11..,vll~
1111 Con So•I• l'l Jim s .. 1,~
"' "" 1~5
"' ,.
'" ·~ ·~ "' "' "' ~
Vikes Try
For Upset
fi!arina High has ne\.'er
beaten the Anaheim Colonists
on tht football fltld 1n seven
previous aHempt.s.
But, if there el't'r was a ripe
lime to turn the tables, this
year is ii.
\Vh lle !he Colony enters
l onight'~ Sunset League hattle
al La Palrna Stadium as a
three-po int pick to overcomt
the inl'ading Viking~. fi1arina
coach Leon \1/httler realizes
that the Colonists are in t he
throes of a less-than·average
So, ii could be a pretty el'en
ba ttle when the conl~st gets
under v.1a)1 at 8 o'cock.
Both team3 are fresh from
posting their first loop vie·
lories of the c a m p 11 i Rn ,
~tarina hal'ing dumped Santa
Ana, \~-1.l. last "'eek and
Anahein1 l1aving laken care of
l . .oara, IJ-7.
Defense has generally been
!he hallmark of each club.
a\lhough both ha I' e sur·
rendered :10 points in al. least
one grtnit : Marint1 allo"·i ng
that man~· 11·hile being shut
out against \\1estminster and
Anaheim giving up the same
amount in losing to Santa Ana .
Anaheim's defen s e is
spearheaded by retu rning all-
le.ague linebacker ~1i ke Da vis
"'ilh Marina"!! defen s i v e
eleven bolstered by it~ O\\'n all-
leaguer -175·pound middle
guard Bryan Kerns.
Th e k 'y quarlerb:icking
situation could once-again be
decisil'e with lhe Vikings
going 1\'ith i rn pro v i n g
sopho1nore Creg foster and
Anaheim allerna!ing juniors
Steve.Coleinan and Ron Anton.
P", ,Ii i •'
SE llo~ llrown
l Jflld '"""" G lloY<I 11olloman
C C1llt n MtMur1rv
G llrv&n ""n'
l JMn Mtu~1tf
TE l oll SI""" 01 G•H Fos!••
TB HdN•Y l1"e!1
F l G&ry lm••Anogl!o
F L Ml~· l o<•
••• "' ,00
"" "' "' 100 \'.t '" ·~ '" •• "'
After hol<ling r a I' o red
F(l()!hilJ lo an 8-6 lnumph the
Trojans h;11·e gone downhill.
Ttir lar1·s1 11·;1.~ ;1 ·•a-O lo<.'•. ro '°"· "•••• w1 " ·' l'Ol. l'l•~or Wt, [ Oon ~m•• 1/Q
S.11u1ra. f r "' l\<o~n 1 .. 0 1 'i!<><I Hn"'' 'OO
I r #avr>• 'A•ll•r ra: MG 8rvor> I!."'" llS 'ovr lit>lt! 110s111un has been t D•v• Gu...:•""~ l'.111 T C••·• H<>1"n its rcspo11~1ble 1<1r rnany of lhe E '•"•Alb'''"'~ 1B E N"" vo•1><H• ')(",(! l-1 J!•.-.:lv H•m•llO~ !15 LI O•v• Jf11f•nU 11'0 'l'ruian:.' 11lte11SL\'C problems LB J om Mllii• 1•• LB Boyo HoH.,.,.... 110 and Hfflinan 1~ ho iv>ful his Lii J•m s .... ,.. tf1'I ca s•"'• 11an1row '64 r• C.t!. ll u .. Tu.:~er llo'I CB M~n G•oUt 110 dt'fense will prov ide :so1ne im-Cl Jllhn 1ui>v 110 i $<.O'll w11aerm1n 1sn
Allstate's new office
in Costa Mesa
• is now open.
Thoe highly ex~rienccd Allstate
Agents know insu'!lnce fr om Aro Z..
And rheT know it pays to gi"'e yo u
facts, not high~pressure sales talk.
Whether you need insurance for your
home, car, bb6ines!'i, or life insurance
for your family, yo u :;:et top-qualicy
ptocection at lo w cost.
Drop in at our new offi ce in Costa
Mesa or phone, and one of o ur agents
will be glad to come to your homt'.
)~oa11 f1nd us in our new office: at
2326 Harbor Blvd.
Costa Mesa, California
Allstate· Eagles, ~ lag11c>lia 1' I eel
111 S11rvivaJ Struggle
l':st;i1u·1a'1"11gh ·.., E;1glt'" ;11H t
lhe1r crushi ng !!11111nrl :111:u·\..
\\'Ill hl' 11"~11~ rn .-.\,!\ .till \' Ill
1 ht• I 1·11tl•' I .1·:1 ~1u· lo11l!Jall
I ;u·f' ln111i.:;t11 II h1·11 1hr·1 111t't'I
\lai.:11t>ha 1111.!11', :-.l·111111c·I, .11
\1•11p111'1 11;11·11111
Ii•· ~ p:-.ssed fiir I 11 o r
·"rlit•1 11l,1.1 1·d .1 111•;11· 1tt·rlcct
i.:.1 n1e 1:1~1 11t't•I.. 1tJ1•tc;1t 111g
llu11t1ngton Beat'h, 48·\l l, l;ent>
1.:-.nders did an 11utsl;1nd1n~
J(~b <ii a l'flrnerb<tck posl!iun
:-111d Franktious1•, 011r defens1 vt•
n11ddle gu:ird, h;1d a ~·C'at
I I I . I 1!1111 W!llnor• IS1 s Mi~• Lo<Y 115
pe us or us team. , =~'=~·~·~"='~·~·~~======~·~·~=====================~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::;-, Bob f;ilJ has been lhe mostJj
I ;a1n1• llllh' I\ HI' <'I''' h
t '11;ir'li I '1111 l\r111r11 ~ l·.:1gll·~
1•11!t•r 111111 ;1 l'l'1:1111pt•tl l1111·11p
duP tn llit• lu.,~ 111 ri11:trlt•rl1:1rk
Hank \lr111rc <11111 11<·"• h(ipt•fu t
1l1 e~1;it111 ~h1111'. .1 p:1 ..... 111t; ;11
lat'k hch111c! 1.t·t• .l111vt·. ;i 1;1;;.
J ~lllfl{i all l'hllll(! 11l;I\ l•I
,Jp\j I', II h1• al-.11 pl.ti:<. !'tll llt•I'
!•11 dt·ll'lbl' .1n1I it·lurn' 1•11+11 '
;t llrl l.lt'i..1111:<. HI t .1 .. lollJ;li!\ !• ,I
~;11111• h11·,11..• I .uni 1\r .. 11 I\ ;o.,,,'
hl' 111'•1 .1''11 111· l11111h:oll
l.Jlhl\ lt•di.;t• ,ll•ll h•.11h I 'Ill!'
Ill 11H· l1;H ~IH jd \\Ill! 111111
olf t' loillh,ti h ! ),ii! I 'I 1Tw1 <+1111
ill\(j l1 illt1;u lo,, .luli11 I ~l\"11
Tlu11 p1111 11., .111 H1111il;ol• d
QJI I .+I IJ, lll'll\»1•11 11\1 Ill
IWIJ1tl1! ol \ ll'l"li· l"I \\di ii II .111
IJ(' p111' 1!11' 111•11•1 .-. I I 11111
IH'I ~ 11U l· .. 1; ii 11,11' "Ill
.1 •111·1:+11 l1li1(I.. o1ll•I !I.iii ,,, 11
l ' JI" '11 (\ i~\1(!• I ii I HI ll • !' , I ' I !
U11(' 111 !l11• !" +111,11·1 I(' t ,.,,.
f.,1 I )11• I• "1111-: 111,11 h . Ii,,-, 1 .. ' 11
lh11 1:11 h l•j ,1 • Pll•!'--\1'!1( i'ol .-.
lilj.l !t tl:11·h
i\la J,!111d 1,1 1>11 ll•t •·l!w1 !1111111
J1:t'i h1 1th II l'.l\W111 • .1 .. !11,iloi•
11 1th q11;11"1t·rli:1~ ~ .1 .. 11·1 1,111
dt1•d 1h I l'~l p•11n•il 1111>1"'
;ind !;u lb:1t i.. I l.111!.. U.111•
Thi· ~1•1111111·1~ :111' 11111·1 P• ·1'
/a1 or1Jt•-; 111 d1•1J ... -.r 111 t -1.11
1 IOI ~Hie\ t...111dt 1·d I~ 1111· In)!
l11ur\id11"11~ :ind run I h I
:1nq!hfr 11 1i1lr· g:11111ng 4011
_1.11'd-. rl11•111i.;h lhr (11r 111til h1 "
! !;.~I 1 I ; II 111
111~ tnp 1 t't t•11 t'I' I"-H11 I,,
1 '111111 11. ,1 llitl·p1111nd ll.1111ir1·
1,11,, Ii." 1 :iughl ~11\ p.i s~t'" l1ir
J'.!.O \,11d-.
~ .. 1a1w1;1"' 11·e.1po11s agJ111~t
1 11~ p:+~"·run option ha1e bc<'n
1l«ph•lttl 111 lh•• h11'.-. 11[ f'lt'I
1'1 It·. 11li11 1" 11111 ul ,l\'flr•ll :iftt'I'
~ulh·r-1111.'. 11 hr .. kf'I! lt'l~ !ll Hu•
I 1>-.t.1 \Jt .. .,, g.i11w lti~t 11r~I.
i.:,1;11u •:1, l'r1111 1·"11 .. 1<> t11r
11 •:11lit1; 111· lw1 111 !li1• (11 ;111~1'
~ lo;t'I 11• I Ill !111;1J \;!lddl!I'
l1t'l1 .i 1,;: ;11, 1.1•!t' II••" 1·,11·
ru·d l!lh 111111·~ 1111 111!! 1,1rd!>
_1111 1 1.1u' r .. 11, tul .. 1111, .1 "l'I 1•n-
1,.i d il.1·1+ .1f.1lll"-\ ( ""1.1 \lt·~.~
[ )1\,.1 ;1 I 1-1 .1\!1• I' 11!•:11'1 \' ;1.._
llllfll !·· Il l \\ 111 ,1 !I\ 11111111
' ' " '" ! I ,,
,, .,,.,
"' ••
" ''
··B11t llH•rt• 11ert> nu tl1s11 p-
p111111111t·nl .._ 111 11111· ;1rl'<t 111 our
1h·l1•11~l'.' B11;-.111•ll ~:11:--
l\t·~11·r11'~ lr1pll' 1.•pl1011 of
f1·11~t· 111;1k\'S ll<1S\lf'IJ J.:(l l't' the
<lctt•11.-.t· :1 ~t·L·11ntJ t hrnight.
)11111·1•1 ('!'.
Tlit·11· q111t1'lt·rhrtt'k 11111~ 11
1 l'<ll 11Tll ;111d tt1:1t b11.1' LJapper
11' the leading ground g:uncr 111
tl 1e l<"ague so 11.c will t1a1•e lv
fl'PC'<i! uur IJ4.:rforn111nl'f: uf la~L
l\'1lh \lnpprr n111111 ng. Boh
A<"u:-.ta op1•ra!1ng 1111· 1nple op·
111111 :11nl tw111ren Tht>tn ha1·111g
I'! tuu!'h(lo1111<> \\'t'~llllltl!"lt'r' s
1lrlt·11~1· t1;1~ ;1 h!i•\ night
r·onsistent runner in the Tro--
Jan ('an1p. gaining 208 yards
1111 fi2 l"<trrics for 11 J.J averai,:e.
llt·drnan h:is insf'rled split ,
1•11d Bill ll1ddle in hi~ full 1 l1ouse b~ll'kfield in hopes or
g;1i111ng 1nore speed 1n the run-
rung gan1t>.
l!iddlt-scored a louchdown
<1ga1ns l foothill v.·11h a 20-y ard
scan1pcr and has a 5.6 average
,1fter nine carries.
'!'hr pas~ing game has been
a sort' spol for University.
L1-1st \1·eek ll1e Trojans·
acn;ll garne was limited to l
fi\f' ~ards on nnr 1·ompltlion l
1n Ill a11en1p1s and l\l'O 111-
Un1vff1o!Y l l~1u••
Ofl•nn P!» Pl~yof WI PM, Pl•V•• •• '" '" '"
It. l•,.rl~• (••l>r•
I + •·" • i~~"'"Q' ,,
' '
I'" ,'."''"~~• /~.-··~ "''"·~··
11 •• ' l ,.,,
I(' •·1 '." ' I '' :-p! ~O·•-•• " \ ,.,,,. I.'<
" " ,', !• ~
H. I fl~ . "~" '
IOI <[ B'>ll l>dl!~••o~
"' T \'/• •• j•'""" ~~ (, ""'" l'IAn~.,~1 0
c °""' o~r•<!~ i,, w"~ ·~Q •
I•~ (,•Q·•
l,1 TE Ii·~~ B~ll&
••Qflfll f>d
1 -, l<fl !\ I I' ~U f
: n .. ~ """~· .... ,., ,~, ' 8 11,,~ '·""
'" "' "' 1:1
'" "' "'
"~' P<>••I w• Pox. l'l••t' Wt
I l·o I""'~• I"' I'-[,o,,,o• ><•'~'' 1•1
I •'''I''"'""' 1-"' I 11&"<1• l>o<it•\ ~)1 1 r. '''" M •(~ 10~ NG lo~ (••Cc 1 1~ 1•.,1 ''""~""'' 1-n 1 o""' O•••~o 13'1
J '" ~·~"·~~ /!O f \'1111•• J"'m~" 17! ".,,, O••·'"' oh I 6 ._,,f, 6~b• 1n
"'d II "•"'" l •mb JAn I 1:1 P.o~ (.,,, 16~
1 ll W•lt <,.,,,., II\ t 8 '"" IQ~• 1311
"'' • 6 <r•"• L•"""'' l<"l ca J•" ,-.,..,, i.i
' • '
' I '.'
,. , ,
',.,. ,, ··~ . I·~ o"
' ' ' '"' ~· "' '""-"""
, ~ If"• '"""~~ I~\ i l'i.11 1' ~~'• 15• " ___ ,_._._._,_,._,,_, _______ ,_~ __ , __ 'M_"_'c' _"'c'"-"-"c"_' _____ 'c~:n
'"' "'
'" " 1<11
OCT. 22-31
WEEK DAYS, 5·11 ,M
,, NOON ro 11 """
12 MOON 10 1 f'M
Ask about llcCulloch's NEW low price chain.
•A•0£"' G•Ovl 11 a.!l'I' !.oil[i I. !EllVI{( 10J11 G••d•" G<O•• •1v<1
Ill 1700
5A.,,lA AHA
CLAllME DYE ...... ow~•E
J ll ! M•o~
\'1 10 )
MuNT!"'GlOM 15f.6(H
•ON '! MIMl·(Y(lf. (HY
111!• loot~ l lvl
!""'TA IHll. l W l!IE,,.IS Tit 5 H~PL (0
IUf E ""'' ~! JU.)11'
)"NTA ,r,N,.
!010 S C.•~r>el •vo
OllA'<Cl 11.ll!M ~ ll E~lA.l .. GOM CHI. 11• "' 01 ... l l!U ll ..._
~ ...
~ ~
• ' .. ~"
•DUll5 l 1 00 (HllDlf N UNDE -12, Sl 00 • uNor •. Plfl
~' ••
We've expanded our facility to better
serve our customers with au t comprom1s1ng
our personal and professional approach.
We the largest , and most now hove
Ski complete and Mountaineering Shop In
the entire Orange County area . \
of all
and guess what? The best thing
we now hove lots of parking!
(Just arros~ fron1 Ancient ttlariner -l block south of the old .~1ore1
Hours: Mond1y · Frid1y, 10 -9 -S1turd1y, 10 • 6 -Sunday, 12 · 6
" .
, "
ML1 stangs
Await Foe
SC Rolls, T oo "70 Cha1n11s
Invade Mesa, Ma rina,
. John S11·eat,v adn111s he had
r111alms hefnre lhf' iiea.~nn
~tarted a-; !n whether hi.~
I nsla ~1rsat"H1~h foo!h11 ll nul-
l1t would t-'vcr ht' ::i rc~prctable
f111P 10 1!'171
T a,rs, MV Win Lag una
L1111.una Beat·n Hlgh 's fno1
IJ:ill \eain hid~ for 1!s fir~t \'JC
Int)' nf !hr 197! Or;i1111,r
1.C"ai:uc season Jt,n1 11.hL -bu! 11
f111,ures rn hP quite an obs!act(
lrir the Art1~r ~ B11t. 11 1th l1 Vf' i::a mr s
11!re;idy 11ndf'r their helll!. 1hr
\1u-:t11ni,:s can bP ra1ed at lea'-!
lh11l -respe,'tablr.
~11 c<11y nu1rs. 11r"1 r 1m·
1111•1 rd al! :1ro11nd and I i.:a11·t
1• ('~ 0111 JUS! one aspctt that's
1rnpn11rd -11r 're }/Js1 rrspcc·
l;lfllr ,1JI O\'('f
\\p 11·rrr <;;(1 bad al 1he
.1,ut !hat I duin 't P~\)rct i! -
h111 11r 'rr af·tualt) a decent
!•uolh;i!I tr;+111,"
lhP [1r..,1-1·rar hrad man 11~r.; lhe la..,i liA'O l\1cs;:i con·
IC"•IS ;is example.s -a l!J-7 11 1n
111cr ;\lilgnoha anrl a tough, 1~
i ~rl b::.ck !1) Est;:ine1 a.
'~1r1i;nnl1a JS 2-1 in league
pl;i~ and we'rl' lhe onl,1 lc;iguc
tr,1111 1ha1 's scored on lhr1n
~('I ." he sa~·s
··And "'e relt that we had tn ·
~rnrp I hree times to heal
l·~~:;i11t1a. which is a good fool·
h;ill tean1 .
···rhey scored on one of ('ltJr
detens1re breakdowns but,
othtr11•1se lhty had to work ror
v.·hal I hey got."
Spe;iking in terms or this
..... Satut·rlay's night's opponent at
Ne"·porl Harbor High -the
Los Alamitos Griffins
Sw~zy say!'i. "they're a good
ofte.D!'ii\'e club and quick on
.. , can't pronnunre his name
!\like Sch11·rrd1fcger) but
1he1 r tailback is ;i good onl'.
And Jim !lamillon. thrir
Qt1.1dt>rback. lhrows a\.\·[u!ly
11cll." ·
(;clting b;it•k lo lhr .\1uslang
pnrlion of !.hr pielurr. S11·cn1.y
s11rn1ises. "Our pass prn-
tcc(il'.)n has improved con·
sidfrably Rnrl . conseciuently,
Flip Darnell 1 .\-lcsa'.~ QB\ has
h,11rt'rnuch more lime 10 throw.
.. 1-!e had 3 kind of an off
!11,t:h! aga1nsl f:~taOf'l<I I four nr
1? for 53 rard~t tiul he's im -
prO\J?d and has done a gond J~ o! hrr\1 isC' "
;\'f!hnu~h hi' rxpcrienc<'rl
i-nn1r rnck\ gn1ng ill thf' nu!s(lt
<1f !hr current r:imp:iii;n,
n:irnel! h;is 11i;1na)'.!C'd to cnn1-
pl<'tr 2.) of fi4 p;isses on lhf'
"C'a~on for 110 \<in1s anrl !hrre
TOs He's brcri 1ntcrcep1ed on
f11 r ncra.~1011~
1'hr b11ll. of !h;it 1mr1·0\rrl
il1ri:;i._., p;1·,-. shf'l1r r1ng hac
('11111(' fr nt11 !11llback rh11r"k
(;l;i~py 1 lf.f\\ ;inri lh1;1 front
;1l1g111nrn1 11·h1eh incl11dc.~ t1,chl
C'l1 "1 .Jon '\1;ir-rh 1orl al!1 1 ll}il1.
211.1.pr111nrf. 1:1eklcs ~1 1 k r
~chrprns :inrl Rr1 ;1 n l'orsd1ck.
t:l1 ,1rd~ l\r11 l\';irren 1 IR01 ;ind
flnn Parker 1J(l<l1 <1nd center
/1011 flm burgc.1· 1 li~1
In i1dd11 inn. ll'Rrren ha i::
1•n1nr 11110 h1~ 011·11 drfensivrlv
Ill \le~;;·~ llllC'har"k(ng ('Ol'Jl~
alone 1r1!h f.l;i~p1 and
~l:irrh1nrl:ir11, 1hf' r111 f'r
S11caz1 h<•;i~ts 1111110111 n111rh
ch.I nrc~.' · l\";1rrrn 1~ RS gnC1c1 ;i
l;nrh;irl;rr a:-. thf'rr 1.~ 10 lhr
ll'ilCllP J(r \Iii~ Ill no lfl
1;H f..l('c ;111d 1·;i11sC"d "n
furnhlC'~_J,1~1 11rrf.. :inrl hr
l.nn<'krn ,1\1 n thr"'' .c11 1·~ nn
r .11 h.al.1 11Hi ~ jj \ ;n·rl. pun!
r<'ll1rn for a !nucl1dn11 n "
Bia t"' Series
.i\L Speedway
Sq11 are Off
r.1is~u1n \'1PJ0 ;inrl \'tll;i Park
1!1gh Sthonls. 11 11h a rouplr of
On11g r-.1ael.Pan and the
OIS\\Rll~ twins .John jllld Tom
crossed !he '1nLSh IJn'E tni.:erhrr
in lt>t1d1ng f 'n~l;:i ;\.11'5.3 to a I~·
50 cro~~ (·ountr.1· 11 111 111 er l Al.'i
Al;tr11 1tn.c; Thursda1 1n lhe
Jr11nC' Le;1g11r •
:'llar111a anrl ".: (' 11 p{l r t
Harbor'~ '!'<tr:-. ron11nurd In
\\'Ill 11lth ;\\<i!'lnil 10pfllllj!
Anilhr1rn, J;'i-;lfl, and :'\ewport
dtfcal1ng Se1 nta Ana. 20·40_
Hu ntingt on Ac;irh Io ppr d
l.oar<1. 19·3!1. and ll'rs1m1nster
took l\'es1t'rn inl1) 1·111np, 24·34
in nl11C'r Sunset :if't1on
F:rl Harl('rn1;i ('hr r 11rd the
;\.hs.i;uin \·1r10 1·oursr rC"c·ord
~rl h.v ll:1ndy Spn11s "' .1·r nr
;1,c11 ;it. 1(1 02 1n l,.;id1n,1: The
01;ihl n~ In a !5-50 1 lt'torv nver
fnn!b<tll le-am ~ 1hat fig ure tn Villa P;irk 1n lhr Cre.st\·1~11•
pla.Y Lht> r"le fJf spoil!'~ S;rn t'len1cn1e took
lhrnugh Lhe bnlilnce of the -.K111 r ll:i.?i..~6.
Crcs!v1rw Lrague sc<J son. will
tangle lnnighl al the Mission
Vu:'JO fiC'ld .
The v;irsity kickoff ls slilled
for 8 with a prrliminary
sophomorP cla~h set fnr a.
Cnach Roh Hivner's t.1V
D1ablos ha1·e scored in dnuh1e
figures in each of fi l'e i;:amcs
this sea5nn hut the record
sho"·s only two v1ctnnes.
Allndre Holmes. the leading
rusher in the circuit until la~t
week \\'hen he \.1'3S held tO a
seasonal ln"' of 42 .vards. has
tiren ihe sp;i rk that h;i.c; i,c.·
nited thr Dlablo attack most
or the way.
Howrvrr , quar1erb;ick t;ary
\~'nod stepped into !he breach
;igainst Katel\a :ind hurled a
p;i1r of touchrlo"'n passes only
to have 1he Diablos lose, J;i.f2,
because or conversion trouble.
Cr1a(•h Ted i\lullrn al Villa
P;irk fcrls his Spartans rnll sl
cont;iin Holmrs and at the
same li!ne cnve1· n 1 ;i h Io
rel'rl\'rr~ -a toui:;h ai;s1An-
ment fnr ;i !('a1n lh;it h;is
,c.1\'en 11p ;:.4 fl01nts 11 h1[r sf'rir-
in,i:: nnly 20 in lhrct' !r:ig11e
"\\"e ha\·e hccn ni;i~1ng 1hf'
f..1JhnA n11stake~ lh1s ~c:isno,"
he c:>.pl<l1ns. "Son1rt1n1rs· _in ti
can rnilke mislakcs and )'.!rt
a11 ;i\' 1\·1lh 1! h111 nnl 1h1.~ l'l'<lr.
· r" th ink ;\l1ss1nn \'JPjn J.~
prnh<1hl_1 one nf !he l011ghes!
1r:im~ 1n the lr;1g11t -If cer·
trrinll' b;is tJ1e hes\ back.~."
rn'wh1rh ll i\'ner repliC'.c·
"\lilla P;i1·k h;;o.~ had 3 lo! of
lnugh l111·k Tbry gamble a lnl
011 of fensP ;in(I go tn a m<in·1o·
man en \ Pr;igr much of the
tin1 e nn rlcren~r
•• 1 l()(lk frr thrn1 In 11sr ;i
n1nr n1;i n l111e par1 nf 1hr 11mP
10 Jilm Hnln1rs ;ind if 11r 1·;in'1
get lhP hall in !he air. wr will
hil1·e tr1"111hlr w11h thC'!l1 ·•
The 01;ihln~ h•.~I st.1 r1 1nc
fu!lh;ir l. 1;u1 Tlrr1•ps anti
rl;inkrr Tr.drJ I .:i.1 pt'lr I r ;irh
l<11't """\.. \•huh <l1dn'1 hrlp thP
0Ffrns11 r p11ncli Rnth <11r
rr;id1· 10 i:n for 1nn1ght 's g;irne
V. l!h 11 !nlr~~ r 1\la P<lrk
0"'"'* PM Pl•>••
~E ;>., r..,. •
1~ n-~,,
r. R"~ IM~•"•
( /,"l •l"'r"
r, ~,., ~·"~· • r r,-•o '..c !'~"· 1 r p,.,,. r, .,,..,.. "'1
I/fl (.~ • ·~-·<! 'II • .,~., .. _. ... ,.,
' ·~~~, ''""'' r ~ '" '"''
0 •1"'"'
'"' '" ,. , ..
'"' '" '" ,..
v .... 1,
P1~1!l<• It, U•lvt rt11¥ •l
! Ttiomo•on !~I in JI; 1 Oor 1110., \~1: .13 c .~~~::'."~~J, :"s ..... ~. r;~:·t (lllr PPI. I Antonin Mon"I <• iUI ~ l!anoo•1>h 11'1. 10 "1onov L•<• \U I 0•••'1 ll Jotin lle1•nn HJI, 11 "td•o G1lv1n IUP
Pf<'l><a IO, U••••r11ly ~J ! Stephen• 1r 1. 11 lT. i John>t>~
iui. l O•ltoo•lf" !f'I. ' C•m•••n
1r o < J~"I' I,.\, ' "'""' 1"1. 7 !\u(k IP \ 0»-••1 I Gt lv•o IU!: le
Mn•!o" IU!. It H•ller (lJI. ll Se<1!1 (UI, !J K•11y IU!.
M.,.,,,. 1', .lnahtim Ml
lleti P~•ill l>O (Ml, M ~;, 1 C,1'V
Ilium• IM• l ~'•v• lle~o •M l • J •V lileot•1 \Ml I l<•n Marl'" M1, I Otiun ~·mer IM •. I l!lr nt •n ll'<~rit• '"' Junro• Vor1 it•
Mtrln• II, ""'""m Ml ' non~· r .n,. 1 ... t. 1~ 11 1 Jct>n N'"'·"'" /\11. l .Sco•1 1,<1 1Mv'" !Ml •
John 1,<un,na tM • ! Jn>ti l:!itn M , • l!inehO<! I l M~ II./\!
M•r1nA II, An•h•om !~
1 ~·~·· Mn<•h•a IMI II I• ' J om,. WMp~ IM!. l fin~ Sha'o' IM•,
j W1Pl1om • IM I, l /\nf!•O(I• IM1. ~.
(ti•vt1 {M 1 I W•ll' IMI.
N•wgon 10, \4nl• "'"• •O 1 <••I'•'• P~ 0 11 •C~V "• ''fnfdl,
1 Jonn ''""""'" •N ' l D•vl~ C•n" '"'' • C•••ll r1•"• "l' l L•• II•""" IM• • f ,m p,,.,,, ''°"' I O•n
n.' (lin• ,., • ''"'"" n• o ~~:"':f.~~;I~• .'~· '''"' S!1 O•n.,, 11
W WDO•I II. S•n .. An• IQ
I f>"P ll•f!htoft> <ti I·~ Qn·~~" 'I 1 ' (n• "' ll < lo.nf!•o~" N I llnu"G•" IN t ~ ........ 1' IN , Jn<fl~n IN
, ..... s .....
N•"'l>CI" 11, San!o ll
I 'm••. ''I "o~ ' M'"'"' PNI l. l)Qon •~I.• ~'"" INo, I 11 .... n~ /(, ~ Mtr, .... 'Ml , fl•v•• ''I 0'""" • ~"'""''~'/ ., 1n r , .. "''' 11 ~•,11,.0•1 '"' 11 "''"'""'""•'-I I
Munlonqlnn 11 , lo••• 3'
I """'''' Ang•I 'H' '~ n. ' B111rn I L ,. J Jo••n M"ll•n• '"' • J"" w1,. ... , IHI I M•ll Ml•n~ll , .. , ... Dan EmgP••ld lfl l 7 M•'I ILi, I H•unl•li>o< 'L) • "'~" Hl tl (I-ti; In I( Ma unl'""' <L 0111"" II . ~•w••
Tnome•"" '"'
Hun!l.,a•on 70. l O•r• lf I>'" f>•lm•• 1 i 1n ,,. l ~·o IJ•)<~ !H ' ) ~'"""" ..... ,,.,, IH I I">-. .. "''"~" "' I fv~n l10,~ I" ' (1••" ··~~· '"' ()!~ .. \ • ~"~ M•o'• '"" 1n ,,.,.. l(,d:n•'"'' I"
r ,.,. I In !I""'""'"" At~f~ VAttl!I
W•""''""" 1• W•""" H Por~"'" .~. • '" " I ro1.,, f\\"'' I~~' 1 1',. \\• • 1>1rr04"" """' ..... •/ t... 0 ...... 1. .w,..., r ~"~nn•'I 1 Ntfl I Vl>l1~0 ,..,,.., t ....... 'J• ·~ li"C1<1t l
,,,... ("•"• ' 11 .. "" .......
Gri<l I ,oop:'.i
l"""'r , ., ' '
W L P<-i>~ .. ' • • ~· ... '" "'" r. ~' '"'"'' n
,. '• 11' " ... ,. •• ,.,, ' ...
T•n•""'"' (i."'"' ~. ,,_ ,, ., ., r .• -,
•" r • " I "' SUNSE I LE .. GU !
" " "
,~, .. ~ ,,., J n 1;>11 w l ~~ ~·.1
J'o1. Pi01•r WI \'.••••·•• ! l ~ I; \1
E i""'".,t"•' •I '"'~''' ) I " 1~ t r.,,~ 5ri••n"f 1("1 ·~ 1 n 1~
1,<(; J•'I (••• Ill>'""''"'' l U1 1'1
T Ju·n Ot<•>,...•t> i;n ''' o• ~•·n·• I '' '' ( S :lllfl nrlll..-'tJ l"irJl'rS 'A"lll F R•n "'"""~t~ ··~ Lo••\ l 'I 6(1 l ~ .1,.,-'"H'" 11n T•u.,~•v'• S<o•• ('OO\er~c nn C•1~la ~1rs:i·s l!I ),.., w.~~ 1'1 1 ,...,, 11 1111~•.no•"" A•••~" n (• j L' " IU}V 0• • (A'~w••I ·~ To~llHI"\ G•m•• range n un I ,-;11rg rnu1h1S HA e~.'"r .... ~1,. 1 ,~ ,.,.8""" v• """~""' ,., L• "•tm•
Fr1r!;:i1· n1)'.!h! . fnr the lhirrl l-'11 '"~~ l •Y~ .. , "0 "'~"orr• '" ~·~•• nn•" ~· !low1
r nu nd · of I hr fl n,c. lo· A ml:' rica n ;;;;;';;;;;o;;;;"";;;;';';';'"0"0";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;';';';;;;;;;;w;;;;•;";";';";";';' 0'0'0w;;;;•'0'0°"0';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. I lntrrnat1on;il Tel'\.o Serir s nf
1h<' sperd"ay motorr~·cle n~c-1 uu:: ic;ilni.
fl:it'lllg hl',c.in~ ;it fl IS "'llh
111<' undC"rdog Ameri<·an lr;im
hn!c1lng & prec<1nous 11vo point
t'rli;n !91 ·fl9 \ ~oing in1n the
lh1rd ph:i sr of the comprt1!1on. 1
Thi' A1nrrir<1n te;im scorec1 1
1111 1mpressi ' lt-42 win 111~1
f.'r1rla.v nigl 11 thC'n rlroppcd
~ 47.4~ c1~1nn lo th e 1 R r1 11~hers "nturday night a1
(;;:irr!en;i '.i; P;irk. I
Onl)' a tab1o ry dr'rect
de;ite r C.tj! Pro~you ~he
complete lf'IUlng Nrt11<:e
you nffQ ~t Ille' J>(IOf you·•
...,.;inL let ULf·expfrf.s d is-
cuss-you r\n .. w car_;pr o-
gran1 belO~ you df c1de
on any lees~.lanywhlre, !I
. Johnson & son
I 1 INt-01.N I\'.; H(JIHY
call 540-5630
.S n11fl1 e rr1 Orange C tJ1111f r1's
(hrn Sp e rlnlt11 ·""' ·"'"'P
Coast Hwy.
H,11., •·• n.n~
'11! ' ,,,.,.
496--125 1 •
. I
'Natmln1t•r 11, W•alern ti
I 01•" IWn1I, 10 )e, ) IJ•tln~"
,..,,....,, l \t.O<V !Wm l,' )llll•I IWmJ.
\ O•• 1wm1 , '· '''"""' 1wm• 1 W~""·'~ (Wrlll
Junlft V•'111• S•'\ c1.m1n1a 19. K•tell• :II
1 Mi~• S<C!J ISi. JI SI, l Wiii i~);
, Cllll Gr acie; l~I .• Ml•• P•"•ll
!SI ' Tom Z•no"' (SL ~ o.,. VI<• fSJ· I Wocn,1oc 11q O•h••• 10 Sit '' An.i1,1011 1,)1 II ...... Vouna !SI.
f e<!t ,1 PO S"l'I (l•mOlll •
Oll<IN GE 1.E<IG UIE v ... 11.
SoMr• JI, l.•Q•n• l t•<h II 1 l'cn•"'°rt IS) ll 00 l'Oll•~O 'MO•~L l J"" f'tolO<PI IL~. l lohn
Qti<k"l PLl, • llo•~· ISi I 8t<•• I~)·~ H.ou•mA<' 1~1 I )ti! f<ll•ltl~I
!Ll: I_ ll"l (n"'''A"'"" IL\ t oC OP I WeDP' (Ll 10 h»h 8toOhl tl l • O•hero. I• o .. ~1 p,,,.f!I ILi
Jun;o, va .. ,lv
L•<1un1 " acn 1i!. SOl'IOfl 1'
! C'"'" H"loo ~ll !l )t , l 0•" TonMr fL l: ) Mc"tlhur !S\, • Zen•' ~.~ ... (l \, l. R•>•.ou• (SJ; 6 R•<h••d
llr••on IL!: I lom M•••n <ll O!r .,_, • Mo>• John1on 1l! IQ. Mii! L0<0 1L11 I& l!"k Hono•n fl!, F•4•n-Sooh L1qun• Bouh 11. Sonar• 1' 1 Joo ... VM•C 1~· 11 l1. 1 J,m c;, ..... ILi. J K<VUI f\u,nm,•ff •L I • o .. ntll l~I I Gi.~ Wlhnn •LI • (hi.It\ 11...:>w•i< •L , I flown !!1 Ot~"'' l(l. G••• 11""" iL \, ll flov1fl ;"':.~~:,1t-~1 1' T~/Tl Gu~ (l I ~ r0<1
!~\ll"E LEAGUE \la.,otv Co>lo ...... 11. LO> Alom••n•
I '" t>otw""n )O~n •nn 01'"'"""' •na Douo M•clt•" re'·
t Ml>e HOlbl'IOV ((I, S """ •C•. i r;m Co•ln;c• I{.,,· 1 S!ul,mon 1r I
.. to,.,
I~ IQ ,., ''·'' ,,.: ..
(o•t• M.'.~"',";, r:;·~1.m114, ~
o~'" Smdn (t), 11 01 . l <>hd
( A•O•nl" (CI J llr· ,., 1 l ' • ~~"'" C.011aoh•r l(J. I G~o<o• Go\I• 1r1 •
J•H fU •~h! If I ~""'""' •~! Olh"I ~ M••• l ·n"• •Cl. t "'n"' Vl«I'" 1\1, I~ 0~..,I l OV 1(1. l'ro•h·Sooh fo•P••• 10 Co"• Me••
v ., .. 1. M•anoloo )l, £•!>n«• l\
~••v• Srn•~''"'en ! F 1 11 I"'
E•.r OP<on •f l !.'••''"" M•, • r:i ......... IM \. 1 (•Miii I ~· ' •.• I lln r•~I / llofj•t\O lf l "A('~n-1.11~.
l®''-M l, t~ l>l'Ql'I r n'""' •I
W •td !El; !] M•ll!\•n IF I•
Juno«< ""'"" E""""' ll, M•<1<10l•O JI l, l.\"h<<n• II,'\ II tl; ) c;.,1.•"•r
I F l &<>MOO I~ • ~l'•U•• (M I
L"'J"l10n IE! • ~omon If I 1 tnn <>o< t f l Otho" o E n.,1l~v 1£1 \\ l'l••n• I E !,
toe '"'' v.-~,.,~
COt"'1• <1.•I Mu l•, l'oun!••• V•l1•¥ 1'
I ~"''"'~' I Ill ?I l •.n•~P H ' O•I•""' <Cl • """"' 1r1, ' l•n
'""'" If, • l>••o If , ' ,,,_,,. « • H,t~Pl'f>r •nrl lfl, o <•<PV <( ~orll ,, I, I! Alt•M>~" rr 11. Ct'"""
1f> lj M.-!1 I~
Junlot V•<>•" Coron• Otl Mor JI, Founl••n \1 •11•• lt
l Han,en I F \, !I /9 J Ci"""' r( 1 1 ~"rv I('· < "•ao•n• C 1 \ •i.•rn ICI ~ <1''""" I TI, .' H•~•n IC1 I
1<•1• I T l t f.ol"""'"' <(•, I~ "'dl0< ICI. II WIJl >•m• I F ! II H•nnoh l ~I
Fro•h Sonti
~,., '"'' v .. u•v IA V•ll•Y ll. (do\nn 1l
1 Joe• C.•.,ol• 1\ In ~.I l w"."" IE I l C ~QV'1•' ISi ' t.IV.,_, [> J 01t.O •v PS , A T ~D•Jll •t I~ ' ft""'~c'S.)~ .. ~.:,··r•· i f , o J•""·"n'
J""''' v ...... 5-V•ll•Y 11. Edl•on ll I (·••n"• ,~, II"' 1 M•(n,,••1 E l l r., . .,,.1, 1 n""" 1f I
l("t \ A ...., •"" <i I n .. .,
"! ' lJftfl'"'n <F • fh•v•I I~ I~
'•••h \oo" "" .. ~
T11uJ;(h Sonnu1 H "i ;! h ''
R:i iders. thr delr11d111g Or:i1\lo!1.
\Clop rh;unpion~ find l'Urr<'ntl ~
r11nl;ed ;o.;o '.I 11• !hr t'IF r\A
poll. 1n1·ctcle l.;i~un;i H1i::h to
h:inlr lhf' A1·t1st~ Kit'knff 1~ iii
Tl111~ 1111 (•u;ic'h l·'r.1111. 1111·1.,'
H;i1<ler~ ilrf' u11drf,.:11 rd 1n l11 r
gHrn1·c 111ll•l11r11nt: ;i 11f'I ,1nd
h;11P rlrfratrd 11•n le11i.:ue for"
S.1n11ra's at1 111.:f.. 1~ hu11!
a1 111111d runn1ni: h<il'k RHh
Hluni. il 9 fl spr1111er whn h;:is
~t't>re<I rune nf !~1e !1a1dt:rs' 11
t ot1c•hdown-"
Thr l~Cl·p<1untll'r . an al!·
lt'ag111•r In 'iO, alrrady ha~
n1·1·r 600 ycirds n1sh1ng lo hi$
t.:rrc11t !his seasn11 . I
find Snr'ln rf also has a 1·cry ,
goorl q11art~rback In srninrj
<:al en ll11tliff, ,, 6-.1, lfl~.
pnunrl('r /\\'hu La;::una c11a1.:h
11111 1\l.U1s rail's HS one or lhel
brr1<•r µns :-.t•1·s 111 !he le;1gue.
flk1n~ rf'addy ;iri 1111t.~ lh;tt
N1n11r:1 1" onr nl !he s!iffest l
ch:illengf'." for 1he Arl1~ts this
season ... rhr.1· ;1r-r ;i 11·rl[.
hal:in1·('r! IPa111 ll'!!h ;i lug ,
st rorii.: lint'." .~;n·s the 1.ai,:una
roach, adding thal !he Snnora
dC'fensP is n1~e of thr Ht11ders ·1
sl rnnRC'~I j}lllll!-"
l!irks f1Rurrs lh;it l.agun;i·:;
qu1r·knl'ss 1.~ it~ .-.trnng<'S! l;u·.
lnr "l\'e ah1;i1~ h:irr 11'nuhll'
11•irh 1ra111s 11~1· 1h;-it." s;1ys
!IH·k ~. wh1• 11;-is lllrncr! S411111r;1
ll~l o ;! tm 11ludl r11 111Pr in j11sl
four 1·r111·~ ;;1 1hr hl'lill
"\\'1• 1·;111 ·1 " 1 t r 1" 11 \..
1.;igun.1 ." .~:1~.~ ll i<'ks "Thry
;ire well 1·oitcbrd .111rt wr '11i-
,t:11\ 111 !:i ~r thru1 unr at :i •
1t1nr \\'e ('an'\ afford to look
;ibr;id "
'"Thi~ l1•;i111 1~ ;111 111111· vnunJ{
in rt 1!11 nl pl:i1·r~ \\'(' · h;11't'
q111rr ,1 l('w .... rr11••r~ hu! \.1 1'.rr
1 rry inf•Xpi"·1r1H·(•1 ! r·nn1parrct
tu ~11111r ur !ht' "1hrr !1•;i111"
l\e had A111l 11 ~h1111~ tip \\It·
n1;okr a lio! ,,f 1111 ... 1.11.1·'
(.J11:1rtr1 t1;11 ·k t ;;1r1· F1 ... e111•
)?u1drs tin• l.;1gu1111 :111 :11 I. 11 11h
1;11lhar\.. ·rrH1u·ct l 'ul!;11u ;111d
fu llh:1rk :-;ktp \\'u1<-h1p 1·ilrr.1u1i::
~Ilic hrun! (If !hr n1nn1ng load
l ••u"• •••<~ t .. •u•"
P,.. P l••"
SE '"" ~"'""' 1 "••• O ••••\
G "'"""' \\/,,,,. r • '"' inn·"~"
G r .. r'""'"'
I f·M• ~"~"""" 1£ Mo•• Moo•~ .. ~
r.111 C••'• r , ... ,.
, " '"""'" r~11~"' ,_.n r.1. r"H"'" r.e 1•1" w'""'1"
"°' ,..,., ..
£ K•m Je"""'" ! 11"'1 G 11
! "'" ll"n"• ""'' n, .. ,,,
( ..... ""'"'" .,,_.......,, W~IP•
Lii r., ll•rov•
Lil ( l•••~n Berr•~'"
' ' "
\• fl w ~·"·~ F"ll R•.b••!<~~
~·II ll •I!
W< , ..
"' "' "' ',. .. , ,.
'"' ' . ',.
"' '" ,.,
"' ,,.
"' ,.,
1•' ...
"' '"
Th .. r11hr11· I~ ~ r11~1· rl111T'11l \\<'10] h),.nf'I . Th1.t
k~•p~ it ~ i;:rw-Jf! lnnk~ ,11111 .\'t'llf rn11nrl .
'rr11di liflnt1 lly t111ll rir•d in 011• .lu.•I ri.i:;h! H11llld11 y m:innr!'.
Cri-rird1na1"d i;J11 ck.~ ln p1t1r1·n., 11nr1 .o.nl 1d~.
BlllZf'I' 51S.
Trrius,.rs S2S to 5l 7.SO
OA!L Y Pt LOT ~ ~
Moto,·ro~~ f.011Lin11f'~ al El Toro 'l'ra,·k
Aftrr rhr lrr~t f11 e 11 rrk'! ri f tn hf"J.:ln tl! S
action frld11r nti;:hl Thi: Ln11.·i! S1 .. 1l'' fiat111~ t'OIM[>l'tlrlg
the 12$
Ir\ four d1 v1s1nrt'r in n1ntocros,J r11c1ng conl 1nt1t"'~ C'luh. san<·t1r>n1n11. urlo(l\11l&al 1on
this week 11t El ·r or o 11£ the event, rxprc·!, ;i~ rn11ny 1·r rl<1ss, three
Sperdwa~. a~ l.SOO JIL'tipJe ls<l rne <1s lR~!
Pa and sp1>r1<11nr i::a1!'s OpC'n wrl'k 1 t r1 filf' through the
i11 the 350 cc
a! F. o'rlnck with r:H·ing_ slal~<l _l urn.,tilr~
category ci nd three group1n.£J
in the 500 cc ela ~s .
h 'e•m' 05 th""'" Cola•ade ha5n't been 5ati511~tied rhl, fell lo 'l!O Tun ftnm on1 l!y!n9 pan lhl•
ane fir•. Th•v'•• b4uhced ham 0"1 P••nu•e cooker lnro onolher • ,,.,.., l.s.u. ta Okio Sr11te to
Oklohoma . and now '" Neb1otk11! The 1 \rh .. onk•d Buffclo•1, in 1pil• of o h1ol1d up 5chedul1,
ha•• 1011 jull on1. H11w•••1, lo whip 1a p.,ank•d Nebraskc, 1hey'•e 91>inq 10 ho•• ra coak on •v•ry
bufllff, Thi Cnrnh~•kero arl fawor1d by 21 polnh .
Ohln Stele. aher 111 1015 lo Colnrada, ha• b1e" rolllnq witli1>ur t rouble. The Ru ckl ar1 ranked
12th, and a•e tied f.,, the 1.,.,d In 1h1 119 Ten wl lh Michi9on. Minn1tola, after taklnq o wham,1119
""'"' tl11t Wolwerlne1 lau w•1k, dofl e bit af the f1y]nq p on net loo 01 l~C'V 1un lnta lhe luck1yK thl1
Sahttday, Ohle S1a11 will top th• Goph1r1 by 21 polni..
And 1p•akl11q of a l•Om lhal 11 ratllnq : tint 1 Ar•onscs wo' une•pKled!w ,pa11k1d by th1 H ult•
Hurricon•s, they'w• bounc1d rlqht up the natiannl lndder .Ronked ln th• "' spot 1hl1 ..., .... th• l•1or·
back• will blau T1001 A& M Sutu•day b~ l4 polnrt
Hey, how aboul that old lar1cnlllnq ov1ra<Je ! Thonk' t n o dell9htf11Uy poll1h1d crystal ball • cou-
ple cf we••• 090, we'•• now boninq • rathrr 1e1p..:table .71.l thra119h th1 wnk1fld of Octaber 161h.
The totals ~ 890 1l9ht and 277 9oah.
Th1 lndlan1 of Stonfotd wer1 \Jow14 down o bit lost we-ek In their tece la1 thal .. ~n"d cansKuthw
W eu C1>0U Cnnfe•1nc1 chomp!nn•hlp and a be•lh in the Ro~" Sowl a 9ain1t th1 119 T1~. Sta111or4.
5 end 2 nfl•1 ln1lnq 10 Wo1hin9ton St•t•. h 1a~k1d 14th thh week In lh• Hnrman 1atin91, oltd It
5haul4 mak1 Or19gn Stal• •lctlm numb11 6. Thi leo~l<l a•e 1 S·polnt underdoqs.
Afld lh1 aw11cmt 11fl•n1lw1 paw1r i>I 2nd-tonk1d Oklokomo will mttt an lawo Stale l1<1m that !1
n b1enlh•r for nobndy. Tht C yclon11 Ori iu11 on 1~e f ringe DI our top twenty q ro11p. Thi S:iohen,
how•w1r, wUI k11p pnc1 whh Neb•n•ka. tippln9 la'wo S1ot1 by 2R oinh.
Ret111nln9 to Sauthe1>1t Conl1•1nt1t wnrla1~ alff'r a week'( loy . .,ff, l4ulsiono S1ore, .r:-9 In tht
nntl1>n, 90•1 of,.., the Ml11ln lppl ll1b1I. Mhd11ippl Is also jull oullid1 !he top 9raup thll wffk, The
Ti91•1 wltl win ii by fnurteen.
Auburn, """8, nnd v1ry much In th• t itl1 cho~e. will bu..,p Floddc by 21 .
Saturday, Oct. JD-Major Co ll ege5 Other Games-East
AIU:i•m• 41 M11'''''DPt SLill
A"lOnl JI Nftw M~"CO At<lCrl• St1t• ~o A11 Fe1c'
llrkd n~a' 41 Te.i11 A & M Aunr.1•" JO ~10.,01 eo .. 1o11~ i. .. ,.n 21 M••111•11
0"i;:nam Yc un11 l I El Pain C•laO•I ]f> !ti.no., Slftl-C l<'rH~fln 20 W1k1 f o<,~l
C<"•1"'1! 21 Cntumh•a
o.n.,1ouu1 l!I Y•'"
l)dyKo l"l ~uu111i~1own
Dteke 14 Notlh le•~•
l••t C1toloh• 2l t u1uoan GeOtl!•I .H ~<oulll c~u>loftl
G!'Ot1t'" l et ll I~ Ouk" '1atva•d 2J 1'~11o~vl~•n11
Ho:~ C1o•t 21 Norll"·.,•IP<n
Hnu,ion 2l I '"''V• ::O!••~ l<t,•no }l Ntw Mt11tc S\llt
L~h ~r• Jtl C:.OIROle L~ LI 24 M"''~~•DPI M••Y1ano JI v M I.
M~mpn•1 S l&Te II l.n•C•unell ••M11m1, I la, ii Arn•y
M1LM·~•r1 )j lrl<)odrld
M'""~"" Slale U Puroue M•••~Ull 22 116n•d' St~!e
N~o1d ~•• l,! l...ul<ua<10 N01:l1 C~Plll'H~ W•lloan• Ii. M l r"i
NOtltlClrl llOllle'I JU l\cnt ::.1~1e Noruiw1•,lt'•n 1' 111,,,c,~
Nu!re •J.>•11" 40 N.>•v
0•1'<.J Sl~I• )6 M"'"f',OI~ !.J_,1'100!•~ 4J l<JWo l>lollt
0..kldllU"1• ST•<t •·• l<•11 •a~
Orvi;u11 Jb "'"~""')(Ion S!•l•
l'tP"I Slatt J , Wc>l v""'lll• Pro.,celen JI 1>10 ... u
Roll!'.~<~ LI u .. L~H~+I
:.Oih u.~11" :.1,i., ,, 11r"1" :!:"•I•
:.O•n Joi• Sl'lll!! ,u I'•• "'~
Soul1'11•n C•.,•°""'1 .a 1..0 •I•·""" ~ouu1e1n M1•s••••1>P• ll liollOll•Qi.n
Slantoro ..u u.~ .. '·" •fl• ::011MlLI•I ~'I P1ll~'""' 1
l •rnP• '' l eu.~ .. u. l ennC>>tt ~a r uho
• " ,.
I ,
' " " " ' " • " " ' " ;)
' 22 " " " n
" ' " " '" " • '" " I ,
" " " ' " IS
" " " ' ,,
" " • l e•t • JJ ::O.M U.
l 1.. U. II l>~ylQf lJ 1~~ ... le<.h ~' k·~" J4
l oleoo .JO /, '~'"' !bh·~I IJ lu•~Jo~ II lidlloJt PO"l /
Uldll '' Y• 101n•ni I Ul"h \!~11 J•I l..u/Qtoou l>lllt I
Vo11ano"• J4 """P' ' ~"11'"'• ~O Nt.Hh C•10l•n1 !.1111 ), ~'I I 'U l\t!ITUC~j J~ "'""""~ton JI v 1... L.A. 14 ~·P>•.,rJ1 Mrtl! "'" ,4 <.JI"(• () .t
V01lllofd i / '••>l J~•O'I I<>
W11,ons•n 1~ low• JO
Othe/ Gam~5-S outh and Southwesl
"!"'"'"~"'"'I •1 ~. di Mou1 ,c11i11
A••~n>•• Teen lo0<1 ::.1a1e
Lo•p•Q11·r<.•WU•l '1
t•1tt"' "*"lur.ky t.l•nvolle
h 11moo•n·Syelnfy J•c• .. .,n s11t1
l am1r
LDU•S•lllll l tch Ma tl,n
McNe .. ,e
Pt1!5bVlefll "
Q'Jent•CO Mint
Rt l'l(lolptl·M•can
St !Tl!Qf(I
S•w1n•• sw l oui1l1"1
SW l e111
Ten.-..swe Tech
l1111 A & t
Weshlm C1r&lln1
WMlel'!I Ktntucll)I
" " " ,. ,.
" " " " " ,.
" " " " " " " " " " "
M~M""t W<1ll~U!
M "·"~'•PP• t.rllfill !)eu11>~p11 Si•I•
• '" ' '" M1~0I• l11••.,e•11e JI ~lt·~I Va. We>1ey1n JO
Le11011 ·flllyn1 /
Mun1y I
We~! YI. Sll ll -• S
l mory & llenrl'-\ I
i.,,.~ Lr.1ll1t•"l l Zl
All1lt!n• CP\t11t>1n ~I)
I +c1.,nce l!I
SE Lcu,~11na t.
Jl£.~50f\Volll ;1
1 rc~ S!att I
Gu>llOtll 0
State Cell•Qe Atk. 20
C1111wb11 1
[11! Ct n. 0~:1horn1 11
Wt1lttn Marylt nO JJ
Co nee rd 6 t.l lll11p, ]I
W•1h•ncten & l11• IJ
N[ Lou"l•n• l Q [1st Tt•I• JS
Cho1t1noo11 r.
l 11l1len r.
<1111n11cn 14
Clan ts
Mo•ehe1d 10
Ali'"8ht AllrP(l
Ari•t""' llo~l<>f1 u
C:.11 .. eo
Ocl&w•r• 11~1~"~'~ V•Uey
Ot~•rl Tnch
l~el>a PI
M"rne M11,,mrhu,el\)
N~·,.. H&rnp~hot•
"l•r>rery flat~ So11o~r1eld Vn~al• i
WP'( C:\1'PS!PI \\JdlJ~mJ
20 MeP~V•Bf\ JI
]b Cortland Jl
28 lull• 6
21 Coo1n~et1eu1 8
14 1;.:.1~H• I
J(I fl PodRPWBle1, "1&!,. 1
l~ l'l•"""r.:o" u 14 22 C~lole1no• Sla1e O
28 l•·rnple ll
I~ SU,flU~ha!ln• ll
21 f•pnn Mol1 Ury 12
ill ~0111h~1n C1>nner.loCUl l l
ll r•o~toura l •
;>! C1>1t1y 6
ll V1A~ti·1nn t. l~H••son I
~l ,.,.,,.,., "" lntt1n'•I 111
4'2 VPfm!lfll J4
;>8 J\10/WIC/\ 0 •o T1~nton o
20 Sw•rlh1~nr~ U
?\ f:lhollP i•l~n!'l 10
20 WO•C•Sle• rec~ lS
28 St. LA..,,ence 2l
{~ W~Vnf'SbU•i I> ~L w .• ~11c• 11
~Z lv<um'n~ 11
J.! 1>u11!own I
24 Unoon 0
Other Games-M idwest
/l<lr<MI II Kalama•OO Alu nu
;>4 Ct11ha1 M•Cllrga n ~ II I r~to~lin
Au·,11u 1·~~1
"~""''0" Carina~" Ce<\t•dl M<>lh!><1•~1
C•utr•I M1~soun
CPn!•~I 0~1a ~om1
co .. l.0•11ell, lew~
\_UI•"• SW<-~'""
I ·• '""1 lil•llO••
J ~"1r•U l.'.(h•I:•'" ' ,_-• •1• A•l• ·I''""
" ~'1. ,-
llf ' f;p· nn.c11ne
f,1,. I\ l•Ul ]1 11
M I , u
1,• ·'""" vu·rt
\ ;.i Norlnwoo°' :04 tjeodelh•rg
14 lvan,voue
11 ~[ 0~11ne'T'•
lO Au11u~1dna, Ill
l'I Crac,land
21' Roll~
111 f'a""~"ol• 22 CMltlOO
11 t..UO•
JJ E•1•~••
20 N•r .. 1\k1 w-'1'y~n
20 SV'I M«•OU11
21 Nn1th"'" M1c111a11n
~" ~:. lnoma'
21 l.Pnt·111 S!•'•. 01\•C
11 llhnm• Co11e~e ~.\ MiWl•llr•d
:''1 r. •• 111 Centr•I
2ll '"'' ""1 ''·" I :l l.'.i Pi:~ •Al IJn'""
N1 ·111, "'"" 'c ' l \' lor .. 11 .. 1
tll '"'"'""! ll ,•1 ! 'I"""'"" 01nan~
n111 n.•.n
';I l"lp• <
~I In•• r.i· <
St rJt"h' rl
~<,ull1•rn 11!.nti·•
1 ... '" l ••I"' V•ljM•••S" Vi·~"" "''" w~~1•1n l•t.nr. \ w.i1nnl1<>r~ w~Q~tnt
:1 r1:1 r.< ,n1Jrl
/I N[ (J~ ~he .. ~
'~ r ,,,,.,., .. ~1 1 1~
~" fnl•~•.P 01 ("'I'll"" 17 OM·l"I"
;'() Conco••\,A, ~ ""· ll Viati~•h
J'> M'l"'~U~P• 1~ ln<ioAf\~ Si ii~
]'} RA•rt
H i<ancw~r ~o Oel'au.v
'I 1"'1•U•~" Ci•tl"
11 "'nlono
;1 1-~,'1 tve•1-~1n
2Q HHM"l
Games-Far West
Col f>~ly ll"C"'"""i 71 0CC•O•n1'1 C:•'1!r~I w.,n,n11nn 2J vn .. 1,,.011n
C.h1CQ Sl•le 21 fJavo~ c1a,Pmon1 l~ Ft~111~nd~
Cn•o•aoo CQfl"~" 7 I T <'lt>at
Cnlo•11<ln v1esier'1 JO Colo•a<to """'s ••f u11~11on ~1 L1>s lln1e1e,
t-1 1wau Z~ s~,,!a Ba10 .. <a
t<aywa•d 11 Humt)OI°'!
I ~V"'"" 1• <:;~'I D•flO V
LC111j1 R~acPI 26 Ca! Pel~ IS L.0)
Nor1n~rn <ltrron11 2) ~an rern•ndc
Narth~tn Ccln•aoo 11 E~•!etn New Mt•ico
P•c•loc 1.Utheran 21> Cnlle11e DI ldlhO Pv~e! Sovf!O 22 P!lrtl1nd
S•e•am-nto 11 St ~•arv·~
Sa nla Clara 29 SAn ft1nci,r11 St1!e S.OnDtfla 10 Sitn f r1nco1co U
l'<c•le•n New M'•ico 128 f1>'1 t'wl1
Wl\1111~1 1 Rovers•de
' ' " • • ,
' " " " • • " •• " " " ' ' ' " ' " " ' ' " " ,
" " ' ..
" " ' ' • " " '
, .
' " " " ' • " ' ' " " " ' " " • " • " ' W~~l<'•'1 Wa~h1n•tnn ·1 [l•!ern 0 .. l:llfl
Seit ~u ~~~~ ~~~:ber 23 10 •
Sunday, October 31 ·t f
l •ltlm1!'9 27
Cli1ch1111ttl 14
c1,.,.1awt1 21
0.11 ........... 24
0.11wor 10
L•1 A119•I" •• • JJ
,.loibur•h , , , , , • 4
"401111111 17
Atl111t. 14
Chl10911 J J
l'hllo41lphl• 1 J
Mltml ••••• ••• 11
OVll 26 TO
CH00 51 F•OM
21 N11w y,,. Cj)•llt'I 10
New Yo•k J111 JO S1111 Dl110 , ... 17
Oaklond ...• , • 1 ~ •1nt•1 Clty • • 1 l
SI. Louis
San Franch.e n •.
Wathin91011 , , , ,
Nove mber 1
21 l 11ffal11 • • . . • • . • 1
Jl N1w ,f119le11if lJ
17 New Orl•orn , • ID
' l
ff DAILY PILOT ~rod.ty ettotltf' 2'l l'l71
Import l'a e b ts Dls pla~·e d
Boat Show f t Lo ng B each
Po,ver Squadro11 s
Slate Boat Ra ce
Rig interna tional exh1h1ts mol(lr.S are on <11.splay al the nu1nur.1cturcrs It lakl'~ up
rrom Britain and f1nland lend shnll' n1nre than ~,000 s(Ju;ue fl'CI of
h Arnong the 1nore popul:ir ex-The Balboa flov•er Squadron 11nn n( Parti boat I'll lhe en•l •·f
punch lo the L.nn~ fh•ac hibils are the cru isi n~ tyre space anJ b tll!l"1''!1:d 1<illl <t is 1n1n1ng with the Pai;adeni'I the filt'e 111\l he. determ1nl'd h1
Sailboat Show \\'h1ch n1ns yachts by Columbia and the Rnl1sh then1t' Power Squ;idron 1n sponsoring rnult1rly1ng !he eJ;1psed !111\r
througti_ Su nday at I he racing-cruising znode ls o f F111l;1nd 1 ~ rl'pre~f'llll'd fnr its fir:;\ s;ulhoa t race starting by a handi cap allowance, thus
\4'Rlerfrnnt Lnnj! Beach Arena. Eritshn. Ranger anrl 1'1 nrI:t1n. lhe first t\lnc at the ~hnw , Saturd<iy at noon . ,.l\nw1nj( hoals of different
Show hour~ Ar~;; hl 11 pm. Also gell iJJJ;! a big play 11re h1ghl1ghled b) rhc .1ppeara11ce The course will be a 61 1nile siz1•s anrl class 111 1·n111 petf'.
,. rhe srna !J trailcrable sailboats nf ri·liss F1nl1111d ( L' rs ti I a triangle off 1he R a Ibo a The h;1nr111·ap 1s de1enn1nr.rl
today and noon 1n II P 111 wtlh the so-called "pop-toµ·· Ta1n1o l. Pcn1tl~ula . The raee !~open tn h~· a furn"ila used by USPS
llE.1.11 .ll)MtllAL C".l.llLES TIGKC
Marna11,hlp D99d aeclioalaf
Boating Soffly M•tet>ol•tY
Cornm•11lc-orion' r roloU'°'14! !l•H. c;,.,.,.,.,,. S•u ;..n,
J MOnlh• Compier..,n, MOO••••• T~•toon. lr11(h~·· 011 lltq ... 11 ,
The Boardwalk Huntington Harbour
1 68.4~ .Al90M111ln Strnt
Hu11tin9ro11 leoth 14 ~·21 1 0
Ewt"ninq1--961 -120)
linkAmt,,<•IG I. Mil!tr (h.,Q4'
S;it urda1 11nd s,,1d"'1· c;:ib1n~ and outboard pnwer. O!llcr fl'i1111r·f'~ 111 \hf' shnw USPS mPmhr.rs regardless of f11stri1·t 13 and 1s s unil nr 10 a ');;.\i)Qi;l;JilS"~.OS""'~"'°"~~Q~~Q~'!>'· ,\lnrP ~iln,-250 sa.1!111!! (Taft (;reai Rrltain's exh1b1l 1s !hf' <irf' rhe n1ght l\ l<'l'lurco;; on lh1• filn1s <•.~ th f' l!l?l) :\r!1l'r!l'il's !'q11;idrtin aflil1at1on . f111·n1ul<1 used bl' th" Southe rn ""
plu.~ -ii \rt'~ 1'<1r1eti· nf a<'·,J'°~m~h~'"~'Jd~e~fl~o;n~o~f~fo~o~f~lh~e~.~'~'~'~io~"~·'~'~'f:~~,·~is~"~'~'~'~'"~"~'~·~'~o~d--~C~t1fp~c~o~o~11~-1e~1~o:"~'"~·~'~'"~b~"~C~':'~' _'~fl~w~1~ll~b~e~s~a~i~le~d~o~o~a~h~ao~·-1(~·a~1~,f:o~rn~':a~1~·a:c~h~l~'":'~'~\s:<~o:<~ia:·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EnJ;lt~h builder.~ and hard";irf' 11H' n1f)l1r 1·non1 ~h11"1ng .~U<.:h 1·;ic111~ :ind Au~1rill1an r<1r1n~. dl<'illl b<1.~1s 111 whiell the pos1 -!1fH1.
""""'·' }'""'" a o d _'\ ___ _
Po\\'er. Boa l
Ch a n1p 21 ,
But ,-etcr a n
~'F.\\' YORI\ 1AP 1 -,\like
nownarrl 1.~ .:i prnfei;:s1ona!
j'lOll'er ™1.:i ! dr11 Pr whn lnnks
like a high ~chool senior hllt
owns "'nr 11·11r l~! Sl)f'f'rl r('('nrrl
.:inrl f11·e cla~s charnp1nnshi p~
F..:irlirr lh1~ 111nn!h Ji!'.,~"'on
Pie l!li'I Six llnur~ nf Pari.~
flUtbn:ird rrown with rn.dr11·er
r.inran111 Pel!inl nf l1aly ;ind
nr-.:t rnonth will rnr:1petc in his
f1frh 011!hnard \\'nrld Charn·
p1nnsh1r at L;:ike Ha l'asu C11.1·.
Dtlll'nflrd. \4'1fh 1.1 ~·e;irs r x·
peri<'nce iinder hi.~ 1 i f e
pr<'st'r1'er. \~ onl.\ 21 ~·ears nld _
•"] suppose I'm nne nl !he
younc:c~! nn !hr pro r<1('tng
r1rc11i!," !he 10£'kr1·-s1zer! 1n-
trrn;itinn;il cnn1rr1i1or frnm
Oshko.~h. \\'1 s , said 1n an 1n-
"Th('rP <ir<'n '1 l'\'CO (nn
m<1n.1· dr)vers nlder than 1 am
\\'hn hal'e as muf'h experience
as J do.··
J')nv.·nard. whn slan<ls ;;.fnn1-
fi "nd weighs aboul l 17 pounds,
S;il'S hi~ SIZf' is" ben('fll
"It's" rlef1n1tr .id1·anta.i:e nn
arc(']('r;:i!1nn ." he sa1rl . refer·
ring tn !he J.iJ;1,oon tunnel hoal
he dnl'l'S al speerls up In 100
m p h. ··But nnt·e .1 n 11 ' re
sirung nut 1;iirhorne1, 11•e1gh1
rlnesn'I make that murh dif -
Thl' bnilts, \4'1\h engines or
!.'i0-200 horsepo wer, zip along
on a cu~hion nf ;ur.
"1\1ost of !he !ln1l' ~·nu 're ac-
luilll~· f1 ~·1ng." he $;i1d
l 'apu S<lilor
D ic~o Ra ce
Hob1l' Al!<'r nf S:in .Ju::in
Cap1li!rnnn 11•a.~ the winner nf
lhc llnh1P fflt-lfi n::innn;il
l'han1p111n~h1 p in a ri>g;:i 11;i
hrlrl ::ii S;1n l11rgn 11 11·:1.;, lhe
ilr!>I n;it111nal \\1lr l'1en1 heir!
f11r lh<' nr11 <'1.1~'
('If\ \11'!0\'SHI I' fLlt;!IT
•1• ll n h\I' ,\\Irr 1'2 1
D1('k 1:iralJ1·harnp and T1n1
H"£il ll ('nrnna rlrl \1 ;:ir . 11
i\\lrn Sl<'Ph<'n.;..Jim ,\1 ;ic\rr.
flrl;tndn r·1rl . 1l 1 \\'a\'n('
S!·l1arlrr !lrca11 .-.11rr11·k. S;:rn
.!11<111 1 ·~1p1 -.1r:in1• 17'• llrrr\
f'rirr·l'h1I Ed11 :1n!' [) » n ;:r
l'n1111 ,r;, .11111 ,\l!·l ·::inp.\·l i-lr~
Th('l'" l)rl:indn Fl~ • i , l';i1
,\J r('nr1111. k lln,~ flllt rhrr
IAl!ll: Bc;u·h 11\1 c:('nri.,:p V11x -
Tnm llr1r1s1)o1\... ~an lll<'J:n. 1'\1
A n rl .1· (; r n t• 1cnrlnrs1-TI:1<'k
&>ymnur. S1 .10.~cph ~li(•h :
I Hl l Rnb !Jirhl-Rnb \\'arner.
Brlhnghan1 \\':i~h
("ONSO!...-\T!O;i; FLIGHT.
fl 1 .Jarr<I l'irt)'. \..nn,1: Rra('h.
121 .John llns~-Du11gan . :\r11•.
port BeaC"h , •.1 1 Rnn \\l aJ!nlerP ,
Santa ~lonic.::i .
Ba hi a Sets
Final Race
Thr sr 1enth :i'nrl1 fin;il r:i1·r.
nf R;ihi.:i Conn!hi::in Y:irhl
Club's AnJ::elm.:i n Srnc~ for
Pacific 1\;indic::ip y;i(•ht.c: i:;.
i-chcdulcd for S:iturd;i.1· :ind
Sunday in the oce:i.n off Ralbo.:i
Warninit s11:n:il for 1hP fir st
rlass Saturday -A'lll !}(' hois1 cd
at nonn with 1he C\asi: A
v;ichls :;;el In gPI unrlrr 11·:>1\' at
i2:10 pm 0 1hcr <'la~~e~ .will
st;irt al fivc·m1nu1r 1n1er\<1\.<
There will ~ tll'n r:ice.~
Saturday and one Sunday .
' '
II .
I f
i: i
.. ··-.. '.:
Drafts usuall y come from
the Selective Service, beer
b reweries. and under a
door. Th is one 1okes care
of door drafts. Easy to
lii n't it a real drag to get up in the
morning 10 take a nice hot shower
and find lhal all the hot water is
gone? Five year guaranty. Fu :1 ,,
gla•s lined, auto. shut.of!.
30 CAL.
Rye not plant now before the
heavy rains wash It all away.
This is also very good !or bare
spo!s in nol·sO ·good lawns.
10 LB.
These liners are just right if
you use exactly 32 gallons of
trash at a lime. Not really.
Keeps trash cans clean, and
it's easier !or you.
'Tis the season for rain and
!his is a must if you haYe any
flooding around the yard.
Diverts water so you won't
have a moat around your
10 rr.
The&• palings were combed by
a b~-lh made of 100% human
hair, taken in 1971 from the
head of a Baltimore Oriole.
Great for fence building.
6 FT.
Use this anywbe.ie. To stuU
pillows; throw mound th•
dining room to get that outdoor
feeling. but best only use it ill
the yar~
149 2.7-CO-·FT.
Built in fan for good strong hea!.
Great for working in the garag e or Ii
to take the chill oft a room in the ~
5ss No.uc1
4 Ol\K LDC l\. C. l\.
25.000 BTU RA TING
I All lh1 good look• ond !h• h•OI
too. !Wilt 101 rhJ1 kind of mon•y
1liould hope 10.I Goto 2.S ,000
I TU rating, !Do 1 po1Kl) 1411
Ad pric••
good thru
No·1ember 3. 1971
Did y~ carry your wife
over a lhreshold? Well it
probably wasn't as good
as !his stuff': Helps
weatherproof. Sturdy.
Great e xterior plywood. Good
for any tough job where
plywood is needed. (Like
building another Spruce Goose.)
2 6 7 l/4 "x4'xi ' -·---------------HALLOWEEN KIDS' SAFETY
Make sure the
flashlighls yoa gi'9e
to the \r.ids to lriclc
o r treat have good
Why spend money on labor costs, when yoo. can
learn lrom a pro and do-it-yourself. RefN!11h!_n.at1
and Leaming 7:30-8:30 P.M. La Mirada Store.
November 3
Noyember JD
Roofing and
5 PC.
Th• tongs ore included in
. lhir buy. Ha ady f\teplace
tool•. Nu ~o,:• burned honda
or flng•r• froia turning
J091 With this Ml.
.. . ' .. . ' -.. -:
A Complete Guide • • • Where to go ••• What to tlo • ••
I 11
' i
I ~. .. .-_.a· .. ., .%t ' . . )
.• ' . -
~ ' GJ1o sts Fill
Mes a Hoi1 se
COSTA 1\lf:SA -Trrrnr ~1r1!'l:rn
rr.~1rir 11 r .~ r1/ 011 r o( r/n s Cir)/'.~ n/drr
11r 1rr ll orhl1nnrl.~ r1J1rrnlf'rl tnrlr111 ro ll1r
riry pln1n1111g t'1)1unds.~io·i1 10 cnll n
110/r 111 JJ 1r hr111 r ·rl11//111u scre11n1 .~
hrr1o·rl n11 11•111,1/11 liinrk ·111q/1r..~ 111 1/!r
11e1()/1 hnrl1nnt/ ·.~·I lnlf'c rr:a / 'o i'/,.,
''!\II n1n1111 r 1· n/ !/l•nu/is/1 11r1r'.'<r 1. /1111·r,
hrr11 ('nn1111fJ our nf ll1nr h111lr/n1p .''
J\ir.~. /irr11 /)ol1 !'urrnnrlf' lnlrl rlir p/1111°
i1c1·s ,'Ilic /11'C .'i nrro,,,<; rllf' .<;lrrrl rrotri
fl1r .1124 C111/rqr At'f . 11rlrlrf'~S /!l(H />11
o/I ncrn1111/,<; ni)flCll r.~ In Jinrr hrro111 ll
''/1r111111 erl ··
Thr H.ilcrrcst Cluhhou:<:c 1n Cnsl;.i \11'.sa
11·111 111 fa ('I br '·h;iunred" th1 ." ll'rrkcnd,
bu1 ;;in rnlr1·prising group nr Co~1;i ~·1r.s.:i
H1,i:h S('hn0I s1ud<'nl~ prnn1isrs ln ker r
lhr .chnuls. ghosls ;ind gnhl111s on ;i IP<1 .~l1.
Thi~ _1·r;,r'~ "spr1n'-itar11l :l r · h11nrf1t~ 1hf!
f'rrli :1lrics Uni( rtl H0;ig ~lrmor1;il Ho::pi-
l ;il A ::!.l rcnl adn11ss1nn \1'iil ;ill11w p;;iss·
.:i ge through !hi' ('l'C.:lk1ng rlnn l'.<; hclwrrn
lhl' hn111·s nf ~ and 10 p.n1. this S;1tur·r!.1y
El nrl Sunday.
Once inside. ;i hDs1 nf Hallnll'rr n
lhrillrrs are se t to fright en the stoulr~t of
\\'hr:rc rlsf' in C!i~1;-i '.11r,<;a is il pns~1h\r
lo crinfrnn1 ;i rc;il ghn~1 '' {)1· s1I 111 ;-in
r lcrtrir· ('h:iir 1h;-it' '·s11.~.lf'" \1kr ;:i
rn!is;o;crir "
P::irt1c(1i;u·\y \lr;il'f' ~·01111g:--trr' 11\li!ht
finrl 1hP ('l1n1h rlnwn 1hrnugh v;;i111p1rr ti1n-
ncl r nJnyah\f'_
fllher 1ren1hh11gl_1· rr;il ;-ittr:i(•l1011~ in·
rll1rlP 1hC' "'l11·i ng '' n111 1111n,v ln1·111glv
rrsu rrrt·trrl froni ;i dark ;inrl d:1nk
Ph;;irn;:ih's tnmh r,<;prri:illy fnr !hr hrnrf1L
,<;ponk1;icu l.'.lr.
