HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-04-25 - Orange Coast Pilot-, . ' . . -· ....... ' , . Wave of County Sabotage • Three Candidates Kissinger Speni. Join • ID 4 Days • • Ill on Battin In Se~ret Talks - DAILY P.ILOT . * * * 1oc * * * TUESDAY AFTER NOON, APRIL 25, 1972 \IOL, 6), NO, 11~. J ~E CTIONS, 26 PAGES DAILY P'1LOT S1'11 PhOlo JOHN AND JANET PELICHOWSKI KEEP GETTING LETTERS They live Where Firehouse Bar Operator Once Liv.d ~oun • Ill lt'hite Roaase Reveals Kissinger Spent 4 Days \\'·\~ll L\r.TO~ <AP \-Presicll·ntial .!!d- ,.i~t'r H('11r.v l\1"<;inr,rr sp•'nt fn11r <l•iys in r-.:1 1!>1'0\r l'or :-:l'trtl talks 11·11h So1·i1't. h·adt·rs nn \'it·1n:1n1 ;ind 01her lnterna· !tonal proh!rn1", the \\'h1tr llOllSI' d1s- t.:lost•d 1l)(i;1y. Kissi ngrr. 1\hO n1;1rlr ;i .~l'('rr! trill to f'ck1ng lo ;irr;i n~r .\1xon·s his!oric China \ is11. \l":lS II\ lhr So1'11'! t":1p1!nl !l'O)ll Tl1ur.:d:1\" u 11!il '.'11ond11v :tnd mrt ,1·11h ('0n111111 l11q !':1rl\· ('iiir( Lrn111d Hrr1.hne~· &:1nd F11re1gn :'ll11 u.'ter ,\ndrr1 Crf!111yko. The dio;(•11ss11 •n "<trail \\'llh imp<1rla nl l ni ~'rn:it111nal problem s a.~ \1r!t ;i s 11·it h h ilatcrnl n1ntlers preparatory lo talks ix't11·ccn S\JV1cl !r:idrrs and Presitlenl i'\1:;011 in ~l a~·." presi tlc11ti:1 I press :;1_·cretary Ronald !.. Ziegler said as he r ead a brirf s\aten1c11! r e l ea s c d si111u ltaneously 111 \Vashinglon an d r.1ost·o11·. The secret !nlks 11·crc occurring al the same lim e 1he \\'hilr l!ousf \\'<IS sa~·inp; that Kissi nger was al ll1e .~c~·ludt•tl Can1p Dnvid prcsidrntial retrea t in \larylnnd 11·ith Ilic cl1ief exeLulive -the sainc t_vpe of ploy used !o cover 12 srcre! trips to f'aris for private talks Kissinger had 11•i!h the North Virt namcse. Kissi nger, appe::ir b1g hriefl~· b('for e ne"·smen at the \\'hile House. refused to divu li;e speci fi c topics covered in his four davs or conference. But he clearly indir;i ted that Vietnam -and the Soviet shipn1ent or arms to the • Ill USSR Cornmunists lhrre -\\as a m.'.IJOr itcn1 . l\1ssinger di~rlns{'d, t/Yl, that l'\1xon has been carrying 011 extensive exthangr.~ ll'i!h Brezhnev. !Ir said, 11\ ans\\·er to a <1uestion, !hat thr.~f' ex change<: \\"fre through corrr~1xindenrr, rather than 1·1a thr l\losco\\'·\Va shinglon hotl ine . \\'hile rrfus1ng In d1\"u!ge rletn 1l~. l\1s.-- ingcr said tl1r "[;1lk~ 11·rrt' u~rful. !l"ank ;ind s-a tisfartorr. "\Ve :igrecd ·ni::-1thrr sir!!' 11·ould rrl'r:1 J !he suil;rct of tl1e ra\ks." l\1~:-1ngrr rrs-J>Onded 11·hen ;1.~krd 11h!'!hrr V1l·tna111 ll':lS <l l~l"USSf'd But hf' poin1ed tn1r:ir<l 1he jn in1 an· nounc-r n1rn1"s u.<;e •if 1ht' phra.~r. •·1n1- portant internat 1on:i l pn1hlen1s." :i ~ a clear .~ign tha l Vletn<in1 11·as indeed a major topic. In addition. ~aid ~lxon's assistant fvr !See KISS INGER, Page 2) 3 Battin Rivals Joi11 in Maki11 g Sti11gin g Attack By JOllN ZALLE R 01 !ht O•Hr l"l!•t 51•11 Sorry" Wro11g 1.\1ldress Orange: County Superv isor Robert Bal· tin was attacked ?llonday f o r ''unresponsiveness" and a "poor at- tendance record " by three of four can- did ates seeking his post in this June's elec tion. Oiv1icr (Ex-oiv1ier?) of 'Firehouse' Elucle.~ Police By ARTl1UR 11 . \llNSt.:l. Ot tht Dilly l'Utl Sl•fl What do you say In a naked lady? They mitde .a hilarious movie ~bout that question and all the answers lo 1t. Whet do vou say to somebody hunting the man ~·ho gave Costa f\.1esa its very ewn daily displa~' of naked ladie s at the F ireho11se botton1lcss bar n1ore than \\\'O years :H:o? .•. "He rloc~ift lh·e l1cre aoym ore. 1s the stock rr11111 nl .J1 >h n and .J a n e t Pellchfi" ;k 1 ::ind lhrir six I i I I I e Pelich<H1·~k 1s. \1ho live in the fo rmer home ()f Rav Rohtn The opera.tor -lie i-:-nr \1·as -of tht hot spot ~·here 1he d:in..:crs wet1r hLI: ( smiles and not much else moved from 1226 Londonderry SL, about 24 months ago. But 1226 Lond onderry St., N!mains on various civil, criminal, public and pr ivate types of records , ~ause Rohm roamed v.-ithout leaving a forwarding address. A large number of the people lookinl!; for Rohm, sa y the Pelichowskis. carry police badlo(es. subpoenas. court sum· monses and other legal document s. Luckily, th e Pelichowskis manage to ma intain a sense of humor. "It's become sort or a joke at our house ," says Mrs. Pelichowski. The w~kly parade of curl la'A'mtn, curvaceous ladies -presumably scek1na ' dancr auditions -old friends, new frie nd s and others not so forthright aboul their bu siness continues .11 the old Rohm home. "It seems J\l r. Rohm is as elusi ve a person to find as Howard Hughes, at least for the Orange County Sheriff's Of- fi ce and the Cos ta ~lesa Police Depart- ment," says Mrs. Pelicho\\·ski. She says besides i n s u r a n r r in- 1•estigators, private eyrs ;ind l:nv <Jf· ficers. squinty·eyed men br:irln~ en- velopes with little cellophanr "-'in<lows are among !hose ~·ho \\·ould conl'erse with one lt ay Rohm . "We are beginning t('I frel like p:irt of 11 (Ste SITE, Page ?; Candidates \Vally David. Bill !!ill . and Dill \\'enke joined in attacking lhc in- eumbent Batti n, whi le a fourt h candidate, 1iau l Baec-h. refrained fr om criliC'isn1. Bal.tin did nol attend the candidates' Candid ates Wa lly David, Bill Hill. and Bill Wrnke joined in attacking thr in- cumbent Battin, while a fourth candidate, Paul Bauch. refr ained fmm criticism. Battin did not attend th e candidates' luncheon al the H:i' Prnny Inn in Yi'estminster. llis off ice e:<plainecl thal the fi rst distric t ·supervisor ahd "a prr\'ious engagement." The first supcrvisorial dls1ri rl i.~ com- posed of Santa Ana. part nf \\'cstmin.~tcr, ::ind Fountain Valley east nf ).1agnolia S!ret'I and north of Talhf'rl Avenue . "I I'~ not unusual that J\1r. Battin should f;ii l lo show up at thi s cand1datc:o1 !Ste BATTIN, Page ll I , \ G eservo1r Foul Clc1i1n e,f In Cnt Slio1r D01\ICATER. England t tiPI 1 - .Judges at a local cat sl";.01\' el;111n house\\ife JJrlly Beach d0ttOrl'd her Siarnrse · cat's e_\e with mascara befo re enter ing t h e animal in !he ~ho\\'. Show otTiC'i<"lls said clippings fro 111 ::iround the cat's eye ha\•e been Sf'nl to a lahnra\{lrv for analvsi~. ... \lrs. Beach ·declined tO conunen!. Bank of An1 crica lu Orange Hit B y Bomb Bla~t •' Thr FP.! trxl:i~-cntere<l invest1ga11on .. r .1 Bank <ii AlTil'rtta bn1nb1nK 111 Orange ,\\!.ntl ;iy nigh!. !hr th ird such s~1bot agc 111 !hr count y in 2~ hours. IJam::ige to the branch, at 225 N'. Tusti n Ave ., was Sf><'Claculnr, as a rcsull of the Mmb being !:lped lo a plate ~lass 1vin- c!o1r, but ove rall cles!ruct1011 \\':lS n1inor. Shallered glass sllQ\\'ered throughout the lobby but there 1\·as no one: inside and '·onsequently no injuries. The 8:45 p.rn. explosion was helirvt'd (':lused by a homemade pipe bomb at - lac hed to a window at the re::ir door o( the fnci !Hy. r\o ex planation \\':IS nHe red in the \\'<IY of A motive: for the bombing incidrnt. Earlier ~tunday, a molotov cocktai l ctevice ex ploded Jn a science and re11ding C"linic classroom at Sm edley J unior High Sc hool in sou!hwesl Santa Ana. Damage to the school \\'hich has been roc ked by raci::il troubl es and gan~ violence recently could reach $50.000. ac· cording to campus offici als. Bomb threats and a menacing shotg un shell were also left at the U.S. Selective Service head<1uart ers at 1138 E. 17th St .. !\Ionday in S;1nta Ana but va ru..lals failed to cause much damage. A bomb thre;;t al Orange C-Oasl Colle1;r In Costa :..1cs:i al so C'rea ll!d excilPment Tllonday night hut a search of the 11 rea in- volved failed to disclos e any pl anted ex· plosivcs. ftumors ori~lnaling on the campus to- day that 30 students and a teac her \\"frc arrested on drug charges were apparent- ly due to verba l distort ion o( the bomb threat C'ase. polit'e said. Gol£ Uc1luccs Tax c~ lf'i:'T HJ-:. 1-~ngalnd (U l'I f -l':i1nrla F.lhs har-had hrr local taxes rerluercl after she comp!aiP1ed nf i;:olf b;ill~ ('rashing into her 11:arden. l\t iss Elli.~ ~:11<1 the trouble slartrd when a goH course was built behind her home. Utal1 S e a1~c]1 Fou1~ l\ilc~1 1 From \\ irr "4'1'1 11 r' OL .. r! 11.JOllN. l t.•lr '•·an 1·11 ·1•·1 e. l us111~ 11,,pt• !oda,\ 11 1-1 qr ( ••1, :11111-:-, in ('l 11di11 : a (;;1rd1·11 1;,,•11 1 ·11•11' ,, llllSSIJl f~ ~llH_'e S :d\l!'!l.1·. I•) !Ii> ,·\ •• !! ''h'•Pr\' fl:l-fout cl•c·p •1 1,, 1 I·• 11 •11. t ;org1· Hr ~l'rvnir . •rhl' fll!I~· tr:H·1• o( !iii t 1,, 11 ' 'I• I j1 patl'ntl,v cars1f!•1J 1tur1ni.; lull;•h 11";Hh•·1. ha.~ hcrn :i f\1el tJn. J.11.:kt·! :ind 11·(' 1·h1• ·t 11·!1ic•h 1v.1 shtd ;1<.:hnn' I n"r~11).!,1 tprs 11 ,1 •1., 11,• , .:1' dr11l\ll•··I 1n th1· 11 .11 · i. • · 1h(' Ii) 1·1·:1r-ol d 1:1:1:1 1 \'f'l11111 •ll•n" N;i1u 111:. )'" 'f'ht'I' l!l(•llldl' -1\li1·haf'I ;\1at h1•11 ,, 'I I •11•1 1 I I ."\.. (;;1rdt'n (;r .. 11· 111• .,.1(~, • , ! .\!;1llht•\\'S ASSOC'i:1l1•• 1\., 14' ,111 !)1,1•1 h;1scd C.l(Cculi1·l' ~-'~II'/ Ii .011d I"·'' ''!JI' l agency. -Los An!:t'l l·.~ C11u 11I,\' l l1'.1t' 11 I 11•:1.11 r n1Pnl Alcoholis111 l'r11;:r;1111 l'h11 l llr ,\, "". "AJ\·irdo" Pt:arsun. !~:!. nf T .11 1.11,1 --Charles \\'uolvrrton. 01 tl\1• A.iph ncir;hborhood of l.i111~: 1:, ,11 '! , :\ tcrhnicat "'riter for ~lt'Donnf'll I )"IJ '.;J· , AirrTa ft Co rporation, p1!01 .:ind (11·1 ! ,\ ' Patrol officer . -Psycholn~ist r>r . i\l:1rsha ll !lodge.•·( tSee :\-llSSl1\·G. 1-'ai;:r 21 Orange Coast !l's goi ni:: ln he \\·:irn1f'r al 1JnJ! !hf' On1ngt• Coast 1111 \V(·dnl'~d:t\'. 111th hi~hi-'. al the be:it:lh-.s ;1rou11d /LI 1!ri:;rrr~. r i~ing 1n ~II 1lri!rt·1·~ inland. IAJ11·s ar(' f'\pCt'IPd 1n !111· 4tr~. l:\S IDF. TOD\\' ·r11c1(t1· .~1111 111/ 1rl1111" ,\1111 /11. :C:.11:r1r11 11 11<1 l 'r(ile,~'1111 1. /i•11 11 p~1 . 11doys .~111111: n1cn1/11·r~ of 1/1 1• /.,'1t K/11.r Kl<r11 so11nd 1n11r·1· / J,·1 · out· raprd hut r 11•/1c1i/t •• lil'c .~/t!f!I. /'11(/1! i . ,. ..,. ' '4u1u1I i-u~"' .. C etll"r".I• ' .. ~··~•.>I ... ''" C!anol1t l ~-U O••n~~ (<unly • (Pm«• ,. SY"''·' Po1 •t• " ' '' .wo•.t " \~~J I• 1 ~ " Oe.>lh No••<•• • S.J.I. M.1r~•h lif. il Edl!~tiol f' .... ' , " " E n!frl••~'™'"' .. ' ""'' " .. J •ftlntt I 0 11 ' " , "' "'• llt<Gfd • '" '• W·"" " Horo·.c~P• .. w~ """' "'"'' 11 '. '"" Lano.,, " "'"10 ...... , • ~eYlt\ U I' 2 OAI\ V PlLUl \\:ASlllr\GTO:'-J f1\1'1 -Sf'n. \1.ki· C.rarel wa s blocked today v./lf'n he 1r11·t.J 10 place. 111 thr ConKress1unal Hec1•rrl ~ccret d01.'U111e11!s hr said shov. 11l;1t l'res1denl ~'\1 ~(·n·s c111l1an ad viser<; l11ld l11m three ;.rars ago lhe bombing uf f\ur!h V1rt11.J1 11 ~·as 1t1t•ffl'ct11'e. 'l'he Al a~k;1 [)('rnuc rat t1dd nr11·sri1f'rl lntt"'r that fr•1111 ~t11Ch .,! !hr llO\'Ur!1t':il~ lil' l'l1n('ludcd l 'rr~1d,·11\ '\1,\ .. :I' 1 ~ pu1!.u111g a fl "! klr~~, J11lf!P•f;J] i-"J\11 :· II llll Ii 1~ d•J'•l!ll d to 1:iilurr ., F.xccr pts hr q11r1l•·d fflJfll I h e document s did not u1clu<l1' the 1udgmt"'n1~ i1f the Joint Chiefs nf Sta!i, the Pac1!1c Cornmand. or thr 1n1htrtr~· r·ummander in \'ie!nam on !hr effectivenrss of bombing attacks but th e opinions u! civilian ot- Apollo Men Streaking For Earth SPACE CENTE R, llou.!iton IUPJ J - 1\potlri lli "s astronauts e~caped the dominance or the moon's gravity tod:iy and sped fa ster and faster to"·ard earth \rith a treasury of rocks that scientists think may in clude Jong-sought pieces or the primit ive lunar crust. John \\I . Young. Thomas K. Mattingly and Charles ~l Duke shov.·ed the bright , gray-\~'hite moon receding behind lhem during an early morning impromptu telecast. They '"·ere reported on target for a i:;plas hrlovn1 in the Pacific Ocean late Thnrsday morning. ·voung and Duke walked on the moon. but today was Mattlngly's day. llis .schedule callt>d for an hour-long space \Yalk to retrieve 6,500 feet of film from tw o mapping cameras in the spaceship's n1 non observatory. 1'he pilots refined their cou rse tov.·ard 1he home planet v.·ith a brief burst fro1n lhe spaceship's small control rockets at 8·29 a.n1. IPST). At that time, Apollo 16 was 4.:J,000 miles from the moon and Young reported, "At arms distance, if you cup your hands around U, its about as big as a 50-cent piece." The three astronauts rocketerl out or moon orbit 1.:1onday ni11ht and, v.'ith that critical maneuver ·beh ind then1. reported !heir morale had sho t up "a couple of hundred pcrC'ent." They entered lhe pull of earth 's gravity ;il 6:36 11.m. <PST) v.•hen they \Vere 216,00 1 miles out and heading home at about 2.900 n1ile s per hou r. ""I'll tell you. we can hard ly wait." sald Young, veteran commander of the mission that went from near-failure to liucctss in five days. Spaceflight 1netcoroloF:ists reportrd !hat wealhcr in the lanrling area 1.400 niiles :south of Honolulu was expected to be satisfactory at 11 :44 a.m. Thursday. Duke buoyed the hopes of geolog is ts ,,·hen he reported the 2-15-pound collec11011 of rnoon rocks stowed in Casper did not ~eem to contain ·\'olcanic s!l.mp\es. Instead, the rocks appeared to be older, beat up specimens that could unlock some of the moon's remaining my.~teries. 'fhe three pilots began their day today v.·hen ground c(lmmunieator 11 e n r y llartsfield ga\'e them a v.·akeup call at 6::19 p.m. (PST\. Before leaving lunar orhH, t h e :isl ronauts cast off !he ascent section of !heir lunar 111odtile Orion. J1ut they failed to set a critical .~\\·itrh :ind the spaC'ecraft tun1blt'd 1iul l•f ('011- 1ro l. ruining a chance lo crash It nenr the ,\riollo 16 l:1ndin~ sire. The impnr t 1~·as to ha\·e cre:itcd an :irtifi cial 1noo nquake lo be rcrnrd{·d 1>1 the seismometer Young .1nd Duke left behind. fl u! the a5trnnauts s u c r rs .~ f u 11 y tlrpl~·yed a Jillie satellite t.!c.~1f:11er1 In n•e;l!'ure radi;ition and magnelil' rnrces ;1r11•·"'1 !hf' rnunn. DAILY PILOT Tiit Orlf!Of (Mii OA.IL 't PILOT, "'"" ""'•tll h COfT>h!nrd tht NtWl• .. fftl, ti ll!Vbll5hCCI b't' "'' or.1ngr Co•il P11bli1ll lnt1 Corrtplnl'. Sop .. r•l~ "'1,rion1 ''' p11blllht'd, Moocbv 1t11011~ll r 1,d•Y. tor Coi!1 Mr11, N,....port Be1tn, H~nling!irn B'•cll/Fo11ni.!n V11!1y, Llfllnl fl~·~~. lrvinr,5•ddltb1c~ •ml Sin C)ffl',n!•I SAn Jvort C•plJlt1no. A 11f!Q111 r•~ion~I edit\on 1, bUbl•1"'1d 5•1irrd•ys '"" !.~n<r•Ys. t11.-p•;ncliul 1111b!11hlfl1 Jlllnl b 11 'JO w.-1 81i Sl•rrt, co1t1 Mr11, Clllrornl1, tl•l•. Rob1rf N. W11d ,.,,,,donl ind f'ublllN!r J1c~ Ill. C11rl1v Vice Pr~kl1n1 I nd Grntr11 M1nlift Tho11111 ktt.,il Ed llOI' Thom1t A. Mur,,h!111 /<\Ant;lng fC11!or C~1 rl11 H. Looi Ric~trd '· N 1U Anl1!1n1 M1n1g1Jit Edltor1 Offk• CMll Mn1: llD Wtd llt'f $!rttl Nt\fl'JIO•I 911cn: llll N-rt 9111,111v1td L•fV'l'lf !111•"': '11 ftrnt ..... ...,.,. H"'111"910fl B••c": 1111s B•1rll 901111v1f• )I" Cltmtnlt; )CS ~Oriti II C1ml11C1 ltetl T .. .,.... 17141 642-4JJ1 Cl19Ulftd All••rthlltt 642·5&71 •re11t c.ntll Are11 '""" 9f L1,_ l•~rll 4,J-44Jt l'rtlft """' Or•MI C-!y Ctmm1tmlll11 140·1221 CllJ'Yl'lrt, 1'11, Or•~• Caul "1111111"!"' COm1MnY. No -11tr!et, lllul!"!I"~'• tdlterl•I "'''"' fl<' 1dvtdl11,,.,.n1~ "''"" l'N"t lie t t \fflONc:M Wlllle\ll l ptd tl "'' "'lufotl 9f c0p'fr""1 ....,.,.,_ S.f'OPMll t l111 -1111 M id 11 Ct1t1 M•11, Ct lltorfllt . J.l<bt<d'1iofl b"r (l lTif• 11 •I ""Ofl!"lv1 bY mtll IJ l f moolftl"tl "'llltuy lllelllno!l"'t l'.4J f'l'(ln!My. ,, on Secret War Documents f 1! 1.d• of thr P•·n t,1f••l1 ~1:11e Dt>p:.r11nent ,111d tlu: <"enlral lnt~·ll1~'l"l !l f Agt•nt_1 \i•'.\ 'Vi ('ek .\Jai,:.11111•· and \h r \\'a,h1n)£lOn Pl•!>\ !1;111• JJr!Tl1td ar• •1 un ts :;;12. irll'. the st·t /'t>! l~f.r; r•·f>'d"t, appr ~1 1~in~ the t·ffe<:l l l't'nt.·~s ~t l " lxlm!J ·1 ~ of !\·irth Vu.:1n:1111 dis('t• s~d de! ,11, 1 <!1f- fr ·r1·11t'"S in h ·' t ~r1•e 1najr1r n)'' .1 ~ - lt1J· S!.1"' f}• .. 1•·'n11 '"! t II' 11. ' ,. f li'IJ,J! l!lif Ill ,.111! )1,1 ( I \ ! ;, ,!' 1 ;r.i 11 1~ 1 !1.n .. t • ;.I .. •· 1111· ·•' ni:1!"fi~i\ 111 1111' r1,111rd .ii I "' ',,. <.I l11day ·s !-,, nail' sess1vr1 -.1 .. ,.. l. " !1y ;i•·ti ng J{epubli<'an l.1,11J11· J:1,l111t I'. t :rlffin ot t.tlch1gan. Griffin said it v.·u11ld II" · \• 1, 1ir1- f•1rtunatr if the se1,,i1, 1 l1 ·•u1 \l.1,ka l:1ke~ i t nn h11n 1r\f to be the sole judge of the lll·ela.<i.<i!!sr .1t1u11 of l11ghly bensil!\'e pa prr~ "' 'fhc secret • ttJdy ordered by Presldent \11{011 the d:1-. ;liter he took offi ce al so fl'l'f'aled th;!! 1\ would take up to l:J 4 ~··ars to c·on.1J)lt:ll· pacific at ion of Svuth \'1 1·tr•:1 :ll ;uvl lhnl the C11n1n1uni.!i ls 1~cre , 11,;1!. ,. 1.r 1·111l.1 '1 1n .. • 1!11• .\111•·.~ 111· ,j, 1111 1 '. I rt I• l I '1' '~ [!II•'! n11\111n.d I 1 ',, ·: '< ii 'I It•· t11d·, 11 .,, ' •ild11 1 !•'d 11•. fh·nrr ,\. 1, .. ·,111iJ 1·r :"-1\•,n\ n:1!1,.11.ll '"' urily <1f· t,ur, .o<h 1,cr. v.•J1,, t"•1npll1·d the rc·5ulls 111 ;, rn1 ·m•1 1'nl!tl1•d · f{1·.,1)11nses to 1\ationt1! Scru1 1!_1 Study '.\tC'111rir:1ndum I "' I ;ra\ 1·! l;i:;t vr.ar l't1!l'. 1·lled hi.~ building (!/Id grounds · !>UiX'•11111111t1re to n1akc lJPI TeltPl!O!O Rcngn. a gorilla born just onr ~c:ir ago. hcgs for a tidbit from h 1' 1nothrr. J[clen, 11ho <ipcn i; a box of ra1 !"1!L' d uring-B(;nga's birlhd:i.v party nt Chica go's Lin<"oln l'Jrk Zoo 1\I! rL"sidents of the zoo's Great .<\pc llusc cnjoyccl {'OffL'C take, ll~r nnn .' and pears as part of the crle- brat ion ... f'rorr1 1•1•!fP I SITE • • • J :1 m~s Bonrl 1hrlll r r 111· n1.1 111r a f.nl~t~! i;ri::111en L .,f ·,\!:111111\,' ~:1• \Ir·, J 'l'll('h•lll ~kl . ~ht' v•nrks :i~ :i 11'.1 1tre~s :ind in a \!•hnul r·:1ft'li 'r1:1, 11l1ilr 111·1hu,h;~1 1d111 .1h ~ ·'1 11..: ~hill 111 .1 1lt'll'~p:q)1it" ... f'll l ll!~J',1111' 1"<1•1111. 11 liit·h n1;1~.r:> :1 1111h1T lic.-1 1<" 11··1 1H"!1r :;«lird11 lr '1'11!"11' j11'('1lf•('(·~~11t" l'I Iii'" lt':I t'll l«·1 TH • 1111f1ni~/1ed lrg:d hu!-1nr•.'-(i,1f"•ll I 1111111 mn!lrrs 1n11ch "La~t \\'rrlnrsd;1~· n1nrnill~ \\':1~ t!1I' f1111- n11~~1 .if nil." \Ir!-... l'rlir·l~n11 .. k1 f'>:pl .11n-- Coinr1drnf:ill\", the1· rlrr11lrd ·rur ~11 :1 " night In hil ttir 1''1rrho11sr 1r1th fr11•nd~ and sec \\·hat all th eir in/1cr1tcd \'1s1ts in- ''o!vr. "\\'c rarkerl our ca r nut front Clf \hr rnuch fus.~ed-:iboul rulle place :111d dep,1r!ed. h.:ipp ily-<'nter!ainrd." ~he note~· Despite the fact !he l:i.~t inde<'ent e ~-­ posure case involving-Rohn1 :i s Ofl('ra!nr or the Firehouse 1\·as bounced out of cou r1 i\pril !7 . police arr keeping lhrir eyes (iprn. flnr alrrt officer evidenlly no1 iced thr Pel1rh011 ck1s' c;;ir th;it nigh t and the 110\1 - /;1n1il1:ir 122.6 Londonderry St .. ;iddress on !hr r .1prr11ork ·•·Tl11· c:or h;ld a ne1v registration on ii. \\1lh ,\lr. !ir•hrn ·i' old addre~s -0111d oiiri; lo lil' ~11re -fur 1t l\':lS ;111c! is our f':lr. n11r :idc!1·e~~ :111d (111r hon1e," illr~. i't•11rho11sk1 1:1 n1t•n!s. l\1'1ghl anrt t'il rl~· \Vrdlll'Sda.v, :it i : l:l a m , the 11 1111; ;inn of thr la\\' rc:ichcd 1111! ;ind ran)! rhe l 'rl 1111011-.~ki doorbell. v.'hi lr the ha nd ;,1 1hr <'net r1f !hr olhcr (lnc prl·o:irrd 111 rrr~ent 1nore ler:it p:iprr~. The e 1111'>~.1rir~ 11f 1.111-. 11rder. drre11rv and morah1\ :1,krd \1hrrf' lhr\" r(lu!d fin d nar Rr,h1n~ d 1hr J'rli<'h(l~·ski~ ,1·rrr cln~c frir n11.~. rir r1rn cl 1sl:1n! :i r· qu.1inl:in<"rs. '·~011-. h·t it l)f' lnr tht rc("orcl · \\'e rlon"t kno\1' lhe 1n.1n. 11 n11lrl11't knnw him if \\'e :::ay,.· him Ru1 v.·r 11·r111lrl like to -jtL<;t In plead v.·Hh him lo lrl lh<' 'frilk~' kno1\' he d(lr.~n·t l1r1• hf'rr :1nv1norr." ~!rs. I'el1('ho11·i<k1 rlr1'larr ~. She :1 lsu sairl thc,1 a~h(·d thr firrhou.~c t-iounrrr 111 get 1hi· 1n•·~~11gr :icross. :1d- 1t1np; that thr Pelichowsk1s did jndeed ~rt !.hr 1a .~t l;1ugh. fler hu~band recn1:11'7ed onr (If thr i 15 A.m, police visllors "Yhu \\·ere Al. !he F'lrPhouse la!!l night ," ht dcrlared triumphanl!y, "I sa1v you thrrt ~ ·· The nfhrf'r, o( cour~t. harl hten thrre !n th(' lllll' ul rh11 \" Couple Soak Up Sun ; Also GocKl l'or th e Gra ~1' <:.,\\ FH ·\\('f ~CO IAr1 -It 11·11s .t;\ICh :1 111t1• ~L1.1. ~:1 1d J ':Jul llu!ler .111d $u.~.1 n 'l !inn1,1s 1;11,•r. th:it lilr~' p:1rkl'd th!·1r twn 111 1111 1!11~1''-Jo r nl"Y !hr !'Un In Cnldrn < •• 11« I ';1rh An(! tilt' .'un w:i ~ so br1 ;.:h! tllry too k 1h1 11' fl"!!t•d !ll:1n!~ out (If the busrs tn rn- JOI II . Ion Butl C'r. 2j. <ind l\hss ·rhumas. 2t both 111 f'al .. Alto. said la1er in jail tha! they 111·11· herr lo ltJt•k for ;i lo<"al1on fur an l:t·rh :111d brl<·tk i;torr . :"lloun1 td l'J!roln1,11n J ames F'. Hen- 1u \Sc~· oudQt'd 111~ horse over to the b<isk- Jlll! {'11upl1' and polled plants. A.~ 1\l iss Thomas patted lhe horse's 1111s1" i!C'1:ncs3ry 1xii n!cd ;i t snn1e of the pnls. "\"1111 krH,,~. -~•1u h:11·r. grass thrre." he ;-..1 111 Tliv <'Ot1plc w:i.~ ;lrresled and b(Jokrd fo r inve:;Jig:i!ion (If ]X>SS('ssing marijuana and pOSSl'S~ing it ror grO\Vth. In j:iil. Mi ss Thornas told a reporter: "J"ve gro\\'11 lols of things. b11l thi.~ W:I$ the rirst lim(' I tried J:ro"·ing marijuana •• , it u·as sort o( an experiment." .. The.v're good people,"' ~aid Hennessey, "bul they \\'etc breaking the lav.·." l'rona Page 1 KISSINGER. • • n.11ional :::erurily affairs, "the \\'hole range of Soviet-American relations \\"3.5 di.~russed " 1\1.~singcr .o;aid. v.•hen asked '4'hy secrecy v.·as nccc~snry for the Mo.~cow lrip. ''\Vr nre at thf' rnoment in a l'Cry 1lel1c<i tc ph:i sc of intrrnational rrlalions,'1 ;ind both ~ide.~ ngreed it was desirable to keep ~peculation to 11 minimum "until they had the opportunity to ex:plort each othrr's vlev.•s." The presidential adviser !aid ht reach- 'd l\·toscow by mi!itnry aircra(t Thursday n11.~hl :ind continued his talks unt il Mon· <la1· flQf1n l!\1n~ro1v time1 . pl1!Jl1c the Ptntagv11 l'tlf"M r.~ th, to~ sel'ret study ,,f Antrr1t:an 1n\'11h t'rllf'n t 111 \"11:lnam. A Bost<!n ,l(l"<HHl Ju ry l.<i looking into his suhsequrnt nrrangl·rnen ts for [lUblicet ion ur th1·se p.1jX'f~ :ind the Supreme Court is tl111~1 t1rr1ng hO v. l;i r the Jury c1111 go 1n rfur~t111n111J.l (:r:1vel 's ;1•,r~1,1t111n in that t·11flllf'l'l1011. (;r ;11 L·I ~aid tl•1t<i v th•' ft11r·t11l1('fl\ lit• 1111\\' j<; pfl"'l·n!111g f"••ntilint"d !11) 1n d11 :1ry HI· 1 .. r1 11;1!11.n t h:1! \.\'uuld 1eop:-1rd1ie the !';ill'- 1)' •)f the !1.1lil!n. At a ne11.