HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-03-19 - Orange Coast Pilot' Cockfighting: Bird s, Betting, Blood By ALAN DIRKIN 01 ltM 0•11~ ,, .. , It•" ' They spent the night in a dingy motel room at • sleepy 1pol on the CaU!ornia· Their destination : a large red barn atop a hill, Their purpose : to gamble on cockfighting. The result: 3"1 hours of bet· ting and blood. Dozens of birds were kill· ed, some slashed and pecked to death in battlet some _put to death with a. twist of the wrists and the crack or a neck by ;in owner disgusted with 11 bird that hesitated. s1 ·~1t.\ ,. s1•1·:e·1.\1, panlons. undercover officers with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. Instead they taped conversaUons with hidde'n recorders and photographed car license plates with cameras dls~ulsed as pe-ns.------. known for orange groves than wild game fowl. Several weeks h1ter, after more evidence had been collected and con1· piled, the police acted. In a pre-dawn raid -"Just like Elliott Ness," said Rlchar.11 Ari zona border. The fi111 men were ten se, nervous, excited. They rose berore daw n and slipped across -the slate line h1to Arizooa to find themselves join~ by a proce.ssion or lnno. wit-looking family umpen. "I saw $15 ,000 change hands in 312 ""'"'"-houn,"'' rtea!Js Broee Richards, 31. ex- erutive director of the Humane Socir'y of the Pomona Valley. "I also saw men beha ving like animals, shouti ng, 'Kill, kill. kill'." F'orty to 50 men eat ing hot dogs. drinking beer, drooling, spitting, cussing, passing _money, crowded around ~ circl~. a pJt. What a mess, blood and fiies all over. The place reeking of blood . "They used sawdust to keep the flies do...,·n but they don 't like to use too much because the birds slip on it. To see these "What I saw would make mosl men ill. • S .IJ_NDAY VOl. 65, NO. 79, 7 SECTI ONS, 108 PAGES -ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNI A Man sfield Sees Pact On Busing WASHINGTON (U PI ) Sc n ate Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield sug- gested Saturday that porlions of Presi- dent Nixon 's anlibusing proposal could be used as basis for a compromise between the House and Senate over the issue. Mansfield joined Senate Republican Leader Hugh Scott in recomme nding that House and Senate negotiators take up Nixon's plans Wednesday w hen bargaining on busing amendments that have been added to a higher education bill; Although Mansfield said he had resenrations about parts of Nixon's plans, be and other leaders of the party -tn.. eluding several presidential candidates - were equivocal in their opposition. One of the: firmest statements of o~ Position came Saturday from Sen. Walter Mondale, D-Minn., a proponent 0£ bus. ing as a tool to preve nt willful seg~ga· tioR-of-schools:---- Meeting with reporters. Mansrield declined to say what portions or Nixon's moratorium plan cou ld be used in the compromise. "If you don 't push me too hard about the details," he said, "there are some aspects that cou ld fi t in with what the House and Senate have done." The conferees will be trying to reach a compromise between three stiff an· tibusing proposals passed by the House and a more flexible Senate plan, which Mansfield and Scott wrote. The House negotiators y.•111 have the ad- vantage because · they are under in- structions from the entire House by an overwhelming vote to settle for nothing less than an outright ban on busing as a tool for racial bal ance in the schools. The Scott-Mansfield plan . on the other hand, pa ssed the senate only by a one-vote margin over a competing proposal that was sim ilar to the House ban. Se ptuplets Fail to Live SANTA CLARA (UP!l -The la st of seven babies born to a woman taking a ferti lity drug died Saturday. None lived longer than 12 hours. It was the second confirmed case of septuplels in U.S. history . The mother, an unidentified woman in her mid-20!'l, gave birth to the infants in a pe:riod of eight minutes Friday at K a i s e r Permanente Medical Center. "It wag like Grand Ce ntral Sta- tion when we were deli vering the babies." said the attending physi- cian. Dr. Anthony Damore. "On the average, five to seven perso~nel are involved for each baby put into intensive care.'' Two infants wr.re sti llbo r n. Several hours later two boys died. three girls survived until Saturday, the last for 12 hours , at Stanford Medical Center to where they were transferred and placed in womblike 0 isolettes." Damore said the septuplets each weighed two pounds or slightly le.si. They were JO weeks premature.· Damore said the mother and father have been trying to have a baby for nearly four years. China Conducts Tests WASHINGTON (UPl l -China con· ducttd the 14th or Its series of nuclear tesll tn lhe atmosphere Saturday, the Atomic Energy Commission announced Saturday. Manni11g the M ast 5couts climb 50 foot mast of the Sea Scout ship Argu s. Wayne Ettel of Ship 711 of Ne'wport Beach explains rigging to Erik Escher, Miles Crossen and Eric Elder, top to bottom . The three are members of Troop 5. the first land troop to take the Argus to Catalina. The Scouts sailed Saturday morning after spending the night aboard. Pollution Control Law s To .Penalize Car Buyers WASHINGTON (AP) -Three out or every 10 new-car buyers in 1976 will have to pay a major econoflliC penally for poll ution controls required by the Clean Air Act, a study prepared for the \Vhlte House said today. Some 30 percent of the tolal vehicle population is in areas that have no-air quality problem, it said, and these areas Ti1i y Se renades Prison Inmates LEAVENWORTH. Kan. (UPI) -Tiny Tim, accompanied by three members or the prison band, entertained about t,000 Inmates at the U.S. Penitentiary Satur- day, bringing them to their feet with his rendition of "Great Balls of Fire." ··r came because twas Invited ," Tiny 8tlid after acctptlng ihanks fro m acling Warden Wade K. Sprlngstcd. A plaque with Tiny'• caricature en- gra vtd on It was presented tilt ainge.r. lt read, "Leavenworth Joves you, Tiny." involve about half the states . "Put in other terms, about three out of. every ten purc ha se r s or new automobiles o( 1976 vintage will be paying a large extra initial cost and :ii higher operating expense for stringent emission control features which may be unnccc.~ary in their areas," it said. The report . rel eased by the Office of Science and Technology. estimated the controls required on 1976 ca r models \\'OUld result in additional investment cost of $350 per \'chicle. Compliance with safe- ly standards through 1976 would add $523. ft suggested a "two-car strategy" might be adopted to provide lr-v-em..ission cars where they are needed and lower- cost, higher-emission cars for areas where auto exhaust gases are_not a maj- or problem. Sen. Edmund S. Muskie CD-Maine), author of the Clear Air Ad, said the report goes along with. the attack on the lc~slatiC'n by General Motors, Chrysler and Ford. · "Thes·; companies, of course, are big contributors to the Republican Perty,'' Muskie said In a statement. Ralph Nader,~'head of resem-ch-group11 on consumer problems , called the report "another effort to Intimidate the federal regulatory agencies rcsponsiblt for regulating motor vehicle air poUutlon and safety.'' • people with no feeling whatsoever for the birds, almost to the point of savagery, you couldn 't imagine the killing of the Christians by the Roman s could have been worse. It was animalistic. no can- nibalistic, to want t"' see all that blood." But Richards saw blood that day and hid his feelings. So did two of his com- The two other persons in the party of five were una\vare o( the subterfuge. They were ''cockers" and they dld what they went to do. to fight their birds -811d gamble. Incredibly. many of the bird5 that fought and died that day had been raised 111 Oran-.. County. some of the spectc.' ·:s also came rrom the county that is be.ter -Jaw officers and animal _controJ offJ ... cers wtll tr> 26 toCallons lh L-Os Ange1e1 County, arrested 23 persons and im· pounded l.355 birds. The court process resulted Jn 15 men pleading-guilty to charges of .keeping righting gameeocks. Two wer~ sentenct'd lo 12 months in jail, while 13 were fined $S0 and placed on two years' probation. tSte BE.Tl'ING, Pa1e A!) SUNDAY, MARCH 19, 1972 TWENTY·FIYE CENTS ITT Probe Flies West Senators Going to Lobbyist ~s Den ver Bedside From UP I Dispatches Six senators led by Seh. Philip Hart (0- Micb.) will soon fi y to the bedside of ail- ing lobbyist Dita Beard in Denver in an Unusual twist to the investigation of her comments relating to the ITT polilical contribution dispute. The sudden decision came Saturday after Mrs. Beard's lawyer phoned her ,;sworn statement" branding the original document that launched the probe "a hoax." Mrs. Beard 's repudiation of a memorandum attributed to her linking a political contribution and a... gove.rrune.nt antitrust settlement with her corporation threw the Senate investigation into turmoil Saturday. DemocrilaJai<L the ml<™t iuued from Mr& .. Beard's hospital bed raised more questions than it answered. They · were particularly eager to find out why MA.5. DIT A BEARD she waited nearl y three weeks to brand the memo __, at the heart of the Senate hearing -a ''hoax." The Democrats pl:iinned to demand that she produce another memorandum that slu: claimed sbe did wrilt..=..prQYidingjL -was not one of the documenta that her corporation destroyed when the con- troversy broke into piint on Feb. 29. The key memo, published b y syndicated columnist Jack Anderso n. si,igges~i; lJ co11nectipn bclwec"n a $4Clli,OOO offer by -·rnternational Telephone and Telegra ph (JT'T') to llnderwrite costs of the 1972 Republi ca n National Convention and the Justice Departtnent's July 31, 1971 , out-of-court settlement of an an- titrust suit against ITT'!! proposed ac· qu isilion of }fartford Fire Insurance Co. The woman 's sworn statement quickly drew a respnnse from Anderson. who said her latest com ments we re "ahsolutely incredible." Mrs. Beard, who is I'M"s Wa shington lobbyist has been under treatment for a heart ailment since shortly after the con- troversial memo was published . She had ne.ver-denied-il! .... uthentidty-untU·Frida•.,... ---1 The Senate · Judiciary Committee'• !See rrr PROBE, Pap o\JI D ed_gin~co~h~s~~''=B=l=l=ID==ef=e=a=te~d=---~~~~~~---'-'I [n Upper Bay Facing Ban Any type of dredge and fill operation which might disturb the upper portion of Newport Ba y will soon be outlawed by the Departm,ent of the Interior. a high ranking fed er:al aide ..said.Saturday. "We can no longer _t~ate..,_ th_L piecemeal destruction of our estuaries," said Jll.mes 8. Ruch, special assistant to the assistant secretary for the fish, wildlife and parks di vision of the U.S. Department of lhe Interior. His com ments were made at a two- day coastal zone symposium held at Fullerton JUnior College. All permit requests for such operations will be denied until a definite plan for the back bay can be developed, he said. In addition to applying to Newport Bay, the moratorium will affect Morro Bay, San Diego Bay and the Tiajuana estuary, Ruch said . Add itionally, he sa id , his department is going to seek to include wetlands at Seal Beach and Anaheim Bay in the Nationa l \Vildlife Refuge program so th a t waterfoul and other tideland life may be protected. The Department of the Interior, he said, will monitor the Southern California estuaries by creating a local office or the Bureau 'of Sport Fisheries and Wildlite in Los Angeles County. "This is not bureaucratic expansion," stressed Ruch, "but rather redeployment of the biologists we now ha ve." Ruch said that the opening of a local office in this area would go a long way to stop Illegal dredge and till operations in many tideland areas. "We hope that the local field officers along with a cadre-of local interested citizens will look for such operations and bring them to our at- tention." TAX MEN TESTED -Ii you take the aame set of income figures to three tu practitianera will they give you the .'Jame answer?' Staff Writer Terry Coville tried it and found that in his case the amwe·r is "No," CJ. WHEEL SPINNER -Wriler-corloon- ist Marvin Myers takes 11ou for a ride in "'" adventure with 4 borrowed set of wJi~els, A9. TEMPLE IN A TENT -Tliey simply call themselves Chri3tio.•u a·rid. th.ere are .so man11 of them that they wnr· ship in a circus tent. Page of pictures, A20. Sieroty Gives Warning Of Coastline Initiative By t"REDERICK SCHOEMEHL Of tllt D•llr P llfl Slltf • Jf a Cslifor-nia coastline-protection bill fails to pass the Legislatlill; soon, u.Jn.· itiative measure asking for the same thing may appear berore voters on the Novrmber ballot. Assemblyman Alan Sieroty (D-Beverly Hills) said Saturday arernoon. Sieroty, speaking before 100 delegates to a coastal zone symposium at Fullerton Junior College, said the initiative measu re is already being drafted by members of the Cal- ,ifornia Coastal Al - liance. Petitions to place the measure before the voters could be circulated \Vilhin the next few weeks, the assemblyman to Id $1EROTY the Jl:alhering of biologists, civic leaders and students. Sieroty said hi.~ coastline protection bill, AB 200 and a similar bill authored by slate Sen. Donald L. Grunsky (R-Watson· ville) have been · strongly opposed ''because loca l governments fea r the evaporation of the concept of home rule." "I'll have to admit that's true," /com- mented Sieroty. The reason , he said, is because city and county governmenls Just won't have the money or the power to watchdog the entire COHslline. Slcroty's bill has passed the AsS('mbly Land Use and Planning Committee: and is CHANCELLOR"S WIFE -Mr 1. Gwel'Mia Wa.t1on .. wife of Community College District Chancellor No.rman Watsun i.'J feat11red in a word and pie· ture profile, C4. · ROBIN HOOD A BLONDE.-Jlu! tor· get of Carol Strausberg of f ott11tai11 Valley is a place on the. 1972 U.S. Olympic team a! an nrcher. SCOry, so.- A FILM TO EE -Thnt 's what en· tertoinmant wr1fitr Rez Rted thinks nf !he F'rench movi e "To Die for l,ove," C7. -now headed to the Way and f\.fean! Com- mittee for approval. , "Jt's going to be a1 nlfficult fight • anyway you look at-i~ "-Sierot.y-told the gathering. "I'm not able lo say whether we'll get it or not." A simila r bill authored by Sieroty last year failed to clear the state legislature. If this year'• bill does not pass with the required two-- thirds majority, Sieroty said the initiative measure "will provide a great insurance policy and give the people the opportu nity to vote on the issue of protecti~g the California coastline." Outlining his bill to the delegates to lh1 tw~ay symposium, the assemblyman said it would create sir regional coastal (See SIEROTY, Pap AZ) Su1i Peeks In-- Skies Lig hten Spotty sunshine and blue skJes a~ peared for the first lime in more than a week in some Orange Coast areas at the start ol the weekend and the same blessing is b1 store for today. Forecasters predict the traditional pat- tern of nighttime clouds and light fog c~caring b,v midmorning with the coastal highs at about 65 degrees. Inland read ings will be higher. The deserts will offer high winds and blowing sand . Ins ide Sunday Erm• lombttk C.J L. M, l ll\o4 ' A-1 IMlll'lt ..... C•)llOl'nl• A•I• Cl•nllledt 0-1-0-11 Cr0$ilWOrd c ... 04.tltl NotlC•I A·lS E41IOl'ltl l'•Ott A-6. ... Ed!IOl'~t Hllltl!OnlC A4i EQt'1'111"~1 c .... C-7 ~ln•ri<• ,_, Good Ottd 1'.oc>lt C·7 lltrry Goll'w•l•r A•t MorOKl!Cll C ·) Jt.11! Co.1'1119 A.S AM L•llM'1 C .. M•llbo• 14-7 COUttl Mirto C.J Mlfr¥1" M.,...1 A•f Mov!tl C4. C·1 N•llon.I Ne•1 .... ,, l. t Or111Q1 c-1y A·l f lll•I 1!:11•19 1,,_l•lt llt • rtffll ,_, SPOP11 9-1-1'4 Slocll HfgPlll,ht1 1·7 l M•ft>r) t.;,, C·1 lrtvtl U W11ti.r A-5 WN!t W•)fl l •I Y~ lllCI IM Ltw 11 DAil Y l'ILOl llCllONI lV Wttlt , -__ _ • • ;2 DML Y PILDT People I Quotes Progress has taken the last egg ranch in Costa Mesa, once a prosperous {arming region., Dav• N1k1t1nl is quitting business because the state is bu)ing hi s land fo r the proposed Corona del Mar Free\vay. "We sure will mi ss the ranch. It's nice lo get on a freeway and ride when you want lo go some- place:," Nakatani said, "but ... " Rop. Poul N. McCl01k1y (R·Calif.l.puUed t1ut of the Republican presidential j('rimaries with this comment: ~"[be harsh -reality of the sit uation ls that you cannot run a credi· ble presidential campaign without large sums of money. Obviously J don't ha ve that kind of money. I am $45,000 in debt." America's organized nudists hope to i;:et more in the pink by go ing public this year. They're open in g their parks to al· n1 ost anyone with the cost of admission. "\Ve 've decided to come out of th e woodworks and operate like com petive rec- r eational facilities rather than cults or philosophical retreats, said Robert G. JoJ,nston, presi dent of the Afflerican Sunbath· ing Association. hWe're inviting t.he public to visit just like they would visit Disney World." · Harold Ambuehl came to the old San Juan Elementary School District in 1943 as teacher, principal and bus driver. He leaves in June after 30 years as principal of San Juan School. Ambuehl considers himself old-fashioned and outspoken. "J don't k,,ow," said the principal. smiling. "There 'are probably Jots of teachers who'll be glad to see me go, particularl y those who like to 'wear extremely short skirts." A longtime trustee of the Huntiugton Beach City School District tesigned after teachers tried to bring criminal charges for alleged violations of the Brown Act -the state's anti-secrecy law -against trustees. "l've never had a crim inal reco rd ," Ivan Lig· gett grumbled. "Now I do. I refuse to be· subjected to this kind of harass ment." Th e district attorney had refused to act on the teacher complaints. "Sex is not only here to stay," the doctor says, "it can help you stay lbnger." Dr. Eugene Scheim1nn, Chicago sex?· logist and columnist, said more.'' "Sex activates the thyroid glands, burns up cholesterol and calories, exercises every muscle In _the body and strengthens. no\ 9vertaxes the heart. A healthy night of sex is nature's tranquilizer. reducing stress and creating a general feelihg of well being." Orange Co unty veteran newsman, Jim Cooper -who was cast off by KNXT as newscaster and booked by the Coast Com- munity College as communications director -left his colleagues in the old courthouse pressroom a terse message. "Don't let the bewildering stupdities of editors dim your vigor or your vision." DRAFT'-S~ -ON AGAIN I The on.again, off.again draft is really on again . Men holding randnm sequence number~ one throUAb 15 \\•ho y.·ue born In 19$2 soon Y.'ill be receiving letters from their local draft boards te!UnR them to report for service In Apr il or May, The natJonwide .call with mean_83.l men Crom eight southern Callfornia count1e! will be gi\'CD notice. or this number. !ays ~lajor W. Robert Kinscherfr, assistant deputy state Selective Service direc tor, 447 will con1e from volunteers ,,.,.ho have already sianed up. "We've been delightfully surprised by Gigi .Safe; Followers Can Relax Gigi's friends and followers can relax toda y. The yearling gray whale v.·ilh the world's largest following at last reports had found a pod of her peers and was heading north oft 1-luntington Beach. The 15,000·pound whale wa s sight ed off the north Orange Coast late Saturday by Navy trackers who now are followlng the trans missions from a m a n. p I ace d transmitter in the Y.•hale'~ back pack. 'fhe Navy's trackers are in a fixed·\Ving aircraft. And her former keepers at Sea World, already convinced Gigi is eating, now say they are exhuberant over her attachment to a school of migrating brethren. Spokesmen at the aquatic park in Sa n Diego where Gigi spent the first year 0{ her life say she has been making about tw l) knots in an apparent instincti ve nortf}ward mjgration.Their greatest fear for her survival no longer is the whale's abllity to learn overnight what every wild gray whale should know -to migrate and seek food . People -curious boaters trying to get a close look -are the gre;itest worry. Late last week, trackers from the air confirmed signs of elimination from the 25-foot·long whale, proving th at she is able to find food . The steady plodding north to the wintering grounds in the Bering Sea also is a healthy sign. Before being sighted at Huntingto n Beach, Gigi's last public performance Some Men Born in 1952 Get Call the btgh nwnber of volunteers in Snuthem Callfornla, .. silld Kinscherfr. \.\'ho works nut or the Los Alamltos Naval Air Statlon. I-le said 137 1nen -lncluduig seven \'nlunteers -will be called from loca l boards 133, 134 and 135 located in Santa Ana, they serve all of Orange County. J\!nscherf£ !aid lh11t because of reduced manpower needs, the 1972 draft will be "much lower" than the number of In- ductions made during 1971. "I v.·ould expect the call this year In come far below rando1n sequence nun1ber 125, "'hich \.\'SS the lin1it last year," said Kinscherff. Men who hold R number higher than the County Chair1uan limit, he ~aid, Jf not drafted by Dec. 31, are placed In a ''second prl~rlty" clallslfication. Basically, thls means he ls free from the draft for the rest of his Ille, ~horl of some majo r conflict causing a manpower Increase. Random sequence num bers for men born in J952 were issued in R draft lottery conducted on Aug. 5. K in~cherff pointed out that it may be to the :'ldv<inlage of certain men who now .J1ave student deferments -and a high lottery number -to drop the deferment and n'ot be drafted this year. "Of cnurse, anyone planning to do Lhis :;hould check y.•ith their local boards to Rogers Giving Up As Head of GOP By JACK BROBACK" 12 assembly posit ions from the northern Of "" Dilly l"llof Sllll part or the state to the Mexican border." find out What would be be.st for them," ht llaid. Jn making the induc-tion order, Selec· live Service Director Curtis Tarr Wld local boards to notify l·A·O class con· scienliou8 objectors -those willing to l perform noncombat military duty -that I they are obligated tG perform alltrnate s.ervicelt tbey were born in '1952 and hold nun1bcrs one through IS. Kinscherff said another order for about 5.000 men will probably be issued in early May to fill June's quota . 1'hursday's order Wl'IS the first this , year, said Kinscherff. Inducfion5 orrtered late last year gave rise to a number 0£ rourl cases v.·hich postponect this year'a draft se\'eral months, he said. Law Change Baffling To Draftees The final series of changes in the selec- tive service la w wa-' issu~ last week snd probably has left the potential draftee downright baffled. He bec~me a registered Republican he staled. '·\Ve'll .make a clean S\~:ecp of \\'hen they changed the rule allowing them all but the Orange County lower ln t'ssence. the changes deal with cross filing for politica l office in 1952. house fights are tough." persona l appearances before local dr11ft L'ntil then, since he His job is to get assembl ymen Robert boa rds and procedures to be followed \1·as discharged from Burke, Huntington Beach; Robe r t \\'hen 11 m<1n is appenling his classlfica- the U.S. Army in Badham. Newport Beach and John ti on. 1946. he was a Demo-Br iggs, Fullerton reelected, and to help Among the major changes in the J97l crat. the successful GOP primary candidate in Jaw are the following: ''Until 1952 in Cal-the 69th District (probably William Dan4 -A r7gistrant now is ent itled to bring ifornia you co u Id nemeyer, Fullerton attorney and former three wi tnesses to appearances before his register in one party assemblyman) defeat Democrat in· local board when protesting his currfnt and vote for anoth-cumbent Ken Cory of Garden Grove . classification. er." is the w 1 Y ROGERS Rogers is confident th11t J im Whetmore -A change tu med down by a local Thomas C. "Tom" (R·35th, Buena Park ) will win handil y. board may be appealed to a state board. Rogers, who retires this year as Orange Jf t d d County Republican Central Committee Why is he stepping down from the urne own, the registrant may ap- chairman, explains it. county Republlcan~Jeadership? -pear before a president ial board it the He has been .chairman since 1969 and "It costs me between S4,000 and $5.000 vote of the state board" is not unanlmou's got his start in GOP circles in the county a year out of pocket to hold the job and on his request. in 1966 when Dennis Carpenter, now a do it right," explained the cattle rancher -The reasons for an adverse decision state senator and then chairman of the and shopping center owner. by either local or appeal boards will be central committee, talked him into '·My phone bill runs more than $200 a mailed to each applicant. This was not becoming county finance leader. month, dinners must be attended, dues required previously of the boards. "He had John Wayne at the lunch table . paid and contributi tfna..t.." h -Male citizens now may register 30 tl'nued. ons ~· e con· days before or 30 cla)' afler lhe·ir 181h to twist my arm and that's all it took," said Rogers. 1 birthday for the draft. lt used to be men " try to be in Sacramento at least had to register \\'ilhin fi·ve d·ys af. What has he accomplis hed In the pa st ooce e''ery tw k be lh " o wee s cause ere are ter they turned 18. three years? many important matters that cannot he R · ;.Wel l. for starters. we have raised handled properly Jong distance ," Rogers -eg1strants. if they desire a personal more than $500 million (tha t's hair a concluded. appearance before the local board, must bill ion) for the party" he revealed. do so· within IS da ys following the mailing Laguna Beach City Clerk Dorothy Musfolt, a petite woman running unopposed for another term of office, dt7 scribed her duties at a forum. She said that citizen s often go ---i<rhl!r ftrsrwlreirthey-lrave<1-problem:-''When-residents-are cited ·on the beach for havin g a dog ," she said, "they often come to me and ask 'Can the police do this to me?' I am afraid I have to tell that·they certainly can." I' was at the San Clemente P.ier at midweek -when sheOrew a crowd of about JOO. - The whale lolled close to pilings and kelp beds for several hours before swim· mini? nort h past Dana Point. "Th th th ' . 1 t• d . He says he works most of seven days a or the classification card A IS-day 01• . e~ ere were e re~is ra ion . riv~s \\'eek raising calves on the 1,2~acre teRsiDn ma · · 1n wh1ch..we-led-the -stahwn-GOf gains.-ranch h-e-i--Si -s~ -rn--ti; -... ..-1-1--Hi---y_he__grantedJLnecessary .---. . ea e a anc o ...,..p s rano. s -Local and appeal board s must notify Rogers, now sl~te chairman of the Cal home is nearby on Spotted Bull Way. re gistrants at least 15 days before th Plan, formerly headed by Carpenter H I I us F S · • 1 · ey ---·- Frona Pagel After that she made a left turn for the hig h seas where :she found com· panionship. BETTING ON COCKFIGHTING. •• For the latter, the most ~evere penalty, police a.nd defendants agree. was the loss of the birds. All 1,365 of the birds were put to death. "One man ti sked the judge for his h1rd back, saying it was worth $800 to him." Richards recalled . The raid brought repercussions. People 1--c-allOO-thetrumaMSOcifty, threaten·1ng fu kill the dogs in the pound and asking what was the po.int In de stroying the birds. KiUing cock! with injections was more cruel that letting them die in battle, the caJJers argued. What was the point? Richards agrees tha t before the wild game fo wl became domesticated it survived on its own in· £tincts. It has been known to sharpen its spurs on a rock to give it the kind of weapon man now provides -swords !'Ind gJashers made out of finely tempered steel. Slashers can be up to six inches long and have blades that are razor sharp. Swords have no blades but a point at the end. TRAINED TO KILL "The birds could not be rehabilitated," Richards said simply. "These birds had been trained to fighl-l'o die in the pit is t.o die in an inhumane way. If they had been left alone from birth. these birds would not fight like that, All a rooster wants to do is to rule the roost. He doesn't. always kill the other cocks, just drives them away." Ef'orts to rehabilitate the birds, not sa ntti'lned by the Humane Society, failed. A professor, used to working whh hyp::ractive chlldren . tried hypnosis un~~ccc:>sfully. A drug, Aiv en orally and dc::!f ncd to make the cocks docile, also failed, The raid occurred last year. It was believed lo be lhe biggest swee p In Southern California . Law officers 4lnd an imal control of· ricers believe a cockfight is held every weekend Jn Southern California or Arizona . Some in Riverside County, San Bernardino County and Orange County. \\'by ls Arizona popular w I t h ''cockers~'" Apparently because Arlz1n:::i. In trying lo come up with a slill cocldightlng Jaw, huill in a loophole. ~islators made it Jllegal for gamecocks &Q.be ktpt.J n Arizona overnight. Thal, supposedly, makes II l•gal for cocks -stuffed In cage! In family carnperJ -to be taken Jn at dawn and withdrawn lhe nmt day. But things are not thal secure. At a typJcal cockflght, cars ~nd campers are: parked in a circle around a barn with t.he rear o( the vehicles to the barn and u•ith no obstruction in front so the parti cipants can escape quickly. At least one ' ·.out is always posted. GOR'I'. DETAILS The details or cockfighting are gory, even though the contests ere fought under strict rules because of the money at stake. A flght can last from· a fev; sharp seconds to a couple of minutes. UsuBll.Y the winner is obvious. the one that is alive. But if the fight ends \•:ith both birds at. exhaustion the bird which had the las t peck at the head, without the other retaJiating, is judged I.he winner . The sport is, in a sense, as refined as boxing. Birds are trained by tying one leg with a rope and fastening the rope to a stake. The bird is lhen tantalized so it \1•••• !earn to parry and :-trike,. "hone leg and its beak. Then the other leg is secured and the process repeated so the r · ' in bc!h I are s'. · · ~'.1ed. The birds o:-e fed high protein ... :sand their skin is t_Qugheoed. A fighting cock can be recognized by the Absence or its corr:!:> and clipped spurs to make room for the slashers and swords. The necks of the birds are also shaved so there i!' less surface for an opponent to grir and use as levep "Cocker~" h::ive a nafl::ially cHstributcrl magazine called !>Grit and Steel," In "'hich championship~ Are listed , flghlin.11: p11raphernalla Is advertised end through which bird s are bought and sold. • $75 A PAIR The slashers and swords, made out of German surgical steel. go for $75 8 pair, according to the magazine. Ointm ents and vitamins are advertised. "Cocks given these items will outfight, outcut and take more cutting than those who haven't had them," reads one ad. Another ad listed a Newport Beach PO t '.rough which bird c; r.,uld be bought. ''Birds are raised in Orange County,'' sa !d one undercover officer with the Humane Society of the United States, \vhlch has an office in Garde n Grove. 1·They are raised everywh£'re. Most or the cockers in Orange Cr ':;are in San- ta J\na and Orange. To get in touch with them , you go into a pool hall or beer bar and ask around about how you can buy a fi ghting cock.'' "1 reckon there must be between 200 and 300 cocks in Orange County,'' the undercover otficer sa.id. "You can spot them in their coops. The difflcult.y is in proving they arc being kept for the purpose of fighting ," Those who raise the birds and bet on t.hcm do not regard the sport Rs cruel. They liken it to bullfighting and claim that were it not for the SPoft the breeds would die out. NECKS BROK EN But not all cocks display an immediate \v11lingncss to fighl in the pit. Some hesitate. some run ftO~m their opponent:-< But in cockfighting he \•:ho hesitates is indeed lost "If a bird shO\VS the slightest hesita- tion," Richa rds said. ''the owner will pi ck it up and brc:-k lts neck . J saw 15 or them killed lh is \.ray and thrO\Vn \\'ithou t a se· cond glance into an oil drum ;it the side of the ring. A bird that won't fight is of no value to them.'' ,. Fro111 Paye 1 lTT PROBE ... hearings were recessed until next Wednesday but Sf!n. James 0. Eastland <O.Miss ), the chairman, said he was not sure when they actually would resurne. Eastland, intervie\vcd by telcphonB from his farm in Sunflower County, Miss .. said he had been tolri about Mrs. Beard 's memorandum Friday night but had no comment. FROM A FRJEl\'D A!kod who called him about ii. Eastland sa id, "Now thAt's none or your damn business." But he ~aid a friend in Mississippi had called him . Eastlttnd "':intcd to ha\'C I'M' President Harold S. Gencen back \Vedncsday for a third da y of questioning, but if the Hart d<'legatfr1n goe!! lo Denver that day, Ge· nccn 'i; testimony \\·ill Da ve to be post· po nod. ~fans/leld Sald ~1rs. Be11rd 's repudia- tion of the memo ''just r1ise.s more ques· tions than it answers." bel h 1 ted t h ea so eases . . orest erv1ce and are scheduled to appear to protest 1 ore e-.1".'as e1dec a selhnla or, ~! at Rancho Carrillo about eight miles classification some pos1 1ve eas on s years from th Sa o· F d 1· R · · ru aJ . e n 1ego reeway an 1ve -egistrants no longer mus t notify ~,1 c races. . . miles northwest of the Ortega Highway. the ir local draft boards if they are Jeav~ Our Cal Plan group l! responsible for He has been a rancher since 1963 and ing the country. ------~ ___ ,bui\t~t.wo.shopping.eentel'S"in"'f'tttnt-')'e.11:rs-'--~Locat--boa-rds -now wnr-recelv on leased land in Newport Beach and reclassification requests from men who St. Bernard Dog To Be Destroyed For Killing Girl MANTECA (AP) -"Boozer." a St. Bernard dog that mauled an 8-year-old girl t-0 death, will be destroyed this week· end, the county animal CQntrol officer said Saturday. Dawn Quintal was attacked by the hug e dog owned by neighbors March 5. She died March 7, Boozer 's owner, Gary Glover, imme- diately turned the dog over to San Joa- quin County officials and relinquished o•Nnership. 'fhe coroner's office had said Dawn 's uncle. Clifford E. Quintal, 56, committed suicide March 6 by cu tti ng his lhroat. The family said Quintal was apparently des· pondent over marital problems and the girl's attack. Young Executive Dies in Downe y DOWNEY (UPI) - A young executive was fatally injured ind a woman seriously burned in a fire at an ~partment complex Saturday, Timothy R. Hunter, 29, vic e president of th e Meller Electric Co., died from loss or blood when he apparently severed an llrlery atten1pt.ing to escape the flame s in his second floor apartment, firemen said. Patricia Ann Wiggins , 30. wa., in fair co ndition at Downey MedicBI Center with burns about the fa ce. Firemen said when they arri ved they saw Miss \Viggins sta nding at a window screaming for help and holding Hunter's body over the window sill. Firefighters were unable to get through !!~mes to aid her and lold her to drop Hunter from the window and jump. She leaped 15 feet to safety. ·President Nixon For Wo1nen's Rights \Vf\SHINGTON (UPJ } -President Nixon Saturday endorsed a proposrd cnnstitutional amendl'flent for equal rJghts for women~ In a letter to Senate Republican I.tad. er Hugh Scott of Peonnsyfvantsi, Nfxl'ln snid that for 21 yesi rs he has supported 31) amendmtnt to guarantee women the aame rJg~ts ~men. The Senate is now Costa Mesa. have already received induction orders Roger:; also has ..qoo acres of grazing but ha ve a postponement. They wili land under lease in CalaveraS" County in receive consideration for reclassif,ication the Sierra foothills, east of Stockton. up to 30 days before the actual induction His war duty included service as a pla· dale. toon sergeant in New Guinea and the Last week's announcE:ments ended Philippines. more than two years of major draft The retiring chairman is married to the refo rm which began when President Nix4 former Cecile Von Rotz a Swiss· on Ini tiated the draft lottery system to • · determine who serves in the arm e d American who came to California In 1947. forces. They have. five children, three gir ls, two I A ·1 boys, rangrng in a·ge from 10 to 20. n pr1 1970 occupational and paternity clefe rments were abolished. Late in 1971, Congress-apj)rovea requeSfs-from Nfxon to phase out undergraduate student deferments and to establish a unifonn national call for inductions. f 'rot1& Page l SIEROTY ... Only men who held undergrad uate stu. dent deferm ents during the 1970-71 school planning commissions and state commission. one overall year may receive them this year and In future years. The 12-man state commission, mad e up of lhe six regional agency chairmen and six appointees, \1,.ould be charged with creating a plan for !he 1,000 mile! of Ca lifor nia coastline which would be presented to the Legisl ature for adoption . Regional agencies, Sieroty said, wou ld be made up of local officials sucti as city <;ouncl!m'en or county supervisors and be responsible for reviewing permits for developments in the coastal zone. The state commission and the courts would act as appeal agencies if a regional unit turned dow n a permit request. Another coastline protection b-i-11 , author~ci by Senator Dennie Carpen ter I R·Newport Beach) entered the Senate \Vedn esday and is cicsigned to allow !or more home rule than the Sieroty or Grunsky measure. Ca rpenter's bill would delete all ·in· co rporatcd areas fron1 st.ate coastline controls and allow local Jurisdictions to define their o"'n coasta l zone~. The job of passing the legislat1on, albeit1 rliff!cu!t. "may be the easiest part of the entire process." said Sieroly. "The job certainly isn't finished Y.·hen the legisla- tion pas~es. We still have to find the right people lo serve on the commissions, get ll ~ood planning staff and get a consUine plt1n out lo the Legislature in four years ." Sieroty·s bill was labeled R "coastline development blll'1 by Kenneth Kilbourne, a Car~ntcria re~laent. "1 suggest you take all the money you propose to spend on this comm.i~slon -and use it lo buy what's left of the coastline and turn It over to public use." . The assemblyman noted he had sup- ported a $250,000.oob bond Issue lo purchase coastline lands, in addition to ny_thorln_g lhe coastline protection Jcgisla· tion. "l don't know how you c11n call lhis a 'e<>astline development bill' when all lhe po\\o·f'r ~ompi!nles, oil compllnie11 anrt r 111 cst11te people th fnk Jt 's a pretty tough bill," commented Sieroty. U.S. Tuna Banned BETRU'T' (AP) -Lebanon banned lhe import of can ned tuna fish from the Uni ted Stales Saturday because of a high content of mercury, the Health Mi nistry announced. SUNDAY DAILY PILOT Tht Ortnot («111 DAILY PILOT, Wiii\ wti1cll lo ~mblned !ht Ntwt.Prt", 11 p11bll1hed by lht Or•no• Co.a,11 Publ!1hlno C&m11sny, S•~· ••I• l'dl!lon1 t rt Publlll1t'd, Mon1hy thro11011 F rld•r. for COii• M&.1•, NtWDO•t 8111ch. Hunllnoton fh•ch/Fotm••!n V•!lfy, L•oun• llNch, lrvlnt /S,,dd ltbtck sl!d Stn (lt Mtnlt/ S•n Ju•n C&ol•l•sno. A •lnolt •9111,.,,tl t<1 itl11n 11 l)Ubl!1h«1 Sn!u•d•Y• •>'Id SOJnll11y1, T111 11•l11c!11111 Puo111n1no 11111n1 11 i t J30 w ... 1 81v $!re1t, Co1t1 M11t1 Cal1forni11, 92621, R.ob1rt N. W11d Pr ttlclt M •nd r>110ll1ht• Jtt~ R. Curl ty Vic• Prt ikleM •nll G•nt•&l M•n•otr Th om 11 K11vil en•111r lho"'•I A. Murohiht M.,11olno 1it1ilor Ch1rl11 H. Loot Ritht rd P. Ntll A.1l11t•nt 1Y1•11eo1no e1111orl Altn J. Ol1 ~ln $undsy Edl111r OfflcH Co1•1 Mu~: llO WI)! l'J•Y Slflll· HewPO•I 6NCl'I: l»l NIWPOrt 801111v1rll L•lll~ llltl'I: 27' ,or"! Avl"VI Hun1!1191on 8ttcl'I: 11111 811d'I l'Jov!l'(lrll S1n Cltmtnte: lOS North El C•l'!ltno lltM! Ttltphone (7141 642-4311 Clo.uJfled A'vtrtl1h1t 641·1671 'r•m Co11t11 Ar1•1 So11n'I II L1111n1 t lfdl 4f2·4420 ,rotn Nor!ll Or•r~e Co•1n1y Co111mu"+1111 540·1220 c1111vr11M, 1•11 0 •111111 C6.'1I 'ub11~11 1no Com(Nli'IY frllo l!IWI 11orl11, lll11tir1110111, l(thorl•I m~'"' or .Ov1rll1tm•nh l'l•~•+n m•v b' r1oroct11t«1 w1lll1111! JlltCl&I iw•· m1,~I011 cf eoo~rlg;l'll ownt r, Sll(ond CllH POSl•t• ll•ld •f frlltWDe•I llttcll .,,., (9118 Ml)~, (11+1or11t1 ~vbter111110,, by t •rrltr J? 6i rl'IOf'l!l'lty1 oy mill JJ' 11 ro10n!'ll!y1 mH!l•rv lfUln•!lttn1 '' 6f "'°"'"''V ---k Orange Coast Roundup \ TRAGIC DISCOVERY: NEWPORT BEACH - Child psyc~ology Intern Dr. Paul Hocrnig wen t home \Vednesday to his F.a stbluff townhouse and found hi s wife Joan, 27, slashed to death and baby girl!i Laura Jean, 2. and Susan, 8 week s, dro,vncd in a bathtub. Police classify it as a cas e o! murder, suici de. WHOLESALE ROUNDUP: COSTA MESA -Cli max ing a t~ree·n1onth probe o( alleged drug·dealcrs, tean1s of de- tectives rounded up 61 persons overnight Tuesda y and \Vedn csday. ('ha rgcs again st most accuse sale of various drugs l? und~rrover agent s, although some face le sse"r counts. Po- lice estimate campaign to curb suppliers' sales cost city $30,· 000 -plus. MAIN BEACH: LAGUNA BEACH'-Festival of Arts di· rectors agreed to re-open negotiation s with the city on pro· po~ed Festival assistan ce in financing the purchase of the ~1a1n Beach Park. The city and Festival are see:iking to reach agreement on increasing the city1s share of Festival revenue to help pay off beach bonds. CITY FINANCES: HUNTINGTON BEACH -In a new sririt of cooper~tion, chamber of commerce official s have \Vllhdra\\'n th eir criticis m 'of city finan ces. Instead, they of- fered to help the ne\v city admi ni strator in developing long· ran~e financial goal s. Fi1•e11ian Le1ids a Han.d Fire fig hti ng has its obvious danger-s,-but·there are also certain unexpected hazards as a Hunti ngton Beach fireman learned Friday. A 1nother and her infant son \\'ere hustled from thei r home early in the morning after a mailman and a newscarricr found the ,,·oman's garage in flames. f\1other and child \\'ere saved, but the garage was gutted at a cost of $3 .000. Checking through the damage, investiga· tors la id the blame on a shorl in the electric blanket in the family dog·s baske t. . The dog \vas saved by Fire1nan Armando Gonzales, but the pet \Vas not grateful. The dog snapped and bit the hand • that helped hin1. --SCl-tOOL-CHANGE:-IR.VJNF -An__alh,ycat-.schooLpro, __ gram has been approved by the San J oaquin ~:1en1entary Dis- trict Board of Education to begin next July with some 600 stu- dents who nO\V attend Irvine Elementary School in East Irvine. The measure means students \viii attend school for nine-'o'•eek periods separated by three-\veek vacations. FIRE.ly!AN AT 18? SA t:l ,(Y;~_k.!'iTE -The acc~tabUily_ o an 18-yea r·o as a paiCI 11rem an surfaccCISUCIClenly TriSan Clemente as Jeffrey llcrman, a high school senior and f ull- Oedged voJu nteer fireman, .. asked v.'hy the city would not let him take the test for' lull-timers. Councilmen agreed that dropping age restrictions from 21 might be a good idea. but Herman still Jost. His appeal came two hours after the dead- line for applicants to file th eir papers. SEE-SAW: FOUNTAIN VALLEY -Richard Crysel 20 . an d La\vson OO\\'ning, 17, teeter-tottered their \vay to a new \\'Orl d· record of 144 hours. or si x-days str aight. The stunt, performed in Santa Ana, raised more than $500 for the March of Dimes. POPULATION GROWTH: NllWl'ORT HEACFr -A re- port issued by the ci ty planner's staff revealed that the popu- lation of th e city could double from its present 50 ,000 if all residenlial areas of the ci ty are developed under current zon· in g. City officials \vill no 'v consider vvhether they want to · change any zoning. POULTRY PROBLEMS: ORANGE COUNTY -About 1.5 mil linn chickrns an d turkeys have been ordered slaughtered by the fe deral government to elin1inatc Newcastle's di se ase, a virus infection. Orange County is one of ei,gh t Southern Cali- for nia counties involved under the "national emergency" r" order. NO BUS ING: HUNTINGTON BEAC~i -Trustees of the J-luntin gton Beach City (elementary) School District have passed a resoluti on opposing the busing ol school children to achieve ethnic ()r racial balance. Their st and has been sent to the state legislature. FAIRVIEW PARK: COSTA MESA-A bill just introduced by Assemblyman Rob.rt H. Burke IR-HunlinJ!lon Beach) \voul d allow Costa Mesa to lease the 260·acre park si te from th e state. The bill al so has the effect of suspending sale or auction or the land until .July, 1977. FREEWAY BILL: NEWPORT BEACH -Two <lays after the citv council :i ske d bo th State Senator Dennis C:ir pentrr (R-Ne,~nort Bcflchl anrl Assen1blyman Robert E. Badham to dr11.rt bill s to kill the Ne \vport Brttch portiQn or the oropo.c:ed P:1cific Coa st F'rcc\1·av route. Badham responded '''ith such a hill. arpent cr rcsro.ndrcl that he needed more information from the state on the future of that route before he coul d resolve such an "en1otional issue.'' MALL BLOCKED: LAG UNA BEACH -Downtown Mer· chants persuaded the ('it y Council to delay closure of a block adjacent to the ne'v library lo create a pedestrian mall, arguing that no such projects should be undertaken unt il additional parking facilities are established. PLANNERS' TER MS: LAGUNA BEA CH -Following a heated debate in which Mayor Richard Goldberg was accu sed of political manipulation for his dismissal of the e nt ire planning c~mm ission after t.h.e 1970 municipal election, t~e city coun c1l voted to establish three-year terms for cit y planning commi!isioncrs. No specific term of office previously was specified In lhe rnuni cipal code. PARK BOND ELECTION: NE WPORT BEACH -Do the Newport Beach vo ters want to help pay for $8.9 million ln park la.l)d ac~uis ilion and development? City councilmen dc- cidcd lo lind out and put lhe Iinancial question on lhe June 6 primary ballot. Meanwhile, more park sites are .being added lo the Interim parks plan. . f McCarthy's First Test Coming Up Cl·llCAGO (AP) -Tuesday·s lllinois primary give!! former 1'1innesota Sen. Eugene J . McCarthy a chance to prove himself a i;erious conender ror the Democratic presidential nomination. It also is l\.1aine Sen . Edmund S. l\.1uskie's chance to polish an image ta rnished ni the Florida primary. Sen. George S. McGovern , D-S. D., is the third man with a big stake in the ('OA· fusing dual primary -con1posed o[ one race he calls a "glamour contest" and a second baUle for delegafe seats. Muskie is a clear.cut favorite to win both races but the margins of victory are q•Jestionable. The three candidates campaigned iti· · tensely in the Chicago area Saturday. Muskie was greeted by several hundred persons and local Democratic leaders at a rally in Joliet. 40 miles southwest of Chicago. He hammered at economic issues and charged the Nixon ad- ministration has not resolvea them. Both cand idates spoke abo ut pove rty and the need for housing and jobs. The two appeared separately again at a Na· tional Conference on Housing. All three candidates were scheduled to re main in the Chicago area today before they make whistle·Slop downstate tQurs 09 the eve of the parimary. McCarthy has concentrated his ca m- paign in Illinois, hoping that a strong showing in the top of the ticket race th ere will enhance his national image and ensure successes in future primaries. S...i11, Mt"h 19, 1972 DAILY ,ILOT ,11111 '' llltllllTll Dr1k1 UJL V PILOT A :J.. Ecology .Vote Ripped : By Schmitz U.S. Rep .• lob!Ll1,_Schmilz \R·Tuslin). loda)' bla11tl'<I the Cllan Envlronme.nt : Referendum "" a "potential death sen·· len<'e for nur 11tatc." • Ht: labeled the June 6 prhnary ha lint · Ucn1, aimed 111 forcln~ a cOn!tltutional ~ an1endn1ent 11s "incredibly destructive.": 'C'ht: tongressman said the act was ac•. tuall\• .. the bUI to turn off Cal1fornia ." · In ·that ballot measure, championed hy · thr People 's Lobby. is the machinery for: 11 five-year ban on the ~nstruction of: new nu<'lear po wer plants. str1cl air· quality standards and a strong curb on: lntt:rvcntion by the Legislature. • ''Sinct: coming to Congress I have m11de .• it a rult: to comment as little a5 possible · nn strictly statf': issues." Schmitz said.: ''But Proposition 9 on the June ballot i! so incredibly destructivt: !hat it demand~: 11n ex ception to.this rule ." . Ht: sai d the amt:ndmenl would set up : t1ir.quality standard.!! much m ore .!ltrin~cnt lhan those nov• in effect and - "'Ould force thr closin.11: or an.v pollut in~ business nr i,nclustry \\'ithflUI the righl to 11 hraring or IPga l ;ippeal. Schmitr. al~n lamenle>d prnvisinn!i in the hill for limiting <'na,..1111 anti ticlelandc: clrvrlnpmPnf :ind a tntal ban on new rrarlors fnr five ye:i rs. Tht: latter aspect. he added. was of ~rave CQ nccrn because; nf the fi vC:yt:ar _ 1ead time nov.· necessary betw een licens- ing .11.nd c'onstruction of new nuclea r generators. If the amendn1t:nt passes, he charged, that lead time would stretch clo5er to 12 years -crippling tht: statt:'s power out- put and "turning off Cali fornia!' CDC Ready To Endorse PLASTIC PROTECTORS FOR PARADE PARTICIPANTS Band Members Keep Shoes Sh iny for Swallows March "These self-appointf':d savlofs of the en-. vironment (the act's endorsers) do not : seem to realize that the clt:anup of pollu-: tion itself require!! electrical power and: plenty of it," Schmitz said. Record Crowd to Greet Sniper Shot Dead 1 After Wounding Four Policemen Sen. McGovern Swallows in Capistrano OAKLAND (UP I) -Sen. George. McGovern's forces overcame heated op- position from backers of Rep. Shirlt:y Chisolm and Sen. Edmund S. Muskie Saturday and paved the way for l\1eGovern's endorsement by the When the swallows rt:turn to San Juan Capistrano this morning they probably \\'iii be awed by what is expected to be a California Democratic Council. record crowd of people down on the McGo\'ern's supporlers predicted the ground, celebrating the arrival . South Dakota senator would gain lh.-Expected good \\'eathcr and the coin- liberal v o I u n teer organization's en-'d crown a king and queen of the celebra- tion, then, amid Spanish music, tht:y will dance. SEAITLE (AP l -Police slrid they· shot a man lo death in 11 downtown Seat-. The annual fes ti val is sponsored Joinlly tie motel Saturda y night afler he eni::aged,_ by the mission and the San Juan Fiesta them in a 25-minute pitched gun battle: Association. and v.'ounde<I four nfiicers . Sa turday'!! parade e n t f': r la i n t d None of !he four was se riously inJu red, dorst:mcnt today. ci ental falling of St. Joseph's Day on a -Jt-would-be-the-first-time-t~ 12.000• Sunda_y will add up t2 a banner y.e.ar.Jor_ police said. 'rhe y wert listed in good con~ tOOusaruis _()f persons w.bo clnggeLthe-dition-in-loc~I hospital s. --~--...1 tov.·n with autos. Parking was at a Two officers had parked their car lit member CDC has ever endorsed a the annual celebration in the village presidential candidate . made famous by the darting birds and Chisolm and Muskie backt:rs ar e realiz-the mission wh ich se rves as their home ing they Jack McGovern's strength at the each spring and summer. conventio~. . •. Tht: festi vi ties started loudl y Sat.urday "We think the sense o( this convenhon as 3,000 participants gathered for the an- pr emiu m. front of the hotel and were on foot patro~ wht:n the Sniper started shooting from 4 One unique aspect of the large parade fourth noor window, police said. The of~ was its ban on motor·driven fl oats. fi cers returned the !ire and called fod An en try by the Exct:lsion Crea me rv help. • js. r n~uro-McGovern. He.is the .onlY-· nllilLFJesta .Las Go.londrinas P.arade. viablt: candidate in the field who through Lhe main strt:ets or San Juan's Company, a float drawn by oxen, came . Several 9.ffi cers worked their ~~y inld a-.,;y tl!e t<i~ w1M.-r· monenoa th\!'1tot<hrnd·up-tlf"th·e·rourth"lt&>NVh11;;..--..ii represt:nts the liberal vit:wpoint," com· business district. men~ed Mrs. Wa,la_ce A I be rt s. o fl t -'Sunda y, however. celebrations beeo1ne chairman o( the byfaWs comrilittee, a mort: in keeping with the traditional air strong McGovern supporter and wife of of San Juan. actor Jack Albertson. Heath-Pompidou Meeting Shapes Rurope's F11ture LONDON (UPI) -Prime Minister Edward Heath and French President Georges Pompidou, meeting at a con- fidential weekend summit, Saturday nar· rowed differences over clost:r monetary and political links ia an enlarged Euro- pean Community. The two leaders met at Cheq uers, Heath's official country residence, to discuss the shape o( tht: Europe of the future, with Britain confident the French referendum will back her admission to the Common Market. Heath asked and received assurances from Pompidou of continued full French support, after what diplomatic sources said was a fl utter of nerves ht:re caused by the president's surprise call for a referend um of the French people on whether or not they approve the enlarge- ment of the European Community to in- cludt: Britain, Ireland, Denmark and Norway. Tht: question of monetary reform WRS high on the agenda of tht: llllks, con- ducted by the two leaders in the prt:sence of interpreters only in the ca lm at· mospht:re of what British officials termed "a typical English country weekend." At 1:30 p.m. today, hundreds of youngsters from the Old Mission School will march lh rough the mission grounds, clad in period costume. After a trad itional ceremony invol vi ng the passing of the mission banner to a descendant of a pioneer San Jua n family in the student lxx:ly; youngsters ·will Off-cuff Trick Baffles Police MEM PHI S. Tenn. (AP)-The 1.00().man Memphis Pol ice De- partment is learning a new method of using handcuffs, thanks to a 1&-year-old city lad. David Sullivan challenged the method used by Lt. James Bullard in instructing patrol- men for the last 15 years and Sullivan proved his point. Sulli van was able to esc'ape without a key everytime Bui· lard placed handcuffs on him. ''I handcuffed him exactly as I teach in school. Every way we handcuffed him, he got out ." said Bullard. The youth refused lo di vulge his method, but he did demon· strale an escape·proof tec h- nique. It involvt:d cufflnR the \.•:rists below !he forearm bones with the backs of the hands fac ing each other. category. !ht: shooting continued outside. The or· ~lundreds of locaJ residents, many of ficers in lht: halls exchanged fire ~·ith the them childrt:n, took an active role in tile man and killed him, police said . annual parade. Police sa id they could nOt positively Identify tht: dead man. The woundf':d of~ Horse men. bands and other marching ficers were identified as Sgt. Vt:rnon D. un ilo; competed for trophies in numerous Adams, and offict:rs Dalt: E. Eggers, categori es. The big winner of the day was Lawrence R. Laxton and Clay McDonald . Ma lt:r Dei High School of Santa Ana Poli ce said the sniper apparently had ~·hich captured sweepstakes award for been using a shotgun loaded with bands. birdshot. Jud ged the best family rid~ng group A hotel clerk said tht: gun balllt: la sted was the Scott Ray mond Girls .from 2.S minutes and. "several hundred.shots'' Laguna Niguel. Another Niguel group, wt:rf': fired . About a dozen persons had Cub Scout Pack 700, was judged the-best -t>;ee·n-in the lobb-y whcl'I thl:-stroollng- watking entry for three persons or more. began , he said. 4 PrisO"~ers Die in Fire; Rescuers Save 2 Others CLAYTON, Ga. (UPI) -Four prisoners died of smoke inhalation and a fifth was hospitalized Saturday when, a smold ering fire brokt: out in a storage room or the Rabun County jail. Two other prisoners, arrested just a few hours t:arlit:r on drunk driving charges, had been placed In cells near the front of the cell block and rescuers mana ged to free them. Victims of the fire were ide ntified as R. E. Thompson, 47, o( Clayton, who was being held on a peace warrant : Marvin Edmons, 17, also of Clayton, who had been convicted for burglary and sen- lt:nred to two -years in prision: Ronnie Rry11nt Scott, 21, Pen sacola, Fla .. sen- tenccct lo three years for 11uto theft ancl also being helrl rnr federal authoritie.~ for escape from ll Florida jail : and Fred Krenzer, 19, Rochester , N. Y., wanted by the Army as a deserter and being beld for Towns County, Ga., authorities an ki'dnap charges. The prisoner who was hospitalized was Carroll McCalJ · of Clayton. Charges against him were not disclosed. The jail in thi3 little northeast Georgia mountain town, population 2,000, ls in the same building as tht: court house and the sheriff's quarters. Death Bill Entered ' Assemblyman John Brii::gs ( R • F'ull erton ) has Introduced a bill aimt:d at reinstating the deAth penalty l n Cal ilornia and expects st rong en• dnrst:ment from the state's correctional officers. He labeled tht: issue "a matter of grea t import and significance.'' Joe Col~mho Back in Hospital Dolphii1s Dea~tivated NEW YORK (UPI) -Joseph Colom· bo, nputed underworld leader who picketed the FBI, reentered Roosevelt Hospital Saturda y for what were d~serlb­ ed as 1'routlnt: checks." Colombo's family denied that his bullet-weakened l)'Stem is showing new signs of collapse. Colombo. described by U.S. authoritie! 11s the head of one of New York's five organized crime "families," has never recovered fully from neck, jaw and brai n wounds innicted in An assassination st- tempt, l11st June 28. Recent reports said he had developed a kidney ailment . Ile spent two months in a hospital, but had been receiving mt:di cal attention at home since lale la!t Augu!lt. A ramily 1pokesman denied lhal his rt.tum to the hospital Saturda>' was lhe result of a rel apse. Conibat Porpoises Killed Red Frogme1i SAIGON (UPI) -The U.S. Navy h" pulled a supersec rct team or warrior por- pOises out of Vietnam after a year nf guard ing agai nst Communist frogmen, mili tary sources said S11turday. The sources sa id the porpoise!. trained iit the Navy Undersea Research and De- velopment. Center in San Diego, left Viel· nam last November, possi bly lo rt:turn to San Diego. The six porpoi~s ancl their doze n trainer! had the jnh while in Vietnam or guarding th~ harbor of the Cam Ranh Bay air base ~rom Communist frogmtn. We1pom were 'ttached to their snouts ind on 1ever1l occasiOM they killed Un· derwater gue rrillas, the sources said . Although the ir presence was open knowledg e throughout th e country. th~ Navy stamped "top secret" on the project and reruscd to answer almost all questions about the parpoises. A Navy spokesman issued a brief com· munlque Saturda~ saying only: "The collectioM of research dut1 sched· Uled for the Republic of Vietnam con· cerning !iUrvelllance capablllties or por· poises was completed In late 1971 and the porpoises h11 ve been withdrawn. Fur- ther deta ils ar, not 1vailable." The sources said lhe porpolM:s. wh.iJe in Vietnam, were taken out into the harbor • 11t Cam Ranh Bay each day In 1 special boat and set loost:. They said sailors in the boat used a rad l<t transmitter-receiver system to or- der the porpoises to patrol different areas of the harbor or to bring them back to the boat. The soo rces snld an assortment of dlf· ferent weapons, one rcsembltn~ a swllclto black\ were attached to their snouts. On ~ee ing a swimmer the.'( signalltd lhc tr trainers and, if given the okay, then went 1n and auacked. The sources said thrre were "several proven cases" of porpoises killing under-- water guerr illas 11 Cam Ranh Ray, bul they declined to give any details. • A ,, OAllV Pit.OT ' Farmer Isn't Bor111ann U.S. to Give, Old Man Not Hitler's Aide, Colombia ·Repo rts Nationalist PASTO. COiombia (APl -Colombian authorities said Saturday they h8Vfl dismissed as unfounded a claim that an old man living In the jungle might be. Hitler's deputy 1'fitrtln Bormann. Johann Hartmann , who v.'as brou~ht here from his ju ngle farm for questioning after a Colombian margazini made the claim, sa id he was a .Jewish adventu rer who ltft Germany in 1926. "The case has concluded.'' said Judge Ulpiano Rueda Rosero. "Nothing seems to match regarding the claims that Johann Hartmann is Martin Bormann." Col. Guillermo Medina Sanchez, Pasto C-hief of police, said Hartmann "can get Key to Calm For Ireland: Not • Ill Force By JOHN ALLAN MAY Ch r istian Sctence Monitor Se rvice LONOON -Bipartisanship here now bangs ·by a single thread as politicians from both sider; throughout thf': British Isles and Ireland wait for the expected new London peacf': ph1n for Ulster. That thread is the realization thBt the basis for any settlement must be built out of acts of reconCi!Jation between the two communities in_ Ireland. however !hey are described -Roman Catholic and Protf':stant, republican and Unionist (faVoring continued uhion with Britain ). By now it is widely accepted that no AMWer ls possible through force. The · majority in the north will not be brought into a united Ireland, or anywhere near one, at the point of an outlawed Irish Republican Army submachine gun or in an ambulance. Nor will the aspirations of frish patriots be . SUbdued by Britlili'' ·Army patrols:· · It was of reconciliation that opposition leader Harold Wilson spoke when he met Prime Minister Edw::ird Heat h in John Cardinal Heenan 's house after a service of intercession for Northern Ireland in Westminster cathedral. But one by one most of the other threads that ha've held the two main parties at back to his farm whene ver he wants." llartmann has used the name Juan EhrmaM In Colombia . He denied tn a news conference Saturday thnt he was Martin BormaM, the Nazi who disap· peared at the end or }Vorld Wnr II and who la ter was sentenced to death in absentia for war crimes. "It i11 just a fu ss I've been put to by the magazine.'' Hartmann said. "I never me\ the Nazi chiefs because I left Germany in 1926 when t 'A'as 26 years old, after fighting in the first \Vorld War." He said he was de manding $2,500 from Cromos magazine as compensa tion for tun e lost in verifying his Identity . The magazine reported that the 73. year.old farmer llved at a jungle village 'Him? Oh that's Saint Patrick!' violence ) l.s designed to strengthen. pre· judice anti rei nforce bitterness." Wilson had been tn Dubli n to some ex· tent as Heath's emissary. For !he British Prime Minister cannot possibly go there himself. But Heath ha s to dea l nol only wit h Jack Lynch's government in Dublin . He has to deal wit.h, and through Faulkner's Union ist government in Belfasl. And while I.his bitter argument wa s going on, a group of Ulst er senators and Unionist back-benchers in the House of Cori\nfons 'of tile tJ1STerT>arlliment 11t Stotmonr castle were passing a re solu· lion opposing any new political initiati ve by Heath If it involves: I. Any move to a united Ireland. 2. Any element of direct ru le from West minsrer. 3. Any proposals for "community government" or proportional represen- tation in the Northern Irish Cabine t. whatever of settling anything. It might COMMENT trigger the Protestant backlash which so far, while Br itish troops have done the Westminster together over the Irish i!:sue figh ting against. ths IRA , has been have snapped . notable for its absence. Almost the last went wit h a crack after But radical act ion mig ht be taken as 1---""Uson-har-been---intervte:wed-on-trtsh---action--l'tgainst-members---of-Heatlh1s-own television during his visit to Dublin. part.y, the full l}tle of v .. hich ls "the Northern Irela.1d 's Prime Minister Conservative and Unionist Party.'' Brian Faulkner issued an outraged st.ate. Yet a weak initiative has no hope ment. He was stung by some of Wilson~s what.ever of 11ettling anyt hing. I might references to the "Provisional" wing of indeed lead to an even worse situation the illegal IRA. than now e:ii:ists. .. knowledge of the situation," declared' Faulkner," if, instead or talking in Dublin about what he described as a well disciplinod. lightly kiiit group, he had made a tour 'of ttie Belfast hospitals to see some of the victims of the disciplined activities of that group ." WU.SON'S RETORT To this blasl Wilson instantly replied with one of his own "Mr. Faulkner's ill- considered outburst," he declared. "far from helping toward that end (an end to TI,?LLING SMILE PHJLADELPHJA IUPll -Charles Coleman, 25, made the mistake of smiling while being questioned by police about a minor auto accident. Colema n now faces federal bank robbery charge s because of his gold tooth, prominentl y di splayed on wanted posters distributed following a $22.000 bank robbery March 7. Lamb Chops U.S.D.A. CHOICE DOMESTIC LAMB LARGE LOIN SMALL LOIN Enjoy the taste of de1icious, nutritious lamb in first-of-the-,veek menus! with an Indian wife under the alias or Juan Ehrmann. It published pictures or hlm and his family ~n the porch of their farm, which the magazine said was a hideout for the Nazi fugitive. A p~r~n from the village testified that Hartm11nn and Eulal ia Jojoa \\•ere mar- ried at the village church in 1931. Asked by newsmen Saturday wh11t he thought of Bormann. ~lartmann angered 1and replied : "I don't have tlme to think about Bormann. and don't bothe r me further with that." Hartmann said he "A·as wounded in the right temple dur ing Worl d War I . leaving a scar. Traces of the injury 'A'ere cited by the magazine Cromos as evidence the ol d farmer was Bormann. ,. .Soviets Get Bomb Threat To Airlines PARIS (UPIJ -Police clamped strict gecurity measures ()n Soviet Aeronot Airlines planes Saturday after a Maoist group threatened to blow up planes unless the airlines paid over half a million dollars. Th~ Soviet embassy informed police it had received a threatening Jetter signed by the "Pierre Overney Revolutionary Group" demanding two mill ion Swiss francs ($526,316.1 The Pierre Overney extremists, taking the name of a young Maoist agitator kill- ed by guards of the Renault factory, kid- napped a Renault executive March 8. They released him 48 hours later although their demands for the freeing of arrested demonstrators were not me t. Police ordered 130 reinforcements to the Le Bourget airfield lo guard Aeronot airlin ers and sea rch the passengers and luggage traveling on the Soviet Jine. Pro-Soviet French Communists ha v.e condem'ned the radi'cal Pierre Overnev ~roup. Police ·said the r-.-1aoisls sent a threatening leller to .Jacques Duclos. a leading Communist Party official , a few da ys ago. In Cologne. police said \Vest (;erman rail \\'ay offic jaJs ha ve received threats that a trai n would be bl own up unless $77.000 was pa id. Police said the federal railways head· quarters in Cologne had received since earl y February ti letters .and a telephone cat! apparently from the same person. U~l Ttltplltll JEWISH IMMIGRANT SUSPECTED AS MARTIN BORMANN G1rm1n-born Ju1n Erdmann, lndi1n Wife, Daughter and Granddaughter India Holds Pakistani Prisoners as Pawns J)ACCA, Bangladesh (AP) -India and return o( ttie prisoners. captured in the Bangladesh "'arned Pakistan Saturday east after the Pakistan army surrendered !hat no Pakislani war prisoners will be in Da cca last December, with recogni- returned home until President Zulfikar tion. Ali Bhutto recognizes Bangladesh . India has maintained the Pakistan is A Bangladesh spokesman also di sclosed surrendered in Bangladesh to a 101nl com· that his government had drawn up a list mand or !he Indian arm y and the Bengali ·or 1.500 Pakistan military men against guerrillas Bhutto, in an interview last \vhom "·ar crimes complaints h11ve week with t"·o Indian jou rnalists, been lefdged. 'but· it will ~ be · checked ...,-,:.described this stand as "legal fiction." further. India holds about 90.000 ·· Pakistani \\'ar prisoners. The Ind ia n-Pakistan warning on war prisoners \vas announced at the end of two days of talks between Prim e Minister Tndira Gandhi of Ind ia and Prime Minister Muji bur Rahman of Bangladesh. Bhutto has called on India to unilaterally repatriate th e Pa kistani prisoners as a gesture of good will. Widower Calls Funeral Parlor: 'Pick Up Body' China Suh? \\IASHI NGTON (AP) -Chjnese Na• tionalist sailors will start submarine training in the United Stateli thili month jn wh8t JTIDY ~e. a.,.prelyde_ to Tailrl1fs Na\'Y acquiring""" its first U.S.-built subn1arine. 1'he move could arouse protests from senators concerned that any new forms of military aid to the Chiang Kai·shek government coul d endange r still·fragi le U.S. relations with Commun ist China. Penlallon officials said the Chinese Na· tionalists have asked the United States for a submarine In be used in training their surface warships to hunt and kill hostile submari~s. The Taiw11n government has not asked for any combat submarines, officials said. Defense authorities reported the matter has been under consideration for some time but that no final decision has been made on whether to provide !hf': Na· tionalists with an old Diesel electric boa t as "a target submarine for training purposes.'' However, disclosure that 82 Chinese Nationalist naval officers and enlisted n1f'!l will start 26 weeks of training at the U.S. Navy's sub n1arine school in New London, Conn .. March 27 suggests that lile Taiwan request will be approved. Officials said such a craft could be laken out of raothballs and sold to Taiwan as surplus. or it could be loaned to the Taiwan go vernment. Spec ia listli said the loan approach would re<i uire congressional au thnriia· lion, and it was recalled that back in J971l Senate opposition blocked the Nixon ad• ministration's proposed loan (lf thrte sub· marines to Taiwan. He Shot An Arrow •. And It Cost Him SEVENOAKS. England (UPI J Archer y enth usiast Bob Shaw has \earned thal paylng debts by bow·a nd-arTow ca rt be e;(pensive. A magistrate fined him SJ04 for shooting an ::irrow with a check for $59.20 he owe<l through Mrs. Fay McCallum's bedroom window. He told the judge she had been pestering him to pay the debt. Vietnam Deaths Over I Million The Bangladesh spokesman said India \\'ill not negotiate the repatriation of Pakistani troops without concurrence fro m Bangladesh and Bangladesh will not concur unless Pakistan e x t e n d ~ dipl omatic rel at ions to what formerly was asfl'iil<iSlan. ~tlAMt, 1'~1a. <AP ) -•·PJeA.Se come pick up my body" liA-year-old Gt Orj!:e Har per told the shocked sec ret ary of a DAILY PILOT local lunecal home when she answered DELIVERY SERVIC E th_e_le_\ep_ho~n~----------l----- This is the first time the governments o! India ~nd Bangladesh have linked the Then. on the first anniversarv of his wire·s death , police si:iid the Photogra- pher put a shotgun to his head and killed himself. SAIGON (UP]) -U.S. jets virtua lly wiped out a North Vietnamese tank bat-Hartke Withdraws Harper who w11s buried Saturd ay never talfOn on the twisting jungle trails of Laos recovered from the death last yea·r of his Dtlivtry of tht Dally Pilot Is guarolnteed Monl'll Y·F"•1cl1y: fr Ylll.I 11n ""' htv• ~ur l).ll~r bv !;lO II "'·• t f ll t r>d Yf'll• CllllY W•I( ~ ~OVGh! Ill y~u. Cnll1 ••• ltke~ until 7::11 11-m. · ' · iw__F . wife, Margaret, friend,, said . mauled a force or 500 Commu nis ts on the '"'o""m"'~""lftePrimary· --in-fnetivlni room of Tsfiom'_e_Po~l~ir~.~~-·~~.ft)r~uv-•lllt"SundJ'(;frvtltr!lo"l\:on<m<'i"•-f~~·----· r d d k I d $ yau• ca11y by f •.m. ~~!urcu-.. or I •·"'· rocky hills overlooking the A Shau Valley, oun a es ca en ar opened to M11r su~d•v. ci u 1.,,.. 1 co"v ..,.111 11e brot.JtM 10 allied commands reported toda y. OAKLAND. Calif. IUPI 1 -Sen. Vance 15, 19ZJ. with the words: "Th~day M . you, c.n1 ~:1 ·~-.,., u~,111a '·'"· Command spokesmen said al lied and Hartke, short on campa ign funds and garel died'' written on the page. Co P I. h Ttlephones mmuni st soldiers kept up fighting on· a voter support. withdrew Saturday fr om . o ice said I. at be(ore Harper killed half-dozen ba ttle fronts across Indoc hina California's .... ·inner-take-all presidenllal himself Wednesday he phoned Philbrick 'and the recent stepup in clashes sent primary. and Son and told the funeral home's sec. com bat deaths over the one million mark. The Indiana senator, regarded as the retary: "My name is George Harper and The spokesmen s~id battle dealhs rose lnngest of the longshot can dida tes for th e I've made prearrangements." to 1.002.448. including 800.856 Com-Democratic presidential nomination , in-''\Vhat is the .iame of the deceased, munisls, 45,633 Americans, 151.190 South dicaled he still will run in hi s home sir?" ::isked the secretary. Vietnamese and 4.739 Australians. New stat~'s primary May 2 and in Wisconsin ''Me," replied Harper. ·• ... this is a Zealanders, South Koreans and Thais. April 4. ~uicide. Please come pick up my body." Libby's ... Six 5Y2 oz. cans - Mo~t Or~ngt Coun!y .i.rt-111 ••••. , ••1·•321 Nll•!hw&i• l-lun!lng!On 811t11 i nd We1tmlns1tt l1n Cltmtn•t , C•lllllrl tlO &t•c~. Stn Juan C111111r1rio, 01nt Point, Br ight color ••• brfght taste ! Pu re toma to juice, rich and red, in little cans that are just right for indivldual pleasure and satisfaction!,., and El Rancho's price is just right for .savings! -, Egg Plant............... 15~ Dare to serve something different .. , and be glad you did I Sliced Ham ........ ' .... 45 c Cress ida, •• Jean, delicious ham in 4 ounce packages ! (Sec~ion Formf'rl ) Boneless Saratoga Lamb Chops ............ '1.69 lb. Sunshine Chiparoo Cookies . .. .. . . . . .. . . .. . .. . .. . 59' Served baked or broiled ... enjoy fl avor as 'vel l as vs.Juel Ch ocolate Chi p favorites in a big 15 ou nce package I fresh Ground Lamb Steaks ..................... 69'~ Pricts in effect ft-f on., Tu~s.1 1Vtd. M.D.-Bathroom Tissue .......................... 3 ,.,'1 So easy to fix.,. and so easy to rn;oy ••• at this special price! Four roll packages,,, and at• price tn•t it1a inviting I ~ March 201 ti, tt. No tale.t to dealer1, ARCADIA · """1 ,,,~ H1111ting1on nr i'ii'li· PASADENA : ;:/i'11 SOUTH PASADENA : r/i'i:· HUNTINGTON BEACH : r/i1/, NEWPORT BEACH : n21 New,ia1t mv~ '"" Ii, , r,., L 1 '1!t' JlU Wr.~f C1 :01,nl11 H l~d f rr.111011l .1nrl fh 1nl111g ton Dr ,• WJrner .111d Algo nq111n fln ,u dwalk r.enter , · 2JS~ Ea stblufl 01 1fasthlulf Village Centei ,i /- • ' . Ju11t c:-ating .. It .. Coastline Control s: Ask Peop le Who Kno\v \\'Hl'l'Hf>~R THE COAST DEPT. - Everybody seems lo v.·ant a piece of the action these days \\•hen it comes to t·onlrolling th<' coastline and ils ultimate destiny. Assc1nbly1nan Alan Sleroly. the Democrat fro1n Be,·- crly llills. is on his second lime around in atte1np1 ing lll ~et a coastline' control bill passed by the California Leg!slatu re. He scerns to h<l\'C significantly more muscle behind the effort this lime for his measure that wouJd set up a series of stale-operated regional con trol agencies . . 'fhese people ,,·ould prett y much have a say on every· lh111g done from 1.000 vards inland to three miles out to sea. \\hi ch is a considerable stretch. • \'ou would, ho\1·ever, probably still be able to paint your house \l'i!hout stute pcrn1it. , l\.11':ANWHI LE. STATE Senator Denn is T. Carpenter, 1he Ne\vport Beach Republican. has introduced a counter- measure or a mlldcr nature. Cities. for example, v.·ould be rxcn1pted fro1n the controls. Thr ptcti n fact is thal some sort or coastal control l<n1· ht1s a strong chunce or passing into la\1' at this lcgi!'ilative session. Lo ng·limc coastal folks. or course. ~et kind of squin- IY·l'.\'C'd 11·hc11 large government agencies start getting preoccu pied 11·it h the coastlinr. :\ FE\\' \'EAUS back. ii has been recalled that a heated flap developed 11·hen beach sand started disappear· ing in large quantities at places like r\e"·port and Surf- side. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers launched a big study that insisted all the sand was being s"·ooshed down a submarine canyon just off Ne"'J>Ort Pier. Some local "'ag as ked how come lhe canyo n \.\'asn't fu ll by now and transformed into a sand dun e? Newport lifeguard Chief Robert Reid sent a couple af di\'ers down in !he th ing to find all the sand. They found an old railroa d car. assorted dead fish, son1e old tin cans and 1nud . No san,d. Some nearby dory fi shermen insiskd all the miss ing !:iBnd wns actually .spread just offshore on the llunting. t0n Reach f!;:ils. Radioacli\'c san d tr:1cers 1rf'rr la unched but it is t.'1!1 uncle<Jr if the Army ever fo und the sand . C\·cn if the dory fi shern1 en tlid . LOTS Of environmentalists ha\'e complained that :.C\\'er oulfo.lls damage marine life, Particularly suspect \\'as the pipe fro1n Wi;iuna Beach's old we11.k-kn eed se\v er plant. Laguna Lifeguard Chief Skip Conn er. ho11·. • ever. made a recent dive at the pipe and reported sea life flourishi ng there . Some bio logisls believe rocks sup. porting the pipe gathered the sea lire and not the se"'· age effluent. . \Veil. at least Conner prol'ed lhose sea beasties liv. ing there are hardy fello"·s. Debate has also de\'eloped in recent limes over -pollut ion i11-l'\ewport llarbor... E\•erylhing from...sea gulls.. to boa ters to drain pipe s has been blamed. r\ewport boatyard ov•ner Blackie Gadarian. ho\lo·ever. sH j?gested scrapin11: the crud off the bot to m of the bay might allev- iate a lot of the problen1. TllE LATEST report fron1 Orange County Health Dep artment authorit ies i ndicatin~ a lo~ of toxic junk ix r---•---oir th-et>bltlil'n. · e·ndr-ro -make-C adar ian '!-guesr look-·-· prc!ly good. . I suppose "·hen ii ronlcs _to running the coastline , "'C ~houl~ook for all !he oul~de help "·e can get. ~ Jl does see1n to me. lw"·evPr, thnt some of our \'fr.\' 01\·n coast~! pundit!' have a orett.v l!ood battin~ a\·rrage \\'htn il ~es to de.nlinF! l\'ith st A<:hore-vexation5. Of course. you can't give them too much credit. They live here. ' Na tion 's Hot S pot? Cali for nia's t he Place Tc111pcr11l11 rcs •H9h LO'N Pc~ A,1~11\Y " " " Anchortgt " • A!l1nt1 " " Boi5t " " flollon " " ... Ch1rlo!1t " "' . " Cltlc190 " " (lncinrl.!l!I .. " Citvtland ,. " ·" Dt l!t • " " Oenvfr .. " D•1 Molntl " " Detroit ~ " IC1n111 "~ .. ~ ~ La' Vt<tt• " ,. Loui1vlllt " " Mtmr>lt•I " 4 " Mit ml " .. MllWtUktt " ,, 1Jln11tt110ll1 " " Nt w 0•111111 " .. Ntw Yer-" " ... Oklt hOmt CITY " 6 o mtll• " " . " Pl'll!•dtfplt!I " " :" Pltctnl• " .. l'llh burgh ,, " ... Pcrllt nd. Ort " " ... l'l:ieltmono. " " " ·" !\'. lei/II " " 511! lt~t City .. " ~ • ., 011'110 ~ " "" ''l llCl'KO .. .. ~•tll!t " " ~ooklnt .. " W1shlnQ!o11 " " ·" ll .S • ."i1111 u 1111r11 ll •ln or •now In lltrtt •ecu~ .. , ol th• country 1n1rrttl v·hrl ot!\erw11o1 W•l I lt•r ~a1ura~v lO<" "'°'' ot !h'! nation Showtrl 1nd lsc1 t!ed lltuntler,lor" t Wf rt lf tlorltcl lfO"' ll>fo p.,.llic "lftrll•• we~r c1M1t 10 !ht ..o•lhern l'l:oc:~lfl 1ntt trom E1s1orn Ttnn11,., to lht crntrtl Gull Cot1/. , northern mounlllns lod1v. Tne 1ta!t ellt Wlltre remain'd wilh ciear Skits ••Ctl•I lor considereblt log ~no low clol>dlntl l alooo a rt ts ol !ht ,c1s1 ano e•tt nding Into ccasrat v11 . lt~t. Tht cloudine1s w~s t•Pttltd tc dlssi11ate a1r1~. t::r11nc, with 1 hl(lll •eAdlng cf «I dtjjrt ts. st l • n!w tKCtd fer 10 ttrlv In lht sea1cn. Thtrmt l. with 11 "· wts lllt wt rmeil ll)(lt in I~ sttlf . T1mper~hrr1s wt rt ll•fdl(tt d 10 be • 111111 cooltr tod1y cvtr mot ! cl (•II· lcrnl•. l ow clouds 1rid toc 1! drlnle cct •ll l trt11 clet rl119 ~rt11 111 t nd be'oml1111 ma1!1y sunny S11nc11y 1flern0Cf!. F1rr In Ille mout1!1fn1 tnd 111111r11 but ou111 wlrid1 In lllt ncr1n parllon. COl>ltr i'I vpper COISll l V.lttyl Ind ll'\OIJ!ll1l11s lodlY t nd slight!~ COOlt r In ' !ht mountt lM t nd d1Mrt1 llcl1y. l • Angel11 11111 vlclnl!y. CIMv wlfll OWllY p1rtltl cl11rlnt thl1 1rtt r110011. O.toml"'ll mostly sunny 1nd 1 111111 w1rmtr s11n111y 1rt1rnoon. l oct1 drlr· 111 this mcrnlnt. Hl11h todl Y U l ow tt nljjht 54. High Sulldt¥ 61. Pc\nt COMIPllOn to Mtlclct n borde'r; Llgllf v1rl1bl1 winds n19ht t nd morn· h111 hours, 1u comlng w1111rly 10 to 10 knoll In !ht 11t1rll0Cf!1 lcd1y a nd Sund1y but ncrlllw111 wind• U to U knots 11 limes <1'1 Pclnl COl'lct pllcn lhrOU(lll outer cot stll "'t ler1. M(l1.tly clouay with • ch1nct ol 11rly niornl r>g drlrtlt but Cl11r/11f1 likely Sun· city tf!erncon. Cots!•! &no 1n1erme<:1111e v1n1y1: N!pll! t nd morning low c1otx11 t nd Ioct l t!•lule, btccmlng p1r!ly sunny lh!J t!lernoon t nd m~!IV ~unny SU11· c11v t l1ernocn. Cooler IOd•V willl high1 1.. tht 601. Lo..< tonight ~l 10 ss. A ll!t\1 w1rmer SUl'ld•.,. wllh h!ghJ •S lo 15. Mmm11:n 1re11· l'GCI •nd c1rlnlt lower cct~!ll slol)t!~ ,.;qnt 1'1(1 morning llour5. otne.-... ist f1lr IOdty. Gu,1r wind•, strono •• llmts In !ht ntirlhf rn r1nqet. Glenet1tly coott r IOdfY Ind \llgh•lv tooltr in lht ll+gl'llr r11ng1s S-1y. H!Olll l<IPIY m0$tly In Ille S0t .,.,., lcw '°5. LO'o\'1 In !I'll 301 t ncl «11 ' I ' ; ! • ,, BREEZY AND CASUAL NYLON SLIP-ON TOPS Re~. 2.96 2 DAYS 2.22 The right combination of stylish good looks ond ''now" fashion beauty. Sporty ·short-s-le eve-topsirr a choice of styles such os mock and full turtle necks, zipper fronts a nd v-n ecks. Stripes, solids. S·M·l. Our Reg. 3.97 2 DAYS Step out in style with these snoppy crinkel pol · en! vinyl sandals. They hove mony strops to wrap your feet in style. White. 5· 10. Charge it, OPERA GLASSES Reg. 1.77 97' Fold com pactly to fit In o pocket or purse. Hondywrlst strop for solely. A must for t hootor ond sports. Su"'11y, March 19, 1972 DAllV PllOT DAILY 10 A.M. • 10 P.M. -SUNDAY 10 A.M •• 7 P.M • i • ,. . • ' " ' ' SPRING HANDBAGS Our. Reg. 2.97·4.97 1.97 Vinvl drell b191. (tlu1l1, 1hould 1r 1win91rs, I widt choic1 lot vcunir or old. 8 11tk, browh, bont, ntY¥, rid. .i '\ . " " I ' JR. BOYS' 2-PC. SUITS Our Reg. 6. 97 s.to 2 DAYS Ha ndsome suits In '(PH~) matching or con· '/ .!!'!!.,. t ra s t in g solids, >f· f . \ ploids or. stripes. y il ~Eo sy no-1 ron. 3·7.; . .. . . " ... • ROOM-SIZE 8Y2xl l Y2,' ALL-PURPOSE RUG Reg. 14.88 2 DAYS 11 88 ANKLETS FO~ ILL THE GIRLS Woter-resistont , polypropylene-face rug with c-----1;'9---w·, at!Je-b·otkin1). -111 golo;-ovocodo, nnf; blue r----,1 • 1 Our Reg. 3 pr./96f ,,,s. ·-71-c--- 2 DAYS Streich nyl on anklets Jn wh ite, pastels ond. dork colors. Turn· over cuff. 6·8}),9-l l . ~ ~~f; 2 1or 5.00 ~ Worm and cozy, 72x90" blankets mo de from po/yester/royon with a 3" nylon b inding. Choice of d ecorator colors • ' green or block /white. Charge ;tot Kmo rtl l WAY LIGKi BULBS 36' Stock up -Save on J. w1y li9ht bulb1. 60· I 00· 150 watt. USE YOUR KMART CHARGE OR BANKAMERICARD ROD lllD llEEL COMBIMITIOll Both for 497 Reg . 6.61 Sp in ning reel, 20·pt. pick up . 75·yds. 1 O·lb. mono line. Fiberglass spin· cost rod. Chrome guides. Chorge Jtl Sunday Only Breaded CHUCK WAGON STEAK C rttl'!'ly whipped p ol1lo11. Rich 9 r I w v, 8u1!1red V191ftbl1, W1rm roll t b 11H<tt. 88' Monday Only Ro11t Young 1111 ontv otntr ,,.., with lltd wttlh· •• WIS In 1111 nor1hl•~I. wr.trt U~hl rt•n, frlull 11141 too !lf'eclOmll'ltl~ 1n•01111h ncrtlltrn Ntw Ell01•nd wll!I • low M•uure ct11ttr tr1UI~ to l~P ,oulllWill, 11rl111l110 1ncw llurrle1 10 Ille IQWt r Gr111 L1ke1 tnd lllt c1nt•tl ..,11111l1cll1111t. lnt1rior tnf otter! •1t1I0111: Mo1Uy 1urnv IOd1y. Gusty w!nd1 15 lo 35 rn.11.11. ti tlmfJ. e1pecl1 Uy ht tlltl nortnt rn v11lt y•. Willt letll bltwlllll dU1t t nd 11nd. A lltllt cooler Ir• 1111 ncrtnern w1ll t Y• S1h1td1y t nd 11111\tly c:ool1r mot! 1re•1 IOd•'I'· HIOht Si i• U•dl¥ In ,,,. '°' In hlgr..r Yllltv-t !ld tile .Os ln lcwtr 1t1l llt Yt. HiiiJl\I S1111d1v 15 10 IS ln higher 1t1t ll1yt t 'ld ll IO ts '"' 10.,.et 1t11H1y1. 3 KITCHEii TOWELS 13-0Z.* PEANUTS IRRID SPRAY lfeg. 97' TOM TURKEY (All W'lilt M11tl Rich t iblt ! 6 r1wy, S1wo1y C 1l1ry Or1i1l11t, Cr11my Whipp1d P11t1!01. Hot lulttttcf V191t1b!1, Cr1nb1rry S•uct . Htl Roll & B1o1tt1r. Soulhern Ctlllorn!1 11111 11\t WI"'" •<I 'tlft' '" 1111 n.tllOft Fr1d1y I I T11trm· 11 ;,corOtd 1 "-cl"'" rt1dlll',i. Tnt 'oldt!l '"' lhh '""rlllflt WI& IC!ncht• IM °'"'· MJctt .. t t ' dt9rt•1, T1m11t••lurt• •nd C•f(l1tl!~l1M1 ier '~' '' l'IO\lr 11tr!od tndl~9 t i • t m. CalUn1•11la lfeg. 73f s1nt1 B••btr• ·~ 111111ur1 cwMI•• Bundle of 3 cotton fer· cc1s!ll t rfe •I'd Stnlt MOlll<.a 1•¥ .... 1n0 0r.w.o• t Ol.lnfy M11rooo111111 ry 1 2 x 1 4 '' c I ot h s , In 11•111 · Mcntly cloudy lodlY lllrout h Sund•V m11tnf11g, Clt•rlno t nd 1Uo1111y stripes. Ch a rge .It. Reg. 97' 79c Bundle of 3 fringed cotton terry towels . Stripes. l 5x:i7". ! w1rmtt s11n<:11y 11!1rfl.ft0n, l otlll ••tty Tii i 11to" pr1uvrt 1Y11~"' "''' 11' morning driult , Highs Sund1y 12 lo liiii•illiiiiliJiJi•••••iili•ii W11tfrn 1111111 1na elt !ht co.it Wtll~tntd And t 1"1..tllt ...,.111111.-~ .._,._ __________ !- WI\ 11111 to '""vi tnt11 l rlllr.11 Columblt i nd 1111 l'11rlflc l(ot1~wt1I t nd N<ll'llto 1 rn Ctll!orn!• l hf lrOlll. 11il'IOllff\ ....... llfDUtf\1 1 dtbblt ti r1111 11 11'11 co.e11 In tllt fut11i1 lo Ct1tttnl City 1t11 "'"'' •nd I ltw ~ M,_ ttpOrltcl In lh• llOl'~fll moufllltlftt. l r-. ~ t c!l\lify, lte-nV'ft', WI' f>oDIC!t• irl 11141 I f ftW ~ Mw II'"" wrt ffwtll lnO'tt• ft ltwl t# '"-•• _., .... hlfMltl•lorl'I It tM l11 ,,.. .4!1111, /tloou, Tide• ~·~· 2 FoRf1 Dry roosted with no o il or sugor used Jn processing . Sovel - 1.28 Added protection with Arrld extro·dry It . 9 • ll spray. oz. con ..... • 88' • -· .. • .. :: • • DARY Pll.OT EDITORIAL· PAGE ( ' I ·- ~· No Price Freeze Here -------··---...... SCHOOL Bu~• • .. •• • • • • • .. ' . . . • • • • • • • ~ • • • • • =· .. . . . • • • • . • ' • • l • - In a county with less and less unlncorporlted terri· tory to patrol and watch over. It ls some)Vbat difficult at first glance to understand why Orange County Sherif[ James Mu lck is seeking a $1 million boost in his 112 million budget. Of course, that's bis asking figure . It's likely to be somewhat less by the time the Board ol Supervisors works over the proposed budget. SherlH Musick j.uslifles a substa ntial amount of his requested increase ~by ·noting the-money would be i;pent 1., areas that help service itll law enforcement agencies in tile county. The county jail, for instance. is down for a $381 ,000 operation increa se. the coroner's o£fice is up $82,000 In proposed expenditures and the county in· dustrial farm $60 ,000 . The rest, says the sheriff, is simpl y needed for train· Jng and patrol purposes. l·le maintains the need is real. lle'd sp~nd about a quarter of a million dollars on train· ing programs, slightly more on increased patrols. pre,. sumabty because the areas he must police, while dimin· ishing in size, are becoming much more urbanized . Justified or not, the sheriff's budget is a good re· J'{linder that Mr. Nixon 's price control program doesn't Include taxes or governmental operations. ZPG Vs. Catholic Churcl1 Last weekend, a presidential commission predicted that the U.S. popuJation will increase by nearly 25 per· cent by the year 2000, creating a woeful package of economic and environmental problems. Then on. Thursday the commissioii ·gave its partial .solution to1 tbe situation: make available to all Ameri· Cans, married or single, abortion, contraception and steri· lization, federally financed if necessary. The Commission on Population Growth and the American Future said the average family should have two children instead of the current 2.5 children. And it ~iejected suggestions that this limit could De brought about through sterility bonuses, tax incentives or v.1el· fare limitations. ; Said UPI in reporting the story: Ms.: Steinem Dear Gloo1uy . . Gus . ' .N l}V.er Met Chauvin '.M. :. .. ( __ R_O_Y_C_E_B_R_I-ER-) . : Ms. (since she wants it lh11t way) (;loria Steinem, of New York, was Visiting hereabouts advancing t he Women's liberation movement in her . <ehosen branch, which seems largely con· Understand Washington lobbyists have a new bumper sticker : ··rree Dita Beard-She's Being Held in a Denver Hospi tal by the FBI.'' -R.L. Tlll1 k1l;rr1 r1111ct1 rtffer1• vi.wt., Ml Mentt~ tMH .t IM ........ ....,. S..,. yeur "' """ ,. GIMmr O;rt. o.nr l'W.1, "The 84·page report Is sure to Jntensl!y the heated deb~te about moral arid religious aspects of birth co.n- trol." That was an easy prediction. For by this weekend, some powerful voices -notably within the Roman Cath. olic Ch~rch had risen in protest. The U.S. Catholic Conference called the commission 's report 11 naive in its • assumptions and punitive in its recommendations." Other voices· are certain to follow . ~The commission's majority fl9 to 24) maintained. that. moral questions aside, unwanted babies are creat· ing tr}~ic results in America. They said 14 per cent of the nation's 15-year·olds and up to 44 percent of 19-year· olds reported havin g had sexual relations. Only 20 per· cent used contraception regularly. The Zero Population Goal (ZPG ) is gaining impetus nationwide. This report is certain to feed it with ne\v support. Just as certain is an inevitable head-on en· counter at the Con~ressional level between ZPG advo· cates and the traditional views of the Catholic Church and some other denominations. · Come ,Back, Sun-Please! Okay, V.'e've had it. Mr. Weatherman . If you can do anything about it at al.I -cloud seed. ing, Indi an dances or giant faris -lift that overcast and show us the sun once more. We didn 't choose Sunny California to be told day after endless day, '1Fog and heavy overcast during morn· ing hours with possible hazy sunshine in the afternoon." As a matter of fact. we haven't even been seeing much of that hazy sunshine most afternoons. ~Iaybe \Ve have forgotten last spring. Maybe the ~pring blah.spell "'as just as long and just as depressing 1n 1971 as 1t has been in 1972. All we know is it seems longer -and more depressing. tSSUE - 0 • ~.:t:o.~ Keep it up and the other two worries discussed in today's editorials (the sheriff's expenses and holding down population) won't be worries here on the Orange Coast. No one will want to move here anyway. 'WHEN YOU SOYS RIPE WITH ME} YOU ~IT lHE BACK SEAT! 'Atid My Mo11i, l' ou Know, She Goes ' • • • Plain English, She Hard to Find By THO~tAS KEEVIL D.lllJ l'llDI Edlto~ 1 think I was in college when I first read a book called ''Really the Blues" by Mitton "Mezz" Mezzrow. It was a fasc:nating revelation of the world of the EDITOR'S NOTEBOOK hip and the hype -the lives of black exchange between two students translate musicians, more often than not entwined to you? with narcoti'C! and "Cmon . ma11. les git goin," called the booze. boy t.Q..._his companion. • Mezzrow himself ''Oat bell ringin. Jt say, Git in rat ' the Carolina Sea Islands . That might ex· crown u•ith gold sparkle du st on ttie plain why he leaves consonants off the end points or that I declined the opportunity of his word s: too for tool. boo £or boot. of a $3 photograph of Katie and me with whn for toluit, jus' for just, pas,, for fake-ermine-trimmed robe added to the ! t past. men for mend or hole for hold. crown . AUTHOR ~OUR'S contention is What I really got was a reawakening to f that teachers in the nation's inner-city ~he .Patoill of today 's teenager. Standing f schools should accept this dialect as "not IA line for a cup of coffee. mentally cal· t culating S6 milliOA worth of orthodonti a just a careless version of Standard in the room , 1 eavesdropped on the con· 0 English. but a different fonn of English versation of two girls behind me. I that's appropriate at certain times and ''So J says, 'Mom. Dave 's really neat.' Y terned wit.h women's 1----'·""'1omiL>late_in_._ wa~ a fasci nating now." said the companion, dashing into character. A Jew, he I the school yard. ,.. ... , __ _,c~o!!mpass~s males. !(e chary...0Lne.w..agcn1e· _ _.cc.,,tLl so in love w~ "Atr.-f'get-you_;"-reptiea-fheorner. cies in government, the proposal may blact: culture that he •·whe ' Richuh? Whe ' da' muvvuh? He be Places." nd a a ... ya know , she says, 'Dave who,' and I don 't know if 1 agree with Mst--1~--'.'"----------1---~a,, 5eymour. Throwing the English languane "Yeah," said her companion. ··1,.,ean I " -America. : ' She has s ta lent for attracting at.len· make sense . called himself a Ne. goin' to schoo.'' That is, women in our complex com-gro and associated "He in de' now. man," wa s the an~wcr merci21I civiliz3tion are quite as im-exclusively w i I h ai; they went through the door. portant and quite as vulnerable as them, in bands and minor:ity business. in prison. where he successful!y over-ft ·isn't that hard to translate, but it i' Jion. recently saying President Nlxon is "the most sexually "Insecure _ national 1-~~teader~·-_;;: le<ln." Even male I came heroin addi'cti'on doe~ dev_iate -really deviate -from the Federa and state laws exist presuming · J f N .,_~~tG..confeJ!-eOOnomiCJ-equalit.y,-but-in-man ellrowlt; ~}iw;ntnkhicccMo a I ornia ~r"?. t also 's , . v r 1 . . o e at it s black Eng 1sh ghetto 'chauvinists must concede this judgment .'is fet~hing, though it has a wepkness#in fhat we doo1t know just how sexually in· secure the Emperor was. Maybe his doc· tors, wives and mistresses knew, but it ·was some time ago. : Unlike many of her co lleagues, f\fs. ' Steinem is physically attractive, though • she wooldn't thank you for mentioning it. She prefers to be regarded for her ~ ~ain , which is evidently a good one, and ',a cool , Qrie, covsideting the turbulent background of her interests. At present areas they -are circumvented or .dis-o its readers an entirely new vocabulary. speech unique for the tMst p t t th dainfully igno red. Ms. Steinem doe~ not It,:~~ t.li.! ... ?!~kof Jhe..._ !{lack JTIU&fl.i<w~ ~ tn'ba~ ~ . ··-~·-ar 0.. e come_cqi ~trong that this lack is due to an Jangllw.ze--Ufl'lqtlf-to ifs users 3.1fd so· ex-""'-' . . · · c ~so.mewhat more.-Ui.an ~ t . 0 • 'T'ar1ty 10 Orange County to be sure ) organiied mae conspiracy; at least she ens1ve that the book required a glossary So it's o;bad E g\' h''' " 1 ;_1k .. did not so indicate in her California of several hundred words . n ls or soppy l.d • · Right? meetings. THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE has Wrong. says linguistics expert Dorothy NOTWITHSTANDING, there is a always intrigoed me. I came ffom 8 sec-Z. Seymour in an article in Commonweal ponderable and long-prevailing male bias tion of the 1'-1idwest noted for dropping magazine. It is a dialect of its own. against econo mic equality for females, the letter "l" from the midd:e of words When a black switches sounds around not uniquely American, but going back . and the "g" from any \Vord ending in -ing. as in birfday fo'r birthday, bruvver for say, to Neolithic times. Barring film ac· Thus. I grew up Y:ith such sentences brother, he very likely is following the tresses1 who are not downtrodden, as. ''I'm not goin' to the deonist unLil pattern of his ancestors tracin,g ~a!;k !o ·American women are not paid as well as next \vinner." Midwesterners also have men-for-the--same work.-trouble with the--let!e~end to this day around v.'ithout restriction definiteiy tried to tell my mom ... and she went, g works hardships oil those caught ln a like rnan. yo u know. 'Billy can't show his fl ghetto/syntax trap. But (argues the on· fa ce here.' like ever again." p the-other-hand editor ~. 11-· c is something '1\Vcll. I go, '1'10m ,' and , you know , she J to~ said for retaining, say, the delightful wouldn't even LISTEN. man . She goes .. .'' Ii burrs of the Scottish "'r" or the soft ring And ?n it went. The P!J.rases "you . . A oL.a..Ne.w..Or!leaM-draw'i,.>-----''-'---1knaw1'-antt ••J-rn'ean·••-to:ci1rupvlrtuall .Yill--·~~---rrl Out here in Californi a, we've virtuallv parts of the conversations not occupiPd . t mastered what Ms. Seymour calls Stand-with-the Wl!_I"d~. so. s~ys.e.Jell.!. goes, E ard EngllSh ... Where does that put us? , 100 .. and man. They were used as wlld t Not in heaven. by my standards. pieces of glue to occupy the spaces between any relevant words. ONE NIGRT last week T foll~ed my paternal obligations and dutifully made an appearance at a "father-daughter dessert" with my J6-year-0ld daughter. Never mind that I don't eat desserts that Katie wa s so deep in her duties as Girls' League treasurer that I hardJy saw h!'r. that. 1 refused to wear ~e , cardboard Personally, I dig the ghetto dialect and the often-crude vocabulary willed me by Mezz Mezzrow far better. When someone says, "Da muvvuh Richuh, he in de' now,'' it adds up a lot better than, "You know . .I mean .. so Richard, he goes, I'm, you know, in the classroom, like, .already.'.!. • g •• c G th ~: ehe is founding an organization called Advocates, and is editing a magazine calJ.ed Ms . f\1A Y WE HOPE the magazine will catch on, and · that it he cool is more -needed by all of us today, than is that To alleviate th i 1 inequity, Ms. it requires a conscious.effort for me to Steinem 's movement must convince not hang that on the end of the word only a large share of men , but millions of ''macabre." women, not a few of whom are "sex ob-{My favorite sentence gleaned frorn jects'' in the general society, and love it. those ~tidwcst days mumbled out of the Ambassador Has a Fling th .. I m H In th R th • qu aUty couched in the mRgic word, security. It is not humanly possible lo be •iecure, but it is humanly possible to be •t ool, if you work at it. Ms. Steinem wants an "economic •revolution" which would enmesh with her particular revolution for women. She is working for establishment of a federal Office of Women's Economic Develop. rnent in the Commerce Department com· parable with the Office of Minority Business Enterprises. Even though the people, which en· That is Ms. Steinem's problem, as you 've mouth of a friend who was helping build noticed that sexy dolls are among the a porch. "~ffcn ya _Jay that hoard up agin first lo knock women's liberation in the lhat \\•all, he satd, "ya save a right achingly cultural atmosphere of the talk smart of CEE·ment." shows. So it_'s uphill all the way, but the There is, to almost any word-conscirrus cause is fundamentally rational. iind will person, a great deal to be learned about some day take shape. r 1 · Incidentally, the Word chauvinism Is entng lo and studying the dialect of derives from Nicolas Chauvin. one of anyone who deviates from the Calif11rnia Napoleon 's soldiers fanatically devoted to Norm. The CN is a bland amal~amation the Emperor 's cause when it was lost. so ot fonn , usage and pronunciation. It's A-1s. Steinem is not exactly disconnected. characterless and universal in our slate if her Freudian analysis is somewhat after the first generation setUes in. shaky. OKAY, CAUFORN!AN, how docs th~ It's Tough Being a Youngster One of the most unfortunat.e results ot modern "socialization" is lhar the most demands are made upon adolesccn~ at preciseJy the t.imc they are coping with internal problems of disturbance and de· vtlopmcnt . . Alt through th< Jatcr teem, in our time, youngsters are pressed to reach standards 1tnd de. line goal• that "" ciety sets for them -to make academic achievement, to choose a Ciireer, to be- came Increasingly "responsible'' In social and linlnc:lal matten. BUT ~HILE TUJS external prc"surc is ~-them one way, internal pressures ate i.nvolVl!d In lrying to solve some ma· jor personality problems or identtty and 'Quotes ,,_ NfPdiiplo DIYld~nott<l UC 111 .. .wo IN-lldu -"Wc live in a lftldtJne 1gf, wlietftfr we like It or not, ..i ,.. mll/ll 11 well leun lo talk to ..-.,....._ lhey're hen to stay." 'f SYDNEY J. IfARRIS status, and especially sex ual role. The youngster is generally so busy with what is going on inside himself or herself that be cannot pay proper attentk>n to the multiple demands from outside. Jo earlier period$ of history, this was not nearly so true. Most children did not go to school for any length of time, and were sent lo work in the fields or shops at an early age. or were apprenticed to some c:raftsman . There w1s . no in· tcrmcctiate limbo known ag "teen age" - you were a child and then you entered the grownup world. Thi s may have !>ctn In some ways physically ha rtkr. but also emotionally much easier than our modern pro- longation of adolesCcnce. TJlEft£ JS.ALSO another ractor we fall to consider. The teens are not only a time or sexual upheaval but aJso of a rise Jn tggressiveness, whJch part:nts charac- terlte as 1'rebe1Jion." ln pll.St sotletic1, this .aggressiveness w1s qften dra ned 1w1y by actual realistic conOlcts willl nature -laming the wi lderness. defend· Ing the fort, coping with floods and famines and all the primitive enemies of civilization. Today. WP. have found no adequilte substitute for this draining.away process. Juvenile transgressions, for instance are higher in the urban regions than the ;ural ones. not because farm kids are any "helter" but simply because they still have a residue of natural forces to fight against, while the city kid has no legitimatt object for his f'ggressiveness. and thus it recoils on his family and his neighborhood. (ANNA FREUD HAS pointed out th•t 0 countries whi~h are engaged in a battle for existence, such as Israel, do not report the same problems with their adolesccnLllJ whiCh are prevalent here ... The main difference, she explains, Is !hat "the aggression of the adolescent genera· lion i11 not Jived out within the family and community. but dirCcted against the enemy outside of the nation and cmplo~cd. in socially approved warlike activities.") Jt IJ more dif!Jcult to be a youngster to- day than at any ol.ht!r time In history. That'• why it's so much hardor lo be 1 parenl • WASHINGTON -Ambassador Arthur K. \Vatson. who has just been given the delicate assignment 0 r establishing diplomatic contacts with the Chinese in Paris, got glorious· ly drunk on the flight lo Washington for his conferences with Pres id en t Nixon . A number of wit. nesses have told us t h e slim, gray. haired ambassador, normally the piclure of · dignity, kept shouting for more Scotch. grabqing the lltewardessfs and trying to stuff money down the fronts of their blouses. . He finally pass~-out, his arms and legs sprawled a~oss the first-chH•s lounge, recall the witoe sscs. In Chinese eyes, drunken behavior Is considered disgraceful. The Chinese Jo,·e good liquor and even play drinkinit gt!mes. But the ro.an who gets drunk lose~ the j!'ame and brings shame upon hlmse:f. This raise.! ttie possibility th 111 t B11 George --.., Dear George : I've been reading so many scleoce-fiction stories about beings from other planets infillrating earth that l'm getting a bJt para,noid. Tell me, George, do you think there's any chance that beings from other planets might be wandering this earth in various disguises! ~ GETI'ING JUMPY Dear G.J.: Of course not, earthman. Dear George: t would like to know what to do. DESPERATE Dear llesporato: See how much bettor you reel once you race up to the probltm1 JACT( ANDERSON Ambassador Watson . in a bibulous state, could jeopardize the Chine,se.American detente ·and undo the good President Nix- ..on accomplished in Peking. WE HAVE discussed W.atsoi'l 's liquor .,.problem with a variety of sources. 'Insiders say this figurell in his departure from International Business Machines (IBM), the corporate giant his late father built. · Arthur Wal.ion'~ playOOy ways didn't mix with Big Business, and he lost the runoff for IBA'J 's presidency. As a con• solatfon prize, Nixon appointed him }.rr.:..Jssador '. France. We have traced $44,000 th11t he C('ln· tributed to the Nixon-Agnew campaign 411 1968, plus another $5,000 to the general Republi can cause. AgaJn in 1970, we have found record or $21 ,000 that he drop~ in the GOP ha!. Watson will handle the crucial negotlR· lions to increase trade, travel and cultural exchanges with Communist China. JJe· wlJLdeal with China·s veteran diplomat, lluang Chen, who has handled a number of seositive missions for Premier Chou En·lai. Huang is the only Chine:s! ambassador who belongs to the powerful central committee ol the Chinese CommuniSt Party. We have taken testlrrlony from several witnesses1 who flew w1th Watson aboard Pan Amer)can Airways' night 107 from London to \Vastilngton on M~h.. 9. The chief stewardess filed a" complaint With Pr" Am about WAt!On's conduct PAi\f A~1. however, hushed up lhe· report and ordered the night crew not to discuss thc lncldenl. A e o.m pa n y sr<>kesman refUt<d all comm•it. For the protection of the witnesses, tht.rtfort7 we have 1grecd tG..wllhhold 1i.-· · 'er.!ilies. ' They ill q,... that Wai.on was drunk when he boarded the ph1nc at 10: iS a.m., London lime. Before the airliner left the runway, he .ignored the "No Smoking" sign, propped his feet up on a lounge chair and yelled at a stewardess: "Hey you~ I "'{ant a Bloody Mary !" When she politely declined until the plane was aloft, he shouted at her : "Who do you think you are?" Thereafter, he called her a "bitch" and "stupid'' and threatened to get her fired. ije ke'pt up a holler for Scotch and grabbed at passing stewardesses. Then he lried lo stu(f $40 down the fronts ot their blouses. Finally he passed out and sl,.pt for about three hours. H,. got off the plane unassisted and was met at Dulles airport by two State Depa rtment aides R·· -·t A11lrrc r nnd Frank Dempsey. . We spoke to the American Embassy in Paris . three limes, but Watson was unavailable for questioning. Through an aide , he gave us a on~senJ.enee state- ment that there was "no h11· · ''I· fact" t.n the accounts of hfs miscondu~ ;t. State D•· .. ·:·!:ncnt spoke~ .... .,· a':? said no com- plaints had been made. ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT Robert N. We~ ·Publisher • Thomcui K ccvJl, Editor Albert W . .Bo1<1 Editorial PQ{}e Editor Thr editorial j1alo{t: of iht Delly Pl1ot 1H-tks to intqrm and allm u. h1.tc tf'adcrs by JJ~ntlng lhis ncwspe per'J Ol)~)Ms And com· meotAry on topics or lnlt":rf':it and al~nltlc:;;i.nct. by provldltik fl ron.1m for the c-:ocprc~jon of our rt'.'odrn' .Dninlons. and b)t r~tin~ the dlverM! \llawpolnt• r;t lnlormf'd nh· 11crvel'll ana a~kC!ITMn on topic;.-, or the dll)'. Sunday, March 19, 1972 T M ol D d al • m T p c • • Sund•1, Marth 19, 1972 DAILY PILD'T jt 7 ICRA Still a Power, He Aver·s Chapwt President Takes I ssue With Pilot Column To the Editor: Typical of too many Journalists, DAILY PILOT column1sl Tom Murphine carinlly reaij _bri!L article in 1oot:ir oca paper concerning our con"ent.1on; can1e to a few conclusions without any further l'esearch, and b8sPd nn his. ptrStinal political pre ferenct'S Wr(lte what ht !eJt l\'Ould ~a nice deroji!,alory article e.bout \n orgln11Atlon epposing Mr. Nix· on. Tn cor,r@ct so1nc or your statements and implied d1~s I would like to present SOnle fa cts : The California Repobtican Assem_bly ts a statewide organization C'Ompr1sed of approximately ·t 2 , O O O members. \\'e are organized into countv level coordinating assemblies and 1oca1 chapters. I am president of the 'Sad· ~teback Chapter in El Toro, Mission Vie· JO area. TUE CON\IENTION under di5cussion was a county level convention to which 54 delegates from countv chapte rs auended with the right to voie. I repeat, the 54 represented the variou5 chapters in the county and did not represent the size of the CRA as .vou impli ed . Since ()ne of the • purpo11es of the CRA i~ to get t_he vo le out for selected Republican candidates and to !illpport their ca ndidates In a variety of commonly under11tood ways and means thP eHcctivl!y of nur organization is QOt dirf'cll.v related to the nulnber · ol. !n· dividual members . ' In fact to a .large d~ 1L wa¥ i·~esult of our efforts 1n the OOUVtY.=tha:t 'Mr. Nix· on v.•as elected in 1968. l\1AILBOX We supported Mr. Nixon at that time because he preached a philosophy that paralleled the principles of the CRA . As the resolutJon clearly poinlll oul, his ac· llv1lies since becoming president have served to be com pletely contrary to these principles, and therefore our position . CHARLES E. KETCHU Ttie Califorttia Repub/icfln As.~em· bly people 'l'l'let last week in tot A 11a· heim rataurarit and voted 52 to 2 for no11·support of Presid~nt Nixo1·1. The Toni /11urplli11e column i1L questi.01~ sugge11ted. th.at t.he CRA, as n splinter riroup, ,has for sonie tim f. bf'ett cling· ing to the fa1· riglll·hand tdgt of the Re publica1i Pflrr11 platform. \Vith thi.~ vote. the co/.11m.11 auQgested. th.e CRA hM loSl,,its prlp·e-11rirely. Flng Not Hlologlcal • To the Editor : With regard to Mrs. Ka th r y n F1shbacil's leltrr, (Ma1lboJt:. fo'eb. 231, concerning hrr proposal to treat the rlag as a "tn1ly hving thing'' to be displayed, not only at night. but also dur ing stormy weather ss a symbol of rededication to our ideals and principles is both ·11bsurd and incomprehensible. Nol only absurd and the. th inking behind_ it alien to any rationa l mind , but her argument as presented Is inconsistent ~·ilhin itself. 1'o treat the Flag aa a living thlng anrl yet. allo\v it to remain on duty for 24 hours e"ery day or the ~·eek would be most inhumane. All li\•ing things need a period of re.o;t and, most certainly, shelter from the elements if they are to surv1v(', Furthermore, flying the .. living" Flag aL night and during inclement "'ealher would bt an obvious infringement upon its "unalienable righ ts," resulting in a situation that some public interest groups would nol tolerate. l''ORT UNATt:LY, the 1''1ag does not possess the biological characteristics o( life, therefore incursion upon its civil rights caf!nol occur. The Flag is merely a physical represent ation .of thi s country's bai;ic organization and inherent unity. Th irleen st ripes and 50 stars on a field ol red, wh ile and blue ca n in no way supersede the ideals and principles set forth in the Declaration ol Independence and Constitution. ~lore realistically. no cl urn a I il- lumination of the colors would place in· creased stress upon power companie!I already hard put to pro\'1de enough elec- tr1eity for lhe pnpu lace. Jn ,,i,~· of cont1;"n1porary ecological 111<lvemenrs. li~hted Flags at night \\'Ould appear sinister to conserv11Uoniats and cati.!ie n1uch consternation on their part. Also, t1greeable leJislation to the premise of th is sort could very ~·ell result In garish neon fixtures of the Stars and Slripe11. desi~nt'd primarily for unethical ad,•ert1s1ng 11urposes. Haven 't YiC already \\'llnessed an over11bundance of gross car1catur1ZaLions of our flag. Ile tacks, music boxes, bumper stlckrri;, etc.? There 1s no need or juslLfication under any circumstances for an y legi slalton that may permit further deJ,:radallt'ln of our flag. \\lrthin this con· text it is y.•1se to "let it be." IVILLJAM P. LEWIS l\'on-S ntoker Applaud" To the Editor. We ~·ant to thank ynu for printing the \ 1ery fine article entitled "Airlines Gi ve Nonsmokers Break'' in the DAlLY PfLOT on March 12. and for the Chr is· tian Science Monitor Service for writing It and doing the extensive research . \\re are grateful ror anv sig n of con· sideration for lhe nnn-smOker. MRS. JOHN ZAREMBA l\'ol. " Skin Flick To the Editor . ------~ -------• -.:s;; . --- -,--~ ,,,....., -- ~ ·-- 'A11y Si91t of Kissittger l' et?' Our Flying Congressmen I was deeply upset by the DAILY PILOT's reporting of the "7 Ul s Barn" incident at UCl tconcern1ng seizure ol a film by sheriff's deputies at UC Jrvin t ). The glaring headline and structure of the article 1n<iy help the DAILY PILOT &ell newspaper.s but it was hardly lair to the posit~on of t~e univ~rsity and the gay community. All JOUrnahst s know tbat in a ne\\'S story, the most important events are .discussed first . By this criteria, you obviously felt that the opinion of such ''unbiased" sources as the D.A.'s office were more important than stalement s by students or university officials . To Arn1 s, Republicans- Support Your President They Favor Departing W ashingto1i by Plane By ~llCHAEL GREEN Spoc:ial to thO DAltY PILOT 1 1'+1ore congre~men are getting high these days (a etonautically speakin'g, that Is ) ... Rep. Don Clausen, R·Humboldt County. who resembles sort of the Sky l\ing of the Hou.se or Repre sentatives as CALIFORNIA'S CONGRESS he clalle rs around the Floor in his COW· papers' Washington correspondent Lou boy boo111. h11s just been re-elected lo Cannon to mark the publication of Can- h1s fourth term as president or the Con-nan's excellent new biography, "The Mc· i!ressiooal Flying Club ... Another hii::h Clo.c;key Challenge·• (E.P. Dutton . $7.95i . flyer is Rep. Barr.v Goldwater, Jr .. un-Also present al the party, thrown in a fortunately grounded unexpeoctcdly for a \\lashi ngton hotel, was an impressive ar· time a ye11r or so ago v.·hen his plane ran ray of California politiCos -bot h out of gas and he made an emergency California senators, half a doze n landing in somebody's suburban front Congressmen . various Hill aides, and yard ... In general. so many lawmakers friends -includ ing Congressman Jerry are taking to the air these days. either \Valdie. D·Contra Costa County, who Can· as pilots or passengers, that lhfre are non says emerges as th.LU.a.l...:1lea>" of almost more con~res.c;men in space al a the Mccloskey book. glven moment than there are s:1tel1ites B k · th Id d · s 1 ac 1n e o ays 1n acramen o, ... Rep. Robert L. Legget!. l)..Vallcjo, th A bl M · 't • -d II' Id. flying 10 or retuming from Bermuda, en-ssem Y a1or1 Y l.A!a er a 1e Paris or Hong Kong i;o fa r this year .. , sha red an apartment with Speaker Jess John Tunne v flying ba ck from hi.~ Swiss Unru~. when Dick Tuck came fo r di nner Ekiing trip to the ol<f Senate lo<f,lle . . . one n1~ht ... He .. stayed. several weeks; Ala n Cra ston back and.forth from Cal· according to Waldie, beginn ing ea ch day ornia ... t.Qv~Rea(!an.""Cil'il'Omla-i\r.-wit~eird-con:cocti6n tn.:ai>apen:up or- . tornry General Evelle Younger. Lt. Gov, Jndescr1bable 1ng~edicnts . all mixed Ed Re inecke. frequenJl y aboard the plane together ... Observing Waldie at the par· to Washington. ty. Tue,t allowed as how, "\l.'aldie's a Future campai,llns may be conducted Rood man, a g~ ~an. Bu~, you know ,'' entirely at airports with ca nd id ate& neve r he added conhdent1ally, 'he makes a getting off the plane. lt could open a lousy breakfast." whol~ new field of, advertisin~: "I'm a Tuck hasn't been that bi~ a fan Q! cand idate. fly me. ~fcCloskey, the ~farine peaceni k ... After LIFE 01'" THE PARTIES: Rep. John G. Schmitz CR-Orange Countyl . may not think much of either the OemO('ratlc or Republican Parties. but he !!Ure. likt3 tho!'e shincligs thrown in Washin,'l'l.on niihtly bv all !he cnms~'mf"I. <fupes. anr:I tools nf ttie international criminal Com· munl!'t conspiracy he Sf'Cs arou 111d •.. Hard t.o fi nd A Capi tol Hill ~ocial galhPr· Ing thrown by Democratic lf'l wmakt>rs that doesn't find Sch mHz and Rep. John Rousselol . hls ideological twin, making tht'! socia l rnunds. ThP.y've ;:ippf'f'lrer:I flt pRrlies for John Tunney. for Calif. St11te &>n. George ~1oscone. and mnst recently for the City of Sacramenln officials, thrown by five Democratic lawmakers in the California delegation . Schmitz was ,11leeful\y telling ooe and all at the most recenl affair "I told yf)ll 110, I told you so" after thp Nixon ad· ministration's public abandon ment of Taiwan after the Ch i11a trip. TUCK-lN..CH'EEK : Cahforn1a politica l prankster Dick Tuck turned up at a re- . ception the other day for Ridder Ne_w,s.. Mccloskey made a public statement saying he wou ld milita rily liberate our POWs if Hanoi didn 't free them <1fter a peace settlement. Tuck sent him l\\'O bird cages -one for his hawk, the other for his dove . . . Tuck is now pranking on behalf of-Sen. G·eo rge'"""McGovern. STRUGGLING AUTHOR : Sen .. John Tunney is finding it isn't easy to write a book. He's been trying to work off and on at writing an account or his im pressions during his fi rst year in the Senate and got up lo l .500 pages on a firl'il draft ... Sena te duties take up so much of hi s time he doesn't know "'helher he 'll be able to put in the hundreds of hours needed to work further on ii. organize it and refine it down. Too bad. \\'ould make interesting reading i( Tunney. ordinarily candid beyond the call of duty , ever finishes it. Sen. Alan Cranston, Calirorni;:i's sen inr Democratic senator. is another l'itrug. gling author finding it hard to finish a book what with the press of Senate du ties ... He's heen working two years on a book about the environment using the Santa Barbara oil spill as the 'thematic sprir!B~rd. · ODO COUPLE :· An unli kel Y pair of California congressmen have been 'work· ing increasingly with each other on a number of issues -conservative Rep. Cha rles Wiggins tR-EI Monte ) and liberal Rep . Jerry Waldie lD·Contra Costa ). They learned up to demand that Rep. John Dowdy, D-Texas, convicted of ac· cepting a bribe, be investigated by the House Ethics Committee ... Though con· victed, Dowdy is still casting his vote regularly in the House of Represen· tatives. \Viggins and Waldie have also been end· ing up·on the same side of some civil li berties issues ao.d bue d.e.y,eloped .ifr. creasirig respect !or each o the r personally. Roth take a skeptical view of a pro· posal by Calif. Attornev General Evelle Younger t.o li mit the rig°h t of prisoner.! to petition federal courts to reopen their cases ... Waldie, a legal beagle him self, ·C11lls-Wiggins -'-'-the best constitutional la\\•yer in the House." Wiggins also surprised some liberals in the House by signing the unanimous report by the Judiciary subcommittee early this ye;ir blasting the Nixon administration fnr failure to enforce the 1965 Voting Rights Act in Mississippi. The bipartisan report \\'as tough, but Attorney General-designate R i ch a rd Kleindienst. asked a.bout it al his Senate confirmation hearing, seemed unramlliar with it. F'lRST THE GOOD NEWS : Rep. Chet HOiifieid, (D-Los Angeles ) dean of the Callfor~ia . Democ_ratic congressional delegation, 1s up In arms against the People 's Lobby "clean environment '' referendum on the state's J une Ii primarv ballot . . .Says passage of the tough measure ''wou ld result in the great.est depression California has ever experi- enced." Holifield based his cry n( alarm on a In·pRJ!e analysis of the measure worked up with the help or the Library of Congress ... The People's Lobhy people say if it doesn't pass. we won't have a depression. we'll just be out of air .. , Take your choice, and lots o' luck . WALTZING WITA PHtL: Rep. Ph1ll1p Burton, D-San Francisco, hasn 't cut anybody up in private for \\'eeks now . Friends are wondering if he's feeling aU right. The headline and first fe.,.,, paragraphs of the article suggested that the Gay Students Union "'a!