SpaC'r ,1gr fright is prol'1drrl in thr niad
.<>f'lf'nlis l '.<; l:il)ori:i tnrv whilr ;i !rn-font.
high g11illotinr rr n1inrls his tr1ri1·.1! ;::hn•·t.
fn•;1 ks of FrJnrt•~ n1elhod of «nnfrrr1ni::
1111thrn11r ghQS!hOf1r!. Brurr 1\rnn~nn
;idn1it.~ rcspnn.<i ibili!v for corr:ilinJ!: the
hnnr·chilling :irr:11 ,.Twn ~·r .1r.~ ;igo . !hr
thin;::.~ th.11 go hu111 p il'I thr ni gt1t wi'rr C\'.·
hibttrd 1n hi s g;1riigr ;ind s!·;·1r!'rl the
n1onnlii::hts nut nf ~~n d;irlng :inuls.
1.n ternaiss ion
TJ I Actress Lends Ii el ping
Ha1ul l o Lag una T h eater
B,\· TO~t TlTCS Song," '·Thf' Studrnt Prinf'r " "Ann1f' r;rl
o~ '~~ o~.1y r>.i-01 s1•u Yn•ir Gu n. r;11.v!'i an~11fls '' and "Once
lf:n111g l.1unrl1cd lii!'i rr1n :ii lhr Lagun;i !'non a ~l.1ttre~~.··
\f1111lt"111 \0111n1un111 PL1l'hn11'>1' 111 111q~t
:-,11•-cc~~fu] J:i~h1n11111lh ;i <'!lfnrd.1 \''l'ln ':i
~-111r' I ;ind ;i rJ1·;ir11.1 I Lon~ n .Y\ <.
.)•Hlrnr~· !11111 \'11;hl -,, H.1p r:r;1ham JHll'.
\1)t11<;, <]111\1' ln':'I! :i!I: In ;1 11111~1!''<1 -'1
rr111·.11 11f ·Th.--. !:ri~· Fnrnd " bn1• ing 111
/Ill I 111·~d .l) 111~111
Tt11~ 111nr ;11·11unrl h•)1\l'\'rr', l!:i ri h;is
~<.111r h•!p 111 llif' fl!11~!Jr ticp:irl111rn l -a
h l('~'1ni.: 1 n 11 r r rl
~·ni•• 11111<!1 nf h1"
t1mr 111 r1·1 r11 1 11rrk~
J1:is l>crn ~nr111 n•'Xt
rln 11,} 11'<1!'k1ng lilr
(l'~rdi)r:i1na ,111111 i;h;1nc.
• 1'111 h;.i1111i:: n1v
f.111h 1 !hr l:1('k nf
!ht> lr1 ~h rr ,.ff1rn1rrl
4•\'l'r1 d<J••." r:r,1h;:im rnnf1iir~-· "lntn our
mids1 .1 shflrt l1111e
agn w:i:krrf ;:i 11vac1nu." cnllcrn n;:imerl
r~ranrrs H;1ffcrty B;;ikrr, :-.'1rl 1he old
place h<1sn '! been the s;imr s111cr:· /
'.\!IS~ BA Kl::ll. \\'110 . 11•ill h t>
rcn1rmhrrcd h~· thr oi·rr-.10 lrlrvi~1on
11-:itchrrs ;;is ~prini: R \·1n.i;1nn'.~ rl:lugbtcr
on "Of'rc111b!'r P,ridr" 1n the 1950'.s l[M
n1·r r 400 shn11·s1. is ;;issnc1;ite rl irectnr r n
• ·Thr sO v f riend.·\ her latest assignment
in ;:i loilc th eatrir.:il career which she
beAan ~t !he 11gc nf 1·1 a9"8 ball et clanr·er.
Dancing 11«1s her life through her early
\•ears with lhP Hollyv:ood Bow! and L{ls
Anj!cles Civic -Lighl Opera ballet corn.,_
pan1rs. Rut R broken kneecap ended 1hat
c;:irrcr anrl pu~hcd her In to actins while
still a teenager. " • ~ .
nur'ln~ ·1t -seven-~·car contriirt with
Jl.'1(:~1 Frances •mtidc 55 pict ures. 1n-
rlud111i;! "Dragon ScrrL" "Girl Cr;:izy."
fi\'c \Vallac~ Beery flicks and ;ill the
flfickcy Roo cy-Judy Garland musicals.
11c·r video arl'f'r began and ended with
her clC'cade on "December Blide." \Vhen
the show was cancert-d, Ff.:inces and hi r
husband Tom Ba ker moved to a ranch In
Alascadero where she raised quarter
horses and· organized the Pionetr Players
of Sn n Li.iis Obispo County.
THTS LEO TO A THlRJl vocalion -
prorlttr.ing. directin~ anrl rhorengr;iphing
musicals Her crerii ts in the rrntral coast
are• include ";'l-1ame,'' •·Th e Desert
\1111· a rt.~alrn l nf J\'cv.·porl Rr;u·li. :'lll ~s
fj;il;rr IS lrnr!1 n~ hrr prnfro;;sin11;1I 1alrn!s
In thr L;;i~un:i J'J;ivhnusr. J0in 1n~ ::i st;iff
11·hwh 1ncludrs twn n!IH'I' !:ilcn1rrl l11dir~
~ Dn1 1-; Sh1rlrl<; 1n ;i f:im1 l1ar rnlf' ;i.;
111u~1(·!1I r!1rrc·tr;r ;inr! J,11:1 Z.'lll. writ
knnll'I\ L;;ii::u11;1 l\;illi-r 111~1 n1 rt11r a~
''\\'h.11 lhllSf' tMrrr h;11r :irrnmpl1shri1
Is 1n t/11· 11at11rr n[ ;i n11r;irlr" Gr;oh:im
1·f'111:irl;<;, Thr 111n~! ;Hl.rr1rl1vr (;,,_.'J..~ nf
;.011 11c: r r0plr 1 h:ive f'\·r ;-."('{'11 h;i v'
c:cltrng inv;ilu:ihlr profcss innal co;i ch1n
in ;icting. singing <ind dancing:·
B1\CKSTi\r.E -Scr:itch th:1t pr(V'
rlueLinn or ·'He;i1·cn Can \\';iil" by the
\\ic,o;t111111slrr Cnn1rnu11ilv Theater fro1n
vnu r Novrcnhrr c;ilrnda'r , . <lur to ;:i
roor turnout <IL ;iudit1nn.s, lhi:<: shov.· harl 10
be shelved. which paves the 1vay for ;:i
pnsf.ih\r ex!cnsion of the \Vestmin~!cr
vnuth shriw. "You're ;i r.(IO<f Jl.·lan . Charlie
Bro1vn." 1f ticket demands dict2<!.e.
Pop A1t, Show s
Open Bra1.1d .Ne'v
Ne,vport MuseJ,Jm
The Newport Harbor Art Muselj_m has
npened in its new facility, 221 1 W. Balboa
Blvd,, Newpo rt Beach, with an cxhib~tinn
nf Cootempor;iry American Ari fzm
Orange Co1.1n1y Cnllections. ~
More !flan 6'l works from 24 pri ate
collectors, plus a select grou p of works
from the Museum's permanenl collection,
are included in·the show which reveals 8
variety of individual laste.s bY the col·
lcctor.s and outstanding support of
Cahforni11 ertist!I. ;;)
A fine selection of graphics are on view
along v.·ith abstract expre!!SioniSQ:!:
an. figurative and geometric C()lor paint-
ings and recent examples · of avilnt·
garr!e work.
The Mu~um is open from. noon lo 4
p.rn . Tuesday 1l1rough Sunday., Those in·
!crested in rnembershi p are ln11ited IA\
phGlle 67J..8603.
1\11nthr r 5(\1) V!'ll!.r d thr1r 1i erpc~1 .
da rkrst fe;i rs !;isl vrar_ Th r Halrrrrst
\lu hhnu sr prnv1rlr s · rnron1 fnr :i l:1rgrr
g:llhr·ring of spook ~. Arn n ~nn sa id I! 1~
lnr;itrri ;ii .1124 Cnl lrc:r /1 ~·r , norl h nf
R<1k('r ~lrrrl hrtwrcn F;iir1·1r11· !l o;id ;ind
l\;irhor Rr11rlr1·:ird
"1'11i<; pffrirt, ;io; 111 pn•1·1 riu~ 1-r;irs_ h;;i<;
hf'rn t'n•<11 ('rl snlrll-hv kids who ;ire ;;il l
;;hrllll lfi yr<irs olrl,
" hr n11 trd
Thrv ;-irr Stu r;n\11h . K11n !-l;iwk1n:-nn.
Siµnr • ,/,,hn,,1111. ('r;i1~ 0 11·!'11s Toni
R1·rn1:in .. lnrl1 (';irlrnhr:iri, T1 11 h I\ ;ii!. Trri
llrrnr:in. fl;1 nrlv t!;i11k111o;ron ;111d .\like
Ril l Vrrgr-.nn. ;i l!;llr1·rr-.1 l';,J'k 1111·r1"
!nr . h.1 ,« hrlprrl t'1n11 rnl lhr h~1u1111ni::
fn r!·('o; 11•hir h 1v111 1'.1111,h 11·11h l!1r l ;i~t
l'hilling bi;i st of H.11lnwrr11111nrl
'-/\rnnsnn ;;is~urr·~ 111nth r1·.;; nf ,~n1;i!l
1·hdd rf'n thlll thr frigtil 1111;ilitv rif thr.
1!;111nled 1-lnusc "<':1n hr r<'gul:-itrd
Rut. hi' ;idd~. "This h;i1J11trd hnu~1· 1.~
nnl strietlv fflr 1·hilrlrro. 1\rlull<; <irr
1vrlromf' ;i;1rl 1 ;irn .•11rr lhr.v v.•ill rnioy it
tnn" \Vh;it hr n1r;int bv thi s rrrn;irk ~
rl 01 J1Jrd hv 1he hnlln1~· ring of gho~lly 1:-iu·~htrr '!h;it punctu:itrd !hf' rnn·
1 rrs:ilion. CASK ET GIVES UP BODY ~ --------
DAILY PILOT 51•lf PholoJ
_ ..
Filnt Star Signs
For s·t~ge Part
In. Caine ~u.tiny
F~111.5!pge-te1tvrsion star A n d r r 1v
Pri c. '!('.ho impressed i:;r i11rs ;inrl au-
di,..n s pl;iying the Thom;:i,,. \\'nlfe rolr in
•lh17:' Rro?1l vo;:iy prnducl111n ' of "l/lok
1111.rncwarrl, Angel,'f has been slgncd .• ,fnr
thrJ pivntat pa rt of Lt.. l\ccfcr ' 10 the
Center The11rrc Grnup ~resenlation of
"The Caine ,\1ut iny Court·Martial'' at the
Ahmanso n Tlfeatre in L-Os Angele~. '*
A.~ Lt. Keefer, lhl pr~dlng in lellrctual
1"ho is the ca talysl in'l!:hc drama. ~ne
joins a ca~1 hf':idcd by-l!umr ('rnnvn
fC&fll•Quccg J 11nd Johh. Fnr.~ythr 11.1
Bnri1r~ Crr rn\1'alrl1 The plriv. wh ll'h
l-lrrn1;in \\'nuk :irl11nJ:.id frnn1 h1~ 1)(11\rrful
nnl'el 11bout R mutiny rlurin~ \\·orld \\'ar
II, opens a si~·wcek run on Nov. JO.
n ·1·:EK END Ell
I NSI DE J-'EAT URES.'. • LUCY n EL~d itor
Frid <!)'. Oi-tnbcr 29, 1971
The!'!• is :i new t.rlcvision new!{
program n11 <:han nr l 2ll e.1ch Thw:a;
rllly evening v.•hi('h is tot:illy the
product of junior high· school stu~
r111 s-A story ahnu1 it i~ on Pag
29 of li'Jd<ly'~ \l't1kenrler.
.. \jlan Dcl;Jplane
l rvinr Chornlr
Lh•r The:itr r
Thur~rr r arnl\'a\
Out ·~· 1\hnut
(;ufdr, In Fun
In thl': f.aller lr~
(;u idc In 1\lnv irs
T\' Jl allo."'rrn Shnw
Page i4
Pa ge ,.
Page 'If
Page~ 25 • 1'
Tri lu~y 111 t h11 pman Pa1te
:\'Y Oprra T ic krt ~ Page
Art el r.olden U'e~t rage
Cruise The Mediterranean
By STAN DELAPLANE 111;::h! 10 da11•n :i nd . lJt>"Hh•s <lrink~. ~('/'\.~" r11·!1 11111011
\ IN T HE M ERIT~:RRA.Nt::\N -ll's a \1:1rn1 if! <le· soup to fortify lhe !ate S\11ngrr!'.
dtes oo the pool deck of lhe French ~tuµ ~ll't Jll(ll. !'ru1~· * \ inf .fiom Cannes in Franef throu{:h lht· f;l'C'l'k 1~~u1d1, 'J"he ~1 f'rn1oz lakes ten rt a.1·s 111 cruise lo ~ledl tcr·
Glean11ni:: ~·h i te ship .... ('ar rll'~ ti(Jtl pa,,s1 ·11gcr~ 11an1·11n port.~ l'v(' SC'en Some I never heard of To Korfu loa d~d . 4ll0 this tri p three of four :11·1· Frvn~·h '!'he ani1 l>11hrflvn 1k 'l'o Na up!1 a and t\thc ns and !zm1r. 'J'o
rest of ti s t;er1nr11 1. ('nn~d1:in and ~lo ,\r11r1·1la11 '. . llC'rakllun :111d .\lalla
ft10d 1s gou rrn rl J-'r(·rH:h. fnr the l·'r·1·11 Ph t;il-l· t«11111g a" It r1111s a <lrt.\ at sra, a part d ay a::.hor1• 'rhr 'h1r
a mo ... 1 11npnrl<1nt C'\·cnl 1n l1ic pl1·nt\ nf rhan1pag11~· I" your hotel .
-unt;i.x<'d drinks arr r tu·ap al .sra "l"hrc1• k111ds nf "fhr t\1 rr'rno1 cn<t " 1!" :-.un1n1l'r l't'\li~111g in thl' ~\(·fl
v.1n P 11n thc.tahle al £>\C'f\' n1eal that 's frt'l' ,\n afler !\VO nulrf' In IH~rc111b('r .;;he j_!O(·-., to thf' l';1rihbcan
orrhcs!ra for da11r1ni: nno-n and 111~111 Singt•r' an <1 fnr 1c11 ri:tv t•r111. .. r s r1u t of Florida !'nl'C'" run 8-100 to
e nterta1nmcn1 .\ o;,\11ng_v <11 ... rnthcquc run!-'. fron1 nud-$:ifH) rl<'pcrHl1ng 011 \'our ea1J 1n lneatinn So111f' l1 ~lc<t a.~
1011 ''' S2('itl 1.o\ll lr:1v1·I ag1·111:. jJn lc·I ! 1nt1 aboul 11 1 Jl "c;
a nnr·t·las<; i-:h1p "f'hf' S200 passrngrrs grt thP <:;in1f' foorl
Irvl.11e Clioi·ale ,,,ri 1he """ II"""·' "' ,h .. ,. '" ,h, nr1wc brnckel,. \\"here you slrrp ni;ik('.~ the pr1 tf' d1ffrrrn1·c
* :'\n\e 1hal on lh1.., :.hip --a," on n1a11~· nlilf'I'<: -tlif'
Ope11 s at Coast
<1resi; is ,get\!nJ! Ir.:" t lrr~I'.\' Ship'i; raper .<.ll~gr~1 1on say~
'"Coal and lle." <>nr night 11 ~.uggt'.'l'1f'd . "fnrn1al ... o\nrl
I'd guess only nnc n1:tn in ten is ra(·klnf:: a dinner Ja( kc\.
The Irvine i\1a.'il Cr ChnralP
npt>n~ its fnurlh sr21 snn in !he
Ora1111;e Coast (' n I I e 11 e
A11ditnr1un1 w11h performa11tC'S
at R:JO p.n1 toni~hl and ~<111u··
Under the clireetion o f
~1aurice Allard . the 100 voices
of the Choralt' \\'ill pC'rform
\'t'ii lton's "Relshazzar's Ff'ast"
and "Rl'(juie n1 "' h'y Faure.
.Joining thP Chorale \\'ill be the
Doctor''.\ 5~·mphonv or Lon g
Be;teh·Orange County
Noted hass b ari 1onfl:,
Douglas J.a"'reoce will be
fealured soloist ror ho : h
works. and Oarrell.vn Mclilli
wil l sing !he soprano "'Pie
J esu'' in the '"Requi cn1."
"We would like to find <i w<i rm ISLAND -no mov·
ing around -for ten d<iys this winter ... "
']')lp !'arihbcan J1as th(' pop11l;:ir 11ar1n 11'in1rr· 1slanrl s,
but 1 th ink thev'rr 011 t 11f 1hc1r rnin ds on lh<'1r pr1ct•s.
'f'hc f\.1cx it·1i n is land nf ("01.11 rncl nff Yll(':lltl/1 .{.:l\"f'"
you ( ':tribbca n living at rnorf' rf':isn nahle ("fl S! -$3.'l fnr
t11n 11•1\h n1ea ls. Skir the Sou th Pacifi(' in 11,'1ntcr 'l'o
much rain. llow abou! the Outer Islands of Ha11a1i'.' :'\'ot
t'heap. but the re are n1odest hotels.
* 'J'hc t\1ed1t c rra 11ca n is to<1 (·hill Sea coa~I to\vns arc
11·arm when )'OU .£;<'! far e nough soulh tilaz.a !lan nn the
t\1exican \\'est f 'nast and La Paz in Raja f'al1 forn1a
* "Where to shop for warm weather .,,sports cloth-
ing ... "
lla1\•aii has the hrsl ~cl rrtion anc1 pr11·rs I've seen
any1\·here. I \\•in drl\v-s hnppcd l"a nnes and N1re 1n 1hc south
of Franc-e the other day. Prices ,,iere rl ouhlc to 1hrcr
li mes \l'hat I'd pa_,. in the l l S. -I can't figurr \V l lO
I.hey sell thci;e things to .. o\ra pu!eo J!'nakc~ gnnd ('Jnt hing
for \l'O n1c n -ynu should go to Pcg,gy Pena as a st:ir!.
DOUGLAS LAWRENCE * ('lolh1nJ! in lhr l 'aribhC'a n islands look ed OJ\: Soloist with Chorale no1h inc: st;irt llng. Mll{"h of it i.' ini rorl r d frn1n l!nnc:
Be\·rrl , Sill~ tl (' l' e 111 1 v Kong_. /\ jar kel I hnugh1 in .Jam a ica i)J rnf'rl i;hndd.v_ aftrr
L;;rv.•re;;i:; t r~i·i·f llcd .:i s snlo;~t cleani ng. I .~h nu l rl have hought one at hnmc a nrl pa id $\fl
for lhe Sta te f)ppn rt111f>nt on a n1orc,
tour of (:ennan.1·. t !1 e
('." P ! h r r l a n d .~ . Brlg111n1 ,
A11~tria. !t all· ;1nd r ranre
* (:ood ho111 1rp1c nn t h1 .~ ~'rr111'h ~h 1 r ~1C'rn1oz . Rut
p1iecd \VA \' up there Ship f:hop.<: ;:i J11·ars on the high
side. Re.~!. i:::ho pr1ng for 1-/av.'aii s porls rlo1he.~ 1~ at !hr
:\la t\·lnana ~hop p i ng ecntcr. a n1il e tn\1·ard 101111 fron1
\\.a ikik1. Shnrs riJ:hl al \\'aik1 ki are ei ther n1a rkcrt up
higher, nr they're i;elli n g ~·ou so meth ing r hrar and it
\\"!II loo k it.
Ca rnival
Sc hed ul ed
.Jamf's Thurb1•r 's fahulnus
rharr.rlt·rs \1111 rnrne In life 1n
ltwre pPrlnrmanl'rS nf "A
Th11rhPr C';irn1,;1I"' 1h1s week
;it I 'h.1p111a11 ~·ollrge, :'133 N.
1 ,l.1s~rll S1 (Jr ;111~•·
l'crlorn1;incr.., HrP at H ~O
n In tr~nll!h! 1hro;11~h Sunday
1n \il'Pl•1t1<1! 11..i!l •\tiditnnurn
.. 11 ,·;11nru~ Tu ~··I"-. 111 $1 ~I
lor .1clul!:-: SI fnr .;tudenls. and
~O cent<; fur l"l11ldrrn un rll'r 12,
1na\ he purt·haserl at the door
nr r'P~~·r1t' h~ phfln1ng 1714/
fi.1:l llR21. ext 22i
Spf'(Jal C'lf<'rts "111 h e
a<'h1r1cd lh1011gh lhl' first·
t1111r use of a t6-fot1l rr1·nl\'1ng
l'lagr 111 thl' prndur1 1i)n, at·
<'iird1ng lo /)1re('tnr Ht('hard !".
J)!1C tki1l1. ass1.<;t<1nt professf1r
.,f .~p<•rch <inrl drarna The se!s
t'nlplil)' ,15 111 40 authentic.
ThurhPr cartoon~ rnla r,Q£'rl 10
lorrn hat •kdrnps :1g<11ns1 which
lhe rnrnpan.1 pla)<;
The first prridiu·llon 11 [ "A
Thur-hcr 1 ·ilrn11 al"' npr.nf'd in
\:r-w Yfll'k Jn !!lflJ (il 1rar
heforf' lhc a111hnr's dc~th l,
\\'!1h Rurgess illcrerlith dircc·
11ng an<! 'l'on1 E\\'l'!I, Prggy
I ·ass and Paul Ford hrading
!he ca.~t. '"Our production is
uruque in several 11 a~·s in 1hat
1hl' acf'ompan.11ng music has
hrcn altered from the original
;ind we are using a grf'aler
1t'n1·111 Han1ls
l\tirkcy l\louse greets !\trs. Richard l\1ixon at the openi ng f'lf '"r11sney nn P;i r;ide"
in the natinn's capitol recently. To the right of the f irst La d~· are l\Tr. anrl ~Ir"
Jack Sayers nf l\1e\v port Beach. Sayers is vice pre~idcnl of \\"alt Di!'ncv \\"nrld
\rh1ch opened last \l'ee kend in Orlando, Flo rida.
nu rnber or dra"·ings, including --------------------------------------rnany 11f !he ht'lnved Thurber
dogs."' Ooctkn tt said. adding,
"S1nr-e !he nr1g1nal script cun-
lained nn matC'ria l rel11!J ng In
thf'~C wondrrful canine~. ll'e
11·11! II~{' 'The Ong \\."ho R1t
!'en~!e' for lhc nprn1ng soli ln-
In T'r Role
In lhr l 1r~t ar l. follnll'ing thP F:ar l l{oll1n1an ha~ brcn
~11liluq11y. 11'111 h(' "'Thi' \\'olf al i::1gnf'ri h~· prod ucer Al C. \Vard
lhP Dnnr," "'A Very Prr)per tn g11r~I st;ir in th c
( ;andrr."' '"Th~ l '111crwn In !he. "Suspcc1ctl"' episode of l\\GM·
1;:1r-rlrn," '"The ;\1n!h ;:ind the rv·s '"!\Ied1c;il Center," star·r
Star."" "'The l.1ttlr C1rl ;ind the ring Ch;id ~:vf'ret! and Jan1esl
\Vnlf,"' "'Thr 011'1 \\"ho l\"a~ naty nn ('hanncl 2 He plays
(;nd"' "If {;rant llacl Been !hf' role or a ~UrJ!eon whose
!Jrrnluni: a c Appam;;itlo~:· rf'cnrd as a JUl"rnill' sex nf-1
··c·;i~u<il~ nf !hr l\e1~:· '"The fcndl"r 1s <1rc1clrntally un-,\'1.~c hrth \l11rrlPr , :\l v~trrv"' co1·crf'd
and ··ThP 1..1\! Flnwrr " · l!nl!1man rf'l 11rr1cd last week
located At
Phone (714) 543-9343
66,SOO Books & Paperbacks
L21 "·rente ii ppearf'd "'iHi the
1'1a ster Chorale 1n 196!1-iO. ancl
returns this sc;i son following
his triun1ph ;:it 1he .141h Rach
Ft'st1val at <.:arn1f'I where he
wii s hai led a.~ •·1 111.~ year's
di~covery -a gr11111 ne s1;i r
loilenl. a perfor n1er ll'it h 1he
kind of m:1.1;nC'!iC' J)l"O)Cl:lion
th21t Spt"llbinds" In add i1inn In
nver 2(l(l prrforn1<1nces (10
ne;l"'nrk lr !ev i~ion. 1.a"-rence
has appeared nfl cn "'ilh the
L-Os Anli{elC'.'1 Ph il harn1nn1c and
,1! the Hol ll·"·ood Rn"•l This
!summer, h.I" prrformecl the
~rnl • of (;renv1I 1n thP conrPr!
:1·prs1on nf \'1"rd1'~ ''I.a
;Tri1 \·1ata" w11h famed soprano
• •
.\-1 1ss il lf'l1i'li h;;is her11 :i frP·
qurnl sol111st at thf' L'r111·('rs1ly
of ("al lfnrn1a. /rv111c ;is ""C'll as
with the Jr1inr .\l ;;i ~tr r
("horH!t' . .i. rL·~l(Je111 of (~r;111,cr.
shr ha.~ .1ppcarrd Ill uprr:i.
nralorio a11d rL·c1tal throui;h .. ul
()rangr l'uunt1·.
"What should we c21rry for se.lsi ckness?" e0 I lh alll [ lh" n"''""I l h g 1i·· lh , /\ct 11\0 v.il! p1-ese111 '"Thr fron1 :'\rw Ynrk 11hcrc his r r.i::r e n e o .-" , .. , in , son1e 1n_g PP! flpp;irln1r111." "FtlP anil lair~\ mn11P. "'The Btscu1!
32,000 Unusual G ;eetin9 Cords
Ol'Ei~ EVE.'\'l !liGS 'Tll, ii I'. ll.
tt~ ...
" ;·
Theater I J
~ A rork np('ra on s!.a~e al ~nuth Cn ast Rf'pl'rtnr.1·. 1R27
'ev.·[>f'lrt Blvrl , ('n~1il !\1rsa,
l ri · ;;;~1 at R r 111. 1 f'xtril
ji>erformance nn Sa! at 10
;.m 1. 10 Oct. 30 fiC'Sl'r1·at1on.~
.. -64&-1.16.1.
' ; ''Raref not in the Park"
( T\t't! Simon cornl'dy prnclucrd ~' !l;P Irvine Co1nmunitv
t The;:iter in Hu m;i nili e~ H;il! on
jfhr ur Jrvinr ramp11~. 8 p m.
fYn -SP.' . thrn11i,!h \n\ Ii Rr\-
itrvat1on'<. -54i ii.1.1
~ '"Ynu·rr 11 t;ood '1 iln
~ f harlit Rro" n'"
~ ("nn1rrh hi• lhr \\r!'i!m1n.~trr
t'rnmm11nl!1'. Thril!C'f :ii lhf>
~in !ev Srl~r>0I :iucl1lnr1u1n. f':cl -
fa rti ~ a1 ·rn1~k. l\"r:;tm111~t rr .
R .10 p n1 . Fri S:i! thrnu~11 1
cl .10 R e ~ r r v a I i n n .~
• R!l7-111i 4 I
( •·1.onj,! J)a~··, ,JnurnC'y
~ Into r\h:h1"'
" , l..!lg una :\lnultnn Playhouse
uction pl.iyini:: in thl'
rum Thr ater on thl' Art frs-
. ct, grounds. Laguna Beach, I
t 1, -Sat . throup:h Ori. 3U I
st'rv;it 1nn:; -494-()743.
"Tht' An~· t"ril'nd "
Sandy \llil5on':; 1~2ll~ mus1c:i!
oduc"ed by the 1-al{Unil l\1nu!·1
Co1nmunity Theal rr. Lil ·
n.!I Canyon RMti . L;,,lluna 1
ach. R·JO pm , Tut~ -~;it
nm N111•. 2 rn 2n Rt 8f'r1 a-
n~ -494--0743.
'"'.\"nbod~· I A'l\'P\
RO AlhAl !"Oj~"'
F'ull er1 fln i'"notlighl l"r~· prn-
1c11nn on ~111i;:r ,11t 1 1 ~ Rufn:.4
i.~l il f)r 11·r . Vu11Pr1no, Fri
I thrn111<h i\'nl' 1:'1 Rrl<if'r l'<i·,
'tln~ -~2i -~4 !5.
"PIAl ll Sult, ..
~,il f;imnn c9med1 drmr-bv
e An a-!\1od je:sk.a r layrr5 i"n
r11 Srhllfl l Audilonum. 213 1
. l.oan1 Sl , .4.n11ht:im. 8 :'10 1
!'n ~n\" 4-li Mel 12·13
~tr1a t lon., -i1.'\5111 4.
·~ ~ i ncl fi h<n1 h Tn11El'tht>r"'
"':?;lclr n., ll .1llov.rl'fl rnrn
1 ~l;ti!t' ;ir tht' F'n11n t .. 1n
'al . \" rnMm~1n1!\· Thl'lller.
i« ,MTHl l'!ol H1i h Schroot I ii.Yi~
-~Pl" Si., foun1a1.11 \'alle~·.
' Zs+ ."VI .:11 8 pm 11rwi Ort. :H
2 pm Rl'•rr\·111 1on.~
"S111l111 11'"
\hf' a~!rnn;iu!~ f'arr1ed. /\nv\1av. vn11 don'! ha\"e In r arrv
II ;rin, h · · · . h ri · Fflrgr!." '":\Ir r rehll' r.t rs Ea!fr."' is opening. 1 Tu·kt·t~ s:1. for ;1dt1lts and
:!'l :lo f1u-:'hlllt·nt ~ 111;n· he p11n·h a~t'1I ;i1 1he door, Or hi"
c·a!lin~ ;;:1J-n~1iO Sl'a.~"11 t u ·kr1~
-\l'hil"h 11 Ill prn111de \lr('frr·-
rrd se;it1ng at all f11r Cho1·:1le
i·no\rr!.~ to he prr.~e11tr(I !ll1~
~r;:i~nn -<11·e a\"ail;ihle ~t
S L1 Of\ For f 11 r t h P r in-
f11rn1ation. phonr 54R-fi04~.
ti /\ 1he ~·ru1.~c ~;.,,s a\"e*put it int e n('tnr".~ offirf', ll1d 11f Ills \\"1le." '"T;:i kr H.-r Lnu1sc L;ilham at~n v.dl
1·p1'rnrler!y" anrl ""Thi' Sccrel J::Ul'Sl 10 the '"Sul<ipec1cd"' [ "I ~ here some way we can go by boat between the ~l~.i~fe'._'"~l~l~\~,~ll~e~r~'~l~ll~l\~·~··:_:_::___::_~'~P~l<~O~d<~:_:--_:__:_:~::_:::_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hawaiia n Islands?.. (
Bert Convv
Br rt C'nnl~'. hanfl<;nm r
Rroacl\\'<l~. filin ;inil T\' i::tar
now in Yti~o~Ja\'1a to SL<ir 1n
th e nr11· Fdn1. "'The f'nppt<'l' 11(
Hrll,"' once pl:i.\crl .-.nl' nf ht:-;
1dnl.s in ann!hf'r f1ln1 , thr
srrl'Prl h1n~ rRph\ of
pl.1\·v.Tii,:ht :0,1ns.s H:in, '"Act
(lnr '"
( ·~1111 \" 11 :.4~ "il 'I "" 1111• \ Pl1ni,::
(":;r\ ';r;;in1 ;;i ~t ar hr 1 ln~rl\ rr~rn1tilr• •\1n!1ni:: h1< nthr.r
~1 ·rrrn appraran1 ·f'~ <ll ('' 1;11 e
Hrr The \lr•nn," · Th1· Rt•;;<I In
\·Ir.· and · :-.011 ht't'f' lo i;" Bui
i ·r ..
J nc\'cr hc;ird of an.vthi ng cxccpl ya1·h1.~. ·r11"' lo1·al
airlines run so nf1cn nohod ~· \\•ould 1akf' a bna1. I.on.cf'~\
flight hr t\1·cc11 isla nds is onl.v 20 minute~. \'nu c·an"I hr
li 1·1·e 1l. hu t 1h1•_v dn a t·ornpletc rork t a1J sr rv1re 111 tlla1
111nr. Frcr f ruit J\l lee. too.
21> DAYS 01.PAfll ING l.A. BY AIR JAN.J I
VI SI till(;
PlU~ A OH IGfll ~Ull Y INfOfl l,\/,L 11 011. f C~UIS( f ~OM P'°' PU H. I Aflrll 10
I OflA. eOflA . f/.o,~orouc. ... Lff[fl•::,i N
S lft9'} J'ltr ptnnn '"' !u.Je• Bi r l~I(. •uro;roor t"ln·f>td
,tcd c>u1•idc tAhon "O!h rnvue huh, •11mtal<1bn1rd
•h•r. F1r.1 •'1<1,.,.,rld <I •" hn1tl•, oi,1:h1•t t 1n1t 1n Au•-
' ••l11•nrl ,,..,. 7.c1l1nd. h~,1:,i:i gt h1ndhn ,1:. t lpt r1
(714) 543·8238
BOYD TRA VF.L 705 W. 17th ST.
HERE IS WHAT WE CAN DO FOR YOU ! W e c"n 1h1p " carton of or .,ng .. 1,
grapefrui t, '9 voc lldos, or " m1~11 d C.ll rlon ol a '~ort (ld l1e1h frui t ov er lh!! +el ...
phone. Th,,1'1 right! r .. 11 UI wh 11n lo 1h1 p lor we'!l 11111 you I, givl! u ~ th .. addr e1•,
we do th. re1t. And your Chr;11 ma1 1hc pp1ng for Y~!Jt_fri l!lnd1 .,nd rrlat iv .. \ I\
all t.,ken c.a re of. U11 B&nkA mer;ca rd. Mailer IZ'nif~e, fr you nll me ii -.. we
e ven t 11 k1 Cl11h! ~
• • • • • • • • • • • I • • ~ • I I I I I • • I • • • • •
• • • •
U"'lt l
Wlth Thi• Co~port • ... /. . . . . . . . I
• • • • •
1 Oc "·
l J..,lt -s lb•.
• '•eturln9 Prl1e
• W lnnln9 Arr•ngemtnt1
• Complttt Weddlnt•
• Fvner•I Pl1tt1 al
S1n1lblt Prltet
• -• • l imit -2 bunch••
With l hi1 coupon
• • • • • • • • • I I ~ • • I • • • • • • • • I a 1• • • I Wl l~AV( TH( Hnn1iT Wt htv• plenty thit w••k
• PltlCI IN TOWN! • 1 C•rl•ed for lhi1 t vtnt •
29c or : 6 for 49c • • • • • LIMIT-lfi (;.A L,
With Thi• Cowpo11
I • • • • • • • •
• With Thl1 Co11p111 • : I ..... I. I:.
lllfllt -'
W ith rhlt cov pen • • • • • • • I • • •
Th e1e re1fatlra nl1 d!'rna nd th1 fin11 I for t heir Cll1lomer1. Thet'1 why t h1 y feature
Newporr Product! p,\roni re lh1m! The Arches, Nawport: Yllla Novo, Ne wport :
Vietor Hu90 Inn , l agun ': Villo9e Inn , Ba lbo<J : Tlte Crewn House, l <J9 una Ni9u1I:
and ov1r 275 cth•r1. How e boul your celling u17
N 0 W l Nationally Acclaimed World's F inest P roduce Hous1
lij N~~r.g~y;~~.~Hf E
67l471 s
On our.Tan.lit c ruise to i\1exico, v•c'JI take
you to th e s c ttin~ in Pl1crto\1a ll arta
"·he re f\.·i,ght of the lgt1ana ,,·as lil n1 c(I.
"' J t ,,·as the n1o vic that made P u crlo \"~1\la rta
f.1n1ous,.i\l(,i\.:.1 -Scvcn Ar1.c,' N ig ht of th e Ig u an,1.
!\1n\v you c·a n take
a cnur of the
JJlO\"ic's ror11an-
1ic hn1el. ()nc of
t he kC'y 1nc n1bcr~
c\f the film "·ill be
~our .c 11ide.
Afrcr\Y ards, a
dcli.~hrfu l
l11l1Tcl Junc-h
'' 11 ! he served on
·-"" " , ..
J\l i~rn:tln~:i l1c.1\h, helo'Y. :i~ :"l ]\f ,1 r i:icl1i l1a~ -
l'n1cr1.1in~. On ilw ~\"11) back t(I tO\v n you'll dri\"C
hr the f.unnui; l~urton rc~id c n cc, \'t'c'll sho\V
the 11101 ic itselr .-;c,·cr:t l rimes nn ho:i rd.
l)~1rin.i:: 1hc If rl:i}' crt.•isc )Ou 'll ;i],rJ \'iSil 1\ca-
pulcCl. 1\·\:i1:1 d:i n, J\1anzanillo and Zihuatancjo.
'\"nu sai I f ron1 Los Angeles on 1 he al! First Class
r fri"ilccss Jcalia. T he M/V Italia i~ of I ca l Ian
rc.~istr~·. t ier Italian ere"· a rc :il~speci;i)i~i~. front
~nur~t a tcro0 01 to t hcd1 ni11.i::: rnnn1 ynu'I \ rccci1'e
1 ):c k 1 nd nf ~e r' il"c ('Ill c 1 he 1irc ru,r;;i l i vc nf royaltY.
(::ill ~ou r trn\·cl :ige11 t n1 1"·· Or P r1n(e\S .
(:ru i~c~. ;it ( 2 I \) ~~11--th)O , l"nr ;i 11 1 hr detail~, and
brochure) on our other trui~c), n1ail th e coupon.
~----············----------------------1 : f'r1nre" Cru1,c~ G-17BP -1 0-21
1 .1.f \ii \Vil,hire BouJt,·a.rd, Lo5 Ani;ele~,CA 90010
: ~nd me hrochurl's on:
' • • • • • •
,.-:-,:,.~,,.frh• IJ"••~• ,,.¥oJittd
< \fr"'" \.arn •~•l C.tuow,
f <~ 11
[j uit..,hnn/S. Amt"<•
I -O!QO • ' -" "" • I "1 7.1 r
! Jlrrr"••"•''"''""""~----cc.•--~~-----
' • • • • ' •
Princess Cruises*"' : t 1-l<,jc"' • C•'•tot>i•n '~"~•h .~m~rir• •A l,"~' 'i"A~1d1 I ·······--·-······-·················---~
Night of the Iguana •.• revisited .
9.'.-r·lll'Tl(> rr1ml'rly-cl rama nn 1 a:.;• aT 1hr S.1nt a An11 C()rn• unJ!~ P!:it\•r·'· .'ii)() Yi' fith S! .1
• .t . An~: r n -S,11t "I A·3ll1 f ~ ~ m ,\'111 ~ rhrnu~h 20. Reser·
11 1 fl"\~ 5.lJ !17.iq ;1 ~-----
\'f"1'r.t flf l)rt'.llh<ce
K r101c Hou!"
"\.\l/1 (Tt q11n/ilt1 1.~ the
Orrll'r oJ lht 1-fou~c"
--"1'r, • ' ~-·-
f11d.1y Ot!cbtr 2<! Jq7 1 OAJLY PI LOT 2J:i ~--'-~~~~~~~~~~-I '"~:~·~ .. .., ...... ~_,....""'.~'~lt .... .,,,,,~u~.~"*""'""'""..,'~'~*~· .... •-m•2•~t~E~·""'"~"~·~·~·~''~~·e··~-~--,5•K~·~ .. ~·c•.-..,....~.,...,,,,,.,. ... ..,,,.,,,...,.,.,....,,.,,.,, .............. .a ............................. ,.,, .................... if'. \NI OUT I ll'EEKENDEB ABOUT By
C.-own 11 011,e U.-unch
Never, 111 this rast-n1oving era. undcr~stimate
your friends ' capaei ty for sudden deci sio ns and mo-
IJil lty.. We thou ght bon voyage celebrations 1\•ere
over tor the ye :.11· 11 hen , alrnnst on 11nrulse. still an-
othc1: ,t\\'(lS()nl(• 1'('!'01\ l'd (O hit the Jet-trail to J.:uropC.
I u11e 1vas short :111d the sc hedules of fou r bu!'iy
rouples had lu IJ(· l'On.!'iidcrcd in s!aging so me kind
of faren'elJ felr. As it turned ()tit the only mu tually
tonvenient date fel! 011 !;unda y. '!'he <'elebratlon
quite natu rally callrd f1lr one oi' today's n!OS L con-
vivial dining adventures -Sunday· brunch.
Th e restau rant \I'(' chose -the ljelati \l el y !lC\V
lro11 n 1,louse 111 Lagu na Niguel -ineasurcd up to
the occasion . Ev('rything fro111 the ~cttin g of rood.
service and decor coinbined to sustain the group 's
mirthful spirits.
. ... ' <
[, .. .
<"' • o;:: .::. .........
Quartered in the pren1i s('s torn1erly occupied
by Gordon's Lagun<i Niguel , ne1v 011'nersh ip and
1nanagen1ent -in tht• person of Bill Peters. a \\'ell -
kno\vn Orange ('ount y restaurateur -together
\Vilh significant remodeling has res ulted in a spot
\vhich dedica1ed out 'n' abouters ean't afford Lo miss.
:\ \1·ho lly con temporary note is struck b.v the
custo1n-designed furnishings and sparse use of dr-
corative objc l·ts. In ad dition no restaurant of our
acquainlanee gi ves a stronger feeling of the outside
surroundings having bf'en son1cho\v 1ncorporated
into the enclosed lnt('r'ior
Even durin g nur 11Jghlti111e visit there \1•as an
a\\·arcncss th.'.l t Lex tures and colors had been chosen
for con1p<itibility \\'ilh lhe environn1enL In the day·
li ght hour.~ this irnpression rs fu rt her enforced IJy
the expanse of \\'indo11'S that give a s•veeping vie \v
10 A.M. to 2 P.M.
Mon,·Ftl J to I
F•~!u"n~ Ft••" (~t1lo•no• Lo~~l•r
LUNCH & DINNER DA ILY I I A.M. to 11 :30 P.M.
.'i U1\1J,.\Y JUIU1\'Cll 9:30-4
Now Appe.,ring Tue. ihru S,,t. 8:30 to 1:30
Thursday F1uhion Show-12:15
32801 Coast Hw~-(At Crown V•lley Pkwy.)
LAGUNA NIGUEL \ 499-2626 496-5773
! AM -1 0 P M,
2300 t-!;:rrbo r Boulevard
c~1.1 Me:::.i
(714) 540-8..'>3'.:i
do\rn atro..,s a l:irge la\1·11. the h1gh\1·ay, Ot'.Ca11 and
hills to the soutb along the toasl
J.'ron1 both our stanning and sa tnpl!ng, there arc
sorne fil'nl t Olll'lusions to be dra\1'11 about the Sun-
day brunch n1cn11. ll is va ried, o(fers sorne hig hl.1·
u11u ~ua! 1tC lll!>. and e~crv dish 1s as savorv lo cal
;·is it t::. tcn1plulg tu ordei:. -
First ur. though . \Vas a round of bl oody 11arys.
'\'he t 'ro1,1 n I louse edition of this drink 1s headv.
pcrrrctly seasoned and !oi ports a long stalk of freSh
relerv .
. ~1naz1ngly <·nouglL out. of (•1gl1! orders only
l\1'0 pe ople opted for the !'iarne eJJtrcr. 'l'h is 11as th e
delicious \l'!l d ri ce pa11c;1kes anrt s;n1!'iagL., served
111th blu elJerry ~srup. $1.7:l.
/\'e.xt \\':JS :i !rue gourtnet delight , lobster Ben-
edi ct (coupe a l<i l'ro\vn I lou se I. al 84 quite the higl1-
cs!. prited 11cn1 on the bill of fare. II included fre sh
pinearple. Oso p~ictics a11d !'ilra1rbcrr1es, steeped 1n
Ki rsch and topped \\'ilh chainpagne.
En1ree choit·es. four. fil'e and six \1·ere broiled
larnb chop and egg bcnedict. srrvecl \\'.il h broi led
lon1ato, 82.25; broiled ('hirken leg Carmen. '''ilh
broiled tornato, cri:-;p bacon. and ('rO\\·n J-lou se Po-
tatoes, !;ii .85: poached fre~h ,\\1ater tro1lt. \vit h cri~p
baco n, broil ed ton1ato, and parslied potaloes in
1acke1 . SI })5.
'!'he l:isl l\1'\) urtle1·:-. \\'Cre I he gourrnct 01nel t•lte.
,·onta1nin g s:u1tecd onions, peeled fresh lo1na locs,
frC'!>h 1nushrnn1ns and Jll'P JH.>r s, served 11·ith (~ro\vn
ll ousr po1atoes. $1 ~J;;; 1a \'£'!'11 harn !but there's also
a C'hoitl' nf !Jacoll or s~us<1gr1 :ind egg~, S(1rvrd 11·ith
sliced ton1atoes or the house polalnes. $1.75
Specia l n1enti0n n1ust be 1nade of the ("ro11'H
Jl ou ~c polatoe:: at·c0111 panying tho.~e en1rees as
noted. All agrrcd 1hL'.1' 11·ere exteren1ely delectable
thanks to a ni l'l' IJll'nff of spices and a very tangy
·rnas1:-; fo r a pleasant journey 1vere rnade all
\"ISL"!' CJl.ll JAl'1\N
' ml YR KO
I -~:I,_) /y( ·\ L~ 1,11111.Ju:ou uwo~r Lud..1ai!~
f I,' J--'/ 1' ''> i J Jf• •• '\ i 1:JfJ ~. J,o~ J\oJ.1,..t. • '795-700.'"; I ;/,1 / ! ,_•l t''\"'·'.i:.1 :1·n1vu.<;,f:nn111 r,V •l>~l-:l30:1
'J 111 :[! '. '.• .1· .• 1 Li.·! .\tr11 1 ~';1~!1oon s q,• ;;.~2:8677
WI!~ O~I Nu~ on IUU
TI11ir. thrll S11n ,
~~ * Larry Lak•
For Early Ri sers and Late Players
Open Da ily From 6 A.M. to 2 A.M.
Rear-Mesa Theater MES.o.
~QUA~E Costa MMa
145 [. l'th St. J11st off Newport llYd.
1B14 N. Coast Hwy.
I El Camino Reali
the caster bv \he excellent. f:ro1vn llouse brunch
eh anq,agne Offered al 25 ctnls a glass or $1 .7.5 per
full boU.I('.
'fher1• is a ne\v ovster bar \Vhich has be!'n add·
cd to !he ( 'ro11'1\ I lousC's attractiuns sinl'e our earlier
visit. ll ere \!Ill' ('an take on any of nearly l\VO doz-
en ('Xttting possibilities frorn J'resh blL1e point oys·
tl'r.~ on the h:ilf ~hell. $1 .50. 10 a chilled seafood
l·un1binat1on of shrunp. l'rabineat and lobster on a
leltllce bed 1r1th C()l'ktall i;auce, $2.50.
1'hrre ·~ no ext'tl.~e fo r ~aying .1·ou ('an'l. ge l up in
t1111e to 1nake Sunday h1·uneh at th1:• ('ro\\'11 llouse.
'l'he IHH1rs or servtl'e -9·30 a.rn . to 4 p.m -make
1l. pns~ible for l'\'Cll the late-lat e :-;Jeepers.
'!'he re1nain 1n;:: d:1ys of tile \l'eek ti1e restauranl
npens for lunch al 11 a.n1 . Follo1v ing-dinner serv-
1ve lo 11 !O p.1n , the tockt:ul lounge stays open un-
til 2 aJn.
"l'he ('ro\1·n 11011:-;e is located at 32802 Coast
l f1gt11vay, <1l lhP inl.eri;e('tion of C:ro11'n \"alley Park-
\ray, Laguna Niguel.
Lacking lhe t'Ompetenee or sklll of ar tists V.'ith
the brush and palclte. \Ve like to think \Ve possess a
sn1all degree or art istry \11hen it (·omes to 1natters
of the sto1nach and soul.
05i8 ~
Believing thi.~ 11·c set oul one night last 11"eek
to ex pl ore the 11·orld of artisti c food and entertain-
n1ent advaneed bv 11ernbrandt'$ re~taurant in Cosla
l\tesa. 'l'hP resul is 1\'ere re1va rd ing for lovers of
St'oot111 g do\vn Rrislol St. you («Hi"l 1niss the
r('::tauran l"s high. long. pointed roof. 1'his prOmi n-
t'lll archi\('cfural f('a\urc (.'Overs one of the rare
t\l'O·Story rlinin ~ C'sl.abli~hrnen ts found in these parts.
It 's dou blful any like layout provides the op·
• •
.~~~:i: TAtE n/theWHAtE
400 MAIN, BALBOA PENINSULA • (714) 673-4633
Apptorhit h1 0111
Fri. & Soi. I tr1 1
Fr<alunn~ Exr:i tic:
TropicnJ Dl"inki;
BUFFET LUNCH 11 :30·t:3D
1500 ADAMS (1t H1rbor)
540-1937 540-1923
MENT COME •••• , ,
Zaniest C:ort11me
Gl•a•tlle.t P11mpkln
~'""' Original C:o11ple
For Re,ervetionl Call "°44-2030
portu1111 y as Rembrandt's doe~. lo eat on Lhe ground
floor and adjourn to an exceedingly cozy coc ktail
lounge upstairs. But such an in nova tion is the least
reason to select Lhis spol for an enjoyable night of
out 'n ' abouting.
It is the rest1:111rant's <·lain1 to inak e food J.~
attractive in appearance as 1t is palatabl e. Let it be
noted that the jovial and effic ient proprietress , tt1rs.
PhyUis Gordon. succeeds handsomely. '
The menu gives good cause fo r contemplative
considerat.ion. It is stnall, discrin1inatingly select, ...
appetizing in all particulars and offers so me very
distinctive dishes.
l,eading off 1he bill of fare are three gourmel
specialties, an y of \vhich can be co nsidered a true
adve nture in good eating. Some 16 other items fol-
lo1r by 1vay of steak. chicken and seafo od e ntrees.
All are served \1'ilh a choice of crisp gree n or
fresh spinach salad (the latter getting our no d), a
giant baked potato (so large {hat gargantuan seems
a more appropriate word), and a delicious cheese
It v.·as to the gourmet s pec ialt ic~ that v"e turn·
ed for our first selection. Thi~ .. vas the co1nbination.
plate Iha\. offers f\1alaysi an shrimp and a ha ll -order
of file\. n1ig11on, $4.95 .
The shrin1p, in add ition to being broiled lo per·
fcction, \Vere as large and savory as any 're've ever
enrountered. 1'he very tender filet \\las cooked to the
perfect degree or tnedium-rare pink.
The second order up was the brochette of lob-
ster. $4 .95. Acco1npanied by a flufl'y and weU-sea-
Continued on Pag. '26
LUNCH 11 to 2:30
DINNER 5 to 12
FROM 10 A .M,
Entert•inment Wednesday thru Sund.,y
In The M•rin• Dunes 644-4031
9 P.M. to 2 A.M.
Oinin9 Hour' 11 to 11 Da ily
Att eca l ounge Open
To 2 a .m. Fr i. end Sa t.
547 W. 19th ST., COSTA MESA
FOOD TO GO -642-9764
.., r .., ~~
Steaks•~ Style Mexiccm hod
altilllde .....
tllll!e 'Iii siJ
FRI ., SAT. & SUN .
SUNDAY"~~~~~~,~--,"· ",. •
'0 Ull O' THE NfWPOll T AllEA'~ '1Nf ~I fi~(';UI'~
LA CA '1E RES1'AUlt~N1'
5 to 6:4S p.m.-Sun. thru Fri.
Re111 Prlm• Rib ol '"''· Au Jus ..
T•P Slrlol n Lunch•on Ste•k
... $3.l S
S e··~d ,..:th 1..,,.~d ll '"~" ,.l.J .
Ch,;,~ ~I d••11ioq , '""'""!l .•o P"t"'""'·
G~rdt " Y•9•••bl,, •"d q•rl;e b•o•d
g, ••••91 .dd 't;~n •I
Luncheon I MDn . tliru fr!.).,,,,,,,,,, ....... 11 :10 to J:lO
tll1111•r Wet~d.,yt ••••••• , •••••••••••.•• , • !i:OO te 11 :00
Forlday and Saturdoy ...................... 5:00 lo ll:OO
1695 '/1 Irvine Ave. !Corner of 17th St.)
COSTA MESA 646·7944
Gen11a11 Fa111ily Rcsta11ra11t
Fl!mous For
Halloween Costume Party
li~9;nn,nq A+ t 00 PM,
V,lv•bl1 p,;,. F~· ·., f:•· Cr"""''
Op•n Dolly for Oinnflr Fronr S r .M.
Town & Country C•nt•r
A nd Our
a'""" l to""'~'
/,U nJLll
TuesA'V thru Satul'doy
,( \
11 to 3
)1 "-"N llll W. COAST HWY. 11 VV NIWPORT IEACH uocKS 60·42'8
4 J§ ~ I J i -£!I __ -----_a ) ';µ ::_
• 4 ;c iii
4SL¢!_ ii a l ;; a <Ct& IJ<'I•"'' *'lf14111 &> . . ~
.... ~ -.-----.,..,4.--__ ... ~1
Continued from Page '.25
~n nc<i fl('(' pilaf. llll'J;l' anri SUl'l'Ulf'n l p1e«eg nr !o b~1f'r
hiid hern ~k1llf1illy hrn1l('d \\1th 1ntf'rlac·1ng portions
or n1us hroorns, eniprt!) and grPe 11 prppcrs.
()\lu•r 11\ll'i,l!,lllrlg pro spt•('\~ Oil l!JC' hill f)( (ar ~
\n \1h11·h 11e 'IJ g11·t d 11e ch:l1b£>rat1on on lhe next v1s1t
1nl'h1rlt1 1he hf'ef. bird ::ind bnltlr 1haif orders of
11lrt ni1gnon and ch1rkcn ~rrv<'rt 111th rnl<l <lu~k 1.
$4 µ~, hrnchrlle nf hec·L S4 ~5. barbecued back ribs,
S4 .50; Ne11 ''ork st eak, $;) 9fi.
Fnlln111n;:: (·(lf'fC'e ;inrl rl c.~.~tr! -r;iinhr111· .<'ll n·
rJ;irs :<I:';() t'f'lll" earh 1a 1'1rJ!e e<l1t1~ I" availahl e for
7,·) ('1 '111 ~ 1r 11111 ('all h;indle i11 --11e n1nvf'rl u r~1 a1ro;
fnr Sf'ver:il .scts nf th(' f1r.~l·r·a te £'rlt\_rla 1n n1 C'nt t'ltr·
1·c11tly 011 l<ip ;:il J{r-n1br:i11dt ':->. I .
()11 (' cnul (! ~111 lv e:\pcrivni·e f·<1n~!a11t rl cl1ghl
~pC'ndin).!" ;i n enrirr r;\'r111n,!.: l i~ten1ng to r·, I' Ryrler.
,\nd r vrn Iha\ 110ul<ln '\ hr cr1 011i;:l1 !1rne to absorb al l
the nuances 0f !he r r1ii::t1·kahle talent he displays tn
his singing and guitar playing.
0 IJ eri· ,.~ •
~10rr th;i11 ;iny (11her e11\('rtaincr 11·e've hea rrl in
srvcr::il vP;irs. (' (:. (';i sJ.i:; a nH:s111er i1.i n~ spell 11•heth·
rr he's i0n!n i';:il~psri. fnt'Clgn l:i11 i.:11a gr hall::i~~ 0r any
nf a rH1n1her (ll' s11ng$ hr. h1n1sc lf has 11T1tlrn r.nd
MON. •nd TUES.
Mond•y ls Ltdie't Ni9ht -f p.m. on
Oancin9 1 N ~9hlt • Week
Oi>EN •eV l'N DAYS
1460 S. COAST BL VD.
Mo11doy Thte119h Thurtdoy
MONDAY ,., •.••.••••••.•..••..•••• T·BONE STE.41(
TU ESDAY ... ,. , • , , , , • , , , • , , ••••••• , , ..... PRI ME Rtl
WfONE!iOA'f ••••••. ,., ..... , ••••••.• TOP SIRLOIN
THURSDAY ..................... ,,. !il UfffD Cl\AI
C~rnpl •+t O<on•' lo<l,,de.1 Gin".,/ R.,,. W1nt
209 Palm, Balboa 675·5774
\\'t:> n1;:irl t:> fl 11r firs! arqu;:iin111n<'e v.·1th t his grP;il
p~lrforrner e<1rl1er th1 !: vear 11·hen he \1as appearing
a! lhe .Fleur de 1-15 in· 1.aguna Beach. lie is n1ore
im pressive 11·1th ea ch n1eeting.
,\Int h;i.~ h.1Prenerl , tno . during !he month s since
11·p la st h.:irl ;in opportunity In l'h::t t ._\1·i th '~ I .
,\n1nn_g n1h rr 1hings, 11e learned 1hat he ha ~ very
rrrrni lv rt'L11rnf'rl frnn1 a trip tn Englanrl h1gh\1 ~ht ·
er! by s'ever;iJ (·lub engagrn1enls and tele\'is1nn guest
~pots in London and J\1an chcstcr.
But even n1ore in1port::int 1s a snn n t0 be relea s·
rd r\Rf net11•nrk 1rlevision spl'.'ci;il, ".'\II .A.bou t Me.·•
It'.~ ;in an imaterl feature fnr children -conreive<l
In bE' both entert<11n ing and inform at ive in explain-
ing the 1rork1ngs of \he hun1an body -fnr \Vhir h
(' I '. 11·rote all the songs. lyrics and baekgrounrl
'J'!1e volte of the narr:ilor and central charaet.er
in !he stor1· .. ('nlnnel ('orpuscl e, belongs to !he in·
Jrn ilahle-Sterling !lollo\1a y. (' C. \\'ii! be heard sing·
Jllg th ree or !i1 S Sfl ngs in lhe hro;idr:;ist.
:\.R(' al ~n 11!11 be rrlcas111g a sq und trark albuni
of the f'n t1re ~hn\I' and an0th er !hal ronlains on ly
tl1e .~nn g.~. L'pL'0 rn lng alburn.~ 11·on't s11,p 1hc-·re. ho11•-
lntim"'' '1 nd D•li9htful
DINNER 5,30 · 10 P.M.
Tue<d ~y thtu Sund •v
Cor11er of lto11dolph 011d lri•lol
Co1ta M1aa S40·l~41
'1ThP. \'er.~n1il r.~ nf Orn•1p r c:ou nly"
Wed. & Sun, Nites
pvpr, i-i nrP. i1.tlll .:innlhcr is in lhe \1·orks featur1ns (·. c as solo perrorrn er of his 011·n ('flmpoi;Jt1ons.
l lis hC'Sl·kn111111 c(in1pnsi!u111 to datr· 1<1111c tn
nublit ;it1ent1on Lhrou~h an other ar1 1st-bul one nf
the n1ost famous 111 the v.·orJ d. ll 1s "R;.iiJe, I'm Gonna
Leave 'r'ou ", as re('orded by .Joan Baez.
: ;. ~",
Snme nf his n1he r con1rni;it1rin.s 11hi1 h ~1gn;il
ex1r;inrdinary t;llent as "(;n1ng .-\1l'a.v." "St:.y l in11 l
~1 or ning,'' "I-la s !\n_1'11nc Se en the Sky'.''' t1nd "Calico
Pie ".
\\'pll kn011·n p1e1 ·es by uthrrs in 11·hil'~ he di~·
pl.1 .vcd his fine .~hn1l'm;insh1p il1 ncrnhrt1f1dt '" the
other rvcn1ng 1nf'luded "'rh n.~e \\.f're 1hc /)<l)" '';in
1ncTed 1hly mnv1ng vcrsinn nf ''()ne T'ln Snlrl1er"
fr0m the c·11 rrr11t n111vie hit "R1llv .laC'k," .!;in1r~
·raylor 's "Vire and Bain ."' "~le and Bobhy '.\l c:Gce"
and "l\>lr. Bo,1anglcs."
\'0u c;in c;itch \. C. fly<lrr. rr0n1 R.30 ln 1 ~n ,
~lond;iy lhrnugh Saturda.v evcnincs.. \\'e s11c~r~! .1·01J
hu rry because !he day isn 't far off 11 hrn ynti're co-
ing to have 10 pay many dollars .i •11cl\et to hear
Jii1n perfor1n.
Retnbrandt'.s. lota1cd <il 28'.l 1 Br 1.St!!I St, off
Ne1v 1>ort :\ve .. li'lsl a Nlesa. is upen ~even da,\S ~
1veek. Lunch is. served frnn1 11 !1) 2. ;\londay through
Fri day. a1Jd Saturday an d Su nday hours are 4 p.m.
to 2 a.rn.
Continenl1I Cuisine
Luiiaheon ond Din11cr
Monda!J through Saturday.
Closed Sundays
W e <'I re localed nelt't t o
th e May Co, in So uth
Coast Plazl!.
3331 S. lriat•I
Co111 MHO 5<10·3140
Th11 N11we~I In Enterll!ir.rn •nl .,, .•
, .... Accompl!nied By l h., Fin11! lri Food
Now Appearing
Dancing Nightly
In Our Cocktoil Lounqe
Th~"doy thtu Su,.doy
App~odnq 'i lo 11 P·"'· I" Tkt
Win• Ccllor-11 lo i Up11o!n1
In 1h~ S•n Fr•n<"c" M~nn e r
11 :00 TO 5 .
SATURl1AY-11 toS
3 to 7 p.m.-Mon. thru Fri.
Li11uor 011d Fo"d
Coteri"q Fo• Portie~
ON 1'H[ O(tnN .O.OJA(f'!T
Get the Pizza with Pi zzaz 'llW~fds
1~-.,·t·vll••t1t t 't>t>tl .~pe.-infizi119 111
Doug Kennedy Entertaining Nightly
2116 W. OCEAN FRONT ( ·T~:w.~~";~,:V~;;:• •
NEWPORT BEACH · 673·9621
COSTA MESA 546-8390 2106 W . OCEAN FRONT
•-French Fries
• French' Fried
• Tossed Solod
On ion Rings
• Roll snd Butter
Bring " fri•nd! TAk• adv•ni l!g9 of this d•lic:iou1 d.in.
l'l•r for 2, •t • ju1t right price. 1/, lb. t•nd•r cho1c •
il•ak, cut fo Bradford House specific•tioni. Be good
lo • fr i•nd, or ma ybe t he fl!m ily 7 Th is meal, ii •
f•voril• with •II • , , y ou'll be a winn•rl \
Open Dilly
Mon. thru 51t.
t :JO •.m. to f p.m.
10 .t.m. fo 6 p,m,
' '
N,,w AP,peorlng
The Not@d J <!III Pi&nis f
N<11>on<!l ll y Actl11imed as 01111 of th"'
Count ry'\ Fiv e Top J.m11 Pi•nisf,
Enchilada and Taco . , , , .• , .. , .•. , ... $1 .35
Ch ili Relleno -Etich i1ada .; •..••••••.• $1 .50
S•rv•d wllh Ric•, l eon1, Tostoditos 011d S11lto
9093 E. Adams (At Magnolia l
Huntington Beach 962-7911
Proud ly Pres1>nt '
c. c.
' S1t11t<1tlo1111I G11lt11•l1t/
Mo11d11y thr11 Sorurdoy
W ith Pri ?es & Fl!vor For All Chil dren
COSTA •MESA 546-3484
lb<<··->> a
;.. ('ll\'ll\l·:\'l ',11, f'L'ISJ ,\');
"'-.'i i; I I' 0 0 II .'i I «11.11u·11.11, r1111111.r·:11 .'>1't:1\KS ,,,,, ..... •
t ; 11 I l' r~ :1i111114' II C.
All Moiot Credit Cords-Plenty of Parkln9
fll iff H1'.1 l1Tlf'UL
1'1 ,\1.\'(; HOOiH
!'4l W HOl.lll:S
o .. 1v M,,n !h'" F". 11 ,JO • m lo 1 •·"'·
S~•.,,d~v] lO p .,.., 10 2 ~ "'!,-Cle1~d Swnil•y
11 COSTA MESA 642-8293
) We Promise You Good /~eJ lai11·a11l OOP
Thur, tkru Sun.
· •· Nights
l hu r,, lhru Sun. Nites 8:JO to I :'30
1h11 Sel'l'stiori•I S"rno an Yot 11 li,t/.Guit•ri1f
8961 ADAMS AVE. I•• M•gn•li•I 968·_5050 I
r..r1!.1y Octob!r n l~7l DAIL V PILOT 117
l' our Gt&ide to Fun •
Two Stars Si~n /;;;;;;;.=so"'u"'TH=S=EA=S=;;;;
Irvine Chorale at Coast }'or TV Episode/ TROPICAL FISH
Suzanne Pleshctle anrt Les·I
he .\/ie!~en h11ve been s1gnf!d
to i;:uest star 1n I h I";
Oro119t Co11ttty's fi-f
.. 1oc:1io~ of Tr•pl<•I 11111
011d Cielcltbll
SURFING FfL,\1 -"Cosmlr Children'' screens ~t II p.m.
Frida,\', in F'nrum JI of Goldtn \\'tsl Ui!Jrgr , Huntington
Be:irh. Ticket~ $1.W.
OC:T. %9
Atl XI,\(; -t.11kt Quarry v~ . .Jimmy Dupree 11l 8.:ln p.m.,
Ott. 2!l 111 Lhe An;ihe1m Convention Center, llOO \\lest Katella,
Anaheim . Prrl1rninary bout 11! 8 pm ; Joe RAmon \'S. Roly
Harris. Tickets at box offite $.1 -$7.f!(l.
()CT. 29 -30
IR V11'E .\\ASTElt CHORALt-: -(.'oncerl ~l A .. 10 p.m. Fn.
and S~l. 111 the auditoriurn of Oran~e t..:oast College, 27fll
Fairview Road, Costa .Alesa. T1tkrt~. $3. Call 633·8570.
t>t:T. ?9 · :'o/OV. 13
i\·IEXJL:(I A ~ll C;L'ATEr\IAl.A -OranJ,:P Coa~t Colle£p rr,.,._
frssr.r Lln.vr1 J\!ason Smilh cnnt1nu Ps lecture st>rie.~ wl[h dis·
cuss1nn nf Chiapa~; El Tapnn, f'alenquP 11nd Ronampak, from
7 to 9 p.n1. today 1n lhr serener hall or Orani.:e Coas1 Col-
lege. The Friday St'!ries 1s trf'e and opf'n to the pubhc.
O(yf. ~9 . Nt)\'. S
FA NTA:o;IA ,\lEXICAN1\ -Padua The<iler t;:ill presen·
ta1inn lr.llit ancient i\7.trt lo\'e slnr,1•. 8:.10 rm. "'ed .. Sal.
and 2 •. 1n p n1 . Wt.. and Sat Th ra1er 11nd restaurant located
nn Padua Are., three mile~ noith of Foothill Blvd., in Clare·
n1ont. Reservations, 626·12118.
OCT. Z9 • 1\'0V . 19
PLANET,\RIU:\1 .S HOW -Cor)tr.pli; of m<il!l'r. n\nt1nn lrn1t:
anr1 sp;ice "ill b~ delved inln every \\lrd. ;inrl F'rL nigh I .11t
i _l~ p.m. 1n. the Tessn1ann Planetarium on the S;int.11 ,4,n;i
Gillege campu~. \fl.10 \V . 17th SL, Santa Ana , "''ith "Ein·
slein·~ Craiy Cosmo~." Adn1i~.~ion i.~ free b~ rescrvat1on5
are neressar)'. Phone 547.9551 ext. 317.
Ot'T. 30
Performance Ci1ncr llrr1
THEATER BENEFIT -" . .\nolher Even1nj! 11,•1!h Miss M:!i,!;·
gi" brnefit.~ the L;igun::i i\foultnn Cnmmunit.y Thetler. 11::10
p.m. Sa(_ in lhe Pta.vhnu.~e. Mli L;iguna Canyon Ro;id, Lai una
Beach. Donation, $5. Call 494·074.1.
OCT. 3n
''TRAFFIC" IN CONCERT' -Pnpular mu~i(" grou p per-
forms at 8 p.m .• Sal. in 1h'-Arena of the Anaheim ConvPn·
1km Cfnter, 800 W, Katella, Anaheim. Call 635-5000 for tickel
inf0rm ation .
OCT'. 30
llALLO"'t.:CN CARNIVAL -A Ha ll<iween Carnival from
4-7 p.m. Oct. :m al Sigler Park in Westm inster ha~ beeJJ ar·
r<ing erl by the cit.y 's Recreat.inn and P11.rks Dept Prizes for
best costume will b"' a\1:11rded at 5 p.m.
OCT. ll
CHARLEY PRIOE -Concert at 8:30 p.m., Sun. in lhe ArenA
nf the Anaheim Convention Center, 800 W. Katella, Ana ·
heim. Call 635·5000 !or ticket Information.
NO\' . .t
t HA .\1RER r'\1U.S IC -l'oncentus J\1usicu~ of Vif'nna per·
forms music (lf lhe French Baroque period. 111 8:.'IO p.m.
1·ues. in L;iguna Beach Hi.1!.h School Auditorium, @~ Park
Ave., U guna Beach. Tickets: $4.50. Call 499·3106, or 54~7535 •
• 1''0V. 4
ART FAIR -The art section or UC! Toy,·n & (j<iwn will hol d
an Art Fair (Ill Nov. 4 frnm 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. l'lt 1'.1~4 H<i mr-
:-h ire Circle, Ne y,·pnrl Beach. Jt f'm:it frir i;.;J, crealerl h,Y
me1nbcr~ <ii the group include stretchtrl canv::i~ pa inlln.E :<>,
1na\r<1mP, c;indles. neerllew<irk , crramic.<; and Bon~ai planl .<;,
!n :iddili1Jn some lithographs and paintings by we ll known
Janet Leigh
With MGM
.J;inct !.ri~h rr!urn~ to
~HiM, y,•here she beA;in hrr
arting c;ircer, for a ~1;irrin.E
rnle y,•i[h Trish \';:in Oevr rt
::ind fi.1el rv n Oou~l;i~ in "OnP
Ts A Lnnt!\' Nutnb('r." ;i na1·1rl
I.. "'nlpt'r. pr<1du,·1in11 rlirtclrd
hv Mrl S1uar·t ;ind prn<lin-e1I tJy
51;111 fl.1ar.Eu11rs.
Thi' <it·trr~<; 11 ill porlr:il'
prrsa1en1. of HH' 1\1a nn Count.1'
f)ivorr('c.~ l.rag1lf' 111 I hr P.<111rl
St'll ~er serrPnpl;:iy h::i ~f'rl nn ::i
rlrhcrr;i /'11orns i;hr•rt ,;Jory
puhl1shrd 1n The :-.·cw Ynr ker
n1;:ig-.z1ne .
:\1 ii;i; J.ril',h. who rlrh11!rrl 111
r-,11;~·~ '"Thr: Rom;:incr nf
Ro,<;~· Rid£r" <ipposi!e \';in
,John~nn . m;irks her '12nrl st<ir·
ring 1nol1nn pir!ure r\'llf' \l•ll h
"Onr l.s A Lnnely Numhel"',
currently fj]minl! in S;:in Fran·
2 Tho
Cantonese Food
••t her• or
teke home.
111 21st pl., Newport. Be•ch OR.iol• 3-9560
I 0,.1 Y-lr••IMll D.tly 12.12-frt. _,ht. 'tfl J e.t11.
Fh1e ltalia1& C11l•h1f! Cocktails
0,.11 Delly -I '·"" '' 1 •. ,..
.'lrtJ.<iL'• 10 1111> <ll't'ii <1.•111 be fo l' :.ale Fund~ !'abed will go to
schola rship fund and UC! f'tn t Arls Dept.
!'JOV.4 -1
UC I ORCHESTRA -Pe!er Odega rrl conduct!> thP nptn1ng
concPrt et ll .. 'ltl p,m. Thurs. 11nd Fri. in the. F'int Ari..! Vil·
la~t Concert Ha ll, ttn the UCI campus, TicketJ, I I. Call,
NOV. 4 • !S
~TOR\' HlltJR -Cost;i Mesa Library. ~fifi ('entr r Si. C1Jsla
/'11Ps::i, olfe~ ;i fh1lr1rr.n ·s s!nrv hour each Thurs. al IO::in 11 m.
l\'111,1. -4 rnn1P1e ... Thp S1or,y nf ·run .1:: No\'. F. mnviP.~, "The Red
Balloon arwf "Tht Ltgenri of ,Johnn y Appll".~eP.d,''
l\10\1. fi
FIE\'f;t-'l'J' -1'he Laguna Hi ll~ l'hilharrnon ie C!1mm1llee
ts presenting ;i rontPrl tn brnefit Lhe Or.::inRe Count \' Phil·
h.<1rmon1(" Society. Nov. 6 in thP l.agun.<1 Hi!L~ Clu.hh ouse
Thr'PP. l.;igi:in;i Hill.~. al. II p rn. The Schoenfeld nun. violin-
ist AlirP Scfi~nfelrl arwi ·rrtlist E!eanor'Sch{){'nfeld, y,•rl l he
.:itcomp.::ini rtl h~· .June l.u.~li Nelson. <'la~sical and con1e1n·
p<irar.v nn1.~r v.·i!! be pl11 ,1•M. Tir keL~. SI.Sil by donation , n1ay
be reserved by calling \ 714 ! 830-5287 or 837 ·53211.
r-.·ov. 6 . t11
ART Fl:'~ST l'\'AL -Even t~ fl";ilurin,1: lhe 11·nrk n( 11rt1st ~1ar·
t"PI nuch;i mp 1 inrlurtin.1? films l. :irP bf'tn,1: sponsorr:n hy
t.h, F1nP Ari:-Defll. nf UCl Jn the Pine Ari.tri Village Art Ga l·
!ery on C<i fTC)us, Nov . 6-28.
1''0V. '. 7
i\llSSI01\' LIRlt.,RY DAYS -Exhihi t nf rar#' l1hrar.v r.<il·
ll"ctinn11 frnm California m1 s~1on archive~, Sat, . S1111. at
ill1ssion San Lu is Rey , near Ocl"ansirtl', <in highway 7~.
NOV. 10
( l.\CEllT -A1·llnl <:arrle Iv111~1c ol Thrrr Cen lur1es : 1.11~1-
lr.!lO" l':arly Music Qu;irl.e t, ll'dl be presenlr.d in I.hf' F'1nf
Arl~ Village Coocert Hall on th e UCI Campu~. at ll:'.10 p.m.
N()v. 10. Tickets, $3, available at f ine Arts Box Offir e.
In tlie Galwries
Fullerto11 Profs
Display Artworl(
FAClfLT'' AR-T EXHIRIT -C;;lif. Stal, O'illc~e. Fullerton,
llfl() N. StatP l.llllP:ge Blvd., Fullert on. Hour~: 1 • 4.:'10 p.m.
Mon . tn Fri.: Sun., I • 4 p.m. Cl<is~ Sal. A spP:cial show of
Ill Cil)-St ;ite facuhy member~ Ar1 work.
CHAl.LTS GALLERIFh~ -1300 S. t.<ias!. Hit:hw;:iy, Lagun8
RParh. Hours: 11 a.n1 . tn !i p.m. dail y. Painting~ anrl kin·
Plic sculpture by (;ffiri;i:e R;iuch. to Nov. S.
i11ARINERS LIBRARY -200~ Dover Onve. Ney,·pnrt Reach.
Wnrks h.v Rrrn::ird Zalu~ky on f'Xhihil lhrnu~h Ott. dHrin!l
rr~ula r library hours,
SHER1\.·IAN FClUN l),\TION c;ALLJ-;nv -21\2~ !·;. Cnast Hi.i:h·
Y.'lly, Cnron;i r1rl M<ir. !Formerly CnffeP. C.arrlrn C.allrry.)
Hours : 1/1;3n ::i n1. l.n :1:30 p.m. Mt1n .. S.<1f. Thf!,Junior Ll':;igue <if
l'\Pwporl Harbor currt-nt tJt:h ibit features paintings by JrmA
RO"'F.:RS fl.1USE UM -2002 N. M;:iin St., S-.nt;i An;i . H<iur~:
JI} a.m. tr> 4:311 p.m. Tues.·Sa t.; I lo S p.m. Slln., anrl 7 lo
9 p.m. Werl , and Thurs. No charJ>!t-. P11cific. Ol;:isl. Arch<ie<>-
lngic;:i l $(1('i('ty 101h annivf!rsar.v exhibit and 11 rtifa cts from
Rancho San ,/naquin. On exhibit, throug h Oct. 31.