-s l'uoft•rcnce after his futile at- ternpt to plae1· any of the material in the r1·tflrd, Gravel lnshed out at the steppe-d - up l:iumbing of .'\orth Vietnam ordered hy l\ixun after the recent tank-led Corn- Viet Retreat niunist 1n\"il th1n of S11uth \ 1etnam. "\\e are killing l1tu1<lrl'<l.<i vf thousands of 11t:vple IU ::..11r thf: l:H·c of on'-in· d11'1tlt1Jl,'' (;ra1·t·I ~;,1d H! one inU111du .1 J, h1· 1nade c!ear he JTIC'anl I\ 1>:1111 At one p..11111 , Cr:111·I :11 ·r used .'\1xon .of ' ill idl1-.1•:1111 1· I/I idf11 1 'J'lir lll,l!f l l<tl ~;l"<llL'J \l,11ilt•d IH pl:H.l' Ill thv l"!'t 11rd 1ni l11de1I 11 ~u111rnar~· by tli1· {l;:it1 un:ll !'il'l'lll"ltj' (\1 urk•d 11( rt·~µ11u:.1·.; frorn Ilic l.Nfense l>t·partmcn!, the Still\' Departnient. !he CI A, the Joi nt Cl1iefs of Staff arid (!\hers to 27 r1uestion~ ~1t,111ut \'ietnarn v.·ar operatio ns shortly after t'ixon tw k office 10 1969. 111 adli1!t11n ;111 n1d c ~.ud r;ravel al.!.O J1:td the l l"~J"M ·n ~c·s of 1.1(!1 agrnry. Al together. !11" ~aid . l.r;1vf'I 11 :1, about 5(.(t pai,:cs l!I mtliJ'r1 als he v.unl ~ Lu put in lhr rl'cords. lie H\\Clldf'd In ~tarl 11•1th i1bout 30 p.1!!t'S dealing 11 1ri1 li11· cff"t tlV t·nl:.55 uf )Jr,1ill•11l~! ( ,f ,I'•, I 1111.! 111·1~ 1'1«1 1 111· 11 •11i:d ~·1111t 1111r j,. 11'\ I" ~11 111!' .~\'(fl! d•H lllll l'llj , 111!•1 I!•!' ( •II•' ! I ,. '11.ll I!• '.,!I d \•i-.rd 11 lt1 !11 ll1d 11\!1 1Ji•l!"l lH1it· !hi" •J•,1 ·u111t 11\. 1 1 ne\1 'll\l"ll, lh· spoke of J1"''1 hlt· li ·.';11 •"1!l~t·qucnce~ lit• s;111t he :ii .• ~ ti:1d h• ;1rd 1.ilk th:tl s~~n \\"ilh;i:n B. :-;,1,f\,. 1ll t1)l10•. ;ind ulh<'r 11nu!d Ir)' \1,1 11·n·.u 1 ,. h1111. 10 Yanks l{illed • • • rneeting,"' i;aul cn11d1<l:1!e \\':illy O:i vi~. "lit' h:1-; :1 r1·r111'd 11f f.11l111 g tu 11·111('111l•cr t !i~t J1t· n·prr~r11I Ilic p1'<111lr 11 11d l;11l 111g to 1netl 1hc1n 111 h1':H.l-1•11 tlis1'LL,,1,,11s o[ thr1r probl1·n1" .. , In Copter Crash !):11 IS :-:11d tli;il '1•'111 1' 11[ H :il~111';,, f{n'nll'f :..\lll!l•'l'\r1·~ li:1d ti1•1·11 ··d11p,.d .. 11 111•11 thry .\11pp•wi 1·1 I !11111 ll ·· .11l 1 1•rl1~l·•t h1111~t"lf a:> :1 111:111 "'IOr ;di lliv l\t.'<1pl•'. 11o1t ;1 l'll11~en P/.EJr:ll, Vietnam (AP) Ten Americans -six ad\'isers to the South Vir!n;1n1ese army and four helicopter crc~·men -\\·rre rrpor!ed tot.lay lo hil\·e het'n killed in a helicopter crash f\londay during the South \'ietnamrse retrc:it fron1 Tan Canh and Oak To in the Central Highlands. A se1·enlh American adviser, Capt. Ray Dobbins. v.·as rescued after hiding :ill night nl·:ir the riverrun South Vietnamese division headquarters at Tan Canh . Dobbins and nine South Vietnamese. in· c·luding the rrgi1ncntal comn101nd er. hid in Tan Canh after the North Victn:imcsc look the base ilfnnday. Aller dark, ·they 1noved ou!~ale the perimeter, and Dobbins c:illrd 1n an American helicopter by radio tocln y. 'rhe helicopter was fired on EOing in and tak- ing off, but it was believed that nobody \\-"ll S "·ounded. 1'he report of the helicopter rr:ish came Jud1ie Gives OK To Love Letters Of Angela Davis SA'.'11 JOSE IAP) -A judge ruled toda~' that three Juve letters from Angt!a Da vis lo George Jaekson could be read In the Jury but that jurors r;ould n(it hc:1r testimon y of a gu11rd who ""-itnessed the only face-to-face meeting of the two. ~u perior C(lurt Judgl'.' Rirhard F . Arnason snid an 18-page diary Miss Davi,._ v;rotc a )'l'.'ar after a 1970 courthouse shootout contained much ''totally ir- rele\'ant" material and could be admil!rd only if the prosecuti on elimin:i ted ir- relc\·ant parts. 1 See earlier story, p:igc <I. 1\tiss Da\'is is on Lrial. on murder. kid- nap and conspiracy charges in the c·nurthouse escape try in l\'h1ch a judi;c. tv.·o con\·icts and JackSQn's brot her v•('re killed. Attorneys for ro.tiss Davis fough t "igorously to keep the jury fron1 hearing the letters. The prosecution claims they arr the key to proving ~,iss Davis \\·;is so dr1v- 1'n hy lo\C' for Jnrkson she plotted lo lake hostages fronl lhe t.larin courthouse lo excha nge later for Jackson's fr erdorn. The judge said he v.·i!l allow the jury to hear three letters Viritten a month before the shootout. Tv.·() \\'ere found l I days :ifter the Sh()(Jtings in ?lliss Davis' 1.AJS 1\ngeles apartment and a th ird \va s ton- f1sca!ed ;lt Soledad Prison. from an American v.hn 1\'as on th•· ground at an airstrip about a mile and a half fron1 'J'a n Canh. A s.pokrs111a11 for the U.S. C\1nHnand 1n Saigon snid 1t h;id "nuthing off1r1:11l\' f'l indicate r1l ht•r v.a.\" that lhl"re arr. ad- visers miss111g in action." E.'.lflier reports said the six atl\'isers \\'Crc amonj! nine Ame ricans !aken out of 'fan Canh hy helicoplc,rs und er fire !'11011 - day. ThC' si x V.f'rl' reported Jandl'd at Dak Tu 2 :iir.~lrir :i rnlle and a half ;l1\·:1y because South Vietnamese soldiers \rerc (·linging lo !he hr!i('npler-'s skids and 1l "'as feared !hey 1111ght fnll off if the flight "'as any longer. These earlier reports said the America11s began walking !av.Tard the South Vietnamese lines. But the report today said a lluey helicopter picked them up, was hit after it took arr and crashed in fla mes in an area held by the t\orth \1ietname se. The report said no hope vi'as held for the men on board. TI1e U.S. Cornmand in Saigon an- nounced !\tonday that an Arm y helicopte r 11·as shot dov.·n nrar Oak To nnd !hr four C'r('ll'llH'n v.·err killed. ~\thtary sources in I 'h.!lkll said today it \\ as l>i'ltr\"ed that thts \\'1S the helicopt(·r thJt had pitkl·d up the six ;id\"1Sl'rS but tha t the U S. Uimrnand. at the time of its .1nnouncemrnt did not know that the other Americans v.·ere a hoard. :'l.1eanwhile, South Vietnamese forces in the Central Highlands abandoned t11·0 111ore bases under fire today, but field n1ports said U.S. bombers knocked out a high v.·ay bridge and slov.·ed the !\'orth \'1 ctnamese drive to"·ard r:ontum City. l'rotn Page 1 MISSING • • • Claremont. Forest Service identification of the four \'Jt:tims who flev.· lo Utah last v.·cek oo a trout fishing trip v.•i!h \Voolvrrton as the pilot erroneously lis ted t.1athc1\·s as a psychologist too. ·'~1i ke ""·ould have gotten a laugh out of thai ," one of his business as sociates said sadly today. •le saitl ~1athe\1·s had a deep interes t in the fi eld , bul 11·as no specialist. Chances th11t anything but the 11·orst h:ippencd during a \1·ind-v.·hipped fishing PXpcdi1ion Saturd;ly are remote, search <'uo rdinators said today. ""\Ve're \\-"Orking on thl' assumption thal the boat capsi1.ed in v.·aves up to t1.,.o and three feet high," Foresl Phil J ohnson said today. It·\\"." ' ··nnh 1!:1tt 111"s :1b~f'11cr 1od.1;. 1" l\pi1·:1l (If his ~1!''' 111·,• :1\ u1:111\· 11npi1r!:1nt c•\ \'111'.' ,~.(,,j :1J1tlli•L"f l'.llld1cJ:1!1", liJl) \\"r nl-.l'. \\ c·nl-.1· 1·h:1ri.:1·cl lh:it n.t :i r1 ·1·1·111 ~cries of 5;1 l'<1nf.-rt·nl·1•:. hvld lo 111f1 •rn1 1h1• <"iiun- ty suprr1·1snrs about the pnlpO~!·d l1Ji2-i l budget, Battin had f:tiled tri !.hPI\' up nt ;1n\'. \\"rnkc ;uli!rd 1h:1! n:i ttiu"-; alfl1'<; harl oni.11 IJCl'll Jl:'•'~r11\ at i1111r 11f llh' nu·1·ilngs, '";in d ;i~ I undrr~:;1nd. thr\ ti•fr r:1rl~·.'' C;indidatr ,lnhn "Hill "' 1111! :ilsn at- tarked Ba ttin fflr ''11 11 r1·~p•1!]~1\'~'!1('SS" Hill df'\'11!1'd nn1t ·li .. r Ju , f11·t· 1ninu!c spee("h tu a ~lnte 111ent of his pru-hus1ne~s attitudes. -"I'm a bu siness m;ln fir st." hr s:iirl. "I 111ake no hones :1bou1 11 Bui 1 would like to be. a businr.~s 1n :11i 111 :1 111.•\i (1cal scat do111g n joh for 1hc people . ."' Later Hill :Hided. "~urr . \1·1· nee<l ti clean en1·1 ron1 ncn1 but 11·r can't do it at the expt'nse of busin('SS or po11"Cr. \\'e need to \\"Ork together \\"ith all concernrd lo sol\"e our environinenlal problems." Candida!e Paul Bal t h noted that hr ha ~ experience as a representativ e r,f the peoplr fr(l m the limr he ~rent as :in ;id. n1 inis.tr<1til·e :1ssisL1nt lo !1 11·11 !'l:i1 e :il'n,1tur John S1.'l11nit1. t 111·u,.t11l '. H:1trh said tlll' 1·.,1111ry has pr11hl r1n.t \ri1h d ru,(!~. 1!11' 1 11r111 :1l1~ r1•1:irdtd. ~"!l!h, t-rir111•. 1n1·n1a l he,dth. :111d !)(1rrr1.1 . '"1 :i'-k for thr oppor!tmity to continue serv u1g you," he said. The candid:itr~ :ilso f'ngagcd in !\ detail ed con,,.rts;lfio11 aboul mental hralth. J)avis chnrgcd !h.1 t Ora11gf' Count~· lJ rccei1·ing an <ll"l'ra ur of only 70 <'Cnl.~ per f)('rson frn1n the frdrr:1 l t;Ol"rrnmrnt for \'arious lyprs of drl1g. ps,vcho!og1cnl , 1narri:ige, ;ind youth <·(lu 11sc!1 n,a:. "In 5;ln Pranl'isco. r ;ich pcorson gets an 11.vcrage of S2.33 of !hcse sPrvices . Da vis ~aid . "It is 1.1ck r•f le:1d1•r!>'h1r ;it !he t~•P level that is rcspon~ibl e for us be ing so for behind," Da,·is said. \Venke added that he nrposcd a pr()- posed $3 million e"ransu1n of county medical facilil1cs in the 1·ity of Orani-:e. "I think these ~rrv ice~ ~hnu !d be spread throughout the county," \\"enke said. LBJ Getting Better S:\~ A:\TO~Jf). T"" !l "Pfl-Ofliri:i !~ at Brooke Ar my :O.led1c:i l Crnh·r report that forn1er !'resident l.yn<lr111 B. J<1tin~on cnn tinurs In rl'COYl'r 1\1l))11u t pr<Jhlcrn:. frnrn his Apr il 7 hr:irt atLick. The rif. ficials ,<;;iJd , lio11•evc r. !hr ~· still 110 nnt kncnv whrn Johnson \1·!1J lie ;i llo11·ed to return 1n his ranch IN A HURRY? DON'T WORRY! SOMETIMES IT HURTS US A UTILE TO GIVE EXTRA FAS;r SERVICE, BUT WE FEEL OUR ADAPTABILITY TO RUSH SITUATIONS HAS WON MANY PERMANENT CUSTOMERS. NA iJRALL Y. WE PREF E R A UTILE LEAD TIME WH~N THIS IS AVAILABLE. BUT ARE PREPARED TO EXPEND EVERY EFFORT TO PLEASE. IF TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE, THEN "ALDEN'S" IS THE PLACE WITH WHICH TO DO BUSINESS. OUR SALESPEOPLE ARE SERVICE ORIENTED AND HA VE VALUABLE EXPERIENCE IN THESE AREAS. OUR INSTALLERS ARE TRAINED BY US, AND THE BEST IN ORANGE COUNTY. IF YOU DESIRE GREAT SERVICE, THERE IS ONE STORE TO CALL -"ALDEN 'S, OF COURSE!" ' ALDEN'S CARPETS e DRAPES 1663 Placentia A••· COSTA MESA 646-4838 I ! 1 • So '" op fol irs '" '" p "' lh ps ( "' '"' fe l rlo. '" do 1 r11s ()( \'"e ch< <h• by o( '" " '" Co Er me Gr me H\r Se Cm Sto M' Pr Ro. tiill Or Ro me l. \'ie dtr Ho. 1ht '" m1 s s T '"' rile con "'' R th~ I.a Ku Sol Ta i Cla <he Am T P C I hi -,). l per em de In I t ' .. ' . . . ·-' . ' I ' -, ... , ,• . ' • +. ' ~ .. ,_ Two Healtl1 Clinics Set Ope11 Hot1 se Two J.a~una Rrarh h(';il !h ~rr1·11·r<; lht'! Sotllh C()unt1 i'l PJ,:11111;11 ~1·r 11rr Crnlrr and the l.<1).:una l\l',1t'h Fr1·r Cl1n1 « "ill oµen tb r1r new 11u;1rtl•1, 111 th1· ruhli(! fnllo wini.: 111;111.c_ur;.il <·1·n·11i11n11·~ \1\111da> Thr Frrr !'l :11w 11 111 h1dd o;k'tl 111111 \1· ~i t it~ or" lo•·at111 n. ·UiO I h;p;11l A1 ,· fn•fll i1 In 7 p 111 and thi• ('.,tull\ Srrvu·i· C1·11!t·r "111 "'r lr11rtlP puhl11 11'>11<; lnitn 3 l•l 5 p n1 at fi7fl South l'na ~I lli gl111:1~ The hp1 Jrl111i,:. f.,1 11\"J' ho •1 11r 111 \ll •!IC Ari s \\:orlrl hri • he1·11 ri>!·~1nc !rut"!ed s1ner the rl1.~a~tr11u~ fir!' 11\;11 i.:ultf'fl thl' l<in1rd ps,1chrde\11· ~ho 11 1n lfl~O. l n1111ty 111111 lnral •lfl 11·1 ;.i\s h;11r hr1·n 1n· 111ed 10 opening t'rn•n1un1rs at lh1' t11·11 !ncat1nns .\h1nd;11· Vollti11'1n;: :i salad-htlf· ff't al lhf' FrC'P C-t1n u· a1 12 :\!) nm \lqn · rl il ~, guf's1c 11·1\I 1ra1r l h1 ;i ~pr•·1a l mtinicipal bu s to 1he Serl"l!'C' r·cnt fT fur d!''-Sert and ruffer DAILY P ILOT \]•Pl P~olo s tlAIL V PJLt'.lf 3 Press Ri9hts Younger Okays Juvenile News :-;,\( l\\\Jl·\']t) I \!'I -'1'h1• ri ;_:h1 1il !)1 .. p:i ,. r .. 11ll!:1u1 111for11i;:i1,,·11 1111 l'JI 1'111!1•· !.1lo.1 !I 1111<1 rll,lilfh hn~ h1 f:I A! t "'1 •·•It,, \!"' (,1 •11 l-.11•!!1• .I \111111.•, ! J, • ••I •11111 •fl \ 1• •11(!,1 I t•I ! 1'\'l I I 1·1 I r" tJ" •'rl 1 ' 11..:111 .. : O! II. l)tJ'(I ii I•\ .. t1ra1n 1,1 1fh .. l'ltld Pi lt11 111101 111,111••'1 Ill! lll\t'I•,• •' !1•111h·r \ l "l~ I 1,1,111• :'11 pr1·111r ("!It'• 11• • lo 1d h«1•11 111it'rprrlf'rl h1 '"IT'• t•n rn ' Ill[>, :o:ul 1~·111 (' .1~ rnrh1rl cl111: . i·l1 ,,, 'f t !i.1 1 1111• •rrnr111 .. 11 i ,1•11rr:il !'•"II'-11ll't111 I'';,, ' ! ilt· l'.17! d1·1 1 .. 1 .. n h.ld hrrn n'" 11,11111•,, ,,1 11111'11!1P nfl !'nd1 •, " ' ,·nn1r 1111 .. 11 i'd •I/::!\ ,f II 11111 ' rl1 "-\ru1·t ,1111 !)rtc•n111111 llll1d 111:11 1111 '"h· hr' d1 ss1·1111n :1IP1I t•1 1111' p11lli11 ~·· 11+ r1 'nun~!'(~ 11p:11 1Pll •.1.rl ·1111! ll\1• 11'.~I 111 I•' ii ,1111 I• " • " ,. " '"" lilt~ rnntrx! ' ti "-<l id add111;,s "wt are rr r1a1n ih:it thi' r1·•nt'hl ~l1\n 10, correct \1·1 l'r1 rirlr,~ thr rxp;in,11 PnF•, of (hi!! ;-.. IPll'lil ('••11r' ~ lan;Ullgr 1';i 1J~p(j mucn 1111)111·1•·11 •11),•11 t1"rn"n~1r;i11··, the nrert h·• .1~ 11.11.! \•'•'1•!,1'1•·11 111'" op1nJ{ln " l·d :~ <:i1i1 ·.~ Sli"r'' ( >f fi1 ·i"I F/01rr 1 It ·," l\r;ich a111! :-.r:il i{p ;.1r ri 11 " ·., •n,u·e thr11 ,.ffil' .. 11 r 1:.1• l't \I I I -.. • I 1111 \ ,q1 1strann {'1!\ ( nu11c1I '••+I ·.•1.111.rn<lt1.<.l.v \lr•nrlt11· rn Hl.q•' Ill" 1 •·d j,lf'ran1111n a ~ !hi! 'tl11 11d PQSlf'. ThE' Frr!' (."l1111f· wi\I 1·11nt1nU P 111 <11s prnSP il «, hr;; Ith .'-\'I"\ 1r·"~ frr•nl 1hr Orr:in :\1·1·n11P \111"al 1.,n. 111c!11d1nl! a frrr \\'pdnrsd<1 y af1 rrnoon pr1!1:ilr if" !"l1n1r· fo1r ch1klren fr01n blrlh to lfi vrars of 11,l!P , thr nnl\' onf' llf 11.<; k111 rt in !hr rnunt 1 "IT'S SO NEAT TO SEE THEIR FACES" AT MARGUERITE O'NEILL ELE MENTARY SCHOO L Meli sa Hoover (righl), a Si xth Grader, Helps Shannon Ker r With 11 Proiect 111\ 1•111 Ir 1·,..i1 ' I 1 11 1ni!1 .ol •·· I 11r pro> • 111.1.1 h1111• ~u ·1r ...... r,, '1" 11 111',,:·n1.1! 1\ 1 • \1t•11• of II .~ 01111 11 il11pl.11 1h ;11l .. p1 ,•(11 '11>!r 11f rthir•. the qp,11u r\ ,,,,d \! "I',, ~11r l r ' .. ~pr.a lo>n~ 101· thl'! 1.,1·\, .11"1 i rr·rra!::i n C11 rn n1 1-~1n11, •:1;d .'l ("1111111l!rr rr!'rilrrhrd th,. ii 1111 ;i11d l1n111d th;it 1! tJ;.i <; bf'rn tr'I 1!1!" ,11 r,1 ;i lnnf! tlllH' a11rl f:l'Qll'! (\i II hl'tf' Thf' R.rcinnal Srr1·1c·p rC'nl1•r. hl'<1drd bv Or. \\"1ll1ilm rlotl!I. I~ a \<l('<I\ f'Xlf'nSIOO of cnun!v ~f'r\'!!'P~ r!l'tahl1shrcl fnlln"•i n~ a sur\'PY Or ht>alrh needs cnndt1ctrd at 1he requtst of thr c1 t1·. Dr. Routt and his s111ff will explai n !he 1er1·1ces tll 1·is1tors ~·londa~. Part1c1pallng gurs!s fru111 (Jran :!r ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 200 Surfers Vi e In Sixth Doheny Meet Saturda y Countv health srr1·11·r o; ll"lll 1nch1dc Dr. Erne~·t Klilllf'. dirr('tnr ,-.f the nrraf1· Son1P 200 en!husi;i st1c ~urfrrs 14·jJI lrike men! of Cnmmunitv ~·1f'nlal Hr.al!h : to chill~' y.·atrr f';lrly Safurda~· morning C.r;i nvil!e Prnp\P~. fllr.rrtor nf !hf' rlrpllr!· In parlicipale In !hl' ~lXlh ;i nnual \\l('~IC.rn men! or Snrial \Vclfarr . :0.lrs ~\arg;irel S11rf1ng As!'otia1ion nirct at Doheny Slate Beach Park. Hirk.c. .. ~upervi sf'lr. Child P r n tr l' t 1 \' r Service~: Dr John Yh1L d1re1;t.or. (l ra1\jl.c ... Th.~ contes1 1~ sponsn1<>rl hy !hr Count y Hrallh [)rpar1n1r nt . Hnn Frank. C;ip1~t ranll Bf'ath Charnhrr nf Cornmrrc.c State De partmr nt of Snrirtl \\"rlfarr . and and eon1pe!ilinn i5 schedu led !n ht:'gin al 7 Margarrt (';rirr. <·hil'f o!fit"r r of the a.n1. Sa11irr!a v. The merl \l'tll be c·nn· P robat ion Departmr.nl. linued Sunda~·. ~ta rting al ahn11r Ra 111, Othrr in1·i1rr.c; ln(·ludr nr .\l artin .I . <1("f'Orrling lo tournament orgiln1zer ,J1rn Ellinlt. RD~enfeld. He_g1llnal Center for 1hr ~1 rn-The entr;:ints ;ire pi·Hnaril~· frno1 t111l v Rp!ardf'd : Dr l.nu1 ~ A. (;on ~chalk. • Orange Count~· and .:ire all men1bers <lf Oran"f' Cnun\1.' .\1rd1r;1I Center and th \\' 1 S r· A ,. , t ,· 0 n " e l'S ern . ur 1ng ~ .~ o e n • Robert Clattf'rhul'k nf The State Dep;irt· rnmpetition in si\ r1•rnts y.•111 hf fnr /\, 01ent nr Rehabiht .:i!l"n AA anrl AAA class surff'r~. Ellion nnterl . Laguna Br11C"h "'Ill hf' rrprr~rnll'rl b\ adding that entry 10 the rnntcst has bern \'ietnr And rew.<;_ prrs1<lrn1 nf 1hr board n! r lnsr d. directors 01 South c.Aia!'t Co mmunl!,I Thf' <.;hamh<'r 11·1H a11·ard trophies tn Hospir a!. ~l a~·or Richard r;nld~rJ? and the 11•inning surfers. !ht c1ly counrll mrn Al.<;o 1n1·1ted are ::ill !hr f'Oun t.1· ~upt>rv1sors . Jnral p I 11 n n 1 n I! rll1n· mis!ioners and srhool board members. Students Attend Socie tv Parle v ThrcP Li1J::Unil Br:u·h ;irril ~1 11r!rnt<; ;ind t'lne frnm Tustin 11err <11nnng ;i S:irl - dleb;:ick (ollrgP rlr lrg;i1 1on in the statr cnnvPnlion of Alph <;amn1a S1gn1;i h1,nr•r ~oc1rt\· 1n S<1t.'ra1nrn ln nvrr !hr 1rrrkrnd Rrpfesrn1 1n.i: !hr {'nllr gr ·s S1!!rnt1 l)r!t:i ch;ipter \1•err \\';iynr ()rg;in flf SnuJh La gt1_na. rhaplrr prr.,u!rnt , l' ;i ! h y l\uh!m;:in . secrc1ar~·-trra~urrr ;inrl .lu::in S.:il;it. bnth of \.agun.:i Ar a£"h ;ind Shrrrir Talbol of Tu<;t 1n Ch;:iplrr ;:irl\·1srr .lark Claoc~·. ii h1.ctnr.1· 1 n~trur1nr ;ir romp.:inir<l the d t!P~at1nn In the Sf'ss1nns :i.t Amrrir;in R 11·rr ("n!l,,~r Tn be rh,1?1blr for m cmhrr~h1p 111 1hr s:x:1ety. s!udrnt.~ rnu~t m;i 1nlil.n ;i .1 :t 1high 8 1 ~r ade pn1nt ;nrr;igr or hr11rr :l.000 .\Tarrh in I >,lo OS\_fl, \0r 11 a~· 1,.\f', -Al)'111t ;i1100 per.~nn.~ marchrrl nu1s1d r !hr Amerit;in f'mbass.r 1n 051(1 ~londa,1· r11ght 1n :i demnnstr 111 1nn ;:iga1n~t CS 1n1n i1·f'mcnt in Indochina . Thcr!' ll'l're nn inr1drn!$, Protest 'Gagged' Nevada Madc11n Ref usecl Lice nse , Sues Co1n111is sion \'JHCJ:'\IA rrr~·. \e1· 1\"f'l , -lrr.nr Ynrk . v.·hn 11''1fll.' !fl hri·nnH> a brnlh"l 011·11Pr. 1• 1r krd ;if Tiu' S1nrry r.nt1nt v r·.,1n n11 ~s1r•11 ·~ re fus<il !n i::r;:in! hrr 11 !1rrn'e \11•~ Y0rk filrd ;:i d1s1r1r t rnurt suit \1 nnd<11 t h.1rg1n;: thr r 11n1n:~~1nn 11 1th ' erra!ln<.: a n~1ll10\'loll\" hy alln\\'t ng only nne hnus11 nf prostit1111nn to operate - th11! of Joe C.onfnrte. nrar l\1us111ni.:. The romm1ss1on's "snlr reason " for !urning hrr applir;i11nn dn11•n. shf' s.:11rl . 11 "" 1t "d1d n'1I ferl th;il ;inn1hrr hnu~r nf 11! famr shnukl bP alhn1rd "<1d 1<H·rni 1(1 lht hou ~r nf 1i! f;une 11irl·ad~· e .~1sl1ng u1 rll r ;irr;i " n 1.;;trir! .Jurlgr Fran k (;rr,l.!<lr~· ~rt \l;.iv }~ f,.f !hr ('ilJTI!ll l!'>~JOO (n ~h(1\\' {';ll!~{' ll"h \' H ~hnul d nfil hf' 11rderrd 10 1.<;s1 1r the p1 •1 11111 \n _\11'~ ~.irk Cnnfor!r .. \r1";ida«.; brs1 knn11n hrnlhrl PJli" ;lf11r, Hp1•1u·d 111"' ll1111~r ;lf l!"I" ;i I Hi I nrd1n<1n('f' ll'<'n! into rffrr·1 sr1t111~ as1rlr a rrna1n sect11111 f'lf \and fnr thr hu~l llf''' :'111.0.' Ynrk s;ud shr p;ud a frr nf $4 .~00 \\'1th her applH0;1t1on to .o;rl 11p hus1nr~s 11 '"fev• hundred ynrds" from Cnnfnrtr An 1nt 1\\·ar rrotP.~ter is colla red hy a Berkeley pn liceman near the Universitv o California ca mpus durint! 11 pea ce mar ch by abo ut 300 person s. At lea~t fi\'e persons y.·ere arrested (sto ry on Pa ge 51. • Sixtl1 Gracie '"l11 st1·11ctors' By CAi\:DACI:: PLAH.S<l.'I Ot !he D&Hy P ilot ~II!! The 6-~·ea r-<Jld ho.1· 11·;is !nta!l .1• enbro~,. ed In "Edgar The Elephant ."' a ~pec1,q) book d_ra1vn ;ind wrn ten by his ll·.1e,1r "nld teacher. Anolhcr six th·gr;ide tutor \\'il S help1n~ her f1rsl gr;:ide partne r design a t ra~h p1r kup machine The room <1t :0.1argucr1te ()';\"e1ll [lt>rncntar~· Schoo! 1n :-.1 iss1on \'irjo 14•as fu ll of act11·1t.v and u! lnve_ "[!".~ so ncill In sf'e tht:ir faces Thry get .so 1·lno:;p !fi e;:i\"h other. care !<U n1urh." heamed Carol \\'hitcher. fu ~t gradr tc.:i l'hrr. In ;:in unusual rooperat1\·e effnrt. :'lll"'i \\'hitrhrfs first grade and .\lar 11· l'e1rr.o;en's sixth grade ha 1e been mce1 1ng (ln<"r ii ll"C'ek ;ill year to bring nC\\' learn· in;:: to bo1h age group~ Last ~ear , the tll'o tcachPrs tried thr nnr-to-()nP !u1 or systrm 10 1hr l:ing11.:12c art<; <i re11 and s1x!h graders hclpPd their s1x -.1·e:ir--0ld pupils in spellin.1: Clod Engl1.~h This .1·r.:ir, ::ic111·11y h::io:; rxp;:inded tn 111- cl11rle m;,th .. ~rience ilnd a rl. Si.\lh g r;Hier ~ madr nrigin;il g;:i1nc~ tn tr ;;f'h 1hr .1·n1 1ngrr childrr n m:i!h or spell- 1n1: w11h n;.i rnrs lik e '"l·lnrrorlri nd"' ri nd ".\drl ;inrl Suht r;ir! ·• (Hl1er ac11v111es 1nrludr 11T 1!1n~ s!orics trunl rna~i\7.!fl(' p1r lures. dra11•1n:; r1rture- 1nlormauo11 b(f(iks ;ihout :;ra hfr. or rtn1rn;il.i; ;ind rre;i11ng original .<;f0r1e~. (lrw r;irnr~t t11·0-..n n1r rr~cn1 1.1' 11·;is ll'nrk1n~ nn !11r stnr.1 11f ··rol l~-RnadJ"un- nrr and .Johnn~' \\'nlf." "·h1ch thry fe lt su rr Y.'ilS 1,, lir an epa·_ The tr;i<·hrrs in1'oh rd s;i1d th;:il !hP f'on1m11n1 ca!u•n hcrwrrn the !"n lr\'r l~ 1s b:-nr111·111l ""Thi• si xrh Rrildf'rs assun1f' aln1n~t a paternal protr1·1!1·r n1<1nner.'' ~lr~ f'ctrrscn sairL ":\nd rny kiri<;," l;:iugherl ~1 rs \\"h1t- c·hrr. · 1hr1 JU~1 101 r 1hc1r part nrr~ Yr.u should hil1·e ~ecn the \"alent1ne.s they 1n:ulr ·· B.11h r1·1·l 1h.il all !hp 1111!dren gf'I ;i nrW a11·arenrs~ of !ht' 1rat'h1ng-learn1ng rx- l><'rlenl'e fron1 !he program. And "·h1le the 1eachf'r n11ght nnt hf' ;.it1lc lo get to e1·cr.v student durin_g onr cl11 s.~ period. "'ilh the one-lo-one ruror. 1! e;:in be rtont'. lht>y say. · Tllr rhil<lrcn n1a.v not br :l\\'rlrr of sur·h lr:1cl1111g thrnrie.<;, but lhP_\' kno1v \l"h;i1 ·~ f11n 11 hf'n thr.v .~rr JI . Evr r.v nnr of rhen1 s1~hrd 11•hcn lnlrl it 11·;is ''clea nup t im r." Th r !!~ii 111u1·1 11d111c 11111d1 1'd •11,, ... ,,, F1<111e1srn 1011th~ p11 l..1«1 up h1!'"l111· r!111 1n;: an .:int 111 .11 r11•111••11~r1:i11n11 rtnrl 1.111~1 rrlc;i <;{'fi 11 1rlh·111 1·h:11 gr The .1nulh~ ~ .. ugh! I;, l'\PUJ1,C 1' 1111' .'I I rr,ts fr nn1 th1'1 r 11•11irri• htn thl' !'up rrmf' ('~1111 1 d('• l1111·d F.11\11~ !' 11,1., unncC'C'S~ilr~ h1•1,111,f' thlrfl r>:irl1r~ h;.id no art""f'FS 10 thr I"•'~ 11rd~ .inrl 'h:11 th r· 1ri111n~ 1·nL1ld sa~ 1n lu':11 f' 1 .. 1, !"h "'" 1"llr:;:r.<1 jl· pl 1ca!in11~ !hat 1h• 1 l1r11l 1111 rrl'nrd Vnungrr'" op1n1<•f1 11,1, 111 t •'•p1•n~r !11 a rC'q11r~t fr11111 :\,•f'1nb l.\'man Ko 11 \lnntlgi:ln 1 B-Stnrk!on1 . \\'ho II s k e rl \1·hrthrr thr drf"1.•1u11 harrrd la w 0ff1rers fr11n1 d1ssrn11n;it111c 1111·f'n ilr rlr1rnt1on in- fnr nl<>l1011 In !hr p1 r~~ 11r puh lw An1old 0 111 1·1'1111·. d1·p1111 <1t lo1·nr 1· grnf'ral "h.-i fl f;1ll 1·JI lhr ••p111 11111 ~;i1rl 111" ~unrernc C:ll11rt dri ·1~1n11 11~1·(1 · \'~ll'!'llH'll' hrnad lan gu;1r,!' 1n rl r•·l;ir\111' !h~I 1hf' rlf'la1ning agrnrv . 