\ going to show a · "degen~rate" skin fli~k. and ''lucki ly.'' l~e pohce st~ppcd 1n Just in the. nick of ltme lo prevent it. Another victory for American morality~ \Vhat . ~·as menlinnecl bul hardly en;iphas1zed was that this film. be it pornographic or not, \\'as to be part or an educational discussion on pomography. Over 300 people were there to see the filnrJh that context. -- Furthermore, you n1ust have relied hcctvily on _police reporls because your ar.tlcle wa~i'not only misleading bot con· ta1ned out and out lies. \\fhile the San Franci~co poli ce may consider the film "hard core pornography '', "7 in a Barn" was shown in public .mnv.ie theaters in San Francisco,lflnd Los Angeles !or six· month road shows and "'as never declared _pornographic by a court rir Jaw. _J'ro~ecut1ons are r.ot pending on this film In either c.1ly because the road showings are already over. I feel you O\\'C !he c;ay Students Union an apology for your damaging article and that you should do a !ollov.· up story nn the purpos~ of there being a Gay Students Unron. \Ye are trying to educate !he public on the !act that gays are as rnorally and psychologically welJ.ad- Justcd as straights. Gays feel that they have rights as In· dividu~ls l.n express sexual Jove in a manner \\'hich i11 natural for us and socie· ~y does not 'h11\'e t.he right to oppress us JUsl because .,.,.e are different from a ma· JOr1ty of the populalion. Tl::HRY OLESON President of Gay Students Union UC lrvine A f 'reewa11 f '1111 To the Editor: I read w1th interest the article "Pilot Logbook" by Geo rge Leidal criticizing the newly opened freeway through Brea Canyon. I am sure George's fat her s.!lid ne11rly lhe same words as the paved two- v.•ay road "'as put through th" c;-·von and his grandfather must have spoke in the same manner on the project of changing the horse trail through the canyon to a wt1gon road. If Geor~e only saved five minutes time ()0 the new freeway he must have been one of !hose throttle happy man iacs that raced up the old two lane suicide road passi ng regardless ol the dangers. The (lid Brea Canyon road was a real d:->:ing hazard and the accidents on It "'er·e many. Then of cour~e there was always tre slow pckey motorist that had 11 dozen or more ca r~ backed up bl-hind him. This numbskull was also a m('nacc nearly as bad 11s speed dcn1ons like <ieor~ic Boy. l bcheve Gcorl!e· . ., basic problem in 1'Thb; Trip" article \\'it~ the (act that he en~aged his mouth befort he unca~ed h11; hrain. I f'lm ,.:ure if <:eori:e is sincere h~ \\'ill C1:1ntinuc to use the old Brea Canyon lY.'O lane road . ' Due to !he fact r.~rge makes surh \\•onderful driving lime off of lhe fret· "·ays snd on the surface streets 1 sug· gest that hf' 3/so skiJ'I drl\•1ng lhe Riverside and Nf'wporl F're~w11ys tht.n perhap~ hP ci:in come Liil wi"1 another one or tYlo of hi~ fine arlicle., criticizing them. c:corge looks forwi:ird to the day when the autornoblte ~·111 be done away with Rnd citizen,, ~·J ll h,11ve other modes of tran!iportation. I look forw11rd lo the tlay "'hen we c11n send all of the "Nutty r.f'Or~r$" IO an 11r~a whcrt" th<'re are no freeways, no roncl s. no rrment storm clraln.!. no progres~ where they can $ho1tt their doctrine of Eco\I)~)· 11nd puff out their chests 1n , !.elf rightf:('lusness 85 their echo comes ringing back to them JIM ELLIS The JO percent showing or Republican Rep~ John Ashbrook 1n lhe New Hampshire primary "'ould be an un· fortunate development For 1.hP COn• servative movement ;r 11 had bef'n 1<1ken seriousl y at t he \Vhite House .and in BARRY GOLDWATER f~.r -,' Congress. _ ._ There is no wa y analyses by some forces on the ·nght- f'..7 \'.{;t!" v.·e can prevPnl the hand side of our pohtical 1pectrum. Ashbrnok showing Whal hasn 't sterned to occur to some from bein't romµ<1r· conserva11\·es 1,; lhal ttlere is more than ed with the 2fl per· one v.•ay 10 register un happiness over ad-cenl vote polled hy CHlifomi<i Rep. PPle m1n1stration pohc:es . Some of them fail Mccloskey. R p p . lo see that morE: influence can be wielde d Ashbrook's counterpar1 on the left v.•ing by supporters \\'llhir.. Ole Administration -of the Republic11n Party. . ~ o argue for ronS<'rvallve pohcies than If thls had been a serious attempl on by opponents on the outside criticizing lhe parl of a majori!y of the nalion's con· servatives to Inst ruct President Nixon in the President for every move he makes mat.r.ers of polic.v. then the President while running up a paltry JO percent vote wo4ld bi> perfectly justified in slating in a traditionally conservative state like r~at on l ~t basi~ of lhe Ne"' Hampshire New Hampshire. f1g.~r~ h1~ adrmoW.ca.Lion_5houlcLmo~e--1f-consefvattves-a'rrtoc.nrtnr"fo<rlnt'°1lr.--11 l1-1·1:e a~ ~ar I~ the. left as it should in a dicalion or hol\' Ne w Hamps~ire voters con ... ervalive direction. r J the 1· r II · I 'd I ee on ques ion o po t1ca 1 eo ogy. IT IS SAD indeed !hat al a time \\'hen lhe Republicans have in the While House the best President we have had in 40 years and the most conservative Presi· dent 1-1·e have had in 40 y~ars some elcmenrs of the rnnservalive movement should be .spending all of their time in emotional sniping at ~1r. Nixon. I believe it is past time for honest con· scrva~ives to _undcrsland the realitie.5 of American pol1Ucs. One or those realitie! i.s the plain fact ~t A.1.r. Nixon has-been forced by long years or irresponsible Democrat ic policies into some action!! which do not accord wit h traditional con- servatism. In many of these Instances the President's choice was severely limited. In otherfi, cond itions ha ve reached such emergency proportions that a choice of action was made absolutely impossible. ANOTHER FACET of politic<1J reality is lhe plain truth tha t coniervativ~ will never have R President in the White House who does everything exactly the way they want lo see it rlone. ft' might shock some of my frienda to realize that had I been elected PrestdP.nt in 1964, many of my actions as chief e1ecutive y,•ould have occasioned n 1 l ·p l c k i n g they might look past lbe Ashbrook show~ ing to Jfie huge. 75 percent write-in vote run up by Spiro Agnew for Vice Pre1i· den!. SOME PEOPLE who are now com· plaining the loudest abou t America 's defense posture didn 't seem to gel the point when conservatives and ad· ministration forces in the Senate were fighting a baUle wit h left.wing opponents of the ABM system. It might be: recalled that this program. so essential to the-" security of !his nation, passed the Senate by a one.vote margin. During the weeks ol debate and maneuvering on the ABM, my ma il was filled with pleas from the left \\'ing for its defeat. But only rarely did I receive a letter urging its passage. By the same token, during our battle to obtain confirmation for conservative William Rehnquist as a Supreme Court Justice. all the lobbying wa~ done by the left. I received only one or lwo letters cred iti ng President Ni1on for his selec· tio.n of a con5UVatlve and urifng his quick epproval. It is time for all conserva!lves to join the administration and argue for their viewpoint from within rather than stand. Ing outside the &renll of responsibility throwing stones. You Lay There Quwtly If you want your mattress lo last. in· vlte your friends, neighbors and relatives to sleep on It. That's the peculiar advice of a mattress manuf;iclurer. Each citizen, say11 he, &prawt~ in positions o( habit when 11slPep. This samenPss tind! lo wei:ir out mill· tresses. Rut a variety of guests. all curled and i;trelr.hed nu! Jn their own par· • licular manners. al· IO\\'!I the mallre5s lo wear evenly, thus morr slnwly. Re-- member that. Dispatch Invitations immediately. No, never mind the nonsense. But this manufacturer says the foregoing explains why hotel and rrwtel mattresses hold up longer. AM HA Vl1''G a htlle trouble finding answers to these querie:ii; from clients : I. A boy with hls ff1ther '!I n11me uaC"tly ts called Junior. but what is a girl calltd If 1'he has htr mother 's n11me exactly? 2. Doti any p111rf': in this country. besides the Harvard faculty Cluh, serve horse meat steaks' 3. 1111~ there ever het.n a frost In Key \\'eiit, F'la ? 4 Are mesquite bfans gt)Od for Anylhlng ,111 all:'~ \Vhich of Frankllri D. Roosevelt's speech "'rllers actually wrote that cl1sslc llne~ "The on· L. l\'f. BOYD ly thing 1-1·e have to fear Is fear It.self"? POLLSTERS -Three out of every 100 youthful''c1t1zens between lS and' 21 year1 of age claim they don 't beheve it's all that important a married woman remain fa ithful. Or sn they tell the JW"veytakers. at any r..te. Remarkable. ALSO DISCLOSED by lhe aloremen· tioned surveytaker:s: The average man hereabouls lldm1res a revealing dress on somebody else's girl. not his own. That sort of drtss he likes best on bis own ladyfrlend, the question,rs disclosed. Is a summer linen. JfERE'S a little tip from a medical fellow for thAl man who loathes the shock of $lepp1n1; into a cold 1-hower or 11tUng down In a cold b8th C!r wAding: into a cold ~wrmming pool. E~h,11le ilowl y. f or inlr1cate. rta.sons too lengthy lor this space, this expert says, l!!ll1ng the brealb out ln ft controlltd manrier htlps the body to adjust to the 5.h1very shift in tem· peralt!re. M.lgbl lry that. ' .t I O~l v PllOT EXPERIMENTAL CLASSROOM AT UCI HAS GADGETRY ANO WARMTH Electronic Communlc1tlon1 H1rdw1r1 Bought With $66,000 Gr1nts UCI Experimental Clnsses ~Add Warmth to Learning By GEORGE LEIDAL 01 ttlt Dt!IJ l'llel Sl1U Up-to-the·minute electronic and media technology used to add warm th to the learning t:rperience is what two UC tteients granta totaling $66,000 ha ve bought for UC Irvine. Two unusu al "classrooms" have been added to the ninth floor of the new engin~ring buildin1 al UC!. In oiie room, 20 study "car· rels" -private desks -are equipl)ed with an array of communication!l hardware - slldes. film or tapes and ma chines which play them - that eases indi vi dual ''programmed" learning. The other room is an ex- perimental class room ~·hich in the year it ha s bee n available has served 293 r;tudents in 11 r egular ly scheduled credit courses from Chinese Not Difficult, eight academic departments of the univ~rs1ty. This second room comes v"ith Jts share of hardware. too, including a videotape television system, and both · slide and movie projector&. But it has some extra added attractions : carpeti ng, colorful pictu res on the y,•alls - even stereo music. "Some cl asses are ex· tremf!Jy du ll, .. students told Joe Lippitt. manager of the experimental learning center. "You sit there and become bored. uncoinfortable, an d anxious. There is no relaxing f h feature about most U>Oms ." Just Dl'f erent Teac er So. the popular experimental learning center was set up with ameniti es not found In PROVO, Utah (IJPl) -It's "If we are to be so idealistic other rooms. Further. tables tough for an American to to presume th at this genera· and comfortable c h airs Jeern to spe:ik Chinese. right? tion now in school will be the replace the traditional co m. Wrong, says Dr. Gary S. generation making decisions on 'bination desk-chair. Williams of Bri&ham Young behalf of the United States, Professors arrange the room University. then we'd better get more peo-to their liking. "It rea lly Isn't -difficul t, just ple studying Chinese so that For associate drama pro. differe nt," says Will iams. who they will better appreciate lessor Robe rt Cohen, the believes the time is right fo r certain Chinese reactions," he television equipment adds an more Americans to learn said. extra dimen sion in tr aining l---.c::Jiinese-dia1.,ec"'ts~.-----~''lf-w&-are-golng-to-h&Ye-sny---aetors-and--actresSts. contact with China at business In a typical week. the "Once you begin to immerse · · t 1S The flowe red eage in aeryHe/i:io lyester voile converts to a bikini via lildden Ve!ero• tape. Sizes '1 3·1.5. 116 yourself in the characters then or governmental or cultural television equ1pmen sees the difference is e a 5 11 y levels we as a nation just hour s of classroom duty in overcome." William! said. r;i mply have to in c re a s e courses ranging fro m French "Chinese is a tonal language ;:;:la;:n:::g::u•:::g::•:::P::':::ogr'=am=s.;:"====to=Soc=i•:;:l;:E;:co;:l:::•gy;;:. ====.I '> because it Is impoverished in .. ~·f ... l---c'---;'i~l!!!~o\'i--'f und t on -· -·1-r,.-,-A-ft'°i'v ~-~~..,,,. ~- a u 19 erent sounds aiid _ H.11 I 't llH. I ,i, ·• -i\ntr0r1• nYIDft"- haSie sheath in assort ed 110/ids. Sizes 10-.~ 8. therefore It uses tones to distinguish bttween similar IOunds with different mean- ings. But the tonal problem. too . is easily overcome." Williams, a s s i s t a n t pro- fe ssor of Chinese literature, 11.id there long has been a need for Americans competent in the' Chinese languaces and it has increased since Presi· dent Nizon 's recent China visit. "The time is comingih~en there is toing to be the need for really sensitive. competent men to work in busine ss pro- grams." Williams said. "That need isn't going to be im· med iate but will be acute within the next 10 years and perh aps within the next five." He said BYU teaches the Mandarin dialect because ''it is the one all-serviceable dialect, unlike Cantonese . . whieh • is spoken in Hong Kong.'' William s said BYU is one of the nat ion 's leading universities in t e a c h I n g Chinese language on the undergraduate level yet "we have only 130 s tud y in g Chinese." I ~LEDGE TO SERVE THE VOTER 25 Ye11r1 Ri 1lde"cy a"d 'ubll< Servlc• ELECT on APRIL 11 HARVEY D. PEASE ORDER NOW YoungerThan Springtime Portraits of Your Child One large 8 x10 and six wallets 588 only '12 Summer's shaping up for less than you thought at Penneys. Aeiylie crec:ie bikini has ties for better lit , versatility. In assorted solids and prints. Sizes 5·13. '10 Sunny smile and sparkli ng ayes ••• warmly captured In an adorab le, big 8x10 portrait and six charming wallets ••• all for an appealing special low sate price. Hurry In now and enjoy the sav·· tngs l Rem ember ••• you can charge it at Penneysl JC Penney · The values are here every day. Ring bikil'l l a l acryli c/ po lyester terry. Solids, 5-M·L. '14 "Yl'11 fHtt rh ,..,.r •• ht rtie 1 .... .t ~ ,..,.,.,, .. I . D. Aifenl, Tl'Mt.~ 11,·Ctttl, l t t 11 JCPenney , Thevalues1re~ry~ Shop Sunday noon to 5 p.m. at the followlng 1tore1: -. .. Aciy1ie ere~ shift cover-up in assorted prints and solids. Siz.e:s S:M·l.. '8 So sure lo see our complete lino of inll1tabl• boats . _Ao.dy's Fun AU any kid. ".Uk Andy" LI flm. See It Saturdl,ys In the DAILY Pl!.Ol'. NEWPORT BEACH HUNTINGTON . BEACH Fe shio!'I l~lencl 2•J Floor 64 4.ll ll ·Hunfi M9tc1n Center 2nJ Floor 02·7771 NEWPORT BEACH, F11hion l1l1n d. HUNTI NGTON BEACH, Huntington Cantor. •COSTA MESA. Horlior Canter (•Citied Swnl11y) Pricu in elleet II all Pe nn ey storts MonJey. • . ' ( I l ' t I a • 0 Judge Ye Not A Man By His Wl1eels (They Might Be Borrowed) By MARVI N MY ERS This sort or a gambler Criend of mine left the country the other night, and as we rode to the airport be asked one fa vor: "Baby-sit my wheels, Marv." , o( Christmas tree bulbs: "Seat Belts'' .. , ,"Brake" .... "Car Payment Due" ...• .''Head Lamps'' .... "Trunk Open" .• "Alimony Payment Due" .•. "!loo A. " d r ,..Jar .... on an on. The car caused quite a stir on the domestic front. all morning. lt showed a quarter of a tank, but how much ~as that in distanceJ Twenty miles? Ten ? Fifty feet? I headed !or the nearest gas station. Three attendants sprung out to meet me as I wheeled into the station. Unfortunately, the RIDE TO MARKET? car had filled with black cigar "How abQ.y.t a little ride to smoke. and with my co ughing and my eyes watering I'm the super market," I asked afraid I fl unked c 0 n t r 0 I my wire. "When they see you Panels. bail out of this they'll probably Striking out blindly I hit even cash our p e r s o n a I everything but the proper win- check." dow button. First, the trunk "I haven't a thing to wear," lid flew open. Next, the was her answer after eyeball-driver's seat moved forward, His "wheels" which were Ing the monsti;:r. "By the way, mashing me into the steering whisking us through the night , what happens if your friend wheel which set the horn to '"·ere on one ol those super ' doesn't come back?" honking. Then the hood f1ew luxury autos you see on "Simple," I e:zplained, "we up. and .finally the hatchway ··~1ission Impassible," in re-mortgage the house and fill in the roof slid back. I gave up Presidential parades, and in the gas tank,.. and climbed through the expensive funerals. Popular hatch. much like a submarine also in Lis Vegas. One of the spats I wanted to commander making his ap-dazzle was a nearby grocery nl For the duratlon ·of~the ride Store where 1 had trouble pearance on a con ng tower. J sat ogling the control cashing checks whenever 1 "Gimme a buck and half 's panels until it suddenly struck hadn't shaved for 8 day or worth of regular, and prepare me that in a few minutes I'd two. I usually swing up in to submerge!" were my be soloing in his mobile Taj front or !he place via bicycle orders. Mahal without even a check or on fpot , but rooming up in Two of the fawning at- flight. The man was in a hur-my super car created the tendants dropped their rags ry. desi red impression. and returned to their girlie l\'fy immediate problem was 1 strolled casually to the magazines. The third began the steering wheel. The post cigar counter and started to sullenly sloshing cheap gas in bent in the middle somehow, reach down for my usual six· the tank. you actually ha ve money, swooshing around In a car Hke that. ln addition , casual ac· qua intances throw the i r shoulders out o{ joint waving to you. Social invitations pour in. People ask advice about the stock marke:t. whatever that is. I had more fr iends than I could feed . Driving Sund1y, Mlo:h 19, l9n D41LV PI LOT ,f, 'fl -·-- • MARINERS SAVING S "'-r. IJ\.\s ASIOC\AflO.\' ·-··-·-·-....... -.-....... ..,., ......... Ut -··-·"- £NTR1(S Alt[ DU£ IN Tl![ LQllY or HA!UNE:ltS SA\'llf(;S ON HONOAY , H.t.ltCH 27TH roA A 5 DAY JUOCINIO AND CXHI SIT P[lt.100, AN AWAltOS Plt£5£NTATION \I/Lt. TAK[ •LAC[ AT J11 00 r .H, IN THE WINEltS LOllY ON Fitl OAY KAit.CH )lST , l ltlH<i YOUI\ f>JllLY ANO FA l[NOS TO sr r 111£ tXH1 9tT AHO TO f'lf[T THE £AST£1t AAlllT IN PE ii.SON ON TH[ )lST , IASkETS HAY 1£ PUltCHASCD IUT All OtCOM· TI ONS HUST 1£ CUS IOf'I OtSICNCLJ. (ACN ENTl!.Y PIUST HCASURC LCSS THAN )6 INCH[S Hl tH llhO )' INCHES WIDE. Pl[ASC INDICATE ON THC [MlltY roN-1 ,,. YOU WILL \./AHT TO KCCI' YOUI\ CASTE~ IASKCT O~ HAVE IT 0£l1VCACO IV HAltlJICRS Sl,VtNC S TO A LOCAL CONVA LESC ENT NOS, ITAL fOlL0\1111~ Tiit (XMl llT ANO AliAltOS 'REStHTATION , (l'LCASE r OHl'LrTE Tl'!E ro~ IELO\I Alf!) ATTAC K IT TO YOUR CKTRY \MEN YOU IR111C IT ON HCNOAY. /'!Alt.CH 27TH) -------------------------------··-··------···---···············~~-----·--------·------·-----·--· NAl1E. __ ~~=~~~-----ADDRESS, __________ _ {P lus• Pri nt) - CITY·--------------llP ____ ,HONE. ____ _ SCHOOL. __________ GMDE, _____ T(.l.CH[R•------- I WILL \IAITT' TO KEEP tlY OIT~Y-PLEASt GtV t KINE TO A COHVALESCE~'T HOSPITAL . - ' .. •:!: . ' . :1: ... . " .. . ' l- • . ,. ' . • ' ' habits change. Other drivers --------------------------------------------- yield graciously. And on the fourth da y I even out-bluffed a Volkswagen! However, a couple of nights ago a telephone call from my friend at the airport turned me back into a pumpkin. Secretly, I think , I was reliev. ed, because, basically, I'm pretty basic. And l should only skid around town in a basic car: Steering wheel, gas pedal, and some kind of brakes. That's enough. · 'With no C<Jntrol panels to psyche me out the mind Is left free to daydream on schemes that will make me a millionaire so I can afford to buy a luxury car with warning lights, electric windows, roll back top, AM and FM radio, front speakers, back speakers, flexible steering wheel, elec- tric seats that go up and down back and forth .... Lacy looking polyester knits for girls going places tl'lis &pring. In pretty bon-bon colors for 1ug1ring tl'lings up a little. Pink, blue or off-white for junior and junior petite sizes. Dress wlth coat, $1 8 with a Oick of a switch, cent factory reject, when both "What the heck," I said somewhere. but I couldn't find owners. happy to greet me. hit recklessly, "make It two bucks It. My friend had ej ected me with 8 leather-bou nd box worth!" But I had already ---.. -.-,-,,-. -,,..-,-,"-.-,_--, --1 himse U from the car leavi ng of allegedly , , H a v a n a , , blown my image. And to ma~ the "·heel at a high upward specials. matters worse, after my wild angle like one on a Greyhourtd , , . spree in th e grocery stcre, I --hus. I-stopped-at a-service-sta:-' Youd appreciate__tbese_was-three cents-short tion for instructions. Mr. Myers." they !dvised, so I · LETTERS I .HAVE RECEIVED Ot•r M1yar WllYn' I "How do you flip this steer· plunked down 50 cenls. FRUGAL HABITS I Im ll y11r1 old & •ll•lld 'TtWlntlt ~r. Mlt~. I •m ,,.,.., conctN!'"' 11M1111 pof111til". Thi! 11 why I 1m w'llln<t )"Ill. a11klt1 Hiit l•tl•r to .,..,, I 1m wrllln, tin oltltr lt!ltr5. I'"' m1d1 teem1, My 1!191n 11 '"kill ,.lhflltn, "'°'' ll lrlUt yo11." l'Vt m1do Mll- 1<1, 1llcktrs & 1rmll111d1. Mtr• 11 t 1111m I wrett: Jnu wheel down to an annle "They 're s e v e n t y -f i v e " " cents." designed for a normal !!ize Three nights la ter 1 fou nd tha t the neighbor s had noticed the ca r. guy. like me, for instance. I'm I JCft another 50 cents on the tired of steering from a stan-counter. "Keep the Change." -''Slick Nick was over," my di_ng. pqsjlJQ.n.:..:.. ~..!Y-/·~··if e's comment tbat wire Informed me. "He wants morning was correc -e o l-.'TioW'1tyotr'C't'JUhtnratre1i:i0> nttt--~ .. .t.usu"· '"'---~-11-- SMUG LOOK With a flick or his wrist lhe man made the adjustment and gave me a amug, know-it-all look . ·-·well. what do you e:zpect? I just stole it te n minutes ago." At least that wiped the superior look from his face, and 1 burned off in a cloud of high-pri ced blue smoke. I herded the luxury item home without further incident; but it took me 15 minutes to get out of the car. I had locked myself in . When you lake the keys out of someth ing like this, nothing moves. No thing. And as you tu rn the key back on, warning lights flash at you like a string tt. t A d a short-term loan of 115,000." 1" •11r ro11"1ry 1111r1 I• 110lluli•~ car was ge 1ng o me. n 't 11 ,.," m•Y c111 d•w" our P4111t1l•t"'" my wallet. ''Firteen thou': Hmmm ," I Soon 111r c1un1ry wm lie• w111111nt1 -h-II -ffrl'f fill; It & IH1 1 1m1rl The grocers followed me out reli t my 75 cent cigar. whic l uin.i • had been relii:rhtini:r for three s1 wm we a 11111, ... i.11m11n•1 to the car. a!king· plebian e " .,,,1..,. questions. "How much gas days. (Frugal habits are tough I'm hoping 'f9• c•" brlnt wmt1tn111 to break .) "Did Nick mention Hf••• '"-c ;1y C.11nc11 or wme1111111. does that C<lSt you between II I' Or ~It" • dly "'' lh• cily II ,ick 1111 Metions?" co atera . pa Y men t tr•ll'I. Do 10rn1thl11t 111e1w. I'm ... terms?" •11t 11 much 11 1 c1n. So 111t•1• do "Well . fellows," J fired up 'f'>ll' Jllr1. Tll•~t ya11 tor t1kl11t "'' For five semnds my wife trtM,. ru1111111 1tt11r. the big black cigar, "I suppose v 1 it's like owning a yacht. ... if was speechles!. A world's D:=i .::;" you have to ask 'how much?' record. "Where would YOU , ... Grid• dig up $15000''" · Pd. tor bV C&mm!ttee to r1-tJtocl you.shouldn'! own one." ' · · "''.,..,... 1tot1ert M. w 111011. llon s1,,,.,, The Car was d~~~y working 'Tr11nsrer; :m '""'"''rst Rd., Ciis1t FOND FAREWELL . -~on~JD~e.~Y~o~u~gr~a~~y~leel~lik~·~,~-"::"='=·:::::::=:::==-=-=-c:::::l. They gave mea f0iid I· farewell , and I blessed them with, "Right on .... Power to the Push Buttons." The talk about gas had me worried. The fuel gauge had been winking a red Jight at me 'Take 3®' Perm . It takes just •15 to turn heads . W11twNd lie Mele! -W1tl(1 llrf11t- 1,000 1011111 •~ tllt Strl, "••t ti t111 StJrdr1t Mtttl, CIR11Clrcu 1H llYin BBDUCBD WINf'BB BAf'BBI Treat yourself to our Helene Curtis perm including 'Sta-drops' conditioner for retexturizing your hair, plus shampoo, cut and set for 115. Shampoo and set, 3. 75 Midw1tk Sptclil -SH4oy tlrHp TllanU, On 21M Specl1I Rooms Offotod 1t lowut Wfntlt Rlt l: ··~!.•10!,!. '12""'" lltl l'IUa I ,ltr\I 10JI 2 Pllr\I o..,,, 800 Oth•t Rooms & Sultts Stirling 11 S2.00 Additfon•f On Fri., Sil., Holld1y1 & Summer St1son, Add $2.00 'A~M PfUNQS, IMl ,.nelft., Wf:STWA l1l f 110 At Abo f I llfrtM kt.on "•t•t, JCPenney beauty salon No 1ppolnlm1nl n1cn11ry. Ch1rge II. NEWPORT BEACH '"~"" ltl•~~ ""4 ,.... •••• ,, •• HUNTINGTON BEACH M~ft""t"" C..,,., """"-••i.1111 • We like lacy knits that look like somebody's handwork. At everybody's price. JC Penney The values are here eve ry day. Charge theM vllue at your local Penney store. - • 11 le I 410 DAILY PILOT .SU'ld_.,, M.vth l~. l'72 1W as Bard Barrister? , ·Finding Sheds Light on Sliakesp eare ! MIDDLETOWN, Conn. i AP I ,_ Somebody wrote "wm Sblksper" in a law book. A acholar-delective says t he 1playwrigbt did . thereby riJllng in answer1 for modern-day in· vestigators trying to solve the pUz.zle Or where Sh~espeare spent eight years_ of his life... .. The gJgnature is in .a copy of .• ''Archaionamia ," a book on I old English la~'. which was · translated into Latin by an English juri st, William Lam· barde. in 1568. II Shakespeare 1 t'•. 1 read tbe work, he not only knew Latin, he knew la w. two I · things scholars ha ve ne ver ~ ,. ' bttn able to pro ve. He also very likely knew Lambarde. A signature by Shakespeare in the book doesn't necessarily mean he read it. but it does mean ht held it in his hand and. had-a chance to. says Shakespeare sch o 1 a r J. Nichol.!1s Knight, an assistant professor of English a t Wesleyan University. The signature was founrt ., .. after the Folger· Shakespeare ... • Library in \\1ashinglon, D.C., •. bought the bonk in 19.38 for 51. • , ,,. ..; "It could fetch $1 million now;" says Kni ght. '-f .. . . , · ~ .. . ... • Knight has compared the signature with the six oth~rs known to have been written by ·.~ . : .• • Shakes-peare, late iQ his life, •·· . ··"' on his will and other legal papers. His concl usion : "There's no question><that it is Shakespeare's." He says! however., t h e signature i!' younger and bolder th.an the others, which differ even in spelling. • .. . ' . ,j , AP Phofe Knight not.s that "th! six genuine are very different. so jf jt was not known tha t they were by the · same man . ·we might say they were written WAS THIS SIGNED BY SHAKESPEARE?· Si9n1turt in Border at Top is Enlarged Below by d i fferen t William Folger appa rently became Shakespeares. A forger could obscured du ring the 1930s have copied one of them , but while the book was in private cites Js the abbrevi~tion of "Per" in "Shakspcr" using the legal-s horthand symbol for the letters. this is a composite of the hands. known signatures;" Knight is now working on a Lambarde was a master of Knight has discerned four book ent itled "Shakespeare at chancery. the equivalent of a attributes of Shakespeare 's the Law" 'fhe "Hidden Years U.S. Supreme Court justice, signature in the F o Jg e r 1585 to 1592." who apparently h11d a dee p in-signature. The hidden yea rs are those terest in drama. -ms library of He says he was able to see durifig which·no recorOs eiisl 500 books. which shows his in-them with the aid o f proving S h a k e s p e ll r e ' s t ere flt in plays. remained . ultraviolet light. They include whereabo uts. He · apparentl y • • '. Saie! You pick the style andthe fabric. Then pick up 20% savings -on alf custom corn-er groap~ Sele prlcu elfoctlvo Ill rough S1t11rd1y only! . . Save .79'0 Rog, $399. Salo 319.20. Our Campaign corner ·ensemble is both handsome and functional. Includes two complete beds with qu ilted nylon covers, corner table. storage bolster box and bolster. Available in a wide selection of fabrics and larh inated f~n~shes. .. Save 13.80. eoQt ch est in chestnut fin ish or your color choice ... · · Reg, $69, Sala 55.20 S1v9+$10. Brigadier stool In chest~u t fin ish or your color choice. Reg,.49.H s i lo 39.99. Save 7.80. Campaign swag la mp In mR tc hing fabric . Reg, $39. Sola 31.20 in\act until 1924 , when it was a dot in a loop of the "W," the left his birthplace, Stratf .. or:;:d;.i· l-------~L'----------------'---------------1 ntl!r"M" after the"W"'•a~n"'d~o•n-Avon, a!XiiJn585a1iODeg11n a line over the "M," as was to make a name for himself in the custom in sucli "ab-the London theal.er about breviations tn Shakespure's 1592, with the successful stag. day. Another attribute, he ing or hill earHest plays. Knight. who is hunting down the rest of the books in search of more marginal notations, 5ays the signature now in the Asks Revocation _, -~ -. . . -' .... -.. NBC Raps Prime Time Rule By ALAN BUNCE Chrl•fMll Sct111t1 MO"llor StrYICI NEW YORK -In a move 1 y m b olizing industry-wide --1.'.f&iJ.tance. Julian G114)--'-an, preSident of NBC. has an- nounced he will petition the Federal Communications Com- mission for revocation of the ''prime-time access'' rule. "1 don't know of anyone - in or out of television --who believes the prime-time access rule has succeeded in it! purpose," he said. "Nor do 1 Know o anyone who -nas a really clear idea of what It was supposed to do in the first place. "Government pr ocesses sta rt with one purpose. and then go on fore ver, careening in various directions. often en- d in~ up with results · directly contrary to the original pur- pose." three hours an evening, has caused minor revisions in the rule by the FCC. Partly in-, resP9nse to this , Goodman-ai;serted ;. "'.f-he way•l--- to correct the situation is not throuf?h furl her tinkering or tampering, but by recognizi ng a n1 istllke and withdr awi ng the rule in its entirety. That's ,.,.hat NBC will seek, witli su p- porting factual evidence of the rule's harmful resu lts." 'Vhether other broadcasting The rule in effect, has forced the three commercial TV networks to return 30 minutes of programming to local sta- tions during · peak evening viewing hours. It was imposed to encourage local diversity and open up the air~·aves to J OCKl'..'1'ING locally produced programs. N e two r k jockeyi ng for groups will form;illy add their prolests to the FCC remains to be seen. But Goodman's move certainl.v embodies lhe sentimen ts of all th r e e networks and of many people at the loca l-station level. fa vorable time slots in the OPPOSITE RESULTS prime-time ~riod. which this Results, so far, have season is limited mainly to generally. been the opposite. I;;;;• Network reruns. ancient game shows, ·.and other lusterless fare have filled in the gap. "We believe." Good ms n stated. "that the sUm total of all the expeiience of the public, the stations. t he networks. and the program produce rs, demonstrated that the theory or the rule was unrealistic a11d the results have been absurd." Pacific Goldfish Farm Made duri ng the annual din· ner of lhe Tntern11tional Radio and Televisio n Society. Good- man's remarks were part of an acce ptance speech after he rece ived the thirteenth Gold Medal Award for his con- tributions to broadcasting. Publisher Sues 1 Boston Paper ·BOSTON i AP I -Publisher ' William Loeb of Ill< Man- cbtster N.H. \inion Ltader has I !Ued a $5 'million libel sull In' U.S. rnstrlct Court against tht!I Globe Newspaper Co. o lj Boston. , Tbt suit, filed la st. \\•eek, said WATER HYACINTH 3 for Sl.00 FANCY KOi Choose f r o m Southtrn C1 li lorn i1's l•rgt •t selec- t ion of Kci & Tropicel l=i1h. SPECIAL GROUP 4" to 6" Aver19t Siie- Req, $5.00 for $2.50 WATER LILY IMPORTED FLOATINli $3.S O ea. It.ID -W~ITI ,.INIC -'l'lLLOW KOi E OD an arUcle W.tn from !he NPwl OPEN DAILY 10-S Phone 893-7105 Republic and published in The Clo•l'd Tuetday ~~~.1n~~~~,cn~•• t~ ~b' 14B4r EDWARDS ST., WESTMl~STER Special ' Add old Florentine style to .. your room with our !Olif-piece console s·et. ~II in ricJi antique gold tone finish. Mirror is 17.x 33", table5\0x 22x19", matching sconces 6 x 1~'"·each . Yout choice ' ' 12aa Add the finish ing touch to your room setting with our hand- somely framed piCtures end mirrors. Choose· from landscapes, sea- scapes , florals, or portraits, four dec- orator mirror styles. Pictures 2 for12.H Mirrors 12.88 each. ' JCPenney The values are here every day. Shop Sunday noon to-~ P .M. at the fol,lowlng 1t~rea =·~ • I -·- t ----+--~1· h ' I 0 • e n r B b in r I • h D ' in w Fashion ~~tG~f~e ~~~~~i:ou~"co~~Jr 01;, TMl 1.t.H t11100 ,w., .. ar ooLOlH w1s r •n• •oLsA /Avt ilabla at: NEWP.ORT BEAC H, ment. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Island, \ HUNTINGTON BEACH, Huntlng+on Center. Use Penneys time peymenl plao, ~- l I I WITH BR IDGE S DESTROYED, TRANS PORTATI ON IS AT A PREMI UM IN BANGLA DESH AS REFUGEES RETu'lif:i"T'o-VILLAGE 0S0 India 'Bending Over Backwards' By DENGIL PEIRIS Clttl1ll•n Stl111U Menllar S•r•Ju New Delhi Ey~s-B-angladesh A ttitUdes NEW DELH r -The last In· dian unit was pulling out o! months. diplomat to match the caliber This-desire to Avoid Bangladesh at the weekend -India h'as noted that jute and of the Indian envoy in Dacca, misunderstanding and grist to three months after India sent lea th.at Bangladesh could sell Sukkumal Dutt. any propaganda that the Jn- troops to "liberate" East for hard currency, are in the These are some of the pin-dian for ces are an army of oc- .Bengal. But India , which has barter agreements. it has pricks India has had from cupation is the main reason been leaning over backwards signed with the Soviet Union, Bangladesh recently, which the Indian Army is leaving to avoid hurtlJJg the sus!!ep-Poland and Bulgaria. In some officials are inclined to Bangladesh although Sheikh tlbilities of the East Benga\is, return, Bangladesh is ~etling attribute partly to the latent Mujib does not ha ve a police is f I nd i n g disconcerting light engineering goods that and ancient uneasiness and force, mlliti.!I, or army adc· evidence of Bangladesh Prime India ·produces and has in s us p l c ion the I es s quate to deal with d)sorder. Minister Mujibur Rahman's surplus. economically a d v a n c e d Indeed Sheikh Mujib wanted consciously and deliberately India was also disappointed Muslim East Benga li has of the Indian Army to slay to pull ing away from it. at the delay in the ap-his powerful predominanUy maintain Jaw and order, but A series of 'tlecisions on pointment of a permanent Hindu ntighbor. since that could involve its trad e matters and dipl omatic Bangladesh d i p 1 o mat to Sensitive to these rears, troops, in clashes wjth East relations give~ tile impression represent it here, though India India has barred its Bengalis, India resolved to the Bangladesh Premier wants was the first country to businessmen from d e a 1 in g take its troops out. to assert his counlry's in· recognize the n ew I y in-with Bangladesh Jes t the A small number of Ind ian depertience from rndia rather dependenr statt. The ap-• charge 9C expln:ilalio n "bY, the officers are training· the than. if.s relia~e on it. pointment finally came last · Marwaris of Calculla" be Bangladesh police but that is India needs the jute or Friday whe n Dr. A. 'R .• Malik, re\'lved (''Marw11ris" are the only extent or ·their in- Bangladesh. However , ap-Education ~ Wetary a nJI merchants or. moneylenders.) volvement. wh ich is acknowledged by the Sheikh himseU to De in a precarious condition. All the arms supplied lo lhe Mukto Bahini -th e East Bengali guerrillas -have not been surrendered to h i s government in spi te or the Sheikh's appeal. Arms distributed by the Pakistani Arnly to t h e razakars· -the pro.-Pakistani local officials -and Ben~alis loyal to them are still around. And to 11void the charge of colonization of Bangladesh, India will not push for a com- prehensive trade t reaty . Instead it will be content to make ad hoc arrangements on particular commodities. Nor will il urge a common arrange- ment for t h e ma&keting and pricing of Bangladesh ju le. The changing st.ance of Sheikh f\.iujib to India is In- spired by some of his ad visers and some: elemenls in the Foreign Ministry who want Bangladesh to keep i t s distance from India. preciating the East Bengalis' formerly V:ice-Chanicellor of ·Domination of East Bengal as When Ind ian Prime t\-iinislcr need for hard Clll"ftncy , the Chitta,eong 'university w all the hinterland of industrialized Indira G 11 n d hi vis is ts Indian Government Offered to named Bang I ad e s h Calcutta was one of the Bangladesh on March 17 for pay in hard currencylfor their Ambassador in New Delhi. arguments used by the two days, Sheikh Mujib is ('X· jute. Yet Bangladesh prefer-India was not impressed by Mu slims of what is now peeled to bring up with her the red to sell its jute to Britain _ the explanation of Bangladesh Bangl,adesh for the partition of question of Indian support to 30.000 tons that h{ld been ac-that it coul d not readily find a Pakistan. help maintain law and order, cumulating for se ver a I•---------'-------------------------------------! Navy Gets New Tanks For Flee t • SAN DIEGO (AP) -The Navy say1 sewage haldir.g tanks capable of ending pollu· -<-tion~·of...: tertitOrial · ea net -- harbors by ll.9 ships will be in- gtalled on the entire fleet by 19n. The announ cement w a s made by Rear Adm. Joseph W. Williams Jr .. commandant of the 11th Na\'al District. He liaid the first 25 ships will be equipped with the tanks by next yea r. The costs of the conversion, requiring special funds from C.Ongress; was es fi mated e!tr~r at tl billion.___ \\1illiams 11ppeared Monday before the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board. By 1973. he said , N;i vy ship- board sewage being discharged into San Diego Bay wlll be reduced by IS percent and by 17 percent by 1975. The board formally issued an order requiring the Navy to halt any oil pollution in San Diego Ba y at .once and all l'iewage discharges by 1977, us· Ing the ti metable offered by Williams. Attractive tub and 1howtr benches of vlnyl·coated steel. W.11 and tub 1rab· bars for s1fety with that 11bul1t·in" look. --------GRAND OPENING SPECIAL WHIR~POOL BATH BUBBLE MASSAGE ONLY $180 REG. $225 Westcliff Sickroom -Supplies & Rent~s 1101 Wettcllff Dr. Nn,ott IHCll 64S·•tn ••~kAmrrk•l'f • \ ' \ ' • • Save 25% on our antiqu~ satin ., cus om ••• .. .• 4C-> • • Save a big 25'/, on beautiful antique s~ti n custom draperies made to your oWn specifications. Select the shade that's perfect for your hbme ,from 28 colors ... avallable·ln mix and match colors for beautiful over 1·nd under draperies, too . Regular low Penney prlcea on oar finest custom labor. Call collect ·(714) 523-6511 for our shop ~at-home service, free. · -JCPenney The values are here ever y day. Decorlle now. UH Pennty1 Umt payment plan. ~ . : , Sundl)', M•tth 19, 1972 QAJL v PILOT JJ . SF Building Approved NURSERY OPENS 10 A.M. SUNDAY SAN FRANCISCO tUPI I - The final go-ahflad hits beerr given for c:onstruct1on of a controverl'lilll I w I n • l o ~, e r 1 apartment projrct 11long the ridgeline of San Francisco's scenic Russian hill. session lo vote on the apart., ment proposals of Kansas City l de.reloper William Haas. WANT A The San Francisco Board oC Permit Appeals vnle<t 3· ap- proval tn 11Uow the mass'ive conslruction, granted by the City Planning Commission Janu11ry I . LITILE LUV? Opposition in the yrar·long 1 fight over the apartment com· I plex was led by the Russian Hill JmprO\'P.ment Association. I The board mel in • packed Try Connell Chevr olet Mmlf23-. 2828 HARBOR BLVD . COSTA MESA 546-1200 Poolside, patio, playroom. ·Hi-Performance carpeting covers them al I. Now at sale prices! Sole pr1ct1 offecttve Ill rough Sllurd1y only Sale4~.~ R~. 5.99. Save $50 on SO sq. yds. • • Reg. 299.50, now 249.50. Carpet indoors and out with long wea ring 'Ranger' carpet of non-lad ing Acrilanft acrylic dense loop pile. Heathertones help hide foolprinls and traffic pal1ems. Weather resistant, and mildew proof. Bravo blue, scarlet, October leaf, summer gold, golden avocado. green clover, or blue olive. 10.50 11 month.• • ''50 sq. yds. is·enough to.cover a 12 x 18' living room, 12 x g· dini ng rooms, 6 x 5' toyer, 3 x 30· hall ~nd stairway. Sale3~~ leg. 4.99. Save $50 on 50 sq. yds. • • ~eg. 2•9.50, now 199.50. (ou'll love to step on 'Rambling Hills' ~ua lity carpet of Hercu!one polypropylene 1lefin pile. Attraclive arid long. wearing, vith a close loo ile that wears well in he heaviest 1rafflc areas. Weather eSistant and mildew proof. Tweeds of nandarin, straw gold, bronze green, green lover. or peacock.$9 a month .~ ·This amount represents the 1equirod 1nin1mum monthly pay· n1ent under Penneys Time Payn1ent Plan for the purchase of the re lated item. No ~INANCE CHARGE wtll be Incurred if lhe balance of the account in the first billin~ Is paid in full by the closing dale of 1he"ne.:oi:t billing period. When incvrred FINANCE CH ARGES will be delermined by applying periodic rales of 1 .2°~ (ANN UAL PEACENfAGE RATE 14.4°0) 011 the first $500 and 1~ (ANNUAL PERCENT AGE RATE 1 2~0} on !he portion over $500 of the previous bi!llA nce without deducting payments or credils. Do It yourself and save. Place 'n Press® Excel on ® Tile of vinyl asbestos that's self-adhering. Just peel off backing ... place tile ... and press. No mess, no fuss. Adheres to new surfaces, or over old floors. Do it yourself and save. . . . Reg. 29c ea. NOW .. 12" x 12" til l JCPenney \:.,. 'V -''} ~--. \.' ,,. I l •. ... · .. The values are here every day. l ,,.-'. . Shop Sunday noon to 5 P.M. at the following atorea : A,,;1,blt •I: NEWPORT BEACH , Fuh;on liltncl. HUNTINGTON BEACH , Hunl ;n gton Conhr Uit Pe nney~ tim 1 p1 ym1nt pl1 n. ' -' .. I , •• • • • Congress Listens To Noise Just a few more days left in our Paint and Hardware Month! ' Cllr111llll l d•IK· Mt11lttr $-k · 8 e f 0 re · . t r u n s 0 u t WASHINGTON -Challerlng I • • • -jackhammer1,----whining-motor·L----==- • I ' I I ' ' .,, l'lloi. WRONGDOER PUNISHED AT WHIPPING POST Biii M1y R1vlv1 Flogging In Dtl1w1r1 Whipping Still OK In Delaware i cycles, roaring jetliners - every day they drown out the grumbles o( unheard millions ol Amerie-ans. Now Congreh is listening. And acting, While noise h11 the United States has approached what the Commerce Department calls "a serious level," Wash· jng1on has largely turned a dear ear -without so much as a comprehensive nolse-eontrol Jaw. But strong federal interven- tion appears certain th is yea r. The Hoose of Re presentatives repaired the legislative gap Feb. 29, and lhe Senate is ex- pected lo follow swiftly. Pres i- dent Nixon's llignat ure seems IMUTed. The ''first-ever'• leg islation would equip the govemmeQt Wilh the tools to . reduce ufi- healthy and unnecessary noise by an aud ible margin during the J970's. Here's how: • Clamp federal ceilings on noise-limiting noise emissions much like Washington already limits air and water contami- nant!. Wi thiit a year an d a half, the government would fi x permissi ble noise sta nd- ards for new constru ctioo ma- chinery, tra nsportation eq uip.. By IRENE E. SHADOAN ond session, Sen. Thomas E. ment (including recreatio:: Hickman Jr., (R-Sussex Coun-vehi cles), electrical device :, . DOVER, Del. (AP) -Forty and other motors. I ty ) proposed an amendment to ashea, well laid on, still can the bill that would permit "lor • Label noise products to be given a criminal for any of any felony, the court, in its protect consumers. "Truth-iri-aeveral dozen offenses in labeling" would warn buy-Delaware, the last lltate to discretion, could provide tha t ers or products noisy enough hold on to the pre-Revolu· the defendant be whipped with to affect public healt h or wel - tionary War punishment. the number of ·lashes as the fare , and help sh,oppers choose Despite e(forb by groups court deerils appropriate." · effective noise-cu tting pro- ranaing from prison reformers The full Senate has not yet ducts. to humanitarians, state acted on ~ither the bill or the • Mu!lle the lou dest source lawmakers have refused time · amendment. or urban noise : low-llying jet and -~aln to legislate the Crowds numbering In the aircraft and sonic booms. Th is w~ippinf110st, known as "Red hundreds u!ifld to gather at task is left, however, to the Hannah," ouf of existence. whippings. And 'they gathered Federa lh Aviation Administra- Loeal L l-'-ni has It that ••-• th •~ h' tion-w ich is publicly reluc-iwi;w.,. u~ Oilen: more an vuv w 1p-tant-rather lha11 the activist post wu dubbed "Red Han-pings were administered in Environmental Proteetion nah" by blacks In Sussex Delaware from I.he end of Agency, which administers the County. When a man's man-World War I to the end of rest o( the antinofse program. acled arms encircled the red World War II. hi · I th Id h • Convert the government w pping J>O! • ey sa e Of these, records supplied itseU lo low-noise products. was "hugging ol' Rtd Han--by the Division of Adult Cor· The federal bureaucracy . is nah ." rections show about aeven of authorized to pay up to 25 per- run in and tsave. · Reg. 5..99, Sale 4.99 a gallon. Penncrafl • One Coat Interio r latex wi th 3 year guarantee. Covers any color In just on& a pp lic ation. Dri es in 30 minutes lo a durable and stain resistant fini sh. 10 ready-m ixed colors. 3 ye1r guarantee. \\lhen this Penncrall • Pa int is applied to a previously pain1ed and properly prepared su1face, we guarantee it for 3 years 11s listed below. One gallon gives 1-coat coverage for up to 400 sq . It. on non-porou :aces, 250 sq. It. on ' porous su11a1 • W11shabl& • Durable • Save 250 Rig. 7.99, Sale 4.99 a gallon . Penncraf\ • One Coat Exterio r latex with 5 year guaran tee. Makes you paint li ke a professional, every time ! Goe s on smoothly with either bru sh ot roller and gives you one coat coverage over any color. Defies fad ing and yellowing. Comes in 8 ready-mixed colors. 5 year guaranlee. When !hi s Penncr11lt ' Paint is 11pplied lo a previously painted and property prepared surface, we guarantee It for 5 years 11s sl11led below. One gallon gives 1-coal coverage !or 1Jp l o 400 sq. ft ' Your choice 1Q99 Our big assortment ol decorator swag lamps inc ludes 3 lop styles , .. Traditional, Modern and Mediterranean. Several shapes and sizes. Ambe r, green, smoke colors included. With gold tone chaitis, hanging 'hooks. 159 99 E a r It est documentatioh ~i ..-... t----~ every nine whipped-wer1-cent-'-"6Uq__.prke:sJ01'--.lpprov--ti 0 w 1 Ro""liert~iilaimson black. ed, quieter products. • Stain resistant ,. • Colorfast 11 lhe paint fails to perform as guar1nt!i!d let us know about it. we will provide on non-porous surfaces. 250 sq. !t. on po1ous s u rlai::.e..s_WJll.Jn.cludmg_shakes and shingles). (10' x 7'1 Deluxe Chalet St0r1ge Shed Ha s steel panels emboss~d to !eel \j"e wood, anO treated for rUst ~a rd at ion. 6' high doorw ay. Store things on a full wall shell. was flogged 39 lashes tn New CUt1e County in 1679 for The number of nogglnp $%5,000 PENAL TY "having feloniously broken i,.._ · dropped sharply after the war. Violators: face a stiff penal- to a chest belonging to Adam Records show only five from ty of $25,000. Furthermore, any Wallis aod stolen from it 1948-1952. .sore-eared cit izen can him- new paint or 1 lull refund. • Chalk re5is111nl • Stain resistant •. Non yellowing • Fade resistanl If th e paln l fails lo perform as gueran1eed, let .us know 11bout II, we w1!1 provide 10· x 10· size. Re;. 199.99, Sale 169.99. ~~~-~-~~--~---·-~--~::::::::::::·==~~;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---1~t 1-----llDunds--ltuling."-"-~----llle.luWnan-in::.l)elaw~re-t~r.1gei.ng.lederal en!otcers_ :.r For nearly 300 years since, feel the traditional cat-o'-nine-Environmentalist Jawmak· new p11lnt or 11 fu ll 1elund. ·~ the whlp has been used as a tails lash his back. On June 16, ers-who failed to add a series puoisbritent Joe crlmes.. r1ng-1952._th~ prison warden, whose of margin~! strengthe.ning lng m robbery and larceny job i n c I u d e d adminstering amendments -nevertheless to wHe ting and embezzling. !loggings, slapped 20 lashes on privately hailed the legislation "It's a ic of the Dark Barbieri for conviction of as tougher than expected. Ages," said C!ov. Russell W. breaking and entering. Many detect a growing con-sumer dema11d for the goal Peterson when in 1969 he That crime was just one of voiced by one leading noise ordered the whipping post at many for which lashes were opponent, Rep. Will iam F. Ry- Delaware Correct lo n a I doled out by our lorefalhers. an (0 ) of clamocous Ma nh at- Iruititute at Smyrna to be ''Kindling a fire in any ten~ .stored in the basement. woods resulting in damage to "The right to a quiet, peace-~ "I think it qualifies IS ·I another's property" c oti·ld fulenvironrnentisas basic ·as c rue I and u nus u a I ha ve cost a care I es s the rifht to clean air and wa- punlJliiiient'," said-nep. Piefre woodsman-"20 stripes'' in the fer ind pure food .11 S. duPont IV, (R·Del.). ''l late 1600s. Mounting evidence tends to think we've passed the point in "A servant assaulting his confirm what many Ameri- our civUization where a wh ip-master or overseer " would cans ha ve long suspected ping pest is need ed." receive "whatever corpcral about the price of environ- Some lawmaker!! ha ve ;igain . h l th I d mental noise : punis men e cour ma y a -Health . Millions of wGrkers proposed, in a revi sion of the judge," which, records show, toil in noise le vels shown con· Delaw;ire Criminal Code now included whipping, several elusively to produce hearing pending before the Gene ral hours in the stock and pillory, damage, the Commerce De- Assembl y, th;it fl ogging be and ha ving one or both partment reported Jast yea r. stric ken from ii. ea rlobes lopped off. But passage or the proposa l Burglary conviction led 10 SOUNDPROOFING COSTLY fs by no means a foregone being "severely whipped~· anti Dollars. Soun dproofing a con<:Jusion. branded on the forehead, in home against aircraft noise in- J usf-seven legi.alative days days prior to America's in-creases the cost of a $25,000- lnto the start of this year's sec. dependence. to-$30,000 house by 20 percent, according to a joint study by ·sound of Musi~ Pusli-button. Co11certs Eyed airport officials and a citizen group in Los Angeles. Tha t city began last year to buy 1,994 houses at a cost of near- ly $300 million to settle noise protests by homeowners near the airport. Inconvenience. Tod ay's •oise levels "in terfere with speeeh CALDWE LL, Idaho (UPI J ing about a person ~itting communications, disturb sleep, -Dr. lslvan Nadas foresee~ down with an e I e c tr on l c and affect recreation," the En- the day when concert~ Bnd synthesizer and playing with vlronmental Protection Agency recita ls -a.c; lhey are nnw bu!lons." re ported (lo no one's.surprise) known -will be B thing or the Many o( those who are mov-earlier this year after public past. ing to the electronic technique hearings in eight American The reason : e I e ct r 0 n i c Bre composers ol conventional cities. At the opposite e11d of music. · h h' the Washington Mall from th r music w o are searc 1ng for c ·i 1 ,. A man wilh a box. pushing new 50u nds because they feel ap1 ort. ~I yrarsh ofpouldoor buttons, will ropl•ce •nti'r• h concc s a ong I e otomac I e conventi onal instruments were ended last summer ~ orchestras, said Nad11 s. a con· do not express enough, Nadas cause of deafening airciaft cert pianist who ltaches mu'1ic said. noise. I t Wa shington State Universl-r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:~~:;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 I ty in Pullman, W11sh. I "O r ,......, °"' r ,_ ~;!·: :h~ ~:~n!~~i~sr~~~:~ BOWN• , G . .; ..... ,, ... , .. Y•wo' ... ,_ ,,...N. G to be," 111d Nad11s, "'ho w1s visiting the College of Idaho II CUSTOM TAllOtS' SHllTMAl':ftS IN OIANGE COUNTY C.Jdwell. HIMANINT IHOWIOOM Sale on sprayer and compressor • ' Saves10 Reg. 39.99, Sale 29.99. Penncrafl9 spr~y o,utfit features 1/.15 t-:!P motor, .~ bleeder gun, 1 pint aluminum cup and --8' air hose. Save$30 Reg.129.91, S1l199.99.Penncr•fl* 1/2 HP compressor 12 gallon capacity tank, 15 ft. rubber covered air hose with l / 4 " connections. Wheel mounte<t'for easy movement Spray gun with aluminum quart cup. Sile prlc11 effective through Saturday. Your choice 199 3pc.9" ro lt ersetor2 paint brushes•" and 1 Ya" rlt~~-ect!~~~~ m~~c ~:~p~,:~ ,,-.;-.-.~-~-·;-~s-,-.-s--.-.-,-.. ~ !~,'!~~~ .. !~.~~., JCPenney doesn't work . Tho compo'Cr DOUILI KNIT SAVI UP TO SO'M> himself doesn't kno1•,. where s,ict.tl '•tc1 •••· aiow ... "'"' tiner•~ c~u .... 111•-Th he'• going. 11 , ·, ... :;::·~.:;:· .::::•:: •:: ":·;::;~;:~;";;~,"'"· e values are here every day. perimenti ng. c •• ~,., ••• '... ... •• •• t ANY ITYL.I COPllD "Wh•n you list.en In eloc· :~,;'\:,~, ::::::: :: :: • "" ""'"10•• Shop Sunday noon to 5 P.M. at the follow1'ng stores.· tronic m41ic, you n111ke a s~1"' ·······-···· 10 • 'IAIY PAYMINTI . I k '( II 111~· ..... ,,. I ,,,i, • "'' grave mis I e I you ftltn lo 7000 'UUIT IMHtJI• ~ o,... I Ir with trained eara 100 ' view wool1111t1ou1Lr «Min ~ •~t Available at: NEWPORT BEACH, Fashion Island. or mu~ic you've heard In the ,.,. "''"'~ ,.11 .,..,,., ,,_, 1.11•111., nwi.t• P"I.' We are lalki"i 1boict 1 2012 ••<•nsoH-1U1t1 101-Hiw'°" 11•c• HUNTING TON BEACH, Huntington Center. Use Penneys time payment plan. new music aound. We art talk~ ..................... M;,;~;,;';•·~·;;''"";;;-";;;-;;.;';;;'-;;;;~;,;;'M;;.:M;,;"";;;;"';;"';;w;,;•;;'"';;,;,' _.:;.:;~,I I·--------------------------------------------------------- • • 8 s J • -----------------··~---------------------------_:_ ______________________________________ __J"-.__J~_ ' . ' lfop down the bunny trail ... ... and at the end of the trai I there's a free Easter Egg waiting for you. From now 'til Easter, Easter Bunny will be· in our Carousel Court to visit with the children. Take a picture with him if you want because we're all set up to do that too. And, boys and girls, inside the Easter Bunny house there'll be live little chickies and bunnies to pet. Open daily 'til 9:00 p.m. ,... Sunday, M.1rtll 19, 1«>72 DAILY PILOT .( J3 ... ' 5outb Coist ?lua BllllSTOL AT SAN Dll!QO FREEWAY, COSTA MESA OVER 85 FINE STORES AND SERVICES ••• DEPARTMENT STORES ••. May Co. • Sears •WOMEN'S APPAREL .•• Albert's Hosiery • Al roe• Martin Seren's •Chris' Fashions • Finn's• Gene's• House of Nine• Hubbub• Judy's• Lene Bryant• Lillian's• Joseph Magnln • Marlene Fabrique • Miss Hawaii •Sabrina •The Wet Seal• Young Maternity• Zellg's Casual Fashions• MEN'S APPAREL •.• Carat's• Chasin's •Gentry, Ltd.• Grodin'•• Harris & Frank• Prep Shop• ReDel Shop• Tie Rack• CHILDREN'S APPAREL .•• Bergstrom's Baby News • FAMILY SHOES .•• Gudes-Sarnett • Innes Shoes • Thom McAn •WOMEN'S SHOES .•. C. H. Saker• Cameo • Field's• Joyce Shoe Tree• Leed 's •CHILDREN'S SHOES .•. Cabot's • HOME FURNISl'llNGS ••• Goldef1 Needle • House of Fabrics• Knit Wit• Singer• Udoff's • VARIETY·DRUGS ••• South Coast Drug • F. W. Woolworth • JEWELRY-GIFTS ... Chic Accessories-• Galleon • Jewels by Joseph• Keven Jewelers• George Murray• Pace Setter• Raj of lna1a • Raj International• Sunset House• Weisfield's •FOOD.CANDY •.. HickoryFarms•LlndbereNutrition •See 's •RESTAURANTS ••• Harvest House• Kaplan's• King's• LePetlt Cafe• Riviera• SPECIALTY SHOPS ••. A La Card • Cline's• Decorator Line • House of Terry• Pickwick Bookshop• Rooten's Luggage• Sports Plaza "Tinder Box• Toy Center• Wallichs •Winstead Cameras• SERVICES ••• Sak Portrait Studio• Better Barbers• Crowning Glory Beauty Salon• House of Tailoring• On the Go Travel• Optometrist• Peter P.an Beauty Salon• FINANCIAL ... Avco Savings & Loan• Bank of America• Crocker Senk• Firat Western Bank • Housohold.Finence • Pacific Savings• U.S. National Bank • THEATRES ••• South Coast Plaza I & II Theatres., • • • A Jf DAILY PILOT Sunday, March 11, 1972 Easter Bunn y Awaits Visitors at South Coast Pla za Air Force Art Ex hibited ' A unique and fascinating view of Air Force life ll!i seen through the eyes of foremost Amerieans1 foremost artists and illustrators is now on display at South C.oast Plaia . the Carousel Court t hro~gh ~: The United States 'ir Force Art ExhJbit, t<i be displayed 1n March 30. consists of 48 paint· ings from the original Air Force art collection offering a pamrama of Air Force peopl,, events and activities. The art collect1on documents the history and de velopment of the Air Fnrce from before World War I through the age or supersonic jets ~nd space night. A signifi- cant selection of paintings in the exhibit are devoted to the Air force's first 25 years as a !'ieparate military service, l!.l47 to 1972. Established by Congress on September 18, 1947, the USAF is currenlly celebrating its Silve r An· niversary year. lndividual paintings in this ' e-:hibit run the gamut of Air Force subjects from j et aircraft on alert to a medicat civic action tea m and wor k 1n Viet Nam. Also included are two paintings depi cting the heroic action of Air Force Medal of Honor recipien ts. The Air Force bega n ils art collection with the acquisition of nearly 300 paintings in 1950. Exhibit Previetv A 1900 pain ting by Carl Yens is previewed by Gene Robens, general manager of South Co ast Plaza. and Mrs. John Grier, a patron of the Laguna Beach Art Gallery. Mrs. Grier donated the painti ng to the gallery and has loaned it to t he plaza to generate interest in the 10-day exhibit which begins May 3, in Pictures ' Easter Bunn y, Kids Segerstrom's Get Hon or The Orange County Advertising Club, i n an· nouncing Ad Awards • 7 2 honorees, singled out .the Segerstrom F a m i I y by awarding an honorable men4 tion in its newspaper full pag e cOIQr category to the de velop- ment company. The full page 5e~erstrom ad \\'31! designed and r u t1 especially for the DAILY PILOT'S futurama edilloll published the first of the year. E P H ld In 1951 another 800 pa intinj?S %po arty ~ reflecting the Army Air Corps _ role in World War If were The Easter Bunny has ar· Mesa, and Don Sizemore of colored prints for the cost of British Expo '72 at South Coast Plaza was kicked transferred from the United rived at South Coast Plaza and Costa Mesa . $3.50. Cotitest ll'i1i1ie1·s off recently at a cocktail buffet hosted by the Brit-States Army. will be vislting with ,children As 8 bonus to parents who As an added attraction of ish Consulate General's office. Guests included. This exhibit is sponso red hy of all ages daily from 10 a.m. choose to have thei r their visit y,·ith the Easler Bun. Winners in the South Coast Plaza-sponsored "Ciuess the Number of Cherries in George's Pie" contest hold their $25 prize che cks. They are, from left, Benjamin Franklin Mingles. 9, Costa f\1esa: Steve Nelson, 12, Costa Mesa and Mrs. Lloyd Q\ven s. Costa Mesa. Not shown is Richa rd H. George. Mrs. Owens exactly picked the correct total or 552. from Jeft. Peter Williams. man aging director of South Coast Plaza Merchants to 9 p.m. in the carousel you ngster's picture taken with Wedgewood; John Schinner, owner Pace Setter Association i n cooperatio n Court. the Easler Bunny. t he ny children are able to ,·isit to Ar h B Ch · f th b d f Merchants AssociatiC1n o f and ~t 1· · · h. h s re; t ur ryan , airman o e oar o with the United States Air This yea r's Easter Bunnies "w 1ve an1ma1s w 1c We_dgewood and Don Rose, Wedgewood \Yestern Force. It is open to the public are two Orange Coa st College South Coast Plaza is providing have been placed inside the ..r. ·• d" t E ill s t 28 f 9 30 9 t d t B'IJ Co d 1 c t a-series o( six famlly albun1 Easter Bunny house. ~-'•~"~"o_n_.•~""-•-'~·-u_e_c_.o_r.~x~p~o~w~-o~p_e_n_o_n~e~P-·~-· ~~~·ro_m~'~-'·_m_._to~p-.m~. ~~-'-"~en_'-·~'~-"~'-o~_os_aljiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil \ . ' - '. / ,,..._em,,~~'"'""""'"'...;......"-. SAYE $36 ON THE TOWN'S BEST BUY IN 2 ·TROUSER DOUBLE KNITS FOR SPRING! 'w,•,,, said 1t befo11-11nd we'll soy it ogain I WHO b11t Horris & Fronk giv11 yov Double Kn:t .S11i~ -NOT wilfi jutt •Ont Pair of ir110111J, but with TWO PAIRS-for iu11 S99? 011cover the freed11m of action-the intred1ble eomfort - plut 1mort wrinkle-fret oppeoronee only o Do11ble Kriit S111t g1veJ you -!Ind you'r e sold for hf1I Joke your -p1d: of Advonct! Spring Stiles, Patterns ond Colon in 100'.~ 0'1cron' 01 well 01 Dac•on1-ond-Wool 8l1nd1. ~emember, Min, 'tne11111its 111! 11g1,le:rly fo1 $135-ol j11~t $99, THEY'~E QUITE A B!J'fl .............. , ........... ,.......,~ .... ,0...-A~& Fnrnk Opott-f,..j ~....,_,,., lo~.Mo~Ooetre Cr ~bor .. M-rf(oor~ Harris & Frank l lNCt 1855 SOUTH COAST PLAZA BUENA PARK 'CENTER Costa Me11 Buena Park HUNTINGTON CENTER HONER PLAZA Huntington Beech Senta An• ' HAMMOND DELUXE SPINET ORGAN OAK, WAS $2,155.00 NOW ONLY _5]_4_9500 HAMMOND CONSOLE AND SPEAKER Cl WALNUT, SOLD NEW FOR $3,700.00 NOW $1595°0 HAMMOND PORTA·B· PORTABLE ORGAN WAS Sl .810.GO NOW ONLY NEW MODEL WURLITZER WITH AUTO CHORD SYSTEM GREAT FUN FOil IEGINNEll AND ADVANCED ORGAN PLAYERS • Wurlitzer Spinet , , $699 • Wur.liter Spinet , . $799 wll11 l•sllti REDUCTION ~SAll,~' ·~ ·Hammond Deluxe Spinet Organ Walnut, wes SZ,225.00, new • , , ••• , •• , , • , , , , , , , ••• , , •• , • Hammond Spinet Organ MehotoRy, WOI 51 ,JtS.OO, llOW ••• ' •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Hammond Spinet Organ With euto. rhythm, wes Sl ,72t.OO, 11ow , , , , • , , , • , , , • , • , , , , , Hammond Console H325 w ----. · ''" ev1e. rhythm, wn 54,241.00, 11ew • , , • , .••••• , , , , , • , • , Wurlitzer Deluxe Spinet · Chol,• of thr•, w111 SZ, l ,5.00, 11ew • , , • , , , , , • , , •• , • , , , • , • , • Wurlitzer Console Organ WelRvt, WOI SZ,225.00, 11ew • , , ••. , , •• , • , • , , , •. , •• , , , , , ••• Wurlitzer Console Organ 4SOOR, WOI $2,150.00, ................................... . $1995 $995 51495 $J7JJ5-.. , 51695 51895 52595 I LESLIE SPEAKERS We c•rry a complete 1olectlon of now •nd u•ed Leslie Speiakers. Come in and h••r •ny of tltem. Flt• •II m•k• ef ort•n•. WURLITZER THEATRE SPINET ~::;~D 519900 ONLY • TRADE·IN • ' CLEARANCE SPECIALS! • Thomas Spinet . $599 • Lowrey Spine't $1249 • Kimball Console $1195 •Conn Spinet .... $399 • Hammond Spinet $699 WALNUT, WAS $1,795, NOW ONLY ••• 51495°0 WURLITZER STEREO ORGAN • new dlmon1ion In homt 9nter- t1lnmtnt with th• rt•ll•m of the whol• orche1tr1. Thomas Sin9le Keyboard $199 ALL PIANOS GUARANTEED 10 YU .... ,. .. , frto tuning h11 your home. SOUTH COAST PLAZA COSTA MESA 3400 BRISTOL ST. • PH. 540·2830 - • AT YOUR DEPARTMENT STORE OF MUSlCIJ -- " b A d c d h a I s si r v p of of m .. c It to "' b m m st c ne " ' :up 'be !di ;cl :rh • . ~ft :s y : fol :bi ' . • g\ : pr 'in ~br VO ell ;he! • -~Co ,us rat •Ho 'sti No th we tri tie , .• sy " -tie l '" "" Lo Loo m" ''" ''" Vitt VI '" '" M• ·Tc• ... MO ... 51,1 "'" '" ... .. " Co Coo II N Sunday, Muth 19, 1972 Muscle Cure Sought fJ11 Bil Keane ~--...-- FAMILY CIRCVS CAMEo @ sHOE UC I to Conduct Res~arcli Project Ed itor's Note: A rtstarch project in tht JteUt of my· • asthenta gravi..a. btfng con· ducttd at UCI undtr tht dirtctfun of Dr. Sta1llt'11 va11 dtn Noort, i.s being funded bu tht Norman R. Anderson Mtmorial Fund , establislltrl by the California Chapt.rr oj MC. Mr. A·nder&on. copy dt1k. chit( of the DAILY PILO T. died last October of complications fr am thr. disease . By Bt:A Afli'DERSON Ot lht CllllY 1"1i.1 11111 IRVINE -Before 193-4 there was no effective treatment of my~thenia gravis. Since then advancements have been made. but the cause and cu re 11till are unknown. "There is so much to be learned about MG," said Dr. Stanley van den Noo rt, who is tiimultaneou sly conducting two research projecl!i. One in· volves a theory of the cau!e; the other focuses on an Im- provement or treatment. Dr. van den Noort is 1ssoci1te dean of UC! 's School of Medicine . "If we could learn the cause of MG we mitht know a lot more about treating it,'' he Slid. COMPLICATED ··P.1G is very complicated. It's hard to diagnose and It'• a tough one lo take care of." The disease, a very serious neuromuscu lar disorder. can best be described as a malf unction "'here n e r v e s mttt muscles. The symptoms in v1.rying staaes are hard to recognize. They can be and often are co nf used with oth er neurological diseases, such as . multiple s-clerosis, he ex- • plained. ~-·'For years it has been mix~ ;up \\'ith polio and there ha\'e ~been cases of botulism ;diagnMed as MG. There is a :closer el at ion I! h i p with !rheumatoid arthritis." • In the beainning symptoms ~(lften come and go, makin1 : e a r I y recognition difficult. , Symptoms may be any of the :followina:, alone or in com- :bination : . 'SYMPTOMS Drooping eyelids, blurred or ---double-V-i1lon. toss of facial ex !pression, difficulty in speak· 'ing, chewing. 111wallowing or /brealhin~. weak anri nai;al voice. difficulty in w1lking ind cli mbing stairs and complete ,'he\ples:iiness. • This rare disease v.•as once ~Considered fat11l. but-with the ~ use of med ication the fa tality ra te is being re v e r s e d . Howe\ler, many severt cases still are fatal . Dr. van den Nl')Orl stres.~ed . "There is no quirk solution .'' the neuroloiiSI cautioned. "so we keep struii;~lini:: alon't"." · Treatment of the disease is tricky. because no two pa- tients have exartl y the same \·ariety and se.verity o f symptoms and !he va riety 1nd se verity can \'ar~' 1~ one pa- --'-ue-nt fro m time to lime. J"crea s~ or decrease of Deatlt Not.lee• •ICC1All01 9 1t~•I ftltc!l ro!l. ICI C•l!nn Sf , ~tW· )!&rt 911cn Survlveo! nv o:l•110Me" Mn, L1m1 Pirnie. Nrw~rt ll~lc,.: ~l\!1•\, L•v•• T1r!"oli1. Venfur1, M i ry C•· mvJI, L~• ""9•1•" Vl•tlnl t "lrtl1rlll, Slfl G1brlel; 1Yo11>tr, Wllll1m Prlnrln, Si n G1brlel; two 11•1ntlchlM•tn S•r· vltf ,, 11"5••Y. 1 l).m . M f no:l•Y 1t F"•cllie View (h1t1el: M••!, 1C·30 I m 101•• lll Y t i Our Ltl'ly al Mt, Carmf.I C1l"O· l•t (nu•cll: l'ltt rnmtnt 11 P t (lllt View Memerlt l 1"1rk, Nt w-t a11th. l"E O•llSOl'I 1Dr1lt Ptedf'•••n. UXI ~th Av.,..ut . Otkl1nd, (t lJI. ~utvlYtd II~ M!n1, Albert Mt1' ll"tte Prde,.en). Hll"ll"!lton l ff(I>, ErMll A Ptllf"I"· S•t1l1 An11 SIS!•••· ••• Sw!n. Ml. Vttw. ("Ill ' Nl "CY All t n. S1"lt Ant. (11!1 ; lll•H 1r1ndthlltrt "· two t rt1t11r1ndc,.Hdrt n. ~r1v~1ld! MrYlc8t. i o.m. M&nat y, l /10 11 Wt stml,.1ltr Mtmorltl Pt•-· ~ he explained, saying that "v.1e ha ve almost no medic a 1 under1tandlng of It. "It's Oot the same process as the tltedness felt by an athlete afte.r physical exertion. We know In this case that the athlete runs out or oxygen and glucose, but he doesn •t need sleep to rejuvenate. "We don't know what runs down when there 1s fatigue . .. Why dQ 'l\'e need sleep. and why does sleep rectwirge our batteries?'' •• PLAY ARCH T HE G REAT ON E FOR GREAT L IV ING • Whatever this unknown fac- tor is. Dr. van den Noort believes it ls closely related to MG. In MG there is a disturbance at the neuromuscular junction. Ner\'e impulses are no t transmitted to the voluntary muscle so it doesn't contract. The musc le itself doesn't tire nor does the nerve lire, he said. Man Guilty Of Beating His Wife SAf\'T A AN A -An Anaheim ® "Now P J con reac h o hand to hold , too I" man indicted by !he Oran1e ---------------------- County Grand Jury on charges In lea/her so l1gh1 and supple you feel fre sh o• fall oir all day long. Exclusive Penalio P/01 A rc.h conJlruction and foam inner sol & HEADS MG RESEARCH Or. v•n den t-'oort 1nedication must be prescribed at 3 gradual rate 'because a sudden change ca n cause an abnorm11 ! reaclion. If too much medication is taken it can increase rather than relieve, thus aggrav1ting the situati.on already present, and sometimes a crisis can oc- cur. FEW QUALIFIED "It takes someone highly skilled to administer trea t- ment," Dr. van den Noort emphasized . He believes there are relatively fe w who qualify because the field of neurology is only being filled at one-h1if the rate necessary in this country. "Other branches of medicine have developed much faster." he sairi . "because it's eas ier to study something less compli- cat ed . "The ~tud,v of the brain is ''ery complicated and so many \\•ho ii;o into this branch of medicine turn to psychiatry." He th inks another dete rrent in attracting doctors to this specialized field is tha t most reel brai n-rela ted dis eases ire depressing. However, Dr. van den Noort does not find it· so. "ll°s rewarding and ex- ciling, especially when I see remarkable res u 1 t s in patients." ThrouJth research he hopes for evm..greater resulls. Attacking the ']lrtihlem from two 1ngles. Dr. van den Noor t is studyi ng I.he -fa ti i u e mechanism snd bow to. purify a blood factor, ' "Fatigue is a phenome non," "Fatigue probably has to do vdth some kind of 11 change at the connectior: of nerve and muscle and nerve and ner\le," he asserted . of assault with intent to com· mit murder after he attacked and beat his wife with a heavy metal bar has b ee n found guilly of lesser cha rges by a Superior Cou rt Jury. J ud ge 'Charles A . B au e r ordered Otis Roger Collins, County to Provide Care for Animctls 28, to return to his courtroom CY.PRESS -The Orange April 21 for sentencing follow-County Parks Depertment h11s ANOTHER PRO.JECT ing his conviction on cha rii;es gri:inted a rPquest from !he He is 'A"orking with Dr . of assault 'A'il h a deadly Stephen Armentrout, an weapon. He faces a possible Cily or Cypres~ lo pro\'ide in- associate profess 0 r of state prison term o,f up to 15 lerim c11re for more lhan 300 medicine at .UCI, on the study yc<1rs . birdS <1nd animals for six of lymphocytes. which make ll was testified thal Colli ns months to a yeAr . up about one-fourth of the attacked Mr~. V i r ii; i n J a The county gets lo keep all animals produ ce \\'hl le lhe y are undrr the care of th'(' parks dr partn1ent. The ctt y a~rees to pay thr j dC'pilrtment $100 i'I month 11ntil1 the communilv can build a zoo. The couniY he111 min1aturr zoos in se veral regioni:il park~ such as Jr \'ine. fei therl y And Fullerton Dam . wh ite blood cells. Collins, 2.1, Aug. JO, 1971. offspring the v11rious birds and Lymphoc ytes rire responsi-l p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-. ;========================. hie for defend ing the body ag11inst. infection . These cells produce substances \\'hich kill or neutralize viruses and bacteria. On occasion. ho'A·ever, these cells make substances which attack our O'A'n tissues and there is some evidence that MG may he due to a lym- ph ocyte • produc.cd substJtnce wh ic h at t a c k -s the neuromuscular junction. Drugs which d epress lymphocytes may th us be of \'alue in tre11ting ~1G . Dr. van den Noort and other neurologists currenlly are us- ing predn i5'lnt, a C'ortisonc derivali\'C. for this purpose. Results in selected patients ha\·c been gratifyi ng. Dr. van den Noori brlir\'CS !hilt the discove ry of ho\v to separ11te, isoh1l e and purify a lymphocytoxic racror \\'Ould provide a much helter tool in , 1-r.ut.ing_M.G-than th@-uMi-of. prtdnisone. He also bclirves it tiln play an imporr ::i nt role In trea ti ng mul!iple sclerosis ~nri leukem- h1 and might evtn be helpfu l in organ transplants. for the ''RABID'' TOBACCO FAN TOllACCO SAMP'lEll l•ve DI ou• wcrltl-l1mQ1.11 t.btcce nten<is I" ~ hind· .ome 11111 ~• $3.95 I . I 0 I Roy al Worcester Egg Coddlers For tl1e Record Marriage Lice11ses China •Crystal •Silver •Gilts •Bridal Reg istry cradl es eveiy sl ep. TAFFY CARE FREE ... SIZES AAAA AA A 8 c D •·11 91ft·11 51/1°1 0 4-11 1·1 0 "" . "Tht Fashion Shop Thnt f its You" COSTA ME S-A -""!>hon e 5-46-521 o I~ l•v1!, bv w•l•rf1ll l rillel 11 S111 0 11?0 ~r11wt y SOUTH COAST PLAZA TllJ1 prOdlH:I hi\ l>O c&nnKllon w,,.ttvlf wllll th• Amtrlc1n N~tle,.,.I llfod C•cn. \ Raise your voic e in song .. love , cause it's spri ng (tra·lo) and Thom McAn's goto perky little bareb.ock shoe with o nip opd ,ii tuck across the vamp ond o curvy mid-high bee!. NOW you Coi'l knit your own •custom Dasigned Suit, Dress or Hot Ponts (os eas ily os "Poinling by Number'1 ,.... eith er by hond or on o moChin1. . . ~n.=' C I . . ((:_ " omp el11nstrvc:t1ons, yoms ... ' everyttnng you need tor a ' GUARANTEED CUSTOM D!SiGNED fil! 1111 ADYICI .. ...., ..... t. *CUSTOM OfSGNRI Mto"s we ch.tr! 1111tlotly !Gr your li;llrt lHE KNIT WIT SOUTltCOAST •LAZA lowtr Mon •t•eu lrtni Y.oo!worth 'J COS fl MfSl ~· s~s ,,,, • It's the Sli~g-Alon g , in shiny whlte crinkle potent, • · and it:s on1y $8.99. \ r • - Mom! Have a treat with the kids after shopping. Get a free BASIWl-nOBBl?IS butterseotch or hot fudge sundae. Pick up your_"lluy One-Get One Free " cou·pon et these Thom McAn stores. SOUTH C.OAST PLAZA HARBOR CENTER lllSTOL AT SAN OllGO J.lllWAf, COSTA. MISA 1)00 HAllOI. IOULlYAl.D, COSTA MISA -...... -....... -..... --- • • .. ' • • A 18 DAILY PILOT S11nd,y, ~itrt~ 19,.1972 • '~ Gas Lack Spurs Stations -QUEENIE By Phil Inter.Jandl Cory Li·ke• Idea BAKERSFIELD 1AP1 - Two service Stallons opened this week 11long a new 184-mile 1tretch of tnteril11le S on ~'hich hundreds of motorists ran out or ga3 earlier this month for lack of roadside facil1tles. The stations are located on the central California route near Los Hills, 30 miles north or Bakersfield. Legislature Witl1 One Hou se? By GEORGE LEIDAL 01 th1 01lly P!i.1 11111 nel SACRAMENTO -A con' stitutional amendment Io repla ce Ca lifornia's two·house legisla ture "·ith one 1 2 0 · member Senate was prnposed last -week by Assemblyman Kenneth Cory ( D . G a rd en Grove). ,ersey ·t Scile 88 per ya~ ( reg.12.49) one week only "'It's my own invention-a break-away de sk!" Job Char1ces Better For California Vets Capitol News Service SACRAMENTO -Return· ing Vietnam veterans have a better chance In find jobs in Ct11i forn ia than they do anywhere else in the cou ntry, according to statistics releas- ed recently by the State Department of H u m a n Resources De v e Io pm e n t (HRD L 'fhis has been a chief gripe of servicemen in Southeast Asia. Where do we get jobs when we come born e? Ca lifornia veteran,.; want jobs in the state ~d they are finding them far ahead of schedule and quotas j>JaCeif'"on HRD by ·the··l:l.S. ·Department o: Labor's Regional Manpower 20-29 age bracket. N11w this rate has dropped to 8.5 per· cent. though this is still con· sidered high. California ha.s 3 rn illion veterans which 1s lll percent of the nation 's total. Records show that 42 percent or male job placements last year ~·ere ''eterans of one war or another. Judge ~~aces Dr11nk Rap I , In Accident Admi ni,.;fration. SANTA ROSA IAP1 -A Here's an example. Trinity County judge was ar· Coal of job placements for rested Friday and booked fnr fiscal 1972 was 28.449, hut investigation of felony drunk halfway through the year, drivi ng , the highway patrol 25,097 veterans had been plac· said. ed. CHP Sgt. !Jarry Humes said 'l'he rnca :-;urc, not li kely lo gel on the ballot by this NovemhE>r, accord ing to a Cory aide in Garden Grove, "'ould, if voters concur, pro· vide 'a "more e If i c i en t '' legislature. "Bills are now getting killed without anyone knowing who lo blame." the alde said. in defense of the unicameral - onehouse -legislature pro· posed hy Cory. Legislative observers note there is only one 'Vestern state \.\'ith such a legislature, the state rif Nehraska. In su pport of the idea. the Cor.v <1irl s a id. "no ma1or corporation anywhere I kno'w nf operates \\'ith tv.·o boards or directors." "With the one·n1an, one-vote rulings of the courts, it means both the Assen1bly 11nd the Senate are the san1e." H o we v er , Assemblyman Cory is s11id tn believe th.'lt the t1vo-house legislature "hasn't been able to do what needs to be done in terms of education and tax reforn1 bills. "The system ha s practically cnme to a halt," the Cory aide suggested. '\/hat's happening ls things get stopped l1efore they get started." A bill should not have to gci through fQur comm ittees to be considered sUffiCienuy; lfie - aide said. As for the American lradi- lion of che<:ks and balances. Cory does not consider • the two-house legislature adds to !he checks and balances inher- ent in the division 0 r responsibility between the ad· ministrative, legislatiYe and judiCTaJ arms of state govern- 1nent. _, _ _ .. ·-~-. . _The aide pointed out lh!'lt at rhc federal level the Senate ;ind ~louse oC Representatives v.•ere set up to protect the smaller states, a situation that doesn't transfer within the · st;ate. particularly since the one-ma11... one·vote court rul- ing. Other advantages of Cory's proposal would include cutting do\l'n on the number nf citizens each legis\;ator would reprsenl since lhe nne-house Legislature v..·ou!d still have ~s Jnany members as are now di vided between the Assembly and the Senate. The measure, if ap1)roverl by voters. v.·ou ld amend the stale _constitut iQn arid create 120 new, equally populous Senate districts. Each -Senator -would serve for !Our years . $17 Million Needed To Ren1ove Billboards 'l'he Labor Department then the judge's auto apparently revised the quota upward tn v.•as stopped on the divider 0 I 'p f H' h IOI H SANTAn SA (UPl)-A $17 ivlne .~aid the prograin lYas 39,225 i·obs, and b,v the middle s ri o ig way . umes 'd 'I 'I , b d 'd n1illion, six-year program to 1nade possible by state legisla-of February HRD had found sa1 1 was s1 ling roa s1 e to , h · remove billboards from lion authorizing the com-30.8.56 1·obs for returning oncoming cars w en it \.\'as t U k bo l 4 alongside interstate frreways mission to allocate ma tching veterans. This is 78.6 percent s r c a u a.in. Off, 'd r , 'I c 1 and mai'or highways in funds requ ired to comply with of the ne w quo ta. 1cers sa1 r1n1 y en er Justice Court.Judge.Eugene...<.: California was a roved ooLad.v.ertising..controls · fforts-of-ihe-N'i-x 0 n Payne, 50, was alone in the ursday by the s I a t e the Federal H i g h w a y Adm inistration to "bring the car and uninjured. Highwa y Comm isstfln. Beau lificat.ion Act of 1967. boys home" has intensified the The driver of the onconiing State Public \Vorks Dircclor fie said his department Quake-safe Elevator ~OS ANGEL.ES fUPll - All tnventor ha11 developed a device that stops moving elevators at the nearest floor at the first sji n of .an earthquake. • Galled an elevator .seismic · trigger, the device waa ' demonstrat~ M the CLA school of public health. ft was invented by Werner Schroll. a foreman in the · physical plant department. ~ The seismic trigger-slows - a moving eleva tor, stops lt at the nearest floor · and opens its door . •• 4,~.1,.oc• jewels by joseph searches for jewels (111vtrt 1111w•nlld jtwll•Y ft lmmtcllo 111 ~••II ~Y 1111 11 1 tlrm Wfllll 1tn1w1 ... 1, l.1'flerllJ1, Inf lnl .. rlty OllU•I y011 t•flfvl 1v1111111011 11 ,. fl)lt...11'\frktl Ylltt .. Wt will "' 11111illll ft 1•11T1!nt y111r t•"ll .,.. ~ , ...... ,tlf ll!tlr f l!Jo ...... C1U Mr. JtJt»ll '' Mr. ''"' 11 ,.. ..... So11th Co1tt P\•1• lrtitOGiTln~, S-111 Di190 Fwy, Co1ta M111 540·'10li6 ' ,• WANT A -... '. ' Tty: Conqell Chevrolet March 23rd. • 2828 HARBOR BL VD. COSTA MESA 546.1200 SOUTH COAST P'l.AZA, lristol St, •t S111t Diego Frwy., CoJhl Men · An exclusive collecti_on of Orient.al-inspired prinls and solids in 1003 Amel Triacelale jersey knit. ~fachlne "·asable. 44/45" wide. Beautiful florals and paisleys combined with the rich colors of the East, make these the newest and most exciting prints for Spring 72. McCall's Pattern 3230 (\-vrap-around pantskirt) and 3216 (blouse), employment p~oblem. These car, Robert \\lar!n, 4 0 , James A. J\Ioe said the pro-"'ii establish priorities for the m~n are coming horn~. and Pacifici<a. \vas trratrd fnr gram wlil result in the ren10\'a.J of t.he billboards not betn~ separated from military facial cuts ::ind re!ea scrl from pu rchase ·and elimination of l'omplying \.\'it.h tbe act. service faster than e~pecled . Hillcrest tl ,o spit.a ! in more lhan . 4.000 . pre~~!1.lJy . ~as~~ally, he said, thl'..:"igns _fiRD.!iP.9.kesman....S1gurd· R. --Pelalurrta.-olheeFs-sa·til:-~ ----knon<:onform1ng1'--11dvert1smg-l+.at-wdr he-removed-wtft-Oe-H;a~sen, has . been qu.ick tn .Judge Payne: \l'ho practices signs. those on lands not Sf:K!cific~!IY praise returning se rvicemen Jaw in San Franci sco. w;is About. $13 1nillion. or 75 per· zoned for comn1crc1al or in-f?~ "gi.v in~. th~_ ~atiofl a po~· .boo~ed jn $<Jnoma. County jail ecnt or the funds. f~r thP. prQ-.dustJ;ial use. visible. f.r.om the t1on ~f the1~ li ves. We ~ust th en. released on his own ~r.am will be provided b.v the roadwa y and not w1~h1n I._~ pay back th1~ debt ~s qu ickly rccogni7.ance. fi..1unicipa1 Court federal govefnment. The feet ~r any ~01nmerc1al or Jn- as we can by getting them Jud~e Alexander ~fcMahon balance will come from state dustr1al business. back _in the main~tre,~m of the ordered Payne to "ppear at 10 highw;ay funds. -----------'-----------------------y,•ork1ng communi ty. a.m. March 29. , The Singer 1-to-36" Cred.il Plan can hclp you h ave all of these values now-within )121.ll budget. •A Trademark of n;E Slt-..'GER COMPANY Buy Now, Trade Now Just a year ago I h e The CHP said it Y.'as in· unem ployment rate for \'eslig<ating the a cc id en t veterans in the state was a which fJccurred about two v.•hopping 10.8 percent in the miles nnrth of the Marin C-Ounty line near Petaluma. The judge could not be reached-for comment. His of- 'fice sa id he was away for the BAN TIGERS AS PETS? SACRAMENTO 1 UPI! Assemblyman .John Burton 10-San f'ranciscol, intro- duced a bill prohibiting l't·eekend. Union Called Ou Walkout Bellflower Boy Dies in Boxcar BELLFLOWER \UPl1 -A nlne-yeat·old boy suffocated Friday after he fell into a rajl. road car filled \Vit h grain and \\·as buried for <10 minutes. Sheriff's deputies srtid the victim, Mark A. Pickwith. \\'as playing \1'i!h his brother, Joseph. 7. when he climbed in- This Easter when visiting -friends, relatives Take a Food Gift Pak from ,, Fabrics availdb!e at mos! Singer stores. for !he <1d~ of tl1e sto~ , ,nearest you, see the 1vlute pages under SINGER COMPANY. the imporlallon of tigers, cheetahs. anle;iters a n d monkeys into Calfornia for use as pe ls. · LOS ANGF~LES ( lJPI 1 _ As to the )2'.0ndola rar at a loading a result of the "blue flu" "·.11lk·,,,,'.,id=i=n=~='="ccdccf=e=ll=i=n,====:I out by county employes last -:=.:.."?""'~·~· "':-""T-~ ---:l \l'ef"k. the county Personnel 4f 4tfk<1t1 c1r1ns® COSTA M[SA-11.,Jlol & Su,,flowe•. Sou11'1 Co.!•! Plau •... COSTA ME:SA-2300 Harbor lllvd, Ha•OO• (~te• , J4f.UJJ Kt •·lltJ HONTINGTON llEACH-Ei::H"fl1'' 1! Beatl'I, H1.mt1n11tort l!le1cl'I Center lf,·10'1 O•ANGf:-11 ~1'11,,non E111, "T~e CllV" Center J•1-lffJ OA•OEN GA:OV fi.-Q9ll C111pm1~. Orange County 1'!111 • , Burton said the measure \Vas proposed in response to animal lovers' compl aints that such exotic 111nimals are· treated inhumanely when they are taken out of their oatural environment and sold as pets. NEW at Golden Needle DRAPERY FABRIC • Sheers • Boucle · • Print s • Satins ' • Lining Sl.49 to $4.98 per yard Als o new. Graber Drapery Hardware FABRICS SOUTH COAST PLAZA MALL e, CAROUSEL LEVE l;- OPEN EVENINGS nepartmcn! rited a charge F'riday of unfair emp!o.ve re- lations tigainst lhe union in· valved in tllf• protest. The chare:e a 2 a i n s t the 30,00()..membcr Service Em· ployes Local 660 was m3de be· fore the county Employe Re· Jations Commission . Robert .J. Ban ning . chirr of employf' rel::itions for the Per- sonnel Dep,.rlment , said 1,625 emplo.ves \\1ere absent Mon- day, about 1.000 more than normal. ''Our in\'est igat.ion indicates that th ere \vas. in fact, union involve1nent," hr said . A spokesman for the union !'::iid the \\'Rlkout \\1as c,11lled because of asserted delays in collective b111rg11.ining negotia· lions underv.·ay before the Em · ployes Relations Comn1ission. BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS going on a business trip? Do you have an up·IO·date lan1ily porlrait to take "'il h you? Our Jiho1ogr11phe r~ are experts -kn ow J1ow to show your family at its best. Come eec U5 !oon. See the difference professional photograph y can make. BAK Studio Soulh Co1st Plua 549·21 03 Wher~r you QNf, >'OU altOOJ'I have the beJt of company_ with a: Family Portrait S~rprise them wilh o.ne of the pop~lat food 9iff paks yoU'll find on dlsP1ay at Hickory Farms of Ohio. The selecllon Is varied In content ••• many paks 1". elude BEEF STICK Summer Sausage and tasty cheeses. Prices range from $2,50 lo $24,95, The DELUXE BARN (I) and the MIDNIGHT SPECIAL (r) are pictured. Recipients will be pleased with your thoughlful nen . HICKORY FARMS of OHIO CHEESE B!LL Your hostess will bt deHghted to receive the CHEESE BALL •••• dlslincllvo blend of cheeses, covered with choice nut meats and topped With a cherry. 14 oz. $1.SS C&bni® OP OHIO SOUTH COAST PLAZA OPEN D•IL Y COSTA MESA L.ow'r C1ro11•ol Mtll • l 1111111y1 ..,It•~ CllUrt.ti 'tll I ~M a,.1,101 1t 011 &•n 0 1ecr.• ~fwy, PHONE 540-6991 !MEnIC!'S tE!DINS · CHEESE STOnEs ' . • • • • • • ' . • T ; r • • ' • '• s • • • ' • • • '· • !!'· :; ~ , . ' .. ' " . • i-, • :, ~ , " • ,, ' , ;- ~ ~· . t ' , ~ •• • .. )- • •, I d n d I I n I l •t .. gi d lb • R c "R -, th " ril 0 d 15 d di pl th th I • '· ,., .-S~y,_Manh l~. lll72 • DAILY "LDT A. J 7 . • . OOASTWISE ~ B11 Pllll Jnterfandi Wallace Lures the Dissatisfied • • • ' • ' • • • • " ; ' ' ' ' • ' • • , • ~ ~ , ~ o! ~ ' .. .. • •• • l ' • . • ' •. , ~ I ·p~rking Despot Runs ' . .... Lot to Strict Rules By KRISTIN GOFF and Electric C o m p a n y BALTIMORE, Md. (AP) _ building painted and the next- .-Ben Richardson is a parking he is after us to fly the nag Jot despot with an unbending every day, rain or shine." , devotion to rules and a Richardson's biggest proj- • h I I ect, howev'er, wa s a f:;; penc ant or patriot c cam-beautification campaign which paigns. be I t H •• gan as summer. e One mistake , -a wheel started by planting marigolds nudged over the yellow park-around the parking area. To Jng line or a cigarette butt draw attention to the cam- dropped on ~ lot -·and paign he hung beer cans, pop ,._ another .name goe!! on Rich-bottles, candy wrappers and · -ardson's' ·lcngthY J»lack -list. other debris on the fence and The Wiry 67-year-old parking trees around the lot. lot manager keeps copious Company officials and a notes on those he has banned number of customers ha ve from his downtown lot. c 0 m plained about "The guy in the green Ford, Richardson 's ma verick tactics • the one with {be big denl in over the years. The veteran :-the back," one entry reads. parking Jot employe says he •• "He parked· his car at least a has been fired seven or eighl t. foqt ~r the line. This , is ~ct times in the years he has [. the . ·time he has done thts. managed the lot. ,., He 11ys he ·_i:!I sorry. That is But the prospect of being _.;.::._ too bad. Get that car off this fired again does not seem to .r lot." bother Richardson. ~ . Richardson usually does not "I don't care," he said , :-: give second cha nces. He "because every time the doesn't accept excuses. _ .______1lWQer fires me he has to_giye_ _ 1--··vou park here, yotra~ep.-me a ss raise to get me back. i' the rules. Y~ waat lo 1?8rk 1:? '11lere aJn't no one who can a chnnp, that's your bus~ runihis parking lot like me." ~~~: 1:iddstomers a<> BOLOK' s c~pt this philo5?phy, as well a~ ":-•Richardson's 'c ru sa de s, . ~b:ec.ant..hf:_t.akes: a_OQd._i;:_are af _ _ _ __ .~ their auto~hlSJoca- : tian is convenient. BOOKS • _The small, tough looking lot j,... ri\ahage'r Jbst 'alf of the ffngers · 1' on his right hand irr an iP. dustrial accident when he wa · BOOKS 15. Three years later, he . decided to surmount the han- dicap by teaching himself to BOOKS play violin arxi the banjo. He occaslonalty holds Impro mptu -.,,,,.,,-,-..,=-c:.,.,-:----:---1 1erenades for customers. p""1'c'"m' ""'"c""1' ~-' "He always has something . going," said a· Gas an<! Ele<:· BOOKSHOPS J 1 -trie-Com~y_executive__w.ho. iii (ITY . parks on a morithty· basis at o.-... f7T •l m -1100 . the lot. "One month he wants SOUTH COAST '1.414 °"""' the Oag pole on top of the Gas c .... ,..,. • 111•1 J40-21t1 •-· • -\ • '· ' , ' DAILY DILL-Y IN OUR GHILLIE. condor $23.00 -. ' -·-~.. ,,,.· ~ , .... • -. . .l~gce s·HoETREE SOUTH COAST PLAZA, COSTA MESA UPPER LEVEL -546·4791 (2 tloor1 'from m11 c•.I Op•n Sund1y, Noon · 5 p.m.; 10 ·' Mo11. thru Fri. . I 0-6 S1lurG!., ' ,_ By GODFREY SPERIJNG JJL lhaa a favorite o/ tbe Sooth, event. may prove the asswnp-his 19'8 selr. (ltffltloN k._. ,... .. iiW'ttco the poor whites, the hard hall, tion to be true. Then comes whit no.w loom' WASHlNGTON _ Far moft Lhe racbts. aod eo on. This will be a long, long race as lhe most J m p o rt I n t significant than the ract that He would be, as he oow through uncharted territory. primary lhus far.: Wlseons.lrt Hubert Humphtty ii back claims himlclf, a national and No one kno'i''S what it means For many months MuskJe was: again as 1 "viabie candidate" not a rqicoll candidate -one to gc through 24 ·primaries. said to be, far out front there. and that FA Muskie's lead. has who will be a major factor in Certainly, F.d ~fuskie has a But r<'Cent palls have shown been considerably cut is new f:vtr'J ~ be enlers, from strong organization and a him dropping back a-bit. ana persuuiVe ev1deliceor--a-W'tlCOnlin-ift-~MidwesHo-l~rge campaign Pl_lrse. . A Should H\l~tt -fftimphtey, support for George Wallace Massacluetts Jn the East. ta s1iable number of highly in-for example, knoc;k Senatqr that just might tum this 1972 California in the W~, and in n~ential l~adm are com· Muskie off in Wisconsin, it campaign around. each of the approximately 11 milted to him. might become what politicians 1 f t ·i~ dif[ICUJ.t to primaries in which be intends Thus there is plenty qr time term the ''death blow'' tor the n ac 1 lt~-ov ::---to P3{tieipate. -for-Muskie to recoup from-"n Maine Senator. re egale 1. e ov~rpowe~ Evidence of Wallace's broad New Hampshirt v.•here, it And George Wallac:e now ~allace victory in Florida support that is most competing must be remembered . he did looks like a possible winner inj ~imply to 8 res~i: is his particularly strong win and a Florida where he \\'isconsin (he ran well in the em~o~ery :-as . ahowmg in the urban as well was never eXpcctcd to come 1964 primary there ). And even l ~uskie did In his evaluation of as the rural areas of Florida. out ahead . He may get a l<'g if he doesn 't win, it now ap- his own meager vote. He won in moderate-tc>-liberal back in the Illinois primary pears certain that Mr. Wallace jewels by joseph sHrches for jewels c....,.,, ......., t-lf'y It tm--. 1i. 11t1t .., 11M M 1 ILrm wi- 11........., IJ,.nfM, ... lftl .. tll'f' ;,..,... .,.. ttrtftlt ••••tl•1t 11 "" Ut'a -rt• !I'-!. W• wlll llt,...... M 11111111,.. ~ .. mt Ml .. VIM l'tllrtil!lt tfM!t '"" '"" c1n Mt. JIMitll It' Mf, ... ltf II ,.... - Sovth Co1tt Plot• l rhtol 1t th• S111 Di1go Fwy. Co1t1 M111 540-9066 Sen. George McGovern. wbo Miami as well as in the » next week when he takes on a will make an impact that also fared poorly, may have called ··mt neck" country of Eugene AicC11rthy who is sup-could throw the Wisconsin out· narrowed in on the more basic lhe panbandJe. He •·on 42 per.: posed to be only a shadoiiior~'icioimieii~niailmiositiainiyidiirieciliioini. ~iiiiiiiiiiii~~~~:~~ element in the Wallace appeal, cent of the vote . 1-'--=~-~i!iiiiii however, when he said that How much v.-as Senatorj the vote for. th:e _Alabama Muskie damaged as he finish-TAKE A PICTURE WITH Governor was pr111cipally an ed a pathetic foorth with bare- expression of general lytperantoflhevote! THE EASTER BUNNY · dissatisfaction f r om an Some omerverS are writing American public that was that Ed Muskie may be finish-Now -Carou1el Court most ~nhappy w!th the way ed and that a wide-open the nation was bemg run. Democratic Nat ion a 1 Con-C:-........ ~ asf. 'Df-.;._ If, indeed, Sen a tor vention now is ahead. CJUlllD ,O ~ ~ McGovern is correct, then It is too early yet to go this George Wallace is far more __l!!,_ allboog!'t su~equent &outh Coast 'Plaza lJJ •r11tol u .. Co1t1 Miu. S•" DI..., Frwr. • 1r1,M1 ll. L1w1r Lt,,..I Miii, l'hont ''''"7j • MOU•S: M""4l1y lflt'1j 1'rl41y -1•t -s11un11y • ,._,, ~ . -H-a-n-ime-x-PFak-ti£-..-a ~ Super TL w/f!.8 Orest9n Sincle Lens Reflex behind·the-!ens CdS meter. ---1Featur:es-films--1peed-6 to--1-600 ASA----• automatic film loadin e • bright \liew-finder . m icrosc re en 'focu sine instant return mirror l /5000th secor1d plus "8" conveni ent shutter re lease with lock flash "F" and "X" synch ' OUR REG. 129 .95 83 widi cue • --. l /24/72 : .... ··-· .... •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• !c\iP'" ~e plastic pocket l . ·-· -. . l :: ALBUM PAGES i • • • : ~ .. l--+-+--1 . . . ~ . • • LllllT 12 OUR REG. 35C • 1 {ftlfl~r <m·~.,·--·· . . Valuable COUPON • • • • • • • • • • • ¢ • • • • • • • • • • • -. J/24/71 : •••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• jc\tp'"-sMAGI CUBES j : DUR REG. 1.St ! • • • • ~ ¢~ • • • --. J/24112 : •••••••••••• • You focus the first slide only. - . the projector t•k1s c.re ot:ti.. CICher 991 • SMrp f/3.5 lens • 500·Wltt brilli1nc1 • Forward, rt:119rN cycS. It proiector and on r1mo11 cord • Sell-<:ont1lned C1rryin1 cau and OM 'Pill·PfOOf GM lOO·slid1 vertic1I tr1y, OUR REG. 8483 87 • • ·-·· .. -. l /24/72 : •••••••••••• ldi;:~·~e· .. ·········· ········ ········· • KODACOLOR FILM ¢1 • • • • • • ·-·· .... • • l /24/72 t t • t • t -o o •'I • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ldip'l\-l "PIKJ1b-Album ! • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • OUI REG. 1.91 LllT 2 • Wlllf 8 MAGNETIC PAGES • • • 112 • • • • • • • • , ........ """ ........ ·-·-• J/24/71 • • •• •••••••••• AU ·ROJIEO 'l·LOYE., ... •'"'~-·~~•·r:'• ••• • • • • • • • • • . • J .. I ; .JJ..s 3022 STEREO WITH 8 TRACK & PHONO SOLID STATE /INSTANT SOUND FM 1fc AM /FM STEREO MULTIPLEX WOOD WALNUT CABINETRY AUTOMATIC CHANGER WITH HEADPHONE $1 995 Valuable COUPON •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SYLVANIA LIMIT 3 ctns.: • fiashGubesj cln. of 3 ...... OUR REG. 1.29 , ........ 11,.,,. ,.. , ... Valuable COUPON 97c _ ....... l/24/72 , l ' 11 .i J a 0"1LV ~!LOT Sllnday, Marth lt:J, lt:J72 Cttrlllll l IC!tl!Cf Mt11l1'tr P'tttN British Throw All Into Crime Figlit 5oat11 Coast ?1111 KAPLAN'S extends HOLIDAY • GREETINGS ' to all it's CUSTOMERS! RESTAURANT -.~540,9022 BA KERY 540.7511 W3 BR IS TOL Ar s." OlljlO F .. y.-COSTA MESA t.. .... Lewi 1i.M~ Mey C•. Police Have Safe Task I ( •. .. . , • -·· ..,,,_ .. ,.._., closet can now appear on the wall. Discover The Wall ... It'• th• perf•ct pl•c• fn your home wh''' there's 1till room to 1lor• ,,.j Gi•plev thlntt n11tly •.• so .•• m1y we inhoduce you to •ur well fur11ltu r1-lt offer• meny 1i111-A tr••I v1r11fy of if1mt-H1,111Gre41 of combintliont ind 1H in • ne•t price r•nqt. , , St ltct f1om tht 1cc111t color• or fo11r rich wood fo n11 •.. J111t thlnlt of yowr hom1'1 potenliel-All thotl roomt '"' fo111 welh to • room ,., You ntm• your 11•1d 11111 wt h1v1 t well 1,111it to tnefch It. G1oup1119 _ _.-~ .... fl ihowtt-11l9.50w, •• exp.nsiv1Jy •. •tyJ14 • , , 11•10111\)ly ttricetl ,-, , SOUTH COAST PLAZA low11 Mill L1 v1I lklSTOL 11 SAN DIEGO fWY. COSTA MESA-140·7771 MALL. Of O•ANfil 22 (0 N. Or11191 M•ll T1uli11 1114 M1•lt Ave, Ot•ntt Pho"' 611·1111 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE ·l.EGA L NOTICE l'ltT1TIOU$ aU!IHISS HAMiil STATl!MENT fC)llllwlnt ~••Cl~ I• d11l1111 but.nu s Kids Like to Asl\ Andy ' T t T to 0 d ' Sundi1.y, M.1rch 19, 1972 DAILY '1l01 ' -~·-------------------------...... Veg~ Airport Sealed LAS VEGAS (U PI) -Erlo Taylor, director of 1'.fcCarran International Airport, h11 told Clark Co-G'nty commissioners that security at Las Vegas Alt Terminal was being tig htened to the extent ll will soon be operated "like a SAC base during the war." All entrMCes to the air Ueld and ilicratt pa.rking ramps: ha ve betn fenced off from public acceu . All airport and airline ~rsonnel are issued klentific ation badges bearing their name, employer, code nante of their job and shift and color photographs. Today's Gl Can Dial KIDS LOVE UNCLE LEN NURSERY OP'ENS 10 A.M. SUNDAY &reat Prices for Great Colo Pick of the Portables If you want color, plus portability, plus 1 generous screen size, RCA's Adair has >it all! A powerful 21,500-volt (dl!lgn average) color chas· s is with 2 plug.i n AccuCircult modules is enclosed in a de· luxe walnut.grained finish plastic cabinet! ~ On the Table ... The !uxury of consola color, ·but in a compact table m~el size and at a table ryiodel pri.ce, This 100% Solid State AccuColor TV with 21 diagonal picture eatures the AccuMatic Color· Monitor, the remarkable control that · keipS color ·and tint as you like lt. f Q.505 21· OlqoMl Picture '475 00 Now, Docwr Tells Us! Don't ' Clean Up Plat.e By CANDACE PEARSON Of "'* 0•1~ .. 1 .. 1 lt•lf WREN I WAS growing up. my mother and father.-tlke cowtUess other Amer ican parents wbo lived through the Jean Depression years -constantly told me t9 "clean up your plate." They always concluded with, "People are starving in Madagascar and India." I never could figure out as I stared forlornly at that pile of cold left.over turkey noodle casserole on my plate what logic ruled that my flating more stopped atarvatlon somewhere else.. ANO J remember when J was seven years old and my mother made me ail at the dinner table for two houri because I wouldn't eat a white dropping ol cold mashed potatoes. [ could hear everyone else laughing at "The Cisco Kid" in the other room . 1 shoved the pile down my rebel- ling esophagus. l"llA•loN To this day I eat mashed potatoes only under protest. I keep imagin ing the while globules have elaborate plan11 or crashing on icy kamikazfl missions in my stomach. . "That's a very, very bad situation in America ," Dr. Grant Gwin up, an Orange Olunt y Medical Center-based professor-physician of endocrinology, told me. It was one or the most depressing interviews of my thus far brief career. , THE DOCTOR, who has done numerous stud ies or exercise ;:ind its flffects on fat reduction -shook his head in obvious dismay of the infamous ''clean- u~your-plate-syndrome" that has caused many weight problems, including A General By HARRY B. ELIJS Chri'&tian Srie11c~ Monitor Strvict FRANKF URT. Ger1nany -Every• night, often several times, 1 telephonfl rings in the orfice of Lt. Col. William S. Witters and a tape recorder quie1ly begins to turn. So mewhere in the F'ift h Corps area or the Seventh Army in Germany a soldier has telephoned 5555 and invoked 1 system called "Dial Corpmand ." That soldier -he ma y be black. white, a pr ivate. noncom. or officer -wan ts to catch the ear of his top boss, Lt. Gen. Willard Pearson , Fifth Corps Com· mander. "Our refrigerator won't wnrk," a sergeant laments. '·We can't get anyone to fix it, and we 've got to keep milk cold for our two babies." .. "My wife's pregnant,"' call another GI. "She's supposed to go back to the States and t can't get her travel' orders." "How come." demands a voice. "candy bars cost 10 ce nts in some facilities and 15 cents in others?" Each morning Colonel Witters' staff listens to the tapt' recorder. fype.o; out the n1essages, and hands the night's batch to the colonel. He takes the report to Brig. (;en. lla rold R. Aaron, corps Chief of Staff. '·By 11 o'clock each morn ing,'' declared General Aaron, "that report is in front of General Pearso n1" Ordinar y soldiers have achieved what "How is that going to help anyone else," h"e demanded to know while tak -until recentl y wou ld have been unheard of ing a dinner break in the medical center cafeteria . fn the U.S. Army -raught the attention mine. "But see," he joked , pushing aside his plate. On it were remnants or of a three-star general. mashed potatoes poorl y disguised with brown gravy, "I'm lea ving some po-"'"' What action is taken by the Command~ tatoes for those people in India." "In the case of the soldier's fami ly with a I wished my mother had been there to see how few Indian people came bad refrigerator ." said General Aaron, rorth to eat them. ''our engineers :sent a man over right But I was hungry and I tried to keep my mind on what he wa s saying, away." on my prevaricating scales at home and away from the luscious, savored baked Similarly, the case of the pregnant wife potall.> with sour cream Jhat beckoned in my mind : l confined my consumplion without travel orders got priority atten· to coffee. ..../\ lion. The candy-bar question could be For Dr. Gwlnup proceed!d t.o 'destroy the intelligence of every single routinel y investigated. ''easy" diet method or theory I'd ever tried or heard of . ''Inside of five days," remarked General Aaron. "every soldier who ln- ;'HOW CAN people actually believe that some of these ridiculous things vokes Dial Command gets a concrete work.'' he asked me and I heard my "reporter's voice'' deplore wholeheartedly answer to his question.'' such silli ness in human nature. · Dial Comm11nd is an innovation in· Inside, a su ppressed telltale voice began to list things that at one time troduced by General Pearson lo "open up or another cluttered my body or my closet: water·lou pill11, phony bicycles, communications" betweeii soldiers ' and Jeg weights, protein diets, grapefruit diets, starvation diets and diel candies. their leaders. Dr. G"•in up calls the fluctuating diet consciousness most Americans prae-Another method ordered into use by lice "the rhythm method of girth control." General Pearson is the "Open Door." The appestat, the brain 's omnipotent hunger control center. tells us when Every corps soldier now has the right to and ho"'' much to eat by sending signals to the stomach, he explained. J decided bypass his first .sergeant and go ·directly • Seturdey1 in The DAILY PILOT MUNTIN•TON CINTI• rm 1•1111« M .. 111111 ... ·-· Bl ce Pant BRUSH CORD 113.00 NAVY, BRONN, TAN mine must have a terrific phone bill. to his company commander with a 1he problem. @1-TITD)-~·~ '--------·•'.ll---Hr.-tRTRlJO"UCED me to the "Pinclilest'' 1n Which tneliack of lli<euujippeperr-f_.:.._ __ i~§§~§§§§§§~j -=:---WUTE&olff-,,_A:.·IA lbOJ. LJ UlJllti..... ar1n ls pinched loosely to determine how much fat is in the body. His own r~ -· THE ES St I Alb .... Off vealed little rat. No comment on mine, except to say I've almost decided to B ~ Ol'e ceeper U111 ar wear ii giant sling held up by hot-air balloons to support me. Readership poll'a prove --- ,,, ••• Dr. Gwinup finall y told me I mleht have hope, but suggested I "go home :C,~Td·~1•;0s\' ~~l~lllrofco~~ The Age of Television' and cry." strlps. Re•d It dolly In th• J think I will go. My appestat it placin& another call. DAILY PILOT. 1028 lrvln•. N•wport S••ch, CaUfo.rnl• Q2eee, ~"'°"• a..2• ?Ol!l1 · -,uo-~.:w~::i.i ...... ' -'-' ---='-· -·---· -•Mdplttlm.11-" on1.; mmn .. ~ .. ~--Treat ·Dog Like a Child I That's Advice of Psychology . Professor llANKAMEllCARD MASTll CHARGI NEW YORK (AP) -Would you believe a dog psycholo- gist~ 275 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa 642-9742 \\'ho once prescribed a bo1 turtle to fulfilla_poodle's 11.1•- ternal instincts- Who says having a dog is like hav ing a child- But who takes his work so seriously that he has written a book called "Understanding Your Dog." MON .· WED.-9·6:l0 TH URS. l Fii. f·f SAT. 9·6 And a·slJght case of heartburn. U you hod t-to Ba: R. lllook, on tho other h..!, you -W have rel'""'" while -• eloe fipred oat ,..... -.., ..,ia!r ans1 -od<ut1o111. Yoa-wllmlt-to lncomota..,-~ depmd on B .t R Bloelr. To hft OVtt 6,000 --111 J-.d out ... maned by lh•-do "' opedallr tnlnod -""" Ba: Jl Bloelt'o.m ..... -c SS ana tlso ~ -w• und ... •12.so for tho 7 mlPlsm famill.O ,. ...... Oil .... ,..... ''The purpese of the book is DON'T I.ft' AN AMATalll DO Hall mLOClt'a .IOL H&R Block. Die-·· tu ,..,1e. ONLY 29 DAYS LEFT -- t A.M.·f ,,M., WllMDAYS t A.M.·1 P.M .• SAT. & SUN. ,HONI 642·6940 Costa Mesa Corona del Mar NO IJIPOINTMINT NICllSAlY OPIN TODAY 2l00 Harbor llvd. 3427 E. Coast Hwy 1875 Harbor llvd. to show an animal is an indi- vidual," explained Dr. Michael W. Fox, associate profeMor of psychology at Washington Uni· ven1ty· --aid ---.-saoc1ate director for research at the St. Louis zoo. "A dog is easy to read . He's very honest about ex- pressing himself, but people often presume to know too much. And any animal or per- son in a close relationship can lose his separate identity." Fox says dogs even develop like young children in many wa ys, and that the ir body Ian. gauge is similar to humans'. He also says dogs, like hu- mans, have different abiliti es to tolerate closeness. Dogs develop through sever- al stages, Fox points out, add· in11 that the best time to get a -puppy is when he is between six and eight weeks old. "Don't bother wilh a poppy older th.an 10 weeks, uriless he 's been raised with a lot of people around," he advises. Fox 11ays thell! is no point iJI discipline training for a puppy at five or six weeks. because he won't remember it. but he says that 's a good time (or tender, loving care and seeing that the puppy has a lot of dif. ferenl experiences, so his en- vironment will be enriched . last days:: six free wallet size with this speclai offer: 3~9.95 oae h1r11e 8xl 0 ••d two lovely 5x7'• This offer epplies to eny member of the fam ily . so order now ond sove on birthdoy ond anniversary gifts. the broadway Hunt ington Conter 892-333 I. ox t. 283 Portro it Studio, I st Floor OPEN SUNDAY 12-5 P.M. Saving of .. _ the "Green" .,. SHAMROCK SALE! YAMAHA-CHICllllN6-llSCHll-KOHLll & CAMPllLL PIANOS TAMAHA-CONN-THOMAS OlGANS ~ NEW AND USED *HAMMOND ' ·* ORGANS * *YAMAHA A·10D CONSOLI LOWHY SPINET HAMMOND l(IYIO llVTMM \ILl"·CONTAINIO CHORD •OTAllY l l"IC •. It 1(1,) U l"IOALS IUILT·IN Liil.ill 11"11•. Jilt~ T111 Cttvtr W/LMll, WAI tl.ltl A.O.C,.IUIT.llN, llTC. ANYONI CA.N 'LAY ITI Wt lnvl C111, -NICI CONOITIOH-WAS tl,HI WAI t,tl $69& ••• $1 ,79& $995 $19& ••• • •• HOW CONN HAMMON D OR co A ORGAN ALLIN THEA TH SlllNADI SPINET OOllOIOUS TONll PO•«Hll llOINNll•I llP'AllATI IMALL U l"IOAL • LllSLll M·I l"l•CUlllON II '10.lLI ov•o ll"IAICI•-CMIMll • IUSTAIN l'tllirtCTJ LUCI NllWI lll.&UTIPUL. COHOltlON lollAll THIS ONll IUY 01' A Ll'llTIMll WAI ti.HI Vl•Y ll"ICIAL. ••• $1 ,995 • •• $79& ··~~~"' $169 " $1795 THOMAS I.ALDWIN CONN • FRH ORliAN r:Ull CONSOLI ----CLASS I ll"INIT -U 1"10, MINUn llOINNllll O••AN AUTOMAT IC lllNTTHM LATEST MODll -HO OILIOATIOfll- NIA• NIWJ LllLll • All l"ll•C. N&A• NIW-LOAOIO NO IN•OLLMtNT- WALNUT CAI, 00•111ous CONDITION WIT\tl ALL l'IATUlltS PO• THI llOIMNlt- YOU MUST 1111 11110. 'Lrll M WMITMll. YOU OWN $895 $1 ,795 $1 1795 AN o•OAN 01. NOTI NOW ••• NOW IVl•Y MON, IVIMINt ,,,. 1".M. AT ou• tTOltl s,1 ..... c .. se1t. * PIANCS * NIW"WINm l'AMOUS l•ANllll GRAND~N!W-USED-REiUiLT L!MITIO IUAftTltY NIW ANO UllO WAL. tAllNIT WIOI JILICTtON -AlL JTYLl5 l'•OM -.... $695°0 GUAltAHTllO Siii COMl"llTI COAST MUSIC SERVICE Ult NIWPORT ILVD. lot Horll<>rl CO~J! MUA-6-42-2111 . DAILY: 10·6-FRIDAY! 10·9-S\J~DAY: 12·5 P'.M. . .-/ ' ·" ' • And His 'Tent-Runneth Over • • Pl1otos and Stor:i-by Patrick O'Donnell ' ... "Preach the Bible and let the Lord do His thing." That is the advice of .an Orange County minister on how to tun a church: . Spi!aking -.during a sermo'n, Pastor 41Chuck" Smith of Calvary Chapel said " "Some say the church is a mess and I can understand someone not loving it, but I can 't understand an yone not loving Je..§US Christ." A tent on the corner of Fairview Road and Sunflov"e r Avenue in Santa Ana , near the Costa A-Jesa boundary, testifies to the growing number who worship at Calvary Chapel. The congregation has out-grown its regular fa cility a bl ock a\vay and now gath· ers in a large circus tent whi ch accommo- dates 1,400 person s. The church has three ministers and be- • 000 and 5,000 membei:s.-P...ast.o>I'-------~-­ L. E. Romaine said it is difficult to give accurate fi gures. As he puts it, "Our only requirement for membership is to have ac· cepted Jesus Christ as your personar L-Ord and Savior." ' Some people call it tqe "hippie church" '------:because about 6Q_percent of the con rgg,,a·:_ ____ -~---tiOn~~iSiilfdeftsyears o . ers refer to the members as "Jesus freaks." Pa~tor Ro~aine said, ''\Ve just smile a~d let it go. Jesus doesn't make freaks-we are all just people. It doesn1t make me up light wlult they ell]! us, I call myself a Christian." Ages and backgrounds vary. Some have been on drugs and are looking for a new way of life. Others have turned to Calvary Chapel from other denominations. Pastor Romaine said, "You can walk in here in jeans, bare feet and an undershirt. There are many straights, too . We are more in· tet-e-sted-in the perSon/ • .. • • A 2 DAILY PILOT Sundiy, Mal'th 19; }q7z I GREAT Household Gloves -· --- PERFECTION -Natura! rubber, pebbly . china and stemware. Sizes • •• PLAYTEX "Living" Gloves Prntect you hands and nails 7gc while you do housewor~ Rer. 1.19 Pr. · pr surtace for good grip on 33c S.M·L Ror. 41c Pr. ~ "Jubilee" \,~ '·'Windex" -CLEANING AIDS Sponge Mop With tho POWER STRIP ... .. Wonder Warilnc An1l1" •.• bumper edge, chrome plated metal frame. SPRAY KITCHEN WAX , • , 79c el' Witi FREE DI SPENSER ... 39c .., Rer. Hc TD ~... 1~~\~\ 20 "· StZt Ror. 47• Dust Mop , i · "Favor" ' "AJAX" . FURNITURE POLISH Will gee ~ CLEANSER 2~35c ..::: Lem11. Rer.1.131211. _ =--: Rer. 2 for 51e 17 DL • "EVERY-WHICH-WAY" ••• swivel soc:ket cotton mop. ·Thick washable colored pads. Scrub Brush Sponge Mop DECORATED ••• 49c With scraper oo end of brush. JUMBO ••• The big job mo~ 55%, larger sponge saves -'!;s;iu·: time! YOUR CHOICE 1. 99 ea. Reaey in a ~tty ••. for kids and adul1s, single-bar with rapid loCking hinges &·safety device.- Adjustable saddle. r .. , le 1ssembl•Flts 39 95 in trunk of car. a Not •••H•lll• In H1111tln11on I NCi! II•••• w 311 Count Vasya muDRY 2'16·9 VODKA so Prno1 5t• • .. . . . . . .. Davenport $IN t.oooOJI DJy, so Proof Was 2.91 5th 2.69 Foster Creek , YEA• oLo 3w11 1 3 • 5g1 IOUllON 86Proof 5th • Samuel £. Webster was 11' WHISKEY 80 Proot 1t1 2.89 •.......... ..,"'."'" . ,,,,, ""''"' Grenada Bay 1111POmo 2•11 8 319 9 IUM 80 Prno1,U1hlorGold lta • Kessler 1LtNDED 1•0 111 49 111 WHiSKEY a;Prool*tir. • Smirnoff VODKA' so Proor w1112.11 *lar.10.69 ovg~:llT'' Ayds'' Reducing Plan CANOY 1 17 oz. SIZE Softique BATH Oil BEADS .... -IYllYDA Y 89' LOW PIKI DELUX~ "" -. _ ''TEK'' TOOTHBRUSHES I oz. ~RHZE DRIED ·MAXIM 12 oz. SIZE Ovaltine CHOCOLATE or NATURAL 32 oz. SIZE Listerine ANTISEPTIC 1.49 TOILETRIES "Balsam" PLU S Protoi• ••• HAIR 77c CONDITIONER or SHAMPOO RI(. 1.21 11 IL Oral B TOOTHBRUSHES ••• 2~1 00 8-60 or B-40. R11. 73c 1 • DRUG STORES OPEN 9 AM to 10 PM 7 OAYS A WEEK Nl!Wl"OJIT ltAClt -lt20 lr•htf, W111cllff "'•It MUNTINQTON llACM -Adtmt I ll'ffll~11ttl HUNT INGTON II.ACM -S11rlntllllt & l•lfltt f 11. tOltO -t•l'l lt~tdltlll II••, rnastl'r r.ha1gp .. ' .... . • ' ' • • PILOT --- WE ·CANMOT AFFORD TO PASS UP ANY DIAL . A LARGE PORT.ION OF THESE CARS ARE PRICE FROZEN, ORDERED BEFORE PRICE INCREASE. ' •me:' 1972 FORD WAGON IMMEDIAn -DB.IVll'f plus tax & license ew 1972-l TD BRouGHAM SAVE 429 ao cv·v ... •ill'tf ruor. oa- """'-AM~M """· .... """ kKk1-MOt-sHtt windows, till 11t1erin11 whttl & more. {2J61NISU42n s1200 OFFWllDDW sncm PllCI $1300 OFF-mcmPllCI '63 MERCUll Vlll• Crvl .. r, A.-. Tron-$495 '650LDS s777 'cir. v.1, a<llo traM. ~ facto,., Alr,.CondlTI011ln9, • """"9· Very gllj)d .._.,_ RoofRock. loob like 1ew. , '61TORINO s1399 . s5. 7· ~;.~~·-. ' ~~~=61) SHOW US A GOOD CREDIT STATEMENT- ~~!.~!~~VO, '"~ $877 Tre11• .. factory Alf.,_ Steemg. (WWS381) 5577 Brand New 1972 TORINO · s31 j99 ,.All . CONDITIONING ''"'tu & "''"" IMMIDIATI DILIYIRY · Brand New 1972 T -BIRD $1500 SAVE on WJNOOW sncm PllCI ' - XL J 3Mt ~-8, r~io, cruiso: p'M. steering, air cond,. Ron111r STYLESIDE XL~T. tint•d al~ss: aux. rear spfirgs, 8 ply split nms & men. PICKUP 11m,......> $3999 plus tax & license IMMEDIATI DELIVERY IMMEDIATE DELIVERY IT'S -HERE-!·---_..,,;~ .. ~~'!;~~.m-·95 '66CHEV •ocllo, h•ot<lr, hi rvf> 1...,.,i. ber. !Xff996) CaH.56A31 FORD'S SMOOTH RIDING IMPORT • 1800-cc.4-cyl. overhead cam engine • Long 1Q4.in. wheelbase, independent front suspen· sion • Comfortable, smartly tailored cab '69 Yolbwo~N $ ~.n.ock. ""'"'" r,.,,..,. l- rnlf•a11• •Older prk •d at '69 FO~D $2199 '64 FALCON 3{.iT..,l'ickUp.t.odr AIP"d for Camper. ('32.tOC') (AGM 6 1 7'I '66 FORD ,..w.,_ (SIP 4!7) $577 '61 TRIUMPH $1377 l!dtr•. 2~0 loodedt Gr•ot valu•I ($04 CQR) '64 DODGE s799 W!NDOWVAN (OVG 560). Pr1ced to o.RI . ·~1877 '70 F-100 P.U. ~;11S11c\ 1!.ifl (103'8). FULL PRICE WE DELIVER ON THE SPOT! BRAND NEW 1972=====$ Our Salesmen Have the Finance "Know How." Just tell us the Payment you'd like .Wt are appl"O'lt4 lty •II Credit UaioRIJ police, firt1111n , ~lwll 11rwict, ttlt• p~o•t co .. ias1r111c1 c1W1,..its.tk. BRING us YOUR nm DEAL -WE TRADE HIGH! OIOO ••• PLUS TAX & LICENSE NO DOWN PAYMENT PROBLEMS , $59~~NTH ' I 1129-DOWN .. • $12'1 is total dn pyml. $59.35 is total mo pymt, m. to•, '72 license & oll lirlince thorij1s en approved credit for 36 mos. Deferrad pyint prX.e $2265.60 ' incl. on finantt cla'gts. toxei. '72 lic1ns1 or if ~ preltr to pay cosh. full cosh prite is S 1932.95 ind. soles kl(. '72 license. ANNUAl PERCENTAGE R.lTE 11 .06 ~ We will sincerely try to help you f inance your car ·through the best outlets we know. FORD j f • I .. H R I • c w ca M A lo Ja str NC .,, •at of In _s an fin I •on Uni J • DATLY PILOT 8 J Bihl;ly, Wal ton . Too Much for 49ers, 73-57 . PROVO, Utah (AP) lleory Bii>!>Y scored ZI . Points on tizzlln1 0uti!de lhoollnC and center Bill Walton l\ddt<l 19 points to lead undefeated UCLA tO 1 73-67 victory over Cal State (4ng Beach) In the finals of NCAA Far lst regional basketball cbamp!Oll!hipa. , Earlier. San Francisco de ated Weber state 74"'4 in a consolation g~e. UCLA, seeking Its sixth slrilght, NCAA crown, will meet P.1idwest Re¥ionat win- !'<' LoubvillV.0 !he semlf~undoy in Loi Allgeles. Keith1 Wilkes tallied 12 for the Bruins, while Ed Ratle!I le<j Lo"i.Beac with 17 Loui~ville ·•_ Next Foe For Bruins San Felipe 'Cap To Solar Salute; Quack R1111s 2nd ARCADIA (API -Lalli! Pincay Jr. guided Solar Salute almost wire to wire for the bay colt's sixth consecutive tri- umph, edging Quack by three-fourths of a l<ngth Saturday in the $68,800 San Felipe Handicap at santa Anita. 'lbe California-bred son Of Windsor Ruler made the San FeliPe tiis· fl(st vie· tory ever in a race Jongei' than a mile and probably made himself a second choice to Royal OWi In the $10,0IJO.added Santa Anita Derby April 1. Royal Owl and MacArthur Park, the West's leading 3-year-old Kentucky Derby candidates, skipped the San Felipe. JiJacArthur Park may miss the Santa Anita Derby as well while returning to form from a leg injury suf£ered in January. ' Solar Salute, carrying high weight of 121 pounds, covered the mUe and one-six· teenth on a fast track in 1: 41 4-5 and returaed $7.20, 11.20 and 12.4-0. Quack, ridden by Bill Shoemaker and Jike. Solar Salute 1, 5-Z second choice to the third-place finisher, Indian, took se- cond,ln 1 phq,to and poid 11.60 and $2.60. !rJdlan pold '$2.4-0. ' and Glmt McDonald had 10. The top-ranked Bruins, now 28-G !or the year, took a 34-23 hatnbne lead on Bib- by's 10 points and 18 by Walton. Tbe Bruins went into a stall while leading M- 20 late in the first half in an effort to bring Long Beach out of ill zone defense. The closest the 49ers came was 10 points, 4U2, with 15 minu~. le!t in the .tecond half. But in the next two minut~s the Bruins stretched the lead to 15 points and kept It that11'ay. - Bibby was hot all day from the Cilmer, missing only five shots from the noor. UCLA, criticized by .its coach John I Wooden !'* hitting only 43 pen:ent Tlluro- day night in its OG-58 win over \\'ebtr State, &hot 45 pen:ent In the flnt hall 5aturday, compared with Looi Beach's 29 percent. Walton, who played only the first hall and scortd four polnls in Thursday night's victory over Weber, was named the tournament's m011t valuable player. Bibby al.so was named to the all-tourney team with Weber's Bob Davi51 Rallefr and-t.like Qul<k o! USF. UCLA won the NCAA regional in Salt Lake City last year alsd over Long Beach,• S7-55. Jerry Tarkanian, coach· of UCI Swimmers Settle for LEXINGTON, Va. -Alter three otralght years o! being the kingpin of the NCAA College D l v i s I o n swim- ming championships; UCJrvlne.'1 Ant- eaters h a v e finally been knocked olr •I their lolly pedestal. Coach Ed Ne\\1land's Anteaters ftnished In a tie for second with CaliforniR rival ti.n Fernando Valley State, each side finishing with 164 points in Saturday's concl ud ing round at Washingto• and Lee University. Eastern Michtgan racked up the team tlUe wilh 222 markers, mostly On the strength DI ~ peints which It picked up via a l.J.4 finish in the diving competi- tion. " A,cpording to UCI mentor Newland, 1•everyone (on ~ Antenter squad and the res! or {he chanenglng outnls) got zapped out and Eru;tcrn Michigan got those 52 points in the diving ... it was a very bad day for us. "You can onlJr spread out three swim- ers so far ond then you run into trouble. "We are supposed to get 10th and end- ed up second, -even 1hough·we wrold've liked to have won four championships in a row." The thrte slvlmmen Newland was referring to were freshman Tom Boughey and lettermen Mike Carnahan and Jin1 Jo~ergus. Boughey won three gold medals in the meet and wa1 lhe only competitor In lhe the 411enr, now 21>;.4, aeld that he would rather have played lest year's team agaln. "I thought It •'OUld be I th,....