1''El\'PORT 1''ATIONAI. RANK -1090 Rays ide Drlve, New·
port B('ach. On exhibit durini;i: regular business hours,
\\<itercolors by Cllro Eaton, lhrn1 igh Ocl.
LAGUNA Rl:'.:ACH ART ASSOC IAT ION -'.lfl7 Cliff f}rivr , L.11-
gu na Rr;:i rh. I-lours: noon tn ~ p.m. r1a i!.v. C11J1fnrni11 N::it 1on·
al Water('(Jlor Sociery·s 5.lrd ;innu::il juried 3hnw , thrnu_Rh Oct.
f;t,ENOAl.E SAVIN(;~ -YIO Ne1\'port t:enter Drivf', V;:ish·
ion J~lanrl. Nrwp<ll"t f3r11rh_ Landllc;ipr anrl floral nil p;iint·
i11g.~ by Fa.ve Cur!is on r:xhibit durin g rtgul11r businei;5 hour!,
throuJ.:h Oct.
1\1~;SA Vl':lft)I·: 1.IRJl .\RY -2969 J\·1JOs.::i Vrrrlf' Dri\'e E;i_d.,
f'o.<;J;i r-.·les:i . ()n exh1h1t rl urrn i.: rei.:ul;ir library Mur5 are
work.~ h,1· fllthard Tuu~ through Or i,
r-.:~;"·PoRT HARBOR ART \JUS l'~U ~1 -2211 W. A;ilho;:i Alvrl .
Nrwport Rf>;ich, Nt1<-· ,i:;iiltr.v 11prnPr1 w1 lh ~howin.i;: nr
('nnlempor;,r_v Art frnn1 Oran.Ee <:nuo!y Cnllrr.t ion~. Hour.~.
nnnn tn 4 pm. Tut-.~ .• S11n. 1.hrough Nnv. 14. Resin p11intingi;
b~· Drnni.c; Ashb;iui.:h shnwn in en1r11nce i:allery through
Nn1" 7.
C'OROl\'A 1\EL ~!AR LIRR/\R \' -420 ~l a ri~<ilrl SL, Cnron~
rl rl M11r. \Vnrks hy <:la.v C11mph~J1 and "Rock Pl'f'lple" c<il1,r-
1ion hy .Jurlv Hast1ni;?s <in exhibit rl ur ini;? ref(U l11r l1hrary
COSTA MESA l.IRRARV -!11~ C:t'nl rr Sl. Cosl a ~1es;i.
Pa1n t1n,1:.~ hy Mrs . CharlP.~ ~!anley on exh ibit durin.R: reauJar
library hours thrnuj!:h Oct.
,\VCO SAVrf\"(~S ANO LOAN -1110 Br.i~!ol SL, Co~L~MP.'!a.
\\latercolor.~ by Clovei~ Binkley, thrnt9h Oct. rluring bu.'!i·
nes.~ hours.
CALIFORNIA FF.:OERAI_, -2700 Harbor Bl vd .. Co~l.a i\le.~11:
nil~ by P11t Ingram, through Oct., during rf!gular business
FIRST NATIONA L. BA.NK Of' 0C -16.'Kl Adamir: St., Cost.t
Mesa. PaintinRs by Mariartt Nea l, through Oct., during
regular business hours.
TRA NSAMERICA TITLE CO. -170 E. 17th SI .. Coat.A Mesa.
Oil~ h.v Francis Steffen!!, through Oct., during r.egular bu5-
iness hours,
OCC GALLl:'.:ll Y -2i01 Fairview Road, Olsl.a Mesa, Hours :
Mon. -Fri. 9 a.m .• 2 p.m,: \\'ed., 7 -9 p.m. On exhibit in
th e Art Center Gallery through Nov. 12~ worb of Tom F'ris-
• "ft1nsp1rat')" epi~<lde n f •
~1( ;,\1 T\''.~ "~1rdie;ol t:ent~r ' •
starring Chad Evereit and
Jan1es Dal y, on C'h;:innel 2 '
1>J W Wll~ON. (OJT.l ME~.t.
!o+f F•l•••tw II~ l Ul·l .. 1
tOll .l,tl~"1•, HUNT INOlON IE.l(M
!Nr•T 10 N•w l~ckv·t)
Nielsen retu rn ed In
1-lnllywmd ih 1s week from I
Toronto, Canada.
For Reservations call:
Zenith 9·9924
and I he A ffeclions
J •
• 'l ~ 'Y.fr
' I
A ppca1·i11g
(;AINES '>l(fl f
Wetl & Thijr,,
B:lO· I l :lO
TEO BRO('l lf~ Ft! g. \"t.
JIM;.IY A,O.AMS •:30·1 :JO
l lll SCHILLIACH, G•n•••I M •n~q••
11 HolH
G ree"~
11 H•le;\
J .... ,,.
lite. Cert
DlNN&lf J SY (HE' (MAlf.lE\ IL HflMIUlCHElt
lrt•kfost i Lu11¢ll#011 Served O•l1y from 7:10 A.M. '•r Rewr.orio11t Coll 4t2-460i
501 .f.y111i'• Voq11e10 Soll Cl•l'l'I•"'"
11c1<w1ci ~I ~~;~~~!.~~~ y{
~~.~!H,,.~? .. A?'1:11:,1fio.nt1 , •• .?.:;7 I
Saturdays in
For Ad verti5 ing
i~ Out 'N' About
Ph one Norm Stanley
°'""""' " •!If • I : )II) J.1'1'1.
Mou•I~• .lll ••~. tt~udl11e
De(ltot'l Sv"'""'"Y ~I l•"1 ••• ,~ • Or'"'' c~.
~.,..111 l1wre"(•. lllf!!•"•
01rrt lll'l' Mtl>!ll. •e~••n~
o ...... tMtt Col ....... ... ., u.•
filhti\ &&lllllld I! ("Ill Mllllt JI~·~· NtW•
06'1 ti ... (~ ••41 (~111 Mtt•• 1!11-lolJll 111
1,.1,,, O• b~ <•llltte 6J)·IJIC. St•1e• ll«k•'-
l lMI 1v1+11a1 •. . .....,. ''·"
' '• "
) r
1 ' ,
r • , ,
• ,.
•' •' ~ -·
tB DAI LY PILOT Fr•Cdy Oclob~r 29, 1971
6:00 O Bir Ni:wi Tht lu\111e nl ocein,
rese.arc~ is ~tud•ea by repor1er Ruth
Ashton Taylor.
O Ple1w Doni Crl tti. INl~ei
D WILD WILD WEST * The Night Dr ,
l ovele.ss Died. Q @ Wild Wiid Wtfl
(!OI Au11nment
0 SQ'. m .lohnnf c;,,_
0 .)J ii; CE Diel C•ttlt
(f N12htm1re m Mol'it: !CJ "Min from Cotod)'"
uJrama) '6!>-Je111 Man is, I
12:30 O Movit: "Unclt W11 1 V1mpi11"
lmyl!try) CMri1topher lee.
(!)Movie: (CJ "Tht Br1vt One~
(~rama) '5&-Michel flay, /li>dolto
Hoyos, Joi Lan1rnt.
OCTOBER 30 m The fltftb\~ne..s m I Drt1111 or k1nni< 6:00 @.TY I Cl1woora
6:30 f) ® Sunriw Slmtster 1llJ Tlit frtnth Chtl O B!ick ~perie~
'ttl Hod1epod11 Lod1• 7-00 fl New w-0nh, New '#IJI rn Des,ert ~epor1 • t,f9 MJiybtny Rm 0 MJ ID Dr, Do!ittl1
5:30 O geve At!ea si-Sieve's gvuts1 0 CI/ .terry LN'is Show I ral TV I Cl1woom IN:lud1 Onie 111d Ka rrie! Nels.on, -m Thundtfbitcl1 0 Mo¥ie: (90) "11 P1r1s lumin1? t!J Spid,nnan
Conclusion (d11m1) '6&-7:l0 0 Dusl'J'I TrffhOUM m crQl News 0 eI) Woody l'foodpecktt m Andy Griffith Sha. 0 Country Mum Anhur Smith m Bill CosbJ Show 0 ffi !~J Ao.id Runner
@ Phil1dtlphi1 On:hntn 0 T-0ucht Turtle
ffi The frencfl Chtf (~ Uncle RuSll
€D Beil ttie Odds ID Brother Buu
!J'l" Greoen Acres ffi Beetlo BailtJ
CB Duelo fll P1tl~ &;00 f) Bug! BunnJ
CD ABC Hew1 0 m Deputy Dtwr
1:00 0 CBS News Waller Cronkite ~ 0 Coontry Mu~c Kitty Wells
0 a) NBC News .lohn Chancellor 0 1~(6) funky Phanlonr ro Truth or Con:itqU81'1CtS (.61 Cartoon Clmiv1I
(i(J Dr.irntt 0 Movie: (C) "X·IS" (r.ci·fl) '61-
0 Whars MJ lint? Jdmes Stewart, David Mclean.
:)@ It T1kt1 1 Thief m C.rtoons
ID I Love Lucy ffi $1\utty Smith tD I Ort1m of k.inni1 8:30 0 ® Scooby·Doo
ffi History of Mt1ito 0 ®J £n Pink P1nthu
ED l1 lntru:sJ1 O Campus Profile
~Sid Gillm an O @ 00 Thi JtcWll flW
CD M1ntr1p W Movies: (C) "APKh• T1nftor('
r:JO f) Circus! Bert Par~s i5 ho51 (western) '58--Aory Cllhoun, Bar-
0 Kollywood Squ1rt1 ba11 Bates. ''Robinson Cnisoe Oii
riJ lo Tdl the TNlh Mystery l!l1rtd" (ad'o'eMUft ) '61-
(al l Dru111 ol Je""nie Mala, Rt~ and 8uci;.
(J Million S Movie: (90) "'The Ridt ID Cool Mctoot
Batk'' (westtin) 'S7-An1hony Quinn I 9:00 €)@ Haritm 61obttrottfr1
William Conrad. Q @) rn B1rrit1 RH! m Hogan's Heroes 0 Movie: "Henry Ahlrich'1 little m (3) Ori1nel S«rer' {comedy) '« -Jimmy
ff) !fi1 Civl!iulion Lydon. . ED Lis Comadres 00 Tiiu1na: Window Ill tilt south
ff' Untimtd Wor1d 0 @ Lidsville
,,~: m Nfl C1me ol the Week m Samson
•:DO 0 (Bl Chlt1go Teddy Bt1n €t\ Cine tn Su ta~{~
0 WALT DISNEY WORLD c:I!J P1no11m• Lati;;--. * GRAND OPENING 9:lO EJ (j)The H1lr Btlf unch
SUPER SPECTACULAR 0 (f~ m TJikt 1 Ci1t11t Step 0 (!l@ Curiosll'J SllGp 90 EXCITING MINUTES 0 Mol'it: (C) "Outlaw's D1111hll!r" f3 :JQl ID I .s•lt1Al I G111nd Open· (wes!ern) '54-Kelly Ryan.
ing ol Wilt Di1ney World Julie m Apartmtnl Hunters' Sllow
Andrews is star ·ho5tess t1I this 10:00 O (8) Pt11ble1 1nd Bamm 81111111
90-minule musical·variuy sptel•ll CD Buy·Line
locusln1 on flt1nda's nt• 27'.000· IO:lO f) ((l Arthit'I TV funniu
;:ic1e WJilt Disney Wo1ld recreJitiona!I 0 Ml m Tht Bug1loos
comple~. O Movi1: "[wry D1y'1 1 Holiday"
0 Movi1: (C} (2hr) "W•r of tilt lmu~ical) '38--Mae Wt~!.
C1rpntu11" (horror) Russ l~mbly11.I 0 (]) 00 CE NCAA Pre· Iii 1 M •
O @@ C,ET htlr1drBunth1 Show
ID Truth or Con~quencn 10:45 0 (I)@ Cl) MCAA foothill Cokt-ffi The Virginian rado al Nebra~.
€Il [uh1siw11 11:00 f) (])Sabrina, ~ Tw1111t Witch
09'. film: ''f-0ra Ill Arms'' 0 @) m Mr, WII11d
ml Nino O M(lljit: ''Oi.rtcaru of Po\tr Flit"
1:30 0 rSJ O'He r1, U.S. Tieasury (western) ·s2-Annt Baxter, Qrmtr·
.D (3) (!)CD The Partrid1t fam· on M1~chell. Dale Robertson.
ilt "Or. lflcyll and M1. Partridge"' @ Kitty Wtlls m D1wld f1ost Show (D Luch1 Libr1
ITTl M1sterpiece ThtJitra CID Y1ri&d1d
ffJ [ S~rl:r~L I nve Days 1~ Moort-11:30 0 {)) J~e 1nd thl Puu,ub
litld 0 (fQJ rn Tht Jebons * Movie of the Weekend m Miwie: "~iw1t1 He117 .tftiystery)
Ed Ne lson, Diane Baker '54-lda Lup1110, s1eve c!&hran.
and Mark Gruner. Afternoon
Tomorrow ABC 8:30 /
t:OO fJ (31 f"6) C!) Aocim 222 12-:00 8 ([) Tht MonkHs
ff) I SPi c1AL I CurTtnl Events "Power O MoY!e: ~A fewtf In tilt Blood"
lor !~e People' A speciall1·td1led (drama) '61 -Efrem limbal1st Jr.,
lull lengt h ~trs1on ol the !I.ARC rv Ang ie Dickinson. Jae~ Kelly.
min\ report~ abnut the power plant 0 Movie: "Hitter's c;,1111" (dra·
built on an lnc!1an reservation m 1ne m~) '48 -Ja mes Mason,
.. f-0ur C('rners" sett1on nf 1ht tnun (ltj )(oow Y01Jr 8ibl•
lry (whtrt Ar11ana, U1ah. Colo1ado ID David ffllst Show
and New We.,ro metO. The plan! rn Sports W-0r1d
is benet111ne t~e Indians a l11llt 11 Q9 Uncle W1ldo
nantially, bu! ~ bel(IUllng !ht tnl•re a!) Vlajt Tr~vel
~rea. 12:30 O (i'J You Are Thm "The Nom1na·
'}' 011r Gtaide to Jtlovies
African Elephapt Shows Beauty
E d i to r '~ Jlote: This
11uJ111c g111de rs prepa red
by 1/ii j1l 111s co11tnt11rcc of
/fnrb11r Council PTA, i\frs.
!Jarry i'fe/l or is presi.cleut
aiirl i'lrs. Bruce Nordland
i.~ cn11n11 iltee chainnan. f t
is ll!le11 ded as a ,·eference
111 rlcternii11111g suita ble
} 1 I u1 s flir cerlani age
r11·011rs and will uppeor
it'Pl'kly. Your views <11c
$ol1cz1ed. /11 a1l tl1e111 to /lfn-
1 11• C1drl 1>, care of the
Caroa1 Koowledge l R I 1
Jl,11ke Nichols directs the J ules
J:e1ffer• script in a series of
case history revelations of
s('XU:i l abberations and gutter
language \\'hich the film says
reflects An1erica n soc 1 et y .
S!<i rs Ann·tllargret and Jack
fi inunce She lt e r iRI:
Docun1entafy account of l~ol!
ing Stones rock fesll val near
Sa n F'rancisco 11.·here four
died. Study of moh psychology
culm1 nnt.ing in actual photos or
Black rnan slabbed by .Hell 's
Ang et.
Th e !\larriage of a Young
Stock broker IH.1 : R ic h a rd
Benjamin becotnes bored 11•11h
his empty , soft marriage and
career. Turns to se:ii:ual fan·
tasies and one brief encounter
\\•ith a streetwalker. Cos12 .. -s
J oanna Sh in1kus.
Tbe Org:ani zatioo iGP \: Sid·
ney Poitier stars as police
detective Tibbs 11•ho joins
forces 'tl'ilh vigilant es in track·
ing down international drug
ring. Barbara l\·lcNair and
Sherer No l'lh costilr.
The Strwardesses !X l: Fil m
in 30 concerning the after du·
tv actil'1t ies of five airline
i;-tewardesses v.'hO seek sex
.. BAJA!
thrills 1,•;ith
men or ina nima1e
Sumn1er of '42 t R I ;
t\ostalgic relllrn to early \\'<Jr
years depicting three teenage
boys av.·aken!ng lo romance
and sex. 1'he y whil e aV.«ly
summer at an Eastern shore
resort p I a n n i n g conquests.
Sensitive Herm1e falls 1n love
with beautiful Army wife. Jr n-
n1fer O'Nei ll and Gary Grim es
T.R. Baski~ 'GP \: Cand ice:
Bergen and Peter Boyle star
in !he story or girl who goes to
seek fame and fortune in !he
big Cl1y. There she d1scovers
the dep'Crsb.llalizing aspects of
metroplitanlife. (
A rtlao Called Horse !GI:
English aristncral is cap!lircd
bV' Sio ux early in 19th Centur v
sl1b1erted to rruelty as he
tries to prove himself. Richard
J-larrls and Danie Jud11h
,\nderson star.
Bless the Beast and Children
(GPI : SiK: boys all fron1 prn·
blen1 homes find themselve.~
socially rejected at sun1mer
camp. \Vhen counsellnr e ~
poses them to needle s s
sl11 ughter of penned buffalos
they decide to react In adult
value system. Sta nle y Kramer
produ ced and directed.
Butch Cassidy and th e Sun-
dance Kid (GP): Legendary
fri~dship between the most
infamous and amiable or
\Vestern outlaws who fle e the
cou ntry and lake Sundance 's
bored ·school te;.icher-mistrrss
to Bolivia 1rith them. Bank
robberies and gu n fights
arn1 dst humor and pathos.
Dr. Zhi\'agll IGPI : Omar
Sharir portray~ yo ung Russian
doctor and poet caught up in
his country's revolutionary
WEEKOAY S-<l :J0.1;00-9:1 ~
SAl -11.00·1: I 5.<1 ·30·7:00-9.15
SlJN.-1, I 5·<1:10· 7·00.9: IS
upheaval. Geraldine Chaplin 1~ eurrenl .ability lo travel 1111;-;:::===z::'======::,
his \Vife and Julie Chril'llie space .
po rtrays the mistress he 1net FA.\llLY
du ring Army duty Tht' Arrit an f'~lephaa l IGI :
Kot t h 1G1•1 · \V:ilter ;\lat· Doet1n1l'ntury lllmed 111 Afr•1ta
thaw is tal kat1Ve. opl11ionated , on th(' )tf('. lx•a uty and 1')()11 1'1'
lovable widower retired fron1 nl the bull t'lepha11l. 111 his
hardware store and liv ing \Vilh natural habi tat.
sun's family. Farni!y Ines to Aristocuts j Gf· .IJ1.~ncy's
rnove hin1 to r~st home. Jatk an1niatcd lul! !cn~h n141vie 1n-
Len11non directs this dran1a-trvduc:1 ng ne11• char;icters, the
cnn1ctly deal1ni;: '>1 1th lhree Sl:<i tcats
generations under one roof. Lli~ .J<ikf.' IC.)· .J11lin \\'ayne
1\lontt \\"alsh u;P): Lee Jiunts d111111 1he kidnappers of
,1,,, ,,, his t randson t JXl r!r<n ed by lus " ' J)()rlra) s 1 0 u g h real hfl' son, Eth;tn ! !)unnJ; cowpoke who lives to see the {'Ourse of ac\1011 hi:' 1s rcunil l'd Y.'cst outgrow the need for his
kind of man. Ile and J ack v.ith long-st'p:lr;.itl'd "' r I e .
Palance return from r<inge to l\1aureen O'll:11'a. H i (' ha rd
discover I heir ra nt:h has bee n Boone leads ll an d of dcsparado1s seeking ransom. bought nu t by big company Blue \\'aler-\\'hite n ca l h
and their JObs arc 111 Jeopardy. !GI-Produced and dirccled
Skill Game \(ii')· Q111ncy fi\. Pe!t'r c:imhle , th is stOI'\'
;ind .Jason <1 re pre-C111J \\';ir 11.:ith 1111d pho1ogr;1phy 1ilkC·.~
con rne n whose ga me is a the vit'l\'t:'r all 01'er tile 11 orld
1~e olljK l"e 01 llte U /•1>9"t " 10 •NOUn ..,.,.,., ·-r..., tu'1•l>•My ol '"O"• ,_.,,,,... ,,_,"t "' ,...,., ~~•ltll_,,
10 OMf IJMDI • 11 t DllllUD
jA;t '"'"I '°I),,,..,
'~ Cf'11•n tf11>1 ............................
........ ~"''"' _,_..,.,.....,.,,,..,, .. ,.~.'"""' ... phony sla ve !radr Jaso n as !he hun1 is carr1t>d on for
\\:eeps \~'hen his n1aster se.lls ... the ni;in.i!:iting whil.e shark. 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~:1 h1111, Quincy then rescues him J)arby {)'Gill anti the Little
a nd they m~ve on to f~eece Ille People ~ G ~: A rc1sstte of \Vall nex~ lown. 1 ht•n O~\e day .J a.~nn Oisney 's fan ta.'iy abou ! a co m·
cant esca pe . Stars J ames pu!sil'e ol d Irish ~1 0l'Y tclt~
C.iarner and Lou Gossett. \\ho gets u11n a ba ttle nf wits
1'1A·o l\.1u les for .~ister Sara 1vlth leprechauns. A I b c rt
(GP': Clint Ei,s-l w o o d Sha1·pe. Sean Co nnery
portrays an A meri c an Janet J\·lunro s1ar.
rnercenary invol ved 1n a i\·lex· llO\\ The \\'est \\'as
ican revnlu1 io11 and ten1-IGI; Thi! settli ng or the \\lest
poran!y sidetracke d by res· presented in five epi sodes 1v1th
cuing Shirley i\lacLaine Jan scenic photography.
alleged nu n I lorn three drunks *
in th e desert. Filmed 1n i\lex· Tll r l elter ir11 mrdif11ely
ico. af tei· 01e 111 /e 111d1ca tes tlu•
2001: A Spacr Qdysi.ey rali11p ri1ve11 the picture b11
/G l: Ga ry Lnckv.·ood stars 111 tl1 r /.lof1011 P1cr.11rc Cri<le.
riln1 depicti11g the history of The Code And R(l l111p pro·
e;i;·th 's for n1 a l i on. the i1rr11n 111011 be fo1otd on 011c
developn1cnl of man and the of ll1e 11101iou pic111 re puiJI'.~
rn L1 tnir dt M1rn.1 t ruces 1•on of AbrAham Lincoln" l ht epl· 1--.;liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;mmmmmiiliiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil CI'il Ro:sJ11 J1•r1 Yeionita Y'(le foeu~ts on May 18. 1860, tilt
9:30 11~te the unhv alded l11'1Coln ~pse!
GIRL! 0 JOHN FORSYTHE the t~v~r~d Stn. Wilham Henry * BARBARA BAIN \eward ot New Yot~ and won 1h8
"Murder Once Removt:!d" RPpubhcan Parry's nominat1C111 to be
CBS FRIDAY MOVIES 1t< ~and1~ate lor President.
( 6' lolohilt Home Show 0 8 CBS Fridty Movie: (C) (90) C} Sherloc k Holmes The1tft
"Murder Oner Rtmol'f.d" (mJotel"l')l (iol KOGO's Corner
'71-Jnhn forsy!ht, Barb~ra fh1n
Richard 1111!~ Jo\tph Campanf.lla EIJ Uitomttro . rn l'laVJ Prolo1ue 0 101 rn lht runnJ Side 139 R-0cky ind friends
O fllf61 (DThe Odtl Co u p lt 12:ss m lleidint DJn•rni~
0 BJ11ltr Ward l'lt"n l ·OO f) {8' CBS Childrtn'1 '11111 resl.1 m It T1kts • Thiel. . . ffi News Nie~ Carttr
O:Jl Hollywood ~tleVlllOfl The.It"' m C1:n~ron S.lv•it
.0:00 0 News Morris, McCorrnic~ rn Amtriu in Spate
0 (3) ~ CD l1111t. Ame•n ~e 09 p1tty Dukt
0 Courw.rl Dtb1tr CB o11m1 drl S.bado (Stir) m New, P~!~a'll, ri\hman . = it• ICJ ''Wiid Wiid Wlntu" €IJ~ Mtn1tl l On irt l .30 001MOW · • • Of fillll: "'Th! Ml)llitori"' (m•1sic;,I) '66--Cary Clarke, Chris
a!) Luthi Ub1e rii l. nll td W nd
!0:30 O llHBC Sptcial "Ren1issance inl n:.. U .~ "Tho ndtr l'lss'" (WW·
Black" Rn~ let Brown 1s the on u:.io Mo'lle. u0, •· "·· umtia narrator tor thii !>!Ory 011 ern) '54--;Dan_e aik. ..,,ay ~1n1,
!WO !]lack ar11~s in las Angrlt!.. I m The ~~ Pictu;r ;),,
0 DEBUT Wtsltm H1mm R•dna ~ Tht 1m1 irni.,
IW) TM '4ikldi11r11 2:00 O Dusty's T'"houM ffi News Bill Johns 0 St1tion to st1llon (Ui Americ1n Dr11m Machine (ti) lleal lsl1te Ren\1111
ED Special of ti•• w .. ~ •·u,N. Day 0 00 @ Brwitthtd
Conter1. 1971" Cfl TVllooks1tlumln1
Ell Cl R1tr1to cit Oorl1n 6t1J 0 Roller Derby €D 01. SimOll loe~e m Soul Tniln
11:00 iJ (!) ro HtWI m True Advtrlfurt D tm m News IH Thi MuflStlri
7 Joan C11wtcrd. Charl8! 81Cklord. Q ROURN l.lndKaPI tor lM111
O Movie: (() "Delli" (dr•ml) '64
!:30 O Steps Ill l 11rnlnt
ro M111h1I Dillofl "Alta Pl1nnln2" KNBC rept1ts lt!it 0 r3) CD Ktwt JQ.pu 1 $tflM en "how Iii" ltnd·
O M""~: (CJ ''tl1c-111 tti1 World" scape your own~bacli.ytrd. ~cll1·
(SCi·l1) '6>--0ana Mdrew~ turlst Ch1itn J(i ii llosl m To Tiii UM: Truth 0 The Mutic Bo
ID Brit Ille Clot~ ' 0 (I! G) )oftnJ QV\11
11:15 €Il Cl111•111 J4 {I) lntemali011.t Kou1
J l:JO f) Mnie: (Cl "Dr, Ttrror'J HouM m S4Kri"tht 111 Youth
.i ttomn" Ch-0rror) 'O>-thr1sto-I l_9 R1I P1tflll
. '
For Advertising
Out 1N1 About
PUone Norm Stonle1
642-432 1 J
~ 1HEY~~n:
The African Elephant"
CO·HIT 19"'-o . . . . -
• WAii-iN •
llOTO¥.l Cl 1(11,0,i l'l';l\R;"" !.!"'~ 'fl<( lOXl (UJol.,",'
--tQ!I•" l"l><S. "P<lll' 1>{<.'lS • llllOil• 'll'ol(,Oo\ ;f'f • -.......... '"~""' t........ ~ ,. ,., ...,..,..,..., f"'!W' !'tl '-tX" " • ._ . ._. ____ l#">P ·'•···-~"''.I>• •WQ.V
•.•.•.• ~•· ".l . --··If y, ~"'"'-"' 0 ·~.·~ • ~~""'\•.V< H ~ "\<l'>' ·~ .. ·~··,..·u.ot"'"-~""<'"A~"'t'<::' r·R·-·----· ~ tn'I I ,---~-·-=:-•J ~
These are Hie Daughters
of Darkness ...
They are waiting
for you-Th ey
thrive on -
tiOWAflO J lUMUI --•
--~Cl-•!llA$1hC COii-i.TiO'< ____ .. 11&1._ ,,., ~111111(0 -'.li
1 "It' f [,C'fl'll I'
"WOMflt IN CAO(ln Il l
"'l!AMA SIJ1'1A " !111
t ANOICl lll~:;!N P! Ul1 l!l!llf
1•4 OU 111 AMOl lMO A II AAC 11()11,
111. 1~crit.1C01.oir
0111EC.1EO BY JA(K Uf ... MON \GPI
JICI LE-SAll1JY llEllll:i
l1IE llUHIMOWIEllS ~ ........ -..... _....,..,.,.. -
.. The Afric:lln"1
r~'l!•I< • 1, ''~"'" if_;.Clo
Pl••· a l or •A Gi•t l •c• th• Ch•I·
'""''•I 1h• W••t~" l•U lr..,titt.
" ...... l<•O at •IU O• II
COIU •••• "'°'"
1 ••UI JOIJf• I.,, ~tGO ""
Tomtouqhh,,.I, DeiO!E~ ravl-0•
Also.Bruc e Brown's Film
l •IUI IOllT• Of S.... D<l'O "'"'
I • ~·'~" •I' 1
I UCH1:~ \11Sl'1 . Ii ,
'/J~it; }1'4,q
~.... ~· I.I' .• ,., -• ~ ., • • !~
ll()t;(.(l()'r·PAN~~ R
SIAR!\ WlD_ NQV J "TMI DrYllS" ·cn•I
..~11• l ~-.. If . --.. I) .., ........ -.................. .
Rirh!lrd ll~n Jrr111 •loo~~~ 'ihnr;~L1 I~
,u.,, ,.,,,,.,I•• 1·•• "'
The Marriage of a Young
CO<o<>l'f•Or 1v••' :::::_ !R
'"'' No·M~no >,,;,," """'•"J r ~' •• ,,.,, (•"U'd ,.,
"M .~ ~ "4 "
"1111 Mllllt'I CU' IOWMI
llOClllOkfl" IH "WAllAIOllT"
.Ar,., N""' Pln~'"0
lDWolRDS CllftMol VllJO IN
MISSID.!f Vl[JO ll0-6•90
. .. ,. " .... ...... '
'• -· ' . ·••
.. , 1ovr Mr w111"
" . l v
Young Anchorman Wl"n•r If i A~1G1my .... .,,,
H1~ (hu
"Oil t HIVAGO"
• P No O•llF-,rl .• ,11.1 )I
Cf1,<11i11 el 28 Picks }on M<111.zan ares, 18
Halloween Special on C hannel 9 t hi~ Sunday
Te lev isio11 Wakes Up
Ol<l RiJJ Va 1i Wi1ikle
Tl'le rleli ;;htful characters of
\\'afh1nginn lr11ng come to life
1:i ;i.n a111n1a ted /l al!o1vcC'n
·11Pc1:1J -'-T<ilcs nf \\'ashing·
1.-,n J,r\'1n_g · The Legend of
;o;lt'"fll' J-!11llnw nnrl Rip Van
I\ lll~C'." 111 C•1lnr a: r, p !TI •
:;u11d3 1·, 0 1·1 31. on Channel~
Cons1df'rf.'rl In hr two of the
f11'st •n1ndr1·n ~hn11 stnrirs to
_,1in rrr·11i:n 1l1 on 111 \ ·m: ene;i-1 hr~e cnthant1ng
1 ilc~ \'•in1e In life 1·1a anuna·
non nn a night espenally
•:Pi.igncd for then1 -Hallo-
Chi klrcn or al! ages-since
!he Hlih Ccn tur.v turned up the
lt~ht s <inrl h11ddlcd toget her fnr
~-1fety aftfr hearing the tale nf
lr·pbn:l Cr;1 n•.'. thr headless
hl)rsen1an. anrl e1·en today-Jn
the Hudson Valley nf the
Catskill J\lountains, residents
hesitate to venture out when
!he moon is full and there is
the echo of a horseman c!at·
tering over the 1vooden bridge
near Terryt.nn, New York.
nip Van \\1in kle ..,,·as the
hf'\l'lldcred lillle ne·er·dn·w~ll.
\\'ho. durin~ a \\•alk in the
Ca t~kills at twilight. took a
draught from a keg offered
hin1 by a band of dwarfs. and
fell inro a sleep that !as!ed
through t he Revolutionary
These ghostly talts are the
f(}undation of the KHJ.TV
Hallo\veen spec!(!]. A(they still
exis! in the imagination of the
\'alte;.'. they will come alive
for \'iewers this Sunda~'.
KCET, Ch<inne! 28 has a new
TV anchorrnan on Thursdays
at 7 ·30 p .m . "'hen
"Newseekers ... a unique "'eek·
l.Y news and public affairs
serits is shown.
The anchorman is 13·year·
old Jon i\1anzanares. and the
series is unique because the
programs are written, pro-
duced and performed by
junior high school students.
Produc\lon center for the
series of 28 half·hour color
programs is Pacoima Jr. Hlth
Schoo!, "'hich hou11e11 compltte
closed·clrcuit. television prn--
duction facilities in its
Mathematics Demonstration
Center. The programs "'ill be
prepared there by t he
st ud ents, under the
supervision of fa cul t y
men1bers l\1artin Conrny and
\\'illlam O'Fallon. and \l'ill be
taptd Jn KCET's studios on
the day of broadcast.
The series V.'aS made possi·
ble by a grant from the
r>,'esbitt Foundation _
Young i\·1anzanares, ll-'lth the
air! of a doze n department
editors. will sprarhead the
npera!ions c f g a I her in g.
writing and reporting the news
features. inter\·Jewing guests.
and cnmmcnting on ,,·hat the
youngsters consider are im-
Jl(lr!ant e\'ents and issues -
l()('all.v. nationall.v and in-
lernationally -v:hether they
be environmental problen1s .
Art Exhibit
Set at GWC
!he V1etnan1 \var, unemploy.
n1ent and 1\•elfare prnb!ems.
sthool events and conditions,
drug abuse. sports or rock
.. Not evtryone rtalizcs it,"
he says, "but teenagers have
their ov;n opinions of what 's
~oing on in lhe "·orld around
theni. Things like tht Vietnam
l\'ar, ecology and racisn1 con.
cern us too. but often we don't
have a real chance to e.~press
our op!ninns ln a meaningful
1\•ay tn tht penple we li ve and
1vork \'<lth every day."
And that 's .j-1h1
··Newseekers·• y,•as created,
accnrding !I) KCET 's Pd11ra-
t1nnal ser\'ices d i rector
fl·laynard Orme, who \1·1th
Allan Muir v.·i!l be co -
nrdinating the programs for
the station .
"Our goal~." Orme said,
"are lo develop \1•ithi n the
students the ability to
research and obtain news in·
frirmation. to impro\'e their
NY Opera
No 'v Selling
Tickets are nov" on ~ale at
1'he l\lusic Center in Los
Angeles, all Auto Club of
Soulhrm California offices
. anrl :\h1tual ag<'nci"5 for the
fifth <>nnu2J v1.~it of the New
Yrrrk C1!y Oprra at. The fl..1u:iic
Cen tPr's Pavilion from Nov. 171
through n('r ;)
Tht l\'lus1c Ccnler Opi'1·a ·
Ass0cietlfln presents 1h1s new
stasnn or !tn operas in 21 One of !he prest ige art ex· performances. f Ive pro-
hibits from the Los Angtles ductinns of wh ich are new by
are.1, !he annual show by the the company in Los Angeles.
Los Angeles Society of These i n c I u de ''Carmtn."
Illustrators, v.·i ll h1> on disolav "The Marknpou\o~ Affair."'
in the library at Golden ~7est "Louise," "Un Ballo I n
College, 15744 Golden \Vest St., t.·1aschera'' and "II Barbiere
Huntington Be<ich l h r o ugh di Si\'iglia."
Nov 5, lt is open to !he public Balcony $195 ticket Inca-
al no cha rge ti0ns :i re snld (IU! for the en·
For the J;is1 n1nn!h the :;M~Jw lire 21-pcrfnrmance engage-1
W G ' p d h;.i s dra"·n V.'lrl<' public ;i!-tnt'nl I .. ar 3111.C'" 1·ese11te tention at lh e. new 'Park Pla7.a Fas1. current ticket in·
O building on \Vilshire Boulevard forn1auon. is alwa ys avai lable
reading and writing abilities,
!o d1sco1·~r "·hat junior high
school students are thinking
and what is i1nportant to
them , to nffer audiences a new
<1nd fresh apprnach to ntY.'S
and public affairs events as
seen from the mind s of the
youngsters, and possibly to in·
leresl other schools
trt'ating s i mi I a r
n1un1cation <'entPrs "
The concept nf the series
\\'as de\lelnped last su1nmer
11 hen Pacoima Jr High School
hPld an honors seminar in
e I er1ronic communirations.
~uhjects CO\'ered ll'~re e!tc-
tro111r journalism anrl scri pt
ll'riting. l'diting; 1·ni ce anrl
body technique. equipment
operation. and filn1 and TV
procluction techniques. A pilot
"Ne\\·seekers'' prngram \\'as
producer! and aired on Channel
28 la~t ,July. and it 11"1Js decid-
ed by Ch11rlts Allen, vict
presidtn( fnr programming.
that the series \\'flui d be car·
ried on Channel 2R.
The \\'eek!y Thursday·nighL
programs "'ill be repeated on
Ch;innel 28 the foll o\11ing Fri·
day at 2 p.m.
Mond1y 1nr11 l lluridty -
0?tn 6:JO P.M,
-F•l.-5•t.·Sun, -•:oo P.M. "flLESS THE !l!.A!T
f>Oj0 CMILOllEN"
"KEll Y'S MEllOE!"
MortdO'V th111 Fddoy
"ZHIVACiO" ot ! p.m.
Sot. end ~1111. from 1 p.m.
"lHIVACiO" 1 ·'4:30·8 p.m.
I 11 ,G WC Cailll.lUS Libraryi,_'".Lo;;;;;;s;;;A;;;";;;gc•
'•'· ........... h)"'N"'~w"'11·•'"•:•:'.-~'•)•~•:.•:•:1"'1~'"' ... i!I
Thrill New AudiJ:ncas
T!1rPC' n11P ;:irt pla ys undrr roi11T1ng up the rnhuman 1ty ,!i;~~~~fJ 7:30 & 9:30 Each Nita
t'tP t11le "\l':ir (;;,111cs" will be mr>n innict nn each othrr in ........... WOODSTOCK
~taerd <ti r;o1r1 rn \\'cs t \\·ar.. ON A WAVE•
1'011Cp;<'. lf,~I\ (;qld.-.n West Sl. Bolh •·Tour" and "Bot-_,....,.,, _ _,_.
Hun11ugtnn HC'ach. r-.•ovembrr t1cplli " played at. Los .. Angcles·[ ft.-.l•fic v:i,. tat'-•
·1 :i . ;.ind ~. u ~ing a ten· t-.1ark 'f<tper F'orun1 in the 1970 I~ YllU IVI•
1nen1hr-r i'n,f'111hir T " I I rl ff ' • seasfln ·· our a so p ayf' o ll~~;;~,,;;::::;:;~~coc;;;o~R~·~· -~·;"~"~"~··;";,,.;,,;,.;"~"~'";"~";"~"~"~•;,,,,,i/j Cui-J;1111 11111r 10 8 p 111 in the Brnarlwa~· l;i~1 year. r.
\tto!'°s Pin~ h11x Arln11ss1f111 is Ca't 1n the rnlogy are Janrt
,,11 ('l'nt ~. r ;i rroll. r..1rr1rn Grove: Pam
.. ,-1 .. 1 f/n!·k." lirs!. p;i 1·1 of 1;;-rjck.,011, Tt1st1n : Roger Hal!,
lite tl'il!lf;,V, 1.~ n s;.,1 11·e :inrl ;-1n \\'r.,!n1ins1er: Dian Herr ..
, -.::i111 r lc 0f 1hc m11dern fnrni \\'rstm1nsler: John Johnson.
of tlie expt'nnir•nt;il rhP<t!er. H11ntin~ton Bea ch; f\1 i kc
'.'pi'r1f1r;.;lh ;-11n1rrl at lhc v1rt. L:inghan1 , Garden Grove ;
i1 'ln1 11.'lr.. :11 ilhflr :\legan Trrry .Jrihn Rirhard, Oo\vney: Leila
.. i;i.-.11<. 11p thf' wl1rolr ri11,.-.~t 1nn nf Snn1\". il-'lii'.lway City; Marion
1 ililf'.1 1hrl"'lt1gJ1 a ~fines of 1111. Trainor, Huntington BeaCh ;
1"·1n(sat lf'ln;il skf'trhes bri~er! Rtrh \\'a it.Ps, fountain Vallty:
,,., ;1 rrn1 1-;11 lhpn1r , and Larraine \\'ilson. Hun·
ThP ~rrri11rl plar ;._ ''J nur ." r~':'";';";";";';";h;·'----==;;;;;,I 11rillf'll \11· Trrr.:incrl
\Jr\1allC'1 11 f1.t111,,~ 1 h"
,,-l\ 1·11'11: 1·~ I•! ,111 1\!l11'rlC.'11l
, 11•11,tp 'I 1><1 11 hilf' nn ri h11~
'•111 nt l!.;I·, r nrl u p 1n \-1r1-
11•11 ·'' tllf· rlrn rr 111·1ki'!' a
.in.11r, 111r11 Th r cn11plr Ill ~Uri·
1 ,~n \v f'1111•1·01Jt f'rl h\' 1hr 11ar
;['J•! ;ill 1h-i1 !.!l'IC' 111lh 11
' Rntt1r1 ll1 ' th(' 1h11 d pla v
1~1"1'1 11-r1!l1'n hv i\l r 1\allrv1.
11;.r1r1<i iv,n r.1 S in \'1etna'ni.1
I_,_.. __ _
N•wpo'! />vo "' S.,n1e .. ..., ,_....,.
644 ·1696
Adul!O II IS -Jr'•. 11.lS • ICidl 1St
Tom Louontl"
"l ltlY JACK"
w.1~ ~1tvo McOu~•"
ICld• M•l<n•e. ~•Turd~y. \'.SO p,m .
1.. ,:;• '"' ""!• '" t·'i'•~" C£JPGl A'1~1 1~r;r •AN[\\' WO~lO PIC1UP.f5 R[ lt.AS~
•••• CO·HIT •••••
11~---,,,. dlrtVdOllS of~ Island. __ __,
1 l\T())IJ~N·1N (~il()J~S
•••SHOWING NOW!••• .
Caged brutes
clawing at
their bars
in a
killer frenzy
Crazed by the look
of her satin skin
and the tease of
her silken smile!
Tile 1tUn1 for the
A~Cl'~l'~ Fl.MS IWSE"""TlCIN
TEONCOl.0R8 tal•
Jolin Wayne Iii
-~ -·
Dorren Mc.Govin
W"t O•v• •:U ; Stl. A S11n. U:U
2 Gr~at. \Vall Ol5ney HJU
''Arlstocat'" "Darby O'Glll and th• Llttl• P.ople''
jO) 10 1
iplit cowhid e
jecket' & je•ni
f rom levi
b.nk•merieo'd e m1.t•r c;~••9 •
7 fe,hion i1l1nd. ne,..porl c;1n!at li•'4·S070
'€tJ Jbuth oast Re ertor '
,,_~NOIC E BERGEN" friends"
••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••• • COAST HWY. AT lr!ACARTHUR BLVD •
. NEWPORT BEAl:H * 6'4·0760
COUlD Fill A "10VIE •
•.1,~'jt-k;;;~· ";~.·r--. ·.~ '.;~< .; . ',. ,.,_.~· .t f"· i•"'A ~ __ ,Iii
i;;i,,,J j.,. ""'t '
-Jor:e ll•t>ff, tJ. Til!IH
Walter M•tthau In •
role only he coutd
• make so excitinsly
drllerent ... you'll
·~fart talkin1 about it
from the opening scene.
• JJtk Lemmen di reds.
He tJkes his talent
"behind·' the camera
fresh dimension to
his brilllant Clll!lr.
We Dare You . . Eve ry Sa tu rday
Costa Mesa
Here is y our last ~ppc-r
tvrtit / ~€> save on <':lny
new 197?. Ch rysle r F!y-
r.1011 ~'1 n~ i 971 price s,
I ' . p •rs ti;-c;.t:~sc t l'l'x re-
bute u:. of Aug. 15.
r-: --
$ l_
.S1 ri ol ~4B4 /.Jl ll -1 4JS6f
· 2929 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA ph. (714J 546•1934 or iA~L~~EK~o s~~ETE'!vA;:,· · · ..
' '
Choose from prac:tic:al-
ty every make and mod·
el ... from transporta·
tion to late models ..•
VA. •ulo.,.•h<:. 1~d10, ~••'••,
pow•• •h or ;~g. "'""•'"'o il t•rei,
1•• cnnd•tion;ng. ISLLl'l')
v ~. ~"'"-·'•<: ·•d ·• he •'•·.
powa• '''"""~ A b··~•> '"'""'
"" t cnd;1oon.n9. I VUN? 14 I
VS, •u'e"'t+ic. !1c+orv ,;, 1>0 '"'•
•' •'••""'1 & b•e•t•. ••tl;o, ~••'••· ,.;nvl 1001. l t.24A UJ.\ 1
4 10 1~d '''"'""in ion, AM .FM
rtdio, .... h:+1w1 ll tire1 . 184fo·
Rt~I Sh ••p. ' dooro, VS, 4
•pe1d, ·~d ie,~••'•'· I M4l~lll
Cu,•c-rr. V!, ~u•o ... 1•ic, rodie,
~e•!e•, 11owe1 ,,,,,;n9, fec+o•v
1ir, ••c1ll1nl condit:on. 1241·
W~g ~n VR •u•o "'•"• D•"•'
''"'""'1· P'>~•• b,.~~1. r•tt••,
~~•'•' duo l ~'' cood•l·n~'"'i·
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... ~eel b e•~. e•ho •••h. low
,..;1,,. t 7?70F'El W~y w•it -
0~1; .. ,.,, lod•v.
"'LL PJttClS AR I !'LOS T•X "'"'D Llc:,,E"ISE
t: 1 :~rj ..
' I
3 2 DA.JL v PILOT Ir.~ ... 0 ltter • 'I '-
Everyon e Hos
So met hing lhot
Som eone Else Wonts
Find It, Tr ad e It
With a Want Ad The Biggest Marketpla_ce on the Orange Coast -Dial 642-5678 for Fast Results
ii . I ,
,!c---",-~-.... ~!~ ~::~~[~~-:F ... l:J ~:-l.____---;;."'~"'"-;:,1~_11"1_1_ "'""_, ...... _1~_11';;; -;;;"';;;"'"·~1;;;~11"1 !' ..;...., .... 1. i~I
G I I G al G-eral General G•neral General General General ! ;;;;e;n;e0r0•;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o;:; ener .. ,. General
WALK TO I BALBOA ISLAND ! ;.;· M:;;o;;;;v;;;;in:;;g ;;;;lo:;:V;;;;e;;.r:;;;;o;;;;n:;;t ;:;. j liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijjjiijjjiijjjiiijiiiieiiiijjiiiijjiiiijjiiiiljiiiiljii j-:---:===--
WESTC LI ... FOR Walerfront Wil h P ier """' ,. ''"'1' "'"' '"; """ MACNAB • IRVINE rr F' , 1 , • " 1 • ,,.. • ···!'•, ... 11 J ... ,,1 • .i . 1 •• J . * * * * TAYLOR CO. *
.\L-\1),\~I {',\:-,' yn1 · COIJh ''
TnrJo -" ,, !111.;; pl1:<h butllill
), lo 1)1 !I II ill gj,,,_, !Of1 f'a-.~
,.l''"H i ·,.,•11111i.: II flrP r ~ni:!r
,11111 111! t-:i· (: I·" "I "rl l nl·
1< 1. 1• :1,1 "· I I 0ilr11' d ·11n>:
t •• ·IH, I L II , 'II• •!t I" t ~I'
... dJ ']" .>11•1 11 .. 111,, "111"1'
''"" 1 ""111"1• ·11111·· l .. <r::;r
"' REA L TOR ~ * , I ''"' .. '
i ONLY $27 ,5 00 .. ud .. ;•.i1 •I' 1 """ ·'"' ,'\.1111,i \ri.1 <1 1111
A i1.1d ,1 ~ ~ 1~·.1r1 .,111 1,. •. 1.,. '1 OPEN SAT & SU N 1·4 "' ,1 •d·l" I .01 1·v·11 1•! '"'' * nri a ,,,, 1 1,,, 1: 312 GRAND CAN AL H+· 'Ii\ l".in, 1•1•
TE ISLAND ' 1. '" !+·1111-.1 prn, I,
Fl N E R HOMES I Ol'EX 7 IJA rs A \\'t:1-:i.:
1 ·~·1·"'' i _,,,,,I 1 'I· , • (LIT l LUXUR IOU S
·' \!\'_..;r .-.f . .f.' ,i ... ...::: $129 ,500 Bran d New Li~ting ti(J' on Ba.\ -Pier :111d Flo;1t 4 BH :J 1; IJ<ilh. , ! ')_~, ·~.i lou 1 "'"f..1· 1•il•·1: I DOVER SHORES DOVER SHORE S -$85,000
Ha~ ,\: 1nounta1n \'Jr 11 '/.~ t11rncd and 1 ,~1 1\..(•d
1111:' ollil'r \1a1, a11 d !'ll\\ tlH'l't! 1:-l a11d.•, 111 a
!n1.1 · 'l'b1~ 11;11111• 1s ~hel'r p11c lr1· :1 RH S._
~1 :1tl' .\rea ror boat. l'rul' dt·t· .J1kc nl•11 '
:!04:i (; .• \L:\.'\\. OPE\. S.\'r-si ·:-.,· ]-;! llU
W ILLIAM WINTON ,.·11•111 ... 11K1• :1 1,,,1,·J-1 .. n:1• ~ :J;f 1,1\ and n1a ... 1er ~111t~ \11L11 Ba.\ \'1e\1 _ !in·' "WILL TRADE "
REAL ESI ATE l"<i<''''· 1 ' 'I l•>1 ri1111 ,1.,11 111('ri1.itc· u'·1:111>ancy for ,\uU and your boa t.
Ir .. , '"i.: ni.1<1 -·11·· L, .. ,'.I
-'''" [\,)\f'f .'-h••r"'· I r\'l'l.:'""I~
1 J,. •·11•r.1 .. \ln11.,i ,,1,1 ling
r' •n11.d l!\'J!ll; rr..1111,
, ,I 11.•' 'I I -111111>. (ll 'li
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1.·nl \Ir".\ \'Fl:I H-: 11w;,1p .11
JJ '' "''i' !:11·<1_ t 11-·I!··· d t•·
.,. ,, .. .i:,, 1111:1:1 ..... r
1:· ·, \I '''-!.~· ; .. ..'."••1 .
~ OP!N V'•Tll •P•t ?_~1 \t;ir1t1''. B.111 .... l· .... ,1 J .1. ""'. • r '"''· 1111·1· 1:11"< l.t·l u• 1(.'1 1 ~1J11 Ji)jJU1 fill :"Jll!'!J\£. !Jpcn S::it &
675 -33 31 J••'" ·, '1fl•1'•·d ·•••11•,,1··I ;-.;1111 :itl7 Ba;.~1dc [Jr1\(', >.'c111lot1 Beach-or
General General
.A.bscnt ee o\rner nt'C'ds 111 :-rll rhar1nu1).! :)
bedr oon1 . din. roon1. d en honH· 1\ 1th pnol.
l\1ake offer. S53 .~J.'i0. 1'1ar.v !-l:irvf'.1'
101 8 S;\J\lf)l't'\S'l'LE Ill{. 'rJ11 :-. :l Bl\' '.!: ha.
2 year o!d h;i ~ b('f'n IC'fl vac'111 L <J11 ntr 1r:1n:--
jerred. \Ve!I Ja11dscnpPtl <"<H1rt1·;1rd . Sun ny .
bu il l·in k1IC'hl'n. S5!i.fi00. l.a\'1·r;1 H11r11 s
Superb ,·1e11 nf h:1_1· S: cr(·r:in. [)1.~1i11('\11 (' Jio 1r1t:
11· s11 11ken l11'i11g ro11nL F :1111ily r<1n1n h:1s f1 rt~
place l\: 111rxH·;1n 11IP f1001·: .:.:o ur111v\ 1 ~la11tl
kitchen. SH::!.frlHJ. l·'.il~·1 ·n I ludson
Lu~k 4 Bit 2 1 ~ ba. ··s:indpip1'r .. n1od1·I. 1!1111111
for tc11ni.~ (·11t1rt & poq!. .rust red11<·ed .SL !1(1(!'
$71.9~0 . 11.irrirlt l);i1·1t·"
J:l28 !'EEL JJli. 'f'hl•.\ dn11·1 ('flrlll' :111 .1 .'lr<rrp ·
er .. l\losl popul<l r 'l !Jdr111 . In J J;irbor \'ir11·
llil!s. l\Iany l'.'\]ll'll.'i11·<' f'X!J'a.' .. \."king' (111!.1
$73 . .'"iOU. )'Oil \ril l lo,·e iL .l11n i\lt1llcr
,<\f'.. pt'l\'ale 1'1t'11· .~1te · llrn'<>l'!I !l.K ..
$26.:100. J\'(•;ir)1· nr1\ ('iud;id (';1pi ~1 r;1no hotnr
s5:~ . .J(JO_ FalJ11io11 :• \ l :l ,\r. (·11 11nl.\ l",tatc'.
;; HR . ;,o· 11001 -ho1·!'{'.'. 7t'17:;.:-.,o n .
<;eo rgl' ~ ;rUJ )t.!
1 1'ni1' i11 Rl·acon Ra\'. <'harn1in;~ ~ hdr111.
lo1cl_1· p:i1111 . 1\l'o 1<1ri,:r J-hdr1n . :ipar\1111·111.
Roal ,t_ te1111 1" priv1legC'!' .• \ppo1n!1nrn! t':1ll
.l\1ary 1.ou ~l ario11
~treet 10 '.'trrel Jurat111n' J.arJ.;C' fanill ,\ hnllH'
on ::i2· lot 11 1th :--11u!l1 p:1110 . :--par 1n11 s !i Rn 's_
& fanl. rrn l.:t·r i·n\lv l'l'TlJotii'l(•rl l)nrf'
$106.000. ( 1-1arl£'nr· \\Ji:, 11·
Ocl'a n~idt'.' & !P-~ 1J1:111 .-, \t'<ll" 11lrl' .Fortna!
d ini ng rootn, large t;:irnily r oo111. 11et b;1 r.
Large n1a~l('r IJdrrn . hris f11"rpta1 ·p & ~ \l';dk-
ln 1·l0se\s. Fr11· .~\i·p.;-!o pr1\':ile. ~..indy hea{·)l.
Sl 10.000. <·arnl ·r;1t11111
J /;ip p~· !1 111 1 1~ f1·.r ;,n ;!(l l\1' J:u11 1f:-: :!. ~\1 .
f 'h~nc·rllflr !HHll(' !~,·~11 r1 l•kr> 111·111:_! 1n ~ 111
1·er.s!1\' t'k ~1:1111· cxrrt111:; f•\11·;1,-Fn1{· !.!l'l't'll·
belt 10( F:t~l 1n~~~l·~· ::;.1;1 /1(1!1 1 ·11111 h I .1 ·111 ~
f '/Jarr\1111).'. 1.u~k 3 P,dr111 11-1 \h f:i111dy ri1Pn1 .
hrarned c·(•1 l1n g;.;: 1n pr>rfcl·t. rnr>1·r··1 11 •·utHlt-
\1nn . 011 n1·r 1 ~ tra11 .. J1·rT1·d. ()11IY S."1·1110!1.
I Jarr_1· F rrd<·rH k
.; P,!1 , I,. I:. nn l'rl\':111' lid , h.1 • p;u k. p1u \I,
plltll!!,£: ~l'Cl'rl :if yl'1llt' ll'(!!ll d O\ll , '(')II" lrq1p1•
is an attrat·l111· Hl\('"1111(•11!. 11p1 1i11H111 1l.1 ~il
S;)4 ,:100. ~111! )'f1t•kc·
1 T~dr111 . plt1 <> gurst :ipL. is 1·11<>10111 rt·111Pd l'l -
ed & tastrf11lll' <lrrnr:itrd. l-:ll'~il1 1 t 111ai:IE'!'
su11e 11·1tli s!rp.·1101111 -~11t1ng f'•\11111 :>;J.f!J ,.-100.
Kati1ry11 JiJul.~1011
!!err'.;; 1·1111r •'l1:1nre to rnakt> "ro11(>.~t " 1111·1· ... 1-
rnent 0·11 1110'>1 <'XJ'l 'tl.~ll t ' Sl!'C'l'I' ~800 Fon!.
3 Rl~. drn. f:un. !'Ill hnr!l(> nn h11gE" !)111 f'I'
Shores ln! i!Hlxl04\. S!l!l . ."iOO "'Ril l l'o111:-lnt k
0 Qll l<lll IHI\' ;'l h1111H' Ill llarhf\r' \'it'\\' 11 111~ for
undl'r S6U.(J00. :-;(·c thi.~ :1 1Jdr111. 11 1th t:u111l1·
ronn1 , ln\-C'ly y::ird: nil rpliP I :-.lrf't•I $~1!! \):1 0
ln<·lud£'." the I.ind. <"a l hr~n 'r1·11nill .-
l-'rn1n !h1 ~ 1'h:11 1 :1 hilrn1 . 1;1111. rill r1111-
1ng r111 IHlllll'. I ·l 1)11 ln'.1111if11I [ ;)[l,\'('il
in f'OH ON<\ IJf<:L ~L\H . Ila!> <lt'l'f'"~ 1(1 pr1-
vatr hear ties. (·a\I 10 ~e c ,\ 1.(1\\' 1.{l\\'
$68.500 Bud .Aust in
Ov-nc1 tran~fc rrcd. 1\111:-t IPrl\·f' !Ii i~
nlrl 3 hdrn1 ho!nf' 'behind unn.v
kitrhen. ( 'd ~J':; b~~t bur a ."50.500 \I
~ ,I I'
rl r1 C'
Ba\·crcst 5 RH. d1r1111g rqntn. fan1i!1· r11n111 . 2
firE-plaee~ (·ould l 'f)Jl\'f't'1 2 nn ·~ tn !~ll'{'f' rf'i.
room. 01rner 111IJ 1r:-ulr or hrlr f1n:i1H·1·
~f , (_' Buie ..............
Coldwell, Banker
.11''1°+1-. ,i, '"'· 4 ''""if, "! _ (';ill '1'0111 'J\1rnrr ti-li-8235.
II ~h o·\ •lllW f ll \ J.,,,,
·1 '~ . \·!1111
Big Fam ily Special
}·qlj, :..''11~1 .i I di ' "'
I !'i BIC :J balll, f!H. (;ourr11el kitche n -Pier
;11111 1:1 oal for large bn;11 \\'1111derf11I rln~eti;.
$1f_f).50U. 1·1 I'•.' 11 • I 1 L " I" .. : 1, .. 11 ' I
1 11 • 111 "I \I•" ! \ ' Id• j .. , •
1.·.,1 1 .. · ,•111,,.1i.'"',i_ ,1,ilk,11~:A T AX SHEL TER
<l •-1""' ,. 1 .. \J, .• ,, \'o ,,,i .. I :!. <l\Lr<1ctive :.n1all l1on1es un lar~e lot 3 gar-
! ••1ni1r·. <'1,1h (',·i•1111:o1 111•nl :1gl's, '.:! RR's £•<1l'h . :-.epal'<1\e ~;ird!' t;uod 111-
1111,·•· l.dlPI •',lio' I.Pi• 11«11, t'illrl(' and IO('tl!IO!l. \\'<i lk !O :-.hr1pplll.L: S:~~l 50U.
t-" 1n.~: •I•'< < ' 1
~· . .i1 1-. 1'~1 •(11"'11 1·1 •~' ITHE BEST OF TWO WORLDS
1£.ll Ullll
{/nr· •l" II',. ;1ilt1l1 ,,,.,·1111"''1
I 11 "111' l!I \11 ••,1 \ 0<'1'(!i• \\ Lli 1
I \•1 1111'1"·11'' ·, •l!"' 111 II <·dl'-
la "•ii l)L< f,n,. 1.11nii,1• I LhHH
I:,.,. ll1!11ll1 111.1111!"""'11 !I.>, I,
\ , 1 11 J ',I 1 Ii 1 < '" \ •'I • ' I p, 1 I 1<1 ! :"
o!J11' ,,[ lfi,. l>1'•I I" ~,,,. !111~
In!..:•'_ :; I"'' 11," •Ill 1"'<1111.1 .
!'1'""''l f(• ~··I I l·'\~T nl
~~~l.!1'.fl ' ()111_1 1(1': ih•l\111'.l,1
llil'lll .\· 111•11111111' lid.I Ill• Jih
11" dolol'•~ 111.111 j !"Pll
( 0pen Evenings)
20 15 Por t Weybridge
1'••\'1 11.11• l'l ll :Tlll !~11 IU•o<h•J 1
1 ... ,111111<1-' "p,11".o: .. r11111p11
,\ ~rari11u '> l101ne on llJ(· B•1.1 . 4 l~H ;i halll,
c·o11vert1b!l:' den. large Llt Jol'lnJI JJ!\. fan11Jy
kll t'hen. UO' Rayfro11l te1Tac f' -l'icr and
J:lr1a1 l'r1vate beach. Open ::Junday l·5 p 111.
.J 1.1 i\'!!rl/1 Stai-1.anc, [Jover Shorrs-or--
~·all (;.f~·H2:ll.
Lll.\Ury. ;\'1;11port l l<J r lH1r lol:-.. l'1·1 n1e loca-
t1n11. );hl·ltercd cn1-(' for ,\'!JUI' -l~J' boat :-i 1p
:lll-x IU!I' lols frt1111 ~1 21 .(1()() :-1pl11 le1·e1 lor
dl"<llllii\ic ~1Thi1C( llll';1I pl;1n11111 g f;l'(tk('f {'fl-
U!Jl'l':t\1011. (':tll H1rk .\J(·11;it,1 ~i-!:.!.·H:.!.:3,i.
1;r11u11d broken 1·11r !:! 11('\I' IV;\N \\'ELLS cus-
l lJlll ho111 es in !Jover Shorrs: Choose vour
~·olors ~'\i l<11lor to \'011r d es1rc.1;: F1\1· d€1a!ls
v1 :.1t the n1ndcl at 2006 c;aJaxv J)r11'l'-Ol'-
c;1ll 64li-l:i50 or li42·823,-1. ·
Bl•:1utif'ul s1111111n111g ptiul :.u1-ro1111lh·d by de-
l1 ;.:ll tf11I l;ind ~raped yard. 4 Bii. FI\. Ort hon1r.
II ith !->C'!)ar;l!C re need pla.v <ll'Ca for i'hildrcll
:111 d pl't s. J\011• onl~· S7 7.:JOO.
t ';111 IJ;ivr ('(>()I\ li42·B'.tl:i.
l ~ \1n1t l'0111plt·~ in c ·u.~t a ~lE·~a -Frc;:hly p<J11Jl-
~·d Ill & Oll\. !:il~().00(1 , ,\l•fl. :i fl't'>hl1 p;1111l-
••d lB 11111L 1111npll'X (Jt\ 1 ..J ;HT(·S 1i1 ('osta
1\ll·~a SIH7 .:1110. !';111 l11r llt·l:1ds li/~1-:l:.!lO .. 1 .... ,,, \\ .11. ! • ·11 ... ,.,, .. i<d I
l•;;tl1 "' l•dl , I .l'o•,o l 1,,,. ''"
l1·1·1a11u11..:. i.·,·11'1<.:•'1.,, "r 111• CHARMIN G, WARM, FRIENDLY
l.11"" l1d1'111• . .''~ Ii.di•~ HI (' I I I lllllll l' e pr 1 v:.ic~· 111 .1011r 01111 .-.p;11·1n11•, 1(•;11-,.,,,.,, l<,,11•1'. i'l'•)fo'''ll"1'1IJ,I t·d pnol. n ovcr ShrH·1·s bv:1u\\·. ;\ HH . i1111v(·1·1-1.1rn1,1 .1p•"I 1"111" ,1t1d 1 dl'•I · 1bll' lfp11. /.'IL fnrn1al [)JL l\t·:1tlv lo lllo1·e 1·n a<. _,,i".i !Hj' \'11!"1 oHlrl fll"
;.)•11 .. 1"~"1 1•1"• 111. !111•·1~ 111·11·. ~1 22 .500_ fl1>t'n S;il . S: .~1111 . !034 Pr.'i-
1,.,,,,, P· 1,.,.,i .1:· <J•,11~11 t-;idur. Nc11 po!'l B\':11·h-or--(·Jll 1375-3210
~red hill:
I: I , \I I \
)!'1 111(•
(' iii \ 11\ I 111 I'
1080 Bayside D riv~
901 Dover Drive
plan· Pruf«,,1.,11:11.1 ti•,
ill'Ollfl.I l'•)(JI. II !Ii ,I,,, nt.•1,
Y(JL'(J\1'7\THl·.l,\\11 l•:-
t,1>h•·' ,iJ.,,, ,JI \.oil;.', ~•i,I_!! ~)
II 11 I · 1 ,.,j,. i• •I' • • •11>1•, , "
!•1'\flil••i l~!' (',1,1
:!.!ii \f,11·1,,r Hl1d
\rr"<< Vn•:11 ll,11 ·h·w l'"'I" ·
Ca1hrr lhf' cl,u! ill Iii (' gT~• ·I
' i.111~ d 111111g ;u~" n··~r 1,, 1111'
1 i·'IDOI: -TO _ !'Ell.l\(i
f~HlCJ\ ~·11 :F:PL.\(.E I I
.<U1111.1 1;_\l:DF::'\' l\11'Cl!1';,\
:ind 1··-.111 f1or P.OAT /1,;-;f1
T1:.\ll.l :1: l'.\1:1\J'.1; .1,,
li11• ,1!1•!.·d 1 .. 111" k.illl l'•· .. ,,f
11.r• il•'lhn' . llldPI -/It'\\ ·:
I ~' •• i " " •:I• ~1 I :,, ii 1 Ii~ ,n 1,. ll• ·" 1· l
~li"P~ and f1·, <'11.11 ,.c1'"~'.
Open Evenings
• 962-4454 •
1.,p1il.11· n,w,11 1'1"11 .. rr
tli" ul1 1n1:11 .. 111 111~1 11.'
f',,,~ rk~ 1lto· u•u:ol :\ 1:1~. !
1':1111, f.111 111.1 !•~•111, oi t><I f0 .r-
.ll1 1I <1111111:.; 1••1111, !l•h '•1 1"
11<1~ I llllt·~! \\ 111<i1J11 ~. 1111.'11rl
~11,,r ,,~h loit' l'\l'l',I 11 Ir• ,.,,
1 ·111i.u .• 11, k1r.::" "I!' 11 I, 11,,, I
''"""'n:o ll\' Lt11<i""1l"''I "1!11 1 ~.J l 1 1>11 •<)nr r"1'" ·'' ,,.J , ,,r ,
,1 -.·•I lq 1,·>-. sp1111kl•·1·•, 1°.1111
1·11 l,•rw", ••\to·., dP'.1111:1~•
• .,1. ! lll<lo \.;< o·rn J:I ·•' ~. fl ll 1•
:t lllJI ~l,ol'll <dl\I' II"!' \11
«\1'''ll!•l<·s l111111r• il l ~~.::.·~~I
• \l'llJ. Bl'll.D ,1•1111· dn'11<.
hDn1 .... l!a1 ... ~1.~!f 1 .. r •'!J111
plP I" ho111(' p.11 k;i..:1·,
Pul ~qur 1'11nf1dri11'" 1·1 "'II'
\ .1 ~1 NL !1 .. r 111'111; ;di "11 _ 4:1 .\('ars of qualilJ· l'U~l'1nl
,.,,.. 11, ... ,-1·.,,w 1 .. ·,11,~·111~. l1onll' h111ldi•1g
I I• i.i ... 1111.:1· r.1 11111 i·· .. 111 General Genera l I
" ' 1 I ' I • 1 • • 1 ' ' 1 ' · ' • • ' " • 1 • , i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I ~ "' r , ~ , n n I r " r p n ~ h w t 11 1
LINDA ISL E · $1 45,000
\ ll'u!.1 L'!l';.:<111! 11;11erfro11t hon1e (l!l 1h1!' l•-
la.nd of bv.i11ng & fun. (0(J\'t'red f'nt1·a1 H·1· tt1 r1 i
!ront pr1\'ate t·ourt.vr!. 1\1tr;1('t1\'C llt•t·lfJ· 1hru
our rtu s .') hrdr1111111 hon1e Fain rn1 111111 1 ir-
c·utar 11et IJ;ir Fur1n:1l !JH l'1er S.: ~11p
t)11nrr 1.~ 111111111 ~ 10 11t'1\· 1i1i111r. SC'C' t!11s ~harp
:l f~ti ho1nC' hHlav. Vorn1a l d111111~ !·1n .~ :!. b:1t11~ 1 'hlH''t' fr111 i Ll'l'l'."-~'I.: pr11t la 11d~r <l]Jlll).:.
\c;1r \\'v:-H·I Jll ~!H1p11111g .'i.: :-:ehuul ~
:!.Ol."i .\LISO (JPf..\' S.\'J'-SL .\ J .• J l!U
L•N DA ISLE -$155,000
Br;111d 111·11· 11t· Ilic f1r ... t l11111111 lh1 "'-P:J1!\lll ~
4 RI> & Fli honie 11 ith ~l ll rl Y. !ur1n:d UH. \1·et
bar ~\'. 5 1 :! baths. :\l'!'hL d(:-.•1~ncd 1r1th 11c11
"opr11'' plan. <)11'ncr 1\·111 leas(·.
fl LI'.\[)!\ !SLr·: OPE'.\' S:\'f -sL·:-.,· \-;j 00
LINDA ISLE -$160,000
Fre11l'li Hcg-ent·.1 1nfluen1·t" ;\e11 11·aterlronl
res1denl'i:' 11 4 Br:. ~'H. '-tud.v ,\'. !i1r111;1J !)IL
l.11\'e]1-c1r'l'11lar ... 1:i1 :·11:i1· :!.nd Floor feature"
:i hu f-ic :-11111lct 1k <11·1·t· .. ·1bl1· t" :11 1 lirlr111~ Srl'
f;nJktr at 1; Linda l•IP Ill' pl1(1llt' ~I '
WESTCL IF F -$79,900
'l'llt 1110.-.\ \\Jllt(·d' ·r11~1 1 h<rrd !u ltlHI 5 t:n
l101ne. Fan1ily rn1 11ith 1n1'il1n g l1rrpl~-H 'f•.
l.J.:e brclronn1s. 4 H:1th.<>. Beautiful 21/'.x4U'
pool 11·1111 sPpar;i!r .l:ir·u i'.11 pu01. By Jppt.
Fantastir' 4 BB \1·11!1 ~.-~· b<•:1111 crd111 g in l1\-
1ng rooni. l·'nrn1 111: 1 ~land k1lche 11 . \Y<ilk 111
:~ pr1l':itf' bea(·hr·"· :i ,·ar !!<1ra t;C'. SllJ;j.Unl'
..J 10 il!OH.\Jl.\'t; S'!'.\H ()/'/·:\ S.-\·J'-SL'.\ J.;j (10
DOVER SHOR ES . $175,000
l'onl' Pi(·r S.: ,.;l ip: Ii Bdr1n U1 s11nr111·r hn1n(' (lf-
fcrs rxccllent f'J1le1·1:11n1n.l! arc:is indoor ,'\;_
uu L .\t·ir fal';1dl' 1t1.~1 <"l1111plrlrd 1n;:ihcs tlus
an l'\(•n rnor(· 011ls t:11Hling hi 1n1(· i ·a11 u~·
Fo1'1111·r 111011( I· Sti ll .. p;1rld1nf: -l ·o1111>il'lt'i\'
11pg r a1lt·d :1 bdr111 ~111 "ret•n bl'll 'i'!)O 111:111 \
e\t1·:1s 11 ~ 11."t. B.v :1pp1~1 n1n1rn t. S·IH :ion '
('11 ~1orn b11 il t \11 t!1 IJ1•:111 t1 l11I \1u11d c·,\f'f'lfll'.
\\'o!Jd p:1nPl11 1,1 . .! 1·:1111 .1 l ilt'~ lro111 ~ll'~l('O. l.~P
bonu." roo111 f(11' h11bb1· r1n ur cnn1 t'l'.<..1111 1 1u
t110 ;1ddit101 1:i! l)t!n11c.. Hy :1ppt. S(i-1 GOO
fl11r f'\cl11 '.'n-i· '.~ l~I; I h:\111 l'r1 un i! Rr:1n•l
i\'E\\. :l bdr111 ~ IJ;1 1h r1·t11· 11111! f 'l11'l' tu "hop.~
\\':il k In br:+t'il f·.:-d t ilcnl 1111 ·1tnlr
(\\\Jl{'r 11 ill ](':t~c· !111 ~ ~111t1-le1'P) ho1nr> 11111J
\1('1\ or Ila.'" 11ce:111 ,I\: !Jr1,<.!!1t l1gh1.· :1 Rrd ·
roriins or 2 &. rt11111111 ~ r111 F111·11. $.J:!.-> .\Jn.
10! 1 !'!\"\,S J:()1\f) llPr·:x S.\'l'-SL';\' ] .. ) 00
BAY ISLAND -$135,000
Se\'!llded fa11 1il.1· l1 1 i 11~ 1u1 1h1~ l'~( lu'11r \\(orld
of Hra11!."' ·r1 ,nn 1 ~ (I pr11 :dp p:irk "1tl1 1rrr--
S. flo1rp1·.•. ('h:ir111111 :.: .-, h<'1ll'11n111 h1 1111e 11
;"·1:: ••
::· ,:.:
11 P 1 Bu,.,.(!11 1ea1t,'J ~·1;~·~"·w~1i;'& $~;~ I
1, 11~ .,,.,. ,., 1. >I 1• ·:.
1·: e e • 642_251 1 • j c H01cE WAT ERFRONT LOTs
p1rr ,\· ~11p l ':ill !od;11 ln -Pi•'
1 Orange Vista
f·nrnv'rh· l.,1B•11,lp r..f:.
220 E. i7th St., C.M,
CALL 646-0555
~< \'REA i.,TQ/IS
OPE.'\ i [},\ YS ,\ \\'ELK
R•'c1'1l!I ,1 ~1'1.l 'I' I \'f.'L, 11~-
':• 11,,.,,., L\• ,·.111·,.,. -irf';i
\\ 111 !•[ t'l i•• 1•1'111~ \1>11-
i''" I ~ •• r1.,,1· " .1 11nzht
l1i;l1•·-\I 1--ll" k il<'hrri
111;i~1r1· ~u1 1~~ R11 11L1-. f'-,():11
1:an1tl~ 1·•:.0111 f'1·11'!'o l li1 ~rll.