1110.~1 r"rr11f' 1hr P('TITI\SS1ti11 of !hr 1111 rn1!1· r"11rl !11 rrlr ;:i~I' 111fllrn1'11 1rin 1 .. an1· 1t1 1rd p,irt1. inrludlng st;il f' agrni H'~ · Ovcro1r .<.;11d 11\i-prr •'-11.,11r1rt "ii" ll fll .~p!•1·1t1C"all~· nu•11 t1"nrr1 hi thr r n111t Hr i;..11d thf.' ~t;ilr ~ 1111 r nl\f• f'1111r1 l;i11· \\"il!' ;:utnntrcl b1 1hP l.f't.:1sl;1t 111r 111 l'lfd "" !he bi!SI.<; (If a Tl')lOJ t h\ :i ~111rl\ t'"l11 rn1s;;1•1n on JUI r n1lr lll'tll" Hr rrpnrtcd !hi' 1·un1n11-.~u1n '•' rl IJ1;i1 l11nl!f'd "('llnfirlrn11:il1!1 unr1rr !hr l;i11 d1rl nr•t cn\'1~1011 lhr prr~' ;io hr1np. P~•·ludPd lrllm JUvcnd r 1·nurt hrarini.:~ r1 rn thou:::h thry wrrr l"ln.<;f'd 11, the puhlif ""In !he _1·p;1rs s1 nc:f' 1hr atlupt1nn nt !hr ju1en1lr court \aw in !!Kil. nil t'hanges l1a1·c bren n1ade b.v the Lcgislat urr In rcfl ec! a differen t alt i111dr> or tn rrf!rr ! th;it abu~r.~ h.1vr <l('C"111-rrd 11 atTan1 1nc ;i ch;ingc in ph ilo.~ophy." the np1111lln said . 'II r·nn1·ludrd 1h;:i t !hi' prt"s.~ n1a.1 h;:i1r ::i r·cess In drten!inn 1nformrtl1n11 11·1rh 1n \ n n 1 h r · s\l f!~f'~ll•'!\ hn 1!_11 ,;1n· \ lll r;, I' ;ilrP,1rlv thf' ntfir1,ll fln1\"f'r 11( rh1·r r 1·1t1 r ~ 1n°clud1n.[: nr1ghhtlr1ng ~ •• n ' lr111('n!r ThP ~r r ~111um ""'::!<; •11c ~r<trrl hv th" '.;1n .111an Btaultful C'<1n1mil\Pt \\ 111 rlnn I \l)U a.<;~ u<; 10 n•rnm nH'nrl .in ,,f1t<'1a1 c111 h1rd ~111 pped \lr• Siu Ir~ Gigi 1\orlh '! Swinunii1g Whal e·~ Siµnal s Sil<·nt :-.,\\ 111 1-:!,(\ lAP \ ft1 1.:1 thP gr ;a y 11 n:i!•·. 11 hi•~. 1rnt1s1s 11;.t rl IJ .. perl to lnl lnw f,,r 111nP n111n1h~ bv ~11:11;1 1~ fr11n1 ;a r::id1'°' li.-1~ kp,"1• ~ h;iq1·1 hrrn jw;i;·d !10111 \nt r lv. S1·1r1111-I!' ill the \;11 :i i I 11'1rr ~e;1 J;, "'':11• h ;ind f)r1 f'l .. pr11rn• I cnif'r 1n • h:Ht!r n1!hi'1ra(·k1n.e opr1a!1flll ~a v r.1c.1 "Pl"u "11111 1~ s\vtn1m1ng 11n11!1 w11u 111[1pr gr:i1 11h:'l lr• ·niry ar1'11 I \111 r 11h1 1h"V h;i1r11 I t.rl'n .c:ett1ng :-1c.11r1l:-. hu1 1h1n!.. the ;in1r11n;i "n hrr rarl10 mighr be htnl. '!11r hul!f' mamm;il y.•as kept 1n 1 n1·111 nr p;:i1 k tank for one year for scien. 11f1!' ~tud~ ;ind then ""'a.<; relrasect off 1he Sa n Diego Coas! Ma rch 13 She sptnl her fi rst mn n1h in that gener11I area. feeding in kel p beri.<; and shnwin.'( no rus.h to join thr 11111 rhr1·n migration of ~ray whale! lrnn1 hrf'rrl1ng ground~ in Baja California !11 thr ni;:irnm ;.i )s' an cr stral homt in Ber· 10,e Sra • • • meet the MERCURYS • • • • "Car of th e Year" Mercury MONTEGO • the e legant 'IERCURY MARQUIS --~ Eve ry thing you bu y a sn1all car for! Mercury COMET • the "Se xy'' little I'·tPORT! Mercury CAPRI sleek and sophisticated l\1ERC URY COUGAR "OraTige Cou nty 's Famil11 of Fin~ Cars" Home nr Th e Xev.• C;ir "Golden Touch" ohnson & son Home Of The-New Ca r .• ''Gol-den Touch"' L INC'Ot N COUGl\H (,AP!~! 2626 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA .MESA • 540·5630 ..J Dli !L I P!LOI Path Cleared for GOP Sl1ift to Miami Ho\v to Suel'ee<I Without 1'r, i11u • ~.· TH h Y P<1 LJ r l \ RPpu hl1r,1 n ,\;;11on:o l Comm t 'I~ 1<nir n milkPS 1ts hr.1tiq unrter.~ h::ir ~ ;i1 ' fl f ir" ST SF: 1n \\';1f-h1ng1on D r 1, ,n,.:.hr 0 a IQ Rl ~'f' 1hP r1 rnpr r l!l- tprprPl..:illnn 10 pol1· t1ral evrnt~ 11 is r111i prj s im ph ' ~lon d:i v On,. prPSll m' :> 1t 1 rirnrr; nu1 on th,;t day At 11 n\ r.:11" ;i Jl Aprd 1.·~t.P o! '.l],.11- ~ay srT mr ~' ra i~h1 1n 11·Ji.:11 harrenerl tn rh,, \', 1;rnns1 n Pri· rr1m<ir\' ElPC1 ton THE COVER of th1~ parncular April 1~su~ of ~fonrlav \11a:o; rJpvoterl ,almo!t i>n- l1rely to a Conrad cartOOJl dtpicllng thP. o!•J three-maslcrl shJp of the Democra1 1c Partv being storm·losseli on horrendo11s v.;:i1Prs Bui Jn, JU ~t ahearl 1s a be U buoy hnhhini; nn !he slnm1-rossed 11.•ater.> ft r!ispJays 11 sign v.·11h a d1rer-t1onal arrnw pointing 1n 1hP ~;ife1\' ;ih e;id ;i t Hyannis Pnrl llrlow all this JS the heactline 1.1·h1eh g1 v r~ ,vou !hf' real ~coop .:ibout :di th1.<. \! proclaim~· l\E'.'li'.l\JED'' REAL ":l~NER I ~ \\'ISCO~Sl.'IO I Stt Story ln.dde I Znunrl ~. J criPr! Hrr·,, l Rm 1n thr new:o;papPr bus1 ne s~ ;:i rid I d1dn '1 e1·f'n knov,o Teddy was runnins 1n the ~·1scon::.1 n Democratic P nma ry !-tow could I ha1 e m1sser! all th1r·· Quic kly. I 5c.:in tllrough pages tn searr h of See S1 or v ins1rlP I 1.1·orkerl ·my ,1·ay pa:o;I 11 nice piece hy R1charr1 .\1 :\'ixon on v.•hy Congress m11~1 move on reorgan1z<1t1on of the execut11·e branch of government I ~ki pped anothPr offering hParler1 , "Democ ra t1c Party f und·Ra1sers Sprearl Lirs A b o u 1 RE'publ1can Par1y and ITT " I "'AS ONLY mddl ,v 1nt eresl Pd in the photo of a hat chel ·factd man 1n a crum- my office v.·hic h !hf' r:a p!ion inform s 1.~ a Demo funrl -ra iser sol1cili ng cash for the Denlos' .July conven11on ThreP pa ges are r1f'V1Jl erl !o sell ing the rrcord slr;ilght on all the Drmocrat1c lif's about ITT. finall y. on Pagl' 6. 11·e find 1hP prnprr interprPtiition of ~·ha1 ha p· pFnr>r! 1n \\'1~rnns 111 Th us "Thou~h Srn (-;pnrgr ~1f'(in1·e rn and Gn'' (it nrgr \\all .:ire 11·Pre the n<imes romm·.:inchng thr hearl lines the morning alter -!hr n<im r ot thr hig 11·1nn,r nn thf' Dr mnr r;it 1c s1<1 P LI1 1he \l/1sro11s tn primary 1.<. Srn Ed1.1•arcl Kennrdy .. AS R t-:Pl 'ULIC,\,'1 Na! 1ona l (om- mui e.e Cha1 r111;in Bob Dole pur 11 last \1 ee k 'Spn f\rnnrr!y is e-n 1ny1 n~ all the hPn"l!I.<. of runn in~ for off ice, w1!h none of the rr.<.fl(1n~1 hili1 1f'' So far . 1he senator h:i~ htrn ,..t}!l1·r rh,, h;i 11 lr 'f\f'nnrrl\ ·~ pn<.H1on t.~ ,,tren.i::thrned bv !hf· <ist 0111 ~h111i.: \\('~kni;i.o.·; nf thr crnrri~t flr mocrats ;'\'\US klP, !l11n1 phrf'' a 11 rt .J;i;~son .\ftPr \\"1~rons1 n the r)r rnoc r;:i!11 no n1 1na1 1on IS l\rn11 rrh ;:, for thf' <15kll)~ \\"('!I. \<111 n1.11 ~h tJkr 1n1ir h"i!'I :i h11 11ftf'r all !h i.~ TPrlr)y rl1rl11 "t rrril h· r1r11 11111 ~IJPSS r;u1 il r 11(1!1 :tll .\'11'.:1\' AS rOR Til l:: 01 ht'r rJrn10:.. rhr 1,nr• ~lnndil ~ p11hJ1r:ir1nn PXpla 1n .<. frirt ht1 ,1;hT I\ 1ha1 f\•!rf;o1·ern 1~ "-rand1rla!E' of sup,.r· r;:id1rar~. .lohn t.1nrlsay botJ.'lhT h1 ~ F!nr1da 1·o!r.<. fnr ~.'i f>,1r h F.rtm un rl fll 11skit '.<. canr!1rlar1· is rlrar!. 11 alla~ (' ran ·r "1n h11t hr'!' .<.!olt n all of Srnnp ,J 3r~;son'.<. 1·01r~ \11 1 h1 ~ hrini:s you lull·circl e. haf'k !o 1\1 rinedy 'a'ou b<>gin to suspect that lh!' l.rr111blicans sort of have this KtnnPd~ Thi'rg '1·11u r:in't !ell 1,·helhE'r tht y'rt happier 11 •·"n Kr nne.dv is running or v.hPn i~e i~n·r r .11n1n1; and !hey just think hP 1~. 1~\S Hl\1 ,;11\ 11•'n:i l r 11.:i 111r.1n !'1ril 11 rt I l>ril,, [lfl\:l'r . 1,rO?fli O! if11~ fir p ,)f;,,.,11, \',,1,,111 ;,j (•11J 11) •1r-r· '" •' r.1 r I"• r,1'111n.1t , .. 111 r n111,'1 1"1fT" :0.-111 I Jrf',''' ''• \1 :•f"' !1t 111 11 1 .rnrr;d \ln•1 .•( 1-:1 n'11 ,i, 1 .1 ~r1 11fl\l ;'ltl1• tr, !ni ""'-''f'l !"'1.l ' ~1 1r 'p •:,••11 r:inr1·Ln i,: 11 ~ r .;in tr, 1,r-.. r 11 1r,,. 1 •1~1 R111r k< 1n thr> \1.:om1 Rr;:i1 h (nn1 rn11nn ll<1 ll 1~~ rr nnt h.:i rr1 :i rv1(,1 11 · " R J!"~ ,~,,p t n1 ;i.~ <.;:i1d n•11 1nr rr 5 nf)ln .n ( 1.1r> ,.an rin ;irirt1i! J' (,f n•r;il \lf\!r 1 IJ,1•1 ll"l!i KPr1 ti < tr.r' •r••· fl 11.+l! !n• 1nP-R1i••~ ~:,I r·, m_,,,1,n;:i \ 1; !15·31. rJ a1 e~ that r'lnflirt""1 'Ai'n thP R"P'J llhr:i n convent1 ()n ~cn~l'1 .. !- frj ''' be;?.Jn Aug 21. l\e"' Disclosure G.\1 1.11 1ll mn1 P th,. un i ,i!tn,;:; In .:inrirner un ~p&>r1f 1rrj r in Dole l!SUed a call .\lonr!;i '. for th,. r•1m rn 1ttte mee t,n (, rlescrtbm~ prob~"m~ f')f \..f'Pp1nJZ, !hr rr1n'. 1>n1 1nn 1n San Di r~·-, 11 :, ';:i lml'}st 1n~1Jrmn•1n1;il1lr ' I rJ learn <"rl lhP l\;:i n~;:i_~ 'rn;ll(or ;:i nrl trlP \lff' r ha1rm;in lrir (;nr ron1 rnt11)n ;;rril nJZ.r ment • Ii L ·Ill•~ Hr rman, hn1n 11 il l lJ(li(P the r·omm H\PP In ;:i_pprn1 e lhP s1.11itr h. Thr i•omm111rr mf'P~1nR l' •rhP1hdrrl 1n \\ a~h'1 n~trin ~l ;i \ .'t·li I ;:im ~urr 111u ;:irP ::i11..i rP !hrr•11gh t11r> nr\1 5 mf'dJ;:i !hat 11P a r~ ;;i1prj 1.1 11h prnh : .. n1s 1n San Die£n thn1 :irP alm'l:<-t i_nsu rmountah]P, ' 1ln1 ,. m "~sa~e<1 cnm- mntee mem~r5 ' ThJ < ha ~ lert u~ tn considt r the po!>s1b1lt1y nf rn'lv1ng t h~ coo· J(leindienst Approval Facing A1wther Delay \\'ASHJ'."GTO:'\ f 1·p1 1 A np1.1· rl 1sc!o~ure frnm nne o! f'res1rlent .-.:1xnn ·" top aides ha~ trigger~d a dema nd Iha! th~ Senate Judiciary 0Jmm1 ttee h'l!rl ry fl a whil e longer on the at tll mev gtneral Chicago Co1nbed As Bu sin ess n1an 1'aken Kidnap • 111 CH!CAl.O I CPI I A rn l1r'P hunt covered the c1 1v ·~ SIJul~ S1dP !nda v for a v.•ral th~· hl1s1nessman \.lhn 111a:; ;:ibrlur terl fr:ir $\Ofl .000 rans.nm Pnl1re fr.:ired Alan J. Bern~te1 n 1.1•.:i ~ srnnu.~Jv tnJLirC'rl nr r!e;irl . Lrlrenl.E' Turner, 40, 11 b u s 1 n r s s a;;sor1ate of Brrn ... 1e1n . wa s ch.:ir~rd ~lnn­ rlay v.•ith k1dnap111.i:. tv.·o cnunl5 nf in· r1m1dat ion and unla "·ful use nf ;i u·ea[VJn Tv.·n other su~pec!.<. 11ere snu~ht. p'll 1ce sa1rl Bern~te1n. nr ~uhurhnn Flns"'fnnri r' II a<; r1>pnrted missing l;i tr Frirl;i,1· h~ hi<. 11·1 f P _ Kat hi ~l r~ BPr n~1 P1n l'1!d pol1re tha t ~he ircf'J\Prj fr-u r te!eph<Jn<' rall~ (lrman- d1nc s100.noo dur 1n~ ;i !2·hour pr r11Jrl nn Sa tu rd.:i .1 ShP rece11·rrl n11 lr lrphnne calls Sunrla1· and \lfind.:1 1. p'11Jce ~;i 1rl The 1·1<·t1m·, 1!172 car w;:is fnunri 11n thr Sf'luth SidE' Sund;:iv near nnr of lhc r lt aners he nperarrd ThP rar 1ra s splal - t~rf':d w1lh hlrinrl , pn\1rr sa1rl .Fron1 lhP lrunk QI that :+11tn h a~ been 1;iken 11111 :ipprnx 1m;ilrly onP pint nf bloorl ":hich 1.o; tl1r <;;i111r IVfll' ;:is th;it nf lhE' v1 cl1m ." s;:11rl ASS.l1'tant S1atp.'s .<\t torney Rnn;i!rl Rank~ rl11r1ni: ;:i he.1r1n~ fnr Turner ~1nnrla 1· Ban ks askcrl ' tn r ;i hnnrl nf ~lM.000 fn r Ttl rner Rut .lurlge ,f.,h n F Hr1·h1n;;er ~et ht'lnrl for S.15.000 .:i nd ronh nued the case unt il \l;iv lfl Tu rnr r-.\1,l.\ ;1rrr -1rr! ~unrt11 r nl11 P i;a 1d ;:ii !hf' time rif thr ;irr r~t TurnPr h;i1I tn h1.<. pn~;i;Ps~1nn a .1i\ r al1her rE'1nl1 er and am mun111nn Ba nks !nlrl thr f'IJllr! .. ,,,. h.:i\t a cnn· !,.~~inn nn !hl' r hargt-o/ aggravated kid· nap1ng Wif'l.-.'i Ssv. isn't that TtKi Kennedy behind that trtHJ r n"m1nat1nn nf R1ch;ird r; hlrtnd1Pt1<,! ThP aide . Peter r.. f lan1Ran. sPnt a IE'i- IPr rro thP c1Jmm it!Pr ~lnnd;:i ~ 11 n ~11·rrini;: r1uf'~!1nns <.ubmtltf'rl In him i11 lhf' Pnrl ri f lhf' paneJ·s s1:i;-l''ff'k 1n\·r sl1,2at 1nn ,,f Klrindien sL ITI and rrlated matlf'r~. Among nther th1 nJ2." Flan igan ,<;;i 1rl FPl1 :i: R"ha!yn. a rl1rrr lnr of !nl r rn;it1nna ! Telephnn e & TPIP:;:::r;:iph, h.:id ra i.,ed lhf'! ,)\Jfllr" nrp;irtn1rnt's 11nt1trus1 suit ;;(ains l ITT in a rnnvers;it 1"n >1 1t h him. Anrl hf' .~:i 1d hr l;:itPr pi:t s-"'rt! Rnh;:i1 1·n' rnmment" nn Tn Klr 1nrl1f'n 'I, whn 1.1•;1.~ ri,~­ s1 sta nt a!t nrnPy gPnrra\ 11t thP llmP - <ih()111 nn" mnnth hc fnrP the ./u,,!1rP ~ 0f'p11rtmrnt set!lrd thr 1rr c;:isp nut rif Ct1Urt l\IP 1nrl1Pn~I prrv1n1 1sly t r~t 1 f1Pd brfnrr thP cnmmitter th;:it hr rnuld nnt rp r;i ll fill\" r·nn t ac 1 ~ >1'1!h th£' \VhHe Hou se about the JlT 11ntitrust mat!rr SP n. Ed1.1·ard .\L Krnned \' ! !)..~lass 1, 1n rr..,pnn~e to Flan 1gan's rnrOment~. ~a 1rl "Thf' confhc t1ng <;!.1!erncn ts nl ~Ir. FJ;:in1g11 n anrl ~I r . l\le1nrl iPnst ah<l ul !hf' \\"hl!P HnusP 1n1nl1·emrnl 1n !hP '"1 tlemrnt nf the llT r asr reri 111rr~ rh;:i! ht11h nf rhrm relurn tn lf''tlfV ful l\• befnrP thr Jud 1r1 a r~· Cn mm irteP brhtrf' 1hP <'nm - m11!f'f' 111;:ikrs ;, rrc·nmm rnd:illnn tn thr Sena!P nn 1 h1~ n1at1 Pr · Thr rornm 1U rP is schrrht\rd to mrrt I.l ier th is 1\'rek 1n tr ll !hf' Senalf' \\•hP!hf'r 11 s!1l1 rernmmrnrls th.::i t K1E>1nd1rn1;i he r nnf1rmrd as attorney ~Pner.:i l If it heed~ l\rnnf'rl_I''<; drrn;:inrl lh.::i! Flanigan anrj l\lr1nr!iP nst hr rr('alled. lhe case: rou ld b,, exlPnr\pr\ 1nrlr!1n11Ply r\l('1nrliPnsr ·s nnmin;it1on brr 11 m fl s11;iiggrr! ;if1rr· rolumn ist .Jack Andr.rsr.n ;:i lJrgE'rj 1hrre \l'~S ;:i link !)e1v.·e<'n the ITT strt lem f'nl and JTT's offere to hPlp :;11hs1d17 r 1h1s sun1n1 er '.~ Hrpubl 1e.::in :\11 t1nn;i l Con\·rnt1nn F l a11 1 ~;i n s;i1d Rnh .lt1n .1,,kPd him. al the r nr! nf a cnnvPr!i allnn nn ;:i nother ma t- IPr 1\·hrlhrr hr "''as av.·are ryf thr v.·~y thP ,1\1.~l 1"P Dep artm.,n1 v.;:inted to set!l e the rrr c.:i ~r Las Vegas Gets Bon1b Threats, Pavnff De111<111<l 1..\~ \'~;1;·\~ ·l-l'I• r\1 lras! !5 L11 ~ \,.;:,,•. hn1r l< :i nd [!;i111 hl 1r )'.! rr •nr\~ h;:i 1r hprp 1111·r ;1t r111nl 111rh hn111h 1ni:: urilr >~ !11r 1 ,1)!rr•r Ip .1 ~2 1nill1np r11 1n;f Thr thrr:"ll r;11n1' 111 1rlrn1 11 ,;il lr l trr ~ rrcr ll rrl \jr.n d.11 F1l irrn 1\r r·r 1urnrrl (II r r to tllr FPrlrr:il f\11rr ;:i11 n r ln1rs!1_c;:i1 1nn :i nd author111r5 r rfu ~rrl lri 1·nmn1r11t "n thP r;i~P. Hn\rr1·rr 1! 1' hr llr1·ed ;i ll 21 rna Jrir do"·n!nwn ;:i nrl S!Tlp holf'f.; rf'Cf ll'f'rl CO[l lf'S nf lhE' ~Y Pf'Wrtltcn IPl!rr 1rh ich 1\-a,o; ma iled frnm TP:ta~ on 5 11nrl,11 Thr lrrrrr did not sprl! nu! 1hr 11mr and p!arr nf the pa~'olfs hu! Hs 11111hor 1n- r!1ra!f'rl th.:it he doesn't r;orf' ll'herhrr rhe mnne~· 1~ pa id 1n1ntl~· or by an 1ndiv1dual hofrl. a~ Ion~ as he ge:ts S2 million One ht'!le!iTian theorized !hat annrher conta ct will foll ov.« Dry, Cool Air Prevails F rnst Reache s (/$ Far Doiun as Southern Illinois T.,t11pernt11res l.l!MP"t •••• Alll r '• '•• 5 ..... 1 ~g-· llns•e~ •'•• (1!1•!•''"" •• - C"t Mellf c '' '"•Cl ';IO Cl•• Cl•c'""''" ,1,, c i~v,.la•ll •I••• Ot nw •, "ov 0 •1 ll'n1n•• t.1••· Ot"ello C"~' J.<eni>1ulu. c1<1 v 1-<DU,!n• rl•I• 1<>!111""""1" , .... w:,.,,,, (•'• er•,, L•• V•''' t 1 ••· Lttj!I Ill"' el•'' Lt>oltv<ll• rl••• .......... "''~ •J '"''"''' r•·~· >! "" \I P•I•' f "I ' "'""' (")·!••"' ,1 ••• """' ... ,, .. , d~y fl•lt !!{""'t r.·"' '"'' •••1111•lnft••. !Ill/ f'~""'"'' (I••• P11tot1<J·q~ ,.,,, PNtlt"'1, Q•~ tldJ •1c~""""d rid' \• L""''' cl•tr ,,..,.,., ( .... Wttftl"lft~~. cl14• "•ii'! Le•. '°'· ., .. " " " .. " .. ., .. " .. .. " ,. " AA " •• .. " " ,. " " " ., ., ~ " ~ " .. .. .. " ,, ... " " " " • " " " ,, .. " " ., " " " ., .. " ., " .. .. " ~ .. " ,, ., ,, w•I U"J"" ...... ., .. ,, 'lt Y•C I •n1 1c 1.~1 •• 7•• I Sl • ·11 -7) \£1 :'4 California .. , .... "' T~t ••'"'11••••~·• ..,.11 ""''"" •n ti\ ... .,, ... MI Y 1o11-1 .. , • lcw tool••"' e• j ) •~• Ol1'•nnol Wot1"'' ~ • ...-,, •• d IJ.S. Su111111ar11 tl•r •"" cool w111l'11' er1v1llM evt• "'0-' (!-I IM 1'1111&" ted1v . with v,.. 111JM1 b!Y cold 1•• 1" !M .v1<1wf1t ri u11'!il'lf l•l'lOI •• '•• '°"'" •• c••tr1I '"" Scutt"'" lll!nel1 T"• c/\hf w&v• w•• ••f't•C'•lt 'O r o•I'! t11rwo"! """ bril'\g ••••l•"i '""' ..... ,.,.ti ll'llO v ........ l'!V l'/•ll"''<l•V .., ........ !;' ... ~,"'"'""'"''IQ '""""",, ............ ., 1 ... •ov'""'" """ ''""•I E ••t••" .!•• """'It """ ll9M roln tDl•<"rd 1nM '"' r·~·f·r Nll•!hwt.Jt •"rt '"' ""''"''" """""' T ~ml'l•••lort~ fM lnrP """"" ••no•rt l•('Jm I\ ot M•rau.11• (/\V"ly AlrD"l1, ''"'C", •n la •I '"Oii""· "'"' Cnadal Weather ~ "" •M •r. V••111111 wl"!I' n1gl'll •"" mMni"Q ll&Ort beCM"'l"Q ""''' '" "!!''""'"" 1.! '" 15 ~n~•i '" •""""""' •~n•v •"'1 w'•~l'l••OAV """ '"~•v 11 r'A"•I '"""''""''' ••no• ••nm •n I• -' '"ll Ml l<!m1>41••lu"< •Ano• 1•('"1 '1 In 11 Wo•1r !f r"('ro roh1<• II Su11; /tfnn11. TidP• TUllOAY ~·i n"~"·~~ 7 1nrrm " " .'l•fnn~ In"' I 1.1 rr .., WIOllllOAV r "" "'~" ~l •\1 1e.i '~'""" ~., .. ~..,(>"',, !~"' lV" l lMlt ! 10 I "' ........ ~ .... , . ,. ",.., " '" f "r ~ I I I I• ft ,.. I t Jeh 6 llP"' '"•l a• .... 1 en'.1 nn tn anotnf'r ~11 P " Th,. cnn1ent1o n. 11h1cn 1; f'Xptc'P<l rn r,.nrin11na1e Pres1t1rn 1 \tx1 r nr11• i;:;:iFr...;:er1 ;n S;in !J;r~r. A:;;; 2: l\Q.11P1rr, Sf'\l'fi'll pr111Jlr ms h;'l\P 11(Jr'J' flPr1 11p 111 1hf' prr p01 1'<1t 11Jn~ Thf• 111rl ,,1;r <l elri,1 ' 111 s1 11r11 n1i: <·ons1 rut r1on 1"1rt. Al lh•· S:in 1iu·g11 spt•fl'i arrn;i l<11l11r1· 411 in" r1!\ If• 1·11[TIP 11p \\'ll h ;:i JI '1[ 1t~ plrd~r p1 ~ "-'h 11 ru l <1•r 1 11 1 ·.~. ;i nt: a shorra,i,:r' of prr1 m1~i'rl hoTr l rr)'"lrn~ lfl <1dd1ln1r1 !h1·r11 has ))(·f'n .~j}l't.ul;il1•tll th;i r ;:i n1 .. t11 r hf'h rnd thr p11•1)1 1~r<t ~111t1 ""~ rhP S<>n;,1r .J1irl111 <1rv «i 'ri1nm1rtpr \ 1••· 1est1gat1nn of an ;:i llrgrr1 rnmm J1 n1rri1 h• !ht ln1rrnat1f•nill Tr lrphonp K TPlf'g r:1ri1 Cnrp 10 unrl1>r11r 11P p;in ,-,f rhe San 111 ... ._., l"Xpr nses. J'rr l\aS ln1nl1ed f!l ;:i n illl r -- Boy in tt'ur lt'l'IH·1 ~ul! al thi;i l1mP nl the nf ler. !lr:·man rrint'f'dPrl prrihlem~ rtmaJnrr1 tn hp 1\11r krd 11111 fi·r 1hr ~\1 am 1 P.raro ._ ,. li11t ~.1 1d "\\r..,1r11 nParh rnulr1 h;on r.:,, 111f' t•on1r nt 11 •t1. ~1X'ri a ll1 s1n te lhf' Cflll 1ftt1lli1rl r1'n 11·r ;i lr rruh 1111! h11 1'E' bp1•n ~1<1 11p f1 1r !hr [ll'rn1wr at1r '.\il t1onal Cnn- 1 f'l'll 11n " j ~ll i ' li•:11!1't" ~:iat !llf'I' ('ll11l r! nn l n1n1 p 111,,11· 111111 ••11 '11111 11p nn1 ,,;irl1er th ;:i n /1111! :.'I 111'1 .111._,. nl 1·1111ltw1' 11 1fh p;:i n1 hvl;:i1.1 < .'>illl t iu f..'' 11lrilg• d ll14•1'1' tl1iHl S50fl.(~111 lnr llu' l !f'fl'l l d~1 ;111 '• fll<'n !1111l, h11t !hf i 1 1, h,1• ~;1 1\•d i111h :1ht•11t ~l fl()f1Qf1 ~o f;1r "JnP p.+!"1 1 ;11,1 1 "' 1n111h rd 1n <11•p11!r._ • "I • '•t"ITl111 1111 :ir '"" S;it1 !llP".n ~pn11 \'• 11.1 iHtrt '" h;11·1n1.: trnu ble f,nr1 1n_i,: •'ll"lll!ll tU•ll'I ri ~•n!• , UP I l f'•~~oto Thr Ln~ A11gP l1 ~Tina'~ rr1~JI lf'd ~und<1y 1h;i! l'1•1 r1 1,l'a na1n 11Jlf'f alnr nf tha Sp11 r1-. \1 rn;i , h11s dPn1:1nrlrr1 !!,\i2.500 11 nr1 h nf prrnl;inrn! 1n!Pr1 nr ( h;:injlr~ 11) U\f' 1.11 1i1 1• ;i.nr! il n ;irld\1 1~•11al Sifln noo fl'lll I hf' 'I 11111" ;ti" ~;111! (l w H•·1•1ilil11 ,;iri, 11r1f' ;i ~\,,pd 1 .. p;i_1 11 p II) $11~0 (11)() rn rnal.11: ttif' ~jY\rl'> ;11rn:1 11~;1!1!1• ;i-. ,1 1•nr11rn!lnn l'f'T1ir r t ',1n h.~111 1 1:1~ rr l11~rd to rnrnmrnt. \1 1n n\1 H1';i111 uf111·1.<1I <. h.:i1r 1nr!1r;:itrrt !l1r1 11"11 I r.flrr 1h1· llrp11hl11·:ir1\ n111r h Tt101 t' 1h11 n i H1114Hlll 1f !ht' •111Tr ti l ~ n)ildf', h i1 ilu ~;1 )1' '•>ll1l·f' 1n11.)1 1•d 1n the Fl.,1.1 111 n•·!:•1t1it1 111n ~ ~;i ii! · 1h ;i 1 rl•"'~n t n1r ;in ;in •.th111c \1 1:i1111 H";ir ti kn'l11<. 1.1e 1 a11 t • r lrl rn111 h ;i hn11 ! rhrm nnl1 ,1:11 in~ 11' f lftl OO<'i 11 nr n rhr n1 h,1place1.1•ants In chaq:e us nea rly a n11ll1on. · Bally Buggy Bo111ll Rip s Ulste1· Site R~:l .F A~T . :'\nrthr1 n lrr land 1 L'PJ\ - r.11 nm t"n 11~1 nQ :i h;:ih1 ca rria~, fdltrl 1.1·itll i::r l1gn11 r h;i1,. h11 n1hrd '\nr!h rrn lrelantf !I nl:i1n rr lr11hrin p rx rh 11n~r rlurini:: t h~ ni'.'h! th1·11 11fll'n<'rl l1rP on Ar111~h troop!! 1r11n !?, fo r1,11·11;i1r ';'0 !1•!rphonp nprra· !or~ ;:i nrl n!hr r rcr-nn~ fr nm !hr hu1lr!ing. ~n1 prrs f1rrrl ;;1 troops whrn !hPv ::ir· ri•, rrl !ti tr1 1n 1·lr.:ir pPr~nn~ lrn m lh~ lrlPphnn r 1>xrh11n.i:r 1n <·11.~r thrrr v.•t r~ mnrP hl ;:i~i~ Tht' ~0lrl1rr~ f1rP<t h11r k and hll "flP ~n1 pr1· Thf' h11ilrl1 nc 11 ;i~ clr;i rP<l h11t np1'ratr1r!'I l;i1r r !'l'!urnPd !<• 1hr1r ~11·1!chb<Jarrl ~. Sreo n1 1° h!•fnr·r lh" r \'pln."1nn. thi" ClpP r11 lr1r!' ;ind nt hf'r v.·l\rk rrs d11\hed 1ntn rr:ir rn.-in1f "I! .~rrn1£'rl nnll ii (r·.1 ~rcn nd~ l a t ~r !h11T all thr 1.1 1n<l'1v.'< hl,.11· in anrl the 11·hnl f' r()(ln1 ;inrl ;i ll ntir Prpu pmcnl 1.1as co1 {.'rPd 111 dll~!." i;:;:i1 r! R;:ilph Adams , m11naj!rr nl thr 1c>lrrihnnr r'(rh11ni:r "Thf'te 11 ;i~ no p:in1r ;:ilthri ui::h t:la<;:ri \Va.< fl\ in,i:: ;:ic1 o"-~ rhr .'>11·1trhbn:irrl rnn m '' A Rr111.<.h snld 1r r ~hnl 1h•n11 ch thfl !h1·o;:il l'n ;i ~n 111rr Fr1rl;i\' <i1rrl 1rlli;:i"" \\-t!h l11!i 11·1ff' ;:ind f11 !hf'r .:it h1 .<. l'x'r!!itr1" Thr rl ra lh rai.~rd !hr 111111\111• ln11 111 a ln1ost thrrP 1ra1·, 01 '."nrthr r·n lrPlanrl \ 1 ,J rn\f' 111 .~ \f, ('an1 hor!ia11 youn~~ter carru.':; 111or1ar Lube a.~ he 1\"alk:.. along H 1 gh1~a v 1 l (l\\'ard .~ ,'\eak Lu<Jng aflE'r e ~r.ap1 n g from to v1n of Kompon'g Trabeck. !!1:; hometo,1·n u·a:. re centl y 01·crrun by (ommun1sts \1 ho ki lled or cantured 4:)0 of 1\s defender~ ThP ~·,qrria cr r xplrulf'<\ 111 11 ~hf'f'/ ()f nan1r.~ ~h0rr l~ hr fnrr rn1rln 1ghl \lnnd.1v r 111l1 :1n ::inrl !nprl1n .: p:in nf ;i 11'11 11 nf 1he ••111!i1rJr thP Kr lf.1<1 !r lrpt1nnr f'.\rh;i n;i r, 1n111r1n;.: 11r11 H r 11 1~h ~nlr!1r r< ;i nd 8 sc1·rn-~l 1\r 1 hr ••"-rl hr1r k h111!d1 n;.: An ;irnn ·'llfl~r<n1 .1n ~:1 1d lhr l11n snl- rl1f'r5 su ~1 :i1nrd lr g :inrl 11 rn1 in1u r1r~ 11·hrn thP hl:i ~t h11rlrd rhr111 sr1 rr;:il 1 ;:ird.~ 1n1n thP f'1 ;id ;i o;; lhr ,1· wrrr hammering nn !hr b1!1l dlnJ(~ n,1 k 1innr< 111 ;in ;:i ltempl to \1 ;irn thn<(' 111 ~Hlr nr thr> bnmh. USO Aicle 1\ilacle Fo1·tu11e Th" inJurrd r11'1!1.1n \1 ;i 5 a tr[Pphnne eni:inerr nn rl111·. 1n.~idr lhP ha1lrl 1n~. v.hirh !'li1 nd.~ nrar thr c1I\' h:i ll anrl th"! f{nman f'11th1JJ1r ~lrir krL~ 11rr;i , whrre. lrnop~ killffi .Jnp .\ltC11nn an l r1~h f!Ppubhcan Arm.v IRA lr.ldPr. a v.·e-ek .;~fl 111 Viet11a111, Say W 01·l<.e1·s \r ..\SH l~GTO:'-i l l-P! 1 -T 110 fnt mrr employps of 1hP l'n;trrl Seri· rr flr;::;in·•;'I l1nn s cl;:i 1m \"~0 \.l"Ofkr r~ 1n \'1n1n;i n' m;orl l' rn tll1nns of dollar~ rhr:1!\n;; c.1~ n, 1nfl;:i !prl 11 :·1rf'~. a fr:i 11d1il• rT ni:111 n r~rr h1,~1nr~·~ ;in(I k1f kh.1< k~ /":r p l.rc-:\~p10 11!\I p11hir:.hrrl 1t1r 0ll rt;i1,1111• r· .. nur·,,5~1011:1 1 l:r( r.r·rl ,,:11 inc .\111111: .. 1 I il f' · •l11·rctl\ , n111 r ~irl1rt '1.11111~ 111 1h•· 1 h,1 1 1)11 r 1;1.~ 11 /"'i"•' r1ri1 'hr ;llPrl "''r1n·s 1nfn rm11 n1' l)o1 h 11 1111,1n11·rl 11nmrn \1ho 1olrl ~ltt1'1"' nh111.i :i llre!r>rl !'r.:i nc1al in lhf' L Si ) In 1hr 1 nngr,,~~m.1n'< i;:t 11 ff -1lrr11 1lrd hn11 1·sn r·nn1·r~~1on 1!rrns 11·rrt• n\rrpnr•'d b;. ll f) !{l 41\fl prr rrnl Thr v s;i 1d onr L'SO fa c!l1!\ rl1rrr:nr n1;:irl e mo'rc 1h;1n $2 rn!l lion ul \'1rin:i m 11 hilr earning s11 .;,1Ml ;innu;i ll .1 "If !hr sr :i llcg-.t1ons ;'l rf' 1ri 1r." ,\!,pin ~::i1 rl . "lhrn thr rv1rlf'111·p 1<. r:-ip1dly mnU n· ru1,1; 1ha1 ;i i;:;i n~ of I S(l 1h1r1e." chra1erf Amr n1·11n f;!~ 1n \'1r tn:i111 .. l)rftnsr Sctrr!;ir~' '.'llc l1 In fl Laird ha'o d1 sp;:itrhrrl 1nvr<;Hg;i1ors to \"irtnam 10 a1d In thr prnbr of ;:i pp:ircntl y fr;i urlul rn! L"SO ;ict 11•1 1 1c.