(our point diCfettnce," saJd an ebullient Bibby after the game. The UCLA captaln told ttpw1ers lljat he thought It would be • replay o! last year's post·aeason game which UCLA won by two points. Aslred about the rough play, Bibby rtmarked: "Every year since t•ve been playing them, I have ezpected Long Beach to play rough ." He added "that !:.Ong-Beach's -Leonard Second championships to accomplish that feat. In hi! most impressive showing, Boughey-won the 1,850-lnetcr freestyle going away In lli:26.73 n.nd was just n se- CQnd off ex·UCI ace Mike Martin'! meet record. iloughey lllld already captur~ the 500 free and lhe 400 indi vidual medley In earlter competition. i:.Camahan broke the school record by placing fourth in the 100 fly at !2.61. Gray "hit me a couple of times and I hit him a couple of Umes, but you've 1ot to expecl tbat when emotions are llarlng up." Wooden said that he bad planned "i!- they covered Henry the boys should give the ball to Wallon and If they covered Bill, they should give the ball to Henry." Wooden sald that he believed "this might be our sternest tes , " bot he declined to state whelher it ¥.'as. Did be .. expect the team to get off to such a good start -14-point lead -in the early mlnutes'! ' · .. Jn every game the boya have gotten Seminoles . Shoot Down l(entucky of/ to a good start ••. llui I expeded lhis one to be clOffr. '' L. ... ·--~ '"' UCU.1111 ·~,., Or1~ W11U t !'l'lt Mt00!\11\f ll:1tletf '""' ,...,_ ""' tot.is • ' T 1 '·1 ' wn•" 1 ,. 1 11.,....., I W 1 W•l1- J 14 ..... 7 ,.. 17 l l"°f I 1•1 I Koll~lcl I 0-0 2 Nlltt 1 e.o Cvrt11 II U·lt JI CJt'°" Ch1pma11 Hiii '1,..Mtr11 • ' T ' .., 1• 1 I.) J 7 S.1 1t ' ... ,, ,., " . .. . 2 ,., J ' ... ' ' ... . I H t I 1...1 I • to • Cll lllfl IL ... ltM.hl ,, .... Tt!ll• 7t lt-tf ,, tJ :H-J7 14 Jt,...11 """''" l<ill -MM. Yttllt" Mhl -Lt ..... ltHlt 111 UC\.A lt. A _111.JM GLENN WHrtE Sports Ecllt!lr ' ' ,, Oral Roberts, St. John's B~g ' NIT Victori~s NEW YORK (APt -l\1el Davis knifed in for a layup with one minute Iert in overtime to give St. John's1 N. "(.,an 82-8l basketball viclorY over l\1issouri SRtur- day night in a first -round game in the +;th Nntional Invitation Tournanlent. St. Joh n's moved into Monda y ni,ll:hl'R quarterfinals agairu>t Oral Roberts, u·hich upset Memphis State. 94·74, behind Ri chie Fuqun's 42 points in the first game of Saturday night's doubleheader. Syracuse and l\1aryl11nd earlier won quarterfinal berths with victories Satur· Ota TVToda11 Cl1nnnel 2 nt lfl INSIDE THIS SECTION SPIKERS SllINE -Soutl1tr1t Cali/oniUi's /eadtdg prep track a11d /iel(t 3tars perfo rmed iu- µerbly Siit1irclay at tilt South· ern Counties meet ae 1iuntino· ton Reoch fl igJ, Sc,tool, StonJ and photos. 82. MISS ROBIN HOOD -Corot Strau.!btro of Fountai11 Valleu aims for a place an tltc 1972 U.S. Ol ympic team os an archer. Iler story is told by Laurie Becklund. 86. CONGRESSIONAL CUP -80<tl· i11g Ed itor A t "'o n Lockabey gives tile results aud -s1-0ry 01& one of .J/1c_ \Vrs; Coast's !nose 1>rcstigious yach tutg cve uf.$,1111. .JOBS Jo'OR \\'O~IEN -A 111eri· con bu1iness and h1dus1ry arc payi11g attenllon to thr \\°on1 ,,1·,. Lib mouetr1t11t 1rnd liri>d i,111 thr. call to end job diS<.'r/11ilnotHn1, 81. . . Distance Stars Sparl{le In Oil City Spikef est FASTEST MILER -EI Cajon's Terry Cotton nett), fastest miler in Saturday's 51sl annual Southern Counties meet at Huntington Beach High in 4:10 .6 is presented the DAILY PILOT Perpetual Trophy Sports in Brief CAIL Y ,ILOT $1111 ,IHl!a by ex-Westminster ace Mike Solomon, a former two- time winner of the award. Looking on are El Cajon dJstance coach \Vendell Maize and head mentor Wayne Layton. · By PHIL ROSS Of tll9 01lly ,llOI Iliff Somebody said afterwards that the Soutbef"\) counties track and field mett at Huntington Beach High Saturday thould have been called the Southern Counlles Distance Carnival instead. Perhaps that observer was pretty ac· curate in his assessment or the Slst an· nual running of the prestigious Oil City 1pikefest, since the distance runners did aJJ that was in their collective powers to dominate the meet, Jn each of the longer races, from the four half mile contests on up through the quartet of two mile dogfights , uceUent early 1eason marks were produced and a 1 pair of meet records shattered in the onslaught. The la st group of distance events - the small schools and large schools mile races -exhibited the shiniest perform- ance!. Terry Cotton of E Cajon. a San Die10 suburb. latched onto the DAILY PILOT's Perpetual Trophy for the fastest mile of the day by breezing to an easy 4:10.R meet record triumph in the first race of the small schools four-lap competition. Cotton let Gahr's Ed Arriola move into the lead for the inilial 220. but then took over and sped past the first 440 mark in Voss ' Two-run Homer Area SpiJi,ers Log Top Marks a blistering 59 .• seconds, fin ishing off the first half in 2:02.8, was caught at the 1320 juncture in 3:07.7 and broke the tape a good 50 yards ahead CJf Arriola , who was caught in 4:15.3. In the second small schools mile, Costa Mesa's talented Doug Ma cLean also flashed under the old meet record o! 4: 13.8, set in 1969 by South Torrance's In addition lo Stellar achievements Decker Underwood, with a 4:12 .8 Iife- tumed in by Marina hurdler Gene Taylor, time best victory. Costa Mesa distance stars Doug Darrell Hatfield of Rancho Alamitos MacLean, Tom Olswang and Joh n set the early pace ln the latter race but Too Much for Angels Olswang and Newport hurdler Matt was caught and passed by MacLean mid· ISrwoclal lo the DAILY PlLOT) final! because of his res,.,..,.t for Ashe 's Hogsett and shotputter Terry Albritton in way throUJ{h the third lap as the Mus· ,.... ,.~~ Saturday's 5lst annual Southern Counties tanc ace finished off the final quarter PALM SPRINGS -Bill vOss, former powerful serve. track and field meet at Huntington Beach in 62.6. Orange Coast ColJege. ·Newport Harbor After decis ively losing the first set. Hlgh, other area spikers also performed The-two -large school! mile events also H1gh athlete, came off the bench in ilie Ashe began his come6ack by wiMing well. showed impressive victories by Santa seventh inning and cracked a two-run a close second set 6-4. The th ird set was For Newport, which was the highest. Ana's Marr Geriet and Mira Costa's Mike home run to lead the Milwaukee Brewers all Ashe. although he benefited by a finis~ing area oullit with 20 points (fifth Avrea·. UY a 6-3 triumph over the California place) in the large schools division, Genet assumed command of his race Angels Saturday. couple of line. calls that resulted in a Hogsett along 'th h" 180 t h di very early and saw a long lead wither to change of the ,linesman. Lutz defeated ' wi is ow ur es almost noth"mg at the ta~ as he held 'It was only the second hit in a dozen runnerup mark .behind Taylor. placed ,.~, hits to the plate for Voss in Cactus Corona de Mar's Rod Laver Frida y. second In the 120 highs behind Long off North Torrance's junior import from League baseball action. It came with two In the semiJinal do ubles Saturday, La-Beach Pol y's James Royal in a lifetime New Zealand -Barry Williams, 4:18.S •· d th B I d' 't d Ne rt Be h' Ro E best of 14.4. to 4, 18.6. ' OUl.oll an e rewers ea 111g,,,.. • ver an wpa ac s Y merson Avrea , on the other hand, played a cal- , Voss cracked a 1·1 pitch off a Tom defeated John Alexander and Phil Dent Area competitors earning third place and-mouse game with Lakewood's Al Murphy pitch and put It over the .353 foot 6-3. 6-7, 7-6. while the team of Marty medals were Univers\1.y-'s Bob Brac\ford. Browning before the Mira Cos(e runner sign in left field , here . Riessen and Okker downed Ashe and with a lifetime best of 1:56.6. in one of was able to win in 4:l6.9, as Qpposed to In the ninth Voss sent a high fly to t~e sm,all schools. 880 races: an~ Hun-Browning's ~:17.S and 3 4:22.4 third short left and only a good defensive play Lutz 6-l, 6-4 . ttngton s Steve Pickford, who skunmed place clocking by Edison's Mike Alvarez. Beck went out quickly at the outset or hi1 race to easily outdl8tance runnerup John Hotcomb of Newport Harbor, wbo hli a career best or 9:29.3. Holeomb him· self "'as nearly too yards in front of . third place finisher Tom Durh!m o[ Troy (9 :40.4) for about the last l'h miles. Sunny Hills' Jim Salcido was the vic- tor in the arnall schools two mile, in which the first eight finishers were all under 9:20. including Costa Mesa's 01· swang twins -John in fourth at 9:15.S and Tom in seventh at 9:17.8. Salcido ran 9: IO.S. Athlete of .the meet "honors went to Santa Ana'• Bob Harrell, who checked in with an amiizing l1rge schools double win in tilt.HO (47.!) and 880 (l :S3.8), tho latter just a shade better than the Iden• tical I :Sf.3 winning clockings run b,1 Western's Steve Dyer and Buena Park 's Tom Kovacich in l\\'O tarlicr 880 derbies. Alt hough short of expectations by some. t\e\vport's Terry Albritton (61-5'14 I and Crespl's Randy Cross t63-3V.) were the top dogs in each or the shot put' categories. ~titrina's Gene Taylor nicked New· Port's Matt Hogsett at the wire in the large schools 180 lows finals ~1ith both ripping 19.1. * * * * * * Southern Counties Scores LARGa SCMOOLS 100 - 1. Or1no1 lCtnltnnlt ll 9.t ; 2, S!r1,1blt (IC111o necrv; f .t; l. Tllormbur11 (Oom l'lOUtt) 10.D; 4. MfOt•· 1'Y !Lono 8ttcri Polvl; s. St"'n11 CP1111St111 ). '" -j •siln 1c1n11nn!!1I 22.0; 2. srruDlt IK111-nedvl 22. 1 J, lv1v IL& Polvl 22.1; '· lffmln tcomoton) 22.J) 1. Or111111 (C1n!1nnl11J 22.•. ~ (tltl II -I, M1rr1ll ($11111 Anti 41.S: 1. Fr1nk1 ~Oomlnoue1) .&1.1; 3, How•rd lPl stden)• 49.4: •• DYtr (We.sltrnJ 49,t; J. Shet JI IMu!r) jt,$. '"° lr1c1 2) -l J one1 c211.,1llow•rl d.n; J. Ltnhtrdr (Wt$!t rn) 49.,; 3. T~rnmlna1 ILtktwO<ll:lj S0.2; 4. CruDv !Ctnltnn!el) .S0.3; $, DICUI (Sent• Ant $0,,, llO frttt 1) -1, Dyer (Wesl1r1>) 1:!4.l ; 1. Den· merk (!t n1t Anti l :W.•; l. Ehll1y !Elstnllowtrl l :S1-'; '· Cllt vts IC1n1ennl11) 1:!1,1; !. Wiii (Mirl COS!I ) 1:51.l. 8'0 (rlltf 21 -1. Mtrrtll (S1ntt An1l 1:53.11 2. Lewlt /Ctnl1nn!1ll 1:5'.I; l. Hc wtrd IL8 PolYj 1:51.6; 4. llucty (NitWport) 1:S1.t 1 5. Luttl IMtgr.olit 2:01.l. Miit frtc.t 1l -1. Gt• t t IS1nt1 Ant) l :U.5; ?. WllJl1m1 li't. Torrtnct) 1:1t.•; l . Pt1>cll {Dow<1eyl •:21.2i I. LOot! (Alham~rtl •·'11.•; 5. ll1i 1rm1d11r (Ml1111n Vlt ft) 4:22.J, Miit lrttt 2) -1. Avrta (Mlrt Cost1l 1:1&.t : 2. 8 rew..lncr (l.likrNaod1 1;U 5; l . Alvtrt1 fEdlMnl 4:22.41 1. Coltrtll (l8 Poly) 1:21.t ; $. Gerich (l'~!h!ll ) 1:2.S.5. T-milt -1. e~ IS•n•t Monlc1l t :N .t (meet rKordl; 2. Holcemll IN••DOrfl t :t9.l1 J. Durh""' CTrovl t ;.0.•1 •. 0.11 (Kenned¥) t :47.t ; J. Mot1r (Alh1mbr1) 9:50.3. 120 HH -1. ltOYll !l8 POIYl 1(,31 1, HMHtl IHl•OOrf) 14.41 l. Wh!lt fCtnlenl\11/l 1•.6; •· Male,,. IEI RanclloJ ; J. Po•1ll fl!flsonl. lllO LH -1. T1ylor fM t rlnl } lt .\1 t. H .. ,tll o .... ..,rtl l t,I; l . Mt lOl\t (El Rencl'lo) 1t .J; •. ROYll (LB Polr.) lt,I ; !. Adams (LB Wiison) 1t.t . UO re IY -11 Ctnl!nnlel 11.1 Illes mee! r1cor11 ; 2. flt .tt,.ne/'lt!m ana Oom nouer ~.t; 1. Lon; 8e1ch POIY 4!.0; J. Com11ton 41.l. Mlle rtltY -l. Sen!t A111 J:2loli 2. Doml11ouet 3:22.J; J. Ctnlennlt l 3:24.7; '· LlktwOOd 3:".I ; $. L8 WfllOn 3:27.(. Hl<ill J~m11 -1. MllH IL8 P(llYl M ; 7. G1~n1r !Lii Pclyl 6-•: J. Kelly (L8 Jord111; &.!; •· lto~ln-'On IL8 Jor111n1 6-41 J, 1'1rouson CTroY) 41·. LO<IO Jumn -I. Lei !l8 l'OIYl 12-ll't.1 1. Htm. m(lnd (Comolonl 'H·'t: l . Dlt~trsM !ComrttonJ :ii· 5'~: I. Crtwfcrd (Sar .~ Alli; 21·1 1; J. Ct l lfl<IS fl!dl1onl 11·10\li. Pelt "'•ult -1. LCll>e! (51nt1 Ant) l•O; !. Dt~r; (Sa~ann'1 ) !U; J. Rveao (Htll•) 11·0; I. Baker CKt1'U1; 13-4; S. Joll!oen ITroyJ 1~. Siio! P~I -1. Albrltten (HtWPOrll '1·1\/oi 1, lrh lihltl CKl trllt ) J1·11 l. H0111tn (Muir) U.J\o\1 C. Tlm1111rm1n (Edllonl J4.S1 s • ..,1!1ntlnt IL 8 Polvl $.).0. ~1 "81 Scor11: Lena Beech Pclv •rid S•nl1 .lnt 37 t3ch, c 1nrennl•! 33, Oemln11uer 701/t. N1wpert HlrMr to., we,tern n. Com11tcn and Kennl!dv lO e1c~. E11tnhower •nd L•kewrod t e~th. ld!Hn 1..::1 Mir& Cosll I t~Ch, M1rln1, IC•ltll• Ind SIMf Mo nlt1 6 H th. Et R•ncl\o, Lon11 8e1ch J<>rd•" 1nd TroY J etch, Muir, Norlh Torr1nc1. P111d1na I nd $"11nnt I 11cn, 8ol11 Grandt 3'h. A!htmbr1 1"'1 OownlY ) t8ch. Minion v1110, l'O"thlll •P'IO .Mtonoll1 I etch. •~onrtd {SOnort ) 1 :S.11 1. l r18ford IUnlv.nttvl 1:J6.6; I . 8urn1 CEI Modtnll 1:51.0; $. lt1l~ln1 (Cre111lJ 1:"8 ?. 890 (rice 1l -1, Trup IMIUl011 1!1v l 1,557; !. Mttovtr (St. 8rrn1rdl •:17.J; ]. Ju!i1n l8re1) 1:J7,11 1 Jonn1on IA.vl1!1on) l:J7,1; J. MilchtH IH11111intfon lttchl 1:N.J. Mllt !rt tt I) -I. Collon !El C•lon! 1:10.• (mM>I record); 2. Arri!ll1 fG•llrl •:tJ J; J. Wll~lll'I IG•OU• rnont) 4:7(1,7; '· Flint !"'goura) 1:116; !!. Cllffl:lrd (Su11n"f H;!ls) •:<l .J. Mlle (r•c• 11 -1. Ml,Ltl~ IC0111 M11111 4:11.61 7. Htrri1 CS. Torr1nc1, "l'.6; J, O'Brof n !Be lllow1r; 1:11.1; '-frtQJl1h 1E•rel1lorJ ,:11.1; !, Httllt ld (Jl•ncho Al1mltos1 1.11,J, Two Mlle -1. $11cid0 !Sunny Hiiis) 9:10.J: 1. Ko~ Pl'~ CS!. JO!\r Bosco) 9,,2.9; l . Jl<ldrlQutz !Mell) 9:1$.1; I. J . 011Wl nt !COSll Miii ) t :U.S; l . 1Cr1us1 4LVnWOOdJ 9:17.1. 120 HH -1. Klmb11:• {lnQl1wOOd) 1'.S; 1. Wtrd (LI Quln!tl 14.i: l. Pl<kloNI (Hvnlfnqlon) 14.11 I. Hcuslon (Morntnqsldel: l . Tur•~ !B...ena PA•k). .uo LH -1, Henry CSt n Diego Lincol~I lt.l; 1. l(im~ll OnalewOOdl 19,J· l. Hurloc~er !NetlJ It.•; '· W•lktr !Tustin) 19.4; 5. 81...cn1m tMornlnQs!d•l 1'.t . 4«1 rell~-1. Stn Oli!VO Lln(oln l2.2; 2. Core111 ill Mar ll,,; J. MernlngSldt 4J,f; •· tie Crtsolt 1nd Nef• ._.,1, M!!t Rel11y -1. llu.-.1 P1rk l;U.~: San Oi~ l intoln l :tf.2; l. !ntlewood 3:2,.f; •. Unlv1r1lty 3:30.21 J. St lt'iti1n J :)O.J. High Jump -!. Den11/lu1 fP1lo1 Verdttl M ''o ; 2. Sm/Ill !S•n O!t00 Llncoln) &-4; M•d•u IEI OOrfdol 6·•1 I. Bares (LI H11br1 ) .. 2; 5. Fr11l1r (Morning. tlOe) 6·2 lor>g Jump - 1. Mell!' l"'••bvm Oei1 2:i.s•11; 2. McCrorle !Fullerton) 2141 l. Dolen IBuenl P1rk) 22· 11 1; I, 5111il1n1 (Pl!Os VerdetJ 22·2, .S. LU(ftJ (El C•lonl ~14. POii \faull -I, Curran (CresolJ , .. 6. 1 COiiin• '"'•Jen<l11 1).6; l . S.¥es1U ((l!H•I) lJ·O: '· ltubt i4v;ftl•On ) ll-0; I. Preno1vlll1 IHunllng!OnJ 12·•· ShOI Put -1. Cross CC•esoll U.l'h: t. Clt rt lll IMvnHrtttonl 5'·111 J. C1rr (l'yn11100dl 55·•; 4. Dt~en­ff~, (El Dor100J 'S·l; I. .J. T•tl CC1ron1 •r Mir~ Frn1I Sccre.s: Stn Dl50 Llncoln JO, !v•"t P1rk 22. Cre111! 11'11, Morning•jefe JJ. P1lo1 Verde• 1', El l1fr, Mlralell1t Ind MIHion 81v 1l e11cfl. Huntlntl&n l tich end Sunn¥ H!ll1 t e~ch, Cotlf Mttl & El DerHt~ 8 each, Ntll r~. El Ct lOl'I r, St. Jotin Boi.c:o. 5onor1 t n!I Vtrbum Dt l ~ eac~, Caron1 dtl Mir tnd Unlver1ity S t t CI!, Av lt !lon. Fuller!on, Gaflr, Lt: Ouin!t. lvnwoecl, St. 8ern1rll. SOU!h Tor•1ne1 ind ..,11enc l1 4 tfth, 9ellll-r, Brft . E•UISlor, Groas-mont 1nd $1trra l e1cll, Agourt . El M!ld1n1, l 1 H1br1 1nd Tusrln 1 e1c11, Pult ~" Rancho Al1mltot and S•ilt!an 1 elld'>. LA Seeks No. 66 SMALL scHooLs ING LEWOOD -The Los Angeles Lak· 100 -let (8 1olr) lQ.0; 1. flrD01o;1 !Mornlng1idt) b'd I lh ' "th · l I th N IG.5; J. Mo.,.ls !San Dl!'9o Lincoln) 10.0; 1. 8 !um ers I Or e1r w VIC Ory 0 e l • fSOnor11 1 1 L~r1mcr1 IE•c1111or1 tional Basketball Association seaso n to-- 120 _ Let {El\~lr l 1'.•; 1 llraokt (MornlnQ!ldel • ht h I' G Id SI • W · ' 22.7. l Ktmo!on IEI Oor11doJ 21 I, I Motrls cSan n1g OS 1ng 0 en ate S RrrlorS ID kept him from having his second' hit of 1""" the small schools highs.in 14.6. A meet record was accomplished in 1---'th~e_!d(aa'!'o_. --------------...--.. ... ;;;n---;,..:_,.;;:=---i,,;;-~n.:::::---.:~~~up...linishes-.wer.e-.1-0~0mplished~-the-Jarge-schools -two-milet-where-Santa n ase a oa , Fla . Jimmy by Huntington's Tony CiarelH in the Monica's Curtis Beck tu rned a. 9:07.9, to Dleoo Lincoln) n .I : 5. Ltm8r !Si n Dleeo L<nceln) a 7 o'C'IOCk (i\I, 2:1.1. --114.lr•c•-1.)..--1-.!'.'..1•1-ud-llU&l\l-"••k~-•·•• ,,___ -eo•ctrB1"JI Sharman's··club-rout"'~ . .,, .. I· Wrl<ihl {Sin 011110 Llncnln) ·50,5; 3. Floret !Sl1rr1l " • • ·t:'U L"U .. 1""" Stewart's Jong single to right in the 11th small schools shot at 51).11 and by Corona erase Ruben Chappins' (Excelsior ) old la pro teDJll i at Evanston. Ill .. Arthur inning broke an 8-8 tie and brought the del Mar's small schools 440 relay quartet meet Standard of 9:08.9 In 1969 by a Ashe fought from behind Saturday ni&ht Houston Ai;tros a 9-8 exhibition baseball at 43.6. full second. to defeat Bob Lutz u , 6-4, &-2 in the $50,· victory CJver the Los Angeles Dodgers .so.•: 1. H11ftlns est. Jo11n ll'>Scol 50.7; !. Jtnklnt waukee F'r1dav 123-107 for win No. 65 IC@nien1>!11) 51.0. • '.' ' . • 440 (race 21 -1. S!P.l~b•oner (Palos VerdP!) lt.t : And need to Win four Of thetr remaining ' ><•vn .. , IMll'lon 8&Y) se.•; .I. Trup (Mission ••v1 f' I t NBA rd f s~ ~: 1. Crt lk {Sunn~ u111si 51.111 J. Merrrs (Plus x 1ve games o se an reco or '" t . t . . 8&0 (r•t• 11 -1. Kcv11ct1 1eu.n1 P1rkJ 1:5'.l ; '· mos Vic ories Jn a season . 000 Kemper lnviUitional tournament here Saturday. and wilt face the Nethortands' Tom Ok-Tom Paciorek tried to make a one-OHISPl:lY I . () 2· 4 000 S Ft I d e.L ~ ket""il!-todoylo..finoh-. ------nMded-etab-at--i5te ... r!'M!it-.ver-hl!l--I•-·-. • n-· ur . -, " -··q-.--.-n o-or-~n·owroom-More than S,000 fans, the largest crowd head . but the ball hit his glove and rolled of the week-long tourney, saw Ashe r~lly aw~y. _ to win,the final two S<ts alter struggling Cesar Cedeno. whoS< grandslam homer . . * 7 year Bank Financing in the fint one. had climaxed a sev~n·run second against Okker. after defeating Ken Ros~wall Al Downing, scored for Houston from se-£ y B In the other semifinal match. said that cond base to end the three hour, 22 * Rent Be ore OU uy he would prefer to meet Lutz in th' In t t t Ced h d · 1·• h' m u econ es · eno a s1ngcu IS Low, low rtnti l rite~ now in effect . Ask about our $15 per way aboard . do1y pro9ram, , Willie Davi! hit I solo homer for Triton Swimmers the Dodgers In the first iMing and Los Angeles-s~ed-th·tee more in the second on Bill Buckner's two-run triple and J run vie in I bas 0 z _soo int z \\'hi Flcr p dist He foU f"le two In the and Finish Seventh Davis' single. The Dodgers tied tbe ''°" 1--~---------------"'illl-"'"'uuns in the seventh'--- Fl!ld Palrn Wick Mart! F!tm• w .. Zelsd Mc Kl Qu!~e * We Are Motor Home Specialiet WE DEAL ONLY IN MOTOR HOMESJ Tho P"thuo of Y'"' motcir home from M•rvin l'e4irce will relieve yo u of t~e -Af+OR,.PUACHME-l'ROBbEM~,.,;<· ,,,.-.;i· '-r«r---1----11---"" VISTA -San Clen1ente. with M points, finished seventh in the 18-team Vista swim relays at Vista High Saturday. Coach Ben Cummings' Tritons, who were preceded in team varsity scoring by Rolling Hills. Crawford, Oceani;ide, FalJbrook . Monte Vista and Escondido. placed in three varsity relays !nd wo~ a pair of Cee relays en route to a third place Cee team finish. The Tritons were second in the varsity 400·meter free relay in 4:02.4 as Rollin~ Hills set a meet record of 4:02 .1 in that ra ce. Duncan and Malcolm Wilson, Mike Larsen and Tim Springer swam for San Clemente. San Clemente wa s also Utird in the 2(1(). meter medley at 2:02.8 and fourth in the 4 x SO breast relay at 2:29.1. The Tr iton Cee quartet of Pat Lineback . Rick Joyce. Da ve Atk inson and Je.ff La shbrook were victorious in both the 400.meter free and 200·meter medley events. TV Schedule For Toda y I i"' la auto racing at Phoenix Bobby Unser, ·the 1968 National Driving Champion drove one of Dan Gurney's new All· American Eagles to a narrow victory over Mario Andre tti in the Phoenix lSO. mile championship Saturday. v lo pro boclrey at lnglewlle'ld Greg Polii;' second goal CJf the night, a backhand shot with three minutes left, ga ve Pittsburgh a ~ tie with the Los Ange les Kings Sat· urday night and kept the Pengu ins' Na- tional Hockey League playoff hopes .alive. The tie left the sixth-place Penguins one point behind fjfth·place Philadelphia and two points behind California, holder of the fourth -place playoff spot in the NHL West. Los Angeles came from behind three times and took a +3 lead Cln goals one minute 19 seconds apart by Ralph Backstro m and Butch Goring. Polis scored his 261.h of the season a few seconds rtfter a penaltv to Backstrom , . bea~ing Kings goalie Billy Smith from 15 feet out. v la colleae b11ketball at Kansas City Kentucky State stormed from behind on Travis Crant's fantastic shooting Satur. d.ay ri igh t for a 71-62 victory over lop. see ded Eau Claire. Wis., State and Jts third consecutive NAJA basketball tourna- ment championship. i"' llli harne11 racing Maida MJll!on came on again Saturday night to win the tea. tured $10.000 invitational pace by 31& or a ltngth at Los Alamitos race course. Taking the lead with Edd ie Cobb. M11lda Million g8ve way to Francis P. Adios as the field went into the clubhouse turn. Favored Y11nkee Creed with Bob Williams made a good.. bru1b down.-the- backstrel.ch to take ovtr the leAd going Into the final turn. , As Yankee Creed made his bold brush. Kevin Tisher was able to sneak through along the ra il with authnr!ty to move into second . Just when it Jooked like Ynltet Creed had lt won it was Maida Mtltlon coming on again to win by ~• of a length. THI INCOA1~~1'.A IHI! UTI! LI Nll 25 fc~t tll 28 f..r Ute l i111r 9011 •nvw~1r1, 1nv tlr111 •f y11r. If is r11111~f1ctured i11 Silt ltke City 1:nd t11t1d in t~e tnowy·p••k·IO• d111rf t1r11p1r1turt• 1nd t1rr•in of t~• mount1in Weit. THI FABULOUS PACl·All OW 11'·20'·22' & 24' Model1 Prltltd From s•ttl + TAX LIC. '1HI IALIOA MOTOI HOMF' Tiit l1lbo1 h t.~ilt llv J1:111111 M1ri111, D~ildttc ef the mo1t r111ow11t' 1:11d r1• t pecfed U111 ef eCttll r••l~t 11il y1chh In U.e wer1J. I UTE LINER Fre111 $19,527 ' purthoH<I from A DEALER WHO SOLD MOTOR HOM ES AS A SIDE LI NE. * New '72 Pace Arrows From $6995 + Tax & Lie. A 111w concept 111 tftt purchost & rtt1tef of l1adh19 motor homes ••••.•• * Free Indoor Storage With Your l'urcha1 e -Limited Timi Offer * Rent Back Program MARVIN PEARCE MOTOR HOMES "This Wl11ter Have Ytur Own Prffftt Ski Lodt•" NEWPORT FUEWAY JUST SOUTH OF THE SANTA ANA FllEWAY NEWPORT PROW AY TO THI McFADDEN TURNOFF, TURN LIPT ON VILLA51 WAY -. 3222 0)1N M :OO Mo .. tflrv lot. 714 / 55 • 1,., .. .,,.... h"'" u lt flt ,,.,.., 1411 SOUTH VILLAGE WAY SANTA ANA. CALIFORNIA f270Z· ·' • ''" Oran E p In one the pow dual Co behi turin frees "' 200 I El T >OO ' Buckn ~ ' Grlro¥ Oi~•n Poln!s: IQC I IMJ. '00 ' !Ml. T •• Ellwar "' t ownse "' ff ) Ti •OO ' ,., "' Arm~lr "' ' 3 Swt " " IMI. Ti .,. ' 1.0J.t '00 ' Er.tso •00 ' '~"" ' •oo ' "it8 'e Wt>ttr~ "" Top A1·ea Hairdlers iii Aetio1i fi.·larina's Gene Taylor and Newpo rt Ha rbor's Mat t Hogsett (left photo) finis h neck·and·neck in the large schools 180'low hurdle finals at Hunt· ington Beach's Southern Counties track and field meet Saturday with DA ILY PILOT l'llel• 11, lllc h1rd kffllltr identical 19.J clockings while Steve Pickford (right pholo) zips ahead of his opponent in a small schools 120 highs heat. •• DAILY PJLDT Jrvitte Race K11otted • lVIesa Swiinlners Erase Tl1e Dope Sl1eet Image • There are li mes \\"hen prep swim rnee Ls might be classified as dull to the casu11t observer. Simply pul , a s"·1mn1cr \\'ho has clocked • 50.0 JOO frees lyle is not likrly going to be beat by someone who hasn '1 broken 63. And it goes rii;ht down the line <lS meets are doped out 11 nd seldom vary by more than a few markers. Costa ~1esa High's swimmers dashed that theory Wednesday when I he Mustangs took apart Irvine League rival ----- ROGER CARLSON ·------- Los Alamitos, 53-42. thro\ving the loop in· to a three-way snarl wit h the· loo p prelims and final s slated Thursday and Friday at Estancia. How do you explain the fac t ~·our co n- ti ngent ca n whip a team by 11 -the liame outfit that shelled Coronn del ~1ar, 61·34? The latter edged Costa t-.lesa. 48-47. Mustang coach Terry Bowen says, "It 's a matter of emotion and motivation. \Ve had our backs to the wall ." What's more , the h-1 esa coach thinks his team shou ld have y,•on by n1ore. "It was very close in dh•ing. \\re thought \\'e should have had more lha11 just a second. And our medley relay team y,•as just touched out. 1'here are a lot of things that happen in a swi m mee t. rf!fulled in Ill 4S.~l victory ror the formei. ' Coach Ben Cun1mlngli' Trltons were lfl!f by Tim Sprlogtr In the freestyle sprtDtJ wllh t luckln,1t5 of 13.% aod 50.J In ttie Ca mp Pendlelf>n pool. ; Storing wa ~ hasrd un the Ntlo~ custom or not alluwin,1t rither tea m more than a UIM'-tw·u finisb. The oppoiilUon, a11parrnlly. wa1 DO ' slouch, n1arki ng up tlmt i nf I :03 In tM JOO breast and 3:30.S In the frte rtla y. \\'hat wit h no pool al Su n C:ltmentt and th e Trt:ons fori'rd lo pra1·1lce at C11mp Pendleton (IS ' nliles duw·n the road), perhaps the Tritons should go free la~ and schedule all their n1tets In this mao- oer. Hrd tupe ju5t aboul eliminates the Tritons bostinJ:: anyo~ on the ~tarlue Cor ps base. The only olher alternatlvei; for San Clemerrl.e to host swim meet1 are at dec rr pit {and outl andishl y priced) San Clemente munic ipal pool or in the Pacific <><·ean. Loo k for lhc free su bstitulion in prep hasebal! now employed by the Irvine and Sunset Leagues lo become a CIF and na· tional standard next year. UCI Spikers Finish Third In All-Cal Meet You never know when your kids are going LA JOLLA -UC Irvine's (;reg Bea~ to get their best times." he adds. Robert Bivins and Dave Crouch were in· He credit.s backstrokers Richard Whi t· dividual winners. but the Anteater track Pirates Split Doubleheader With Knights Japanese Stars Invade OCC Wrestling Arena Vikings' Martyn Wins Open Mile more and Brett Ross with turning the anrf field team fini shed third in the Alf· tide with their one-two effort late in the California spike n1eet Saturday at ·uc San meet. . Diego. "\Ve fell if they could go two-t hree ""c'd L:C J);1vis 1vu11 il wi1h 71 points, follow . win by a point," says Bowen. t'd. by U(; Biverside (4RJ, UCI (40) and Breaststroke rs Mike Y<t rwood, Steve US Sa n IJiegn 1 l<l l. UC D1vi1 (11) UC ilf l¥1rtl4t (41) UC lrvl1tt Utl UC Sponagle and Oran Marksbury finished si n DIH o 0 •1 ROLLI NG HILLS -Junior miler Ken Los Al orf with a 1·2-3 finish -thei r I R1?°Tlm~·, ~·::•111~ (D\ '· '"1111 CSD) J. MtG•llOh customary effort in league ci rcles. no -1. M .. t¥5••k CD) 1. llMlltld CAI 3. s111r1<11' h-tartyn of 1'.iarina 's Vikings c<1ptured his 1u . r im•: 111. • The victory, of course, makes the fi nals ... o 1. a ... 1111d lRl 1. M"curro 101 3. s~1.1.., specialty in 4:27.1 y,·hile five of his mates all the more interes ting. 0~1 ~"';. ~;,1,~1c1 !Il l 1. Holl'"'"' (soi 3. w111911 One of the top wres tling events of the or Stan ford . Shaughnessy, a fonner grabbed other top spots in the Rolling ~1esa ·s hope, says Bo"•en. is tha t his (0,Ji,1:1:"1. t.~~. 101 1 . 11 •• 1 111 1 . 0 ; 11 (,i:J. Tlmto •· Jeff Zelsdorf singled in the wi nning Coast area season is scheduled Saturday Estancia High star, has visited both Hills Invitational track and field mttt at Mustangs can earn valuable points in •-~~~h, .. 1 Se•• 1111 • C•ll•h•o iRJ 1 . ••i.'°" <DJ. ru n to gi\'e Orange Coast College a 4-3 when a group of Japanese stars compete schools twice. Rolling Hills fligh S<lturday. thei r strong suits ibreast. diving and 1 '7'~: ~4H10:_'l. 1. Pn, 11 " cso 1 J. !lordtn 011 J. victory over \'iSiting S<ln Di ego S<lturday against mat aces from Orange Coast, l\o1artyn equalled his personal best of medley relay) and chip aw<ty Y>'ith depth. M~~.,~~'."-1 ~1 e~~"::i~ 1\l•1. M•rsht>urn !lif t 1. Ph1t1• l·n the.first of two South Coast Conference Golden \Vest and Santa Ana colleges. Gaston Green is the new basketball Corona del Mar's big guns include 1 so1 T•m~: ~-L l Col l H 4:27.l for the four lapper in annex ing the «0 r11•v -1. uc irv•rlf', llt •v• .. lde. '•mo: 44•. baseba ll g:amcs. It's all part of a cultural exchange pro-coach at Los Ange es Valley ege. e Bruce Krumphol z and Rich ard Wagner Mii~ rel•v _ 1 uc. 01v•\ 1. vc. 1rv1ne. nm1: occ·s Pirates dro pped the nightcap. 2·1, gra m started last yea r by Vern Wagner, replaces Dick Cleme nt w•bo bas turned to ope n divisio n title in his race. while Los Alamitos' top threats are J im 1 ~}· _ 1. lllf'e 101 2 . 511.,~an (lif t 3 • Sh•!!•dt 10 1 • Zelsdorf's line dri ve hit to right center the OCC wrestling coach. counseling. Other first place "arsity fin ishers for WilSOIJ . .and..Dan J ohnson_ __ --~H.•L~1-""~~''trotitlf 01 t.Ti!lim iorl:-1'{"'~,-, - .scor.cd .Ron Martin with Lhe \\'irming.run._._ Last·summer-\Yagner ·took a group of--Green biS Deen 8n asSiStantlt VilltY l he Vikes of coach -oa~e Ojur8 were Ran~-Don't be surprised if Estancia and fll~i ~'1T~c1aa~';::· 101 2 . ~•o!Kh 111 J. Mc:At.,c1., in !he last of the ni nth inning. area wrestlers to Japan for six weeks since '70. Prior to that he guided Fre-dy Hawkin s (race I of the 100 in 10.31, Founlain Valley ha \'e somethi ng to say 111~.,.0~1~~5i;,i~!ii 101 l. ,o.1,u, 1111 b !"l i . 5,,~'°" Ze\sdorf had lhrec hits in the game and s•l up ar•angemcnls so that the mont High of LA to a 42-8 record In three Don Fogg (race 2 of the 100 in 10.7). Bill about the eventu al winner, either. !Rt. Hei1111r : 1 ~-0. " ' SP -1. Lock mer (DI l. Mcr.1111111\ ( ,i: I J. Ltto {OJ. u•hile. Joh~ Palmer .. Martin and Paul Japanese stars could tour th e West Coast years. Green was an aide at Los Angeles Thompso n 120 hi gh hurdles ( 17.1 ), Steve 01~~n~:,,~t~ IDl '· MtGa1111~ ·Rl J. loc~m•• !DI . F!r ~1 ng hit safely ~"·ice. for about the same period of time. City College for one season prior to mov· Reed (varsity mile in 4:51.5) and the San Clemente's telegraph 1wim meet o;~':;c!..: 1~2~e~3euoh <llf l l . Crou 01 J. ounkl• U). _Pitcher 0 <111 Qu1scn_bcrry \\'~nt ~he The Japanese con tingent has been in ing to-:_;; Va;;lle~y~.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;v;;ar;;s;;il~y;;88;;;;0;;r;;e~la~y-le;;a;;m;;;;w;;h;;ic;;h;;;;ra;;n;;;;l;;'3;;4;;.2;;.;;;;;;;;w;;i;:;th;;;;F;;o;;r;;;;lT;;lc;;o;;n;;d;;er;;o;ig~a;;H;;;;lgbi;;;;;IN;;e;;w;;;;.Y;;o;;r;;k~];;;;;io;i"~"ii"'~'~' ~";•~'·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;; dis tance for O~C. allownig JOst fi ve hits. the U.S. since March 10 and has already iiii He struck out fi ve and walked two. e--:.~~intled::·h&ttie·-M-efflft.-tn-i!te··---.. fourth and a singles by Pa lrner and + Fleming, coup led with a pair of walk s got I two runs home in the fifth for the Bucs. • In the night cap OCC only run came in the fi rst on a one-out double by Palmer and Bob Wickersham's si ni,!le. "lltST &AMI: SE.COHO GAMIE Or1n9t Ct t'I 141 Or1n9t C111I Ill 1b r~rfll ••r hrbl Fl,lder, 2b 2 O 0 0 l'itld-tr, 711 J 0 D 0 P1lme1.cf 3 I 2 D P11..,..r,t1 4 1 I o Wltktrshlm, rl ] I O O M••lln, t J 0 0 0 M"r!in, c J 2 2 O 'NlckerslllrT\, rl 1 0 1 1 l'!emlng, lb ~ o 1 1 l'l•mlno. lb l o O O w .. r_., n o o 1 ,y .. 110n. 1s l o o o Zelsdor'I. 11 O l 1 Ztlldort. U 2 0 l 0 Mcl(ln!oy. Jb o o o Ea,lr•llnv. Jb J .o o D Quise11berrr. o 4 o O 1 Ou1oin. o 1 O C O Qul1enDerro(. o • • • • To!1I\ " ' , ' ScMt llr lnnlng1 ' • • "" 01..,0 .., ... 001 -l ' , Or•oge COiis! 000 ·~ 001-• ' ' Scort ~r tnnl1191 ' • • "" 0•!'90 "' •oo .._, ' ' Orenge co.nl ... 000 .._, ' 1 Eagles Swim Past Marina Irvine League member Estancia pulled one of !he upsets of the current season as the host Eagles nicked Sunset League power ~farina. 48-47. in a non·league prep dua l swim meet &aturday. Coach Les Culler's victors came from behi nd to sew up the triumph by cap- turing the last event of the day -the 400 freestyle relay -in 3:33.0. V.tlSITY E"'ncl1 141 ) 147) M1rln1 '00 Medley Rl'llY -1. M11rln11 Tim•: !:Q.t . 1'10 Fr~ -! F11bl11n (M) 1. MC(llr!ln !E) l. l~ fEl Time : 1 54,S. iOO Ind M~lev -I. S(hOlf$ fM) 2. Webl!tr (E) J. Buckner (ML Tim~. 1:U O. .SO l'rel' -1 Cllfd,nls IM) 1. Bl11t!•rrn11n (El 3. G lrov \El. Tlmf: '1.l Diving -I. Rl'fll (E 1. Bell !E) 3. Pritt IM). PolnlJ: lJJ.)O. 100 11y -I. Wr1Js1•r !El 2. D•vll !El J. G111111r CM). l•me: l :DO.I. IDO frl• -1 ~•bl11n !Ml :.. LH IE) l . Edw1rd1 IM) T1m1: " /, "o FrH -1. F1b111n (Ml '· MtC11lln !El 3. Edwtrd• IM !. Tim" 4 05.1. too 81ck -11 Schol1:; !Ml 2. lll•ltff'mln IE) J. Townter'ld !El T mr· l ·D0.6. 100 8re1i1 -I H1rdv IM\~. A!Nd v IEI J. D•vl1 IEf Tl..,.: 1:119.4 «lO Frrt 1te11v -1. E"1nt;1•. Tlmt: J.n .o. IEl:S E111ncl1 lftl U1J Marin• 700 MH!lt'f RtlllV -I. M11ln1. Tln11: 1:01 •. 700 1'1M -I. Htl)h IE\ 1. Wl'nQl'fl f.Y.I ,, IHm•I•-!Mt TllN' ·OI' IOCI ll'ld Mtdl•r -1 W•IJO" (!) 1. FlnMy (M l l Swt"i.Gn (El. t 1mr~ 1 04 l. )0 F<tt -I. We1l.,d1lll (l:I 2. 110111 (M) l Wllaer IMI lime. 2S.S 100 "'' -1 $.llif'S <El 2. llO •t<ond er 11t+rCI. l imt : l -~&i~ Frllf' 1 Ntl1on !Ml 1. 111 Soll't fEI •tld E11clOll !Ml. Tim~ W 6 000 ,.,,.. 1 H•1Cll (1:1 ' Wt"9tfl (Ml l . r'IO l~,ro time • 11 t !00 8•t l -I Swtn10• (E) 2. Boot~ (Ml J. H•r· ,.,On IMI l lmt I 01 l . IDO llr1111• -1 V..tlclf'r IM) 2. Prime !Ml J, W~11rro1111 IEJ. l •mt 1 11 t 401f l'rtto ,i:llftY -I M"t"A. T ""'~ l .SO f. Cl!IS , l:tlt nCll IUI ll )I Mlrln1 200 Ml'tl"Y Rtfer I. Mt•lnl , Timi~ 2.01 S. 70Qo r:r~f • SwHI• (El 2. COlltllnCI !El l . H•fwfll (Mf t•m•; 2 .1~•. ira 1no Mtdlrv I Murt~wn tE) 2. S•r•ll (M) ). I Ol!ler !Ml ,,,.,. 1 °' JO"'".:. I Wy•ll ~El 2. HO'l'mtl (MJ l. Scr•nlon 1r i rime 11 • 50 Fly -I Cwlllrw!.,. !Ml 2, Swf!lfr \El J. Q..,.llt IM), TJml' H.J. ' - fllll "'" -1 -~I IMI 2. Mltl"lllVOll IEI 3. (OPflt r'ld fl l TIMf Jll .5'--ll•t• 1 Mr.-fl!Ofl IEI • P<trrt ll (Ml J. MUI IM J. TllN' 1'.J, '° l t11d -I, WY1tt Ill 2. lllt cil CMI t. l ll'n•r !El t i,.... Jolt XIII F1tt1 lltlfr -I. l1t111Cl1, lf"'t ~ I:~ 1, CRAIG SHEFF 'A'restled in San Francisco. It also plans stops at Bakersfield . Pierce, Ce rritos, Mt. San Antonio and Cerritos colle es . ore coming o range n y e nes· day. Tickets for Saturday's event are priced <l t $1.50 for adults. SI for students (wit h ASB cards) 11nd 50 cents for children under 12. It's sel to begin at 7:30. Saddleback defen sive standout Rudy Holmes still is undecided about • four- year school. Holmes, an All-American last season as a punt specialist, has nar- rowed the list to five schools. Lineman Dan Wade is expected to choose Nevada (Las Vega s), 11ays Gaucho coach George Hartman, while Mike CCllt has pared ltis list to the Vegas school and Cal State (Fullerton ). Flanker Rick Geddes , currently com- peting for the Saddleback spike 1quad will either attend Fullerton or Nevada (Vegas). Geddes, by the way 1 set a school rtc{lrd last week in the 100-yard dash, clocking 9.7. That erased the former 1tandard or 9.S recorded by Mike Jackson last year. ' C:olden \\rest's highly·touted receiver, Mike Shaughnessy, al so is undecided about where he'll p13'y football next season . He does knO\Y it will either be Cal Vanguards Bag Doubleheader NEWHALL -Southern Californ ia College's winless and scoreless streak of four games came to a halt Saturday when the Vanguard baseball team won a pair of games from LA Ba ptist College, here 6-1 and 1~9. "IRST GAMIE SE.CONO GAM• Se Cl>I Coll1t1 ft) t b rll rbl Se Ctl Cell ... lit) 1lrll rM ! 1 2 , ) I I 0 1l1Kh1e. cl onuo11ss •• , Atl•mt. lb lla(llUllO~. Jb Slve11ttn, rl Ol!llfrm11n, o HetlltQ_(k, !! tur11Ut1 Anf, 'ti J-t. (' To11!1' Sl!Cel ttllfft LA l •11t!ll Soc•I (Ollfft LA l•otlll ' 0 2 1 llMllllf, Cl • 1 0 0 C>o\1911t$. ll ' , ' 0 ""~"''· lb S 0 0 o Slver!Mt11, 311 S 1 2 l R11chunolt, 11 4 I 1 0 HtllltOClr, 2b lOf l Jon•1.11 2 0 0 0 Cu111,. c; 3010 .t.l'll.rl 3 ' ' ' ' . ' ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' • •• l 1 0 0 Ollllf!tll'lfn, rl 41 ' t i fo111' Sc.re "° l111tln11 0 0 0 0 351012 1 ' • • 010 oao ,,,_, • ' "' .. -· ' kof-1 ., 1"11l11t1 ' • • ... "' 1-10 " • 0-'J 100 ._. , • ·-·----~· -·----·-·----·--·--' .. Motor Trends' ''Car of the Year'' Selecled by Motor Trend mag- azine as 1972's Car of th ea .... Nothing to comp3re in it's class for styl e and look what you get for this price ..... 4 Door Pilla rd Ha rd to p with VS engine, Se lect shift, whi te s ide wall ti res , Ra·dio Vinyl insert body side mold- ings, F u I I in strumen tation group .. , •• / WIDE SELECTION • • • • • • from Wagons to Coupes IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! MERClJHY CAPRI 2628 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA • ~ $3177 •2H02F55450 7 • PANTERA • l\fARK IV e LI N<.:OLN e l\'fEHC URY e l\fON'f'EGO e ·CO LJ GAR e CO!\'IET e CAPRI I I GW Ace's Big. Qay Just the Beginning By CRAIG SHEFF 01 1111 DlllY Nlot S!tlf average apeed for a jumper feet he'll be doing a super and three, he's been getting job." some top instruction from Jim HarrJS was also a hurdler in Jordan." · U Ray Harri& were to high school and Noon had him ,1pecjaliu in one event, he 'd Noon emphasizes the latter running the hig hs early in the probably get a.lot more notice po!nt. season. but .he's abandoned tn the track and field world. ''Jim has done a hell or a that idea. job teaching him techniques in "It's just a little too much The versatile Golden West the triple jump. The basis for "'ith all the events he com· College freshman se t a pair of Harris' improvement ls petes in, despite the fac t that gchool records Wt week in the Jordan. He's really a gtudent we can sure use him in the Jong and triple jumps and _!!so of the art of triple-jump ing. hurdles." had an · outstanding "And his leadership has kept Noon can't recaJJ an y the kids in the weight room Golden West spiker having the pe<fonnanc< In the high Jump. working very hard. kind of day Harris had last He went 23-10'12 in the long Jordan b in his third year week, but he doe.! say that jump, breaking his own record u a voluntary assistant at former Rustler Paul Seymour of 22-10\\, he eclipsed the tri· Golden West and a lot ol the came close to !t. pie jump mark with a top ef· suceeu of Golden West/,ack "Seymour did not have as fort of 4&-21h (the old record and f' Id ha '·· •• hi 1e s uco;n w.1rou s good a day, but he did quite a was 44-1) and t.o t.op it all off efforts, says Noon. lot. l can remember him win· he had a lifetime best of ,6~ in the ·high jump (the school A former discus thrower and ning both hurdle ra ces. plus record is 6-ll ). shot.putter a t Occidental, rUMing in the relays besides Jordan is currently the head Jong jumping 21-7 and triple The triple jump and high of the English Deptartment at jumping 43-6." Scoreboard )'ump marks are probably the Do · H' h · Co t nunguez 1g in mp on. The Golden West coach reels most startling -primarily wh ·1 H ' h d •• H ' ·11 t' Or•~·· Co•u U) {') C•I si.11 (Full.I because Harris did not com-I e arris a a n wiat arr1s w1 ron inue to s1~111t Girls' Tennis pete in the former event in outstanding afternoon I as t impro~·e, but he isn't going to ¥~~~r:11:~1IJ~,~~~t·6.~»'·,.,, high school (it was not held ) week. he hasn't reached his stay awake nights \.\'Orrying Fi;,:~1~;i110~'1o~i6'1.!~·i1· and he 's only 5-S. potential by any means , says abdtlt it if he doesn't ~.ct.,~~~:, ?6i1~~1511t. .. 1:6• Noon 'II •-h If h Coburn co l won 6·(, 1.,s, By Simple deduction, that · "I ue very appy e o,mbeck1 101D':~1:,-o . ...o. means that he's jumping 10 in~ "I don't want to put any continues to stay as consistent w11k1r •nd sm1111 (O) won 1·6. MD Nine Suffers 7-1 Loss LA PUENTE -Mater ll<I Hlgh's basebalJ team wa.s held to just two hils and suffered a 7-1 Angelus League setback to host Bishop Amat Saturday. The loss was the second in as n1t1nv loop games for the ~1nnarchs. The lone ti.1arer Dei run came in the sixth inning on a wa lk to Mike Lucio, a single up the middle by Jim Gardea and ba ck-tcrback base on balls by Gary Linnert and Mike Am arantahus. The winners scored twice in the initial frame, added a solo tally in the seoond and then r!"'llY iced It with four In the fifth . Miit, Oil '" .. ' • • • Adtms. H J 0 • • G1rde.. cl • 0 ' • ll~nfrt, 311 ' 0 0 0 C!ovg~. e J 0 ' 0 Vo~I. lb ' 0 0 0 A mt••~r11!1,1s, lb ' 0 0 ' Adtmo. rl ' 0 0 0 ""un•n•d, r• ' 0 0 0 C11ou1, oh • 0 0 0 Bo~kowskl. II J 0 0 0 NAh1tt . 211 J 0 0 0 L~n~1le11, 11 ' 0 • 0 Lvclo . .,,, 0 ' 0 • MtClwtl11, 11 ' • 0 • To111, " ' • • lte.r• " 111n!n91 • •• Milt• [}II .. '" .... • ' ches over his height. pressure on him, but I think as he is right now." g,~'fJr~:r1~11H~~;~~11~,<?J1111:~., ... he can go 2·4 inches higher in,,_.::..:::..::.:.:::::::..::.:. ____ ~::'.:~.!!::..!:!:='.~~:..:;:;__:=:::.:. ______ _ The key t.o Harris' auccess the high jump. 811~00 Amil "' "' ,_, • • has been three things, says "And he's not near what he Rustler head spike coach Tom can do yet in the triple jump·. N':?~~ made his breakthrough He real ly hasn't got a good last week and a great deal of jump off yet. He's alwa ys that was due to the fact that been tired from previous events." he's been lifting weights since 6Chool began in September. Is the SO-foot mark in reach But we still think he can get a this season? I • lot stronger overall. "That ntight be stretchmg "Two, he has better-than-it. If he gets a couple more GOLDEN WEST'S RAY HARRIS CLEARS HIGH JUMP_BA_R._H_E_'_S_C_L_E_A_R_E_D_6-_6~----------------You'll never get a better buy on our best selling tire. RAY HARRIS PRACTICES TRIPLE JUMP TECHNIQUE. Baseball Standi11gs SOUTN COAST coporl!RE"ICE '"""' ,-UlllttDll !tntt A~ Ortnsit (M1t / .$"' Oltto Ml. Sin AP!ID11(!1 &1n Diego MtH W L Gt • 0 -' ' - ' l '"• J ' ' ' ' ' 2 ~ "" 0 •• SllUrlltY't lcor11 e"'"'' Cetst '·'· $•~ 01190 3.2 ClrtilM 6. Ml Stn An!onr11 2 "ulifo'10fl ~. Stnlt An1 o • ANGElU~ Serv<!f !I JllO(I Amt! P•115 )( ~'· •nth!lnv $!, Ptul M11ttr Oel LEAGUE w ' ' • ' ' 0 l1h1rd1y'1 ltwtt 81,1100 A,,,_1 7, A!t!•r Of! t S!rvl!, 2. $1. l"•ul o St Anll!orly J, Plu5 )( 1 Wt411fld1y•• GI/Ml L 01 0 -' ' . ' . ' ' ' . ' T11eldty'1 Gt""" SIP! Diego MI'S~ 11 Ortnll' Co.ti lll'lft ""8 I ! Ctrrl!ol S.11Oleto11 Ml, Sin Anlonlo Mitt• Oel vs. SI. •n111onv tt Wtrd· 1ow 1"1rk B •~O Amtt 1t $1, P1ul Pl11s X •' Servile WANT A LIITLE LUV? Try Connell Chevrolet March 23rd. 2121 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA .W.-1200 . ·' Artist Spil{e Corpse Revived; Brea on Hot' Seat in League? Len Miller of Laguna Beach High refuses to be outdone in bringing the Artists back from the dead and molding them into a genuine Orange League track and field power- house. --Miller-came -to baguna-·three-years-ago from Victor Vall ey High, up in the high desert country north of the San Bernardino Mountains. At Victor Valley, success was at least a by\vord under Miller. His teams compiled a seven-year record which included but six dual meet losses, four Golden League varsity team titl-es, 99 in- dividual loop championships, the breaking of PHIL ROSS letter from commi~sioner J. KeMeth Fagans. At any rate, the high hurdles had t.o be re- run upon conclusion of the rest of the meet with Laguna on top, 65-62. The re-running of the highs, which Miller -contends was unn~-essary because of e mix- up by Brea coach Wayne Bridge. eventually cost the Artists a victory since Laguna sopho- more Dave Kiesselbach went from second in the initial running to out of the money in the re-run. League representat ive Joe Merlo is ~xpect­ ed to make some kind of a-decision on the situation in the next few days. • • • Corona del ·Mar's John Mitchell and his California Lacrosse Association are at it again. With Lacrosse season ready to accelerate at full thrust in the ensuing few weeks, Mitchell, a retired Air Force colooel, Is aJ. ready helping to host the Australian National team whlch comes to thh1 country later in th! week. The Aussies' Jtfnerary calls for a full slate of contests against various U.S. club and ~ ..... --eo11<,.;· ete-t:eemt.wttlt-tbe gr&tt,-ma entrance Thursday In Los Angeles. 35 school records and the dispatching of 12 athletes to the CIF fin als. So. when he got to Laguna, Miller knew he had his work cut out for him . \Vhich prompted him to say, "l was pre- pared for a challenge, even relished it; but I was either unaware or underestimated the problems to be overcome .. , Jn 1970, Miller's first year on the Orange Coast, his varsi ty, Bee and Cee squads com· bined to win only th ree duals in 27 tries while last season's record improved to 19 triumphs on the th ree levels in 27 attempts. Now, with four dual meets (12, if you break it down into the three groupings again) under the ir belts, the Artsit.s are unscathed in all but three of those fora ys -and there's stilJ doubt as to whether Laguna lost one of those three. In the Orange League dual opener al Brea on Jlvfar. 9, the Lagunans> s~'ept to easy Bee and Cee wins bu t \.\'ere edged out. 66-61. in the varsity column . However. that final varsity tabulation is subject to a protest py Miller. who apparent· ly has the backing of the CIF office in a DAILY PILOT THE HELPFUL GUIDE Several members of the Orange Co unty Lacrosse Cl ub squad wlll be included on a Southland all·!ltar conti ngent which will con- front the Aussies Saturday at Z p.m. at Long Beach Veterans' Stadium. Then on Su nday, the foreign villitors will be the guests at a brunch bo1ted by Woody Smith at Irvine Coast Country Club and will tour Newport Harbor afterwards on Mike Grosz' Pavilion Queen. ( While in the Southland, the Aussies will be housed by the Navy at Terminal Island, where they'll also practice. • • • The latest basketball phenom for Mater Dei High -6-4 Rick Kniffin -is signed, sealed and delivered for a full cake ride at St. l'vJartin's C.Ollege in Olympia, Wash. Kn iffin led the Mona rchs to a second place finish in the Angelus League and CIF AAAA playoff berth th is past season with his scor· ing and rebound ing exploits. St. J\1artin's is the Rima mater of ex-Mon· arch standout Barrv Eidsvold, and current MD mentor Jerry Tardie was an assistant coach there for one season. NURSERY. OPENS .10 A.M. SUNDAY FOR TODAY 'S HOMEMAKERS '' I 'I l MUNTINOTON Cl"NTIR 1111 ldl1111r Nu1111'19le11 lttcll GOLF ••• WITH GENTLE' OCEAN BREEZES 493°1167 JZIJO .. , Joao Hllh l•. 837°0361 Sa11 Jua11 CaphtNfl• OPIN TO THE PUBLIC '10-·1 r' FOR TWO lllCllMltt lltct!W C1rt ...,...., .. _ WMllN\lt OftlJ SAN JUAN HILLS COUNTRY CLUB / Now ~.15·9 & lus 1.81 le . taxand old tire B ac all, tubeless (replaces 650-13). Mlleagomoko~ plus, 78 1erl11 • 4 ply polyHtor cord !!re with the m11n look end tl!nl traction ol wide profllo 1tyll11Q. Cloot· out Fed. Replaces Price Tex 700-13 17.56 1.95 695-14 18.36 2.08 735-14 19.96 2.24 n5-14 21.56 825·1 4 23.16 2.56 560·15 16.76 1.73 G78-15 825·15 23.96 2.63 Whitewalls only $3 more per !!rt, Without trade· In odd $2 per !!re. Other 1lzt1 available at tow prlceL Plus Fed. Tax and Old Tire 10% off on all auto air conditioners. Cool and clean 18 auto air eonditioner with 11 ,000 BTU cooling p,ower. Features2 rectangular front louvers and 2 circular side louvers, adjustable for complete air oontro1,,,flt1 neatly under daslt. Reg.159.95, Sale 143.95 Trlmeline air conditioner, Reg. 259.95 Safe 233.88 30 auto air conditioner, Reg. 229.95, Sale 2111.81 24 lllloelr conditioner, Reg. 199.95, Sale179.ll Ford plck•U p air condf· tloner, Reg. 249.95, Sale 224.118 Chl\Jplck-up alrcondl· tioner, Reg, 249.95, Sale 224.98 Tune-up Special 15~!.* 2 Big Weeks Install new points, plugs, condenser. r6tor and cap; adjust distributor points, engine timing and carburetor. ..Mo11 cars JCPenney 8 cylinder. •• 19.18 8 cylinder., .23.81 \ Shoo S11nd1y noon to 5 P.M. atthe foflowlng Auto Centera: NEWPORT BEACH, Fuhien hlond. HUNTINGTON BEACH, Huntington Center, Ust Penntys ti mt P'Y"!tnf.. pl•n. , ·' • .. g "' ' U :l an pet an co pa fou pl sol fo lo Ra co 70 Bil El Ma for • DAILY PILOT 85 Barlow on l\'lound Casters' Show Set Fishing ' • UCI Nine Among, 8 Teams .... Against Colorado For LB Seeking Tournament Tit.le College baseball gets the jump on the pros Jn this area with the annual rollege toumament be.lng staged at La Palma Park tn Anahr.im fe aturing three out-of-state con- tend ers and fiv e Southern Ca lifornia univer. sity squads this "'eek. Tourney Scheduled By HOWARD 1.. HANDY 01 t~t Diii~ 1>1111 Slllf Bob Barlow is scheduled to pitch the opening gan1e in Lhe fourth annual A n a he i m Collegiate baseball tourna . ment beginning ~londav at La Palma Park in Ana hei m for the second straight season as coach Gary Adarns' UC Irvine team faces the Universit y of Colorado in the opening salvo al 11. Barlow opened on lhe mound- in a similar situation a year ago and was nipped for a 4·1 s~tback by Southern Illinois. This time around Barlow ls lhe ace of Adams' pitching corps and has posted a .f.3 record with a 2.25 e.r.a. In seven outings this season. He has been the bellwether of the mound st111f1. defeating UCLA (9-0 1, Cal Slate (Long Beach) (4-3), Chapman i2·1 ) and \Vhittier (8-1 L ... ~le lost lo USC (2·01. Long Beach (3·2 1 and San Diego (8- 21. Following Monday's opener, UCI 'Will langle with Oregon State College Tuesday at 11 with Gary Wheelock (2·3, 2.67 r& The A~!:.'= Method ~ . SWING SLOWER IF HANDS SEPARATE Study illu~tration I I and note how snugly the thum b or the left hand fits against the mealy pad of the right thumb. Thi s is the main point of contact between the twG hands. For consistent shotmaking, it must·rtmain constant throughout your swing. rp The main danger point in the \!:J ~ swing is at the top of your back· · 1wing (illustration #2). Check to 1ecif you arc hold ing your contact · point between the hands intact , (illustration 13). • Q) If your hands arc separating at th is juncture, it's probably because you ai'e swinging too fast. Slow down your backswing until you can "'set'' your hands into positi on at the top without their tending to move apart. ®· 0 .... ,'L. -J.,•. B!H- -IRON OUT THOSE IRON SHOTS! Arnold Ptlmer'1 bookltt "Hittin1 th1 Iron'" liYes ch1rnpionshlp tips to htlp sh1rpen your ircn·shot IKhniqu1. St nd 20c. and a 1t1mped, r1 turn enYt lop1 to Arnold P1lm1r, i11 c1r1 ol lhi1 n1wsp1p1r. Mtndfy (M1r. 10) lll lttllll -UC l r~lnc vs Color1C10 •t Lf "•Im• "••k 01 1.m. In l1ttl •ounCI 11 Aiwlltlm Tourn1mtnlf. Tfnnl• -Wl•lllno!on fl UC lrviM ()). .. Goll -Or1noe C~s! 1! Cettno, (l:·JO), Golden Wt•I 11 l.A Hltllor, ~S16dlftl1ck •1 P1rom1r tbOtll 11 11,"' Irvine ft All·C•I touriwy In B"~' •Y· TlltSdlJ (Mir. 11) Witdntt<llY {Mir. 121., Bj 5tbotll -Ml!tr °'I 11 !it. Anll'IOIW ll·I 1. UC lrvlnt ws 8<1Qlltm Youno 11 Lt "•lm1 P1rl U o.m. In IMrll rouroCI ot An•ht im tourf\1rl. Gvmn1HICs -COrOM eltl Mir I! V11CM!I, Wnl.rnlo1!1r II NtWllGtl H~•bor !bo!h 1f J:lS). Sw!mmlria -NewPOrt H1rbor •I Wts!ern, An~~ifn •I M1rin1, 5ono-r• 41 L•1111n1 a eacn, Foo111111 11 Mission V•f· lo. Sf n ciemtnl1 vs Tintln 11 Foo111111 lilt ti l ;J5 ), Huntl"l!IOn 8ttcll I I Westm1ou1er {6:lDJ, Fuller10t1 et GolCltn w eu tl:JCI ). Thu"dlr (Mir, lll Tr1c~ -Co•-<Ml No.Ir II f11;.an Es!fnci1 11 Co111 Mnl. M1anoli1 .; Fount~ln Vt llty, Wtilm!nsltr f l HUn· l•flCl!On Bt1ch. ~nit Ana •I M1r!n1. Ntwoor! H1rl!O r 11 Wf!llf rn, St. P1ut 11 Mllrr Dfol. M l•~iOtl Vir lo 11 l(a1r lla San Clernr ni, 11 Ttnlin, Unlvertirv 11 Sonora, Vllencit l l L..:iurwi 8etch C1U 1r"l ,IJ). Tennis -Otfr1'1t CQJ5t 11 F11llr rton Ill, UC 1,..,lne 11 L-811tn Cl1s1ic. &•set11tl -FlrS! rO!JlflCI GI Full••ton JC lourn1men1 -Golden W111 vs Sin Bernardino at FuUrrlcn J C ll :JO >, O•tnGt COi l! YI Com•ton I I lloy1rn P1r~ !S 11,..., !, $tllllleWck vs Fullerton 1• ao¥'10 P•r · Ca! Stiff !Los Anc"I") 2 p,m. !iwlmm!no -lr vlMI l Nll\lt prelim• fl E111ncl1 (l:JOJ. Fridly IM1r. 24) 81<tt>.lll -Corona Ori M1r t i SA V1111v, Edl•on 1t E1t1ncl1, Foun!1in v.i1r v 11 Los Alaml/01. Ntwoarr Harbor 1r H11ntlna!on 8 t 1 c II , W11stmin1tf r a! M1rln1. TuS1i11 fl Mi1slon v 11lo. Foothill 11 Sfn Clt m"11e, Unlv11rsity 11 V1lencT1, Sill· The Long Beach Casting e.r.a.) scheduled to start !or~ Club presents its 19'72 Spart· UCI. Fishing Show to be held at 11\f' Wednesday it will be 1 night clubhouse on Saturday anct ga me wlth Brigham Young Sunday, t.-tarch ~and 2.6 from University with freshman Jer· 10 a.m. until 4 p.m, The public ry l\1aras on the mound . ls welcome. • There ls no ~1aras made a late start with charge. the Anteaters following con-The sho\\' will feature ex- clusion of the ba!!ketball hiblls, fil ms, slides a n d 11eason. !'....\... demonstrations or 1nany of the In his only start against cl ub's activities . Expert fly Nevada (Las Vegas) he liers will construct fr esh and worked eight inning!!, giving up salt water pa tterns using only one run in a game that techniques taught in th e ;i n. lvas called by darkness at 1-1. nu al fl y tying class --: the HI., '• 1 oo largest in the countr.v free to The~~~a;, Uci will meet 6 1 the general pu blic. Visitors from other states have never won lhe event in the first three-years of competi· lion but Brigham Young. a contestant each of HOWARD HANDY State (Los Angeles) at 2 and Casting exhibitions by ex- Friday it will be Cal State cellent fishermen arid tourna· ~F,11llerton) at 8. Pitching ment casters. including Ed the past two years, finished sixth in lh 0 e assignments have not been Thomas, current Na t i on a I NCAA university div ision playoffs in Omaha determined for these tv.•o Trout Fly Accuracy Cham-last season. games. pion, using fly and plug Previous winners of the tournament in- Adams will make !leYeral casting equipment will be held elude co-host Ctll state (Fullerton ) in 19691 changes in h is probable at lrequent intervals. the inaugura l year; the other co-host, Chap. Credit craduate a5~lstant b1slte1ball <'oach Ofan Aodrta "'ltb an a11lst la tbe \\'ebe'r State playoff \'l('lory o\'tr the Unlver· slty of Ha\\·all rr:t en lly. "l>t11n 11pent about '45 mlnults an the l~ephone talking with the \VC!ber coach about lhe type t1f detens4' to ust against HawaU," he.ad coach Ttm Tift rt\•taltd I.his WHk. "flt told lbtm lo u~e a xone and e\'tn lhaui:h thty hadn 't done ii mu ch during the rtgular lieasnn, the plan "·orktd to ptrfeC· tlon." Sul'h phone ralls are common for coach«"• ~rnund lbr rounlry all they prepuri for unknov.·n and un~couttd opponents. • • • \V11l UC lrvin t field a fres hman basket- ball team next se11:;on or ,..,ill the Anteaters go to a jun klr varsity squad as niost other schools are doing? "'If most or the schools 1Ye play go to a junior ''arsity program, "'e probably llo'ill do thr. 11ame thing." ass istant basketball menlt'lr Jerry Hulbert reveals. • • • starting lineup for Monday's Rod building and fresh and man College. in 1970; and the UC_LA Bruins It t t k d I h What prep playe r ls No. 1 on UCJ'5 list opener. sa wa er ac e an ec • last year. Freshman Terry Stupy will niques u•ili be demonstrated UCI almost mi ssed the ci;enl this season ot prflspecls at the present tlmr'? npen behind the plate after nd discussed . The club'5 in-\vhcn the CCAA banned its tcains from far-llulbert rri;~als It is Ser\•lte lllgh Srhool'5 spending most of his time in terests in conservation, includ· ing the Anteaters for a port ion of the past !\lark Camp11n;iro, a 6-3 ror\Yard and player· right field . Slupy is hilting al ing fish tagging and manage-vear. When the ban was lifted. however. lhe of·thr-yea r In the An.i::elui; League. a .250 clip and bats fifth . menl programs will be sho,i;n. lwo host schools made a hasty retreat to Oth er top preps being sought lnchuJr Ed The other switch will hE' in Informative literature on Hrs the nearest telephone to in vite Gary Adams' Sw~tz 16-81 of Newb ury Park : Ken Thomp- ri,.ht rield where another history, actii;ilies and a · b k k. h l o so I of El Ca mi·no Real High Jn V•n • · ·11 be r · hed team ac . ma 1ng t e even an range fresh1nan takes over a fil iations w1 urn1s to • A call for t.ntrles in alx su""'~ mer sportfishing tournament.:! has gone to members or:: Pacific Anglers, the eroup•. based Al Balboa Bay Club!: "'hlc h co mpetes tn.:: ttrnR tion111ly 11!: well as ln ,:.... Southern Cal ifornia waters. \V \VO(M'I Nelson, ~1. D . · """ ty ete<:ted presldenl of Pari f1r Ang lers. announced . lhr follo11'ing sc hedu le: lnrrrrluh alb~cort tourna- ment. July 21-22, men only, I:>on F'rRnkl in. team captain . Pac1fi(· Anglrrs Invitational t11urnnn1en1. Aug. 12. men and "·on1en. Bob J o h n s o n , chairman : Al f\1anderbach. co- chairman: and Bill Robinson, lt'<1 1n ca ptain . S an D i e g o marlin tournArpcnt. l'I September dat.e lo hf! ~et . for nlen and W(lmen, \Voody Nel!'On, team captain. Charity tournament. Cabo . ~::in l~ucas. June 20-25, men . and ,i,romen. Ladies one-cloy al b 11 core• tournan1ent aboard P1ttrici an, Aug. 4. Vickie Robinson, rh11 irman : Louise Manderbacb and Sally Johnson . The 29th · lnternalion1J light tackle tournament, C1raca1. Venezuela, Se pt. 19-23. tho h · 1 led County affair. Nuy11 : l\11ke l\1cDonald ~6-SI from Garey lligb starting role. nick Peters. se w o are 1n eres . 1 •1 be r th I b ·11 be The Anteaters ha ve a misconceiving re· in Pomona : ft1ark Steinmeyer (6-%) from Ka-STARS , •. used primarily " a pinch· J• em rs o e cu v.•1 ·1 bl I h t ·ih nd to cord of 9-10-1 this srason. Four of the defeats tella; Rick Quinn IHI from Uls Alamito5; s d Om ,_ 1 • hitter and utility infielder , >A•il\ avai a e o c a 'A'I a y ncy arr ... one o _l; start Monday's game wit h Col· answer questions regarding have been by one run and three others by Steve Lelbrlng (6-6) from West Covina: and the "·orld's great: aatrolo- kl t h · I I two runs. When the base hits start falling in two pla yers from ft1urphy High lo Los An· i:-:ers. Hls column ts on. of ;,._ orado. He is hitting .500. tac e, ec ruques, oca e, or d thr, DAILY PILOT'S artat This means the opening any of the myriad things at the right time, the season could tum geles -Dwi ght Jones (M) an d rtllke Rt • features. lineup will have th re e,,.~v~~~it~or~s~m~a~y~w~i~s~h~to~k~n~o~w~.--.;·~ro~u~n~d~a~b~ru~pt~ly~.i;;;----------.o;mi;ai;n;,;(;;6-.l;i;iil. _____________ ;;;;;i freshmen. two sophomores.fl three juniors and one senior on the field . Other starters and the UCI batting order include : junior Rich Moliria ( .382) in center field : sophomore Dave-Lyons f.2761 al third base; senior Dan Coronado 1.328! at second base : sophomore Jeff Melinoff t.3381 al first base; Stupy; junior Dan Hansen (.1841 at short stop: freshman Rod Spence (.192) in left field : Peters: and junior Barlow (.273 1. The Anaheim event runs through Saturday with eight teams involved in the action . UCI does not meet Chapman or Loyola during the first five davs with Sa turday's draw de iermined on a wotl·lbsl basis at conclusion of play Friday. Other games Monda y in- clude Ore~on State vs. Loyola i2 1: Cal State (Los Angeles) vs. Chapma n 15 ): and Brigham Young vs. Cal State <Fullerton~ (8.\. OC lltVI Nf lt·ll·H 81!1in9 AVlrflll WMeJoc;k P~trrl Hlm..,elber' M~lin~ Sp1nskl Motif'Cil Corontdo '"'"" Andtr'llln LJD<I\ f11rlcw l'!uov Clevrl1n11 511t"'' H1"1rn S"vdr• Mfr t s Pr!r rr>el ... JDll•" To111s Jar d~n . M1r1s 01rlow Wlleel°"k "' Cltvel~nll Hmlb'll· ' " " " ~S.1 J7.1 n.o ~ .. .. TOii!& 1S9.0 "' G Al fl 14 AVG. 1 1•6•.S.3 ' U I 2 .500 17 01 .500 11 " 1$ ,, .:IA? ' I 3 ) .llS 20 ,, 11 25 .]~ 20 67 H n .3'1 11 ,, J 7 .Jll '' sa ''' .no XI 7• 11 71 .21' 1 n l ' .113 1i i~ ,~ 1~ j~ 20 73 ' u .192 20 7• t 14 .IU 6 U l 2 .lS• ,,11 0 .000 , 1 0 • .O«I I 1 0 0 .000 ·~o o .ooo 20 "41 ,,,, 112 .~ lrlffl ... H aa SO ... • • ' ' ' .... ' ' ' • " .... " " .. " " 7.15 .. " " " " 2.61 ' ' • • • J.00 " " " " " '·" ' ' • ' ' .... " 41 1:19 .. .. '·" BELTED -)~k Tl-RE SAL ~ '\ BUY 4 AllD SAVE. FOR er1ckw•H •izet 878·14, C78-J • e nd [78-14 wfthtNdeend F.E.T. ol 2.06 to 2.3'4 por Iii"• SILVERTOWN BELTED 'NEWCAR'*T DOUBLE-BELTED FOR STRENGTH AND MILEAGE SINGLE TIRE SALE PRICES Size S78-T4 C78-14 R11.ul1r Pr\o;:e S•le ,effnl Price ~l••T JI $2i.U 2.0i Cl78-14 H78·14 n a.15 Cl71·15 (78-14 _J4.:!_0_ ,_~·~·~ .. ~·'--l-~·~··~·_, f78·14 _36.:.1 ~.1-~·~·~· .. =-+-<'~··~·-1 _)9.J.L 1-~·~1~.u=-+-'-'~· ...... ~ _.,_. l_S_ Sl.U 2.93 ]7.1 s 30. 2.&8 40.55 J1.U 2.78 •• • Checking Area Greens dltDICk 1t Ll(lllMI 8eacll (Ill fl l :Ul.) .. -----------ill Co111 Mr11 "' M1ano!l1 •I Bov,en II Pl •k !ll, UC lrvlne a! Cal S!o!e ~Fulle•!onl I D.m., Or111<1t Co1.\t, Go1elen W11!, Slllelleback 11 Fullerton TournaMt nl. Use Our Rair\ Check P¥ogf9m, B.F.Goodrich will get you the tire you wanL Should we run oLtt of your size du,ing this offer; we will be happy tD issue VDU 11 rain clicclc and order your 1ire at the a dven1s1d P"CO for future doliYory. Golf -F ullerton vs Otll'IQt Coa1I 11 trv1n1 Co111 Coun!rv Clvtl (1 :30), lllo I Honllo 11 Golllrn Wnl. S..odlrback 11! Costa it CSfl So11t~wt,ter", Ntw~d• v1 c 1rv!nt 11 5•"'• An• cc <•II ar n. Gvm"astlcs -Corona del M•'l First round matches in the Newoort H1rbor, westm1n11er , NURSERY OPENS 10 A.M. SUNDAY I l ' '-' ,., . ' LWllill HUNTINGTON CaNTal TTT1 ltll"''' l4111tll11111n ·-· I A~1~elm ln~ill!lorwit (1 o.m.I, Golelf" annual presi dent's cup co m· ;;~w~"~'~'f' ~"~'~'~''"~'~"~'~· ;;;;~iiiiiii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii pet ition at Costa Mesa Golflj BRAKE RELINE HEAVY DUTY EXPRESS SALE 40,000 MILE GUARANTEE -· and Country Club must be con1pleted by toda y. . A total of 115 players a~e partici pating in the event 1n fou r flights. It is by match play eliminalion with aeon· solation flia:ht in each of the four competitions. LEASING? LOOK! 1 Mldt f« lr11Cks 1nd trailers in con- tinuous hi&flway/ru11\ deJiyery and pic.k-up service • Maximum ptrlonn.-•ra It • lriw. lrlw uritt • E•P*rt WorluMMhl, • Quollty l•lllH•melllt Ifill ~ LINING I. LABOR • llo11cl10 SJ Forest McQuislon fired 8 63 tn 1vin a low net tourn ament at. I Ran cho San Joaquin golf course last ,.,.eekend. A tie resulted ror second at. '70 between Virgil Schnoebl en. Bill Ritter. f\.tort Davis and1 Elmer Hamina. Dirk Copcrek end Bob Marlin came in with 71 to tie for the next place. '~ b~~t ~Sailing New Cal 25's • $1.08 ........ ealtflt.4d s adilt.tJ t4 U<S uatu .. -NEWPORT- lt1:40111te l M•rh1e •1 lty 20 IOATS Coll Direct er Ceft tct f21)1 122 ... JJI 'lllr<NJtltll•ll ltt lt/Pl\ln. ''I Oty NEW 1972 OLDSMOBILE TORONADO 2 DOOR HARDTOP MONTH 24 MO. OPEN IND --·--- IN CLU DE'' AIR COND., FULL POWER INC. DOOR LOCKS AND SEATS, AM.FM STEREO, VINYL TOP, TINT. GLASS , TILT WHEEL, BELTED Wf.H, AND MORE. We leaff all popular make cal'$ and trucks LEASE DEPARTMENT UNl'1ERSITY OLDSMOBILE 2150 HAUOR ILVD. COSTA MUA CALL NORM P.DDLOVI. 147·6750 SllE ltlE SIZE Sill 6.01116 S1895 EXCISE TAX St.17 TO ll,,S SHOCK SALE • 50°/oOFF ON 9KOND MOCK INSTALLED Hiah qu1 ltty shock absorbers rtv• you t smoother, ufer rid• !ht yetr round. ~ IAO SM0CIC$ c-'",:a.-'5$?. AllJ~ll~~' ~---.,~' \~ UMITmDTIM• OFnR OH SAL( HOW roll ONLY •&!1 lliec.lll.9f 1-clill N1•2t1rl&T.•a GUARANTlf T~t 111111!1~ ltrt kl lln1nQ1 •n1t•lltd "" your c•• •rt tu•rtn"ttl 11f ~.000 mi111 w~1n 11~•11 '" no11C.•mm1rc l•I p1111t111r ctr 1trvlt •. S1>1111d 1111 liftllMU "'' ,, Wflr 0111 durlftt 1~1. P<l•lotl, t~·~ •Ill Ot r1pF1cec1 "" 1 P•l·!lltcl b1111 dfpeftdlnt '" mll11g1. 1.1m1tl'd I• 011l1r or 11art l>t'10rmln• 1r!tln1l ltrWicf , AIR WHEEL WHEEL BALANCE ALIGNMENT SHOCKS 5149 ::~·. $5ss "'u' w,19~,, $12.50 DlLCO & Many Ways To Buy HI JACKflS WE HONOR ALL s34so MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ''"""'"""'! • INSTALLATION AYAILAILI -I - R19. Yt1l11• SJl. ti MOST CAll:S DISH OR SPOKE MAGS 4 tor 599 JONES TIR·E SERVICE ' I 2049 HARBOR BLVD. lat Bayl COSTA MESA Phones 646-4421 540-4343 .. • .. ' . DAILY PILOT Sunday, Mirth 11J, 1q72 • Munich, Oly rnpics • FV Archeress Eyes Games • By LAURI~ B~CKLUNO 01 tti1 Dllll' ~ .. I S!1ff Once upon a time in the __ _,,oresrs of Nolli.P&l:lal!!, a !l~el · footed, eag le-eyed, green-clad Robin Hood whipped a feathered arrow trom his homemade quiver, placed it on his massive wooden bow. and swi ftly felled a deer for a venison barbecue f(lr the gang's dinner that night Today. in the mild yellow clime of Southern California. a strawberry blonde, freckle- faced Fountain Valley t/igh School teacller stands in cords on an outdoor archery range, focuses through her contacLo; o n brig ht-hued concentric circles 70 meters awa y, and shoots an aluminun1 arrow from her 26-pound competitive bow. Carol Strausberg, 27. aims for the Olympic medal-shaped, gold center of the target. and hopes to become one of the three women who travel to Munich this summer to com- pete in the first Ol ympic archery competition in three decade s. proach, !l's a posi tive, n1enta1 approach Lhat you have to v.·ork on to accompllsh. If you use it well you can't thin negali\'e or get nirvoiis," she , says, No"' when rwli:is Strausberg goes do\vn her m e n t a l checklist while preparing to shoot an arrow in competition, she adds a qu ick positive at- titude check to her other men· ta l notes to relax and draw back the string the same distance each time. The new approach evidently has "'orked. Within the last six months she has won the Eagle's Cup in competit ion between ~Tex ico and the United States in ~1exico City: the Puerto Rican International Tourn11ment: 11nd the amateur title at the Las Vegas Indoor Tournament. But placing in national tournament s has been customary for the youn~ teacher since she 1vas 12 and growing up in Dayton. Ohio. Lured to the sport by her neighbors, national champions Kay and l.-0,v Volkman. Carol soon was placing second to Loy 's first place in nation-wide competition. LOOK FROM ALOFT -Balboa Yacht Club's Argyle Cam~bell ~nd crew eye the taut spinnaker on their Cal-40 on a do,vn\v 1nd drive during Congressional Cu p Series off I.,ong Beach Yacht Cl ub. J\erial photo \\'as taken from the Good· year blimp by Andy \Vitherspoon of the the Long Beach Ne,vs Bureau. Camp· bell \van the series. Campbell Captures Congressional Cup ARCHERESS CAROL STRAUSBU RG AIMS FOR GOLD MEDAL. ··1r 1 shoot durinp: the trials th e way I've been shooting here recenlly, I should make the te11m." J\.liss Strausberg says, explaini ng that she has When she n1oved to California and began teaching OCC Gals Second Orange Coast Co 11 e g e • s women's s~lmming team came-in 1econd at the first jlJ!lior toUege women's swim meet or the year, a rtl.ay com- ~Ution involving eight schools lie:ld at Bakersfield Com- munity College. ~The OCC backstroke team, composed of Pat Shine. Joyce Dawson. Sandy Cas.surbe and !>ana Moss, broke t h e ~ o u t her n California Com- munity CoJJege women's 100- yard relay record with a 59.5, but still placed second to overall winner Fu I I er ton, which made the race in 57.9. The old record was 1.00. L . Fullerton won the meet-with 84 points, OCC accumulated 55 and Golden West was seventh. ' . 100 M1dtfY -1. Full~ron 7. 81}ce-1ll1ld l. Or•riot Co.!11! '· Mt. SAC. Time: '1.1. lOll FrH -I. Otlll<ll Coatt 7. El Cem!no 3. IJekt•llltl(I. '· Goldin Wltl, Tlmt": $2.1. 100 Ftv -!, Fullrrl(ln J. 8•krrtflfld 3. £1 C1mlf'10 '· OrlnM C~ll. Time: Sl.3. XlO Frte -1. Full1rron 2. Orlno1 C011st ); £1 c1mlno 4. 81kerall'!ld, TlmP: 1.Jl.3. 100 fli ck -l. Fullerton J. Or•noe Co.tit 3. El Cimino '· Mt. !AC. Time: $1.t. 100 Brees! -1. P1,1dtnft 2. Fulltr!on l. 8111~,lltld ~. 1111! El Cem lnc. ·Tl"": 1:09.J. .ioo Fret -l . Fullet!on J. Or1no1 COl't 3. &1ker,ne10 '· Mr. SAC. Time: ,:0.1.3. Tourney Set For . Hockey Boasting , a n undcfealed record of six victories, the Golden West College women's field hockey team will enter the Southern California tournament at Long Beach Monday arternoon ( 2 : 3 O ) against the winner of a match between Compton and Long Beach City College. Golden Wes t won the dual malch ·season ~·ith six vic- tories including wins over both Compton and Long Beach. been coming up with scores in the 1200s of a possible 1440 points. Past Olympic team standards have been lower than he r present average, she says. But the key to making the tea m is mental control. not physica l ability, she believes, "Archery is mostly a ques- tion of mental endurance because it's a matter of \vin- ni~g or losing by one arrow. You shoot from eight in the morning to five at night so you've got to learn to control your nervousness." Until re ce nt I y, Miss Strausberg says, "it \Vas a matter of my shooting well in practice and then losing con- fidence when the v.·histle blew" for tournament com- petition. "Bul now I'm using the ' P s y c h o-Cybernetics' ap- in 1966, howe\'er, she dropped Dy Al.MON LOCKABEY under the bann~r of Ne1v York Conner to fight ii out for top the sport and began lak ing it or th• D1n1 ~il•t 11111 ,Yacht Club. honors. A single loss hy seriously again just a year Argyle Campbell or Balboa The 23-year old BYC sailor Campbell "'ould h;:ive thrown ago. Yacht Club is sporting a new started his sail ing career \\•hen the victory lo Conner. Now she is taking a leave of crin1son bla zer today. he was a junior member of As it I urned out , Campbell absence from Fountain Valley, He now <n~ns two of the BYC in Sabots. He later and Conner \\.'Ound up "'ith 1vhere s h e teaches gym-coveted garments. Both pro-graduated to Lido-14 sloops identical scores. but the vie-- na sties, archery, modern jazz, claim that he \vas the skipper before enrolling at USC where tory went to Ca 1npbell who and girls' spo rts, in order fo of a yacht which _ V.'Ofl the he became a three-time All-had· beaten the San Diegan in do research .for her master's Cpngrcssjonal Cup. Long American sailor: their match on Thursday . thesis. Be at' h Y a c h t C ! u b 's With his shutout by Ficker Th is year·s Congressional Hopelully.she says,sbealso prestigiousinternalional on Friday, Canipbell and his Cup Series was one of the will find a little more time to match racing series. crew had to produce tbree most compe titive in the 1vork on her archery and to Campbell's victory Saturday "'ins in the finaf lrio of series history of the event. Not unt il build up her general physical made hin1 only the see-0nd \vhich was sailed under grey the fina l race was there a condition in preparalion for skipper in the eight-year skies with light southerly clear-cut winner. the Olympic trials in August. history of the event to win it winds. There were upsets galore as At the trials. as at the h\.·ice. His previous win was in He had a little boost froni pre-series favorites "'er , Olympics, each woman shoots 1970. and in 1971 he was a the protest conimittee before knocked off by dark horses. In 36 arrows at each of four member of Tom Pickard's the start of Saturday's races the finaJ three series. sailed on targets, at-70, 60, 50 and 30 winning cre\V from LBYC. The ...,·hen Doug Ra stello. a 19-year shortened courses because of meters. while · aiming at the other two-time \Vinner \vas old sophomore sailor from the light winds. there were ex· JO-point gold center. The Gerry Driscoll of San Diego USC v.•as denied one of his haustive tacking duels of 30 to men ·s ranges are slightly ...,·ho won it back-to-back in wins Friday becau se he fouled 50 tacks over a 11 ~ mile longer. 1965 and 1966 with perfect an opponent in a lacking v.·indward leg as skippers and In order to Q u a 1 i f y scores. maneuver a1 _1he '1'indward e.r-t!ws-fought for ever-y inch of f o r the U.S. team, Miss Campbell's two wins came mark. Until the Protest ocean they could gain. B~ Strausberg must be among th<'. with identical 3-1 scores. Hi s decision was tl ff i c i a I, There was only one protest three closest scorers to the only Joss this year was to Bill Campbell was tied w i t h in the entire 45 matches. F' perfect 1440 mark. Among her Ficker. the 1970 America's Rastello and Dennis Conner of Ficker fouled Conner in their by I 212tests ' for atJ "-------·~·---··----->;-~-·~··----~----c urcar Penne competitors are 1971 national Cup defender from Newport San Diego.wi th on.e lo~s each. 1 match on Thursday, b ut 1.53 champion Doreen Wilbur and Harbor Yacht Club, who was The disqualification o America·s Cup veteran ad· -.. busi 1970 champ Nancy Myrick. .. sa~ling the Congressional Cup Rastello left Campbell and mitted his error and retired com L--~~--L--~-------·,_,,,____ .. ,L-.----··~·----~--..... -.. ~-·-··-~····-··rr-mnltit·raee:--·~------.-.-~----~-·-· .. r· .. -·.-·-,:-e-· T~e disqualification o f Eco Rastello seemed to take the Pro heart of the youngs ter mak ing Se his first bid against veteran 'ora ski ppers. Jn Th u rs d a y · 1 v.•ilh matches and the other two on post F'riday he sailed flawlessly. Arter the DSQ he lost his Los Alamitos Ala1nitos Harness Entries Results LOI AllmilOI H1rn115 EMrits vffr 1110~ & unOtr no<>·winntr J r~c8. S•l11rlf•Y• Mitch It, 1t 72 C'rUCial match a g a i n p; t For M1111d1y, M1rch 10, 1t11 Alto 1t11lbl1t hor,ts that h•ve never Fii.iT RA~;••! ~~;1 m•le "•t i. Campbell and later dropped a viol Cas Lag Mar CINr a FIU. Fir1I Pou f :M PM wan S3000. Purse S1800. l h t \V'll' N I d f S6 Nl1h!Jr Do~bt• on 1n a. 2nd R1<t1 Minks Min !Dennis> Claiming. All 1~1. Purse '1600. ma C o 1 1am ew an o .. IJ E~1ct1 tn srh a. t!h R•ctt Rtn 8111 Te11 Au stralia. # FIRST RACE -Ont mUt. "•ct. In Error (Holl) /Maynird! 71.'0 7.40 o O(t c1e1m1n,, All ''"' fer horses 3rd or Argo Prfmro'e <J w111i1msl Cisco" Chlel cw11111m1> l .70 J,40 11ere is the rundown of lhe be!ler In 1111 I st1rts. PurM 11500. crelrnJno price lljl)D, Em Cholct (Gillil•n> Gene Telly tWlnOer) l.10 fina l three series races : ~--------------j-,'~'i!t,G~oi"\f,''~m~"~'~';;;;;;)-----.-;'~'"~~·~"~''ffi'~'~op.,;;'•m'<'""~;o;'------:c'••·m~··-":"'o':'~"~'~·~C""~lf'C::""'-;;;t.': r , rr +ES-Yit'---jPf~t1rt-w1r..1 ----i ornet on1 (Ml!Yock') ll:U o.m. with winch lrom tht 50ulh 1t MaN: Peter (TOddl Unsa d Mlllt~ Onts Cherlit, G.G. P1rker, Franc!!,(tn, 1 S to 6 knoh): ientific s Test ularly gas Now488 In less than one hour we put your car throug h 212 electronic tests. We cheek your steering and front end. Engine performance, transmission, brake system performance. entire electrical system and lots more. You watch the results come out on our electronic typewriter. The written report sliows you the results. lt~indicates what tested parts of your ear are etrong and what parts 'need attention', A trained diagnostician will go Over the r~port Vtith you. If you wish, he'll give you an estimate of any necessary repairs. No obligation to have any of the work done. You decide what to fix and where to fix it This week only the price for all 212 tests Is only 4.88. Salo prlca1 ellectf•• lhrough Saturday. JCPenney Shop SUnday noon to 5 P.M. at the foll owing Auto Centers: NEWPORT BEACH; F,.h;•• hl•nd .. HUNTINGTON BEACH, Huntin9 lo• Cent" UJ• P•nneys t irn 1 p•yrri1nt pl1n. I \ • . ' ' I ."~tldcw Hea!her (Procchio) Flit Plilf CM re11cr) Stormy Oel!1nct. 1. Willlem Widntll. Corlnth!en "l'C. Time Ove (M1rkwe!ll f.larblth81d. M•n., def. G'lham Nlckew1m1>1.1s Bev !Cral11) SIXTH ttACll!" _ One milr. Pact. N~arin, Crul1Jn11 "l'achl Club !ff CUnkrr Scott fJohn10nl Cliim;.,11, All e11es. Purse MQOO. Tc1> SECOND ltAC! -Ont milt. Pact. Au1l•a11,, 2 min. OS ~s. Alto Elltlbt1 0. BS Admirer (Otsomer) 'M"r'.mM>",','e'.JcfJ'o~',·"",, ''·"" CoodlflOfl«I, '/yt1r ohll l'ld undtr. J. Arqvl~ Cam1>bel!, SVC, d81. oon 1• S " Purte SHOO. Martin, Rcval Vancouver YC. ''41. SliCONO RACE -One milt. l rct, 7 Yter olds & under lhel llaVt never wim J.1000. Pur5t 17100. ~~::c:\~1!rh(t~~~l11 n:ggg Bvt 8yf flr1uty Fl!·ke:~N;~r~:;;k A~~e'n~~.;_c . dt!. Bill Bo So RanPtr !81hou!h! 11.000 10'8rltn) 4.10 ).Ill 1.10 4. Douo Re"tH o. LBYC, ort. Ji,.. Ayr S!udrp,t (J Wfllill'IU) J,'·!!! J~mt>o Allen (lalltVl 3.10 1.10 Oavern, Royal Nrw Zealand Y•cht 8e1u Sole I {!tl lltY) NW Oiam"1!r Pecf !Holll 2.ltl Souadrcn. l:O•. Otvljsh C11rc~ ((;&l1rdo) Molly O'She~ (Jecob~) Sw~I lo Met! IMo'l 5.L. Scot <Lcnool Bravd!a (Carroal l Muroo Hanove• (O'Brien! Suorem• M;r {Ac~erm1n Lumle Ad!OS (Stewarll '"" fl THlll D llACE -On' mile. Per.,. 5 ~•&• Old1 & 1md1r, rnaldens, Purst $1500, lO.noo ... "" A"dv'5 Double fGrenltr) Cal 's Dream CHOI!) Sorlnq Fa~or IM•r,n11rd ) Herm'' Barr~ (W 1h11rd) Pr!1e Time (O'!trl1nl Tommy's Flr1t {L1r,onJ Or, Alan I<. !Mc(;rt90r GIO!"~'S l(lnll (Wllll1rn1) EICH!TH RA.Cl -Cine milt. Trol. Al10 E!'9lbl1 Gcod Rti11n fACktrm1n) FOURTH llACI! ·-O<it milt. PltP. Clelrn!no. Cellf·ortd. PrtlerrNI t.11 1915, pur'lt' S19!l0. Clalml119 price 137$0. Hestl Sully !Velltilceyl 3150 V8lllnt1 l(lnq (Brrtreml 3000 Dark Sunser /BemhuroJ 300 3 ..,o Vanis Love (Oeullon> Seno• Li; Orin (Sherren) 3600 WM C•n 0 llei:Dsltl t!S:'!! ColviMS lnd jD~merl """"' true Juf/e ! horntonJ l600 Aho l!ll1!blt Shotgun {Holl ) FIFTH lllACll!" -One mil t. Pfttt. ' All aoe-. non·w!nntrl SU.500 in 1911· 1912 comb. Al! eHolbl! ncn·winnrr $!6,000 in 1971·1912. Non-w nner In 111! 3 J!arl~ •nd horses II) be ·clermed for S10.0llO (CO·Jl. Purte '3800. Tht S1>rlno Fl!nq. Woretns Oi!en (Beilt¥) . Vic Arden r.B1rt0Ml Rhythm Oukt (A.cktrm1"l !aktr Slretl (M91) ennY Victory {O'l rltn) Flinlcock {Oennitl Carr H. /Cralol F'!rr Thi Corps (Holl) Would you pay an exti·a $5.21 per 111onth fo1· Full New Car Maintenance? Thal's ell the extra It cost with a Johnson il Son Full :r.raintcnance Lease on any of our brand i:ie'v 197_2 f\-lereurys. Just thi nk of It •.• no more .11.nnoy1ng repair problems ... no more unexpected eXpense~ and ~t or nil ••• a beautiful new fUll size J\ofercury ~arqu1s or 1"Iontett,Y to drive In absolutely pcr!ect . cond1lion at all times. find nut for yours1>lf all the benefits and pl~asures thi~ !8nta~tic lease program provides on all our Lincolll" 1\tercury Products. call BUD BOWEN at 540-5630 ••.. TODAY! Or111111 Ca111t1y's •f,,,,,i/1 •If i11t C11n'" ohnson & son. _ruJ----q:rj-- 292' HAIOIOR ILVD" COSTA MUA • 540·!e30 ' Tlmr -1.01 115. 5.5 Oennis Ccnnrr, SOY(. def (Y • Gitltt!f, Hawel i, ':l S. · AIM! lctd -F•e111 Mi1oah, Color SE RI ES VIII lSllrf 1:0'.i p,m. wind Change, Gen1rv R.lch1rd. Reed" Sui;r, •ou!hwe5t, 9 knclS). Summer Brauly, !, Campbell del. Rastello. 1 ll. 1. Neowl~nd del. Marun, l:ll. THlltO lll ACE -One mile Pact. Cleimlng. All eges. P~r1e Sl'OOO T. T. Piiot IHo/I) 10AO ,,~O •.JO Pacific C~lel IC(lnrovl 7.10 • j.11 Mackins; O'eam (Willl&m1l 4.IO Time -1.01 7/S. AlsO riced -Chi'f ll:tY~ltr. "eter Rlcherd, 8elcvetl L1dy, Pride of Eg~pt, We11trn Reider. l"OURTH ltACli -On1 mile. P.c;t. Cl8!mrno . .lit •on. Purie $250!!. Grind 8 /'qDll.1 IVoll1ro) 4."° 2.ltl '·'° Fo~y Frost IV1Uesktyl 3.20 2.IO Andy'• 1;1rofd (Conroy) J."° Tlrnt -1.06 t /J. Abo ll:lted -0.11..., l(ld, Ritzy ltlth· 1rd, Clrl'lfvll Sltr. S1M1Clbl11tr, Cerd-ln1I H1nover N. FIFTH ltACt! -0111 milt. ~Mt. Conditioned. All egr1. Pur~t 12~00. L•nd !Sherren 7.60 3.All l aa E•ll'I Frost (Wllllern'l l.JO J.IPO J1velrn Mohewlc (McGr1!1JOr) 3.,0 l imt -7.06, Al10 lt1cetl -Sliver Vu11er. P~p1's Mlch1el. Ca~lltl N, Hoeller, 8,own Flirt. lJ E••cl• l·L•n• & 4·Er!n Fr(l1!, 111id 14t.M, SIXTH ltACE -Ont milt. Pe<'· lnvltat!ontr. Purse Sl0.000. M,11ld1 MUlon lCobbl 9.60 4 60 l 00 Y•nk.,. Crtld fWltti1m1I l.40 7.l!O l(crklt Woollen !V1!1t$key) 2.'° Tim. -2.06 111. A.I.sq R1ctd -Whit A F'llih. Fr•nc:ll ill, AdlOS. SCotll$h OQlgn.. SEVl!NTM ltACa -OM mllt. ,~ct. Condl!lontd. ~ur1e SlAOO. 9.., Adlos (W!lll1m11 $.00 '·80 1.,0 T(H).tn ,..,10$ /Sllwartl 7.JO '·'° Oer111o11 S•lfr (8oy10 J 80 Tl!'l'>t -J,Ol 3/.5. AlllO A:tctd -ttus1 8utt1r. Owver Hen:ov-r. Pfl)prr Dr!Yt, Peter P•rkln1. 114MTH llCl -0111 mu,, PICt. Condltt-.1 AU eg11. Pur1t 1$1\00. Windy W•r (WIHl•rnll s.eo •.OO 3.00 F.-.lqhl C11t/I 10'8rlenl '·"° 1.70 Hobby ~or~ LMPt ((rant! 6.00 Tlmt -1.02 4/S. Alk> ll:ectd -C1"hi;rn1 (hie!, l rtn"" ~ .. MUlords Chief. Lich. l "·r~e• drt. o~vern, '''5. •. WIOndll drr, Gillellt, l :OJ. I Co11nrr def. Tur11er, 1:39. ,.'iERlf"S IX (Star! J·40 p,m. winds J·ll t1ll•J1hwr~•L I. Newle!ld def. Rasltllo, 0'~\. 1 C8m1>btll Ori. OaYtrn, 2·32. J. Gi!ltrtr def. Ficke,, 0:56. '· Wldnal! def. Turner. J:17. $. Connet de!. M~rtln 0:4"J, Flna! ,r~ndlngs: II) Ar11yte c~,.,,Dbtl!I 1·1; 11! Denn;, Conner, 1·1; Ill B•I Widnll!I. 6·l; !11 ti; 1mon<1 Dovo R~stellc. 8111 Flc~•r, ed T11rntrl J.4; OJ G•eh1m Ntwllnd, ,.J; Cl Cy Glllttte, J-6; (9) Jim 01v1rn, 1·11 (lDI Don Mtrlln, O·f. Collegiate Cage Logs I \ .. " .. " " " ., ll " ,n ,!J " " " ll :~ " .. " " .. " " " .. " .. " .. .. " ... " ' " "II " n .. , " '" ' SI be stud fall s • New Re :Yor s ~ s noun quar peel like will Th ditio incu Di vi slrik I S~ Tl)OI ing prod pro xi strik DQna Gr thol main all ot I hos• Sm filorl drJI pnnc Ing • rmu mint In lb net' T he \Week's Market Highlights ~: ed Up-Ho\v Nation Traded By FRANK' II'. USS~R UPI 8uslnts$ ,titer NEW YORK "1PI )-The largest bloci: trade in New Yor~ock:1:X'ch1u\ge lS ory ind a late-breaking investiga. tion into trading of a glamor 11tock highlighted a week which JeJt the market groping for direction. Leading stock indicators fi· nished the week some higher, &0me lower : Turnover slack· ened rrom the previous week's heavy pace. Analysts said the market was consolidating re· cent big gains. Kaiser Industrie s sold S.245,000 shares of American Motors worth about S38 million on Tuesday in ihe largest volume block in NYSE annals, in terms of shares. This surpassed the block of 3,248.000 ~hares of Allis-Chalmers traded Feb. 8. 1971. On Friday. the NYSE con· finned it ~·as investigating • 1l'laat's CO,YllGHT 1'7J 11 United ,.,.. .. lnltr,..llon•I INCltl!:ASED DIVIDENDS Amer. lllllrlle R11~ber·l0Cc from 71':1C. ll~u 111111·11\o'ic frDm Uc lJt1h '"' Ill(, nc trom 10t, CASM·EXTll:A DIVIDENDS Conn••, CD ,-)(, STDCK·EXTltA CIVIDENDS Con11re~·10 P<!, STOCK S,.LITS Wl11~1bo 1MI ·'·for.1 OI YIDENDS ltl!:SUMEC lJ 5 Home·k. DIYIDINOS OMITTED II; T E Corp, ~ l:1r,,lnt1 HtGM'lfl·YEAfl clc. ~I. "lroll!h ,.,, 11.00 YI .6() rt~rl Fle~l·V•n 1.1' YI 1.lJ Thursday's trading in Bausch & think the market Is going tn Lomb, when the issue plunged stay in 11.s pnsent range for a U o/4 points. There we.re ......_ published reporl!$ the Securities wnlle," Lucien 0. flooeer, & Exchange Commi ssion wa senior analyst (or W.E. llutton lnves 1galing also. The Issue d'~1d"-~co. sa . not trade Friday and Unlshtd For the week, the Dow Jones the week off l9~'4at 125¥-r. industrial aver•ge of 30 select· A leading brokerage dropped ed brue--chip stock.s gained 3.01 its "buy'' recommendation on the issue-the second firm to 411 to 942.aa, despite a loss of 11.21 so recently-after its research-on P.1onday. The. broader·based ers talked to Bausch & Loro~ Standard & Poor's 500 stock officials. index, however, slipped 0.45 to The stock has dropped 69'1 107.92. And the NYSE common points since reaching a high of stock index surrendered 0.31 to 194o/.i. Jan; 28. It ha s bttn 60.08. weak in the wake of conlrover· Of 1,906 issues crossing the sy over safety of the ocmpany 's tape, 1,070 declined. 686 ad- soft contact lens. Also, competi· vanced. lion has hurt . Tu r no v er amounted to A company official late 91,301.090 shares ror the week Friday said the public seems to compared with 106,102.420 trad· h a v e some 1nisconceptions ed laSt week and 91,341.951 a about the soft contact lens and year before. this ha s hurt business. Because of Tuesday's large For much of the week , the block, American 111otors was market consolidated its recent the most active for the entire gains. Analysts could not agree week, off 1/4 at 7 ~• on S,996,800 on how long it would last. ''l shares. Netv • ••• Stocks Glen Ahltn 1.~ Y$ 11 Waller Kkl!I!! & Co. l.,S Yl 1 .'t Np. Amlf. PhlllP• 1 ·~ "' 1.00 Rtvlon toe.. 2.u vs 2.S6 T'l1Vrom11ter 2.l.I vi 1,1' Trla11tle l'ld. 1.11 VI .t2 WeYenbert Sl>oe l .01 YI 1.11 LOWIElt·Yl!Alt OEC. )I """'· Cenwnl t.l! YI .SI FrtePOrl Mln .. I! YI 1.0'1 Gr1ct W.A. l,ll VI 1." Kal11t< IMI, . .loCI 'II .•S Mol,bde11um CP 1m. 71 "' 1.12 5!, Re11h P1p1r 1.61 'Is 2,ll V!clor Comptomelfr .0 'IS .tt ACOUISl~t0NS, MEltGEltS AND "ltELIMINAltY Hl!GOTIATtOHS W II. Grltf-Ptarc•, MIJlr & GrMr, Int. Mt rlon L1b.·l.,oco Lab Corp. M'lltCl!:llS CALLEO OF• Jo"~'• t~Amer Ph~••i>h cor•· N.Y. NIT. tml. 1nc-Dl ... r1lllf(I Ind. In<. Ptrkl111!ll1\f!r-M1,11ll-AMP STOCKS TO •IE ADM1TT.10 TO THI: N.Y.S.E. $1vl" •ual111S1 Machlnn-Mtr. 21. · UnUed tnn1. l11C:.-M1r. 72. lll~tr 111d .. Inc.April U ln!ersl1!e Unit~ '11.-M1r. 11. ""'°LICATIONS 11011 LISTING OH THE N.Y.$.E. NL T C00o North .....,.,. Mtvt' lnv111or1 STOCKj TO lllE ADMITTIO 0 THIE AMIX A. G. Ee1ware11 &-Sorii, tnc, Mir 1<. 1111000 Corp .. M,ar. ~. Sll.IW lnd1JS .. M11. 2G ON TH'I AMEX lltrt En11r1ul11i, Ill(. ltii1$1)Ur1 Elecfro-C111111,... C11. $WI' Food S1rwkft> Int. ).1"P(ICATIOMS l"Olt LISTING OH THI .t.MEX ""'" (l)l'p. G.n. ltes11rch The R e,vi e ev WH.\T TH E' MAltKl!T Oto W~. l!:n"~d Hltll Low AdY Dtc M1rcll n, nn •11' 11 '" 101t M1rcll 10. 1t71 1JIJ It ttJ 110 M1rcll It, 1t11 412 lJ 11114 Jn M1rcll 111, !tit t MJ JO! lft7 J-1171·1J HI-LI. ' Unch '" "' "' "' . 5 00 Stoc k lnde V 1'1osl Acl h 'e NY 1'1ost Aelive A1'1EX Wiii! wl1 NJ1r1nlc1 Kfl"lr SJftl11 AY1rmc1 W•l!KL Y AMERIC.\H STOCK 5AL.E5 J?.t•I '9r ,~, Wte~ '. ' Ji,,?l.OlO vr ... 100 .. l1.1J1.19o e1r 100 .... , ]Q,)75.0.J J111u•''I' 1 to dllt .. .. .. ll,.nl .. 10 ltn 10 dete J9,,t16.l'' • ' A LOOK AT T H E l VEEK '"' VOlllC (Ul'l)-3.1ocl;1 lfldtll Oii lllt ... 'Vert; ~·· ~ "'uor C1 llock EAcht flff '" lht WPtt .... "" " " 5f T••l(t f,'. • tt• (JI L WIEKL '( NIEW YOltK STOCK SAi.ili '" Ith llOll h'o ~. 'lut<IJ l l Tll•I "" •M ""' .. f l lCl.l"tO 11~: l.~. ,a11..-m w ... ... 1~ !Gl,VO ··~ COIYW $(1 .,.,, 100 f!.1,i,tJI ' '• A'' 8 •111.111 lWD Yt•,. lfO . ''1!!·~ tt., '• 8°"1.1 01!1 J •n.ua•v I to li•I• 1~ OO<hflr l.Olf,.64. '" ,., Dctld l"tl \tll !O dllr tlj, 1!G,tl1 NY Ups a nd Dow ns AiUE X Up s. Do" us NEW YO.ll!C lUPO-f ht totlowll'll 11~1 ~nDWS lht ~IOC~J lhll hlYI t ont YP l~I mo1r 11\d down Ille most IU1ed on ~ft· (tnl o! (h~n;e 0'1 t~e New Yor~ Slod< E~t~111at fta1rdl1u o! voh;me. "It! trnl p1rc•nll11e C/1.11191• i re !~• dlf!tftf\Cf ~I-l•ll w•tk'1 CID1int prk e •'Id -trir1 Wffi;'I clo1111, p,,ce -G.\INERS N1me L•I! Nel Pc• ! AmCS11t •'> 11 t 11..., Ur> 31 I 1 CAC Corp 1•"" jJ VP 75.S J PtoPI 0 1.10 J6lo 1'o I.IP lj l • AlnCISt ].«I ll°'o.;.).... I.IP 11:1 s Arians D S! 6h , 1 lJo 11.1 'M1cOO..ld ... ti VP 11 0 7 Compulr Sci :(l'o + 11 1 VP 14·, • EIKI •uoc lOl'o tl'• Up 11i.• t VWR Un 4 11 .. +l'o Ur> U.1 10 Bond 1.,au1 \p, t l~I VP lJ.• 11 A:o1110fl .0~ I" +I UP ll 3 1' lltk Co(prM 61•1 + 111 UP U;t lj F•litBr .100 IG tl't UP 11.> "l c M (DIP l:~. 2•1 UP l .s 15 tmr>le .1• ?rlo -t l'1 IJp lf-' ,, Gran! W 1'~ ••lo +1"" UP ~ ' 11 C~n•I A 1.10 fl'• r 1\, UP 11.l 1, Hr11-· Cu•! ... .. '• UP ll l 19 Bearlnt \ S1 •I • .. , IJa 10.1 :HI Conrac( .to 36'• t)I• UP 10.l ?I .llhl lll!lld 10 11'• l'l IJp t.f 'l WhelPlll SH 1'1!1 o IJp t ,I 1 Fla E Co••' l l'• t)'• UP 9 s 1• Re1 Me! 6'l 21~, l(e UP 9.S ;s Dlcl•Phll (p LO~~R ~ , UP t .2 Na111' LUI Net Pct ! Gl!.lle.>I I.JO I~'> -J-l• OI! ?11 9 ; c,rroCP llC> l•'• -1'• 8" l•.' l Un ion Corp 11'• --If U.O • Am E•r>~rt S'> -'1 8" 'j' s Bau~tl·L u ns•. -19'• II 1 :1 t ~~~,\r~r £~ !~!! :r· 811 a·: I Le.,~w•v .n 46 -6•• 011 I"' 9 M&tn1v 1.10 .,., -6 8" 1.1 HI c c I Corr> 6'> -'• 'f "• 11 R'1)ubllc CP •'• -•• O! 11.• 11 Elton N811 S'• -l.I 811 ll.3 13 r11trstatf Sit 131, -ll.I 11 11 J ,, Bloc~HR 11 3l -1 on 11.1 15 Gull A & C~ ~ -'• 011 ll.1 1& 1001 Ae~ i• 5'0 -6'· orr n 1 17 8t11tut l !n I'• -t OU 10.I 11 Conlrl 01!A SI>.. _.,~ §" 10.S 19 WolYWW .JI 91,,-11, rr lll.3 20 AXio11&I" h o -la~. -l\.. r1 " 2J Ad MIU 1 .'10 10~• -1\o l t) 11 Lubrliol .•0 "''' -''• 011 t ,s 73 Llo11et Cor11 1'• '• D!I •.4 1,ll J IMlullto 41• -'1 Oft t J lS s~"' E'I• .40 11\o -I>.. 011 -9 l N1me l HlrY Sit 14 l F'ronlltr Air l N11daMc 1k 4 GtltWil.V Sp 5 WGle9N .IOI I Atwoiod (p 1 K!H rVY 1,.d I Fron!lllr w1 ',r. l1r1ll .ll!I 10 ln1P rol11 10 11 HYlkrOl .is 12 l"ron!Alrl pf IJ Tenn' CorP 14 Am BUlr! ·'' 15 Wll1n Ph . U 1' Mrna1co Ml l1LlVLA wb 11 Ptrk""" 011 It e•vlt (IOI/I rt l;r:~Y.,-0.~ '" UD lJ o UP l• e Up 1• .' uo 'l' IJO 2 I Uo 1r I UP 19 l UP 11 f U11 '11 UP 11 l Uo 17 J UP 17 1 Ur> U t VP !o.9 uo 16 . I.ID 1~ j U11 l~ • U11 !JI U11 1•1 Uo I" IJp •,O VP 13.5 UQ !J.l Uo 'j' U• 1 .o '"·~ ,,,,.., u ~ *>le-l'• )]l-.. ''3·m ·· }!'' ,,,,_ i · HI. , I'• lt -~1,IC,) ht l:l l l:f o-ltl, 1C~fl •1 •'1 :-"" '"7j '" •.• 11)l,o.1•1 ·~$. 0 1• \~ • 17 .... • ;'1.1C' '"• 11'• 11~-I '• l~\;'O f • ,~ l! ~If 4'01,6CO )\, '• 17'•• •• Over Ille Couuttir ~= j' .. tl: ~! ! Uo '' i tl: JJ·1 8, " • 11 s ,. :! , ~=.ii.: UP '10 0 \JI !1,I U• \t 1 " 'I' Up I ' M • 11 l • 11 • • 11, Up U.~ §ii ' ... "' 01 lJ.O 8"u n ' I" II 1 1 0 11 lt l 0 11 j9 (HI 19 I Off 11. ~' 17.f 11.4 81 17 0 Ii" 16.1' 8ff ,.,,. II It 1 n11 T4,, wu !H 811 1~~-1 O•I 11., n 11 U.J 011 13 ' IRS Names 2 County Firms W omen's-li b Gets an Ear By ~10NTY HO\'T Chri11i1n 5cl1ftcl MDnllor StrYltt In Price Compliance Check equal-opport unity .conference defi ne "·hat the JOb requires. !lf>{:isions that hit the business on \vomen held in Chicago !his how many hours 11 involves. pockftbook h1:1rd. Under pro- By MICHAEL GOODRICH A maximum fine of $2.500 res pond to \\'ritlen requests 0 1 "" oinr "1111 51 .. 1 can be sought for each viola· for such infonnation. }'ebruary spot investigations lion ol the Eco no m i c Retailers with gross annual by Internal Revenue agents of Stabilization Program, accord· sal es of $200,000 or more must l.530 Southern California retail ing to the TRS. prominently display b a s e businesses showed 83 percent Price posting regulations prices for the 40 non-food ~-~t,!l.J!liance with. pr~! postin!.._a!e determ~d jly _l h~J!.OJ~_J!ems m .. each depart_!ll~nt reg uran 0 n s unaer-tlie annUa'ISafes or eacll liusrness. wfilchflid the hi~est dollar Economic S I a b i I i z a t io n Only those retail stores with sales during the last fiscal Program. . more than $100 ... 000 in gross . year. or the non·food products . Seven businesses, t w o in annual sales are subjr:ct to the whi ch accounted for at least 50 Orange County. were charged price control regulations. percent of the total dollar "'ith refusing to follow price Retailers ·with gross annual sales in each department dur· posting regulations. sales between fl00,000 and ing the fiscal year, whichever 'J'he alleged Orange County $200,000 are required to post is fewer . violators are the Charles one sign in lheir ph1ce of fuod retailers in the $200 000 Cascerta l\~obil. Gas Station ~n busi_nes~. announcing . I ~ e plus bracket must foll ow 'the Laguna Hills and the Fair ava1lab1hty of base price in-same price pos ting regulations P..1arket in Santa Ana . formation. They must also for both rood and non-food items. The lRS says if ite.ms G • h. such as paper goods. soaps et -PJfC' -•nd-loilelries-are sold in-• · food department they must be ' kept on a list separate from From Insurance Group Stockbro kers. who soon ma y be selling life insurance, studied the benefits arid pit- falls of the indemnity field at 11 two-day conference i n Nt"'port Beach last week. Representatives of N e w York Stock Exchange member Smith Inc. Of Newport Tells Sales firms 111ere told by insurance executives that many perso ns have inadequate I if e in· surance, some policies are ac· tually lo\v or no-yield savings accounts. and man y persons buy policies the wrong way. Ben Burr, . President of Anchor C<lrporation s al d underinsured persons cou ld be assisted vdth plans that in· corporated insurance and equities to provide adequate protection and also growth potential. He said specialty companie! are rising fast in the insurance fiekl and are in· vestment-oriented with ' long· tenn dJversified growth plans. The question of 111hether the Smith International Inc. an -NYSE should a u tho r i z e nounced that while f I r s t hrokers to sell insurance wai; quarter 1972 revenues are ex-defeated. The conferees were peeled to exceed those in the told it is up to the individual li ke period of 1971, earnings brokerage to decide whether villi be "lG-15 percent lower." and how to oUer the new This is primarily due to ad -service. ditlonal costs which have been "The most effecti ve sales Incurred al the Smith Tool force for these combined Division in connection with the services is nol now intxistf11Ct .strike CQntinuing since Nov. but will be hired for that h t t' s 'th specific purpose, said F.erd 15. At I e presen ime-: mi Nauhein of Kalb. Voorhis and Tool has nearly completed hir· irlg replacement workers and Company. He said equities 11nd production has risen to ap-~":~!f: t ;~uliath~ ! ~h~~ proximately 70 percent of pre· separately. 111trlke levels, according to QQnald E. Graham. president. Don Pitt!, president • of the food items. Drug stores doing more than $200,000 in gross annual sales have an option in listing their drug prices. They may either post base price lists or display the wholesale price of a drug in addition to the professional fe-:. or markup included in the final price. Retailers with more than $200,000 gross annual sales are additionally required to post a sign (minimum of 22 inches by 28 inches) on each floor or their est ab Ii sh men tan· nouncing the availability and location of base price iJl.. formation for any item not requlnd to be posted. Tax Share Increased An additional $489,770 was added to the coffers of Hun- tiigton Beach during 197G-71 over the previous year from state-collected taxes that are shared with the city. ·According to figures releas· ed by Huntington B e a c h Economic Develoment Dir.et::· tor William Black, the in- crease in state subsidies aver- aged 11.6 percent for the year. as $4,224,47$ in taxes were returned in companion to $3,7S4,705 for last year. Relh•e111e 11t Fre d Southworth ol- Fountain Valley has re· ti red from the South· ern California Gas Co. recently after 34 years with the utility. He joined lhe comEany in 1938 andTpent his en· tire career working in the Orange Co unty di- vision. Coast Fir1n Aruioun ces Open Offer Allergan . Pharmaceuticals announced that it has riled a Cli!CAGO -Suddenly, the ,,·eek allracted 600 represcn-and let the individual decide visions of 1hc Equal Pay Act v.·omcn 's.Jib 1novcmeot i s tatives from ma j,or Mid,vesl \.\'.hetbcr she...can handle. it.·• of 196.1 and the-Givil--Rights--- garnering grea ter attention firms. The purpose . as one With their ne\V govern1ncn-Act of l964. the Supreme Court from American business and male participant put it : "to tal support, feminists are tak· rece ntl y ordered the Wheaton industry. find out what our obligat ions ing specific aim at companies Glass Company of New Jersey arc." Personnel managers and ex-that exclude or discriminate to pay more than $900.000 in er utives are not only listening "The question of \vomcn in against women in higher·paid back wages to its women attentively to the history of employment is a ma j or managerial a n d decision-en1ptoyes , including 6 percenl the female as a second.class challenge to the American in· making positiOns. Qt h e r interest. ' citizen as rendered by f\1s. dustriat system." s tat e s targets include opening up op-SclDements in court cues Gloria Steinem and others. but Aileen Hernandez. past presi-portunities for women in tradi-c ha llenging di~riminatory lhey're no\\I taking notes on dent of the Na tional Organiza -lionally mate-dominated areas pay practices ag111nst women the need to end j 0 b lion for Women. such as blue.collar jobs, labor soared to $17 million in fiscal discrimination based.on sex. Questi ons as to marriage unions, bus iness schools, and 1971. The U.S. Department of plans of women and child professional occupations. "\Ve are moving to\vard A Labor issued a revised ex-bearing and rea ring that dis-Beyond the threat of loss of society where nobody will be ecutive order in December qualified women. from jo~ in government contracts, com·· discriminated against simply stipulating th a t , beginning the past are,. being set aside, panies are now taking notice because. of physical dif- April 3. all companies with she ass~rt ~ .. AU an ~r_npl?yer of the feminist challenge ferences. either racial or 1,1• government contracts larger _can do 1n f1lhng a position 1s to because o! recent c ourt ual," stated Gloria Steinem. than $50,000 would have tG ------------------------------"'-;;.___ • develop programs to bring women (as well as minority. group workers) Jnto the cor- porate structure at all job levels. In other words, all discriminatory hiring and pro- motion practices and wage differences based on sex or racial background would have to end or fi rms wou ld suffer possible forfeiture or govern- ment contracts. As a result of the order, an Centiuela In Beach? Boom or regislration statement with Centinela Bank has filed an the Securities and Exchange application with the Slate Commission relating to the B a n k in g Department to proposed public offering of establish a branch office in 220,000 shares of common Huntington Beach in the stock. vicinity of Brookhurst St and Garfield Ave., president White, Weld and Co. Inc. Rowan Henry announced . Boomerang? .• Whal . happe_ns lo your inves1men1s depends on the economic racls of life. Yo~r inl u1i>on . The kin d or advice you gel. L1slen lo John Sanders and Roger Sm1lh discuss some currenl oppor1un111c s /or high yield-lax shellers -ch~nc e s /or economic recovery. Then break /or relre shm enls. (The eve· n1ng s on u~.) Whe n you mix with our Accou nt Executives. we think some· lh1ng good rs bound lo rub olf. will manage the underwriting Up 0 n approval. it will be group. Centinela Bank's second office Of the shares to be offered, in Orange County. 150,000 shares are being sold A Newpo rt Beach regional bhy the company! ~nd ?O.OOO off ice was established in June. s ares by cer a1n selling 1970 t 3333 w c t stockholders. Proceeds to t~e l lighwaay. · 0 a s company fron the sale of its ----------- shares will be used to repay short·term bank borrowings. long-term mortgage notes and to exercise an opt ion held by the company to purchase land. The remainder will be added to working capital. The. company is engaged in the development. manufacture and sale of specialized eth ical ph'ilrmaceutical products. e h •I htete U111itM P•m..nftip P•rtlcl,.tt.111 • Why nol join our Semina r on Curren! Siock Markel Trends al lhe San Clemenle Inn, 125 Aven1da Es pl and1an . S•n Clemenle on Thursday. March 23 al 7:30 p.m. Simply Iii/ 1n lhe coupon below or call Mr. Cl1arle s A. Nelson . Manager, lelephone 54 7. 7751. The opportunity Is here. d~~,!?,!!~~~!?.~~ .. ,~9..!gan ______________________ , _______ __ Mr. Charita A, Nelaon, Manager, dtiPont Glore ~org!ln lncorpora1ed WA.NT A Fir htf1rm11111> W•lllf1jl •-.iit•llltl '"''11<1 Otnnl\ Ml "9rllR JO, un;on Ba nk SQv•r.. Orange, C11rrtfrnla 92668, Telep~one 71 .t/547-1751 P1e1~e reserve __ 1,ckels lor mt'! at vour St:.imiirar Ori Ma1tn 23 0 r c1nl'!o! a nend' • .Pl~ase nallfy m ol lutiJ:o $Clt.illl''" 675-6900 l~A~I!. ___________________________ ~~~·:__ __ Gr.horn slated, however, WlesenJ]erger Fi nan c I a 1 Strv!cll. said lhe conSum<r In that the oullook for 1972 rt-the near ruture will sttk atl mJ!ns favore ble as earnings in financial planning urvl~es: "11 other dlvlsiom are ahead or from one sourct. lfeurge<I tne tho.o;e reported last year. Industry to be ready to meet Smith International is a this demand. Worldwide manufacturer oflp;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; dd1Un1 equ1-n1 designed NURSERY OPENS principally for use In develop- LITTLE LUV? Ofle°r tr'I' protpe< hit °"IV. a'lalltb!e lrort> ADDA!&S, ___ ~----------------------- ing """gy and olher natural 10 A.M. SUNDAY resources in cluding oil. gas, MUttT1No'ToN minerals and waler. as well as ,Ji•;::., In the construction and tun-IJ~~~;!;;;;::;~"~":';:"'~*~J ·-neling lnduatrlos. Try . Cannell Chevrolet March 23rd. 2121 HAR IOR ILVO. COS1'.A MES A 54'-1200 fl!lll•l•d Will! W1!""' & ComNnr. lt•1 l:1r1 ,.~s E. c°"'i' l<-V . Co•Olll CUI M•t C.1f't', _____________ \"i 1t ________ _ ·-------- '" r11+&Q~t ·------~;;c.,.------------,===------,.,,., ' ~•·<! ...... ------------------------------------------ ~8!....!8L.:D:.:Al;_L.:_V .:.P.::IL:.:D.:.T _______ _cs __ undc.•_:Y.:_' ,..,~rth lq ltl?2 S&L Report Eyed ' Sa.vi1igs Up, But H 01ne Locuis Sliaky PALM SPRINGS IBW \ - The nation's savings and loan businesa was advised here last week to "keep an open mind" on the report or the Presiden· Ual Commission on Financial StruC'ture and Regu lation. John P. J.~arry, president or the United . States Savings & Loan Ltague. told the annual , _____ ..., .. aoagemenLconrerence.-of the California Savings &: Loan League that changing con· dilions in the real estate ma rket may eventually raise aome real questions as lo the ability of this market to absorb the now of funds thal tht savings & loan business is OO\V apparently able to al· tr1ct. "These quesUons strongly favor. lt seems to me , a close look at what kind of greater asset flexibility in lhe business ma y be necessary in the years ahead and argues strongly for keeping an open mind on the recommendations of th e presidential !HUNT ) com- missi11n as they are discussed and deba ted in the business dur'ing 1972 and thereafter," he said. The league pr eside nt predicted that, with continuing record savings flows, the sav- Brad£ ord Place Holds Grand Opening Today Bradfo rd Place/Santa Ana, a $15 milHon community of 650 moderately pr iced townhouses in the thriving southern sec- tion or Santa Ana , opens today moderately priced town homes with-lour furnished models on displ'ay. Located in a prime residerr tial area at A1ain Street and Dyer Road, the project offers two. three, and four-bedroom town homes in a recreation- oriented setting, said Charles Dreyer. vice president and marketing director for Grant Company of California, a subsidiary of Santa Anita COnsolldatcd, Inc. "With -prices ranging from $19,995 to $24,995, Bradford Place represents an excellent opportunity Io r apartment renters and young married couples to buy homes and start gaining the m a n y benefits of home ownership," Dreyer noted. Grant Company has ar- ranged a unique financing plan with a major lending institu- tion to place home buy ing at Bradrord Place/Santa Ana within the reach of nearly all .J!milies. Jnclu_Q_ed in_t~ purchase price of each Brad- ford Place/Sa nt a An a townhome is wall-to-wall carppting and a kitchen with builf.in range and o v en , autornatic dishwasher, and disposer. All homes have clos- ed two-car garages with laun, dry areas and private rear patios. • Brlidford Place/Santa An;i 1'1ori11e Chief Robert Jl•I. Inman has been nan1ed manager of California Re crea- tion Company, new op- erating name of the marinas and recreation department of the Ir- vin e Company. Will conta in four swimn1ing pools, two clubhouses, tot Jots, and expansive greenbelts. According to D r e y e r . recreational facilities for the first incre ment of I 6 6 townho mes, which are now un- der rons truction, will be ready fo r use by the time fam ilies begin moving into their new homes in July. All maintenance of the clubhouses, pools, greenbelts, and pla y areas will be handled by the homeowner 's associa- tion, as will the upkeep of the exterior walls, roofs, and trims or all homes. The Santa Ana projf{"t is Grant's second Bradford Place townhome community to be developed in Orange Counly. Last H 01n es Iii Cu es ta Unit Sohl Some of 1he las.Lhomes lo be built near the beach are now under conslruction at La Cuesta and La Cuesta North in Huntington Beach. The builder is Frank H. Ayres and Son, a company which has been developing and building in Southern California since 1905. Two model home complexes are open at the corner ot Brookhurst Street and Atlanta A venue. Sales office are open at the sa me location. There are eight models on display to illustrate the one and two story homes and thei r seJec. tion or floorplans . . The three to se~·en-bedroonl hon1es start at $35.500 with VA and conventional financing plans available. according IQ sales manager Bud Fricker. The homes will be ready for occupancy by Summer , 1972 all owing buyers an opportunity lo select the Jot and plan of their choice now and be in their new home for the Sum- 1ncr. La Cuesta and La Cuesta North homes have the distinctive "Ayres Look" with huge. rough·h"·en be a m s , sweeping rooflines and im- aginative use of wood, stone and brick on exteriors. Ayres offers buyers the services or a professional in. terior decorator to help in selection ol carpeting, drapes and colors. The mode ls and sa les office.1 are open every day of the week . New Custom quality ! UNSPOILED, SF.cLUDED 2~ to 3 acre ranchos amid the great oaks of Cleveland National Forest OC'rfl in lhe 1rcal oak region ..,, 1he Cle\'el'iind Nalional Forc,,1 lie~ a 300-acr·c i~Jand of 1olling hilh, v.•arm va!Jeya and ,ra~sy 1Jadc~ \:nown ,, Rancho Capi~tn.no. Va!t rc1chc~ or 1he N'il1 ionA1 Fore~! recreation 1rra ~lrrtch in almo~t C\'t ry dircc- t 1on. a Govcrnmtnt-owncd hutfer •i!llin~t population and \'Omn1cr~1al f"n1:roachnH!nt. Ranrho.Capi\trano Y.·il! belong t o Jll ~I IJJ o v.ntrs. in frr. .1i111p/r. Each of the 2Yi 10 3 •~rt ranchos il>rlt arcd and ha ~ Clemente.On.Tr 211 nnic milts from Sin Juan Capistrano. Rancho Ca.pistmio parotlt ar& priced from $9,730 to Sl8,7.SO, ca'y do~ libcnl fin1ncin1. pf,asanr sc,11ic Drivt : .Santi Ana/Sitrt Di1110 .Frcev..·11y lo historic San J111tn Capi~trano, thtn east nn Hwy. 74 (Orteaa }fwy.) 21 m ilt s lo lhe 1ur11-o!f 10 1hc ri1ht a t ''South t.fain Divide" and follow the 1irns.. ' t HOMES Buill around a 21-2 acre park. 4 bedroom 3 bath homes ~~,~~t~;v~::n~:ra:::.":t~~j r----i--,_-.J-:-.---,.--, J\ ltitnd on mo!.t of 1hc n.nchot. • ~· Thi8 a clude.d pre!ltrve. once: ~ l ,.,, &aid, Cln ne\'tr be dupliatted. Lq.... f ~ from > \ I ·' $33,950 lo $41 ,000 -~=tt'iew I 9th and Wh11!1e1 Ave .. Costa Mesz Sales Olfict Phone, (71 4) 546·033 7 ~ ASK ABOUT OUN 'INSTANT tRA0£' PLAN Al Rancho Capistrano you'll t nioY &Sl\lred IC'C!usion for 1n inft.nite· future. lhe beauty oC •·nature at it.I Jovlit~." a 1em- 1'ft•lt yc1r-round c:limate at 3300-ft. t levation., and 45 mio· Ute aett.115 lo coastal recreation 11 l..laun1, Dana Point and Sat! '--'---'-'\-".'-"~"'"""'-'""'"'-=" /11optrty Optn /of showi"I S11May1 tM IJ l ld.m •• Jp,111, Wri re for our free. illustnited brochure. BINCID -CIPISTBINO 2172 Dupoot Dritt, Soi~ a, Jnlar. Calif. 92664 ~ '7l4J'IJJ. ZlJ Tax Issue Topic Harho1~ Realtors To Atten{l Meet A limited edition of Broadt11oor Big Canyon Homes are now offered for sale •.• fron1 ~94 ,000. View with a room I t could be from your nving room, or your kitchen/family room, or the master bedroom. What an exhilarating view of life you get from The Highlands at LaglllllfNiguel: space and natural outward beauty to match the gracious interiors of our homes. There are 4 models, 16 different elevations -and all the built-in comforts: range, dishwasher, disposer, ample cabinets, closets, and carpeting color- coordinated to your taste. You'll like the view of convenience, too : shops, stores, banks and schools are at the foot of your hill. The seashore is only 3'h miles away. And, for only $15 a month dues, your whole family enjoys the Recreation Club with 2 pools and a 7-acre playground nearby. · Come to The Highlands today, and stay. Directions: South on San Diego Fwy. to Crown Valley Pky. exit. Righ t (approx. 3'h mi.) t o Niguel Rd. Right on Niguel Rd. to the Models. From 523,950 The 'Highlands _ at Laguna Niguel •the choice community ~= ~ &'J0.5050 • . l .. ' ' I ' ---._.·~·. .. {· . ' " • BEAUTIFUL DOMES • THE • SAN MIGUEL • EL CAJON SANTA CRUZ HOMES BY AYRES IN HUNTINGTON BEACH Quality Unsurpassed Ne w homesites, new model s, new features. All this just minutes away from the ocean. At l a C~~sta you 'll en joy the crisp sea breeze year around . You 'll find exce llent shop- ping, schools ·and • multitude of the sout hland's finest recrea tional area s nearby. Ayres 1lnce 1905 These ore Ayres built ~om es. Each displaying the cra fts- manship wh ich ha s made Ayres one of Cali forn ia's most success fu l homebuilders. • FROM $35,500 VA, CONVENTIONAL TERMS PHONE ! 714 > 968°2929 968°.1338 Large selectian of home styles Visit our model home s: you 'll find a large select ion of floor plan s and custom like exteriors. Also check t he many out- stand ing features included in eve ry l a Cue sta home . Come out and vis it us today. You 're sure to find just the home you 've been searc hing for ••. at a price you can afford. 1600 to 3000 sq. ft.· 3 to 7 Beorooms: 2 lo 4 Bath1. &AN DIEGO FWY. ~ !;; g ~ ~ 0 " = z ;; ~ " 0 < 0 ~ " 0 ~ = - . ATLANTA - " DlllV PllOT 1' 8 I • ·- JO DAILY PILOT Sunday, March \q, 1(}72 ' E~ol ogy Co1Dp•o1nise Sough,t .. Tbe time has come to do aome hard . conclu sive lhinking · ln order to find solutions to the growth problems facing the housing Industry, in th e estimation of the president of the California f\1 o r t g a g e Bankers Association. stant growth to s u r v Iv e have built more housing units "If the homes are needed as made, And these decisions social re sponsibility is for in-tinue to work for a profit -systen1 . because we e-annotj:r· e co no ml ca J l y . and the than the market has been able a result . ol normal growth, must be made "'ithout fear of dividuals, companies and but the amount of that profit isl in a democracy if we,~w Philosophy that we h a ve to absorb . .and yet , there are political r~ " .I and without politicians tc learn to Jive must be determlned by a new th e hab v out with the '8ath-then government must develop ' 'd ' already had too much gro~·th stlll too many people living in concern as tn "hose profit-pie· ~·ithout greed. Our country's sense of reaso nableness. \Ve water." he sa1 · are rapidly reaching a point substandard housing . its facilities concurrent with ture ma y be da1naged. economy. like mu ch of Europe must hammer out a way of CMBA . ~·hich he head~ is John C. O'pperman of San Francisco, "-'ho in addition to his duties as president of CMBA is also executive vit'~ presiddl. of United California Mortgage Company. com· mented in San Diego that "the see m i n g I y contradictory philosophies of growth on one hand and preservation of the environment on the other must somehow be brought together for the greatest good for the greatest number. where they must be reconcl!Cd Sa n Diego is a typical area the constru ction in th a 1 "for several years there before Jt, was rounded on the life which rewards people for marle up of over JOO 1norlgage for the betterment of the ma-where the philosophies of particular area . H 0 w ever • have been speeches and more free enterprise system - work , but whose work does not bank ing firn1s representing s jority of the people. One thing growth are met head-on by the deve lopers should also be speeches about soc i a I which means working for pro-mak e the lives of others Jess lotal loan ser vici ng \'Olume of is certain: the old way of land problems of growth. "The pro-~sponsible for making , sure responsibility. With most of fit The sy stem has· worked reward ing," he said. more than $22 billion. Ullited development is going to be lifcratlon of homes, without adequate service facilities will us , unfortunately, s oc i a I well . Abuses have occurred Oppern1an pointed out that Ca liforni a Mort gage Compal\¥, dra s t i c a 1 I y c h a nged. the a c c om Pan Ying e<>n· be available in areas where re sponsibility is noth ing 1nore every so often. but generally, no one, especially mortgage Oppern1an's compuny, is a Developers who lack a sense st ruction of adequate govern· large developments are plan· than talk. When it comes time they have been eliminated in banker s and the developers division of United California of social risponsibility and 1ncnt service facilities such as ned . for us to expend time or lime. they se rve by arranging finan· Bank that services more than continue lo exploit our re· schools, police and f Ire ''Again. permanent and well money, social responsibility "Now we are in an entirely cl ng for their projects, can be SI bill ion in commercial ai;id maining acreage· solely for departments , and p..o we r • thought-oul solu tions to these suddenly resembles a toy new socio J o g i ca I era, oblivious to the d r a st i c industrial real estate loans.lo r personal gain will certainly ~·ater and sanitation districts. and other problems, such as balloon right after a child has evidences of whicn abound. changes In social mores that 145 institutional in v e s.t it rt end up in a nose·to nose con· doesn't make sense. But who whether high-rise buildings pricked it with a' pin. This means the old practices the whole free world is un. throughout the nation. It iS !he fronta tion with those forces is responsible for fi!Hn& these should be permitted along a ''The biggest step we can and philosophies must be dergoing, "Our problem Is to ninth largest mortgage ·b!fnk· that insis t we've had too much needs? scenic coastllne, must be take towards assuming our reviewed. Surely we must con-effect these changes within the ing fir m in the United Stat'es. gro1,•:th already," he said. 1;======================;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;::;::::;:=;:;;;:;::;;::::=;;;;;;~====================-1 San Diego and Cali fornia , he Pointed out, are like much of the nation in that developers during the past two years "The philosoph y t h a t America must experience con· Rancho's Future Told in Speech A concern for what Rancho California will look like 20 years from now underlies every decision currently being made by Kaiser A e t n a mant1gement, Roger H a 11 , general manager, to ld a group of Riverside County business leaders and civic officials recently. mittees which enforce r igid conditions and restrictions for Rancho Californ ia 1:1nd its In- dividual property owne r s alike. Joining Hall in the presen- tation was Michael A . Gra ziano, vice president of operations. Looking to the im- mediate future , they forsee the major thrusts in 1972 as agriculture including avocados and wine grapes, diversity of residential areas. and ex· pansion of light, non-polluting industry. Using a master land plan map, Graziano described Rancho California as 140 square miles, three times the size or San Francisco and five times tbat of Manhattan. Speaking before a special meeting sponsored by the Riverside County Department of Development at the Holiday Inn, Hall emphasized that con- tinued development of the vast 97,000-acre project will be in a manner consistent wilh en· vironmental considerations. Hall said this program will be-ca.ri-led out tl:irough com- prehensive planning and con- trolled growlh within Rancho California 's fi ve m a j o r categories of land use - agriculture, rec re a.ti on, residences. commerce and light industry. He stressed the function of the proje c t 's architectural c o n t r o I com- To meet the needs of Rancho California as a newly emerging community, em· phasis will be on development of a complete inventory of single family housing, ranging from $17,000 upward to $38,000. Included will be areas termed, "ideal for retire- ment." Mesa Finn Constructs ---~_,,.___ ~--.... -- Phone Unit Saffe ll & McAdam. Inc. The Rancho California ex· ecutives announced plans for development of condominiums at the Rancho California Golf Resort. and said a feasi bility study also is underway for an- other golf course on the west· crn side of Rancho California . also with condominiums. Costa Mesa building con- ,,, tractors, have begu11 con- Ultimately Rancho California probably will ha ve five golf courses, t h e y forecast. _s tr..u..c.1J o.rt on Pacific. Other highlights of the presentation: Telephone 's Metropolitan J unc- tion Facility in Corona. -This unique structure is the last major building in a $272 mi!Jion ca b]e system stretc h- lng 2,500 miles from a point near Chicago. The one-story, 30,000 square feet building with walls over a foot thick. will be entirely underground . ]t will be a complete self-con- tained unit ha vi ng air. water, food and fuel for a 21·day operation. The ca6le, which is scheduJ. ed !or completion in 1975, will be buried four feet Un· derground along the route to prevent disruption of service in case of disaster. It is engineered to carry up to 90.000 simultaneous ca 11 s . three times the capacity of any previous cable. It also can be used for television and pie· ture phone service. Another $4.8 million ex- penditu re in cable and conduit will be made west of the Corona site to connect the facility to Orange and Los Angeles counties. -Avocado development on the Santa Rosa or western side of Rancho California where they said climatic studies show the Area has the potential "to become another Fallbrook." -Development of Sa n ta Rosa Springs as a new 10,000. acre population center on the western portion. -Es t ab I is h m en t of a regional shopping center and branch go.ver.nmental center. north of the Pla za along Highway 395. -Complet ion of the move of Rancho California's entire staff to the site fr om ex· ecutive offices in Newport Beach. -Extension of a c r e a g e devoted to varietal wine grapes, with the prospect of Rancho California becoming a center for premium wine grapes comparable to Napa Valley in Northern California. -Expansion of Butterfield Cowitry, the hig hly successful recreation vehicle resort near Vail Lake. Tra~t Opens Village San Juan U1iveiled Pre-sales reservations begin this weekend in temporary sales quarters at Vi llage San Juan, South Coast DeveJop- men( Corporation 's new $20 million recreation residential community in San .Ju a n Capistrano. The temporary sales off it•e at the site is equipped with Ooorplans of the unique Coun· try Court Homes a n d Town Homes as well as site plans or the comm uni ty 111 large which includes a 31.; • acre stocked lake comp!ctr with boating fa c ilit i es Landscaped park s and a 1tream are being developed to wind throughout the ent ire. residential area. In add ition. the community features th ree heated swimming pools. n communllf' cabana, and a .,.ding pool for lh• small fry residents ol Villagt. San Juan Within the community two distinctive living styles a.re 1v1U1 ble-the Country Court Home • •nd Villa e• 'll>wnbomtJ. "Both home styles offer much of the.same convenience Bnd low maintenance features of a luxury apartment but with the square footage of a convent ional Zellner, preside conventional home," stated D. G. Zellner, president of South Coa st Development. "But whereas an apartment rental affords no eq uity build· up. homebuyers at Village San .Juan are making an in· vestment with their money." Priced from $18.990, the hnmcs Rre ava ilable in one· and tv.