\<Jd,"' I \1,.J
:::. ,., Ii 11 l"I 1:11 .1
\, 1 "-' I·', ,.,,1 i 1,,,·l·•I t'rnl"r
Y•lll oll\IJ !IH· l.111d 111 "'''•l f¥l14
r;,.;o,,lo , f1fl1· .. : 1· .. 1111 .. 1111111111n
\ .;,o 1'1 I• ·11 • 11~,. ,., •l1\l1l\1!1<1~'
\< I'• !.I•• ~.,, 1H:111ni.! l'"ll~
,111 I ;on I ~ l111l1· pn1f"~~111nal
p11l'dl'-! ~-Y' vr \ l\l•l ''"'1-
1,••n•. I\\" l.,1111. ···1n111IPl l'l.1
,,,1 -,,,,,1,1,1>111 d !11•111•' 111 11·-
' ,j I 11 I" Jn11 ;,.·1 ua I ,·.-.•1
'I ii,• I" , , , -S.'7 ~•I In 111r
• 11111' !"!'IH ·<1 1IHl1 II!' iorJI" <I
1'11·, ,. !"'"··1 ••:01 I <I" l>ath
I"''" ,,1 \, 1 " <I J :,nfi lo~1 "
l.H ~·· p!'tl i;,. i•·ol''"'· \l:t,V
J,, ~n,,1,11:11 11n~11n1" f'>),,a.•f'
. "11 1; 11 ~-71 ~ :
Lake Forest
= P.rt11"'•11 "· ~· h . .i11,, 11111~
;1·1 ,.,.,,,1,1;.,1·.rd \!1•~.<1!) \'ir-
1" 11 .. r11·• I ''' ,, 1 .. r'>!f' I'll
1•1·11 ,.,,.1,·1·r1" .::o -ri l ~n1y
:-.. at , 1.-. .. 11 ,\· r1·~rfy [or oc-
$33 ,500
Fairview I ()1\I ,·r Sllurr ... S..J!J :111n
I\ I I li\o "I""' /, i1• I l.111<1:1 l:.l l'. ~.i:J .l/()11-·"!i\l .. )01/·$1.-l(!l)().~8:1000 6.46·881 1 I,. ,Ill '\ P' )II'·''" JJl'l'j {!J/ j ~
111.i11, I • .ii.-Ii.<, 1 ... 11 II j I .. I •. )
,,,,.I"'''" I ., "" "'"' • 1NEW LI STING -BAYSIDE DRIVE I "Our 26 1h Year" I •ny ime ~'!ri11 1!1 i .i1 ,i..: i. CUS TOM HOME l'u•r s,-~11p i11th ionrn 1======:=c-c:::---1 WESLEY N. TAY LOR CO .• Rea ltors 1======== •"W~~·~·~i~i I 11 11" ."1{1 ..... 111 ,,1 p<1\ll'I i)(l;-i! lh•ri tcd ,\;_ lillcied PAY LESS j 2111 San J oaqui n Hi lls Road BARG AIN :rf:)';;~
pr11d pl11' '-.tllrl \ hl',u II \fn([prn '-I\ ling \I itll THAN RENT "Over look ing Big Cilnyon Country Club"
I ---·--~-.:.__ 1111.1111 1·ll1:,:.ir11 lt".llitr(•\ .J hedi (JOn):-:i1 2 r,, 1 11 :i,.nin~ ~.1 :1::. i~.1 . NEWPOR T CENTER 644 -491 0 ) HUNT ER S
s BR.-S BATHS.POOL h:,~~1· .. d1 •11 .~· 111v1· k1t chrn 1111 h pr111tr.1· i ·,,,r,, \1,._;, 11<>111 ... t1n-.11!','1 * * * * * * SPECUL ATO RS
I')''' F' I II ' .~ll•.l llOU Lt•,1.~ehnld onh ~1 40() .~c;1r. 1"1'<'1111.1 l1.o.1tl<'•I ll<'•I• '~ :-'1'1' •!,,I -)" 1·1'\l·R-1 • 11 II , •I: I 1• ··.\ I ><I< 1 I• I •
, .. 11·. \ 1 .. 1.-.• .. 111•ff'll 1•111o1 1 •'F'l I' It 1 , l"
I ''I· ,I I 1111"'' •1:"1"" 11'"11'' c coo " • • •'<I•''"' , olll-
l•Hl'lli . .J ol.11111• ,\ r " •<T 1 I I ;l<'•'"11L• thf' h.ld, ·'·11" f\nd Gene ral General IPJI.'. \\~~h 1n -l1°1pp 1 11~_ l1"1n 'I
I ' ., . MOV E I CONDI Tl "'N ., I I -:i ;i rnu11111 '")11:11"r 1.,.,1• Hn•I ,,,, .. ,,,,. 1,0,1, ,,,,.,1,,.,. Fil· 1"1111· 11.1 ,,,.,_111 .1.1,,.1., -v ~" JClroon1s, ~ ~ ..
' 1 •.1 1 "1 '• ,,, •• 11,,, 1 h.1111~ .• ~111 ·1blt• f111· :.! or :l 0td11l1 .~. :'\ear lr\1ne .,\idiri.::: 11"1' <i•'1r.; 11'1111 lf11 1,.111 1111t ,\1'•'.J ~ 11.i111hn1..iri • ' ' ' I h 11,·iop11 :., 1111• li:1 f·k1:,rd I t' II I' •I ., IF .... · ;;1~·-1~111 ::ir,·, '',,1 ,·: • .!Jl!.(';11 c1~,\r11 ,lo111drr1p£>ri e ~.011·11er J_I J. })(, •'•P ·11 1 .... ~.'.11 1 ur-' " I ' ,1dd~ Ill' '" 111,, l"i'' ll1 •'11.)1-
1" • ,,_ • Really 11!.iy e;i.~c n 11111 1. \n <1tJ!51fl11d1ng buy ::ii • 1·' Home & lnve$1ment ~:{'l .St,lfJ. . (, i·1 .v "1111,1.d1I" 111·111~ ,\II l 11 Cl .1 (? 111 1~ ,.,.,,i "·\·1 1 .. :i11 "r •· 8-"A HERITAGE CLIFFHAVEN """ " ""·'I F''""""' .,1 PRE STIGE WATE RFR ONT HOME S ~ I , I i 1._11111 ','I I I ;ol-.:i111S)o1ll'r111L1n11!11h1··ir1 SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT 'SJ"--tlllUUTt I-SEE IT • TRY IT A VER Y LI VE ABLE -:: hedrrH)!Jl fan1fiv ""1 ,.,,,. ;,.;,1111H·, •r>1·l l~ !'u li .i111.1L·,1 111f"'n ..,1.f'~I BUY IT htlllll'. ,\Jan\· \\1t1do11<> 1n 1111g roo1n & di1i-!!l 'f{RY :~ Cull 1;~>.":171 12 L inda Isle Dr ive
I 1 H•lrn1, :_>•, 11.0 l.11 •• f,,11< I ,I 1 "1 1\~' ' ! '"I " I '' '" I(.".
'\1 1,1 1PW'<<1<, I 'l l•'" 1, ")"II
J..':: I·" 1111 ·1~'"" .\ '111 !:,·;,, h,
Ill)~ ~1rca. l .rH11i: nut ::11 tn1 red patio. f<'or the l·:legant nl•11 :'i BR . 41 2 ba. hon1{' 11 l11r1nal
1_111bh.11-.r. lh!'IQ 1~ n d;1r r11(11n . ;1 dni: run. li1n rtn. f;1n1 . rn1 . \1·et h;1r. l 111prc~~1\·e en-
i'i.· :1n~ple ~;irden1n g ~p;1 P .. , -~.~3.I'XJI!. lr.v c0l1r! 11 16 ft. 111ahog. doors. $1 79.SOO.
R EAL TORS lo•• 1 .. 1~1' l;"rll. I' \I
t: I+~-.;_•, 1 iol.':':'.'
• 1 ;1!1;1l1le 1n1111ed1a tc h , l~e,.;t
h11.1 on Lin< ' •• 1 ~Jf_J!J IH~I Lu.\ur1011 ~ i·arpet~
1\ 1l1«1p1· ... =sa Linda sl~ Open Sa t. 1-S
:-,,.,\I\ 11•:• 1! l)IL, ~llf!PI' f.11 11-'
11,\ h<!1n•• II 111 1 ·I l"•il1•~ '"h. ·: l
lo 1111>. li.o.: II• 11 h,H,I I" r1n./
~··p.11 ..• 1 .. 1,11n1h •••«II, plu~ t.
Of ·e Open Saturdays & Sundays
16 Westclif.f Dr., N.B.
;r!I ]\ \ '.'2 fo \I •~lo 1 :'11111 '{ .... 42-5200
$:.'.~ :•o ll11,1 s .1;,11 ''n" ••f •hr
1\1<'f".~I '; lwdn .. 111, '! lo,1rlo
f~•n1.-~ 1n 1h,-. <tl'i"ll 1·111'•'!'''d
f'nrlo.~rd flll tl•l 11 11 1\ b:1r 11rnl
h;ir.ll-(J. ,\lo1'f' i.-. \Ii'~~
\·rr.-Jp rrr~li~P '."i<lti-~-10
11uh fw,•pl,« .-., 1>,11!. ~··11 ,11::
!'I u
', ,, i :~::;!!lf!!!lf!!!lf!!!lf!!!lf!"!l~~::;!!lf!!!lf!!!fll!!fll!!fll!!lf!!!fll l~=~::~~~~~------~ll>t:t Hi.rl~JI'. (' \1 ;d ., .'1 1.n111d1 1 •"••11•, ., .01 G 1 f1 p.,1 ... 1111,1 , .• ,, .. 1· 1"11r 1,.... enera General
fl I !'Ill~ Ill oll\' u tl11•1' 1:1''.L!
h·.111111·-. Hn11~ 111, r,,1 1)1h
, .. '' < I 'It' "'F ·~ •' '-.. ~' " -' ,_ -·· .. . !
, I I 11111 I
11. I !"id•'.! 'l1u1\~ l'"'d
!' 1111 I "I ~II \i\I \'I'"' 1!1
"111·,, I 1!' 'I I·" !JI "'ll \I II h I
• \!\, \' , I"' l.!1"• I( f ',1 II 1
\\\J•,Jltl Ill l'.\l•I
r I•! 1 ~r -i' rq·,1
122, 900
J ,,t'll If d Ill '!1 <'Iii r1r· ·':!'
!111~ ho1nr " l••· .. 111,/111
hn( 11~"' i.:11ld -.!1di.:. !',.r P•''
11111111:.;h,1111 ;111 Ii u 1 I I 1 !I
k I I 1• II f' 11 , ll••·d h111·h
I r•'1d111'•' . .": i,,,,.1,..,11 '· a11d :'
loll!lh l(J'' d~i\\ll ,111<1 11',IJ\I'
11 ,11: ~f, I~.
llnrh•r, f'\1
106 Linda Isle Drive
('11 ... 10111 ,\111.1.(lc !-i lOrv :l fldrni 3 hatti ~:..l'a t cr
tront. 111!h pier and ':-lip, L<1rge 1na:-;1er bdrtn.
11·11h S<HUl<i. [1inin.~. kit<·hen & J1vn1g ron111
ha\·e 1~·cit{·r 1·1e11·. s2· l(l t S135.uou.
..._ 92 Linda Isle Drive
Beaut. :i IJH ~ ba 1·101111~ 11· fornial d111. r 1n.
& l an11I~· r1n :l Frplc~. (lu t:;ide :;ta1r1\:i1". l~uill-111 guu rab1net & bookshelves. $JS:1 ,0U0.
Wa terfront Lots
l\o 7fi · 3 r·ar garage. Faces South
J\'o . !16 : i\'orth lJaJ(oon exposure
For Com~le te Information
On All Home' & Lots, Please Cati:
Is landers Bldg. at Linda Isle
Bay$ide Or., Site 1, N.B. 675·61 61
,\11\1,,1,., ,, .. 11,,.,. 11.1111~ .-.rfrr
..:1 l'lu11 ·1111111;. 1111111,,, i HP..,
~·1 l1ail1 11"11'•' I· 1•plr~ , •'' .,.,, II·',.
k1t•'IH'll, '<I 111.,r •ln1r J:
11.1.1 I f• ,1'1 \1 I ! 111-. ]olll~ \'I{'\\'.
~ .• :1 •111
I '..If 1 .. 1 I •11·1111·,. • , , ! ;li"G'
II ti !\ 1•1'11·1 ,\ ,j('l;l li~
4 Bedroom 2 Boths
/'111.; 11onn111 <'10•1111' ,.,.,~1.., on
1h1<: f'\['f'!•l1'111111 4 l">f'fh~Vlm
T""1l h11\l~f' Hrau1 1f11JI ~ k"r>t,
/If'\\ ! <lf'j><'I'-I' o'lll\,1' 1)1111 !•1 11
k1•,•hrn :' h1111\<, Tr•'111~n
rl"H' 1,.Ju,. ,\ln<t ,,.r• I-UH
r 1·11, s1.:.r~~1 :.ih~~&lo
:'•;.'~ l 1111 hor, l' \I
lr 0\1l •. ~· T1;~1ri; l,11·r 1~
& rrr•~1·r Slfi:1 1n•'••lll"· Ln::
.'. 1·<1 r 1 rt .n Ct1. Rlir~.
I '} ;,>()
[ tlool•• lof s~.
General Genera l
ltNp rhl1 hondr d.ireocto•y with y~11 th~ weekend et
yo u 90 houte·h11 nt1n 9, All the location~ 1i~led b•low
o re dor•crib•d In 9•eot•r detoll by adver1itln9 ehe·
w he r! In rodoy'i DA ILY PILO T WANT ADS. Po1roi1i
•.how1119 ~pen hou~e\ lor •ale or •o """'' ore ur9ed ro
1 1~1 'uch 111fo1morion 1n rhii tolumn eoc h Friday a11d
511 ,urdoy.
(2 Bedroom)
2.-i2:-1 ! '1·l"t11e11 (Jr 1B:11•h11r(''-.1 '.\'R
ti4.'l·!IJ3~! · 1Sat ,'\: :-i11n J l-6\
(2 Br & Fam ily Rm or Den)
~·I I \ 1.1 1 ;t·ni•:1 , Lido l:»l l' 1 '.\ R
f\/;)·4.-ili:! 1:-,.11 & Sun 12-41
l:LH {;a11!Jl;.t S:in <'le111l'lllt·
..J !J:.!-~J-t·I:!. s 11 .an2n 1Da ily)
(3 Bedroom)
41.l l'1r;i1...-!~d , :Xc1\port nearh
U.Jtl-711 1 1"i:1t ,'\:. Su11 \·;11
**:~-t l -li:!nd ~I 1\c11porl Shorf'~I i\P,
8Jj . ..J88~ S36.300 !S:il & Sun 'Iii dark\
3 1S l \·<l ~Jr :\r\1por1 Rcalh
5..Ja. J 19U $20 uoo 1 ~a l s. .. Slln 1 ·fi I
2on1i \'1 ~1 :1 i ·ajnn 1'r h<· Bl urr~i .\'B
li44:7Ci62 , 1Sun 1-31
5.Jfl \ 1 ~1 a l;randr 1P,luffs\ .\'H
ti7'.l-s ;o.::.o S-13.500 1Sa1 l-5 l
*2020 (';i[\·l·rl 1\!c:»;l \ erclC'f t'\1
673·8:150 $-1 0.500 (Sun 1·51
2042 Ga lnx1. '.'\t•11 port Beath
64-t·4Dl o· S85.000 1S:1t & Sun 1·51
201 .-, ,\!1~n. ('(J~1 a l\l e~;t
64 4·4910 S:l9.5flO
10 18 Sandras!le. C'o rona
833-0iOO: 6·14 2430
1Sa l S.: Sun
del l\l ar
1Su n
(3 Br & Family Rm or Den)
12 18 ('ain britl ge Ln 1 \\'c~ttl 1fr1
!S :i t \·;'i)
40~1 ('0rl c·~ ('1rrle 1('orona lll ncl :-.) <'d\1
ti7:i·l'i;J\0 1S<i t & S1111 )
25-122 !\llriana 1.\;.: lllll'-1 illi ~~1 o n \'irjn
H:lO·:'l02 l ~33.900
2.')'2H Rfl1\c\01n PL \ l)!ilJ \lc).a
li7:i.1-120 1Sun l·::'i )
2:=i0 (\1111111, J\c1rp0r1 Beat Ii
S4R·12HO 8.36.900 1S:i1 & Sun l·.'l)
312 l\'l!1l'rri11 "-('an1·u11 1Sho r ecliff\ ('d \1
l-i7:J.fi.350 "s!H) .. 1i'10 1Sat J-!1 :10l
132.J Seat'rest !1r d,usk l\<1r \:u ll i ll~! C'rl \I
64-l·809f1 $62,900 1Sat & Sun 1 l ·flJ
10 1-l Sa n1 1a~<• !OorC'r Sbore).I NR
833·U 7flU: ti4l'.!-l :l0 1Sun 1·;'1)
1921 Port Br1.~1 nl ('1r( ]('. ;\'C\l'POrt Beach
!i7:'l-:l210 ~47.HOO 1Sat & Sun )
*10:34 l)r :-<'a d nr 1Dn1rr ~l\pJ'CSI ,\B
l'i7J-.12 \(I 1Sat & Sun)
11 00 1·:H11 br1dgr t \\·('~l1·IJ!l I :\R
b4'2·P.23.J 1S;1\ & Sun\
(4 Bedroom)
3(J1 (':in al 11\1'1\pOrt ~hore~1 :\'R
S4ll·7tiU:.?. 1Sa L & Sun)
1 4~0 Ou11·1gge1·. ('nr11 11a del i\\Jr
833·07(HJ. b-l-l-2430 !S un l -~1)
(4 Br & Family Rm or Oen)
l l r\!12 l 't·d<ir ·r rc(' tl 111ver:-llv l'a1k1 Irvine
H:l 3-0J1:1 1SJ 1 & .~llll 1·31
6.-,:~2 B1).hn11 t)r. l!111111ng1011 Bearh
R47-20::!:l S2R,Ollll 1"ia 1 S .. · Sun 11·4)
*';·2 1 Pn111ell 1i\c11 pot'\ lle1ghts) N B
li"1 2-!:i 200 1Sat & Sun J.;,)
!:121 !·: ()cc:in, P,albna Jlpn1 n~ul a
ti42·:J2011 iSi1 t ~""' Su n l·::il
*lf1-t8 S;11111ago 01ol'cr S horc~i i\'ll
f\4-l -7602 1Su n 1·5l
2312 1 .ighlhou~r LIL <'urona dt l il!3r
x:l:3-o7uo: 1;44.24:30 !Su n 2·51
13bfl (;;il:I:\\' f)r lf lovC'r Sh(lrcsl :\P,
r:'.l:J .!)7()!! .. fi-1·1·1410 1Sun 1-;1)
~711\l .~.1 h;1 1 rn!-"-1 \1£'.~a \ erde I (·ill
.J-lti-8~1~!-l 1Sat 1 •. -,1
40110 ·rop .. 1dr \.n d l.11 \Jor \ ll'\1 1 1di~1 < 'd \I
b-1·1 :!o.-,B !Stin 1-:-11
'.!.01?. f'(>rt \\P.\lJ!'td;..:l' 111 \ !lo1nr~1 :\'P,
8:1.1-0t~2!1 tSat 1·:'!1
410 .\lor11111g S!:1r . '.\P11p11r1 F'•t"1ch
fi44 ··i ~l 1 0 BIU.l(1()(1 1~t1 ! ,~ Sua 1 ·~!1
**H \.111da J-.\r 11r il .1nrt.1 J-.lri \'B
1o.+-t--lfl\(1 ~l .'"1:-1.111H1 1':1 1 ,\·Sun I .'"1 :~ol
***.'"iOI l~.'.l~"lti(" Jlr ;'\r11pnr1 R('.u·h
1;-t:..'.·H:.!:l.l 1Sat & ~un)
] IHI I I l.1111p.· h11·r 1];;1~ l'l r~\ I ,\r.
.\.,k to Sf'" !hr,t
Hus 11 t'C'kt'rwi.
3 Brdr'O(Jrll ,t, ~';11111ly roon1
$28.~ . .o.
3 BC'd 1'00n1 & F.1111 1•vn111.
\',\.~-II I
. .!.~i C.U1h•1'111.1 ~r.
·I Hl'rltuoun .t P1•·1l
L .• r~f' h«!lH", •11ur1 ~lr<'<'I.
ll•'lirn.1111 .'iho11 pla1·e
l-'.\t·t·(ltl\ !' liH!lh'
_>;,:1 .··,1udp1 1~·1 J\r
\\ I·: H.1\'P. '\I.\:\\' 0 '11!EI!
~-r;.;E PRO PEP.:rn-::-;
I coRoNA"o[t" MA'.i!"
I "Private Beach"
I View
YOLJ (}l\':-0 THI-. L A.\D;'
j 1111..;" C<ll!l'l 1<1rrl rnlr\ l;il,,..
I ;~;.~~\1,711:~ ~.;:~;::!(' 11 ~ :r~,~~1;)1r~:
1nrn1all.\ l'lt"'l':V nr~lo! .. r thr· '"'"k. ~ hr•l1'1>0n1~. '.! iu•r.
J,l:.i·r· •• '<'~'n1~ 11n1-..-1.,~1h)r a1
.. nl~ s:,:l.IXIO. ~•'f' !Oday
I 'I""'(' rl1al
' .\\'r'"~ ~-1»11\ ll;:irh1w Cl'n1<-r
525 ,950
(nr 1h1~ f;ihulnus :~ hrril'<lf>tll
h.•au!,\'. P.roa1l.1• f,1r your O<'·
1·11p111u·y """. f'.1tnp!r1rl.1·
• !li'fll<l•\I lhrL!Hlll. ,11,,, dt'<\I•·
<'•. ·'''" ~)\],• hll('il<'ll \l )l h
.oil l1t1 1ll -1 n.;; 111rl11d111•.: !!1-h-
I 11.i~lll'I' !l.11!loj., :.: ,, I a :.'.I'
:-;,-11 ... .i~ ,,11r1 ,11 .. p1'111\! !l(',<!'-
h1·. ]J•! II' ~/ioJ\\ II I•' \Oii.
iWalker & Lee
I I !l•' .1iln1 '
1 ~~•1/1 lf,1 1·ho1· Hl1fl .11 J\d.1 111 ~
I -.r,.,n•11 (lp··n ·111 ~ P\l i ..
:; ti.~dronn1, :i h,11h. hard11«•nl\
flrior h11111<' II oil\ I 11'>TJl11! .... ~·
h11i.:•' plo>.' :.:•rtl Br~ fi ', i ;r
l";,11 "I 'Sl:l.~IJ(1, l';l\alilr only
Slfi11. 11,,·lurl111c r;1\11~. \\"hn'.<
f1ri;t" l-'1111 pl'W"
Newport .,
646-88 11
(anytime) ______ 1
Y"ll II I'll(• n·,. ,,,·;t1 ni::
1,.,,1, lh11n1· "11lo 1~ .!"'"1 .~·
I.'" 'lli'll I'• O:o'<'•l I \ IP\\ •l f
ilo" l1.1rl .1r ,( •. n.r:in .
""'I'"'' di; 'Ii" l•.:l•I-. \111111
ill• 1· 11,; .,11 II"' ii 11 I h fl r
,11t•'1• "11""11 hi ·•I•
(.di lotl Ii" l lL!•' c,11 d"i.:
r 1day, Octob~r 2q, 2q71 DAIL V PILOT !JJ
Gene ra l l ~i:;;;;;=========;;;l -529,995" -
b..• S(•rn fr11n1 1h111 i.:_1.inr :':
RI! hun1r. 0J-."11'nn b1111! 11rwl
t".\•IU!,,111•1• ,1...,.,~,,,.,, rnr
n)(lll••nt 111 u1b ~ ~1 .. 1·,, '"'1111
1,1 ~t'll111~ '"1 ;i hdli«P Ill
1111., l•w 't l!l. 'llXI
, 1·ll1·n1 11u•1hu,. nn E,.,1,1.i,..
<'u•1a \11 ... 1 1'1'1·-.l'Ulh fqlU l -1~··11•"•111 •• 1111! 111 .. ·:.-.1 ... .i
!••(Jill<. f'11 1111'/ld<H(< h".\ n l
l~,iH~.,, 1.·.•lil1 ••n tli.· 101.11.I
11.1\k .h1-1 .i. p~ [J·,1n1 !11<'
'"'''.111 'J 1 ... ,11 .. 01111'. '.! h.1111,
l•u•l r 111•. ..1111 d 1•!111a~h··r
1\ 11 •'\1'1•th·111 l•1I' [.,1 1'•'111,;I
f•I' ;1 ~llllllll•'l' Ji,,1.11•
!lo vou c r11er \a1n ·.• Herc's !hr 1)erfeel se tting!
4 l~<irge bc(!roo1n s, 21 .! balhs. fa 1111l_v rnorn ,
2 f1rt'plaecs . lar ge l'nvcrcd pa\10. fabulo11 s $1,800 DOWN
land scap ing ldr:il for 1nlloor·outdoor rnter· \I 111 !('1 _11·u 1110\,' 1111 ... 1 ~
laining. Don'! let this one :;ct J\\·av S!'i4 .!'i01J. h··il1•)••n1 h·11n,, <111 11 1.111.!<
I •t 111 n n ;,.,.,.,. 111 { «•·!.• "BREWS UP A ,,, '•' llirh a •111.dl '..'1ul
GOOD RETURN'' T JI .1•!11 \·,,n ,.,,_~uni.· ~ 11''
\',\ 1.ua11 !·'1111 111 11(' ~2::.<•JI
24 I' N\'l'S th al :ire nr1t'ed t"or I __ ..,;;-:;-;:-:-::-:-:--~
· 'J'Ol' BE'l'URN " JG<l Bed· '-
roon1. B·l bcdroo1n units. POOi.. excel lent /
ren tal area. ('al l for a "brcakcto11·11." ('a n you
believe only S\0,000. a un1r ' . $240.000.
(_'QROl\:\ fJEI. ril .-\B L1L1 Pl.~:x ~U pper i('ve\
fro nt uni ts has 2 bcdron 111s. forrnal dining
rourn. fireplace. 1Juilt-1n s. L0\1·er lf'vcl has
IN-L.<\\V quarters. private en tranee. fi replace,
lar.e;e bath. Back unit is an adorabl('. large
J bcdroon1. ;\ gern at , , . . . . . $6 1 .~00 .
f•n· 1hf' :i!'11v;' f.u111I~ in t111~
1•\p,1ndf'd :\ l'INhn,u11. '!hall!
hoo!ll,• I HI IJUll'I 1·Ul-1l1··~···
:!r , 1~r 1·1u11 11u.~ 1·•ll11 . 12
\ 1; "'!'l'•'!1•·1i l;<1t11.
LP\ u s sl1011· 1·011 this cxlr:i sh a rp C11.11<•111 h11i!1 '.! ~1 .. 1·~ 1 11 •. .i.
split lcvC'I , 2 "brd rooin . 11 :.! b;l th r••·'n:: 1 •. ,1i. 11 ... ,\ .. 111111 ,,,.11
hon1e 11·1 th 1\all to 11:all l'a rpeting f1'"11 •·1•'1.' r<w•r11. \"1.,111!
and l.Htlll·in :-:. l'lubho llS£' .'ln<i 1)001 lJU•• Ii l ~"~··~s'"" fl-.k•n~ S~\l~l{l 11\\!l"I' \\<ll l1~1"n
\\"1t h !L~ "N0-1':\R f~·· pri\'1 lege.". l~l(; :-:~11111;1 ~0 IJI'' :-.: R !,lp•'!l
/\ real fi nd at .. S23.8110 ,.;,.,1 .t· ~1111 ·1.:.
!Jere arC' eight ~uper rleluxc SPL!'f LF.VF.1.-
\:IE\V aparl1nenl .". localed in E:\ST BLUFF'.
0 11 nc r 's unil·3 bedroo n1. 2 1 '.! bath: 4-2 bed·
roorn. 11 :! bath: 3· I bedroon1. 11 :.1 b11 lh. \·ou
havr n't seen a n ~·t hin:; like the::;e u111 rr' .'\
1ile as11re to s ho,1· 111 . . ~t nB.4 ~>0 .
(Formerlv Delancy Real Estate)
1 1;1~• \\,.::-;T n .11,.r Pt:
'.\'f'll f"'l'I HPaf'h i;;.it;.frl~IS
, Private Road -,
Newport Heights
l.,•l"l.1 n•11111d<·l1·il (']Lffh,11 •'11
il"!lli' II ltio ~ b••d l'·~•lll ,. 2
11.1111~ fu«•pl .... , •• f·wn1.ll ·1 •11
111:.: 1'"1111 l '<•1·r·1'•"I 1•.<t.t'I
\l ,1lk Ju ltart •• r ll + .I· Ll1•1..:n
.1, !1 1.~.1,·, ~'l l \:•-~11111·
111>1" 1 ... ,ro 1•1·11· .. ,1 r:•1:1 .n
C.ill """ 1:1•:.1 1~1
CORONA DEL MAR. CALIF. $202 PAYS ALL llll!!!l!!!ll!iiiiiiiii!!i!iii!ioiiliiiimoiiiii!!!ii•••!!!'llll l.\._,llllh' Ii', l11:Hl nf $}:,:~lfl
General General
* * *
f·:1'•'r.\"li'' •111.1 l 1 lw~ • i'·• l•1;1n
[,.,, ... 61'!''1111 p;11111 .. ,1. 111'11
I\ !'/LrjM'il'd .~ J:i•dr .. 1111. ~
lo;,lh, ;.II lu11l1.1n-.. l h1h.:1·
0 11 \I 1dc. s:u1dy bca('fl. 111 lh f:i nt a.~t 1r 1·11•11· nf
ha rbor ('!l tranti' :i Ht>d l'u1)tns ,\: :i hath!'! pl u~ 4 Bed + Fam Rm
1~a rrn, panl'll'd dt•n 11 11h t1rC.plaee & 11·et bar. '1111..: Hui; .. v.~,.,.111 11 ual11~
1'.:n tlosl'd _var<I . larg<' enough tor poo l. r\n 1111_ ht.U i h0n1e ,..,·1~ 111 ,.,,,iii
U!<l('llldt l' IHlllll'. Slli·LUOll. \1~''11 ~ 111.,,1 µ11·.,111:1<l!l!'
nob:-trut·ted ba .v ,'\: uc·f'arr 1·1r11· fronl th1 -;
«un1 p('t('l.v •'ll "l(1tn11.t'd l1o n1e 111th :s bed ·
roo r 11 .~ ,\;..· :.! IJ:llli .... \tt ornr 1 ·.,. dcn-hookhnctf
111 \h pt·ggrd I loor' .~ u~ed brH·k fi rcpta er~
2 'r p:tr~ll' ,1a1d' S!lfi.700
l 'o1nfo rt;,iblt• l!llC'!l rloor pl:u1111th 4 bedrnnrns,
:{ baths. l'\j)1·n.-.1 v1· l:i11d sl·ap111 g. :-.\11uim1ng
pnol, bay & n11·:111 111·11· S!l2 tiOO
"SINCE 1944"
ll•,1).(hl~11/~,..1 \\,dk1n(! •il~-
1.1110\· 1u ;,11 ,, Ji,~,1,. ,J1•1fl·
p1111: .~· <'t'lll••J.:•'· \lii111 •
iljl'llll1 k1to..:h1·11 \\ :-Oi\1'l'ft,\i.
l\'11/![) 1'181'\~ I' 1 .. 1, ,,r
•"'"II! I' •J1,11'•', 1111111 111
111,. ,i..r "I t1.1r ,( han(h 11101
11.1 \11 q\1'r~1 .~1'•! <"\JJnJ)l•·I"·
JI l••O• ••d 11•;1•' _1,11d h,1._ 11
T11,. ,, l1q111<i.Jl1•>11 11'"'•· !l>J
II\,. •1•1,11111 t..1n:a111 !111nl••f'•
I '.111 , I ,..,, I~ 1 :-;, •ul)t ~ "1.1~1
f;,.,, lh11« I 4 i1>l'I\ ~ 1 ,.,, '
l'li1~ ! !>1'dr0('>11l•, '.! b:11h.~ •
11111)1 .111 k11cl 1"11 . !1•'11' :1h.1!:'
1•.1 1•1w1111:,:, ::_ fl r«pl;,,.,,, !hfl'
h!,~I ~q. fl r u111p1J-. roo111 :n-
' 111111•" ""l h,11 '" !1unllr~.
lll\!, 11o• hi.u1 f,., ••. l•ht 1.1k,.
01·1•r, $llbl1'1·1 I<! P'l:h!IJ".,: (;J
J,,,·111 011nl'r "ill ··0111<1d•'r
~l .l~N') d<11111 1 1!\I EllJ ,\T~;'
(}('l'l 'P,\ '\CY.
Walker & Lee
General General :!i'IQ fl.1rhur Hlvd. ill A1!11ms
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;= _.··;-~~1~~~11 ~I~ ;~1-
Selective Homes IMAGINATION
For Selective Buyers
Harbor View Hills, Broadmoor
l'rl'stigi! c·oinrorl Sparinus 4 hed ronni. 3
hath. fan11ly roo1n and forn1al <l1n i11g: ron111.
Plann£'d l'or r:11 nil\' \1 v111 " .
2612 Lighthouse Li1. ,.. Corona d el Ma r
Westcliff, Sharp & Clean
3 Redroonl. '2 h;ilh. 111r r s17r l1v1ng S.: fannlv
ro11111. (}11ner ad!letl xlra roon1 for hrs pri-
\'ilte offl('{'. Bu1 l1in~. ut1I. rn1 .. O\'crsizcd gar·
agr . 011·nrr 111ov1n1! fr o111 area.
134 1 Sussex Ln., N.B. $49,500.
Open Saturdays & Sundays
Lachenmyer 1860 NEWPORT BL VO.
Realtor 646-3928 545-3483
General Genera l
Sp<H.:1ous •1 1:H. hn!ne plus 1nt·o1ne. \\';i lk to
beatll , S l:~·L!lOO . ...
J ean Co le 675-3000
,\nd ,1nu·r,. l,1t)kl11J!, luuk111;::, f,,,. ii hn,I', lilkl' II l<•ik ilr :
!hl<. :; l1<•ih'fU•lll hOll\f' in •
l:a.11 •1·1·•1 \111h 11ro11 ·' h 11 g:
rarp•·r~ 11111! <-11,to1n dr:lfl"".
('I!' 0!11) 10', do" n. $,'i6,9J(}
.1 11;..2:11:;_
l'r1·~· ha.• ht•1 •11 111IJ11~1 .. r1 lnr ·~
1p1u·h ~:ilr. :-:haqJ '.I BR I.·
r .. 1111!_1 .~1YI" k1!i •hl'n: '.! •
h.rlli•' ('1ll'!lf'I' IOI. Qu1l'k ro~·
~··~·. Sl.\~:~1
l·,.1.'v 111111111•1111! :~ Arlnn~.
pl11..: <-nl·I. !an .. 1. 1 1 ~ Baths ,
Q111r1 s1rr<-I trir th<' 1·h1l(ir<'n
('\•\'" !o f'l'ror.1 lll\n~ S2~.:.oo.
673-6642 675.-6459
ll•'fl ' i,·11 ,f1r ll'll•lr>; In ;
''\\I ~" 1 11:\•;io·lr l'lr•~" fl ,.:
II "'l\·\1!1 Stl"l'Pll11-: ('rn:r1. ".
I 'o "l"'I !1 II UIHlliH 11\11 t•· ~
,.,,nd.i1<>11 lout 1·,.n1c; 11rl" n"w.
lro1,.·11. i.111 .1•\•! 'l" n tllr :
\11 111!. l .<·I~ n! 1~11~·nl1;d 1111!1 -
!-:"'>it f](J;o ll<'lll;.! •
673-664 2 675·6459
·' Hrlrn1, ~ h:11h~. ~ 1·11r J.!11 r·
11;.;1• l..:tJ-:.;1• fl'YJl,l/f' 1 .. 1
.11"1 l1~1rd • .i s;.:1.~r,11.
MARTIN fur11l111···~ -l;1n:•· f,111111.1 I -~~---•-..... -~-~----~-·-~-~-··-~-~~-~~~-~·----·---~-~-·--=--·-~~----::.· l'i)(\111 ,\; i:rf'.11 !n1:a11011 ... uh. General I General r * * * 5 BEDROOMS
is t he purpose of this :id -herC' is a n l'xrellent
buy 111 a l:.rge c a sl /~i dc ho1ne · In ad{lition
10 r1 IJC'd rootn ~ · a fatnily rin -a dinin g rn1 ·
a la r l!e ltvin!! rn1 · hobhv r111 • :3 bath."-double
,:.:a rag{'· gas-b.:ir·hc·q ll c & gas to r('h gors \I 1th
prnpC'rt.1. '[\10 !l'Vl'l l.n1d ,1 ·ap111)! 111 l'l'ill .1.11d
11·1th loads of brick ,'\: r·on (·rp\f' 11·ork 'l'hi."
prnpC'rl ~' lnt'a led 011 rltl·d C'·~a r ~1 rr11t ot n1r r
110 111('~. 0 11·nC'r a1i:\1 (111!' for f'l ffl'T' a ~k1ng O:\'J,,.
S-11.500. Cal l today for ;lf)po111 tn,cnl to sC'r
Realtor 644-7958
* * * * * *
llllT 1 •n do11 11 11a\ 1nt'rrl ~:!I , ~Kl
C.i11 :-.i:,..-;121 •(>1"'11 ~.1 1··1 NEAR WESTCLIFF ''Never So Few''
outh oast -"' .
4 Bdr. & Fa mily Rn,.
o. 1'.!lol flil l"!',1.:1' f.01l11 l1 i. .. 111~
\\i!l1 .! lo.1lf•·. I l\1·1l1 >r1 l.1111.
1h ''"'HI 1 l1''''1'1Uj h111·111 I!,
·'P••• !,I Lll~ l.01·g,. ,; lu ,1,,..,,1<
2 f,,,rh hnni.· ••II 111111 1
~11«•·1 -1'•111\,'IU• Ill I" '11"1'
pun; .11hl "'"(•>ol 11 11 1 •.• 1
!11~11 !J,,ul,,. .... 1 11,. ,,
:-:,, H 1•111 , J,\ 1<11; 1""11• 11" •I
l<1 H I, IH• 1•1,tt • .'ot (""I
.,,, I • • I" ,[ 111 I' 11 " I:• ••tn
[•11 i.,1:i' '1 1111 \ '' 111111 ( · • .11
;\' · \\ I l1 ·1 '.I ti I' I'• '' 1 I J l<l 111• • ·1 . ol, •
,... l•ll , "' • ,,,i.. I 11 ··r lo11ilt
l"r llro• -11 • ,1 l\llf 11!'\t'I "'
I''" ill ._,, ( .t!lf, !1.1,, 11'
•' nil\ I l\l'll<·1I >.llo'JI h •"'·
'1oi1hl1, p.11 Hll dll•1<· \I"\\, o·\
'··ll1•1t1 1'11111 •1•·, 11·, .. l•'oll\\
'IOIH~ HI .1 l•'<o'hio1w.,1, ,lol.oll
o <•lrlH!lillll\ .•l1iH"jl!l1 '"
.: 1 111111 IP I,. \l•t;•·I··~
I, '""' t .. ~ .. 111, I t•,
Ill 111'11 111 I.HI\,'/\,'" It
I Ill Ill<'' Ill '\o II ["'I I j;,<,,, I!
--I'"' ' Pl I di""' JI ll\1111. ;\i •I .111 ,, h<~tl-. .t r•t•l"I I''
R EAL TORS 644·7662
"h·•l 1> ·: l'1'•1ll'nt'ltl' "" ldri;:r
1°11 T••l .i! p;1111H·1u, ~J.~ti p<r •
ll\••11lh l)J',1 !~"'ll J'J'l(•1•d.
.11 s2:1:~~) ( ',111 n .. w fot il•'-
Bay Ave. Wa te rfront
1 nrlnn ~ h.11h l1on1r
J'i"I" ,\· ~l ift \l'l o f1()0
l'Llt •i7: .. :w.: c12~~ •. :E1eo:-:.
1i-l :!-8:.!:l:l 1~:11 ,\· '-,ut1l
~1)1 7 l'n1I Pri\1f•!H'P I I \ 1\r)ln('"I \.H
!i 7~1 ;~:!1 0 ~.-.7 ,.i(IO 1Sunl
I\ 11 h pl'll''' ,~ !lt'l.111._
l•lr •'If•:.:• cn•l•H •• 111111.: I 1•111 ,11 . .i \l_.,111 ~1
G enera l Genera l '11'"11111 ' !•11 1" 1' 1''•" n~ EAST BL UFF ,,\111n1 ".•1•1•1, '
.;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I .'>I I h 11111 '' 11 fl ff• ' • ' I ' /IH\\ II ! ·'' •I 1111111 I "., ! ' '" " ' ' 1. ' 11. 1 I\ " I 1." ' ' ' I I Ii• · 1 • ,---.---~ 1,11~111 do1111l·'ll,\111111' 0 ,1,11111,,,,,,,.,11 ,11.1,,,1,,1 11,1, .. t:\l;/·l 'l'f'fll:Tt .-.:
,10 11!0
2025 W. lalboo 67J.J66J *:)fi!l \1~1.1 B;•1.1 1B:hk l{;t\1 '\H
28'.?J\ 1·:1t,1 lpa 1 J·:a~l hlult1 ;\B
IH·l-U74 C, $4R.~0 0 1Sa1 & 0<111 1·61
15 Bed room)
**30fl E\'f'lltn,;: Star 1[)fl\'('r Shores\ ;\B
G42·R~a;, 1~at & S11n l
**4J:i r.·nrth Star Ln fl )over Shore s1 NR
1;.iz.fj23.1 !Sun l 1 3:~7 1;;il:i\'y J)r 1Do1er Shores) '.\'B
fi-t2·82:J.-, rS un l
( 5 Br & Fam ily Rm or Den)
**?JR Lin da lslC'. :\c,1 port BC'ath
H42-;;200 1sa1 1-5)"
!'l3H R<'l l i~ 1F:astbl11l f! ;xB
i.;4 4.7fi!l2 1S<1! & Su n 1-5\
2.~107 \\'ind n1rr 1Rroad n1 oo r 1 ('d\I
ti·l4·7fifi2 1S11 11 1·5\
*200H t"';a laxy Dr /Dol'rr ShorC!'I J\'R
I 1~··lr·~•111. ~ l•~lh,, <'fllPrrrl
I /1••11n. 1·rr1, 1r1\ 1·lr11n 1n-
'"I,• ;111.J 11U!_ .\It ~IJITOllll<fl'fi
h~ loui.:•· ~h.-11\y 111111• trrr~
·r 1u~ 1.~ 1r11 I~' 9 t'ln<-or 11 k1rn! j
Hun·, II \\1111 I 1 .. -1 :~lii-~O
!h~'I ll.111••1 , 1· ,1
,\Judrrn duple \; J RR. 2 Ba.
F ron1 122 fL l1it. 1.~ the se tti ng fn r thi:» b e <111 -
liful 4 htlrrn . 4 ha!h horn e \ri lh its 011 n pier
~t: ~li p. $l50.000
1:ron1 this lovelv 4 bdrn1 . 4 ba th hon1e On
a s9· lul. \\ ith .pier & noa l. ('uston1 drap-
eries & paneling. $139.500.
For complete inform at ion
On All Home• & Lo ts, Please .Ca ll:
Islanders Bldg. at Linda
J41 Bayside Or ., Suite 1, N.B.
[)'"''~t 1•n1·1•d hn1ll<' 111 11"'·'
V1·11lt· 11 1lh \'1\ ,!;; Fl! I
11'1111<. J,l<l\:r .\ IM·d 1•~""·
ec.:m HIRllAGI
~· lUl UT&l1
64U-1550 10aily)
**3 12 Granrl f'anal {l.i!t le lsle1 Ba lboa
& :.? BR., 2 hit. u111r~. ~!rps Ge ner
t• Qf'f'fln Gor,,.I ('O llrl. 0 11·nr 11'· i"C:..;,..L------General COLLEGE PARK
rr11d,i· 1o srll. Pr1CT'd ;ii $23,000 f ,H.A. ONLY $26 ,950 011·11rr n1nv1ng rlt'ir!h Try ,)'"~
S:i.~.~i!O. All\'011(' •1u11l!f1('it ."UllJ('\'1 to Thrrr l;irg1· hd1 n1". pl 11s 11:, 1lfl\\'!l o r a.<~t1n1r ·>"'• plllS '•
Call : 67::-36G.1 ;.,.113.:,942 Evf'll i-·i11\ l.oan 'll!h 8'~" a nnual ha1h~. <'f11n plri.{v r'R q 1r l<-o l t 'll,\ lll11r1 .. \170, r1nn. 1ntrr
Jll'li..'C'nlil f::e ralr, Tot;il Jl<I)· Thru·Oll!. ful!,v11i.1po•d . llur:r "~'. ta xc~. 111,;. on this J BR
575.333 1 S129,500 1Sat & Sun 1-4)
(2 Br & 1 Br Apt )
71."i -11r1 i\largurrite. t·di\1
673-R:)f)U Sf19.!'i00 ~S1111 1·5 30)
(F ur 3 bdrm)
JO\ 1 Kings Rna rl. Ne \\porl ReaC'h
()44-4910 S425 n10 4Sal & Sun 1 ·5)
**1641 Bayside (\'achlsn1an ·s Cov<'I NB
546·97 21 ~Daily)
20JS W lolboo 673·366)
S1)1!r1011~ .t· 11l1·a1 f•l l' f'nlr1 •
taln1n;::. 11· '1nr1l'lrir fl""I f.·
;.1ru1.1i. $12'1,000 . l.A'll.~I? or
s1 .i:,,111 ri . r('<'. Ry 11r11·1.
Bill Grundy, Realtor * :~::.rfronl i;:41 R11ys1rlr , NH 67:1-filfi l
**•Pool ottd WoterfroRt I OPEN-SAT~ & SUN:-1:-6 l~J!::::::::::::::;:;;:::::::::::;;::::::;!J:":>rl2 r·a111111u1 h. I l11111111g111n I' Briir h. 1-:nlror on Ynrktr"''"
ORANGE COAST'S BEST • "'·"" """'"''", 1~1-
SALE cMAN •• '1'[1'11!1. Sp,1n1-h 111 ... 1'('0~1. ~ ~o! .. 1.ltib "r 'llj.~.i11 1 ;
Da.1ly Pi.lot Class·111·ed 11"'"' """'"'"'' w.o1c1o '"' Ul'J<;;\ lh)l ~r. ""11111111
1nrnts $V.9 fl•'r 100111h. Shai·r 1;:>· -: 1;::1· f•'llf'r•i l, IC'\'rl 1111 1 !\;1, :.i.r11i-·plarr hnn1r 11·11h
4 h1•tlronn1 hon! .. t:h,;11'UJ!IJ.: 1·J11sr 1(1 co:.-r,\ ,l ·Jt:SA 11'Jl'lflr l11m1~~·;1p1ni:. O n!)
111111 trn.flr r lcn1ng 1a rr. 'I. rARI.; T11n ,..,ho pp1ni: rpn. '.!;::1 .. iOO. (';t!I R<i,1 1::.11!1 ,
l11.~u1·1011• hu!h~. n1•>rlr·rr1 irr~ 1111rl H,\l\'I\ Of" A.'1J.'.lfl. ll ~:R l 'J'Af ;J~ Jl l-'.A I. EST1\TE
11u11 1.1n ki!C'ltt'•I, r.1•,1cl,v !o (·.1. Tht~ r~''<'l l<-n l hon1r 1·~111 :.11).J l ~•l
or'<'11p,v 1111m1'rha1rl.1•. All tw yn\lr~ "1t11 onl.v .~~.6.l, --BAYSHOR-ES __ _
huyrr!' "''l1·on1<-CAl.L• 1lnwn 11ynu 1·111! 1111111Pd1..-tl'· VIEW & POOL
Walker &.Lee ;:,_,
"""°'' Orange Vista 1490 llorh(i1· Blvrl. ar /\rt11ms
.}lj.().16.1 Opr n '111 9 P:'ll
sr ::i.rklini:: c!e11n Mme~. some
nlwly p,1in!ed k c-<1 rpc ted. 2
3, 4 l.t j l:xlrms. Somr wilh
r'f"lls f"ll/\-VA ronv. t-:rm-.
fron1 $20.000 to $·10.000.
COLLI~:;; ,.. \VATTS 1.-..r.:.
8St1 .\rl1U11.~ A1·r . !'16Z..'i5l1
fo'orn1r rly i.a.Bord' R. F;,
220 E. l71h SI., C.M.
CALL 646-0555
F:\r111ni::~ ft.12-S l i:\
• SEE-tllf~hOl<'f' coif
rnur<r 1·1r11 10'. t,J ''i:•'lll
l tl'.1!1 C o ur ~e . 0 11nr1
-1 lidnn<:. \'1"" fn;irn 111,,.,1
111()111, ~7 F 1, 1<11, SJl:l!'l(lU.~
.I Anl. Hrd !o $21\0.~IO
Bill G rundy, Realtor
.11 11 Ony$idP, Nil li7.i-j:jl fi1
1)1111' rlr-•r ll'rra7.tn ronl!') K
N'llt('r l1•1ll .1 fir. \.IE\\
ft,1n1 n1«1r SUllf', rarn r111 ,t·
1·111rfrrr k11 1l1n rn1 ll1.·ti0
1610 Ir ('1 ,;1~1 1!11~ • '\ r.
c'-c'·_'c~·'c'_' ________ 11_u_·:_,,_1.cT_o_1<_< ____ ,_''c'--'_n:.1_.:
r "' I' 1:11 •1111 Olli,! I•• •Ill < I I
f"'h d .\ d 1 11•·,I_ \I•, \ '"
1'1]( \.,1,1~1 1 .1!1 "·•·'-'·'
Home & In vestm ent
~.::, E. r·n ... 1 !111 1. I'd\!
I I \' .
(11•1•1 I 111 (!tt·.011 I· 1<11ot.
fl ' I . r \\ 1!1 ( o!IT\ 111-1.
T'Tlll• llr\1hlo• ;-.111111111 flll<'t',
T" .,.,. , .di
• [!(IVEJ: ,.;11u ni-: . ..; •
t :l.E1;il.'"T tl1111nut \'.u!h111i:
<'<l111parahl" 111 1111~ ~ .t rlrn,
l"'.nll h"lll". .~i~! .. ~KJ. .'00
1.1.;,1SEllOIJ 1 1 1 ·~-r~.
1(111.,sLh' ( )f)1ll h'I' d;11!.1 -
Bt).1n1 'lu»1 Hllr 1,;: ... 211:;,
t;.u;..;,:)3~ l'i11'1.1 ,\)1 or l·:VE.
Th e Puzz le "'ith t he Built-In Chuckle
0 l!eorron9s l~T!er~ of the
\t1ltl!S IN SOUA~(S
!INV PAM!lll FO i!
AN!>'Al l!
ff OllLY' l lL01 Fr.d.liy, OtlOb(r 2f/, lC,,l
7 5 I
l~ I
Qtlnor1I t Coate Mes•
J Bil, 2 BA, !•mtly rm. fu'Y'pl.
hl t1ns. h!Ji:e v.·11lk -1n clllJf'I ~.
1.a()O ~ft tt. Nr v.· "l"J'~ df'l'l~I
Rey McCar dle Realtor
11110 Nrv.·pnr! flh•d., C .. \1 .
r 1si11 J)pl 1.1rl". P1t>r ,\. ~hr
av•ila hll.' t-·rorn S31.~. 5f'11
or lea~!!'.
George W illillmson
673-4350 645-1564
UP THE LAOOER-?-rTl"I''"' Jnrn f".1r·l11'I',.. ~r".o.
nn11•. .i hrlrn1<, .1 tuuh~.
pn 1·1u!' hrt1<'h . t:xrl11~11 f'
HOPE GERRIE RLTY. I .'li.~ Dn1·f"r l"r. ~ R
"4.'>-4400 fi.1~-:l.120
Balboa Island
LITfLE !~anrl. Sri. B;iv
Fron!, 2 Jn1s, /111u~r on (lll~.
l BR. 3 RA, 3 Furn111·f'~, l
Rrom 11 i r conr1lt1on~r!<,
n1111rl.~ ro•1n1 ,(._ ti111h, ]1\' rm
t1p~!l!:I!"; 11/""""' h11r, ~hown
11rirt nnl~. :'-1111 $~2.\(llWl.
Princ1p11I~ nnl.1 ·, Ch1't1Pr P.O.
Rnx 2!2 H:1lho;., l~lnnrl
Belbo• Peninaula
.111) L1 nrln Avr. Bl"l\1"rPn h11.1
I.> O<"f"11n. Oprn Silt .. , Sun.
1 ."1110 ~::in. cn11rm1n~ nl1lr1·
hnmr . {'hn1C'" llH· .. 1 Rn. 2
h11.th~. Rr1<:K fq1I . wOtJ<t
flfl'll"!<. Furn"h'°rl. $31<.:.00.
Don"t Bt Half Safe
En1ny l1np Ii\ Jill! ·llllrl ~Md
u1r~•11l,. 1r,. !Iii' r US11r> 3
))Nh•~•!ll l"'!!'ll~ 1 hath~ •
I '~•·(I hr1i•k fll"Ppli!("f' Ex.
p.1~·rl itf'11Jn rrili11.c . v: \\."
,·p1~ ..,. •Ir a p,.. :-. -J,n1.,.Jy
h11i11 111 klr !l1~ll\1·~~n"r -
Pl11~ a ~1ud10 aJ)I '"'~r 2
,·;;r i:::;1r••>:•', Call 6!."l·ll.l.i(j
Sli:l.7A) F'.7. !r rn1 ...
t"1r~1 l1mf' nf1P1rd·3 Liln!P
bf'd1 rn•. 111 t t!l 11 ,hrfpl.
M1nr;:I,.. ..clfll':'· All f'IPC"I l,01f'.
Jy ~:irrlf'n p11r1n w/11·<1l r r!;iH.
Cr'Pt~ & rlrapPd, C1uhh nusr,
pool ft pu1 Ung gN'l'fl. Pnced
lo .•f'll
COLI.INS & \\'Arrs
962.S523 (Open Eves.)
.r..::n d1111ri• \" \ lln•t ~"HA
Trrrn~ l!•K! S'I · fl . With f,
htJl{f' hf'df""llh 11·11h ,l hilfh,:;.
011·111'r :'iii.I'~ ~Pl' ;1nli lrl h11y.
,.,., lll"\'r 111 lnr1a ,v . Fnr ~11 11'
a1 app1•111s11I of $.11.llOO, Only
al -
Walker & Lee
P.f';il tors
a _ ...... !~I _,.. .... I~ 1~! ---1
"•"'' ~l ~~---1_'1 .... ;;;I~~ ltttl ltt•t ..
Ganar1I ~ L_I _ .. _~_~::_"_I ~ ~! _.-_ .. _I•
lrvlne I rvin• lnC"ome ..Property 16' Income P rOfMrtY 16' 8u1ln111 iiiiii/.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~iiiOiiii~l --ng •c'iiiAR~DE:u'N 'TTYV.PrE liieu~NGj;;AfnLOW~Ai>TPIS~ . .:: 1 Opportun»v
TURTLE ROCK 4 Separate buildings. Shake roofs, Private ··conim'/ &Jts Busuh!ss''
· p;jtios. No st•irs, No 2 story. TO SUV OR 4 Bdr;n .. 2 baths. family rm. Popular Pl a.n SELL A BUSINE'S ~2 · th r· I ·1 A k. I •42 950 2 & 3 bedroom ~ S6m e have fireglaces. The • .... 1n e 1rs unr . ~ 1ng on y ., . HOLLAND BUS. IN CLUD ING Tll E LAN D~ Hurry on this one! type of buildings that attract an hol d &ood SALES
$1900. Down
Witli Sm•ll 2nd.
No Qualifying 1'luh ''I 1rlhl.
---'l~ll'11 hur
tena nt~. Incoroe $16,740 yr. $145,000. Excel· Jent fi..Danc.ing, '. "The Bmker w1th Empathy"
''SINCE 1946''
lit \\'PS{f'1'n Bank Bldi. "Our 26th Year"
Un11"ers1 ty Park WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO., Realtars Dav• 833.0101 N ights 2111 Sen Joaquin H iiia Ro•c:I
P•yments only !189 1ncl11d1.ni every·
th ing! Really exlra ~harp 2 Br . 2 bath.
Large lol. Lus h carpels & drapes.
Fenced . r oo m for everything. Fan-
la.5ticall y prireci
, .... ..,._..,.,..., ......... ,......, ....... .,,. ......... ., NEWPORT CENTER 644-010,
Llc:lo Isle ~~=~~~~~~rc:..~m~·~·~·~rv~=......::.:::~~
1718 Orar'lfe Avr , C l\f
6-15-41 !O :H0-0003 t~''.
ft f; ~TAURA!\'T. La311na"s
most popul1r, 11 n 1 q u fl
l'f'!tauran1. Comp1 ... 1,..ly
f'fJUlpt. :-..1nt ll)r S~.000.
zycl!5 1ncomf' s.~.oco rl11 .. ·n.
Rf"alo"'"'ml<""· Bkr. fiTh-6700
£~8L"D Int. O#'i 1 ~n
8u51nf'••. Nt 1vpor1 Rf"ach
tltf'll, t2131 3~1376 afrt r 6 pm.
545-0458 893-8533
Fountain Val11y 1 Huntins;ton Beach
124,900 R.\' 0\\'rlf'f. Quirk
.!>lllr: Cnrwin, J Br, 2 Ba; h~
rni. rl1n nn ct r;ip!'~ ln<'I., k1I
11 /all hlo1~. 2 r11.r 11tt11chf'r1
11;-r ,(· .'1•r1· ~rr11 Au10 11·11tPr l
!lf>ltllfr, ~1r1P y"rrl Jlfllln &
f'n<'I Spa111sl\ brwk 1··-·11r1
S'l. II f111 n1l,1 hnn1r
Rdn11c. ] halh.•. PfVll li'lhlP
c1~r fa1n1h 111nm 111tp fir'"
pl;irf' !.· 11f'1 hill" R111h.1n
)c1r(·hrn V1rf'plll('I' 1n t11 1n~
t.....,tll, !"" l..1111nrlrY rnr11n
<1nr11;:,. ~Pil f'f' t"ill"rP . DnuhlP
1:11ragP. \"1"" t11'1'1<s. Onl~
$.'oJ ,X(I. C11ll -
REAL ESTATE y111·rl. (":ill 11r1 ti ::o l''<I •11· 1 Jii.•1 takr n\'<'r lnw ;.,\!rrt>•t
wknrt.~ t;.\ji •. -,ilill. ln;i 11 -,'\() QUAJ.1F,'L\'C.'
~·~P. \k1drl ll•11nr•;; f"T' '.\1•11 r flf'l'o" .<;h;<~ <'ilff'<'!IJiO:,, 11'\n (;lrnnrl"f"f' ..:1.
S11ll' h.v !l1111rr•. ~-,.,. .. hi~ ;ill d"IU\r k1 1rh"n prnr"'"'l:l l-~r;·i :>1'ln:;11;
pM 111IPI! 1n.•1clr k 0111 :-;11;,1;,~ !'1•1na! l<1nds•:11p111~. :\l;in,~1--UNIOUE WOO D--
roof~. c·lll.rlf'-r<ilt: r1t· ... 1·11,.1n111 fr~i1ur~. RF.SI Ot & GLASS
1\111!<1 .'<l>f' !" APPP'!'IH ll'. l & ,\LL -fMj ]I'~~ th11r1 $1011
4 hdrml!. 11;:,:.ii:; & IT.1:1i San· P"I' tn<Jnlh 1n1·h1d1n1; la\•'< .i Hr. h.')11\r phi., r\lf"H _hlrl~
IM ~:lf'nll. f ,\·. 817 ·0~ nr 'Rt."11'El1 HURHY .FOR ~ll" r lll'lh~1n 1r1 11 hl,. \\hitP·
"l'J . .,..,. 1'111.S ON'f.··. '. w111<'r .i;. !{111.11"\n \·1r11~. Pri-,.. .·.l•:>.1 , .,,. 1·11''-' 4 ) r~. r.10 . :\!rot r nrP
Huntington Beach 1,,r hnth $1:1 ~~!
'I • I~ Lot1/Crypf1 tS6 KcMet for Salt; 11! ' "'· ,., "' ""'" "'··""'.'~ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~:;;;;~ ! . P 11<:1f1c V1t11 :-.1tmor1:iJ Park. ~ Br. 3 Ba ('or l<'lt S99. <iOn N.B. 1Ba~·\1t"' T t rr11ct ~ Br, 3 R;i , 71'1'(~ S11i.f"W. Newpo't B•ach • e c L ~pact.~ A '"" J ho1ct IO<'a-100 REAL TY INC. l!l)TI. s ... sr nNt r OVtr 5930. 3"!77 \'1a Lirln
673•7300 BA y VIE\\' :'H,'>-171 4.
'"""""""""'"'"""""""""" J n1 ,.~! 1n rh1s 4 BR cu~mm Commercial
Me'a Verde
L11rc" l 811, 2 BA, frpll'.
1•t•p1<, <lrp~ lg<! fncii 1rl ~11hn1u cl o \.\ n. ;..1.1: •• ~]2~,
:1 10.01~n
** O~U7A~L~l=T~Y-.-.
R":iun!111 .R~l·l!hl l<' Hf>nlP, !'
1;;11, 2 R;i. Jain 1111 Jn•1
111;1 ,n1 )rl. Slfl9()() :'146-8.)9.1
Mission Viejo
~:r.nor:.1\nn 4 Rr. 2 bil , 1·1,.11
1 .. 1. ~p1·1nkl"r~. fen ",. rl
f"hrl'11n1a R11nch, S.~2.iOO.
homt on !argt lot overlook· Property
1ng lh,.. Back 811y. \\ltll ,,.11 1.18
fnr Sml 1"55 thi n GI ap.
pra1~J. ~,. th1~ 1nrla,v!
.'>l"-$1.l41i. Vnt:"l Cn. Rltr~.
~111,.. 10, 11J.i2 Nf""T'Qr! Bl1·d.
2 Bt>drnom furn1sht d }lous,.
11·uh ba chelor apL ~~ block
1') brarh. $311,.illO,
JOJS W Balboa 61l-J66l
Newport 'Height•
Headline News
lnVf"Sl MIY \11 Balhi'lil lsr~
B!dg. l~nstd 10 es1ahll8hed
bu~1nf'.s!, As~urn11hlt tJnanr-
lng "'C"lll 67~-49.10
for sale 160
e ''i\l 0NTICELL0''3
l>f'clroom nvv!r!. S20.000.-11.
g11·P;i1<11y prlr'"! Lo" dov.·"·
Ov.·ntr /1nani:.1 ng.
• • • * •
\\'ORKlr\G partner 10 stare
sn11U a utn re"lr or W y
~hnp in local beArh .o.r~.
BEAUTY Sii J.,n. 3 <'l'llllr ~h"P
Jn L II g II n & • RllfSOn&blt
5.)8...-38.'i.'i nr 400-9436.
Money to LNn
l~6 ~: 17rH STREET
Cash For TD's
Lowei;t Rares Oranit Ca .
642-2171 545-0611
Trust Deeda
11 yrs.
DA\'11' HEALTY fi1:l-7000
. l----sP... t}rn. 2 ha, frpl.
Pen1ni:ula Pt. ~;)!l,:ffl.
DVPLF:X 2 Br <'H S:l:'l.500
27:111 l!.11'hnr Rh·rl . ~I Ar!;i m.~
~l.i·!l1!lt Opr>n 'II[ !I Pi\1
(l(•f';in hluH, IJt"l.v lnd.ti·!l<I.
pat1n-\101 r 111 ('Qlld . :I RR, 1
HA, •·hrrr.\ kilrh ,(, ~-Tl.
Qu1"r lrrr·llfll'<f rul-1lr-~_.,. 1n
Prl!'9 l"PrlUl'l'<I lo S19.9:.0.,
~llPt v.111 fl'I Y Ii po1n!.~ 11.nrl
N£Al. TOl?S
n1·('1·lnn/111ir l..;ii:::un;i ~ · r.11.
1f'ra { n:i•thn" ' 2 hdrn1 +
ron1 rn drn. 2 h11 ·r).l~trful •
e 1 STORY, 2 berlroom. 2
hA th ~ !lj.l 5q. ft. L Garagl'. &
ei.r-conrl11ion1nj. Pnctrl It~!
rl'IRn nf"w onrs~ Viltanr.
Q ul-o f-st A I ~ ov.n t r
dP~pl'r/111'' P""R°'1v'°A"T°'E:-"°T"•°'u"s"T-,c-,-, s I
i\fAR.511 1\l,J. REALTY
AR . f'nn11•I!
nl'w kl!chrn, nl'11· rrpl.~.
~h0r1 11·11lk lfl 2 p,.,
bl'11rhe~. 2:,J:, ('r'f'.,l1·1f'11 l"r.
Ry ()wn10·: fi.l.i-10.~9
Capistr •no Beech
Nr :'-1Hrin11. Af'Hrh' Q111<'I'
Hf'11.trd fll l"I . t•n1quv IHun<':
2 RR, 2 RA 11 All 14.\"T.>I
Ch1u1n1ni;r h1i::: St'P 0111 r111.
S.:W.900. 10'.< dn. ·1!16-.1:177
Ct11rone ~el M ar
Un1'1u" "Pl"'r !f'1f'J 1111~ .~r;•f'·
1n11~ h<'an1M <"P1lu1.: 111 1ni::
f"Ylm rl 1111n1< 1~~1111 :1 l"'d
,..-..,,111, f.in uh r•>o111 hntil<' u1
<•hn1f'f' Sh,,rrrl1 tf l"l·.111\ln -
F.-.;nrn~11·.., n<'" h1ch ptl"
~"Jfl II' U' ('1111lf'!..c ~\"if'\\' nf
(1JlPn 11;.,1,,r + •"illl)'Clll. A~k·
inc $:l$.:,;l()'l. EZ f('rm~. •
\'JEii' -frnrn l1v1n~ !~"lfln1•
\'IE\\' . rrnm <11n in:.: 1~yon1 '
\'lf"\V • fi.,,m hrr11kr11~1 rm T
rl~11111 r11•i1.!hhor1Wld. Rik.,
'" llPR,'h Rrs r hu11 1n 1'\.B . c.: '1. >ll"l'il , .
... J91.11 Rrookhurs! A1·P. h r!PcorRtf'rl N l1111risr;1rrrf S<'ll VA nu 1tn, nr nun ,,11 Jl111111oe1nn Rf'il l"h for low 111111n1rn;in(·P &. flrl-Fl·L\. 3 l~ll. 2 RA, su1Jl'r
,.lf'all. 1'410 sq r1 lnl. All Lii'· ''PO-OR MAN-S-ll!.f'~. Sil;,otl. ~r·;irlf'rl <'l"PT~ .i;, drr~. fa111 Englund Real Estate
1111, 1111 Sor pn<ll. pill 1.-1, !llf'I"· INVESTMENT .11!1 Th11!111. L fl l!\\.!\(19::
1 1r~ c \J
,;ized rlhl .car. proff'~ lrl~!"/l<l. 2 hf'r1rf><i1n !¥>11•e 11 11h 11 --SOOTH LAGUNA
NII ,\. !'1111, 12 10 \ x!111 11hrhon<l. d11rl"' 1111 on 011f' r1·1111" ln1 OCEANFRONT
r;Jrnnr:i~. le., Tl'n';u·p I i;~2-!ili.i? • I' 111 rn,,..111ro11n H11n r1n,0:rnn Rr..,1111 I RR ... 1 hil .~rlil IPI"! ,----'-;!. nf'a•·!i, 111<"C>m'" i~ S!J;:, fll'"I f11rn hnn11' \\ fll"I\ Slil l!'\\a\'
LOWDOWN , 111ri11lh ,\ ln11 Ii"" n •·~n T~kf' tn .SPf'f''I Cn1·r f~f';11'h : fnrn1-
Buys E llecutive Home ''2 ·447 1 ( :;::.) 546 •8103 <nrr 1h1.• gtPill r1·np .. 1·r.1 l!..nr! f'f 1·1nl1ll' nf Ch:il"l lP \hRpl1n
/'t'l'Sl ll!f' I• .tnur.~ 111!11 It;·~ ··a· EA-CH. & ao·-AT'' IT l,C "nl~· 11 fPv.· BLOCK/\ :ll fi!l<l Sf'R ("'l1rr nr ' h.Y 11r1.
flP\fr,,s1nnall,Y dl'<'111"111rd ~' frnro1 lhP hP;irh. EMERALD BAY LOT
1.,~i1Mn1, .1 hath ltlodf'I F:xir11 1·11-'an J hPrll'oon1 hume Pn11 '1 llC'SilalP, t'llll nn11 Largest View Lot
hi•mr . 011'nrr 1r11n.c;lcrrf'fl on 11 hir~P 1rr!'"-sharlf'rl f'llr-j(l~-2,-,;1~ tl'.!7 ~;n1rrHld RR .I .. Jl)(),(1(1()
·\Ill nf Hl'f'IL \111.•1 i:rl!! ni>r !nl . ;) n11n~. 1n hn!h ~ I ~·nr lnr.~ N hon1f'< •·1111
Your nrnnr1u1111.1• n1ov,-UP b"a<'h 11nrl Sun.~r1 Aqua!1r lW!jij .~·a~1-Bill Grundy, Realtor
fnr l+rllf' PC)\\°'\ Park. 1!11gP hil<'kya1·1t w1lh ~ ,111 R;i,1<uif'. ~·r 1 Rr11rh
DIAL 962-5511 t"'a! i.:a 1r pl11~ 11 .:WA 30 fl 675-6161
ROBERTS & CO. pa1 1n. ,\11 1rrrn~ VA i'nr YOU HAVE SELL O R LEASE-
2528 BOWDOIN PL-.-t'HA. · .Clnl.~ S:!t>.lrll, JUST WON fhr r '.f./11(1 "! 11.,f 1111 nc 11 rr;i,
OPEN SUN. 1-S \\'on'1 l11i:r. Xl2-1.i'.\j ,11 :'.'nrl rh.un·.., 1., n11n 11 1 hr. 2•, h11, rii.: r11111 r111.
('<•1·n"r . li.:I' .. 1 R/1 . plu• DEANE f11rn1i1\ d111 1111 t:lrc;int
f;i 1111ly r•n1; hud1-1r1~ rlhl. GARDEN HOM E 111· rni 11 ~11111 .. lrplf'. I\ 11
fqil1·: p;i.fln. P.''°"' Ir.~ hn:11 including "1111 .v , 11,11,111 O rr~ iht'U
"r lr111lrr S~2.:iofl . .'iuhmil l h1~ if"1r\ ~'! 11 11!.n•I fl'll"""ll f>U! ~lrn• l\l•t h~r ... 1r Im.
<tN('I'•' --POOL HoUsE--r 111·l .. l-f'rl II) 7'7' "llltT" 11al1.<. mil<'. S17,'l',O . 1-"nll r'rlf"f'
BALBOA B~Y PROP. WITH TEAHOUSE! 1n 111<.111 •• 1111110~1 rr11a1·~ MISSION REALTY
2_""1 __ ll_f'lalhoa. NR li7:l-7~~ P1·r,.r1i::n11~ hn1 11<' h11~ .1 Art -~!\:,Sn. Cn.1"1 lf\1 1 1.111::1111!1 1>1<>"\ 11n1,.tu", un1q11r rll'nll" In I ·
SEPARATE 1 Hr '""''· I'''· nn + "(!ril Ire <l<'n. 2 full Ph: t7!~l l~\.fli11 "" :-111 1! p1~1ff'.".'IC1n11J f;im\l.11 l•hn c11 ri1Pt1, hl1n~. frplf, l1 Jn111~ f'll!"r1 11 1n~ 11 lnl. :i-+ rll'n + hillh~ ''' Rrin1.1ui tuh, Ell'i' FAM ILY DELIGHT I-
I hi t>u1lt-111<, 11pcr;irl"d ,:h~i: rrn. 11 ~ury \\' tTpt, rlrp~. l;ii"i:" !;1 m1ly rnr>n1 "11 !';t r""<'Tuic. ('"~1011 -'~a ..,,~ .. Ar.o.ulifull.Y t;inrls!'ilpt'<i "11h
1onnl & ~·luhhriu.<r , S21.flll0 I I I I -$"n "'-" 1' "' ,.. I , " "I I <'ll-< f'-sAr fl. 11-;. ''" ~~-~-11,.-,r.fn·r~rirr~ firrl<' Of"in <'nf'f'ri .lfll"n r rnty n rnnn1 :1~.n<'t. l:lll1244-4i;i~ hPlnr"I or sulln1ll. , 1.1, ,1 .1 ... : . .,,,.,2,·,., f/1r ih" 11111" "11", .~ R"r!-~1 n k d -I 4 ' ,., 1 ~n "· ~"" '•r(' · :·,;ii, '1 ns t• 11 lllrwinreelty,inc. 1 ,11~ l.il.ftAl"Nlkhi il''r .t room~.2h111h~.11v111i:::rnnrn .1 1~·1li,t 2. 1 ii ."'' '••-kh•<,, .. 1. llo<'o llrn I · '\''Ill\ f1r,..rl~f'<' I ~ri::.r 11f'll " "•' ,\n • .,n~"1r;i1,%~~'1.70"n· '·. "
BY !11111"1 ·1 11R !Hi\ .... h11k"I S46-S4ll llnytim~ f'ill\l\, f'\/111rr"rl k1t•·fipn "11h l<'l11rl.<
!<'"1f , f\111 r111 Rkf<I 11 r,,11 -- -----:--~ -----nf <lnr11i;:t> 1;""1<1 nP1t:hhnr. Hll-i n~ ;..1 a~ ... 11 ,. ,11 1,.k frrll' r.nt flt~ 0rrnr..11 ·~11"\, Sl9,9SO IS THE PRICE hnn<t. \ln~r r" •rh•.nlc "-:in Cpt~/drr~ J!ar<lllr1 fir.< f,,,lrlrn \\..,~1 ~.•1 11 1'" Hnn-.. ' fn1 !hP; lt'I")' ln1·f'l1 ~ hf'rl-""111111<'11 . A<k1n<: ~~.s.·ro
111'1,•I ;;alf' nrrluf'Pd !n I 0 • ~ \'JF\\'. frnrn k111·h<'n' 5 17,~. 3Hl6 ,\\iurl'ty fn1m •l rl1n111 ~ rrvo1n. l•l r 1t lna1yl1~ h1ch ,.nn11~h 1h;o.I inlJ ~ _ l ..... -
·· h<'dtnnn1• !11n11!v r""m rl11•1 1•"1111, 2 t->;irh h.11n" Thr ~ft ~
\.IF:\\ .• f1·nm n11np11c p~;1n' ;,;7_·,;:·l1' Ln \flf'Allnri, v.alk to PRlk ,_, 1·;..n 11•~11n1P 11Hh rH1n1,.n1~I _:;::, , -_F:i:Sil~ll~
\.IF.\\'. rn,111 nia.,t<'r hrtrn1.' '-~=~-----~1·hml~ ,,r t i~ prr nv1n!h, 11h11•h .A>-' :m:t.~3.~~'c':':;_'1~
2 \1"r" h.•rlrnonic f., .l t>.ilh~ riF'Srt.!lATF-!t"il\'I ~ C"tl l\ 84 7-8531 e S92·SS71 1n<'l 111lf'~ ;il l ,\1orir1n h111J1.I ~ ... a. .• & .... ,..,..,c.-,
C'l)n•plrlf' !hi~ ~E\\ Mrn". lr.1•! B~ ""nrr. t RR. 2 R,,, uu, rlrrp r11,. 1·11rpe1c, A!cn * 4!\)l.:.!l<llO •
nrE'.'I ~;\T .~· ... 1·N nn Ii:,. ln 1, ·~1 ,1;,;,, e!J ... , -m11 trh1nc: d111rr~ [)nuhlr --------
1.llQ ('f)J:Tf-:,1; ('Jr"(("! I·~ •'lllt'l'f'rl 1'11 11'1 nn QUl"1 ..;1, <:llr~ll'P IO l'>nn!'. (';i}l.
F1ll1 ~11],. h.I' "11nrr. [..r.J\"ur~·
rnr.0:"\1\ l!J(;lll.\'\·ris '\1<·r l\ l;irid<1·apPrl s~:1.:ro w lk & L ~ll -1nrv •luplr\ flf'\\ 1lr• /{-
Unive r sity Realty Tr~$!f"litlrln11n,11P llf>~rr~ I a er ee ~!\ill: "r1 '""";n 11"" flP("I(
•'••" ·.,1,_,~-,.1 I :l1~/>0~-'1t~\ \l~nl1n .
Ynu1· hnn1P h1J<t 1n1: "'ii ;i1
lhP ~"illll~-\nn~1r!"r !h1.<'
l11ri::"'r nn~· ·1 b1>rlr.,,nn1~. 21l
1~,1th~. (Y'lrnf'1· lr,1 , F:xtr11
1,.1·c~ ,1;irrt .~· 11l;iy 111"1''1 PMI 111 th f'lf'f'lnr rl""r nllf"l1Pr. k-tr11n1~. n";ir h",. •, 1'.'-. , • " "'"' \\'hill n1orr m11ld yn11 nrtcl .!11•1 l1 <trrl'
U . 't R I O.\iLY $21i.SOO n1vers1 y eo!I ty CAPISTRA.'1() VALLE\'
~/1(11 v r ,1 1!111 lii.~.ji"1\n REAl.'rY
• Steps lo Ocean .-.31.'1'11 c~n\1nn Cap1~!rilno
. 1 R<!rrn. 2 h;;irh """ crpl~. Hl3-112 1 rlrr~. hlt-1 n~. ' L1kl'. nl'"" Santa An•
$?'1,'l{)fl ----------• * • • • BEAl/TIFliL ,vArrl, :I lrg
fl r11n1illlc ~ RrJrn1. 2 h;irh l hrlrm~, 2 hitth Ct'IUl'll!)