~ involv ing "\·r r~· suhi;:tan - ti;:il" su1ns nf m0nry_ Thr i:SO 1s ;:i $Ii n11 ll1on :i 1111u11I npPra· t1nn. r1nancrrl r1111 rrb h_v cli.;ir11 y: 1t rl!)c i; rr ,·r11 r s nm r gn1·rrnmrnt ;iss i.~1anrP 0 1ersPi1~ 1n 1hr srnsr Th:ir sn1nr of 1 t ~ rrrrrar 1on ;inrl snr 1.1I [;irt1 1t1e~ for ~rr1·1f'rmt>n are housC'rl 1n go1·ernmrnt fa c1h11es. Accordin.11 to Asptn's 1nfnrman1 ~. (lnr opE'ration headed by the d1rrctor or !ht> USO facil ity at Tan Son 1'hu1 in Sou1h Vi@ln11m offere:d e:1ot ic items such as Judge Clears Work H 1111tin~ 3 llOLl.Y\\100D. Fl ~ 11\1'> -A JUrl~c h<t1l dism1s~rrl rh11 ri::c~ a R a1n~t 1hree f\1i;:im1 \'l'lU t h~ .:irrusf'rl nf mnv.·1ng 1.11v.•n' \\'il hnul· a permit. HE' .:ilsn 0rde red all records 0f lhrir ;:irresl~ drstrn~·td .. Municip~l .Jud~e GeorRP rallntto ac· rrptrrl a rlefrn~r re(lu rs! ~1nnd:iy tn rl 1~rn iss lhr charjiles .:i_ll11in~t Prr~h1n,g "Kip'' \V1lliams .Jr . Ri ck Sigler and nan- n1· \\'alters. all 17. 0 Th r v \1·cre arrester! A11ri! 12 11'h1!P J:lOlng dnor In donr and otfr r l n~ In mi•w l11v.·n.~ to p1rk up ~nme porl\r1 mnnr1 They tnlrl 11 n nffirer thr.v h;id riot hnu)'.!h! r 111· 1rlen!if 1cat inn nrrrn1t ~, "hirh rn~1. atYiut $2 .'ifl r arh . .:i nrt 11·rr" 1:+kf'n l!'i J:+il \Villi ams· car was impounded. Thty .,..·ere: rtleased on S55 bo nd each . crn~~M1.1·s !hrou~h 11 ma il nrdrr Sf'r1·1rf' 8n1.1·r1rr th" 1nfnrm:i nr ~a 1rl . 1hio pre- pJ1d 11rn1~ 11 r P nr1 r r ~r n1 tn !hr r;r~ hn111r 1n !ht l n11rrl Sr<1I P." ;:i nrl . "\\',. 1.1rrio ~t ill ~r1 i n1 ~ l1,1 1rr~ ha r k frnm (;l.o; ~:i 1-1 r.c . ·11 lH·r·r lh•· l1rll 1~ mv blo1.1·i::un' or 11 h~l "1 f\r 1! 11 ;10: ' Th r hr :id 111 1tir· n1;uJ nrdl'r ~r r1 1r r 1·,~rp11 rrl nnr !);i nk Slfitrmrn1 '1h111 h;irl 1rns IJf 1hn 11~;:inrl ~ rif dn11>1r~ 1n I!" thr 1ri ln1 ma n1 ~;11rl "\\"p r1·sn s1aff 1 oftrn d15r11,i;:rrl h i.~ 11i;u1.1· b11nk ,;rcol1n1s 111 hanks all O\r r thr 11nrld. ;:inrl I 1<"-~ 1nld h1 n11 h{l'" 1f1,11 hr 11;,~ ~11rr 1rhr m;:in 's n<1 111t • tn;1de 01 r r $2 m1!11on, >1'!:! \\"£Irr all Sll ff' nf 1! '' L"SO off1c1a ls in i\ew York Cit y had no comment on Aspin's lat tsl revelations. Ar~hie The spnkcsman s111d mnrE' 1 n 111r1P~ "'er@ 11 pp<irr nth ;il'nuird b.v Q u ~ck -th1nking i nk!1ers r.n a r;:itrnl. DAILY PILOT DELIVERY SERV ICE "'• •~( r' · • r, , r "' . ,, .. ,,,, l'•••J ,< ., i• ., •. ~" ""' ~, o V"" ,....,,. " ' " 1 ~ '• •·~ '"''• 'n~1 ~ I 7"v.''~~::···· '" '"" ("J '" ••·•" '•''1 <.>'11•~•• '"" (I'"'' II ~"" ">" ""' .,,, 0 ~" · '~P l ~. o o -l"u•n•' ,.. I o ~ •u·n•• ., • ••n • "'' h • r-o "''"""' ·n ~nu ("I ••o "·'" ,,·• II 1 .., • ''; ., " •I I'"" ;> '"~• fn«"'• A·;•, "-"""""'' """'•"O'r" "'"" ... ., ... """"'''" So• ('""'""" (•~·"'""~ 8••c• So• /11•0 ro~'"''"' ['I•·• "~·•' Seu•" l •Qu••, L•C""' N ~ 1•• Vexes 10·1110 Je1.uish Group Slaps TY Figure \YASHlf\G TON IAP\-Alrearly cuffed b:v the Teamstr.rs Un1nn . tel tvi3ron 's Archie Bunker has collected some new lum ps from the American Je1.1·ish Uin. gre~~- Tllr CBS televi sinn serie., ''All in lhP, family." in which Archie Bunke b111e-rnll11 r 1vnrker "'ho m11kes racial and ethnic slurs. is "crea!in i:z a n,...,. r~~~ dn111 ln be offensive." sa ys Rabbi J. Lelyveld, president or A.JC. . The r.:i_bbi sAid a majnr sin of th~ television sh1Jw is that "it is reaching 0 chilrlren d1srr.<.pect." ur He ~aid hi:o; nv.·n.l:hildre.n ha ve come home frnm jun inr high school "with Pol.:ir k Jokes th;it have been told tn them by their 11'.:icher.( " "If ~'.nu think for a moment about applying tht same technique /Jr rirlicule of mcrc1lr~~ satire. lo other MJCia l E'vils of our time. you would think twic~ ~bout applyin ~ lam~n~ng and l_aughter lo b_ig_nfry ."' R;ii bbi LPl~·veld sairl . Slums .~re: not r:n terta1n 1ng. \\11r 1s not entertaining. And higntry is not enter. ta1n1ni;z . "Thrre ls nn such thing as a ha rmless bignt any mnre th<1n thtrP is such a t~in~. as 11 f~ie.nrl l,v cance~ or a beni~n drug push~r n_r a. lova~le murdt>rer or rapisl. Rabbi Le!yveld said Monday 1n the organ1iahon .!I official publlc.:ition ''Congrrss Ai-\\'t:ekl~·. '' •·\\'he:n policE'm an are 'pi~s· they Rre fa ir game fnr the slaui;:hter." R&bbi 1..elyvrld ~ald . "\\'hen Pnlacks are stupid , eubhuma n beingll, when kikell .1r@ r;,hrewd and daji!ns or wops are sly and murdero113, it ill onl y nne etep frnm the epithrl _In cont.emp!. .anrl another step lo discr iminatio n and ::inother st@p Lo per.!lecu t1nn ;ind the final ftl t p to the gas chambe r ind 11y~ternrt.ic et1er· min111inn ." Earlier !hi.~ month. 11 Teamster~ \Jnilln publicadnn said workers resent lhe lmai:r prr~rn1rc1 l'tv ",<\\I in lht F11m 1!v " "Fnr ~nmr rra•nn 1hr llT l!Pr.~ '1f thnse i;:ho11 5 df'r1rl rd thr 11 1ftr:.1ap 11 n rk~r 1 ~ .1 rt1n);:'h:i t-la1 111nrr rh;:in :i 1J11 lr Oumb. 1 cnmm1;trrl rac1~1 and mnst of all. \'Pr.v rn 1n1('.i1." !hr un1 11n ~:i 1r! 1n 1t~ puh!lc:1 l1nn , "f ncu '" "ThE'rf' 11re ;i Int tlf 11·nr kf"r~ whn Ari" thin. th ink PVrrvnnio rle~Prve~ 11 trul y equ;:it <J ppnrtun11.1. ;i rt fi1ncerely compass.innate: anrl es~e:nttall' 1nlell1gen t," the Te.:imsters' publication 1aid. I I \ ,. 1. " I " " ,, ,, ·' ,, <I J .. ' I I ·. '· On D.avis Letters '-\'\ ,111~E IAP 1-Thc pros· '' u•, I' 1 • 1r 1ht• r nd tJf 11" 111 \.1 .•1·11 '" .. ' ' • r I·, ·: r1'1d1·1~f'(' :1 Ill 11 11.1 !1 11 • l.1 11! '.llJ'I ',, I); ' !· 11·11•11 1 d I 111 r tf .1 I I :1 '<1l'j'I' ,I+• I •·!• . !1 1,. II d1· ' ,)ltd 11.,1,, ,, •I I 111 111 I 1 1 ·I'' I l•.t I{ I(') I 11 d I It· \'. '" \I d I /) \\HH]d IJ!iil.1• ,I iffl ii I •(,!, !Uf II )1t•)l11 I l lt1 11 .. +1!d 111 ,jf fp•ll 11 'h ;111• " I II I' f 1, •' '" 1111· '!•!• .,.1 '" I /;i•, I~ IHUI I\•' l••I II'-I l 1•111 ' ,. i•ll1!\1·d .I !'•°711 I' • !'11 , ' t'ul1ntrrrd tha t llH• 111·r1· reh'Vant in ~)1q11111l( 111,11 '.11 ll;;\,']S \1·:1~ iii I·'·"\~ ;I, ,Lu j_:-,1111 :ind II ,,11 Id 11 .. II 1ll1no.: !11 ~1 1 1 to 1 n'i' 11 1111 I 111•11 S.•11 (}(1••111 111 I 'r1 ~· 11l. 11 I 1,.1·1· 111" 1• .. 1• II 11 .... 1;i1 Tll •" l!'l<d "II 1·1!:11 , ,. 11! 1• .11111 I Iii;' ,1 \',hill' ~1ilt•ll.1d I 11' ,.q ~q,, d .J :1Ph•".i I i11·1 I\ I\ Jl.1! o1tll11<•' 1! I• ;111 (''l',l)lt' l11d Tli1' st.it. ! f,1 \ IS l11rr11.,l\1•d h•tll J'.llll ;11~d I• I.wet pl"t th1• Au.r:. ; 1'•71f. \l.111 •1 ('1111 1111· ('11ir 1, .• ,,.r • ,., p(• tr·y b1 •l':t1J\t> ~he 11:1.; Iii I' "fl hV p;i.\i(•I) 1<1 lt 1·{' 1 "• ·<111 11 i·la un-: ht· 1•.a, t11 . :·-· ··ii ''Dol ly to kes her dolls to bed --why con't I tok e my trucks?'' ' " nAJL V Pll Of 5 Beats l / .S. Playe1·s I ,. ....... -... . _,. I , L ,t Why Are Cl1u1a Teilln ~1!!· lt~·«·c~~ 111 l \. You A LllS A\G EL F ~ ( ,\ 1" ;\\:11nland Ch111a·~ t :1hlf' te nn1~ pla1·r rs interrup ted tl1e1 r s1~l1I· :-.f'1•1n1: !uur (lf Sn ll l h f' r 11 C:ll1 fflrtn:i br1f'llv !ll 11 1~11:111·)1 \i l1!'i"!1'.1l1 1'"11111!'1 1!1')' 'I'\! II 11 l. t I ~ il I ~ I •1 l 111 t'(' Tl1c .1~ l "h1111:~l' pl.1 1t•1-.. 1111 .. 1\(11'(' !111\\' 11'1\ll 35 11 f ·17 tr\:111 hf'~ (111 lhl'lf ~·~1dll Ill !Hill" of thC' 1 ·111 ted St;.te<:. !<•"~ t'Hl the-A1ner1C'.'.ln pla1t'r" :11t1'r a \1<Jnd:1v tnorn1ng 1 l'1t In l:r111 er:sal ~tuchos .1nr! .1 h.ur:- burger-hol do~ ~fh A ~n1<11l crf\11d 11f .1 nt1 r h1 n {' s {' dt'!l\011~11;.h·r~ 111arehrd ou1~1df' lh1· :u11!11or iun1 1!urini:: thr 1·1 1·!l'll~ n1r1·\ at \"Cl ,\·s !'.11111·~· 1·~·1·1l11l•1 ' ' \\ ,,, h• 11 . \'<I ·1 \ hl[(lf !' d ii ' I I ' ' " l r1~1d1 1,(" d!11! 1(1! .111 r 111h11.,1;1,1 , ··11111d , 1 I~ ""11 1 l11·1•rt•d 1!11• I "1" '• 11 " \\ 1'1f\!'ll 1!11 I! !11 I ,1, I• ,1,.,I 11 •' \111t'i'1t· 11• \, ,! 'l.t' I'• ' • (1''•1 I' II j, I • 111.1'• ht" ... ' . 'I I 1· i' , .i lr11t11 \!1 ' 11 • .1 I ~J: 1 I I I.: ' I j.;,l't 'l'f1·d !1•, ! 1"11 f 1'111\\ l'it1fl:JI Hl\/I II pr1·rl;1i!l11•t! 1••1•11 \' ,,. .I , , '" '·' ' , , 't I 1' • 1 1 \\ I 1• • I' t '" ! I ... It 1• I ;11 I \101i11•1 l.11ul ', I• 't•" llw I· 1 h 1111 I, 1 ' I I !l!ll•'·t' I"• l •. 1 \ I ' ' •' i 1,1111 'I' 11:•. \!d i •'"I ·" " " ' 1:1 \I ,I , ~ ,. l 1'111 " " \', ' '' •.· ' " ( I< I I ! ''. ,J,,,. Poor Talker? Ill I' ": I 'I' •, I \ \ ' " 11 .1 'I ~I : , .H1d ' I i > , ' L, '" " I': ··1' I . ' ' d I I I ;1 ~ 111 '" ,. •\I 1 ' )\11 ";'I~"' 1, 11111 ! ,1 I ( ! •'• ' t• ., ., oll 11•1 • • " " , I " ' , I I '' '' " " " " 1 .. 11, 11 \1 ,\ t: I 'I 111'1 • I nl' 1 In ~II·· 1 ,lf 1 1 d \il,11·!, ( llJlll lhllll I "' ~ u1•d lil 1( !)lo· l~·t1 1 ·rs :111 111•11·1.u l In 1 lit• r1111rdt·r kul11 .i11 ,.,,,t~11 11 :11·v 1·l!;1r;.;t':I ;ig,1u1:-.I 111 ·1 ,.ud 111J11i1I In' 11s1•rl !iv 1 l1o· l•I, 1 .. 11.1dt'd h1r h,..~\:'ll(vii t;1h 111 _ 1••1111 .1 1·11ur troo1n hul that th1· ··H1•d f'h1n1•<:r -1l1•l"('t .1"•! h1' l1f't" .. 1 1r~N! .'.1n1:1n111 L"1 u·lr ~:1111 , . .,,T11111f' ••fl ,'lilt'-11i1,1 ~ho11tf'd 1h1· .. u;.:h :• hand-hr ld ;1111pl1f f'I' ~O IJ1t' nf the Ol /1{'r I·· Ill' 1t I•' I' l • "I 1tllt'1d (. 1: ' 11: '111• i 111" • I 11 I I ' ' ·~ d " ' \, I' \\' ' " 1111 \ill' ··1 111 101\ lu 111ll;1 11 u' ;11111 111• I lnlu r· I h1· 11111 I '1 >1'('1"\ilH I \II 11 ·· I ll;1rns .Ir. Fol lo" i 110 ~ l)r1 1:•.~ Bla~I IJJS 1\ '\\, 1·:1 ,1-::-; 11 '1 '11 -A ··h•·1n1f;•I 1i-1"I 111 n ·l1111· 1n:1n- iuana u1t11 1l1t· 1111 111· 1"1<1h·ul I ii \I'; h;1 .j11,iJ I' \ p I (I !I 1' d . l'l"IT I< .1ih 1111111"111:.' ;1 l1·1·1 1·:ll'•·r .111d I·· 1d111·· .111!il<i11T I•'' ! I 1)11' I 1 I 'j I 1; 1 ~)11-.l 1 I i·l •11"1 I Ill I· "''''"'"I Ill !1 1•· I IHlrd _<.;1·11t·· -.I 11·1· 111 • ~!<1nd ;1 1. ( ;'I Jd !1t·:1<1 11[ \\rir11 1:111 l h1111 il li111 1h1· S h 1,1·1rf·~ 11:1rc11111' d•·l;11l .':.iii 1h1 · 1•\ pJ .,-;1•111 _<.;u111!:11 1111·1i1 ,.,.,1111111 f"nrn lht• :1cr1dc11t:ll 1~n1t i 11 g 1if tlif' chr1nu·:1I 1·;t11 •; .. d 1~•1rd- 1l":.!rt·1· h111·11~ Pll H· l)1n H•oin. I fl' I t ! ':till' \' t'1'1 I"~ H'•IO 11.·;1~ ho~111!;!l1/('d :1' l .o~ ,\•1"1•lf'~ t •lt111!1·L·sc \l1•dp·;1I 11nt•'r 11111·1 •· Ii<· 11;1' 1 ..... h .. d 1111 ~,,, ! r .• ! 1!111:! f'h;1rr1 'I'll" ''" r\t•r .,f !h•' h•1ll•1' I 11 ti11·• 11 :-,, 1!-.u·I., ~-, :11 " ~11[1' n d hurl "'' 111 111" hl,1,• ;111tl ·.1.1' h .. 111\!•<I 1on ~111111.ir 1 h;1ri,c'" .11 lhr i-.;1n1 r h11~1 1',1I. [)( p11!J<'S ~:11d ;111 •·~t1111;d t •(! $100.0!WI 11·nr!h <lf 1llr,::il drl!&:- 1,f·rC' f<111ncl 1n thr l1(1 ll 'e I l11.1p 11·1•n t :1wr.1· ;111d rndcd 111 ,I r l\<o11!Hl1 ! 'J'hE· t"Otl\'\f·!S. :111 ."I( 1·11 n1 plu·1· :111d a judge d1eU 'f"11c fifth l\'l•r·k 1Jt t1 •«ti1nony \•Pl'llt•d /\l11nd:11 1111 11 a •1 1rp11;.1.• :1n11nunrcnH·11t h y \n1:1~1lll tl 1;1l l1111 1sr-11 iff' :\!ary ll"r1·ll1 11·;1 '\ being 1.:xcused lroi n thr iury f1Jr 111C'dlcal 1 :1', Ill'' Shf' 11''1" rcplared bv ,',ll: 11;1\t: Jt1n1r !\.,!,er! Seidel t i ~ ) Fi11tl Girl :-i.\.\ vn,\.\CJSCO !A l'I -\l'h;l! do .vou do 11·h('11 ~1111 lp;.1· !lit· ph(1tlr rn11ntx·r of ;i br:1111i t11I girl l'f\U JU~\ 1111•1 :11.il ~r11• dun'I kpo11· 1 .. ' l··~I !•:1!'\I II ~<,\! l'I' l ~l'Ul'l' [;riltllil, \Lill pl~1•l 1·1· p•1Sll"l"ii (Ill 111·,. ;(l:q·1 n~ 111111 1 liO"\CS ;ind I 1•l"l'!,••1 11• J•n les ;ii :1 h11~.v 1111 ·1111 1:d llh!!"tl'l 11)1•'!"· ..,,.r 11•·11 11ri .• 1n~ !11" ;.:1rl to l'<l 11 I 11l1 Hr nru 1 :-:11s hi~ rnf'S- ~;ir:•·=-. :idcire s ('d tn '·Ai.rl' 11 ilh rrd h:1 r frf1n1 1-:1 f '·t~n. Tt•.\ .·• bruu,1.!hl h1n1 :• pl111!1t' t·a11 fn1111 the g11I th· 1·.:·~ 1 r~i11i: to r.nd. 1\n11•·. 11ho Hr1lt11n k111'1" 1·.:l~ ;1 '(1'•'1'11;1fl Ill thr fJ- 1 Hl• •.. I d1..t!'lll 1Ld11'! ~·1· lhi ' pu.~lrrs :11 th1 • coro 1f'r 111 .-.1 .. r,q.;<11'lf'r' ~inrl l ·a11 r,1:·?1r1 '11't'!'\ htl\ 11":1:; 101 <1 .1bo··• 1 t1t•n1 111 ;1 · 11 I lr1r11il llr 11ro11 s .. ud Cot1rt RuJi11g S11ares 38 ~Jt1lti-n1urder (011victs ~·1 t;.\\!l"'\ltl !,\]'• 1·11 !1r1.'ht nu·n :1 rd \11 .11a·n \• ·11 11::1ll1plr 11n; ·r!• r • 1i11- \ 11·t1nns \lt·rf' ~parl'd tl1·:i1l1 h1· lilt' ra!Jforn l.t S II pr I' Ill {' 1 011rr -: orlli•r t11 :1ht1h~h !hr 1lr:11h p!'r~;.111 . 11·1·11n!-~11p- 1•l i!"l l1\ 1 ... 1 li1111'1l tl l!i':l1 .. 111 -~ ',f ,. It'\' .11 I : ~' I 1 11 I '' 1 11.. : ·; I ·111 ! I I .: \\: 1-. !12 I '' 1111 \'I 11 'I I J.1·1 \!l;1 l!ll'll :1 :~d fl\ I' I' I 11t'!l I 11:1\ l1'!f'il ,,i 111111J•'11ni.:: .i lf1Lil o! Jn, ' f.011;·, I' •'II C'.°:\l'd J11 111 :-,., .. l)tl 11 ! • ' : ,I' I,, 11·1 I I Ii 1;; 11111 S1r l1 ·111. 11 , \' '( . !II~!'' '. 11 I i 1 ,11·· .r . :--1rli:in IL ! ''' I " i·1! ,<.;~;1 ·~Ill ,,J Sl'll 1:,,1 ,l':l h1·t1 I • 11 . ;111cl five 11H"l1hrr:-; r ( ti \' 1 li.1 rlrs .'>l:111 ~nn's "f,11111ly ·• It :d~o 11\1'111111·;. 12 n1t'11 111111 t1 rr1• 11.11·. lt'l t'd 11! 11H1;·d1·r1ng :1i:-;1111 :ift1·r 11 • ;:~l' ln11 11 pr1so11 for lh• 1r l1!''l 1nu1d rr 1rr·111 " ·\nothrr man on the list 11:1~ ~;i 1cd fro111 :in earlirr c:,.a!l1 't·ntrnce b1· the :ibolition 11t !Jlf' ci1 ·ath · pcnalty 1n t}11rhc(" Ca11 acl;1 in l!Hi9 llr was on f':ilifornia's 11 .. ;1!h H.u1\' con\'JC\rd o f rn11rd•·n11g 11\·,; 1nnre prrson5 ,11•d ~h"o!1nr or s1ahb1nc ~f'I r11 1•'111 I"' -;1il 111 111bi1t•ry ;ti· 1, 11111, 1ll1 r111:,! tht· llrst 111n 11, .. 11:hs af1t'I' he r :;e<"lpcd frurn !" 1'-1 ·1 follo11 1ng c·(,n111111t a111 u1 I I h1.; (]1·:1 1h C{'ll1<'TH't' Ill ( .111.od I II• 1~ p;,n·il :n~:u11 ;1~ ;i rr ~1il 1 uf thr ( ·alli111·n1a r11l 111).!. 1·11·11 If tli<· li(·:1th Pi'll;ilf\' I" 1'r 111,t.il1'd 111 (';d1f111 ·11 1:1, ;1 spok1 '.,!ll;lll for n rag<lll S<lltl. Th•· ~1:ins11n cl:in n1en1brrs. srnt1·11r·rcl to clf'.1tl1 f1)r sf'1·rn n1urcit'rs aftrr a tn."11 of h.1l f a ;ic:ir. arr :ilsn u1 cfff'cl co1n- 1nut1·d. the s p o k es ni a n, J{1rhard Turner, said. FIRST NATIONAL BANK HAS MORE TIME FOR YOU wc·rc open till 5:00 P.M. Mon. through Thurs., Iii 6:00 P.M. on Fr idays. ' s. And for early risers our drive-u ,. ,,, '0 ws oren al 8:45 A.M. First National Bank OF ORAllGE COUllTY l-lu11cl1·ecls P1·ote st 011 Two Ca1111Ju~e~ Hy l'hr A,•111·in lt·d l 'rt·'~ Hu11cl1·r1l 1il :-.i udrnt-; :ii St;111 fi'I d l '1111·rr .... 1 !~1 ~11ul I h (· L."n11 C'r:r.1ty vf Cali fornia ;i! Berkf'lc~· st;lgt><I den1•1ns1r;1- tions :ig;1ins1 the escalat111g 1.-ar in Sout hc:i~t Asia in 1hr ~ec()nd 11·C'rk nf t«llnpus :in· 111\·;11· prf1 lt•.,t.... F1\'c periions \<(·1·1· art1•st!'d i11 skir1nisl11·:-; 11•1111 pr,!u:r ;,it Be rkt·!e~· ()n lhl' t_;(' f'.1!11JlllS !\\1Hld.1~' .di1,ul 11111 j)l'!'Soll~ !ti"k 11:1rl 111 ;t dl!y-li.rl~ dc111rinst r~t 1011~, :-. c r· 1 c ~ inc luduig A!'i!'icntll I y Ol(s Bill "I On Ecology S1\CH.o\~!E\TO !A!'l -,\ bill lo g11·e n1orr penpl e a :-,fl v i11 r1111ro11n1r·11! (l rri<;1qns has SIJll(';tkcrl I hr 0 ugh thf' f'l ~!>t'tll hly dc.~pi lf' flPLXl~i\h1ll f1 0111 the go1ernor"s o!f1cr Thr hill got tl1r m1n1n1u1n J"('(jlllr('r:I S4 \Otes Ill the f\f)-.<;(';11 housr i\lonr:l:iy find h!'adrd lnr the Srn;i1r. Till" <1uth11r, f'l ssl'mbl~·m:in l':iu l Pn11lo ( 11 ·I' a c 1 fit" l'nli ... ;idcs 1. s;-i 1d it 11·olild thru1\' upcn tile bParings on rn· v1ronn1rn\<tffcct111g pub I 1 c proj l'cts h• lf'~t1n1<1n~· and 1 ·flrnn1r n1.~ frnn1 :ill prrsons 11·ho eould possibly be af- l1•e1ed. Al pres,·nr. <lnly tho~c 11·ho reside 11·i1h1 n thf' hnllll· danrs or the g111·ernmental suhdivision sponsori11i:: t h e proj rrt arr permitted to I l'"tir ~·. Pr1oln said llu • measure is nl'erlrd to prrl'ent speri;-il rh.~!r1~·1:-; fr11111 pt1!-<h 1n~ 1hn111i.:h prrq,•r t ~ 11!11c·h l.lf'nrf1t "nt• ;11"t':i ;11 th1· !'-.;pr nsf' (1f th(' f'll- \'irnn:nrnf 1·l,e11·hrre ll f' S-'id thr Pln nning :tt1d 1.:ind l".~r ( 11nH111 tl l't'. 11·h1t'h lio· ht':1d.o l1:;s f11u11d 111st:i llt'r~ 1.: J.:t'1 1 ~111;111drn11i! In rxcludf' rt·.~1ch'nt s \\'hn f\ppusc propo.~ed proje1·ts 11 .... 11 1,d i'. ;11 Sprri1il P\nza ;ind :1 n1:ir< )I :1r11und th(' can1p11s 111111·!1 ~ 1ul led onto ·rc\rgr;1ph 1\11·111a· and haltt•d tr;itr;c. l111r1ng the march. police 11 er1· 111.:ltcd 1•. ith eg.r:s and rocks. :ind dozens of trash b:i.~krt s sel aflame. T11·0 of lhvsc <irrcstcd 11·ere tr.\"1ng to pl<1<"C :i \"1c! Con~ Ila~ 111 l'ronl 1if the sludenl 1111i11n. pr1li<'e s;11rl. tlnc -Fl':111cois ~1n·111rP. :14 . wh11 drscribed !11 111 .~ell •·~ <t French iournnlisl-1\·as hook('d lor investigation or 01ssn11lt 1rlth ;i deadl v 11•r apon ag.1insL :1 pul ler offiC:cr and rrs1sti11g ;1rrc!-il. l'ulic-e snid he tried to hit an officer v.•ith a rock. Three other prolcs!rrs v.·erc 21rres ted in scufflrs voith pollee during the march. At St<Jnf(lrd. :ibout 100 pro- testers held a short. peaceful teach-in <1t thro Dur and Arronaut ics Build in.r: after a noon rally <1t \\'h ite Plaza. at- tcn<ted by 350 per sons. Air Suspect Vntler Test LOS A:'\GF:LES (AP l -Th e af'cusetl hijacker of a frontier 1'11rlines Jetli ner is undergoin)! 111·0 \.\'eeks of court-orderf'd ps.vchiatric tests v.·hile he is ou t on $35.000 bail. J\ic<1rdo Chavez-Ortiz. Jfi- \·ear-o!d father or eight, lii hcing examined by D r . · Frirdrich Hacker. Court pro· l'eedin~s 1l'ill be dcla~·ed about !11·0 v.·reks pending I hr psych ia t r ist's report, aut horities said r-.1onday. Chal'ez-Ortiz faces a i r piracy char{!CS in the 111- iac·k\ng of a Frontirr je1hner \rhic h 11·a<; orrlC'rl'd to Lo1' Ant:rles sllflrt\y ::rfter t;ikin~ off from Alu buquerq ue, fl; ~1. Arn1rd \\'ith 11·hat turned out to h<' ."ln unlo:1ded pi.~tol, l"h:1\'rl-()rtiz llstrr! :'11C'xic:in- 1'1111Pril'ai1 ~ri c 1n nrcs dunnf! an ::tirpl<ine news conferC'ncc brfrirr surrendcrin~. :-1r'.ll" rr:id· "V1r\(lry 1\'1 th t"hn•1 111{'1" C11 1111n11ni~11• ·• "15.(11 :11])f'ad 111 \"1P111nn1 ... ;111d "\1;111-~o I ~\urdrrr.r 1n All I! 1.<.l1tr) En1ployes Protesting c La yo ffs CHULA \1!STA (.'\P) n.ohr Industries Inc and a 1 gr<lUJl of its employes agree I tht•re h:'lve been more than 1.000 ]a~·o!fs al the pl'1nl here 1 !'inre last r\ovcn1brr -and 1 1hnt !h1•re ha.~ brl'n an f'X· p:1n.~1011 111 npcrat1eon.' <1! !he pl<1 n1 111 ~1cx1cali. ~lexit·11. \\"h;1t they d(ln"t <1grC"c 011 is !ht• i·111111cr!ion. fi(•llr . ;i tr:insportation 1 )'\'!'(Cll1S 111.'lllllr;icturcr and I designer. s;iys it has lnid off 1.248 or Its 6.400 emp\oyes 1 since last Nov, 29 and has I boosted employment at the r-.·lexicali plant from 119 to 350. A loosely knit group of employes at the plant here. n1any or them members of thr lntern<1 t1on:il Association of i\lachinists 1"1cal 755, is pro- l esting !he strp-up 1n ~1exicali product ion. I "\\'hat 1ve're mos! con- cerned about i~ the lo.~s of 11·ork that c:ou\d he linne in Chula Vista that is goin~ to \lexico, 1vhere they pa y I crnployes 50 cents an hour," s'1ys Ler Trary of the employe i:;roup. lie s:iid they are \\'or- ried about keeping their jo bs. A Hohr s po k e s m a n . !1ri wl'vrr, S<1~'S there is no ~ne<'i;-i! connection betv•ccn 1rh::it"s h<1ppening a! one plant and the other. The la.1·offs In Chula Vista are riece ssary. he s a id . because of a declining volume of husiness on existing con- tracts :ind no prospect flf any ne\I' contracts that ,1·ould re· quire large numbers o f employes. As for th<' J\.1exicall plant . 1111e llf 14 Hohr salel!iles, !hr !i pOkt·s1nan said : · · R " hr·~ clcci.~1f\n In r s!;tblish a srnal! ;:rssrinbly facili1.v in 1\1rxir;i l: \l'ilS based upon 11·hat 11·e brlif've !o he r conomic necrss i1\'. Ours is a highlv c11n1 p1·1ii il'C business 111 11 /1:~·h ro~t factors mu~t he con- ~ide red ;:it e1·ery turn.'' Cheese Of The Week CITATION WHEEL SWISS 20< : $169 OFF w Lb. Regular s119 Lb. Offer good April 25 thru April 30 Thi1 i1 •"• ef tht fi1111t txomples of tht chH1t markers tN4t. Citotlo" Wheel Swi11 is modi th1 old fa1hio,.ed way i" lt•t• whHls. Prodwctcl from qwality milk, the whnls ore JlllOtitntly curtcl •11til ready for m1rilet. This htlp1 round oat the mellow Ito ilenut flaw1r 10 opprec iated ltiy ch1e11 low1r1. Try a 1moplt and tht" makt your purchase. ff dttat1 f4!!S · · 5outh f oast ?taza on• OAllY COSTA MESA '"'!;:::~~n~~·~:.:~",r.y ~':O:~~:.:~~ ~,M ( 111111''-I' \ l•!T'OI'"" \1 < J"I \ 1ill r '1 .I I . .:Id I • I 11 (l,11 itl t 11•' I ii I 11 t' "' ' " ,\11 .·r .1 h1'1(•f "· ,• nl'I 1·• 11 11.i·,,11 111.'1 l'/h 1' I« ;Ji\' 11t ·,·:+•nllt ' " ' ''l!.11' Ill '(.·..i"l1i t'I ( • ) I I !! t ' ~· t \);111 h ,·1 ' " Ill. '\l\'I ·' lorthemo Refrigerator Food Freezer Separate Ice Section All Frost-Proof. All in one lleautiful Frigidaire package. -- ·1 I I I 11 1, I ' Special introductory price Now the cntiro fa mily can get ice cubes nc. o ltcr~ ~'.; thoy like \\11tnour warming up tho v1ho1c 1rcezcr. This br.1n d new F1 igidai1e 3·Dvor Refrigera!or-Frcr 7"r rcJ!urcs :i scpJ.rJtc ice cubP. section oqu1ppcd wilh 3 Fle x-Ou1k: Ice Trays and Server. Or, lo ma~e 1dr.! c:i-;i"r you cJn ndd an Autorn:i.1ic Jee M::ikcr. n O'll or Int er at little C.(!r.i ch:ir ~i:. Store up to 244 lbs. in the roomy 6.98 cu. ft. freezer. Four l ully adjustable refrigeralor shelves move up and down lo acc ommodate large food items such as h.'.lms, turkeys and watermelons. And you"ll neve r have to defrost! All three sections are 1003 Frost-Proof. ·~......,..., .. , ............ Another Big Value for your Money Choose !his slim 30'' Frigidaire refrigerator for fats of storage room in limlted kitchen space. 17.0 cubic 1cct big capacity overall, wilh 4.75 cu. It. organized fr eczP.r storag e. No delrostlng, ever-100% Frost-Proo!! You can add an Automatic Ice Moker 1Jnytlme at little extra charge. Smooth-glide rollers rnake it easy lo clean behind, benoa!/i nnd around the refrig erator. Sale priced at 1JJ9'5 It's Frigidaire lDDiversary Time at COSTA MESA Ntwport leach 411 (. S.•t11tHn1h St, Oollr: '·'·Sot. 9-lo 646-16R4 Fl TORO S.addl~bC"ck Yrillcy 24)bb Rotkfic-ld lfd. (11t1t to Sin·o"I Doily ; 1 0·6. Ti.~r., Fri. 10·9 BJ ,.J f:JO HUNTINGTON B~~.CH . FOUNTAIN VtllfY llrookhuf\I & Gorfit1d !"'''lo Lutky Mk1 .t Mon . Wtd .. Ft!. 10-•: Tut•, Thur., Sot. 10-6 ~I ~ --r: ' I' ! . ' . • DAILl' PILOT EDITORIAi, P .i\GE Broad a11d Arbitrary 'JI rnuld bf' a '11·11111" ja11 ii .-1pp l1rd 11n11r1 l"•~:tr11 1 " Ln tho~e \\Ord ~. \\'dl1 arn ~1t11tt'r1 . jJrang!• 1 <1111111 '' .3l! pnlt ur 1on rnn!rnl nlf1<·r r 1n r·Jlf'!I :l(~n1111l1:rl gr d l .1•1 ...,eek that ;;i111 1·noliu11Pn 1r g11 i;i1 11•11· 11.11 r· l'"1rr111al I'll econnm!f· anrl ~n1 ·1 ;i l rl;in1;1~·r ;i ~ 11f'll :i• f11r pnll1 11 1n r1 fighllng . • .\ ne\\' rul '' f-'1lt hrn h;1-. p111p11 tel 11t111 h hr· l11>l111r·" I.~ n1anda!rd hv ctalt> and ff·dr·1';1I ;qr p1il l11111.r1 ~1 ;111r!