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1972-01-18 - Orange Coast Pilot
I I 7 ' • •• • . ' I ' ' I • ' • • • DISODlll • Flanaell · Gut Mesa Ho1ne. • • . llill· .A ·rtb~itis Victiln -, ..... ' • • ,. . .. • • .. • • • ' • • • . • -' \ • ' • l Sex Slavery, l(idliap Ring Smashed . . ! . . . .. ' ~ ' I • " ~ ' • • • " ' 'In Parlors I . • , .. Wea~ • The aun wm peek lllrOQlll thooi low clouds by ~ Wtd- ,ndclay, lirtaglJll 11'811117 -• ' lernperatam o( II lo • Uoat tile Orqe Cout. Lows """"" .la Ibo tO's. INSmE TODAY 4 · FQ7114d clafrlJwr Mr. Block- • wtU, inttrnallonaU~ "1lOIO!l Jor hil annual 10 -;c dnlHd~il IOhich he J>V!IChlotfl IC>it/t • tic .re111ot1<1, 'UW' togift<l' I • tD'!"'f" "''"" f.,hlon """'" from and where jt'• going. Su PaQt 13. ····~ 1•1-· . : ..... r" 7 ...... ~ c......... , .. ,. ............ ... C-'-u ....... ~ • Crtc!wMI 11 ..,.... ,._. • DN\9...... • ... M>1' ............. ' .......... ... l ... ll•Rbl• t ~ t ...... tf.11 ,,......,. ' ,.,...... . ...... . ..... Ill ,. ..... ... -... UMll't ,, -..... .. • • I OAll. Y PILOT s • Hug~es Quiz Proposed • . . ~ .Key Aide AskS . IRS to Probe '2 Checks' I NEW YORK (AP) -The N.ew York "1mel reportta today Uiat an alile to l!ow1nl ,!!uglies uked tJie Internal Revenue Service to investigate two checu Hugbea 1lleged(y received for his Pert Jn a controversial biography for 0 tax fraud ." The 'nines saLd that Chester C. Davis, counsel of the Hughes Tool Co., in a to tJie IRS declared Uiat "Hughes not receive and had no Intention of taxes oo'' the '650,000 that raw·lliU uyi1t paid to Hugl\el ' Davis wrote that he considered it "ap- ,.rent that crlminll conduct, toclllding la lrllld, bu been commil~ lo>,lidl liue because McCraw·liill did pay the IJDO(nleY to someone," according to the Times. The IRS had no comment on the letter, wblCb tJie Timea aaid it leomed of lhn>uJb aoun:es. McG)'11'11'-Hill aMOUnced Dec-7 It would publilb Hugbea' "1utobiogr1p!W'. baled on laWvl.,.. irriter CIU!ord Irvin& llid be held with tJie recluatve Hughea. In 1 eubsequent Joni-distance telephone news conference, a voli:e ldenUfled u that of !lugbts denied knowing Irving and de.....,..r tJie book as a llpu. l1'lii1i count.rciatmed that the voice was not Hughes' and McCraw-HJJI pro- ductd two checkt Jt aald wue made In payment to Hughes for the material and wbJcb were endorsed "H. R. Hughes." The Hughes publishing derby gained another entry with • the announcement Monday ~Y True Magazine that it will publish a atory by Noah Dietrich about his 32 years u Hughes' top aide. II wilt appear in the April ~e wbJch goes on sale March 9. Dietrich, who worked for the billionaire industrialist from 1925 to 1957, said that be eompielod~ -on Hughel -the third such work to be announced lillce ~.7, 1.!eanwhile, Manhaitan Suereme Court Justice Gerald P. Culkin postponed until FrLday a hearing on a suit to block publication of a third Hughes book. whose author; Robert P. Eaton, also claims it is based on interviews. Rosemont Enterprises, a Nevada publishing company which claims it has exclusive rights to Hughes' lUe etory, is seeking to1block both the Eaton and Irv· ing bo!>ks. '>. F rot11 Pagel Eaton's book bas betn excerpted ln the current Ladles !lo~ J011rDll. CUl~n warned Uie magazine to print no further excerpts pending the outcome of the suit. · White House press secretary Ronald L. Ziegler refused Monday to discuss a sug. gestion that Hughes obtained poUtlcal favors for a $205,000 loan he made in 1956 to President Nixon's brother. "That's a story that is about 14 years old ... I have nothing to say about it," Ziegler replied to a question. "It Is an ola story that was fairly addressed" in 1960. When the story about the loan broke just before the 1960 presidential election, both Richard Niloa who was then vice president, and his brother Donald denied that Houghes had been given favorable treatment~ The loan came up again this week in the controversy about the purported autobiography by llughes, tJie billionai re Industrialist who hasn't been seen ip public for more than a d.ecade. J lrving,lWho said be collaborated )!Ith Hughes to coinpUe the book in morrthan 100 hours of taped interviews in several locations in the Western HerplJphere, said in a television interview/over , the weekend that Hughes idenµfied Clark Clifford as the man who a,sked him for the loan for Nixon's brothet. · Clifford, onetime ad~lser to rormer CHASE AT SEA • President Harry S. '1'uman and later • • defense secretary in L:Yndon B. Johnson 's • 1 administration. denied any COMection .._ ~ ~~ ' •--v-• .. ~....... f Willi the loall, altbciigh he acknowledged ' '"e"t." .. wu IUUia u CJUR' u you can nutyYIR l14o111:m., ....... to escape or ollowed that his firm~represented the Hug,hes an erratic: course to avoid ice. A WbHe HOUie sp,okesmu decllned to Scboeider abo said the statuJ of the foou1v~ said t what Hughes got in dllcum the ~tJonJo Qre tbe warn-Ll,mut boardiag party during the chase return for qie loan was described in lbe Ing lbot. He allo ~ that the ~'bot.~J" was not known. However• be uld, the book, and ;that while the book does not the tlDll"geDcy communk:atlonl lfstem : boardfng party kept in constant com-call Hu~ a "fixer,'' it pictures him as ·behreat WllhhWton and Mo1ccnit\ wu munieaUon with the 230-foot icebreaker a man/"who makes very careful ar- aot -Jn C011110Ction ;wltl! the ~nt durlni °">chase. rangeµfents to see thaf' he gets what he A State Department spokesman 1n Spokesmen said the three ships were wan$-S." Wubington said no diplomatic represen-ex~ to arrive at Adak Friday if not ~me magazine said that in the book tation to the Soviets was pfanned on the hampered by ice. They said the ·storis etrich is writing about Hugh es, he buil of evidence available. )Vould be forced to make Its way through tes that after !fughes approved the White House press secretary Ronald L. most of the Soviet fishJng fleet. /loan, Dl~ch w~t to see ~\xon and Ziegler llid the flahing boat incident "This same situation could very welV wa~ed . him th~t ii .the Joan becomes would not liave any effect on Nixon's occur again with these same vessels/ public In(onn~t~on, it could mean t~e pJana to viitt the Soviet \JnlOn. Schneider said. "They're not In pozet, en~ of y~t.pohtical care~ 7. and I don t ·1n rwpllMf to 'a~Oo, be likewise and ·tbe Storls ls still days away fro any believe it can be ~e~ ~wet. aid tblt there would bt 00 adjustment in other shJps that can help." ,. According to D1etr1c , Nixon replied : --··' f ,._ The « B •---1 1. ned A•-t I have to put my relaUves ahead of my lfbon'1 )(oecow pW:>I as a ~to """ . cu er a~11. s a io IJ: uo ' career,'' Time said. apulaion of Rej>. Ja'meS H. SCheuer (0-was dispatched to ald the i»foot Storis, Lattr Monday Dietrich said the lawyer N.Y.),'fromtbeSovletUnion. · the smallest . of the .thr'!.1 ves.sels. invol~ed in the.loan was F. J. Waters, Zielfti bad no Comment on either incl-Spokesman said a Cl30 alfcrart would be who was "our political lawyer an1d lob- dent today. He said tlie eo .. t Guard qispatcbed to .Uie scene at ~ybreak. byilt." Clifford :'knew ·notltii)( what~ver WU dullnc·WitJi IJie li&blng boat seizure · Tiie Storls Carrie>• three-inch gun, two about ll,''°Dietrfch said In anfnt.rv!ew and tbat tbe.Sfate Department bas been rocket launchers and two helicopters. on CBS. News With Walter Cronkite." deaUng wltll the Scheoer' npulslon. Department ofndals sakl that, when ufc -lilbinl· 11oat 1ncun1o .. ocau-1rom LA C ii OK tlnit,to JJme, ~ nonnaJ procedure ii to 0 . c s tUi tlli~ to'..art. ""°" ~ .. , " I · From Page J WATER •.• I 'Blookie' ' Wi ns Case ·~·- < ~ "Blocldt" Oldorlan. seJl.pro. i ''watobdof •• the luitne" wboH . rib the fodlraJ .......... ..., II 11 Ids llewpoH ._ bollJlld budlinol lwo DIGll\U qo, bu l"!" hi» ii*it. A Deportmellt of IAilor-OccupoiloMI Safety and Health Review Commission hearing examiner bas cli•missed the gOvernment's case. !After five months of letter·wri.tlng, a f9rmal hearing at the Newporter Inn, the filing of briefs and reply briefs, Gadarlan fas told Mooday he doesn1 b(ve to J><1 lbe $IS fine. J "The aecntary h a s not •tabllabed •iotation of the ahlp repalrln( reploll!n pr any provllion of tht l ~~I Sarety and-Bealth Ad u 'a~, "t wrote '.examine~llarold A. Ke~1uc!liig la 19-page decision. ~ • , Gadanu told ttiem tl)ft tho.- day lf,lal: ,. · ~ • ••nie law·says I have to haVe 1 ladder tn the vicinity of the dock," Gadarlan had • ·~ C>l•~" 'iiO argued, "and there were four within the """"-.. .../.. U · vlcinit . " · DAILY PILOT SI.it P~ Th y d BATTALION CHIEF. LEWIS_ SI FTS ASHES AT FIRE SCENE y e go~ernment got off to a ba start Victim of Arthritis Unable to Escape From Burn ing Home '!hen an .impec~r wrote an lnlUal clta· lion allqing a violatloa of 1 non-ailting requirement F rom Pqe J CRIPPLE ••• surveying the charred ruins where McRae's body lay. Lewi5 lives just around the c;orner from the fire scene and raced to it on foot after being called by the fire dispatcher. Coroner's deputies removed the body to Baltz.Bergeron Mortuary for postffiortem examination, while authorities contacted the vi ctim's son, Jeff• McRae, o( Los Angeles. Lewis said Mrs. McRae died about two years ago and fr iends dropPed by often to look alter the widower. . ' F rom Pqe J GIRLS •.. Shy Ma th Prof Leaves Fortune . . . ' , The first chargld that G1dorlan's Newport Boulevard bollYUJI dldn~ blve a ladder "to the dock." During the bear· Ing, B. L. Tibbetts, a 1Upervlsor, con- ~ed that was an error. 1be revised citation claimed there wu ~ oone •1m the vicinity" ';.00 Gadarlan NEW YORK (UPI) -ln the 1930s painstakingly proved during testimony Benjamin B. Strang, a shy mathematic~ the man just didn•t see them. teacher, invested in railroad stocks dur-Gadarian was just a little bit bitter ing the reorganiza tion of the nation's over the whole thing Monday, railways. "The intent of the U.S. government Is His alma mater. Columbia University, good," he re8ected, "the lnent of its ~nnounced Monday that Strang, who died employes is not" 10 1963 at the age of 74, left the university ''That guy Tibbetts could have stopped $1 million. the whole thing, but he never even came The estate had been left in trust to down to my yard." Strang's sister, who died Jan. 3. It then ·He also leveled .a blast at the new law . reverted to the university. Itself. Strang, who died in Amityville, N.Y., "It's Insidious," he said, "I could wait taught mathematics at Georgia Institute into the Newport DAILY PILOT and of Technology for two years after his complain about Just .anything I want and graduat ion from Columbia in 1912, and they'd have somebody down~ ne.it day. later taught at Newark High School in "I coote5t.ed the law, not the event, Newark, N.J. 'When I chose to fight," Gadarian said. llis siher, Ruth , had been a faculty Examiner Kennedy's lt pages revle• member at O>lumbla Teachers College lng the case and setUng down his in- Milwaukee which Artez planned to open. for; 37 years. She also was the autbor 'of nocent verdict were an extension of the He was anned witli a handgun when seveia! boon on education. • ·-~\dlibllod llJltlit 'IOVem-l!'~.:l::=.-...:9.:; 19.iJ ~~··: Ban for1 to eiCape while tbe Storts waloc· -·LOS "' GELES (UPI) -The city taken into custody. ' meat in bancllinalbe entlre 1inatter. Court. Judtiii ,,'lloOerl J •.•..•. u .;,ho .eel State agents a\IO ~!<i/ .• ~~in , • " 1 Pageone!IsteatbePOOlllelnvolvedand bond at '2ii0,000 eacb :it;°'b.k,g 'told Milwaukee and Slnlih wa's'.U...clflh a Olin Chief Succmnhs began bl1 "stat.meni oflhe else" that ciupled. He Uid II waa not known why Uie trawler ftmainild hove to.. . CouncU;1ave preliminary approvarMon- Earller, a CQast Guard spokesman in day to' a bi,11 that would forbid drilling of Wuhin&too aaJd it was not clear .iI t.be1 *ii wells in aboUt 75 percent4 of the they were an "extreme danger to the Minneapolis jail on an earlier prostitution continUed to page three, where he began community.", · charge. GREENWICH, Conn. -Fune r a I listing "findings of fact." Hanrahan's office said, "Members of The·warrant for Simpson said he'tied a services will be ·held Wednesday for They included '.'jurisdiction," ud "the RISE were allegedly to be inoculated and nude girl to a bed, beat and kicked her Gordon Grand, president and chief ex-alleged violation'' with aub-plragraphs .. but the bill faces a risky future. jmmunized, enabling them to survive the for four hours and tortured her with a ecutive orflcer of the Olin Q>rp. on "the issues pre.sented'' a n d "the poisoning and diseases and to form the soldering iron, resulting m extreme pain • Grand, who w~s 54, died Sunday or an evidence." all of which took up 10 pages. M " • ff } After sometimea, heated debit., tJie &rines a t council voted 11-4 to bar drilling for a ba.si!·of 1 netr'1D8Ster race. and hemorrhaging. ... ..-....., .... ·... apparent heart attack while 1,>laying ten-Kennedy then began "ditcUsslon" of "Water filtration planb m the Midwest Simpson was charged with six Counts nis. the case wherein be 1ried to define \lldni. ~~r of a mije inland from the ocean Bl•g .Fuel Leak 0n4 througbouf tJie city in residential, agricultural and resldenUal .. gricu!tural zones. were allegedly to be infected with typhoid including false i m Prison men t • en-·A graduate of Yale University before ty and said: and deadly bacteria." dangering safety by conduct regatdless belng granted a law degree from the "The reel dilf~ty with th e Tbe statement said police seized of lite, and sexual perversion. Harvard La.w School, Grand was named secretary's case i1 that it is dependent "possibly dangerous substances" when Artez was charged with 15 counts, in-president of Olin in 1965. upon the testimony of •Safety ComplJance A ID,000 1allon jet futi tank ruptured at El Toro Marine Corps .Air Station Moo- dily bul all but 1,000 gallon! of , the keloeene-lite fiuid wu".r e cove r ed, orange County Flood COntrol Di.strict of· tidail· reported. . Delplte published reports to the con- lnry0 rione of tJie spllt.d fuel got outside the air ataUon. The ruptured rubber tank is dlked and what little spilled over the dike was boaed clown Immediately ~Y Marines. A UUle of the spill got Into nearby Aqua Chinon wash which runs through the base but was trapped Uiere by hastUy erected dikes •• nood control district Officials said. Jim· Roberts of flood control's water polluUOn lecilon said there was no trace of ~Jluid in Sin Diego Creek soutli of Uie!Santa Ana Freeway and about 2,000 fee · frOm the wash. OIAN•I COAIT DAILY PILOT ----~ .... H• .......... ...... ,...,. s. Cl1 '; C1MMG1 COAST PVILISHINll toMr~ l•Mtf H. w.,, ,.,.llNrlt .... l"wtiilw..t J1ck R. Ctrrl.y VICll ,.,......, W o.Mrtl ~ Tli•lll•I .KHwil ·-. 1~'"''' A. M'~l11t _., __ di&tlM H. L.., lltltl.1,, P. Hall A.MWM/ .......... ll!IW1 --c.tt MIN: • ._, lay llnirt ~ IMUI: al Jiil""9'1 ltv!""Nf L.--•.-di: m "-' ,.._ ,_.~ a.ctl1 11175 IM(ll lwltvlf'tl .. ~: al Htr• _, C#r'llnl ~I f • Non.urban oil diJtricls and goiJ COU'8eS would be exempt from the ban. Slant drilling from c!Ommerclal or industrial zones would sWI be permitted if a council ll)lljority ~pproW(i establlahment of a drilling zoae conrine the location .. Well8 noW ln operation may coniinue, said City P e tr o I e um Adminlstrator 1Juthur 0. Spaulding. Spaulding estimated 'the law's provisions would apply to about 7S percent of the city's ttrrltory. • they arrestetJ Schwander and Pera at eluding two charges of kidnaping, two of Officer Raymond who appears to have Schwander's North Side-apartme'nt. It fal&& imprisonment, battery, spual made the inspection or respondent's said there wa.s no indication .,that any perver.slon, soliciting prostitution and premises under the mistaken notion that public ... i.r had been infected. keeping a place or ~ro•tituuon. Con gregatw' n J tJie ahlp repair regu1au ... requittd ·r .. A spokesman at Rush-Presbyterian-st.. The vkllations -carry a maximum spondent to have a ladder Permanently · Luke's Medical Center said Pera penalty of more OW\ 75 years in prison affixed to the dock. volunteered to work on a research pro-and an $8,000 fine. B tts TV "This interpretation, of course, was In jecl for "" pay "to -gain additional The Ghlnter woman was charged with oyco . accord wilh lhe long held view of certain knowledge in \iiolOgy .. -~, · · kid(laP,lng, toUcltil!i ~rosututes "nil bat· ,. ,_; , officials in the Department of Labor, as "Recently, it was learned he had at-tery, o · · ' ANEBT. ·>weden (UPI) -Bap-Mr. Tibbetts pointed out." tempted to obtain unauthorized chemlcals 'Smi(b was charged with nine cqunts, tist ooqgregatlon In the village of Kennedy also pointed out t b a t under false pretenses. He refused to ex-lncluifinf'kidnapihg, soJicil.btg proStitutes, Aneby ls fed up with ·"sex, violence Gadarian, on the day of the inspection, Ch"] T F ) plain the circumstances and Jn. earJy texutl perversion and sexual 1nter~urse and swear·words" on ttlevision. did have a Ja.dder .in the "vicinity" _ I e remors e t January a certified letter was sent to him with a child. In protest the members will stop which is all the reiUlatlon requires. stating he was no · longer allowed in The Reede woman was charged .with w.atchb1g television for three He also cited Gadariaq'1 testimony . SAl'fTJAGO, Chile (A P) -Tw~ earth . '1JltdJc~t·center-premises. -. -three counts of soliciting prostitUUi$ and months, Pastor Goethe Henriksson that, besides having the I adder 1 , tremors an hour apart shook: the in-"At the same time, jt became evident .Jackson with sexual intercourse with a said today. "employes can swim and walk out of the dustrial city of Concepcion, 300 miles that he had been gro:wing cultures in the l;~ch;i;;ld;. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;;;;";;a~ter~" ~lf;Uie;;;y;f;;al~l~in.~;;;;;;;;;-. south of Santiago, Monday. No injuries or laboratory that were not a part of the damage were reported. research activities. 'J'bese cultures were Authorities said the first trerrior then destroyed." registered & on the Richter Scale and the The hospital did not say what the pro- second 3. ject or cultures were. Britain's Common Market • ·Entry AgreementReached By CARL HARTMAN i!RUSSELS (AP! -After 19 months of negotiations, Britain and the European c:onuno1rMarket reached agreement ear· Jy tOday:On all · the terms of Britain's en- try Into tbe!customs union. 'i'fie 700-pige text also sets the pattern for adrnhs.ion of Denmark, Ireland ind Norway. Prime Minister Edward Heath will sign the treaty Saturday, and Britain will become a member of the European Economic Community nei:t Jan. 1. Tbe last points were settled at a nine- hour meeting between Sir Con O'Neill of Britain and representative! of Fraoce, West Germany,' Italy, Luxembourg and representatives of Fraoce, W fl s t Germaey Italy, Luxembourg, :Qe,lglum and tbe Netherlands. A sticces,,ful conclusion to the negotla· tions had beerf a foregone conclusion since Jast June when the main pollUcal tssuet: w~e settled. But m•nY other detsib, 1111ely agrlculiural and IMlalr*s" re111ained to be aettled. This was 10-. compUlhed at IS Clblne~levtl lllfftlqs and !8 other teaaiona. Ireland, Norw•y li1il Denmark also \rlll 1 stsn Vie t)'ut7. . ' • O'Ndll 111cf Brltaln """ 1101!1t points In tJie r ... 1 talb and had to Jive aometlilng In exchange. He listed among the fa vorable results agreements on: -The'. kind of relations' with the Com- mon Market to be opened to O>m- monwealth "°'1lltries, especially the poorer ones in the CArlbbean, Africa and Uie Pacific. -What will be done ii there Is a sudden disruption In trade between Britain and other countries as a result of Britain's entering the market. In return, he said, Britain had to give way on: -Some points aboUI Its contribution to Common Market financing in the first few years of membership. But he insisted that Britain~ ls protected by an agreed feetlng against Its havlnl lo pay too much. ' • ' -The requirement that when new a~ rangemen:ts are made Jn 1117 for futu re purchaaes of New l'Aalind dlilry pro- ducts, the declllon will blv~ to be made by unanimous vote of the ealorged Com- mon Market. O'Neill said the. text leaves no doubt that' tbere muat'. bl a 1peclat ar- rangement of aome kind. ·The end of tJie 19 moalha of negotla- Ucina was celebr1ted bJ 'ID lmpnunptu champape toast, held 11 lhl bold oftlie atalra )ual outalde the 1llll-Onor room where tile talu bad been bold. I What's .. My You won't !;e fe d any tines at Aldon's. Wt trt more interested in developing loyal customers then making i fast salt . None of our salespeople will bot~or you if you just want to browse, but will bt ' pleased to usist you if you wish, with truthful 1nswtrs to youi questions. Whtn wt diseuss car~ lines, wt would h1v1 to "mOdtstly" admit tho! wt hove !ht lorgtd saltction in !ht orH. Top br1nCls suck ts, Bigelow, Btrvtn, BHttit1 Magtt, Monarch, Barwick, Mohawk, R.oxbury.- Millikan, Armstrong. Line? ALDE'N'S . CARPETS e DRAPES COSTA MUA 646 4131 HOURS: Min-lhrv Tliun.. f le 5:30 -,rl. f le f -Sat. ""° le I I ' €..,~•B•ee • i \ Finch in Midst -Of Seat Scra.mhle , By BILL ST)LI;; SAatAMENTO (APJ -White Hollse advilar Robert Finch is the central ligure Jn 1 pamhle. lo<. the U.S. Houae aeat beiJ1t vacated by Rtp. H. Allen Smith (J\. Calll.). . ' ~ ......,. Republican on the key Rulel confmitttet announced a week ago that ho -111 llOP down alt.. 11 yeari In c ' . -=.1 .wbo bolda the UUe ol pmlden- llal -· ourprtsed Ca 111 or n ta pollllCaJ oiioervera· 'by announcln& he mJabt run !or It. ,. "Tbere are a lot Of things to wefab," aaid Finch, onetla!e Calllornis lieutenant aovemor ud former secretary ol Health, Education 8nd Welfare. . Ht,could rim Into I tough GOP prunary figl;lt againlt either of two conaervatlve Republican sJate aenators, John L. Harmer ol Glendale or H. L. Richardson of Arcadia. Harmer wu expected to announce his Finch also bu dropped hints he. mlibt run for governor In 1974, when Reagan plans tO step down after eeMna: two terms. . The congreasional situation Is com- plicated by the !act that ReapJi vetoed all rupponionment billa ~·by the 1971 Legislature, co n t r o] I e d by Democrats, and no one is ctl1aln )'et what the dlatrlct lines will be. Marine Landing Exercise Faces , Court Decision ' . ' ••• c ... .,.1ps Ted Tclks Charging President Nixon with turning his back on Blacks, Sen. Edward Kennedy (0.Mus.) said Monday the AdminiStra· · lion forfeited leadership ' in civil rights a.s no other in a I l = ='. lnsijler• aaid he ·decltled Rldlardaon aaid lie would wait until the California Supreme Court aellles the legal :cloud over reapportionment of the state's 43 congresaional dlatricts belore deciding. BATH, Maine (UPI) -The lirsl ~I two court sult.s aimed at stopping a mock lln·i dlq on a beach by 900 Matines during a lour-day exerc~ will • be ~ by Sagadahoc COunty Superior Court. Judie Albert Knudsen today. U.S. Senator Hubert H. Humph· rey (O.Minn.) told a political luncheon at Pittsburgh's Wil· llam Penn Hotel Monday that the present administration has forgotten the people. He then went on to outline the pro-- grams he would implement as President. century. "' • TURTLEROCK YOUNGSTERS TRY HAWAIIAN INSTRUM!NTS Susie Brftdfovo, 8; Jeff B1te1, 9; Cltr~ P~~I, I The New York-based "Environmental Defense Fund" and an ad-hoc HCom· mlttee !or Reid ~tate Park" joiqed in fil- ing the suit against State Parks Cortt- mlslloner Lawrence Stuart, wbo also is • Golf Tourney Fund-raiser Set for Nixon Bust Unit / ' Special Music Program Ftnch alwaya baa aaltl hlJ prime am- bition is to become a U.S. senator. Finch's next sbot 1t the Senate would be the sut of Democrat .\l•n Cranston ,in 19'11. There baa been speculation thllt Rtpubllean Gov. Ronald Reag1n mlBbt run !or the Cranston aeat. the superintendent ol the parlt. • It alleged the p8rks commission ti:· ceeded its authority when it agreed to let the Navy ,t11e the pack and close it to the public for the four-day encampment. · ... • • · ~ : , . , . A second suit, liled py the same group• A spec\al .lu'nd·ralJ!ng ioll tournament handicap filiht for aollera wlthoyt ID in U.S. Di.strict. Court in Portl~ against followed by dinner aiid en~rtainment esiabllShed baDcllcap. . t • , 'I: Annual Rabies the secretaries ol Defense and Navy, arld ~ been planned by · the San Clemente A blind drawma will· be held at the din-. Skited at· San Joaquin ' ~ '.'mualcal report card" will be a hlghllabt of an educaUonal montage call- ed "We the People" beiilg presented to the public Thucsday by the San Joaquin Elementary Sct.P>J District. A fu.UB1c program will be presented twice lrom 7 to 8 p.m. and from a to,~ p.m. In the l)'!Mllium ol Mission Viejo High School <COftCW'l'ently with an exhibit of clautoorn wort whJch will be shown in the mul~purpoee room. Children In gr~ three to sir 'fill stage thO "llllic ~· ~peciaj them .. grade three; cowboys and lrxllai\s, grade four: early America, grade five; and llOlllh of the border. grade si>. ' ' '\Yh~ew~,c~g r~lk: ~T<.1'~ _s·et ·· By Local ·~roup '.ne, Souu. Coast , area chapter o1 Pm.ta. without · P1rtner, will boat 1IOC11l Whi10 uperl Phll Grignon. Friday even- il\J at a special illu1trated lecture oo ,the California Gray whale 1t Carpenw Hall in Dana Point. !Jbe"-. ~up will follow the initial meeting With a whalewa\ch cruise Sun- dav. afternoon. 1Botb nents will ~open to parents and thel>-chil!fren. The eYOillng meeUng 1farts at !:M wllh collee aerved, and the dUJ,. will begin 1t 1 p.m. at ·the Dani Wliatf Soortfisliing Landiilg at Dana Ha'rbor. Tleets ire '3 per puaenger and !'111 be "Id on ·1 .ftrskomt, lirst-served bails. .... . ., • )le,.rvalions·cao be obtained by calling 196="87. ... ClliDo Airport Topic · or' Saddleback Unit . Jr ' A eoneept•for a major rqlonal airport neaf Ch!no wltl be the main topic ol d.L9cusaion at Wednesday's meeting of the Saddlehack Area Coonllnatl\lg Council. The. meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. at Rbya1 Savlll(s, 237115 El Toro Road, El Toro. AlJo to be dl.oeulSed will be the Feb. I tu· override aod bond ·ejections in both the Tuatln Union l!lgb and San · Joaquin Elementary School Diltrlct3. Some seventh and eighth graders wi.11 the 1.farlne C.o r P s. commabdant, con· organization sponsoring the purchase of a ner ,to determine prize winners ill each alJo perform as will a group of in-tended the ·Navy violated the hool clini·c Slated Environmental Policy Act of 1969 by not bronze bust of President Nixon. fllght. strum~tallsts from the high sc · · , filing an environmental impact report. . The goU tourney is open to all golfers Two scorecards will be drawn • from The intent of the program is to ac-That sult will be' beard Wednesday. arid Will be accomplished on the "hl)nor each Oight and the low score on either quaint the community with the general The yearly, low-pri~ rabies vac-The Navy bu signed a contract ISIW'· ayslam" oD a day of the contestant's will be constderfid the score for uie wlJt. music program and other academic nPft... cination clinic will be held in Laguna lng the state. all precautions are being ~-· t ,._ k choice. ning twosome. grama Jn the district, accordlq. to Beach tonight belweeo 7 o'clock and 1:111 ·taken not to harm anything, a ·~ par , -· at the M 1 I n Fire Station, 510 Forest to use only existing roads, not to touch And at the end of all the play eolfers "We hope that this will be· ane of \he Superinteodent.Ra1ph Gates. the marsh areas or· the dunes, and to and their guests will attend a "Goll. er's most lnterest1 ..... and enjoyable · gO!I · th Ave: The fee for each vaccination will be ..,. A second music Pr 0 g r 1 m - e clean up before leaving. Ball'"i.at the San Clemente Inn. tournuneqts ever held in the area," district's annual spring mu s i c $2. Knudsen said Monday that, even if the . 1 ) . festival-will be held later in 'the· year, Dog licenses will be available at the Navy is enjoined from landing the All pi'oveeds will go towai'd the, loca la.ven said. nno.•ibly at the Anaheim ConVention clinic for Laguna Beach residents only. Marines Saturday, it would be dillicult to e!fo~ to raise the $7,500 needed to Entrants, he said, can play at their r--Proof of rabies vaccination within the enforce the injunction. purchase the. bust which ultimately will converllence on tbe1r home course before Center. past t..O yeara,ls required. "Could they be held Jn contempt ol be a.gilt lrom local cllizens to Mr •. Ni>· the date ol U,. d!niier'and valklltad,.,;... The district currently tw a full staff of ~rs of dogs with current rabies court'?" he asked . "And if Mt~ who wouJd on's library. , · music teachers wlio have put together a certificates should pick up 111'11 dog go to jail?" _ Entry •lee !or !He enUre toumanmeiit cant1wWbelurnllbod111llll111<nll'lp, -am .,........,. t.. develop aw.......,, licenses at the SPCA Animal Shelw, A spokesman !or . ~ .Navy I aai.V it and' dlnlnl paclti;e Is $15 whith includH Jlll!>.l!Jlls~EI N ll!ondjli ,; W · r·~ --.--JJIU Lq1IDI Canyon )load. Fees are would be Jna-ilte to commeal ·on dinner !or two, eatenaln-t, pll ~ ctemente --· • ~< ,• · of music t!:."Ollflb lingln,g, lillenlng, mov· f3.50 !or a spayed lemAle and '7 for a whal would happen ii .the Injunction i8 and dancllll at the !qi) · ~ • ·, "l'{' Spotlllc · al 1111 loiDOW •· ing, playing mualcal ,inlthnpents, readlna l!lale ·.;. imapayed female. oerved until after the hearing,. · jJm Sl1ven, 1polle1mon for. the ·•peolal Hlill$111e ._ -•• 1~.itlh. • muJic.•and .cre1tjng It. " The 'annual clinic is apiinaored by the While' all ol ,this ii going on, 33·Navy event, uld ·the format !or the golf Sia..., said. ' · . • General muilc lnslruction 'includes 30-Southern Calllomia Veterinary Medical warshipe are narlng a point 21111 miles off tournament will be two filihiJ -one a The. bust ,Wblth •llJ the " elf a.· minute leUons ·which are taughr in every Association. the Orange County Health the New Jersey cout wliere they will handicai> flight ualng the player1S hin· tournament hmila ,,W bi GG dllpllJ ~-: first and second grade classroom once a Department and the Llon! Club. rendezvous Wednesday. dlcap for his heme course, and 1 blind the b;all. he said. t , 1 month by Marilyn Shepherd, music ,..::.~:.:::=..=::..::::..:=::..::=~--....:.=.::::.:.:::...::.:==:.:..------=.::....:.:.;_ ____ __;c...., ____ .l........:,...:....._+,-1---'-....:..:....- teachtr. Othe!; music spec i a Ii 1 ts . ~.bout the dlatrlct teach SO.minute 'lessons In tliJnt through sixth grades once a week. .. In addiUOn, there b an instrumental m}l!ic program in atrinp which is af- lered ·to children In lolrth llrouch aiith grades. 1-u<:Uon In woodwind In- struments, brass1 and percussion in- struments alJo ts offered to children In fifth and sixth grades. Seventh . and eighth grade :.stddents reeetve daily Practice periods..,lrl wind, brass and percuplon lnatruments at three intermediate schools. Guitar la offered at one. All gave c1Jora1 progrims. . A district honor orchestra baa just l;leen formed !or ·children · In louTth 'through sixth grade with a rew 'tntennediate · school studen~ .Playing more difflcuJt in~ ·struments. ' The district Instrumental teichers In- clude Wayne Miscboff, Lewmoyne Taylor, Rick Stoup, Claire Hom,. Glenda Crawford, and Pat Rainer. General music teachers Include Sherry FoSter, Marilyn Shepherd. Kathy Vejtasa, Ue Austin and Truili 'Be<gman. Air Pioneer Dies I ST. THOMAS, Virgin Islands (APJ - Reed M. Chamben, 77, ariaUoo pioneer and colounder ol the United States Avia· Uou Underwritera, Inc., died aboard his yacht Sunday. Chambers' avi1Uon career apanned 50 years. He retlre!I u board chairman ol USAU In 1111111., t NICO PROM ONLY • • $2441.00 Talk about better Ideas. Comet for '72 offers everything yoq bur. a imaII car for -and IJ)ore, SuP.erb ha.ndlhtf, " aimplif ed maintenance, great pa lnileare and Iow1 '1oW P:rice. Plus., bl&-ear 1tyllng· and roominess that remem· hers You're a crown·up. Standard ~ulpment thal. can· not be matched In ill clu:s •••• order yours today. • I • , . ·' I , MERCURY I .. ·COME.T 'for· 1 1972 "f1 ./ ' . C.11e"'Jlhing. 'gou • a :Jma// car /or . • • " . ' • ,. -- • I • • .tagmia :VA Offieer Helps yet~ran. G~t Money Back CAPRI ·Import "Car of the Year" •• ' • 'Same quick detective -k by 0. W. -• of i..guna lluch bu ~ght porllal nlil! to 1 Vietnam veteran who hid --bopelnsly ente,.ied ill Vetenm Admlnlatntlon red tape. Prllo'• ellorll meo1ed lllal'• ~ii\ tr.-., the !He al 'llaadf Plniley, -Loa Grll1du, Llpu 11111 lrom lbel, -Corpe to the•VA~ In bie. dtaabled veteran betnc ~ 11111.JO, A cbtck WU .. lo 1'1m1r7 !or tlijll IJllO(l1t)ote Jail "'"" ond bllpod,., ell -ol tile bill• thel hive been pilJJll ap ovor the pall ....... monlhl. Price, 1 VA aerv1co .afllcor, llltl PIJI. .., •• fil• .... -mllptacod during t....,.r, but thet ~ II -..... 11111-M oul and 11111 P1aaey ahoolld """" fG' a -la VA belelltt. I Prl<t allo -.... American JAilcll' ellleer tmlnc "" --k -to~---·-1'1-1 to La1tC ...... VA ........ wllen ho wUI -10 .-acun •Pl> Ulll -lor lq lnjurln received In Vletnmn more 1 ·~. ~ a year and one hall ago. The Leclco, Price aaid, wUI also pro. ride tranaportollon for Plmey'I wife to riait her husblnd ~ ho ii In the llolpttal. Price was one of many penons who ...... about P1-y'1 pll8ht In I recenl DAILY PILOT trllele. One lfluloll Viejo raldml 1otned blm an old but hmctlollal aptomobl1t to provide trlDlporlltlon. Several per-sent llllal1 dmlallMI to rinney, 21, wbo,. '250 from the Marine COrPt ud the Welfare Dept. wun't matcblnc eamnt upen111. ' Price aaid It ii not too -for lou1upl to occur whon dlllblld flllnnl an retlftd from the flrloa.I jll'IDebll ol the 1ervk:e to the VA. "When ,.. -11 MIDY on the rolls .. tho VA -. tt'I -to bl-." aaid )Prllo, I NIJrad VA_otr_. "I'm ~ I beck of I lot bitter," I -PillllJ -.,.. "The eboel '-tho VA baa nail)' hllpod UI out. I'm really thank4Jl lor everythlna." . ' Our RQ European import. The law priced 1port cou,pe with 1t)'lln1 and road manners inspired by the world'• Jl'IOlt dellrabl~ 1ports can. Room for four adults. NI carpetina: . .J"ront buckets of soft viJu.1. Small wonder C&prl hp taken America by ltorm. • f. • • otdtt ,)'OUr& todl,y. • ONLY , , , •• "Orang( Countr'• ramaw o/ FiM Corl'' • 2121 HARBOR BLVD •• COSTA MESA • l54Nl30 • $2699.00 •• I i,ps Hotel Boom Hits Coast By THOMAS MURPlllNE Of .. .,..., '"" ... ,,, GOING UP, SIR? -Some 1hakers and moven along our coastline lffl!I struck by the ootlon in recent timea that somebody out there is lookJng for room In the lqn. I hive tl!lt 1U1plclon becau.w of \he number of inn-type rooms now being pr<>- posed for COllltruction in thb region. You know, It'• the old atory of supply •nd demand. Dtveloper1 apparently have lffn a lot of folks carrying suitcases, wandering around almle.ssly, k>okln1 for a place to plop them down. ThUJ having aighted the weary traveler, the shakers and movers charg~ ed oU to their various drawing boarda with. plans for a few hotels. DUl\ING THE DECADE just paa!, one of .the first along our coast to be 1truck · with the hotel notion was George Buc- cola, the auccessfuJ home and apartment dev~loper, who decided to buUd himself a seaalde hoalelry for the W•Yl'ard traveler. lie built lt off Jamboree Road in Newpclrt Beach and called ii the New- porter Inn. LJJc:e most of George'• creations, It was an arU!tic and civic auccess. But it was Jess than a boomer at the cub register. Bucool1 bu Jona: since billed out ind under present m1na1ement, t h e Newporter Ion enjoys happiness, S50 buay rooms ind plans to add more aoon. THE AIRPORTER INN, In the new ci- ty of Irvine, popped up out by Or•ll(• County Airport and bas J>eeome an area hit wltll m roonll and plans to add IO more. . And new the bole! boom II Oii. Marriott Corpor1tion plans 1 hlgh-rl1e hotel of 250 rooms at Newport Center with eventual plana for • 650 rooms. Western ID!ernltional Holell wants to build • bolel of S50 rooms 11 South Coast Plaza In Colll Mesa. Holiday Inn hu 1 .!~room hoetelry going on !lie Mesa. Me1DWhlle upcout In Huntlll(!on · Buch, developers "° f.r)'lnl to put lege!her-a dul · for two hl&h-rlse hotela .., tho beacb front, luturtnc aome IOO rooms. MEANWRn.1, BACK at c fl u n t ' airport, the ur1e lo aid the wayfarer II clearly evident. Collins Radio C.Orporatlon has talked ol a 250-room hostelry on its property with expaMion to 650 rooms. The McDonnell Douglaa people want a hotel with 250 rooms. It would eventually 10 to IOO with a convention center and othtr things. And the Sheraton chain ha1 corporate eyeballs on a 250-roomer near the 1irport with space to upand to 450 roomJ. Downcoast Jn Laguna Beach, Union Pacific Railroad wanted high rise hotels alone: the beachfront but now that tall etulf II. banned, wUI likely settle for t5 units · of own-your-oWDI along t h 1 beachfront. ANYWAY, EVEN with my feeble 'arithmetic, adding up all thoae proposed hotel rooms, you get a total of 3,&61 rooms either being built or proposed. Well folks, that's a lot of weary travelen. You have to wonder where they are all going or, where did they come from? It ill also inteN!sling that hotel historians have noted that in New York City, so many hotels were built between the tum of the century and 1928 that no new hotel was built until 1960. Then con- struction of the Summit Hotel renewed a spurt of New York hotel building, follow· ed by the Americana in 1982 and the Hilton In 1965. IN THE YEA.RS between, however, New York innkee1>3 suffered decada of low occupancy and feeble profits. It might be something for the shaker1 and movers along our coastline to think about. • Freedom F Jight Soviet Jews pour out of an El Al 747 jet after its arrival In Tel Aviv from Russia. They were part of !he largest single eroup of Russian immigrant&-ever to arrive in Israel -350 on one plane. American Embass y Jolted By Bomb Blasts in Iran TEHRAN, Irlll (AP) -Bomhl ex- ploded Monday night al the U.S. Emha!I)' Ind two o I b e r American bWUll.nga bere. Two Iranian guards in- jured 1lighUy 1! the emhuay were the O!;llY casualties. ' Tbt blUts dm~ a day after an Iranian government 1pokeaman reported that lour Commw!IJts trained In lrsq had tried to kidnap U.S. Amhasaador Dougl11 MacArthur U ind his wUe lut November. One explosion !hook the Iran-American Cultural Hall while 1 concert was in pro- gren. The audience rushed out in panic, but no one was hurt. The chain of explosions started when two bomb• went off 1imultaneowly at the U.S. Embassy. One, at a comer of the building, injured the guards but ca.used Wicka 'If both sides are white, what •re thlly fighting •bout}' '--little damage. The other, planted under a truck parked outalde the Embauy wall, damaged the truck and shall<red win- dows In nearby buildings. The third hlaat wu at the cultural center, and the fourth broke window1 at the PeA"fe Cqrpa office 1 mile from the Embuly. '' The cultul'll center, owned and operated by the U.S. aovermnent, la fre- quented malnJy by young Iranlana, ~ eluding poets, writers and palnters. An explosion at Tehran UnJerslty on Sunday also caused slight damage. A security spokesman blamed it on "radical groups." The purpose of the attempt last November to kidnap the ambassador and his wile was 'tp use them as hostages to be exchanged for political prisoners held by the ROVerrunent, a spokesman for the security forces said. The embassy said Monday that information on the lnctdtnt was withheld at the govenunent•a request ao investigation! would not be hampered. The embassy statement confirmed that four armed men In two cm had llopped the ambassador's 1utomoblle and fired 1boll at ii before It lped away. The government 1ald It arrested five persons, who are awaiting trial. Sihanouk Relatives Reported in France PHNOM PENH (UPl)-A ... of Prince Norodom Sihanouk, Ind hl.s cousin, a former Cambodian forelgn minister, have fled Cambodia and are probably in France, unofficial police sources said to- day. There was no official oonflnnation. Prince Norodom Ranarith '¥1, wu reported to have left Saturday a f t e r !!lllng hll house and cars. With him w1s the eldtrty Prince Norodom Phurisara, foreign minl.sttr of C4mbodla It the time of SibEJ10ult'• ouster. Warm Winds Driven Out New Surge of Arctic Air to Hit Northern Plains S•11t Moon, Tide• TU•IDAY S-W fli.tl . . . .. 11 :1Stt.m. '" SfC'lONI "" ,:.,, p.,,,. ~ .• WIDH•IDAY • ,Int tlllft ......... 10:12 I.I'll. f.S fllrat .... .. .... ····' 4:ll •.ni. 11 ·Stc:--Jiittl .,., ,., Jl ·A 1t.,,,. '·' ~ !Ow .. .. .. ... 5:1• "·'"· -41 • IUlt Jll'" ,:. t .m\ S .... S:OI 11.m. MOM RIMI 1:21•.m. 1111 1 :~ p.m. t:-i•I "'" ...,..IN ..,..,. Llt lll verlflblt ...,.. ~ •nd inotnlnt l'le..1r1 btcorn· In• -lwll' • " II kMll I~ •!!tr• MoOf'lt ...,., llld WtdMMHtl'. Hltll _., ... Cot1!1I ......,,fv,.. r1~ fr.,. 47 .. ,,, 11\llN ""'"''""· ,._. '"'"' 0 " t6. W11W ""'"'11ure U. 8tk@•I~!~ •~. ••~ Ottte ,. ... , .. "° !:n.'Jf..r• ...... AMl!el"' tMI "'"' Xemper•ture1 .... ·" ... .. • MIG s Fire Miss jles· ' , At ·2 Jets Ove r Laos· From Wire Servlcta SAIGON -Two North Vietnam ... MIG Jeill <:rolled Into Llol and attacked two U.S. Ft Phantom jets with lir-lcHlr mlsslle1 wt failed to hit !lie Amerlcln plane1, the U.S. Command aald !odly. A U.S. commWtique aald !he Sol'ie!- bullt MIGlll llltd three mluilea In the attack Monday lltemoon bl\! lhll the American alrcraft did not lire heck 1! the CommuniJt planes, which sped back acroa the border into North Vfetnam. 1be MIG attack reflected 1 orurce In the past month 1n the air war over lndochlnl and the lncreulng North Vie~ name11 use of what the U.S. command calls 1mbulh leclutlquea 1111nst U.S. jets. • A squadron of North VlelnlmeM MIG Jeill 1t!acked three Phantoms Doc. 18 over the same aru near the Plain of Jars where Monday's encounter took place, lboo!lng down one Fl and chasing the other two until they ran out or fuel and Cfl!hed. Aoo!her MIG tried to sne1k up on U.S. jets in the same reglon last Saturday but were chued away by two missile-firing Phantom!. The U.S command aaid the Phantoms fired on Monday "took evasive action and did not expend any ordnance In the brief encounter. The FU sustained no damage and returned to their base." The communJque located the attack 80 miles northe11! of the Plain of Jin anil 30 miles inside La01. · U.S. military apokOllllen N!fuled to aay what the American planes were doing 1n Laos bu! they appeared to he bombing North Vietnamese infiltration routes from Barthelemy Pass to the Plain of Jars. The 1,126-mile-an·hour MIGs passed within sl1ht of the 1,800-mile-an-hour Phantoms but the FU "never got into posiUon" to return the fire. The MIGs * * * Box of Grenades Set off at TV Site in Saigo n SAIGON (UPI) -Guerrillas set off a box of hand grenldOI In a pollce truck parked Inside a walled area bou.linl South Vietnamese and A m e r i c a n ~•vision stat;iona •!D'l1 today. Ex- plosions and fires went OD for half an l!Our. Al least one perton waa tilled and ab< Injured, all Vte!namese, bospltal and pollct sources aa.1d. ~ It was another In 1 growing scrle! of · terrorist incidents in and around Saigon which allied Intelligence hal predicted will climax in a Communist offensive within the next few weeks. Police said the blast appeared to have been set off by terrorists. One live grenade blown out of the com- pound by the explosion landed In the 1lrett outside. It then exploded, killing a student and injuring another as they made tbe1r way to Saigon University nwby. U.S. nploalvu experts said a civilian automobile wu parked inside the corn.- pound and Iha! II contained •mall arms ammwUtk>n and communJcatlons wires that Could !lave been u.wd to set off the blut ele<trieally from a distance. The American Armed Forces Radio atation, also ln the compound, stayed on the air through the incident. The television staUona wtre not operating at the tlme. Besides the casualtie!, two pollce trucks, six privately . owned motorbiket and two power generators belonging to the television stations wert destroyed. It was the first incident at the television staUonJ since Oct. 13,. 19119 when a taxi loaded with explosives d.,!royed 1 achoo! and damaged the Viet- namese station. Police H~nting Poultry Worker ' In Deaths, Rape DEFUNIAK SPRINGS, Fla. (UPI ) - R01dblocks were Ht up today and apotter plane! aent aloft In an attempt to in- tercept a poultry farm worker accused of murderlill his wtfe and infant d~ugbter, wounding two others and r1plng I 14- year-old girl. Police s1id the auspecl, 24-year-old George Fox, Oed 1aylng there were "two more men I have lo till." He rep0rtedly was anned -1th two rifles and a plJtol. AulhortUes uld Fox abot his If.year- old wife, Patricia tox, in the llvlns room of their De(unllt Springs home about 9:30 p.m. Monday, !h<n tilled lhalr 14- mon!l>okl dlughter, 1lll0 named Patricia. The baby was shot In the ear with a small-bore pistol while lying In her crib, drinking from a bottle. Mn . Fox' grandmother, Mrs. May Moody, wa1 also shot at the Fox home, but an unidentified thrte-year-old IOD Wlf loft unharmed. Police aald Fox went lo !he home of Ralph McCullough, a co-worker at the Henco poultry plont, and shot McOllloup In the face. Mrs. Moody and McCllllough were both listed In good condlllon at Lakeside Hospital. McC\lllough said For !bee ·-his 11ei><11ughler. Auihorlll• aid Ille 11rt was driven arvund ioulh Wallol Ooolnly • for about two boun, ad !Ml 1tl wd II Delunlalt S,.lrl' ........ •1 ~ carry two lllll'lrld bomlnl ml11U. and 10metlmu are equipped with two 23mm cannon. 'I'be U.S. commWtique llso reported the losa of 1n American Ahl Cobr1 heltcopler 111111hlp· shot down Monday 15 miles northwest of !he cen!ril eo11!al city of Qui Nhon. The two U.S. crewmen escaped Injury 1n the cruh. II wu llso ·revealed In Salion today Iha! Iha U.S. dulro)'or -An.t David collided with a North Vifbnqan JESunday In the Tontlll Gu~. · heloted announcement wu made a er North Vietnam ICCUIOd U.S. Novy warshi)>J or "deliberately liltacklne'' unarmed filhlng boaill Sunday .and alnk· Ing two of them. Hanoi aald D I D • fishermen wUe killed and MVen were wounded. British Lose · 1 Soldie r. Asks Asy lum· in l re'land B&LFAST, Northern Ireland (UPI) - A BriUJb army sergeant crossed ltbe N orlhem Ireland b o r d e r Into the Republic of Ireland during the night 1nd requested pollUcal 1Sylum, a Brl!llb army spokesman Mid today. l The spokesman did not immediately Identify the aoldier but said be was a· member of the Lancers Cavalry Regi- ment stationed near the border. , A senior political officer of the Irish Republic said the sergeant crossed the border near BlackJlon in eoUnty cavan, went to 1 police statlon and requested political asylum. First reports in Ulster said the sergeant carried his rifle when he cross· ed the frontier, but a senior police official in the republic said the man carried no weapons and wore civilian clothes when he asked asylum. In Belfast, hundreQ!: of British soldiers sealed the market district of the city in a' search for seven men who escaped from the prison ship HMS Maidstone by swim- ming across icy Belfast Harbor ID their underwear. · An army apolwmln aald he-300 Ind 400 troopa moved Into the ltom1n Catholic Markeill dlstrlc! helwffn the dock! and city center aflir Monday's escape In an attempt to corner the 1even -all suspected member1 of the outJawed Irish Republican Anny (IRA ). IRA sources said the men already had escaped the cordon. . Local residents piled into the streets to jeer the British troops and, to the tune of '"The Battle Hymn of the Republic," aang "the boys'll he In Illlblln In the morning." Tht army spokesman nid "we'ra .UU going ahead with the search 'W1lil It's proved they've escaped." lie said there had been ahootlllg in the area but tn>ops were not involved. The men cul through ·1111 lron bar block- ing 1 porthole on the Maldltone, slipped out and awam ~bout lOll yarda to the other side of the' harbor while most of the 70 otbtr prisoners abolrd the MaldJtone WON! taking an alter-dinner wait on deck, the army said. Circular on Lin's Death Said Given to Top .Reds HONG KONG (UPI) -A Cbine!e- 11118Uage newspaper said !odly the Chlne3e Commw!IJ! party had t.ssued 1 circular reporting the death of Lin Piao, once Chairman Mao T1e-tung '1 succesaor-deslgnate. The righ!wlng Sing TIO Jib P1, quo!lng tnfonned China sources said the circular wu dl5trubu!ed to high-ranking leaders of the party. "Lin Piao, his wife Yeh Chun - a member of the pollUcal bureau of the party's central committee -and thelr son, Lin Li-kuo died In an air crash while they were trying to escape to the Soviet Union," the newspaper said. II said the other six peraons killed In the crash in Inner Mongolia last Sep- tember Included Liu Pel-h!ln, chld of the , pollUcal department of the Inner Mongolian Military DLstrict, and five guards. The newspaper said contradictions developed between Chairman Mao and vice chairman Lin Jut Aug. 11 when Mao and Premier Chou En-lai refused to list Lin aa Mao's successor in the country 's new conaUtution, whleb wu under preparation at that time. "On last Sept. 1%, the central com- mlltee was no!Uled hy military ad- ministration ln Mongolia that Lin's son, a deputy commander of an air force base there, and Liu Pel-bsin suddenly flew out of Mongolia," Sing Tao said. "The comml!lee though! thll Lip must try to join with hi! 90n to eacape, ao ii ordered a hall to all filghill." But Lin had already gone to Ruhehot, Inner Mongolia, before the order to ground all the aircrllt, the report said. Spaee Cameras "Lui Sep!. 12, Lin Ll·kuo piloted a plane to carry his parents, Liu and fivt guards lri>m lfuhel!o! for the . Soviet Unllln. But the plane cruhed on the way beca'* or tmkJt:lwn reasons," Sing Tao s'.aid. . Chemical Drums From Shipwreck Washing Ashore ·LONDON (AP) -Teams of aclenlilll equipped with protective clothing were rushed to aoiithwest Engllnd today to help identify and d .. troy drums of dangerow chemicals from a Spanish freighter thl t sank 76 miles off tbt Comish coast last month. Experill fear Iha! the 1,000 U.g1llon drumt aboard the Germania aN! either bobbing toward the coasll of Cornwall and Devon or have sunk and will releue their contents into the ocean when their drums corrode. "This ls going to be a long job," said Lt. Edward Thompson, commander of a Royal N1vy team which has blown up about 100 of the drums that floated in. "The drums could roll in nut week, or next year." The tide could deposit them ln any of 9'Vlral hundred secluded eove1 and inlets along the blastline, and vacaUoner1 could stumble On them nert awntner without knowill( thtlr content. · \ Reconnaissan-ce Craft To Spy for Marijuana SPACE CENTER, Houston (UPI) - Department of Agrlculturt officlali will use apace cameras In high-flying airplanes this year to see If It Is possible to photograph secret mariju"11 cropa In tbe United Slates. ' The first camera-equipped aircraft will be used to try to find aeveral teat patches of marlujana -planted by the aovern- men! to teat the aya!em. Dr. Roher! H. Miller, who 1nnouneed' the USDA plan Monday, said !ht aamo. Efforts to Dislodge Grounded Ship F'ail ENSENADA, Merlco (AP) ..., Tugboats struggled wl!liou! IUCCOSI to dislodge a Merlcan Navy de1troyor whldl r11 ......,d Sunday momln1 In a heavy fog. Further elfo!U to fret the oblp were planned !odly. 'Ibo Cllllornla, lormerty a U.S. dalroyer .... rt, wu i... than 100 ylrda ollshore In a cove nine mUea nonlt ol tl>t1 Baja California port. A Port oflldal aald ,...Jll ...... dlspatdlod to Iha ..... aftoralaell_,....111111 ...... - theory proved succwful last year when it wat uled to mao an epldtmlc of corn blight. "~! we Ire doing In Ibis country, beguming With this Jt'OWing Jea10n1 ii ae!llng up a number of tell allel and us- 111( lelt altcrafl for detec!lon liftder vary. Ing loc1l coDdiliona," 11W Miller, the department'• coordlllllor foe naloie ffllllnc. He Aid Iha project would uaa 1bout St million In lllllda from the u .s. a.,.. ot NerooUco ind Daagetou1 Drup to refine tachnlq11t1 for detectlll( the llllfUaana In .re.. 11 anal! ai It! feel with MD1l!lvo ~ms and aophlstle1ted electronic 1ear. Tbt taet 1lta problbly will he in ArllOill, Florldl and tho T._ pl1lnl to 1lvt a variety ol cllma!el and ooll con- dltlon1, MUlor aald. He --the lourlh annual l!!lrlh Reaourcea Conference II the Mllllled Sptcecrafl Ccn!er hero. Ht uld the project would utulu *""' ~u• and equlpml!ll 41eveloped .. 111 aboard the Earth Rasourcoa 1'oclmolc>Q llltelllla (l!:RTS), which la achedultd lot l lauid Into on erillt m mllta .-mt1i t~la lli'lna and -Cj· mid bi Ille ltylali apica-oc=lol • -111m. , J l'AM~l.Y CIRCVS ... •• au ICNIMI ~--....:... • l'Whot ELSE did you see at the zoo besides flies?" ' ' Events Move Too Fast, I S~ell Shock Japanese _By PlllL NEWSOM Ion are 111e.e: UPI Forelp NtWI .\111111 Sato Is a lame duel: prime Event. are plllnf up almosl mlnlltor aft.r being In offlce too fast for the Japanae these more than 1aeven yean:. He days. The resull II aomelhln( wW be rellrlng In a few like nervoua shock. monlhl, II Ured and lhows II. Llfe patterns of nearly 30 His auccesaor will be a man yean are being broken. New from within his own party but deciaiot11 are required. The no particular standout bu yet Ja-know II bul oo far appeared !rem &moll( the lour the decisions have not been or five poaaibilitles. made. The return of Okinawa on _ .. We have a feeling," sald May 1$ to .Japan marts the one member of p r I m e end of an era and especially Minister EilakU Salo'• Liberal that relationship between the Democratic Party, "of being United States and Japan which all alone." , .marked the winner and the lO!!:er of World War U. Amone Ibo conlrlbutlng rac· Okinawa is Ibo last Japanest Japan ~al-$ Don't Have Many L~ves possession bold by lbe Uniled States. • The rtctnl summit mettlng l>elyetn President Nixon and Sa!P concluded on a friendly nole hlghllgbled by the ad- vanced dale for the return of Qldnawa wblcb bad been 1el for July 1. I But it did ·not resuh in any slalement by Sato regsrdlng a TOKYO (UPI) -Nine lives new Cbina policy !or Japan. ta far too few for the cats of Nor, apparently, did Ni%on Japan. lake Sato any IUrlher Into bis Fluoride l.aheling Attacked Cll!CAGO CAP) -The American Denial Aaaoclatlon bas warned thal Duorlde labell In tho wat.r supplies of many communities may be In- adequate to provide wxlmum denial benellll. The warning follows 1 opof check of water ~ In T..,_, Wyoming and Maryland by the w.,... &lpply Pro(ram Dlvlltoo of the E n v I roamental Protection Agency • The EPA studies ecom· ~ Z4 of 111 Duorldaled water 1ystema in Tenneaee, I of 12 In Wyoming and 1J ol 34 In Msrylaod. The studies showed fluoride deficiencies In 4 of the Wyom- ing communiUes, 10 T.....- and 4 In Maryland. Some COtn- munttles which were: 1up- posedly fluoridating w e r e loond to be no1 Duortdalln( 11 all. Tile names of the com· munitles involved were not lmmedlalely available. Artlllclal fluoridation o I American water 1Upplies as public denial bealth measure began In l!MS. Wat.r supplies In many areas are naturally fluoridated. About 56 perctnt of the population receives Cuorlde. The recommended level of fluoride in the water ii one part per mWlon. It bas beeil found that persons who receive fluoride have fewer dental cavities than thoM who do not. In a statement on the EPA findings, the denial Aasocla- tiori aald the deficiencies are "an extraordinary disservlct: to Ibo denial health or the pee> pie of these communlllel, and particularly to the children who are growing up witb out the lull beneflll of thll proven health meaaure ." The Aaaociatlon said thal while 1 opera.tots of water aylleml !Ji many of the com- munities reported f I u o r i d e content at the recommended levels, in fact the Jevela were aclually hall reporled level. ' T-,"11on1111118, 1972 DAJLY PILOT IS Bits Bard at Ml•trast .> Kennedy Launches Broadsiile at Nixon , By AaloclalM Prta Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, ofrlclally a f'KMM"ndld•te "wtthoul qualllqlloo," bu launched a broad attack against the Nixon Adrnlnillrallon'a lorelln and domesllc pollclea. Kenn~ d y (D ·Ma 11·.), dellvered bis broadalde In a speecb Monday nllbl to the Nallonal Preas Club In W ubingtoo. He celled on the American _.. to rejecl Pmldeot Nixoo u a leader who cannot lnlplre and his ad· mlniltrlllon u covernmenl by tho ' 1111lrulllng of the 111'- truallul_. The apeech came only hours aller Kennedy filed ao af. lldavll removlnf bis name from Florldl:'a Mardi lt Democrallc presldonllal prbnary ballol saying bis lJ>o lenllon not to be ~ candidale wu "without qoallflcation." A similar declaration filed In M.,..chusetll 'J'buradiy and releued Monday uld: '1'1 am Pollution Expenses . 2nd Pulp, Paper.; )\Ill · To Close; Costs Cited EVERE'IT, Wuh. (UPI) - Simpson Lee Paper Co. has announced lt wW shut down Ill 111).year-old pulp and paper mill in Everett rather than in- stall environmental controlJ the company aaid would cost millions of dollars. It wu the second Everelt pulp mW to announce such a Convicted Lawmaker To Retire slep within lbe last lwo weekl. ' The Everett mill employs about 750 workers 'flth&n an-. null payroll of M million. Lw than lwo weeks l(o, the Weyerhaeuser Co. Ill" nounced it will close tu· Everett mill with the Joa of about 330 Jobe. Both Slmpoon Lee and Weyerhaeuser blamed th t ' bl&h cost of Blalslylng new en- vironmental requirements im- posed by the slale and federal a:overnment. Anolber 100 pulp mill Jobe will be lost next month when the Scott Paper Co. closes one of it.I Everett operations for an indefinite period. But the Scott decision was based on an oversupply of pulp in the ATHENS, Tex. (UPI) world markel, nol the cost of Rep. John Dowdy CO.Tex.), ecology measures. wbo1could be sentenced to as Ken Perkins, plant manager much u 40 yeara in prison for for Simpson Lee at Everett, a perjury, coosplracy and uld the mill w<iuld be closed bribery 'coovlcllon, announced by lbe eod or the year. todaJ thal be wW not seek re-Perkina said the company e1ec11on to a l2lh lerm. would lry to 'find jobe for the "After much ~~beration workers at other facilities of and with great mllclance I the company. have decided nol lo ,..k tt-Simpooo Lee, headquarlered election to O:qresa," the 59-in San Francisco, recenUy . yeer<J!d Dowdy aald In a purchased lbe Kimberly Clark formal stalemenl. Co. plan! at Anderaoo, Calif., not and do nol Intend to be a candldsle for Ibo olflce of prtaldenl of the Uniled Slalel al the forthcoming preslden- tl&l election. 0 "Our present dl!flcultles do not• now ao much from the lacl thal people tnlllnl>t their aovemment u rrom the fact that the government ao o~ vlously mlslrusll the people," Kennedy told newsmen In the capllat. Charging the administration bas i.n unable to msoage lbe UPI.,....... 'TREI IN IROOKL YN' Wrlhr Betty Smith Novelist Betty Smith Dies at 75 1 -economy, curb violence In the cities or admit its ml.stakes in a lingering war, Kennedy said in such time,, "the American people bavt lradlllooally lure- . ed to their President for leaderahl!' "They demand a sense of nsllons~ purpose a n d in- splraUon they can idenUfy with, participate In, be proud of •.. 11lat sense of purpose ls what we must struggle to ncapture. There could be no better year to begin than now ." In Vlelnam. Kennedy said, I0.000 Americans bave died aJnce Nixon took office. "And we koow that thousandl ot aoldiers of North and South Vietnam, and lena of thouundt ot Innocent men and women and children, will die In Indochina In 1972, for the simple reason that Prest· dent Ni.Jon wW not allow the Saigon government to falter until he i3 secure at home for another term of office," he said. * * * * 'Passes Aeid Test' Hughes of Iowa Jumps On Muskie Bandwagon By United Press lnternatlona1 Sen. Harold E. Hughes of Iowa climbed aboard Sen . Ed· mund S. Muskie's crowded D e f!l o c r a t i c presidential bandwagon Monday and the Maine senator contended he has pulled even with President NiJ:on in a nationwide popularity poll. Formally endorsing Muskie for the nomination, Hughes declared Muskie bad "'slood the acid lest of the front-run- ner.'' "For over a year, he has held his own in the pub I le arena . under the m o s t rnercUea eumlnatlon and questioning," Hughes said. "You do not do this unless you posseSI the guts and poise of leadershJp." Hughes' endorsement was the latest ln a series collected Democratic nomination. It was comldered important because Hughes ls a longtime opponent of the Vietnam war and has a widespread follow· ing amon1 doves who have been disaffected from the DemocraUc party. Hughes Jed the fight for Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy al the 1968 party convention and for a time con· aidered entering the presiden· lial race himaelf last y e a r • Other poUUcal figures who have endorsed Muskie lnclude Sens. John T u n n y of Call!ornla: Adlai Stevenson 111. or llllnoll; Lee Melcalf of Monlans ; Quenlln N. Burdick, or North Dolrola; and Miiie Gravel of Alaska: and Gov. John J. Gilligan, Ohio. . by Muskie, who is rated the CHAPEL HILL, N.C, CAP) leading contender for the -Belly Smith, author or the , Hughes 1and Muskie schtdul· ed an appearance at a jolnt news conference this mornln& at Des Moines. In Columbus, Ohio, Monday. novel "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn," ls dead at 75. A native of Brooklyn, Miss Smilll had llvell In Chapel Hill since 1938 When she came to the University of N o r t h Carolina on a playwriting scholarship. Muskie a Harris poll showed had pulled even Industrial with N Production Why Are Yon A Makes Gain Poor Talker? "I feel in Jove with the town immediately," she said. HI IQ!d mysell, I'm 1olng to live WASHINGTON CAP) --A nolfd l"'blllllfr f1\ Chi· The Kyodo news ag""'1' bas owo confidence regardln1 bis carried a dllpatch wblch cllod plaJ!Ded !alb In Pelclng. • aboitqe ol call lQ ~ .... ' ' ~ JapaDO!O alao "Wt? ooe reaoon for the rlllll( .,. DOt wholly convinced b y peme of the 0 aam1Jen.'" the American promi1e1 that all stringed tnitnunenl wbleh ac· nuclear weapons would be companies t he lradlllonal renioved from Okinlwa by "My decllloa wu made In and 11 converting the plan! to a c c o rd a n c e with the pro-handle specialty paper pro- lealoDal advice ol m1 personal ducll currenUy being pro- doctorl wtao· warned that a duced at Everett. 1 In a few cu&1 it noted, the operators had limply atopped adding Cuorldea. v•--""'"'-' cam··•-Al Olympie, Wash., "Slale .. ..--~ ,...... EcololfJ llir.ctor John Bin• bei"e unW I die." · . . -• = cogo rrp<n1I ii dinpil lfclr. •She remal!*! In Chapel Hill !jixon ~atlon 11ys • nique of ......,.,... -1 until ~ lorCed lier to enter aolld gain In tnduslrlll pro-tion tollM:h -par Voll raa1 ... , coo~at-• 1,hom«'' l n ' ~ucllc/1\.1!"1 ~ la ~-~·· diuidrnda In aodal o!l4 built~ Shelton, Com:., several weeks courq..,. 11£1\ thal ' n e 111 advancement end 1PMl1 : Kabuki plays 1 May 15. The ~rtaie of call bas ' Add to these Japaoese con- drlven the coat of one Slmilen cern over the economic future up to fl,J71 U·resull of dollsr devaluallon The ~ igency 1 1 1 d and the upward revaluation of the yen, and you have the J1paneae •kinne!'1es are sen-basic causes for the Japanese ding cat. ma-rs ' Into the afale of shock baclt streell of Tokyo lo gel The JapaM.. know the callkins necaury to pnxluce distrual wllh which they are ~-·-~ regarded by many of their .i1111: .. ~. are 19 en-AaJan neighbon. thualaltlc thal qil owners • bave del1Jied police stations --------- and public heallh oUlco• to THEY ·WHO complain about tbeW milllll( Pl,~.. can you !ell family HESITATE City Hall Inspires Poet's Ode would Jliely ~le aerloul uld be lbougbl an apparent beallh problenil I bave suffer-desire to conoolldale opera· ed In the put II monthe. lions In Clltlomil was behind 11A• I hive announced the Sbnpeon Lee dectaion. earlier, I wW continue to Biggs polnled oul lbal In ad· ..... uniij my presenl lerm dlllon to purcbue of the expires next Jan. 1." Kimberly-Clark plan! a t Dowdy dllclooed bll In-Anderoon, Sllnpoon L e • tenUons in a letter t o 1lready owna one ot.btr mill in memberl ol the news media Clllfornla and ha.s part ln- lhnlughout b11 Eul Tezas tereat wllh Crown Zellerbach BELMONT, Calif. (AP) -dlstricl. In another. The clly clerk here records,-------------------more than the minulel al meellnp al Belmonl'a Clly Council. Jim McLaughlin ha.s packaged bis oblervallciol ol six years of meeUnp In a book of verse lllled, ''Complete Gulde to Governmental Insanity." One •Flying Rats~ · City Dooms Starlings ago. She died there Monday. economy II beginning to lurn Hie• magic to QIN Voll polff, '1A Tree Gnrn in Brooklyn'' upward. sel/·conjfdcftcr and greatn wai hued on her Ule u 1 girl The Federal Reserve Board popularity. ' In Brooklyn and bas aold a reporled Monday thal Ill In-· reported six mllllon coplu. 11 dllslrlal-pnxlucllon index lJ>o Accordlno to 11111 ,,ubflt"!', bu' been lrllftllaled Into ·20 creaae,d by 0.7 percenl In many people do !IOI raal1t• la"81lagis, made Into a movie December aller a 0.6 percenl how '""'Oh th•Y could fnflu- and into a Broadway mualCal, adv'1lCt ln November. The tnct oi~ri simply bl/ tD~t Which wW bo produced again December 11 g u re waa 107.8 thcv IOV tlftd h01f th<if IOY 1L lhla 1jJrtng. percent of the 1967 base year, Wllctlltr In bu.nneH, at 1oc- Mlal Smllh bfgan wr!Un1 bul 8.7 percenl below the mid· fol functloru, or •v•n f1\.<01• tho novtl In 1110 aj Chapel HW Ila peak. ual ,conoersatlona with ~ID after working for two years A tpOkesm•n for Preaident ~f.anct1 thtr! arc toaV• witb a unlvmlly theatrical Nixon's Council or EcooQmlc to mokl a good 1'"P'"slon group. AdYlaerl lild that s l n c e evert1 time you folk. Fire Dead August, whoa the Prealdeni To acquaint th• readers of made hix bold e c • n o m I c thu paper wilh tilt e41t1·lo- movea, the lactory-ilroducllon follow "'"" for dev<laping · 11"'"' bu been llrohg, rising sklll In evert1daV converaa•' at about a 7 percent annual tion, the publi.1Mr1 haue atanza re.ads: R d rale. · · prtnlfd full detofll of lht!r RADFORD, VL (AP) -The Cily Council bu agreed eCOVefe intere1tlng Hlf·trainlng mellr. from stray cat.I while they are loallng around 00 the Btrefl!" the new• agency uld one snatcher replied. Some of the 1n11cbm even auggesled l/"t by calclltnr the call Ibey are conlrlbullnl to tbe pruerva· CREMON~, Ilaty CAP) Two policemen became 1U1Plc- loul wben the powerful All• Romeo craWJed put them at only 18 mllu an flour. "By the time someone' cilJ. ed for lbe questlnn "As, sooner or later. one doe• to allow a flock ol llarllnga to be sprayed with a det.rgenl • od tn a MID booklet, •Ad..,._ mlslure lbat wW keep the birds from Duffin( their realhera From Ice Mi.Us Alling IUTel "' c ........ 11on,. ,.,,,.,. : to keep wann and lhus cause them to die of exposure. wl!f b• mollfd /rll to Oft(IOll<I, , Uon of the art of Kabuki. , SO they stopped the car. Inside, they aald, were: Walter Rl2ZI, 27, and bll If.year-old pregnanl wife, both wanled In a bank robbery; lbe 112,000 Ioo1 bidden In her ~-· and two ,lmlll plltoll bidden In ber bra. ••Not one of the whole b1aated council "Remembert.d the motion that was." Cheers from ,opec1atora In a packed c<iuncll cbamber HOUSTON, Tei. (l\P) _ A who rtqu<•ta it. No obllga· gretled the decialoo Monday night. · TYRONE, Pa. (AP) nagging back aflmebt caused flon. Send your name, od- The acllon followed complalnll about the estlmsled Searchers began relrlevln1 Rep. WllbUr Mills ('°'-Ark.) to drtH, and rip code to: Con- 150,000 starUnu from farmers who aaid they were destroy. frozen bodies Monday from cancel • speech ~eduled Vtr1ation, 555. E. Langie St. Ing eraln. and from town realdenll who aald the birds' the ice-laden ruins ,of the before the Harris' Counly Dept. SOll·BO, Mun&fdn, /If. rooallnl ground smelled llke a "steaming barnyard." Pennsylvania Hotel, demolish-Medical Soclely. 80060. A poatcard will do. Glenn Dudderar, a Virginia Tecb w!klllle speclallst ed Sunday In an exploalon and ...,;;;;~~;;;:~===:d==~======;; who suggested the detergent spraying project, likened the fire In which author l tie l rf One 10lutloo, according to Ille ...... agency, COllllng from a Sam1aen manufacturer ii to make a deal wltb-Ollna on lm· porlJnC callkins to Japan. The PhWpplnes ix another oour<e of callkim being studied. --------- McLaughlin, a I r a y I n g lather of •!&hi chlldreo, says be starled wrlling verse 10 yean ago and bas won· radio station jingle conteab. Sometimes. be says, be wrllel poelry evea wblle drlv· Ing down the streel. birds to "Dying rall" and said Ibey could spread dlleale. feared 12 persona died. . "U tjle city bad a.rat problem woold you argue against The f~sl body, that ol an ral control?" hi uked the council. Hla reply wu a• pro-unidentified elderly '1W1 clad Chicago Will Scrap Tr('1ckless Trolleys , "Then when I gel hoine I have to decipher whal I put down," be 11.ld. looged cheer from the. crowd. Jn nigbtcloth .. and wearing a One housewife, noting that aome women had volun. gold cross and chain around leered to pick up the Clrcl.llOS U the council would agree bis neck, wu chipped from to kill the birds, told the crowd lbal by ber calculallons lbe frozen, charred rubble the ......,, would bava to pick up ll0,000 bodies. lboltly before neon. "Ari you wUUnc to do thla?" lhe asked. Sbe received 'nllee houri later, the body Nixon Friend a resoundlll( cborua of feminine y..... of a second unldenlmed man Cll!CAGO (AP) -The Chicago Tr a n 111 Authortly pllftl to scrap the natlon'a~ ... Co.a liriest Oetl OI trackl .... trotllJ' bu.... . The mue of overhead w1res crillcroallll lbe c11y and the bu,.. with their arileboa·llke rodl will disappear from the atreela bf the end of tm, crA Qla1r111an Michsel Clf· ferty bU announctd· , The city pioneered 1be \ar1e- acale Ull of the vehicles 1D the llllGI but """ conaldeii the trofleJs are outclaled and the ·~~id 111e cr>.a' stabll ollll trolley bu1e1 wW be piillld oat In favor of ,,.., dieael -· The lint trolley roull will be 1bendoned In Ju· Jy Cafferty 1 *lmaled t h e financlallf pr•ed Cl'A eouJd 11v1 up to 11.t mlUlon • yur with tho -..... le... . Bui • _, cam. 111111 Cblcqonl Apflllt ,.._ .. Tatal Lod: ol -..-(CATl'LB) 1111 Ille ... ol ·~·~-Wbe eompll1t1" wllb llil price of I dlMI blll. =~=w:...= •'-'1 -tho old -.. -· Jllblwllllll ...:llol. Richard Kunz, a cofounder The blrda bad ool1 one vocal champion al the meet. w11 recovered. A lblrd body, or CATILE, said ii would cost Awarded _Pact Ing, Dr. Robert Lealhera, • coll11e lnalructor win leaches thal or a gJrl dllcovered lock· c!!lldren ecology In courses oponaored by a local clVtc club. ed tn the Ice In another part of ~000 for a rebodled trolley Wben the ularmhiillon •rojecl wu ............ -Leath-···-ho"l'a rat u 1·•~ t . WASlflNGTON (AP) ---d bi • -·---. ~ ~ na, w "~ ou bus, minlll air condlllollilll. ·-m 111 II conlradlcled 1 courses, and Cily Hall bad,.. •··t bef d k , Callerly 11 ,..kinl be!Wetn While House conflrma that a celved numerous lelephone calla ol complatnL •-Furth~;• !.;very ellorll I ch I company owned by a friend of ....-... w Tu··• 137,ooo and llO,OOO or ea 0 Pmldenl Nll!on received a,1'===================:!....~""~"~JlOl~·~...-~-~un~~~~•~Y·ll th• 1,000 dl.,.J bum be bopes -000 conlracl without com-Ille system wW buy. ...i !Kuns argued lbal the elec-pol Uve bidding bul uya ti tric trolley is imoteleu, wu the only firm that 11bad odorleaa and ooundleaa and lhe bull ol Jnlormalloo and lbil dleMI ..,_ are not. knowledfle" for the aludJ ol ';II'• Blupldll1 to abandon a1_:be::.al::.th::...:.care_a>111 __ . __ _ ..., vlablt J11&11otranall Yebl·r ,.,===,.------. ell;" KWll said. ''The lracllon 11 motor on a trolley bua II pnro-(Sears I Ucally indatrudlblt.,. In addlllon lo Chlcqo, Son Francisco, Pllllodalpbia, --Ile, Dlylon, Oblo, and Cam-brldl•. Mui., an -by 1racileaa trolllyt. Sin Fran- clacG bas the notion'• Jarsell Diii -100 -and II bll1lll( Zit oow unlla. •• AtSMn ••• Au-do W1t.r lloltenen Pl1nnldfor Easy Do-it· Y-1. ImWl.atio.n ... --fSA CallY- NeutlllleanllGft ......... ..,. ........... ... .__,,_,~cl? '1 CAN I PLAN MY ESTATE TO AVOID THE . TAPE MRS. RAMSEY WENT THROUGH HER HUSBAND PASSED AWAY? by EUGENE 0. BERGERON .... ,, ..... ~-.............................. ..,di·-... , ...... Mi*: .,.., cf94it ........... Ira Ill .......... .......,, 1cllf ; I ........ ---.......... ,... ............................. ... ........ ...., .................................. 1lle .............. ~-•••• , ..... .............. ~ .. ,, .............. ., llll ..... . At.,.. ........ fN9t • ......._ .. ,......,.., ...... -. ........... ,. .. • "• tt ,......r· ....,. ......,, c..t.t . .,... .,..,, •• , .._ '""' OM.« .. ,.., ..._ • c;: -•1• ce.,_, ..... •l111t.1 ,..aaal8'1te. n.t w .. M ..... ... _ ..... ,..,.. .. .,... ,,... .. ,.. ............. ., ..................... ..,.,. ..... w...... , ....... ,, ........... " ......... ... . Bal:t:•Bergeron Funeral Dome COSTA MISA ·' LQ.CATIONI COIONA 411 MAI 646-2414 67J.MIO 7 H• ~In .you 111lleo Yoll" op1r!ta. Whln lhe looltl It you, yotf111 ready to climb the bfghelt niountaln. You fell her whol.iie.rted epprovel. Alie her to ' marry you with 1 beautlful diamond IOllt.lre. Solltaires fllullrated priced ,from 0!500 to 81000. ~-=--=....,..... 1Mii11A""'1c:lnl & ~a..... 1111 SIA.VICK'S Jewtiora Stnco 1117 fl FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT IEACH 644-IllO Ope• Mon. ancl Fri., 10 a.m. to t :IO I'-'"- • t • ' ' , l • '• • I I I ! I I I ' • I • I I 1 1 ' I f l f t t • , t • ' > , ' • • ' • ' • • • ' • ' ' . • ' ~ • ' ) :> ~ • , • • DAD.Y PU..OT EDITORIAL PAGE A Safer Cigarette? Clemtte manufacturers have received more hard blows from tlie federal covernment In recent days but lhey'l'* 11<>! unhappy. Despite a ball on their advertising on radio and television , sales are expected to be up i .3 percent to 63e bllUon clgmtte.s _for 1971. The induatry'a'lleuure over aeliing more al a third less advertising co might not last long, however. More problems are brewing for the industry, not just In the United States but all around the world. Other nations are deciding that cigarette smoking Is a serious health hazard and actlng to curb it. Re- portedly, 17 other nations -some <if them in the free world, some of them the dictatorsjlips -now prohibil cigarette promotion on radio or TV or both. (In a number of them) radio and TV are governmeni-owned.) Here at home1 the sixth annual report to Congress by. tbe U.S. Public Health Service (PHSJ quoted Surgeon General Jesse L. Steinfeld as saying that each report bas · '1served to strengthen" the conclusion or the first one: that ucigarettes are a major cause of death and .,.. " ......... When Dr. Steinfeld, a nonsmoker, contended that there is "no longer an honest dJsagreement" among medical experts as to whether cigarette smoking is bu· · • i.rdous· to health, he drew fire from the' Tobacco lnsti· lute, the manufacturers' spokesman. The insUtute claim· ed it is "false" aitd 1 "gross insult to the scientific com· munity11 to say there is no longer honest disagreement about the health huards. While the tobacto lnduatry goea on trying to rebut the evidence against -cigarettes, new obstacles are aJ>6 pearine:. Carbon monoxide as a menace not 0~7 to _the smoker but to the nonsmokers· near him now Joms mco- tine and tar as one of the cigarette's death dealers. When, on this account, the 1ure:eon general called for development of a aafer cigarette, Sen. Frank Moss, · O.Utah, Immediately announced that his · Senate Com· .merce sulicommittee will bold bearings Feb, 1,.3 and 10 to consider JegislaUon setting tar and nicotine llmits. Mt>M said that Canadian studies have shown that reducUon of those substances generally reduce the level of carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke. ' . Thi& rast year has also seen the beginning of recog· niUon tba nonsmokers have rights, along with the smok· ers. We haven't yet ione .to the extreme, as Bulgaria has, of prohibiting smoking in any work place with one or more nonsmoking employes. But six domestJc airlines ·now have separate nonsmoking sections. and others are reported about to follow. More and more dep¢ment stores are simply telling their customers not to smoke on the premises. With so much going against it, why have cigarette sales increased? AmODJ reasons cited are an increase Jn the smoking population, a decrease in the number of mtl·smoking commercials and greater overall tensions. And if a tobacco industry executive is right, sheer human stubbornness may play a big part. He said people bought more cigarettes because uthey're fed up with being protected from the womb to the tomb." . 'w., sU$pecl he is correct. Vaccinate Against Rubella Speaking of health problems, rubella C'German measles") has increased by 85 percent in California while other states are showing a decline. California has the poorest tubella immunization record in the nation, and Orange County is the lowest in the state -only 30 per- cent vaccinated. Pregnant women contractin' rubella early in ges· talion are likely to have handicapped children. The damage Can occur before the mother ~ows she is preg· nant. VaccinatioQ is the only answer for the present. And support of the March of Dimes will help the iong·lerm fight against rubella. • . ' ~ i'R'OGRAM WAS BR.OUG-ltr TO .,CU V:N '" TI:ltltY TAt.Lp TN!" WONl>E.R. ~Wl-IR fOR Tl~t> i:>LOOI>! I ' - .Too Seldom ·Do We Act J New Insight Gained From Band-scrawled Memos Preventively .. ,, .. ''4 . ,. ; '' ' ! • ' "'t '• p,, .. ,.. ... '.":i t•~t:•,: My YPunaer Mil wanted to know what the . "·DEW -lint" wu, and if it had apytbinc tQ do with tht weather. I ex.o .,iatJied that 'It llOod for "Dislanl Early Warntng," and was a S,900-mile network of radar staticm north of the Aretic Cir· cle, for providine .advance warning of the die approacli of boo. tile planes « m.is- lllu. Then it occurred to me that we run that irratloul IY• tem lmown as 0 war" mucl! more rational· ~we ran our tlc aff~. We take evll'}' conceiv- 1 Dear ' ' Gloomy Gus When the U.N. Couocil goes I<> Africa ~or a meeUng (at $250,000 per wetk) maybe sdmeone ahould sneak up and tock the door be. bind them. -H.J. B. TNI MtfWe '9flecTI ,....,... ylftn, Mt --!hi ttrl-ef ttM _.,...,., S.11111 nw Nt Nlft tit OIMMy ..,.,_ OllW PUet. WHEN IT COMEii° lo protecting our- aelves from outaide attack, we spend incalcuiabie billions for the l1MISI aophio- ticated or1devlces and system&j when it comes to preserving ourselves from in~ ner chaol and corrosion, we begrudge \li'hatever Ls spent, and prefer turning our eyes away from Ule problem in the absurd hope tt will just disappear. Alld yet every imtance of history showa ua that rich., and mighty nations disin· tegrate through their own sloth and near· sightedness, not through invasion. It js only when the nation has hall-paralyzed itself that IOIIle vigorous and hungry power comes in to gobble it up, • Another Side of Billionaire Hughes WASHINGTON -There was a time four years ago when Howard Hughes saw bi.mseU as a messiah, perhaps even ready to abandon his high-priced seclusion to offer his leadership to the rabble. The public knows him as the world 's richest reclu se, the billionaire who tried to buy Las Vega s. an aviation pioneer who often cheated death, a manipula- tor ol Hollywocx:l 's , gaudiest , days and nights, a man who achieved success i• every field except his persooal life. We know him as a bigot and political fixer, a greedy baron who tried to tum the state of Nevada into a personal fief- dom, a man who considered his own money-making schemes to be paramount to the interests of the United States and, finally, as a self-appointed savior with a profit motive. WE COUNTED HUGHES as a personal friend during the 1950s. But we have received a new insight from his hand- scrawled memos. Despite all of Hughes's efforts, the AEC was dug in at its test site north of Las Vegas, and Hughes was desperate . HIS AGENTS INSISTED that Hughes wa s interested in stopping the tests because of the hazard from radiation and the threat of earthQuakes. But in secret memos to Maheu, Hughes made it plain that his objections had' a casb -regi&ter reasoning behind them.· "How can we expect to realize our full potential as a resort if we are scaring people away with bomb tests and earth· quakes (sic)," Hughes wrote. ''And, If anybody doubts that people were scared during the earthquake, he should just read the newspaper where the incoming calls were listed immediately following the quake. negotiation, I urge we point out to the AEC that after this ,uproar aod public ex- posure arid after the fears and curiosity of the public have been aroused, the en- tire situation, not only i,n Nevada, but throughout the nation is going to be ~ighly explosive. It will only require a leader. I could easily be that leader •.. " HUGHES WAS NOT part icularly in- terested in stopping all the tests, just the ones that might frighten Las Vegas tourists. But if the AEC wouldn't come to terms with him,, he was .prepared to lead a ban-the-bomb crusade . ''The public support," he wrote, uwaiting for any leader to guide the peo- ple involved, the public -many many people all over the country -they are not interested particularly in Nevada or in the size of the bombs. They want all bombs scuttled ... For although Hughes planned to enlist dedicated people in bis crusade, be was far from being a humanist. ·While most Americans sorrowed after the murder of Dr. Marlin Luther King In 1968, Hugbes's·feelings were raw. 0 1 HAVE JUST finished watching CBS news on TV," he wrote. "The riots, shooting. etc., in Washington, Chicago and other cities was terrible. I wonder bow close we are to something like that here? ... I also know Lbere is tremen~ dous presaurt. upon the strip owners te> adopt. a more iliberal attitude toward in· tegratien, oPID' housing, and employment of more Negrou. -,4Now, Bob, T have never made my views plain on this subject. And J cer· tainly wQUlsf not say these things in public. However, I can summarize my attitude about employing more Negroes very simply -I think it is a wonderful Idea f0< iolbebodY else, somewhere else. ''I KNOW THIS is not a very praisewo~y point of view, but I feel the Negroes have already made enough l>rD- gress to last the next 100 years, and there ··' able precau~on that our nation should not be cau&I>t by surprile attack : but virtually ao precaution about collapse from within. RAILROAD CROSSINGS aren't put up until a 'fatal 1iccident. Food procusors When he disappeared from Las Vegas on the night before Thanksgiving. 1970, he . left behind a trail of memos. These were written during the late 1960s in his Las Vegas penthouse sanctuary atop the Desert Inn. 'Ibey were addressed to his No. 1 Nevada honcho, ~bert Maheu. "There was an absolute avflancbe or protests received by the newspapers and they all centered around one reaction - fear ••• I don 't think fear has any place in a resort .•. This is a bell of a note in' a place that is being developed as a resort, \Vhich dependj for "its very life blood on the tourists who come here voluntarily in competition with Hawaii, and the many, many other resorts." "I am positive we must convince the AEC that, 1f they stop the blast, wt are prepared, without publicity, to discuss a fair compromise which can be ac- complished quietly and will permit them to proceed in an orderly and effective way lo: accomplish their objective. And, if they refuse, I am going to dedicate the rest of my life and every cent I have if necessary to wipe this nuclear test pro- gram right out of this country. and its possessions." · is such a thing as overdoing it. "Also, r'was porn and Jived my first 20 yepirs in Houston, Texas. I Uved right in the middle of one race riot in which the Negroes committed "atrocities to equal any in Vietnam. I just 'don't want to see you badgered into some coiiceSsions. because ooce you do consent to some such concession. you can never cancel it and put things back the way they were. I { ~ . . , < - • ' • WB RAVE NO "Distant Early Warn-. aren't properly supervised until botulism Ing" system for internal criaes and -Strikes fear into our hearts. SbutUe plane catastrophes; we commonly wait until services are inadequately iMpected until the darnlie bu been done and then we a dramatic crash discloses t h e i r pick op the remaining piece.s. If any. negligence. Prldically nothing in our domestic af· Jn every area of our social aRd com- . fain it handled inventively. We wait un· munal IUe, we refuse to anticipate trou- tll our schools have gone to hell before ble, ev~ when there is plenty of evidence we tl'J to make them work. We wait until by the experts (trouble-spotten who are our urban housing is a shambles before usually called "trouble-makers") that we we take any action -too little and too ought to move before it is too late. Jatt. We allow the envlronment to Only in that lJIUtual suicide pact known become almost irreversibly poOuted a.s atomic war do we listen attentively for before we apply cleanup measurta -that distant early warning of .catastrophe which then are costly beyond belief, and -tht one place where it won't makt any almost ineffectual. difference. Is this sanity, or madness? A judge, trying to unravel the claims and counterclaims for control of Hughes's $229 million Nevada empire placed the papers under court seal. Nevertheless, we have had access to these amazing memos. Their authenticity cannot be disputed . The biggest and bit terest of all Hughes's many battles was with the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC). HUGHEs TRIED A number or ploys I<> stop the AEC tests. On April 24, 1968, he was ready to put himself squarely in the P?th of the government. "I feel we must start negotiating with the AEC just as if we were negotiating a business deal," he wrote. "I urge we start an off-the-record negotiation, to be conducted siinultaneously with the public ballle in the press. In this off-lhe-reeord ONE OF HUGUES'S side projects· was to .buy up the state's TV stations, and its newspapers . 