2 <tnr.1 ,\.fl"~lll,. p]IJ ~ lit\· l.:l•rhrll. panPl"rl 2 r'~f ll:llL
111·.n11,.; 1a 11 rrn .:;. ~ 1 rl•-rh _:_''c""_'c'_":.· ______ _
1..nt~ ,.,, '\11·;i, .lil•t '';h '1((1 w t !"fl C·AYWOOO . REAL TY _._._,_. _____ _
larwin realty, inc.
2151i2 Rr....,,khurs1, Hntgn Sch.
S46-S41 l anytime
1 BP. Mnrln, hu1l1.1n~. P,,11[.
Cluhhnu~,. 11sk1n.o: S17 .. ~.
PIT! SilQ. Ownt r. fi.~~74~.
Income Property 166 --10 UNITS
Et ~ISl<I~ Cnsla ;\l~s;i, i1'P-t
rf"nl~I Arr11 , St>\'('11 3.Morj.
rnnms and ThN'f" 2-be<ininm~.
All .~l'pararr units With lot~
(>f ~P8C',. Shn"'S il f11nt11s tJf
ren1rn ""'Ith 1ncnmt of Sl,.m'l
rer mo. Submit on doi.vn or
rradt ro -
Walker & Lee
27'.Yl H11rhnr Bh·rl . al Arl-1 m!
:.-1.>.04*'.'1 Oprn "hi !I P:'-1
J unll~ 12 hrrlr"flm< ,..11r-h1
11rro~~ ft·,,1n CHy Park. Nn
mn1·f" l1k,.. 1h1~. Hf'lp !ilYf' ·72
la.:>;r~. Ruy """ :
lo!rrwin raalty , inc.
21;;;2 Ar....,,khur~I. Hn1~n Bch
546-5411 anytime
4-Plr\", c"~'a til,.!a. 5;:..l .Ol'.XJ.
Suhnit! nn, mav trrl lnr
h.<r . rnn nnl.11. 011'nPr
F,,J:r-1.1%. r c~--t'-----Tl\'0 Durl"Xf'~ ark like
2T'lllnrl~. E.
Rrl'lkl'r (n..,..p.
Rr~lt"r~. "42-:
DELUXE .\/pltx P rim e
11rr~. C:n!!!l \fPSJ , l11c
Sfi:.00 Pr1n l"nly, S69.9:i0 .
Industrial Property 168
'JVrl 1-: c" H,,, 1>1·1 . .;·,10 " ' I
. ----COLLEGE PARK --SC OTC HMAN~s---11""1tnr~ f"l<'FA:-i-\·1( .. \\" ..i::-1'rrF~"-LUSK HARBOR VIEW SPECIAL 2.·.10.l~J1~tv>rnRhrl_ ;i i Arl;irn< "! 1-irl•, \lilni, llliln~ \"tlil' fl (~ 11· rn~,1 H1•~, :"\ R IRF.,\t.:T!fl·I~ 4 Sr ... fl""'I
'i Rr.. 1 R,\ fH lll rrn. !11•a111,, 4 Bit, lam rrn. ~h11i;: "rpt.•, ( . . . . >1>-'•1·•1 f)l""ll !ii ri P.\l I :I f'H~. ~·, R:i. \!l'lhhi 1111rk ___ S4!·2_290 i·11<1nm hnm ,. I 11 r n I ~ h ,.. rl
,.nnrj •·"•lini.:~ ~ ··~r c:ii, 1 <lll 1tW< 0n .... \!r~ 11:" 1·"r'""'r J Rr. ... '"P 1 ~ ~ 11nrK•hrifl 1 24 ,7,0 . , , S •<·oou s Weslcl'off prit·f'"."i tn '"11 h.v n11·n~r
I "' I'-. .,1 • ' ' I "I\" ;> io ,11111 ~.,11~~1 ,'l! .,,hi p 11~1rr <•1f rn,,1· pf•'l1IHll\l I• •1t I"' ~11\n ~ \1\ nr ror 1 1n ;o • ,.., ,·•1n1;i '' '' · i;\l,-~~.'l~ nr !;42-!ll!i:i.
'' ·,.r111 .. i111rT•11· d...,.,,., r1·,,r 11~tl,., 11'1 rnn11•lt1 ~2~ 1![(1 I'\(, ;;1r~ .. r \l :.Y 11~ 11!"(1 1\Rri11111 •••11 l h<'d1•v.n1 . n~11 r·nrr •;ilP "' i111nr·1 J,~ nir "'·"lf l1f'n' .11r>n<:" nf';ir ------------
M-1 BLOG. 130 ,000
12.'lfl Sri (1 .. 1oun;i: 1nO blrl ~
I.· n!rl tv111~~ nn JIVI X 1~)"
rhnli"f" Co~la \l~<.!t !lte.
Ron111 1(> ~\Hi t! nintt"
Wesley N . T Aylor Co.
21\l N\n .lnarru1n H tll~ Rnilrl
;-o.•,.1, pnn C"n1 ,.r &l·l·4~1Jn
, ' ~l•~i: P"11"rf'I• n f l I) I I I \\,.,,rr: rr ~h"f'f1 i: f'~lllf'f. 1 Mobile Homes d"•·ni111,,,1 lnd•iT"I '!JI··· 'lr•1•11h•11i'<'.;;"1..;1111 1"'i; 111<ulr ,,.,.,1 !<1 1d•<'11pf'rl .• ' •ri;., 1 11•-'l~t,.!"1rl<1rlr 1 11r 11·!1p ... ~. ""'t 1»rl p11111~ ~111 ink!,,r·• J Hl•ll\1 1,11111k•t•1.,..n. lrrl«. ).,i· F111. pr ',.. 11"' •,.tn \I! 111.: att··•. ph1< ;i 11, nL: r< .. •1n j ,11111: , I'' ... , '" I ''' tl.·,1-, fil: _,. H \. i1 frroi·M .\·1 For Sale 125
Mountain, Desert,
Re1ort 174 -·-----_;_; i-RI\l Rf:AR LAKL • ln<·lull'"c lnnd s-;7 'llv1 R,' "'1• I p1111r• ,\ll rir11 "'"' t p ,. m •' '·., ,1 ':1.1~·!1 , f,,,1111r11,1t: J\ 1 .. 1 l;r hrwk 111·,.. :'!';/'!~~-· ~-\lar l.1 r1 ,r .1';l,,1;~,1:··.:,, r,',.':: ·1'·,,,',' ,·,~~I __ C_O __ N_T_E_M_P_O __
JI• <.;~\0 \\(fr.!•\-\11~ 171\1 1d,1<o •,ll,l')~f'ff [)l'T\!ll f'Jl;\• --,., ~
"'1'nf'r fnr 11 P1'' !dJ..,.M,, ! 11111111 °X •rt'"•'ll", I.~· 101 ' ' 1 • · · · 1,., nn•I 11 1 ~ "."lkui, di• Hlr. 111llr ' 1•1rv.' ·I RPH\1 1 ln1rl1· f,Jn1 ilv h"11r 111~1 L H•ll Th~\\' s11n1>h11 ll < anr1 11~1·•
E '( /t lh r' . H · H";i rr1 Gl1rl li •r.;r1 1'1 h, ' · · 1 SPARKLE PL NT \\I '11'' I nll nf'l I_ -IA'J('f'lfllf\<""l"o!•;ir-h 1 ·~111(l h;i l:itn !!lo, 1w\ .. j "I lnl ,l fl" ~1 1 .1r1 ·.-.1~'"r t11r11 1•h-aguna I s f\ll'l/1\ln~llp!l11~1'~hll1nl'l l
Thi.~ hnni,.. . ~ R,..drronn1<, -.. -'".·~lfl. (·111111.1?_,1~,1·'--.--*Hawaii Bound* 11111 su.2·,::·, · 1-·i11 :ill\_ n1111f'r, l'.'ll -<i>·11. 11>:t< 11 ""<1r,..cJ $!-l.2llll F1l'l. l"t.c. nr\1 1 0th~ ·''~r"l rnr~•t
I 1 h \T~O..:\ 11~1 \1\r. ~t1 ;"c l c• I , '1111 •I'"' L H ·tt n11,·1 r1c ~1~H ..:;,.~ '>I J1,1i; 2.>.Vll RJnGE;: ROl"Tf: r1R . lnr "nl,1' ~~Mr) ... A!n<:;() f;im 1 v roorn, . ~!h< ..,. • • · • 'J • · " · .~rnr1 .. ;\I I 1 ,, "' ~" aguna 1 s
hriitl'rl !,, fi lt<'rf'rl fl"Y'I. !'urr 'Ra , '''fl (i1n1ni,: rm, hlln 1,01 l'''"l.'''•ll tnrt>I ~·,,nA. \l;i1•111f'J'< Dr· i;l'-'1~111 1C:nrnPr "f i'-1oulinn Pkv.·y1 rn11l''I' ln1 l<'lr Si.iM. c 11 11
l"'ln' kiti·l)•·11 .-.. 1.-... ;~o.;. 1,111.1'11.,1 !h;il • 'nl!Tr•f lhl.•· l.~.IS\"TlF \\'0rlrl f""-nr .1-R1::--2•-;-RA~2-h1k~ fi,..ni rr('st1~e Ari)( rommu.n1Ty 11d-R"S,\ 171 \1 \~'>-17.'J: nr
11111111 " fin•P 1,.. rh" ,,..." .. n 111~111'\r. 2 Rl1 , 2 h~. Ln;irlrrl iif'r;lli r lYll, lf,'ll•~ .~· l/l i'<'nt to l"'l-"ll f"" \Vnrlrl 11 rill': Spl'nrn-Rl'.o.I E.ct ~IP , ~··· J• ~11nd;11· ~ 11nr..,1~, 2 RA, ""untr.v
-S60i 11t"\rrh"~lf'f. c· 11 , koi.-!wn. f;im n n. lrplc. ~r
I lfl"I! 1 ·, P\1 -"•·h!~ .~ i:hpC ,'>40-:'>$l~.!I.
University Realty - -,_1 e ~. 11 . .•1 ""I" Eas t Bluff
..... < •• ·~ 11 ,1 . "· ... 1 "1 --~--·------
0UPLEX 1 L,\JlCE L11i:k h111h ~ R"rirm
~h11.rp rnnrl111nn 1 Hr "ilrh I hn111r , 2 flr<'fll".l, k1nc ~171'
(h,.ll"'r·., 111111 hf'11111 r,,1hn~c t>r1trn1~. /11m. k rl1n1n1r rm,
""PPE'r ptu111h•ni.:, ,.,,r .. fi ~1r Pl<'•;t cur rl'"ir OJ>l'rlPr. (1°"1!'
h"a!, ~"fl11r11ir !11 1111rlr~ rm. I l'l ,.)i,,pp1nll' .i;, «<'hls. u~,. ('1!.tP 1<11. Tf'rnf1r 11"11 $51 , 9SO.
n .... ~,..r ;inx11"111~.. 1 r ~Rf\O-..;_n ~:Al.TY ~12.1nt
MORGAN REAL TY Fountain Valley
673-6642 675-6459
00'.\,.T flt:
Mr. Wrong Again
3 J.lrlj' b\ ~1ilf' rr~ul1111n11 lnl<
\\"J'!h $fl1'1.nuo 111th iir"ar 1
~ 1itlrn1, :l h~1h tn11nh01.1.•f'
1n ~· \". L1k" n<'•I rrinrl .
\1 U~1 hi' ~··lrl lh1• \\l'fK '"llil' * s2f~soo . VAC ANT * I\ I XtrR ~. Rr~1 )fl(';1t1nn. I rl11hl1~r. hr·, k r ~ ! j "' Rr;o.11f1!11J !'iUrmunrl1ni:~. :ill r .n . R"'" 2g2g, 8 1;: Bear
" 1 .,1, 1,, ., bl :--).l rflfl<'f' ~~j.~ffi'l. [ "lfllff'•'I< 51,i .'1.'11 ("I,, n"r lu.1o;ury 11ppoin!fT1('Ill-". Titer-L;ikP, Calli .'IU/)mll "n trrm< · '' •• ··~ n/l, In<, l\f'\\ 1!.pPIJll(' pool, 5\iri1tn~'· E:Jtl'!r· COIJ,I'\~,,,. \\ \rrs 11 .,.. rrrr~. •lhl" £'1 r. rn1·d L.11guna Niguel 11r"·1 !ln11°" 11f1"r l'i. 1•krl1 ~ Re•I Esta te Wanted 184 ,•22 11 , ,.-,1 '· _..,,, ... 11 ,,, ,,,2_,,-,, ··1-" i::.1·m. ·1 !11!!111.rd !~ble~. Jt t,Al.'IY1r.-. ·' un ... 1"r l~n\"f'
-" ": .,., \IL'.(11 \IQRf~
~ _ ---2 ,.~1,1. 1 "ll 4 BR.· 2 BATHS 1. 1. ~·,,r ~·our Int in '1t 11-porr rir 962-S52l (Open E ves.) ~l';.;t:n i! I: ]11·:12i~_ BA YFRONT 15,..,. h..,~u1 f11rn miYJ,..ls in CASH ONL y
UP FOR GRABS I . ·'1'-· · ' " "11 rul·rlf'· 1•, y,.~r~ n!tf Frnf'l'ri 1.0.rrl r"lroi"r :'hnr"• hi nun1>r. n~ni·ll ~,. ~f'!IJil~. C~t:i :'-l l!'sa, mu~1 ht rontt!
:i Rll. 2 h;i pl11 ~ -l'O .cf! It . ~~, ... Nr i,.nn•.</~,'' im rh1h I\ r lr l11nd~ril nt'd ft sPn 11k. f'1 t t>rh ,\· rlnrk. _.,BR, <'f1n-CALL .113{1.,j!lQo C'>r '130-7900 frir rlnplr'" nr tnplf!ll" . 11 l~n
cc 1 1 A 1111\ :>.Ira•. 31.500 . . . , .. ,., .;"11. ln:; l11m rm .. c"rl NEW ADULT PARK-1~ hl'l<>n.1• · ~mi .v P•l'llll. c. ;,~_1171; _.,47_fiii·I~ lr.i•rd ~l:l. ".1" o u'"r hom,.~ that C«n bf!
.o;umr f11A ln~n. $1'1 1. fl('r · Lagun.!11 Niguel Rtlllly rlin rm, n """ 1 Y 11,.m r. HunhnJi:lnn Arhor :'-lntiil ~ 1orn do,,.·n for""""' l'OilStnlC·
m" $1~ 1'11<1 I.fl·"· 1-....wn Irvine 830 SOSO 499 1344 i;.ii;.f:.IOO H0m .. r 11rK . f°ll<'1l1tir5 in· 11nn.
• c:.\LI~ 1117 S;,117 • I . -YOU PRICE IT! rlurlt>: ,!11f'U7.7.I, rard r m. Will Jra~r \"t11 rk un111 ,vnu C'illn
n"n"r ~111~ :"F.LI~ 1h1~ <RP. :'11A1V. nu!rlnor BBQ, pool. f1nrl n""' hnm" :"l11 tt 1nr;i.
2 h11th N"11-p~r1 !'hr>rr~ /\· hilh;irrl rm. ~huf11,.llri1rr1. 1n. tinn. l0t ~1Zf''. pnct & phonl!'
F1·am,. .\()\\' 1 .... 1 mP hrlr> rl11·1rl11!tl 111rlnr1111 . Pr 1 Sl'r-nt1n1twr.
110 $11o11 s A,,,/i,,na
. ~ \j .%/l.j
:I ~li nn., 2 h11 . f')l\llhnu.<;r
""Hh1n 1111 ;iir ;i ,,f ion1111d 111J.
01\~ER ~ hr, 2 ha , Jri;: k11.
rqilr. r.,.11·1.1 ria111Tf'rl. n11
.~h;;li <Tpl. nr h•·h S.1 1.:in<i
fi\?.21~~ 2·12i.t l,11 HPl"fl10•~.
11".<" You·111 hrill tn rh,. tx-11 11. Lido !ale
1~· & qu1r1 nf V1ll11>1;e Ill on 1-----------
!h<' lrvlnt fl;inch. Onl y
ired hill
Nord Wetllrfront
Rr~nli nl'11 :i BR , P1 h11 T h~.
· rl,.,.,\ "' rl(lf'k. on L1d<1 Nord .
40 Foot Lot
Anr. ,.:.;pn~l'rt h.-~m l BR. 3
Rt:,\1;n· h11 hfi'.mr 11 !'oufn patio,
U1111-. PA1'\I C:"nlf'r. lr1·1np Ont\' f.i.\flflll.
Cilll ,\n.\!1n1r. $13.\.M2ft B.ill G rundy, Rllr.
_ .1 11 R11,11~1rlr. ,'\'~ i;;: ... i;1r.1
1n11 ,..,1111nar,. ,\, s11l•mil 1nur 111"111. 19.liO \Varrl S!. Hnt.i:n A<'t f;i~1 11 ,~ l'lllr C.\~h huflgp1
~r1 ... 1·~ .far!\ y,,nkrr~ • Rr111·h !lf'R-44·1.'l. i~ lim11,.d 1n IO purchas!"5
U niversity Realty 11>;.;:;o, ~1JRN, ~ ,,.., n 1 n i.:. l'lnl.v
::OOl E. f".o;I Hw.v. ti7.l.1'0ll0 !'itnr11~r., 53S!rl ca~h. :'HB-3701 \\'r11r P.O. Bo.'! 1515, Ni11•.
RY "11nrr J BR , 2 BA . \l ~'~l~<~<~p~m~·~·~k~,~~,~~~~1~"°t"~8]'~'~'ch.~"!I7.~Ji:~ lf'1·1"1, 111! r ff"c . k1'-Corner A TTENTI ON HO U~E
lnr pnnl oH p1111n. 2 p1111ns , ~ O\rNEl'tS 11·h.-it i 1 y o u r
1111ik 1n ~t(1rP~ &· ~l'hl~. Reel Eslttto lllll8l l'HTipl't"t~· \\'Orth~ t"r Ir!'!! S.;2.~:iO. l~t L)lll\lii:-644-."•79.l Generel .l!!llJ rt~trle.n1111J Pl'f!~rt)' An&JyJ;-
p,\Rf\ tirln T""·nhmt~f". hv i11 k P"'rsnnA1 tnttrvitw i o
· 1 thf pr11•11cy ot your hamr .
;;":; J Rr .. 2', kBa .. prwit.
Acreage f1r 11le ISO Ca.JI ~ :i.\7 .. \111
.. Cir m11 f' offe(. f\,.\Tt;LLA .E:AJ.TY :l li·."1g.1i:; ~ Af'r~ ONLY S29 PER
FU~'DS •111111. for l!t & 2nd
l!1J~! dt¥rl!. $1..iOO t r'l
S200.000. Al~n Coll 11 1 er a I
!nans up 1" go~~ evalua· t
11on. N,.11·pnrt Equity Funds,
494-720\. f,44-882-1.
I~ ~------~
Hout•• for Rlnt
Houses Furnished 300
Pride of Ownership
ram1l.v v.•11h 1een11gers ok.
of Bedronm 2 biith, built 1111,
l'Mpt nns;:. dra!)l'.1, lease S2&5
Jlf'r m". Phnne Ul!ti ~Reh
21.1 . 429·%.51.
* LA'"N"'°O"L'O'"R'"o'"s-*c--I
Trn11 nt~ "-'lll1nz.
P roperty Man•g•mitnt
\\'E CA;..! HELP vov·
BEACON * 645-0111
Lido !•I" hnmf".
Drr emh,.r l~I
SlOll 11rr 1110.
,1 8 l"t, 2 8A,
rhru Jul.v.
* Y ~~A RLY rtf,NTAL..5 *
f1ni;r Ho111,..~ 1n Beac-h Arf11
Bill Grund,v Rltr. lii."~1111
Balbo" Island
.t BR. r!rn. I II r l'l I ~ h ,.. ti
h11yfrt'.l11t hnm" 11·1th n1rior·
In~. T1I ,Jl!n'" 19i2.
Slll1shury Rf"~!ty l'ii.l-6000
1r1n1 r r rr n1111. Balb011 T1l11nd
Ch11rm1nio l BR. 2 BA. trrok·.
S22"1. fi7:i..ti~93. 213 Pr.o.rl.
Balboa Peninsula
BAL l'Qn p,..1nt 2 Br. J!~lll'!
"1n'1k. ""mr! .. 1r 1:-f 11 r".
"1n1 •r $'.?2i liil-1~11;
2 k 4 BR hnu~. 11·1\l,.rl in
p;i11n, nr. 11 ,0.1,r. Unhl Junt
J.irh . 21.1: 2~:1-.\ll f;, 2~~1.i
Costa Mesa
Ql '!FT , 111 ,., marl• lt1rr> 2
RR (V11t;i:< .... 11 1iJ lnrlr~. l""'l
i1<•, $1'·" 110 n,.1 \l i r c 11
Laguna Beech
ncr'.A:" •1rl ... v11!u . ~r~r~ r"
hf'h 2 hr. 2 t-11. Ir:; h,.~11!.
f~n1 rm "llrplr. V"" l•1'
rm "/f11 plr 11·;1.~!ir rlr.1T
<l~l111 ~1tr. ,\1 <\il io J ulv I.
$,1;j(I 4~1-·1\47 .
CHAR.\ll·:n, 2 BR. t]l'n. n"-1•
k11. frr!r-, r"~P cplt, no p!t~.
s2:.o 4%-~·t
lido lale
BA YFRNT ,; RR. 3 BA . furn.
,\1·111\. 4-" mo. iron. mo.
Bn lt1nlh3m.' A11:1. ~i.\.-012:1
Newport Beach
R EAt;T. mMr rn lnl<"l'lhoU~f" .
3 RR. 21 J FIA. h'PIC. l'~no.
pool. 2 rar 11:1r. All 1Jltn1.
1·1111~. dr:i pe~. l...rii~e. s.12:;
fi1~-5i.li nr ll;.\~:"r!Y.11 f'\'f'&
aft!'r :J pm. ~Ir. Rur,.rl
:I BR. elec K, lrrilc. DIR.
drn. 2 car ~llr. S30fl furn or
unf. M j...i~ll : 54.2-7:121!
:l Br. 2 b•. !rplc, r!hl
#\l'a1I. Nov 1~.fun' 1.).
mci. !li~lli42 Ail.
t Br \\'at,rtrnni ('f'.)!!1.;;:f Just
rl"flrcor11 lf'd . 3«M ~l1rcus. " •.
Houses Unfurn. 305 t°!"tt 11ppra l~~l . l\"t huy
equihf';\. Prf:'\011111 11.tlenl!nn.
2;1 Yf.l l'Xp<"r!f'll('f".
l"'\'J\l ~;.R.i;;fTY P11rk -t Br. 2',IOP-E N 5A T /S0N~ll.4-
B11. t rpl1·, rri~trlr·p~. fa ml 241 VIA GENOA
c ash ff'r .vnur <'li .. nts . Of''"d
l11rirl or older homt v.·1th R-2
nr R·3 ittn1n1. Wr hal'P
h\nldf'rs v.airlnio -quick f'f.·
croivs C11JJ ~12-#ll'lO ask for
Gttira:,. i\t11~rhn1,.yef.
P.EPOi:-.c;f:.l\S f(r.\' 3 4/~
BF!.! rhrunut Cf111 n •~· S':~
.O\! Bkr. S~&-7 73 9 .
rm. Cluhh~"·. f"Tll, lf'llniJ Spa('inu8 2 RR + rlrn l Cilr
ct~. 011 nrr, l! .... '\-0.11.t M •. 1 1_1 10
Laguna B1ach
111!.fll ll"· r . "" , ••. ~1 f"'<'! f'C\r11,.r wilh h11 r 1·1P11 ~ st t 1.fiQn. EMF.:RALD RAY-Charm int
mnt,..n1p. 6 Ar, nr ,l ~11111'• •1owanb lowsor> jrl. f,Ortl'fl\l~ \"I f'\\ S\4:"!.om aeaL,o A
LO\'f.J,Y 1':'11 h1l-s~n.non IJ IHi \'L,11 l.-11'10 ltii-4llfi2
TEI" 1n ·r~:n.r AS SOC ITh,. 111~!~!1 rtr~"' 1n th,.
Rf:ALTOR.<;; 11·~1 • ri111ly P i 1 o t
ti0.i4!l~fl Cl~~~l11..t A<I f>.1:1,..Vi7.li.
A r(l(lfl 11·,.nt 11d 1~ • rood A i oort \\'JI"! At! Is II rCIOd
l«Yf'•tm,.nr f \nv,.shr!f"nt =-='--------
NEt:D rmmrrl. 1, 2 !'.Ir 3 br
hous, ~'8nT to buy nr lti.1~
t4•(opl1011 . &l&-fi39J.
''\Vht te El!!phants'' o,n .
r11 nnin1 your hou!t ? Turn
lhPt11 lntn "CA~H" -'"'!I
!hern thn1 D1Uy P 11 o I
Cl"1sltJed . ~2-... 71.
~~----~--·I ~HARP Cns!11 i\1,.u Arr11, .\
Bil rm Mm!!' ~·1th 11't J ol
room. Luxurious bath. Iara:•
,vard, singl" itara1t Rent 1.t
S215 00 !>"r mo CALL 1
\\',,L ... C:R &.: LIT, R.f'altort.. ~
Free Rtntal Servlcti
Shp .1 8d. 2 AA , •l'l•r cp!.
hlr 11~,. fe"r-ttl }'I!. ,,..,, -l
ehllrlrt11 OK. f\1rc11n S22.i
p l m, \Va.!kcir " Le,.. Rl!rJ
2 .. •
rrtt!~y. Ot lobrr n . lm
HouM1 tor Rlnt I ~ I ~ ~_ .. _._ .. _~_"_"_'_"~'·" .. _,/'I J I '--'-•_·_·_•m_'"_'_'_'M_,_._"'_,j W) ._-_ .. _ ... ;;;,:1~;;;;;1 ~' -~ ...... ~·1~~1'; ;;;;' -~ ... ~ ... ~
House1 Unfurn. 305 Houae• Un furn. 305 Hou ... dnfurn . 385 i-.ouses Unf u rn . 305 Apts. Furn. l60 Apf1. Furn . 360 Apt. Unfurn. 3'5 Apt. Unturn. -----------' G•n•r•I Costa Mes• Irvin• " :-::-------We 1tmIn1 t • r Cost• Mes• Huntington 1Sei1c:h Corona del M•r Cotta Mes•
4li W. It" C01TA. W1.U
Houses * Apts. * 6'5-0111 *
.... .,.,_J"ru. k> Lt1..dlur.U
$•.l.rURN. ~1(1h11 .. llnn1 ... Nr
lhP t>l>11f·~. 10,...\I ror ~1ni;:Je
BEACON * 6'l -Ol ll
• ,f'amily 5'wrial-2 Ar, rp1 .I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;\~;;.
rlr-ps, rhildl sml P"'t. Sl40. ALLERGIC?
ALA Rental1 e "45-3900
e Ch1t1·n1111,;:-l Rr. i..-.1 .. 1 L1 H
v.'I rn>lt· SJ:f:l U!!I Ill!'!.
ALA Rental1 e '45·3900 ---. P.J::Al rr11 :u1.. .\ All. 2 BA.
h1.i;: olhr fr·pk, blr111", A
h11{ dhl !rplr . bl11ns. A
pcr!Pr! lo.·11J1nr' ,·Jns,. 10
sel)(~!I~. Call l..11.rry C..!6-.'IS8J
T1t ~·111~ k r!r"-~-~ i;;,., i:it rhfo
nwrn-r 1tf 1h1s hra nrt 11 f> \\'
Tt1rtlf' R<wk RroaflnlM•r
hon1r, 4 h"(1f'<"•llJl1~ :!'1 I"" th.•,
t11nHly ltvl!ll, AVilllahlP I()
f)f'lles.~ f;un1ly Jor s:1r..n.
"1Jnb'l 1i•llil.
S11n-Nf::\\'L\" Df'<'flf, 1
rnr<1 ) r'<'I for chilO ~
.\\'I II I
Rr. \1F:SA OEl~ I !Q,\t F: ---'llPuilor
BEACON * Ul-0111
¥.'lfh 3 IM>droom!<, ha.l'rlll'()O(I
floors fulf> yar·r! 11 ilh pilho 1.
sprinklrrs. $210. [)"r month.
Call acrn! :'>-16-41·11. --------
"SINCE 1946"
1st \\'es1rrn Bilnk Bld.i;:_
Univrrs1!y Park
D ays 833-0101 Nights
Sl::.'.i-NEAT 2 Br. "' gar. 1 HR. JIOUSf' lrplr. car .. \l'rl. Rlrn~. i'fJI~. rtrp;;_ kid~ flk. sinvr. rrlrti;:.. "11 ~hr r , .l RR . 2 HA . h11n~. playhousP.
BEACON * MS-0111 1-rpr'it. s1!r1tn1n '" mo. flr 1·h1ll!n"TI ·'-(>f'ts OK. run1.
' SL'\.'• 1r;:isr. 6'16-6!l61 nr 1nun111 p.101 $.-p11rk. $:!.JO.
s1 :1:1.f:::\S'l'S!O£ C:'lt 1 fir !>16-121fi. >::::~:!10.'>.
Co11ai;tf' N•re y1'rl .. "'1aturP AVA!!. .• ,-c.-"-.c,c.;-.0c"h-,-,-m-m-,-c4 Lagun-•-B"e~,~,-.h-----
,·pl prrl RR. ,\ R,\. lr~ hv rn1 f,, lilm , .
BEACON * 6-45-0l 11 t·ni .• riH ·I PHI in, 2·rilr s;:ar. lli\:1 Cn1y 2 llr hnn1r in whnrl-
PPrfr•1•1 f•1r 1·111.~1ni;: rh1ldrPn, rrl il1"f'il. n1arur,. ii<lull~. 100
\<'rl •·In.~• 1n $rhQf\l~. S.'\00 ('an,y11n A,. r P ~ 111· :Zl.l 1l:.O-P111\', 1 Rr. ~:nrJ p;il1<>
.t· i;:ar. l\irt~ f,, p!'I 'l'f'lrnn1~.
BEACON * 6'5-0111
$16.,,__DELUXE '2 Rr 2 P,;i .
Rltn h.<tr. ('pl!<, rlrps, 1'11,
S.1'111 j)l'I nk,
BEACON * 645-0111
$?b-C0110N,\ 11 ... 1 ~1;.ir 2 Rr
hnmp "' frplr, Sl'fl ~;ir.
('hilrlrPn ~-pPI f1nr.
BEACON * 645-011_1
• • • • •
I RR . pn. h<'ln1I' " t'.'vrry-
lhing. V11can1 C.~I . • • ~13.l. 2 RR,
crt. C.!\T, • •
Sl·l(I 2 BR,
0.1.;. c_,,.1,
• •
cp1s, rtrr!'.
• •
SIOl'P. Gar.
• • * * •
$1 ."1~ 2 RR. rp1 s. fl rri~. !<lo•'f'
k:u1~ f, f>PI.~ 0 !<. H R. • • • • • 11.l. 2 Rl1 t :11r Kirt~ .t· p,.r~
O.K ('.,\.1.
r,_,: 111,,. ;..1:-r1 ;;.i;~. r.x 'l-2:i01 a11 :1!12 s.r,i
-----Pl'F.STlr.~~ ~rf'a .J;riv-~ e Old \\'or lrl Cll.11·n1-I Br.
hui;:P l./R \1·1 t111lr. hf';ini.~.
llill inr. 41.10.
ALA Rentals e 645 -3900
Sil"!" nrr11n 1·11. lsf'. lnvf'l,v
oldrr. 1·\r;111 , 1·1~1n1) hnn1r.
rp1s/rl1·r•. S.12S .. 1ri:.-.17fil. -----Laguna Nigu•I • Qu1r! RP!r"r;:i l-1 Rr. yrcl1-..,----------
nrtrl.~ i;:rn th11n1 h. l"tl prl $.~.i. Nrr.UEI. .SHOrtr_:s, Sf)il(·inu$,
ALA Rental1 e 645-3900 llPW Brn11r!1noor hn•1 •P.
------P1 1\•atr hr;irh, £ u ;i r rl p rl :1 RR . 2 RA, li;:e l1v rn1 . i;:alf>$, 1"11111~. Prr~ll ''""· l \\/frplr f, d inrrn. Spar k•I B1lrm. S~~ pf'r r.1n. i\l'ilil 1' lfan1 rrn. R1i;: rtayrnnrn.
hlln har. Pool 1:.· 1 .1~1· 11 i1h llPPl'il>; :--.'ni · :,th. Ph·
R:r....i~~ nr i;:rt kf'Y frn1n OljlSldf"' b;ir. hrir·k BBQ &. ~n1nkrr. 4!\.l...f;,w.4 :~~-:i+lh. ~ll~·rnr~~;:~l~~ ~~~~;'.nloOI"
IJ\f1\1AUILATE .1 BR. 2 RA --,-,---------
Frplr. hltn.~. rli.~hw~hr. rpl~. VI~.\\ llnmr. rrri1/rl rp~. ~ hr
1,. ti lO\'l'lv frnrPll rl. nr ~ lit drn. 2 Ba, blrns. $!9(). ~I" pa o. . y 41l'Hl-:itl f\~. n1ajnr ~hopp1nj!', 1111 _ ·_: ·~ ·
~ehoo!~. $2.:..0 n11• IPil ~"· C;i tl Me1a Verde
frpl1·~. Rlt-1n.~. I ~'" rll'
:"19--l"/~:t ;i,llrr 4:.10 rini or lMi\1ACU l.ATE? :1BR-28A. 2 l•IHTlrl.<.
Dei na P.,oint l<,./n111,1111 ~2."~l n1n. /l•.'aJI
2 RR . 1 BA'°: ("apr t nd. rir ll(• :oH\--hO!I! _
\lann;i Nr11 R:irh1'nn111 . .l Hdi-111 . 2 1111111. lan1 . n n .
f\'l'w Rl!11.<. S!2.i /n10 .. 1111}11 rlhl . frpl r., r·r1.~ f.• 1lq1~.
!·:I ('1111!\I. l);,1111 r1. Cllll All 1-:11.·1. yard $22:1. fi7~-:~r~. ----
Mission Viejo Ccrona del Mar
----.. --F~ntain Valley .J BR l BA !rilrvrl, <.•1·p1~. ---------'----IRRANl1 nr11·. 3 BR. f11n1i\,\
rlrps. hHifls. ,\va1l j\'nv. AV ,\11. !2/1. 4 Rll . 2 H;:ilh. rm v./lqilr. 2 fi1\. ;o ir
l:ith, S::S5/i\·\n. ill .lasn11nr. hlr-1r1.~. cn1~. dl"fl~. Super 1·nnrl . rl"pl~. rlrp~. S:.!!lfl .
fi.12-.J~Sl/6~2-1771 .<\gl. ("J;..in. S22.i. :>.IG-6~:'.7. ~:\7-®2.
----2 BR. nPw\.1 rlrmri11!'rl. frpl r.
Sn. strlF nl Hw~. nn f·h1irl rr11
nr p<rl•. $270 n111. ut1t pa1 tl.
RUSTIC :i horri1non1 k <!rn, 2
hi1lh. hli-111~. / 1 I f> fJ J i1 t" I' ,
11;ilk !n tov.n .. '°IJ<l. 61:......19?,(1
,\ RR., frPshly pillrt1,..ri. nr"\1
1•p1~ /.: rlrp~. f::i.n1a~11r
f:-.~1riP If)('. St.l.i. n1n. C;:ill
:>t-..-1!.\'.M f0[l"n F;vr.<.1 :-'nnth
\011s1 f\t"11l1r>I'~.
-----~-,----Huntington-Beach Newport Beach
2 !\!"Or. Y l rn ."1 1311. nr hrarh
.V :<IJ(lp11111i;:. 11;>.~hrr. r1ryrr,
1·111,0. dr11• f. 1·••fni:: IJh!
:::arac". (";,11 P«rll111!.~ f111 n
.52111 'Rr:i r h .V A1l:in1;i ("a ll
11f1rr :1; ::o :\"'.&-Afi~,~.
.l RR . 1 RA. h!!n<. fnM yll .
k 11\~ ok. "''alk ~hnpp"i;: J..
.... -hi.<. $21)'1, 9 f;2 -02~i
r\r<lll'knrl•. YOUR
2 RR. rir. Pllrk. 11 /~rn~ .. O PPOR!UNITI ES
1n lr;i<,. i1 f1np ho111r 111 rh1.• nn P"I~. ,.1,.11.11. Gar<lnr/wlr ·
pd. ~·or 11.ppl. 21.l: l~!l--7.~~2 rlr.<11·ahlp rnmrnoiult.\.
;ill !i.
VACANT·Nn l'Pnt11l ff>P . j
HI', dl'p. :"\AR, lrpl, M~h"·hr
9120 1.-a.rk~. Fte,,11.,1·
_!!ll-:i.'>-11. L
Condomi n1tfiis
Un~urn. 320
N•wport Beach
i':A~~rRLUr~· '?;nv.•nhse. N~
2 Rr A< m111 rr'I. rlt-11. ~1.1 R11..
t'f)!S. dl"p.~, , hlln<. t~W.
Lea ~" .~ Rrl"s, Tl l ;
NR\\' i'/\f'rur1vp t•u1ulo l Rr.
2'~ Ra. In !hr Rlurt.~ S17:l
n1<1. a1•a1J. 11 1\:•. ;\~7-·1"J07
afl fi
T f;;nhou1e uMfU,.~335
Costa Mesa
1'0\\'.'IHOUSF: -4 Rr .. l RA,
lar:i:P i;:-ara i:r. l~•"l(ll A1 I nnv.
S:!7:l. :~10-:l:l71 """n111~.•
'['\\'NllSE frw lra~r. 2 Rr.
\\";i~brr 'rfi)rr. bl1n~. /)(><ll
ral'll. Sl6:t 1110, 111 R!l:!-78!R.
1-:ASTBLUf"I-' • o1PI U~r ~ Rr.
1'~ 1111 . h11y l'ir11, f'rpl~.
<lr·p.•. UITn~. patio, JIOOI. 1rn.
n1.<, c11r:ic" 1lr. npr1r. A<!iills.
J.P:i~r $liQO. lllO. ,",lf.-4jjffj"
Oup1;;.s-Furn. 345
Newport Beach
* OCl-:ANfRONT t"()rnrr ·I
RR, 2 Ril. Nl-:\V ur•rri·
rhiplr\. l"p!/rtrp/hlln~. :>1111
,-;r;i~hflr<' fJr. \\' I 11 I ,. r.
s :ri0 m,.. Furn. 6·1.l-:0170 ur
21.~: 6!lS-fiOI~.
.-~~-nl'.:LUXF. hrai·h rmnl .l RR,
2 BA. t;r,.,at lnr st11drri1~.
1 .. 11rl11i·• Cl 11ld rrn 1" Jlf'T~
nk II 11l~Pf "fll.\', $?.ClO. l);:iy.•
fi.lfi-ilfl'.I, r1·1••, fi7.l-'1Wi.
--. ---
Dupl•x es Unfurn . 350
Costa Me1a
Ll1!; l Rr. l)t11~l1'\. ('q1!•,
rll'p.<, J'1 l\ile} Car. Arl1ilT~.
~11~. :'2:l\ nr11 11i;:f! Al 'P.
:~!!\-'1771 .
---~---2 BR. rrpl~. rlrps. hltn,~. Cill",
11n pr1s. s1 11.·1
,-~----~ R1·. 2 11;:1. SJ i;i f)f'r n•o. 1,l;fi
r:. 21~1 SI Art. R r;.1:1-0lii~!
~.I•'" -.ff.-\iflf1~
1 R>'•l r....,.,111 1111h1rr11~!~-d~ F
r .. ~111 \11'~11 . !.111·cr .1111•1
si1 :. n1n :.i.~-2;•1,1:
2 IH"!. hllu~. i•q•t. pn1111r .1ri.
I t'h11rl nk 1,1:i0 1n11, A11111
l l /I ~1Q-liii~.
Laguna Hin·-,-----
r·nn 1 rnt cnrcro11~ \'1r11
hr11111 "l'lll' f.. drp~. ~BR. 2
RA . 1-.ni•I. 2 •·ilr Cil!'Agr
Art1il1~. ~1 110111 <ifll{ nk. $~0
[lf'r nin. (";ill S.17-:1:.ofi. LrtG.-.l Rr -? -BT r11111 ---;;;
rli11 111rit 2 Frpl'., f'lri·11·1c
k1!rllf'n ~·a1'f){'ls 1h·~ p111111
!)hi l?ill"ili;1f> Ch1Jrl1T11 Jl<'I$
nK s~~:1 11111. fi l?-91:olf:
----4 l~R .
,I 11.rti.
rlrp.<. 2 RA.
2 r:ir ,e:i111~r.
~t fngra.v Ln
.l Rl1TI.1\1 .c;_, 'l ha rh~. 1.1,,, .. 1, I :~~~~~~~~~~=
Frrti._ (;rrrnhrl l. lJ2:l 19 ) ~l•)nlh Ap1 rlment1 for R•nl
,1 fir ~ rlrn. 11 ~ h;.,
rrpl/rh·p.•, !1·plr . ~?2:, Ill''.
1•1 f., [il!'I .. ,7~1 rlrM~. Av11il
Nnv 1~1. ;,~7-7:>1.l or '! 1
.l R1· 1'flnrln. I '2 h11 , ronl<.
1·luhhn11~". p11r1C1. ,llil t'ag,.. 11;/
sror;i,i::r. nr the h-rA ch.
!16'l-fl9!1!i 11 rr :, pm
~ Rlll\\L, 7'1 h111h 'l·•l,1;
R1·Hn<l 11r11 . :S.~,ll;, ,\>)n11rh
•I ROR .\1., '.! J:· 2'1 h;!f!i ~. 2-
~t~.' hn111r.•, :S~7» Tn S t'l~
CHAR'.111NG :"! Br hnnir nr f:XCEPTIONAI. \•alur, :t
l\'rs!C'llll P lal.il . S23.",fnin RP.. 2 RA. lan1 t·n1. nr
larger Townh ou 1e1
.~ R0R7VI . 2'1 h;irh Trin11
Plilr>~. ~plll-lrvrl· cr·rrn-
tirl1 111 s~:-.o \1nnrh !• .. l\il!t>t
\'IP" ii! '.\1.10 f\1nnrh . 1111'1
II lll">illd Ill'\\ ";iJ,.1-I !P"
111rl uiit. 1761 Tus11n ,\1P.
r\f'.\V Spa111'ih 4 BR. 2 B.\
romplr1rl,1 ("arprt,.rl k.-
r!raprrl. hlt11< rl•h11hr ,
r;ilrhac• 'h~p. f;,\.f-7'.!70.
fo\\·~1 rOus1-:-.1 -Rr_ 2 R..1
rq1t•, rlrp•, hltn~ .. 2'20 /mo
,\1 illl lrnn1PrL :i.10-ifi \);
.1fir.~2-RA~r1r11 ~hai: ,.r1.
rlJ"r>:< k p;i.1n1 . $2.7.1). l.r::. ;-.rd
fn1· rlni: Acl :1-!fH),lll 1
', RR, IA, R,\, /;1 n1 rn1. f, pl
!\IP~~ Vr•rrlr. S210. ~>-l~-.il121
nr : .. 1n-nril0.
i RR:-1 [~11. ITp1~-:-rt1·p". [111·rl
.\a1·rl . l rh1i1I OK. nr srhnril
N shnppi;. 1>16-1111>2.
. 1 -RR-;-2~h-;,-fa11;-rrR"h1W.
frril . 1·pl/rlrps , n1· :'ti. ('~!
PJ~~a. s 2.10. C..19-:l:t~7.
SIN°GJ.F. hnu~,. n;;--ln!T" Rr
rtnnbl' rar ~ilr<1s.:r. nn pr'!.•
'1~.-. f.12-1'7fili
Turn unusrd 1rrn1~ 1n10 'lllick
rash. rall &-l2-:ilj71:
Thi" f>1sll"~I rltaw 1n !tw \\1Pitl
.•. 11 Da 1l.v Pilot Cl11 si;1hcd
Ari. 6-12--:'i67R
DAILY ·-P~l-LO~T-clo-,--,-,,-,.~,,
Rrnnkh11r.<I N Arl;im•. $2.i.i
mo. :.~-:::-'67 ilft f; P\1
'l RR hn111,., 2 RA , frnrrrl
\ll"I. £nrorl l,.,,...illl••n S1:i:i ,.11it un11 Al i1!1;, \1nn1h
nin lil\-l'•S1 .> RDP.\1, 2' • ha111. ';t.,1_,
4 AR. 2 h:i . Lt·~ p11 t1n, frrll".1 • f:aglr'~ '\r•i." ll AlrJ"
l .nd~4~t11l h11rl0~rrl. l.r;:i~r • ''"" ~\r, \1••tllh
'lr~1'-Yil!. 1 ftJ)f";\1 . '!', 11,,lh ~ril11
l,.1·rl "lln!nr·,.~ Pl:in. · n"" 1 Rr <'Ill~ drp•, d~h" ~h1 I \\' · ·· ·· nr1 rr 'Wl'UPI"' ;i1rr ~1 1•-,.nn oi . ~2?"'· AC! 1.1,.11 < ~!:{IT() 'l'l:, \-1nnlli
~l i·'lfll-1. ~:1·r~. !\AA-:/'(l"i l • :i R!1 !;\1 ~ /;1mil1 r111 21,
Irvine --1 h ....ihc. ?20t"i :-ri 11. ("11n ... nn
'1r1•. $.~2:1 \.lnnth
• l'N IVF:RSJTY J',\RI\ * ! •..... S17.'i \\'r Al<n h:i1r <r\•rr:il (lllJll,h-
r rl 'Al11rl~ hnn1r~ $1Z;, .V l 'p.
Linn·. Park Crnl"f. 1r111ne
fil I· 11.l.l
-·c•"•"..-'."·Y•"•m•' .. '•"•'-.'.'"' .. .,1-11 ARROP. vr ~~w 110MES
T!tf:,RANCll-/\'r w 4 AR. 2 4 Rr. 2 h;i,. f;:im t.· rl1n1n£
" " !••". r1n.~. r 11110 f.· 11:;irrtrnrr. rnnl BA . ._rpt.'. .. rp~. ,.,,,
In rt .• r p ' rt $?90 lra~r .C. fllll"k pnv. l 42:1 i\1n,
~·l--7.).17. 1H 1-:~·19R.
Apt1. Furn. 360
Rrnt RraulHul rurnllllfP
lnr a• !1 ttlr .:.•
complete w ith
your 100"/•
P urc'h_ase O ption
ln<l 11~...J>Ci(!'l•"!l ,
24 H our O elv-:--
F urniture R•nl<11I
:,1; II !'lrt1, (' M.
,\ 11;i l1r1111
:-~ui..,1 1R1
1i !-~.'\!)]
Balboa l1land
1r1:-. l'!·.l"t 1 r111~1 :t
,-;1rp In Iii<' H~.> .
l'hi•lu•i.t u1il 111r «,
\V,n1nn flt·;il 1-.~lill l"
LAl~I ;~ .. l HJ:. 2 HA. frpk.
nr Sf\. H;i;.. 0,.11111 1rdrr.
(';:ill fi7.'~.12ll~ 0!' li,1:l-7ffi:,
\\'A 1'Ell ~·nnNT
I F~r. furn ••r unlurn. 4()tJ ,<;
Aa.vrrl1nt. Afl! Nn I.
BalbOa-Peninsula __ _
FliRN 111!1 Prl . IV inl rr
Rn. $170 2 nn. S2f'(). '''ritP
Cli'l)<:O.lhPrl Ail Nn. 1f»I. na1l.1·
f'1lo1. P 0 . rm~ 1:i60 Co~1a
\1r~;i . C;i . !1262!\.
At Budget Pri ces!
PHONE 6'2-20ll
AP ... TMENT5 m ALL BEAC.11l·:~
• 17i;ll P11n1on11 :\1•r I
Unbelievably Bei1ut iful
\'Al. n· /SF.RE r:11rrif'n ,.\pr.<.
Arltll!~ -no p!'ls. flO\\E'No
P1'f'l".\'11h('t'P. SlrP~in ,to
\\';ito•rf111l. ·I:>' pool RPr. Rn1,
S;i\J!la. ~I., 1-2 R(lrrfi. ful'n-
l lnfura. frnn1 SJ:rl. :':F.E IT:
:!(XO Pa1'.'4l11~. fi42-StiiO.
C ool, su,ar, 1 Br--
lAl\rl.1 fun111urr, 1-·n>:1rtairr
;i11rl"s. fro~I frpf' rrfi-lc:.
Quf'•"ll ~·1 !Jf'r1. Cqits 111·p~.
"ll10 r:l(lrn. Ar111I!.<, Sl\O n10.
$30 w·=k-. ~U-cp--;A-p"°h-. -
$18-$25 Wk. Motel Rm•
$6 Niglit & Up
Th•< 11rl wonh S.l nn rrnl
2:l7h Np1 Rlvrt .. CM 5.18-:17;;:,
BR. fo'urn. $ J f's ( m 0 • L iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii/----;;:c;~~;;--..:::_
0...Prlooklng hl";:iu!. Ji:llrrlPn O&LUXE
"'"'" & ""''' i«•I. '"""' ~~-• APARTMENTS nrl P"l~. Av111I Nov 1. 101', .,. Air Conn -fr,>lr'.' • J Swlm-
l:llh SL f\(TOS~ /rn111 I.a~ m1nJi{ Pnol~ • He~Jrh Spa •
P k -,,, ·~"' -'-TPru11s Cr1~ -G11me &. BJ!-. 11r . J,.,.....,.,,,1. ON TEN. ""-.:RES
---.-,;~--1 lu.M Rnnm. 1 RR. Apl. "Sl l(l. l .\ 2 BR. Furn &: UnhnT!. l HEDR001\f
AACll. ,.1;r SHI() .qin f ireplaces I 1:r1v. pat101. ~'ROM $].ill
CHll 6.lfi-2tiJi7 J~ooJs Tennis Contnl'J 8 k{s1. MEDITERRANEAN
Laguni1 ·Beach \:O.J Sea Lane, ~dM 644-2611
\!\'1acArthur nr Coast Hwyl VI LL AGE ~·--~~~~~-1.!VINI., hd1·m kitrhPnf'!lf'
111'° h<lrh, p11.11n. n1orlr1•11:
o<·r~n 11P1<, '"ii $13.l.
-l!l-1-R'l'.\o hrlort 9;.I() •In or Annn11nr1ni;: thf> f"Julf'I opPnine;
Art t; pm ,,f Ba.)·port Apr~ , • , f11r
llDTEL !'fl!.1n1~ s,. Jt pt s. Adults. And rhe sl 1,i;:h 1Jy lr ... -..1
W1nrrr, Si~ In $:u1] rnn. 111/IPI flpr111ng Of Ba)'\'lf'\\
1:,7;, l\nr1h CNl.~l 111•1 . C;:i ll (71 ·11 t,.11-.li\i
2100 H:irhnr Rl\'rl ., C to.I.
, 71 11 551-M2o
!":..l'.:NTf\L Ot"t"ICE
nrr::"I 10 AJ\I TO ~ P/1.1
VILLA APTS. l~i:una \fn!nr' Inn Alli~. f1>1 j Hlltllo•s, I
l.i12Un11 Rf'ilrh 19-l::rt17 ------R~:1\l l 11~ UI. rluplr~ .l F\11._;.\j l: & 3 BR's ~fOf"lf-:RN rlrl~2-s1n1·;, R;:i ;i.µt. I.cc 111 inc rn1.lpr1v3re p1tl !O pool • lnd!v,
,.,t>11' apt. 2 hr, 1•., h11. sun f1pl1·. rpi~. rtrp~. hjrn~.j 13undi·.v Ille.·
rlf'!'k~. \ hlk In hr·h, shpi:. ~prr!arula!" 1 1P1• QI flf'ran J:· NPar Orllll.l:e Co. Airport .Ir.
1-~P. S21;o. Arluli.~. Rrl. <'har111"I. $.,()() nio. Arfult~ nn 1 UC!. Adult.'\ only.
4!\1-991!'1. prr.~. PhonP 11"nt:'r. 6"/;)o..:l:...rn l 201~~ Sal1l;i. Anll Ave.
f:HOICt: 10r~Rr.(2h.;:-pv1 1~rrkrnn_:_onl.~! ll\1gr_ t.lrs .• Jnarhhn, Apl 3-A
p;it1n, .i::ir. $1(\0 n1n. lsl f.. :l ADR .~I.. 2 Ba. Carp!"'lf>rl ,\",: 5-lli-ti215
!;isl , "'~~:lftfl:, nf! :>pu1. rlraprl!. r·rplr., Ji;:r. l"flnlllf;..
Newport-Beach___ ,\1·1111 . on lr;i~<· .. ,11:1 inn. ·CHILDREN COIWIN·~ARTI.' 1 ••• NEW ••• O<'EANFnONT ~Bi.. 2 R11 .. Rt•;i.1111!'~ fl!·1·1f.fi2
frp!r, rl i~hw;i~lwr. A1';i1lat\Jp s.::oo _ ,\1o:-Lr~1ITTt. 2 A,\, ,Jli!'iT F 1N1.<;t-IJ.:O!
no11. S:\00. 1 .'il~ 0
\\', l)("Pan-S C I t hi Q rfuplr.x, r1hl frplr, pii!in. gar. · 11 11"1"-n111 nr a P-Ulf'(
fl',u,1, N fl.~ Rr. 1 H11., rfrn. 61 "" ( 10 ) 2 BR, 2 Full BA hl l11. . ;,_37\!Q r :1rs ,\,
frplr. A1·ai111hlt' 11n,1 . t1('1(J. wkn!I•. ,Mui! ,.e to appreciat•
1012 \\'. R11lhn~ Rh·d., ,-----;-------.-1r;as h"~I . ~ii~ ,..10k1n.c ;i11rl
ROTH nrr:N "["(\ s~:i·: 2 RR d>'hlXf> " hl!n rlrr kl!. walf>1'. 1111 p111d 11<10 (1\10.
1rr:n. THlin.S., "' ~·n1 ll'pli'. Pl11~1i ~t1ac rpi, 11 rt, ftn111 Slfl:; 1l:!1 f:trlrn • sPr
Ai;:Pn! fii'.i-.Wi.l nr fil2-:lZ:l~ •lPv. rlri•k N fll"l\'iltr_ ~ar-nr rail \l11 1111grr: R11rb11 ra
r vrning.•. agr, ulil lurn. Phone 67;,-,W~I 111111~-fi.l.l-llll'l
HOLIDAY PLAZA-e BRAND NEW---.-,.,.,.~ .. en-,;--:;=
2 BDTI.l\t (iuplP)<, lrplr,
1 i::a1·agr, i;;IO\'I'. $2'"1:1. 610 1 RR. 2 R1\ 11pt~ •1· rl1stn1r,
nui;:r rlosf'l~. p1·1v p;il~l.
h1>alrrl pnol, h11l111r1I rnl, Jil·
<"u7.7.1 & bhq's. ALL lrr11 ...
ITlr:s PAID .. '\pp a! 2011Y2
R1r<"h St. 1 nr. Orangr Cflun-
ly A1rpor1 .. !usr 11". <11 l ';i/.
L<ilrlf>s H<l• \Ji;:r :,,;;\?Iii.
1.fl(; 1 RI' 1111•11 11 l:.:11r. Sl:ii
DELUXE Spacinui; 1 BR .
furn 11p1. $!~.'>. Healffi pool.
An1p~e parkini?. .\dults-no
ve1i:.. 196,'1 Pomun" llvt, C~1 .
-l MO·sfRr:f::ttf.':NT-
lfi E. :!'lnd S1.
·"h11r1.1• .!apHnl"SP ~:ln1~ -l'MI
I HI\. S!:,(I Fl!J\N
1 Br. su;:; ~·u 11 ."l
All1'ac lurn :'tud1l"', $11:1.
1 llr. Sit:.. Artuh~. nn prls .
111;, ~:lrtrn, i\1~r Apt fi_
2 AR. 1·rallrr, s1:>i11,;·1--;J11LJ
Ba<'hrlur Tril•lrr, S!IO util
1111'1 . M111ure rer~on .
-~-----1.H(; I hr, uril pr!. S I:!~. X1r11
lri: 1 hr. 2 h;i st :ir 11t1I pi-1 .
Ad•iJI , "l'f'I" .1:,, no p~T~.
l;lfi-11!!:l .'i-11<-1·107.
lir ~1 :;11.~ Hr .Sl.'il. l.ri.:.
!d••:i! for HHr ·hrlni-. /'nnl.
Arlll~ nnly. J!l!~.l Ch11rrh
inn. v.·1n1 ,•r l~r 2:l0J \\'
n,·r11nrr.u11 l1xr Ari ("
wk r11I~. 11fl ~ 1<'krl a y i; i;r, .. 1:,:lft.
ll'I NTEll -ncr:ANFHONT
rh·I"'" frplr·. :!-.l-4 Hfl 5.
Adult~ nnl.\. nn p, I~.
• ON FIJ\ V-nr~r Linn
llN!Ql11': I R:'1 "I pt'11
f\Al lll lild pA 1d. S ] 9 :1.
SAil. INN "'Hrr~:J..
.~1.1fl.rnn Ill~ .\1nh hnrnl', Arli Ail .1<.<1dP n.r.". f)rh1>;P
rnn1pl furn. hlrl f)ITll. arlul!.<, "''lllP Sl 17 ""1 mnnlh \Vrtk-
nn pr!.~. ·l Sr:i .•nn·~ 1\fnh E~I. !,\.~ Fr. s.~7.;l(J. li7:>-l~11.
z:::1!l N,.wpnr1 .. ·~1~-6:\.12
1 AIL C1Pal1. •1/ <"l'pl~. drp:<.
$1 2:1/n1 ... !11rl 11 ri1 Art111ls,
no prl~. :1\l'l--062.1. /\p! A, ~:l'l
Crnlrr :'1.
NF:\VLY-rlr••1ratnfl 2 RI?~
prr. ;.:aracr. S1 7.\ month.
• .; 1r;...:.,soo •
(1("EANFRONT-1 RR . 2 Hi\
~OJI' ~/-"1 'l'!n!"r. "~i'f'I dN·nr
R1\C'll. rnm pl :rO!l'l Sr11•·hn1<' f.41-4::111
k11/h;irh. p>1•k 1nc. m;i111rP
111 ~11 nnl.~. $!lft. C l•! inrl,
Ii ll\--~17:-:f:
I HI:. fu1·n ap1. 11r11· 1·rrt<.
drp', t14'11I~ p;i1n1,..rl. rn~1111••
11 1tul 1~. nn r1rl~. p;irkl1kr
••11"!'11111!11111:~ .~1 1: .. -,1~-u·120.
~ 1 IHN 1 1)~-lfl I brl rm tr11 1lrr:
Al! 1111l1l1r' r:i1rl \1 ~:, 1110.
;,.1µ1,111:, nr ;,r ... 77fifi
1.0V~:l.Y 1.r:t: I RH. Q1111-i,
Allulr.~. Nn rr1~. <:;irai::r,
21:,:l ~:l1!rr1. li1fi-'.'llr.~
nAn1. s 11:1.-~11 ut il Jlfl. pr·1v
pHl1n. <'f!l/1h·p~. qurrl, rln.
Adult~. 117~-2(),'Jfi.
1 Hit. Furn. 11pt~n;-rh1lrlrrn
111• 1"'1~ 1Hl'i' i lfith -"'' , [\ R
1·1111 li lf.-.46(,~
I Rr ()("ra11frn1. \rl.I $1.'l(J rnn
ltH·I '1111 ~
i;j:;. Jf.11 Ac,.11t
\\'l:'-:T!-:r. F111 •I ~ RR _:.!_A-;;-,
I, hlnrk In r.;'"r~11. $7:ill l•f"I·
inn r'li fi12-!l1~·,
0CEANf"fl ONT ~1111l1n
b~lh, k1 1. .\~fl/~:111.
hi',.. I :.!·11 nr lii:i-:1111R .
('07.Y t nH r1r hr11rh ~hop.•.
,\Jfi", 111<"1. 11111 1..ril~P. 2t:!
.12n1t SI 21 ~. .l7~t 1 J
r;ol<lrnro<I. fi.l.t-7.1112. 1 • REAl frJt"Ul~ (;ROUNDS
----------RP1\NISll DECOR. Gas &.
fUrtN if 1!C-S1rf'd l hr +1 v.·a1rr pr!. C.11r. nool, ~i r
slu<t,,, $22:1 n1n uril pd. rorul. r"r hall. Jnctry. l BR-
Arlll.<. nu pl'IS. 1>42-9.li!)O. SI X> ur. 2 BR S1 5.) up. lf.O
2 Rl1R--1\.l -11r-i*ach. Rlln.~. \I". \l'1l~n. C.r.1. ~e M11n-
J)!)lll. ~22:1. Al '" JH'tllho11~~ al!rr. ,\pt I.
ap1 S:l::.11. r;7: .... ::,21~1. tli.'...~:i1:, I
2 fif( . lrg k11.
Sl!;o rno. ________ .,.. __
Park-like Surrounding
Q\111-:T -11J::LIJX F.: Prrfrr g11 ls.-.11:1 .lasn11nr.
Cd,\1. ti7:1-il!H. ---1-2 k .1 RR AP'TS
~ Hn. l\'t'w l""pl~. 111::, rr[t'IC /"n· pa11os * Htrl Pool1
$\1.1. F 1rrpl. nn rirrsl<·h1lrL Nr ~hor'i:: * Adult~ only
4:n In.•. i.::ir·;;i:r. fi.l ·l-4::in. Martinique Apts.
R~:AuT-:-un .. flJf' :t R1·, 21,-h;i , 1777 ~.il"t ~ A··
I I ., ... ""Ave .. CM
lrp. 1r11n1_rr~~· b_l~ns. B!k lo , M;;r. Ari! J_l.l 6-l6-5.Y.2
hrarh. S2!l.1. fi 1J.--:i.'l4R. 1 .......................... 1
I.HC. 2 RH. \IPl"'r. Rl111~. EL CORDOVA
t:arai::r. ~2·1;, nH• u1rl u1 11 J
No 11r1~. fi7:Hi737.
2:t11 t:Jdrri A1'r, (',\!.
f>.i:;.;i7l:O • •
3 Bdrm * 2 Bath
• * li7::-71i~ e ~\ l/'Elt 2 BH •
[\](1!Hh rn 1\lnnlh. Sli{)
(;~~ lf!'n!·l:a~ Cook1ni:.
G11s Hill Wtr, ALI. INCL.
~---nr:1.u xr. Sr1ani~li s 1.y)p ;ip1
232.l }:lrJrn AVi;>., C,\1,
6'16-00:11 -----INOIVIDUAJ.-PRTV A--C\'.
hn111r , '1 Hit 1111a,·hrd '111.r.
Frplr. A'11dr~ onl_1. >Jn prl~ .
11; ~:. 11:th ,<.;1. ll.11!-4.l.i!.
• * Sl:t:>-t\ir·r 1 RR. Art,
Adult~. 1.12 }'-'. Wil.-on, C1'1.
------------lflh 2 Hr v./ 2ar 8, ~tnr. I',
r.r;f; J Rr. 2 R;i, nrw sti/;"""r;:
•·pl. $fiq/n11•. r r,.~hl v
paill!Prl. Nr OCC. Carpnri.
-~•7-fi1.i!. -sH'AR-P2Bl!s1sr--l;;;;;;;V;;;;E;;;N;;;D;;;O=M;;;E=;I
Hlrl pool. Ar1ulr~. fl{) llf'IS.
TM'n ok. fi42-9520. lM1\1ACUl.AiE AP'TS!
ADUl,T A11<l
f""A ,\111.Y SPrt1on
Close to 1hopping, Park
~. Sp11cKJus J Blt'R, 2 ba
flil, iti'11111~. "fll. <l11JS , hJrn~.
fnr1l .\nl v.I p;ilin. W!r pf!.
f:11rrlr11rr mainr. Call bt1<.•n I ./ J'--LRr.-;Ur1ny-l R-R ~
f.· :1, 6.lfi.....41211. '"""' crpl~. h!tni:, rPfnl".
fi67 Virtor111 .<:!.•I. S1'."~i. Slll/mn. !lii9 1\l 1J ,l o n,
i."1F.SA 1.100-zBn-A~Crrit , ~tl-.J270.
<'a!1 ll42-716711 f,, Slivr ! \\'p'll ht>!p ;11ou ~f'll~fi..12·:ilii~-f\EACON il.V. 2 Rr11·m. 1 I-ta , l _:::;::;::;::;:~~;;~~~:~~~:;~=;~:~;~~:;;,~~~~::.;:::::::::::o;I frpli·. yrarly lp~sr. SY!O ;\In. \1 r. R'1hin~on
y J)1\VIS R ~:ALTr 1>1 1-7fllWJ STAR GAZERJ<l',.. \EAR1:\·-,.,.;;;,-,-,-RR
.'lOJ Erl~r"111rr -\.1'1n!rr tr--;
lilt Hayfronl 1 Rll. 2 h11.,
~arai:r S:r.!~ 1\1onth
DA VIS H f;A 1.TY i;12-7!m
e $2.l \\IK & Vr.--:-00111ffl
l.n1•rly Rar h • 1 BR· Hnnm:it
,\1aul Srrvlrr. l'nnl. lltil Prl
l Rrlrm N 211ra,1::f':-Prl'fr r
f'•luplf'. $l.l:"1, llam111on. I blk
\I'. or llarhor. 6'\:l---069.l
NF:WLY <lf>r"Or:-1-&·2-hr 11 111~.
ArlulJ,c,, m fl"I .... Closf! 10
shop<i. lnq 119'2 Rochf'slPr.
• Rarh. F or unr. Sl 10 up
* Swim pool, put/grrp n * f "rpJ, In<l!v/Lnrl ry fa r'Js
18.CS Anaheim Ave.
1lrp~. hl1n.~. closP to .~hop 'g 2 Rr, 2 Ra. ;ill hl1n.c, ~l\:tic
f, OCC. Has ln<lry nn, pnnl 1·p1 . rlrp, r!"fnR, g11r. lg
"' ~·11rpnr1~. · 1nr11n1 ok P• tin. nr S. Csr Pl117.11.
Sl.'.Olnin. Ask 11hn11! nur '11.<· :-.1. 2~21.
N111nt. 1R-1tl r tacrnr1a. Mgr. Hac1··-.-n-d0.~H~.-,7bo-,--1
11 r1 II. C;\4 . 6•16-R.16~. f)rli1xP 2 Rr. Pnril. 1.ar,
l'.'.~~:!.,:'.!,\;.::_:=~llJ CLl\Y J.. POLLAN fl("r'lH1frn111. C;ill An i l 11 ,
H Your Doily >.cli~ily Gvi<le J:/i.. .!nnr~ R11.\'. fi7:µj2Hl, Will
"'Y"" .A ccorcli~g lo I~• 5tou. \\'. R11lhru!. NB. e <"1111 6"/:...Ri40 •
To develop tnt ssoge for Soturdoy,
reod words c0fre5ponding to numbers
cf yovr Zodiac birth si~
·l l oolo • 31Yo<J
1 Yoi.<'•I 32 1.-
3 Oa.t't 33 N•lf J' F..,
"""" """-'"" Js -·
"""'" "'""~ Al F-.
42 , ....
.(J H•lcf
A4 5to"' A5 F.....,
""-.. ,,..
AO T1> 5()£.,:,-.,
""" 51 G-tt .....
53 8«~ ~foe......,
"'~ 51.A"" ~"'"'""'" !i,,, ..
"'"' @Ad'"""'
~I T<'!
64 l y .,,_.
66 Yoi.<'11
"' r.1...,f 68 ~1ty ......
70F-·ty 71 s .... ,
71 P-'9 7J"' '"'• • 1~ llvtdo<>o
76 0-"f<I 77 1.,io.-:o.. ,. ......
'"~ *l !"!l«>fo~ ..
11 FP" l l l...tO<.,.... ,.so.., ..
15 W'(W'f
86N•~ 87 1.,,·,
M Fo•
llO"'ct-·~ 90 T•awl
$14:, YRl.Y h·i;: I Rr. ~·urn.
NF:\V :t-Rr:-2-811. f;i n1. rm k Prrr marrlf'rl nr rr~p 11rllt:it.
r11n rm. Nr. mmm. p11rk ·'-9.~Jl 2 \\'. R;ilMa. ~.ll!-00.l!!
pnol f.44-1124. brlr 9• 3(l 1 .m. nr 11bou1 ,',
l.R-G--;-18<l-:ma~r¥;,-h,:;! p.rn.
f.· !illrrt'd pool f rpl. $.\l.) LARGc.,c;-c-1""°R-,.-.-,-,"-'_'_· Cpo,-,-,,
~lo. 5-l~·.1.9'ffi PL Pvt. pa!1n, v.•/w rrJl!,
N-.W-p;r,-Heights 11dult~ nnl;11 I -~" "t1I Jun# or
S<°lJI. $1~. fi.1~-f,(Jlf;.
$11>~>-QuiPI Artul\.~. no p<'I~. 2
RR. NPW ~h11.i. hltn~. h<>l\m
r P1hn1?:. H/pool. F.12-2.•14.
Santa Ana
:"\ Rr, 2 ha . rrpt/rlrp.•. r'1rnrr
lnl. S2VI m<l. 1~21 Ar11p11hoi>.
AVAIL NO\\I rharm1n£ 2
Aft nr111.v i1F'r"Oril!rrl, pn.
flATl(I. ,\rtul!~. ntl fl"!~. $20'\.
mn. f.vr~. fM2-2611.l.
f'1r !h;"\1 ill"m un<f,.r
rr~· th" PPnn.v P irn:h"r
.... ' ..
-----BF.AIJTlt'UL furn .-,pt, :t RR ,
2 RA + <lrn. Wintl"r r.-lr~.
S22.l. mo. f;1f.-lt211.
Of :l.UXF: 2 RR !uni. -'f11 • 11
blrk In rn•nn •, hlrk In
h.-,1. • • 67~7.ti7
Corona del M•r
J .RG Ra<"h 2 fl lk! Rii::
<'omn11 Ar!111!~. no Pf'lll,
SJ20/rnn. U11J pd. Yr11rly.
LAm:;J.: i:ln~1r-11;;-t"sl10. prr
mil. ll11I fl"!. Y1'l,v rP11!11I.
f;1,1-J0.\"1 11 f1r·r ~or wknr!~.
• I Rr. F1wn or unr SlZ:. up,
Ar!11l1~. Pool. 6·12-21'11
PVT-, -hnmry, 1-br-, -,~
11111 ·.~. 1\1111urr Ch r i .~ti 11 n
pc r:io n. 642-00:i.1 .
l BR, F'(X)L, util pd. lldulr.~.
no prt~. SJ4:).SJ50. 383 -W.
\V~!son Apt. 12. C.l\f.
RACJ.I ELOR. !Cti11rri. rlO$P 1(1
OCC' ,_ UC I. S11i ir.cl. util's.
.i.il -77611 .
l R~R-. ~>7'u-co~S~l'~<l. --
Arlull~. nn pr1~.
~:ll'l CenlPr SI. 642-;ill•IR
• I BR, pr1 p111io, pool
l·f1 t l.ilth Apt
Dana Point ____ _
* • SINGLE, TV. pool, J>f'IS
nk nan;i i\larlns Inn. J-tlll
CO.<:;TA ,\f f'~SA 642-2824
YEARLY lf'JtsP. Gr 11 n1t c .. ~r. l.i!llP 1~. Brr.ul. 2
Ar., 2 Bl\., pr1. p.a tJo. S350
+ ulils.
Winton Rra l E.~tllt' ti7:>-ll.11
:fe"""An;:-.1-Rclrm apl. J400-mn .
OCl911 N. Bay t'mnr. Ill 21.1:
Balboi1 Peninsul•
YE:ARLY. 2. RR . ~tnvr,
rrtri,ll., g11ril R:P, w11IPr p;i 1d.
lwllut, ronf!, 11rlult.~. E"
pr~. S1R.i. 6 13 -62 4 ~,
fi73-1!'2'24. -=------BEAUTIFUi. llf'W .l RR, 7
B;i., llpl. Ckt'r In br11rhr11. l
yr. J'°a ~"· 1>7;....2?.0fi, i;;J,...l!\411.
Cn!lsl H1•'Y· NEW 7 BR. rrpls. 1!rp<i.
It'~ 11twa yg !ht" rll(hl-ltme It lrplr. i:-ar11c.r. y,.arly. (1111
11 !1<.•11ys lht' r ii:ht plllC'P If Owllf'r 6i.""Hf)4~11 f~--
ynu v.>1n1 Rt.SUl.T~! C;i ll \.\'hl!P F:!rph11n! Oimr·A·l.lnr
ll42-'.-.fi7~ A p!acl! lh•t 11d
~·,,~1 rr111 1ll~ 11rr ilt!l.I " phollf"
lnd11y: r111! 11 w;1.y , f;.\2-,161A
__ l_\1_n:.c;-,c..~R"E~E".cR"°E"N°T;c--l>sh\\'shr. P11irl Util. ~If\. t2'14.
NASSAli PAL,\1S 2R~·-\-lli'! nPA r l·r11rb<lr k
177 t~. 22nrl SI. fi42-.'\f.l:i J\f-i;i;11s. R1 1ns. r rpt/rll'pl!I.
!'ih11'1y ,IA[llUlf'Sf> l::lm~ -PMI .""10-:lflfl7 afl 4 nr 1<.·knrl.o:.
I Art. S1.l:-l UN ~"UltN
2 AR. $11:1 UNfo"l!RN DF.I.UXF. I f\r., p<.-il, lrg
13nar -C11mprr Stnr1:1i::# l'ln~1s. 11'11!~. Util. p(!. S\40,
-----lRM l\1onro\'la. 1>4&--01?.(i, NEW Triplf!x . 2 l1t t . --.--Bt'd ronm~. livinit room. rli~ l..ARGf~ 2 Br. $14:t. 8\t-!n
in2 rnnm. Shag cpl. rlrp~.1 r~ni::r. rp1~. drp~. pri. patio.
rtl~pn~al. f'nrlo~rrl p~rin, _!'lo JW'l~. 67'.i-71"/R
RA l'<lll'.f>. l~11nrlry faril . Im-$170 2 Ar ~furlio. 11dj !hnP!I .
mM:I. ore. s 11.-1. 1'>4:l-.l.1i7 rlrp/ITpt. rlf'n, si;l'lr. 54R-8301
$160.---NEW I BR-:-11f1 : •. 21.1: .'>.112-:im mil.
POOL SIDE * DEl~liXF.-2-Br.ltJ R11,
APARTMENT t'P'· r1rn~. ~tvlD/W. s;:11r.
151 E . l:lst. St. Ch1ldrrn nk . $1!'\"i. 642-795R * '46-1666 * ,\10. ln1mH~.lBR."li'.;
NF:W 2Rr~2 A;i. w/hi1t )-Trl. A.. rrri1~. •1rpR, Ava il.
Golx1 rtl<i1t. 11rPa . Nr s. c;s nn"' Call .l,'17-77~. ----
Pl111'11. ·C'hildrrn f,, 'ml prt 1 DR 11p1, ocl'lln v1f'w. $1,j(I.
ok. S1R.'1. ,\'i1·2089 or mo.
-1-Month FrttR-;;:it REDF.C:OR 7 Rr!rm .• N'f'rtc ..
.1 BR, 2 h11 . s21:1 .. 'Hll-1J(lll A11t11!J. 1;1nly -$\l.'i.
Thf' 'y,.11nw-P11.cr~·-· -of ~171 .!oann. f.16-10,'9
rl~11s1f1f'd ... ·~12-Y.7A Whllf' Elrphan! D1m11:-A-Llne ..:_ _______ ,
, -.