­ ards, 1,._ being ~ 1gnroL1 "-l1 prtitf'•!t·d h1 l1·,1 dr1 • nf 111 ;.,:in · ized labor a.'\ 11cll ;;.,-f)v \he s .. 11[/J 1·r11 ( ;1 l i/11r111.t l·:<t t~flfl f 'ompan y, l,abor 1s 1·011rerned 1h:-d tl' 1111 11r1 11 11! !111· 1<111n 11-; pn\ver svppt_v 11 ould rrd11 r t· 10 11 l•JIP"I !1111i!u·" J· 111 !1l'n c1en1es this 1s a po.<if>1 h1!1ty Hui 1111111111111111g .. n 1 ilarg1'' lhal. the "'nrd1ng of 1hr 11dP• 1• rn" br 11.11l ..i1111 '-l1h1•·11 In arhi tr ar~· act io n b~ ihr <1 11 p11llJ 1t11ir1 11ft 1t 1·r' l·1J~ 11(•11 ad mll ted ··1 1 could bra Vii 11111 ' !;111 ~:evrynne \l'itnl ~ 1 !(•an1•r air Hn ! I· 11• !11·11 ;11·· kno\\ lcdgrnrnl of the pru pr1~td I 111 1'' Jifl!l •111 Lil ff1f f I II ;l' "'ell as good doc::; ~u~grf.! 1cr1 ·t1 11n~l 1 11\ft nl'(ld for more solid 1nformat1011 a nrl ~1 ud1 nn 11011 1 ~1 cu;11·rt agaJnst un v.•anted and unfnrr·<('r·n · ~n· 1:11 ;inrl cron1•111H · dislocations from 11 Woul<l Violat e (;uiclc·lint· A n1ove ls on within lhf' :\1Xf!11 adn1 1 111 ~lr '1 l 1 1 1!1 ;u1 rl Congress In raise the fedrral n11111n1 u1n 11age frrJnl ll1r present $1 .60 per hour to $2 That's a 25 percent boo.~t an.1 11a.1 11 ·.~ f1i,;u1f'rl It clearly violates the 5 .. , percent gu1dC"l1nc srt by thr 1';1,v Board. \Vhal 's an employer of unsklllcd !t1hor at 11·1e n1 1111· mum wage lo say to h is other h1gher-pt11d c1nrlnyr~ when they ask for equal lreatmcnl on a pcrrcnlage bast<;, or merely seek to ·•maintain the differential." ta pos1 · t ion dear to the unio n wage negol.iators.1·• .A,nd \\'hat about all those n1arginal 1n h . .-. no\1· f1Jlrri .11 $1 .50 by youn g people and the older un.<;k ll lrd \1 h1t h Mob Beha.vior: Insight of u 9-Year-Old SYD~'EY J. HARRIS A 9-year·old i;:1rl I kn n"·· whn sha ll br a nonymous. has alrrarl.v lr<1rnrd mnr r about lhe forces in soc ial ps_vrhnlng _v th.:in m any 1 man nr maiden maJOTlnJ!: in th1.-. cour11t at colle_gt While we wert s1pp1n~ st1rs11pardl;i together the other day. she said. ··Dadd.v, it's funny how peoplP behavf' differentl.v when they·re wi1h nne person than "'hen they're wilh a "·ho!,. bunch of people. isn 't It. ··Well. there arr a couple of boys in my class whn like to talk with me , and we havt pretty gOflrt conversal ions if nil· body else 1.~ around . Flout a.~ soon RS they're with a bun ch of bn~s . lhc.I' ar1 ;is if they hate _R1rls and never "'anted tn bf' "dlh us at all.·· "Maybe il"s JUSI your dazzlin.': charm.'' I volunteered gallantl,1• ~ Aflrr ;:i ll. shr wa~ my date for the afternoon I "Oh. Da·a ·ady~ .. sh" repl ied . in lh.:it dnn 't·be·impossib!e tnnr ··01 hrr girl.~ 1n my clas~ h.:ive told m" thr sanH' lh1nf! ~ when lht> bovs are 1.1.·1 th them thr1· ;irt rt 1f· fe.rent. too . ft no othrr 00.vs arr ;irnunr1 "WH Y DO YOU suppns!" 1hil1 1.~.,·· J in· quired. "[ 1:uess:· shr rr.flre!Pd. ··1rs bf·( au~r bo;•s of that agr arcn"t ~upposPrl rn l1kr girls. or al lea~l 11dm1I it puhl1rll · "\l,"hy not'.'" I pr omptP1I ··ir s supposed tn hr ·s 1~.'' ' ~1r .. :..~. \\'hatever that means." ~he ~.i1d "fhll 1! s Dt ·a r (; lou111 \· . ll' (he LS r>rp.1rtrnrn " nf .\.crir·1iJ . IUrP .:1fra1rl In nul nul a repnrt nn lhe rnrrrUf"\ rr1 ntrnr nf lunds-n1hrr th;in f1,h" Sur·rl\ thr l;ind rrnrl11re' tTIOf P lllf'Tf'llfl th :1n lhr Cf'1 111~g11 <;lf'd l•" lf~lu•• "tl•<I> •••G•,•" ¥•'"''• ""t .... .,.,.,, tno., o! I~• ••w•••PP '••G rou• ••• •••vo lo GIC>0..,1 GI!•, 0••1• P otrll h.:ircl to undPr slanrl Ynu ~1·r. 1f r;i ('h ho\' alone r n_JllYl' ;i ~ll'l"l' f"Otnp,111.\', thPn "'ha t I' 11 !h;it m.:ikr.~ Thrn1 r;i1.1. u~ nr 1n~ul1 11s u·hrn 1hc~'r" 1ni::rlhf'r" ThP r(' mu<;t hr ~ornr fnrc<' th;i 1·~ 'ilrnnger than rnc h nl Thrrn Lt: BO~ l\'E\'ER ~lt1 l1·d ii n11w1· ~1 1t r 1n rtl~1 1n his n1as~11·r l(\n1r 11n •·rn11·~! fl\\"f'hr1lni::.I". Thcrr J<; 1ndP('rl ;i ' ~nr•1 .i l fnrcr ·· 1n ;i ('nltrrl11"1t y Jh;;t n1f'l1'r5 pr.,plc mnrr lh:in thr1r 1nrl 1~·1rl11;il 1nel1natl!•n' E\.rn rho11,e:h nn1 ;i sin,e:lr ho1 111 ;i l'lrl~" n1 :i~· trul.> "h;i!p" .cirls, thr hn v~ ,,, a group f P('I thrn1 scl\ r~ <'nn1 p('l!Pd tn hf'h;i1r ;i.~ ii thrl' dn. fnr frar nf !hr \f'nrn nr "!hr nth£'rl' .: Th£' 1rnnv nf lh1.~ 1.~ lhat ··1hr nthr r'' m.:iy r~1~1 nnl\" 1n thr rn1n<l . .:is a kind nf . 'vm1>'1I ;ind nf•! in rr.1IH1 ;:i.r :ill EACH HOY IS 1•1111111nn1ni:, tn sn nir n1rn!al prren111·ppt1nn flf ho11 .. rr:il h111 ~" o;;hn11Jd f"''.iH'! rn i.:1rl•. ;i nri lhr ~1rrn~1h nf !h1~ prrconlrp11<•n !,, ~rcillPI" than ll1r on· rl11 1(111:!1 r1n1111nn<> 111 lh1~ 11 ;11 ,,u 1;:il 1·111TPlll ' 11\hH ri ;+rr ln1;il .1l1.~11;1t·r1on~1 r ~r1·r1"" ;1 ~1nrl fl( t11ann1, n1c•r Ill e piT~1 ·n ,1 11r1 thu s n1r:ih ... lvnr·h1ni::• r1ri!l' a1111 •n1·1;il hr h;111 .. r h1 i?rnup~ 1•h1t'h nn on!' 111d111rlu.1I 111 ll1r· i:rnup 11 .,uld rn11rlnnr . mu l·h lrs~ !Jh(' parl 1n . E1'f'n ;i kiri !':Jll \f'llsr 1! Cocky, Tcile11ted Mciiler II 1s possible that 1\orn1an \l11 1!Pr·l' laundry lists would read \•erv 11•Pll Cln<r to Jaur1dry lists are snmf' !>rrlallr r entrie~ he has tied into <t nrw col]Pr!1nn nt miscellaneous writings. '"Ex1s trnt1al ~:r. rands ... Te.c:ty letters ln Pd1t ors 1s.-,turdav Revie1.1.·. New York Rev1c11· of Bnok~I. an imaginary interview wilh h1n1~elf. The n a fiery streetcorner speech chiring h 1~ C'an1. paign to gel. the Demflcralll' non11n:it1nn ror Ma yor of New \'ork , prr51u11t1 hl.v taken off tape, becau.~e he .o;ho11t.~ b.:irk ill. hecklers -a literary device th;i1 11·nrk~. like the Camera'5 Eyt> in a Do.> Pa,<~n' novel. This is a '"misct>llany of wrll ln.':11 on PX· jstential themes,"' he declare.~. hu1 fnr_c rt the "existcnlial part .. v.·h1ch IS only ;i Mailer pose. In a literary scn~e. he 1~ ;in 8 ccomplished juggler , hke the yo un.crr W.C. Fields. I read him fnr sheer rn, tertainmenl. for !he luxury of flb~er\ 1ng R 1upreme •nd talented egoti st at "'Qrk. "MOVING F ROftl one ~C"IJ1'1ly t(! 1nothcr can give momentum:· hr 11n1-r lold a Playboy interviewer. "If you dn II well. you can increase the rnrrgy you brin& to !he next piece or work,·· So we meet Mailer( the journalis1. thr celebrity, politician. ctitic, movie-maker Quotes Cllatol H. Andrr~n. re:lrtd Bf'Vf'rly 111111 police cblt:f -"There is a m0ral breakdown in Ame rica. due to luxurinti.c: tivina. People don·1 want l.n work 11nv r DM!rt:. Thry feel the 11.·orld owes them • 11v1.,." ( TJIE BOOK.i,lA N ) .:i nd n1;i 1nr f1gurr 111 American fiction. He I:' hrs! ;i~ 1nurn:ili~1. e~pccially in hi ~ ··rxtstrn!1,1)'" ro1·pragc nf the /Huh;immed Al1 .. lnr Frn z1rr light 1ori,1?!nall y wril!en fnr Liff' 1. a 1la1~l1n,c prrfnrn1ancr. "'hic h .;;urldr nly i:hlfl s 11110 l1trr<1ry criti cism. nr Jtn1;i1rur p~1 rh1;il r",I . T11en11 .r 1ch1 h11 s ,1nrl p1erc." ~t>lrc trri n11'r ~11 n11• l11r \'r:'lr'. 11nrven. as •· \d1r·r1 1srn1rnts fo( :'ll vsrlf .. or "Ciln· r11hal~ and C'hr1,•!1an~ ... · other .o;urh col· lef"t lnnc;. 11·rrr hrfnr£' 1! Rut 11•ho else can grt awav "l!h !h1~ sort nf thing. 5UC· rr~.~r1ill1'" .'II \ILER IS !hr slrnn.': An1criran l11 rrarv prr~nn.:il 1f\' nf rh1s parl of thr c1·n1u rv. hk r llrn11Q.1:11·a1• he forr him. nr \\';ill \\'h1tn1an :i r·rn!ur~ Parl1rr Hr ran 1rr11:1tP prnplr An A1nrrirt1n Ore;in1 ."' for PXan1plr. or fnr th;it rl1i::islrr ea11£'rl "'\Vhy Arr \\'p 1n \'1rt nam., .. I "'ll.<; nr1er ~hlr tn f1n1 ~h !hal m;iralhnn \1·ar nn1·el "Thr r\:ikrd and 1hr lk;irt·· lhal mt1rlr 1"11n1 .:t celebrily al 2:1. \'n n1a1trr. the trark rrrnrrl 1~ r ~. rrllrnt. 1nr l1ulin_g thr 1"<111dcv1 llr 1n rh1s- hook . i.:r.,uprd und«r .1t1u·h hr:irl1 n;::~ ;is '('lt1r~ to th r Ar.<;Thrt1rs of 1hr Arrn;i :· nr '(;n)'·' 11n !hr A('.~1h{'t1r~ of lh r Slrr('I ( fl1 k\, !til1•n!rcl. ~11prPrnrh· run<;c1n11~ nf h1rn«rll a< i\'.:it 1nn;i l l'h:ir;1rlrr ~l ;id pr rrma1n.~. rll' l1trrar1 rn1 rrta1nrr a regu l;i r r-.1uhammrrl Ali 1 LJ11 )P Hr111\·n. S7 ~:11 . 11 ou!rl he 111prri n1J1 ('O!Jrely flt ihr hig her r;i1 r ·· 'rhP m1n1n111m 11age 1on1·p p1 1~ .•n1 1n rl 1n th~1 11 prP· 'rnt ~ r .-.;pl01ta !Jn n of rhr hrlp lr s< h~ lhr 11nfrr11p11Jn11.-. 11111 ..,r111ni.; H Inn 111.[(h 1\ 11ilr-d,.,<t11111n.: and therel111 e '('l f·drfr;i11n~ Conf usinµ ~lali ~ti('s .\l nun11 n.i.: rnnfu:-.inn n1·rr unen1p lr11mfln\ ~1 <111:-11r~. bnlh c;ta!e and na\J(H)al po111 !\ In lhr tl('t·d tor murr filfl'· f11! rf·porl ing ;ind for 11111rr detail• !Inf' rrpo rl n1·pr 1tir 11 Pf·k!·11 c! ft•1n1 lt·rl•·r<il 'Pur1·r s 'g 11r'\1•1t " rh.l l t al1fo1'11 111'• !utal 1n11·111p lnyrd h;o.-/)Pell un<l rr~!ated hv a• 1n1h h a1. i :io O(HJ Hut 1n1oth('r r1 ·p11rl ~;iirl unrrnpl!!\ rnf'nl '!a11,111·• ;irp 111:0~' 11rtt!1· he•< ;111 ... .., rnu •l of !hP 11111·rn1 d111f'd arr 111;1rr1ctl 111110,·n :ir1 ct tr·r t1.1[!rr~ . -n1c:1n1ng JP,!'-tr1111111 P Ir .,.., t(• f,11ncl11·• lh:in lhf· ,,1n1" 1111r1nrlo\'1n rn1 ra1f' 1nr111 :il f·rl 111 rli1· p.1 1 '11 hf'n 1111r111· pln_\1nr n1 l1g11 rr~ rrfl"t IC'rl 11111.~111 fu ll-11111(' 11,1~r 1•,1rtl · 1:r1r a nf!l li>n '"' r<'por l happ\' · :1' tl1r I ,"i 11 . ii ·· l•1n1,h1 nr: tn find llC'f\flti <; fla1 \<; 111 'lH h ii h:i .tir e' 01111rn1c n1c;i•11r1fii::. .~ll<'k as !he ra1r nf uncn1rln1·111rn1 Ton101To\1 11' Her l)a Y ·rhr real]_\' good ~C!'f"e1,1r,v n 1plnn1al lrll:.!11nrthv ;u1 fl loyal .. . prnu ct of hrr pr of<.'.~.~1r111 i::uard1(!n o-f her rmplo,vrr'i:: rrc c1ou .~ bus 1nrss 111 n1· 111fnr111r rl ;ihnu1 thr hu ... in(•s.c; .. 11rl l·.(!roonirrl parl·!Jtnr crra11 d i.:1rl and \1a11re.~.~ 1111 adrll!111n In !hr '-k!ll.• for \\'huh !i hc 1.'i p:HdJ ~and <1flcn a very _good friend 111 hr1h r r her boss rea l17.f'.' 11 or no\ t [loes I his desr·r1pl1on rc111otelv flt '\'tll "ll ~rt r11ar1·" If 1t doe."' and ~ou haven"! .i.:ot arou.nd to lrt11 ng her kno\\• you're ver.v glarl she is '\"O liR sec retar~. tell hPr 'fhis \\"eek 1.~ Her \Veek 1Nal1 onat Secretaries \·Veckl and !()morro\\' 1s Her Day. all nver the na11o n. ' ~\ -· • ,., Pre.liident Is Doi11g f'Hi1·l11 tt'efl lt'ith P11blic Nixon Not Intimidated by Criticism r rrs1clen1 '.'\1xfln ;iri.~rs fro m hL<; hi>rl Pl"rrv morn1n,:: in f;it1' '"'<t f'rrta 1nr1r~ he 11·11J be riltRrk1•ri 1n thp 'E;i .;r rrn r~1 ;i l)l 1 •h rnrnt rrr ~~. 11 r tht .\P\\. Ynrk T 1mr~ ;ind rtir lla~hn1~1nn 1'11.-.r ;:ind hffnr" rhr <la~ 1.• i.:11111· hP 11 111 hr lh11rnughJ.1· r ;i Ii " r! n1rr h1 !hP 1nf'a! nrmn1·rat u' mn Jortl\" 1n Con,'lrrs.;;, ;i lJ rlu l~ rPfl'lTlr<I ;:ind rom· mPnted 11µnn . Thi.~ ~or s nn r!a_v ;:i ll r r rlt11• "''1th only !lf'{"rt.<;IOn;il lapsPS. E1gh1 nul nf HI nPW!'· r;ipr r rnl1Hnn i!il~ ::i nrl TV rnrn111rnL1 tn r~ \.\"Ill fill 1n ;:iny rmbarra s~ing gars .~n rhar !hrrf' 1~ n t Pa s£'lrss din of rri!ir-r •m And , 1f hv i;hanrP thrre shnulrl hr ;i lu ll. ~rnkesmcn nf nrgan1zrd lahnr fil l thi· l'Hlri \l l';i.~urrrs nf p11 hl1t" np1n 1nn. hnw.,1 1,r fi nrl !h;ir Pr1>s1dent '.'\1-..:nn 1~ drlln~ f;:i1rlv 11r!l 11'i1 h !he publ1r .:it la rgr hut rh;:iT rrar·!1nn rrin hP nnl.v f.:i1n ilv ~en:-ed 1n thr rl;i ily flow of new~. rommf'nl and pnl1 t1c;il h,·prrbole. THESE flRt:Ui\IST..\:\CES h ;i \', rrr.:i!rd ;:i un111ue .:irmosphere In thr Wh 1tr llnus r. The turmoi l out side ts ignorrd . R ICHARD 'Yll.SO 'I l 'r1~~11lrn1 \ 1..:01n prn1·r1·1!~ 11 II h rl111ntt \'. :1ill hr thin!.., 1~ rr<:ulr!'d rlf·.~1r:ihlr nr r-..:pe1l i1n1 1111ho11t re~pt'f·t In lhl· rl;in1nr. ,.,,1 .prral 1!111 . ..i nrt t·utnp\il!fl! thnl ht"' l..111111 _<; will 1n11nrd1atr l\ fi•llPw . Thr !1\" n11t.~t;inrl1n~ rr1·1·n1 i•.~;implr<; ill'r his s1a1Pd po.~111on fin fortl'd h11~1ng flf .!.i"hn•d rhJldrrn anrl rh r rcs11mp~11111 nf l;ir,cP .'iCil!C' tmn1h111g 111 \"1e1na1n . Pre.<:1de n1 !\1x11n mr<i ~11re;; 1hr rr;1(·t1on f11 <:11rh <1ftln ns in Pn1 irrly d1!11'r1•n1 trrrn." lh<l n lh0 <if' 11·ho ltll'n 11p11n h 1111 ;:i 111.rrrnl 1\f d1 ~appn11·;1I 11 hll'h ~11111 ~'11111r.<; I urn~ 1n1r. ;11:!11~1· H P 1~ nnl 1n11r111fh1tf'rl nnr 1.~ hr rlr prl'~ ,rfl hi' thr n1"('r11 hrlrn1 11;;h· r1·111r·ril ,1 1111n~pi1 r rr \.\l 11t h 'i urro11nrl<; h1n1 111 ~\"a~t11ng !on Hp d11r-~ n111 d('!"p;ur , :i• rt1rl l.111rlnn .J0hn.~1ln. nf un111n.i:: thr An1· t'l l(';q) rrnplro /l!lf I~ hP fl\'/".•:'l/l;Jl]I" hurt :i~ 11·;is .Johnson h.~· {'r\1£'1 1udgn1enl" on hi~ t•11 ;1r:ir1rr and st1·lr Tii l .. \'ERY f"alOU YL,\R .. nf Hli2 1111 11 h1r h he rr!Jerl. 1,; brg111n1ng 1f) ni;ilrriah?.r. T1mr has cnnf1rn1£'d man.1· nf h1~ ot her 1udgmrnr,<:. Thou!.!h hr ha~ ;iJt r rrd cnu rse in rather rtram;i11c 1~n.vs. lhc end hr h;is 1n mind rema 1n:o 1n s1~h!. 11 1s in rill~ s.-11nr mnnd Iha! hf' rv1df'nllv JUdgrs \~lfh f'Onf1drnce !he OU!cnmr fit renc11•rd md11ar' Rrl1v11 ~·. cr1t1cr1:ed as "hr 1nk~rnnnsh1p ' '.\1xnr1 has q1111r r11(1<·nt lv ju1lgf'd 1h:o t 1h" Snv1r1 l 111 .. n 11111 nn1 rr1aliatr 111 .l1t:irliy fnr thf' fl~k 111 HS ships 10 lla1plu1n..! harl-..1r '\ .. r h1· has 1u1i~rd . 11 dl l'h1n;1 1·11n1 ludr 1h;1t rhr air and sr;i 11·;ir n1•11r hrr horclrrs rndan_grrs Chin!'~" ~Pcu r11 1 .<\n ar1d1uona! lar1or ma1 hr that China·.~ \ital 1n!r rests :irr. not nrr rssard.r .1rlran l'rd bv a Russian sllc· cr.<1~ Jn \"1r1n;1111 Thrsf' ;i rp rn11r;il JlH1~n1rn1.<. and H n111st hr ffin r·r<h'd 1hrv ronla1n f'lrmen1~ 11f risk ThP rrr~1rlPn l ·$ ronf1cirnrr Ill 1:ik- 1ng ,,uch ri<;J.i s \1·as 1nr rc:i.~rc1 h;, hi.~ usr ,.f Jhr ~1 ~lh flrr·1 1n lhr .\lrrl11rrr;inr1111 tn 11;1rn nu~~1;i nf 1h11 r--1ss1hlc consequence<; r1f 1h r•»l1 s 111 lsr;J('i :ind ;i <;1mil;ir b11 t 1nnrr l1rn1tf'd sho1\•1ng ol na 1·aJ forcr tn !h~· lncli,1 ·l'nk1~t ;in l\';ir, Tll E Ol'EllATHl'I.: 1n \"1rtnam. nf 1 n11r~c . ls •If far i,:rt•<1!rr n1agn1111rtr. hu! 1n\nl1"+·s the i1<1rnr .'l.:1x<1n finding !hat !hr <TPd1h1l1!~ 11f !hi· USP nf forrr l)ecomes nrrrs<;;iry unrlPr rx1rrmr c1 rf'u mstancrs and when !he sr rur1 ty nf American forces 1~ end:in~rrrd. l\1x11n 1 ... nn s;itr«t ~rnunrl when hm r perm it.<; the "'1sd11m nf h1.<; rlramarir movrs to be pro\·rrl nu1 Hr "'11t bP on lrss safr grnunfl if hr t;ikPs f'11n1 rn\·rr· l'lil! acllnn 1n rloSP 111nr rl'la11on"h1 p le> thP prl's1drnt1a1 rlrr-1 1011 1n ta1e ()i·rnhcr. !or r-..:.1n1plr Frurn his r111nl of I 1•'11 lnrrrfurr if 11 ;1<; brt11·r fnr r11r ('0111nul/11 r 1n1 ;1 <;1nn 11r Snurh \"11•!11:11n 1 .. !11•::111 1)11\.\ 1h.1n l;itrr Jn lilr nu•r11h.• h•·t11,.,,.11 11•"1 ;i ncl .,l,..1·!1rin tnr 11·1;;clntn uf h1 ~ :I• 111111 nr l,1t·k nf 1t, \\t!I h£'(:(>m~' ni1irf' ;ip11:'lr1·nt llE CO\"TJ.'l.:L ,\1 .1.Y rl1•n1n11.~1r;i1 r~ . h•fl,.f'\rr. th;i! hr \.\Ill 1:ikr ar11on 11h1rh 1 ~ pnltt11·al1\ risk1 111 thr p1·r.<•1·n! ;t i· 111nsrhrrf'. !)n thr ,1:r·n r1·;-tl r rinr1 plr th;i! !hr righlnr ~s of what he d11('~ will ul1rm<iti·IY hr rr1·ncn 1~1'<1 Thi~ niilrtrli'n' hi" 1T111r' llr knl'1r • 11•1J;i1 1l1r.r will ,;1v and p;11'~ 11n ;;t trn!1on !P rhr111 r11hrr ht•fnrr 0r af!rr h 1~ <1rl11">n,~. If thrrr l'.Trr ;i:,:11111 In hr rnil~~ rlrn1on~1r;i11i111~ 1n \\':1~tllnt~lnn hr wl">11lr! undn11htrdl1 ''ll•'"lif";lC r 1hr rrilu•r In n1;i kr n1a •~ ;irrr ~!~ q111!e ;111 ;irr th;it hfl' \1'f•llld hr suh1rl"l rrl tr1 lhr ~.irnr r•r1 !1r1~1Tl <i:-hPf11rr . l>tl! rnnf 111!•n: nf ,1:rnrr;1 I ;1p- prr1val 1n th r Pnc! For nlher.~ 11 1~ a pu1dr !n hn .. w 11·h1r h I~ thr rra) wnrld !hf' 1·!.:in1nr ••I r ri1 1c1~m which en\'l'lnprs .\"1~nn 1n \\'ashin~tnn . nr the calm assurrdnr~~ nf hi.~ ;ict1nns ~·h 1r h "rek their support rl~r"·nrrr ll\"er the rnuntr~· On .\ixon s par1 thr rr ~eem.o; to be nn dQubt. The Job They Did on Poor Old Sex \\'r ar r inrlrhlrd In The '\r111 Ynr~c-r lnr rPn11nrl1n::: 11 •. 1n a rrcrnl 1 s~ur . fl f 1 hn~1· t11'n ~rlrnr!1d prr-Refnrma11nn 1rrlis -10 1arr , and 1(1 ~"-I''" Rnlh arr r xril1r1t '\ nnn1·n1~ fnr 1'hr \\'nrd. thr cnmmnnr·~! 11 n\ nf ~;i1·1 11g srxua) 1nt£'rrour ~e . and nne \1 h1rh I 1na.1· no1 rm. r lnv nn lh1\ pa.':r. bt'r:111.<;e ti 1~ not rr· ~pPt'!ablP <ind makf'.o; . 'omf' propie feel fJ I! I! f' ;i 11·f 11 f. \\'hrn England was ;i Cathnl1c countr_v, l<l[lt'rs and sw1vers wrrP ;i ll flVP.r the plarr ·rhey "·ere pl;i1nl11 ;ind Qprnly callpd such anrl re· ferrrd In as such in the bonks of the t1mr-. Thn~p were the good days. The" ;:ilflng ran1e old Henry VIII . whn rejecled lhe P<ipar.v fnr rra snn~ rnt unconnectrd wi!h h i~ ln11e life. and tumcd his rnun!ry n1'rr In thr Church of Eng1anri. anrl thns r rlrar rur1tans, who dedicalrd their li1·rs fn rile prnposnion thal nny !hin~ anylJndy else li ked was a no-no. HIGH AMONG THE fhin~s Iha! prnpl r likrd 11·ere. of course. japing and s"•iving. ThP PUr!l ans. in their pol.l.'P.r .:ind i?l1)f.\', arran~ed that these words should be('(lmf' obsnlrle : as indttd they havP. aod unhap- pily .. Jap ing vanished from the languagP fnr two centuries, unlil ·it was playfull.v revivr.d bv Charles L.amb in its second;ir.v sensr. nifaning lo pla y .::i jnkP. SwivP seems to have been lost to us fnrr1·er 11 is perhap~ time lo form a Jape and Sw1vr Sociel'lo', with subscription s. an n u 11 I gourniel dinners. and all thr flfhrr ap- p11ralus or clubmanship. C.ount me in. S"'IVE IS A GOOD ONE. Its defin1t1on. B11 George --- CONFIDENTIAL TO TJIE: LOU HAR RIS POLL: O.K . zf I have any lc,ft·o1·er questi ons /'JI srnd them to . \"OU. 1 ~)rJ't "·orr:-i aboul the qucsllon:ii: of life ' Wrilf' 10 George. and ~·orry ;:i.Oout the ilns~·ers•. ' in ttiP Oxfnrd English Dict1onar.v ts ··1" copulale ·· Ir was usrrl 1n this sense ;:i.-. late as 1$~8. in ;i cautionary max1rn '"Don 't ha.the on a full stomach. nnr s"ivr " ]1 "'a" also fi!l1ngl v employrrl Hl ;:i pre-Burton 19th crnlur} 1·£'r.'i ion nf The Arabian nighls· '"Sn he ate and dra nk and lay with her. and swivcd her." In the JS1h crnlu ry. lhr. Scottish lrt1n sl ation flf the Bon k of Gene sis \\';is rallrd The Buke nf S1viving . There 1s. indeed. B good deal of jap1n.::; and s11•ivi ng in the fi rst chapters or The Holy Ronk. The his!nry of jape in the OED is le ss picturesq ur, though there is a colorful en· fr\ cl:11rrl i:i:ill 'Hr j.ipcrl m,1' 1r1le ;ind n1;idr 1111• 1·11r,,;nlrl ·· 110\\" Cl):\lE. TUt.:.'1. "1!ti this .':lorinus h1~1rirv 0f pl;11n .o;pcak1nf! about thi> plA111rst flf ~u bJcr1s. v.·p arc nn\\' sn 1n- t11nid:'!trd th.iii wr !"anno1 u-:r 1n prinr Qur mn(l fnmnus four ·IP\lcr \\'Ord:-"' ft 1~ lno easv lo blame it all on 1hc Proicsrant.c:. L"niortunt1tel y. 1t"s al! !Oil 1rur, a.o; \.\·el l as being all too easy . ThnsP Round heads wcrr prllfou ndly C"onv inced lh.:it 1.iip1ng and s1•:iving were had for the stair. and theref(lre bad fnr lhe individual. 111c Puritans relined the an1·i rnt. lhesis. held by certain slolcs 1n all cou ntries. that if a thing is distasteful 11 l.'i good fnr ynu The efficacy of a mrdicine is still oftrn measured bv its bitterness. · TH E CONVERSE proposition Wa.! Fuzzy on Communi.sm C:allfnr ni11 fealure Str\•ice <ln his rl.'turn from a wnrld girdli ng facl-find ing trip. \Villiam Rand n Ir h Hearst. .Jr de i.:oled hi~ "·eek ly column tn a subjerl that long has· bern Or immen.te rnncern In him ;ind tn m11ny, manv nlhrr prnple in this nation · lhe frigh tenin.I! ht1 ndnrs~ whirh rx1sls in this action tn lhe rl'al r urpnior. !he real th rea t nf rom· n1u n1.o;m In rcac11nn 10 the ex cesses flf rhc r-.tcCt1r!.hy er;i. perhaps. too m.1 ny amoni;t 11s h;ive rPme to the C'.Jnclusion that cnm· muni.~m is but 11 p<ilitical movement : lhat ii hold!> no real threat lo us or to lhr "l'Orld . t:VEi'I fiUTS\' H;irry Truman sa1rl hr kincl of liked Old Joe Stalin. We ha vr prc s!i,e:ious 1nl.'mbl.'rs of th r! ConJ!Tess "'hi h<111·k !he Communist line in Virtn,11m. We h:ivc mrn1brr~ nf thr bt>~t rduratrd. f1nr.st i::rnrra1.1on In htslnr.v ha"l•king thr Commu nis t line on Vie1n11m . E 1~r11 hrrr thc1 r l!l ;i rl1ffrrrnt s1 nr~· As He<11rst "Tole. "Throughout rhe c:tpiral~ nt Europe, and naturally more so in the. ac· lively beleaguered F'ar East, communism \vith its insidious. tenlaclf'·like globa l movements is seen clearly as the ever- lnoming threat H mos1 rer!ainly is." Hearst challenJl{eS : '"You name a plaN! And there i the Communists 1 art-. spreading their influence and stirring up trouble by any and all means possiblP ... "IN NO COUNT R'' Thal I 1·r:;llPd ha ve: I rver run into 11nylhinJ: approachin~ lhe fU7,ZY thinking aboul communism thal e:ii:· i;1sls here."' he wrote. "Perhaps it'~ because mos l of the countries either havt- had their freedom threatened by them or lak en aw11y entirely. or at h~ast have had In fight for the cau se of freedom , lh.:il they ~re !ht-fRcls so clearly. .Com· munism is rule by RO f'lite ,i,::roup or privile,e:ed commissars and whafrvrr sor1al hf'nef11.~ they supply their people e;irrv R terrible prirl' laR." 11r.:ir.~f"s is 11 pnsi lion evrry American shnuld cflnsidrr ver.v , \'try carefully and t11spassionatcly Our ru ru rr 11s the world '~ grratesl fref' nation dtJ)t'nds upo,. the correct answer. rriuallv lr ur rr \'Q1I l1krrl ;in~1h1n ;: ii 1\'rl.t bad for \"oil 'l'h;it 1 ~ "11-. thr tnn~\ r n1n1 ;ihlr nl human a("l11111r~ w.:is mn~I !;ibonrd Thr :lC111·11;,• 11";1s nnll pr rn11 ttrrl ;it ;ill <:11 there rouk1 he n111r1> l11!lr r11ril:in< 11 drplnrP 11 Al.~o. 10 offrr thr1r hrirl1r~ tn lhe .~r r1·1t c nf lhe frn"n A.<: bra 1nw;1.~h"r.~. !hr l'ur+l<1n~ 11·rrr rii?hl up thrre 11·1!h lh(' .!r~1111~ ;inrl .fnsrf Goebbels. The 1ob thr.v did 011 p<Vlr old sex "'as bc<tut1fu l. \ever ha ~ the ap· paratu~ of propa11 anrla hren more f"f· fert ively labeled al a mnre harmless largrl. SEX, QUA SEX, is 11bnut as harmful a' hrcath1ng. But who :1111·.nt: u.~ is 10 sa.v lhal thl're might nnl arisr a n!"w Mart in Luther or ,John Calvin. who will found ~ failh nn lhe propo~itinn that breathing 1., INDEED harmful. an~ th;il the mo.~t obscene snund in the world is 11 ~nor!. The popula!inn cxplosinn is!s have . indeed, come cl~se lo !his snr1 nf rcas11n1ng . 1\teant1me. thanks for the ble,,sin11:~ nr verbal obsolesccncr. Tht next time I meet a truly attractive. number . I koow perfectly well that r can ~a v to hPr withoul !hr sligh!esl f<"ar of ,. S!ap in th~ face: ""Shal l we s""i\'r ~ .. OltANGI COAST DAILY PILOT Robert tV. \\'t cd. Publr$her Tliomru Kt.t vrl . trt11or Albr.rt \\1• Rore.i Editorial PorJe Editor The l'r11t nri RI fllll:"~ ,.,r 1hf' flllily Pilnt f'l'rk~ lo 1nf<•rrn 11nrt ~t1rnu. l11tp rr11drr~ hy prr~rn!1n1 1hi~ nc"'~]}A["!t'r·~ np1111nns llnd rnm- mrnt11r y nn 1 ... p1 r·.