·o-story de signs ~'ith up lo four bedrooms and two b;:i ths. To rea ch Vi llage San Juan. take the San Diego Freeway south to the .Junipero Ser rR RoRd exiL proceed left und er the freeway, lhen left again to the eo mmu nlty. The sales of- fice is open da ily from 10 a.m. till fi p.m. South Coast Development is " subsidi ary of publicly held f'irst Builders Bancorp of Orinda, California, • ~~~v~!'!o~1arec'~ca~~~!0~;!°2n1 ~~ce~re's onl}!~O left omes1n Newpo11 Beach llnd now we're running only $47,700 and it's Just one of six0modefswe'U .£. " out of land. show you today, IAHT.t. ANA • "~ Only a few mom of these homes can be built The Harbor View neighborhood Is entirely ~ ~tone of them can be yours, It YoU donl dilly· \fo'.alled, to make it unusuallyquietand private. The ~ ~ · • homesencircleaschoolsite,centralparkandram· SAHDJtOO "'~ ~ ~arbor View Homes haye their own N"ewport Uyrecreationclubwithswimmingpool.Justdown ~~ . ch look. They'!~ s~ous. and comfortable, t the road, allthe fun of Newport Beach awaits you. ~0 ~1 w( 1th a tang ofsalta1rm thE11r~es19n. ThePortofino Come see our final Harbor View unit today. He ,, -1'7 .~ c:i above) has three good-sized be~rooms, two who hesitates, etc. '°'CJFJC ~ ~aths, a powder room, Ii fo~a1,91rnng room, 24· Take the San Diego or Newport Freeway to Mac-I RAii-. oot-long farrnlyroom and a big idea space" that Arthur, then go south to Ford Road. & HARBOR VIEW HOMES In the Irvine Planned Environment. Donlld I.Brea caq.,y 6) JNTl•HATIOHAI. PAPI.A OOMPAHV C=l 111%!§·-·---J INYZll .~- 1 move l C1n l ~your f Co1t1 !woul This help to $9~ $350~ to $3 c ·duple Taxes • P 70,0 and . I Jto $1 .able. i $40,0 8 {r ange I H • $275, l L ;$350,0 ; B !s1s.oo :and u • L lrange ;to $35 l N 1000 to j Fee m !4 be~ !ooo, 8 3 t ~and • •& Ba • lil y. C I $35,00 i M tOOO. G tfrom ' H lfrom ' M 1Range. ;and u I E ,500 to I T 'from $ I Ro ecture 11nur c DAILY M Ann nivers Koll. Comp l ed Ii 11 dustri th is w pany j quarte I lndust deve!o Loe I miles I h ead , develo ~Comp] : under •called \ lndusl s ere New rnill io f men t l I Koll' t place 1 270,000 acres. phases buildi I the co jconl I 1projec Jnc., o I lo 'tenant ;dustri 'dlstrl ldevelo , The i ' ' Real Estate Questions/Comment By Realtor Randall Mccardle ""' J ' Wt'r• con1idtrln9 buying l1nd nelr Sin Diego. Do .,_u think property will lncr11s1 In v1lu1 In that 1r11? \Whfin we buy 1nything -stems llkt tht prices always ~Y11h. r,:..i R. 0., Huntington Bitch .'r. . _"A n.1oment's reflection must convince you of two ,'fJiings; First that lands are of permanent value; that ~ 'tlwre ts scarcely a possibility of their falling in price, but L~most a moral certainty of their rais ing exceedingly in ·~'1.lue" ... Thi~ excerpt was wrrtten October 12, 1778, by Geot ge \Vash1ngton to his stepson, J, P. Custis. 1,---· Your 1r11s ind thtir pric•s confult: us. We recently moved to your 1r11 from P111d1n1 1nd wt art confu11d. t Ctn you give us some lndlcttion of tht price ranges of l your various neighborhoods In the Newport Beach and •Costa Mesa Area? We have leased for a ye1r; but we t would like to get better acquainted with the sales prices. 4i This Is not easy to do in this area. Can you be of 1ny help in this re91rd? · G. C., Costa Mesa Your local reallor ha s an "Economic Gu ide to Area .Communities" that is printed by the Newport Harbor· Costa Me sa Board of Realtors. This helpful li st is keyed 1ith commu nity num bers corresponding with numbers en the Real ty Board map. In addition to the 0 Gui de" and a map you r realtor will probably be· \\'illing to give you a personal tour of the area. During th is time, he will point out the pros, cons and relative value of each com· unity. The following is not a co mple.te list but is ex· ample of the type of information av ailable in the •·Guide." CAMEO HIGHLANOS: Homes range from $39,000 to $90,000. Leasehold. Taxes range from $650 and up. CAMEO SHORES: Custom Jlomes from $50,000 lo .$350.000. Leasehold. Taxes range from $1100 and up. SHORECLIFFS: Custom Homes range from $55 ,000 to $315,000. Lea sehold. Taxes from $600 and up. CORONA HIGHLANDS: Some View homes. some duplexes, triplexes. Range from $47,500 to $180,000. Taxes from $450 and up. HARBOR VIEW HILLS: Leasehold and Fee. View homes range from $42,000 and up. Taxes from $800 and up. HARBOR VIEW HOMES: Range from $35,000 to '$70,000. Leasehold. $350 and up. Add $6,000 and up for 11and. IRVINE TERRACE: Leasehold. Ran ge from $40.000 to $155,000. Taxes from $700 and up. fee \~rill be avail· a ble. BALBOA ISLAND. In si de homes and duplex es. from $40,000 to $85,000. Bayf ronls, $89,000 to $350,000. Tax•s range $300·$24000 and up. HARBOR ISLAND: Fee simple. Bayfront homes to $275.000. ' LINDA ISLAND: Leasehold. Range from $97,000 to $350,000. BAYSHORES' Leasehol d. Ranges from $35.000 to $75,000. Bayfronts to $250,000. Taxes range $400-$1500 and up . . LIDO ISLE: Inside homes and a fe w multiple units, range from $4.5,000 to $130.000. Bayfronts from $125,000 "to -$350.000. TIXes !tom $500 and ·up. - NEWPORT SHORES: Leasehold. Range from $23,· 000 lo $65,000. Taxes range from $350 to $550 and up. Fee ma y become available. WESTCLIFF: Range from $36,000 to $90.000, 3 and 4 bed roon1s. HARBOR HIGHLANDS: Ranee from $28,000 to $70,· 000, 3-to 5-bedrooms. BAYCREST: Range from $45.000 to $100,000. Fee and Leasehold . Taxes from $450 and up. DOVER SHORES: Leasehold. Lots to $70.000. View & Bayfront homes, $60,000 lo $250,000. All single lam· ily. COLLEGE PARK AREA: Range from $23,000 to $35,000. Taxes from $450 and up. MESA VERDE AREA: Range from $28.000 to $80,· 000. Golf course, range from $45,000 to $150,000. Taxes from $500 and up. · HALECREST: Range from $24,000 to $36,000. Taxes from $400 and up. MESA DEL MAR : Homes and some income unit5. ange_from_ $26,500 to $40,000. Taxes range from_$450 and up. EASTBLUFF: Fee and Leasehold. Range from $30,· 500 to $65.000. Taxes from $500 and up. Some View THE BLUFFS: Leasehold. View properties. Range from $25,000 to $62,500. Taxes range from $500 and up. Randall McCnrdle is an i nvr,st1ne11t analyst. college ecturer, nnd author of "Rf.al Est.ate in California..~' Send our comments (1'nd que.,tions to Randall R. McCardlt, c/o A/LY PILOT. P. 0. Box 1560, Costa Meso 92626. · Koll Marks 10th Year, Moves Into New Home Announcing the 10th 1n· niversary of his firm, Don Koll. president of Don Koll Company, Inc .. the Irvine-bas- ! ed fi rm specializing in in· dustrial park de\lelopmenl, this week sa id that his com· l pany will move into new i quarters in the newest of 13 industri al p11rkJ it h 11: s developed. , Located approxi mately two j mil es south. of Its present 1 head q u a r t er 1 in Koll · l de \'eloptd Airport Industrial ·Complex, the new park. now 1 under construction, will be •c1lled Newpo rt Place l Industrial Complex . It is a 17· t acre portion of 2 00 -a cr t } Newport Plact, the $200.. t millio n commercial develop- !ment in Newport Beach. t Ko\l's 14·million project will i place 18 buildings totaling 12i0,000 square feet on the 17 I acres. To be.. built in three I pha!iies with the llrst six 1 buildings completed In April, t the com plex Is alre11dy 40 per· 1cenl leased. Architect for the project is Buildi ng concepts, Inc., of Irvine. 1 Tn add ition to Koll, the lt!:nants will Include service In· ,dustrles and bu 1 I n e 11 e s , 1distrlbutor1, and research and !development companies. The bulldln&• in the new Koll complex will be arranged so that employe parking ,11nd all load ing and unloading operations will be hidden from the street. Visitor parking ~dll be depressed and placed behind landscaped berms so th at passersby will see only attractive buildings wit h heavy landscaping. F o u r bui ldings will be clustered around a meandering pond In the center of the tom plex as an integr11I part of the overall landscaping. Within three blocks o f Qrange County A i r p o r t , Newport PI ace Industrial Complex is one of a series of Koll industrial parks spanning California from Sacra mento to San Diego. Shorlly ;ifl.e.r he rounded his firm in 1962 , Donald M. Koll started h u i Id in g industrh1I parks with high stand;irds of layout, design. and h1ndscap- in$:. In 1969, the firm joined with Aetna Life and Casualty Company to form Koll Income Propertle11, 11 corporation, to develop these campus-Uk~ In· dustrial parks at a more ,rapid rate. Newport Place wUI conl.'lin approximately l.4 million 1q. ft. In office paci and 7!0,000 aq . fl in industrial space. _s_1111_d•~1._M_._"_,_1_,,_1_n_z _______ o_•IL v "LOT 8 J J ~ission Viejo Company Restructuring The board of directors of lhe Mlulon Viejo Company has approved 1 restructurin1 of the company lnto (iv e divisions in order to more ef. fectlvely de1d with the Impact or sales increases which has sttn the company'• sales agree meqt volume triple in a three-year period, according to Phllip J. Reilly, president. The ·new structure includes .two 1la.fJ divii:;ip n.! and three operating divisions designed lo facilitate the continued ex· pansion of the com pa n y geogr1phic11ly 11 well 1s in terms of sales volume. The • st aff d l\l\tlon1 are "Adm inis trative Service:-'' and "Corporate services." The operating d ivisions ire "Financial Services'', "Build· ing Systems", and ••Environ- mental Systems." Mission Vlejo's com mu-nily in Orange County. now In its sixth yea r, has grown to over 18,000 residents since 1966. Mission Viejo launched four housing programs in 1971 at the LaKes, Jfear Phoenix, and has begun a pliMed com. munity of over 3,000 homes near Den\'er. . James E. West, Chairman of the Board. Mission Viejo Coin· pany said, '"I'he form1Uon of our five new optratlng divis- ions ls designed to most effi· cienUy meet the growina re- quirements of toda y's pro- duction a1 well as future demand!.'' The Environmental Syrsttn1s Division, (ESD), i.! under the direction or James G. Toepfer, senior vice president. ESD supervise$ planning and desi gn of the land use, opoi\· tion of l.'Olnmercial a 11 d recreational properties for the three communite.s, and a con· tlnuing program of home buy· er invol\•emenl-and parlicipa. lion · "A'llhln their community. Clo~ly Integrated with ESO is the Building System 1 Di vis ion, {BSD). This division, undr r the direction of Robert E. Osbor!lf, vice president , devel ops market c r I t e r i a , designs, coni;tructs. and stlls the homes. It is also re!lponsi· ble !or the decorator ccnh.'r and custon1er s e r \' i c t' deparln1t'ttls. 1'hc Adn1lni!lrali\·~ .ServiCt'~ Division. l ASlJ ). dlrrc:ted by James G. t;Lller;i.n, v I c f' president. interprels a 11 figures and !e11sibility studies. own. handlts the cost analy5es, ac· counting , re.search , a n d coordinate! forf'rA:<l!i of both ESI) and BSD. This division is also responsible for t hf' strategic plannina of !he cor· poralion. '"lit' Curporate s\. r ,. , c es l)ill.~1011. (t'SUI, dirt'('l('d by A11tlluny It ~1olso. vil·e presi· dl~nt 1111rl st~l'rt•\nry. is dcsigo· t'd to Rdaµt pt'rsonncl policies 11nd 1Hln1 in1slra\1on v.·lthin-thf l·orporate strurturt>. Polit1cal luuson anrl I f' J: ls I a t l v e measure:< wh1l·h pertain to the funrtion.!'I of ~fission Viejo • 1 he four-bedroom Brookfield is a good example of the values to be found today ot Greentree Homes, whatever the size of your fam ily. We have other deligh!lul homes with two bedrooms, three bedrooms ond five bedrooms. From $25,995 to $35,495. All with Westinghouse ranges, double ovens, disposer and dishwashers. All with carpeting in the living room, moster bedroom recreation center ond swimming pool which is under construction and will be ready by Easter vocation. Pedestrian poseos that moke wolking safe and pleosureoble. And nearby shopping. As if oil this weren't enough, you'll enjoy the planned environment of livine. It's just as exciting as you've heord, with nearby schools, recreation, clean industry, great beaches and the smart shops of Fashion Island and Newport Beach. and hallway. Sloped ceilings, too, plus sliding· gloss-door occess lo patio area and complete fencing oil around. the property. The Greentree rieighborhaod has its own five- ocre.park and 1 Q.oae school site. A hondsome • Greentree Homes ore selling at a brisk clip. Come see us today. We're midway between the Son Diego and Sonia Ano freeway s. Toke the Culver turnoff to Walnut. G.reenil'eeHonies D:lllld L ... ~ (@ IMTlftN,,t.TIOfrtALo l'API" COM PA.NV Company are alliO l h 1 responsiblllty ri f CSD. Tht fifth and final d1\liston within tht rww corpor1t1 structure Is the Financi1I S<'rv1N.s Division. 1 F SD 1, v.·hirh provides mo rt A A a: 1 b<ink ing. escrow. loitn ad· ministration. Insurance ind hon1e res11le services within :\iission VirJo (; o m pa n y 't three ron1111unilie~. Roge r Cla rk, V1l·e Pre:itl· dent. acts as h<11s<1n be- l "'ef'n i11vest11r.s llirou~hout the Unittd St11les. M1s1uon \119'- JO t..:omp1 ny, and tht coro- munit\ti;' homebu~·e.rs. .~ ( I JZ DAI LY PILOT Sunday, March l~, l'W! •• moving? We're "matchmakers in more than l ,600 cities in the U.S. & CANADA. No cost or obligetion lor our help irt finding your new home. ...... u .u +·.!r.1J•+• .... ~ l~-Cll• ltLOCAnOll SU'l'IU., N1C. -------·-·-..... - ·~~~~~~~.wt,~·~-~~~~-; "SHOW ROOM" CONDITION-$38,4501 lnvll!rig t&<r11io enirv 11111, " sP<ltlO\ls bedroom~, 1 bar111, !•mily room Wllll lnvlll"'ll llrepl1ct, all elt<!rlc p11sh bvllon bull! In ki1Cl>en, dl1ll- w1111rr, nest tlllng lo ln1t1nf mllid s1rvlc1. ln!ercom .. Patio. $,orlnklers In g0rgeou1 low m1ln11n1 nce l1r>dsc1ped yard. Prttllor IOcl lkm. '6l-5SU ,'~~~\"' •'"-..;,;,; "~RIDE OF.OWNERSHIP" $28,750-NO DOWN G. I. ierms -low down 111 onw,.,. 3 '""clous becl•oo11'1!, 1 batll1, ~n· ciuel formal dlf!lnit tDGm, bulllin dre~m kitchen. Gorgecuo HY·LO cir~!· Ing thrl.IOtll. W~trr SOflener, M11ny e111ta1. NeBlly m11nlcured -l1s1efully 11"dsc1Ptd. 1"2-6691 • ONLY $27,5011-0WNER HELPS WITH RRMS your peyrrlfllft w!ll be lts1 m1" renl. 3 gtntr(l111 •lted bedroorm, 2 bft111, 11Kluded rt1r Uvlng room 011er1001u 1 picturesque llnclscaped y11'11. Room fOr poat, Prime IO(alkm near Golden Wtsl Collt-01 & Hun!ill'(lton Center. No Gown G.I, term• -low lklwn all otl'lers tool 962·"'6 Since 1926 ( , .. SUBTLE ELEGANC£-"POOL" $42,900 nco ,q, ft. ol flnnt qu1lllv & e~ecullve llv/1111 -Ideal !or en1ert11n11111. Fan10ui POSS tnru io p.1tio garden ~i!ct>en, d•lu~• bull! l!I 1ppliances. s bedrooms, 3 b11ll'I•, ~peclou• t~mlly room with l'l'Mlnlve llreplact. New snag car1>1llng, Formal dining room. Co lonlfl M;in•lon -targesr In area. Lo&ds of dtc~tr\11, gorgeous poal, Short walk to be.itcl'I. %:·H66 TODAYS IEST IUY! $26,000-NO DOWN G.I. IO':. dcwn 111 01ner1. 1~ Jn ••eJtlng P:!ras. Walk to beacl'I from tr'lls ~ bedroom, i · •tp.1ral1 balll home .. WU11-d~Ut1 kUtl>en, bulllln range, oven & dlsnwa11'1er. 125 fl. deep oro11ncl1, nta!ly lar)Clscaped. 211.i Yrs. new. S~•tll'tU home In ar•• •t !his low prk1. •~'-"'' · . REDUCED _l20~0 T() l32,900L . Submit 111 terms. No ifOWll to Vets -10~ down non-vets. 3 1petious bt'clrooms, 2 b11!h1, 2CHh century mlracle bl.llllln kllchen. Plush urpellng lllrwul. Custom dr•pes. lnvltln(I enlry h•ll. Family room Wilh elt(lllnl lirapl•ce. Neally rrninKured, Tastefully landscapad. I~ ;r-r"Tu;9:''. ,;;;t,;.. >i%d ,7, ' ;: ----:;~ ""') .} •! -·-" !"I •• "' -:i ·"'-,, ,.........,~+ PRE;;STIGE IRVINE-$34,950 ~an.tiect.,.omm~. "'loV commlJf'lll'( JIOOI llvln(I a. country club rte-rhtlOft ylf •11 •rrprlv•I• (ISldtflCfl l!I • walltd •r•• of prlv•cy and fun llvll'll. ~ bedrooms, 2 bllh1, huoe 11mlly room wllh 11tQ1nt tlrepl1ce, OOUmMI tl\lll!!n •klldll.,, Cl'l1hw11her. 2 yrs. new w11h Pallo. Plu1h tar· petlng, custom drape:-Move up to luxury! 540-1720 Tarbell Reaches 87°/o Of The Home Buyers * 10 FULL PAGE ADS EACH WEEK . * TARBELL'S EXCLUSIVE MULTIPLE LISTING BOOK '* GUARANTEED SALES. * COMPLETE FINANCING * TELETYP! SERVICE ''LIST YOUR HOME WITH NUMBER 1'' • ----'iw ':..-,~;: LOVELY MESA VERDE-$31 ,500 Ass ume prestnl FMA Jo.on now en proper1Y & your monTMV payme nts •r• JuH like renting Including principle, fnT~retl, 111~e5 & Insurance. Klr\11 •lted beQroom,, 1 balhs, l•ml!yroom, Gor9eo11s sh&(I c•rpe!lng, 1111 tle<trlc bulll ln kitchen, tamlly room. Sprinklers front & rear, Near C011ntry Club and shopping. ~.:1-1126 TALK AIOUT LUXURY FEATURES! .$42,000 Youn; a. 90roeoU1, pr(lfts$lon1lly decorated with expen1lv1 flocked warl peper, m!rrored master bedroom clost!J, new sl'lll(I t.trpttln9, rich wood paneled den, step up llv!rt;g room wl!l'I dramatic cal!leGral celllnos. ~u!lt by f&m<lU• b!Jllder -th is me~n' <wa!lty con•lructlon lhrvoul! Wtlk to beach! No down G.t. terms, 10~. 111 ol!lel'j FH"--'44-0604 UNDER THE SPREADING OLIVE TREE $26,500! Exciting Spanlsl'I_ archl!ectu.re. 3 spaci®S bl:d(OO_mt, 2 beth1, buillln wife 111ver kitchen, di1hwa1her. Family areo with t!rep1ace conveniHil olf th• cl'leerlul c1ramlc-tiled kltcl'len. Gorgeou5 anti~~ wtllfd living room. Covered Piilo. Play sand· area ·In rear yard. Experlly landscaped, SUO olive tree. Peach, Avocado. C11tl'ledral beamed ceilln1u. Many dram.ttlc l•.tlure,t 962·5566 ~ ~-.# STAHLY PROVINCIAL-$33,SDG-HO DOWN G.I. terms, 10% down in otlM!rs. 4 spac:loui bedrooms, 2 batht, 11mnv room with ext!U1111 llraplace for 111 Iha 1clicM'I. HUW-bOl'tu1 room. Wfl1'1 pride kitchen, delu•• bulllln aOPU•ncn, dlthw1sl'ler, Pillo. Sprlnkl1r1 front a. r11r. P1rk like landsclPlng. Jtoom for pool. M1ny ••tra1 -water Miitner In this 2100 lCI· It. beau1y with chlrmlll'(I thuttars, heevy shake roof. •~2-2561 . SOUTH COA ST OF FICES * Costa Mesa 540-1720 2955 Herbor ll•d. * Huntington Beach 842·6691 -1411 1 hcteh llvd. * Huntington Beach 962-5566 9017 A ..... * Huntington Beach 846·0604 5124 .,,..., * Fountain Valley 962-1373 11114 .,...,. ..... * Fountain VaUey 842·2S61 17t45 M.,un. * Mission Viejo 830-60 60 2JJJI II Toro lood * Laguna Hills 830.6030 ' L0911H Hiik rr.to, 24J70 ledf'-'4 * San Juan Capistrano 493· 1341 11771 hi Obhp• .. We Sell Home a ~ I Every ~21-Minutes!~ SIMPLY GORGEOUS! $41,500! [)fcor;ilot'1 dr1o1m with dram•llc 1\lnllen llvlng room, c1thedra1 eelll,.... t•mlly room with wet bar, handsomt flrtot1c1, UPtnslve waUi-tper. C- crtle It brick pello. F!ntst bulttln gl~mlng kltchtn. Olshw1$1\1r. I\\ "t"" new. Belter than model condition. Qultl cul-de-sac slrfft. 962-1J1l "GARDEN OF EDEN " $29,990--NO .DOwN' G. I. ltrms. $2990 down 11! other•. Sharpest home In arta wltn OIM't•OUI sl11Q bedrooms, · 2 betns, l~mlly ·room wltl'I encl'lanllng flreplaee, v.,Y t'lanay to tf\e deluxe bulllln kitchen, new K1!c"-1111kle dl5hwa,toer. Thick!'( "Pl!Clded new shao c"tiielif19. Pario. All tltls plus lh• 11•.tH111 y1r4~· IOwtl. l-t2·2.561 -' . . CGSTA MESA-4 BEDRM.-$28,950-NO DOWN G._l~lerria Po low ll0'$1n all Dtt\erS! '-bedrooms, 2. balh·S.~1-l"Sll ltmllJ-• room 'Nitn frlspl•lng llr1place, 10tn cffltury m!r11cr1 t>uutln ll;ltcl'I .... Piiio. Q~iel eoun1ry 11rrnosph1re 11 the end ol 1 cul-<1•sac slr.,.t-yu all ~ city conveniences "' your "FingeT Tl1>1", Sl,OI» t lr ·condttlonlng wfl" el«tronic <tlr fllllr, eltclrlc 111raoe dOor 01>1ner, Sharp ,. 1 rtll bUyl .s.<1·1120 CALLING ALL G.l.'S--$31,950 ND ~owrt G.I. terms -10% non-.. , •. HllSI• ll!lllh~ bonus room rich wqod p1n1t11111, brl1tht toVtly ~llchen, •If e!tctric pUsl'I bullOn Ziii c11111wy mlracle a~ll1n«1. Oithwasl'ler. King 1lied bedtoom1 Ptmlly room 2 Olllos, 20•20 conctt11 tllb tor 1ddU1oni. ltautrtul 2 '•lory J yr1. ftew bHUty, I~' ' Since 1926 • l ' • ' t I ' • ' • ' • • l • • At u·r Se rv1 ·ce . Write Pat Dunn to get thlr: done. Pat wlll cut red tape, get the 1n1"'9rl ind the action you need solve Jn1qulti11 in government and busineu. Mall your question to Pat unn/At ;your Service, Orange C011t 01ily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mo11, Ca. 9262l DEAR PAT: Although a Ne1' York attorney Informed me of my aunt's death in Fk>rida and my inheritance, all further correspondence and subseq_uent settlement f~ my brothers and sisters has come from a Flori· da attorney. The New Yor.k attorney sent me a $75 bill, a paper requiring my witnessed signature that I had already received my inheritance and a Jetter stating I would receive my check after send- ing him the tee and paper since he said he'd repre- sented me. I don 't feel this procedure is ethical and informed the Florida attorney, who hasn't ans\ver· ed. What no\v? L. B .. FountaiD Valley A local altorney told me "htir lists" offering finder&' fees are circulated among unethical la~·­ yer1. Unleu you e1pressly retained the New York attorDef, ht Is mJ1representlng bimsell as your autMrhed attorney, which is illegal. Contact U!ie pollce in the lawyers city for referral to the proper New York law enforcement agency. Telepllone tltt Florida attorney wbo should be able to halldle your ln.beritance, too. U not, retain an attonaey here. DEAR PAT: I'd like lo know why a letter mailed in a post office where the receiver has a postal box took two days to reach that ~x. It §hould ~ve reached the other side of America by 1hen. nus happened at the Ada1ns Avenue Post Office in Costa Mesa, T. N., Costa J\tesa Postmaster John Kluglewlcz said the letter wa s probably put inlo the wrong box initially, causing a "human error" delay. He urges persons wllh complaints to call him directly at 546-5330. "" DEAR PAT : lt1ost people are not a\\'are that an Ora~ge County elect.ion clerk works 16 hours each election day and receives only $18. Whe~ was the last ~ay increase given and where can disgruntled election ·workers appeal for a raise? county-R.Eglstrar of Voters-David-Rltcbcock 11kl lbe last county raise "'as in 1968 and that aJ. tboagll the current stale-approved maximum sa l· arles are $29 per day for inspectors and $M for judges and clerks, connty "'orkers receive $21 and $18, respectiv ely. The Board of Supervisors sets these salaries and In 19M It turned down an in· ..m.a_1.t_ uguesl foilOJ"!!!g_a Co~l!!Y Administratoi''~ Office (CAO) 11tudy. Since a request in late 1971 for another CAO salary reevaluation stud y was re· fueil, Hitchcock Is preparing bis own. Submit your raise request direcUy to bJm. · ~ COunty recordiJlg lees are IZ lor Ille llrll po1e aid• 80 eents for eacb additional page. A "bome- 1tud" ptOl.eeh properly from attacbmeat for U.· "'.eCiilloa tf general debts ud protects tlle owner's equity Ja the property. I recommend yoa consult an ~tomey before g~ttillg involved in a · 40do It ~UJ1!1r' homettead. A .. lawyer told me homown· en with a homestead often have trou ble secarlag a loaa due ~o reduction of available collateral. "" DEAR PAT: I heard toy stores are being swamped with re- quests ·for panda bears after all the panda pub- llcity during President Nixon's China trip. I heard the toy "tedd y bel{" was named after President Theodore Roosevelt. If so, give some "equal time" lo the old-fashioned American teddy bear. G. E., San Clemente Jn 190!, the first year toy bears were widely advertised and &old-ln-America,-Roose-\!dt-rdused t.o shoot a small, young bear his dogs had cornered during a bunt. This Incident was ridiculed by ·sportsm en and a famous cartoo nist sketched Teddy, gun jn band, with bis back turned on a small bruin. People associated the new toy bear with the car- toon and soon the ''teddy bear" wa s America's lnost popular toy. DEAR PAT : · I enjoy taking Jong walks in the country with m)" dog, OOt \vorry that his curiosity about every hole in the ground may lead to a rattlesnake bite. lf he should be bitten, are there any emergency DEAR PAT : measures I could take and could a 30-pound dog I know Mission Community Hospital in Mission IW'Vive a ratUer bite? Viejo serves liquor to the patients. Do they have S. R., Laguna Rills some special license for this "sickroom cocktail An El Toro veterinarian said yoa're taking a hour"? What possible reason can be given for al. senseless chance letting your unleashed dog invest.. lowing patients to booze it up and are the drinkers igate boles now that ratUers are coming out to 1un I • charged extra? S ,.Mis·i~-y· . themselves. His emergency snake bite advice Is !----++-----------"--.. -1•J0--1o·teqrthe-dor~n,,..stbh»ae1Hoo1Mo!'"-~anr:--t:~ • 1 ' • • I • Tbe bOspltal couldn't chnge extra -for tbe liquor, wine and beer served or It wouldn't meet state requirement! for "no permit, no license" Jlq uor serving. An A1coholic Beverage Control Dept. licensing Inspector's check reve illed no laws are btlJ&g vl0£ated. Mission Community's adminis- trator said liquor ts served only to patients whose doctors Issue written requests. Described as ''lher· apeutlc device, beneficial to certain patients,'' tbere•s· a two-drlnk llmlt at the bospHal's "Happy Hour." DEAR PAT: What are the fees for having a notarized ••homestead" form recorded by the county? Does a homestead protect a house from attachment In case of bankruptcy and what are some of the other legalities involved? f.f. E., Huntington Beach marks which would appear-a1,two-blne boles. Cut ibrough these bolts past the blue color with a clean 1·azor blade until blood appears. Clean the wound with hydrogen peroxide aud rush your dog to tbe vet for treatment with anti-venom serum. Survival would depend on the snake's size and the blte's \locatlon. DEAR PAT: What protection does a person have i! someone else signs his name to magazine, book or record club subscriptions? If this happens, what shouJd be done and how can fMse sign-ups be prevented? M. W., Saa Joan Capldrano 0onit worry. You aren't liable for any forged contract. You can't prevent fake s.lgn-ups and lt'1 up to the company to verify the autbtntlclty of slgnature1. If this happens, notify the baslnes1 la. volved about the error. It's their rtsponslbillty. You and the Law Risk Accepted in .Spo,.ts, Bnt Within Reason Eddie and the corner grocer v.·ere born com· ly, he had not yelled 11Fore!" before taking !II! panions. Often, when business was slow, the two swing. Nevertheless, he could not fairly have fore- men would engage in friendly scuffling around the seen danger to anyone so far out of range. store. One day, the grocer shoved Eddie a little Result : a court ruled that the victim should not vigorously. Eddie lost his fooling, fell against the collect damages. The court said this was the kind counter, and cracked two ribs. · of risk he had assumed by going onto a golf That ended their friendship . In short order. course in the first place. Eddie sued the grocer for damages on groun!Js of But the doctrine does not apply to risks that are assault and baUery. But a court turned .r-----...., not "natural'' to the sport-that are him down, saying his claim was / due instead to 90mebody's miscon- barred by the doctrine of "assumption duct. of risk." In another case two flsht'!rmen This doctrine has wide application were sitting in a rowboat when one, tn all kinds of playful and recrea-try ing to make a backward cast, Uonal activities. * hooked his companion in the cheek. "One who takes part in a sport ,'' Sued later for damages, he soU ght said one court, "accepts the dangers refuge in the doctrine of assumption that are obvious .and necessary. just of risk. as a fencer acCcpls lht risk of a ~ But-the court-said accldents-llke•---lf.i thrust by his antagtmtst." this -,vUl not happen if fishermen are reasonably Ma.t often, the doctrine has been appll<d In goll. carellll with their hooks. The vicllm had ool •• Thus: Rll1lied a risk, said the courl, that was prevenlable A golfer shanked an Iron shot, ind his ball !lMk by plain common sense. anotbtt player standing far to the rlght. Admitted. tAl'MfkMI '" A1t1t1t11M P•tvrt) . ' On Wh-ere You Go By TERRY COVILLE OI 1t11 Olll't l"f"t Still During the past tv.·o months signs have sprouted In tiny office windows all over the Orange Coast blariJlg their monetary message: "Income Tax, $5 (and up)." Most ct the signs are big and pain ted in bright Jetters. For a fee, they offet hope and help to the beleaguered tax- payer. So-called tar experts, or practioners, wait inside the small offices, ready to lend a han d with federaL and ~le. jn. come tax returns. Even though the Internal Revenue Service says most taxpayers \\'ith a moderate Income should be able to fill out their own form s, thousands of Orange Coast residents are expected lo visit th e cut-rate tax experts right up to the April 17 deadline. Most of the low-cost tax agencies. even the big ones, use a similar technique of hiring part.time personnel during the three months prior to the filing deadline. One agent 1 visited was retired. An· other was a housewife aid a third wa s an ex-serviceman .. TOOK IRS COURSES They all said they had taken courses on income tax preparation which were usually offered by the IRS in one-day seminars. ~ IRS officlaJs claim ttlis year's forms, especially for people who use the stall· dard deduction (ignoring the long, item- ized list or deductions j, are easy to fill out. All three tax agents were given the same set of figures. and all three came up with diffe rent answers, ranging from one who sa id I owed the federal gov. ernment $3 to another who said I should receive $90 from the gQ\'.ernment. Using the standard deduct ion method, here are the base figures the agents were given to Work with: wages of $10,848: other earnings Of $954 (gas mileage paid by the company); federal taxes withheld, $1.396: business miles claimed. 10,000. Here's what the experts said : A woman clerk for H & R Block, HWll· lngton Beach-' charged $7.50, said my re- turn would be $40 from tfie federal -gOv- emment and I should pay $78 to the t;tate. • S11nd1y, Marth 19, 1972 DAILY PILOT C J - - ' - • lll~Jtr1lloft lllV DAILY l"ILOT Sttll Arlht H1111 Cftillll Food Inspector: He's Mr. Clean A retired man who works for Paul T. By JAN EDWARDS ditloo, this would have meant a loss eC four more pointa. The pWlcher was clean. Simpson, a public accountant in Newport 01 1t1• 0111v tt11o1 '''" Beach, charged $8 and said I owed the 1r \Vaync Sh t tall ft k governrqent $3. The state tax owe'd was . ur s, a • 80 ·Spo en The waitress' Jong hair-dos were no!. (igu.ttd.JlJ P.J._ ----:::-::.:r--~ .. -""'-·-i -···-~~·~"~!.:~ g~~!;~~~~r~1!!:-~--.P..i:<>..P!.ctY~t~ted~_Y.nclean hair, hand;, Th"e ex-serviceman, worKJng for r;on .o 1:::·.::cn , c · u1ne u1ere. 1 t c;oes and clothes violations mean deductions 0, Tax Co., Costa 'Mesa. charged $18, said the not earn 100, he will not. th · t Cederal return would be $90 and sta te . ree po1n s. tax owed was $7~. Wayne Shurts, 1S an employe of the fiince thiS dihner house does not u.11 Tit reviewing fiie filled-out tax forms, Or::~::;e CG_:•y Divis ion of r ·irc::rnental one-servioe, disposable glaMes, dishe. the only differences found were in the }r·1lth. He is a district•c.: ·· ·.Jin-and utensils, they must be stored Oi section ~ business ded~~tions. spects food establishments for sanitary hard, clean surface~. They were. fu~~~~eih!~1:!1,gihe;~~:~t and safety ronditions. sa'J'~ br: !i~~u~o~ first,'; Sh1~:t sure how to note it with wages, or how But he does not taste the food. He ex-v. ... his report. "We wanta~ager s 0 10 to deduct it. amines jt. to • . , . e manag!';'" 1be man who worked for Simpson ig· l wilhng to comp~ w1~ the rules. nored it completely, failing to list it as an He prods it with a thermometer, be He r~~dcd th~ vtolat1ons and the!· eamlng or deduction on the 10~~ form. checks to see where and how it is Jtored. corresponding points and subtracte. He sympathized with the fact I owed $3 And, unlike the typical diner who gm to them from 100. He then gave .a copy t• and sald-thingrwere-"tougtratJ--wer1' a restaurant to get away from dUjy he-manager-and-also-left-a anttatl this year. . manual printed by the dc:-·-~":!cnt Several ~gents commented a"!rut tax-dishes, Shurts really cares about how the Because the Costa Mesa restaurant i payers being short cha~ged this year. dishes are washed, new the manager should ea rf . They said most companies had used an • rn a pe ~C· old form for withholding employes' VIOLATIONS score. on the . next unannounced 111· taxes but the old method came out a Iii· At a recen t inspection or a Costa Mesa specbon, providing he reads ~nd follow, tie short. dinner house, Shurts found seve ra l viola-;~:g:~i~~~I r:r~m~~~:e1~!n~ith Shurb HANDY GUIDELINE lions. And he deducted points from the This is a harsh example of what hap The woman at H & R Block was pleas-possibfe 100 percent whi ch stands for pens when Shurts inspects a re stauranl . ant and efficient. She pulled out one of total rompliance with county regulations. not necessarily typical. What is typical. the Block Company forms that makes a judging from the results of the county': handy guideline for deductions and As he ca me across a large piece of spQt checks, is a restaurant that is cleru; quickly went down the list. The interview meat under n counter, he pulled a pock<!t-and safe to eat in.Jnspectors believe tha took about 30 minutes. sized meat thermometer from Jts case Orange County restaurants malntah She dkl note the $954 and promptly and plunged it in. cleanliness standards as high as any it figured it into the wages on the HMO. Then the state. she asked about business miles. and de· The safe temperature range is above ducted $1 .200 (12 cents a mile for 10,000 140 F and below 4<I F for aJf perishable miles), This made a $43 difference be-food tween her answer and the one from the s. Simpson agency. The meat measured just over 100 F. The Pronto Ta:rCo. agency is in a That meant a deduction of rive percen- sparsely fu111.ished office, obviously rent. tage poinls and an order from Shurts to ed for a short period. The agent lived up throw it away. to the company's name and completed Then he walked inlo dark refrigerators my tax forms in well under an hour. and freezers, in search of thermometers, Unlike the others, he attached an ad· genera'! cleanliness and to .!let that food is ditional fonn to the standard 1040. lt was cove re·d and raised above the l6vcl of form 2106. schedule or auto, travel and dust-shufnlng reel. · entertainment expenses. He asked me what business expenses POINTS OFI" I might deduct. He started with the $1.200 mileage figure . subtracting the $954 com· pany gas allowance from it. That gave a $246 deduction. Then, with more questions, and a little prodding, we found more poss ible busi- ness deductions: professional dues, de- preciation on a camera used for work, the cost of certain profmiona1 books, telephone expenses. His e:rtra prodd ing produced S302 wotih of business deductions which had not been t~ched by the other agencies. In tax refund terms, that meant $50 above the H & R Block figure. While the fees charged did not vary a great deal, the results did, It seems reasonable to assume that visits to more agencies might have produced even more answers. Ile round no thermometers: 6 points ofL ln the kitchen he ro und several racks of,. mea t defrosting in the open kitchen. For not separating the meat or thawing it under refrigeration, this meam five to 13 points off, depending upon the amount of harm. Shurts could have ins isted on throwing the meat away. But the meat was still quite frozen and Jlttle harm bad been done. Next, he checked the ufi llty room. Was there a sink set aside and used only for rinsing mops and other c I tt a n I n g equipment? Yes, there \\'&s. While In the l torage aren, he hnd made sure all cle1n- lng chemicals were stottd separately, DIFFERENCES 11nd never above, any rood supplies. Thai 'nte variance Jn th e much simpler woukl ha\le ,.. .. ti:nt four polnls off. state tax Corms resulted from the same INSPECT' dlllerim<:ea..in 111etbO<ls used to. ~ .. PJ1.,!e,.___T-0 lns1>ect tho oi>Kure lloor drolns 11111 - boslness deductions. I h Al1 three agen ts worked in A similar ow, cavernou.s storage counters, e manner: they were fast, asked qutSlions ol mply used a nashlight . raJ>i:dly, used a small 1ddlng machine for Has a gummy substance bffn allowed various figures, and worked ln small, to form under the puncher of the can poorly furn ished offices. opener! Al an uns::nllary equipment con- VIOLATIONS "are usually fixed by ti>· second time," Shurts claims. Jn his foo1· years as sanitarian, he has "been lucky" and not often forced to withhold • healtt. pennit. U violation.s persist beyond his secorH: · visit, Shurts wJIJ diplomatically revie\'. them with the manager and check later . Jn all cases. he will consult with the clt'I· attorney when recommending punltivi· action. !See MR. CLEAN, Page C31 • , INSIDE THIS SECTION CREDIT COUNSELORS -Thty t ru to ke'f' you f rom going bankrupt bu 1howhig you how 11ou con paJI off 11our <Ubts. Tha t's how the Con.sumer Credie Counstlor1 optrott , CJ. GIVE l!IM CREDIT -Mra. I -Gwt nda \Vat.lion ctt dits husband I Chancellor Norman \Vatson of tli4 Coast Communitu College District for Ii.tr 1ucctss/11l carter as tl volu11tt er. 1Vord·picture profile, C4. TRASH POWER -Re,.nrcl1 , fnb i• dt0eloplng<n1tto di•P•••I -- sy!tem thtlt conue r'6 garbaoe inco energy. A report explainr how tile proccr• works. C2. GOING SKU NG? -5141/ <Drltt1' L. Pe ter Krltg 1a111 Mammo th ll the place In o.ri article oil the . ., c I OAJL y '1LOT Sundity, M•rt:h 19, 1972 , \'our Health ·Good Deed People Laxatives DAILY 'ILOT S11tf ''"'' CUSTOD IAN TAKES TIME TO TEACH Becky M1rk1,,Don Wigner, Mike Faber Claildre ta Learn to Ride Most children graduate to two-wheel bicycles around the first or second grade. By the fourth or fifth grade, they proud.Jy ride with no hands on the bar, moving S\1.'iftly in packs aJon g neighborhood streets. But not the 66 children at Lark View School , a center for the trainabl e mentally retarded. During recess periods stu- dents passively stand, sit and even lie around the play- ground. The TMR children require tremendous individual atten· tion. There just aren't enough instructors to go arou nd. Don Wagner, a district custodian, arrived at the school Jast September. Watching 14·ycar·old children ride around on tiny tricycles was just too much for him. The man, in an attempt to fill the breach, began teaching the older students how to ride bicycles. No one ever told him that custodi ans ,weren't hired to teach. "I just saw what needed to be done and tried to help do it," he said. · · "The biggest problem these kids have to overcome is their lack o( self·confidence," \Vagner exp lains. "They've failed so many times that they're used to failure." Wagner worked individually for v.1eeks and even months \\•ith the children, patiently holding their two-wheel b~kes up· right They gradually overcame fear through their trust in Wagner. "l-le spent so much t ime working with kids that he had to stay after hours to get his custodial chores all done," recalls prihcipal Chai:Jes Arnold. \Vagner didn't li mit hi.!! work lo bicycles. He taught chil· dr en to bo unce bal ls and to roller skate. And _g radually, he brought the <hildren out ol themselves with the joy or su cces~. You Can Help ' ' Can Harm Appendix Many Pl'Qple have the mis takt:n idea th11t appendicilis ls a th ing of the psst, th11n ks to antlhiotic!J -but the truth I~ !hat it is still a C{)mmon problem, and one that 1nost doctors agree can on ly be treated surgieally. Antibiotics help the patient recover from su rgery with few com plicatlon.~ but, used alo ne, they can rarrly be counted on for permane nt relief from a dis eased appendi x. The appendiir:, a worm·like attachment extending from the large bowel, seems lo ser\'e no useful purpose in the anatomy of human bfings, and most people are not aware of thi s organ unless it becomes in· fla1ned. Since waste matter from the bowel flows past it , it can readily become infected. Normally, it s own mucous secrelio11s keep it clean, but if its opening become! plugged, its normal method of drainage does nol function. An astonishing array of objects pa ssing through the intestina l ~racl ~an plug the appendix's open ing - including pebbles. seeds, toothpicks, small bone s, and clumps of hair. More often, however, the appendix becomes blocked by its own twisting or by small, hard bits of fecal matter, VESSELS SHUT OFF When this happens, the blood vessels in the appendix are shut off, and eventually pus begi ns to form. The tiny appendix 5wells up. Soon the patient experiences the charcteristic pa ins of appendictis. He may have a slight fever, nausea, con- 5tipation, and abdominal cramps. The pain does not always begin on the lower ri,11ht side of the abdomen, where the ap- pendix is located. Jt may start on the left side. or high in the center of the eb- domlnal ar:ea. and then.move to the lower ' right. The swollen appendix, now filled with pus. ma y finally block off its supply of ' blood and its nerve supply. When thi.!1 happens , the patient may get some relie f Crom pain, but with its blood supply cut off. the wall of the appendix gets weak and sometimes ruptures. The pus which breaks through may infect vital organs in the abdorninal cavity. This is the catastrophe w h i ch doctors call a perforated appendix. Appendicitis and its complications, !luch as peritonitis, are more likely to be problems with children or with elderly persons, than __ willL ~youngcr-adults. Children have so many abdominal symptom s. that it Is not always easy to tell the difference between an inflamed appendix and a more minor discomfort. In addition, many children are given The Vol unteer Bu reau of Sou th Orange Cou nty has a l~xatives frequently. which may push an wide variety of positions waiting to be filled. jnnamed appendix to the bursting point. -~ --~· DRIVERS NEEDED: TO UC IRVINE -Three blind slu-OFTEN IRRITATE dents urge ntly need rides from thei r homes in Orange and Elderly persons, too1 are prone to take East Santa Ana to the Irvine campus on Saturday mornings. laxatives routinely, and often irritate a They will attend a special ten·\Veek course on computer pro-sensitive appendix in this manner. Jn ad- gramming from 9 a.m. to noo n. A family or club coul d share dition, many elderly persons have so the driving responsibility. The UCI library is near their class· many aches and pains to which they have room, and the morning could be spent there. Call Pauline become accustomed that they may not Buzan at 833-5527. recognize the warning signal of ap- pendicilis until the condition has become WE LL-BABY CLINIC ASSI STANTS: SOUTH COUNTY lar advan ced. AREA -Medical teams need help ln weighing, measuring, Although not every pain in the ab-- record·keeping and receptionist duties. Spanish-speaking domen means appendicitis . any such pain volunteers ~·ould especially be appreciated. Contact Janet that comes on suddenly and that is ac-- Chri1tl11t 5tl'"'' Mlnlttr 'httt CAN'T SPOT A RAW D ~AL BY THE LABE L Many HouMwi·ves Want Mor.-Info rmation on Packaget Food Labels Improving, But Shoppe.rs Not Happ y Cable TV May Lose Big Cities By PETER C. STUA RT Chris tian Science Monitor Service W,(SFflNGTON -Would you pa y $! '4 $1 a month for as many as 4-0 television channels -\Vired to your home in perfect focus from dist.ant cities and local school• board meetings? Roughly ha lf of all Americans are et· pected by 1980 to receive their television in this manner -cable television under federal regulations schedul ed to take effect March 31. Hut this vast new audience probably won't incl ude mi llions of Americans who live in the most populated cities or the least populated hinterlands, or who simp- ly caMot afford the monthly fee . These exclusions leave c a b I e television's impending big.time premiere btclouded in controversy. COMPR OMISE The storm was brewed -perhaps unavoidably -by a Federal COm• munications •Commission comprorriiR, six years in the makinit. among three feuding giants: the traditional airwave telecasters (and their \\'hile House allies), the cable telecaslcrs. and the owners of coyprighted programs and films coveted by bolh of the other groups. The FCC's cautious solution is to let cable television leap from rural and small-to .... ·n America (like the hills of Oregon and Pennsylvania where it was born in 1949 Md 19:;(1) into the nation's cities -but not all the cities. "Cable will ha ve no easy time of it ln the very large sl of the top markets wher e there is already a great deal of television service," conceded FCC Cha irman Dean Burch, the conservative Go 1 d w a t er Republican who med iated the com· promise. FCC Commissioner Nicholas Jotmson, the fl am boyantly -liberal dissenter, 1>Utl "it more bluntly:. "At least 40 percent of the Amer-lean people, those who live in the largest cities, will now not get cable." MOVIES, RERUNS In the 50 top television markets (rang. Ing in size from New York City to Li ttle Rock, Ark.) Airwave telecasters can buy exclusi ve right s indefinitely to programing such as movies and network reruns -leaving cable telecasters By ROBERT P. HEY Cll ristian Scienct Mon it8'1Service The \Vashington &uburban housewife precious Hille to offer. made her purchases in three different In the second 50 markets (ranging from San Diego to Columbia , S.C., 11 com· WASHINGTON -A hou~e.y1ife ln an af-aupermarkeL!. (When she complained munitr of l~,OOO_television homes) such nuent Washington suburb needs help. Jn about the not-so-fresh chicken, the meat restriction is limited to one or t.,.,·0 years. manager, she says, shrugged and said she Smaller markets conta in none at all. the space of a month, she says, she FCC Chairman Burch optlmi·sii·cally bo ht must have· taken too long lo get it home. ug : predicts that the new rules will offer • •·Fresh" chicken that proved to be She lives only th~ee miles from the store, "some chan ce for cable growth'' in the rotten although she cooked it right away. and she drove right home ). major markets. • A three-pound package of frozen, Congressional Consumer leaders hope At last reckoning, cab!e systems (so sl~-beefrwhich-she-banked··On*fM-·two--tllai--80fl1etime,-Utis--spriflg-the--Senttte--n~~bealuse-theY-r-ece1ve ·lelecasts on nfeals for her family of three . But most Commerce Committee gympathetic to s~s1tJve . an tenn_as, then send them to I ·1 d ·t I 1 d · I ' \'1ewers 1n coaxial cables) rea ched 34 5 o 1 was gravy, an 1 .11s e one mea consumer bills wi!l hold hearings on food t f 1 I · · h · · 1 only . • · percen o e ev1s1on omes in 1mal · . labeling measures. towns. 2.3.3 percent in rural areas, and .1 • A c~,n.ned ham which, w~en cooked, The House subcommittee -which has scant 1.6 percent in major metropolitan. smelled hke unwashed feet . areas. Wriling to her congressman, she sa'id jurisdiction over some consumer.labeling The Potent ial gro.,.,·t h in these largest the federal government should make sure bills-is extraordinarily busy this yea r; it urban areas is stunted. as the FCC frank- shoppers could tell at a glance how fresh has completed hearing! on four major ly states in its guidelines, "to ensure the food is, and what's actually in packages. and complicated bills, and has yet to edit continued healt h of the television pro- Such shopper pressure has innuenced or rewrite them before sending them to graming industry"-thal is, the over-the. the supermarket place: the full House. It is doubtful whether this air telecasts and program suppliers. Seven ty.seven supermarket cha ins now subcommittee on commerce and fi nance, CONCE RN EXPR ESSED I ' de m Fr Br' dai est Inc Ge m pe an V8 po tin thi Tr do s OV de be rel Jn pr Me -~-Su dis fa pro Ac yo pos rel sig Fin spr Ilia pu s_.i_e_b_a_a_l_6_4_2_-0_9_6_3_. -----------------I--"'' mp,auieQ._by, nausea_. vomiting. con· CERTIFI ED LIFEGUARD: SANTA ANA _ For one hour slipalion, and Jcvcr justifies your calling use "un it pricing" (showing the actual chaired by leading House consumer-ad· "The largest broadcast stat ions and prk.e-per-poulld-or---OUnces.-al low~ng-bet.. •_ocale.ltep._JGhn..E.-MGSS ( O..Calif om ia ) r!presenrntives of'1tl~ copyriglil:.:;eown~eo;r:;s ____ ..__. ---rl ter comparison shopping; 60 chains show will have time this year to consider the ha.ve again sucueded J9~pre\'entin:g lhe ·-each Friday, 'the ~Santa Ana· Y~fCA )leeds pool sUjJervisitfn ·-for · · vot'ir doctor: ·Ufitil he decides what· is a group of mental patients fro1n Orange County Medical Cen· Wron g and what ought to be done, do not ter. Call Nancy Jlarris at 547-7559. take a laxative or an enema. The surgery "''hich corrects ap-STAFF SERVICE: J{UNTINGTON BF.ACi-1 -Workers are 11rndicit is is a procedure with relatively needed to take requests fron1 e1nploye "1d type records of little ris k. The patient is usually in the young people seeking e1nploymcnt. Call ·Co.ch ::it 897-7755. hospil<il less than a week, and can count PER SONAL CO N o · on being back. lo his normal routine in U SEL RS: FOUN'l'1\IN \'ALLEY -1'he three \veeks. Once the useless appendix is Alternate Routes program seeks more people to act on a one-out, there is no danger of recurrence. to·one basis as brother or sister o( young people under 18 C•lll6r"I• Mt<llc•I ,,11ac1111,11 years . .:J'hey \v iii help with person!l problems, tutoring or in· formal fr iendly counseling. Call Mary Jane Christiansen at 557-1000. STUDENT TUTORS: FOUNTAIN VALLEY -Second through eighth-grade students need help with math and F.ng- lish hom e\vork assign1nents at the Colonial Juarez Center at 10251 ('alle lndependencia. Volunteers a.re needed for 3:30 to 5 p.n1. ·ruesd11 ys and 'l'hursdays and from 9 to 11 a.m. Satur· days. They \\'il l receive orientation. OJ eo1nargarine Bill SACRAMENTO (API -Reslaurant.s servi ng oleomargarine -instead of but· ter - wouldn't have to post A sign Baying so under a bill proposed by S:-.,, Anthony Bei'.ensn n, (D-Beverly Hills I. lt v.·ould also wipe out ft law that re staurants can serve marsarine only U a customer requests It specifically. the da(e of pacMagi1lg in pl!in' figures la'beling bllls. -· dvelopblen( of cable in most of the largest r11ther than in a code; and six chains are Time almost surely would run out on ma rkets." charges FCC Commissioner testin g new labels which list the amount this campaign.truncated congressional Robert T. Bartley .,.,·ho nonetheless con- of each nutrient on the package label. year before the full Senate an'd House curred in the 4-to-2 decision . llcspite these figures -just given by could take up committee-passed labe ling Ano!her apparent motive is a surpris. consumer authorily Jan1es M. Turner, bill s. Ing preoccupation "'ilh sm;iller televis ion and taken fron1 the America n Association The newest bill, and one of the most mark~ts .. Both other concurring FCC of Food Chains to the annu~!I assembly of comprehensive, to be offered in Congress comdm'~,~ioners chose n_e11 rly identical the Consum•r F'ederation of America -t b s wor s o express "particular concern" ... \Vas introduced in ate January Y ens. and "apprehension " over the nonmetro-con~urner advOcates say much more Frank E. Moss (0-Ulah) and Vance politan ar eas where Cllble television al· needs to be done. Hartke (0-lndiana ). It wou!d require : rea dv is entrrnched. Several new bills now are in Congress Mandatory qual ity grading of food pro-<.:able television m11y bypass the most to force labels to show freshness. actual ducts ; disclosure of all ingredients on rural parts of the country. however, as contents, nutrition, and cost by weight or packages (many kinds of foods need not well as the most urban. "In sparsely set· vol um e. disclose ingredients under present law ); tied areas ." observes dissenting FCC Pa.ss11ge ol any major labeling bills this nutritional labeling of food products ; Commissioner Robert E. Lee, "we have d btf I h Open d.tl·ng ol perishable a nd no reason lo believe that nonsubsidized year appears ou u, owever. bl ·11 d 1 .semiperl,.hable foods : identity of food ca e WI ever eve op." Congressmen working in this field say • Jntervent1'on by r-ngr '' th t manufacturer on product label. · """ e or e cour 9 they're still flooded with ma il from shop-could overturn the new t ,. bot d Last f.u Sen' RI.chard S. Schwe1'ker ID-regu a ions. pers supporting labeling changes, an <'In FCC attorney expects ntither. Thtt compla ining of the raw deal they say Pennsylvania) introduced a bill to re-Commission does expect revision re-- they get, at least occasionally, in food quire that all food products be labeled fo r queats from affected groups, whic h at stores. their nutritional value. moat could delay the effective date, NUTRITION AI DES: MF.D ICAL CENTER -Training for volunteer nutriti on aides \vill bCgin at Orange County Medical Center. Volunteers ""'ill learn the basics of good nutrition, how to slret ~h food doll11r \\'hi!e maintaining n uurishin~ meal!!. Graduates '''Ill ~hare knolvlcdge ~·ith low·income families who are patients at the center. ('1111 530·2370 . Help for You Disposal Turns Garbage to Energy JOBS FOR YOUTH : COSTA MESA, HUNTINGTON BEA~H, M.ISS IO N Vll·:JO -The lhree Youth Employment Se.rv1ce o~f1ces s_cek JO!J~ for tee n·agers and match applicants ~1 1th ava1Jable Jobs. l ost a ~lf'sa. call 642-0474; Hunlington Bea<h, call 897-77 55; Mission Viejo, call 830-2830. YOUTH PROBLEMS: COSTA MESA -Heallh, legal, draft and JOb pro~l em s are 'hand led by the Youth Problem Center al 132 E. F,1ghteenth Si. The walk-in center has pro· Cessl.onal volunteers: l~w.yers, doctors. nurses, psycholog1sU, special V.1orkers, and m1n1st.eri;, ran 642·0377. YOUTH SERVICES: TUSTI N -A walk-in oenler which also handle• health, legal and draft counseling, as well as job plaoemenl couns~ling. Cali 838-6350 or visit the Tustin Rap Center 285 E. Main SL COFFEE HOUSE, COUN$E.LJ!iG !jAe EL: t:OSTA -- SA -:-The Hope Place CO r!t e House and Youth Chapel or- fers a listener for anyone who calls al 542·HOPE or vi~i ts at 19~2 Pomona Ave. A continuous drug prevention and rehabill- !IUon program and worship services is also Immediately avtllable. I l By RUDI NIEDZ IELSKI •Oi tlll OAILY Pll..Or Sti ll A po\lution·frce disposal system that con verts garbage into entrgy and saleable materials is now being pe rfected in a Santa Ana research 1:'-:~~!ory. Called the Pyrotck \Vas te Disposal Sys tem, it employs destructi ve distilla· lion to turn solid wastes Into rue! ,Rases, olls, chemicals, metals and charcoal. Jr>hn Davis, president of CQnsolldated Med1cal Industr ies, said the system, marketed undtr its Re.source Scien ces, Inc. 11rm, would cost .11bout $: .~ million to bui ld. After that, ho"•ever, it would become .st!Jjjnl!JlCil)g .!ilr>ce j ts pJ:..Qd_!!cts "'-'Q U!d b~ M>ld to Industry. "It could po!lsibly even b~me a monry·making situation," he said. f igures released by Resource Science~ Ahow that there i.!I a potenti1I profit of 15.05 from tach ton of processed g1rba1e. Scime cities, 1uch 1s New York, now pay I . Neiv Syste m May Become Profit.a b'le three times as much Just to dispose of the ir "''as tes. Unlike other ·disposal methods, the Pyrotek. system has the capability of processing plastics, sewage sludge, glass and metals, actording to Davis. Al though the Pyrotek ls still in the model stage, he envisions the $1.5 million ph1nt as capable of prnce.sslng 240 tons of girbage in a 24-hour period -enough to "erve a city with a population of 100,000 . Only fi ve to se ven persons would be re- quired for it.!I operMtion. The .processing plant Idea has already .Jl\r~c;tl}d wldcsp'l'C!lld Interest throughout the United Stalts .. ACC()rdlng to Davis. In Rl\'ers lde, both clty and co u n t y l l"""'ritles art now stud )•in l'f ·· ':asibill· ty tf optrating 11 Pyrottk plant. No fewer than 12 subsystt ms are in· cluned In lhe Pyrotek proce11 which essentlaJly "bums" the 11rbaige tn an enclosed chamber, but with the absence of oxygen . Incoming wa stes are placed on 1 con· veyor bt!lt and then taken to the "selec- ti ve rejection and aprtading gyttem," 'a meclianlcal device that breaks apart compacted refuse and 1cretns out large. bulky objecl.1 11uch as refrl1erator1 and auto motive engine blockr. Another conveyor belt elevates the waste to a selection ind 111lv1:e platform where il is 1pr1yed with 1teriliution and odtlr·suppre1sing chemlct1 1-. n"""-!"!~. \Vorker.!I stationed along the pl atform would then pick out materilll.!1 sult1!lle for .. direct recycllnil!'. lron·rlch f e r r n u 1 m1teril1ls or large proportions would be picked up by 11 111r,11e magnetlr p111'~v. Any refuse clearlng those ttallnn.!I (i nclud ing bottle1 and Un cans 1 are then moved to a crusher and shredder where they are p11lverized and dumped lnlD 1 1urge llnlc l)'llem. from there, said Da vis. the w~ste.s ere fed Jnto 1 continuous pyrollsis ''roasting 1ystem where all volatile vapora are driven oft, leaving nothing but a charry residue, metals and glass. The char can be separated from the glass and metals and then purified a.nd 9(1\tl 11 I filtering medium, Mixed with 11 light 11tarch binder, it can al&o be bri· queued into a fuel with energy value.s c-omparable to COJI. Gase11 driven off the garb a I e me&nwhile i re collected by 1 eonde.nse; 1nd chemlcally "acrubbed" to rid them of 0111. chenticals and carbcn dioxide. About 21 percent of this clean 11a 11 recycled to riower the 1y1tem and the other 75 percent seld. ... Heavy and ligi':t Cills, ammonia. carbon dioxide and other chemical11 r·-·bbed out also are separated and collected for saJ1 tCI other industri~. An 11.ir cl.lissifyer system separatts the remaining met1ls tnd. the &lats lot rurther rte)ltlln1. said DiVI!. Do ap yo mu ty. pr lgi yo ma "'T du SU ac fig hu So au! fus de Sa Ion •n pe I lor • no ha I lo he lip JI int he thi (b bi ju. a w ' I J Sundiy, March 14~ }q7z Dlll V PILOT , C J ' • Counselors Tahe Cr~dit ffJr Solvency 8)• JACK BROBACK 01 ffl1 O•Ur ,lltt Sl11f An Orange Coa~t fireman owed 23 fir m!! $18,338. Ills banker tried to help him but ga ve up and sent him IQ Consumers Cred it Coumelors (CCCI of Orange CountY in Santa Ana . The Cireman had obligate.4 himself lo pay $912 a month. much more than his salary. At the consumer credit advisory agency he y,·as shown how to pull himself out or the hole. "Jim was determined that he wouldn 't give up, go into bankruptcy," explained Carl F. Lindqui st, executi ve dire.c· tor of CCQ. "He got an even· ing job-moonlighted. if you will -his wife went back to work and they managed to live on his moonlighting pay and Your Horoscope her earnings. The debts were spread over a longer period .11nd paid off with his $600 a month city pay checks." Lindquist said the man le'am- ed .11 valuable lesson about credit. ConSumers Credit COUn"3tlors-1$ fust what Its name implie.s-a counseling service. It is neither a charitable organization nor a lending institution. Lindquist says the six-year· old 11gency recognizes that fre-- quently, through o v e r · c o n.. fidence, low resistance to pressure selling or through a change in circumslances some families become overloaded with monthly payments. "This results, usually, jn worry. jeopardy to job and reputation, sometimes even the distruption .of the family as a unlt," he continued. No charge is made ror thr: counseling, which includes set• ting up sell-budget plans. If CCC disburses monies for a client , a nominal monthly service charge may be made. fl.1r L "B'' was an Interesting case. He didn't believe that he could pay ofr his accumulated debls . CCC set up a plan for him. lte owed $4 ,000. Jived in Costa Mesa and worked for a Santa Ana industrial firm. In a few months, relatively. "B" was in the clear. The da y he paid his last debt he brought bottles of champagne .and cups to the agency lo celebrate. "\Ve had our first surprise part y at CCC;" laughed Lind- quist. The counseling service has no funds for paying other people's bills. II adhues to the belief. ''like·rpd§t AmericaM." says the dirJc1or. "that folks should stand on their own (eel, and should buy on credlL when they have thr .11bi11ty to pay without undue burden." CCC'1 policies are determtn - fid by a board of director" v.·ho.w m e m b e r s represent both broad communily in· tertsts and diversified busloeM a n d proressional backgrounds. Anlong the officers • and directors are Arthur Summers of the El Toro f'ederal Credit Un1on. president : Ron Ste:nge, 1'1anufacturers Life Insurance Co., vice president. and John 'J\trner, Family Se r vice Association of Orange County, secretary treasurer. Directo rs inc lude Assemblyman John V. Brigg:i Leo: Sonie Wishes Lobbyists Push Aid Due for 11evision For Arts MONDAY MARCH 20 By SYDNEY OMARR Astrologer Madame Soleil is described by many as the most famous woman in France. ranking ahead of Brigitt.e Bardot. She conducts a daily radio program with an estimated 5 million listeners. Including 1'"'rench President Georges Pompidou . When 1 make radio and television ap- pearances in the United States and Canada. the ratings in- variably reach a peak. The popularity of astrology con· I inues lo surge -and t feel this is all to the good. Rules for Head Hm1ters to Love By By COUNT MARCO To be a good woman today and still get a hu~band is ex· peeling a lot of you . It is •1J.: too much , how ? ... cr, for a won1an tr expect tu find a good man A good man is not hard to rind -he is ju!>t hard to get. BEAUTY and the BEAST keep you actively Interested in cleaner. drop a ring down the his mind. From mind to drain, develop a leaking faucet chemistry is but one short -anything which may show jump. you're in distress. 1 legitimate Try wRlking. ~1en love ex· excuse to call him. ercise. Besides. it gives you Whatever you do, don't try wonderful opportunities to so hard. You don 't catch a fish hold his arm or his hand. by jumping into the w.11ter. Never call the man at his You throw out your line with k ,_ d h t h pll!ce to ask him how he Is. tanta!Wng bait and then wait t R·f'ullerton1; Wi1Ua1n Erickson, assistant director . Orange County Department of Social Welfare; Rtp. Rlchard T. Hann 1. (0.Anaheim); Peter Remmel, exec u t 1 v e secretary, Central L a. b or Council, AFL-CIO; and -Walter \Vlllia·ms. director of lhe liospital Financial ~1anage· ment Association. CCC get!: itS support from consumer finance c:ompinies. banks. merchants who sell on credit. and other C<lmmunity· minded firms and individuals. Lindquist explained. Ho\Y dOfs it work~ ''A client C<lmes to our of flee ( 1616 E. 4th St., Chamber of Commerce building. Santa AM I usually nn the advice of a creditor. the Legal Aid Society, any of several social service agencies. an employer, Tf you are one of those un· fortunates without a man, here are some head-hunting type or wor in: ots. w 8 e where he's been, what he's for him to snap. Those are the likes to eat and what sports do' Th l' rul•• of "· •amt. f I h 'od I I 1ng. a sa~no. ....., u""., (be care u l e. 1 u ges n. cut the cord of your vacuum Hope you land Ont. If you have opinions on.--------'======:::'::::':=======·! Add charm to your home with these money saving values. tip~ for you . The first rule Is don't panic. lf he reacts with passionate Interest when you've just met. he may be after (Inf! or three things : your money, your hodv, ym1r apartment 1beCause his wife ha!! kicked him out). anything (as if you wouldn't), don't be forceful a n d ar~umentative. Once he sees you respect him for his brilliant mind and will give him a chance to • stretch it, he'll pursue just lo NURSERY OPENS 10 A.ti.-SUNDAY Once you meet a man you just might be interested In f<1r 1 llfetime, grill · him, not with malice but with genµlne In-HUNTINOfOH •-est. , CIHTll Kl J1'1 t•l11t• Wh&t schools he werft. to, "':!.~ what he likes tn re.ad, what IL:;!:;::;;;;;:~.:::,_ SIZE SHEETS FLAT STOCK ur HOWi ... $4!!~.~~ WAMSUTIA PITI"IO• M1tcfll11t BURLINGTON IJ,17 ,r, • .,.111 ... ,10.w C•tts Bed I!! Bath 11!shlo'!,,§~ .. qps 1"'1 MAIN IT .. It S ... 111" Ctftllr -MUllTlllGT"Of'il llACM •t11111A-rtc111 Matier Cll•rtt CHOICE Of CUSTOM FABRICS LABOR INCLUDED Mio. l•no1h !<" l•I ovr •~p•rt• cr•ol• new id eo1 for yov or carry avl your own. Fr•• n limate1. A llG NAMI SH~CI 1tJI LIVINGSTON'S CARPETS • CUSTOM DRAPERI ES 1438 S. MAIN at Edinger, SANTA ANA Da ily f·l ~JO, F1i. 'r.I t 147,Jtt) or a friend." the director sald. "He ls eivcn the nece'ssary form to detail his financial situation and Is advised on how to complete it. After the form is completed, usually al home, an appointment is inade ror a down ·to·earth- dlscus.5icn . '' Lindquist added. "Creditors are notified and r~uested lo susptnd col· lection 11ctivity for one week," he said . A stlf-budgtt plan . ~ hl..:h ;ii. lows the person lo meet his obllgatlons and li ve at a rate he can afford . is then dra'>''n up. \\'hen both the clieut and creditors have. agretd on the plan. monthly payments t1re handled through the CCC of· flee . 1r desired , the client's eniployt r 1~ reque::ited to at'- ctpt a \'Oluntary ass ignmenl -of "'age~ for U1e total monthly payments. 'fh1s avoids flOll!ii· ble garni~hmerit of wagts or other r-01let:tio11 acti vit y. Lindqui!il cont lud .. Cs happil y. ''As tht! months pa ~si>y, prtib- !ems are eliminated Anrt solvenc~ rest'ort<l tu tbt deb- lor. •I r I:' rrn:oura,1:ecl lo lake (!Ver his o~·n financ.'1.11.I 11ffairs, n1ake h1.!'i O\\'O pl\y1nenls on future purrha~eti \1'1th ad v1ec rron1 l't'l · only 11·hr n re- quested ." In SI>; :;horl .vcarS. CCC ha~ dilibur~erl S! 2 1n1 llion Ill creditor:-i fron1 1.700 h1nulies \\1hich 011'l'd $7 9 million. an average of rnorc thnn $.~.000 J)f'r fa1nil y "·hlch avcra~ed l l debts eac·h. It Still Mru·cl1? • By t:R~1 A 80:\tBECK AT WIT 'S END ''I am celebrating." "Celebrating what?'' " "I just discovered a pharmacy that de.livers." "That is Important with the kids being siC'k," "IMPORTANT! You kno~ what a big day ls tor me:?ll't having a utility man read your . meter. 11'!1 !earning your ~son Sesame Street. It's seeing the Welcome Wagon lady with a case of hiccups. It's finding a green stamp in your sweeper : b ll' .. • ' .. J.I&. .... s .. <..,'..,.1.--.----·---{-· -·- He stuffed a large piece of ' cake into my mouth. ; "Thanks," I said, dabbing 1t the crumbs with 1 napkin, "1 f needed that~" • Student Makes Honor Roll • • . • • I. DAILY PllDT Suodiy, Mio<~ lq, 1'72 . . • I_ ~--==P:-"--er--'---sonal TOuch Most Appealing • .. '• ' • . -... 'Elimination of birth defects is • No Envelope•passing for Her She doean't play golf, teMis or bridge. .. Gwenda Wat.son 1pend! her time work· Ill( with people. Communication 1J her thing. Communicating about birth defect! and the March Ol Dimes, emo1Ton"illy-and - physically handicapped children aod the Mardan School of Educational Therapy, mental illneH and the Child Guidance Center of Orange County. "Public education and information is terribly important," begins red-haired Gwenda, state volunteer advisor of the March of Dimes. It's a volunteer job which takes her on thousands of miles of speaking Lours each year and far away from her spacious Eastbluff home and her husband, Dr. Norman E. Watsori, chancellor of the Coast Community College District. EDUCATE "The difference between a successful, valuable program and an un.succei;sful one is taking the time to educate the peo- ple," she continues. She cited the existence of rubella vac- cine and RH serum as examples of poor public education. "They are here to help people and yet people don't take ad· vantage of them. Babies are being born daily with defects that could have been prevented." The public has gotten lax now that the Salk vaccine ha_s eradicated the threat nf polio epidemics. Some think the ?i.farch nf Dimes is out or business. Not so. The organization is working as hard as ever to stamp out birlh defects. And it's people like vivacious Gwenda Watson who are spreading the word . TRAVE LS She travels up and down the state mak- ing appearances at chapter meetings and area organizations like youth and women's clubs (Girl Scouts, AAU\V, DAR, etc.). "It's the same old thing of com- munication." :she explains. "Telling peo· pie about the program and its goals so that they will be better informed when they go out asking for donations." Gwenda, a spry Scottish lass V.'ho came lo California at 16, breathes sheer en- thusiasm as !!he says, "I love going door· to-door. "'Some people just \Yant to pass the envelope but there is no communication when the envelope is passed around. "There's nothing better than person-t.o- person contact." The mother of three bright, successful children herseU, Gwenda is empathetic · to all mothers. "We-have to -find-out why babies are being born with defects. Research seems to move so terribly slO\V• Jy at first. "\Vhen your kids grow up, they are • ' \ .. '• 1 ' .. ' ·1 If•, ' ' • • • •' t ;• ' • . - Gwenda Watson's volunteer spirit has led from San Juan Capistrano to statewide office to county campaigns for handicapped and hard -to-educate children: going to ask '\Vhat"was polio"!' ~ "For me, the elimination of birth recalling the. uphill struggle. "i\1entally mysteriously, pouring another cup or tea, 1 defects is a matter of getting the word 111, emotionally disturbed children can "If my father '""'ere her .. !.--.~~-~~·-······-··-·-·-·-· ...!+.----.;;.:_ _ _;;,:.~-----~··~a rn-atte·r-·-··~·--·~"aTOuntt-..;.:"over·-al'fd~ovt?r·a·galit .. ~. · -~an WolilCfbe herpecr:rr----·-·----~Yo"urtea 1epWes:;;· s'he" 1iit jects. l\1ardan School, another of Gwenda's Her experience in organizing groups Gwenda ~~!t-a.._bus ife is more of Interests, does what it can to help began earlier, in the late 40s when the an asset to a husbana.' An aChve person. children cope with inherited or acquired. \Vatsons were making their home in San ts a much more interesting one. I am so physical and emotional handicaps which Juan Capistrano. Gwenda helped form a much more interesting to Norman than I prevent therri from learning. junior woman's club for the area and would be if I sa t around looking at four "They are doing a• fabulous job with went on to become state president of the walls all day." those youngsters. lt's a gifted staff." California Federation of Women's Clubs, When it CQmes to volunteering your ORGANIZE Junior Membership. • time, Gwenda believes one has to be of getting the word Gwenda organized a woman's support "I was active in the regular mother sensible and have a good, healthy at· group. Las Almas de f\.fardan, to raise stuff -PTA, Scouts." . titude. "You ha\'e to draw a limit and not scholarship funds for the students. Back Her other interests include the Har&.-sp read you rself loo thin or you can't do a in 1961, Gwenda was instrumental in Area Coordinating Council and Harbor good job. around - over and I a • ~ 0 t h c t p s • pl ta w organizing the Child Guidance Center. Key. the first support group for the Child ''There are plenty of people who can '-------------Jn-her-slighl-8cothsh--acetnt-rliwm:ta-6uidance-€enter. memberwhen-lilave-~ld Nti":'''"G'-w~n-------<o-- nver took the podiums-during-Orange--, da attributes-some of her achievements . ' o ve r again. ----~ _ ..... _ .. ··-· ' • ' ' I .. :· I ...... ·. .. . ~ . . . " - I • Coast club meetings, asking for support BUSY LIFE . to the fact that she approaches all her and organizing-auxiliaries for the new Telephones to ansv.·cr and me~lings to volunteer activities as if she is working. children's counseling center. She served make. "We do lead a very busy life so we "I go at it like it is a full·time job.'' on the board for two years. treasure all our free time. The rest of her success she attribute! "People had to learn that mental ill· "Jn fact , tonight Norman and I have a lo her husband. "~lusbands deserve all ness is not to be sneered at." said Gwen-heavy date. \Ve're going to the movies for kinds of credit. You know, he has given a da, her voice full of determination, the first time in a year," she smiles lot when he's given all my time." 'Best Things' Not Free DEAR ANN LANDERS : Yesterday about 5:54 p.m. I was coming out of my office building and a young fellow, about 20 or so -long hair, Indian headband, shabby mod get·Up -approach'ed me. 1-fe had a pleasant smile and seemed v.·ell spoken. lte said. "Do you have any loose change you can spare -I havca't eaten today." t gave him 75 cents. Re seemed very grateful and said. "Gee, thanks friend . You've done a good thing." 1 watched him as he walked down the street. He slopped at the corner to talk to a buddy who seemed to be waiting. I had mixed emotions about what I had done. \Vas it, as he said, "a good thing ?"' l'm not so sure. l grew up during the depression but I can't imagine myself go- ing up to a stranger and asking for a handout. Yet, if the kid wa s really hungry -well, l just don't know. How do you feel about it! What would you have done in my place? Thanks in advance , for your answer; -00\V?\'TOWN BOS- TON DEAR. DO"'NTOWN: 1 1''0Uld bave taken II.Im te tbe DtlttSt eatln1 place, let hi m order and landtcl the money to the cashier. Wben yoa &fve a panhandler a bandoot )'OU 1bow btm bow easy It 111 to get monty wftbout earnhac it. Furthermore. )'OU dlscoura'.ge lillm from working. A ·great ma•1 kids wbo are oa the bum are also 01 drags. I'm not about to help sopport tomebody'1 habJt. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Your column "No Guest Room" brought hack some ~ . v '4•.t411Uu ~ .. bitter memories. When I was growing up \fe had a llCH;_k of relatives who came to visit from out of town. l\·Jother thought my bedroom was the nicest in lhe house so I got moved out for everyone who came. How I haled it! hCompany'' to me was a dirty word. And it still is. I made up my mind that when I had a home of my own I would never have sleep-over guests. We1ve been married 18 years next month and I've kept my vow. \Ve have no . guest room and our Jiving room has two Jove seats instead of a sofa. (In e\'ery family there is someone who says. "Oh don't worry about me, I can 1letp on the couch.") Perhaps 1 sound anti-social but my at- titude is the re!ult o( having been kicked out of my own room so often when I was a child. I also might tell you that it· created feeli ngs of hostility against some of my relatives. So you see, Ann, there are two sides lo every question. Print my side, will you? P.S. \Yhen I visit ~latlves ~1 stay in a hotel or a motet . -FAMILIARITY BREEDS CONTEMPT DEAR f A~l: Here.'1 your Mde but pubap! yo11 should consider 1 cot for a ;ueat 11 u emergeocy. Thanks for writi•&· ' , ... I DEAR ANN LANDERS : l just learned something. fron:i my JO-year-old child. Please print this for other parents who are as blind !and deaf) as I was. I ?verheard our son Tommy talking to a rri~n<! on the phone. He was repeating an 1nc1dent and exaggerating wildly When he finished I asked why he had changed th~ story so drastically that he ended up lying. Tommy replied, "l wasn 't lying. I just wanted to make it more In- teresting. like you do when you talk to your friends.·· I began to take stock of myself and t wound uf> ashamed. He had learned to ex- aggerate from me. 1 didc't realize it uritll he pointed il out.. I thanked him and vo\¥- ed to listen lo myselr more carefully, - MEMPlllS MOTHER DEAR l\IOTUER: CbHdren learn by example -and what better proo£ do you nttd &hu Ibis lnclde.nt? It's a lesson aU parents need lo learn and rtle.arn. Thanks lor sharing. Discover how to be date bait "'lthout falling hook, line and sinker. Ann Landers• bookJet. ''Dating Dos and Don '!S-'' )"ill help you be more poised and sure of yourself on dates. Send 3S cents in coin along with a long. stampe_d, ielf·id· dr~ envelope and you r request to the DAILY PILOT. • ' • F • d • Sund1y, M1rc~ 19, 1972 DAILY l'lLOT CS:, No Switchbacks Baja Roads Get 'Facelift' Job Skiing Challenges Novice By STAN DELAPLANE LA PAZ, BAJA CALIFORNIA -I ran into a man down here who tells me that terrible r9ad down the Baja peninst~a has be'lJI. straightened out, by- passing a series of mountainous switCh backs . ..MU..CJi -easier to drive-:-But sriuneeds four·WheeT drive car. Said paving going on rapidly. The road _; En· sen ada in the north to La Paz in the south -should be ready by the end of 1973. Estimated driving time then : Three days from the California border to La Paz. Three hours more \vill get you to the tip of Cabo San Lu cas. Four luxury hotels. The world's finest \Vinter \Vcathcr. Plus best big game fishing. * Jn a half day (two rods) our boat brought in t wo 40-pound dorados (mahimahi ). One 20-pound yellow· tail. A seven-fool sailli?h that \\'ent 112 pounds! \Veather no'v runs 75 to 80 daytime, and you sleep under one blanket. * It's seasonal. None of the cape hotels have air· conditioning -don't need it now . They si mply shut do wn in the hot summer. Air-conditioned· La Paz stays open. A good one: La Posada, $30 double with meals. * "\.Ve intend to rent a house near Guadalajara. Can you tell n1e ho\v to 20 about getting household help?" You ask somebody in the American colony - you'll meet so n1e soo n enough. There are 10,000 in the area. They get their maid -or ·somebody 's maid -to look around for you . Maids at Lake Chapala \\'ere getting $30 a month \Vhen I \Vas th ere a couple of years ago . About $35 in Guadalajara - and it's probably gone up. You usually get a houseboy, too. He carries in groceries. Wa shes your car. Runs errands. And mops the tiles in a vague, easy-going way. He gets $,20·$25 a month . A gardener gets $40. * This sounds grand -and it is. But not all roses. Once a month, your maid \Viii depart for her village to see a dying relative. lier sister cgmes to replace · her. The sisfer makes beds ba ck\vards. She can 't cook. She washes the vegetables With purification tablets -and then 'vashes them over again in non· purified tap v.1aler. "To get the rnedicin~ off them. Senora ." * The hou seboy takes off for fiestas . The garden· er has a hangover the day you bought the new plants to put in. I LOVED it. ?ltexico is unpredic- t.3.ble. But for some people, it drives them up the wall. WANT A DAIL V PILOT II•" l'lloi. By L PETER KRIEG Of 1tt1 Delft ,li.t Stt ll Skiing, perhaps more than any other sport, e\'Okts an unchecked passion •mona: 1ts participants. The challenge of the beckon- ing slopes, fleelnc down the twisting mountainside at fata l apeed>, are prol>Jbly lhe in· ereditnrs lhat "inake _it that way. That is, if you know \\'hat you're doing . To 1 beginnine skder. that gentle knoll they call the "bunny slope" looks amaz. ingly like the back side of Pike's Peak. California's abundance of mountain ranges offer both - and everything in between. • just about anywhere on that mountain he want.1 to be. Except they \\'On't get lo the bottom. You ha\·e to do that by yourself. The choict of ways down, however. is what makts ~-tam· molh what it is, a ski area that ranks perhaps be\o,v a couple in Colorado and Ver· mont. but not very far below . The f1ct that ~tammoth happtn.s to be 1n easy slx·hour drive from Orange C.ounty - Y.'e made it in five coming home a couple of weeks a.go - a:ives it a decjded advantage over Asptn or Sugarbush, however. ~fcCoy's development of this magnificent mountain i s responsible for Its one disad· vantage -its extreme popularity. JI.take no mistake about it, there are \\'eektnd croy,·ds lo contend with. Even \\'htn con· dilions· v.•eren'I at their best early in March, son1e 6.000 skiers did their thing both Saturday and Sunday and li ft lines \li'trt long. But not unreasonable. There were no 45-minule waits like you'll find at some ol the Eastern rtsorts. Once )'OU &et to r.tammoth Village, Just above Blshop and • short (five-mile) drive to th• m o untain, accommodation1 are plentiful. I.l's best, and easy, to make rtservallons by calling . the Mammoth .Reservatlon Service, which can fix you up in just about any prlce-ran£e loda:e you want. \Ve stayed al the Sierra Nevada Inn on old l\1ammoth Road , a fine, cltan hole! with Its OY.'n re!ilaurant and hea.ted (outdoor) swimmin1; pool. The Sierra Ncvad11, like ::;evrr11l othtrs. oUcrs kitch<'n rnctte unit~ that. If there's enoui:h people, ca11 make it poss ible to s111ve considerable cash if you:re ·willini to cook your own breakfast and din· ner. SOME LEARN TO SKI SITTING DOWN Popul1rity Only Drawblck to Mammoth And one California mountain in particular offers it 111. It's called ~fammoth. Because it is. M~F~ MOTOR HOMES ilr--------------~~---........ Join~ ·the Party Reader · Remembers Former olympic skier Dave J\1cCoy started it all back In 1942 when he installed the first rope tow on Mammoth Moun- tain. He picked, the t 1,000-foot mountain because. for some reason. it's the one mountain in all the Sierras that always has snow from November to June. • Vacation in Tahiti By SUZANNE KEMPNER Editor's Note : !tlrs. Kf'n"lf}· 11er, a Costa A1esa residr11t. wilt Teceive $5 for this article. Readers are ;11vited to se11d articles to Travel Editor. Orange Coast Daily Pilot, P.O. Bax 1560, Costa lt1esa, Ca. 92626 h1y most memorable vaca- tion was spent in Tahiti in 1965. For years my parents had wanted to go and at last we had the opportunity. We spent our first week staying on Tahiti in a Polynesian-style · hotel In Pirae. It's a di strict about 21-'z miles outside of town on a black sand beach. During our stay, France had just landed 14.000 French Legionaircs for R&R. We found the French people somewhat stiff, but the Tahi· tian people made up for that.· I made friends with a Tahi- tian girl named Tepae who worked at lhe hotel. She of. fered to lake me to meet her parents in Fantana Valley. Her ho.use was about 1 ~'i miles up the mountain and the lush vegetation and mosquitoes were abundant. They Jived ln a two-room house with tin roofing and From that one flim sy lift 20 years ago. McCoy has pro- vided for the onrushing crowds by outfitting hall the mountain with 14 lifts that'll put a body SALES • RENTALS 11 ft. to 21 ft. UTI LINER IALIOA-PACI AllOW ' there were chickens and dogs li"_,_,_,_,_,_,..,iiiiiiii;;i; running wild. Her parents NURSERY OPENS didn 't speak tnglish so we 10 A M SUNDAY used sign language which was " " LOCATID ON THI NIW'°RT quite fun. Upon leaving, they ""'~:~;:~0" FlllWAY, JUST SOUTH OF gave me breadfruit, bananas rm•"""' THI SANTA ANA FlllWAY. H1111t1nt,_ and shells. lteell TAii THI McFADDIN TUlN We met a New Zealanderl~~~~~~~~~~"'ll who took us around the islandl · OFP:. TUIN Lm ON VILLA.GI. WAY. on~ d!)y. O_pce you're out of town, th~ way·of li fe is slmlhir to years back. Children swim naked in rivers. fishermen fish from outriggers and several homes are stUI built in native fa shion. SAN FRANCISCO • • Pl ;.i ' After a few days, we were off to Bora Bora. Jn 1965, the only hote l on the.whole island Bo H e OCIAN·YllW IUlm y;as Bora ra olel situated 1 • ._ ~ on the white sand ~ach: The : ~=,~~':1 • n • wiio plane landed on an islet 1n the • HU.no POOL • co, ... IMOP I nd od l e IOIDUtN• $UTltO PA.II 0 N > • x ~ IOINOlll c agoon a we r e a mo or1 • 11 MINllTD TO DOWNTOWN''· launch to Vaitape. WRI"' for "-·· I f fl 558-3222 The town consists of three II. fl'C'C ft Ol'llll Oii stores, a church and bar, ~:~~ri· 1411 S. VILLAGE WAY WHEN May 14, 1972 WHl!RE The C•ribbe•n, •bo•rd s.1. Nieuw Am· WH'I' HOSTS DRESS sterd•m For the fun trip of your Iii• Eloise end P•t• Fu lmer, your escorts Bri9ht c.•sv•I for 1hipbo•rd life •nd is. l•nd fun PROGRAM Fort l•uclerd•I•, Fl •. ; Arube; le Gu•ri• •nd Isl• de Marg•rit•, Venetuele; Mar. tinique; •nd St. Thom•• TIM! 12 days from l•gune •r•• DONATION $525 to $850 for beneflt ol •irl ine ind 1hip crews • RSV~ THIS WEEK LAST CHANCE TO JOIN GROtJP I Rtserved c•bin' mu1t b• r•· turn ed to shij>·line •s they htv• l1rge weitin9 list ) ELOISE fulmer TRAVELS LAGUNA TRAVEL SERVICE Hefel l.et11••· L9't1t1• a..c• 260 l roo4w•y, l .. 11 ....... 494.1061 I 4f4•JSJJ P.S. ... 12 Me!Mlrc• hy '1•• leqw11• N~11el 49 .. 1261 '°9ttf fwcl ... tre111,el't9tlH fe •IHI freM let11N .,._, ••· llftltt .......... rffM hi Fert L.e11defffle, •I•.. eJr fere elMI CfeJ.e. Air ,_. feo4 fer JO 11..,. with 110,...., prlwl ..... I• Line ()f fers LITILE LUV? where the _n~ives gather on ~a..-SANT-A-ANA, CALIP'. Safurday night. Bora Bora is1 '-----======::.'.!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the best. place to purchase!· ..... _o,...., Orl•HI•.-•· Tahitian dance costumes. We took outriggers into the lagoon and reef to watch the fish and Mini Cruise Try Connell Chevrolet March 23rd. lncres Line. owners and coral. operators _ 9t the puis.e ship On our return to Papeete, ·---··-·····2sn·HJ(RBOR "Bt:vo:···----······-- COSTA MESA 5464200 __ Yict.otia .is.~offering_a....21-day~w~enL.-to ... -the.-island--of. -. · -·-.. --- min i fl.1editerranean cruise ~foore'a for feast and dances. Vl.CTORIA ':QiP• ,. sail ing from New York May 2 Chickens, pigs cind natives and terminating in Naples were our companions on the May 23. . , boat. The dan~ers from Temae Ports of call include Funchal Village came for the feast and In the Madeira rs I ands, put . on a fantastic show. Casablanca, Majorca, t.1alta, Everyone joins iii .after a few ?i.1ykonos, Istanbu l, Athens, rum punches. Catania in Sicily and finally fl.1any islanders sailed back Nap les. Fares range from $845 with us to Papeete for Bastille M• • M d"t to $1370. Day Fete on July 14. It is a .. . IOI e I erranean The itinerary represents the big carnival and festival with first leg of a 35-day '-1editer-spc:ir throwing cont e 11 ts, ranean cruise announced by outrigger races and coconut S Pno ng:Gf uff.a----111-!ncres_Llne_some-fune-a huskin8--COf1lests.-A. iM,1-----. · ~ _ J.,. This 3-week voyage.. is offered-Ta hiti-and-Miss-July-are in response to requests by crowned and dancers rrom all travel agents and clients with the islands come to perform in 21 Days• Salling from New York, May 2 Termlna ling in Naples, Mer 23 • from $845 to $1370 Calling at .MADE!~ CASABLANCA MAJORCA MALTA MYKONOS ·" ISTANBUL . ' ATHENS . .. ·· r CATANIA NAPl.ES ~----·-· . . - •A delightfully varied a-We9k Med iterranean cruise. •Nine different ports In seven fascinating countries. • Ideal month of May for cruising the Mediterranean. •Ample tlma for sightseeing In each port of call. •An interesting shore excursion program available. •Spacious acqommod ations with private facilit1eis. • Service and cuisine In finest Continental tradition. •Attractive rates for the utmost in luxury cMai~l!I· For v1cel!on1rs f1vored •Ith rnorw lel1ure the VICTORIA PtOCHdl from Naples to V!llelr111etle, Barcelona, Utbon.:.. London, Mtlhlr· dam, 11rmln1tlng In Co1>1nh1gen on JU}'l9 e. Ht!M on _..., I IUMlrWI C .. Ullf.S IN ICANDfNA°"ol ntO .. COPIJIHAOIM ,,. .. ING ANO FALL CARllHAN CftUllEI n.011 H1W YOflllC AH~Tllllldol (9• -lllltfllN4 lllOltfllT i;ci'Es ~ ~ LINE ®~~ 1M SM1t! ,le_ Streif, let ""11•1M. tlllf .. MIJ ""-• ltUI .....,,.. -· I FOR INFORMATION AND RESERVATIONS. • DINERS FUGAZY TRAVEL 2075 Sao "°"""'" l!llt Rood N.,..,...._. 644·4600 limited leisure time. the stadium. May Company World Travel Bureau prese nts ·Club Universe 1972 World of Entertainment ..Ifs a People -People shn\v" a 1.ibulous free travel sho'v filmed in color on the aclua l loca11on. l his unique multi nledia sho\v takes you behind the scenes ior an intimate view of .i da y in the lives of rna ny "People." A ... Tokyo Geisha Ban gkok Boatman Mazatlan Fish erman Philippines W ood carver Hong Kong Tailor Hawaiian Entertainer 1972 Olympic Games Ca ndidate Spanish Bullfi ghter "People" combines color ~l1de~ '3nd film : tnple screen process, authenti c e1hn1c mu~1c and taped narr.ihon by lnternation•I ommenlator, Robin K1ng. I• 7:30 p.m. Thursd•y, March 23, 1972 Newport High School Auditorium 600 Irvine Slreet, Newport Beach Free Admissio n ... ior reservations visit or phone your nearest MayCompa~y World Travel Bureau . )llJ 8n~tnl St .• (051.1 ,_in. 1;1.0 546· Q 1~1 • U SO Lil P.ilm.1 ,.,.,,_.. Bol'n.i r.11k 1il.C1 &J7·«ro • 5100 l;i l-e"ood Rl\d. --------------------.11 ~lt ..... -ood f21J) 611·0111 You on do it on oar WO(ld..funous llttWJ' cruise ship SS MON!'EREY. We're sailing ill so'.rruntt long north t0 Alasb with out .U first cWs sc:Nic.c, cuisine :md accommodations. So you on be dining, dmcing. paying and rdding io die: luxury only• proud ship of U.S. Registry on give. These arc spcci21 auiscs: ! Thin= &.otastic days through the 1 ..ollll•1111•• 1nsidc Passage with sii fantastic ! sightseeing scops in Vmcouvc:r,Juncaa. Glacier Bay, Sb8W"y;Sitlca and Viaoria. Our first cruiS< stares Jane 20. So: -· _ ;y00t travel agcn~ all US or 6U out :" the coupon.And come oorth with o.s. l ~s the fillt class way t0 sea Alaska. • --~ .eo.n. wllh .. ..,... ... ....,..._ ..... ss-...... June20,....,31nd2B. -10 ... 2:1. '912. , ...... sna. -·-----· • ·-- I , C § DAILY PILOT Hartford Revival Sunday Crossword Briton Gets Big Part • ' llklat 'Time of Life' British actor Ken Hutchison ha.s been signed for a rt1ajor role In MOM't "Th< Wroth or God." which producer· director Ralph Nelson is cur· rently film ing in A1exlco with Robert Mitchum atarrlng. atSCI ph~y key roles in Ralph Nelson's screenplay based on a forthcoming novel by Jame• Graha.tn. . ' Tho 1Un1ng Hiii of • Grizzly Monarch'• conflict with mon Falters in . LA A product of London's Roy al Academy of Dramati~ Ar:t. flutchison has acted with Sir Laurence Olivier in numerous S h akespearean productionl'I and starred in the British tour ing corgpany or t h e musical, "Camelot." He was featured with Charlton Heston and Jason Robards in the film, "Julius Caesar." @]" .., __ _ ---~''' .. lun lfllMlltion•I Produciionl ~ • ·~fMf#/~AloNp Plus Spectacular SKI Short "Get Hot" A FAMILY TREAT! HELD OVER . W..Utyl~ J:M, 7:111 & ''" Sit. & S1t11.: l 1M, ti•, l :DO 7:00 & t:OO. IOUTH COAST PLAZA :t I Cotftl Mn11 • 546·2712 FOX full•rt•• • 525°4747 MIU.MAit S.11 ci. ..... ;. • 4t2.oos' Oo'f!IMi.d~r By TOM BARLEY Of ltleo D•Hr Plllt $1•ft A Pulitzer Prize winning play by William Saroyan with Henry Fond.a. Gloria Grapame and Jane ("The Great White Hope" J Alexander In le11d role5---under director Edwjn 5herin -sounds like the time of your life, right? \\'rong . utterly and ab90lute- ly so. The l-luntington Hartford Theater's unbelievably dull and dreary "The Time or Your Life" had cars streamin11t from the thea ter parking lot long before the last scene and those weary patrons !hould have been given a medal for endurancie to take home with lhtm. They had watched a comedy that does have its moments of great humor -mostly ·pro- vided by Richard Dreyfuss aw the girl-hungry Dudley and Strother ~1artin as the seedy, tooth·sucking Kit Carson - but they're much too few and far between in this 3.1-year-old battlewagon that might benefit by huge cuts and a massive rewrit e. Star-studded cas t notwithstanding , Saroyan's so- 2 ICIDEMY AWARDS --·--tnT 1urrotTlltf ACTOI • ll(MAIO Ill __ _ • JAl(iR USTJOIK"AllHilOildnn" t·&iii'J C1.JNT EASTWOOD ~:;/\.~ Plus Bruce Brown's m11:~~i'fdiJjlJ. "ON ANY~SUNDtY" 'UK• WOODSTOCK ONAWAY•' ~ PGcific~ --· -.. SfADIUM '/ ,-, ·~~ ----~· StAOIUM ·J Ho"'l11•lfd "o• •••I •mr O•rt• (, S«ti ."HOJ PITAL" IGPI Alto • "THE PAltT't" E11d111Jv1 Or11199 Co\111ly ltt11r~111 Sttf 1!:119111m1111 Ntml1111111 l•r I At1dtmy Aw1rdtl "l'IDOLl'lft ON THE 11001'" :-cili'ifl11.....;1 .. -1111 ...... ,·-·11 "DtltTY HAlftltT" & "SKIN GAME" l PeJ Wllll Jtrnn GtMMr "JOMETIMIS A Gll'AT NOTION" (OPI pl111 (11111 •••!wood "PLAY MISTY l'Olt ME" ..,. ... PreMll C-ttlll" (ltl ... "'V1111t11111t ~1111'" 1•1 calfed classic hu 1imply not withstood the lest of time. Soroya n'1 locale 11 1 San FrancJaco bar that 1erves a1 a pre-vaudevJlle testina: ground for would-be entertainers. a picking up spot ror the loca l proaUtutes and a ~a~ con- fes:iional for an auortment of character• who want to tell the world how badly It treated them. Their father figure ls Fonda, a mysteriously wealthy bar ny whose burly sidekick develops a yen for a fallen lady and who ta kes that romance to his own heart while he presides In his lazy way O\'er a 11tries of brier encounter!! that should have been much, much briefer. It may ha ve been valid at the time Saroyan put it •If together in 1939 but it'!I been done many times since then hy authors who hung it all together in the kind or eon· linuity that proved to be~ beyond Sherin. And it was hard to escape the feeling that many or the partici pant!! - especially Fonda -hadn't formed thi.!I critic's view or the interminably dull proceedings long before the lighte went up. Children's Progra~ Zooming Hutchison, who stars with Dustin Hoffman in "The Straw Dog~." will play an Irish soldier or fortune in "The Wrath of God." R i l a Ha)'Y(orth. Victor Bu o n o , Frail~ . Langella, P • u I a Prltcl>ett and John Collcos Piel{ Your Own 'Oscar' Winners The DAILY PILOT, in cooperation with Movielon d Wax A.fuseum and South Coast Plaza No. 1 and No. 2 Theaters. offer& readers the opport,un ity to pa rticipate in a nolio.~ wide poll to select popular winners from among official "Oscar" nomi'nees. Week's vacation for two 1n llo 11olul1' and a place of honor at "Luci" A.roords Banquet aJ Star1• 1lall of Fame await national winner. Twenty pairs o movit paJses givtn wtekly to those voting at So uth Coast Plaza t heaters, Clip out ballot below: ------------1 I Mark an "X" in box in front of your selection . I Vote for only one person or film in each category. Be I sure to complete 25-word statement and fill in your I ACAOSs 79 Duck genus 147 Oisencumblf' 18 Anent 99 Sitsti name, addr,ess and phone number so you can be con· 1 CoJ&nder· 80 Helmet 148-eodt 19 Exhaust 100Judean king } ticted if you win prize trip or show passes. All ballots., 6 Male duck 82 01.dentimos: .l500intmen1 20 Practical 101 v.llimper must be mailed to DAILY PILOT or placed in theater 11 Grudge poetic 152 BISO 33 Neor 102 Grinder I lobby ballot boxes by midnight on Saturday, March 25. I 18 Concoalld 83 Platoou 154 Shelter 35 Sc:otc:li 103 Silly 21 G of •s e-· offioc'·I 165 E•isG' . I nd 04 nfi I I '""' 0 ~ ~ '" 1 Co •ned Best Actor _. 87 Branm 156 Sun god 37 -de ·Fmoce 106 Mixture 22:::,: ss:.~.of-~~~=~ ~~~':".:!e 10S~=~::9 ID PETERFINCHfor"SundayBloodySunday" I 23 Posti>ono 90 Brftd of dog 160 Printer's 42 E•a-oto 109 Hamlet I D GENE HACKMAN for "The French Connection" 24 Public · 91 River Island type 44 U.S. gold 112 Rockfish D WALTER MATTHAU for "Kotch" I 25 Twice: pref. 92 Lip 181 Hebrew coin 113 Medical I D GEORGE C. SCOTT for "The Hospital" ~tore than 36,000 lelters 26 Preposition 93 01nc:e step month 46 Handle fluids O TOPOL for "Fiddler on the Roof" I have been received by ZOOM, 27 Pr 94.~-·er 163 At home 48 ~--the new serlea for children · ono;un \A79 •· '-!4"~• 115 Temptress and by children, re P 0 r 1 8 28 Beholdt 95 Foundation 164·Proaat• 50 Self 116 Palm leaf Beat Actress I WGBH. KCET's arr 11 i at e 29 Strike out 98 Drawing 166 Soviet hero 51 Born 118 Hebrew public TV station in Boston. 30 Myself room 167 Htrtenly 53 Corrodes god J I The :JO.minute programs are 31 Sloth 100 Surround food 55 Saks 119 Oen 0 JULIE CHRISTIE for HMcCabe & Mrs . Miller·· seen locally on Chan~l 28 at 7 32 Afric:1n worm 101 Disputant 169 Gr1sslike 56 Strainer 120 Detective: I D JANE FONDA for "Klute" I p.m. Sunday ; at 2 p.m. Tues· 34 Phase 105 Hero plant 57 Occasion slang 0 GLENDA JACKSON for "Sunday Bloody Sunday" day and al 8030 a.m. Wed· 36Heroic 106En11ngle 171Notched 58Cllmbing l22Berate ID VANESSAREDGRAVEfor "Mary, I nesday. 3B Pithy 107 Black snakt 172 Upright plant , 123 Gree!< letter Queen of Scots" Two days after the n.,t 40 Gypsy book 109 Pout 173 Shallow 60 Monstrous: 126 Lofty I D JANET SUZMAN for "Nicholas and Alexandra" I ZOOM pro4ram on Jan. 9, 1500 41 Gra~~.. 110 Fuog1·an • ..,., -· 128 p . letter11 poured into the Boston iwu ..... L~1c ort1eo If y '" .. new la the Mor its hr elread R i R eng11 outgro 1aw it MGM The who h and Je queen th ink y of Lov lnji:. po raises Pf'rSOD IT no Iorio been l books. po litica You re was th Jove wi persecu dr ivtn t The c in F'ran pr~cu moded writers "To Di per1enc lion of people "-'ith th 1ociety. Gabri languag 11tudents clasSM Jy and legally a bearded couses. support turned t station.and within a week. lhe Hor. 111 Artifici•I 174 English 62 Pronounces 130 Pamper Be•t Jllotlon Picture Of 1971 I number bad climbed to 7,000. 43 Monster language river 64 -tu Brute 132 Hi!tl note GABR Unlike other television pr~ 45 Charles 112 Actor DOWN 6~ Simpletons 134 Cockpits I 0 "A CLOCKWORK ORANGE '' (\Va rner Bros.) I mother grams for kids, ZOOM is writ-Lamb Teomey 1 DMk fur 66 Min's name 135 Allurement O "FIDDLER ON THE ROOF'' (United Arti'sts ) ~eGnattle1.10,, tenby kkle.aged7tol2.and 47Unit 11(A-2•LuJl-rt 68C" • 136S f d b ·-·~-~ ~ icatnx team pipe I O "=E FRENCH CONNECTION " of a Fr per orme Y a cast of seven 48 Sha....., ha ir 115 Betray 3 P1ural 69 H 3 "' I ZOOMers -ordinary kids 49 Swi;;'~tive eadgetr l 1 Public (20th Century·Fox) mot her f with no professional tra ining. 116 Ensi gn ending 71 R~il. ~tice I O ''THE L . .\ST PICTURE SHO\V" (Columbia) parents t but with a remarkable talent 52 Slave 117 Embattled -4 Animal 73 Oil~ seed 139 Kitchen D "NICJ-IOLAS AND ALEXANDRA " C 1 b. I 5on and for being themselves. 54 Sea bird 121 Explosive doctor 75 Insight utens il ' ( 0 um ta ) rebelled Eac h week the ZOOMer1 66 Aussian 123 Wading 5 QJpid 79 Monkshood 141 Hike j j · av.'a.v '.! ::~i:;;?~~~::~~~~~e~~::~:5~. ~ .. 69~~:a~9.: 124 ·~~~-N-·-·--~ ~~iCfi.1---SU Mail---;--.144 Motindiri. -, WILY L VO'IED .ROR ..'.J'HIS-FILJ\'J (·25--words-of-'less·)-----· -· ~!~f~1a1. games, plays or riddles. And 61 Jacob' 81 Candle dye j One d th:?'w~·· ha ve ·assembled , broth; 125 ~-Indian 8 ~~I• !! ~;'sh ~ !~ ~=~... I ., . ., . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. ........... : .. ,. ., I ~ ~/:;:J' small army or volunteers tG 63Welsh 127Arrow 9kindof letter 148Head ····•·•········•···········•·•························ · minor. t handle the mail," says ZOOM .67 Dispatch 128 Propped aibblge 86 Shore b' d 149 Cord I ' seduction ~~;iu~er C~is Sain rson. Each boat 129 Grit 10 Abscond 87 Troubl~r 151 Transaction . , , . , .......•. , .. , , , ........ , ........... , .... , . , .•. , . • j minor a • --·~~~i1~ ... ---i;-••• SfADIUM "4 ,, GN'1• Sf9tl -Robert 1t1111en1 "HOT ltOCK" (GPI l"IUI Htwm•n z~Fi~~~~~~!~::i•::m~ ~~ ~~s:,:n ~ ~~ ~~i~I g ~~~fish BS :;:ting 153 ~~~nist I Name . . . . .. . . . . .. .. Phone . . . . ••• I ·~~: ~~iy munication is opened between 72 5?hd food jelly 13 Discharge 90 Cheet 156 Legal matter 1 Add shuttled kids throughout the country 73 Field 135 Little devil 14 Tell'i'islon 92 Unkeeled 158 -Damone . ress · · · · · · · · • ·' -'·' '' ·' · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · • · · · · • · · · · j ~~~~n~f1 and the people who produce 74 Hardwood 138 Breach 15 Without end: 94 lounge 162 Juj ube City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zip . . . . . . . . . . . • Gabriel .ZOOM. 76Piggeries 140Shortskirt arch. 96Timbertret 165Travel I_ --- -- - - - - -.J for ''prev --1-7,_7,_,,Fo~r_,exa,,,_.,m""-'le.,:_1;4,._R..,o.,m,,,•!'.!L.--~~.,._ ___ ,9.6.Admilo JXl~ium-M~IH>allortO'. '01t'1rPoll.''"DilULYPTC'Ol.P•~.><.o-:cx::---1l--""'"o.d<j • ..-.!l...:!!£..S .=---"ltddl CIUltly & 1111 $Ulttilrtel Kltl" NOM.INATED-FOR-B-A-C'ADEMY -AWARDS Including THC Mllll!SOt PJIOWCTlc»f GOMP.wr -A NORMAN JEWISON FILM 'FIDDLrR ON THE ROOF" -TO POL ...... _!¥ NORMAN JEWISON ·-· JOSEPH STEIN -·-••1llp.,,. _ ..... .,. ........ -... JERRY BOCK ................ ,..., .... ..,.., SHELDON HARNICK .. _ .................. It HAROLD PRINCE ....... __ _ ---· JEROME ROBBINS ~-:;:"'~-- mEi&"e\t?s ;r:r ,.r.an-" -""''""" ·-· "Best Actor" & "Best ,~~me. \ ,. , "Jiddler~n~f· on the screen NOW SHOWING IG!-;.:o.::-f- Umlld Arl1lll ~~~ .. ~ ... ,.,,tllluo.•1~ ... ,. ' ~'.<)~ l ttlW>tt °''"" (hflty ""'"""" S..i llll•rtmlflt Tkkttl 11.1,. ""•ll•~lt 101 Offit• OpH 0.11, 12:0f' N"" -t iff PJ'4. Mo11d•r .•••••. , l :JO ISJ.001 -1:00 PM Ill.IOI T11ndor •..• , ••• I :JO ISJ.001 -1:00 PM fSJ.101 WtdHtd•r •• , , •• 1 :JO ISJ.OOJ -1100 PM ISJ.10) Th1tttd0f' •••••••• l 1JO ISJ.OOJ -l !OO PM ISJ.10) At M•llWI, \.lbV1't & W1!i.(ll'1 Mnk City. --..._, Frld•y •••••••••• 1110 ISJ .001 -l :JO PM 114.tfl let11rct.r ••••••·· 1:00 ISJ.101 -4:45 PM 114.otl -1:30 PM 114.MJ , 111-.., •••• , ,, , •• 1:00 flJ.111 -4:41 PM fSJ.ltJ -l :JO PM (SJ.II) 78 ~~~~hou·se 143·~::-before -:-i::-170 ti=' prif. 1560, 4 Costa Meaa,-Ca.-92626, or drop in lobby boxea ;t -~;~:J 10 South Coast Plaza Theaters • 1 or •2, Bristol Strief near and hard SEE ANSWERS IN CLASSIFIED SECTION San Diogo FrHwoy. dignity a depr ived v.·ou!d nev Jecl NlcllehM "5 EASY PIECES" -AIM- ''THI IOYS IH THI' e AHO" B ACADEMY NOMINATIONS awl IV IE LUii? -~ Stt•11d Fttt11rt "THI DIA.IT 0, A MAI HOUSIWIPI" Co11t:11uou1 s.~tl•y fro111 2 HILD OYll "SUNDAY BLOODY SUNDAY" & "WHERE'S POPPA?" lotll (I) Sllew Sferts 9t 1 P·"'· COMIN5 NIXT Wiii "DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER" wltti S... c • .._,, I JIU St. Jeltlt "CAT 0' NINE TAILS" JANI PONDA DONALD SllTHlll.AND "KLUTE" "SUMMER OF ~2" SATU•DAT AND ·IUN•AT MATINlll AT 1 ,,M. AND J ,,M. "THE ltA EXPEDITION" ' ONLY OIAll81COUNTY SllOWMS HERC end the ~:it h ne rel,ase f Christian help. she kitchen s life in Se ecutor co B.attle Rages • Ill France Over Provocative Film If you want to see great actina on the 1crten, &0 to si:e Annie Girardot \n the new Fret1ch film .. "To Die of Love." This is the mOl!lt popular movie In France. More than 700,000 people saw it during tts first week In Paris, where Jt has already made . $6,000,000 In itJ initial in.the Raw enga1ement. Throughout Europe, it Is oulfl'OS!ing "Love Story" (450,000 people llllW it in one week in London} and no,. MGM is releasing it tn Am erica. The m11,1tnificence of Annie Girard ot, who has just replaced Brigitte Bardot and Jeanne Moreau as the reigning movie queen in France, is not the only reason r think you should see it. howpver . "To Die of Love," despite a corny title, is a pierc- 1n$:. powerful aod provocative film that ra ises serious questions no thinking pe rson can afford to dodge . IT ts A TRUE story about. the notorious Gabrielle Russier case tha t has been the subject of a num ber of recent books . magazine articles and heated political discuss ion s in the world press. You remember Gabr ielle Russ ier. She was the 32-year-o\d teacher who fell in Jove with her 17-year-old student and was persecuted, harassed. imprisoried i nd dr iven to suicide on Sept . I. 1969. The controversy ra ges on. She lives on ln France as a prevailing force, for her prosecution caused ch~llenges to out- moded Jaws and moral codes by famous writers and intellectuals and now the fil m 'Tn Die of Love,'' based on her eI· ritnce. coupled with the recent publica· ion nf letters from prison, ·is touching pie everywhere who are co ncerned Ith the rights of individuals in a free ociety. Gabrielle taught literature a n d anguages in Marseille. Among the · tudents who met at her home after lasses wa~ Christia n Rossi. In tellectual· y and physically matu re. though still egally a. minor. Christian was a stalwarr. arded student. a militant in student ouses. whose devotion to hi9 teacher'! upport of the May, 1968 student prottsts rned to Jove. l · SCENE FROM 'TO DIE OF LOVE' Annie Gir'1rdot and Brun Pr1d1I The beautiful film Andre Cayatte has "outrageous" film . lTruffaut must havl!! madt of this Frencft "Antigone" reminds forgotten that a year, before he became us all hew hard it is to be lieve all this 10 indignant, he was planning to make a happened only two years ago, The story film on the same subject.) Is told in a graceful, straightforward Cayatte was prev ented by the police, manner. with a sereenplay co-authored the judiciary and the schOOI system·from by Cayatte and one of 11-fadam Russier 's filming any scenes in an actual own lawyers . (Though the actian has schoolroo m. prison or courtroom. But "To been shifted ironically to Rouen (where Die of Love'' somehow got made and we Joan of Arc was burned at the stake). and are all the luckier for it. It is a heart· the names or the characters changed (to breaking film . protect the gu ilty? J every de tail is ac· curately recrealed right down to the THE AFFAIR continues. Since the film flowered decals on her red Citreon. exposes the tensions between the genera· tions . reveals the laws by which anybody ANNIE GIRARDOT is s i m PI Y can be thrown into a prison or insane bre11thtaking as the gamin who tried to asylum against his wlll without even teach her kids to fight ugl iness and understanding his crime, and 1how1 the GABRIELLE was an amiable divorcee, itupid ity and ended up dead inside. lt is a true status of women as victims, it has other of two children. small. intense. so performance of great intelligence and become 11 cause celebre, evoking ques· entl e thAt her stud@nls called her lilrengtq and com~ssion~ withqyt one tioning by the liberal ana -intellectual Gatito" (Kitten ). the hrilli11nt daughter false note. There isn't one sentimental community: why this prosecution, when f A French fath er and an Ame rican appeal to the emotions and Cay1tti has in literaturt and most soc i e t l e s other from Utah. She went to the boy's not. juggled one fact or distorted one (especially France) adolescent boys are Ski World Traded For Acting Jlm BroWD and Joe Namath move over. Another aporu superlitar has beaded for the movies, and at first glance, it looks as if he might have a future there. . tt'1 Jean-Claude K 111 y , whose business ls skiing. His screen debut 1s as atteped In 11now IS Lawrence of Arabia was in aand and Stanley Kubric k's ''2001 " HAL In stardust. The epic's title is "Snow Job."~ Actually Mr. Killy's rug- gedly ha.ndsome visage, and the snow against which it is usuall y set. are the onl y notable virtues of George Englund's light. unimaginative ·crime thriller set in the pie. turesque Italian Alps. Mr. K. plays a skier who plans a $250,000 robbery, the getawa y and money·hiding to be accomplished via skis and snowrilobile. There are about three successive surprise end· ings. but they're all standard caper gambits by now. There's nothing in the heist it.self to distinguish this from a number of other less-than. memorable crime comedy· dramas. But there are those soaring slopes, and there's the Jong scene during \vhich the an- tihero makes an "impossible" trip down a dangerous glacier \\'ith nothing but his skls and his money-crammed ruck.sack to help him . Twice we gel lo see his ac- complice make a 2~foot jump on a sno11'tnobile. once fi 1med from the bottom of the chasm under those 24 feet. When Englund gives his better Ideas some rope, the result can be a lovely mountain sequence shot from a helicopter .::i.nd a graceful aer ial vie11• of Killy. G CHilDREN'S MATiNEES MGM -~ /ts lflttt ,... 111 flll dlrl-nl'* '-f 111/ltlllJMI S11nd1y, Marth liJ, 1972 DEOROE C.SCOTT MTHE HOSPITAL" DIMA 11118 -~~ ~'"= ...... = •0 COLOll ...._...._ AUO · ,_.. Se11111.-i ''THI PAln" nun WIDNESDAY • • MARCH 22 ~w: "THE GODFATHER'' lie pvr-thenl tlleir clianoe to be men. ~~ ®" -•D'IW &Tiie Wflll · A MAAK lrT'DELl FILM ftm \'.a"f\ff Br.:a f.. l\ol'll\t\''.(Y'":idn'y !G! l'fwl!"fl".W' '"'•CTl()ol t •awa~a• l I #,:t ·Zij!1 l H•ATft: Preview Tonight 8:45 P.M. Sidi••- N•t Sh•w11 T•11~ht .,.tlo00o<•U91)C .. '•'"I" •-.ho >H .. __ ............. -..... --. luc~ 11•1 k tf Ct•N• G•flft lru ir11 ·SJI 'JU r;., I•..., " lo•~ 11 ! '' You don't ass1gry him to murder case1. You just tuln him 1oos,. Rrents to·seek permission to marry the ir truth ror the sake of the movies. !The often led .Into suual manhood by older on and th!!.Y thr~w her. ?uL Christ~an result is a staggering film. Caya tte, a women, safely and without haiard of jj~§§~§~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~iL belled against this stup1d.1ly by staying former la wyer, is a fine director who m&rriage? u·ay ~o~ home. Separar.1ng the lovers uses his legal training to tackle the ef· ~.o\'ed futil!.:....so the Ros.sis had hex__!!:·-fecl!-ol-&!'lcient---law on---eonte.mpora.rr·--'""· . .c:b..f.r.~Waw.._C02ering_h.wnan,rela••·..i1------·-~ ----- Clint Eashvood ·Dirty Harry ' '·· •Ill PANAVISION' l'EC~NICOI.)~. wa .. ,•r ~...L!<.·rine=O'l\011'1 --~---211d"Du itiftllftf Nii.Alioth c·i111ma1 sfi! aOOJalleT.' . . society. His most famous previous him lions is based on k!!eping money, land Due to the Unprecedented Demand on~ day ~n f968 . when Chr1stu1n waiii was "We Are All Murderers." a con· and jewels in the famil y. Shouldn't th@se lss1ng , his . parent~ pounc,td :. they dem nation of capital punishment that led laws be rewritten? What justifiCatloft"can -lty the · Pto'91e ·of Orange County, .arged ~bri. el\e w. ith corrupting a ._ aller1'ng French law on the death be claimed for the use of preventive Th Ed rd N' rt' c· ·11 h t I ro deleiltion? What are the riehi> or in· e WO S ewpo inema WI run 1nor. In r.tnce, t is. no on Y ~eans sentence. Now "To Die of love" has caus-ductio n, but also lhe idea or drawing a ed 1 rage or baltleJ in France. dividuals In such cases? Shouldft't police CONTINUOUS DAILY SHOWINGS of ino r awa y lrom parental authority. She laws be r~:s:1min~? Why do these as seized by the J)Olice and jailed for The parents or . the student. are c~d· !•preventive detention" cases always ap- d Th boy became a zombie carrying C.Ommunists who claim the film ply to boys and not to girls? Don't v~tu:iy~~om ~orrectional schools to In: ''defames" tnem . Are you ready?. They teachers have a right to .freedom in their n@ asylums where he was dru11ed into demande~ $50.000 . each a~d the seIZUres private lives? Tiit parents of the boy Jost consciousness agalhst hl~ill. of all pnnts or the film in France and him anyway; on his eighteenth birthday ·''THE GODFATHER'' at · 1:00·4:00 • 7:00 & 10:00 PM. Gabrielle wa1 locked awa y in a prison abroa d. Naturally, they lost. he walked out of their lives and has never r "preventive detention" where she was BUT MEANWBn.E, 0th er con· spoken to them aga in. 1'--------------- oken-down...phy.aically..and-ment.ally in bove1sierrag~ 1ttorn genen )'-6-till-5ayt-!!-l-f-tH¥tH~done- atmo&pheie of filtll---and-ob&ooli!Y who sen t Gab(ieUe.-tcr prjso,n and-ChriS• again , we would"'l till ~ .. th~ same .thint.l' ced to Jive with le!bians: prMlltute'! tian to "a mental cLin ic now walks the GO ANO SEE IT. Go and see how an d hardened criminals, stripped or her streets unashamed. even shaking hands Independent. ieeminily liberated w6man gnity and rights . humili ated . disgraced . with the rtght·wing radicals who have can be cornered and browbeaten into .prived of her livelihood and told she made him a hero. The psychiatrist who committing suicide in a free country in a uld neve r be able lo return to teaching. contin ues to grow fat off hi~ cyni.c of so-called "enlightened" age. A young HER CHILDREN were taken frotn her well-appointed padded cells. where people woman of 32 whose ORiy crime was to d the l\ossis c:Ontinued to plague her are locked up and given massive doses oJ love a 17·year-old boy. Ask yourselves if th new morals charges after her gas before they have even been exam-this seems so terrible compared to the lease from prison . unable to talk to ined, gives interviews to the press and many other legal poisons available to ristian or turn to her old friends for signs autographs. youth today in drugs, illicit sex and Jp. she turned on the gas jets of her ' Francois Truffaut, that great keeper of tr4shy music to which they are e.1-posed chen stove and tragically ended her the public conscience, went so far as to daily. ,And when you see "To Die of e in September, 19&9, before the pros· notify Annie Girardot public ly not to ac· Love ," ask yourselves? Could Jt happen tor could get at·her again. cept the leading role in such an here? ••• 111111 l~ ..,.._ '"'"''Mirl~n iranij~ ... ~I ii~in~ Jim!~ ~iin ii~~im ~i~lillin~ ~~~irl ~~iill ~lirlini ~11ijin J~~n Mirlii ~i~~irij ~~nl! mini !iil~n James Garner 5kin0&mf ···CJ ................ ' ....... , ....... . WARREn BEATTY GOIJE HAWn ''$'' (DOLLARS •. ·2Nloo .orro.ay. I~ NolOl;1\10\W . ._C.,. "BOJ CAROL' TED' ALICE'' " "'"o" ,.,,.,,,. °''''" iTARTS WEDNESDAY ~DWA .. DS MARCH 22 _HARBOR,i::.t 'WHAT'S UP, DOC?" WINNER 8 INCLUDING BEST PICTURE '"~'O'ANTON. PROOUCll BEST ACTOR Gfl4~™" BEST DIRECTION llll1AM ""o"' BEST SUPPORllNACTOR oov SCMODll A(ilDIMT AWAI DJ "THE NIFTJESoCHASE SEQUENCE SINCE SILENT FILMS' ot1111"0.1-"'""·...,,....,"'"~ m~r.•1 CONN1~TION IN THt e1trr TlfADITION O~ AMtlfiiN THlflLLtlfS. C'AOR SY OE LUXE''\l}O JO TMll 11T AHA SNOWING OF 2 ... - I I • w GON .AND "BUY A FORD " TW O NEW ONES A11 E HE RE! ' Come ~n and Test Drive The Two . Newest NEW '72 F253 PICK UP .AND N EW 11 FT. CAMPER Better Ideas From Ford!' • COU,RIER PIC·Ku~ ROBINS ~ERYDIA Y VOLUME DISCOUNTS SAYE YOU MONEY! ' . NEW '72 GALAXIES NOW· DISCOUNTED UP TO f lOM WINDOW STIClU S,r. # f2~51H144G41l 110151 • Pickup is Cust. Styleside with )60-VI, eir cond., •uto. tu.ru., radio, 1100 Gvw pkg., spt. cust. cab, boot, limit slip •xla, T-Gl.11, 7:50)(16, Aux 25 9al. fuel tank and more. Stk •57'4. El Dorado Shaw· ne, C amper has 9as/elec refrig, monomatic toilet, chateau range, color cord drapes, mattresses etc. Stk •859. Truly dlx. pkg. throughout! $1 6 00 DISCOUNT • PINTO STATION WAG ON The New Econ.-y Import The. Smart Looking, Smooth Riding Way T,D Be Thrifty! NEW '72 MUSTANGS NOW DISCOUNTED UP TO flOM WINDOW STICKER Ser. = (2F021111I7]61 l 2501 24 r.10 OPEN END 94'~ .. .T.D. • Gala xi e • l-Bird .·ford Wagon Sale. . t9 &MMo from. ''5 th,. '71 Modth, Sport roofs, fon!IClll, 2 door lo 4 .. dtops " ...... Ftll power, air coodltloollMJ. w--1111 ... 11abl1. EXAMPLE: '71 FORD 10 PASS. C"try. Squir•• F11ll pwr,, •Ir roof rtck, f215CFNI, ·+----OUR-PR ICE-$S 696·-· •-"--~ ....... ~~~~~~~~~~~~-· 4 door au tomatic, Sundial 4 lipeed, radio, '70 D CUSTOM $1 496 I '" Y.W. CAMPER power ring. good mll('s. heater, recond. engine. (357V Two tone. Good miles. CYEW848) HAR TO FIND CITY OF COSTA MESA LEASE RETURN '71 RD CUSTOM 500 4 DOOR , radio, heater, automatic, power erlng. 2 to choo'se from. Good es. \Veil serviced. MA KE OFFER NEW '72 TORINOS NOW DISCOUNTED UP TO • • • YOU'LL LIKE TH EM! FIOM WINDOW STICKEi Stt. 1' 12AJINllJ56Sl 11044) W ASH- OUT! ALL 1971 DEMO. AND EXEC. jCARS MUST GO AT SU PER DISCOUNTS! . BEAUTIFUL. SHOWROOM FRESH, MODELS THAT STI LL CARRY BAL· ANCE. OF NEW CAR WARRANTY. HURRY FOR EXTRA SAV INGS ON THESE! • T-BIRDS • GALAXIES • STATION WAGONS • TORINOS • MUSTANGS • LTD's MA1EllfCK -PINTOSALE! ~ • 1petd1, 3 1ptteh, 1970 to 1971'1 I e11tom1tic mod1l1. Somt with vinyl roof1, INCL. IN ALL ADV ERTISED PRICES THIS WEEKEND ONLY EXAMPLES: ~ ;70MAYERICK r.1 496 '71PINT~ r1196' _.,;.__·-HARD-TO-·FIND --... H;·auto,,-v;ny1~rc·~-...jl: -· · ... ·R .. H, "'°"',;ny1-"'?r,. .. -"I-· ' ·: ·-· '70 MACH I 428 COBRA JET ~!~~~)"'" good nule< %"!°;c~,3',"~ good nulos. Automatic,. AM·FM radio-:" Ted ·wired interior, \\'Ide ovals, ,.._ louvered rear window, good miles, lmmacWate thru-ouL 1 ................... ---------..... -----• I C852AGHJ . MAKE OFFER '71 MERC. CAPRI $1996 j '" DODGE 500 HT $1496 4 •peed, R&H. chrnm• Caronot 2 d': V8, aul~.,' '66 CHEY. MALIBU S.S. $896 t<;m, good m ile<. RkH, P.S., vmyl root, good vs, 4 speed, radio, heater, (218BNP) miles, many extras. (YXB871) good miles. CXWY940) HARD TO FIND USED. Low 1 MILEAGE ' INCOME TAX REFUND DUE? WHY WAIT? '72 PINTO RUNABOUTS 2 to choott from. 2,000 t ngi"''• A11tom1tic1, r1dio, h11tet, with at without vi" I roof . MAKE OFFER • . l!.~~c!a Jes :: !!~~·~~.~ .. P.S.. s13M--=BUY NOW -~ PAY LlTER (XSR931) low miles, vinyl root. JU _cu_o_G2-60-J -------·I I 66 ~l!~~:~o:.~ .• ;, cond., $896 'H-TOYOTA <;ORONA-$991o ·'6'-T•tlRD·tANDA:U--c$249'6: -1 Dr. Hardtop. Radio, heal· 4 dr. H.T. Full ·er, er. 4 Spd., air cond., good radio, heater, ~ondltlon-~ miles. (YDD720) ing, good miles. (105680) '71 COUGAR 7 ff ARD JO '65 LTD 2 DR. H.T. $896 ·~.;;J"~l· good m>le" $ 896 conditionin~. A J\1, t ill FI ND cond., good miles. Good miles. Full \~·er, air vs. auto .. R&H. P.S., air '65 MUSTANG HARDTOP whe<'l, Landau. (WJG560 ) · Automatic, radio, heater, good miles. (RFD614J LICK SAL E! o from. 1/2 too .,d 'I• too1. '64 t•,. '71 modols • '67 V.W. SQUAREIACK Radio, heater, 4 speed, a:ood. miles. (UIY537) • E MPLE: '70 FORD EXPLORER HARD TO FIND USED Cu1lorn pickup. VI." m1tlc, r1dio, ~11t1r, 9ood mlle1, w1rr•"fy 1v1f11l:ile. (12196CJ; '71 Y.W. 7 PASS. WAGON ·------1--M_A_K_E_o_F_F_E_R _______ " ~~~;·'"· 2MAKE o·FFERndcr s.ooi mu ... '66 CADILLAC H.T. DeVIJJe. Full power, fact. air, Gold w/vinyl root. CSHB004 ) $1·396 '6t MUSTANG H.T. Auto., ~&H, P.S., ' good miles. I CZBZ'l08) . MUSTANG SALE! Many t9 choose "-· '65 ,.,. '71 models. Colipn, hardtops, coonrtlblo ancl 2+2 fastbacks. Somo wltll 4 1p1ods, also air coocflttoor.., ancl out-le modok. EXAMPLE: '67 MUSTANG HARDTOP lt1clio, fi•1t1r, 111tom1tic, •ir co"cl.,_Jood mile1. IUGS097) OUR PRICE $906 •• SALES DEPT.