I l~I
Apt. Unfurn. 36S \pt. Unfurr.. 3'S Apt•., Rooms 400 lndustrlal R•ntal _:_ _________ ;.., __ ""°_,..-----! Furn.or Unfu rn. 3701----------·I 3'5 Apt. Unfurn. 36S Apt. Unf.urn. P•r1on1l1 530 Lo1r 5ll 450
I Hvntington Beach Newport Be a ch Newport Beach -----------LARl.E room, l1nFn furn .. 1;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Cost e Mes• .,.a.shinr f11 f"1l1r1,.A 11VJ1 \I ,
l BR, 2 hi! Rhn•, rrp1 iv 1
rlrp•. \ r •rhon!o: I.· ~l""I'
pin;:,. Sl::il 11111. 101 1i ~J
C'11 rn111j• n fW'n hn11 ~p ~·n
1~. !';;• N ~11•1 I :. ;;~...f1;11
NEW I & 1 BR:. Fr SIJS
. Ju.~! 1"0n111I• 1rr1 .p~r1nLJ•,
r1111n,, rn1·! c~r;;.:,:r~. rir
•h,-,p £. ;11rll1~ n11h 111;0
R.alrnn~ :"1f1 "a1rr $1AA ~r
N> r .. ~~r f'l;:i1.11 c,..i·,.:!1~:!
rn\\ 'l.'!lfH 'SE 1 nr :: H1
* $145 . *
[.,\IU;}. 'J iwdir"'"' '111·•1
111rn1 \\tth 1>11111 n1 '\l'+r
~1ioppu1:;:. .t· ~""'~'I<. CJH!.ll
H ~;.\ ~ > !\
1. Rr .
* S36-1738 *
11nf11111, , pt•. '~rr• 1 Ch1lr!rr11 "l'lr.,..m• $-..ii
n1•"'r 1n all··11f!n1·•
------------! f'1npl"',\'l'rl OJduh. S7:'J. fl.36-1712 MERRIMAC ».;.n11 Macnab-Irvine
WOODS RP11l tv Cnmp11 n~·
M-(BLDG. '
A N ie• Pl•c• to
B• Together • , , •
f-UR°!\ 1'Mm. ldr11J lnr 11tu I
rl"n' Irma], nnl1 . II.A. k c :'I! $5j....$65 ·Unl pd llii,l Pl11cl"n!l11. Srri>r 1 Fr'flnl
fi.1~-li.;2"\ · 156o SQ. II, Con<'r"!I' floor~.
From Sl40 to S27S
i;:l"ntll'n111n: .\h11rr
pn1·. 1·ln~P Harhor
Cntr. fi.lj....27.>R.
1 rlhl rl,..,...r~ m Pr"""r AT
P11rk 1n11: R <'li t'~. \\'111 IPll ~t ..
En,1n_.,· S750 000 he<il1h clulJ & ~pa ; 7 pools, 7
lenn1s court.~. Bachelor, l nr ~ Br's .. .\lso 2-
stn r\' to1,·nhouses \\'' 1 or 3 B R 's . Elec. k1lct1-
en~ · pr1va1e b;:il enny nr pat1n. Frnm $170.
.Suhterranean parking, ele\", n1aid service.
Ful!-l1ne !J?od n1a rket, d r .v cleanerd. beauty 1 & 2 BR. A p ts. s-15-,-.,-iJ-,-. s7t_"_°'_"-,-,-,-,-.-.,-,,-.1
8235 s:-iln n V.'Jlhi n con1plex. 7 beaut. n10 el apts. w ith Te rrecis ini.: nirn ~harr. 11. mnttl 1ip1.,,..--,....,•o•'..,.,.S0l 07•-lll-2-l ;·~ \ 1 f'R, '~/ ..... tQi;ci ~ an1 to 6 JH11 dai!\.', other tunes by appt. " J37fi ~p1 Blvd. ;,.JR-97i:l. I l~l O SQ
RI '"•. .,.,. . ''"" ,, d Mo I I f Sh:.i.;: •·111, rlr~. J.,~r!~ nf i\'ICF: rmm lnr "'01'k'1ni;: r:tParJ c• ,-,., '''''' '''·po•<· " .. " .... J-'a.~hion !J;la n . 71 4: f>44-l::rvu Or easing. In 0 I , "' -
Sh11~ I I fll '. r1~1"' h1 •I'll
Lr.F 2 nr.. \1~~1 1'" <·1r:i11 .lan1boree k San .Joa<iuin tl i!l.~ Rds. :\. of -------\IV' 44 . FT.
1·r11 .: l nlk'I Parh r.1,r1 ~p,ir·r. pr•)). 1 1111111, "'/'of \\/fllll tr..-.k ~' !'an [)1,.j!n Fr111 .11 Alr!Q: tuU r..i:'-\7:~ PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS 42S ~oe,~:rm,.;.csaWay ~i~Ea..•1 <: ~-fi-IZ-O::~. -s,phnnklrrl. Csi b1r~1 m11krr:
• lr;in n1rn "unrlrrk 37; \\ -'I .ccc:.:.;.----~HOO\t 1n fr1Pn<l!_11, pr1 hnmP, I rr~l•i-~ ""l1"••mP ~ \\il~nn 'ilR-lF'.()~ :;i .\ ; Rr."' tl r, l' Pi!'." l '!!!!!!!!!!l!Jl!!l!'••!!!lll!!!!~"!!!!!!!!!!!!""'!~ll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ Hun t ingto n Be•ch c1 rl~ nnl~. hrP;okfils1, kit N t;rar" Ln 1:-.>. nf Bi'l k .. r . E .
-0-,-n-.-2-R -----\, f"l'~. •·1111'1r"11· ........_r\.\! ~ Jll nrhf'r pn1 1I. HA ~46F-11R·t. nr t'111n1""' 1~ rn11 n.,,,,_ \1 n '\; n., 1 RA . Ii pl!'}.. ').lit< l'~~f\111r1 f.i:a I .r> 1, 1· _A_•o...'·_u_n_f_u_•_n_. ____ 36_5 I Apt. U n furn. • OCE.\" \'IE\\' Fr'1•1! s i:r .. ri1.~h111hr, nr. Harhnr ,( hlk ;· ,.,f t-(r.,,•i,, •!f,2-~'l'~1 . ~ 1 Ar!.. furn nr 'l!:urn f)1 ~· p,()()\1 -rM-1·r~ ~ii r ~rnt;i111r• thrrr lrnrn Q.t:z
Rakr1 ,\riul1 •. s 1.~·, -_I N ewpor t B ea ch Newport 8ea c h ·,. J f r!ail.i .>Yi~:.s!;:.nr ~l!l.4il1 \'l.Tl:A l'll\>'llP ",.I 11 \ r i·flutll lnr ~1nt1 I~. {'ASA \ r!lltr 11 si rPa. s:...i/m<>. C;i,11 R-------. 'il7-J~IO. f'!.A\'A l \lh N \\';ilnur, HR. "-1~;3,11:6 nr IW&-7R~9. ent a ls Want•d 460 ~a rd"!l 11pl•, 2 ll1·. 1 R11 P,l•r.\1 0..:, 17 hl+•«k frnm
Arlv~cl" On all malll'TI
0 Rily IOAM-JOP~1
312 N t.J Ca.m1r.o Rt11 l
Siirn Cll'ml'nt•
-i!lZ-91"6. 492-00i~
N-11 With mr on 144 f! SqUA/'f'
R12 grr.
C:-31)) r;r·Pi;;:. ?13/l7~./~29
GOING t'? :.11nn. ~ T11kr R
mn1nrryrlt to '.lpJ.o. a.nr!
""'rn ST>. :1:16--130.'> Rrt .. r ~
f) 111.
::OAILJNG -Purnn
All 11rl CfP\\, r .
W.1i. <;A. TPt-f>PP
Lott ~ml fouM
Found (free •cl•)
0 . Rox.
Pr11. p11!1n ;,. car -~1ni.:I~ R E S ERVE NOW F O R
,,,,1, ;,x..~1;·,q s11~1 111,1 YOUR B E ST OC EAN 11 ~I;
,,.arl,\ rPnr.11,
St ;..p" f"'l!'I
Guest Hom• •1s ------------1------------,Bl 'll.nF:n. "ant.• to
K IDS W E LCOME I rRI\' rn1 lnr 11mht1l;i1nrv .l Rr tin11~r 111
rrnt 2 nr r· o u !\ n 1·1 r.nll} n l
Corona r!t'l ,\\ar.
leguna Be ach ! U<~.l~'~-~(~~~r V~l~r~:~·:. ;\to1P In TM~~· 2 Ar .11.l!I &1 J11rl1 1n l1r fo!l!"~! h<imf'. 1 ;r~ rPp11 1r. r\Th lln~P
11:1!1. f'o"I r .. 1 ~ nJ.:. All f'>.·I f~ ~f'r\'Pi1 lam $f)'IP , rrnl fi1'1-7.171.
li(l't'~ & nr;i ngp k11!tn wh!IP
f'hf'.<I n11y~ 67:\-7jJ], E'l'P!
2 RR. 2 flA . rrrt•. drp•l
hPir.rn ~. 11•rrl hru·J.. lrrlr.
bl1n~. ,\111111~ nnl,\, nn prl.<:,
Yrl). $200/Urll prl f..12-X:,~>o
l RR , Lr~ rnnn1~. Crpl~.
nrr~. Rl1r1~. ~'n rwr.<:. s11.i
i ·l l .J:inir'S SI. Cnn111r1
n11nrr. :~iR-•t'.00 nfl +lpn1.
SllJNNJNr; (;:irdrn fq1T1',
------------I l.U:\l/r.~ ill>I~ ll'l!h ~t1101(•
2 Or ,\. r!rn 11 .. 11rt h1<r N I frf'1: 0,('\\JK)l'l -H<1rhnr &
11,tl('Pll.I, 1 h~. hhn~ "r•!. l 'M'l'HI' \)<'II•, fl\f't'll'l0ki11"
clJ1~. \\;ilk In r>1·h 111 ~·. J..;h l.1rl<J 1~11•. \lolh('tllll"'ll!l11'111·
)!1111.1 . ~l:i1urP <Hliill.~. ,\'" a! ;i1n••111111•• In inl'lude
··hilrlrf'n nr p<"I~ S:?."10 n1n s7:11,l)l~J c·l•1t.hn11'i', f"•ll t
Y ~;,, r. r ,y-;,-;:-;1·r11-;;-;11a,..i"l11'1
11rr 3 Rr. 'l Ra, frpl1·. SZ2.). r.,..r, '\·ail /'lf1>1 . J')'l.21 2~
Santa" Ana
tr;i~' 17'.lfi2 .. ,, .. f.i:pp\u1n Ln li-l&-.1:191 !~~~~~~~~~~~~ !lf\S· i .110 nr ~ 12-li2~:.. --I
l.AD!F:S nnrlrr ~.), sr 1n1 nr I I ~ 2 Newport B••ch 111·1\'atp t'on1n. Rr!l!'Pr! R!\. p,,,0.,1, ... " 'llJ h••"o/hl.ck
·"C'f' In 11ppr rr1flle. fi46·1950. . \nst;i (ll!"~il
lypf' rl n :;: 5
11·/11h 111'. V1r,
Si., C , \\.
I f'>"Ol. 2 RP."J>:. 2 R:i , par1'I
rl .. n. SlRO 1nfa n1 nr ~tnl rini:
'>k. 1 Rr. $1 \/l f}.j\_;,:,~JI.
I [)pl\!'.liP i'!Jll
f n ,-n1 "' t
I n n.
2 RP.
~ nr 111·
/; 16-07.:;
LTKr~ nP"' 2 AR ln\\•nOOu~t'.
I ShRJ::" rrpl~. rlrp~. rl~h"'"hr,
!W'lf <"l!"fln1nc nvPn. p11 110 &
.s::a raJ<P. 5170. :..\R-f..' .. ~.
I Rr. Grr>un.I fl oor, r nild .f..
Pf'! nk. Ill~ \~. 171h St. Ap1
fl. OPE;\ $120 1')1 17K~
2 Rr .<:\rur!ro, I' i h,1, "''I
p11 1n1. ,1r" "h"i.:. 1·rp1 1;,,r ..
Yrt. Ar!lr~. $lfi.i . !~i!-7!l:l7.
1,.11 ,,.. .-.~;1 .. \•'••l!t 1·nll<'•'I
• l)('~.1\!\'. Vlf'\1 · '.!'ll' tn twh
1 f., 1 H1•. $1 7:, l'p. Pnnl 21-;1
S. \J>I, H",1. i;.1:-...:~1:?';1.
:.i.~fi71~ ..
I R1 11p1, rrpli'. ra11n, fl(•r11n
\'U""ll ~lfi'I. 21.l fi!lS-7:i22 nr
21.~ !);:;\.-:1717 11ft .\. -------
l ido Isle
!.OVf:LY 2 Rr. JI., R;i , 2 rar
car. hllns, rt'fnc. lr•pl, 1·p1,
•lrp, s~r. on lsr . :\ho\' n h,1
llflflt . ;.14-20.1:,, "'~•-.1!ltii.
t'!'/'~:1~-'l-Hr-. -2 -n-;-:-
··1·p1/rlrp•, fq•!1·. hlrn k11.
Allult~ nnl,1 $2:-il f,7:1->R2•1.
2 RR. rl" ".<rr.<. •Tf'I, 1f1'r•. M•sa Ver de
•1n1qu<' P"'•I 11Hr. .1.,1nry
!.iln .. \'11llr~ Chat••11u ,t 1ra-
d1 111>11~l (jr~1.c:n •11rr .~uh
t• 11·1111,.an p:1rk 111i: _ 111th
r lr1·a :nr. 1'.1.<lrf11I Jnhh1r•.
St'•'ll r11y 1·\' ".'~1rn1. 21.nr
patrnl!rrl. r1u·!<1srrl 4'()mmun-
tl~ f<>r m11x11nun1 sPrun t~'.
S1nc:lr'I, ! twlrn1, 2 htirm, N
;'I hrlrn1 luxury un1t;t; 'll 2,00IJ
~11 . fl.
Frn111 ~:t:1l. 'lnrllhly
1 ,1...,,,.. 1'a1·1rw Cu11.~1 H11.1 •.
t>rt\\'('('IJ -''•'1\'flnrt f\!1·d. !.·
S11r"r1r.r. !ii 11 f,i ;,.()flfiO.
~·lprri '.I 11 rl> 1n F; pni
N O W O P E N • hltns. p11!1n , ,;.1·r••rl, $11'• ·------·----1 e
i;.1; ..... 1i:;11 nr ;,1.~-0;:21. * NIC E VIEW * HllA.\'f1 .\I ~'.\\' I f-:1, ~1 :0:, 2
1~1· ~1~1() 1\LI. l 'Tfl.l'!'l ~;s
f'1\il• f'l'I\' f'llll" h11ii~n J
!'Ill. h••Hh'd pr~d 11/ Jfu'll7.ll,
h11~r •·li"rr.~, 1frrp Pll r 1·;0 ·-
f)f'!lr1C, lu.•h l111irt."·"r11nc
.'\cl111t~. '\'nu \111~1 ::,,,. Th1<
/)111'' 10111:.i l~11'•'h :::.1. \'~.
'.i:1•· 1~11;
2 BR. !'<"rll'<', ln1·rl,1· f'ill tn,
I rrp1, d1·r. 1:111·. Sl.'.O 1 ,·111lr!
nk, nn pf'I•. fi lf;-.i.1i0. I •D•luXe_2 _8 r , 2 s .. *-
ArluJ1~. 110 J)l'I.~. Ai<I :..in...4t·ll.
East Bluft
V illa G r ana d a Apt s .
~'r•ur t>rr!rnnn1• 1111h h.1l1·•ul·
l'µprr 2 Hr. ('pl .•, drp<, """I
l:ill'. flilrh1,r .\· H1tk"r ~hop I.:
,\d11l to I~ !)('I~. $111) n\n
r..1: ... ~.:,1.1 or 4'-H·l,10R 0r
fi.!1.07;,:1 for ilflfll.
PF:LL'X F: 1 f< J R11 :-2-R;,
f'n.·I c~r. St:,(1 .t· up.
/Jli .10!1"1 ,,,.,,"
·,1r~ 1111 1
N•wport S tach
S\:'\f;I.F: STOP. Y
South Sra ,\1mn~pherc
2 BP.. .• 2 BATit
CarP"1s t, drp!
.l\1r Condit1nnPrl
I'rn'i'l lf' Pari(I~
Plent~· -01 J1111·n
Ctr[)()rt & S1f'Jrai e
2.)()1') Sourh Sal111
Sa ora An a • 546-I:J2S
.'l !ll'il!l'rl Ponls
l,;i1·~p ('l11hhn11~,. Plr. RBQ
C'h1lrl C11rP Cf'rll<'r
c:rP11( nP\\' l 2 ,., 3 Rr!rm~
F rY>n1 $1 l!l
Jiii! .'\!11 rA r1!111r Bll·d.
:, lf...il.ll~.1
1 RR .~· 2 AR, rnr l <:ilr. n<'"
rrp1, rl f'<'nr . ~111. rhilrl 0 1\ .
Rol~:i 11t H~r'hnr ll.1!1.'Jl.'i~
A pts.,
F urn. or Unfurn. j](J
RESORT LIVING Vac ation Renta-li.--415 f..lf.-.l'\.11.\
fROM $125
prP<l\l:P l11·1ni;: 111 nnP lu.'C11r-
1n11~ pi'l!'klH;P, 11JP1"1•11 $1
m1ll1nn 1n r,..,·1·r1111nn , ..
~" 1n11n1111:, !"ntll•, h1!hard•.
hr11 lth rl11h', ~11111111•. prf>.
111rir,.;r i:•ilf rlnl'lni.:
1.· 2 Rft. F1ll'tlt<hPd f.· ( ·n·
fu 1n1~hrd !"n lr;i<P rrf]u1rPrl
~1<><1rl• ()prn l111ily If) !n ~
I !if'<n!'I I ,11 1n.:, fn1 ~1n;:lP k
\la1r1Pr! Artu h• •
1--:---:---------IPersone ls PAl..\1 .-;rH L"\GS -!mmr..1 530
Or•·upan\';. ;'\'f ;\\' 2 AP.. '} ------------
RA lurn. Cnndnn11n111m on
\"t lalr\\il,1". \l 1 ~s1on Hill•
Cfl1JJ111".I Cluh. f;nll Jll'l\'l!
R,v \\'1'-\10. \\'r1r .. Cla.~J>1·
f1rr! ,\O ;\'>. 'lf\1, !)1111_11 P1ln1, ro. Rn:.; l;;fi(I, cn~1a r-1Ps<1.
r~ 9'11>lll. ·----------C-01\TlO .,n !\1au1. <>cr ;i,nfron1.
lsr tlnor; 'l AR.. prh a ll'
f'n1 P. Vl'lr rrr, p1rt11rt !.·
ra!P <hPP! r ail fi4l-444~
Rentals to Share 430
'h1t1·,. n"" 4 RR,
hnrnr, V11tr1 \/a ]]P ~
hil''" r~r~.
Cl!;R-()f; 11\
""man. \111~1
\illl ;i(l 4<\ll .
l\'()RKli'\r. 1:1rl to <h111·~ ;o,pt
11 /s11111r. rrrr. 21 -.ll. $7.'i
tl'ln. \.;irrlr n (;ro1f! "l'"it ,
Would You Take
The Car Over To
Sunset Ford
Today For Service?
Sunset ford
----------WESTMINSTER \,l,\LF: tr::i rhrr, 27. wlln!.• 101., ...................... , I .~nar<' h1• ] Mr. h()mr &I'
.~:.;:1;:~Ll""'I 111 H.R' Slf)'l :llF:.'I/ . 1:r 1 .101 1r hfl1r 1·u1 il l ;..·~:11·rnnT Hl-:,\CH
)~lh ;i f h'\'1111' t11'il l
~hr ill'!. 1', hlk~ l1·nm hrh
... --... -----..., ... 11 11 f'd:\1, ,\£P~ 2'2--2fl. $10~.,'i(l
hi' 1;11.i:110
Weitc liff R ivier•
-----~---f.OU;\n \\'nm11n·~ p1·r~r•'IP-
t1nn :;:J R~~,.~. i;:r11,v tr;im ... •.
\'1('1 n11y Ro~P "ond ,,. CPll·
11·:11. ~ilnra Ani'I. :>46-.111'1):
CAT. r,.m11lf', a ppro:i. 2 mn~.
hlat:k / grr; !an A· "hill'.
R.a.ll"Rrlr EIPm. ,o;; ch o o l,
: .. 1~.1:ili.
F:\'D: Lah puppy I ; l
in;2:.111 V1<": Harbnr N.
F!'\J): Rik
0111·n,.r 1rlPnt1fy
1rn "/11hl •pnl nn rhf"<I,
n1" I, !lfJI-71 :.,.1.
PERSIAN c;ilirn k1!1t11, \•ir.
Alhrrt,,nn·~ S1tn \!r mf'lllf ,
FE .\.1 •. \ LcE0• ~R-.,-,-,1-,-. -,-,-,-,,,-,-...,,
1110·~ nlr! ro11nri V • r .
l\'P stmin~1pr "1 Rnl.•si Chica .
!!11~ llr11 cn)l11 r . ~lfi-.!\910.
1=4.RGE vouns: hro11·;-l.~)11rk
r!oi;:: "1Tn whifp chPsl, 1·r r"y
m11.11n,.rly. 1-'nu nrl L1clo L•lf.
fiil-'lO~c'~· --~
f·nuNn ront;i,rl ltn.~P 1n <'ll~f
1·1r. Sn1110:: Harhnr R rl ,
i.os·r. ~ .. bmnz,. .. 1 .. pt\.101
w/lflpara tP l'ioy t11ur'" 1011
M>m~"'hPrP on Dall.Ha ftr
htl"f f'll 0 Ahll • I.
l!Pl1or1'f)pP !'ln ~r'rl Cr!)\ ·"'"-
11n1r11t~I 1Jl lUI' rr 11 ~rrl r 11 JI
PASSP ORT l!'lsl 1n N"'"'P"r'
Rr11 rh h} Snhr1 h l\hn1 .
ran1shdh1 Ra~a.I. If fou nrl
plr11.<P ~1-nr! rn !rfln1;r.o
rn11.~ul~tP (~"""rfll .. 1\lln
\\'~.'lhltl£Tn11 !'t. !'.a n Fran·
f'l~('O, f'lllil.
R~;\\'1\RO' LOST 1 a rc: P
I ;!"rn1An ShPph"rd X lnni<
h<'ll'. l)r1 23. Nr. raular:nn
1,. t·~1t>l"I', C:-1 RJ;i.1•k .(.
Tsin. lr~thrr 1·'lllar, lfl,t.~.
"r\Rl.0 ', Ci'IU Ml!Prl 1'.'l.'lt
0:21-9/lfi --------LJ)ST 0!·1 2211'1. E11 ro:-l1sh Spr-
1n1:" r S p 11 ni l'I . t·
1.11 Pr/l\hJ tl', 7 .Ir\ nlri .
S:ilton Sr'll. \!P1·c·a ~r,a..
2 1 .i -,h ·l -1 ~1 l l'!'llll'!'I.
LOST pri<ll'Jlr , 1n1I hlk fPmalr
11 ~ann:z flPa r.~llar. l.0~1 n~
Cn11.s! M11 .1 nr L~tl'rn n. r
1·~11 1'!lllf-'CI 272-l!l~R 11ft 4
'.? nAl.MATIANS. ! r~m~1 ~
l1rP1· ,<pn!, l m•I" h!)( 1.·
\\IHI". VII": .'\Upt'l'IOT f..·
Pl~<·,.nti~. f'.1f;..Th'J.~ rl~y•,
~\;,__Jl(12 ~I r ~.
Ll)S'f 1n ."-llnl~ An~ lli.:ts ~ml
r"Qll ir tyl"f' nos:. lrnl~]P , t"rl
,. ,1·h1!1' 11 /.'llfRfl:Z" l'.1"'·
p1nk1~h rlfl<I'. R t 11 ~ r d ~
l..O~T: fr·~ll~lr Shortha1rrrl
P<J1nr,.r .•porll'rl hr n ~· ... ·hi
Chtli1 '~ p<'I. !f'nlimrnral. V!r
F .\I . & ILR. ~::.83.".
1MT -.,1;1 .. ~r·1~·
Spa nirl, 2 ,I!'• nlr!. V1r:
Ynrf;i.1" n
,. R11~h ~rrl .
SA:\nYM lnr"rl nni::. mPrl '-1.
•., /\11.~I . Slltp 1 ~ S~mn~·Prl
!.fV'k" l 1~f' ln.vn lr . '·rnt.
tnn". 7 1110~ nlrt , \'1r. KR.
11i's7r-ri-,-,.-m-,-,-<1>-..,,-,-,-.r1 Blk
11 /hrr\ fl'llnl ~. \1 11". 17th !.•
Primnn;:i , C.~L R '" "'r ri .
t>.l.;.:t(l.lft. -------------FE\1,\1.E 1·11.l1ro kittrn, 6
fn('C n11 trnn1
flll"~ V1r
HB ~·fl-~~~-1
1n~:--~m1111 .. ~cf'll'k-,\·
Pot>, 1·1r In• A\''· I,. f\'la•t
H"\· frl\1. P.'"~rrl .
!""' AhrHr .~· hrln11 1;r111·1n11•
II\ lllC ,r,, ljlllrl ~•ll'l'l\llld111c
fnr f1t 111ll.' 1111h ··1uldl'l'll
Nr11r Cnrn11;1 •l1•I \l11r il 11tl~
SchMI. ~-ll'l'l~IHl"f', \\f•t h11 1· &
h11iJ!.in kll•·hrn 1111pl111rw•·~.
'1.1:-t Al\.1l <;<)S \\':\Y 1·;11.'J':l'll
s~:,,l'J.JVF ,\lanor AJ•I~. 1 J\r
Sllll. '! Hrt1111, Sii".(}. 1"1111 ~.
.ir·r~. 1.1111~. 1:<1rn •••~p(>•:il
1'1:/i l'l11r.·t\11a "''" .\ s k
~'tit'll S:.int;i Allil ,\1r •.\rrn<<
lo unl :::. \ c·r,1111 111 C!11!•1
SpSI• lflll~ 2 141: !/!Ill<. St~:.
~·1B1-~l 'I,\( ·1·;-: I 't'!\0 fl·• !Ir••.
l11.1d< nl .-ln~1•t<, llr,11rr1
!'1~.i \ <1 , l i ~ ;\\,111:.i.:rr
<1711.1 _",
tn" lii'-'\!06 ;1/! "r111.
::Opar1n11~ 2 H1lrn1. Hl!n~. •·:tr - -:?ol \°r f\Jf! !11111<> \\tShf'S tH
,.;1r l\Rlt!"rs. II h.\ • RPf'l'I U~P
th,._v 11 rr rh .. i'ol'~r· 1'h,.~· lrvtlt
l.:"">rl N fPPl 110'1'!. Sn mrn,
i.:rt .1nur hair ro11 il l Sir
\\;1.llP1·~ \\,. nrl'fl ~n11r hra.11
In 0111 h11<10<"~~. ft~ 1nr~ with
II<' \Ir •hn" ;nu h!'\\ rn
Jrnp ha1r lo~s !. fll'l'hap•
i;:r·nw snn1r . 2fl.)2 ,\P11J)l'lrt
Rl1rl, ('\I. P ~. \\'~ al ~o
h"',. a .<!IOI' shin<' ~1rt.
PAIR n l Nr11 FM thil ll ;;hnl'<
\'u• ~a nla An;i A1·r . \~I
rill! ~··~ nr fi73 .. l'Rl ~1.:-AAl.\
.,, '.·o,rh SA \101. ~1 m1l11.r!;,-Jl11.<k:'-.
C''>lri11<'ll. H11nl.•·1· !.· ('u
\f1111.1i;:l110:, il:l"lll ">n.:11~!
• NE W DEL\/XE • -
,; RR, 2 RA lif>I rrq· lr',,(r
Jnrl ~flit<', n111 .~lrr ~111lr, 1l1n
rm !.· r!hl l:A1'11.i;;:r. 1111rn. ~·r
nf)"ll"r 1t1·11 1I. l'nnl ,r;,
n P('l'f'llllrln ltl'f'ii ,
• ~2'j; •
~:, A11111:n.o \\'"'· J\A
\1A n1tt:rr1 hi
\\11!.LJA\1 1\"Al.11·-R~ ('(1
H untingto n Beach
2 AR l 't'fllrn ~·r, t 21f1 mn
~-u1n11utP ,\,11 1\ahJ,.
f';i 11"" t~.rlr~ fl" ~-rl, <h•1 a, 11r r
)1,.~tt'rl fl"""'l-•1t lll!ll~·lrno1~
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p;ot•nc.f!tl'lfl l" p11r k111c
;;;,r,•111 if\ £'\l:ll'rl•
711 l)('f" \"\ \\ ~-ll R.
• 111. :,,~1;.1 1s;
<lfr "fl"'I' 1(1 .1111 ·h Pll1 fl~1 h
\I'l l.I.I.\\! 11',\l.Tl<r..i:: m
LR\,-i\'F:\\' I RR "/ln,.rl• of
~tnrlll.'~. Pr"'';;: 111· h>1 r!~h"hr. bl!11•. •li"t: , r 11 1 E I
pr'!\ p;illn. T hlk In ~h"P t: !.•
rln~,. 10 hra1h. lt2IOJ \1lanl>1
~,.""-j7AO I
r JRF:Pl.Af'~:. n • 11" 1> r ,
l>l1 1n•, "I''''. .lrp• 1~r.1
r!~11n. C'h•llfr~tl 1.· [l ~ 1
""lrnm, """" p-11~ \·
~rhllnl 1 Rr.. ,\11" 2 Ar , s 1-...,, !li;it-f4fi.'..\
-..;F,"IV 2 'FIR. Cr1~ rlr·p". r 1111~.
J<ilr. Onh1 n HR SJ/;" inn
,,r!t11t ... Child 2 ~·r~ n~1nd,.r
:i.~i~l.11, -,1;-1711~.
-.-n!EZ OrtO-.,r·r~-.-
112.ll A1la nta . \ 1-~ nrt ·~. rl'\Or. rr11111r l'ln,f'rl j('l4 r
\V11 ,hrr/r1t•:.i•r -l".1>-ll',:i
SpR1'. 2 R1: 1 ll11 /'n'11 J',1.
nn. n \\' >:2:11 F:ll 1~ >:l'J 7iil!
~RR . I HA ('p1,, <Irr~.
hl!11.~. 1 hlk 10 Rf:ACH '
Slj()/mn r ... 11 ·,'l/.-11~~
LGF. 1 BR-Ap1:--rrrt'l-i:~t
l~11rl. !fir '1~rr1rn 1•pl nr 1
llin,.s::ll' Rrll l $12'> ~·12-~\IQ
ro;EW J hr •trul'P 11 p1, Z hlk~
hrh. Ai1 •1l1~. S1'.il '"" l2J:
lfi1h ~t. i."'-112.~
2 RR. Apt. Cloo;rr! i 11.r, •·pr•
flr!)J'. rt11lrirP"n/.,n~ll P"' nk
S1¥l/'\IO l41-2G1 0 ~PACI()! ''i 2-Rr.-11-,·1/f''"' I
nlfl ('pl•, tlrr•. •1rvlPrk, J
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Lnvr1y 1 1 k -; Ill:• 1 'p). •
f'!r~, ~r• r!I' 1 r ~-ti.1"1\7 I
l"\tRk' n""m >'nr D;>rl
f' V I / r' • I\ '"11 11\t'
I i-•r•l"' '"''Ir 'T,.•h 1' I ,.,..~ .. ,,., .. f'IAI LV rrr.rrr
12··~'~1...i _._,__ . -'
lll~11t .,ur 1li~"1q~lt. :.1~-'lf>S2,
rnr,. !rrt<<' t1;r 1 ~:r;, '.l H,1
~Ji!-(J,·r~11 \'1/"\1. l-'1 pl
,f.'111111!,1 "r ql111l 1f11•il ~111;:lr~.
' Ii f~,-lj) llJ
tlH ,\l"ll nr,1 d 11 pl"' to 1 h"
•"'!THfll ;._,,,. -... ~ 1rr, z fl," Sp11 fkl1ni: '.'\~:\\' 2 H~:D r.00'!
!:HI' 1 pl drr•~. frpl ,,t11r!•n i::;1 r rll't1 11p;1r1n,r11 r. L ll'i!I!'·
... l1cF,\-..;~ 1:n:"' 1-· -1-R n-. 11 P•' (,)1111'1 ~tr r"'opl Ht!.< 1n11 ~ fl<"'I. J11•h J anr!1u·~p1ni;::.
\110/JllH ol\ li~lt" ;1 fl fi \\1(0 .\<l•.11~. 1)(1 pr!•. :?.111
NEW . V I EW ~:1.i .. 11 ,\1r, ('n,.1a '1•'•11
6 1;.i·~)i.~() l)f 61~ .. ~('4'.(i
$1'~l n\n YP.1rly. C"rp1~,
<hp<. 111: .... 1'.lOI. til~-·,;z:l. SfM• •"I" ! l,lnn. '.l b.oill
(;ltA:"'Vll.Li-. ,\111 , ,1 1:1: "i'r 11 ht'!li l11·1•pl,1• •·.
;\\;Id. r1"'" l•T, $700, ('11.ll ll•\,,lllr· .;.u .... ~ S27"1
~f'."'.'. ~ 1'11~ .::.'.-1~~ --1 r;-, \i•U i:P< \\ "_ 1:11 .il/:1
11 r.:-.lc 1.rr f l Rr. -'! 1~1~ ~ H \. "rr" <ir-r<. h1t1n
\l ll~/111n ,\r!111i~ nnl_, '"! !l/\I .\di'• .. 'T' ll•o:t1: ll o~r
prl< 1;·~ Hrr11nrr1 l.n \1·1 I '"'· l•h fi1.Z.-l~Jli' 111
'J Ill:. , nil• •l!'J" '°"I"<',
1··h 1c. p1 r~1"" r111•I .:~r.
'\1t11 !• .. ~1..0 -~1 ..... r.1~· •.
-;-2s EDROO M *
prt<, <lrapr~. hr iilf'd 11nn\
j\ r "hnp i: a l'<':.i .\1t11l 1 •
\,k \l•'UI r·1rr r,,.,,,
\"111.J \\,.,1,11 11 1\, :\H
,;1i.:.:'..'lll '
!\ICI< I Rr nn ,.anal. p~1 1n.
l'~rpnrt, hn111 'li p, .\l~:i. ~~'fl.I
\1Art·u~ ln·\-Sfq :, r \'"'.
~h:.irl' 2 hr 11pl "/~an1P ,
.... lt<11cht. C!Pnn 1111 fi 10 pm.
li\h-, :OH.
rl1 •\11\I' J'\~1\pl'lrl AP~r-h a p1
.~11~. ~4.'.-~!l lll .. , ... ,
"1Al.F. S111m,...,.
r·nn;\n wh11,. :"iam"~" kit·
lpn I ii'. J-;11r1Jr1 !., ~lll T!tL f
\·. %R-~11~ .
Lo't Sll
YOUR MOVE :\r" \\111r1t1.,n• flflH l'S
~ 1Y'UYI l ],;n \1"11111
r1·01n" L.••1 ~,.n,, Trader's Paradise
TO PH E:-i TIC E I.I\ l.'IG
CASA ~10.'1 Tf:HH EY
Presr ige living "wa IS you 1'1 11 •r n1,;.n1enanc e.f1 ee-
h.1~ury aprirlments. Whether \fl't il lP 1'n l!ICl!ClJl<ve,
youno rn11 rriecls or youno rP I r Pt~. y,Otl II find living
ar (.'!Sil Mon terr ey "·plf a~"'11' rP lil \ nq •way (lf li fr.
For 1n·door r.omlort 011r 1 ~ncl I hPd/\Oom il~vrrlme111\
.ire ri 1r-<ondd 1one<J and feilllll P W('lrm cn1'{ t,rrplilc ~s .
rlush ~h"g carne1s .i11rl t us1on1 dii\pes. dero1~1nr
k.1!chens w ith cl1~hwash~1~. l ,nq s•1e bPrlroo1ns and
f}r1v atf pi1!10S ancl b,1 lcon1r 5 w11h l~rof SIO!ilCJP cln5et
Yeilr 'round rrcr<"ahon !~rdi11 r s illr 1U\T slf ps ;iwily
lron1 your Ir on! door Whi!IP~er your nlei!SllfP b, 1!
$W1mm1no . ii wo1k-0111 10 !ht 9yrn ii QilmP ol bill ili~s.
pract1ci11g your pu11 1n9 ilfH;I ~r1 v•na, a St\Utld bath or
rPlaxinQ a few m1n1Jlt~ 1n 1ht 1 '.~r"PP\J!>t nnol 11 is
a ll here for your rn1flymen! Maki' rht r•ahi movP,
to {&Sil Moo!errey. o!fld ~t a1 t ~n 1oy1ng all 1har pres 119!
!1Yif'lq lids to olffr.
Warner, Huntington Beach
Party Room Wilh FIREP LACE, T.V., ITE REO
Tha t's rig ht, whe n you r e n l one o f our su p e r
apartme nts all the se e xtra feature s plus m uch ,
much m o r e is includ ed a l 110 extra co st. Come
s e e our roomy o n e a nd ') b ed room a parl-
rne nts and you'll agree it's the best d e a l in
to wn. Bu i hurry as supply is limit e d and
the y're going fas t. W t 're !oco le d in the So ck
Boy o re cf'n e o r U.C.I, O .C. Airpo rl , Fa shion
Isla nd, Sout h Coast Pla za , N e w port & S.D.
Freeways a n d ju st a co uple minute s from
the b!u e Pacifi c .
..... 11 .....
Tv1tin & Mt HI Drive
.. , .... 11 .. 1 .. ,
..... 11 ,.1i •Ir
Ph. 545-4855
........ i :f.;':: ..
"'" ""
'.11 R:i,,•rdr nr, ~ r' hra.!'h'
Rill r.r·11rv!~ r.:rr f;7"-'ilfi1
or;:-;I': ~fl81'e 111·111lahle s.;o
m n. \\'ill prnvirl,. fu r nih1rr '
RT S'i mo. An<\1·~rlr1£ 1;erv1rt l
C 11m 1no R .-<11 ), San 1 8 \~ilil l'>lr. .~ni No. E l
lll'n1Plll t~20
XI ,X r nfl wt 'fl_'_'._: ___ -,,,,-.,-, I'-----------
111 ~ii, l.uin Rlrlo:. """" \ 1;1 ·, ArrP• m il ~ \\'. nr
\.1r!n, ,-..;.R 67-....3771, .!!'lflf"•1FrathPr R1\·"r PPrri~ fl11m .
Rl11 ='',"'"" 1 r.~n1nn11 f'.\'p h"flnt11i;;t ,
10-Hnn;;-_\t'Ni1ral--;;-;I,.., f'nr11n1 f'"''T<'nl1~I. nr.-rl ·;1 I <ll!lahlr ll'lr nfl1rr 12:1 \ 1-'n rcl. l.lTI nt' -:,~;.:-,OJ I
"""l""r! Al1·ri, r.oh1n....,n l ---f>.11-i!YWI. _.,;· Tnll.1-rr11ft. A·I rnnri.
:-1s. r·u!l.\• M Ulfll Vo hr~ nn
rn~ >nr. ~'Pn1 I mnnrin;:
Dl'litx". Air·fondili()nl"d ~l<VlO v~J. "ill 1r11rlr rnr 10·
l.irln 1\r"a 1 ..... 111"' trlr + ;.,1~-lfi 1S •11 4
R•a lonnm1r" Rkr. ~71·~100 ------. . ---:~· ~·nlkOOHI :'lnnp ~nrth
J)t.SK ~pace ~\·a1l11blt S~l ttlm \\'ii\ trild" rnr ]ll lP
mo. \ViU pro\'1dr l ur11it11rt mOl'ff'l 1 k
111 $.; mo. An"~·,rini;: ~'n•\rt . r 11 r nr n 1r nr
A\'11.il11.blP. 2n r·orP~t Ave, f'qnu.1 111 liw11I prnp!"rt).
l.AJrlln11 Arach. 494-9466 fil:-..11 4!> _
IOESK ~pll('!! Rv11 1lahle S;;(I ,<:;111·ap f;.-.rc:Niq,• GRF.AT
rno. \Vil\ rrovidr t ur nil11rf! n,1-..;~; P•1pp1r~ fnr ~""1111;
RI S5 mo. An.~wrrlng ~f!rllli"I! mAr~tnr !'lr "h;i1 h11 1·t ,v!'lu.
11.va1l11ble."17A75 Be1ch Blvd. c ,,1,1,
!lunlini;:tnn Br11ch. 642~321 :..:ll.;l(l'J1 ---1 RY.AL EST ATP. RROKF.R H11••r 1.1'·1· f';IR ~~ Sn1 1"f' ,,;1.
Ortic, ,r,, r!P~k .•p11ce l'l \'Ril. hn11 r, 11111 1r 11r!(" rnr l1 1r mn-
f:~1Rbli~t'lrrl nll1re • Good r1 .. 1 rrall h1kf' ~r. RJJPrr'/'C
lnr11!inn, M2.o-O.'l.lfi l'Rhrl' $.;:;o ,;.ll-66.l!I riRy ,,
----f;.\6-4641 ,,,,,.. t)t"t"ICF: ~pllt'!' fnr rl"t1t nP~f __ ' -·------
Hn1:;: Ho~p11~1. $7.i. Pf'T mn I!,.~.,. 2 fr.-~-.t-l"li>11r 1(11.~
r tinn .. fi.IZ-.1Z.ifl. $.'l.m .• k s.-..ir() pr1"" +
$1()ft). T1 u~t 0..1'<1. \\'Rn!
8ut.in•s1 R~nt•I 44l Hnu~r nr lll('Otl'l f' •n~·,,.•hl'rP.
I fo~ST" Al.fstl F:f? Upht'll.•ll'rr \la.I~ r.l'al1, __ f.olf'-4A.l7
lnrl'lli()fl r.n ~r11pnr1 Rh•rl , ,luninr Shnpplni C l'11IPr.
V~r11 n1 ;\n1 . \. .'>1.L2~.l. P11rk1nc: :\.II r11 r~. St7:1,n<Xl
SllO\.\'ROO\I 11111:'. f..: nH1rr rlr11 n. rnn~1drr In! nr Rr rPA
~pR rr . CJn,r 1n LRaun(I lor. ~ll. r1n1\n psiym,nt. Arnt.uin
s~~ In S1.Y1. 1110 ~94-46..l..l l!l l·T7M.
I '=TOP.E. nr~r !'\<''>l')Ylr! P il'r • • • • • •
S?2:1 Mnnl.h \.\'ill rr11rlr ll1Y 117,M') l'QUil,V
1 1\~!hnll Ra y Prf'Jp fi7:\-74:Nl ln ft .t 1'°11 111 ('!'l\lnty f'!'lrrl-
1 t Md~tr iil-R9ni;1--•sO rlnr 111 11n. nlr! rf nt l"rl ":'.1usr
\l1~~1nn \'l~)n homr •A,,P;il'\
l·hl1~1 .I RR. 2 RA. l;im r m .
r-or lnr. l ri-fnrd li11rk ~r!.
~·" ln;:in fl'Rr!• f'd.\I, :\"'Pl,
l.a i;1 1na. lf\'11'1 .. il~:.n?l Rfl :,
f'\l'11r JM\'~ fll 'f'lln 1·1r11·
lnl, r11 1n~ \·prflp ~ flf.
i\1~1 i11P l;i11r!. l\'an1 :'\r"pn1'f
11r~11 hou~r. d uplr x nr :\t!.
1·11h1n 1i14.filll Rt:A LTOR
-H.alth Sp• (L•dies )
R4'a111u'11I . \'•lu• Sll[)'l'l
Tr~11,. rnr
h11s 1nt~• nr ~=~
\!1rhal'] A n1r~
S12.:..oo t '.quity 1n llrRut
nnrrh !'anla Aniir honi,,
S'2'1 .llXl 1.•1 TO, T rRrl '" fnr
rD".o or ; \\111i 1•a11·.v 2nd.
O"'nl'r/bkr ~7.fWA!I.
11;11•(' $f)ll,000 rq !n 3 h(lmf'.\
11.!lt TD nn!.v1 + 2•, Rr n.~n.
rhn. f~r "1 ('Ir. ~'r CoJ'fltlR
Tr a n~· !'lr "II lnr In<' pr'flJl nr
Tn. O"nrr 'bkr 5-fi.fi·I~.
t 'r!"f IV rll'Rr z•, Ac R1111rhn ""! C:t>MnR ·" Ri\ll"r~\rlr, r~n
\·1""· wsi1flr 1.• rll'r . In prop
s1n.ono. Tr;if\,. rrir 1nr rmr
nr m·~ ... t'j.Mfi!} o" nr hkr
f.lul1ipll' zn111'd l•nrl A. Ill·
tur"' rl '""lnnml'nl l.11i::u n•
~crl'•I' Sl.~j)! \'•t. I. SlN'l\1
1a l. Tr;irir I nr hn!h r"r !gr
hon1P t'lr Tn·,. ~~<t6;il,
:t hr rf llllll MmP 1n </(>Pa n-
•idr , $14.!lm fH A !st TO.
l''"nt pafV'r ('>~ ~: rnr S.1.100
''lllif), i\l+h Hanton Rr1l-
t!'lr. l[l.\.\'\.171
'ro!111ic~tlly M•"•11d ~y South•'~ (01,1"lit1 Mt lll !. (1.
O•·~l"""oj ~>' V~·i!I~ l••••!'"••lt lftt I. M (;I,(, !~.,;!••• Ct•,.
'·I. S1nrt rrT.ni huilrlin~. M-1 lfnr r:r.y! rn • • f:.
·2'1 .lll • *
,,.,I'\.. 7ml't ~. /t 2'171 * * * * * .lii"'"'"'""'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'""'"'"'"'"'""'""'""'~"'""'~~.-~!":1·~·:··:"~'~1 ·c·..:.'c·~'~1 ..2'~''~·~'~'~''~ ............................... .
11h1tr , fi inn• nlri. ;in~""r~ In
· rhr1 ~11an." j\n tai<~. 10.z.;
RalOOa 1,lanr!. fi7:1-.120;.
i-:-o-;-r ·--1.rry I:. 1• h 1
$hnr1 -h~ 1fPr! k1!!<'TI 111nra
( i ll;o.r, v r.
~·)P•~ Vrtr!I'
Adam~ ~1·hnnl .
:l\i'l--IJ~j Plf'<,
:1-\ln.~. Jn<h :V.1 i~1--p-;;-ppy
1(':'1! 1 I• ,t1r k n r Pf!•
n1rll11·a.l il1ltnr1on. r:~wRrrl
: .. \!j-f}!ij(\
!))IT o.-:-1~1~~1rr!. 1~l;,,.
i;:1·r.\' t~n ~fllll.~ .~11.x,.n ff111.
Trn·1~r \'1r \li1cnnli11 a nrl
~la1rr. Rr11arrl . 11 11-.~7 7
1.0~T frm11.l~!'r11~r-:-i
y1· nlrl. V1f'. nl t::~t~nr1;i Hi
S<-hl ,,,4~1:1 •f! ;,,
!.l''.v.n•. Th"r"""'
1111pll nr R ~I ~
Ra1'1nk, h~• <iprn111i.: fnr 2
11rll ~1H·.-.1 •1odr.,1< fil\-ill~.~.
,r n r c ~:-1 .r~snns-t!'1·n111o1 11•
rnr ,;.. ~·la•<l(',1,I. .'11<~111\f
1'11111 R.\l f>l.'.l. 1!l \-;1f>'.l.
B•bysitt ing
F.nrnll now tor f11.U
J ~th "' \lnnrc•1·1;1 , '2 rl;;,_v +
fut, t111.v srss1 1J11~. P lannrd
p1'l'li;:ram, hnt lu nr.ht~. A2:1'!
2-f., hr.• 6 .. l() A1\1 _ ~ Pr>t,
$2Q wk·CO~fPA RL! 642-40.j(I
l.OVJNC. <'Ill',. Prf'·.<:rhnnl ~!:
n1n~phrrr. A1· llr. [)Ri \\'k ~hr Rah1~~ 11 .. i(·O~I'" H1;1;
n1r,.1~. Lri,:. hnm•. Fi-icd
.1•1'rl. 0...11 /n11 ... fi \6-3]\Jt
YOONG 1nnthl'r Will h~hyi;it
in hr r h<imf .. l·:i )"~r nlri.•.
:llnn.r ri, hrnf'hrs • n rl
~nack.•. E•.o.t Cn.o.t1t ~I r'!!• n-tn .... 1~ ..
EXPF:RIENCf:D <"hilrl caJ""
"'rt krla,v~ rnr <"h1h1rr n 2-~
)'!''· t'fnr Prl ~A rri. 1~1n<'hr~
1nrlurl!'rl .• Ju~t nll Ssin 01 11~
Fwy n,.,.r Ari.•!nl. ~>4~1n.'1!
BAR,'r<:JTTlNG m.1 OOml' .
lll'll r Sn. C•! rl111.ll. Xlnr
pl~~ 'i'~Jar1I. Hnl lunrhr~.
hRhl,.~ \I P('infllP. c .. r!lf11'1'(
tPat'tl"r. :iii-'i86~.
[1r·n nl~· ca;:;:-?,.m-:l :in
pm. Hnt ml'Rl.o.. Xlnl carr ,
H 1 rhf'Jr/B •k •r Rl'Pll .
BAB\'SITTIKG A.111'!-tronlMt
in my ho111, n ays
• 5-\6-9:'127 •
W!';E KLY Ch\111 C•n-~Ovl'r 2
~T' rsi11!a r\11fl ' f'a.11Y 1"w
RrPll. (,,,, :.,.~961:~ ..
H!'lu.•t-Hunrin1 ; -\\1i°rC'hth-
n r E N HOU~!: Mlumn.
n. •
' 0
" 4
I •
' ' I
DAILV 'll9.l 37.
J ; I .. ~···""'..:.. I ~[-"'"'·-·]~ ~I ~-··-_l[I1]1 '----~_-· .. ·~," ~I'----•_-·--· l[i],L_I _·-_-_J[{]I '---._......, __ , ~'WJ '--I ~-'"·""·_· lf§J ~I -_"""""_· ll§l
All IYJ>f'~ \IOl'k· C\J1 rlnnr~.
11 11 n e I, , a!>111t tct, l1n1!>h,
T1a111r· 1•r1>a 11·:<, ,.It'. %:!-ltlb!
EXP. r:e;;-1odC'l\1ig-:-;::1hinf't!.
rrpa1r.;, n1;1 111r. No JOI> 1011
sin. n .. a.~. tilb-1?2·1.
rt-il.<:(111~ ... 1rork g 1111 ran ,
nt>.111 1~111• pnrr~ •i7:': I 16ii
ALJ, I.\ 1~·41 or caq•rntl'~
l!Jf'H! tf\ll/I.
:,::r~ l+>lS
:-Olrli!y Vards & <:arag~s
\\ an1f'rl' Light :\IO\'lfll{ I.·
Ha.uHng. TNT J..a,1·n :'\la1nt.
• :tti>-:JS!i,:: •
11,\L'LJ~i,i. (•l('an-u p. local
1110\f'S, f'.\ll°d f'OJle,gf' SIU·
d•'l\I l .•. rg: trucl> Rra~.
Y1\f{!l. g .. ro~·.
Jtr111•-1\" 1rr<':',
~k1plna<l t r,
ll li-2i366.
till'1, 1\·).
fOl' Tempo!'a.r)I.. Ser•1ce:
• \\'f.' /lave CO/l\"ale~l't'n!
~\ide~ • l'w~ • Jl()use-
kl'f'p._'1'!>. )
For Pf rn1:u1 .. nt ~rvk·r·
• II I' H~1 I' l 'nn1 1>an1on~
• llousrkef'~f·r1 e Pracl.J.
f'11l :\urses EiC, At {\IMthly
Telephone Directories
.\\en Or \\'on1en Over 18 \Vith Car
Statio n \Va gon s Or Ligh t Tr ucks
Apply.Tuesday , Nov . 2nd
From 1 :30 AM · 4 PM
.<\l 1'he Location Nearest You
whcitor • Dana Point, San
Cle1nente, Capistrano area.
\\"ork 111 your 01''11 hontf.'.
Brsl dt'al ln area. Phollf.'
l'l.t'l-1 41ij be111 ecn !1:00 &.m,
anti noon,
1'YPIS"f: l!a1~ }OU 11lway11
11·ant~·rl t11 11·or•k in a p!l!Jh
o!hc1>~ Thi~ 111 11: Youn2
1'<,...\\0fko•I'•, Cl'f'fl! <:hall('!'
fur ~th <11\n•1111•11t. ,>;tar1 Sli:i(l.
l""!lll•iHl\ ~J,11!• f1 •1>
(llh·r rf'•• J1il1s /\1•111].
f':dl ,J,,:i11 1-ln111n, :llO..&J~JJ
flJA . .:"J',\I, 11\;t·.:"('Y
:rf!•1 11..1·1.,,r Ill 111 r\darn ~
HI·:,\!. ~'.:'TA11-: ~AL~'..\;
~::>.,'r'tl (Hr' ~all'" 111 lrg •I"·
I 1 1r11111•111,~. hlJo:h 1'11r111n~~
p t•l>•r fl)'.!•• ~O-.i9. C11!1 Jur • I \'l'IST
i;ppl, S:li·l<'J'.:0. IH\1
~ ---
SAILBOAT ~taat ,\~~1nl1l••r.
J "·11•1~ "•·r-(lpt>ra Lor
•. •l~..(,m<J •
Carpet S •rvic• HOUSE OF CLEA.i.~
1805 No. Broadv.·ay,
Santa Ana 5-17-&581
1112 E . 17th St., S•nt• An•
223 No. C r••c:•nt Way, Anaheim
6461 Roland St ., Bu•na Park
220 West Grove Ave., Orange
2711 So. Main St., S ant a Ana E~pportunity I::n1ployer
011·n hand triols t"l'q d. ,i l,n!)
\}AI l HI·""· • \1.,•r_--.-.,-1,-_-l-,-ay
expt!r. nt>t>I ap'rl .1. ~11•11, 110 1•11.nds. Cnll <'Opper1one. like
Ht:rnH-;F.RAl OH. Ii l'u r1 .
JOI!~ S {_',11 )'Pl !..-l 'rlifll"i'l">' C"nl!n'I & P.esid. CIPe.ning
Cl L ' • t'l'f'I' I!!!. • 642~~2-I '11' f'a/ll"l'S. ,. \11'11 [ln.:.;11,1111-------------PltAC'flC1\!,
pno t1·rr S1:u11·ll::i1anl 1 ' 111 E:\Pf:J~IE.\'('J-;O l>011Sf'clrno· pan Ion,
ll-1~91-lj, Rr1,1rda11!"• PPj!rf'l\~f'I'~ ,~· 111::: l11d.\ 11111 1·lp;in ~nur
11JI r'ulor hr.i;:hlt>llP r s & lll hon1r hy rlil.1. Siii, 6?.6--007t l!OLlSF.KEEPER • l'ook .
Spar<'l'aft. TiO \\. 17th St ., ~·l"--!1~1~1. Crto,··tf!'r. WU.'>J.'1
l'!•!<]M )]:A· i--\\',\l rHL~.'i. ~~XPt:R . 'F"u---mc-;:llcuc,c.--'----~810
:-:,\LE~\\'O\J ,.\~ r;..pt'1'. f11rj • BLUE DOLPHIN •
,.po1·1s11 f'ilr ~ho~ Thr Sr~rl j :~'.:.'1.1 \'11\ Lido. i\R
~~7k. <"Ornii· 1•111 .!.: lrvillf'. \\l)\lt.:-0 e11rn r~tnt /11r.,n1f'
OHllUll' hli"n!•h '''! 11hn.-lJELllW\TEIJ CLEANl...-r.-
C"111'pl'I~. :-. .. 1r )flllr nh)tl",1 • l\"f' f),1 E\·rrything • l'ral'hC'al l'ur.'4" • ~11n1·1·-----------------------• -HP•"'lllP II <11.'il rihu_;pr of thf"
i:AJ.ES:\fl-:N -2 1111,.,..1 hnr of prort\1r1s 111 1111•
Rf:DECOR.ATl'."G, n1 a 11 Ir
IM"flroorn 5U l!e 11 I ·I h l
f:11gl11n<lfi· spring & nla !1 . ·I
foJ,l!ng ("hair!'. n1f!'tal d··~k ,i;,
i·ha1r. Z l\1111 spreads, 1111•!:il
hf·r! fr;H110• \'1 !plil~rir ht·nd-
h•ntnl. Ali.TX, :-.o f·r1. & all
_.1_11y_s._1:.. ~13-1~:_",-·--~
' DA\'E\f'iJHT. 1na1c)un~
!1.(1' s" II •'I l'OC'kf'r II /OI·
to1nan. l'•':t gi·ern, tw;n·~
LlS nal11:ahyd(", xln1. St?;;. !!"
gnld t l<>th d11venpfwl, fH1r
1· .. 1111. $-IO. 21i6 i\lf'yer Pl,
b~ '"' 1111: ll1<' • ,1r:1 ln11· 21 hr. c,r11 613-4072
\\'Ill !'lf':!Tl 11\1!\\! r111. dl!H!lj.( 1-~~-~-'--~~~-llnti~f'('ll';tning By Da.1'. ri n $.: li;1JI ~1·, ,\11.1 1•111 ~7 '>O, 01111 'l'ra11.~po1·1;,,tion COut·h Siii, 1 li,\lr r 1 J ~, .1 r·<,
f'\]\ ,, 111..11 ,·,1111: .•. 11•'1 ____ 1_,c'cll_ll~f._,06_1c8 ____ 1
nlf•lllfld. I ii·• 11•11 k lll)~rll. \le~11 C'lraning Se-1"\'l('f'
tri.od n1 ~::1-ul~d C<il'JlP!,., \\'i ndow~. f'loor rte.
P.rs1rl. k Cnr11n1r'l. ~~IR--4 11 1 ---1\L.':" f:l'l; Cl.EA~l\'C
slJ'l"Ss . H.1b)_.111rr. 642-9449 H•\p W•nt•d, M &. F 710
Joba W•nt•d, M & F 7v ,..,,1 1 ~,R < PB'" , , . 1L • · .-.. girl. aui.1
YOU....-G t'Ouplt exp in dr.ili•r experienl"f' "n 1 y
ti o n1" s t i c-\\'nrk. in· 11r1·<1 awly. Jn~i 646-930.1
dnor/outrl • ...,r For info f., Dean lewis Imports
N·I~. l\'nlP \'111 i .J,1n, :!2 --:'i'ooh:, FJ::'.11AL£_* __
:\!,iplr Al'<>, &ai·on Fall,., RETIRt:\l};;..:T ltCTrI-:L
Conn. 0010:\. 96~-:'t.i'.:1 \\'r 11:1sl1 111,c.o; ;it our l•1ral
pl11n1. I t·.~ ttw rinly 1'n.1 10
lhoro11ghly l'i,..~n rug <..
\\"/\\' l'Rl'PEI Cl('a111ng. Frt>r
BLOCl~ \\'all;:; . !lrirk
.'ill1111r,~1onl' pl 11 n 1 f' rs
Help Wanted, M & F 710 CO:-iSTHtJCT!():'-J
& -· ................. _...__ su1~ER\'lSOR
.\~ \\'. 8.1 1·, ('\! ,'>\1'-20'.>U
C•ment, Conc r•te ----QC,\LIT\' C~n\PI\! \\'01·k . j.rl
GPorcr do il. L1t•'d. Bondrd.
&1.-... 16!)'.'J.
PA1'10~. 11•11lks. dr11•r, 1ns1illl
nf"ll la"ns, $i111•. hreak,
l'f'mo1·r . ~~IS-8661! lor e~I.
CE\lE~T \\'OP.i-'.
• 61:!--lo:li.\~ •
BE.\ T Thr H:11n: Con<'rr"l f'
I Ono1""<;. 1)111;(1~. rlr 11 ts ,
~irl,..11 alk.<. J)u11 H-12-.l[il l.
• S1dP11 ill k~. 9fi8-S011
Painting &
• AC'COUNTl.'\G C!i.•rk, 1t>n1· ~\ir N'Stau1·ant lQ be ))ullt 1n
por ary pogi!ioo. H 11. n d !Jana Po11n arPa. f or 1n.
PflSl.ing. 1-0 key 11rl(!e'r. Exp. lt'r\'iew call 1213• 41i.>-i6~.
BA!l.\'.l'.:1~r pn1111 f11g, Sl)el'.'1111
offt>r. sHit"!....,, ra\·P~. labor,
01atf'n:il, i<inglf' l l~:'i. l\l'O
s1\>1;.· SIX:). ~·ou !rim & Sa\·r.
L11· .. !l~fr-0!~:;~.
PAl:\'Tlf\t;, proressional. All
11·o rk ~ua1·n . Col o r
spP("iatist . 96i--{i14l,
pref'cl. Apply 15.1:0 !\lonm1·1a CONTROLLER--
Avt., N.B. See 1\l r .11 . "''--Parson~. A ]f'arling """·r~!a~s bo11 l
b111l 1ler se('k1ni:: r.~iwr ,.:h1n .
AC't.'OUXT1\\'T so1a\I Ill'· ~t'l'l'l'!i CO!ltroll{'r. Sf'nd t'"'-
<.'0Un11111Z o!f1('e. Sillary Opt>n. sun1r ,t· salilry il1 . .;;1ory ro
St'>1KI 1'f'~t11ne 10 P.O. Ro.\ ('J11~~1fw·•I ad D:!4'.!, nail} f~: ... Co . .;;la )IC"<.;1, C<1!i t.j l'1lo1 , r :O. &>'~ ~:-.r.:.o. Co,;ta
!126. •. I )!('Sil < al1f 921',_,.;
AID~:,;; ror ptn. ! h i r 1 . C 0 U J> I. E -rrllrr11. \la111-
0rrlrr1iP". day ~h\fl. Bap!l~1 ll'nanr~ !-Hou~f'kf'Pp1n~.
C'un\'. H()~r., 661 Ct>nter SI .. ~·l't't' 11pl + L;t il. !\o J>"I~.
\o \\'asnof: (' ~!. :~IS-:,j,_~·.. _1_;1_;._s_;_w~. ---_,-----* WALLPAPER * ,, 1, Rkkpr Con~lr. $o:;(JO Custodian
\\'hen you call "~lac" F/C Bkkpr/Sf'<:'y StiiO F.xpent-nced onl~·. J)f'rn1an-
C_h_i-ld-Care :i4B·l-l.J4 G46-l 7ll Bkkpr Tra1~e 10 S:'12':, :~·11~11J;,7c~·. s;;;~11~r.C'~:.~;
---------PP.O F ESSJO~AI. Pa.inlin~ • Co11111, Opr. 1rre1d('nJ .$.'>.iO '1\'I JI I c. <I · II L'on1n1un l l y l!o~pi1al, ,• in111r. •ti f' ,K,_\S , nts 1ntf'r/ex1fr, -onr st •·ork. T}1•1~1 -t:nP '-l:!,'1
H•lp W•nted, MA F 710 Pa1n1 -Ph1n1bin.1:, onl,1• r~-1•11u11•r1 , P1u·r !hnr.' t'un~
l IJ f'r'd llf'f'd ii p pl~· ~"I l!ll" c·;1!1 ~4'.!-IS~.~
L\l)lEDJATt~ open1n~ 1<1r k:1·r111-P.ima H11 1~!11i11·r, '.fill \\(l,1 " 1.,, I ---1-;
KN'1 & LVN's, rull or pnrt l!.<erbor Hh·rl C \l I · 1 11" nlllnu Mt · · · · !\ll'l!t~ ""I k. l/llmr only. lll!lf'. Xln! e 111 p I,," I ··s I . ,..;A .r1 -.117.1f'r Co~111PT 1r•. ,7:, (' 1\1'•1 l.11 1! St,'.'\ A. hf'11rr,1• llf'\'f'ril '111;1,,1· 1 Cl I I ,.,~Irr t"'nlp.,1n~ Q 111rn ---c ·n Al f'nl I!. . ! I I '\\'11\tl·' p lllllf' ll'llrkina
" \ .,~,· 0 " JI 1 ~.'. r;l !1'1Tltorr, no lni'('ntnry fi,,111 1iio111, .. r~I 1rlf'phrH1p
.Cap1•!n1no BrJtli. ·l!lii-'•iS1 .. I l':itj--1~f.l·L
FrPt .t: Fee Posll1011~
------------Jl<'r•nll.dlll ''' 11rll1ng. E~p.
SALESMAN 1111''•' \\'111 1r.iin, I' h:
~1l lanf'd <11 ~<'0\.lnt rr1-orrl 64'.!-l\~"i fPI' i 11 t f' r v w.,
"!{ll'e. Must he P"'l'.~onahlr, \\'' l\! Ai'<---;-,, M rk 111 ilnnul
f)\llJ(Oillg, kno11·lNlgPflblf', 11!~1p .. ~ ... pli.1!lf' j '1\ll~ plf'a~f'.
n1•n1. \l'ell groo111rd. rn11ng \\'llwhi>ll .~ i.lonlil Sl~lp, '.~17
n11111 pn-f'd . Appl,1· 111 J>PrS(l11 llilrl..,r Hll·d. l' \l
onlv lOa1n-l1pn1 Tl1r \lu«1r· ;~~~~~~-~-~~~~~ Hni1'. 110. 61 t'11~h1<1n lsl!lllll,
:;~';.·rs \\' o \1 f:;.;:, A~i<t I Merth•nd1se II~)
tl1;lnn~r"I. ln1porl l; 1 I I L. --------~-
Sl1'•ps. E:-;pcr .. ma t ur e ·!•••••••••••• 11i1rr1·1e\1·~. )lon .. 1'01·. 1~1. Antiqu•• 100
1·6 p,n\. ~ :11l!Pnn G 1 f1~. ~ 1---'-----------
Coasl l'lll1i!., (' ){. SCRAM LETS
Bookkeeper to $6SO -Sale~ Coor dinator ..
t' C Thn1 T.B. J-.lPl"trnnlC' Ra;·kJo:r,,und ANSWERS
~)lS l:. 1ith Ill! lrvin!I ('.\I $12.f(i{) F'rr !'aid. Al.-., t\,,. ,J.,ll~ 642-1470 (~al\ \I r.~. S.::tunidt
PERSO;-.;"NF:J. Al;E:'\C\'
:.ll:H3 \\·l',rrl1ff 1Jr., :"\.B.
Porn<" -,lr11<'I -Cill'PI -
l;i1dfl.1 -P LA \' !iO ~'I.AT
(' ~1.
~=~~=~ll'S'l' ~l'll 21 " <'olor 'l'V rn11-
,..olc, !l' pnnrllPd cla1 Pnpor1.
E\11111.~ll<' ,.1;ony & rnarblr
lalilr. 'J'P11k\\'o.~1 cl11111ig .~
g.1111r rablr. ~h'ro·o. ('<lll.°'Vl".
l\Plr1R:.. 4(1"...,iff' 11111 p Ir
11'·~k . \hu·h n1•1l'" ;-,,·,1--0:1.tl!l.
6' 1\1.\l_'\UT •vn1p .. ~I "!~'"·
,\)l/f')I, like nrw, SO:•.
Lane 1111lnu1 eef\11r ('l\r~1.
naup;ahydt St'lll $-IO. Sn~i'r
'*'\11ng m11.ch1nr S:lO.
-"-~121 _, _____ _
S' llr1·1·ulon ROia !.:
ln1<'~1·n!. round izan1P ~rt.
t11!1rd ('111.«hr1t 1·rh·r1 11\'lll)l
nn. ~f'I , hrind ('/11'1'"1 colh'f'
& PtHl 1alllr~. 6i~~33-13.
~'(lltl'Ell 10 s<'ll 1wa1· nrw
t'U!'ll S' lll'Ol'Ud<> \l'll t'I ,..,..
f;i ·ra lllN; Ph'. All<O Ht•rcul .. n
• 110
Fl 'lt...: 1Tt.:rt.1':-C(lf)'1 quality.
P111no to N/l1rh~. :\l<Jv1ng to
~ni1tl!rr quartC'rs. ~I~.
-(;r11.r1 ~or;, hl'd s~~l . .::p;;ni~h
d1n111g-IC'\)1)1 H'! 11/i' 1·tlr.~
'I~:,, f(al)illl ~ jJ(' bar M'! S.~!
)!f'n'li s.1n1 s .. itr 42 rri::. $3 &
up. Dro'~~f'<; s11,r 12 11 •• ~ up.
Al s11 1111!<•'· All x\nl 1'0nd.
:i.1:.:..103fl ."1tt .. ~ ::.1111 (•111.1.
C:f,Jl~~t:E S11!P, applll\ll('{'S,
/lfolf u1p, ~kl rl:ju111. ha111
i"ar, x1 0 111'(·f s ~o r i r '·
1,~01~. i'OllP!'lf•r ilerns & \01.~
I'\[ 1(~~111'~. 1124 Deauv1Jlr
---~rov1 .,r. hutr.,1.llt'd Mul"h
S:~l/uf!o>t', t)pf'l\Tllfr, arJ.·
1l1ni,: n1arh., ninny hse-h•ild
11rn1.~ 32.·, lloln1v.001!, N.B.
L>A RAG Fo:--~1-,clrc. -o,-"-,~-,c,-o-re-, I
sn111l1 ilpphilnt.:es. clotties.
1!1shC'.~. nd1ls & f!'nd~. Sar /.
Stui. 1:..19 t'n1rv.ay Dr, Cos1 1l
'h'Sil. ;)j,<~--j'fi!'!7.
i)A:"\ISll 1nnrl1>rn 1·ha1i"". r'On·
11111r c-ha1r. I:;(' doghou~f'.
l••l<lin1.; hnll, n1rti'< .cnl f
l'l11bs. l'illlflPY hrrl likf' nf'11·.
~,..1111111: m11l'li •1c. !1!:'1!-3:,;o
or l•>.I .~ 10 plil) \l l!h. L1C' & Jru;. s 4 g _ 2i 5 9, P.t'Cep!IT,1'J}1st S:'llll _,_,.._1_3_i_1. _______ _
8'*--.iSl!l. .'>lCl-l·l·M. Girl t'rirlny WI l)A~C~ traChf'r, mu~\ have
KA'I11Y All~ Crt>a1ion~ orf('r~
... ~citing 11ork for illlr11c1i1·r.
1nt+>lhgen1 Jll'Oplr al 111!
le vPl t . :'vlr. J oy('+> 49-1-718·1.
ll•\,fr1<'nd 11c;kc; 111.~ ~11·1
1111.,·.~ 11 p1al1•' play(·!'; ''llu1,
f'Olllf' .l•Jll lr~Jk ~" .sh11rp 11nd
Pl.A Y µ\ 1'·1.11·r-:-·· ---~ora 11·'01at<"h1n1: lort-s1•nt. Sl'PElt
c-.-n-.-,.-,c,-.-,-------'pc,,clc,c,.lc.lc,c.Gc.-/lc,-,-,,.-,-,-,,-,-. -lc,~,--,-s I S1n1 ·ryp1.•t $ l'.Z:o pMrr'!isional h II l I r. I In·
111 llnrhor art>e.. Lie &· bond-Sr, Acrnunianf !O l 14K sll11cror w /.~!mng j 11 1 ~
L ig~t Housekeeping
in Mobile Hom•
;\lY \\'a). q11i1!i!.v lYin1e rd. Hef'.s fut'n. G42-2:::'i6. !CP A r xperl hacki;::round. Also l'IPf'rl .~
r!'11101J. \\';ill~. ,'riling, flfC'lrs 1--===~~-= -~-F/C Bkkpr lfiOO hrginn1ni: lap lf'a('h'"r lor
Help eldt>rly v.·on1i111 by p1· .. ~
pi1r111g ~()111., n1P11J,.., ~hop.
pln,1:, 1·r1;.· llgh1 rl•'an111~.
L11·r.Jn nr 0111 .. \Tu~! h;n·"
01•·11 11·a11spo1·11111on. 6-.lfi·?htT
LJVF: 1n/nu1 con1 pan 1on
\1'811ll'd f<lr l~dy Ill ,Ill'[)'
5()'s. Lii t' h$kpnJ;:. 67.'>-73~1.
E.\IPIRE PAl'.'\Tl;>.;G NEWPORT 11 n C 11 " e!r. t\o Job 100 :<1111111. .n. 11rl'a. a .:r-noQn. ~\T-O!J:l6. :?·I hr an•. ~en·. St'n·1ni. Oq;. Co. sinr..P 'j,'1
AdrJ.111on~ 1t ft ,..1111'>rlr!i11i;:
Gr r11 1ck & Son, 1.1r.
6i3-ti0-l I 1t :'l l!l-2! iO
1iJ:·1.~:v ·s nr11 .. ,1av ;,;p~1
/~oa11nc: .t· .<1nall pi11'k.ng
lot.<. rd.>-.'·l~f, ;ift. ~. p111.
;.::1.3;49 or %8-0.'.'.l l
PAl .\'Tl:\Ll : l!<lnr .~1
guil1·.1nlrf'rl l•ork. l.ir'd Any
/ol~P lul). (';\Jl 6<;>-~>(·10.
;t•ft 1·l<•i1n S, nPat painr1nh.
lnl•Ti•u· ,(. "'1''1'1f)t', l'all
lh1·k. 91;~1r•;: •. -----------\'!\YL 1' a po> r 11 a n g i n i.;
~prri:1l1~1. 11·nrk 1,'ln·1ra11lt>etJ.
E~l. G.1~-.'1!'411 or 8~6--2182.
Personnel Agency
833 Dover Dr., N .B.
,\ I' T
:\1A,\'AI: Elt-Heliablf'
Y.001 sal<"!i11"oman I.:.
h;i1wJ~ Ulill!.
\\ j•ilt> l'l11~~1l1rd IHI \o. !~<I
fl;i il,\' l'1lul, l' 0 . Bo:. ·1.'-.(i()
t ·,,_~ia .\lt'l'a. l'11hr. ~2'1.i2G
Delivery Sales
& TO 10 PM
$98 A WEEK
1t Ll\'F.-1.\' C()(1k k h~k1•r ;
l'1·;1<lll'il l 11111',10~ l'.\Jlf'I'.
d1· .. 11 ahl~· huT 11()1 nr•·f'~•
ti-1:!-9Rli2 "r :-..w-2.~:? 11ft 6 \\'e need \0 mf'n 1n1n1ed 1a1 .. !y, f'lll. !\o f'Xper1r ner nN'l'~~ary, ,\l-JX1 .\l~~t11A:'\11 · -for lKf' 714 SSS 3713 Ll\'E-1:-J hou.,~·kl'f'rer. '.!
E L F. (.L!~J('f ,\,\'. l 1cr11sP<l, I -.--1c,c,1c1c,cTclc,c(c;-. ~,c,-,.-,--,-,.c_ I ("le<1n •ndt•11Pml,.111 shop. : • t'h1hlren, l·IO, y, k. .Ea.sl
bonrled. Sn1all ,ioh:<, n1i11nt. Jhuu Auto ()•nler, 1112·, La· Hl "'I. "'' """'. lloroP.~ 1nlf'r exler. Off,,..,~ w .,...r-v.,...,
QJl \\l'f'kt•nrl;;,. Al'C'01J(, CC'il· ~.'.~la ~·:in yon J{it. 49-l-ll?l or D F. NT A L f.erre'l'ar y-Office ~I AC.111.'llS'T A f'Jql'd II! 1ni:;~. 24 bour iervic e .•.•. ,.sx.i, J\lanagrr. F.xper.or collrge. sm11ll preci!>1on par 111 , Engraving
Sl7--4t2S. Al.iTO:'>IOTJVF.-l;P n·l Ofc 1:H.i. :-.16-:WOO. lnl1•rv1r11·s 11 ::)1) ro 4. ,\Inn E111rra1·fn.:1~----~-~~~-~ I I I \l t 1 Plai ter, Patch, Re""Jair p lnl1f'.~. C' frl{il' . us ypr DISTRlllL:'f'ORSH!P for lhn1 t•ri. Vought Div •• Con1· Trophirx, pl11q11~. rup~. r tr.
P..11~-<rll, .'d8·279 1, rl11y~.
&l~-'.il:1.l {'\'C'~.
~PrY'TAL~ ,\\'J::. ch11 •r nr
rocker FlflPP'"d 1:1 1;lui11g,
br11,<~ poli~h!'f1 . r.1,,.0:166
tor gardl!ning & am a 11
le.nd~p1n:: Eervlce!, call
54()...5198. Serving Xewpor1,
aJ:.t, Oi~lll )!esa, Do\•er
Shrore,., \\'edchff.
r-..e11• ln\1110 ~11r111kl<'r'• :ir-
001·•. fhl!·11~. ft'U• t'-. 11,1!,<.
1.1(' •I I nl\IJ' \l1tq"I' f11111·1,:;•,
13 ~I'<: ]t>(' l'\ji. ~·1"--1 ~"],
1-:rt'O 'f"L :-,.., I():\' ,\-1.-G" nl ;:;;;-.