~ r1f 1n1rr,..~! 11nd f'•;:nif\ranrr, by prnv1d1ni{ 11 fnrum for !h~ f'Xflft'~~i1 1n nf our rrRdrr~· np!ninn.~ .. Ind by /'l'l'1'r1Hlnt Iii! d1veJ'lli# \'IP><rrwtln1~ r>f 1nfnrmrd ,.,h . 1'1'rvtr~ •nd 1'fl0kr~mrn nn 1opli;:t1 of the dt)·. Tuesday, .~pril 2o, 1972 I f_,. M. Boyd Prett y Gal TL11·11 s 11 11;1s 1111· '<t<111r rl1'1·1rir1!1 1n lhr ~nung 1:1rh ~· n1,l"n )JnCr r lP th.tt t'\i'lll'd 1111 ... p;in1r 1d:11·h ll•·lif'<ilr i·,11 nin111·1 :-.~ ~ht' 11 :d k(•rl ~11· H11! 1h1· tr{'t11111 1a n'i :11 !hr l,o •rd' l nJ· 1•rr<:1l 1 ("1111\plll!'r l.:1h1u':il1n1 111 l·:n~l ;ulrl d1dr1 ·1 rr.il11r !h,+r Thr ).!11"1 \.\:p, ~1u111' pn·111 'I h1•1 Jl!'-1 rfJ11 1J;.;~ll l lh· 1·11H1r1111·r ' h1·;1r1 sk1pp1·d ;.1 tn·at 1·:1 ,.1H 11;.ll_1· tl!l1n1 11L+ t111n' -they :1..,J..1·d 11,.,. [11 ... 111tc·h lu 1·11t11 1ri undr r11•1.11· Hut lor 1111·h1I,. 1hf'n• thl'I h1·l1i•v<·rl 1111·1 'd v.1r1'1i u p a p;t-,-.1oq,,\,. 1n:i1·1i11H' :1n1t 1h1·1 1•11·n 11rn1 ''1 !:1r :1-. I" 11·~1 11 1111h -.11i,:J.!(''l11 1' 1ir nl'nr·k, nb:ilrl ,!•Wl•'~ .ind r rr1tu· phnlo<: '\ut hinc 11'\I•: \Hlll l< putl\i• 11 !h;H ' ;1 ~( 1"11!111 Tl11 • 1.1hlHI tilk•·" !lllJI 1111111· Tho · du~ h1••1dr h1111 l<1kr.;; l!11r•1• '1 11 r11 \•'r 111,~ ~:1n1r t!1..;t;u11·1· ~ .. !11111 -' QUEENIE By Phil lnterlandi Klan Makes Like Radical I f\ •I\ I·. I , I , Tl1('1 ·rr ~!Il l \I 11 11 \ I 'I 1111 11·t111r .\nglu l'n 11r.~1.1111 l•1ll 11,111.id:i1" _,111111· 1np1 11h1·r<. 11r !hr· f\11 1'1 1l1). l\l;in sut111d 111(11 1• l1h1' 111111 ;1i.;f rl 111·11 lt ·l t 1 ad1!·al• lli;i11 ilit• /J111 1fl1•d !"JP"" htl/1111!).'. 'l 1 •.1li11 ~ 11f 1h•· n111t •' f.1111 1 11 .~I' 1111:1g.~ l·'1ir "lllllr hl:u1,1nrn 1hi• !\•'\' r111·1n1 1~ 1hr F ill 111 p.1 rncuL•1 ;1ofl b1~ i::i11 i't nn1rpt 1 11 g1·nr r;i) r :1t ti1·r l h;111 hk1rh · lnr1i.:ha1rrd h1pp1f" ( ·aih11lll ~ ;1 111j .JI'\\"~ Hl,'.llllh d .1 1HI 1h.i 1 •. 11 l(ti n ••. -.1 ln11 r' 11·:11 ~ :J11• If,\ 11t \Ji( 11 ::! ill ~1,lfl 111( '<'I ti ' •• 111 Ill I"\ I !1111\ i''"' • 1'1 \I I 11 ~I ' •'I II ' I ,!di! .dt/.il IHI! I t11'11 ' f\11 •~' 11 11.! 1 I\. I ,. I' !II I•• II\ .11 111n •II l llr1 I I' •••I d 1 <1 11 111 • • II \\ i'h "hi li·I< ., I . "" ...•. , ... ,.,.,,, .... ,.,,.~, i... ,,,,, ',.,. ,,,,,,., .. ,,,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,. ,.,,,,_ t ·1•11tr11ti111111f p1111·- ,.,. i11 ,,,,. ''''''''·"' lt f rl11• grt•1.•11 ,, t"t•11·.·· ' ' ' Noises Left ··r rn11\, h;u·l.i.•t'11111Hl ,., , I• !tl •11 '1 !1 11•11 •I 1 ._1 , 1 I I ~ I I l ' 11111!1 1111 ' (l!lr I 1•1• II• •, 111 I 11.1111-'" !•lrl' ii 11111 ." ,, '" " \l,ilo,1rl1 I I \\ .• 11 ... ' 111 "'-llli 111 ·' ,,, II 11 _.,I ]th II ' ~J h /Ill-:-.11 f' \\ '·1d11· ' 1111111•1'. " ' 111 •. ' ... •• \' ' '. " ' ,. I I"' •' " ' ] 1 •• \ <II ' lill (lAfl V I'll 11-_ r ANIMALogic h ..... ., " "1'.·" 1111! 111• ., •Ill p1 II ! , •• .. I••·,,., ~i • •··. h " In l.ti'I ll nh1•1'1 \1 111•, 1111 pf'ri:11 hl1uld ehapl;1111 ·if 1hr l nllrd K!a11~ 111 \pu'r 11 •:1 I I l'I \I ;111ri ;l [111 1111'1' f!l .111rl ft r;ig011 l•t 1hr \1 1('!111.:;111 Klan, 1~ :1('1 11·r11· sr rk1ng ;1n :il!i;int·t> 11 1!h ~nn1'r nf !hr kl;in~ l1~nn1•1· f 1.r~ i;;a1d tin' I I\\ li:1 " 1.,., 11 .11 ! 1 1n pu~h1ng lot n 111!11d 1 I " 1'(!1tltH11lllt1 <1!1 1' ·11 11,,.),, •1 I lll"Hj)rrt,\ llllf 1·1l1 l1il I'll Ill ! I u11r u1111 l1l'r :<: ·· '111' ,1,,' • ' t I•' ('I ,11ul I ii·'• ~' '.I ' '" IJ r l o \\ '.', " .. n 1 hr 1";,h!JJ1 · ;l ht1111 1111-··1~uy, l i.~ten lo that 111u~;ic . \Vhat station listen1r.r to-'F·U·r\:.K-Y '?" are we \ .q1 p:111•"I •·1 11 I I • ' nnl Jl!l(' •1 : )1 .+11 •11 ,1.:• ' • · ~I'< I " I < l!<·.11 l Ii \\'L!ITl-'.S ;1 1•11\Ull! ."\!111"1h j";1ri•!11F1 l;uh _ r1•r 1·1ll l\ 11);11 r1cd .. I k.11r11· 1111 hu shand ;111d I 111J11ld h;11·r 1r11ulilr ;1<: s1~•11 ii:-. I reallt.!·~! his n1n1hrr 1'<'p1•;1[1'dh r·ri(·frrd [n h11ll a ~ ·1111· hov · Rcll!'I" w;:irn hnde:-. nf lh;11. ~Ir '.\10lhrr~-1n. 1;111· 11:hn ;\Jv,;11 ~ 1•;:ill !heir ~nn ~ '111 1 bo1' ;11 1• ;1 l n1n~t 11ll· p<1ss1blt• l<1 gci along 111th · Viol e11ce ·Th~· rr;1I r nr1n1 " .\l ilt'~ ~au.I. · 1~ 1101 tile hl;u·k 111<111 b111 1J1r (·1111t·rnfr;iti1111 of p!111·r1· 1n thr !1:ind ~ 111 thr i::rrrdl' !(·11· 11h11 ni:i111p1ilr1t1• n11r l11 r s l rurn \<•11 Ynrh \\";ish1ng1"n :ind 1\11~1!111 .. '\\'1,'ri' n(1I fll'I '"·" d 111 1• li1g1\1l l••I• ' IJ1· •,1 1• I \· o•I <J.' 11 , 11111·111.ii l\1 11 JI I 111 "iiol I\(' ).'"I J11 1111' 111 1)1'1 r" 1 1 1 ~!'l id Il l\ hid~ 111 '<"ii1 11 d I II l«U 1.111 l1P d:11111 1 "I"' I .i1 0 j:!••HI:,_: I" l1 ~ht 1 i1:1! I ' ti'' • 'i! '" . " ·1·11 "'1' <I I! I "I 11 11 . " "' 'I '>I I» '·•'• ,1 11 I'"> u11d r "'I I 11,i'T\ 1111'" I 1tl11'<, .i•11! i"ll :11•h1•111.d1.1 \ ,,, I Ill' d !If'\\ i'•oi H ' ' ,. ,;11d \• ~Pl tll ,11' I l\ol , I 1·d !11 ull , i' 11! \1 11 liH'.11 '" I l\(•1)1 IP l ilt· I· f\I ,11\d 1!11" QUt-:llY -ti . "\\"h11.:h h a~ n101·1· i·:i lnnf'~. ;1 pv.1.a nr il !i;in1burgcf''" A. nr1 nn !h1· pr1.1.il. PSpr1·1:i lh if 11"-. nnr nf !ho~r. h.ill pnunrtrr.;; 11·11h ~au<;iij'.:r 111 Cit)' of Hate \Ide·.' 11as 1ntt•r1u•111 •d :ii ;1 1fUtk s!np rH'ilr his f;1rrn hn111r r11 C'oho('tilh in rural l .:1· 111gsli·...:. C'n1111ty. kn1111•n hi· n111 nl' ;is '"klan e(n111tr~ " .\ ff\.\' ·11·rt•ks riirl1 er . \l1!<'s had brPn hra1cn hv mr1nbcrs 111 Youlh 1\g;iins.1 \\':ir <1 n d Fasc1sn1 1,·h1le nn °:1 rrrn11;1ng 1r1p In \\l;i_\'11!' St:ilr l '1111·rr;;;1l1· .\J!lf~ II :I~ l11 n'll ,11 1ii I ;1 I ,I '.\l;inhall;r ll :ind !h111\..~ 1111 \\ ;1~ !111\l"f' \.\<I:-. a h .. 1 lllf1•gt".1f1Hll \\ 111 Ii Ill th:'ln !hrn· 1· 111111 \'I ' 1 l.i•I .I' rl ,!11 ' \jl •·: • .II .111if llpf ;1 11.1 111 •d 11 111•1 ii HHldllt' I 11·1,.1 'lit' 1 ll!l !"!ll l!l,11111 fll .lj.."!1 I 1·,, p<1lu·1· .111il lolo l 1!11 ·1~1 ! rh1• h1 •.1d 111 1lir \..1;+11 ·1 \I, i11 g;in :11.d 11 1111 , 1 :1:11r i1 "• knoll' ;1111 tll!llJ.: .1hn1J1 1h1• • f l • \ I ' f ' A\l ASKE!) lo 0:1n1r !hr t1r"I CS l'rl's11!rn! 11hn lr;irnrd hn\\' in rlr11·r a 1:ir 1"h.1r 11,1c;, \V arrcn Hardinµ. r lr<isr notr JlfP\ !OU~ Prr 'i1rlrn1c;, h;irl ridden In \·:irinu.<; f;inc~· <1ut pn1nt 11·r rfln1·r.1<1ncr:;; bu! nnnr e1'er prr.i:nn;ill~ p1ln1 rrl .s;ini r> \\llAT. rot · rl ••n"t k1v111 11·ha! :i 1 ·;1 rl1h·1r1~1rr i"., Th;ir ·c :i fr lh•\1 11hn r111ch1 n1hrr11 1~r hr rlr.;;;rribrrl ;1<; k.11n!'111·d (11· r r.ni h1 h;111rlrrl Or t:nll1-p.111rrl Or ~1hhlr· l 1~1 rd Th11.-P :i1r 11 1~t l11r nf thr 8/l 11a.1s !hr En~l ;:indf'r.~ .;;;11 ·1rf!-h;!ndrd '" EXPECTA/\'.l -1'hal numrrnus rxpec!;1nt mnlhf'r.<i .c;rrk ;ibnrl1nn<:; this vnung l:irh say.c; .<ihr knfl\\'.S , hu1 whil! shr> ~:1 1 s .~hf' 1!1,~·~11 ·{ knn11· 1 ~ 11·h:d prn[lllr!1nn nf s:1n1£' <irr n1 :1rri~(L l·:x:H·ll\' 44 prrrrnl , 1hc· rrrnrrl sh01<'.<i It !'ho11 ~ fur1hrr than Ii ! i)rn·rnl nf thf' rna:chr mo1t1rr<:;. m;irrird nr othrrw 1.~r arr under agr :!.'i .\ .J ET <11rplii11r n1·rr;11.!rs '.::'.! p;:i s.srngr r rn11r ~ prr ~;-1\- l(ln ri f ftu'I A 1·nr ::n p rn p J'.! :\ hti~. 120 pm p J'.! /1 pnrldlr 11hrrl .s1r,1n1hti.:it . 1:.0 r 111 pc: ,4, !0-cilr rlouble-rlrck .s.ubur· h;u1 tr.11n. '.::llll p 111 p I! Tha! <; ll'h\' th:ir l:i~! nnr. thr l r:i1n 1.s .s..11rl tn hr 1hr hrs! n1;l~~ l rflll!'ll 111r!hnrl _ \\"l\'ll -f)11 1nu J.:n<111 wh;it Rohf'rt Fulton ~<lid 11·h"1l hr u11·rntPrl 1hr ~lf'a1nht 1:i 1 ·• \n11 11·r 11nn·1 ha1·r to 11 ;111 fnr rhf' 11 111<! ·· t 1t~tnr1r:il Rut Iha! i: nnt !hr 11r111 Thr 11rm 1 ~ 11 ~ rhr 1rlrnt1eal ~rn1 rnrr rlrll\ rrrrl puhhrh· h 1 Ch<irlir '.\l;:inn;i rt fr11 1r:ir.c; ;<gn 11hrn 1hr Ja.~h1on r,;prrt •; intrnrlucerl thr m 1n1sk1rl YOU\'f. l.·\11 ''1'. prn('rrd 11·1ih r·:iu1i<1n in 1n11r cff(1r!s 111 er! ;:i rnn.~t ltulinnill amrndmrnl for equ;:il nght.~. Such 1~ ·thr ;irl11 1re nl :i ~1udr>n1 nf 1hr \:111 . .'\n ;imrnrlmcnl l1kr Lh<11. hr s;ivi:. 11111 n1;ikr 1·nu suhJret !n mditar~' cir<>fl. for nnc 1h1nc j:nr :11111thrr 11 11•111 !11rn thr child .~uppnr! l;i11·.~ upside rti-11·11 Ri• !'<i rr>l ul. hr r;irrful .1 1/drr.~., 1•n11/ rri !. .\/. Hn;1rl . r 0 . Hri r 187.) .. \·r 1r · pnrl Hrni-11 ~l'lli/111. ·-·~··----·------------ BEGIN AN HEIRLOOM WITH AN HEIR RING B Start it with the basic ring in 14 karat t ext ured yel low gold. Then up-date it wi-th t ile birthstones of children or grandchildren or any joyous occasion . Remember your precious m oments. Individual prices var y_ a ccording to t he genuine precious or semi- precious stones d esired. Each ring may be set with up to eight stones. Allow ten days delivery. A. Basic ring, $37.50 8 . Wrth emeralG; and diamond, $122.50 Do Something Beautiful. .... Ch1rq1 ll.ccou11t1 l"viltO. &,..tric1" IE•P•t11 &1•~•,..•roc1rll """ Ml"•' Ch•rqt loe. SLAVICK'S .Jr1· .. 1,,r~ Si11<'" l~li 18 FASHION ISLAND NEW PORT BEACH-644 -1 380 Opflll Mon . .a nd Fri. I 0 .a.m. to q:]O p.m. > Wllh lo<•li1n1 of : T1rt1iw:•. 0 ••11qf, L• CtrrlloJ. L• Hl br,, ~ tllo. S1" Dlt'lll & L11 Utq,1. L •-••w• ~··· "";rr'•~",,.""~ ·.:. ~-'(.,,11 ,..\'• !I \ H 1: 1:-;n\'\"ll.I I·:, 11 ·1 •1 • -('h;irlir .Stm p;:(ln 11 ;1. r .thrr ii "'h11n1 ' or ,1 "hrollhrr ·The d11t r rr 11tc t1•11~ n111r·h ;ihout ;i ~n1a\1 11r~tr-rn '.\l 1~ .. n11n li•11n di11rlrrl h\I \1 lr.~11 Ir ;111(! il''. ul 1:1•1f!;11 !l•l,!hi. l1·:1r p1 Hd1u ( d h1 ~11 li11l l1•1:-I 11 •fll :111 \I I ';11 1,1111· ·1·1ij\] IM ~li ! (' IT ,1 1· \ '' i; '"fhtirlu,-· S1111p:-.0 11 :!.\, ~tt'P pr•d 1•111 u! hr" (':11 HI I i1 1· cr1111·1l11i11•1· •q1 1;1ff· .1nd 1,1 1·d his ri fl<· 111 h111"~I'-. 1nu:·den 11:"· I\ ill l 1r~t. :111rl 1llr11 ra 11d0n 1 \~. \ti ii f t'I\ 11111111 1 f"' 1 \\"II p!il 11·•·1nt't1 111·rt' ki lled . a J">ht'r 1lf 11 ;1 ~ 111111ntlrd ;1111! thrf"l' rrs1d t•nl " (ii I! ,11T1 ·nn1 fl\c 11 r rr 11· .. 1uul1·d "!"h1"1 :-;1rnr.:-nn p111 1h1• l'lt'I h.1• )1 J It\ h,<; Plni!l!l :1 111! l.1111 r! I 11 l'il l.,111 '' 1 I l ,. ~ : ..; 1 ni•1rl di'j(·IH\•111' n11 n1or 1·.r fn1 1J·r ... 1a1 111:.:~ 1•\1 ··pl 1 .. 1nt1 •• 11:~1,11• tl.11 11·d { (I f I {' ti) i' fl ' ;1 I) HI \ ol \,111 1·11 fl! t r: .1 I ~ l'!;\'lf':ilt'd 1 i h !'d !l1r \11\f d "'ht·J"~(·r~ 111 d1• 1·t\IJ!I\~ 111{' rxp\ri!-.1on nl 11nlc·1u·r· ··~irret pf'1lpl1,·· 111 1h1." to11n nf :i.~on ~;11 1hr.1 r ;111 un- dr1·,,,1;1nd 111iii1 <Ir hi r S1111p~(1 n to nii:rrlrr 1ilo!ll'.h thr1 dn n11l c•ind(1tlr th\' kiil 111g ""IT Jl-~T i.:nt tn hr h•n inut ·h f.,r hirn ,;11rl J)ri11g ~nr;id ,.11r nt Ill" 1n 1 ~l tl l"" nf hn:h •cl,11r11 •l 11r!rnt~ ;ind \ 1r 1 n:nn 1 r t.-•1·:111<; lrtt 111 ~ lhr>1r h:t1r gro11 \on ::. :ind \f\U 11)'.!!11 ~ ;1r•1l111rl thr <:;qu:ir<· · !Ir JllSI 1·nuldn 1 st;1nd L1 This tn\1'n 1hr 1r ;i r. thr l :ir ~ nf prisl'n rf'f<1r1n Hr ln\·rrl rr::i· plr. t)ul 11 f1n;i\l 1 cnt 111 111111 "!Ir 11 ;i• ;i p<1r1 f1:-.t. h111 thr !r n,!nl1 111.1 h111h up and 11 h:id tn er ! l'U I ,'" •;qd H111rh ·\llr n ;1 l1 1<'11rl nf ~1 1np~n11 (',l ,., ("n1111I\ !'r11,,,1•1·1J1nr ])p11 \\"h•1!'!",lf1 rl 1 .. :ii:rr••(1 · I Ir 11 :1< :1 rP 1 nl1111n1';11·1 11 ; 11 ;1 h;11 rr>rt 1n11 :ir"rl \<111 r >' fnn ·r 111,'n1 1n ;ill 11• f1tr11' 1· 1., riin11 ,rr·d 11111 hr h;1d hp<·I !lll f(l"l ll!'-fHI" "fi1 1H'11rt)('. ;\1•d 1111 \..i ll 111c ni:11· li:1 1r h"1'll :hr pr 11d1u I ,,f 1 h;1 rl p·1p ' \)l:it 111r nr-d 11 1 h 111 \\1• h:111> P·' r i i<fi·•ll'<' ilr 11·11~ <IT'ii\'' 1-'11- d:i\. h<lll'C'\"r r.'" \\"hitr·r;il ! ~a ir! "lie 11 ;i, 1ust ;i h11 1n · -.11d a !'ri·i ir·f> ~ta! 1nn a11r 11rl:111\ 11 h,., rl irl not 11·1sh lo hr nan1 rr\ ",\t 24 hr jll."1 s;it <1rn11nr\ nn thr- c-n11rthot1"C' gr;ii;~ l '1 r knn11·n Charlie ;1 -41111" fq r ~c1·rn 1 r:ir..s.. ;ind hr u~r>rl 1n hf' ~II 'richL It 11,;is 1h;i1 pnl Jh;it d1d it tn hin1 ·· S1mpS11n·.s frir nrl:-"<1 111 hr di<I n<11 u.;;r drugs nr u.c;rd them on]~· rar£'1~ LITTLE \\.'A~ kn1111n nl)oul S1111p:::0r1 e~ccpl hr hl'cd in Hrildrn. ;\ln . :ihr111! 2~ 1nilr.<i ;i11·;i11. llr 1rrirkrrl :it a f;ir1nry thrrC. ro1111"11111ln~ In 1 l:irri.s<ln· 1·ille, 1l1c l'nt1nl _\· ~r;11. 11'1!h 1\s WHAT ARE THE DATE S OF WAR S IN WHIC H THE UN ITED STATES HA S ENGAGED WHIC H QUA LI FY VETERANS FOR FUNRAL BENEFITS? ,, by EUGE NE 0 . BERGERON r nr 11l a!1un nf ··~trrr1 J)f'flplp'' r s;1n1;irrO h\' rhr r r n p I r 1hr1n .s.cl1r.s .i i nn mnrp !h:in lflll ,\)It'll said S1n1psnn w;i ~ s;i1·· 111.c his 111nnrv In purch;i~r .~r1n1r> l;inrl "ll'hrre hr enulrl 111 r 111lh ;i ll hi-.; hrnthr>rS ;>.nd 11111 l'>f' h:1•~lr11 h1 ;i11\unr " lf\ nr1rn1! JAYCEE SSP RACING DERBY Aqe~ 7-12 compete for prire$, trophies and f l y vi<t American A irline$ to Indy 500 t im e trial& South Coast ?laza ~hf1 P' 1111 lJ<;f'd ~I ''1111 ol hi<> s.t1 111'.!' Tri b;i1l i~J,eln nf h is Jr 1t1nds uul nl \Iii' llarrison1·illf' 1:111 lr."" than 2•1 hnurs hrlril'e 111 ~ <l\\'!l d1»1lh \1j\r.c; n1;idr ;i µ111111 uf n•11in:: th;-1t ii 1\<I S <I ~rnup nf h[;1(k stllrlr nt <. 11 hn p1 il\r'rl th r l r:id11·:il 11 h1lr ~·ouths i\lf !~1111. "I!'.<: 1·i dii·uluus !nr 1h" hl;ic·k r..;;;;, ____________________ .:,/ ____ ._ ________ ._ ... .., n1;111 To hr ('flns1dP1·"d <I rhn.•nt " :\11\cs .s<11tL ·· '\ftrr ;Ill, hr"s 111 !hr sarnr pns111n11 <lS us-lhr 11("t1n1 of an r vil cnr· rJ<1r;11r .<;1;ttc.·· ~ ·r11r ;1 r n:sts 11('r1· n1n1·t• 111 ;i ~cries n! tn isdrrncano1·~ 11"/111·h had hern pi11ni.:. up ;irnong the long ha 1rrd 11lt1tl· ~111rr <"!hnpt 11\0 1r;ir"' ;1g ... al·1· .. rd1n c; tn \\'h1 tl-r:ift. \!o~t nf thr atTf'~I .~ 111·rl' 111 thr ('n11rth .. 11-r ~fJu:ir1·. 11 llll'li h;id hrrnn1r :i ~\ ni h<1I nl !hr d 111~1nn ot !hr to11·n-.rcnplr hr-111{'<'!1 !hr ··~1r;11gh1 ·· and .. long h;i\r~ ·· '"\Vr \r bcrn oppressed. Inn. \Josi 111' 11s kl;insn1en are 1 11·nrhers. r11hcr 1n 1he sm(ll\ sh11p.~ or al thl' lari.:e <1.ssen1hlv p\:1n ls. :inrl :ill rif us h;i1·e_ h:id rn S<"r<"!tt ·h for ;i 11\ in!!." ' " ,, SPIRAL SLI CED WHOLE OR HALI'- HAMS " . So Good It Will Hount Yau 'Til It's Gone" ~"' I'"' , ... •no' A o ' ,, •• Q •~ •l ,,,. ,,,., n" ' ·~r'\ n• Or I """ P<MV, •to '"·' REl A.ll STORES .. " ' ,•,..~·· ]700 £ Coo\t Hiqh ... .,~. Co1ont11'el Mor -'7l ·•OOO S l\11'~1 1.\'S Fl{l t-:'IJS ";i1d !+llr ,,f 1hr 1h1n1!" 1hat 1·;iu~1·d l1t111 tu l :i~r up hi ~ r 11lr l 11r 11111rdrr 11;1 <; lhr <i r rr ~!s l·:1 .ch1 ;irr sons wrre <irr('~\f'fi iiltcr ;i st<1rr<111·nr r on the squarr 11rdrrcd !lirn1 111 d1sh;1nd ;ind 1hc1· refusrd A li.cht ensued . For 111<1111 1e<1rs :\\1\r-. 11 1~ :i rn:i nagr r ;ind s;1tr1~· lP•·111rr>r 11 1rh lhf' 1;rnrrl'll Ar1·1df'nt l ns11r;"1n1·r !"11 llr 11•a<: <1.s.k1'd !O rrs1gn ;i1!1·r sprak1ni;! ;1t 11 puhll!" \d<in r:ill1• la~\ \'f';"lr \'nw hr f;1 rn1<; <ind r(lnduf"1 ~1 ).; I :t n r hu rr h .c;r r 1· ire~ 11 h 1 I' h ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ rrsen1 ble tund<lmenlal pr<"l~·er r 1212 S. B•ookh11r,r, A11ohcim 611·2••1 ·r;hc 101 1ths 1V•·rr discuss ing thrre nrd111<1111.:r :; p;issrd hy the r1t1· 1·nunril hann1ni,: p11bl1r oh~c·1•111t1· ;ind l 1 Jll I I I !l t: p;rkrnn~ and "puh\J(' g;1!hrr· 111~<;" 111 thr 1011·11. Thr ~l rrrl pr 11plr lr lt l hr nrd1n;1ncr ~ 1\r1·r ,11 n1rd d1rrl'll\' <it curb· 1n g 1hr1r C!t:t11·1t1 ;ind il l'l'CS.S l•I 1111· :-;quarr .. Thr 1· fr1•I 1hr1 arr !wing h;ir;1s~rrl b~ thr r <;!;:ihll.i:h- rncnl. ~:i 1rl \\'h1trr:il1. '"Ru! lhr _1 :irr h<1r<1S.<i1ng t h e 11111 n~rc11pl(' b_1 their fnul l:inc:1 1<1gr . hlf1rk1ng rraffl\ and puhhr dr1nk1ni: ·· "",\II 1he1 rln nut 1hrrr i.c h.111"' 11rg1cc .~;1 a1 '" .1lrl1•rn1.1•\ '"I II.\\ E 1h r lr «l1ng iill\f\111' 11 ,tll 11\ng ha11· ~!<1 nd1ng ;ir·n1111d l•<i~ :1 gr···d • h<111r r flf gplt1ni,: .j,.1 •,11rl S1r1 r [1:11r npnr1 ;1" 1u• ~!·~•rt <111 ;.i ('/1 rnrr r1f !hf• ~1111:-i 1r ~ ~\rr~·whpr·r ~(111 co. !lit•\ ·r f' hu~l •It' .. Tht'r1· 1,111 ;i11111l1111.: \1• do Ill ll11s tn11n CXl'ept 111ect 111 thr .~qu:ire."' said Snr<id ··v.:hcr·" d01hel' ... ~n1 ll" In i;11~" Rcf<irr Fnda1· n1i:;h!. \hr h;ittlr> n1'er thr .srr>rnini::ly ~rrr>nl' t ntirthnusf' squ;irr "':i s nnr of d1r1\' lflnki; anrl mii;dr - 111r <"1nors. Nn1\· !hf' trnnr 1<; rlif· frrrnr. <i1 Ira~! .so f:ir ;:i.~ thr s1 r r ct pfflplr sec 11. · I exper l !<1 ~r" t h P r11urt hnu~r nr school hurn dn11o·n." said 11nr ~·nu th. sps.s1nn ~ ~fi les IY<l .S <I! l'Or111)<1111<'rl ii! 1hr lrurk .<ilop hy his nrphP11· Ed Hf'inirr, 29. Rn1h 11'rrr rhnrgrrl la.~I 0C"1 nber a\n11g 11"11h four nthrr~ pf 1'11nsp1r1ng 1 !n ll!11';1r!;. frdrrnl r·our1 nr·drr l and lhr righ1 .s nf olhl'r r1 T P.e11~1 in 1111' d11n:irnitr·i.gni1rd h11rn -• 111g nf ·\II Pnnt1 ac \!if·h . srh1 1o1 h11~r~ shor1[1· hrfore ii r·nurl·orderrrl 1ntrgr<"lt inn 0[1· !he ritl''.s. srhnnl~ . Hrirlicr 11o·a~ nr•I fnrl1c!£'rl 1 hrr;:iu ~r ni l n s u , r i c i r n , I PvirlPn«e A.<ikl'cl :1hru1 t "!hP rnn- .sp1r<1r1 ... 1\liles grinned ''\I. hat I rnn~p1r:iev-:""' ] ·· 1 rh111k 1hr FRT rl1rl rl1r hon1h1n~."· hr .s;i1d . ··if tl+t'.' 'rr r c:ip;ihlr nf pcnrlr<11i ni! tfP Sf)S. thP \\'r <ithr r!l1<111 <l ']ri 11lr nthrr .c r1111 p~ 1h;it h<11'r hrrn ;i1 ·<·11:-rd nl homb1n r.. 11 hv t·o11lrln'1 thry hfll"<' dnnf' i! rn l 1'111111;11 q •• In 11hri1 l111·nrd n1il 111 l•i• :1 111.qnr thr111 r nf h1 ~ n1nn1nl'. ro1n111rn1;:ir1 _ :'111 lr.~ added "lf the trend · tn11·ard lhr n;i- l innali1.a1 i<1n nf thr. police f'On- l1n urs. "·r 'rr g01 ng tri encl up • in rnncrntr;itinn C'ilmps v.1rh ! the hearrled radical~. son1r nf! !hr hl:irks. ;ind ;:invnne el.~r · 1rh11's nppnscrl 111 fede r til ;:iulhnritv 1\f i lr~. rlPrfinrrl 1n .S<I\' nn11• man\' J.:lansmrn thrre 11·cre 1n ~1 icti iJ!<1n. Rut he s:11d lhe UKA had 411.000 membPr.~ in 221 states and Canada 1\·hen 11 ""'"<-SI Al Hirt Has Operation,· I I Sli111111ed Down to 290 1 NF.\V ORLE ANS 1AP 1-.J<17.7. ntr ~ l1~t of t11lments lhrtl in-1 trun1prter Al flirt 1.c; hriC"k nn rlurlcrl d iabe!c~ ;ind an 1r-, Rnu rbon Slrf'rt hl<11o11ini;: h i.~ rrguli:tr hf'ilrlbe;it. . j horn. anrl if v<1U think he's stiil Hirt read abou! Or , D <l\'ld f;:it. "Baby.· you should ha ve Hurni'. chief of surgery a! the seen me before." Virginia medical complex. and Hirt. 4!1. underwent surgery his bypas~ operation. for Qbl'Sitll !\1arch 1 at !hf' Hirt s<iid he would rcrnm-1 r.iledical cOllege of Virginia in mend it to other nhesr Richmond. Pf'fSOO.<i ,"providing !ht~' mrc! ;ill l hP qualification~. n f ''I'm do11·n to 290.'" hf' s<iid in criurse <111 intr·r\·1r11 "I l\'t 11!hrd 3.13 ··rm not restricted nn"' in \\·hen checked into the ...,.h~I 1 ran eat. but I an1 OI/}y Coast ~ SoutfierlJ.. Qffers · 63 Guaranteed Certificates ·Saturday Service ·The Insiders Club f··l l •• "•-,. T h ~ Insiders Club: A J ".'/ \•:ay l o bcilt 1n fld ti on. l;s ll'f'IT'bership earn r c:rrr11s Vl"lll lrJ buy !1 ".:it!·1 Pvrry· thing you nrrr1 lrorn !he l1r cs~ t lo4rcJ.tJour ::,ho:1· roonlS a! ::i ul '..!iH\!1a l sr11- ir·h~ -· Rrr,J·anc"-;, f11 r n1 · tu rf'. !--':-•r<J c-ri 1trrr 1•1•t. sriortini.; hOOdS, drnncr1cs and m UL.h, n1uc:h more. You l an C'Vr:n t uy c.ars at !'le "llcf;'t" pr1c.c and 1nohilc hO:l'''. an{f motor- cyc.lcs at substa ntial sa11- ir1gs. The Insiders Club -- t 'h·-: 11r A•·"'''" l a·1 · t;"· 5.00%-5. 13% 5.75%-5.92% ( , ~ 'I' r " (., ' . ' r r c r: "' 6.00%·6.18% , ;,[) '• I ,,.. ", • r " . ;.:, I 1!1(, I/ , ., ,, . r• .. V I ti'"'"' I • '1 'f' · •' I I''(' r,11,-d . I' n ,u p ru1111 lt s L 1.oi d •·,- LOl;r I ~ Otl I cl..f'IS !O srnn- 11 g and en !•'1ta1111n cr t f'I Cll!S ••. fl llJS a v1hol'"! !1'"i! o( fr!'~ $f'rv1cf'S· safe cfnriosit hoxn~, 01on"y or - tlrr s , t ravel('/:; checks, i'111U nr1'!lr / '.;"r111c.rs. f\1 r rnhr•rshin r <'rtuirc- r 'r ' !(1r 5,1.-~•". -'.!:2 500 !' 11 .1r r1u111 I ,,lr1 11c", Con ~.t l 1or r1111!·r~. 1 r1.•J rr c.r •\/C' (1:0· ~{)L "1lc rnc n1t,cr~l 11ps r-n· t1!l1 ng !hen to Jll ou t ">1 cJ~ r eferral s c r111c.r :,. A s.k about jo1n1ng at any Coa~l office. MAIN 01! •t i "" & 1-l / .•• , •••• ___ -,l 0 -• •• ~Ii 1r ·. WILSHIRE •I GRA l,0.4[~CY '1..AC£: J')"\J 1'. 1111«r l'wn , l .A. • .368·126~ l A. CIVIC r r"ITrR· I •~.< •' 11UNTINGlOlll RrAr.H· '•: H • Ir'' < ~: ., ( "I •Ii 1!'1 • SAlllTA MONICA / .. i 'N1 ' -• t·,. S AN PlDRO ,"J"I I. f • " W£ST COVIN"" , - " L •·11 ·-· '·r·r r;,: t•· • PANORAt.1• Cll'I: &>'>.r:.v,..,~,/~l:i»~ •E'• lARZAlllA: _,, jJ;I~! \/~r'h"" !1,d, • :;;4 _..aL.·I I ONG 8 £"'Cli: J•a & l n~u·.1 • 4J7-lr.or £A ST tOS ANGCLCS: 8''1 & Sato • ::i1i&-45JO OIAMONO BAR: :1~R n •• "n""'J flar Blvd !i i.\) !i'.l~·7!>2 ~ Daily Hours -9 AM lo 4 PM Op@n S•turd1 ys - 9 AM to 1 PM !~• ~ot C•v1< c~r1:sr) ' COAST . AND SOUTHERN FEDERAL SAVINGS ~ ~ ... ~ ... . " . Sp•11i1h·ArMrlc•11 W"' -Aprll 21 , 1191, ttlrouth J111ly 4, 1902, h1ch11l'f•. Me•k •11 larcNr l'erlH -M•y •. 1t 1•. through Aprll I , ltl7, h1elu11.,,. Wort• w., I -Aprll '· l t l 7, ttlt•lfCJh No"MIMI 11, 1 f l I, ktchnl••· Werlll Wer II -O.C..,.IM, 1, 1941 , throlHJI! Dec:tm!Nr JI, 1t4•. h1c lusi•a. kor"" Co11fllc:t -Ju,.. 27, ltlO, Hirouth Jo1111ory J I, ltlS. htch1.ift. hni;p1!<1L " tryin.i;: 10 rool it." he ~-'lcl U:===========-:-:':=====""=""".'o;== .... ==:;;=:;;=:;;-::====::!! The ~11rgerv ;:ichicvf'd 11 ____ : __ ___ __ _ ___ _ ~ hypass nf the 'small intestine •. !!,------------,------~=---:=:---:--------------------- !• .:hich ,h,,,h,'" estimat ed 8() ..r ~QCM stereo lOaFM ,, , . •, Poit•ICorn11 Co11fllct -110 Np 111 9Ct i•o d11ty MfTko, ...-port of whk h K••""d •''"' Jo1111ory JI , 1'55. Vlet110111 l ro -A11911U 5, 1,,4, 1111til 011dl119 br P••1ld•11tlal 'tocla111otla11 Of Co119r•1sio11ol '"ot11tl1D11. If ro• ho•o a ~11"tlo11 obo11t fu11•rol 11,,.lco, plt <n• will• or call. Who11t1•11 possi blo. ~ul'ltl•M will bo of11wo,.d 111 thb colu"'"· Bolt%•8ergerott f'unerol lfou1e COSTA MESA CORONA d•I MAR 646·2424 2 LOCAT IONS 673 -9450 ··-' • ; • percent or wh;i1 is eaten . Wilh the bypass. Hirt wHl Rbsnrb less food . "'1th a wright loss nf p<ch,ps 100 poond•. the sounds of the harbor lfirl .said hr h;irl t.r if'd e11rry diet he ever read nr l1e;irrl I I I '"""t '"<l "mu >t have lost ~,-.l:::::d'.~~:---:7 2 · . 1ours a lay 1.500 ro11nfls O\'Cr the years. I'd ~fl up and dn\vn. ·· "My doctors frH .lhat in the nrxt 'couple or yrars an m y prnhlcrn s 11rrr cn1ng tn blnw ur nn me .' hr ilddrcl, Uck inll'. 8 DAI LY PI LOl ·-~ Fo1· T11e Reco1·(( • Dissol11tions O:f /J,,,,.,·ia~1e ,.,.,., o ...... ,, •• , f<,.,1 • .,, .J~I •• •'" v,,ii.