1'Re: the newspapers ••. " he wrote to Maheu, "I am not willing to delay, eVen. five minutes, starting negotiations to buy the newspapers. Please do this even before the day is out if possible." It might have been interesting to see how the newspapers Hughes never bought would have covered his activities as head of the anti-bomb movement he oever led. "I know this is •hot polatoe (sic), and I am nOt asking you to fonn a new chapter of the K.K.K •••• I don't want to 'become known as •a NegrO (sic) hater or any thing Jike that. But 1 am not run- ning for election and therefore we don't have to curry favo~ wllb the NAACP either." Accent on the-Positive What· Evening Students Are, Like • Tht State of lhe Union Message as it bas evolved tells us a little about tbt 1tale of the Union and a lot 1boul the stite ol lhe President. And it Is In reality a report not so much to the Congress jointly 1uembled as to the American people lookinl in oo television.· President Nlxon'a approach to his con· - 1tltutlonal duty has been determinedly eclectic: lo 1969 the newl,y inaugurated President chose to bypass the exercise, relying instead on bis inaugural address to ~ the tOne for his administration. Rll lint mesuge came on Jan. 2:2, lt'IO, · a 36-minute effort that Wal 1 somewhat pbUosophlcal In content and 1re1ted in a general way questlonl .,..,. ceming the ••quality of American life ... SOme of the language niakea lntere1linC readlnl today, especially his plea for 1 balance in the lecleral budge> "so !hit American famllles will have 1 heller chance oo balance their rU!lizy budgets.'' NIXON'S SECOND Slate or the Union address, J..,. 22, 1rn, differed ootally ·In eonteot Ind approach. The address dell! only with matters on the domestic 11de of Ille nallon's -1a AU foreip pOlJl:y ...........,.. _.. shunted off I<> a = r.:'111i"t: Ind l ubmJtted le -·s D'1I ...... bth a lhoppinC list al. "oil: .......... that the Pres~ -........ ''nlol• Ille entire llnlc· tin of Am9'm. pou..,_l ao we can malle It fllb'IUPW INlo tho needs Ind Ille wlallal fl ... ADricln people. .. ,,.._ p11 IP 01dol monue •hlrinc, Editorhd ReseJJreh, ' The evening schools and extension divisions of colleges and universities are often treated as the step-children or higher education. In many insUtutions evening and o:tension faculty, usually part-time teachers, cannot earn rank or • , , ten ure. welfare reform. execullve reorganization, expanded health care, environmental pro- . tection and economic prosl)Cl'lty. Most of these failed to get off the ground for one reason or another. The President later reversed his proposal to abolish tbe Agriculture O.partmenL And • his New Economic Policy last August calling for delays In lhe lmplemenlatlon ot revenue sharing and weUare relonn htlped doom those goals in lf11. So the nation sWI awaits the "New American Revolution" foreseen by the President in his 1971 address. ACCENTUATING THE positive is the Jille of Stale of the Union addresses. Whit John Kenneth Gllbraith has 11id about ollici1i forecasting applies here: "Every administration, Republican or Democratic, mUJt pretend I<> he fully Jn 'COOllOI. So what II aays will happen must lccOrd with wh1I it wlllls I<> hlppen, which is ~!Wlfl &ood."' The l'illool art lflDdiole. "Now we are ready for the !Ut of 1 clrlvln& drum," aaid Nbon in last year's ad- dre11. "The people of this Dallon are M&•r lo get on wil!I the quell for - lf!lb>t11." But the 1m atrort may -.i. ..... thll is l<aa purple and more pointed. ' Students are rare- ly permitted to eam a degree through evening study. ln the califomia state collti{e system. for example, or the 12$ semester-units need- ed for a bachelor's degree, only 25 ex- t.euion units can be counted towards the t«al. Nevertheless, some or the most ex· citing things in higher educaUon happen in extension divisions. One reason is that eitenslon students are genirally more mature and more strongly motivated thlo die average coliege boy or gtrl, who, in late adolescence, may still be nounder-: ing 'around looking for a calJing. Evening students, especially those who come to cla11ts after. a full day'• work , u&uall>t have• definite~ in studying.~ WHAT ARE SOME of their purpo!es! . • ,, Gee..,e ----. CONFU>Elft'JAL TO l'RANK SINATRA : I doubt If 1ctuaUy · Socill Security means anything personal. Even If you are retired, I think lheJ -1101M Silly Nie about .,. aad all tut foolishness. • First, of course, there are the young working men and women · who ~ant to , imRrove their skills and increase . their earning power. They may be, in· engineer- ing or accounting or, management or merchandising. Their tl~s are strictly practical and c&MMriented. Extension courses can also serve peoo pie already trained and working in a pro- fession. Lawyers, tax consultuts, physi~ clans, engineers, computer specialists, people In u.pper levels ol management and many olhers often need ntra in- struction to keep up wltb the newest developments In their field•. In some lines or work , progresr ud chance are ao rapid that what one lelrned flve yurs •go may be oul. of clNe toda1-Many universlli<J and professional schools . ,therefore offer short courses over · weekends or over two or three week periods IO enable -rts I<> keep thelr knowledge up!to:date. • • MARRIED WOMSN om 31).-and eYen over so-are . ...u.r important kind ol adult student. 1belr ~or etreer asplrallons Having inlerrupled bJ marriage and dllldrell. 1IW1Y - eagerly return lo ldlocll whoo tflelr children are old enouP ta IUe cart. al. themselves. llllll' llldl -fD ado illtralure, creallve writing, Pf1d'Oio0• an hi•oory, OO>ers be<omt lucbers, nurses, dletie:11N or business women. ' '-. These mature women are among the most gratUying students a teacher can have. Men leaving the military after 20 or more yeais of service are also an ex· citing kind of student, young enough to start a new career, but too old to be treated like yotmgsters. Other men, in their late 30s or early 40s, begin to wonder if Ibey are In the kind of· job they wish to stay with until ret~ment-and start going to evening classes to explore altemaUves. All t~se men, in tbe prime of their intellectual vigor and with a background of experieoce Jn life, are e1· lremely challenging stuclenls. , A MOST INTERESTING clas• or students are U-whom ,.. Uke I<> call 0 successful" people. By thla I mean peo- ple who have goge as f,r •• they want I<> go io their ocaipatloos -111C<OU!ul buslneas or profenlonal mea, their w.U. pald Hcrtlarle1, peojile et lllY -le i level Who are satitfied , with &belt jobdl, " ooclely ...,.en, Incl airiioe -· I who usually have DO C..-upiralions • within the airlines ·and hive coosidenlble I leisure belween filg!ltJ. What all these people have ID cammon Is purlt)t~or ' motivation. They aeek knowledge for Us OWn "'ke rllher than for CBr.r ~ •ancetnent. 'lbeH 0 succt•aful" peo~91 aravitate toward• !be 1111n1 atta..• DO\! simply as part of CDiltlt nul,ioe. ~ nuinol)' for the ua al. iilionJflolloD. IN 8BORT, rr JS TUii Iha ~· ~ 'plllllic learned to lllinlt of ...... un!..rsllies not u .,._ for • ._. u a available eeri11e '°'£!! Loa41n( ec1..-1 ... c:.nail1I!' kl tlleM terml •lrtodJ· ,,,. on External Degrees, formed by Chocellor GleM Dwnke of t h e California state.colleges, ls exploring not only the e.xpanSion of evening and ex· tension services, but also store-front study centers, private study guided by periodic cons:ultatlon with tutors, and Instruction by radio, television, and tape i::assettes. Everyone should be able to &et an education,· whatever his age and wherever he may live. This Is an idea that wW gather increasing momentum through 1he 'IO's. - 1 By S. I. H1yabn ' l'mldnl su Frud1CO Stale Collea• --DAILY PILOT Robert N. W ted, l'llbllahcr Thom«1 Kinil, f:ditor Albtrl W. Batt! Edilorlol P•11< .E4i tor ' ' ' ---• L •. M. BOffd ---How to ~eigh- 1 · TohaccQ Sm()ke ~ II 'l!lme cooperalleo, between wDd mallre1; ~" k Md lhe ~ Ulllllly wtrk Ille, lllDO DOl&bbor• · ' RMmQuUlea ' . In New Deihl, !hit )'OW!g !•~.;:...~ wbillles, dife!:ls n1rtatlowi remarks to the · girls Clinuilib an '~C!ftk known olfic'8Uy the~ U '-'Z: ~ Wbat do we cill this enteltalnlng practice bett. · .. Wolf-i.bbtlJng maybe. Something· Ike thal. tAnyhow, In India It'• ~le by poiblic whipping. ' ' ~ -- ,..,..,, ,,_,, u, 1m Intervention Sought . . ~ Picket Lines Posted at 24 Weste rn Ports SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -Gov. Tom McCall o( Orqon flew to Waahlngton, D.C., today to f.lead on behal! of ,.ven western atatea: or federal inte!'\l'enUon in the resumption or a 100.day West Coast dock strike by 15,llOll lonpboremen. · " Picket llnet wen posled at H ports In Callfomla, Oretoo and Wublnc!on Mon· day after 1 21-bour marathon necollating -between the lol!l'borunen and shippers broke down over the financing of a '5.2 million cuaranteed annual wage. Other ialues, including jurisdiction over container handling, WU reportedly tel• Ued. The Nixon administration sa.ld con. gressional aotlon "may be the only remedy" to prevent the new walkout from crippling the potion's economy. About half a dozen ships 11lled !or the ' The fedenl lnjunctlon upi(ed Cbrblmu Day but tile union kept wor)ing.' ILWU presklenl Harry Bridles '"' nciunced resumpUoo of the strike Monday morning after apparently wlnni.ng an agreement on the 10.year battle for jurisdiction over the handling _pf oon- tainerized careoes, but reaching an im- passe on terms of a guaranteed annual wage . The union and the Pacific Maritime Association negotiato~' stumbling block came over a d.Jsagreement on whether the $5.2 million to be allocated as a guaranteed aMual wage should come from funds generated by the container setUement. » Jn the oontainerlzation agreement, Bridges and PMA president Ed Flynn agreed to a $1 per ton "tax" to be paid lLWV workers for cargo loaded into con- DAILY PILDT GOODWILL Indu stries Good Willy S.z: Dl11bll- lly i1 lh• problem • • • Community support 11 the answer ••• And total rehabllltation is the r• suft. S!"pport tho work of non·proflt Goodwill ln- du1trlH. 590 W. 19th St. Costa Mesa Open Mon. lhru Fri. 9.9 Sat, 9 iill · 5:30-646-2479 Al'I; ENORMOUS majorily ol top.fl~ mathematicians nationwlik come ) from poor folks. An enormoUs majority o! the first rate biologists nationwide come from rich rOlki. Studies \ohow that. Can you explain, why? I can't. , • . Execution · Argume,nts Presenied Mexico port of En(leQlda !or unloading as McCall prepared !or a White HOUie meeUng in which he said he would represent seven western 1tates on the tainers in the waterfront area by non-11 ·--------lLWU members. The roya1ty would no111 be paid on C<lntainers -van-sized steel boxes which can be carried by ship, rail CHANCE YOU'LL meet your ' • ial male in acho.11! nw one In three: Chance yo4 JDMt . ..,.. at 90Ule Yatation raort roes one In 14. S stuclenll, J>\~ nole...Jf it'• a loesup today between· and"a trip to the •ki-~. go to cla11 ·.~ -•. , ' ~ • :... QiJD<S -, Q. "My ~~ manac a ~~aiiiet. He wanti to quit !II Illar! llls own food hr<ll<erag<. lllft-llie·· risks , the risks! I'm'acared. What do you -think?'' A .. COme on, young lady! yQU can't steal ~d base . without laking your foot oU first. · \.. .; .... Q. QUICK. how mudl does the s""ke from a pound of tobacco weigh?" A. can only tell you how to !Ind out sll'.. Weigh a pound. Smoke it. Weigh the uhes. Then subtract !hell'. weight fn.m the ... 1ght-o!·the origtnaf pound.-That's what Sil'. Walter Raleigh did. Alter betting Queen Elizabeth his tlUe ag1inst a borae and carrlag~ that ~ could name the weight of aaid amoke.""The old boy won·tbe wager. BEDS -That piece or furniture most in demand in Central Alric-.a now is said tq, be the, o1d wrought-iron bed. · Bidding !or ilme There j'tms high. Hiiller ev~ than what the· antique dMlers t>ereabodl!I can {et. Thirty-live years ago the most prlceleu piece of furniture deep in the so. call~ Dark Continent was the barber chair. . , LIGIFl'NING STOllMS .. er the land outnumber ligbln· Inc otorms over the oceano by JO to one, Wby? ' . WASHINGTON (UPI),-.A California · state olficial hao told the SUpreme·: Court l!iat the death penalty .ls rooted in America's reUg~.IPd 1nora1 heritage but an opponent likened capital punilliment to , boiling L person i'n o.il in the middle ages. , For the first time, lhe'Co!!rl heard intensive and often emotional arguments on the issue of whether the death . penalty is "Cl'\ltl and qmitu.al" punishment 'nd should be ~.as uni;oqs\itutipnal, The cases of four men on death row in thtee slates - C.lilornia, Geofgia and Tex- as-were heard by the nine blackrobed justic;es but the fate of an estimated fHl con- demned men was at stake. dock atrike -· "The.collecUve bargalnlng piocesa haJ broken down Irreparably jn the Weat Coast dock strike," McCall said Monday nlght."lmmedtate congre&'!lonal actinn to settle the controversy ia mandatory if the public Interest Is to tranocend the Jn. terest of either labor or management in this situation.~ ' McCall s8id he represented the 1overoors of cautornia, Washington, Hawaii, Alaska, Idaho and Montana. The International · Longshoremen's and Warebousemen's1Urtion tied up hundreds -.of Ships in a record walkout halted by in- vocation of the Taft.Hartley Act Oct. I. and truck -loaded at factories, stores or wholesale houses. However, the PMA ·and the-union-were unable to agree on the applicaUon of the "tax" funds to the guaranteed annual in· come for longshoremen that had been oeltled . Trustees Deny Delays * * * Governor Seeks ' In Stanford Prof Case End to Walkout By Doc~workers . ·• I SfANFORD (UPI) -The chairman o! Stanford University's Board of Trustees rejected an . appeal for delay in t.he dismissal proceedings against a radical professor follO'iflng a $35,000 fire and discovery of a bomb near the campus. An arsooiat·caused a predawn fire in a university .bousine office Monday, school Father .Shoots . . o!licials said. The fire was followed by .. SAcRAMENro' fui.fr-Warning that location of a black powder bomb in an in· a West Coast. dock strike would damage dustrial park adjacent to the campus. the California ec009my an~ "endanger }. fuse had fizzled on the bomb, whlch the livelihood of thousands of innocent 1 persons," Gov. ftorl!lld lleag~ has ap-pclice said was taped to a bank of circuit pealed to President Nixon to take any ac- breakers at a power substation. Army ex-tion necessary immediately to halt the perts disarmed the device. walkout. Later in the day a handful of proteslora 1n a telegram to the President. the took over the university's personnel and governor ,Monday said resumpJion of the news ofiiets for two hours in protest of strike by longshoremen "will caUse grtat Your Dollar _ B11ys More At The GOODWILL STORE SHCIAL THIU JAN. H•I BOX SPRINGS & MATIRESS s35~n llCONDITIOlll D ............ It .. POAM l MAJHll PILLOWS 2 '" $349 $1.79 IA. INStJIUNCE COMPANIES' recogniu the Hollywood lb.mt man to be a better riati than either the fireman or the policeman. - In ihe first case to be ar .. gued, Calllornla DepufY Attar· ney General Rmald M. George 11ld the death penal- ty was "as old as the hiJtofy of man." 3 Kids, Self what appeared to be tli.e imminent firing • damage to OW' economy and endan1er o! suspen~ ·English Prof. H. Bruce . the Ilvelihood of thousands ol. illnocenlJl •--------Franklin. persons in California as well as Other NAME THE lint fruit cultivated by man. The apple, you thought? Likewise. Moat scholars say no, the grape. SPINSTER -If she can be described as steadfast, rastldioua, intelligent and idealistic, then she ls the woman who is most apt to remain single. So notes a UCLA scholar who bad made a stlldy or spipaters' personalities. He adds. hbwever, the supei-Jor wire most likely,abo can be ao de- ocribed, although tof:a leS!er degree. Address matl to L . M. Boyd, P. 0. Bor· 1815, New- porl Beach, Calif, 92660. ' Fresno State Alleged Has Fil~ on Radicals ''The history or capital punishment in this country, HAYWARD (UPI) -A lather sbol his and the deep.rooled origins or that form or punishment in the three children to death and then killed religious and moral beritage lumaelf Monday because he could not of contemporary Americans. reach a reconciliation with his wile. provide clear indications that Police laid Ermitanio Velasquez, 25, tile • death penalty is no killed •;n.-u and the children in the barbaric relic o[ the ,put," • ........,... · Ibo G •-~·rd ~ of a Hayward house where his But An ny . n..iu~vc; am, wife. Lydia, 23, bad been living Since ·a youthful Stanford> University leavleir him in Bakersfield seven months. Jaw school 'Professor who bo:re - the . bruntthof dlhethargume~ts ag~dascruez tried nnsuc;.,,!ully lo work agamst e ea pana y,, out a _.... .. ..:111tion over the weekend and tenned the practice ' ' a ..... VUl.;.ll mindless act of savagery" and the sbootinc came after he bad called at asked: 0 Js boiling in oil more the boUle again, to say goodbye, detec- shocklng?" tJves· said. ''The death penalty is Mrs. Velasquez was caUed but did oot The avowed Maoist was found guilty by states." . a facuJty board or inciting students to Reagan, a fo~er negotiator for the riot University President Rich a·r d Screen· Actors Gwld, said the only al>' Lyman has recommended Franklin &e parent solution left "is prom.pt con- fired but the board of trustees must also gressiona! aCtion to protect this state and rule ~n the J)laltet1 the naUoo 11aillst further diaruption and Chairman 1lo~ Minge Brown, Wd suflerlq. . • the board would meet as scbeduled on • • .ti \-.o '·'' Saturday to fl n a J.l·y determine tbe t1 • .. • • • ' Frank1in ca~ ' · ' $4 M 'll' I"' S Five members of the Stanford ex-I. I.On 'V'Oe ecutive board of the 'Arnei'iC"Sn AssOcla· 1 • lion or University Professors .urged the To s·~·~. Busway· trustees· to accord the cue· more Ume. Hue: But Brown said the trustees are not going 1 • ' to reweigh or near new evidence In the SACRAMENTO (AP) -Tl!<. state ha! case, which has dragged on for months. awarded · a ft million contract for Fire investigators said tbe blue, which building Ille '8n!;!our mllft ft a unique heavily damaged the manager's office, SSS million public, bUrway to speed lounge and washing machine area ·at puaengen lnlo"doWJ!Wwn Lot Angel.., WOMIN'S ··~mas ·33~: l FRESNO (UPl l -:An at- torney 11ys oecurl!y pOuce al Fresno Stale College. have kept 1 !lie on campus radlcall. tomey who hao represented students in a number of cases· durlnc the paJI aeveral years, said the file contained newspaper clippings a n d numerous photographs. virtually u n a n i mo u s l y go into the bedroom where her husband repudiated and condemned by had gone to see the children, they added, the conscience o f con-and the shooting lllarted then. t e m p o r a r y s o c I e ty," 'Ibe mother, entering alter the shooting Am.terdam told the court and stopped, found her husband and two argued tt was Gaed mainly children dead and the third child mortally Ma'm.anita Paik, a trailer housing area from El M~ !or sludenls1 was definilely set. The l)'llem teatureo One buMmly lane/I 0.;;._,;.. ____ _ About 125 prOtesters took over person-~ way aJonc ~·Jammed San • against racial mlnontles and ~· . . nel and news -servi'ces· offices in !'«Ina. Bernardino freew., and is expected to Hall during the afternoon after !tying to lop half in ·hour off the uaual.-ute , inc1u4ing the names of aome raculty 'members ahd-non- students, !or the paJI ' three the poor. --'Ibe-,oangsters were Er!llltanio Jr., 4; Aniva, 2; and AJberto, l. enter the Hoover inititutlon, which, wu traver •lime over tile route during peak locked before 1 rally on its stepl. ccmmuter perladl. · , . · · · years. I J, V. Henry, a Fresno . It- Tbe file; bpi in a fooao.leaf binder, contained ptctures of a black at..ient fubion lbow, Officials 01~ Spill After•ath • Union Hits Ecology Liberals blown up mug sbotJ and ple-Ci tures of students walking on le campus in groups of three or Blow Of Folsom more. Henry said the file ls refer4 red to as the "kgown campus Marine Creatures Return . • radlcal" ftle. FOLSOM (UPI)_ Tbe cJOs. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -San Francisco Bay a year ago marked populaUon decline. Do\l~as F. Bambrtdge/ FSC ing of rock-walled FolJom Milliool or aea creatures but marine life now appaers to "The, rftl appears to be In pollct chief, n:fuaed to com-Prison would be a .. serious perished in a huge oil slick be . re~ to nonnal, the good health," Chan said. ment on the emtence of such ecoOOmic blo,r" to this com-scientist says. But, he warned, • • Th 1 SAN FRANCISCOil (UPI) -a ftle, but he said . his o!lice muntty, Mayor Jack Kipp bis spilled by colliding tankers in Dr. Gordon L. Chan, a shadow ol Ille unknown e!fects Tbe AFUIO Car ornta Latiilr keeps 300 to 300 ~ictures on warned ' marine biologist at the College or oil still lurks within the ..,. Federation I a rd "0ociallte hand ,ol ~ns iavolved in I ,He ..;Id the city ,would loee . ls End of Marin, estlmaled that 4.2 vironrnent. 'l'heN COOld llOJ be liberals" in the ocology JOO"'-i ~pus ~ctlviti,es. • . about $441.000 a •year in Schoo mfllion an Im a Is . including marine dlM!f from tile etfecto ment iro. damaging what I don l kn6w what they revenue ii the -llZ-year-old mussels, crabs, limpets and of oil, Jl&l'llcularly on the IJuI. ahould be a "naturaJ alliance" wei:e marked -.~ampus maxbnum security pri.!on is l bamacles, Were killed alone on bury Reef muueJ beds. Tbert between labor and other pro-radicals or whalever, Bam· llhut down u recommended Spaiik Ru e the Marlo County haysbore Oil are too many 'ifs' to ti-the pesaive forcts. br,t?ge S&Jd. . last week by: some ·members the eClge o! the Pacific. case on this oU. .-.111." The federation, in lt1 state We. had some pictures .~Ith or a Senale Prison Study Com-.,;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;i''""_,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; publication, said editorially some .~viduals ctrcled, he rnittee. , .. LOS ANGELES (AP) -A About • 850,000 .gallons or•• tile 1100. movement ts being said, I guess llQIDOODe could Kipp 1&id that is bow mucll school boant committee ha! thick bunker grade oil wubed forced "more and more,~ ctµ"·t .define ~m u cam Pu• the clty ataDdJ to lole in state supported 1 oontroversial pnr into the bay after two Stan- ier with e.1lremlsts 1 n: radicals. ·'' gasoline tu revem.tet; m6tor dard Oil of caurornia tankers ecology. . 1 The names and pictures In 'vehicle Jn.Heu laxes and pout to end corporal ponlsh· collided near the Golden Gate We can't 1ell -. · jewell by joseph. .e.rches for·jewels a.w.rt ....... ......., .. ....... ... ~ . ., .. ., ......... ..... mrfJ ·...,.....•~ ..................... ---...... ~ .......... ,.. :....-~ ...... .... Ol'Mr ....... Mr ...... ... - y ou the book..•· "What ahQuld be a flllural the Ille 1 include: James Hen-cigarette tu:es which are ment in city schools. Bridge last January. alliance !ietw,een progressive , drlcka, necutlve d~r or parceled out on' the l>asis of 'rbe comrnttt.. voted :H • \Vith help from Dr. cadet rorces ii becoming instead a 1 the Fresno Redevelopment populaUon. M .. ....1... to . endorse the Hand, dlr~r of the Universi-but to moke your reading .... -.,,.. most enjoyable, we hove the f;,,.., reeding fomp you wer utedf The bitter struggle between unions Ageney;.Jorce Acuna, Fresno FoliomPrisonlnmatesma'ke ~. Wbicb now goes 'to ty of . eaufomia's marine and thole who couldn't care County Head Star! program up. 1 alsable portion ol the ' laboraloiy, Chan used teams Jess about unemploY,ed work-l:fiector; Dr. Leonard city's "residents1"1 tbe mayor thefullBoard'O[Educatlon. to ooUnt,Jivlng and dead sea ers "the editorlal sakf. debrant, former director of said Robert Docter, author of lhe animals in sample plots. It cited opeclflc1Uy last plllllllntl and development at The mayor 11111..i that If proposal, argued, "W• need to , At Duxbury Reel, a rocky ' · November's San Francisco FSC and .other llO!Hludents. stale aulhortU.. abandon lhe. " election Jn which conservaUon-Amon& the faculty ~tiers prison the property be uied in aay to ourodves, 'We're en· llret<b of tide pools and shale new SIGHT LIGHT is as beautiful os it i• functional •.. adjust• to any height •. ; l I I I 1111 backed a charier propooal tn tho file were Dr. Paul Dole 1 way that revttallJel Ille iOrtnr tho m century.'' Jutting Jnto the Pacllic, be le Urn" au buUdini tn Sao Bulb Dr PhWp Levine Dr ,__ Uncle< -t p 0 11 c y • found the population or various ~-~ r---' Bl-· ·•· Dr -.J-lc~ Fo-m economy. -r-. al "·t •-U •·d dro~ Francisco to six-~. ,. ~ -· '':"'"" • Slrnilar !eon . ft ,.......ic tfocber• and admlnlstrators arum s ~ ...,.. ~ ' Tht edllorisl called this a Brengleman, J I m • I M. Jou _,, tSPI e11ed b 1 .... permitted to • p I ll k ped Iii percent. -· n!Hodal., antJ. CJJlher and Dr. p t le r Folsom City c o u n c II ma n cblldren, Ulllally with a pad· Since then, Chan said, life ---1tlon" blc:lild by Eftlwlne. sumner Goodall and . J<nJ die, !or -vlor or viola· ha1 become abundant with on-!!-,....., want to tum cltlel 9ludoftl body pr-n\ Phil Bullard lion ft aeJIOOI nt1es. ly shore crabs ' showing a 1 lntrl vlllaf" and 11op any Sbarwood and two former llt>-1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-,11 I hlpway or dam construction ---., Doq Bnllanll I that would dilplace a no...t and 1111 Jont1 also _. ll>- 1 or tree." cllded In Ille ftle._ l ;;;i;;,;i;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Oiij I l I I I I l ' SINGLE ADULTS ...... c.-g-•••* From tho FOT DATE. Moolca ••Y' fl Y"" ore .. 1llabl1 . for ' d1tln9 ••4 r.: 11t.. "'"'"" .........., .,. 1111e1u, •• ,. P •• , h, yov 1heuld can 1714' 111·2210 or 12111 426·1121 and hHr , ... 24 h .. r recnod ..... ••••• GERHARD LANG'S SAUSAGE HAUS NOW ........... .........., ............. • ....._ """" ...... __ _ .., .............................. °""' "" f~ . ..... ... ..,., ~.,, r.el,.. =£..:., :T Ii::. .. • __ .. ---· ........ -................. --If..,-, ,.... ., ....... Ill ..... _,. .... -,... ........................... .. ........................ _......,~ ....... ( -HAM - UTAIL ITOllS 17 .. Lc..tl .... sef 12.JJ S ........... An 'ala: c.....,...,_,.,,. ... 6ll-W1 floods your 12!!91s, . · ""' sewl!)g or 9.!!Y~' · with on abunclonce of .~"1E:::(i diffusec:l1reffected light 'S which relaxes '(OAJr eyes ond prevents stroin. Availoi,,e in o choice of decorator colors combined with polished solid brass. _ 544so Sight¥L:i.ght 1115 Hlml I Yll. . COSTA flSA .... 541-5131 BABY MAI IRESS ,,5 ·1MEN'S PANTS . ·.stc-7tc AND UP MEN'S .•SHOES s1.s.s UP MATIRESSES 519'5 BOX SPRINGS s1rs Coll ... .. , ............. ... • 1 I • ' 1 · • I ' • •• • . . . I DAILY PILOT .. --------------LEGAL NOTICll LllOAL NOTICE For the Record· '':I.a~ .. ==-PICTmlUI .. vs••• P1CTITIOUI IUSUtlU •ICTntous autlNlll lllt Wltwi• """" It ... Mll'llM --.. --.. ITATl.MONT -NAMa ITATIMINT ~ STATIMINf ... ·---..... Tiit ""9wbw "'""' .,. dolM 'nit ......... ...,. ls 9'1119 ... !Mii ' l"tVl'lt"t fl\J(l\llun ltiflrllttllflt, J.O c: II: Mine•• l h nr ' • ,.1,.AL Dl!ClllEIS ....... ~,1 /o\Ol.l11t, M1rv 1.. •tw:t wm11m e. 61rr. Mttl .. MM '"'° J1m.t1 HV911 Gttdl)W, JIH#f\IM I. ~ lllld'l..-d O. Kfhoit, E•!Nr J: tl'ICI llh:h1n:I L. ' R1l1Mr, E.v1!r11 11'1d 81rruord Wood, Flotff'IC'I 0. Ind Willfa"' 0 . Coltm11\o a.....nr L. end Eddi• G. ..,,.,,,,, ~1r111t Lrnn •nd L••ry WllUllft Wltc:oir, H1rold Georff •nd RC'l1 ltf M .. $mllM'f, l1rlll11 E. 1nd Wlllltm (. Cl.lrllt, WIMl•m C. tf'CI M1rl1 J, Juul, ,,.,.,. A, al'ld ~lfbK<• L. Ztrek, "'-fl' Jlfll ll'l(j ,H~Dtrl f, Lem1t ltr1, C.rol 11'111 >wro!O L McKttll. Tl!lit M, Ind Evertlt M, Cov1rru11>lt11Coneen D. t/'IO Wlll!1m O. $k/nMr, $hlfltY ~.·1N1 JllMI C. Qlilt1t1~r. P11r1ci. .4. 1nd Fr1..cl1eo P, Novak, Ttlldr Cn1r1ttn Ind Le>vll Otn-"" McAVl'f• lll011in1 1nd John Junts JoPtn11w. Oorrs M, 1nd 1(1nr.e1n w. RoweU,Cllff J. •nd IVI R. 8e110fl, Pnrlll1 Rte •rid Ron1td 811lr T1Bev, .l••n v. •nd Merle o. M1lnh1rt, K1rtn P. and Jt an1ld s. McCOubt~. Avdrtr •:Id wun1m Jtouroaw, Be"V ClrOI l'ICI Oo11tlcl Wllt11m filOMrt, d1vld A. •!Id Tllll1 Lar1tt1 Pol1n1o11:v. Frouwr111 and Don1ld Olton, Grlllchfn N. 1111111 OSClr I!:. •n1.,..i Dtccmllw n $t111Hrd, Jr., 81rt1ar1 Jt•n 11\d Wtlll•m A:u1se11 Crowley, li1!Ph G. i nd c.t<i!Yn J, arown, Zl!m1 L. •nd Jol\11 o. Elltv, Jr,, B~ty A •fld COY e. Ro!Str1-. Alldr.• t.. •lld emu s. RobG. .levee M. •nd Rlch1rd T. SUG!lll~r. Tr .... 1 "· Ind t.eon1rd LOUii Fl"'"""'' P•lrlcll J. 11111 Jol&f>h G. Dr111tr, 'Ptl'l'ltll Notllt 1nd G1111 Mtredttti Mortin, Llncl1 ind T1'1om1 It. V1u1hter, Arllnt JHnttte 1nd P1ul EUllltll Plttwt-, M .. rne I, 111d Fr•nklln J. P1lm1r, ROOttt Allen Ind M1r11rtl '"" McClure, 81rbtr1 Ann and John C11!1n«11, Ritt Ind bymond tlrund1ee, LJt11 1nd J1mn It, Llna tev. Caroline Mid Jtftm .11v BowdfdOt, Dolores G. 111d Barrv W. Owen, Perry Eutent 1nd Merr Btt~ Sm!lll; H1rliw' L. Ind Betty a . ~rr1, J911 JDll,n ind SteAhner K. ColJdl. ktty J11n 1nd R1vmond l'!mo Snrdef, Dlvld JOlln 11'1(1 Slltfrt1 An111 •1~. Edwin A. Ind' Vtfll Jun Grlflln, ~tt 0. llld Mltllred Louise SdlMftf; cvnthlt A!lf! 1nd Ro0tr1 Cer1 • Goodties1, P1lrld1 0. Ind Gur K. Obti'le, Nlnt'I' Ind Joseol'I A. ,C1ll1w1v, Ellttbtll'I llld Ctrl WUl11m Cr1lt, O.bon1fl N, Ind Mld!MI W1rne Ytilm•n, llev1rh' Jo.11 1nc1 JerrY / lt!d>lrd • Allleroo, lloberl 0-,er tnd Mery Lou Re1, CtrolYn Jo tnd1 Tllurmtn Wiibur Owens. Jr,, Donni MM tnd Se1111m!n Fr1nklin Shellhorn, C1rlll Anne incl Rc.r..rt H•rold ll llfV,Ctrol ~nn Ind ltlchllrd L. lattnll ~Mr U W1rrtr1, Collffll R, 11\d Gregorv 0, S!eodmtn. Joye1 J. •lld 0111 E. N11PPI, Llnd.t RM Ind l!r111k ArtlhonY JOY<t, S~lvlt J1ar.tt11 tl'ld J..,.ry Leroy Pl1ct, N•nc:y Lou Ind John I. Houser ..... Wtlttr Incl lellV 'Mac1M 8r~1w, Chrh;tr1nnt C. tnd ltobtrt •• Ml!llt, Flo'-• Mtrfe tnd Aoltnd Clee N•11m.tnn. W1111ce It. 1nd Sh•ron Lff Wlmberlr, II, S..11C1r1 J1&1n tl'ICll Wllbtrn L. Au$m UI, Robert 8 . llld S.ndr• o. Hill. ltllfh Vlr•llll• •"41 Henry Mi ison Linder$, M1rlh1 Cl1udl11t Ind J•mes ""'" Dinm1n, &t.flhen J. •"" ~rv e . W1rd, Jr., ChtrlOlll Ann Ind W1111r ltrton • aOULTON J John Artf'lur lolllton. Att n , fJf ''° w. 151'1! St .• N---1 hid!. O.JI ol deam, J1n111rv 11,.1m. Jurvlvto:t Irr wii.. Mt<f. .ieine &oulton, fJf ''" norn11 1wo lil11111t-ttrs. M1'. Oo!'ll S1tktl' •nd M1'. Corrll\I 'Thom_,, both ol LOl A111etes ; b!Olh..,., Clerence &oullon, Viti Nun; 13 11r•nd· ct1!tdren1 ' '""tC.nindciilldrllll. Servle" Wtrl ~cftd lodlY. Tuesdly, 1 11.m~ M1lrOM Abbey CllePfl. l1111rnment, Mil• f'Dfl Abbey M&uwleum. e.tltz 81r1rrcn fu/Mrll liof'n*, Cal• MeM, OlrKior., LINDEMUTK Norbert fil., Llndtmull'I. Ate 71, of 6111 C:ot'nlll Drlv1. Hunllntton 8"ch. 01rt of .d .. lti. J1nuarY 11, l9n. Svrvlved bY wife, FIOl'tnee. Strvk•• Pfndlllfl 1t Smlll'ls MortU.tl'Y, NILSON Allen L. N.rson. A111 15, of 11.C ()(_1111 Avt .• Huntl11111on 811ch. Otle of dNltl, J111u1fY 15, 1971. Survived bv w!lt, Nonna ; aon1, Allin t=. Ntlwm. of Wes!· mtnsteri Delbert N.i10n. Gt•dfll•: l!t. P'O't: A. Nt110ll, Hunllnt"lon 811ch: lilu1111- ltrs, Lorrtlr" Doutl11S, Alll•mbra: Nl)r. dine 8unlr, Arl lrioton, Tn11: •ttPd111th· tlfi Norm• Ptck, Oowrwr; 1lstP.r. Ell1a. bttll Ylund&, Mll'Wllukfft 70 1r•ndchll-cl~; 14 1~et-1"9ndehllar•n. Servlcet. Tllur5d1r, 11 :30 a.m., HIU11de Chf011el, filowi HH!• Memorla1 P1r1o;, Whlll!tr. Smlth1 Mottu1ry, Dlr~r1. ' ~USETTE lloltnll A, Pouwtle. lOol& V•let1cl1, Apt. s ,. Co1t1 Miu. Dltl ol dt1th, J1nu1rv 11: 19n. Sul"llfv.ct w wtle, Anl'la1 ion. Reiland Jr., U.S. Annr; d1u9"lrr. 1to11· llnd Pou1elle1 brother, Carl Pousette, l lllnds; 1!11er, Mat cod(, tlfl11ols. Srf'I· le• wer1 tleld foOav, Tuescrav, 11::111 1.1\'t., Betl 8l'OldwlV Clll!MI. ln1'""1r1t, Mou11t1!n View Mtmorl1I P1rk, P111· dent. 8111 8roadw"•Y Mortu1ry, Olrec-'°"· I filOWLANO Judd P. Rowlend, 11)146 Holburn Drive, fol unt111t1I011 S.dl. 01!1 of de<elh, Jin. u1ry 1&, 1m. Survived br wife, Eelvnr; IOfl, J!mmr 1towt1nd; 0.11thler, Mr1. Palrltll An111 Roust; bl"tlflltr, Cll1r1M T, Rowl1nd; '1i.ter, ErTltslll'lfl N!block. Srrv· lees, Wedflt1d'IV, IC :JO 1.m .. Peek Fam· llY Colonial Fullt1'11 HOme. SORENSON Lau~ St1r1111011. A11 92, of n• Roc:hestrr SI .. Coslt Mesa. Oate ol dratt., J1nu1rv 16, 1tn. Survived by 5Qf.s, R~r and Marold Stire~. both of 1('111111 lt\ellord Sort11$()1!, PJ;lmd1111 d1U1hlrrs, !1rnt Mortimer, of Port Gfomble, W11hln11tDn1 Wanda Nllflrr. Yuce1 V•!lry; Lau•• Mruia 1n11 June Mortimer. 1(1nw1: four listers, Mrs. GfOtllo Attrld91, Hunt· ln¢on 8.,.dl; Emmi Mlllbon, Anni Friend tnd Wiida Hiley. 111 of ICIMIS, Sttn>lcf'$, Wfdllftdly, 10 1.m., 8rll 81oad- WllY Cll•l'll· wltt. Riv. Auuell Clar ofll· c.latrnt. ln!trmtnf, H1rbor Rett Mt· fT!orlll Park. 8111 8ro11clw1v Mor!u1ry, Oi•KIOl'I. ARBUCKLE & SON WESTCIJFF MORTUARY -m E. 11th st •• Cost,· Mesa f!M888 • BALTZ BERGERON FUNERAL HOME · Corona del Mar 673·9450 Cesta Atesa 6'16·2424 • BELL OROADW H MORTUARY 110 Broadway, C.Osta Afesa u 8-3'3: • MCC:OR~UCK LAGUNA BEACH MORTUARY 1'7t$ Laguna Canyon Rd. 4H-lill • PACIFIC VIEW • ot~a~age AU111, Sldl!t'I' Lton tlld ll1l!dll Llldlll> 01l)Ofna, WUU•m •rt•n Ind IYl~l• Louis• M,..., RObH1t A. incl IClndt 11 £. W1!1«f, AM I;. Ind Mlc.f!MI J. ltorntll11, EtrJ 1,,0 Lor<•lne P. Gtlllenl, M1rr c'; 1Jld '•u• Lt ~.., ••wl!'ll, Mary Jo .nd l(en,111111 M. H•lilY, ltottr Inf Mtvtllll J. H!cklfM!fi, Ptul HttfY Ind M1f111ret J1v Mll .. blcl, 1'1lrlCl1 J. 1ncl Jtrlltnl J. ~-v1111i• It, •ncl J1rnt1 J . l'1!rrls, Charle• W, 1/ICI P•trlc.1• A. l!lrool!;-. Mt•ltn rt.rltna •nd Jtrry J•ck •row11, Rol:lerl G. '"" Ch•Ylll\Clfl o. SnttrM Dtetrnbl<' 14 AlklslOll, ltobl1t1 L. Incl Giibert L. OiliOn, Strnk• L-'1 Ind MurW.,. c11vl11 Cummlno,, Mllclrtcl L11 and Tflom11 H1111rv MJl•t, 91rb111 M. ~I'll li'rtnk Jitalll HOll•lilf, G1rr L._ 1nd Cflrlltlne E. E•v1$, P1!rlc1 ClalrtlM lf.l4 M1lyl/I Edw1rd Sli:owron1kl, Mlct1111 C~•rle' t l!CI EOCllt L1vonne Coo11tr. O.btlrth An11 and S1mvel Lff llower1, ROii M. 11!d FrtcMrlcJI Gr1tr. Normt Arl111t •nd 01ry Cl. Llclvll•, P11t! and John Ctlnt, Judlll'I AM Ind A!1t11 L"'ll Mltl1I, ltlf'f L. tnd 01¥ld M. Saker, Jtmer F . Ind Cl'lltfo!M A. llovd, Obi• L. Incl L1rry G. B1oome, PtlO'f S111 and tan!ord ll>OmlS Crtwforo, Ctlrklt A. and Jol'\n 0 . T1v1or, 1(1refl 11111 J1mt1 C. OICllnburtf'l,)OlllMIM ind G1rv A. c11uwn, Teri')" LO!Jls ind R•tln1 .... , Gabriel. R1mon1 M••·•F)ll 11'1 IC . Wtndt, Ctrol~n """ 1nd J1ml$ Grtham . Cummlnot, S•ndr1 L. ind Ptlrldl: Wllll1m1, 01v!d A!tn •ncl Oon• Ktr Andi-.. ectw1rd Arlhur 1ric1 Lindt '"" D"ltr, o.Ml• Nwtr•r •Ad Louise P1rk1r, L1wrtna1 1fld "''"' Marriage Licenses • J11111 M•rrll" fltlnWI were hsutd ft th1 1o1towrno 11 of oec. !JO: HOlLEY·IA~Hlt -Slt'1,.n A., It, 6'00 ~,_., iO""""'"'" ltacn. 1fld soV.ri.'N~ivEN1''!!"'Jaick P. 11, Redondo BtlChblnd Ptlrtclt /ii., >It, 1~ ccw11nc11r r .. Co•j ""' SHAWHAH·~NNING -h1wn M,, 2S, Ind Lllfl ,._l~,_ llc)fh _ 24'9 OrtnH Avt.1-C1t1 Miii. HIMMt:L·SANOEllS -L1rry A .• 24, Wh!llltr, Ind Ktthy t. .. 20, ·324 l?lh St., Hunl11'1tlon 8e1ch AOAMS·HOOO -Mlch11l L., 24, lf01 Ollvt Av•.. Hu11ll111lon lttdl, 1nd LlllH M., 2.f, Lont le•dl Horseman Confesses Pot Guilt U.S. Muffed I~ Briton Exclaims By TOM BARLEY Of fllt Diii' ,1111 Sllll MUFFIN MAKER Harry Mead iJ hopplnr mad Ind every muffin..lovinc Brit.on who reads on will want to join me in the formation of the CCFMI -Concerged Citizens for Muffin, Integrity. Harry come from a Jong line of muffin makers who have included members of BriUsh royalty among their patron! and he comes to this column by virtue or what happened t1: hlm in Orange County while he was enjoying a pleasant vacation on this side of the water. Harry, whose long estab1Bhed muffin business in London i! now in the capable hands of his son, was shoppbtg in a Newport Beach supermarket, he told me v ("not for muffins") when he spotted a packqe of "origi: op and genuine Ehg11sb muffins." ·He threw ·an original and genuine English' fit when be got around lo the line print on that Unioa Jack·adomed package of delicacies. W• W/llOflt Cotll MfM,. Clllfitrllll Ht-.nAOa: ll'UaLISHINO C0 .. 111 W. T.uMAN LTD., lltlA OHi (l~le. NATIONAL .llWING (l'NTlll 01' Jen 1-.,-, Hulllf 41lt .. 11i. l.udi C• ............... IHdl. (tiff, """'ll'lltln """'· ~llt, COSTA MIU,, 21# UIN 11, HtrW Or•nM· C11ttorn!1 • • -"ICMrt L. ...,..,, 111 w. CeMt ....,, C:-111. "· Oullo. 1~ o• .... •t'o'Cl, C.11 MIM. CtUI, tHJ• Thlf ll.lflnltl II Mlrit QMuc,. ... All TMI. lledl. Ctllf. Peu11t1JI\ v1nw, Ctllt. /Mnlton'ltf'Y Wllftl, VOii '""'""" l,....Vhl\111. . 1•1¥""'~ ..... ,,.. ~ ""' .,, lttMrt 0. Outll'i. .,.,, 1t111Mr. Hullo '°''' M•w. Clllf, ,.M J..,_ H1o1•"4f _.. tl11tlen hK/'I, C.Uf, Tlllt bUtlntu I.I bel1111 C.W11tltd lllt •" Tlllt 11$11-1 tllld wltll ... C-nlY ,... llldle,., L .,,.., J"'* It. Sl11tr, 11)\ " 0,11 Clrclt. llMflYhfUtl • C:ltrll " °"'"" c-1y .... Jt!WtfY ,, '"' .,~ fl)MI wllfPt .. ~ Hunllllf!Oll .. tc;lr. Ctlil. ""°"'""""" W1IHI 1m, by ~tr J MIOdQ. °""""' eoun: OW. fl °'""' ClllflfY 1111 Dec. Ill. lllf~ Tllft ""1llfltU It !Mint CIO!lducltd bY • Thlt t ltltmtnt flltd wllti !ht County IY Citric. • 'c' ,.....,,., J. ~ ~ -C'•MY ""''' l"1rtlltl'#llp, Clt rt of Or1n1t (Oynly 11'1: OK. '°' 1'11. , lDll lltlt. Cl1111M F, Oullt 8y a1v.,1Y J, Mtdtkrr4 OWllly Ceunty •ubllllt!ld °''"" c ... t 0111r ,.lltlt ....... _ _ .... ~ ....... llotitrt o. Dut•n . CWk, J1nuery 11. 1'. elld •IWMrY 1 e. l•Pf ..._ .,.tf119 ,.,_ OMf't lllltt, J•IMI •. Sltllr Ill , ... . ,.n J"Wft,., ... 11. 1L 11. Im MINI llllt tlllttMnl llltd wltll "'' CCIJ"IY Publl~ Ortflt• Cottt Otllr Plltl, • Cilrk" °''"" C011nty 111: D.cernbtf' xi. J1nu•,.,." 11. 11. tJ, lfn 3'1J<71 )l ---::LEG:::::::::AL::.:N::OTJ:::::CE::.---1---.:.LBGAL=:=:.:N::<mCE:::=---1~'!.!iitY'C,.':'"ly J. Mtddoll. O.Utyl-----------..... LEGAL NOTICE PIC.TITMHll IU$1M•ll •ICflTIOUI aUll .. •U PUbN!lltd Oft.... Cotll 0.llY l'llot,1---..;,,_; _______ _ MAM ITAT•M•MT UMS ITATSMl•T JlllUMJ' 4, 11, II. ii. 1t72 '4!-11 •ICTITIOUI lllllN•R TM tellftlnt ""''°" It lol• Ml""' .,.. ........... ,.,.... lfl' *1111 NAMI ITATIMIHT II? Ml-M: . Tiit fotlowl11t HfNll II dolllf bu1!1111t C•l's "~ne: c.... •• w. 1sn. It., I • It LIMING ~ANY 1m LEGAL NOTICE 11: l•KI NI. lf, NtwPOr1 It IC ti , IWtft ort... COl!t MIN. (tl,..,ft1t OAHLL I N 0 !JS T fil I f S 0, Ctlllernlt ,,.., tff» -CALIFORNIA, 3'S Sin MltU•I Ort..._ ''"''" ....,,,. Odi1111tr (IOlt ""'''· ltldwirf H. lt!h••h',•19" $WM Drlw, NOTICI TO c••DITO•• Ntwll«I let<h, Ctlllornl• .,, W. 1Jth II,. Stltl It, Nl'#tlOl'I C..1 MN, C1Uter11ll tMlt tUl"llUff COU•T 0111 THI" WtdH Cortor11lon, 1 Ct llfornlt tOl'- lel(tl, (•lltonlit nwo. ... o. fillfldtll. llllt IT9dr; ""'·· ITAT• OP CALtlllOfl:ftlA ~ -•lion.,., Sin MIMI Drive."'""°" Thi• """lllM ,,, .. ,,,. eonducttf "' .,. ,..,.~. Ctllfwl!lt tom Poa TM• COUNTY °' OU.NOi IHdl, C1lllort1ll lnlllVIClu•l. 'T'ld1 ~ JI """' c~ w I NI. A•fttlt Thl• buslr.tM I• btl"' eondutlld "v I C. H, Ocl'lln.r 1"111ntrlhlll, Elttt• If HIN•Y atNTON ,IAMl!S, CorPOl'tllon. Tlllt "lllmtnf fl!M Wiii! thl (OIHlty llJdltrCI H. Shl..,.lr Die...... R.obtrt S. 0.V!M, Clerk or Or1nt1 Cou"'v tn J1nu1ry 11, 1"11.11 G. llllldfll NOTICE IS HIEJtllY GIVEN q. tht l'ruld1n1 Jtn, br '"'''Ir J, MMd4ll. Tttls 11..-1 llltf wltll ttie CeuntY c:rMllwl olf thl 1be-. nll'MCI •tc11111 'Ttll• 1t11trn1111 r11tc1 wllf\ 1111 County F 15"1 Clll'I! ., Orllfle Ctuntr on o.c:. fllaf •II ,...-.,Mwlnl CS.Im• 191ln1t 1111 Clerk Of Ot1ntt County on: Otc. f', 1971, 'ublllhtf 0r1,,.. CN•I 1C11Ur '"°'· 30, ltn. ty levwb' J, ~ °"'1tr uld dlcldtnl 1r1 r..ulf'td to fllt 1hem. Ir 11v1r1Y J, Mlddoll, Dtllutr COIJ"lt Jtl!UlrY II. 2S, llld FW\llry 1 ... 1'72. (6u11ly Cltrll. wlltt "" lllCH .. rr YOUctler .. In Iha Ofllc. Clerk. fll-----------_:•,.~n •1M4 ol tfll Clttll of tht..,;..,. ..,1111111 court, or l'HMf l , -'L NOTICE J Publldllf Ora1111 CM1t Deltr l"llOt, lo .,,....,, tMm. wm. tht MUtwrY Pubtllh.ct °''"'' co11t Otllr p11(i1, ~ .•IWlrv 4. 11, IL 25, 1m Mll-71 voudlfrt, •Iha ul!dtrtIIMd 11 tt.. office O«wnblr 2', 1'71 1nd J1nulf'I' " 11, u, fll---------~---·1----:-.,,.---------lof ltlrttlorllt'ft. OltAHAM &. JAMii, ;44 lf12 »!1$•1! J WHt OC11n I 01.1l ... 1rd, Sulta 7'1, LOM ~ PtCT1t1ous auso•••s LEGAL N011CE affdl, c1i1ror"11 ,_, llllhkh 11"" •••c.t•l ·------------NAMI tTATIMl,.T o1 M lneu of tl\I u"°'"'ltntd In 111 rn•I· LEGAL NOTICE Thi lollowlllt .. ,_ •• llollltl llvslntu PICTITIOUS aUSINltS ttr• Nrltllllllt·fil .. "'"'of .. lof d-·------------- 11: •. I . SIEKO tVSTlMI, l M Cllff 'f1-..... ·~ ... ITATllM• .. NT ... ~i .. "1'1•.,1nor ~1 ::• lttt{ JM flr'll IUPIR.IOR. COUltT 0, TNI Drlvt, L11u111 •••di. C1llfor11l1. 11: K,.. * 1 "' -"neu D'tttd OKemblf ,,_ 1"1. ITATI 0111 CALl,.ORNIA l'OR fillch1'4! Armour • ....,. 116 CjllH THE GUIOI. in1 Crestview Ori.... Miry e111" J1mn TKI COUNTY 0111 OltAHOI f~;:•bu'fi:: ,~:.crn:. c:::.· 111v •n LltUlll ltlttl, Ctllf, '2'51 E1t1<V1rb1 o! lhfl Will of NOTICI o• "1;.:1~1:' OP l'ITITIOH 111111vldutl, Larry WMMr, Siii Crtttvltw Drive, tfll Ibo..,. Ml!'lld dltldtftl POI f'R.OIATI OP WILi. A,.I LIT· k: lttUfll SMcfl, Ctlll, O•ANAM I ~AMIS Tllll TISTAMINTAR.Y 1'1111 ~.~'!n1"'fi~lth tt.. County 1n!1~11~~ 11 Mint coriduc.fld '1 111 ~'.:!':":..!; := .. S•"' ,., Ell111 of FLOllENCI! H. ,ICKlltlNG, Cltrk or Or1nt1 GoutilY eori J1n11arv 17, L•rrv Wlffltt Ltnt ...0. Ctllw!llt ,.., O.Cetlld. 1m bV •-IV J. Mtddoll. Dl'PlllY Cllln· T•h UlJI as.MU NOTICE IS HER.!SY GIVEN ""' Seth tr Cltrk, 'Thi• 1tal1ll'ltnl fll• with the Counfv ""'""" tlr l11ta;lrh1 Plek1rln1 hit tlltcl hlrlln • N lltlon fOI' I' lSUS Cltrlt f/f Ortftlt Gwnty 111• Dec 13 ltn Publlll'lld Or1n01 CH•f 01llr 'tlol Probll• of wtn tnd l11111nct of Llt11r1 'ubll..,... Ott!IM c ... 1 O.llv Piiot, b'f • ..,.,,., J. ~ o..in; c:'ounl'f Dlc:wnbtr a. 1t11 ind J111111rr '• 11, 11, Te1t1mfl!l1rr to PtlllloMr r.i1r111C1 te J1n11o1ry II, JS, •l'lld """""' J, 1,. 1972. Cltrk. . 1'71 .Ql6.11 wfllth It tnldt for fUrthlr ""lcular1, 11\f ltt-n •·14'Q 11111 thl llrn• Ind PllCI Of hflarl111 th• ''THEY WERE" he sa·d ••a ·•··ked • "li /l ----::-:=ccc--~---...::::::::1 1'119Lllt!M Ort"" C:0trt oe1w Piiot ••rnth111M1111.rtorJ1riu1ry2J,1m,et • I .,, JJUV\: vOJce S 'ced" LEGAL NOTICE DK1t1tMr 21. ''" tfld .1111111ry " 11 11 LEGAL NOTICE t :30 1.r11 .. In ftll COUl'lrlOl'l'I Of Dl1>1rt· CS!J you ~lieve that? The ywere actuaUy pre-3iiced and '11 ltn mn """'' No. s of "'" <OUM, II 100 Cl~I( said so right there on the package." ••• .,. .. C"'''r Orive Wftt, In "" Clh' Of S11111 " . llllCTITIOUS aUSIHISI NOTlCI TO CltlOITOltl """' C1lllornl1. He got little sympathy from a ·buay manager who"tOld NAMI ITATIMINT LEGAL NarJCE SU,llllOll COUltT •Of' THI 01lld J1nu1rY 7. 1'1! him with disarming frankness that the' houaewife often 11~ to11owr,,. ,..._ 1• dOln• •11111• STATE 0111 CAL1•o•NtA •o• ~~~tY ~1.~~HN likes her mufF"s pre-sliced and ail ready !or the 1oa~er. LA v ER Ne LANYON-OESIGNElt .. ICTITIOUS IUtlNllS THI COUNTY Oii OU•H IUllTON. OAULDIN, .. , in Al'PARE N.t.Jig STATIM•NT .... A·TI• THOMPSON .. Nl'IO And her.the . I led to H L.-IOUTIQUE, <IOI E. 32nd --.. -·-,.._ •• -...,_, ••••• .. RUSSELL JOSEPH LO • .. N r crispy commen arry that no one eJse s1 .. ,,._PDn &e1Cli, C•Hle!'ftl• ,.,. -.... .. ,,,._ "' 7U4 1tun. •11nttr AvM111 had complained Ll\l ... nt L1nvon, 111 OC1111 .... 330. II: CASCIO, OtcUNlll, '#lllttllr, C.rtfertlll Mt . Hunlll!Vlon llltch. Ctllfornit. • WOND11t•LAMI LOGS. 1'111 NOTICE II Hl!ltl!IY -GIWN "' thl Ttl: ftUI .,..... . "It's sacrilege," said Harry. "On top or that it isn't Thi• bllllt'IHI II lllll!f condllct .. ..., '" Mtnkltlr L•"'· HU11ll111fon a..d'i. crldlfol'I of "" lbov. nllTltd . fftldtnl An.,., ..... htln-• k I Y t li uffln lndlv16111I. C.Hforl!l1 ""°· 11111 •II lltfMnS Pllvlrw dllfN tt•l"'t the Pubtl'111d Or1ntt Coe1I DtHv l'I t crJc e • OU canno s ce a m before you tout it any LAVER.HE l.ANYON STONE AR:TI, INC., 1'171 Monfcltlr Nkl dKldllll 1r1 r1111ulrtd lt flit them. J1nutrv 11 lL 11. ,,n .!?n more than you would argue with an umpire if be said you This 1111em.nt t111c1 wi1t1 "" eountr ""'· Hllfttl!IMoft ...,,, c1111orn11 with lhl """'*'l'Y YOUCMr .. 111 Ille tffkt ·---·~--------were out" cim of 011"" Coulllv 111 Jtt11.11ry 17, nM1. et IM cl•rk of the tboW tnflt11d court, or Jf12, br hvtr• J , M-. -· ,.,a _ Ttrl1 ilut1111u I• ClftdllCIM " 1 cor-to llf'MMI "*"' with 1111 MCalll'Y LEGAL NOTICE H 1 ined to -... llONllM. 'l(IU(hef1, ftl IM undlr'll ...... " lhl lflk:•·· ---==~=-:::-=='"'=--e ex~ a . a manager who was trying to change tr Clerk. I" Don11d L. Hllltl'. of her altor11tv1: R.EEOV I SCHEil. INC.I NOTICI! TO CltlDITOltS ~e cas~ register tape and tell a small boy not to N•t his , blllhM ISM ,rulclt!lt (Ir: ALAN M. filEEOY), •» Newptirl SUPIRIOlt C:OU•T OP TM9 f th ch k t tr k wh. '" J IJ Or-e COis! 0.ll¥ 'llot, Tiiis •llltmtnf WIS fl!td Wlll'I tfll COUii• Ctnlttr' Ori .... Sijlll J30, NtwPOrl BMCll, ITATI OP CALl,OllNIA 1110. mgers In e ec -ou ac lie listening to the angry enu1tY 11. is, 1nd FtDrulry 1. t, 1tn. tr c .. rtt .,, o.11111 c.un1y 111 o.c.tii.r c1n1ornr1 nMO, which I• "" 1111c1 of THa couNTY 0111 OltAMOI Lortdoner say euctly .how any ~lf respecting muffin eater 1•12 n. 1t11. blltJ11tu of t111 ul!Cltr'lltllld IA '" mettt" ..._ .. _,.. handles the,consumpt1on or that delica~. / LEGAL NOTICE ='~·.:..0:-y•.::; =~~!111.:r'~s!~':,0:.. .. 11~11':.':1:! sT'Jl11t~ O!...::-GARIT McCANN 1---7.:=:::::::::-:-::::==----1 5-1• lilt I ....... c.llftnlf1 ,..,. lllll ftll lhls Mllte. NOTIC( IS HERESY GIVl!H tt t111 IT'S JUST •ICTITIOUI SUllNISS flll.OC DlftCI Pec1t1tbit 22, lt71 . crtdltor1 of lhl •bo med AS traditional Ill that bit about pqintlng NAMI ITATIMINT 1'·14M1 MADELINE UlllULA LO CASCIO lh•I Ill Ml"ttllll fl1v1n'i c1':i'm1 .~tt: with your pinkie as you aip tea. You take the wholf mUf. n.. 1o11ow1nt ..,.., 11 ,...,.. 11us111111 ""'blllhtd 0r1n11 coett Dtnv 11111o1 e 11K111rh1 ,,, 111t wm" 1111 <llc:tdtftt •r• rteulrld ,.. ·"~ 111 f. k the 1s: OICtlnbilr • 1tn •nd J1nuarr.., 11, 11, 1t•oov"':. :~ltn~ dtudtnt wim t111 l'll(ftwrr \!Olldltt1. 111 lhl ::ri: m, wor prongs or a pork around the perimeter take 11 '"o LANO DATA Assoc1ATE5, 1tn u.1-11 avi ALAN M. •a'ioY of 111e cttrk of"" •bov• ffltltltd court,., thumb· and forefinger and delicately separate the 'top' from '' Hm111c1 Pllhp> 21 AIRT1to,01..1s, (t-"'......,.., c.... Dr .. S.IJt.. lo .,.._, """'· with "* 111c:a11rv th. bottom. , lllt llrOl'fltltlrlhlP). ""'° CtmPUt Orlw, 1 .,. 11 ..__ N..,.. a.a. Cllf nMil Vlll.IChtrt. to tht Undlrlllllld 1t ftll Gflft1 SUl!t , .. ; NIWPOff 8t.c:h, ""°· . ...... ...... S'IVI-Tl'l1 ~ • ol th«• lllornt'fl, •urti:1, WllH1rn .. •nd "ThUI," says Harry, "leaves the hills and valleys which 11 •• °',,..,., co.n.ni "'"""1• •on ""'"""..,. 111tamt• SortMOn, .., SOulh 011,,.. s1rttt, t ull• C~·••n (loll llfOPl'ltlor), ••s G1l&.11r .. ICTITtoU& SUSINllS ....... _ --c-t .. ,,, '"" •,aoo. LR ... ,..... ... Clllfornil '°"" IOtlldl give the muffin its unique flavor. Slice it any other way Orlve. NIWllOl'I 1e1e11. t2uo. • NAMI ITATIMINT 0 .. --:.. ,. J 1 • lhl pl1e:1 of bu1tn1M of !ht ut1c1tn11111c1 SANTA ANA _ An owner· d y · t do 't h th in Thi• bllollnlts 11belntcOl'ldvC'tldw1 11 T1-ftli.wn ...,... ere .i111 Ktmlllt •· 1.,1 • •11.""ry " 1i, 1. 1n 111 m1t11ra "rt11n1n1 to lhl 11111, of an ou JUS n ave e genu e and origlnal English l 1m11111 Ptlh•. 21 1nc11v1c1u11 WllOH1 11: 1tn »es-n w1c1 dtctden1, wt11t111 four "'*""'• •ttl!r trainer who was barred from muffin whatever that silly packet says." ""' c.urr1n • &. M COMl'ANY, mi Wtst C•tt 1111 first ~ne111on cit lht• llOtle&. the Los Alam1·•·· race track "P J ho I ·t • ~ r h dou h d Tl'lls •11"""1n1 11"" wllh ""' ·Countr HllflWlv "" •· ""'"'°" 111e11, c1111. LEGAL .NOTICE 0111c1 J1nu1ry 1~. 1tn . ~ eop e W are n I JU~• or t e g on't realize Cl•rk of or1111t COl.lntv on; J•nuary 11, .11c11: H. atn111t1, 2111 Ar•ll• $1rt11, T1...w Mee."" Gutttrll following his arrest on drug how vital and traditional this is," Harry said. 1'11· •r wi111r T. KJ111 o..itv County ,...._..••Id!. ciu1w11t• NOTICI To ct1101T01ts L1111 G1Jlflri. charges has pleaded guilty )o He has a polrit, And ht has much more -~· than you-c11r11. t..ullll Mtr '""'*"· 2111 "'1111 su,.1110• co;u1tT °" TNa E111<utoo Ill' 111t w111 6'"-•• f'•llU4 ltrltf, NIWlllf'I hid!. Calif. tTATI O• CALIPOltNIA •Oa of the tbove 111rne0 dKldenl r«lpced charges. In Orange truly who has deplored and despised the pre-sliced muffin Pllllnll\td O•lfltl' c •• , rNllr "''°'· Wlllerl'I J, MtrllnJ. '4n Ltllll Clrcl1, THI COUNTY OP OltANOI 8UltKI, WILLIAMS AHO &OR.INSON County Super' •• , Court. f th d h d 6&. J1111H1ry 11. 25. ll'ICI ,.~111,..,,f, .. 1"2. Huntlllltln lllCh. C1Uf. ,.. .. An... """•r• ., Llw •. or many mon s now an never a u1e courage to tackle 1•12 Tiii• butfn111 " .,.1,.. ~ 'r • · "' """' Olfft ,,,.., s " "udge WWiam Murray. a"' k 1 · th H ~11n1rm111• ettat• of Sl'ALOING 1AK1t:R. IAST· w.-.~ ... ,_ .. " 1 1• .., ...-a mar e manager 1n e way arry did. J \!---::-==~===--~I Jldl: 'H. lll'lllltt MAN, lkl SP'ALOJHG a. l!'ASTMAN. • Tih (IUI ..Mj11 ,.1, cepted the guilty plea of "I'll show 'em," said Hi.rry. "I'm going back next • LEGAL NO'li<s' e11111CL Attlf'MYt"' 1111Q1ter1 Charles Michael PiSciotta, IO~ week with Lplan to,aport_our muffins. They will bt:«lld ... c~' of11~:=tc!.~ :!"o:' J:":lr cr~.lt!,;E et11_:E=:.v .!!:".:~ J '"'lllhtd o.--c°'tt D•llV P11c11. Anaheim, to char&es tbat"lle with the ei.preu wamina that. they are only ror muffin su,1t11o1 c~J:: oir-THI ay h¥trW J • .MldclM o.vr;. cl!HttY """' '"...,... fllvll'll c1111m ...... , ,.... •nuerr 11• 11. • •nd l=IWw,., 1, 1tn was in possession .. or marl~ 'lovers who ~u promise to s11·-them co~•·." STATW o' CAL11101tN1A •o• Clerk. 111c1 -..s1nt 11• 'lflV 1..., '° "'• tltln'I, 1.wi '" '""" •• """w.1 TMI COUNTY 0111 OUJIH , ,.1..., with the f!tC,llllry \IOloldllrt. In lht oHlcl juana last Aug. 26. Pisciotta NI • ..,.7rra PllllllllM!ll °"'"" C•tt Dally PHoi °' lhl c:terk " "" Mov.-lfllltllCI court, or LEGAL NOTICE was plciced on probation for u ou, COME ON," said Mrs. Mead. "You mu~ be oil NOT1c1 °' H•a•1N• °" "'""* ~-. 1t11 ,,.. J,....,.,., "' 11. 11, ~':'~. :::':'~~"" tM, '~ry]------------. pet II 3~ lllOlt lllfilO.ATI Of' WILL AND Ha 1'71 »n-n of UN16N 8ANIC SllO :,111111;'! LIOAI. NOTICa three years. your crum , • .. LITTl•s TllTAMINTA•Y Tvr.1.T NOTICE aouievird, u. ..,,,.;...., cilltorn!t to0u, NIWl'OltT·MISA UN1111110 The quarter horse speclaJ'·t 1Est111 of ,.AUL A. a11tNT, OtC'IUld. ~ whl-'" 1, .., .,., ., .,,,_ ,. the 011T•1cT ~ i. ....................................................................... 11 NOTICE II HEREllY GIVIN lhlt u~~tltned In ';11 rntttlfs .:;i.1111119 hi 'NOlkt lllYlllnt 11dt was accused on arrest of Of· OOlllOTHY FAYE KUHLMAN .... tllld For s ... .,., Cuttodl1n. olf r111111r1nt lflf "''" of Mid dKtdlfll, wlll'lln four NOTICI! IS HERE8Y GIVEN "'" "" fering to sell dang'etous drugs flll'•ln • Miiiion for ProlMt• If Wll el!d ffJtl\ltel •1111 fllnllllllnet lllClltld "' "" fTltlftllll •fltr "" ffrat MllUtlon Of 11111 lloir'll of Educ111on Clf IM Nl'#llort"l\\111 lor IMUlllC& el Lell1r1 TllllmttltWY .. $1allt 1tM1i: ....... Wlmbff et Hillll'tn llOflC•. Unlflld Sctlool OlltdCI of Orantt County, and marijuana to an un. Ntltklnlr', ,.,.,.™• lo Which It mMe for-.,. "'°'"",,. ClflfW 2" • 17m oil.ct r>KMnillr•2t. 1m C1Uforn11. wlu r1c:11vt 11111111 llltdl up 1, dercover policewoman who ar•. lurthlr .,n1cu11r1. •ltd lhlt .,. ''-.,,. s'"''· Cot:11 Mitt. c.11fW.ni11 , .. ·~ ""-UNION •ANK n :oo A.M. tin IM _,. ci1v or J1nu1ry 111tct !' __ ,llffrlnt 1111 11me II•• betll Ml 11teNf!Y 1~11111 tiy.,. ortM1.Ctun. av: JOHN s . MclL•OY ltn 11 the office of ••Id lchClof 01s1r1c1, ra,nged a meeting with him at T v c · fllf' F'""''"' 1, ltn, tt t::io 1.m .. In ftll "' s111rttr .., ~ '· 1'11 ind •1 Trutt Ott!cer 1«111d '' 1151 •1•c"'t11 Avtnu1, Costa the Los Alamito:i track. . WO eteran oun ty courlroom ol OtiplrtlMl!I No. I ol Nici nal"911 .., IYIY .. lrtm ... Cuttofl111 hlClllor.,, ftll Wiii ......... C1lllor11l1, II IOtllch llmt 11rc1 e1c1.1 court. II 1'00 CIYlc Clnttr Drive W..t, In wlM M ..W to "'-l'lllhal bldO'tr for e11h Of lhl llboW ntmM ~I wUI M M iieir OPttl9CI Incl r11d for: Pisciotta's arrest led state -thl CllY 111', Slnll An1. Clllfornl•. ., Tutt!lll', JllllHl,Y JS. 1'1! If J:OI P,M. N.lltWOOlt. toDIN • AOltlNION Hew l.ulllmlllt fer T.Wt•le · th •t • to b hi Dlltd J1n1111'Y 11, 1t12 on 1111 11,.,..1 ... it 2M I . 17th 11,111, DI ,...,.,. Clll1W Drtft kf1oo1 $ervic1& racmg au or1 1es ar m w. IE. 11. JOHN c:o.11 MIN. Cttlftnll•. · ,., OfflCI aa 1917 An blft ,,. 10 .,. 111 t«Ordlnct wit!! from the track. He has ap-E l Q • p County Cllr~ 1r11NCt1on ., 1111 •-.rtY "' ... soto ......,. ..... CA ,.., conc1111-1nttrUff1or1t •net SHC1t1cat1ons pealed that action m· Super•-mp oyes u~t OS,. 0 MCOWIN, •••IN • n'LVIA wlll ... ..., ...... lft .ltllllll'Y a. 1912 from '44-1111 wl'lldl ,,, llllW 011 "" 111 lhl Cll'flCI of lhl ..,, It "" IM lttt ca.MllHI AWRM 10:00 AM. to flmt Of wte. A"'"""9 tw • ....., P1Jrdllllnt "'"' el lllcl SCticel Oltlrlcr, Court. . ~..u.~~lftnll ..... 1111 Wlll ... I• IM.llk ... ......I ,ublhl'ltd OrlnH CO.ti Otllr lllt1ol, !.~, ",1untla Avlrl'Je, c.11 /M11. • wttldlwtr 11 "" .,...tnt. .J111Ull'Y " 11, it. u. 1'12 MM-n ""' om•. • · Atilt_,, fir: P1Htlllllt SYLVAN Y. ALLIN Etdl bldcMr fTllllt IU~lt 1 bid dipotll Trio Faces . ' Trial Date Over Fraud SANTA ANA -Two Orange poast residents accused with 1 Fullerton man of selling near. Jy $500,000 w or t h of unregistered stock -most of it in Orange County -have been ordered to face trial.May 22 in Orange County Superior Court. Judge William Murray set the trial date for Donald Maurice Douglass, 41, of 104.12 Tea l circle. Fountain Valley, Lilyan Seifert, 57, of 1420 North Wood Road, Seal Beach, and Donald Ray Tugwell, 44, of Fullerton. All three were ordered to return April 14 for a pretrial hearing. They are free on bail. The trio was indicted by the Orange County Grand Jury Aug. 12, 1971, on multiple charges o f consp iracy to violate the state's co~porate securities a ct by s e I Ii n g unregistered Americ#lll rrf.oblle Telephone and Tape stock In Southern California. SANTA ANA -TWo veteran Orange County em p Io ye 11, have announced they are retir· tog. Mrs. Mabel Ca ·teix, assis. tant clerk of the county Board of Supervisors will leave the Marine· Gets Convicted Of Burglary Job she ha! held since 1951 OD l'llblllflld Or1111e Coett DlllY l'llot, AttorntY tor A. L. Glnfllt11, e1 11, LEGAL NOTICE '" lhl form °' 1 ur1111tc1 or c.ll'lltr's Feb 18 Jinuary '" If, 34 1rn. 1n.n pl1Tntlff 111 Or•flff Courtlr dltct or• ti'd bolld ""'''to tlv. "'<ent • . Sul'tf'lor'C-1 ICtlon NO. JOOS 15"1 of lhl •IT'IDlilfll of 1111 111d, """ Mrs. Mabel CaSteix, assiJ. LEGAL NOTICE 1nd tot the cuslDdltn. su,11t1ofil cou1tT 0111 CALl•OltNIA. ••r•bl• io t111 orcaer ol #11 ,."*'"""""'" tant tax coJlector for the coun-sr1v111 arlll'I. COUNTY OP OU.NOi u111111c1 sc11oo1 0 111rrct. " P•Norminct 1IM t. hrlnt llrltf ,.. Chic: CtllfW Dl1'fl Wiit, Bond tn•V M required It !ht dlac:rttlon of ty for 37 years, retires Jan. 2S. sUl'llllHI COUIT o, 'fNa L• """'"' c1 flDOI' hftl• AM, c.. "" 0111r1c1. 1" 1111 1wn1 °' 11rruri 10 Mrs. Casteix has been with tTA.T• 0• CAUl'OllNIA NR: '1JbHW!ld Or111tt C•tt OtflY Piiot, c:-NWf!IMr ~ llltlr Into 111m conlrKt, t111 11111 "''" the county clerk since January THI c~'!,'l;r,., ou.1t•• Jtl!Ulry 11' 11' 19' 20' 11' 22' ''11~ '" ,. ,,!u='!!. '~~r: TINA~~ ::11or~n:'~~.'° "ld khocll 1944. When •he 1·01ned the NOTICI ~ .. MIARINO o~ l"ITITION DIANE HEANIEY Ind It"""""!; No blddtr m1r Wlll'ldrtw his bid kw I l'Oll PaOIATI OP Wft.L AND POI: LEGAL NOTICE AR.THUil LEll.OY HEANEY Jlerlod of forly.flv1 f4SI tltn titer the county work force the popull· 1.11n11ts TllTAMINTAIY (SOND To lhl """°""""' AllTHUlt LEll.OY <1111 .. , tot lllt OPtl'llrll lhlrtof II bout 150 000 be WAIV8DI HEANIY TM ... ,... Of Educttlon of ttif NNPOrf On '!II a , and t Elflte el llA8EL RIOOtO. O.C.utd. NOTICI TO CRIOITOU TIM "flll_, f111 f\llCI t Jlfltllon ~ Miii Unified Scl'lool Olttrlcl ri1trftl 111; Superior Court boasted two NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Th1I IU,•lfO• COUltT' 0, TM• Cttlllnt rour m1rrl1M. Vou rlll'I' flll • rlfht Ill tfllCI lllY or 111 bldt. 11111 "°' • d Sh h ed hr S1r1h It, Slrnln1ton hn fllM 11.rtlft 1 JTAT9 OP CALl•Ol•IA Na written ""°"II wtlllln thirty lllYI or 1111 111cts11rlly tcCht ttie 1ewt11 bid, ll'ld lo JU ges. e as serv t ee petition for rttobill of win •l'ld hlr TNI COUNTY °' Olli.H81 d•tt fllll tllll -Is Mrved 111 ""'· w11v. 1nr tnformtlllY or 1u._,11,11,.. In county clerks, B.J. Smith 1$11/tnc• .,, L.iter1 T•r-•.,., '' P11i. ,.., A·ftm If You 1111 t• 1111 • wr1111n rapottM 1nv bid r1e11v111. J I ti-(lond WtfvtdJ, rlftr.nc.t to Which •• ,... f//f JAMEi D 0 N" l D wllhln _,. tlmt. your cleftull rntY .,. Oiied J1nu1ry 10, Im Lynn B. Wallace and the in-11 """ ror wrtr11r 111n1cu11,., ·~ ""' •••DUON. "" 11:-11 •• JAMts o. enttr• •nd ""court "'"' """• '"""" NEWPORT-MESA uN1,.110 cum bent William E. St John. thl time Incl •l•c• of ht1rl11t tht ''"" ·=~c'°• •,·.-....... J. '"'"' conltln1ne ln lunctlvt ct ollMr oro.,.. SCHOOl. DllTliUCT M • • ' II•• ""' Ill,.,. l"lbfu1ry 1, 1m II•:• •IVEN te ""GlllC.tl'lllM cllYlllel! olf """""'· '"°"' of er ..... Countr, Ca!ltornr1 rs. Caste.ix, was assigned 1.m .. 111 the c:ourtoom pf 0tp1rtm1"' No c,..,ltor1 " 1111 "°" n•mld ~' llUPtof'f, chOd cu•lo!IY· cfllld 1u~. ,,. Dortllhr H1rv.., 'llher to the board in 1144 and pto-3 of WICI court. II 10I Civic Centff Orlvt lhll •II "'""' lltvllll clt1mt "'',. the totMY'• ""' COlll. •1111 IUdl Oflltr r•ll•I Purdl11lnt Allnt . . Weil. In lh1 Cllr of S1nl1 AN, Ctllforl'lll. "" tNffdtnt tr. ""'11rld It fllt ltltm, •• mtY M erff'lttl bl' tht coun. 6U-11llO moted. to prmcipaJ clerk 1n o.1to:t J•nu1rv 11. 1t12. wlltl ""MCtMttY veucl'ltl't, 111"" """ "rw .,..,. ..... _.ict" •• ••·. Mlltflld Or•• Coe•t 0111., 1954 and' to ber present post. w, 1:. st JOHN or tht c11r1C of'""'""'' 1111111t111 court; or twnrt .. tlll• Wll'ft9r, "" t!IM1d t11t 11 Jtnu1ry n 1nd J•nu•rt 11. ltn ~~'°Ji SANTA ANA -A Marine . • Countv Cltrk Jo ~ ,ftllm, w!lh tht ._....,., """"'""• ""'.,_. Wfftllll "'"""' 11 · Corn• sergeant a--·--~ on ar· t1on m ttM. HU1tw1n HURWITZ ANO •1M1a ~ .,L..., 1Jndtf11111M 1t lhl Ol'fkt '"'" IN'I' "' ,.., -.. 11,,.. LEGAL NOTICE ..., '-'\:UXU Qt.J21111 ttr.ft Of J I , •UIEL, Jlt., ""'°"""'ti o.t.d J 4 ltn rest of 8$S8ult with intel'lt ,to '· o ... •m Ltw. sm Via ON'to. N""""" .. Id\, (0111 .. ICIAt"i'eALJ RDOLUTIOH HO. 1111 commit rape and burglary bas N ........ IMCll. CllHtrlll• . ""' ~Hwnlt;, ~ wflld! ,, "" llltet of WILl.IAM .. It JOHN .... ••tot.UTION OP THI CITY COUN· Jc S d Tlfl fn•) '1Mlll ..... 1l ...... ltnld In Ill mettlrt Cllfll ' cu. 0111 TH• CITY 0, •OUNTAIN been found guilty Of Jesser tu ent ":V.r:..ffl'.=!....,.eo.rt OOl1' Pilot :!11:,~"".::.~"rt~:-=: " .. "" .. '•ti I!, C11tV1r1, VALLa'W' DICLAlllN8 ITt tN charger in Orange County • flM el 11'11* l!Otltt. . TINTION TO VA.CAT• A nottM ' Jtnutl'Y 11. If, 25, 1972 1JS.72 hi Ct.OltlA IOITM lltADltoN THOMAI W. M•NOIUON, ,It. D•AIN WAllMINT 1.0CATIO IN Superior Court. F T h«utrhr .,, ,,.. 1 ,., " •"""" et uw TUCT NO ..... AND s1n1Mt THI J d Willi M I-·~ ' ·1 1 1 • I , 17111 It., ..... 111 "UMm AND PU.Cl PO• •U•<TC u ge am urray VWN aces na LBGAL NarICB • 1111 ..,..,. lllll'lld '*"'*" Cit!• Miii. ca.,.., MIAR.IH TMWRIOlf,\ Sgt. Edward Malcolm Rldeout, 1--~,.-,.-:=..:.:~.::.:::.. ___ l/M11 L•,•i."!•lw '1• '"'' ,..nM. WHiltlf.U. h e.111wn11 o.w 25 EJ T ilt · -NOTl~a OP PUaLIC NIA•tfl!• ,.:.-:: °"""' AW fllr PlllttMw COdl llCtlone IOJQO 111111 .. ""-" ~ • oro, gu y of burglary I SI • •••o•• TMI •U.N••"• COMMtlttolf "---' ..... Ct ..... 1'1111111.,... Or1r111 Colet O•Ny l"llot, '*le ltrvk• ••nmt11t1 VK•llon LIW a(ter the defendant agreed to n aym.g· 0, TMI CITY 01" POU#TAI" VALL.IV , ........ , Int) •JMlrt JltllllrY 11,•11;•'21 ·.ncl Fltr\llr"I' 1, 191'1 -1611 tot ltlt ltoetdl.lrt Wl'\tf'llly ltlt allow the . dg to I the NOTICE II HIR:l8Y ·01ve:" lfllt Ill A""*".. ...... -, .. 72 ClfY rn1r VIClrEFI le ••1M1tn11 lnli JU e rue OD Wlclflffclly. J•nutrr ~ tm "7iW'11,m. ,,,.,.,..., Or111111 CNtt 0.1• '1111. WHl!R:t!AS."" IJY ~,.., ........ allegations on th, b111ls of 1 , 111 ""eounc11 Clllmbttt. Clll' H111, 1t200 Ptctmlilitr-. 1tn ,,.. JtmiltY 4 11 11 LEGAI,,NQTICB ! • ,._,..le .., .....,,. c1r11,. review of the transcr1·pt. SANTA ANA-A j unior col-ll«Jtr Awnu• ~ tollfll!1111 ...wc:tt1on im i».n ll"l'PDMI 1«11tc1 "' Trtet "°' -.. """ ' wlli " ""rtl w .... PlllllllM COM· kit• • .. "' .. ltlor• Hr11(Uilrlv R ideout . will be. sentenced lege atudent accused of the m1u1on: • LEGAL NOTICE • 1..1eAL MOTICa dtl(rlbed 111 1111 ltffl c111cr11111on 11ttehltl F-· •. He faces • _,,,·bl• killing of I youn• com ..... 1 .. n Z:O•I ClfA .... "'· CONDl'T.OlfAL NIWPOIT-MIM U•l,llD I ~ .... 111CG1110ttftd Mrlfn .. illfllblf CV. "-,....... -, ~.., Ull PlllMfT ft, LOT t•LIT a N-ICNOOL. OfSl'lllCT A" el!d state·prison \erm of up to five Jn what P.OllCI aaid .,, .. , a P11Clllln flliH bl' """" OIL .. to NOT1CI 01' SALi 01' ............... "" • WHlfltEAS, .. Id Mlle: Hstmel!t k""" years or a county jail term ol drug-using dUsput& In a 'Buena ~::U':r.-a:t:!r,;'':to: ,:.11 ..:;,,-:: RIAL "°':.'iw~' ,;:•VAT• "'" 1 •='~E ~'.!1:,v ,,:1i:.:f.l:: ==rvo1 ':' ::::.,,:;.:~~"'• 11" not more than one Park apartment has been of W•mtf ~ Ell(fkl .,.. ~ tuP••101 cou1tT °" TN• unm.. khllt olttrlel ., or... c:ou.Hv. mtnt tot1tet1 .... r11r, '"' Rl.dllOul WIS i·deynatriJJ. ed by orde_,, eo f-trial Fe•. z in frtm A1 '9 Ml lnduttrl1I. Ttlll llrtHrlY TNIT1A ... T8 ~CA .. Lll'Ol:NIA flM Cllltwnl1, 'Wiii NCldvt •IN 111W1 U1f te NOW J'Hl't~~-~·E, a1 fT REIOLVIO l1'\I .. ._.., U, ' 15 fvnMr tlricf'IMcl M ..._..,,, . ,., ·~ LOI AHa\.11 U:OI A,M. t111 IN Ulh I.., el ./_MqtfY b¥ ... Clll' -.-II el the City If FO\lrlo Garden Grove police last Aug. Or1111e County SUperior COUrt Plrtlt 1 ... 211.:J .. ,""",,,. !Mr•"-" t11t •11 "" MMW .,, • fht ••• •"' 1m "' 1111 4IMel of "" kllocrl ~ct. ••1i.' v111t1 #Nit It thtll htllf • ,ut111c • • llltl'lfl 4lt fMt ef w. _, 4ft W of COlllln'"'""" el ILIZAalTH fit ...... et 1d, 1''-"!I•· AVlllUI, ce&ll llMrlflt for 11111"MI Of cONldl'IFlf 26 as ~man who attempted Richard Allen Goodwin 18 uld AsfhW's P1rce1. 1n tonl1Jf\Cfl011 "=•'°" (C.1111., .... J. ~ c • ..._.,. •felt tlmt •Ill . ..,_........,_ to. wca• "" O.Uillltl M lle to rape a local woman arter Do-u tJOt the trial 'dote' wi111 .... ,.. .... Mr. DM.• Iii.ti•• kit '' ~ "'""' "!« "" """wt• • """9clY _.. • \.Md......,.,, Slld ""''111 """ ... lltld"' ' ... .....,, • condltlonll u .. ptrmll '°' I l(lw-111 ..,..,.... Witt .... ,.,,....,. uh. .. ., for a . tN Ctvtldf ~ CllY HIJI, lnit Servl•te Sets forcing his! way through her from Ju~e William Murray ftllllr• corn111M"' .. ~ .......... 11., '""' Wft • ., JM., 1tn. .. .,. . .,. AUTOMATIC INTl!KOMM~,1J10CATIONS llt191" """""' ,_ .. 1 .. V•ll!ly .. '" T-bedroom wlndo fter he ded t llly to '" "" """"' u I(,.. If tflt ..,....., " !let • ,_ N, P1UCttf1 flftl ... SVITIM cllV, ,..,..,., '· .,,, .. •i• "'""' .,. .. w. a pea no Ill .... !llllld lnt1Ulttl1I. "'111111 ..... Ill H ........ llW. ......... T.,,lflee, HA•SOft Vll!W IGHOOL. • ..,. ..... -.•• "" • ..,. .... l'l'llh. OUiCtrl uid the Marine the .murder or Robert Michatl "'" Mtllotl. CMtlY' .. ..... , NMltw ., .. '1111 r All .... .,. ..... Ir~ Wll!I •• IT -UllTHWll RllOl.YI O "'" 1111 sergeant was weiring only 1 n-.. •r ' Z! He' fs "-14· in Tfltll mtltth ''' Mll'll ,......... C•'"'"""' " fllie tllilllll ft '*' .,..., C•)tf.M. ,I 111 .I t1r c r 11-..1, Ml ~fY .. etert .. "}llJ muet It to !Iii "*'lhld 0 H .ve .... ' • Ulil lllltl~ tt "'1""1ftt ...,,. of 1111 1t• ef tflll Mff(t tt CIMftrmetllll , .., MW "9clflut1MI. wh1dl era fW# 9ft "" 111 '" ....-.... CllJlt 0.11¥_ Piiot Pel l ousn _ golf shirt Ind I pair of Army Orantt County JaU With ball Clltllt1tl1 (OW!. Cltlt u.-11' ..... Ind """"" CWt!• •JI "!' rllttt, llftl: W , "'° 1111 ~ el 1111 P'lll'd!Mt111 'AIMI .r Mltl JiffWl'ilW ..,,... .. ""'9 IUCUllll.._ .. ~ -boots at lhe time of h11· ·-st. '"-'eel fflt •.V.M.(. '" .. ti Tiit ..,..,,. .... --w tillf1 Cla•N•ftt lit """ .. all ldMf Dttltlcf. lU7 fl'lloMtll A'ltt'AJI· ..... .,..,\ .... lllarlllt tfttl Mall tfld. llllt llllfl 1r1 111 ti .. lt1 "'-'""""" e.dY el or... $11fre el C.11"""'-IMfl ....., 1tW11 Mlrnlt 1 W ""'-' llM "'i'-""'•"' llf ..W flt tt !':IU MEMORIAL PARK Cemet<ry Mortuary Cbpel '1,===========~= .. ===~ ..... ::~~·===·======:lionrnt '""''"""IN • .-IUMIWI .... MW .. ftftllfl R:MI '"'""" .ttllltt tit 1111 c.te ·-· C1f*r11lt. f'urtl!W '""' ""'" .,, ... "'"' .,.. ANAHEIM -This may only o...,,,,...,.. .,,. .,. .... ,,.. .. "' ..,__,. ._,.. •......, ....-.... 1 tt"" w Cffllf t111 .,.,.. '""""" • CJ ..._.. •• lhl, 1111e .,, tflt •-January but ·t 1• t · t 1-tton.. ,,.. ·-'"''"" TtloM ...,.. lift '' .,.. • "' a1oct ,, ., "'° fll ....... ,,..... ,... .... tt .,.. .,.. " •"'""11 .,.,... "'" v~. I.II.'. • I ;, 1me 0 ,,.. tt tntlf't flt lllW# ., 1.i .._...""" hid! ' ......... ' ... ... Col.In" " ... ....,.,,.Mill Ullffltll $dliol Cll"'1d. -'AUIO AHO AOO~TlO el • """'"' think about scbool n e x t ""''"''~ "*' r1111.1t1b •11c1 ,,._... w1.11 ll>i ~ *" .,, ~. 11 "' "'-A P~ ..,.. "*" .. l'tlllll,.. 11 "*"""' • 111e C11y Clillll!Cll 1111 411 •r" IRI P1<1/fe View Drlff Ntopcn Be .... Callforala I -PEEi[ :AMILY CXll.Ol'&L nJNDAL JIOMll ?WlllllooA'"' ,. ...... II' •• • &\llTll!' MOlmlAl!Y lr!MU.IL e......,.._ ... September, if you're 8 boy In-.,.... 111. --1V!'llt'I' to•• ~.:J: '· p.,.,, tnc1 11 • w. fltert1Mlt"'"" Dbtr'ltt. 111. .. """' J-.,,, }"'· tere'ted In .nroll-··t al f' ~· W Plast" Crea " '""""' 1*""'"" 1. """' ,.... Niltc9Me -MMI. "' ,,. elflc:t " "" et .. 11..,. .. .,..... ...., """ CIOfltt'ki. "" -1• rfWtt'f 1. JWt "~' IC • j IMV qnlKt Ill PllifllllM °""'""*"' •I CMIW ll tf MN c:.mtv, , ~ el 'hi ~ 'llltll M ~ or Se It Hi h School • MNCM tllcl ,..., .. f111 , ..... m•l!lr TtrlN el .... caM II\ 11WM "!lflW f//f it!:. c.-If • -... IN tun "'"'""""'°' ATTIEST1 ,......, rv e g • 1• •1• I PLANNINca. COMMISSION 0.. ,,.. ti ............ ~" ...... wtll ... fllrftltM ...... ScMDI Dltfrld of Ill ,,,..., ~ ..-~ .... WW Clltlfffl ltlttrwf 111 lfW........,,,. M .... T111 ........ « ........ ef ~ (4') ""9·.,.., t11t COUNTY 0'.1Qfl:ANOJ,,, , ) .. Open house for bo)'! and I nti F Artificia• I lieeth THE c1n °" .,. Ntf UIJI .i ...... 11M111df • or1n. Clunfr. c1iy c• l heJr Nll'..,1• -1.u be Jan, 31) nve . on or FOUNTAIN VALLIY .,.,. ....... .,,,...,.._ W n.t OM ""..,_. Mef .......... Nit W"' I STATI 01' CALll'O."tti, • from 2 to' p .m . on the ~ ' ......... .,. ................ '* ...................... CtTYOll,OuMTAINV--.IY ~ Catholic ...... n11s at 1-• -. • -Artftcill T ... ~rllt tlllt.•1t n'IOlutiooiltd. dtntva ,._..,..., °''"" '-' hi" ,.... ••., flllmtt-•i...,,..,.. • ..n Tl'Jt .._..., ,,....__ .. ..._,. I. MAiltY I. COL•·•..,. ar1W ._._...,... -" IA I'' wearmr n ' M NllMlf It .......... .,.._ .. 8"'I' Mite 1.'""'911 ...... llf1'l'tCI ,__ llll !t18t I 111'1 t11t OW-C11111 ti. -e. ~"? ii enP•111'!'~v.:~onem·, .. ~ .. rir1or to s. ..,....,.. •ltthJ'8GbittlienW; dtftbei. ::.":t."':t':. ...... ..,.., •="I ~r.::.: ... ·.-:a1:"= ~\~r~:-=. ... ~ Tbe Jatter will be held Ftb. plaatrtcrMmU.LIMHtdfflturee•1 J111 re.-bout1. R.&'"u ~. • ~illiT1 .._ .YMXMlu.t• :"..I: "' ~ "'"" •..,., J,,,.,,,.,, 1m, w .... .."' ... ~ . •Mt""",.. t\01'\l'.fortMftn,ti•,tdtnc:eol'm1 tu1.i-.. a11un11-.'r--~-TAKE THE -, 11 -~ ~·· 1 ..., .._.i et"' Malflllt 1- -!~•tia.m.1 wtth it.estree0t C:~J;-•el.ut ..... ~ OcrltumtW6tar.-.ntl•l to NEWS QUIZ caa1•"'·" ... ,._ WJ tt,lm •I•:"'""....:=.":.':: Ml ~. 1ocordln& to Rev. Chari• ..,,,,.,ri,,.,.,:::::..1t•!7 ~~~~~·-t:T~'t~ ...... •.:=,.<u•e•• ~ =rlCT":.'''°' ~Ill jouNC11.MIN1 :!.:.'~.,; Motsko,prlndpalo(lhlcoJ. •foq•~Callecl ri~ Adbeeiv•Craa. • · We Dire You ••.• ~,._~......, ... -~~=· ~:vr~c~.-=..· Jege prep IChool run by tbtt1:====================:1-~~~'.!.~~~~-'~ -!.J..., ,.. err• •• ;:;-.. ,... .au ' : 1 Gell 1 Onler of Servant. of Mary. very ttur-y ---..,. ~ ..... ':'":.-- -,..,, .....1::. ":'!,,.· -.,.. "'."!. i...., 111 tti ~ Jfft .n ..i-..r 11 _. JM/«1 llr '"' an Jaflll9!'Y te. II. 1,nr llHJ 1., I I I \ ·1 • ' ,uttdlr, """"" 18, 1972 ''l.'lae Spider's 1f elJ' Mystery Play Given Fine Production Tuesday Evening ..... '" MllM • tlll .... , .... ol ""~ "'!di ~ .. ...... mtrlll II C.1111,1 . I 111Di1't -.._ '""""' " upllitdr' ~ .... l:t01---. La .... IDllo .-,. Ml By TO~f TITUS Of tflt DtltY l"I... ltt• Surprlslnsly enough, It Isn't all that tedious to watch 1 murder mystery unfold for the aecond time -when f<!U know "'THI ll"IDll't Wll" t.IS (l)(IJ W -~ "''''*'! '11. A11111a Chrl11)e1 411~ 1' J111lf'J.~ltl1 ,., IKlll!k~lr.(lor 1,30 ~J Mur11~r. mi= ,:.~Kt~ it c"ANNOH-£XCITEMENT1 i~~/l~~1 ~.i:Jf2 lt, ttL~ * Myst9ry and SUspcnul triirW°"' e-.ct°r-v.h.:S 8 Cl) CIMOI CallftOll coma .. THI C,t,ST 1:118 .. Miii ..., (I) Guelb llMI hlall wllll couJtlJy OI C.lllomlt'1 Cl1rl1U1 H1H1llam·lr-. ··"'l-' lllckldl llMllt Mtdtt11rlo, Mt• NIPI vi•• .. ,..ttet tfle IWt ol 1 Sir ll:ow!•lld 0tt1lla1'1 1...i 1KhM .. , _, J-rnY W1rren0tr ... lltllbfor1 Mff'W lnat\a, kanrty Solma 111d G.tM '8t· ...,~ Ylntntr (pltJM ., ffllt. HllM lltdl . . . . . .. .. . ~r ,,.,._ ... .. ' ·• -· O. ··~·~ I ho ,_ ~ .. ...., lllM>Kllll' LIN'f ..•.•••.. .1.-L..tckmul " '""" · "'"""'• rt-deft IUI) w ~ _. .,... Pl•t H•iltllllfl·lrown •. 0.. DM lend. . tlm'lf I llfles If ~llldlllll lllshlfL O.~ D .... -(IOI • lit -,..,......., ..i..a. ,._ Mlldr ..... Nk1 •••• , • , • , VI C~ltl' "" • , .. , -'' ...._ Also auestilC ltf "'n~0-....,.... OUY" f:'~ · ... "Wll.11~"' Diiwl!i: I te tbe kill "tb bl h ,.,, I <COIMdtl '67-.llme. CoOun. 11e11r •nd Katlllrit1t JaMke. ~.:rn' .... 11 ., .~:~~J: ~~~ !!Praeccloan .... ..!.... :~~Ir • .. 1 '01 lM 1 Cotlb, .INn Hile, Alldrn 0 111m-....,_ • ..._ l;H1n1 ~· ......... K1Mt111 UJe ......_....... UJ111: Dlluan. Ann• LM. A COMplttq' ol "Tiit UnMIJ All!Mct" Nlcflola .. intrigue. And the Long ~·ch WOIMll, 111111t«mlndtd bf 1 IM111ty forcef to tlkt "" hi ' INI_.,,.. bloody well wh:>dunit, C.Ommunlty Playhouse's ~ uu111 trcoon. .. out 11 ., .. Ml berr whfft • f'loldup Pltl 1111sttkll Instead of being caught up, ductlon olt''The Spider~• Web" tilt wotfd. Ont,, lhlf htvtn't count· him for • .otMous uft crttktr. with the . majority of the au-.is skillful indeed. Id "' Fl!Rt llelft1 ttllld ill 011 Ill• 8.,... Arm ,dien~, in the 1Uspense of the Thb ~alba auutie thriller ce. bf lilt rtnll1t111. G luttr W.ttf llln 'show, you can more readily ls a. far cry .from the i ....... m It 1.a. I Tliltf .brlllianUy ' 'f{l'itttn ''Sleuth,'' Mltillll ...... phlc m ID llMll:. JllN'llll ~111ek Hu bui its interpretltion on the .-.. lrllfltlt Al'wlY' a.en a .. 111111.rr m•• Cetlr -BT• ...... -w:ld West Long Beach stage lo Im· Qi} JllM INlllWlt:I: 20lll c..w., , ., pressively mounted by veteran Mia 11:00 ft m .... director James Brittain and a ttl IXPl®I Dlrirllil (It) Ptr· fJ llmllD • w.rw 1tn Pft. C S h generaIIY first rate cut: And fnltofTMDtGrtill,,1lnler,1e11111 ll'll!l-'llllSijjed..l11load011~:10. ast oug t viewing it lee than a year tor •nd •n:hltect. •l work 11 h, D Melle: (C) "'lllPI•" m-(wtlt· aftei: the Laguna Moulton uttvt AtltonL ilrn) '44-lDtl McCIN, Ultdl Dl1· Playhouse ·production off era mw ..... 1111 1111. M1UJt1ii O'H•ra. For 'Ann:n' the reviewer the extra ad.-a,_ -Ill FREE "SILENT YEARS" K> vantage of lnslanl lnalghl. lnlo ll!l-""11,_. *PHOTO ALBUM AT ALL lhe play'a•conatruclloo. 7-aa1.-· OFFICES OF GREAT "Whal we're really looking -WESTERN SAVINGS for are the ingredients for a · ·Characterization 11 the 2)CfJ LA. u• ._ .,_ !llllllllo 1111t1 r ... "Thi.,. real live wild wesl show." lltong point of Ibis Brjllah (I).,..... lo\oM RO&IM" In ttil• 1121 fil111. That waa the comment of COD')edy.cframa rather than at~ 1J WMf• Mr u .. r Joha """"'"' pllJ'S tht ""'*" Ruth Yeilding, I e n ! r a I' tentlon · to techn:Jbl . d.iaill . m I LM l.ICr lm<tnll.llJ ,ott 111d thltf, Fnit-manager of the South Cout such U accent!:, which U m I llrt• at ..._.. cols Ylllon. Choral and Light. op e ~ a employed at all are done tft)Tlll C... ti o. n.. ll)T•91 r., Association, u she invited rather badly.~ preaence of fm Ms1:11 9! fb-lkt ~-no res idents f r O m ~ . o~ native English IOn' in ~ l u_,,..,--~""""' -Or8J1ie County to audition for cast poulbly has left me '"" the association's ·upeorning . others a bit reticent in this 10:15 (})118CW1 1tnn1111 ii rwr · productionof "AnnJeGet ·Your area. 1:118 llJ I .. c.,wi Shir!., JoMs On LI• ''Tiie I t.ells" Gun." . The pl~y's central figure, •nd r1111 Lrn1St iuest. @Trrtl! ., een...-11a1 A wide variety of character the wile of a diplomat who 8 aJ m I IBC!JL I Tiit Pr 1t1110:11 II !111" llldd!JllQ Fm ,,~ types are needed to fill the usuages her boredom by ... (It) Clllef Ironside 1111 Slrtt iutm. cut of thl.! rousing Weit.em-playlng tricks on a trio of 111tU • joint effort ID tna don 1 o """b' w "D«th S4~t' (II') style musical with mU1lc 1by house gueata, I! a plum role """'-'his llll1r,wht hn murdtr· (J)M 1... Irvin'Berlln. In addition to the td dlfM llritstL """'°"' ..,,, lllCI m ..... 1111 Johns leading characters, there are ~ Cto111 "-""Y stir. lr)MlnMltldl several parts: for children' and l lti;::!~?J? 8111*(C)(2!1t)•Albl•• ICIClltttlltWlll danctr1, not to menUon _t.be .,.. <...,...> ·--1.a.... large cbo1'114 lhal will be· r~I iii• lfllr ht w.,.... Slln1 l'lcMa. m.r11 l0:45 (.))FU• "lst1nbuJ'' quired. L' Tllbotl. Ci) illwlr. "Drlmbul" (tMnllllt) D l!l llo "" .,.., "/(/// -· 'S<-AJH Ladt "'"" Ill/loo, ..._ The open audlUons wlll be s..... Jill!•" tulle u....., 111 art r..ltfl. held t o n l g h t and W~- htt drlNl:lc iebut. lllf Al F nesday, Jan. 11 and 19, and ' .,.. 11:00 8 D (IJ 911!1 &l -Friday and Saturday, Jan. 21 111111 .It. IVfSI In 1 •IOl'J ef • .... 1!1 Olle ... ltJtM and 21. Auditions t o n 1 g h t ~· -., -• fJ CD Ill -Wednesday and Friday will 0 M""' ""'"!ti (Ill) -=~ .. ,.,,. begin at 7:30 "p.m. Audillolla II Miii" (dflm1) '7Q....Dlfl• Me-on Saturday will start at 10 GIWfn, Cltudt Di11phlL' 11:301(1) Mirr.,.. -a.m. Dancer&. wishing to audi- • .....,, ..._ • • • 1. 8 e *"' cw.. J •' 1 . tkln for the productioll · are m -8"hoo • ..,. lost asked lo attend lhe Wed-" lfll ..._ '71 8111:6r. .,.. lit a·o.w·w nesday evening auditions. m--~.I '_ti Solltn, Tony. AudlUonswill beheld In the Gl!C)IPlll:·CScott Ill 'llUQMAI muslc room of Sin Clemente 'Jr' i.. _,, • """""' D-• <Cl """ -11 High School, loca.led al 700 ·•. 11111 I II: Run 1:90(1)1'11 k '"" UI atr" (drt,11'.11) 'SZ-Wllll:M, ~ i _:A'.'.v'.'.•::.· ~P~l~co~<n~Sa~n_:Cl~em~ellle~.~~""""""""~""""""~ • ..., ltlfM 1111, Juli• Ad1ina. ' . . ·~ • 1· •"'-m_(C)_...,..,. llJ la C.0 -(m"""0 'lt-lllrit UNI, -Grarson. , ll!l•• m-"' -_«.,.. I :• 9 (IJ -11N-t A ..... /o!JI '5~0/ lo-All• ltltlmlM: ., 111 met foui1t ol T•IOlroff, Bell Lupel. ---•thottm> m-""""......, "·~ .. "°'u:15a-....," .... 1-111 • "6ol r., fortlrn mnt Wo rat. 1 ) ·si-rrMlf HNarl .__ Cilllduliofl If bfo.prt 191ilo49. Ul1 • -""1' IUliP "'""' ""' Wo Fil T•NL CWIK ii ........ _ ....... """'._ • m-" .. -(C) (Ill 1:00 a-· oa 1.t.1r ...,. ,_ ...... a., F,..11 All" (Cllllldr) edJ) '47--1111 Witll:IM, lm;lrl '71......utTJ Hep111, 11"'*' Ftl· Hale, S.rt lMM. .... ..., Co/II ... L 1 ...... ••• Cll DD (I) llill -.... Mtttdltfl, Yh111 Ynct. lwe """' eouplet, fief lit 'llltltl Ult kl l:JO m A 11 ·"IS• I ..... ""Crlct-Uf." the blc citJ, kr n bbnll r!f CM .., .... •• Wiid," •.hlW" ··- . --St4Pi/!ll ,I .. -'I I ----,, ·-CIJ , ._..., . .-.-.r..-,1•1 ... St411111.11 : .. -.... -IJ (t) ........... (afwntutl) 11 ., ...... •o.ct ,., Wednesday -U.,. "''"· c•111 "'"• · !·~~~~~~~~~~~~· ~~~~~~~-m<ci ._ ....... -DAYTIME HOVJEi <11r•m1l 'H-M•rtt JC1111 ""· ,. .. :!: lo~I• ·rr1nt11Nnl ' t.IOID"""' ... If ........ (1'111· 2:0CltD ............ (drtlfti) '54-WHkdoys'1.IOff'711S0Ny"Afrtf'9130°""' t 11r) '•1-tobtrt MO!lfPlilJ, .bh11 lttl1M, Dorothy Melone. Sat., Suft. "LION" 2:00 & 7: 1$ "Alf(' 43Q, 9130 Cll,.. .,,... 1:00 m .,. .. ., Coll" , ..... 111-L •••.,,. ·-·..,. ,_,.> ""'"""'"'·"" """'"· PETER ·O'TOO E 11--~ Coot•."'"' """'· . 9 .,,. 11111 ..... ""'""" 114 • "LION IN WINTER'.' . DltllM Fo1ttr, -WltUt111 ·hwtl, Myru lit'· tl:lt(l)_ll_ (O_) • ., l:tll!)(q ....... ··-(ln- -sl\""7 '""""--· "' 1 ·--·....., ~-''ANNE OF 1000 DAYS" t:M e "l.11111 llW' (mralctl) '47-Kl .. , Ool'wtllJ McGulrt. IMlo '"'*"'· Coa °""'· C:JI Cl) S-• 11111- - Jules Feiffer's · ._I _-_-_ .. :-_ ... -:-_ WHITE: HOUSE flm r.ASE lbu ---llAI An -...ding tru.·M.~lor.,.wholoflrn!lyl Kids Like .to Ask Andy l ·NOW PLAYING . . • SOUTH CC>AS I ho DI ... l'wf ... •11111 5*2711 !or any actresa !or It oflon lrlo of plotters. LllUe Dee Dee opportunity for v Ir tu o so Davidton Ls quite engaging as perfonnlng. How'tver, It 11 the Clarissa'• stepdaughter who lnlerprelallOlll given the lbree holdJ the key fo the mystery. vlslllng genllemen w b I c h Vi Coulter'• b a b b 11 n g crr~t E•1twoo4 ''PLA 't MISTY FOi MF' "llltD WITH THI ClTITAL PLUMAtl'" . keepa lho Interest hlgb. 1mlener lo gaudily overdone-- This Is not lo detract from which Is naclly as II should 11111-------lhe perlOflnlnco of K a y be; her weakness Is rolylng Moor., w!'q la excellent aa the overmuch on p h y 1 I c a I playful Clarissa. Miss Moon geslunos. William 'Dennin lo offer• atrong variatlona of chillln&ly effective in his brief emotion ln this key rote, co. ecene as a nasty visitor, while trolling lho action wllh polio Rlchatil Gish Is less Im· and 1elf usurance. pressive u the oft-absent hu1- 5terh WM""'41ey "CAINAL INOWLID•I" ''THI MAN WHO HAD POWll ovra WOMIN" All Co(or e l1t•4 I Rl The trk> of conaplraton who band. J. w. Uvlngston as the become wnrllllng accesaorles elderly buller and Kenneth to the conceallng of a very Moore as the police sergeant cold piece of evidence are are given little to do. l~=========~I quite well pla'yed by Paul "The Spider's Web" ls 1 fine Te~bkf:, Arthur Perkins and exerclle for ~e who delight Robert Renfrow. Teschb .. ls In trying to outguess the the s tr o n g e 1 t of the playwright -although the threetome, Perkfus the fun--clµes are there for the spot- nlest and Renfrow the most ting. The play continues for colorful. four more weekends, Fridays Te.schke-'1 portrayal of the and Saturdays, at the Com-pragmat~ J>Obleman duty munity Playhouse, 5021 E. bound lo protect his ward, Anaheim SI., Long Beach. Clarissa, is strong a n d"-;=========::, bellevab1". PerklnJ offers the! contrul of a squirming stuffed shirt ever wiahing he were elsewhere. Renfrow excels as the adventurous member of the group ("Well, do we take lho body lo the car or the car to lhe body?") and i.s probably the standout of lho nJghl. The lone Briton of tlie cul la Jack.Lackman, wbo ploys lhe ... ......,. lnapeclor, fir· Ing his polalocl dialogue like a reputing_ rifle while .beplng conalan!JY a sltp ahead ol the Endo Tonight c--lo "THE OMEGA MAN" --"MAN IN TH! WILDERNESS" St1rt1 Wednudty IS rT MAN 01 IW11 "llG FOOT" ...... c., ..... .... --lo "EVIL KNIEVEL" BARGAIN MATINIE Ev...., Wodnnday. I p.m. "-.. " 1a .... 'ADULTS .1.00, '"11te Gre•t -. ~eat su..,tt" FABULOUS ENTIRTAINM!NT DOUBLEHEADER ............. Ill All.A'S MIT AND ZANlm lllTllTAlllU ROSCOE: I HOLLAND llNIAnONAL SOUNK Of YISTllDAY • TODAY MIKE I ' ; : LENI . ................. ,,.. ............... ,..ill .... /./ T-. tlll'I S. . .,_ l 1H , .... ..._ -... ...,Ill . OUTRIGGER ROOM · KONA :·LANES 2699 f>jARIOR IL VD. ,, COSTA MllA ... ~ .... ---........ "., ar ,.,....."* ... I $do llJWJOlf illtlt ..... ·-" t.Wl••t IW. lilt -Q.I, l"'t!I New York's Critic Awtrd DAILY l'IL01 fl .... • • • " .. ' .o4 ' NI-; \V P<>RT ( ~~ ~ IJJ •• ' ·--·-.. •PREMIEREENGAGEMENT o ~Connon • .llrw!Htr O'Ntlll 1Ufgt11 Mfftdilll 5111191 by 0 , c. $mith ,·,, I' i MOVIElA8 PARAMOUNT 'R':..: •• lnlll HIT . C•rit Sriodgr1~1 •• ...... ,., .... c.llCI I '18rrC• P 2 -··5· ... -Qollll 'I. . Alto·111f1-- 111l, 1-Ill "$HAFT" , ( • • J 0 DAil Y PILOT s Exempi Products Price Loophole? lly SYLVIA PORTER You go to the corner market and find your food doUar ls contlnuinc to buy leu "eek alter wetk aher week - part!cularly of fruli. and vecetabla. "Price control is a farce!" you gruJ11ble In anger. Y Oil get a phone call from your dau,gbter. a senior at col· le«e, telling you the amount of tuition you owe for the winter semester. It has' never been so high. "This ls worse than before I.he freeze !" you explode'). You call the TV repalrman to put a couple of new tubes into your Sony and he presents you with 1 bill !or the biggest amount ever for the parts and bis services. You can call him names but you have no alternative except to put In new tubes, so you pay. Jn each of these Instances. You the complainer are wrong in blaming the price IDcreue! on the failure of control.I. for in each of Ulele areu there are no controls at all. Fruita and vegetables hive be<n specUically eumpt from price controls from the Illar!. So hav~ be<n !he Initial prices of impo~ proclUcta (.UCh 11 Ja-medo TV tubes ), and so now ls tuition at private u well as public col· leges and universities. The list of exempt products ls long and getting longer. In fact, C. Jackaon Grayson, the Price C.Ommiulon's chairman, estimates 1 full 18 percent of 111 items are now exmipt. That's clooe to 20 ... ts ou\ or every $1 you spend for things and no1>thlngs -h e r I y loophole indeed. And this atone will help tilt your cost or living upwards. Actu.ally, added Grayson in a wide-ranging interview in Washlngton a couple or days ago, "contrary to m a n y reports, public compliance with controls has been ex- traordinarily good." People ""' "to clis&usted with inflation !hat !hey ""' eager t.o cooperate in curbing It," Grayson believes, and he thlnb you will voluntarily C0111ply u long .. you ... (1) others also are cooperating and (lj the pa .. of Inflation is moderattng. Thi. underlines the im- portance . of your recognizing lbe extent of the exemptions -for only U 'you do wilt you have the proper perspectives on this program and realistic upectalions of what !he pro- gram can achieve in 1m. President Nixon's oft.quoted target for th}s year of an in- flation rate down to the 21h percent range seems highly unlikely, for instanee -and he well may end up regretting at all. Just the exemptions will help raise .tht price Jeve1. So will the dollar's devaluation, for this will increase the prices of tens of thousand! of tmports you routinely buy. And tbe!e mind you, are fac- tors rarely included in a con- sumer price analysis. Here are some major ex- emptions from the price con- trols of Phase n of direct con- cern to you : "" All fresh fruits a n d vegetables. Prices of just about every food in these 24 Hour TEUPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE S•tvin9 -Coro11• del Mir, Co1t1 Mo11, N•wPort l11ch, end S1ttt1 Ant 11011. OIANGI COUNTY IADIOTILIPHONI SDYICI, INC. 835-3305 SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - The federal government ha.s fded an anUtrust suit oppqlil>g the merger of Wells FargO and First Western banks In Calilornia. The sutt by the Department of J\jltlce In U.S. District Court Monday said a merger between San Franclaco-based Wells Fargo & Comp.ny and First Western Bank I< Trul Company of Los Angeles woold substantially r e d u c e compeUUon. The two companies have competing offices in 18 coun-- tles of C8lifomla, the auit said, and the "capacity and in- centive to expand into areas of Callfornia" where they do not presently compete. The government said the two banking concerns entered lnto a merger agreement Oct. 14, 1971, and It was approved by the comptroller of the cur: rency on Dec. 20, 1971. The effect of the merger, the suit said, would be to Jessen compeUtion in violation of the Clayton Act b y eliminating competition In 18 counties and by increasing the concentration of b a n k i n g services. Assets Sold Dalatron Inc . Santa Ana, has signed a leUer of Intent for sale of the assets of its subsidiary, Orbit Electronics, to a private investor, ac- cording to the business wire. Terms of the sale to Charles F. Speer, a management Co~ sultaot, Were not immediately disclosed. Orbit manufactures radio control equipment for model airplanes, boatl and cars. LEASE NOW • • • CA~L auo •DWIN ..• 540-$830 1 r ' , ..... - OVER THE COUNTER COlnplete-New York Stock List . I I ,J....,, ,1m s _ DAILV PllOT • • • • • . .. • II DAILY PILOT TutolaJ, January 18 1972 Listing Rela~e~, For Small Firms WASlllNGTON (UPI) - '!he P:lce Commlllion has ruled tbat retailers doing less than $200,000 business each year will not have to post a 11111. of their -pim. . ' .. 'i1ie cltcislCXI, -.,, atiD nqillrel the retaU... affected to mate -pr1ee in- formatlao e V a I la b I e to CUltomers who Uk for it. ' J I ; "' • ,. I ' ! , ! I. , '. ' • . ' "The CCllllmilsilio bellevea ::U.~J:""'~ on U-...SI ~ who do not b.ive lhe ~ or facilities lo· comply with the postln,( re/julJ'emenl," aaid commialoo chairman C. Ja<;ka<Jn GnoYIOft. Alb! Jan. I, lhe government required moat . busloea.. to Prisoner Discovered 'In Digs'. SAN QUENTIN (AP)' -A San Quentin prlaon lmnale has been found In a tunnel where be wu tryln( to di& bis way out. Prison olliclals oak! Clyde Evt,rttt Hall, 21, servq con- cmnnl 'sentences· for burglar· 17 from Los Angeles ·County, gav;e up when he .... 1ound by I IW'Cb party. ~le Warden James Park Aid Hall WU belleaJh a utlltt1 ~ in the aouth cell ~· tryln( to tunnel bis way arolind • boulder. "I do 'bellOve the fellow meant to leave us,'' Aid Park wryly... . . He said Hall; with appar<nt aid 'from three plumbing truJtles.who had acctSS to lhe utll!tjl ~. bad lmocbd · out' a bole in Jhe cOrrlcJor flOOI' to reach the area where he ..... •t wort. 'Ibo wanlen Aid Hall had made elahonle ~atlons and in lddlllon to cbloels and dJ&glDg lnstrummb ..he bad nm a UCJtt eon! and waler line into bia tunnel and opened a nearby sewer line to fiuSh away tell-tale dirt. • Hall, he said, had anolher 15 feet to go to clear the base- ment and another IO feet to reaCh ·freedom on a hillside facing 'lhe community of .Tiburon. Aide Chosen CAMARILLO (AP) Norman C. Boehln, 34, city ad- mi.nlnlstrator of Sierra Madre for 40 years, has been ap- ~ted city manager for Camarillo from a list of six. Boehm, whole yearly salary wlll be $27,500, will start his duties Feb. L Pope Paul Assailant Stays Put Death Mter Treatment Of Drug 'Homicide' U.S. POSTS AUSTIN, Tex. (UPI) -Last should show lhe safeguards Oct. 9 University of Texas must be preserved." freshman James Andrew Knox Raburn is associated with a swallowed a do se of clinic managed by Dr. Peter methadone, a synthetic drug Joseph Carter, who was in- used to treat heroin addicts. vestigated last year by the By the next day he was dead. state Board of Medical Ex- Judge Ronald E. Earle has aminers 00 8 charge of un-WASfUNGTON (AP) -The now ruled the teenager's death professional c 0 8 d u c t in Census Bureau says t h e was homicide and referred the dispensing methadone. The number of~ung people ln the case to a grand jury for possi-charge was dropped against U.S. population increased by ble charges against lhe doctor Carter. 