~ HOURS AM TO 9 PM MON-FRI AM TO 6 PM SAT AM TO 6 PM SU N I PART$-SERYICE HOURS 7 AM TD 9 PM MON 7 AM To 6 PM TUE-FRI I PARTS DEPT. ONLY 8 AM to 1 PM SATURDAYS ' . • ' ' • ~ •• ·fl '. 'i. ,. . \ .. , . •• .. ' BRAND NEW 1972 • 1800 CC Engine ..... On the floor" • 10.C·inc. wheelbase •Thrifty, nimble •Comfortable cab NOW ON DISPLAY :::N• TRUCK & CAMPER SHELL NEW CROSS COUNTRY CABOVER CAMPER SHELL ON A NEW '72 FORD CUSTOM STYLESIDE COMPLETE CAMPER PACKAGE 4 Speed trons, 1600 CC eng .. ~et :!teats, emiss ion control LO~~W$1788 PRICE . FULL PRICE '69MUSTANG HARDTOP Radio, heoltr, bucket sears. License ~o_. ZAC6'2 '71 PINtO 2000R 1600 CC. bucbt seats. (349CPN) - , '69TORINO G.T. v.s, oulo Irons., oir conditioning, pow tr sfftrir1. lktru• No..a60 OJ. '69DATSUN R41tr. 1600 Series Litmise X\'S70 1 . . ' • Sundly, Morch 19, l 9n DAILV '!LOT 1972' . STATION WAGON NOW ON DISPLAY $ Fully synchronired Irons. 170 2 DOOR ' ' • ~~~,~~ns~~ya~fu~;~~g~~!~~~~ NEW $1988 The "mple mochme. LOW LOW 2K91V15002• IMMEDIATE DELIVERY PRICE • '68ALASKIN 10'CAMPEI C&n111tft with mono toiltt. 10932 '69 CHEV. WAGON Towunon Series V8. Auto trons4 power ~tfftincl, kx.klrt of", rodio.heoler, 1156369R040719) ' ' (' I D % DAILY PILOT .•. Everyone Hes Something Th et Someone Else Wents DAILY Pl.LOT CLASSIFIED ADS You l Can Sell It; Find It, Trade It With a Want Ad ·rhe Biggest Mark~tplace on the Orange Coast-Dial 642-5678 for Fast Results • I _,., .. ..._ferSale __ .. _...... I~ I -· .. Oener•I General BEST IN BLUFFS Generel, ------------_.... Newp-ort Eng1isn j;G~•~n~•~ra~1------.iG~enie~ra~1~iijiijij' iji·i1~G:;;•::n~·SO~ra61~L~V~l ~STfAf:::·r-G~·~n•~r"•;;;' =.;*r"":**...,..G"'·~·~·~'a;;,I ~**_·:..., ~.1r1---~-- Tudor Estate Skandia model with l8'x3S' FRONT ROW CANYON BAY VIEW 4·Family-Dining MACNAB-IRVINE •••'"' pnot.' an. ov,,.,;,. TAYLOR (0 C'• ed living.fan1ily rm . Lighr , * ON , IN A I./~'1-:T!MF:'. }'rom cu1·vl'd d1·11·r to s lain chl'ery an<I sharp. Priced • * END UNIT, lge. "E" plan. 3 Bdrms., 2!'.! baths. family rm. w/,vet bar. 2 lge. priv. pa· tios. Xlnt. value, $56,500. J::lass entry -su1w1·b~ Gian! right at $39,900. 11\'ln~ 1'()(1Jn \Vilh tudor F I N E R H 0 M E s LOWEST MAINTENANCE AREA END UNIT. charming 3 bdrms., 2 baths. Move-in cond. A buy at 833,500! NEW CUSTOM SUPER DELUXE END UNIT. 3 bdrms .. 2\ia baths; sep. din. rm., gourmet kitchen. 6 Pi1os. new . • OPEN SATURDAY & SUNDAY 1·5 2644 VISTA OR NADA · NEW BLUFFS HELEN B. DOWD REALTOR 644-0134 hean1~ ('Verywhl'r<'~ !\la.~1:ive hrick tu·f'pl~cf'. Forn1al rlinf', DOVER SHORES-SOPHISTICATED SPANISH C'r'011·n gourm<'t kHchrn. Strikingly beautiful -private courtyard - .far11 1Jy r~m. 4 hu~c lll'd· sparkling pool -sweeping VIEW! 3 BR, OR, rnon'~· s~:CLUDF.D yaJ·rt. 1:n. j!arden roon1, sundeck, high beamed CJJ)SF., ro BAY ?n ceiling. A graceful residence. $139,900. REACff. Lo"·rs! 11rl<'e, Srr Laszlo Sharkany 644-6200 . to compare: Call 0011· 645-030.1. BAYCREST-SPACE IOHt\I l Ill.SON '" REAlrORS SELECT HOMES 3 BDRM ., 2 tui, F.:astsidc Costa M<'AA. Allry ;;ircess lo large yard. $3300 D n . Dad's office?r Mom's hobby room? Large master BR and bonus room, 2 other BR's, 2 other baths, formal DR, country kitchen. OPEN SUNDAY 1·5 p.m. 1915 Tradewinds, Baycrest. General l 29.500· i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiioJ 3 BOP..\!., 2 hn. l'.;11.;t.sidr . EXCLUSIVE, QUIET SHORECLIFFSI Step to the beach. 2 BR charmer. Beautiful garden. You own the land. $105.000. OPEN SU 1\l DJ'\ Y 1-5 p.m. 134 Shorecliff Rd ., Corona rlrl l\1Jar. C. F. Colesworthy & Co. Realtors TERRIFIC TRIPLEX For home or investment ... Choice East~ side location close to 17th Street. Shopping and transportation. 3 delightful 2 bedroom un its, private garden patios , built-ins, and quiet forced air heating. Clo sed covered . garages (or security. A real value at $48,000. HARBOR ISLAND There is sLill a litlle char;n of OLD NEW- PORT left in this 6 bedroom and famil y room home. Moor your boat in front and en joy the peace and serenity that comes with waterfront living. Call for an appoint· ment to view. $295,000 Eastbluff Office • 640-0020 Bayside Office • 6 75-4930 Gener ii General ~CROWN OF THE SEA Great family home, Beaut. view of Pacific & c.~taljpa. 473L CORTI.~.t:i.!L...!:AMEO __ I f!O.N~. PENSVN. 2-5. Rau l Quick . Wl pOi!J ~ARDIFF-OPEN SUN. 2,6 t"Wing iS' 'easy & 'g racious in this 4 BR , up· gtaded, exp8nded Montego. "Total enchant· ment for $62,500 . Bob Yorke BEAUTIFUL TURTLE ROCK 18751 SAN RUFINO. OPEN SUN. P .M. 4 BR., 2 ba., huge fam. rm., formal dining, all elec. kit., lovely decor. Great view. $73,950. Fee. Belle Partch Jl ugc rnstr. bdnn. v./fr1i!c. Nrw c;n·f}{'ts. F r cs h J y Orc.nrat1'tJ, SJ~.500. J BDRl\1.. 2 Ha. Park L'1rlo, Nr1\·porr. ·rnplr gal'n~r. S\\'ln1 J~oo1. $33,51Xl. 4 BDRM., 2•tii h;i., tan1 ily rm. & pool. Sharp & rirh. Choice arca. llii;:h!and Dr. Newporl . S·J:'\,000. CALL e ,4,·l-414 "••""'-TRtALTY Nt1r New port Po•t Ottlct CAN'T FlNDITf * \VJLL BUILD your dream homr. }lave slatr for com- plete home package. Put. ,vnu r Cf)nfirlC'ncc in our 49 years nf q;:ality custom home bu.ilding. See example or procluc1 at 2006 Galaxy, Dover Shores. Ivan Wells & Sons . • 642-2511 • Starter Home! Near Beaches $19,000! NEW GALAXY DRIVE HOMES 1'~inal opportunity to O\l.'n a new Ivan Wells custo1n Furnished model OPEN DAILY 10 a .in . • 5 p.m. 2006 Galaxy Drive. CHOICE LOCATION 1''.astside Costa Mesa. 3 BR, 2 ·bath, spacious FRJ electric kitchen. Lovely garden -area for boat or camper. $32,500. V.A . terms, SIX BEDROOM BAYFRONT Dover Shores elegant Jiving: Room to play. 60' of Bayfront -pier and slip. Country kitchen, iipacious billiard room -FR gracious formal dining. A great value at ~119,500. ' . STEPS FROM SANDY BEACH Charfning year-round home -select area. 2 BR's, 2 baths. panelled $1Udy, walled sunny patio. Community beaCfl , sLips, & tennis court. $64,900 . OPEN SAT. & SUN. 1·5 p.m. :25 Beacon Bay. BIG CANYON HOMES 1. 4 BR, FR, DR, 2 fireplaces -on choice corner lot. $97,800. Open Sat. '& Sun. 1-5 p.n1. #19 Augusta Lane. 2. Large Country Kitche n -4 BR, FR, DR home. 2 brick fireplaces. $87,900, Open Sat. & Sun. 1-5 p.m. •29 Augusta Lane. 3. 5 BR -4 bath custom home. Breathtaking fairway view. $158,000. Exclusive Agents for FAIRWAY LOTS. MACNAB·IRVINE Realty Company 644-6200 642-8235 A LOT FOR A LITTLE! Per· Harbor.View Center 1rrt-!f!'aHcr ·home""\l:i ttr··btg -·1644· MacA·rthur--819d; 901 Dover Drive livi n,i: rMm. l"ormal dine. 20x20 FA!\11LY nooM ALL NEWPORT BEACH JN KNOTI'Y PTNE! Cabin l'l! ........ llliJllllllll ...................... Jllll ... kilchf'n. Cul de sac lo!. Jog I" to beach. \\'alk to shops. General Gene ral Call now -645.{1303. I---------..;;.;;;;;,;.;;.;._ ____ _ lllllt\'J [ Ol.SO,\ "' REALTrJJ?\ COLWELL Properliej AREA CONSCIOUS? BIGGEST SHOWCASE .Largl' 5 hf'droom in charm· ing area of \\.'!'stmin~ter. Th'· lightful intrrior dC'corating roordinaled \\'ith outdoor living. Low lnterest assum- able loan. SUBURBIA PARK Tn1ma<'Uhilr-4 brdroom home nn rorner Int. Prir.e rrduced lo $41,!'IOO. and ownrr's new hnme is almost rrady, 10% [)f)\\1n and RSSUmE' 6% VA loan. Tl"rrHir nbrhoOO, one mile from otCRn. VIEW A vil"11• hon1c with a RF.ALLY outslanrling view! A m11.r- Vf'!ous v.·oman rlesignrrl kitch 1hH1 all 11·on1en wnuld love. 3 Redrooms v.·i1 h a master bedr1n suitf'. Call for a night appointrnent Rnd really fall in !ove. 1-l.URR\'! The first one who sees !his will buy it. $38.500. on FHA/VA \\•ith a much !011·er price on con- Vl"ntinnal tE'rm.~. • LARWIN • 968-4405 ANYTIME Beach Estate 5 Bedrooms $24,900!! WO\V! WHAT A VALUE! Birch panel in gianl Ji ving room. Real used brick fire- place, Knot1y pine ramily room and big, !no! Formal dine. S huge bedrooms. Jog to beach. Don't wait -call now -645·0303. I OHl.\.I [ 01.SO\ "' ii'CALTON5 ELEGANT 5 BR· 3 BA MESA VERDE Br a u 1 if u 1 , RPpublic-built homl' si!u1.Hl'rl on con1rr !ht nn quif'I ~1rert in choice 1-fesa Verde n<'ighborhood. Featurl's l'Pl'Y -sharp con-- dition throughout thi~ 2700 i;quarr foot hnn1r v.·ith larl":e · step-do\vn ramil,v ro om , with firep!are and \\'el bar, huge master suite and formal dining room. Price, $56.900. For additional in- formation ::ind appointment, please phone 5·16-2313. 1-0' THE REAL \'ESTATERS EASTBLUFF -VIEW New exclusive o(fering. A fine family hon:ie with 3 bedrooms &. family room. Isl and kit· chen, water softener, nice landsc. Room for pool and on quiet street. U,4,500. 914 CITRUS PL OPEN SAT/SUN 1·5:30 DOVER SHORES -VIEW Immediate occupancy! Professional decor in this vie\v home with 3 bdrms, fam rm & study. Luxury carpeting & draperies. Rm for -boat. Lush landscaping. $79,500. 2042 GALAXY OPEN SAT/SUN 1·5:30 BIG CANYON -BAND NEW You will Jove living in this fa bulous home in the prestige country club area near Newport Center. 5 BR, FR & formal DR. Situated on fine large site. Beautifully designed & nearly completed. $98 .500. 55 ROYAL ST. GEORGE OPEN SUN 1·5:30 LINDA ISLE -$155,000 Brand ·ne",r 4 BR hon1e of distin ction with FR. DR & study. Boats, shimmering v.1ater & '.t'OU in the middle of all the splendor of Li nda Isle. Seeing is believing! Hurry. 8 LINDA ISLE OPEN SAT /SUN l ·5:30 LINDA ISLE -$15S ,000 Exciting architectural features in this NEW 4 BR home w/FR, DR & study. 5 baths. High ceilings & huge sun deck. Owner will lease or exchange. Call today to see! BRAND NEW -LIJilOA ISLE -·$250,000 Luxurious home with 5 bdrms. fam rm, for• mal DR & recreation Tm . Tiled·· entry·,-huge master suite, island kitchen w/electronic oven .. Select yo ur cptng & wallpapers. 46 LINDA ISLE .. OPEN SAT/SUN 1·5:30 EXCEPTIONAL 3 UNITS -$169,SOO On the water in Newport! 2 Brand new spa- cious 3 BR· units with 3 baths & one 2 BR refurbished unit with 2 baths. Quality built. Dock, fireplaces &·~reat location . 3507 FINLEY OPEN SAT/SUN 1·5:30 NEWPORT BEACH -$64,500 Impressive custom·b~ilt home on nice cor· ner site. 3 spaciou-s""BR·. formal DR plus1luge recreation rm (co nvert it to 2 bdrms). Cedar paneling. Mex. tile entry. Enclosed frt courtyard. 3·car garage. Room for boat. WESTCLIFF -$79,900 1'he most wanted ! That hard to find 5 BR home. Family rm-with-i-JlV·it-ing ... fireplaGe .- Lge bedrooms, 4 baths. Beautiful 20'x40' BEVERLY WASSON It is with grt>al pridf' that \\·e announl·e 1hP add ition of one of our ne"·est ~a I es rrprl'.>:entativrs to our staff~ BEVERLY \\'AS."iON, wl'i> 11·as also TOP SAL~SLADY for thr ninn1h of .February, BEVERLY is a drdicatf'd, proficlrnt Real Estate agent 11·ith ten yPars of very sue. ccssful background and has r i!'hl !ully P;irned a niultiludr. of friends and clicnts. \\'e arc plcast"!d lo hRVfl BEVERLY v.·ith our ever growing company. If vnu hin'e a real es111.te nttd, ~·h,\' not call a real pro- frssional 11·ho lakes a per- wnal interc!lf in rvery ac- count. Call 644· 7270. AUSTIN-SMITH 2128 E. Coast Hwy., CdM. I RVH'IE COVE 3500 Square Feet or Sparkl in.a: Beauty ... , • , • Rich with smooth Del Pii;o, Soarin11; Cn!hedr;il C"'ilinp, llnd Glass Galorf' to a Large C~t or Lush GrrPn Grass. 115:! Thousand BLUFFS r11voritf' "Bonlt;i" l story Private, run 8t Cozy, 3 BR'1, 2 Bath~ &: Super Patio Unrlerprif'ed at: 39 Thousanrl 5 HOndred • P!tase Call: 644-1150 CHARLOTTE LONG REALTOR SINCE 1950 pool with separa le Jacuzzi pool. By appt. Country Club HARBOR VIEW HOMES -$68,500 Livin9 4 BR, 211.z ba home w/view. Master ·suite has in thi! luxuriou.~ Pxetutive charming living area. Formal DR. Family rm . mangion ""ith 3.:nl isq. ft. of has fireplace & wet bar. Prof. decorated with comfort & dis1inction. S Juxurious cptng & draperies. Garage has hr. d r o o n1 si. 3 baths, many custom features. F"ORMAL DINING ROOM, 1741 PT. SHEFFIELD OPEN SAT/SUN 1·5:30 "'pa"'" family mom. Md THREE CAR GARAGE. I NEW LISTING Best buy on West Bay Ave. Charming 4 bd11t1. ho1ne with tge . stn1ny1:errac . from-:l;ido-cJub, -sandy-beach'Jlier;-slip;- $185 ,000. Bill Bents OWNER ANXIOUS as L Offrririg h<'aurifu\Jy improvf'd tril£'ve! Rrpuhlic ho111c for lmmcrlia1r SHlc, fraturing :i ~pac'ious hedrnon1~. formn! dining, nvrrsi~l'd tantily 1·00111, full huil!in kirl'h 1v/ f.'Bling fll'l'R, 3 ('/tr gar. Prirnc l'.lf'.-:;:i. Verd<' location. Nn\v rr1!u<'cd lo $19,900. Scc lorl11y! See this freshly painted THREE BDRM., 2 B.~TH MESA VERDE home with a brick .UAINt ar-B·Q-and-panellerl-giorag~ood-famil·:...._..L _ _JJ;J "-- li;cing-on-a CCl!:rDE~SAe-street, FHA•VA ~coTT-AGE - Jf>! ri 11•lT11 ' 1 r.1 CORNER HOME AND INCOME Bt"ttr.r see this ;it only Price reduced $4.000. In center of Jove1~:1~~158::;·~95'l:~·8~Y~'iP~P!'1 j0!'1~Y·::::::i::r:=t::;= ~Corona..deLMar .Nic.e....bome..&...apL.plus..mote Vacant.-Walk-to every.lhing....Call_to see'-- HARBOR & OCEAN VIEW New listing. 3 BR., F.R., scp. din. rm .. in Harbor View Hills, on \.Vhite Sails. At.trac- tive decor. On large lot & lovely patio. $59,500. Charlene Whyte. FI RST TIME ON MARKET Great 4 BR. & fam. r1n . townhouse in Univ. Park, end unit. Xlnt Joe. & near every· thing! Call to see. Offered at $35,900. "Chuck" Le\vis NEWPORT BAY VIEW Large two story with qu iet location in the Heights. Upstairs suite is terrific! 3 Other BR's., formal din. & large tree shaded yard. $72,500. Bill Co mstock STILL LOOKING ? ? ? DO SEE THIS HOME WITH EVE;RY- THING. 3 Lg. BR., paneled fam. rm .. for· mal din . r1n .. priv . patio. prime area, big lot. Only $77 .500. Bud Auslin EMERALD BAY-$78 ,500 3 Bedroon1. 3 baths: just listed this beauty! Separate guest quarters. 1'he pricele.;is look at a low price. Jim Muller • FAMILY HOME WITH POOL Large 5 Bdrm. house <lcsl gned for full liv· ing . Secluded living roon1. family rm. "rith frplc . Gourmet kitchen . ~9.500. Fee. Eileen Hudson LARGE FAMILY HOME J<"'ashionable Irvine ·rerra cc. 4 BR .. :i baths : -sep . dining rm .. red brick country kitchen. 3 Fireplaces, scp . den & fam . rm. 1'rlona Bergin NEWPORT WATERFRONT 2 Yr. old 2-story 4 bdrm .. 3\it ba 's : dock for 50 ft. boat. View of bay & ocean. Pri- vacy & perking. $139,500 -anx ious: George Grupe _._. ColdWilr,Bi er "3-0700 '44-24.'0 . ~ llO NEWPORT CENTER DR ., N.B. Call ~0-1151 (Op,.11 cve~.l #JP HERITAGE ~ REALTORS terms. $30,500. E11slside 2 Bdrm. hardv.·ood home nn hu,i::-e Mrner lo(. CHEAPER'N RENT do"bl' delochori •• " .. This one BDRM., one Bath home with a very 11'/room to <'xpand. Vacant la rge back yard and huge shade tree may · Read:,i to ~how anytime! be YOURS for under $20,000. $19,250. CORRECTION This inay not he the best 4-BDRl\1 home in TOWN. bul we think IT IS F"OR THE PRICE. I.Alts of cabinets1 cozy fireplace and family room $31,000 . Newport at Fairview 646-8811 CHDICE WATERFRONT LOTS $49,500 -$69,500 -$85.000 Office Open Seturday & Sunday "Our 27th Year" WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO., Realtors 2111 Sin Joaquin Hills Road "OverlookinJI Bi~ Canyon Country Club " NEWPORT CENTER, N.B. 644-4'10 * * * * * * RING MY CHIMES and !'Ce this large 4.Bedroom home with 2 Bathes. Fjreplace, Family Room and Sepa· rate Living Room . Offered for $33,750 FHA- General (anytime) General ~======= PARK STREET 3 Bedroon1, hard\\'oorf floor homr 1vi1h clectric huiltin kilchf'n, 2 scpara t<' J:arages ('ltl th is bii; Mrnf'r lot ph1! a ('Ol'f'rr.rl f'OCloi;ed pa Ii 0. \Vho 's f1r~1 ? $24,950. Newport •t Fairview 646-8811 (1nytim1} 4 Custom Homes On l/2 Acre East ~!lit• Co~!a :\f cs a , &11ut1rul sf'lling v.· it h IO\\'f'rin,i::-i:;ha<lf' l T f' C ~, $1i5.()()0 . -price inr!udt'll the VA. DOUBLE DUTY DUPLEX Li,·e in one and use the other for INCOME. Both units have 2 BDRMS , !·Bath. Attractive Grounds $32,950 FHA. FOR THE SWING AND SLIDE SET This 4-Bedroo111 home with a large tiled fam· ily room AWAITS A FAMILY of small folk. Children may walk to school. $32,000 FHA- V.11,. Call us for more infor1nation. Evenings Call 646-4579 or 642-7438 co L UJ e LL PROPERTIES. INC. REAL ESTATE 220 E.17th St. Costa Mesa 646 · 0555 • 549·1910 Evenings Coll S48-4569 or 645.«13 l11nd. Hurry"" this onf'! 1------------------ General Wa Iker & Lee1G_•_n•-" 1 --- RF.ALi·ons DOLL HOUSE GOLF COURSE 5.Ji>-9491 ""'"idr Cosia Mc" lor Reduced SS 000. STEPS TO BEACH Sl9•?50 full _price. ~l'ic no -Owner anxious! Be~utiful -4 (']()Y.n alM.l S500 d.o .... n FHA. bNJroom home with formal (Nrwl'J(lrt-$ZJ,500) Ourlin.ir home situated .on dining;-study or den, wl!h 3 BR., family rm., 2 baths, huRt R-2 lot. Queen 111ze l3rte maslr:r ~dmom auJte. bJtns. PMla:, tennis, rte. btcfrooms, gre'at counll'y-F11.ntft~le view. Spanlsllde· -CA-~~~~~~ st le kilchen, also lotit of -and-luxurious--$74 soo. View! With A View! With A View! To enjoy 1he Finei;I In Newport Reach livin~. See oflnJa J6/e •. this gorgeous 3· BR, -with " 11eparatf" mas!Pr s u l 1 e . Lars,i:P. family room le'ading PRESTIGE WATERFRONT HOMES SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT 54 Linda 1111 Drlvt 5 BR., 4 bath home with 50 ft. dock. Beauti· fully decorated, with marble slr. bath, crystal chandeliers, fine carpets & wallpa- per, dumbwaiter & many other ex~ras. out to a sparkling hratcd &: fil1t'red pool & the most breathlakin R' v l,. 1v of Newport B11y & Ca1alina that could be found, Truly A gem by !he Pacific. $82,500. Call 646-1171. 1-0' THE REAL \'ESTATERS [ ' ,.,,, .. UPPER BAY 4 Bedrooni, 2 balh, custom built bon1e located on Vl&la Bay& Huge park-like rear yard, on cul-de-sac. Owner ln\nsferred to Colorado, must sell llkc }'estcrdayl Price just reduced to '$36,000. Newport 57 Linda isle Drive Custom 4 BR.. 3\ia ba. home on La~oon. MsLr. BR. has sitting area & frplc. Waterfront family rm. w/conversation pit around the frplc.; with slip ................... $I89 ,500 77 Linda Isle Dr ive Beautifully decorated 5 BR. home on lagoon. Huge mstr. BR. w/beam ceiling, lrpl. Lge. liv. rm. & family rm. Formal din . rm. Secur· lty System, deck & boat slip. . . . . $230.000. 101 Linda Isle Dr ive Lovely 5 BR.. 4 ba . home with downstairs waterfront mstr. suite & lge. game rm. or study. Mexican tile floors, beam ceilin~s. quafily construction, slip . . . . . . $138,000. For Complete Information On All Hemes I. Lota, Pl•u• Ca ll: BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Beyolde Dr., Suitt I, N.8. 675-4161 2013 Wrstcliff Dr ive 616-7711 Open 'Iii 9 Pi\1 Good Rental • Only $19,950 3 BPdroom1>, 2 hath.~. built-In kitchen and rloublE' car garal'(f'. l ncomc of $210 ~ mon!h. 011·nt.or ~11ys submit on down pay1nen!. FIXER-UPPER-. Weed it and reap. Minor tilt· up and pain! 11ave~ SUS. Grra! for ~!;irtrr home OT in vel\!ment. 3 Be<lrnom 11nd ~"P1'rat,. f11mily room lne11t- eli on quitt lN'f! lined cul·dl'!> 1111c. 1.011 of room ror boat 11nd camper. Pull prlct SZl.750 wilh tfrms. Call 5'0-11.51 fOptn ~ve11.J l~:J $30,500 SPANISH ELEGANCE Ownr.r llo.llious, Sp a ri I 1 h dcsl,rn, btautlful lhru-out 11.ir QOnditklntd, wet bar1 lnrre famUy rm + tireplac~. dining room, l Mila, natura l wood e&biMfll, brk. ,30 ,500, 842-2561. TARBELL M•itnoUa at Ttlbttt, l't"r!. \\'hat 11 11ce! Lei's CAU $15-8424 {open n·t~). * 548-1290 * •h•lt It to you. Call. c~t~~yF1:~0JDs Walker & Lee at Fa irview 646-811 1 (anytim•) Like to tradi? Our Tr11der's ParAdise {'{1Jum11 is for }'OU! 5 Unea. 5 dA,Y!I fnr 5 buck.t. Daily Pilot Classified Ads . v • .,.,;:".:; ;::I ,..,,I A • C II 642 56'8 YflUr hotiM!, llJll., •tm'f DAILY PtLOT for :tclionl -~.:.r_'-'\46=;'---o"P"-"_"•.-11..:..9 '--------- nl!:ALTOR!=: for ct1on • • • a • •: ~: .. ;;~ ;:.~ • 0•111 PU•t • J 2 3 I 1 2 4 2 I 2 l • . ' K"' ttib hudy di*~" wtttt ,.. ttib ...... • 1• t• ••~· Afl tM l.catle1t1 ll1tM Ml•• ~ fttcrllted I• tresNt 41f911 •Y .;.,.m.1., ...... ,. • '"9y'1 DAILY PILOT W'AHT ADS. PotreM .itewl ... ,.. •ow_.. fer Ml• •r re Nllt ore •'fO'lll M lht .. ca. ldel'lllOrlow le ttl1 colwm11 eoc• Friday o•d S•twrtley. ' ' lfOUSES_EOR SALE 12 BOdrooms l *1100 Wbitesails (Harbor View) CdM 675-7225 1Sun 1-5) 409 Gloucester, Costa Mesa 642-8235 $29,~00 (Sun 1-5) Sl2l Third St., Corona del Mar 675-3000 (Sun 1-5) (2 Br. & Family Room or Den) #26 Beacon Bay, Newport Beach 642-8235 $64.900 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 134 Shorecliff Rd., Corona del Mar 642-8235 $105.000 (Sun 1-5) 241 Via Genoa (Lido Isle) N.B. 675-4562 !Sal & Sun 12-4) (3 Bedrooms) 1001 Dolphin Terrace, Irvine 644-2770 ISun 1-5) 4733 Cortland (Cameo 1-nds.) CdM 833-0700 $57 .500 (Sun 2-5) **2226 Channel (Balboa Penin) N.B. 833-0700 !Sat & Sun 1-5) 915 Chestnut fEa stbluff) N.B. 833-0700 $45 ,500 !S un 1-5) **"' 106 Linda Isle (Linda Isle) N.B. · 642-8235 $134.000 !Suh 1-5) *263 Ocean Vien1 tNe \1lport Heighlc;) N.B. 642-8235 !Sun 1-5) #34 Linda Isle Dr. (Linda Isle) N.B. 675-5930 !Sat & Sun 1-5) 2479 Oran,ge Ave .. Costa Mesa 540-1 )51 $27 .750 (Sun 1-5) 310 Ruby, Balboa Island 673-8550 $7 1,500 _ !Sat & Sun 1-5) 2346 Cynthia St. Costa Mesa 673-8550 $32.750 174 Broadway St., Co sta Mesa (Sun 1-5) 646-2414 $32,500 (Sun_ 1-5) 451 Esth-er St .. Costa "Mesa 675-3331 (Sun-1-5 I 3234 Nebraska Pl. (Mesa Verde) C.M . -546-3742 $36,900 -15'1 &.Sun 1-5) **#8 Linda Isle Dr. (Linda Isle\ N.B. 644-4910 $155.000 rsat & Sun I-5 :30\ 1741 Port Sheffield (Harbor Vu Homes) NB. 644-4910 $68,500 (Sat & Sun 1-5:30) 20962 Snug }~arbor Circl e. llunt. Beal'h 968-3028 $42,500 1Sat & Sun 11 -5 l *2737 Sandpiper Dr. (Mesa Ve rde\ C.M. 546-5264 $49.500 ISun 1-5) 2865 Boa Vista !Me sa Verdel C.1.1 546·4103 $46,950 !S un 1-5) 1959 Balearic Dr .. !Mesa Verdel C.M. 546-2894 $47,900 rsat I-5!" *2955 Maui Pl. IMesa Verde\ C.!L 549-3108 $48,950 (Sun 1-5) 2865 Serang <Mesa Verde\ C.M. 546-3251 $42,500 !Sal & Sun 1-5) 9962 Silver Strand. Hunt . Beach 645-4085 $39,950 !Sa t & Sun 1-5) 1928 Kauai, <Mesa Verde) C.l\'1. 545-8424 $74.500 ' (Sun 1-5) 2425 22nd St (Back Bavl N.B. 675-5726 -/Sat & Sun 1-5) 1842 Iowa. ll\1esa Verde) ('..M. 540-1151 $32.3011 !Sat & Sun 1-5) *261 I I Via Ronachon1 ~1i~sion Viejo 832-5022 $35.500 ISal & Sun 1-5) 521 ,1\voca do /Irv ine Terr.) ('dl\1 642-148:. $67,500 ISal & Sun 1-5) 904 Tanana, No. ('osta l\1esa 979-1050 $31.450 (Sun 12-5) 380R Sandune !l-Ittr bor Vu !!ills) Cd1'-1 644-0905 $85,950 ISat & Sun 1-5) ***51 !l Rayside Dr .. Corona del Mar 67S-3000 (Sun 1-5\ 815 Bell i' St., (Eastblulf) N.B. 644-5917 !Suri 1-5) 319 Vista Bava. Costa Mesa 646-!liill $36,000 (Sun 1-51 25217 Terreno Dr .. ~1ission Vie jo 8~0-191~ {Sun 1·51 ·. 13J!l C;;irlin_gford. Costa Mesa 64€-0555 532.000 (5un 1-5\ (3 Br. & Family Room or Den) (S BR ) 2546 Greenbrier Lane, Costa Mesa *633 Via Lido Nord (Lido Isle) NB. 548-1168 (Fri-Sat-Sun 1-5) 642-8235 !Sun 1-5) 1424 Santiago Dr. IBaycrest) N.B. (S Br. & Fam ily Room or Den) 833-0700 $77,500 (Sat & Sun P.M.) 2006 G I 2036 Galaxy Dr., (Dover Shores) N.R. a axy Dr. (Dover Shores) N.B. 646-1550 $89 .200 (Daily 10-5) 646-1550 1151 ,000 !Daily 10-5) 9142 Veronica /Glen A1ar) Hunt. Beach **309 Evening Star, IDo ver Shores) N.B. ) 642-8235 $169,500 (S at & Sun\ 968-2338 $28 .300 (Sal & Sun 3607 Park Green Dr. (Harbor View! CdM 1106 Sandpiper Drive, Corona dcl l\·lar 675·7225 (Sat & Su n 1_5) 644-11 77 $55 ,500 (Su n l-5) 1337 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) N.B. 6271 Royalist. lluntinglon Reach 642-8235 $ll9,500 • /Sun 1-5) 530-1626 S31 .900 tSat & Sun) 55 Royal SL George rBig Canyo n C.C.) N.B. 246 Cedar, Ne\vport Beach 644 4910 $9 500 675-6900 $36,500 ISu n 1-5) -· 8" !Sun 1·5:30) 1915 Trade\\'inds /Baycresl J N.B. ,#46 Linda Isle Dr. f l~inda Isle) N.B. 642_8235 565,500 isun 1_5) 644-4910 $250,000 (Sat & Sun 1-5:30) 2042 Galaxy rDover Shores) N.B. 1858 Samar (Mesa Ve rde) C.M. ..., 3 ) 546-5880 !Sal & Sun 1-5) I 0.nerel BA YCREST 4 BEDROOMS l~argc fa1nily r1n . '"/noor.rto-ceiling frplc., 21h ba'ths, huge poolsize yard "'ilh cov 'd patio. One of our best bu ys at $62 ,i50. WHITE WATER VIEW & POOL l~xccptional 3 bdrm., 3 bath hornc \vith re- 111arkable canyon & ocean view fron1 both levels. Co rona del Mar's most exotic pool. $92.500. • BA YFRONT HOMES WITH SLIPS 6 Bdrms .. $150.000 , 4 Bdrms. & pool. $160,· 000. Hu ge 5 bdrm. on extra width bayfront, $245.000 & loyely 2 bdrm. & den $77,500. '% @ CALL 675-3000 ANYTIME • PRIVACY • .451 ESTHER OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 Ye s, when you close the front gate on this spacious 3 bdrm. home. that wonderful & rare feeling of priva'cy beco1ncs a reality. A massive livi ng rm. with huge wall fire· place, opening onto beautifully landscaped grounds, is only the beginning to this love- ly family home. Price $53 ,500. WILLIAM WINTON, Real Estate 229 MARINE BALBOA ISLAND 675-3331 Ger\fral ~--General • * DELUXE TRIPLEX * EASTSIDE 1-3 Bdrm., 2 balhs & 2-2 bdrms., I baih. Lo- rated in prime rental area. A beautiful OlA'n· er's unit or will carry itself for investor look· ing for tax shelter. Vacan cy fa ctor nil. On ly 16 months old. Income $645 per month. CHILT ROBINETT REAL TOR 644-7958 General --~e neral Uved In A Uttle, But Loved A Lot This 4 &drooni Mine h1u1 ~n up-i:riack-d "° murh thrrt ju11t 1 .. 1n·r roon1 to tPll you, \\'e th ink ll's bt'tt"r lhtin Rn)' MODI-:!. yoU'\'l': t•vj•r M.'<'11, l~l'lt'f'il At 0Nl.\' SJT.950 1\Nll \\"e "Ill l'kc a ~n11tllt'r honu! In b•11tlr, Walker & Lee $33,750 4 Bd rm + F•mlly Rm 011 nf"r s1•1l i11g. fa1u1\y 1'1K1rn 11•1th u~rd n ll tu r a I hrl~·k fir<'pl11.<1'. dt"ri•t'OZY & wn.rn1. '4 bN\rn1.11., nv1'rst1t'(l nuastt'r brdroon1, 11At10 gn.rdc n with paitS·lhru In kitchen, brk. $33, 1ri0 . TARBELL Arliims at-~tRi:'noll11., ~funlingtnn Beach $209. PAYS ALL Only $23.950, Qu11 lnl ~ bfod· room home on large lot, pri\'at~ Irr <' 11harled slff't'I . Suhn111 t 'llA or VA lt'rms. Be~t hurry! Call 54~>-S'4'!4 fopt'n ~1·('11), \outh " (-oast -- PRICE-REDUCED- :t RR., fan1i1 y rn1., l~. hRlhll. Bll·in kHeh.; frplt". St'l'l111tf'<I 11at io. Good t.;11.~ts11IP Ctlst11 J\i('sa location. S.\1.750. Call: ,673-3663 548-0715 Evr~. associated BROKERS-REAL TORS %025 W Balboa •73-1661 * BUllD ONE *· Let Ut 'tell ycUthi11 aprx. l · actt sHe which can be split. Build on on~. keep lhc olh!'r fnr hol"l!r1. When hors~11 11re no lon~rr wRnted, 11rl\ !hr t'Xlra site anrl re11.llzc ft profit. All you'°" rnr $30.(XXI Or a~k about nur 111hrr Paref'I~ frotn $1:\.500 FITZPATRICK 'S Capi~1r·11no VallPy H.f'ally 31~1 Can1ino Cl!pi"tr1u10 San Juan C11pi~tr11no 493-1124 Realtor Since 1965. Gener•I WE WORK HARDER 644-4910 ••9,SOO (Sat & Sun 1-5: 0 *1536 Galaxy !Dover Shores\ N.B. 32l'J2D~13~ey~;9°~50@l!_.Me~sunl-5l --64>t-7662--·s139,ooo--rsa1-&-1lun ·1-sr----Do -YoUWintBetfeflliGn The-Best 914 Cit rus Pl. 1E11stbluff\ N.B. 3on Rene Drive, Santa Ana Service in Buying or Selling Your Property? 644-4910 $44.500 (Sal & Sun 1-5:30) 540-9868 • -(Sun 1-5 \ 409 Cortes Circle rcorona Hld s.! CdM 312° Kerry Lane, <:osta Mesa PLEASE CONTACT US TODAY 673-6510 (Sal & Sun 1-5) 545-8000 S34 .500 (Sat & Sun 12-6) 1961 Irvine (Wf'lcliff Area ) C.M. **llOI W. Bay <Balboa Penin .) NB. OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 11 TO 5 644-7662 $37.500 (Sun 12-5) 675-3000 (Sun 1-5) BRAND NEW townhouses on the waler with a large private 256 Joann St . (College Pk.) C.M. 271!1 L1e:hthouse T ... ane. Harhor Vu Hill s d ock -3 large units. Ideal {or someone who needs last tax write- 540-1151 (Sa t & sun 1-5) 673-8550 $74,900 !Sun 1:30-5:30) off. 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, wet bars. fireplaces, patios on water. tt325 1.1orning St!r (Dover Shores) N.B. *1842 Galaxy Dr .. (Dover Shores) N.B. All carpeted and draped and ample extra parki_ng. 2 blocks t~ 642-8235 (Sun 1-5) 642-2589 SJ 15.000 ISat & Sun 1-4) ocean. $1200.00 per month income. $169.500.00 with excellent fl. 915 Alder Pl. IEa<lhluff\ N.R. 1704 Newpor t Hills Dr. We st. CdM nancing available. The lots alone are worth $100,000 .00 . 644-1374 $55.000 (Sun 1-5) 833-0820 (Sun 1-5) PLEASE CALL TODAY- D41LY "LDT it' :f "IF YOU'RE YOUNG AT HEART" TRY THIS FOR A START PANORAMlr. VIEW OF Nr;WPORT HAR· BOR. 3 bedroom.,, 3 boths. SPANISH fire- place, ki tthen \\'it h built·ins. C 'USTO~i doc· orated carpel< & drapes. BU ILT-IN WINE CELL~R & WET RAR -r:nterlain 11nder the stars. BEAUTIPlJL PATIO .. ~\!TO TIME ~.'~.~~'.~-.. f'~r . ~l.1~. ~l-i ~(:r_i '.1~i ~.a'.t n ~ ~112l.3o~: "ALL OR NOTHING AT ALL" CORONA DEL MAR TRIPLEX Au ill in rtill).{t~ and oven . di !'h\1·a-;hl't' anrl di ~- llO!'al. '·arpet ~ :\tld dr;-ipcs. :! I !ruts have 2 >e<lroon1s, I b:11h: 1 1!11 11 has 2 hf'<lroo ms, J 1..:'..i b<1lh \I'· f1r1•pl:1ce. 1-::trh u n it ha s 2 car~ por1.", 1nai11 tt•11 a11!'l' rrrr .vard :ind pnnl privl· l egc.~. a nd· lront l fl'S'l',\lltS l\1\L<'ONIF;S, A VIEW . __ . _ _ _ .$75,000. "SPRING WILL BE A LITTLE LATE THIS YEAR" IN TllRTLE HOCK, ,\NJ) IT'S FEK 3 Bed- rooms, fan1i ly roo1n , 2 b:i ths. atrium. builtin ~ \Vith self cleaning ove n, shti !-! carpeting and custom drapes. Lar,e:c covered Jatio wi th super landscaping. WO ULD YO BELIEVE .. ' ' ..... -' .. ' ..... -. --$47,900. SWING'IN DOWN THE LANE -IN CORONA ,DEL MAR 2 Bedroom, 2 baths. fireplace, cute inodern kitchen. picture \Vin rto,1·io \Vilh enclosed side patio, GUEST QUARTERS over the garage. ONLY ONI·: BLOCK TO THE BEA CH. . --. -' ' ..... - . . . . - - - ' ' . $49.900. "PENNIES FROM HEAVEN" ARE YOURS HERE JN ll UNTI NC:TON ""Al'll. 4 Bedrooms. FAMlL\' fiOO f\-1, usccl hriek rircplace, 2 baths, bu iltin kit(.'llcn, close to shopping, schools, Jr College l""-frcc,vay. Onl y $31 ,500. "TODAY· TOMORROW-FOREVER" HERE IN POSH IHVl Nt-ATlllUM typ o entry, charm- ing· open s11acinus living roo1n wit h 0fiteplace and Vl.EW. 3 large bedroom•. love1y family room. 2 bath•. 2 year old home. Room to •tore your boat or trailer. _' ............ $62,500. "STARS FELL OVER" ___ BALBOA .ISLAND - THE CIRCULAR STAIRWAY lead' you up the stairs where you will find t he Jgiog room, dining room, kitchen:· I bedroom, l bath ALL CARPETED. Downstairs, 3 bedrooms, 1 bath. Great idea ... ___ ..... __ . _ . $79,500. 1026 Sea Lane CTl.V. Hill s\ Cd M ·~~~~-1~1---------rROMEO-A'NO.ojtlt-'!'---------t Ht-tt---flT.1'3000 1smn~-:c=--c::iOQ_ltiN~D!_CO~M!IllNIUMS-FOR SALE --Would-b~-happy i n thin:harming sptii-level Comtomin-1um-:? Bed,--;-t·s-a1-B,on]'Tte-DGmre-<lrvlneTerr:1-cc1~ room, 1% Baths. King Size !vlaster Bedroom .i;uite on upper level . 67 5-3000 (Sun 1-5) (l Bedroom) crystal chandelier in dining area. Lots of builtins in lovely compact 10092 Cl.ff D · H t" l B h 2011 Vista Caudal IThe Bl uffs\ N.B. 1 ri ve. un ing on eac kitchen . All outside maintenance. Great clu bhouse wi th swimming 962-6522 $32.!IOO I Sun 1-5) 642-6472· 673-3468 Eves. !Sat & Sun 1-5\ pool in Costa Mesa. Only $22,950. Please Call Today_ Open House 2312 La Linda Pl. (Back Bay) N.B. (3 Bedrooms) Saturday 1to5. 6~5-06R2 S38,000 (Sun 1-4) *2221 Vista Huerta, Bluffs. N.B. 6392 lle il Ave .. Huntington Beach 644-2915 $32,500 !Sat & Sun ll-5) OPEN BEAM CEILING 846-3.124 $33.500 (~un 11-5) 2644 Vi stt1 Ornada INe\v Rluffs) N.B. And large brick fireplace are just two of the things, that makes 10172 Jon Day Dr., Hun tington Beach 644-0134 (Sat & Snn 1_5) this home exceptional. 3 Bedrooms. 1% Baths. Large dining room 91\2-5566 $43.500 (Sun 1-5) 2605 Vista Ornada !The Bluffs) N.B. covered patio. beautiful landscaping. $29.500. Excellent financing. 311 1 Coolidge. ·Costa l\1esa 675-3000 (Sun l-S) Costa Mesa. Close to schools and s hopping centers. Open House 646-0555 $35.500 (S un 1-5) 5unday 12 to 4. Please Call Today. 14 Bedroom) 2100 Vista Laredo (Early Bluffs) N.B. 644-1133 ISun 1-5) 2017 Port Cardiff (H.V. Homes) N.B. 833-0700 $62,500 (Sunday) 325 Cameo Shores Rd .. Corona del Mar 673-1515 $79,900 · ISat & Sun) * 1712 Galaxy Dr .. Newport Beach 673-8550 $1 rn.ooo-1sun 1-5) 1501 Elon Pl. rwestcliff) N.B. 645-2844 $59.500 fSat & Sun 1-5) 2638 Vista del Oro, (Bluffs) N.B. 644-5383 (Sat & Sun 1·5) (4 Br. & Family Room or Oen) 245 Tulane Rd. JCollege Park) C.M. $33,500 (Sa t & Sun 12-6 \ 3429 Sea Breeze !H arbor View Hills\ CdM 6{4-5386 $72,800 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 105 'Stevens (Sandpoint) Santa Ana 644-7270 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 16751 San Rufino, (Tur tle Rock \ Irvine 833-0700 $73.950 !Sat & Sun) 2622 Vista Dr. (Bayshores) N.B. 833-0700 $57,500 ISun 1-5) 4633 Tremont (Cameo Shores) CdM 833-0700 $140,000 !Sat & Sun 1-5) 2024 Galaxy Dr., (Dover Shores) N.B. 646-1 550 $120,000 !Daily 10-51 1369 Galaxy Dr. !Dover Shores) N.B. 642-8235 (Sa t & Sun 1·5) 29 Augusta Lane /Big Canyon) N.B. 642-8235 $87 ,900 <Sat & Sun 1-5) 19 Augusla Lane !Big Canyon\ N.B. 642-8235 $97,800 (Sat & Sun 1-5) **1641 Bayside Dr. <Yachtsman'• Cove) CdM 675-1930 _ (Da ily) **227 Canal SL. Newport Shore• 673-8550 $49.950 (Sun 1·5) • DUPLEXES FOR SALE (2 Bedrooms each Unit) 603 Poinsettia, Corona de! Mar 673-6642 675-6459 (Sun 1-5) 715 Marguerite. Corona de! Mar 673-6642 675-6459 (Sun 1-5) (3 & 2 Bedrooms) 614 Iris, Corona de! Mar 644-4848 (Sal & Sun 1-5) 14 Bedrooms each Unit) 714 Goldenrod, Corona del Mar 673-8550 (Sal & Sun 1·5) TRIPLEXES FOR SALE (2 Bedrooms each Unit) 430 Seaward Rd ., Corona del Mar 644-4848 (Sal & Sun 1·5) 4332 E. Coast Hwy., Corona de! Mar 644-4848 (Sat & Sun 1-5) !Two 3 BR & One 2 BR) 3507 Finley, Newport Beach 644-4910 $169.500 (Sat & Sun 1·5:30) (3 Bedrooms each Un it) 417 Via Lido Soud (Lido Isle! N.B. 673-7300 (Sal & Sun 2·5) WATERFRONT LOTS F.OR SALE **1641 Bayside Dr. <Yachlman's Cove) CdM 675-1935 (D aily) ., .. , • •W9freffteflt t• *'•of eff W.terfrett GREAT TAX WRITEOFF 6 Units with good income in beautiful downtown Santa Ana next to new library . Can be converted to 6 offices. 2 story building new- ly painted about 6000 sq. Ct. All have outside entrances. Exception- al wrought iron decor. You must see to appreciate. $87 .500. Please Call Today. F-IRST TIME OFFERED Beautiful near new Eastside Costa Mesa 2 story 4 Bedroom, 2 ~aths, Large Kitchen wilb eating area + formal dining area. Family room. all fenced . floor to ceiling fireplace. Beautifully decorated. Very quiet cul-de-sac street. $35 ,950. Submit all offers . Open Hou se Sunday 11to5 P.1"1. J>lease Call Today. • VERY PRIVATE Rear yard \Vilh 2 pat ios. 4 large bedrooms. 3 bath.~. l"r~e livi ng and formal dining roorn . \Valk to schools, Isl grade thru .Jr. Col- lege. Beautiful landscaping. Slate entry, separate laundry room and much m ore. J>Jease call toda y. $:!6,450. · GREAT 4 Bedroom & family room, I'll baths_ Close to school s Md shop- ping centers. 2 miles to the beach. Builtins, wall to well carpets Jncluding the kitchen. Owner will trade for smaller home. Only $31,600 witb excellent assumable loan. Please call today. LARGE POOL ANO COVERED PATIO Beautiful atrium in the entrance to this exceptional 3 bedrooms and 2 baths. large kitchen, fa:mily room, breakfast bar. Huge walkin closets, cathedral stone fireplace, sprinkJers front and rear. Outdoor lighting, electric ga rage opener, lovely area in set- ting of big trees. Newport Beach. $48,500.00. 881 DOVER DRIVE 64 5 •4040 NEWPORT BE ACH WISHING WILL MAKE IT SO IT'S $0 LOW All wrapped up in th is nice TWO STORY 4 bedroom. 3 bath. ll UG ~: RUMPUS ROOM that will fake a pool !able. builtin kitchen. large ya rd will accommodate your 30 foot boat, and a spacious feeling preva.i!s thruout. Open House Sat & Sun . 1-5 . . . $39,900 * OPEN HOUSES * (4 BR) 105 Stevens, Sandpoin t, Santa Ana. Open Sat. & Sun. 1-5 (3 BRI 1001 Dolphin Terr., Irvine, Open Sunday 1-5. ~ AllO ASSQt.IAT[) REALTORS 644-7270 2821 EAST COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR, CALIF. Gener el--.-Gener•! er,, OPEN SAT.i suN. 1-5 ct BEST VALUES IN CORONA DEL MAR 614 IRI S Charm in~ different duplex. · On tree·hned slreet. $67,500 430 SEAWARD RD. 4332 E. COAST HWY. 2 Triplexe11, each "'ilh 3. 2·RR units. f;OU\e ocean vu. Pool. F'ine for home & investment. $75-M -$79,500 each. One more experienced salesman \vll1 complete our Slaff. C'•ll for app'L ORANGE COAST REAL ESTATE 2600 E. Coast Hwy. at 01hll1 CORONA DEL MAR 644-4848 ,/ J -'· • D <f OAILV PICOT Sul'ld1y, Mirth l~, llf72 Gene ral * CORBIN.MARTIN PRESENTS * SEL L AT ONCE ! Nol tomorro"" owner musl move from th is oulstanding 3 bdrm . 2'1 ba .• Dolores Model townhouse , "The Bluffs." Let us &boy,• rou thJs property, then make offer. Asking $41 ,500. WATE RFRONT · PIER Custom dUpiex, I\ewport Island .. thjs .. is a be.!!iutiful, welt-kept-property -1ots-0f pride 1n ownership. O""·ner \\•ill carry 1st T.D. loan with no loan costs. Offered at i82,000 . COUNTRY CHARM Trees. gra~s. shrubbery, htd. s"'•imming pool ; Igo. Eastside C.M. lot , all or those ex- tras in additi on to 3 Jge. bdrms .. 2 baths. Bring a li ttle paint, save at $37 ,500. HOME & SHOP \Veil located C .~1. small hou se & repair ga· rage. on C·l lot. Out of to"'" OY.•ner ha s re· duced to sell at f.!7 ,500. YOU BE THE JUDGE Feel al home in this Jge. 2,200 sq . rt. 3 BR., 2 bath charmer~ 3 Car garage & extra room ; showplace kitchen that would mak e Mi~e Roy tingle ! All surrounding lge . htd . & f1I· tered pool & brick patio. Offered al $46,500. EASTBLUFF -VIEW A b•tter buy al only $49,500 -4 lge . bdrms., tge . Jot. Call us ! * PRESTIGE RENTALS * Cameo Shores, 4 bd rm .. 3 ba .. pool, view, ca rpets, drapes; executive styled home; avail. at $750 Month, lease. Ocean & harbor view; newish 3 bdrm., 2 ba . Move in before summer. Yearly lease. Avail. now ! $500 Month. CORBIN-MARTIN REALTORS 644-7662 Newport · Corona def Mar· Costa Me11 Gener el WILMA O'KE·EFE Wilma is now a member of The Real Estat~ er.s' wi nn ing team. She has been actively General General B arrell pre:Jen l:i A JEWEL IN BACK BAY SEnlNG NEW LISTING -Th is home has 3 bedrooms an d lovely pool i""-beautifully landscaped gardens . It i6 pe.rf"et[)Q.Q_.w1th builtins . .aul<>. garage door and many xtras. See this and he impressed ! .. . . . . .. .. .. .. . . . . . $.19,500. UNIVERSITY PARK EDINBURGH MODEL -Spacious 3 bed- room 2~ balh, Yillh firepla ce, sundeck off master bcdrm. large patio fa ci ng greenbelt, custom cabinets addecL . . SJ:l.950. 17646 Rockrose W•y, Irvin e Open Sun l·S DELIGHTFUL PROSPECT looklllf ou1 upon Co 1 t a ~1t1&'1 proposed 300 acre "-~d~tntu '1&fk • "'hat roultJ lit mt.~ tr•nquU1M1 · l..ovely 2400 IQ. fl .. ~ • btdn.orn plus hutr@ tamUy aM furm"l d tning room. 011,'l'W!.r Nev.· York bound • r.1,,st anxurua for ntter. OPt:N SUS'JAY J to 5. 1931 Sv.·a_n Dri\·e, c."'· Call MG-5880 Mesa \'ercle. -Z HERITAGf General Z62' 11-lt.d. VETS -MOYE IN FREE ~ R[AlTO"' 1 ~~~~~~~~~:11 Rie;ht~ SellP!'$ ""'Ill pay Ji ALL )OUr closing costs FHA-VA TERMS for you 1n it v•on't cost 3 &dnn + family rm. latie double-car l!lar. S25,000. PEEK BEHIND THESE PRIVATE GATES ! B.nrno!2~~5!: 1!< bath. )'nu a cPnt to mov" in. It's a bf-11.utiful 3 )'Par old 4 ~droom home .,., ith 2 quttn size baths, open built-in ki1chPn with brt>akfast bar, large family room. step do.,.,'11 living room, cozy fire· place, 2 car garaze. VA appraised for $29.9!50. Hurry, it v•on't last. !546-8640. CLIFFHAVEN -Custom-bWlt 3 bed room, hard""'Ot>dtloor1.doubl@iar- den, or 4 bedroom hom e "'ith lovely patio a1e. Northeast Costa ~fesa.. and new pool. Fee land ..... , , ..... $.58,500. 305 Kings Place, N.B. • Open Sun 1-5 NEWPORT DUPLEX LIKE NEW INSIDE AND OUT -3 & 2 Bed- rooms, open beam ceilings and firep laces. Check "Step-Saver' laundry and extra park· ing ........... $63,950. 129 W. 31th St. Newport Beach Open Sun l·S ROOM TO DO EVERYTHING NEWPORT HEIGHTS -3 Bedrooms. large family room with fireplace. spacious livin g room, dining room and breakfast area. Fenced yard, sidewalks./\ nice buy at $39,950. 433 16th Place, Newport Heights Open S•t 1-S Office Open Saturdays & Sundays PETE BARRETI REALTY 1605 Wostcliff Dr., N.B. 642-5200 General Gener11 IRVINE TERRACE SPECIALS FOR THE FAMIL:Y · . 4 Bedroom OCEAN VIEW hom e with infor- mal open .living & dining & family area. Very spacious. Accentuaterl w.ith ma ssive stone fireplace. Jleated pool. Low mainten· ance garden. $92.600. LUXURIOUS ORIENTAL HOME 4 Bedrooms on the front row wit h simply fantastic BAY & OCEAN VIEWS. Formal dining room . Dramatic sun ken Jiving roo m. ~~amily room . lfeated pool in Japanese gar· den. $187 ,400. DREAM HOME 4 Bedroo_ms, also on tbe fror1t row, with BAY & OCEAN VIEWS. Comfortable living room with bookshelves, firepl ace, \\1hite J)anelin2 & we t ba r. Vie\v side fa mily room, large enough for a pool table. Lovely en· closed patio wit h fou ntain. Elegant thruotJt. $t80,000. 6 UNITS on " ac~ lot. $69,500. I UNITS Corner location. $100,000. Roy McC•rdle Realtor 1810 Newport Blvd., C.M. S...7729 Hamm•r ·& Paint Equals-SAVE! $22, 900-$24,000! Your cho1l·e nf TllREF.! \\'e're loarled "'llh 'rm~ 2-l bedroom r1 xrr uppers PLUS !hill ALL TILE lrhe rr11.I "tu UJ in living room 11.nd kitrhrn. \\/h at a comhn! Giant i·rackling fireplace! Adobe block + open bl-am ceilinR"! Call now to save -645-030.1. I Ol!ISI I. 01.\0\ " R£AJ. TOR If This Doesn't Move You Nnt hing "•ill. S25.950 will buy Th i~ <I bPdroom ho mt' located in a q u i e t neighhorhoorl ne11.r r;chools, shopping and freeways. Even h11s J'f'lnm for cam~r. trailf'r nr wh11t have you. Walker & Lee REALmns 842-4455 COUNTRY ESTATE RAnch sty!t> 3 or <I l'H'drMm home 1vi_th recreatiflnal room, family kilchPn, m11s- sive rai.~cd he&rth fireplllce and ~parkllng enr!ost'd pnoL Non~ther like It, come and 5l'@'. $52.-350. -~-. - CAii 545--8424 (open .ever;). NEW MESA VERDE BARGAIN Only 11" ) rars ol d. This gorgeous 3 b4-droom home must be sol d due In oy,·nprs immN'.l iAte re- location. Feetures f'a - thf'dral open be&m ceil- ings, ma~sive brick firl"- placf', island bu ilt-in kitchen, hug e fam ily room. 2 car garagt', tt'r· ri fic location. ?i.1ust stll. Asking $33.500. !i.Iake off@r. ~46-8640. • PRESTIGE LIVING AT ITS BEST $47,900 This 2300 ~Q . ft. home \ocatt'd in MP1a Verde on a corner lot is ab- solutely hf'autiful. 2 dining, model kitchPn, story featuring formAI drluxe sh82: c a rp "'t throul':hout. hui;e mMler bt'droom s u i t e dov.·n stairs, 3 roomy bPd- r on ms upstairs. 2 ~11 baths, 3 car gar11.ie, execu tive • professiontil 'nli!'!Pd ·hf"llrlh-'fiT"l"pl!lef';~ heavy shake roof. This home is a terrific va h1 ... nt'ighborhood, b r i c k call f or appcintmenl 546-8640. engaged in real estate fo r 3 years, with CO Y * LINDA ISLE * special emphasi• on Irvine Ranch properties, MPAN SUNSHINE & WATER University Park , Turtle Rock , The Bluffs and Harbor View Homes. He r honesty. in teg-REAL TORS ""' b"ak!ul °" 1"' BACK BAY · · · · · · k' · d d bayfront terTace. 1 he r1ty sincerity, pos1 t1ve thi n 1ng att1tu e an "SINCE 1944" charm nf "fn'nch Country" jus t plai n hard Y.•ork places her among the de.~i~n in 11. jet set M.'lfing. A EXECUTIVE eli te Million Dollar Clu b membership or the 673•4400 '""''b J &l<m .. J•; ho . G.ner•I Gtntral Wlh~m Re"a / 6tale BALBOA ISLAND OPEN HOUSES 114 APOLENA Spacious 4 bdrm. home in xlnt.~ llX'. Only steps to bea ch. On shore mooring included. $75,000 . 226 RUBY SA T. & SUN. 1-5 f'ixer-upper. Lge . 2 BR. Your best Ba lboa Island Buy al $49 ,500. BY APPOINTMENT 236 AGATE 2 Charmin!!' units. 2 BR. plus e~st rm . home & 1-BR apt. L~e. rront patio. Nicely furnished. WILLIAM WINTON, Rnl Estate 229 MARINE, BALBOA ISLAND 675·3331 General Welton®Compar1y f< I A L T () I? S OP~N HOUSE SUNDAY 1-5 246 Cedar, Newport Beach Nea~ beach. See thi s if you need an upstairs famil y rm. w 'Swedi sh fireplace, bookcases & ~undeck . 3 BR. sep. dining . Xtra den or off1c~. 2 ba ths . blt n kitchen, priv. club ,.,..; tennis & pool , all for $36 ,500. CHINA COVE \\'aterfronl retreat. \Vatch the boats & relax. 3 BR ., master bedrm. \V/frplc . & sundeck. Only one available at this price. $119.000. OCEAN BLVD., CdM Cliff home. Panoramic view of Harbor & Catalina. 2 Levels w/oversized rooms. Can be divided into a units. 2845_ E. CoHI Highway Corona del Mar · ' -67S-6900 Gener el General 4 Bdrm., 2 Bath Home ON1~~~1 s12 795 O•~NNGI LAND COUNTY I ONLY DU,.LIXIS, AND Tll,.LEXIS ALSO AVAILAI LI FIATUll.ING: • 1143 Squ t r1 Fee l e l1th._1"d f1 11!1r • S ~1tieu1 W1ri rebe1 e H1rdw11ed C.t bint h e lrt•kf,1 1 l1r e l ow Fin.tneinq CALL 537-0380 REAL ESTATE LOANS I. SFR 80%-90%-95% Loans 2. 7~ % on Prime Apartments 3. Construc tion Loans SFR·Units 4. 50~ Loans on vacant land, industrial and strip stores. Call Dick Krumwied 5. Re finances 1 OPEN HOUSES S•turd•y l Suod•y 1.s . 2 STORY HOME £asrs1de C.:'\I. Be:11.utiful 3 btl'.froom. 2 bath home, den + din1f1i a.rea. Expanded larg!! rumpus room tor e:nrertainlng, 2 tl~place1. 214 Sher.1-·Md off S.11.nta Ana • • * • .. • EASTSIDE CHARMER Spotless 2 ~droom home. P!f'nty ot room tor cam~r & ho111. Guest art'a, work shop. Loy,·. lny.• do"·n. 212 Santa Isa.bf!! • • .. • * * EASTSIDE Largf' 2 B<lrm + df-'n. Allty acctss. dbl gar, 111.rge yard, Assumt' VA loan, $2j,.500, 4j2 ri.tagnolia, C.'.\f, Lochenmyer Re.1ltor 1860 Ne\vport Blvd ., C.M. OPEN SAT. & SUN. 6<16-3928 673-7575 Small Probl•ms? Thi~ home y,•i.JI help you cope \1·ith tht'm, il's mad@ for CHILD REN. <I br:drotlmS, 2 baths, bullt-ins, Jara:e fenced hi:1t·k y11rd, ''OU NAME IT. PRIC[D AT 01''LY S21,!Xll. C111l r\O\\'. Walker & Lee Rt:ALTORS 842.-445."i BAYSHORES VIEW & POOL \\!1t,.rfront ('Ullf. homt', 4 or 5 bdnns. V1t'Y.' from moat rooms. 87 fr. lot. spacious yard. RPd . tn S240.000. 8111 Grundy, Realtor 341 BayS"ide, N.B. 675--6161 ''.Ecistside Duplltx" fme tor startint: your in- vest ment program 2 ··2 berlroon1 s~aratt' units, 'one y,•ifh a hrrf)l11 c:r. Total price: S3l.500 . CALL '.>46--2313. EASTSIDE Attrac:live J Bl't'lrm , home. Zoned 11.od room ro build ad · dilion11! 2 un it!I. f irm , ••• $25,750 1INCl.L1DES PLA..'\'Sl i~:.£.11 • .. ',. _F~R1~M, -. . . CLOSE TO BEACH Large 3 BR. 2 ba. duplex Y.'tth 3 !irt'places. $55,000. Canal front lot .....• $20,000 George Willl1m1on Realtor 548-A570 645-1564 ..ibo.-liteninwl N~e·~·~rt~H~agr~bo~r~-C~o~st~a~M~e~sa;JlB~oagr~d ~o~f ~R~ea~l-;.--J ""'""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""~~'"'!:i~~~~"!!'.'11-BElllll'C~-.4AOO -ors. you wan e es pro ess1on_serv1ce Gener•I "'-·ell_ planned Jiving area nLUU_"tU -1' _U -l n real -estate. call \-Vlfma at 54S:-23-13. General ------'---'-I plu~ pier &· 11lip. DOVER SHORES OPEN SAT/SUN. 1-S A decoratnrs d r e.11. m house -Walls of glass DOWNEY-S-AYINtls-ANIH.-OAlt:ASSOCIATIO 360 EAST 17TH STREET COSTA MESA, CA. BALgOA Pel\Jnluj1, -hmn~. Quiet, ne11.1 b11 y, nice area. CaU 538-4itfi9, 54S-354.1. * SPECIALISTS * Jn Do\·r r Shorri1 k Rlly1•rr~! . nrivr hy &• Jiu~ 1.~:l() S1111t111s::o 1~17 l\>lr1r1nrr.~ 2107 Rllyr·rrst Flrl. Vir:'v .Home Galaxy Dr. #34 Linda Isle Or. I rl>i:-i,..., .. ,..,.._ill orrl'r 11~c:1acuiar effect ~r:i~;~1~~ ~. ii~~~r'0r~~te~ ~i··~·I~• ·~ -~p.11rklin~ hPatE'd pool. J.<1('uzz1. $122,0{) _ 1.R.Ase or • _ • bt>8utifully l11ndscaped, $\4.'i.000. Jo~er. B,v 11pp't. upPf'r deck can be con- BALBOA BAY PROP. * 642-749t * Bill Grundy, Realto~ vertPd tn studin, bfot1 u- 34l llayside NB 67.'i-6161 3629 E. Cnasl l·f.,_,ry,, CdM lifully planned ki lchtn. General G-1 ' * 675-5930 * 4 i:M-drooms, Westcllff enera •--'"'-ac=-;=-"--1 $27,750 location, Won't la5t at U~l()Uf: 1-iM Ttif: EHT U~Tl~f3~. • 4 11,"IH;ur: I ifl."f A I ll'ollf!I If' 11f"l-"f SHOWS BEAUTIFULLY -Hey, here's • ht"';:iut ! 4 bec1roon1 s \\'ilh a close in Ne\vport BeC1ch .::iddress. Fee lo! that measure!' 80' x 140' and everyth ing il' icky-poo-so ! Sha.I? car- pel s. parquel entry\\•ay, marble pullmans and heauliful linen dra peries. Neu1port Beach shou·pl;il·e a! 1501 Elon Place. New !isling. open loriay 1-5. priced al $59.500 PHONE 645-6500 . UNIQUE HOME -Beam ceilings, exciling skylig hts. massive used brick firepl ace a nd a functional floor plan th at'.i; somethi ng differ- ent . There's 4 bedroom s, a huge grass cov- ered lot and quiet cu!·de-sac locaLion amidst custom homes. A heated and filtered pool is a bon us! Phone today 1-5 at 2955 Maui Place. ~lesa Verde. Priced at $48,950. Phone 645-5990 ---f.l, __ _ U,._l()Uf ti()MfS Ha s exciting listings thruout the Harbor Area : A 2.5 )'ear old 5 bed- room mansinn on Ocean BouJevard in r:oro na de! J\1ar : :\ new clean ~s a v.•histle Pacesetter 4 bedroom in J\llesa Verde or 2 story to"•nhouse ll1 th e Bluffs t~at i~ a page out of Home Magazine. Unique Homes ha s lhree bul'y offices 1n the Harbor Area and many excellent investment values are currenlly on the market. \Vhcn bu ying or selling real es· lUal~ why not be Unique? PS : Have YJlUJ'ec•i•ed the March issue of n1que News1 Hnot call Super Ci ndy at 675-6000. U~l()U~ Uft=IC~S CORONA Df.LMAR ·nl-9000 "'.I.Al t •1I Cotll Hlgl!Wly, Coretl• llet M1r MEMV!Rllt·UI -:II~ M111 V.rdt DtJ.9, Co1Jt Mt_. NEWPClRT lll!ACH •1411 UGO i lMI WHkllft Orfrvt. ,.,........e.th NO DOWN TERMS s59•500· 546-8&40. ()v.•ner trans. J bedrnorrui:, family rm., "'ith fireplace, den, built-ins, 2 bA.ths. brk. m.no . 962-1373. TARBELL :18884 Brookhur1r , Huntin11:ton Beach AHOY MATE )'ou can tiP YQUr boa! in the front y11 rd. Th i.~ Nr.wport Bc.<1ch Home on thP l'hannrl y,•il h hu'R"f' pirr h11s ju~! bl'f'n made for ~Ale. l!s ~Pf)"rll.!P homl'!'! -onr J BR. one l RR. Gr~at tor real f11n1ily livi ng an<! \\'Iller lun. $~i'1,500. Call 646-ilil. INCOME! 2 Brdroom eoltAJte and bachelor t1.P1'lrtmtnt 11.nd \'A· CIU'll land ylel11s $295. NO"'· Gn!:ll.I pnt('ntlal. $32.~. VA l@rm1 OK hut. /Ca. COATS ~WALtACI! REALTORS orn Evenings 967.4454 • • SEE !his choice iolt course vte.w lot El Ni~1el GoU Courae, Owner ~4. INTERVTEWTNG R.E. aaln- n'lln •!or wl!Jw,ut u p. Cd~I loc. HfR 6'fS.722S. JUST LISTED Shup, coey 3 bedroom home with country huilt- ln kitchen, woodburn· Ing fireplace in family room, great backy&rd, covered P8tio, q ui e t 1trel't in excelle n t nt>i~hhorhood, bf!sl fi· n11.nclng avail~ble. $29.- 500. See lt.. you'll like it. 546-8640. A JOY TO COME HOME TO Elegant 30-!oot living room with '"iew and fireplace tn this moat unusual Nev.•port HtlghU spUllevcl. Drl · matlc muter btdroom suite, lots of built.ins, wallpaper~. panellina and a grtat kitchen to t('mpt you. 546-$640. TELEPHONE : 642-7422, 642-7426, 642-7427 Gener ii General Counlr'I G:ilafe OPEN SATURDAY & SUNDAY 1 TO 5 242S 22nd STREET -BACK BAY ~rge & liv able ... for th e family that en· JOYS country Jiving in Newport Beach . This lux ury ranch house offers 4 bdrms. & super larRe fa mily rm . Spacious 600 sq. ft. sep. guest house. Ove r I-ACRE oi com plete pri· vacy, with am pl e room fo r pool & tennis courts. SCENIC PROPERTIES 675-5726 General $25,5001 No Down -Move In No down to Vel!; · Low doY.'n 1111 otheni. 3 Bedroo1n!f, 2 baths, :u><:hirlo"ti rf!llr living room overlooks the park like yard. Luxurious ~hAg carprling. Prime 11re11 , walk In shoJ)ll, park and all gchools. 54()...17211. TARBELL 29$ H11rbor, Co!lt& Me:M North Costa M•sa A be~utiful 3 htdroom, 2 bath home on a large corne:r lot. It shows and look.I ltke 1 model home on 11. !J'te.lln· ed street. Only $30.9(X). Call now ft'Jr mo~ deta i ls . SIS-231.1. J General EASTSIDE TRIPLEX Older, aufh1•n!ic S p 11. n 'is h ut1:ts. Xlnt location near !lhoppini::-. High income • Jr.w m11 inter;arre. Perfect tax ~lir1!Pr. Pr1cca only $.19.950. Call 546-:;..CISO tOpen E\'es) 1~~=1 LUXUREEE ! ! Huge Vlt>w Patio Oec:k. J. Bel.on., 2 deluxe baths &: nolhlna but the Begt thruou1 . See ~11 \'lsta caudal. In the Bluffs. Clll: CURT DOSH, Re1ltor lU=Mn 673-Ev et. 1130 W. Co11."t Hi1Jhw11y YOU.R OWN ISLAND Fine:t 24.9 acrt Canad\An College Park 4 BDRM:::., 2 ba ., Spacious Jivin~ rm. "'ilh cu~tom frpl + form11! rl inlng. CpU; t'VP~· .... ·hr re. s:n,Y(). Open House 245 Tullll'lr. Rd. Coron• del Mir OPEN HOUSE Sun 1-5 Sharp. 2 Br., Pool, areat Harbor vit>w. 1100 Whltesaila CALI.: 6~7225 Home & Investment Realty 3<1'.!.l F.. (Ms! fhvy., Cr!M PREVIE W-PREVIEW 305 ORCHID 3 BR, 2 ba!h~. formal din. rm. + plAyroom or ortict' a t hom,._ 45 F't. lot , big patio. S&t.500. OJ>f>n for your in- JPf'clion f'ri ,, Slt. .\ Sunday aflPrnoon. Univers ity Realty 3001 E. Cst. H"'Y· 673-8510 HERE IT I~ Spanish, ntw, view, all you'v"' 11.1ked us for. Formal din. rm., den, 3 ba. 3 ln . BR .. ~rkfst area. all elec. kit. Not leuebold! $79.500. 409 Cortes Clrcle Open S•t. l Sun. 1.5 Uni vertlty Realty 3001 E. CAt. Hwy. 67~10 flllJlLD iNCOME $ 2 Bdrm . plug dlnina rm., lie. 45 ft . R-2 Jot. re1dy to build apt. Only $47.500. CALI..: 6-m.5126 BAYFR.ONT Chlrnllni 3 Br. 2 S., Contlo. Pool , pler I-altp -$79.000. TED HUBERT l ASSOC. Salmon fiRhlni island. Clo~ A to Ptndor HArbour. Hl'IUff', 1 1""'"?:9i tr11 t'lnr. S rl<'f'r & "'U~ gam,. 'ZIJ1";;;;ft,,,,7ii';, :Wn Vl1 Udo 6~ Sc.II the old atutt' Only sm.ooo. ""':'======~~I Biii Grundy, Realtor Fut rt wt..,.. Jl!lt • pbont 341 Bay81dt, N.B. ~161 call ''"'l.Y. s.u..5678 Co No ho ow & b~ c tor Pri del Im po s Dup b" Un yo M 673 BE HA Occa ·Die BA, 1-5 Ln. lrvi Im ly,. yar Ope c. OPE 01\·n Rd. hon S79 .. VIE\ Seel nn. app1 Ai\:'\ horn d•y BEA sto Ag• SUP gre 67'":>-- 2 BR Cost Sha Assu !age mon SW! IS'.'\(' FH See gon. w '); F '~A -oi lin Prj a Fam dwr l.'t'SS. Lao'g heal plum patio Jeat s Rane feat p_a..l l-.IA "°"" \rel f!79-l * * Uni es. ding fan1. lea vi Open South Esta 5 BR mast X~a CUS10 cond. JJuge Ve<Y Dr iv Tre 0\1'f 12900 pr<>x Lo 0 Llce1 sale~ Afl j I~ I -*U. 1~1 -* .. Coron• dtl Mar Ent Bluff EHi Bluff Irvine lrv iM OPEN SUN. 1·5 603 Poinsettia ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT Now flnl!ihtd &: rl!'ady lo movl' ini.o • •h<U'P ~ bdrm hon1e plus brand n fl,~. \\las 4 Bdrms .. 3 baths .. 2200 sq. ft . owner's units, \Vhh 2 bdrms. NO\\' i.S 2 Bdrm., 3 baths + dorrnito ry '= fa nuly nn., 2 baths; Could be ? ? ! ? ? ? trp!c. }",A, he~t; bltna:, carpels. A terrific property tor you. 715 Ma rguerite Price reduced 011 this Corona del l\far duplex. t~11otty pine inicr.. beain ceil., lols ol possibi]ifif'S. $52,5()0. SPECIALS HAS GREAT POTENTIAL ! Choice corner location, "\\•ide open spaces" vie \v, Backs to greenbelt & pool. Low $300 per year leasehold in prime early Bluffs area . For lhe -talented buyer desiring lhe most square footage f9r lo,,•est doll ar in this fine commu nity. $39,900 -Firm. OPEN _ HOUSE SUNDAY 1 ·5 !BRING IDEAS) to 2100 VISTA LAREOO E_ASTBLUFF REAL TY 6-44-1133 Anytime Huntington Beach BO-COO GOODIES Huntington Be•ch HUNTINGTON CREST OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 2 to 5 Shown from Office Duple,. 2 BR &-l BR. Bes! buy in town for'. , , .$47.0CXI Under tonstrucl.: choose your l'Olors · duplf'X, MORGAN REAL TY Coi l• Mes• 673-6642 675-6459 !;;;;;====== BEST VIEWI N-LU-SK RALCAM PLACE _. .... -. .... [ THIS 110.\IE llAS IT . .\I.I.~ Pro r r s~1on11I lanrls1·aping I. \\ 1lh n111ny va1'if'llcs of Jt•uu tr•'I'~ .~· ro,,rs, surround a Huntington Beach BEACH MANSION S1ont• fr"1nl :? i<lory \\ ri11n 1·n1. d••n, nil PUl1lOi<1' rr11. 2 fpfs. fornial din rn1, 4 HARBOR VIEW H_ILLS 2 ....edroom "starter hon1e", Gc:C'an, harbor, peninsula, fruit trees and a park like ·aiers -the \\'Orks! 4 BR, 2~~ yard quiet cul-de-sac street BA, fam nn. $72,llOO. O~n and ready for you J-5 Sat s"n-3429 ,<;cab'"'" $2l 500- Ln. 0\\'ner, 644-5386. 1 • Irvine Terr .... $67,500 Immaculate 4 bdnn le fa n1i· ly, super fircplacr, spacious yard. lde'al family hon1e. Oprn Sat, & Sun. C. R. Nattress 642·1485 Newport •I F1irview 646-1811 OPE~ l1ousc Sal & Sun. By (1nytime) owner, 32:; Can1eo Short'iil"!,.._!!"_..,..,.,.,....,. Rd. Gi3-1~_1:J. E x f' I..' !1 1 t I,. f.' O\\'l\:ER leaving C<ilifornia. l1~n1r \\'/\'IC'\\. -4 Rn. ·· = RA . \\'ill !«>II -4 Rdrm hon1r on Si9,900. huge cornf'r lot ror only Vll:\V-1106 Sandpipf'l' Dr. $26.~.00. SeP th iii toclay~ Secluded, 3 BR. l~l" lamily Vogrl Co. Rltrs. _20:i2 f\pt. mi. By owT'll"r. $.i3.'500. For BJ\·<i. <~.;\1. 5.JS-9346. -'~P~P_l._6-t_·t_-l_l_il_. _____ ,B\' O\V~ER. 3 Bd1-..,-,.-_ ~17'' ANXIOUS. Severa.I 4 br bath, fa1nily lW J\1, plus hon1es. Jrnmcd. occup. lo EiO l:Jx30 den. near school & days. Agent 6iS-722a HIR. shopping ,~n!er. $31,gj(}. BEAUTI.Jo'UL location z D1ive by 3125 Trinity Dr. or story. a br, 4 ba, 3 frplc. phone 549-2311. Agent 6i5-i225 HIR BY Ov.-ner: Xtra Lri 4 Br. 2 SUPER 2 Br., 2 Ba., pool, ba, corn. lot. Rm for boat. great Harbor Vie"'" AgenL $24,900. 642-6459. 6T:ri225 HlR . BY Owoer: 3 Br .. 1~.& ba., HAR BO~ VIEW HOME ...... 1w crpts. bltns. xtras. Im- 2 BR & den. 646-4846 mac~ $27,9.)(). 549-3991,i. Costa Mes• Dan• Point 3 BR. BY O\\'NER Shake Roof Bequty 11 i~ <'BS)' \1·alking to Dan..i On Eastside • Poin1 .\1ar111a fron1 thi~ n10.lrrn .1 HR. l\, ba home. 3 Bdrms. Stiper-!tizt>d 2-<"ar gar &.· 1;;· ll. :s· pa!lo. t;ornf'r Jo i !luge gartlrn kitcht'n 11 ilh parking 101· 00.11 or Fivt; king Sil(' U.'drn\.~ t.r!r. 1''an1ily rn1 has pool J\1a5sive S10n(' firt'pl l.11UIL· fur ~ o u r ('n. f'ormal dining ~rt'a tf'r!ainn1ent. 4 BP., 21 ~ BA. \\'alk-ln and enjoy ph1sh rar-f11n1ily rm. $.J.J.~. Close to pets and dP signer drapes. shoppin:;, school! and 1va1k· $8000 pool and pnl!o lll'Ca ing distance or the IK'ach. make this an Ideal homr for C~JI \\la.1•1ic Jo'ong -Eves: the graciQus host. 01vner is 962-'.'t319. tt·ansferrW. E.11.Rt . musl st>ll KASABIAN In th~ 1vt'eki1! $45.900. Roberts & Co , 962·5511 Reaf(Estate 847-9604 OLD WORLD CJ·;Ain1 in,, AREA CONSCIOUS? yr old housr. 3 BR. rormal 4 + BONUS ROOM rlining-rn1, farn rni. 2 BA. $35,200 frpl1'. shaki• rwr. Q.•;1t1t. l/UJ:•' :!!)':.:!iJ' l.l'uuus ro..1111, larnls<'apini:. 1•lns~· 11.1 !lt·hools-•·hartning 2 lllOlj rc?>id<'llf'E' &.· briu·h. (;i.,~11 hnanrinJ:' in 1•x1'<'llf'nt 11brhood t'loJ<C 1o l;IE"n ,\Ji.1', $~>s.::oo. Oi"''n l)l·:u·h~ 'J. ba1hs. fil'('plat>t'. houst• Sar ,ft . ~un. 9!.J:l 11/11 1T1!!i<, sunshine br1:;h1 \'t>ron11·a. 968-:l~. 0111wr. k11di., prufl's. Inds 1· pd . g1\>Und~: 01v1w1· transfer· NEAR the BEACH 11'd. 1nust Sf'IJ -<Ill terms. BE'autiful hf'ated and filtf'rC'd Call R·17-J221. SE''J\lOUR pool, ~ h<'dl'OOJllS, 2 baths. REAl .. 1'Y, lil II B t' a c h ne\\' painl inside and ou1. Bh·d., liunt, Bch. Vacant~ VA/f'HA .. or as· ''Executive Living" sume S~ <;<, loan. Quick pos· session. $35,900. Ca.II 842-4466 This decorator's dream has Teadership _mj REAL E.STATE llf'\I' shag ca 1•pet s tht'()ufhoul, atriun\ entrance fron1 all roon1s, private m.a&t<'r suite 1t·!th sunkrn "Beach And Boat'' ROlll<lll tub, and \l'alking dl11tant'f' lo lhr beaches. Prii'Cd a t only $13,500. Tn1ly ::1 n1ust 10 ser. IH2-2.11J. Lovely Z bl'droon1 hon1e on a larg£' l'fH'nl'r lo! ,1,ith boar jl:a!e. 5 mins. fo lx-ach and Stulst'\ Aquatic Park. Patio.~ front and l'car. loo.Us of t'tlll· i·rrr(' in nicely lamlscaJM'll IOI\ mainlrll.;"\l\('r ~ .1 I' •I • $27 .~llO IS !hf' pr1(·r VA, Fll1\ 11•rn\~. .rall 11<111 . SWIM POOL 5 BDRMS. BR • 2. ~pruush 2 scur:.'. lil.,. t•ouf, f1'()n1 t'Our\yard. iron i::atf', P\'I df'n \\. hrepl plus fan1 1·111 I\' fu1.'pl. \11\CANT. :i . .( Brdroo1ns onr story on 1·ul·di:"·S:1~" rn1 for pool and play yard. -4. Trilevel, 3000 sq ft of hv· Ing 11ren. Liv n11 \V/l'a- 1hedl'al erllings. formal din rn1, fain rn1 11· 'firrpl. 20'x 30'. JUNE BLAIR 81'()kt•r's Ai:(rnl ~lfiN· 7811 OPEN SAT/SUN . 1-5 9962 Silve r Strand OCEAN BREEZE Sh.u·p .; Rdn11 . & fa111il~, inel. duun)': nn. Rl1n~. 3 h11rh~. \1 '" (.'arp & •h'dl>f'~. Co111plf'Ct•ly blut·k rf'r\1·1•cl. Huge CO\ 'd. patio for ~c.1.ir mund f'nler!a1nrncnl. An1plt' roon1 for pool In tlus parklike yard. A good buy for $39,9~. $1000 REDUCTION BEST OFFER WINS a ·pen daily, Mil Luss Dr. l11ea1· <'OrTM'r of Garf1f'ld & \1agno!ia I. Sharp 2 slot'). 4 BP.. family rn1, 21 ~ BA + 111<1ny, n1an.v rxlra~. Lari:•· rn('Jost"ll }artl. q u 11• I t·ul-<lr-~ac-. 'l'RY $ :1 0 0 0 1)()\\1'.\ t•1 1••a~t!lll': G·1j,': Assun\t' 6'; annual pt'l'N"n-n1any xtras arf' ofk'1'C'd for lagt rate GI loan 11·i1h lov.· $3.1.900. 6:19-38.11.~ or · dn\'t' I; I loan. 1 lurt'i·-1h1!t 1\-orl't lai<!' Bk1' .. 12r 11 •l:l l-.'12t~. monthly paymtnl of only b}: :?:1146 .\lan1.anit11 . l'l·l:l-1~1'.tl. 0 \111rr n1n\1', 5 &droom!l. Sljl per month including East Bl~ff s11·i111 pool, xtra pu\lmat1 OPEN -HOUSE-l ·S- taxrs & 11.0. insuranN".1 ----------~ baths, huJ::c fa1nily roo1n, 7961 WHITNEY OR. F1{A-VA lern1s a1·aila~I~. * WOMAN'S LIB * ll1 wk .~haJ: rarJ)t'luig, f'X· !\\I of Beaeh. N of l\lt·Fad1l(•nl See tl"r1s ont' bcforr i1 s JlC'OSl\'C d<'corat1cu1s. No S 1500 DOWN gone. Only $28,DOO lull pti<.'f'. YOU'VE NEVER <iowo 11'rm.~. brk. $.17,000. ., Walker & Lee Shr 1·an be fr('(' in ·Eaiitblurr " · 842-Qi!H ~ BR -HA and real sharp~ -l bdrms., :2 ba's .. family SEEN A HOME · · Vaeant -l'C'ady for quick kit rh .. 1-l rvf'l, in "Applf' P i(' LIKE THIS _ posst>ssion. Sel!er anxious. REALTORS Condition" -rltan, frtsh, bcC';aUSC rhe 011•ne1-s hNve 11d· VA -no do11•n, or nc1v loai1. M5-G465 ., ~~ liaht & bright -A colorful ded a terrific 11r1v fanilly Nice yard, 1:lcan in lcrior. OPEN HOUSE honie acroi;s "saff''' slref'I roon1 plus a childrens fllml : 16111 Brach Blvd., See loday. 1.);16 Greenbriar Lan<' fron1 wur privalr park -Jy roon1 in lh1t bcdrooni llu111ington Bear:h Jf f'ri·Sa.l·Sun. l·.i P .:O.J. l\tr. ShigC)1.lki "pr<'t'ns" th<' \Ving. 3 hedroon1s, Jovc!r \rA or·conv:irrm~. "'Spa in" · ~l'IS';-Jtt t44 :'r.'i(t, 1nrr1rM(('' ni\\;-StiAg l·a1·~:-l'r,,an,,s $ 6i/4°to-FHA· .. -5. 531·5100 ( :::: J 531· 5101 tin Collrgl" Park. off of les~ Plu~ -a "skinflint", a \\'hislle .and l"lost-ro 3 HR f<'aturin(t' brick fpl., 11iage Re;il Estate Pr,inl·donl 3..BEI., I.!' BA. lea~rhold. makrs· thi~ our ~Is. \\lhat 11101·<: routd hl 1111 H!O. t'rpts, drps, ·2 1 ""w"""A"L""K"'T"o""o'"'c'~E~A~-~N~ famil). dining, l ' u s 1o1n hesl NAluf": Can f~as1b1u1i you a~k fol' only S2l:l,500'.' VA c>ar ii::ar, patio. 6j'1d4-0' SQ FT decor. tn1c1·con1. Boat ar-Healey 644-1\.'l.:I Anyl'mt'. or t•llA 1Cl'n.1s. C 11 ! I {('ncd lot. Assunte $19,100. 2000 · · cess. Prime location. quir t. EASY TO SEt·: 540-&aOO. Lo.iu paying s193 per mo. 4 + DIN +.FAM RM Large kidney .shaped pool. _<Ahvay~ look~ greal) SHERWeeD REAL TY in<·I. laxes, or S\400 dn lo $26,500. h('ated. Garage pane\E'd and BLUFF'S. a t Ir 11. c deC". 18964 Btookhurst, t·.v. rl('ii FH . .\. Sre today~ Ch1·nt·r lCa\'ilig area, 111usl plumbed. Large l'O\'f?rffi T01\11housf', on gt'H'n belt, 1 ~~----~-~-sell! . \\'/\V carJl(!ls. huiltin palio and many 01 h l" r sec luded arC'a. :t BR, 11; Sunshine Special •If R/O, used brick ·rirepla<."<'. J •·'8-1168 BA I I J I t' 2-baths, excellent landscap. eatures."" · poo·I . e~.~.00~npa~~i&~~ Must Sell 962-4471 ( ::!:.J 544-1103 ing~ Subn1it. C.'aJI 847-12'11 . SPANISH 4 BR U-:J. 6.W-29!.5, 979-19<0. Hl!f't' ii is folks!~ 4 bedrooms, SEYJ\tOUR REALTY, 17141 Rancho J\fesa beau ty . . 2 baths, and all lhf! built-i ns I ""~'!'!'\!"!'!~"!'~~~· Beach Blvd., Hunt. Bch. features huge 111.mily kitch 4 BR Lusk. v1e1v & pool size for the kitchen, inakt' this SEPARATE MAIO/ * DOWNTOWN .prlookjng ..,,\'."""d 1i 1 e. lot, niany f!Xtras . Fet' land. GUEST QUARTERS Id --·----.... ~.... -pr,~ I . e-i bcd100111 "' r.· p L li.o ~ S..EE.A R A..l' E in. viuy. _borne_ a.mui;L lo M:r.. . ..Bc.st 0 sq singe 11 ory, room -ta:chN:f mountai'nccrs rnbin 'IAsrER SUITE. ~,., __ El To•o all, irs · priN-d !tt onl\.· fo sPare! J\.1ov£' In Oils Sum-v• """ • d 1-1 j -• for B-B-Q/den/('nlcrtaining. b 1-----------$27,900 \\'ilh VA bO}'f'r~ mrr an 1ve, oun~e or u,.. bought nr1\·, . VA . uyrr * * $2?,;,(l()..-NO DO\VN• * enjoy the beach. Call 842.4466 ~1anicured ldscpg with bear· 1\·clco1~t'. Don l v.·a1t. call VA or $l 36 mo. F'HA. 3 Br.. V.'elcomr. Call 84Z..ti1'>. In£ avOl'ado tree on an R·3 979--10:-,0. air coll!!. Open house Sal. & lot. $31,800. Call R42·4'16G. * Century 21 * sun. 241::2 t.andis1·ie"" El * DON 'T HURRY * Toro. >1&-citltl. Teadership Unles~ you ll'Alll thi!'i outstan· Fount11in Valley din.i; i\1esa Verde 4 BR + BY O\vnc!': 4 Br Condo. fa m: rm. hon1r. Oivncr 529,500. \Valk lo srh\s. i\lilr leav1n.g are~. r. Sq. Park. Golf C. F'i11hing. 2 Open Sun. l·.1 2Thi1 Cannell Clubs & pools. AblElutcly no South of Adam~. \\'e!'il of n1ainl. 17649 Los J ardinrs Estancia. \V. (714) 5j7-&."l82. --'GEMMi-.- 1610 \V. Coast II\\')'., N.B. REALTORS 642-4623 BY OWNER 5 BR (convert 10 4+hugc mastl"r) 2 BA, lam/dining. Xtra lge Jot, cul-dr-sac. All cus!om featUf't'S incl ne1v 11 ir cond. I.:. garage door opener, I-luge patio, prof hldscp. Very ,;harp al $34,500. D1·ive by 3l20 Kerry Lane • 54:)....S()()O STRATFORD 2 sly. Colonial, 4 BR. 3 BA .• Lrg. !iv, nn. \\'/frplc, F'orn1 din. rm., Fam rm "''"''<'l bar. shag crp~ le drps. 3-car gar. Bt'aut lndscp'd back yd . , Fruit trt'es I:. sprinklers. Xtra lrg patio \\'/Used hrick f!rt! ring le planft'rs. Cul-<lt· !ll'I<:. $43,j()(). 17100 Aprimt Circlt'. 968-2606. 0\VNER. ne1v 2 ~1ory 4BR 3BA, him rn1, fpl. <'rp1s, drps, 1n111..'h morr. Qprn Trees, Trees, Trees h~ou~<' s~1 & sun. 10:134 La I f'rln. fo .V. 968-0329 on a BIG lot and o quaint U\70 , 4 BR i~ B\ homl' that nrrd11 11 llttlt' . \\ flf'r, . · ~ / ·• pain t and T.L.C. Gl'11 n10vt' fo Anl rni. + big .ki•e~tr'l. in for SJ . Non Vrts • l?iOO dn $32,000. 17926 A~h St" ~ . V. lmmed. poii..~. 21!13_c'~~~12~1-~~~-~ larwln t••lty Inc. SHARP 3 BR .. 2 Ba, condo. 968.:..4405 Anytin'll! Gold 1hag, drps, patio, llf!11:- 0WN ER ANXIOUS I ly d'"'"· By own." $2'1.95tl. Assume 51,4% Loan. Owner i -96-'-~--------­ will cany 2nd. 3 BR, 2 BA. Huntington B••ch New ~ha.a: rnrpet ""d no.wax Oeor tile. Blt·ins, fireplace, large covt'red patio and r~nct'd yard $29,500. Prin· clpals only. 54.9-0074, $2B,900 4 BDRM+ DEN O\\•ner 1nu!ll !IC!ll. Entry hl:lll 10 ctntr~I noor phtn, 2 pn!ios. 28 foot rtar Jivina m1.. 4 hedroon1. /ircplnCf', brk .• bullt·lns.__$ 2 8, O O o. I.J REAL ESTATE ..•• VA .•.. Teadership U REAL ESTATE $ QUICK S WE BUY HOMES l\:R. ;,,\SA BTAN 1'47·9604 KASABIAN REAL ESTATE FOURPLEX Single story 2 bcdrn1 uni!.~. Xlnt rental area! Fanlaslif' price. ol only $50,000. Call 968·4441. CREST REALTY Tcrnis for GJ's. f11r this I ~"'~""~'!'"'"'!"'"'"' ........................ ;l ''"" 3 hcdroom, ,., b-'lh. SHARP 4 BR. BUY of the YEAR hAnh1·oorl lloor hon1f' in· $:1;.000 bclo1\' ap11ralsal. 4 eludlng hu\1t·lll range & CORNEil hon1t' ln beautiful !luge llf'd11111, 3 baths, fan1 ovf'n 11.1111 an Pxtra large SUBURBIA PARK, Assumr rm. r.Xrl..'u1iv1· hnn11•. V111·ant. l (' ti r,.w._~--r: cxiatin,1; 6'~ GI lo:in llr p11~ ya11 · a · 'J.M. J.0\\1 dov.·n ro Nt:\r con· $.t~.500. C:ill 96fo!.of~41. SHERWeeo REALTY \'Cntionnl financin,. CREST REAL TY t~l64 Broo'""''"· . .-,,.-. • LARWIN • • OPEN HOUSE $495. Total Down 96a...40S ANYTIME ~ P1€'x &nd 4 Plt>.f':<t -i\1'1\. Nerir l>f'ach. 1"1·f~ TI'lll pl u!I in1:omt'. Optn Saturday and Sunday, 10 A.\1 ·5 P~1. 403 1 llh St.. lfuntington &ach ot call 961-33il. WALKER & LEI'; Realtors. A rf'al sharp 2 BB, 2 BA BY 011·ner, 1:ikr o v,. r "'/f'\JK'n.~i1 r !lhag t'fJ'lllt" pymnf~. Qn C'Xisling 6~ ~ thn1001. Drps &. refrig art' lonn. Regular $18.:00. ·ra.ke In thf• cirri! t'llA 221·02 pro· $42,:-ior:l. Ne('d S&.SOO Down, et'nrn. $197. Covers tots! N~ ~Lt checks. 5JO-.G93) pri~ml. ArrA has largr j)'Xll 31!\k for Jack. and rcnni~ f'OIJl'1$. Don't SPANISH HACIENDA m~• '""' Owner is lrl\ving the an.'!U I' llnrl tbht ltWcly ~ar new dlage Real Est.1 te home y.•hlch f<'ature!I a f62-4471 C;:::::) 54M10l :runken ltvlne: mom, gardtn1.,.,. __ .,..,.,....,..,...,,~ kitchen. roomy family room GOVERNMENT and 4 l:tll:t" bedrooms. Prit·· OWNED ttf11t11.nunbtlirvshle~11A k VA rrpowss11d $2G,4j(), Call 5'}()..lt&. To\1'nhou"irii & hon1f'li. l.O\\' BUILDERS LOOK Flaible toninl. approx 1,s 'err. 11.H., build 10 y0ur de!ilrc. Pn"ed rlRht, • ... MG-2881 • RED CARPET Rullo' BETl\"G 1'ronsfl'!rtt1'. Tnke 0\1'r my 1'i VA loan for $2900 rota.I t'OJll. 4 BR, 8P- Jll'())I' 17QO SQ fl , i..ri: r11n1 r111. 1..o mnint ysu'd. By t11\1M.'r - Llr.eJt~t'tl Real t 'la t ~ i;aJp,,man, Dyi;: 5~271t Afl j: 30 • 5.i7-73·16 1116·-0fi().I. ---+sRE·Rw••D REAL TY' do1...-n. l"O poiJlt!> or 1::5C'n:t\V CO!\fFO!lTABLE 4 BR. homt. Oeck«I p 1 ti o, i11!!lom drape~: clQ.~ !o ht'11.ch & '.'IChool'.11, l'rplc., \\'/\\. CJITp, hltns. Grrut nf' l gh bor1 $33.9~. TARBELL Edi"gtr at Sprlns:1h1lt>, BY O\\'ntl'·:\JeJ18 Ver~ .f Br. Uuntinaton Buch din rm, l l'Plc'1, lra lam MEREOITH HOME! Tfl'I, E-Z. mllint. $J6,900 Nf!W Jawn! 4 BR, din rn1 .. SlG--3'142-lam, nn., xlnt Mnd. 142, T:iO. Tum, unused ltt.ms lntb quick 2m2 Colc11tf. Cir, Open &it. i"tlh, caU ~ Bieri, 142-4526. 189&1 Brookhu1'!1t1 r. v. frf'!I. Co"·r pa~ cloi;1ng -v eRY-ANXTOU s1-l'OSIR. All plicc ranirei. cau but. pool hmt. Hrll\')' 8h11ke root. '.l Bil , :\ Bil. 3 9611-44\l CREST REALTY rar atir, nJO + 1q, fl, cW~A~l~J<7·~1o....,b<-,-30~h-.-Oc<=--,-n-w-ood llousrwife'JI pr\dr .t: Joy. 4 llr, 2 h-', fiun rm, d in nn, Xlnl nbrhd. Sac. SAlr. atpuin. lo ma.Int ytl. * Century 21 * ~2.:<lO. 9G&-1"1'l!. o"""" REAL ESTATE 142-1121 Pilot O...llled. 64U611 962-10.iR O\\n,.r/ \i;f'nt -PLUSH- WATERFRONT. CONOO Takn 4:-i' boat $:'11,500 l1rw ln realty Inc:. 963-440.1 Anytime Bey the new ttuU Huntington dt•ch · TOTAL PAYMENT $162 PM' 1110. Colla.re atylt ho1ne near tl't bl"ach. l..ars:e fi"rll't'd yard. rountry kilcb- rn. Only SIS,500, Jlurry!! Robuh & Co, 962-5511 -----~-~~ Cl..E:--1 :\lar 4 bdrn1, 2 ba, drapes, L'Rr(X'tlng, bullt-in!I, ('USIOUI fu'Cplact, $.1(1,50(), (•all OOS-101,I 01· 1;ce t1 C 10101 \'11.llcy ~·or:;t. PERSONALITY J Brt. :! B,\, tnn1lly rm. 1 :'111, !ron1 bc1ll·h. Decorator xtra!I. Prt·~!l~e arC'i.. 81' "1\·nt-r. askuut S32,900, 96'1·6521, 0PEN_l_IO_l_»~'f."'',7SA~1"' 7.<-~V~ 6til Ro)al1sl, 3 BH. & added l;i111lly rtn. ~hu1,1 <'lean, llr:u11 !J<tlKI & ~ard Qu 1tk llO~s. full pru·t' S31.0CO l)J l)p.11 Rf'11,lty BY O\VNER--:--5-BJLJ(Uii r1n, lgr Jc11c-ed )d, gal'age. S800 du. i'Jl>-4168 f'ves. or l\'klldS. SAVE; Rc:>altor Ff't's! Heduc- cd Slj()(), 3 BR. Pi't'stige 'l'J"at:r, l!:e f'ncl. 1111uo. Ne\'> shag cp!s. 846-3.i2·1. Irvine TRIBE OR GAGGLE? Do you have> a tribr nf boys. or 11. ~ai:glf' of girls'; Co1nr !· St'l' !his-srna.~h1ng 1•0111hinn· lion 1ton11, re1·. roont. flludy 1'00111' In 1uld1t1011. tltt•l'f" IS ll ):111111 IUS!I'. l'f'11·ral, \\ i!h 1!·111 ... plus ~rill a110thrr hd· nn. Xlt)(\ :-:..1. fl., :_!1~ ball1.i:, f11111ily n11., hranli[uJty IJP. gr11clrd 1 h11111ul. Hrst buv ui U11iv<'1·si1y Pat·lt for $;!2:500. 'll 11~,-I 1 1' 11 i I. ---'l lP111i11 r "SINCE 1946" lsl \\'('stern Bank Bldg. Unive1·sity Park, lrvine. Oays 833-0101 N;ghh 0 \V N £ R Tr11n!i--Spacious- f'XCt·uli\'~ hon1r in Prestigr arPa. :t Br. 3 Ra, huge drn \\ rr11l1', r11rmnl 1!ining. hn- rna1· Con;I! Nr sf'liools, shupii .t· 1·1ly prk. S.J:l,500. Call 1 ;,'Oil:!' Tays 13rkrs Agr11t !-161·~ l!I' !J6'.J.j,'i66. A RARE FINO 2-Story. '1 Bdrin., 3 ba., :l l•nr J:ar. Beaulilul J3madmoor, ·rurtlf' Roi·k. D e c o r R t o r drapt>s. Xlnt It)('., w11lkin,.: dist. lo rlem. & high .o;ehool. A hfUST SEE AT $48,750 JNCLUOING TIJE LAND, WE HAVE OTllERS 'llu~''f 1Pllil, ---'l l.1'11/i or "SINCE 19-16" ]st \Vcslern Bank Bldg. University Park, Irvin!! Days 552-7000 Nights Ifil __ I Leguna 8e1ch HANDYMAN SPECIAL G.I. NO ON. PYMT. l'Pl'a11 line rustic ranch 41yl,. honll'. lo.,"al~I \11 lln1'r, "VILLAGE OJ-• t.ACUNA" l>t't'llOU. De-tallt'd e.'l:trrior of HOUC ll \\'000 l'LANI.\, URICK, \V EA 'rH 1'~ ft. lo: O ('EDAR S lll NC:Lt-: ROOFL?NE.'-l. \\'t'll de8ignt>d, ~ BDRJ\1 ,t• FA~!. DEN Fl.OOH Pl.AN. ha,.: dbl door l"tltr)' hAll 11 /floors ()! potishrd ajtllll'. ~PACIOL'S Rl-.:Ak L I \' , H:-01. llAS l'l':NT~:n rlHF:PLACE. IN t:A llL\' t'.\Lll''. DES IGN. sluhni:: i!lass 1\oors ()pt"n 1o 1><1tic1 ,(; ~ anl li,\l)LY IN Nt:El> Of l .AN O~CAPIN(; ,t; \\'li:EDING. \\'/\\' ~ h ~ i: l'arpcl111K & CU1'1om dr11111.·s lhl'tl-0111. COZ\' FA.\!. LIE~ HAS , RESA\VN \\'000 PANEL- ED \\'ALLS & 'f IL F~ fLOORS. Open~ to t,'0111· pl<'tcly n1odt'rn kitchen 1\•irh Bl.LT-JN RANGJ:: A: OV.l!:N. DISll\\'Slllt, DISJ>()SAL, elc. & drrp stained luhvd. c>abincts. This lx•llrr quality home is an OUTSTANDING BUY Jo'O ll S Ol\1f:ON J.; \111'1'1\ A l:REEN TllUJ\IB. Offl'red for $36,950 FULL PRICE NO OOWN PYMT. ·ro r:1.rc.:JBL~; \1ETl:;RAN'. rnt11·r haln 111·f" of both p1·111· •·i11ll' & 111tf'rcsr Jla~ ablr S2-li.1!1 11 irh ;tnn1111 I 1wr1·r11t ai::r rut.-.ir 711 ', f1u· ~P~ yf':irs. Call 011·n1•r bkr MISSION REAL TY 98~1 So. Coast II\\')'., Lai;:una Phone 17141 494-0731 ----SOUTH LAGUNA OCEANFRONT Bealll. 4 BR .. 3 ba. spllt lr.vrl furn. homf! w/prlv. :ilairway to Secret Cove Beach: forni· er home of Charlie Chaplin. 31699 ~a Cliff 'Dr .• by appt,. l•guna B11ch Almost Oce•nfront &auliful, older 2-&ty •t\lct"o Wired hit!' 1'001, A(:TOSI 1he 1urf'f't from o (' e a n t r on I Built by old world"• cratl.!man k one o t t..t¢una 's f1nri5t a~u. 4 Spacious BR, 2·b&Ul!I. Huge living rzn. \\'/1'1Hlll51\'C frJ1l(', Tile-& l\l'OUKhl Iron S!ait"ll to 2nd story. Lgr. forn111l din till., brkf6L IU't'd orf ot k1l<·h••11, uvt"rlookhJa I h t' II n!l'r. (}r\f' Of 11. klnd .(• h;i . .rd 10 fultl l'r11•1\l R! $!12 .. 00. . ~~~~. •= ~ '°' l'(),l,Jri--: r,Q\llM U'~ ~. __ .._c.-- ---~ BllAND nr\\' lXTIUl \It\\' hon1t'. ~ hdr111. ':2 bath. Nr11i1· 1\liso Bi'Rl'h. SJS,j(K), f>ru 1· 1·11ilf'~ oul~4!l·l-76:!:!:. _ IN\'ITl:OO:C: • BH, 2 RA, lrp!\·., fAn1 rnl., <"rpts, ilrpi<. 'trp~. S36.f00. '4M-l003 or R3.l.~r;92. Laguna N iguel Newoort Ba•c.h AT LONG LAST THE BLUFFS 3 BR. -21/1 BATHS A \t.ry ('hol'-e end untl, 1900 SQ. h. s11lll lf"\'t'I. 01t our f1nt'st dir«·t em•11b('1t fron- 111.gf" ln 1.nurh aought a flrr t.:u~ 81 u!fs 1(1('. 11\ghly upgr11..l1'1l & t;i..~1r{ul.ly •P. po1n!rd . 111!h fult'~I 11uall!y rrntul'i'S thrwu1. Pl·~vatf' 1111llt'd 11:1!10 o\·{'rtookllll ··~tiPr1100.! For{'~1 ' ~l llCl\1tlf'1I 01>11rr~ rtr~lrP •l lllf'k Ml,. \\,. hll.\t' If 111 l·IS,:iOO 1 i.o, plrii~,. 1'11nsidf"r 11,c i<l!ou ld11 ·1 111 .. 1 \ r r y [Ol!JO': I '''~ ,r~ .... <.. ·t . ;\ t! 1 .. 0' (..•~ : .:' -0!...'!u ~.'~ rea lly ..... :!414 \11~IA l"lrl ()rtJ l\'1'\l'!')(H1 Braf'h 644-lll~ ANY111\l P.! PEllFEC'r FA:0.11LY 110;-.tr.: * IN LA CUNA NIGUEL. :, HR, :! OA, '.! palio!I. '1'<1p gradr 1·Rrprtu1g. \\l/1..1\y t'X· lrns. Only $3!l.7:i<l. * * * • NEWPORT RIVIERA • ANN ClllS.\lAN llE1\L f:~T. 323.'il {"oa.~I ll\1•y., S. I.I'll· 4!l!l·l3 41, 4!'1!1·2249 ...-Di\10RCEE l\IU~r SELL or l.A'a!<r C1'()\1·11 V.11.llry ll 1ghlands ~ Br. :! H••, \1/:-<'p t'/lt ,,. O/R. Frpl, I\'~~\\' ('/IJ. Vnt':inl. Sl l.900 ~~~1-7!i01 . BY O\\llf'1" .\lonarch Ba) Trn'it<·r , ,.tt'11, !l BR, 3 BA . la111 l'tll. 3-t'Br gar. pool. un- 1!er :.? > r" old. 1n11ny ;xlra~. $79,500. 496·401 6. ~IAXl S!atus. i\fini price, Rr-cluced $4,000 for 1 wk on- ly. 23011 Ja\'a Sta. 491)..151'.I. Lido l•I• "'o..,.P""'E"'N"'s"'A"'T""i s"'u""N,.., "'12:r 241 VIA GENOA BAYFRONT VIEW rondo111ln1u111 Hvi°ng In· thr Bu"k llRy nreR ov<·rlook1112 ll•'aU1iful Nr11•po11 lir-'l'h. I l•·rl''ll AU n111)()1·n111hy lo 011'11 a ho111c fu1· lf'llS than 1'tnl. nr:DtlCJ·~D s10.ooo EMERALD BAY LOT Largest View Lot 1121 En1l'rald Hay . .S!I0.000 ·I IHHStrr ~II!' brdt'0011l!I II'/ 11111,:r \1tilk 111 •·loi<1•ti;;, :t baths. t'loor-to-1·r1l111g l1rf"plAl'r In ~rat·iouii: hl'illfr,! roon1, 11 1\• c·rplg &. 1·ushn dt·~ thruout. A.\I Fl\1 inlrl'Nllll. Bl!in11 In· c·hi<!t" dl.~l11v11hr. Af'rf'!ll nf ~t'ffll M:IVr11 ., fin rk·likc 11t- 1nosphtrt' lo thf'se maan1fi· ct'nl hotnes pricW from $26,250. 101'. down -total paymts as low a11 $249. P"r n10. hl<'ludrs 1111. ~lodr.I• open from 10 to ti daily. (Fol- .low Jrvlnc lo Santa n1a.btll. Dlrt't·tional 11i(rn!I to lhe models Ol' call 54().5147. VILI.AGE HEAL ESTATE. • • • • • P;rlcf! has ju~t been drastic- ally 1·t>ducrd to $99.~ on * thi:-1 spa1·ious '..:! BR., d<'n .. .,..,..,..,..,..,...,.,..,.., ~·i'\~ l(lls .~. hou•,.~ r'!IJ: Bill Grundy, Realtor ::41 B11~ '• '1 1•1 B1•fu·h honll' \1•/rf\ni11i:: rm. I: \l'f'l $28,600 liar: 1•ntry 1·ou1·1yard \I' fou111 n1n, hi:.-. patio nn till S · · B I • 675-6161 ~W~A~L~K TO BEA-CH fl , lot: 3 1«11· g11 rai;ir &. Lt<lo ee1n 9 ts t iev1ng Nord hny 11r1\. 01·r11n vif'11 .~. 2 hdrn1s, 1 bOU>OA& loweon Jt. l~Uh, t'irt>pls1·r . Jo"a11ul,v •coltCMI ki11•ltf!n. e1ll'.lusr1t \'lf'IV dri·k. 3'116 Via Ltdo ti7:,.4;,G'l Tiu~ prf'lllllllll llrt1JXT1.\', OPEN suN.1~-- overlouku1~ Vii:tona At·ach. l l I VIA KORON \\'Ori'\ las\ long al $.11,9:io. CHARM PLUS Slr•e> 10 , •• .,.,, '-"Y. ' Bdrm., 3 balt..q; dinin~ rn1., \V001ls Col't' area, cOmple1f'ly family rm.: Ji,t>. «undeck. 1'<\le<.~ra1t'd fron1 top to bot-Only 6 yean old toni. New t:nrpets, drRIJt'S £ Walker Re•lty 67S.5200 appii11ncr11 Me only " fC'I\' 3l36 Via Lido, N'pl. 84'ach thoughllul ~ t.ucl1ut.'• ·rhis 2 2 , ___ '··' Baytront triplex. 3 BR. lift. Utirn1 ., 2 ba1h hon1I' ls one ea. ~a!e Jand $120,000 of U1e ruost desll:ablc. Areas sayrtmlt it-All " -+ -a:m -rm or Laguna Beach, :;o hurry, ~ bft. Pier I: slip $197,500 il \1·on't la5t long at $48.500. LIDO REALTY INC. RURAL CHARM 1177 v;" !.<to. N.B. l'\a!url\I rr:d\vood l"ll:ter\or. 67)..7300 .1111d \1·hnt .,vou lf'I! L'I Nf'11·110rl Rt••rh Bick Bay! .Ju~t uff 'l'uMlin In be1111t. ~r11 Jll.ll'I Riv1~r1t. :\u1v stn1\in1t -4 bedroorn, ~ b11th11. lf'rraLa l enl!Y\''ay, bf'_ilu.!. \\/\\' <:tpt1 Ir -'lffroralor d111'J)f'g, "Ione f1rl'pl., A.\1/FM lnt~rcon1, dishw11hr ' bll111. ALL. pla.t~ ncd com munity 1,1·Uh acN".1 of l'()Jl!njl' i:reen. Swlmmlna pool, pulling green, lo!ldt of anirn !1i1!s, ·rota! paymcnl of $26:.I l)('r nw. lnc::Jude.11 all, I l-Bodroom,. IWHIOS')l-lrom-- S2G.230. Follo1\' ·rrvfne Ncrth lo San!a lsubt'I Ave., follo!A• sl&n~ !o modrl or cnlJ a-40·5147, \Ill.LAUE R.l-fAL E~talf' f'Xl'IU!!ive •all's 111e11t. Fireplace. 2 Bdrmi;., 117 OUTSTANDING b''"'· modem kltch<". All 2 Story hom•. 3 BR, 3 BA, TWO ON A LOT lhi!! cun be yours for dining rni .. 2 lrplcs., lo1v I modern t.~untry living at int. loan. Asking SiG,500 GI NO DOWN A RARE ONE $29,950. KEN BRITTINGHA:\l Better Sf'!! th is rare valllf' Tur1lr Rock Plan 6 , CLOSE IN Realtor * 6T>-0123 today! l btdroom plu11 1 overlooking park. 3 &Jrnu;.. 2 Block to lM!ach, lov.•n & LI DO Nord homt', 3 BR, 2 b<'droo1n home on R-2 IOI. ! 2 ba., family room homt' in 5Chooilr, put this charmina: 2 BA, dining, lge lot, baloony bedroom OO\V vacant and • immal..'ulatc con di 1 ion. lxlrm., J bath cottage "clo11e view. Ne a r playground, ready for immedlatf! oo- Beautiful. mature I ... &nU;;sc:;;•~t>-+.;tor..;cr,v~cf.'Y'~h~io~g~"~· rB~'n'li"iiltitu~ljty~f-~~h~J"fn~n~i~• f'°~urt.n~-I7~9~500!!!,-ticurT;;~·;,i:t ~bedii;\irooffi:'~m~ro;,n~t~----mg lhttt 'orill-p/e!l! ccora , ' OOl'I Ownt>r, 673-6574. a p!!r mont . K~p u Price ot $42-,9~ include! lhr priv81e patio au included rentaJ ·or ii.st I'l l MO!her-ln- la.ntl f !38 950 12 5 JMMAC. 3 BR. l~ SA.. Jaw house. Only $24,SOO. · OT ' · -t. South patio. Owner anxious. k Won't be a.round lonR. :_~ · __ · __ · ." red hi.II AO/an ;:;:;;~ " "'" B ' Walker & Lee • :t BR. 2 RA home on Lido REAL ESTATE \\'t1.n!ert rronl O\Vner. Call REALTORS REALTY Un1\·. Park Cenl1'1', lr\·111c C1:11J Anytime, SJJ--0820 F'OR sale by 0\1·orr, Beaut 4 BR homr, Jo'arn r m & Jo'orn1al din. ITI, on grt>en- IJ('tl. ff3.1-1D43. THE BIG STEAL !!!XI Cl('nr1ryrt' S1. 494-947:! ;149--0:~16 TllE REST (Jt' 2 \\'ORLDS. Live near !hr brnt'h ancl have a POOL, too. t111- maculatc 3 BR. 2 BA houR, v.•1th mMy. many exlru1 f!oft \\'atcr. sprin klc5, "'l'I, har r1c. l Just reduced to $."i7.500. AN~ CHISMAN REAL EST. 32Jjl Coasl Hwy, S. Lag. 499-1341, 491J-2249 Located nPar 1he end of the '3~U~N""tT~s""c~on~,~.,-o717>o~"~-n-.-,-,. lane', in close do\\·n. OLDER cellent condition. Personal, S F. CT I 0 N OF Tl-IE financial problt'ms rortt1 "VILLAGE". Perched half hrea.d-And-buttcr u n 11 R. \\•:ty up the knoll, \VITH AN Sho"'·~ g<)O(f 11pendab]j1, T11-· OlJTSTANf)ING Vlr•;t.\I OF" s:JS,500 full prlc<'. 'l'llF. OCEA,"J & SAND AT I.OS PADRES REALTY CO. .\lAIN Bt-:ACll. fl27 S. Co11~t ll"'Y· Hu~!I(' 2 bl.Inn. lloor 111;1n ~!J-l-8R13. 494 ... ;j()()I) fl l'OUld br HSl.'d a" !'()111'!'1'1, drn1 , llf'Tvirrd by :l BATH S. SPF.:CTACULAR 0 {.'EA;\ ('o~y. h.•a<'h s!ylrd Ii\', rni.. VIE\\'. Ex~llenl lot l•J('n· ha~ ~1A$SIV J·; HF.:D BRICK 11011. l1111n11rulal1' \Ill\''' FIREPJ.t.ri.: \\llTll RAIS. r1i;h1 !11. 2 Bil, 2 111\ . EU llF:Art'l'll, o pt: N Sf'par;1lf' •l!nu1~ 1 no u1 AF.A:'lt CF:JL INGS \V I sr~1.;l()O, cno;;;s Tl :'l·tBF.f!S. \\'/\V I A1'N _<JflS)lAN R~'.At. ~:~T (arpcts ,.xtendlng t hr o .12.1.'>I Coast !I v.')'., S. Lag. hdrllll'(, Sliding gta!'ls door.11 499-lJ.41. 4~2249 OJ!f>n lo dt"<::k \V/EXEC. 2 ~TORY 1tl•1t!I front v1t>11 OCEAN VJF:\\'. home. Balcony In Ii\'. rrn Charmini:: f 1 rm sty I e O\tt din. area. j BR, 2 BA, kilcht'n, has RU IL T-I N bt·am clnt. frpk·. v.·('1 bar, OVE~ & RAN'GE \VIREO cpls, drps, bltns. $39.500. BRIC I\ BACKSPLASll, 491-5200 or 646-7562. DISll?.1STR., GARB. DISP. &: BUILT-JS BREAKfAST' NOOK. Th1.t1 homr. is an estate s,a\c, orrercd at the appraisal prict' or $:'..."i,000 1~~1h a n1i11irnum bid of $3 1,50-0 CA SH PRIC E VA('A:OO:T! SF.I·: ,\N'l'TI~lE' MISSION REA L TY 9!li :::.n. ,t! Jh\')'., 1...axu11a Phone (714) 494-0731 EMER ALD BAY (".org('OUS Vl('W lo! "'-500 TEO HUBERT l ASSOC. ~71 Via Udo 6i>l1i00 NF.\V Contemporary, 3 bdnn .. 2 ba., O{'f'll.n vlf'\\', t'Xposrd . 11ood le jtll'l.~S. $39,900. 497·11.i6 OC-EAN front luxur1ou 11 0 \\l'N'• Y Ol}H...()\\'i~ ~pl . f\fngnilit't'nt view. 2 RR, 2 BA. $-16,jOO, Bkr 7 I 4 : 4!1J..300~. ---.--;=:,.,....-;= SA\'E! N. l.D.Runa-Pl'ltlO• rnmir V1i-.w, 3 Br. 3 B~. ftm nn. 7 trpll..'it, liOOI , rirrk, pn!lo. Xlnl parkln~. 3.!m ~. 11. Ov.'nt'r 4.?4.M74 , Dally P:ilol \Vant Adi have baraaJns 1alore. 673-2332 Eves. :>1:>-9491 Open 'lil 9 P~f ~----Mu• Vude Newport leach OPEN SUN. 1·5 30-07 JAVA ROAO EPITOME Of' PLEASURE for \hf! txecutlve who f!njoy11 famlly lun & entertaining. Living rm., 4 bdnns., 3 ba·s., fornial dining nn., i1d and kitchen; billlard nn. &: garden arts. all comp. IUJTOUnd ltfie irw.loor POOL with walerlal.1 & elec. roof opening for 1unshine ' ztar Kazing. $U0,000 Furn\11h~. W•lker Rulty 675·5200 3336 Vla Lldo. N'rt Stach Mission Vieio 1 DlSTRESS SALE -BY OWNER - UPl~N SAT & SUN 10.:1 ~{jflfi J\·JOSQUERl) j\Ju.(I hf. ~111 thi11 1vt>rkf'11d . Apnr1d'.'lrd $19.000. Sai·nr;..,. $2j,:{Xl. :J BR, 3 BA, VaC3nl trlplt~. C11ll 543-6446. SlfARP SPANISll J\10 DERN 4 BDRM., FAM ., + POOL $3S,SO-O lo On. AvoU. Open !louse Sat/Sun 1.5 26\J.1 Via Bona,.han l YNCH REAL TY 132-5022 <I BR. 3 RA, i1r cond. La Pai JPllt level, Vfft"''• prof . Jnd~cpd. By owner. XJG.l.916. SPOTl .. ESS 3 br. h1111 rn1 \\/VlCIY, ~·t1Upaf)l'r t.· p:tnf't• lni:: thru-oul. ~hag cptfl:, bl!n , 1oopr1nklf'rt. outdoor ti3hlin~ & much more. Step11 to achoo! $.14.<XXI, 830--0138 3 AR. 2 BA. 11, )TA aid. View loi. Custm drp11 & crpt 'na, p111lo. $29.!m. 0 w n r , ~~936!. llouae Hun.One ? Watch tht OPEN HOUSE mlun\n. *ADDRESS* (.'u unty tnxrs. Tmpre1slve t'll• fry hall Into 2'XIO 8'J. ft. hon1r. 1 "LARCE" IJf!fl· mom11. 2~~ batM, "LARGI::" family -d ining can be for- mnl. Lot 79' widf' 120' deep, rm ror pool '/or boat. In a~a on~ block away plan1 lo build $100,000. hQn1e.s. This is a steal. f"o r a a:ood UlvMtment and yoor fam- ily's b<'st fulurt>, eet In now. OPEN SAT./SUN. 1-5 B•ycrest Beauty 1707 TRADEWINDS f111m111·u!i1tr :I Bit., 21.C, balhic: Mtnk('u dh1!nr rm. k Jivlnll nn, ovrrlook1n~ pool, 1-:~1r11 lgC'. k1tr•ht'ri "r..-n. Rrdurrd to s.-~.900. W•lker RHlty 675°5200 :0..16 Via Lido, N'111 . Beach 1 A STEAi. at $34,900. 3 Bdrm., 2 Ba. Cu11tom df>l.'Or", many extras, 30'' llvlnc, roorn, upprr bty nil-de-A l', large lo!, i p,a•lo•. By OWO('rl 641-105.~. UNBELIEVABLE I Cha.rm!~ be• h 1-ouas:e. Nt'w cllJ'!l"t!I, 1tr:1pt~: nlrt> pll'10 \\'l1 h htrl. I.· fll1'cl. sv.fnunTni ptlOI Strp~ 10 bny It ocf'11n. ~ 0 T l.EA~EllOLD. On!)' $36.:tOO.I Jl)~•ES Rf:ALT\' ti7:Hi210 21Xl l \\. Balboa. N'pt ~111'.'h OELI C..:llTFUIJ.. Y tlr.-nr•trd l BR. F'am & 0 111 rm, llArbor Vic"'· Uomf'I C.nnf'I n\Odf'I. 00~" 10 park. ,..,.,. Rh·nrilt. By o"'nct. 19:11 Port Chelsea. ;\ppt p I fl A I f!. b<J-.12!)j, I • 1 ' • I . • ' ., -,- D f DAILY PILOT I _ .... Newport Beach NEW DUPLEX llear the mi.rf, see lhC' boat!ll; gnelous livina. -4 Bdrm. up, 3 down. 'Pick )'(>Ur colors It carpel. Only $74.900. 1'. J. HORVATtl REALTY A.Ilk for Da"-e 67S1972"Closed Sun. 6'l'S-7i97 In Nowport Ho'9ht1 By QWnn'. 3 BR, 'l BA, 1'111te paUo.. Mklo~ sn.900. w Redlands Ave.. N, B . 1 MOBILE HOME ESTATES ·' COUNTRY CLUB-'i>-= SHORES, 4 Br., 3 Ba. fam 3200 sq. ft. Swim & lf'nnb:. Agent. 67:>-7225 HIR HELP! AnxlOus .pwner, 2 Br., 2 ba, swim pool., good Joe. Agrnl, 675-7225. 11IR. Sa n Clemente VETS SELLER RETIRING Reduced price. f.flllit seU this beautiJul ewtom built 2 BR. 2 BA home. All new shag cptg thruout. Situated on 18 hole golf course. Bltin range k oven, huge kit. A lovely back}'a"rd w/many fruit trees, Completely fenced for privacy. 2 i;ar ear w/electric door. FUii pri~ $29,500 .. payable at only Sl96.27 per mo incl. 7% int. This home il'I spotleS!I. Call for appt. This won'! la5L Blair & Jrnkins Realtor11 UOO S. El Camino Real, SC . 171-ll 492·9811 SHORECLIF F_S _ By Owner, 4. Br., 2 Ba .. frplc, drps, -nu crpt k • Ml,.. l . ti ,11• DI', II t!OM ... t ..i, •.I. tf P1r11 '""''' OWN !OUR OWN DELUXE MOBILE HOME LOTS TllOl \'OLllfl(llf ltCElnl fOll l ILlllllfllO or(O Only Mottileho1111 ;ark With All These f11tur11 RICk\' ' fill COlf COUISl lfAUTlflJl llUCI CLUlllOU$f. I NJl~r11 HOt MlnerJI fOltl POO!I lll11lfl.'1dl, C lntJdt, 4 Ollh lh 11nr111f 1100111, C11d l oornt 4l>il0 Audrtorl11111 &lll"lt ' 1111n1 mort h1l1nM full•Tlll'lt SOCl•I Dlrtctor UftOtfllOillld ll!lllllr• lllCI. All-C~ll\Atl JV C1bl1 Cl13'·fnll Stwrrt lldUlll \>ti ·~ WllQllll lCTl'tt llTlll• MflTj YAC.Tlihil. 'll.lilllClr llOMl Oii f.U SlltlTll llVUll $3,980 To $7,290 MINIMUM 10% DOWN Dbcnllt ftr 10dltlo1111 cu• flEXllLE FINANCUI' UNIT 3 NOW OPIM Fl(f llOtHU•f -Min _,, ... Dfl~• •t ''--· DES!RT HOT SPRINSS, CALIF, waUpaper, gas bbq, ocean Sal11 Offlc1 (714) 32 .. 7412 vw. Pvt. bch. Many xtra.1 :;;;;;~;;~ lmmed. Occupancy. Appl only $42,000. 644-8138 or 493--0188 eves, 833-1fill, Ext Rl!lal E1tate. [.Jli] ...... 1 2838 dys. i~-----' FOR Sale by owner. 3 Br .. 2[•••••••••• Bath, large living &. f<i~ily Apartments fo,. sale 152 area, new 11hag carpeting, --------- ocean viow. 10 · 0 0 0 · The Real Estaters 492-3ns. Investment Division S BR. fam rm., pool, water A p A RT ME N T HOUSE vu. 1842 Galaxy Dr· Open SPECIALIST $11,t.& Sun, Owner. 642-2589. Just listed. 6 unlls, 2 S·•rf Juan Capistrano hedroomir: <'Reh, S 6 7 , ·:i o o. $10,000· down gross lnco n1e $7,920. Should sell fasL Buy now & 1'iavc on 1972 taxes. INVf..:STMENT DIVI SION OLD SPANISH DESIGN Modern conveniences-Best of tv.'O worlds. Completely sur- roundt!d by 8 ft walls, mak· lng secluded narden."I and atrium. Spanish tile floors. Must be seen lQ realize that &0me1h;ng 1Jke !hi•"''"' l-"'p"R"'1"v"A"'T""E:=B=:EA=c=H NOW $.53.500 FITZPATRICK'S OCEAN VIEW. 3 Bedroo m. Capistrano Valley fteillty Vt'ry elegant, mibl erranean 31501 Camino Capistrano parking, ~cvamr. Laguna San Juan Capistrano S&l.000. 714 : 772-5000. 493-1124 Green.Mansion Inc. · ·Realto-r SJn·ce 1965 Commercial - Property 158 J~f L_ --·--]~ I -·-I~ ~I -~"'-~ l?.'.!! 305 -5 c::C:::fnlutM -..... Lota for Sale 170 Bu1lne11 1 _~ ___ u_n_i_urn.____ HoUMI Unfum. 305 HouMs Unfum. .1V Unfu,.n.. • '-'ah1·.~rano 1 ---C-h-o-ic_e ___ o .... ppor1 ..... _u_n_1tv ___ 200_ Gonorol cost• Mou 1rvlne Logun• Beach \J }' c;)\ RELOCATI~C. Desire to ;;;;:;:;;:;:=;;:;:;;;;=;;:;:;;;;;;; Residential Lots sell n tabli.hed multl.pro-EXECVTfVE homt. near UNIVERSITY PARK LEASE_ Condominium beach · MOBILE HOME PAGEANT INTRo'OUCES THE NEW VIKING -ORANGE· WOOD 24X61 PRICE WAR $11,995 2 BR, Center kitch., }"am rm, Crpl11, Appliances, Drp!, Jn· clude11 SETUP & DELTV· ERY ANY\VHERE IN SO. CALlf'. ON DISPLAY AT 6 OF OUR LOCATIONS VIKINGS largest Dealer ALWAYS FIRST WITH A MAJOR Price Breakthru ! duel, marine oriented mail South Coast P1ua.. 4 Bdnn., 2 BR 2 bath d S300 2 ba., Sp.anllh, 1 ,lidin& · · en • • • • • • apt. 1600 sq, ft. 2 lrg. BR·1, arder b u • l n e • •. No . . 3 BR. 2 Bath, atrium ·• $335 lrg llv rm. le din area. 2 Ira 81hdl0 (llaya'<ot) 118,SOO J ava Road ' (Mesa Vet'M) 18,4:95 Vlrta Haya INev.'POtl) 19.~ Vista Baya (Cornf!rl 21,500 90x125 {Ntv.'J)Ort) 2J,5'X) P!tut )l®r dream home to-- day, Call 646-7171 I a r assiatanct. m11nufACturini. Rwt lt tn gla.u dOors, pams, attium, 3 BR. 2~ ha..., lam. nn. S325 bath.rm '.&, fully crpt (new .,....,p own home a few houn: 3 car garage· l.M. $350 mo. ~ BR 2" •· f -•= ~--Owner. 545,-3791. .. '' ra • ..,.., am. '"" ..,.,.. shag) wasber/dry«!t' Ir a wt"tk. Should nee YoU up TURTLE ROCK refrig. 35x2S patio. On tM lo Sl0,00) per yev. .No • Rustic Charm! F'rplc, • BR. 2 ba., tam, rm. •• SJliO ocean. write Franc i 1 liabilities. Asking $5.000. beam ct'il, all util pd, S12S. 4 BR. 2*-ba., lam. rm. $300 Caramagno, 953) Gardt.n Call 546--8045. 8 am lQ 5 pm. Cat ok, We have short term.. Grove Blvd .• Carden Grove. JANITORIAL Days, vacant ALA Renjals • 645-3900 fl,gn. rentals avail.c; Ca or c...U j34-4131. 2629 ltarOOr Blvd. Apt contrar t, Price $6500. 546-8660 e Instant llome -2 Br. cpl/ Townhouse Unfum. JU Incld. ~hide, equip, sup-150 Strv'ing Newport-Costa MeM drp, gar, kids/pet. S . plys. Income SlS,OOO Yl' Up: are11.. Over soo rental!'i ALA Rentals e 645-3900 Huntington Beach Vi7rite Clauified Ad No, 3~. available now. Our fee is Coast Hwy. Cor. Dally l'tlot. P.O. Box 1500, sis.oo. We '"'•,.,.ntee service WESfSIDE 3 BR. 2 BA fam 3 BR, 2 BA, frplc, all bltn1. Co5ta Mesa, Ca.lit 92626 .,.~-r m., gas atove, lrg fenced pool le rec facil. $190. C·l 1..one. Approx. JOO'x126'. 01· your money hack. }'air~ lo 'd OK l.t':YCJ. Prime location. BUSINESS opp or I unit y Call now. yl't w/pa l · Ki Ii, pets · "SINCE 1946., 962.-4167 eve; 558--l575·day. 1132 000 •·anted In Oran"(! Coast SZ".Al. mo. lmmed poss. S J Ca ·11ra · · • ..,. 546-5880 Ask for FRANK. 1st Western Bank Bldg an uan Pt no Wesley N. Taylor Co. a1 E"a. Dul offer offer awn 1 Bdrm. on the Wal er. Realtors i.ervices & moderate capit&I Furnished with u t i I i t i es OR 97~2242 and ask for University Park, Irvine NE\V 2 BR, patio, kitchen Now em p Io y, d . paid. 1200 Year ro"nd. ;:B::ill::.· -------Da ys 552-7000 Nights \\•/bllns, sha,g w/w .& CU!'il 211 1 San Jaaqu!n 1-lills Rd. .. -Newport Center 644-4910 213/353-6835 or write 6830 ADULTS only, New 2 BR, 2 clrps, double garage, $185 Weyfard Pl, Tijun;:::a, Calif. 2 Bdrm. Rent reduced to BA hou&e. Crpt. Drps, TURTLE Rock. Yr. Lease. 3 mo. Adults. E11t'!! 962--8197. 3 LOTS N.E. aide Panorama Sl70. Has refl'ig. & bltns. Blt.ns, &: pvt fncd-in patio le BR, 2 BA. My spectacular Duplexes Unfum. 350 Hill. Orange. S8.900 each in-CATERING &: Food Fenced yard for pel garage. Call aft 5 or wkndli, View • Crackling fireplace, 'eludes sewer le underground Business, Newport Beach. s175 646-S665 pool &. tennis courts are Cost• Mel• u11liHes, $3,000 down, $100 Xlnt potential $ 9 5 0 0. 3 Bdrm. I-louse. New decor . ...::::.:::·..:..::...::.:::·---~ tree . $365 mo. 1st & 1st + ·- J>('r mo. AU cash or trade ~1679. · Children k pets welcome, or 3 BR, 2 BA, Un.furn conck>. $100 clng. dep, Bob 646-7171 1 BR Duple"X, partly furn., for S. Coast. Shop early & ----------will consider Aingles $225. Bltins, Pool, Clubhst. 1st &. dayli. Iris. 67>3676 eves. water & gardener furn. take· your pick. Phone Investment last + S50 ae cur It Y. Adults anly, no Pet•. 832-6540. Opportunity 220 LANDLORDS ! Your next Children OK. Good ref's, La9un1 Be1ch 54~954. R·3 Nr Newport _E_X_C_HAN_G_E_S._._in_v_e_sl_m_e-nts tenant may be an our _l:.:18.:.:5..cmc.o_._s.;_·1_-5530_·_. --.~-1 BR HOUSE 2 BR, l~I BA, gar. Sharp, • & tax •het•en. Home & wa;ung lisi. Call "' for free 3 RR, 2 Ba home, fncd ''"· • nk• •h•g, rerr;g. 1160/mo. 16.'l'x620 LC:vcl listing service. dbl gar.. patio, pets & Soulh LagUna, Stove, relrig., Phone 64• ~. SI 110 c" fl lnvestmenf Realty. 675-7225. d ~·~' W I ·N '"T' 1 · C $90 1 BR hme, kids OK children OK. $230 mo. \\'Ir, carpets. drapes, y a r , es •Y • ay or o. Money to Loan • 240 $llO. sngls/cpls C.M. pd. 549-2646. enclosed patio. child/pet. 2 BR, cpts, drps, bltns, fenc- R •• ltor. A .. ,.. to p•1'val• heac· h. ed yd, gaJ"age, no pets, $150. Sll5 alone on lot, kids/pets 3 BR, 2 BA in J\.lesa ,_,_ ~ ' 2111 SancJoaquin Hill!! Rd. 1st TD loans $77.50 2 BR pvt hme. vac.. Verde. Cpts. Drps, Frplc, $200. 548--4418 Newport. enter 644·4910 SIOO. 2 BR util pd, kidi1 /pets Bltin range. S265 mo. NU-VIEW RENTALS Huntington Beach CHOICE Jot, IOO'xl 3.'i', R·2 6%% INTEREST $145 2 BR kids/pets s;.M. ~222 eves & wknds. fi73-4030 or 494-.~248 -------------1 paved alley, 348 E ' 2 d TD Loans Sl;x! 2 BR util pd c.r.t. 2 Br, epts, drps, garage, LAGUNA NIGUEL 4 bdrm, 2 !~·~!~~~~~· ~~s~ :· 1~!:'; RochestPr St .. C.M. Sbort n $170 2 BR pvt unit r>.'.B. fenced yd, trees, quiet. ha, !iv. rm & dining area, priv. yard. Gar + hure \l.'alk to 17th St . shpng. cntr. '% SlfiO 2 BR fpl bltln kit Adul! couple. No pel s, $15.i. famlly rm. frpl, built-ins. prk'g. $l95. Resp. manied $21,750. 673-9509. ii 0 int. based an :i-uil:y. $165 kids OK C.M. 548-82.il; 548-14-05. carpets, drapes, fenced & couple. <Adults). 84~6 LARGE I 1 M d La Also NEW 95 .,. SlTh 3 BR kids/pets, gar H.B. sprinklers, 2-car garag•. ' o on ea ow ne, of &ale-pria: loan• MESA Verde, 4 BR. 2 BA, Ba•k Bay 1~000 o• oll•r 3 BR 2 BA ling ls OK C.M. tmmac, 1310 mo. 1st, last ... • ...i, • • Sattler Mtg. Co. bltns & dshwsr, WfW crpts Hilmer. 405 E. Fairview, 642·2171 54~11 ~~~ B~= ~~:.·Bbams, &: drps. Avail Apr 1st. ""and""d"e~po-=•~H=·.,:•~9'H~2C.44=·==- Glendal•, Calif. 91207• SeMng H&rW .,..,. 71 yn. ro..ral• 841--008.1. WOODS COVE CAROL)'N COOKE & ASSOC Mountain, Desert, I will buy your 2nd TD, Rent·A•HOVlt 979 .. 8430 MESA del Mar temgorary Studio Apt w/slove, refrig., Resort 174 immediate <:ash, private rental 4 BR hse. Avail thru carpets, drapes &: private ** BIG BEAR LAKE porty. 644-1691 afl 6. LANDLORDS! '""' 30. 1280 mo. 546-4268. patio. Own slep• to beaoh. Need ll tax dedu ction? Try We Specialize tn Newport UUJities paid $150. 2 BR. $155, all utilities paid. th is cabin-In-the w 0 0 d s. I~ Beach • Corona del M~r • relrig, kids/pets OK. NU-VIEW RENTALS Com pl. finished only $8,950. HolMI forRMt e . Laguna e & Dana Point. 1 ... r .. A .. House 979-8430 fi73-4-030 or . 49-l-32-18 OR lilart w.Ja secluded lot Our Rental Service is FREE T Of Th W rl 1 You' 3 Br, 2 B• Montioello Condo: Op . e . 0 d for only $950. and WE'LL q . · • H F • hod. 300 NU VIEW. RENtALS. Pool, wtr softener. d1hwhr, .~~ F · ·t Roo BUILD a cabin an that lot ouses urn11 • $220. a46-l?65;."557_3039. ;) ., · am1 Y m, s!ove, fnr you ! Call Ros!! {714l fi73-4030 or 494-32-18 refrig., carpets, drapes. SJ&..1738 or \\-Tile: SpefK'er G~neral VERY CLEAN 4 BR home 1 Br & den. Older adults or Deck w/bcautiful "edge of r.ral Es!ate, P.O. Box 2828, 1----------1 "'il h bltins & lrg frncd yd. retired cpl pref'd. No mountain vicv.·~" $275. Big Bear Lake, California. Yearly /Summrr Rentals for $265 per mo. FAMILIES child/pets. 646-8572 aft. 5. NU-VIEW RENTALS Finer Home~ in Bearh Area ONL"\'. Call ageot 5'16-4141. Lease 4 BR. $250/mo. 673-4030 or 494-324~ Apts. Furn .... A Bold New Concept FURNITURE RENTAL ... Month to 1'11onth • 100 % Purehase'Option. 1r Wide Selectlon- Style-Col~ * 24 Hour Delivery ea"istran c ONE ~~~01iy~INIJ. t' Lake }'ront % A Eagl~ Pt. From lliO ~1onth Westside. 683 Senate St. Lagun1 Hills Bill Grundy Rhr. fi75-6161 Baycrest Avail now! 495-0166 Costa Mesa _B_A_Y_C_R_E_Sf_S3_95_/m-o.-3-B-r, 3 BDRM., 1 Bath, cpl .. fe nc· NJiW ~orld,A3/Cbr, codbndol , vu, 517 W, l9lh, CM S4S-34&1 MOBILE HOME PAGEANT ,!31.500. 4 BR, 3 SfOR y 3 BR 2 BA. i;harp, built ins. LAKE FRONT Vacant • . . . . • • . • • $210/Mo. 21 ~ Ba, lrg D/R, F/R, E'd yard, patio. First le last !rplc, overszd kit. Also $2lj. 642-2.814. • avail. Furnished. 642-4~. Dana Point 3l4l l $73,000 trrms/makc orfcr 4 BR 2 BA, family. plush. MOUNTAINEY CBN -Vacant ........... $275/Mo. Corona dtl Mar San Juan Creek Rd. BAVARIA~ 4 BR3BA,nearnew,immac.1----------2 Large BDRMS., 2 Ba., (lake San Diego f>\vy to San S"•l w 0 1 112 = Pool ..... , ..... , .. $365/Mo. FOR Lease • Jrvil'M': Terracl". bltins, cpt I drps, nr beach, J C k Rd fl) . 'J e. ay u . . ..... , ,.. I .,. "' Be .,~ _J •~ '"'" uAn ree -turno -Box 275 Big B!'a:r Lake . ..,al -.....,.......~ fOpen-eves;-) aut.~a BR, ·din.----nn.,---2-....... .-mo. ease,_..~. San Juan Capistrano 714.866-3'\84/585-25'14 SOUTI .. COAST REALTOP.S. baths, 30' living rm., com-El Toro e ec., ' gar, 2756 N. Main, 'SA 547-031.f patia, pool. $ 2 6 O Io pt• l!!!"!!!!!!!!!!iijiil!!!i!!!!!!!!!i!!i!i!!!j 837-4526 Balbo. lsl•nd Lagun• Niguel HOME like 2 Br duplex, SPACIOUS ~ -4 BDRM $310 2 quiet residential area near Baths, fam rm, w/w crpt11, beach. $215 winter. 673-3780. drps, bltn11, -fenced ·yard- • o<tn ' Balboa PenJnsul• view . ...,.,..7330, --------1 --714/830-3140 or 493-1128 pletely refurbished w/l'M':v.1 ---------First Time Offered (Jleadri uartcrs for all L'"AKE ARROWHEAD I Liguna Beach paint, wallpaper, drapes, FOR rent or lease, 3 Br., 2 Coa5t lh11y, Corona de! Mar li)f·a tio ns) Waterfront. Priv dock; Com· • u n n y ye 11 ow 5 h a.g Ba., spacious yard with :t Com mr>rriAI & dupll'x ART SHOW MUSIC fortable, well built aldE.'r New 2 BR, J ~; Bath duplex. carpeting. c 0 m p 1 e t e 1 y covered patio. $265 mo. Santa Ana M•sa Verde • S25 WK & UP-On Ocean • Lovely Bach-l•B"r·Rooma Maid service-Pool-Util pd e Call 67>-8740 e OPEN HOUSE Sun l-6 $95,000 owe TD((1 7 \~% • home, huge !iv rm w/stone Well furn. Air/cond. Double private pool, outside dress-Phone 830-5873. 5 BDRM., 3 BATH Jrplc.4 BR.5BA,sepguest g-arage . Lrg. patio. lngrm. &shower.S49j per , "'~·~~ ~-4'""'''·· t'tV"ln'I E 17 h S REFRESHMENT · ... -Lg· • 1 .dbl Beautiful view! Short term Hunt •t I! .._ SHARP 4 BR, 2 BA home. Great loc, els to schl~. A bargain at $275 mo. Watrr incl. Avail aft AP.r. 15, . -540-3058. ~---.. -~·........,.,.,~-~.~~~ -.. a1t-· t ·-tr.eel---. T ·-,•,=s.='".'·· ~o .. c.gar •. e;;;e-,""r:l 2:'Jf"-··--.... mo ... ;ndud••.pool·"'"'ioo.&· _...,!n_,,!l!!L o..,, w,'frplc. Fully carpr.tcd k Costa Mesa ......., gardener. fi73-:'i.i13 for appt. drared. Nenr all school~ t..· Improved CQmmf'rr'i lll WELTON & .CO. NU~VIEW RENTALS -NO FEE Newport Beach Sn. Coas't"'Plaza. 30lR ~ne ll.S'",;,.~ .... ndahf~SliS,OOO Dn. SUN., MARCH 19 675-6900 fi73-4030 or 491-3248 Br, 2 Ba horn~ w/Jrg gar. "RENT \VHILE YOU BUY'' • .:...._,.... ____ _ D ••o 9868 ,~ · sher/dryer/freezer op-th' I 1y 3 BR 2 Ba c .. r. "' -· Rrnlono111ics, Bkr. fi75-fi700 ''When the Swallows 2 STORY glass front vie'W is ove nume, 4 BR :i BA r I C'-IE R ,, PALM Desert Condo., 2 Br.. lional. Nt'w crpts & drps. fC'nc--' y••d dbl ••• a d • · am. rm .. poo · A u 1 ! COM 11 · h 1 C 1 eturn .. Ba & den G-al •'•w & home. Balcony In !iv. rm Old c '"" .... · • n Back bay. Kids OK. 2 BR 11 • BA . nd . ig \11ay rontage, -I ~ , '"' •"' d' 3 BR 2 B dM, 31).i blkll from many, many xtras. Vacant! . ' d ,, .b•li~ co .1. new land & bldgs. l\n Activity of U.S. Jo"in.ancia , location. 1'~urn. ar unfurn. over tn. area. , A, h<:'ach. $325 gardener incl. S22S. per month . $350/mo. 7-4 days, 540.8121 cpt!/ rps, tins, arge, A •nl. fi1.'72~. 111 R liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii '714/""3010. . beam clng, frplc, v.·et bar, 67:>-"'::."'". Mr. Hanna. pool-size. corncr lot. $25.500. g... ,,.... "'' · · ' ~ .nu-rpts, drps, bltm. SJSO. mo. """" Roberts & Co, 962-5511 R I E I I H•••on v· ., Hill · • VtE\V • La-e 4 Br., 3 Ba., Westbrook R. E. 494-9788, Condominiums Real Est1t• ea I • • 494-5:xl0 ar 646-T":i62. l'U\D ie s, view.,, VACANT 2 BR. $260 per mo. ...., ... E h 112 BR $550 Manth deo, living rm. w/frplc., YEARLY • Bayfront 1 BR., furn. Upstairs~~~:rlookinl_ bay. $200/mo. 673-6790. Corona del Mar 2 BR. furn. apt w/sundeck, 1;J blk heh. 1 ar 2 men pref'd. $225 mo on lease . Call 673-4841 agt. Eves. l'URN. Bachelor $110 incl util. ·April 1. Male only, No cooking, no pets. 675--6737. Costa Mesa 642-7270. 1-l-or_•_•_l•,_ ____ 1_60 1 ~;;.,.;";";';' ;;;;;;;; xc ange Lido Isle AGENT ,;, '848 Children, pets OK. Swim-heated pool. S 5 5 0 Im c. Tustin I -~..c.:..:::.:c...::~.:..:..=:.....-ming pool. Ask for Mr. 833-0592. 1--=-=.,.--oc=:':· -3 BR., 2 Ba.. Windsor nvestors On The RENT for 3 .mo• beginning 2 Br. 2 blocks to beach. 300 Snider, 962-44n/963-2?07. ~~C::C'---.,.-~~=~ RED HILL RIDGE Squarr ............ S22,600. Income Property 166 iMove Up'. April 3, May It. June. Goldenrod, Corona del Mar. ~c=o~N=oo-=-~b----=::..:::.:.:.:.,1 NICE Carmel model. HVH, 3 l--C---d--O-- BY O\VNER. Luxury home. 3 BR., 2 Ba .. 1 gtory Tiburon, No pets. 673-8327. • Y owner, 3 BR, 2,., BR, tam rm., lge yard. 1991 GSG I) rO . . usti n llills .................... $29,500. ----------i Exchange 10 unit, pri".';'U.~M~a~ture~·~ro~u~p~le:..Jonl~y~,~no~pe~i.L, ~;;i~M;~=====-fJBlA~,~N~•~w~sha~g~o~rGpt'g, .drps Port Nelson 644-5035. ALL UTILITIES PAID 1 ..._._t._...__ ... ~·· +.....1. 8-Deluxe-UlllUS....j...J'8"•' ... -rnoneu...nu.ke-• oo. children. easo I ' I Pv1 pab Racquet Club, 4 hdrm, 3% "'" "'1 .od., vi a ··"""1r; ~ 3 .... u ,,.,... 67 1892 encl 2··•· al"' v;·1;o.• .11 • ....-Sffili u g8.low - r -€ompare-~"l'en • - - - -~--121 °"'"' all-l'M'w luxur.v, 2. &---~ Bdrms. w-ith fireplaces, al"~ -:r--· . -c. • g _ · 1.U1IDJ~-n•d yw,-i-r.ut·rpa. ·Cu•lom de,1·~ ~-· •-., tam rm, don. deluxe ,···••\•··,·.···"·\",''' · -.·."·N. ·• ··~ -..-... "'" ..... "'"""' '"" utt 3 BR 2 B v ll p 1 ·bed room units. pool & 5 -ba ch. quartm;. Income' 4 'Bdrm, 4 B.ith -horhe, e Daisy Fresh! 1 Br. walk 111g distance to beach · ' ··-· 1 • · • ' ' • kitchen, formal dining rm , ' , a., i a ac1 ic, . 1· . ' bab "hools •h • he & .. _ ' ' $135. • SpaCJous kitchen with in- master ~uite \\•ilh Mr. 1tod ................ , .. , $27,500. private patio, or h11lcony 011cr $12,00J per ye a r. din-den, 1v1ng room, airy shops, y/sml pet. $125. No ya;d "w~,r~. ~se S 0 •N1 '!,!; ALA Rentals e 645_3900 direct ligh~ng Mrs. baths & drr$sing rm.~. 3 BR, 2 Ba., 'Hunt. Cont., \\rilh each unit prired At low $89.fiOO. patio. Street to street. ALA Rentals e 645-3900 ....... e Separate din'g uea sauna, 3 car garagr, A_ir .......... ; ......... ~21.!lOO. 6.5x gross $380,000. fi?f>.-2908. •Stop-Look! 2 Br, encl gar. room le 2 lrg pools. Very •A Rare One! Huge Bach, •Harne-like storage conditioning & much more. 3 BR., 2 ·i Ba., Tiburon, Walker & Lee Exchangr Corona del ~far Newport IH•ch kids/sml pet. $150. sharp. 536-4879 all utH incl. $115. • Private patios Reduced to $71,500. 546·12'14; · · · · • · · · · · · · · · · · · · · • SJ0,500. Jnvci:;tml'nt Div 515-?lJl <l up!cx. 2 • 1 Bdrm. adjacen~ ---------ALA Rentals e 645_3900 NR bch, 3 BR, 2 BA. Bll.ns, ALA Rentals e 645-3900 • Closed garage w/storaie eves le wcekcndi1, 675 AAt?. 2 BR ., 2 Ba., Hun t. Marina, 2790 H bo Bl d lo co mplete sh o PP i n g VIEW, big, elegant, unusual Crpts, Drps, Cov pat., Lov. 2 BR, J l/ 2 BATH • FuU length marble pull • Real Estate, ct.neral .................... SJl.500. · ar r v ·• cen!cr. Income $.'Ud flonlh, private, 3 br. air cond. lge SlOO 1 BR, kids/pets HB yarf.. $250, 952-5121, man We have more Costa Mesa $42,500. Also have Sll.000 yd. $400. 833-3295 $150 Pvt hme, sngls, CdM !$2-2194. Studio fourplex, all electric • King-sz Bdrm1 Ca ll us anytime. 6 Units Eastbluff equi!y in eslale sized R-1 lot I ~H:..:o:.:u.::19::1::...U::n:.:lu~r"n-. -~30~5 $135 2 BR util pd C.M. •WE have a large selection built-ins, cArpel5, drapes, • Pool • Barbeques • SUI'· larwin realty inc 2 BR .• 2 bath units. 2 yrs. in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii. $150 2 BR N.B. Kids/pel!I of 3 and 4 bedroom homes garage patio &. balcony. rounded with plush land· '-------~ old. :Fully carp. & draped. INVESTMENT DIVISION Ocean frnt $175. Kids, N.B. that can be mo\'ed into Small pet ok. $190. scaping •••••••••1968-4405 546.5411 Covered parking. Best loca· 546-1600 General Pvt hme, cpls /sngls CdM almost Immediately an our NU-VIEW RENTALS Adult living at ll!I best Acreage for sale 150 Duplexes/Units tion. $150,000. RENT or LEASE option RHt·A·House 979-8430 Rent.opt 10 n p 1 a n, 673-4030 or 494-3248 Large 1 BR $175 ' 1--,-N"'v"'E"'s"'T"'M"'E'°N"'T:::--•• 1. 162 675·6050 ' 1m. 3 Bedroom -2 balh. DESIRABLE SHERWOOD REALTY, BRAND NEW Somerset w~ FREJz.i!lll OPPORTUNITY DUPLEX. 3 BR. 2 Ba., 2 BR· green shag carpeting • HOME ~55 HVH, 5 BR, fam rm. l s Acres near Palmdale lnl'I l % Ba. Bll-inii, dishwasher, ualll MAllMUIE•T U.,llC. Real Estoto w·an~~ 184 freshly painted. 2 ~·t! ~· Gcptd, drps, f~ $325. Privacy, near beach, 21 ~P~o~rt-T_rin--'ily:..:._644-:.:..:.:.:50:.:35::··--B~~Elr.LOqu~rta,p~5 1::~:•MpdWli h 1 d I 1 3 19'11 -ALSO -air a • arb-di!p, bit-ins, BR. • BA w/-•nken tub. 2 ' BR, fam rm, lg y·~. Ref'• ~ A'.•porl Xlnl """"Wth poten-s ag ep s, <PS, cp c .. car r--.1 tio "' "" ~ <Uu he -ctable .... -u. ' · ....... $240 • College Park • Gold .. ., c, pa , garage, water d ··~ ~~ tial. Only $35.0CXl. terms. ga,r. 1 car space, \Vasher TRI PLEXwDANA PT. NEED furn. Adults on!'y, no pet•. Frplca, den, lge encl lanai, f'l'\'J' · $300/ma. Back Bay, I~:;;;;;-..,-----~~ I I I ku P · t d SHIP SHAPE COND shag carpeting -nice cond. __ ..... k't lri' ail -Sil"'' La BACH over <r:<i .. ,, trpk, Bill Grundy, Rea tor IOO p. riv ence yarrls, • Sharp Duplex. CdM RATE REASONABLE gl:l.Ol.l"n I" a um, av ~ • ne. ....- 34l Bdy!lide, N.B. 675-6161 pat io.~r. lJ)Opping & bank. 3-2 BR, 1~! BA. studio type. &/or CENTURY 21 Across from Counlry Club Apr 1. 536-1022 Newport Holghfl ~~m'1 ,"1 ilingds, tub & XI I • '"2 7 bef Suuv..•et, sp., ishes, util. 40 ACRES, take for only $29 • nt oc. ~ 78 ore 9 1 furn. New cpts/rlrps, Bll· Clean 4 Br Hm·Nice Arca Real Estate 546-9521 275 Mesa Dr. * Ph, 548-6706 3 BR, 2 Bath + Den or Of· -------·--$12j. 1st le last MonthA + month. $7250 rwr acre. ~~.v~r art. 9 PM. Principals ins. Nf"ar Dana Pt Jtarbor. CRsh Buyer Houses Furnished 300 Houses·Furnlshed 300 fice, Bit-ins. Xlnt location. 3 Br, 1 Ba, fireplace. Large $25 security ~p.'Avail 20th. ~-0'.M? S.P. $54,500. 103 rlwn, SAND CASTLE $230/ma. Also have vaca-ya.rd. 324 Pirate. $275. l.ease Resp adult unly, S48-4093. ,,.~0-B-L~E-H--1-..,..1-~1 DLX Onnll Point duplex POINT REAL TY REAL ESTATE tion cottage on Colorado or option fi75--8185. "c' .._1 j" 0~"' . .ot ;~6~~~9 S.l!J.9.".0. 33932 Ri lver Lantern 31156 Coo!!t ltv.-y 17R6 So. Coa~t H\\'Y River, $70 wk. Call 968-6187. * $30 WK. & UP * ri.vn1ro ' ivrr. . ". \Vrhh, Bkr.'641-4!)()5. Dana Point 171 4) 4_'16-_5.1_21_ l.il~na Brarh. 494-~ Santa Ana Heights •Studio & 1 BR Apts tall afH'r " 11111 • _ 3 Bdrm home. 2 Ba, crpts & e Room flS WK k Up. ----UNITS \i•antcrl. l-ll'lv~ huyrrs 7 HOUS.ES c AR p E NTER want s drps, -xlnl area, Very clean. 2 BR. Fenced yard. $17!) e ~ k Maid Service Avail Apartmenfl for sale 152 for rluplrxcl'i up 10 lge units. 5 • 2 B<lrm, & 2 • 1 Bdrm., rtlstt·rs.~rd ~ Children & pets a~. month. First and last. Avail e Phone ServiCe. UtiJ Pd Costa Mesa Al(r nt f.7f>..i 225 HJ R. fi xr>r uppers on 2 R·2 lo!s. p~pt'rly up S2fl0/rno. 8 4 7-6 • 3 0 or now. 642-4239 alt ·6. • All major credit cards 13 units on E nst 11itfr. Income Property 166 $875. nionthly inl'on1e. l :~6~1·~~1l~'~l.~~~~~~ r'TI1 l'1 C-.-: 968--99I4. 'h AcRE, horse cotTals, 2376 Newport Blvd. ·548-!VS& 54~l3'5 5'1·13'61-----'--"--$79,SOO. DIRECTORY 4BR 2BA. crpta, drps. nr older 2 BR. 1250 mo. Good This Ad Worth 15 on !Wnt MlERICANA 24• ,. fiO', 2 Br. SHOPPING ~~NTE~ CENTURY 21 &12-lm 1 Doug 1 as k sch I 1. rels req. 5.Si'~ 6421936 Children & Pet Section 2 ba. c:ptt/drp&, rcfrip;, di.!!· AS~n:I Joro~ $l~:i~; P~r~ 12 UNTTS il'IC'. pools. 9 FNnclal • 89'l-942'2/TnJ..S45G S.•I Beach HOL.IDAY PLAZA po~al, cl11,11\thr,. cahl". TV. !i~nd~bl~. · · 1" c furnis hed. Prt"lnium OJsta ~j;liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim.:.~~ The following rent1l1 •re open for Dix. 2 BR, crpts. drps, fJ>J, ----------DELUXE Spacious 1 BR. Land$Caped rorlo1 adJarrnt 96 APT UNITS Mesa location. Out at town 1 your inspection this WHkend. bltina. Kids OK Redec. NEW Lwruriout .(st, 3 Ba, film apt. $135. Hea~ pool. club house. 2 yr old, Arh1lt • awner. Gross $21,000. !>rice Business IHt•A·HOUM t7t-14JO 2650 1q ft, tr i · I eve J. Ample parking. Adult! -no Park In SJC, (}\vner lf'aving Annua,I. gro~s $205,500. Net $132 500 Principals onl 0 HOUSE FOR RENT NO FEEi • Bdrm • -~ •. • cathedral ceil;,wr. wet bar, pets. 1965 Pomona Ave. CM caur. <93·3157. o~rahng '""'""' 1123.'99. · · Y pportunlty • ,_ • ··•-Prier St ,352,000. D<)\lln Pl.\Y• 6*-9558 eves. Bdrm -$300: 3 Bdrm -$23.5: cpts, drps. $375. CPre1tfie LGE 1 . br aptl part. tu.m 35 ft. Mobila Homo ml. Sl:I0,000. WATERFRONT TAX CAN YOU INVEST 115 to (3 Bedrooms) KATELLA 847.al61 College Park) 213/~ 1125, tum $1.!5. Adulb. BEST Of"l-"'ER. 646-3180 aft 6 THE IRWIN co. Sl{ELTER. DoCk your boat, start your awn bu11ine:ss? 8781 Conner Drive, Huntington Beach Irvine a.ft 8 p.m. [ Lndry. rar. Quiet. Nr PM. Realtors 6444111 le::isc 3 new units, NB. Call That's all ii lakes lo become 847-6480 or 968-9914 $250/mo. Uof. Condominiums mfktJ, 1922 Wallu. No, B NEW r.1oon 'fi9, 2-b43 \\"/all 610 N""'port Ciintcr or. ror details. Pvt. O\Vt')('r. 714: a SHAKLEE distributor & New World, Laguna Beach Unfu.rn. 320 ~a extras inrlrlc 8xID Gl11ssinc Suite 445 Ncv.•porl Bcarh 673-8249. Citsh In on current T.V. -837-4526 $260. Uni. (Shown by Appl.) 3 BR. 2 bA. tam. rm. ·• $340 LOW,.· •w=E"E"'K""L;:Y:--h 2 BR 2 RA 1 5 S adYerllsinfi. We will train 3 BR, 2 h$, N'pt. '' $375/400 Cost• Mela pore • • · n · tar PRIME· 4·Plex 3 Br .. 2 Br1.1 JUST Cornpfe.tcrl! 2·1X'luxc ""'I. No· limll 10 -wlh, • (3 BR & F 'I R D ) 4 BR. 2 ba, N'pl ····•• $425 -· ........ -RATES P11rk, 63lki022. 531--0~M . Jnr. $i00/n1o. No dn VA. tr iplrxc11 2~!1 Fordham Y~u can earn a free'";ar k •m• Y oom or en 2 BR. 2 ba ......... $275/300 3 BR. 2 Ba, epl•, drps, 2080 Newport Blvd. i-----1 FL..A.i,IJNGO • Ooubl~. $62,!"'..00. N. Co~la ~1cs:1.. ~~· C.~t. BI d r · 0 w n e r , f'njoy generous retirement Newportf(.rvine 4 BR. 2~i baths •••• $325/375 tilt~in~. dshwhr. 2 pools, clb, C ~l·UJI in nlcC" park, children ~7-6131. • 614S rv('s, _ _ hcnctits. 00 IT NO\Vl Cail 833-3295 $400. 1.fnf. (Shown by Appl.) 3 BR. 2 b&. home ...... $300 _ llOUff, $23.J. MS.JilO. ost1 Me11 · k pe• wcloom:. iUNI T. WalkiOBchl _28 Unit·Nr. Shop'g. 548-51'1. ' I (4 Bodroom1) a BR. 'tll Aug .. furn ..... 1400 QUICK ·c1.Sff . STUDAl~VA;l·LAB2~1 L'1EBR 'S. '-~~ 5.11-·2!14 _ 1 & 2 nR. s110 rit. S16 lit dn. 2 & 3 BR, 2 Ba. 8231 Ellis }~URNITURE d 11 1202 \V. Curle, Cost.a Mesa i eel h II '71 H11lc-rr s1 :r!A'SG, 2 TIR, 2 70!} Palm, !·fl\ 347.3957 Ave llR $420 f\.f 847-3957 c very ~rv. r BA, Xftil5, Irvine hAnch. irs 11J"•;iys the r ijtht lime & Cd~1 Tri 0 plex, nice view, 2 =~~: 3 f5~~~11.eq°siJ. S45-379 l $350. Un!. (Sun l·S) I WANT AD : ~~~t~t~n 544-(IJST t l'A'll)'S rhe rtght place u Or, frp)(~. hltn~. "''alk to Cash 5,';7-7032 Aft 5. * '"' • Laundry faclliUH Don't atw up lhe ship! YoU "·ant RE.SUI.TS! Call IM-11rh. pool, 01,·ncr 614--&44. BARBER Shop. Ne"',,ort .:: :r~= '-"hill REALTY e Jltct ulilltie1 "Ullt" It tn cb1~lnr:d, Ship 642-5678 Ii. pl&Ct that ad Sell fdle lltll!A POl"I c..n Reh. f:X. loc:. 2 Ch&.lrg. Tue•: U.nlv. Pltk Ct.nter, Jrvlne JHROUP-H A • •"rte llntn11 tC'lfSbore Rf!su1t1! 6')...&171 to<Myt 642.-5678 Nawl thru &11. M. 54g...IM6, C.11 Al'\itlime. ~ ¥ • T.V, 6 nt4id .Im', 1\llll.. 1--'------1• --lco ' L ' • • , " I 1. r~· I:· ,, I : '. ... c " ' I ! I .. * : ' I FR I ' " $1 Sh .•. ' 177 I Un ' VAi Ad Ap L r~,., ..... ,~ i .... -.u,,._ f~ l .... :·-~~ l[t) ·( ..... Nobl•• .. lftl __ ... _""•""•""'•"'"'iiiiili,~ii~.:;l _·----··---~I[!]~ ( .,_..., ..... ][!] ( .. :"N"""'"'"' I[!] [ ... ,,_ .. ,,._I[!] ,, iPla. Furn. m Apia. Furn. m F .,. Apia, Furn. 3'° Apt. Unfurn. Apt1. urn. .-, ..;.. _______ _ (' Irvine Irvine Coste Mesa Newport Beach Coron• dtl Mar 365 Apt. Unfurn. J65 Corona del Mar -* 1 \\"EEK Jo"Rf:E • ' ,, J • •' •• I. People nerlO fH:~hM Bach. nu fl('('~ JI() kll. S7S. 2 Br. SIG,}. Adl!s. 64~21~1. $125 -SpR<.'~ t\llrh apt nu crpti;, & paint, 2.860 LA Salle 213-."197-IAAj. 2 RR •pl •c-rM.11 trom bay bch 3/19 thru fi/19 onl,y. Sl!ill. lll()rlth. 675--0136. l an. one block from beach, 11v•il Apr~ lit. $.125 mo. 835--0101 dy, 67;,...5,164 e\'f!. Corona del Mar for rent ,, '~ . I . ·Park West $130. 2 BR tr1 nr-r, a.1Rhln' J'>f'l'Mni 6·12-3.17.), &16-1809. Util Incl. onl y. Newport Heights CLEAN I Cir 2 BR 11rt11~. no Jlf'I~. 1.51. kit. $125-$1j0. 2421 F.. l61h SI,, N.B. 646-1~01. Spectacular views for your family. From this Harbor View hilltop above Corona del Mar. .D ana Poirit " * SAVJo: SS ON RENT! e l\t11n11gcr nf'('ded • J he11ol•hll Apt. Unfurn. 365 Dramatic architecture. Handsome Inter;.. iors. Privacy. Pool, gardens, play areas. Close to schools, shopping. IA·;;·•-t_a._F.;.u_;•n_. ____ 3;.;,:60 Apt1. Furn. ocean vir11· uni!~. Arlll <:pl.. 360 no f"ll:!I~. lill" dutit'~. 67}-0:.')()7. 2Ji'"R duple>., ocean \'i"~'. Two and three bedrooms, two baths. From $275. Gas and cablevision included. Costa M esa Co11a Mesa -------"---·I 1unckt'k, rl~h"·s.hr, htund1')'. * NEW · $165 * Nrar Dana Point tl.11tr1nic NXl 111 . rt . 1 Br. 11.pt., laf'. dhl. 11ardrobf>s. r !rc ran~e k rrfriR"., s.haJ?lasliC C'pl. &at garaJ:-in.i::-;n·it il. lgf'. pr11'. p11tin. '.\l~r. ~ Camino Cariish'llt'!l'l. Apt. 10. BAYVIEW APARTMENTS LIVE LIKE A KIN G At Budget Prices! No pP!.S. $19."1. 4!lG-l4(»1, LP.G 1 BR. romrilerrly lurnl---''---'------- ,1 thltn~. ~h"•sr. 01.~posal, Huntington Beach San Joaquin Hills Road, east of MacArthur Bou levard Sl .\O. 612-7973 aft 6 or -=--==.,.,,=O'O'"' For lnformalion, call 644·5555. "'"" OCEAN VIEW UNITS FURr-.'JSHLD- UNf'URNISHEO $119 • J BR. T,un1. Ut1ls pd. Al.lll $l.µ. Adult!'. N r. fftr rt'nl on "'"i?kly, n1onthly ~1n1't>'<. 1985 po mo n a , & yP11rly basi11, ln Harbnor Coron• del Mar Apt . Unfurn. 3 6S Apt. Unfurn. 365 * POOLS 1-* ENCLOSED I GARAGES '. * CONVENIENT TO ALL BEACHF.S ; FROM $135 MONTH 1 ' • ADULT S PLEASE VILLA POMONA PHONE 642-2015 (17fi0 f'omo1111 Ave.• ' $100 • A·IO\'E INl\1f;li;;r;.;- Sharly ";1111~ • Lall'n -Poot t'h1ld1·r11's Srr·11••n F urn. S:. Unrur11 J & 2 Br. Frnn1 St:l5fnin. U11 .,• 177 ~;. 2'.!lwl St. e 61:l-'.'l615 518·t17'l8. Pacific, a new c-onimunlly • $11''() ALLO\l.'ANCE • of studio &: l BR units IM J BR furn $\.).l. 2 BR unfurn 1-lunting1on Huhour. f'um II. $16.i. Sm11ll dog ok. Unfurn renllll!I include blln kitehen ~ppl'lli, "'111l-to-i,1•111ll 710 \\'. ll!th SI. 6~j...j;l31} · ho ti l'l'Jl['J.':, rl1'8fK'l'1t'.'l, Ill II 1'!.'l RAC'HF:LORS Only: 1 BR. for lrasr, inairl ~rrviet', ON TEN AatES 11pt. rurn. Utililes Pd. lhri·;iriy pools Ir. Jor11tion 1 1 A: 2 BR. Furn. l Unturn. 51&-7972 or 307 ,V[esa Dr., blk frnm be11l'h, l n1mrrl. OC'· Fireplaces I prlv. patlOI. C.\I. cup, C11ll 71.t: 846-1161 or Pools Tennis Contnt'I Bkfst. 1 RR $125 & $130. Pool, IP!'· 21:\; 592-1361 for rnore de-900 Se11. Lane, CdM 644-2611 l'ill'f', irll"ltl fnr b11ehelor, no lai!'<. {~f11cArth11r nr Collst Hwy) <·hil<l/pf'ls 1993 Church St. LARGE hach. nrHr 5-pls. a.ii:-00:1:1. SirAlt' adull over 3.'i, re fs. • \\'IN'l'EH. l"tA'l'I::S • I-'-"-"'°"'.:..:.·_·_·------ At11·nc furn Studioi< Sll5, 1 La guna Beach BR 's $12:1. A<lult~. no pets. _;;.. __ . ____ _;c,..- Coron• del Mar _ ........ _ -----2 BR, den, 2 Ba, tP.mrxlf"ll"(I rluplrx, 1Tpl~, d r ps, hllnll, frril<', frn<'rrl yrrl, priva.te heh. $325. 675-63fi!l * GREAT VIE\V 2 BR. • Frplc., b\tn~ • .!i\Hlde<'k!I, pool. $200 up. &11-6344, 675-5201. CLOSE to Re11ch, lrg. 2 Ar ., 2 Ba., orien beatu~. Jrplc, hltn:c:, 3:111·A t'ltargueri!e. 67J..-0937 or 6T:'>-5726 fn~>-Penlhouse, oce1u111if'"'· 2 blks lo l>o:h. :.! Br, 1 Ba. Stv & ref. 6T.l-1'T.l7. _ 21_:1~_,._:llif_·"-· _i\1~r0r1. 6._ l/2 Blk. Ocean! I. UnbelievablY Bea-;Jtiful Fur n. Bache lor & 1 Br's Bach. RPI. Con1ril~rly furn. \'AL D' 1SERE Cardrn Ap1s. especially n ice. 2110 l ncludine 'rnlnr TV. lull CHARM ING 2 Br .. l'l'pls, cl1·p!1, range & re t rig. IMitlf'd fin fW 'CIUI 11i<le or h i\)', LrE. palio. llr.atPd . •11 unn1inE Jl'lfll & <'arport. All 1111! inf'lurled at S250 p('r !HO. 642-MOtl. • liR":AT\1lf.'7\f-2 RR-:-;- !"r1'•, hl1n~. ~11ndf'cks, pool. S::!IO up. &14-l:i.':~1. b7a.,5:a)1. Adults -no Jl(_"ls. }'lo11·crs ki1chcn & hAlh. Lr.1:. <'rlOUJ.!h * • * Lar,ef' 2 Rt· duplex. Costa Mesa evrry1l'hrrc. Strf'llm & N~wport Blvc:{., CM. !or couple "·/child. SIJO in-priv11 te pario, g11.r11gc i.. i'-\\'ati;rlall, 45' pool Rec. R n1. -,-B-R--1-12-,. -,--R-R-.~1-1"~.• clurling util. srpiiratr J:-Uf'SI room "'' DELUXE Rauna, SJ:-ls 1·2 Rdrrn. Furn· T'urnishrd·util pll id , Z-1.':iO NU-VIEW RENTALS h111h. $235 /mo. Call eves, APARTMENTS Unfurn. frnn1 SIJR. SEE IT; N ' 81 I C '1 67'"0~" or 491 324R fii3-Wi7. Ai r Conrl • T'rplc'5 • 3 Swim-1 t 2000 Parson!!, &42-~0. r11·pnr vr ., .:•· . .,...... ,.,., -. Id I F S d S P AC I 0 US BR , minJ:-Pools • Heallh Sp;i • 1 BR. Furn. 2 Jrg l'losr1s. F'URN!Sl-IF:D 2 BR. Ap!. ea Or tU ent N!rlecorntrrl. Cpt.~. rlrps. Tennis Crt1 • Game & Bil· queen !Uzr twd. rirlv rlrrs<;1pg Util. paid. Sl70~n1?· 2277·8 Pr11·a1 c rormi & h11lh in l11ri;:r hltns, rrfrig. SlR5. Ga!I & liard Jlnom. rm. xtra ltg momi:, encl J:-fll' _,_1a_!_>1r. Ave. ~l8-.J~l.2._ ___ homr, "fl.JI pr11:il. iac!uding wa,tP.r pd. Non . drinkers. 1 BJ£DROO:\'l '" sl(l1'8A"· Adults only, no ~E.AUT. FURN. 2 BR kitchen, laundry & phone. 675-511!1. FROM $16.'> prts. JJ."iQ n\n. l~tr! Pool. Arlul!s (11'.•tccn ok ) X!nt location. S.1l0, util ria irl. MEDITERRANEAN 2035 Fullulon, C .M. No """· s"1 · "P· '42·9"'1. NU-VIEW RENTALS I.RC.. 2 BR rluple« FTpt. · priv, ' rlrrk. Ne\v ca.rl'lt'"L VILLAGE A-p,-.-UnfUm . 36S Apt. Unfurn. 36S 673.--lOJO or 49"1-324R p11int & ilr11 pr~. s~ f)('r mo. ..:.----------..C---·------ILido Isle Ai::t. 67 3 -6510. eves, 2400 H11rhor Blvrl .. C.M. General G e neral 673~778. (i 14) 557-!m20 I' i LTnO !\orrl hayfrnnt , ~urlio RENTAL OF'}'JCF: l 11p11rtmrn1 . Sul>-!r't, $200. 2 BR. Penlhouse 11ri1.. ocean OPEN 10 AM ·ro fi f'l\I ' 00· o~'="="'="=· ='='j..4=o.:9~2'~.7'"---,.i t'W, Pool. S23.i Or11n.i::r. --------' :-Coast RC'l\l Estate, 614-4841'. New V illa Riviera ¢ Newport Beach 2 Br .. 2 T'ull Ra , 0 \V ATCH the .!:Unset in this f"ll milic!I \Velromc Vo D I M ¢ '.\10R ll~t:: home, 1 BR Jurn, exPrutive 3 lxlrm. Ocf'an Shag clp/drp.!i, pAt io, hcam '~ 00 l·Sta e esa 00 Nr fl{'\\', l.uio llN"tl, near Bl\'d. duplex. Adults only. ceil.. garag('S, b11y. Adl1s. $190 mo. $450 i\lo. Agt>nt tiia-4930, }'rorn Sl80 0 0 fii3-~26. 