Ir<'" \\r,rk. rr11n 1ng-,
i:;.pn11klPr<;, 1·lrilll Uf' JOh<,
I a tl•I <c ap 111 i:. t;l'or;:r,
f>.1(,_..'1~!1::. --------.,--c AL'S L?.nd,c11p1n~. Tr-,_,"
1·,..111n1;il. \'nr1I rr;11n.·Jrl11h!
1'r11sh 11111!1 111(;, !•11 1·1t•a1111p
!lf'p11 •r ~p1'1nl<lrr~ !ll:l~l\f'>li,
t~t~ll . 11a11· a 11 ii n
Gar<lenf.'r.C <lmpl r l l!
Gardr-n1nl! ,,e r v1('1!
K11n111!an1, 6 11i--16ifi.
EXP. J11p.10f!'M! Gi1r1JeO('r.
Krl()w h\'11\·, np-kttp, rl11 n1
pest, rr1111111in1:. cltan-up.
8.· u~e !O k<')-' addrr. r.roup llrnlth X: l::Nllni;y line 111·ait. p11 !er J.:q111p ('(lrp. f.,(l * p,\TC11 Pl-·\STF.P.J);(j 111" plnn.~oilayi~k •• A~k for ('11 11 Hr<ll,-n t..· Colw tl l Fi~hrr,\\'t'.,l .. \1 .
\II '
,. 1 l )11·.•, Hl'nlT). 4;11-•3'.!3 or jiiiji!iijijijiijjii!ijijifi!ijiijjiiiii , ypf'.<, cl'Pf' t>~ 11na e~. Enlerpri~P.'i f,4f)-i0:.G. -
Call ~>10--68'.!·, :'>Hl-:llli'>. ~~~ ~. <.:oasr H•\·Y--j _. .......... _.,.. ... iiiiiiiiiii MAN REQUIRED
t\o ji•h l•lO: ~11111 11
• fi.12-~\~ •
2-1 hr. l'C'l"\'\C'f'. 6 1.',..llfil -------
Remodel & Repair
f\ort\11< ll, 111;,11111·. r!r l:!r.
11,1Jl<'l1nr.:. A11'1fJ t urn -
!'•'["' •1_:_ .~·-t>~n._ti.l-~'fS
:..!'~.CIA l.l Zt~ll llnu~r
H•'p.11 r r :1rprn1r\, p11 1n11n;:::,
PIC. Call Jl i1·k, C.l1--1i:z2
~~~~~-~----LI·:~: 1l<Xtf1111:; ('(), J~t~•fin;:
1dl t~pr•. Hrrn\l"r. rrp,11r<.
1hrr11111 f \'l<>f f'•)illlllC•. \\'b11"
.~· ..... ,i..,r I .11·/honilt'rl, s111er
l7 ~11 i?2:! -~~-• T ~i11.1· Hoofing, !)P.il J 11.
1·r-1·t. 1 rh• ll\~ ""n 11otk.
t• 1.»-'.!il'l(l, ~>\.~·~f>:•l ----
Sewing/ Alte r~i ions
• [l1,"•~n1nki11.1: -1\l1rril11ons
r>r-~1gnr<l !o :<IJll Y(l\!,
<'.oil Jo • &l~M6
Alterlltio ns -642-S84S
~P:it, a!Ttll'itte. 20_~c11.rs eX-p.
l.11 i,:una Brnc·h. E X ECUTIVE --------1 , 11· f'.~jlf'rtf'llCf' 111 il.~f'hall ~f'Kl-
--AUT0 SALES P•r sonnel Agency ii~. 11pr11y brush nr ~QUf'f'·
\\'01'1.J.) YCHJ Lii\~: 1'0 BANQUET MANAGER i.er. App!y in pPr.~l"ln, Sa1
1-.,\lt~ SIS,000 PER YE.\R !lnitl 1-:Xp.•r 1~111. 111orn111g, Oct. JOrh, !I.Arn
0!{ \l(Jftl::.· \\e nerd ng-4 10 W . Coast Hwy·, NB rh1·u 12 noon: 1409 Jo:. \\'11r·
i.;rrSSl\'I', nr11t, &111b1!11lU.'i Sult• H 645-2716 ll('r, ·"•n!;or. A11A .
sillrsrnf'n 1(1 ro111inur !!itll1ng .,.,,.,,.,,.,, ...... -... .,..~ •!tiilllii!ii!tiiiiiii••••
11 1 onr (\I th(' IAr;:rst \'olurnes F.XPER!Ei\CEO snlderm, 6 ,\!,\'.'\ ni· t:;ol ~·l'lrln~. !\'EF.I>
111 (h'illlJ(<' Cuun!y. llenefits mo. to ! )T f' . ...,p. )Tnlul ('nn1-
1n1 lucir l.1bf'r,d [)t>n10 pla n, nlunicahn11s, 29?.0 ('ollri:r
n1.,nrhl,v h<inll.'i 11nrl Jn· 111·", 11\11rht>r I.· H.tkrr•.
~11r<11?:';'. C.)l. ~.il)...:1;fl.l
~.).PFHI f::.'\'('J·. EXPE!tl°El\'C.0E=D-b_o_1 1-r1 1 r;-g
ma1ntPru;n;·r 1nan. lh ,1n.:1·
~" l'nn ('frl1rr 111 Th,..(Ylnr" l'Oil•l Y.\I(,\. hl2-~.
Cr.11h111~ F11nl, :i'l i'-0 Jl11rlwirFASl/I\!\ St;'lisl~~
Hhd. ('o<!a ,\\r~.1.
la11i(f'•t & " rhr \'n 1111·r~1. \\'ri rk. '1•111 tir~.
ml"l~I ,!nAn, .i.1.)-..6.1:12 or :'146--ft.111~
1'l'•pr1 l•'d Cf•.~1nr1 11· !'flnl·
II" n.1. A \'0,\' rep!'".'li1tal11 f <
(ill> lilkt ll il\'IUJ!11J;f' nf 1111'
lrn,, 1·r·11111n1,,,n 111 ~'•l'•'P,••f111
jJl'P(t11!hl(' blJ~lll{'S<;C~ ll f
lfll'll' 01\11, CRI! II()\\ ,
s;,16 )lo. To Starl
'.1.l('--;Ot l _______ Onr .1·f'ar~ f'.xpenPnC'e 111 np.
fl.,\llYS11-rEr~ 11·ilntrrl ro «it 2 er11t1nn of rmilliplf' 11v.·ll•·h-
•·h1l•lrt"'11 age;; 9 k ~1. Hour.• h,,,,rd. r11r!10-1rlrphn11p I·~~"
11 lu 6 Pill, rny hort\I', r,,.. unlt, or r;im11.1r equ1prnr11t.
forr 6. :-,12-1·1 1~. P\·r." 111;~1.1:)~ T.1Pf' 31 w,p.m Arrl'p! N'·
sponsiblhty v.·11 h1~1r s11jlf'r·
l'l"1on . .Apply In /'er~i'\I!. ;r!
~,(JI Fot"l'sf A"r l.-1izuna
/tP:trh hrfore ~n1· 4
REPHt:SE.:l\'TATrv~: 0 R
ASS\,X.'l,\'fE, 11·hn V.iln!~ 1n
r•n i.:ro11n1I n('l<>r of 11
l1yn 11 n11r f u11 -park ,.d
01•;;;inuat1 .. n. 1-. \ r r,. m ~ I}'
h•~)l lfl<"'l1lP '" '':\f'('r !lf'I".,
\\•• 1rn1n_ r~12-l·l'>li.
,\[,\;>.A1.1•.\l l·~·r t:1J .. 111~ rr
(/\Ht'r•t ff'r n"w .1·nt1nl! n""'
1i->mpa11) 1n •~•n1n1,.rr1~) 1n.
1h1<t1;.. l-,\••rllM11 !IOT!•n\1111
111 1r,. C 'l a~~1 f 1rd Ail. ~o. 1·11
I iRil\' I'll"!. I' 1 I H.,, I-"<),
4 ·.,,1~ \lr~,1. •·a. 'l:>li21,
\11\\ll l 'l:IST,
A pplJ ]f;)() \\',
p/!11111' !01·
1111~~ ~11ln11
('o.;i~I lb1 ,v,
LA \rN nl1Un1. k rlrnn-up, Til•
B,\RYSITl'ER war11rd f,w
l()(ld!rr wefkilnr~ II 10 (i_
Prrfrr \'1r1n11.' oJ llarhor
RI . <• \I b46-(f)3:\. --ft,\BY~l1'rt:n rnr rnd1Ucr, t-ri"Y cnok &. r~unrrr man,
~o <'tkf' hn1\t to 11rrv1t't' nur
pq111pmf'n! !, lr111'll <llher
v.·o rk. Cnuld mr"n douhhn11:
pl'Pl'!OIJA 1nffl!ll'"· ~::irninii:
oppo)r11u111Y l liO. 11 k ('111 1
for Jll.'r!illlllll 1ttrPl'\'1r•1 hr.
l\\'f'Pn II & 10 A''· 4~ .. n!l~.
u ·11·is1on o! Consolidated
l.INO!.El''.11 !.: T tlr ~olri 1n
th<' prh·~"Y n! ynur home.
,\~k f,..r Bob. %2-~:i.s.
un ('atl [nr ~ u b ~ 1ltu1" 1•xp'1! or will 11·111n ynung
lrilr·hrr. 7:;>.01o 10:.'.0 11.111. f.· An1biliou5 m11n. :l-l()..!Kl22.
Th11r~ ArlPl'!'IOOll, \1y /lnnlf' l'OVERr\F.SS j()r ' olrl
Li;'d '111~ l..,1rry '.\111 1~1111 a.
kl '~ r.ilnl~nln~ ~r1· r.12-0'.)'jj
$:1 '\T.El~L Y. 111•111, r •ls::r /,,
\'ll run1n'I nio~I li1111n•. i\rill
rleprnr!:lhll". 962-:i l~1~_'·--
E.x1wr J111111nP:<r l:nrclrnPr
Con1plrtt> ~d '"r1·1rr. N'r;:il
& !lrl1n. r rre r~1 , f>12·1.'l~9:.
r l('(" ··~~-!iii ' . " ~r CEllA:lllC rile ne1\' I< ~ · · • ".i' 1 · boy. l~i\·e--in. \Jlf' h:<k11og,
rl'n1odr1. F1'Pf' f'<L Small B1\HY.""l'l'r~:R \\';'\!111',f :.1·1n ~.H . 111·ra ,\ln.<I rlnvr. $:::~1
joh!i 'l'f'INlm1·_ ;,~fi--2~26. I.: \\'rd nllf'•. Own !ran:<. ln1 mo. C.irll 67j..2692 !or app(.
_Qu~1~1~1'. \l.V. R?.0-(),112~~[~ iitll:,;,;1-:1 ·1.~:11~·i::rt---l -rl;-;·
BAl~Y SJrl'hl: llf'cdrd for 21 "''Pk. El T~·1•0 ;,1'ra .. \h1•1
mo. old ho). {.;rilnlln11 1 ~')'lf' h,1\"f' O\\'O lra n~fl(l1'tat1011.
rr"f•'rr·r rl. t:I ·roro nr,,.1, s;:i-!1:117.
~ ,lnpnncse G11rilc11rr --,.,,-.• -.-1,-,-1-.~,--,,.--c,o."""1 Gf' .. ,.. ,, • rre :-cri·. Art
f.;111'n \ln111!. Clril!l·U P rlenn.11 p, haulln.:, ;i;prinklcr
Trl rn111ir1i: ;,.l{)-1.~!H R " ' _ rrpa1N. ra.• . .,.,fi-..iS-111.
JAP,\:'\ESE Ger(tencr E.\p·c1.1 ~~~~~~~~~~~
Co1rnple"lc Yard Srrl'iC(' [I1J
6·16-ail!I :~18-•9~111 I [~yment I i J
::iPEi\CER'S La11·n Servil'.'t, C------
n n·n 1r11n: nee-. 4 hr~ <laily. HOIJSr-.'K"·E=,">:=rc>c:tct-W~-,-0-,~ ••
l\rf.~. $1.i. 11kly. nfl 4. l11·r-ln. Ko1•<;, 14, 'a)-21. Cook
&30-93'2'6 &. Ille rl~anup. lntervil!w
BT-:AL'TY Opcriltnr. m11tll1'f'. cAll bf'lor'" 8 am, art t>f' 7
<"Xpf'r. ,l'/or 11,ithouT !01101\" pm. !W'i-4330
ltlj;. X!n! Op11ty i~ Crl\1. 1t'CSCKCPCR1CS--"E=,m-'-p-IJ-.,-.-,-,.-,-1".,.-,
Job W•ntff, M•I• 700 C&ll aft g:J() p.m., 6 '-l..ff.lf,.11, r;porge Allen BylAnrl Ag,o·
-----------BJ<'.ELTNE rashion~ '"'f' I~ <')' 106-B F.. 16th, S.A.
DISll\\'ASHER. lunch a nd i:tyi•llll tliill 11n•a . [,{)1·r :Hi--0395.
l:rf'e est. Lll"o <'A r I!,
cl .. anups. rP.'llJ. ;,.18-5113.
G•n•r•l S•rvlc••
THINGS by ~fl)o.<1r, 1.t.
,.~cl., plurnb, rtAr... 111 .. ,
1 11.<!ln~. carpentry, p111nl f'tc.
rl inne t'. 847-2800 u k tor C"lo1hf.'~. dr11'r c111 '\n ,.,,1.l ---=====-~~--
l)EUVERIBS 1nytlm•, 1ny
kind In Onnll'e County,
L.A., !'.B .. 7iS-JJ jl, Slit .C.
~un. 612-,~=--"-·----
;;-".\IOVli\G k HAULJ:-;c; *
Shnib<. trrr~. !Tash, turn.
ftn~ 1h1ni:: fH&--4941.
TRASH /:: G11!'31Zf' <'k :tn·up. 7
ilf~··· ~""' .. 1t. An)'ilml!.
l """1.'IL
rOrbnt~7ui11i 64i-56il
Rt'ne'. lrcrin,i or 1trli\·. ~'.11.111 S~-$10 INVEST IN
?i.t ATURE \\'OIT\tn dealre.1
~mploymrnl ftl'I h,o-kpr fnr
artuH. f.On1t nllrslng t':>.p.
Ov.·n tr&ns. No :i;moke or
d rink. Li\'f: ,\n or ouL R~!.
4!N-"'11 ("""'" J.; pm. MArur., d tpt>n d n bl '!
t:oizli11h Src. 11rtks ofli~
11ork l-5P)I. Sft l AM. ('.ooil
t~'J>lS!. Rf!'f!\. 54S-'il79.
HOUSF.l\EEPJ:\G • Cl'lm•
p11n1on -Pr11c1ic~l 7\uru•, ~
to 6 hr1. pt~. ~2.m.
"'· ~i•-'"" ""'""" YOUR FUTURE
BARi\.tATD. p11M lln1r. night~
6-2. AJ,f' Zl to ~. f'e~na.l·
It)'. S1a2e Cn1trh Inn, ~i07
t1 CRmino R<'al, .'inn Clr-
mf'nll!. '4!12-!!0li. -
BOYS 10.14
to tle]h·er pii pers in thr ~n
O emen!I!, Se.o J u,,n Cnpi~
tra.no II.rid C1pl~ll'llno Bta(:h
M•n or Wom•n
Le••• A Yellow
T•xi Cab
CAil for Appl
Girl f n day to 1111.<1<;,1 rrrrr~
!!•>n dirt'clor. Apply in Jll'r·
'-OO only, :-,'o\'. l~t Jlam-
\pm. nuh <:1 f'•'llhrOQk Q!l
~l111~11oli11. he1v. n Ellis & Tn1·
llf'rl, F.\·. -----OPEP.ATOR.'i rr.r !'in11:lr
NP<'fll r , ('\'f)l'l'. ni1ly. 1'11/f]
\'ilrillion. A~k l()r !'ook. l.'>80
:\!QTll'Ol'lll, 1'\.R.
Tr;iinrM F~ma.r~ prrrPITrd,
SJ.gj pe!' hour to 11111.rt. Ope11-
1niz~ on ~re.\•cyard ~h1f1.
Apply lt•:',l)..11 ·;',o * Ornnii:f' Cn11.'l1 Pln(tirs *
Ki() \\'Mt lllth St.,
cn~tl :.11!,.1. \.<1 l1 /.
for "mall n1 i<'rt> t lt-elronlo
<"'. \!10. 2 yrs eXper. C.1111
lr'ii ~h\·11.ys !hf' r\gh1 1lm" &
11lw11~·,. th" rii:hl rl11N> ii
,1'0\1 ll'lln! RESl!l.T1'' Call
64Z...~78 & pl11ce that a<l
Has Full T ime
Openings for
E x perienceil
e A p pli&nce$
• We1her1 & Dryers
• Refrigerator •
• Sewing M•chines e V11cuum1 e TV'•
Also, Experienced
Roebuck & Co.
Anahr1n1 Co111•1·n11on CP111rr
Exhih11 Hall mJ \\'. k:11 !ella
7;, ,\n1iq11" t;xh1hl!~
()1·1 . 21', 71.1, ~.o. ::1
1'hoirs, Ft'1, Sat 1·10
Su1\di1y 12 in ii.
Applience1 802
KE:'\.\101tE auln '1ndlf•1· .~.
l\1i111)•~1·1· .. 11'(' <11')•"1' !:O•lh 111
xi.11 1"1~( .,m ,.,,. 1;11,11· ,t·
ol··l"''!'•'tl -.1 .. ~;~'.!. ~·~-~l l'•
! 'C >1'1' ~~It TC /,\: I·
1lr}er, 6 ~1 • ul•I, J.:•••! ''"'~!.
S;{l. ••n. 1bln1 1ir, ;:oo;! ('(Hiii.
l~O. t>l:>-l!l:l'.1 ---------h:t~.\l()rtt: 1111,ll••r
{'Omh1nal1n11, nl11Tr,
rnnd, SUI(). 1;11--0 !!\f,
]\l()VINl;-n1llst srll b•-;u1I.
Snlr1n Hou,<r di11i11i:: rm ~rl,
llke nr". '\lw <lh! ht'd ~f
snt11. h'f'fN'r ,~· n1 1 s c I .
&11--;-r,1.1. p1·~ :.1n-2;:so.
~l,\l'J.F <1 111111~ ~rl fi1.•d2", I
\r11f, 4 la1lrlf'rli.1rk <'hr.;;,
.~11~•. '1'111n hrrl ,t, !ra1nc $1:i.
;.1r,_1•12~. ----l'Sl-'.1 • ...... 11
l'r11;11" p11r11·. II•••!•, "lo\•"<.
t n II I h r .< , •'11'.
i 'li1ll1111)!:, bolOI~. ll('!Ok~ and
1 11nn~ h11r~11 1n<:, S.1 ! ,t,_ S1u1.
9.:1. 211 ~:. l!llh ~t.. C~!.
l'f'.'tl' hnu~r.
·rv 1'<Jo1ho $4j. ~1errn tape
r"t'Ol'rl«r $111. f3ilhy c!orhr~
,i;, f11rr1 f,, n111rh more.
:~%--)ll:f.l. -------~-~~ FHl·Nt1·S11n. U111f',\Tlr, hlRh·
i·h111r, r ran1. fillc'r. n1 ('Pr.
101) '11111'1' ~..-,.,.lire;. ll'l\.-1 Lo~
t•, . ..,,. I 11·. ~· \'. flri2-•\r.i11;
S1\T i~<'t. :ll. 'I In ,
Furn1h1n•, •·ln!h1r11~. 1<:.<11.< 1111(1
1111<.1• 111i11~. l!l~l I \J~n<!rake :-;! rf.\·1 II(' •. ~•·1·11~.n;1I, 11·h1h•
r •1 l.;iri.:•' 111;.t.·l11ni.: f•h;iu·. ~1 ·'·__:1 11~~~---
J.!l'''"ll $2.'1. tl1hrr n11~t'., !:AftA(:t: Sa!r· \\'r hA,'l"
fun1l!lll'•' ~>!:•-l~'.'I. f<'1111~lrlN!' (;.,,..,.J s I u If.
(-;-l)fiAl~l-hc,f-,,-,c1_-1-,-;.-.,-,-r:• I s .. n1r J1111k. J 3 0 7 No!·
:l 1 r~ r1n;.'l\11111. \ R. h 1cl('-ft -)l('• I /J• )I '{'<;l'I< 1
.,Id_ XlnT r11nd. s 1 ci o. n t:t·nrt;, p,,,k,, !Jrall'tr~.
\\'1rk<'r rh1111· \I /1"11<1Unn.
s:1.~ 1~1!! r:. f\~lho11 Bll'.J.
8 10
Brick<, Cn1li'h, \11s1•.
... li-~1-1 1'.':i ...
r;Ar:A(;J·: "all' si;11·t• 9 11111
r·n S.· Snl ~11!\.<l!'lii\ '.10.\(J
c ;l"llrlrnr~ ... r·1. \!r.•;t \'f'rrlr.
Machinery 116
Allt ('f).\ll'liES.'iOH. I
t .. rni~r wondwo r ki ng
ll\<11·h111rr.1 .1~1"-71 Ill. 1
818 -------JP.\'l~t: ('nil~! ('ou111ry Cluh
F u rnitu r• llll Furn iture
~: .. II n•r111t-...r<hlt• ,J 100 I).
r 1"r1. \<>1'!'1 , 6 ·16 -~9iO.
1; 11 ..... .-.:~i
y,· 1\ Tl-:ltH_>.-~l •-~F~R-o\-.\-l_E_<-.
Erniaf Opf>"lrtunl!y
F.1npl0yf'r •
Sl·:l!\'lrt: St;it1on 1\Jlr nd, I
r/llrn". 11tf' ~1ech11n1ci11.
~.·r1! 1n nppr;ir Rrr<1!\!
1..,,.,11 rxp. 11rtr~~. Aprily 'j
n1••r11 111i.:~. 2:190 N r wpor 1
Hll·rl. t . \1. j
SElt\'IC'E ~1n 11tlrndan!~.1 Full t1111e 1lay.'i k ri11r1 t11i1r
f'\'e~. t-:x1,,,._ Apply al Jfr.1:1
_A_d•_m_,_' _f _:_:\l.c -----
St:Jt\'ICt; SlllliOll allenrl3nt.
f'X11'<!, hnur!y 11nJ.:r pl11s
<'?m~. full 111_11~. Apply 990]
1· .. ( 111 II"~. :\' '.. I
.\;fo:HVICE Slnt~n C<\)I ilrPil,
1'lltnr !"1311'1 "'lllr.~, n1chtj
$IUf\ 111.1"11 otf. Top pay pro-1 r1r sha1·1ng. 673-723.3 tori
SF.•tVlCF: S1a. S.1IP."TI<1r1,'
p/ll!llt', P\'f'~ $. 1'klld.<, f'X·
rri-. ~t>lll itl lll}~i('l_lL 1\Jlply
2:,\JQ t\0P1''1...irt 1~11'11. I' \1. I
SFltVJCJ.; r~l ilh-:-f:-11 1 ~
An1~h Cus!nn1rr!. C .. \L U11
lo $100 wkly 10 slart.
F /timl!, perm11 nen1 positions
In bo11:juf' 81.'ll ing. Ml"ns &.
wnm"n.• c-lo1h1n1?,. Exper .
peop!r rilll for app!,
f nr F'al[ ,\h,Jl'lf' f'r()(,iu f'Tioo
lodeprnilt>nt ~·11m C<t. 1"ttd!
f Z1 :l l 461 -:105:=1:_ __
To oprrat(' · lrl)l-632 B1!1 1ng
,\l~rh. Connn\ID\Js 1)1>\0R QI
lll\'OlCP lorm11 v.·i11 he T'f'lfrl
\nrl h1:y "''" o f numhf'rs
~1rxo-.1·r1rrr & 10 ~('y 11dt1rr t
l!~P lit"lpful . \\'<lrklniz hr~.
11 ~0-~1:30 (),ll nrnP11l.vOil ·1
V~l Cn. 17111 It. Plar,.n!ia, I c 111, ~1~-1201 .
1-:q1111I Oppor. 1:~n1p\oyrr
U n help r te.U!-64~ll
All items must be sold regardless
of cost. We are faced with a large
inventory overstock,
Complete Stock Sale!
U-Haul --U-Save
"'" DAY PRICE _l_T!M _______ _:_,llC.cl:_ ____ _
S pc. W11h111r s49's,-., -•·•:•~••c•:•::_:•c•:••o•'-----"'c'c'c'c·0c0c_ __ ~
,-1•1•' '119"sn Cho~~··:'-------='c'o'°o·c'o'--~~=c-'"'
5 Dro•er s19" ~OIR11_• _c ..... ------='c'c'c·•c•--~ IACH
LAM• SHIDU -25" I Y1111r Ch•lcol 54.00 9' lACH
Full Sito
l• SJS.00 '100 IACH
'3" _ T• s·10.c·~°''--~~~'-'-C_H
Ll•e M1tw ll:CA Coftsal• s99ts l11d Toble1
FM -AM ·F~-·-·•_1._St• .. ,•o• _:•o'o'o"c''"''---__ ._._C_H
'""' s1., ••• s,,1191 & s49"sn M.tt'"' Sot1 IS!erlllliM> 1110.00
s pc . Dl•tt-9 529" "' Son S•0.00 te Sl00.00
ICA C•lor s99n
TY'• ~ SJI0.00 UCH ',-'--'.c,-.-~-,-.-,-~-~-----;::_;::_:::_: ___ s35,.---
w 1rh Mlrior SI0.00 ===-----=-:=------•25•• llCH 1• S•fot. 1110.00 Vol11.. UI" :__.::::=----~-'-""""--"-"--,1~0~0-l~l~C~H
Le1111" Volff'I I• 111.00 UI" ,,,,"_ -,-,-"-.-,-G'•---'°'"'-''-"'-'""-~sl 19"-
Tobl• S'1'\ SJS0.00
Used Furniture Outlet
Mondfly·F rid•Y 9 •.m . to S:JO p .m .
S•turdey 9 a .m . to 4 p.m .
< 11<1<1n1 1111111. O<>h'll\' rrta1I
p11,..-.,_ Al\ 101~ ii~ S~l.~.O.
:'\1-.Fll a H1kr ror l'hn.•111111~··
Br;1 11.J 1111 1 ... ,, ~ ~1 1n1?1'1t)'
1·"1"1,1· h1kr. ~I • 1,ff "r h1>~J
•1fr. Al."'· 11~rtt ,J;u·k~ hrlly
tr,.;1rd, I! 1•.nd. fi·1 \....()13~
Pf'l! 11. l~hlr, l1kr 11r11, p~...,fl'
s!:11p w/l}.11! rtt11rn,
Hr•11ll~11 wk S1rrr11 nvv!,.I
( ·n~f ~I ~1'Wl nr11 , sr!I fnr $69.'i.
---c-c~-c--1 ~x\1 !'\~'.\\' c;rrrn 11hll.1Z nia.
$:11'1. l..l)l'R(' [Pilk Tilhlf', 2 f'.\·
lr1\i.1on.• ,f, 6 c·hnir:<, gQilO'!
1·01u1. .i r-.tJ. 616-2~10. S11
P.Pdlan•l~. ~pl . Ha!:<.
t 1·r.1. .~11e b i >: ~prioe-c; <'l r'lfl
m~1t!l'CSS, (' ..... ('el I(' fl I l'Ofl·
11111011, s 1 :1 . :J1 3/.i97-32'6j
11 !1rr J p 01. -----------\\'INTI:P.. !WORT SALE
Tll'khlC'k<i· Th1·1rt Shop.
Oct :.01h, 10 to 2
120 r:. !!Ith St. C(l~ta ~, .. AA
Ll-'.HMA:"l 10' Sil1l ho11t. An-
tiquf" chrrry flrr1101rr. 1'10·
1iqur 11i1nk; Con5'lle 11 " T\'
:>llh~lO I.
L-1-L-Ll-;\n·,-, -,-N-,-,-. -,-,-,1c,-chci.-,0·k
$-IO 1'or11·r1;:i11n lur tri111.
!'idvrr fox
M&-:m .
stol<". $ 7 !i .
ln:i~ Coa!lit Country O ub
C111I !t17-o:I~
Ornng,.. & F:uc11lyplus
:~14-1'fi.\1 -
In 11111r for Chr1~tn1A11
lli11'1'1n1.~•lr ('fUCh<'lril pearl &
hc<1d jewt>!ry. 6-16-466,l
RC'a.\f'nsh\y pricrd
l.iO \'OS. Carpt"'llnit v.·/p11d
s110. G t:. Hrrri~. l 3 .5 .
F.:.LF.f"M{IC t>:<!"l'T'i!ll!'. hf'lt
in11f'hi nr, l~ or hto!I offdt.
646-91 .'ii n..r !f, 11ftrr 6.
l;()l.D-& \\hit'° 8' l'O!U'h, SIOO.
flrm111iz!(lO l,Y)lf"\\TI1t'r. 13().
r.1s-1:.i:, 11frr'r :i pm.
Sl\IS. llnrt~ J11 1·,.lln :\"XL.
Nr 1·11d11 hPr l Ii;
tfV.'lC'fl. ~&-11730.
' .
• • l
•• F...-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
'· .
\. .
\ -
' J
Looking For Someone
To Take An Order?
' We're Ciood At It
' \
We'll even pay the postage to get you to give us an orcler: Get
ready for some quick profits by mailing in your orcler today. Put
a hard~working DAILY PILOT classified want acl to work for you~
Tl~ES • ' 12
$4.SO $7.40 SJ 1.70 $17.70
$5 .80 $8 .28 $14.50 $22.SO
Sb.BO $10.76 $17.30 $27.JO
r .~ '"f, ...........•• fl ,.,, ~., •• ·1 ....................... ,, •••
c .,,1, ... , .............................. , .................. .
N •~· ' ...... "" ·• ., '' "•·''''" •• .. ·••·••·• •••· .. '' ,. ", '··•
... d,·11 ....................................................... . -C'~ ............. ,,,,.,,, ......... ~ •..• •••··••·••• ............ .
p,,1 ~",~ .. ~ • ...,.,,j ;~ ••<•
•"•<~ Ab<>••· l~t l~d. oAu>
~~''°'" <>' J>~Oft o "~"'bo>. , •• <••' .,f ~'"" .J" ., ,~.
·~d c f '"' I;"" •ft ... ~ •• ~ t~o
,.,, ... ,,-<!' .,/ ~"'" .~" _,,,!.
1 .... ,l,l,j i l .OG ol,,• I ''"''
••••• d ~"''' .; ... ,. ,,, •• 1
0"''l Y PILOT I~• '''"'<• .,
---~----cur f<(~l -~ASTl o~ YOUI: ENV(LO ~E------
Q,.nge Coa.t DA ILY PILOT )
P. 0. Box I 560
Cost" Mesd, Cdli f. q2626
Cla~sil iecf Dept:
Or Give Us an Order by Phone
I •
At 642-5678, The Direct Li.ne to
Classified Want" Acl
' I
• DAlt..Y PJLOJ :19
~ ~-----1~1..__I ~_....:.._··~_,Jfil I !BI ....... ..,... llil ._I -_ ... _ .... _.!§] I 'D--.,. ._ ....... 1§1
.;;I ;;~.,.; ..... ;; .. ;;1§1~1 961 Autos, lmporfed ' 970 Autos,. Imported 970
' ' Miscellaneous ! 126 Pets, Gener•I tsa Boats, Power 906 Cycles, Bikei,.
• ' '
Sunset's Service
Is Super!
Sunset Ford
.,.. ORGAN SA Lf: * * Sl lERRY'S POODLES c 0 ,'JN • A LL·~ N ' \\'t •n, Puppy salt $3.'i. k tlp,
Ill J Roanllni: & er otrn 1n e . , ''ZF.Jt A/'r.llUAL fAI . fl' ;:,..\6-~84!1. I C L E A R A :"i C E 1 ll)J), !---------:-:-:
nlf of fa~ 10ry ltst pr1rP 011 Cata 852
,;r!f'r!Pd ronsol<> f Inn r·1 ------:.---:c:-:'.".O'-
ON ALL ~fODFJ,.<:;. , KITI~:NS, SJ IO g ood
CUUL ~1 USIC c0. hc1111rs. &12-41!1~.
!'1111.•p ! fll I Dog• IS4 21).l~, Nn. :'ll~l'iJ, ~A. * :>1 7.~;Kf • REl\UTJFI JL 11 11•k-s •>lrl
-..... .,-~S=-A~L--E-C A 1 E. * Grrrn11r~1cphrrrf pup~. r\n
" ~ paper s, Jtcl. JO?~~:, Can111111I P IANOS.._. OR$ANS Air., t·.V. !1611...ffi.1~.
srr.lnv.•ay, K11.wa i, Jlariio1olll'I, C ER~1AN sh 0 r 1 ha 1 r 1• r1 1\l~1. RaJrf'lr.1n, elr. F'r0n1 Pnir11r r p11p s 1\1\C b · " s~ . . i~,
· · lnr l1rlr\ p<'rman<'nt shots. .\ft1n f.t rri "l'PS 'Ill 9 9iiK-l.lfW'l,
Sun,1a~ l:!-5 l;;c;;;;;;o;;;,,--;;;,,,c-,:o;;°"= Fl ELD'S PIANO CO. !'.'E}VPOr!T !)()(; (;Roo,v1.
J 1Jt:l.l :"\'P•1·1x11·1 Rho! .ER\', :!903 "C" Nf'\l'p<IM
38' CRU ISER, NPW m9lors, Scootera
Compl cerlec. Sh•• "'Pl>. -us·E--D--B .. l_K_E -SA_L_E_ Drp~. Onan a:en., S to S. \
Many othPr. xtra~. Nn11•
t·an'I 11!/ord 11, n1ust llE'll 'f.7 120 ~uzuki Sl:!i
673--871R. 'AA 305 Yamaha Sl!fi
SACR!F; hn Hi' O 'fi7 305 Honda • J\9:'! • ,..,au1_ . iry '61 """ .._,,. !;;: kl 1"9 . ·~"Ch . I ..,...,....,..,, ,u1u '""' n1arine J'""'• r 1 s ma s '"1 ,~ ,. 1 o ch . ...1 11n1i'1 i~ s~.~" prr:«>nl of r 1 ~ 1 niil'!l '6.lt Cl. 17.l llnttda S~\r,) pr<>sen1~. n1ake ol / er •. 71 l'"' ~ k • • _ "',1 "'' • Ut.11 I ~+·l,J <"1::>--.:;j.·I f'1'f'~. ·ro ?:i(J Rul!a('<> $4~
'66 ·TOLLYCRAFT '" Tm•rnrb 6:~ s;o.;
3,. ·rs ,. ... · ., '71 :xx> SuL•lkr 179~1
. '• "" lllltlllir .• n.~ '10 750 Tri un1ph $1295
""""'· A "'~! '! $J O,.ro. USED BIKE SALE .\lu.~l see, 54Joi·::i09l\
SELL nr partn..~r '70 t'ormula
l\'. \ln'l rond. :>l r. J nycr,
~!H-ilJor-1 . House of
Suzuki· Triumph
: 16112 Harbor Blvd. :!R' llruri ue l!ll'll .... SIY.'fll
1r110e for rrallrr hnilt
f'a~h. 0\l flPf, 11 16-14".0 WH ERE THE lo~111 tifrsa 714 6-1.i-.!l.lll Bh·d. on the peninsula.
FREEWAYS MEET IN ORGAN SALE ll'i3-77f"6. 10· CLASPAR 1\/4 hp .\1rrr
WESTMINSTER l;;;;;;>;m;;--;(';7--,:-:;::=c: Likf' or\\. $.100. 67~ 71.'>8 • F.V.
C'1nn 01-gan· •Annual Fall l'UPPIE;:S J\KC. Adrwahlr 1213 1 fi._~;).~. 531 .
8545 ~EREO, Unclar mert Jay-Cll'arilnrf'. Save up lo $1(k)O 1·cup & y poodJPs an
11.Y.•ay, 1971 n1oclPI. Carral'rt nn St'ler1f'd console Door "'1lor.~. 1 tiny fem;ile Ynrkic 22' skiff. ~oorl mr.rl, si700 .• - -----_
4-spd ch II n ~ e r. Air demos. !lui;e <11sl'Ounts on 893--9719. r·uuy f'QU lp. P.a r!/!<'I. l nhrd qz_INV.EN-TOR~Y s·ALE
I! u fi p ' n s ion s pc 11k c r s aU n1ndC'ls. 1-ccmu'iT"E"ro'°"'"·-roo"""'n"LcF.c.s-:--I "no:. r\""' 1'11 n1111s. &1&-::..1m ·
w/mulr1ple c rn s s -o v P 1· COAST MUSIC A p r 1 <-n t , AKC. y,,11. * * 21 ' TROJAN lnh<l.,
r11dro & 111pe '1eck. Sl\!I N~~\VPORT !.· l-IARROR rea~on 11 b J e . &l2-1Rl8, T11nile1n 1rlr, 10 1 ~· Glass BIG SAVINGS brand nC'W, sol1I for :';'l!}!l,!);,. Cos111. ~lesa * f>-12-2851 5.~1-0?il1. rnwbn.al , S700. OOS-.'l!J2J,
Pay off h11Jancr. ot SI~) or i1l:JA>i,\,1i;>«1ni"N;ioii-, >sctc,;;-, ;n~w;;;,~,~ .. IA:c1c«io;::0poo=<lc1,:-c0c,c,,c.,-. c,-<lc0-,.,chc1-,. I 'a=-.-.-,c,-,cR~e-n7117c=h-a-rt=•r""'9"0e'1
i;m. nion!hly pa••n1e111s, y h N -" ~ ilJTl11 11 . ew "= us~.., lnl'lllg. Trnns Avarlable. Crrdit Dep1 , 71•1-89l--ffi01. p1ano ... of most n1ak:es. BMt 9f-i2-6!ll'L
Auctions every Fri. 7 ;:im
f urn, Appl1. Antiques
:lll5 \V. \Varner, S.A,
(toll ow search lighl)
5'19·22'11 • 547-7711
Fine F urniture
& Apphances
Auctions Friday. 7:00 p.m.
Windy's Auction Ba rn
207;;~;; New Port, CJ\1 6'1fi-~686
Beh;nd Tony's Bldi; ~l111 'J
\RADE 11 har )'flll rlon·1 nrPr1
tor what )n11 f'fin't pn.~s1hl ,v
llSI'' G ilts fnr frirnr1s nr
rnrmirs! Ong. P~ 1nl 1ng"
1rnn1 $2.~l.i ... G11irar,o; f1·o n1
S,1.95. 0Jl('n JO lo 6. Closrd
Sun. Flra i\1ar1 Gallery, 1i::.-.s
Nrwport Blvd., C.LIT.
FACTORY ntl'l'Ll'.:r
100'1< o/ yd~ rn (•hnfl!<I' fmm.
NylrJn • rnl.l'rsrrr. Arryl1c
Fr"P r sr Ph K~-0'1~1
~..027-(' \\', ~:d1nt;rr, ~ 1\.
buys in So. Cali!. al Sc.hmid l ,.-c;e;co-,;o:-:--;;;:-,-:cc--=--BLACI\ Toy P(l(l(jlp Pups Music Co., 1907 N, Main, \I 1 ~An Santa Ana. · a r. · ·o;i--197:)
Call ilflrr 2 f'1\1
Sporting Good• f'REF:r(l l:ri hotnP, .srn. n1i"-
PCI Trrr1Pr, 1 yr. M0--:19.".Q
K-2 Hrad, FrsChf'r, 1-l11rt, rla.I'.•, r vr~/wknd~ 57·1--099.l.
'hot:i!s & C'lorhrng. 1\1isc itrm.~. BI::AGLJ:: PUPPIES
.'\?. J O clothes. Jz:l Vra. Un-AKC • 1\.fALES
d 1nr, Lrdo 673-93.19. fiT::>-~\15. :;;o;o;;-c.,-::c""'"'::::-'-'c'c.o-.-:--
,.'OR sale large irnr trarlrr, AFGlfAN pups AKC .1 mos
~leep.li 6, htun ice hn!\, stnk. Ch pt"dti;:rre('] .~hot! male /.·
d1nrtre, good {'iln1.'as &· _:rn1;ilr. 11-16--4.1.'l:l.
c·a nor.11. S4(Yl, !>.l-0-:lfiOl AIRF:DAC1;:-p;1ps AK(:~
01nrr1. hlood lint". Xlnt TV, Rad io, HiFi,
Steree ' 836 ~·/1·h1ldrr11. s:>O. ~2.'>--7091.
:::::::'.::co--:::------AKC JV'i::'r1 ~!1 111 PnorllP pur-
STF:RE0 Clrarancf', ~lusl p1r,. 4 n10. nlrl. 2/m, J/f.
.~rll ;ill 1~71 m n ti I' I .'5 , Rr;o;nnahl<". 6-M-4227.
A~1 /~'.\! s lrrms, tUJ'rltablrs DORF:H.MAN 4 I I &· • 'kr If d · ) , · ' Pllfll't:>"S. r I, -sp s, a rasllc: rt'l ll,'.:'.-$~n. f'll ~'2-ill1G or ~2·'17:l4 l 1nn.~ lo m11ke rnnm Jor 1912 R~k rnr l\;iih,\.
f'(!IJlp. Ahol'r 1lrn1s f1-nn1 ·°"'~cc~-
l i.9,) I() $.'19.,'!5. l'riues ;ilsn IR!Sll SE'l"'T~:n, frma!e,
slfts.h<>d or1 Garrarl.(. BSR. 8 lnnnths-, nn r111prr!<. 1hots
5i1n~UI, St<!'ndard, Mor.;P, sroo • ~16-6134
Denon. t:lec1rohomf'. U.S.A. GER;>.!AN Shrpl1rn'f pups I,{
\\'arr t1ouse, J9 l E. l7rh C:O.! L;ih, f'rmil lP.~ Slll.
64:.--2~·12. • ,ll;,t}..-j,'.69 *
1912 .ZENITHS, all modrls 1n TOY Af)r11•0L p;1odlP. rm. 10
sln1·k. 2.1'' ron.<:nle,o; J1·on1 l'k:<. Al\C.
$•14~.. 1'1" '~ln!:Olf':O Jroro ~!6--4Ftli~
1~ij9. !11<'llld<'s l ~r par·!,o;, I SA.\IOY~:D pup.~. 7 wks,
~·r -'.lrr1·1c·r, 3 yr p1c1ur" <'hiirnp. hnr. f!"il.._-.nna.hlP,
1uhr. df'h\'r•ry ,t; set-up ;,.;o;-2,"l().J
Cal 2S + Catlina 27
5 y,·eekdays for $1J(l. F\llly
equipped, Location Ntv.•por! AWARD MOTORS INC
l!arbor. 71 4/W 4840 for info 1680 NEWPORT a 'LVD.
Boats, Sail 909 COST A MESA
L-36 Slmp. Beauttlul ron.
ri 1t1on. Nrw n111.sr , "1nche~.
Cn1npJe1rJy rPf1n1shrr!. Ex·
t·PJlenf racing r 1 r n rd ,
12' f'1brn;:!ass Sloop. X1n1
cnnr1, new sail"· fll'"' f'n~.
t:;et1 1n;:: '1raftM. nt u .~ r
:<arnf! $99j, 8~j102 afl
4, ::n
'69 Cnrnnarlo 25 sa111:oat,
ln:oirlffi • flrlux~ <>VPry1h1n1:,
l1u1~p(! m11~1 . ~·· r11.~h1nn.~.
hr11ur wnnr1, PTr. Xln t o•nnd.
C;i ll 1'-17-1<~29 r>r %2-7,'J.ll'.
1.<i' 2" VENTIJRF: CAT. 1111lh
lril r!rr, .11h, fully riO:t;C'tl ,
priv. firty, Call afl rr 6.
--.a.at..,,,. .• ,
C1sh for your lfonda
5J7.~2·1 • 89.l-7i:ifi
Mr11z1r1i;: ,f,,, \\lrlrl11u:::
1093 C BAl(ER, CM
NP~r F<11rv1r w e ~16·41.10
•FLIPPER• Nn. s,3;; 1970 YA":s~HA "90"
Grr;il ~hapP. 1\.lust f;rlJ• S~ZIO . , $ ~ · . b If 67~72 · Ty,·1n. Xlnt, Cnnri. Goin~ into
nr rsT n er, ' · Srn11ce. 1\1ust srl! Jmmtd,
FINN. 2 Royce masi~. N<'rth 531-5607
& Kr!!rnhnfPn ~i!s, trlr, BSA 4j() i lITi'l $;:;'1~"1;-::00,~b<°""'
$89.'i,, 492-.'J60:t nfff'r. Bnrt:'ol'ilrd g111 t .,..·ai:::
12' KORALLE': jun i n r nu1~ ~nod, s lerf'o lapP, ..
wftr11 1Jr r Ilk" Tie"'• 167.>; i;pd. $100. !lAA-O!J']n.
parr~: Erlll:ine, tr.i.nsn1\55kin
& m1S('. parts, 5-i~.
GMC ?'.rl ENG!N'E
Gotld .Shapf', flrst S7~
1akp~ ir. • ~'4.l-4677
4 CHROME re1.TM1e rims
\.l'llh lug nut5, 14:<6 Chevy
S3!1. 1193-6-160.
tor used c-an I: trucks, jillt
6RDiH-: ctlfva"orrr
Alk for Salts ~1anaetT
~ 182ll Beach Blvd.
"utol f~ Sal• I ~ Huntington Be11ch
-847-6087 Kl 9.3331 ;;;;;;;~;';··~;;~I WE DESPERATELY
Antiques/ 953 ..-NEED
JU~l "·•1t1n1:: f.ir ttw> rruly .ar-
fll'f'r1at1\·,. rollrc1or, Rrs!or-
t'l'I rn l1kP nrw eond111nt1.
Only $.m:>D. r-.tu!'t hr-.~ ... rn.
F r1r t-01npll"lf' •!f'1;11 I!' f'all: e NABERS Cadillac
:l30(l llATIROH. BLVD.,
n:lST!\ 1'1D>A
CALL S.lf)..9100
OP§N ~Ui';"'D,\ YI'
Dune Buggies 9S6
* * DUNE Ruggy rnn1-
ponrnls1 'Gt HiOO S. f rnnt
;ixlf" ,~-1r;in.~ axlr . 642-271 1.
\VINTER Nllr, vw
Dune Bui,:-ey, .'<ITl'<"t \Ppil,
Clean usf"d cat'!ol
Patd for your car, paid 1ot
"' ""'. DEAN 'LEWIS
Cnsta J\1rsa 646-9303
To11 dollar Jor clean used
Ci!.rs, &>e Andy Brown.
2060 1-lARBOR BLVD.
COSTA i\tESA fi4 2·0010
IN CASH ~<ch_ro_"7'_'·-"c',:'_· -'-'-·"--'-"-· '-·c·..,,, I P;11d lnr y()11r rlean u~M ra.r
Trucks r-962 r>flit\ rnr or !I'll.
ONLY $895.00
\Vi!h Y1'!Uf purcha.__~ n! a 'i2
ni1ck 111 dlr. fill~gf"slcd "·1n-
r1,.,111 fi lJCkf'r rrtai! pnlY.
SJpeps !\ -l\lag1i:-Chir! ovrr
r1ouhlt sink • f'ul\ filZe bed.
A lo11drfl cilmJlf'r,
S.111" trucks rln nnt qunlify
16 Colors to Choose
F r om
Order Yours Tod ay
1/1 Ton 8' Styl e Side
Sport rui;tnm i:e11 t . FulJ lac.
tory equ1pf'l"d.
1401 N. Tustin
Orllllge Counties
188Sl Beach Blvrl.
H, Beach. Ph. 847·8555
Autos, Imported 970
Prestige Sports Cars
'70 2·Hl·Z r11rs, 1 In ChnnN'
lron1. n111g.~. ii ir, e r1: e '69
911-f; 1'an::a . Rir • 'M 912,
111r e '71 'flt-6 • 'lift :ff;O.SI.
Mllf><" rnarisTC'rs f2i e '69
9·12 1·nufl<' • J\lany more to
ch<los,,. Irn1n.
Au lhnri1.<'d J\lRZ Df'al<"r
~ I ! ~23· Tl:JO
J!l69 ~u J\ustln AmC'rlril: Rll-
flln, h<'illrr. 111110, !'Itek. $.'JOO.
536-JAA~t rl'C'!".
1~4 SPRIT!·;
S 19.i. nr tif'~1-offrr
4!1.1-1:~·1~1. 111! fi, 4!l:l-1:1i:2
'61 124 SPIDER
Radio, Heah:r, 4 Speed.
B. J:
:.'S.l.1 llarhor. C :\~I. ~10-1-191
• Co1nplete Stock of
/fllf/.,_.~._,,P,.,I, ... ~.
''fRlfDLAN n11rr~ "FRIEDLANuER'i
IHwy. l'l l
893-7366 • 537-6824
111{' Harbor Ari>as
Only A11thor11.f'd
Al wHys has an exceUC'nt. M'·
89l-7566 • 537-6824
llOO W, Coast Hwy~
Ne11'POrl &act.
!l~ction ()r hoth :Ve1v & Used I ·-----------1 J <:iguars. '61 l\1CA
ExcellC'nt rondltlon
$700 fi.15-0:.22 Terry
'70 Jaguar XJ Sedan
Sri ttP1v i1':; on nur llho1vroom
flnnr. Srark!111i::-)'f'li(l11', 11'1 \h
tJ)a(·k lf"ath<'r inl<'rior. Au!o· I ·---1-E_R_R--Y---·I
n1atic lriln.'<., pn\\·er i;trrr.
1n(! & rll~c 1'-r-lkf".«, air rn11-
d111nr11n)O:. A;\l-1-'.\1 rat\io.
p(lll'{'I' ll'l!ldO\l'S, JO,jJ..J ori~·
inal O\.\'l)('r Cilrrfully driV('n
n11lrs. {071BQE I
'70 Jaguar XKE Rdstr·
Beautiful nia.rnon hhish 1v1th
black leathrr int .. 4 speM
!rans.. \1·1r<' l\'hrf"]JI, A:\1.
F~t rarlm, 9,IOC) m1lf'i>. Dun-
lnr orrt:. Pq111p, lil'Ps. a 275~
'67 Daimler Soverign
.f Dr. Srr1an. A cl11.s~it-be,;iu-
ty Wi th f'Xtrrn1f'ly k1w nlll-
f',<:, Loarll"f! 1l'ith po11·l'r equip--
mf'nl fartory au• eond111nn-
' 1ng. · Orlc::1nal insir!P anr!
Oll i. ~27&~1
''Specl11l1z1ng \n Quality''
2JI t:. 17Jh St.
Cri"t<t i\IC''il ;,1~-776.l
3.11 :\!ARK ll ,Ja~11 r N-r1110.
Vrry i<h;i rr. 'ii2. \V ! 1 h
'68 Opel Wa9on
4 speer!, rilt\lo, heater.
iXSS l601 S1195.
'."r11 .t, W;ilnut, .
Hun1 int:'t0n Bch.
'69 OPE:L KArlr!te. Xlnt
eo11rl. +spd 2;;,000 ml:a .
'i'O OPF.L CT, auto tra_ns.,
xlnL rond., rnu~t silc.rlfic:e!
S:?'NI. 962-28.17 6'l2-:ii66.
rhrntl'\f' \1'111'!', a l r • r n n ('] -:::-::::=::::co:-::::-----:-1
Silver 11/n>t\ inlrr, Live 11 ;1.1 !'PEEDSTER, ll ml-
llP. rlrll'I' S.-rn1nv rh rs h'rlnr'll p\f",.f", Comp 1.
<'111""1<· hra11tv. $1.!i~ll. r"~ln!Y'rl w/nn~. papt"rs.
RORINSON • 1;12-7000 Rf"s1 nlr. l>i: .... 2m11, Cnrnrr .-.r F.rhn,t:rr & F:uo ·l•rl
:tr-.1 ··fll9" C()PY paprr type
tri2. Jn orii:::inal cartons.
2,000 ~ht'{'!:oi: 81'2; x 14" 11™1
l ,000 shttrs 81~ X 11".
Su r plu s fr om t r i a l
dtmonst-r;>Jion, Prire S70.
Call 642-t32J, ~.!\!. 277.
n ri;:ula r 569_;.o antenna in· ;;-cc-;-c=""'"·c-,---~
i:;t;i!la!!Qn 11< fl'Pf' cturu1,e: this R ~.,\ti TI F U l. I em fl 1 P
$;ilP w/all rott<.<•I\'~. Nn Grr m11u ~l1rph<'n1 pllf>PY,
r!ow11 r<'Qllll'Prl, C;ish 90 p!an SIO. C111l h-\f>--1621.
f'ITE No. ffi1. bn;i t k m11~1 Ahnosl ne"'• halll 6 bikts, :20
c·o\t·r~. ll'illl<'r, l'lnt C'Ond. It. ]r.ni:: 8 fl 'A'lt\P phOl'W'
j i l·l I fi.l&--.'lll17 ;..1n.5')]) 11 ~k frtr Ril l H!U'Olrl
l/4 TON
"CAMPER SPECIAL" ----------I JA(--; ·fi!l '.\:KE 2+1. '6!l 911 E ;, .~pri. 1mmat,', '61 BORG\VARO, nf"Prfa: hrrs
!,, \l'lll <'r p11nlp, r.1 11 ke nflPr -
C11f"11p ' Ask l.,r An<iy;
COMPARE hrfnr" you ht1y.
]9 Prrr~ stn 111IC'ss ~!1>('1
CoOkWilJT. J-•111C.~! f]l!Rllf}',
LrarJ111i::: Na11onAl (' n r f'.
s111.:..o s. i (!I. C;ill 812-48·1&
for inln.
BR 1'\11 1!! Sl:..0, NicP r;ini::r .
Mahn..:. DR hutfrT S,'l."1
RPfr1;:: $:1) Ri>1111!. ~•''i' ('f"rffrP
111ble' w/matr-h1n11; en (']
t;ibJP.~. ~m.-02(1:l,
VEND!f\G marhinf'li. Dr lta.,
rawn. SrC'burs:. C 11 n d y ,
C1,i;:s, rnffrr. 61.1--!16S6.
Wanted 820
fine furniturt, appliances,
itnr:iqucs. One p1r ce or
hou.~{ul. Cal! d11y or night,
S.19-2241 or >J7.773J.
Musical Instruments 82?
GfBSON Lr:o P;i uJ p,,~nal
J, <'il.~r : Frndrr \\'ah.\V;ih
pr'(]al : \'o' amp, 11"() Wil li.~.
0 11rf11 rn,.1 $!..'.!)() nrw 2 011'1.~
flr.:n .. "rll lnr l l.000. Ca 11
ORUi\IS Lurll~ria: \VeaHwr
Mas1rr, finarr. lnm loin.
h;is.'I, ryrnb"'l !,, thronr
w/11ccf'!;~. bl11ck Pf'arl, nt'w
ronrL sm. !lfiR--017!'1.
NYLON Siring G ui 1 11. r
.... ·/r11sr , xln't f'Onri. S37.
Call an fip"1. R47-I'ifi.
Off ic• Furniture/
Equip. 124
3M "609'' r opy paPf_r type.
f'.41. Jn ori11;in11.l t:arton.'I.
2.000 •™"''·~ s t; X 14" 11nrl
3,000 sheets 81; x 11".
S u rplus lrom tr i11 \
rltmonfitr11!ion. Price S70.
Cii lt 641-4321, l!XI. 277.
3 JBM·lTI()(lel D cy~writ('r 3
11uto typllil!I -2 MRSIO.-!I Ir I
$il1vr , All fnr Sl500. or can
be hought 1e p a rll t ely.
ARC Color TV. 9021 Al l1111Ta, t~t P11rt SAJ\10YED PUP·
Huntington Beach. 96ii-l'll9. PI ES for i;a.lr'; 6 'l'.'t'f'ks oltl.
COLOR TV. f!S !ow as $27!!. s1n ""· 96~12.
lli'. Cnlnr Pnrl11ble & stand r!Er.. A11.~rr11l 1an Shf'phrrrl
12" Philco R/\V $79.9.~ p11p11ir.'I fnr Jlillr. S:il. & up,
~Tf'rrn con1fl('nr nf"11t -"('I (•1111 a.ny!imfl &l~l'lf;:l.
A\1/F11-1 r11 rhn 11'/rhangf'r, * Ah'.C-LABRAOOR, yE11nw,
,II,() Wilt!, inrl llpr~krr~ $n!J. lll~lr, 7 wk.\ ii·nrmrfl, 71·\:
S!1•rr n (·nnsnlP/\fr~i tt '.'iim. ~2.~-iNn.
r 1rrs1nnf' '.'<IO!'f'. 4;:, E.
17th St ,, C.i\-1. 6·16--244·1 C HEAl' OANES f'UPS
, • . A KC !lAA--:1.-il.!l 11 EA TI!!< IT AR 1., Am pl I rier · I "--,;,--~;;o-,--,
C.11rri1rrl SL 7,-, 111n1tahlr, Germ Shep Bick Pups
:i;11:, or 1><'~1 nffr r '.1-lf.--n~.l. PurPbrPri S15: 5:'h--AA9J
.C:ONY "'"l'flJ qt111d. 4 !apt> Horses 856
<leek. Sarntirr s2:il.
;.11}--?.165 l•;X~l'HF.:\I ELY l'.:f'n11• 1)
::C:-C:>;7C""';;;;;;--;;::c::::l ''u11rlPr s::r;1y Rf'lt!rni:::. J l .. l
fr fr :'>1AC INTOS!I. Pre'·11mp h~n..i~. Xlnr plf"11s11rr hnn;r
C'2f1 ~· 7'1 \1·111t An1p. Cal! rnr l11dy nr ch t I rt re n,
alter ~1 :lll. !l--18-1ill17 ~:tl-2~1 1.
:"'E\V Sini:t"r f"lrJ. ·rv .. Sin :\~:I\ Arla l·hnrsr
Lrs~ than 1 yf n!d , 2('M'\rf 1,/,1r11<:. XL'\T
Mnri. l'i7.1--l~'.>'1, 5112.\ A~k ff\r
COLOR TV cnn.o;nl" 11 " !'l-1:-.-~?1~1.
m;,1n ..
An rl y;
srrrrn. f'<'rf<'rt r n n If , ! J! w:i_s1·-:'•,c1-,1=1,c-:A-,.o,c,,-. -'",-,,,c,c-".
f.-12-'.Jif\l'l, ly T'f"tnnd . h;irn. ('nmpt l:ir'll
SOi\Y r£'rl'l\f f, Kl.11 q 1ih1hl ,.fnr 11n1111r11r triprn-
li'if1<'rl"1·k. I.· -r ,.~k r ri;, lr.'is. (»;ill 9fi~1i79 11n:i--11n1r.
1-~~AC Tap<'rl<'r-k:...::1--0.1:,7:_ Qt·Trt t1'1~~" n<'rds "~17
:'ITAGNAVO:\ S"trrf'n, xh11 ;1~rr __ $1 .'<I. or 1 hsT/nf r
('(lnd., s1,-.o_ :i-l.i-f.01,,,
r~l;)..7:i<i 'L0;v-.-,,-o-cck----7-,c8cS~8
SALE! Ra.nt;im~ 7 .i c • ~ 2,
I[' Durk~. t;er ~f'-grf'y ,t-\\'hil r ,
. 2612 :'llr~ flr1ve, Upr B,1y.
31.ines, 2 Times, $2.00
Unusual i\lalf' Kitlen.'I, Thor. l~_-__ "°'_l,_'_~_pm_-_,_I!~]
1"1P ar1ven11Jrer; PPr, Tllf' •••••••••••
,1;1rong; Burl. 1 he un· General 900
N)fllmon, 5-11l--4 t!lfi,
• • HOBIE JG &. rra1l r r, 5.12444.l 11/lcr 5 pn1.
m11ny lf'Xt ra:o;:, Xlnt conri_ i\-11NIBIKE. 2-1<prrrt auln, ~
Sl.)jl),, Capn Be'ath. ~96-fi27!J. hp, tilY•c:kfi, lrght•, rra.1J
HOBJF: Cat 14 w/trailer, 11ff'~. d 1i;c brks, 11 llc'd.
:'\1rn rond. s1o:io. 494--2!1R'l. 1 ,.7,0-8;;oSA.,-7Lc,,chc,,,c,c,,=,-.c6=:11<-;::ccc.~,
'B'.-.~1-,-, 'S~licp-,c/~Dcoc~k-,--,9c1~0 rarhs, L•t SOOO 111krs 11
hnmr. Can he l'f'rn 111 fijJ
\\'ILi. trarii? uso> or 22' f11i;t fuin1nn<t 1\1'''. Lft i;:11r111 Rrh.
1n/lf).llrrt n1 natiout IChr;•s V-1! 'fi!I Rli!T;i('o.100: m;ikr i<nnrt ~) hp1 , fnr d&k or n1nnnn,e: dirt btk<"-$<"P 1n npprf"cratr,
sp;it f'. 5;i7-1J.ll9. Sl:.O .. '>21 Blurh.n·f c~nyon
BOA·r gJ1 ps llVHr!. 2:r -6.i. nr. L.H. or 1•1111 4~1-.n.ilJ4.
'.\:Int 11rrnmmnd111inn1 ill ·u~ J25 YAoV!AHA MX 21 "
n<'\\' :\111rr11i1 67:\-6606. fron! "·hi. f1ltmn, ,\1;i ny
SLlf' fo r fiO'*'"'" hnal1 l:I' Tn x!r11.~. xlnt cond. S4:i0.
l!!'. H,iy~iri<> Vi!la..:r. ?.00 r;. l'i7.l-1922.
f'oa~t l!"·y, N'p!. RP:if'h )la=rn=n=C\=·=c=·LcE=,-,=,-,-,7,-,-,.
Boats, Speed & Ski 911 cu.~tom t-udt fnr 4 bike~.
f'(Jll lp'rl 11 /li:: tnnl mx k l\1 ~ST ~F:LL lfi' 1nlv-.nn1 aux. Hrr~. 1116 Oi lfi.
Hrrklr v ,!f't Sk i Rn;i l. Rr:inrl -~-~
n,,11· :1rr ChPl'Y en g ., BR1\ND nrw Frrnrh 10
hlurprin1rd ,t· ha. I~ n c ,.rl. ~f"'"rl. ,.,,.~r 1~rTan1)-. nr1;:.
T11nrlom tra1!Pr, Sf<• 1o ap-pnr9 5106. · II !_or $90.
pr<'r, S;irr1 f11·<"~ Ca!J Bft 6 i\f!rr 7 prn. 4~:'.-:l!l:.i 4 _. __
pm. lii,'~-i'I'~. * BENJ-:LLl .l!;o C'C 'fill
11;· \\'/ZARO . fll hp :'llf'rC1lf)' Nnr 1i1nn1ng 1>;11 :<Rrrrf11·r
;;, trllilrr • $975. ;H $200. ~2-f\.V\!l lfntt:n Rrh.
~~11\.~ Rll r r ~ • • ·70 l-!ONn_A_7:lll~F:-X:
1!1' (1-lfns-~Grafl C;ipri, n('i•rr 1·rll""' 1•ru1<1 . .s;i:;. :\inrrnnt;'s
. . '"' ''rl' + l l nnn C•lfJ-11'131. "I'"" ;.-\11.f;()~~. in n< f'.1n, .~, ,., ~ . """' ___ _
;c\f. .. 71 •1t1. '1>!1 llQNDA l?i, Ilk" nf'V., 700 ~~~~~~~~~~~' mil,,~. <>Xtr~~. :>HJ.•1 ~re'
'==-Tr1nsport•tio11 llrli l ~~~~~c alt i dirt bik•
. -. $2'1(). • 962-9790
·~ ~\JZUKt 2.'lO, X1nt cond.
Campers, Sal•/ Rent 920 Mak~ offer. * 67~7fifi2 •
PEru'ECT rii<·lO' Alaskan ,/ NF:\V UNUSED GrRL'S Camprr, hu1ane I l'lrt' STINGRAY. $·1'1. AFTER 5 rr lrri;:, ovrn/rRnJ.::" romh,
1;ink"/lli i;:al .,.,;ilr·r IRnk.l.opo'-'c· 0"0·""'=:,l_lo. ;o-7 :-::o=
,\1 oun1f'l'I on 19fi1 D~ ·GR 11011.'TJi\ :l(].'i Scrambler,
4/\VD, f'\\T "'agon .truck i;:flt'lrl cnnr1. $300.
\\'HITE stanria.rd P ol'.llfl r CAPTAIN 11 /6 r 11h1nr1 util mdy. 40 962-7~
nrr.tiii i::ood hmn" & lot.~ 01 llnllmlter1 license -any gros11 gal i<as C'llp. Bl!n l IOv Mobile Homes 935
"'" • 1 • vo.rv tons. 30 Yea.rs experienct
" L-g "rl "" 0 ,.,. '"rwr111nr. i\1r conrl rllh.
__________ _
Ca._11. llail & power. Professional Xlnl conrl. f'ri pfy. 6i;)..1J23. REAi.. BARGAIN
f'RF:r: puppil"!'! 7 11·ks olr1, sport Ji,;hing 2'Ulde; Mexican '70 CllF:V "• T W/1'el1 ronl. F11.mily p11rk Mohrll'! Hom r
,;m111I mixPd brr"'1 , a!I &. Ct'ntral Amerioa •c\: Pacif.. <':amprr. };v,.ry xtr 11, l:l,(X)() oDly SVil9:1. + tax ·"· J 1c.
\\•hi1P. Phone. f..12--0,'JIO. ic Coa.st wa1en; • lnstr uo-m i. S·t-ll)'l .• Cilm~r only ~p11rr rt'l'1 1 Sfll. mo. Wes!rrn
ti · boar ha dli $!)()(), IHli-">fllil 1V!nh1lr Hnme~. 1211 Nn. • * BLACK__l\-lALE LAB in on in_ n ni:-, s~a· JI ~ ~ h n', San111 Ana. ~, . mansh1p, DR & c:elcstJal C I B"k "' i:::ood ho "·rth yar!l. Loves navigarion. P ICKwt.P &-ye es, I ts, R:l9---fi3:il. Clnsrr! .<:;unii11y~. kid~ "A&-6 19 Scoottrs 925 . ' ..,., ' DELIVERY ANY ERE: REDUCED!• 1966 Gr e 11 t
FttEE miniature m ale pnr.-captain 11.v1tllable or l!X· JIU SKY '400, 1970 l.l1kes. l Br. t B11. $7300,
dl to lo R'JOfl home. Rf'al good tended musing. Ex!en~ive Good rondit1on Call Biter JO a.m . 8'17-6537.
w /childrf"n. 642-7379. administratlv• expe.rie~. $8'.)0. 646--113.1 Motor Home• MO
ADORABLE puppies, 11' 6IS.l9T7• R.AbEIGH Gran<l Prix, 10-l.._-----,.-,---
.S:pnrt c-usL ~af, V!!, cu.o;tnm _oi_.>-__ '··1_1_>.-:c:-::;-;:-;----
C11n1J)Pt Spec. • Ra nger BMW
$171.00 Exrr11 . 1;, TON 105
Full /,1<'tnry ~rru1pred
door ,1."las<:.
l/4 TON 123.5
• l',f"ar
f\JU faciory equipped.
Tn1r rniltlonal Haivester
7.123 I!arbor Bll'd,
Cn~la ;\·IC'sa 546·4444
',i7 L11C:VY l Ton, dual v.·hls,
nu en.;,::. $500.
'.Y.I FORD f'rr-J.; Up t1 ton.
Clr;in, nrw rircs, xlnl cond.
S.100. 673-7'.Y.l.'l
·57 f ORD t"·lOO !n1rk, Sue
cylinder. $.1:il1. Call PVPlllngs
bf'twn. 5: J0-.6: YI. ~00~.
n5o J2' Baj Ournp lnir k.
R/11, l!l!i9 Ford, $29!!.,. Call
f.42-8686. 8:30 am ·6 pm.
'r.6 CHEVY ~:i ton pickup. fi
cyl, xlnt, w11h Gem Top
camper shf'JI. S!f.il. R47.1.\1.ll:.
AutomoLivP ExcC'llence
292.'J J.farbor Blvd.
Costa. 1\·lrs11.. ~41'\-444-t
;77 Datsun Big 510
.i Dr. dlr. 4 "prl· ~l.C. Tint 1<111~. unrlrr 1500 ~!~. full.
!i!t'l "'<ll"T'ilnly. RC'c. Buck1>L
1i1'1!.I!<, \\'~IV IH'ef;, T11kc fi"1all
r101111 nr nldC'r 1rat\e. f214-
nt1'1 ~r111 tin J>l't piy. call
511)-i<711'; or aftrr ~ p n1
·!'11 -f'l!I t
·12 D'"'A1=su"'N =p1c=Ku=-p
4 ,:ro<l1 fll r . Sn1aJJ c l!.mJlf'r, rR·
d rri, h11mpPr, m•rmrs, I#
~Jlf<171 Tak<" sinall <!own or
trarlr_ ·fJl.6)111 11f1r 2 pm
SllARr -A-1 CONDlrtoN'
PHONE !>15-20ll1
.-1971 240Z, !<liver s::rey, xlnT
cnnO. ~!UST SELL! Call
S.19-l R."1,11,
ronv. ExCt"J NJnrt, '611 eng. l9fi.'i %T Dndi;r'l 200 P .U. .., JOO 'O• ""~ I 5
I I h '"'· , '' .,,,,,,,. II I . Pill, ft/l , 4 sprl-. l':()fl( ~ ape.
S£:-.O. 19-\-eil\5 Rfl 5 J101. RED 1970 011t~un 204Z Xln 't
cnnrl . 1:1:1.1.i. :l.1ust it'll! '69 't ron Ch(>vy cusinm c;il) 5.3~.1/l:'i:i.
P.U. lo m1, $17~i0. '48 Chevy
Cofln.:ro11.o: r 11 r. air, 4-<;]Yl. Baham;i yelln'A'/"·ht !Palhe1·
P IS, R/H, \\'1r" y,·h, 21.flOO In 1n1. all extras. 61j-.2J62 nr
m 1, \l'ht cnlvr. $41100 . fi7;,..1®2
h7,1-~·l~:l J"ORSCHI:; !lll T-70
lfl.'1!l J ,\G XK150 Cl;i.~~IC.
•lr0n tnn roarlstf'r, rehlt '111::.
hrks, f'!I', i20) mi. CIPilll,
.~] J."{I, ~:J2.l)J.~:l Rf! ,i,
'71 XKE::: \V/ll'ir,..
:';.lftOll .
rarl10, a ir
A'.\1/F~l. Air, Sportnmallc.
l mmac. ConrJ. li.~
PflRSCllF: 91 ·1, 1971. XlTa.s,
$.~i:>ll. nays: 117!1-3987, Eves:
-.cc.,cc;cc.,:oo,-c;~'".,.,,-7:=::-;;:-::::c,="'-1 '64 SPRINT STA WAG
1.'i()O nr n ffrr
.-fi73--$1U9 .-
'57 J ag, J lll Cflf', prrf hnrly,
grrll, rf"hlt en11: .• gnr,;eous
"'alnut int. SIR.Jn. 6T.-Hl9-ll.
'fi7 XKJ-: r!nart~er, xln'r
ronii. Spoke "·heels. $1-l~J.
~4--'121ll. Pvt p1y.
V.$., A11lo Tran~. Pow•r
~lrf"r1110: C->OOCI 7'1res, new
Baticry,' $.150 or best offer .
HURRY & nr:A·r TMF.: ]07(,
PB.In: INCREAsr:• !
710 E. l .~t St.. S.A. 517-0764
~n d.aily !J-~: cJl)scd Sunday
R<ld 10, Htalcir, 4 Spc"ed, nice
B. J .
283.l ltarhor, C,ilf.
NEW 1971 'S
..DerutlelllU W TOYOTA
l:l-16-1/arhor, Cc>stA i\fes1
' $1595 r ,u. S125. ;,.t~Ll. 1971 DATSUN. 2 Dr. Serla!J.·
"'"""'""°'::;-;,:::-;:--;:::-I Exc.t'llC'nl con '1, L6w •j;i Gtl-fC Pane'! truc k. Im· mile11.gc. jJ&-7007 11 11_ 4.
mac, $450 or best offer or
..m-s. auto, ~tint •
250-S, full poW<"r • --~==~~--J 2~ e '69 280-SL e '70 trade for cyclf!. 83.~129. FERRARI
Radio, Heater. 4 Speed.
B. J. Auto L•asing 964' 260-Z coupe e '70 280-SE a
Many more. t
I UNDER.WOOD Eli1~ cype.
wr.H•r, .oldef mo<le:I In ~·
'' Ct'll-.nt f'Olld; ·l:mg 15' .. C'llf·
Collit'. 1., Cermlln Sheptierd 1-~ScTo0=RA~G=E~S'AcL~E~-6pr1 3 wk!< olO. cost s1252'2' BE A C H\V OOD Vac11.·
NI-gtlOd hcin1es. fi4.oµl \2fi. 26• wtui.le-Mat, rhe~l eng. new. ,.11r S9:i. Aft 7: 67~764 !loner, •lps 6. fully iw:lf-ccin-
4 !..DARLING Fmi. Ge.rm. 1651>. 19' Glai<tMir 11ailhna1, ---.;-;2c,.~yc,cmc,:;hc,-*:;:---1 taintd, {)\.l.·ncr mo v In g,
S~p/border collie: puppi('s. inhrt 11.Wf, s·1 I~. 1<1· Trrhull All rhe dirt ~if'ir rri<'M for fll.'1 • 1 I •.
volume lease deparl·
nt oHcnt all popular
crican & Import milk"
t1.I competitive: rales. I.rt OW'
Authorizer! ~18 Dea.Irr
11) :i2~7250 ~
·sa l\1 ERCEDES :nos. t le<:
clutch . .sunroof. xlnt cond.
Bf!~t offer. fH~.
2Rl1 Harbor, C.i'>1. l ri .... ~li. ~·""
Plano•/ Or · ans ~26
I • ' •
Bll!UEVE ..
.... :lonr' u ~ likt ! N"o rei·
1-Mration. No obllga tton. J ust
~. Monday1 7:~ pm
64J.2'51 ..
CONSOLE pl11no. e b,,ny
t!nl11h. J\Cuont11ble offr.r;
~111111 ..
KIMBALL Splnt'! & 'Benc:!h.
w11lnul. s;,nn. or tw-11 otff'r.
r r1. rwirty~ fi.1&-.'l047 1f1 ~.
fi ""ks. Blk & whl. -646-M)4. Runabout $1Th. 14' Trihull ~iili7,
nl1n, •75 .. rN KnhJ .. , "_Pti· Call GT::>-4425 ~~~-=--cc-~~ · SOFA • • • c=-==="'""°""'-1Trall•rs, Travel M5 s . f'r1.i,,r • $1~. &at 11ratJJ-10 SPEED RALEIGH
YOU HAUL AWAY. dini;:-hyJ u1i_fjrt. &4!>-2005 « Xlnt mn01tion, qu111!ty TRA_V_E•L--T-,.•il-;-. ~-:.~,,-,.-,
·;, 67'3-886S 53&-3652. h1kl", * $95. *' &12-8&13 Homt sroragr. S C!i / m n.
• 'REE Wbdo <11-.-.1"1-,~M,,-•"in~t"'./,.-----I JO Spd Sears Best 1 yr old Locked 11rt'1. Bllys1de-Bnllt
Jf;.W Su perior. Ci\-1 fi46i3231 Service 902 $45. U.undi ilOO E. Co11st l~wy,
f:!62-~ art 12 noon, NB. fi7l-6.~. SABOT t11c1nli(' •1111!!. $59 • I • 11~1 I JO SPO Bicycle. Schwinn ~Id SIWlll Sabot Miiot ro\.!ef'I, S2!J. M It v -naty. Peuliz~ lleauty
_ All ronr fi7~:".7T:i. 7 ,,..,.. ="'g'"O S.111}, 6 .'l-.>.r~• or ,r,,,_ "'"
17,"'" NO:".IAD Go l den
Faloon. Stott Con!., «om·
ple1r. $149~. 968-2950 or Bolts, Power" 906
Peh, ·Gener•! 150 20' Gln!li!mn 1M 11r 1 n RI;~
POOOLES S~. i eaeup-$4:i. ll'rri lnr "knn~/h~h1n1;. A Animal~ R u~. :II\~~ Wesl beaut huy RI S4.':00. 644-21i9.'l.
tlfeF'11rld~n. S.A. ~3~110. D1mro-A-L1nr fi.12-3671t
1970 ~Et~NS Hnr111k11. f.IA ny l"'-Ol<Hl,-.,v2'vc<~·=°"'~--,.,.,,:::::::
r1tfr~,:. !n•·I hrlmrt. Xlnt '70 SCOITSMAN, 17·fOOIPr.
rnnrl. S2i.l. :rlfl-.il712. Sltrp~ It Llk-. nu. usr.11
Savel '71 Sutukl 125 1ivlcr tl .'\00. ~l~·W.l.