53.J"rcentth in thahe last decade.I who prescribed the drug to "'I don't know anything ou , or t t segment o Knox, a non-addicl about it," said Raburn. "I the population between 14 and 'I1le drug was prescribed for don't know any names and 1 24 years old, grew from 27.1 to Knox by Dr. W. E. Raburn of don't know any dates." <tJ.6 million, the bureau said. Forth Worth, Tex. Raburn Earle said he ruled Knox 's In an updated report on Id he ~ lhin characteristics or American sa a.u~w no g of the in· death homicide under the youlh, the bureau sRid the in- cident. seldom used Texas statue that Koo u crease lowered the median x a egedly took the drug rules a doctot can be held age of the national population last Oct. 9, aod was found responsible if De ''shall by the d d · h. to 27.9 years. ea Jn ts apartment in use of any noxious substance But, Census said, the new Austin the next day. administered in a grossly ig-figures stlow the widely held "On the basil of article 1200 nora'tt manner, prod u c e belier that more than half the oC the Texas malpractice death." population is under 25 ts false. statute, and ~ause of the•ll"iiOii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~iiii;ii;iii;';;;~;i::;i~~I methadone war given a nonad-11 diet with out factual determination as to whether he was an addict, I am rendering a verdict o C hon\iclde In Ibis c.,e," Earle told 1 news conference. He said that, although lhe Incident should not -u in the bannlng of the dnlg, "ii LET'S 1£ nortY Jf you have new ncichbors OJf 'know o( nyone moving IO, our arN. ~ 1cll us IO diet "'e w.;y ex\encl a ,,-, wet-and help -.. -acquainted ·---lnp. ............ .... ...,.. Vlslm 14 I DAVE ROSS PONTIAC · Lease or .Buy All Models ••• DAYE ROSS PONTIAC -HAUOl lln. • MJI DllYI COITA MDA .... 546 1017 O"H 1 MYI A well 11• A.M. TO 1t1• PIA. IUWDAY1 H A.M. TO t PM. . . Trash Turns 'em On ' WE SELL AT Low Shelf Prices PLUS 10% BONELESS RILL CUT BEEF c 1 ROUND ST-EW lb STW USDA INSPECTED FRESH LEAN WHOLE BODY ALL SIZE PKGS. FRESH ,c,GROUND ' FRYERS. i& /BEEF . BREAD BANANAS ' to Power that lan"t synthetic ..., real.'' Cobble al!o said the product "could make a beautiful fuel for cars, bu~ l can lhlnk of better mes for it"'' . He says the group tie!• 'Jlot even discuss: the -'bil!tles Or the nroduct as !U1"9'1'We&'DOfl. '"fe ne.v~ intended that and ihqe's ~ talk about .weapons already.'' , ' . ~li,G IS MAllQ WltM Quit :Low~ r11~ ..,._,.. .--:, ' '"'41 ' l!ilt. .1 O'l'o to .mo at Wtlat · ,_.., , Jlfl'f· S. H J011 .-op -wJtto. $1 Q.00 ,...,. ,....d ......., ..., ~· ,... 10.,,. "' $11 .00, '°""" . ' WE MAKE DISCOUNT HOUSES LOOK EXPENSIVE! ! J .. . • h _• upert ._.,. m1r11• •d.sne ...... of -per -... ,_ ..... bill. ..... -.. -hnrl laaklltl for ._,arAlfj •• -Atr·ce be......, .... ,.My.TOP¥ , .... btrJ1At ...... LOW orl-WE CAIRT ALL OF THE FAMOUS lllANliS. TOP 9UALITY MIA TS _, GARDEN FllSH PIODUCE! . FARMER JOHN'S c SMOKED lb PICNICS RATH'S RACORN .c S~ICED lh BACON I POTATOES WHITE OR WHEAT 1 LB LOAF . 01.CARlO · CENTRAL · AMERICAN RUSSET 10-LB. BAG • . 18~ .. NOT Ju'sr A FEW SPECIALS 11' SH°"'iNG IN OUI WAIEHOUSI OF ~UAaTY FOOD . Y.OU SAVE ON EYllTTHING. • A NEW CONCEPT THAT'S ~ IT TODAY'S MUICIT!N9 STAND~·IUT Toil WILL IJIOW THI D#IL· 'lNCI. DAYS ·A WEIK STORE HOURS: 10 A.M.·7 P.M. ' NO ONE SELLS FOR LESS WI CHAWNGE ANY MARKET TO MATCH TH~ TOTAL SAYINGS. . . CLOSED SUN. & WED. IT EN• c\OSID l DAYS A WIElC AND OP111 NOM 10 A.M. TO 7 P.M. THI OTHll s DAYS, WI SAVE ON PATIOU COST. ( , ' 'l . ase 11. ~oreseen ' . BlackwelJ Blasts . Industry • • • , • ' r • i • • ,, • " ' • ' ' ti •• T~OPICAL COLORS·TAKE CUE , • • By JACQIJBLINE·co~ Of ... Delt\' , ......... . ' Fashion has despited, abused and in· timidated the American woman. Sile hall been coerced into. "all phases of ugll,nesa" for more than a decade. "! l.SSl!re )'ou lhat fashion has been more dJsgr·~ than it has evef been in the last so ' • yean," famed dealgnU Mr. Blackwell told membera of Laguna ~h's ·Riviera Club during a cne-modeJ .fashion lecture Wednesday. Taking · a drag· oft his cigarette, Blackwell started . a ban:age or cauSt.lc reml!lb, •citing the indecencles fuhion has forced upon, the American woman. . . '· . ~ . '11\e l!l'<•t ~ of Dior was slandered when.M,arc Bohan brought outrthat three- moliPt borTor, the trapeze, he said. "That iriverted Jam~ade made every woman look' like she was nine months pregnant." Then there was that "dear, rlumb Jittle thini -the shirtwaist, II ',!-7" 'I' SAFE BET Traruilated from a nurse's unifonn, It was a safe bet, be said. "It hid all the problem!. And if )'Oil ""' llOlllethlng good going for you, it hid that too." . I • ' \ Som#hh!g ilec~y cltff .... t ' and welcome happepod. Skirts went up. At first,, women ~ qbut. "But then 99 percent of tJ:w American women followed with bemlines at the mtdlmee, top and then above." The problems with short sttn. llarted when · women with · wider rears and l)eaVief lep. lollowed suit. · 'I • f ' · Blackwell1 wbO released his annuaJ 10 worst~ressed women list two weeks ago, deptoi'ed the "Jackie Look" the thr.e _button jacket, A-shape skimmer and pill box hat .. that loo~ like a planttr." . .. .. "Those horrible little .white gldves. She · had every woman in America looking like she was about to-break out in a cboru5 of 'Mammy'." Then the hosiery and the shoe' Industry stepped up the attack. LEGGY LOOK • The parade of "'luscious leJi:S" began with dark -lollawtdlfy white apaques ("They tried to tell you it was 'chic' ").\ turped into black mesh and tlien pat· tern~- 1 ~ ' ...... " ' '. , · '"file only 110fD!!D I mo.-who . wore •· '·~-............ 111 their.Jtntc tllot • war,"'111ackw411 -1uated -• .,.rf '· •• .. · , ". . of ilil rjgu.lte, "And· the patwDed iloR i ~ • r. • ' 6men . .. • • • BEA ANDERSON, Edilof' . . ~ • .IMN!Y ... 1•11 ,. ... 11 •• • i 1 I f Ann LariO.ri ,+ I ' I r • • • • ,. I • . . Going to Gr~s:s . ' .. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I'm a teenager who doesn't want to talk to anybody about what's on my mind ., because they'd think right away I was in- to dnigl, wl)lcb I am· noL I'm trjing to learn all I can about dnig8 before I ' ~ ll I want to experlrileat a little. • Most of the stuff I have read is scare junk. Almoat ail the arliciea mention emotional stability as an important fac- !ff tor. They say an unstable ~rson is 1 lot, more likely to get into trouble with drugs than the person who Is stable. The ques .. tion 1 want to ask is this: How can a teenager tell ii he ili stable? Do you have • ·any clues, thinga to look for. I'd sure. ap- preciate an answer. 1'11 bet a Jot of olher teenage readers would, too. Thanks. - DPEN MlND Are you ovenreipt bat don't bave tbe will power to stay Oa. a diet? • Do )'CMI Ile a Jot? • Are yoa ski: often wltll lleadaclta, Aomacb~bel, or odler pQaical in- blomt tUt tlle -... l fllld • -·· for? , If Y• ' unrer yes &o · most . of tltete · quaUou, you'd better Udak ltWlce before foollng a.....r wltb u)'tblii llat ·mipt ilter your mea&IJ m.mlle,.,,, 11dl means . ., ' ' .. .. mutjum 11 well as barder llllff, l>EAR 0.: You'Ve probably -AM e ... ",.. ......... • llr•JPI ,....., ullcles •• marlj..... Most , down tlle JIDe constdet' tlle fad lU1 ,.. aatborllta NY tUt • of Ille key -s eoald .. -of Ille alackJ Ida w• ,_ · wilicb -.. ... -·a Jmofler will llllo lnlllle wflll tlle11n. It -nil get ln&o lrolble wKlt ,.t 11 WI le.el tl yow life. I've Md 1ettn frw 1111qen emolloul llability. and tbelr paruis tat mate,.. -er did 'llOthlng for fhe'oleg ~ mate it loot diseased.'' Once the shoe Industry had slbpped forcing round toes into pointed parts, the only thing they bad to offer were "Red. Cross and Pilgrim shoes.'' ' ThO,,e big '1ucklel -and squat beell Hele ... -e qaeJlital • -.,.. ....--*""' -"-la ·-· -· . =~'1:."':ttt,:,~ _,. .... f ~Dl&::.~1~ii:.~~. "!'11-Aaikllfto ......... oell .w,......,,111., 1 tltaitoa,.i<Uqe1'.._•_el De ,.. Ill d1' r••• _. ...., 1r • JatllU dmttoe. • .. 1 ~·•. "!"'I*' .,,,..., ....... wjtll DEAR ANN LANDERS: Plea.. nub ~ ,.. leol,.. .,.. 0 ._.,.._,. your -.......... we ~ve Ileen hav. lo Jtll' '°'"""• . , , lnc ploatjl et liwble.o\oer thla qillMlon, I• DI,_,.... ... ,_ IO .... tial , I'll pal lt u ll'"l!IY as pollible. la it fair -•ctw-•-tlmetopt !or a -to•~ to pt.~wa1 • Y"I 1 · 11lth ber ~! Yt1' or "'!! - • e~-:_.,...1 lo lllu1loat wllete MEMPIDS ' , . . • • ~.,........... -' -kids -... -·lie....... -m;o;r;u;,.11 ... -.... """' ..... -1 . ·lltat.al ... '* ......... --la,. -111,_...,111r.-1 ,......,JMlro6-••-11 DI ,.. pt r.to ....... *Ill "°""' eJ•MI'-la yes.! ........ -.. ......... llilltp .......... lltor? f« ..... -.. ........... .. , had "all the wornen walking around like ducJts," be ~ed. ' ••• • • • • . Like an ediCt from the gods. tt was decided that women would have no busts, Blackwell recalled. "It was like putting oo a drw with two backs. What did some of j'ou with fuller bosoms do?" he ,questioned the audience. BRALESS U that wa111't enough, ~It was declared uchic" to go braless. "Anyone over size B WU in"tz'ouble between lgravity and A lit-. llf ,bod lllS." T~1 the lsaue was a for a long time. There has been no op- portunity to gain any dignity and no chance to be who she !s, Blackwell pro- fessed. "If she simply wanted to be a great looking woman, there was no ciiance." -~ blouae. ,. lie deplored Rudi' ~ell's coocept or unilek. "Do you remf!1Dber those two models . be had? Tiley were lbe worst k>olUng naked people I ha1e ever seen.". . ' ' BlackwOU, who claims to des\gn for-the q>atur. man:sees nht yelil's 'ailllbns retumifig to beauty and elegance, •'bthenrlse the hldustry is doomed:" Bl ackwell 1 ~ one ·' mOde! lll4 .,a halidful ol•\hi1 ·"*Ian• lo lllulrota JM belief that the· Americaa woiban de1e, rel simple elegiince and ll'Jleallol dollcn. · ' . -~ NEXT PAU. . . 'women' who relish · that little black drts• of yesteryear might· be able to drag ,out their lltUe black pomps next fall. Hit's a beaytiful look but it doesn't Jook right at this Ume." "My design• will loot lovely.., - sized 10to18,'' wu biJ clllm. There is no possibility of unisex, he Jnaintained. "There are 'men and there are women. 'lblnk goodness." The American woman bas been Jell out He proved ills point by giving away four fashions to the first women of tbi audience wbO asked for them. (See ELEGANcE RETURNS, Pap W ·Rudi "Fuses Fashion • By MARIAN CHRISTY Topless swimsuit J~tigator R u d I Gernreicb -eometimes dubbed fashion's Prophet of Doom -· is predicting the ·downfall of clothes as we know ciothes. "Loot," he aays, "the unfortunate little woman who sew ~ at those whirring machines in factories everywhere are dying out. There's no Ja:bor market Jeft in the United states. , "You don't think the.young are going to do that unrewarding slavery !" Futuristic Gernrtich, who envisions aewn , ck>t.bes: as one of the faahiOn U... dustry's upcoming barrlera, ;,, thinking' a.Jiead. ( He's ln'the throes of crealJnll a handf\JJ of u:perirnental clothes wblch have aeams fUsed · by sound, heat or. laser heams: Gm!relch ·unveiled the startling ", Fuled l"ulltom this · month. ... . . •' . Prototypes of compotert2ed machlnefy that prornbe to accompli&b this miracle have been developed by aewing·machine , ~ companies that agree with Gernreich that fasltlon, an 18 biliioo industrJ. sl)ould be revoluUoni.zed rath~l' than pronotl.nced dead. ~ . The two forcts are working hand-In· hand. and, according , to Gernreicb,. it'• later than yoii think: NO TllREAD "In 10 years clothes made on sewing machines will be: ancient hiato,.Y," he an- nounces. ''Thread will be antiquated ... Before the unthinkable h a p p e n s , " Gernreich plans to produce an lo-depth collection ·ol Fuaed, Fashion ready for mass mercbandilipg by 1m or 11171>o. before. The duJci\or -la """"'-... plain T·llhlrll, idllipte taltanl 11111 ""' • • compiicaled Jompoults· wflli lllled ,1111111· and : I "f tell you fashion aa W1!'ve known and loved it la gone.'' Gernreich envl!ions that before 1980 the fashion industry wlil: -Spend millions for the new machinery -or expire. -Produce cheaper ck>thes because of erased labor cos~ and the fact that 10 times the number of fashions will be manufactured per day. --Drtaa -ie<>f·tbe-future In slmpie uniforms nthtr than distinctive clothes. .. •.: .. , . •• • Jy for a feW select people of means and · .. :;: ~s_te. But today's stltus symbols, fashion ;~:t .IDcluded,.are meanl!lllea .. Elepaco.bu .-i: nothi.hg to do with clothes." r:;.: ~-Gernrelch knows these are fllbtlnc,. =::~ words. .;-: ••• But he daringly strays l!"Veral ,giant :·:.. steps further by predicting the eventual ••• demise of prestit1ot11 fashion stOru ·;; Whose name~ are houlehold words. _ ·: ·"The retailers to move ln the forefront .: of fashlon will be Sean, J .C. Penney and 1 ·Montgomery Ward," says Gtmnicb. , "They'll cater ame 11111 mare to .tho •masaes and becGme Ibo faohloa loadon. !lot 1t w111 be -the ... -or .t fashion." . ' SIMILAR ~ . If Gerilreicb'• ~Ilona """'" ' • 'true, everyone wfll w0ar stmllar cloho l ~ man, womaq, cblld. , \ The seeds of unllonnity have alread7 been planted vta Ibo blue-jun ~ 'I'!-'_ which, accordinl lo Gmnlcb, is ... or ' America's major "nonfuhioo" m. ~ fluences. 11The yOung e 1 pre 11 • , dividuallty in aubtle "Ways,'' 11 fl .:, Geril.reich. "It's 1' portent of CNaca ta , ~ come." · ' He ticks· off o1..-~ alftetlal faahiom PROBLEMS The population explosion ~ lao space for people and Jarae war-. ·~ ,• The bbrrors or war te:tevbed and transmitted into billions of homes mUUtc ~~ people ·reel "guilty" 1booit bujlng clotbos. The youthful snub ol pe•..-atons, -. eludes fashion. The unbearable noile q .. gest5 "'eating ear J)ll.l&S rather thu .,.... rings. i · "But there'• a positive side to tho future," •says Gemrelch. "Diseases will be conquered by tllo year JlOO. The body will be In top physical condition because l'""t>le will ell only heatth food! and drink bottled water. The body itoelf will be , of srt•ler Im. portaoce than what people put on It," Gern~lch'• Fused Faahlons will bt clingy and Wlllllen will be foundatJon.leos. Long ago Gernrtlch vetoed bras ... other harnesses. Does that mean 11* topiessnoss, · rwlmsul~ and otherwtlt, will be a fUture fashion? .. • .. DI ,_ llllplllf'Gf _, IWttp fnm -Ital. oc)ool! NEEDLE THROWN AWAY "Fashion, ptr ae., Is an ofCenslve aub- jtct," 11y1 Ge-nrelch. "Fashion connotes snobbery b<cause It sugg,.ta that it's on· Omirelch 1,.ues an empllalle ......_ "'!'ht body will have lo be prolected from bad llrt" he .Uys. ••n.t -coverage, not cltavaae." ... ' ., ... ) -· ' ' ' " . . . ~ 14 DAILY "LOT TU<sdoY. Januuy 18, 1 m I\ Idea Opens Door for Trapped By ALLISON DEERR Of tM O.lll' 'lltt Slt tt She Is trapped at home with no transportation. She ls slroggllng to make tnd.s meet. She Is too busy to Usten to the radio and the ramiJy can't afford a newspaper. She feels she could never aet a job. She doesn'I know whll Is going · on In her children's achools. She is a howewlfe and the target ol CRISP -the Consumer Resource Inlorrna· lion Services Program. CRISP is a pilot project specifically designed f o r adults who have not had some of th<? extra learning op. portunities u s u a 11 y er· perienced by the majority community. Classes meet in Anaheim Tuesday and . Thursday mom· \ inCJ from 1 to noon. Thi mornlnc 11t.11lona were •t up to meet the needl bl adulll woo are unable to attend cl..,.. at night. BftAINallLD The program, coordinated by the Vocational Educallon Department of the Anaheim Union High Schoel OiJtrlct, la the brainchllc! of Mra. Virginia Per.., who hopes to encourage similar programs throughout the county. Her idea wu to mate it pc:mible for these adulta to get information they could get no other way. "There are programs out there, like satellites," Mrs. Perez explained. ' • T h e s t1 women have no way to get to them. Most have no second car ln the famil y. ''Through the ·Vocational Education Act we funded three community aides who Wedding Bells l~ ~~R~>[NA?on and~.~~~! .. ~. ~ Sally Margattl Leonard and formerly of Newport Beach, llichanl Loe Burns exchanP.ed WIS the ..w.. "" jhe mar- Wedding vows and rings before rloge of their clMighte< Kathy the llev. Dr. PhtWp MWTay In Young to Robert M&ttaon Community Church Cojigrega-Voight. lional, <;orona del Mai. The llev. Louis H. Evans Jr. Parenll oi the bridal couple or La Jojja Presbyterian are Mrs. Nancy Newton Church performed the Leonard arxl James Richard ceremony at sunset. Leonard ol Newport Beach and Mr. and Mn. Robert m~~ssof :norra • ~~-~~ William Burns of Denver. tuJU mUNt l"U"' Miu Pamela Gmelner was Tonjas served aS bridesmaid. maid of tro\nor and The bridegroom, aon of Mr. bridesmaids were Miss Cindy and Mrs. Robert B. Voight ol Lee Burns and Mrs. Xavier McLean, Va., uked his lather Nady. to.be best man and Arthur C. -The bridegroom a s k e d Mosley and Ron Oehm were David Bollman to he belt man ushers. , ' and James Leonard, James A graduate of Newport I Ogle, Nac!Y and S k I p Harbor High School, the bride S Laguardia were ushers. , was president of her sorority A graduate of Newport AJpha Chi Omega, active Har,bor High School a n d "'-participant in student govern. Children's Home S C!S I e t y ment and Phi Beta Kappa r,._ debutante in l!IM, the bride is .member before graduating a s:tewardess. Her husbaod from the University o f graduated from Aurora High Southern Ca!Uomla. ~ Sc~I and Colorado State .She was a c a m b r \ a g e '-' ., Colleg~ where he affiliated scholar and received her ·' with Sigma Alpha Epsilon. masters degree i n ~ " GREEN-TERRYBERRY ternational affairs lrom John> Hopkins University. Tbe new ~ Linda Let Terryberry ex· Mrs. Voight has traveled ex· .. :l changed nuptial .p]edges with . tensively in Southeast Asia in ••'-Walter Jack Green during research :studies for govern· l.• ceremonies in the San Luis ment agencies. Obispo. Presbyterian Church. Her husband graduated with : The bride, daughter of Mrs. honors from Beloit College, . ~Dorana McLey of Huntington can tra1\5pc>rt women to the classes. Other funds provided a home economies Instructor, Mrs. Cathy Gonsalves." SEES NEED Mrs. Perez not'ed that there was a need for such programs In other sections ol the county ao well. The AUllS D~trlct covers the central section -0f the county. The classes began just before Christmas with topics covered including child care, credit rules and regulations, nutrition, food values and sew· Ing. In rented fa cilities CRISP offers a complete kitchen, sewing machines, work tables and a library of comumer information 1n both Spanish and English. J "It is only the beginning," Mrs. Perez said. She hopes to set up field Italian Spaghetti Served lrfps to various lndustriH, an opportunity many adults have not had. Visita from comm u a tty organlzations like Red Cross to provide health information are planned. ' TRANSPORTATION The classes are not limited, however, to parents of district students, but transpc>rtaUon can be provided for only a limited number. "We will welcome anyone who wants to come," Mrs. Perez added. .. Many women feel that they are just bou.sewives," she ad· ded. "In reality, each of lhem1 is cook, counselor, teacher, nurse and a hundred other things. "The program has the side effect of motivating t h e children to learn. T h e y become more interested in education when their parents become Involved. "The mothers often get ln- volved 1la t,he &ehools later as teachers' aides. This gives the 11tudent tbtt_ motivation to stay in school. fSY teaching parent.I we can lower the dropout rate among their cl,lildren.'' somothlng which th•Y In turn pass on to their children," she added. "Communication I 11 pro- gress. Only when we have communication \w:tween the community and the schools '!'iU thinp be.belier, CRISP is a first sic 'In ' .,.tabllsbl"!I good lines of' como)llnlcatloll.' . Mn. , Perez ~~ othl?I ac- tive in the ·program are avai!tble to speak to groups throughout the county in· terested in the pilot .Project. She has spoken alrtacb' to coast clubs which have ex· pressed interest:- CHILD CARE F-0r mothers with little ones :still at home, child care ii being arranged. "Eventually, some will gain the confidence to look !or a job. It II bird !or any woman lo lace the job market when lier children are all in sCbool. For these women tt may seem Impossible." SUCCESS PROGRAMMED "We make it easy for them to come," she explained. .. After they come once, most of them come back again and again. They are excited about what they can learn and what they can do. Mrs. Perez doesn't believe In negative thinking. She feels lhla programs one for failure. She has programmed herseU for succeM. "We have to go house-to. house to sell the idea to these women. They are conditioned to not getting oUt of the house. They have to be convinced that CRISP can help __.,1ve some of their problems and make llfe b etter for them se lve s and their families," she sald. "! hope tbe idea will catch on,11 she said. "We have seen what the results can be and know that it can work In other areas as well." "Once they know a little -0f the educational process they are better prepared t o participate. Before CRISP, parent meetings we're the only option. CRISP gives them Your Horoscope Information regarding· the program is available ~m Mrs. Perez, m-4170, In the CRISP office; Mrs. lt1argatita Maes, 772-0045; and E.' M. .. Castillo, 772-0080. t , Leo: Review Finances WEDNESDAY JANUARY 19 By SYDNEY OMARR The late actress Jayne Mansfield was a great fr iend of astrology and d I d everything she could to pr°" mote the subject. She was .. born under Aries and ex· emplified characteristics of that zodiacal s i g n : fn. dependence, ambition and m- sistence on llving life to the hilt. ARIES (March 21-AprU 19): Go slow; be thorough. Develop philosophical concepts. Find out where you really want to _go -and why. Then you will learn how to arrive at destina· tion . Spiritual advise r can show way. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Friend orfers advice which cari pay dividends. Key is to L-.temporarily set aside -skep- ticism. Give others benefit of doubt. ~el)t receptiveness. Exchange ideas. Meaningful change will occur. GEllflNI <May 21.June 20): Opposition is bluffing. St~k to convi~Those in positions or autliority wil l back you. Be diplomatic, but don't give up somethlng for nothing. Key now is to set sights on goal - and to get going. CANCER (June 21.July 22): , of achieving goals. Improve relations with associates, co- workers. steer clear of get· ricfHi.uick scheroq. B r i n g forth creative re&0urets. You can break through red tape. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21 ): Protect assets. Be wary of slippery deals. Obtain hint from Llbra message. Be fair to yciy_ng person, but don't be weak. Follow through on hunch; utilite intuitive in- tellect. Gain comes from surprise source. SAGITrARWS (Nov. 22- 0ec. 21 ): Social activity ac· celebrates. Party mood could prevail. Remember diet, rest requirements. Recent resolu· tions were wise; don 't shatter them. Stick to familiar ground. Someone may whisper swee t nothings. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22.Jan. 19): Strive to obtain perspec. tive. Looking too far ahead - or behind -is not answer: Check details. Find out' the why of events. Be analytical. Ideas can be developed. Build self-confidence. AQUARIUS (Jan. 21).Feb . 18): Friendly tip could result in proift -emotional and otherwise. You make :signifl· cant gains through study of W:itten material, Many pro- mises are made -but it is best to stick with one who has feet on ground. PISCES (Feb. IS.March al): , You make favorable lm· presslon on t h o s e in authoritative poaitions. Your special quatiyes I! r e ap- preciated. Key now ls to win rather than force your way. Aid comes from unorthodox source. ' IF TODAY IS YOUR Bl\lmDAY you hive original ideu, and tthis year you will have opportunity to put them into operation. You are ex~ tremely attractive to opposite sex. Persons born under Leo find you especially fascinating. To tlr>d out wtio't luckr for You In .__ monr, •nd lovt. orde-r Srdney Om•rr'1 booklet, "kcrel Hints for Mtft •nd Women," Send blrlhd•I• •nd JS cems lo Omarr lu!rolovv kcrels. the DAILY PILOT. l!Oll n.e, Gr•lld C1mr11 Slfllon NIW York, N.Y. 10017. Necks Laced Ke.Meth Jay Lane believes strongly in necklaces for the coming season. He likes 'them high to fill In an open neckline or worn just below a high topline : long over .the shirtwaist or high turtle top. Good necklace combinations of gold and sliver, or silver alone are other favorites. Beach, W!lS attended by Miss Wisconsin where be was a Cindy Terryberry as maid of member of the ·varsity football honor and the M I 5 s e s team and Beta Theta Pi and Rosemarie T e r r y b e r r y , president of the school social Rebecca Whee fer, Sy 1 v i a board. He earned his MBA at Forein and Karen Wright u Harvard and r e c e i v e d bridesmaids. certificates in urban studies at Green, son of Mr. and Mrs. American U n i v e r s i t y , Jack Green of Fresno, is a Washington, D.C. Italian spaghetti will be the entree served by St. Bonaventure Council of Catholic Women between 3-6 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 23, .in the school, Huntington Beach. Sampling the recipe are Lori Morberg and Mrs. Gilbert Taylor, while as· suming waitre~ duties is Mrs. Ray Luteran. Take off rose colored glasses. See, instead, in Ught of reality. Avoid se lf-deception. Pisces person is involved. Check statements, bills. C o u n t change. You gal n by publishing, advertising, special announcements. graduate of Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo and is serving in the Marine Corps. The new Mrs. Green attended Cal Poly and will complete her education in the East. The newlyweds will reside in West Virginia. PIPER-PHILLIPS Patricia Phillips became the bride of Louis Hunter Piper Jr. during ceremo n ies performed in the Bay Shore C o mmun.ity Congregational Church. VOIGHT-YOUNG Their parents are Mr. and The La Jolla home of Mr. Mrs. Herschel Phillips and LESLEY OFFSTEIN Troth News Revealed Mr. and Mrs. Myron G. Oii-ol Newport Beach blft .rmomiced the-engage- ,_ ol tllllr dauihter, Lesley Olblein to JIJllOS G. Adcoclc Jr. -OllMin It a graduato o1 Newport Harbor High tldlool ..i -II a atuudent "' (hap Qloll C411oce. Hor llMa 11 Ille ... -.f Mrs. llllohd -ol Alllllton, --J-0.M<ocl:ol °"' .... -.. -odllcaled II A s'tr Mii ,.111nttv is ':=II .. ~ Gtilrd In -I Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Piper, all of Laguna Beach. Miss Melanie Adam was the maid of honor, and bridesmaids were M r s . Hartley Phillips, Mrs. Robert Bums, Miss Judy Winchester and Miss Patty Auxier. I John Hutchins served as · best man, and ushers were Burns, Phillips Brad Rawi· lings and Ste v; Mar kle. The newlyweds, who both attended Northern Ai-izona University, will reside in Flagstaff. She is a member·of Alpha Omicron Pi and he af- filiated with Kappa Sigma. New Year Launched Family Servict Associati on of Orange County board and auxiliary members and guests will begin the new year With a 6:30 p.m. cruise aboard the Pav:ilion Queen and dlnntr meeting tomorrow in the Tale of the Whale rt.Stauranl, Balboa .. George D Nlctcei o f Arcadia, new preeldhit of Famll7 Service Aslocl1Uon of America will he introduced and the St. Anthony Claret Barl>enhop Chorus wlll .. IJI,. Thi Family Service Award for IrT.I will he riven and aux· Ulary presidents recogolled, atone with the Aulallnce te.,.. ol Fullerton, which operates the North County Bl'lllCh ol FSA. From Page 13 • • • Elegance Retu ·rns "Do you want this dress? Commenting on the new pantsuits and tailortf! ouUits. Would you look good in it? If separates swing for Spring '72, Pantsuits will stay in style, You model lt for us you can Blackwell disclaimed t ~ t h d ised "A bea tilull trend by saying, "It's bits' and e a v · u Y have it." pieces and remnants and odd taJJored pantsuii WW look Mrs. Clifford Stanton walked things thrown together." senaaUonal and balance out a away with a crisp salt and He believes·lhe current rage wardro~ pepper dress with a tweed of long :skirt dressing Ls • "But It should never take bodice and plaid skirt. sleeves elegant and enchanting ror . the place of a dress." Jate afternoon . and evening and neckline. Taking the floor dressing but "I don't agree in a street dress of similar with it totally. Don''t invest a lines was Mrs. George Clark. lot of money lo It because it is Color Appeals Mrs. Clark's gift dress had a fashion fun -not a total To combat a pale look, a wh ite skirt with a maroon and trend." dab of rouge or llpstlek blend· white polka dot bodice. Blackwell said "Boo41 are ed. Into a small amount 1>1 · LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Al· fairs of heart could flutter. Means some relationships are open to question. Decision is due. Stop playing games with emotions. If single, marriage discussion is indicate d. Finances are reviewed. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Those who in past were prac· tical may now be eccentric. Self·reliance is a necessity. Depending on others could be cosily. -Lie low. Review and study -especially where legalities enter picture. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): You are able to find·new ways . To avoid disappointment, prospective bnd_es are remmded to. have their wedding stones with black and white ~lossy ~holo graphs to the DAILY PILOT Women s De- apartment one w~ek before the wedding. Pictures received after that time will not be used. . For engagement announcements It ts lmp erative that the story, also accompanied by a bla_ck and white glossy picture, be sub- mitted stx weeks of more before the weddiJtl date. If deadline is not met, only a story will be used. . To help !ill requirements on both wed- ding and engageme.nt stories, forms are available in all of the DAILY PILOT offices Further questions \vill be answered by Women's Section staff members at 642-4321. , baby 'lotion In the palm of Mrs. Gilbert Hodge became zilched out." They should hand provides 1 blusher to ...._ a:s elegant as Blackwell's never be worn wll.h suits or spread on a.s mucb of the face model in a long, sort dinner dresses -only t w e e d s , as desired. dress. .IP'====i;;;;;;=========== ·A special Announcement · Called "gypsy chiffon," Jt had a V-neckJine, full sleeves and a gathered skirt. GIVE AWAY The last give away dress was a romantic, nowing gown in shades of maroon, purple and pink. A Viennese guest of Mrs. Donald Outmans wlll be laking the updated Scarlet O'Hara design back lo Europe with her. Blackwell begged the au· dience to tum down any fashion ploy that doesn't make one feel secure as a woman or doesn't appeal to tho husband. "Let the fashion dictators understand, ·r know where I am at. I won't be pushed into aomet.hlng that d'o ea n ' t enhance me.' " He cited Women'• Wear Dally, the trade paper, and lashlon mogazlnel u beint responsi· ble !or lnUrnldallnc women In· to a "fWlo""'° parade." DO JQ..UR OWN DESIGNING? We carry the finest needlepoint materials available to insure the success of your project. Our French mono canvas is $8.50 a yard in 10, J2, 14 or 18 mesh. Persian . yarn, in over 250 colors, is $1.00 an ounce. •• •• .e ii NEEDLEPOINT DESIGN J&Jt I. COAST HtaHWAT, coaoNA Ill .......... nM from Weight WakhersG> -• -.....--•-,--------~~-."" ..... --.... ·-\ r ,. , I -- • DICK TRACY l!XiRAJ ElXTRA! RfAP ALL APOOT IT! ~XfRA! fXfRA! rti (i;. ,. ... .... . ·•··· . MUTT AND JEFF ' 1!1 '1'. l a FIGMENTS "" ""' ~up /I ii '111£ PLAIN J.ANE Crossword Puzzle -'CROSS 6 Americart l Drink1"1 WIMll S Strok9 e111yht 15 Indefinite •r1icl9 7 "umber I Lanen I Min's name J2 0x or c.Jebll 9 Murty l l Unit 10 Riwr dutk 14 =~ut. 11 ™'"' (colloq.) 16 HaNut 15 Dbtinctlvttone 18 P11toflt!M 17 Man'1n1me 22 Crippllll 19 V1pld 23 R991lrs EXTRA WHAT? 20 Muskfl 24 bplosNie Instruments Mia • 37 •Piece for one 46 Htws111per 2:1 Tr1nnctlon 25 Fern11t ruff 38 Flttt: ot ships Plll'llrtph 23 Army me11I 27 Sunb11rn. ..o·WJpe Gitt 47 ~1Ut11 of 2' Prtllic belor• 29 Ora1n of o4Z Dir.cttd toward .,.111\f (pl,) 26 Communion he1rln1 tatf1t A9 Offsprin1 plat• _ 30 Devoured 43 Svp1ttilioua~ SO Sprgd for 28 Afternoon part)' 35 Dwlris person dryin, Jl Firoe lsll1K11 315 Sow 44 Girt"• n1m9 !3 Noli of tells Whirlwind r.""1~,;--r.,;-- 32 Mila 3J Near 12 34 Wooden pin >-<>-+--+- 36 Dit111tchd 1.S 38 h ist 29 Wint \ Al flOlt In 1lr A3 Tiiiy 45 Utmost uiwlt : ""' Wll'ldtrtfS .......... ' t l "'"""' rflllal (~.) ., .... 14 Plrtdl• 15 roundltlon .. -17 Obstructs llC'<l1< .. J Household . Jil 2 Slncll ttern i,,..,,.+-+-+- 3 Hllrdl'MllnC '-~!::i!:-1: "'Kll'ld of fur , '7 SOFT SELL SAM · • I • ly Clitst• Golld U'L AINER • NICE 10 !IE OlJl'StOE >"51N. "AIN'T IT MISTAH BET· ·A·MILLIOIJ ~? . 1·11 OIOTHE'f LE'!' 'IO' WATCH TV IN 'THAR? SALLY IANANAS· G~,(J! ~-- ' ' y Q) -~~- ves 1 HAVl:O ' · · · 1y Al 'Sllllth ' GORD'O By Dalo Halo • ,By Fnmli ........ · PEANUTS JUDGE PARKER ' . . I WISM I COUl.P SNEAK Off A.NP CA.l.L UM MVS>ELF,.MIT I'M. SURE THA.T CA.SHIER, WI LL FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS! HERE COMES APP1.EJ'ON NOW! MISS PEACH PERKINS • I 'P HA.VE· IEEM LOST WITMOUT IAV I PON'T OGAll, EllC! NOW, WOULP VOCI LllCE WEEP A 'JO...PIC.K UP iOMi MA6A.?1Nff OI ,THING, Ml. A.NVTMIM6 El.SE llFOIE WE: 60 Aim.ETON! TO TME lOOl.I? WI l'l'C*T IE LEAVl.M6 IT UNTIL #OININ6! • _, •• By Gharles M. Schulz IM Jil>f 6QH6. · ACll~U!I, I 1i:) f'<llDIJ 'll!E 1\llNI( I m FER , By Harold Le Ooux WHAT DO 'fOU PLAN 1 TWOUGMT 1'0 ON ooou; A.mt 'QI GO IACIC TO --LEAVE Otll-ouANI· toLLE6E A.NP ZA.TION, MV IO't'?' 6fT #AV OHUf •• • By Mel '\ \I .... • I 'i:: :'. : . ' ' . ' w' ,.. :....i: Jolln Milos /•/ Tundiy, """""" 18, 1'12 DAILY !'lior JI / ly Al c.,, ' By Charles lanottf : J.JFE .Jl.l~.T, Pl-Ai/J AIN·T FAii</ T#E ONE :l >VISll l .l&O 'TllE l:IJOAIJ&.ERJ:O !l 6PECIE5 J./5Tj 15 1}(E... !! !I •• ri <;.....1-1,. By Gus Arriola .....,;:;~~--·~s~ ly Ferd Jo!:-1 ~. J>&iJ.l(, SILLY·· % oNW Mi;,ANT YOU \<1Eltl1 SoME' DfCTA1t>!l ... ly R~ lollen '! GUEss "ll4e FDl!c a \l)QQl.t> CALL IT l'Atl! • THE GllLS -- PESIGNEll .A55~ .,.!.·i) s- 411'UU )'GI IO mlldi for JOll' ntl••te ..,.. ........ Ille loll m710ll, I wuled to be ,.. rd nollJ -a Ill.~ ,• • L !I Wu ... I·"""'' Tu1sch1y, January 18, 1972 .. • • • • ' West Big Favorite in NBA All-st ar Tilt Tonight INGLEWOOD (AP) -Buketball 11l- 1tar games are usually high-scoring af- fairs because the players are most often chosen oo the basis of th<ir abUlty to put the ball lo the baskel It'• no dUlerent this time around. Tonlgbt'1 22nd annual Natk>nal Basket- bill Assoclat\on !JI.Star game features 21 of I.he league'• top players and it• 16 top acorerr. The West Is a heavy favorite by •P'tue ol having nine of the top 12 scorers In the NBA on It> aide. .,,,,,,,,,,. is sold out. Despite all that Western fire power, the East hat lls plu,.s. in the backcourt, tht West sends Los Angeles guards Gall Goodrich and Jeri')' West out , but the Eut has Walt Jl'raz.ier of New York and Atlanta's Lou Hudson. At forward. the West has 6-8 &lb Love of Chicago and M Spencer Haywood of Seatt le, but the East counters with John •Havlicek, a 6-5 Boston spirkplug, and BUI Cunningham, Philadelphia's contribution to the 7 p.m. contest. The big difference in the two teams is at ctnter, where · tl'le West boasts 7-2 Kareem Abdul Jabbar and 7-1 Wilt • Morto 1t, Thomas I Dallas Grid Pair On Tr~ding Block • NEW ORLEANS (AP) -Dallas coach Tom LandrY, still tevt.ling in the glory of a champm!hip morning, said Monday hl1 clu~ now must prepare to solve p~ blems involving No. 1 running back Duane Thomas and No. 2 quarterback craJg Morton. ••1 ftlt a lot better th.is morning then when I've gotten up before," said Lan- dry, whose Cow~13 won Super Bowl VI Sunday and ended ail: years of tJtle-chas-tnc wfth a lW vic«>ry over Miami. "We Howe's Son Earns _Olympic ~ockey Berth BLOOMINGTON, Minn. (AP) -Mark Howe, 18, ls finally one-up on h1J famous father. The son of fonner Detroit Red Wings superstar Gordie Howe was named t9 the U.S. Olympic hockey team Mon- day, an honor hi! father never received . "' ' Howe, a high school junior, also will be the youngest man ever to play on the 2()... man squad when it travels to the Wlnter Olympic Games in Sapporo, Japan. "At the rate of Mark's improvement t;urtng the •eek he's been tralnlng"with us, he'll be a big help to us in the Olym- pics," aid coach Murray Williamson when be announced the choice. "The boy really shoots well ; and, above all, he can move the puck exceptlonaJly," he added. Williamson said Howe would have to work harder on his conditioning but ad- ded he'1 already working out twice a day and doing ertra work at the end of prac· Uces. Howe, a member of the Detroit Junior Red Wings before leaving a week ago to train with the collegiate-dominat.ed Olym- pic team, will play left wing on the team 's No. 2 rorward line. "What he lacks in experience, he makes up In hustle," Williamson said. "He's not playing out of his clau here." Howe, who had to get pennisslon •from his hig h school in Southfield to take a month off from classes before joining the team, will travel with the squad Friday from Minnesola to train at the Air Foree Academy in Colorado for three da ys before departing for Japan. The games begin Feb. 3, and Howe is expected back in Detroit on Feb. 15. "I put a sign up in our window ... he's made it." said his famous father. "I got chills when they tried to tell us that Mark made the team , I really did." Unser Hits 191.5 In Gurney Eagle ONTARIO-Bob by Unser. driving Dan Gumey's . Olsonite Eagle. became the festest man In s~way hi1to17 Sunday when he clocked a 191.5 mph lap around the ontario "-1otor Speedway oval. The fast lap occurred during a secret Goodyear tire test. and observers who held the watch on him said Unser turned "many laps " over tl8 mph. ,The offJclal course record at ontario is J&\.003 mph, set last September by Mark Donohue in the Sunoco McLaren. Unser's mar~ doesn't count for the record books. Sunday marked the second time Gumey'a car and driver ·had been over 190 rriph. 'Ibe new Eagle is now a fav-orite u, win the pole posll ion at 1ndlanapolls, and Uoaer rtop choice to win the U.S. driving dwnplolllhip. worked a long time as an organization to reach this· point. "Now you can feel it through the whole team. The frustration tends to build up. But now we're letting it go." While the Cowboys are letting their emotions go, Landry pointed out they were reluctant to let. either Thomas or Morton go. But he admitted there was a posslblllty that could happen in either case. Thomas, the C.Owboys' leading ground gainer against the Dolphins with 95 yards in 19 carries, was traded by Dallas to New England during the exhibition season. But the trade WI! nullified when be refused to complete a physical eum with the Patriot& and also argued with coach John Mazur aboot technique . Since return:ing to the Cowboys, Thomas has maintained a mysterious silence that Landry ac know I edges created a tense atmosphere on the Cowboys. . "We don't want to Jose a good football player," Landry said. "but we have to get ev-erything worked out. 1 hope he'll De back, but the way he c·ame back to us we've got to find out exactly what he feels. "I wouldn't like to see another season of that. It created a lot of temion and the players feel it. It's not a real good situa4 lion. His silence is not natural I don't think the situation has been blown out of proportion -it' is a problem. "1 respect Duane Bnd I understand 'fihat he's doing, but some times he car~ ries his logic to an extreme, some times you have to compromise. Duane doesn't, and that's h.is problem." Landry did not reveal what he feels Thomas is doing. But after the triumph over Miami. Thomas did break hi! silence lohg enough to say be had not talked to reporters because they would have hurt hi! concentration. Beyond that, it is also known that· he wants more money than the reported $20,000 he has earned in each of the first two years or a three-year contract. Landry said that the third year of Thomas' contract would be re-negotiated, since it is club policy to do so in all multi- ple year pacts or that I e n g t h • Presumably, Thomas would get a signifi· cant raise. Morton, the Cowboys' No: 1 quarterback last season, now is in the unenviable position of standing behind Roger Staubach, the latest in a long line of quarterbacks who have become Super Bowl heroes. And Landry fully expects Morton to ask to be traded . "He will probably ask to be traded and he probably is justified," Landry said. "I think, for him and his career, he will ask to be. We will never trade unless we get value, but I can't imagine us not getting value for him. He's at the point where he could be a grea t quarterback.'' The Cowboys' only other quarterback -at least on paper -is Dan Reeves, a reserve running back who also doubles as a coach. Landry didn't say whether the Cowboys would have to get a young quarterback in return for Morton or would be willing to trade him and try to draft a future pro- spect. Ca ge Rankings IT ASSOCIATED PllllS T~-111 1• I To I W•I l'IS. I. UCLA 1«11 U-0 11• 11. Florid• St, 1.l-2 '°' t. M•rqu1ne (ll 11·0 1n 11. sw L011l•l•119 11·1 16' 1. Mo. C1rollll9 11.1 .,, ll. llrlg. Youot 11·2 UI •. C1l Sl.(l.l!I.) 1'-1 J11 U. Prlnc:llOll 1•2 10l S. So. Caroll,.. t-t •~ ts. VllltrtOVI 11·2 " 6. Loul1vut1 11·1 .ws 16. M1rah1U 12·2 •1 7. Ohio S!1t1 10.2 Cit 17. MlnntMlt W 45 •·use 11.2 Jl4 11. Hewe ll l.l-1 41 •. Vlrolnlll 11·1 J.Jl It. Ttnne.Mt •2 ll It. Ptnn .. J 205 'XI. Mo. llllntls , .. , 11 Oth1r ltlmt rKll¥1no YOIH, ll1ttd ln elOl'la-~k~I ord": OV<!Vftnt, Jac:t:i.anvllle. l(tntutky, IA1ryl1nd, Mlnaurl, Nl1t11••1, Ol'llo Unlvittilly, O••I ltobtrt1, Prcvldenc:1, St John'1 !N.Y.), St. llo111- vanlur1, Syracuse, l'ollclo. Chambtrlaln. The East lacks a great center and will start Boston's 6-t Dave C.Owens, a second-year man ln the NBA. Tbe baekup man is Baltlmore's Wes On Tl' Tonight Channel 7 a t 11 :30 UnseJd, who at 6-7 was named the NBA 's most valuable player as a rookie three seasom ago. But many, including AUan ta coach Richie Guerin. feel the Hlwks' Walt Bellamy should have been named to the squad. "Yes, I feel h'I a IP'fal lnjustloe," said Guerin. "He's having a fine year, an · etcepUonal year.0 He called Bellamy's omission a "gro11 oversight." The teams are chosen by 1portawrlters and broad· caste.rt and then additions are made by till NBA coachea in a vote . The record for points scored by two teams in this garne, whJch the East le•ds '14 games to 7, Is 234. '1111t came Jn 19Gl when the West demolished the East, 15.1- 131. Some feel that record is in jeopardy. The reason: the West has as much talent on the bench as will start and coach BIU ShMman flsurt• lo use most of that talent. Forwards who'll see action include Elvin Hayes of Houston, Connie Ha.wklns of Phoenix and Sidney Wicka of Portland. At guard, the Loa Angeles coach chooses from Cazzie Russell of Golden State, Jim Walker of Detroit and Oscar Robertsoo ol Mllwaukee. who lo this company is one of the lowest scoring playero. 1n the 1961 East defeat, Robertson was named most valuable player for his 23 points, 14 assists and nine rebounds. He later v.·on the MVP award two more U'I Tt..,..._ SKIER SKIMS ACROSS THE FACE OF A SLOPE AT BOREAL RIDGE. EXCELLENT CONDITIONS EXIST, One Year From Now USC, 49ers Devaney Picks Osborne Await Debuts To Inherit Grid Dynasty ~! A~:~e(A~~~h•m LINCOLN, Neb. (AP ) -Tom Osborne, a 33-year-old Nebraskan with a Ph.D. degree and credentials as an athlete and coach, has been tapped by coach Bob Dev-aney to inherit his footbaU dynasty at the Unive rsity of Nebras ka one year from n:>w. The SS.year-old Devaney, whose decade at Nebraska was brought seven Big Eight titles and back-to-back national cham- pionships, announced "-1onday that the coming season will be his last as Cornhusker head coach, although he said he hopes to r e m a l n as athletic director. He currently bolds both posi- tions. Devaney said he would like Osborne. a Husk er assistant coach for 10 years, to be his successor, althoug h the fina l decision will be up to the Board of Regents. hf can't come out and name a head coach but I will certainly, recommend his appointment," Devaney saJd. "I'm very pleased that Bob has this confidence in me," said Osborne, who spent three years as a flanker in the Na- tional Football League before Jeaving th' pro ranks to seek advanced degrees in educational psychology and serve as a Devaney aide. Devaney disclosed only last week he was.,thinking of quitting as head coach after a perfect 13·game season capped by a 28-6 v-ictory over unbeaten AJabama in Miami's Orange Bowl New Year's night. The decision to stay on the job another year was "a difficu lt decision," he said, .influenced by 1'some commitments to players ~ho have been recruited. "And there's always the challenge of trying to win another national· cham- pionship," he said . "It's improbable. but not imposslble. I'd like to be part of this." But , he added, "Next fall wiU be it - win. lose or draw." Said Osborne : "I hope we can have a season ·somewhere near as good as the last couple, and make the final one a good one for Bob." Devaney said he will recommend that Osborne be designated assistant bead football coach for the coming year. Osborne was a star athlete at Hastings (Neb.)·Higb School and Hastings College ·and a 19th round draft choice of the San Francisco 49ers. After one season he was picked up by Washingfon on waivers and played two years for the Redskins before returning to Nebra~k\\.for graduate work. He received his M.A. in 196.'J and bis Ph. D. two yean later. In 10 years ati Nebraska and five at Wyoming. Devaney has posted a record of 127 victories, 28 loises and six ties. Hls victory percentage of .819 leads all long· tenn active coaches. Dedeaux Honored LOS ANGELES -Raoul "Rod" Dedeaux. coach of.the defending natitinal champion University of S o u t h ' r n Calllornia baseball team, was named Monday as CQach of the Year by the American Association of College Baseball Coacfles. C.IUomla and Cal Sl>te (Long Beach) both have a budding basketball star ready in the wings but neither yoUngster will crack the starting lineup right away, their coaches said Monday. Fans of USC's Trojans have been holding their breath, waiting for 6-foot·8 sophomore forward Bruce Clark to heal from an offseason leg injury. He's almost ready to start but coach Bob Boyd says Clark's contributions will be minimal at first. Cal State (Long Beach's) Jerry Tarka- nian baa been raving about the praclice- Door play of 6-8 sophomore Leonard Gray, a transfer from the University of. Kansas. But Tarkanlan, too, was cautious about Gray's initial value to the team now that the youngster Is on the verge of becoming eligible. "I'm unable to say just bow Bruce will help us," said Boyd. "I don't know how he'll do but he won't start right away," said Tarkaruan of Gray. Both coaches said it's hard f9f young players to move right Into starting lineups ln their first year but both ad- mitted they had high hopes th<ir lads would improve quickly. "There's goMa be a lot of pressure on Gray. After all, he's a sophomore who's never played a· second of college basket- ball. It's dlllicull to step right In and It's even more difficult If the team has been 1ucct11lu1, as we have been," Tarkanlan said. His 49ers are 14-1. -Flexible Offense Key to Pro Bowl Boyd said, "It's really unfair to make such a big to-do about Bruce because he's nevtt played a garne at our school. How well he's recovered from the injury l won't know until he play1 so I'm not planning to start him." LOiii ANGELES (AP) -Dick Noltn and Don M<Calferty ftnd only one thin& -wtth ..,.cbinl the world 's finest ~ playen: It lalla onll' a week. no_. ... COIChlo for 8unday'a 2'n<f -1 Pro -1 11 Memorial Colileum .... tbo -Monday, Nolan .. nc11n1 ... Nllbml Conloren<e all«oro lhrou&h ,...i101 11 UCLA Md M<Calferty drlll· Ill u. "-1eln Oonfenin team at the UllM.:tf If loutbem Cllifomia. ''fto dlllladt port 1boul It II we JUI! .... -...... lald Mc<:olfarty of lhe w· tn Colli. uwe blw Mt 1et fO ........ San Francbco'1 Nolan said : "Theae are great athletes, they pick things up quic k- ly. You only have to tell 'e m one time." Yet with only one week to wepare, Nolan 1aJd, "you can't put In a ..thole of- fense that you'd use for a nonnal team." MtCallerty said the AFC team will use Baluinore11 l)'lltm and the players "will have to 1tUdy bard. l l't dillertnt In terminology and numben. We'U do the best w1 can. "We11 have a nexlble offense." MtCaf· lerty said. "Ma~be we'll have too many play•." Neither COICh Is worried about bis I I starting lineup or reserves. "It doesn't make any difference who atarts," McCafferty said. "They all wlll play. The coaches did a good Job selec- llng the team." Nolan aald his starter& and 1ubatltutes are "equally as good u the other. It'• not Ilk•· having a rtgulfr team and havlna a reserve who'• below a starter In 1blllty." The coaches 1ren't worried about motlvaUon, eilbcr, and \hey agree that the 12,000 apiece for the wlnnen and 11 ,!00 lot each loser Is of second1ry tm- portanct. "Mone7 11 nice to have.'' aaJd Nolan, I "hut being chosen to play Is the big thlng.11 "They hove pride In being football players," McCafferty said. 11They just want to get together and blend Into a team.' Both qrted that the Pro Bowl lw taken on added slgnlllcance alnce the merger of tbe NFL and the AmtrlcaD . Football League. 11The AFC want.a to snve Jt'1 better than the NFC, and vice vena," Nolan aald. "ht any came like tbII pride is tbo factor.'' Tarkanlan, bowever, was opUmlsUc about Gray'• potential. "He has the potenllal to become tbe areatesl Inside big man who ever played for me. He'll be a better Inside scorer and rt bounder than George Trapp, 1' TarlwlllD 11ld of the .ISO-pound forward . Gray lost a year of ellJllblllty by transferring. He becnm<s eligible Feb. I, Boyd, whoae Tro]IDI ore JI·2, said Clark 11 recovering on acbcdula from surgery for a bone tumor plus a hairline 1bln fracture ... The doctor won1t le\ him play," Boyd said. "But be'1 working oul with u, cettinc mild uuclle thal wW Stimulate bone sn>wth." I tlmet and joins Chamberl>ln (ll60) as th' only winners of the award to play thl1 year. . Jn fact , Robtrtaon, West and Cham- berlain have each pl1yed In 11 All·Star games. The record iJ 13 by Boltont1 Bob Cousy. Milwaukee's Jabbar ls the man most feel can dominate this game. Last year, Seattle's Len Wilkens was named MVP for his 21 points and flne over-all play in a 100-107 vlctnry by lhe West whic h broke a three-ga me losing 1tre:ak. But Jabbar played extremely well. He scored 19 points and grabbed lf rebounds. l(eino, Ryu n Matched Up In Spil{ef est LOS ANGELES -Kip Kelno, cham· plon miler from Kenya, has accepted an ln vita tk>n ·to o~e world record holder Jim Ryun in the Sun klst Invitational in· door track meet Saturday night. Their mile race win be a match of the 1500-meter rice in th e 1968 Mexico City Olvmplcs in which Keino defeated Ryun. Kelno has raced twice on his current Invasion cf the United States, winning the mile at C'.ollege Park, 1wfd., in 3:59.f and then running Saturday at Albuouerque where he won in 4:1M.2, fastest mile ever recorded in that city. Last year Keino ran a 3:54.4 mile, fastest ·in the world during 1971. Ryun bolds the world record of 3:51.l. • CLEVELAND - Russell C. Means, Cleveland American Indian Center diret· tot is threatening to file a $9 million libel suit against the Cleveland Indian baseball team for using a caricature of an Indian as th e club's symbol. Means, a Sioux. will seek an in- junction against further use of the "Chief Vi'ahoo" symbol, which is "a racial slur.'' He sald the caricature mocks the courage, heroism. statesmanship and wisdom of many Indians. He said the suit wou1d name the Indians and the team's owner, Vernon B. Stouffer as dcfe.ndants. He said it will charge that American Indians are being libeled, slandered and defamed by the "Chief Wahoo" symbol, that "'Wahoo" Js not an Indian word and " ... when sounded ls a slander uoon all Indian languages and subjects uiem to public ridicule." Cleveland adopted the "Chief Wahoo" symbol following World War II. • BERKELEY -Roly Willsey, footb•D ooach at the University cf California, refu ses comment on a report that he will resign or be fired, "Any story at this time ls a little premature. I hate to be vague but at this time I have to withhold comment," Willsey said of the report Sunday. A universlty official allegedly asked Willsey to resign las t Friday, a move reportedly stemming from the NCAA 's ruling of probation which bans the Bears from post-season competition. • SAN DIEGO -The Unlv-erslty of San DiegG announced Monday that Andy Vin- ci, offensive coordina tor at College of the Desert for the past two years, is taking over as head football coach. Vincl, 31, replaces Jim Gray, who resigned at the end of last season. USD's 'f o o t b a 11 program Is not in· tercollegiate but its opponents are , and Vinci said he hopes to get the team into the California Collegiate Ath1etic Associa- tion. DENN IS KIEFER Ex-Area Gridder, Wife Die in Crash VAN NUYS -F'unerAI services are slated for former We1tml11ster High and Orange Coast College football star O.nnl1 Kiefer and his wife Nanelle, who were ltllled Sunday In Reno In 10 1utomoblle accident. Services at Pralsewater Funeral Home will begin 1t 11 a.m. The CO\lple leaves' a 1even-month-old 'daughtcr, Tamara. Mr K I e f er , an All.S1111sct Lcque choice on Westminster's 1164: Sun 1 e t Leai\le <:hamplonshlp tearn and en aU· county performer while at Orarlke eo .. ~ was bit by a car 1oln1 the """" WlT oo I fmway, . , . ' I Start Your Engines! By Oeke Hou/gate Maybe Mark Donohue has never been in a NASCAR Grand National race before, but he ii golng to win lhl.s Sunday at Rlveralde International Raceway. That is the considered opin. ion of no leS!I than Chargln' Charlie Glotzbach. Glotzbach, of Edwardsville, Ind., unfortunately will not ap- pear in the Winston Western 500, but it was for that reason that we asked him to give an impartial viewpoint of bow the race will come out. "I guess I have to pick Mark Donohue because of his road racing experience," Glotibach said without hesitation. 11TbAt there Matador he's driving, if the engine holds up, it's gonna Win the race. ' 0 Just on brakes alone he has an advantage. You kqow. brakes are very important in a road race, and he 'hQ four wheel disc brakes on that car. The only question is the motor. because It hasn't been in a race before." What, Glotzbach was asked, will happen if Donohue fails to finish the race? . "I'd h11:ve to pick David Pearson, because he's a real good road racer," he said. "Another thing, his car owner, Bud Moore. knows a Jot about road racing. You can't count him out any- where." Moore has been campaigning Cougars and Mustangs on the SCCA Trans-American sedan circuit since 1967. This Is the first season he has tufned bis full attention to the Grand National series since then. · No. 3 on Glot.zbach'1 hit parade is Bobby Isaac, 11because he's tough anywhere." The two most obvious favorites were skipped over by Charlie -A. J. Foyt and Bobby Allison. He was asked about them . "Oh, A. J.'s tough, all right. But J don't know," Glotzbach said. "ll Donohue doesn 't win, I think it will be one of our regular guys (meaning NASCAR drivers)." . Allison winner of the Golden State 400 last June al River. side "has' a good chance if be doesn't have mechanical diffj.. culties," Charlie said. "You know, I ran the CheV)' for Junior Johnson last summer (as Allison is doing now), and I have to say the Chevrolet engine isn 't perfected yet for racing. "It's tough right now while it's racing, but there -re too many things that can go wrong. . "I've got to stick with Donohue. He's been out there run· ning and his car looks great. I pick him." ' Huntingt~n Cage Crew 3rd in CIF HunUnglon Beach l!Jgb'1 Ollero hive moved up to ,thJrd place Jn the CIF 'MM ba1ket. ball poll following a wave ol upoeta taJt week that Jell no ~ In .the Undtleatad ms.. Verbum Del auller<d Ila first loss ol the ...... n to AA power Murphy bot maintained flnt place in the rankings, one notch ahead ol PacUlc League title contender Pasadena, Coach Elmer Combo' Oilers captured 17 more points than fourth place Ramona. another former unbeaten qulntet that WIS rocked by upeet. Coach Tandy GUiii" Corona de! Mar Sea Kings upped tbelr status to seventh following two · more Irvine League vlctorta. The Sea Klnp (IJ.(} eked out Servi!<! 1!11h'1 IW outllt by one point. . Filth-ranked Li Habra la !he fourth Orange · County team to make the top 10 in the CIF AAA.A classification. In AAA clrct .. Katella's 13-~ Knights remain Jn fourth place. Long Beach Wilson, wblch was upset by Moore League rival Millik.an; cln>pped out ol the top 10 )n AMA clrclt1 and II eleventh. 1-Beach Poly and Millikan, two other Moore Leagµe teams. picked up votes. DAILY l'ILDT ,.,. .. " 1'1trtck O'DMlllll ,ln-ine League Wars That's quite a tribute, coming from whom it did . Last sear son Glotzbach sat on the pole at Rockingham, Charlotte and North Wilkesboro, to name a few places. and led nearly every race he was In. Glotzbach is the man who proved that a Oiev- rolet can be competitive in that league. He plans to make his 1m debut at Daytona, the track where he first saw Donohue run the Matador -and apparently be- came a believer -last month. Glotzbach will drive a new Dodge Threats to the CIF's best this week include tonight's ln- vasloo of ninth-ranked Palos Verdes (15-2) by Mlraleste. the host Sentinels of Magnolia against No. 7 Corona del Mar W~nesday evening and Fri· day No. 5 La Habra tries un· predictable host Kennedy. Costa' Mesa's Scott Endsley (with · ball) and John Cummins (42) will be back in AAAA R111n1• action Wednesday when Mesa hosts Fountain Valley. Estancia 's Buddy Confer ~~K~er~":111.,.0 v•;:: (12) and mates trek to.Santa .Ana Valley in quest of loop win No. 1. l P1sac11"-n~n '," _ __:......:_ ____________ _; __ :_ ___ .::..... ________ _ for Cotton Owens. . • Hunt11$1on Nell f1'-1) :JO 4. Aomon1 (I~ I 93 '· retanl1 \l•lll'f 11~1 II "We'd be at Riverside, except we are still looking for ,a sponsor," Glotzbach said. "With a sponsor we'll be tough. You 11 see.'' R eralHng the Was hout L ~ H1br1 112·11 U 1. °"""de( Mir (13-1) 41 I . rvll\fls-31 4' '· P1ln "'°" n~n 41 10. MomiMlidt ll.f..51 U ottlert LI Wilton. LI Pely, NolN Dime ISOl,. Font11W1, LI MHllU.~. Manrcwll, uo. Puetllot. Sin Ml~ &anti l1rblr•, MonftbeMe. Foothill Appears to Have One year it rained so hard that the peopie waiUng outside AAA B · CIF s • T the gate the nJgbt before the race knew they weren't going any-1'i. c~::rl111~1/1.&.11 l!: est-ever .· . wnn eam ••here but home. Still they waited. l. wnt cov1""· n+21 1u " 4. K1tell1 11~21 111 Finally, the traUic backed up so far (six miles in one_dir~· f. l:J!!~~11~111tl.s1 :? . tion and four in another were the estimates) that the Calilom1a 1: ~irtl'1H~1?j12•1/ H · · . Highway Patrol ordered Rivenrlde International Raceway to . .01e1 \to:\= 91\!/,, . .H F:_oothill High swin.l''coach Tom ~I' ts open its gates and take the people off the streets.~ .. . ... ·,.si~~-~~~~-...,.1'~:-·Jn.an tmTiable position;wfth the"seuon ta.....- "We sold' them Uckets at the gate," Les Richter recalls, l:~rttr Olk; o.nn. s1. krwin1, approacbfug. . . "and moved them into the raceway, and then we motioned them MIVl•lr, G•'r'· The Costa Mesa niSident has Jost his right through and give them rain checks as we sent them out school's No. 1 swimmer ever (Steve Furniss the other gate. OiJ F• who ls now at USC) yet still has the makings 1 "The amazing thing was that we had very lew complaints. er IVe ol possibly the strongest team In CIF South· The fans knew we had to postpone the race, and they seemed to em Section history. understand, even though we bad to take their money from them. Back to ca:vort for the CIF champion We had very few requests for refunds." T k N I Knights are junior Rod Strachan (3:44.3 400 The fan who ventures out into the elements during the month a es 0. free), seniors Bill Miller (22.4 and 48.9 in the of January to see an auto race , even in California, is one of the · sprints) and Bill Smith (22.5 and 49.2 in the hardiest of modem humankind. Rain, cold, mud, wind, snow, sprints), sophomore Whit Davis (1 :04.0 100 sleet, crowds and primitive outdoor conditions don't seem to In County breast), divers Mark and Mike Hastings, discourage lhem. and freshman phenom Peter Spurzem (54.4 Wrestling Results ' Crestview Team s, MD Vie Tonight San Clemente High's Tritons have a golden opportunity to get back Into the race for the Crestview League basketball championship tonight when they hoat loop-leading Ketella (4-0). · Tipoff is slated for 7 o'clock (2·2) will be trying to olfset the blinding apeed and prtss,- tng tactics ol Orange County's No. I quinl<!I. 11• -W1lktl"!Et) won b't tomll. Hwt -No Mii ~ ~'~ tJ{':t' ... 1111.t111 M-Anllt J!I dK Gr•ntllo INI W . 10.-LllN~1HJ Plnntd M(N1111hton (NJ 2:• 11S -Pickford (H) di!; SO.rkl (NJ,_ *·12J -kOYOlenko (NI dtc:: Zwlnnl 00 J:20. ~)O -Johnlon (NI plnntd Gohn- ( 1~1 '.!'·Muhl11 (N) pinned Potter (H) 2'~i -Pot!OI IHI dtc H1mm1r (N) '- 2' 14 -41rlts (H) pinned Kemper (N J J:5t. ,Jl~ -(lllmbert IN) pJnnld C1H (HI , .. -0. Mlrtlnl IN) cllC ouv1l (HI H 17* -Gint INJ Pinned StaM fHI 1: 11. 114 -Adlmt (HI pinned DilbY (NI 2 :~Wt .::.. Bowm1n (N) Pinned IMllock OO •:3t. Jlftllw V1Rlty TUJf lfl U9J {141 MtukMI Viti• 91 -Lobel1nd (T wan try lorftlt. 106 -W1!r (Tl <*: BUGrlO (Ml ..... lU -G.llrdfltl" !Tl !ltd Or11M1r (Ml ••• Ul -L1monic1 (Tl dK Hl!ldet"Mln IMI W. IXI -Rlclllrds (Tl loll to Sllllldlow {Ml U. 13' -ltoblrb (Tl Mil lo HUI (M) '-!. • 1'1 -Mlffllfl (T) dtc EYlllS (Ml 11). 14 -c;.rdMr IT) di!; Low (Ml l-2. U1 -Ful'tlle (Ml plnnld Uu !Tl , ... ·1 .. -M"-!th (Tl dtc Frtttollo (Ml .J. •• 111 -Ptlorlm IT) plPll!ICI Ackerllnd ~ii. ~:._4.Tr•ll'llll CTI die Jol!Mon tM J """ -AICIUllt! (TJ won IW lorl11!, Wntl'lllnst ... 1421 llfl Mlrl!I• · -lli-Mtcldoc:Q IW) 111/lflld ar1Z1My ( 1:44. -L1ld1 (M) plnntd Hell (W), l tffj -Ertdll (Ml dtc. Elklnt {W). '- t.121 -Me!nbrl11 tWJ die. Hirko CMl, '"Jo -Am1ron fWl tied K1!1er (MJ, >·1· M -(fffr°'"1• (WI dee, Grissom (,~ ~Pkkett IMI die. Yoder' (W), 7• .. ue -Ulldtn (W) dee. Sm.. (Ml. ,. !. 151 -tlker <WI p/Mtd Skffft fMl, 1:11 Huntington Beach High's Oilers have taken over · un- disputed possession of first place in the official Orange County Top 10 prep basketball poll following another pair of Sunset League victories. Coach Elmer Combs:' Oilers grabbed all of the first place votes following La Habra 's Freeway League upset loss to Sunny llllla. Coach Tandy GtttiJ' Sea Kings of Corona del Mar, undefeated in Irvine League competition, moved up i notch to second while La Habra dropped to third. The rest of the pack re- Ill1lined the same through eight place Garden Grove. Westminster moved to ninth after splitting 1 pair against Huntington B e a c h and Western. El Dorado's Golden flawks edged Into the top 10 with another pair of Orange League triumphs. Eve:ry ranked quintet is favored to continue its winning ways this week. Perhaps the most Bf.rious challenge to a rated team is at Magnolia where the Sentinels await Corona del Mar Wednesday evening. ORANGE COUNTY TOP 10 Pos. Team .......... Points I. HunUngton Beach (11-1) 50 2. Corona det Mar (13·1) 45 3.' La Habra (13-1 ) 34 4. Servile (15-3) 3t 5. Martna (M) 28 I. Katella (13-2) 25 butl<!rfly). And if that's not enough he has another of ----ROGER CARLSON ~ ----- the Furniss brothers. Freshman Bruce is ex- pected to surpass the exploits of older brothers Steve and Chip. The Orange Coast area swim outlook ls bright, too, with the individual performances of Huntington Beach's Clay Evans and Foun- tain Valley's Jack Babashoff in the limelight. The latter is a transfer from Lynwood. * * * It was a week of upsets last week In CIF AAAA prep ba1ketball with prevkH:isJy an· defeated Verbum J>:el (15-41), Ramona (14-f) and La Habra (1%-1) taking gas. It sboald be Pointed out that Verbum Del'• If.point tetback wa1 to AA rated Murphy High. Ramon1'1 loss to Redlands (SMI) wasn't too sbocldng. The Rams seem to have a lf or ~ame winning streak every year agalJui:t lesser opposltloa. Quartz Hill (AAA) and Big Bear (A) aloo lost, leaving no undefeated teams In the CIF SS. * * * Westminster football standouts Gary Jen. nings and Jim Holland are lnked for UCLA and coach Paul Dletzet's South Carolina.team. Bart Fiankb_ouse: is..,ln line for an appoint- ment to Obe of the military academies. Quarterback JeU Siemens has a lot of choices. But chances are Jt'll be Stanford. * * * The third annual All.State basketball game I• set for Oakland's Coli seum Arena Jane 38. A couple or aoUd possibles for I~ Soatb team are H1111tinston Belch lllP'• Steve Brooks and Los Alamitos' Rick Quinn. * * * What's going on at Laguna Beach? First it's football assistant Norm Borucki aJdelined with an Achilles tendon injury. Now varsity basketball coach Jerry Fair Is on crutches for, three weeks with strain~ ligaments (ankle). Borucki isn't expected to be able to re- sume duties as an official for another seven months. * * * Corou del Mar'1 overall program 1ppear1 bard to beat, . Irvine League cbampion1b.lp In football ind water polo were captured ID the faU , lhe bas- ketball program laa1 foar league lelders (tile varsity is rated No. % ln tbe county with a 13-1 record), the wrestling teams are 2-0 so rar and the outlook for tennis, swimming and track Is espe.clally bright. Tbas everyoae ts eyelnc bueblll coach Tom Trager. Anything short of a league title Is likely to be scoffed at around CdM. * * * 111rr. Former CdM quarterback Dave Terry was W starter in Brigham Young's last rour games as a sophomore. His ability to run the triple option gives him a solid shot to lead the Cougars neit year as a junior. * * * Newport Harbor Hlgb's freshman basket- ball &.tam appear• to be the class of the Sun· set League. Tbe SaUot nlath graders are t-t for the se1- son and whipped Santa Ana, 70-8. II w11 zt-2 at tbe ball. The only 1os1 was to Mater Del's Sophomores. * * * Newport Harbor and Costa Mesa won't be returning to Las Vegas next season for their annual basketbaJI doubleheaders. Del's sophomores. In other 7 o'clock matchups Jnvolvlng Orange Coast area tea ms 11"11 be VIiia Park at M.lsaion Viejo In the Crestview Ind Moler Del 11 Plua X In the Angelus League. Lquna Beach (Hl and host Unlruaily (~l began this afternoon In an 0 r a n g e LealU• m1tchup . IM -M1rlll'IQ IWI tied RHlll'll fMI, '1·11 -l.ltMk (WI 11/nned T'*"'-1 Ml. l :IS. TJ~ -H•1Tl1 (WI ~ °" forflll, Hwv. -K6nln (WI 7. Los Alamitos (11-5) 19 !. Garden Grove (II~) 11 9. Westminster (9'1) 10 10. El Dorado (lz.3) z A rea Ca g e R esults Anteater Frosh Win San Clemente's task of beatlll( the combination of Mark Steinmeyer. St an Whfeldon and Jeff Hutton II a big order, but ii the 'l'rltons can pull It off It would put them one game out of first place. Coach Jerry Tardie'• Mater Del Monarchs (°'1) are In tough 1g1lnst host Plus X (&- 1) followin( their alx·polnt 1tl· bock to AngelUJ L e 11 U e lavorlle !llrflta. A 1oa here -Id just about kilt Miter Doi'• i-ol ovtrtaltlnc Senltl11 triara. -v-Wnlml"\!::J.'UJ'' Ml'lrwi Wtttmlnsltr (WI 041 M1rlrwi Newport Girl Garners Honor Newport Beach'•· Rebecca Daniel hu earntd placement on th! Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) Junior Olympic IW!m- mlng honor list by virtue of her recent puformance in the IO-meler brea1tstroke. Mils Daniel pl1ctd filth on the MU junior list with I 15.J docking In the brultstron event. I f.a ge Scores Jlflli.t Vanfty •tt*-..t . "-"'"' (I') Itri Mllw Dill V•l911rldl (01 " 111 a.11e1tl'9 GIM'ftton (2) I" jf} DlllM}' 0Ur110t 161 C (II Kr-litf' Hirnns 10) G (II Smltn atn0ov1t (I) G ,,, N1l1r• MO teotlllS tuln: MtCl1u1111'f U, Wl1l1nd 2. H•lttlm.-Mettt Del 1). ler-iht 12 (Mii M ... (fl') fa6) Ut .ll1mlllt Swllft (1tl F j11J Coot Stl•1•' on .. 11•) L111n Allen 111 C (JJ Stoll M1!loy Cll G 001 ICllmldl Vtlmllnil/01 0 (0) C1'""1"' ... ltllrn6: C01!1 MIH, SWf,, Coll• Mto• IC!Wlnt ..,..: ,,..,. '· o..Mt .. ltnlf!I '· ~ !. IMon 17J) (411 L-... INc:ll TollJINCI 11) fl {10) Celi.rt N•llOll Ill f 11) G.rTllf' Mel6f 1111 c 1111 Ow1111tnMt1 , Hool! till 0 jl) llCM1.,. Ktrt !') 0 11 f lHtl• lcor1flll auM: LeMiN llM.PI -L)I. fbll'lnl 11, M""-t f, UUt"I I . H411ftlrM: &oner.. a44. t Pt.AVA DEL REY -UC Irvine's freshman b.ukelball team, behind the one..two scoring punch of Jerry Maras and Rlck Mraule, handed host Loyola Frosh an 88-86 defeat Monday 11ight. The loss was the first In 23 games for Loyola on it.s home court and only the S«ond this season for the Lion yearlings against eight victories. M1rt1 Mt•u't """' -·-""'" ,_ Tot•lt UC.I flmfl l•I • " tt ,, ,, lZ 0 J 2' • J 2 21 4 • I 14 I t I It 4 I I II I • I t ,,,,,, .. , 'IU..r.1. J....,, 18, 1972 OAILY PIUlT lT :roung Doop Fla:sla Marina Boasts Nifty Freshman By PHIL ROSS 01 lht OtllY l'lltl St•tf The Hope Diamonds of the basketball world are the Jerry Wesrs, Wilt Chamberlains, Kareem Jabbars and the endless array of other super- stars who ply their trade daily in the high·paying, premiu m c ompetiti..on of pro- fessionalism. Then, as one plunges an in- quiring flrb ever further down the seemingly end less list of cage teams and indi vidual members of those un its, there automatically emerges gents of another nature -these of the uncut variety. ObYiously eJ(hibiting enough · potential ability and an ample su pply of natural faculties , these uncut gems are oftimes found in the person of an unusually gifted higlt school freshman. Falling directly in line with th is theory is 6-5, 200-pound Bob Losner or Marina tligh. Already a regular member of the Vikings' varsity hoop squad in spite of the fact that he's merely a just·turned·l5- year--0ld ninth grader, Losner is marked exception to the rule that says undercla ssmen don't normally enjoy starting varsity status. Although he possesses this IJncut diamond, Viking head coach Jim Stephens nevertheless calls a spade a .spade in Losner's case. Says the third-year Vlke tutor : "Bob has improved in all areas; there's not one area actually above a n ot h er . However, .,he still needs a lot of improvement in all areas. "I guess his biggest Im- prove ment has been in learn- ing how to play without the ball. In the past he has alwa ys been the main attraction because the other kids were .trying to get the ball to some- one bigger. And he's always been bigger than the other kids his age." Another thing which makes Losner uncommon (or a shy fresh ma n who's been ostensibly thrust into the scrutinizing gaze of hoop af· ficlonados t h r o u g h the Southland has been his will· ingness to become a team player. Most frosh phenom1t, It must be realized, have hit the varsity spotlight with an overbearing a m o u n t of cockiness and sometimes even downright hostility toward their coaches and older team- mates. But not Losner. LA Meet Gets Top Hurdlers World record .bolder Rod Milburn and Olympic cham- pion Willie Davenport will meet Jn the 60-yard high hurdJes in the Sunkist Invita- tional track and field meet, Saturday night, Jan. 22 at the Sports Arena. Milburn, a Jiln1or a t Southern University, shattered the oldest record in the book! last summer when he ran the 120-yard high hurdles in 13 seconds flat in the National AAU championships. The old recrd of J3.2 was set in 1959 by Martin Lauer of Germany and since has been equaled by several huhliers including Davenport. Davenport, a Southern Univenity graduate, won the 1968 Olympic Games gold medal with a 13.3 performance at Mexico City. Others in the Sunkist meet Include two 13.4 hurdlers from USC. Lance Babb and Jerry Wilson. Wilson is a transfer from.FreSf'lo City College. Babb was the 1971 Pacific 8 champoin and finished fourth, just behind Davenport , in the National AAU championships. Wilson with his 13.4 In an AAU heat, became the fastest jwilor college hurdler in history. . KeMedy High's Jack Struble Js rated the favorite tn the prep 60-yard-dash as he meets five or the premi er sprinters In the C1F and qity. Struble. who his run U . will get his toughest competition from Long Beach Poly's Leonard Ross, who hB5 also clocked 9.6 for 100 yards. Michael Anderson of Moir, 9.7, ls rated an outside choice. Santa Ana High'• Bob Har- rell his one of the top quarter· mile Umea among the 60!).yard run mtrles, a non·winnlng 41.2. Howtv<r. he"ll hove all the competition he can handle on the boards with Blair's Ray Jollnaon. 46.! and Gardena'• C11ude Brown. 41.1. BOB LOSN ER Adds Stephens, "'In my i( years of coaching, I've alwa ys tried to huild team unity and balance with no special treat· ment for any one individual. And Losner is no exception. 1 "But," continues the Marin~1 coach, jjBob gels down on· himself more than anyone 1·v~1 see n. So, being that be'1 1, freshman playing at a higher level than most o t b e r ~i:~:; :nc~a~e a~h~~~t 0~; "'! do handle him I lltu.i easier, maybe, but he doean'" get any special treatment ~ he's just supposed to do th job expected of him." 1 Thus far in the current/ seuon, doing the job expectedt ol him has led to individua11 ga me scoring highs of 25 and r 26 points for the bespectacled Losner in back·t~back, non-1 league wins over Lak,ewoodi and Fullerton. ·•i It's also n:.eant that he plax1 mote defense and blend in weU with Stephens' balancec:\1 philosophy. ., ''Losner is a good listen~r and a likeable kid ," Stephena.1 says. "Where he is now , (oq.i th'e var~lty > has to do with hi~1 disposition and personali,~ quite a bit. ·A 0 But I always see him wrtli: a basketball In his hands aid' he spends a lot of spare tim~ in the gym, too. ' "I wanted to bring him along slowly but I was forced ' to bring him along a little' quicker than [ had liked to." 1 With the still.f:xlstent possibility of many more ir\; ches and pounds being addet to Losner's frame, Stephens has a worthy plan. He discloses in part: "potei..: tially, Bob's a good co~ nerman. But it just depends on how much he grow.s and hoYi, heavy he gets . . . we're working him strictly a tl forward ." •! It's a gradual process, to bW , sure. But, If completed down to the precise final cut, Jim. Stephens will inevitably have I ' precious jewel In hi! hancb. · It no doubt beats travelldg to . some place like South Africa or Ind ia to procure the! same expensive commodity. 'I 1 Stephens AD, For Marina Varsit)C-· basketball coach Jim Stephens has been selected to replace J1ck Ken- nedy as athletic director at Marina High School following the latter's promotion to vice principal at the Viking In- stitution. .. Stepht:ns came to Marlna as. basketball coach prior to th• 1969-70 campaign. His \wo yea1·-plus record Is 4~ ancl the Vlkes have been to the CIF playoffs lwlce. This year's quintet ls 4-0 ia league play and Is tied for th~ Sunsel League lead wllb Hu~ tlngton Beach. Kennedy w81 the IC:hool'a 1thleUc director !or 11'0.Yfl"i loUowtnc • IUcceaslla1 llllW'I' as varsity wre.1Uin& coach. r . ,.. ... ,.-,,,.., • • • • i " I I OAll.Y P1LOT .Tutsday1 January JS, t9n I --------'--------- Bilingual Break . ' Puerto Ricans Get Cltlutce at Educatio1t By MICHAEL WIDMER BOSTON IUPll -Some 'I 30,000 Puerto Ricans live In Boston but only three were graduated from high school in J970 and nine In 1971. Tholl!andJ of Portuguese- bom children have attended I,. school in Ne\v Bedford in re- ctnt years but close to 90 per- ! cent dropped out before earn- ing a high school diploma. The pattern is the same in many communities across the country as recent non-English- speaklng immigrants discover that traditional A m e r l c a n education has little room for children who don 't know English. Allhough individual cities I faced with burgeonin& foreign- born populations have taken I some steps to remedy this , disctJminatlon, Massachusetts I, rectnUy became the first state t to require communities to deal I with the problem. I· ' l I c I I, Under the bilingual educa- Uon act of 197J, which takes effect nut September. each community in the state must determine the number or children of limited English- speiking ability within its scHool system. • ·Whenever there are 20 or more children who speak • the same foreign language, the ci- ty or town must establish a "pro'il:ram in transitional bil- ingual education" for pupils in that language. In some cases. cities will have separate bilingual pnr grams in Spanish, Portuguese and several other languages. At least 50 communities are expected to come under the law immediately with the num- ber likely to rise to 100 over the next five years. Under the program . the children will receive regular course Instruction given in their native language. They -.. ~- Ncµ:i Outfits San Francisco cabJe car conductors model new un i· forms conductors and ~ripmen have been ob.tfitted with. The gold nylon windbreaker and green berets are a recognition that "an unusual job deserves an unusual uniform.'' ' will alao learn English. alld as they master Enallsh they will pOnunfty 'lo l ake re(ular classrooms wlth American children their same age. The average child is ex· peeled to remain . ih the bll· ingua l program about three years. "The communities are free to set up the details of their own programs but they must give these chUdren an op- porlunlty to take regula; courses, and learn English, without falling behind their American collqgues a n cf eventually dropping out," said Sister Franci! Georgia. She is a community worker among the Puerto Rican papulaUon or Boston who is helping to set up a bili~ual ..- bureau in the · state depart-- ffient of educatlOn to ad- minister the new law. • "There are an estimated 40,000 non·English-speakiJ!g school~age c h I I d r e n in MasSachusetts," she s a t' d • "many , 0£ them out Of school and many others who are one, two or more grades behind American children the ·same age." A recent survey of 1,200 Puerto Rican families in Boston showed that 789 of 2,653 schoolage children were not registered for school. Another 279 were severtly misgraded and 63 more were of doubtful registration. Tootsies Tested. . The study concluded that 42.6 per cent _of the children could be considered "out of school." ·. Other studies estimate that up to 5,000 Puerto Rican children in Boston may not be attending school. Dr. Jerome H. Jaffe, director ol the Special Aclio~ Of!ice !or Drug Abuse, shows off a ne\v tecfiriJque which couJd prevent methadone treatment patients from registering in more than one clinic. Duplicate registration ha s permitted addicts in some cases to. sell su~plus methad9ne ,on blackr.market. ~ecretary Kath y Mc· Cord, lends a limb i!]: this demonstration. ' Laguna Sets Youth Show Metal lmpo1;tant to _Life? LONG BEACH <UPI) -their observations on experi· and Milne Indicated tha t the The Young p e 0 p I e 1 s Two medical res,archers have mcnts involving rats confined metal •is involved directly with ·Theater, operated by the uncovered evidence that to highly controlled environ-the growth rate or rats and Laguna Moulton Community v a n ad i u m . a race col-nlents. that without it. the animals Playhouse under the direction ored metal used in stainless Vanadium has been round in grow only half as fast. or Lisa Surette, is holding steel alloys, may be es.sential the tissues or humans. and Vanadium is found in very regular meetings every Mon· to human growth. higher animals and suspected small amounts in seawater day between 4 and 6 o'clock. If so, the metal. Would j>e ad;-· of .Playing a .natural role in ~ is present in ~.variety of All young people in the area-ded a to a hst o! •trace their metabolism, but there m1oerals found 1n So u th are invited to particip11te. ~elements, such as ~ii&n'.jhd lo:-•. nas . been no hard scientific I ....,. ~erica,J. Alrica and the The Monday classes will be <Dne, regarded as necessary proof. . · . Western uoited States. pointed toward a production of for good he21th. It has been shown, however. Its ability to tOrm many "Jack and the Bean stalk" in The researchers. Dr. Klaus that large dosages of complicated co mp o unds the Forum Theater on the Schwarz and Dr. David Milne vanadium inhibit the form a-makes it one of ·the most Festival of Aris grounds in of the Long Beach VCterans lion of cholesterol. powerful alloys in the mak· May. Adminis tration lios pital. base The experiments by Schwarz ing of steel. • Vninacglnatl~ Ge1·shwin Tribute Plays Like Radio ' By RI CK DU BROW HO!JLYWOOD IUPll NBC-TV Monday night ofre.red a 9G·mlnute tribute to the mu- sic ol George and Ira Gersh- win, with Jack Lemmoo as . host.· And although there were splend id moments. there were also n1any disappainting ones as the show failed to live up to its subject. The music . or course, was marvelous, but tbe pfogram came. acr°" riialnly a.s photographed radlO. Any broadcast that bas Ger$win, music to sta,rt with. plus the 'talent ol m1ch performers' as Lemmon. Fred' Astaire,. ~Pe~5 Nerq; Robert GulUiilmtf lalit Uggams and. EUiel Mt~~ i~ bo~nd ~' * * * Hope 's Yule Sho·w Shines -As Usual By CYNTHIA LOWRY NEW YORK (AP) -Bob Hope took over the NBC chan· nels h-fonday night with the annual repart on h i s Christmas tour entertaining American soldiers overseas. It looked like a carbon copy of Hope Cliristmas shows a year ago and' the year before that. It will be, as usual, one of the most popular television pro- grams of the yea r. It is cer· tainly one of the most unusual : The st ars are the au- dience. Over the score or years Hape aOO his troupe have flpwn around the world to bring cheer to American men. the comedian has learned what soldiers enjoy. He serves it: plenty of pretty girls: lots of music an" jokes, preferably about military life, the brass. the food and local customs and weather. . h-1ore a report of a trip than a formal TV entertainment , much of the time the screens were filled with shots of the audience, what many tuned in to, s". The carilefas panned around acres of men, fre- quently moving .in for clO$'UPS of one or more of them en- joying the show and forgetting war for a few minutes . give orr plenty or spar'ks even t without guid1nce. You put good muslc and a good mus!· cal perfocmec together, and yoo don't need mu ch else -if all ·you want are so)o acls •. But thi s was a television lhow, and su ch things are aup- posed. to be cut _ from whole cloth -in short, they should be of ~piece. ~1ooday· ni&ht's spectal , unfortunately •. had lH- tle or no unity in.terrnli:1of a theme. It was mainly 1 col· lection of lndiv f duaJ performances with hardly 1ny help from the llmjted , c<in· tinuity -and. ·again, the n:iusic could · ha VJ been en- joyed just abOut, @l n\uch if h~ard on tile tad10,, • . u ·.was dettghlful fo ha~• all that lo vely, tuneful music on for 90 minutes, despite 'the absurd title: •·Jack Lemmon in 'S Wonderful. 'S Marvelous, "S Gershwin ." But wtiat was the peg? What.\fas th~ theme ? No matter how much we love the music, the · program un- doubtedly. woul<i_• have had more impact if somehow we got some sort or indication as tc why wt we?J getting'" • Gershwin tribute at t h i s particular time . Or -better yet -if a "great, imaginative concept justified the idea in by itsel f. ·' There was, · alas, alrqost nothing in the concept of the special that could be classified ·as tn.lly imaginative. And this carried over ir'ito the photography. which was too often merely mundane , - almost never exciting. Amid its off-and-on jewe l -lik e performances fro0m tht ·in- dividual stars, the program had long, fiat periods of visual boredom, and this is the fault of the producers and director. not the ca meraman, who cin only do so much without a hel p in concept from above. NBC-TV had said that Lem· mon would tell "the story of the Gershwin Brothers." }fe did no such thing -just drr..- ping 'Jn bits and pieces here and there . But that's not hiJ fault either; he. could only do som uch with the material provided. The stor1 or the tGershwif!. \lfot~e~ would lfve been a fine.11beme, and drawn us into a trulY memorable American suceess tale. No such luck. There .was virtually no introduction or framewor.k setting up the show. . -. --~ ·;·-~--. ~ -----------· J •All THE GOOD SONGS BY All THE SUPERSTARS eKWIZ 1480 AM RADIO• All THE GOOD SONGS BY All fHE SUPERSTARS.• KWIZ 1480 AM RADIO • ALL THE GOOD SONGS BY ALL THE SUPERSTARS• All THE GOOD• I : . ~ J == ii l~ i We Will Give You ·' if :;:: ·. i ... .,. "' 1: -< . • • ' l " . f ·: ,. " . ; • • •• ' ' > ::::: ... :r "' .,. c ;II "' ~ > ~ • ~ N ... !· " ' Just For Listening To KWIZ Radio You C~uld .Win One of These · . . ; . ' ' I EVERYONE WINS! More Than $60,000 , • ' ·1 t • DREAM WHE .EL PRIZES • A Brand New Car , • Ho1ne Movie Cameras ' . . •Fin~ Je~welry a1id Watches • Ho1ne an,d Car Sound Systems • II und~eds of Dollars ·iii Casli, I ; • • I. • . EVER:l(?NE ·:· .W~N$! . . . ' Sl111pty MIMI I• tM )C_,.. W.w ... ..,.,, ......... ye11r . :-..... ,.. tilt. w.. ,. .. ""' .,.., ..... .,. •. ,. ...... . tfcelfr • w1...,. Cel (7141 IJt-4444 ,_ ., ...... IWIZ f '"'-W-.. e1N1 ~IH .,.., prt.. M•" •••• 'te ' KWIZ. SMte AM, Ce; t270J. -· i:. o .. ht'Y ,... ,..,,,.. r----------~-·-------------. ... ,.. ' I KWI% DRIAM WNEEL . I ... I • .. ! • IN PRIZES Al:READY AWARDED TO MORE THAN I I I NM I ' • • " ' ' I • • Luggag~ . •·Motorcycles . ' ... ' • ' . 1,500 Winners • • • Fur1iiture • /. . • ' ! ADDRESS , I I I qTY·~~~-,--~~~~~~~ 'I ZIP PHONt-...:~~~.