5,10.0020. fi22 J111millnn. C.~I. ¢ Vocation yeor 'round in lhe. beovtiful Bock Bay of 0 BACllELnR Apt.. Balboa UNIQUt: chatrau on Bayside Sre Mgr. 1'1r. ~ i\1rs. Hoha.n ¢ Newport, with in eo1y occ•1i to bv1 ine11, shopping ¢ Pen. Nr. Oet'an. Crpts. SllO Dr. 2 bdrm. &:. den • dinini;:: 518-2062 ·1 and .entet1~inmenl ce~lert 01 well 01 riding 1tobl•1, g per 11)(1. )'early Incl. util. room, Adult!! only, $375 Mo. -.~,~-,~&-,~"'· .,.,~,-,,~,-. ~R7ll--•-n.!i. bi\•1ng lrb1h Ond white 1ondy beothe1 of the Blue ¢ 8'12-!11 4R. A.i::-ent 675-4930, &10-00~. CloSf'd i;::arAfi:"I'. Nr 11 r South • Pacific. Your all-el•t h ic oporlment with buill-in ¢1 _n_e_w_"_u7U~------l-Cal~.~,~647>-~567=8~k~S.-.. -,--Cn;i11t T'll'l7.11. M;;..2.'l.11. range, oven, di1hwo1her and refrig erator will b~ a O Apt. Unfurn. 365 Apt. Unfurn. 365 Apt. Unfurn. 36S ¢ delight. Bosk in the sea 01r orovnd the pool or •oin ¢ ¢ !he fun in the 1pociou1 recreatio n room w it h b illiard ¢ Irvine ~ !o ble1 ond g ymnasium, lovid1 londscqping and 0 Irvine Irvine Costa Mesa HARBOR GREENS 2 Bedroom or 2 Bedroom & Den 1 V1 Ba or 2 Full Baths ~!11slrr si~f' hrrlrnon1s 11·. his::h t>r11111 c·r ilin).!:<:, 1ar£1' Jiving rnon1 <,t•fga~ or "·oorl burnini;c flrt'f'lhu·r. Cnnvt'nif'nt laun- d1y 11rc11. nff k11(•hrn. t:n- <·ln:c:M p11 tio!I. 2 S1\'in11nini;c pint~. uuna; recreation fac1l111rs, MODl::LS OPLN 546-0370 ON SUNDAY ynu r11 n r njny th,. f']egantly h1nd!lf'llf)('d OUl-Of·rlflOr:C: Al The Venrlome ... pu!lini;:: a-rcen, pmt i,1·ith rahan11 rnnm. Slrrtl'h nut in 1500 5<1. ft. in1·ludini:: 2 hf'dronm:c:, 2 hRths. Ell""! ronm or den. THE VENDOME \.IM5 At1111irirn A1·t>nur f111l 642·2$124. i\I~. f'hillip~ meali.BJIU -21 - Af'ARTMENTS ~Rn:, 1 BA .......... S~5. 2 BR, 1%. BA ........ $1 80. IAL'50 AVATL. FURN.) New adult garden Apts. 151 E. 21st. 646-8666 Apt. Unfurn. 365 Apt. UnflJm. -~~-~~~-1 W Apt. Unfurn. Costa Mesa East Blutt • *NEW* VILLA NINOS l BR, l BA APTS .!->11~1··Ct1n1 frirt11hl<"•Q\llrt BRAND NEW e 2 BR, 21, t~·11hsfo, 1·'(1(1 MJ. fl., <'Piii, dl'f\11, bltlns , "'11llpaptr, pool nlf' faf'1h1ie~. $~5. 8(M AmiiQS \\ 0!1)'. 675".l:tl!O. E•st Bluff Nf'11.r N•wport B11<'k Ray. NEWPORT BEACH f.1111. • \\'11trr r11.irl. ~10. to VIiia G raneda Apt1• 1-ln. From Sl ~. fo11r bedroo111s "'Hh baJ~r._ Children Welcome. Jr<o: 1.hove k be.low, G rAl"lnu~ 2:t2.t l-:1(11•11 Av11 • ti•l5·~012 li\'illit ,t quiet 11urrounthn.e: NEWLY DECORATED BEAUTIFUL GROUNDS -10 i\1inll1f'!C to C>i·rl\n Ga!I i!f'a.I & S1n1•p, \\'ittrr Car. Rf'f'. Rn1, 1 .1111nrlry Rn1 1 RR.. Sl·IO 2 RR:. Slf,tl, Sl6."1. $17'j H acienda de Mesa lf:'l \\'. \\'1l"'1n, Apr I, Ct'l·l . - BAY MEADOW APTS. 2 Rr. br11m ct"iling!'I, priv Jlll· ti!'I, r,.r, fa <'ii., cloU'('! S:Ar· 11.gc. GA~ hr11t. moki(l.st k 11·atrr 11.ll J'Ml. All 111dul!s, no prtl'. !>'mm $16.'i. 3S7 \\'. Ra.v St .. C.!\f. frir !11.111ily with rhlldn•n. N"11r Co1'0n11, rlcl J\l11 r llii:h l\chnr..'\l. !>,irt>riln<'I", ""! h.ir k huill·in khf'ht>n 11ppli 1tncc,. ~3::i A.,rrr.os '''AY i;11.m1 Cott'111·cJI , flitnkrr ,,. Co. J\l1u111~u1~ Ai.:r •1! l & 2 BORMS~- r uuy t 'a1·1lf'rrrl & 11t'Hprrl Co1·rrr<I p11rk1111:: "1111!!'1 t:ii.~ !I.· 11'11 trr p1t1rl !ti& Am1::1•s \\'11.v, r-.'f\ Fountain Valler VACANT l'I R URON "RAJ.ROA" 111orlrl·:I Rr, 2'li HA. kid.~ nk. [111111.-din Brnn1r J\1rrl111t int1, rn<·I ~~r. I I '' . '-jlOJil!C'SlilOI\ S:ZS5. P''l' 11101\lh. C111! fiol6·00il ~B~R~A"'No NEW-l B R rrpt.•, r 1·ris. ' ·Ins, i:nr... I . I . fli!lp. 1:!0 Alhrrt rl. J.:11sr. •r,w1n rea ty 1~c. _ ~ide. Slfi5 1110. C11! k 1111lrr 961'··110·'._ i\U.:.'_lrHt' :.lJ)l.60f~1 pd. Chil<lr<'n nk, no J'lf'I!' Huntington Beach IVl'.!·Q:ili:t • BRANO NEW • IJ11,;:r I RR 11p!. RrnnzP 111r" £111111011. Crpt!I, rll'IJ"· ~arh. t'lispns11I. Sinll'lr 1·11r gar . (;;is t.._ "'Ir pd. $150 1110, fi4'.!·0~if\.1. * * $170 * * 3 Rr, 11i Ba, llt'"'ly pa1nlrrl. Rltn!I, cpl/r!t•p, t'nt·I p11lin. f\'.r l!C'hls & shnp'g. Chilrlrrn 01{, nn pr!~. AAO ('rntrr St., CM. 64.2-R340 or ~J4R.2fi.112. RRAND NE\V 2 BR. I child OK. $195. G11.raizr . J7Sl An11hf'1rn S1., C.M. ON BEACH! Fl!P.N'. k lJNFl 'RN. '.! RH . rro111 S2li:"1 A11r1.·rs 1):--11,,· !>'111·n1turr /\1·,'11l;1hlr C Arp l'IS·d!'l\J'lf'~-tl1sh1111 ~hrr h1>11trrl Jlr'IOl·SA11n11s-trnn1s l'PC 1'110111.f'lf'Cll/1 \'tf'l\'!I p11 tio!l-11mple )'>l'trk1ni: Security Gu11rd~. HUNTINGTON PACIFIC 711 OCF.AN AVr··. H.n. 171 41 5:16-14Ri 1 BR Carpnrt. r riv. pA lif'l. Of(' OJ'H'11 10 A.m ·li pn1 Daily \VILl./i\~1 \\IAL.rEns ('0. Crplll', rlrp.!i, 11.!I t'lrr. rt'sp. 11rlulls nnl.v. No c·hilrlrrn (lr ------· - pP L $125/nin. a.!~-1 .122. WHAT DO YOU WANT 2 RR. 2 RA Sturlin IN AN APARTMENT- Crpl!<, rlrri!I, p;ll io. POOi. fh1 gr 11nll< in 1· Ins r I !I? __ l_(·h ild nk. fi~l!IG Dillh"·a~hf'r~? Srp111•111r rllrl· 2 BR, 2 BA. \Jnf. Ap1. Sl;'lJ. in2 Arrns? f'ml.!i? Rrnu11r11I Adult.~. no pets. 820 Center rnvirnnn1,.nt? For all t/11!1 C\L &12·5M~. 11nrf 111or1•, 2 Br. slurlio 11pt . 343 R Cahrillo St. C.i t see BAHIA PUERTO 2810 lith St 111 l)f'\10111n·.11.B. All 1·r11111 i111nt.' f•111' lxtrn1 11n11.~. S1~o. 2 RR srittciouii ap1, Ci·pl & Plionr 5:':fi.;10~l.li drp.~, S\1"i nlfJ. ---------- 613-l!l I:. f'\'f'!I t.. ii•kllrl!I L!Vf_: 11f'11r !ht' O('ean, rsr llJl" In J)4'11t·e & q111rr, N1•11!hht1rl( $170-2 rhilrlren ok. :I Rr, l ~~ fr1rnrlly, hf'11 u1. hi,;: 2 Hrt ha, lndry, <'p t I rl r P s , 11pls., (·lnsrrl s;:arru~r~. $1 ti it.~h\1 l1r, no Jlf'L ~~'.12 1 5. 1no. C111J for <h•l 11.i!.~. Tnr11. .----Nf:;\V * 2 Rr. i-B;', ;i:16-r17fi.1 nr !1111" ~:16-1211:1. 1·011<10 11·/1~1. CpL_. rlrp5, 260R 1<:11i:lfl11d s1._. _:r.B . _ Lido Isle *CHARMING* 3 fiR ., h(-Atllf'fl rr l1'11., frplC'. C11.rp .. rll'BIW'!C, rtr. Arlulb nnty, S:tOO l\.lo111h, ,VrArl)'. ~u . 67:\·:\66.1 !11.iA 2!'.«i t~v""a. associated BROKERS-REALTORS Z025 W lolboa •7l·l&eJ M es• Verde 11"'.1.t·:-;~: 2 ,t· :i Br. 2 Ra . f'llt 'l i;.i1·. $1.il up. n"nta.J (lf,• )A$ ~1A<'~ A"~, Mission Viejo • Rll.A:-.n t<-1'~\\''. .l Rr . 1•1 ha . 1 !'l"!'Y 1•01wi<I. !'hAll. hl111~. r•itt1n, Jl"'•I, 1111r11111;t'. ~~llll~l . Newport Beach PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS on the bay J.1r..:ury 11r11u·1p1rnt l1v1n~ ti\'· f'rlonkin_e: lhf' 11 1ttr r, Y.'.nloy S7.".0,noo hrnllh .c:p11, '7 !"''Im· 111lll)t jlfW•l.~, 7 li~hlf'rl IPl\.o 111!1: l"filil't s. plu:<1. m ilt's cf hi•·.vr)c tr.'lil~. puttins:. 11huf. fl rl•nan!. 1•1nqnr1. ./u11inr I '5 ft~•ln Sl79 :~1 1nunthl,\'; 11!!<1'1 1 nnd 2-1.J<·dlYIOtn pl11ns .'Int'! i '<IOI)' hJI\ n hi'\'"(,.,.-; F:h·c· ll'iL' l.:11l·hrn.'I, pri\'11!c p:illna or halL"f)11 l1·~. cnrflt"flni;:, rlr'l'I.· J~'t'U'~. Suh!f'1'1'/HH':An ri111·k· 1111: 11 1th rlf"\'11.l(ll'.!i. Orit1nnl'll 1nald S<'t'\'lf'(', .Ju.•I nnrrh "' }':i sh1nn lslnnd At .hu11bnr- "f' Rnd Sa.n JORquln Hllls Hnnd. 1'rlrphnnf' (71.tl 6·14·1000 fol' rrnl11I 111forn11'lion ---BREATHT,\IKING VIEW $27:>. !luge 2 BR Anl. HI on R11 t~k Ril,Y Rturr "''' 2 Pl'l_\'A11' hA.IMni('!I.. 1'~rplro. Hr111rrl pnnl. l.cmrl.'I nt 1'ln .. r t~. 71~ nnminr;:o Dr . 1f'rl1\1 J1 S1 Call fM !'>--1:/f;(}, BRAND NEW All Utilities Paid 20101 H1n·h SI <nr. n.r. 11lr· 11"•t't ", :-;, f1I l'llll!!.Rdf'~ R:rl i 1 & '..! RI! Frnn1 $1;l.'i. rnv. p,11 111. fl1lll;1rrl !'Ill. JRf'U7l i Nr, I 't' 11•1 111r. Mi:r· ~1.~i 4246 :lOJ::'J S1111111. Anl\ A\'r t 11 rrn1t~ !1•)111 SanlA 1\1111 f:nlf ("01w1r I I tr•n11•1I r•"•I. ~li;:r. !li!l 1'~. \\':\Tl<R \11r11 -2-Bft-:-2-BA, 11prrn'(. RIJO aq. It. D/\V, S/I: 11\'l'I!, ITpt'rl, drp'r!, 1t1lr, J)1'f•k . S1dr tj~ !I Vllll, )'f'11 1·Jy lease. 714:673-820 AJJ)\1. -~-~~-NH . llntt£ l lo.~11. • Sl 75fm,,, 2 ¢: donci ng fountoin1~JI suf/o~nd .Yo~~.!"2-Y'~~e ¢ 0 your g uests wfiin you lTve ol V'l"Sio Del Mes~ ~ I * FROM$1S5 -·-,· o g S4S-48SS ,. g ..Bll~.blt1u,.. diipo»al,-c\ose<l Ellt'a.i::c + p;irking, 12e p;it io. srn11fl. prt ok. $14:1. 2210 Ruta-PriDr. ~ hl lns, paf10, £11~,I. Mr~11 * FRESH AJR ·Vrrrlr, -nr--!!chlii: $20 0 .--~~ .. · · ----·· ;11~,..206!l \VA ik 3 Rl k.,io Rc111·h~ ---i.CP 2 /,. '.\ RR:, 111'11~. nr11·ly * 2 RR,.!.J.Ja. r;11rrlrn Unils. rir•·nr. ·\V 'iv i·i·pllli, dq1~. Sh11g 1·rpt'.fc, drp,11, rlMiwhr, hltn.•, rx1·rpi rrfri.e:. $1~ !I') HH. 2 HA, rrplJ:, rll'ps, hltn1. Jl~h"·~tu:... _ }\l/D~hnnk:.11p, .. Aduh:c ruily. fW>.-6.'Vll 11fl fl. ~ • f'HIVATF: 2 Ar .. 2 Rli., 1·pt/dt·p~. hl !n~. l'nr l i;car .. pHt1n, 1nf1tnl ck. $1 7 S . :11!!-'.'li!I!!, ¢¢ 1 ·2 IEDRM. v FURN.-UNFURN. ¢ 0 ADULT LIVING 0 ¢ NEWPORT SACK BAY 0 · 0 IRVINE ot MESA g¢ <><><><><><> * Dnn't fl liss Tlie Bes t* l-+tl---'1-1tecfroom, 1 8 ' f · C•n~,1~~~n~:~:~,h~1i~aths e Ch;irmin~ firtplace~. 3 !p11 ri(lu~ floor plans • 0 e UnUl'i\18) J.irp.e c]o,,ct,, & r,l(lrage on r11tio ·• ¢ e 2 !wimmin,11: ponl,, theropeutic pool, !auna!- ¢ e Gym, hilli11rd ,, <lrh·ing r1tnge, putting green : 8 e All utilities inrluded • ¢ J UllltSMtD & ¢ lnHU•NISMID 0 DULT LIVING ,, ... I '. ! 0 g g 0 J. ~ 6551 Warner, Huntington Beach ~ 714/847-8526 ~ ~0000<>-~--~~ I . I g Qu ick to reserve an apartment in one of our new sections. (The qu icker you are, the heller your chances of getting the floor plan and location that fit you best.) Park West apartments tend to fill up fast. With adults over 30. (And under·30.) They like the adults-only sections with private pools and Jacuzzis and barbecue pits. With Moms. (And Dads. And kids.) They like the family sections with tot lots. The pre~hool. The teen center. The Junior Olympic size pool. With athletes. (And just plain good sports.) They like Park West recreation. It outdoes every other apar1ment complex in the area. There's a three-acre acUvity park. Filled with swimming and ther· spy pools. Night-lighted tennis. Volleyball, handball. A large 1urf area for Jogging and 1ouch football. Thera's a two-story clubhouse. Complete health club facilities and trained attendants. Lounges, game and party rooms. Full-time recreation manager. Park West has something for everybody. So, no matter what your age, or marital status, or athletic abUity ••. you're sure to fit in. If )'OU hurry. 3883 Parlcview Lane, Irvine. Just off the S8n Diego Freeway at Culver Roacf. Adults only, from S1IO. Family apartments, from $115. BRAND NEW l & 2 BR FROM $130 Ne.11r ghop!I, en clo 1 ed i<lrlijl'el!, buill·in!', P n c I , palio!!, :attraclive lndS<'PI?. Arlults only. no pet~. 1970 Yi1111l11rf! St., 548-0S0 -4, 646-22m. SPACIOUS 1·10~1F: J.JKF,; twnhsf!, 2 Br. 2 Bii. mstr gar •• $195. crilj ng.._ riatlo, p.ncl_ C"lu h h~ &: !)<lOls. f>40-.t179 11r1 6 p111. '----3 BR, 2 BA, J11r.e:.-. rpt~. rlz·J'I~. quirt. A1•;1!! hOw. Arlu ll!I, no pt"IS. 2 211 1 }'rwdh11ni. f)11y.~ 646-J6il9, P\'t"l'i 646-493') sf'Ac-:-2mn~s110 11p. Pml, cpt/rlrp~, hltn~. kirl:c: rik . 22f)I; Collr_e:r No. 5 fi12-i0l't 1996 M11.plt' No. 1 fi·\2-Jlil.1 * * RJ::AUTIFUL I k 2 BR. Contemporll.f'y G11rden Apt.!:, P11.tln11, f r ri lc, pool. $1j()..SI65. Cllll 546-516.l 2 BR in e:xcellf!nt loea Uon, i\fE'!111 Vf"l'flt', cpl, draperie~. hu i lt -inJi, lil't\t'ARP., cul-riP-AAc 1treet. S150/mo. 962-9R!l4. MODERN l Brlrm. ;ipt. Cpt~. f'lrp,, d11.hwi::hr, hit-In~. g11r11gf'. I rhilrl nk . All ultl rirl. s1;i01mo. :\07 Avocado. Apt 9, C.i\1. fi4.'i-O!l_'4_. __ * LOWER * c:n1.n Ml'rlallion, fmnt 2 Br. ria!in, enrl 211r, launrlrnma1. A1h11t11., no pi>ls. S155t mo. MS.J:il~, 6~2-&!!)9. Quiet & Beautiful \\'Al.K ALL SHOPS l RR, "' w, rlrr1!', hl11n.~ SI I~. Advlls only ~1'1-"· 1~ F:-SllJE, rl<'lux 2 BR 11rit., Ru.e:11., rlrp•. le r11 n2 r , G11r11.e:,., .\l11!urP 11.rllli:: k J:fl\I fl"I OK, Slf'lO n1n. &12-.1'172. LR 2RR 2RA Qt . rirr 11<111.~. Nu ~hi;:. t1rp~. pl, blt1n~. Prl pat, i::11r. Sl6"1. 1i5A Cahnllo. :>-14-961!1 I .. WJL50N fiARDENS • 2 BR, 11,i BA. <"rpl/drp§, enri~m:-t140. M2=AA1 j RR , OW, l'l'tni;c. 720 Shi1tlm11r Mi.-OR44 • 968-il622 TnTPJ,fo;X, Vt>ry Int 2 BR. 1 I :t nA , P111in, c;11r11 11;I', r\r p •hnnl. s 1£11. ~:t.1 ~. ,l RR, 1 BA, Pttlfl, adull!. ro pe:ti, nr 17th &-Santa Ana. SI l . 61 l!llO, 646.-~143 p11 tio, he11m C'f'1lin2s. frril r, I " I "........ No -"ni:: ~. no prr.~. Elll'llC"· 26.'1(1 }Jr!rn Avt'. \~.fi.1711. ~-~~-~ 2 AP'rS. 11lrris fmm hr11rh. 3 5'.\i-.112:>. $170/nin. .~~~~~--= ---NJ-:\V I, 2. :'I Brlrm.!:. $1:t'i, 2 Br $155 -1 BR $13S SHiO, SJR."1. W11.lk t o \1•/n>frip:, bltn~. 1·arpPls, gar· R1Yl11rlw11.y & P!!nnf'y'.!i, g11r. h11i;:P rli~pns11I. fi42·262.'l. 527-.1144. Ari, 2 R11, UripPr, S:100 yP11.r. ly, Rn11nn1 ~uni I.· 11·Jn1. &121.1.ll nr fi.1fi.fl742. NO\V1::, --------- $13.i. 2 RR. lmm11 c. N""' WA"L-~K-T=O~B~E~AC H rrprs., k drp11.. ldP.Ai lnr Brand nt'w J-2-'.\ BR Cpl., 11enior 11dlt.~. Me s11. Vtrde ilrp.~. hl!ns. frplr. 125 16th & * OCF-:AN J-'RONT TJf'lnx!! 2 RR . 2 RA, frplc. t'Mf'I 111..r. ''r Arl,v. Arlull11, l'Ml pets. S:!fi::1. fii3-Hl90, 213:r.)l-lln. 11~11 . 546-88fi6. 3ll8 l61h. 847-3957. l'Sll t', garage, crpta/rlrp.!i/hltns. Lr.1: t·lnsr.t.~. SLlO. Adult1. NO P ETS. ~.'i7-R400. ----.~-\\IF:~nA Y 211 -.-TOWNHOUSE* 2 Rr. 1 •,; Rn, 1·111 1lrp!C, 1i1nifl. Ar:tll.11. $11\!i .. 126 E. Mrl°'IY 2 HR "'/gar. _ _£rm_.~. Q_rpJ:, hlllcnny, hll-in 111ovP. No iin1111l children. Re t' s . Slll/1nn. 962-281 I. ---:\fOVF: JN 1'01l A Y Vf;l{y l:irs:e I BR. 21.\li Jtv rn1, oprn IN'11111 1·<'il ln;:, l1n·11l11'"" •lish"·11~h1'1', 1:11~ nH11:r t.. 1Jvr11, 1't'fr'iJ?rr111tir. Lil. 5'1X-a9111i or ~R. liflli. $2;..o '"" int•I ulil. 4~).1-W2.1. FA!\fll.Y 1111.r '.\ Rr~21;-A11, Cfl/\~INJ-: Vlf'~odrrn 2 nr <)CC. C11rpnr1 + 111nr. RH . 2 RA. 1)1!1n11, 'r1r1•k, l hlk 1.ndry. No f)f'I!!. S 19 0 · hf'11ch .t. 11hop!. Arlll~, no ;,1~A.:r.11 pr1-.. S2't7. 4!H-.Yr.14. 2Bi\2 R11.. !Uflitl, /ully 1Tril'rl f R-R~ich11i;: t'Ptlil'. hlr111;,-p;, !..· rlrp·d. ponl. $140. fi81 No. ri1111n, hlk In tnwn, 2 h1b lfl A V1ctnr111 , hl-11r.h. $200 . .t!»-8i.t9 all 6 or I BR. Stove. R,. fr I i . , wkrl'll'i~. fli!th"'"s~r. Crpts, Drp,. 2Rr.-.,·-~2"""'B~A~.-,-.pl1i/rlrp'. 717 ,J111 mr~. $Ill. Ml'>-6111. l:w>ituriruJ Vl"W SJ'j mo. J41i 2 RR. It df!n, 2 h11rh<1 fl'rl111r 'Vy. 4~:;:::· _. --- Somr P11.tlos. Al l fnr lagune N iglHll $14,i &· $1:,0. 5'1,...71,1 2 l~ryr~ Ar •o~. P11.1in, LAGUNA NIGUEL h'l•-n • ,_ ••lcom• A partments r 1"'-.,.,,. • Call Ahoul t)Jr New 6 Mo. Call !.46-IMR. ------Lrit~~ T"mer11m Avtiil~))I,. Dana Point Nnw. 1 BR $1~. 2 RR. 1 R;i JllT:W 1r1-pltJ1 121 2 hrJ, 2 ))11., 1147. 2 BR, 2 Ra, $196 rrrr Y.'/blln11, 1'1'Jlt. 11rrJ'. w11.1,.r month. prl .. ,1,.~·. l71.t l 493·8.t',(), 2RfHt Alnmit """· .tX>-4272 :19:\ ... ~11 . Orr.N-HOUSE t"'llumn. i:A'RGF; 2 BR. 2 Bil , hlln,;, N"t'rl 11 "rtrl"? Pl11ce •n •d """' (Tllla k f1rp,, hitlmn) ;(~··~llc....<1~2~-1<;;7='~· ~---­ Sl 79 mn. &.1T-J:927. 337...\17~ ~II lht' nld 1rutJ --·' ----* * WATERrRON 1111 rlr uxr 3 nr, 1lrn, 3 811 . 1'wnh.vo. S4;;(J. P lrr & noitt a v11.11. 714 : 673-.11249. Ariri1. oc EA N r· no N TY rlY 11.rit1f'iou11 1 hr 11pt, heal pa.rt or bPach. Arlultll nnly, avell 4 1. S2fll. IM:i-006li. ---YF:ARLY-r11.'( !t·2 2 Ar. 2 Rit, ur h<·h. rull hlt ln11, 211r. S200. 21.1 :31!7-2'~.'17 nr '714:642-fifiTI. ; YF:ARl.V-Nf:A'Rnr:f:AN f.R<:. 2 ''r .1 BR. S200 S250. Appl. fi7J-19fl9. BRAND NEWl- hJ)Ul.'CB 0NLY-PF:T OK f)f:l.UX!>: 2 BR-SIM l)~h~·11hr .. trptr., 2 A11 , 1111.1m P'l"L 557·2125, 203.t2 Sll nt11. An11. /\vP. NF:\V Sp11rin11~ A rt~. £x- rl11~1 1·r, lnr1111nn, nr ~hop'g. }'rplr., 111r/('flnrl , pnnl, etc. t Hf'!, $111.1/mn, 2 BR, 2 8111. $24,'i/nlo, 117.",..4911 Rkr. s r·:ACLIF'F M"nnr 2 8r. 1'1 R11 s1v1rin. Pnnl. C'~!~, tlrr~. hl tn!I, $1f.O. A:c:k ithout n11r rh.~l'l\!lnt . 1:12; r 13 c c n t J II. Avr , :'1R-lfi~2_. ____ _ f)}'.LU.'<fo; 2 RR . 2 Ai\, 1n-J,..1•rl, ttl•l, 72:i ll11-117flll. virw, l'lr , Dom in~ $2'0), n '. _______ ; Sant.1 An• FAMILIES WELCOME! SINGLE STORY South Sea Atmosphere 2 RORi\1-2 BATH S lli~ A $161 mf), C1trptit11. anrl Or11~ Air Cnnc'lttlont'd Pr1\'1ll' P11 Un.11 HEATf:D POOL Carpnr1 k ~rnrare Nr .. ~IJ Nr, ~ ('n11"' Pl11,11 HIDDEN VILLAGE 2.i(Jl ~1urh S111111 !,.nll"r 2 hlk~ \V, nt Brl•lnt, nit \\'11.tn,.r Qn t.lnita Wl.,Y, aoi nh tn \\'. Ct'nlran S.tn!A An1 e 5*'152i g;u-u;;o,d atull Buy 111< """" ~t111f I • • AIL¥ PILOT S11ndi1y, Mirth 19, 1972 ! .. .,,~.,.~ .. l[•l ._eN_·_-_ .... _,,._ •• _ ... _,~_Ap_"'_""_"_"_'"_ •• _ ... __,11 •1 I I•••••••••• I••••••••••••••••••-Ottice Rental I~ .____[ _•"'_"~ ___,]~1 ....._I ~'"'-"'1' ~]~ I . l~N<flon I~ ~s ~;;;;;;;;;;;;:~ Apt. Unfurn. 365 Apt•.. Apts., Furn.or Unfurn.. 370 Furn. or~nfurn. 370 J')Jo;s1.: Spll(;e A\'f!.11. Si:1 Pl'r South L19un1 1---------------------·I ,\1o. Jrl1>11I for R. 1-;,1a1 11 , fnll , 1----.:..-----· Costa Mes• rtr. Xln1 JI)('. 1938 l111rbor * 8EACR LIVING (\T 1TS Rl, <"..osla. ~lr~a. Ca I I BEST .•• .l.l'Ate l BR, 2 s~111nrll'ri«ln 642~212. BA. tlr.v. 10 be11ch. Adulr•, THE EXCITING ---no pe;ts. From $350. 317ii LITE rn11nur111•1l11·1111: 11rr11. Coaaf li"'Y., Sourh Laruna ·ro1 al 1RIUJ ~<1 ft. \Viii rrnt all ** 49'-2&.)5, PTS or 'l· :\r11r Grith;irrt A: PALM. MESA A , Eilmcer. A" rond/O<'Pld. Apts., C'111! IM2-~l. Furn. or Unfurn. 370 fUJN IN THE SUN! -Bay-\/;,,, omcu • ()ol"'"· .. ,.,~,,,ltUnn'rl Costa Mes• **NEW** LA COSTA APTS. 1 & 2 Bedroom • Bu1lt-in11 e 'Sh.ta cuptts e Drl!Pf'l'i • \Valk In clotets e S\\'1mm1ng Pool e B11r-h-Ques e EnrlnSt>d Gara~r All Utilities Paid Ad ults. no pt"I& \\'alking dis!.ance to lhoppinr center. 354 Avocado St., C.M. 642-9708 ------ BRAND NEW From $145. Di,;hw11s he r, i;he.g carpetint. "'A!k-ln closet!. Fol'CM air hto\I, ('KtTll l.11r~e rooml". Beautifol )l:11.me l"f'!Om, heAh!d ptJol RRQ ',g, enclos- ed gll':\gcs, 11ui't 1111ITOunrl- !nJl:s & close 10 i;hopping. Adult li1'i112, nri • l)('te EL CORDOVA APTS. 2077 Clwle SL 6-12·44i9 Neu Harbor l: H.\milton St. * .. * * El Puerto Mesa Apts * * * * 1 ledroom Apts. M• N B h ijrdf'N'lr31t>!'t, I.lo1n Arl'A lftUteS fO eWpOrf eCIC Rl'l\lonnn1 it•l!, Rkr. 67~·6700 Unbelievably large apts. Decorator furnishM -Bay View Officts ed. I-luge Pool, jacuzzi, electrir: buiJt·ins, shag D('Ju.'<r, air·c·ontlitiol'l('d carpets, drapes, sauna & more! Lirlo t1r(':t . 511e #<'J. 11. ADULTS-NO PETS ""*""m;,.,. n•r. 675-6700 Apts., Furn. SINGLES S 145 CORONA DEi •. \IAR. rum. A <: .. ~rr·'v 11rrvh·r. $75 mo, 1 BDRMS ... ' ..... $155 A<"'· ,;;,,.,, 11.1.R. 2 BDRMS ......... $175 1rno N>:Ens AN orncE" Unfurni1ht d Apts. Av•llable Yt1ir ('Hn h111·r hf>nrfi1s or From $10 to $15 LESS. fully ~rA.fl,..rl riffir.e 1v/" f'(l~t YOU'RE RIGHT-(\ f re ll , /eljlll/J/S1tl arir11. Spac,, 11!~1) ;ivail. h y THEY 'RE UNDERPRICED! "" "' '""· Mon ·f'<i. 1561 MESA OR ., Coste Mesa 6i3-5<Jj/J, S blks. E . of Newport Blvd. DESK ~race available $50 546-9860 mo. \VUI provide furniture Apts., or Unfurn. 370 Furn. or Unfurn. 370 al $5 mo. An.~wering service svailable. 17875 Beach B:vd. Huntington Beach. 642-4321 Cost• Mes• Costa Mesa OE.~K SpR{'f' Avail. S7:i P"'r f\-!o. Jrl,..Hl for fl. l:stalr, Ins. r,t1·. Xlnt Joc. l!l'ln IJ,irhQr RI., Cns!;i i\fr~11 . Ca J J Saum!<-r11011, 6-12--0:.!12. Get Away From It All! It 's so easy to do! .Just 111ove to l\ilerri111ac \Voods v.·here it's quie t & peaceful ... ·v:here ·the two of you. can enjoy the comfort of mode rn ad ult living and avoi d the confusio n of urban living. 1 & 2 BR Apts. w /Terraces FROM $140 mo. DE:l.U.'\E 200 SI]. fl. nfflf'I' •• 11ui!,, $~.)/:\l o, Coronn 01"1 :'11.:.r.' nr. rnsl Off1r·r, S1111tk Shop. Pr11'alr p;1rkin.:. Rriilri110111i(·.~ Rkr. 67~1-'i7(\f) DESK space available $50 mo. Will provide furniture at SS mo. Answering s~rvice ava:Jable. 222 Forest Ave, Llr.guna Beach. -494-9466 ----Bu siness Rental 445 ll'OO SQ. FT. 141• per font nr $2:,0 Jli"!' month. \\'tnrln1v Jront. air, hPal, crrt.~. p:t.rt1- t1nnrd to .~u11. Plrn1y of parking in ShctlY<ood Shop.. p1ns: ··center.. 821 So . Rrnold1urst, Ana hP1n1. C11.ll :'ll r. :"llrNamre 962-4~71 <Ir !Yl.'i-IH lfi. Industrial Rent1I 450 Per1on•l1 530 TheatTic•I 580 fo'U Ll.Y 1.rc t-:NSED DRAMA Nl:."\V dcJuxe !ll-1 unllll. 3 ph. Jl'l'>l t'r. 17:1:1 ~1onrov1a. 543-314~; 836-9798 ('\If"!!. Rcno"·oo-1 l linrlu Sp!rltu~H!ll CIA~M'!I lorrn1nx, agrs 6 thr11 Sp1r1tual Rl'Adlni!; J:lVl:n rlAl· 16. Tl'l'hniqur hi f\10TJON Rentals W•nted Jy. 10 AM·10 PM. Advice on PtC11JrtES, T.\' .. &: Cflflf. 460 All 1111\t!t1•!1. I ~·a() hrlp you. f\-1£RCTAL-~. J.ln1lt r<l prrrotl· ----------312 N. FJ CamiriQ Rt:Al, S\n n1rrit hy 1vr.U ·knf'l11·n Pro· C/\JtEi;;n 11·nnl1tn "/rl'ntat C'll"rnt•nte. 492-9136 or fl'!l!l1n1111[ Co11r•h, NF:\l'POnT pMpf'r1y f"l~f"l1hf't'C 11·anl~ 492-903>1. BEACH. (714) 645·433.7. 11ua1nt m uMl & yl\r1I, ---==,..-=====1 ~~~~~~~~~~: l .11i:unA Beach 111rca. Prt>frr DISCOVER DISCOVERY 2 h r & tru·11.g('. Nrv,1 In f ind YOURSEI.f-' in Som~ne [ I ~ l\1'1"11, \\'/i>lcarly nr\\·.~p;:iper Call now -No ohliJ:"11!ion 5-rvices ind Rtpairs ,k1b. \VUlJca.se 1·1i.:ht pl;ter. (714) $35-AA85 (713l 387-3393 . , , . prrft"I' tree~. hird~. g;irrlr n, NATIONALLY f1r ... place R.rut llf"ll \ lflw, RECOGNIZED P.10,'ldy rcff'r,..nc('~. \\'rill' AJ.COJ.fOLTCS Amnymnus. 1·la,<t~1f1rrl Ari No. ?.J.11 Phone 542·Tl1 7 or \\Tile P.O. DAI LY PILOT, P. 0. Box Bo."< 12'1.1, Co.~lil l\140'i1.11 . _ 1::.00. co~ta Me.~11. Calif. 9'2626 TAl-llTl-lG rl a Y 11 _ S 6 ~ 0 • 4 SOLD BayshnrP ho111f', 2 t'HI.~ I.~land.~. hotrl~. 111r. Dt-p1trl •"-O\\ ll"rS 11ffl"c! 2 h<lrrn un-.Junr 3(), ~ij7--45-10. f11r11 Hpl or hn11~" by Aflril l~~~~~~~~~~~ JO. ·Annu11l Jr;i.~"-Ralhoaj; I'rrin. tii.'r-.AASO or &IZ-77Jl1. I J[g] lost 1nd found }'am1ly 11•anr,; to ren! hon1(' Accounting Arc!nit. Rkkpna. T11xe1, :rin11ncie.l Sfml.!l. Reas. • 54~5426 • A'ppli•nce R•p•lr & Parts D1iicount ,,ppli1nr.e Repa ir \V11sher, Dryer, Dish\\·a~hf'r, Di~f)('l~11l Etr. Fre"' Est, GUAflANTE!'.:O * 54fi·6'i~4 l;oin.I! Aw Ry F.11stf'r \V,..rk ? i :~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;; on Rnltxia Island, 3125--413. Baby1itting S50 67."rW16. Found (frM ads) Hr:NTAL for ./Ullf' k July,'.\ RR Apt or house furn. PUP. ft'mH.1.-, pro h :i b 1 y 54.l:-l11Xl6. bf'a,l;'lf' & lerrirr mix. cli p. Jl"rl fail & 11·paring ehokrr J U~~= l·m irl Srpl. furn 2 c nll11r \\'hit l", b !ark hrlr rn Ap! nr sm,1111 house. 11·/bm\\·n spnt11. 2 6 4;:; Crt\T. i:i73--01:l7 \\'l"!>!n1 i n~rrr, C. M. 5-18-1295 \\IANTfo:D. enclo.'>f'd i::ar11£e Rf! 6 & \\'kPnrl.c. for slnnu:-,. on yr;irly ha~is. l'B~l~.A7C~K~.-,-,7bcb;c1.-.-P-P"-,-,.-1och-• P.O. Rox 675 Ralho11 young, hAs 11·hlte rip nn each E:Xl·:CUTJV~: f;imily rlP.~il'l"S frrint p;i1v, f'ounrl 3/15 nr. };lr~f' hon1f' '.\-1r~11 Vrrrlr nr Ar1ams st;hool. MP.Sa Vl"rrle 11.ll. by /\pl'll 15!h. i?.l--7~17. ;irr11, 2894 Prmha, C.1\-1, :l Bil Apt. Rf'h arra, hl'~.1 ,.,'•~"~~~7~78~•-· --,c;:,--;=-c--- .Ju11r 15 Xlnt ref. ~16---1756. 9-FOUND, \\'hil e Ce r 111 An ;, P.'¥1. (11k. d;1ysl Mi SC.-Ren tals ___ 46S -... . ..... . Shrphrrri • $Ryn1nyrrl mix. Finl. I/as harl pu pp 1r~. 71•1 \V. ;\1;iple in Orange . LOT, f<'IH'l'd. s!t11•ai;:r, C . .\-1. 6:l9-.1~20. - Ron1s. 1·a111prr11 rte. !ii(' pe r FOUND J\f11rrh 15 111<1lf', hlk fl .. i:\.~I() llll!lirnun1. 642-6.":i60. &. 11·hi!I" Cnrk-A-f't)O. V1r. ---ti'xl(}' UTILITY rl)f)m for N. FL Days 673-10.:.0 eves. s1or11~e or makr !lno<l dark .l:'.\.1-~997. MOtn. $15 mo. 545-731i1. 1~,.~0~UcNcO-m-,cle~r.c,.-,-m-,-,-,-h-•-p. J\farch 17. Vic. Ne11•port Rrarh. Days 673-1050. E vt-s. Ir• 11°''=.u.=·99=-. '·-co--,-,---.,.. -;;;;;;;;;;iiiii.:~~iiiiii;;i FOUND bl;i.ck le m 11. le I Coek-a-Poo March 17. Vic. ~uto transportation 525 BLI N J) 11111.n Of'erls New['lflrt Ar ac-h. n " y s 673-10."JO. F:vl"S . .l:'.\J-.l:!Y.17. AARYST'l'TING don'" 1n my ht11nt>. Pl.-.fl.!lant en- 1·ir".lllmPn! hot I 11 n ch e s , f'rl 11ra t1nna! jllmf'.!l, v.-ry rtliRhl,., Off Baker, C. M. 979-01'.IO. Cl-TILD c;:i re expf'riencPd &. rlPp!!nrl11ble 11tet>kr1Ays. In- fant In 5 )T.~. Lunches t.~ J11nacks. F'Pnr rrl y11.rrl. Off San nir£ri F11•.v. 11r So. Coast Pl.11z.11. !'i•IB-74.1:7. ON TH F: rF:NINSULA nr~prin. molh!"'t' w ll 11 t s hah,vs1!1111£ 5 dA.~'! 11 11·k. Jo'ull or pl. time. On \\I , Or•r11 11lront nr s c hool 6i:i-R4 30. CHI LD C11r,,, I to ~ yr~. F'ul! tin1r . Al~o \l'rrkrnrl~. Mesa Vrl'de area. 5Ei7-fi190 Cabinetmaking CUSTQ,\1 C;ibin~t l\1ak1n,1t & Bnat \l.'ork, Patin11. Room Arldlt. F'ree Est. 64&-.i219. Carpet Service --,...,.,-..----JO!IN'S CArpet & Upholstery $130 &: up incl. utt11rie11, Also furn. ·Pool & Recrentifln area. Quiet Envimnmrnt, Off strt>et p11 rkint . No Chil· dren, nn prt~. Shag ca rpe ti ng. drapes, self cleaning oven, d is pos~Js, load s o! closel.s. huge s\vimming poo l, sauna .. baths, re c rm & muc h more! l:w l'l·:lt F()(ff, 900 ~'I rt, 1ransporl11!1on from J-r.B. lo $1~.-•. prr n1onlh. J\21 S<1. Sanla Anfl. Civic Centf'r F'ND gr('y Poortlr mix. l\no11·~ n1a11y trieks. Vic. Nr\rpor! Rlvd .• t· 2.1rrl C.:'11 .• 1:1(;1 fl1r~rt !Jr .. Ap!. 115, S./\. !-'NJ). (;t>rn111n Short-hairrrl ltrlrir1·l"r. f111\. ht11·11 4-:i inns. old, Vic, 32 nrl SI .. N.B. ~>1S-82•1S. Cl ~a n ers-. ExlrA Ori-Shampoo frre. Srntrh· J;:llArd . (Soil Re!H.rdan!!I 1. Df>~reR~r.rs & all rnlnr hl'i£hlen,..rs f,, 10 1ninu1e hlf•nch for 11·hite c:irrr1~. S<'l\·e ynu r mnney hy ~11.vin5:; n1f' rxtr;i trip~. \\Iii] rle11n lil·in.1:: rm.. dining tm. ~­ hall $1 :1. Any rin. S7.5(1, t~·1uch $10. Chair $5. 15 yr~ .. rxp is \1hal rnun1~. nnr n1".lhorl. I rln 11·ork mvse!f. Also G11.r.112rs Frir ncnt ~9-1961 fl1npl e Ave. Costa l'i!l'srt HACIENDA HARBOR 2~1 AVOCA DO STREJ<T Adut~ t1r1ly e No Pe!s 2 Rrlrn1~. A\'r1.1 !. Drlv• out today and let us show you easy lt is to make the move. MERRIMAC WOODS how 425 Merrimac Way, Costa Mesa Apts., i4pts., Furn. or Unfurn. 370 Furn. or Unfur n. 370 Irvine Irvine Br{l(1kht1r~1. Anahf'in1, Sullr \\'f'l'kday ninrning!;, rrlurn ll \\'inr!1111· front, 111r, hr11!, P.M.'!'. \\'ill 11h1trc cxprnsrs. !'l'Jll~. plr111:--or p;1rlllll!,! in ~i::li-lilil;(i. ~hrr11rJ01! Shor r1ri;: Crn11'1·. -----------I ])fl\'•• hy. (_';111 J\lt•. ;.11·N:u11f'r. !)G2-41i1 o r Person•ls 530 !it .... {i1·!il. ·,-N-,-.0.,-.N_F:_"_"_"_w_il_<w-,-.:;-,.-d-a VIC. Go1·rrnor & PIRcPnli11, Srt)ftl-: fnr r"nt or Jra.~r $'.ffl 11·:i H1c Reci<lent \1hic·h oc-C•ist;i. Mesa. Pekinge~r.. nio. \000 S'l ft, ll.pprox. 1S11 eurcd on 11c-c. ~,O. 1!'171 al 646-:\711. Nf'wporl B,I \' d, C.:\I. 7:3o 1un Rt 1111rrsf'<:lion nf f\1._ Rnsse1t puppy, 5 mo ., 'l'"I" ,-II • ,-I I II :I 16. llarbor & Adam!'!, OY.'n- Goorl rer. 5~1--0 101. · .. A CONY£NllNT SHOPr!NG AN(> $fWING C.l)IOf FOR THl CAL ON lHt GO. u>Sli. ..----'!!!!!ll !lll!:"'!,IQ!; For an ad in Woman's World Ca ll Mary Beth 642·S678, ext JJO Coil f I ~.• · 1l Ii I Fontana F11.h1iln11~ f 1111 tan11. Pf R•\111r c111s a s11are h1g h- \1a i~trd bndirr 1r1 this ri1,11bl,.. hrras trd r.,11t tha t nRrPs oul in1n a .~of1 A linr .•h8/1f'. r\ \\ Jril' J;i,r.-1 and ('On lras1ini;: 1·nll ar is .edrlrrl \1·1tt1 1op·~l1\1'h1ng df'ta il. Lnn~ 11ar'P'll' ~IC"r1·r~ ('111nplr1r 1hr-pieture, A jll't'ff'r1 IOl'Pinc: f '11' 1!11' ,ll('C'flll11'Any1n.: drP~s. 7099'.L, b1111clrd in (·nn11·a~tint: p11l11rs I'll lhr 111'11~! and hr1n. Nnll" i!s s11rplk·t' 101p 1111h a \llrll' V nrek 1hAt forn1s l'l ~idr plrl'I! in 111,.. ~kiri. Thr '1,ip11rr i~ sr>t in llir erntrr bAl'k s~a1n ft1r r;i,~y 11rarin~. (Jri~ina!ly shn11·n in R 1:onrdin1\1rd prln!, 1hi.~ f11hric ll~rd hy thr drsh:nl'1' in !hr lr;ilifln •·ol lr<·llon is A1 alJR.bl~ lnc11!!y. Bnt h i/111 2 11111'1 i0992 11rr <'Ul in Junior Sizrs 5-1~. 711112, roat. ~i1.r 9, 1'('(111ir".~ arprnx1m11t. ly 2% yarrls of :'14." f11hr i(' ttnri 1i \ard of :'14" ron· t rA.st. 70992. d r,.s.~. ~izr 9. rP1111ir,:,~ 11.rrrnx1n1e.tf'ly ·I A• YAl'ds nf ~4·· f.11lir1r And J y;:i rd nf !i4" contq1st. Tn nrdf'r 7IOL2-:·gil'e 11izr, ri~rn_r . .11ddr ... ~s i nrl zip. Senrl _.~2.oO. Tn n1·cir r 7099::!: c:11·r ~i1r, nR111,.., adrlr,.ss rtnd z1n. Srnrl $!.'.)(), CO;\IB[/\'.1,TIOJ\' OFFER: Roth F'"!':(ni; .$~.00. A<ldrr.;~ SPADl·~A. Bn.-.; f>,', nt'p'l CXl.), l\l1lfo!'ri, N .. I. AA"l;JR. To 01·rlrr !hr nricinaJ fnhrif', rrrn1rst )t11·;:il 1111llr~ fr,,~hr Aho1r arldr,,~s. Exquisite Imported Designer Fabrics ~ 105 Santa Isabel, Costa Mesa ' i ' Deluxe I & 2 BR . Pool Ge.rai::f!. n!~hw~hr. Pa1rl util. FROM $150. fi46-J2fH Co!rl\\'Pll, Bankrr & Co. !'f11n11ging As:r.nr • 1 """·' .l... .< n~rr "' ,r \\':If• i>, -un-. 1 ·r 54, S6\S '111E F'/\Cl'OH.Y t1 ng1o n Brach, Calif. in-f'r t<f'nli Y. :J-'· in C;innf'ry VillH~I'. :12 rrl;iil \'Olvin)'.! SI van I y p e MALfo: dog. mn~!!y hlark, ~hopi1u ndrr 1 roof. 6 l('{l 425 au1n1noh\le & ti. motor1·y(•lr, 11·i1h h1n & ·white. S1 urdy, STF:Ai\1 Carp,,t Cl'°1'nini . prof. Satisfaclion l{U Arn. 11t ln1vr11t prices. Fr ee est . 962-0672 . Carpenter 646-4573 : I Mon. thru FrL CUSTOM 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. DRESSMAKING /--.,-DRIV E BY-- 147 F!o\\·rr S!., C.lll. 1 BR. F urn. Best Jn.•11 11on in C.M. fi46.0920 nr 646-~15. D~na Point ~·.•;o·;;;o·;o.;;i;;-·--·o,·••o' • EXCEPTIONAL * Sin:=,i"' •. L 2, '.\, Rr. Cnr~ova .at Llnda~pf"1. 4!T2-4Z2:l. Huntington B•ach HUNTJNr.TO.~ Garrl~n /\pts. Hf"i l ;it Bnl~a Ch 1c:a . 846· 1321. Comrarl'! S e • wh11t ynu're mi.~sine:~ Fr. S121J.$240. Rtnt1!1 S .,-2167 plr'n~f' ('011111<·\ Ra I p h lont:. low ho<!y. Vicinity 30th. t N.R . .,.,;,.--• ~I ,.,. 0 Ri~ssf'!I, Nr11·flf1r1 Brnch, enll f\11·~a Vrrdc .li7--U.i1 . LARGE OR SMALL All 'J'ypcs \Vork: Cut rioor~. p ane I. r PmodcJ. finl!'<h , fran1 r, r r pRir!li. etc. 962-1961. CU~rOt.-f \Voodv"ork f'anrl- ·in.i::. Formica~ Grn'I Rr p11in;, UNUSUAL Live in mo<l. Apt. ~>IH-!",(174 roll1·('f a hove yt5\lr busines!. 675· 7225 I/Jn Agen! FN/) togf'lhcr; Schnau7.e'f & l'llOBLJ-..:J\f f'r('~nancy. Con· Poodlr female!!. Vie. Jn. fidt>n!, s y tll p ;it h r tie d i;111n~lis & Bch Bll'd. H.B. .pCC~lllll1£',)( .. COUllSclin~ .. Abor.~ .JiJ(l-..8.l J.1... Service. 1nd ReP41ir• ~ ------Industrial-Rental --450 2SOO Sq. Ft, $2SO M~. J\1odt'rn hlrlg., Jo:11ingl'r SL !\'!', Fl'\I)' .. So, Sanl;i. An11 \\'aJi:11·orth fl~;il .l~!'ta\e CALL: fi .. ~·4!10 lion & Ad,.,pl inn ref. AP· ~c.-f:-\1-A~L->_;_(_;,-,-,,-.,-n~Slcw-p-h-,-NI CAn F:.Ji12-4'1.~6. pup11y 11·/(·oll:i r. Vii:. of * * Fnl::N'Cll or" S\\'f':DIS/l ~.1~rr Pl , C.'.\-1. :i-IS---0711. i\--l;iss11c-r. \Vh11!'s you r liiiiiiiiiiiiilliiiiiiiiiiiiiii Aft 5, Ph: Duke DaDurka, • Yi'lrn~ k SL1ppl1.,s 67!'"1-7~1.1, • 0ri;;1gH.I St1lrhl!'r,v l\i.ts EXP. Rcmodrlini:-, rH.hine!~, • Knitti'h' /n<lri1r11rin RO()\! Arirli11rin!-, Est1m11tPs, rrp;iir~. m11int. Furniture • N,.l>filr r 0 in1-.\1H.r:·;init'! r l;iris ,t-l.:i,\ou1." <rnc-1" rir 2 Contractor rrrin i~hin.i::. R<'a~. &l&-4224. i;-i.-.r~-. L.T. Con~rruct1on. l[g] 177L Riverside Ave. lll7 1 ~11 l ost Ind Found MINOR homf! rr pair.<. Plum-~------- pleasure? R':.1---2\00 I ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~ bing -e11.rpen1ry _ p11\ntlna: Newport Beach Arl<i1tinnc; * RPmorlthng ~------~' ~1,,*,...---*----*----*----*----*,/I.':~·~------,---roofin_s:. Call 540-5.'!60. RC'hind Th,.. r.n. i;~:>,..~~1~11·ick ! Son. !:1~ .... -0 Rinta:Js ,. SSS PARTITIONS, .o;m, remoriPI, Tel : 645·40JI '· . ,,_.,""'~11 move v•alls-. Quality \vork. J A C I\: Tau I a ne-R•Pll lr, \VlLL boy on motorcycle who K•n. Ph. eve11, 642--1770. rrmnr!,, ;ir!rlit. 20 yrs f'<l.'P. I --· Trader's Paradise -lines times dollars found purse in front of Cement, Concrete Servicet •nd Rep.al" JfLl L1c'r!. :\ly \\'ay Cn. 547.../)1)36. Cnst11 MP11a Art Cent Pr I ~~~:;)!~~~~~~~~!iiiiiii!!iiiiiiiii~· D:.~~E~/~e~c~tr~;~c!a~/ =====::-1---~Jlf----plta~e rP'!urn At leai;f the j~FRF.E irlea11 arlvicP. A papP.n; & Jlf'r~naC1lPm ~ es!imatr.11. Al! I charg'i! for Cement, Concrete f:J..,f<:CTR-T.CAf, \\;ORK. Ail -, ~ cOntained ther•1n. v• .con-i!i a he1tu tirul JO. b at a reas. kind~. B1.e: or ~m;t.l! Lic'd & ~~~~72~~ner for rt"'Rrd. price. 645-5073. Ft.oOfi: \\'nl'k & p;iltn.o;, Ins. Fr.,, l'.<t, .\.lfi..-0:?11. PATfOS, \\·al ks, rlrivf', ins!all rlr1vc11·ayi; k. s 1 rl f' \\' ll ! ks, BLACK Poorlle, frmale & ne\\' la11•ns, Sil\\', hree.k, Lie'rl k hrinrlrr!, &Fi-fl.1:26_ Gardening J11m111!, m\xerl hreeri grey rf'u1nve. 5'18-866!l for f':'>t. I RESORT LIVING nutlr. Lost in Trvine, vie \rfNTER Rates! Conrrl'te Child Care i.\\,'~ li/\RDD\l;\r'; Culvrr J)r. & \\'aJnut Rd. !lf'IC!rl'I. palif'll'I, rl r i 1. es , fnr c;irdr<:11ng .~· ~ m 8 11 FROM $135 f'lr;i.~c c111l 551 -.111 R ,11f\ 6 ._, lk 6 2 ROY 11.i::r. 3 <">r -1. frnrrr! yrl., l1111d~1 ·;1r1 11!:: .~Pl'\'rrr ~. rail PRIV'\·1·F·, h."lll ,, '<lf<·:i 11,·e. \\'II.I. sh;ir'•' 4. hr horn!" s111e11·;i 5. DQn. •I -S;'i14. h I I " \'--------------------J'\ 11·krlys or 1:nr11act 14902 n Til""' ~. Vic , :11n-:i1:ii;; r1·r~. S r r\•1ng SRO n1•). ]{rn1 rt1~1 •111111 fnr 11 /n·sr. prr~nn. SS ,i · RurnhHm Cir .. lrvi nr. CF:i\1 i;;NT \VUR!\:. no jnh !a S l 11 ! ,. r I Go I rl c n 11e 11 t. \riiporl, ('rl\I , r"~1.., :"lle,qa, ,111rd 11ork. \111• Hr1•1llbUrs1 J ;l'i1old111r~lnl Bu~l1Rrd. .o;n1;ill, rea."llnAhlc. Frf'e !':11-1:.!lil. n 1t's 011 k\1·ood G,;, rd en Ape.rtm'"nts . • , and !t'.o; tun, fine nel:.,hhor,; 11nrl prestige lh'init In nne lnxu r. IOus p11ckagt. Thrre's $1 mil lion ln •t"<'fr 11. \!on .. . . 111i mmln2. tenni.~. tii!li11T-d~. .t.: Ad11111~. 11,H. 91iS-~lli7 f!1;::-:.!71i. O\\'NER: r.r;inarla lli11s 2-11 Ac rom111 'I Int on K11· AFGHAN 1-Jound. m ,.. Ir, J-:sl1n1. H. S1ufli1.k, 5'1.1:-8613. ~~~----~ "-..:r 1'hol~, \\"r.~~~ \\'ANTF/J· f' ll)('i •11 . 1 .~!y 1·1ew hmr , 2110!) ~<J. ri . trl111, r..r.. Gnlf C, Jot PAim n1 u) I j -r o Jo r ~. Vic AGF:S I I, :i rl;:iy 1\rk. Xln'I Jap;inrsr (;;:irrlf!l11ng Service t-;l('f'. n1f1n1 fnl' n•nt, pnv f'll· 1ra 11 .. r , ('rll!Jlnyrd n1.11n only. $~11'1 111n. • ~148-'1:11'.l. • • . .1 r ru 1,\ ~011 oii·nrs 1."~t 164 _00~ 4 Rr. n ,, T . . CM Pl Turn unused Hem!'! into quick (';:ire, p!11y fAril. j\ff'Sa Vrrrlr Al~o c 1,,,,.0_,, .... F·•• Est. I I r , 1, 1 PS. '"' Ar dPv. rrr. lt1nrl, us!1n/lr.-111c, . . eRse h II •• 2 =7g "' • o s ltll'l' tH1n·y o" 1011.~r . J B f ,.,., D pit" cas , ca .,.. -vo 11r•• 'I"' 111"' e w '"29 3 a. :ini. rn1. " u ... Ut11h. Tr:i<le fnr R.E, in call 64.2-S02.'J. ca •• ru-\l'n. · "'"~ all ~t e Cln~e tn hl";i<_·h. ll.R. Cl'lll or hmr Crtt'.1 or NB arr a or ?' 644·1405. u; hrnu1 f11r11 sle,,pi11'1 rn1. Cle~11. qu111. pvt ent & bath, I lArly 5'1R-6~S~ .. Shrlly & Ch11rl1r !'..~l;-2141. 64,j.457 1, 616.04:~9 ----------I LOST 2 dngs • l heai:lr tri- F:.\-!PLOYED v.-onian 11_111 Hi,000 n .1 lot in Flintridgt'.'/ :l Hnm <'s -5, 4, &-2 BR nn ;:~~r M:l:i;.~:~~~I h~:. l"hRrr 3 BR honie \\'ll h Pttsarlenl'I. arl'll. plui;, for ~~ :.(·re, gmss $7nno. Srll C.i\-f. Rr w11rd. 546-6198. r;-.1n1f'. Pri. bn1h, garai;:r.. '-·p<·h llOl<-~f" or IH'ff'll••· Sr."""" ,-·1 $2' ()()() F. G '41S '" J I'.\~ ,,..,, '1""~"'· ·~.ui Y '" · ·"'~Y LOST: 3 mo. old Black LRb health clah.o;, llal!n1t~. pro-uest Hom• · · 3-. · · · 71)9 N. J\1arl!urrit11 Ave.. rrntal11. \\,111 trarle properly . ----------GIRL \\':i ntffi to i;.rr k & Alha111hl'a, Cfl li l. !111':01. ... ,. ? 968·0177 8:13·9122 P,uppy, vie: Dt.law1tre &: 'hop. Indoor Jf'll! drivinit ra~P. c~uhhou~e. r te. *PRIVATE ROOM* 1 , B 1 I l Jo rankfnrl, H.B. R""'ard. f;: 111rt> ~ r ap . "' s11mp. * * f)\ip!rx 0111111 rt. 4.1 ,:lOO. !or fllllhUlRlorv. p<'rson. Good ,,,,·1· •It r,11 , •• "•"1'7 ~'HEE!.. Clr11r . Gnlf Cnun;c fl.16--0305. Cu stom dP('<'lr~tPrl ~lnc:Jr,, l & 2 BR. 1'·urni·hrd k Un. furn ished. No 1,,~,,.. rt1111irr1l. ?-focle!s Open Dii.lly 10 to 7, " ., • ·'11• n • rrruily Sl!l ,:~10. \\'11l tr11rlr for " fllOrl, 111ce chl'l'rful surround· Int. C11nyon I..akfl .. $8.1()(1. "H~U~G~E=.--.i=1 -.-.~h,c·1.--a=,-,~.1 . C:IHI. !o ~h11rr hr:i1·h 1tp!, l•i!, T.D.'s, '1r ?: up , to 11. "l ,. rn,i:;s. 1\1~ ·. ·1xtr lJppor, J--fon1t p1, .• 1-· 11-k• 1,·,. <t Nf'11'1lflrt Brn«h Ar(';i. Cnll $1!1,000. Ai;:1 •n1. . ,,r,,,, "" ·' ' • · * Cnll ~~\l!-47:-J'.l * * ·'•'·•'·"•''' * or Apl~. Bf'rnn rd) namC'rl "Krikor." ~----f.i.~-li:-l71. ., S\IAl.1. 1:11f'~{ Hn1nr; S11111;i * Bkr. 547·646~ * Call 5<16-!9'25l (24 hr)'. OAKWOOD GARDEN APARTMENTS (f;r5orl Li\·in~ for Adult.a. only.) Nl.iYPORT BEACH 16th at trvine 645-CIS50 or 642 . .C:l~O .\u;i-(;:11 d1,11 <:n>\'C /\rrn. S!l,\ltl·: nu 2 stv, 4. hr. :1 h11 'l Cll!tt:t,:1ius n1·r;infrnnt Prl Jt,.,11, for eldrrl~ holll(', li\; !'111 i. 01•11 11·/hnch ln!.~ in Shl'llrr Cn\'r, (111. S".'1-:l'J~:1 nr ;,1~1-:l l!O. in r.V. Stll0/1110 %1-'.l'.?l!l \'111. S:lfi.000. 1'radc for -----P\'T 1\1111rt111r111s for srn1Qt c1ti11•ns, n1r:il~. n1 n i cl !11•r1·1"" & ch 11. u I I t u r . 61'l·~l:..17JI, -Bn1\I![) / Carr l.;i1111dry. (;!Yllt llll','\ls. Sf-1111 S.200. rn $2~"1. '.\lcn-l\'0111trL 5,~.!-!'t11 ·1. Summer Rentals 420 1:';i\W 1.t1\'l·:n ~ril In sl--;;;:r; (lJ·1111p: .. ('.i11nly it1en111I', i·ondo. p1~11. Nr OCC. $.1:7.JO. lt l\1110:1!/\ lt•'f•ll~' 4~¥.l-2SO(l U1i! 1111·1. ~4r'H.4n. $HKl,t'KXI 2nd TO. $10,000 111\'fl!lll'. Si)Jid ~C'l'H!'i!y. Garages for Rent 435 \\'ANT: T.nri;r APT, ~hop·g r't'ut<•r. f)fr1e1• or ?':'.'?' STOltA(:I·; only. $'l0 prr n111. * Hkr. 5'1i 64!i~ * ('0~!11 :\1!'1i8 01r Nr1t Brach. . ~W."-82'.il or !'1·18--l40J. 2•'.l Arrrs Jlig h l}t-grt1 1n =="CC=-,-"""---· 1cnn\'fl1t, North Sloflt' ~n g>rQRAG f': nnly. G11r11gf', nr. (;1'tii·1r \ J\11it. fl'lr rrr. for r11r I Airpor!. $HI 1110. or A? ~fu~! dl"R.1 500n. .----. We stcllff Rivier• \1 1,1\~: :.our :-:11111u1t-r \~I'll• * * 979--0fH'.\ •• __ ~'4S 24:r.t Aflrr 5:!JJ rM. !p1r1o')ug l & 2 BR. P.ltn.•. !ion rP~f'r111tinn '"'"· 2 nr ~ I • C }'./\!'TS nf'. nsht ~1 e_~ A · JIAVF. n1R.n)' Hrn111 In trarle eup.-t.,, rirll P"'~. hf'll!"rt poril h,.r!rmn1~ c n n1 p I ,. t r I .\ ... 11 G::r.r11s:~ ,..r ~n.rA ~I'. 1 prr inrl. .ll'\l('h'y, n"intinR"~ I.· Nr Jhnp'i Ar,.3. Ar1 11l1, f1irn1~hrrl, !'lt'tt" hl(l(•k to I 54F-'IOO , ••• A. •k Abnul f-· Rr<ll ,. r· 1110111 l, , i. 11rt ohJ'ttt~. \1·11.nt friR", hp(l , , •. \1rr:1n "\ ,,r\\'f"'ll'I or !'11'111A l~ \\'r11tr!lf/ Dr., >.'R drl ~l•r. A~k for Pat or "'JO rn1 furn. rlinrtr r ~rr. mnlttr· Offict Rental -l')-'t•lr. r·11r, 646 jf;67, &12·5.'WI 1 ,11n1. NfkS:,~~ Ai:,.nt. OCEANFRONT: 4 Br, 3 B11 . ,;;:;;:::::::::;;::::::::::1,\ LOT ~·x~~;· \\'ilh ()lrl C ho11"'" Can huild 27 unit~. Ne"'· U510m t'!l'C'Or. fam . Rental t s•1r1 430 Nr11 \\A!rrfront Otl1c•! srAnlZl.TNC: 3 Rtlrrn hom f'I, LOSI': Sml tan k hl k m11 l~ n1n~I !''\<'lusi1·(' S.A. gtrrl"I, dog, PRl'l 1'f'rrit'r. Bn,•n cnl- 1126 Sht11'fln nn:id, \\'ANT : lar, blk flrfl. collar, 54!>-6900. ln<·o111r pl'OJ)rr1y or ???'. K":Ys (:ll -I should ·~ * Rkr. 547-fAG!) • }·or<l, on ,llflld chain at. tnthC"d 10 IRTll:'e rrd fluffy SAIL R'1:-it hard11•nrc avt1il· po\1·rlcr-p11rr type h11.!l, Lo.~t ah[!', Y.;x('J1nn~e fnr pmrrs· In C(l1!!11 Me~a. Plt'R.se eall ~ionnl carrwntry, <·rn1c11! or &\!'1--2142 arter 6 p.m. lanrl!lrapin~ .!l4"J'\·k-rs. Atler LOST: Poodle mi niAtutt. 7• '1'N'krlny,r;, $1JO.fll Sl. silver ~ray nu1le, an 1 R1tlho1t 4 unit11 \'aluc 75M "SrlOQf>('r'°. Chllrln-ns Pf'!, mu~t ha\'e har k. Vie. Me1!3 !60J\'f f'(lttity1 140:1 \\/, Bl\l· del ~11tr. 546-7i6t ho~ Bl. Tr. prt"f, N"•rt Hs:-t~ --o=~==•·--.;--- 1nt nr hnt1~r. fl1AX value 25i\-1 $200 REWARD 0 1\'ner Brkr 673·8.127. Grnn&n Shepherd, C,j\1. area. Sp11yf'ti ftmale. Blk, ts n · mark'gs. R1 bi"S ll.f. • • • r;1rt,..rly CArr. llome & 646-0929. SlAll!' Llc'rl, fC'lrmally Cnnv. . . . t -....i i\ l Yr! I ' 0 " ,-1,,. '' lh \1'rll loc111od 3 mi from n1a!I, f)t't e.,,n..i , i f'I Pf'•· ) rorn """ _, nn r1m;o11A n1•;nr ·rr11rlr tnJ.-1 !600 mn. 61:1-S.\6l . GIRL to SHARE CON-l'nmr '""''."" rl<'d ;,' & fi111 <9~.)516. QUICK CASH QUICK CASH DO., J pool •, t•nnis :'111 RA1~1rlr nr .. N pl. Rr11rh•1--'------~ N'PT, RcRt~h rluplrx. l BR. THROUGH A cou rt. P ref. t11cher or R111 c.runrly Rhr, ti7S--611H fF:~. \\'r,,hAhvl', b1~"1"2 "000"·,:n1~ 2 hA. l'l'I. unit. $65,0()() \rt1.1. THROUGH A ~fntlv1itrd Ownt-r. Trarle for Shf'lt1e , Colh':. multi-oolor Propt>rty +, or ? *** ~,11le ~Dandy R~ collar. s.-mkflr 645.7555 • * * ~~:s~'.h A Tustin, .. c.M. f nt>t !'o'f\<'llnl't '· ' . 11 T'lkr 2.1 fn 27 fl. lrA\'t-1 ltlr. pro • '•· employed, i\JlC'llT'rF:CT. f:11tt1nc4"r, etc. 11lanr11r1on k sm•H r1t!!lr U .. rt down. O"·nt'r/Bkr. DAILY PILOT' DAIL y l'ILOT •bout JS, c.11 967-6767 Olf•··· '"' Olrl N'"'"'" ·•n•·h In .,, .. ,.1 .. !'OR C.L. . " S@~Jtll-A-~£tfs ~ The Punle with the Built.Jn Chuckle I DAHSIL 'I I I I I ,. I CAL FIE 'I • I I I I I HABSUM I 1--.,l-,.I :;-, ..-1 -.1-...1--1 Precocious boy: "I flew ... __,_ _ __.__--'-·--'·--'·--'-my own plane for five ,......,.....,----,--~years before f was ten, I R A G H I D I but I had to give it up bo-:. :1=:1:1:1:=1 ==I :. cause the - -broke." I M E B B u ~ I 0 eom.1,,, !ho ch"kl• ••ol1d t--.,...,-.,.-,,.-,.---r'-~.,.! by lilllnj 11'1 lht ll'lbslri word• I ' J • I j 110 you develo: wfi~':: /:.~·!below. 3-J~ I' I' 'I' I' r I' I' I' I' r6 I ~E::.r I I I I I I • I I I I I ,.-, .t. 675-09$3 F.venin1• WANT AD WANT AD tvu, Rlld . "" 10 '''"'"'"· "t'· orop. •at. 6!!>·1225 HIR '42-5678 /for thAI ll•m unrler llO. '"'· '""'""'" llS mo.* * * * * * 642-5678 SCRAM-LETS 'ANSWERS IN CLASSIFICATION 80 0 tty lht Penny Pll]Che.r _;;.:t;:.R·.:::!\300::::·...:0:.:P...:E:...:.' ----1'..C..-----------------'·---------·--------------------_:_..;_~_:_:....:..:....:...:...._ .. ( SO YOUR LITTLE RED WAGON . . IS REALLY , DRAGGIN' • .. ·-.. . --~ -·-. ____ ;...,_ . -~ -~ . . - ADD HORSEPOWER ro · THE FAMIL y BUDGET' . .._ ___________ ___,Jou-can-handle-those-bil_~Abo11 need-are-the-d~ : . . ' . . . .-. . \ • • lars you'll get for all the still-good, but· nobody· uses· them items you'll find all over the house. Make a list of them· today and decide to turn those unwanted ar· ticles into extra cash. It won't cost you ••• it'll pay you. And you'll be surprised at how fast you can sell iust about anything with a DAILY PILOT classified ad. Try it today. Every day is a good day to use DAILY PILOT WANT ADS (And You Can Charge Them) • - , .. -. , • ----:=::,. : .& JfJ OAlLV 'ILOT Sund1y, M11th 19, 1972 ·~· I -··o-Jl5J [ a.rvio.. •nd 11.,,.1" Janltoriaf ~I [ ____ t"""°~~l [f]J I '---_t-_•__,][Il] ~' _ • ....,_-~][ll) l'--_-_ .... __,J[f]JI '---_(l .... _ .. -~J[f]J l.____r. .... _.-~][Il] '--1 _a,,,,io,_•••__,][11] :1-------Gardaftlnt • t! ,, " ' t• t ;, ',, . ' , ....... l 1_ Ex"J)(lrt Jt1P1nt'M! C:•rrl,.nJ ComplPle YArd ~l'VIC't C11ll MM714 R"com1nend«!d 31 Tak11 I• N urstry •••••.••••• Ji'n-« Eat. OEN. Y11rd Cl('11.nup. Nt\li lawrt.11, •prlnk11'..t8, ln•l11llNI • rtp11 l,.,d,·T~1 It 11h.n1h". Jvy shal)"d or remo\'"<l. )o'l'l"P. ,.., . &f~ili. • Hob'• l.111"''" .~n·~c,. * r.om n IP t r ' 1..Jt14·11 Jl.111111- '""""<''" llan1,., 0:.>mmrrcial or Ap111. 612-2065. EXP. J11 p11nr., r.111Ylt'Mf'r, Cnmpll!'IP Ya r 11 Mflln· 1rn11ru·"· t'ree t'B~. 61....,0347, M3-;i106. Lllnd11cl\fll" ~.11 rnrr>n11n1·e By ,f.11pftneJ11e G.11rrJ.-nrr R#11!i!l"nl l.!!l~Cnmmrrrial • R47-2M1 * --,r"'.~R'°J<·-:E;N' MAN SIO~ Gartll'lltng k Yard 1\.111in. lf!Mfltl', JOf! EI mer , 642-tt'l7 ,4.L'S Llintl.1;r;ipln.ir. Tre e rPmnv11\. Y11.rd rPmndf?llnlf. Tl'llsh h11u1Jn2, lfll r:lf'11n11p . R.P.J>A lr ~pr1nkJr.r,11. fi73-1166. COSTA MESA 5~ .Newport Rr-h·l~1:11n11. Niguel J.,11;wn 111nwing & Com p. Servicr. EXP'Elt J 11r111nl'11I' r.~ Co111pleffl: yd 111~rvlrl'. Nr11t • I ·Rl"Hll. fn"f! l"!IL M2-43R'.'1. 1 -~~~~~ -~ ~· l.F.:E'S I.AWN SE;.ftVIC~; ' . •• DEIJ'lf'nd~hl ... " ltL•tu1onablr.. ~_" ri•tr P .. r. 97!1-HJ/18 (lof'llJ) •• ,JIM'S (;11rdl'ntn.c-, r.nn1pll'!t ll\\l.'n .<--y11rd care, cleanups, ' -~.>-:'lfl62. " I l'nO!'E~<;i ONAf. I ~· .T11p11nl"M'! Ct'rrtrnln~ ~rvlf~ I -,, Free cit!. * Mt>-061!1 ' t ~· EXE .. 1f11.w11li.!ln r.11.rdf!ntr •· Comr>lr.te g11rrlcnyt(.Hrvice , • K11ma.l•1tl, Mfi-.f676. Exper. IAwn c11~ k hl'lullnc . J<'/'f'l" r111. * A.16-ffi!R • LA"1N ~.-rvic ... f>xr>@r1f!lirl"rl '• 1nd rell11h l ,., · r ree t"~flm.11 IP', .00.1-1072. ' COMPLf:TF. '"'"'" & _ aarrtanlo i:: Arrvice. lh1ulini & clean-up. ,Jim, MR-{)4():i. • .fAf'ANESF: GAROF.:NF:il ' ·-Exptr. f'reoe F:RI • f~0-7373 • --: ' GARDENrNr. Slo:Rvrcr. AM'.. orrict ""12. Cp•. 11h~m[l001M(, f\tlor11 11r1"f)l'rl It:_ IA'IXI'(!, J(ft' t'~l. 1112-1996. Land1c1pfn9 * LANDSCAPING * New lawn, Sprinkl!!'r 5.11M46 """'*-,-LA'"'N"'"DSCAPI NG * N..w l11wn•. SprnXIN:. t1~k11, rltilnup, s11te llr'd•~·i2'.l:I. M11onry nF:r .... 1n~ . .,~. Rrlrk. B1oC"k, ~1011~. Qu11l 1ry ~:ork. KPn. Ph. f•vr11 6-12-Jno. Paw-1~i& Paperhanging f' A I NT IN(;: J111,.r/f':x1rr. \\'111111 ~R.~hrrl & m111t1r . rPpAlrll 11! /lrH'f'll ynu f'IHI 11/. furd. Free e1t. Re J •. li7.'\-I 11i6. No \\'1111:1n1' * WALLPAPER * \\'he n you caJI "t.1 ri(''' MA·14<14 616·1711. JNTETt. ,t., t-:xltor PatnlJ';ii: J.ir 'd k ln11. Rf'fJJ, Rf'a11. r11rr11, free eis!. Cht1Ck, 645-llROO. ' PAJNTING-lfON EST CLE AN. ,GllARANTt.:En wfl1·k. Ucen!ied le ln11ured. 67>~740. YOU aupply the p a 1 n t • Rnom11 paintc1"1 $10 r~. Also rxlt'l:ior. Call S<IG--7016. PAINTJNr.. pmt. All '.\'llrk (IJJU'n, Color ~ p e c i R. I l s t 1142-1.1Sll. 5'17·1<111. mo~·.-1~aJn!i .. -.-,~.~-;-,-""~,~ •. l\CHlvfl. cril. I.le & In~. Free c1>t. 61:~191, ,. n<l~·~:SSIONAI~ ,Pa.l11l1ng: Jnlrr Ai EXlrr, nc11Y>11ahle rt111r~. b57-74.'i~. PAINTING I l'ArERING, J8 yn in Harbor 11.rca. Lir. ~ hondtrl. flef'~ furn, 642-2.'J:lli. Plaiter, Patch, Repair ~~~~~~~-~ *PATCH PT~AST1':RJNG All ly~. Frefl.(!Sll111.e.1"1 C11ll 5'10-AA25- Plumbing F.CONO n.011tr>r S,. r v 1,..,.. Dr.11in~ 11rocnrrl $5. M:i in lillf"11 n1Jn . $12.YI. Srrvh:e' 1·hr,i::. ·s~.M. MR~ler Chq::. B/A. Blue Chi/'l Stt1n1ps. 5.1.ll-316.\. ,,. Cl_.fo:AN·UP. 1'111M • fi16-762~ • -~~-----~---Sl\VF: rin hnm,. rrl'~ir~. rrrr -I . "I-G•neral Servlc11 1-. I .. ' 1.: Pt.UMBTNG. C 11 r p,. n tr .Y Gf'n'I Hnm,. Rl'pA lr. ''11rr! 1 \\'Ork &, 'l'rf'f! RrnJl'IVUI, -r1111111n1t. 1..:atl J ,. r r y, fi<1&-$72fi. r~t. rtoOfing, plurnh, pt1in1 , hu1t111tnlin1111, haulin,i::. \\lo rk 1.;u11r. R.19-0~72, $~·1 .. -.. -.-h~;n-,-&~- Elr!'h'it:uf U1·ru11r f11 ~-;!7:1!1 f)[' fi·1;1.1.10:1 Pl,l/1\.1AtNr: flF:l'AIR No juh f\'111, ~n1111l • li42~:\!2ll * Help W1nted, M & f 710 Help Wonted, M & F 710 H1lp Wonted, M & F 710 Hilp Wintod, M & F 710 Help W1nt14, M & F 710 Help W1nied, M. & F 710 Help Wanted, M & F 710 A Brtlrr Tl'mpr.irary PMitVin URGENTLY NEEDED • S.c:retorles • Tec:h. ·Typists • Keypunch Oprs •l'JX Operators • Assemblers tnrr1·vlr11•111i:-Jlnur!I 9 1'1111 11 11m It. 1 pm-• prn \\'ork \1•hro b 11•hrrr Auto DETAIL MAN DelR 1I VW'11. mu•r bfJ txper· l'n"~d. mu11t h11ve knowJ- etli;:t: of drt&Jllna. APDI)' ln f)f'rlo()n flnly. Oran9e Auto Sales Jtw\2\ (~xrrlrn (;rove RI., G.G. Auln RENT-A-CAR CLERK ~.50 Wri>k , P311 Time &nt1nv; "f'Jl"lr.-fh.'rr-?t- .J1111rt 1)11v1~ J.;111pl AJ.:!'y. 1!!06 N, Rrn1vl\l.•11y, Nn, 10:, S.A. !)1 7-~2~ nr ~7-~7~ Avr; $:'! hr -Shriw Si1rJil1 Cl)\'tntry .Jewl'lry, No in· YQU ¥.'lllll : \'l"~I, 1•nJlrr1., •W rlrHv. 1\1111. Interim .. c .. :1.0. 897 .'Y!%. S46·913:i. P I S • "~7·11"1~ . ersonne erv1ce ·RARrsrfi,~:n rn 11ork h•1m ·718 W. 20th, C.M. 2 J"lfn 11i 7 rin1. ~ tfl ;1 1!11yic 642-7523 546·2592 \.l'k. C:.tn hr livl'-111 \\'111 pity *ADVERTISrNG ASST (;Jt()\V WITH A (;JANT~ Arl 11rr11111ng Art nrpt. of p1·n· J:N'll!liv,., f'xrmnrll!IJ: r .. 1a1I h11rrlw11 rc •·nm~ny. Mt1~t be ahlf' to file l'lrt ·work It. f11llnw lillllUP for pa.~!C·Uj). Esper. hf'lpful. APPLY LINBROOK HARDWARE 2144 W. Lincoln Anaheim t-:<1u1d f)ppor .. E1•nloyrr -ADVERTISING- c;r,.i.t OflJ\flfl\Hlity for highly n1othnur11, hlghly ~killrrl llf't•rr•!Rry 111 \.l•nrk inln hrn11rl- rr t'f'!iJIOnsl hilitlrit 111 fl'l~I· p111•rrl Ncwp<irl ~111·h IHI· vrr1\11l ng llJ.:<'11(')1. Rr11 in11, inili11ll11r, b sh rr.,11ire(f. Call 833-1670 ---ADMIN. TRNE. J.r11rn 111111 hnslni'"', /rorn !hr hrtltom up, f:hArfl 1nrflv\rf1111J ·\l.'h!'.1 knn111s whrr,. thry \.l'i'ln\ In 1-':0 111 IHr rlrJ111r"rl rl'lr lh 1~ ~111711. $7:.!AA. ('ijll n1r k 1/111 .. , ltl:l-2700, Ol'nn1i; k flrnn1~ Prrso1111rl A1-':r>11ry, 2 0 II 2 Mli·l1rh;on nr., frv1 nP. ANS\vF:RiNC-&-rv 1rP, .. » f'll"r prr'l('d, hut mt nrr,.5~. l\1u.~r hr ithlr lo "'rirk any hnur5. C11ll 616-ROOO. Asst~ Manager to $650 Mnvr into n1 It n R 2 r rn r n 1 rnpidly fron1. thift M"mi !ICninr posit inn w / w r J I k11<1\1111 '"'· l}l((I your In· $100 r11·r rno. :..i7-00!l:i. RARY.r;;;JTT~:rt l'l!'f'drrf &· 1·1111.onally ln my hnmt", t:vl'n1ng, rlA .Yll or grvrral rl llyt;, 1).12-11()99. i\AR,;S1TI_r._n-.-1-1>o-,-1-m-,-.,-. Mon-Fri. Prr.fPr my home, CtlM AiPi'I. Refs. fi7;).:"Afi0. RAKF:R, itll Amun<i , rxrr.r .. p r rm an r n I , Trntlrr'A Rll'.kPry, 231 forest, Lagun11. RrA1·h. B0okk9'ePer to -$700 f'"e Palrl. rro~prrriu,11 10<·111 1'n. ,11rrk11 inlrll1i;:f'!l! l11<!1 v. w/~un1J j\lfl£Pn1rnl fl)r this h1i;:hly ir11pr1J111nt f)<'!!litinn . Grr11l l•1<·atinn. Al.VI ~·,..,.. ;Jntoi;, Cn.11 M111·inn Mann, R'L1-:ti00. Drnnis & O...nn1~ Prrsonnrl' A,i::r111•y, 2 0 8 :! Mirhr1Mrl J)r., lrvinr. BOYS Ace 10·14 In 1trl1vl'r pi'lprrs In the Dan11. Point, San Cle. men!" nr,..11 .(. DAILY PILOT ~rl2·412fl " ·-... IRV!NE PERSONNEL SER.YICES"'AGENCY Cost Accnt to $800 COOK, EXPER. P/tJme. Muat ~ r lean & 1'11!•1 . Apply Jn f)f'rlltln cmly, SUr1 '°Sirloin, ~36 W. Coast 1-l\.\·y,, N'.8. COOK, EXPER. Sau1·e Ctiok \\'/fin .. rr•laur!llll t--:prr, Call Chef, llan1, 61'1-1700, Gf:NJ.:RAI. orr1cr.. N.8. factory. JmmM opening, J:;.xprr. rrq'd. 64&-7772. Gtrl to an•""·"r phor111 &: l..laht Atert!Arial \.\-Ylrk J.agvn& Brach 49'~161 or 54~5 GlRJ4, lf>.2n. pl-time. R@ad mail k rype le11er11 for bllnd man. 536-6fr68 ~f\11<:t hr f!:Xpt·l'lf'ncM, Phone ~IL~S \'lilhurn. t714J 54G.O:..OO GIRL .rridll)', Auto __..e!'£11 --;wt..,.,.... &-Wk/Vt!' <7T4l -6ac1(~TOUM:---Bnokl(ttp1Tii. 67:~13.~9. in\'Pn1ory mntrol, ~1>nrral CPt.F;:-nlder, Tilll*' 1•le11n 17 nfhcr r xperieou. &tZ-&f!'!l . 1nu1~. t:.~1 . $100·2 Ar hout.I! GIRL for llV~·ln i:er'y. + $25 nio. Nn yrl "'k, .. lite housckN'fw>r fnr tritveling rrp1uric, Rrl's ,....,·.-i . Nn busine~llm:in. 646-,'i.)QG. ll<'IJ<, \\'rlt" fl Mm HH, 1107 GRAPHICS Pr n du rt i fl n 1':, C'h.>r pr t111n, OrAni;:~. A ~~il!t11nf. Neat, ('IPl'ln & [)AY--;;;an, c:i1(ll'r. in~ fl'l iil 11·/~;i;\fl: up~. Alrrr ,1;i'l f tunP-u p. Union Sr111lon, 3928 sl;i_rtrr to 11•nrk \l.'/min. E . Ct't<t)lf Hwy, CdM. ,1;uprrv1s1on. ,Jerry, 1714 1 Jl~;NTAI~ Allsi.~1anl, 2 yrs ex· prnr11cr. X·r11y~. inJuranr.e. Cnxla :..1rsa. &16-l882. -----DENTAC ASSISTANT Chl'lirsi1lr, 4 rlAyll. Min, 1 yr G.P. nfc rxprr. Mu~l n~/11, J'lf'rsonah!~ &: 1·;ipahlr. IAn~ 1"ffnP X·ra.v rxpl'r. f>M.()922. DRAPF:RY~CARPE.J );al""· }';xprr dt'Ml'alnr type per· Mn for ""tiv~ s.!l'lrP. Xln! 1traw + <'omm. 4~2-Uaol. F:ASTER k Summrr VA('ll · 11nn. Schnnl nrrds clas~ II (ll'ivrr who 11nrks \1'Pll "'/rhlldren A;:f's 6 • 1 0. fMff..,1706. Executive Personnel Agency Jo:xrl'. S...l''ys (2! Srr retary/M11.rkctin.o: F /C BonkkPl"f'W'I' neC'f'1'finni11I/ Typist C.Jrrk Typi11l /Prrl'l'!nnrl Sale11 'fn1h1,,r/lnsurance Trlll'r Rlurprint Mi'lrhinr. Opi'/'A\Or f'/T1m1• Prr~n11I Sf>l'rr111.ry 410 W. Coast Hwy,, NB Suite H 645·2716 Exec. Sec'y to $709 .ff'P Pair!. RlSI OI-': yn11ni;: Pxrc. nf m11jnr 1"11. w:i nts ('llm· J'l$.llihl r p!f'i'I SHOI \nrl1v. "'hO i.o; 1111111 .cl'rk ini;: In l'lrfvRn,.P. Bcnu!lful nrfi crs. Alsn t'Pe .Johs . Call Lynn Toiirl, R11-TillO, 1)(>1111is I.:. Drnnis &12-9262. G~U~A~R~o=s_-­ PAT ROLMEN P+'rmanrnt as.~1gnmPnt . C.M. <1r e;1.. Mil. "¥P. r!Psirablt. F'uJJ &. jlllrt llmr. PrPm. pay. Life inll., Bonui;, Paid vac. Apply Su!fJ? (; :123 Nn. Grl'lnrl , S.A. ---HATRDRESSER San Juan · Ca pn. Xlnr opportunity J;\rw Sa.Inn. 4'.l.1··-0040 -HEALTH FOOD'S Mu;i;I have k11011•ledgr. In vl!arrnn11 & relntPrl l!('n1s. Mi'ln11grr1al oppor~unitit~. Salary plu.~ bonus & bc'.n('fit ~. Cal! brt11'f'('n IU & 5 a:M-!11\1 --,--1' 10 STE SS, di'1,vt1n1P, hr 11 !l: 30 tn 2. Apply in pPr.~r). BPt11·P'Y:'n J 1 11.m. & I pm. Blark Kni,teh l. 110 E. 17th !\t., C.M. 5'.18--0lfl I. JJOTF:L Maid. \Vlll tr;i in. Ap- pl y in fl('r,,nn, I.id<! Shores, 617 L.irln Park Dr. N.B. JIQUSF:KF:EPER -(,\lok, J.ivP-in Pvt. rm & l)a. ,BrautHu) homr. 642-!MlOfi, e HOUSEKEEPER--$400 e N.A, 2 Children, Cook. Employer Payi; F'ee f'rrr/F'er Po~itions Many Othrr .Joh.~ UNK~L AGF;NCY 1 ,1~ Ri v('r.'lir!f' A~. NB 51:,....1100 PPrsonnct A£1'nry. 2 0 ll 2: ·---.,;,..,..,..,.. ... ,. J\1i1·hclson J)r., lrvi11r. E:xp•riencedM a-r i,,.-; Painter. Apply in per· son. BASIN MARINE SHIPYARDS 829 Bayside Dr. New port Beach H 0 U S f, KEEPERS C()m· ri11nion.~.. Pr11i·tic11.I Nur~I'~ L1vr-1n nr nu1. Goorl P11y1n~ ,Jt1h~. En1plo,VF'!' r11y~ fl¥ I lrAlth & Family Care Aj'.;Pll<'y. ll!tm No. Broadwi'ly, S.A. !"1-17..Ji6Rl ~-~-l!Ol1"SEKEEPER • r !l r t ltio liv" & l;i kr <'h11ri;:r. l'~ll Jlr11 v,v l11rlu~l1·i;d Cn~!inj'.; .lnhn t :nlf. ict:i.2700, J)(>111iis + i:••nrra! A1·1 ·oun11n.o: !·: . ..-11rr•. & llr·1111l.o; Prr~11111rl Ai;:r1u·y, Sec'y / Anaheim $600 20ilil M11'111'f.~n11 l"lr., frv1nr. SriT•'IAry To Pl'l'~irlrnl -ASSEMBLERS--Nu Slu1r•Jli:111rl rtr.,11 irrr! Al'...;(lfllbl11n~ fnr ,·lr1111 J'nflm Frcr> & ~·Pe f'os1rions Jll'<1<1111"1in11 nr prr:c 1i1nn 1.ll~ E, 171!\ r~1 frv1nf'I CM n1r1l11·11t ~r11.~nr11 & in· 641·1470 Jo:X f'F:RTE NCEn M ~ rf fC""A1 limr, :I l'll'ly~ W<'Pk in INSPECTOR / GENERAL • To perform rttt"1vlnJ &. ln·proc~u 1ns~ction l'lf mttharuc&J & ll!ltt:rroruc ovr1c~~ Sl\JLL.li WE NEED YOU \V~ 11rt ml"Ptlng 1nrreA111ng d,.mand from ~xe ~ 11 en t tmpl.,yrno th rt1 lJ t::hnu I Or11n1;e Co. for all nff1cr 11kil\1 a t ~Jl P:i1per1enl'f" IP1•rls. \\'f' can plare you 1n 1hort or 1.,n1 I fl: r m cnmponenti1, parts &r u-~ignmenrs •t lop sal!ll'Y semblle!. !.-rates immtdialdy.- • Seeret1rie1 • Tn hanrlle QC offi~,. typ. e Typists ing , f1Jilng le a11s15t QC • Oict1phone Oper: manager. • Switchbo1rds • Muc.t hav .. 11rrurac)' 1r """' • Key Punch f1rlPn c .. of 111 Y"ars ol rt-e G1l1 Friday Jatprf expt'ri<'nce. lo!~rvtl'\l.'!I ~ to 5 dally Static Pow1r, lne. 3800 Campus Dr. Newport Btach INSURANCE SALES EvPninio:~, ~11.t hy 111)pl. Come in & rf'gi~ttr now! Ynu'tl hP i;!arl you rlid! AND so \\IJJ.L \\1f; <+'r:id . '"' .. "'""· 1·(;, lrvlite• fJ).1291 Lf'arn 1nsuranct buP.iness p/ ,..,..~~~~~~'!!'!!I timP ""es & wknd~. Eam . OVERSEAS • _ "'hile !P11rning. f'u\I ti'tfie MORE JOBS THAN P.EOPLE whl"n qualified \\'ilh guarAn· All Akills & pmfPssinns '""· • Highf'.r \\:agPs • i.IJwl'!r F armers Ins. Group l'Xpense1 • Tax bronefils 540-1834, Mr. Lani e FrPe Transportation INVEST IN CALL 541-4345 Service Gt11ltantrf'ri YOUR FUTURE Unlil •mploym•nl ""Plod OVERSEAS SERVICES 1617 E. 17th ~t S.A. Suite 3 ~·u11 or n timr. BE YOUR OWN BOSSI Men or Women Lease A Yellow Taxi Cab Call " for Anpt 546-1311 Ask for Herm!ln P /TIME $285 P er Month Ev11 ' 6,30-9,30 \'riun£; mrn. n1ech.11.nif'11.lly in· clinPrl. C<11'1 u~ .12 mrn rr.j'.;l'lrrlles~ of tyl)f' of wnrk hack.o:munds. Must bf> ""'" tl'l s!.11.rt in1mf'rl. F' or fl('rsonal intervirw call R••I Estate C•r•tr N"w or expiori.,nced, jojn the Corn~ny lh8l'I ltfOwlna:. U Y9ll do not have a licUR. chtck 0/1 !)Ur $49 Ruf E1t1t1 Licensing Course FulJ ialea .tr!lining proirarn -no 1'."MI. M&nll.&l"menl op. J)or!unitie11, Aile tor Mrs. """"'~ for inlonn!llion at 842-5..'llll. Tarbell Realtors /eu ben'.1 Plankhou:Je Now Intetvir.~'irl8 For HOSTESSES & DISHWASHERS Must be ovr.r 18 Apply In Person Bl'f11·"en 8Ar.1 & 5PM 6060 W.1rntr Ave., HB (Cornrr-Sprin.;dale It. '"a:rn'r J RN-FULL TIME 3PM·11PM Shift For Ch11ri;::P Pn~ition Apf'IY in Person Huntington Beach Cof\valescent Hosp, 18811 Florid.1 Ave. H.B. 147-3515 --SALESMEN LAD Y lo live-in & c11.re fnr 776-855) /\'pprf mrn 11·ho Ill'!! ready to eldf-tly lady. Own room & CaJI Mllnrf;1y Only ]f'i'lrn thi> car bu sinf'ss and blllth. Mnn-Thtll's & rri. off . fl AM-~ PM arr. 11•illing to tra in. Must S20fl. + Musf'hold l"Xpenses. have good person;1ijty, tie: M ., · ~•" '241 PART Tim~crP.tary & · ui;1 11r1ve. ,,..Ol""'I • • 1nrPrt>stf'rl in a tutun. rlresl!I ~-~"-~----Pubhr. Relations. Sar & Sun Legal Sec'v. to $900 \l.'l'LI, sa.Jf':i;rnlndPd. Bt>ne.fils: ,_ t'f!QUired . Dana Po i n t De · F'ee · Paid .. Yn11r pl•a" .... t mo., mup 1n!I., tuaran· ...,.,, Harhor. Call Mr. Hulvr.rt. .i I I pt>rsonRlity will M"lt\P this frr11 sa ary plos· eomm s-ra.~,. nut of i-ourt & put you 7J4: 526-3002· , _ sions. Unlim\ft"r! 1ncomr. Ap- ln rhr plush nffir" nf thiit P_E.RSON~E~ S~C Y ply in P .. rson. UNTVERST· highly rPspec!rtl firm. Alsn Th1t-1~ a fa.~clni'l lln£: JOh th11t Tl' OLOSMOBTLf.:, ""1850 Fee Jnhs. (1'111 Hope Lanr, invo!ves R !rf'PA_t rlr.al _of Hitrbor Rlvrl., Cru;ta Mrsa. "1..)-2700, OPnni~ & oPnni~ public conta.ct ttl lln 1n-SA\VYER'S Htlml! nr-rds Pri-AAnnp] A,ll'.t'O!'\' 2 0 8 2 IPre~tini:: M. thl'll p;1ys fee m A t u r f" w o m 11 n for Mif·hf"lsnn Dr .. lr~i;1,.., Orher rM! johs. To 14511. lmusrkPl'pina & prar. nun. LUHRS BOAT CO. Now Hiring BOAT CARPENTERS Some ExPf!t. Nf'CP~~. Call .Jean Rm11·n, 540-60.''i.'l ini:;. P/timP f.. relitf work Cn11sta! AgPn<·y 2700 H11rhor Rl Rl All" n1~ PR ECTSION ~hef't m f! 1 11 I m~ch11nic. Joh ~hop exp. Spi'lce Tek, 1922 Platenlia, C.M. !O ~lttrl. fiilfi-'iilfi. ~-~­Sf.A.\<ISTRP:SS . Com- mf°rf'lal, f'XpPriPncr. not rlf'c, Appl y JR.il K11iser. Irvine ! n rl u ~ 1 r i 11. I Complex 557-fl~R2. ' ~-· .._ ' F< I• ~ " '. l! Eq ~ ol •k Cl D c ,_ SE A c 1- ST Ea OU co • er ha ·1e1 I STi1 w 89 'Ti: "" pl '"' Av 'T-E .. ..1 "" TI: wa air ••• rn n• B• Y'· "' 340 . "" 'n A In Z 1-IANf"l''MAN ·wol'klnr: r11ni:'.llt1nn~. Sorne Tran.1;rribPr, f':irl t Im ,., 1'i burnn Hm!li., F.V, CAii lift '· ! • R1!l-lll~ll • -COLE PLUMBING-rxp. hr!pful. inornin£s, ~, rl11y~ pl'r wf'ek. 1"pn1,$168-0l49 .. Aprly Bl"twn I: k 10 AM Mon thru F'ri. On ly PROFESSIONAL p h o n e :!:olicitor • Dana Point, San Clemente, C11pistrano 11rea. \Vc_1rk in your own home. BP.~l deal in 11.rt-a. Phone: 835-1465 bl'!t\\·een 9:00 ... m. SEAMSTRESS, Pl(l)f'r. fnr ~:iii loft in lnng Bch. Cnni:-rnil'll 11•orkihJ f'Ond!. Tnp pay. 121.'I 597-R.471. SECRETARY. lmmfili111e tra "" '" P" I& .c 1 "' P11in1i nr:, 1·11rJl"I, ~llrrl, ~11 r. 24 hr. i;r1v 11·r. 1Y1r1.tJlil lnt@rn•tion•I C~ll ~'l r.~. Tilln1~nn, 5.i7-7676 HSKPRS F:mp!yr pays fN>. npening n111j<lr r.hl'!mical · Cln'~. Sprklr~ rrpr'rt. =R~~,~-------Biophysi c' Corp. $500·$550 hrlwrr11 ~.;:,, Gro1·£r, Allen Bylanrl AcPn· 81!1 \\'. lf'lth St. nnd noon. cnmp11ny , Gf"J('ol'.j shrfhnrl & ! -~· · --oo ing • -Cn~t11. Mr~it PUBLIC REL ATIONS " 27 ,_ , ~ TO:r.Al .. SF.RV!Cf~.i:; C'O, ----------, 2700 Oupl?'lt ~Dr . .J rv ~nt ... -. -fSCROW~S_.EC 'Y ry, 106·B E. 16th S.A . ..,.,..,.!!!'i!O'l!!~~~,,...~~.J typinc !likill~ nPrt~sary. Top -.......--. Pl1nnhir--P11hW~r'f'lt"11try··-e--'f':-<1n.v-RMfin~l'lrirl 1:;;;~:3~'1~3~·~·;;;;~:~+--~·---~ -'---=---·-ca1ir:'TYPf""Gii'I--• 5-t-7--0.~9:-"r.-.~ ---·M1i:NfCURrsr:MilfrPll H.11.ir' l_,(lf'.<il ofo. or oii1,.·.1~0.-""""k11-~11!:try;-XlnHrinr bf>netits t l:~lrr. Rf'pnir -JnNt. 6-16-lllO!J. Oir·r1·1 . I rfn 111y ()\lo'" 11·ork . I 1 -e ~vrr~1 JCl'r·1·,.1;n·1.'ll r<1rrer ·rn \l.'ork in livr ly nfc. HOUSF.KEF.:PER Df'sign. Cnmn11 r!PI ,\1ar. PH ~!ghly iei'lrM prr~nAhlr ~n· I.· irlel'll \\'orkinc conditions. .~ Tl lIN\.~ h,v Mll()~r. 1 .. 1. rlrr l,, 61~J-27SQ. !\'1S.,.9:lwt ASSEMBLERS . Oflprlr!un1l1P!li l\Vl'l!111h1r -l\1ini ~k11·1 01\ LiYl'•ll\ 5 rl11y~, En,211.Qh 494-8 20!! l'!Ve~ I.:. Sunday~. nL\'. to ,CiAl1 1n th Is c~1 1 lor i'll'IPI, fi.t'J..77~. An . -~H• - -S --1 ··Early inr rl".t)IP,; srhrrfuled 1.,11 D'"'• jl.,12-19:\0 ~no~kln".•PI"'·'''' ··-,kong r:u~lOJl1Pr .-!'rvLC'P ry-y. J'IO~· F4Ui'll Op p o.r tug, j t )! p!umh, frnrP, fU,., lnJ!ln~ ... · ewint1/Alterai'ions ~r1·1n ,.& Tf'1Y1)'11lr11ry ~ In ·n,o~I CllSr,; _ \\'J!h & ,... ;o. .. v MATURE P11rt timr. m11in-' t k rl 1 I:." cafl)f!11try, paint. M~20. -:::.._-~ .. __ _..:._ ~ '-.,.1 t" n1h11 ', ~11 t c:t r1 r • without !lhnrth.tnd. ACME p~;R~ENNNCCY'l, rond, 645-lUJ. ' ·1rnance m11n, 4 hrs P"r dAy, :;nl\geme~t .vA";'~:i~ n ~ Emp!oyro'-·~====~ 1 1 l'lo filrENTR''· fl~ I n , I n I . -~~--. "f'f' li'ln11•11, nPV ('t'!I & ~ub-. TU~IJN AG 5 r1Ay5 per \\'Pf!k. Light ell!t· mmtn + llbPrP.I ,.. ,.,. SOCIAL DIRECTOR t ~ rf'iml'nl, remorlrl, eic. •Small DRJ;'.~SM~KING ~.~iwtn hll"~:, I ~ 't';._ ~ P. r ". t --JM MEDIATE PLACEMENT bicaL plu mtnng, painti.ng, Outgoing vivacious organiw- job!'! nk Bnb M6-6«6 • ,_, "~~"n1 hly rlT" w 1" i; 11 . ·' • ·$425 · · ~~~~:yrNolisTRTES INC. · · · · ,. ED·p -· · e.1c. Sa.lary npen. C1'11 Mi:s •. ~~~nce~all. Bo: :eo~. dPsil"Pd to plan fun times tor ' . . . ALTERATIONS llJlf't:1fk·11r1on ririn1 ... p11r1~ CONTROL CLERK Tillot!'!nn, 557-7676 bet\l.'t>en · , nn is nnui ad11lt11. Llit!'! of P.R. here &-• I I I' , I \ HAS IM MEO. OPENTNGS Pf'rsonnel Ageno.v, 2'0 8 2 Hauling .... p1•1·111 11" n \ rrfu111~~. 1.~r. 1 'r. 111·r v1f"l11s rll"l'lrn . 0 CE 0 DOS 1 lib . ·!1-:i a he11.utiful h-eP apt goes Qll!CI\ SERVrrt:• n1erhHn1cAI iu;;~rmhly exper. • Several begtnnf'r posihnns ~2:Sr1~ E ~: cJ' R KR ER S. ~xperit>~~ re~~~~~. MED OFC MANAGER MicheJ50n Dr .. IrvinP. \l.•1th it. Tn S575. ealr Pat l.fA ULJNC , Clta.n-up !oral FOR APPT 54'-'844l Fooldrnn_i:; lrrhn iqur11. for goori typisls. Opportun· TAPE: WllAPPJNr.. CO~· f'ACfFTC J\·IUTUAL f /C Bkkpng to 5600 PUMP Island S 11 Jes ma n , Kennedy, 811-2700. Df!nn i,; &-• " s I';., "' '"' Mo thia Ba• ,_ movf"!I;, rxp'rt c 0 \ 1 f' g e 1 ·~~-~~-;:.~-~~-~-~--..~ .... ~~ Hy In Arlvnn cr. PRESSION MOLDJNr. & Free riRily bus tran:;portiltion . N,.wport Bear:h Area CdM ·area. 5 days, 50 hrs. Dl'!nnis PersJnnel Agency, studl'nl. L(. truck RI'!.~. Aft~tl;n,:. 642.5845-TELONJC ASSEMBLY of· AERO· Jor wo~k .in Lns An~eles un. Ci1oll Oanll, g_1z_1950 ~me ~itr.~. Top "·age:. 2AA2 Michr.lson Dr .. lrvint, · Exp. 534-1~4ri. Nr11t. l'l('l't1rP1!f'. 21'1 .vr.11.r~ ":<"r>. INDUSTRIES INC. • SPArr. COMPONENTS. Iii move lo Ne\vpor1."';:;-:-r::-'~--~-~-?~~~t=+~"°;n:e~fi~:i-~7~2'~3~1~o~'~•;P~P1~·~f~ 1'" Iiiit------fSir~·~10~ •--~',.__,c\~'•~r~rl~. A'Ar11i;::e , c I~ u.2.!._. T•levision Repair _ _---1-Al Af~-.~.r..trW,,.l,"'l".lrnW~."'211 ... rr1 .. --:1~81~;:~gERHr!'"jn _ l]JSJlrJ AGENCY "U ITY "rould_you likr.__!Q_"urk-...ln a }\.'AI , ·Remove tret11, dirt, Ivy, . C-agun•.°Bffch -nov~sr .. -N.R. -{across NE\VPORT ,..TNANCJAL CTR MED. RECORD ,,. AL hfoautiful modern builrllng Ap ! ~le: i I' loarl e r , hllrkhot. RA!Nr. .~ur hlk/whr TV. e T\I.'" rhi:tllPngini:; i:N'r,.tiir· rmn1 O.C,, Ait·~po_rt~\---~ J\-lonrl1iy ,, Tu1>i:rlav for a com pAny w i th Ne\ .17 ,.,,,.,. \\'p fb; it ror SW or lr~.~. E.'<· }'nu.'11 nn""I'. ~:innl"'·'"r ··I -•. ,·,,·o,-.. · •,-·m· ,,.,,., r 1~m"\' " A __ ., . CLERK CONTROL I ,_ ,., l I d ,_ · -i""!I. "' ,.,". ,. n •"· ,, ''" 1 ~ " : ,..,, nR W•11M• 9, n"·lock .,1 • 2 .. 00 Po'l· 1 m::uve nu!' '"'"" 1 .!; ocll e .,1 A "''''"'''" "' ,, '' ' ' ,.,, 0' ,. '" F\ " rull tinll', Hnsnifi'I rolling " TR'.,. W , .111 " " .. ,. ,. 1 ' 111 ~.~ 1 rrlgf' of hnnkkrrp1ni: nr I· Jll'OfhH·1s l'l:int has ~l'\'f'f'"Ai On •· MANAGER nrar ('(ln\1en1rnt shoppini~ ' . or "' rn11111 nir:, h1'flkr11 r111r1J1, 962-!'1~9:t • AS.r;;;~'AN'T M111111.,.er fl:XJ'll't. "a""'" hrl"fit• . f ll ,_ ft ' t' l'xpi>t'if'nrP rP(]uirrrl. Apply C: p F 1· J b sal~ I y11rtl IT11!1h, 1nr11r:f' rtr11n-up, ------" , . ., t'lf"'nln~:;i-11 "' P ~m • Sile 'Of Our Ne1\' Rlrlr: lt1on rhru Thur~. 9AM-4PM. _!"I, ;1yg ee. ee 0 5 In ~1nv,. I< h11ul. ~ .... 1R.!'l8fiJ. * Al.AINI;;·,;; TV * for nr~!li ~hop. Up tii $j(ij SER:VICE CENTER \V ii i Tr:iin. :-i.t0-863fi. PACIFIC MUTUAL , F·ouNTATN VALL1':Y Av11)1. ------Si•rv1rh1i:; All Rr11nrls )1\fl. rtl't1.!ll'! !!I'll<! 1'1'~1111!,. ft"I AGENCY YA."T P:«lllnrlini;: {'0-.-no-w~M~r-Oimer S.11.nl,11_ CrtJ7. I.· :OOMMUNITY HO<, PITA!, fllr f'IPrlTOnif' <lrJ!'nlPrl ('llnl· Call Jf':in Brown, ;-.4~ 20~~' .1 Y111•rf f., G1'r11.i;:-r CltAn Up. Auflll'lr+rd l\l.11c 11 P.O. Box 1fi2t Ne~rpnr1 ~26'J l' D N R -,·. -pany rln!n.o: 2 million rioll:ir~ C ! 1 A ·'·"' Trrr ltrmnllAL F'rM" J<'.~1. 7 • 11 1'0 1" R 1 « !l26M 11,n1pus r., · · ins: nrrrf.~ 5 11. m h I t i o us NJ?\\1port c,-ntf'r Drive .17100 F:urlirf .111 \\'Arnrr 11 yrl\.r in rfi>frn~e. ({'lmnirr· -fll'l.'I" itency 1\\lN Known lor J10nl'~!y ft.1~<1.11.1 rll<'l, 11· · · S11111' R·~ !'157·27 11 rw>rinlr. Tran""· ren'rl. OVf'r ,791211 2700 H11rhor Bl a! Adams R"ll!li. rt.111ri;, ~16-:14.QR ,.. ,. 1· ' · · · rie.I k i ndu~trii'IJ. RPrPnl & Tile AUTO l'urrrnr TV 21 . Ph: Rl'\..1177, lOam-apm, ,. lrntnediate MI-:N ov('r 21. p/tim<" """·~· :i rxper1en"" 111 " QA me.11-Sec'y No SH $550. Cal Housecleaning T\~'0 l11d1r11. rrll11.hlr, rlC))l'n- 0.11blP. Own 1r111n.-portalinn fi.12-X.ll. Dedic-1""'to-d~C"l1-1-n"'ln_g_ * \V~: DO EVJo~R.YTHINr: • Rtfs, r1·rp ri;I. f;~fi.~1!1 LADY wi.ntA hC'111~t'<'lP1111ing ll'flt'k. E.xrlf'r, own trAn8. $.1. :ii. X.17.,'l6~7. ~lc~11 (lrnni.ni:; Srrv1rr. CnrJ)l'I~. \\11nrfn1\·~. rlnnr rte. Rf'~lrf . .(. Con1111'I. 5'1~"""1111. Income Tax -,.------Smiley Tax Service e J4 Yr1H'!1 I J ~'Al.l.Y e r,,,.. Si·hr<llllP ;\l11ilrrl nn Tl<''lll"~' \\'.A. ~1'111.l·:Y . ('J' A. li4'.l·:l'."'J1 A 11,111111r Ii l!i-!lfll',1: rf:RA!\.lfC tllr i1r11• ,t· l""n'lov!rl. fl'f'f' f'!'! Sm ... I! jnb11 wr11<01t1e. !J36-21:tf;, )[{] Job Wanted, Male 700 Hl·:~f'f'lNSlfH .~; yl'lu111: m1111 11·flnl~ wr••k.rnd 11·nrk, p.11 111+ i111i: nr 1111y fl<ld jnh,,, r~1 ~-00:l'l. A.~k fnr 1:1·r·r:. job Wanted :-Fl male702 ~l<En li1,J11 111 hn111r·: \\'r h~n·e A id"~ • Nur·.~,.~ • ll111111<'krl"p1·r1 e' C11n1r111n· inns e llninr11111 kers -Up· J'•hn. ;,4;.rA~1. 11 n u ~ f: r1:F:AN1 Nc: f':-.ri. !'>'fr'1'1'n•·1·~. own trnn~p;\rl11· II• IT rifi~·fi·Ul'.l. CLA RI\ ,r.,.. '1'•111"r 1'":-.j·---------· ~I'\ L<'"· 71 Y~.,\H;o; "'I"· 111 1rr11 . T'f'rsnn11I .~r"11•11•p in ~..,,., h<!n1P. (':ill fl'lr :ippl !i lfi-7ili, lln11Arrl C'l11rk I. ''"""1 111!11111 Sr. Sl•I!\ ('h••111 Eni.:1nrrr 51~1\ ''"""ln1!An! l"kkr1r $:\00 l·:\rr· ~r·y Cnn ~!r' In ~F..ill ,J(lh11 1'nnrr. _ ·""' 'y Put'<'hn qin~ Sa!'il'I P R 0 FE SS In\',\ L 1'11-: ~:,,.,.., St>r'~··An11hr1111 lo S7M tf't\iiCll in !hr prt\'llry ()I )'OUf home-1\fnrj $ I ~. SH-282!1. JNCO~tE T~:< R"f\u·n~ R~· Public Ar.-1. Rt.\.!-. Hnml' nr Offl«. ~~26. .~r·,.,. S1'11111~h hrlp{oJ SMfl ~r'y f'1('r~t1nrl ~.\';(! Cr, flrrk·llt1~p1r111 $:.it'ln \h:r C11111rr11·Slrrro S~'l \Irr! ll rN"r11fln1~l S4.2.'i r 'r. Tvri1~1 S2.~ hr SALESMAN CJl~l~!l~rit~'~ ,~~1 c.11n hrmmr l\lr. Wilson. Openings In rm on. Apply in fl"ri;nn, i\li> agement level req'cl. Irvine are.11. huilrl Pr deVl'!loper \Vo" l'A.-.J f.ro1\·1ni;; Cnm p11ny 'n Erl',1; Pizza PAr1or. 410 f_;. neerl~ 8. right arm lo handle , ·"' 11•11n !f'rl h.v !1('\\' 8~1\V Dr11 lrr. Sf'll Nr1v ,_, ll"rrl Carll, Pl''· frt· n111n 11'Hh 1n1prirlf'rf r11 r pxprrirnr... Sn111ll Sl!!r~ Jo"ni'rf', ~rl \\'nrk1n~ rnrlflj. linnii. Cl'ln11'1<'1 Rl'lh rrrvi,..r 11,! Crrv1Pr ~1f"l1nr,,, 20:\ \\', J:;t !'ill'f't!, S11 nla Ana. R,\i.:\171 . .J/,,~~~ONNal. ,,.j •••vtC•• •n•NCY JOBS FOR PEOPLE ! PEOPLE FOR JOBSI S1c'y• Ill lo $550 Receptionist $2 '1 r Sr. Keypunch $500. General Clerk to $500 Travel Agency to $4 hr PBX, part t ime $2.50 hr S11lesmen $600 M ac'1inlsts $3.55 hr ('n ll .Jonn < 'urli s Bookkeeper , General Offtce Secretary Trne Typist Dispatcher Credit Checker Call .lanel Gary $700 ssso 5450 $390 $346 $340 II SHA!{t.F'.E n i.c!rlht1tnr, ti 6 g \V r.n l1n Costa Mesa l1Pplv 1n ph(inp .... I E 'ti lty. NO\V, "!NO l1'11'£f' 111.. nrr s · nm . · 17th, CM. 1. • I", .,.Pf'. t c. xc1 n& API V''' ' ", n 1 . "'To"'''.,.,,,., 1nrrt111trl~ '. Ciil!: NI t 11. Join the Red Ca rpet ' Cl11.ss1fird Ad No. J.10 pl11~ lo \1·ork It .11•onderful S"" .. " J\.1EN over 21, p/Ume ~vi;os. ;; D ·1 p ·1 "'"" P-•,,.1, ,.0, 1.1," ,.,". Rrtrl£r~ R'.Ul-:'193!1 t•am and be the best A 1 M c o a1 Y 1 ot brJss. Lovr.ly nl"\\' offices &-H "~' , r " " pm on. pp y 1n person, fl: p 0 Bo 1$0 I\ rrrnf'rl Of Torl;iy ." rolu· t7EMALES only -l'IOW hf>ing ONLY RPrl Carpel nffers: ·n Ed's PizzA Parlor, 16.)32 · · x top benefit~. Call 557-ti122. , .. \\IQ!\ tion-Frre Clea nPrs, Lovue h1rf'd to model cosmeUCfi, l. Television P1d ve rtising RS · Beach Blvd. H.B. Cost.11. Mesa. Ca 926"6 Abigail Abbot Personnel Cnsnif'1i<'~. t'nriri supnJr. hA1r & \\'I~~. hot pl'lnti & of 3/2/72. I~':"~~~~~~':":~~ Agtncy, 230 W. Warnl'!r, $3-S ,. 2 E 1 · MEN over 21 needed for RENT A CAR CLERK s ·1 ~ s A Ful rnrnt~ SinrP t~l::i. r 11u or hns1pry, rtr for mai:Azines, · x rns1ve n e 11• sp a per • • w .e ~"· .. I l·R•··~ I . hillboard~. Pie, No eicp. nl."c. arl,·rrti.!1!ng. morrung 1111tn route, Nttd S175 Wttk, Full Tin1r. .. !l{r. r t11nr.. ".r. r11.1111n1t. 3 I 1· , . t H B ' F V a-a es ,_ Call NO\V: 5'1S-fi2S3. No '""· Limitf'd time only. 4 •• Caci in. 1sl1ng le:ad5. ~• ,,ep, ca· · ·"' · · '" · Exciting Oppor .. Over 21 ecr•tairy $700 ---21J....1~1-B.'W4. . nnt1nuou11 professiODlll .847-8979 Auto Furni!!hed Exec. level, top skills &. ap- CASHl ER --~~--~~ tr:iining. ]'.11DDLEAGED '''oman fo Janet D!lvis Emp\ Agcy fl('ari'lnr-r. Nr\\'l)rll'I Rr<1rh firn1 srpk.~ ~'F::\t'\l.E )[rip R"'llllrerl fnr j . 15:1 officrF 1n 3 .!;fa l,.s. ''k• .,,. of s•m•·•·nv·'i'd. 1806 N. Broa"way •. o, E, S.A. h I 2 ' • I lis;ht ntA<'hinPllptrn lion II rl I r ~ " Ill \l UNKEL AGENCY l'llS 1r1" . 10 rr1r~ " f'X· unf'q11a " rl'fPM'3 program. ~-Tu~t rl~l\I!. t\lobilt homt. 547-3924. or Soli-.167<\ 14.11 Rivl"roeidP A• .... NB 11 .. r. 1'11'11.~:int prl'l'l1n11l1ly & \\'{nl'\\' 11111nu racturiniz M. 7, l n d 1vjdu 11. I broker L." p ·k 67, °"l" " Jnlrrr.o;lin" 11·ork, xlnt C(ln-luO ar 1 .,_,.,1 1 RECEPT-645-37fll' 1th1l1t_v to rlr:il \\'J flllhhc 11 "' ~Upt"rvision. COCA COLA lntelligenl, R I tr'-I" I iv e California Cnrpllration wants nrt'r~s1 1y. X1n·11'n. br n('fh,!;. rli!iflt1~ 642-1"77. R. 'ol1~!Andln'= imA1:e and SECRETARY i>d~-.1:&11. -FRY-COoi<:~EXPER rrput<11ton, NCR Ci'\TAl.cJl~G~.U~f~:s~.,~.~r,-,.~,-u~, 1 n.rli}\hlf', ni!e w?rk. 9. NO con,pany t'tilmen-PROOF typing, fihng, record kf'r.p.. Ing, phonP~ dirt11tlon n n 1 e.sse:ntlA I . Mu1;1 he persona ble &: nt>llL ArchitPct~ ofr-. Send rf'lll1ml! \ I I P IA!inn, Orrlrrs ft1r r·ullrr Rn1sh, / PP Y n f'r!lifln OPERATOR 1,.it£unA 11rrl\. $1.fi:, rw-r hr + COLONY KITCHEN 10. .l\uptriDr ·\\'Or.king con-ditio11:c:. rnn1rn. 4-R r~t d11.ily, 321~JlRl'ho1;'. Blvd ' mPn or \\"Omen t" St>rvir.e f~i:t m11v\ng "u'" m a led equ1pmen!. PM!il!rls pro- ducer! by inulti-billion"' dollar· C M All thi.11 """ nm.re .!pell~ ,j!)f;-fl~fil , :-.i2-7."17~. l'l~lll 1 r~A II -_ --~-~-r11qrP r!(I 11r:c:, fllr you. If you C 0 ;\I ~·I t:: J1 C I AL Arti~t ~·111,1., P/Tim,., m P: m I, h11v,.n 't ;-,·Pt ln\•rstig3tf'd Ille Commercial B.utk Expentnc~ t{I: Df!Fn10!1fi Mu i r h,, a rl l'Ompany. \\1111111'1'\, (;1101! nppnrh1nl!y. 11•111"., nn ~p. n I" C. R1'u'lh ll'llt'1'l n,i:: k. r11~rr-11p ~ !l I !l r y IC 11 m m. Fu!Jnr r'l>1rn1t111. .l\('nrl rl" 1 11 1 11' '1 Rn1sh, 962-().il6, r·r~\1mr In Cl 11-~1fit'd .11d m. Ftrt.L. lime txp 1"rvlN! t1l11 , 111~ rln OP.1/r Pilo•. r . 0. h"IP t11>t"r!Nl. Cbr.vron S!11. Role 1560, COSfA Me~a. c~ ~~ Ortep::A H\I.')',. S.JC. '26""· Gal Fridoy lo $650 C0~1MUNAI~ rlrntal (\ f c • Pl1!•11ini:-!'W"Mlnnilllily &. .. 11bill· nrtrl5 young person wldtn. tr 10 rnrrl putih" fll'N'M. In !al ofc P.X p. Front '-bark. this rll'\\' firm llpenuig suite l\l«dltal l\•fl:, Cl'C~lfVti: ve&4!!•rian Ute atyle. only. of oft1rf's JQ<"11Jly. C11ll Ann , 4~1635. FGX, ·&t'l-1700, Dtnnur & Inc., :ll'IO N1>1\•por1 CPnlt"r nr.. Nn. 4;,n, Ne"·pnrt C1t11 Jt11rt !M-rl or full timl! Be11.ch, ca.. 92660. t5-10 hr~. ~r "'k,I C.Ompany, Red CPlrptl "'ill,~'. rio youf'!ll'Jf ~ILn 6 nionlhs required A fll vnr ~ DO IT NO\lr'! (714) 646-7121 Jiren~rrl l'lr nor . c 11 11 A~k ror i\t r. ~ttntlonca 5-UH\640 for inlPrvie.~'. A~k RECF.:PTTONtST, full hme for Slr1·e Gntnnl11. Also Equal Oppor. Employtr in office, g<IOf! t) P is t . General ofri rt "'' n r k • Sfi.J.00 l1ccn.~lng courM! of· I """l~~~~~~~~ Shorthand m• nee. Apply in l•rerl~ ~1&-.1640. NURSE ATTENDANTS """"· ColWl'JI Prop. In<" .. AC\llf! t).'Ptricncr.S.11:30 Pflil. :zro E , 17th SL. Costa '.\'lesa. Aj)pl~ 'JI.ton thru Thurs. RECEPT. N.B. to $500 I I 9am-lpm. FOUNTAIN V-AU.EY o.a 4 Gyn. olfice • COMMUNITY HOSPITAL 'Know)edgie of typing 1noo Euclid al Wt.rn11r lnsnrance forms " must f' .. IAblishts business for' distributors. ' NO SELLING Go fishing or spend more tii'nr. "•ilh Yt!Uf Javor1te. ho~ by !lnd ltt the machint! lff!: eam you monty. CASH R& QUlltED 12498. Securerl. l,lmlt1d Oppo•tunlty ' L ~11'1!! enc ing. . '-= Ant ·'Si .. Buri • Amb 'T ti 1-~1 --TIMI-FOR QUIC!< CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT r. T. )' C BkkrY·Lail3.!Q.hr ~· r Rntlkkr"f"'r S100 J.rii-111 ·""('r"t11ry SliCXI+ !'"<··~·~ 1 •h 100 +) lo $6!'1 ~~; ... 1~h ~n1 tn $!'1~;, r .. 1-..nnrl r 1n 'l"'l!I S4M SI', F.1"11'.n .n ~. Jn S:.4;. ~\r11 s...,··r. S.A. '" s;)2i1 Brokerage Steno Secretary 1,.~~~~~~~~W~lknnis ~t Agtncy. $500+ 1 · Cciill tr/lrookkoef'lr ~2-M"'hd""' Oro.Irvine. '• • to $500 W)'lrk \Vlth Accn11nt1tnt Gl'nf"rt'I Oltict · lo $650 Gmw & Propor Wl1b Gl•m•rou1 Spot $47$ · ' • ~ •: ' 'I' lNSOMNlACS for Tt!e11ret1 CAii N~nrr CArl snn 2323 No. Broadw•y S111nta An1 fntelliR"nt 1\f,11n~~~mtnl 9,, out front In thl"p. pro·}ect Oft' !IJf!'tp disorder~. NEWPORT l:flr_.,u. offi(fl.": A th-.rm· • • ~~¥ -'" • 1 .. 21·. yn. Gl'IOd ~ for a P tr1onnt l Ah•ncy int: pt110n \\·w 11tf'p tn ° ...,1-y rl ...... ""'3 I L\8 • ith I & wk.a tllt y, v.lo.,_..,,,.,,' ex , 211 . Call o.n.. 832-1950 ~ . ACMt PERSONNEL NURSES Aidt.:11, -1 am-3 pm. TIISJ'TN AGENCY WrilP l'IOU' for more in!Or· ~'" pt'E'i''d. Mt'Jol; vme _ __ _ _ mation. tncludfo p h 0 n e Ccin\', H0sp. fi61 Cel)ter SI .. R EA L E ST A T E number. C.M, .Ms-sS&S. SALES: Needed, 2 full 1REDl·BRE:\\' tim• peopl• for our CORPORATtONl , DAILY PILOT Fountiin Valley Offlco. 1001 How•nt Av•., my .... 10 RUl . UR .old in Sal So. WA '. ... Blurp1·1n1 1:111 rn S300 NEWPORT Personn1I Agency Hoo.!': H•11t111tr W•l~h 111f Ill Do•" Or., N.8. OP'-" HOUSE C'<llumn. ----"'-1·.Jl.70 __ _ WANT AD 642-5678 835·3811 ~,,~ C8m11Us or., N.B, 1pol dt.811"1' 'A' pe® e. MPM_ 11•krl.11y1. ~ RrArlf'h orJlt.'fl lf'tlit\lw: • hind In 1M oUlet.1 ===-=~=~--.,,...-. Nn!IR \\', •loUmnn S-J0..06.1.\ C&U Mlll'ion Mtn11. 83)..2700. OAlLY PILOT ror acnon! l')vlrtl•..,, oennfs f'er!C)l1~ F'or be.11! tfl:sull.tl &42-567 Aa~ncy *2 Mlcbelaon Or .• Jt'.1 a brtttt. .aell your tr.•lrie. ' ~ ltt!ms ll'fth ~. UH DAU,y A J'OO(t w11nt 1.d ii lrlve•tmr.nt ' -I '""" CLASSIFIED ADS Con f,. ct Bill Hea1, San 1\1"''°· Ca. 94401 . VILLAGE Rl!AL ES.I"· \V h 11 • El•p.,nl•" owr-FOR .ACTION, • • TATE, n1.5100. -runnin( tour """"! Tum e The fa ttest dr&w I the Uitm Info "CASH" -ulJ ALL 642·5678 w 1 ~ .... r"11, 1 u..,,, lhru D•llJ! P iiot ts. ' ' .a ~ o Cw!tled. "2.-5671. Sw • Chl - Tb• ' . Ad. - • . IL-[ • _'-_--.._;-)[ill I . --I~ .__I _-___JI~ l ~ I /~IL-I _""ot_"'"''__,J~ [ r~•\oYou J[l I ~•lrd-· J[E] I -9:"'~ 3 Lin .. , 2 Times, $2.00 '=;mmmmiiii~ii;; ,_ ____ __, Holp Wontod, M & F 710 Applloncu I01 Garago Salo 112 Miscellaneous Ill Pi1no1/0rg1n1 . 126 Sowing Mochlnu 121 I••••••••• ~09, 154 Gen•rol , 900 MAYTAG Washer 1;_ Ke~ OUR f•mlly has grown out of '65 VW parts -40 HP engint p·fANOS .. PIANOS SINGER Console ,w/•tool, F'REE rulfdty puppies wilr 0101·~ elrc:. dryer. $60 ea. !Ome of the things ..-·e used $200., front t>nd $60 .. trans· ~A Slant nf'f"(:lle zig.zag, Mi rodrlly amall doss. • • • lRIS!'I Stttf'r Pedlgl'ee pups • AKC. M9-3612 or •530-6113. SPRING SA.LE 25' Chris S-pt Fish, Immar 1219, . N·onre ... •-i~t · to e-•.!.J11n m"•h, 0 ·, y,·•'v• ule ~ui pan 125 or all Kimlmll con~les rt"' $1045 • 641·"""" fM.'"'· --~ ~'lll8o~r • ~" point UJ\Vi"T """ "'-' ...,.,., ·• reduced to •.:•o:' ...._:.,,_ ot' Sun. only, 67l-56.56. 1..,,.,.,·~7",.-''::.:...,--,,.--,-~ ele<' dncr $45 ea, ·rrir decided W> sh.11.re them "'ith $300., 492·2657, ..,..., ~ ........ ,-,,,.-'--.,~~--~-F'OtALE m Ix e d Wb SECRETARY 36' Chn$ Cmmtir, ~tint $8500 30· Holida..Y Ya"'l, bl.rptti $595() retrlr . with c r Q 11 • 10 p you. fhildren'ii tteord 3 ~ SbOO !U b (4 11:pttial pureh1111e. Avail in Sporting Goods 130 Sp&nitl, spqed, 1 yr old . freezer S65; 546-8677. playm v.•ltree re-cords, I d . ) ' e ca ' all 1tyle1! New pla,yer , larger aterro rtt0rd playt>r "r • :Wllock. SCM elec. pianos Spitlt'ts t l Grands LADlES Wil!IOrl ioU clubs :J=~are. Lr& doehse, TOY Poodle, e bo eo l -.t• brown. mJllt', 12 wk;., At<C . Champ 1toc:k. 646-3523. 1l'J700 ,JAMBnRF:f': BLVD. NE\\'PORT BE ACH Equal oppjr!un11y "1'1'1Ployer Kenmore, Sears, Orytt Bra.nd New, Nev~r Usedl 12:!'.I Vo.II I 642-19.:15 Bes! otfOr-grcat -buy! STOVE & re.frig., ,look &. u~Ql'k 100!....lhe..dBo,Y they Wt'Nl lold, $50 . each. 7 13 O \\'Pslminster Blvd. e KENMORE -Rr.pairm21n has "'asher/dryer/rfi$h\\'f<J'lh· e.rs, guarn. S..4 6 - 5 21 8 , R.19-7f!20. SECRETARY fVtim,. 11111' ofl" Harbor <irea. Mu!iit he RE:f'R.IGERATORS·\\'ash"rs skil!Prl t y p is I, \\/rite SJO & up Side·by·Side $150. G,uaranteed. Delivered. ClaFisHird arl nn. 33~. ('IO 646.782{1, Daily Pilot, P.O. Rox 1560, 1-==;;;;:...--~--­Co~lll Mes<1, Ca !12626. RECOND. Appliancelll &: SERVICE Statio!I SaJe5man, Apply in pt>r~on, 200 w. Coast l-lwy, N.B. STEP UP TO SUCCESS Earn more -learn morP. in our petionii.lized tra1~ing ~urie. Needed now! Ex· ~ r i e h c e d or non-Exp- erirn<;ed 5'11es()e()ple. It you· ha ve a real estate license ·lfot's 1111k: Call M"'· ' fl5a.. COATS ~WA~ACE REAL TORI 546-4141 SJITER wantl'd my home. ~ature 1,1·oman nvrr 3~. 67j..()8112 ST~OP SMOKTNG The Ea~y WAY & earn $100·$1000 a mo. 892-4213. ~LEPHONE Sales. Top _cx.mmissions and OOnus. Ap. ply in pttson beh1-een 9.00 ar.irl 12 :00 noon at R1Sl Bolsa AvenuE', Midwny City. T£l~iPHONE .~liritnr~ PX· per·d only! Coupon bOOk sales for Service Organiza. tlon. 962-666! after 10 11..m. TV's, guar. & delv 'd. Dunlap's, 1815 New p <>"rt Blvd,, C.M. 548-7780, 1''RIGIDAIRE dryer, new, avnc. grn; 31h yr, Norge w11sher. Make o f t er J • 64rHm. GAS range, Wedgewood Hotly, yellow, ~... good cond. $100. Phone 67J.26.19 REFRIG.. 2 · d r., auto deJrost. Very cJP.110. * * 89.~9060 • * HOTPOINT· Automatic Elec· Irie Dryrr, 2ood rondifion, $1:5, 516-:1.1177. A PT. RE~RIG. Coppcr1onr. $75. 540-AA"\ll 5 BurnPr, Gaf!l"'rs & Satller range. Many extra~. • 842-11796 • Aman11 ctirst frl'('ZPt $35. • 6'16--524l! • :>Rr W. Bay, CM Cameras & Equipment 808 PENTEX Spotmalic. -5 lenses ftl!Pr, m11.ny 1u·c,.s. Polaroid 420 Petric rolor 64;'-2237, Furniture 110: TELEPHONE so I i c 1 Io r s Davenport, 9', vcceJIPnt wanted for eve ~·ork in condition. S150. Paid SliOO. airport arP11 . Mu,:i;t have 642--049-l call aft 3 P"'.I· · transp. Call Sur, 833-9470. Quality Designer TRAVf;L AQ'ency mana'i:;er Furniture nef"dtrf for irro11·ing NPwport I~iving room & hedroom~. Beach nff1rP, t<.1inimum 8 D<'sk & file!ii, m11.~1 ~I'll: yr!: f'.'-:pPr\ence. S ,. n rl 645·0022 * 640· 1207 ~11n1e to Cl::issifird Art No. f.1APLE cranbrrry pr i n t 3<10. P/n D::iily Pilol, P. ·O. rouch. Dinellf' \\'/4 C11p- Bnx 1:i61), C.M. t11in.~ chain;. \\'a!iihf'r/rlryPr. TR A I N E E : Excellent I'atio junk. 645-4500 or training "'1th n.oil'I ro. !'loll!-296.1. -R.e'rul;:ir l'11.iu1> -S.· .. OpJJllr. to-011~;07,-.• -.bc~rl~&-,.-,~lin-.,.-.-.-.,-0 e o ! ,. r managfmenL Ap-J"('("()Vl"ring, coffee tbl, enrl proved for GI job training. lhll!, kit thl + 2 chrs. J $f.OOO. frl"e ra!S. 546·24611. Call Bob Y.'ilson 51~ CoastAI Acrncv R' DRES.'iER JO dra"'er~ $55, ,190 H c. Bl ·0 bra!';~ he11dhoarrt S25, rarli"' 11,r,,.,r Al A il/11~ · phooo in c11hlnel J?O, 673.{1752 HeJ,...Wented,---M·&· .=:.7-10-EARL.LAmer,icllJL.Slfa..J15. &>lid h\rth hutch, d\nint; rm WAITRESS. OVER 21. Ship _ -t\hqy. Restavranl 480 S. CoastJ{w~ Laguna Beach !Jfl-ro&O WAI TRESS • Dtn1.ng rm tX· . per. full & p It i me . Interviews 5 pm. Clo;;ed Mon/Tues. Bahia Corin· thian 'i'acht Club, 1601 Saysw:le Dr .. Cd1\1. WAITRES~S-- tbl & <'hr~ $.100. All in xln1 ("onrl. 9fi~744~ 11rt fi:30. DANISH mocle'l·n, p e c a n , drop l,.11r t11 ble, :Z !raves. $UO, Xln! cond .• 847-9444. · MOVING Sale! -Hou&E'ful.' of furniture, all good Condition. 54:;...36;,g, ANTIQUE Fr. Prov. sofa , chair .. Pastel brocade. do~'Tl cushions $150. M5-2ll2. ' Exp. p1time. Apply Surf &: • , Sll'Join 5.930 \V est H"'Y Nm SOFA, new 8 and ](Ive ~11.t. ' • ' '0 -bolh--trn:.-1150..-4-LW..i..D. ~'AITRESS. O_\•ei:_ 21. ~r. machine-$2.\_968,,.]910. Apply in person. 1768 BIG SELECTION OF Ne,vporl Blvrl .. C.:\l . PERSlAN & ORIENTAL \\'ANTED, nu rs,. r Y RUGS. Pvt pty; 54-1-~. sale~11n, 1 yr l'xprr1enrr 7 PC. NAUGAHYDE In So. C;i.lif , Apply in per~n. Llnyrl'~ Nur~"l1" DEN GROUP 2038 Ne\\·port Bl vrt . C.J.f. \rlNE ~· Bttr Ho~r,.!<~. Nea! & Attractive. (h·er 21 yrs. Call 54()..5600. con~1s!1ng of Jay.back ~fa (sleeps 21 . ch::iir, in heavy duty n11ugithyde. end tables, coHe~ table' & 'lamp!!, . "'/free record!, 2 hoodl"d tfP!"~!er, ~vie camera Ex c I u' l v e Stein"·a.~ "'dll & irM. $25. ~Jen• Btn hair dryers': 1 hand IJflr l\f'W 12 TV 645-4441. Ch.ickt.rini, Kimball It }{oglln \\'di, put'u $)). CF.RMAN Shtphf'rd Puppies, b\owl!'I'. 1 v~cuum Cif'al\f'r, TEAK dining table Mx50", Ka"·ai. Terms I: trades of =54&-~-2562~·--------. 6 "'ttk$ old. 4 maier, l ·Kenmore, 11Jl an11chment11 l"Xtendlt to 89", good C91'1d. couf'S(', TV, R1dio, HIFI, len11llf'. 64S..2526. 1re-e. We hllle to lose them. $5..i. Slirtin,g gl"'SI doo1· &: PENNY 0\1/~LEY c:o. SterN 136 2 S'l\f'.4.U. dogs, poodle mix. 1 M ixed Puppl11-$lO • 547·l851 • ' * LABRADORS * s.17.4704 bul-"-'e 've-ran bUl-ol .room. frame, 72x80'' V.O. 67:;...3887, 892-3.114 ">hitf', l grey, ftmales. '¥00 can pick them up Sal & MISC househnld it~ m 1, i13.~2 Beach Bl., S. ol Kate.Ila COLOR' TV $20, over-cosl. ~326. OBEDIENCE Cla.OJ.S lo st1:1ft Sun Only. 470 Kings Rrl, furniture & other thin;~. all Daily 10-9, Sat. J0.6, Sun. 12·6 Mo~oroJa.Zf!nlth. Also, used =pA7=Rr=--Sa-m_o_y-,-.~Pu-pp-y-.~8 in the Ne"'J)Qrt Bt8C'h, N.B.' i;tood . 26.'i8 Orani::t, Apl r:. Ll\rgeal in \Vest i;,ince 1970 TVs · $100 up. Teo'1 TV, \t'ttk_s old, $l0. 642.481~. Irvine artR, \Ved, March 22, J\tany other1, 5"11 & f'o11'er Bogardus fi46.-9Qoo AVON . Rtd Seal inO.a!Ablt dinghy, 10', b1'3nd nl"" ln('IUrltt"S 'all equ1p plus 3 hp St-aJ,iull motor . Perfect! r rlcM In &ell. 642-90l8:- 0inghy 8' $75 673·3404 GARAGE Sa1e. Sport1nl: HOOVER upright Dilll·~ *PUBLIC NOTICEI lSll Ne<A·port BL. C.l\'1. 5.1~3885 afl('r 6. 7:.10 pm . 0!'f'n tn t.I! dogs · JI M 1· I'd Ilk B fo Ms..34q3, ~~~~~~~~~~ ov•r 5 mo• ~'"'9~ equip a ~types, air eom· a ic, po\ver i::: 1 e, e e re_ you buy )'OUL piano t ~~--------• ' ,,...,..., "'ll· pr~s:i;ors, tools, came r A. nev.·. $100. 54R-7116. or ori:itn, be 5ure & see w CRAFTS ~1 AN LAnetT ~.~si"1ER==n=y=·s~POO=;,o-L=E=s-•-902 e<t.U ip., b®k.~. eltc 'llp-IRVINE COAST COUNTRY for Best Selection SpPakers .. 12", 3 v.•ay, [ Pttsll'ld514iptlet ll"Lw ] EASTER PUPPY ~ALE! ----------1 Boats, M•lnt./ Service pliancc~. lav"n furniture & CLUB MEMBERSHIP for the best l!Crvi('!.f. in' W1llnu~ cabiTlf'ts, $80 each. . . .,..., ~. ,'1: Up. ALL COLORS. Boa t s /Marine many more. Sal k Sun. 8 ~9-343', alt 5 pm Southern Cali(ornla 646-62"1 516-~4R. Equip. 904 am·5 pm. l~ Highland At Lowest 1 'co=t"°O°"R""'TV~.'°'o7K~~,~7;-.-r-o~ff-,r. Dri N~ <. ,2 SEALY Posturepedic !\fat· • · .,,..,,, s Pets, Genera l 850 ve. .n. '" . . D1sCount Prices .........., 111.t~ Ave, Cl\t off 011k tress, boxspring ._ frame, 1----.-----AKC Cha.nip, kennt-l hreri S1ll(_y IPrri<!rs. 8 ll'ks. l\lakP olft>r, pvt. prt}'. ~·69S9 alt 10 1101. RADIAL arm saw $60. Hart 1td, ski11 205. Tyroli.11n 300), bdis $50, cpt. blue/grn 12 x 19 $75; cpt. r«I 9 x 12 $1!}, slim ,Jim, Coleman 8 x 10 tent ,$50. Sat. &. . Sun., 72061 Capistr11.no Ln .. H.B. GARAGE Sale: Bunk bed1, Custm stereos peak er l'l , Modern CUJtm office: desk, Steel r11binet11, Micrometer & C'aliPE:J'.S, Mag n etic rt'<'n1'liing 'ta pes, etc. 908 Alabama, \hB. 536-6666. SAND Bue;gy $200. Mini-bike $40. Heav>' liuty truck buo1per S15. :62 Olds Cutlass $215. 646-5793. 2257 Colga!e Dr, CM .~-~---HYDRO-boitt, golf c I u b g, hrlhrds, rlrps, kirls i::-aml!'!i, misc. &st offer. 1946 Port Ca.rnr.v Ne\l•port Be a c h 644·~1B5. ~ COAST MUSIC St. Sun.-•ll d,,, •ft 5:30 CAL-.,.·963-0833····· $45. 546-3877. kd ,L SERVICE • w Y'· PORT AB~E electric Sniith· Corona 220 aulo. typewriter. Brand new. 642-90.18. 2 Suede Jacket11, ladies. Both fairly new, size 9, $10 lor both. 675-5754. '""=""'-=~----l pr. Ringnttk pa.r11.keets sa:i. 1839 Ne"'porl Bl at lllll'bor SANSUT 2000A Reeeivtr. 1 Plumhead par11keet $15. Costa. Me.t.R 642·2851 .X1nt Cond. $200. 646-7049 bet 2 Jgu-.nu and cage $10. Open SundayJi 12 io 5pm 2-3:30 p.m. ~ 4 Cockateels $10. BOXER Pui)p1rs A I< C , Champ 1hu-ed . Pet & Show Quillity Pvt Pty start $75. $46-8171. • * HAMMOND FISHER Rin&,..c• do,., 11''"1 pr. ' ORGANS KX-90 40 watt ste~ Amp Gold~n ~hhe.:1.s<tnts $lS. 3 Ring POODLES for Easter, AKC (w/otunf'r) + 2\VhartedaJe nee p ells11ints $10 for all Apricot. 9 "·k~. have * AUCTION * Largest & oldest in West h . h Bob \\'hite Quail $2 each· 1 permanent s.hotl. $ 5 o. All od I N U _ _. ac romaf1c kshlf spk:rs. pr. whi't• dov•s $4. Fine Ft.lrniture m es. ew· SICU Amp. c"nctn. b11 & tr., ldns. I=~===·===== -~894-4=~212,,."-, ~s.i;..i-'·~~:;:.."':...:'•::•·-- • Applian-s Before you buy-give us a try. 1 h. 1.1 1 , 'IVf!fT ~ •· PENN ron ., , ~" a~ mon., .,. Mynah Birds • $39.95 E-fema lf' Pekingese Auction, Friday, 7:"" p.m. y OWSLEY CO. f I W I p "" 892 3314 unc. se · ll . ca~. Spkrs· arrots • From $15 Up \11clonA &hOol A re a . W indy's Auction Barn 11352 Beach B·I .. S, of Kacella heavy duty "'tr. \1•.'indiv. * 547-3851 * &16-0319. < 2075¥.a Ne\Vport, CJ\.t: 646-8686 Daily 10-9, Sat 10-6, Sun 12-6 tone ront. \\'al, ext, J.way 1 =o"u=TCH=-s=u-n-n7l•-.'-,-,-m-,-l-e, SAf.10YED female pupp1e1, 7 Behind T ' Bid 'I t'I "Y~trm , Set nrig eos! S3M1, ood f b ~· $2 wks . R•a00nabl•. ony 5 g "8 WOULD YOU i.rll fa~! $180. Ph. Mike at g or reo:uing. · trost ... ''" BAR EQUIP. SALE. J!ELIEVE '9l-l19\ •fl. s. of •d). >18-1948. ,,._8.,3 NCR 'Ca.sh -Rei:ister, Ice FREE ORGAN LESSONS 1972 ZENITH & RCA cotnr Cats 852 BOXER pup, 6 n10.s. No crop. m11krr, Ba:masler, Chairs as Jong as you like! No reg· -,..,,,----.,.,.,-..---AKC PAPF:RS. l.o\·es ktrls. & tables, Like. new. Compl. ,·,~alion. No obl•'gatioo. Jusl stt~ 11! clearance price~. 16" -3 s· $"1 5'1 ,,,. b , 1 u from $275., JR" frnm s2s11., iamese Kittens ""',,·7'"-0~~· ::_":._· ~=~~-a r e q u 1 p • Ca I Come Monday!! 7·30 pm ]g" f I &>alnnint 115 •.a ~6".""'~" REAGLE P"P'· AKC, 7 ,,.,,, 714/538-4796. COAST MU.SIC • rom 3.19 .• 20" f:Mm ,~, ,,..,., ... ...,, $389., 21" from $~59 .. 2.1" Silver mink, grty & ~·hr., CAR TELEPHONE 642-2851 from $441!., 2:1" from $47$. Dogs 154 Alf;O tr1·color. 96~36'.l!i. '* a.-~:i;el ~~ ,,~ MAJOR BRAND ORGANS All "'/3 yr p1c1ure rutie, 1 -S,_t-a-n°'d-a-rd_S_c_h_n_a_u_z_e_ro_ cLO=V°"E...:::F'o,o_cr..:.cSa;;:J,...:::_=-~A~K-C ty, ....., • * From $395 inc. Alim· Conn. yr paHs k servicr. Ca~h 90 Ch · M1nia. "'-hnauz<r, 7 ''''old . 1rnred. AKC reg. Bl11 ck ~ Miscell•neout Hammond • Wurlitzer. etc. or terms l\Vail. ARC Color • 11 " 1 Champ linf'll •. 'l:,7-14'. 7_ ' pepper IV; sa . r em11. es. Wanted 120 Also Har ps i chords & TV, 9021 Atlanta &t E.uscrop"'"d .Mols,worm· AKCBEAGLEmal•pupp Pianos. Magnolia, lluntington ... ~ ' y, WANTED to buy 1968 GOULD MUSIC CO. ·Be1tch, 968-3.329, ed, paptr tr11ined. Ex. 11 wks. show qual ity. $50, S w&dt hR t d watchdogs. 548-4937. 833-1526. LRG. a gs() r t m nt used . 1 0 r 1 ran ' 2045 No. Main, S.A. $75 to SIOO Trade -In clothins:. 9 am-Jpm. &it . Chrtstmas Plate, 644-4687. 547-0681 * * Si.nee 1911 Allo1>.'l!.nce for your old color 2 Beautiful mi n 1 a I u re FREE pup, part Lah, !t . GARAGE Sale, moving~ "'a~her/dryrr, frrezt!r, 10 11pcl hike, filrniture much misc. 10 to 5 pm Sat & Su n. 1215 Pembroke Liri., N.S. Pood!Pir; 9 wef'ks old Might weeks nld, $7 rovers Ct'l~t of [9' I /Q ]t"SS than ~ hrs '1"1 1~ hp \l('rcn11!er. B~1· tank, t1t1al h..'1111 A: ia!: tankll, nl'\\' 1'11.n\·as. Coar Guard saf"tY equlp, Vanson tra1lt'r, n1a ny extru, Sold ne1v SSOOCl, take $3000. '44-0948, BAIT Tank!. S24.9S boatin( ac:ctss. {fith, t.ackle) dis- count! fMS.6180, 557.8071. 51, HP -!ohnAOn euthoard ",th tank. $155. • 548-4934 • Boats, Power 1',;lUST 11e1I. submit effeN;. Diesel oU short cruil1f'r. 311' x 13', FB, RT, t>S . SS. \1·1nl"h. rl1f1£:hr. N\\'Pt moor- ing 1.~9A, rctenl 1uney, 6<14-4~!l1 . 14' Glaspar Boat \1•11h 45 l-!.P •. t.tucury en· g1n~. and trailer, The flt'r· ff'rt ski or fish.in;:_ hr.lat , A oncf' 1n a hfpfJ me buy. Finl con1e first ~ .. rve. a·cw9m, $595 + lax, Uc. & doc. fet BILL BARRY :rriends oJ G.S. Troop J)J2. Mu1ic.•l ln1truri11nt1122 PIANOS**ORGANS ·TV set •W/purchase of any turn .sil~l"r, 546-4145." shl?ts. 642-48111, 534-388~. ·1567 Orange Ave .. C.M. -. Kawai, Ste~way, Hammond, niw :12 Zenith or Motorola. · . • 15 DELUXE Double Tom, Allen, Baldwin, f'f('. From 962-5594. GERM §HEP, 6 wks AKC TEACUP Toy Poodle, 8 wk~ PONTIAC·GMC·FIAT Jewelry .10 Pc. $295. RENTALS SlO & up. I ~~~~~~~~~~ · Fr'ee ·t'i b~ d t e ,·1 0 n 5 old silvt>r S!'io'. 642-4818. . 1 !st-SI. at S.4 ..-Fwy.l o"'t"A_M_O,_N_D_S_:_l_c_,-,.-,- 1260 -" Orum Set Zfljian cymbals. Dii.ily 10.9, Sat 10-6, Sun 12.5 J;I ][I .w/p11rchase 642-6037, Costa 534-388::. 11fle1 6. 2000 E, l!rt St. Santa Ana Wedding ba.nd 1 cara! $28.'i. S200 or offer. 6#-4594 FIELD'$ PIANO CO. Free to You -Mesa. DAR.LING POODLE PUPP'i' ~-1000 DIAJ\fONDS Qr TREMEN· OLD White Fender Shoman 1&13 Ne\\'port Blvd. !~-------' • _.SCHNAUZER pups. Stud 9 WEEKS OLD $35. 16' BfRCHCRAFT Daus VAI,.UE $.l5. 10 S50. amp with 2-IS" J.B.L's. All CMta Mesa 714/645-325/l 3 Lines, 2 T imes, $2•00 1ervi~, grooming, terms. 642-18U!, 534--:1.SR:i Rltcr 6 &. trlr. 5150. 25 Evinrude $50, lower th11n whsle. 675-7521 new part8 In top. 1:\5 watts PIPE ORGAN SALE •. S46-08.l9 * DOBERMAN 9 MO O L D 1· = '°'='~'710_"~'°~''~".;.· ;.C:..:M:._. ---1 or 557-4-098. R.M.S. ·$300. 549-2193. Home & Church Model.., from *VACANT* SM-10YED puppies, AJ<C $.L'XJ. 5:M5·6769 BOSTON \Vhaler 13". 40 h.p. DIAMONDS_ Buy Dire.ct 2 YR. Old &et nl Slingerl11ind 3 to 3.1 ranks. Installed or Reg., 5 "'ks. shots. M'ke of. SUPER £TPat 0.:1.ne pop!:, Jnhn!iiC!n F.leetra, Mu ch * \VHOLESALE PRICF.S * Vibraphones. $500 or offer. as is. Save 50%. ftr. 492-1851 aft 2 pm & Chan1p lllrf'rl. f'QJJ1J'I. Very cle11.n, ntw ln Dana Diamonds 49'>-3090 6734665. Newport Or91ns OPEN HOUSE wkend, * • 64fl-.-0()4g * * '70, (railer. 5#-4583. 846 Production Pl., NB SUNDAY 1 TO 5 c.m'°'1"si"1::...,.~tt-,-,,-.-A~K~·c=.-cb_am_· --l96:"J 211 Owens Cnuser: Miscellaneous 818 Office Furniture/ 645-1530 1416 LA LUNA pion Jine11, 6 Wl'Pkll old. TEACUP POt)OL ES rt1din, bait tank, 2:Mi HP . Equip. 124 N d VA La I 846-3994 AKC rPg. s75 * 5'17-:i~:il 14000/be ff SOUNDE.';IGN _ GARRARD HAMMOND lr21-2 deluxt o own · rge ot,-rm ~t " er. &1>2900. COMPONENT SYS'rEM. 7 MTCR'OFINCHE ~ader &-Spinet. 6 mo. old. Pl.\yed for boat & camper. Liv rm FOR ule or trade: female: Horses 856 1!l70 F 0 RM UL A Thun· A1.1/FM/FM/MPX tuner camera dra!tinlit I am p , vi.ry Jitile. $1 ·t9.i. sro:::oo«. ~1f:':~ ~m----rm, 3 BR. -c;erm.-n ShPpherd,-AKC.~ ---------dttbirrl-;--f'ully-equipped:- v.•/11 . track cartridge player, blueprint mach, formica. UPRIGHT P"IANO. Just n ·" ' 979-7768 1'\\10 P.O,A. type ·ponies. Like oow. ~7. 3 way Ms! reflex speaker, 1,11,ble~. 968-00'll. tuned. $195. JUNE BLAIR Z Black AKC Toy Poodles, 2 Rftl roan mare !it" & JS!,. Fibgl11, 11~p1 2. lisl'l or G11.rrard, pr of e s .s i on· a I Pianos/OrG•n• 826 557·1&41 . C.J\1. Broker's Agenf 961-7833 mo's old. l maJe, 1 female. ge.ld)ng w/bltnket 4 6 • ·, ski, 00 HP Evinrude • trlr. 1urntablP, romplete w/bal!~. TOP PRICES PAID FOR 2 Puppies, part German ~ .:O:!C,,1-=24:::33;·=~~~~--493-9173. SL'l95. ~7-437. flu.~t rovtr & diamonrt ADAM k Schaaf Upright Steinway1 & Hammonfls Shf'pherd, trtt to good ADORABLE black & tan SUSAN Smith stablf'&: Board· BRAND NE\V 14' P'ibel'ilau i;;t.ylus, everything f u I ly Pi11no XlnL oond. $350 or PEN Y 0\VSLE'i CO.,, _homes. miniature D11chi:;hund , 2 Ing training k leS!Ons. Costa hr.int, cust built Incl caM..y. ~~p~le ·11-Y&lem-Mlli· -·hrit~ffer:-552":'96Jf, 1:~~-~~a!l'l~>"1~1~~~~,!~~€al~~~H~9~3"~~~5&~<~*~~ .. l'IWJ8,.., .J51) ... <l!W-7430 -M~'\ · Jnt...Jl.m.E".;;;r· · for $397.~ .. p:t.y off sm811 bal ' ~.- of $1~4.77 or small monthly f~~~~~h:~tl~;.'~:: l>oo>portatlon lil [ T•oo>porl•lloo lil I Troo.,on•llon . llil L(~;T•ji.._ __ hmtlmonmm. ~ll~·=~l ( ·T~perlltion lliJI L .•• T"iiiii"•'"'•';";on;;;:;][~rla~~]1 ~ .645-2442. I I STEREO, Unch1imed 1972 Garrard set. Auto turntable, a ir 1ospension 1 peak er s \.\•/CTOS!l•OVe r system, Ai'\1/FM/MPX ra.dlo & lape deck. Still bra.nd new & guaranteed, ~Id for over MO Motor Homes 940 Motor Hom11 BRAN'D 72 OPEN ROAD 23' MOTOR HOME 0 ------------~ .. -· --~S~ \Voman "'MIM 11" sa!('S ab1l · lty. 0\'er ~. Steady• J(lh. Apply · in person Anthony Shoe Srrvlce 3401 E. Coast H1vy. Cdi\1. · $300, pay oH bAlance of Sl20 or take over 1 mal l payments. ,Cttdlt Dept .. TI4/89~1. • • -~'"'' --· -·"-·-·· WOMEN • girls ·ladies Earn $3-S:J pe:r hr. Service estab. Fuller Brush cu~tomers. Mr. Levine. 962--0416, WOMAN FOR APT. CLEANING LARGE COMPLEX ~tust be. thoro1JihlY experl· enc:etl in commercial clean· ing. Call 546-5025 I~ Antiques 100 : sciAM:·[ETS ANSWERS 14K 11ntique brooch w/3 diamonds ·& • sapphire, $55. .Superbly beau.tiful 14K gold l{ldies . ~g . w/7 bright Australian opals S50. Gen· ulne · 54 ct. aqua.marine stone $10, light b I u e . 673-5089. 7 7' Dripes, 43 yds., l&l Frf:nch pleats, OU whJ. unlined heavy cottnn. Ready lo hang "'/hrd11'f, $500. l Tphol yllw N 11.uga h y rl e rocker ,S90. Both Ne'<\' Cond. 64().-0538. 500.000 S c r e\I'~ inrld r11binets . 400 eycle 'gener11tor. 100' 3 -pha.se E'X· tension, Nixie 111hf'~. u•ire 'Vfap panP\5. 9AA-6073. STANDARD EQUIPMENT-ONE NEW '72 VW BUG · MODEL 111·1 WITH BUMPER HITCH & TOWBAR ALL READY TO GO! IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! Ope n Road g ives you luxurious oell-contained motor home living without compromise. This fully sell-conta ined luxury moto r home pie· lured above ls easy to drive and park, the perfect towing vehicle/co~ta ins luxury features usuelly found in larger, more expensive motor. homes/Monogram "C la ssic" sanitation syslem/•hower/complete galley/convertible Io r ward d inette/rear b e d room with twin beds/ optional sleeping for up to 8 adulh. Standard equipment includes: • Plush bucket seats with arm rests • d eep pile wall-to-wall shag car·• poling • complete bathroom lacilit ie1 including separate cally c ontrolled forced a ir heating • d ream kitchen w ith spacious controlled fo rced air heating •.dream kitchen with spacious refrigerator and range• power steering and brakes • automatic transmission • Exclu· sive uni-bond construction.• 413 Dodge VS• 7 cu. ft. Relrigerator/lreeier. Serial #34650. . J 7 Year Financing ON MOTOI HDMIS ONLY 13631 Harbor Blvd. --r..-_ar.den Grove~ 1 Block South Of Garden-Grove ' Freeway 636-233.3 ! ~· OPl£H IOAD MOTO~ HOMU ··, .... $7495 ., • Su~. Mortl 19, 1972 fiil I . ~·"'" Transport1tlon fll j __ r"_-"_•_lM~J[i] I y,.._uuon ![ill TrN1sportltlon J[i] • • • : I l .~. I . I l I • I 9<40 Motor Homu 940 Motor Homes 9<40 Motor H°'"" 9<40 Motor Homeo 9<40Mofor Ho"'"' 9<40 Motor Homes 940 Motor Horrie1 940 Motor Holl'MS TRAVCO 27' of Beauty & Elegance I '• • ' ' THE TRA VCO 270 MOTOR HOME ' FULLY LUXURY EQUIPPED WITH Air Conditioner, 12,000 BTU/110- volt, roof mci\lllt/Extra Battery with Dual Swi~ch/225 Amp. Power Plant, Eloctric-Onan '6,000 W, .2 cyl./air cooled Power Vent in bathroom/Pre· wired for 2nd roof air con'ditioner/REAR Refrigerator, 7 cu. ft. in lieu of 'std/New trlvco AM/FM Stereo Comb./Tire, Spare, std . nylon in- cluding liumper. ml. & cover/Toilet-Aircraft in lieu ol std. •nd chemical/ Converler-30 Amp. in lieu ol B.ttery Charger/Furnace -30,000 BTU in fieu of std/Gasoline Tank-70 Gal. in. lieu of std/ Air Conditioner; 18,000 BTU, Automotive. '# 113. $· 7, MINI-HOME IY TRAYCO Ford Econo1iri1 ·200. YI, Auforii1fic, power tf1erin9 l br1k11, t•• cllo, he1t1r, r11r diri1tt1, 1ink, ••If cont1in1d w1f1r t11pplv, but1111 1to111, lei box, Sl11p1 4. Sh19 c1rp1t l ,.dr1p11. (1::"1041, '4895 PRIDE & JOY ECONOMICAL MINI MOTOR HOME BRANO' NEW -Fully tilf cont1in1d, lnclud11 01luK• t0i11t with thOw1r, l l ur111r Stove, Doul>I• St1f11l11t •Sl11I Si11k1 with lc1 lo:t, '40 G1llo11 W1t1r T111k with El1ctric .Pump. W•l1r H11!1r. C1rp1I· i119. Sl11p1 '4. I Toil Doclg1 Ch111 i1 with 160 cu. inch 1n9in1, pow· tr 1t11rin9 l br1k11, 1utom1tic ·tr•fU, Throughbricl model [l:"MIOl), '6495 - DISCOVER·ER 25 . ' Luxury in Fiberglass Fully sell contained motor home . All fi berglass body with loam insulation. Equipped with auto air cond itioning plu• roof air uni t, 4000 watt power plant, 413 Vs engine, automatic trans., power steering & brakes, stereo tape sy•tem, 7 cu. It. refrigerator/freezer, doub le stainle" steel •ink, 4 burner stove with oven, sleeps 6, deluxe accent 9roup1 side bath, weff furnace witn forced air heating, waler healer, roar escape hatch (#.11· A2bj . $ MOTOR HOMES SALE::ii-5 -LEASING-DAILY RENTAL 13801 Harltor Blvd., Garden Grove Next to Garden Grove Datsun 839-7000 Cycle1,.-8ik11,, ____ 1.Motor: Hom1s Scooters 925 I RECREATIONAL Vehicles Autos for Saila '68 Honda 90 Scrambler !or Rent .from $7S to $190 . 1600 mi., spark arreSter, per week, plus 7c per mile.J ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil~iiii Autos for Sale· AutotforW. like new. $225. 962-0816 ·sleeps 4 to 8. Otfer expire5 Antiques/Classics 953 T k Mobile Homes 935 June 1, 1972. 546--0291. 2995 i ru~ s , 962 Trucks Bri.iol, C.M. 1940 FORD ' -·,~6-....;.-. ""· --.-- * Marvl·n Pearce* Exc•llenl oond. -$850 4 International or best offu. TRAVELAU. that runs like a 836-5672 lop, plus beautiful 18' hnu~e Motor Homes 1949 MG • TC. G6od body. """" that ;, rompletely Runs, Make OUP.r, 11elf contained, THIS 846-952.5. \VEEK'S SPECIAL. Sales • Rentals '72 3/4 Ton GMC 1972 G.M.C. c8.m per truck w PS, PB, radio, 3 spel!d auto. trans., gauges, T. glass plu11 Jong wide box. WJU haul 1014' camper, Serial No. 5 22'---·"D~u~n~e~B~u~g~g~i•~•-.,,...-956~1 _ lill_S. Village Way, S.A. VOi.ksw~G_Efa Oline )J4g~! $ J 995 TCE2428503851. , .. ,~r . .......,_,,.._h=.,.,Sc:lo.::;3~9.::;Sp.oo~-=-+--.---u .OL"'" ~,5_1 ui; tax, lie. '= doc. fee 24' Wood Sailboat, head, galley, sips 4, fully equip'd $1975. Long Beach 1.larina \ 598-4288. 20' Sloop. v.'OOd, iood con- dition. Needs some work. $500 or trade for pick·!ij>. 1l 842-22111. ~ P-28 WOOD 28 ft. stoop. ,,H Exli-as, $6,000 Or·ctter. , . Anxious! TI4 : 493-3813 '66 DUTCH built 3'1' diesel : sloop, i;teel hull, teak decks, ' ( 118,900. 613--0339. · l ISLAi'iDER 29' fiberglass ~ sloop. Xlnt cond, ~Jany • xtras. $10.000 !J0..5449. T-32. Extras. Anxious. 11.5 r--1. Avery & Co. can <714) I 633-1~4 or 6~85. i ' I .1 I • ' • • • • ' • • l :! ·: I • l / -. ......,.....,n u• --or LEASE-for-only $99 mo. BILL BARRY open ond 36 mo. lease 940 Trailers, Travel 945 Street legal. Top, towbar in- cluded. $695. 642-2657. WANTED dock or mooring •• apace tor 16' sailboat. End tie, side tie, what have you. Now through summer . 545-63!1. OIOICE alip for 50' to 65' boat. Slip ii 20' wide. <n4l 6,.._, SLIP for 20' boat. Balboa area. Water & elec. avail. Call 6'1H700. SAIL BOAT SLIPS Newix:irt Beach 548-2253 Boats, Speed & Ski 911 Prove it to yourself es \VEEKENDERS Special Jot Model prices!! '70 Ka\11asaki 250cc. Best o!- Scotts Campen fer. CaJI Ken. 914 N. Harbor Blvd, ** 548-7637 '** 14' Classpar Marathon, 65 hp Santa Ana 1972 250 cc HUSKY )1ercury. Ski & fish. Bait • never Tom Mccahill did .•. that the Midas Mini is the get away machine .for you and your family. Tom tested it .•• put It through its paces · ••• said: "A real machine ••• a SQirited per· former .• 1 comfort on th'e road at its best". See ycur dealer today .. , lake a test drive and prove to yourself. The Midas Mini Is the get 1way machine for you! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~I ra~d. tank, trailer $950. '646-2634. What do you have to trade? * Call ~1995 * SK1-Craft $900 Or trade for List it here -In Orange motorcycle etc. of equal County's largest read trad-•n500Hon_d1a. ~~o. value. 673-3404. ing post. 642-5678. ~71".,j '71 Honda CB 175 K-5, 4,000 mi's. Immaculate. $ 4 0 0. 540-9594. '69 Hu1qvarn11. 250 Sportsman. Vf!ry cleAn It. reliable. Ne\v telll' knobby tire. Filtron, 21" front wheel. nrw ~tx h11ndlebars. $475. firm. M4-6831. MIDAS ...... 111111 MIDAS~~ __ ..,_ .... _. __ '11 Honda CLIOO "''"' bik" CREVIER P ic kup payments 1191'/mo. After l : 3 O 1 MOTORS \l.•eekdays-10 'til 6 y,·eekends . 968-7MO. 208 W. 1st St., S.A. HARLEY David'°n "6j l:JS.~171 Sprint, 250cc, road or dirt, --------- Needs tires & sprocket. 1200. 546-!081. • '69 KAWASAKI, 3,000 miles, 350 CO,. Belt .cot!d. 43 hp, Best $400 mctcrcycle in town. 919-4140. '11 Suzuki 90. MX aelup, bored to ht step. port1 l3631 Harbor, C&rdf:n Gf'O\.'t: polished. Imm1c. G re a l Blk. So. ol G G F ... -10 ' ' "'1· ~ ... • 636-233.1 '71 Yamaha 250 MX. Xlnt '197t="'p~1-,.""-:Arro-',~,~mo_,tor-24""'. cond, Ported A many o:-alteps 6. Alr-c:ond. 4 K\V tra1. Ask for Dan. ~. ,.fl, 6,000 ml. $ 9 , I 5 o , Like to trade? Ou.rr'I'rader'11 494 .. g4~oday1/ews, Puadile column is for )'OU! 962-1763: .. ' I ! • e ARISTOCRATS VW Dune Buggy & new e NEWPORTS "T" Trailer. $400. e AUTO-MATES * 893-6975 * A1so, several used s.195 k up WORSHAM TRAILER SALES Sports, Race, Rods 959 2709 w. 17th Strei'.!! DRAGSTER. \\/On RS prizt', Santa Ana (714) 531-2595 Ford eng, like new w/trlr, sell/trade. 968-0329. Trucks 962 GMC-FIAT- PONTIAC 11~1 SI. at S.A. r~·y.) 2000 E. lst St. Santa Ana 558·1000 RECREATION CONSU LTANT '72 NOMADS California's GREATEST value! 14'·30' SCOTTS CAMPERS 925 N. Harbor Blvd, Santa Ana --------~I Buying a truck, cam(>('r, a • IH. AIRSTREAM '68-30' twin International Harvestu mini-home & so forth~ \\'e will advise you 1111 to your nf'eds. For info v.•ri te: Recsam, P. 0. Box 1470, Costa Mesa ~ZS. BILL BARRY GMC·FIAT·PONTIAC llsf St. 11t S.A. Fwy.) 2000 E. 1st SI. Santa Ana 558-1000 '59 Chev. Pick-up -4 spd., shorr bed, ntw brake1, rebuilt V-3 eng. $375.00 545--20&.1. Auto Ltesing ll£ASING) International, air/all ac-RECREATION CENTER '69 CHEVY SPORJVAN Try our lease expert, for ces.. Mini oond. Serviced, ROY CARVER, Inc:. Savh'l:s . Satisfaction. Ser· ready to roll. $.'KJOO/of1er. 2925 Harbor Blvd. vice. Pvt. owner. 6 7 3-0 4 4 5, Costa Mesa, 546-4444 108. 6 cyl, 4 Spd on rol, Ex· WE LEASE ALL POPtn.Alt 673-5284. ,68 Ford Pickup FlOO Very ccllent condition, (dlr 59361 1972 MAKES AT COMPEJl. 1966 Chalet e :/<panda b If! clean. 1318 Watsori C.M. 646-3242 days, 557-4540 alt 5. TIVE RATES. fiberglass A lrame camping · * 54~7 * '65 DODGE VAN Cali MaJcoim R@ld for further dc1Ai11. trailer. Has stove, ice box, Wil.L Buy your car paid for THEODORE ~leeps 4. Tow light. 540-5312. or not. Call Ralph 'Gordon V-8, 3 Spd, Cdlr 5936) ROBINS FORD 540-5312· 613--0900 • 549-31131, 1910 $995 2000 Harbe< Bl•d. 13' VACATION Travel Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. 646-3242 days, 557-4540 aft 5. CosfA Mesa 642-0010 Trailer $525. Inquire at 351 ;;;;;;;:;:;;;:;:;:::;::;:::::;:;;;;:;::~:,;=;;::;;;::;;:;:;:;;;:;::::;;::;;:;;~.:..;;;;::;=======:;;: w .. ~y :~~ c~.s:; !. CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWER Xlnt condition. S150 * ,548-4073" • Trailers, Utility 947 FOR sale, trailer. Used •s 1ear drop or box. $95 . 54().3301. Auto Service, P•rts 949 4 Custom m&g wheel~. 15" 11lumlnum. P'lt Ford or Chrysler or adapt to VW. 4 fer $30. 675-ll45 eves. GOODYEAR' Po'tyglas1 Blem1. G60x15 $29.95. All .1iizes, low prlcea. Hi Jacken $34.50 ·pr. US, An90n It Afulr!Ci.n M'ait IIS.95. Buy 11tll trtde open S\ll"lday, 1950 Newport, CM. 645-.'!554. Tire City. *WANTED* Neod 2 Jd, cond. U.S. mags. S~in. wide. l~·ln, dtsmettt to fit Ford bolt 1)8.tlt:m. ~ alJ 5:30 p.111. " \ --11---·11 • . . ' I[.__ ..... _,.,_ .... __,J§J l...__ ..... _,.,_""__,J §J I Autos for hi• ' l§J L-1 ._, ... ,.,_s.'·__,l§J I WE PAY TOP CASH b' UJed ean A tru<Q, l'llt ~OIJ!-ut ft.II' ·he e-ittmates, - GROTH CHEVROLET Aak for Sales Manager 1S2ll Beach BJvd. Huntbtiton BeaCh U1 -6081 KI 9-3331 IMPORTS WANTED Orange Counties TOP~ BUYER BlLI. MAXEY TOYOTA 18881 Beach Blvd. R. Beach. P~. 847-85.55 WE PAY TOP DOLLAR FOR TOP USED CARS U your car is extra clean, RI: WI first. , BA\JER BUICK 23'l E. 17th St. Oolta Mesa ' 548-7765 WILL Buy your car paid for or not. Call Ralph Gordon 673-0900 -541}-3031. 1970 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. Kave something you want to sell? Classilied ads do 1t well -call NOW 642-5678. Autos, Imported 970 t~EWPORT IMPORTS 3100 W. C>a.st Hwy., Newport Beach 642-9405_· Autos, Imported 970 ALFA ROMEO Alf• Romeo SEE US ABOUT Ov•rseas Delivery CREVIER MOTORS 208 W. Isl St., Santa Ana 13>3171 . Automotiv" ExcelletJct Now oN DISPLAY ROY CARVER, Inc:. Sales Service 2925 Harbor Blvd. Parts Body Shop '"--•n M 54• "" COAST IMPORTS 1~----:::-'"'7==~~~~ 1000.1200 w. Coast Hwy. DATSUN Newport Beach '&42--0406 '72 DATSUN 510 AUSTIN HE~LEY Big Sedan. 4 opeOd dlr. Vinyl '64 Austin Healey 30oo MK Il l blk w/red inter. Fully equip'd Good cond. l owner. Must sell $1175. 830-5508. Roof. Under 4.000 miles. R &: JI + wsw, Full price $2136. Can finance all. (#234128)· Call 494·68ll alt 10 iim 546-8736. GIANT SPRING C~EAN UP • 1972 CELICAS PICKUPS • LAND CRUISERS IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ·n 2402 Mag wheels, Special tires, 4 speed. AM/FM radio, 6576 mils. 8790Ll. Absolutely like new. $4495. HAS OVER 100 SAVE SAVE ~ Rotarys in Stock ~ Brand New '71'1 BRANO NEW 1972 CLEARANCE · ,,,'!=!;.~~,··-6-16_4 _o,~~SNA6.174.1 TOYOTA '69 1600 Roadster $1995 . $99 4 spd. dlr. All chrome wheels, hardtop &: soft top. Exotic Plus I~ & license . DOWN .----lf~red..,.ex~teg:rio'!'r,!'l'h!blook_ bucket e e e •·· . ific 1 Take ........ 11 • ..Ji.'-~--~--~·---~---"= -rnoTA:RY"'DE'MOS' 552 down. Ca,~'Fs;;_s; SAVE Per Month FO ii. JUST 48 MONTHS Compl•t• c11h pr it• i1 $2 t 7S.J4, i11tluil•s. 111 f1•••• 1972 lit ., fre ight, d11l•r prep i nd d•liv1rv 011 1pprov•d cr•dit. D•f1rr1d pevm•nt pr)c• is $2725.67. l11clud•• 111 fin1 nc1 ch1r911, t1x11, 1972 lie., fr1f9ht I cf1r. Pr1p. Nothin9 rnor1 to buv. Ann11 1I P1rc:1nle9• II.ti• 12 .64 '1'. BRANO NEW 1972 CLEARANCE VOLVO 142 t=t:==:S·91 DOWN 597 Per Month $97 IS th• totel down pymt. $97 i• th• tot1I monthly pymt. includi119 !1x & '72 lie. end fin_!_l'ICI ch1r1J•• on 1pprov•d cr1dit for 60 ll'IO•· D1f1,r1d pyml. price . h $5,917 inc:h1din9 111 fin1nce th1r911, t1x1• & '72 lie. er if you prtf•r to p•v c1,h, full c:1,h pric1 it $4, lll.45 incl. t1x I '72 lie. Annu1I p•rc•nt19• r1t1 it I 5.42 % • (1 4263•4-259532). OVER 40 CARS TO CHOOSE FROM • 164's • 145's • 144's 1800 ES STATION WAGON OROER YOURS NOW! 1972 VOLVO 1 SOOES Station WGCJon THE TRUE SPORTS CAR FEEL FUEL INJECTION, DISC BRAKES, DE FOGGER 145 STATION WAGON Fu1I injected, tinted 9t1u, ,,,) ...,indow d•fo119e,, vinyl interior. 4 .... h11I cl i1c: br1k11. 164 .4 DOOR SEDAN 6 cyl. fu1 1 lnj1tt1d, 111 re1I J,1H11 r i11t•'· Power tfelr• inlJ. D1fo991r, 4 wh11I disc br•k11, Michelin r1cli1 I tir11. TRADE INS DOMESTIC & IMPORT USED '61 Pl.AT Approx. 40 mp9, fXTJOOl I '70 TOYOTA SPlT. '66 YOLYO 122S ISUX7JJ ) '61 YOLYO l?AC4271 '6l YW .. '61 OLDI CUTLASS IWQD664 1· '71 CHR. Air, Auto., IOZIAOA) '41 MUST AN• IJKS8l 1 I • .S7fl S1ltl , .... 11595 Sltl S1Jtl ·~~: . '72 128 FIAT . BRAND new 19n FIAT 128 2 DR. SEDAN. Motor trends "economy car of the year." Winner cf 7 automotive awardt11 throughout Europe. Standard equipment in- cludes: 4 speed trans. radilll tires. ft. disc. brakes + many extras. Serial No. 1'8AIJTl5008. '916-:8 + tax, l c. &: doc. ee or LEASE for only $60.50 mo. open end 3fi mo. lease BILL BARRY FIAT·GMC·PONTIAC (1st St. at S.A. Fwy.) nJO E. bt St, Santa Ana 558-1000 * '69 FIAT 124 Spyder, top oond., low miles. \Vcekl"nd special. $1895. 673-6fi63. * * * The DAILY PIL·OT ·ORANGE COAST'S · leading D!MO SALE IMMEDIATE DELIVERY HUNTINGTON !AC MAZDA- 173.11 Beach Blvd. 1 Block south cf Warner 842-6666 MERCEDES BEN:?: * MBZ '71 210SE 3.5 COUPE Azure Blue Metallic, w/pure white leather i nter ior , automatic trans., air cond., full pwr. Finest in Luxury! 11,800 act mi. (128CHS) . LEASE AVAD..ABLE! Auth. Mercedes Benz Dealer House of Imports, Inc. 213/921-8511.714/ 523-7250 * MBZ '69 2200 • SEOAN Immaculate Desert S sa n d w/Cognac interior. Auto, a ir. Economy plus luxury. Unu~ulllly fine c o n d . (ZJ1J514l. Auth. M1rced11 Btnz Dealtr .House of Imports, Inc. 213/921-8511714/523-7250 '70 280 SE Fully equip. Xtra clean. Orig owner. Priced for immed ale. Owner """· 645--0022, 640-00. * MBZ '65 220SE SEOAN Pleuing Wht t etCray w/whipOOrd ln terlor. Automatic. Mint Cond. Bank Fin. Avail. (RQT062). Auth. MtrcMles Benz Deel tr House of Imports, Inc. 213/921-8511714/523-7250 '59 Mercedes Benz Bclge w / IA.ti lntr. AM/FM, In ftllnl ooncll tlon! $995 Newport Jmpom 3100 W. eo..t ll"Y. Ne.lport Beach 642-9405 . . . . . . . ' . • I l§J I I§'. ;;;I -;;;;;"';;;;;;;'*~ 970 Autllo, lmp0<tocl PORSCHE ,. '69 MG Conv., $1995 Au!o Trans, Yellow w/black interior. Lo miles &: also larger inventory ot clean MG·MGB-GT's Newport Imports 3100 W, Coast Hwy . Newport Beach 642-9405 1971 MG Midget, 6,000 miles, excellent con<I. Must sell. $2,500. Witt wheels in- cluded. 499-3753 after 3 pm. 11:14.IS down. W .'3 oer month , 32,000 1600 MODEL '70 CORONA MK II ..... Lo mllt80t bl1urv Whll .. Skit Wells, UnlMI glass. (10t INR ) $1995 '6f ALPHA ROMEO IQc:I. lex, Uc-.: • ln.t1r1tt en 1ppr. cttdll fir • '"°'' C•'h prtct a2W.ts •lrltf. t•x & llct111t. Annu11 perc•nl1" r111 ,,_,,,., Tot1I dtftf'rld prke 1JUt•. FUU EQUIPMENT · EVEN HAS AM/FM RADIO' '69 CORONA Autom1tlc l•8nsmlsslon, 1lr condl!lonlng, A:1dlo. On• own.• tr, 1139 AOCI $1595 '70 OPEL ' 1' OPEN SUNDAYS OVER 150 N.EW & USED YW'S TO CHOOSE FROM '70 YW BUG .................... ST450 '66 FORD WAGON ' ' ..... ' ..•••.... sass Counlry Squirt. Full,_, Air COnd. CRVP 1«11 '68 FIAT SPIDER ................... s78a New El'lglnt, Clukh. (XEY '201 '69 OPEL KADET .. '• .............. .,$788 I SPMd:, lttdlo, IILM 2111, '70 CHMW 396 SS ' ............ snaa Auto .. p.s .. , ... 'Vin)'!,.°" ROid WMtit. (1$)10'U '68 ·FORD CORTINA ....•.•...•••.•.. SftB Air COnd., I $petd, It"!" GoOcll (VOP 0201 '66 YW DELUXE BUS .............. Sl 399 lk. Ut OSX. . ., • • OPEN SUNDAYS ' LARGEST SELECTION OF ;( YW BUSSES & CAMPERS '70 FORD COUNTRY S9UIRE ~· " •'•--·••" w..,.. "" ,,_ , $3266 I Air CeHtri•llM, 1111_1 .... 1 OWMf Cer. .1 Lew Mia.&. H1ny, We1't 1-tk w ... ...i. •r '65 YW SQUAREBACK ............ $89t Grtll Mcond etr. t,f(, ltl'F f11. '66 CAPRICE ESTATE WAGON ...... $888 Alr COfld., Full Pow.r. (SVG •U) '69 REBEL SST 2 DR. H.T ••.•••.••.. S 1249 Mef, th.111 •fblk. llllchill top, furl "°"""" (XYi .W). '59 YW BUG .. , .........•••.•.... S488 '67 OLDS DELMONT 88 ............ 5999 ' Full ,.,....., tedlo, •Ir tondltlornlllt. Lie. di CTO. '68 OPEL RALLYE .............•... $950 Lit. "' AGH, I Cllrornt ~1 .. r1e1n1t 11r1H, •tc. Lit. wee; •· ,-71_YW_D_E-LU_X_E_B_U_S-.-.-.. -.-.. -.-.. -.-. =$2=99=9 i '69 DATSUN 2000 ............... Sl195 '69 POP TOP CAMPER ........... 52399 Air cotld. l" '"""' ""' wlllft\1 "'""' ltlt. Lie:. U> IZV. SPOl"ll Ctr. Reidy to 90 (l O.S 1111. I .· i I I I · ,, I ' I I •. ' J~Al Li PILOT ~nday, Mar<~ 19, 1972 z ·r FF ---1§11 Auto1 lor S•fe !§J I AutostwS-. l~I l§J [L___•_"'"'_"'"'__,J ~ [L___·_''"'_""I•__,]~ Auloo, Imported 970 Autos, Imported 97/J Aulos, Imported 970 Autos" Imported> 970 Autos. Imported 910 Autos" Imported 970 Autos, lmportMt 970 4utoo, U..d' 990 Autos, Used 990 . PORSCHE PORSCHE TOYOTA r:::~oR:~~~~~ :: ::: OVER 25 !clean, Reconditioned, 1970 Por~cht> 914·6 . tiMhelievable a.mount al ex· IJ'tts. lo\\· mllea&e, Musi SI~ 10 tl/>precia'tro! 6f;,..21M or &1~7899. -;70_P_o_"_c_h_o_91 IT J.967 Ponclle' 912. 5 .1>pd , good c.'Ond, ral.llal l\r('i;, '70 Crown Toyota Wagon 644-4214 & Guaranteed. PORSCHES S!C'rOO, hJags, Prfvu11" J'a11y, IJ<1yi> S39·9560, art & - 'jl P<.irsche !HJ T. arn/fin rudio, metallic blue. nu1.ny :\tras. 540-2892, 497.:?04::. 7 Pass, Auto Trans, Radio. )irater. Big 6, 100% Finan- cing avv1J Q.A.(.'. 645-5799. $2299 S.Il-:'11$5. '67 PORSCHE 912, Alll/1".'.1. 1une<1 ~xhaust, radial rl)ake j tir~~. a Uer. 536-027:1 or I . . -~ aJ&.,3700. il'GSl'URSCJIE g1rr,,.., 11 . -~~.:;::.==:;-~ A1r-t·ond,, roait v.·txwlll, !! i;pd 19&1 l j6 C Coupe. X!nl <.'Ond .. $'.l.7.'j). Call: 61.J-3331 v..hlle \\/forrst grern lnt. 3100 \V. Coru!t Hwy. Ne\\'port a e11.ch 642-9405 l!.172 Po1·s(•he flllT 7 ,500 tnd!'ll, A~1 /1''i\t r a d Io , 1·hrorne rims, 1nany other ••xtrus, <·ocoa bro1vn \\'tilt !an 1n1erior 54l-40i0 after 4 I\c.'w 11101.or :1720 ct. $~100 or lwsl offer. 522-3557. 0 POH.SCHE 914 APl1 ld~ CH \\'HLS1 '1 nu tires. x\J«t:-. T COND. ~26. INCREDIBLE NO. DOWN PAYMENT . ( WITH Free ) Maintenance Pet Mo1ttll Br•nd New 1972 R-12 Se~a n ( 9100005 I with Automatic T ran1., Miehe· lin R•dlal X Tires, Radio, Heat, Reclining Seats WITH 12 MONTHS OR 12,000 MILES OF TOTALLY FREE SERYICE ;nclud;ng o;I & IH1er changes, tune-ups, etc. $BS.SO is your Total Monthly Payment Including tax & '72 lie and in- cludes all f inance char91s on approved credit for 48 months. Deferred payment. price is $4104 with annual percentage rate 14.36 or if you prefer to pay cas~ the full price is $3096.50 in cluding tax & '72 fie. CLEARANCE IELOW •ETA.IL ILUE IOOk ''67 'R-10 IUOM5261 1600°0 Little J•clt Horn•r wouldn't sit in e cor. n•r ii 'he hid thh fiftl, ch1rrie pi1. '68 R~ 10 IWP'ZIJ31 <4SP SliClr, RIH. . ., ·'68 R-·10-IUN-;15') 189000 Auto. Tr11n1., Redio & H••f•r. Mile19e to )5 mil•• per 911. ' '69 R-16 ...... ,1 1149500 One own•r cleli9ht. R1dio, " 1peed. Miche lin lire1. '68 R-10 !WP:U491 189000 Red io •nd heel1T, <4 1p. Micheli11 1;,,,. '69 R-10 f)<TWl911 '99000 DEMONSTRATOIS '71 R-12 12,,,, 1249000 Sh•rp. Air, low mil1t, redio, Reel. Se•ft. '71 R-12 "'"' 1219000 low mile1. Rfdio. 4 Sp. Reclining ~••h. Mith 'li11 tire1. . '71 ·R-16 ""'' "1289000 R,dio, •ir, Mich•l in1. Auto. Tr•n1. Reel. s.e t. '71 R-16 """ 1279000 S11n ltoof, AM-FM. Auto. Tr•n1., Seeh, Air -O••d She1p. A &incere Word No\v that the dock strike is over we are receiving daily shipments of '72 model cars. Redio & heet•r. <4 sp. Michelin tire1. We must therefore clear our '"O R' lO 'll80°' decks of used cars . and '71 _,, --• -r1·1n1or--· -. --demonstrators:-Th1SJs-a· real- , MH•eg• •o JS mll11 J!er g•I. opportunity for you to pu r-'70 R chase at unbelievable prices. • 10 17UINll 51290°' Jim Sl emons Low mll•i, R&H. 4 Sp. 2201 S. MAIN • SANTA ANA • 557-52~2 ----0,EN: 1:30 't'1Lt WKDYS':"i' SAT. 'TIL 5 • 0,EN SUNDAYS l>Wt Lewi& -TOYOTA 1!J66 1 !arbor, C.lll. lilf!11l t'r\liS ~' m.t•n Toyota & Jaguar Dealer Authorized Sales & Service !}()() S. Coast High\\'ay Laguna Beach 540-3100 '69 CORONA $1~ A1Hon1al.ie, ai r 1:1gAQC Santa Ana Toyota Si"tvir·c d<•pt. open 7: 30 11 111 'HI 9 pm !\1onday thru Fri· d<iY- PHONE 540-2512 417 \\',. \\.'arncr, San1a Ana '70 Corona 4 dr srr!an, r 'h, lo\\' n1i!ea1:e. $1 675. • 6#-0027 • '69 CoroUa Sprinter. xlnt cond, mu st sell, make offer. 53EH691. TRtUMPH '6 7 TR Spitfire $899 BRG. Radio Tonneau VC;t.845 F RITZ \VARRl<-:N'S Sport Car Center e ORANGI<.; COUNTY'S LARGEST 710 l-~. 1st. St., S.A. 547-0764 '71 Spitfire $1999 Radio. Tonne.au 1-~RITZ \VARREN'S Sport Car Center • ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 710 E. lst SI.. S.A. 547-076'1 Open Sunday · -rTRIUMPHS-* '71 CLOSEOUT SPrrrtRE~ AS L6w AS $2399 GT·6 SAVE .$500 .FRITZ \VARREN"S Sport Car Center OR.'1ft N G I!: CO UN TY'S --···=c =-541--01&1 VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN CADILLAC CHEVROLET ,69 Pop top camper. ~eel TRANSFERRED ovt'rseas . '68 VW Greet Cond '70 Cad Conv, LOADED, nd N I S'l oua le av i n g behind V\Vsm. 546-JJn ronU.~J usts:ll~! a I '67 Cheveile 396 SS. t spd, oe\\' tires & mags. very elcan. ~1300 or belt oHer alt 6 p.m. ~5-7676. co . ew I rt11. ~.o.N. t 1 • _ t * "" ~187• • 644--0866 m o orcyc f', .,.....,....mponen , ,, ......-.. music set k all the record5 68 V\V SQ, back sedan, 30,6001---"""~-=-;"'-;--- '67 VW BUG. Rebl t eng,, Gennan Kayak toldboal, 16 1niles, int. <:l:an, good e~.. SE~:~T~~~T OF nreda body work. $42'5. speed Italian bicycle, ne1v St200. <192·2512. '68 CAPRICE 2 di'., air t'OJld., P S P/B, 11u tires, brks .. sh0t.'k!. &·uul. t'Ond. 968·13Z'l 6Th--0123 or 675r8554 Austrian iskis, poles, .size 10 VOLVO CADILLACS IN '65 vw Baja Sug, reblt eng., boot.iJ, Kelly backpack & ORANGE COUNTY new ):mini, Jots of ex-tru. 1'1]ulpment. $1500 cash takes .,....,,,,_,,-,,.'°""""""",-:-= SALES.LEASING s1:;o. >l&-2133. a ll except my clothes! GET OUR VOLVO AUnIOIUZED '61 CHEVY..'..$200 Good Cond. fi75-6860 ·10 c•l•rER pop-iop .. XJnt ,'"'"'1 1;" DEAL BEFORE Nab·eSERrs vC~dillac "~""· 11.000 m1. """" 65 VW Bus $1295 YOU BUY! '57 Chevy-Runs Good Very Clean e MS-1474 A\•ail. p.,.t. pty. 6·12-ti36 J Seats, Great Conti, J:.:nginc pn1. &. Trans, just overhauled. v '67vOLKSWAGEN Newport Imports 1-..:Xc·ellrnt 1'Qnd1tio n! Al\1 /F:i.1 3100 \\'. Coast fh\)'. SA VE ON EUROPEAN 'DELIVERY 2600 FlARBOR BL., C0$9l'A fl.IF.SA S.10·9100 Open Sundiiiy '69EJ Camino Super Sport. :J96 engine, loaded, xlnt n1cc'l, cond. $19.'"ICJ. 494-3397. '70 Impala Sta. Wagon &•81 olft•r, Call aft 7::!0 p.m. Neii·port Beat'h -· 1\a.,. L11..:1 Al't 646-8049. 642~9405 lUUIA UU"I I FinP i\Tist green 11 ith \1·hi!t-I Fact?l1' ~ir, ~S. Sf!aul i/ul '63 V\\1, ne1v '66 engint-, ru11s '68 VW BUG VOLVO , leather interior. All.I/ft.I lt'\Vltl 1\'h1te 1v1th i;addle In· grt"<lt, musr sell. Sacrifice !'\1('rt'O, cruise L'Qntrol. \f'l· ICl'ior (257BSY) $2695. . $~;,(). Inquire at 71 0 A •. s~. dlr .. 1-lall had lo~·~ng 1966 lfarbor, C.M. £46-930~ tilt \\'heel, new l i r c ~. Tommy Ayres Chevy 01·chul, Ql,\1. (;arc. Excellent condition P-lSOO Volvo. Super Cheap. I Beautiful Luxury t'ar, 1r1ll 'fi.I V\\', no eng Gd cond. th_ruot~t. Take small down (62) Priced for Quick Sale. eonsider lt=ade and help n1ai;s , JluNif fl ares, $250. V.'ill ftnan~e Pvt. Pty. Call 49&-;)2(12 alt 5 pm. fJnan('f' priva1e par! y 946 ~~~~sk~~\)'., "1300" shrt bloc k $100. S4&ST36 °1 494-GSU. (dlr 59361. 494·77441546·9967 540-9594. '69 V\V Squareback \Vgn. Autos, Used 990 646-3242 days-aft 5, 557-4540 --------- • 'll VOL"SIVAGEN Aufo. Trans., Ai' Cond .. 10 T rt t• CAMARO CONTINENTAL n. I * Under 12,00() Original miles, ranspo a ron ~<.:'\\"engine. Great condition! $1695. 