CAli 67.>4687 Diml'·A·Line 642-5678
le11..•e ~pc':rts 111.ilor YOUR
lease to YOUR nttds, "ll'1
the &ervi~ tMt ma,kcs l~
COSTA MESA &42-0110
Autos Wanted 968
U you r C1'.r ts extr& clean,
8"' Us !:n:t.
BAUER. eurcK
W. £. 17th Si.
0-1.1 Mell 548-776.5
3100 W. Coast Hwy,
Newport Be11c.b
RAtlia. Hci111e.r, -4 Spttd,
Sharp. 1~78AJCl
B. J .
28:ll H;,rhnr, C.M. 5'10·4191
----::7'.:-::"'.:'---1 Sf'r.'ice dept. open 7:30 am $1395 'II'. 9 pm Mood•y !h~1 Fri-
R11rlio. he<tter, 4 ~. (17 W, Wa.rner, Santa Ana
New paint, ISMA1081 IMMAC. '7U Toyota ?i.tar1c n. , 8· J. 4 !pli. Mlc~lln radial1, rib. SPORTSCAR CENTER Mo" fuo "' I "" owned. ,
A buy 11ot S\6.i(I. 494-7363.
,2J!J3cc--'-"c'~""~'~·~C~._Mc. c-cc'""--"-' i ' ' W h I t f! Elcphanta" over-
r11t 11 !Ihle "loot" in your runnllli' your h<R~~ Tum
l.A!vl11. sell time lmuhlf's k.ir !llrm lnro "CAS11" -~I
''bucks.'·. CAil Clanifif!d the tn thn1 De.Uy P ~I or
6'12-5678. Oeui.~. &12-M~.
. '
No OT"•' •""00r1 C""'~ Ml '""'I" '••h·•~' ·~ •'dro"n 'n~ :ime~• A<>1u>1•D e •l~t· •""! C~'u"'"· llO N t~·u v••'·'•
hon. frooi dl1c o·o<•}, \~O ""
eog1•~. '"'''"'"g ouro.•• '"~''· ~.ao•n '"'""""· plv• VP •o XI "'P'I Tn 11 I\ 0 l"N m1•e·
1ge ~•e<a c•r (163 O!IV)
'68 fORD '61 DODGE
~tali on W oqon
E~o~C"'••="''' ·'·"'••~e
"" • •!Co ' ~-·•· l>f.r.l CLEl.'I l zi;-o '•
• O<>< v ~ f'• ., •. \'•" -~
i .< "·'n·,•'llO"'<l·"'U~
,rg •• r""l '""'''l ·1>0/MI
M4LIBU l Dr. M>ro•Oo
\l·I. A.u'U"'"''' 1 .. , • .,.. •\>O~
\ PO"'ff ~·..-r ~'1 IT l f; ~·l $888
r •. ' ,.., r:"•;
;-=--:c------.--·. -..
re •O
•·i!1 !!!iiiiiiiK -;r __ J-a
SM ""'•rlcl lar 1•"1 Thlt h l~t .,,..,
11 laDI••· I• complor•ly ••If '""'""'"" llom1 on •ftt•h. tt~uh!ullv co•11•ruc1t<I
w/tt. I UIO. """'. pltlHr & b••~··· •P• <~Ut ""lrd•obf ol. bHUlilully 1p111lnl..,
•ncnon wl•n l Dur~tr 010Yt, '""" u~•T ~Ml. <lh •llft•M"' & "'""V t•n•r tu•·ur I"' •Hn tOISlltfU lmmfdl"I Oet••t ry!
ori:N DA.tlY 'TIL 1CI , ,,.,
11.11 t"" 11/t!lf"I ta n'>O• ••I•
P"cts 11-'hi Mon<la1. No.-. 1.
A ~""'
l 00011 MAllOTOP
V l A~ .. ~··< Tr~n1m••<•on, f'o~" ~'-""'I· V•nvl 11001
A •·~•• Hant ''"" c1r11 (>.~ll '~'I
lANO (llUl~Ell
• :.~••I [''"" T"·I oo•
~OO"I •nyNhe·~ tlAE .. 1;
I • I.JI''"'"' T••n• ... I ·on,
r •; ~"f''""· r 1:''' ~ • c•1•···, . ~.,,,t 11
b\i' f J.O 64<
We'~ '~• fotlo<v
t1pr-11nf~t••• f.,, l'~c • A""""•
Ct.,.100~ ~nd l ·plo•ot M OTO~. HbMlS.
We '"P";' .t ll ·~•l1m1 •ncl ;.,.
ti~ll 9ontr1tor1 . .,;, con·
,j;1:on:n9 , ""'":"'l' 111·
''" •¥•1""'' ' ~cotl •n91,
Autos, lmpaned 970
417 W. Warner
on nin<! u~ed ca1·s
\\'f; BEJ.JEVf.
:\Ian) rnOfP to chousr f1 ·01n
..... $1891
lllx. f{oadst,.r
\\"1n' '1h,.rl>. tna11y ""t1 ;i.,
,'\: "'r'"Plionally cir;;.: ..
\037AUK I,
'68 Chev. P ickup $2050
Air 1·,,nrl1t1 nning. i'r'l"rr
s!C'C'rit1g, a11ton1a 1 1~ trans ..
1•1r .. t'IC'. t V94898J
. . . . . . $1995
lr11n1ac11Ja1r ~691ADX1
1969 Austin . , $895.
rll.X A:'l l EH!CA ~
........ _ l§J I Auto~ lor S~I• 1§1 ~I ;;;;~'';;;;···";;;;'·'· ~l§J;;"
970 ~to1, lmport.d 970 Autos, Imported 970 Autos, Used q
VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWA~N ----:c:Vc:'-O.,.-LV-0-.....:...::I
Autos, Imported 970 Autos, Imported
-;--l972 -
!11Cf\f.ST TRAl1f: l\'S
F<1!? \"!!('!>("AH
'71 Land Cruiser
·I 11 nrrl 1ln1 "• Jlubs. hkr
/It'll' 10,"!(j('X\" •
'70 T oyola Corona
Mark JI
:-;f'(l<I!\. tf!l:.!BllZ1
'70 Toyota Corolla
Radio, 1s;i!AQS1
'10 Toyota Corona
\ 1:15CQS 1
'10 Toyota Corolla Cpe.
A1r Conrl. ! 7lf:R7.Y l
'69 Toyota Co rona
S114'rd, ll11rl1n, llE':i.11.'r.
Air Co11c!. (818A."1 l
'70 vw CAMPER '68 vw Squarebick HERE NOW!
r.cm ~~~~!n~~~l!uip. JS.~ 1n1lf's. Lx~lltn! CoOO, All NEW
Jlf!d . Only !O,o(x) n1tlcs. S ~250 or bPst otter, v.·11( cot1-~2995 i;1_rl:r 1radt. ,'72 61h-~ or ~,:,i--l).I{) MacHoward l969 \'\\' 9 ras~. Sll!lroor bus.
531 _6000 531 •0608 1'_l1;hel111 l'lldii1! 11rC>s. nnly VQLVO or 2.i .. 100 1n1ll'~. Lit• No. YRA
Cornf'~ 1st !..· Harbor ~Qi'. $2J!J:1 + 11111. & 11r111~f'.
___ Santa Ana V\\' Pf'alcr Phonr :i21-itll
'70 VW SUNROOF 1970 VIV 11°"''1"1" <»m1~c. only IR ,~ nl\lt~. LI\• No.
4 "fl{t rill'. f:X('("ll('nt rondi-
11u111hn.1ou1~ ~.i691\GA1 Take
11ldr1 e 11r nr Mnall rl<i11·n.
.'.~:, BliC. S:l29j, + t.i x 1,
l1crn.'-f'. V\\' ~a!er. Phone
-l~l-6.~!1 all 2 pn1 5-16-Ri.16. 19~0 \'I\' Arl\'enHirc <"arnp!'r,
)!)-\';\:-;, :\1nt l'Oml-:-~;;-1 (Jnly 12.100 n11lts. L1<" J\o.
li1'.-1 rn~ .. ~f'rn1-can1pr. nu ~~:"A. V\V !Jf-aler pho111'
patn! ,f.c 1n1Pr., oil l'ooler. J 2\-,2ll. hi•adrr~ .t. .<;('OOps. &r;t of. V\V '6';7c--~,.~,.~,7h,-<~-k-. -,-.,~b,,
frro '"l'onl'', Bef. 6 : f'1Uonr . l'lean. Bt'SI offrr.
&16-lti,"i~•. Afl 6: ~MS-1610. 492--6;iJ7.
'66 V1\' .I" AST BACK , ---c.:16,0.-'\.~,~,.-. -,7,,-,-"'-"'~,.--
n1rl·ha n1c's spPr1al, 1rans $310. er hP~1 offer
11 il l not shift, $L::.0. 492--0-l.3~ 839-(ll:l!J
11!1 ~J .. ~ ,.-~-~~---'6.1 V\\' Bug, new 1 1rc~.
'(j7 V\\' sl'da n, $89Zi (Jr b€s! brakes & batter). $46j. or
cash oUtr. Pvt party. Also hf'~! orf1·1'. ;~]ii.).
nr n~w Ford 390 f'nginr. 1%0 V\\', xlnt mech. cond.
6-12-Sill day~. :'>18-%50 evts. l\t'\I.' paint ,f,, tirrs.
"61': V\V Can1per pop-top &12-~9.)6
11·/1rn1. Gr! !'.res 48,000 n11. '6S V\V \\"rstphalia "Pop
Like nc1v S23j(). 5-16-.'.:16:!3 alt Top" Carnp,.r. S229J.
Fut'l l nJr1:1e<1 J:.ug1n"
~eon Lewi.! Q1 VOLVO
Autos, Used 990
'70 'Cud11. !linrl;111, a1110,
sh;<q1 • '611 LTD ('Oi.lfJf'
'.Il l Vil;. • 'i39 In1r~11.~ ~-d!' hrd-
q1, aw • ·;1 r1n10 .i.spc1 •
'69 :\Jo11<H'o rnup", f11llr
l'.'fJUip'd •Take tradf'~. Xlnt
hank f111a11f'1ng.
'71 ELECTRA 225
L-•a<1!'fl t u!l l")'lrr, Fac10~
.\ir, \ ulyl RODI. 13.11CQ51
S-19':1: •.
'66 LI:: SARH~..: conv.,
Piil. radio & hc;.tt1-.
1 ~pPrd trans., 'etc. tYr:'ll-
!-,05 1
1968 Renault .... , $695
H-10 4-D00R
1 :1111~ ,v_ looks rra! ~"' •d.
rut!,Y factory eqpt. tXCL.:-
'68 Toyota Corona
ll;:irdr(lp. P.arl10. Heater, Auto
Trans, 1VCD5731
'68 Toyota Corona
ltadio. llrater, Au!o Trans.
6 673-511ll6
'tl! V\V Bug, motor & TERRY
BUIC::_K -1 BUICK-OPEL '71 Bu ick Skylark
Cu.~l nrn 4 Dr. Hardtop, 11.000
n11lt>s, L1kp new, Stunning
1)1:', I J 1 .">t.l· 7'.1.".0
CT.AS.'<IC 'j7-T-BlnD-:-:>ta g
11 hr1't.~. i::v;:id con di! 1 o rr.
;.t,'1,...R."ll1•1 Cl't'S,
1968 Valiant $1095
ECO \'(T'\lY CAR
Dix. 4-dr. sf'd. i voro-:-21
1968 Ford Gal ... $1250
";>fiO" J>fLt;xE· 2 1)1\. JJT
,\1r 1·nndi11nnini::. p"strf'r-
Jlli:!. nut" 1r·11.ns., Jnarird 1r/
'\!ra~ al Jras1 S300 lr~s
!hn11 a nyone rise. ~l.L.."\1~
:!j 9!
(3) 1970 Toyota's
Son1f' •1·1th ;11r condilion-
lnc:. a uto. 1ra11s., 4-drs. &
lr·1 rn a f.t a11nn. •1 ~perd
ti ans .. rte. lflZU7.,18 1, lo a' $1495
417 W. Warner
Santa Ana
Service Dept, open
Da ily 7:30 lo 9 p.m.
f'ACll.ITIES ,\\"AH ..
'67 Toyota Corona
P..<1d1.-.. llrater, Au;o Tr::r11s,
• L:Z:'IT:2:?1
EVERY DE,\'.\! LF.\VIS CA !~
JS S,\FETY Cl!F.C!.-E!J Ffi f?
.,.Derui l ewi.I
!966 !l~rhor, <:r1st.-1 .\lt'~;i
4 Dr. &•d;.in, 1\11 f'\r·rpt1on111-
\y cle11n low milf'agr 1u1to
'I 1th Aul!\ Tr;in.~ .. P.A<1 10.
!lra1 rr. Cnn1c 1n 1111<1 '11·11·r
J!, and only 1UPl"jil1
'.!::\ E, lilh S1,
Cos1a \lrsa ."11~-i76.i
Radio, I lf';'l Irr. •I !'!)('ed.
B. J .
::~.1~ !l"rhnr, C \1.
;;,nnr.f):-.·A 1IT,
Thn1'lut, low n1tl<'s.
r«rr.1 tilli-li :!I
1 n1111~r.
·1m·oT.~70 .. ,1;1:;;Jl'(·ol1)1".
I {.(!\, AUlrl 1r;111<;. 11 ,f~l() tl\I.
Xlnl rn11rl. S2fl!l0. hi.1-."1t'l1'.-l.
·_-,-. V\\' f\\"t;
Rr~r o~·~·rrt
• :,1.~7G2 l • ----'bi'\'\\ S•·1r;n.llr1;:-,.nc. i\r1•
r1 11 h 111:111• ;1.1 r;:i~ . .\In!
'il \'\\' Bus I f>:on1hil
!HOO i\l i. $2700
f\/H YOU/t CAii
r~11-~:i~.J ()f :i.ifl-..2·16.; .-.--~-. '70 Volvo 164 Sedan
l'll Rug ~·..od tran~pnrtat1on "''' 11 , , ·r ·~· • , r1, ni:t rr, llUf<I, l'llns ~~·~'° _11ays 6-lfl-~8 t>\'CS 1'011 rr S1rrrfn,;.:, Air Cnn~l:
.l.1 1-2~.L leather· in1 rrinr, ~1 25A SH1
'6:1 V\I' Ca111per, '68 1600 t'fl~. ,68 Vol vo 142
t\r11· tirrs. brk~. paint. ;\Just 2 Or, Radio 1 r t 4
II ~""" -~-S""' • t>a rr. ~P ~""""-ti•J· ,,... sr,.,.d 11 n1erdril·I', ~ XTH·
1%."1 V\\' Van. rE"butll engine. 7-tS 1 ~
Bt>s1 orlf'r. '67 Volvo 144 Sedan
• 6i::.-1~27 Evf'~. • .-. ,. -~~ nn 1n, Jlratrt', 4 ~P"<'d, Air
'!ii} VI\' SrJu:!!X'ba<"k Cnnd, t\h~nlulr mh\I ("il1d .
~.I'll nr hr"! offer '6 V
t :)1"-~:~io • 6 olvo Pl800 Cpe. -~~ 2 in chor,~r. nnr 11·1th a ir
"' '6i V\\' sQUAfi.~:BACK rnnd.
Xlnt 1•nnd. l 011ner. $900 . .,.;66 V I S
C\1. :>1HG:l9. ' 0 VO ta. Wag. ~-'--'-'=-----·\Lnd11\, l lratrr, 4 .Si>t."Cd
'Iii V\\' ~ta 11·agon, stt>rrtl 1f'\\·:-;12s1 '
!~pe-Or~k,Sl~:11:~~7l~~riio, f.VF.RY DE A '.'J t f. \\' I S
:.. nl <·nn · •1=>:1. ' • • llSEJI CA/t JS !"AFF:TY
Tll.1\DF: 'fi~ V\\' :<efl + <"fish CIJECJ.;F.D f'OH Y 0 UH
1.-.r 'fi:.l Pr lalPr l/\V Bu~. IJl\l\'J:'\(; Si\f"E'IT.
612-7~~!1 dy~. ~,1;,...J\6~ f'l'r~.
'Ii:) Btrf;, 71)()() mill'~ on rebl1
rn~. G<lllr! rond. l .'ll(I.
Ii lfi-"12~!!. Rn1rl~-
~-'1iit \'\\' 1-"ilsthilck, le~s than
20.rwl() in1·~. t 011·ncr. SllOO
:~\<;..-11')).1 Aft ~--* '69 VW Sunroof
:'llai::~. Pf'rlect ronrl.
s1 ~:.o tit tit ~t-1s-1626
1[170 ,r,., \9!i~ \'\\' SPr!an.~. 1 car
im n1an~·! P.,t·ll f.: extra!,
\l,1kf' pffrT. 1('.m-i:lfi[l.
.JJeM Lewu
1!=146 Harbor, Co~ta illf'~~
117Je t•AClt IHWY. n ; g93.:;>~ • 537 -6824
5/50 Autos, Imported
rarol n11:<I p'\'.!l'rtOr, 11-11h
n1;11rh1ni:: lnlen()r ,\'.-1<h1tf'
hu1rlau roof, Auio Tran~,
ro11r1• !'tf'f'rini.:. r owrr
Rra kr~. p.,\lf'f 111ndo11s, A11·
Co11rf, Radin, Hcar('r, This
h1'.11111f11t car sho11s 11·011rjr1·.
f1il t:ar". :-;,--.f' and tlr11r t"'-
1!~_v. (;f):;cA.\1 ,Jnhn~nn ~·
Sri11. 2fi'.16 !111rhor Blvd
('ns1a ,\fr~i'l. ~0-.)630. .,
·61 !t I vl E1lA-:-:t1~ ra-;1 10,r.:
h<'atrr fllll po11 <'r, 1 Ol\'!ler.
s11.·i0. c~u ;,.1x-::r,9~
Autos, lmport•d
Lu:11!Pd Fal'lilry 1\1r.
11!:.'lCX\'1 .~l.~9j,
.'1th & \\"~!1111!
Jlunl1n~lnn Reh.
___ 536-6588
Call 6'12-:.6<8T~~c,.-,.~. --
7:30 TO 9 P.M. -MON . THRU FRI.
970A utos~lmported-970
5 Year or 50,000 Mile QUIETLY
l ~CLUD~S : <I ",P ••cl 1vnd1rome1h """"· l•chom•l•r, r•cl io, Iron! cli1c br•k•I, 1-ta•ftr,
!1ntacl 9 lau . -..h.t1 "."'II Ii••, lull whe•! (O"efl, reclinln9 b uc ~e l •••h , full nylon <••pet,
h ip odom•l•r, lcic~1n9 fut l f;ller cloo•, c :9~r elte li9hte" wcocl 9ra;n i111lrumenf ptntl
Wood g rt in 1let dn9 wh_etl, wood 9r1i11 1hih leve l kn ob. 1::1<194471 '
+ Ta:r
' l it.
FR.0~1 THE HO.UE 01-' TllE R.OTA HY ENGl l\IE
Complete Rotary Eng ine Inventory
2150 HARBOR, COSTA MESA 645-5700
That's how it feels to own a brand new '72 Volkswa9en
from Harbour VW, wt.ere outstandin9 sales & servJce
90 hand in hand. Lar9e selection of '72's, all models &
colon ta choose from . Over 150 new & used VW's avail·
able priced ri9ht for every bud9et.
lT11rbor Arr11'11 Only Exrlu~i\'r A11thorizC'd Vri!k~1\·11i,;r11 nr11!,.r
' . '
l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'!~~~~~~~~T~~~~~~~~~l ~~~~~~~~11 .!""~~~~~!!'!~!1 -·-:-·-~---'='~"~·~~·~"'="='=''='~'~'~'=n~·=======:'.::::====="=•="=v ~'....=";or::::::~~~1 1 ~_-__ ""_i._~ _ _,)[RJll •~"""'''" )§} [ ~ .... ,. j[R] [ '"'"'""'' ]§: ~';;;';";";';~;"'";;;;~j[;R~;ll ''--'-'_"_'"'_"_'_'_ Auto~. New 98gAutos, New 910 Auto
, New 9IO
Autos, UHd 990 Autos, UMG 990 Autos, Us ed 990 Autos: Used 990 Autos, U19d 990 Autos, UMd 990 1---------·-----------_____ , ________ _
F leetwood Brough a m
f 1\\TOH Y
BUICK OPEL \!ft f'O''l)!TJ0.'\1,1;
' • E'~"'''" , '"''"" '"" ""h ;:n!rl l'·!•lrird "'ll .I· Cl'llrl
l,.;i lhf"I' f"\)f'I 1•11, 1111/ j)<I\\
\'~ •. \11111n1;i1 u . \11· {'nnrl.
F'l'l\ll'r ~11'1'!'111 .... n;i111n, 11 ... ~1 -
Pr. 1nr11~0;, ~1n;1·,
.·1111 .~· I\ al1111I )
llu11l11U.:l1•11 R< h -
5Jl>-6S88 ,._ ----'70 RIVIERA
Uiw 1111!r~ r.~1~11.-r •>f "'lr-
r•11n1~ ;i 1.11 lotlilr
PO\\f'I', :: In !'h'""f' lr'lfll
I 1~ 112111 c1·rr11, 1 " r1"11·k
(lrf'"n. I If 1·rrl 1iJll1\EB1
1()59BUD1, •:?lP1\Gn, Ynur
Cho1C'r .
$3 995
C'11.sr('l111 !'fVlrt rn11rr Tl11~
. '-i.t'11 1111.•1 r;rr,.11 l'l,.;i111.1 h;i~
a \\ h11r 1·1n.1 I lnr. 11 li!I rr11
~IJ 1·111.11 1+111'1 1n1· ~·~rt11r~
.\1r ('f)r)(!, \\I \\'\I r.:ul1n,
Pn""' \\'1nrlo11<. (>nl,\ '.?1.fi.Hl
mllr.~. F~,.tor.1 "~rra111 ,1
.1va 1l~blr. •f>2~.-\nY •
8 uick-Opel-J agua r
?.1 1 F:. 1;111 S1 ,
C'r>st;i -~":.::_ _·,i;;.;or,., 1
·f;~ RJ\l!F:RA ln" n11lr~;:r.,
A/(', fllll fYlll f'I'. '\l11T ('"lllri
\!11.kr nffrr'. 1'11>-l::~n
Cad illac 19611
/IJ f\ CO:'\'f'\ITlfl:"-.'f'-(;
r u!I pn11r1-. -"I! lr~rhrr 111·
l l"flrll. rl ""lr lork~. s1r1·rn,
rill ,(· 1rl,.~rnpw strrn11c,
t ic. 10~~AD:'ll 1 • 14666 •
NABERS Cadillac
AUTlfORll.~:n nF:.\l.t,R
%m 11.\f'lROR RI., rnsr,, '1ES1\
,'>\().!llfll! Oprn :-'11nrl~y -------· '69 Cadillac
Sed~n De Ville
lmm~rul~•r. Rf'!lllllflll Ra-
ham~ lllhl n1,.1;illlf' \\ 1 I h
hl~ck lanrl;i11 l'()(lf~inrl m1tlf'h-
In~ 1n1rr1{!J
r11J1 J.11.,11r.v
\ \1 F.\t. l'rll"
till, Full rn"'rr, \u· ('11nr!,
Ptf'. Th1<: ~1tr;1r111 ~ ;i1111111111~
h ill" I<: ~hn\ll 'IN'll11 /1 'f'•h. 3f'P
;i nrl rlr11r l"'t;11· ~.1lro 1"1·11._
r rl 1 2~1 \!;f•:1 .) ... h11~nr1 ,i;. :'nn.
'lli:.?6 l l:irhnr~!. (n<:t~
l\·lr~~ .l-10-.if;:~o
'f.f, (',\11 Rr1111chii1n flr>111
lnw l'>nnk. SI Hl:J 6~ l-fl6.~·I or
lnral n11 nrr _.;;,.~ ~ 1
17rh SI., l""~IA \lr~a.
Autos, lmport;d--9=70
f'I' •1 1'1'"11. d.-."I ln<'k~ 1runk
ln!'k , ~f'Jlll 1l11:il rnnilnl'J •Piii
rrnl ....
'' 11h 1nrl11·1rl11 .~I l'<)ll·
('\f'f\ •fl·l\I"'" ('~(j1JI~·
r\1111 r 1111,r ,...,n1rul. "n
!111rl l.<o\\ 111.i, il:::r .~. ulu• t
l'lr ,rrn ,\ rir" rn, 1 "rr· s;,111
~73 33
NABERS Cadillac
.-\l 'THnRJl.Efl n~:.\Lf.R
1000 H.\P.ROr:. RI.,
,~0..., I'.\ \l~:..:1\
'>Hl-'.llllfl Ofl"'t1 .-:111HJ~.1
'67 Cadill ac El-Dora do
Hl 000 n11I,. .ilt'aut~. ,\11r;i1·111 f'
Rluro nl;,r nir·•:ilhr f1n1<h
\.\1th.Jt1;i11·t11nc: lro;itl1rr 1r!T,.r -
lf)I' 11 1111,. 1.;111r!:111 r:nflr r11JI
rn\ll'r lO:q•Jlf'l'f'rl. ,\1r (',,11rl .
1\ \I t·'\l Til1 1111rf'I r 1r
11111·1·,1 •l.l'OOii• .l•1h1;.:n11,\·
Son, ~'!i:lfi Hiirhnr fil1·r1.,
('os1;;i \!,..~;i : .. 10·:.6?.0
Sedan De Vi lle
r·ArlD RY
\In f'ONJ)J1'10''fl\(i
r arfrfrrl tnp, 111 :1 ['1<\\11'1', ;ill
ll"Alh"r 1111rril'lr :'trr .. n, 11!1
,\. l"l"~"op1r !-'1""1'1112 rinnr
lnrk<, l\\':Xl.'27"1• ·
• 12888 •
NABERS Cadillac
AL:Tl!OR!l.f.:n [)E,\l.ER
ro~T.\ \IE:".\
'1-ll'l-'llllO Oprn !'11nrla.1
• sr::r.1·rcE -
Nabers Cadillac
2600 HARBOR RL.,
540-!llOO Oren Sund;iy
'Rfl \O;\'V~:rrr1s:,r: r ,,,r117;;1
r"nnrl111nn. ln11· 11111.--. 01·11:.
n\\ Of'I',
A/'11 /l"\1
,\n· l'<'lnrl 111.-.n1n:,
P1·,..-r1 fr,1· 1111 ·
(",\fll!.J ... \C FLF:F:T\\'()()n
Rrn11i:h11n1 ·i;-, l.tr!n l•lr,
1·~rl1<il1'. Xlnl rnnrl 1>1::-i 12:t.
'fi2 C',1n \nupr l)r\'Jllf Rn<i,1
111 :Xln1 C'<'n<t. S:t1:'>.
~. j'l.11r,~
CADIL LAC -1970-
F Af''TOP. Y
AIR m:--:nrT!ll\;]1\fi
r~rirl•'•( lnfl. f1111 pn11rr, ~11
1,.;irt1rr 1nr1>rinr. r!'l!I~,. r"nn-
~r 11t111rl.
1111 ,\ 1~ll'or·or1r s1,.,.r1ni:
lll<'<I r1·r11 rll\ f'\tr~ .(,.
f'>;rrrr1nn~ll.v t1irr 17.H R-
2 171 • $4666 •
NABERS Cadillac
1\U'ni nRIZF:n n ~:,\l.ER
2fi(W) Jl/lf:Rnr, RL ,
rn~,, 11~·:',,
'1111-'111)1 npr11 "1111rl ~.1
\Ve'!! help yo~ll!-64.2·:'i67fl
Autos, lmport•d 970
Mo• 51,,, -l•·~··,1 -••!'"
'''"'. ~ ~. •od·o l•r. THH1 l l
N:;_, -io,•o. F, • .,~ •1+'"
6 tvl L't. u r ~•q 6
S••· W •1~~ -NI(.~'
•·•rt ••il . •od•o.
l" WEG•t9
c ... ..,.: s~.i • ., -
'""' -NICL l;r. )(HT681
N• .... .,1e.
1 plu • 1 -i l•cl f, •• ,~.
4 ••P•d -SH.A l!P'
l •c. o•OCTP
l!un• 9o'lcl -~ • .i . ., 4
heat•« l•~. l'E E7 §1
Su" Reel •u•o. ;,,.,._ ,,11:11.
l it. WTFJ • I
Nt "' Met. ,,,j f,.,,h 4"rt••il
r•il ie. Lie. 9•1C)(U
S~••• blw• -11,,i 111P ·~•a . tr••• L•c YWZ651
1871 1 Be1ch Bl vd., Huntington Beach
I ••
---Cadnlacs '"';6: •. :.;.~ c.~.~~ "'"" c'70c CHEVROLET "' '""'" 1, .. ., ,.,., ... /10 ST P;u k110:,., fAt 1n1') \\'hllP v.uh rli!fk hlllp +nl ,.1· Air Cflnri, Turhn Hvrlrn Gl,.an, 1\11r11r!1v,., n1Prl14m
'69' Continental
•Ouality C<1rt. a t
-Reduced Prices
1967 Cpe · de Viii•
,\J R c cr.-:nrTT0Nl:"C.
r11 11 P""'"r r~rtrl,.d r11ri. ,\\l /
~-,r, hf';i ut1ltil l,.;irhrr u11,.r.
l"T, till /.· rl'lr<""PI• ~1rrr-
1n~. Pit. An l'\('f'Pllflll~J I ;il-
111' I 'IJ19,.\G\'' • $2111 •
1968 (pe. d e Vill e
F\C [(If~\'
/llR ('O;\'l)ITIO''l'j;
radr1f'r1 tnp, fuh 1r~1hr1· in-
lf'!'l()r, all P"""T r\lr~!.
\\1 r~1 r;irl1n. fll~n.v n!ht r
t X11"il.•. !Z\'[)'2\11
• $2777 •
1969 Cpe. de V ille
~· \t"t'(ll~\'
\IR {()\;!"IJTl{)'I''!;
r;;irlrlrrl l<'lf\ 11111 !l<'lllf'T'. ~11
1r~thl'r 1n1rr1nr. 1111 !.,. tl"lP·
~rnr1r ~I PP!'lnc. ~trrl'11, rlMr
1,~,·k·'· 1na1i,1 n1hr!' r>:tr'l.•'
• S3888 •
1970 Cpe. de Ville
\fR C0:'\nlT10~!:'\\;
\'1n~I !np full l"'"'"r 11!1 ,(·
tr!r,rnp1r ~1rrn11::. ,rrrrn.
rlnnr lrrk•. lii::h1 •1"111111,.\
\lan1· nrhrr 1trlll\f' \fl~~
J '.\,;~,\:111
• $4666.
197 1 Cpe. de Vill e
~-\('TOf: y
\Ir: en' 111T10,·1;-.-<;
r.:irlrff'rl 11'tp, 1111! f"'\\f'I ~II
lr.llilf'1' 111l"nnr ~lf'I rn rll'l<lr
I<'• k• .. 111! .~. trlr,,.nr•11· ,1~l'r·
ir1~. \.nr~ll.' ""nr r! I. "''lrl
11"" J.· ~r 1·1 wrrl
rh"\(I'" f r,, 111
h1 11< ~ lfl
·, fl~'2CXV I,
• $6666.
1971 El Dorado
\Ir. Cfl;\'lllT!n:"r'.\(;
P;irir1"r1 lf)f', ~II lr~rhrr Ir\·
JPnrir. lull fl<lll "r. •lr rl'<t
n111 lhplr\ 11 /lllf'f' t1f'1•k, 1111
~· !f'l"'""ll\r ~l""l'lflC. 11 11nk
nf'l"llf'r, Cn11,,. l'nntrn!. •ft'l•>r
!'11'1\<, ('\ f'I)' o"Ollf'f'I\ <1hlP
t'~rl1ll11r t!f'!U\f' o'\lr~ Rra11
11f11J t.1111111r 11h11r" hl;i1·W
!nlrnnr. Lf1\\' 1111IP<1£r 'N'r.
• $7777 •
Ill Othrr~ In rh,,rr;~ rrnn1
rl'lr'"' (;,.,..,,1 ·r11r11 111.:n
,\l 'THOf:lZF:['I nEAl.kH
2600 Ha rbor Blvd.
tjista Mesa
540-9100 Open Sun.
16! Cad ill<"c
Cpe De Vill e
r.r~l Ba1·..:a 1n ~1 ~li'1 ~·till
l"'nrr $.· c rra.1 tra.n<pnrtil
Surfsi de Motori.
;!\ r·~\n ::;,t\', 1mn•ar-?1'1 l'01
1n1 l.1l1r lr•T <1 •1 ~n ~ \1 I.·
l;ipr , ln;irlrrl. \\~ ,, ,( r1~11
1"1rrl,.11 r"r ~·1 irrl'I rr1r·~
1nr I.· l<111rt;i.u t«~,f, \1110 Pn"rr :-'lrl'r,ni;:. Pnlll'f l:"lr1 "ilh ITiillj'hlllJ< lf';ilf1i"r
Tr;i.11<, IL11!1n. llr<111"1 , r;i,., fii•i;iWP,, ~,:i.tr~ i 'IPll!i, "''"' 1nl<'rtlor I.· h1·n1'n l;intJ;\11
'"~ .. \1r f'nnrl, POI\!'' ~if'f'I roof l U~IJI'\' I·,, .. ,,_,, of lit',$, llflHl.C' '1>.'hl!,, 2~.fl()O ' ' · • .,u r "
1ni;:. r'11q•f 'Rn1 k,.~. r n1l f'I' llHlt~. J(J,zylll lllll'° "'ll.IT.1 n!y, <·nur~r ~'11[1 Pn11 ,.r, fi "llY
\\'111rl("'~. 11.nrl niU<'h rnn1·,.. i;r;i1, 1'111 Ft,1"1·1~ 1<'hH'I.
f'l,.111;inl',. pr1rt rl 1VSL1M 1 MacHoward ,.,,111ri C'nn1rn1 Air c nnrl .
S2]7', .!nhn~n J.• Son. :J;2fi f'I(' 11l"fil'<'!,~ bt>J<I nl <'.i!f'
H11rhnr Rl\'rl., (',,•1;i ·.\1t~11 . SJl-6000 or 531-0608 1YR.''117f;, Cl,.1.r11 n!',. p1·1N'rl
~Wfi..:iii~U. Corntr 1,.1 k ll11 rhoi s:;17., .lnhnsnn & Son. 2fiZ6
Cnmrilr11• .. 1 ln~rl,.ri
,., Pt'.\ 1!11ni fl<"h.~ihlr
Ln11 111111'" 10-il \Qt:1
Buick-Ope l-J agu•r
!i~ F:. l7•h ::1 .
rn.sl~ \\P •~ ,;IS-ilti:i
'64 c'--a-id;~11•.-,•s•,-id,-'n--":C
De Ville
I-\t'f'lif'nl \]o'!'flll"f'.li f'.1nol
Full r>n1" r 5·,q·, 1-'u ll r1·1!'•'
Surfside Motors
t:,.,11·11 nwf', ~·~r·1nr.' Air C'11nrl,
F:IPr1 \\'1nrln"•. l.;iriri~ll rnr .
/\11in Tr~n~, P n""r S1,.rr
•nt, r n11r r Rt·;i~r<, Jt11rl 1n,
11,.~irr, 17.VE?,'i.i(1 1111w 11111,1
Mac Howard
SJl-6000 OR SJ l-0608
Cnrnl'r 1,1 ,\· ll;11hrlr
S:!nr;i .\na -·sf IMPALA-
I -~.
rn""r .'i1tl'r1nc. r"'" r r
Rr~kr• """ r1r"~. f'\1•rllr111
S l 19S
;;-11 1·~. T11rhn lh•lr·n11111111·,
F~1·101·v .\1r. f"'""r ~1,.,.1'-
1ni:. P<l'l"r hr;ik,.~. l~nrla11
tnri r tr _
53 1-6000 ., 531-0608
'f;i 1\'ir1\I,.\, '2 !"Ir llii•h~:
h• ;iJrr. ;:i1r. <"•)llft. $f1"10
'tii ('lli=:;v.-lmp:1f11-."-l:0:.-:1"ii
I· 11::: .I 11;:1 rrhlt I ;nm h<ld,1.
lfllf'I'. ,r., llrr.<, :\l;'{l ,;;::-fi!\.i-1
'70C hevy -MOnte Carlo
':?.11 \'.ll, ·r11rho ll.1tlr'llll.'1il(',
!,1r1.-.1.1 a 11·, fl<ll'"r ,ff'f'r1ni:,
r•'"'"r hl'.~kr.~. hnrt1111 1or.
'n11 i}nl.1
Mac Howard
A.~~1-<ltiM 01· ~,.ll-~
('nrnr r l~t .(· ll;ii rhnr
'fi'1 ('hr\' l111p11.l;-1;~
11 a.£1111 . Pl• r 11-> :1 1r.
Riii r,tr11 rlP<1 n ~•m
"1 11'.-.~j',9
'61 rmral" :'S Cn11v,.r11l'>I"
'\l.'T C0~fl. ~;'>fl
--hi CllF\' lmp~a. \\'~:'.'"'·
f"'•11 rr f..· a.1r ~2~.'> nr "lfr1
Mnr11 \11.1 H~!l.nr Rll·rl., Cni;1~ \lfl'5a .
0"~C~H~E=·v~.,~ f I -i:n.'111 n1nn1ni: _'.->lfl.:•i.';t
l'<lnti. 1X tn1 1r~n~rnr1 11•:-:n•, Autos, Us•d
RPS! nffrr t;il,r~ 11' 612-l\;;sl7
~f! :1. nr .. kurl•.
f;'l CHF:\''"-ln1p;l;1, \.'.~. Air
i-onti. :'\t i>. t11 r-.. hrk~. m11f·
ftPr /,, (ht"irl.' .?t~ n1 11;
nll ~-\'Pr~· •'lr~n fi lG-2!171
·-,,,-Q l EVY°2 <ifl<11' .<!~~ni°.
]'O.~ \'-~. llill''I 1 ~p!'f'rl ,
1hrnr11r !:.-n1.1e, 11hl<. n1~k("t
11/{rr '>7 >-ll>!ll I
r11r1 .\--
..; 1 ~'-:u;,~.~ ---CHRYSLER
f\llH,;; £rl, :'\1111 111< .t <1111
1 !()() • ~ • • ~ 1~-.1.l'• I ;~; ~-C'1v111 n !mr,.i=];l I
\I! \J1·;o• .'\lnl ... i nr!. (l"nrr I
~1.i~u E1r~ /;11~101;1.
'td l'(t\l FT C;i\1rntr, l•I
A 11to"'~'·• T'""'"''"ion,
Pow@• Stee ""~· I ZLJ-.
s 1•00 .
vou • l'llt f 51300
n"nrr. \:Int .. nnr1 ~i;nnol lll•••••••••I n11 •, fl lr rnrirl. $R'ill, !0111
·r,2 CO.\lt'T. ·I Pr
111"•·han1r;ii! 11nrk.
... ·,1.~~'.l.dl ••
'70 Continenta l MK 111
\111,. "" nrr 11n111<1r11la1r>, 1\l -
1r·<11·111,. I ,I ·' .. 111111 f1111•h
"''h hlJ11 k lr.i1)1f'r 1111r1·1n1·.
111f'lll" \.11\lll'V t!i11111;:h11111
VIJii Pn11rr l'lf ,.,ur~r. 1\111.1
Trn111 .\Ir \n11rl. rill Olf'f'•-1
ii\£ 11 fl,.,.I. A \I F\! ~1r1•rn
R<1rl 1.-. and JTIU('h 111nrP r~r ..
lnr,v 1r<1 1n \.\lllTRl111 11 1·~~
~hlr .;;,.,. Alltl ril'll',. lflll~\
•ll<\i!\('!.;1 .Jnhn"'tl !.. '°"'"·
~.,..,.. Harh"r Rl1rj. \not,1
1\ll"~a. .i.10-'in.'.0
'67 Cont inental Coupe
f'~• r Ur1u ( "nnrl, !"Iran. !'np
ular t1g!11 1rlln11 •111h l'>l"rkl
t;inrl:11t l'""f, lr athr r 1111r1 I
Full p,. ... ,, .1.,+ ... , •• 1,
•nd .,.,n,.j,.w \, f ~tto•v ""'"
C•nd ,t.on1 nq, ?,..,,~,
St."''"9• r ...... , B•••~·
!801 R1111)
l lue Roo~ Prke
'67 FIAT 850
"~P YO!ll:"
VOU ll Pll lC l SJ60
l•ll". 11111 pn""r r 11111pp,.rl , Ii ··········· ""·' ~ .. ;i1 'l";irt111 .1 Air i'onn.f
r11-, Thi~ hf'~111if11l 1·~r ~h""'
\\f'lllrlf'l'flil 1'111'" ..;,...,. illlr!'
rln1r Tnd11• IT\'f·' if.1•1
f'lr.11·<1111'" Jll'IO'f'll ~~flj, I
,lnhn..-nn i.· S .. t1, 'lh1ii ll:.1h.-.1·j
Rl1r1 en.~11 \l,.~11 •,1n·11~.:0 1 1~: ~?,~ ~,~~.~~ne-~~.~!T:.I
Hardtop Co11p•
r., .... , s ...... ,Q. r""'''
fl,,~ ... F·~•n'v At1 (.,."
d.t,nn •n~. L ~"d•~ lop.
1 •~0DNWI
l lu• l ook rdc.e
,\1r r nnrl. V11ll rnwrr, I
f\11rl1n. Hr atr1 . 11h11r \\II.Il l
llrf'<, \'1n,1I r:nn!. 11111rr1
~111 ... c. I\ hrrl ( <l\ ....... rh1,•
nlilll.\' n!hf'r f':(Jl'il~ I zr,~::ilit\1 1
S.~l>!i:~. 1i;i1'rll'n 1;rn•·r l.111-
,.,,1,, • \1,.rr11r1 . (,~rr1"11 I •·········
1,1·"'" Rl1r1 111 Rr......,kh111·•1
r..-:11 . .?'l'n
'70 -Conl in enlal Coui)e-j
!"~"''''' \\:111~n1, r\111.il~hlr ,)
R~:111t1f!1I ""f'f"'r mat l1n1•h,
""'""'"'" l)•n"''''' "" enW'•' ~l o•l<'lQ ~~d1 0 &
Lf ••'•' 1Y t'P06 ~1
s 22i.s.
'68 Newport Cust.
IMPROVE YOUR S·•••'".:i. Po ... ••
PICKUl'S-Two & Four Whee! Drive
SCOUT 11-Twa & Four Wheel Drive
Travelalls With Towing Package
·192· ~ ,) Ha rbor Bl vd.
Costa !\f esa
B••~•. f •cl ~,v A., Co•·
<ld1 on;"'1· l¥TD81Sf
SI 960.
Sl OO.
'0 "' ""' St 660
/'ul""'"''~ T'""'"';,.;,.,
~nw•r $t''""'ll • 12tl l· ttLl
Dl~COUHT S400.
ve ult ••ic• s10&0
, ______ .., _____________ ._ _________ .JI Sl!U ld!1:-1tt m.s now!
PHONI 557·9220
1 H )'OU ore new in Colifomio 3. K you or• new Oil your job
2. tf you owe l'T'l!lnl'f on your 4. If you ha ve l.!tlt or no
Cot cr9dit
ln .. m TO UIA•I Tiii CllDfT AMD nuu TOU ••• ,IO
TM.t.T TottMAT
Big ?25 (10 MQ•n~. full~ foc tDry ~Qu•ooed
Ll2JCll1 1JOS59
(0 11 A8 2551 6563)
'199 OOWN '79 MON TH '""l• ,,, ... '-IS \'" .,. .• -,,~•11'>,.~•··-··~ ,.. .•.• ,, ..
I • •···-·-;••-ore> . .., •• ,..,., "'"'""''"'
"~";, «·11 ~, .... ~ '''"" '"""'•• r1_,1.,'•"I .. 1~1
All NEW '71's MUST GO
Ser.# •.....•....•.....•.... t ist ...•.••...••.•• Yo \.lr(ost
LH2JCIEI09l l9 •....••...... 3919.35 ••••••••·•••••• 'J4021
LH2 J(l[IQ911 9 ............. 3362.9 5 •.• , . , •.•••...• 2957''
lH23CIEll0980 ,,, .......... 3421 .6 2 •.•.•••••.••• .':-29461'
u12BC1L 11 11H1 ..•• soto ..••.. 1•17.42 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~42•1
LH23CI EIJ24R2 •............ 3391.38 .....••....•..• 2921 1'
lH2JC!ElJ24B 7 ....... 3391 .38 . , .. , ...••...• • 2921 1'
LH2 JCI EIJ7134 , ••. .. . . . .. 3462.1 8 •..••••••••.••. 29-80 11
lH23Gl'1 260600 ... 4561.08 ......•... · · · · · 3347''
ti 01!961~9 68681 SOlD ... •fi &l .15
LH2JG!R287159 . 388 1.82
Ll\•lCl{l IQQ87 SOlD avaa..1 e
ll29CIE1Jl52J .............. 3589.57
Y..'H23G1E l0989! ..•...•..... 38 15.72
WH23G1El10J16 .,,,,,,,, ... 3752.57
. '''' 395 7.60
... --' .... ' ' ... 332'1"
' ' ..... ' ' .. ' ' .. 3042"
.. -' ' '''''' .... 3220"
·----· .. ···-··· 3171 "
' ' -. --' ---' .. -. 3092''
•ll••IMl•OOi•••tCC•l"O•o•O•O••-· ... SO_l D ..•.. • -4401•1•••.1•4 .... ••••••••"'''~' '' •• ''''"'"'"'"'.'l3~6~8~4~'~'
.... '.' .. ''. 43 9J.J9
. 4018.20
40 18.20
.. ''' '. '.''' ... 3696"
.. ' ' ' . ' ' . ' ' ' ' .. 3377"
... '' ..... ''' .. 3377"
o;,111 £861(1•8819 ..•. s!J.l~. ~64 1 ,6G 0 4 4440 J89QA 1
"'" .. ' ... 3692.50 • ' -•• - --' - --'.' 2925"
... J7S7.20 . -' -''. - '' -'' .. 3083 "
LH4 1(16J59J53 3855.70 .••• , ••••• , .•• , JJ9S11
4080 .49 .. '' ..... -. - ' .. 3495"
SOlO 8111.54
Go l••Y JOO
fn(lnrv n•r con~ P'l""t' 1•er •·n~
P1>"'t! nrnl•• ..,. .. I""' ~~4~~o.
$1588 '"" •o+CI
'$788 '"" ''Ill
l•.._, 1 D• 1-l; V-11. ~"' 'Ol"i""""IYI·
h·~··· v'"Y1 1n•e'l!I' ,.,,,,; w!l-tl1. Mitt 5ecTs.
$888 :~:.
'69 FORD
!. Ga l,. SOO
V < ,. '" ''"~I , ~~w•r 'l••r•"'1. '!Id a, fil e• i ir.
I-•~'" lOG,,ii
$988 '"" •llCI
'66 OLDS
T a~onodP
Cnrnn•l ~Al'I ~'''" """', •n~·~· ~f'. wil1~ D n··~' qo•11~g. pe·,,·ei brn •e1. 11 I ,,,tel.
woll !"el, lnnr\f)•• '"!' Yl'W?l ). ~U~004.
5988 '"" ... u
'69 V.W.
••• Ro~ ~ •t~'I!! r"ll ~.qi. box~ S«il~ 217 AUi-i.
5988 '"" ,.!<I
'66 PLYr.,OUTH
1 Or 1-1 T .. rod1a, ~toter ..... ~'""'"II tire s,
9'5 10/(
9 AM to 10 PM
$888 :~:.
(pt .
f!!('T<V'( ~·· tMd•t!l'l~•ng, fun per-. •od.ol ~ret.
)(••I) cletin 'l A992.
'67 CHE
''" Rn>t,a. ~eo~. c~•Mlt ""'-Ii. panelin!J, torJ*S.
l 2 i~31,
5988 "" '''<'
•z DAIL V PILOT ------------·-.
'---'"'_'"'_""___,·l§l . ~' _'"'_'"'_"·~1§1 ·IL_ _''"_''"_'"•__Jl§l l l§J .__I ._,,,.,_,. .... __.·J§l I l§J....._I --_:,_-__Jl§J I l§ll ---l§J
Auto1. N•w 980Autos, N•w 9IOAutos, N•w 910Aytos, N•w 9811 Au!oo, Nef 980 Auto1. New 980 Autos,. New Autos, New 910 Au ... , --
• :
Through special arrangement with Buick Motor Division, General Motors
Corporation, we have purchased several 1971 pre-driven Buick Rivieras~
' These will be sold at fantastic savings on a first come, first served basis. -
R _A, Bauer
All are fully equipped including • air conditioning. Never licensed
IN c
Specializing in QUALITY JAGUAR .. • • ~-' -..."L . -
I 234 E. 17'h Street COSTA MESA Phone: 548-7765 1----Autos, Used Autos, Used 90 Autos, Used Au tos, Used 99 I Autos, Used 990 Autos, Used
JQ70 r.IARK 111. l1kf' nr".
fully equip rt, lr•w• nulf'ai::r.
!lcx1ble n11 rrice 11.mi 1rr111~.
I Phont? ;).16·1~ ~f·~r :1 P~
68 CO\'.T .• 2 nr. :'\lnt.
Chmalf'. il lf, lritlhrl'.
s2:,JO • ,!ll.;.~-9 1
--c-o rfvA'iR-
f>3 CORVAlP.. 11rw r"1 111.
t pi! d~k. rrh111:t rn::::. f. l
Jpd. a·;in~. $1 ~1'.l, ,!l:J l-IOOS.
' Sill. &· Sun. :0.-2 -----1 ~17~corva1r '.l\onza I ~pd
fi.lfi.S:illl 11!1 fi rm ---CORVETIE
CORV. ·57 Rd~T. :l.101 1 .o;prl.
SuptT C:ir. $~9·, Torn.
]:io;'l ~IP('jf-·, \\n~ ranrl
\an. \" ~ illlln 1r;1n<. '.:l :M
rrr)r". I.,. '\11 !"111 ( J.I
S:!!'h. + •;i·; .\ lwru,r+, \'\\
f'r1 l•r !'h,.tir -,21-i211.
'69 Falcon
Sia Wa9
\'.F. 1\111•1 Tri!fl-. f'1111rr
~1("("1'111~. r0\\r1 11 '< r
[11;:,kr~, rarl1n II r ii t r 1·,
'Vl11!r "llll l1tT~. t1nl"cl :la'•,
\l ilrrl f"<ll•'I', l 1r.tr \\ 11
r,1n1.1. 1 ~1~\IZl/1 Sll'l'l. !;,.,,_
rlr11 (;1 n1 r I .1n•·n~11-\lrrctff\
(;;irdrn (;r,11 r Hlvrl . ..it
Rrr><•khur.'1 t,,l<i-~1!"\).()
S.l&-:li?.11 \\"k. fi7:i-.1.~'.'1 11111. 1-----------
'70 Cou9ar XR-7
f a ctory \\"arranry. r.s .. \ulo
Trans, f11 ("1ory Air Cnnd,
Po"-'t>r StN'flll~. P<'l\•C'r DI~("
StakP!. Sl<'N'o' R;iri1fl. Hr111.
l!r. wh1tr 'I all 111·cc, \'111~ I
Roof. t1ntrd ,Clrl ~<. 11 llf'rl
rol'ers. L1n11· GN'cn Cn!nr
(948AKSJ S.~l76. r.arrlf'n
Grovf' Luwnl n • \lf"r<:1tr.v,
Garden Grn1r R l1d. ill
SrookhufllL 1>36-2$0.
'69 Cougar Auio, PS, f11c1.
ialr. Xlnt Nind. Pri. P1y.
b:l95. 4!&-2707
F'or best re!ulr~! 6-12-S67R
"fi7 r orrl Fa1rJ11 nr Squ•r" S1a
t1nn \\;ic. l..11" milrai::t
r u!l,1 rqu:p'ri .. l lfi-lfl:.'1
'j7r0 r.n-;;12 En:. I spri.
lllilt;.•. llU( ).;P! ~f'AI~. ("!Pan.
s.~;..o. r 1111 '."lli2-212: •.
-~~~ ·io fQrrl \'an. /: T. V-~.
11uto, r111l1n. Xln ·r Nlnrl. Ln
1111·~. ['I\'! 111~·. '.J.1~·11'11. ----~= 1!166 C:OLJ:--JRY Srrlan. ~!Vl.
r ;:id10. 111r. r 1:;. r 1s . .1:ood
rnnrl, $i!J.i. h.!:.-.il'IH.
-l~:_;i-,.-n-n-n \\'· ,c,c"·o=,--
S 1.)11 nr fllfrr
• &17-68'1!1 •
+ • 'fi!I L T!'I Brou>t"h<im . ·t
nr , Lllarlrd! !mn1acula[I",
$23j0. C11J! j.18-2980.
'86 OPEL WAGON ;.:~ ••
'64 FORD '!2 TON ,;~:.;;, :,!;:;,s595
Sunset Ford
Sunset Ford
No Matter How You
Look At Ii Sunset
Ford Is The Place
To Service Y o u r
·fi"" Cnun!ry -s.,-;J1r;-\\ ~r1-:1'lfl
nart1(1, ;11r. l'IS, P I R, >i lnl
1·f1nd . .-~i: ... 0.1.1.·, .:111 Ii
·r..~ vnr:fl -;111111 ~ 1n r"•~.
/'I' f'IR. ;i 1r r n nr1.
\\l/r\! r11rl:" . .\tr:i c!r11 11.
I\ \\ !J.J.Y.;; .lr('p<ir r <''1111
"'111 r .;l•'d r·n11rl 1(~ '.°Ith·"''·
B;ilhri;i t(, ,11 1o;· .... 1 ~IS
·h~ l.tn<·rlri ~ P1·. l.r11lhrr 11 I
\'IO\I lrlf', 111r ('Otlrl. f"/c,
f'lh \!111 l'(>llrl. ~.'.~:"1
'"'·~-n~·:i; ;ifl ·,
'69 Ma r&udar XlOO
ln Westminster
Take t~e V<llle y View
off-ramp from G.G. or
San Diego Freaw&ys
---c~-·I PfllV1\TE P11r1y l'lil'I I.TD
2 nr; ll;11rlt0r. Thr S1v11·11r,1,
l,1ch1 11, .1 r llnw \\!Ill <l11 r k
1'.'' h11rl;r1 ~ralc !.· <'11/l~nlr.
1·111 . ..:1rrnnc l\"hrrl. A11ro
1t;i11~. r1111rJ' ...:1rrr111c. Pnu
rr Hritkr<, ~·;ifrnr;.· A 1 r
Cn111I, l .1kr 11r11 llPIV'il.t11.nrr
rhrnu;11nu1. ~rr ;i nd rh·11 r
r tr,.r11 nr r r rwr'tl. 1 :20!11\ "· 1
S2f;;·, .• luhnsn11 .~· Mn, 2fi:lli
H.:i rl•ir Hl1·d , Cnsi;i ,\tr.<a,
'69 Ford-LTD-Cpe.
Au1n Tran<. Pn11rr !'!rrr1nc
f'n"rr Rrakr.<. r .H·lnr)• A1;
r nnrl. Landau Tnp, (YXT.
!31-6000 OR 531 -0608
Cornrr 1~1 f..· .H11r l'l()r
~ar1111 1\011
7oFord-G-;laxil 500
2 Dr Harrllnp, ln1n111ru la1r.
Sf""lrl.v, A11rael11•r J1:;:h1 l\"Y
. l"rllnv.• "'ll h ,e:ol1I 1ntrrinr.
rl11rk hro11·n l1111d;1u IWlf.
,\ulo Tr;i11~. rarl1n. l!r111trr.
Pm1 r r Strf'!'ll'I£, Far1nr1 Air
Cnnrl. Horry nn ih1~ 'onP
r.1~AL:H1 CJ,,11r11nt•r rt'IC'"f'd
$161.'>. ,John~nn .(. '""nn 2616
lh1rbnr Bl1·rl., Cn~r.t \l"·'"'·
!;.l(l • .'fi.':ft,
'70 Ford E200 Super
,\111n Tra n.~. \·-~. R;id10.
Hr a!rr
or 531-06()8
Cornrr 1~1 .\. Hitrbnr
!"' ni1 . LIKE !'\[\\"'
.\l;ikr Of{rr e ,;lh..fl'l?'l
'70 Ford
Maverick Coupe
A11rnn1iilH' Rarl1ni 6 ryl JZO En~1nP. l1~2,\FX1
531-6000 OR 531 -0608
Cornl'r 1.~1 f.· Harbor
S11n111 An;i
Jl;irdlOll. \·.i:. At1111 Tran~.
Var1ory Air r nnd. r'1wPr
~IPf.nnc. Pn\\rr f) i" r
flrakr~. P.arh'l, Hf'alr r.
AVhhl' \V11 1t T1rr~. \'1nyl
r!nor. r1 n1rrl tla~.<. "hrrl
<Yl\"t'T!I>, I 2fi6,\ [)\,I $2'i!IS
(;arclrn Grn1 r J.1ncnln. \Irr.
rury. G.:1rrlf'n Crrh,. Rl1·rl
~t Arnokhu r~! 6.11"·2!lS<r
--.--7 1-FQRDS"*
211 \V. Ka !cll11. An.:ihPUll
1114) 77M050
1 ~71 r ORD LTD Brough11l'l1 4
llnnr \lf"l'lll l<' hlur 11 /hlk .".1nt11 Jl..111 I c-~-\H1~ l0p ~· ;iir. :\1 11<1 ~rr 11"1
r nr h ... ,i \'1.'.'lll~fi.11::.r,7$;--11pprrr 1~rr fi l:2-\~1 1 _c.:.._ __ .:_.:.__
-, 68~Mi~o-n-t-clai r-
H:irri10r. \'.~. ,\1110 ·rr11n~.
F;ir1nr1 /\1 r ('nnrl, Pn,,.rr
~Trrnrn,:. r "1' rr f\ 1 , ,.
Rr:ikri;. P.;ul1n, Hr11lr r.
\\"!111r \\":ill T1rr~. Tlntrrl
J;l11ss. \\lhrrl fn\'t'T~. 1 sr11r
"Arran1y. t.\""IX".12fi1 Sl·lllll.
1;;:o.rrlrn r:r'fl\'r l.int'nln.,\·lr r·
r11r;.•. ! iardrn (';m1·r Rlvd.
.:11 Rrnokl111r~! ft11i·2'!l!tn
211 \\" h:a1r!l>1. An.:ihf>!m
171 41 77M050
--i 7-Parklane
-I nr ll11rrl1nl', 1 ~r11r \\"11r-
l/llH) V.K ,\111n Tr11n~. ~·11c-
1nr·.1 i\1r ("nnrl, Full Pnu,..r.
R11d10, Hr11tt"r, \Vh11r \\"1111
lirr<, \11n.1I rnnl. !1n1rrl
:;:J"-"'· 1\hrr l •""l'rr\. i \'llA-
fii:t1 Sll!l'l Ci;i1·rirn l~mvr
l.trtrnln • ...,,..mil}-. r..in1rn
c;rn1r Rll·rl 11 1 Rr()(lkhl1rs1.
~=~---~ ,\f'ril 11 ··rarr·~ Pl11 r" "" 111ri'
C11ll 1>12-~i!I NO\•·'
'70 Marquis
H.:1rrl1np, 1 ·-~. \111n Tr.:in<.
Fartnr~ ,\ r Cn11rl, f'n11rr
2!t II l\>1.lrll;1,. \n11hr1rn
(714 ) 778-4050
,..:1rrnnc. f'n,,rr P 1 ,1 'f;i \n ·i,·!At\f,-;i 11::;-:-1~rf-
r.r;ikr,, f'nl\•'I" \\ 1'1(f(J"~. ;1q1r., '\Int •·n11d -'1fi(IO \•k Pr.11rr· "" ,,__ :.:1r1·rn fl.1rl1n, I " l'I 1,flU .. }~fi-fi.-.111 rlil,1" ~.I r ~ H~>1I<'!", "li1rr 11 i ll tlrr,, ~7~1-172~
\'ill.Y) Rrl<">I . ll lll"rl :;la,~.
'lhrrl ru1rr~. T11 1r1 <'<llll-'li7 \11 1:->T,\:>.(;:-l il ,ll:-(;Mfl
fqrt ~l'.11< f'lll< tll~ll\ lllhPI' ~11Apr l! fll)rj 11ll <
P \tl"ilS 1().1i.\(;~ 1 ,S;:i.p'~ (;,II'• * • ~lf.-fi,ii l t t
r!r11 (;!11\'r l,1n,·11)11.\lr!'o'lll). f;:, \JU;o;T.\Nl; 2.i-2, '189. Air,
'iii ,\n1h11.•<~rlnr !"lfl!1, lo ,,. , <
l'n11rr. \ln·r rnnrl .\111~! ·'"II ~~.9~:1:1. fH I n1.1
,\\.I R.\SSAflOR-D!'J. .fifi,
lo;ufrrl, la1•1 ;11r . p l~. plll
$~9.» nr1c:. \)"11r1· ~•,10-2\i~~
'fd T RJP.J)
f"1dl fl'"'"'"· f;.\. ··nntl.
~•'l:1_ • ~.'.~.filY~i
-.;,;TRI r,n-1\·il'nrl 1 ..... 11'!-
ll rrl tr Rrr0r1rl. ~2:i()('I
• fi·l·l-2i:12 •
[)/,ILY 1'11.(rt 1"' ~rtron:
1;nr.-!rr1 (:rn1 r Rl\·r( .:1 1 .\ln1 rflnrl, $~m. nr nff"f.
n1'f'l0kll\1r<:f ti:lfi-~X].~f) ti!fi-IC\71 'fi l fl,\~lRLF.P.. <!ii. 1\:;:n .
Call h.12-:,i:;;:~ t. S..\'•" '69-M arquis-Brough<l-;:,,-1·1>1t "'1£ · 11""' 11!'r•, e"""i
·I Or. ~llp!'r Clr;in. ,\;p11rkl u1 c OLDSMOBILE <'O nd . S-~1:\. '.16_,_-_l.'._1~-~9~90 990 ----
rn,\;i) n1;irnn11 1111h n1arrh1nfi(" -----------
1n1r11nr f..· Rlar~ l.;i nrlAtl 'ii Cl:Tr .11s.c; ~11pr. •11\ /hlrk ======::::::::::::::::::::::;;::;;:::::i;:::;;::;;::;;;;;;;;;;;::::::::;
R"'1f. A11rn ·rrHnc. P.11rl1<1, 1·111.11 11 1r 1\\l/F\l ~ rr.:11·k
llr;11 r r. ~·a1·1or,v .\Ir Cnncl. srrr<'n. 7,0()() m 1. S.Vl.,ill.
r n .. Pr ~trrr1nc, r..," r r ti•ri-~.~7!1.
Tir;ikr~. Pn\1·rr '' 1n•k>11~. ------'7~ OLDS rs:1. 2. rlr . .:11r. ,,,..,.
111 111 1·nn1 rn r1 lnt1n;:r .~r.:its r lr an. Sl~i.l. Call !1 m ;,.
11nrl mnrr ~r 11n<l rln1·r th1~ f;.12-21~2: r1•r ! fi7.l-~2!i9 11rrr11r11vr r11r rnrlil,1·. 1!:111.
7111 S167;., .Jnlln.•nn &· Snn. 19.i7-0r:os-9~---
21>2fi H;irhor B!vrl tn~lll Xln! hf'allh S29:1.
~11'-"il. :•·IO-~Xi:JO.
A111nn111tr r . pnwr r ~1,..rrrn,c.
l;irT. 11ir. Tm nice io rail
u~rd. Z\\'E.'J(l !
531 -6000 or 531-0608
Cnr11rr l~t f,, H11rhor
&lnl.:i An11
'6ti l\l rrr Cn!nny P 11rk ~1 a
11·11~ .. full pwr, 1ur. ·l:i.oo:i
m1. r.ood conr!. $1100 644~-ia.1
'fifl '.ll u~Ntna/.\ln"t N>n<I. V-11
1111tf'!. p/~. r/h, Lllnrl~u.
Slf.6:1. f1nan. 111·.:iil. S.l"-'lf;9~.
·~:,\:1 usr A."\'-G 2119 v-~ i..:S
\1111:~. rl~. ~trr'f'n. .\'.lnl
rnnd. S!J9:,, &14-l::i7:•.
~'!AA ~!UST ANG-.-,-,,-,-,-. -,-"-"
tirr' t. br11kE"~. S7AA ltrm.
'fi,l '.llUSTA~l.-C.Unvt. Pl~.
pfh, auto, :tOl'lft tr.in~~·
110n r11r. S700. 1fl!\-:,!Jii.1.
·71-r, RA:O..'DF.-:--;1r~.-r-,-R-.
rl'~. "Id~ ,.,, .... 1.~. ~ur0, 1·•n.vl
rnnf \!11kr fir("";. %~-~~.1'.l
:.i:i-i.'.fil -- -,~-;;%-'62 Olds Super
s 1m i;.12 .. 12
'"" v.s. llT. PONTIAC
r1R, P/S, lnw n1i lr11i,:I".
O.r.!Jz~ nll'nrr, pr i 11ar1y.
191i6 PONTl,\C Bonnrl'illr
S111 \r11;n, lull pwr. ~ir, !'lt"W
li re~ & rr11n.~. ~1rrro !ape
playrr. :i9Z.-1~211 11l1 Ii pm .
•fil PONTIAC C11111l1n11 5111.
\\'11cnn. !I ria~~-Au10. Cltan
S.19.i. Pr•i. Ply fi l+.2!1:11. ------·fis LF. :'11 .ln~. Au1n. Air
,.,..,nrl .. 1...., m 1·~. Pr1crd rn ~,.u
'llllC'k, .>·IS-OAAl.
'ti.> rONTI AC C'ONV.
S·IOO nr hr~I oll1>r
• li·17-: .. l'.l2 •
-.. -,-T-F._"_1-PEST ·11~~.T-.-,-,-,
PJ ~P/R. Xlnt ronrl. Sfij()
or ~ lil2-.i001'1.
'fi4 Trmrr51-/;~l ~ptrrl.
\1'r.Y fJF.:iTI. f1nj1n11 l ownrr
$19:>. 9fi2-Sl lli
'fi4 I.TO -on.c ~n"r-, -~1n1
Pn11d ~1Jtn. rlh. lfl n11. S62~.
Real Clean Late Model
Used Cars
(M•nv fr om Leisure World)
1969 Cadillac Cpa. D~ Ville $4 795 F'ull pn1' rr. 11ir rnnd. 2fi.non m1.,
f11ctnr~ 1111rr;1nty. ~YS.,D.1\~1. J
1969 Buick Elect'" Cu" 4 Dt. H.T. $3 495 1'01\·rr. 111r rond. f11r tnry
"'111T11n1y. ~XTH 41flJ I
1969 luick Le Sabr• '4 Dr. H.T.
A 1'1'111 n irr r11 r--;iir rood ..
farlo ry v.·11rra n!.y. ( XXD321 f.
1969 hick EIKtra '4 Dr. H.T.
Pn\\·rr. l'lir rond .. f11 f'l'lfY
warr'anty, (XNJ..:6201,
1970 lulck RIYle-ro-Foct. Wrnty.
Brau1irul ~rprn r •Jlor, vinyl lop.
11ir. t2.~AfV•.
1971 Clt1yrofet El Camino
l.lkr nr10.., .;,,:ioo l!.<'.tuaJ mllr.•.
I 762fi2.I I,
David 'J. Phillips
Buick·Pontlac:f>,191 Inc.
Broadway La9una B•ach
·~:·12 OLDS F-85
LOADED!! Turbohydramatic 'trans., power '
f riday Ottobtr '2'1 1'171
. o.\IL V PILOf 43
. . . • ' . • .
, •
steering, AM radio , white wall tires, tinted
windshield, and more.
' . ...,.._,
T'))WN SEOAN =t ll24 11>1
EVER! Ready for immedicite delivery in a big . .
selection of new colors.
~~1: Honda Car. Only •1295 !
LEASING? We Offer-"Personaliied" Leases on Oldsmobiles, GMC Trucks, Rec-: · . '
reational Vehicles!
. .
• . . .
. .
(3UJ7T2M424 I 3SJ
; . . • ~ :: ·: .. ~ :: . :: .. .. :: ..
:: ·: ,• ·: ........................................ ,.... .............................. ..,..............................................................................:
4 Dr. Sedan. V.8, Auto. lr<Jns ., Radio, He•ter. !RYDS98 ) Full power, f<!i clory .i ir, vinyl roof, IXRK098 l
5599 .. 52895
'7 0 AMX .. '71 FIREBIRD
Radio, He•ler, Stick. t ZLA708 l
VS , a utomafi c, rodio, power ,+eering, viny l roof, 1273·
'6& FORD
4 speed , radio <!I nd he 11 ter, { P90A ) VB . 4 sp@ed, p owe~ steering & br•kes, R&H, .air cond. Automatic, p ow1r windows, eir cond., vinyl roof, rad io, 4 Door. Automa tic transm ission, power steerin g , l-•dio1 ( 142CPL ! he•ter. !ZMV262 1 • h&a ter, IR PL894 ) •
51795 53295
Ti!+ c.ab tru ck 5500 1er ie1. 5 speed lr.tnsm ission. !4582 ) Radio, Hedler, Auto. Trans., Vinyl Top. I t79ASN )
53295 5695
4 Dr., 4 Speed, Rad io, Heider, !VH Bl 14l I RH N2 55 /
53495 5 495
Full power equipment plu s fectory e ir conditioning,
vinyl roof. (WEN244 1 ·' Redic, heater, 4 speed transm iss io n. 1786CQSI.
52095 •975
Radio, h1eter, eUfo., air.\power 1fe1ring & brekas, Full power equipment plus fa ctory air cond itionin9,
I x1.v~5 9 I I KSJ 805 I
51395 51795
MESA 540-9640
. . . . .
' .
' •
Q11ollry 0 .. 1.,
A•ard hr lt71
ON NEW '71's AND
Our Volume Lease Department offers all
popular American ind Import Mikes at com·
petitive rates.
"It's the Service That Mekes the Difference"
• . -
Factory schedules call for substantial increases on all new 1972 models within less than
30 days. Ri9ht now, however, every .new '72 in our 'tremendous inventory is still frozen
at '71 price levels, and still subject to Theodore R~ins year-round v o I u m e discounts.
1972 MUSTAN(;
One Of So. California's
Biggest Pinto Displays!
e 1600 CC ENGINES e 3 DOOR
We have more of next year's
models ready for immediate
delivery thon we have ever
hod during the month of Oc·
Our Truck Experts
Can Serve You Best!
F-100's TO ·
t ..
" .
Many to chaose from. '65 thru '71 models. Coupes, hard·
tops, convertlble and 2 + 2 .fastbacks. Some with 4 sp.eeds,
alsa air concHtionin9 and automatic m.odels.
R.ed io, he <!lfer, •utometie , power 1ot eerin9 & b rake~. fa ct. air, 9ood miles.
·:.~ .. c,~e.R~~R ,.~!. ..... s 2 59 6 51Hnn9. Aot (Ond "'•"1! llnc•,
G-molo~. (lllAG.El. l lllt l ock
Pro(t ~l.!JJO. OUR: I'll.IC(
~.~ .. ~ ~~-~.u,~! ••••• $ 2 4 9 6 Full Pow~r. A<' Cond .• iOOO mdt"
(V XL •Oil. 11111 Buol! Pr.co ll,.!,
'70 F250 J/, TON
"l<kUO. Pow1r9d Oy Ford ......
l.OW m•lfl, F1C!Ory EOU IPPt'CI·
P itllE ). 81~1 I O)llk Prlc1 SllUI
OU I! l'l!!Cl
OU ll Pll lC:f
'71 FORD Wa9on s339§. ""II ,.ow1r, Air Col'd .• (?U (fl),
BIUI 8QQk Prlct 1JJn.
I o"' '" •
:7~.~f..~~~I~ ......... 52296' ll•Olo, HO•Tot. V••~I 11.00!, A"
c001a . l''l .ll<Cl. lllo;t 1000 r rlct
17A". OUll PJ!!CIE
'71 VEGA 3 Door
H•l<~lll<~ Cpt. I 'pffd, tod•o.
~•atot Low milff. {tJJI ZTl
:7~. ~~~e;~~..i~~ .. ;"'·· 53696 Aulo. Tri "'·, Powtr SIH•I"'· Powtr ·
B,.~ ... Air co~d .. v1~v1 • .,.,,
Tin Wh11t. Gooo m11 .. , AM/FM.
!121 ISW >.. l lUo l ""k l"rlct Jol,IJ, CIUll PlltCl
'70 LTD 2 Dr. H.T.
VI . .l.ulo .• "•<1. Air. ... I .. "·'··
P. Se•h & w1,,oowt, Vl"yf """'· (l!I AGI )
I AM TO 9 PM MO N:i:llf
t ll.ANSPORTATION SPECIA LS ~ '67 SIMCA 1000 4 door. !.,<nv mill'~,
On!'!ina) thru-0111.
, I VTf\18f>R 1 '65 OPEL Kadetto Good m1\l's. Gond
Ira nsnnr!a! inn.
~!){J.'IASG• '65 MUSTANG V-R. l1arrl1np. r.i1fl10. \lPatrt,
Fact nr~· ~:q111pprd. \;n..-•d
~lit,.~. !P,\,'\-,17•
R;i.dir> ll<'a1 rr '66 FALCON Sedao
,\11Tn .' t:nncl \!ilr~
ITE.lfll>l • '65 PLY MOUTH F"'y Ill "1. dr. ll T. l'l~ll. 111110. ro"·rr
"'""rini:. nir rr>nd i:norl n11I '"'· l'IT-l~•l l '63 PLYMOUTH VALIANT SPda.n, 6 c\·lindrr.
Radin, l/P~!er. Gnod
.. 1\1ilri;. (PlX•l \61
S11 t1 Prlc:111 Good for 72 Hour•. C11r1 Subj1ct to !Jrlor 51111.
Many to' choose from . '65 thru '71 Models, Sport raofs,
formals, 2 daor & 4 daor hardtops & sedans. Full power,
air conditionin9. Warranties available.
V-8. Radio, Heater, Power Steering, .AM FM . W arra nty Av.!!ila ble, Approx.
8,000 mil es . I J678S X)
fully fi!("I. PfJUlf'lpt>d
Radin, hf'at,.r. 168SBEP)
'68 V. W. Fastbock
F'ully r11uipp<'d,
~nnd "'llP~.
1V\VTJ ll":1
'66 VOLVO 122S
~!R l inn \V11i:nn
4 "fl!'rd. lr.11· rnilr~.
fZX V:.!491
'67 MERC. Comet
St'd. Radio. ht'al,,r. fac·
tnry equip~d. Good
mil r5. t XSP0.171
Radin. l!";i1 r r ,\•11 1< Tr.;n~ ..
T'n" rr ~ll'f'nnc. Air C'lnrl ,
V-S.Ln\\ \lilf's, •.\:l1f!.'{J'."":1
'67 FIREBIRD $1396 !larcl1nr1. \·.,11_ ,\111 ... Tra n'.
l'O\\f'f S11•rnn,:. l:;irl1n, l!r::.1-
,.r. Haring !:rrr11. (;nnd rnlll'~.
1!1TXl:i11f1 1 Hl 11I' Rnnk l'rl<'" ~1::.20 Our Prlct
1\rri~1 i('Hn . 6 r.1 I . llu!n.
>:••nd n1ilr~. 1T(;£~1;i;!1
'68 GALAXIE H.T. vs. Au1n .• R&~r. r.s ..
Gond i\l i\r~.
......IT-lrP"""I OOI _..,. Dl,tJ.ll It \ ,
2060 Harbor Costa Mesa ®~6'42-0610
7 AM To 9 PM MON
7 AM To 6 PM TUE·flll