-L...~~~~~ ' I ... ________________________ _ • • .s Listen For Your Name ·on the Air • IWIZ 1480 On AM Radio -· .i j r ,; I ' . . ' . . I • All Ill llOCID SONGS IY All THE SUPOSTAIS • KWIZ 1480 AM RADIO • AU Tiil GOOO SOH8S IY AU THE SUl'USTAIS e KW1Z 1480 AM WINI e All Tll GOOD SONGS IY All Tll SUPOSTQS • All Tll SUPI e .·~·~·:..:::...::..:....:..:..::~~-~~~~~~~-----~~-~-----~-~--~--~~--_.:_.:_~-~----~---~~-~~--~-------~~~· I I '· j . t ' I , If i ' I I Tu,jday, .... .,.., 11, 1972 , • • • • .. . . '· •• :· DAILY PILOT •• ' • Everyone Ha 1 Something That Someone Else W anh DAILY PILOT GUASSIFIED ~DS • • You Cen Sell It, Find It, T ride It With a Want Ad Generol BEST BUYS lJNDER $30,000 FIRST COME FIRST SERVED On this outstanding 3 bedroom 2 bath home in C011 ta ~tcsa. It has a sunken living roont, cor· ner 101, boat or lrailer acct'~s. double car ga- 1·ar:-e and priL'ed at $24,· 950. Thl1 one Is too good to last -Hurry. 3 BEDROOM & FAMILY ROOM TAKE OYER s23,soo ·~. OLE', WE SAY' · , I ' tiAVE WE GOT IT . ,1 -'' SPANISH slyle · 3 bedroom, 2 baihs, .din!J1k; r?<>m, firepla ce, extra large ~uiltin:11l0d,~ t1~ kitchen. can>ets &_ dfapes, two LEVEL PA-• TIO. ·See this e:<tra' sharp -! ~ne year Qlcl , beauty ........................ , . $4~,500. "PUT YOUR DREAMS AWAY" HERE .l\ TRfU?.f type entry, charnling·open. sP.a,ciou.s .i living room with fireplace an~· YIEW. 3 r,;n:ge· bedrooms, lovely family room, 2 baths. ,.2 1 Years old home in .cpQSll" IJ:v;.ne''Terrace."' · Best buy in area at ...... Jo •••..•• $59,500 . .,: 'SPLISH, SPLASH!! OVER .TO THE BEACH . CORONA DEL ·MAR 2 bedroom 2 baths. fire- place. cu te modem kitchen, picture "'indows with enclosed side patio, GUEST QUAR· TERS over lh e garage WITH OCEAN VIEW, only one block to the beach ....... $49.900. YOU CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT THESE UNITS ' 3·4 PLEXES ... all in a row. Units have 2·3 · bedroom. 2 bath, 1·2 bedroom, 1-1 bedroom . SPACIOUS and close to shopping. in SUPER RENT AL AREA. . ..... : . . . Each $65,500. "NOW YOU CAN SEA" . THIS BEAUTY CUSTOM decorated 3 bedroom, 3 bath. fir .. place, built-ins. WINE CELl.AR & WET BAR. Kitchen for the gourmet cook. Beautiful PATIO with a. PANORAMIC VIEW of New- port Harbor. . ................. SI25;000. A~-·s~ golf course estate. big ·canyon ) \. ' ·five bedr-.oms D family ·room. D 3 b1ths 3 car gar.ge D 3 firepl•ces 0 corner lot ,14-hour security guard gate -' . . • -. --1 &. ., . . i ·~$t~ bedrct!lll b 1ec.lud•d •nd ,h•• •wn lt•th 1fo, 11!111D1e • 1111.11 tii•~t room •r ••rvenf'1 llju•rt•n. • I ~ I ' " .. :: . . .. J. ~ • ' • ttiis hom•JJ b~inCJ, finished now •nd shQuld 1 4;e1•v1il1ble in midtfebru1ry ., • "'! •• 26 hermit19e l•n,e •t roy•I st: ~eOrtJe ro•d, ", "'~ewpo~· 69~~ ... less .th•n $I oo ,oOo. ' I • ,. I • ~ •. j • "~ '/nv.e bv •nd·,~• it, .then call owner •t ..• •i J : I • 'telephond: 6'#-1140 * *'* *'* TAYLOR CO. WESTCLIFF $79,900 Have .teenagers? Need LARGE·rooms? Then see this one-! 5 large bedrooms + a 20' x 4Cr • pOOl k Jacuzii. Near the btst of·schoOls. ... 1615 HIGHLAND OPEN WED. 1-5 "Our 27th Year" WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO., Realtors 2111 $•n Jo1quin Hills Road NEWPORT CENTER 644-4910 1 Gener•I .. l }lllW l()U I: tl()Ml::S UNIQUE HAS THE BEST LISTING S ............ IN THE BEST AREAS IN IRVINE TERRACE: A 4 Bodroom and view leave you ga-ga;. Crom the turning basin to the jetty and on to Catalina. Large seJr arate family room. cen trally located, pro- tected swimming ·pool and storage ( eatures galore. Excellent arrangement for maid's quarters. · . PRESENTED AT $125,000 e PHONE 675-6000 --~~Cl)~~,-- IN MESA VERDE: Single Story Pacesetter. 4 Bedroom with covered breezeway that east'Jy converts to, a large game room . Rich gold . carpeting, massive used brick fireplace and beam ceilings in the. dining room. Prime cen· tral Mesa Verde location. This property open almost dail y at 2828 'l'abago Place, Mesa Verde. . PRESENTED At $43,500 ••· P.HONE 546-5990 Ul'llll()U~ .f-1f)M~§ e C()RONA DEL MAR-675-6000 244) E1st Co1st Hi1hw1y, Coron;i: del Mir e MESA VERDE--546-5990 .____l~ I -·-I~ General ~~~~~~~~ HOME + INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY 2 CHAR.\fL~G JIOUSES 011 1 I hog, lovely lot. A custom-bit 2 BR 1 BA, bltins in kitch. . IO\'ely crpt.'I, drs, Ir.; 1 I'". ' 21' screened-in lanai. THE General SUPER FAMILY HOME Nt'ed large fa mUy, 1ame or I run1pu~ rwn' for klds? This sharp home has it, + .C Bed· roon1s. scp. dini ng. 2 baUw. and db( g1r. Good nbrbood\ clOi!E-to te:hools '1. rhopping: ALL TERl\.fS~ Newport" OTl!ER, a cheerful 1 BR 1 I BA \\' niC(' Cl'IS & drps:. parl. furn. BOTH have Jrg SC'p beaat-lclscpd yds \\'/fru it tr('{'s, a gat·agc & slorage •I " FairvieY(" 646·1111 (anytime) area. Xl nl Joe in Jo::as1side I ..,.,.....,...,_...,_..,,,.., Costa Mesa. \Valk lo schl.s. 8~EiiEVE ME churchc.s &. n1kts. l\>love·in $l' 500 PRICE! cond. Ll\'l' 111 one -rent the • , o!her, OR J't.'nt both. XJnt Sharp homey cottage \Yllh ~ inve.sln11:!11t at $33,500. LO\V King.size bt.'<lroom§ ~t~ 00\YN. 1s1 lime offered. I Jots ol cl06els. Luxunous. Exclusive \Vith -f pullman bulh, huge kitchen~ HELE. N B DOWD Yoo can mak• ,If you~ • dream home. Subn11l .lO"i': I Realtor 644.0134 dO\\"n, . '0\Yner \\"ill carry EAST SIDE TRIPLEX 2 bedroon1s in REALTORS SINCE 1944 ~73-4400 balance to ;Walker & Lee· J Reallors • I 2790 Harbor 81\.·d .. at Ada~ 54>9491 Bargain Huntln9?: lhen look 'at um sharp ex~ large 3 bdrm. bllluty. Loclted ooar achoolt Ir shopping ~n1er. 0 v.• ne r arudou11. H's a s1cd a t S2j,990. M1..roIO. EASTSIDI I Acre -R-2 10['2 Older [j hou!!es. Drive by 2441 Ir: 'Ut9 - " -Elden Av e., C.~I.. uien call. -20 unit prR~·t.~IHy, EASY LIVING $55,900 Are you tired of I.hose end· PFJRRON REALT\' 642·17n \C'~ 1\·eekend gardening ! im Ot:ange Ave .• C.M. '"'""'' The" call us'°" 8 " • EXCHANGE • appointn1ent to 5<'.e . this 3 HAVE) 5 a ett:• lfi De9'l1 }Jct NEW! 2150 Mesa Verde Drive,· Coir1 P,tesa bedroom ConThdomintum 111 J Springs Itta $1500.-F.P. I .!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!I . ~e BLUFFS. . c roon1s are WANT 2.3 bedrm home g.. P I Sl:..a-1 •• . G I G I light and spacious and tht-j lde CM Newport SPECIAL TOUR OF MESA VERDE . . 00 • uw .,._xury . _ •M!~ '-...,. " tiled pat\o is completely a""ROi°li. ~ARO'llLTRi in ~fess. 'Verde. A [ab\llous •• 1 private. Only $46,000. CALL 1649 W~tcllff Dr., N.B. 3 bedroom CUSTOMIZED ' ' 61"'3-4930. . , &5-0228 Subject. to existing f'ltA J'1,..Ml.,j_,._.,,, Nill ASSoc!AT£S loan. Bcaulirully done '?""'~ Shop these "Best Buya"•ln one <Jf Orange County".\ most desirable residential area~. HOME .. A stone's ,.row UDO ISLE WATERFRONT ~&CO.I · · · :TORS Like lo trade'f Our Trader' from the gotl'gree"'· A lo~ .220 UDO NORD "'""' Paradl,. column i. tor )'Oltl mal dining ?'09,m and fam-. • , L,.,_._ added ra;nily •oom with REALTORS ily room 'help ri\i.ke this 2E!OO Brand new home. 5 bedrooDlB'1 41h baths, .Cail 642-5678 & St.ye! I 5 llnea, 5 da.v• for 5 ~ aq. ft. ·ot luxury a must see! lovely ·\vallpaper &· carpeting. Large · water· Ge.,.ral General ~: cat~edral •open c.8 m : Under S30 Thousand and a ~ 644• 7270 boaUly, 3 Bedroom,_ "icely · ·-ycre$t . D!ronkt l&iviDong·rkoo~ witdh bfir1e~l.~cSe2.002 0st00airways. 4 ~room, lamlly r00m, , ec · c C-c nee e Ow· • -. celling. brick fireplace, land11Caped, 'l'eil cared for. · bat h.s. Functional Ooor plan. Be!t buy in Baycrest · a l $53,500. \Vould yoo belie .. ·e this can be pure ha~ VA? Shown by Appointment 2121 EAST COAST HIGHWAY All terms so buy It any\l·ay lari;e lot. iTeat tan1ity CORONA DEL MAR, CALIF . you like. BILL GRUNDY, REALTbR area. Full prier. S23,900 I I ~!!!!!!!!!\!!!!!!!!l!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l I I I Very anxious seller with one -\von'l last. Gener•J Gtn.,.al of the nicest homes for the 341 B1picle -Dr., S~ite 1, N.I .• ' 675-6161 YOU GET ALL OF • ' I . . THIS FOR S25,4SO 3 large bedroon1s, 2 apa: cious baths, co1npletel)' remodeled built-in }dtchen \1.'ith new dou- ble oven. Beautiful ne\v carpet throughout and a cov- ered patio complete ,,·ith built-in brick bar-b-q. Name your terms - This is a...eteat home for the money. Set 11 NO\\r! MESA VERDE 4 BEDROOM $27,900 ~-. oul.tandlng value fn • Costa l\fcsa'I belt rcsl- ck:hU&J area. 2 ruu baths. bullt-ln kltchen -all termJ avaHable FHA, VA or Conv. \Vhat el~ • can ",.e u.y -1te it. Big and Profitable CONNECTICUT FARM HOUSE money in the area. --4 Bed· rooms, nice Family Room, Lovely kitchen. Could as- )H.lme at 5~1%. See thik one. .( Nice bedroom!, and Fam· · 2 SY(;RY~EWERI Uy Roon1 or 3 ·bedrooms, ::...:.L.... 'Den and a i'i.miJy' Rm. Gen'erol 1 .Gentr•I "PENNY PINCHER" , If Co"ntemparary ! I• your bal, call m about thls exciti"I D·E AN E AS LLTTL~ AS For a ~inirnum inveslment. consider the . ,possibilities "'ilh 1his large low main- tenance du~.t-:f\\·o 0 -4 Bed· r"OOpl. 2lt~ unltS \Vitti , 'PT""' dlif'l'•iWom'-Laf'K" rtfuter' $\liles,...l Otje Of 'Uie ve,y lew>p...,,.14;,, !'I ~ I~ it, than can" handle 1•¥ 'faniBiesior·eB:sl!Y co~· yerl to S:h 8. . BR hoitie. 1 $79,500. Can n,oW 673~. t JUs'fp LI~'Il;D! · 'Go/pous rtady to fir Y<>ur family. "N~ Ehelandv" .~ ctiVmr l..91s of charminr s,h,utters, Towering staircase lo uajque R·oman tub in , bath, lal'jte loft Slyle balcony.,Cathedril Jof with boat ojl trailer .slor-bea,r). ceilirigs. -Craclleling ye. "O" riioveijn. 1 fireplace. •Pu1l, 1avern klteh· '.:~ ·' en. "Bonus" family fun Beauliful! Atrium home with room. Huge n1astcr suite beant ceilings -4 bedrooms. 0 THE REAL \'."'\, ESTATE:RS overlooking extra large pri. Fam Uy Room 'and Den. Up· I ! vate back yard. \Von'! last stairs playroom, 3 baths. . at only $34.?QO. See today1 ~ha":c roof. Spacious and -:rWo-~li.PLEXES Prime . ~DE LOCA· TIPN. Net:r E. 17th St. Sho~ ping Center;, Meu Theal~. and St. Joichim C&thoilc , Chureh. 'THR'EE • 1 bedroom Units and ONE • 2 bedi-oom Unit. 'Below· averaie va.cao- cy faelor. U yOU are looking .• GARDEN \fll".E./A ;·?i,~' • ·$J.4CI MOr 1, 11'!! nl':l1f .P.'t t.1 t ~"Yl~d !,~ g A pennT):uved Is ~ pe~y 1 feahu:i;s; ar~1 Si:lanng :":~ . 'earned, frbut bejter" :y.et\ It anrJ beam•.cathedr!} ce~ Could ~ manY· SSS. JUI! 37bedrooms. w.ith l~u~s l"take over payments • :Jp;. Jl!&ll~r • swte, 1 t • m OJU s • cl\ldes iaxes.·NO QVALJFYl DEANE· GARpEN-'· IQT· ING. 3 queen 8ize bedroomli. · for 2-4 Units in 1:his ioCaLion! CALL ~0\\1! , ' . CHEN, Ro~an ~ath with, Step saver kitchen. i\fany 1 private" atrium, AND Its extras Including • cloae to , totally surrounded by a 7~1 schools and shoppinc. Seems ' I t. privacy wall 0 n I )' lmPosillble for -.Stnly $23,500 . • , ~JDJ · ' ~aracM>us U.Vfnr:c.omparable : homes seUirig for niuch CKOlCE ' m<>re. See for yourselI. lljVESTMENT CORON'A DEL i\IAR proper- ty roUTH OF HI-\VAY Three bdnn., 1"·0 bath home CALL 645-0303 NOW. l\IAKE on R-2 k>I . Close to shopping Al'( AP.POJNTMENT FOR IORl.\I I. Ol \0\ ' P/,.t,r~R and ~Is. In an a r e a YOt.fR O\VN" PEftsONAL, where ha:l{ ilict na·tion \\'OU!d • -L.,_.-,-_-... -.-•. -. -----1 :\IESA VERDE TOUR 1'0- love to live. Full price o'nty : FULL PRICE IS DAY. , cm. ·· 1 , ~· I $21,500 Eventnrs C•U MS-m· EASTSIDE COLW~LL PRl)DER:r•' INC 1. ' f 220f 17thSt CM Call b46-0555 No down 10 GJ Buyers and n1lnimum down to FHA. In ·raCt. everyone qualifies. ~ COSTA ME SA Sharp 3 bedroom dreamer Granny can hop, skip l jump 1081 'I I Ol\O\ "' -,, . ... wilh open beam ceilings, lo WestcliU shopping; Jr. near new carpets Ii.. drapes, 1 ---.,~="'=='~=-walks to achool; recreation '""'J locatio"-Great fenc.d ACT TODA'(, at home, llX.!4 htll. ldill'd. E'venlng• Call 612-7438 yard. Total payment 8!1 lmv DJs:cover \\"hat this ~ bed-~;t 2 ~= .. ~ ~~.:~uc'. .,..,-""""""'-""'''=~~~ a!I $168 per· mon!h. \Vhy room, ~-bath. unit in the .. ~~ Absolutely .Te-Ul-, rent, call! Bluffs has to offer. It's en-cond. \Von't last long at "I '~ w lk & L $31,500. You can 1ssume -4 bedrooms, family room a er ee· .lire price is ~900, fealur-large 'FH.A loan!, • -Stone tireplaci Ing a . beautiful 6~place1 COR Bl N -Enciosed patio Realtors and v.•alJ to wall rJau •dn· -Flnt! nelghbor~ 2790' Harbor 9h•d. at Adams dowB facing oUt o~to a great . • --ctose' to shoi)ping ~Gj Ope_n 'til 9 PM ! ~en~t. Cert1_1nJy e~r)I U'ABJIN -Close lo schools O\Vner s dttam. (nqu1re lllJ II -Tu<elul!y decorated 11><1 LEISURE LIVING 'fllrther! '116-2313· . REAL TORS 644-76'2 l1ndscaped Immac. 3 BR 2 Ba, lrg !iv -Assumbale GI Joan rm w/tirept,\ ele<t bllln" VA-FHA --$33.~ -compl redttorated. End. _()\\'fM!r mual ~I rifhl awa.y, -can ~2313. parlo. dbJ ~·. Reduced 10 l;;jjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii .. , 1"iL PL/\L ~ L"TAT! .}.::- •-!' end will ..U !0< only 3 •500· VA REP" 127,900. Localed '" North 2414 UniV!ttity Drive "" ,..., Cot.ta · Meaa,,cloee w; lhop- $41.,950 •. Call 67~· Better call today, • . • ;64s.no3 IOHl\I I Ol\O\ ~ ~ . , ~ ! Better .!et!' this rare vaJue to-1 ........ .., ...... .., ...... day: 3 bedroQm plus I STRETCH OUT bedroom hcime•on R·2 lot. 3 Here's 1he home for SPACE J bedroom now vacant and '}IUNTERS! Large 2 slot)' ! ready Jcr ilnmedfatt oc-featuring aeparete 24'xl3' cupency. 1 bedroom rented family room, eparidlng all at S120 per month. Keep u buil!ln kitchen, teparate din· rental or use aa Mother-in-. ing room and king size mas- lav.• house. Only "4,500. ter. Alt freslily palntCd. Pool \Von't be. around lorfv.. size yard and located on Walker ·& Lee ~7~J~;\."' .. ' ,.,, H•'ed 1 Call 5-1().1151 (Open eves.) Realtors 2790 H1rbor Blvd. al Adami 545--9-1$1 Open 'HI 9 Pl\.! ----.NEWPORT- by the beech $36,500 !\fodtm S bdrm, 2 bath, with family room &. dining room. 1 Walk to oceGJ 1~~=1 . ' Macnab-lrvrne I "'llty ,Comp1mv I CORONA DEL MAR DUPLEX Two -4 BR ¥tuc}lo IYPe •Pll. • I forr Irvine) {)pefl dally 1.S Ji'• B;edroom fiRr uner bar-pjng, The carpet.a ilre like ,1a.ln. Exet'l:lent North Calta • ""-'---· A d Utility VA-.RIPO lfe&a ka,tioo. Fu 11 price new, beaut. co~ a: .........,.. ft 4 BR. PLUS BONUS #S,600 ... An)'Ofte can buy enck>sed P&tk>. q~t cW,.de. You''Ii 'thank your luck>' •tar o .. ~r 20t)J IQ .. rt. each • 2\91 baths. Prlva1c P1tiol • ICP- arate garage•. Well toca1td. Belly Kerr, 644.QIO. roomJn Founl'ain Valley nc.ar wlth Plymenl, J t 1 1 than AC 11· lmd'ted'. possestlon., you calletl about thlt f1n- tchool nd bopp. N $200, ~ monlh incl tuc1 Thill popular home will sell , ta.stic home. 3 bdrm . 20x22 paint ti, 1& ~t. Lo~· 00!~ l., Newport Blvd., C.M. A Ira. "Hurry • Vacant • fut. Call rlght l\\'lY to ate bonua roon1. 10:<20 "°"·. payme.nt lo anyone \\ilh no Call 6f6.J928 E~. 646-l&t9 Won·1 lu1 '°'111.. , , this evenlo4', patio. new afiag carpet. All 642-1225 ....... tee0ncls or be.lloon pe;ymentt / !!1!!!'!'"!!'"!'!""!!.''!"l~-JCaJ.1 5f6.• 1 (Open EVe1) 546-9521 this · atkl more for onb· '!'"!!!!'!"""~""''!'""""~'"' or 1r1de you, ""°"n' 11om<. C.R. V. SALE Nichols RMI Estate 133.500. 1<1-6010. Eni..y The Security Cali for mot'\\ d<t•iit'. Price, A Wlnoltocr ~ Velue • • I~ IBnARI L OUTSTANDIN~ " · sa.ooo. llr •• f'R •'od .S&mtet Nol '1~ -..... BAYCREIT OT I or I d"1)1<Xel 3 Btt, 2 BA, ¢ 1hlt.e1t .. ctM! homt. In • Walker & Lee I" "Move In" Olndltfot>. lll x rul. Pl1ce•tluat$ll,l00. 311,.p1a.,.1• ciooe to b<•ch. il"": :1~~V "':ta.111!:'. Gov't tippralllJ la S28.~-Out d Arfa ~ fttxlble J52 500 Ttrm~ Un ' I C • • I OJ °""'"' ril POY 3ll polnil. 11IADE «' SeD; I BR, Pool, on 1 ....... Cd iif.7171 IO< a..;.. Wllflam-this property ll real ohal'p. t Catt_,~ Roal Voluo! vi..., Spac'°"'· Xlnt """41. detalla. l(IAL TOR I Prl<Od et Ul,DI. 14'1"°10 =~ Alladeoo. 21ll l4Ml7' '45-l5'4 FUl ...Wts are jult a ... I Md a "Pad''? P1'tt an 1dJ ' c:an • ..,. • tO-S1I t Call 1«24$11. o-.-r· i11·1\· ~ .. ,.I 1 _ .. ,,11 i·~ • • I 1 \ , ' Macnall-lrvme ., I 11\ i. l ,~,,· ' .. .. ' \. . . .. \ • 1 HARBOR VIEW HILLS Be sure to see this LUSK Built 8 bdrm beauty. Dining room . family room. w/!1re-- place. 3 car garage. Cul-de-sac. locat1on, idea for children. $84,500, C. Tennille. ~ · -,;coliONA DiL. MAR v1Ew Spacious1 4 Br. home' o'h quiet cul-de•SIC Oft lee.land: Large family room. Will lease up- tion:or trade. $105,000. Harriett Davies. ' ' . HUNTING:rON HARBOUR t Glamorous Baylront 4 Br, 4 Ba With two large masters. Family room, pool table. s~ze, adjoins kitchen., separate formal d1n1~g room. Deck, dock $108.800. Al Fink. LUSK HARBOR VllW HILLS Vacant 3 Br. Canyon View . Submit-456,500. 4 Br. courtyard, pool, Harbor Vie\v - '67 500. Cozy 3 Br. home, excellent for kids - 1$54,950. We have many choice homes. Lavera Burns. 8AYCREST VALUE / -Compare ·and save! Adult occupied, S Br, 21> baths. 18x36' healed & filtered pool, 2 fireplaces, covered patio, low mainten• ance yard. It's.immaculate! $62,500. , M: ·c. Buie. · F'IFTY FEET ON LIDO An exquisite couple's home oC two bedrooms & two ba)!ls. Quiet charm & French decor Priced at $77,500. Gene Vreeland. OWNER WANTS OFFER Eastbl\!U, 4 Bedrooms, 2 baths. family room, ideal family borne. close lo schools , lennll club & shopping center. $49,750. Carol Tatum. LIDO ISLE NEW LISTING Perfect family home, mov .. in condition. 4 l.arge bedrooms & family room .. Llrp South patio, 50' lol. Short walk to club. $89.500. Mary-Harvey. . INVESTMENTS -C.D.M. Residential income. Two excellent homes - only $76,500. Good financing. Try 10% down. Mary Lou Marion WATERFRONT · DOYER SHORIS UIUmaie in indoor & outdoor living. Coin- f,lete electric home . 4 Bedrooms, study fl onnal dinln~ room. Sep1rate maid s 1ree. Large pool. pier & slip. $190,000. Katherine Raulston. ' 133-4700 ---Coldl·11l,I ... ........ 550 NIWl'OltT CINTIR. ~ II.I. I t • . " DAll.Y PIUIT TMtsdif, Jan\lilf 18, 1972 I ( -lw-l~l _ ..... l~I I~ I -fer-I~ I -fer-..... ,.~ c;e..,11 l[j]I I~ i j;;;;;;;===;;o l General VACANT Ir SHARP BUY" rr ............. . Fovnlaln Vollov 4 BEDROOM FAM I LY ROOM Kib:ben had loads of cup- bo&rdt plus pantry. W/w 1113g crpt thruout, master bedroom hu prtvate bath plua dressing area. Walk to shops and schools. Huntlftg!on Booth BONUS ROOM 4 Beclrm. + 2 Baths $32,950 Newport Beach Incom e p._rty '" Income Pr-rtv 1" Bual-• ;;;:H;;.":l;:;.G:...:H:.:.:L:;:;;A_N_D_S_1~~9:;;..6A:..:.R;;::.;D£N~TYP...,;,;;,;E ..,:.:BUH;;,;;;.;;,GA;...;,LO.:.,;W;:;;;A~PT:..,.S._.;.;.1co~""~:.,. c: Prime Harbor HI g h 1 a nd1 fl.1esa area. MUst~due to L1k --~ •. 4 separate bulltlln~s. Shake roofs. Private •·b ... 1 .. atta. e new, w1U111 • la' I b al 2 '" ,v na er. "" · i h be • I patios. No s trs. 1 story ung ows. "' re me. spac ous 3 Money to loan 2'° bdrrn1. &: family rm., 2~ bedrooms. Some have fireplaces. The type _ ........... -•• baths. Uvlng room alldlng of buildings that attract and hold good ten· Sottlor Mtg. Co. glaaa wall ovtTlooks a ants. Income $16,740 yr. $145,000. Excellent 336 E. lmt srnEET it:~·• a nne 3 bedroom 2 ...... Coota ~ home cOM· PLE'l'El.Y REPAINTED JN. SID£, with a iueat back yard $TUTOWldiJ1c ~ big Pl· tio and fine shade trees. You'll dl'ftght at the .tteam- lng HAR.OWOOD FLOORS AND NEW ll<AG CARPETS TOO! The bladooble oaraeo hefps' make ttDs an out· standing value at $24,900. ALL TEIWS OFFERED!I Sparo w Rlty 842-4474 •••••• YOU'LL LIKE lT! "'A nest for ~ bird" . 1b'fd at ga.rdentna end main-- Executive hOme, xlnt a?Ta, 2-story, w/w crpta a: drps, builUn R&O, dilbwal\r, nee ldecpg! Vacant! 0 w n er tra.rwferred! Subm.il! Call 847·1221 SEYMOUR REALTY, 17141 Beach Blvd., Hunt. Bch, IJ>lll'kllnr pool. Ev.,.,UUng financing. c h f JD' tor eracious living. 143,000. "Our 26th Yoor" aS Or $ CALL e .... ,. .. WESLEY N. TAYLOR co., Realtors First " Second ten.a.nee? Fine J Bdrm. J LUX 4 BR, 2~ BA, X1ra lge bath home, 18 months family rm, bltns, cpta, young, With booutllul 2 BR, covered patio. Nr scb>ol. 5•/o DOWN A,;,d"'-. 2111 San Jooquln Hills Roa d -TD Loans -7fu\'.T~ NEWP ORT CENTER 644-4910 i.o.~ot Rate& Oran•• Co. 2 hath wJite.off, in choice ~O~w::n::':.:'·::&l:.:2-:..::567:;:6:__~--96% Loan. $28.000 F.P. 4 BR oce&IKide al highway Cor-Huntington Beach 2 BA, bit'in RIO, FA ht, fpl, ona del Mar location. __ ...;:; ______ I dbl g8t', patio, fencd, ldscpd, Ne ar Ntwpor1 Po1t orrlc:e Rea l Estate Wanted 114Rtal Estate W•ntecl 184 642-2171 545-061 1 1 O UNITS Serving Harbor area 21 yn. /CitJI,,,,.. co: TS ~WALLACE 675-3000 FULL PRICE IS ei<ceptionally ok• nbthood. EasL<dde Costa Mega, ~at rental area. Seven 3-bed- rooms and three 2-bedrooms. All separate units v:ith Jots ot space. Shows a fantastic return with income of $1,400 per mo. Submit on down or trade lo - WANTED Choice Mull lplo Housing Zoned P roperly Must Be Prominent 1t t Cl111 Location NYSE Listed Compo ny Wonts Properly In $25,000 Private money for real eM.ate loan, Mr. Adams, Bkr, 714/ REALTORS 5414141- (Qpon Evenings) >IO'I E. <lout Hwy, $21,500 I' No down to GI Buyers a1\d BAY 0 BEACl-I 499-2!30. • N EED CASH FAST? ht &: 2nd loans made or buy y00r trust deeds. Mr. Clay- ton, <n4) 542·9380. TOO BIG MUST SE~L 6 BDRM-3 BA Ju.st listed! 6 it&nt bdrm'• & ma.salve den with 2nd fireplace. Gradoua formal dining rm. 3 deluxe baths. ~t kitchen, hlt·Jna. Lush e&rpel& .t drapes, Soaring staircase to living elepnct!". Romantic muter IUite. Priced tboUsands be:· low mkt, for last alt. See today. Call 64$.ll303 IORl.\I L 01.\0Y ' ' "'f .. " 'T 0"' '> $19,250 • I Eoshiclo -Needs TLC I 2 BR corner lot, room for trailer, boa.t, etc. A RARE GEM Sharpest 3 BR, family nn in N.E. c...a Mesa. x ... yard klr tra..Her or boat. $34,500. N-port If Folrvi- 64U8ll . (onytlmo) HEALTY , r::;· -, THE REAL ESTATERS .ART STUDIO? This 3 bedroom. famlty l'CXltn home bu large separate ~uildinc wilh North Ughl Vacant am ready. PETE BARRETT -REALTY- '42·5200 * LARGE FAMILY? * * 5 BEDRM. * 5 BR, 2 Story, 3T pool + fam. rm. C.M. $40,500. · Elevated .I: laolated fUn.game * room, pool table le wet bar. *OCEANFRONT DUPLEX* Huge' oversized lot, qujet Top Newport Location. traffic free location. Formal Will Trade -$82,500 dining, lush carpeting, mod· Balboa Bay Propertia em kitchen and kids room. * 642--7491 * Poor i\JY, just plll"Chued • __ _,e_:.:::.._.:.:....~- then tr&nsferred. Must sell Belboa Peninsul• ~~>8424 (Open eves.)' BA YFRONT, pier; 5 Br. 4 ba., DIR. lg. llv nn. $239,000. Realtor 675-4600 · Corona del Mar ---DUPLEX minimum down to FlfA. Jn flJ..4471 ( :;::. ) 54M103 fact, everyone guallfies. Sharp 3 bedroom dreamer E LEGANT with open beam ceilings, •••• SHOWCASE HOME , , , , near new carpets &:: drapes, 3 BR, 21h BA, custm drps, Ideal location, Great fenced crpts, Jike·new·cond. Water yard. Total payment as low softener, cpr-lot -rm for as $168 per month. Why rent, boat or m.r. Owner transt'd. call! · All terms. Ph: 8424466 Walker & Lee Realt0l'9 7790 Harbor Blvd. at Adams 5t5·C»65 Open 'til 9 PM -ANXIOUS-OWNER-+ EMPTY HOME FAST SALE Stop &earching for the one- in-a·million! 1be owner is anxious and wants action! A 3 BR. home on cul-de-58.c, bltins, FA ht, fireJ>1, eb:. Assume "this attractive 6% loan. Priced at ~.aKI. Sub- mit on FHA &. G.l. Call 537·!1642 n adershi-p REAL ESTATE Irvine GLAMOUR PLUSll This highly upgraded town- house has just been Usted. Ya)e model 7 months new, 4 bdrm., 2% ba., dining room and large ·panelled family room. Professionally landscaped, overlooking adult pool, $5!J,fl()(l, On fee land. ired hill COLLINS & WATTS -REALTY - C. & W. REALTY _6_B_L~OCKS-TO-OCEAN Vniv. Park Center. Irvine Beautifully decorated dream ..,..,Cal!!!!!l !!An!!yti!!!!!'m,,e,,. !!833!!!!!-0820!!!!!!!!! home only 2 years old with "= charming fireplace, con-;L.;;a.::g.;;un;.;a;;..:8;;•.;;ac;c;.;h __ _ Walker & Lee NEWPORT BEACH AREA Must be zoned for at least 10 units per acre Straight Zoning preferred -P .U.D.'s OK. Can pay up to $30,000 per a cre-prefer mini· mum 10 acr~ sites. Re•llors IF YOU SEND: Large area location maps, 2790 Harbor Blvd, at Adams · plot map, zoning and its use, locations of 545.9491 Open 'til 9 PM sewer, water, fias, electricity, condition of Faml'ly Expand"ing? property, comp ete price and terms wanted -We will answer your reply. 5 BR, 3 BA, family rm w/ Write : Mr. Harris _ ... _ I~ HouH1 Furnished 300 Balboa Island ,drplc. Com~ ne\V kitchen P.O. BOX 92229 makes this 2700 sq. ft. home. WORLD WAY PbSTAL SERVICE 4 BR. 3 Ba., home w/pier k Ideally situated on a cor· LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90009 beaut. view of passing ner lot in Newport Beach. boats. $450 month. A rare find. Asking only Acreage for sa le 150 Lots for Sale 170 WINTON, Realtor 675-33.31 $51.~. You own the land. ~ Corona del Mar 0l':J~ ~~~~a~~I-5 DEFAULT! A LOT OF LOT WELL furmsOOd • 1 BR. 1 RED CARPET A 20 acre & a 40 acre pattel n1 N in beautiful northern Calif. 60'x300' Popular Eastside person ° Y· on-smoker. REALTORS near quaint little Jogging Costa M~ dase to Back Ref's. $l50/mo. Ca 11 community! SurTOUnding Bay. 7.oned' county or R..4.1.,.;67;;3-4~16;9;.· ~.,,--,-~- land already sub-divided!! Room for 6 uni!!. Ll'IT Bal Is att:r furn hse nr As low as $200 down & f19 Call $588o (Open Eves,) wtr, patio Ccov'd fnc'd) 3 a mo. {$9948 cash price)! I~ l br, 2 Ba op. f:rpl. 673-6267. 2740 Camino Capistrano San Clemente 492-9700 -BEACH SPECIALS-* 2 story, 3 BR, A.Jrame, Where can you buy land in 1 AGE FURNISHED 2 Bedrooms steps to begt beach $34,900 Calif like this? Think S yrs M lllAll utilities paid, $160/monlh: * 1 story, 3 BR, A-frame, ahead & buy now! Ed Ed· · 642-8400 Like ",...v · --. · · -S2Cl.SOO wards, Landway, (714) .;,:;c,:.::;:;.· ------ CAYWOOD REAL TY 622-1815. CHOICE tot 100'x135', R-2, Costa Mtsa &ni W. Coe.st HWy N.B. 40 ACRES Rolli paved alley. 348 E.1--------- .548-1290 " nr national fo:egt m;~c: Rochester St., C.M. Short e QUIET Retreat. E/slde, * $20 500 * OVER $.29 MO ~7 walk to 17th St. shopping Clean&. nice. utiJ il')('J_ J115, venient kitchen, huge patio and large enough yard for pool addition, Only $27,950 with GI or FHA terms. !letter see this todny! Co 2 ~ nd' · . 11 · · · cntr. $21 ,750. 673-9509. ALA Rentals e '645-3900 Zy o.n.. co 0 in QU1e oc. Cemetery LOCATION + 1% Ba .. dishwshr disp gas L /C 156 Mountain, Dtsert, e Extra Spa~us 1 B•. cpl/ bltns. Din. a-. p' an·o .. 0Dbl. ots r ypts R ••v • Shingles, giaks, privacy & '""" esort 174 drps, fncd yrd for TV''. fl?Ci. valUe are only a few WOrds gar. Washer/dryer space, 2 c.e.metery lots, single or ttelG BEAR LAKE ALA Rentals • 645.3900 that describe this 1 bedroom ---GEM1---double, m each. Will selt if you are a * NEW 2 Br, 1 Ba. with convertible den, 2 bath 1610 W. Coast Hwy., N.B. · separately. Pacific View * FISHERMAN * Townhouse w / pooL Mesa ~e~ =-~~ter W=~ REALTORS 642-46'23 Memorial Park. Ca 11 try this beautifuJ JaJre.front Ver:c1e· Bltns, cpts, drps, Realtors room. 30' living room, built-ONLY $44,COO, $2000 down to 536-5167. home for only $43 500 Di-patio, gar, $225 to $250. Nr 2790 Harbor Blvd. at Adams in kitchen are typical of the s:iua.!ified buyer, $393 per mo. 4 Lots at Harbor Rest vorce case. Ma~ ~Her! schls. 557-3400 . 545--0465 Open 'til 9 PM many attractive features to P.I.T.J. on balance. 3 BR, Memorial Park, Cost a Call ROSI$ <714> 536-1738 or Dana Point compare at $43,fl()(l, (l.7) kitchen, Some view. Owner, Mesa. $125. ea. 548-9729 Write: Spencer Real Estate --... GI NO DOWN 21.1/47S-ll63. Comme rcial P.O. Box 2828 Big Bea; WARMTH & CHARMI for this spacious we:IJ design-,/.l"'!'!O ~,,,.,ff WESTCLIFF, by owner, 4 P roperty 158 Lake. Calif. ' 2 Br, (pl hm, mod. kit. w/ eel 4 bedroom home on a .,,,,/T"Oe-"*"'£' br, 3 ba, 2300 sq ft, walk tol-;.,:.,::;;;;,;,;~---:;;: I **BIG_B_EA.R LAKE. bltn bar, lge ba w/ Roman I super sized lot that just REAL ESTATE school, ne~·ly decor. $51,IXXI. 80'x150' Corner SNOWFLAKE SPECIAL ~;g: ~~~~1~1!st:~~e. ~~~~~~ofto~: 642-9989. With 3 Bedroom, l~ bath Pul_t YoUr .snow sled ~P .to NU-VIEW RENTALS 1190 Gfenneyre St. Bayfront Jot $150,000 home -A/P roned. Possible this special buy, Ca .. bm.·1n. 673 ••30 _ <"3248 more than the low, low price itu '"13 ~· ~s •••~ "-ood '~C:',~~'...,._;"::_'_...:::~:::::: <t::N-"" J'l:r-u.>.1 TED HUBERT & ~. C-1 wit'h permit. $31,950. tut:-W s, needs f1n1sh1ng, 1: ~~R:we':~~EAL TY SAVE $2000 Mn Via Lido 675-S500 Owner wants """' QtlJ only $6.650. E-Z term,, It ~L;,;id;.;•_l;.;•;,;I•;_ ___ _ 18964 BROOKHURSI', F.V. Spaci00s 2 &tory. 4 Bdrm, 3CUTE _ _.:.:c.c_2.:.b::r", =2::ba::...::to.::w'-'nho=u-,.-.I &J6.7l7l ~~~asto!. e;:te~~1:!~ BAYFRONT 3 BR, 3 BA. 'TU JUST REDUCED tun bat11'. Walk-in closet.. Swimming pool, lee land. , Real Eslate p 0 ·Box 2828 July, $700/mo. Also 2 BR, 2 Walk to beach & Edison Agent, 675-7225 m Bea ~k . . ' BA din nn frplc Ve ~ .. •v BEST BUY OF TifE WEEK Hi<>-h ~·. Reduced "-'-" N H • h g r e, California. Wa0lker' Rfflly 67S.52oci -o .,.,_._.......,, '--"""h.... ewport e1g ts Out I St t P 178 4 Bedrm -Dutch Haven Ma-gov•t appraisat. Won't last O _ _!_!,_ rop. 3336 Via Lido, N.B. lina. Big Ian! rm w/wood at $39,500. Call 9684411, 4 BEDROOMS Duplexes/Units OREGON 2 BR, I BA, 2 car garoge, Walker & Lee :11i;;1~~··b=YN~~~ CREST REALTY Near Newport Hts. on 16th sale 162 Beautiful 2 1/3 ac. Klamath cute house with patio. $350. 2=.·~::~m~:Ex~ GI -low dn FHA, $30,9CKI, 4 BR+ Fam. Rm., 3 ba, St. Just a few steps from ~s~~~rdriv11er9 &6hwy. Yr. round. 673-544Seves. eel.lent condition. South of. 537-5$12 located on lge. pool size lot park & children playground. -6 -48 • s· n, .1 i.::; Newport Beach $23,950 -POOL- hl~wny. Good iri~trit>nt, COLLINS & WATTS w I canyon views. Liv:ing 4 BR., 2 Ba. Kitchen bltns.. RESIDENTIAL Sales~~s_194~~pson ---------- MORGAN REAL TY -REAL TY -room w/open beam ceiling FA heating, new carpet, UNITS Real Estate OCEANFRONT -<! Br., lge ~-··· NO DOWN TERMS Leisure living in this 3 bedroom. 2 separate bath r esidence.Bui I t in a, dishwasher. Covered & enclosed patio. Enjoy the pool. 540--1720. 673-4642 675-6459 C. & W. d& lirep&lacVeA. bfllin kit. Low large fenced yard. $29,900. EA"1'SIDE, COSTA MESA E ch IB2 !JR. DIR, frplc, bltns, -="',,_,,.,...,...,==-,-,,.,:-I own · tnanc1ng $69500 Winl TERMS x ange displ, re fr ig , fully CHARMING 2 b• on~· cor ROOM FOR ALL il bl $39 950 Own CALL . ~. • , .. 6•1 414 R M. c' 'di R I • ~ • ava a e. , . er, 9.t.·~ oy c ar e ea tor CHOICE acreage Lan-cptd/drpd. $375 nw. 'til June ner lot w/massive brick in this super sharp, big 3 494--7651. 41"41"'7 1810 Newport Blvd., C.M. caster-, for reslde~ce or 30. Ref's. 8J0.....8772. TARBELL fr plc, open bea m s *SELLORLEASE * . "EALTY' 548-7729 OCE N bedroom home featuring a · · • · b u s i n e s s , O w n er , ANFRO T 1 BR. Comp! throughout. 675-24(19. 400 sq ft family room with 2200 Sq. Ft 3 BR. 2~i BA. Nei r.Ne•porl Poi I orrlce 213/681-5384. furn. Frplc. $200 I mo. 'ti1 LUSK 2 story, 5 Or, 4 ba, 3 protess'ly bit wet bar. Pric. Lg. fam. rm., din. rm., trpl. .San Clemente FOUR.Pr.EX by owner· 18 AN> June No pets 2408 Orean. I · I '----/ Prime Huntin"""'n Beach ,'fVll second trust deed ' ' ~· Harbor, Costa Mesa frplc, greenbelt ocatiOn, ee ed for fast action at $30,950. Cpt & drapes, bltins, wet "'"' de 1 n.. ' front 675-2962 /.<"ITN VIEW OF OCEAN location. 847--0202 a.ft 6 pm. tra or """' lot, Costa land. Agent, 6'1?>-7225. No down G! f"!tT'"'". bar, etc. lmmac. $47,950. M 545-1657 OCEANffiONT 3 B ho Executive LiviftCJ Costa Mesa SHERWeeo REAL TY Full price. De!uxe. 3 Bdrm, 2 ~th home Income Prope rty 166 esa. . furn. Winter rental.r me Designed for entertainment 4 ---------lB964 BROOKHURsr, F.V. MISSION REALTY 4~731 With ftreplace, family room. [ 67S-<S07 la....., bdrm. large den, large $137 M P Ail I NEW 3 BR, 2 BA hilltop OUR I D' would I VACANT 3 BR REPO Cul-de-sac street. Priced 1 1 ~ ·•• H to frpl 11L Ba O ays at $39,950. Call for appoint· nvestment iv. f'Nncil~ • BAYFRONT, 1 br, no dogs, kitchen with island arove uge cus m c. .,. · U you assume existing 5%% ocean view home. Frpl, ment. 492.4927 like to provide. at no eost _ . $165 mo. Avail 1/19 to 6/30. plus breakfast area fonnal :~ Bkr. 546-T139; F.H.A. loan on this sharp beam ceil., wet bar, blt·ins, to you, an up-to-date a~ .__ _____ __J sas.-0778, dining room, plus heated & Huntington Continental c p t 11, drps. !enced yd. praisal ar.d analysis by com-~H:=-""'""'u~nl,,---~30=5 filtered pool. Two &tory FOR sale by owner Mesa townhouse, or buy on rn.y $39,950. 494-5200, 646-T;i62. puter of your property. Business ou1es urn. home $47,990. 847...0010. Verde West. 4 BR, 3 BA. VA terms. Vacant&:: ready. * SEU. OR LEASE * Please call 546-1600 Oppartunfty 2001--------- EASTSiDE COSTA MESA 3 Bdrm, l 'Ai bath, double car garage. Extra large Jot. $28,500, Call for appoint· ment. 642·22'53 associated BROKERS-REALTORS Z02S W. Ba.lb.oo ~7.3·3663 -105.6-F~372·D Tri • level. Lge fam rm. Full price $18,500. """" Sq Ft 3 BR 2,, BA Investment Division . -General 546-2948 after 6 pm. 2873 FULLER REAL TY ~ . · ' ~ ' Dillrtbulor'1 Needed Boa V. 152 ooo Lg. :fam. rm., din. rm., frpl. San Juan Capistrano National Marketing Companyl---------1sta. , . 546-0811 Anytime Cpl & drapes, bltins, \Vet NEEDS NOW, reliable men FREEWAY&: Fa i rview $INSTANT CASH$ bar, etc. Immac. $47,950. JUST TWO? · th' 1128 Car Lo I 3 . or women m is area to RENTAL FINDERS area. son. ve Y for the equity in your home. Full priCE'. Here ls your chance to begin --rvi •--· · BR • nk II "' MISSIO REALTY •M •731 ilding Buy th' PRIME UNITS .se ce .u:u.l moving coin 415 w. IM, COSTA MUA "' rumpus, au en v. ne pay all coSt.s. Jn fore-N 'I........., bu· an et.ate! ts operated products. NEW rm. $31,500. Owner. Access closure ok. Just call .. 24 Blue Lagoon Vill.a 113 cute little old one bedroom, SIX 2 BR, 2 BA apts. near multi-million d 0 11 a r ad. Houses * Apt1. to rear yd. hours a day. 847-8507 2% BR-2BA-furn. one bath house on R..2 car-WestcliU Shopping CE'nter. vertising cam.....,;.,.n. Cont· * 64S..Oll1 * ner. Live in it while yoo Bii-in kitchens, frplc's, r--e $3000Reducrion, Save Comm. ~ Surf view.facing priv, pany secured l oc at ton s,li. ... ""'~Frre 1o LMdL:Jrcb buy direct from owner. beach, pool tennis. build equity. Full grown large Br., laundry. Seasoned -commercial and factory. Gorgeous 4 br No. Me!a o $tATfS Fl'I IAllD Call Schworer 673-2654 fruit trees, room to have a adult tenants, ~ return PART or FULL time, 6 to -FURNISHED-v rd h Le · t 1-~-.. --t..n. Perfect for do it + tax shelter. $135,COO with e e ome. avtng s a""· OCEAN •-OYO apt. mag· 6 °"''"'" 10 hours per week. $110-B.ACHELOR Pad near I Furn il X~ • .,, "984 ,....,,n. yourselfers. flexible terms. · ava · "~· olT<1""Y • nif. vu. Pool, 2 BR, 2 BA, NO SELLING ocean. Just right for 2. All NOW ONLY $16,500 FIXER-upper llllll 3 br, R-2, R. E . SALESMEN turn. $S3M. lmmed . ..,.,. CAPISTRANO VALLEY h~ laweon jQ. CASH REQUIRED $600 to util pd, HURRY!' $17,500. Occup, 2001 Charle Bkr. 4~. 213: IM9-522S. aeolCotl $2.995. For more ln· {off Hamilton) CM·nr, fo~EN;6uc;t'~:~o~6~~on PROPERTY-for sale, ~~N. -~·:.:R_EA_L;:.T_Y'-"'-_ 4:.:~c:...c=:..:c.--/34::;:16'-'V:.:i=a::Ll::do:::_ __ 6:.:7S-4:..c:96:::2 I formation write: Quick Kup $1ss.srt10ENT'S Special! 2 ___ ..:54:.:8:.·::5044:.:c.. ___ 1CALL ED 847.96():1 La Senda, Lower Three 1.s.;:.;;;n..;.l;:..•..;.A;:.n;;.a;;.;;.H;,;e;.;ig:::;h;:.t;;.1 __ 1 RETIRED, or young in-Distributing Co.. 1111 w. Br. l""' Ba at the Beach! East Bluff KASABIAN Areh Bay. Call J ames Coen, COMFORTABLE 3 br used vestor! 12 well kept garden Robinhood Dr.. Stockton, Pet considered. AvalJ 2/1. --TH-£. BLU·f-fS.._ 4~3429 after 5 pm. brick trplc, heated ~I, Jm-rentals. Room for more. Calif .. 95207. Give name, REAL ESTATE L ido Isle provements. Must see. By Xlnt tenants & income. address and phone number. $19,950. owner. $29,500. 54~1775. $129,000, only $25,000 down. MANUFACTURER -UNFURN)SllED-- S135-ct1TE 2 Br Cottage, aar. fncd yard. pet ok. llST lllYS! c ·L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 roN. T.G .. F.M.·TRS-OF Stop by Tri·Harbor Realtors, 400 E. 17th St., Costa 11-fesa. Prck up e>eplanatory <klcu· ment for explanation of above code. Suggt?St any serlou.s investors, Interested in cap1taJ. gain etc. Take -ti.me out to attain a· c:opy!. DUPLEX· $24,750 1 STORY 3 Bedrm. + 2 baths Mobile Homt1 548-M07 ,FORMAL DINING, vacant, ....... 88 ~ F S i 125 DANA .POINT, new 4-plex $161).NEWPORT Heights -2 h I 4 BR. 3 ba. '"' 11.,.000 or e • $18 ~ x I I I ti NEEDED FOR ORANGE $35 900 uge rear yard ! x nt area! 3 BR. •3i,, be., f2;m rm, pool ,_,,.., n oca on, Br w/ encl gar &: prlv pa. , R&:O, dishwa.shr, nice rm, d1n rm. 40, lot $89 500 RESALES view. ChooBkrse 6 !"!-'!,.se:veral. COUNT'{ AREA. PAR'I;Y tlo. Stove, ttfrig, cpt/drps, lndscp! Submlt! Call 847·12'll LIDO REALTY INC 1.rv;ivu SELF..cl"ED MUST HAVE child/pet ok. SEYMOUR REALTY, 1n41 ' in Greenleaf Mobile Home•l----==-=..;.;c_:____ SlJ,500. TIIIS IS A DffiECT _ Be . h Bl d H Bch 3.177 VIA J.l{)(, 1 Park. Descriptions & prices 2 TRAILERS. Jnoome net FACIURY Ot.m.ET OF 10 $110-CONVENIENT Loe. 1 TIME FOR QUICK CASH O:>nvm. this 4 bedroom home tD duplex. with •uthorities epproval. Large R2 Jot, dose to PI course, abse-ntte owner. 10% down, HU?Ty. 616-n71. • Near new 3 Bdrm, 2 Bath, family/dining room, prl. pa- tio, special paint. custom shutters & drapes, shag car- peting & deluxe vinyt fle>or'- ing. Barely used model home condition. ac v '.1 ~nt:. -·-673-7300 posted at the oUice, 1750 $85. Offer. . SPEED BICYCLES. WE Br, ttove, cpt/drps, 1ar. a'::r;;ssw;~~~ !"::r 4 CUSTOM2story,3BR,3.BA, Whittler Ave., c .M. 673-5749 after 5.30 \EN"ILCLE TRAINNOT NECE. EXPSSARERYI.· Avail 211._ THROUGH A fam. room, din. room, huge HILLCR.E.ST 20X56, 2 BR, 2 Income Proptrty 166 ~ BR, Franciscan fountain. nd k with ·"-s-... GOOD CLEAN FAMil..Y OP-rtt"'ALONE on Lot•. •, Br. 2 su ec vww. u""'t BA. Lovely site, Irvine DANA ~•nt • N·-· duplex. ,..~ " Low cash to Joan. t -t $79 CM. ru• .,.. £RATION. START IMMED-Ba homo, nr. QCC, Dbl•••, oTHEREAL "'-ESTATERS .~ '· •, -I • AL EST TE h 0 .... ree · .wv. Ranch. Pvt ply. 714/544-0157 $49,500. Silver Lantern at La .... .. ~ McJ°Xy ~ a 9£a533 W•!:• ~~.'~~200 'l!,!;" Valley l2x40' mobile Cn!sla. Webl>Bkr. 6<:1-4005. ~A~~Yofri~ n"870·53IO, ~~: cp .. /drps, fncd for ' DAIL y .PILOT ~~~~ GOOD BUY! 3 BR, 2 BA. Mtll Vordo ' 6<USU Lota for Salo 170 **BIG-BEAR LAKE. -·~t ,,. /u tam. rm, quality cpts A LIQUOR STORE For Sale (Larf'•• soloctlon of EASTSIDE C.M. " t ) drp•, lrplc, patio, sprinklenl--------ROYCRAFT moh1le home CHOICE Net. approx. $50,000. yr. rtnt1l1 in Newpor t A IJke ~ S Bedrm home plus t''l C\ rca ty &:: s:ilantm. Near 11chools & SALE or lee w/optlon. 3 Br.. Sx.35' $UOO. Aft 5 or Owner w:IU carry t1nanctnc. Costa M111·8es t Str• don. 2 batha, flroplaoe. 008 V beach. $29.500. Owner. Dill ba., !.'!·~or $'50 mo. ,...k<!nds 546--«>54. R·2 LOT Oi>!>ortunity ol.a llfetimel vico l ) W·'nut, Open d·"y j ; -•~ s~ •~ at••r 6.· lY, u....-. 6.N.1; eves, 5 5' k I 't 2 Blocks To !kach, $15,000 "'·11 n-171') '~1738 -u·" 11trC" !Tl ~ a.u -.., ..... .vu-' Vlst:a Del Oro, ___,,, "' 12 x S y ne. x In minimum bid, Bid openJ.nt -.. . ·~ .. _. or TP.Y IT, tv ~ by •Pf'!. Imm<d, po&. Newport Beeell LUXURY 3 BR, 21> BA _ 549-4225. No ~own, VA. landscaped Joe. near lltJog February l?•h, !972. write: Spencer ll<AI E<!Ate, BEACON * 645-0111 Roy McCardle Roollor ~-'":.:.:..:·1133 Anytime wet bar, bl& patio, low M i11lon Vlo10 Hoop. 19X10. 51&-7366. -CITY OF-P.O. Box :1828. Big B<lr e G,..1 oceon vlow. 2 br l81JJ Nowport Blvd., c.M. E tstbluff Open Houao down .ti t•k• ovu FHA of --------NE WPORT BEACH Lek<. Qillromta. home Cameo Highlandl . .... ..,.,5!"t !"l "772t"'!"'!"!!!'!"!•I Lovely view hm by owner. $243. mo. 3 pooll, .. una I< BY owner, beaut 4 BR home. " 11 , tit J t.J 67'-2110 * CLIENT FOR * Ltaot! $425 mo. " "'UICK CASH 2'5pm Mon·Fli, ll·5pm Sat tennis court. LA R WIN, 13 7, S 0 0 . Open hoUH ~II ~ C!!J Ext. 271 FOOD PROCES$1NG LOC. e 3 Br 3 i.. Shoreci!!ft . ., " &In. REALTY 546-5411. S..USiln. :um Mo<quero J ,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiii;.iii!if Holla nd Bua. Soito Huae ram. rm. Xlra ir1 THROUGH A 2915 Catalpa St .. N.B. 3 Br 2 i.. lam La. 6<"'1863 I' "JDF.AI. FOR INr~~ "The Broker wltn E'1'n>!'tY" 'yard, $iml) mo. 6'4-f610 &fl 6 cul-<l~ ~ crpf.:': Ira always the riabl time & ~~~_v_o_lor t~lo 150 R·2 LOT $10,500. 1716 Oran.ot A•'f> .. c;l'!. e Others. •• 1 Br, cloOe to DAILY PILOT Put • Uttlt "l"'t' In )'Oltr p.rden kl4$31.l/OO.116:1-4892. alwayo the right place If 120 AC.-"29 Palms·;· Gd. llunl. 8ch. corner: li.1'1 • 645-41 70 546;,*l •vu. beh $163 ms Br.·~,.,.. WANT AD Levis • ltll tbote bsublea )'OU want RESULTS! Call rot4, hl/ly. Loot Job, must •"" "'""""'' I GIFT Sbop -Bath· Botlque DON V. l'RANKLIN for "bucb". Cati Oual&d rut rtttil" an Just o I>boo>1 64J.$l8 • p!oce ihat ad oel/. mo pu, ~o~ dn HAFF DAL R EAL TY I on BalbOO ls!. sm. lnveat. .~~ e MZ.5671 6IS-i5l1I. · call awa,y ~ I today! ' •Sf.2985. 842M05 Eves: ~I->* ~ -· • ,,..., ) ) WANT AD SAYI £Al.I! • • • • I Tlltldq, J'"ll<llY 18, l 9n I~ 1..__-_'_·-~l~l 1~· ... ,. ...... ,. ll!l I -·""'"'"' I~ ( ~b,..~ JrtJ 1 -, ..... -... -...... -.... -J~mji. I Ao>""""""'" ... I~ 1 ........... , ...... J!tJ D.IJLY '1LOT II p ... _. ' I~[ Houses Unfurn, 305 Housff Unfurn. 1:::--".'----...:. General Costa Mt11 360 Apts. Furn. 360 Apt. Unlurn. 365 Apt. Unlurn. 3'l l pl. Unlur•. Huntington Beach I Costa Meu Coit• Me11 Laguna Beach 305 Apts. Fum. Costa Meu 305 Hou1a1 Unfurn. Masa Verde 36S Apia., Furn. or Unfum. 270 Costa Mesa $~. J':"J home w/1ar, lencd * NEW 2 BR, 1 Ba To"'nhse LOVELY Extt. home. 3 BR. _C_G_SQ __ d_e_l_O_r_o_•IDtJPLE..'\ turn 1 Br. m. No • • ·--· ---N-1w-.-d-u-lt_g_•_r_d_•_n_A_p_t_1. UNUSUAL 2 Br., pa.rt. tum, .,Y,,; . a' w/pool. ~ftJll Verde. Bltiu, 2 BJ\. Formal dln. 2 f'rplcs. I ALL UTILITIES PAIO children, no pets. Pref. mid-DELUXE S180. Orean v~w. '"«' .• .,,,,"I ;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;===;;:.I ....,. 1 R w/ tV('rythl..... ""I .i-u • • u Prof 1~ di APARTMENTS -v '"6• ~ •• 11• .... ,;,, pa o, gar. '""'' cov. Pl o. · .... cpg. ..~ e ~d woman. Cu/wa. · · 2 Bedrooms • l~ Baths areas. $250 mo Incl. utll. acant It ready, C.llf. $200-to $225. Nr. schls. $275 lse Llke new 510-!17'14 Comoatt .... :tore you rent • ter pd, 8071 Yorktown, 11.B. AJr Cond • f'rp/c's • 3 S1vlm· $140. 2 BR, fe:~,Jor kids & 557-8400. Agl CU11tom destined, Jeahtrirtg: Cali fir.st 962~ mini Poql$. Health Spa. l Bcdroom1$25S. 2 Bflths ~Bfature adlts O!Uy. 4!M..!16."i3, pets. C.M. --' e Spo.eloui kitchen with in· • " • Tennis crts. Game & Sil· 'ALSO AVAU.. FURN) 1 R. Ol'evt vk>w, frpl., quiet $13S. 3 BR ~d<'r home kids Home&frplc., 3-BR::--2 Newport Beach direct Ugtttlng 1 BR. Fum $140 I n10. li&rd Room. 15; e 2Jst ~ str"t'et, $165. nUJ, Incl. Avail &-pols OK, C.M. ' BA., 2 car g a r a 9 e, • Separ111e dln'g area· Overlookins beaut. &arden 1 BEDROOJ.t • • 211, Call afl 7 pm, Zl3: f12l, Pvt home on 2 acrtli. ft1nc1d yard. 548-2720 3 BR. 3 Bath, FR. LR, DR. • HOme-Uke storage patio & pool. Adult.s. No FRO~f $15.~ I Wtstb'3y 21 Apartments 521·'/b"'J.l or 9'l4-5TI 7. t<'ld-1 ...... ho-•• 0,. o:' •• --_ _ _ _ buUt·lM plua detach e • Private paUos ptts. 1035 l.2h sr. Across p k Llk S di · "~ •• ""URN 2 BR $110/mo F/R ~R Bath H ho "EDITERRANEAN or· • urroun ng OCEA',' '"'"' 2 BR. 2 B', n6-7330 . A ' . ' . ' . ' ar r • I"•~--' garage w/storage tro1n La.kc Park. ~.2'692. M " -gent 1 1 No dogs, l9S9-C Charle SI . VI Po oll ~ QUlE.~ • DELUXE tor lra5t". reasonable rent. ew 0 me 11• rt no • Fun length marble pull. NEAR new _ dose to ~ach VILLAGE 12 8r 3 BR APTS HllMl"l FQR liENT 642-2259 or 6<&-1017. model. l.<aS<. Pvt. po.rty. man • •hopping, l BR. • Prv 'p•Uos • Hid Pool• 1~530_c_11r_1 ~Dr~·-~-- OR LEASE OPTION Dana Point 644--8137. • Kin&·SJ: Bdrms Bachel<lr Apts. 309 l.1emphls 2400 ~~~~~~ C.l\l, Nr shop'g • Adu.It" only Laguna Niguel * BRAND NEW* ' LA COSTA APTS. 2 Bedroom Avail. • 8 ul!t-tns • SW1.mmlng Pool • Lanai • Bat·B-Ques • Gnragr, ALL UTil..ITIES PAID ADULTS, NO PETS 3 Bdrm. Alesa V<·rde ho"1e, -l&FAMtLY R-;;-DELUXE 3 BR, tam. 2 Ba • Pool 4 Barbeq~ -sur-St. Inquire Apt 2 or call RENTAL OFFICE Martinique Apts. LAGUNA.., N1Gu4El 2 blocks lo 11hoppllig $250 • $375. 1!!07 Port Charles Pl. rounded wi.lh plush land· 536-4:4.8'1. OEEN mo. · . 1 Frpl, 2 Ba, hlln RIO, lndry {Harbor View Hms.> 213: I scaping ~~--.-~-=-10 A.\f TO 6 Pl\f 1m Santa Ana Ave., C~t APARTMENTS AL.."O h~kup, dbl gar, f/yrd. 670-4601. Adult Jiving at Its best 1 Br. partly furn S80 mo C 4 S C 1'tgr. Apt ll3 646-~:? 1 Bn. l CA * 2 r.r.. :? R,\ 3 Bd Vi . Child/pet ok. Hse to be en-Large 1 BR $175 water le Pl pd. Adults only. H. ~A"R BOR BAY MEADOW APTS. fully <':"' .. .,_.;_t'd r. r~.1pC'd 354 Avocado St., C.M. " 642-9708 ,... rm, nr Ila Shopping ti~lv "',.,.,.. "~'I I THE BLUFFS 3 BR. 2 BA. UTILITIES FREE 918 Palm, H B •~ .,., F $185 '•·nir .. 1'210 ""0 · · · · · · ~1 • Ccar:i ceUJ.ngs. paneling, . rom • 5.,9521• ·oR · 1 NU-VIEW RENTALS V•cant. $325/Mo. 644-Wl 365 w. wu,.0 6'2·19n 53&-4919. TOWNHOUSE mc1 • TV bl< 1 "'!"' 541)..6631 673-1030 or •"-'~·us Bkr. prlv patios, rttreat:ion fa. ~ s, • en , \\'a er, I N'CL I R I E ~~ * $30 WK & UP * FREE Util furn 1 BR nr cCiUes. All adults no -r~. 11.ll kn bl1r:s, lndrv arr<>~. • nO S fJC! State F San Clomento ' ' ' '" hi I . I BBQ' . ountain Valley e Studio &: 1 BR Apls heh, pool SL10. 201 10th St., ,...7 H-~ , 1 • 2 BR's FROM AS LO\\' r. 5"'1m poo • . s. pri\' LANDLOR 536 3777153(1..7282 u.·1 iuuur, near \\llson .4.l $l59/mo pa1 ir1~ & b!llcon1('o;, Ooen DS! 3 BR, 2 BA, huge rec. room. NEAR Bc.,h, 2 BR. !Iv ,m. • Room 115 WK • Up. -· 2 BR I\\ BA STUD!O · JO A'f 1 9 P\J 40· 1m We Specialiie In Ne\vport crptd, drpd, water pd, Close "'/lrplc, din rm. k It : TV & ~'laid Service AvaU Bache1o;:-AP,t:-$100/mo, TO\\'NHOUSE. $140/mo. 38':" \c¥:.~~ .. ~73C.1'f. .;[l~.~7 * · ~n ~J0·~1~ Beach • C.orona del 1.far e schools&. par.ks. Avail. Feb. w/bltins, cpts/drps, ·1 t>A, Phone Service. UtiJ Pd Call ~2ti87 • 1-lea ted P90l·Adul!s only •w 'IQ-VII nfr C1'Q\\'n Valley Prk\\'Y La • d k .~ / • AU major credit cards e N n..1~ •d · e BE 'UTIF"U G · iuna & Dana Polnl. $235 mo. 531-2220. gur, fence bac J"'• w cov. 2376 Newpnrt Blvd, S48-!}7"".J5 Laguna Beach n r<:...,·n J. to slloppi~ ,. L ROUNDS• M V d Our Rental Service Is FREE patio. CaU for appl. 4.92-3007 SPANISH DECOR esa er e lo Vou! NEWLY redec 3 BR, 2 BA, bhvn 9-11 AM or 5-6 PM. This Ad \Vorth $5 OJ) ~ent STUDIO pvt charming cyn I 3 Bdrm * 2 Bath Air/cond, Gas, \Vtr. pd. DELUXE :? k 3 Rn, 2 P.a . Nu VIEW RE frplc, bllns, close lo schools Children&: Pet SecUon · ' ' · G Pool ~ NTALS nice fncd yd. ~250. WaLef University Park vie-.v, ncw1y dee. & furn. Living room with cathedral arage, · Rec. rm., rncl gar $150 up. P.ental 673-403() or 49-1-3218 pd. 'Eves' 531_.910. 1 ER. ~· 2 lge ciosets, $130 Incl, u!il. 494-6322. ceiling & frplc Se t laundry. l BR Sl·IO. 2 BR Ofr, 3(Y.)l r.tace Ave . 3 BR 2 B dbl I queen site bed, priv <lressing · para e $160·$165·$175. 51"1034 Back Bay ' $240-Mo. 3 BR, 2 BA, home ' a, gar. crp s, r m xtra lge rooms encl Newport Beach laundry area. Encl patio. Hacienda de f\1e s.i. Apls :.-~--~c--~--- 3 BR, 21i Ba., f.i.m. rm., \\'/lam nn. 4 yrs new. ~~~i~~9~1 faci1. $l25. &a; w/ storage, Adu.II~ only, DPLX apt, immed avnll thru I ~mingdpool~ children's 160 \V. \Vilson, Sec. l\fgr. No. 1 Newport Be:ach newly cpld & decor. $32:. Fenced yard. 963--0076. no l'lf'l!'. S150/mo. J une, 2 lg BR, frplc, 1121 ygroun · $ · e TO\VNl-fOUIT 4 Bn, 2 Ba. PAR~K .... NEWPORT._. 1',lo. Bryant \Vlcst 675-2723 H • Be ch Condomin iums 2035 Fullerton, C.M. BA, off st. prkg, trees, utU HARBOR G~REENS cpts, drps, bltn~. JA101 & 'APARTMENTS & u -.vu-clubhouse. ~ii ml. 0 .C.C. Bachc'.or 1 -Or 2 &droom~ Coron. d.I M.r unt1ngton a Unfurn. 320 I ~'RN-1-Sfl_E.D 1 Br .. ,.,, ...... , pd. Library area betwn bay 54S-4353 - l'::::::':-:::'.:7"'.-----· r C M in rear, priv patio, $120/mo . ~ OCE"an. $200. Everett SICK-OF LOOKING! Quiet 2 $215. 54;>-14.45 after 4 pm. a.nd T-O\\:nhouse~. Spi!, pool;, CORNER 4 rm cottag 4 BR., 21,i baths .••••. $.t>O o1t1 et• util. paid. 1st & last mo's ?-.lichael, 673-QSO, BR 2 BA •. Prime loc. Fully SP1\C. 2 & 3 Br. Apl. $140 up ten nis. From $110. Ac~!i e near 3 BR., 2 ha. home ••• , $300 rent + security ch•-. NEIV n--anfront . Yrly '"""'ed· & draped and occ:in Cn>t I d,..... stove 3 BR 2,, / 3 Br 2 Ba cpb drps ~ .. ~ Vl.-.: Pool, rnt/d""., bllns, Kids ok from Fashion Isl11nd a t .Ja m· · ' · · ,.... ' I tz ha • $32.l $350 ' ' ' ' Older male only, No pe•·. Furn. "" or UnL $390· 0, •paridin. g clean. Mod.em -.. · r patio. No cbild/pels $285 ·• · • · • bll-~ ~hr 2 pools ~ ~ 2206 College No. 5 612·7035 boree & ~an .Jn:i.qn in JI ills mo-lease 67l-Bl27 . (i' d h•11 clbhou~. ins. ~3710. ' l92.i'.i Anaheim Ave., C~t. Winter. 3 Br., 2 1 Ba. blti~ns-""alk to sho~pin~. 1994. P.1aple No. 3 642-3813 Ro:i.d.~. (TI4) 644·1900. l LARGE BDRM, 0 lge living ·. . i re I Huntington Beach Furn. ~ach:"'""'~-,-s·r·s: 646-Sll5, 538-9952· :~~0• e\·~~ s~~;~ * LOWER--* • NOW OPEN • nn. W/D, 2 car garage. . . Especially nice, $130/ ** OCEANFRONT: 1·2·3 COAsr REALTORS All electric 2 BH .. cpts, drp:,., BRAND NE\V 1 !.: 2 Br From Quiet neig:hborhaod on 3rd REALTY 1'; Ba, al l appl's pool, up. 2110 Newport Blvd. BR's Winter. Adults o!'ll.y, • NEW DELUXE e gar, patio. Nr. bus&: thea· $148. Priv, patio, hilliard Ave. $180. mo. 675-2237. Univ. Park Center, Irvine c!bhse. 3 Br, $195, 2 Br, C.M. no pets. 673-8088. tre. Adults, no pets. $155 mo. rm, heated JXXll \':/ jaeU7.zi, $170. w/util add S 2 5. 2 2 3 BR, 2 BA Apt for lease. 6-1:~3.115, 642-6499. hug~ closets, d..,p pile car· 2 BR House, unfurn. Ne11i·ly CaU Anytime, 8J3.-0S20 54g..1405, 536-5384. * WINTER RATES * Br., Ba .. Frplc, garage. Incld spac. master suiJe, din tn decorated. S185/mo. 702 Iris Attrae turn Studi<>s $115, 1 Winler $175/mo. includes nn &: dbl garage; auto door 2 BR, Crpts & drapes. Choice pet g, lush landseaplnt:. Ave. Call 4~1460. e BELIEVE • Co:zy 2 Br, Du!)lexet Furn. 345 Brs $125. Adults, no pets. util. 67J..fil52. openrr avail, Pool & Recre-Joe. in 1'1esa Vr:Tde. lmmed. Ad~lts. Nr. airport, just \V, I I f · ~1;~ !''" '"" Eld•n"M-Apt 6 Uo occu~~y. $150 ~r mo. or Paltw.des. 20102 Birch St., 2 BDRM, ~IS, d""~. Ga"""''· s " re rig-. ~" ,.I""~. "· Cosio Mesa ...._ • -· · · LOWER Beaut rum apt nr a n area. ....-·~ r--r ·.,.. • ....., 1 ALA R I e 64'3 0 "' 962-9894. Nl'\VJX)rt Beach, 557·4246. Children ok, no pe ts! I tnta s ~ 90 WELL fi,µn.., Br in triplex. ~an. Avail now. Lse. Ab-• $275 • _ ~~ns . . l BEDROOM, 131 East 21st Adults, no pets. $165. 768 bey Rlty. 642-3850. S65 Amigos Way, NB l BDRM., all bltns, sha~ ,,, BRAND NEW """' • BASV..fENT tn CaiLr! + SI House A ' Scott Pl CM 64.6-2323 . . ManRged By cpts, drps, closed gara~e & 20-1!12 Santa Ana A\'e (Across Cotta Mesa 2 Br, tncd yr.cf. kids/pets. I • hon '6-14-0030 · 1 • • 3 Br, 2 ba, new kit, patio, IA: WILLIAM WALTERS co. pri. paHo. Cl cnn! 5-IO-l90 I. from. S.A. Country Club) l---.,,.,,..,.==---1 ·Sl5fl p e LOVELY 2 BR. furn. 11pt., blk to bch. $225. mo. winter. Spacious l & 2 RR from WANTED ALA Rentals e 645·3900 Duplexes Unfurn. 350 shag crpts, pool, close to 675-3827. I "THE G~BLES" SHARP! l Br, lge clo.~<'15. $150 & $185, FIREPLACES. One family thttt'would enjoy •WE have a large selection Balboa Peninsula stores. Adults, no pets. $160 TRAILER for rent, 1 BR.1 Lg 2 Br w/pn gar. Adlts, pool. Nr. shop!. Adults. l8S4 Prlv patios, loads of clM<>ts. this lovely 4 BR, 2 DA home or 3 and 4 bedroom homes per mo. 1941 PoITll)na, C.osta $100. Available now. c P 11 d r P' b Int n 8 ' Monrovia. 548-0336. Healed Pool. Adults, Man· w/ lrplc & Pool, Great Joe ..... R be 3 BR. den, 21 ~ 811.., bltns, Mesa. 673-5749 after 5:30 soundp~fed. F cd y rd AVAIL now, fre•hly painted agcr 979·12SS. Clos:e to majo ho 1 ..... t can moved into -Sh Be ,1-1-2_B_ w Ip at 1 0 • \V t r pd. $325./mo. r s pp ng. almost immediately on our refrig,, dshw5hr . IA: blk heh arp a~t1 u r Apt. Unfurn. 365 Gardenerfmaint. Call btwn 2 BR, Bltns, dsh\vsr, encl SJ.~ACLJF'f f\1.t\N OR Ap!_s.2 Call st>S-124 Rent -opt J 0 n p I an. & bay. View. $4.25 .yrly. 1359 Pool. Adults. No pets. tl teen . l&5, 63&4120 garage, No pets. 548-6081 Br. Sl-60 Unf, $175 furn. {Open e\•es) ' SftER\VOOD RE ALT y, E. Balboa Blvd., Apt. B OK). $160. (Also, 2 br unlurn General 2439 Orang Ave ''G" $15S 2BR, 1¥.:BA. WJ\V cptll, Cpts, drps, bltns, garb displ. 540-8555 53&3518 or (213\ 864·1846. .Sl4.5 E·sidc) 642·9520 e -drps. Patio. Bit-ins. Sl65. l~:?J Placen!i a Avc. Ask N e w oort Beach ONE Bed.rm. Adu.Its, ~ pets. 3 BEDROOM, 2 b. a th , e 2 WEE KS FREE I • 979-0287 aft UAM. about our discount. 6-12-83-10 4 Br, 3 ba condo w/bltns. SZ50 per mo. 8122 Deerfield Dr. H.B. (213) 823--6485. _ ....... ~·· ·-· --~-···-Pool &: Utllit~ included. carpets,. drapes, built-Ins. Dep/clean only -to move in East Bluff or 5tS-21i82. NEWPORT HEIGHTS $l45-Sl50. 54g..7689. Downsta1n apt., with patio. Bachckir Silo e 1 BR $125 _--~~~~-~- DUPLEX 962-5773 after 6 pm. 2 BR $140 e PCKlL 3 or 4 BR. Frplc. Pa tio. 1 OR 2 Br lg rm' pool nr Ca F V •-•-NEWPORT BEACH Bllns. D~h\vhr. Ne"' rpts &~ 2 BR, den, crpfd fn t. din * 3 BR, 2 B~, cpts, drps, N~ large 3 Bi' •. 2 BA, w/w · · ' Balbo I I d n urn, • ery ...,w exu. .. comb lrg kit, older chlld & dsh\\'Shr. Quiet cul-dl'-sac I &: drns, Elec blt-ins, dis h· shops, util pd. Adulu. l88-I a 1 an chltd/cat. &t2-218l, 67:\.0507 Villa Granada Apts, drps. Child OK. 9SS-7673 pet O.K. $18.5 mo. 1st & lRst 1 slJY"<?t. s:n5/lno. 675-8230. "'a.shf'r. many extras. $300/ Monrovia, Cd. 548-0336. S·too Yearly. 337 E. Baylront. -BRANDNEW-1-BR:-Four bedrooms with balcon-,,_•_,•',..',.· ..,_,==...,,.-=~ mo. + S50 des. 1921 Irvine Mo, "C" Thomas. •$139 DELUXE 1 Br .. pool, 2 BR .. 2 ha., dbl. gar. / FROM $130 !es above & belo1v. Gracious * 2 & 3 BR Studios, l 'l Ba, BRAND NEW Frorn Sl45, Dishwasher, shag C';u-ptting, walk·in closets. f'orct!(I Ri.r bra!, e':lra large room!':. Beautiful game room, hra1ed pool. BBQ's, encios- ~d garages, quiet surround· i11~s & close to shopping. Adult livin2. nn f)C1 s. EL CORDOVA APTS. 2077 Chlll'le St. 642-4470 Near Hivbor ! Hamilto n St. 'M-tE ~r l"J'J '.;C. PALM MESA APTS. !\IJ XliTES TO N\VPT. BCH. F'URN, OR Ul\'FURN. Unbelievably large ap11. hug!!' pool, Jacuzzi, elect bltins, !!hag crpts, d~. sauna, etc. Adults, no pt'ts, SINGLES , ••••• From $135 1 BEDRf\I ...... From $140 2 BEDR!\t ...... From Sl60 You're right, they're under· price<!? 1561 Mesa Or. (5 blks from Newport Blvd,) 546·9'60 e SPAOOUS e \Vell·Deslgned Apts l & 2 BR. \\•/ Trrraces. From $14.0 . $275/mo Shag ept.11, drps, .11auna.s, poo l, j11.cuztl, encl gar. Cl\•iel i"rl11l t Jlv1., .. MERRIMAC WOODS .i2;, Me rrimac Way, CM Huntington Beadt La Quinta Hermosa SPANISH COUt-.'TRY FS- TATE living & spacious apts. Terraced pool. Sunken gas BBQ. Unbelievable llvin.& for ONLY 1 Bdrm. Unturn SlSO. Fum llll. '2 Bdrm unf'llrn. $115. ' ' Fullerton. oo NOT disturb _ Real1or MS-5527 cpts, drp.s, bltns, 145 E. 18th Winton Real E~tate 675-3331 ·Near Shos>s, encl gar. bltns, living & quiet •urroundin1 all elee, ,ctwhl', whr/dry t t Call f 6 " -0 SE St A t 10 645-5429 for famUy with , childn;n. hooln1p It gar. Nr. Hoag enan . a I . S.u-vo57. 3 Bdrms., 2 bat•-family BEACH TOWNH U " P · · · LGE 2 BR, 2 BA, Bayfront. pvt patios. Attract. land-N Co d I .. _ HI h •~ 1 1 ear rona e •n.ar a: Hosp, $185 & $250. 646-3566. Furn. $210 t ALL UTILITIES INQ.UDEO : 3 BR hse, Uv rm, den din rm.; Turtle Rock •••• S330 2 BR + Den/O!J!ce. Frpl, pa· 1 BR w/cpts:, drps, $125 mo., Frplc, beam cell. Bltns. scap ng, 1970 Va 11 ace. School, Fireplace, wet bar&: ~.='"""'~-'--~~~ rm & kit, bltns, close ~chis 3 BR, 2 ha, atrium •••• S325 lio, tile deck. $275. &18~8532 ln!'I. utiJ. Adults, no pets. $350/mo. Yearly. 675-4048. 548-0804, 646-2209. built-in kilcllen appllanC'es. 'YEARLY, nr occ11.n, 2 Br'. 1 &: shnp'g, 'lli'/W cpls. $250 , 3 BR,..2% ba.: tam ••.• $325 532 Center SI., 646-7926. LITTLE Island 1 BR. Deluxe 2 BDR·M carpeted. No pets. 835 AMIGOS \VAY 644·2991 Ba lo\ver, frplc, bl tns, refs, ADULTS NO PETS VISIT oun MODELS 16211 PAnKSIDE LN. mo. Also furniture for sa.le.; \VE HAVE OTIIERS ~ *1 BR. furn. $140 mo. AU bltns. Gar. Gardener .. bl &. last. Cleaning dep. C.oldwe!J, Banker & Co. avail now. $200. 499-2128 681 \V, \Vil.son. 646-L"GS, Apartments for Rent T' Adults, no pC!ts. 820 .Center Yearly. 673-7178. J $150. mo. Util incl, 135 Managing Agent \V EST CLIFF art's. 2 5-l8--12Z1. St c M 642-584.8 B Ibo p • I Albert Pl. After 6 pm Huntinnfon Beach Bedroom, 2 bath. Adulls on- • •••••••••J ., . , a a en1nsu a 962-3172. • 1 $27. A I 675-4930 : 1]n~ ··i 1rllil , . VET~Y CLEAN 3 BR home w/bul!Uns and fcncrd ye.rd for a fo.mily's pleasure. ONLY $235. per month. Call A&ent 5--JG-4141. E.<\SY Living? 3 BR, 2!~ BA Twnh.sr. Pool, rtt. cl"nter, maintrn. free. Great &Choo! district, N.B. area. $285. 64.5-2385. EAGER lo serve you, 1-2-3 -y. ;,, g ' Aptt. Furn. 360 Br's, 2 Ba Funi & Unf, Llke 3 ~R, 2 Balr.,12 decks!, dswdshr, 2 BR apt, bltns, crpts, drps, ON BEACH' *itr"DELUXE 2 Br., 2 Ba. ---------$14.0 u 64.5-5530 5 ove, re. g., cps. rp~. in adult Mobile Home Park, ' ·. • cpts, drps. bltn~. encl gar, Gentral new. p. · priv. gar. 'Ii blk Ocean &: idf'al for retired persons, no patio, $175. 548-3708. "SINCE 1946" iiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiii I LG E 1 BR apt in 4-plex, Bay. $300/mo. Lse. No pels. dlildren or pets $150. mo 2' BR Unfum Fr. $230/mo. 2 B 2 bl ls! Western Bank Bldg. A quiet E-side area, nr Nwpt,_67=""'°"'=34=. ~=--,...---,-Call &16-8464. Furn!ture Available ~EI d ~· hr BA, r wfl t~j~ Uni vc,..-~'" P-.. •1 '"'''"' Free\\'ay. gar. SUO. 548-l517iyEARLY 2 BR. cpts, drps, Carpets-drape-dishwasher iap • s \V • gs. · D 83J.o'ol , N' h 8 Id N C . . ~ u1·1 MODE'RN 1 Bdnn. aPt. Cpts, heated pool-saun,..•·--'-ocean. (213) 387-psl aya •g tr J o .ew onc:ept 1 BR. Furn. 1T•oter. •'" ,' g.rbage d;spl, garage. 1 blk •-s dsh··-hr bl t r n, ~w~ aid M dull n1 N .... ., ' "'" · -· tte room-«ean views S1nto Ano P · ature a 0 Y· o ocean or bay. 620 W. Balboa garage. 1 child ok, AU util ..._.._.-=o--- '.. _; i::. ~ .'~kl.1;nltur ~~OnCIEDA•NachVI Ew-·· -I FURNITURE RENTAL :·,~~:::.'.· 1 Br. c ... no c~;~:~~·~.. ~. :~~~· .. ~:~ado, H ... U~~~:1~=in1 -F·-· u1 LI ES l\!ESA Verde. 3 Br., 1'~ ha. children or pets. Quiet.1'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I · · · NTINGTON ftlml $250 mo. \\"{Option to buy.' in the center o( town ! Slid· 1f Month to 1'fonlh $13j/mo. 837-9517. JI • REAL Val,ue! .. Cpts, ds""w' PACIFIC wr• "ourr $28,000. &14-2001 day a, ing glass lo lrg deck. 2 Br * 100% Purchase Optlo., dshwhr, poo. ~ BR. 1 · P::.J\..'kl n:;rr, ~9-4275 eve. VA ok. apt newly painted. Cpt/drps. * Wide Seleclion-. l BR. furn $120/mo. Gas & ~-Mature adults. No pets. 7ll OCEAN AVE., H.B. .. 1• 2 BR ho se cr.11!s drt1s All elC'". "'"'1. Style-Colors '"'lr pd, Adults, no pets. No Q v Quiet. 2295 Pacific Ave.. (714 ) 53S·l487 SINGLE STQRY garage. ~ Small"' child~n'. NU-VIEW RENTALS * 24 Hour Delivery children. 54~5991, 6-16·7ffiS. • •rt• 548-6878 or 642-4429. Ole open 10 am-6 pm Daily South Sea Atmosphere No pets. Sl4.5. monlh. 2077 . 673-4030 or 4f:-J.3248 1 BDRJ\.t tum duplex. $125. BF.SI' Area. Lge. 2 Br., \VILLIAM WALTERS ro. 2 BDRM·2 BATH \Val!ace, Apl 6. 616-2719. 3 BR, Jih BA, Nonh. end, , rJ2 -$ ~ Fenced area. Quiet .!!tree!. ON TEN ACRES bllns, rclrig,, cpt.s, drps, * FRESH-AIR $175/mo. 2 BR Cpt/drps, gara"". No children, pets OK, Yr, lse. ~ Re ~ OldE't' pre[. Pel. 6:i2-8m. 1 I 2 BR. Furn A Untum. paUo. No pels. Pre-schooler C11rpets and Draoes .. ~ $725 mo 4971m Fireplaces I Prfv. patios. ok. $150/mo. 548-2765, \Vlk Air Conditioned pets. 2 i;ml chi!drc" ok. . • . l,D;o;a;;n;;a;P;;;;o;;ln;;;t;;;;;:;;;;;;;=;;;;;;/ Pools Tennis Contnt'J Bld•t. "'2 "261. a 3 blks to Beach! Private Pa!io~ S14i 2{)77 Wallace, Apt. 6, Laguna Niguel 511 W 191 CM 900 Se La '"M "'J ......,. °" """' ---~e 3 BR Apt, newly decor. 1-fEATED POOL . h, 548-3481 a ne,.,,.. ~"°" -.-WILSON-Dbl a tt1:1ched gar, trple, l~ 4 Br 2 ba Hv & dining area 2756 N, Main, SA 517.0314' LIVE IN STYLE I I MacArthur nr C'.M11t Hwyl GARDENS • Ba.; blrns, except refrig. Carport&: Storage c~.1. -~~-..,...--,--3 BR. 2 BA, rrpts, drps, bl t!ns. frplc. $225. 1st, la.s! &: $7:; dl'p. AV<lil. 2/15. 1· 735-9-1~/8-12-7153. 2 BR, crpta, drps, garage. \Va ler pc!. No p e l i\. $165/mo. 2193 Maple St. 6-12-7658. CLEAN, new 3 br, 2 ba, 2 car gar, crpts, drpis, fncd yrd, no pets. Avail. Feb. lllh. 5'18-3763. 2 BR frpl~c.-'be"'-a-m-ce~ll,.., -w_,/-w, priti~. Adults only, no pets. $152/mo. Yrl)f. 642-8520. fa~ ~ frplc, blt-ins1 J NOW OPEN • S225. No angls, no pets. Nr, SchooJq fence, sp~nklr, cpts, drps, :i Balboa' Island ALL NEW NEW 2 BR, 1~~ BA, cpl/drps. 536-11ll_r..,· =~=~~-1 Nr. ~ .... C,.. ...... p • ... R .. car gar. Immaculate. $JlO 2 BR., 2 bJ.ths; upslaJrs. Car-Encl patJo, $140. 642-6811 :"' HI ODEN VILLAGE mo. _ first & last <lep. DfLu~; Br. i:,T fu~. MARINA INN veted It draped. En<"I. gar .. 2 BR Cpt'd. No pets. 1st &: os;r!e~: ~~~~w!r d~i~~ r.:00 South Saf1a 4.95-4244. Soar.Bay blmok 543-~ary. a£:e. Comp, bltn!. Private las!. Cl"a.ning den. 2 b bH ts d 1 __ sa_ni_a_A_na __ e_54_~_1'_25_ Lic!o Isle 5 · oc · 1 aft * Fuli P.todern Kitchens patio. 705?i Orchid. $2.1() Per $150/mo. Util. incl. 135 laun:;·· & ;~. ~r: s~ rp~ l Heattd Pool.a 5 BR, 3 BA, lovely home, $500 mo. to Joly. Avail. Fejl. 531-2220 Mesa Verde · . * Free TV * Linens lncl'd montb, yearl 0 y, Albert Pl. 213: 595-44.36. pier Sl75 yrly. Adults, baby Laree Oubhouse etc, BBQ Ba lboa Peninsula Q Ud Care Center ... _., * Pool * Sauna Baths >, '75-6050 0 UNFURN. Lge. 1 BR. Stove __ o_k_. -53&-~2~13_1_. -----I Great new l 2 &. l Bdrms e $25 \VK & Up-On Ocoean e * Phones * Patios • • & refrig. Adults o n I y ' 2 & 3 BR, $1-40 up. Pool. Fro Sl 9 Lovely Bach-1 Br-Rooms * Maid Service W "'''E= L& Sl35/roo. 2i35 f;lden Ap t. 6• Chlldrens bonus. I'>t1ora Kai SOUTH ai CO~ST Maid service-Pool-Utll pd * Utilities Incltlded Ci\f. Apts, 18681 Mora Kai Ln, iii VILLAS • Cati ' = •140 e VIF.\V~ OF ~ lfA~""R BAY &: ocean v le w , 2.-:B:R--..,ts--dc---.,-b;:lt-'~ BACH UNIT<.«9 SO ' cp ' rps. ns, blk E . of Bcoch. ~'-BM•. 1101 M cArth Bl•·d ~ • customized apt. Slrl'et front N ;;oQ4' """ a ur .; . OCEANFRONT 1 br-$125 'Iii June. Util's lncl'd. CaU 673-4724. BR refrig'. Children ok. r. e 'IOVE IN TODAY e 54!>8823 SOME 1 & 2 • kqt1on. Large Jiv rm, din shops. $135. 6 4 6-2 6 2 7; " I UNITS LEFT nn, kit, ba, 1 br. 2 car gar. 64~2039, Kids &: pets welcome. 2 BR. Apts., Close to LagUna Bch, San laundry rm. $250 mo Incl --~---~~~~. $139. All extras. Pool, gar. Furn. or Unfurn. Clemente & Doheny State util. 675-0091. 2 BR w gar, $140. Cpt, fn<l patio, furniture avail. 17302 • 370 <n4) 847.sffl 4 Blkl, So. ot 'San Diego Frwy. on Beach, 1 blk W. on Ho!' to Parkside. Laguna Beach --.................. ,,.,=,-- OCEAN VIEW In the center of !01\'n! Slid- ing i1asa to lrg deck. 2 Br apt newly painted. Cpt/drps. All eler. l?'IO. NU-VIEW RENTALS 67::-4030 or tfM-3248 Newport Beach AVAILABLE NOW Penfnsul• Point 2 BR, furn. yearly •••••• $185 2 BR, unf., yearly •••• , .$250 1 BR, unt., yearly •••••• $175 2 BR. unf., yearly •••• , .$200 eau, 613-3663 541.ons Eve. . associated BRO~ERS-R EAL TORS 102~ W Sotboo 67l-J66J ' -OAKWOOD-GARDEN" • Apartments (Retart Living for Adul'1 Only) NEWPORT BEACH 16th at Irvine • 6.l5-0550 or 642-..~70 • -VIST~-DEL-MESA-: Apartments : l ii 2 BR.. .t'\Jrn. I. Un.r:. Dish-• \Vasher • SIOve Ir: Rettig 4 Shag Cl'Pt't·Lrg Rec. cen1cr. RENT Sl"rl• $1.~:1 Irvine & M es• Drive _jc 545-485.5 * 2 Br l ba, Uke brand new. 1'~a~lly -Ok. 2335 Elden. l\.fo/M11 $18'.i. 646-0J32. LEASE/Option 3 hr, 2 ba, dbl frplc, quite cul~e-sac, nr schls, crplli, d r p 1 • Beautiful fam, home, kids &: pet · O.K. l265 mo. incl water. Call Mr. Lo\\.'der 645-0615 eves 544-1500 das. OCEANFRONT l BR apts lrom $95 to $135 mo. Idclll for sludcnt1J, 675-7686 Lindy, Pfl ~k. l;L-,u"x"u"ru=o"u"'s-F°"re-,.-nc"'h-=R-e .. -n-yrd w/patio, wtr pd. z;2G..C A-Keel s on Ln H.B. PH. (714) 496-2353 cy, 3 bedroom 21i4 bath, Santa Ana Aw. Call blwn l 968-7510, 842-6235. ' Costa Mesa --~-ABOVE ALL~ New.port 34902 0 91 Obispo St. Fireplace. Dilling Roorn, & 5• 636-4\20. 2 WEEKS free rent, new, DANA POINT laundry. 5'100. Ag!. 67"':>-4930. 2 Br, 2 BA, newly redecor· \Valk to beach. 1. 2 i._. 3 HARBOR Adults only. ated $165 mo. 67~-5169 be-BR's. Frplcs. $130 to $170. HACIENDA Towers, from $350. Ba.y front. 2, Br .. 2 Ba., docQ. 3121 \V. Coa1t H w ;y . 714/612~2202. 1 ,..,...,...,...,.,,,,..,.,,,,,....I ---~-----Jore 9A~t or aft 6 PM. 412 539-2103. HARBOR 11 MOD. 1 Br. Garaa:e Apt. nr. Ford Rd. 241 AVOCADO STREET /~~~~~~~~~!/ 2 Br· fUmlshed apt AJbertsona l\.tkt. Yrly SlfiO • 01EZ ORO Af'T5. • Infants OK. up to 3 yrs of age Carpeted &. drapes mo. Adulta only. 673-8936 NEW 2 BR Condo studio. 8231 Atlanta. 1·2-3 Br s. Pool. No ""Is l l[""i S©\\~lJ.-.lGr.trs· Tire Puzzle wiffr fire Bui/f./n CfrucHe 0 Reorrong• !."•rs of the four xramDl1d wt1rd1 be-low 10 form four simple wordL MUCHYM I 1r111 1 _ NIMRO I ~ I I I ' I ' I· 1· ' • A student of psychlotry DURON I f I I I I foiled in his exams. Hit teacher 1ald: "Turn in -r-...-7.'";-,,.-.-.--, " I GUTHAC ,-Pl9 I I 1 I 11 j 1 • I O Complete the tht.1e.kle quoted by flllin11 111 the mlulng wordt . you dfrvelop frcm st•P No. 3 btiow. "' PRINT NU\IS El!D I' W lfTTtRS l'l'l'l'l'l'l'l'I I I I I • I I I I I SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS IN CLASSIFIED 700 $155 mo 496-9381 --Near 1-Iarbor & Slln Diego p I t cl ed "v Rent• 1,.,-.,.,..-.,.--..---.,----OCEAN view, e.legant 3 85 r v a e 05 car. Deluxe 1 & 2 BR. Pool 1 Huntington &leach bedroom, 2 balhl, fireplaee, Fwy. Cpts, drp~. $l mo. \Va!her/Dryer. 5.36-0036. Garage, Dlshwshr. Paid utU. • ~------~~-No pets or chlldrtn 54&--6068. I -----dining room. Adults only. DELUX 2 BR l ~i Ba. nr FRO.i\t $150. 64~1204 R EXECUTIVE SUITES SSOO per mo. Agt. 675--4930. 3 BR, 2'1 Ba.. spacious bch., prlv. ba.Ck yrd. car.. ooms MOTEL APTS. 3 Blk.s to ocean or ba.y, new studio. Shag, was~/dryr la4nd rn1. 315 Cl'esl Ave. * 2 BEDROOM * n7 Yorktown Blvd. deluxe, 2 br, 2 ba, bltns, on prtmlses. $200. G4:>-l4!l6. C8ll 53~7029. 1;1 Ba Townhouse concept, WANTED 21a15 t1ey age) to 19471 BEACH BLVD., frplc, beamed celllni. $300 1 t BR cpts, drps, $142 mo. BEA-cHiLUFF-APTs: Bram ceilings, extra ltg share new i br homt AT YORKTOWN tae, 673-3477. UUI Incl . No child1<tn. East Spae 2 Br, 2 Ba, Pool. Patio. bedrms, tnd J. ~llo, reerta· w I work Ing w 1 do w . 536-0411 fiR., blUtl. w alk tn beach. side. 54&-1674. D/W. 823t Elli.ti 842-76·14. Uon rm. sauna batbt, etc. Wl\.'iher/dryer/kil. pr tvll STUDIOS FROM $35 $100. Or&.~ Coa1;t Real LRG 2 br, crpt.s, drp~. bltra,, 2 -BR Nr. park. SlSO/mo. Adults. Our, Sunday alter--w/~'fir rcfrll. Non cmoJcm 1 BEDROOMS AVAILABLE Estate. Call: 6-14-4848. 1-2 children ok. Nr Schls & Cpl• d .... s No ...... Adllts ~n B-.84~ &. Frte Arr please. Prlva~1J' • f'"I w~·-ho , 114-~2154• ~ ·r · •"''"'"' · IA'.Uon' 1ttr11ng ""°"· . dependence, c:onacnl&l tTY. w ... .,~n •GREATVIEIV-2Br trrl 'pg. "~-·" 8<&-2208, 536-<933 HARBOR GREENS lng.Rtnt m-Call B. e He1Ued pool -' ' rl I Cdt : "'"' • Laundry facllltJes bltns, sundecks, pool. $200 LARGE 1 BR up ex. !, 2 BJt. cpts, drp~. ra~. No 546-5025 Bas1eu. 544·1.l or &U.f18S. • Fl'e(! u tllJUes up. 644-6344, 673-5204. drps, bltn$. Ad1~~~~4S. pets. 1 cblld OK. $125 mo. $100. ~10VE tN Allo"·ancc !-1.IRN room 1{.B. Ir: C.?d. e Free linens Cost• Mesa 2231 Orurtge Ave. 1 • 842.-.6046. Slmdy Elms-Lawn.Pool UIU. Ideal for student. 1 • T.V. &: maJd aerv. avl'JJ. DI.JC t BR, pr., quiet 111~• Irvine Cbil(lren'J Section Adult. $65/mo.. I $75/mo. • Bar.a.Que ** BEAUTIFUL 1 le-2 BR. for adults only. No pets. Furn. It Unfurn t & 2: Dr. 6-t2..ti20. • PbMe aervice Contemporary Garden Apts. Sll.\. 150 J:j. 2l!t. G46-.60IG. i-~rom Sla5/mo. Up :-l "'B,..,""t11..,l°'ba~\jl-cl'"ost-t-pv_t_en_t BACHELOR Apt,, I mile Patio., frp!c, pool. Slro-1165. -De luxe 2-Br:;-2 Bo:-' PARK WEST 111 E. 22nd St, 9 &12-36411 patio, 3 blkl to bc!Vl>to,y. h'om Broch. Gu " Water c.Jl ~Jill. $113/mo. * 53&-26l:I APARTMENTS QUIC I{ CA'SH 673-IW 9 am-10 pm. raid. $90/mo. 213, t'S2-291'!. SM-1 B,, duplox, patio, 2 BP-Cl""· 2 kids OK. No I BdBd'. From $160 THROUGH A NICE .... m toc omp,.,.,, FU!L'I. 2 BR Ill ruriras. $15tl. beams. lrpl, no pau, 1 adll. pets. ~W. no Sbalim•r. 1 F rm.,$~9~•· man •IC<lOkl~ pcivllttoe. Klds ~ aml p<IJ oll. Pool. Yrly . .ur.6. utU pd. 612.-. "8-4711. :J8!3 ;:~'""" ,.,,.. D 11.Y Pl!.OT F.-•kl• CM. •~ ~_mo, 6~'-_ * 1140 !deal for ocllve LARGE 2 Br., 1'1 a. Stu<llr> Jrvl.,., 1Jua1 •U WANT AD-The fa<tea1 '"'" to tlle I BDRM., FURN, I01liora. I Br. Imm,., 11 ... apt., 1tftla. avL J<o pols. SanDleaoFwyOICUlvtrRdl 642•5678 Wftt . .A Dolly Pi lot f1%> + Ulil. * 6T.x420 CrplJ, drpa, 54M366. $1«t. 'i2& JOIM $ .. 14S.-1SM. 11fiod Ad. 1C-6571, I , I ' I I _J ______________ ---'----------~-~---~ • . .. DAit. Y I'll.OT ! ____ ·-__,!~ .__I _·-~l~ I LM1 ., .... l[S] r---1~ I---]~ r---l~ l....___~1_" .. __,][fi] ;.I ·-""""•'"·;;;· ~l[ll)~JI ~I ~"-~1·-~'liJJ~·, WORKING pl only. WW be anus as a bu.& ln this UPltafn 1tvdkl room in pr!.. horn• w/pool. $85. mo. Call Sf&.67«1. ROOM Ir: bath in private home. Kit I: laundry privs, Fema.Je only. Mna Verde, Ml}.2394. Holp Wanted, M & '710 ~Wonted, MAP 711 Rentol1 Wonted 460 F-''"° oclol 550 Sobyol ttlng 1 Go rdenlng Roofing Help WontM, M & F 710 - =,...,,,..------c1--·-· • •• • • • .. -·-Rou$tkH'pet Ba by 1 I t t e r llEQU!RE .,_ • br, S ba +, GEJ1¥AN Shephtrd, llaht EXPERIENCED child care AL'S GARDENING REPAIR. ,._.r any ...C BUS DRIVERS wanted 2 ama11 babl", Manaa"1 for ){arcl'l·June 15. Ca.II Wtb-tan, fem. app. 6 moc. old, ln "'1 home. Area z.5. SU.50 tor nrdenlna &: •ma 11 probltm.1. Wened& !toollna. $3.17 Per Hour I d&it)t, 8:30 to 4:30 Mature RESIDENT er 548-1614, 64M.100, 545-.Z\29. l..quna Nlaud ar.a. No Uc., wkly, 7:30 am • 6 pm l&ndse&pll!I Rrvice1, ca 11 Free ett. 645-1691. Apply Mon thru Fri !rom woman. own trw. Refl. Exehanre possible for dlx no collar. 49$-.4332. w~days only. 1'~enced yd,. $40-5198, Se.~ Newport, S. 1-/Alter•flons 1AM to .fPM at bu1 prq:e. Fountain Valley. 847-6547 Maul condo apt. at hot meala, iood home Ir CdM. Colta Mesa, Dover w ... , 915 Bake St CM MAlllG[R$ Ka.napall, &olf & ocean, BLACK Lab. Re I r I e v e r . family e n v J r on men I • Shont, WestclUt Alterations -64i.Sii" r • , aft 5 pm. M AbOOI S mot. w/whlte spot 968-0&13. N ""' S5l·5320 H 0 U S EKEEPEP./Be.bysil- on che1t. Vic. 15th •· GARDEN Main!.. Clea.n--up, eat, accurate. ,aJ years exp, BOYS -"'d k ~ "' BABYSmlNG in my home ter """' YoU ta e 15""" ~ ______ _;JI•} Brlatot S.A. S51~5235. for a.iea Infant 5 yrs. Have rotot:Ullns:, new lawn prun. Televl1lon Repair Ace 10.lC le> del1"'1' PIPtl'I t care oi: my .2 (:blldren k do R & 8 Devtioprrtflnt Co .. C'l • hrloNI• FND. Larae male Siamese, a 3 yr old daughter u ina'. •prinklen. Oda Garden In the Dana Point, San ~ I aome cleaning• or t.ronlnc Lo!ii An£eln second 1~•1 ·~ROOM •-ba h Pr! Dk b y ....., M .. , Se-rv. 53l-4tu dys, alt 5, * BLAINE'S TV * meote areu. 1 ....... 1 d"'v a wk + eves. · • 1 nl ~-u.io.u , vcn, I. v. rown. ery intuw.y. playmate. Larp fen ced ~ Servlclnf All Btandt DAILY PILOT '"'' -builders o( mu tl•U t ,,.,.. •• entn.nee. Employed male. l/U/72 vie. Mmtevista 4 yard, EL TOTO. MISSION Authorized MagntYOl .f:92-4d) 6'15-4m1. Ing In the U.S. 11 ttt1dlll' $llO mo. NpL H Ch ts . Persona It S30 Fairway Dr., C.M. 64z.862>. VIEJO AREA. 830-4370. PROFESSIONAL Gardener, Known for honesty .54!)-Ul3 HOUSE KEE p E R/chlld highly trained nlanaprs for &IHJ60. ---------FNO: Brown A wht ctoc. blk EXPERIENCED child care frff work, prunlnc, CABINET MAKER cue 2. to 7 pm. Monday our ~tlon. oriented TenH, uptight? on ean. Ma'-, app--4 mo. sprinklers, d~n.up jobs, Trff Service For loCfJ expmliJll' co. that t .. _. 'Fri., own trans. Hun!. garden apartmen.r commun-FURN room In C.O.ta Mesa, nice Ir: quiet home. For ~man.642-l!M. Gue1t Home 415 --·-· ........ -* PRIVATE ROOM For ~ penon, Brit"ht • cheery a;arden surroundings. Nutritiotu meals. 543-475.J. Vocotlon Rontol1 42S MODERN desert 1 ~ home nr Death Valley. 24 hr. tree mineral baths. Elec. stove, !ffrig., panel heat, alr cond., piano. $285. per mo . .$85. per wk. (2131 691-5545. Be ~ ~ ttr .... oe '"" weekdays in my home with I d I ~-mak ,... tt "-I ••• p&m..,..."" "o7 an a a1,;uW old lo •-,_ le J S a n • ca p n a . ucvrge, RO-!OVAL , ~mmlng lino et an a c ve "'"" o .,_ ... Call att 6 pm 4 wknds Uies. high! -·-"f'-• t h I-' . l'I&•,... v : oann t., Je~ yard Infant to 5 .,.,. t::At:: ~-· " .... , dll•'•• ~· y ....... 1 ~ ec n u1an, CM 64>437 .... TII • .r••· .....,..oon. ' . ..-z C:aRs. $4. lor intuview. 968-9110. 1. French&: $1.i.•ediab rn&ssqe , , 4. Located ne)(t to Npt. & San AL'S LandacaplflC. Tree wood a.llowanc:e. g.u_.2755 or Call Jee.n Brown, 54G-ro55 Our 25 apartment complex, 2. Full body shampoo BLAOC Fram~ ma n s , Diego Frwy. ju. n ct ion. 642-1403. Couta.I Agency I Hau&e.keeptr, comple.te home encompassing .13,000 untts, •1 WSau.na It sbo\\'er pmcrlptlon sungluses, vie ~1691. ~~:al~J;~ :i"::!!:: Tile 2790 Harbor Bl. at Adams mainten~ &:t.coobaklngth S ~ are more like reeorts than , one ou.t room \Varner I: New!a.nd, H.B. VACAnON Mother will care pair 673-U66 CAROLINE E the month. n.uum , ay apartment houses. Locations 5. Complimentary juices 847-i091. for your children and home Re sprinklen. • CERAMIC tile new 6 · mmons, l week. 6t6-3103. Include California Arizona and loft drl.,'<s. 'CLASS ring. WoodJand High while you vacation. Own EXP. Hawaiian Gardener. remodel. Free est. Small company of e qua I op. I HSKPRS Emplyr pays fee nd Tu , Executive Health Sn.a ~...1..__, • Edi , G ature ~ •-fl Complete prdenlna: serv. jobs welcome. 536-2426. portunity hu openlna:s for Geo Allen Byland ....... n: a u. ,..-""'"uu1, VIC nger "" ra· CIU', m · ~ n.c · men & women &180 huab&nd rge n,e; .. 2192 I>·non• It,,~ ''"Vlne ham. Ca 11 to id~tify. 645-0574.. Kamalanl, 646-4676· & wife teams, who are .1~ cy 106-B E. 16th S.A. Gttal ca~r opportunity <7t4) 133-2lOO 840-6176. LIC'D Day Care, 7 am·5: 30 General 11 IJJ ternted in extra money (or 547...{)395. with expanding ~pany for (Im Yards behind the G~"AN ~-·-~ al Xln ~•-It """"' lly ,__ d IY dvnamlc agrre111ve lndi· Air'""'lrler ,..,,,,.., .;.n..n ..,....,p,UU\I poppy. pm. Hot me s. t care. ST 0 p Bed 'v e 11 in a. "~ fam • le a hia:h partnr HOUSEKEEPER "ff el er viduaJ with good experience 10 AM to 11 PM adu!I, vie O:itta Mesa High. Harbor I Baker area. (ENURESIS) free in· career • f~I or patt time. coup~. Take phar&e meals, in property/hotel manage· (Malter qiarge, BankAmer-2-3 mo. old. Vi c. K·mart ~1539. formallon call &12..-4634 or No caah Jnvestment; in ~ho~pmg, etc. Car avail., men! or ttlefed fit'lds. Many Icard and Personal Checks.) (Midway City), 892.-059L BABYS11T1NG 24 hrs. all write E.C.S. 752 W.18th No. Job Wanted, Male 700 bus~u for yourself. No .~nor out. m5028. good benf'lits include a F~~5;°0~E~~s:=~ ~~~t~lns.~_:~rak~.~~: ~: ,!~159~. fe~d back ~·Jl~~~a ~:;sa·Moose, Lt. SCRAM-LETS ~~~e:er!'i:wc~~~a~~I Exp~".!!~~:~n•::~ager ~:::1~,!ct ~u;'~":t Sa~~ Rentals to Share 430 Eire Call to ldenllfY. 847-588 CHILD ........ in my home. 1~ I t I b I til Jan. 18, 7:30 p.m., Inn of wanted for quality nmtau-level. .. a... ,,. e ec ·• P um • ene@, e, Tomorrow (cor of West It b' Call now. Na obli&atlon SOLID if'eY cat, J)edigree?' fant & up, Costa Mesa, Call lnsUns. carpentry, paint etc. ANSWERS · rant. Needs a tllty lo super· WUL share my lge. Laguna (714) "' ·-· c~•J 381 3J9J v•-. Brookhu-t • Adam•, 64 '1875 "'A"' l\D"". Katellal Anaheim. Thuni, vise dininr room staff. Xlnt Beach home with working ............._, •.w -"" '"' • .r • .r-o.rvaSAJ Jan. 20, 7:30 p.m. King's hours le: benefits. Write, rentltman or lady. 2 BR. 2 ~~~~ H.B. Call 96&-7259. Carpet Service Hauling Chummy -Minor -Round Cross. Bristol, Costa Mesa, Classified ad •M294. Dally Send complete resuJM and Wary history, in confi.. dence, to: BA, den, kitchen priv. ADULT male Si am es e .. ---Caught -YOUR COUCH (former I y Rembrandt'• Pilot, P.9, Box 1560, CMla Comp. pvt. beaut. vWw. FULLY LICENSED w/collar, vie. Via Lido JOHN 'S Carpet &: Upholstery WANTEJ)! Meuy Ire e I A student of psychiatry Info: 5.36-4825. Mtsa Ca. 92626. Clauitied ad no. 315 (/o 494-0047 wkend or alt 7. Reknowntd Hindu Spiritual. Nord, N.B. 675.1136.. Cleaners. Extra Dri·Sham· Yards &: garages • movln& tailed in . h~ ex~. His OULD care, It hskping lor I ~ LOOKING FOR A Dally Pilot, P. 0 , ~ 1560, * Male. Brand new priv. BR bt. Spiritual ttading fiven GOLDEN Retriever, Vic. :'~ts~t~~se~So: ~:~~~54~~:r hr. + ~~ ~: Turn Ul YOUR rm & bd, pro(. family in MAN wbo is capable ol Costa Mesa, CaHf. 92626. nr occ so Frwy $26-$32 · dally lO am·lO pm. Advice 17th St le: Superior, C.l\f. Ap. b · · H.B. Stude:nt or young earning $20,000 to $30,000 wk. or~ mo. ss1-Moo. 1' ~ ~=~~ li~:"a~~ prox. 2 yrs. old 67s-8419. ~ color nghteners &: .10 ' YA R D/gar&&e, cleanups. YOUNG mank 32, educated in v1oman over l& ok. 962-7404 1 annually. Fantastic finan. EquaJ Oppor. Emplo~ . ' FAT Cat PVSI v · minute bleach for white Remove trees, dfrt, ivy. Denmar seeks new fields. e\'e. cial op-••ity it you I.!!!~!!!"!~.!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!~! WJU. share new home, nr mente. -492·9136 or 492-9034. : amese. lC. carpets. Save your money s k I p Io ad er, backhoe. --• ~ ·-· MOTHERS •-1 M •-• 0 SI .. S C 'I 4 Elq>erieu'.-""-' in elec eng, _ -· .. lily, Muat have manage-'"'per--HA VCJ UCI w/employed lady. Pool LONELY bachelor, 5'7", 35, 7 & 64~88 t., "' · by saving me extra trips. 847-2666. qua1lty ~ntrol rect land COOK, EXP ER. ~-=t ability. Phone 835-!KXXI Mar area. 7 to 9 momiria:s. 4 privil. 833-8274. not bad looking, ttcently or m<>I. • Will clean living nn., dining TRASH I: Garage clean.up.. deve!.op incl m11nagement, P/time, over 25. App.ly in for confidential interview lo 6 afternoons, $5. per day. WANTED -ciri roommate to split with wife, own home. BLACK Labrador, femaJe, nn. &: hall $15. Any nn. days. Free est. Anytime. interviewing, tra.inlng, and penon, Surf 4 Sirloin, 5930 with Mr. Rainwater. Call Mn. Keener 546-8888. lhare apt in Santa Ana or Looking for female com-found MI•• Ion Viejo $7.50 .. couch no. chair, SS. 15 i::Ao uo.~1 surveying. AJ50 20 yrs W. Cou!t Hwy, NB. NEED al•••e -·•tar ent-~ Ub J 13 830-lCY.ill yrs., eicp is what counts, not ""O""".M> • INVEST IN ·~ •---OMta Meaa, call 64&-4570. pankln 24 to 40. ~2004 AM I rary, an. · · yatcl!ing eicp., speaks 5 COUNTER firi 11-2. Mon. talner that can draw the GIRL NEEDS ROOMATE or after 8:30 PM. Bill. 'FEMALE German Shepherd, ~~f.1 S3~...JJ~~k rnysell. HouteclNnina languages. Personable & thru Fri. Apply 2-4 pm.' YOUR FUTURE In-set. Alley West Rettaur. OF SA.ME. LADIES, will fit YoU in a bra adult, vie Ccma Mesa High. JAPANESE Lady for willing to learn. 494-1861. daily, 899 W. 19th St., CM. ant 675-tn4 N.B. ** 96Z.22Tl ** that firms, builds tuPt>Ort + Ca11 Jackie 545-1998. Carpenter housewo r k · Requires Job Wanted, Female 702 DENTAL Assistant, finaocial BE VOUR OWN BOSSI NEED to pay some GIRL to share lge 4 BR without strap strain. 144 555 I (:;;;•I Indus Retid transportation. 642-8985 -NEED HELP AT HOME! ~'y. Exper. only. Preven-Men or Women Christmas bills! Sh o w house w/3 others. Own Sizes. i39-470l. Lost 1 Remodel frame finish re· Mesa Oeanlng Service tlve practice. Autonomy & Sarah Coventry Jewelry. room. Pets OK. 64>-1668.. ~LADIES be lit in a bra to DOG 1 t 1 VI 1 0 pair eic. Lic:d, Bor1ded. Carpets, Windows, Floor etc. •A%:s h ~v e N ~~n;~sce: Interoffice repore present. Lease A Yellow Min. age 20. 540-0614. LADY Teacher wants girl to firm, build & suppon. NO 1· St • 0,!. n CMc. 0 range Quick Seivice. 962·1961. Re.>ld. & Commc'I. 548...flll Housekeepers e Com· 962-3222. T•xl Cab NEW Sl'ORE OPENING atrap e:train + guarn Cl · °' ..,th, · Thur, AM. DEDICATED CLEANING DENTAL A "-t 'd Part t· F U " A sh&re lovely Apt. Reas. Ab-14'1 Le 6754540 1/13. Xtra sick longha.ired ALL types of carpentry by panions ssis ..... n , exp I · 1me or u -ume. ~ bey Riiy. 6f2...3850. yr.) szs. e · German Shepherd. Brn. & local man. * We Do Everything * H o J\.t EMAKERS/UPJOHN· chairslde. El Toro, Laguna Call tor Appt ply In person Thurs. Jan. Gar .. es for Rent 435 ALCOHOUCS Anonymo~. Blk. name "Tenapah". 536-1648 24 hr. Call 673-4072 Hills area. Salary open. 54&.1311 20th.10:00 AM 'til 4:00 PM. Phone 542-7217 or write Plea,:e help us t in d MINOR home repairs. Plum· Income Tax 547-E681 831>-U:.O. f.fC DONALDS HAMBURG- GAR.AGE for rent, £.lkie P.O. Box 1223, Costa Mesa. ReWard. 642-2434. , bing . caJt>E!ntry. pa inting. ON PENINstJµ: Depen. Desk Clerk $390 AU: for Herman ERS, 700 W. Coast Hwy., Colt& Mesa. 1 PROBLEM Pregnancy CoD-roofing. Ca1J 540-S560. CLARK & Toner Tax B 'M hot I NCR 4..,,.,.. N.B • , LOST, male, Irish Setter & Service. 24 YEARS exp. in Mother has lrg. house on eaut1 e, .wu, INSOMNIACS for tt.searchl"°=''=~--~--~ * &t:Z...C2!9 * fidential, sympatheljc p~g-I small f em a I e I black Cement, Concrete heh. Safl' play att&.. Days ot switchboard, 11 PM • 1 AM. . . NURSES, pvt. duty, all SINGLE CAR ""GARAGE, nancy counseling, Abortion Cock~a-poo in Seal Beach. atta. Personal ltTYice in eves. Rea!. 673-2863. Hotel exper. neett.s, Call I ~roJ!Ct on ~p dm~l'l"l5 types, all shills. Lncoulie Huntincton Beach area, &: Adoption referral. AP· Re rd Pho ·-•• 71 CONCRETE Work. Fre-; your home. Call for 1tppt . Zena, (714) 956-1000. Cal--55 yn. pay or. Nunes Re1istry, 351 CARE. 64244.36. wa . ne ~ . Ideas. Free advice. Free 546-7735, Howard Clark & F. C. Bk.pr-Girl Friday. No Fair Employment Agency wits study. 633-939'3, ext 158. Hospital Rd .• N.B. Pl/mo. Call 646-2687. Social Clubs 535 2, Female Mrhans, l black est. All I charge for is a John Toner. I SH. ~ yrs exp. Resident 905 No. Euclid, Suite A, Ana: S-6PJ\.1 wkdys. SU..9955 or 54(}..S9j4 FOR rent ~151'4ti@' I~· ~or adult, l gold 6 mo puppy. very beautiful job at a very I DIGNIFIED pvt. preparation 0.C 20 yrs, SJS.1817. heim. lnterview• 9-5 M/F ~~:+&..o1~.mo. sis e, FOTO DATE ~~~:.~t.c~~74~~· reasonable price. Call Ted, ~~4 ~~ re~mN :~~· Help ~anted; M & F 710 DONUT Shop work, female, NURSES Aides, 3-ll shift &: GARAGE for car or ston.a:e, $15/mo. 645-5073. . ewp . . . . ACCOUNTING Clerks, 10 night shift. 25-45,. no exp. 11-7 ahltt, expe'I'. pref'd. Sele-ct )'Oll?"-COmp&n\on from' REWARD-male boxer, red-LARGE or small, cement Masonry key touch-posting.type, $2.25 nee. Mr. Donut, 135 E. 17th Park Udo FI a 1 sh I p ' 53646'18, 536-4979 lOO's Of pm.to refertals that diSh color. A190 female rk tio t dd" h•. temporary. Apply·. ""'"" St., Cl'¥'I. t::A .. ~.. • we maU to you, NO CON· black German Shepherd. wo .' pa ,?Ps, a itions, BRICK, Block & Stone Work. • ~ ....__.. TRACTS Please call 646-3277. repall'S, roo":'nr etc. Free: Call Monrovia, N.B. EMPLOYMENT Off __ 1_co_R_e_n_t_•_l ___ 44D_. I 24 h • I plans permits. Free est. 54a.-0929 or 646--0945 AEROSPACE EMPLOYES COUNSELLOR OE.SK ilabl ~ r. recorded message LOsr Red Lab. Retriever Call ~nytime 539-9456 UTILIZE YOUR ORGANIZ. If you like to work with peo- NURSES Aide, exper. AM shift. Baptist Conv. Hot1p, 661 Center St, CM. 5'1~. IP&C9 ava· e ...,., 714/835-2220, 213/426-1122 Mi.!Slon Viejo area. Answers ' . · Palntfn.n & ..i mo. WW pnMde furniture ' lo Tim. Reward. 837-3927. CEMENT WORK. no JOb too ··• ING SKILL in a challenging .,.e &: have had sales or OPERATORS experienced. at $5 mo. An!Mrlnc service , small, reasonable. Free Paperhanging and -wardino man• .... ment public. contact eXperien.ce '[SJ LOST ,. -~ --ill train 1 Sirl('.le needle, swim wear . available. 1787S Beach Blvd. Lost Ind Found : Bo"er puppy, 3 mos. Estim. H. Stulick. 548-8615. l<io \\'1Unng opportunity in commercial ~ ~. you n aeon In· IJlYINE PERSONNEL 3760 Can1JJUA, N.B. Hunttncton Beach. 642-4321 . bm w/blk stripes. Reward! wnffER Rates! Concrete * WALLPAPER * industry. CaU 835-9000 for a e~o.ung career. .m· NEW p ORT Fl nan c i a I 'liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;~~ 53&-4595, 968-3817. floors, patios. d r Ives' When you call ''Mac" personal interview with Mr. mw1on + Salary provide SERYK;ES•AGEl'K:Y ps~~;s~o~~ pJn~ os':..: Center, complete single ol· • LOSI': Irish Setter 4 mos. sidewalks. Don, 64U514. 548-1444 646-1nl (;ammon. ~~$9000earn.lngs. First year , · Found (frM ads) 550 ....,.,.,.. Ex •--ta 1 ttCll Oemente, Capistrano area. fice, carpeted, st or are , area 395% Costa Mesa St. alk 30 DAY S ·a1 1 Ex AMBITIOUS -Gal learn & CaU Mr. H•-r, "'"" """""' ec. ""'-""' 't"f o -w__.· In ~ .. own home. PATIOS, w s, drive, install ' pec1 . nter/ ter -.... ~ Bkkpr TB / ~ u,-,.. '7'"''· secretarial service, phol'l@'.F __ O_UN_D-. -F-em_al_•_Col_li-e-. -.rn-. , _REW __ AR_o_._64_2-_1_61_3_. --new lawns, saw, break.., painting. Loca1 refs. 30 yrs teach professional make-up. C.outal Agency I Clerk ~bt . lwe to $ci ~sit ~ea2.!!!...~9a.'oop'!°.m"' $440/mo. 644-45n. GOLDEN Retriever, approx. remove. ~for est. e"P· Free est. CaU Cbuck, FIT. PIT. h'ff training. 2790 Harbor Bl. al Adams K...,...,__.. "'-:~ ·~ ...,.,.. 'SU;) -· .. ~• • .. • PRIVATE Ul Ir. wht. Vic: Santa Ana. Flea 2 old F nd . v· Woodward ,.__ _, -.; .. uUUI • •O.UJOC"i::: ......... nd a ct, restnn, CoUar. 842-3517. yn. ou VIC. Mesa -CEMENT WORK-1 ~645-0809--==· ~--~--ivan .....,.,mcuCS.l .. OiiOiiOiiOiiOiiOii..,Oiiii File Clerk S3Z ~a:::.::,;;"°°":.::;_:;;·------1 answ!!rlng ~ct. IdiaJ for Verde. 968-0063. Fr~ Est. 645--0826 PAINTING -Guaranteed I ii84U440ii0iiii9.................... EXECUTIVE General Ole Trainee S320 RESl'AURANT Help.reliable. a pp raiser' account' FOUND, black & white, LOST in vie. 19th Ir. Orange, work et fair prlceL Llc'd Ir: I' S600 Pertonnel Agency AIP Bkkpr!TYJ>e $45.5 ne1tt Individuals w/fO(ld draftsman. Call Home Ap. young cat. vie. Laborador, C.J\.t. \\'hite male rabbit. Contr•ctor 1 67• 57,,. Asst. Bkkpr/Sec'y ..,.__/Fee p..,.00. ... bckgrds may apply morn. -'--' Se · •--· CM rn7......, ns. .,... 'OU. Ex Sec' $605 /1: '"""" · ,.., pi-&IA<U rvice. V"t<r;».;IO. • • ~ .:.uo. Very friendly. 642.-6774. PAINTING, p-•. AU .. --1. ec. Y •="' Exec. S-•y to $700 488 E, 17"." fr• T"VineJ Cl\t ings 8 am·ll am Tues-Sat. ROOM Additions, Estimates, IVl WUI-,.. S ' R E Li .,.~ -J -'-Bo 385 7 DELU:P: 650 sq. ft. office FOUND Dec. 15th. Irish Se!· SEALPOINT male Siamese plans & layou!, single, or 2 auarn. Colors p e c I a Ii st f:: tt. AY· ·, .. Oe~ S525 To Pres. of international '1 ~::::'-64":2·:1:47:0:.::::::":~s~aii~~~in":,i;the~~~~x~~Eii. iiliithol suite ~ Corona de! Mar. ter. 968-006.3. 