~m ,,~, - ,._" . A•''" ( '" .. , ,., ,, .. A ler·~ r ".,. '· rr .. ,_. A "•"'' '' .\rn ~.~.i · ~'" ! ,, ••·•ir •·"" 11 r>... • y •"' , '" Cl ("I"" ''" ·• ood • """ "•! I '" '" A ' \, .. , /_ ' ' ..... , ~ ... , , ,, I "' • • ,•, 1 ~ .. ~ "' '1 I""" 11.u-,ell t • '" i o,11 A "~M R•t ll•";I II i r '""'"~ )'~'" 11,·~••I ·~~ l>v•r Ano {""' l•I• I'••~''" I'••< l'-'"" l>M' !'••~,.,.A •oN 1n•n M•ltnn t n•··''"" I r,., V""'""''' •rid ll «~••d r • ' ~ · 1•1 lr•·o v .. 11,.1,.0 ~"d '"·"'>"I• " ~· , .. ~,. ... ' ' ,, ' ~./,ft ' '·1 < ~•IJ ' '·"' <\ •I'!: •ofl ll •r;••I, )""'' ........... "'~ •·•"•' <I<•. A n~.1 !'d i• M"' l "A•lt• I+, fl ·~••r l.rn~• J,,, e nd I"" V IJ••~nl, ,Ort>~' A •U1'1 I. <lW"' W t•"I"' R~• .<."' ''"'' dr.r\ 1 • .,, l •• "~••t ~. LoU" 1; 4nd Tt'"\• M A1Jr~1 U "<lb p """ fJWiQhl r 'll1l••'>mL /,'.d<i•lln~ C n~<! Gl!'O•ge I'!. ,_.,, '~' i\A,lil>'~ I' •n<I Jonn fl'oli<•T H•,,th, El~;ne 'I ""d tl•n• (. 1''.11>. Li<i••" l ucl!le •~d ll:O<ln•• r'""" r1 .+!0•<1. ""''' ~•Y• and Jo~n f"l•u•v C.leno J •n• DQrO 4nd J ~mt• II•• ll•••• \, ,olll• \'"'""" •n<I lliohdld, Cn~mpQ. ~h<rlty l Orr&>ne •nd J im•• l/,rl vo~. E1>•••t<I At>rU 4 -;,,.,.,~en, 'llond,, IA~•,1•1 •~d (h•rl•' Po;·mon1 /,'o•}" Cl•t•n•.e II •nd Jud.tn Ann• ll~clo.~•m, Aloce MA• •nd Ro~in Allred ""'"("· He••n i: Mir! !<OWM(l D. (,,1 .... l h , IA and W1Ula'11 II, I> \W~, 0 •o•o• J 0<1<1 (o!nrrln~ E f'ln.\, r;ancy Dalo••' •nd ltl••Yin, Sl•Y•"" fhrt.•r• l ovi•• 1nd ~ltll Bu•w•ll Hun"'" G•Y•e S and J"''"' D.M. fl•"Y· ~nl•lon• J •nd ll <>Ce•! A. Kn""'" Bev1rlv1nn And Wllll•m Eowin. IJreere, $and•• Jun• •nil llo~r! f,•rllon A•bri11n1 , Cl"•vl J~n• <1nd 11,ch1•d W~tlt• $C>U1n, 8•rb••• G11•n 1n11 H1rry Rob- •" C<><i~•. €11olvn A. 1nd Ktnne!h 8. ,t.r~na•. Elvi•• l•e ana H8rnld Floyd, Pn,s. D••lon• ana Slanley Gu•. Har<1n11•Qn. lloo•rll Y, al>CI John M . (,1 ,,1~,rll , Carolyn Jo•tt 1nd Muir \·:~·~· DI 'i""' I•, P"1'1ci~ L """ Jo11p1> Gcn •o• OnnM1. O•v·d A ono Zdnd<• D- '' ""· JOd~OI ,\r•Q Fled Lr nd.1, J.!11~•" All•n •"" P11rOci~ rtl•fl• 1•.ol••, IJ•v•<I• I~. •nd John t~ 'M''01<·•, ll~rtooro [ onu r A l oll CMJJ.lyn J_ •M R.lch•ra ttl. _ (_ l•rl.t• l~ao~" fdeen onO Ji m!-< ll•Y· ""'"<1 ~l\cL"""' Ilona\!! C. and M11r!., (,. "·~•1e-. M••Y let arid lllcnora N \,rl<''· 001111111 G. and S~ndr• Janr . llc•un•n. Howard O. •nd M1rglr· Lte "ti~ ,t.m O<tf"(). J ill Hrltn and Fr"'1••1c~ (1'>11•1•'· Ntvln, Pa!ritll Lynn 1nd PMl/11> Orn· nls_ lloo•tr, A<loll M ond Eowo•C WIYM. Cou!!tr, Di•"I M .. and Jonatn1n 5. F11mr,ttn, Gtr•ld ( anr, C•rolyn I. Sanchrl Ma• [l, •r d II 1& Jlutr, E11een €, "'"' 51epnrn L. F1>i'd, Jonet tt:•Y •nd Thom•1 L. C•<lo, tt:81nrvn Loi/ht •nd Atexarw:ter Louis, 5P"""'· Uioikt (, and llfCllAtd c . F i•ns!eln, Bonn•• llul" on<! Paul K'nl. Lowl" J•llrev ~-~. An<! 1<;01hl•<'n, Sf~el, B•rvl •nd S••Phtn Frdnk. E'qull>•I, Tonv J. anr1 EL•i• E (081!. S~n<lrA tt:Av Uld Dan;•! Alon ~ml111'0n. Jtrr~ Lt~ ,1nd Karen lli;,n• Bohnhu<I. Md1<el,nf L. And f.•e<l•r1ck " A~•Ji l•ra, H•.,•v ~no Ru!h M~rl• ..:0111,n., M"'"" ""o 11>"""<1'"' V•nn, Roi!• Krr,.111 ~no Lynn Elltn l'•'ttar, M••Y BA,lla•d ~n<l B•i•n ( 010•, D•bd•1n Lvnn 1nd O•vld Ro.- Dealh l\'otiees AYOELOTTE: f;•l'e c: AvC•IOll• I!;'>() flnB v ••• ~ CJrclt, C t·~·,., I "t"'· IJ~I· '11 .;Je111n , A,,,,, n. i.11. SurviVM! l)V l1uSCl>tl<I, Wend•ll l'I Ayll•lo!· le. 1ovr •n~, ~ooer!, P•lfr , Jnn" ~n<I M,cn~rl, two <lauu1,trrs, l(imllrrl~v 1>"'1 l l>ufel. ,111 of (o•1• Me•a; molnfr, M"· MMv Cdllison, OAk l1nd; gr1nd•on, "'""''" A~dclutle, Co••• Me•~ lltQU I•"' M""· lon1un•. Tuf.,ldV. ~ PM. St. J~nn th~ lleo1i'' {Mhn!lt (~v•c n En!omh,..,en•• f'•c<hc v;,,., Memo.iol P•r~. P•cll<t V•fW Morlu~rv, Olreclr>•>. OLIVEll !; \::_ Gene OliYt '-7l59 NewDOr! l!lvd, Co"• Me•n. Oalf of d••lh. A1>rll 1•, lt/1, ;';ut vo11rd bv wile. B•,n<r• e• I~ hnm!; <J•uuht~r~. Mr~ C t _ Por;nn. ~"''""'""· 1~, M•; (J~v ·d 11 fl<"'" lo• V•vO'I; '""• Dou;I ~• L (JI .,.,,, ~oco·.1·r>eoto; b•otl\.,,, ll•v' All•n c. r~u J rr.'"~'d 011v1r. II! ol \V••'-P"'"'• J,,,~ 1>rMi<ir'1lld•en1 •"" two """'' v•11n(l('hl"I'"" ~e•v•re• will be l'>fld \'led'le\!'.1•, Apn l 7/., 7 rM., P1ci!lc View cn,1prl In'"""""' f'•d !lr View Memorl8! r .;r~ P~r.ll•r V••W llorlu•r\I, Dlrfc!o,.. TRACY lr,li~ Al""'" '"''Y •OJ W. llln S•. (.n•:1o Mr•,1 0"'" 11! <1•·~1h. April'/'/, 19!1. ~urltoVN! ~.-wll~,. Uorn•hv ~r•n<ce• T••tv c '~" (I (•"<I' Lr,•ir R Jr,1cv, cl 11 onolulu <J,1v;hl••. Crn:l~n•• Holl.•nd, P~<•(I•"·' Scr..-or •·-'"II ll• ""l<I l<•~­n•«M\ 1 r "" Hdl ·"~" C~•r~' R<'• 1i011. 4'"'T"• ,,1 '"'' ~•'''~•'<>Nm• ~un•,~t Ho.-nr. c~1•• "~'" !)1,•f!•" ARBUCKLE & so~ WESTCIJFF' l\10RTUARY 4~7 1::. 17th SI.. Cost~· l\1tsa 646--4888 • l~ALTZ BERGERON Fl ':'\f,BAI. 110!\fE ('nrona d<'I J\lar lii:l-9450 Costa l\le~a 646-%424 • nt:LL BROADW,1.\' l\fORTUAR\' 110 11roadway, Cos ta l\.lesa LI 8-343::: • J\1cCOR~\11CK LAGUNA J1F:Afll '.\IOHTUARV 1795 Laguna Ca nyon Rd. 414-9415 • PACIFIC VIF.W ~l l':\101\lAL PAllK Crmtlery l\1ortuary ~ Cbaprl :'!500 Parific \litw Orive ~c"·port nrach. California 6·14-~iOO • P F.EK FAJ\IlLV COLO:\IAL FlJ111\JERAL HOME 7801 Bolsa Ave. \rtstminslrr 193-3525 • S'.\IJTRS' l\10RTUARY 627 Main SL UaaUngt.<in Be1cll '3U531 LEGAL NOTICE -suliiltli:iilcov"oF·~,~,o,--1 STATE 01' CALll'OllNIA FDR THI COUNTY DF OllANGE No, A•7Utt 1'10TIC( OF MEAPING OF "EllT\0'1 1'011 PllOl.t.TI DI' WILL AND 1'011 LETT,lllS TESTAMf:NtAP'( E•la!e (11 (A.Ill ~lll SCO .. Ut<f11••d NOTICE IS H€JIE'8Y (;1VEN Ina! MAXINE FRISCO he• liltd "''''" • ptollllcn IO~ prob•!I o! wilt 1nd !or h - t ~ullnt::f ol Le111r1 Tt•!1>m.t>t1ry to Poll 1;on1r r1l1r•nc• to ·wnl(h it Midi IM lur!t>fr p11r!ltul••1. 11nd lhAI l~I ll"'f I"~ J>l•re ot h••""ll mt '"rn~ na1 tw~n .,, .fo' M•W 'I, 1'77, .. , •)I) ..... In ..... · •~u'l•nom til O•l!ll<i"'f"' lllP l n• ·~"' ~'rl.cpu t1 11 1 1f,() Civl• (en!•r Ori•" 'N11•. 1 1-fl~ •~• {_1 1~ ol 5an•~ An1. (~ll•o•~·t Joke 01(-U1iless It's 111 W1·iti11rr b Uy ARTllL'ft R. Vf~SEL D! !~• 0 •1!1 ,.!loll SI•!! NATL'RALLY y0u 've heard about tht boy y,·ho crird y,·olf ju~t to crt:i!t t~citrmt;nl, but the story or the p<illce· m8n who quit to go lo Pennsylvan ia is funn ie r. And it ended more happily for the printlp'11 charactrr. One Orange Cna ~t lti\\ n111n 1s in· deed hradinj! [or Pennsyl\'anlfL One of his pnJs 1s not. though he said he was. 'rhis is he eausc he turned 'in a phony rcs1gn:it1on -effective Apri l Fool's l)ay -1:1ting .a chance to head cast wi!h his buddy and go into private enterprise. VIN!~L HE CLAl1\fED after 18 years on the beat that he craved greener pastures. Being t~ polict depJrtmenl's perennial prankster, he presumed his resignation would be recognized a.~ an April Fool's Day stunt. Somebody once said presumption is the father of folly , or something like that. Supervisory officers y,·ere so surprised at the off icer's sudden resignation that it wasn't immediately questioned. His resignation was channeled to the chief. ills termination was transmitted to city hall .. HIS NOTICE was accepted, with official regret. Now wait a minute •.. " said someone who knc1v him well . "Now wait a minute ... "the dismayed officer \ras also saying. or words to that effect. City officials conferred and quietly corrected the mat. ler, but dec ided to provide a practical lesson in pulling practical jokes. lfis paftD~('.l in.:\a\'fS_ ~'..~Jt. .. enJisted t-0 sen_d a .snapshot of a quaint C:Qtlage in the Pennsylvania \\'OOd~. a bill for ~·50 rcnL deposit put do1\n for him and be st wishr!i in his new c<1reer. TREY AL.SO said Penn!)llvania job possibilities were poor. but suggested the gtockyan:ls might need a bullpen shoveler. Confessing his April l caper finally, the capricious cop eouldn't manage a chuckle when a poker-faced city man. ager said he could qualify as a new employe by forfeiting his 18 vears of seniori ty and retirement benrfit. lie. wAs hav ing about as much fun as lwo en,(!incer!i in a head .. in train \1.reck. "We've done abnut everything we can think of lo him." declared one conspiralor after the staff admitted it!'I 011·n joke. "I'VE PULLED pranks in ll1is department for 18 y('ar!' but this is the last time 1'11 put anything in \\Tiling," grouc~d the jokester upon \l'hom one had backrired. Fair Board Approves 'Actio11 '72' Events ·. , District Reperts Pai1· Wit1 Roi111<l NewSewer Would In Scl1ool Battle Help Clean Water SA~'TA A\A -A Tu5t111 couple who had been ci1Pd h1r keepin g the ir c·h1ldrtn u111 oi puhl ic :;ehools. \\'On a rnund 111 their battle r.tond:1v \1,.hr·11 ;1 ?-.lunicipal Court l'lr_.· 1ri:i l sts~ion \V<l~ dls1111.<;;;e<l ti1·!urc Jt began. (_'hildrf'll !nJr!! 111 r r1111i\1c :..r h1~J\, tl1('\ ('rl!CrPrl thl'll\ Ii>~ pl'iV:o lt· :-l']1u1,I 1!1 :):11\!:1 I\ 1.1, ll\11 ri~fus•·d !•1 !I ll :111111111 t " - \1h:1t ~1 ·1111,11 Jilt•\ /11Jd1 l'll 11• 14' i!flt'fl\)lll!: Hy JAC K BRORACK Ot l!lt 011tv ~119! 'l•lt An e111·1ron1nental impar1 statement issued hy t h e ()rani;e Co u n t y Sanitati(Jn Di.oilr1t ts contends that tht pro pci~e<l ma~ttr seY:er nnr fr om San Bernardino Coun1y to the Pacific Oc.-ta n ·would "improve the qual!ty n f groundwater in Ornnge Co11nty by redut ing pollution in !he S11nta Ana tli1•er . If the huge se11·er ltne 1.~ eVtr financed and built it y,·ould be the answ er to a hit of problems expressed recently by the Orange County \\'a1,er District. according to the sanitation districts Plant in A public hearing on the in1· pact statement will be he!d Wednesd<1y at 7 p.m. at the sanitation di s tr i c I s head- qu<1rter5, 10844 Ellis ,\\'t ,. .Fountain Vallry. Don O\ven, manager of !hf' 1vater district, c h a r g t d retently that "unless so1ne at- tion is taken the coun1_y's underground water system, equivalent in size to the Salton Sea, may be unusable in SO to 100 years." The impact report \\·as prtpartd for the sanitat ion districts by James r.t . MontRom~ry, {'..osta Mesa con· suiting engineer. The 22.S·rr'lile-long pipeline in or near the Santa Ana Rivl'r "is not a proposed sew~r lo the sea for disposal (If any· and ;ill wastes." tht. impact sl11le· ment cautions. "It Is rather a facility to be utilized to help establish a sal t balance in the upper Santa Ana River basin as well as a means for removing selected waste prOOucts not capable of being discharged ~·ithin the ba sin," !he report continue~. The effluent carried by the line ,.,.ould be treated at !he sanitation districts 91'ant in Founta in Valley and \\'ould he converted to discharges ac- ceptable by state and feder<1l standa rds for protecting the marine en\'ironment. it read:;;. The Chino Ba si n r.{etropolitan \Valer District ha!!' agrl!ed to pay half of lhe estimated $17 .3 million cost of !ht. se..,,·er line if the Chino district is allowed to discharge 30 million gallons a day to be procts$fd in Fountain Valley. Under the proposed agree- ml!nl. the Chino Basin agency \Vould contract capacity righls out to other clislricts such a~ lhe \\'estern ~funicipal Water Di~trict \\'hich strves pa rt of Rive rside and Lo:; Angeles t·oun(les and the S a n Bernardino Valley Water District. Tht. Orange County ~'ater District \\'Bnts 6.25 million gallons per day to ser ve a \\'aler reclamation plant to be built in the Anaheim area. o"·en reeentlv charged that the Santa Ana Regional \\'ater Quality ContrQI Board. ha secl in Rivtrside, ''spends most of its time listening to industry's side of the question when thev seek permis.sion to build ne\V out fall projects." Owen said 80 percent of the: v.·atrr u.~ed in '\'est Oranp:e ('ou nty is drawn from un· <ltr,i::round reser\'eS-v.•h]r h are be coming more tainted e;ich year. The \\'ater district managrr said the problem.<> a re multipli ed because hundreds of public agencie.~ 1~·!thin !he 2,()00..square-mi!e basin make overall planning almost im- possible. Owen won the backing or the Orange County Board of Supervisors last week in pro- testing the approval of waste discharges into the river ba~in by a propose:d trailer park near Corona. Was the plastic bag of pot lying to the left of the water pipe or to the right ? Did the suspicious character s~en a couple of minutes l}efore the $10,000 bank rolr bery have a red mustache or a. black one? \\'as the tattoo on his left or hi.! right arm'.' Did it st:n· timentally say Lulu. or wa~ ii Mill y'.' Builder's Trial Delayed SANTA Afl'A -A. 111 0· mon!h delAy \\'as orcl tred ~1onday in the Orange Coun ty Superior Court trial o f Newport Beach builder lienry v.·are Spragu~ on prost itu tio n charges. Sterling S. Sharrar .lr . ~~ •. and his y,·lfe Kerril'. nl 12301 f\:eY.'port .Ave., rrmorcd lhf1r c·hildren Cynthia, 9, a n d Steven, 7, fr om l11e Svc;u111or;o 1-:1emen1ary School 1as1 Ja n. 2~. beca11~e . they <'l auned, "111e q1111hty or e<lucatl<)ll .. t !he sthool \Vas deficient. "The progr:11n \'.':1s f1fJor hfca use teachers ('ng a~i'cl 111 improper s0<·ia!izntio11 of 1ht' children.'' Sharrar saul. "Th:1I is not a prOptr function of the school, It f'nrourRgcs prer group pressures After the Sharrars took their 'Ful' llli~ !hf'1 ! ii.11;'t'd I' \\I! II I J<>l:JI jl Ill 1•f I Ii•' 1 1 p u l,<11'1' ;1ll •·11d;1111·1· 1;11\~ ttt" f)l;11l j'IJ1ll jlll1IJll'i l \h111d:11 . Jt1dic'.'' ,lo din I 11 ! I 01 tt11' 1 ·,.1q r:d .Jud 1,·1 :1l I li:.!1 '! 1 'u11rl. :--.1111.1 J\(1:1. d1 ~1 n1 ·~· d 111.· l'l1:1ri.:1 "~ 1111 11H11 111n .,r l l1'p1tll I J!~!ri< I 1\ I I •' I' 111 '( U11 .. 11 \,,Jq,11. 1'111· ! ilild1·(>11 \\'/•1·~· l'l11'<1 1l1 ,J i1 1 Iii•· I! 11'1'1'"11 I.' r +·" 1-:n1r·1·pn~t' S,·liP••L ~,i~2 S Ii,.·--.; S!. ~:1 11J:1 1\11 ,1 \!1 ~ Shn1·1.•r 11p 11· ~1·r1 ,.,, ,1·; :1 1 ulur111 ··r t<':u ·her :1\ 1ht' p1·11 :l1l' scli1 " I, ll'h1i·h h:1s ;1b1 •lll ·!O ;,111d1·1 1 t~ Sl\11rl':lr t "Ii 1111· ,. ii hie: ch;1llt·11 gt· 10 llH' .;1·h0ul.-: t 1~· td- 111g :is a r:i11d1d;J1t' for· !lie 'ruslln School 1)1s!riet fl v:ird. 1--- Sprague. 51. or 64 B•acon Planning Part)·, . Bay. Y•as ordered by Presiding Judge Bruce Sumnrr fo return ANAllEl~r ~ Thf' lnl:in(i! .June 19 filr trial on allegations Orange County Alunini Club of thnt he providtd prostitutes the Uoivrrsity of Sou thern via his frvine-ba.9ed Exee:ul i\'e Cali fornia \\'ill host a ~1'1 ·<'1<'' Fast, Jltarouglt, Guaranteed Real Estate Sales and or lrolcer license TRAINING Pltone for ·Fr&e Folder -·-· -qu11inted pariy S 11 n d a y Escort St.rvice. 1 for alumni, parrnt~ ;; n t a ANTHONY SCHOOLS HARBOR CENTER. 11<» HotbOf (<o!•~ f;O!I" MO'I , ( "1!0trl~ Ph. 17141 979·2J5 J Sprague is formally charged fr iends fr o1n 4 p.m. tu 7 p,n1 . .. with conspiracy lo comrnit in the Balboa Room of the prostitution. He is free on bail. Disney land ltotel . He and eight women linked For reservations. contact n11 s. e roo~~~"· ~·- with him_ to the OPf!ra tion of Jerry L. Amo at t 5 7 1 An•~~1m, cal. t1101 the escort service were ar· Amberwood Dr ive, Santa Ana. Ph. !7141 77•·5100 rested Feb. 27, 1971. after an:,_~le~le~p~h_o:o""n:_~S4~4~-93~99~. ___ _'•••_111_111_••111••• ·investigation by Orange Coun- ty sheriffs deputies and Kewport Beaeh police. through Dera\d D. Hunt. di re c- tor of the admini.'itration of justlee program. 15744 Golden l;;-------~-;;-;;-;;----------------1 West St., Huntington Beach. M<ui Gets 1-10 Years For Assault CUSTOM TA,llOIS I. SHllTMAl(f-S IN O RANGE COUNTY~- "IMAMINT SHOWROOM .r'.J • ... -,-.,-,,,-.. -~-,-.-.. -.-.-.~~. SPRING SALE ~l 2 SUITS s13·5 AprU!ll~rvM•Y1 l t•.m.1o lp,m_: DOUlll <NIT SAYl UP TO 50% S,l(IA~ Pl!CI l tg . Do·-"' 1'•it •.•• ,jt5 !ilk ll'o~•i< ••••• 11 •• Ht•d lo;l.,od fv•••~ '"~"" ~""'-~~·'''"~"• ilo''" ~""''· 0 WI flt ANY Ill( Little fa cts like these can SANTA ANA -An Anaheim l!:aslly become misplaced in man convicted or a.&sault \l:ilh the busy mind of a polictman .1 deadly weapon after an and could adversely affect the Orange County Superior Court c..~ ............ ~I S>o1 .. •:~ ••••••• ~5 Si11w-1 ....... 11 s~;, ............. 10 ... ... .. •• ., .. • .i., ... ,,..,.. •• ,,., 7000 flNISY IMPOllll WOOlllO a IOUlll •Ntll • ANY STY~I COPlfD • rRlf ALTllAHONS 0 IASY rAYMINTS m r· -~.::j O••~ thio 1--)u...!01 L..___.;: 10-1 outcomt. of a court cast.. jury n·as told that his \\'He p.,. A,,..1n1-.. u '+'•~· ""•~• lll-01I1 •• 776--1116 2012 Ml(Hl~ON--Sun1 IOS-NtWPORT l[ACl-4 G G A sptclal seminar i n may never recover from the rant oes beating she got v;ith a memory training techniques io,...,,,.,. 0'0"~ (o, """"1•-N•0• "'•-1•· '"" -"~·~ "·•1 ·''·" ' Clowns. plant and (lowe r ex· hibitions, rodeos. motorcytle races. fireworks and claily entertainment are a few or the attractions that have been ap- proved by Orange County Fair Board directors for the June 16·25 fair. cro\\'bar has been sentenced to' I~:;:;::::::::::::::=:::::::::::~ isllng pa \·ccl area. for peact officers is schedu led (Jne to ten years in statel,-- Other irnpro1·rrnrnts ~1,il! be To Stttdenl ?-.fay 20 at Golden ":est prison. made by Tel Phil ~n!erprises, College, sponsored by the Judge Charles B a u er Inc .. the corporation t)l;:it uses ordered the maximum term f · k d f R,·ch•rd !. Frank. UC Irv,·.... California Assotlation o f , R air propt'r!y on wee en s or '"'' for Otis oger Collins, 23. just sy,·ap niects. student in the department of Police Training Officers. one month af~r the jury The fair hoArd approved a classics. n·a~ ay.·arded one of' Featured instructor will ~ reached its guilty verdict. 10-year lense \\'ith Tel Phil fQr 65 fellowshi ~ from thf' Arthur Bornst ein. \\'ho has Coll ins was arrested Aug . use of the Joi on rhe C(lnctition American Council o! Learned operated his O\t'n memory 10, 1971 , after the near-fata l ~DOING IT EVERY DAY, YOU I ~ IS GOOD FOR • Denn is Gr•nger, • 2S year old tennis pro, ha~ just r1turned from • European tour with the Fre nch . Eng- lish, .1nd Speni1h Da ... ii Cup Ta ams, Cornrdv team Skiles and llrndcr~On -\~·il l be fc:itured. ~\1ur sin~ing groups. Bread, the Ever!v Brothers. the Five ~Ian Elec-!ric<1 l Band and the l>ouglas <1nd Leanero (;roup, \1·Jll ~rform and be in- trrl'iev.·ed by disc jockey Sam Riddle for a television taping "e~sion at the fairgrounds. that · the (>')ard co u J d Societlc~. train in,ii: institute for 20 year~. btating of his "'ife, Virginia, renegotiate \l.'ilh ne11• O\t'ncrs if The awards are for post-<l0<" Stparrtie sessions for the 23 . The seriously Injured Oenni1 i1 willing to te ach beginners thru ad, /ii•·~·-.··. there is a change nf n1anagc-toral research in hutnan)tif's Saturday event inc 1 u cl e woma n is sllll receiving v.1nc•d players the fund amentals and \'rat e-lj ;r,,,. ment before the lO years end. and related social sciences. memory systems: name s . hospital treatment for multi-9i91 of tennis playing. '·.!~~·' · The lease includes im-They are given for periods of facts and faces , numbers and pie \\'ounds inflicted over ~r, provemen t of existini; parking si~ months to one ye<tr. abstract ideas and language much of her body. For court rates, Rentals and pr ;.,ale le 1son~, ~ area used by sy.·ar mer! The American c:ouncil of study skill.~. Police said the 1 t tack te• or call Denn is Grang er, I 000 M,i cArt hu 1 participants. l\\'O ne1v food l,earned Societies i~ a non· Tuition is $27.50, including climaxed v.·h;it had been an Blvd, Recreetional Bldg, Santa Ana_ Te le-· stands, 8 new uncler:ground profit federation of 35 nalionn! n•ork materials. Cheeks may apparently trivial qua r re 1 phD11e 5'48 ,8-499. . utility systen1 to se r\·lce the _:'c:h:o:la:r:IY:....:':':'oc:.=i•:l:io:n:'=· ___ __:be:::_m::::•:il:ed::_cP~•~Y:•:b=l•:_:lo:_:C:A~PT_::O~l-_".be~l~w~e~e~n:t~h:'.e:c~o~u~p:l•~----_I_~~~~~~---------------~-~ Local t:ilent 'vill prO\'iclc ?-.lcxic:nn rntertainment. l\ Dix· icl11nd band. amateur t<1lent r o m p e t i I ion and many d1spl11_vs .. stands and a restroom. 1· ----.. Since the 1971 fair. new elec· tric al and puhlic address The county fair ..,,-ill benefit from lhe improved paving and its participants will hflve use of rf!iitroo ms and rood stands. systrms hnve been installed T T Jk and more sp"ce has been unney lO 3 . prepared for the flora[ and gardening rxhibits. ROCllf':STEH. N.''· (AP) - Fair board members believe Party officials said today U.S. t he~e changes ,.,.ill help brin~ Sen. John Tunney ({)-Calf.) more people to Action '72. And will eddre5S the annual spring to accommodate them , the dinner of the Monroe Count y board approved $~.000 to pave Democratic Committep May m<ire land for parking. This 17. The dinner is a fu11d-rais4 l'lddition "·ill double the ex-ing affair. ~-------1 Are you house rich, but cash poor? At Avco Flnancl•l Servic .. , you can convert the built-up equity In your house Into caah in your hands. Ce•h to do whatever you want to do, and pay back conveniently over a period Of years. At Avco, it'a our business to lend money to homeownerL What you do with the money is your business. HOllllOWlftll LO.\llt TO 12t.- OVSJI tl, ... Olf llll.l.LUTAT& • rl1180WAL "'°"lllTT. 014t I ,,,~·· : : BBDUCBD '~ 1 W111nri II •W -WIMS lAl'l'Kf,- 1,0ll ..... 11 .. hlf Int It .. ltlrMt lettl, Clrm CM * lffln ; WINf'BB BAf'BBI: I llidnn Sf«lll -s...., tnati ThnflJ I I O• 204 S,ocial RHms 8"11111 11 l-lllltor 11111: I I• •a!~.•10!.I!. '12!! ... ,' ..... l"IPUI ,.JnWLI I I I Ont IOO Otlttt lloomt & sun•• "'"'"'.,II.DO Atldlf1ottll On Frt., lat., Holldl)'l I lfnnmlr ltuon, Md SZ.00 Leatn To Sew Knits And Stretch Fabrics , New Singer sewing course: This is not just a lecture( demonslra li on course. You make a smart knit top and pants oullit in class. You watch, listen and then sew in class. -•Quick and easy methods. •Three 3-hourlessons. • Qualif ied Singer instructor. • 150 -page book, "Jiow to Sew Fashion Knils~· Regu~3~FREE wilh course ONLY Thiscourseisnew-$1 A50 quick-easy-complete. _,. !Enroll with conlidence in Singer-satisfaction guaranteed' Daytlsne and evening classes-enrollmen ls 1 limited-only8 per class. ! Regl1ter toclmy -can or vl11t your 1 nearnl Singer Sewing C.nter. SINGER COSTA MISA i j i "' . ~' -I• O•l~d AprLI J I, 19n T 1·1 £ sr io11N SOQ N. AN1ll1I"' ltff., A..-1 ••••••.• ,, , •• 111·1111 .. c~un11 (ler~ Bristol ind Sunflower South Co.,! Plau, 540-2633 llOBl•T M. teAU,..MAl'I 250 S. l1cll<lll St .. '-••Itel• • , , •••••• ,. , , ••• 776·1250 $.