673-~77 Cralg. • minl C'Ondition. ~1ust be Specials '66 V\V Bu11. 1i1oving, mJsell . ~en. fZVZ566). SAVE. dlr $399 ANO UP .JU!t overhauled. $1150. Ph: 547·S82G. 100% Financin'g Available, '68 V\V .lllotor under \\'aIT&n· Age 18 lo 1~ 645-5799 ri57-2827. · · -'"""=~=~=~--ty. nc1\• tires, F'~I stt'rco. '70 VW BUG $1JOO or bst reas offer. Radio, Leather Interior, & a42-4602 eves. color n1e ye!IO\\'. 404AGJ\ol. 1966 \1\V w/new 1600 eng, $ 1195 n1ag 1vhls, f.ibergJass fend- <'l'S, ne1v int1·r ior, tape deck, K YI S FR best ilrrer, 495-5556. IC\ HAL GRHN£'S \..'.J/MIRAC lE MAZDA Mc,,1e ~I •I• f.~'..Jr 1 t"'!'nc 2150 Harbor Blvd Co~:,1 fv1 ~sa, 645·S70V '71 V\\I super beetle. Af\t/FM.J--;;7:::=-::-;;;=""'o-=="- • e xlnt cond, Desp. n1ust sell, 44iiCOlliMftl !'lacri ! ic e Sl450./offer.1,,,,...,-,---,.,...---67f.~~~!,.~3~~~ 1.~'-"-"-25-"-·-'-"-"-'-"'-·~---l·s.s Ambassador \\lagon. V-8. ,-;;;:-=;-,:---7."~c '68 \'olks\\·agen . Cleanest, Asto. Trru1s. (Ni\10098) $595. 196J V\V Camper. Rebuilt smoothest running stick-_d_1_'·_54"°'1·..,58"26~·=~~:-- 1500 engine. New clutch. auto. in town : $1095. AMERICAN Call Steve S.18-0967, fi73-4695. 1~-----~--~ '61 vw BUG 1969 VIV Bug. • apeed, American Motors radio, \'CI')' clean $799. AZ..1/Fllf radio, nim f(IOd. * 833-1040 * s1,100. 548--2492. ,......Gremlins "°"Hornets '69 Bl\.1\V 2002. 6uper clean. ,65 vw: XLNT COND., low ,......Matadors ,......Javelins Like 11<.-'\\'. l\ll1st sell ~ $Z200 miles, AM/FM S 6 75 . "°"Ambas.sa.dors, , or best olfer 64~J954 673-4806 after 6 Pl\.1 Huge stock of 71 s &: 72 s 1961 VIV ""'"" wt;unroor. '68 Bug. Needs Ii;• body -Bi9·.BJg, ,Sav.ings Runs good, !390. "·ork. RunS gooc1. ssOO. Harbor· Aineric:an 548~62 ** 675-1161 ** '6H V\V convlbl, xlnt cond & ·n VW Sundial Catnper. extras. 1-fust sec lo ap. refrig., toilet. fiberglass top, _rrecia!e. 4!fil-2533. $3900. 531-3221. '65 V\\' Beell<', Al\1 Radio. luggage rack, good con. dilion S600. 838--:1630. llome af Convenien t Payments 1969 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 646-0261 BUICK VERY CLEAN '&I Riviera '65 VW BUG .\lust see to appreciate: 4 Spd , Radio, Heater , '64 Bug, runs '\"ell , Sunroof. 54~10?,(J art 6 p.m. Porsche gold, In1maculate, $425 or m~~3;,~.:-r. i---~A~l~W=A'"Y~S:--- 100'1i· ~'inanclnf O . A , C · 1~~-~------ 645-5199. '70 VW Fastback MA~E OFFER Auto Trans, f"'actory Air Corn!, Radio Heater Extra Sharp. Like Ne"" 100% Financing O.A.C. 645-5799 (457BOX). $1799 A Fine Selection OF' NEW & USED BUICKS ''SpeciaHzing in Qual ity" BAUER Buick·Opef.Jaguar .23A E. 17th St.. Costa Z..1esa 518· 7765 '09 \V ildcat. 2 dr, air. full p1\'l'. xlnt cond., S2200. * 64·1-5977 * '68 CA"lARO. like ne1v, 327, 4 spd. Sl,595 or best oUer . 673-1768. CHEV ELLE -·------'69 CHEVELLE \VAGON Full PO\l'er f>40-9695 or 557-4240 CHEVROLET '70 El Camino · Radio, lleatcr, Au to Trans, V-8, 1973EIU1, St:.:95. Tommy Ayres Chevy 946 S. Coast I h~·y, Laguna Beach 494-774l/546-9967 '69 Cont. xl11t <.'Ond. tape <leek, all p\1T.. nu tift"s, priced lo sell. S 3 4 0 0 , G;::-1~S '64 Lull."Oln C.:onlinPntal SGOO til' lics1 offc.'r. 968-1828. ~~­·s:) l..i ncoln Continental ·I rll' .. lull jll\T . :!.ii'. S.'ij(). * 644 .,JS7 ---'6j 1.incoln Conti ne n ta I Convt. 11·/fae. air, S6::,0. * &12-6391 * CORVETTE CHEVY '69 lmp. 4 Dr. '63 CORVETTE Fastback. V/top, nlr/cond .. auto, full n('I\' clutch, r ddlatol', tires, po\\·cr. $1550. 0 1\·ncr 714: 11·h!s, pain!. Looks .t runs 673-4 j33. good. $1325. !>18--3829. '6j CHEVY 11 station ... vagon, 'b"l CORVETTF., p'ir, .auto nu lit:es~ -a ir _ cond., -auto " trans, positraetion, l·"w trans .. p1orf. Clean. reliable, m iles. Xlnt <."Ond. 675-2474. $950. 837-7926. '6.i lrt1 pal<1 SS. Terrific buy. Xln! rond. r·u11 p "' r . 494-60j2, 49-1-019·1. '71 VEG/\. Auto. 110 l-IP. COUGAR '69 Cougar XR-7 $2395 13,000 nii's. L1kr nc1'" S1893. 1\'h1tl' 11 hlk in!f'nor. Po\ver <lffcr. :>.!S--0.iil. SteerinI:", 1\uto Trans. Lan· * '65 CHEVY 11 * dau "· '"'" """~ Newport Imports 830-90.i.3 :n oo \\', Coast lhvy. ' .. -Che.y;y--Jnlpal-.-4 Dr , ;-r -Nt'\\'port Beaeh air cond. Xlnt ('Olld , 642·9405 $500, Call 494-7460 "67 Cougar ............. $995 1967 Che\'y van, 6 cyl. '67 XR-7 Good Conti. F\Ul Au!oma c, very gooclrotia. P'vr., air. s99:,, C..'iTI $1350 * * 492-387~ 64&-6485. ~~~---~= Autos, imported 97li Autos, Imported 970 ilim .e'Iemoni '7l V\V Super Bug, ycllo1\', r am/fn1. · 'li6 Bug Sun roof, nc\I/ in!er. '6.1 Skylark Cpe: auto, r adio, Xln1 cond. Xtra. $700 ... ~71:-=~:--"-===1 heater. Xlnt Cond! Clean! 5-18-2820. $350. 644-4384. * 673-0136 ~ Autos, lmPorted _A- -----· ... -,,-... ~•~w-•-·-•-· ,.....,.., ~·-~.·· .. •r-·,··--.~,~~----~·-· ' ' • s Th e Darsun 510 Wagon. Five big doors . (More doors per car than a lot of other im ports.) Geh load1 in and out in a hurry. Oth er inte resting 1pec1: Overhead cam engine . Up to 25 miles per gallon . Safety front disc .brake1• All. vinyl upho lstere d inte rior. Full sync hro 4-s pe ed shift (automatic optional). It's more little wagon than you've eve r expected. Drive a Datsun . . . then decide. · ~~~~~~~ 1200 Cou~ 1200 Sedan 510 2-0t Sedan 510 4·0r Sedan 510 WagOn Pickup 240.Z See Our Complete Line of '72 Datsuns e ST A TION WAGONS e PICKUPS 2 & 4 DR. SEDANS e F,ASTBACKS e 240Z (LIMITED QUANTITY) GOOD SHOWI DRIVE A DATSUN ..• THIN DECIDE. 2MS HARBOR _BL~lt. COSTA MESA ~~410 ,. CADILLAC '69 CONVERTIBLE Mellculously maintained, Ser· vice records. \\1arranty, every LU.'<Ury <lption. Pvt Ply. $378.J. 675-7497. 675·1972. '68 Cad Coupe de Ville, has l'V y flil g , 0 Clean/sharp, 'Must sell! 673-488.\. J970 EL DORADO fully <'quip. Gold \\'/1v!titc \•inyl lop. $~900. 644-0905 aft 6 pm. '68 Sedan DoVlllo Gori;eous. fully luxury equip- ped. Including Ai\I/FM stereo. Factory Air, of course. $2895. 642-0918 980 * EXAMPLE * BRAND NEW 1972 CARINA NO DOWN ,AYMINT $6674 /mo. 2 Ooo• Sed111 include' white w•ll fir•'· linf,d 9!a11, <4 'peed, buck•! lffh, 4 eyl., hem i •n9int, + m1nv other eir '''· Nier your\ f" ev. No-mo11ry cttiwn-w :r,-otr mo. far <It ITIOJ. (CA.CJ. Ctstl Dfice Jndllding ll>X A llc•n~ $2501 . .U. o.f'rrtd 1>&~men1 ·pr1~' Sll'GJ.52 lncluc:tn 111 1~x & licen1e & lin&l!Ce c~argrs. A.pr. n .1s°"' NEVER ON SUNDAY! WE'RE CLOSED SUNDAY BUT OUR PRICES ARE LOWER THE REST OF THE WEEK GET THE BIG DISCOUNT Right Now At Terry Buick Lawest Overhead In Sa. Calif . LISTED IELOW All IUT A FEW OF OUI LOW LOW EYllYDAY rRICES NEW '72 IUICK LE SAHE $359033 Turbine drive, )JO\\'Cr steering &: disc brakes, radio, heater, etc. Big full size Buick. Luxury and C<>mfort ror such a Low Price. NIW '7 . UICK SKYLARK 2 Door Cou~. Ji.1ode1 3327. VS engine, r adio, beater, belted tires, flo'v thn1 ventilation. Plus load$ of standard Buick equipment~ Order This Great Car Today. NEW '72 IUICK ifLECTRA 225 UnbelievAblY Lo\V Priced for one of Am~rica.·11 most luxurious auton1obiles. Turbine drive, power stt-ering, ''°"·er brakes. Dozens of other extras. Order Yours l'l'ov.'. f ~· Since 1933 • 51h & Wolnut Huntington Be•ch 536-6588 --~ ··-- • DAI Au I • < ' ' I -Aw.. ] .-. ._I _'"'.°'_Aw_ .... __,l§l I .,, ....... -1~1 I .......... l§J I _ ... _ ]~[ ........... l§J 1. '"'"1"S.lt ]§][ BUY From ·Orange Countys NUMBER 1 Chevrolet Dealer! 40 USED TRUCKS Buy Buy Buy . Where The Good Where The Prices Where You're Treated Like . _ Used Cars Are _ Are !tight _ A Cu1tomer Before _cinclAft,r '!'ou L '67 ~.~1.,~~~l~~,,1 ... 1. $1099 '66 FORD RANCH WAGON fY2t 6021 6 p•u, Air co111lltioJ1i119, P.S., •11le., \II, h•th rulib1r, low Mil11. I SMKttll '71 MALIBU WAGON 6 p1 11. A11tom1ti(, ,,S., ,;, ce11cl., 1119919• r1c~. (IS7AI '71 '71 '70 '70 '68 '67 :~.~!.~~~!~.~.~hi. Drive $4199 VI, low mile1, !OlllCXWf !:~:!.~~ .. ~!~~~~,. ·" ,.,; · 53299. eeb, Ht•vy duty. !P26 l4) FORD 8' Stake True~ VI, 4 1p•t d, ttdio. IP26S9 ) Should do. FORD ECONOLINE P.U. 6 cvlindtr, st:clc: tllift, thift, tt dio, !ZN Ml23l '66 FORD GALAXIE 500 Cp1, Low, low mi111. Powft 1f1•rin9 , 1ufo., radio, eir. Sure J1ic1. IR.ZA796) '68 TOYOTA CORONA 4 Door. Autom•tic, r•dio, low mlltt. f'r1th ct r. IWXTOl7 l .. '66 OLDS CUTLASS Cp1. R1d io, pow•r tlttri n9. •utom 1tie, 11inyl roof. Sh,rpit. !STZ716l '69 PONTIAC LE MANS Spt. Cp,, Rtdio, P.S .. t ulo., •ir cond., ,..;nyf roof, ch1tp·chetp·chttp. '66 PONTIAC GTO CouP•. Air cond., P .. , t ufomttic, tm1ll VI e119int , ( SZll 16) Ni et ct r, 5999 5899 '71 CAPRICE 4 DR .• H.T. s3599 T~. 1011'1 Otmo l•1 t v••r. AU H•• 9oocli11. Air, El•c. wi11dow1 '"cl •••h, P.S., P.B. Suptr 11ict. CSSIOfB) '70 KINGSWOOD WAGON 9 p111. lu9919• r1clt, r1dio, P.S., P.I ., eule., 1!r co"d. (ZWl/1111) '70 CAMARO COUPE 6 t vli11cl1r, Jficlt 1l.Ht, radio, $Uptr 11i.:1 blu e, cir. !901BQD l '69 MALIBU SPT. COUPE H1r1Hop. Vinyl roof. ,;, cond., P.S., P.I ., 1ulom•lic, r•clio, IYQl211 l '68 CAMARO COUPE lledio, 6 ey1ind••, J 1Pt1d 1irelr, .,;nvl tot>f, pretty e•r, !WYJ!4)) '67 CAPRICE 4 DR. H.T. R1dio, pow•r 1l1•ri119, •vfom•tic, t ir eond. You'll buy it. !WHllOSSl '69 THUNDERBIRD LANDAU 2 Dr, Air, p.,,,,, .ind wi11dow1, .;, cond., ..,;11yl roof, tilt wh••I, et rt fu1own1r,11ic1 <••· !ZUG2 50l '61 VOLKSWAGEN BUG ll••! J,,.111 '•t for qood '"'''P trt"lllOtftlio,11, ILPOSJSl '71 FORD 10 PASS. WAGON Ceu11lrv \•ii•"· R.oof t~tk, P.S., P.I .. t ulo., 10,107 mil11. t991IQSI l§l CONNELL .2828 HARBOR BL VD. COSlA-MESA 546-1-2-0~l- Load@d , vinyl top, immac. .. _.J~ri&Ll!wg t 4!!HJ56 '10 Cougar, loaded. $2j()(}. S£'t at 1463 Deauville Pl., C.M. (behind Denny's). '67 COUGAR '65 DODGE Conmet % d•. ~l!oJ'Lext.-bl 'nrl-WA _s~dan V-:S·~!:~m-~IJ_~ean . \78, fact. sir, excelleitt ccnd. S5.'10:"C'all 968-7447. '65 MUSTANG hn!tp, 6 cyl. 1ta.ndard tran!, blu w/nu pam1:-tipe oeCk-&: M receiver. Daughters car. l.luat 1ell! 979·8 84 1 , 646--01.55. '72 Pontiac Ventura 11 lkancl.ne.w.-'.71....V entura.JI .2:.- dr. Fully factory equipped including 6-cyl enc!ne. Str. No. 242703L105037. _ Aut•;;;•;;· ;;;u;;'";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;"°;..,;;;;;Aut;;•;;;•·;;u;;;; •• ;;d;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;"°;;;;;;;;;;;A;;;u;;1 • ., • ...,·u;;.td;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.!!i"°i!_iA.iu!!_1;; •• ;;.;;u;; • .,td...,...,;;;;;;"°!!!!~I -~-r 'Small down. \Viii finance '64 Dart GT 6, ps, 4 on Door, pvt. ply, dlr. (VCI..0281 Call runs good._. $475. 494-6811 aft 11 a • m . • 833--0737 • WAS $2958.94 '546-8736. • SAVE $500 DAILY PILOT Jor action! FALCON __ :66.MUSTANG . 980 Autos, New 980 !-=-------. .F"~. Stick ·shift,· ·Tt4dio, Autos, New iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii '67 Fa.Icon f utura 2 Dr. Heater, (SQU887) 645-57~ YOU CAN BE HAPPY TODAY! PRICE Pricod 10 Sell. $699 FROM STICKER NOW $2451.94 -+-Tax, Uc &: Doc Fee or LEASE !or only $74 mo. REDUCTION ON ALL CARS IN STOCK * 644-5t17 * LOOK... FORD BRAND NEW '72 COUGAR ••11lpP111 Wiii! HI V4 tnll"'' l!M. tl'9nt .. ..-tl"rl119, to•· tr •i.t •••k", w~Htw1n1, t1c1ory 11r c•l'HI .. 11111ec1 1••••· rule, ••lu•• wh••I CIVl '9, ;so .... TODAY'S PR ICE 13677 IRAND NIW '72 MERCURY MARQUIS t Dr. H•rt:llllp, 11• CI D, v ... tult. tr1111., pwr, br•lut. JIWr, ltHtlftt, WSW ti,.., ClllYlnlll'ICI fl'IUp, flit """'· Itel. l lr '"Id., r101t, 11111.0 fllJf, p0w•r wl"Oow1, v!nyl ""'· fJllS"· TODAY'S PRICE 14561 '72 COLONY PARK WAGON BRONCO '11 Baja Type. Spec. Prep. By Ford. Many Xtras, Orig Cost $5500.Sac. LEASE a: 1972 Ford Pinto. $69.95/mo. or buy. POCAL LEASING & INVESTMENT co. 548-1155. '67 Ford XL : Automatic, air. new tires, immaculate. Best oUer, 54Pr3727. ·n BRONCO 4x4. Xlnt cond. 8000 miles, $3460. 548·4073. '1965 Ford Galax.le 500, 2 dr, auto trans. power steering. 390 c.i. Good cond. $650. 1968 triumph 250 Trophy. $4j(} or best offer on both. 893-9642. Aak for Dan. '10 Ford Ga1 500, V-8, auto, air, full pwr., 545-9251 or 979-4no best cash offer or trade for'.''.''.' '51 Ranchero '65 390 ena. Cruise-0-mat.ic, P/S, Very Clean. 846-43.'ID. · '64 Ford Sprint. 4 spd atick, fact 11.ir, pwr. $495. * 549--0012 • '60 Ford Sta. \Vagon, Good transportatinn. Btst offer over $200. 642-3933. O~n end 36 mo. lease BILL BARRY '69 Cutlass Suprtme full pwr. 1970 PONTIAC 2 dr Le Mans, & air cond. $2l50. po\l·er steerin&, paw er 892-5928. brakes, nl!'W tires. Must M!U. 968-5280. '60 Olds, good t I r e s , -c=-,,,.-.,.,-'°"',-,-,,...- P /S-P /B, PW. Runs great '68 Firebird 400, • spct, $300 or oUer. 5.57-9305. r /h, posi. tract., good cond . $1595. 644-.2920 19&4 ClITLASS, green, 2 Dr. Hrn1p, v.s. pis. •/h. Ask-'72 Pontiac Ing 1280. Call s13--0211. Fireblrd PINTO 8'8nd now 1972 Ftrebin!. P S. '71 Pinto. Low mileage, ex· Ci!llent condition. $1,8&1. Radio, disc brakes, Must sell immed iately -Room· mate is moving! 531-1218 alter S p.m. ·n Pinto. Low mileage, ex· cellent condition. Sl.850. R11dio, disc brakes. Must sell immedia tely -Room· mate is movin&! 5.11·1218 after 5 p.m. PB, radio, heater, WSW tirt1, elec. clock &: many, many eictras, auto. trans., center ft. console, Serial No. 2S8ID2N522807. WAS $4otl.62 SAYE $700.00 FROM STICKER NOW $33,1 .62 + Tax-, lie. &: doc fee or LEASE for only $99.07 mo. open enrl 36 mo. lease '64 Falcon. 3 spd. V-8 Good tran11portat io n . $298. 673-0172. • PLYMOUTH BILL BARRY IRAND NIW 1 O PASSINGER 11011 ,..,, •Ml t tr Clltf., WSW'•· 4tt v..a. tin "'· WllHI, '"" c'"tl'tl, 1.,...,. r•ck, Mml'lt' 1u11'f1, llMJAM 111rH rllfll, r1mett '"lrrtr, 11111 11111, jlClwtr -Mr IO<k1, Cr'lttl covntry rlllt 11*1• IS4"U TODAY'S PRICE 15175 v~• CAP.RI HIRI· Now11 111 IT TODAY I -=-----------: f\fAM DOtif'f llA'lf ~ \'Ofll MAWf I ...... MO" avt, • llOOIMU9f ........... '67 RANCliERO Auto, PS/PB, Alr Cond •• 493;9ll4 •• JEEP '67 W1goneer 4. whl drlvt, air cond., auto hubs. Clean. By owner. 5.57-2125. MUSTANG • ~----~~~ '69 f'ury Ill Beaut ~nvt. Blaze re'l . wh.I top & inter. Radial wht walls. Air &: power. Sltao. 67~1433 PONTIAC·GMC·FIAT <J1t St. At S.A, Fwy.) 2000 E. lit St. Santa Ana 5.18-11)1)1) RAMBLER IN OUR USED CAR DEPT. 1971 CADILLAC Sedan DeVille 55699 'H OLDS CUTI.ASS ~· Auto., radio, l)eater, power steerlnc. raUy wheel&. <33677911· 02435>. B1ue Book Price $1910 'H V.W. IUQ. s999 Blue with black interior. Radio, heat· tr, 4 apeed. IYOE848). Blue Book Price $1335 '61 CHIVY IMPALA 4 Dr. H.T. Automatic, full power. fa ctory air, yellow w/black lnt~r· ior .. (XI\'920 ). Blu t Book Price $1460 '70 Q.RAND PRIX Full power, factory .a.Jr condition· ln,t. \linyl roof. t216AD!). Blue Book Price $37~ 51099 53199 '70 COUQ.AR H.T. s2799 Coupe. Yellow .,~.'ith black interior, Vinyl top, 11.lr cnnd., full pnwer. (0F91.H'°4346J. Blue Book Price $2905 ' '70 FORD CUSTOM S] 999 4 Dr. Sedan. Full power. factory &fr, vinyl top. C882EACI. Blue Book . Price $2365 'Full J)ower, factory arr cond lt1rJn · 'H flRHIRD $2199 inr. vinyl top. r373CAOJ. Slut Book Prlce $2480 'H DATSUN 4 DR. SID. Automatle. radio and hlllater. (YCR803J. Blue Book Prlee $1370 '65 CONTININTAL 4 Door. Full pow,.r. factory llr con- dltlonlnr . vinyl top. (NRN83S ) 'H PONT. IXICUTIVI 1tT. Cpe. run pow,.r, tAetory tl lr. Vinyl top. (ZZX7091. Blue Book Price $1695 51299 • •• -. •• :: •• • •• ..: ... •• •• •• :,. ::i :: ~ ft ~ !J •• •• •• .. •• •• : . •• •• . · •• • •• :. ·J •• :; •• ~ •• €. 1-~ ;~ ·. -· D JC DAILY PILOT Sund.u, March 19, 1972 • • LINCOLN-MERCURY A IS --#· 1154A PST MAR 14 72 LB053 L FFC 241 (SF074FF331241) PD FORD Ai:" PICO ZCZC 003 PD PICO RIVERA CA DIVISION 0202P ST03/ 14/2 PMS SANTAANA LINCOLN MERCURY ATTN MR. LOU BENNY PRES STRAIGHT WIRE DELIVER DO NOT PHONE 1301 NTUSTINAVENUESANTAANACALIF BT CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU AND YOUR ENTIRE SALES ORGANIZA- TION ON THE FINE SALES JOB IN FEBRUARY OUR RECORDS INDICATE YOUR DEALERSHIP LED THE ENTIRE LOS ANGELES DISTRICT IN SALES DURING FEBRUARY. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK NEW '72 MONTEREY CUSTOM 2 DR. HDTP Av to. lfmis. oir tond, pwr. d'ISCt. ben.d W/W's. tltc. clock. m.,.I roof ond morl (SS3175) WINDOW STKR $5072.50 OUR PRICE 4130 $94258 NEW '72 Cougar 2 DOOR HDTP Auto. trOftS, fJl'IK. si-and dhct. 191. S1 75 F70i:1 4 W{W's. Iii", ti«. dock ond mort. dlx. whHI CO\'fl'I,. tinttd ~n. WINDOW STKR $4679.90 OUR PRICE -4190.00 $48910 • NEW '72 MARQUIS 4 DR. BROUGHAM Pwr. steering, diw:s. 5f(llS 111111 Jocks. AM-FM, winvl lop, .outo temp. ooir cond, speed cont .. belted W/W's ond min. (549100) WINDOWSIKR $6456.79 OUR PRICE $5351 DISCOUNT $1105 NEW '72 MONTEGO 2 DR. HARDTOP 351 Y-1, aull. hnl. pwr. '""""" WW'i, rodoO Md m«I. Oise: brokt1, fact. air coiid. linl.d o&ns. WINDOWSTKR OUR PRICE $3992 $3505 '487 NEW19·72 COMET ·$ NOWI CHOOSE FROM THRIE MODERN NEW COLORS! ·PANTERA 588 FUlL PRICE . ----- An immaculate luxury tor completely equipped with full power, AM-FM stereo, vinyl roof, oir conditioning, etc. 10 PRE-DRIVEN MARK lll'S IN STOCK ALL PRICE SLASHED FOR QUICK CLEARANCE! ~y de Tomaso TWO DOOR 4 SHIPMENTS JUST ARRIVED SEXY CAPRI FOR '72 TEST DRIVE THE NEW V-6! Immediate Delivery! J.970 OLl>S Toronodo . $34. -3-3 Foe tort air condrt!Ol'l'"ll• POW# SIHring, radio, hmtw, loaded with u:Was. 891-AFS · -1968 FORD Golaxie 500 Conv$1088 Au». lrllnl... poWW steer rig. radio. hea1W Stock # 4026 - '69"0LDS 98 Luxury Sedan '69 FORD MUSTANG V-8, aulo. Irons., 4 1p1ed. low Kell y Slu1 Book $2l oa . ~41 -2300.00-ZSS.569-·---Q --V-8,-stitl!-shiffrr~tr,-whit~tirn.~·whHI · ~ ~overs. Reol Sporty. YCM 686 '69 LINC. Cont: 4 Door auto. Irons~ foclory air conditioning, rull power, rodio, $2988 ~~ter, whitewall !ires, tint~ gloss. wheel coven. 'lYF- '67 MO.NTEREY 4 Dr. H.T. V-8, outo . .trons., foctory air conditioning, power lleer- ing, power {disc) brakes, r~ia. ~eate_r, whitewall tirn, $118 8 tinted gloss, whet! covers. vinyl tlllenor New cor lfod .. • TCZ86S '69 PONT. Le Mans Conv. '71 MARQUIS 4 Dr. '69 CAD Sed DeVille HI tr-1111 f<lclory iF-conOI~~-~,.,. ,._.,..-.,...-:;;:--,,.-li-.,.. ....... _,_Ml,.,i+it,.;,r1i~ .... l!Jrli ... Jll~fl0Wlf-"-'". ---=--=---=-= .power (dix).braku,.JJAWer...wiodo'll'.l..AMof_M_Jrareo.(a-36 8 8 power.(dist) bralr.e.1.-pow&..-windows._pawer_seot1. EM $~9·8· · dio, heotei-, whitewoll tires. tinted gloss, whet! covers. rodio, heo!tr, whitewo!I tir1s, vinyl roof. tinted glass. Larnfou Iott 11.628 oclunl miles. SS7-CCG wheel covei-s. Dream tor ZOU 476 '70 LINC: 4 Or. o-.no. Irons., fOl:tory oir cond1rionioq, full power, AM-fM$4488 ~1ereo radio, hearer, whiTewoll tire5, vinyl roof, tinted gloss, wheel covers~ vinyl inrerior 18.641 actual miles. 47'1!1!< '67 DODGE Wagon 6 cyl. power sreerioq, radio. heater, 018-018 '70 BUICK Riviera Iv.a. oulo. trons. foc1ory oir conditioning, full power, power sreering, power (disc) brakes, power windows, $3 8 8 .po_. seals, radio, heater. whitewall tires, vinyl roof, 'tinted gloss, whet! covers. E~!ra nice car. 866 ASM '71 MERC. Comet 2 Dr. '70 TOYOTA MKll Wagon auto Irons~ heater, whiteWllll tires, tinled gloss, New $18 8 8 tor !rode, 87SASP '67 VW. 2 DR. 4 s;ieed. stick shift, radio. healer, nice with a rebuilt $118 8 engine UOY494 All Sale Price5 £fftctive Far 72 Haur5 After Puhlicatia~. SEARCHLIGHT • . ( ( '71 COMET 4 Dr. $. 88 v.a. !Mio."""--PIW'I' .... rocfio. 1iea1...-. whit. 21 wall tirn, S39·CIB • '68 TOYOTA 2 Dr. H.T. SUNDAYS - GOLD DUSTER PACKAGE INCLUDES FREE VINYL ROOF Unique delux• wheel cover1 , wh ite tires, deluxe pleated vinyl trim, carpeting. Spe- cial go ld du ster 1tripin9. Plus standard fact. equi p. Order today for only $21~5. or choose from a large selection of spe· ciel sale priced Dusters in stock reedy for Immediate Del ivery. j • ALL AMERICAN • II • • SEE IT TODAY-ORDER IT TODAY ••• At Huntington Beach Chrysler Plymouth _.W_l_N -A-G-Ol_D_D_U...-;.ST--...ER-!----,o-uo .. -o,.-----•. WIN STOCK IN A GOLD MINE! You m•y win +k• fi11! pr:1• -100 ,h1r11 el 1toclt in flit 11111 a•· tiv1, nu991l-yi1ldin9 Y1ltow IC11il1 Cen1ot;d1!1d Gold Mint, 1114 1 1972 Plymoulk Gold Du1 +1r. $TAXING YOUl CLAIM MO•I WAYS TO STRllll IT RICH Vi1 il Hunlin9lon l11ch Chry1l1r/Plymouth i ncl pick up your tRh y b f ' • ' '?I ,, •• f G Id'' E h • 0 < VOii m1y 1 on1 o 4 11cono P'i11 w1nn 1r1 -wltn • I i11 '""' P111 or o c1111t11I 1111w. ~1ryo111 w o 1nt1 r1 w1n1 1 1r1pli c1 of 1 Twenty Doll1r C1lifor11 i1 9old pi1c1. P'lymo 11ih Gold Du1!1•. .. •con111t R1,1les. 1. No pu~11 necH"'"I'· 1. All uno:l1lnwd prlr1s w.n bl 1w1rllld by ,.ndon"I ll•••lno from 1n!rl11 :wbm!ttl!d. N11 c11h 1U9llltvrlon1 fef" Pfltee. l. '°"''"' D"4'n tD 111 1oc1n1ed dr!11er1, 11 ye1t1 or older. 4. Conlt~I cllltlll mldnlghl M1rch 11, ltn. J. Vold In W1lfllngton, Wbcon1ln, M!uourl , i nd wlM•I .,,.... hlblled by llW. '· WlnMrl 1r1 ll1bl1 tDr •II •1•!• l flll loc:ll t••"· 7. Nol 1t19llllt for P•lttl ....... oiovtn Ind IRS dtPl<ld ... tl of Ch..,.ltr·Plyll'IOl.llh Dl1111JoR1 1!1 011111rs, t411tMl1!1111 111..-.c:l11, Ind Vl~Ull Strvk n , In<. :------:.,.....,. CHRYSLER DEMO. 2 DOOR HARDTOP PLYMOUTH CRICKET NOT A STR IPPED CAR '71 <4 door, 4 sp11d 011ly, 776J mll11, lodv 1irip11, r1dio, whit1 w1U r1di1I pl" lir11, p/fronl d!1c br•••1, buc•1t 111h , rick I pinion 1f11rin9, c oil 1prin; 1u1p1n1ion, ~ow thtu v1ntil 1 tin9 1y1!1m. I 175DFCI. '72 SATELLITE CUSTOM SEDAN NOT A STRIPPED CAR But equipped with 318 VI, A~tom1lic lr1111., Power St11r- in9 , Jl1dio, While Will Tir11, l int1d 6 1111, C1rp1tin9, Vinyl inl1riar, I RH4162CI0611 5) 4 DOOR HARDTOP NOT A ST RIPPED CAR '72 Imperial LeBaron 4-40 VI , du1I •ir conditionin g with cli'"''' conl!ol, ti11ttd -.9!111, 11l19u11d -1111lin1l.-h11dli9ht dimm1r, ftow1r w nrdn1. l ut 1quipp1d with J I I VI, 1ulom1tic h int., paw1r 1f11rin9, r1dio, r1m1f1 control mirror, tint1d 9le11, 11inyl 1id e moldln91. S11t1. Door loc~1. Ant1nn1, Dick R1l1111, Dhc lr1~11 I: S!11rin9. Automiolic Sp11d Conhol, Tilt St11rin9 Wh11I, Jl11r D1fo991r, AM/FM Sl1r10, l 11 lh1t luc~1I S11t1 with P,.1111191• R1clin1•, Vinyl Roof, Clock, El1clr onic l9nltion IPH4l620102167l Svtl1'" . .SVM 2 J -TlC-10-4 2 72 =-SAVE_!2~$ ~0~00~ 4 door h1rdtop. VS, eir cond .. 1utom1tic, pow1r •+••ring & brakes. IVIROl 11 '70 P-LY. SATELLITE WAGON '65 FORD CUSTOM '65 CHRYSLER 300 2 DR. M.T. Auto., VS, factory a ir, power steerin9, power brakes, luggagc- roek. IZRUJ8l l 51995 FORD PINTO Fully factory equipped. o4 speed, radio, heater, {328CAX I 51599 •595 , 6 cylinder, automatic , radio, heat- er. IFEA71l l 5295 '67 CHEVY CAPRICE '4 Door Hardtop. Factory a ir, V8, automatic, power steering, power brtkes, vinyl roof. !ZSJ5461 5 795 .,66 OLDS CUTLASS CPE. V8, 1utomatic, power steerin9, rad;o, huter. ISLW752 J ·~-•',4.,.._ ~:,..i;?;re,~'-.~ 5595 ~ · · ' Factory air, power brakes, power 1t11rin9, vinyl roof. I NMN-498) 5695 '69 TOYOTA 4 DOOR Autometic, factory 1ir, r1dlo, h .. ter. IZSRJ8l I 51195 . ' '65 COUPE DE VILLE Full factory power, factory 1ir eo,d. I PBP98l I 5895 ATTENTION CREDIT BUYERS OPEN 7 D~ YS A WEEK UNTIL 10 P.M. 1. New I• Stat. 2, Slleff" doft ,.,._ .. J. llttt• er" c~ft 4. SMrt n.. ••I•• COMI IN AND Sii US. CREDIT MAY II! NO PROILIM HIJll, ALL .ADYIRTlllD CA.IS SUIJICT TO PllOR IALI ALL ft•ICIS PLUS TAX & LIC. ' r 1 ' • . (DINGEi HUNTINGTON ~ BEA CH t CHRYSLER· . PLYMOUTH {t ! =+----- .......... '" ..... Wltlt. ,,,. LOOK FOR THE BLU E & WHITE SIGN ' • p J 8 DAl,l Y Pil.oT WE APPRECIATE . YOUR BUSINESS DODGE 8·100 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY s 199 i1 '''°' ~~. py111t. $77.1511 tetcrl lllO p')'llll. ind. lo~ Ii:-l all eorrvlnl chDrgtl o• appr.crtditfor41 inoi. Dlflri'9'11Y'"'· !l"h 13902.20 lrd. '" l lie-, AHN.JAL PERCOITAG£ ~Tl 14.41 "'· $199-DOWN VAN 109" ........ "'"' .., lnket. 10t21 hecr.y lilly -lnlin. 41 ... lllr.moior, I pit. 6.1111 """'-'41My., G7lr1J h'K •miuien co~t...!, lllUCh ...vc• ll'lort . (111A12V"°'959) 52788 .:~t: $JJ 15 A MONTH TAKE YOUR CHOICE '70PLYM. '70CHEV. IMMIDIATI DILIVIRY _:_JULL PRICE ~·$199 DOWN ~;;;;;~;-$39 A MONTH FOR 36 MONTHS ''71 VEGA $199 DOWN $43 A MONTH FOR 36 MONTHS -•odlo, h11t1r, bucket $ ital&; vinyt intll'ior, 111vch much mort. 491 .. ' ' t 19t i1 »tel 411. ''"''· SIJ is 8 ' ""' -""' ...... &- ' .. ~ "-'" Oll>a,,r. 1rHit lw 36 -•· O•fwrt4 FULL -py.t.prk1s1111 incl.t1111& PllCI lit-. ANMJAl Pll((9fTACi[ un: 11.63 "· • '65 Plymouth '66 Pontiac BARRACUDA GTO V·I , outo, lro1n, power steering, ra dio, ~lollr, V-8, radio, ~ltf, wliit1woll tiret, full viii'(! interior, 695EMZ blltktl seats, r111r seal sptaktr, )(5''230 'Spud !nm. .. 4 c)ll. "'4!inl. disc brakt5. h1al1r, liur.U! Miit&, 1inyl "ttriar.onucli..uhll'IOl'el l»Oll YOURS TODAY. ,. TllE ON.Y IMPORT WITM ovtl 2000 .lM(llCAH SfltV(f fACllllS THllUOUTU.S. ' l ..... wiltl~ ..... ., .. llitll Mcll 1""· hnltr, """"' .... . ~ '""""· 5'J1l• .::~ ..... ttl!lnll IY•'""· hit~ illlftCt p1int & lllUdi llllKI!-.. OllOfl TCIUIS TODAY. FACTORY COLOR OF YOUR CHOICEI $199 DOWN PIKllSTAIUSIOWAS !~?;.~&}~~~~3~~~~~1"7. 99. 52088~ PRICE 5199DOWN . $66AMONTH • AIKIAI. •fflClllT~ ltATt 11.24,. . FOR·31 · MONlltS CllTOl Vlll IT COUITIBt- ~SEE.AND-DRIVE.-----,. 'fHE FAMOUS "COffiN'' VAN ~---~ • BRAND NEW '72 DODGE TRUCK '71FORD500 '71 MUSTANG $199DOWN $46AMONTH ~~~:~s $199-DOWN $J3AMONTH ~~~s 51488 . §:~;:·;.:;.§ .~.7'."~.:-ii: $228~ g~g:;: ' • -, ·-.. . ruu ,.,.,,, prit t Sl ass incl. t1x & .lfMfilll, Nllio. hMflr, WSW'1. P'flllf~pric1 $2127 ind. tn & • .11~ .... r1t111,.,,...,_, Ill' ,. .~,., ,.......,.,..,...,, •:.."'"'-IQ1¥1rl.·'l'illy1 tu:bb . P"ICE .__ AHl«IAL mtOOMl cllflll,niclia,htlrttr,~U~I PllKl ti~%""""""" .... .....,,.._ &trMtl--.~7 COM -1111 W1·10.S7% . '68 ·ROADRUNNER 2 OR. HJ. V-8. "''· ""'-"''°" ok, t6 8 8 power Sletrifv, radio, heotl!', vinyl roof. P ,ULl YXT163 'IKI . -----. ~ '68 CHEV. Camaro V-~, outo. lrans., powtr $1ttri1111. Ml 5688' •Ull vinyl interior, bucket seo!s. VUZ 460 PllCI ' '69 FORD Galaxie SOO HT. V-S. "'"· ""'' fo<O: ,; '"" $9 8 8 power ste.,.ing, power broktl. radio, Hill ~ter. lBJ 673 . PllCI $288 ~~~~I 5388 ~~~E '67 FORD Sta. Wagon '69 CHEV. NOVA '69 DODGE VAN '69 CORTINA '66 PLYMOUTH 1-:,""_:._.~~-~':"_.;'::0-_ .. _ .. ;':"_, .. _~:.._·_· ·_$_5_8_8_.~_~: ........ ~·_.;.":"_,~_-;i_ .. ____ 5_8_8_.8_._~'tc"-f. _:_,·~_,._~_;:._·-·_· ""_"'_· .. _;·_~ _$_8_8_8_.:"ic_': $588 ·FUU PIKI V-8, auto. trans,. powtf slttrlrtt. radio, lltoltf', PN41Y2219442 $388FULL PllCI ' . '70 FORD Sta. Wagon '68 PONT. Firebird I , 292 ... ...... (480q'911 '69 CHEV. Pickup $888.: -·-·-COSTA MESA SADDLEBACK LAGUNA BEACH NEWPORT BEACH SAN CLEMENTE HUNTINGTON BEACH FOUNTAIN VALLEY IRVINE stars in 'HARVEY' N:BG-Wednesday-8:30pm - Hill HOLDER by Dick Wiison WILSON FORD HuntJn1toa Beach One of the most popula r au- tomobiles to arrive on the mar- ket in dccadt'S is Ford's in- stant success . . . Pinto. The nea t li ttle economy package from Dcarborne has been a n in 'ustry sales leader since its first introduction ... W e were asked the other day about some other makes and models out of the past whose name began with the letter "P.'' Here are a few you might re- member . . . There was the Page-Toleto an a then the Paige-Detroit, tJ-'°se· two were back in 1910. Or how a bout Pawtucket in '01 . . . then there was the Peter Pa n in 1907 . . . of the Pickwick in 1930 . . . Would you believe that there was a Peneumobile in 1914? And for closers, you can add these . . . Peabody, Peck, Peerless. Perfex. Peo- ple's, Playboy, Phoenix, Para- gon, Petrel, Pirsch, Piggins, .__......ui~~~'ffl~ ' many more . . . Most ot them were the products of hundrws of manufacturers whose pro- ductivity was something of a phenomenon during the first 25-years of tW!s century ... One thing for sure though . . . Pinto wit! be around for a long long time. It's the ont car that meets so many needs for so many people. It's small, yet roomy . . . it's economy mind- ed yet offers all the get uo and 1!0 you could ask for ... Great for-getting-around town or get- ting your busint'Ss done at freeway speeds . . . It you haven't test driven Pinto you owe it to .vours~lf to try It. Here at Wilson Ford Sllles in . Hunting ton Beach we t-elieve w_e hllve thP finest selectinn of Pm,tos to bt found anywhere. We .vc got all the colors, the choice of enuinment . . . the · works . . . Droo in and take a look· at our Pinto s table . . . you mh:~ht harness one for yourself. • THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEI<, MARCH 19, 1972 . DICK WILSON'S ~Jsl ~~~ .fv~ ~!?m~~~~~AcH I 11ll11.1M!!!!l!!T!!!Mlill ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DICK WILSON SAYS: '72's ARE ARRIVING BY THE TRUCK LOAD ! IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ! ! HUGE DIS- COUNTS ON ALL REMAINING 1971 's ! ! Complete 1972 Car. and Truck line On Saler BRAND NEW IMMEDIATE DELIVERY FULL PRICE ORDER TODAY IN YOUR CHOICE OF COLOR --..OOK-fOR-111£ SPEetAL YAl:U£-SftCK£1tSf11HXTRA1J._,uv, . . OYER 250 NEW CARS & TRUCKS IN STOCK BUILT PRIOR TO THE PRICE INCREASE JUST 2 MILES SOUTH OF THE SAN DIEGO FRWY. ON BEACH BLVD. 18255 BEACH BOULEVARD 842-6611 HUNTINGTON BEACH S•US ou•r. t .,.. to to '''" 1 Dots SUVICI OPEN f11•s thrw Fri .. I •·"'· fo 5 '·'"· MON. 7:30 •·"'· to 5:30 ~·"'· 592-5511 .. !PORT! HltJHlltJ/ITI SUNDAY, MARCH 19 10:00 IJ (j) National lnvit._tlonal Basketball' First-round NIT post- season college game from Madison Square Garden, New York City. 11 :00 0 Ci) 00 a> NBA Basketball 12:00 IJ (j) NHL Hockey Minnesota North Stars vs. the Boston Bruins at Boston. 12:30 0 (iQ) m World Championship Tennis Live coverage from Mc- Gaw Hall in Chicago, Ill. U Angels Warm·up THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. MARCH 19. l972 Lancelot Babysitter Agency ~ ''SHINING ARMOR SERVICE " ....... ~ '* REASONABLE & RELIABLE Any age L 1 · Any hour oca sitters 3 HOUR MINIMUM 536 • 2788 1:00 U Angels Baseball Angels vs. Cleveland Indians at Palm Springs. 00 American Sportsman 2:30 I Sports Action Pro·File •----------------------• CBS Golf Classic World of S~ Illustrated " The Sports Set St · C t Cl • Jacksonville Open Golf Tournament eam arpe eantng 3:00 18 Roller Derby A PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 3:30 O The American Adventure "Snow Mobile" 3:45 U Angels Wrap-Up 4:30 8 @ Championship Auto Ra cing • PGA Golf The Greater Jacksonville Open 7:00 ®)Warriors Basketball ---8:00 U Roller Games 10:00 9 Boxing From the Forum 10:15 Ei) Weekly Sports Digest -TUESDAY, MARCH 21 6:00 U Lakers Basketball Lakers vs. Chicago Bulls. THURSDAY, MARCH 23 8:00 0 l]g) m NCAA Basketball Teams to be announced. Q) Boxing From the Olympic SATURDAY, MARCH 25 -10:00 AM O (!) National Invitational Basketball Finals The 35th an· nual Invitational Tournament--oldest of the post.season college basketball tourneys. 10:30 O Roller Game 12:00 0 ®l m NCAA Basketball Championship Consolation and final game. Four hours. 1:30 O National Hockey League Action 2:00 O This Week in the NBA ~ PGA Golf . . 3:00 U CBS Golf Classic O Celebrity Bowling Elizabeth Ashley and Tige Andrews com· pete against Michael Douglas and Brenda Vaccaro. ___ ..-..· ~ .. ak40@ir."' 00 P...ro..Bewlers. Tour-lh~59,0<X> New-ortearrs-upmi. 3:45 @I) Futbol-Soccer 4:00 0 PGA Golf The Greater New Orleans Open. Q) World of Sports Illustrated 4:30 (j) Celebrity Bowling 5:00 8 CV Ci) m ABC's Wide World of Sports • lee T revino's Golf Show 5:30 O Uoyd Bridges' Water World 6:30 ~ Sports With Bertka 6 The Bill Russell Show • lee Trevino's Golf Show 7:00 @ World of Sports Illustrated 8:00 O Saturday Night Fights Q) Champlonshlp Wrestling Guaranteed 100•1. Free Estimates 962-0672 Licensed & Insured SPARKLE JANITORIAL 10 Years Serving Harbor Area CUP-lHi~ AO-FGR $5.00 OtSCOUNT TUllDAY LADIES WASH& WID. GAi DAY WAIH FREE ,., ~AX WllH 7 GAL. fl1 UP Page 3 Al Freeman, Jr., renowned theatre and film actor, plays Detective Lieutenant Hall, currently investigating a murder case against a prominent citizen on the ABC daytime drama, One Life To live, Monday through Friday at 3:30 PM . ORDER ~a.!i YOURS TODAY! ----------' 1000 Beautiful .Stick-on LABELS Personalized • Stylish • Efficient Order For Yourself or a Friend Mav be ustd on fl'IVtloPfl as return i:ddress labels. A.lso very l'landy es idcnllficatlon labels ror mark ino personal _ -11lal1 uth... 41s bOOll.s.-LKO~dJ.. phol~. ate-l.Abel• 10ck on, glau llrl'd mav bo used tor m8rklno l'IOmc canned food Items. .All falK'ls arc printed wlltl stv11s11 vog~ type on lil't quaflly white gummed paper, r -----------------------, Fiii In tl'll' coupon, clip and m ail with S1.1S to: I I Piiot Prlnlln9 Llbcl Div .. p 0 , en~ 1560 I I cou.a Meu. c.a111. n•a I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PILOT PRINTING 1 L-----------------------~ P11e 4 MORNING O Vir&inia Graham Show @ Phil Donahue Show IE) Wandertust Cl) Mantrap 6:00 O Cl) Sunrise Semester Mulc1n EJperience Wed . Fri. 11:00 8 Where the Hurt Is 6:25 0 Education Exchange 0 U9) m Jeopardy 6:30 B Odyssey 0 Gallopin1 Gourmet 0 History of Art Fri. IE) Mantr1p Educitional features £I1) The Electric Company B Across the fence Mon.. Making re Just Roothy Mo~t of Maturity Tues.; Davey and 11:15 m Operation Gr1ndparents Tue s , Goliath Wed.; Parent Youth f~rum Adoption Segment Thurs. Thurs.; Youth and the Issues Fn. ' o Today on the farm 11:30 B CU Search for Tomorrow m features 0 @) m Who, What, Where Game 6:45 Ei) Commodity Report 0 Highway Patrol • 1·00 0 0 00 CBS News Jim Hart 0 C3J@ Cl) Bewitch~ ' m let's Rap 0 m Tod~y Show frank McGee IE) News Hugh Williams @ Children s ~hows £ID Mister Rogers' Nei&hborhood B Banana Sphts o Cartoons m Thunderbirds ID Bozo's Big Top Show EE Martel Openin1 £I1) Seume Street 7:30 @ Banan1 Splits O law for the 70's Mon . Wed., Fri.; Histoiy of Art Tues .. Thurs. \12) Petticoat Junction m Cartoons ID Hobo Kelly EE Stock Market Coverage 8:00 e Captain IWl1uoo. @ Coffee Break/Children's Teacher 0 R1lph Story's A.M. Sunup Mel Y.noepp o Today Show m Dennis the Menace ~ Classroom Instructional 1V £ID H1thayog1 Tues .. Thurs. 8;30 fJ Jack LI Linne m Yofi Ind frier.ds l!)Gumby £ID features Tues .. Wed., Thurs. 8:50 News Dick McAleer 9:00 B The Lucy Show 0 (ig) m Din1h's Place Ci) Virginia Graham Show O News Watch m Movie: See Daytime Movies. ID Uncle Waldo m Ses1me Street 9:30 B 00 My Three Sons 0 0 m Concentration O Movie: ~e DMtime frlovies. B Tempo Regis Philbin ID Romper Room 10:00 B family Affair Movie: See Daytime Movies. 0 O m Sale of the Century O The Gallery @ leave It to Beaver ID World Talk Mon.: Report to the Consumer Tues.; Your Goverment To· day Wed.;-Reconciliation Thurs.; federal Executive Board Fri. m features 10:15 (al The Electric Company 10:30 B love of life 0 m Hollywood Squares /\fTIPNOO N 12:00 B Noontime 0 m Three on 1 Match O Movies: Ste Daytime Movies. 0 31 (6) Cl) Password Elizabeth Montgomery and Carol Burnett are celebrity guests for the first Grand Championships. 0C '.fQ; m News IE) Crafts Mon.; Consumer's World Tues..., Thurs.; Quest for Mventiut Wed.; Ask Congress Fri. (jj) Seu me Street ED Features 12:25 m High Noon Buffoons 12:30 iJ As the World Turns 0 1Q) m Days of Our Lives 0 ([)@ Cl) PREMIERE Split Second An exciting, fast·paced ques· tion and answer game hosted by Tom Kennedy. B News Watch John Fullmer IE) Dialing lor Dollars 1:00 0 Thing l ove Is a Many Splendored 0 m The Doctors @ I love lucy 0 @ ffi All My Chidren • B m Movie: See Daytime Movies ~ 39·1V News 1:30 B 00 The Guiding l i1ht O.@}~ Anothtr Wort4 0 @@ m Let's Mak• • OHi @ Fashions in Sewin1 Lucille Rivers Ei) Commodity Report ~Every Wom1n Wants to Know 1:40 ID Di1ling for Dollars 2:00 B CU Secret Storm 0 O m Bri1ht Promise 0 Ci) Cl) The Newlywed Game IE) RenHezvous With Adventure ®) It's Your Bet 2:30 B Ed1e of Ni1ht 0 ®l m Somerset 0 @ Cl) The Dating Game m Cartoons s .. me lit S· by ed es. rs a PROGRAMS 9 The Movie Came 3:00 tJ Ci) Gomer Pyle O The Me Too Show 0 Hlahway Patrol 0 (I) 00 al General Hospital [Ql Movie: See Daytime Movies. 0 Fun Time m Tennesve Tuxedo @ Rocky and Friends m Cinema 36 ~ New Zoo Review 3:30 tJ It's Your Bet Lyle Waggoner hosts. O Mike Douglas 0 Popeye and friends 00 P1ul Bem1rd-Psychi1trlst Q @ al One Life to l ive 0 Cour1gepus Cit m Quickdraw McGraw @ Peter Potamus ® Romper Room 3:45 m LI Comunidad al Dia Mon.· Wed.: Calendario Thurs.; HRO en Marchi Fri. 4:00 tJ Movie: See Daytime Movies. 0 The Rifleman 00 Perry Mason 0 @ al love American Style 0 Banana Splits m New Zoo Review ID Gentle h.!1 __ ED (i1J SeSlme Street m Topicos Mon. 9 Oanlel Boone 4:30 Cil Movie: See Daytime Movies. 0 Father Knows But U News, Senti. Schubeck 0 The lone Ringer m Yogi and friends @ The Munsters m Un Canto de Mexico al Bozo's Big Top Show 5:00 0 0 00 o News (j) felony Squad 0 ~Dick Van Dyke m The Aintstones @Batman ED (i1J Mister Rogen' Nelehborhood 6?i) El Dios de Barro m Trails West al Galloping Gourmet 5:15 e!) Panorama Mundial 5:30 O The Bir Valley 00 The Rifleman Q (i) al News 0 Get Smart [Ql Assirnment Fri. m Dennis the Menace ' @ ® 6illl1111's Island ED (i1J The Electric Company m Don Wilson's Town Talk '1l)htbl1JS '72 MERCURY Station Wagon ' BRAND N~ 10 ~SENGER Air eondilioning, auto. trans., power 1teer:n9 & bra~as, lu9919e rt ck, tilt wheel, t inted glass, crou country ride package, radio w/ rear pulcers. Beautiful yellow r 5284 I 7. Orig. F1e t. Ust 15536.40, OUR PRICE $429~ WE LIKE PEOPLE ••• Were Gl.d to S..e YOU! THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, MARCH 19. 1972 GEORGE PEPPARD: 'ULTRA COOL' It may be fateful or it may be Ironic that the two most recant film projects of George Peppard flnd him c11t as an ultra· cool, shrewd and no-nonsense individual. Flrst, there Is "The Groundstar Con- spiracy," a Univenal motion picture which also stars Mich11I Slrr1zin and Christine Belford. In it, Peppard portrays • hard·bitten security chief who must piece together a massive plot and pursuit of espionaee •eents set to destroy an Amerle1n aerosp1ce project. His portray· al of Tuxan, the security chief, is almost inti-heroic, allowing no warmth or com- passion to appear In the facade pre· sented. · As Thomas B1n1cek, the central firure in his other new film project (a Univerul World Premiere airinr Monday at 9 PM on NBC) Peppard ls more overtly shrewd, for instead of belne able to draw on the powerlul, 1ilent resources of the federal rovemment, Banacek must rely chiefly on his own experienee, euile and his lndependna IS his resources and his allies. And, while Tuxan is almost cold-blooded In his dedication to accom· plishlng his 101ls, Banacek enjoys 1 bit of indulgence and enrichment of his crea - ture comforts. "Where Tuun is 1lmost ruthless or guileless, Banacek, because he lives and wor1's alone, opetatine as 1n indepen· !kt, does his tltlftg his •IY Fltltef -th111 NOW l·nstan·t Tax Refund Loan the way th1t will do the most food for the most people," SIJS Peppard. ''Tuxan is out to stabilize the security of Utt nation and, perhaps the world. Banacek is m1kln1 his llvinf, doine his thlnr for his livelihood. Since he enjoys the JOOd life, In 111 Its 1spects and with 1n ib implications, he takes 1 sllrhtly different look at good and evil." B1n1cek, says Peppard, shares one common view with Tua1n: Morality is a word and 1ctlons speak louder than words. "If either were confronted with strictly moral judements, both would act in the most expeditious way to resolve the im- mediate situation," he uyl. "Therefore, they're both men of 1ction in contempor- ary t11ms." Save -See U1 -Soon -Comp11t•rl1ed Taa S.rvlu WESTERN BUSINESS SERVICES INC. 563 W. 19th -COSTA MESA 642-0212 KEMM!R ttX-SERV1CE 1938 HARBOR -COSTA MESA 548-2404 A-1 TAX SERVICE 2100 HARBOR -COSTA MESA --545-1551 I•~ BAHICAMERICARO • . • '. MM f4i You may be able to get your tax refund im· mediately -loaned to you by Avco Thrift with· out intel"est charge for the first 45 days. Ask us about it. P1ge 5 JUNGLE MONKEY GETS BIG BREAK Mo"key, mo"key who's gol the monhy? Woll Ohney '•oductions, that's who. Over the yea~ a fo.,,orlte sublect of "umerous Disney fllml, botfoo TV and lheatricol ho' been-you g11eued 11- mo"keys. lost year the fantasy factory feotu,.d o chomp of o chimpanzee named llofflH In lh comedy spoof of TV'' roting sy•l•m, "Tht lorefoot Euc11tlYe." ,rlor to thal, Sto"ley-the-chlmp stole the movie in "Tht Monkey's Uncle,'' and Celute become the fastHt-horvestlng simian ever lo pick on olive In the frenJ. co11ntryslde In "Monkeys, Go Home!' The newHt Dh"•Y primate lo leave the lungle for a shot at stardom is Chango, o 1 S·po11nd spider monkey who start In "Chango, G11ordlon of lhe Mayon Treas11re," on onlmol-odvent11re dory which a irs on Tho Wonderful World of Disney, S11nday !Mar. 191 al 7:30 PM on NIC. Alonzo fuenlet stars as Romon, o Yucolon jungle boy who befriends a newborn spider monkey. Golden in color and only two years old, Chango hod lived a rather recl111ive Howard "4119hu-type treetop e•htence in the Yucatan jungle of Central Ameri- ca unlit 1971. It wa• then that o Dit ney film crew orrived seeking a ttor for Its anlmal adventure show. The call quickly echoed through the jungle that o ma\or "4ollywood studio wa\ holding open auditions and monkeys of all kinds were welcome to try oul. To make a short story shorter, Chango, an extroverted spider monkey, got the part. It meant giving up his wild jungle life for six long months of filming, but he gladly packed up his prehensile tall and kissed the loved onH goodbye. Chango apparently reasoned: there Is no time like the present lo start a career. ,rindpol photogrophy took place In Quintana Roo, one of two Mexican stales that occupy the Yucatan peninsula In Central Amerlco. Chan o obvl!!.!illl' ftlf"lf§1it a ome. n 1s inf diiYO shooting, he was c-;tt;d upon to crack open a sapodllla. The mfn11to tho fr11lt11 gooey j11ice hit the air It lumed into a substance like chewing gum. Noodleu to say, Chongo's face was soon cooled with the sticky stuff. His film co·star, a margay, took ii upon himself to help hit confused friend. With his coarse tongue, the margay proceeded to lick the \ubstan<e off Chango'' worried foco. II wasn't long, however, before the margay's lick' turned into rnild bites and Chango obr11plly concluded the scene by scoring off the cat Unknowingly, Chango had provided producer ltoy E. Di\ney with some prl~e onlmal footage thot was pure "method acting." Not one to gloat, (hongo merelv ipnored the adulation and climbed o tree When his role was over, Chango could have gone on lo Hollywood and more activity. But a glance al his tropical jungle paradise convinced him other~ wise. Smiling what looked like a non-~ommital thankful grin, Chango squeaked his best monkey-tonu, tugged on his prehensile tail ond twung oH into hi\ gretn·leofed tropical roin forest. He Oflpearod happy to be home. Page 6 THE DAILY PILOT. TV WEEI<. MARCH 19, 1972 SUNDAY MARCH 19 MORNING 6:15 m The Christophers 6:30 m The Bible Answers 6:45 ®The Christophers 7:00 O Tom and Jerry (j) Cathedral of Tomorrow lg) Woody Woodpecker m Unit ,One Q) Public Af11lrs/Social Security 7:30 O The Groovie Coolies O Mormon Tabernacle Choir @ Directions 0 Campus Pronle O Dr. Billy J. Hargis @) Deputy Dawg m Yori Bear and Friends Q) Sacred Heart/The Christophm 8:00 O (i) Limp Unto My Feet O The Christophers 0 Ru Humbard 00 Rul Estate Open House 0 Rip With Rabbi Mike 0 Herald of Truth @) Old Time Gospel Hour m Wonderam1 Q) Revival Fires 8:15 ffi The Tree House Club 8':30 6 look Up and Live O Serendipity 0 An&ie's Garage 0 Day ol Discovery m KATHRYN KUHLMAN * (IN COLOR) Q) Kathl}n Kuhlman 8:45 rn ~munlty Action 9;00 B Camera Three O International Zone O 01y of Discovery -0 Reluct1nt Dragon @ 0 Oral Roberts jg) It Is Written Q) Melodyland In Motion !I) Musiu y P1labru 9:30 i) Today's Religion 0 Station to Station 0 THE CHRISTADELPHIANS * "This Is Your Bible" 0 The Christldelphlans 00 Movie: "The Capture" (dra) '51 -Lew Ayres, Teresa Wright. 0 rn The Ooubledeckers @ Let There Be Light l9) Comment ID f1ith for Tod1y @Ji) flnl1rri1 fllcon ~ Movie: "Every Day's 1 Hofid1y" 11 :00 O Movie: (C) "The List Rebel" (wes) '60-Carlos Thompson, Ari · adne Weller. O Home Buyers' Guide 0 W Ci) aJ NBA Basketball ,lQ) Sin Diego H1ppenlng ID Movie: (C) "Hills of Home" (ad11) '48-Edmund Gwenn, Donald Crisp ID Church in the Home m P1ntalla Dominica! 11:30 O Movie; "Union Station" (mys) '50-William Holden, Barry Fitzger aid. (l_Q) Insight A f I l P N 0 0 ·~ 12:00 O 00 NHL Hockey Minnesota North Stars at Boston Bruins. 0 Z.ane Grey IQl Meet the Press Q) Intelligent Parent QCJI Uncle Waldo 12:30 0 119) m World Championship Tennis live coverage from McGaw Hall in Chicago, Ill. 0 Angels Warm-Up Q) Teenage T .Jhe--- ~9 Rodry and Friends 1:00 O Anrels Baseball Calif. Angels vs. Cleveland Indians at Palm Springs. O Movie (C) "Wind Across the Everglades" (dra) '58-Burl Ives. Christopher Plummer. m Ou1er Limits Q) News Nick Carter !I) Tribuna Public1 m Westerners 1:30 @ American s.>ortsman 0 @ tl) Directions Q) Voice ol Calvary -9 Burke's law 2:00 m Issues and Answers @ Movie; "Min or Beast" (dra) '60 -Golz George, Katharine Hbffman @ Hey Landlord m frente 1 11 Vid1 2:30 6 Face the Nation CI) University Dialogue 0 Inquiry 0 Sports Action Profile CBS Golf Classic 0 te.thl}n Kuhlman _ _ ~pod& IUAatl ... ID Old Time Go.sptl Hour !I) Elliu y Bui tl) Cine Mexicano 10:00 0 Ci) National Invitational Basket· ball First ·round NIT post-season col- lege game from Madison Square Garden, New Yori\ City. O Challenge My Sermon 0 Hour of Power 0 CI) Bullwinkle O Movie: "The Moon Is Down" (dra) '43--Sir Cedric Hardwicke, Lee J Cobb. O Viewpoint on Nutrition 10:30 O This Is the Life 0 Make I Wish Q) Sports Set m Estrellas Muslcalu m This Is the Life ~ l1cksonville Open Golf tl) Insight 3:00 i) Medix Dieting and the mainte· nance of weight loss will be dis· cussed. Cl) This Is the Bible 0 meomment 0 The HappJ Wanderers 0 Family Film Festival: "The Three Stooges In Orbit" Primus m chiller Q) Roller Derby 972 y" el" Ari- e" aid ys) er- ota ip aw m la fronter• al Bullwinkle 3:30 I) Movie: (C) ''Texas lady" (wes) '55 -Claudette Colbert, Barry Sul· livan. 00 Music Box D m Meet the Press (!) Dalrtari O The American Adventure "Snow Mobile" (j) face the Nation ®l Survival 3:45 U Aneels Wrap·Up 4:00 O lnsleht U Movie: "Real Glory" (adv) '39- Gary Cooper, David Niven. O @ American Sportsman Cl) Westminster Kennel Club Show tl2) It Takes a Thief (jj) Film Odyssey m Consultation "Aging" m Music Box Qj NHL Action ai) Panorama Latino al Rex Humbard 5:00 I) Family Classic-Ivanhoe "Con· demned" An attack is planned to free the imprisoned and condemned Saxons. 00 Movie: (C) "Rio Bravo'' (wes) ,. '59 -John Wayne, Dean Martin. O Movie: "The Tunnel of love" (rom) '58-Doris Day, Richard Wld· mark. Gia Scala, Gig Young. o News m Star Trek Ell) David Susskind Show m Toros 9 Racing World '1} P1ttern for Living 5:30 I) Animal World Bill Burrud enters the jungle to examine the life of a family of ocelots, the beautifol spot- ted cats of Central and South Ameri· ca, in their native habitat. THE DAILY PILOT. TV WEEK. MARCH 19. 1972 WILD RIDE -Elvis Presley, as a former frogman involved in hunting for sunken treasure, and his beatnik girl friend, played by Dodie Marshall, set off on a wild ride in his draggin·wagon, ii) "Easy Come, Easy Go" o·n The CBS Sunday Night Movie (March 19) at 7:30 PM. ® News Ray Wilson @)Movie: (C) "It Started With a ee~~~~?.a828e~~~~!!'.88288~~~~~?.ae8:8e~~ Kiss" (com) 'SS-Debbie Reynolds, Glenn Ford. ~ Will Street Week m Mantovani ~ Gilligan's Island '1) Nashville Music EV ENIN G r-~~ ..A;OQO 00 Si1ty-Mf1tutes---- Glenn Ford and Arthur Kennedy • ..attempt to hide from a band of Apaches as they search for the woman they both love, in "Day ---Of 'he-&il-Gun," -grtpptrrg- western-adventur"4t drama which air5 on The ABC Sutlday Night Movie, Sunday (March 19) at 9 PM. 4:30 D Sunday Tom Snyder hosts. 00 Tanan Theatre O (]) Championship Auto Racine Cl) Star Trek O PGA Golf Greater Jacksonville Open m festival of Classies: ''Of Human Hearts" (dra) '37-Walter Huston, James Stewart. Ell) Thirty Minutes ••• With m Portrait of a star ~ Safari to Adventure D m News U Movie: (C) (2hr) "Morgan the Pirate" (adv) '61-Steve Reeves, ¥ale1ie-lagfeng~ @ Voyage to Bottom of Sea 0 Wild Wild West m This Is Tom Jones 5 'The Advocates al Homenaje ~ M1ybeny RFD al!) Vlaje m .American Sporbmtn 6:30 0 Story Theatre 0 Local News m I S,WAt I local Emmy Awards Presentation of the Local Emmy Awards with hosts Dean Jones and Gail fisher. eI) la Banda de Huipangillo m Passport to Travel 9 Green Acres al Championship Auto Rtelng 6:45 Ell) David littleJohn/Critic 1t Large 7:00 I) Big News Clete Roberts g . Wild Kin&dom "Polar """"""'....,_ of Churchill" The polar bears in· hablting Canada's Churc~ill area have become a th reat to the civil· ized community and face possible destruction at the hands of man. 00 Hee Haw O Unidos "The Exceptional Child" @ Circus! O Death Valley Days (D Passport to Travel ti) Samurai Hikyaku Eil) (j})Zoom! eI) Super Show ~ Warriors Basketball (E) Sixth Sense (Continued) GOODYEAR POL YGLASS BLEMS. ALL SIZES, LOW PRICES. HI JACKERS $34.50 PAIR. BRIDGESTONE IACINGJIRES, RACIN(; Sl-1CKS A'ND INt>YS-. 1950 NEWPORT COSTA MESA 645-3554 BEFORE YOU LEASE INVESTIGATE! VIS11 THE ALI. NEW LEASE CENTER AT ORANGE COUNTY1S NO. 1 LINCOLN MERCURY DEALER. Ultra modern, streamlined methods now save you eJdr~_money-0ncL~i¥e-you-gMEJter mointitnance protection than ever before. WE LEASE All POPULAR MAKES 7 DAYS A WEEKI BRING US YOUR BEST OFFER BEFORE YOU DECIDEI SANTA ANA LINCOLN MERCURY 1301 N. TUSTIN AVE. SANTA ANA 547-9183 .. II,. ·11·1·1· I Ill/•' >••/II J;" ''"' "" Page 7 SUNDAY (Continued) CID Vuiedild 7:30 0 (j CBS Sundt1y Movie; (C) (Zhr) "usy Come, Easy Go" (mus) '67 -Elvis P1esley, Dodie Marshall Presley plays a Navy frogman who accidentally locates what he belle-Jes lo be a vast sunken treasure After he completes an assignment of im· mobiHzmg a derelict underwater mine and while waiting for his dis· charge from service. he makes plans for embarking on the treasure hunt. 0 I@ ID Walt Disney "Chango, Guardian of the Mayan Treasure'' An animal adventure drama of a unique friendship between a rare spider mon~ey of the Yucatan Penin. sula and an orphaned teenaged tourist. Ricardo Montalban narrates, fJ Eyewitness 8:00 O Million $ Movie: (2hr) "How Green Wu My Valley" (dra) '41 - Walter Pidgeon, Maureen O'Hara @ Three Pilssports to Adventure £E)@ The French Chef "Ham Transformatjon" ca Mantrap 0 ROLLER GAMES DIRECT * T-Birds vs Bklyn Devils O Roller Games 1-----&~Tire-tar·rfilljeto Nowhere" Two escaped convicts take over lhe home of Joan forreslal (Di· ana Muldaur) and her 10-year old son Grad)' (leeJiarcourt Montgom· ery1 until they can effect plans to enter Canada. m Movie Greats: (2hr) "Odd Man Out" (dra) '47-lames Mason, Rob· ert Newlon ID The Big Question EE J1panese Vuiety Hour m 'jj; firing line m Noche de Gt1la a;) Ptlnorama Musical 8:30 0 "O' ID Jimmy Stewart Show "By Way of lntroductton" Professor Howard causes a c11sis in his eldest son's home THE DAILY PILOT TV WEEK. MARCH 19, 197J respected by her sub1ects has a final fling-a questionable romance with the young opportunist Earl of Essex (Robin Ellis) 59 Lilssie CE Revim Espanol Nobel Prize·winning scientists dis cuss the possibilities of intelligent life in the universe; overpopulallon and pollution; and the scientist vs. the politician. 11 :00 f) '3) 0 0 ®\@ News O Rex Humbard 9:30 f) .§ Cade's County Pro football ~ Movie; ''Night In Paradise" (dra) star 0 J Simpson guests as Jeff '46 -Turhan Bey, Merle Oberon. Hughes a former convict turned art· D Movie: "Charge of the light Bri· 1st who gets involved 1n a crime gt1de" (adv) '36-Errol Flynn. syndicate's theft ol ma1or works of m Movie; "Repeat Performance" art In an attempt to crack the nog. (dra) 47 _ Louis Hayward. Joan Cade seeks the expert advice of Gail Leslie Hyland (Rosemary Forsyth) a Madri d (!) Kathryn Kuhlman University art professor and one of S 9:00 0 ~ m Bonanza ·•A Place to Hughes· instructors £E) The Forsyte aga Hide" Rose Beckett (Suzanne Plesh· 0 News Watch Larry Burrell ~ film: "A Touch of larceny" ette) is quite vague about why she ~Wild Kingdom 11:30 f) Name of the Game ''Nightmare" has returned lo visit the Ponderos a O "@Sunday Tonight Show until Ben learns that her husband 10:00 0 1Q: ID The Bold Onts. (R) 0 Movie: (C) "Beast of Morocto'' Cody (John Cypher) j s being sought ''Broken Melody'' Recording star Jen· (se1 Ii) '66-WilHam Sylvester. Diane as a ·supposed Confederate traitor nifer guests as a singer and she and Clare 0 (3: fO ca ABC Sunday Movie: a beltigereflt boy find a desperate ~ Telepulse (C) (2hr) ''Day of the Evil Gun" need for each other when their lives (!) Movie; "The four Days of Nap. (wes) '68--Glenn Ford, Arthur Ken . touch as a result of ~heir becoming les" (dra) '63-Jean Sorel, Lea Mas- nedy, Dean Jagger. John Anderson. patients at Craig Institute. sori Paul fix. Nico Minardos, Pilar Pelli· D m EE New; 12~45 '.jJ Issues and Answers cer. A former gunfighter who had 0 Community Feedback been run out of town by the sheriff ID Joe De Silva's Open Forum 1:00 0 Movie: "The Thina That Couldn't returns to his ranch after three years m Viejo Sinverguenza Die" (sci fi) '58 -Andra Martin, only to find that his wife and young ~ Boxing from the f orum Jeffrey Stone. daughters have been carried off by lO:lS ~Weeki Sports Digest 0 News Apache I ndlans. u.t Y 5 -&Miflority-Gommun • l-nn-£'1Mi:':er;;:ry:-u:i~sir:""TTt7.":ue:-T.n::-:e-r.:a-::-:n g~d~on;;;c .. T-'l""': 3""0'-@~M'-"o""v=-ie-: -,-,Sea-r-ch for D1nge1" EE Japanese Movie D Garner Ted Armstrong Show (mys) '49-John Calvert, M)'rna Dell. £E) (jj) Masterpice Theatre -Elizt1· (j) At Issue . O N b~h R "Sweet England's Pride" @ Weekend News Chuck Cecil 2:30 ews Elizabeth. old. ugly-and TIU longer Eillf~rsc.ence and Man A panel 0 2:50 m News DIVORCE: A F Acr~ OF LIFE Current statistics reveal that there are now two divorces for every four marriages in California. And in Los Ange~.s County the rate is three di- vorces for every four weddings. If nothing else, these figures show that divorce i5 a fact of life which must be faced as much as any other-particu: larly If either participant, willing or un- willing, is to live on with any form of happiness. Those who are confronted with this problem or are contemplating it will find some help when KNXT presents "Can You Survive Divorce?", an hour- long special about the aftermath of broken mar~ag~s. With KNXT ws-•---~-arro ac ado as reporter and narrator, the broadcast airs Monday at 9PM on KNXT Channel 2. In the special, Machado reports the findings of an exclusive ten-part sur- vey commissioned by KNXT and con- duct'3d by the Field Research Corpor- ation. It focuses on the experience of being divorced and the readjustment to being single. A point that is under- scored throughout the broadcast is that divorce shouldn't send the re- spective participants, including the children, if any, into shock. Help is available to make the transition to Page 8 singleness without everlasting trau- mas. The broadcast also notes that atti- tudes regarding divorce have chang- ed· considerably. At one time. a di- vorced person-particularly a woman -was out of the mainstream of so- ciety. Today, th at person fares much better. Appearing in "Can You Survive Di- vorce?" will be two superior court judges who have witnessed thousands of divorce cases; two psychiatrists who specialize in the emotional prob- lems of legal dissolution; attorneys; critics of divorce laws; a number of peoi;>l&-Whe have-been through di- vorce; and the chief of the largest con- ciliation court in Californa. At the conclusion of the KNXT Special, the station will offer a tree pamphlet pre- pared by the Los Angeles Conciliation Court for those with pre-marital, mar- ital and related legal problems. Questions in the Field Research Corporation survey deal with such matters as legal fees, was the court fair, do divorce laws favor men or women, and the like. Divorced per- sons comment freely on their experi- ences in a no-holds barred discussion. In the broadcast, Machado notes that Mario Machado serves as reporter and narrator of "Can You Survive Divorce?" there are ways of surviving divorce and maybe even of sailing through it in a jaunty style, arriving at a new life style a little better and stronger than before. 1971 dis· igent at1on I vs. dra) eron Bri· nee" Joan are" ~co" iane dn't rt in. er" ell. THE DAILY PILOT. TV WEEK, MARCH 19. 1972 MONDAY MARCH 20 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAYTIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. DAYTIME MOVIES 9;00 m (C) "Helt Below Zero" (dra) '54 -Alan Ladd. Stanley Baker. 9:30 O "It Hid to Hippen" (dra) '36- George Raft, Rosalind Russell. 10:00 (]) "Man From Bitter Ridge" (wes) '55-Lex Barker. Mara Corday. 12:00 O "Skyllner" (mys) '49-Rlchard Travi s, Pamela Blake "Sh1dow , ~=~;a~~ys) 'SJ-Cesar Romero. Kay In Los Angeles County alone, three out 1:00 O (C) "Apache Rifles" (wes) '65 -Audie Murphy, Michael Dante. of four marriages will end in divorce. m (C) "Jolson Sings Ag1ln'' (mus) 'SG-Larry Parks, Barbara Hale. Ch k 3:oo oo <c> "The c1ddy" <com> ·s3 -ances are you, or someone you now, Dean Martin. Jerry Lewis. ~cc> ''The Killing G•me" <dra> was or will be divorceathis year. What '68 -Jean Pierre Cassel, Claudine 4:00 ~~~) "The Ungu11ded Moment"4---#~ppens when a mar-tiage-is dissolved? ---t01&) ·51-..... fsther Wllfiams. John saxon. How bearable is life alone? 4 :30 (}) Same as 10 AM listing F V FNING KNXT Newsman Mario Machado 6:00 6 0 0 0 'News 0 Wild Wild West m The Flintstones @ I Orum of Junnie UiJ N£T Pl1yhouse Biography (R) EID Hodgepodge l odge mm CE News examines the consequences of broken marriages and helps separate fact from fiction in this timely ~NXT Special. ~ Mayberry RFD Ciii) El Amo 6:30 O Beat the Clock O Movie: (C) (90) ''The Glory Guys" Part I (com) '65-Tom Tryon, Harve Presnell. Michael Anderson Jr. (j) CBS News Walter Cronkite "'o The Mouse Factory m Andy Griflith Show IE) Ni nny and the Professor EID Joyce Chen Cooks m Treasure ~Green Acre~ (l;) El Prof. Sagitario (£) Victoria limes Show 7;006 @ 0 mNews ONYPO @ Truth or Consequences 00 Or1gnet 0 What's My Line? O Adam-12 m I Love Lucy ID I Dream of Jeannie EID History of Art EI) Puente de Amor Q:ct Film Ciii) Momentos Muslc1les/R1y Plsar- ro-Sea Nuestro lnvltado 7:30 O Stlnd Up and Cheer Guest Henry Mancini 1s featured m performances saluting four of his compositions. O Dr. Simon Locke "Max" (R) Dr (Continued) 9pmCBSS2. Sponsored t>y Bank ot America Page 9 Page 10 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. MARCH 19, 1972 ara To get results fast, try the Eyewitness News Team in the privacy of your own home at 4 :30, 6 or 11 p.m. If Eyewitness News, with secret ingredient FPN(D*, doesn't cure your what's-going-un- in-the-world blues, we'll gladly refund your average, everyday newscaster . *Friendly People News on 7. ;We~~h~~h~~hfo~~~ft~all~~;~~~nd~;~ I [] An autographed copy of Mrs. Schwartz's recipe for I chicken soup used in our famous l I Eyewitness News commercial. , _, I D A free autographed picture postcard ,,,,., ' ~.. of the Eyewitness News Team \ --photographed-on totatioh-in \ Mrs. Schwartz's kitcijen. l ·D One slightly used wire service ·1 report as usually read verbatim / by dull, dry newscasters but / rejected by Benti and Schubeck. \ Name \ \ I I • Address , ____ ,..._ I / City Zip LE~=~ss~=~K~B~~~~y_:~·~a~·~.:?'" /\ // ,, / ' / ' , __ / , __ ,,,,,,,,,,,, Joseph Benti/ John Schubeck/Alan Sloane /Stu Nahan/Ralph Story /Keith Jackson. Ey~~e!!!;l~~~ ~~}VS· 4:30, 6 & II pm /kabc-tv 2 MONDAY (Continued) 0 .CIJ@ a> ABC Mond1y Movie: Sellers. requires brain surgery and (C) (2hr) "Caper of the Golden the only person who can help him Bulls" (dra) '67 -Stephen Boyd, 1s a hippie, dropped·out neurosur· Yvette Mimieux, Giovanna Ralli. The geon. Max Rabinowitz. who is hav· story of bank robbers brought out of ing a bout with the bottle. retirement for the biggest and bold· O Movie: (C) (2hr) "The Thief of est heist of their careers. Bagdad" (fan) '61 -Steve Reeves, ® Here's Lucy (R) Kaye Ballard Georgia Moll. Thief in love with the guests. Sultan's daughter who has been O Movie: (C) (2hr) "Joan of Arc" 1>0isoned, sets out to ftnd a magical (dra) '50 -Ingrid Bergman, Jose blue rose that will restore her Ferre r. health. g) Do-Re·MI @ To Tell the Truth ~The Virfinian 00 I Dream of Jeannie a!) Natacha 0 Million $ Movie: (2hr) "Jigsaw" (!)The Persuaders (mys) '61 -Jack Warner. Ronald 9:30 0 Second Look Hosted by Steve Lewis. Yolande Donlan. Detectives Dunne. piece together the clues to a cold-@ Doris Day Show (R) blooded crime and begin a relentless 0 News Watch John Fullmer manhunt for a killer. m Bill Cosby Show @) l et's Mike 1 Dul EI) @ Book Beat m Hogan's Heroes g) la G1t1 - (i) Dragnet 10:00 0 Sonny and Cher Merv Griflin is (}j) In the Spotlight special guest. EI) Citywatchers 0 News George Putnam m Lassie Ci) Burt Bachlrach Special Dionne a!) Miguelito Valdez Show Wacwicke guests. a> Mantr1p 0 The G1me Game 8:00 IJ (j) Gunsmoke "Cleavus" (R) m N!ws Pete Miller Actor -director Robert Totten guests m Nevr1 Hugh Williams as Cleavus Lukens. a tired and weary @ Masterpiece Theatre-Elizabeth traveler who accidentally kills Uriah R Spessard and takes his gold and EI) film Odyu ey On mule. a!) Yo Soy Porteno 0 O m Row1n and Martin's 10:30 0 Your Turn to Talk 81ck Studio laugh·ln Jean Stapleton switches audience asks questions of news· from Archie Bunker's wile lo Qan men Putnam, Rshma11 and McCor· Rowan's wife. Other cameo guests mick. are Sandy Duncan, Jo Ann Pflug, 0 Candid Camera Joe Namath and Charles Nelson m S.fari to Adventure Reilly. al Atormentada O @ a) I sPfoAL I Jacques Qj Film: "Dirk Corner" Cousteau (R) "The Unsinkable Sea 11:00 IJ 00 al News Otter" Documentary depicting a 0 @) m News heartening saga of survival of the O Robert IL Oorn1n Show sea otter. Capt. Cousteau and the @ Marsh11 ·Dillon ' crew of the Calypso study the crea· O CV Ql News lures off the coasts of California O Movie: "Hold Back the Night" and Alaska where scattered remnants (dra) '56-John Payne, Mona Free· of them still five man. m Andy Griffith Show m Truth or Consequent" m The Virginian m fashions in Sewing ED 5 Speci1I of the Week ''What 11:10 m Movie: (C) ''The Man Who Oid You le~rn in School Today?" L.uihs" (adv) '66 -Jean Sorel. Cameras 111s1t classrooms through-Edmund Purdom out the United States and England ll:30 B (j) CBS late Movie: "Doctor to c~mpare various me~hods and You've Got to Be Kidding! (com) theories of current education. •67 s d 0 G H ·it al La Recofida -an ra ee. eorge am• o.n. a!) N' Romantc comedy about a young girl S:30 ' ' ino who is pushed Into show busines~ by m. "MERV'' T .t •th her mother. 10nt e WI 0 (19) m Johnny Carson Dom Oe· * Hollywood s Top Stars! Luise is substitute host. m The MeN Griffin Show 0 (})@ Cl) Dick Cavett F. lee 9:00 IJ I iPWAL I Can You Survive Bailey is guest·host. Divorce? An examination of the after· m To Tell the Truth math of broken mar.riages. with 12:00 0 Mo~e: "lQst Weekend" (dra) '45 KNXT Newsman Mano Ma~h~do -Ray Milland. Jane Wyman. as narrator a~d reporter: Gu .sting m Movie: "The Senator Was lndls· will be authorities on divorce and creet" (com) ,47_Ella Rains Wll· legal problems. . • O m NBC Mondiy Movie: (C) ~m Powell. Laurel & Hardy featur. (2hr) "Ban1cek" (dra) '71--Ceorge •· Peppard. Christine Belford. Compel· 1:00 (]) 0 0 Ci) ®J News Ing Investigators try to locate an 1:30 0 Movie: "Brimstone" (wes) '49- armored truck which seemingly van· Rod Cameron. Adrian Booth. ished into thin air with $1.6 million 3:00 6 Movie: "Joan of Paris" (dra) '42 in gold -Michele Morgan. Paul Henreid. THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, MARCH 19, 1972 NEW! GENERAL ''BIG ELECTRIC'S T'OP'' 20.8 Cu. Ft. No Frost Refrigerator Frener 30112" Wld• 66" Hip $35995 14VA~l.A OVIR 45 YUH OP SALES AND SIRVICI SAi.ES • SUlVICC , •• 40 1 MAIN STl'l!fl HUNTINGTON HACH 536·79151 9AUS ONLY ••. t••? WA1tN•1t HUNTINGTON HACH 842-9999 "Acting and I will always be together, I suppose. We may separate now and then but we'll never be divorced," said Helen Hayes. The renowned actress was speaking during a pause in rehearsals in New York for the new Hallmark Hall of Fame production of the Pu - litzer Prize-winning comedy, "Harvey," which will be color- ca'st on NBC, Wednesday (March 22) at 8:30 PM . just passing through. It helps you to keep learning, to find something new to bring to a part. Without cu riosity, an actor would stagnate." Miss Hayes said her en · thusiasm never flags but ad- mitted she sometimes has second thoughts while wait· ing in the wings for a cue. She said: "When I'm not performing, I feel as though I don't wa nt to go through it all again -the learning of lines, the rehearsals, the hustle and bustle -in short, the plain hard work. That 's what acting really is, you know. Ha rd work. "I say to myself, 'That's it. It's finally over.' But then . .. I don't know ... the min- In "Harvey," Miss Hay~s ute I have a· new assignment m lhe exacting roe -rfie---nilnute I turn the first of Veta, the distracted and page of a new script, my en · often distraught sister of El -thusiasm always seems to be wood P. Dowd (Jimmy St ew-there sharpening my interest. art). Despair, gentleness, ela-pushing me on, making me tion and shock are among the turn to the next page. It's as emotions experienced by Veta thou·gh I've never stopped. I as she goes through one crisis can feel the excitement of act· after another (including in-ing and I am recharge9. '' Miss Hayes , 71, said sh·e has no thoughts of halting an award-w inning acting career which has lasted 65 years, al- though she indicated she would avoid commitments to long-running stage produc- tions. carceration in a san itarium she had chosen for Elwood) because of her brother's de· votion to an invisible rabbit. During the rehearsals and taping of the 90-minute spe· cial Miss Hayes, who ha s been acclaimed as "The First Lady of the American The- ater," displayed dedication which was the talk of the younger cast members. * * * "The Battleship Potem· kin," Sergei Ei senstein's clas· sic film re-creating an actual occurrence during the abor· tive Russia n Revolution in 1905, wi ll be televised uncut 3nd without commercial inter· ruptions on "Film Odyssey,'' Friday, March 24 at 8:30 PM on KCET. Channel 28. Discussing her attitude to-Regarded by historians as ward her profession, Miss "the greatest film of all ayes-said: • 'Hhiflk t-her~,.--t;;.;..i m .... e." the movie focuses QO.__ two things which have kept the revolt of sailors aboard . the Potemkin as it was an-me going as an actress all chored in Odessa's harbor. these years-inquisitiveness The film contains one of the and enthusiasm. To start with, 1 love acting, actors and most famous scenes in ci ne· the theatre. Without that, eve· ma annals-the massacre of d thousands of men, women rything else woul be mean· and children in revolt on the ingless. great steps of Odessa. Al "Second, I've always been though the massacre itself curious about people and never happened in reality- events. No matter how long it was an invention of Eisen· you are in the theatre, this stein's-it is done so dramat· curiosity stays with you . It's ically an9 so vividly that few the mark of a genuine actor people now realize that it was as against someone who is an imaginary event. THE DAILY PILOT. TV WEEK. MARCH 19. 1972 CHANGE FOR. TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES Tn1th or Comequences is in for a most notable change-and it's time, acc'Ordin~ to Ed Bailey. the show\ producer. Tiu.· big change... iii it\ KTI\" lime.s lot where it's now seen .11 11 P'.\I night ly, .l move that change!> the audience somewhat. hut cerl:iinl~· not the fun to he d<'riv<•d. For the p.1l.t 30 ) e.irs, Trnt h or Con,equent·e:-. ha-; been in a t;!ale or l>Ubtle ffu'< in\'oh-ing the ~hllllS thal the able personnel in thf Ralph Edw.irds Productiom oq~ani1.<1tion h.\\'e crea ted over the yeari.. "\Ve feel that \\'C have <.:hanged along with the world," obst>rved Bailey, "ho ha\ guided the show !.ince it-; video debut 15 years ago. "\\'e try to make the gag!. current. No longer do we have :1 con- testant ch<'w c:raL"kers :m<l try lo "hhtle just for laugh~. 11or do we tJ1row a pie into someone\ foce u la ~fock Sennett." Now when n pie is tossed into a person\ countenance. tht:re's an updated reason for it, rnch as a woman's lib respome to ~ome male chauvinist ~t imulm. IT'S ABOUT Tl M £-Truth or Con,vequc•11c£•s lwM Bob Ba rker ,\ifs witli the sl1ou;'s producer, Ed Bnifr•y, a-'> tll<'!J d~~cus\ tlicir 1ww \/w1c tinw, 11 PM 11ightly oi:rr Chnunel 11 . Producer Bailey agrees only partiall\' with Shakespeare who s;1i<l that there wNc only ~even basic plots. "We've taken those seven in to countless plo) s. The look, feel, and even the essence are completely different. l believe over the }'ea" that "e\•e c-reated at least seven more basic: plots." There are four plot planners 011 the Truth or Consequences staff. I lend "ri~r.J.ern· Pa\'!le has 12feu with tbt .sho.~..Ye.aJ"S~.l:><u'ru:_ and hi' crew (Bobby Lauher, flemie Smith and M\lt Larson) meet two days a week to dis<:uss their ideao;. 111 the next-to-the final analy- <;js, Ed Bailey and host Bob Barker d ismiss. accept or modify the st1111l\. Ralph Ech~·;1rds nlmmt a lways nodo; hi~ npproval of their dr<'ision~. Says Barker. "Frum working wit h ::iudienC'e participation as long :1s I have, I kn ow what will go. Also. I never sel<'<'l a .'>lunt in which 1 pNsona lly wou lcl n 't part ieipate." Barker·:-. reject ion criterin are C'mbarra~!>ment and physical discomfort ton suhjed. The freshnc~'· t·rcativity and the n:~ull<inl p;ood fun on Truth or Co11seque11CC\ ha\ e hC'l'I\ ton~tant s in the world or entertainment l·hangc•. That Truth or Consequcnc('~ i\ the number two show in the nation..illy symlic.1te<l field (a11other Edward<; show, This Is Your Life. i~ 1111mlw1 011r) prm·c·s that Edwards/ Bailey/ Barker and P,lyne philmophy or l>lH\ in)! With the Current trend~. Splat! Dunk! L.n1s.th11•1 TUESDAY MARCt1 21 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAYTIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 m "The Ex-Mrs. Bradford" (mys) '36-William Powell, Jean Arthur. 9:30 O "Six Bridges to Cross" (dra) '55 -Tony Curtis, Julie Adams. 10:00 (])''little Eopt'' (dra) '51 - Rhonda Fleming, Mark Stevens. . 12:00 U "leave It to the Marines" (com) '51-Sld Mellon. Mara Lynn. "The Great Jesse James Raid" (dra) '46 -Willard Parker, Barbara Peyton. 1:00 D (C) "Mysterious Island" (sci·fi) '61-Mlchael Craig, Michael Callan. m "The last Angry Min" (dra) '59 -Paul Muni, David Wayne. 3:00 Ci) "On the Buch" Part I (dra) '59 -Gregory Peck, Ava Gardner. fioi "Rem1ins to Be Seen" (dra) ·53 -Jurff"' AttysOll, Van Johnson. 4:00 B ''Carrie" (dra) '52 -Laurence Olivier, Jennifer Jones. 4:30 (]) Same as 10 AM llstJng lVfN I N t: 6:00 B (I) 0 0 News Q Llkers Basketball L.A. Lakers vs. Bulls of Chicago 0 @ Wild Wild Wut @)NBC News m The Aintstones mJ I Dream of Jeannie ~Zoom! Eil) Hodgepodge Lodre eI) Noticiero 34 m Desert Report ~ M1ybeny RFD al) El Amo G} News Jim Hawthorne 6:30 O Movie: (C) (60) "The Glory Guys" Concl (com) '65-Tom Tryon, Harve Presnell, Michael Apderson Jr.. Senta Berger. A professlonal soldier is forced to follow the orders of his commanding officer when he sends his untrained men into battle against lhe Sloull. Indians. (j) CBS News Walter Cronkite Q0J National Geographic m Andy Griffith Show mJ Nanny and the Professor Eil) (@ Schools Without failure mrrusure ~ Green Acres al) Quien Cant• Esu Cancfon? m V"ictori1 James •w 7:00 B CBS News Waller Cronkite C1) ABC News Smith, Reasoner 0 m NBC News John Chancellor 00 Truth Of' Consequences (() Dra2net YOUR INVITATION TO -GRACIOUS-1.IYING l.AYVllW MANOR -Residentl"I c•re center for the •dive rotired IEAUTIFULL Y APPOINTED SUITES .. aut:fully appohtted 111ftft with b•konies, and priv•te or semi- priv•te room\ fe .. ture d i~tinctive color-coorcl ina+ecl carpeh end in- t-----1•_,..,Jor clec°""' iv.,y roOflrftff e-prfY'.+.-lnifr~Mpl.-+. wttfi t11b or •hower, ALL MEALS AND SNACKS .411 meal• encl sn.,cks are nu tritiously prep.tred and oHracively served by our o ped diet.try st.ff. Special diots for those who re- quire !~em end fr11y ser ... ice lo !he room 1s provided when 1he rHi- clent is ur.able to come to the dining room. SERVICES Centr.tliied heoting and 4ir con- ditioning; Beauty, Buber Shop: Patio and ..-,,,-.. -""-,..,------....,i.~i-. _. b I · P I I ........ ,.. '· 'y' •conies; erson• •undry room; Intercom : 'C:--==l'/I music: Doctors on cell; Atltndanh 24-hrs.; //Ji 3A~~·B~?·~~o~:~ 1 -:~ ?r i ~~ ' Pace 14 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. MARCH 19, 1972 O Whit's My line? 9:30 B Cannon CR) Kim Hunter m I Love lucy guests as the widow of Frank Can· mJ I Dream of Jeannie non's good friend Who is kllled (j]) The Course of Our Times while investigating a missing per-, Eil) Hathayoga sons case. m Puente de Amor 0 m James Gamer as Nichols ~9) NCAA Basketball Championship (R) Leaving the Army to seek his for Hilites tune. Nichols is hoodwinked into be 7:30 B @ Glen Campbell Glen's par· coming sheriff of an Alizona town ents. Mr and Mrs. Wes Campbell 0 News Watch John Fullmer ID Bill Cosby Show of Delight, Ark .• join their son and (i5l Black Journal guests Dom Deluise, Jerry Reed and l:T.I Th f ....t S w e o .• ,.e 1ga Anne Murray. CT.\ La Git.I 0 0 m I SPECIAL I Miss Pickerell ~ Fran Allison stars in a fanciful com· lO:OO U0 N'3'ew~6G~gMe Putnawm lb d b · h 1~11.uJ \OLI arcus e y, MJ>. e y a out an ec~entnc woman ~ o (R) "A p rtrait f D bbl .. D w lb travels to Mars, 11des in a submanne 0 . 0 . e e , r. e Y and goes underwater in a ,,Iver's ~aces a puz~ling diagnostic problem •t in a young girl who Is newly adopted. 0 '@ Ci) W The Mod Squad (R) Patricia Crowley and George Qrlzzard "The Loser" The squad tries to ~sTth. G G k d k.11 h' d b h" . u e 1me 1me trac own a I er ire y IS In· m N p t M'll K Jone• tended victim. ews e e 1 er, en • (j) I Dream of Jeannie ID New~ Hugh Willlams O Million $ Movie: (2hr) ''The (i5l Spe~ial of th~ Week (R) D.I.'' (dra) ·57 -Jack Webb. Don . al) festival Mexicano Dubbins. Marine dnll instructor turns l0.30 fJ @) The G~lddlggers Guest host· his platoon into a group of tough ess Ruth Bum portrays a mean ht fighting men. tie orphan .. m Hogan's Heroes 0 Monty Nash Where Have All the OJ Dragnet Ch1ldr~n . Gone" Nash searches for @ The forsyte Saga "Dinner at 23 m1ss1ng youth~. whose parents Swllhins" wor_k on a cfass1f1ed government Em Doin' It pro1ect. al) Consejero Corazon U Your Turn to Talk Back 00 At Issue 8:00 00 Rollin' on the River m Andy Griffith Sflow mJ The Virginian Eii) Current Events m la Cosa Juzlda a!) Nino 0 Candid Camera mJ Safari to Adventure Eil) Behind the Lines m Call of the West ~ Roller Games 11 :00 B 0 ® o ftHD News U One Step Beyond 8:15 U Lakers Wrap·Up (j) Marshal Diiion r.n 0 (3) al News 8:30 fJ l O I Hawaii five-0 (R) Vic Mor· D Movie; "The eea/1" (d(a) '48-row guests as an Island tourist who is mugged and hospitalized. yet ob· Pedro Armendariz, Maria Marques ject t>f suspicion. m Trut~ or ~nseq~ences . 0 0 I SPlCIAl I wow Ken Berry m Fashions tn Sewing Lucille Rivers hosts a spoof of movie musicals of Em Boo~ Bea.~ , the Thirties and Forties, plus enter· ~l:lO ID Mo~e: Monkey :In Winter' tainment by Bob Hope, Carol Bur-(com) 64 -Jean Gabin. Jean Paul nett. Sonny Bono, Phyllis Diller, Andy Belmondo. Griffith, Peter Lawford. Jim Nabors 11:30 B (j) CBS Lite Movie: (C) "Ken- and Forrest Tucker nef'' (dra) '69-Jim Brown, Madlyn U Movie: (C) (90) ''Thief of Bag-Rhue, Robert Coote. Ricky Cordell did" (fan) '61 -Steve Reeves, An American seafarer comes t~ Bom Georgia Moll. Thief sets out to find bay on a errand of vengeance magical blue rose that will restore 0 ~et\ Johnny Car~ Lily Tom the health of his love the Sultan's hn and The Ace Trucking Company daughter ' guest 0 a) (!j G} Movleof the Week: ~ Mo~fe: "TOEiCfilflil wn ra (C) (90) "Congratulations, It's a 46-0hvla de Havilland, John. Lund. Boy" (com) '71-Bill Bill.by, Diane 0 @ Cl) G} Dick Cavett Diahann Baker, Jack Albertson. Ann Solhern, Caroll guest-hosts. Darrell Larson. Youthful swinging m To Tell the Truth bachelor suddenly discovers he is the 12:00 m Movie: (C) ''Royal Wedding" father of a teenager. (rom) '51-Fred Astaire. Jane Powell. m Hollywood's Greatest 1:00 (3) 0 0 00 llQ) News * on "MER.V" tonite 8:30 1:30 fJ Movie: "Colonel Ettingham's m Merv Gn(lln Show R1id'' (com '46 -Charles Coburn. Eil) (ij) The Advocates ''Should Bus· Joan Bennett. sing Be Banned?'' . m The Dirk Side 2:00 m All ·N1ght Sholf: "Dan2erous Pro· ,..... Mon ... Nash fession," (C) "Oper1tion Atlantis," ~ '' (C) "At Sword's Point" 9:00 a> L1 Criada Bien Cri1da ~ The Virginian al) Hitachi 2:30 B Movie: "Sinb1d the Sailor'' (adv) '47-0ouglas Fairbanks Jf Maureen O'Hara. 1972 unter Can· killed per- 'chols s for· o be· wn MJ). elby blem pt ed. zzard Jones host· n lit II the for rents ment 8- es. ivers ter" Paul Ken· dlyn del l. om· om· any Jimmy Strwart and Htltn Hayrs RE-CREATING 'HARVEY' After Stewart completed hi~ soliloquy, the silence continued in the )tudio. It was broken by the voice.: o f director Fielder Cook, boom- ed from a control room in rhe upper reaches of the studio. Cook ~lowly uttered rhree words: "Beautiful ... ju~t beautiful." Stewart has a s pecial fondness for the role, which he first enacted in the original Broad- way production of the comedy in 1947. The Academ y Award-winning actor said: "This js my favorite play. It 's a beautiful play and perfectly constructed. All of the characters arc fi nely etched. The 4'act that the play can stand up for nearly 30 years,. is quire amazing.'' Stewart also starred in the motion picture version of "Harvey'' and in its 1970 revival on Broadway (in whic h he co-starred with Miss Hayes). One of the props Stewart uses in the television special i) a battered brown • fedora. It has holes in its crown; the brim is worn and rhe lttown <;ilk band is frayed. But for Stewan, hi!> portrayal of Elwood P. Dowd would not be complete without this hat. He said: "I've worn it in every production of ·Harvey' I've ever been in. My father eave it 10 me when he was 80 vears old. I've had it for more than 40 years.'" Miss H a)e ha'> the role of Dowd's sister, Veta, the di~traught lady whose decision to deposit her brother in a sanitarium leads to "Quiet, please. Everybody quiet!" The confusion and complications. Despite the stage manager's command was softened by a days of rehearsals and rhe exacting T V tap- Scottish burr. Onlookers stopped cha~tering ing routine. Miss Hayes said portraying Veta abour the bitter cold and drifting s now out-was a lark. The energetic 71-year-old actress, side lliccavernous sfodio foc ated on the out--who-has been performing since she was 6, skirts of Toronto, Canada. They turned their said: .. One of the things which has kept me eyes to center stage. going as an actress all these years is inquisi- The cameras were about to focus on a liveness. I've always been curious about peo- portion of the second act of the new Hall-pie and events. No matter how long you are mark Hall of Fame production of "Harvey," in the theatre, this curiosit y stays with you. starring Jimmy Stewart and Helen Hayes. It helps you to keep learning, to find some- The Pulitz.cr Prize-winning comedy by Mary thing ncw,w bring to a part. Without curios- Chase. which also star~ Arlene Francis, Mar-iry, a n actor would stagnate." tin Gabel, Fred Gwynne, John McGiver. Altogether. five of the cast members for Jesse White and Richard Mulligan, will be the Hallmark Hall of Fame spei;ial have colorcac;t on NBC, W ednesday ar-8:30 PM . appeared in stage presentations of "Harv- in it, StewMt is recreating his acclaimed role e} "-Jes'e White, Marian Hailey and Doro- of Elwood P. Dowd, a gentle man whose thy Blackburn, in addition to Stewart and close friend is an invisible ~ix-foot rabbit ~fo.s Hayes. ..__...,,.,,_~..nairne4"-IUA1ay -------W~itr<• •ted -thrTOtc '{)f thrsamtarfum ng" ell. m's urn. Pro- fs," lor" Jr . As lbe. noise subsided at the Toronto attendant, Wilson, in 1944, when the play studio, the floor manager pointed to actress (headlining the late Frank Fay) opened on Madeline Kahn and fli cked his hand. Miss Broadway. Marian Hailey, who plays Veta's Kahn, crisp-looking in the white uniform flighty daughter Myrtle Mae, and Dorothy appropriate to her portrayal of Nurse Kelly. Blackburn, the dowager-type Mrs. Chauv- faced Stewart, wearing a comfortable tweed enet. appeared wirh White in a recent na- jackct. She said: ''Mr. Dowd ... tell me, tional lour of the show. Miss Blackburn also what is it you do?" And in one of the most appeared in the 1970 revival.) White was in moving portrayals of hi~ distinguished career, the origi nal New York production for its full Stewart repl ictl, in part: four-year run. He said he has appeared as "H arvey and I ~i t in the bars and we have Wi\<;on for more than 2,000 performances. a drink or two and play the juke box. Soon, White was with Stewart in the movie version the faces of the other people turn toward and with Stewart and Miss Hayes in the mine and smile. They arc saying, ·w e don't 1970 stage revival. know your name, MiMer, but you're a lovely He said: "I still remember how J got the fell ow.' Harvey and I warm ourselve~ in all part. J walked inlo the office of producer rhese golden moments. We have e ntered as Brock Pemberton. There he was with Mary 'ilrangcrs-o;oon we have friends." Chase. The minute I opened the door, with THE DAILY PILOT. TV WEEK. MARCH 19, 1972 my cigar in o ne hand, she aid, 'That's him! That's Wilson!' IL was that simple." White sajd be is respons ible for the men- tion of Akron, Ohio (his home rown) in the play. ··in the original script, Or. Chumley, the head of the sanitarium, says he wants to spend two weeks with a pretty young girl in a grove of maple trees outside of Cleveland. I asked Mary Chase to change the locale to Akron. She di<l." In one scene Stewart places a painting of Dowd and friend Harvey on the mantlepicce. This was painted by Don Lamb and was used in the 1970 Broadway ruo of the play. It is the one major prop which was not de- vised or assembled especially for the tele- cast by art director Ben Edwards. Edwards said he devoted seven weeks to preparing the three major sets used for the colorcast. For the largest set-the living room and hall of Oowd's house-Edwards managed to salvage pieces from a mansion that was be- ing wrecked in To ronto. These included parts of a winding stairea e, a manllepiece, a fireplace bordered with square pieces of colored tiles, large wooden doors and stained- glass windows. Said Edwards: "The house was built in the early I 800's and had some beautiful !ouches oC the Victorian perioq." The seven weeks of work-fastNoning a • room from material he found or rented as well as from that which he constructed- was in the eye of the camera for little more than half a day. Then it was dismantled. Edwards was philosophical about the short span. He said: "I'm used to this. When the direc(9r and the actors are finished with a set, I'm finished with it. It's over. Then ic's time to look for the next ch allenge." Strwart and Madtllnt Kahn Page 15 WEDNESDAY MARCH 22 For morning and aft~rnoon listings, please see DAYTIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 m ''The October Man" (mys) '47- John Mills, Joan Greenwood. 9:30 O "Apartment for Pego" (com) '48-Wllliam Holden, Jeanne Crain. 10:00 "Has Anybody Seen My Cal" (mus) '52-Piper Laurie. 12:00 O "Basketball Ax'' (dra) '51 - John Ireland, Vanessa Brown "stolen Face" (dra) '52 -Paul Henreid, Lizabeth Scott. 1 :00 0 ''The Haunting" (dra) '63-Julie Harris, Claire Bloom. m "Captain Fury" (adv} '39 - Victor McLaglen, Paul Lukas. 3:00 @ "On the Beach" Concl. (dra) '59 -Gregory Peck, Ava Gardner. t1:QJ "Cry Havoc" (dra) '44 -Joan Blondell, Ann Sother.n. 4:00 O (C) "Danger Has Two faces" (adv) '66 -Robert Lansing, Dana Wynter. 4:30 @ Same u 10 1'M listing EVENING 6:00 0 (1) Q 0 @) News 0 @ Wild Wild West m The Flintstones ID I Dream of Jeannie rjjJ Zoom! EID Hodgepodge lodge al m (!)News ®J Mayberry RFD ail El Amo 6:30 O Beat the Clock O Movie: (C) (90) "Dr. Who and the Daleks'' (sci·fi) '66 -Peter Cushing, Roy Castle. Cl) News @) Movie: (C) (2hr) "Oe1dlock" (dra) '69 -Leslie Nielsen. Harl Rhodes. m Andy Griffith Show ID Nanny and the Professor @ Firing line an DEBUT Great Decisions A new nine part series featuring discussion and debate of major nalianal issues. m Treasure @ Green Acres ail Aficionados de la Comunidad (!) Victoria James Show 7:00 fJ CI) 0 m News U NYPD @ Truth or Consequences @ Dragnet O What's My line? m I love Lucy m I Dream of Jeannie ml History of Art THE DAILY PILOT. Tl/ WEEK, MARCH 19, 1972 al Puente de Amor 9 film: "No Man of Her Own" 7:30 O Doctor in the House ''Settling In" A damsel In distress at a student party causes Michael Upton to take action. O The Mouse Factory Comedians Skiles and Henderson take a zany look at sounds and music. O Movie: (C) (90) '1hief of Bag- dad" (fan) '61-Steve Reeves, Geor· gia Moll. 00 To Tell the Truth (j) I Dream of Jeannie O Million $ Movie: (2hr) "Hanni· bal" (dra) '60-Victor Mature, Rita Gam. Milly Vitale. m Ho1an's Heroes ID (1) Dr11net (jj) Teletemas: A Progress Report @) The French Chtf m It Is Written (!)Mantrap 8:00 fJ Carol Burnett Academy Award nominee Karen Black makes her television singing debut as she sings and dances in a production number wtfh Miss Burnett and Vicki Lawrence 0 m Adam • 12 "The Grand· mother" (R) Officers Malloy and Reed answer armed robbery calls, engage in a wild chase of criminals and arrest a dope peddler. 0 (]) @ ffi The Courtship of Eddie's Father "My Son, the Artist" (R) Tom Corbett's art class advances him to live models and Eddie fol· lows suit. 8:30 m Andy Griffith Show m The Virginian fij) (jj) A Public Affair/Election 72 al l ucha Libre ClI'i) Nino 0 ALL NEW PRODUCTION * HAPPY, HILARIOUS HARVEY Hallmark Hall of Fame 0 0 m I SPWAl I Harvey Jimmy Stewart and Helen Hayes star in this adaptation of the Pulitzer Prize· winning comedy by Mary Chase. Ar· lene Francis, Martin Gabel, Fred Gwynne. John MtGiver, Richard Mui· liaan and Jesse White iuest·star. El· wood P. Dowd (Stewart) takes his friend Harvey, a six.foot lnvlslble, white rabbit with him wherever he goes, much to the chagrin of his sister (Miss Hayes). who tries to have him committed. 0 (])@ ffi ABC Comedy Hour "The Kopykats" Debbie Reynolds is special guest and displays her skill as an impressionist. She imitates Betty Hulon. Mae West, Bette Davis. Barbra Streisand and Zsa Zsa Gabor. m "MERV" Tonite with * Hollywood's Top St ars m Merv Griffin Show an (ij) This Week 9:00 8 Ci) Medical Center (R) Popular singer Steve Lawrence plays a driv. ing youne doctor whD neglects his hospital routine. SKl l ES AND HENDERSON: UNIQUE SOUNDS Comedians Skiles and Henderson host a zany presentation of unique sounds and music on WaJt pisney's comedy series The Mouse Factor:y, on NBC, Wednesday at 7 :30 PM. As hosts of the program, Bill Skiles and P ete H enderson romp with Disney characters a nd animations in a series of sketches. They appear as a W .C. Fieldish honeybee and a Van Clibum- smooth Peter Pan; a frenzied conductor and frene tic musician who musicall y in- terpret doodles and destroy an apartment in the process; dancing ::ind pie throwing Keystone Kops; and as a Sousa-style two- ma n ba nd. One of the animation sequences will provide a trip down memory lane for the:...._....;...-----· young afnearl. nc uaed will1>e a vintage, circa 1929, Mickey Mouse cartoon featur- ing Mic key Mouse singing "Yoohoo" to Minnie. Doing the voice of Mickey js none other than Walt Disney! Skiles and Henderson are the first comedy team to be featured on the program, which was writ- ten as a showcase for their inventive multi- faceted talent. They are masters of im- provisational pantomime, voice ch aracter- izations, and vocally-produced sound ef- fects, which range from the sound ?f a busy street at rush hour to an a nima l fi lled forest. . Both comedians 3 11! expert musicians: Page 16 . * Wackily illustrating sound effects are zany comedy duo Skiles and Henderson. Skiles on the drums, vibes, pia no, and Glen Campbell Show. "concert tire pump,'' and Henderson on They appear at the fop clubs through- the piano, bass, violin, saxophone, and out the United States, including the Fla- guitar. These hilarious funnymen have mingo, Sands, and Landmark in Las been regulars on the Golddiggers Summer Vegas, Harrah's in Lake Ta hoe and Reno, Show a nd have been guests on the leading and the Cocoanut Grove in Los Angeles, TV variety shows including The T onight and have toured exte nsively with Laugh· Show, The Dean Martin Show, and The In's Rowan and M artin. 972 '72 vis, or. lar riv. his s 0 JAMES STEWART AND * HELEN HAYES star in a Rib-Tickling Comedy! 0 Biiiy Grah1m Crusade THURSDAY al) (jj) I s,eetlL I The Shafer Re-MARCH 23 port: Whit To Do About Mariju1n1 • . . Reported by the National Commis· For morning and afternoon listings, slon on Marijuana and Drug Abuse, please see DAYTIME P~OGRAMS. on its year·long study on the med· Below, for your convenience, are lcal. sociological, and legal aspects the day's movies. surrounding the use of marijuana. DAYTIME MOVIES ~ The Virginian CD Natacha 9:30 0 (])(!)Cl) The Persu1ders (R) 9:00 m (C) "The Petty Girl" (rom) '50 "Greensleeves" Brett Sinclair must • -R?,bert Cummings, J~an Cau~field . impersonate himself to solve the 9J O m It Grows on Trees (com) 52- mystery of his old family mansion . lren~. Dunne, Dean Jag~.er. , coming to life without his knowledge. lO.OO (j) Bedtime for B~nzo (com) 51 O News Watch John Fullmer -Ronald Reagan, Diana Lynn. OJ Bill Cosby Show 12:00 0 "Tough Assignment" (adv) '49 a> La Gita ~Oon ~arry. ''Terror Street" (mys) 10:00 0 00 Mannix (R) Rosemal'Y For· 54-;:-D~n . Duryea. ., syth plays wealthy Leslie Fielding, l:OO 0 Mtssa.on Ba~n~u (adv) '68 the victim of a blackmail plot from -Vera Miles, D. nn1s Weaver. an unexpected quarter. m "Th.e Beat Gener1tion" (dra) '59 0 <i9J m Night Gallery (R) Desi -Mamie Van Doren, Sieve Cochran. Arnaz Jr,, E.G. Marshall, Imogene 3:00 "The Ride B1ek" (wes) '57- Coca, Vincent Price and Victor Anthony Quinn, William Conrad. Buono guest in three Gallery stories. :1Ql "forbidden'• (dra) '54 -Tony 0 m OJ News Curtis, Joanne Dru. 0 The Game Game 4:00 0 (C) "Bundle of Joy" (com) '56 (il) Soul! -Eddie Fisher, Debbie Reynolds. EID Masterpiece Theatre "Elizabeth 4:30 m Same as lOAM listing R'' (R) a!) Matrimonio a 11 Fr1ncesa 10:30 ffi The Golddiggers O Your Turn to Talk Back @ Doctor In the House 0 This Is Your life Surprised guest ls June Allyson. fJ Candid Camer1 OJ S1fari to Adventure m fltormentada ~ Film: "D1rt City" al 42 Plus -i1 :001J O @ ®mm"~' 0 One Step Beyond @ Marshal Dillon U @ tl)News fJ Movie: "Duel of Ch1mpions" (adv) '62-Alan Ladd. m Truth or Consequences I!) Fashions in Sewing Lucille Rivers ~ The Course of Our Times 11:10 OJ Movie: "C.uh on Delivery" (com) '56 -Shelley Winters, John Gregson. 11:15 m Festival Filmico 11:30 O @ CBS Late Movie: "like the High Ground" (dra) '53-Rlchard Widmark._Karl Malden. 0 ®) m Johnny Carson Goldie Hawn guests. O Movie: '1wo Women" (dra) '61 -Sophia Loren, Jean·Paul Selmon· do. 0 (i)@G} Dick Cavett Diahann Carroll guest-hosts. m To Tell the Truth 12:00 m Movie: '1eenage Zombies" (hor) '56-Don Sullivan, Steve Conte. 1:00 00 0 0 ® (iQ) News 1:30 f) Movie: (C) "Naked in the Sun" (wes) '57-James Craig, Lita Milan. 2:00 m All.Night Show: "Cry in ttle Night," "Bick to B1t1111" and "Oper1tlon W1rh11d" 3:00 O Movie: ''Tender Comrlde" (dra) '42-Ginger Rogers, Robert Ryan. EVEN I NG &:oof)mNews O ®l m News O ®tll·News 0 00 Wild Wild West m The Flintstones OJ I Drum ol Jeannie CW The French Chef ED Ho~g~pcdge 1odge ~ M1yberry RFD ~El Amo 6:30 O Beat the Clo~k 0 Movie: (C) (90) "Mr. Jericho" (com) '69-Patrick Macnee, Connie Stevens, Ci) CBS News Walter Cronkite (iQ) Hollywood Squues m Andy Griffith Show OJ Nanny and the Professor CW Black Journal EID Educating 1 N1tion "The Chang· ing American Commitment" Report from the recent LBJ library educa- tion symposium. m-rreasure ~ Green ~cres ail Tele-Revista Musical al Victoria James Show 7:00 f) CBS News Walter Cronkite ffi ABC News Smith, Reasoner 0 m News John Chancellor ONYPD (!)Truth or Consequences 00 Dr1gnet fJ Whit's My Line? (@ Tom Jones Show m I l ove Lucy (!) I Dream of Je1nnle CW Spe1king Freely EID Hathayoga m Puente de Amor ~ Film: "Kiss Them tor Me" THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, MARCH 19, 1972 7:30 0 Rollin' on the River Tommy Smothers guests. 0 lassie "Search for Yesterday'' Lassie and her new found friends, Ron Holden and Dale Mitchell. go prospecting in a ghost town. A fire is accidentally started and Ignites a dynamite explosion, and Lassie must make a perilous effort to save Dale. O Movie: (C) (90) "Thi~ of B1g- dad" (fan) '61 -Steve Reeves, Georgia Moll. Cil To Tell the Truth @ I Dream of Jeannie fJ Million $ Movie: (C) (2hr) ''The Trojan Horse" (adv) '62 -Steve Reeves, John Drew Barrymore. m Hogan's Heroes OJ (1). Dragnet EID Ne.seekers ~ To Be Announced ffi M1ntrap 8:00 f) CU Me and the Chimp The Reynolds family is picked by a paint manufacturing company as the ideal famlly to demonstrate their product on television, but they're NOT prepared to cope with Buttons. 0 (iQ) m NCAA Basketball Semi- finals Sites and teams to be an· nounced. 0 ffi @ al Alias Smith ind Jones (R) "Jailbreak at Junction City" Heyes and Curry perform brilliantly when they are deputized to bring in two holdup men. They not only bring in the two outlaws, but two other members of the gs,n.g and the $60,000 in loot. As thanks · they' re arrested by the sheriff. m Andy Griffith Show OJ Boxing from the Olympic Rudy Robles meets Jimmy Lester in a 10· rounami<rdleweight contest. (@ Thirty Minutes With . : . EID Black Journal m El Show de loco Valdez t:I!)Nino 8:30 O (jJ My Three Sons (R) Tramp becomes lost and little Dodie be- comes so despondent that Barbara has to take her to a child psy· chologist. m Hollywood's Greatest * on "MERV" tonite 8:30 m Merv Griffin Show al) (jj) N£T Playhouse Biography ''August Strindberg" Max 11011 -Sydow stars-in three of-Strintlbtrg'~ plays; "The father," "Miss Julte'' and "The Bond." 9:00 f) Ci) CBS Thursd1y Movie: (C) (2hr) "Promise Her Anythln(' (com) '66-Warren Beatty, Leslie Caron, Bob Cummings, Hermione Gingold, Keenan Wynn. A pretty French widow seeks a father for her 18·month- old son. She moves to Greenwich Village and conducts a campaign to marry her boss-the sidh most eligible bachelor in the country. 0 Billy Gr1h1m Crusade 0 (]) (]) ffi Longstreet (R) "Ele· gy In Brass" Longstreet becomes Involved in a murder·cum-theft mys. tery set against a New Orleans jazz (Continued) !Sears] SAVE ·~·so! Prices Effective thru March 29 B ehind-the-Ear ff-EARING AID Reg ular $329 Your undcr!'tandln~ can be a tremendous help l o someone who ha s a hearing problem. .\s~urc him vou care Bring him 'to Scar~ Hearing :\id Deport- ment for a FR~F: hear- ing eva luation . His hearing loss will be ca refullv aod eourt- <'ously ' analvzed bv Se;,irs llr a r ing Aid <'c>n sullant. .hi.. \houl '\t•aro.; Con' t•nknt C:n•di t Plans l\ut.'na P11rk Comp ton ..:m•l Oh mph: 6' !'I-Oto 1':1.\lorHt• C.kndalt' Jngl<'11ood Long lkac·h \orthridgc t•a~adt•na Pko at Rimpau r omona °'-Outh Cna't l'la7,I\ Torrance \'alley Page 17 Page 18 THE DAILY PILOT. TV WEEK. MARCH 19. 1972 Number One Number One Number One Tom Snyder ood the 6 pm Newser111Ce r; now the most popular 6 pm news program 111 Southern Cal1fama'. Jess Marbw and the 5 pm Newserv1ce IS n<YN the most popular 5 pm news program 1n Southe1 n Caltfoma: (Marlow also anchors the Number On1.: Sunday evening news program 1n Southern Caltfornt0.1 bm Bro~aw and the 11 pm Newse1 vice 1s now the most popular 11 pm news piog1 am week nigh I'> 1n Southern Coltforn1a· What~ more, compor 1ng all weeknight telev1S100 news programs on all channel~ at oll t1mes, Snyder is Number One and Morbw Number Two 1n Southern Col1forrna· All of these ore KNBC Channel 4 news programs. KNiC~! •'"'.f~,..,,sto•<"'rrvif-. •o•ol~ Jo a.1•.-f'rtww•, QI' /I. • '1 •·~u·, ... 1 •1•.)0t"bo"~O'°'es.~mo•~prOY "Jtird~•t<ttro•P\<l .,.,...,I(•'\ r~ll(O't._ ... JI ::>""C: rr-~ wbfllrl ':.> ,.._~ .J.1(1 f o• ~ t"J t, ·~ t , .. (t'f.., t•\ C "° ~' f \IJI 1-~"'° •f4.0'IOt'\ or• o .. o tob'e v~ req '"'' I THE DAILY PILOT. TV WEEK, MARCH 19, 1972 fHURSDAY (Continued) 7:30 i) Circus "The Circus of Mexico" how Felix met Gloria, was attracted background. Brock Peters, Janet 0 Hollywood Squares to her, and then was taken by a Maclachlan, Robert DoQui and U Movie: (C) (90) ''Thief of Baf· "good time girl." FRIDAY Logan Ramsey guest. dad'' (fan) '61 -Steve Reeves. O News Watch John Fullmer m Noches Tapatlas MARCH 24 Georgia Moll. IE Bill Cosby Show ~The Virginian (i) lo Tell the Truth ~ ll Gita EE Niudia For morning and afternoon listings, (i) I Drum of Jeannie 10:00 g m (D News 9:30 0 News Watch John Fullmer please see DAYTIME PROGRAMS. O Million $ Movie: (C} (2hr) U (1)@ al love ~merictn Style m La Gita Below, for your convenience, are "Helen of Troy'' (dra) '56 -Rosan· (Rl "love and the Guilty Con- 10:00 0 (jg) m Flip Wilson the day's movies. na Podesta. Jacques Sernas. science.'' ''love and the Mixed Mar- 0 News George Putnam DAYTIME MOVIES m Hogan's Her~s riages," "love and the Detective'' 0 CV (1) m Owen Ma rs h a I I, m rn Dragnet and "love and the Wake-Up Girl." Counselor at law ''The Baby Sltter'' ~Wall street Week O Council Debate Marshall and Brandon defend Howie 9:oo m (C) "Heaven Can Wait" (com) EI1) The Course of Our Timn @ The Shafer Report "What to Do Bowers (Gary Grimes). a teenager •43-Gene Tierney, Don Ameche. er;, Untamed World About Marijuana" charged with the murder-of the 9:30 0 (C) "The Golden Hordr' (adv) (2) Mantrap EI1) Soul! woman who employed him as a baby '51-Ann Blyth. David Farrar. 8:00 i) 00 O'Hara, U.S. Treasury (R) EE Premier TV 40 si~ter. Howie is identified by an eye. 10:00 CV "Woman in Hiding" (dra) '5(}-The mur~er of a potential inform~r 10:30 e 00 ~n Rickles Show Barbara witness as the boy who fled from Ida Lupino. Howard Duff. forces ~Hara to g? undercover '" and Tylec's wife become candidates the house at the time of the mur· the guise ?' an air-cargo handlef In· the local school board election der. Howie, prote.stlng Innocence, 12:00 O "Western P1eific Agent" (wes) ~n an attempt to solve the mystify-and agree to wage a joint campaign volunteers to take a lie detector '51 -Kent TaylOf. "Treasure of ing thefts of valutJ>'"'·)(71ported to un"Seat-the incumbent until 'Jean test, but flunks it. Monte Cristo" (adv) 'SO -Glen merchandfse. .. goes off on her. own. 0 The Game G•me Langan. 0 cro:. m S1nrord and ~n "!V or 0 I SPECIAL I Renaissance In BllC'll m News Pete Miller, Ken Jones l:OO O (C) "The Wrecli of the Mary N?t TV Wh~n his father 1s stncken (R) Actor Roscoe Lee Browne nar-m New& Hugh Williams with a':11nes1a. Lamont _feels guilty rates this half·hour documentary on EE (jJ) World Press Deare" (adv) '59 -Gary Cooper, for buying a sports ca1 instead of a two black artists and how they ex· ""' Lucha Ubrt Charlton Heston. color TV. Peter Bonerz guests. th 1 th h h . rt ~ m "Woman Rebels" (dra) '36 -0 CI) 00 (2) The Brady Bunch press emse ves roug t eir a . 10:30 0 Your Turn to T1lk Batk Katharine Hepburn. Vao Heflin (R) "M s· t B d' t A Id" 0 Your Turn to Talk Back 0 C1ndld Camera Y is er . ene tc mo . (ig) San Diego P1norama IE S1fari to Adventure 3:00 00 l•~o•d to Honf Kong" (com) '62. Greg starts feud~ng . with Ma1c1a m S1f1ri to Adventure el Atormentada -Bing Crosby, Bob Hope. f;J'~~~e 6~~~~ ~o~val at school. fW Vibrat.lons ~ Fiim: "Sylvia" ®) (C) "Everything But '"th=e=T_rur-tc::h':t' --tn~t-Yitgillia -m.ni~"8Um-LOCP---------i 1--l-~10~:.:.;CS::_tll)~: ~~O~a:.!V!~·d~Li:::..'ttl=e'i::.oh:i.:n~C:.::rlti='' L..-;-~'COm~1 M11Ureen O' ara, o n tll) (jJ) Washfngton Week in Review 9 Cruture Theatre 11:00 e'oo m News Forsythe &!) Ernesto Alonso Presenta 11:00 0 B 00@) el er;, News 0 ®) m News 4:00 u "Walk like a Dragon" (dra) '60 EE Nino 0 One Step Beyond U One step Be1ond -Jack Lord. Mel Torme. 8:30 0 ®)er;, Chronolo& The Central (1) M1rsh1I Dillon 00 Marshal Dillon Intelligence Agency's "secret army'' 0 @ al News 0 CV m News 4:30 @ Same as lOAM listing in Laos IS the subject-for the first D Movie: "Belle starr" (wes) '41 0 Movie: "The Wastrel" (dra) '62 time -of a dltailed documentary -Gene Tierney, Randolph Scott. -Van Heflin. Ellie Lambert. film. " m Truth or Consequtnces m Truth or Consequences 0 Cl)(]) (2) Tiie Partridge Family IE fashions in SeWing Lucille Rivers m Fashions in Sewing Lucille Rivers (R) "A Man Called Snake" Havoc (jj) The Advocates (iJ) Teletemu: A Progress Report 6:00 i) 0 ®)mm News ensues when Laurie takes her date. tlll Doin' It tll) Arin,& Line fJ (}) (0 News a motorcycle gang leader, to a 11:10 m Movie~ "Satin's SitelfiftS'' (sci· 11:10 IE Movie: (C) "Hello, Frisco, Hello" 0 (!)Wild Wlld West school dance. fi) '58-Judd Holdren. (mus) '43-Alice Faye, John Payne m The Rintstotf'• m "MERV" Tonite with 11:15 m Cinema 3' m 1 Dream of Jeannie * H II d' T St 11 : 15 m Gr1n Cine del Jueves M) Thirty Minutes With . • . 0 ywoo S. op ars 11 ;30 i) 00 CBS Lite Movie: (C) ''The 11:30 i) 00 CBS late Movie: (C) ''The fD Hodgepodge l odge m The Merv Griffin Show Biggest Bundle of Tl!em All" (com) Green Slime'' (sci· fl) '69-Robert ~Mayberry RFD ID ~ Fi.Im o~.s.sey "Potemk!n" '68-Vittorio De Sica, Raquel Welch, Horton. Richard Jaeckel, Luciana a!) El Amo Serg~i E1senste1n s 1925 Russi.an Robert Wagner. Paluz.zi An asteroid has steered out class1~ based on the actual mutiny O (}Q) er;, Johnny Carson Robert of orbit and is on a fatal collision 6;30 g Beat the Clock of sailors aboard a ship of the Czar Klein guests course with the earth. Space Station fJ Movie: (C) (90) "Wake Me Wheo during the 1905 Re~olutlon. The g Movie: ,;La Stradi" (dra) '56- Gamma 111 is ordered to blow up the w1r Is over" (com) '69-Ken massacre of the revolts supporters Anthony Quinn, Giulietta Masina. the asteroid, then finds Itself with Berry, fva Gabor. Jim Backus. massed on the. great . steps of the 0 @ 00 (2) Dick Cavett an even more perilous problem. (j) News city of Odess.a 1s considered ?ne. of Cil Nightmare 0 (i9) er;, Johnny Clrson Opera lig) Nime of the Game t~e greatet single sequences 10 film m To Te4I the Truth star Beverly Sills guests. m Andy Griffith Show history. 0 Movie: "The Heiress'' (dra) '49 (!)Ninny and thi Professor 9:00 i)@ CBS Friday Movie: (C) (90) 12:00 m Movie~ "Conquer.ed City'' (adv) --Olivia de Havilland, Montgomery ~This Week ''A Death of Innocence" (R) (drama) '65-David Niven, Ben Gazzara. Clift. tll) Thfrty Minutes With • • • '71-Shelley Winters. Arthur Ken-l 00 lJ) OUN 0 (I) (1) (2) Dick C1vett Tony er;, Treasure nedy., Tisha Sterling. A drama of the : ii ~ovie: "f:: Sons" (dra) ,40- Randall is the guest·host. l'ift Green Acres emotional ordeal of a mother who 0 A ~"' Al C rt' T h 'o!ZI t th b' ·1 f m 11 on me .... ,e, an u 1s. m To Tell the rut EE Duelo en P1tines comes. 0 e Ii Cl y rom a s a ~Movie: (C) "The Golden Ho~e" IZ:OO m Movie; "Return of Jack Slade" (2) Victoria James stiow town in Idaho lo attend the murder ( d ) •51_A Blyth O .d F (wes) ·55 -John Ericson. Neville trial of her daughter. a v nn • avi arrar Brand. 7:00 e CV B m News 0 Billy Graham Crusade 1:30 e Movie; (C) ''The N1v, vs. the 1:00 (I) 0 0 (j) (lg) News 0 NYPD 0 CV@ al Room 222 (R) "The Ni1llt Monsters" (sci-fl) '65-Bobby 0 Movie: "Incident in S1lgon" 00 Truth or Consequences Stutterer'' Pete's attempt to encour-van, Mamie Van Doren. (adv) Odilie Versois. Pierre Massima. (j) Dragnet age a stuttering student backfires 0 Movie: (C) "Hannih Let" (adv) 1:30 i) Movie: ''Touch of Evil'' (slJsp) fJ What's My line! when he sees a video tape of him· '53-Macdonald Carey, Joanne Dru. '58-Charlton Heston. Janet Leigh. m I love Lucy self made by classmates m All·Nlght Show: (C) "From 2:00 m All•Nl&ht Show: ''Alleeheny Up· m I Dream of leannie m TV Musical Istanbul Ordtra to Kiii " "Bom to rising." "Run, Psycho, Run" and (ii) A Public Aff1ir/Electlon '72 9 The Virginian Be Bad.:' "Girt In the w'oods'' ''Theirs 11 the Glory" tll) History of Art EE Natacha 3:00 i) Movie: (C) "Pawnee" (wes) ·57 &!) Puente de Amor 9:30 0 (})@ (2) The Odd Couple (R) 3:00 i) Movie: (C) ''Jamaica Run'' (adv) -George Montgomery, Lola Albright. 9 Fil'!': "Th• lut Wagon" "Speak f~r Yourself" Oscar recalls '53-Ray Milland. ,, Page 19 SATURDAY MARCH 25 MOR N IN G 6:00 Cf) TV 8 Classroom 6:30 fJ Black uperienee m let's Rap 7:00 fJ 00 Sunrise Semester 0 tmJ m Dr. Qolittle 0 (3) Jerry lewis Show m Thunderbirds m Samson 7:301J Dusty's Treehouse B m Deputy Dawg 0 Clmpus Profile 0 @ 00 Road Runner 00 1V · 8 Classroom 0 Movie: (C) "Hero of Rome" (adv) '63 -Gordon Scott. Gabriella Palotta. ball finals The 35th annual lnvlta· tional Tournament-oldest of the post.season college basketball tour· neys. 0 ®) m Take I Giant Step 0 (1) 00 Curiosity Shop 10:30 0 Roller Game 0 Movie: (C) "Massacre it Marble City" (wes) '66 -Brad Harris. Dorothy Parker. IE Gospel Singing Jubilee G) Buy-Line 11:00 0 @) m Mr. Wizard @ Re1I Estate Rentals O ~nny Quest m lutha Libre 11 :30 0 ®) m The Bugaloos 0 @ Lancelot link m Expansion m Movie: (C) "All for Mary" (com) '56 -Nigel Patrick, Kathleen Har- rison. AFTERNOON @) Uncle Rutt m Brother Buzz 12:00 f) 00 The Monkees (E Movie: "Ride a Violent Mile" 0 o EE NCAA Basketball Cham- (wes) '57 -John Agar. Penny Ed· pionship Consolation and final game. wards. 00 Movle: "Murder by Two" (mys) 8:00 tJ 00 Bugs Bunny '60-Mel Ferrer, Danielle Darrieux. 0 m Woody Woodpecker fJ (I) al American Bandstand O Popeye and Friends 0 Sherlock .. olmeJ Theatre 0 @Cl) Funky Phantom m Daktaci m A.M. Movies: "Abbott i nd Cos· ~ Uncle Waldo tello Meet the Keystone Cops" (com) 12:30 f) (j) You Are There (R) "The Trial '55. "Dr. Satan's Robof' (scl·fi) '66 of Susan B. Anthony" Colleen Dew· -Eduardo Cianelli, Ella Neal. hurst sta rs In the title role of the 8:30 fJ (j }Scooby-Ooo women's righ ts advocate. Q ®) m Pink Panther 0 Laredo U Gene Autry al Un Pobre Hombre 0 @ 00 Jackson Five ® Rocky and Friends 9:00 tJ Harlem Globetrotters 1:00 f) 00 Pebbles and Bamm Bamm 0 tm) m The Jet.sons @ Youth in the 70s U Movie: ''Wings of Dinger'' (mys) 0 Movie: (C) "From Hell to Texas" '52 -Zacha~ ~cott, Naomi Chance. (wes) '58 -Don Murray, Diane 0 @ 00 Bewttdled Varsi. Chilt Wffl~. @ Cartoon Carniv1I m Unt1med World 0 Movie: (C) "The Man Called m News Nick Carter Gringo" (wes) '66 -Dan Martin, ~ l ost in Space Alexandra Stewart. Gl) Curiosity Shop ll)'Ap1i:ment Hunter's Show 1:30 fJ 00 Archie's TV Funnies @!) Cine en SO'\Cisa rn Sketchbook 9:30 fJ The Hair Be~r Bunch 0 NHL Action 0 ~ m Barner Reef 00 Mobile Home Show 00 TI1uana: '.'flndo• to the South B Science Fiction Theatre fJ rn Lldmlle m The Mothers·in·l 1w 10:00 fJ @ National lnvltltlonal Banet-m Movie: (C) "The Dolly Sisters" 20.Ye Discount LIM~!!t~,?~FeR e Offtf' 0..-111,,. M•f'Cft ll1 ttn49 • ,, .. ftntthed MCMlul•r C•btnet1 • ,Rll layout and clnl9n t ervlce • Quall 11 tallatlon Page 20 10 NUS Choice of n•w 1ppfi1nces at our cost 100°/o FINANCING AVAILAILI Visit Our Showroom 908 W. 17th St., C.M. COMPARE Our Price• 645·3141 Day or Ni9ht HOME IMPROVEMENT MODULARS. INC. THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, MARCH 19. 1972 (mus) '45 -Betty Grable, June Haver, John Payne. 2:00 tJ Dusty's Treel\ouse @ Voice of Agriculture 0 This Week in the NBA @ M.wie: "Clrry on Venus" (com) '6E-Juliet Mills, Kenneth Williams. @ Ethnic Faces m Soul Train m Cine en la Tarde ~ PGA Golf m Jonny Quest 2:30 tJ I n s Ide r/0 u t s Ider "School Spanking: Yes or rfo·• Truman Jacques is host for an examination of corporal punishment In the schools, Guests include Dr. Robert Dotter, of the Los Angeles Board of Education; Alfred Moore, Princi· pal at Hooper High School; Les Ben- son, Commissioner of the Black Ed· ucation Commission; Minister Ab· dul Karriem of Mohammed's Tern· pie :r.21; Or. Francesca Alexander. professor and social psychologist; and a group of minority residents. @ Campus Profile 0 Movie: "Texa.ns" (wes) '38 - Randolph Scott, Joan Bennett. 3:00 iJ CBS Golf Classic (ID film Feature 0 Celebrity Bowling 00 Far Out Flicks 0 Movie: (C) "legend of a Gun· fighter" (wes) '66 -Ron Randell, Judith Oornys. m Movie: "Escape From Sahara" (adv) '63 -Hildegarde Neff, Harry Meyer. ~ PGA Golf Greater New Orleans Open 3:30 0 rn @ Pro BoWlets lour The $50,000 New Orleans Open. m Suecess story 3:45 al Futbol-Soccer 4:00 fJ The Siesta Is Over ·o What's Going On O PGA Golf The Greater New Or leans Open ®J lmaginatio11; A Child's World (E World of Sports Illustrated Eill First Adventures in Improvising m Wings to Adventure a NBA Hilites CD Panonma Latino 4:30f) Mr. Ed O Focus "Central City Community Mental Health Center" Hootess Inez Pedrosa talks with spokesmen from this center about the services avail· able. U Ootd"oors Wi\'1 liberty Mutual ® Celeb rity Bowling (E Nashville Music fID A Public Affair /Election '72 EE Navy Prologue ® lefs Go E.cploring al Sports Challenge 5:00 tJ Survival 0 Kid Talk U One Step Beyond 0 (I)@ fl) ABC's Wide World of Sports ®®.l News O lee Trevino's Golf Show m Movie Greats: "Hl&h Wall" (mys) '48 -Robert Taylor. Audrey Totter, Herbert Marshall m I SPEC'IAL l Knotts Berry Fum Hobo Kelly (Sally Baker) and Dave Reeves visit Knotts Berry Farm for a stroll throug.h Ghost Town, the Bird Cage lheatre, the mysterious Gypsy Camp, and are present for the grand opening of the John Wayne lheatre. fID The Advocites m Garner Ted Armstrong Show ®Outdoors With Liberty Mutu1I 5:30 tJ Newsmakers 0 00 @) News O Movie: "Donovan's Brain" {sci· fi) '53-Lew Ayrtls, Gene Evans. 0 Lloyd Bridges' Water World aJ Box de Mexico m Edge of Eternity ® Gilligan's Island EVENING 6:00 tJ 0 m N'ews 00 High Chaparral O The Real Don Steele Show @) Movie: (C) "Gunfight In Abl· lene" (wes) '67 -Bobby Darin, Leslie Nielsen. @ Bracken's World m I SPECIAL I The Sharer Report {R) See Wed., 9PM listit'lg. ®! Mayberry RfD CD Varied1d 6:30 ffi Sports With Berth 0 l<NBC News Conference 00 Bill Russell Show 0 Eyewitness News m bee Trevino's 4;olf Show a Green Acres a) Nashville Music 7:00 tJ CBS News Roger Mudd (1) l ee Trevino's Golf Show 0 Nation1l Geographic (R) ''Dr. Leakey and the Dawn of Man" Alell· ander Scourby narrates this pro· gram about the world famous Dr. Louis B. Leakey and his search for man's earliest ancestors In . Tan· zania. 0 G) Hee Haw Jody Miller and Buddy Alan guest. 0 Juvenile Jury Dick Sergeant and Erin and Diana Murphy of Bewitched guest. @ This Is Your life June Allyson Is the surprised guest. 0 Death Valley Days m m ® Lawrence Welk ffi It Takes a Thief ffi Social Security "Universal or Selective?" tI) Spe<i1I of the Week (R) "What Did You Learn in School Today?'' m Ensalada de locos a;) ~uslca y Canciones Latinas 7:30 tJ David Frost Revue @ Dragnet @ lo Tell the Truth 0 let's Make a Deal @ Bill Cosby Show 0 Million $ Movie: (C) (2hr) "Tri· umph of Robin Hood" (adv) '60 - Don Burnett, Gia Scala. 8:00 B 00 All in the Family (R) The Bunker household face!. a touchy and tragic situation when an un· welcome visiting relative dies In their home. 0 ®) m Emereency! "Dilemma" Paramedics Gage and DeSoto rescue an elderly man and woman from an elevator disaster and Dr. Brackett berates a student nurse who goofs during a crisis. O Saturday Night Fights 0 (1) Ci) al B e w i t ch e d "The Truth; Nothing But the Truth ; So Help Me Sam!" Endora's spell mak- ing him tell the absolute truth cre- ates problems for Darrin at home and at work. m Movie Greats: "High Wall" (mys) '48 -Robert Taylor. Audrey Totter. ·Herbert Marshall. m Championship Wrestling @) Film Feature m Viendo 1 Biondi ~ film: "I Wanted Wings" ml Variedad Musical D Sports Challenee Team # l : New York Giants Frank Gifford. Kyle Rote and Charley Conerly. Team #2 Brooklyn Dodgers Duke Snider. Jackie Robinson and Carl Erskine. 0 rn @ Sixth Sense 0 DEBUT The Unknown Regis Phil· bin is host of this half-hour as guests relate an event or experience that cannot be explained. Experts will be on hand to analyze the psychic experiences. Actress Ann Mil- ler and Author Wes Stearn guest. m News Ken Jones m The Wilburn Brothers al Cine Mexicano 10:30 O Seymour's Monster Rally: (C) (lhr 45m) "Dracula" (mys) '31 - Bela Lugosi. 0 Twilight Zone mNews 8:30 9 · (j) Marf'tyler Moore Show (R) ~Al Capp _ When a newswriters union strike empties the newsroom, only Mary 11:00 fJ CV 0 00 ®)News Richards and Lou Grant. represent-@ Marshal Dillon ing management. are left lo prepare 0 Fright Night: "The Disembodied'' and deliver the six o'clock news. and "The Hypnotic Eye" 0 (1) Ci) al ABC Movie of the m Movie: (CJ "Port Atrique"_ (adv) Weekend: (C) (90) (R) "Do Not '56 -Pier Angeli, Phil Carey. fold, Spindle or Mutilate" (com) '71 m It Is Written -H~len Hay~s. M!rna Loy, Mildred 11:15 CV Movie: "Man in the Iron Mask" Natwick. Sylvia Srdney, Vince ~d· (dra) .62 _ Jean Marais, Sylva wards. A ifOUP of elderly ladies K sclna create a fictional girl for a com-O (jg) ·News puter dating service only to have their seemingly harmless Joke back 11:20 f) Fabulous 52! (C) ''The Nutty fire and end in ~rder. Professor'' (com) '68 -Jerry lewis, @) Hour llf Delivennce Stella Stevens. EID Dances of Greece 11:30 @ Movie: "Sherlock Holmes and m Sabados Alecres Pursuit to AlgieB" (mys) '54 - 9:00 f) (1) Dick Van Dyke Show (R) The Basil Rathbone. Prestons' 16-year-old son surprises 0 Movie: "Sundays and Cybele" his parents-'by bringing a N!gro girt. (dra) '63 -Hardy Kruger, Nicole friend home from school during a Courcel. Patricia Go12i. 'i' Movie: "loss of Innocence" rntd-1erm break for dinner will'\, liis l.!LJ family. • (dra) '61 -Kenneth Mohr, Susan- nah York. 0 ®) m NBC Saturday Movie:"(C) t2hr 1 Sm) ''That Man From Rio" m Movie: (C) "The Big Tip·Off" (adv) '64 -Jean-Paul Betmondo. (mys) '55 . -Richard Conte. Con- Francoise Dorleac. A French soldier stance Smrth. on a one-w~ek leave goes to Rio 11:45 0 Movie: "The Mad Executioners" to rescue hrs sweetheart, who has (dra) '65-Jansjorg Feimy. been kidnapped by a gang bent on . ,, . I. d' th t t tt th t hold ®l Movie: (C) Gunfighters of Casa '" rn g ree 5 a ue e~ a Grande" (wes) '65-Alex Nicol. the secret to a fortune m gems. Eil) NET Playhouse Biography (R) 12:15 0 Movie: "The Unholy Four" (mys) "August Strindberg" '54 -Paulette Goddard, William al Premier Movie Sylvester. gi) Latin-American Showcase l:OO-f) Movie: "T1los~Elldeanng Young 9:30 f) (j) Arnie (R) Arnie becorues the Char_ms" (rom) '45 -Robert Young, favorite whipping boy of his fellow Laraine Day. executives when wife Lillian pro-Ci) News motes a scheme which sends the m All-Night Show: "Eight O'Clock Continental Flange Company . office Walk," "Capt1in Mephisto and the personnel to work at 5:00 rn the Transformation Machine," "Our Re· morning. lations" O News Watch Larry Burrell I!) Porter Wagoner Show 10:00 f) (j) Mission Impossible (R) Stol- en gems, scheduled to be fenced to an underworld figure, suddenly dis- appear and the ship on which they were tarnsported is blown up at sea, bringing the IMF team into the picture. 1:30 m Movie: ''Treasure of the Ruby Hills" (mys) '55 -Zachary Scott, Carole Mathews. 1:50 O Speaking Freely 2:30 O Movie: "Hell to Eternity" (dra) '60-Jeffrey Hunter. David Janssen. 4:000 News THE DAILY PILOT. TV WEEK. MARCH 19, 1972 'THE UNEXPLAINABLE' You walk into a room you've never.seen before and sense a soft whisper of familiarity. You engage in idle conversation with an old friend and suddenly you know every word that wUI be said seconds before it's spoken. Most of us have bad experiences similar to these, or ''lucky" days when our ''bunches" just can't fail. That's not so unusual. But the experiences you'll hear about in The Unknown are! The Unknown, hosted by Regis Philbin, debuts Saturday (March 25) at 10 PM fn color on KHJ-TV, Channel 9 fn Los Angeles. The key feature of this astonishing balf·hour is first band, factual ac- counts of the baffling, barely believable experiences that stun the senses and stir the imagination. After the event or experience has ~n described, an expert in that particular phase of psychic phe- nomena will analyze the subject matter and explain what it all means. Frequently, there will be a rational explanation for seemingly in- explicable occurrences. Of course, many of the experiences will be simply filed a\Vay as excerpts from The Unknown to await in- terpretation by a future generation. Regis Pbllbin's role will be that of impartial interrogator and, for the sake o authenticlcy, "slighdy Aoubting '.fhomas."-J>hilbin's skilraf getting to the heart of matters should assure that no essential detail fails to surface. His style is relaxed, comfortable and easy going and, consequently, his guests feel at ease and freely relate incidents that might be approached with some hesitation with a less tactful, congenial host. The experts are authors, professors, lecturers and others with special knowledge in the area of ESP in question. Their role· is to ofter rational explanations, if possible. Jf the experience defies logic, then accepted theories of explanation are offered. The Unknown probe8 every aspect of the strange and mysterious. ~amples of clairvoyance, claJraudience and telepathy come into play and no doubt the series will regenerate familiar tales of flying saucers and visitors from outer space. Whefber the subject matter happens to concern apparitions, sorcery or astral projection, it is not taken lightly. The objective is understanding, the approach is ~ientlfic-and the end result is both informative and entertaining. Page 21 I I I I I I I L Don't expect us to get you a date. Expect more. Expect to meet a highly trained staff who are expert in the fi eld of compatibility matching. If all you wanted was another date, you wouldn't need us. At Discovery our goal is to ma~h you with people you will be truly compatible with. Discovery gets it together. PH0NE ~s Angeles, (213) 387-3393,0range,Co.