1 cllt vie Irvine Terrace on story. L. T. Construction, i42-4JSG, 547·1441. ~r. cc g 10 $$0 div. tor 1rg co. Top skfll!I, 1· · · · Near post office • Snack FND F I Box · Lido Se d 'It D 67,.,= o.7 l5ll SecretMies 1,55 flO W Cout Hwu NB . · m · er, vie. a ri r. J""'U"IOJ. O't -• COMPLETE exter. SZKI Ir: AIP Oerk .,;,.,. Suite H • "'7'&.s.7116 Inventory .=~~!~,pa;~: al~~Oo ;.1_•1.:.e._"5:.c5-8666:...:.:::.:.· __ ~--I BLK & wht male cat. Vic. of t ADO.A·ROOM or 2nd story up. Avg. rm. $~. Neat Sec'y-10 key/stat ...-Control to $750 1\11 bl $50 PET rabbit, vie. !3rd & 19th Ir Pomona. If seen : Remodel kitchen or bath \\'Ork. Refs. Roy, 847-1358. G.O. San Jua~ Capis. :: EXPER. aluminum mast Auto Exp. Req'd. Local, DESK jpace av a tt Orange, C.M. 646-8294.. PLEASE CALL 642-4820. ' CENTER LINE Const Co. PAINTING, pro(. All work Recept/Gen. c. •~"" &Membler. Must have own CaU Lo?Talne mo .. WW provide furniture liiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii F Es · 833 s0~~ General f'r"•;~.. .,.u::i ~"""' ree tlmates · """· oi•arn.'Color spociallst NEWPORT hand tools. Apply 770 W. ..,...,,~r at $5 'mo. Answerine service •-PERSONNEL AGENCY vallabl 222 ~ A * * * MY Way, qu a1ity home 84i...4386, 547-1441. 17th St., C.l\f. ~cuna ~ach. ~ ve. * * * remod. Walls, c e 11 l n g, 546-021L Per1onnel Agency EXP'D assemblers (or Xl43 West64~miff ODr., NB fl N · b t all 133 Dover Dr., N.B, _ PRIVATE fl l .. bl I oors, etc. o JO oo sm · SIDING • F · n29 2 1 642 3170 camper factory, Apply Ma-o ' au e or 547-0036, 24 hr ans. serv. acia ' s ory • jorway, 869 Weit 18th, C.M. JANITORIAL o Pen In I•. small ins., tax or R.E. $229. Exler only. 642-2755 or .., __ .,.. __ --~!!!I permanent full-time posi· operalkin. 64,5..0779. T d 1 R • Additions * Remodellna: 642-1403. ATTR. WAITRESS EXPORT (inn seeks Sales lion, evenings, n I g h 1 s . ra er S ar:adlse Gerwlck & Son, Lie. 21 M •-M-n t Ge ·-I 350 Sq. Ft. NEW OU!ce w/ YOU supply the paint. Exper., not under . ust ~ ... " uen nnan ........ p Y Starting salary $2.58/hour OCEAN VIEW! in goin& 67~1 * S49-2l70 Rooms painted $10 ea. Also pe.r10nable. NO PHONE P.O. Box l88, Dana Pt. plus benefits and ahilt dif. Huntington Beach. 536-2579. Electrtcal exterior. Call 54G-7046. CAUS, apply .In person. FASHION atylist tor Bttline ferentia1. Ex p er I enc e d • OFFICES • Ii nes ELECTRICAL. Residentia1 , PROF. ptjnting·lnter/exler. ~ &NS~in, 5930 w. Coast nO delv., coUecl.~ no invest., prtferred. South Coast Com· 300 & ~ 11q. ft. Costa ~lesa. Honest work. Li c /I n 1 . wy., ' · wUJ train, work own hrs. munity Hospital, Sou I h c.aJJ 646-2130 t • modcomm,.'l, industi:ia1. ;1~:.r:i· 548-2159. ~1444. BABYSl l IER needed for Call Marcy 827-6043, 892-5497, Laguna. 499-1311, Personnel I mes ' e ing, repairs Ulat.O. ll mo. old. Your home or Fr.ORJST wanted top pay Office. An equal opportunity 14 'x16' Ofc or slott, mod. latlons. Big or small. Lic'd PAPER HUNG $30 mine. If you have facil, call steady, f/tlme. ' ' employer. SANTA ANA oow intervlewil'IC for DAY HOSTESS Apply In Person Between 3pm & 5pm 2313 No. Br .. dwoy Soni• AM bld&. 444 Newport Bvd, N.B. & ins. Free est. Fair prices. Any rm. + paper. 646-24-49 aft 6 5<5-8384 ~~,,:,..~~~~---1 ·~ .,. ••-d 11 · · 675-Q91 LADIES-Sell Nevada vaca· Open • .,..., mo. ~. Q ars Electronics PAINTING: 12 yn in vie. BE AN AVON Drual Oppor. Employer FREE WARDROBE. Need lion from my office, tull or li:===::====i 3345 Newport Blvd. NB PRINTED circuit boards, pleas.ingmycustomers.Call REP .. RESENTATIVE 15) Whion corwltants, full p/time. Guar. salary +[i Acrola/Clty Hall. 675-l601 design &: fabrication!, short Bill, 642-0238. Let me lhow you how easy or part time. We train. commissk>n. ~· RN'S Bu1ln111 Rental 44l I run specialists 1 or 100, FOR clean &: nea! painting, it is to make,.rrioney A have Deta.lls, ph. Wynn, 54()..84fi0, LIVE IN bper. Surcleal 1----------122' Ocean Min~ruiser 200 '69 DODGE Coronet, auto, Keene Enterpri~. 962-1759 interior or exterior &: rea.s. tun in your free hn. For a 3PM 'Ill llPM Shift ro·R Rent: Deluxe offices, HP V8, deep hull, lrg crPted PIS, P/B, Landau 1op, ster-F 'L-I rates, Dick, 968-406~ eves. personal interview, ca 11 F'ULL or p/Ume, Mgmt Mature ~ lo: tight NCR OPERATOR Didustrial ami.. New bldg cabin, pvt head, lrlr, a eo tape. Trade for late mo. _•_~_r_s_•_.,______ ENGlJSH Paper Hanger &: 540-'tlMl. trne, no exp. n e c • housekeeping, cooking for H~ltaJ Experl nr. San Diego Frwy &: beauty! Trade for units, de! camper tully equipped, COMP, mobile facilities for Painter. 30 yn. e"per. Call BEAtrrY operator wit h Sa l ary/comm. Fuller elderly lady. Nice mobile 5PM 'ti.1:30~nce Crown V&Uey park w a Y. T.D. or ! 546-2011 675-5258 or 839-0701. home/industry, Ute ma.nu., Ed., 968-'{461. following. Better your In-Brush, 96).-0416. L=e~/:6''ll97 hll 'Ba Excellent wor.kinc condltiona: 83l-l400. WANT Apple Valley Area l\flNI·RANCH, Back Bay boat/auto repair. -New pro-PAINTING I PAPERING. come by rtnting space. GAL FRIDAY: Loe~! ~· • me pm 11 ~ P" &: trlnce be.ncflta .• .' COMMERCIAL ttntal nr the bldg lot for cn uity in near area, horses, conv. stable, duct developm't. 557.1579 18 yrs In Harbor area. Lie&: Busy attractive Corona del needs right hand. This J)Olt~ tlst Conv. Hosp, 661 nter MISSION Cannery in N.B. Immediate new executive home. W/w 2 BR hou5e $30l\f value, $15 Furniture turn &tZ..2356 Mar' ShOp. 644-7321 or I.ion oUers var;ety I: chance St, CM'. S48-5585. COMMUNITY pos.seuion. 675-4747 or cpts, dJ119, garaA"e dr open. J\.l 1t1. For Income prwerty, ---------p~nded. R~'a ch ·R 1 · 8JMS7'. · for advancement. Start $400, MAIL/FILE gl:rl, Ute typlnc. HOSPITAL ~124.. er. Owner/Bkr 557-4467. rn·, or ! Bkr Ms.mt SPECIAL! Avg. chair or ••ter, •t , epa r BEAUTY o-rator oome Call Jean Brown, S40-«l55 · new ores tn Irvine. $400. ~ Putna Real Hwy., k ~ ped 15 Glul -,,.. ' ,.,_,..ta.l "'-ney Call Unda 83l-9477. Mil1kln VJ.Jo, Ca!"ol. CAR Lot-75 x l 50-2 036 *** 5 BR. 3 BA, 2 Stary, 0 1vner want1 SS,000 season· ~ erpols,~,~ 64~ ng, * PATCH PLASTERING following preferred fur C.M. 2'190 ff':tior m;t Adami MANAGER • New 'O Unit (E. on San Diego "'-·. , ffubor, CM. Ready tor 2600 sq, ft. Trade equity lor ed re:"lldenlial 10~ TD's For rass · · All types, Free estimates shop 6(2..8316 .11 ...... , • operator $350 mo. w. J . •mall home of &ny kind or E<J. in Of studln triplex. Gardenint Call 54l)..Q25 • · GENERAL Inaurance, part Apt. Couple w/children o.k. Crown VpaUHeyONl'arkwayE ) Schwo"'r 673-2651. Income P"'"'""· Aatume $37,000 711% GI. • T. Guy-Rooflnc. Deal llookkeeper/S.Crolory time to itart. '!)oping, tiling Call 14H3'J2 """6-9 pm. 17141 4'5-4400 5-16-1713 Prine. only. M&lMt. *Bob's Lawn Servict• Bookkeeping thru trial be\: I forms. Apply · p ,Q, 1686, MARKETING; The ideal (7141 -~ SHOWROOM, mgt. &: oUice , ___ ....:.;~_c:.___ '! . 1 Dlttct. I do my own worili. ance I xlnt typio, 1kllls Newport Beach. apot ~ trawl, au--'·loni ?'~':!'!"'""'-"'""",;,;,w;.,,l!l!I spaa. Cose In Laguna loc. Trade 4-plex in Anaheim for f\fultlple zoned land &r: fu · Comp. Lawn " am enance 645--2780. ~. req'd to auoclate •lrh this I"'='=.,.,.-,,=--:-=.,-~ ~ •" 1; poo, To $390 Mo. 4!M-4653 Duplex or ggl, Ln Costa lure develop~nl l.aJ(uni.. Home or Comm'I 641-2>63 Plumblnt 1Ubltantia1 sales orcaniu· GENERAL Office A SalH, I .public ~a&n.. ~ R..E. 5,otl,.,, lnduatrl•I Rental 450 Mesa. New rugs&: paint In acre1tge, Sl35M val . Ir $180M * 54f.20l5 ---""'------Oon, Wt are 1oo1c:1ng for a medical field. Will train, 3C uatpmenl m prom1otnt SALESMAN lut yr, Low equity, Dlneu val. Trade one or both for 21 yri exp .• !'tft f's!. LEW TAKAS I: So"4 Plum· well groomed mature book· or over. 644 0065 •ft &pm. national co, with o:pen11e Full dmtt for tndtpe 4,000 s9. FT. In family, SfG.6822 lge. home or TD's. 4!M-4653 LAWN Malnt. Ha .. u-, new bin«;. Repair, rep Ip e, keeper aaistant <25-40 yrs.) HELP! acc't A car fumilhfd, $&400, otc. in Hunt Bch, CaJt~ JM lot In Belmont Heights * * ....... ttmodtl. New Con11 . with a min ot S Y1"I e:xp. 1ha~1 new bualneu 1n Call ~ .. wtal~...:._st')..(IJS5Y Nellon, 3t6-130S.. Wll T ,_ ~ N ,_.pf HAVE 3 choi: vlt: k>ts I lf.WN, cit~?; ~nin&· 6f6..834Q. Please send tYPe written rt· town and I need your Mlp. ~ no&~"" RN fuJJ lt .. 1 .. .. Sprtnldecf -Good loca Uon. seo ..... month. • I raue ..,i-0"1--· OYt':r'.ooking park In 29 Free Est. can.....,...,,,,,,. -c=o=L-=Ec-=P"'"L"'"U"M.,.a=1N"o=-1ume includlnt rt.Jary rt· ·u a around floor • 2790 Htrbor Bl It Adam• 11:1, Xlnt me ........ .i •hlft :mi• incomt -Alt -Mn. Paims. Trade for Trus1 Expe:r Japanue GardeMr . 24 !:Ir lft'Vlce ~61 qulremenl to Bo."t 2328, New. pol'lunlty offtrtd by a new MA'JVRE babysitter lot lS Bevtrly Ma~ Cbrtlts. Roy McCerdlo RHltor 1110 T~vd., C.M. 675-4930 1eeds or !T 54S-07'5S. Completr )'d tervice. Neal • • port Bttch, for appl, Jm. comptny with nt'# ideu, I . mo old 11r1.. 4/5 days wt.; 5 Stach, f96-S?l6, ' • P 0 BEAUT 5 acres lake Ylew • Tttlit.. Free est. go.....ag, :!:i~um:e':'tt~ ~I.Ille es>c;nln<?. • -postible ea.ml.op in Uctll pm 't:ll U am. H.B. aref., RN. R.tHe:i. Baptht Co"' Corner be.ach Jot, Ventura County, clea.r. Beautiful MJ. :WO IQ ft 2lt!U1Ct' A ocun vltw, Trade on in· .. Di SllD -. • 1q ft come unit, pttftr Corona wlolll<ot. 1 1110... 1p rear d<I Mar. Owner. 644·2951 -SIZ5 -!Mii Log .. a. Qi llJI: .. NI, eves What do )'OU have to tradtT •• -U1t It hert -Jn Oranp -· Colilnb''• larrtst rud trad· ••I I I It .... -i,. PG<L '42·1671, ,,,_, __ for * * --"·----* _...,. .. lot Oak covettd .. m QUICK CASH BOOKKEEPER 01$30,0llO and..,..,, perytol' 96i-1'63. Hoop., 6S1 Center St c~i hili1, bordera Sequo1!11, ~I IUJ.7™ or 842.J«l'l Must be F/C bookkeeper, 1ntt.reltJ you -you lntemt MECHANIC'S uslttant for ~ '• ' ' 11500 eq for tal< model PLUMBING REP.AIR ~ 55 wpm. Ex. workln( me! .And I ~ Ula! to fOIJ ...,... Call 1Dr t .. SALES ~·NAG~ or ' 83MS~; tlff.7:!21. car TH ROUGH A N". i.::~1.21 "!"' cone!• A trt,,,. bene!lta. Pq• m,.t you! For ~ In--Mon tlvu fr1. YOU ~ -··~· •: DO Lake-Goll R.t Lot Southern boon! txp. helpful. A&e 30 ttrYlew only, call Mr. IUCl.i02 WlT11~'!.0 R KING DAILY PILOT R ~-1 & R I to 5.l, SUbmlt ttl\lmt Mil· Brano l35-8000, . .....vrw;., hllt don't °"ton 13,lf(IJ dear. Condo om-OfN r Ing aa1aey nq.U.menta to • MED l ~ALAut-Bu11 llJao •Ulna~ C.n you Npt. SIO,OllO eq , Trade tor P .O. box lOll, Newpor1 Hrm:L maid. part Umo, 1-olll<o. Ga rd en m._ -le! c.,. 10U ~~.'e..~::~ ~· WANT AD Soecl&IJud HouOI! ~Ir. 8ffcl! 1121163. .,.,.,, wUJ trlln. A,pp!y In G?O\~ ..... EKG , ii> •C<tPI an'--·-z-• . Carpenlry, palntlna, etc. ' ,.,_. Lido Sbarn Hole!, 'Je<t*s. 1r1nalysla. lob. ol l2SOD per motllh ard IPT 842-5671 Call Dick. W..722. 1'1m ltlllllld ...... Into qa1c1o 11! Lido Put Dr, N.B. Some typq A Jnmt ""'11. 11 ... eon, t:OJ1 11$.ltltJO ... The "Yellow Pqeo" I Soll lllo oN -8"' lllo OW °"'d -opp!J. pennnol lnUrvJew ..tlll llr. * * * ·------·---ia.-41.1-..1 • .,,. -O cutli, call MJ.fl7I new at11fr I ...... DltnallL ~--~~~--~~c:=::~·~:::_·~-·~~~~.:::::··-~c:=:::::_~~~-. t J ·' ( ' ' I ! • i ' , I I ' ! • • • I ! I • 1. I ) l I ' j I I I I I • , I l • I, l ; • ' - ' l • ANNOUNCES OUR NEW ENLARGED ORANGE COUNTY HEADQUARTERS Temporary Service That ~uits you to a "T" Come in and register with us. Join the fast- est growing office ''Temp" · Uon in Southern Cali- fomia. We have im- media teopenings with top client com- 'panies, paying top, ' hourly rates for, qualified: • Secretaries e Steno-Typists • Receptionists • PBX-Operators •Keypunch 2nd & 3rd shifts • General Clerical • Hostesses • Lite Factory Easy to reach loca- tion, opposite Orange County Airport. Turn off MacArthur at Michelson tO Du Pont -. - Drive. Ample Parking Equal Opportunity Employer 2182 Ill Pont Dr. S1ite 206 * Irvine 833-1295 .,. , . ~ • • """-'· Jo...,., 18, 1972 DAILY PILOT f' 1 I ,, ' ....... " .. I~!._' _ ...... _. ;~· I~ ;;;;! ;;llotl..;;i .. ~l~~~ I _,..--.·JIB 1 '·· ; • 'lli } '[ ' ; ... ;.,,,.... 'l§J Ill Sportint-· ao Dop~ .... -_,..._ _ _.._154_ SALES YACHTING 18lesman. )\!Ult ADMIRAL Portable TV, 18"' KJNGSIZE bed, liner, pad & !9')-200 He.,t 1kU., $50. I.AB PU9Plel. AKC. Ex· Well known national co. hu have a~ful sales tertt ~ l1eW, &acrll\ce frame, 5 mo. old, 5 yr, Childs 150 aklls. $10. 200 cellcnt clMu:n,plon b l ood IOCJJ len11ory open for sale• b 1 cJr1 r 0 u n d 4 90me Sor $2S. Oeysltt &Jr con-iuarantee 135. Private par-Excl. wood skii1, $15. aU lines. X-~ -due Cauae type with .:>me record of kMwledge of new le UMd dllioner, 2 room type plu.a ty, 968--0833. Incl bind.-polf's. Sz 9 ~ removed. 968-2949. auceess. Co. car It ex. acct. boat.a. PaMnllker .l eam. window frame, eood concl. Mu~-,-lc-1_l _ll\l-lru_menta ___ m~ boots, StO; 11\ii D bucket M I NlA TURE SchnaUJA!I', + «>m~. 5a1&ty $8500. Craft dealer. FWJ lft'Vicet $25. Admiral cOfot TV, ~boo~"~·:_'.IZ~-~6~i4~6~33:~~;..,=,. ma.le, AKC bred, eu crop, Call Joan Marlin, 54G-60S5 & marina. Ya c b t I n g OOIWQle mo&t. walnUt, S800 NEW Hagen .dn.ung. 5 pc GOLF clubs, Golden Ram 2 show eroomed, shots le Coflstal Agency Assoclalu ~· «*--0551. new, mu.st sell ~· Blue 1et, 22" base. $«X).tt best thru 9 irons, pitching wed&'e. papers. 5*-0989. 2790 Harbor Bl at Ada.ms ~~~~~~~~~I st.dlcUe $5, rei\dar ahe. ottef. 1803 Santa Ana. Ave. 1. 3 & 4 woods. Bag incl'd, SALES REP: Nationally p~ ;:' ~ Baby hilb" chair $8. Table Cotta Mesa $80. 6fs..oo58 a.ft 6. ~~:E~~AJ~ yr ~f mlnent Wood products corp. llerchlndill I~ lunLarop, gtteblen, wal43'' tallt col$l5. ** WANTED ** WINCHESTER· 94 • 32 Spl.. Hound, male, ·1 'fr old. $3'), 1 hu the Jdee.l outside posi-V P ta • nu or, U or 15 chord, uted auto w::;;. 349 N Oii N ..... 718'1 Hon wlth expenses &. earl ~;;;;;;;;;;;;~~' 28"x191ii" $1.S. 547-3182. ha.tp. 64s...l668. & Kit. -· · ve, 0 • .,........ • /I C. Orange. REG, AKC Weimaraner, 11 furnished. $8400. . , ~ ANTIQUES: Bee.ut o Id ELECTRIC Guita:r"""ith cue CaU Bob Wi!Mn 546--6055 Antiques -fre.mt'S , jewelry, Fr!:nch Store, Rt1tauran1, mos .. needs good home wilti ..._..Coastal Alg~ncyd 13th ANTIQUE provincial wht & gold desk ~t;n1f!~r. $40. ~ _B_•_• ______ l3_2 :O~~e~hf~~4= ~·~Harbor B at A ams SHOW I. SALE &: chest. Much more. Come 16 n · i-• ·-· 3 b 847-34Zl 9am-5pm HARMONY Ela!tric guitar & umina ""' 5'"'"e8!e, MINIATURE Schnauien, s SALESMAN recreational Jan 70, 11, 22, 23, rowse! • Kalamazoo Amp. s60 , glass shelves, gold anodized wks, AKC, champ bloodlin- vehlcles &: mobile home Lona Beach Arena 2 PORTABLE bars, 23" &42--9137, fittings, Excel cond. Ca 11 parts. So c.a.lif. area, to Ocean & Long Beach Blvd, remote TV-eonaole. 18 ' • $ll14 or 646-6'r.?1. es, e.xcet temperament, hse- orig. equip. manufacturer Thurs/Fri/Sat 1to1£l pm port. TV. Lge work table, 'TlGyt;~he mini-Ezl_uro. TV, Radio, Hifi, brfm. $75 It up, 968-8JOO. Electrical, radio, or elec-Sunday J.2 to 6 pm dining table &: ch r 5 • -..,t, ot r xtras. ~ to Stereo 836 GERMAN SHEPHERD tronlc bkgrd prerd. ')fail ANT1QUE Bdrm set twin Recliner. Re.trig. 646-1266. appreciate. 642-9137. AKC, champ stock. 8 wks. Auto Luslllfl , CY:cle1, Blkn, Sco0t.r1''" . 925• . ==",.......,..... __ TRIUMPH '6& BonnevWc. Exctllent CM:Utlon. Cerlont tront end. Custom paint job ~. 2336 Elden, -C, CM. Sff after 6 and week@nds. ' ·10 SU~\IK! 250 114vaae A·!. Set up fpr ~csert. Vorttng. )lew rings, piston, bearings. Chamber & fork mod.if. $4l0.-. SUZUKI 'J'S.00 Hancho 'TI. Brana nevi, Only 100 mi. Still in V.'8.rt8nty. $355 . 673-2326. 'f.6 BULTACO, dirt, 200 cc. Bargain $250. "8-6732 '7o Kawasaki 1~ Ct'n. New tires, WI')' ,good rood, Very fast. $300. 557-R351. '70 Suz TS 100 Try our lel,M apetff for Savinp • s.t111ae!lon • SU. vice. ' WE LEASE ALL POP\.!LAR 1912 MAJ<Ell A'l'CX)MPEn- TIVE RATF-S. Call M&Jcolm hid for furlher del•Jls. THEODORE · ROBINS FORD 2)6() Harbor Blvd. Costa 1t1Cll8. 6j2..<X)t0 Truck &-Auto Leasing ALL MAKES & ~IODELS resumes & salary expected beds. Oak dresser, 5 chvr. DINING rm suite w 16 Off1ct ~urnltu,../ 1972 ZENITH &: RCA at * 675-2533 * to Matteo P. o. ~x U.36 brass pulls. Cut &"lass. (213) cha.i?'!I: couch a. ebalr Br. Equip. 824 clearance prices. I..ov•est Horses 856 Cort FOX Newport Beach, Calif. 92000. 691-5545. suite, dbl. bed; 0 t.h er prices in Orange County. 3 --------- Low miles plus all ilghtlng equip. $275. 830-4727 SJ.LESLAOY, . elfperlenced ANTIQUE v.·ood burning 4, bo~ld items. ; ch l n a ~=t~iw!:tyn: yr. picture tube warranty. 1 4 YEAR old R. Geld, prof Motor Hor;nes 940 645-3fi61 ON' v for fine 'n••"na " tch 548-1227 yr. parts & Be!'Vice. 19" trained fo'r show. v.-estern , --~"""'.-':7"___ Autos Wanted 968 ...... ._.. stoves. Samovar design. .,u · · FranchY;e dealer. Master Zenith Chiomacolor from 16 H. Susan. Smith 545-9903 M ' p 1---------I Beach ladies' dress shop. Fully restored. 1395. each. Ml1cell1n_,1 . 118 Bl•-rint & Office Su~ly. S389 Whil th ~-1 RCA * arvm earce * WE PAY TOP 494-1949. 675--0390. -~.-.... · e ey ""' · OIOICE box stalls still ===----~-ISTEREO . 1 1 d ~540-9=-3~73---~----20" maple COJ160fe at $449. avail. All facUities. Reas. CASH Sec'y E~1cull~t PERSIAN rugs -Antiqu• big • u n e • me . SCM Marchand! Calc:ulator Save $ol50. on Zenith 25" Rates. 962..!679. Motor Homes . Imposalble .dream? Not 11 selection. Priv. P ar' t y. laya~ay 1972 model Gar-Model 316. $350. Austrian remote control combination. ~==~ your dreom include• 544-5868Tustin. rard, l~t>d changer, full ~-bl d ' tati ch' ABC Color 1V, Orange SHETLAND PONY Sales·• Rentals aometimes f I )' l n g to range rur s u s p e n 1 ion JlO•"" e IC ng ma ine $&5 * * 645-4038 faraway places, assisting Appliances 802 a Pe a ke 11 w/cross-over & transcriber. J..lake offer. ~~!;':s ~:~~~ n~~ .. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 558-3222 the pres. of N.B. based co. RECOND. Appliances & system. AM I F M / MP X .~'~95-54-~27-· -·----~ tingtoo Beach. 968-3329. ~-----~I~ Salary toompetiHve. Fan-TV's. Guar. & Delv'd: radio & ta~ player. Stl~l IBM Seltttric typewriter. 2 loeti Ind' ., Ji tastic benefits Call Mlsa Dunl , 1815 N brand new, Sold for $309.95, yn. old, IBM maintained. '71 ZENrnl 25" Oiromacokir ....... Equlpmtnt 1' Laura 557~· AblgaU Ab-Bl d a~ S48-TI80e w Port balance due $ll0. Cash or $450. ti7S...7360 or 673-2777, combination with remote bot P~rsonnel 'Agency 230 v ' . . small pymnts, C'edit Dept., ADDING 'Machines and cash control. Pecan Mediterra11- W. Warner, SUlte 209, S.A. KENMORE elec. Dryer. 1 7141893-0501. registers. $l' &: up. ean with sliding doors, 200 Gent;r~I ---yr. old. $45.00 or trade for G"NR_RA_R_D--ro~MPON-~ENT--1 &45-0595 watt stereo, floor.model now --'""------- JR. SEC'Y . $425 gas dryer of equal valuE:,. SYSTEM _ 100 w a·t 11 , ===-=,..,.,c-::=-;;'=" priced to clear. Save $l50.· Marine Consultant ~ Fee Pllld. Bright, ~bbly, 968--0833. A:.i\1/F~f stereo receiver 8 WANTED: Typewriter, IBM on this year~ clearance. INDEPENDENT bouncy person to train for CO SPOT . • &electric. Xlnt WILL PAY ABC Color TV, 9021 Atlanta, e Purchasing - eXdttng position 1n main LD refrJg., lmmac., track tape deck, lge air CASH. 557-3909 aft .f pm. 1-luntington Be~b. 96&3329. Counseling on purchasing ~ii-. Ca 11 Ann Fox, d_bl door &: icemaker. Cost suspensiori horn re! I ex boat , . w << p • /0 126 6 MOTOROLA radio!, tube s "" eqwoment, ~-oo. Alao Fee J ob•. $500. must sell $325. speakers.Prof. Garrard turn 1ah01 rgans· e M 1 S ~" 6=1•~ b f ., .. p u type, plus base station &· . . ar ne urveyor Dennis & Dennis Personnel ,.,... -..;o'" ta le. Sold or,.._,. ay o ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;= 646-2977 balance of 11"195, or antenna. Complete for $600., · • · Agency, ~ ~chclson Dr, e REP A 1 RM AN has · Irvine. ~ washers/dryers &: dshwhn. payments of $6.50. FREE 49'J....3878. Boats, Maint./ , SECRETARY TRAINEE Guarn-Delv'd s' 6-s 218 ; NEW s 1rack, Car 1ape deck ORGAN LESSONS SONY Color 1V, 12" 1 yr. Service Co U. d . 1, ... ,: ~1620 wtth spe'&ken:. $29.95. old. $225 cas)l, (no checks) -:7.~::-::::::-;:,""'::--~-- rp. o ""' eS>res ""~·"'"· . . U.S.A. Ste"'° Equipment FOR BEGINNERS 2-ltlO!I ·10% DISCOUNT. Free e.t. 900 90'l 13631 Harbor, Garden Grove 1 Blk. So. of G.G, Frwy, 636-2.13.l Trallt~s, Tr~vel 945 TENT tnJltt, deeps 6 'or 8. Good cohd: $'775. 962-0161. fnr Ukd can le trucks, ju.It call ua fw free ~timata GROTH CHEYROUT Ask tor Sales Manqer 1821.l Beach Blvd. HIPltin&ton Beach 847.<l7 KI ~ WANTED Clu n U1ed Cars SEE us Fmsr friendly gal. Great chance REFRIG/freezer, Admiral Warehouse, 179 E . 17th St., I •~64~~~·~~~~=~ Custom Boat covers & ~ to advance to execu~ve Duplex, 20 cu tt, b~. Costa Mesa 645-2442. You do not have to own an cushions from 1' to 100'. I AutolforSalt ] n. CREVIER MOTORS Start $400. OPENING WEDNESDAY time available. J'ree to You B . a n k am e ri c a r d , 205 W; lit St., Santa Ana 1 secretary. Good benebts. $185. $2-4105 aft 4 pm . instrum~nt. Free praclice , _______ JI S.· Quality work mans h ip. ~;;;;;;;;;;;;~-~-~ Call Jean Brown, M-0-6055 WASHER/Dl')'er ~ombo, llXXI bargains: Used guitars Start Tuesday, J anuary 18th MasferchaJ'&e. Logan's 835-3171 cOastat Agency O'Keefe & Merritt $15 ea. or from $8.50, tape recorder at 7PM-5 Weeks. 3 lin61, 2 Times, $2.00 Upholstered produ cts, General 950 IMPORTS WANTED 2700 Hal'bor Bl at Adams $25. for both. ti75-S810. $9.50. paintings from $5, REGISTER NOWI =..._=~=_,,..·.,,..--...,..-.,.-~ 1 1-F-R-EE-! -Cus-t-om--11,.--cove-r .• Orinfe Couiities SEC'Y '"' -5 .Building Materials 806 Balalaika $25, aulo harps, Also, intermediate class TOP i BUYER I . .,..., drums !rlatues etc Tuesday, January 18th at BEAUTJI11L huge Persian BOA'l' Bottoms cleaning 25c with the purcba5e of each 8rl..t. MAXEY TO 0 gt 80, fyping 60. BLA~ 1:ff.ON PIPE -Ap-Thrut Shop 'Gall~ry SPM-(i Wttlul. Cat bUt &. Nta~-declaLwed & !....-!!· Length at w(l. van futerlor. Headliners, l8881 ~ach Bl;d. TA Local : prox. GOO f l. of ll4" 200 ft. 140 Cabri!Jo, CM. Open lB-6 $12 +material spayed. -=u.io ove. o.JU""JJ23.. panelling, Shag crptng & H. Beacti t»i. 347-8555 Call Lorraine of 2", all threaded & coup!-pm Closed Sun a Fun-Entertaining 642-2709. . ·ao.n,-P~wtr 906 curtafns .. BankAmerlcard, WEETCLIFF ed. Mostly in 21' lengtM. · CTI.ON * Knowledgeable KJNGSIZE me.ttress I: box!: Masterchara:e. Loa:an's WE PAY TOP DOLLAR Per-sonnet Agency 548-8703. * AU e Rent Organs Available springs. 968-3432 after 6 &: YACHTING salesman. Must Upholstered Prod u cts, FO~TOP USED CARS 2043 W~:iro Dr., NB Cameras & Fine Funtiture During Tenn ot c.ourse. weekends. have successful sale s 642-1333.. u ~~ car is extra dean, Equipment 808 & Appliances Inquire For Detai~ background &: some TWO ·"~Uy-···• 1 35x15 •·u. !1nt. SECRETARY •-jol 1 8 WEEK old Cocker·P006, . know!~-of -·· •-,, __ .. 1>1-15n W1CU • BAUEI\ BUICK w n new Y Auctions Friday, 7:30 p.m. HAMMOND· ORGAN · .....,.., ...... "" ......_.., ... 1:'l-to "--Good formed bor la Male and Femaie. . boats. ~-maker & Cam'-nyrun r u:cS ne un:n. --J ...... ,T~ -. Har area w_ of-BELL & Howell Filmo-Sound W1'ndy's Auction Barn STUDIOS .ra..... -VW p1a t .,,.,, """"' -..., • "' "'" f Typl • I cal 846'.1678 Craft d-'••-Full •-rv,·,..., re cemen, '1'1U"'.1.cu:i ............. -~-ice. ng "' c en Deluxe Camera. &: Tape 2a1'5 CM ~ 2854 e. Co~st Hwy. .,,,.,. •· """ ""'0 ~ -··- skills, shottbind or ability Recorder. $95. 54G-7408. ae~!~ Bldg Mat'l Corona dtl Mar 2 SPAYED cats, l i:alico, l &: marina. Yacht ing Truck_s 962 wu,.r. B\lY your car peld t0r to learn;' presentable. Call 16 ,.,..,.. · . ..,..__ 1 ony 1 1.iui _30 tabby. _ ~· <:orp. ~l· _ c:~.~-~ :r... . .uK noL Call R.al.a. .Col'dm . M • ...-... -........ rnoVle Pl'Ol~'-lVI" PACKARD ~-u ~or ~·. ~l' -·-· can ·-1 ....... , ~· ,.......,...-,,.-~ -.......,,,,.. I nd RCA odel'400 °"' "vi '" U'f.r<JOO 38' CHRIS. Tri-cab i n ONL·v-,,.,,,. ...... ,.;.. ,..,..,..,.._. 61'3-0900, -M9-3031, 1970 w sou • m . dio)stereo console perf Open Mon. & Fri. Eves. ,., .w _, UA..JU.o .. ~ SEX."R'ETARY'S! HOUSE-si2s. 833-0771 alts pin. ra _,, • .. ~ BLACK Lab puppy, male, 6 CoDttellaHoo. 1963. Loaded Lone Wheel base, 6 eyt. sdck. ljatbar Blvd., Cot&a Mta WIVES! '3»-m> a mo. pt/ cond. $325. .ii-..uer, ma...., USED ORGAN wks 545-4648 & Lik new $22 000 ba I Cus M a; •'--,....11 8J9..rlot lor inter-Furniture 110 from panel truck t 7 5. · ' e · • · Y rad., hit. t. cab. irmn, -utos, rm....,... ..,,., uii..::, -... r~--'"·U -Hdbrd ,.. HEADQUARTERS ~: .. A696-0753S. 7 or evts 213; l!eavy duty ' equl~. With ~ annt ...,...,per aue .....,. « n......... Co ty ~ del. M I AUSTJN AMl:B..,.j, ". 7 PC NAUGAHYD;:-m""'1 adJ. frame 110. 36" v·-~• un [ Jl~ l w<e camper lhell. U'. -~ SEC'Y some SH some • c. $2S 21l Costa All Makes & Prices • Good Pit• Ind $L1pp1its " * 33' Owens Brig . .,; be teen a 1driven to fully . . w . ma~matics, 5 m .. ,Xper. • DEN GROUP ::= ;~~M·. &6-339S. choice. Also, New Harn-_ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Lo&ded. · Make oift:r. apri~iate, Cl499'1C\ '69 AUSTIN ~ Xl,000 + 2 yrs. rollege, John Bar-1-~-'°'· ~=.,---.o--mood, Kimball• & CoM. 64U008 NABERS CADILLAC ~('>llFllf, QeW bralret, ry A Associat .. , 6~ consisting of lay-back "'8 • .CASH • Penny Ow.ley Co., (7141 Dogs 154 30, JEFFRIES. MW. Bendix AunIDRIZED DEALER · tireo, reblt ""C· •n SE~R-Vl_C_E--ta-tio~n~-tte-nd--t-I (sleeps 2)~ chair, in heaV)' H•-pn·-· •"'d for 892-3314. 11352 Beach Blvd. 8-T , .~ a>Jm()R BL., teats~ Im maculale. 64>1082 . s a an ' duty naugahyde, end tables, -<a11•="u ...... _. (Near Katetla). Crysler eng, 6 8COOP · ,. carrA MESA exp. preferred. Full &: part coftee table &: iamps, ~ :furniture, appliances DAOISHUND, 1 yr, old red $2,(IOO. ~170. • 546.9ioo ~ -.: °'' n-·suna '691 AUSTIN America. New time shifts avail. Apply at & antiques WOULD YOU male, peperS & shots. MuJ1;t l9.tt 1,Rent/Chart'r a "'f"'f11 ay ttie1. Perteet rwlni.ni oonlf. Shell, 17th &·lrvine,'N.B. ALL FOR $169, , CALL D).Y OR NITE . BELIEVE go to goocj l)orne. 67~. • · • 111.·, 631-7014 SURVEY work mak• appUJ • . 549-2'14! • 547-1733 ;REE ORGAN LESSONS sr. &;mard puppl~•. AKC CATALINA 27' SLQ9P, • IMW for Photo StudiJ. Trans. TRADERS •BR.AND new automatic ~':o::'ro~U:t!~~f Reg. Showqtiality,·6 weeks. Brandnewboat.Aux.~. --.-------. furnished. Guarantee. 2205 FURNJ"(URE gu heater, Dayton 65000 $175 to $250. 5'4-1826. a!eepl •ix, SIS radio, Dr, '""""u.aa Harv.ta Automotlv• ~ • Harbor Blvd., Room 1, C.M. 202 N. Broadway, S.A. B.T.U. Radiants & glass in. a:nnccr~r81,t~ltm. Ge Sh -a....._d_Pu__ AMI.FM tuner, complete UCREA.110N CENTER ·e TACO BELL . 835-13<1i Op.n 7 ,Days eluded. Never used. ,$110. rman •.-~r P' ga11ey; 6'}" headroom Ml ROY CARVER I Call 549 1881 (Santa Ana) 642-2851 Purebred, 6 wka, old. $40. safety tear ~venteni'New· _ t . IC. Female, part time, days. CRUSHED velvet couch & • . WURLITZER PIANOS ~aft 3. 'Pert ttip ,;/paen,b' of "p&rk· ·2925 Harbor Blvd. Good starting salary. No love seat. Zig Zag sewing POOL TABLES Watehouse N 10 W&rran AKC Miniature Schnauzer tar. Fr0m·S15/day. For info Costa Mesa &46-4444 exp necessary. 818 C>:ean maeh in cabinet, copptr ,Sale. Freight damaged 149 ew yr. ty FAROilt'6S'F -rdV bl ROY CARVER I Ave, H.B. 536-7800. refrig. Carpenter t 0 0 Is, to $199. New slate factory Save J300. puppies. Rea.tenable. . call. :557·90t6 aft 6:30.• • · · O an, ~ t 1 ftC, ted $195 to s 3 g 5 Cable • Nelson 847-8929 after 6 pm • Bolih S.11 tot e~. New titts, brakes, 29'l5 Harbor Blvd. TOP Inboard Mar i n(! fishing pol~ baby furn & era ' ' 41" Consoles LOST Harbor View-Homes ' . , ·paint,uphol.~/FMradio, Coita Mesa 5466tt• M,.... ... __ , __ Tnumnlssion &: m isc. 1062 Mlsskln Dr. Apt 639-8623, 52S-&Hi6. $1095. List, Wblle ' H~"' Cat 16 • old ~ -pe a-k W·'-·t E;'"" exp. $5.40 hr . A. C. M. FRENOI Provincial head-They Last. $195. :ie 8 ~d ::fsed, ~ grttn hJI.~ ~iina~ cabi;'t.,' ca;;, , , • DATSUN ~ Anchoer Marine R<pair. Divorce Sale• board • tootboard. Standard GOULD MUSIC co. · · · · trmnpo11ne. ;1495. -... .,..,.. • Sell or trade 'for ..,., ___ _....,.._...,. ...... , 644-4545 • size bed. frame. Perfect con-Since l9ll 2 LB. Poodle stud servtee. after 6 pm 842-3731. motorcycle or car. Private '· NEW '72 PIOCUP 1 ' Houseful of :furniture! ap-dltion. $30. 644.-0577. Tea cup & Toy Poodle pups "A"2222 4 apct· d1r dlx BUmpit Jtt.. TYPIST/Receptionist, 3pliancea and misc. All inl=~-'~---,--~....,... 2045No. Main, S.A. '16' Hobie Cat, Brand new, Party.U"t,,,-· dJo ~tmn · .• ~~~~ \\~lpf~.ec~;t! good cond. reas. $7-0000. ~~S::~;,n~;~=l~u~~ "p-1~A-N-o-*s-54-;-;'-o~:---G~A-N~S =li~::~~~ ~te. 1 ~~~el.,w7~1r,sails$1~~ti>: '63 fORIJ-~ JON PU :'~~=:e:~:= 1.1 er, 549--0377. MAHCXiANY double bed. 2 $300. Tranafer fee $175. a~ Housebroken & 540-2141 or 6~1554 Y mahogany end tables, 541 M•7 Ktni. SteinwaY.. Lowrey, -......,...,..,8 534 3885 VS AuttvT1atic AI Cond 1910 DATSUN plclrup $1345 VIETNAM _,"' .,:,....,,, · .... ..._,' • · WANTED, tniller forl&' obe ' :::-r • r .. -• massage table, like new. ' Allen, Baldwin, etc. From CH1 Pe ... _.. Jtadio,'Heafer, Camper Shell gd. ooncl., ''12 lice~ paid, VETERAN Misc., odda & ends. 549--0421 YAMAHA, 250 ec, $200: RCA $295 up. RENTALS $10 up. • ke-a-poo nt!W ll'l...-.:u tone fixed , keel sail bo&t. (?30478) $895. dlr. Clitt Wal. ~ after 1 p.m. Pvt. Once in a lifetime oppor. to eves. col.or TV, $175. Daily 10..fi Sun. 12.5 very \IDY• 1 male, l female; 549--0869. , ""-oan...1:. ™·. party. • 846-3592 p A 0 0 6 wks. 646-6274. ...-vy .,...,,.... 1.:._::,,,.,i.=~----I startamanagen1.entcaree.r1WIN beds com p-icte FIELD'S .IN C • Boats,Sllps/Dockl 910 1?0fOjUfltilwer %tonCUlt. •67DATSlfNMdan in a local branch of one of w/trames in good cond ** FIREWOOD !or Se.le 1833 NcWport Blvd. 3 FEMALE brown poodles, 7 FREE BOAT SLIP c..a.inp~ Auto!; P.S., V8, s,800 ·~ aood oond:ttion. S'ZOO countries b~e s ~ ~m-Finn mattn:. $lOO. ICt: dellveted & sta~. Costa Mesa 714/645-3250 wka old, AKC reg. Call *** 6C2-8987 *** ml. :Goideintest lOlAi' cab-* Call f45..450S * panle" Pl a nmg S47-!i6'12. can 540-BALDWIN Grand Piano. A 1 -Barbara~~~833-C7=-46~·~=~ ,,.,;tl,..:;.,am) P<r, lully equipped. FERRARI program lets ~u learn . °cLEAN• 36" Stove $40 4 pc music I an' 11 de Ii g ht. 2 • 9 WEEK OLD PUPS ** BOAT SPACE, NEAR ~ ~~:eJ~u e;n·~ ~ ~ ~~~!:d fUll ~ ~·set $35., Men·1 Mabogon,y, Immac. Prl pt)'. Part Shellie, sm'11 breed fl UDO. 20 to 40 ,ft, boat. ,j i... 45200 ~ oan ~ • 8lze bed trame. Perfect con. 3 8peed bike $40. 646--0697 _962-58~~1'------642-4818, 534-3885 , ~ DAYll,!"055 PONTIAC 2790 = BJ~Adams ditior't $30. 644-0571. FIREW,000 ,ror . sa l e . PIANO tuner has all kinds A.KC Malamute pu ppie 1, ~Boo-,-.-,-5-p-,-,d~l.~Sk-1~9--11 2480 Harbor Blvd. at Fair D;r. -'-"--"'=~---~ 9, SOFA be bed Delivered &.1tacked. of pianos. Very, Very $150. J.1ales 1:-f.emales. Calta Mesa .. . 546.I017 WAITRESS exp'd, over 21. • aut. cnis S40-M0'7 968-U70 '12 Ft Bm'tOn Whaier 18 HP 5 15 PICKUPS-Lunch &: dinner. Bavarian vel\>et, never used Slfll, . .....,, Reasonable! ~9711, . Jotmer>Jf, center st~, rt· • PW:C, . =~ee:i~Re:t~~ =~lov es eat $100. M~~= :g':I ~~A~~~::~'.411°· ~ .f:st~~~;,~n ~= ::. ~~!.:: --... _.. Fl!RRAltl ·~ SALES 6 SEllVICI: NEWPORT IMPORTS Beach Blvd. H.B. MOVING-EverY,thing goe!s. $35. 642-5666. 545-l6l9 Ad . 642-5678. Sacrifice '795. Aftfto 8 pm 21~ Harbor B!vd. 64s.ot66 w AITRESS, part time • Mi>c. anliq'•, furniture. A.. 842'373'1, • 62 $c:ou( Plc:k, up . __ '_JlllO_N_!-;.p.=c...._,rt~-~"-:'_'_,I lunch. Jolly Ox. 25192 Cabot Futnic 'lure, ~m Newport Bl. i. S.D Fwy Lap -.M • I j~ Runs good, Must Bell. #FC-RAT ·• ::· ' ., ...,. --.. ~~o=UN=n-pme=-,.-bl-e -w,-,1 STAR GA'ZE~~ "'-l<· T._....tl,. rli 5195 1495. dlr. Oil! Waldrop chain $150: 2 Rattan Jove <UY1 · -,;54!J.::::.;5:,:1647-. -;;-,..=,.-;:-...,.-'68 FIAT 850 Sport •Cotll>O, ·wANT A CHALLENGE?· aeata & eor. table $100: 21" A8J ~': 'l-f YoorDal'1MMrtc..rde w ., wr~~tlA 'n Dodre Van' J»' Sedes. R&H, new clutch f; brakw. color TV $75. 675-8127. ~ • ~ Att0>d/1tf to tll• start. -V-oc:. Airer a~ t15 V-3, aulo 1hlfl. re.dio, heat~ Good rubberi Clean 4' Xlnl »-.1• ... J-·-1 ~· 1...-'ued-.J-· •· e-r.Tanexterlor.7500milu. cond. $850 or beat 0U1r. 2 LAMPS, 2 end tables, l '-16.1'"211 10 gew op ttilSSOIJI rw "' 'IQ<Nf' 3-10.12-2' •"ttt.n ... ,, • Pho Danish chair $5 ea. Drk. 4S4;56 •. ~wonisca1espoodlng tol'llmber5 31.a>.i'S **-*Aircraft Wanted*** .,.._, '"" pnce. ne -6'J1>,1345===•"'=·:__..___ Bt'O'Wll chair & automan r~Zo;il~t~ol ,1 Dtitunwlt1 SCOUIO !-!ave customers waltin& 526-4756 (})Jllerton}, ./ 'Tl 1.24 Sport OOUpe, R/H, Pl. 841-4467. 2°""' ..,,._..,,. '"''"~ ~'·2'.Ci!il Newport Slcywa,...ea.na VANS;-VAN~ am/Im ....... $2'l!IO, ~=~Ul~ ~~ho;;,ehold i5:° ~~ ~i= 1~~ De~:.0s.'i~.:~· ... W ...... '~:i:·.~~)OO. intet..ted in pedormlno • = . ,;.; -· Nii'· 6 Con ,.,. ""'~ . . "5-79 · C1mper11 S.le/Rent '20 21111 -Blvd, 'f* 'tl!FIAT 1511 •-~·Coupe, lo valuatlle ~while mak· • mllC. .,.__, 7Y0&1 3111 . 67111dMil1Qf a......-...,... .... tag an.xiftt Income, scnd liERCUWNaofa&:loveseat, :~ :;:--=~ * SHELLTOPS * '67 ~.Wa90n U~~~· m~tra, • your l"f!91.Une lo Mr. John 3 mo'a old, aacrlflce. JO&.owi AOTtJ • ~Jwtlf'/ .f wheet dr1~. 8Uy now for ~ er. F. Kelly 111582 Beed\ Blvd., ** 64&-!IOI ** 1 Do """"""' "'" EL CAMINO* RANCHERO summtr tun. !TYYllXIJ 11595 JA,,._UAI · 12Nftil 42Tob Md DATSUN Pick Ups W ffuntSnrton Beach. Ca. CUSTOM made vinyl settee 13 Mou 4l b:tta 73 Dcr{t B ... J SALES dlr.' C'titt Waldrop 5-!0-$164. 14 Ald .UTo 74~;-• W-ANTED X.Ol'S <OO<:h -9x6. Maple Harv<!sl ,,........,. o4STo r. • 1030 S. Harbor, SA 839-2515 '61 CHEVY !I ton, 321, I opd, '53 JAG. SK 120 For 1 Non-Onion War Fllm. table. Call 64&-2831. I~~ ~::-' J~ CAMPER theU for trvdc, In-~ ant. Sl700, '57 ~ CLASSIC Film production c:o. now HlDE·A·BED Simmons $40. 11You 4Htlo nTo aul&ted. bwlk bed a: Utta. 1 T, du.at \\'Ne:, rtUe bed, W\re whef:lt, etc .. entlrel7 catlna. ectl'Olux vaeuum SlO. ~ ~~ii•Cl 19 'Tholl AtAdd 79wilh $100. 4.x6 lJtil trailer. xlnt '500. SC.*7 original fhruout. Mechanle. c.n (213) C..sooi A • C.M. 545-4119. Aft ~LYt1 .rir . ri'~i. :?~'i;-cond. UX). 64:1-Me'f. * 1951 CMC" l>n Pie~ Up. ally perlect thruoul, Hr.hd WANTED trained dent at LOVE T, aood concMlkln, l§,.Au~p j• ~~ ~~ ~r!:no1 Cyclu, Bhtu, Comp!eldy rebuilt. Xlnt lllhta alone would cost ovtr -' W I ~-t d·J· txper, a1-new • .,.., 24 Or M ._fftllv. "LIN ~-----, MR oond. Days 9Q...&595. evtt $!00 to rt"Plaet. P ho n • l lVfl l!lM. -.~17 2'"~~ .,,.,._Jon 15•--.i ~--.,,._. M't .. IEM --.. ... ,.,_ 531-M tor I &ill oftkoe. Mlaion * 64&-8721 ** 126;-56~ 16 p;,.. _...._,.. _.'""" ~·· tvt1 --.. V~""" 810··6C>lO, WILL move anythlnr YoU YlllO .27Sorilt 17~ 17T'lde ruca 1970 YAMAHA D'r·l. XW '61 SCOt.n' 4 whelol drive JAG '611, XKE, 2+t, a.tr. L ... 1 th1r col A AUf,21 awm'"' Min .,,..,_, Ta.ff rond. ~ °" bts1. ou~. Jt/H, removablt hnltP, erw aui>. b1oo. Prtv. Pt)'. Gd. tr1 IJWQI tbt n,ht ttme A "'"" n wnn more. wi l l''fftlOl'iiol MWHtl l9Mott111 u.~ H 67:)..776:9. .._._ --rk. "-tti. &15-1688. coQd. 548-$39. al'ft'111 the rlaht pla«l u 5.16-1648. "::o-.:c·.;. • •JOT~ &f&n~nMtllrl 90flolN..-~· ·~ ""' _.., you want REsuLTSI eau;f,The=---:-1u-1es""1-.-.... -.. -,-n"'the,.,.-;W= .. , .n Goo4 @""-()NUMI ~ IT5 MONTESs.\, Xlnt cond. '56 GMC" T Pick Up HAiblt Don'I ftlY< up lbt sblpl 114:1-5111 6 ploce Outt ad , • , • Dally Pilot Claullltd Many Xlru. I=. or be1t t na. $560. ' '1Llal" U in ct.nl!IM, llllp fx>dQI Ad, w.a1I oiler. 49:1-~. ~ to Shon Relllltal ~ ,, I l I I • 1 I I fi DAILY PILOT T-• .-Y 18, 1'72 ' 1§1 f ··~-1§1 1 -".'~ ]§JI.__ -_ .. _"'°__.I§! I 1~ .: t---·.·1--·rtod--·f7110 J ;.~-.;;~1 .. ; ... ;.;rted;'.:t;1~0 ~A~Ul~ ... ~·~-!:~"~ ... ~~·~70 A-. l-1od ~;;..JA.;...&;;.;U.;...AI;;;.__ LOTUS M& TOYOTA t90 AUhlf, Uoool t90 -· "'"" ·MUSTAN• VOLKSWA&IN IUICK CHIVROLET 4 . • . ,,. 970 Aulol, Imported TRIUMPH IA~ER ll,llC.K Thellart>cr_ ...... On1y Aulhorlzed JAGUAR DEALE R Al'l\-ay1 baa an 0:<2llent ~ lectlon ot botb New a Uied Jagu>n: . 1971 JAGUAR V12 Air conditioning, auromatic. Only 8,000 miles. (9280MN) fl295 1970 JAGUAR 2+2 Automatic, factocy-air con. dillonln&. (26lBQD) ~ "Speclal~ing in Quality" IAUER Bulck..()pohloguar 234 E. 17th St.. Costa Me11a MS.Tm -JAGUAR )IKE- Y· 12 ROADSTER JjOW ON DI&PLAT · . LOTUS Alm!ORIZED &.\LES A SERVI<:£ NEWPORT . IMPORTS MG At11110RIZID SALES, 6 SERVICE NEWPORT IMPORTS >'1100 \I'. Coatt Hl'f. > ! . . ljOO 'f. a.at llWJ. Newppn 'Beach • ' Nc!WpOrt 8eacl. !----=.;=::..::=.-ME.RCEDES IENZ MGB . 'n TOYOTA LARGE S""r,P.(;,...l'I FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY I BIG SA VIN GS ON RF.~1" o\ 11\11').'C. '71 TOYOTA$. ·, *'66 MUSTANG, v.a. au I vw BAJA BUG, N•w •l;YI• '71 Estate WafJOll 6S l01pala )\'.,.,,, IU1I pwr, trans., P/S. R/lf, pwr. dile "I fibregla• kit~ new ptlnt, SUper Waron' Like Brand .Ac. recf'l'lt . trans, ~ A brk•. heavy dut)' ahocb. new . uphot, c a r Pe t • ' New! Only 1;'44 local mlJtt. brakes. $750. 675-6369. Loaded w/extraa:. $1000.lhlt j headliner, wide t Ires, Waded. Factory air, etc. "ff 4-DR. IMPALA ottm:. 673-7746 until 9 pm. J chrome rims, blg bore kit, (~') ,.,.,_ · GOOD t'OND * 615-0989 , -,... 1 p 1.~ -~ etc, E>ctra sharp, $1350.00 or v""~" "'"'~ n ...n , • er r:o..~ \,allM., besi oiler. 23( Albert PJ.; TERRY' IUICK CONTINENTAL 12,000 ml.• .. Jl'l!l' ··:-i C.M. anytime. 51tl A Walrn.it Air, tape-O«K, etc. Wl -'-68 VW 'Cait\Per w/pop lop. Hunl"-<ton Beach , 5.16-6588 1971 Mark .DI :~~ or · •l\u. ' tUwn. WllO a!oer 6 pm. wrm ELECTRIC Sl,INROOF HERTZ CORP.. ., - i\aA .. L••.:• ~~\.:n., ;:-:;, d";;~ CAPRI Cpe, $7222 1971 . MUSTANGS : i TOYOTA 1961 TR.< (Sptor .. 1. con-'71 Capri 2000, auOo, air FACTORY J House of Imports Inc. '67 MGS;GT. Gd. cnnd. Take verttble, radio, re bu 11 t •n VW Camper. AMIFMr oond .. radio. $2495. AIR CONDITlONlNC 221 W<n' ~)t~ ~btinl j (Residence o! impoa:tecf Rd. in trade or 646-930l engine, new transm.iuion, disc brakes. 10,000 miles. * AJ2..9355 after e. * Padded top, full leather Jn-" ,,_ 1 Mercedes Benz) make ofter. 548-1235 eve. ...... arbor M one QWJ'M!r. · $695. Ca 11 Sl,295 646-5033 d a YI : terior, dual comfort seats, OLDSMOllLE SPECIAL ''I'HIS WEEK ~ H ' Costa esa 494·9822 after 6 pm or 64&-0i&l eves. CADILLAC cruise control. door locks, ( • 250-SE coUPE OPR '67-Toyota Corona ..... nd.. ·10 vw Dix. Sunroor, yd!., ....... till .... ring. all pow-'67 OLDS cuu .... FUii pow-·~ 300 chrome trim, ft.awleas! ***'fill OPEL*** 1968 Triumph TR-250. tc blk inter .. tuned exhaust. 1966 CADILLACS ~. Xtras. Very fewiearef~ er, !act. air, loW miles. ~ 6862 Manchester Blvd, Buena Auto Trans, Like new, ins.Ide miles, like ney,·, \V i re Radio, Xtras. Xlnt cond. m(~l)~m . fresh. (TYE910) Blue Book price Park. (Alongside S.A. Fwy, Xlnt cond, nu tires .and out, Rent option to pur. wheels. 528-474?. ' 962-2872 Choose from Cout>es or Se· t1550 Beach Blvd. tumol!) l--~!900:::::,.. ,:::675-64:;:::~98:,_..._ chase. $57 drive ouo, $36.81 • * lm vw c • m P., dans. CloOh or leatller 11> NABERS CaclHlac · $139' . --"'(IJ'-'S23-7250 PORSCHE -mo. (VCJ340l VOLKSWAGEN w pbaJi tra J I terlor, Full power and l•c· AUTHORIZED DEALER DAVE ROSS PONTIAC ... CONTINENTAL ' est a, x ge. nt 1ory air condillonlng. (SSS--HA~~R B i OYER 25 . Self co"Od. Mak• oiler, 3311 IZV'l1l10l (203BQD) -COSl'OIESA !., mo If•-Blvd ... Fair Dr. er .... Reconditioned, . MOTORS '64 vw. Immac. New eng. • YOUR OIOICE ~· -~ .. ~~. '62 CUTLASS 4 •peed, v..a. r. '66 Fastback &42-9#4 * <SKl.081). """'.woo ~ ... ~., eosia Mesa 546-801T ~ &rGu1r•nt-.f. Dark blue finish, Excellent paint, good tires. runs $1444 ' .'~MAltK.JlI,Fullyequlpd, ront ~Needs .clutch A / PORSCHE$ cond1tion. New brakes. 4 beaut. $495. 675-0747 aft s Speed control. -8tereo .. New some &ody ""'6rk.. $1.SO. · •. i. t 1 ' ' · ' 847°3842 •peed, rad~. healer. !SQY· pm. NABERS Cadillac Polyglas ""''· 557-9349 · 546-3671or642-l613 a!\er 5. 11 •· 'lhS 1 ' 9ll;~/~11J114'1' __ W_E.::,..__HAVE 'EM · :>,::.· dlr. CliU Waldrop '69 Squareback, New •111, ·~~!.ER CORYAIR '69 ows. tux -·· IU1I i tn fltlfl ,69 MERCEDES 220 n1a..1 ~72 LANO CRUISERS Auto, Sac $1395. \Vil! con. ct>sTA MESA ·• . . a pwr .. an xtras. New tiru. , • • · _,......... '64 VW Bu.s, diamond tuft, sider trade. 646-2698, Evet; . . '65 • Aub-Ra \o. Xlnt, only Make otter. 962--1075. 1; Authcrlied &Jes &: 8t~i~• Xlnt cond. 1 owner •. $33)0. A..\1:/FM, ?t1int concl. '72 557-4540 ~911)) Open Sunday 42,CXX> mi. $350. SchM>rer • ' · 900 <,Coast ffl••way (n4)'499-3!118 lmmed!ale Dellvery fags. $1000. 540-1775. VW ' . / ~ '70 CADILLAC-'107 Sapphire, B.I. • · PLYMOUTH ,..._ 51 ' . camper w rents &:: I Laguna S.ach 540-3100 MG ~ ···-'· '68 vw . Pop !Op Su•dial equip, Like new, low mil. Coupe De VII• CORVmE v 1· CLASSIC 1962 JAG 3.8 ______ _;,.._ 3100' w. Cout Hwy. ', .. A camper \Vilh tent, $1,9!15. call aft. 5pm. 54g..7253_ Vinyl top,Mcloth or leather in-'69 a II nt Sedan. Wlt'I! wheels, all 1968 MG Midget, orig, owner, Newport Beach tn-'-.. &Th-634?. 1970 VW Ca rerlor, A ·FM stereo radio, '66 COEtVETTE Conv. JIT. , xtras, new eng., trans. Must 24,000 mi. Wire whls., R&H, 642-9405 •l•t• .70 VW Squareback Orang(', Xlnt.tnd. ;: . J>O'A't!.r door .locks. til~·telt!! Fuel inj, t1lm ·headers, !tuns CQOd. Blue with whHe 1 seU, asking $1250. 615-7498 -Pt top, hard top, tOMeau Authorized Sales &: Service A" d'-'-tra * -~ * "''heel, twilight aentinal. ...... -, AM1FM·11~ Firm. vi"'·A t""'. 2 Door. 6 ey!inder 1 ~1370 196s.912.S SPD., new Kcni's, '"• ra ll:WI, auto, x .:;J'll (669A,...hl (fOSAZY) ··--'""" ""'' -r 548-81.n cover. ~ g1 r , AM IF M' 1 9 7 2 I I c 900 S, Coast Highway clean. 675-6410 or 646-2238. l7f PORSCH!:-"!IU·T brown, YOUR CHOICE 642-6817 John. automatic, radio, heat~f 1 JENSEN '59 MGA llrd!p, Good cond. Sho • Laguna Beuh 5"0.JlOO ,66 VW ~ nd COUGAR IYBA'l54l nm. dlr. Cli 1 Bs'. 0, u-o·-"75. 349 N. wroom Cl•an. $3,950. S ** , •-co . all oxoras• WarranN. siooo· $4777 Wal•-·-•1"' -"' ~ 673-44<1. ANTA ANA Sunroof, AM/FM, radio. below orig. cost 644'..2m · -·• ~ "· --------1 'Oliv. No. C, Orange. PORSCHE 1971, 91J..T, 5 •pd, TOYOTA Good Ures. 213, 592-5744. oNABERS Cadillac 1967 Coogar, all aulo. P/1, '69 lfEMI Rdrunne~a~ert, I JENSEN TIME FOR • VOLVO At11110RJZED DEALER p/b, low mil..,., xbrt m..,, 4 spd .•' I ' , AtrnlORIZED &ilVl!r ~/black int. Mag Service dePt, open 1:30 am '69 V\V. Xlnt cond. l.D mi. ....,,,,, HARBOR BL., cond, pn'vate paroy. 548-149'3aft 6.30pm . ... •• • SERVI'"" wtils atr AM/FM 14 000 .,,, 9 "·nd --· ~ PB radio, nu tires, priced ,72 VOLVO ~ I -"• "'UICK CASH ' . . ' "' pm = ay """ ''" cosrA MESA 49!H<JEO. PONTIAC ,.. ·mues. 17100. 1714) $11-4451 day, whl~. $ll45. 833-8814. LARGE SF.•.P.CTf0~ FOR NE WPORT IM PO RTS . 'THROUGH A '69 PORSCHE · 912, 5-apd, PHONE 540-2512 LATE 1968 vw. Excel oond. IMMEDIATE >llJ.9IOO Open Sunday -=~D~O~D~G~E~,..,...1-::Jni;;;H.;7,;-M;.;;:'"I AM I FM, ChraT.e wheels,. 417 W. Warner, Santa Ana 8 trnck stereo. '72 lic. $1,100 DELIVERY LARGEST . '70 Ponti1c Le Mans Air cond, Real clean, $4900 '69 CORONA Mark II, 2 ctr. or best offer. 548-1530. BIG SAVINGS ON SELECTION OF SPEC, 15 PICKUPS Cust, H.T. Cpe. 1..4'.lw mil 1100 W. CouO lfwy, Newport Beacb DAILY PILOT firm. 6f'5..6108 hrdtp, yellow w/blk inter. '65 VW Sunroof, lo miles, REMAINING CADILLACS IN llMI: ·. *'· qe l <1WMr Automatic, Dally Pilot Want Ado have Redials, very gd. eng. $1500. Micheli" x tins. Xlno cond. '11 VOL VOS OS~~tEL~~:v -CMlltl ~ ...,;_r •teer.,.; I< brake" WANT AD bargains galon!. 557-8681 aft 5 pm. $675. 675-3155. AUTllO!UZED 2100 Harbor Qsw ~ factor)' .air, radio. heater, · f\ [ • · \VS\V vinyl top & bucket 940 Motor"-940 Motor HomH 940 Motor HomH 940 Motor Homos 940 aYeoA W114 . SERVICE. FORD : ,.a~: (128481) .• I • YOLYO Nabers Cadllac $2888 Motor Hornes 'MOTO·R HOME SHOW 646'!003 ~~~m.. F:!i~ ':«! !"!C:. NAIERSCadlllac 19-16 Harbor, c.osta ~1esa 5t0-9lOD Oi>en Sa:ndQ waaon. Only 16,000 one own-. A et' miles. VS, automa-dc, AU'Il:IORIZED DEALER Autos, Used 990 CADILLAC _..-ring _.. hnk· 2!IXl HARBOR BL., NOW IN PROGRESS We . Pay 1968 CADILLAC ?.::~~E'~~ ::~:~Zi~~ Top Dollar Convertible. FuJt power, ,,.. ti1u1. (2'6BQD> tact air, ru1 ..... P·wlf>-IN OUR 24,000 Stj). FT. SHOWROOM . ·-SAVE-.,..$AVE .$A VE $AVE $A VE A ~ NEW 1971 MOTO'R HOMES ~T · TREMENDOUS SAVINGS HURRY WHILE SELECTION IS GOOD TH.I INCOMPAIAILI VTI LINt:I 21 F09t hi 21 '"' Ut• U11•r 90•• •nywhe ... , e11y ti111• •f Y••r. It i1 m•11uf•etur•d in S•lt L•k• City •nd te1ted In th• 1nowy·p••k-fo. d•1•rf temp•r•lure1 end terr•in of Hie mountein Weit. THI FAIULOUS rACl·A••ow 1 l "•JO'..u" I 24' MIMW1 Meed frMI l6tt5 + TAI UC. n.. .. ._.It Wt "'°"'"•11 Men •• , ~ .,, ... ..., ,.....,,. .. •"' ,... .,..tM llM 9f .... fOCJt'lf 1•11 ................... I i Q • • * 7 YEAR BANK FINANCING * RENT BEFORE YOU BUY Lew, low '"'91 rtrtu 11•w J• .tt.ct. AM lllbeltt •wr $15 ,. ., ,,...,_, * WE ARE MOTOR HOME SPECIALIST WI DUL ONLY IN MOTOI HOMO! The p11rchcm 9f your MOtor ho"'9 fro• lih1ni11 hofce wlll refine Y•• of tk AFTll PUICHASI PIOILIMS yo• ce1kl ezperlHc• If Y•• p1rcl1111ecl frOM A DULll WHO SOLD MOTOR HOMES AS A SIDI LINI. * NEW '72 PACE ARROWS FROM $6995 + TAX & LIC. A new concept In the purchase & rental of leeding motor homes . , •••• * FREE INDOOR STORAGE With "Y 011r Pureh••• -Li111ited l ime Of(ar * RENT BACK PROGRAM MARVIN PEARCE . -MOTOR HOMES NIWPOIT .. UWA1' JUST IOUTH OP 7Ht: U.NTA ANA PIRWAY E' • ~~ I f . • Mel'ADDIN • > ! ~ I tOINGllt c 1411 SOUTH VILLAGE WAY IAllTA AllA, CAUl'OIN!A f27H A I ~7." ,,:!:;~ .. w'i:'1• ~~ NABERS CadlAac ..... , " "'a'" ract. t ~ stereo. High miles. (VZD300) AtmroRIZED t>EAU.lt deck. Ra!ly whJs. Blue $2222 2600 HARBOR BL. Prlee $295.5. l912BllL) For Oean Used Cars COSl'A MESA ' $:1699 U--oln· .. -rcury Nabers CadiDac SJ0.9100 . Open SUnday DAVE ROSS PONTIAC "~ ..,... !.:::~~-=,_,;:=.:::;;~~ 2481111art>cr Blvd, 11 Fair Dr.· Garden Clt'ove at ·--AUTHORIZED DEALER COBRA '70 .• •. •' '1'25 Costa M.,. 516-00J7 Garden Grove 636•2980 ~~ BL., Torino VS, "429 .. , Law mil.-! BEAUTiruL low ml. '66 Lo 540-9100 MESA SUnd P\vr, .teer, ~· bram, Mah. Sprint with radial AMERICAN "-,'-"65'=--.--=0penv_ .11 ay ~':· :--.:!'.°·~~.;y "::. tttta. s.crince at 1ow lh --------I e ·I e . tras. See !O appreciaoe. Book. •94-9642. * Ambassadar * 142SAKJ1 '68 LE MANS epe. Au ..... * GremRn * Coupe. Full !acoory power, NABERS CADILLAC tic, !act. air, tan<ll u roof. factory air condltlonlne, AUTHORIZED DEALER Blue Book Price 'J.E. * Homet * po•·er window•. CPBP983> 2600 HARBOR BL. c>.'WFCQll $995. d!r, CIJtt Waldrop COSTA MESA ' $13" * AMX * 540-Sl64. 511>-8100 Open &mday DAVE ROSS PONTIAC· * Javelin * '66 CAD 7 .,.,.. inlormal ~ FORD T·BlnL ""' pow. --Blvd. at Fair Dr. * Matador '* llmo. Pearl ...,.. "!"' cond. .,, flcl air. Blue Boolt -Ooota M-_, Front ~ rear air/cond., SJ• (UQG61)1) . '69 CATALINA b.t.. auto, LARGE SELECTION new tirel, shocks, brakes. $199 P/S. P/B air Ventur. 39,000 ml. Great lamUy car! DAVE ROSS PONTIAC !rtm, Xlnt ' conc1.' Ravo co. . $2,850. Call aft 4 pm. 2480 Harbor Blvd. at Fair Dr. car now. Best otter takes. Finest cif Guaranteed Used Cars "HOME OF CONVENIENT PAYMENTS" CALL FOR FREE CREDIT CHECK 645-1708. Costa Mesa Sf6.lm.7 Pri. pty. 645-2855. ·n CADILLAC El Dortdo. * '71 FORDS * ..,, FlREB!RD 450, Auta .. Y~\v/Gold. l..o·l owner GALAXIES e MUSTANGS air cond., custom bim. (3'T.J.. m1. F1 pwr., all extra!. TOr.JNOS CAO) Vtnyl _lop, 1 .. 011er lnl C..t HERTZ CORP $"99 · 110,200 Map '71/Now 17900• • ' DAVE ROSS PONTIAC 644-MSS. :m w. Katdla, AnaheJm ··-· __:,___ C714) 771-405G 'A?1UHarborBlvd.atFairDr. CADILLACS ---O>soa Mesa S46-801 ..... ..,, VANS, VANS . '63 PONTIAC soar Chle4 4 2100 Harbor m d. 645-0ai ~ ..... l'W~-,' dr, V.IJ, auto, p/s, p/b, fact ::=;_:,,::=.:;::....::c:.:v~.'-o:;:.;=1 ~ ~ air, radio. A real beauty. Service Dept. Open Monday '70 FLEE:IWOOD EI .Dorado ~ Harbor Blvd ~ $550/bst ofr 831·8966 7:30 a.m. 'till 9 p.m. fully equljl'd. XJnt care. 1966 ECONOL1NE. . ,65 LE MA. Harbor Am erican 641>·0261 196'1 HARBOR COSTA ME~A BUICK '61 RIVIERA Cran Sport. Vinyl top, strato seat&, full power, factory air, stereo, tilt wheel, chrome sport Wheels, etc. (789EAE) , $1999 . 23,000 mi. $5650. 675--7545 or . ":pervan:, NS Con':. P /S1 aft 6 6i:>-3?23 stick. 6 cyl. $695, 213: P/B, auto. 53,000 m1. $700. ' · 431-6535 days; 962-4035 alt 7 or offer. 833--1691. '67 EL DORADO, Loaded! pm. ,67 G'l'O H.T. Cpe. Vll'l)1 roof, Local car. Orig. owner. ~n« •n:-n G lul Ul~ * 644-0462 ' ~ sn.:,,.c.n. rey Mustang. 1 pwr., 1actory a.ir. very --,0..""'"-'-,,-=~-1 V-8, R&:H, 3 IC)d., stick low miles. BIUe Book Prlcre ~CHEVROLET ohllt.iantconc1.Ca11 a1oer s 11465. (2mm12540I!> pm., 6#-m;. $7" JEEPS DAVE .ROSS PONTIA~ r--------)4f«) Harbor Blvd. at Fair Dr. · , • ' 1967 INT'L. Seoul Sport top. C:O.Oa M.., -7 STATff!N WAGON IJS!lO-Sell ........ , Ph' '65 GRAND Prix, All 0 -~~ ~ 968-1611. • Ir: air, Xlnt cond, $55p. Meehan~ perfect inside MERCURY ** 847-4irM ** '&l 'CHID and oul ~ optloo to put' , PONTIAC SO.r Cb!el •59, Ha NABERS Cadill chase $19 Drive oi·t, $22.80 · evel')'thlnr real _...... --1 I ac per mo. (RV1<663) '" MERC. MARQUIS Lo mL $400 C&llh . s;s:;;i5&"" AUTHORIZED DEALER CONTINENTAL 4 Dr. H.T .. "inyl l?P, M l ,69 . PONTlAC Grand Prlx. 2600 HARBOR BL.. . ~er, factory air, Ult Full . M -• CDsrA MESA MOTORS Wheel. .. ry . low, mile... . po,,.r, aor, A /,m, 540-9100 Open Sunday locil·t owner car •• (ZL.1283) Cnuse con'trol, '3100. ~ '70 Buick Riviera NAIERS Cadllac '68 CATAUf'!A 4 dr. P1s. Gold S.auty thals loaded In-847°3842 Atml\'.lRIZED DEALER P/B, air cond,.very clan. eluding air lo .,.,,_ !noer. * '7l CHEVY's * llm HARBOR BL., ll~. 673-<mll lor. 027AFX IMPALAS'• OIEVELL!:S ·COSTA MESA RAMBLER $3695 CAMAJ!O'S 540-9l!ll Open SUndayl ------...: Macffoward HERTZ CORP. s-::~.=~c.~s ' 839-9600 .,. 531.(l6(1! 221 ~-.~~ AllalMJm HERTZ CORP. Corner 1'! & Harbor 'll9 EL CA>llNO CU.tom. Full 2Zl W. Ka!ella. Anah<lm Santa Ana "°""" la~ air, acel· (714) 17M05I '71 Electra 225 Ud. 4-<lr hd Jeno oonlllion. (411111J5C) '89 MERC. M"oJ<Jllll 4 dr. ll.T. 2 Dr Hardtop, I eyJ, Aolo Trana. lmma<:Olate, Rat option to puf'Chae SST Drive oa4 l12.IO oer NO, (PPHlJl) ClllllbTAL l1TOIS mp, dark green, .,...,, vinyl DAVI 1tOSS PONTIAC F,Ull _,, fa(t.,air. CYOH top, green Int, ultlmaOey :MIO,_ Blfd. It hit Dr. $16) - -Ji<ico·l2!ifl0. equipped, 9000 ml. I.lated Coota --7 $1799 , . 17BOO, "crllice $5000 firm. •sc tiiivfu:E , 1 Dr. DAVE ROSS PONTIAC Pvt. pty, 494-4892. . Wqon, q1ne m!llUI head. ll!O Hai1Jor llhd. ~t hlr Dr. 1963 BUICK R;v.rla lull S!al!dard Tnnm!llllon. 4 Coa!a M... 5l6-8017 147•3142 po•~r. xlnt m<O:h. cone!. -wlclt ...i~ 1175. ~. '67 MONTCLAIR 1--~~:.:..:=---1 Sharp! $000. 675-4 081 ; 54$.lDll. llloorlf.T. Dlr.,V,rq,., Air T·llRD 67!1;4Cll1. * li'JO OIEVY, P/S, dtoc Qlod • .Qr(FM, Looded. Ll• 1967 BUICK L<Sabre. 4 Ill-........ air LOADED ! ftt old banken car. (VOS. HT. Excellen1 condt"°I'. !16144<!. Rich, m.rui. ut Ol9l CIJJ -alt 10 1969 TaD Must sell! SCS-S485. ~. -..it. , 19!lll Electra, air, p .. " •• CAPl!.!CE, • Dr. Hnltp, MUST ANCJ Fully ... IJIPOI[, lco.ry •. AM/FM -· excel cond. _., air. XJnt COl!d. Ori(. t 'rifll'I ~ ... -. low $695. 147-4125. ....,.., $100. ~'lll8. l9ll6 M_.., V .... • ...... d .. 1,m!!!!!!llfleqelll! ....... ·.Cal·*'·31fl··I '65 llUJCl< Le Sob,. b~ II"!' A 'e SS !n\pall, nm ., -· pl~ ,,.,.i top, -...i._I! air, Id -Pvt ...., $19!i. Priced under --..,. --ISlll .. ol· rut .-.. -,.. • .-644-6794. • 54S-.!115 • /er. -. csJJ ,.., • l4WflS -· ' t .t ·1 f I · 1 t I I • • ' -· ~an t.:tem"nie Capis~ano yoi:. 65, ~o. 15, 3 ,SECTIONS, 3<1 PAGES I , Teday'•·FIM•' N.Y. Steeb ORAN&E COUNTY, CAUFORl41A JUESDAY, JANUARY 18, 1972 .T~ CENTS • U.S. Smashes Huge International Drug Ring SOUlhern states. • WASHINGToN (AP) -Federal of. ficlala announced loday the oeizure ol one million amP11etamine pllb worth about ,u million w!Uch they aald ...,. ... ported lo Menco by a major American <lruJ manufacturer, then imuuled Into The Invesllgatloo. •called "Opefati"'1 'Blactjaci<," lasted 10 lllOl!ths and ended in the arrest Of 811 """""''• !he BNDD . I r--·- onlend to demonstrate why !ta licenae to Over the last II mooths, BNDD agent.s export, amphetamlneo should not be Jald, the flnn shipped !our.flitti.. ol a ton revoked: of amphetamines to Mexico, moet of BNDD •l"nta described Straaenburg u which they assume was returned to illicit cessing plants whe re they were en- caPsulated Into pills known on the black marbts as "black beauties," "black mollies," "black widows." hnd "R.J.S.s" Most of the seized amphetamines were packaged by Pennwalt Corp. 's affiliate Laboratories Strasenburg De Mexico under the trade name Bifetamina. , said. the largeat. alngle nporter ol om-drug channels in the Unlled states. the United ·Stateo lllegally. • '!lie lkria• ol Nlloollcs an.! banir.,... Drup uJd the crackdowr.cut Ml'ihO ,major ~ of pop pW. u • Andrew Tartagllao, ·BNDD'• deputy director ftX' 'Operatloiil, said an boilr before aw~ 'neWs Can!.....,. the StraaenbUi'g·' pr~ pro du c I a dlyialon flf.' tile ~~t Corp. waa •• phetam1nu and'the oeccad ·l•rpsl pro-Here's bow the operation worked. ac- dllcer In the Unlled Slala. cording to the bllrMu: A·deelllon•wbelhertoll;Olt"1'1mlnal Built am~ ,..,e shipped to acti<Jn oPinlt Slr-1lw'g ofl!c!al• ta ·Mexico City where · "-kan and Mu· popdbc. TlrlllUno Aid. • caiulruc ·trattlcken. toot them to. pro- • Then the pills were shipped to five pbon,y drug slores along the Mexico-Tex· aa border. From tbere, lhey were carried ·e1zes US·Sian Auto Repatr Case · Capistrano ·.Man Let Off in Fraud By TOM BARLEY ·Of .. O.WP .. 119ff A San Juan Capistrano man was one of two defe~nls cleared of •fraud charges today u tine. lawyers opened their def .... of tbe 'maalnlng .... members accuaed ol'iirvolvement lli an alle(ed auto repair ractet. . · , ' · . . ·~ 'Oo!ml7> &rperlar Court .Judge '1-~ -Ralph-Carney, 29; of -Calle Ila ...._ .... JI. c. w-; "$;.:u Allarfroni the ~.~ . -.. :'1-~ Nixon .. Kin '' V mvs: .to End Loan 'Smear' '' ' By L. PBll!R K1lll!Q . OI .. ~·""· lt9H . F. Donald Nlson of •Newport Beach vowed uill momb~p tbal ·Ill the future be11 ct..r up, <once and Car all, what be bas called the 'smear •1ns1 bllii and bis ' ' brother •. President .NIJ!>n.. He wooldn't uy hrw1 at·1•hen', llllt asserted, '"nlere will be a day ol reckon- InB and It w0n't hurl me or my biolber." He aboolulely refused to comment any more on the revlv~ controversy iur- ~nding a loan he received almost 15 y~arsago !rhm lioward \IU(bes. "'l'Kat loan has been repaid.'' be repeated, "Ibero Is a piece of properly in Wbltller under the name ol Hughes Tool Compsny that Is worth $300,000·today." Nixon refused to say anything abool t!i• clamor raised by· authoi' Cil!lord Jtvin(. In bis. biogripby o!·Hugbes, trving saya the recluse billionaire allegecily ,substan- tiates a claim made by Ille late Drew Pearaon that Hughes got poliUcal Javors Instead ol repayment !or the note. "I have abeolutely nothing more to say to you pma guys because yo11'll ·quote me " Nlxoo lnsiated. u11ve got to get off thb phooe I'm tying up a bunch of In- coming calt:S." Nil<on was reached In Washington, D.C. where as the vice president of the Mar· riot! HOlel Corporation, be ii attending a convention ol bole! esacutlvtl< Marriott ii Iha hllol c:llaln ~ p1ina to ~~:tbacr,::r~~ • Motorist lleld . On Drug Charge- • • A~ Baodl _ _..... ar ""' iaid by OOlf!ar1lla I t 1llwa7 trobn<n to -..... --allla I: the otber of lilt 11111 llllf,.,..., Ill took over from prosecutor Richard sten- ton. ' ' Both mea are ciesred of charges that Ibey were Involved in· an aa&erted repair ractet in whiCh mofurists' tires :were · dollberalely punctured, car boees' alasb- . ed,,ra41atar_c:aps 'and ,IOals -.. ud --~ wortcanledwt. " i:allll ....... ... 111 tlJf pro. ( ' ...,.t1011 u ... or Jhl:ee ~!psis In an -,r., .... atliiD ~ ",.UegedlJ baCiflk\d ~I .. -tlallolit tit ~ c.imll' ... • three In -Berhardlno opened. the j ' .. 1 '1 'l • . ~ •. '.\ 1'i ,. 'I : . ., ..• ·• ·~· .• ' , delenoepbueortheJi"Ytr1a1byde»yln( Vhlll1a8tsse Nears Cempleti• , ::._ ~ :=..~ =~ ·o~~; of 'U:e p~Jecis d~~.11 ~ th~ heirl ·of · sin'. · · rlyle b;.iiding . will include tiles salvaged from the · . • , · Clemente , residents, ·the ' ~.ooo ' replacement of orlgbJ,t\ struc)ure. Dedication of the .clubhouse Is . ~;tr:Dlnls' 34. ol,_lllilll San Pa~ "· ·jts.llis!Oric ccim'ml'l'lt}I clubhoiise, nelrs completion. •scheduled· Feb. 27. It Will iheiude a cohc.ert·by Sad· Cb:ole told, e that . he aJ1!I Jerry .' ·The "<lid clubholl'O . thal date<!; to san· Clemente's dleboclt 'Community Coll~ge ·musicians. · • ~f""8!1· I 189 Sonora· Road! Coeta begfji,nin~ W~ ravaged by· fire._ Tbe~new '.~; • • • Mesa, were . s in an operation that · ~ -. , · , -- ptll lilt ·ol .--'under lheir "· ' • . " ' ' ' : ; ". pmonaI .7:'; · the0a:u.i of~:i~~ ~ · S. 'to.·· ·4tfll. ,t; , , ,.~· ~ ·:hl$_.' ·P. "·~~cy. : :,· Coql}cil w . Eye ~ •Sbell 'llarbour Drive,, HUDIIl1flton • N F' • -. i llo(er Mendenhall, • • ., · • · · • • ' ,, . ., , • ... • ·; .ew ..... o'ffitrj,,.1tiJy ·~:v:;~~~ · .9.~ay~. bY:~:~~ '[~s:~~~~ · ~.z.~~~o~~ .. ·~ .. ~. ~:·.:· thatau~tiresandpartsforaaervlce : _ · ... : ~· ,,,ff:_,,, • •· • . , ""°" '· •· ..._ ~"'·J.t:: Nllon ctlifn ranging Crom Seal Peach .to i A •new • 1...,; .G:..,.,;;. >a!udt.i -'-lits : 1iiilitO<i10:tlle·ii!e'of'.bUnet1n.~. the J.\OUl'1ma,., mailers .,..,...., me ,..,. San Cl te po c•1 • ...,.....,.,. ''" , community clulibouoe 1 and rejaied• 1111-emen . aiid' ~ill~OJ ...... lllliqiRW111y, 'dmrtbulion oi prLited malerlals ... ,p.11 .• provementi. will ' eome .up j..-San Davia ~enled prosecution alleptloas l\nd quietly,Ondoned ~ hl"b:ullees· . · d the · ·or··"•-· ....... · ctem ,_ · · · ' that he and bis employes systematically or :the Capistn/no VnlfiOd School t>Wr!Ct. , hons an ~ '.""'-~• ....... . !"'". ~ti Council · scrutiny •Wed- defrauded motorists by damaging auto T11e'po11cy 01..._ student5:the right 'to · armbuldl or other Ins)gnia. , · · nesday -one.of them is setting·of rental equipment and soliciting needless repsir exercise free ~00 iriclllding but Jfot superintendent · '1'1innan Btneifict ex-rates' for the new. building. . work. . _,_ .A.. , • ~ plained that the new policy conforms to' a , . City Manager Ken Carr Will discuss th~ i='iJ!=:u~C:l )...( N )...(• neW state law recently passed ·whlcb rt..1 these matters, with councilmen: '. ed u a school to instruct employes on T Ok qjllres governing .boards to define student , , -The rental rates which .00.. sllght bow best to infilcl' damage that allegedly rnstees ay rights. • ,Ji1cr.eases Jn an categories. The lchedu\e cost Orange County motorists many , "Tbe law siltes that the· local ad· varies • from room to room· In the thousands ol doliara. . • N R u) • miiJl,slnlloa ~d , ~elop nil,,. and clubbouoe. . . Divis admltted that he COlll!anUy uig. ' ~w eg ati. ODS regut1Uca ln'coojunctlori with stUllenls," -Acceptance of blds .lor a new paik· ed1ui employes to g._.ta salel al the laid Benedltt. ' . . . : ing lot to serve the ciubboule. ~ lot will staUom under bis conl..il but that those The fact ·that · Saddleback College 110 The IUjlOr!ntendenl po)Dted out that the : be Installed on the clubhouse tefuli• sales were made in cases where the longer bas a dress code almolt sllpped by S.O Clemente' Higb Scl""1!. stU~~ body , cOurts and provide '11'"' !or IO cars, motorists genuinely needed new tires or ol!ldals. a!ieadf bad been -.lied and -Disaluloa ol relocation of the Cour\s 10placernent of ·par1s. trustees .Monday night. approved the poHcy. . • ' • . "which wit!' Ile ·psved !or paridng. eou .. Davis alao concedid that wherever "Trustees ,..,. ~ to ·approve new · ''1)11. pol~ broadepl ' ~·rights : cllmeiiJeiitOllTefy &ove·meritlonod Bonlta P.OSSible employes were urged to ~!iCJDspertainingtostllleotbebavlor , andslveo1bmp\more!~1Ues0,.. · canY.n' P'art' as a' loca!loa for more persuade motorists to allow them to hoist on .~1 wJtb,~ ·~ de\,lling lllU-• they'{e blld bi ~put, "8ld llenedlct. courts, Werkfn«· drawings tor ..., clfy tbetr can In the lubi bl)' !or es· deril ~processes:."· : • Tlie pollcy'Ilnliii the time and manner ' tid\).ba - aminatlon. "I f.Otlc:e we've dropped the dress of dlstriWllC\n' ol 'materials 1llld:,llrlcily · eo,uts ~· v.e been cfra/led· " ' But that practice, Dsvia told Sllikke; is code •• oboerved tnlstee Mlcbael Collins problbils material or dilplaya that are -Dl..,,,.slon ol regutatloa1 covering common to all service ststions, and DI "But then, I guess that'• just a detail ." ' obsC<ne, 'libelous, Incite studenls to a the \lie of the new Wilding .. csnled out In the best inletest.s ol lhe He ,was ~!!I that 11\1! dress· code clear and pthent danger of'Immlnent Carr's suggestions for ·rental rates at motorist who may find from a mort portion ol the regulalionl was removed cornmlssloa ol'unlawlul act.s or vlolaUon the 'clubhouse wtte, drafted alter a careful examination that bis CM needs June 13 by tnJJ!ees -ending a two-year of school regulations, and which expreas (See COUNCIL, Pap I) vital repair work. controversy at the school. racial, ethnJc or religious Pf!fudice, Oeniente Nabs . ' ' Chicago Suspect iii Water Supply Plot ~ca:On:::~·or=~ ' • dllllfl. -arrested eorly ldday .. aller • By OBNE llUJDEAU • ' would. '~ diluted b)l 1-p ID10UDll of ' bond al .-0.000 each afier being told pstrolmen made I -' -Of a • ••• c::.._ _ 1.spk:ioul vthk:le '"1 I city m.i. CJllCAGO (UPI) -Two roulhl In-water, broken up by .......,. or stopped • Ibey ,.. an ... -. danger to the Randolph cmc ~. 11. wu .,.. -111 a drum to tllablllll "1 new before theJ -..t;lba ~ suppty. COIMllOlly.' ' • rated outside an apartlhlal Ile sbartd -race" were cbar,..t with con-~ ll!dlard J. Dalercalled. a ,,.... Kanraban'F 'o!llCe uld, "Memben of with two Marinet at IOI B. Colle Vlctorlo. ljl!racJ to oommil munle!' In coonectlon con!-to ..an Ille publlc tbt water • JUlll ... lllligedb' to be iJloclllaled and A record check lbowed Nellon Is Two Chicago You~~s Charged . ,,. , . t11e 1mn. aiu -• ~· "ilolted 11 \todtf held Ill arm. .laII .. ' ehal'jll ol drlvln( tmdit of with' lllot lo'poi&Qa atllllo~ w1ter..,,. '. 1Upfly 'wll Mia. . • • • tmnlWllzed, Ollabllng them to survl .. the wanted by Cook County, Ill., authorities l>IY. CoolL CoimtJ • l(ale'1 • AltOrneY' • ''WbateMr ..,. olltlu1d 'liave been pofoonllJf and dtleases and to Conn the 01t a-'6,000 warrant cbarglal ~· drop.• Orlllfll C4Unly lhril'=• bandl· eel the booklnl ol I-. llcOlnt)'. 17, of Ji7a Vllll D11 .,.. ..:: all' of· !leers reported that ., I eel drop wore Involftd ID tM irtillk: llllllllllL CllP olllcera aid lhlJ h .,.ited McGlnlJ'•......, llrlllc dmlol ID Ille IOUlllbound Iaie cl lilt S. Dlllo ...... "~ aear tbe JellloiJ Ima GIL , l:ihrard V. llanraban aid today. tabll haft bell> tUm. • ~-blsil ol a -1Ulter race. or heroin for sale. ' Oneoltbeamo!ed,..0.-111 Amlia!•a!JoQI mW!lcbl,.. AU.. "Water!Utrattonplanta•lnthe·Mldw..t Two other men detained In the 2:11 .-arch worker "to pin additional Scbwllliler, It, .,,.,...., ...... J>era, I allegedly to be ln!ected with t)'J)boid .. ,..,. bllsl ftl'e re-to mtllt.,, -ledl• In bloloo" and bad been 18, 111-Et~ ..... _r; and deadly baclerla.'' a\Jtborllies for Investlplloa lnlo char.--~ CDllwu "that nre not a part or TbeJ were dllrfSd 1' 1 ;u. In TIJo llatement uld police aelJed or pOoaesoloa ol balbisl1 •me k I n 1 the wrch Jl'Ole<I," a CIJicaCo hocpital an Ol'JIDh1(Ion c:allod ''IUSI" to ,.... ''poa!My dancerous 111bl-" wlien parapbtnalla.-. uld. "waler .ippflea In 1IIlllli a ... ~= ~ and Pwa ·at The arrest loolt place lo lru1I o1 the to=~=,::.'::.;«;:''=! ~~·~"' W.. lld_.,., '. iaall ·._··~ i:J:..:'\tr' _,:::. ~1=~~ c11y i.~·to .wan ... -lid -they said -po1-Court Judp J1*rt J, Wt, •• 1$ (laa WATD, .... I) trail!lloa to 11linolll !or proaeculion there. • ' 'j .f . by tractor-trailer concealed a m o n c le8:itimate merchandise or carried aboard light planes which landed in remote mountainous areas along the border. Distribution then f0l10wed to illiclt markets in New ?..1ei:ico, T ~ x a 1·, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Alabama, Ten- nessee, Georgia, Kentucky, Florida, Colorado. Mbaiaippl and Arkansas, the bureau said. • I Sea Chas~ Nearly Ends In Gunfire ' By STEVE WEINER JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) -A U.S. Coast Guard Icebreaker was authorized to flr'9 .across the bow of a Soviet flshJng ve.ue1 It s'1zed alter the.ship broke away today with a party of Americans abOard, but the ship was recaptured with no shots fired. A Coast G...i ~.II tlle1!7lb Distr!Ct beailquarten llal4 illi lellriakar . Sloris "came allOul •·clme •,...can 'a.t" to • wlllllai ilat at Ille ' ........ '1: lhiqh tlle lcedlabd .... .... ' The ·Lainal· .......... """"Mimc v~ that bad -MIMcl II Ille ..,.. time as the Lamul and Ille Illmrls regrouped later.-, and ... hqdlnc for a naval atatlon. Lt. Cnxlr. EmManuel Schnelder, district intelll1ence ·and operations ol· ficer, said that dbougb U. storis receiv· ed permission from Coast Guard head- quarters In Wuldngton, to fire a shot, II outmaneuvered the Lamul In Jce.cloqed waters, boilrlJ the RUJSlan flagship to a standlllll. · · • . The 362-loot Lamu~ and the fll.loot Item trawle;r Kolyvan were seized 'without incident late Mo~y on cbarses . of•conductlng llleial fishery 111pport ac- 'tlvtty within the •U:S. Uomlle COllUl\IDus :wne. . Coast.Guard opobamen uJd the stor1s, on routine polrol, dlooo•• 14 lllo two • 111>1po m mn.·q11111. --.,.fllud ·about 211 mlla -U.1. - The two -.....,. lloorcled II)' Ille Coast Guard wbl1e Ibey were lllOCll'<ld together !or nnloadlllfl. ' The Storia then ordered both Soviet veaoels to -for Adak IJland, a naval ststion !tlO milal -In the Aleullmm. The Coast Guan! said, the joamoy bore- ly bad be("n when both Soolet ._la stopped, saying Ibey would go no further. Movement mwned alter f\lrther llO(otla- tlons. But Ifie Lamut, carryfng Deel com. mander vtodlmir Arlemov, lllddenly broke away. For the 11111 lour hours, the Storla ,,_ the Lamut, recolvlng pe~ during the pVlod to ftre11'neceasary. "At the end, the storls iept crouing his bow, lorclntl him •to· c:lla111e coane ' (See CRAB, l'lp•I) ....... ' w ...... 1'l)e IUD Will pat lbroagb U- low clouda by mJd.inarning Wed- nesday, bril1flfllr aUfllllly w""""' tempentur. ol M IO • alonl tllo Oranc• Cout. I.owl lonlgbl In Ille 40'•· INSmS TODAY Famed clnfgofr Mr. Billclc- . W<U, tnt.mallOMilv lmo1on for his 1111l11'41 10 100!11 druftd ilsl which hf J>1111Ctl<alt1 vilth .,..,. Uc """"'"'• tells IAgllna had• women t011Ct 'fdihlon comtl Jrom and whcr• it'1 ool1ao. See Page 11. \. M • ..,. , -' ,_,., , --., Cllulrlflll ---_,., " .. __ • .... .-u --.. -~-• -.... , M :ltt* ,_. • ':..c' ... "'" ··--• ;...... ; ...... .. .. lie!' ... ..,., • -. .......... .. ---.. .._.. u --.. I • I I I I • 2 DAil Y PILOT SC . :see~1.-ity ·napped - i Prof uvelS 'l;l_last ~ SadJ,leback • .,11-, l\llbl'• Slldcllebaci CommuillY· College meetllll eodod In • color. lul eruption of •Jrbal !Jroworks between coUop auper!"teodeo~ P'rtd JI. Bremer and a UC Irvine professor. Dr. George Kent, ol UCl's oomP""'llvt cultun deplrtmmt, 1ppeared be- ' fort the board during oral communications. For openers. he asked why the col· •* Jqe "areets Its visitors with a sign telling them what they ean't do on campu.s. It seems to me you should have a sign wtlcom.ing people to the campus." Kent charged that during a recent vtstt to the campu.3 he was "obviously and consciously shadowed by armed security guards on the campus." Bremer said he seri.t the guard to follow Kent and asked, "Can you show me a collqe ~t armed security men. Even UCI has them. It was on the nezt two points that Bremer became agitated. Kent charg. ed that Brem.er didn't believe Jn the democratic process and that be was only interested Iii pleoslng the board. • , 4 "That's a lie, Kent, .. Bremer fumed. "l'm Ured of this. I don I know why • the board listens to thi! drivel." Kent said he had a tape recording t<Lback up his claims. ~ Trustees Ham Vogel met tbat siooe -peracaaliUes were becoming hr .cf • volved in the exchange Kent remarks should be taken up in executive session. 1 M K~t and Brqner conlinued to ex.change verbal darf:s. trustees Michael Collins succeeded in paslng a motion to adjourn to executive ~sslon to con-- tinue the ciisc:uMlon with Kent. The professor -who was carrymg a camera -!di th• campua at th.at point. Saddlehack. Trustees Rap 'Forced Counseling' Class A "forced counseling" class at Sad· dJeblct Community-O>llege drew some criticism from trustees Monday night, with the administration directed to look Damp Fog Hits ·orange Coast; ~Air1'°rts Closed int9 alternative methods o f ac- complishing the same thing. Trustees John Lund of Laguna Beach and Michael Collins or Mission Viejo questioned the number of sections of the class offered during the winter quarter. Dr.-Fred H. Bremer, superintendent and president, said that 19 sections were offered because the course is a school re-- quiremenl "We need a number of sec-- lions so th.al student.9 can lit ii into their schedules. "The class is required because we need some way of counseling studenta. lt's forced counseling, but that's the only way • &unrnery weather that soothed the we can get them in," Bremer added. ,:0ranae Cooil ilver. the weekend is ap-He added that topics ol the class In· . pareDtly ,over, after a blanket of damp eluded academic success, vocational fog flopped · down Monday, closing guidance and assistance In college course airports and slowing freeway commuters. planning. Counselors at the college serve- :r 1 Normally weekend · cynics say, the as instructors. 1'i.weatber prOgram callt for suMy skies on "It sounds like a bull session to me," ,:'"Weekdays and overcist Saturdays and commeoted Lund. " SUndays. ' Collios said the college should require ContlnulnC overcast skies wtth hazy sun "a hall an hour per quorter counseling •In the --.,. and llltle temperature for each student. It sounds like this ~ diance is' predicted through Wednesday Psych 40 class is a joke with them." , fGr moet of the aroa. "There's that old cliche -the studenr.. .< A'sUrvey of blgb temperatures showed get out of II what they put In," Bremer • paJm Sprlllp the hottest spot in America uid. "This course is one way for the iL~ 1t 71 clegres, while cold, dismal students to meet counselors. I don't think .,.lot! prevailed lea~ 2llO mU., ,•way. !here's-any other way to do it. 'J, Nq,~ oa:ldenll· -JI~ ~ in Trustee Hans. v.,.1, returning to ·the ~~'11lziii1V~lley ri, but discuJllon ol tiM! number of ~-of. "41•1til'D WWWUtlae ~kz""" IJ 'Teesbrdd-aa _ houn late for 1ehool due to travd,con-. lmµm. of ~ ~enjs -no1 12 or 13 as .. ., .. ....., ' , • · -..di'oos ·have ~ · ~~ '. .f Some s ooO inore were given 1 fc;it boll· • Bremer · aaid tettiag a m1ximum of 30 , day u .hie mist cloa,ked ~ and students . might . encoura~e . other in· bigbwa'ys while CHP cars escorted structors to request such lun1ts. carlTIDI' of motorists on U.S. 99 for a Board president Alyn Brannon, noting time Monday morning. th~ bo¥<f's concern over the .structure of · ·· the class, instructed Bremer to e1amlne From Pflfle I WATER ••• public water had been lnlecled. A spokesman at Rush-Presbytei'larrS;L Luke's Medical Center saJd Pera volunteered to work on a research prq. ject for no pay "to gain additional knowledge In biology. "Recently, it was learned he had at- tempted to obtain unauthorized chemicals undtt f1lse pretenses. He rerused to ex- plain the circumstances and in early January a certified letter was sent to him 1tatlng he wu no longer allowed in medical center premises. "At the same time, it became evident that he had been growing cultures in the laboratory that were not a part of the research activities. These cultures were then destroyed." Tbe hospital did not ssy what lhe pro- ject or cultures were. OUNel CO.UI DAILY PILOT tilWIOll mu? PUILllHM fRll#Nt't •• ,,.... N. w ... ---JH\: R. c.t.., * .......... __ .,_. llt••• K""' l!Cllot Thi1111t A. MllirJl•tu _ ...... Cli11lt1 H. loot Rlch1!'d P. N1Q AIW.16at Mlflll'w Editors . ''""'""--222 For11t AH1111• t11Uiat ffdrtu: r.o. lo• 161, t261l. s. c1--. Office IOI tltc1i IJ Cuiloe k11~ t1672 .,,...~ e.flll ...... -..... , • ., ..,,.. ........ t-dll = ,...., ~ .... ......... --= 1JVJ 11'41 ........... altmiative way> 'of getting 1tudent.9 in for counaeling. Bremer said he would comply. From Pflfle I COUNCIL ... . .. meeµrt with delegates .from all of lhe l<ql groups . which woutd use the new ~eeUng place. The rates, he has told councilmen, are compatible with.. the groups' wishes. The rates include $15 for the front sec- . tion of the auditorium, $15 for the back ·section, $10 for the basement room, $10 for the crafts room, $10 for the stage, f5 , for the tower meeting ' l'OOm~ •t4 fof tJ1e founder's room, $13 for the art gaUery and $5 for the kitchen. · Mcist of the rates reflect a 5'kent to $1.50 increase over old rates, depending on the size of the room being rented. Carr recommends that the new rates be tried . for six months then reviewed again by the city council. Other items before the council Wed· nesday include: -Resurrection of council dJscusslon on a request by Riviera District residents for the -installation of controversial traffic bumps-oii Some roadways as a deterrent to speeders. Police officials ore against the bumps and term them a trolflc hazard. ' -·Cbn.Sideration of the draft of a lease for award to a firm to operate 1 new con- . cession stand ft North)Beach: -.:--Review of a federaJly.1ubstdlzed traffic slgnal plaa for the lntusection of . .El· Camino Real and Portal. The signal will be partially funded through a grant hy the lederal TOPICS traffic safety pro- aram. -;-IntrOduCtion of 1 city ordinance or- licially entering San Csnente lnlo the state's Public Employes' Retirement System after a majority of yes votes from San Clemente's public safety personnel. The pension proposal was one agreed to by city negotiators during last year's bargaining season. · -Assigning 1 fonnal salary range for the newly created poslUon of Director of Public Safety. Police Chief Clllford Mur- ray has assumed the post which estahllsbes all public 11lely departments under one management bead. Diving Gear Stolen Ul'IT ....... Funny RofJOt Happy Harry, an electrically controlled robot clown, was demonstral· ed at the Capitol Monday. as a possible vole getter. He can roll his eyes, move his head, wave his arms, and wal kand talk by remote con· lrol. Harry can be programmed up lo three hours with tape-recorded material. Here, Harry nuzzles up lo a Capitol Hill secretary. • . Chie~ Aide to Hughes ... Asks Probe of Checks ~ YOR\{ (AP) -,The New York i>l\b~l~more ,thall.a,~"; , Tim., re rted todai)' thlt an aide to IrVlng, I.ho. said be ~llaboi'aW w)th lfowa ask I Internal Hugheo to' oomplle the book to men than .Revtnl». lltrvlce lo lnvestigale' two 'I00 1lj<illfl ol ~ ~1 ·ln several 'checks Hugh., allegedly ...,;ehled for his 1 IllcaUoD1 '·1n lb• Westetn 1lieinbp!>ire, part in a controversi~ biography for "tax said Jn a television int~i~ over the fraud." weekend that Hugbea: .identified Clark The Times said that Chester C. Davis, Clifford as the man who asked him for chief counsel of the l:fughes Tool Co ., in,..a . the lo~n for Nixon's brother. Jetter to the IRS declared that "Hughes CIUtord, onetime adviser to · former did not receive and had no intention of President Harry .s. Truman apd later defense secretary 1n Lyndon B. Johnson's administration, denied any connection with the loa111, although he ackno'Wledie~ that hi s firm represented the Hughes Tool Co. paying taxes on" the $650,000 that McGraw-Hill says it paid to Hughes. Davis wrote that he considered it "ap. parent that criminal cood1JCt, inc~uding tax fraud, ha,., been committed in this case because McGraw-Hill did · pay Ute money to someone," according to the Times. . . The IRS,b.ad no comment ·on the letter,· which the 1 Times, said it learned of through sources. · · McGraw-Hill announced Dec. 7 It would publish Hughes' "autobiography"' based on interviews writer Clifford Irving said he held with the reclusive Hughes. In a subsequent ·Jong-distance telephoiie news conference, a voice identified as that of ijughes denied knowing Irving and denou~d the book. as a hoa1. Irving counterclaimed that the voice was not Hughes' and McGraw-Hill pro- duced two checks it said were made in payment to Hughes for the material and whicb were endorsed "H. R, Hughes." The Hughes publishing derby gained another entry with the announcement Monday by True Magazine that it will publish a story by Noah Dletricll about his 3Z Jt8l'S as Hughes' top aide. It will appear in the April issue which goes on sale March 9. · • Irvinfc said that what Hughe! got in ··=. .;:d ~~lo!hu:a~:e::~beddoe~ ~~ call Hughes a "fixer," it pictures him as a man "·who· makes very cartful ar· rangemeots to see. that he gets what he wanll." , ,Tllne magazine said that in the book Dietrich .i.!I writing about Hu~es, he states tha~ after Hughes approved the Joari, Diet.r.:lch went to see Ni.Jon and warned him that il the Joan "becomes public information, it could mean the end of your political career -ud,I don't bell<ve II can be kept quiet." According to Diefrich, Nixon replied : "I have to put my relatives ahead of my career," Time said. What's • . . ' ' Viel• Are. -j .... • .,J ~ Seniors'., Tltact-• • • • • • Plaris tTnvei1ea . -~ ~ ~ Plans r~r a se•lor-clllun housing ' trlct'm~·w0wd bellied' \Oday with "the 'develOpment that may involve 1,000 acres oranae eowlty Planning !)epartment for ~ere revea1ed Monday by the Mission the first unlt of. the •iovei:--50" cocnpltx. Viejo Company. Blwn 1sked the •board to 100•1ider Addresilllg · !be Capistrano Unified releasing the oompany from a re- Scbool Distrtc~ .:;:_d of Trustees, Tom qllirement'. to provide as 'lnlnY u five · . 1'I .. . . ~ schools which would have served the area Blum. a <:0mpalllJtepr1sentat1ve, 111d a if it had been developed for a younger J clientele .. B ' J M k He told th~ board the development, . oar a es ~ which will be buill in stages depending on marketing, would ban children. • • ·Majof~hartge · 1 n · Sali.iries T 'l . I ' ,., ~ • ; ., ' j, .r Sweeping , change1 in the salary schedules 1or nonteachlng employes were made by trustees ·of the Capistrano 'llnllied , School IJls!rlct Monday - changes that wlll acid about $35,000 to employ! paychecks ttilil year. The board unanl8"'1Sly adopted the classification survey, $Chematic aod salary proposals for classified employes recommended last June by t h e Cooperative Personnel Services of the state Personnel Board. The survey was made· at the district's · request to determine if its employes are being paid on a scale comparable to other Orange County school districts and to the same positons in private industry. Some groups were fbund to be un- derpaid while others -the largest being the bus drivers -were found to be overpaid. Boord president Boh · Hurst slmsed that no one will be fetting a smaller paycheck as a re.suit o the board action. Those who are being "overpaid" will re- main on their present salary step until through time the oalary schedule "catches up" to where they are. If the recommendations had been adopted last July 1 the district would have expended $50,000 more this year for classified salaries. Because the measure was just passed and is retroactive only to Nov. 1 the amount is less. Tbe new sai.ty schedule also Includes a five percent, a>lt-of·living iocrease which wss built into the schedule as presented last June . Bob Knapp, director . of personnel services, said lunda for the increase will be taken from Iha cllstrlcl'1 reserve. . . : Frot1t PH~ .J CHASE '. '." ~ " and slowing him down," Schneider said. ';They were in Ice, and the storia has an advantage because It's an lcebreaker. "Finally,11 be said, "the Storts ordered him to stop or be would be forced to talte action; wb~ he warned ~ was ready to fire, it was about as clolle as you can Tbei board ~ided to wait until each tra~t map ffi~· with the couqty is sent to the board. for "&pprovaJ.. before it decides how ~many Sfhool sites the company · mlghl not have to provi~e. Speclflcally; Blum asked the boerd to write a 1.etter to tbe Oraiige-County Plan- ning Commls!lon stating"lt hu reviewed ' the plans,. approves of · thenf, · at1d is releasing the Company lrom a promise to provide sc~sites because or the nature or the dev.topme11t. ' · ' The development which reportedlY will open models in June. will be located east of Marguer:lte Parkway, that roughly parallels the San Diego freeway. Access to it will be from 1500-foot extension o( Marguerite past the Marguerite Recrea· tion Center. It would be southeast of the center. One elementary School and one in- termediate scllXlj was originally planned for the first stage of the development before it was geared for the senior citizen. Marty Ru1so, another OOIDJ"'DY olllclal, added that if the program ts successful the need for a total of four elementary schools and one intermediate school could be eliminated over a mulmum of eight :years. Cliff Blackburn, Newspaperman, Succumbs at 46 Newsman Cliff Blackbum, a one-eyed rifleman wbo ~won the SUver star with Patton's Third Army in World War 11 and was later nominated for journalism'• Pulitur Prize, is dead. He wu 46 when be JUccumbed SUnday night . at Kalar Foundatlod H<ispltal in Bellflower. The former Santa~ Regi8ter otaff memhu and 9J · n~ ' ~ left in 1970 tO Jom r.'i Aii~flf!erald. Examiner1 for which he covered the Tate- LaBianea mlarder1 and the Minson Famll\f trlat: • Rosary lor Mr. Blackbum will be al S p.m. today in Miller, Mies and McComb Mortuary, Downey, followed by Mass Wednesday at 10 1.m. in Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church. Downey. Survivors include his wife Margaret, daughter Tracy, 7, and son Mark, 3; brothera Edward. Robert and John get." . A WlUte House spokesman declined to discuss the authoriiaUon to flre the warn- ing shot. He also Slid th.at the "hot line." Iha emergency oomniunlcatlona oystem between W asblngton and Moscow, was oot used in oonnection with lbe· lncldent. . Blackbum -who remains a Register stall reporter-and his lather CIUlord. of Florida. · A State Depertmenl 1pokesman in Washington said no dlplomstlc represen- tation to the Soviets w.as planned on the basis of evidence avallabl•. · . White House press secretary Ronald L. Ziegler said the IW!lng boat Incident would not have any eUect on Nixon's plans to viBU the Soviet Union. In respoue to a question, he liktwlJe said that there would be no adjustment in Nlton's Moscow plans as a result of the expulsion .of Rep. James H. Scheuer (D- N. Y.), from the Soviet Union. My . A graduate of the University of Missouri School of Jouraalism, which he entered after European combat aervice, Mr. Black:hw1t went to work for the Houston Post in Tew. Despite being hllnd in one eye since age 13, he enlisted in the Anny for so.e1lled limited dutY but wound up in the front lines as a rifleman . .He worked for other newspapers, a wire service and Radio Station KFWB in addition to the Register, where he covered the <ti'sastrous ·1ggg flooding of the Santa Ana Mountalos. Burial will. follow the Wednesday funeral rites at Resurrection Cemetery in San Gabriel. Dietrich, who worked for the billlopaire induslriallst from 1925 to 1957. said' th.at he completed a book on Hughes -the third such work to be announced since Dec. 7 • You wo•'I Dt fed a•Y. r,.,.. al Aklo•'s. We Meanwhile, Manhattan Supreme Court Juslice Gerald P. Culldn pootponed until Friday a hearing on a suit to block publication of a third Hughes book, whose author, Robert P. Eaton, als6 claims it ls ba:Sed on interviews. Rosemont Enterprises, a Nevada publishing company which claims it has exclusive rlgbt.s to Huibes' life 1tory, is seeking to block both the Eaton 1nd Irv· ing books . Eaton's book has been e1cerpted in the current Ladies Home Journal. Culkin warned the maguine to print oo further excerpts .pending the outcome of the suit. White House press secretary Ronald L. Ziegler refused Monday lo discuss a sug· gestion that Hughes obtained political fa vors for a $205,000 k>an he made in 1"6 to President Nixon's l>IJ>tbCr. u'I'bat's a story that Js about lt years old .•. I have nothing to, say about It," Ziegler replied to a qu~ion., "It is an old story that was fairly addreaJed" In 1980. are more i•torested in developing loyal customers Iha• maki•9 a fast sale. None of our 11lesp1ople will botlior you if you just want lo browse, but will be pleased lo eisist you if you wish, with truthful ••swors to your qutstio•s. Whe• we discuss c1rpet ti.es, we would .. have lo "modest!( aClmit th1t we hev' the Iorgos! selection in' ilt1 1rea. • Top branCls sue~ as, Blgelow, Btrvt•, BHffie,. ' I • ALDEN'S . . CARPETS. ·p.RAPES When the slory about tjlO loan broke Thlevi;s . , ttole f157 worth o I just belors the 1960 presidential election, IOp~Clted diving (ear !tom I San both Richard Nixon who WIS then Vice Cltmtrile girar• ••rlY ~Is -· . president, and his brolllar llonald denied Eugene Grqa ol ZJ E...iones that Houghu had beea 1lyeo favorable Magee, Mo•erch, Barwick, Mohewk, Roxbury, Millika•, Atmllro•9. .. • • I rcpqrled tpe !hell .to police early M'ondoy • trealment. • •ft._ . The loan came up •«'111 !hls-k In The CtU disappelrtd 110mellme !ale the controver1)' about the auriiorted Sunc!oy or early Monday, be uld. Tba autobtoar•phy tiy llulMt, !be 6HliGftalre 1arqe Wll anlocked •t lhl time. lndualrlllill who U..'t been ,..n In ' ' COSTA MUA 646 4138 HOURS: Mo1L lhru T1lun., t 19 WO -'''• t le t -Set. f'.JD te S • ( ' } I [ ( I I ' ' I • Tllf<dar, .loouu118, 19n DAILY PJL01 9 ~Tiie Spider'• WefJ' Mystery .Play Given Fine Production 1lllll Clllll " .... -· tht .... Tuesday """_"',,_ fveni'lg 1::.: C•.;,u,..., 1lillM .IAlftJARY II :.-:::.. 1t loo~""1" By TOM TITIJS .... ....,,... .... ••air ••e-""•-,,,. _ ...... -..... -11.1"" ,Surprlaqly enou&h, II tan'l 1n that tedious lo w•teh 1 murder mystery unfold for lbe MCOnd tlfllt -when )'OU know IJl})Wl4W14.. Ill IJTillfl?I I lllU.,_ 81_11_ 9'15(J)l})W -9,..,........,. •:• ,,,,_,,..,. EIDlll-8 CANNON-EXCJTEMENTI llJ...,..., ., * lllysllfJ ond S..spelllll "'TMI'. IPllMl•'t WI ... ~""~ '""' c"~•:"'f~ ~llt•lll, 1-::: ill '':ct ' ""' 'I :r.!j' ~.n:r.;',','~ f:i·?'r::oif111,•:~ ~tV 12111~ .. ~ ... · . 8 {f) C--~nno1 '*"" " l:JI 8 .... Allll Dll' Cl) .... the 11111'1 w1111 f.Cillntry of CllWMlt'1 lftcludt 81stllt MKKllllll, Miity )11111 Y1lleJ to ,..etKt thl llfl ti 1 TMI CAIT ~l•rl-H•lllfMm-•r-. .J::,;j·K•1-• r Rowl111d Dtl•Nv• . •Ill nchM , .................. "" ,.. _.,,, ...... (-., - int, and ""'* Dr. ~ I• .,, Biiie~ • 11111 blatl the • l1nd. tlm of 1 t11f1tt el 1111USllll •lsfl•,.. D _, (CJ C10l .,, 1A1 All' Abo """"" on Cll""'""' Ceo- Put I (cetnedJ) '17-Je• CotMn. 