(714) 835-688,9 discovoruA Division or National Sociological Institute 3700 WiJshire Blvd., Suite 530, Los Angeles, Ca. 90010 One City Boulevard West, Orange, Ca. 92668 Yes, l want to find out I( Discovery Is really that different. Give me more Information at no obligation. For Single Adults 21-65. Name ____________________ _ Address ________ Clty ______ State ___ , Phone _________ Bus.No. ________ _ I am 0 Widowed O Divorced O Single Age __ DP I I I I I I I J Page 22 6:00 7:30 8:00 9:00 11:00 11:30 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, MARCH 19, 1972 SUNDAY, MARCH 19 5 (C) "Morg•n the Pirate" (adv) '61-Steve Reeves, Valerie lagrande. 2 8 (C) "EHy Come, Easy Go" (mus) '67-Elvis Presley. Dodie Marshall 9 "How Green W•s My Valley" (dra) '41-Walter Pidgeon. Maureen O'Hara. 11 "Odd Man Out" (dra) '47-James Mason, Robert Newton. 7 3 6 (C) "Day of the Evil Gun" (wes) '68-Glenn Ford, Arthur Kennedy. 6 "Night In Paradise" (dral '46--Merle Oberon. Turhan Bey. 9 "Charge of the Light Brigade" (adv) '36--Enol Flynn, 11 "Repeat Performance" (dra) '4 7-louis Hayward, Joan Leslie 7 (C) "Beast of Morocco" (sci·fi) '66--Wtlliam Sylvester, 13 "The Four D•ys of Naples" (dra) '63-Jean Sorel. MONDAY, MARCH 20 6:30 7 (C) "The Glory Guys" Part I (com) '65-Tom Tryon, Harve Presnell. 7:30 5 (C) "The Thief of B•gdad" (fan) '61-Steve Reeves. 9 "Jigsaw" (mys) '61-Jack Warner. Ronald lewis. 9:00 4 (C) "8anacek" (dra) 111-George Peppard, Christine Belford. 7 3 6 (C) "Caper of the Golden Bulls" (dra) '67-Stephen Boyd, Yvette Mlmieux. 10 (C) "Joan of Arc" (dra) '5().-lngrid Bergman, Jose Ferrer. 11:00 9 "Hold B•ck the Night" (dra) '56--John Payne, Mona Freeman. 11:10 13 (C) "The Man Who Laughs" (adv) '66-Jean Sorel, Edmund Purdom. 11:30 2 8 "Doctor, You've Got to Be Klddln~I" (com) '67-Sandra Dee. 11 "The Senator Was Indiscreet" (com) 47-Ella Raines. 6:30 7;30 8:30 ll:OO 11:10 11:30 TUESDAY, MARCH 21 7 (C) "The Glory Guys" Canel. (com) '65--Tom Tryon. 9 "The D.I." (dra) '57-Jack Webb. Don Dubbins. 5 (C) "The Thief of Bagdad" (fan) '61-Steve Reeves. 7 3 6 {C) "Congratulatlons, It's a Boy" (R) {com) '71-Bill Bixby. 9 "The Peul" (dra) '48-Pedro Armendartz. 13 "Monkey In Winter" (com) '64-Jean Gab1n. 2 8 (C) "Kenner" (dra) '69-Jim Brown, Madlyn Rhue. 5 "To E•ch His Own" (dra) '46-0llvia de Havilland, John Lund 11 (C) "Royal Wedding" (rom) '51-fred Astaire, Jane Powell. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22 6:30 7 (C) "Dr. Who •nd the Daleks" (sci-fi) '66-Peter Cushing. 10 (C) "Deadlock'' (dnt) '69-Lestle Nll!lsen, Harl Rhodes. 7:30 5 (C) "The Thief of Bagdad'' (fan) '61-Steve Reeves. 9 "Hannibal'' (dra) '6().-\lictor Mature, Rita Gam. 11:00 9 "Duel of Ch•mplons" (adv) '62-Alan Ladd, Franca Bettoca. 11:10 13 "Cash on Delivery" (com) '56--Shelley Winters, John Gregson. 11:30 2 8 "Take the Hlfh Ground" (dra) '53-Ric:hard Widmark. 5 "Two Women' (dra) '61-Sophia Loren, Jean-Paul Belmondo. 11 "Teenage Zombies'.' (hor) '58-0on Sullivan, Steve Conte. THURSDAY.MARCH 23 ·6:30 7 -CC) "Mr. Jerlth6'"'(comj '69-'Patrick Macnee. Connie Stevens. 7:30 5 {C) "The Thief of Bagdad" (fan) '61-Steve Reeves. 9 (Cl "The Trofan Horse" (adv) '62-Steve Reeves. 9:00 2 8 (C) "Promise Her Anything" (com) '66-Warren Beatty, Leslie Caron. 11:00 9 "The Wastrel" (dra) '62-\lan Heflin, Ellie Lambert. 11:10 13 (C) "Hello, Frisco, Hello" (mus> '43-Allce Faye. John Payne. 11:30 2 8 (C) "The Green Slime" {scf.fi) '69-Robert Horton. 6:30 7:30 9:00 11:00 11:10 11~0 5 "The Helres•" (dra) '49-0livia de Havilland. Montgomery Cllft. 11 "Return of Jack Slade" (wes) '55-John Ericson. FRIDAY, MARCH 24 7 (C) "Wake Me When the War Is Over" (com) '69-Ken Berry. 5 (C) "The Thief of Bagdad" (fan) '61-Steve Reeves. 9 (C) "Helen of Troy" (dral '56-Rosanna Podesta. 2 8 (C) "A Death of Innocence" (dra) '71-Shelley Winters. 9 "Belle Starr" (wes) '41-Gene Tierney. Randolph Scitt. 13 "Satan's Satellltes" (sci·fi) '58-Judd Holdren. 2. & (C) "TM a lggest Bundle of-Them All" (com) •63--Vittorio De Sfoa. 5 "La Strad•" (dra) '56--Anthony Quinn, Giulietti Masina_ 11 "Con,quered City" (adv) '65-David Niven, Martin Balsam. SATURDAY, MARCH 25 6:00 10 (C) "Gunfight In Abllene" (wes) '67-Bobby Darin. 7:30 9 (C) "Triumph of Robin Hood" (adv) '60-Don Burnett. 8:00 11 "High Wall" (mys) '48-Robert Taylor, Audrey Totter. 8:30 7 3 6 (C) "Do Not Fold, Spindle or Mutilate" (R) (susp) '71-Helen H&yes, Myrna Loy. 9:00 4 10 (C) ''Th•t Man From Rio" (adv) '65-Jean·Paul Belmondo. 10:30 5 (C) "Dr•cul•" (mys) '31-Bela Lueosi. 11:00 11 :15 11 :20 11 :30 9 "The Disembodied" and "The Hypnotic Eye" 11 (C) "Port Afrlque" (adv) '56--Pler Angeli, Phil Carey. 3 "M•n In the Iron Mask" {dra) '62-Jean Marais. 2 (C) "The Nutty Professor" (com) '68-Jerry Lewis. 6 7 8 13 "Sherlock Holmes and Pursuit to Algiers" (mys) Basil· Rathbone. "Sund•ys and Cybele" (dra) '63-Hardy Kruger. (Cl "loss of Innocence" (dra) '61-Susannah York. (C) ''The Big Tip-Off'' (mys) '55-Rlchard Conte. LESLIE CARON and Warren Beatty star in "Promise Her Any- thing," madcap comedy about a pretty French widow's search for a father for her 18·month-old son, on The CBS Thursday Night Movie, Thursday at 9 PM . Two rings for two lovers ... both ri ngs $88.00 Fin.st quallty diamond and recJistered ! '" 14K told -bondt4 Euy cred it terms stude11t ac co1tnh available up to 12 months to pay e BankAmericard e M.uter Charge ''THE STORES CONFIDENCE BUTLT" Mon., Thurs., Fri. tll 9 Established 43 Yens! HUNTINGTON CENTER leach & Edhtger Huntington Beach 892-5501 HARBOR SHOPPING CENTER 2300 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 545.9495 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, MARCH 19, 1972 Upto30mpg Rack-and-pinion steering Disc brakes up front 12.8 cubic feet of truµk space (Almost as much as the Vega and Pinto combined) HENAULT ti 1N0rld's largest producer of front-wheel drive cars. ilina s1emone BENAULTt OPIN1 1130 'TIL 9 WICDYI. • IAT. 'TIL Se 0Plt4 SUNDAYS 2201 S. MAIN • SANTA ANA • 557-5242 Page 23 1/2 ~PRICE SALE-WOLLENSAK 3M ••• r~g. $179.SO~NOW ONLY $89.75! 11 ATLANTIC has only ~of these fine stereo tope decks. So hurry in! No more a vailable when they a re gone! Ta ke advantage of huge direct.factory buy-out, new '11 model! FEATURES OF THE NEW 6100 TAPE DECK Th< Woll1<1uk model 6100 Is one ol lhe linut st..-co l•Pt' decks avaol•blt •oa•y 111 lull trequtncy ••n?~ pre-omplil1er itKc>rporilU IWO Ull OI prHn1p OUlpUIS One hi\ a flXtd OUlpUI lt•t l wlH<J'I 11 un1ttcctf(I by lhe volume COl'ltrols Tht olhtr olltf5 lht e<lvin1•9t ot • "controlltd" preamp owpu1 .. ~«h provides the 111111on ot adlusllng Ille output ltvtl by mtdM ot lht volumt controls tnr ust wlfh older •ubt IYP• compcw1en11 The ntw Wolltl'IUk two mo1or drlv• runs whisper QU•<I and rtducu wow and 1:u1ter 10 Ion thin O.IS,_. lnt.,.lo<ked P\lih bullon controls anure nsv ope""°"• P'et•lt tape hindlln9 Simple, -n lronf lllree<l1119. aulom.111c rut locks e Thrt• 1peeda-H1, >¥., I'·• e Solld Slate e Olltft front tllrHdln9 e All confroll Interlocked e Two _,., d rive 1y11em e Dle·cHI all1mlnum cnu111 e Electro dynamic brak1n9 e Proltulonally collbr.itf<I VU mettri e Aulom•tic '11111-oll e Aulomallc rnl lo<h e Vtrtiul or llo'1ao~t•I operolione fnUant pauH centrel • Dltll•I t•pe c""'t•r e Monitor lacllity e AM·FM muftiplu rtady e StH·fhrHOlnt tak.M•P rMI. New Harman-Karclon 330A lOOWATI AM-FM STEREO SYSTEM The HARMAN-KARDON llOA ii: their newest receiver with a tuner sensitivity of 1.9 uV and pre-amp; amp separation stages for use w i t h quadraphonic processors. Regular price $219.90, case Includ- ed! THEY'RE HERE! THE NEW '72 MODELS! SONY 5520 -NEW! PROFESSIONAL AUTOMATIC TURNTABLE ·SONY~ $131 50 SONY 6036 -50 WAn <IHF> AM-FM ST~REO RECEIVER SONY. 519250-- GARRARD '409 GARRARD'S 408 is a three soced automatie changer and includes a bac;e and SHURE M44-7 cartridge with diamond stylus. ·Regular price $69.50. SONY Sc;>D-1000 NEW! 4 CHANNEL DE-CODER WITH LARGE SELECTION OF 4-CHANNEL RECORDS LANCER 971 1 LANCER 9711 Sneakers arc full range systems ( 45-J 5KHz I. Regu. larly priced at $109.00 a pair. $l~~4o SA YE $9940! SALE PRICE s299°0 ·a:~~ SCOTCH ~,0,,. .. :l ;:;) -HIGH-ENERGY C-90 --"'!':.~ Newly cleweloped Cobalt 1 I 2 o FF I k ;-;~J VALUABLE COUPON l 11ertl1ed with l·Sdl -;-::--::-..:.:.:-· hter .... I• S/N • -..:.:..:::· NOW ONLY $2.68 . FREE! ~B FABULOUS DOLIY SYSTEM FOR MAGNIFICENT RECORDINGS! VALUABLE COUPON . -STEREO HEADPHONES Reg. $9.95 S... H .46. LIMlt 1 ,.., C•st•IMf s3 • 49 S•~t Te Stec• O• H-4 .... My Son Conquered . . . Leukemia'!.. A Family's ' . Ten-Year Ordeal DAI-LY Pl LOT Baseball Managers: . . . What Makes a Man · A Winner or Loser? OltAHGI! COUNTY, CAUFORNIA . Mitzi ~ayno.r: This Star's Marriage -. Spelled $uccess Want to a.a« a famoua peraon a queatlon? &Nld the quettlon on a poetcatd, to "Aak," Family Weekly, 641 LHlngton Ave., New York, N.Y. 10022. We'll pay SS for publlehed qu .. tlon1. Sorry, we can't answer others. FOR MALCOLM McDOWELL, IUJr of Stanley Kubrick'•" Clockwork Orange .. your film WCJI the mod violent r "6 teen in a long time. What, in YOUt' own life, waa your moat ololeftt aperienceP-Joe HUl, Trenton, NJ. • When I was about 15, I lined up at school to get some oom6akes for supper. I sat do~ in the crowded dining FOR JOHNNIE Mcl<EEVER WALTERS, director, Internal Revenue Service fve heard about foreign entertainers making money in the U.S.A., then taJcing it all baclc with them. Aren't they tued for their work here?-K. Murphy, Little Rocle, Arie. • Yes, they are. Before departing from the United States, most aliens must obtain a sailing perm.it." Usually, aliens must pay all tax due on the income subject to United States tax in order to receive their sailing permits. FOR BARBARA WALTERS of the "Today .. show On almost ~:very show I see you wearing your zodiac ~ the goat. Do you believe in astrology?-Mn. Carlyle Davia, Trenton, Tenn. • I believe a teeny, tiny bit in astrology ... reaD)' not very much. My goat pin is strictly ornamental Actwllly, I was born in September and am a Li.bra. My sign is a scale. FOR GODFREY CAMBRIDGE, comedian Psychiatrists say that being a comedian is a sign of bostiJity, of "getting back" at the rest of the world. Do you think this is true?-R. F. Lorl>el', New York, N.Y. .• It isn't true for me. The thing I aim for is to make people laugh. I don't hope for anything in the tough world we live in except happiness between people. People won't change, llJ)(i I'm not tile ooe to make ibem tty. I just want them to be happy. H it sounds corny-well, man, we don't have anything except each other. FOR PETER GRAVES, star of "Miuion: Impossible .. Have you aruLyour brothearJames Amen of "Gunsmob,"- ever appeared together professionallyP-Olaf Lund, Jr., Merced, Calif. • I directed Jim once in a "Cunsmoke" episode, but we have never acted together. FOR REP. WILBUR D. MILLS of Arkanaaa Why does the Administration always complain about bow much Social Security bene&ts cost the Government? I un- derstand this money is paid in by the working people and their employers.-Walter Joswick, Grand Rapids, Mich. • The Nixon Administration will have to answer for itself. But I should point out that Social Security benefits have been raised by the Democratic-controlled Congress a total of 25 percent. You are correct that these benefits come out of the Social Security Trust Fund. room, and suddenly the headmaster came in. ~ ~ ~er boys stopped tallcing and eating, but I really didn t notice that he had come in, so I kept on eating. Suddenly I felt the most incredible pain. He slapped my head and said, "Where have you been?" I was so lurious that I Jeaped up and started punching him . I was finally dragged off. I was brought to his study, where I explained I hadn't known he was in the room. The headmaster apologized to me! But I still remember the incident vividly. FOR f)ORIS DAY What can I do to help in your campaign to obtain better treatment for stray dogsP-L. Jones, Ft. Wayne, Ind. • This tikes time and money, but anybody who wanb to make a contribution can write to me in care ol Actors and Others for Animals, P .O . Box 67601, Los Angeles, Calif. 90067. I want to hear from every person who knows of one cat or dog in pain .We1J get all the animals out of these shelters, pay their vet bills and plac.-e them in good homes. Eventually I hope to own my own kennel wliere animals will be cared for properly. But it will take time. FOR ROSS ALLEN, owner of the Ross Allen Reptile Institute Do crocodiles really shed tears?-D. Kline, Lexington, Ky. • Yes..-Crooodileshave glands that excrete-the-salt.from saJ water before the erOcodiles swallow it The salt excretion forms the "tears." FOR F. LEE BAILEY, attcmey Why would a World Supreme Court, which you advocate, have more power than the United Natiom?-W. M. eon. nolly, North Haven, Conn. •A World Supreme Court would compare to the United Nations som~wbat like our Supreme Court compares to a sophfSticated social club. It would have all of the same powers as the United States Supreme Court, including the power to render judgments for and against nations and to enforce those judgments. The U.N. has little power to make a judgment and no practical means of enforcement. FOR MAltl' TYLER MOORE, actress I heard that you refuse to wear a mink coat or jacket. Why? -Mrs. J. L., Cambridge, Md. • Because I do not believe an animal should be kilJed sim- ply for its pelt. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ March tt, 1t72 /iunl(V~ The.......,., 11...-. LEONARD S. DAYIDOW, ctaalrtMn MORTON FRANK, Pr_,•nt wt PubffeMr W. 'AGE THOllPION, V.P., Adwrtlalng Dlr~ctor MORT PERSKY, V.P., Edltor.ln·Chlef Advertising Mgr.: Doftald M. Hufford; Aaaoc. REYNOLDS DOOION, Managing Editor Advertising Mgr.: Robert J .• Ctvltdan; Market(ng JOHN E. DAVIDSON, Art Director Dlrec1or: SW u,.fsky; New York Sales Mgr.: Women'• Editor: ROSALYN ABREYAYA Qereld I . Wroe; WHtern Adv. Mgr.: RulMfl L. lp#lla; Chicago Salff Mgr.: Joe Fraer Jr.; Food Editor: MARILYN HANSEN Detroit Sales Mgr.: Rlch#d T. RJnn; Southern Asaoclate Edltona: JoM Henrlc:ben, Adv. Mgr.: ...._n .I. AhlRutr H81 L..ndon. Teny ~: ,.., ()ppen.'91mer, Wnt Cout Art: Het9n H8Mlft0ft, Layout; Gloria att.r, Plc1uree Publisher Relations: Robert D. c.ner and Lee Ellle, V.P.a and Co-Olrectors; Rot.t H. Mantott. ""°"'81 H. O'NeU, Managere Production: lllelbourne Zlpprtdt, Director; Newepaper S.rvle»e: Promotion Robeft Frwtele Foe.,, Manager; II.tin ...._;Merchandising, c.ole VIS ••w.t.._, Coordinator &ltorlel I Adw•tlalng ............. : 141 Lt•tngton Awe,. .... York, N.Y. 10022 <; 1172 FAMILY WEEKLY, INC. All rlgMI reHfftd. You are ln'llted to mall your queatlone 0< comments about any materlal In Famlty Weekly. Write to Service Editor, Famtty WMkty, 841 Lexington Avenue, New York, N.Y.10022. .. ($10,000 TOWARDS PURCHASE OF THE BUILDING SITE) ---~©}} 0I171 II J . llUllOlDS lO•ACCD co•rA•n . WlllSTOll·SAl l•. II c -------------------------------r--------------------------------•ua EM COUNTRY• STAKES OFFICIAL RULES t. OR M offldel 1RbJ lilllMl • • I YXS• piece of ......,, u.i pttat or WI ,..... -. ...,_ llMI ill code. 2. Wiii NC:lll IRbJ 1111111 2 llllPtr SI._ pedllpe (MY sla) Oii IN ""'* ''tlltllnl ~I SllM" PflMed In bloctl tetlerL Elltw 11 oftln II J'Oll wlsll lMlt eec:ll tfttry .st be _,led In I Mf"llte tllfflope, Mall to: "S.r• eo.tn'' stlllls, P.O ... '217,st. Plllll, -~ ..... 55112. tlltrtel ................. by Mey 31, itn ..s ""'"" llJ .._. 1, 11n. J. W111Mn wlH be dlt .... 111d IA ,...... ctr.wiftp CGftdllctld llJ 9'Dtts lfttenlltlonll, • &!rd IP 1...-.t Judcllls Qflllllbatloll -.. decillcm '" final. 4.· llle Arlt Prtza la • $12,000 ~ VIC.ltloll '"""9-IOO 911. ft., I,..,.. lllOdel bY Rollcleslca l.ef- lllff ....... Ille., -... to $12.000 towlrcla tnlCtlClll of the , ... $10,000 flowercla purctlaM of tfle IMlikllftl le W II M llt8t'Mt9 prlr1 $30,000 enll. 5 . prizes 8" I tl,520 ~ ROIMleslc:I ll8QUon Ille 100 111-ft, 12'4idld lllOdtl, llMI up to $1, ....... 9'ectioft of tfle llolM W II M 1ttw111te prtre $15.000 calfl.:t:: ttitnt prizes.,. I .......... 7•.10" San JIM tra AU MnMra wfllM~by.it. I. "'"' .. ,..tnMflnlble llMI Mn-f'ld.....,lt for Clllt. "' MdtlMI tot prtaa • offel'ld. Only °"' KING: 19 mg. "tar", 1.3 mg. nicotine. prln to I t..ily. Tiie odds 9f WIMlkla will be ..... ........ bY ... ,..,.., of llltrlel ........ All 5,0lll prizes wfll ............ . ·-.,~ski sate ltlcl ,.,.., ...... If ...,, ..... r lltyoftlle......._ 1. Open to residetlta of tlle COftthttntll Unittd Statn and Hawaii only. With rttC*t to first or MCOncl prizes, rtaidtnls !If Allslla and Hawaii art 1U11bte fOf calll alttrnaUvt prtrn only. Entrllflts must be 21 }'UB of II• or Ohttr. Eniployffs and lltlr t•N• of R. J. 1t9'ft0fdl Tobacco Co. and Roncltska lelMtrt Homes, Inc., their ~dlarl" ltlcl afflllaltd COlfto PM!ts, tllelr Hvertistn1 a1t11eles lllCI Spotts lnttr· natlonll art not tll&lble. Vold In Idaho, Mluoul1, Waslllncton, Florida, Geor&la, and wlltrt'nl' else pn>-hiblt9d « restricted by law. All fedlfal state and local laws MCI ,..,.1aU0111 appfy. To obtlln 1 list of wl1111tr1, send a 1~. ulf...adressed "'"lope to: "S.ltm Country Winners," P. o. Box 1254, St. ""'· Minnesota 55112. WIMeB llstl will ... Nlled by September 1, 1972. To obWll fur1MI' lnforlMtJon 111111 ln..tln • .... desks lel11K9 tto1M1. WTlte t9: 1Gad1alcl Uhule Homes CcNpol'atioll, Dept. S32. 527 lllcl>oRfl st., Alhntlle, Moftlt Clfvllnl 29803. SUPER.KING: 20 mg. "tar", 1.3 mg. nicotine. av. per cigarene. FTC Repon AUG.71. 1 Entrants must be 21 years of age or older. 1 ..... 111111 ..... 9' ..... 1119~ I I Mail to: .. s.1em Col.Mtry'' .... , I P.O. Box 8217, St. Paul, Minn. 55182 I I I I I Please enter me in the "Salem Country" Stakes. Enclosed are two empty Salem peckages (any size) or the words "Natural Menthol Salem" printed in block letters on a 3" x 5" piece of paper. t certify that I am 21 years of age or older. I Name --------------~ I (l•UAH l'tlllU l'LAllelY) I Address _______ ,Phone No. ____ _ II City -----State ----Zip ----<•fl>V••l'O) I I No purcheM requtntd. Enter as often n you like. 5 SECOND PRIZES 2-Bedroom Vacation Home ~~ or $15,000 cash -. ~ ~ 1,. \ .. ;.v' 5,000 Third Prizes-~ Miniatan 7" -10" i San JOM Ju .... y,_ lf!I a fact, thut mo use traps can cause more problems than they solve. If a lrap does not accomplish a quick, clean kill, thejo b o f"finish- ing off" the injured mo use i!I up to you. Or-if the trap happens to hit the mouse's tail o r leg. he may ho bble off, dragging the trap into the wall. But n o t with d-Co n* Mousr:-PRUfE* ... MOUSE·PRUFE IS CLEANER. No disease-carrying, messy m o use traps a ro und the ho use ... no handling mice. And no disposal pro blems. MOUSE·PRUFE IS EASIER. Just pull tab on the pac kage and bait feeds a utoma tically. Mice c at 'til they've had eno ug h -and d isappear from ight ! MOUSE·PRUf£ IS SURER. Be- cau!.c mice always come in family g ro ups, one trap is no t eno ugh. But one pack- age of Mcwsr -PRUff. can do the job of two, three, or more traps. MOUSE·PRUFE docs not con- rnin violent poisons,.so it's safe when used as direc ted -even a ro und c hildren and pets. "My Son Had Leukemia": ·The Miraculous Story of One BoyS Survival byGwynethBealer I look out over a sea of faces at the City of Hope National Biennial Convention luncheon as I wait my turn to say a few words. At the. head table with me sits Louis Mitchell, who, back in 1961, was one of the first six U.S. patients to receive an electronic P3(:emaker, and Mrs. Adelaide Beller, a cancer patient who underwent bilateral adrcnaJcctomy that same Y'ear. Why am I -a prof es&iooal ligbt..opera singer from Los Angeles-here? Because my son Gregory fell victim to leukemia in 1961, just a few hours before his 10th birthd~y party was to have begun-a party he never bad. As I sit here, my mind flashes back to August 19, 1961. when Greg fint com- plained of a sore throat and not feeling well. The symptoms appeared to be those of a cold, but bad enough so that he asked me to cancel his party. I called the doctor, who said there was a lot of flu -going around, and ordered antibiotics for Greg. Three days later, Greg was no better. He'd had a complete physical just four r1ontbs earlier, so 1 knew that whatever was wrong with him bad come upon him suddenly. Then he complained of a pain in his stom- ach. "It's a gastric-type ftu," the doctor said. The next day, Greg was in such agony that I carried him out to the car and drove him to the doctor, who took one look at "By the time we arrived at the hospital, our aon didn't even kno" ua. The grav•faced doctor pulled ua •Ide: 'This Is the hardest thing In the world to tell you. Your eon has leukemia.' " him and put him straight into Sierra Madre Leukemia is a killer. It is estimated that, Hospital. They'd call me as soon as they this year alone, out of approximately bad the results of their tests, I was told. 40,000 diagnosed cases, 15,000 to 20,000 Reluctantly I returned home to sit by the Americans will die of it. Among children, phone. At 6 p.m. it rang. "Mrs. Bealer," it is the leading cause of death between the doctor's voice vibrated through the the ages of one and 14. J know the horror receiver, "1 suggest you send for your of it well .... husband .... " The next day, as I sat bawling beside ----_ At the time. my husband. Peter.-who --Gre~I foun, a liule..nu~me up to works for 1Tf, was in San Francisco at me. and in aJI kindness whispered, "He'll an industrial convention. He drove all make a beautiful angel .... " night to get home. By the time we arrived ''I'd rather have him a live devil!'' I at the hospital, our son didn't even know blurted out. us. The grave-faced doctor pulled us aside: My husband stubbornly ref used to ac- "Tbis is the hardest thing in the world to cept the verdict. "We can't just let him tell you. Your son has leukemia." die!" he insisted. I suppose it was a silly My husband stared at him, and then and even stupid thing to say, because we burst out with, "Well, cure itl'' It was in-knew the facts. But then Peter remembered comprehensible to him...!.to both of us-a friend who was an administrator for the that Greg could possibly have anything City of Hope, just six miles from Sierra that serious. He'd been so active, so strong. Madre, where we lived. Jo fact, just four days before his birthday, On Monday we bodily removed Greg he'd won a trophy for swimming butterfly. from the hospital. We wrapped him in He bad ribbons and plaques all over his blankets and rushed him to the City of room. Hope. For two days be was unconscious. Ttte doctor only shook his head. ''I fear Dr. Randolph Sharpsteen, then head pedi- he has not many days to live." atrician, consoled us with the vague hope 4 • FAMILY WEEKLY, Merell 19, 1872 that if Greg survived the nex.t 36 hours, , he could possibly live for another eight months; for, lo addition to leukemia, they'd also discovered an abscess as big as an egg on bis appendix. A couple of days later, incredibly, Greg was not only alive, but was actually grumpy-a sure sign to us that he waa get- ting better! He kept complaining, ''They've taken my comic books and I can't find them!'' We then learned that the abscess bad simply vanished! For five weeks 1 drove to the ·city of Hope and stayed with Greg from seven to five every day. Miraculously, be began to mend. Theo we were told be could go home. The day before they allowed us to take him, a piece of bone was cut from his chest to be sure the infection was ac- tually leukemia. "Treat him with kid gloves," we were cautioned. ''He has been very, veYytUr---- So Greg came home. We let him lead a perfectly normal life. We didn't teU him then that he bad leukemia, for fear of the emotional trauma the knowledge might cause. Instead, we said he was being treated for anemia. Every ..day for the next month, I took him back to the hospital for tests, and then every other day. They put him on a drug called metbotrexate, which in itself can kill by producing disastrous side effects. For one and a half years he was on it, and he was the filth person ever to have it injected right into bis spine. The doctors warned us, "We don't know what this will do-it may even kill him .... " At that point. however, we were willing to take any chance. Then disaster struck again. In spite of all precuution~. about seven months after we brought Greg home, he caught a bad case of measles! I thought that t:Ve!'l a cold could kiJI him. I was beside myself with worry. His temperature soared up to I 04 degrees. Then we discovered he bad de- veloped cirrhosis of the liver. Still, one and a half years after his case of leukemia was diagnosed, there was no evidence of it. During that time I bad mothers come up to me and say that 18 months was the longest anyone bad survived. But J wouldn't listen, because I'd always Tc mem- ber that strong feeling I bad the day we drove out of the City of Hope gate. 1 was convinced Greg wouldn't die of leukemia. Call it my fey Welsh background. Or faith. But I felt so sure .... Two and a half years later, we moved • Greg'• mother writes: .. , had mothers come up to me and .. Y th•t 18 months was the longest anyone had survived. But I wouldn't Halen becauae I'd always remember that strong fMllng I had the day we drove out of the City of Hope gate. I waa convinced Greg wouldn't die of leukamla. Call It my fey Welsh background. Or faith. But I felt Mrs. Gwyneth BHler and her son, Greg. , to Studio City,. and I stHI commuted one day a month to the City of Hope with Greg for tests. All was weU for about ftve years. Then one day he came home from school, showed me a funny littJe spot and asked, "Mom, what's thatr • It was chicken poxl My heart sank. We'd never been told the child was .cured, but after five years it was assumed this was the cue. And here, suddenly, were new complications, and possibly fatal ones! Greg was so ill with chicken pox that encephalitis resulted. He looked like the village idiot, with his hands moving, un- able to speak properly, eyes rolling. It was an agonizing thing to see. I pleaded with the doctor, "You call my husband. I can't." Poor Greg. I remember bis saying, "I feel so sick, Mom. I feel my soul is gone." And I said, "Nol Your soul hasn't gone- but l think we have 1o pray, and right now!" And we did! At a time lite that, even if you don't know how to pray, you learn fast! The next day, Greg was SO percent ~tter. On Suoday, be was 100 percent better. Monday, the doctor called. "[ve. arranged for Greg to go into the com- municable diseue ward at the county hospital.': "Oh, but Greg is just fine," l replied joyously. "No, no ... you don't understand," he said with compassion. "Greg has enceph- alitis .... " "But he's fine! Really!" I insisted. And-miraculously-he wast At that time-and just one week before I wwo start.rehearsals with the Civ~Ugbt . Opera-I learned I wu five and 1l half months pregnant. For a while, time moved normally for us. I gave birth to another son, Timothy, and we bought the house in which we now live, in Woodland Hills. Greg turned 16. Theo, in Juoe, 1967, when the baby was 10 months old, Greg de- veloped varicose veins of the esophagus. Instead of going on a happily anticipated vacation, we were back at the City of Hope with Greg. X rays indfoatcd a spleen five times too large, stones in the gallbladder and portal hypertension. Tbe portal vein should have a pressure of 1 S degrees. Greg's was 47 degrees. If it reached SS, we were informed, he'd have a massive hemorrhage "and that would be that." Fortunately, we found a brilliant sur- geon who specialized in the type of oper- ation Greg required. Dr. Eric Fonkalsrud of UCLA Hospital removed Greg's spleen and gallbladder, and did a shunting opera- tion to take the pressure otf the portal vein. Once more Greg was on the roa~ to recovery. Three months later, he was out chinning .himself and climbing 30-foot ropes. Suddenly he had a physical strength he never bad before! lo 1967, Greg's father told him for the first time that be had lympbobla.stic leu- kemia. Greg's reaction was quite non- chalant, like, "Well, doesn't everyone?" He was much more interested in playing football than worrying about something in his past. That was four yea.n ago-it seems like four decades, or four centuries. Suddeoly, as if ending a reverie, I bear my name called by Superior Court Judge Bernard Seiber, cba1nng a pane( discussion. Briefly he explains who I am, and then says, "But let Mrs. Bealer teJI you the story in her own words .... " I hesitate, recalling the pain, the worry, the hope. the fears, of those years. And then I say~ "Why oot let my son teU you?" and I point into the audience at my 20- year--0Jd blond giant, who looks more like a lumberjack or a Vitlhg than someone whose life bung by a thread for so long. Everyone in the room turns to look at Greg as he stands u~six-f oot-tbree and 185 pounds of well-being. Slowly, he makes his way to the rostrum and surveys the surprised faces before him. Oreg has a great sense of humor, but he has always been somewhat shy. I wait as eagerly for his words as everyone else does. ''lbank -you 'for 10 1ldditional years of life," be sa)'s simply. There wasn't a dry eye in the place! Greg is now enrolled in Pierce College, aod is looking forward to becoming a writer. The harrowing experiences in bis past have neither impressed oor depressed him. A great deal of that time in bia life has fortunately been blocked from his memory. Nature has a marvelous way of doing that. And just as I have always been sustained by an inner strength, so has Oreg. Perhaps the one thing that bas bothered him through the yean was a f ccl- ing of guilt that he might have taken too · much time from my singing career. Now, at his insistence, I am giving more ,_.me to music, which I do enjoy. After all, 1 am grateful for so much. Who wouldn't feel like singing? · 0 FAMILY WEEKLY, Mtirefl 1t, 1972 • I Spectrum/72 Sports Mini-Profile STEVE BLASS league season came In 1968, when he posted an 1 &-6 record. Last year, he pitched five shutouts, had a 2.87 earned-run average, then handcuffed the heavy-hitting Baltimore team In two Not a Care In the World (Except for Those Nightmares .••• ) The old clich6 that yau can "take the boy out of the country but you can't take the country out of the boy" lives on in Steve Blass, the 29-year-old pitching star of the wor1d-champlon Pittsburgh Pirates. After he hurled the dramatic victory over Baltimore In last fall's World Series, he confided that he'd received a call from a "high government official." "Pr•klent Nbton?" he•• asked. "No, from eomebody more lmpotUnt IO me:-the Flrtt crucial Series games. HI• f ether WM so excited he did a victory dance on top of the BaltJmo,.. dugout and had to be lhooed away by guard• with long polea. ... Blass is married and has two sons. Hie cheerful manner hidM the fact thllt he la a wor,,..rt. Befo,.. import.mnt gamn, he hM nlghtmeres in which he .... long drivea "bounce off hla head, and he tenet. to throw up hie breakfut before getting to the ball park. He worried so much before the third Series game that he misplaced all the copious notes he'd made on the weaknesses of Oriol& batters-but beat them anyway! by a 5-1 score. -By Sany Abramson • Selectman of Falla Village, Conn., my hometown," he anawered •..• Blass's first successful big- ·The Doctor Lets You In Ulcer: A Portrait Etched In Acid People who get ulcers are white males 40 years old who live In New York, are vice presidents of ad agencies on Madison Avenue and wear gray- flannel suits, right? Wrong! You forgot to add people In lower socioeconomic brackets, black men and women, college students under pressure and little old ladies who knit. Urban medical centers have been having practically an .§J2idemlc of ulcers In blacks and Pu_erto Ricans, who are apparently under more pressures than the rest of society. Frustrated housewives can have the same problem. What should you do to prevent it? There's no guaranteed way. But make a conscious effort to express yourself and exercise to keep the tensions from turning In on you. Establish that good policy, then forget about It; no use crying over mifl( you ha'ven't had to spill yet -BJ John J. Secondl, M.D. Jobmanship The Real Reason Committee Meeting• Often Wa•te Time You may be able to do something about job meetings where too much Ume is spent accomplish- ing too little. According to management expert Richard C. Grote, "hidden dedalon•" •r• made regularlJ at meetings. Says Mr. Grote, when someone announces, ''Let's examine the such- and-such problem," and Instantly begins a long discussion, he Is making a "hidden decision" that will shape your entire meeting. Then there's the "hidden •genda 911me." For example, John Doe may urge a new project of doubtful value. "The company's welfare" will be John's expressed purs)ose. The advantages to John's own career advancement will be the "hidden agenda." People who successfully Influence your meetings with these games may be playing the/1 roles unconsciously. Or they may be well aware of what they're doing. Either way, once you catch on, you can subtly help to control them.-By S. R. Redford I • FAMILY WEEKLY, M1~h It, 1172 Famllyflak BY JACK TIPPIT""'' o o a a~ .L._--- I D "I've been recalled by the Fourth Grade, in order to correct a few defects." . Celebrity Soapbox JANET LEIGH Who Says One Voice Can't Chan·ge The World? "Sometimes.J get frustrated at how seemingly little a person can do about Injustice," says actress Janet Leigh. "I want to tear down walls, whether I see on TV that thousands are being made homeless or killed, or whether my little girl comes home and tells me about something unjust that happened to her at school. Many of us have felt this way, I suppose. But I've also found that sometimes It is possible to do something. When I read about the shooting of wild mustangs from a helicopter for horsemeat, I joined an organization called Wild Burro Preservation, run by a woman known as Wiid Horse Annie. There's a case where one concerned woman Is almost single-handedly saving our wild horses from slaughter. Or take the fact that when our famlly goes camping or skiing, we always have to put up with litter and piles of empty beer cans. We've taken to carrying little bags around to put refuse In. I just want to scream when I think of how blind The Diet Watch How Your Emotions Affect Midnight Snacking Dieters who are taking off pounds slowly and successfully can some- times be dismayed to f Ind themselves· getting up during the night and eating snacks. This Is the "nlght-eatJng 8Jndrome," a term coined by Dr. J. A. Stunkard, a psychiatrist who has done major explorations In the field of obesity. The nlght-e~ syndrome can affect •JbodJ, andJl'• ,.lated to a atreatul period, business or personal, In a peraon'a lffe. But luckily you get over it when the stressful situation lets up. Until It does, though, a dieter can keep weight down by having reasonably low- calorie but satisfying foods on tap in the refrigerator. And surprising as It may seem, a cup of tea goes a ~bnQ way toward atleylatingJ hose ,, ,_ __ _ emotional hunger pangs In the dead of night. -By H•rrtet LaQa,,.. -the people who pollute our world are. Don't they realize the injustice they're doing, not only to us, but-to their own children? Perhaps if more people started saying, 'I can do somethlng'-well, maybe a lot more could be done." (Miss Leigh will soon be seen In the films "One Is a Lonely Number" and •'Rabbits. ")-By Wiiiiam Wolf Why Widowers Have More Problems Than Widows In some ways a widower has a harder adjustment · to make than does a widow. Sociologists have found that a bereaved man Is often far more lost and lonely than a widow because it Is "usually a man's wife who links him to the soclal world and even to his family." Of course, a widower's chances of remarriage are higher than a widow's. A widower who remarries does so after three years; while widows aver~ge a seven-year wait. ff you are mcqualnted with• wfdower or widow who'"'' he or 8he hH found a aultllbfe new m•t•, JOU lhould probably encou,.ge the remarriage. Second wives or husbands often resemble the first spouse, and these marriages are often very happy.-By Shlrley Sloan Fader AND GO ANYWHERE, DAY OR NIGHT! Double Knit Acetate Jersegs With the s10 and S25 Look -But Our Low Prices of Only SS.98 & S10.98 a IN t OUTFITS Ju•psults bg Day ••• CCN.'ktall D~..es by Night ONLY $1()98 OUll Pme• 0-.Y 9598 · STYLE 40151-Fl.ORAL FANTASY IN lWO PARTS. Costume suit is easy to wear or pack 'cause it's washable acetate jersey ... resists wrinkles, drips dry, needs no ironing. Classic neck· line, bright-white buttons, short sleeves. Easy-fitting skirt has elastic waist. Colon: Pink cw 8'ue. Sizes; 12 to 20, 14~ to 24~ One, $5.98 STYLE 40157-A LOOK OF ELE- GANCE FOR YOUR LEJSURE UFL Detightful duet is welt-bred, too--ace- tale jersey is wrinkle-resisbtnt, wash- able, drips dry with no Ironing needed-. Sleeveless button-ffb-n cu~e makes the rounds all day, hides beneath a graceful button-down skirt for entertaining nights. Colon: UlllC or Blue. Sbles; 12 to 20, 14-'n to 2,4.lh. Only $10.98 STYLE 40150-PRECOCIOUS ftAIS· LEY TWO-PIECER goes pfaces beau· tituNy 'cause" it's wrinkle-resistant acetate jersey. Keeps Its colors through countless washings, drips dry. Expensively detailed with self. covered buttons; short sleeves, at- tractive cotlar. 5'llrt has no-bind elas- tic waist. Colon: Blue • ptnll. Sizes; 12 to 20, 14~ to 241h. Only $5.98 STYLE 40151-TWO SOME WITH IMSH, WITH DRAMA, AT HOME AND OUT ... Tenif"ec turtleneck culotte with back zipper fat-bu_.!iest dfys-plus a flOifY on-down skirt ·that makes a costume lool( for happy nights. Wash· able acetate jersey drips dry, needs no ironing. resists wrinkling. Colors: Seip or Blue. Sizes; 12 to 20, 14~ to ~Only $1G.98 ,.... -/Id~/ 3 WAYS TO ORDER: PREPAID • C.O.D • USE YOUR CHARGE CAIOI --, ~::-oeenlald fashions, n.,t.a-. 4500 ..... umlt ............. ,.... 33054 I <..,..._.,..,,,, •w.••J04ay~ ............. > Styie Ho. Sbe bt Cok>r 2nd Color Prb Add 65i posta1e per Item. TOTAL 0 PMPAID: I enclose the fuO prlce Pl.US 65' postap fw each Item. 0 SEND C.O.D. I DtCU>SE $1.00 DEPOSIT for each Item end will pay postman balance plu. all postal ch.,, ... YOU MAY CHAJIGE YOUR OltOElt 0 BANKAMERICARD Acct. HO·-------Good Th,ru.-_____ _ 0 MASTER CHARGE I Addrn Acct. HO•-------INTERBANI< No ____ _ I (Find above your neme) Ctty tete Z1 Good Thr.._ _____ _ L------------------------~ ~-fRACKJ STEREO TAPE 210229 THREE DOG NIGHT 209171 ~ HARMONY ,.....,of .. 1- CARTRIDGES for on 86 If )IO\I Join now •nd •eree to buy seven c•rtrldces (•t the recu••r Club price) durin& the comlnc year And you will also receive this CARTRIDGE CARRYING CASE Thi• h•nd1ome, 1turdy Carrying Ca1e hold• up to ten cartrldgn. Bl•ck l•ather· like flnlah with e gold trim. Yn. it'• true! -if you join the Columbia Tape Club right now, you may have ANY 8 of these stereo cartridges for only $2.86. We wlll also Include the Cartridge Carrying Case shown above! In exchange . . . · You qree to buy just aeven cartridges (at the regular Club price) tn the coming year -and you may cancel your membership at any time after doing so. Your own charge account will be opened upon enroll- ment ... and the cartridges you order as a member will be tnalled and billed at the regular Club price of $6.98 each, plus processing and postage. (Occasional special cartridges may be somewhat higher.) You may accept or reject cartrldg• as follows: every four weeks you will receive a new copy of lhe Club's music magazine, which describes the regular selection for each musical interest ... plus hundreds of alternate selections from every field of music . • • • If you do not want any cartridge In any month, just return the selection card always provided by the date specified ••. If you want only the regular aelectlon for your musi- cal Interest, you need do nothing -It will be shipped automatically ••• It you want any of the other cartrldgn offered, just order them on the selection card and return It by the date specified •.• •nd from time to time we will offer some special se- lections. which you may reject by returning the spe - cial dated form provided . . . or accept by simply doing nothing. You'll be elJglble for our bonus plan upon completing your enrollment agreement -a plan whJch enables you to get an addlllonal cartridge of your choice FREE for every two cartridges you buy. Act now! IC72t/'12 SEND N():MbNtY-JUST THE COUPON Cut along dDtttd line-fold 1n half, eeal with _..or tape and ,.,.u u Buslneu Reply flwelope. NO STAMP NEEDEOI ~--------------~--:":':------------ Pleue accept my membership 1ppll~tlon and send me the eight atereo cartrldgea Indicated below. for which I wlll be bllled only S2.88, plu• proceealng and pollage. Also send me the C1rtrldge Carrying Case. lhftd,.• ni ... I Caf'trldtff For o.IJ '2.• (fill In numbers) -- J r I I a .. r~ to bu7 nnn car1r1d1es rat the re1ular Club prlcel durlnl' the comlnlJ 7ur. and ma• cancel memberahlt> any Lime t.hereaf~r. If t continue, l will be eUslble tor 70Ur bonua plan. All .elec\lorur. wlll be dci.cr1bed In advance In the CIUb ma11aaine sent evenr tour weelu1 It I do not want an1 cartrldse. I'll return the aelecllon card bf the date ·~cUled -or uae It to order 107 cartrldsu l do want. 1 I .-ant .onfr the re1ular irelec:llon, J nttd do nothln1 -It •Ill be sent automat1call1. Prom time to time. I'll be olfered 1pectal car-~ lrldaea •hlch J ma7 accept or reJec:t b7 u1tn1 tbe dated Corm J ahun provided. I; MY MAIN MUSICAL INTEJIUT II (cMdl one boll OfllJ) Jt 0 bey U1tet1l119 0 Young So1t11dl 0 Co1t11lry I I § •.. =~ .......... . (PIHH llittrtU ~ .. · .. ~;,.·~········ ·,.;,.·.-"~~ --.. Atltl,.... ........................................................... . Clt7 ................................................................. . ti•••·· ............................................ z1, .............. . Do yeu have • relepho11e? 0 YES 0 NO Al'O. l'l'O nlllluuee1. utrfle /or •JH:Ciol otJu (N-W) CJ9 Six Clever Baseball Managers- This Is the Way They Operate Each baseball season, Gene Mauch, lhe Montreal Expos' fiery manager, is a leader in the number of Limes that umpires eject him from games for arguing. A nega- tive statistic? lndeed not! Many times a manager wants to be tossed out of a game in hopes of firing up a sluggish team. And with a relatively new team competing against stronger clubs, Mauch finds that his spirited strategy often works. His spunky players lead their league in the number of times that they stand. unHincbingly, as they arc hit by pitched balls and thereby earn "free" bases. Maucfi's little-known tactic typifies the demanding role of baseball manager. For the fact ia, to remain a moving fon:e be- hind his •cam, a manager must be the most adroit psychologist in sports. AmollB those excelling at this job: &rt Weaver, Baltimore Orioles. A spir- ited, 5-foot-7-inch man, otum called base- ball's "banty rooster," Weaver exemplifies that a manager must be a skilled tactician even when he has talented players. Saving fines for se rious lapses, Weaver and his coaches found minor mistakes could be reduced by letting the Orioles organize a "kangaroo court." Even :rfter the Orioles wirr.-r1Jtayer often dr~ bleached mop strings over his head for a judicial wig :tnd summons red-faced-but still smiling- players to receive a bat handle for swing- ing at a bad pitch, or a concrete-filled red shoe for errant baserunning. The. result: The Orij)les have won a pennant-and more thin 100 gam~_s-in e_pch o!Jbe th~. full seasons that Weaver bas managed them. A backyard gardener with bis wife, Marianna, the 4 1-year..old Weaver accepts little credit for the Orioles' success. "I just push the home-run button.'' he smiles. Ralph Houk, New York Yankee•. Houk is widely regarded as one of baseball's toughest men. In judiciously blending dis- cipline and tolerance, Houk shows why the talented team won pennants the first three seasons he managed them and, after falling to last place while he was an executive, has acivanced in caliber since.he returned as manager. H e has many techniques for relaxing tense young players. Some, seen slapping on arom atic shaving lotion after a game, have been told by a smiling Ho uk.: ··1 know how it is with the girls. Take an extra hour out tonight if she proposes." Houk rarely hears complaints from pitch- ers whom he replaces. One reason : His knack fol' selecting a relief pitcher who usually outperforms the tiring star. Says Houk: "You have to show confidence in your men before they'll show confidence in you." Awarded the Silver Star in the Battle of the Bulge, Houk excels al keep- ing players calm but slightly scared. Once. after several players were injured, the Yan- kees heard public rumon that they were 11 • FAMILY W££KLY, Mardi 1t, 1t1'2 Baltlmore'• Weaver: The Yankee•' Houk: The Dodgers' Alston: A tactician who nerer lets up-eren lifter aw/n. Heh•• the knack of blending discipline and tolerance. HI• teacher/Ike m•nner /1 no accident. Oakland'• Williama: The Phillie•' Lucchesi: The PlratN' Murtaugh: P-uta hi• Job on fM ,,,,. against Sometimes umpires can't eien e/ecr him. Eren In retirement, his presence I• atllltelt. /azyheroes. By Bill Suria~e ''finished for the season." Calling together the healthy players, Houk announced: "If we don't win, there's an awful lot of you fellows being overpaid." The Yankees won the next six. games. Walt Al•ton, Lo• Angele• Dodgers. Though baseball m anagers are customarily fired for the most nebulous reasons, Al- ston's unflappable style bas carried him through 19 consecutive seasons with the Dodgers-and all under one>year contracts. The result: Alston's teams have won six pennants, four World Series; and they've come agonizingly close to winning a title most of the other seasons. Alston's teacher- like attitude is no accident; be prepared himself to be a calm instnictor in case he couldn't play or manage in pro baseball. "I started as a high school teacher-with managing minor-league baseball my sum- Jner job for a long time." A large, balding, 60-year-s>ld man, Alston spends part of his' off-seasons in Darrtown, Ohio, watching bis grandchildren play sports instead of reha!hing past games. "I always encourage my wife to come to the games," he main- tains. 'Then I don't have to bring home all the problems of a game." -Dick WiUiarm, Oakland Athletic•. As the Boston Red Sox rookie manager in I 967, the pugnacious Williams showed great patience with troubled players but surprising toughness with lackadaisical heroes. He benched an overweight player, personally caught curfew violators, and not only relieved a slar player of bis title as "team captain" but also fined him $500 for loafing. 'Tm the only chief," be said, "the rest are Indians." The result : The Red Sox won their first pennant in 2 1 years, and Williants was selected in the Associ- ated Pre38 poll as the American League's ''manager of the year." Since m anagers ar~ more expendable than disgruntled batting sun, Williams was abruptly fired two sea- sons later for being "too mean." Hired to Behind every great team, often In the shadows, stands a great manager. Six men, with six different styles, who prove the axiom that "A manager must be the most adroit psycholOglat In sports." manage the lowly, oft-troubled Athletics in 1971, Williams told them: "My mean reputation got here before J did-ho w 1 crack down on big shots and prima don- nas." Instead of grumbling~ the Athletics performed determinedly and won the league's 197 I divisional titJe by an aston- ishing l 6 games. Once again, WilJiams was voted the league's "manager of the year." Frank Luccbni, Phlladelphle PhilH ... A short, bouncy and unpretentious man, Lucchesi proved his phil080phy as aoon as be became the Phillies' manager in 1910: "You have to have esprit de corps.'' The Phillies arc a scrappy team that won many more games than expected and are con- side rcd a team with a promising future. Lucchesi, who maintains a home in Foster City, Calif., with his wife, vividly demon- strates that he doesn't give up easily. On one occasion.. be was ejected from an important minor-league game for exces- sive arguing. Jost.cad of meekly leaving the park, Lucchesi tried to manage his team by signaling with a handkerchief while listening to a radio broadcast. When the radio broke, he signaled through a screcn- covered gate-until the umpires covered ·it Undaunted, be <:limbed up an electrical pole to direct his learn for two more in- nings before finally surrendering to_\. the umpires"' demands. Says one player: "How could you stop hustling f ?r this guy?" Danny Murtaugh, Plttlburgh PlratH. A gruff and witty man, Murta ugh has just stepped aside as manager because of a heart murmur, in favor of Bill Virdon. But, having Jed the Pirates to a division title in 1970, and the World Series in 1971. his presence is still very much felt. Mur- taugh's best technique, players say, has been showing them how to "stay loose by outsmarting people, outbollering 'em." When the Pirates were in a losing streak last season, Murtaugh did not show any visible concern by drastically revising bis lineup. "When you get lousy bitting. lousy pitching and lousy fielding," he grunted. "I don't have nobody to promote over any- body else." A plainly relaxed man, Mur- taugh remains imperturbable, whether he is among the Pirates or in Chester, Pa., with his close-knit family. When asked about his biggest problem after the Pirates lost the first two J 971 World Series games. he looked at the stadium's ruglikc anificial grass. 'Theo, reaching for a chaw of to- bacco, he smiled: "My only problem is finding a place to spit." 0 ORDER TODAY AND ,SAVE UP TO 50%· On these Quality Shade Trees! Flowering Shrubs! House Plants! Flowers and Bulb~! Special-By-Mail · Offert 4 year old-10-1811 size . . 3 for 5100 ~:: ::: >?.· ·sp8ctacular ~~lo~! Fast, Easy Growi".'g! Low Pr~ces $ . . · FLOWERIN·G SHRUBS*: * 9 Bloom Year Alter Year Without Replanfirigl Jot H.dgf! o• lo•d••·l &.ru•9 RE D SPIREA s100 (Sp. Anthof>y Waterer) A bekl· tiful shrub heavily laden with gorgeous 1ed flowers in late spring. Blooms at intervals (S for $2.50) throughout the summer. Very (5 for $4.00) hudy. Grows in sun or part shade. Excellenl for low hedge or in fronl of taller shrubs. l uxuriant green foltage Choice 1' to 3' sto<k. So "'•"Y hv.,d•ed• of P1"lt Trvmpet &loom• on •h """'"' Sp••y• We Cell 11 the . Weep•"t P1,.lt" WEIG ELA So j. ••· wheft you orcMr two 'r In June lhese gorgeous shrubs (4 fw $1 .75) (weigela rosea) are practically bur· (6 for $2.50) ied under the weight of cluster after clusler of rosy-pink floweri. For an easy·to-grow shrub, one that will add <eel beauty along walls, fences, walks and drives. "Weeping Pink" Wcigela is a must. You'll gel nice 11;, 10 3 fl. plants that will thrive without extra bother -growing 6 to 8 ft. SEND ~O MONEY. On delivery pey cost plus C.0.D. cl\arges. We pay posfage on prepaid orders. SEE THIS GOIGEOUS FLOWERING SHIUI CHANGE flOM WHIU TO "HI( lO ru1rLE IN YOUI YAIOI "COLOR CHANGING" HY DRANGEA ·2 for 51°0 (4 tor $1.75) (6 few $2.50) Few other flowering shrubs bloom so long or ere so lovely. This 1mezing "Color Cheng· ing" Hydrangea blooms in summer with thou· sands of inowy flow- ers -later the flowers turn to blush pink and finally in fall to royal purple. ·Then instead of falling off when frost comes, they often last right through winter. Even the cul flowers lasl for months. Wonderful shrub for planting around foundation of vour house, or cH a border. Shipped 1 lo 2 ft for easy lrensplanring. - lOAOS Of HOWUS UP ro ' ACIOSS HILLS OF SNOW • Easy to g row • F.tst powlttg (S for $2.50) (6 for $4.00) The Hills of Snow (Hydu n· gea A. G ) is one of the moil magnificent flower· · ing shrubs. Begins bloom· ing in July and is truly a sight to behold! lls large clusters of snow white blooms reach a diameter of about 6" end ue borne so profusely that the bush appear& to be a rotting man of white. It blooms for weeks - from early July to October. Very easy to grow. Grows to only 4' the<eby making it an excellent low growing flowering hedge, border or speci· men plant. Requires litrle care or ellenlion - grows even in poor soil. You receive hand selected I th lo 3' well rooted plants th11 will brighten even the darkest corners of your yerd and garden. IEA\ITlftll WAY TO TIJM r•oruJY PRIVET HEDGE 10 for s2oo· (40, for $7.00) {75, for $12.50) (100 for $15.00) ,,.,,.,., .. o ...... a1o ....... MOCK ORANGE 2 for s1oo (5 for $2.00) (12 few $4.00) Philadelphus V-irginelis looks like giant bridtl bovquels when 1hey bunt into bloom in spring and summer. Hundreds of pure white flowen. Dark green leaves. Especially fregranl. Thrives rnost anywhere. We seod you ideal tren1planting size: 1' 10 3'. Grows up to 8 feet. be maintained at any height Picini l 'h ft apart You now es you can possibly uW! whlle this sale la.t•. The largeil W!lling hedge ple~n Amer· ical A fast growing, superior, long lived, and beautiful plant. PRIVET (Amu,. River North) requires precticelly no c.,e. It ju1t un't be beat for that hedge to surround your patio, y1td, line '(our drive, etc. Can receive 1 to 3 ft. plants. Order as many Pick Armfuls Of Beautiful Lilacs Very Special -100 Foot PIRSIAN Lilli!. --------·.wrG IH>GWOOD~~ .; HEDGE Only s2 9a (25 PlANTS) (SO pla11h $5.75) (200 fo .. ) Some shrubs gtve beautiful spring flowers, othen give ntCe summer ~1111,_..fll~-~ foliage. and most seem to wilher away unattractively e1ch winter. But these ha•dy Red Twig Dogwood \Cornus Stolon1fera) have beautiful clusters of whore flowers i'1 rhe spring, loads of lush green leaves in the summer, and in the winter, when you expect a drab y.11d. they put on a fiery show of color w11h their brtghr red slenis contrasting 1g1in1I the snow -en ou11t<1nding year around hedge! You get nice I to 2 foot well rooted nursety grown shrubs. Gro"I' 10 6 feel, but can be trnnmed for CJ beautiful hedge. SEND NO MOlll EY. On delivery, P"Y $2.98 for 25 planis or SS 75 for 50 plants plu' C.O D. charge,, We pay po\tage on pre· paid orders. If not 100% Hli1f1ed, rust relurn sh1pp11•g label for refund of purchHe price -you keep the plent1. (I year limit) 12 FAMILY WEEKLY. M1rc:t111, 1172 • A riot of Color! • Scores of Flowers' Only s1 so ea. (3 for $3.00) (6 for $5.00) Here's the lilac that many experu say is the loveliest of all! These gorgeous, fragrant Pers1o1n Lilac (Syringa vulgaris) produce lots of purple and lavender bloom\. Have loads of cut flower\. Beevtiful deep green leaves. Very easy lo grow. Ideal in groups or borders You'll <eceove hcahhy hand-selected 2 to 3 ft. nursery grown tr~es An ideal transplimtong size. SEND NO MONEY On delivery, pay poslmM S 1.50 for I tree, ' :...C ............. ____ __ S3.00 for 3 trees or $5.00 for 6 trees plus C.O.D. charges. We pay po11a9e on prcpo1d orders All plants guaranteed to arrive in good condition ind to live. or just return shopping label for 11 refund of the purchase price -you don't even have to return the plants. ll year lim11 ) Decorate Your Home With These Colorful Grow Sweetheart Size In Your Home! MINIATURE ROSE $ 2 00 It'• true! Amuins minatwe ROsES (Roea roulett.i) in your home nearly ALL YEAR ROUND! This ecnsa-g fw $UI) tiona1 indoor-bloomina roee bush srows fw $5.11) no Jarpr than 12 inches, yet place it in a sunny window and with ample moilture Md humidity, you'll aooa 1ee a apectacular aiaht-Lou of e•quisite, Y.a to ~ " sweetheart aia . rOIU, aoraeous in colof and frasrance. 1'his indocw-bSoomins ICftS&tion blooms Jib mad 1&rai1ht throu1h the year, tat.inc time out only for the normal ,.. restin& period. If you want to increue ita vitality, take it outdoon in the IPrinl-Very limited supply. You receive choice bloomins lia plants, ":;'..L: a plastic pot. This -~ YOW' ~ U. plMt. Our choice -of colol'--ftd, slink. yellow Of" bKob. · All jou do is water A.\lmmding Blootmr Recall the Crucifixion PASSION FLOWER S)SO Pusiftora. probably the most exocic of a!I flowerina vines, thriva in homes to 1.1ft you blue-purple blooms up to .f" (2 fw $2.75) aero.a with dehc.ate pinlt filamen••· Ac· Q .., P.75) . cordin1 to leaiend, the ten petals relate co the ten apoat)es, Che comia to the crown of throns, the five anthen to the ftw wounds. and the three atipnu to the chree nails. Sent in 2~" plastic pot-all you do is water! · Uniq11e Plant lwr Color -Chun>:tnJ: Foliu>:'' HEAVENLY BAMBOO $)50 (Nandina clomatica) A fucinatin1 in· door pl•t prized for its atlrtctivc color· chanciftl foliage, beatiuful white lower (2 fer $2.2$) clustas, red-lib 5'anS and bri1ht red Q fw $2.25) berries. Best of aJI, it'• easy to srow, re-quirina little care and no special conaicl- eratioft. May be placed ouldoon duriQ1 wann weather -wbn-c it-will be .-w1come addition lo ~ prclen. Bushy, well-rooecd planll abipped in 2\4 .. plMlic poca. No other tree in the world quite lilce the LILY-of-the-VALLEY TREE • Red Foliage in Fall! • Beautiful White Flowers! ~r.50eaclt Now Only 51°0 .ach CJ ,_ $2.SOI (6 fer $4.so) Every J~ly this tree ch•n9" •ll'l'«t overnight from • ~tty green shade tree into • while cloud of thouMnds of flowen like lilift. of·lhe·V•lley. Tn. .econd mir•cle heppens in the f•ll with the first frPSt. which au~' the whole tree to turn to • fl.ming red. One. of the moll bHutiful end u"usuat of all tree1. Grow1 to 30'! A,,d, now white our limited supply lasts, you •re •ble to purchase this sens.iional tree (011ydendrum .rbofll\lm) •t b.rg•in priCM. You receive 2 to .t' top-,.otch collected tr~. So order tod•yl SEND NO MONEY. On delivery pay postm•n $1.00 for one tree, $2.50 for three tree.. or $.t.SO for si• trees, plus C.0 .0. chMgn. We pay po"age on prep•id orders. If not 100% uti1fied, just retur" the 'hipping label for refur>d of purcheM P'ice . . . you keep the trees One of Nature's most richly colored trees . . _. ROYAL RED MIPLE s1so Heh CJ ,_ $J.OO) ,, ,., $5.0t) • Grows most anywheref • Wonderful Shade treef One of h lt'1 most richly colored trees i1 the beautiful RED MAPLE (Acer rubrum) with its brilli•nt sc1rlet colored l.-ve1. &~-·· In 1pring the tree it l~cled with delicate am•ll red flowers. In summer, the bright green IHvet of the RED MAPlES will give you io.dt of w h ver m•j_e_J~t~ tlM t at will give you yHrs of proud utisfaction. hcellent •• • lawn or 1treet free. A faTily fast growing tree. You recejve strong, heevily rooted h.nd selected 2 to 4 fool collected trees. Art ide•I lrM11· plenling size. Ord&r now while the supply l•$B. SEND NO MONEY. On d&livery pay $1.50 for I tree, SJ.00 for 3 trees or $5.00 for 6 tr~. plus C.O.D. ch.,ge,. We pay posl•ge on all prepaid orden. Very Beo~iful • Fast Growing • Good Shade "GOLDEN ~TEM" WEEPING (S.li1t Noibe} Probably the f•ste1t growing &hede tree. Grow& H much n eight to ten feet a ye•r! Sler>der, gr•ufvl, drooping brM1chel. 81u.-green leave1 in spring ,.,,d summer ch•nge to be•utifvl gold in •utumn. And the gold colored b.,k m•ke• thi1 tree • showpiece in winter •• well •• 1vmmer. Very herdy. Nice 2'-4' nursery grown trees. FAMILY W£EKLY, M•rch 11, 1972 WILLOWS s1so Heh (3 fw $UI) , •• ,., $5.00) SENSATIONAL DOUILI llOOMllG Giant Hybrid · DELPHINIUM · A show piece for any Gardenl ·3 for s.1°0 <• .. $1.75) It -$2.50) Theac gient, highly prized Hybrid Delphinium wlll fill your gerden with gorgeous showy blooms ne11t ....., end every yeer. Tell, slrong .piket, covered with denae messes of colon -r.tnging from deep.it blues, blending of reds, purples, levender., with pink tlnta, to the wonderful bi-colora. hcep1i~lly •"Y to grow. Very vigorous. You11 receive drOf'lg field grown blooming aiud pl.tnls. Order tod.ty while our limited aupply luta. SEND NO • MONEY. On de_livery pay $l.OO fOf ~ pl9nta, $\.75 for 6 plents or S2.50 for 9 plents plus C.0 .D. cherges. We ,,.,, postege on prepeid order.. Hardy TALL PHLOX 3 for s1oo (6 fw $1.7S) Ct fw $2.JOt If you w.tnt gi«tt, fr-erent blooms -year after yeer - blooms that IHI for weeb, give H.trdy Tell Pt.lox • pl.ta in yow gerden. You will be rewwded with blooma .tll aummer -from June to September when color and m.111 effects .tre l'l'IOll needed. Very h.rdy and easy to grow In sun Of' semi-shede. Rkh color anortmont of our choice: "Fl.tmingo Red", "P"tel Pink'' "Royel Purple", end "Snow White". You'll get 'trong heelthy bloominv-sin field grown plenta. '. Wlty ...... , ......... ..-.ry..;z.Mltla.tMtrries when we .,.,....._ you can have ...._ extra sweet EXTRA HUGE STRAWBERRIES Next' Summer! 25 for 5225 CJe fw SI.JO) (100 fw $5.JGt (200 fw $IO.oot The lu1 time you picked •lr•wbe<r~ -0t ~ght them how many did it l•tt 10 m•ke • quart? Eigf\ty? One lwndred? More? R~l•r llr•wbeme• •re M) unall -mcHt people lo•e counll But with this hardy var1ely, you c•n upecl quarh f'ROM JUST 30 STRAWBERRIES' And the.e e•t•••wttt berrie1 {G1an1 RobinM>f'I) lire highly di.ease re1i1t•nt, they ropen nry fast, plus they produce loh of new runner• 10 give you a bigger patch eve<y year! Have wonderful b19 strawbemu for tams, freezer, fresh deuer11 for n•onths! Aod GET A HEAD START - lty ,a.11tiR9 -•· SEND NO MONEY. On delivery P4V postman cost shown, plu1 po1tagc Md C.0.0 chitfgff. We pity postage on prepaid order·s. If not 100°0 wtisf~. tust return sh1pp1ng \'QU keep the plants. ACTUAL SIZE! .._...t atr•wberriea ..... t folh h.vo owor -= clarli ,..r, wory •-t -yot flnw. AM lll'llrpot0 - froo~e, jil11t, Mt ·-~I label for refund of purchase price - CAUTION! The lltett fr•t11•Hlt) _.... "c ..... Mt'' -ttM .. ,..,., • ..., ltorries is thet -' ........ i-U ..,.., ....... -.1or __,..f Hoeostly, yov wil w•11t at ..... 50 ............... ...,, -..... fw ....... , pakhff. Low Growing Mounds -Fall Blooming HARDY ASTERS 4 COl.015 -RED-BLUE-PINK-WHITE :;~E ~R~~; $l 00 S for 51°0 For • rnlty wpel'b flowering perenni1I, yov'lf want to try t~se Dwarf Herdy Asters in your ~rden. The~ h1rdy, northern nursery grown plants are ideal for borders or foundationa - growing only 1 to 2 feet tall. Bloom from AU91Jsl 10 frost. giving you color when mott other flowen look their wor1t. Require little •ttent1on aod give you beautiful flowen th11 are nice f0t cu11ing. Our color choice. SEND NO MONEY (10 fw $1.75} (U fw $2.Jlt Easy-to -Grow Big -Tender - Delicious ASPARAGUS 10 Plants Only 51°0 Big, tender, deliciou1 -and perhaps the •"'"' 9'0WI\ of ell W mmet' wgetlblftl ~ .... II.tied, the 0tigirwil plenling u~ly produces fOf 10 yeanl Mwthe Wethington vwi.ty produc:. ~t. gienkire with i.ndef tiSJ'. From your Garden Very Easy-to-Grow TENDER MEATY DELICIOUS OLD-FASHIOllED VICTORIA • RHUBARB S Roots Only 51°0 How 1bou1 IOf'lle old·fHh1oned Rhubarb pie• II 11 eaay to st.,t and 1 new crop every year without repl1n11ngl Gives beautiful flowers, border. large ~ .. to I " nursery root1. IUASl-PllN1' NEAn y--~-­ USE THIS EASY· ORDER BLANK -SEND NO MONEY -.. .. 1 Dff'f. , .. ,06 M.h yovr Mloctio.s -tM onlor w..1r .... -ii to41.y. 0. .. liwery pay ,..--... for ite.ts ~ ,... ....... C.O.D. ch.r.-s. SAVI MONEY. hdoM fvl ....,_, .... -pay ........ Al warioties laltolocl fw yovr c_..,.;..c.. PIH.. tOtMI U% ·~ -C.0 .0. o"'9r ef $10.00 or -· ... ~c--..1 • ,.. .. •1111 I __, i'-Mlew: 0 ,,..,.... 0 C.O.D. • NMft•·~-~-~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~ IUD OUI FUll r1onCTION GUARANTEE A• ~ ... ,,flfOH .. Ito of .... .-Sty. e&Mtfy u Mveffi•lll 1114 t. arrive ill .-d heaftt.y COllditiott or ~a .. ,.na will Ito rofv114o4. lflUIN SHllll'lll'ING LAIB ONlY-,-.v IMY lroott tfM pla"''· (0-yeu '""'"> To make sure you receive lop notch grade and qu•lity, every \1ngle plant, shrub, lrt'e, bulb and house plant is carefully in· 19t"cted before 1hipmen1. Many of your frieod1 may enjoy t1king advant1ge of the money·w v1"9 offen listed on thne ~. too. Aho, this e1talog super~ all previovs uo•alogs. (Pnctt l;sted 1n all previous c.atalogs are now void.) We hope to m1intain the pr1tt's listed her~, but they are $ubject to thange without notice. , BEFORE YOU ORDER SEE SPECIAL GROUND COVER BARGAINS ON NEXT PAGE • Al SO BIG BONUS Of FER J • l.J ... .. .. m 7t1 ... .,, Ut '" 114 "' 71J 7'7 111 tit PNoli Tr. p_., .... ''· ,_., ..... ''· "-• -...o. .... ·~lilac .... ~. ...... "'··· ........ --.;-. ·-........... T. Oanlettl• T. l•y 0-... i- C-'wr•w W;tlow ftw. C!Mny ......... ,, ........ se. ..... Add NU I City __________ State·--~-----zopr -- TOTAl.llOUGHT FOIWAID ... -.., Cat. l MMly .... .._., .... ,,. ................ Mt c•a-M.. -............ 417 Millllc .. 6U ·-ns , .......... .a..M, 1n .... ...,. ,,, ·-· ns ........ 7d .... ._ StfawltettiM ..... 7 , Ml ~ ...... 142 .... ~ . 117 ........... __ .. .. ; ....... ..... 17' ......... ...., 15' ...... .. ,,. ...,-. ......... ,~ ........... J~W..feL ..,. Spec'-11 -.... , ... , -.,.,. ... , .... -· I I Cett ~! --'9 I I I I I I 'o'AL THIS COlUMH L..'----..A PIH• tOtMI H% .,._... - C.O.D. GIAND TOT::J -·---------FAMILY WEEKLY, Ma~h 19. 1172 17 ,. . GROUND COVERS! Easy-T o-Pl1;1nt, Easy-To-Grow Manes of color early in the SPRING! CREEPING PHLOX 3 for only 5100 (I t., $2.00) (20 ftH $UO) Can you imagine a sight more lovely lh•n dwarf maue1 of glowing color appearing in Hrly spring? Creeping Phlo• m1kn a sight this lovely. P•rfectly rounded balls of color growing only • inches till. And CrHping Phlo• hive three wonderful advent•ges. fiut. they st1y green the ye., round. Se<onclly, they ere m111es of color in 1he early 1pring when few other things are fn bloom. Third, they are wonderful for ground covers ind borders. Grow in pert shade or full 1un. R1c.h color nsortment of our choice: Rosy red. steel blue. pure white, purt pink. You receive strong northern grown field divisions. Now is the time to pl1n1 so order TODAY. SEND NO MONEY. On delivery . pay S 1.00 for 3 pl1nts, $2.00 for 8 pl1nts or M .00 fM 20 pl1nt1, plus C.O.D. char~s. We pay post•oe on prepaid orders. If not 100% Htidied. fust return the sllipping label for refund_ of purchase price . . you keep the pl1n1s. PLANT NOW -GROWS DURING WINTER! ~ r THIS THICK, BLUE-GREEN SPREADING EVERGittfN SpN•ch like 1n.d to cov•r tNre .,. .. , steep tNnlra •ncl other tevgh-spotsl SPREADING ; EVERGREEN Now, with this Evergrcen c1,,,_t ~u• ._.rontitflt P"!F'lmben), aee one plant grow over 119ly blre ..ch •po"· even in poof .~I, to cover 4 lo 6' with e lcwely, thidt c•rpet (3 fw $UO) of green th.t latts 365 DAYS Of (6 fw $7.00) THE YEAR. NEVER GETS MORE (12 fw $1J.OO) THAN S TO 10" TAlll ln•teed, thir. h•rdy, drought·resisllnt pl1nt ulft its energy lo grow hori.ron11lly. Does just fine in well~r1ined 1reH -even where und •nd rocks prev1il, in sun or p1rti•I shede! 8EAUTIFUl WAY TO COVER "EYESORES." And it sl•ys frosh end gri,on yetr eround, without getting that dull "winter look". Stert it on trouble spots now. Plant about 4' apart -six plctnts will cover 24 to 36'. You gel hardv pl•nts from 3" pots. SEND NO MONEY. On delivery pay S2.00 for one. S4.00 for three, S7.00 for six or S13.00 for twelve, plus po'tage •nd C.0 .0 . tharge1. We pay po"19e on prepaid orders. If not lOO~o setisfied, just return shipping label for refund of pur,h11e price -you keep the plants. AMAZING BONUS OFFER! 1 ·COLORADO BLUE SPRUCE . ONL y s ., ... °"' _ ....... ._._ _ , .. " ..... , l SJ. Yes, you un pyrchue one of ... thn4t hardy 5 year old, 10.18" Color Blue Spruce f0t only 15c. hen you send your order for 1t lust $3.00. T Colot1do Blue Spruce 1re from the .- transplanted stock th1t we norm1lly 14111 for each. Complete your order tod•y. • • • Beco1ne More Beautiful Every Yeerl CR.EEPING RED SEDUM ISedum Spurium, Dragon's Bloocl) An Extraordinary ground cover for masses of summer flowers . evergreen winter foliage! " ,_ $1.75) (12 ,., $2.50) Rock gardens. borders, edging, under ,1-iady trees. 1nd sleep banks will be 1live with cerefree color wllen you ph1nt this Creeping Red Sedum Jusl pletf' ti.en herdy, northern nunery grown plants 1bou1 one foot •p.,t and witch them taltt' over! foll troublesome 1reH w11h • ~•t 3·-4" tall cover tllat spread• f""· yet d!X'in'I 1wed pruning. Depend on it for bright red. "•r-like flowen froon Junt' through September 11trMl1ve. thoclr., temi·evergrt'cn fol119e the reat of the yefr, even on sub·rero weal~r' SEND NO MONEY On delivery P"Y. postman $1.00 for 4. $1.75 for 8 or S2.50 for 12. plus C.0 .0. charges We p.iy poitage on prepaid orders. If not 100% satisfied, just return shipping libel for refund of pvrchase price -you ~cep the planu G.OWS ANO Sl'iEAOS W'1HOU1 Sl'fCIAl CAif. IN SUN Olt SHA.OE, EVEN IH l'OOlt SOlll Sp re.d1 lih ~ greten c.,pet witlt Blu• flow•rsl PERIWINKLE STAYS GREEN All YEAR llUE ROWERS IN SPRING NEEDS NO SPECIAL CAIE ·10 for 51°0 -:-::1!!~ .. (100 for S' ... ) No~ for thady areas beneath shrubs i nd in Other dilrl plactt, even where gr•u won't grow, vou can have a 12·month c•rpel of thick. abundant. evergreen Periwinkle (Vinca minor) And· every spring, in Mey, shatde· happy Periwinkle gives you • wide profusion of beautiful lavender·blue flowers tllat mah· the dullest par! of the yard look like " showca\el And 1t grows so vigorously, you can put Periwinkle in poor, stony soil. on Sleep banh. •n rod< gardens prat1ically anywhere. D04!s l>el· ter In thade than gran but l1~es sun. too Spreads anci sprcolds; one plant grows to fill two square feel; (for quicker. denser effect plant one foot apart): gets 4·6" tall -all without special care. You get healthy. nicety rooted pl111lls, re~dy for easy transplanting. -3 l•portaat Rwons Why You Can order fronl House of Wesley with confidence. Every sin91e plant. r.h•vb, treoe OC\d house plant 11\M i• shipped 11 cMefully inlf)eded befote .tlipment '' made to you 10 make sure that 1t ii of top notch gr41de .N\d qu•lity. Aho, ~ your order C011t•1ns several items. eKh variety is properly ind cerefully i.beled f0t your convef'lience. We would lob to point out th11 ev~ it.m -sell it fully PfOlected by our tensa· tional mottey beck gu•rantee ... tllat is to say, if the ~c+..ndise do.tn'I arrive In 9Qod he•lthy condition we will gltdly refund the purchew Pfitt. YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE TO RETURN THE PlANTS.. All we ilk i1 tllat you ,......_ .......... a.ML (I ...... limil) A complete plMltong gvide i~ 1nduded in y<Nr order ~tety "-· le sure to re.d it <•refully 111 it will •nswer •Mf'IY of your pl•nting questiont .. SERVING ALL AMEllCA WITH OUTSTAllDlllG fLOWfl BARGAINS "Over 1,000,000 satisfied customers" " FAMILY WHKLV, Mercl'I It, 1972 Don't Throw OutThose Easter Eggs! There they sit in their pretty basket: colored Easter eggs, . just waiting to be eaten. And here are som e 12 .. ::S..!::·~ ~·or MEAT-LOAF SURPRISE wi1 th butter. Bake 15 minutes · d · h _,,.. .. _ ... _ .,..... onger. recipes to tempt you mto omg just t at/ to-*I Md Ughlr buttered 1 ._ 1un ground bHf a. Serve with boiled rice, but- COOKBOOK/ By Marilyn Hansen 1. Cook shrimp according to ~ _:p' .~1.,= cnllftbl te red green bcan~_and whole --...... , wheat bread. Ma~s 6 servings package-label directions, drain. 3 tableepoona Woroeslenhlre 2. In 2-qL saucepan slowly heat uuce butter until melted. Add onion !" ~9991 and saute over medium heat for 1 bottle (12 on.) atchup S minutes, atirring occasionally. y. cup wMer 3. Remove from beat; stir in V. cup lemon Juice Oour, salt and Tabasco smoothly. ~-:= thrlne ...... Gradually add milk. Over medi-1 lllblupoon butl9r Of nwg...,.. um heat, bring to boiling, stirring. 4. Stir in lemon juice and cheese, 1. Preheat oven to 350°F . In stir until cheese melts. Add shrimp. Pour into a l lh-2-qt. shallow baking dish. 5. Preheat oven to 350°F. Cut eggs in half lengthwise anID re- move yolks. In a small bowl, mash yolks and combine with mayonnaise and Worcestershire sauce. medium bowl combine beef, bread crumbs, egg, 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce and salt, mix well. ... DEVILED-EGG SANDWICHES 8hMl-cookedeggl 1 CM (4Y, OIL) dewled ham 1 tlbl•poon IMIJ chopped onion or 1 ~ teapoorw lnltMt minced onion y, cup ftMIJ chopped celerJ YI cup IMJonnalM Y. lempoon WOJCMtenhlre IMICe • YI ••poon dry mustard D•hpepper Butter or 1M1Varlne 20 .. ic:9s br .. d: enrtchecl white, !'hole ...... Of,,. 10 crilp lettuce .. .... 1. Mash eggs finely with fqrk !>" a sheet of waxed paper. Turn mashed eggs into a medium bowl and blend with deviled ham, Aa • a.tr luncheon Of llghkupper dWI, Seef_.ng E911 IMllkee excellent uee of leftoW9r EMW ._.. SEAFARING EGGS Y. tHlpoonNlt 3 dropl T9bMCO 2~ cupemlk 8. Fill a number 8 rosette-tip pastry bag with egg-yolk mixture and use to stuff egg whites. Or just spoon in lightly. 2. Divide meat mixture into 6 equal portions, placing on waxed paper. Take ooe portion of meat mix.lure, flatten slightly, then wrap aroundl.. hard-cooked egg. Repeat with remaining meat and eggs. 3. Place meat-wrapped eggs in lightly greased 11h-qt. shallow baking dish. Sprinkle with re.. maining l tablespoon Worcester- shire sauce. Bake 20 minutes. onion, celery, mayonnaise, Worcestershire sauce, mustard • and pepper. 1 leupoon '"'°" Juice y, cup etndded procea Arnertc.n chMM 8 hard-cooUd 9ff9 '4 cup rmyonlUllH 1 leupoon Worcellerahlre Nuce 7. Place stuffed eggs in baking dish on top of shrimp mixture. 8. Bake for 25-30 minutes or un- til heated through. 9. To serve: Spoon shrimp sauce over toast, top with stuffed eggs. Make~ servings 4. Meanwhile in small bowl com- bine ketchup, water, lemon juice, pepper and thyme. 5. Pour ~ .O'ler meat, dot 2. Lightly butter bread. On one slice of bread ·place about ~ cup egg mixture, spread smooth with spatula. Top with lettuce leaf and one slice bread. Cut sandwich in half. Repeat until all sandwiches are made~ Makes JO sandwiches What Florshelm Is doing tor you: We are keeping ahead of fashion. Hundreds of • ~------f'M!!~!dY!IM-were createdL pelfectelt11nlto1fere"'d---- for th1s Spring. What we are not changing is what made Florshelm famous ... the finest of workmanship and materials for shoes built bet- ter to wear longer and cost less in the long runf Most regular Ftorahelm tty ... $19.95 to $29.95/Mo8t Imperial styla $39.95 - ... The most natural way to relieve constipation. We created Serutan like a fine old redpe with nacural ingredients to heJp you overcome constipation the most natural way. We blend a rare, moisture-holding plant with in- gredients from corn, oats, and defaued wheat germ. Not a harsh chemical or drug in it, so it won't cause irritation or griping. Serutan forms a soft gel that moistens food wastes and produces bulk to stimulate your sluggish colon. Y ery different from magnesia or harsh chemicals. Taken daily, Serutan will get you regular, and keep you regular-even if you've had a problem for years. Fruit flavored, regular, or toasted granules. Serutan. We've been talking about nature for a long, Jong rime. FiL5£TiETH With Little Worry Do fat.e teeth emt>arra. you by comlnr looee when you eat, lauch. or1:al):f A denture adhesive can help. F ASTEETB• rivea dentun!e a lonr-er, firmer, ateaClier hold. Makee eat--inc more eajoyable. For more eecurity and comfort uee FAS TEETH Den- ture AdhH1ve Powder. Denturea th.at fit are e11ential to health. See yoar deotUt Ncularly. BUY BONDS An Amazing Value For Only $3.98 8 WOOD ct CORK COASTERS INA CABINET This handsome walnut cabinet has 8 '-drawers." Pull them out to discover they are actually wood aod corl( coasters. Tall drink time ••• pull the knobs and pass out the drawers ... oops, I mean the coasters! Cabinet is further enhanced by the addition of decorative nail· tte.ds. S~x~x.3~ inches. r.--------~----------, I .-ALM co., Dept.fn1. 4500 N.w. 135th st .. Mi•mi, Fa.. 33054 I tncloNd ch«:k or M.O. for $ NAM"'-----------1 -C09ster Cabin.-Sets ( # 11 235) I ADORES...._ _______ _ r • $3.98 plus 550 post STATE I L -~ ---_____ _:1~ ----~ZJ!_ _ - _ :..J FASIDON/By Ro..Jyn Abrevaya Wardrobe Lesson: The Plus Wrl!Pl*I Md betted, • smoking J11ekat In poppy red I• .,, Informal style to wear tor eprtng. In Crompton'• plnwale coHon corduroy, by Elliott a ... Fashion is beginning to respond to real- life needs. The case in point: the va- riety of jackets available that can do more for a wardrobe than a dozen pair of im- ported shoes. · H you want to multiply the number of your outfits, so you c3n meet every occa- sion-from shopping at the supermarket to going boating with your husband-think about jacket dressing. Buy a beautifully Here's one great way to multiply the looks In your everyday wardrobe •••• tailored pants suit (as seen on our cover), then use the jacket over a host of other separates. or buy a jacket individually. · The key to this wardrobe strategy is in selecting the right "topper" for you. Here are some guidelines: If you tend toward full hips, get a jacket that falls to fingertip length; if you're more petite, with· a slender waist, select a cropped jacket. perhaps with flaring lapels. A Dress ior All A!JeS -------------, Filmlly Weekly Sewing Corner I ) 10 • FAMILY WEEKLY, M1rch 19, 1972 This is the kind of classic design you'll want to keep on permanent file, since with minor adjustments it shou1d see you through several seasons and p<>Mibly several y.:ars. The slim skirt f oUows the body outline, and the slit front offers freedom of movement. The beltline is set in at the waist with a mock button-on panel; a modified stand-up collar frames the neckline. Fabric suggestions : silk gabardine, double-knit, or a lightweight blend. Siu 14 takq1~ yanh of 45" fabric. Standard body measurements for size 14 are: Bust 36, Waist 27, Hips 38. A PRINTED PAnERN Send to: FAMILY WEEKLY PATTERNS, Dept. 6399 4500 N.W. 135th St., Miami, Fla. 33054 PLEASE PRINT Be sure to give ZIP Code NAM....._----------------~ STREET ________________ _ CITY ________ ...__ ________ _ STAT.__ __________ --1.IP ____ __ Send $1.00 plus 25 cents for postage and handlin1; cash, check, or money order. Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16. (New slzln1) F·430 State Size of a Jacket Pay attention to sleeves (the full. blousy kind arc not for the small woman. better 10 get a set-in sleeve) and to necklines (the notched collar or the wrap style are flattering to most women. while a wide Peter Pan collar in a smock-style jacket might be too enveloping for a shorter woman). The good news is that spring jackets are going to all lengths ... long. short and everywhere in between-many in supple tine~ale corduroys. Several fresh looks have emerged: The wrapi>ed and belted jacket is the softest. most casual of the season. Short cropped jackets both in shirt styles and traditional battle jackets are making fashion points. And ·among the longer jackets, the smock shaP'.C is newly important, looking very smart and so- phi!!ticated over straight-legged pants. The lesson : Recognizing the need for the "odd" or extra jacket that can go over a dress, pants or skirt can get you started on a number of smashing fashion equa- tions. 0 COVER: Blazer panla eult In Crompton'• printed plnwale corduroy by Auetln·Hlll. Photogrepha by Peter Strongweter A lnllPPJ lltle b8t11e J.cket with Ill the rtght detaft• rtdea the top of hlglHlae, ..... ...... pMls. The pMta .ult ts by HllPPJ ~In Crompton'• ftne--wll• corduroy. Not too many years ago, Hush Puppies shoes came in just a few styles. They were good looking. They were comfortable. And they still are. But oh how the Hush Puppies shoe family has grown. Today there's a styte for just about every occasion. Sandals. Flats. Big heels. Little heels. In all kinds of colors. Best of all, they still feel like Hush Puppies sh~s. Try on a pair. Or two. Or three. From about $12. ' The lmpecclbly t.aored amock·J8Cket, IOOM end frff, yet elegant even owr p.,..., la by E1Mott Bau, In nny plnw• corduroy. Themodet ts wearing • new capt..._.tyte wig from Paragon. . . ~1972 HUSH PUPPIESe FOOTW£AA, Aocldo(d: Wcfl!Gln 49351-a OIYl$lon or~ Wol\Wlnt World Wide, Inc. Are Men and Women Really Equal? QUIZ/ By John E. Gib•on True or False: Women take a different view of sin than men do. (See number 6.) Mental and emotional differences between the sexes have been the subject of popular diacussion since time immemoriaJ. This true- or-f alse quiz turns the spotJight on some of them. TRUE OR FALSE? 1. Men are easier to fool than women. 2. M en know more about sex than women do. 3. Women can read and write better than men. 4. Men remember their dreams better than women oo. 5. Women have more peace of mind than men do. 6. Women take a different view 'Jr sin than men do. ANSWERS 1. Faist!, University studies have shown that. on the average, women are aigni.OcantJy more persuadable than men, more sus- ceptible to smooth talk, more apt to be influenced by a glib sales talk, etc. 2. False. Recently, the Educa- tion Commission of the States conducted a national survey to Jnd out bow knowledgeable Americans are. The investigation showed that women knew more about questi•ns pertaining to sex thlftl m!n did. 3. Trut!. Studies show th;it women not only read appreciably faster than mea. but that they enjoy reading more, find it easier to become completely absorbed in a book. And a survey that was Rlade by a handwriting founda.- tion has shown that women have it over men when it comes to pen- manship. 4. False. A team of investiga- tors at the University of South Carolina teated the ability of a group of 143 men aod women to remember the content of their dreams. The ftndiogs : Females had significantly more dream re- call than males. Other studies have shown that women' have it over men in another way in the dream department-they are much more likely to dream in color. 5. False. Consensus of psycho- logical studies shows that women arc much more subject to fluc- tuating moods, inner stresses and emotional ups and downs than men arc. Research at New York u • FAMILY WEEKLY, March 111, 11172 There wasn't a moment~ when~ could slow down. Till now. So relax and enpy _the ful-bodied flaw>l-only one cigamte dehers ..• This ••• isthe l!iMmoment RIOUIOf lM-1 KNigs and Supet Kings, 19 mg ·1.;-1.3 mg.1'COtJne av. per c1garene. FTC Report (Aug. 711. University has demonstrated that this sex difference obtains even with children. 6. True-according to psycho- logical studies at the University of Aberdeen. Men and women were asked to consider each or the "Seven Deadly Sfos" (Lust, Anger, Avarice, Pride, Envy, Sloth and Gluttony) and list them in order of offensiveness. The biggest difference between men and women was in the way they regarded Envy and Lust. Women rated Envy as the wont sin, men put it in third place. As for Lust, men ranked it as the least reprehensible, while women ranked it well up on the list, above Anger, Sloth and Glut- tony. D Mitzi ~s l sat with Mitzi Oaynor and n Jack Bean in their plush Beverly Hills home, sipping chilled champagne Crom long- stemmed crystaJ, I marveled at the way the inimitable Mitzi bas made time stand still. If anything. she bas reversed it. At 40, she's better looking, has a far better figure (36-22-35), is a better per- former and makes more money than 13 years ago, when she made "South Pacific," and it was t0tlted as the pinnacle of her career .• How bas she managed to main- tain a happy marriage for 17 years? "When you get the best," an5wers Mitzi, "it really lasts!" Mitzj's acquisition of Jack Bean and bis take-over of her life may have been the best thing that ever happened to her. "Jack saw the handwriting on the wall," Mitzi ~ explaining her abdication from the moviea, while simultaneously bragging about her husband's insight. "He saw what was coming with the movie industry. When he decided we'd go into nightclub entertain- ing, he ·made the right decision at the right time. Most actresses are urremployectn'B.ht now, but I am working harder and more than ever before. "I have three specials for tele- vision coming up, about 14 to 20 ween of club engagements, !Dd in bet_ween J.preparc.J insist on a month for preparatioo, like for a Broadway show. Ob, I could wing it. spend le11 time re- hearsing, but I won't! I want to know exactly wbat I'm doing. It has to be perfect." Mitzi was born into a Chicago show-business family (her father was a musical director, and her mother a dancer). Sbe atarted dancing when she was eight and turned prof CMional when she was f~HJ'tfl'l!'ft--- J\lways elf erveacent, Mitzi's clowning around landed her a part in "N aughty Marietta'' and a starring role in "The Great Waltz... Director Henry Koster and producer Sol Siegel were so impressed that they bustled ber off to 20th Century-Fox under contract. Unfortunately, Mitzi's school- g.irf plumpne.M and wholesome looks were eclipsed by the en· dowments of the studio's other two musical-sex-symbols, Betty Grable and newcomer Marilyn Monroe. As a result, while Mitri rolled up one credit after an- and Jack: It Takes Two ... club, or whatever night spot we want. ... " "We're basicaJly night people," Mitzi explained. "We love night Jife because we never get to see it. Or rather, 1 am it! So we like to see somebody elae. But we never relax. We're always watch- ing and listening to see how oth- ers do their acts, and things trig- ger new ideas in our beads all the time." ,._ ..-; .. ~~ Utt.ti and her hu8bMd tor 17 ..... .Mell .._: ,...._ pu get the beet, ft relllty l•llt"' other, none were choice roles until "South Pacific" came along. It was during the time of Mitzi's impact on Hollywood that CMA, ooe of the top thoatricaJ agencies in town, put on an al1- out campaign to bring her into their fold. They used the usual method: One of their brightest and suavest young men would wine and dine her until their proposition looked so enticing she couldn't resist. The man they selected was J a.ck Bean -who hadn't even beard of an exuber- ant kid named Mitzi What's--her- name. "That really burned her," Jack recalled as be refilled our chilled glasses and thought back to that af temooa wbcEL be was called into the top office and asked, "Can you rumb~?" "I don't~know ... ," Jack had hesitated. "Try. Take Mitzi Gaynor out tonight and dance with her. She's crazy about dancing -especially the rumba." Jack. complied. " ... And when he took me in bis arms to dance, I began to fall in love ... ," Mitzi recalled with a sigh. lronicaUy, instead of gaining a star, CMA lost Jack Bean. He left the agency to take over Mitzi's persona) management. And the union bas paid off hand- somely, both professionally and personally. There is no doubt that Jack is the boss. Except, that is, when Mitzi is boss. Example: When I arrived, Mitzi welcomed me warmly. As we sooke. an almost infinitesimal tinkling was beard. Instantly, Mitzi stopped her sentence in midair and looked around. "Where is he?'' she asked. "That's my bell. Whenever I bear that, I know he wantli me ... ," and she disappeared into the powder-blue satin and crystal dining room. Momenta later Mitzi and Jack came in together, and I soon learned that Jack was the finan- cial brains of this outfit. Jack's businCM acumen was what led him to pull Mitzi into the nightclub field. Said Jack, "To do a Broadway show, Mitzi would have to invest anywhere from nine to 18 months of her life. That's a big chunk. If it's a smaslt flit, sbe-.d get IS percent of $83,000, which is $12,450. Now that sounds like a 1.ot of money, but when she can make more than that and do it more easily in less time, why do Broadway? And 1V is out. That's too tirne- coosurning and toothard. She's been offered at least 400 series, but we're not interested." What about a movie? Mitzi thought a while before answering: "Maybe ... if it is the right one .... " There a.re~ when Jack.lets Mitzi ta.Ice over. "When we put the show together," Jack told me, "(trust Mitzi's instincts. -We have to work together," Jack continued. "To do that, we -tnl~o-be'1tonest witlleacb other, honest about our wor.Jc -and. It is hard to admit that everything you do isn't the greatest." Of oourse, their life is not without upheavals ... Sometimes I get mad. Rea.Uy mad!" Mitzi fumed at the thought of past ex- periences. "I have a terribat tem- per. When rm working on an act, I want it right, and right now. I figure if I can do it, you can do it. And if it doesn't work that way, I get irritable, and I'll even cry. When I get mad at Jack, I slam doors. 0&, boy, do I slam doont And I'll march out the front door, climb into my car and drive over to see my mother. She in- fAMll. Y WEEKLY, March 19, '872 • 21 There la no doubt that Jack (her hoaband) la bo89 •• , • When I ant~ MltzJ welcomed me warmly. Aa we spoke, a n a lmost lnflnlteslrnal Onkllng wu heard. Instantly, Mitzi atopped her Mntence In midair. ''Where la he?" 9he atked. ''That'• my belt Whenever I hear that, I know he wants me •.•. " variably greets me with, 'What did you do now?' And l'll yell, 'I didn't do anything. It was Jack!' To which she calmly answers, 'He's always right.' Frankly, that's what makes me so mad!" Mitzi grinned at her admission. always special. We're constantly moving. Others go off to a resort to relax. We come home. We go to the resort to work." The longer I know Mitt.i and Jack, the more they become one. Each is an extension of the other. He is her-biggest asset, she is his. She is impulsive, be is seldom moody. And while Mitzi is a per- fectionist, she bas lost none of >- To Mitzi and Jack, their home is their sanctuary. "Th.is is where we can relax, get away from things, have privacy. We live out of a suitcase so much, home is When they do leave home for a vacation, they like to go to Ha- waii and stay at Waikiki on Oahu. "We haven't tried any of the other islands," J ack aa.id. "We like Honolulu, ~ garish as it is. We can always go down the road to see Don Ho, go to a Mexicao her love of life or her ~.~ess "'\ to live it, and insists, "U you~ talent, you can be six montHs old or .95-you can go on forever!" D Klee11ite: the lwlite for your dentureL Now clean your dentures bright white and save 1~ on any size package of KLEENITE•-the denture cleanser with powerful, penetrating cleaning action unsurpassed by any unoxygen- ated powder or tablet. KLEENITE goes to work uickty ancrtn"'«iJn-provtdes-a-deep c i ans ng, effervescent action for a full 15 minutes to help dissolve even tough denture stains. And you know from experience that tough denture stains don't dissolve with that first, quick flzz you get with some products. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • KLEENITE'S 3-way action works with: 1) Solvent Action to remove dingy denture film and help prevent tartar build-up. 2) Activated Effervescence to remove stains and~- on ,, • ··!' • • • • • • ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . i How's Your Hearing? Chicaeo, Ill. -A free off er o( special interest to those who hear but do not understand words baa been announced by Bel tone. A non-<>perating model of the smallest Bel tone aid ever made will be given absolutely . ./ree to anyone answering this advertisement. " Try it to see how it is worn Color Enlaree-t 5" JI 7" oftd 16 Colot Woll .. Pftotoe only $2. Hew •-pric.. Highest quality. S.ftd Polorold co1o, print, photo (up to 5" JI 7"), 1191. Of' allde. SH· CIAl (36 lloct & Whit., ot1ly $1. faEEI 1 Photo in plodk. Origl..als m . unhor-.cl. GUAIANTEfOI Add 35~ P9' order fo• 1hlppl119. IOXANNE STUDIOS, lox 1012, l.t.C., tU. 11101, Dept. A-31. in the privacy of your own r:vao1 a_~ ~ uau ._ $1J5 home without cost or obligation "''~ ., _... • • ./ .. , ,, ~ ' . ' . of any kind. It's yours to keep, r:'["; free. It weighs leas than a third Cat•let of an ounce, and it's all at ear wit• 14 level, in one unit. No wires lead •t:::• from·body to head. ~ .UOllM • WAL .__ Theee models are free, ~we · .., '• ..., ..._ augreat you write ror yours ..................... ,. .... , 40""' now. Again, we repea~ there is alW • • 111t ..._ ...,... no C08t, and certainly no obliga-..._ °' .._ .,.,. -' • .... dlffialft1 .......... ,., ............. ... M18HTY EASY NUTCRACKER cracks nut without crushing kernel YOU'LL BE AMAZED how qukkly and euily this areat pdaet cracks open nuts, lets you remoYe lbe whole nut meat uodama_pd. No special 1D111Cle' power needed. Speciall,y COlllll\lcUd 111tcbet-lewer K · lion handle doea Ole }ob wilb just a aentle aquee:ze. AllO c:ncu cnbs and lobster claws, kc cubes. Made of aleamina cl\torne- plated lteel. ,~ .. .loq. {)aJy-$3.9S plw S<W postaac-retumable for fuU reluod if DO( ckliabted. U.e coupon to order. tion. Write to Dept. 4976 ,Bel-caaaum llldmJqMJ. Ell 1t3t ~ne Electronics Corp., 4201 W . Tio..-.... ~ r.-_ _ _ _ _ -, Vi Chi Ill 60~"6 • .._...,..,. -c.r.,,..,. u .. rur-•• SHo--•ll'9V1cE:-1ctoria, ~o. . u. • ,.,,.----"' -a.a-t FW I " .. ..._ rT,,.. ._. I -------------1 ---·~ -.....,. 555 M.llllilom Aw-517 ~ .......... Clllcllll. ...... , N-Yen."-Ya JMl2:2 •OW Eodoeed 1s ..... , ($3.95 plus~ SIC*-I ·OUR· When You Order By Mail I ~~1Cr':'u=:ld. P1euc .aid my I 11 From Family Weekly • . • f :::.. I Please lftow up to four •ffkl for de-I I SEIF Up livtfY. The Ida are plKed by fepu\lble Clq companies. The It.ms and copy. 111 ~"---------- chided by family Wlftty for rtflablllty, I State Zip I TO POSTEi SIZE f~u;: "': ::m~:m ~~ (N.Y. ruJdenia add sales tu.> JACCA A 1rut 1tft or Pf Idea. 2 J( unlntttrtre---t ct.Ii-occur'. ~II L.: .o 197.l Uni .. na1 c.,_1ca11ans Inc .• _J ld .. I rOOM Hcorttloft ... -•1• perfect for partlH. Stlld SUCh defays Mooeft ~ lnfrtq , '"Ti blw or color plloto, 3 n •hen they do, timily Wtelty wants • :;!~!:. '.:it~. ~~1c1:! assist JOU • much 11 poalblt. If JOU.,. w ntiatlnt ldd $1.00 $ SO Ml qlllstioft about lftlll ordtt. lust """'' Potter ... tter orl1t11111 3 writ.: Susa Paine, family Weelly 641 malle better postera. "'"' • Lainrton Avenue, New Ycwt, N.Y. 10022. b&w poster ulled 111 tube. -----•!·------------~ 11/J x 2 ft. $2.SO -31 4 Ft. $7.5 lfUSH SElfVICE -· "" ....... I .., ., -~.-. .... ..--.-. ·-.................... ..-.... -50t ... "'"* .... ~-...... IA(ll """ .-.. "' •Hillo<lt• ....... "' s.... c~•Cl ulll ., II o tlle co O.J le Photo Poster lift."' >11 210 E. 23 st., N.Y .. IU. 1001 TR•ASURa Now ••• Plastic Cream Revolutionizes -Oenture Wearing ~-'~~~~ fOr the fim time, ecienoe now olfen a unique plaetic cream that boldt dentwa-both "uppers" and "low- ers" -as they've never been heJd bef<n. It tonne an elastic membrane that ltclps ~ 1'*' '"""'m t. '"' lfll!.t'1t1/ tisat1 ,, J'Ofl' .,.,,,., It'a F1xooBNl9-1 revolutionary dilcovery for daily home u.e. So different it '• protected by U.S. Pata:at 13.003.988. FIXOOBNT not only holda den- tures firmer. but it holds them moftoomfortably, too. lt'uoelaetic you may bite harder, chew better, at more naturally. The special pencil-point dispmatt leta you put F1xoo£NT exactly when it's needed. Resists oozing Oftl'and~. Just one application may last for houn. Denturea that fit are eaeen· tial to health. See your dentist rqu· larly. Get easy-to-use FtXODENT Denture Adhesive Cream at all ~ counters. Newport Beach, California. Send for free beautifully illuatrated fuU-color brochure and our mad~ to-order secretl. ~~ : .... ;.\ .. . . •. -.. -"" - ·~ . ........ ~ -~-,, . . ' .. .. ~ .. ~~.· n· .... , ..... -~if" ' .. / eALll((\RNJA N ~ P.O. Box 2330 Newport Beach, California 92660 A Reader's Remembrance: The Day I Met Bill _JDana " ••• He motioned for me. to get In. I was so pleasantly astonished that as I stepped into the taxi I fell flat on my face •••• " I was standing on a traffic is- land, my arms filled with bun- dles. I was frantically trying to get a taxi. Several passed by, but they were either taken or the driver ignored my call. Perspira- tion streamed down my face, and my packages were slipping. A man came and stood next to me. He wagged his thumb, and the next cab came to a squeaking halt. No wonder! The man was BiU Dana, the comedian who so cleverly portrays the character Jose Jimenez. I expected him to Pet Corner How to Move • Cat One of the commonest f ellne myths is that cats love places more than people. For this reason, some people hesitate to take their cats with them _:!!h~n.Jbey_mOY.e...Afew..ca owners have even had cats euthanlzed rather than run the risk of losing them. This Is absolutely unnecessary. Just be sure always to move your pet In a cat carrier from which he can't escape. Don't re1J on • cardboard box or the dutch of 80me traveling companion. Put a collar and Identification I tag around his neck. When you have arrived In your new home, put Puss in a room with fresh water and food and shut the door. Don't let him out into the commotion of settllng•ln. As soon as things have M • FAMILY WEEl(l.Y, Mer-c:h 19, 1972 take the cab and be on hfa way; instead. he motioned for me to get in. I was so pleasantly aston- ished that as I stepped into the taxi I tell fiat on my face. As I scrambled to my feet, the light changed and the taxi shot for- ward. "Where to, lady?'' the driver muttered. I gave my address and turned to look back. Bill Dana was still standing there. He was probably thinking, hWhat a dumb dame. She didn't even say thank you." -Glady$ Loube Cortet Hollywood, Calif. .. calmed down, open the door and let him ·explore his new home. Be sure all door9 and windowa are altul Keep him In for at least four or five days, until he is acquainted with every comer. Then let him out to explore his new yard, while you stand by. In no time, he will come and go as before. -By Fellcta AmM LEVEL WIND CASTING REEL PUSH IUTION CASTING ANTI UVHSI NO IACWlASH cum LURES SIL.fCTID FIOM WOllDS MOST POPULAR BUY/ ALl TIME FAVO.ITES : NI JI IASIEST WAY TO CATCH flSHI f SEU.CTED f Oa YOU IY EXPEITS. This ctm fish-getting LOOk! llU QET maYTIUIC SHOR Super "88" Spincast Reel • Comet I tackle, used by thousands throughout the Ulited States X3C Bait. Cast Reel • Argosy Oi~ect Drive Tr~ling Reel • 5 ft. 2 pc. F~ I and Canada Each item carefully chose~erytt\ing Glass Spm Cast Rod • 4 ft Fiber Glass Bait Cast Rod • 3¥2 ft Fiber I DELUXE MONEY BACK GUARANTEE ! mDI MSCMT SAUS, IK. Dept. F2-91 OttCAGO, IWNOtS 60606 Ottl>fl TODAY! If you'te not 100-t. pfeaMd we'll r.fund your full purc:hoJe price promptly. YOU KEEP 2 FREE TACKLE IOXES REGARDLESS! ,,._ rusJt __ ,, 1 pc1. 3 Complete Fi,,,ittf S... ~ need f~ all types of fishing. Deadly lures that are Glass Trollin& Rod • 6 ft. 2 secti~ Bam~ Pole and ~5 ft. Bank Line • .66 l . . . proven Deadly lures• 5 pc. furnished line• 2 floating Tackle Boxes with MAML--------------- all time favorites. A veterao . angler. ~ an . occas1onal removable trays • fish Knife and Sheath • 28 pc. Popping Lure Kit • Dip I ADCMtQL ___________ _ fisherman can be proud of this prec1s1on-bu1lt kR. You Net. Stringer, Split Shot. Clincher Sinkers, Snap Swivels, Assorted Hooks, 1 cm ITATI '"-_ can go fishing at once. Compare! You may not find a Snelled Hooks, 3 Plastic floats, &-3 way Swivels, 6 Snaps, 12-36" leader O t enclole $12.fJ p1.,. $1.00 for~ & haftdtlflt." I bargain like this anywhere. Strands (8# Test), and complete instruction$. 411 pieces in all. I O Ship c.o.o. I wlM poyC.O.D. •roes .. ,........ I Ill .... i.-1~ .u 1"4 ..... ... I NIRESK DISCOUNT SALES, INC. CHICAGO 60606 t_ _ _!!!_en•'!:..'''.:!.s~~~~~!_!~ __ J .. ••• IMtlt we• Of U. co.t,,_...._ °" ....,ectv,.,·1 u111 •• ,.. .. ,,.... 01'71 llROWN a Wll..l..LW80l'I TOMOOO CON'OM'l"tOl'f + .5i1t-~II/~ ill~~ t cz« l What in the World! RUNAWAY BALLERINA NATALIA Sort of a Cinderella 8tOfY Balle~na Natalia Mak8rowa, 30, was a d~cer with the Leningrad Kirov Bal- let in Russia. No longer, though. Five years ago, on tour in London, she met Vladimfr Rodzianko, now 33, a British- Russian BBC commentator. In 1970, he helped her to defect. He also left his wife and two children, became alalla's interpreter, became her man- ager, and now is about to become her husband, her third. Have they set a date? "Yes," says Natalia, "as soon as my mother can get a visa to leave Russfa." A new home . testing method may prove to be an effective curb of Jung cancer. By the time a hospital advises a sputum test, it's because the symp-- toms have already appeared. Once they are evident, it is usually too late for BOXER MUHAMMAD AU Ue, orgethh weight champ Jose Tones has his own answer: Ali's greatness stems &om his "ability to lie," says Torres. Louis, Robinson and Pep icnew every punch and every move. . . . A1i doesn't have the power Sugar Ray had; unlike Louis, he doesn't use his punching for de- fense, and };le doesn't move lilce Pep. Tiley used to get hit with many more punches in one fight than Ali received in 20 fights." Why? If fighters don't lie in the ring, they get hit. .. A feint is an outright lie. You make believe you're going to hi.Uour ~ponenlin one place, he covers ~e spot and your punch lands on the other side. Making open- ings is starting a conversation with a guy, so another guy (your other hand) can come and hit him with a baseball bat." ("Sting Like a Bee," by Jose T-0rres-.-Abdard-Schuman, $6.95.) • DATES: This is Camp Ffi' iris Birth- day Week. Spring officiaJJy arrives with the vernal equinox at 7:22 a.m. EST, Tuesday. surgical cure, and only five percent of ANNIVERSARIES: The first super- the patients survive 6ve years. Now, highway, the Pennsylvania Turnpike, however, it is possible for the average was authorized 35 years ago Tue.day person, at home, to check for latent between Pittsburgh and Harrisburg cancer cells up to three years before and inaugurated a new era of highway symptoms surfac.-e. Method: On four planning. _.._ __ ...cc:m£~uw· e-meming1--before roff·.,...,....,----.::.----------- toothbrush or cigarette -deep-cough specimens are expectorated into a tube containing a preservative, to be mailed to a Jab. The results arc sent to the patient•s doctor within a few weeks. If your doctor so requests on his prof es- sional stationery, he may obtain test kits free of charge from National Can- cer Cytology Center, 113 South Serv- ice Road, Jericho, N.Y. 11753. The center will a1so provide its gargle test kit for oral_ and throat cancer to phy- sicians and dentists. Is Muhammad All a great fighter-in the tradition of Joe Louis, Sugar Ray Robinson. or WilJie Pep? The contro- versy may rage on, but ex-light-heavy- 2t. • FAMILY WEEKLY, M1rch 18, 1872 BIRTHDAYS: Sunday-Ursula An- dress is 36. Monday-Bobby Orr is 24; Carl Reiner 44. Tuesday-John D. Rockefeller III is 66. Wednnday- William Shatner is 41. lhureday-Joan Crawford is 64; Wernher von Braun 60. F~iday -Steve McQueen is 42. Saturday-Anita Bryant is 31; Aretha Franklin 30. BIRTHDAY PEOPLE: Joan Crawford and Steve McQueen n ·s b a ) n [ Quips & Quotes LINES ON LINES Ju banks, post ofGces and such lt doesn't seem to matter much. The line that's short can take as htng As one that's lengthy-and I'm wrong. l change from line to line in vain, Just as l change my freeway lane. 1t seems my fate, the wont of jokes, To be behind the slowest pokes. Unknown to me, though, just think if T'lvo lines stretched toward a fodcfen cliff, Or toward a bomb or like disaster. For once, I'm sure, l' d choose the foster. __Jt ls11't ti~ peo11le...wlw tcll..all.lliey know who cause most of the trouble- it'.v .the pc!Yle u;ho tell more. -Carolyn Gilbert Last Halloween the trick-or-treat crowd hit a certain house early and kept comfog. Alter surveying her ham- p<•r of treats, the Indy of the house an- nounced: "We're about to run out." Iler teenage sons disappeared for.a short time. When they reappeared, A ma11 was working a c~u~wur<l puz- :d~, constant!>'. asking his unwilling wife for help. She was trying to read a ~>ook. Though she <li<l not t:omplain, 1t was clear she was grcatJy a11noycd hy his interruptions. "What's a :.ix-letter word meaning 'just deserts?" he askoo. Without looking up from her book, his wife repliec.l, "Will 'murc.ler' fit?" -llerb Kruse THROUGH A CHILD'S EYES Kids see fife differently. Send contribu- tions to "Child," Family Wee~ly. 641 Lexington Ave., N.Y., N.Y. 10022. S10 If used-none returned. Last wee~ when my son came home &om dancing class, I beard him in the hallway kicking ofl his galoshes and muttering, "Well, even if I do get burned, it'll be worth it anyway." Puzzled, I asked him what he was talking about. "My dandng teacher told me if l missed one more class she'd --throw me in lhe furnace." Naturally, I was horri6ed. I got on the phone the next morn- ing and called the teacher. "What I said," the teacher ex· plained, "was that if any child misses more than one class, he would be dropped from the reg· ister." -L. By~• • Forgo, N.D. By Frank Baglntkl \ LtnLE EMILY MAIL COUPON TODAY r----------------, I VALMOR HAIR STYLES Dept. H·17n Q Send c.o.o. t •ltl P•J PO\t1un b1tance plus po\t1c1. I 2411 Prairie Ave., Chlu10. 111. 60616 O I 1nc lou 111111mou11t ComP•"Y PO\ po\t1c1. I I PlllSC suo au TM( rouow1u s TYLU: I I Sltlt Sumtt • ou·r1t1tGn Pfllt HAML Bo• I I I I Addrtss llfO. I I Check Color: c 81.ck c Off 81acll r Oartl erown I O M1d1um 8ro•n O litht 8ro•n 0 Auburn . I 0 11••• 0 PlaliH111 [j he1t1• D N "' Crtf City_ lat•----l •P--I ~----~------------~--~----~-~----~ VALMOR S-T-R-E-T-C-H WIGS -.. ~' 8 , th• STI\( LIONESS $ ... u.~ WiUI 1111 at---Id 9 PERMA-STYLED Wash&Wear HIGHEST QUALITY LOWEST PRICES • .they wero carrying n haH bushel of --~---~'~t-loot-th&y-J~ie~d-ee-ilJle<:H4t~"*'-_J;!:===~~e.. .. from nearby houses. They dumped the stuff iulo their mother's hamper. "You can recycle this stuff," they said. -Dan Bennett A kindergarten tead ier is a u;oman 11:/zn knows how to make little things count. -Selma Glasser A housewife is someone who spends se"cn dnys a week scrubbing the floors, shopping for food, cooking the meals, washing the dishes, watering the lawn, weeding the garden, walking the dog, nn<l being a valet, maid and chauffeur for the kids. But that isn't what hurts. h's when someone nsks her husband, "Docs your wife work?" And he says, '"No." -Robert Orben "Hey, Popt Trade you a George Wnhlngton for an Abraham Uncoln." FAMILY MEl<LY, March 19, UITZ • 11 (Ongette with PART FULL CAP ~= OM.Y MAIL THIS CARD NOW FOR FREE FACTS ABOUT ., I I I I I BUSINESS REPLY MAIL No postage oece111ry II malled In th• United Statea POST AGE WILL BE PAID BY Mutual of Omaha Dodge at 33rd Street Omaha, Nebraska,68131 FIRST CLASS Permit No. 50 Om1h1, NabrHkl L--~--~-------------~--~-_nr;..._TA".'I ~ "''"' ... r"••f'"\ TL.lie'.' ""'""'T-..e=....ncr::--.....,..; 411111 • :"II ...... -.• -'.......-:?!"wt"•'"'·_,-~ '" '"~ u '\u. • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • BUY A VALMOR VtlG. GlT BEST VALUl fOR YOUR MONlY ~=~.:~UT~~~!!'~;";_",c!~$ ~~:.. ·~~t~ lllCMI. All Strtlc:h w,.1 •re P<•·•l,l..S, iire cul. WHhat>M. Re..Sr lot lnotant _.,_,,.., • .,, 8nu· !:; .. ~,~ ~:.~~ ~~.~:e.t:!"~;.:::f. o;,:~--=t.t wll• ""~5T O::atoty et lo•HI PlfCU . Satrtlac:tlol\ C11a<•"''""" oe1 • .,.,., • .,...,.., refunded •f l\OI WOI" 0' •lt•t~d. COlOaS; 81Mll Off.81.clr. Datil, MNl•M .. ll•lll 8••-· O~ •< ll•M Aff""'• 81•"'· ~latl• ,._,.., Oatll .. l'9M fretl ... •r MloM ... ,. $1•• colot. 0.IH,..•I OHier C.O.O.: "•' ,..,,_,, al\ _ .. l_t .__.,., plvt , •• ._. " -..... , ...... 11'19 ... , ..... , .... ~, _ ..... ._. Clt1t VAUIOtt NAiii STYW., ..... M ·1777 Mia~--.. c:Meas ........ . ~ If you can use up to ' WHEN YOU'RE .SICK OR HURT AND CAN'T WORK mail reply card below now! Mutual of Omaha's "Wide-Range'' pay- ~heck protection is a special form of health insurance that pays you cash you can use for every kind of bill. This is pay- able over and above any benefits you re- ct!f ve for hospital and medical bills. Cash that wi ll help replace paychecks you may ·los~ because you're laid up. A regular, s·teady 10.r--fre'e income that's alt ours to -use as you see t. -. As the breadwinner, you select the amount you qualify for (from $I 00.00 to $1,200- .00 a month) to help replace your pay- ~heck when you·re-sick ortnrrt1md can't work. These benefits are yours without strings. to spend as you please ... cash you can use any way you wish-for rent, utili-t~s. for every day living expenses. or fo r any purpose you choose. Monthly "paycheck" benefits are payable for disabilities that start before age 65 or retirement-monthly in-hospital benefits are payable for disabilities \hat start after • tJ~rr1 age 65 or retirement. Does not cover: losses caused by war or military service; narcot- ics; childbirth, pregnancy or complications resulting from pregnancy. Act now. Send for the free facts(and you will also receive information about the full r.ange of fine plans to meet your life insur- ance needs now available from Mutual of Omaha's affiliate, United of Omaha. I Mutual of Omaha /11surance Company is licensed throughout the United Stales • Great Britain, Canada, Panama. and PuerltJ Rico • See "Mutual of Omaha's w ;f,.I .,.; .. ,.. 1_,... .. o -..,...,.,. ~ I I local /isti;;g for time and cha1111~I. FREE FACTS about Mutual of Omaha's new "Wide-Raftge" paycheck protection plan that pays you tax-free income in addition to your hospital-medical benefits. Covers you both lN and OUT of the hospital. ln~ludes seven "plus f eatureB'' that r give you more f!!f"'~Ou.rmQ'Rell! . 1. Pa)~ )OU up to S 1.200.00 a month (more th an $250.00 a week)-tax-free ,to spend as you please-when you are sick or hurt and can·t work! 2. Covers you both in and out of the hospital! 3. Covers accidents occurring and sickness contracted after the policy date. There are no waiting periods! 4. Covers mental disorders the same as any other sickness! 5. Covers you as a passenger on any kind of aircraft-even a private plane! 6. Covers you on or off th<;.job. Pays in addition to Workmen's Compensation or Employer's Liability! 7. Renewal agreement. No matter bow much you may receive in benefits, you cannot be singled out for cancellation or for a premium increase. 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' . ·- ' .. f , .• FAMILY WEEKLY • • • FINAL SPORTS • • • TV WEEK • ·, LOCAL WANT ADS PEANUTS . · 14E'i', MANA6ER, l'VE 60T A 6REAT """A I 1 Iv"". !'VE 6CT A BETTER IDEA ".l.JH'c' DON'T WE KEEP ou& T~AM, AND JU$T SELL YOU?! .. I . ' ' . ' .. • ' "i':"'I._ • • .... ' ' I MET YOUR TEACHER T-OPAY•··-SHE.' SAID VOL) FAILED . :IN ARITHMETIC AGAIN I f ' IT15 FOR . YOU---THE SANK IS CALLING .. ...... '11Cl\!At, liOUll Of'llC!l\11\Jlll'IV;S" SU.l'!·DA Y, MARC H 19; 197'2 : · Wl-l'i'.DONT WE 5ELL OUR TEAM, ANJ)'MOVE 11> A . DlfFE~ENT CIT'l'?THAT~ WHAT EVEIWNE ElSE 15 DOIN.G • ' ' ~ . ' ·-'· • -" \ •• I • ' . ; ! • \ I ' \ . ' . ' . By Schul% WE COULD SELL OUR TEAM, AND 6ET A 1 ~.',., ' · l'RE5H , $TART IN A. NEW CfTI( . • -: i , • • I • I r ' t ' • WJ.J.AT'S TAKING ARTHUR 50 LONG ? Wf: -...---< GC TO PRESS IN "two .. MINUTES!! HERE HE COMES NOW ... DENNIS -THE MENACE • KEt..t.'f St HOOL f(L.ARION •· ! ARTHU~ ! DID YOU · GET THE . PICTURE? • • , • WE. NEED A • PICTURE FOR IHIS EDITION, C.1-llEF ! NOT EXACTL.Y. l FORG-OT To PUT FILM IN M'/ CAMe~A ... -BUT NO PROBLEM,. ~~ ' ~- . -..... ,, . 10LGH-o\ RUN /'WAY! ... - ' .. ' ~ ' ' NO • ARTHU~, Tl-IE C~OGUS lf:-J Tl-IE PRINCIPAl-'5 C!FFIC.E IS STARTIN& TO BLOOM. Ger -A PIC.TURE OF IJ...T--. FOR OUR NEXT' EDITION! ; NO.! ' • 0 '. y .. . ... • • 4'~ -... ~ ? P~OBLEM ... WROTE A 10,000-WORD D~CIC? l'PTION OF IT ... SAY, ~R.A, G-ET A PICTURE OF TMIS FOR TM£ NE')(T . ~ EDITION .. .'. ' . ' By Hank Ketcham • • --·~------·-. --~-·-~·-~ IH~ ~W. W!=NI fiEHI ND A - CL.OVD! . " Hf' Ht'GNT GOT VERY ljA.f< ... HE W\9GoNNA CVT EM OFF AT TI-IE PA~ WHEN 'I Gar "THROWN OUT. I>[> I> ~IJDGE PARKER <l <l<l MAY I KEEP THIS YOU CAN KEEP IT IF SNAPSHOT, MR. YOU'LL STOP CALLING DRIVER? BELIEVE ME }AR. PRIVER ! .. IT OR NOT, I DON'T MY FRIENDS CALL J.IAVE A PICTURE ME SAM At.ID I IW- OF MY MOtJ.IER! TEND CALLING YOU CAROLYN! YOU PROBABLY WANT TO KNOW WHY I CHANGED MY NAME, WHY I WOU LDlll'T ADMIT Tf-IAT CHARLEY QUlllllll IS MY FATHER! WJ.IEN I WAS °CALLED HER'E TO THE HOSPITAL TO IDENTll=Y . CJ.IARLEY, I FELT IT WA.S CRUEL FOR HIM TO 'BE ALONE, PERHAPS NO, IT ISlll'T NECESSARY THAT 'you TELL ME WHY YOU DON 'T WANT TO BE Kl.JOWN AS HIS DAUGHTER .;. DYING •• AND WO ONE CARING ... · • • • I BECAUSE I 'LL ALWAYS REMEMBER YOUR FATHER WITH AFl=ECTION •• THAT'S BETWEEN YOU AND HIM! A .. IT SO HAPPENS I LIKE YOUR l=ATHER! HE BEFRIEWDED ME WHElll I 60T OUT OF THI= SERVICE, WAS WITHOUT A J'OB ,, AND HE FED ME THROUGH THREE YEARS OF LAW SCHOOL! IS THER'E ANY NEWS FR'OM SU l<GEIC?V-!' HE'S STILL UP THERE, MR. DRIVER! BY .THE WAY. MISS ABBEY SPE~CER PHONED· AND 15 ANXIOUS TO ,_..., HEAR FROM YOU!' • .. • • MUTT dnd JEFF® WHOSE DA WISE GUY? MEN NJRKING BRUNO, YOU SIT THERE! I'LL. BE RIGHT BACK/ THERE IT GOES . AGAIN/ . ' ' DANG IHESE MAR.CH WINDS! THREE . BLOCKS I'VE BEEN AFTER IT/ AH, ITS COMIN I DOWN! . .,......;.;& t Z .J I 1 '11711"':~ • ' f -' . ' . • .. By Al Smith MEN l ~~RKING 4\L. ~M~~ 3•19 1lM GL,Al> ONLY cqoe> ANI> l KNOW WHAT WEhlT ON BETWEEN You ANC> THS: COLJ.ECTION ~e.;; l.ISTeN> KIPbo••A .NICKEL.15 - BE:TTS:~ THAN, NOTHIN··! "SALLY BANANAS" ' ' Wl1AT t:>ID you THINK OF "THe' 'SE:RMON ON THE: EVILS OFSIN? wer..1., IT '5E:E:MEI> so~TA ONE· SfDl:D .. , ... "TH6~f! ~i:6MS TO Be: A DIFF6~E:NCIS" CiFOPINION ONIHAT. by Charles Barsotti I ( I • ' . ... • • .. 19-... "-""'.---1 ThP-/Af'-fAP! CLNJK! 111UMf'l~K-r:;oNK! IAP-TAP-IAP! OH YEAH?11-IEN HOW COME: l1M TAL.KIN110 '1'ou1se?J . ( ' • • ... . ' • WISLL, HOW'S I 1"KNOW MOUSISS KIN 11.0f E'ANKS?t INMR.ev~ KNO~P11ft:'( -·t<fN "W.K!! .. ~ . Q:ll'r F.tU. COio.iOi. /IUJ1r - -~! - AIJil CLIMAX • -- By Gus Arriola JT'fs_;.: GO\WA . - BSA J.OIJS JllTCl(f • • i ,• . ·--- ,. • • • • • • • • .. . Hal KauFm1111 £. ARRANGE 17 toothplcU as shown· above. Challenge: Take away six toothpickt and leave jusL two aquares. How'a it done? '1PI t• ._,101_._. •l...,,,_ •l.J9f JO »111~~ 1• NH!4 ~nnj I'll• NH{<l ... llJ~ p1t•1t11t•I" 4oi O•l itMlw•~ -,---BULLETIN BOARD --- •· A. youat mtia 11 runalnf towar\f home. Suddenlf. lle'• face to face with a tnasked man. He 1top1 1hort. tu.ra.1 and r••• tbe other way. Wt.ere and how Chi this Uppen'! .. WO'( •11-t• »ltllU. '(II""' .,.ow•rp n-te"\ ... ltO ..... r • • • •It Bryant 11 2nd St., an,d CooPft' la 3rd st, what ,treet is Addison? Emerson? Poe! -•(u•n~rtJ'IJWJJO»p.lflfW ·p-•<t •14) "18 1(1tl''9o.t ~"11 '11 "'-IQ. :"18 "9l 'l091ppy • • • •While Just one late oft.he Gnalhalef the Un.ltea State• Is UH:d on ol!lcial documeatt,. llotlt facea are la the hand• of every cltbea wbo JOlllMMI wbat! Jllnt: Check you walleL "( .... M*MIMt ......... uy ON THE NOSE! To bring rorth • Jiurprlse plc,ure abo\'e, simply apply the rollowlng colon: 1-Red. Z-Lt. blue. 3-Yellow." 4.-Lt.. D (): 'brown. l-1'~le1h tones. 6-Pink. 7-IAvender. 8-Lt. treen. CAJ\' YOU TRUST YOU R E\'E.S'? There are at least six dl«er- ences in dra"·Jni details between panels abol'.e. How quickly · can you point out what the1e differences are'! An1wer1 below .. '1"...,'~IP If '1 1•,f 'I ·s111••!"4 11 lll•!d '9 'l"l"I"' IJ Aonp J1~1 ·~ ·1111.i..1 ·~IP Ii llQLUQS 'ii 'ptllOJ~ilOdolol •i •~J~ M111S ·;. '"llJ"JA'I rt "°(l ., ·--.IJCI . . --. E _A._RCiHI 0 JOIN Kil'' "al•! St: .. •• orl1i1111.I dnwi•t of 1tall•ll• Boan! Item to J•nlor Whirl fa,nre et U.&li .. per. SDCI ... a ll~pM. teU·14Wreq.e4. .,.,. (or. aa o .. dal ... bf'nldp tart ... IMl&t.._ atiu.. ue ~llUlo wldll .. ,,a,. hltL l'f•••• r1 .... "''"' ........ ~·· ..................... ,. -.. ea. -·•-••· '"''"•4 ..... ._ e. .-11-.W •pp••• h•r• •"Ir •• •1•••• prr"'h" ~. ~•"llrlh11tl•11 ..,\JI t.. •••• t••· er,_.__.. © Kini f Cl.t\ltC:I ~.)'Adi,&t~ lAc.1 ( 912. .3 -J Gf IT'S SECOND AND IT HAND, FRON\ DOE$N'T THE 11 BEAR RUN ! LOOK SPOT" SKI LIKE. YOU GOT WHAT ARf! YOU DOING WITH IT UP HERE? RESO~T ,I THE. S";OW .JOB. '!I HOW'S IT SOUND? BONERS , ., ' • THIS IS ~ATIONAl- 6lJBBLEGUM DAY! " ·. , . I -. , ARK 1-\ELP CELEBRATE NATloNAL 8U8SLEGU>A PAY! ft ' • , ... r ., . -, . : , ·' . i~E BE.ST To. ' )OtJ ,AND 'rt>URS ON NATIONAL SlJBBLEGlJM DAY.' • ' • • f f , ·sp1f -. BlND~ I ' • 8COU 10 point!: for usi ng all the. Jetteis in the word below to.form two complete words: DEBONAIR ....... .. .. ... .. THEN 1core 2 points each tor alt . word.a ol lour letters or mwef ' 10)Uld-amon1 the letters.· .~f/o~i.r..e,......., . • . . '!...... . ... ,.,-" ~ ·~ .. b'I :X: e.or IT GOING.' . ~·-- • • • • • • •• • • • • • .. IT SKIPS! LIKE IT'S 60TTHE HICCUPS/ ' . ., ' - ./ ' .... ' 1-\APPY 0088LEGlJM DAY.1 HOL.IP.b>.YG ARE GETTif.I~ TOO COMMERCW- ' • • ,.A90UT 3 MUNOREO "W.MAT IS POUNDS OF SPECIALLY CESIUM?• PROCESSED CESIUM VA\.UEO AT $150 A POUND!' • ~C!SIUM; f;t.·SOFT AU<AL:l ·~l!TAL. FOIJtlD IN PCIU.UCITE ORE, I• TMI! 'P!.ASMA.Sl!l!D" useo TO'CftJA..TE MAGNl!TO • M'IORO•DVNA'MIC : POWER. (MMD)"' ITS TME FIRST ATTEMPTED · BuRGLARY OF" ANY RARE MATERIEL ,-:: • IN·TME MISTORV OFMVPLANT. MMD POWER WIL:l. FURN ISM -TME EL.ECTRICAL. ENERGV OF TME FUTURE. -··------· -------~--_-, -~~----· It's not mv · If he fault, Sarge. doesn't ask He didn't ask you, you for qas. ask him! • H Ill be seeing you, Slim. Okay, Mr. .· Wallet. Okay, Sarqe. Tll do that next time! > • ;~ ·-'.? Slim, what did ol' Walt want? Nothing, I guess. He just came in to kibbitz . • • • • Let me tip you off, Slim, Walt is awfully forgetful and- ' I quess we qot to talkin' and I forgot to fill your tank. • I REGRET MV GUAR05 MAD iO<ISMOOT. WMAT WAS TME TMIEF STEALINC::.? Just as I thouqht! He's stranded on Route 19, 1 near the bo)( plant! • I thought that qas you sell was giving pretty 1 lousy mileage! • ' -· 'Oh! s-·€ ~ ~' "'~ --, • ' J It is bri ei B B WAS Warre states plicitl whose and ot With • minist quist, Ame treati public Bur upset fro1n unani obsce in a s Sltlc stood eviden oom• The 1exy opera Riehl a be c young The • ".