1elly 1111 KltMflle Mtlct. IM 1 Cob~ JNn""".,. OdllD--•-Dv .. 11. Alll\I I.ff. A consplttq of "T1lt Unholr Alli.." "ldloll II WOIMll, ITlfst•mh~·· r.r I bt!ut) fOfCld to tut ptrt IA .... ,.. Ultlll tJicoon. Is tut 11 , ... "" .. ,, .... ....,, ..... -- tllt world. OnlJ, t"'1 hMt'I COlllll· ~Im fDf 1 JdDrlM ult alt9r. td N Fiii!!: Miiia ul"' Ill tft tM fJ .... an. . em br tlit hftttlOft~ -1m1t Wm llM CJ.).... it.j It l•• • ""' 9 """°"-Mo llililt--,lock Hoo Gl'AMJ ~ Alw8)'I hln IMutlf\11" m1111c.i.,-QIToltAllM..,.;· im-_, 11111 """' "" 11:11a11-m I MCW I Mndl (J) hr· DI mc141 • Wtrtll tm Pft. lralt of TM DtGr11J1, painter, ICUI~ lflm Wit Ufltl 1! lorlioll ,_, 10. tor .... m11ect. · ·1t won 111 ti1. a 11w11: CC> .. .,,... r 1wat· lltttft MmrL IN!) '44-Joef McCrN. UMI Dir· ID......... MR, ... .....,. O'Hara. GI 1-,_ fl! FREE "SILENT YEARS" 11!1-"""""' * PHOTO ALBUM AT All t•'ffl'IY W•rrtnftr • .... '"!tow llMlfrdl .......... Annw ....... 1111 INMdOI'· l.Onl ......... Joell ~" Pl ... H91W.fft-lrown • . 0.. 0.. ' -O.vlS-rM ,.,,_, ......... ,.. VI CGUll1t C~\tllo •• , • , wllll1ry1 O..Wn Hal .n.m-1,,_ . ltl 01111 ................ JkW.~~~I:., nl J-* •' • ••" •• 91NJliu.«OW. bloody well whodunll. Instead of being caught up, wllh the majority of lbe 111- dienct, in the suspense of the show, you cari lnore readily Wild West apprec1,1e the skill w!lh which the acton concoct their net of Intrigue. And the Long Beach CommunJty PlayhOU5f:'I pro- duction of ''Tb.I Spider's Web1 ' la skillful Indeed. Thll Agatha Cllrtatte thrtller ls a far cry from the brillianlly written "Sleuth," but !LI Jnterprel.ltloil on lhe Long Beach stage lll im- pressively mounted by veteran director James Brittain and a C S h generally first rate cut. And ast oug t _ viewing_!! 1 ... than 1 _y_oor after the Laguna Moulton ' • ' Playhouse production offers Fo r Ann• D lhe r<vlewer the extra ad· c K::-vantage of instant insight into the play's construction. OFFICES OF GREAT "What we're realty looking 7• 9 De -WESTERN SAVINGS for are the ingredients ~or a ~~~..... ... mailn. •tt , ... .,,. .. real live wild west show." Characterization ls t b e llrong potnl ol Ibis Brttlsh comedy-drama rather than at· tentlon to technical detaill such 1s 1ccent::s, which if employed' at all are done rather badly. The pretence of one native Engllah IOn in the CISI possibly has tefl the others a bit retlctnt in this {]) .._ kwtd Rapt" In thlt 1H7 tw.. , That was the comment of _ _,_,,_, ""'"""""'~"'""-Ruth Yeilding, general• ii I LM l:i, .._ l5tfl~ntuty poet 1M till, fr.. manager of the South c.out 111 -of •-""Wion. ' Choral and Ught 0 p er a (f))'l)I c..., o. n.. tDTIJ T• Association, as lhe invited m •.• I,... ~ ...,,, ... resJdentl f r 0 m tbrougbout ti) LI -ll'l ,_ -0rB!lge County to llldllion for 1-. -l!Jlllolllr h ••• t e as~tlon's upcom .. ,. .....,. 10:U(JJ118C'41.,...... II ftllr productionof.''AnnleGetYour are1 . .,. .. 9 a ... ~ "'"" -... Looi "Tho tlocls" ' Gun." The play's central f18ure, •MPilll lJlldtruest. (l)n.uiwc.11,11-A wide variety of character the wlfe of a diplqplat who &•GllH<ijCl1'1 PrlttllO:•B!ll"9teW ..... fttl,.,.. types a~ needed to fill the aasuagef her boredom by mr {I) Chltf 1ronsldt w sar11 aunts. · cast of this rousing Western-playin& trlcb on a trio of ""' • lolnl onot ., -- , II -w ·Du~ -ti! Btyle musical with music by houae guelll, la a plum role ~ llillf • u1 MN•· CJ} M 1.. Irvin Berlin. In addition to the I tel lfll'M piitsts. RIJlllOllll 11111 and 1JCJ Jlln l nl Johns· leading characters, there arel ~·o~·~· .. ~~;;; CtOtlt KJanldy •ttr. m Mlllltltadl -Several parts for children 100 J;l a.-<q (llW) ... .... ... • m Clll .. .. .... dancers, not to mention the ::,-~":.:! ~:-= = 1w 00 ,.. "'btlllll1rl.. " large chorus that will be re-u1111111 T1lbott. (J) Mnit: "'Dr9'1'1~ (ldvlnhn) quired. D lrJ"' .,. -"IUI -· '"'-"" t.o.W. Auj"' 11o11oo, ... The open auditiOns wtll he s-t .llSll•" Lt:illt UaUll. 111 ett Kllttl. held lo n ight and Wed-~ •--·• "'"' ~ .. f ne5day, Jan. 18 and 11, and •· ·-· ,_ ~ "'"11:111ee111aem""' """ Jf. Piii 111 •ltOrfff 1 ...,.. 8 ..,.., -Friday and Saturday, Jan. 21 dettL and 22. Auditions t 0 D t 1 h t (Il l-of-DCJlll""' Wednesday and Friday wtll IJ-1-(C)(llw)-mroT .... t.... begin at 7:30 p.m. Audltkllll Ill llfllll" (dr1ma) '7~• Ill" • lillMrlf on Saturday will start ai 10 CIWln, ct.lldl Dtu11t1111. 11:11n{()lllfno1111111 . a.m. Dance.rs wishing to audl-m _.. -ea·--J ... ' lion for the production In m -'""" • ,.,. bOll : . asked to attend the Wtd-t1Jlllliil,1Jl • ... e..-. "'Mllo'Jt 1·0... . .,.,-nesday evenlng auditions. lllJ -E-= ·-Solloft, .!~ Auditions wJIJ be beld Jn the et.. ....,_ hnl music room of San Clemente • ceoigE C:.stott fl • 8.... (Q "Bt ••1 a I High School, located at 700 ,, l:Oll(l)Tllll II,.., Ult C1tJ" <•11111> ''2-wttU.• LM-Ave. Pico in San Clemente. ·--..... ,. Mt... 1....:.:.:::..:..::::....::....=;:...::+:· =~~=======~ ,.,,, 111t Rill II -~ ·-(C) ............. ... ,. --(-.<)'4 ........ Lwo.~ , Et.o c:o....., ' ·-· 1111.., m-no -...-<.,.. l:llBIIJ-,,,... 1 -· w'J) ·s~ -· A111 ttltllMfi ., .,, llld ~ tf T1mlroff, Itta lqoll. -_..., ........ ,,... m- ~'.":.. ";.":.~:" w.":: 11:51 a-. -....... -Ctne1us1o1 If two-part tpitok tllrt) '54-T,_ tloweti, _, Kltl&h Dhltlfi pl1ys Wt Fil . Tufts. am-".,..., tc1·t111 1:1119_, ·• Ltotr llol' 1- _.,, ... •1r1-"1l ·0-1111 "'"".., -. 71-Ltnr Httinen. """" ft!· !Mlt, Sin! Lt¥tne. ""'·"•Coll"" ll "'"" ••· CJlDDIIIQI""' 1111 Mllfldlth, ~ Vanct. Two ~ CllPlfl. 1111 MP 1lltll 1\1• In 1:)0 GI A II • 1111 II t llllr. ~" .. ~. di)', .., ....... Ill ... ... ..... Mid,. ·-· --- : Jules Feiffer's J ."'::~·.=· • WHITE lfOUSE UbEI CASE 'IVI WllKS ON~ Y "14ty thr11 11111. I '·"'· ·---· .... =""·--· ... Kids 1.ike to Ask Andy • ---CIN/f,Olt/I ?0 • . ~ I J ' I -- -., SIAOl/Jlt/ ! .. -.. ~ ----,, SIAll/U.11 ! \,. -.. . -LlfY ... "" ,,_, llJ ... 11 ....... D11ck 111 'llMI --AA! An 1110unoilng "'"-119 -lure for tho wllole lllmilyl NOW PLAYING SOUTH COAST PUJ'.A I San D .... Pwy, 11 lrlsltl 546-27 '' . • for any actreu for II offers trio of plollers. Llltle Dee Dee opportunity for v It' t u o 1 o Davidson is quite ~gaging as performing. However, it Js the Clarllsa's stepdaughter who lnterprelatlona given lhe lhne holda lhe key lo lhe nzystery. visiting 1entlemen w b I ch VI Coulter'• b ab b 11 n g keeps the Interest high.' gantener ls gaudily overdone-- This is not to detract from which la e1actly as it should the performance of K a y be; bu weakntss is relying Moore, who is excellent u the overmuch on p h y s I c al playful Clarissa. Ml!s Moore gestures. William Dennin ls oUers 1trong variations of chilllngly effective in his brief emoUon ln this key role, con-scene as a nasty visitor, while trolling the action with poise Richard Gish l! less im· and self assurance. pressfve as the oft-absent bus. Cli nt f•ttwoed "PUT MISTY FOl Mr' "l llD WITH THI ClYSTAL PLUMA•I" "*"' •••.•.• ., "CAlMAL KNOWLl~I" .... The trio of conspirators who band. J. W. Livingston as the become unwilling accessories elderly butler and Kenneth to the concealing of a very Moore as the police aergeant1~=========~1 cold piecfl of evidence are are given lltUe to do. 1~ quite well played by Paul "The Spider's Web" Is a fine Teschke, Arthur Perkins and exercise for those who delight Robert Renfrow. Teschke is in trying to outguess the the 1 t r o n g e s t of the playwright -although the threeaome, Perkins the fun-clues are there for the spot- niest and Renfrow the most ting. The play continues for colorful. four more weekends, Fridays Teschke's portrayal of the and 'Saturdays, at the Com- pragmatic nobleman dut y munity Playhouse, 5021 E. hound 19 protect his want, Anaheim St., Long Beach. Clarissa, is strong· an di:;==========, believable. Perkins offers the contrast.of a squirming stuffed shirt ~ver wishing he \\'ere elsewhere. Renfrow excels as t~, adventurous member of the group ('1Well, do we take the b..."'liy to the car or the car to the body?") and ls probably the standout of the night. The lone Briton of the cast is Jack Lackman, who plays the no-nopsense lnSJ)eFtor, fir- ing his pointed dialogue like1 a repeating rifle while keeping constantly a step ahead of the Ends Tor1Jghl ChctrlNI ....... I•. "THE OMEGA MAN" ...... Honk "MAN IN THE WILDERNESS" Starts Wednesday IS rt MAN 01 llAST7 "BIG FOOT" Jolm cawcn .. .... ...... H ...... ,, "EVIL KNIEVEL" BARGAIN MATINEE Ev~rv Wtdnosd1y, 1 p.m, ' • ,,.. ........... . "J'lle Great -Grellt S.._,11" FABULOl!S ENTERTAINMENT DOUBLEHEADER .................. Alli.A'S IDT AND ZANIUT INTllTAIND ROSCOE HOLLAND _., ... SINU.TIONAL IOUNDI Of TISTllDAY & TODAY MIKE & LENI ,. ....... 11111 ,.. ,.. • ,... ..... Slit •• ,,_ 1:11 "-"' . , .... - -"'· .... Ill OUTRIGGER ROOM KONA··LANES 2699 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA . -AT .. SftQMlT SIK1'8 ftlAT .. ~"'"~-iii WllTWOOD tNITAllD 41~7111 l'WA '71.0007 -·"' u • tAll.Y l! ... •Jollt&lll• .. •&I... aill.&M .f,4,1,1,lllM ~NTA ANA PARAMOUNT HMIO! .. ID. 0rttf·l•l31·1Z71 ROSICRNIS Drlft.11134-4151 'rl.ut IHll 11ATUM At All Oftl'll•INI • CALI. lMIAtllll fOll IHOWTI .. 0::.211-I AWm.-.TMcmn&~ lt1Mllmfl111TIM •AJ TllHIT••JWa1*t& I $do lllWl'(ltf lf.1.(111 -..... - H lek1 • ., 11<1• lolo -or. l.fllt New York's Critic Award THE FRENCH CONNECTION [j!j• """'"' "'LlllE' 2o. ~··· \ .. .. ,_ N E:\VPORT < ··-· . ~·-·-·-...... ,... •PllEMIERE ENGAGEMENT • Dyon ClllWIOll • .ltnniltr O'Ntill t.irvt1t MtrHith So!!i' by 0. c. $trit1ll • MOVIELAS ij4J?AMOUNI 'If ::.: ~ ' .... 2nd HIT • C 11r11• S11od9rt1i . '" ca:• -=-· ............ .. " ·-·-·-..... ,..,. ....... 11 .. ~.....-.......... - c-lk.. Ill Ah•· 1111 # 1 -FIOll\ TMflNM (I) !'SHAFT'' \ ' I ·. I -• llAll.V •ILOT LEASE NOW Jm CONTINFNT AL f:nlo't ttw ptetl'" end 111.1r1 clrlVlflt plN111'1' only 1 con11~1•I un or~ vklt, Ltl our 1N1rng ,.,.,...,Off 111 uo t pr'09rtm Ott!Qtied !Or vour 11traon .. -·· Jm STATION WAGON • •,• CAl.L IUD ~WIN ••• $4@-1830 •,._ . . .. ' T ' . .. . . . . ' ., ... •.. • • • • • wmplete-New.York St~k List / ( • I \ ' • I ,, ' • ·. I ,. ' \ ' .. I • ( . ' • Tllftdlr, J,....., u. nn sc OAILY PILO,T J{ ' For ' I I I ' • • I • , • r l I 1 ' J r . ' • • I ' ' • • / • ' ' . ' . .... _ • I • Tut<dq, J'"llllY 18, 1972 Luting Relaxed For Small Firms Sci.ence Co1iverts Garbage to Power - WASHINGTON (UPI ) - The Price .Commllsi<n bu ruled that ,..uilm doing Jess than ll00,000 butlness each year will not have to post a lilt a( their bu< prlcH. The -, however, llUI req.U... the rttall<n alleot~ to make -price ln-f«mltloa a v a ti a b I e to _ _. wbo ut fOl' I~ ''fte commitslon belleftl tbla declalon will remove an uadne admlnlJtraUve bunlen oa thole lm8ll retailers who do not have Iha personnel or facUities to comply with the postlng requlnment," said commission chainnan C . Jackaon Grayson . As of Jan. 1, the governmen t requin>d most businesses lo ••• Prisoner ' D~covered 'In Digs' SAN QUENTIN (AP) -A San Quentin prlaon lnmal< ha s been found in a tunnel where be was trylnl to dig his way out . Priaon officials said Clyde Everett Hall, 29, serving con- current _...,.,. for burglar- ly from Loo Angeles County,. gave up -be was found by a le&l'dl porty, . pool a Ult at ~ at their m-,. or of tbelr top selllrW lt.m, that pnvalled durUig the boae period -CCIII> puled vaHou91y from ~ <hilted ID the mantbl bllarl lbe freeullepil Aue. JS. The .,..,,n.1a1on al8o an- nouncied ·I h at pliarmacll!J mull poll a lilt of ,wbolaaa. dru( priC<I plua • liltlnc a( tbmr. own feet or mutupl, along with A' Zl-by 21 lncb sign indicating the location a( auch price Inf~· II said It regards Pharmacy operations as a retail actiYity, to be con- trolled alone with all other retail activities. H8 ' In another development, Graysoo said the commisllon bas started a detailed study on what signs to look 'for in order 10 delermlne whtp controls "I think .I'm gelling it-I stopped without fallinc iq ·the should be lifted on renta: and stupid wet snow! 11 • • prices. ------------------ He estimated the study woyld take two or tbree months_ Grayson made the comment In a copyrighted In· terview in "U.S. News and World Report." AFUIO President George Meany, meanwhile, said that.- last week's figures showing a rise in December's wholesale prices prove "that President Nixon's game plan No. ! is as much a bust as his first game plan." He added: Swinging Sex Clinic ' Embroils "Parlianient Auo<;tate · Wmlen . Jamu Par:t aid· Hill WU bene1th a utlljly ~<1 . ta the BOUlh cell blocl:, trying to lunlleJ his way arounda-r. "I do bOlleVe the fellow meant to leive us," 11ld Park wryly. lie said Hall,. with apparent aid from three plumblqg trusUes who· bad access to the utlllty corridor, bad knocked out a bole in the corridor floor to reach the area where he was at work. "In a few . weeks every houSewife Will ha~• proof posiUve that the White House priee -·are · just not wwkin(. ·When . !biol .happens, -',will att-. new apale of aifmiDl.ttallan prGIJ: aganda .clalmlnt the bid news ts reaIJy ·lood neWs." Pope .Paul Assailant Stays Put WE SELL AT Low Shelf Prices PLUS 10% _ The 'l!lrilen said Hl)l bad made elaboral< proparalions and ill addition to cblsels and diglnc . Jmtrumerita be bad run a ll8bt cord and waa.r line Into his tunnel and CJllOlled a nearby sewer line to flush away tell-tale dirt. II.all, be aid. bad onolber 15 feet lo go lo <lear the base- ment and -llrfoot to rea;ch freedom on a hillside facing the commuolly of Tiburon. Aide Chosen CAMARILLO (AP) Norman C. Boehm, 34, city ad-- mlniniatrator of Sierra Madre for 40 years, bu been ap- pointed city maoqer for , camarlllo from a list of six. Boehm, -yearly sslary will be 127,500, will start his duties Feb. l. MANILA (AP) -The Boli- vian palater who tried to Blab Pope Paul · VI io Manila 14 months ago was offered a pardon by President Ferdinand M&J'COS, but turned ii down, a<t<ll'dlng to a .,.11. placed government source. Ben)anlln.M~fMlor refused to acelept·.a coniiitkKt that he rel1lm lo Bolivia, the source said: "He wants to go to Paris or sp~ewhtre else but not other country wants him," the source added. Mendoza, 38, was sentenced last April lo a ·jail term of 21 months lo 50 months. At the Vatican, a spakesman for the Pope declined com· ment on the Mendoza case. "It's a matter for justice there," he said. The Pope has said on several occasions that he forgives Mendoza. Death After Treatment Of Drug 'Homicide' AUSTIN, Tex. (UPI) -Lasl should show the safeguards Oct. 9 University of Texas must be preserved." U.S. POSTS freshman James Andrew Knox Raburn is aS50Ciated with a swallowed a do s e of clinic managed by Dr. Peter methadone, a synthetic drug Joseph Carter, who was in- used to tnat heroin addicts. vestigated last year by the By the nelt day be was d"ead. state Board of Medical Ex· 1 Judge Rooald E. Earle bas amlners oo a charge of un-WASHINGTON (AP) -The • WE MAKE DISCOUNT . . HOUSES LOOI EXPENSIVE! RATH'S RACORN c SLICED ;~1 BACON ' . P-OTATOES now ruled the teenager's death professional c 0 n d u c t in Census Bureau says t b e w;u homicide and rtferred the dispensing ~tbadone. The number of young people In the case lo a grand jury for poss;. charge was dropped against U.S. population increued by ble cbarges against the doctor carte 53 percent In the last decade. WHITE OR WHEAT I LB LOAF ·DI.CARLO CENTRAL AMERICAN RUSSET 1 D·LI. IAG who prescribed the drug to "I rdon't know anything Youth, or that segment of Knox, a non-addict. about it.'' said Raburn. "I the population between 14 and The drug was prescribed for don't know any names and I 2f years old, grew from 2'7.1 to Knox by Dr. W. E. Raburn of doo' know any dal<s." / flj~ ":°~~a.'r""re~,:.td. on Forth Worth, Tex. Raburn Esrle said be ruled KnOX's characteristics of American .;~~n~ knew nothing of the in· death homicide under the youth, the bureau said the in- seldom used Texas statue that crease lowered the median Knox allegedly look the drug rules a doctor can be held age of the nallonal population last Oct. 9, and was found respo. nsible it he 11sball by the to -, d d · hi ••· years. · ea in s apartment Jn use of any noxious substance , Btit, Census said, the new Austin the next day. admlnistered in a gros.sly lg· figure bow tL-Id 1 L.ld "On the bas1's of ar11·c1e 1200 s s . in:: " e Y in:: norant manner, produce belief that more than half the of the Texas malpractice death." population Is Under 25 is false. statute, and because of the,1:;;;;;;;;;iiiOiiiOiii0iii0iiiOiiiOiiiOiii0i;;;i;iiiO;;;;;;;;;i;i;~;;;;i;;iii;iiii;i;~I methadone was given a nonad.11 d i et with out factual DAYE ROSS PONTIAC determination as to whether be was an addict, I am Lease or luy A. II Models re ndering J verdict o f homJckle in this case," Earle told a news conference. He Alcl Iha~ allbough the 1ncldent lbould not mull In the bannlnt of the drug, "It lET'S BE FRINIY tr )'OU hive new nclghb<n or know of •nyonc moving to our are., pleal4! tell us IO that. ..,.,& ma,. ~:clend & friend!, wlcome and hdp thttn to become •cqul.lnted Jn their -"""""ndlnp. SI. Cmt Yisim ... .... ...... ..... ,. DAYE ROSS PONTIAC 24"-Kft.•MllHIQ COITA 1111A ... 5461017 .,.. 1 N.?1 A WUK litl A.M. TO 111M P.M. ....... , U AA ,. f P.M. I ••• . ' 35'· . . NOT JUST A FEW SPECIALS NO ONE SELLS FOR LESS . . ' ' IY SHOPPIN& IN OUI WAIEHOUSI OF QUALITY WE CHAWNGE ANY .MARm TO MATCH THE POoD . YO!' SAVE ON EVEIYTHIN&. A NEW CONCEPT THA rs DIFAllllT IY TODA Y'S MAUITlff nANDAaDS IUT YOU WILL KNOW THI DURI· 1HC;~ DAYS A WllK STOii HOURS: 1~ A.M.·7 P.M. • TOTAL SAVIN&S. CLOSED SUN. & WED. I IY EN• CLOSED 2 DAYS A WDI AND OP1N FIOM 10 ~.TO 'I PJit. THI Dnfll 1 DAYS. WI SAVI Oii PATIOU. COST. •' I " voi:. 6J, .NO. :1s, 3 SECTIONS, 34 PAE>ES • • · ORANE>E . COUNTY;. CACIFORNIA • ' . . . • t •• •• JUESDAY' JANUARY 18, 1912 . ~ . . ~ . ' . . . • Teday'~Fl•al N.Y. Steeb JEN CENTS ~aguna Innovative Learlling May Be on Line • ' the district education center, 550 Blumont st. According lo pfellmlnary b u d g e t flgura, tho ICbool dlstricl will be facing a ·delloll of 11!5,000 during the 11171-71 acl>Oc>~. In add!""" to .a.cool study of scra ~veral hmontlve programs, such aa a.am teaching or the use.of flu· tble acbed1111ng, 'the' trultea havi Uked far fl&urts ~ bow mucb ....,.Y . . Building .. Delay ·Urged , . I ' Sycamore Hills· Plans. to Get Cwser Look ,. . . . ... ' . By BA~AliA IU\EIBICH Of •Deltr .... ...., Laguna Beal:h plillnlng comintlsioners Monday night unanimousl1 called for an lnlerim buJJdlng lreae lo Sycamore.Hills ao lbe·cily may ei•mlne clnelopmenl proposals for the ma. l'be action .... lp8rked by ..... tbal Ne!'J""f'. Investments InO.,. which is lluymg lbe· 611)...,. puoel fnim Great Lakes Properties, is considering develop- ing it under exisUng zoning with "prac. tically no open space and substantial 8f"dlng of the hills." ... All we know about this so far is what we've read in the papers," aa~d Olainnan Carl John-afler commissioner John ·McDowell amd 11 n woo1<1 be In order for the planning oommissioo lo consider some sort of interim r.onlng ordinance to gain time for lludy: City atlorney Tully Seymour said ii would be possible to recommend "some sort of a temporary freeze11 to the city council noting that the developer 0 ap- parenUy will be lnleresled In seeking building permits." The corrimilsion was unanimous in recommending that the city coun<ll ellect • . · ', the temporary building moratorium. NeR:P~ Lap~a one ~:-i:r111 ~=:~!.!:1 .,.D . . 'Ki. . ·~.su;~ '~.et··~ ~,~&;cc:~~ mg ~ ' rpei . lhlam\.laliljt1t-.1ri>ald'=ll*· ' ' tcloppecl -· tho dty is ··~ ' d c lo ad' ]is feet" In getting the required planed Arreste in: 0 r . ' 0 'residentlaldevelopment(PRD)onlinance . on the books. . . . . • / ' • I I Instead, he said, the firm, would pro-. BJ FRED!RlCI: SCROEMERL POiice,• Purcell eolilmenled Monday, °' ~ ...., ,_ ...,. ••W.t were jmt 'two hours ,behind San· Aa ... ,i, lbe ' Jarg..t -ebe<." crackdowna in COUll\J' hlslory eonllnues, l'llrcel1 said " Romaine · and Konkel, Laguna Bead! and ~rt Beach Police > aloOg with Joeal piilice, ataked oqt bave located a Illlla Polnl man Ibey Con!ova's -alld walled for the two describe u 111e· susPecled lrlder of a to arrive Frld1y evening. multi-million' dolJll" ijqi -11ln& marl· ''ThBy oller!d no resiStance during tbe luana, ~ qd ol!ltt ~.,... ~· arrest, and .even waivecl·extradllion. We to much ol lioulbem.caJllornlL bi'ougbl tbem back wlth>ut any trooble, • Detective RolJtil t Rorna\M of the 1ald.Purcell. He added that the .two men ~:ema:i 1o~J:.;°~ ~t~ denied any involvement In the alleg- Frlil•Y to' amil Jolin Gilbtrl Sanchez, eel iale"of'llle drugs. . :13 ~ Selva Rca!I; Dana Point on ·a Purtell malntairis Iba! Sanchez bas '8is 000 beDc:b warrant' lsaUed . early laat heldod UP. the ·ring which the officer week In ~iral"·orinae County Jiidkw · · cliums" bas been ·Importing marijuana, District. ' (Seo COLORADO, Pqe l) Officers said Sanchez wu.lound al a relaUve's bcrae in 1iockY Ford, Colo. Tbe coualo, ~ Mlllllt1 CordO~a, Jr., 21, foinierly of san Juan Caj>latrano also was arrealed on a $112,500 warrinl. . The agents rtlUmod lbe two to Newport Beach Monday' afterDOoo where Ibey were boolced ·on eonepiracy to sell narcoticl. Sanches and Cordova wee ex- pected to face court ebarget today. • Acconllng to ~ Nell Purcell of tbe Laguna Beach Pollce Department, hr formation obtalnOil dnrlng the arrest of AJJlltar McLeod, Ill Griffith Wsy, Lquna· BeOch, led . agenis to , tnck smlcbex -wbo bad been llilylnl lo a Colla Mesa molel -to his cousln'1 borne In Rocky Ford. "We bad excellent cooperation 1ro111 the Colorado Bureau ol lnveetigaUon, lbe Denver Police and the ROcky Ford Freeway Meet Not a 'Forum' . A reoor\ on lbe statue of tbe Pacific Coul tr-ay will be .,._,.... by llate ofl\clall al Ui.e Loguna ~ city council meetin11 Wedneaday nlg!lt, but it will not be a "public forum," ac!cordlng lo public -dlreclor Joeeph Sweany. Responding lo an lnvllitlon of lhe cou,.. ell tbe Sisle DiviBlon or Highways and tbe Stale. Department or Public Worlli will oend repreeentatlv .. to the. meetloC • to pment facts and figures on tbe "Clir- ronl statue of the controversial freeway . route, Sweany aaid. _ . Hoeever,.be 1dclecl, "There will be no question and answer ,...ion at this Ume. If the public wants Ibis, and the counell 1grees, auch a di!cu!aion could be ar- ranpd at a laler dale." • ceed lo develop siniJe-famlly • and townhouse unltl under the' existing '.R-H (resldentlal blllslde) .. 20Dlng, wbicli pro- vides for varying. density, ranging from one unit per acre to one unil per ;)\10 aquare (~~;:in;)~ tbe ,• '* .~ * Greenbelt· Group . - .. •.!,1 --..J-r ' SlateS ;Review • · Of . Aeliie~ements . .-- and ChaJ.nn.an Thomas. Trultae Gerald a revised lunch schedule. JC trustees find Linke, eiected on a .slate wltb 'I'ti>mas that attendance has not fallen at the and Mrs. Gilltlle In April, bu been sC:booI befuiuse of tbe new schedule, lhey abloot liom.r.cenfbudget dlacussloos. I cOuld exlend If for tbe rema.;der of the In Alldillon lo the bud&<t. -ochoQI year. lonlibl•1rill comldet: •-Allocating $5,000 for tbe purcliase of . -Tbl·r;.uJtl ol a study by blah odlool ~ori reconling and transmission -·body prelidonl Bill•,,. on the equipment Tile audio-visual equipment hri.-e ol -ainoe lbe adoption.of -lloald· be, 'med as a· baSe for · future ~ . us-s1an •Master·:Baee' Craeked .. Shopkeeper Murdered EL CAJON (AP) -A 71-,_..i.s lboplleeper .... llllOI lo _,. !llaedaJ nlllll bJ a 1IOldW .-'""" ......... POiice said °"' .... lllallle .. ...,,,Ille Ille _. "' -lloloa fnm 1-Lit'& ........... . 8)' OINE BUIDBAJI_ ; ' ClllCAGO (UPI) -Teo )'OUllis hr ...... Jn a dream to ••Ni* ul· Dl'W E 7 I If nee'' ~ 1rith eon--=.;;. =s,~~= Pb. C · ; Sial0•1 Attorney llihrard v. Ranrabia 11111 today' Ont al Ibo -yoatbt -keel u. ..--"to gain . addllional bowledp In blolou" and bad been llllWllll """""' "tbal .... not I part of the tmlRb PfO)ecl," a Cblcqo boopltal said. CIJ -alllclall sajd --..it • lo pollllD aiica.o .. --not bt U.Xlllhl -h7 ... moll ,. .... ..... . . f r' David M. Nees television teachtnc in the ·schools. --Spending $1,0ll!> for the renewal of memllershlp In Schools for Sound Finance, a Ieglalallve lobbying organua- tion of 0 wea1tby" ~I districts. Thi organization. Jn •If/I lobbied succ.s..lully against a blll lbat "°'1ld have imlltutod a state-wide property ta:r to support educa-tion. • I Sea Chase Nearly Ends In Gunfire By Sl'EVE WEINER JUNEAU, AJW. (AP) - A U.S. Coasi Guard icebriaker was authorized t.o fire . aero,; the bow of .a Soviet filhlng v .... 1 it seized after lhe ship broke away today with a party of Americans aboard, but the ship was recaptured with no ahots fired. . A Coast' Guard ipc+-naa·at lbe !'Ith , Distr\cl ~ aald Ille Icebreaker • Storil "ca°" illloul lio .-11 "* can · 1et" to J1rt11! a 'ftl*'C at II Ila la "''" ..... , )~· ''J llRI& • lllibll!l floel ..me I lopNo• -lhroall!lM.leedliill\I ........ ti.. Lamui ... --~ flllllllr veaael !bat bad ~ amed 111111 umo time as lhe Lama! alld Ille fllurt. regrouped laJet todi;)r,alld ... hea•H"ll for a naval llatlon. LL Cmdr. Bmmanuel,Seb1ieldr.r, . district ~ and operatlam of. ficer, said tbal allboqh the storls recelv· ed permJaalon from Cou1 Guard !lead- . quartera In Wulljnlton, lo fire a sbol, ii outmaneuvend lbe Lamlll in ice-doaecl walera, boxiDC Ille llu.Yian llqolllp 10 a lllndstlli. le The 382-lool Lamu~ and m.1o91 &tern trawler Kolyvu oftt= --Ille !londoy · of eotldiic1mc lf!e;al llsbay ~ ... Qvlly witblo lbt U.S. U.mllt OlllllJauour· ..... . Cout Guard O[IOk<lmen aald Ibo Slarls, OJI roullne patrol, dilcovered 1111 l1lo ,,a!dpo ~ mlloo oil SL Mal1l 1• i.11111 about 21> m11a lqoldo u.a. ......., · . . .The two -... boanlad "' llie ·Coast .Guard while they were moored , lo(elber for 1mlowling. . Tile Slorla -ordered' bolh SovWI .....is lo bead !or Adak llllnd, a naval aistlon llOO mlla aoulb In tho Aleutlano. · The Cout Glllnl aald Ille Jow..,. ...... •Jy had bop when ---!!<JPped, saytnc Ibey WWld IO DO -· MOvement raulllld~after furtber n111t1av Ilona j -.. But .the· Lant, .......... , ... 1111 .. · flrrt """" mander V1llllmtr Artemw, IUddentJ broke away. • • Few tbe -.... boon,'* 8lotll ,cbuecl tbe Lomlll, ncelvlng pennilalon •during lbe·pei1od lo fire II neceuary. . ' C.n• . . . ' . ....... The .... will poet lllioolb ... low cloudl bt ..--• """ needay, brlnCillc aUPll1 • .. 1 1empen11ures or 1t to •• ...., .. Oran1e Coell. LoWI aJc111 ID 1111 40's. INSmB TeD.tlt' Famed ~ .Jlr. 8-> .,;.u, intmtolioftallr -/fr , 'ht. -Ulll 10'won1 d.-..S llit • ~-hi~·~ aaitl 11¢ ''"''""'· ldlr ~ ,_ ........ ,.,.,,. ,_ ...... fnm and .,,..,, it's golOf. Sn ~18. ...... _ ' -' -, -·-~ ·-----" =··· J Oas'"' .. =--== • • =---, --• -' - --' ..... _ • =-..t .... M --II --.. • • ~,< I !Wl.Y PILOT LB T~,-.., II, 1972 ~·S..._-_Srii~shes · Huge lnter~ational ·Drug. ,~~ng wA1RiNGTON (A\>) -Federal or-8"\lbern llalt1. ordered lo demonslrott why Its liC<ru< i£ Over the last II montbi, BNDD agents _.C-U,, plints where Ibey were ..,. by lractor-J!aller ~ a.mo n g 111111 i ~uiOOCI tod&v the seizure GI one · 'i)e Jnvtlllptlon, called ""--Uon •-M amphetamlnet llllould not be aatd, the llrm shipped ICIUl'rllths <it a toa -lated IDlo JUlt -• tM -lec!t'"'""'JM<hr f•ir corrl<d aboard # "'t"U• -......... {wt t 1Dll'Ula u "til.d ~." ... JUQ ~ ..... ..,...amt"' pUll -Iii •bout llliiCtJact," lalled 10 montha aod ended reToked. . o! amphetamlntt lo Mexico,. ol, "molllet, .. ''block wldoW ... " "'1CI "RJ.S.s'! llPI plalla • ~ 111 ,....te · ti.I.million wiifub they 1111.d wm ez-'!' tlJe arm! of 80 petlOOI, the BNDD BNDDq1nt1.i.icrlbedStruenburga_ wltlcblbey~'wasrettii'n~ollllclt MostortheaelRdabi'jlbetainlnol,.... mountalnoueare,.ekoithebonter. -~ ported lo Mexico by a major American ~Id. , the lorgeot lingle elporter of ·am· dru( ~bannels In the United Statts. packaged .by Pennwalt Corl>-'• a!IUWe Dlstr!but19D then !611owed to Illicit 4t drua manufacturer, then smuggled Into .Andrew Tartaglino, BNDD's deputy phetaml.nes arid the second largest pro-Here'!how the-operation ~rked, ac· La.b<>ratoitU Straseoburt.,. ~ Mexico marketi ~1ni. New MeJ.lco, Texas, :~ t.be United Slates illegally. . director tor ~ilons, said an . hour ducer in the United States. cording to the bureau: ·under tht Moade na~ Blfetamlna. . . Oklahoma,~ ~isi.ana,' Alabama, Ten· •• 'lbeJ 'B~u of Narcotics and before a Wuhlngt<in.news conterence the A decision on whether to seek crlminal Bulk amphetamines were shipped t.o Then the pills were shipped p_ five , n~. Georgia, · Kentucky, Florida, ' DanaerOu. Drup Hid the craokdown cut Stra>enburg pretcrlptloo products action against Slrasenburg officials ts Me.SCO City where American and Met--pbooy,druj llores aiooc the. Muleo:Tu. , Colorado, Mlsalulppl a'!" ArtlllSll, tho alf tlle major sollroe of pep pills to IZ division or tbe Pennwalt Corp. was pending, Tartaglino said. lean drug tralrlckers took them to pro-as bonier. From Jbere, U.., wen carried bureau Hid. ,. Seeuri1y. Happed i Prof Level.s Blast at Saddleback . ' . Monday night's Soddleback 'COmmnnity college meeting ended In a color- tul eruption or verbll fireworks· betweeh college supertntendent-preJident Fred B .. Bremer and a UC Irvine professor. Dr. George Kent, pf UCI's comparative culture department, appeared be- fore the board during oral communications. For openers, be asked w)ly the col- lege ·"greets its visitors with a sign telling them what they can't do on campus. ' It ~ to me you should have a sign welcoming people to the cainpua." · Kent charge<f that during a recent visit to the campus he was '1obviously and consciously shadowed by armed security guards on tlie campus." Bremer said he sent the guard to follow Kent and asked, "Can you show me a college without armed security men. Even UCI has them. It was on the next two points that Bremer became agitated. Kent charg. ed that Bremer didn't believe in the democratic process and that he was only interested in pleasing the board. -"Th8t'1 a Ue, Kent," Bremer fumed. "I'm tired of this. I don't know why the board listens to this drivel." Kent said he bad a tape recording to back up his claims. Tru5tees Hans Vogel said that since personalities were becoming In- volved in tOe uchange Kent remarks should be taken up in executive session. As Kent and Bremer continued to eJchange verbal darts, trustees Michael Collins succeeded in pasing a motion to adjourn to executive session to con- tinue the discusaion with Kent. The professor -who was carrying a camera -left the CIIDJIWl_~t tbat point. -, Saddleback Trustees Rap , ~ 'F ~reed Counseling' Class A iirorced counseling" class at Sad· dleblct Community College drew some _ "' erltlclani' from trustees Monday nlgbt, " ~th·tbe administration directed to look .nto alternative methods ~ o f ac- • • complishirig the sanie thing. Trustees John Liind of Laguna Beach and Michael Collins of Mission Viejo questioned the n\,UDber of sections of the class offered during the winter quarter. Dr. Fred H. Bremer, superintendent and president, said that 19 sections were offered because the course is a school re- quirement. "We need a number of sec- tions ao that students can fit it into their acbedules. "The claaa ts required because we need ; . """"'mtoM carry UM~ and 'l'ou!d • llOllle way of CO<JDs,eling atudents. It's ~.~-, -:>;;·r 1 ~ f'~ 1 , '11 ~ ~~. tiut tbatfa tie only way . Involve l'"""'I for pads sreaa of the . we can get them In," Bremer added. ;: SYCAMORE . clua.tef. ~natrucU~ rtrat proposed. . He ~ tha\ ~ca oJ the class ln-1'iltllte that IM~~ ~,~Y'"' ,cll!decJ-,¥aderldc,l,:!l!cceta, ·vocational aruld· not close with!iUI 1,cr~l on· guj{l~ce and ..,1iliipce l_n college course IOIDe' 10rt of developfD.ent acceptible to planning. Counselors at the college serve the ~l(y, Miller a~ded that delays might as Instructors. end up ·tn a .Jawsult. . , _ "It IOunds llke a bull session to me,11 Plannlnl director Wayne Moody aald commented Lund. today. that. Miller had talked with him COJllns aaid the college should require brleOy' a"couple of times about tht zoning "a ball an hour aer quarter counseling on the property, but bad ~ed. no aC-for each student· It sounds like thia tual plans for any development. Psr,ch 40 class is a joke with them." However, he added, if tbe owner should 1 There•• that old cliche -the students ccme In with a map consistent with ex-get out o( it what they put In," Bremer tstlng zoning, the city would . be "bard sitd. "Thb course is one way for the put" lo refuse butldlng pennits. students to meet counselors. I don't tbint If a moratorium were considered, there's any other way to do it. Moody lold the conunission, tbe planning , ;rrustee ~ Vogel, returning lo staff could prepare • recOmmen<\ation On discussioo of. the num~r of :sections of-zontna and indicate types of uses tbit . fered, Said ea'ch class should have a max- abould be excluded. ' imum of 30 students -not 12 or 13 as · ''Thia throwing down the gauiltlet at. some sectiom have. Utude expressed irfthe newspaper storif! Bremer said se'tting ·a maximum of 30 doesn't seem to be the best way to plan," students might encourage other· ln- aald Johnson. 111t's probably advisable to structors to request such 1imits. recOmmend a freeze at this time to give · Board president Alyn Bra,nnon, noting us time to go into all this." the board's concern over the structure of The unanimous vote to instruc:t Moody the class, instructed Bremer to examine to prepare such a recommendation for alternative ways of getting students in the council's Wednesday meeting drew ·a for counseling. burst of applause from the audience. Bremer said he would comply. Greenbelt president James Dilley, who bu. spearheaded the fight to prmrve Sycamore Hills without development, llepped forward to thank the com- mlaion. DAILY PILOT .... CDUT P&la&.&IHIMIJ trlll'M't loMrt N. W ... ,,..,., ... Nlllllllr J•e\: R. Cvrlt'I' "9 ..,..._,MCI o_,,, ~ 1l101t1•• Kttvil 'l''"' no'"'' >.. »"""'•• MllOlll1'11 e.lllr QMIN H. loot .Rie.••N P. N•b AMll*I """""'-lldltors ---21? F.it•t:t Anmre • 1hiJ.i11 •tlclret11; P.O. 1011 666, 92612 S..C.._..Offke JDS N., .. ll c-1 .. P.ttl. 92672 ....... _ a..i ._. :ut we::.,:~ stntt .,.,, a.di! ~ ,,. lllllltY•l'f 'NM , IMdu Wt ._. 911111n'•'11 . , I Cliff Blackburn, Newspaperma~, Succumbs at 46 . Newsman Cliff Blackburn, a one.eyed rifleman who won the Silver star with Patton's Third Army in World War II and was later nominated for joumalbm's Pulitzer Pri2e, is dead . .He was 46 when be succumbed Sunday , nigh\ at J(aiser Foundation Hospital in Bellflower. ~ ,The :forR!ei: Sania Ana Register staff member an<I Orange County resident left .in 1970 lo r.· in 1li,i Los Angeles Herald- Exaininer, or which he covered the Tate- J.,aBlanca murders and the Manson . .famil,Y trial. . . R~ary for ,Mr. Blackbum will be at I p.m. today ~ MJUer, Ml.es and McComb Mortuary, Downey, followed by Mass Wednesday at 10 a.m. in Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church. Downey. Survivors include his wile Margar1t, daughter Tracy, 71 and son Mark, 3; brothers Edward, Robert and John Blackburn -who remains a Register staff reporter-and his father Clifford, of Florida. A graduate of the University of Missouri Scbool of Joul'Jlallsm, which he entered after European combat service, Mr. Blackburn went to work for the Houston Post ln Texas. Detpllt being blind In one eye since age 13, be enllsltd In tbe Army for ao-<alled limited duly but wouod up In tho front lines as a rineman. He workW for other newspapers, a wire Rrvll:t and Radio Station J<FWB In addition 10 the Register, where he covered the dlsastrou• 1169 lloodlni or the Santa Ana Mowttalna. ' Burial. will r9Uow tlio Wedrtelday funeral r!tet at lleaurrecUon Cemetery In San Gabr!et. ' •r , ., DOES HE HAVE THE 'REAL' HUGHES STORY? Robert E1ton With Former Wife, L1n1 Turner ,. . . VP'ITt ....... ' . !\t \'crt •r ,. :: . . ' . • : Cliie,f Aiµe to Hughes Asks Probe-of-Checks • -. ' ' ' NEW YORK (AP) -The New York was .not Hughes' and McGraw-Sill pro- Times reportea today that an P,kle-to dliei:;d two ch~ it said were kiade in Howard Hughes askfd ihe." Jiiterria1 · .pa~.Jo ~·!~~ the mattrial .~ R Serv. lo ·. ._ . . · . which were endiltl<lol H. R. Hujies. evenue. . 1ce ~ mvest1g~~ .. two The Hughes ~hing derbf gained checks Hughe:s alleged}y received for h1s another entry ~th the announcement part in a 09njroverva1 b)ography ,for ''tax ·¥onday by .TrU.~ Magazine thal. It will fraud." ' · . .., pulJUiti.. a atorji"by Noah Dietri& about The Times said that Chester!:., DJvis.. hlS,'af-'Ye!r; .II· Hughes' lop aide'. It will chler counsel of the Hughes Tool ~., in f ' am,r in !tie \April issue which "';goes on Jetter to the IRS declared that 11Hu.g~es t ·sale ·March 9. did not receive and had no intention of · · Dietrich, who worked for the bWionaire paying taxes on" the '650,fXKt · that Industrialist from 1925 to 1957, did that McGraw~Hill says it paid to.H!Jgbes. he completed a book on Hughei -the Davis wrote that he considered It "ap-third such work to be announced ainet parent that criminal conduct, including Dec. 7. 'Ni.X(>n Kin Vows to End .. Loan 'Smear' l\Y ti'PETER KRIEG " Of tllt ~ P'iatt Jttff ' ' : y, Donald Nixon . o! Newport Bead. ,. .-ect•thll• monilng that In tho future he'll clear up, Jlnce and for all, what he has called the smear against him and his 0brother, ~Iden! Nixon. ~ .. !fe wo~ldq't say how or when, but asserted, "There will be a day of reckon- ing and it won't hurt me or my brother." He absolutely refused to comment any more on the revi'ved controversy sur- rounding a loan he received almost 15 years ago from Howard Hughes. "That loan has been repaid," he repeated, "there is 1 piece.of property in Whittier under the name of Hughes Tool Company that is worth P>O,IXX> today." Nixon refused to say anything about the clamor relied by author Cllfford Irving. ln bis bl"ll"'ptiy.o! Hughes, Irving says the recluse billionaire atlegtrdly subsfan. tiates a claim made by the late Drew Pearson that Hughes got Political favors instead of repayment for the note. "I bave absolutely nothing more to say to you press guys because you'll quote me," Nixon Insisted. "I've got to· get off this phone1 I'm tying up a bunch of in· coming ca ls." Nixon was reached in Washington, D.C. where, as the vice president or the Mar- riott Hotel Corporation, he ls attending a convention of hotel executives. Marriott ts the hotel chain that plans lo build a $5 million convention complex at Newport Center that will be open In I.VII. . Marin~ Halt Bi.g Fuel Leak, A 10,0llO 1allon jol lud, .la!ll< ruptured at Et Toro Marine· °"111 ~1 -tatiqo 'MO,,. day but all but 2,000 gallons of the kerosene-like fluid was r e cove.re d , Orange COunty Flood CODlrol District of- ficials reported. Despltt published reports to the con- trary, none of the spilled fue l got outside . the air staUon. The ruptured rubber tank Js diked and what litUe spilled over the dike was hosed down Immediately by Marines. A liUle of the spill got Into nearby Aqua Chinon wash which runs through the base but was trapped there by hastily erected dikes, nooa control district oHiclala said . Jim Roberts of flood control's water polluUOn section said there was no tr'ace of the Ouid In San Diego Crtek south of the Santa Ana Freeway and about 2,000 feet from the w~sh. Mine Blast Kills 7 VIENNA, Austria (AP) -An ex- plosion In the Georgl Dimitrov coal mine at Prnik, In southwestern Bulgirla, killed seven miners and injured 12, the Bulgarian news agency BTA reported Monday. It dl.d not say when the accident occurred. * * "* .F1'0...P .. el . ' COLORA.00-. •• heroin aod other drugs Crom Mexico, then distributing it to lower echelons in Southern CaWoml1. HHif cousin and McLeod were some<Of the lower people in tbe nitwork t said Purcell. Sanchez, ~It ~aid, was arttSted several y~s bM:t . .J>fl a possession char11, ~cltd ~nd served probation. . COrdova'his Ill> prior record. he added. Tbe •O!Jorallo sq""' beoame tho seventh lfia itf'lla :I~ hal \\laced 13 persob.s cuaijdylL bil a number of narcot.iCs hargef dlift.rig, the past week. Pur~I 11kl tqat iiiore arHSla can be expec . ~ ~ the 10-D¥>nth _investigations continue . -i t · .~ * I* * Laguna Police Seize 2 More ' Dfug Su~pects Laguna Beach and state Darcotlcs ageIJts early this lnorpin& continlled their crackdown ori·an allQed_.naUonW'ide drug ring with the arrEsts Of "a man and woman in Capistrano Beach. . Sgt. Neil Purcell ol the Laguna Beach Police d-;partment identiried the pair as John Charles Gale, :24,,~0r 35~06 Beach Road, Capistrano Beach, }and Connie Kay Fleming,~. of 1188 Victory Wall, Laguna Beach. The de~ctlve claimed Gale Is a "big wheel in the organization" that has been manulacturlng and oelllng hasblah oil In various parta of the country. He said that M.iss Fleming was not involved with the alleged ring but that she had been out on bail . pending !rial oo charges of oelllng tnariJuana. The agent1 made .. the 4 a.m. raJd oa Gale's. Capistrano · Beach resldtnce follow1ng several hours or surveillance. Purcell noted. Gale was arrested on a $312,000 Orange Co~ty warrant chf'ging him wlfh ~cons~i.,ruv, lo.aeil:dangerous dlup, 18 ad- dition, Purcell ,$aid his agents contJSCated am.all quantiUes of~ an4_ mari'uana fr~ .11jii' reitj~• ,ie l'ilJ h!ieY also found '30 gallons of denatured ethanol a form of alcohol used to extract the 1011 from hashisll and. the manufacture of the new · fcrm ol ~ illicit drug. She was booked on suspicion Of dangerous drug possession with intent to sell. &th the suspects: were being held in Laguna Beach . jall pending their ar- raignment Wednesday .ia central Oranse COunty Municipal Court. the dele<Uve noted. Chamber to Hear Of AlcohoJic Center A COunaeloi !rom Ralejgh HUis Hospital In Newport Beach - a recently opened alcoholic treatment center -will address members of the Lquna Beach Chamber of Commerce Wedltesday at 7:45 a.m. at the Hotel Laguna, James Butler, one of five former alcoholics now working as a counselor at the hospital, will inform the group on Raleigh Hills' l!Diq_ue, approach lo helping problem drinkers. Persons wishing to attend the breakfast should call the clwpber; 494-1011 for reservations. tax fraud, has been committed in this r1~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, case because McGraw-Hill ·did pay the ~ money to someone," according to the :. Times. The IRS bad no comment on the letter, which the Times said it learned of through &OW'CeS. McGraw-Hill announced Dec. 7 it would publl.!b Hughes' "autobiography" based on interviews writer Clifford Irv ing said he held with the reclusive Hugh ... Jn a subsequent long-distance telephone news conference, a voice identified as that of Hughes denied koowing Irving and denounced the book as a hoax. Irving counterclaimed that the voice From Page I HIGH· RISE. • • council Wednesday night. Both Seymour and Laguna atlorney William Wilcoxen argued that the second attempt of Art Colony real estate broker Vern Taschner to challenge the 36-foot, three-slory limit shoold meet the same · fate as the first -it was rejected by the Fourth District Court of Appeals. Wiicoxen argued that state law1 which could be applied lo high rise Issues have always given the "broadest degree of local control" to commwUUt;t seeking to protect an environment qn!Que 1o a com· munity by the paaaage · ol protective ordinances. He lold Judge Lee tb.llt a ruling In !avor or Taschner would amount to "Judicial Jn. terrerence" Jn an islu•·tbat had already been decided lllwtuUy by •voters or hts community. • And he ln\roduced a new element Into the controveroy -the poasiblllty that . wiwanted high rise coatlnlclloll Jn Laguna Beach may not only block lllAllY a Larunan'• ocun view hut -Po be arcbll.ctura11J UDIOllDd. Wh~t's My· Line? • • • You won't bt fed lllY lines 1t Alcltn's. We • ere more intoresl~in devaloplng loyol I • ~ 'I customers than maki}tg a fist' salt, None of our salespepplo will bother you if you just want to ' browse, but will be pleasod to assist you if you wish, with truthful 1nsw1rs to your questions. • When we discuss CO?t tones, we would . ' hevo to "modostly" IClmit th~t we It.vi tho largos! 1ol-.tion' ln the 1(1_1. . . ' Top brancls sucli 11, Bigelow, lerven, IMttlo, ' Magee, Mon1rch, 81rwi&, Moh.wk, Roxliury, MiHikon, Armstron9. ALDEN'S . CARPETS e DRAPES 1663 Plaalltfa AY,1, • COSTA 'MISA 646 4138 • . HOUUr ~· lhrw T1lun. f le 1.--Prl. f to f -Sat. f:IO to I • ( • ' I I ( { ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TUES AY, JANUARY 18, -1972 i TEN CENTS Up ApprOVal of ·Phone Facility •. Parkway •n..,.o.Ielfrey Rood In central Jrvlne. The revision included much of ••bat .,.mdbnen bopecl to ba•e _, . •hen• the bull!linr ·permit rr.... ex- ceptjon •,., fi(st asked by· the te!ej>hooie . COllJPIDY, . . · A'lnlb bin once placed •n the property · ·neit' lo homes' ls now aitacbeci to the J tmlldlqg.. • ' ' . ' I • A' OWnbelf tbat la IQ feet wide will DOW·liuffer·~'"qDUl·induitrtll project" ·from -·tliat lie•a!QQI two sldea' of ' - the Pa<ilic Telephone prop¢y. · • MOyor Willlam.Fudibach wbo bellev.., the project needs more study moved to put tbe ll<m O¥er to the nell meettna o[ the ptlilUlb!I acency,. • • ' Shortly after midnight thlS morning the plannlng ~geocy ~ to ,...;t at 7,30 p.m. Jan. 2$ in the Irvine City Hat11 roool 238, ,Town 'Center acrou cainpus' Drive from UC Irvine. Flscllbacb said he <hoped the lelepbo~ company. could oons\dtr dedic8tlng the ' . . ' . . . 30-fool green~lt,olrl)ll U a pouible city perk aild · conaidtr whether the sis-foot · 1lloclc wall ,_ the)' R!aMed .to: put up will he Vtty clOoe to nelgbborinc .f""""5 or , at tbe other aJde • of 1 the 3!Moot areenhelt. . . · · · COuncllrn'I" Qabiielle PrYor ·~~ lo aUoWihg the wall ~!be built 1iil Such .• -way that•i ·gap ,rtmalned belWMll the new wall ·and exisijgg fences. 0 Lttue chUdren liid i>!;ts c:aJi g~ stuck In the darndest places." abe uid. . In other actions the Irvine Plllllllng Commlufop recommended approval by :thelclfy councll Wedne>day night of the follcnrq projects : . . • -A ba1f acre recreational complex in W~t Village, College Park by S and S -ccimlnlclloo Company. -A %,lifl aquare foot , 145,000, lour to III bedroom model home for ·College 'Part; also by the S aod S f1rt11. , -A llf,000 square loot addlU.n to the Ka~ Motors Corporation warehouse tJ.s. Retakes ·Red " .. .. on McGaw in the Irvine Industrial Complex. ,., · -Irvine's first meillcal iioup offl..., lo- be three one-story bt4J.ldings under one rool adjacent to the Alpba Beta Sboppil!I Center In Unlvenl\y Park. -A 14,000 square foot building on ten of the 4:0 acres plapned for a building for Co ntrol Components Inc. In tbe Irvine Industrial Complex. The planning acency denied a nquest (See PHONE, Page Z) Ship ·Coast~·Guatd Does Not Fire in Incident. ur1r....,.. ... . . . . ~ ' "' • , By Sl'EVE WEINER JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) -A U.S. Coast Guard Icebreaker.,...: autborlf.ed lo fire across the bow of.a Soviet fLShing veaae1 It seized after the 1hip '.brOke •way today with" a party of' Americans aboard, 'bUt the llblp was recllJ!(ured wltb no shots 'fired. . ' . A Coast <;uard spokesman al.the 17th ·District ~dquarters .said the ~reiker Storls 0 came• about as close .as you can ,get". tp . !iring a _wai;nlng ·s11ot al • the Saddl~h~ek's . '. Anti-crifue .. . . -Drive H8iloo: . · ' . . DOiS1HE· MAVi,'DIE 'REAL"·HUGHES.STOR'n . . ' RObOrf ~•»Y/it!o>Formtlt WIN, Lona•Tumor ' 1'• ~ ~ ',4i.amJ: ._...., ,, • : ' ii ;lOI!. I ,,,, .. ~ -~ • ·' ., ..... ,, """ • •• '•'-•<( ~-~:W: ......... -liiliiir"OO:WJ.! ·c:jd~.: ... ~::l~:·.:.: .. ~.~~.··.H· ~8··.i .::~~ .. 1 '-. =~~::~~ il..&f.16 'Ml fie:§ . "JlliOJett Jdprittnc..noo" •-' baqi• If i • • . ( .medr.c of ttio Ezcbange Club of .SM--A~sk§ :ptiob~.:~I ~c·ne~k~ ·· E~~;?~:!:S:~ ' · • > ' • , the area will go il)to. eirect. In· yie ~II . · ... ' ' · t ' 1 , , 'two weeits: . . · , ' .'NEW,YOJtlt<M.'l.-·The~York whicb the Times aaid lt'1'arned of • Partlclpanta •ln the :ptpn.will llamp 'nlnes repdirted ,toC!oy;~; .. , alde,t,o ~·h ·-. thell'. driver's license llUlllher -· ... Rowan! ~ ,abd the" lnlernal 'lli;;Gr.w-Hlll)lmoUnced!Dec. 7·1~....id · ~"'~ Rtvemie. Serv!Ce to . '=:r. l~o· ·Pllblish H1111bes' '"autobiography", based personal property •they-wlsh 'to·~ cbecb 'HlllJhes ~ lt>r'his ·Ol\'lntervlewl wriltt CUl!ord Irving salll 'That Dumber wW thOa.be·recOnled with par,! In a coi>lroftnUf.bJocrapbf &,.. ''fax . belbeld•wltb ,lhe reclilslve Hughes. the· sherilf's departmept In a '•mne ·to fraud.'' 1 · Ill a ·nbilequmt Jong-dlslance telephone estibllsh speedy1 ldenlillcatlon ·ol atolen . . . quaiters In Wublngton. to·f~5a·sbo~ II ootmaneuvmil the Lamut. llr ice-clogged =ill~ the -flqiblp to ~ · The 112-lool-!Wnut. and the :111-lool Blem trawler Kolyvan were seized WltJiql\t ~nl laje Monday on charges ol ·eo~ Ulegal fishery support ac- lf!llYj .-Ibo U.S. 12-mile conli&UooJ zone. • ~ . •Coolll'Galrd spokeamen·sald 'the Storls, on roullilii -patrol, discovered · the two " . llblJll 911 mlles oil SI. Matther lllan.d almt l\I mllea Inside U.S. wilerL Tile two ---boaided by 11111' Coael Guafd while they were "'°""' together for unlOadtng. Tile Storis !Jim ordered both Sovlel vessels to head ' !or' Ada!< Jaland, a naval stau.n !Oil mlla IOllth In the" Alelllla:m. The Coast.Goard said the journey bare- ly had begun -both Soviet vesseb 1tppped,. saying lbOy,would go no further. (See CHASE, Pap Z) Viejo :Unveils Ho11si:..g Trad = ' ' . ~:t · For OlaSters ' 'l'be.TllD., .sai<Mllll ·Clleslet c. llllvls, ·news :ooalel'eoce, a voice . ldentllled as artlcl · • cblel comiRI of'llle lfilgbts TOol·co.:1n a thal ol Hughes denied knowing Irving sod '1t~fin. withus,".sald Sherlll'I Cop!' . ' ' -• . . . ' . Zogg to Address ::IQ=~~nol'.?~ ::~=1~Ei:E .. ~v: ~~:'i!'"i::"1~~·:i-:~ S. ·ad_dl_.·_ e.backTrus .. · .. tee .... s .. Ba. p" MCG<aw·llllf!IYS ·il·pakfiolf~ . duced'lllo check.s ii said were .made In ~·re Ollly:1oo glad to help ""Y-·• . , . ViejC) Reaiden1' !etie~i ~~~~~ :!~e;:~~·.:::~!~ ··'for~ed ·.·Q.,ifi~efuig'. c,Iass ~i:=~~ -to", oomepne;•:-according_ to the ~ by True MoglZlne thal it will boss Uceme numbers on metal, plullc or • . . , · · Mtaalon Viejo lloaleownss hlocllllloa ~·.;;..·lia,_no'co.' ..:.:..:.ton ·~1e1i:;, ·pubJll!h a atol')'. by.Noah Dltlrich· about wood. Ead1 homeowner ullerested In the . A "!oiced comloetil!I" er... al sad--iic:llC!emlc ....... , vocallona1 !')'~~-..W dlocmo tbe dllllrlei•a Feb. 1 • ·~ ...., a . ~~ ""' his 3Z yeara as Hugbes' top aide. II will mutual prolecllon plall will have • decaf dl·eba' ct Comm_ ~ "·•-e' •~ .--...... ..-:. and a· '-'"a...,. In ...._ -..,.. appear ln -the,April issue whicb go... on -·,,....... w•• -•-~ ,.... ----~omrideand il!lndtloellaaa!tha7:111 :,ff( .. ~-* sltle March t. · affixed to his door or window to· Indicate crlttclsm lnnn ·tnlltees Monday l>Jgbl;""' plannlrii:Cillrmflort•al the coUtse ,.... p.m. meellng In Iba~ room of . Dietrich, who worked !or the bllUonaire his protection under the plan. ' with the ·admlnlatralioa. ~ to look aa lnatrllclon. Miiiion Viejo HIP ScboOl. -Nix.on's Brother·i lndustr1a1ta1 .!rom 1125 to IJ57, said that Tbeclubtsollertnclhesmicewithout Into allemitive methods . of ac-"IrlOllQds ·llb a bllll oeUlaa to •me,• ThedlslrlctlaukJn&taran .. aillool . he co_mpleted a book on Hilgbea '-.the . c•-e to participants with the advice ~-~ ...,.Lund·lhln&of , ~-..l--"'h coll\DMllled Lund. coll · $1,lf .hedlhe--al••bov-e Iba 11a,1!!· " thinl sUCb k to he'~ ·-· u~-.ooon --llOIC Colllna aald ,,_ ep lboUJd ;nqatre' prelCfl I WHO per -i TOWS to . 'Clear . , o.c. •7• ' -1 . . , ."nee that, c:ommunltles. wh!ch have adopted' ii1d 'Mtcbatf eoil)na ·of Mlaajol> Viejo . "• w .an i.;;;' per quarter counMllnl aaaeasec1 v.-11 .,,, .. .,. the·tolal P' Meanwhile, Manbattan supreme Court identical burglar aod theft protection queslloned the llWllberol -ol Ille for eai:b -J: aounds like tb1a ' lu nte will ·-ID '1-•. · . . . Clamor -~n Lo.an ' ' Justice Gerald-P. CU1kln postponed unill bave cul losses by half. clasa ollered dur!DcJJ\t ...-quartor. , Pll)'th 40 class ll a,joke :with tMm. •, • It la a1ao utJnc lor approYI) ol a 1-1 Friday a hearing on a · 11111 to block GleM Harshaw or' Toro Cleaners •au J DI:: Fn1i" U. Brtnier,' tuperlnlondent · · •'Thera•i that.old cficbe.:. Ilia -. · blue tolal!IDll $16 tnllllaa- publlc1u.n of a third Hughes book, w~ RockBeld Road, El Toro, ill cba...;,;."';,'; ...S.praident,·said that II -wwe cet oul ol'll whit lbay put In,• Bniner Alao on lhe.-Wlldi apndo Wiii be author, Bober! P. Eaton, also claims 1t Is the E ·•··· Club' . nt' offered hecaUle'lhe c:ourae la a acbool ~ eala. "Thll eoane la one *aJ r.r Illa an. el-of olllcen 19' Iba ~· hued on ·htterviews. i ...... '6e s crune preve ion . quJiement. uwe need a munber of llC· ~-meet-coan11m. I dma1 tblnt J'lf'· ~t Enterpriaes, ' a ',Nevalla ;-, commltt.e and organ.im · ol "Project tu.n.-so that.s!Udlllla can flt It iato•lhelr, ~· ll!T~ 'l!IJI01ll>'JI. • ' ,....;.---"'---'--'-"-:----.- publ1'hlng company which clalms ii has ldentl.IJcatlon." • schedules. . • · · · · 'Truilee -Vopl, ~ • to ---..-.e rilbts to HuAlles' lire lllPrJ Ir, · · llober't · Jlicny; · IDlnager ol lhe . ''The claas la.roqulnd bec•-·wa lllOd ' dlacolllod al 111e· ... .., al -. ;,,. -~~ C.n• ~ to lilock both ihe Eaton' aiid Irv-People's Federal Savings aod Loan , aome . way ol! ""-ting 'llodenll. U'a l'1'ed, aaid ~·clus -laft a-mu· · Ing booka. ' • Allsocllll140, ~I · Rocklleld' Blvd · El ' forced counsellnC, boll thal'• °:l::l "'1' lmwil of, IO llUdenli -Doi D or u ., Eaton's book has been excerpted iii the ' Toro', iJ supervising the loan of ~Vlng fre Clll iet1bem in," Bremer • • .Gme ~ 'baye. , , , (See HIJGlll!.3, ,Page I) tools to lnlemted members ol the publlc. He adlleCJ that topia of )he clus ii>-• . ' .. ' .. ·~ • ............ The 1111 •wlll' .... tlaql .. lowcloullaby __ _ nesday, brlncfnl alllbll1 illllliw lemperatmu al II to • .... Illa. ~ caut. 1-lalllPt .. ~ to'a. . - INSmE TODAY ' Jl'<un<d daioiwr Irr. Blflck- 10el~ inie,.,,.«cmallv Jmmon for hi1 on•llCll JO tDOnt d,..llld 1411 wijlcll M )>IUICt.lu -.._ He r<lllCITl<a, .lella ~ Bioch -10h11n faahloo comu from and .. ,,.,.. Irr goi"l!. ~·• Pogc,J3. • . ' L.M...,_ ,...... t hllllnllie JI ....... ..... 11 c........ ,..,. ,....._ .. '*"" u ... ~ • -----'l--11 ---. --.. wrtb•r• • Tell....,. t ..... ..,, """"" ' ,., ....... -. , ... 3 .. _.._ .. .. --~ 11 -... .. . • . :I OAILV PILOT SS . 'Bl®k~' ~Wins· ease ' rWith U.S. . I • ~~gaiiPn oycotts TV ANEBY, Sweda> (UPI) -Bap. fill -tloo In the vlllap " ':olmlly II ltd up ..t!JI "-i.'1...-. ad awe~' oe teltv . Jn.11rotMI !Jlo.,Jnemben will ,..,. watchbo( le le v 11 Io n for three ·months, Pastor Goethe Henrlklson , Anene ' 11Biackle'• Gadarlan, self-pro-· 'laid todly. ' ' . ,. dalined ••w•tcbdo« obibe "Rhine" whose · '-------------' · with the federal government over · n. at hla Newport Beach boatyard ' Review of State headline.I two montbl 110, bas. won l>O~~ or 1.a11oi<oc<upat1ona1 Education U?.gea I lately eel Health Rev"" Comml!81on ar1ng .. ~1 ..... ~ d!Jmlsae<! the .~.Y J-egislature ,,.......,_ 1 cue .. • - ·Aller five mqnlhl .d .letter,1'rltlng. a "' t I ' • ' • . tiWlnc at !hf Ji!ewpOr\er Inn, the OU., ot brlela and rtply briefs, Gadarlan \na tool Mooclay he dOUJJ'I have to pay the $)5 line. '"l'he-IKfellry ha a not ealabl!shed vlolatloif ill the ship rtpalrlng rtgulatlon or any pr01laion ·of the Occupational Safety l_Dd Health Act u alleged," wrote eumlne:r Harold A. Kennedy, concluding a If.pqe d~ll\<lll. ~·-~ • Gadattan told them that during !he one- ·day trial. "Thi In' llyt I hive to hive a ladder tn lhe Yldnlly of the dock," Gadarlan had f.,uecf, 41tnd tbert ftl'e f!)\lf 'wlthtn the 'flclnlt1. tt . - The (OV1!mmenl ro• oil to a bad start · wben an Inspector wrote an lnltlal cita· llao afieglq a vioWloa of a llOIHJlllln( · req11lrtmen!. ~ • ' I The !Inf charged that Gadorlan~ Newport Boulevard boatyard dldni have o,1-"lo lhe clock." Durtng the ~ a.Iii&, B. L. Tibbetts, a aupervllor, con- ceded that wU an ,error, ~ Tbt reviled· citation claimed there wu 'wone "in the v~liuty" and Gadarian •J111m1a•1nc11 ·pnived chirlnr 1aa11mony lhe DWI jlllt ~·t ... them. • ! <;oda(W\ wu jlllt a little btt bitter • )'er lhe wlKIJe thing Monday. .. , ·.:"Tho lnlenl of the U.S. )overnment II *"Pod/' 'be reflected, ''the lnent of Its .,_ployea la. not... • : "Tbot l"f _Tlbbelta could have &lopped 'tithe whole Ullng, but be never even came •• down to my yard." . He alJo leveled a blast at lbe new 11w Itself. ' '·SACRAM!!iim) (AP) -Adlng ,over llii · 'objecllobi of tile Unlvarslly of Cajllornia, a joint !eglala!tve committee voted Monday to ask each tJC and college campus In the state to · Participate in a review of Callforni1'1 hlgher education system. CampUses. will 'be asked to define their ugoals, purposes and priorities" and send statements to the Joint Committee on the Muter Plan for Higher Education by Apr'. 'l'h~ committee ii re v i e w I n g California's five-year plan for public higher education, which g!v .. UC the top role ln research alld as.signs the heaviest burden of clauroorp. teaching to the state'• t3 two-year community colleges and 19 itate colleges. ··The campU;S-by-campus approach Is too complicated, 1aid UC lobbyist Jay Michael. "Anyone who has attempj,ed to in- ventory: the 'goati, purpi)ses and priorities' of a single comple1: campus - Berkeley or Stanford, UCLA or Clare- mont, San Jose State or the University of Southern California, would pale at the prolpecf Of SO· massive a task,'' he told committee members in a prepared 1tate-- ·. ment. But withQut a dissenting vote, the com· mittee adopted a "study plan" in- Corporlting the campus-by-campus idea. The cominitfe'.e ls Scheduled to make recommendations to the Legislature in January 1173. ·pr9m Pqe l , .. PHONE •.. Capo Man Acquitted ·In: Fr-aud~ By TOM BARLEY Of ... 0.llll ...... Shi• A San Juan Capistrano man was one of two defendants cleared of fraud charges · today as three lawyers opened their defense of the remaining seven members accused of tnvolvemen~ in an a~ged auto repalr racltet. Orange County Superior Court Judge James Turner sent Ralph Carney, 29, of 32852 Calle San Marcos, and R. C. Wel.sner, 28, of Santa Ana from the courtroom as defense attorney Al Slokke · took over from prosecutor Richard Sten- ton. Both men are cleared of charges that they were involved in an asserted repair racket in which motorists' ·tires were deliberately punctured, car hoses slash-• • ed, radiator caps and seals brdken and · needless repair work carried out. A Costia. Mesan tabbed by the pro- secution as One of three principals in an operation that allegedly included 11 service stations in Orange County and three in San Bernardino opened the defense phase of the jury trial by denying that be bad ever inflicted or solicited the infliction of damage on customers' cars. Stanley Davis, 34, of 1086 San Pablo Circle told Stokke that he and Jerry Kendall , 35; of 969 Sonora Road, Costa Mesa, were partners in an operation that put alx Of those stations under-their personal supervision. Davis said other stations were under the control of Edward Carney, '1:1, of 20882 Shell Harbour Drive, Huntington Beach, ud Roger Mendenhall, 1.8, of 2ll09S Avenida De Seo, Mission Viejo. Davl.s said be loaned both men the money to open their stations and allowed them to me the Garden Grove warehouse that supplied tires ·and part:.1 Jor a se.rvlca station chain ranging lrom Seal Beach to San Clemente . DavLs denied prosecution allegations that be and bis employes systematically defrauded motorists bf damaging auto equjpin,ent and soliciting needless rePair work. u,., ........ HUGH&S' AUTHORIZATION·GIVIN IN Non I . Bllllonal,. Hasn't Dtliltd Thia Qne ~~~~~~~~~~~~-' . Jobless Defense Workers Entitled To U.S. Funding . ' ' .f'rOrl. Pqe if' HUGHES ••.. " cUrmit Ladlea Home J°"'"*1. CUikin warbed lhe mapz1nl to Print ho lurtlir 11cerp11 peJidln1 the 0utc0me 1!1 ibe 1111~ While Houao prw aecre~ !">naJd L. Ziegler rtlulod Monday lo dlaOllss a sug-aerospace and defense industrf WOfkers · 1tauon that Hughe! ob~. political tn all California cOunUe1 are eligible tOr fl'lon ·for ,a f205;00l loan. he ~ in 1~ the f4.2 million job .as1lstance proifam ·lO Prealdlnt"Nlxori'• btotbe.r ... · ordertd last April ~Y P,resldent )'illon, a . • "'rha!·1 J l)Oty. thai la a1*it 14 Yll!S state official said today. . old ... I have notbln& to uy about lt '' Until. ~w only unemployed workers In _. ·Ztegter repUed to a question. 'It Is an ~d , four C~lil.o~nia counUes were eliejble .for .!·~that wu fairly ad~" in 11!9Q.. the program that oilers job search • · When the' 1tory a-tlMi loan broke SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -Jobless .grants, relocation gran,ts, on·tbe-job. or Jutt be.fore the 191'0 pruJdential election, . classroom training and job promotion both Richard NlXon who wu tl)en vice and de.velopment. . • pruldent. and h1i brotherlpOnald denled Frank Briscoe, a Departmenl of that Hougbea had been liven favor~e Human Resources Development ad· trutmenl mini.strators, said seven new staff units The loan came up again thb week in have ~n set up t0 administer the ez.. the controvmy about the ~rported panded program. •ulobiocra!Y. :bY· H~, tlie ~llOl)aJi:e . Former (ederai .employes tq. def~se-lndll:'trialiat who basn t been aetn lll related agencies are also eligible fOr the public1 for more than a decade. program. lrv!ni, who nid he collaborated with Hugbea to compile tbti bool: In ..,,. than 11111 houri o( taped lnterv.lel'!I Iii 11veral JocatJOu la lbe Western 1 lleni!aphere, aaid Jn a television Interview over the weekend that Hugbea ldenUfied Clirk Clifford as the man who asked him for the Joan for Nixon's brother. From P age J CHASE·. ,, ' • • Movement reswped after furthef f?egqtia- tions. . But the Lamut, carrying fleet com- mander · Vladimir Artemov, JUddtply broke away. · For-the next !our hours, the Storls chased the Lamut, receiving permission during the period to f1re ii necessary. Clifford, onetime adviser to former Preaident Harry S. Truman and later ,defenie aecretary In Lyndon B. Johnson's admlnlltratKm, denied any connection wl\h the IQU, altbnu1h he acknowtedsed that 'b!a firm represented the Hughes Tool <:,o. • oPhone . ., • IX • . Vote Plan • Faced with a i\rolest by the chalnnll of tbe Orange County Republican C.ntral Committee, two telephone cOmp•nlel . ' ' have canceled a voier 1eglstraUon pro- jecl. Pacific Telephone and G e n er • 1 Telephone had planned to mall out registration cards along with t h e February bills to 2.8 million customers in Los Angeles County and part of Orange County. Abciut :I0,000 ~seholds 1n' Orange County wOuJd bl"'· been included, those ·tn the area code 213 dislrict -La Habra, ·Brea, ~ Alamitos and Seal Beach. The IIO,ooo project by th~ Los A!lgeles coun\y "fllstrar; bad beep apPro•ed by .Jeaderl of _the ·~allc, ReP\lblicsn, American Independent a n d Peace and Freedom· pal'tlei. ' · ' ' " ~Thomas ~ers, chairm1n_ or the Orange eoupty.Republlclq, central com· mil~, objOc:teil, uylnfl ~ R"'Jecl had been tainted by partisan ·polllicking, that ft wu a political wedae into Orange ·County· by I.Os Angeles groups, and it made M provision for family members with more than one political preference to split their registratk>n . 'l'l\t card lfsted only the lour ballol·•P. proved parties, ignoring ,uch newly. fofmed organizations a1· Lr Raza: 'unlda, he 'Hid. .Les River,. chainnan of the Les Angeles C.ounty Democratic c~tral committee and a ~ci<r of the J!'O~l, ~I~ Ro(ers' criticism1 of the, plan were irl1CCW'at1 and unwarranted. 11He'1 done a disservice to his own par· ty by pulling a few strings to 1et bis own way," River u.ld. • ,. Help ~e· Sets Trainin g .Course For Counselors '·r ;-'•tt11 bialdioaJ;'' be uid, "I could walk ,,f/Jll> the 'Newport DAILY PILOT .and """'plaln ollaut JUtl IDylblng I WIDt and ~'d -oomebody down the nezt day, ". I eontellecf the law, not the even~ rwbeD I clloH lo fl&ht;" Gadarlan said. by custom Signs Inc .. which .provided no ·wormation a..s to what they wanted to build. And he denied prosecutiao testimony that h1I Garden Grove ware~se was us· ed. as a acbool to instruct employea .on how best to i.nflict damage that allegedly cost Orange County motorists many thousands of dollars. "At the end, tbe Storll kepi ·croujng his bow, forcing him to change course and slowing him down," Schneider said. "They were in ice, and the storia bas an · advantage becauie.lt11 In icebreaker.· "Finally," he s&ill,~''t;be·~~is ordered him .to stop or he would be forced to take action; When he w~ be ~as r~ to fire, it was about u.. close as. you can Ket." Irving uld that what Hugbel rot In return for the loan was described in the book, IDd that while the book doea not call Hug,bea a Hfi.J:er," It pictures him as a man "wbo mates very careful ar· rangement. fq see that he gets what he wanU:." Prospective counselors lo sWf the Sad· dleback Valley Help Line will be1in train!nr Tburaday. .. • :Pamp Fog Hits · lh:_lfftge C'oast; . Air~rts (:.los~d 'summery weather that 900thed th~ Orqe r.out over the weekend ls ap- parently over, after a blank~ of 'damp foe , ftopped down Monilay, closing alrporla and slowing freeway commute.rs. !lci-many, weekend cynic,, sa1, t b e weather program call• for IUMY Sk."' on · -ya IDd overcilt Saturdaya and • &mdaya. -· CoiitJnu!ng overcut lklea wttb buy suit tn the altemoons IDd little temperature ~e la predJcted throogh Wedneoday for -of the area. A survey of high temperaturts showed Palm Springs the hottest spot In All!erica M...Uy at 71 ~. while cold, db!nal log prevailed leaa than ZOO miles away. No tnajor accldenbl were reported in ' One other U:ceptlon to the council'a ~ day 'building pemlit ban was sought by l..evtti abd. Sons, buUder1 of The WUlows in central Irvine.. The CO\l.DCil labored more than an hoQr over the merlts ·of a wall the developer :says wa1 demanded of *tbem by.count_r planners. '1t '.°M.eMzllll& .Jo11J ·1roue, chfef ot...the . Jand •uae·dMsion of the county:buUdlng department, ·said "I don't remember ihe e-0unty ever requiring an 1 interlor wall although , it frequenUy requires walls Scretnii:Jg a tract from adjacent streets or arterl.al!." Wolfe is serving the new cl· ty unW ~ cl~y· develops its own building department. • Wolfe's comment led Levitt and Sons representaUve Ron Parks fo note that he'.d. only been with the firm four months and ~ be wasn't sure that the wall he was. recnaesun& a permit for had In fact been r~ulred !'Y' county government. DennJ.s Hour.,, presklent of The Willows Commun.tty As.soci'ition, told the planning agency the wall closed In a 40-foot wide greenbelt. If the wall were approved, Houu suggested that it would be difficult to correct drainage problems in the greenbelt and/or to provide flat usable ground v.ilthin the new steeply' sloped greenbelt. the.~l,nded San Joaquin V~lle>: ar~i.,but Councilmen acting as planner• aISo 40,000 Kem County students were , two , ,determined that there was ·nQihing they houri late for school due to travel con. . e-0uld do about the elevation -altltudt! -dJt~. differences between clusters of home3 on Some 5,000 mort were glv~n 8 fog boll· elthef side of that greenbelt. At issue had day .M the mist cloaked streets and been the IS..foot difference that I hlgh,,.ays, while CHP cars escorted peop e cara•ans of motorists on U.S. 99 for 1 below the greenbelt would have t~ view time Monday morning. -nine feet of slope and another s11 feet of wall._ DAILY PILOT ----c--HWlkw;M._. ........ ,..,. OIU.MGE COAST MLISHING ~AHY' a.Hrt H. w.~ rruldeat • ,. • .._ J.,. t. c.r1 • ., ' . 't"lcll l",.ld_, .C o.tr-11 ~ n.,.. •• K.M •t11t1r· . t••M•• A • .tilwttllilM M_,klf Eflf91" C••r!,, H. Lo.. lldi1rd P'. Nill AIYIMI -.....,q ltllton Councilman Henry Quigley 1'wlll walk the tract" with Parks prior to council dec ision on 'the matter Wednesday. The. couocll meets at 7:~ p.m. In University Park Elementary School Wedneaday. .Midway through a four·hour and 4S.. minute ieMl'on:Monday night Irvine city COIUICil!nen •llertd some thoughts on Whe_9,.l~ should create 111 official plan- ·n!ng commlsllon. . , 1 Sipce .4ft~p0rati0n Dec. 23, \971, the ,1 city cou.ncll ~.'acted .a.a the city's of· fi:CW plaMitlg ag~ncy. · .Ma)'or .Wll1Jam ~~hbach lsUd acting :· cltY attorDey .lai'nes Erickson if the city counCil could.,' turn oVer' '8ny plaMing ·:r i:.Usfne'SS ' I\ 'belan to any new planning conuiiias.k>n they might appoint. Erfola!On :nld !bit ii the cOanctJ bepn deliberation, a'nd/or public hearings, on any of the five residential tracts e1pected · to be rteonsldertd they wnuld be' bound to see those projects through lo a final decision. Davis admitted that he constantly urg· ed his employes to generate saleJ at the station,, under his control but that those sales were made ln cases where the motorists genuinely needed new tires or replacement of parts. Davis aleo conceded ·that wherever ~lble employes were urged.. t o petiuade motorists to i.lloW tbem to hoist thefr',1Cam Jn tbe lube lbay {or 'el:· amlnatlon. · • r~ · But that practice, Davis told Stokke, Is common to all service stations, and Is carrl~ out i.n the ~st Interests of .tbe mototllt Who ... may find frooi a more careful e1:amination that his car needs vital repair work. Cliff Blackburn, News.P apern:18"1 Succumbs ~t.'46 ' New1man Cliff Blackbum, a one-eyed rifleman who won the Silver .. Star.twith. Patµin's Third Atmy In World War .n aniJ was later nominated !for jourMlilm~I Pulitzer-Prize, is dead. ··:· He was ~ .'if hen he ·succtqnbed Sunday. , night, at l{iiiJ!or Foundatlo11. }10.pltal in Bellflower. • The {orinet S8nta Ana R!g.ister !taff member and Orange C.Ouftty .re!ldent left Jrr· 1no to: ioin the ·Los . .AqgeJes Herald - Examiner, lor which be1covered the Tate- LaBianca murders and the Manson Family trial. Rosary for Mr. Blackburn will be at 8 p.m. tod.:iy in Millet, M1es and McComb Mortuary, Downey, followed by Mass Wednesday at 10 a.m. in Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church. Downey. Survivors include his wife Margaret, daughter -Tracy, 71 and son Mark. 3;' brothers Edward, Robert and John Blackbum -who remains a Register staff reporter-and his father Clifford of Florida. ' A graduate of the University or Missouri School of JouniaUsm, whlch he entered after European,. con;abat service, Mr. ~lackburn went to lferk for the :, Houston Post in Texas. Despite being blind in One eye slnce age 13,.he enlisted in the Anny for •<><•lied limited duJY bUt wound up In the front lines as a riOem~n. .He wo~ked for other newspaper" a wire service and Radio Station .KFWB In addition to the Register, where he covered the disastrous 1969 flooding of the Santa Ana Mountains. Burial will follow the Wednesday funeral rites at Resurrectk111 Cemetery in San Gabriel. • Copper Tubing Worth $1,000 Burgl&r!zed , ....... 1714, "41-4)11 One of the councilmen was led to ask whether or not the city council could co~ tinue to mull (be five rtzonlngs while at the same lime setting up a planning com· mission to handlei lea:ser matters. Erickson noted It Is not possible !or a city to have two planning commlulona. Either the city councU, be Hid, ,contlmiea as Irvine planning commlaloo ol It a,. polnll. a 'Permanent one, before talllnr up 1lrange County sheil!"• Giiiem are on the resonlng~ Iba toolcout loday for lfl~vu who took c ........ .w. • .....,.MM6n •S.QuaalteAI t., 1 lei ............ . The • ~ . majority u em e d = tubing •a""'!. Ill dearly 11,000 p= lo-...., obood wtth namln( Y nlgbt Iron\ on Irvine con· p -.mllalooeri prior lo lllWn( I •trucllon aJte. ,I ht'( lor jbe flve parce11 \In cenlral ' · Oll!cia!J •I Plumblnc ·~rs Inc., Irv,::.~ "°"!'I ;allow u'p. 11 l;tll -' =laol ":: ::1::~·.::lllll'ly 2,= ~COil.c •• ~~-~--' --· ........... =t ' r Mm 8urtioa iiid ii. _, Ol1cl Doma Ofllcen iiiiil .,.,. ~ QullJWJI'. -.ied they lall the councll cut Into tile· foaadatlolll et ""'"" - OQlllt to ID• IDd ~ U..0. lftjlcla 'OOOllNclloo ID U., -ml -hea lblJ inmlled lo l'eOO'lllder. duty pllen lo anlp oul !,ht tublnc. vy A White House sp0ke,smaii. ~ec.llned, to - dlscuu, the authorization to fire . the ,..am. lllj shot He also iaid Iba! .the "~,µ.. ... the emergency communications system between. Wash.pl~a. aqd Atoico.,;, was pot used in connecuon With' iht .biCldent. A State Department spokesman Jn Washington said no .diplomatic represen- • ttnin to the Sovleta wea · plonne; on !be basis of evidence available. · White House press secretary Ronald L. Ziegler said the fishing boat .iocJdent would not have any effect on .Nixon's plans to vi.sit the Soviet Union. ~ In respt>Rse to a question, he. Jitewlse aaid that there would be no adjustment in ~lxoh's ~oscow plans as a result of the eiq>Ul1lild .ol J14op. Jamea H. Scb4uer (fl. ~Pt'. f, from !bi Scl'vlet Union. :i c..;Zieglfi' liad no ~ment on eiUler incl· .dent •tiday. He ·Mid the Co&>{ Guard was dealing witli.fhe fishing boat·seizure and· !bat the ~ Department 6iu been i:le111Uni with the Scheuer expulsiOo.. '·. ~ent officials said that, when rucli'"Jishlrfi bOat incur1ions occur from tune to time, the normal procedart is to -take the offender to court. They ~ecalled that not long ago a Japanese ~P was takeft in and a fine imposed. Schneider aaid the KoJyvan made no ef· fort to escape while the storis was oc- cupied. He said Jt was M~ known :why the trawler remained hove to. k . . . .From Pagel VIE JO ... miµ-keting, would ban children. 1be board decided to wait until each tract map flied wJlll tbe county is sent to the board for approfai;before It decides bow many school 11\!a the ~pany might not have to provide. Specifically, Blum asked the board to write a letter to the Orange County Plan- ning Commissk>n 1tating it has reviewed the plans, approves of them, and is releasing the cqmpany from a promise to provide ICbool sites because of the nature ol the develoi:ment. The development which reportedly will open models in June, will be located east of Marguerite . Parkway, -that roughly parallels the San Diego freeway. Access to It will be from ISOO..foot extension of Marguerite past the Marguerite Recrea· tlon Center. It would be IOUtheast of the .center. . One eJementary school and one in- lennedlate school was originally planned for the fint 1tage of the development before Jt was geared for the senior cltlzen. · Marty Russo, another company offlcia1, added that JI the program Is suc;oesslul the need for a total of four elementary schools and one intennediate 1ehool could be eliminated over a maximum of eight years. The volunteers will gather at I p.m. at the Mount of Olives Lutheran Church, 24712 Cbrisanta, Mission Viejo. Mrs. Kay evt.z and Dick Corradino will conduct tbe lecture and the partici· pation classes. . Prospective counselors can be anyone married, single, widowed or divorced over the age of 11 who is willing to spend 1U~ lb fouf·"9U .ai,Ulon a month minrilng the help line telephone. Founded three years ago the Help Lb1e ls sponsored by the Saddleback: Valley Minllterial Association and ..ls currently staffed by 50 volunteers. ~or1. )ijive talkeCI to teens, housewives, men out of a job -anyone who needs someone to listen. They also have referred hundreds o·f persons to ap- propriate agenc.les designed to provide aid for specific problems. Anyone interested in becoming a counselor may call Mrs. Gertz at 83o.9424 or Fran aa·stlngs it &10-5985. Olin Chief Succumbs GREENWICH, Conn. - F u n er a 1 services will be held Wednwtay for Gordon Grand, president and chief ex· ecutlve officer o: the. Olin Corp. Grand who was 54, dJed Sunday Of an apparen{ heart attaclt wlille playlnc ten- rus. A graduate or Yale University before being granted a law degree from the Harvard Law School, Grand wu named president of Olin In 1965. What 's My L .. ? Ille. ·1 You won't D• fed erif. tones at Alden's. We . are more interested In Clevelopl~l Joyor custo,.,.n than miking 1 fest sele. ' . ' None of our .. lespeOple will l>ot~er Y"" -if you just wont .to !;ow.., bUt wiA be pleas~d to assist you ~ you wish, with truthf~ an,swers to Y'!l'I' qutftions. When we discuss cerl"t tones, we would hove to "mod11tly" .dmit thtt we hlv~ ' ' ' I, the ler911t 11lecti011 in the -· ' T - ' Top DranCls sue~ •s. li9elow, a-n, IHttlt, Me9N, Monerch, Btn!ick, Mohewf, ROlliury, Mili1tan, Atmstron9. , f '; •/ , ' . ... . ' -" ALDEN'S CARPETS e DRAPI S . . ' 1663 Pllallllll Awe. COITA MISA '46 4131 HOURS: Men. "'"' ,,,_ f 19 liJll' -Prl., f le f -Sot. NI le I , ' I I ) l I I ? I I I ' l •• . ' i , . T!JllTLE.ROCK YOUNGSTERS TR". HAWt-llA"I INSTRUMENTS -. · · Su11t Broodlovo, I; Joff Batoa, 9; Clark Poul, I ' ' .. ~p~cwl · Music P~_~gra.m · i ,!. $Wted tit San Joaquin . ' . ' . ' • Finch Ill Midst Of ·Seat Scramble 11y 1111L rrAU. SACRAMEiml (AP ) -White Houae ---·lbe eenlnl °""' Ill I ... -. .... tho, U.S. H-1e1t beJnc VIClled by Rep. H. Allen Smith (R- Clllf.). ' - !imJ1b, rllUll!c RepulllJcan on the key Jlui. <'e>l"tt!M, ·-I """' qo lbei ... -llep -Iller 1' yeon in eoac-. .. -Ftnob., who bolds tho lille ol prealden- 1111 c:oumelor, turprlaed C 11 1 f or n I a pollll<ll · oblerven by · 10DOUJ1C1ac he mJchl run fG< 11. • . .. ,,_. "" a Joi-a/ lhlnP to wel&b," llld trincb, One!bne CilJlonill lieutenant ,. • .._ and lormer llCrOlary al Jlealth, - Education and Well1r<. ' • He oould run into a touch GOP primary lllhl apiml.-. al bro comervalive R>plbllcan slate aeoators, John L. Harmer al Glendale Oil H. L. lllchardlon ol Arcadia. -. Harmer Wll eapecled lo iumounce his diet.ion lhorlly. lnllden aald11e decided • apinot riumJDI. . l\lcbardaoo llld he would wait unW the ~ SUpreme Court lliltles !he legal. cloud over ~ ol '1\0 state'' a ·~ -before "decld1J11.' . - Fliich atwa11 bu laid Ilia prime am-• bltlOn IJ to become a' U.S:aenator. · FlnCb'1 nexi sbnl aj lhe Senate ...Uld bt"thi ieai of Democrat Alan Cranston in 1171., l'ber< bu bep1 'tpOCUlaUon that RepubltCan Gov. Ronald Reagan mlgbl run f9r the Cr-teal. , · Finch .... bu dropped blala be IDilhl run fG< 1ov..-in mt. -Raqan ' piano to llep down after aenlng two lerml. Tbe ............. altuatlon ii ..... pllcaled by tho.jlcl that 8-- alt reapportiomMm 1lllla lllllld bJ the 1171 • Lqjalalurt, c on fro II 1 d 111 Democr1ta, and m ono ii ....... yet wbal tho dlltrlcl lines wtlH11. ' • Marine Landing .. Exercise Faces . . Court Decision ' BATII, ll!aineJ UPI ) -Tbe flri!I of WO court suits ~ at slopping a mocl: lan- d1J11 on a beldl by toll Marina durinl a four-day ei:ercile will be heard by, Sagadahoc 'County Superior COUrt Jlldge Albert Knudsen -Y· 1be New Yort-butd . ''Environmental Defenae Fund" and an ad-;boc "Com- mittee for Reid State.Park" joined In fil- ing lhe tult · qilnal State .Parb Col"· miaalooer La-Stuait, Who alao ,iJ> the ·111P.,lnteoc1ent of tho· park. • It alleged · tho parb COllll11iAlon ex- ceeded ill authority when it acreecl to let -..... c .......... . u:S.·Senator Hubert H. Humph· rey (!>-Minn.~ told 1 political luncheon at Pittsburgh's Wil- lilln ·Penn Hotel Monday that the ·present administration has forgotten the people. He then went' on to ouUine the pro- . grams~ he would implement as ·President. u,,,. ....... Teel Telles ChargiDg President Nixo~ !J.th turning m. blCk on Bl~ Sen. Edward ~~nnedy (D-Mly:) said Monday the Admin~a tion forfeited .leadership in civil rights u no other, in a century. ,· I '. &o:lf T9urney Fund-rais~r .. ~ . . - Set· for Nixon Bust· Unit : the N1vy 1ule the park and close it to the . .. • pu~~~ U:,;\':'fu!Yb~.::n~ups ,'A~.p;;.;lal ~-~~i 'golf ~ handicap fll&bt. (or 1<11/ers: w'fW .. A I Rab• In U.S. o;,!ricl Court in Portland aplnsl •followf(d . by dlMer llid entertalnnient eatabllJbed bandlcap. '' ;' DDU8 JeS tho teeretaries of J.lefente and Navy, and bas ~ planned by the San Clemente A blind drawing will be held at t()e dJn. J,, '"muiical report Cll'd" will be a Some aeventb and eighth graders will ~ the lfarlne C 0 r P 1 ~t. ~~ organlzation 'liponsOrlnf the purchHe of a nu , to determine priZe winners Jn .. _. hlghllpt al an educatlonaL montage can-alio perloml u •will a gri>up of Iii-• tended the Navy vlotaied th• . ed'"'We· tho People" be!111 presenled to strumenfalista frOm lhe high ichool., , Clinic . Slated. · Environmental Policy Act of 1111t· by not bronze,tiust of President Nixon. ntgHt. . the pubUc Thursday by the-San Joa(luln filing an environmental impact report. The golf tourney Is open to all golfers Two scorecards will be drawn from. El"'1lentary Scl!ool District. . The tntent o( the P~ll" It to aC-Thilt suit Will be beard Wednesday. . and will tie accompil$hed on the "honor ·each ntgbt and tbe low acore·oe •ellliet A music p-am will be presented quaint the community with the general The· yWly, low-priced rabies VIC-• -The Navv bu m-.ui a contract lssur-' ;, . · ·~ &•~ , 1vstem. " .. on 1. day of the contestant's will be considered the score for·~ w•-twfce from 7 to 'I p.m. and from I to•f' 'mUJic program. and other academic Jl:O' cinaUon cllnlc will be bold In Laguna Ing the slate all precauliooa are being ' ""' ,... p~m. ht tho IY'"Oallum of-lll'illlioo Viejo In the dlslricl •• to Beach.toniitt betm fo•ctock and l :lO taken not to harm anything at the park, choice. nlng twosome. • , .,,..., ·~1 t~ 'th ~-bit gr11n1· -' accor~JJ: to use only· exlsl1"ng roads, not to touch And at the end of all_ the play golf.ers "We hope that this will be 9ne 'of· " .. ·• .. _ --ooncurren WI an·e ... i s lntende t Ralph Gates at the Main Fire Station, ~10 F0tt>t --of classroom work which ill be shown in uper n · the marsh areu or · the dunes, and to izid their guesli-will attend a "GoUer's most interutina and .enjoyable 191f "" mul': . A second music 'pr o g r a m -the Av.e. The ~ 'for tacb vaccination will. be clean up ~--·~v1ng. . 'DA .. ,. ·a' t. ,.._ .l.t "":.:...,-~-Inn. ~ · u""pose room. $2 -~ ._ .&HIM' 1.1.:: i>4U.I '-'Qlllft:llle tournaments t•'1 btld in the aruj~ Cldlclren 'm grada three to six will dlstrlcl'I anndal tprlrig , m d'sl c · Knudsen said Monday· that, even If the All pro' veeds wll. ~go towai-d the local SI id . 111:4ei:t:uslc"Jr01i11D. Special thel"ea festival~wlll be held later in the' year, Dog licenaea will be avallab1e at the Navy 1J enjoined fiorn Jaridlng the aven sa . · ' · griie, ; C<>Wboy1 and Indians, grade posat"bfy at tbO Anaheim · Convention clinic· for Laguna_ Beach reaidenta 0111y. Marines Saturday, it would ~ dlfficUlt to effort lo ral,. the $7,500 need.ed lo Entrants, .be llld, cin. pliy at ~Ii foui: ~mljl America, grade five; and PrnOf. of rabfe. •acclj>ation, wltbln,• tbe . enforce 'the liljunctlon. purcbiae "!be bll!I 'which ultimate!Y will . convenienct on lh,lr home eourH ,be('"'." "®l!>'lil tbe-l>o(der, grade sli. Center. past two years IJ nqulred. "Could Ibey be beld in cnntempt of .be .a gill> frnl" local citiaens lo Mr. Nix-the ~te of tho lllom.f and ~tad..:; . "'.' • · · . 'l'he distric;I currenUy his a full stall~ .. Oner• of dop with current rabies court?''be 'uked. "Anct'U IO/ Wlio would oa's~. ', -. carda will be~·-~.._ 111 _ !"....._ .. <. • musicteacberi who·haveputtogelhora certlftcatea 1hould.piclt up 19'/2 dog 1otojall?". ' ., En :fee!orule "enUreloumlDl"ent • ........_., r---'WIT __ ' 'a' le Wa' le' hing ·---~_,;.....to' ~-'-aw'--"'-. liceruea at ,tho Sl'CA Anilllal Sheller, Ii "tpOkeaznitn for tho Navy • Aid it 'and •. -i>acbae 11., .... "wlhlch includes Jllin'Htll,o • .EI Jllluol. lllndfllr'.'*'. W'D r~-" -...,,. -·...,. --20lllJ. Lqyna Canyoa Jl<!ad. ·FeeJ are would be Ina-lat; to ®mmO!lt on dlmiet'for tWo, milertlinment, 1oH.j>riw Clim~ MunklJill ""'1111. ' F >"f'-• '• •• • . ofmusic-l!:.-ough .lingfuci'llstealng .. ,mov'-1 $!.SO .for• IJllYed female and~ for a what would happen if tho iujuticllqri .ia anddm\dnl;ltho!IJll," • ''" , ' SIJOOllk ~of 11»,'°'ftiit T ]1, T Se Ing, playins muaical jnstnnnenta, i'eldlng 1"ale or uq.qiayedf"111le. 1 . terved until after tho beariilg:. Jim Slaven, ijjok•anan for the ~I anOallle unup wll _.,._ fl'to · . ~la.a, Ollr f mlUic, and.cr!!llting lt. Tbe anniial dlnlc is tpOlllOred by tho Whtie alt ·of .this la going on, 33 Navy ·event, saicL lhe tormat 'for tho 'goll Slnen·lllcf. ·: ' · 1 • m'~~~~e·ta-.~..!: Southern Callforala Veterinaiy Medical wanhtpoaranarln(apoiDtlllOmilesoff IA>Urnlmint..W:U;:"e,~...u-.0..:a The buat.wllldl II' ttia 1111 di lllt B. ~T .!--.I Gro·· u'p', ... ~ """' .. ...... ---, ~1!';1 1\'1 ""-~tr -tbefl--lo!'lar - _ _,, __ ~.... _,_..rdlan-1oum ..... t fl.Wll ,,m .. •411t•!ll' • ,.-.1...AJCK ' first and ~·l"aaf! C~ ~I ~.,._.. irid the ~I ~ub. ' rendezvous .Wedneaday~ ·• l ·•.f9r•hil'Jltlnl coun•. Aqd a bl~ the ball, be 1U..-, . ' •Ii , 1 ..1,: month by .l4arjlyn Shephtrd, 'music.-""'-~~~~-'----'~~~-'-~~;-~~~~~::...-~~~~~~-'--';_..;-..-~~-,-~--..,---'~~~~~,-~~~~.:...~~-'-_,...• ,ft... South . 1~t area chi""-of ·teacher .• Other music ape c 1 a I l ~ts '" • 1 • ... -~-.-.i . ~!.the dlitr1c1 teach .~minute • , ,. • _ ~=~a~w~at ocal les'aoiis In 111lrd tbrnugb six)b gradea-ooce , ~~:~=a~:J! :~:!i.i~"'fn"ii:in= ~~~~ .• ...'.~ ·'., "·> .. :''1tmR' '·c·i U"H" .~1 . ln:Dlnlt Point ed ~•nL ~"fo" th•,.L,,.., ~~• ' ,. "• , -, , ! ' .J.,'-.LCJ . . I · 1 ....... ' ' · ' Ill> f llow ••-iril,"al fer to ow~n m ur u.-uu8u .uu1 • • • , ) • -1JJ1C PP W 0 WI;: "' 1 trades Instructlbn tn· woodwiDd in-:i • J meeting' With a wi.Iewatch cruise Sun· . ~ts. b<UI, and ·percullllon in-• ' da' '111'rlll\On.. · strumenta ,aJao It offef"'1 to chlldreµ, In "".;,,,~ .jjotl;·~en!s wlO'be o~ to parents and I fifth and sixth grades. ' '· _ --\children. . Tbe ev~. meeting Seventh and el,hth ,grade." sludenll starta ar 1:lO·wtth coffee aerved, and the 'receive 4allY pracllee pOrioda in wind, c"1IH Will begin at I p.m .. at lhe Dana • brass and percualon lnstrumenls at three ~ ·tsportfishing Llnding at Da~ intermediate scboola. Guitari! off~ ·at • TICRta are 13 J1'!I' -er anil one. All 1ave choral programs .. w oo!d on a first-come, ftra~served . ,}. dlstrlct'honor orchettra ha1 J•I\ ~n bO , , • ford."'· for · children ln .four\b, throuih Merloallolll can be o~tained_by calll!lg •i111 · grade with , a fe.•r Intermediate I~ .. ",• • · sctiool studen!s playing moi;e dl!!)cuit in- ltrull\ent•. • • ,. I .. ' 1 :. (or: ~loo ''Airport Topic ' • '"'·)..,;"f ,. • O.J, ,Saddleb!'lck · _!Jnit The district Instrumental teachers in- clude Wayne Mischofl, Lewmoyne Tiy\of, Rick Stoup, Claire Horn, Glenda Crawford, and Pat Rai~er. Gen~ . music teachen Include Sherry Foster, Marilyn S~. Kathy Vejtasa , Lee ,Austin and Trudi Bergman. 1,,7·2· ·~ ' . , . • ' ' -.. ,~eoOc;tpt for a major region'al-airport ~ ,,Cblno will be tho main • topic of ~isaton at Wedneaday'a meeting of the ' SecidleJ»ck Arca Coordinating eounc11. Air Pioneer Dies . The meeting will begin at 7:30 pJm. 1t • , . Royal' Savings, 23785 El Torn Road, El ST. 'MIOIUS,. Vtrgln. ls~ (AP) - .. 0 . ..,,· ." • Reed M. Cbimben' '71, aviation ' plmftr ·1· aiid coloiinller of tbO llnlle!I statet Avli- Aiar .~ be dlJcuued will be the Feb. I lion Undenniten, Inc., died aboard hla tar-oter11de and bond elecliool In both yach~Sunda)'.·O>ambln' ~career tbe •Tustbo Union 1lllh and San Joaquin llJllllllOI( IO yeors. He mtred• u board ,Elenientary School Dlltricts. chalnnan of USAU In 11111. ' • • I ~ J ~.'!;"~1y1itng · ~bu $2441.0(l PllCID HOM O!fL Y • • '• Talk about better Ideas. Comet for '72 offen everyththc' yeu,,,buy a amall car for -and mo~. Superb handllftl, nialntenance, sreet ... mileage .and low, low ill, bis~ 1tylln1 and roonUneu that remem-.. • n Yo re a .l(J"Own-up .• Standard e<tulpment that can· not be matched in itl clau •••• order yoUl'l today. . , CAPRI lmpOrt "Car of. the Year" . ' . . . ~ . Ou• -Elm>J>0011 bnporl. The Jaw p.tced aport (OU.pt with •t>'lln& and road manntn inspired by tbe ~161 m•t dNlrabJe ·~ can. Room foc four adultl. 1'uD carpeting. f'rorit bUckell of tofl vt1111. sa.n wOhder Capz1 has taken America by 1torm •••• "order )'outl today. . . ' .: ; ... ' ··~ ""J~~11··, car I ·- l'IOM ONLY • , , •• i f'Oro.nge Coufttv'• rcrmaw oJ '"" CaraH t ohnsOn '& · sori 2'21 ffARIOR ILVD., COSTA •IA .-M18311 .. .. " r • •· -. ' l $2699.00 • " .. -' ' ( . .. !. f DAILY lllLDT ijQtel Boom Hits Coast By THOMAS MURPlllNE .... .., ,,. , .... GOING UP, SUIT-Some 1baken 1"4 moYert alotlg our coutline seem struck bi. the notion In recent tlmts that aomebody out there ls lookin1 for room tn the Inn. ~ havo W. 1111plclon beca""' of tho number of iM-type rooms now beln& pro- posed for construction In lhi! region. You know, It's the old 1tory of 1Upply •td ,demand. Developer• apparently have Hiil a lot( of folks: carrying sultc1te1, wandering around aimlessly, lookinc for a ~lace to plOp them down. "" .»us . having sighted .the w e a r 1 traveler, the shakers and movers charg· ff off to their various drawing boarda with plans for a few hotels. .JllJIUNG THE DECADE just psst, one of1be first along our1coast to be 1truck wWl the hotel notion wu George Buo- cola, the succeuful home and iparlJnent denloper, who declded lo build htmieu a HUide hostelry for the wayward traveler. He built It off Jamboree Road In N'l"J'Ol't Beach and called It the New. pdrter Inn. Like DIDI! of George'• crtatlons, It w11 u artistic and civic succesa. But It wa1 Ioli than a boomer al 1111 cub rqllter. Buccola IW Jonc alnce balled oiit and under present mana1ement, t h e Newporter IM enjoyo happlneD, 3IO busy- ...,.. ud'pl1DS lo add more IDDn. • Tiii: AIRPOllTBR INN, In Ille new c~ ty of lrYloe, popped up out by Orlnl• ~ Airport and has becolD! en area bit wllb 12$ rooma 111111 plena IO add tO -... An4 -1111 hotel boom fl on. Marriott' Corporatlon piano a ltlih-rlsa hotel of. 250 roomt at Newport Center with eventual plan1 ror 6iO rooms. Wlllltrn Jnternallonal Hotels wanta lo build 1 botaJ of 3!0 rooms et South Coa•t Piiia In Cotta Meu. Holiday Inn haa a 14koom boalelry IDinl on the Meoa. Munwhlle upcoasl In HuntlnitOn Jl:each, developers are trylni to put te1elher 1 deal for two hl1h-rlsa hotlfl .., !be buch fnlnt, featming l9IDe IOO rooms. 1IB4NWBJLE. BACK al •• u n 11 -i. lllt !1"11 to aid !be wayfereril- clfulyevldent. Collins RodJo Corporation hu talkea of a 25()..room hostelry on It! property with expansion to &SO rooms. The Mcllonnell Douglas people want a hottl with 2111 rooms. It woutd eventually 10 to IOO with a convention center and other tblnp. And the Sheraton chain bu corporate eyeballs on a 250-roomer near the airport with space lo t•pand to 4111 rooms. Downcoast In Laguno Beach, Union Pacific Railroad wanted high rfle hotels along the beachfront but now that tall otuff fl banned, will lllcely settle for II units or own-your-owna alona: th e beachlront. ANYWAY, EVEN with my feeble arithmetic, adding up all those propooed hotel rooms, you get a total of 3,811 room1 either being built or proposed. Well lolks, that'• a lot of weary travelers. You have to wonder where they are all going or, where did they come from? lt fl a~o lntcresttn1 that hotel hlstorla.na have noted that in New York City, so many hotels were built between the turn of the century and 1928 that no new hotel was built until 19!50. Then con- strucUori of the Summit Hotel renewed a spurt ol New York hotel building, follow· cd by the Americana In Ila and the Hilton In 1965. JN THE YEARS between, however, New Yori: innkeeps suffered decada of low occupancy and feeble profitJ. It might be something for the shakera and movers along our coastline to think about. Tuttde,.-., 11, ltlZ UPITI ....... Freedom Flight ' Soviet JOWi pour out of an El Al 747 jet after lb arrival In Ttl Aviv from Ruasia. They were part of the largest single group of Ruulan immlirants ever to arrive In !Jrael -350 on one plant. American Embassy Jolted By Bomb Blasts in Iran TEllJIAN, lrlD (AP) -Boml>J ex- ploded . Monday night at Ult U.S. Embasty and two o t b e r American buJJdbi,1 here. Two lranJan auards Jn., Jurod tll1hUy. at Ult embauy were !be only casualties. The blula came 1 day afltr ID Iranian 1oven1!Dlllt 1pokesm1D reported that lour Communtat1 trained In lroq hid trlod to JdclNlp ti.I • .AmbWador Jlou&lu "YICArthUr D and 1111 11lfe 1111 November. 1 One uploelon lhoOt the Iran-American Cultural Hall while a eobcert was in pro. ll'tll· 'l'llt audience 1"lllhed out In panic, but no one wu hurt. Tbt chain of e:ir)Olionl started when two bomhl went of aimultaneouJly at the U.S. Embauy. One, at 1 corner of the bulldlllJ, lnjurod tilt suarda but caused I 'If both 31/da -white, wlwt -tMy fighting •l/qutl' little dam11e. Tht oilier, planted under a truck parked outllde the Embauy wall, damaged the truck and lbattered win- dow! In nel!l"by buildings. Tl1e third blut wu at the cultural anter, and the fourth broke windows at the Peace Corpa olflce 1 mile !:om the Embasay. The cultural ceoter, owned and operatad by the U.S. governmen~ fl tr .. quented mainly by YDWll lrlnllDI, ln- cludlnJ potta, writers and pslnter1. An 11pl01ion at Tehran Unleraity on Sunday alJ<S caused sllght dam•ge. A ltCUl'lty 1pokuman blamed it on "radical groupe." The purpose of the attempt last November to kidnap the ambassador and his wife was to use them 11 hostages to be exchanged for political prisoners held by the ~overnment, a spokesman for the aecurity forces said. The embassy said Monday that information on the lnddtnl waSwithheld at the govermnent'a nqutlt ID Investigation& would not be lwnpend. The embalay statemtnl conflnned that four armed men in two cara bad lf,opped the ambaiaador'1 automobile and ll1td lbofl at II baloto H sped away: The IDvemmtnt Aid It moated flvt por ..... , who are awaltlng trW. Sihanouk . Relatives Reported in France PHNOl'tl PENH (UPl)-.A IOU ol Prince Norodom Sihanouk, and his cousin, a fonner Cambodlan forelcn mtnlater, have · fled Cambodia 111111 are probably In France, unofficial police aourcea said to- day. There was no offlelal confirmation. Prince Notodom Ranarith rt, wu reported lo have left Satun!ay a f t e r 1tlllng his houae and Cll"I. With him WU th• eldtrly Princo Norodom Phurflara, foreign mlnlllar of Cambod!A at the time of Silwlouk 'a OUl!ef. Warm Winds Driven Out New Surge of Arctic Air to Hit Nortlr.ern Plains TUISOAY S.... tllfh . . ll:llP.f'fl, 4.4 ~ IN 4:4' it.m. .0.1 WIDNllOAY fl Jl'tl hllll .......... 10:st ...... J.J l'lrtl IN .......... l :lll1.rn. 1.7 6ecOlllll tlltll ....... ,., ll:!Klt.m ••.• ~.... . . .. J;"'·"'· .... Slln .... •:• '·"'· ...... l :Cll '·"'· ~ ll ... l ill 1.m. WI J:U J.m H•t'f' ..,Ml'lb~ tocNv, \.lth1 v1rltbll WINll "''"' tlld n!Ol'lllM lllUI'\ btc-· l!M -.lfl'IV J 1' IS ~Nil Ill •nt•· ~ IOdS't' tlld WNntldtr. tlltl'I -.... ca111i1 '-fllfl h1rt1 r11111 ,,.., a .. JI, fllleftd ~llv"ll rltflH ftWr .a .. 66. WtlW t9rnlterervrt: &S. r-per•Cure• "'"' L .. Po , ll .11 .10 j .. ( . . . ' .. ~l MIGs Fire Missiles • At 2 Jets Over Laos ~ Wirt !ltrvlcas SAIGON -Two North Vietnamese MIG jeta croued Into LIDl 111111 •!lacked two U.S. Ff Phantom jela with air·to-alr mlaaUa but tailed to hit the American p1.,,.., lhe U.S. Command .. id today, A U.S. communique 11ld the Soviet· built MIG211 fired three mlull11 In the attack Monday aflernoon ll\!l that the .American aircraft dJd not flrt back al the Communllll planea, which sped back llCT"Oll the border Into North Vietnam. Tho M)G attack rellefted a ourge In the past month in the 1ir "fir over Indochina and the tnc,..utni North. Vlet- namue use of what tbt U.S. C(tmmand calto ambuah techolquu qalnll U.S. jell. A 1quadron of North Vletnameae MIG jeta attacked three Phantoms Dec. 18 over the 1111te area near the Plain of Jan, where Monday'• encounter took place, shooting down one F4 and chasing the ·other two untU they ran out of fuel and cruhed. .Another MIG tried lo oneak up on U.S. jeta in the same region Jut Saturday but were cbued away by two missile-firing Phantoms. · The U.S Command WI !he Pbanloma flrtd on Monday 11took evasive action and dl6 not upend any ordnance In the brief encounter. The F41 IUllained no damage and returned_ to their bue." The communique located the attack IO miles northeut of the Plaln of J 1r1 and 30 mllea lnllde LIDO. U.S. military 1pok11men refuled lo 11y what the American planu were doing in LIDll but they appeared lo he bombing 1 North Vietnamese infiltration routes from Barthtltmy Pw lo the Plain of Jars. The l,12n-mlle-an-hour MIGs pused within sliht of the !,!GO-mile-an-hour Phantoms but th~ FU "never got into position" lo return the flrt. The MIGs * * * Box of Grenades Set off at TV Sit,e in Saigon SAIGON (UPI) -Guarrlllu 11t off a box of hand 1P"tnade1 In a police truck parktd inside a walled attl housing South Vietnamese and A m e r l c a n television stations early today. Ex· ploaloos and fltea went on for half an hour. Al ltul one penOn WU killed and 1lx Injured, all VlelnameH, hoopltal and police sourees 11kl. It was another in a erowlng series of terrorlJt incidents in and around Saigon which allled intelllience has predicted wlll cllmu 'in a Communist offensive wilhin the next few weeks. Police said the blut ap~ to have been set off by terrorists. One live grenade blown out of the com. pound by the explosion landed In the atreet outside. Jt then exploded, killing a ltudat and injuring another a.I they !Bide thllr way to Saigon University -'>y .. U.S. ~ .. apertl said a clvlllan automobile wu l*'ked inside the com- pound 11111 11111 H eontalned smail arms ammunltiOn aDd c:ommuqjcations wires !hot could Ila" I>,tn wotd" lo set off the blul eltc:lriclll1 from a distance. Tbt Amlrkan Armed Forces Radio alation, alao In the compound, stayed on the air through the incident. The television stations were not oper1Ung at the time. Besides the casualties, two police trucks, six priv1ttly owned motorbikes and two power generators belooglng to the television stations were de!troyed. It · was the lint incident at the televialon stations alnce .Oct. 13, 1969 when a taxi loaded with explosives deltn>yed 1 ochool a!lll damaged !he Viet- llU'ilete stallon. Police Hun~g Poultry Worker In · Dea~hs, Rape DEP'UNIAK SPRINGS, Fla. (UPI) - Roadblockl were 11t up today and opotter J>laMI 11nt aloft In an attempt lo ln- teictpt a poultry farm worker accused of murdertnc hlJ wife and Infant delighter, wounding two othera 111111 raptnc a It- year-old girl. Police said the suspect, 2t-yur-old George FoJ, fled saying there were "two mon men I hlvt to kVI." He reportedly w11 armed With two rifles and 1 pistol. AulhorlU• Ilk! Fox shot hfl-lt-year- old ltlfe, Patricio r.x, in Ille 11'1• room of thtlr Delunlak Sprlng1 bome about t :lll p.m. Monday, then killed thtlr lt- ment!M>kl deqbter, allo named Patricia. Tbt baby WH ahol In Ille ur With I lllllll~~ platol while lying In her crib, drtnklnC from 1 bolUt. Mn. Fox• lfandmothtr, Mra. May Moody, was also lhol 11 the Jl'os home, but an unidentified t!Jret.ytaMld 10D Wll It'll unbanned. Police Aid Fos went to the home of Ralph McCullough, I co-worker II tho Henco poultry plant. and Ibo! McCullough In the face, Mn. Moody and McQillougb wm both ltlllod In 1ood condlllon at Lake!kl~ Hospltll. McOlUOugb 11ld Fox then abducted his atepdaugbter. Authorltlco nld the girl wu driven around aouth Walton County for about two bourt, and then raWmtd t4 l>t'un!ek SpriDp and rtfld. ~· ' llGl1Dllly carry two lnlnrod 1-Jnc mislllu and IDftletimu are equipped wtlh two 23mm cannoa. The U.S. comnumlque alao reported the Ion of ID .American Ahl Cobra helicopter l!Uftlhlp lbot down M-y SI mllea ' northwelll of the central coastal city ol Qui Nhon. The two U.S. crewmu ~ Injury In the cruh. It WU aJao Rvtlled Ill Sal .... today that the U.S. d .. ~er e-i Albert David collided with I North Virtna!NIO junk Sunday In !be Tooldn GuU. The belatad -t WU made afler North Vietnam -U.S. Navy warshJp1. of "deliberately atl1cklng'' unarmed fllhlnl boall Sunday and oink· · lnr two of thtm. Hanoi Hid n I n e fllllmnen were killed and aeven were wOllDded. . Bri1ish .Lose I Solaier A_sks Asylum in Ireland BELl'AS?, Northern Ireland (UPI) - .A !)rltish army sergeant "'""ed lht Nor!llem Ireland h or d er Into !be Republic of Ireland during the nllht ind requeste<I pollUcaJ uylwn, a Brttflh army spokOlman lald today. I The spokesman d1d not lm.medlately identify the soldier but said he was a member of the Lancers Cavalry Re&l- ment stationed near the border. · A senior political officer of the Irish Republic said the sergeant Crossed the border near Blacklion in County Cavan, went. to a police staµon and requested pollUcal uylum. , First report. In Ulster said the sergeant carried his rifle when be cross- ed the frontier, but a senior police official in the repubUc uid the man carried no weapons and wore civilian clothes when be asked asylum. In Belfast, hundreds of Britbh soldiers Haled the market district of the city In a search for seven men who maped from the prison ship HMS Maidstone by swim- ming across Icy Belfast Harl>Qr In their . und'"'8U. An army 1pokelman oald be!wftn IOO 111111 400 troopo moved lnlo tht Roman Cltbollc Markets district -n tho dock& and city center' llftei MOnday's MCape .In an attempt to corntt the seVen. -all suspected members of the ouUawed -· Irish Republican Army (IRA). IRA """""' wd the men alresdy had escaped the cordon. Local residents piled into the streets to jeer the British troops and, to the tune of "The Battle Hymn of the Republic," llllC "the boyo'll ~ In Dubtln In the morning.• The anny spokesman ukl "we're &till going ahead wltb the search until Jt's proved they've escaped." He uid there had been ·•hooting In the 1rea bul troops were not involved. . The men cut through ID IJl>n bar block· Ing a porthole on Ille Maldslone, 1lipped out and swam about 200 yanh to the other side of the harbor whlle moll of the 70 other prisoners aboard the Maidatone were tai:lng an after-dinner walk on deck, the army lald . Circular on Lin's Death I Said Given to Top Reds HONG KONG (UPI) -.A Chinese- language newspaper said today the Chinese Communlat party bad baued a clrcular reporting the duth of IJn Piao, oq Chairman Mao Ta e·t un 1 's successor-designate. Tht rightwlng Sing Tao Jib Pa, quoting informed China aources said tbt. circular was dlstrubuted to high-ranldnc leldeil o! the party. •!IJn Piao, his wife Yeh Chun ,-a member of the poUUcaJ bureau ol Ille party's e<ntrel commitlte -and their son, Lin Ll-kuo died in an alr crash while they were trying lo escape lo Ille Sovltl Union," the newspaper sakl. II said the other six persona killed In the crash in Inner Mongolia last Sep.. tember included Llu Pei·hsin, chief of the political department of the Inner Mongolian Mllltary Distrtcl, and five guards. The newspaper aaid contndlctlons developed between Chairman Meo aJ\d vice chairman Lin lut Au1. II when Moo and Premier Chou En-Jal refused lo JJ.st Lln as Mao's eucceuor in the country's nt!w constitution, which wu under preparaUon at that time. "On la.st Sepl lZ, the central com- mittee WIS notified by military Id· ministration in Mongolia that Lin'• IOn, a deputy commander of an air force base there, and Liu Pel·haln auddenly flew out of Mongolia," Sing Tao aald. "The committee thougbt that !Jn must try lo join with his 1Dn to acape, ao it ordered a hall lo all Oighta." But Lin had already gone u> 'lluhehot, Inner MongoUA, before the order to ground all the aircraft, the report ,.id. Spaee Cameras "Last Sept. 12, IJn IJ·lruD pUOltd I plane. to carry ~ parents, Llu and tive guardl from Huhehot ·for the Soviet Unloo. But the pflne cruhed on the way because of unknown re.uons," Sing Tao lald. Chemical Drums Ji'roin Smpwreck .·'Washing Ashore LONDON (AP) -Teama of lcltnltata equipped with protective clothing' were rushed to 10Uthwut England toc1a1 to help Identify and destroy dnunl of dangerous chemlcala from a Spanlah frel&hter that oant 75 miles oil 1111 Comflh COii! last month. Exp<rll fear that the 1,000 ~l•llon druma aboard !be Gertnanla are either bobbing towertl Ille coasts ol Cornwall and Devvn or have sunk and will reteue their conteoll Into the ocean whtn their drums corrode. "This fl going lo be 1 long job," 11id Lt. Edward Thompson, commander of a Royal Navy team which has blown up about 100 of the druma that floated Jn. "The drums could roll In next week, or nut year." The Ude could deposit them In IDY of aevual hundred secluded covet and inlets aJonc the coastllne, and vacationen could stumble on theni next oWruntr without !mowing thtlr contant Reconnai,ssance Craft To Spy. for Marijuana SP.ACE CENTER, Houston (UPI) - Deplrlment ol Agriculture offlcl1l1 will u,. opsce cameras In hlfh·flylng alrpline.t this year lo ,.. If It lo possible to photograph secret marljuano Cl"O}lll In the United Stslt1. The first camera-equipped aircraft will be uled lo try to find Hveral teat potches of marJujana -planted by the IOVtrll-- ment lo test the oyotem. Dr. Robert H. Miller, who announced the USDA plan Monday, Aid tht lllDI ·Efforts to Dislodge Grounded Ship 1''ail ENSENADA, Mexico (AP) -'l'ulboota llruggled without -to dJsledte I Mulcan Navy ~ whlcb rlD qround Sunday morntnc In 1 he1vy fog. Further tflorll to frea 1111 ablp ftrt planned lodey 1 'l'llt Calif omit, tormerlJ I U .II. destroyer eocort, wa Ila !hon t• yvda o!fshore in a cove nlDe ml1M nora ol t1lla Baja California porl, A port -I llld pumps "'"' 411potdled "' Ille ...i after 1 leoll -loulld ID 1111 ..... room. • theory proved 1UCct1sful last year wbtn it wu Uied to man an epkMmlc of eorn biiihl. t'What we are doing ln this country, beglnnlnc with thil srowlnc 1t1aon, II Httln1 up 1 numbar of lett a!tea·and u .. 1"' teat aJrcrafl kt detactlOn under viry· Ing local coadltlona .. Ilk! 14iller, the deParlmeot'a ~lor f0t remote aenaln(. Ht uld Ult pn1Jtct "°"Id UM aboat S% mllUon In ftlJlda from 1111 U.S. Banta <t NucoUco and l>an;el'Dlll lltup t4 reltne ltCllllquta for ~ Iha marijuana In a(lll u amall u IO r..t with -live fllma and sopblalicated llaclronlc liar. The 1111 111111 llrOl>aJlly will -In Arilona, l'lorida uid 1111 1-plalna to l!Vt I v8r{oty o/ dlmltu and loll -ai-. Millar 11118. Ht lddralled tht fourth 111111111 Earth Reoouma OonlereJlCI II •1111 MaaDtd llpocecraft Canter bore. ila uld tha pn1jecl would llliUae - -and oqu1pmaa1 •·~ to nr aboard Iba Earlb -"illll~ •till .. (lllTSI, wticll la ecbeiloltd 1nndl lnlo .. -.. m1laa -m1li thll .,..,.. ud Mii ,...., and In Illa 8ky!M-llalloe ...... laol for ....,, ID 1m. ' \ l I ! I I ' 7 • ! f ' • Qpndng'8n ·lleaeh Fe11nCaln . V alle1 • -. VOt:. -45, NO. ·1 s, l SECTIONS. ·34 PAGE$ • • I ·' ' ' ,.. ... ... . . - • ' N.Y. Steeb JIJESDAY, J~UARY II, 1972 • JEN CENTS . . . .. . Steltrii;ship. Firm .Scuttles Development . , . . Pla.ns '. ·. ' . they don't have anybody wbo knows as much about it u me," MoltGn uJd this moming. . ''I'm taking It to aome new con· nections," he added. Mrs. J4artha Holt, a property owner wbo bu giined agreements to acquire nearly two blocks clowotoWil, also agteed that the diange would not ham! the prlvai. ent.rprlie efforts to redevelop. "We feel thll ts a better Way to go,•• the aaid. "Mr• Molton ii now available to devole lull ·time to the project. We alr<ady have IJIOther iarlO financial backer lnterelled and the two boteJ cor- por!ltlona (Holiday lnll and TraveLodgel are definite.'' Tbe plu !bit Mrs. Holt and Molton are workine, op is this: ·two or· three blocks l>O-flltH and F.lnt stree!J nee\! to 'be acquired ,,.m property owners. On the sHe would be built two bolels, with a total c:apaotty for !00 J<IOrqa, linked •by a sbdipptng ... mall, with .IOUVelllr ·~res, . .. banks,' and reitaurants. An overpass across Coast Highway to lhe pier would fink the development tot.the beach. City officials are encouraging the ef- forts, pointing out that it would achieve the goals of the controversial Top of the Pier plan, but reduce the city's and the lupl)'tl'S' Involvement ·1n the project. The city bu been plannlJlg to build a If.~ parking lot In the area as the mtalyst to redevelopment, but this pro- JM)lal has been criUcized recently· because of growing co sis; preaenlly estlmat.d at $10 million. A pet1tlon with nearly 1,lOO signatures on it would prohibit tax fun- ding for !he. parking lot has been filed with lhe city cleril's office by !he Downtown ProlllriY•Owners Aasoclatlon. "We think Mrl. Holt bas done a tremendous ,job Ill putting the property together so far," Vince Moorhouse, the city's projecl director for the Top ol'the (See DOWNTOWN, Page II ' ·u .S. Retakes Red Ship ' . . f I f ' • i I ~ ,•1Um~:~· , •. ' . ' ... ' ~ • _, • -· Coast Guard ·Does Not Fire in Incident •U,M/.TTHIW 1 • •. 1 11SLAMO"-,., · . • t • • ':.---•• Be rln11 ·S'e·a ~l:l . , ' . ' ' " .. . ~ . . •. . ... .1· I I • I . ~ ·.. . .. , . . . . ·'~ . . ' -. .. ' ....... ~:· ~ , ' ' • ... I • r ·' .--' .... . '. # .... ' ' . :~ • .......... l ·l I.•'\ ·-. • ANk · p~' ... • •ft.1 .~• • : ... , ' L ' .. W" --• .. I ' ~· ' I \1 .. t11) ~' L E u T'. I ~ .·' ' -•" . ' .. Paefic Ocean • '"' , • . •f ~·· UPINewlMff ~ ' . By STEVE WEINER JUNEAJJ,;Alaaka (AP) -A U.S. ·eoast Guard icebl'ul<er wu ·authoriad to lire -file bow of a Sovlit•fllhinr ...... it seized after the oblp broke away today ·with a party of 'Americans aboer<I, but ~ the sbip was recaptured ·With no shots fired. A Coast Guard spokesman at the 17th Dii!rict beac\quarters said the icebrUker storis ucame about u ' close as you can get" to firing a warning shot 11 the Lamu~ flagship o! an 80-ship Soviet fishing fleet during a four-bour c!Jase through the lce-chQked Bering !!ea. outmaneuvered the La111i11 In ice-dogged waters. ·1m1ng the Rua&lu Oapbip to a llandltlll. The JIS.loot Laniu~ and the mfoot stem trawler · Koll"(ID ...,. seized wltboul lncldeot late Monday on charges o! ·con11uct1ng illegal llshery support ac- U'(ity within tl)e U.S. ll-n)lle comlguQus 10ne. Coast Guard spokesmeo said' the stdris, on ·routine patrol, discovertd the two ships 911 miles off ·Sl.-Matlhew 1aland · . \. about 211 milea inside U.S. waters. Tlle ,two -11 were boanted Ii)' the . Coast Gllanl wllile theJ' were moored lolethtr for unloldlJlt. . . The storla then or<lered both Soviet vbla: to head for· Adak Island, a naval station IOO miles south ln the Aleutians. 'me Coast Gµar<I. Sl\ld the journey'bare· 1y had begun when both Soviet vessels atopped, saying they would go no further. Movement resumed after further negotia· tlons. . HIGH -~·~HAsi.IsNj)11> IN RuSSWi.SHIPS'. SURRENDER . . ¥ ~,C~l\lfd ~"'ll!•J~ FIN -Reds • j ; •• ' . • . .. . · The Lamut and anotber -Soviet O.hing vessel that had lieen sel1.ed at the aame time aa tlie Lamut and the Storls regrouped later today and were heading for a naval station. 1\nts lnTading ! . Lt,Cmdr,.Emmanael Sch••,lder, dlltricl mten...__, and· o--''-"1 or-.. .....-'i:'r ~-~~ ,llcor, lald !IJal ~ !!IGril "*"' Ill 1'-nll•doe lrOdi _ ·Gm.I! liiod-qulr!ers'lli'W~ lil-ru.t-a 'l\IJl,.il , . ' -.. . , .~r~ Beach ·"' f?ive ~·.;... ~--,;.. ·aim.i .• ,~ .... ..:..ie ... 1n ~able 'TV Stud. y -me.....,--... _.,. wr ~ 1oo ·-., ._ are cialaned to tbe.,..,"fortlle~.,..,...up . em!dilllfl'lil·'""'"-a1theu-$I. l S.96 • F ..:J ·_ publlc.z;11 ... ......,wm "'"""·.-:to _.,,. .. ,~.both,~ and · , in uruu altempt to -lilil'-alrfMld ,lit -. -. • .,.. I , , .. --al la A,_ • 'no otilllllon ~ tile Nini Olr The •Huntington Beach City Council In a. loller, to. tile GJuo11 ' =; Ile ~. ''llll'Vea u ID ti· Monday· night agreed to olipport the Ajrport i.ad"llle • · · Clpt. · ~ al the ~billtr.91 ,.....relt alJd development o! 'a llye<:lty Grant Bo1ee -a ·" el ~~: lllell" ~ . canirola ' relatlri( Io· cable television network with 1n $U,1416 nlantormm" ............. w l!~ ~ ; grant: . . miilt 181111 ;· .. -~ ...... ·-,...,...,11IdsletteraNov.13 c ·-'" .... the di! plin" ca be draw.up. ./~ · 0-by the Dela. Deport-re:.;rrt."':. cttycs ~"or.-the ~ -..-• ..,.11111 t,.oa 'AlenH.,. will Public cable Television Autborlt · " • ' ·' '''" ' -••tolleuoedua"muter....,... Year, · , · Y 1 I ' "'-..:•~ .E i. ..... -11 ... .,,. .. ,, .. bothllelkaliten budgeL , , R . . , s· s •UJUllGllllleD .. \'-,'-Coiid41ftt"1Dc'alrcmt.~' '·m l o'~'~repr~n~-~~-~lllF~·~· . e'gl' . "'trar . a· y· s •ntus " . r4 • • .. ~ ~· ~ • . llke'l llUer will.be' anktend1by the uw -. ~ ~! .,_,.. ~ Lei V ' . . fj' ; . u •ts' A"'9lt , ...... U• Ommlakn. at 115 lain Valley, Huntington .Beach, Newport ' . . ' aca ng m ,....._ •• 7,30.p.m.·-y1n Beachandwes1mlliil;,.11ai.o1nc111des . · · · ... . . Before 'Electlon '. ·=-~:t."~·Omml-~ ~N=.u:!.~~~n::-On Remap Clouds ~Voting' i.., "' • • " , -~ B . th H Id U . a~a~=ity~:~':= , . · ~=.:. u:. ~ ~ : , ~ e~ p last year to provide a coordinat.d ap-By JACll: 11ROBAC1' "'I think a reapportlorunent c1ec111on boardl llld .--l"i<!!>' lllA1 In the B Armed Dri proach Mi the franchising l>f cable . °' ,.. ---will be rucbed at leut a week before 1u1µro be llloecllo llifeJIP·--to Y . . 'Ver television !inns. Registrar· or voi.rs Dave 111tchcocl: March 10. olbenriae candkl8"a for nm 1..--, , " A drl-'" film -'-• booth Memben of the authorily have alreedy told Orange .County SU-'~n today . 1aembly, stole aeoote and c...,r.. will The ...._i, ..,. uncleo lludy "1 Cit)' • •..--,._,. In lntervtelred 115· applicants for the employ-.-·-not .lmow -. they are 'iumiliii.'' Att""9Y Dao P. Bania, will DOI oll .. fthe Huntington, Bea~ WU held up by a ment of a cable televlsloo consultant. that his ability to conduct 1 reuonable . oblerVed llltdlcocl<. . . • rll 11 OlecllOn -Ma.lay nilht wbo ..caped with Employment o! that COllBUl!ant 8fld facsimile al a June prUiwy eleclion . HltclJcodt ·laid his ....i preaa1n1 JllO' April 1 ' , but"'*¥-.• by fNI lltcaib. · · dl.otlllllon o! lundlnll Meds will be the depends oa sudden actlon on reap-blem toclay lnvolvea the city el~'--In \he ·lrll mum.;lpol·otectlilll, · • • ~·tile robbery al the Fotomat · lOP ~ lteml Thursday morning portl9n::'.enl, an issue which 114' been ,.....,. It -'""'eottd to -ir the. OD Avenue allll .._ ...... Sine! •--~~ • ·~ scrambled 'in the •··•·•·uve· hallr in April. · 0 ,_., ... _ n-~ ....._ ~· .._. __ _,,_-"-di , """~-. w..,.. ••auuty ~at 7:30 o c-......-'"Jbey will be heJcl with · proclndo ---..., _, -"'!" -;Pllibed by a, man'" .., early at Mlle Square Country Club. _ 1 Sacramento ai11ce \ul -..... drawn aJGnt pr.ent wombly llld atate Dicbt by bl•--. ""-Do GGille ~ He li.s dilgulaed ·hla front Ucenoe Councilman Al Coen, a member of Ille Hltcbcoct nciled: · • . senai. llnei wblch ,,. haVe l1'ead)' ea- who aald It 'II ""'* ·\t l!hlllll: -. ~ i,itb a blue rag. autllorlty assured fellow co u n c 1;1 Tlie lllln& for eandldala for .tote or · tabllaiied," Ile said. "But any precinct wo d!dat.a Iii ruil 1lllinat Jl!!'la wbo have A~l'alQmol emploJe laid lnveatlgatora • meniberi M.onday night that the city c'an federll ofllces opena Feb. II and closes have deoJcned must be oiily lentatlvo.un- hady-aiade platl!lnm. • • ~ . lllit llto -ilever BOI oat of the vehicle· look forward to recovering ita 'ex· March 10. The ·1.m.r dat. la critical til the llatf •t\lel the ,...~ Wllllo'""'illd-nidtd ~ to . bat ·111r-her wllh a gun Ile pendilure once tt begins collectlne becauae · his ctepar1ment ·must llart ialue. • • De Guellt'i nquoat, theJ' --!lilt !he npllladly )ejlt on the llaor. ' · -· lranchlae !eel!. • · • de<ignlng ballots then. · · ' 'tThe cltla can -wltll -'8di..,.. rule not apply to thla ,....,. elodlol!--' • • fonnlna to the old dlltrlct -· bat t'9n "I lllillk It """1d, be-lelallJ lmpp to -• • ' · ' · · · · we must pl all !be COl1lllld -· badt ~~=-+-"'~"'1.:: · Se· x 's ·ta111e'ry R1·n· d Br' o' · •·;e"n· , ~':..i~bentou:i::.m~-· ll ~reen said, · ; 1' e -In a lotter to supervflon, ~ ~,5~~=-!. Wiscomin Police Seize Six,· 20 ,fee~ Girls Freed ~=~~i£'i! ~ ....... -.. .... ...... \ . . dalt.Tbe 9eentarJ of ... .-.,Jar tbe P111•,:,::;i11t = i: • i . . a date 10we1.Wbbn.one. ' and Pirb , ,ail ' lW>llOll, WI&. (UPI) -~ who had bee'! kldna~ or ~nticed Into and llemorrhaglng. . . "Wt01· pot · 11· thla • yay,• ll the stole €Glmcll, llelfca lloritw '-• -.laid today they .hive cri-Wp"""!'ln; were tortured, ~ten and Sim~ waa charged wl\h •I• C01D1t1 reacl!u a jleclllon on Feb. 2 we will get Iii ,..ate~ .~ , , .... porlor ~!Ion rtnc that kid-forced mto.prosUtutloa.whlla W<lrklna oul Including lalae lmpr lionple•t, en-Ibo Job..._ '!'bat la llOI. too lat., ,but !JI· Ids 1et11r 10 1W atra.dll; DI .._. •t -» ._....,. .,.la taHured o! the saana room. leveral of the &lrls ............ ,..., by ~ -lr<lkls · JOM t (tbe prlaulr)' eiecllClll date) la, ~·he --It -W nqUe ... ...,._ "" • are 1illnon under II. ...,._..,. _.,, ..,_,..,, ·-· Cao I lrll1 • ' , · • .0... II em:: -11111 Mold -Ide IOl1W lilY· N.-1n the warruta-. Danllo'Z'-• of Ille/ md·MllLpener:slan, .BftrJ. day ol''dila1 brillp ~ liatl bit .. ..W"MI ._,, , . u . (allaa Qdoo) Artm, 31; K1tbleell Giiiiillr · Ai1" -~ wilb l5 ~la, In-ex!!"'* for tlJe,_,.,.'-"" d ln-r.;a::f/1 ,dl!llltl ...... I• '!Ill 1ialt -~ .. !!_,toil In (alias lta1hl Artez); lllciJard'G. (~· cluclqtwodwplol1'!haf4,1"'1of 'cr11111 ·11Ja-al ...,, 8-. , ~ :: 1~, M •MC f' MtdtlDll .1-it.a ., Ta)~; IWYID •SmlllJ •Jr.f ! tai..~ · beltill1 ...... 1 warned>. ; r -, H • • llF!lj Im • "T';".~·!eplsa•~ 'llMf: Ud Allrod la<l:loh. 'AitO , • ..,.,.,.~\·telleltlag p!Vllllutlon and ., A!IC1111111JmanlclpiUU.·w1Dholdolec- 1ot l!e ltoll ... " .1'1 \ 11,.r• tald._.. ~ ·• · .; ~.~.!.!'!'1. nleued1-. ~ t1•1 ., of ~~tloa. ___ L~ . tloat lor dt1ollioelA,.U11, -.111a<ex-== :"' ~ ·-.-.;:;.,. ~--""':. ~· ..:i..iomn~;...,.. ~ ".'i: •:;.:;; ~·;( 1,;; thaacar:l' ~ ":; . :r,: al::U ae!i." :i:. '.:: ~ ~ eoune11 and Ill a ..... •"' Jlt 11 ll!lwo1 • 1 ......,.~and lll1llll!r outolde "Kathi'• To ,._ porlor In , and.an 11.• ltne. , • / · in:· ' Gae11e wrote. --Ja8'd lq . , Mil--Ana planned to...... 'Ille GhiDW _,... _....,. with · ' ' MIOl llf ~ • Wamn ffe Wll mntd wltll I handgun wben ' killlaplna, ... 1«111ng pnitllu!eo 11!11 bit.-• ad i-. Oomty 'Dlllritt AtlbrMJ -111o a111o111: : • 1ery,, . .. • : Air· Pioneer Dies Shopkeeper Mardend BL CA.ION (Al') -~fil ll ............ , .. ... llOt..,. ,..... .. .. ,..... said ll!ly -to ........ ll!o IT Jllll-4 . ...., ...... -1-IM't llqw -· Olllld C. Nlebol. wllo -td the. ID-Slate agmta alao arTetted _Slm(llOll In Smlllr,,. -pd wtlll nfllo ~ lld-1, said tile .w-. ...,. Mii-ad 11D1tb wu ~ ,lj) a . Incl!""" ....................... • Ill'. Tli»cM.· V1rpt ...... (APj --• ••11111~ •.-to al ¥'~jail on an earlier proat111111oa -1 ,...::o11L1111 -1 lnill'CiiiOl'lt lleld II. aw-., 17, a-pialletr ' I 1 -II) ..._ Ill the ...... d!arJe. will! a d!tld. , 8111 oalouDdor ti Iha ~ ltlllil Avla- tlia tf "s.111'1 lw --" Tiit warrant for ~ said hi !ltd 1 Tito ..... ....,... ,,. charpd' with tloa Umlw w!lllo'I, Inc., dltd -hll -.... ll!o ......... ---lfrl lo a bed, -and tlclrtd..... --., ......... ,...Utu"8.... ,..ill...,. 0-ben' -- ..... .. .... • .... lor lour --and -her rill a , ......... --....... with • --Ill ,....._ Ill ntlnd • -tllNt .. Ntl!al said Uaat ID strb, aoldartng Iron, r<tultlng In exllw pain cl!lld. dlalrman al \J&\U Ill la • • But the Lamut, carrylnl . fleet mm, mandet ~ V1adimlr ArtemOY, er'fpdJ broke away •. l'or. the nm "'"' hoal'I, the llorll chased the Lamut. receiving permilllon during !ht period to fire 11 neceaaary. • "At·tlie end, the storla kepi ...inc his bow, forclnc blm to cban&e eounl and slowing him down," Schnelder uld. "They were ln1 ice, and the Storil bu an advantage bee•~ it's an icebreats. Nixon : Kin ' . Vows wE.nd Loan , .'Sm.tr~ -., L. •••• Dim . ... wm.naw-.... vowed' this ..... that ....... .l!" he'll clear "' ...... ,.. - -.. has calle!f tilt -111•!.l l!lm ml Ids brother, -l'flllla. • He wouldii, A1 bow tr wllll, but ll.W!l't.d, ''!lin will be I dq of ........ Ing and it .,..,,, burt me or my llntller." He abaolultlJ mllltd to cwn-any more on the revived corabotw., m. rounding I -be received °"1Jlt 1$ years ago -Howard 8....... . "That loall baa -npold," hi ropeai.d, "ll!ln 11 a piece al~ In WhltUer -lbe name of Toci! Company that·--·· ." Nixon ...,._lo aay anytl!bc-the clamoi' ral"'1I llJ' author all!iird JMni, In bli blolrlllbr of HUii*, 1n1!1i aaya the recluat >llllllinah allellallY ....... lla"8 a claim -by ihe-lllo llnw p_...' tlJal 11111* = polllleal ....... ~==-... "-=·=s to ,.. -1111 ..... ,.... me,• NilOD IN!lltd. "I've pt ta <ll this ~..b!'m IYine up a bunCll al ln-corntng " ,; Nixon waa IWlled In Wubhigton, D.C. ~' ~. tbe •Ice -1denl ol tbe Mar· rloll -Corporation, he la atllllllq a COUt-al hotel encutlv ... Mmlolt II !lie bole! chain that pi.. to build a ti llllllon con•ei•llla eompln at Newport Canter that will he _, In lfll. Mine Blast Kills 7 . 1 VIENNA, -(AP) -An a· plollon In .... a... DlmllrOt ......... at Pmll:, In -tlN-.. llalprla, lt,lle\I ..... -llld lljand. 11. 1111 Bulprlan -·-BTA ~ Moailay:lt<lld•llO! _,_!be --occurnid. . • .,,, .. ....... 'Ille .... wlD ,... ......... lilllll low clolall by --w: ... neaday, ...... 1lllPll1 -tamperl-al • to ....... !be . Onnte Coltl. 1-IGlllll!l·ll llto ' .... ' ~ ... ~~y • Fom<d daffur Jlr. llloct- woll, i•-r tiio--for hla ....... 10 ..... 1 d ... -U.1 w/IWI, he ,_._ IOiUI ...,. Uc ,.,..,,.., ltU. ~ llq/I ........ ..h.,. fatlllolo - fr<m and .. 11crc if• "°"'°· s.. Pc!g4 JJ. h.t.!" ~ -.... -" cos a• 11 --. !!=~~·-.. : -... , ...... -=-:: • Pr..,eLPoint .I .. ' . .. I .I ~ ·:'BlaCkJe" Gadarlan, ae~f-pro-~iner K~edyis 19 pages review· • ._ c:IJbned 11watchdog on the Rhine" whose tnc the case and setting down bis In. nocent verdict 'Yiere an e1ten1Jon of the "' flap with the federal government over • extreme detail exhibited by the tovern-~ loddm 11 bis Newport Beach boatyard . mtnt .Jn handling the entire 'm1tter. :.;, made beadllnea two month! ago, has won Page one lilted tbe ·people involved alid • hil-point. · began his "atatement Qf the case" that .: A Qepartm<nt of Labor-Occupational continued to page three, wher< he began ·~ Safety and Health Review commission listing "&dings of fact." · • belrinl ·examiner ,hu dismi>l<d the They ~lqd,.µ,jur!odlclloq, ''. ild "the alleged -violat.Ion•1 with sub-paragraphs , a<wemment'1 cue. on "I.be issues presented" an d "the • :. After five months of letter.writing, a evid.en.ce," all Qf which took up 10 pages. : formal bearing at the Newporter Inri, the Kennedy ·them began 11diseu1sion'' of : ~~ fiHna of briefs and rtply briefs, Gadaiian Ule Case~wbereln b! tried to define vicini- :" wu told Molld1y be doesn't have to pay ty and said: , · "The real difficulty wi1li I h e -~ ~t.15fme. · ·• leCl'etar)''s cue.ts that lt·ll 'dependent • , • Tbe aecretary ha• not .established -.the .. telllmony of Safely•Coinpllance · , vlollllon of the alllp repairing reJllla~on, •Offlcar Haymond· who 1ppeor1 to have .. or anY.. provision. qf the PccupaUonal 1 .• made the i~n ·of respondent's · · • Safety and He<h Act as alleged," wrote premlses under the mistaken notion that ') enmJner Harold A. Kennedy, concluding the ship repaJr regulations required re-- , 1• declsl . IJ¥)ndent to have a, l1dder permanently a .-page on. affixed to the doct. Gldarian told them that during the one. ··"'Ibis interpretat'°n, of course, was in dlj trial. • .• , 1CCOn1 wilb the long held view of certain "The 1 .. .-,.,.-1 hive lo hive lo fidde r olficlalo.ln the Department of Labor, as In the Yiclbity of the doCk." Gadarlan had Mr. Tibbetls pointed out." argued. "and there '!ere four within the · Kennedy a!llO pointed out t h a I vicinity •f l Gadarian, ·on the day of the inspection, The iovemmeol got off to a bad start did have a ladder in the "vicinity" - _. an lzppec~ an lnillal cita-which is all !-he regulation 1requJf't:S. tilb illec:Mg a .of a ~g , He also cited ~adar\an 1 testunony requirement . tl!Jt, .. besides Jiavmg . the I a.d d e r s , · ·!!be, first. cbatged ·that Gadarian's ''emp??~es can swim and walk out of the . ·! Newport Boulevm! Jmlyard dlc\n~ hive water if they fail In. . J ·i t.ia.. ''lo the &cit.., Dw'lng the .bear· ,: !Dr •. ·s. ,r..:_·~. i ',.au(ierviaor, con- ; ceded that wu an error. · · • I :•·J\l,'OllfP .... l . . DOWNTOWN •.• The reviaed citation ..i.imed there WU ' .; . .aoni .. in the viclntfy" . and Oldarian ., po!Flli< .. '1 profed ,durtn1 lelllmony ' .the 1111111 jllll dldn't'-them. · ·Pier plan, lald. , Gld.vlan wu JUI! 1 UtUe hit bitter Mrs. . Hol.t believes that property ',!'. orir the wf\o .. lllll'8 Moridly, , . owners hive two choices on what to do: ':;f. ''The intent of ttie U.~. coveniment is. ·11 ..... Options to pur· chase with her group, ~" bl rellected "the lnenl of It. · '"" • .--. \ , . or· let . the city proceed with con· ;'. j ~ ... :ts;t~ could have ~opped · de~i~rty is going to put in a develop. ' 1 the· whole , )tut be never eveo came ment one way or ahother," Mrs. Holt '.' .._ to ..... yarcl • ., --.r.. ~ said. '·'It's not going to be left the way it '; Be allO leteJed 1 blast at th:e new law is." • I -.. wHAi-·s wRoNG w1rH 'rH1s 'ci:NTER b1v1bi:R ~N aEAcii aouL!VARo~iti:u:~~i'L'lviiHUE't . City Councilmen, With •" ~Y• Tow1rd E~ology ~ nd Esthetics, Says ~~~t. le~on9 ~· . . ....... ,.j ..... ' ~ Jobless Def el'lSe Workers Entitled To U.S. Ftinding SAN FRANClSCO (UPI) -Jobless aerospace and defense industry workers in all California counties are eligible for the $4.2 million job assistance program ordered last April by Presideat Nizon , a state official ' said today, 4 · Until now onJy unemployed workers in four California counties were eligible for the program that offers job search grants, relocation grants~ on.the-jo b or classrooln tlainulg and job ·promotion a•d development. Frank Briscoe, a Department of . Human Resources Development ad· ministrators,, said seven new staff units have been set up to administer the ex- panded program. Former federal employes in defense- related agencies are also eligible for the program. Whos.e ·~~iiali?~· . . Public Works Chief Has Answer Who's fault is the asphalt? , Not ours, say Huntington. J3each city councilmen who contend that they in- structed Public Works Director Jim Wheeler to stop the state from asphalting the median on Beach Boulevard. Not mine, responds Wheeler who says that he won an agreement with state highway engineers 19 leave all ~etches . six feet wide or more unpaved for future landscaping. · · "At no lime was the median ·deletion represented as a complete elimination of all median pavJng," Wheeler ~d in a memo to Acting City Administrator Brander CasUe that was read by city counciim·en Monday night. ,. "CertainJy, this was the ultimate goal but was unattainable at this tim e," Wheeler said, adding that he was sure he would have been able to do better had he been able tO present a specific and fund- ed plan for landscaping to the state. "The paved noses will be painted tan , as we have done elsewhere to relieve the monotony of black asphaIL. and planting will be done in those areas wider than six feet," Wheeler said in the memo. Councilmen -some of whom have threatened to go out and remove the asphalt with a pick -said they were not happy with Wheeler's explanation. Castle sa\d that he would get another one. Britain's Co1nmon Market ' . ..... ,.. • - Entry Agreement~eac~ed ( M~· r -...... _ -' . --· Acquitiv.-.....~ :in Fra~d .. ~: . . .,. '. ' ~' By TOM BARLEY __ .-,. ,.: °' -. D.ellY , • .-.r.i9ff- ..A. ~Juan Capistrano man wu one of twcl-li*!llf•nt.., cJOIJ«\,,t f1aif! charges todaY·•u _ tJiree~i. • cipeiled their ileferiae of the '""\fmelljberl acewied ol tn.vllv~t 1an Alleged auto repalt racket: • Orange ·County S@erior Court Judge Jama Turner seat.'Jlalp& Carney, 29, of 3285Z Calle &air""Morcoe, and R. c. Welaner, If, qi 51$. ;'>na from the courtroom q del~ .1ttorney Al Stokke took over .froln ,-itor Richard Sien- ton. j ... k, Both JDerr are-.cleind of chartes that Ibey. were lnvi>1ved llt~n.asserted repair racket ln whlCh. l'nCltorists' . tirtll were deliberately ~. car hoses sta.s!>- ·ed, radiator i<;~~i.100 seals broken and needless repair work carried out. A Costa Mesan tabbed by the pro- secution as one of three principals In an operation !hit· ·ellegedly Included IL service stations in Orange County and three in San Bernardino opened the defense pliase of the jury trial by dehylng that he had ever inflicted or solicited the infliction of damage on customers' cars. Stanley Davis, 34, of 1086 San Pablo Circle told Stokke that he and Jerry Kendall, 35, of 969 Sonora Road, Costa Mesa, were partners in an operaUon that put siJ: of those stations under their personal su~rvlsion. Davis said' other stations were under the control of Edward Carney, rt , of 20862 Shell Harbour Drive, Huntington ,Beach, aJld Roger Mendenhall, 21, of ~ 26095 Avenida De Seo, Mission Viejo. Davis said he loaned both , men the money to open their stations and allowed them to use the Garden Grove warehou se that supplied tires and parts for a 1ervice .:station chain ranging from Seal Beach to San Clem~nte. Davis denied prosecution allegations that he and his employes systematically defrauded motorists by damaging 4lOto equiP.ment a~ soli~ting need!ess repair work. 1 ~ ~'l ., , And he denied proaecution testimony that his Garden Grove warehouse was us- ed as a school to instruct employes on how best to .infli~ damage that 1Uegedly ~· 1~11;1 •··"'-··"he lllid "l could walk . Mrs. Holt said 1be lw been offering .,. "91UNUA, • 1 property owners 10 perctnt more than Into 1he , Newp...t DAILY Pil,OT and \the value of their land as set In a city· • ., """""In-about Juai IJ1Yfhlng 1 want end . onler<d appraisal. With Accession, By CARL BAR1MAN -What will be done u there Is a sudden =.Ji."Tr do~~'.Y• ip.otor~ many BRUSSELS (AP) -After 19 months of disruption in trade between Britain and Davis admlUed that be Constantly urg-~ lheJ')l.have IOll)ebody down the .On day. Aftholl(b the l~aer< parking lot would ., _,,';l, coaluled,lhe .ll•0 DOI ~~ be dropped ·if the prtvata enterprtae eJ. ,\. "Tii~'~" ~· 11 ~·;~~1~,~(Ul,t:ityOffltlalJ)Molton Europe Counts negotiations, Britain and the EUJ:opean other countries as a result of Britain's ed 1:'i5 employes . to ge~ate salell at the , . i:<>mmo~ Mar~et ~fllec\~Pl~! ear-entering the market. stations under hlS control but lhll those • ly loday19n all ~ te.iN of BrlWn'' en-" '" In re111m, be lsaid' 1Britaln bod to give sales ·-,DllCje In .. -. wbere the ' 1 ' 1 ana Mrs. Hott see a Deed for some park~ ing. • ~~ ~-~lJ:,!~P~/(_i~ l "'!9~1@tgm ·3 Kin 3 Q lry Into the customs imro~. ·' ' ' way om ,. ' 'motorlala gen$,1eJy Jiee!1ec1 new llrea or . , !!S, UeenS Tile mpage text alse> aets lhl•patlern . -::&>•!" polnis about ,l!J contrlbulion 1<>,.,. "f..~0f 1'8%~ .. 'L 1 v r ,,. ; 1~ l •• P 1 tr 1 J.'1 • , J for a~issk>ftlf~f Def!lhVk. 1ftetaftd l and Common Marl'et fmai'ICing m tire :fmt Pci~}!."~P-~ii'rr Jr~~re te COPENHAGEN (UPI) -The,dtath of Norway. . .. .· . .. , """' few yeara of membership. But he Insisted '-·-·~ e to .!~'to ~,e .-. gto h .51° . IX ~-k I • . th t B 't . I lecled b ....... pe~ ..... mo rg~ lllOW Ulem 01 King Fr~er1k of uc,nmar ea~es Prime Minister Edwatd Heath·wDl sign a . r1 am. s ~ Y an a&-.... their cars in the lube bay for e:r"" . . .. •a· ·nge .. C()..,. ot,·· . 1a1n etl!>Ugh lall!I 1or. the parkl•g: . 1 ' ~ ' • Cf~y offlciall !it~ are looking at. Other r tne~' ·or redevelopment, olhtr ~than Europe witb the same Rumber of ruling the treaty Saturday and Britain will feeling against 1ta having to pay too aminatiOn q.ueen~ a~d kings for perhaps ,the fir st become a member ' of the · Efuopean much. . But tti:ai practice, D8vls told Stokke Is , . .4 • ts C' _ d uae-·of the Parking Authority. Federal time IR history. , Economic Community ne:rt Jari. 1. -The reqwremeni that when new ar-commdn 'to all iervicie atatlolll 8nd' is ~~ three. queens are Elizabeth II of The last points were settled at a 'nine-rangements are made in 19'71 for future carried' out in the beJt! In~ of the n;irpar ' wse urban renewal or the state community ' · · , · . r ~~en~:Jjl.;, may be uaed.' Jilther Britai n, Juliana of the Netherlands and hour meeting between Sir <'.nn O'Neill of purchllSel of New Zealand .dairy pro-1 .,. ho 1,_~1-. Ma-rethe IP.of Denmark • · .. . • , · 1'{" <i.~ d ••• th d 15. 111 hi 1 ., d mo Ofl3' w may JUQ rom a more T·~ thr k' G ·ta vr Ad If · Brliatn and representatives oi:: France, "11·'\o'J· e ec ion w ve o I.II;'. ma e carefut eiamlnatioo that h1I cer needs ·iammery ·weatbet that IOOJbed file of ·tfiesi alternatives would require the ~ Coul over the !eekend is ·•P.1 ,i. .ol,!ederal funds. of Sweden eeOla~~ ;:~or:=Y :nd Baudoo-West Gennany, Italy, Luxembburg and by unanlmous ·~ote of ~e enlargec;t· Com-vital r'epalr work. · of Bef · representatives of France ' West mon Mar.ket. 0 Neill said the t~t leaves poi;oally ove1-, alter 1 li!anket •o! <!amP !, •f; •.. .,~ OQ~~and City Attorney Don Bon-loc lloppecl ®"II lojOnday, ctoelng • : a, r,ecenUy :went to Ventura to Inspect wf<.ing ~~:·tine of Greece, husband Germany Italy, Lu:lembourg: ~gium no doubt that there must be a speCial ar· · of Frederik's daughter, Queen Anne-Ma-and the Netherlands. -'· rangement of aome kind. . .. Aide to Playboy Succumbs · at 61 atrparil and slowing freeway commuters. how a cotnmunity redevelopment pro- JfcrmaU11 wee~ cynic, uy, the gram had fared there and reported w•tber program calls for sunny 'skies on tyorably ..on the results of the staff we 1tday1 and overcast s.turdUs llSd na.,ment.\eanl. · Sundays. ,,, · "f ~ ' ''Tlii~ rede~~pment ~gency ls a tool Qoatinulna overeat aklea with buy am · , at ~s co~ered six or seven years ln-&be afternoons ap4 lltUe -tem~ahte .. ago 1'it wasn t politically acceptable," c:blnt!• Is predlcted:lbrough Wlidiieoirly Moorhouse explained.. "People did not ac· for most of the area. cept the use of federal ftmds. But since ! 'llln'ey of high lemperaturea abowed then the community hu accepted li)e u.Oj! Paltn Sprtnp the hottest spot in America of federal funds in deve1op_men£ of the • -Y 1171 degreea, white role!. dlpnal • Central Park. PhilosophicaUy, what's the fog_p-evalled leu than 200 miles away. ~ difference ?" · ... ?jo major accidents were reported in ' Another indication that,the clty wm act tbl1bUnded San Joaquin Valley area, but one way or another soon ca'rhe in thi Jllr~ 40,000 Kem County students were two ing of a redevelopment expert, David D. h'"~ late for school dtite to travel con-Rowlands , former city rrianager of dlUons. ·Ta~ma, Wash., as the rieW : citt ad- Some 5,000 more were glVen a fog holl-min!strator, · 1 • day u the mist cloaked streets and · Councilmen have flaUy stated' that his . · Jllgbways, while CHP cars escorted expertise in this field -he spearheaded a caravans of motorists on U.S. 9SI for a similar program in Tacoma -was one of t1me Monday morning. the reasorui for his selection. He Is ex- rie. technically still is king but lives ii• A successful conclusion to th~ negotia-The en~ of. the 19 months of negotia- voluntary exile in Rome and , does not lions had been a foregone Wnclusion ti~~ was celebrated by an impromptu reign. ·: ··; •. ·" -.· --.. ;~.1Jast June when the ~~political . ~mp~gne toas~. held .at the~ of the Jua n Carlos of Spam lm9, '@at been of-~ ·were settled. But ma&;:y other stall'S Just outside tbe 15th-Ooor room ficially declared king but ts~ to : .. detlilS,}argely,.agrlcultural andjliuslness, wbere the talk. had been held. be oo the ·death of Francis;co Franco: th~ · rtmaibed to be ... Settled. This -: was ac· head of state. . .,, · ,.. . · . c<implbhed .a\ 13 Cahinet·level 'meetings Olin Chief Succumb. ' s Othe~, ~ .. !)11.on-,ll'!low lll" anlr of ' 8Dd :W...tlier M'ss'>ns. . king are(l,liOi~rand. l?\ilte 1eon iii t,.Qiem-· . _Iil'f'alJ<i; Nomy and Demnarli'atso wiU GREENWICH, Conn. -Funeral ~g. Prince Ramier ~of ... ~onaco .and 'ifhi~ treatf. :.. . services· will be held Wedne.Wly for Pnnce Franz Josef ll of :J..i tenstein. : ' . Oi.N'~il;l ~I~· Britain won ~e'poin~ in , Gordon G~and, preside~t and 'chief ex- • the"-ilzial .talkS and had to give something ecutive officer o: the Ohn Corp. · 'Cbil T F'' It ln · exchange. He listed among the Grand who was 54, died Sunda7 of an e . rentQJ.'.S . e . favorable result. agreements on' apparenl heart attack while piaymg ten· SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) -Two earth tremorll ·an . hour ·apart shook the in- dustrial .city. of .Concepcion, 300 miles south of Santiago, Monda, .. No injuries or damage were i:epo.rted. Authorities sa'ld tHe · first tremor registered 5 on the Richter Scale and the second 3. -The kind of relations with \he Com-nl.s. mon Market to be opened 'fu Com-A graduate of YaJe University before monwealth countries, especially the being granted a law degree . from the poorer ones In the Caribbean, Africa and Harvard Law School,' Grana was named the Pacific. president of Olin In 1985. • C!pCAGO (UPI) -A. C: Spectorsky, assocla(e publlaher and' editorial ·director of •Pllyboy mqufue, died 'Monday followlng a lengthy Illness. · · Spectorsty, Sl, was buried at Sea Mon- da yi' Tbe magazine . .said be .5(1ffl!red an apparent stroke. · Spectorsky's literary ·career included posts as editorial · a~soclalt1cat the New Yorker magazine, literary editor of the Chicago-Sun, managing editor of Uvlng for''YoWlg Homemak'1s, editor of Park .~aat magazine and 1 senior editor With the National Broadcasting eo.· ., pected to take· 1>ver in ~id February. -COAST DAILY PILOT What's " My · ~ine? Mesa Council Hawki.sh, • ·----...... H.W..4 _ ... _ Jtc\: l. c.ftf · '• •• ~,,......... Mil ...,...._ .. lli•Jll:~~ t ' .. : ,flaps 'No Win' in Viei ' B1 TERRY COVILLE this in a formal res.olu_Uon." ''Of,...,,.,.,. ''"' '''" The resolution will be sent to the U.S: . ·At the urging of Mayor Robert Wilson, Conference of Mayon in .... waahlngton,~ 11he C.OSti 'Mesa City c:Ouncll quick-step-D.C., for possible na(ional action this . , ped into \¥-~ of foreign policy Mon-ye~fler protests from the audience, the , . ~tilgJiJ., ipprovlng 4.1 a resolution c;on-council decided not to send copies of the demntng what was described 'a! this resolution to California's two Senators, country•! 11no •In policy" in Viet:nata. U.S. Rep. John Schmitz (f\..'I'UsUn) and Onl{ Councilman William St. 01ir fell . other Orange County cities. out o step. In the areas .or foreliii policy In part, the resolution reads: and military strategy, i;l. Clair sug. "Whereas , this city council desires to . gested, the council doesn't hive the fog-urge upon the Presltlent, Congress, War giest 00Uo11· what it' Js' taltln,r 1bout. He Department and Secretary of War, the , voled against the measure. Importance o1 ~ foreign military Council!DID Willard Jonlan defended Involvement... Wilson's resolution on the groundi that it 1'Now, tbettfore, be It resolved, that Is a maUer that will be tonaldeted b)' the the city council of the City of Costa Mesa national conference of ma,..... urges upon the ~--the United "The Vietnam war reaches right down stales, the N1tiooal ·°""""'· the War to the grass root. that 1flecl this city," Department and the SocHllry of W1r, a adde<I Councilman Jack Hammett "This policy of •!Ming u lillft, u poalble, is one of ~ things that no matter •htn forced to ~ Involved In which WIY you vote you'r' wrong .'' · military eng11emenli, ~ order not to · ~ fe!ktenta approached the council destroy our• resources, ma n power, .. fl!O""" ll'l!io!i'• ~ltulop. . ' economr and nallonll ~ty. "l'qaeillali w~ )oou ho1I fotl are . , !'Be I fllrlher iuolved. tlllt the no-win r<p!a1li!lnl'ui. p.pte. l lhlllk JC ire policy be 1bondoned:jn foreign military over.lestiiJnit your funclloa," Nici -. Involvement forte<I upon lhll 111tlon. T!todlili,.llt&ail. • i "Be. It luttber molYe'.lhat tlfll na· "*• lllu llplr•led our ..U..., tlonal 1rpertence In lht-'ln -~nd b111411J' 1hlt!o tile Civil War," Wiiton Vietnam his demonstrllell lile.lutlllly of "llflod, Mmlli8 to Vlefnlm. "I blve the no-win policy In lorefcn mlllllrJ ti> been .....,...ed by other .,.yon lo ,..t volvemenll." • • • •• -;; .. " You won't i;, fed an~ fines et Akltn's.· We . .. ere more interested !II developing loy1I custom.trs then maki119 1 f11t Slll•. . ; None of oul salospoJplo win l:iothor you . if you just want lo i:rowso, but will bt J .. . pleased to assist you !f you wish, with .. ~ truthful 1nswtrs lo .,,ur quostio~s. '• ' When we ~iscuss carfo! tones, we would hive lo "modostlY." a'Clmil thtt we htvt tho ltrgest selection iol tht trot. Top l:ir1n<l1 sue~ as, Jigolow, Borvon, llfftllo, Magoe, Monarch, Bo.Wick, Mcihlwk, 'Roxl:iury, M~Hlk1n, Armstrong. " -. ALDEN'S .. , CARPETS e DRAPES 1663 Pliic1nt'9 AYI • COSTA MllA 646 4111 HOURS: Mon. thru Tllun., f te S:JO,-Prl~ ' to f -Sot~ t:JO to I t ' • ·' .. • • •' I I , I " • I I I l \ I . ' • • .H Huge Drug Ri~g Broken · ,. • Pills Went to Mexico Then Came Back. Illegally . ' ~. tltey 1111D!llt -r-.--..... " lllldl drus.dtiattoll ia tllO ..-..... ' Here'• bow tllO --........ 0. <*dial to lite -u: . t ' BuJll lllljlltolaatlaM ............. . . . '·, , , ~. • ,,.(wfT ...... · DOIS Ml HAVI THE 'REAL' HUGHIS STORY? < Robert l •ton With Forinor Wife,.L•n• Turnor 'I ' " • ·, . •Master Raee:~··craeked \ Tw o "Chicago Youths Char:ged •• in W at,er Supply Plot By GENE llWi>EAU ' CIDCAGO (~I) -Two youths In- volve.Cl: In, a dream to estabUab 0 a neW UlQtu. race" Were dia'.rgect with con· 1pli.ey to coiDnilt mtirdtr in connection ' I ~ ' with a plot to poiloe. auc..10'1 water sup- ply" Coot County Sllte'1 Allornly Ednrd.V. Ji""rllwi Wd 1Dd1y. Ont of Ille lltTelled youths worked as a restarcb worker "to fain .lddJtlonal lloow!edle in biology" ond bad been growing cullureS "tb1t were bol 1 pll'I of the meorcb projlc~" 1 '1llcqo hos pl Ia I &aid. City waler officialJ Wd most att.mpts to poison Chicago's water would not be IUccealul -illey said lllOll pobons would' be diluted by largt IDIOUnll of Wiier, broken Up by cbJ~ or liopped belWe they Olllered Ille drlnklna 1Upply. Mayor Ricbani' J. Daley called 1 ...,, conference to assure tbe public the wa&ercommun.lty.'' · · aupPl)' wu aife. . Ranrahaa'1 office aaid, "Members of "Whltever-stepo should b1ve been RISI: were ailtgedly to be Inoculated and taken have-been taken," be 11kt. · • · Jmmwilaid, enabling • to survive the Arrested allout midnight were Allen poiloniDlf ond dlse.tw and to form Ulf Schwander, 19, Chicago, and steve Pera, bull of a neW muter race. . · II, suburban Evon1ton, police &aid. ' "W1ter'1Utr1tlon plants In the Midwest They ..,. charged with COOsplrtnl In nre ailopdl.y to be lnltcled with typhoid an oraani!ation called "RISE" to poison and deadly bacteria.'" "water 8UppUes in Jlllnoll 1 n d 'l'be statement said police seized elsewhei:'!... , ''pouibly dangerous aubltances" when Tbe two appeared beforo North Felooy they lllTHled Scbwlllder 1nd P1r1 al Court Judge Robert J. Sulsld, who IOI Schwander'• North SI d t 1plrtnienl. It bond at '2110.000 llCb 'alter belDi told Ald litere w11 no tridle1tlon !hot IDY they were .. "extr.Jnt •dopier to the .pubJ!c water bod been lnlocted. . PlwneCo~ipaniesCancel Vote Registration Flan - ' . . . 1'1~ Qty ....... -·--icon dru& lrlfllcan toot ·-la,... cealnJ. plull ....... tllOy -... ciplUJolod IDlo pllil -m lbl -markets u ,.~ beaut.I.•" 1."b&ld: moJUei, 11 "black wJaow1," ~nd "f-J.l.1" MOii of tile -lDlllltollaliall .-PICUpd ."1 J>.mwait. Corp. 'I lft!Dato Lobontorlel 8~~ De ·lllfuco wider Ille Incle -lllilamlnl! Tbtn tile p1111 _.. lhlppod to nva Pbot\Y dnli -aiool Ille Mmco.Tu· .. birdor: ,_ lblto,. lhey-. conW by tnctar~ eonceoled •mon1 1ea1t1Dia1e ~arcarrWabaml light plona wlllcll ilDded In 'tti'Mte DIOWI~ .,_ m., !lie bord'er. . Diatriliutloft• lllea followed lo Ulicll markell in New Mexico, 'I\• z a 1 , Okl1bom1, Lo1t,11 M, Alabama; Teo- nesiee, Gecqla. KentuCky,. r,torldl. Color1do, Ml-JIP ond .VU-, Ille bureau aald. r . •• Cliff BlackhUfD, Newspaperill~ Succumbs ·at i> · ... NeWlmln CUii llW:kbunt, a ~ rilleman' wlicl W.. tlte Sll•er ~ ,,n. .P•'a 'l1tlN -In 'WGrltl ""'If 1114 ... later ........ ... 'Jaaras' r' ·Plillt11r Priao, II cit.Id. · Ht wu 41 -.. auccumbed -, Tw. 0 Tee· ns H'eld Fact<! wit)l a protest by the chalrm•! mltlff objtcted, !lying lhe projtcl hid nlBefbUfito•w!erKi .. IMr Poundollon HOll'llal ,la of Ute Orallie County Republicon Cenlral been f:.1ntec1 by partls1n politicking, that Comm;ti.e,' lwo telephone i:ompanles If wil 1 politlc1l •wedge Into Oringe . Tile ~ormor illnlt Ana llellller - . . ) I Sh t S ,-County by tol ¥1gel11 groups, and It ber llMI Or r-.~· n 00 pree have canceled a voter". registra~ pr~ made· no nnwlfion fCJr ·family members mem ... '-"'WI,.,. naklent lift . Ch • ', f A ui· 1 H ' he' ...,, Joel. with more'"'~ one pollUcal prderenco In 1979 lo Joilt lht ·Loo Anplos lloraJd. . . l n e f-rt..' u· g.· s A Pair of Santa Barbin teenagers who Pacific Telephone and G e n er 1 l to splll their registration. ' Eumintr, !or wtitclt be ...-111& Tit.- I(;; «-' all-odly went OD a -•--••• -.. tha' "'"' Card lilted only tbt! four ~·~ LoBlonci murdot'.s and ·the }I-·• M~-~ .,. • TelephoDI bod planned to. mail out ,_ • ' Family !rial. • ·: • • ,· • left 10 cars wlndowleu In Glrden Grove Is IJon -·~ al • 'th 1 h proved partle1, ignorlag 1ucb wly o-.·-· for Mr. lllr'bum ~" ~ u 1 • • • Mondaynlgbt.,.bthindblistodly reg Ira ~~• oog Jr) e ·klrmed-orgllliZlllons·asLaRauU da, ·-• ~ ~w-., 4.Sfi· ;·.f p · b . · ,. Che" · k' ' Garden Grove police Wd one guMool Febru1ry bills lo 2.8 million customers In he said. . ti~.Y =-•:"' ..:1~~ . s ..,.0 e ~o c s I shattered the window of. I car driven by U>s Angeles County s..id part of Orange Les River. chairman of the Los Anaeles wednlldi at lt ' ~ Dur I of ; ' I , . . Howlrd B.11.awu, 311,.who "" otr\ock In County. ·" • ' County Detnocnlic conlral commitlff 'Perpo_ttWYHelp O.::~: Downey. • • the eye by 1 splinler of gl111. About illl;GIO bou&eboldJ In • Or1nge and 1 backer of the projlct said Roten" sumvar1 iDclude hll wilo ~ _,,. · .. " , 1, • • _ ln\ialliaforl Ald 11.awu cbaetl 1nd County would hive been included, those crltlcllms ol the plan wert inoccur.te d ,fbter ......_ •. .~ • Mir 1 :NEW YORK (AP) -'lbe'Nelir York tO President fllxon's brother. . d<lained Ltaile A. Pllialt, a , ond hll 17· In the .,... cocll %13 dislrlct -La;Jl.abra, and unwarranted. b~ihm .~' i:i.t""' ..i: .iotui ~~~ ~ ... ~ . ol~~r; :,~~~ ~--111 .~!.':1~', ~-~,~-~-peel-B~~;=tct a:,:it:ic~l!les '11~~.'.*: tQ.,to~~~'."w'; !'/:tpmm~ lrlla...,.._ ~111"'£ Re ~"~:"to ~ two ' . .,., • '.'!'-:!' ~ · -' .II.am' ~ quickly t.JepGoned <OUDty "8lllr bad lliMo Jllll:Dvocl bi( RI ~ -'~ __ ..,ti . . c~1iu&I# at!~y i'j!Cel_ved".f<ir i>is«l•Zltielef~.~l~ 'lll""""··:·n la<#~ ... tj; ·~ ~! '• l ··-l>tr r.•to ,.u.e, 1~, ·Of 11Je "Demociltk,~ llepa~Ucan · ,~·~~~ · '~li,;o Ii.. llllanid~•oll.ttiliJ. ·:' !\111 ge· J · ~ ~ i.rt!Ji1cot11rovenlal .bloinph110r_'.'laxe 0 ~thet-wuloltlJ-"In,!Mo. llldlnc Filll n officers ti> <lop· lhe Aalierlcln lndependenfall'd<l'ea<'e Ind .lirOl'dt_~·' ~/~~~~ __ _ lritiil." , , · ·~ tlit' <lory' abdllt 1111 loin 11-oie vebidt IDd.arrettt jbe polr. FrteCloin Pirtle•. 1' ' : • ,,._t but ..., 'l"I become la• ''llti Tbtlitt sild 11111 aieste. C. Davi8, • JU1t belo .. 1111 llm prelidentlll elec!tion, .5P!id1ic. ,.,.,...., opJnsl • ilJetn. 1re . Tllotnu 'Rofera, cbttlrritan -of lite l!oco"" tlit city ~allon llate • Mr ·11•··....._ -It wt llr lit clilel coumtl of the Hughes TfOI Co., In a both Richard Nixon who wai then lvlce beinC ltudied 'today., · ' OriJlit County Republlcon'centralecom-'belor1 tlte.llMI of a !p'da1'w1ltinf wlod. Hoti.ton I;'b, ~ : . ; , . > letter to Ille IRS <leciared ~I "H~ -ident,· and. hla brotlid-Donald denied !.....;;. ___ _;_':---. -----.:.....-,_:_..:.:.:=-_,;.,,...-.:....,...;.;.._..:.:.:..:.:.:~=:.:.:.:..:c::....::=~~:::......::=;::.:..=:..=..::=..:.:. _ _.;~:. dld not JICOiYI abd 11.d no Intention of lhlt Jlougha bad been liven 1 .. otlj>le 11 • ':r ' .. . , • , . "' · ; , pliytiig laxeo on" the ll&0,000 11111 lriaiinenl • • . • · .' · · j~•'!"i!ll!lll!J'!'!'-!•11!!'•••••111!••i!Jllllm~!iil!'lll•lill•ll!'!l!!111~ii!--•-••lii••1!1111•'11ii••"1• •. McGraw'.HUI says It plid to Hughes. '!be loan camo up 1t1am Ibis wel!k. In , . , Davil wro&e that be consk1fnc1 it, ''ap. the coatroveny ·about the· purported .. , ... • ~ 1': ""'' • r • • pUeitt that crtmlnal conduct, Including autobiogr1pb1 by H~,llle billlonalre 4 . ·,·ME:· R'C, UR. ·Y' _. . tu rra..i: bu been conunltted in Ibis mduslrWJst who · bun t been .... in "-.. ~ HUI did. ,._ public for mare thin a decode. cue ~a~ ·~r~.w-, . pay w.: Irving, wbo II.id he collaborated 'with · '!ieneY, to ...,_,., aCcordiic to the · Hugbel to compile. 1111 l>oot In 'mort than Tlina. 100 boors ol laped )ntervlen in 11vera1 TILi. IRS bad no conuntnl on the iett.r, · localions . in the Western HIDlil!ihere, "hiclt !"' Tlmef u!d It le¥Dtd of Wd in a teleylsion ini..:vlew over the tbniuglt IOUrCel. weekend tt>at Hughes Identified Cl•rl< ,~M n•lllll.announced Dec. 7 It would Clilionl u Ille .Dlln who uUd him llN-Hqbes' "'autobloilaphy" .bued ,.._ ~.:.:. I N'-• ..._.._ on lntervle1n wr(t« Cllllonl rrv1., said .,...ciulo;.i;' ~ ~ lo· larmor he. beld. with Ille ieclaslve H~ Presidint H4rrJ S. Tnimln and' liter !!i'i 1UbHquent Iong-dillanCe telephone · deltinlt ...,.1ary·in Lyndon B. Johnson'• neWI COflfettpce. .• voice lclentlfied f' administra~; den.led any connlction tb,11.ol Hugbtil denied latowinC ll"dn&.aJ\d With lhe Join, althoufb be 1eknowl!'(lged '*1ouDced , Ibe ilool< 11 • bou. , > . 11111 bis firm -nlejl' !lie Jlugh& '!"Ina cotmlerc~lmed . thlt lhe .voice Toal Co. , · · Wl!I J!O!,Hughel' ind ,McGraw·Hlll ·pro-Irving sald 'tbat' what Hughes got In dutetl iwo checila it said were made in "'Ium for ·lite loan was ~lbed Ip !lie piymonl to Hughel for tlie .Dlllerial and· . boo~, •nil thlt while Ibe bqOk d ... nbt w)iich were eodorsed .. H. R. Huehea." call Hughes 1·41fixer," it pictures hlril u The Huabu pub;Uahlai derby 1ained a man "1'tio 1114kts very careful' ir· onolher · ontry with Ille announct111ent rangements to 1ee that he g.ts what Ile Mond,a1 It)' -r.,.. 1'(.lpzlno lhil a 11ill ' wants." publlib a story ~y. Noah Dlelrlcb about bil D yun u Huglles' top aide. It will 1ppur in lhe April illue wblch , ... OD Marines Halt 11le Mll'cb I. 1 • Dlelrlcb, who ,....keel for Ille billlcllalre .1 lndustrlallst irom 1m to 1•1, Wd that Bi·g v .. '"el Leak he COftlRl<led . I -OD Hugbel -the I' U third -wort to be IDDOWICed linct . , Dec. 7. A 10,GllO gallon jet lueJ letli< ruptured at MeamrhUt, Monhattan Supreme Court El Toro Mitrtne Corps Air 'Sllllon Mon- 'Joatlce Gerald P. Q1ildn .poatpontd until day but 1U but 2,000 gal:OO. of the Fpdty a bt!aring _on 1 suit lo .block kerosene-like Duld "'' rt.a o •tr e d, publlcotlon of a, tbird H'lfbel.bool<, wboae OrlDIO. County Flood Control Dlitlrlct of· •uthOr, -P, Ea\OR, ailo claims It Is llclail reported. , blood OD 1n1erv1.... Despite. pubUshecl reporla to Int con. Rosemont Enterprlseo, 1 Nevada lr1ry. none of the 1pllled fuel got oullldt pubu.hina· CO!l)pODY which clalma It bu the air statloa. Tbe ruplilrod rubber tonk ="t.1!."t ~"t~: ~~ryi~~ ~ik~:i .. lpdoo!tha~:e =:~~; ':; q . boob. . Marlnts. 'Elloii•1 boot< 1111-t1Cetplltd In tile ·.A little of the aplll tot Into nearby Aqua cuma1 LadJal• Hotm Jourul ~ allnoa wuh whlcb n1n1 thr<Mlgb Ibe but -1111 ....-to print IO furlller ilut WU \ripped there by lllltlly ..... _,,.. pendlns Ille outcoa\I of the llilt, dial, llo9d control dlatrict omclail llid. " 111t11tB-P'-~-.ldL.,. Jim~ ti! flood control'• wa1or ZWclar nlUled lloltdaf to ti""'-I llir·" lioiiut1on aedlon llld !here -no Ince ,,..U0. !hit Rucha obtained polltleal of the Duld In 'Saa Dleao Cnl!I< aquth of f-lor·i • • Jaon be Diida la llM lhe Slato Ano rr..ny llMI about 2,11111 ' ~ • ,.,. fqm lite -· • . " DoUble tJd& . " ~t Crap Table , • ... t LAS VEGAS (UPI) -Tiit Alotl- dltl -1 wtll becln ~ -•otlih at mltlnicllt on IM crap tabla. • n. I Allodin, Wbicb ,_!IJ' ~ _,.i,ip, will bo lite llrit ...... -bto .. ttlllr .... -. ,,,. Hontaoe am --· ...... ar-a.--•Ille .. ..,,, ---. ...... ... _ ...... +. ' . < Copper Tubing Worth 81,000 Burglarized OrllWt County llhlrllr1 olllcen .,.. .. thl lookqut lodlf for Ihle•• who took -tublns volued ot nurly ft,GllO ,...., nllhl !nJm .. lrvlnt oon- llnlcltm lite. Olllclala of Plwnbln( Con1ncton Inc., Santa Ana, !old ~ 11111 .... IJ 2,IGO feet of fhe tublac --...... 1111 aJCbl &om • -Ille OI Wllaut 11111 Duelto. Olllarl ...... -. cul lalo Ille -el ...... -,._ ...... _ ... _.....,. duty pllen to lltip out Ille tublac. ) • • l .. . ": PllCID l'ftOM ONL T , • s244i.oo . ' . Talk about better ideas. Comet for '72 often rverythlnC )'OU buy a amall car for -and mo~. Superb': handlb& simplified ml.tntenuce, anet au mileap and low, low. Driceo Pina.' bla:-ear· 1tyUna and roomlnell that mnmn. ~n you're a grown-up. Standard equipment that can- not .be matched in tta ciau •••.• ,..order yours today. ' I CAPRI . . Import "Car of the Year" . Our aei:y European import. The low priced aport coupe with 1tyllna: and road manners inlpired by the world's most' desirable 1Dort1 cars. Room for four adultl:. Full carpeUfll. l'ront buckets of IOft vinyl. Bmlll wonder Capri has taken Amttica b,7 •tonn •••• order )'OW'I toda¥· . ' • t • .. ohnson a ~, ·GOME ·T .. .. . . .. ,:.·1 or.::· ' " 19.72 · . . j .. r .. ' • I ' " I I · ~bu ' .bug · ,, ' . ' J • . . . ILllOM ONLT : : : •• -8i2699~00 • son · 2121 HARBOR ILVD~ COSTA MEIA · • ··- .. • t· ' ... • 'I • f DAILY "LOT \ \ •' I ~ps Hotel Boom Hits Coast By 1110MAS MURPRINE Of .. Deltr ""' l ltff GOING VP, SDIT -Some lhakm and . movers along our coastline mm struck by the · notion in recent tlme1 that 1omebody out tllere 11 lookinf for n>Om In lbe Inn. I hive thlJ tu1plclon because o( the number of lnn·type rooms now belnc pro- posed tor construction in th is region. You know, It's the old story of suppl1 and demand. Developers appartntly have teen a Jot ol folks carryln& 1uite11u, wandering around aimlessly, lookln1 for a place to plop them dowll. Thus having sighted the w e a r y traveler, the shakers and movtra char&· ed oU to their v11lou1 drawing boa!U with plans for a few hotels. DURING 111E DECADE Ju•t paot, one of lbe lint aloDi our c:out to be ltruck with the hotel notloD wu George Boo- cola; the success ruJ home and af)artmebt develotler, who decided to build hlmMlf a ..ailile hOmlry for tbe wayward triveler. He built It olf Jamborae Road in llnport Beacb ud called It 1be ""'" porter Inn. Like moot ol George'• creallonl, It wu an artlJtic and cMc auccea. But It wu Josi than • boomer at lbe cub ttilat.f. Buccola bu Jone l1nct balled OUI and under ,pruent mana1ement, I h e Newpor!er Inn enjoy1 happloeu, 3IO blllj' roonil and pl1111 to add ·more IOOft. 11IE AIRPoRT&R INN, In lbe new ci- ty of Irvine, popped up wt by Or1n11 County Airport ud h11 become en area hit with U1 roome ud pla!ll to ldd 10 more. And now the hotol boom II on. Marriott Corporation plana 1 hf(b-rill mt.i ol 211 rooms at N1Wport Center with eventual plans for l50 l'OOlnf· We!torn IDtomatlonal HotelJ wants to build • hotol of 3IO l'OOl!ll at South COiii PIUa In Colla llleu. Holiday Inn bu 1 lti-l'OOlp hootelry going on the lllen. MtlDWblle upcoall In Huntinllon lleoch, \llVelopera ere tryl"I to put ~ a deal for twu hll)J-rlll lloto!J on lbe beech front, featurin1 lome 100 rtmna. .. • 1 · "i MEANWIDLE, BACK 1t county olrport, Ille 1'g• to aid the wlylerar II clearly evident. CoUlns Radio Corporation hu talked of • llG-room hostelry cn !ts property with expansion to 650 rooms. The lllclloMell Douslu pe0ple went a hotel Wtlb DO n>0ma. It would eventually Co to 100 with a convention center and other thlnP· And the Sheraton chain hu corpOnte eyeballa on a t:iG-roomer near lbe a1rpOft with apece to expand to 4IO nloma. . llowncout In Laguna Beach, Unjon Paciltc Railroad wanted hf(h ri1t hotolo along the beachfrtlnt but now that tall •luff la banned, wlll likely seUle for II units of own-your~wna alon1 t b 1 beachfront. ANYWAY, EVEN with my fetble arllbmet.ic, adding up all those pro- botel rooma, you get a total of · 3,Ml rooms either being built or proposed. Well folk!, that's a lot af weary travelen. You have to wonder where they are all going or, where did U..y come from? It II also · interesting that hotel historllns have noted that in New York City, so many hotels were built between the tum of the century and tna thar no new hotel was built until 1980. Then ton· struction of the Summit Hotel renewed a spurt of New York hotel building, foll ow· ed by lbe Americana In Illa ud the Hlltoo 1n 1965. IN THE YEARS between, however, New York lnnkeep! IU!£ered dec·adea ol low occupancy and feeble profits. It might be something for the shaken and mo'iert along our coaSUlne to think about. Freedom FJight Soviet.Jew. pour out of an El Al 747 jet after Its lllTival In Tel Aviv from RIU!lla. They were part of the largest single group of Russian immigrallti ever IO Urive In Israel -350 on one plene. American Embassy Jolted By Bomb Blasts in Iran TEHJlAN, Iran (AP) -Bombt tx· ploded •lond1y night at Ille U.S. Embuly and t,,. o I h er American building• here. Two lran!an pa!U In-Jund lll&blJy _al lbe embwy wera lbe only cuua!Ues. Tht bluts came a dlf allu en Iranlen ,.venmlint ipo}eaman r.,,artad that lour Oomlllllllhts trllnld In Iraq had tried to kidnap U.S. Alllhaandor llouglu lll1cArlhur n and hll wuo 1111 November. Ono eaplo1Uon llhook the lran-Al!l'rical\ CUiturai Hall while 1 concert was In pro- -. 'Ille aud!enee ruahod out In pontc, but no one wil hurt. The chain of erploalon.s 1tarted when two Jiombl -off limultaneously at the U.S. EmhlllJ. Ont, at a comer of the hullding, Injured the pard1 but CIUJ"1 "'"b 'If both aides .,. white, whet -they fi'ghti11n llbout,. .. ,,, JltUe damage. The other, plantod IDlller a truck parked outside lbe Embauy wall, damaged the truck and llhaUered wtn- dOWI In n,earby bulldlnp. The lbltd bJut wu at lbe cultural center, and the fourth broke window• at Ibo feace ColJll oUlca 1 ~ from the Embwy .. The cultural centor, owned and operatod by !be U.S. government, 1s fre. quented mainly by young Jrlni.ans, in· eluding poet., writors ud palnten. An expfoBion at Tehran UnJenlty on &jnday also caused alight damage. A feCUl'itY 1potesman blamed it on Hradical groupa." . . The purpose of the attompt Jail Nov.ember to kidnap the ambassador and his wife was to we them as boatages to be exchanged for political prlloners held by the government, a spokesman for the aecurity forces said. The embassy aald Monday that information on the--tncklent was withheld at the government'• flitlUeM; oo lnv11ligatloos would not be bampmd. The embusy statoment cunllnned lbat four ormad men In two cm hid lfopped lbe ambundor'1 automobile. and find abot. 1t 1t before H oped 1riy. The government .. id 1t arrutocl five perao.,, who ... •!"allinr trial. Sihanouk Relatives Reported in France PHNOM PENH (UPl)-A IOll of Prince Noroclcm Sibanout, and hll cousin, a former Cambodian foreign minlater, have Oed Cambodia ud are probahly in France, W\Official police aourcts said tc>:- diy. Then was no official confirmation. Prince NoN>dom Ranarith "11, was reported to havt left Saturday a f t e r selling hll house and cm. With him w .. the elderly Prince Norodom Phurillra, 'foreign minlltor of Cambodll at lbe tlme o( Slh&nouk'a ouster. Warm Winds Driven Out I New Surge of A.retie Air to Hit Northern Pl.a.ins St111, Moon, Tlllles TUllOAY hoonl frllofl •. 11 :11 •• 111. ~ ... s--.. ""' ,, .... !Tl, .... WIOWllDAT 1'1Mll ............... 10:)1 ...... u "''"' .... • •.• 4:1::11.fl'I. l,J ~ ti ltll •..•..•. ll!JO '""'· ... l«orl4I .... . . . .. l :lfjll.fll, ... , S\tn ··-•:• 1.M. Wl I :• 1.m. McM alMll:U a.11\o kh 7:Wll'.m. Coutal C•llfortd• ''""S"' ......... ·-....... . I• 'f' ,, ..,., ·w~lft· tllf U11rt Al'\t 1 • Mltll .......... l! .I • ... , ... .. ' ' " l MIGs Fire Missiles At 2 Jets. Over Laos ,.. .. Wire - SAIGON -Two North ' Vietnam ... ll!IG jet! crosaed Into LaOI and attacked two U.S. F4 Pbantom jeta with a1r-fo.a1r mlllll" but filled to hit lbe Amerlcen planel, the U.S. Command uJd today. A U.S. communique said the Sovlet- bu~t M!Glls find three mlsslles In lbe attack Monday altornoon but that tbe American alrcraft did mt fire back at the Communllt planes, which oped back · acrou the border Into North Vietnam. Tbe MIG attack reflected a surge in the past month in UM!' air war over lndochfnl and tbe lncrtlllng North Viet- namese use or what the U.S. coinmand calls · ambuJh techniques against U.S. Jou. A oquadron of NorlJt V!etnameoe MIG jeta attacl:ed three Phantoms Ile<!. 18 over the aame area.~ the Plain of Jan where Monday'• ·encounter took piece, ahooUna: down one Ft and chasing the other two until they ran out of fuel and crashed. Another MIG. tried to sneak up on U.S. jets in the aarne reiioD last SaturdiY bot were chued away by two mlsslle-flrlng Phantom>. The U.S command lald tbe Phlltoms fired on Monday "took evasive action and did not expend any ordnance in the brief encounter. The FU sustained no damage and returned to their bast." The communique located the attack tiO miles northeast of the Plain of Jar• and JO mile1 Inside Laos. U.S. military apokesmeo refused to .. Y what tbe American planes were doing 1n Laoa but Ibey ippeared to be . bomhlng North Vietnamne infiltration routes from Blrlholemy Pw to lbe Plain of Jora. The l,120-mlle-an-hour MIGs pessed within liCht of the 1,eoo.mile-an-hOur Phantorns but the F4a "never got into poal,Uon" to return lbe fire. The MIGs * * * Box of Grenades Set off at TV ., Sit.e in Saigon SAIGON (UPI) -Guerrlllu aet off a box ol hand p-enades In a police truck par kid Inside a •ailed . area boullng South Vietnamese and A m e r .\_c a n televillon atatiom early today. Ex- f!~~ ~ fire! werit on~ for half an At leut one pertOn was killed and six Injured, all Vlelnameae, hospital and police sources said. Jt was another in a growing series of terrorilt incidents in and around Saigon which allted lntoWgenco hla predicted wtn · climax in a Communiat offensive within the next few weeks. Pollce .. Id the blast appeared to have been aet off by terrorists. One live grenade blown out of the com- pound by tbe uplo!!on landed In lbe 1treet ou!Jlde. It then exploded, killing a studlQt and inj\D"ing another u they made tbetr Wl)' to Saigon University nurby. U.S. aplol!v11 aperll said 1 civilian automobllt wu perked Inside the com- pound and lhlt H eontained small orms ammunition and eommunicationa ;wires lbat could b1ve been Wied to set off lbe blut ~ma distance. The ·-an Armed Forces Radio station, alJo in the compound, stayed on the air through the incident. The televiaion stations were not operating 11t the time. Besides the casualties, two police trucks, sil privately owned motorbikes and two p:iwer generators belon&lng to the televi.slon stations were destroyed. It was the .lint. incident at the televllion 1taUons since Oct. U, 1969 when a taxi loaded with explosives dtatro)'d 1 achOol and damaged the \lie~ nameee station. Police Hunting Poultry Worker In Qeaths, Rape DEP'UNIAK SPRINGS, F1a. (UPI)' - Roadblocks wer1 Mt up today and 1pot1er pl&Ms sent 1lort Jn an attempt to In- tercept a poultry farm worker accused of murdvln& hl1 wffe and infant daughter, woundlna two . otben ind rapin& a. lt- year-old girl. Police 11ld the suspect, 2f.year-old George P'o1, Oed 111yin~ there were "two more men I blvt to kill." He reportedly w11 armed with two rllles and a oistol. AutllorlU11 uld Fox lhot hll lf.year- •ld wUe, Palildla Fox, In the livinC n>0m of lbelr Def\m!at Sprtnga borne about t :IO p,ni. Monday, then --their If. month-old dauchter, allo named Pltricla. The bab1 wu Ibo! In lbe w with 1 omall·bore plltol while !yins In her crib, drtnkiq from a llottle. Mra. Fox' srandmothtr, lllra. lllay Mondy, ·w11 1l10 lhot at the Fox home, but an unldentUlld three-yur-Okl IOtl wu lefl unharmed. I normally corry two Infrared bomfnc m1Jllleo, end "'"'tlmea m equipped • with two 23mm cannon. . The U.S. comm'unlque aJao reportad Ibo lou of an American Ahl Col>ra bellcoptor gunablp allot down Mooday 15 m1lel northwest of tbe central coutal city ol Qui Nhon. The two U.S. cmnnen 11e1pod Injury In the crllh. It WU aJao revealed In SaJp toclay tlllt the U.S. deatroytr .-Al)trl David collidld with 1 North V1flalqM1t junk -y In the Tonkin Gull. Tht beJlted llllllouncemanl WU made alter NOrtb V!elnam -U.S. N1vy wmhlpo. of "dellben.toly ettaclilng" unarmed lllhlnl -SUnday and llnk-inl two Cll • them. Hanoi lald n tn e filhenneo Wlll tuJed and ..... were .....,. , British L~se I Soldier Asks Asxlu't' in Ireland BE!JFASf, Noi'lbem Ireland (UPI) - A British army aergeant crosaed the Northern Ireland b or d e r .into the Republic of ll'eland during lbe.mght·and requeited political aoylum, 1 BrlUSh army spokesman said today. The spokesman did not immediately . identUy the soldier but 11ld he wu 1 member of the Lancers Cavalry Re~ ment staUoned near the border. A seniof political officer of the Irish Republic &aid the sergeant crollld lbe border near Bl1ckllon Jn County Clvan. went to 1 police station and· ttqueat.ed political asylwn. First reporil In IJlster ,uld-. lbe sergeant carried hll rlne wbea be crou- ed the frontier, but 1 senior pollce offlclaJ in the republic said the man cUT*S no weapons and wore civillan clotbel when be uked asylum. In BeUut, hundredJ of Britllh ooldtors sealed the morket dlllrlct ol the city in 1 search for seven men who escaped from · the prllon ship HMS Mlldltone by llWlm- ming across Icy BeUast Harbor In lbelt undenreor. Al! l!tll\Y spokesman laid between !00 and 40I troopa moved lntO the Roman Catholic Markell district between the doekai and city center after Monday •; escape il an atfempt to comer the ae:ven -all sulpected members of tbe ouUawed lrlah Republican Army (IRA). IRA llOIU'Ctl laid lbe men alrudy had -pod lbe cordon. Local resldenta plied into the 1treets to jeer lbe Brlttah troops end, to lbe tune of ''The Baltle Hymn of the Ileplbllc," ung "the boy1'll be In Dublin in tbe morning." 'lbe aqny tpakeanan u1d "we're It.ill IOIDI al!ead with lbe 1Un:h unW H's proved ~Y'Vt eecaped." He oald there had been -• In the mo but !roopl 'ftre not lavolved. ,The men cut through an Iron bar block· Ing 1 porthole on the MQJatone, allpped out and swam about 200 yards to . the other side of the harbor while moot of the 70 other prllOnen aboord tho M1ldllone W.re toklq an alteN11Mer walk on deck, the army llkl. Circular on Lin's Death Said Given to Top Re~ HONG KONG (UPI) - A Chlnese- Janguage newspeper uJd today lbe Chinese Communllt party had lllued 1 cir<ular reporlinl lbe death of Lin Piao, once Chalnnan Mao T •e· tung ' a successor-dea1g. 1 ,-,,.,- The rightwing Sing Tao Jib Pa,.quotin( Informed China oourca &aid the circular WU distrubuted to hlgh•renklng 0 leadera of the perty. "Lin Piao, hil wife Yeh Chun -a member of the pol!Ucal bureau of lbe party's central committee -and their aon, Lin Ll·kuo died In an air crllh while Ibey were trying to eacape to lbe Soviet Union," the newspaper 11ld. It 111d lbe other 1h: penona kWld 1n the cram In Inner Mongolla lut sep- tomber Included !Ju Pal-ilaln, cb!el of 1be poliUcal department of the Inner lllongollan Military D1strldt, ud five guards. The newspaper 11ld contradictions developed between Chairman Mao end vice chalnnan.LW Jut Aug. 18 wben Mao and Premier CbOu En-tel refused to lbt Lin u Mao's aucceuor in the country'• new conatltuUon, which wu under · preparation at that time. "On last sept. U, tbe central com- mlttoe was notllled by m!Utary Id· ministration tn MongoJla that Lin'• ton, a deputy commander of an air force base there, and !Ju Pel·hsln auddenly flew out of Mongolia," Sing Tao 1ald. "The commlttoe thought Iba! Lin m"'t try to join with hll oon to ucape, ao ti ordered 1 halt to Ill flights." But Lin had already gone to l!ul!ebot, IMer Mongolia, before the order to ground Ill tbe a1rcralt, the report said. Space ca.,.erll8 .. "Last Sept. U. Lin Ll·kuo plloteil I plane to UIT)' h~ parenll, !Ju and fiv1 gull<jl from Huhehot for Ille !lovlet Union. Bii the plane ~ ea lbe way becl:uae of~ rtaaobl," llnl Tao iald.. "lt. ,. • ••• ,... f\ Chemical Drums Fro:tn Shipwreck Wa~hing -Ashore LONDON (AP) -TWiii of lclentlats equipped wllb proltctJve ck>lblni ""' rushed to aoulbwest England toc1aJ lo help ldenUfy and deatroy drums of dangerllu chemicala from I Spanish frelghtar that ADk 71 mlles oil lbe Cornish coast Jut month. Experts lw Iba! lbe 1,111111 41-Callon drama aboard lbe Germania m allber bobbing toward lbe eouta of Cornwall ud Devon or ban llllnk and w1U releue lbell' contonts into lbe oceen when their drums corrode. "Thia Js 1olng to be a long job," 1aid Lt. Edward Thompson, commander of a Royal Navy tolm which h11 blown up about 100 of the dru1111 that noatod In. "The druma could roll In nut week, or next year." Tile tide could deposit them In eny of aev~al hundred secluded coves and inlets along lbe <outline, and vacattonen could atunible oit lbeni nut aummer wtlbOUI kndW1nl lbe1r contont. ' ' Reconna~sance Craft • . . To Spy for Marijuana SPACE CENTER, Houiton (UPI) - Department ol Agrlc\ilture offlolall will use space cameras in h'.tfh·flylng alrplanea Ibis year to "' I II 11 poulblo to pboto1n11>h oecret m1rijuan1 cropo In the United Statea. , The lint c1-1.equlpped a1rcnft wlll be Wied to try to find aevtrll !di petcliu of mariujan1 -planted 111 lbl aowm- ment to teat the oyl!tm. Dr. Robert H. Mlller, who ennounced lbe USDA pion Monday, Aid Ibo 1111111 Efforta to Dislodge Grounded Ship }'ail ENSENADA, lllellco (AP) -'n<Cboat1 struggled without IUCCl!I lo dlsl~ 1 Mestcen Navy d..t..y., which ren acround SUnday morning In a heavy fig. Further efforll to tree the lhlp ~re pl111ntd today. tlieory proved succ11aful lut year ,,,,.. H wal Uled to man an epidemic of eenl blight. ,, *'What we are dotnc In thll country, blglnnlnl with lbll srowtnr ....... 10 aetllnl up • number ol teat lltoa and .,. illf tost il!rCl'llt lot -under vary· ~ Jocal ~eoodtuem," uJd MWer, tbe ~ef)iiliillnt'I ~ for NmOle aenatnc. ·ln~~lald lbe project -Ult •boat '2 1D lundi froa! Ille. U.S. lluruu Cll )i•rcotica and Dqerouo Druf• to refine technlqdoo for~ Ille~ In areas u man u IO Jaot with -ltlft m1 an4 10ph1at1cateil electronic par. • The teat situ p:obablJ wW be in Ar!IOna, ll'lorlda and Ille T-plaino to give 1 variety of ,cllma~ and IOU - • dit1o111, llllller d 'He lddreatd Ille lourlll 1nnul Earth R-cet Conftl'lllCt It the Maftnld $pacecraft Centtr here. Police uld Fox went to lbe , home of Ralph lllcCUllough, 1 CO'WUrkar 1t tbe Hel\co poultry plant. end oho! r,tcCullough In !ht lace. llln. Moody and lllcCullll\ISb wtre both li>ted In good condlUon at Liknlde Hosplt.J . McCullough .. 1d Fox then abducted hll atop-41ughter. Authorltlei ufd lbe girl WIS driven araund 11Ulh Wilton County lor •bout two boun, and lben ...... to Dllwllall Spr1ap ud ........ • The CalHomla, formerly 1 U.S. d"truyer escort, WIS 1 .. than loo yarda oflohore In • cove nine mu .. north of Ibis BIJ1 CaJJlomla port. A port olfldal u ld pumpo ....... dllpetclled "' the -Iller I lelk .... IOUDd In Ille qllll • He aeld the project -Id uUllll llclml- queo end equ1,,-t ~By a'8ord Ille EartW 11_,.. . Satolllteo (E!ITSl. which la ICheduled 11,.01n1o an -m m1111....,.. •rtll • thll ~ and ant ,.., ... Ill tho Skyllh..,. lt&Uon ~ ... Jauacll """" ! Ill Ult f ( • ~. . . ( I l I J I I I , { . ( I I ( ,, l 7 I I I I I I - . • • . ••tee · Coasi EDITION • .. T~·~·-1 ~ N.Y .Sgelul voi:. ti, No~ ;If, l ; SECTIONS, 34 PA6ES ORANGE COUNTY, CAliFORNIA TUESDA·Y, JANUARY 18, 1972 N . ' • . • . ' . • :, Rs-.. BOJVs: Doesn ~t o,.,e '$1:1 lo Ille vicinity of the dock," Gad'arlan bad ~' 0 and there were four within the viCinliy." • -· · Tbe·p""1Dlent pt off to a bad start -.. Inspector wrote .. Initial cita· tlaa aUellnc • violatlon of a ™ldsting ~· Tbe first charged that Gldarlan's Newport Boulevord boatyard dldn't have a ladder "to the dock." Dllring the' be'!"· ing, B. L, Titibetts, a supervisor, cor>- ceded that was an error. . The revised cltaUon claimed there was none "in the vicinity" and Gadarian painstakingly proved during testimony the man juat didn't see them. Gedarian was just a little bit biller over the whole thing Monday. "The intent of the U.S. government is goOd," he ~ected, ·~e lneht of its emplo1es is l)Ot. '" · ''That IUY .lftllbetts conld have stopped the whole Uttn«, but be never even came down to. my yard." • He also leveled a blast at the new law itself. . , "It's insidious,'' he said, "I could walk lofo the Newport DAILY PILOT and complain about just anything I want and they'd have somebody down the next day. "I contested the law, not the eVtnt, when I chose to fig ht," Gadarian said. · Examiner Kt1V1edy's ~ pages review· Ing the case and setting down his in· nocent verdict were an extension or the eztreme detail exhiruted by the_ govern· ment in handlln& the en Ure matter. l.. Page one listed the people Involved and began his "statement ot the ca se'' tha.t continued to page thrte, where he began listing "llndlngs of fact .'' They included 0 jurisdicUo0 " aid "the alleged violation" with su~paragfapha on "the issues prettnfed" a n d ''lh1 evidence," all of which took up 10 pages. Kennedy then began "discussion" ol the case whertin he µoied to define viclnl- ty and .said: Coa8t Guard Does 'NQt Fire in Bering Incident By lll'EVE WEINER JUNEAU, Al (AP) -A U.S. Coast Guard lcebrea was authorized to fire across the bo Of a Soviet fishing vesse1 · IC seized / the ship broke away today , with a party of Americans a~ bpt 1 the ship ·was recaptured with no shots fired. witl)out incident lat~ Monday on charges of conducting illegal fishery ·aupport ac· tivity within the U.S. J.2.mile contiguous zone. .. C'.oast Guard SJl!Okesmen said the storis, on routine patrol, di,scovered the two ships 911 miles off st. Matlhew Island about 2¥.a miles inside U.S. waters. A CoaSt Guard spokesman at the 17th The two vessels were boarded by .the District headquarters Said tffe lcebreilker Coast Guard while they were moored Storis "came about as close as you can together for unloading. get" to firing a warning shot at the The Stori!: then ordered both Soviet Lamut," flagship or an ~ship Soviet vessels to head fo~ Adak Island, a naval fishing fleet during a fdur·hour chase station 600 miles so.uth in the Al~utlans. through the ice-<:hoked Bering Sea.. The Coast Guard said the journey bare- The Lamut and anolher Soviet fishing ly bad begun, when both Soviet vessels vessel that had been seized at the same stopped, sayi!Jg they would go no further. time as the Lamut and the Storis Movement reswited after further negotia· regrouped later today and were heading lions. , for a naval station. But the· Lamut, carrying fleet com- I,.L Cmdr. Emmanuel Schneider. mander Vladimir Artemov, suddenly dl!trict intelligence ,and operations of-. broke away. U .. s .. s . R. m· t;:, Sl.MATTHtW - IHAHD':°'.:• ::. Bering Sea c;:J ""' ~ a+· ... • • , ,' • \ .. Adok " p /J'' . 0 1 -.. • . \ ~· "' •4 .L E U i. 1 ,._ • 1 CANA'O'A Paefil: O cean • ; } . '·~· t • ' fleer, said that although Ille Storts receiv· For .the ,nen four bours, the Storis "'~ 1rom.£ojlst Guon1'lia6--<11;....rt11t.1.aD!!4. lv\l!i~ , IJlliitel'I In WahlnJllml to·fld 11 tllit, 'It dl!r!lfl1V~ to'~~ -'' outmaneuvered the LaJlut lo' lce.cJcfisOll ':Al U..,illd; .,. . -bJI.. ~ • ,.,,.,.-, ........... ;:..,.,... .......... ....,..;:i....,.. .......... _,; .. • -----.•. --~ ..... ...., • ....... boslng Ille lli!Jlian llagshlp !<> a hll bow, 1ori:Jnc bllll ID Obalie ... , , . , 't: ... - -lllnMD. · . aiil llowlng buii down,• l1dmeldir uld. HIGH -~ ,IN RlllilAN.a ... sUR.wl f , . Tile 31;-foot Lamu~ and the 278-foot "Tiley """' In tee, and the StoHs'hJs an CNM-Ouor<I Cu!IW -Hod Permlmon te l'lni • II-* . ' atem trawler Koirvan were seized (See CHASE, Pap I) · .. ' . Height 'Bedoeed Nixon"s Brother • .. ' . ' . lnierrw in Mesa Bollie Airr,rt Nixes Ea~ly Morning , Turbo Takeoffs · Hotel Near Airport . Vows to Oear· Clamor on Loan ~ . ' ' o ,,f • ' I To Be Sev.1ot1 - Kl·z1 ~ ~ rth,ri"tic" ' °18a'' . n . ' . As ol 7'a.m. today all turbo jet ·plahes, ·1.3 .It. 1 f .I· ' conimonly called private jels, are pro- , • : .' .. r ' • ' ' • biblted from taking oil from Orange -, . " , ' • County AirJiort between 11 p.m. and. 7 .lloii!ll-~ nop1i'a«l>lt11 i Meu lloebeal(llyda-edCollegeParkbome. a,m., the county Directo< of Aviation hqQ10 abqr11Y·WcH lltnf tOGaJ; '1111'1ii-11 ' cft=Nd taldby 'I ~-=rem"'~ .. ', = ' reported . mon· ie1 ... tly· ·~·•by 11rtllrltla7 · '· -~-. The ban follows a ~. 6 resolution by deaplle-•1!,;!i~ · 'Ollott"'to , uve wu slni unldentKied Ibis morning. county ru--'··-on! . .,.;•• that aii such -SeeiJlt(be CODlda'rlltempt 'a .....,.., .-·-· -~ ·~ t.;MCRae,;t'l,;ol 15t7·Colum· , ~manracedto1111Miby-.viceatation leis be prohibited frotn using the county bli. ~ .. ; 11111y, ~"-been beYOncl be)p wblch.was·cloaed and darkened; , airport at night as soon as possible. w~ -~ ~. tl\al'*°""lted 'lit ~.090 Spottlog an ·iutomatie olamvbo%,.Cbief Ron Chandler, assistant county director dalilllt• w•·sj>otted 111.l:~a.m., eiPerls Lewis said, the ,caller then tried to call · of aviation, told supervisors today that, in ..,peotN • · • • ' ·• pollcO, but ' need oilly:. have apoken a c0rone:r~· ~ .. :~1 .. .. ~ettng an meaage into tbe receiver to rt.aeh a fire an average month, only about four or five ""'° tod&··t;"~'ruw died of dispatcher directly. , such private Jets take off from lhe ::CYlnlllliftio!l.'boiras or_perhaJ>I! even lie left before·authoritjea at the•tcene airport In the early morning hours. 1 stroke « htait lttlck. -• obtalnil li!i name. . "But when they do it is very annoying, BattanOn Cbiel F.cl Lewla city lire Sl.mulW-.sly, however, patrolling as you have been told," be added. :........• bo Police Officer F.cl Sutton.sa" flames ra1· manhal, aald McRae was• "-~-iw i\IB Jn Ille aouth bedMotn. oru of the Chandler laid airport officials bavo the lived aiane and hid treat dllllallly pt. • v;D.;, home aweived' to the lcurb ' ao\d 1-1 """' tO cite vtol>tors of the ,new linC lli'OUllChlue to Illa 11fflklioo. ...,_., • • .. ~ • ..-. · • , · 1 . .r*".,lo Ule.reatdence. . . •. , ' . rule charm•ith-wi'th a misdemeanor 111 don't know H the man, could even ge '" ·-•• be tried .to · enler v'1a the ~,. ~-· -· · "'"'" J ne --.. puunable y a fine and/or im-out of bed.' be 'aid. ' garage, but woo forced back•by choking prlsonment. Smoklnl llcllvlty of aome aort'wu ten-amob-and aearing'beat. , ' But he cautioned that It will take tune tallffly blomecl for lbe trqlc bllle. Rac111& ·rr.m nearby .police bead· to get the information on the new rule to C111ef Lewi. aalcl McRae did mt appear quori«I, Olllcv Cbano CllmarlUo tried a all prlvale pilots. lo have rotlred for,tbe night jel, noting,· atmllarly unaucceuful ,entry, w h 11 e Such lnfonnaUon will eventually be a bis body wu not found In Ille bed ol· Patro.:::n.;.Z ~ ,~ :tJle:· ~ ol lligbt mlm,Uals which list rules of . "!ft wouldn't hav= ·dfa airpo~, throughout the nation, Chandler. Jn, tllla.cue anyway,'' Chi~~ esplaihed. surveying the charred ruins ·where • By CANDACE PEAllBON Of .. Dellr ''"' it•tr . ' ~ . Emkay Development ' Company ·will reduc .. its plaoned botel In the "Newport Place" project near Orange County Airport from ll to seven stories, Robert Alleborn, Emkay president. revealed to. day. .. The company will file for a use permit from the Newport Beach Planning Com· mission for the revised hotel by Friday, Allebom said, in hopes of reaching a publlc bearing by Feb. 17. The reduction In helaht wlll not affect the number of rooms, plumed now at fSO, Alleborn said. The botel, part of a 162-acre project between MacArthur Boulevard and Birch Street, will be developed in. conJuncti9n with Sheraton International Hotels. AllebOm said the change was made becalise of a "redesign ol the botel to fit additional things we desired." But he added that It may be 11aesthetically more pleasing" ·and ·that · the "City' of Newport Beach might think the reduction in height Js more a~ pealing." Emkay baa recei...S ._.1 from the pl1111tn1 ~ , for · It.a land u .. : llnd davelopmlnt llllndii<ll 'and , Its aubdivlllon of tloe ta ocra Into nV. indu.tiial and 17 -lols. Construction COits and tlmelables ore aUll being developed, Alleborn talcl. · Emkay officials bad llrlt pllllllled , 11 seven or eighl·story botel, but abifted plans to the loller atructure upon receiv· Ing city and Federal AvlaUon Admlnl· stratioo (FAA) approval. FAA action wu required becllUR ol tbe structure's pmimily to Orange County Airport. Emkay's announcement follows by one day lhe diacloaure that Colllnt Rldlo Company baa tempororlly delllyOll ~ for a almll8r .d4'1elopment ol Ila propsly acroas MacArthur Boulevanl. Collins officials talcl Monday they are withdrawing' tllelr request to change the zone of their IJffcre tracl !Nm ;,,. duatr!al to commm:lal. . A botel and olfice bulJdloca bad been planned on the Collln.s site. McRie'i bo!Jy lay. ' · ; LeWls llvu juat ao'ound the comer from Ille lire scene and rllCed to it ,on Jool aft« being Clllled by the [fire' cllapatcller. · C.X-'1 dejlutles removed the body to BaltHlergeion Morllwy fllr ~ •Wlllnltlon, 'While author!Uea cot!tacled the vlcllm'a aon, Jell 'Mcl\M,1of Los Wire Of~~ce C.lo.sing· S,o~ght > • INllDE TOB.t T = ...... ,s ~:....·= ~ --. -... .. .__ ... , -' -' -. _.. ....... --.. Anpla •. IMll laiil Jira. McRae died al><!UI 'two ,_.. ..., and lrienda dropped by often lo looll ofter the -er. . ' " , Righting 'f r:uck· • Dog-g one Hassk' LOii ANGELES (UPll -Flnmm wd tllOY .._extra precoullona" rtgli~ .. .. .-lruclc, and ........ -· ~plier admitted ... decid<d Ille..,. cl the !Ire truct would be Ille afeot Vlll- lqe polol Tile Ind c:ootolnod 10 l!llby clop, lllOlllJ Girman lbepberdl, -by the Upper Holl Canine Corp, of Loa& Bach. i 1'1 *!•JIUI Ille -no,pod oo Ill lllCle ....., ......... -·· lo -• -· ' .l · ' · ' Air Pioneer.-Diel Telegra ph Fi r m to. Ask FCC A.bout Newport~ SUe ST. 11!0~ vqm· _ <Ai>>_ Western Union will ask lhe Fodera ·' · macie K approved by the Fl:C. He laid be Communications Commission If ,It Cll) • wUI Ille for the termination of the offices close lhe Newport Beach,olfice it'a bad In lhe neit week 0r 10 days. for ~e than • ,..... "We'll have """" m........,.. In tl!ls That 1 .bad nen, for the Harbor Area, . ollict and tllal wtll give 111 ipore ·fie•· oc<ordlnl to the, long-time maoager of ibllit1," W aalcl'. • the. Avon Sb:eet hllruu., He llleo' aatd tha)' Weiotern Union ... m • ·~Is bid -cti now." said Mrs. retain the Telephone Answering llureau Ruth Hudson, 1 28-year employe who on 17th Street In Costa Mesa u an say1 abe Is Pini to be out of 11 job as a "agency" for walk•ln customon or for reault ot the lllOVO. the pick-up of -ordm. ,"ft takes four hours to get a telegram Telegrams called in will be hllndlOll by dellVered now," abe said. "It Isn't going the Santa Ana olllce, as Ibey have been io be any bet!« when they're cominc the past II monthe, Duckett aalcl. fnlm the Sonia Allll olllce.'' The Newport Bellch oftlce ii at llllO John Duckett, area aupervtsor for Avon st. 'l'bere la.., Western Union office W"1<rn Union, who lllllOUnced the u auch lo Coota - cloour6 of lhe Newport llllch, Gtrden "DllrtrW Ult ....., montlls 11'1 ping Grove and Fullerton olfic!!I. Aki lll'Vice to be bod for the 1 J*>P1e In lbe ,Horbor will be )1111 u IO"d. Ano,"...-Mn. June KrllUle, 1111- 0uckelt arid Mondty the chll11&e ll'Oll'I )'UT emploio who, lllte Mn. Hodaoo1 wtU ..... lor omni -. and will ooly be t lab II bealll\y lllDIJMUlll _...,. tel· · Uoment rather than transfer to onother ~.!mt;"~"·•-pt1112' · oHtce a U-..... A*' .. '1ee1 I U,. poopk .,, Mn Uon U-1111, Inc., died -11M1 ~auae laid~ ~'llllllll'iarVlcO yacbtSundq.ai.nben' ·-~ 11111ieie r...,-· 111ey pt-, 1'ey'U tJllllllld • ,_ Ill rellred • ._. taM..,. ot tbllr own cal •• t llrlt." . cbolrme ol UIAIJ ID -. Mn. -notad 111111 tilt --will 11flect ..... of the llllJor -· lllCb .. ·thoee wltll locatmtle _... She sale! Ibey will be lold to -lbe more II· pensive Teles equlpmont, Facsimile unita 11 .. X.0.-type copies In an ollke wblle 'l"elel lllllchlnel 11'11 lllte teletypes wllb both -.,. and receiving capabilities. Mrs. Krause contended the cloalna of the Ganlen Grova and 1'\dltrtoa olticu ... , hurl u -'J*llllt. "They clonl set the inll"' ol lourlata," • ..... tald.- Sbe called the clolures l'tft,ol the no- tlonwide Welt«n Vnlon 6rl to com- puterize lta -operation • CongregatiOn. Boyco~ TV -. ' • ; ~:J "OAJ_L Y PILOT N Stttdi•~ ·,IJapped Prof Levels BUist at Saddle6ack l I · . .. • '4.. ll MOO!Qy nigllt'• (loddleback Comlriun!IY OOlece me<IUll ~ la • colot- ful eruption or verbal fireworks between coJJere 111perintlndent-pielldonl Fnd H. Bremer and 1 UC Irvine professor. ~ Dr. George Kent, of U01'1 <QlllPlll'.l~Yt cullute department .1_....t a. fore the board during oral commWlicaUon.s. For openers: be•asked Wh)',the col- lege "s:reets its vislton with a sJgq telling them what they can't-do 1on campus. It seems to me you should have, a sign welcoming peOple to the campus." Kent charged that during a recent visit to the campus be wu "obviously and consciously shai:fowed by anned security guarda on the campus." Bremer said he sent the guard to follow Kent and a·sted~ "can you show me a college without armed security men .. Evea UCI' has them. "' It wu on, tbe next two poln~ that Br.emer became agitated. Kent charg. ed that Bremer didn't believe in the democratic process and ·that he was only interested in pleasing the tX>ard. ''That's a lie, Kent," Bremer fumed .. "I'm tired of this. l don't know why the board listens to this drivel.'' .. ~. Kent said he had a tape recording to back u~his.c1aims. ~ •. · Trustees Hans Vogel said that since personalities were. becoming ·m. .~· volved iD the exchange Kent remarks should be taken up 1n execu~ve session. ·; · •• As Keiit aiid Bremer c.ontinued to exchange verbal darts, trustees Michael ~. Collins succeeded in pasing a motion to ~OJJl'Jl to etecutive sessJon Jo. con· .:_: tmue the discussion with Kent. The profeSsof -who" w·u careylng a camera '"-left the campus. at that point. "'·L...------,...,.------7,------------J . · advlntage because It's an !ct breaker. "Finally " he said "the StoriB ordered. ' ' ' FromPqe :I :::Newport Plans ,. irTo Place Sand · . . . ' .. CHASE. • • him lo slop or be would be forced to take action;. when he warned he was ready to , Bay Island his moved its trash cans ftrt; it' was about as close as you can from the Island Avenue street-end and get.'! · In Storage Area no'f Newport Beach will remove the A White House spokesman declined to tniish can enclosure, replacing most of it discuss the authorization to fire the warn- wlth beach sand. ' ing shot. He also sald that the "hot line," 'Ibe storage area came under fire 1ut the emergency CQmmunicatioM system yeat..wbtn tt·wu·tllletoaed thf'lslanders between Washington and Mpsqow, was were using a public beach area for their not used,in C9Mection with the incident. M..::._ .. Ptbaae cans. . · . . . A State Department spokesman in .~..r Tbere is no autoplobije access , to .the Washington said no diplomatic represen· '~ which Is connected lo BJ!boa talion to the Soviets was planned on the MacArthur Crash ' Fireman .washes gasoline from roadway following rearend pileup this morning at MacArthur Boule- vard and Pacific Coast Highway in Newport Beach .. Four cars were involved in the 8 a.m. crash. One driv~r •. Donna Chandroit, 28, El Toro, was taken to • • • -· ~\, .oan.Y.#11.0J-.,.,, .....:._ ' . ',, Hoag Memorial Hospital for observation. The others, Eugene DeBie, 19, Artesia; james C. Miller, 48, Santa Ana, and Douglas M. Hamel, 24, Mission . Viejo, were not injured, acc.ording to police reports. R~gistrar Says Status D. R_. Colegrove Dies; Longtime ' On Remap Clouds Voting ' Coastal Builder -".~ by 1 loot bridge. Residents basil of evjde~ !vallable.,, ":ithire '1llalntilned they· had nowheie else Wl\ile Rouse press secretary !!opald' L. Funeral itrvices will be conducted to store the can& lnd sUll make them ac-Ziegler Said the fishing boat Incident , .By JACK BROBACK depends .on sudden action -on . reap-Wedneaday in , Newport Beach for Of ftll Deity Plltf Stlft '"-. rt · t . hJ b h bee ·~ceaaible.to.reftlle collectiob. crews. would not have any effect on Nixon's po 1onmen , an issue w c as n longtime Orange Coast builder Donald 'f"A 'Ibey ,are now stored on the 1'1aod, plans.to vJsit the Soviet Union. . Registrar of Voters Dave Hitchcock scrambled in the legislative halls in Ridley Colegrove who died Saturday at ~ llting enCroacbmentll lrith the actption In resp:mse to a question, he likewise told Orange County Supervisors today . ~crai:nento since last :iummer, '• however, and ·private maintenance crews said that there wou1d be no adjustment in that his ability to conduct a re·asonable Hitchcock noted : Hoag Memorial Hospital. '.!i~ them to the streeWnd on col-Nixon's Moscow plans as 8 result of the Mr. Colegrove, .t JG.year resident of 9.f~tectlon .da11• • . · . exf>ubion of Rep . James H. Scheuer (D· facsimile o1. a June primary election The filing for cand.ida~ for ~tale or Newport Beach, was 70. He was widely ·\(:, .. Putm:1 Beaches and Recreation Dlrec· N;Y~), from the Soviet Union. federal offices opens Feb. lt and eloses known through his construction firm, 1'1:.~ Calvin ·Stewart announeed ~ plan to Ziegler had no comment on either inci· f S March 10. The latter dat,e is critical Dike and Colegrove Inc. of Huntington "'<.remove the -age area this mornlng. dent today. He said the Coast Guard Review 0 tale because his department must slsrt Beach and .,,. 'foreman of' 1he 1988 '• He &aid the city will remove "all ex· was dealing with the fishing boat seizure Orange Count:Y Gfand_,J_!Jit'. • it:Jlstina encroachm~nts w:ttb the e:rception and that the state Department has been designing ballots th~n. Services are scheduled for l p.m. at ~ tht. concrete block pl8J!ters" and deaitngwiththeScheuerexpulsion. Education Urged "I think a reapportionment decision Paclfi<; View Memorial Chapel. The .;;ttreplace them with sand and two park Department offici8ls said that, when will be reached at least a week before famiy' has auggested memoria1 con- 1.i: \benches and one· trash barrel. such fishing boat inc'llrsions occur from Mar cit 10, otherwise -cancfldates for lributions .to ·tbe ·American Cancer ~ie- ''Tbla. wlli make the area available for 11me·1o time, !he normal procedure is to By Legi'slature . ty. . . . 1;::p1~ use and will~ a ,Pleaaln# vls~ ta~ .the offerider to co_urt. They recalled assembly, state senate and Congresa_ w1~!1 Before fo~ln~ a partnership with :.<tVaru for the resident.I of the area, that 'not Jong ago a Japanese ship was not know where ~hey are·_ runrung, Raymond D1~e m 1951, Mr. C.Ol~ve ~Ste\!art said. , ta~en in. and a fine imposed. SACRAMENTO {AP) -Acttng over observed Hitchcock. ha~ engaged m banking, real estate and i:tt He , llld the PBR Department will ,Sclµieider said ·the Kolyvan made no ef-the objections · of the Unjver_sity of Hitch k sa~ his st in ro-budding. He '.Ras a charter member of 1"l lllW U. ~ al>Uilation~ the ,,, •lm'tl taleil:ajl&•wttile'tbe,stoi;to was ' oc-C~Jilornia '"a joint le~iatlv~ 'colninittee 't•'· .~. •<· ./Ill'·. I .P{,lf..LP . .. t\ie. !Jome Builders ~laUon and also p1u1 material lliat Is reinalnlng and for cupled. He said it wasilot·known why the . ' · · . · b em .todax invo ves we c ty e1'\,.,..s in · hel4 membenlii111 :fn the Newport Harbor :1.add~lonal landscaping that will J1e in-• ined bov ID. voted.Monday lo ask each UC and college ·April. . Eilts Club and Allllios YleJ<?s. . ·~1, m:: ~ill · · l~~lm1tbe r;~ -. . , 1~ '· "Jlw~ ~~-in .,.:,c~~\ f?~~.:·ta~.,,.t~ J¥l~i~1Rl!.~~)n a4, ,· ,"Tbe)t, wlti , ~ ~td..;"ith .iiPr-cts · JJ4?rn W~ ,,~ar , Flpl,\,.~ow~. 1 Mr •• 'j-.,enc11\ t.;l:\ry,_ he~-· •· , . ' . , as . fir!~'.~~' not c1~ar if the . review of cail.rma's higher education drawn along present a&wllb!Y 11!!,d,1tate , °'8il~gr.ov'e will''lk!ucaled"ilt Iowa ocliools, .;•tltalled. · ' · . J<:ol)'Van attempted t<i e!;Clpe or followed s stem.,• senate Ji~es whi~h we have alr~y es-includmg Upper Iowa Unlversity. His late ~ epat1c· Course tp ~·void ice. . Y . . • tablished," he said. "But any pret1nct we father, Chauncey Colegrove; was once Schn 'd 1 ·a h t f th Campuses win be asked to define their have designed must be only tentative un-presjdent of that school. Lamut e~~rdin~ ;:~Y td~i: ~e 0chas: 11goals, purposes and priorities" and send ti! the state settles the reappartionment ~r. Colegrove also att~ staunton t k H b ·d th atatementa to the Joint Committee on the iss ue. Military Academy in Virgirua. He served was no nown. owever, e sai • e "The ·t· -• 'lb · Is 1·n the US Army during wo·rld War II itioafd~ pa..._.. ke~ In constant colh.o ; ·')U"BUt" Plan fi>r Higher-Educatt&n -by . -. CJ ies can v~e "".1 ~recmc con-. . · · . 1 · • ~3 f"". • • forming to the old district lines, but then r1S1ng to the rank of ma1or. munica ion with the 230-foot icebreaker A}.lril. we must get all the certified resUlt.s back Survivors include~ ?"ife, Nelle, of the ·~tp'in¥~•. c~ase. . The committee Is rev I e wing in time to conform to the new .lines, if falhily home, 22.18 Prrvate Road; two t ~Jl:Ok'5~ said the three ~ips _were California's five-year plan for public and when they ar.e determined.'~ son.s! Robert W. Colegrove ,of Bonita and expected to arrive at Adak Friday if not . . . . In 8 letter to supervisors lJitchcock Ph1hp R. Colegrove of Cap1Strano Btach DiJ.mp Fog Hits ,. range ~om,f; irports Close-d hampered by ice. They .said the Storis high~r education, which _gives UC the _top said he would be in trouble .if-the reap-and a ste~son, Douglas Hughe! of !kmllllery weather that soothed the wo~d be forced to ~ake its way through role 1n research aftd assigns 11,!e. ~7ay1est portionment issue is not settled Dy Feb. l. Palmdale. Orange ~ aver Ute .weeken4 is aP. ~st of the 6ov!~ fiS~g fleet. burden of cl~roonl · teachliig to ,the . -·TOO.ay ,he recanted, "Feb. 1 is no magic . Also surviving are two sisters, Veyl~rd :parenily over, after; a blanket of damp · ~ s~~1 situatioa could very we!! state's 93 two-year commUJlJty .c;ol!eges . ~at,. T~ Secretary of State asked w Ior Ferrand of Pomona and Cathenne fol:-'" flopped dowa; Monday,, closing occur. 41igam wi~ the;;e sam~ vessels, and 19 state colleges. • 1 , a,da\e so we gare.him one. . Colegrove of New York City, and a alrjOrta and slowing f,reeway cominllter.s. }Sc)ineil;ler said. ~They te not 1n port yet, The .(4,J'J'IP~·by-:eampus .'!P.PrQ.aqi is too . . "Let's pu~ it this way, u qie state brother: KeMeth Colegrove, also of New ~ormally. l'eekefld cyniCS saf, the am the ~rill is still.days away from any complicated, ~said UC , lobbyist Jay reaches a deciSion on Feb. 2 we'1wlll get York City. weether program calls for sunny skies on other ships that can help." Michael. '· -· the · job 'dOne. "l'filt is not too late, but w8okllay1 and overcast Saturdays and The .cutter Balsa~, stationed . a\ Mal<, "Anyone ·wlili has ·at\empted · ID iJl. June Hthe pr;P1a:ry election dall) i.," he · Chile Tremors Felt .Sundays. . .. was dispatched to aid the ~foot £_toria, ventory , tbe, .... ;agoals,~ purposes and . conciUikil.-· 1 •! Contlnulng overcast skies with )lazy sun the smallest of the. thr~ vessels. . pr!qrJ.ties' of 'f&ingle complex.campus-· , : 'E'{erf "day of delay brings additional tn fbe afternoons and little tem~~tll!e . Spokesman said a CISO·alrcraft wouJ.4,.be Ber~ley or ~tanford, UCLA. or Clare-expen'st!i for· the county taxpayer and in- change ls predicted through Wednesday dispatched to the s~ne at daybr~~'. ). . . ' mont, 'San. JO~ State or the UniVerslty."of ·.creases the chance of error, Hitchcock for. moet of the area. The Storls carries 1 three-Inch gun; 'two ·.Southern 'California, \fouJd· pale 'at the · warned. ·A aurvey of high temperatures ·showed rocket launchers and·tw'o 1ielicopt'er1; prospect Of so massive a task," he told All county municipalities will bold elec- Palm. Springs the hottest, spot in :America . '. .'·committee· meint>erS 'in a prepared state-tions for city offices April 11, with the ex- Monday at 76 degreea, while cold, dlsm8,I . _ ment. ception of Santa Ana which votes in the fog prevailed less than 200 mjles away. Q':lm' Chief Succ .. ::..:...."-.'·''-. Bui wiihoui a dissenting •vole, the com· ofi year, Seal Beach and the new Ctly of No major accidents were reported in ~J,e - SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) -·Two earth tremors an hour apart shook the in- dustrial city of Concepcion, 300 miles south of Santiago, Monday. No injuries or damage were reported. Authorities said the first tremor registered S on the Richter Scale and the second 3. .. . l C~pP~: ' AcqUjne , ln Fraud ~·-, -' :;. ot; 7 Bf ll'OM· BARr,n . ,:l '?' . Of .. Dally ... ~~ ... ' A san Juan Capistrano man "{ai "' of two defeadanls cielll'.ed_ 9HIJ!l!I charges ~oday as ~ ~a~~ ~ theit defense-of the retna ~inembe.rs accuaetl of lrivolv;in.il P · Rerid auto repair racket. ~ ·· ~ Orange County SUperlor~Court Judge James Turner· Sent Ra\ph Carney, 29, of 32852 cane SaiI ~' and R. c. Weisner, 28, Of Sinta'71.na from the courtroom aa llefenae ailomey Al Stokk• took over froni proaecUUf Richard Steo- lon. Both men are cleared of charges that they were litvolv.ed'tD an ·asserted repair -. racket in whiQh. ~jofists' tim were deliberately punctured, car hoses slash- ed, radiator ca~~i.nd seals broken and needless repair work carried out. A Costa Mesan tabbed by the pro- seeuiton as one of· th(ee principals in an operation thal allegedly included 11 service station! 1n Orange Cou~y and three 1n San Bernardino opened the defense phase of the jury lrlal by denying that he &ad ever inflicted or a:>licited the infliction of damq:e on Cll!tomers' cars. Stanley Davis, 34, of toes San Pablo Circle told · Stokke that he ·and Jerry Kendall, 35, of 969 Sonora Road, Costa Mesa, were partners in an operation that put all of those stationa under their personal aupervision. Davis said other staUons we(e under the control of Edward Carney, :rr, ol 20862 Shell Harbour Drive, 11untiqton Beach, ud Roger Mendenhall, 21, of 26095 Avenlda De Seo, Mission Viejo. Davis said he loaned both men the money to open their stations aod allowed them. to use the Garden Grove warebouae that supplied tires and parts for a aefvice station chain ranging from Seal Beach to San Clemente. Davis denied prosecution aliecaUons that be and his employea aystematicaliy defrauded motorlstl by damaging auto equipment and soUcltl.ng needlesa repair work. .. • : ~. And he denied prooecution wtimony that his Garden Grove warehouse was u&- ed as a school to instruct employes on how best lo infilct damage that allegedly cosl Oranga County molort..11< many thousands of dollars. ... ,._, . · Davis admitted that be constantly urg· ed his employee to generate sales at the stations under hi> control but that those sales were ma~e · 1n ~-wbett. th1 motori.sls gepajl)eiy ~ ~'~ or replacement of ~· 1 • 1 nivili also con°"'ed tluof"~ever ~1• ~· iQyeil' :ii>A:.lilluif~ 1 o petiuai!emo&.lits Ui iiW t!ieiiflt>fioist their cars in the lube bay 'lilt · ex-amlnatioft. .. 1 .,. " But that practice, Divi.s told Stokke, Ls common to · 1U ·service stations, and is carried out in the best interest!: of the motorist · 'Who may find from a more careful examination that his car· needs vital repair work. ' Aide to Playboy Succ1imbs .at. 61 ' CHICAGO (UPI) -A. C. Speclorsky, associate publisher and ed.itoria1 director of Playboy rilagazine,. died; Monday following 1 lengllty illaea. .. - Spectorsky, •1,.wa1 ,buried.1t sea Mon- day. The magazine said· he ·luffered an apparent stroke. Speclorsky's lllerary career .included posts as editorial as~iate at . the New Yorker magazine, llierll!'Y' editor of the Chicago Sun, managing editor of Living for Young Homemakers, editor ot Park East magazine and~a senior .editor. witb the National Broadcasting CO. the blinded San Joaquin Valley area 1 but ;: mJ.ttee edopted a ·'1stµdy plan" in-Irvine. · 40,000 Kern county students were two GREENWICH, Conn. (AP) -Funeral corporating the campus~by-campus idea. J-r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;============;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;; lioura late: for school due to travel con-services wilf be held Wednesday for The committee is scheduled to make ditlo Gordon Grand, president "'nd chief ex· recommendations to the Legislature in ns. ecutive officer o~ the Olin Corp. J<i:nuary 1973. I --DAILY PILOT l.Mrt tt. w ... ---. ·' Jtc\ •• Cati.., Ylct~...r~I ,._ .. K•rril ..... '. 'l!Mooi• ~:M.,:ti. -· L P•fn IC~ . --. """*' .... Clr1 ..... "--··· 3)lJ N....,.rt louJt,trd M.ttlftt Allllrt1t: P.O. lox 1171, t2,6J ..... _ Cllfl ..... , -..... .., .... a..... "-dll -,..., ,._ Ill I c•• ae..i \1'1J -..ct1 ............ .. . ...... ~ ... • f.J • Mesa Council Hawkish,, :.~~ps 'N (J Win' in Viet 1'Y TERRY COVILLE th is In a formal resolution." ·, 01 ,,... o.iw P'1101 st•tr The resolutiori will be sent to the U.S. At the urg ing of'M ayor ltobert Wilson, Conference of Mayo~ irl WaShington\ · the1,.Cost~ M~Sa 'City Council ~ui&-step-D.C:, for possible national action this ' peel into .the field.of •forelgn policy .¥oR· yeftier 'protests fr om the audience, the day, nigh~, .. appr~ving 4-1 a resolution ~ council decided not to send copies of the . demning what· was described as Uiis . 'resolution to California's two Senators, country's "no wlR.,pOlicy" in.Vletna:m .. 1,._ U.S. Rep. John Schmitz (ft.Tustin) and Onlf Councilman William St. CJ~ fell-: ' other Orange County cities. out o step. In the-areas of foreign polity In part, the resolution reads; and miUtary strategy/· St:·. Clair sug-"Whereas, this city council desires to • gested , the council doesn't have the fog-urge upon the President, Congress, War giest nou .. what ii is talkina about. He Department .and Secretary pf War, the voted against the measure. Importance of shortened foreign rhillta·ry Councilman Willard Jordan defended involvements. Wilton'• ref(>lutio,n on Ute~ ~tit "Now, therefore, be It resolved , that II a matter that will be considered 'by the the city council of the ciiy of,COsta M ... national conference of mayors. urges upon the President. of 'the United "The Vietnam war ttaches right down States, the National coriirress, the War to the grass roots that &feet !hi> city," Department and the~y of War,.a addOcl Councilman Jack Hammett. "This policy of winning as · ilooh as posaibie, II one of l1IOae thing• that no matter when forced to beColiit< involved in which way you vote you 're 1\'rong." military engagemenu; Jn , order not, to , 'I'wQ._reatd~t!· •PPl'OIChed the council destroy our resouroet: ~an power, to prOtesi Wilson'i resoltuion. . ' economy and national MCVity. · "i' ~ \rlietlwr you· know !'OU are "Be It further resolve4, lbal the no-win l'eprlientlnf tlie people. f\tlllnk you ate policy be abandoned ·lri ~ military overlleflpq your'. tunctlol;" Aid Olll!, involvement forced -11111 nation. ThcilW Nellllil. .. • > • , • : "Be It turther rewl<id !Ml Ille na- "No item Ila -rated our.'natioa ae · tlooal experience in tllllnr It Kora and bltlarly olllCt the Civil ' War," WilJon Vietnam ha1 demonstralld Ille ftlltllty ol replle<I, ralerrtng to Vietnam. "I h .. e the no-win policy In r.,qn mlllllry In- . been_,..... by other mayora lo put voivements." Whitt's My ' , r You won't lie fed ~ny lines ·ti Alclen'a. Wt '! . are more interested in developing loyol . customers than miking 1 fast sale. • •• None of our wlespeopl• wiD liot~•r Y"" if you ju•t want to browso, but wlll be pl11sod to 111i1t you if you ·Wish, with • truthful 1nsw1rs tot your qutsfions. . . ' . ·When· wt discuu larpel Gn11, wt wouid ' have lo "modtstlt, 1' 1<lmil that wt hi•• • ..,, ''\t' ' I I the J.r91sl 11lection in the ' or11. • • Top branils such' w, Bigelow, 11tmn, Bllttie, • • M1911, Monorch, Btrwick, Mohowk, Roxbury, Miiikon, Armstronf. Line? ,, I. ALDEN'S • • ...... I CARPns .• D~Pl,S ... TMI. MAllOll .t.•111 ,_ .. 1663 Placentia Avt. COSTA MISA 646-4131 .. • . ' . ' •• • HOUR• Mon-thrv Thvra., f tw S::IO -Prl., ' tw f -Sol .. f::IO tw I • . ~, • • I I I . I I l • \ I I ,I I \ ' \ ) I ., ii 11 'DICI TRACY exmJeXTM! RfAP ALL A900r tr! I l!XTRA! f!)(TRA! (9. . 'fl, " ,. .... .. ···~ : MUTI AND JEFF FIGMENTS PLAIN JANE Cro.ssword Puzzle ACROSS I Amtrica11 ....,,.. 6 Indefinite ...... ........ 1 Le11tn I M•n's Mini 12 0. ot CWebel 9 N91rlf 13 Unll' 10 Rlwr duck 14 autt.r 11 Vnt•"' ......... (~) • 16 HllWlt If ~t...tone 11 PlrtofRIM 17 Mtn'anllTle 22 Crippltcl 19 VIP.Id 23 Rtpelrs 20 M111lc:al 24 U:ploshle EXTRA WHAT? I ©URFOOO 15 NOT'.RXJCHED 6'{ I-OMAN 14ANDS .·&Ill.IS'~ lnatrumtntt • noi• • 37 Pile• for «111 <46 Netwsptper 2f T~ion 25 Female ruff' 38 fJtet of ah?" P1r11r1ph -2S Army rnul 27 Sun bum .40 Wipe art 47 MMsure of 24 Pmil: bllo,. ~ Orpn of ' 42 DI~ tOWll'd Wllrfrt(pl,) 26 ~mllfllon hetrin1 tarpt: <49 otfJPring pltt.. _ 36 DnourC .U Supen:Ulool 10 Spreld W 29 Aft.~ psrty 35 Owlrts person drylnf al f1roe ls1•nd• !8 Sow' 44 Girl's nttn1 !53 Not• of scale whlrhrind. "1-•"'""1"""'·-22 Melt !3 ""' ; "•""• t-t-t-.M Womletl pl11 216. Dlllpltches J' .. ""' .,.,.~~~-It W ... ~1' floellll•r ., T"' .. ._ ...... .. w_ .. _ 1 1 ruthit ..... .. ~ ......... ..... .-..... 17 Obltruct• DOWN ... 1 ......... ""1.l'..1--1--1-- 2 51111'-IWll'I " • I Hllrdt111lnJ :-T.!~..,.,....._. 4 IUldOftur l*tr, br U.n.& •Wte le, It SOFT SELL SAM by Mamn Myers I ' it 1 • 'v' v, . " ,.. l -,,._/',/.I.I ,' , \,( I· / I , / I ~ ,, I I I I ' ' " .l i ,.~ I~~~ I 11 '1~~ ,. ' I , I f\t1, __ . ~ .. r'M IN "EAL 1~oUBl.E ... MY ltfCO~PEP PEP-TAJ.I( ~vsr S/IC.tTEP fJJT .I" I• , U'L ABNER NKE10&. OJTSIO£ '6\N. AAIN'T IT MIS1'AA BEf. ·A·MILLIOIJ r>oo.SHev? OIC>THEV L ET 'IO' WATCl1 TV IN THAR? DAILY ,ILOT ll • By Al c.,, By Charin Banottf SALLY BANANAS G-11!!,<i ~ .. .-~~~~~~~.., r~~~~~~~--. .-~~~~~~~..,• I~ · ~ ·1 ~~~I ~ • YES I )lAVE' By Al Smith By Dale Hale By Frank IGCJ!nskl " GORDO MOON MIJLUNS ANIMAL CRACKERS ~ "#EOO~\W'ANT"TODO! TAILS\v'EDOWHA.TlWHITTo'DO! ·PEANUTS JUDGE PARKER MISS PEACH • ~enHE REASON f-OR A Rl.tl' CEASH, 50 SHCJl.U) 1HE Rl.lE ITSELF ' I'D Hi.VE 'IEEN lOST WITHOUT tAV I PON'T CJ6A.RS, E~IC.~ NOW, WOULD YOU LIKE WEEK' It. TO PICK UP SOME MA6A11NES OR TMING, MR. ANVTM1N6 Et.5E BEFORE WE GO A.PP\.ETON ! TO THE ROOM~ we WON'T BE L~V1N6 IT UNTIL MORNING! By Charles ~· Schub: ACll.lo\ll.c/, I °™'NI( l 1'11EFER IME TITLE. I '6ARRISTER' By Harold Le DOUll WWAT PO VOU PL.t.N I THOUGHT I'O OW POiMG AFTER YOU GO ISACIC TO LEAVE OUR OIGANI.. C.OU.EGE ANP Z"TIOM, MY aov~ OEf IAV PffoftE •• By Mel · DO TMIY Tll.I. US Ylrt, •UT" TMIY SMO<.l~D FOll'fCAST. IT' IN TMtl MOllNING-so w• CAN NIAKf •ll'IATMIN(; Pl.AMS •• PERKINS ' [O Q IVtll"/ NIGl<T WHAT ~INO OF . Alll WI llHATMll> TMAT PflY "? ) '' \I {_ ...... ', ~ .. -. -. ·· ... ::)' ,.. ~II<>! By John Miies • J.IPE JUST, PLA IN Al/.J 1 FAii</ THE ONE :r WISH .l..EO r//E J:NOM!&El&O SPECIES J.IST, 15 77/E ••• , By Gus Arriola ' By Rocier Bollen . I. CSIJES& 1llE POef S \lXX!tl> CAl.L IT 1'.tl'I! • "'" l I J f .. • • ~ PESJGNE!l ASS~ . 1-11 •"ntant yea to m .. b for ,_ --toeldlolf" Ille. job myseU, l w .. letl lo f!o ...... nolf7 .... 1 Jot, • l'!l:MM1c; THE t,4,rr 'I',..., ----~111 ' .. ' . • fll DAllY PILOI * Tut!OlY, J,.uory 18, 19n -------' ·------''---'--'-- West Big Favor ite in NBA All-star Til t Tonight INGLEWOOD (AP ) -Basketball all· star games ire usually high-scoring af- fairs because the players are mo1t often choaen on the basts of their ability to put the baU In the ba1ket. It'1 no dlfferent this time around. Tonight's 22nd annual National Basket- blJI Association All.Star game features 28 of the league'• top players and lts 16 top acorers. The West Is a heavy favorite by vir,tue of having nine of the top 1! scorers in the NBA on its side. The game ls sold ... 1. Otsplte all that Western Ure power, the ' East has lt1 pluses. Jn the backcourt. the \Ve st sends Los Angeles guards Gall Goodrlcli and Jerry West out. but the East has Walt FrarJer of New York and AUanta's Lou Hudson. Al forward, the West has &.8 Bob Love of Chicago and 6-8 Spencer Haywood ol Seattle but the East counters with John Hevlicek. a ~5 Boston sparkplug, and Bill Cunningham. Philadelphia's contribution lo the 1 p.m. contest. The big difference in the two teams is at Cf.nter , where the We11t boasts 7:2 Karetm Abd 1,d Jabbar and 7-1 Wiit Morton, Thonias Dallas Grid Pair On Tr~ding Block NEW ORLEANS (AP) -Dallas coach Tom Landry, still reveling in the glory of a .chim.pionshlp mornll'lg, said Monday his club now muat prepare to solve p~ blems involving No. 1 running back Duane\ Thomas 1nd No. z quarterback Crali Morton. .. I felt a lot better this morning than . when l 'vt 1otten up before," said Lan- dry, whole Cowboys won Super Bowl VI &mdly and ended &iJ: years of tltle-chas- ing with a U-3 victory tJ •• 1'11ami. "We Howe's Son Earns Olympic Hockey Berth BLOOMINGTON, Minn. (AP) -Marie Howe, 11, is finally one-up on his famous fatbtr. The son of former Detroit Red Wings superstar Gordie Howe was named t~ the U.S. Olympic hockey t"8m Mon- day, an honor hll father never received. Howe, a hi.th school junior, also will be the joungeat man ever to play on the 20- man 1quad when it travell to the Winter Olympic Games in Sapporo, Japan. "At the nte of Mark 's improvement durinf lhe weei he's been training with UI, be11 be I big help to US In the OJym. pies," uld coach Murray Williamson W'hen he announced the choice. · "The boy really shoots well; and, above all, he can move the puck exceptionally,'' be added. Williamson said Howe would have to Work harder on his conditioning but ad· ded he's already working out twice a day and doing extra work at the end of prac- tices. 'Howe, a member of the Detroit Junior Red Wings before leaving a week ago to train with the coll<giate<lomlnated Olym- pic team, will play left wing on the team 's No. 2 forward line. "What he lacks ln experience, be makes up ln hustle," Williamson said . Vffe's not playing out of his clus here." Howe, who had to get pennlssion from his high school in Southfield to take a month off from classes before joining the team, will travel with the squad Friday from Minnesota to train at the Air Force Academy in Colorado for three days before departing for Japan. The games begin Feb. 3, and Howe Is expected back in Detroit on Feb. 15. "l put a sign up In our window ... he's made It ," said his famous father. "I got chills when they tried to tell Ull that Mark made the team, J really did." Unser Hits 191.5 In Gurney Ea gle ONTARIO-Bobby Unser, drivinc Dan Gum ey's Olsonite Eagle. became the faste st man in speedway history Sw>day when he clocked a 191.5 mph lap around the Ontario Motor Speedway oval. The fast lap occurred during a secret Goodyear tire test, and observers who held the watch on him said Unser turned "man y laps" over IE8 mph. The official course record at ontarlo is 185.003 mph, set last September by Mark Donohue in lhe Sunoco McLaren. Unser 's mark doesn't count for the record books. Sunday marked thf': second time Gurne.y's car and driver had been over lto m.ph. The new Eagle is now a favorite ki win the pole position at Indianapolis, and Unser a lop choice to win the U.S. driving ctwnpiooship, worked a Jong time as an organlution to reach this polnt. "Now you can feel it through the whole team. The frustration tends to build up. But oow we 're letting It go." WhJle the Cowboys are letting their emotions go, Landry pointed out they were reluctant to let either Thom8ll or Morton go. But he admitted there was a possibility that could happen in either case. 11lomas, the Cowboys' leading ground gainer aiainst the Dolphins with 95 yards ln 19 caitles, was traded by Dallas to New England during the exhibition season. But the trade was nulllfi~ when he refused to complete a physical exam with the Patriots and also argued with coach John Mazur about technique. Since retlU'ning to the Cowboys, Thomas has maintained a mysterious silence that Landry acknowledges created a tense atmosphere on the Cowboys. "We don't want to lose a good football player," Landry said, "but we have to get everything worked out. I hope he'll be back, but the way he came back to us we've got to find out exactly what he feels . "I wouldn 't like to see another sea!On of that. It created a lot of tension and the players feel it. It's not a real good situa- tion. His silence is not natural. I don 't think the situation has been blown out or proportion -it is a problem. "I respect Duane ind I understand what he's doing, but some times he car~ ries his logic to an e:s:treme, !Orne tlmes you have to compromise. Duane doesn't, and that's his problem." Landry did not reveal what he feels Thomas is doing . But after the triumph over Miami, Thomas did break his idlence long enough to say he had not talked to reporters because they would have hurt his concentration. Beyond that , it is also known that he wants more money than the reported $20,000 he has earned in each of the first two years of a three-year contract. Landry said that the third year of fhomas' contract would be re-negotiated, since it is club policy to do so in all multi- ple year pacts of that I e n g t h . Presumably, Thomas would get a signifi- cant raise. Morton. the Cowboys' No. quarterback last season, qow Is in the unenviable position of standing behind Roger Staubach, the latest in a long line of quarterbacks who have become Super Bowl he.roes. And Landry fuJ\y expects Morton to ask to be traded. "He will probably ask to be traded and he probably is justified," Landry said. "I think, for him and his career, he will ask to be. We will never trade unlesll we get value, but I can't imagine us not getting value for him. He 's at the point where he could be a great quarterback.'' The Cowboys' only other quarterback -at Jea'st on paper -is Dan Reeves. a reserve running back who also doubles as a coach. Landry didn 't say whether the Cowboys would have to get a young quarterback in return for Morton or would be willing to trade him and try to drart a future pro- spect. . Cage Ra nkings Chamberlain. The East lacks a grtat ctnte:r and wlll start Boston's 8-t Dave Cowens, 1 stcand·year man 1n the NB~. The backup man Is Baltimore 's Wes Ott T't' Tonight ~ Channel 7 at ll:30 Unseld, who at 1-7 was named the NBA's mos t valuable player as 1 rookie three seasons ago. But many, including Atlanta coach Richie Guerin, feel the Hawkst_ Walt Bellamy should have been named to the squad. 11yes, 1, reel it'a • lfUt lnjustlce,'1 said Guerin. "He'• having 1 llne yeiir, an exceptional ye1r." He calltd Bellamy's omission 1 "a:ros1 oversight." The teams are chosen by sportswrittts and broad- casters and then additions art made by all NBA coaches in a vote. The record for points scored by two teams in this game, which the East 1~1 14 games to 7, Is 284. That came in 1111 when the West demolished lbe East, 153- 1!1. Some feel that record is in jeopardy. The reason : the West has as much talent on the bench as will start and coocb Blll Shlrmon flc1J1tt to UM most ol that talent Forwards who'l1 lie action ,Iaclude Elvin Hoyos of HoUJton, CoMMI lllw~a of Photnl1 Ind Sidney Wlcb ol Portllftcl. At guard, the Los Angeles coocb chooses from cazzle Ru11ell of Golden Slit•, Jim Walker of Detroit and Olcar .Robertaon of Milwaukee, who ln thls company la one of the lowest 1coring players. 'ln the 1911 Eaat defeat, Robertson w~s named most valuable player for his 23 Points, 14 assists and nine rtbounds. He later won the MVP award two more SKIER SKIMS ACROSS THE FACE OF A SLOPE AT BOREAL RIDGE . EXCELLENT CONDITIONS EX IST. One Year From Now · USC,.49ers De vaney Picks Osborne Await Debuts To Inh erit Grid Dy nasty ~~ ~:~e<AP~tar~hem LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) -Tom Osborne, "And there's always the challenge of a 3.1·year-old Neb raskan with a Ph.D. trying to win another national cham· degree and credentials as an athlete and pionship," he said. "It's improbable. but coach, has been tapped by coach Bob not impossible. I'd like to be part of Devaney to inherit his football dynasty at this." the University of Nebraska one year But, he added , "Next fall will be it - from now. win , lose or draw." The 56-year-old Devaney, whose decade Said Osborne : "I hope we can have a at Nebraska was brought seven Big Eight season somewhere near as good as the litles and back-to-back national cham-last couple, and make the final one a pionships. "announ ced Monday that the good one for Bob." coming season will be his last as Devaney said he will recommend that Cornhusker head coach, although he said Osborne be designated assistant head he hopes to remain as athletic football coach for tbe coming year. director. He currently holds both posi-Osborne was a star athlete at Hastings lions. (Neb.) High School and Hastings College Devaney said he would like Osborne, a and a 19th round draft choice of the San Husker assistant coach for 10 years, to be Francisco 49ers. After one season he was his successor, although the final decision picked up by Washington on w~lvers ~ will be up to the Board of Regents. played two years tor the Redskins before "I can't come out and name a head returning to Nebraska for graduate work. coach but I wlll certainly recommend his He received his M.A. in 1963 and his California and Cal State (Long Beach) both have a budding basketball star ready in th e wings but neither youngster will crack the starting lineup right away, ·their coaches said Monday. Fans of USC 's Trojans have been holdlng their breath, waiting for 6-foot-8 sophomore forward Bruce Clark to heal from an orrseason leg injury. He's almost rtady to start but coach Bob Boyd says Clark's contributions will be minimal at first. • ' Cal State (Long Beach's) Jerry Tarka- nian has been raving about the practitf.. floor play of 6-8 sophomore Leonard Gray, a transfer from the University of Kansas. But Tarkanlan, too, was cautious about Gray's initial value to the team now that the youngster ls on the verge of bec1>ming eligible. times Ind joins Qwuberlaln (11811) IS the only winner• of the •ward to play this year. ' ' In lad, Robertaon, West 1nd Cliom- berlaln ba,ve each, pl1~ed In 12· All'Sllr 11n1e1. 111e recor<1 " Ii by eostotl •• Bob Cousy. Mllwaukee's Jabbar la: tbe man most Itel can clomlnate thlJ 11me. Lut year, Seattle's Len Wilkens was named MVP tor his 21 points and fine over-all play ill a ·l~l07 victory by the Welt which broke 1 three-game <losing streak. But J•bbar played extremely well.' .Be s c o r e d 19 points' and grabbed 14 rebounds. l{eino, Ryun ' . Matched Up In Spikef es t LOS ANGELES -Kip Kelno, dulm-. pion miler from Kenya, has accepted an. invitation to oppase world record holder Jim Ryun in the Sunkl11t Invitational in- door tract meet Saturday night. 'lbeir mile race will be a match of the 15()().meter race in the 19&1 ~exico City Olympics in which Kelno defeated Ryun. Kelno has raced twice on his current .Jnvaslon of the United_fl.tates_J winning the mile Ill COllege Par~. Md., In 3:59.4 and then running Saturday at Albuquerque where he won in 4:04:.2, fastest mile ever . recorded In that city. Last year Kelno ran a 3:54.4 mile, fastest in the world during 1971. Ryun holds the world record of 3:51.1. • CLEVELAND -Russell C. ·Means, Cleveland American lndlan Center dlrec4 tor is threatening to file a $9 million Ji~el suit against the Cleveland In<tlan baseball team for using a c~\c;alure of an Indian as the club's symbol. Means, a Sioux, will seek an in-- junction against further use of the "Chief Wahoo" symbol, which Is "a racial slur.'' He said the caricature mocks the courage, heroism. statesmanship and wisdom of many Indians. He said the suit would name the Indians and the team ·1 cwner, Vernon B. Stouffer as defendants. He said it will charge that American · Indians are being libeled, slandered and defamed by the "Chi<! Wahoo" symbol. that "Wahoo" is not an Indian word and " ... when sounded ls a slander upOn all Indian languages and 1ubjects them to public ridicule." 1• ·Cleveland adopted the "Chief Wahoo" symbol followina: World War II. •· BERKELEY -Ray Wlllsey. football coach at the University of California, refuses comment on a report that he will resign or be fired . "Any story at this time Is a little premature. I hate to~ vague but at lhis time I have to withhold comment," ~ Willsey said of the report Sunday. A university official allegedly asked Willsey to resign \ast Friday, a move reportedly stemming from the NCAA's ruling of probation which bans the Burs from post-season competition. • SAN DlEGO -The University of San Diego announced Monday that Andy Vin- ci, offensive coordinator at College of the Desert for the past two years, ia taking over as head football coach. Vinci, 31, replaces Jim Gray, who resigned at the end of last season. USD's f o o t b a J I program ls not ln· tercolleglate but its opponents are, and Vinci said he hopes to get the team into the California Collegiate ~tbleUc Assocla· tk>n. appointment," Devaney said. Ph. D. two years later. ;'I 'm very pleased that Bob has this In 10 years at Nebraska and five at confidence in me," said OSborne, who W~mlng, Devaney bas posted a record "I'm unable to say just how Br:uce will . help UI," Slid Boyd. spent three years as a flanker in the Na-of 127 victories, 28 losses and siJ: ties. His tlonal Football League beCore leaving the victory percentage of .819 leads all long· pro ranks to seek advanced degrees in tenn active coaches . educational psychology and serve as a Devaney aide. Devaney disclosed only last week he was thinking.or quitting as head coa ch after a perfect 13·game season capped by 11 28-6 victory over unbeaten Alabama in Miami 's Orange Bowl New Year's night. The decision to stay on thtt,job another year was "a difficull decision ," he said, influenced by "some commitments to players who have been recruited. Ded eaux Hon ored LOS ANGELES -Raoul "Rod" Dedeaux. coach or the defeilding national champion University of S o u. t b e r n California baseball team, was named Monday ,s coach or the year by the American Association of College Baseball Coaches. 1'I don 't know bow he'll do but he won't start right 1'way," said Tarkanian of Gray. Both coaches said it's hard for young players to move right into starting lineups 1n their first year but both ad- mitted they had high hopes their lads would improve quickly. "There's gonna be a lot of pressure on Gray. After 311, hefs a sophomore who's never P,layed a second of college basket- ball. It'• dlllicult to step right In Ind It'• even more dlfflcult If the team has been suctesaful, as we have been," Tarkanian laid. His 4ters are 14-1. DENN IS KIE Plll • Flexible Offense Ke y to Pro Bowl Boyd said, 0 Jt's really unfair to make such a big to-do about Bruce because be'1 never played a game 1t our school. How well he'• recovered from the Injury I won't know until he ploys so I'm not pl•Mins to stort him ." Ex-Area Gridd er, Wife Die 01 Crash ' ' LOS ANGELES (AP) -Dick Nolan and Don Mc:Clllerty find Diiiy one thin( wrona with coachlns the world'• n ... t football players: 1t ll•ll only 1 wetk. The op!l05lng cooches for 5unday's 12riil- 1Mu1i Pro Bowl 1t Memorial COllaeum started the weelc Monday, Nolan aendlng hil National Conference all..ton through proctlct at UCLA llld McCallerty drill· Ina the Amerlun Conference te1m 1t the University of S...thtm Clllloml1. "The difficult port about It b we Just !lave ooe w.U," said McCaflerty of the llftlmcn Colts. '1We have to Ctt 10 IBllV' tblnp In. II f San Franciaco's Nolin Mid : "These are src•t athletes. they pick lhlnss up qlllck· ly. You only have to tell 'em one time.'' Yet with only oa. week to prepare, Nolen saldi "you can 't put In a whole or. fense that yOu'd use for a normal team." · McCalferty aaid the AFC team will use Baltimore's system and the players "will have to study hard. It'• dllferent In terminology ind numbers. We'll do the best wt can. "We'll have a Oexlble orfense," McCaf- ferty said. "Maybe W"e'll hive too many play•.'' Neitlllr COICb ls worried about hi• starting lineup or rmrves. '1It doesn't make any difference who 1llrts," McCallerty aald. "They all will play, The coaches did a good job atlec· Ung the team." Nolan said his starters and subatltutes are "equally as good as the other. Jt's not like having a regular team and having a rtserve who's below a starter ln ability." The coaches aren 'L worried about motivation, either, and they ogree that the 12.000 oplece for the winners ind 11,i!OO for each loser Is of se<ondary Im- portance. "Money Ja nice lo have," aakl ~lan, I "but beln1 -to ploy " the b1' thing." "They have pride in being football playen1" McCafferty said. "They just want to get to110tber •od blend Into 1 team." Both a1reed that the Pro Bowi has taken on added slgnlllcance alnce Ute mer1er of the NFL and the Amerlcon Football Le11111. "The AFC wanll to prove it'• better than the NFC, 1nd vice vtn1," Nolan laid. "In ony same like thlJ pride ii tbl factcr." Tarka.nlan, however, was optlrnlstlc a~t Gray'• potenUal. VAN NUYS -~en.I services ire He hi• the ~tenll•I to become the 1l1ted !or f ' Wesllllmatu )II h and lfllltltsl ln•tde big m .. who ever .p11ytd _0range Cou~qe 1ooui-u itlt ~I• for me. He'll be a better Inside ~ Kiefer and bis wlf1 Nantlle, .w~ were and rebounder thn G'!"rge Tropp, killed Sund1y In Reno Ill lft 1utomobl11 Torkonlon aa1d of the 2!0-pount forward . accident Gray lost • year of , eligibility by Scrvlc;, at Pr1IHwater Funeral Home tronaferrlng. He becomes ell11lble Feb. 1. will begin al u 1.m. The coupl< lea,.. a Boyd. whose Troj1n1 are ll·2, said seven-month.old dlll(!bter, T1m111. C111k 11 recovering on schedule from Mr KI e f e r an AU.&lnlet Loque aurgery for I. bone tumor plus 1 hairline choice on WestrTilnst~r'a 11&4 Sun 1 et shin fracturel ••Tbe doctor won 1t let him Leaaue championship team and 111 au. play," Boyd aald. "But he's ""rklng out county performu whllo 1t Orlllfl Cout, with ua, atttin& mild uerclle that will ·wu bit by 1 w IOinl the '"""' woy on 11JmllilJ4 bone rrowth." I freeway, , ' c { ,, II I l I ' " II I r I l I . ' • Orange ~ast EDITION N.Y. Steeb * VOi:. 65,. NO. ;1s;-3, S~ONS, 34•P.A6ES * ' ,, . '. ORAN,6E COUNTY, CADFORNI~ c TEN CENTS ' Welfare Siie '-' ' • a • 1n. Mesa Approved-Fight Seen > UI<," o,.,..i Burch Picket~ president of the recenlly formed Mesa de! Mar Homeowners Aaeociation. • • A I m 0 s t everyone ii in favor ol helping the qed, but this la. millatt. Why not IClmlt it!" Tbo county plam lo inltall a bnndl Of.' fJco ot the welfare cleoartment in the El> Camino buildfnl Tbo branch would IOrve the ape! """ clloabled. . Welfare -said there Would he 'Clliy n people wOrtin« in the office and about 14 vlsllon per day. ... , \ "' .. • ' 1be welfare branch is the second coun- ty office proposed for the site. Originally. tile county planned lo place a branch of Ille probation department · there. but backed off following heayy public op. position from Mesa del Mar and city of- flcills, · · · CJty councilmen also turned doo,yn ~1 a request for a zone ,exception to allow the welfare office lo use the bulldlng. eoun.. cUNn Wllllarn St. Clair wss the Jone county supporter. • Stanley Krausse, director of real pro- perty services for the county, blamed op- position to the welfare office on "built.up resentment" rrom the probation batUe. 1be county has found a new location, al 19th street and Newport l!Qulevard, for Its probation department. The county signed a one-year, $19,500 lease on the El CaminO building, before announcing its original probation office plans. Caspers &rumbled about a. lack of ' cooperation from the clty ... They're glad. to send us their problems, bul not willing to aid in solving ours. We could lose $13.000 in county tuplyers' money.'' "They warit FaJrvlew Park, but have banned such lhinp as foster homes," Caspers added.· · County officials did not say how aoon' the welfare office would move its adult services branch ,to the El Camino ad· dress. ~ Cl?f1St Guard Q.oes 1V ot fire in Bering I ncUlerit " ' \I; \ • MILY1Mot' .......... ' r ' 'IATTA~loN cHliF' Uitt'IS SIFTS ASMIS';tiT;'l'l!ll•ICINE Victim of kth'rltl11',....1 lo Esupe Fram lvrnlnf' Homo · ' • I • ! .. , ' ... '• • ' ' • ' lly lll'EVll: WEINER JUNEAU; AIWa (AP) -A U.S. Cout GIW'd Icebreaker was autboriud to fire acna the ho'll' of a ·Soviet fishing -• It aelzed after the ship broke away today with a party. of Americans aboard, but the ship waa r<eaptured with no 1hot.s fired. . . · A' Coss! Guard spokesman at the 17th District headqualters said the Icebreaker storis "came a&out as close· as you can get" to firing a warning shot at the Lamut, flagship of an 80-ship Soviet fishing fleet during a four-hour chase throlJ8b tlie -Bering Sea. Tbo .Lamufind another Soviet fishing. vessel that had been seized at the same time u the Lamut and the Storis ttgroUped laler today and were heading for a naval atation. • Lt. Cmdr .. EmmamwJ Schnelder, dlstiicl Intelligence and operations of· flctt, sal<Uhat oJlhouCh the.Storil rece)v. ····-·· Olillt'~ ~ ~ ..... ._.to 6" .. ""* II, ·-~bi-:'•,~ Ille lllullan fllpldp lo • ~t, and tile ,;.fool Item trawler'" Kolyvan were aelud f ' · Nixon's Brother .. , . Vows to. Clear .. ' " Clamor -on Loan • By L. 1'~R' KJ\IEG CH .. --· PMI 1'9ff · F; Donalcf Nlmn ·of' Newport Beach Vowed .thil . _,,.,, that in the fUlure be'll' clear np, once and for aD, what he ~ ~~)'."' hllll ~his He' wouldn't. say how· or wberl, tiut' auerted, 0 'lbett will be a day of reckon- ~and it. won't bu~ !De or my brother." He ahoolutely refwied lo comment any more on the ravived controversy 1ur- r'oundlng i loan be received almost 15 years ago from Howard Hughes. ''That loan has " been repaid," he repealed, "there Is a place of property in Whittler under Ille 1111111t of Hqhes Tool Company that Is worth PllO,llllO today ... without incident late Monday on charges ol OOllCjucling illegal· fisliery· ·111epor1 •ec tivlty within the U.S. J2.mile conUguous 201\C!. Coast Guard spokesmen aald lhe Storls, on. routine patrol, discovered the two ships ,91» miles . off. St, Matthew Island about 2~ miles inside U.S. waters . The two vessels were boarded by the Coast Guard while they were moored together for unloading. The Storis then ordered both Soviet vessels to head for Adak Island, a naval atation 600 miles south in the Aleutiarul. Tlie Coast Guard' said Ille journey bare- ly had begun when both Soviet vessels slopped, saying they would go no further. Movement resumed after further negotla~ ti~. . . But t)le Lamut, carrying neet com- mander Viadin\ir ' Artemov, IUddenly broke, a1fay.. , For', the next, four hours, the StoN ~.S~!~'BQ ~~~him 111 1~-411-- -....... hlm 'dOwlt,1·~ lild. ''1'bey wen In Ice, ·and the lllorts ·haa an (See QIABj!:, l'qo I) .• ' ST.Ml.TTHIW 1111.HO,_ ·-Be ring Sea '3 .. ~ • • • • ,' )IL, .• : CANADA1 ALASKA ~ ..... •• •\ •. Adak p-/J'' :·o~-..... 1 l!:i· Pacfic Ocean • ., 'I L E U ·T . I ,,_ "' \ " . ..... ' ' , . . ' ' "''--"'~t· ~ ,. . -r.-~ • . HloH SW ttWt ~ D iN RU5*1AN SHtPsr ~ Coat Guard C-r Had Pormlulan to Piro on RMI ' ' War Blasted Mesa Council Steps inw Foreign Policy by' 4-1 By TERRY COVILLE Of ... o.Nr ,.., st.n At the ·urging of Mayor !lobert ljlbon, Ille Colla Mesa City Council quick·slep. ped into · Ille field of foreign pollcy Mon- day. nJcbt, approving f.1 a resolution1Con- 4enining what Yaa delcribed as · lhlS country's "no win policy"' in Vietnam. Only Councilman William St. Clair fell out of step. In Ille areas of foreign pollcy al)d mllilary strategy, st. Clair llU&· gested, the council doesn't have the fog. glest ootlon what , It ls talking about, Ho voted against the measure. Councilman Willard Jordan defended Wilaon's -1u11on on the grounils that it ls a mailer' that will he considered hY the national conference of mayors. "The Vietnam war reaches right down to the grul roots that affect this city," added CouncDman Jack Hammett. "This Is one of tholO thing• that no matter . l whlch way JOU vote you're wrona." Two mlderill approached the council lo proleat Wllaon'1 reaolluloa. "f queollon whether you -you are repmentlnc the people. I lhlnk' you ara oversteppmg your function," aaid one, fhomai ·Nelaon. '\.. , "No Item baa oeparaled oar nation oo bitterly •Ince Ille Civil War,'' Wllaon replled, referring to 'Vlelnam. "11 bave been encouraged by other mayoro to put this in a:fonnal resolution." , The reaolutlon will he sent to the U.S. Conference of Mayors In Washington, D.C., for pciaalhle nallonal action this year. After protesta from the audience, the council decided not lo IOnd ·copl" of the resolution t.o C&lilornia11 two Senators, U.S. Rep. John Schml1% (ft..Tuotin) and other Orange County cities. · In part, the resolution rtads: "Whereas, this city councU dealra to- urs• upon the Pnlideat, ~ w~ Deportment and lllOl'etary ol ..... tllO importance of abOrlened foretcn mllllari involvementa. · "Now, ~e, be II naolted, that Ille clly couacll ot the Clly ol Cool& ..... urps upon Ille Prtslilenl of> Ille Unltod Stai.., the National eoaar-. Ille Will\ Department and Ille .....,. el ...... polley' of Win11Jnc u -u .-, when lorcod to beo-. ...ot;iJ; mUilary eDialementa, in order not to destroy our~' manpower, economy and national aecurtty. "Be It f~ i'uolved, that the no-win pollcy be ·~ In forailO military lnvolve~t lorcod upon this nation, "Be lt 'further noolved that the ... llonaJ experfenco In the war In Jl'oru and Vi.tnam baa ~led the futility of the ... win polJcy In foreJcn mllJlary Ja. volvementa:. n ' Nixon reluaed lo say 111ythlng about Ille clamor ralaed hY author Clllford Irving. · In his biography of Hngbel, Irving says Ille r«lule blllbalre' aJleaedly oubotan- ,tialeo a claim made Ii!' the late Drew Pearaon that Jlullles got political favors instead, of repayment !or the note. "I have ahoolulely nothing more lo aay lo you press guys because you'll qQote me," Nixon insilted. 11l've got to set off ' this phone, I'm tying up a bWl(h of in· coming calls." • Corincilinm Urging Delay. . . Airport Nixes Early. M~rni,ng Turbo Takeoffs ....... Nlson -lnehed in Washington, D.C, where as the v(ce president of the Mar· riot! Hote(Corporallon, he ii attending a convention f)f ~I executives. O~ Downtown Re_vamping INSIDE TODAY . Marriott ii the hotel chain that piln> to build a $5 million convention complex at Newport Center that wiU.lle open in 19'14. \ Court Overturns V ~tO by Reagan One C.Sta Mesa councilman Is calllng for a . slowdown Jn plans 'Jor downtown redevelopment. Jack Hammett, Monday night ur1ed downtown property ,owners ud ·mer. chants to take some actioo to htlp them oelvta before the city commlil $8 milllnn in public funds to the area. , "I suaeot Lhal 'both Coats Mesa Tomorrow and the Downtown Merchants RA!ICISCO (UPI) -· CaJ.. _.,lion form a private corporation oo SAN F -,,,. they can invest lheir inonl.. in the lfomia supreme Court today onlered 'redevelopment_....,,, .. Hammett Aid, W .. 1.a!-l' k,' ~::::~':.*.,.:'::': Hammett'• :,r:ioa was Im· &Wf8fHUl6 rl&C ,,,· llioaaJ •dlstrlctlwlllcbwerevetoedhy ~a~,b)'Councllman ''-"" Gov. Ronald Reqan. ' · · ,W, II 1 _ ll:lectiOlll lo Cooip:eaa will lie butd on "To say we ahould alow clown ii just e -gone . aare· !ht p1an ado!lled bf'tlie ,.. JocJolaturo noi -lliinktnir," s1. Clair charred. and wDI be uJed delphe Reap•'• •eto, "We llY the city bu dme: to much, but -'°8~ll:Lll (UPI) -,,,_, uld lhe court onlmd. It'• the merchants whe'bave forced this !lib'" .,.,.,, • .,11, ... .._.. • · an u. •Y·" n..,, ..... _ .... .., tnick, and' a .,.... -'"Ille Newport freeway was 9fliill!'liy L .. - ' -' f ........ i!iler-led be ...... "'""' Air-Pioneer Dies scheduled lo '° right thnlulb tho = 1..,: :.": ~ tltbl ftN truck 1llUld beth ..rat van-downtown ," St. Clair continued. "But ._ 11 --• lap 'poloL .ST. TIIOlllAS, VJreln l•landa (kP) -. three yearo qo ~ wu niuted around =-:::s •: • = ,..,.. .. :i The truck contained • llatry dot•. Reed M. Chamben, n. aTtauan ~r downtown. • -• - -t•n moall1 Gorman llillllllor*, -by iht and -ol Jhe United Statao Avl• "Tile ctty apall '50,llllO for a "'1evelop. = ,.,: ;=-I u-Hall c.nlne C.,. ol Laos Budl, lion U-.rrltera, Ioc., dlod alloord hll ment plan. 11le orilJnal freeway · was :::: :..-,: = -,..,: 11le *'"" aald a. -Bopped Clll ill · yacbt Sllldly, Chambers' aviation ..,..,. IDinl lo ooll the llate 11. 7 mlllloa, bat It m1ll1on oo the freeway t~'iluild enough acceas, which will ea1e our locsl tralllc problems." SL. Clair remll\ded the councU that the redevelopmenl plan ii In three phuis and lhe clty "doesn't have to embrace the whole $8 mi11lon at once, n • "The fin! phaae ii notbini more than lying slr<els tot1ether," he added. "II supplies our own traffic needs." The first phalO, .. IUgSled hY Loa Angel., COllluitanll Wille)I and Ham, provides f« the -ot Harbor ~ lo 11\h Street,' and tho anp. men! of t71h -to ..._. "" bolll 11,deo ol Newport Baa- llammelt contended tbal 1fllh a public' ln...tment ol $8 IJlllllon. !lie city - aaurance flOln the d..,.toWo people lhat they have a plan for tbelT own in- vestment. "Tbe city hu acted," Ham.metit uld. "And until auch tlmt u tba l'l'OP'rlf ownen allow • wtll1-... llielr part to In-ID the project areo, I feel tho cl· ' Ly ol Coata M• and Ila~' qoncy -tnvel I Vtrf ... niote." ' ' ' Al of 7 a.m, today all lurbo jet pill10f, commonly called pijvate Jell, are .,;.. hlbited from IUing oil fnim , Oranp County Airport bet._ 11 p.m. and 7 a.m., tbe CCIUlll7 Director ot Avlatlon reported. The ben'follon • Dec •• reaolation bJ county superviaan onfertnc !bat all ..icb; . jels he probiblted !run .... the """'11. airport at Dlcbt u IOOD M f'J111"• ~ Ron Olandler, -..1 COUlll1-or ol aviatlon, told ~ todaJ tllat, 1n: an averqe montll, 111'1 about lour or n.t• llUCb private ,.., -olf mm tho, airport In the ~ _,.. boun. "But when they do It.ii nry ADDOJinl. .. you bav..beon lold," be added, Cbbdlor aald airport olllclaJs ba" Iha legal right lo ctte Yialalon ti Iha -rule cliarllnJI lhem with a -.. iiUiifahabli liy a line ud/or Jn.. prisonmenl. But lit cautioned that JI wDI talre limo to pl Iha lnlonnatlon oo Iha -Nlo te all private pllatl. -.-, " -""" ., lldllha""1-be-•edlD...Wa . aonned II,_.. He.-u board llldiiolllave-toCoataMeaa. '-~----------' ··ar. c:liairman of VIAU ID 1-. .. _tho 11ate ii willfnl lo opmd •It.I r No acUon ... taken on 1'*-*111 •uaeotion, and other """"'bnea did aot -Such lnlormation will lftllllla1l1 be • part ol fllsht manuals wlllcb 11111 .... " alrpcllll drciulbout the ..... 0 1 T Of)alliod. .. ' . . ; • I ·( ~-DAll. Y PILOT c Tvtlday, • . . • • S~x . .' Slaye' y Blog Broken · • _.,. t • .. ,.. ~ .. l . CaP.() • • . ' .~· • . , Wisconsin Police Seize 'Six; 20 Teen Girls F.reed ' . .. . .. ~ .. Acqllitt~ IUDISON, Wis.' iUPI) -I State IUlhorillel said lodoy they ban Cl'ICked ~ IAWll parlor pro.sUtullon rin1 that kld- '·-•aped at least 20 teen-age girls. tortured 1hem and forced them Into seiual slav· ~try. ') ' The rin&'s members operated In ~ ... Monona, a Madison suburb, and at a :.;~use on Lake Kegonsa near Stoughton, • ·'-~thorities said. : .• ·Four meD and two women were lo· lhcted Monday'. TWo men were arre6ted r bi Milwaukee Monday nipit, and another ' ~son was Jailed in Minneapolis. •. ._ Attorney General Robert W. Warren .izid Dane County District Attorney • • Gerald C. Nichol, wbo announced the in- cpctments, Saia the t!efendants were ' jamed ti1 warrants charging 38 counts o1. •.. triminaJ actlvity·centering ln the opera· •,flon bf 11Kathrs Sauna Parlor." •. t. They aa~d the ring operated between c ·lladisan.aild MlMeapolis. ·.' ·., Wmtn and Nichol said about 20 girls, • who )lad~beon' kldupod, or enUcid lolo Wllcimllri, welt toitufed, beelao .and forced Into proalllo(µon while wdltlnf o!ll of lbe IAWll room. Several o( the 11tlr are minors \m(ler 18. 1 , , "' Named'in Ille warQUlll ""' Qanllo Z. (alias Chico) -Artez, 38; Kathleen Ghinter (alias Kallll Alm): Richard G. (olias Tex) Simpson; Marvin Smith Jr.; Ruth Reede, and Alfred Jackson. Ages and hometowru: were .hot released. . Warren and Nichol said Arte% was ar. rested Monday night by state agents outside •1~alhi's n" sauna parlor In Milwaukee which Artez planned to open . He was armed with a hi!indgun when taken into custody. State ag~t~ also arresled,.$lrppson In MHwauke.e.and Smith was llready in a Minneapolis jail on an earlier prostitution charge. The warrant for Simpson said he tied a nu(je gii'l to a bed, beat and kk:ked her !or four hours and tortured ber with a soldering iron, resulting in extreme pain :·Jlepor-ter Says My Lai .. Fatalities Put at 34 7 ' " By WESLEY G. PIPPERT WASHINGTON (UPI) -Pulitzer Priie-•lnnlng reporter Seymour M. Hersh said today a secret Pentagon cJocu. ment puts at 347 the number of Viet- namae civilians ldUed a_tMy Lai ln 1961, and diacloses ·thlt' allOut 100 ether ~_#vllians were ma~sacred at the same ~:Um• 1t • ~by hlmlet. • ·;,Hush said murder .. rape and arSCln ~·:!ere com.moo hi. Uie ·Arherle1l DlvlSicn, which conducted the My Lai operation. "but there were no 'off icial ' reports cf them at the higher leve ls." He said one Gt described what hap- pened as "in.sanity." • l1I tbe Jlrst...of twd.artlc les written for New Ycrker rilagaz.ine, Hersh &ald he ob- . tained a transcript of the Pentagon 's cf- ficlal My Lai Inquiry conducted by Lt. Gen. William )t Peers. Neithlr.t tbe transcript nOr the exact numt:ier'~ 'Of 'Casualties has been 'made pablic. Hersh said a secret census taken by the Peer! cominiSsK>n showed tha~ Capt. Ernest Medina'! Charlie Company killed :\S·city Cable TV ~fietwork Backed i,1Jy Huntington . · 347, ci~IlianS at My Lai 4 -a· figure Hersh said was twfce as high as had been a"ckriowledged publicly. The Viet Cong chafg'ed that mere than 500 were killed. Hersh '°said the ether massacre oc- Tbe H """'" Bea h Cit "" u Curred within an hour later at My Khe •"' un .... ..,n c Y .......,unc hainlei , abc>ut a mile and cne-half east of -!~Y plgbt igreed to support the My Lai 4 8.rid involving Bravo CCmpany. ~·ll)d develcpment of a five-city ~-ble television oetwcrk with an $11,596 "The incident at My Khe 4 would · , ;rant. perhaps be j ust another Vietnam atrocity .. ,tC.OUncllmen said thee x pend It u re story if it weren't for fcur facts: its vital :~ the ctly'1 &hare of the fir.t, oo~ion witb the My Lai 4 tragedy: :;Pl! Public cable Television AUtbority the American public's totat ~'lgnorance l1U48eL . about it; the total. detailed knowledge of ~~Thi au~it)' ... lil ~ jolot·cpmm~~.cf i.t among .the Peers j.nvestigaklrs, the offlciAll ropr.,..tlrig Costa Mesa,)'\>!ln-Oeparlil'fenl of th<! Army apd higher Pen- : taJn Vllley, Hunlln(lon Beach, Newport , lagoo officials : aild !hi failure of any of .Beacb awl Watm.lnster. It ~190 includes these agene48S to see that ther,.111cn in- )(lbe t:0Ut 'tlilltlil'•iullyl a;Q;ge llMU'lct 11.volvoctwei._..at..i," H...,lrsold. ,ll-inrt 1.,e Newp(IH.Mes1 tirufled ~SCtioot . ' The Peers: Corhhiisslon rtcdn'ltnended '!'Dis~. ~t. · ! 1 ··that 15 'off leers be charged in Connection Established under a jcint·powers with the My Lai massacre. All, including agreement the authorJty came into being Maj . Gen. -samuel W. Kester, e-0m- last year io provide a coordinated ap-manding general of the divlsicn, were ac- proach to Jlle frlllclllslnl of •c1bl' , quitted,or bacl;.<harges dropped except We~ firm•. -Ior LI. William L, Calley Jr., a platoon Members cf the authority have already l~der ln Charlie CCmpany. _He was found Interviewed 55 applicants JOr the employ-gwlty of -t~ i_!1urder c~ 22 V1etname~e_. . ment of a cable television consultant. ":Hersb1won t..he Puhlzer ~or his 1n1tial Employment of thlt consultant and disclosures cf the My Lai incident of di!cussion cf funding needs will be the March 16, 1968. top : 1gendl ltema Thursdly mornJnr when the authority meets at 7:30 c'cloc$ 11 Mile Square Country Club. Councilman Al Coen, a membe( of the authcrity, assured . fellow· cc h n c l.J memben Mondly rught that the city can look forward to recovering Its ex- pendllurt once II begin! collecting franchi!e fees . Chile Tremors Felt SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) -Two earth' tremcrs an hour apart shook the in1 dustri1l city cf CCncepcion, 300 miles south of Santiago, Mcnday. No Injuries er damage were reported. Authorities said the first tremor registered 5 en the Richter Scale and the oecond 3. OUN&I COAST -DAILY PILOT cw.Ml COAIT P\llUSHINO CCMPMY IMe.fN.WeM ,,..ldd Ind htlillt!w Jeck It. c.t • ., -,,._, ... 0..-...... n. .... r .. .,u ·f.l!Uor · ' C\erl11 H. l1ot Ri<J,1fll P, N1D ~.-.111 ~ lf:ll(IOl'I • c ......... °""" JJO W11t l•y Str1rl u.n: .. AiiU,..: r.o. a. 11.0. t2126 --....... a.td -""""' ...... .,,. ==~a.chi m ~ •-t9dl1 f1VS a-.dl ......... ..... &!'--... . :Sii;ippers Must . . . \. Tone ·Down Act · For Oldsters.· HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -The stripper• at the Classic Cat are· undtr~otders to leave some strategic cove'rlDg 'In. placei tonight and cool d<1Wh their mere aban: doned gyrations. , Tonight is "Senior Citizens Night" af lhe burlesque club on the sunset Stripy with a special show fer 160 cldsters from three retirement ~mes. The viewers are in their 80s and 90s. While .the· girls at the Classic Cat usually dance nude, there will be some ccstumes tonight, although some girls will be toptess, said club cwner Allan Wells. "We planried a nice midd.le-of·the-road show that they can enjoy . . . we just don't want any heart attacks," Wells laid. i ..• ~' •• .Mrs. Dolore1 ~Williamson, an activity <.'OO~lof 'at qne cf • '\he retirement vUtlges; (ald':tbe l~ea came from cne of the '!1111/lents,.'Ne!S-Teeters .. II• played · plaM ·~ burlesque' houses 50 yea rs ago and thOugbt l)e .and·bis Criends would· en~ l·oy• seeing what the .modern version is lk • . . .. T.h•Y:~e: already se~ J?isneyland, Ca~Hna lsland ~and ·the ether 1tanclard tourilt:faret Mrs; Williamso'n said. •* ••• ·• •. .. ' ' ' Ex-grldder Gets Apartment Okay Fonner Chicago Bea.rs quarterback Rudy Buklch won approvaf from the Costa Mesa Clly Cooncll Monday nlghl to build 44 apartmtnll al 409 alld 419 W. Boy St. His victory "" ~arned as the councll nearly Went into overUme search-- Ing for a lbs! set ol drawiljl!, oulllnfng the Newport Btach d•voloper'a prOpoSed uni ls~ Bukl¢1 iJH ~t ""Y"!•I month1 COii-, vlnc)!>t Ille' cft !Us unlla' ;.ui 1be esthetl• c1llf ~le'Oflli • had. lblqil rodesllJled. 1 The n ... plans' were t!Je M that Were I mispJKed. •> ' and ~rrbqlnt. • • SlmPoon ..., chlr(ed wtlb &Ii -II lncludlq f11!e I DIJ' r II •• Ill. 91, .... ,d1ngerlni IAl•ty by conduct roprdlej1 . of Jlle. and Stlnla1 perversion. Artez was charged with 15 counts, in- cluding twc charges cf kidnaplng, two of false lmprJsorunent, battery, sexual perversicn, soliciting pro stitution and keeping a place cf prostitution. The violations carry a maximum penally ol more than 75 yem In prbon and an $8,000 fine . The Ghlnter woman was charged with kidnaping, soliciting prostitutes and bat- tery . .Smith was charged witb Dine counts, Including kldnapiag, solicitinf~ostitutet; sexual perversion and sexual mtercourse with a child, The Reede woman was charged with three ccunt1 of soliciting prostitutes and Jackson wifh sexual intercourse with a child. Rooftop House Numbering Plan Runs Into Delay A proposed rooftop house numbering business received a slight setback Mon· day night as Costa Mesa councilmeR de-- layed the granting of a business license for it. Steve Laubly and Paul Ccmuke, both Orange Coast College stadents, plaMed to place white house 11umerals on the roofs c:l private homes as an identifying marker for the .city's Police helicopters. They received encouragement from the police and fire departmUils, but Coun- cilmen were mere skeptical of the proJ· ed. "I'm concerned aboOt beautification It's orie thlng to put house numbers ~ the curb and another thing en the roof " warned councilman Jack Hammett. ' "How large are these numbers and by whose pennission do they •o up?" asked Councilman Willard Jorda11. "I'm a little curioos?" It was explaintd that the numbers are tc be pla!!ed on the rear partioo cf roofs. They are big enough 5() the police helicopter can spct them hovering at an altitude of S00.700 feet. "U we get a comer house the numbers will be visible from~Pfte street," added Mayor Robert Wilson. · "We're just second guessing cur cltf manager,' ..,grumbled Cooncilman wn. Iifjii St. .Clllr. The citi/ macagir had al· ready given preliminary apProval for the busines,, license. . . , On, a 4'1 vote A SI. C)air CJ!ll)O!ed). the council delayed the business license pendina-a report from the Police depart-- ment and further explanation of the bus- iness. Neither Laubly or Cornuke was pres· ent at the council meeting. .. From Page 1 CHASE. • • U111T ........ Funny RofJot • · Happy Harry, .an electrically controlled robot clown, was demonstrat· ed ~I the Capilol Mon~ay as a possible vote getter: He can roll his eyes, move his hea'cl, wave his arms, and wal kand talk by remote co~ trol. ~arry can be programmed up to three hours with taPe-recorded material. Here, Harry nuzzle~, up lo a Capitol Hill secretary. Blackie Gadarian . • l .f • • • Vicior ' In Government Fight Arsene •''Blackl1'1t Gadarian11 •If..~ lng, B. L. Tibbettl, a .iupervi.scr. con. claimed "watchdof en the Rhine"· whose: ceded: tl)at •u aD"error.' ' '' llap with the federal government ever The revised Citatlcn claimed there lt'as ladders lit his Newpotflleach iilli;ard •110llO "ID tlMl,.vlcfnltyl' .llld Gadarian made headlines two months. ago, "as won pa~ldngJy proved during testimcny u the man ju.st didn't see them. · his point. Gadarian was just a little bit bitter A Department oC Labor-Occupaticnal over the whole, thing Monday. Safety and Health Review CCmmission "The Intent cf .the U.S. government is hearing examiner has dismissed the good," he rtnected, "the fnent cf Its government's case ... · · emplDyes ts not.'' After rive. months of letter·writing, a "That guy Tibbetts could have stopped formal hearmg at the Newporter Inn, the the whole thing, but he never even came filing of briefs and reply briefs, Gidarian down to my yard." was told Mooday he doesn't have'to pay He also ·leveled a blast at the new law , In Fraud ;:t ' . . ·,,. .. · .. 1 By' TOM BARLEY ' '''" Of,..."""'........... .. . A. Sin Juan Capistrano man wa; tine ol two defendants clear,.i of lr"l'! ·cbargd today •• ~~ ~ thetr ~rense or U.. ....., memben accused of lfl•ol In u.llleged auto repalr racket: · ... ' Orange Coo~t" Superlor Court Judge James 'l'llrnu Raliil\ Carney, 29, of 328$2 Calle ,.MafOei., and R. C. \'!el.mer, 28, · SantJ Ana from the COUrlloollJ u ,Jl!len,e.atloa>ey Al Stokke took over from; pro¥C1Jlor Richard Sien· ton. !) Both men ar,cctearecl of cbarfl" that they were invOIWd in 1111. asserted repair r~cket in ~w~ inotprist.s' tires were deliberatel_y ·~nc1:ufed., Cl! Mses slash· ed, radiator Caps ,atld,seals broken and needless repalr wcrk carried cut. A CCsta Mesan tabbed by the pro- aecutkln as one cf three principals In an operation· lbiot lllegedly Included II aervl~ ttations in Orange County and three In San Btrnardtoo OPf!!ed the clelense phase of the jury lrlll by denying that be bad ever lnflicted or-10liclted the tnrucUon cf damage en custorDers' cars. Slanley ,Davis, 34, of I0811 San Pablo Circle told Stokke that he and Jerry Kendall, 35, cf 9U Sonor1 Road , Costa Mesa, were partners in an operation that put stx of those stations under their personal supervision. . Davis --Wet other stations were under the conlrof of Edward Carney, 27, o! -Shell lllrbour Drtve, Huntington Beach, ud Roger Mendenhall, 28, ol Z6095 Aveoida De Seo, Ml!lloa Viejo. Davis said he Joaned both men the mcney to (!pen their staUcns and allowed them to use the Garden Grove warehcuse that supplied.tires ancfparts fer a service station Cllain:t>nlfnl from Seal Beach to San .Clemtnte., Davia: denied prosecution allegaUons that be and hi1 employes sy1tematically defrauded motorlsb by damaging auto equipme.nt 'and soliciting needliss repair wcrk•· ;1 : ~.;-;. AM M 1~~ed prO.ecution' testimony that his Garden Grove warehouse was us- ed as a school to instruct emplcyes en ~lo lnfllct·damage that allegedly cost e Cotil)ty mo(Wislt , many ·ef doUm. • Davis admitted that be consllnUy urg· ed his emplcyes to generate sales 1t the 1tatio111 under hil control but that those sales were made. in ca1e1 where the ,molorlsll g<lllllDll,y '*""' new' IJ<el, or . ~epla~n& of parta. · t., : , •• "pot~ ·~itr ·II!'"' T!~~., , ,. ~ ,Y • 'ff"?, ''lirm;;,10 persuaile ri>otOr.. fo 1llow them \\) Mist their cars in the lube bay f0r1 tx• amtnatlon. · But ll)iit pr~ctlce, Davis fold Stokke, I• commcn to all service stations and is cani~ out iJJ the ~at intemtf cf the motol'J,st who may find from a more careful "enmin1tion that his car needs vital repair work. the $15 fine. ~ Itself. Aid ' pJ L ...'. 'advantage because it's an icebreaker. "The secretary has not established "It's insid"ious," he said', "I could walk e to ayuuy "Finally," he said, "the storis ordered v~l~n cf t~e. ship repairing regulation tnto the Newport DAILY PILOT and him to skip er. he wouldDe forced .to take <Ir _any prov131on cf the Occupational complain about just anything I want and Succ' 11mbs at,.61 acticn; w~ he warned he Was ready to, f ;Satet~ and Health Act as alleged," wrote they'd have S()mebody down the next day. ---- fire, it wis about as close as Y.CU can ~ ti:xa_nuner Bar_oki A.iKennedy, concluding "I contested the Jaw, not the event ; get." · · ' • ,a 19-page decision.• when I chose to fight,'' Gidarian said. ' CIDCAGO {UPI) -·A. C. Sp@ctorsky, -A White HoUse ~kesman .declined ~, G~'!'·told ~ thal during;f:be cne-_ ~xaminer "Kennedy's 19 paJeS review-asSociate publisher and editorial dim:tor discuss the author1iati0Uto flrtlhe Warn-~Y. trlfi. -.. ~ ,1 ing the case and setting dOwn his in-cf Playboy maguint, died Mcnday ing shot. He also said th8t the ''hot line,"· 'Tbe·la": says I have ~'have a ladder nocent verdict were an extension of the following a lengthy illness. the emergency communications s)'stern ·in the, Vl~ty of the dock, Gad~n bad eXtreme detail exhlbiteCI by ttie govern-Spectcrsky, 61, waiS buried af sea Mon- between Washington and Moscow wa~' ar~,..,,.and there were fcur w~tbin the meht in handling the entire matter. • d~y. ·The~magazine said lie' suffered an not used in connection with the incident·. .. vietThnJty. . t t ff •• bad Page one Usted the people involved and apparent stroke. · . A , . . • "' e governmen go c w a start began his "slattnitnt ()f the case" 'that Spectcrsky's literary career included , ~ta~ ~partment. sp>~esman in~. when an inspectcr wrote an initial cita-continued to P?ge three, where he ~gan posts as editorial associate ,t the New \'(ashingteln· said no diplomatic rewesen· tlon alleging a violation cf a ncn-existlng H~ting "findings Of fact." 1 Ycrker magazine, literary ~itor cf the tall?n to the. Soviets ~as planned bn the requirfflient. 1 They in~luded "jurisdiction," a11d "the Chicago Silt!, managing editor cf. Living ba~ns of evidence· available. · The first charged that Gadarian's . alleged violation" with su1>-paragra11hs for Young Hcmemakers, editor cf Park ti White House preS!! S~etary R~na~d L. Newport Boulevard boatyard didn~t have ,on "the issues presented" a nd .'''ihe East magazine and a senior .editor with egler said the fishing· boat incident a ladder "to the dock " During the hear-e:.vidence," all of.which took up 10 p_aoes. the National. Broadcaslm' g r -. would not have any elfect on Nixon's If;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. ;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;i;i;ii";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;iii;i;i;;iiii;;i~i;;;;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;; plans to visit the Soviet Unicn. II In response to a question, he likewise said that there would be nc adjustment in Nixon's Moscow plans as a result cf the expulsion of Rep. James H. Scheuer ([). N.Y.), from the Soviet Union. Ziegler had no comment ,on either incl1 dent tOday. He said the Ccast Guard was dealing with the fishing boat seizure and that the State Department has been dealing with the SCheuer e.ipulsion . Department officials said that, when such fishing boat incursions occur from time tc time, the normal procedure ls to take the cffender kl e-0urt. They recalled f:hat not Jong ago a Japanese ship wa.5 take11 In and a fine imposed. Schneider said the Kolyvan m~ no ef-" fcrt to escape while the Storis fiU oc-- cupied. He said it was not kncwn why the· trawler remained hove to. Earµer, 'a t.oast Guard spckesman ln Washington said It was not clear lf the Kclyvan attempted to escape or followed an erratic course to aV(lid ice . Schneider also said the status cf the Lamul boarding party during the chase was not known. Hcwever, be aald, the boarding party kept in <Oll!t>nt com- munication with the 2.10-foot icebreaker during the chase. Spokesmen said the three ships were expected to arrive at Adak Friday lf not hampered by Ice, Tl>e7 said the Slorls would be forced to malt• to W8j' through most of the Soviet flsl\lnfl .fleet. "This SAme situation could vtty well octut aga"ln With thejt aame vessela," Schneider said. "Thee, DC)I In porL yet, and the Storl1 ls sUll away from any other sl\Jpe that can R-u What's My " You won't lie fed any lines af :Alden's. W;, ' ore more interested in developing loyal ... cuslomors than making a fast lale. Non~ of our salespeople will bother you if you just want lo browse, bu• will bo pleased lo assist you if you wish;· with • truthful a~swers to , your questions. " When wo discuss cer~ liMs, wo would have to "modestly" .clmit that wt hive it • ' tho l1r9est selection in tht trH. • ' Top brands such as, ·Bigelow, Barvtn, Beattie, . . Mageo, Montrch, Barwick, Mohawk, Roxbury, • MiUlkan, Armstrong. • Line? \ -., • . • • ' .. ' "" ,, ALDEN'S CARPETS • DRA~ES ' ". .. . 1663 PlaCeiitla Ai;e; COSTA MISA 646-483' • .. ' I I f ... ...... f " •"'• ... City i!llff m!lllbefl 11,,.. ~able lo r .. , COVft'tlle llm1liled ......,., bUt cwncflm .. !in1lly qroed lo 1ccept the word ol the planning commLulon that Buklch'• 1partmenla now mttt city 1tandords. The cu~ter Balsam, 1statklned at Adak, wis dlspat<h<d lo aid 'tile "'fool Storl1, the 1ma11 .. 1 of ~ lliiet • .,..111. Spowman said 1 Cut~ • .-be dispatched to the ecenoll ~1 • The Slorll cmleo 1 thr .. _., ...,: two HOUllS: Mon. lhrv Tllun.. f ,. S1JO' -P'rl., t to t -lot., t::io to S roci:6~unchen1ncltwob01lcop!en. ... ~~~~~~~ ... ~~~~~.-.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..;;;;,:.;;...~-~ ' • I ~I I '