-'11 1Mf1 •ttl ltttl'C'flfOI 11 ...... LI ....... ~ •• C•lll11'1!1t 79 H ...... ''''·· c ..... M ............... 64J.J414 1--Ttl: IJlJI fl1-e6n 617 W 17tll .. •--•~ I 7 " ... """"'' ... hllt'--. .• --• • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • 4 -44J1 , Pll-~) JllJ I . M9'11 It., ..... A• ••.•••.••• , ••.•• 14f·lli1 ~ P ~oli1ntc1 0•1n110 CC'lt tl OIHY "1i.,1 '•••························' ... A"'ll ''· 11 '"" "'•• 1. 1117 10ll7-n ., ' • • ,, " ii ( • • • • \ ~ ( \ I i ' t l U.S. Cri111e: You Ca11't Esc·a11t• It ll~, L(Jl'JS r ,\:-..~t·:L~ tlnl!OO Pr•u ln•••••l1on1I 'f hPIC i-il'I' lll,1llY g 0 0 d rrao;nns fnr 111r11 1ni!. f rrim an (l\'f'l'IT/1 1\rlf'rl h i~ ! jfl' In !hP "'lrlP flJ1P r1 s p;ir·p~ In 1n11·n and r r11Jn!1·;. Arncr 1r;1 , Rur r ... r•ap1ni.: l rnn1 l11i.:;h cr1n1r ralfl<; 1<. nn! 11rrr~<..:ir1\\ nn" nf tlu,111 Th1.c; !nl!h 11 ;i~ brnu;!hl hrq11 P In Ill;> 11·1fr .1nr1 111(' hy t11·n rrrr11t n1 '11 ~ 1lr111" l)nr j•an1r fr·nrn \\':i~l1111 i,:.1nn . [l (. II hf'ff' II I' 111i-idr n11r hnn1" fnr 2~ 1 "•'II ' 1•nnr !•l ln:it :;rp1rn1hr1 \\li1·n 11·r l11rd in \\ .i ~h1n C:1otll. I" "Pl f' II' r r {' ;:if1;i1rl 111 \!Si l t•S liceausc !hr1 'rl rr;irl anrl h··:1rrl '.'n n1u1·l1 ;ihr-1111 thr h11:di 111!·1d1<111·r nf n1l1rdrr. r rihhr r 1 11111i;i::1 ng. 'P1c·s1111r11 1111t1'P" t'i11d.• l1iyl1 ,,,, •• ,i- f"fd1• r1111• i11 1111- 111111. r;ipr ,ind nlf'"I' I 1;1lr n! f'fl!l1f' r re,lrif'lll :"-1\r1n <:pnkP nf \\';i~h111i,:_1nn ;1.., ··1hr· 1T1n1r 1«q11t;;\ .. r 1111· 11.'l1 1,,11 .. \\'1·11 1t 1.:11 I ,0 111 .i 11111' ·:·11r l:1tr•1 l'n l rr1 ·111' 1nrlr-.; !'i'!'"11" ,o;hr11\ !h:11 \\';1•hu1l''1111 h;is ;11 h1r1 rrl ;i If! :1 p1·ri'<·•11 rf'd1u· flnn In '>('t'IHll · 'r lfl]f' ''l\('P 1~"1 .\nd l h1· <t••11 1]'11rn ton!,. r t;ii-r II hdP 1/iP I 111nr f,l 'f' fllr lhP n;i1 111n ,.1.; ;1 11 h111r 1r;io;; 1q ri1d1h 1·1~1 n~ ~11 .. r1 I~ ;1'11'1· ·.1.1· lr;11·r11'd ~'•I'' Tllt H h ,,..f,•1 1)1 ,, 'lr1•r!.s h111 r hr• n1t1P 111 \\';1-h1nl!111n "'f' f':lnlr ~1·1n<:• ;inn'hrr 11r11c 11rn1 1111, 11111r • 1•11 .. •·t'111•1!: th" 11 rra Hl 11hu·h 11 1• t"•11 l1·P ,,. r·nrrl1ni: !'1 ;:i 1 •·ri•r'I rrir :1.:rrl t-1 a \P11 \ •11·~ nr.::1•1,,;il•rin !l1P n1·r ;1 ;.irn11 nd \11 i:11':" (;;1 . . 11111 ,1rj 1;i1'f'fl 1 \11."ll ('01:1111 ~ ,. 111 11h11 fi \IP •f'!ll{'rl l:.i ~t r.~11. h:i i> thr h•thr>~t hnn11r 1rlr r a1 r 1n Thr r 111 1if' n.i11•·n T!11<: l'•'f\j\!'! 11 ·'' c.rr rtrd h1 .."''1'11f' <:.111111 •"11•11 r c; JJf prntr~t f1 ,.1n \ .. , ,,: , l~-i1n\,;1 1·; .,f <'f)nl j 111r1·o·r h 1! nn 1111'' 11 hri r·r;ir!c rlir rl;:i lll r :111··1 ~ !•f \ l~ll'-1'1 nr 1 ,\1l-.r 11 • ••11 lr! I 1u l II ha1d to 1 t>r l1 r \r lh';t 11•• 1•'.1ll \ •li'~rr1 r !II!• ;:11•1\ rl 1<-l1tl< l!•H! \11 h1" • \<1..,,11· -.111•11 ,.f Thr ~1 1 11d ,.I 1]11 ' ;-..,,1:1! '""lfllPC!<;l \ .I ( ;i <-/l -...11rl llirrr :i!v.;1\'.' h;1• hrr11 .:1 ·--11 .. •lL! •t1•'.1k 1~r \1nl rn1·r 111 Thr .... 111h rrn , l;;i1 .1• II'! I Ii· .11d 1h:i1 ill 1'.lt! and :iu "''·"" l::i1 r r' 1 f':<Jl A'ln<:.I 1!'-. '.fill Ii Ill' f;'.1 rr1· :0,!111111;11 !)1r \11..rn ~1 :1 11d;1rrl («11Tll'<: :1 frnnl·p:ii;r rnunrl11p 11f 11 rekr r~d 111)l 1t·r i-il'- 111111 I rr,1r! 11 11·1th ;i nux!urr nf hn!'T'!ir ::ind fa<:f·in::it1n11 ~hrml!llj.'." ;.i111 t l-.n1l 111~c;, 11f!r11 f:it;:i!. :i rr ... u11 11·u.•ni h· 1·n1n· mrinplar r tn 11•a1T;1nt nnr nr ;i! 111ns t 111·n r ... r ;i g r :i r h" . fl rrRk1n.<: ;:ind h 11 r g I i-i r· i P s us1 1:.ill1· ;ir·r :; 11 111 111 :1 r i z l' <l i;1::it1 o.;ti1·;i ll\'. 1l'ith no r!ct;iit:;; J?,11·r r1 11nl r~s nnr or thrn1 \\'.'l.<i p;i r11r11l;1rl.\ .c;pf'~·l :1cul;i r. Orr;i 51011;i ll\· !hrrr is a li~htrr rnlr -I lnr rl;iy t h1· rn11nrl11p 1n!'lurlr d ;i sip.e lf' pii r;igr;iph !'!;111 11~ th::it pnl1('r \1•F'r(' ... r:irrh1n ~ l11r :in 11n1rle11· I 1firrl 111;111 v:hn h:1rl pilrk~rl his r ;ir 1n rrn111 nr ;i hnrnP a t. n1id- d:i1·. rcrni'l1ed ;ill of his c!r;lhin.c:. ;ind gil rn rht1sc ll'l ii l;it1v \1·hn h;irl hrrn ,o;;.p~d in~ ;:i pr1i1n1;i hf'<l in 1r1r rrnn\ y;irrt. It \\·~·" impliPd . 1ho11.e:h nnt f'X- r l1r!tl\' st;itrrl . th;i1. she nulr<ln him jewels by joseph searches for jewels (111\!Jtrt 1111w•11ttd l•••lrt hi lmmf'Cll·' ••• t••" by 1flt 11 a fir"' "'"o•• knflW1911tt, •• _.rtl1t, an<! ln!tctrll.,- •uurt ¥11u c••l'ful t ¥•h•allo11 at t.- dt 'f• "''""'' ... ,., •. Wt "'Ill bt 11lttt M It 1w1m1111 .,-eur ''"'' 11111 t11¥f1• r,.arlll"t thtlr t ll· .... 1. C•ll Nr. J1111~ lH Mr. '•Ill al ... -· Sou l~ Co11t Pl1r1 9,:,1 111 •• •~• S1 11 0 1•9 0 J:w" Co••• M ••• S4o.qo66 . ' ..... • BrJdslon 5 pc. rJttan dining group An outdoor cL.1 ... s11. llJ\\'less!y cr.1 fted in ti nest ratlt:1 n. f\~.l~n iftc en tly relaxed, surerbly elcganl. del ightful ly al home eve rywhere. T able and fou r ch airs. $ 3 5 5 reg. $405 co-<Jrdinated Bradston seating pieces s~ttec· reg . $..!fJ'1 lo\'e ~t·,11 rrg. $ l 8::i chair reg. $1 u~ lo'v S\\'l\'cl chair reg. $1 09 high swivel cha ir reg. $129 end table reg. $55 cocktai l table reg. $109 $229 $159 $84 $99 $109 $45 $84 groups for dining and seating at savings Seven piece dining group \\1ith a par - ticular ly cheerfu l out look on outdoor dining. Finished in w hite, accented '' i th Granada c itron covers. Ta b le, table cover, umbrella and 4 cha irs. reg. 167.50 matching sealing pieces to complete the happy California outdoo r scene chai se !ou n~e spec ial rocker special 2-passenger 5y.•ing special patio shop 146 -all 18 stores use one of our conven ient cred it plan~ 29.9.; 24.95 79.95 "-' Samwnite co-Ordinated pallo furniture: for d 1 n i n~ and sea t1 n;o: (ur\·e<J strel w ith d ~lor1ous contemr10rdr\' 100~ mat- ed \\'tth ~o ft re la \1nF.I\ Looi !()('lk l"'lg \ t· nyl cu shions . And '-0 rea<:-on ab lv priced. $ 2 5 to $ 8 5 reg . S39·$9q umbrell a trih lc rf·I.'.. l6'J ~;; side c-ha1r re~ s -1'1 s~ -, chaise lounge f('{'. $Qr+ ss :; lounge chair re<? S59 $50 ottoman r<o;. $3'1 S25 Finkel umbrell a rn c11ron reg. $89 S79 . ._.--..~ . SHO P MONDAY TO FRIDAY 10:00 TO 9:30 • SUNDAYS NOON TO 5 satu rday hours 10 to 6 • may co south coast plaza , sa n diego free way at bristol, co st• mesa, 546-9321 , . ' I ' I • ~ • JO D.tilL1' P OT lf'.!11£!±i• =•act"t c •• =saw:± JEIW Will OVER THE CO[ NTER FINANCE ,,, •• ,.,.,.s '' ,.,.,,, For Goo<I Metha11ie "' S\ I \ IA /'CIH 11' II An ahnnst 1nr t •d1~lr ~\~!I) bill rin nf 1he $.!~ ~~ll hill l 1 ;i nrll spr 1d r Hhf'1 I rt1 r cpi11s ;i nd n r ll n 11 1 r 1, II ;:i<:!rd tn !hr I I II n! rcp;u rc; 1n1propr rl\ 11 1 rrp;:i rs 11nt(rss 1r1h fl(r forn1e(1 rrp 111 s pron11 ~r<I rind not done <ti 1111 And 11 hlle as 1('strrd11s tak "'' sa1 P monc) repairs' on rou1 nf' • S1an shoppuH!. for rro;i 1rs before you nrf'rl thrn1 l! s too late when ~our c:ir conk <; n 11 anrl vou nef'd ii ;it onf'r 1lrt k" a plan of act1nn nn11 h 11 r a hs! of places 1nu v.uulrt t~kr \our car ~ho11Jd 1011 nr!'rl m1nnr rep;i1rs n1;i 1nr r nrt re; simple ma1ntrn:inC't rt • Check v.1th vnur lr1rn<ls and acquain!anres nn the11 r' per rnces v.ith lnr;il :i uto reprt1r shops • Conceniratr <>n l1nrhn.c " shnp with mecha nuc; 1011 ran trust <1nd !hrn stick 11 th 1h s ~hop Hou.e1er f0r c;nmf' t I "S of 11nrk -<i.uC'h fl~ nl 1 f)( 1 replacrmrnt nr br;i \P rrl n111~ -\OH m;iv br :ihll' 1 srt1 r mnnc\ b\ p 1tr n11 t1'! :'I sper1all\ i;.hnp 11h a h d rs <1 J;irge 1 nh1me of r rp or~ 1n these are;'ls rtnrl 11 h1rh h;'lc :'Ii Cl mu!;11ed all thf' "'P"< trtl eq111pment ;in<l rxprr 1sr nerd ed to perform thrm (hr k n11l !he reout;itlon nf ;1 n1 nut~1rle o;:pcc1altv shop thn t!!h hl(nre \Oll turn \O Jr h;1ck n:i vt ur rei:(ular mcoh;in (' • f\.1llke a drhhcr;:i1r chn1re between )OUr nr11 car dr ;il "r repair hn1 s in \nc;:il g;i s eta !Jon" and 1 n d r pr n ri r n t mech;inJc<; 11hn rl n nnt sr I 1'!::1" -anrl rr< r J!tlllf' 1 111 rl 1 h 1 r lhf>~f' thrrP rtltf'rn:i r11 r ~ J r11 ns1'111l(' 1f ni l ~r t1r rl r ;i ler frnn 11h 111 101 Ix: rl ! the r;:ir ;:i ncl l :i1r 11rtn 11 1 him his shop 1s pi nh ll' br ._t hr! ]Jr IC. f"ll t " r i::nnrl f;i uh pt rll <:r \I r the hnpr H al 1n 1 1111 rll rt 1nur nrxt rar f1 ll ht 11 \r hP prnhahl1 11 1\1 hr f I 111 i:tr 11 1h 1 n111 r;ir c.ri 1rk 1111111 1 h;i1e an am ple i;.fnr k ~r r!r p:ir1 s rhr c:ir 1s mn~ \ krl1 10 nteri Bui 1r thr rir1l"r lin1n v.hom 1nu hnu,l!ht "rrins nr ! 1nteres!ed 111 srr1 c1n2 gn else1.1 hrre Tho Maida Rotary Engine Ff!r 1nrnrrn:11 1nn r n !hr ~1 1rk •f Toyo Togyo Co 1 60 1 65 Apr 19 72 Ca ll r.n v 'S;:i1 thr lnmr11 rrat Pt1r1f1r "rr 111 1'2!)1 Jr1tn,, Bl1d T -14 -SJ2 Mm 1 1<'~ ~t I\ NASO l11f1ng1 for Mond•y .. r " .. ' DU t ll l l\ "N0UT T (S • • • ' ' • • • • ·- • ' .. • • ,, ,. •• • ' " •• "' ' •' . ' • • • • • ' >. . , , • 1 • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • •, • ' .. More Security With • • • • • " ' FALSE TEETH °' ,, ' ' o~ fl o (• • l'l•1 ,, . 8: v I~ o~ ., • • o. , .. •• • • ' ,, ~ ' ' ' r~~ ~ , . ' ' F " oo ' • • ' ~ . ~ ,. ' '" ' . ' ' n ' ' . . ~ r • • • ' . . . ' •• ' ' ' * Z1 p x---e " " " ' • • • , • •• ., ' .. ' • •• Yoo .. . , ' , ' . , ' Q J r ~ ' ••• " ' , ... ' " a r Co ' .. ' .. ' MANUFACTURING AND 0 XEROXING 0 AN SWERING SERVICE 0 DESK SPACE 0 LA LINE S EEOS ¥-'(0\)P. tl 0 SECRET ARIAL SERVICE cY-""c 0 BOOKKEEPING 0 MIMEOGRAPHING 0 TELEGRAMS i WX DC'UMENT TRAN SMIS,ION 0 MAILING LISTS • COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE BUREAU IRVINE-AIRPORT INDUSTRIAL COMPLIX (7141 547-7777 (213) 610-9393 1971 'f·KD ;e;z;r • " " ,, " , .. ,,, . ' , " ' ' ' , .. ~ •• r~ • G GI I' •• ' , ' . • " ' • • ' "" " ••• • I • " • " " " • , ' '" " " " • • 'f -· 0 , .. .. " ... .. " " .. •• -· '<o , .. "' • • • " • .. 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Marl\:et R ec ov ~rs B11t E11cl s Lowe1· J\I \\' 'rOn K f\P\ -Stnl k n1ark cl r rtc ('<; re ( l~\ t•1 t d '-OIJlf'\1 h ti ht!l ~ !o,l'd broacl!\ and sharply li 11• l 1 111 i\lnnd.1\ .... nl••diJ ratC'l\ ai 111 e Ir ad1ng ,\n:'ll1 't" 1i<1\c d 111 ,11 t hf' r11:11kr t ha d been hot h1 <.r1 r1 d nri.::1111 r 111 11,., !h.•1 (')nprnent ' 1nclud1n g: I ii (' ll'tl('llf'd ( Oll\111 \l !l("\ nffC'll"llC Ill\ IC!nam, t he '' pn rl 1h 11 1nfl !111111 i:atnPd in the fir'! quarter t hE' ri 1101 l th.it rnu111:i t fun d rl'd('111pt1on" S('\ a Tif'\V l t cc11d l;i <>t 1nonth :111<1 the ('On!1nu1n g high rate of lllll 11111 !0\ llll'll\ I I ~J 111l" t lo'-111~ f)n\1 Jonr~ :i\r 1 :i~r ~r •1r~<:: lr ll {, l2 1 ~1 'li7 4H of :10 1nrlu"· 'tJ OO 1'<1 S•• ~· I ..i S!l!ndl6• <.1<18 ,0• l \0 ~tl!Pa 111 l~ St<! 1n11 l1 ~1<;1 l(clhmn ~UIO(&I )~ S•<!Oln<I '10 ~10 •NJ •'><I ;1<JOn o l ro S•oOn cl •'• ; 0 p , ,, •• , \M P• 1 .,., \ton ,I.. ;G ~T•M•• •'1 Si•""' !O S••vll..,. 1 ~ 'i•~1<•IPI ot ...... 0 " t l "·'"' . , .. ,, '" ·~ .,,,,, > Vn t \•<1•0!• Dl I •ton•C"I 1!l ~tono W 1 '~ ~tor•r~r '° ~!•l<l•RI 1 , ''"""w 11'0 ~~b';t: I t~ ~u( '''' I~ <.un fl\..., •0 SunO l(o I~ ~unOllcf ' • '\ 1n!>rm 10 '~n< I ~ I<) '""""' . • "'" n• I ' •,,.,(I I 1 '' <.uo• r.~ 7.l \)<" v el 16 --:-T~!l!7 -S-"r.'~ ~ ... r<1 ~•d . 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I f 11 ~1 riu 1rtrr rr:il r st;itf h1,111s rnadc b\ G I t n d a 11 FC'dC'r:i l S<n1nRs :ind Loa1 1u1:ll rd 5·,3 niill1nn i\ $1' ni1ll1on 1ncrrase o\er the /1rs! qu:irter of 11171 Total 111t n'll"t> 111 saving • s1n{l' \(',IJ end 1 ~ Si6 nl1ll1on :\!01 r th.u1 $\5 i 1111!11011 of 1 h 1~ 11 \<; p:i.d 111 1ntrrrst t(l t U>ilOlll('r" (1[ II l11rh $13 ' r111llt(1n \\tnl Jn Los Angclt>s Ct11111t1 1r<;1drn!" ' ' ' ' ' .. ,\1111•rir11t1 ~alt·~ I \'n 1r~··r.-• ~~E.111 1 •N EX (~ANGF ~1\1 f\ I 11, u~••<I P·~" lnTrrn,. •O 1 s 11111 r.s 1nfln \\s ma1 tw at· tr 1hut ed to 1he l t)nse11a1 ue .i!I !Urll''\ or '\OflH' {'fl l1 '\lltllt'f3 nnrl 11H' 1nt1 1nflat1nnE1 rv ef· 11 1 l-.11f 1 11,1 ~1 II on w:i)o(1 s ;ind \Ii.' n:iunn " ('Cnoon'' ac- 1 "' ct 1 11~ 10 I\ I) ~ d11 ird•, Ill t:~UJt 11! " ' ' " . 1 "' ,, ~11''0 ''•I •'Iii •' ~I "tO. <'»<:' O'•I Y••' •CO ' ' .,,,,~ ·~•I b~"fl ••I•• \" •"00. 1 .. , ..... , •• ,,~~ \"!(!)o -----------' . I I 2 OA!L y PI LO T j UPI l• ~rhOIO ROY AL MANN ER \\.ith deli < :1te tou1·h, Rr i t :i n ·~ J 1r 111t'l'~!'-:\nlll' fli ck ~ cl1rt fr 11 111 h<'r l'\'t' as ~hC' 1·onlpf'tr•..., ·111 \\'1 ntl :-.or J1or:-.e 1r1:il :-.. Be1111 )· F etc Gets Lots Of 'Jack' From \\'ire ~l'r\·ict>s _Con1r.d1:1n J:iek Benny, ;is \'1ul111 !-iol(iisl. raisPd $111 ,11(){) fur tlll' Edn1ontn11 S~·mphun\'. pla ~·1ng <ii ;:1 sold-0ut bcnet1t C'(J!lct'rl for \'lhu·h !1t·kcls \l'l'l"t· $100 il ('Oupl ('. Syn1 phony officials s:iid i1 WR!! the larne~t ::imounl c\"e r ra1set.I by a single -t'\'rnt irl Albrrta. · * * * British Pr1mr _~I 1ni s 1 er Ed\\'Urd HI' at h dlst·ovtrt'<l <'htt rch i.~ no :-a n<·lu.:iry fiir !Xiii t it· i ;ins. ll cath had :i s1·a1 in 1hr frnn t Pf\\' of S11tilh11 :11·k l'alht·drnl I PEO PLE on the snut h bank of lhl' Tharnt•s tor a ~hakc~pcc.ll't' birthday t'elt•hral 1on of nHis1c and poCtry. I-le \1·as obv1ouslv e nJ0~·1og himscJI un ti l pc~t Adr1:in !\.1iirhC'll \\·ttl ked up to lhr <:hanct•l ~1 1·p.<; 1n rr:'l1! Ins )Xlt'm. ""Thl' (;;1.~l ;J1>1a\~" ~1 itr.:hrll lult"hc·d -up )11 ~ trn11 srr~ ;ind l~l1iwhl'd 1nt1J ;111 attack l))j llc;itl1 "I didn't kn1111· llir J)rin1(• mini ster 11·;is g(1it1~· to hr )\(•re tonight." he s<11d. "O r I'd ha1 1• \ltrittrn Sl)n1cthir11: a bit bet- ter, .. The mainrd prin1r n1ln1~lcr rr· unrufflrd throl1ghn11 t_ * * * Patrolman \\'alter Corle\·, pol-bel11cd and g1iocl hu1nnrt·iJ. s!e1ipell (Ul 1h·· ~l':ile and eq1•1 pp<'d . "1\n1 I n :-;t r rrnl ~l'H:' of \\'hat tht• 11r1o hlrr11 i.i;~" Ovrr1\'t'ig h! :1t 2~7' po11nd .... Corl t·~. fi frt'1 l:i!l ;111d ::i \'t'iu·s o\cl, "·as arnflnJ,.: l'lnl ~· 1·1 lif :!1:1 polirc1n1•n tri hi· fnrnl:i llv pl~rf'<I on a (t1c·t :111r·r th1• f ir~! offici:1 l \\'e1gh-1n t1! 1 lli' \"r\I York Ci t \' l'nlirf' nf'p~rl111rn1 ·~ f';, Ill p 11 1 i; \) rr \1·cight -IP.O:~ pl"1 )gr:in1 · A gt•ni>rott'> 11 t'IL'h1 rh:1r! :ind a 10 prrr{'nf lrt•11 :1~ 111,lprll :ir <;oun1 for the f:ir·t 1 11~11 thr ri'· m:-ii111ng 2.1! <·np.., 11'f'rr urul t't' the n1nx1n1ut11 \1j·1~ht :illn\1£•<t In thf'1r nµc .1111t hr1ght ca(f'gnr_1. * * * \\"hen ~ 011'rf' pl.1,1 rni: ror ~.OOV srl10o.,1leh1 ldrt'n. · · 1 nu ·vf' got 1(\ n1;1 ke s1µ11s thr1· i;an llll• clrr~ta nd ."' :-:i_1s h:in1llracler llukr f:llinRlOO. "11 hoil~ dOl\11 to (he rnn!'! pr1n11111 r ronn (1f c·o n1nllll\tr';i1ii\n " _, f-:lliru:tnn. 11·h11 1111\ he;~ 1his \\reli. con1p;u'rrl tll r \1J1u1µ i\e11· .h·r~I'~ 0111d 1t'lll'•' Iii~ li· p1ee•· ht111d pl:iyi'1I to 11 1th nnr a fc11· ,1 r;1rs ai,:u in K:ihul. 1\f ph;1111~1;111 _ ""\\'r rln1·pd tu li,(~111 propll' lhrrr 1n ;i f1rlrl. You lt>0k out ;11 tl1rm ;ind .1nu s;1\' ff) your ;.;1·11. 'J!,.11· n1:1 n~· nf l ht~f' pcoplt• h::vr r 1·rr heard nl Duke J·:llinµton or hrnrd m1 11111<> I(· 't. ' . Th:11 ·~ 11htn ;1 n;u~iri;111 ~!al't.~ 111 :1\\111;: •·;iµn~" 11\.o; :111 dirncr ran rt'!:ll • tio ~;11rl 1!11• dukr LET'S BE FRIEMDl Y U }'OU )111vr nr\I· r1r ighl1t 1r~ or know of Any1)nl' n1ovinc: to our Arra, pl1•nse lr l1 11~ 110 lhAI "'" 11111.y •'Xl•·nd a friendly V•l'l•~ornr anr! hr1p thrm tQ bl-com•· fli>IJU11 illlr d in their nr"'' :-I UTf1lU1dini.:~- Sa. Coast Visitor 4M-t57' 04-9361 Harbor Visitor MM174 ' ' ' v a11lty fair's flowing fleece s of Dacron"' Live in luxu ry ., . c1 ! hom e or abroad in so fte~t '.w ee p~ of woi;hable Dacron'" polyc·~~er Shevelvi'I "' rl eece. The anklelcnr:1t , elcgonce epi l imi~e !; y c1u r lav is~ life, tyle. A .Tailore d collar. yell o ... , er pink, 'izes I 0-18 . 25.00. B. Mand(1r in neck. shocking pink or blue, >ize s 8-18. 25 .00. Ma il and phone orders invded. Robes. ' " ' .. , . ·. --' '• ... ... " " .. .. ·' ·-:f;.' • " ,, ' -· • *"'•, \~ \ ·. \ . I " " .· ~ \ \ I ' NEWPORT HU~TIN GTON BEACH ·, A.NAHflM E~<'•d 111 41 s1s.112 1 47 F .. loio11 ltl1N 1714 1 644-121 2 1111 Ed1n9t• A"''l"Y• 171 •1 192 -l l ll f ' ' 'SHOP It A.M. to-f :JO ,.M. MpNO;.Y Tl-;!Rt;>UGH FR IDAY. SATURDAY 10 A.M I ~ , r:-. _., I ' " ' . ' ' ·~; ~· 8 • ! r " • ORANG(, Mill of 01~119• 1lOONo.Tu1l i115tr••t !71 41991·~1 11 ClRRITOS §00 lo• Ct 11 ito1 .M•ll t11JI 160-04 11 lo f. P M, SUN DAY 12 NOON to 5 fl'.M . . .. . Colvin Klein fovors plaid in hi1 fall 1972 collection. It mixes with checks in the aviator jacket-trousers outfit and stands alone in the maxi. Forecast: Faire Frr.~h air. ffl\'nl1!Y -and 1he proprr at\1rc -p11t i1U\•Cn1urnus Eli:·.<1ht'lhan sp1r1t 1nt11 l11r 101.h an· nu;1! Hcn.iissancc Plf',l .litlrr F;11re ('\ rv wcrkrnd 111 01<1). ;11 1hl' Old J'a ·:1rnnunt Ranch In 1\r;n ur;1 Fairc-gucrs <1rl' t•11t' ur;:f,;f'd tn dress ::i 1a Jli!h Ccn tur.\' -:is kr1i··•hts and lod1cs. f nur!1ers n~d :i--rnmcn. n1crrt1;1nts ;ind liun lsmc·n or pc.1san 1s and cnunlry n1.1 idcns - by Donna Larsnn. m1.~trPss of er.· 'ilainmr11ts :111{1 fnsh1 .. ·"~ And she says the qual 1t .~ of skir ts. sol id colors or brocades. hright cotton prints or slr i1X's is "a n1alter of one's station 11nd purse, prilhee. but the becon1 ing modesty of ladles v.·ill be attrsted most cer· tainly by the petticoats worn twnea1h." For men of all deg rees. exc( pt friars and monks. vivid o r \larigated tights are recommended. Gentl emen of means may wea r "slops." pant s cut loose at mid· thigh \vith gathered fulln ess. Doublets are fashionable but tunics are acceptable and easy to make by cutting a neck opening in 8 pllnel of fa bric and trimming the edges to be worn h<'ltcd O\'Cr a full. 15\ceved shirl . Shirts are anoi hcr important ap- parel suitable for the romp and revelrie of the fai re. Any ove r·s ized man's shirt will do, with the collar and cuffs removed and just 1alhered with a dr~wstring so tha t gJeeves and body arc full and billowy. A rurn, at the neck will attest to a gentlem11n 'is social standing or collars enlarged lo a da shing "V'' over the che!t are for soldiers. Peasant tilou~ for women ca n Simplicity for sewing and comfort 1n design ore apparent in patterns that duplicate 16th century apparel. be made by removing lhe shirt's collar and cull!! and replacing front buttons with la ces, allowing for as prim or decollele appearance as one wishes. t,or high fashion, rufnes at the neck or lengths of brightly colortd ribbons caught at the shoulders, may be added. Vests-made of lealhtt, brocade or velvet -also are in vogue for both m 'lady and htr rentleman. Capes add 1 courtly touc::h for even rust ics and commontn. Final nourishes are two.pointed caps for huntsmen and peasants and simple cotton bonnets for coun· try maid!l. For high bom men and women, any man'• narrow-brim hat is approprilte, elaborately deccral<d wrtb r1-, ftalhen and other trinket.a. Medieval prb lllllclo by ll<!Ded craftsmen may be purchlled at the Faire'• Springtime Market but It ill fun to make your own at home , just as women did four centuries ago. To aid m 'lldy in rashionlna garments for hentlf and the men ol th< hou,.hold. • free brochure i1 11vai\ahlt from Faire Costumu, P. 0 . Bo1 4!079, Loo Ani•lta, 90046. ' Designer Upgra es Original D • raw1ngs and 1ty MAlllAN CRIU5T\' NEW YORK -When dt!igner Calvin Kltin Wll in lhli MVtnth ll'ldt art cl ass , hi" ·lf'm<:htr made • sharp comment that stuck in Calvin'11 youn1 and im- prenioNble mind . To dramatize the dialocue, the in~ structor ahv1y1 called he!-1tudent1 mister or rnla. "Mr. Klein," sht said, ··1 llkie your technique but really, alr, you're not \•try original." Klein was tunponrily 1hatttrtd. Today he 's 29-1oin1-0n·:SO and the boy wonder of that American fash ion jungle knO'l\'11 u Seve~th Avenue. The germ of hi.s lllu1trious cartt:r bepn, he says, with hi.s post put-down vow that he'd be ''original' .. come htll GI' hi&h water. Kltin, ·who operates a m~hrooming '4 mill.,,. fnhion house that is only tour years old, has cat.apulttd to the top of the f11hton heap. What pleases him most Is that his former 'ttachtr l.!1 among his regular cllenttle. As a graduak of the Fashion Institute of Technology, ht ,1says: "I hive discovered that the world is full of women who are 20, 30 or mort who snub irrational clothes for a semblance of eleganoe." Af\er 1fadualion Calvin· worked for a Junior ipOf'tswear hou.!le called Halley. Every n1ght he'd pop into hi.!1 favorite grocery where a friend, 8m'y Schwart1. "'ailed on him and ll.!ttntd to hi! com· plaints. ~ "Finally Barry said t.o take $2,000 from hi11 bank account and atart my own com- pany," 11ay11 Calvin. 'lbe boys qukk.ly shook hands on a 19ntlem111'11 agreement-that the profit& - U Chat W'ft'I any -would ht 1plit SO.SO. Thl-nnt ICOM WU hxky. Cah1n wblD!>ld up • luhion collectio" -mmll;y c:oO!i lllld putaultl -Md pit Fancy HERDjMEN ~ND HOODJ ~-- . " . ' . ' . . ,-;; I . • . . . . . . • .. • . them on display at thr ''ork i.101rl rlur 1ng a buyers' showing . It was a vrry adventurrsom r mo,·r Ile really had no addrtss and trrt:'llnlr no staff to put tog~·thrr an <irdrr ~ho1:.!d 11. appear. .. "Tht roon1 hap~ncd to ht> oppo~11e an elevator," 1ays Kle in. "A Firth A\·rnuf' !klre buyer bui:r:ed for servit'f' and. tn thr momtnl that he wailed, caught sight of tht clothes on my rack. The next thing I knew I had a $50.000 oratr:· Today more than 1,000 slorrs carry Calvin Klein clot~ whi ch are in thf' $125-$400 ranf:e. Fonner grocer Barry Schwartz is his partner. Fashion con· 1lomeratts ha\·e offered 10 buy hiis tom- pany and pay him a huge salar_y to stay on as designer. "I'll form my ov.TI fashion con. glomerate," ht say.<1. "Or I'll oprn Calvin Klein boutiques in Europe. Prob.ably fir st ia London and then in Paris." Elegantes like Gloria Vande.rbilt Cooper and Dinah Shore wear his clothes but hf' isn't Impressed. "I'm far more in~sted in lhe young elegante who isn't a 90-ealJ. ed 'name' but who iru;tantly gm~ my degree of rashian con5e~s." Calvin is marrttd to hi" !'Choo1 sweetheart, Jayne Ctntre. fOT!ru'r textile designer for Cohn-llall·Mark~. She ill hill not·so-silent partner and Mrornet er ll'hO tells al! ;ibo11t 11.liat looks ~he 'll \l'C<1r , ho""' !ht' conerpt of fashion is changing , where her11!1nt'~ ~re l{OI TIJ:. 'Tlir 0111? 1d1•:1 u1 fa shiuu th;1t i$ 11llrr!y p<i .i~r.·· hr s.:n\ ~·. "is that i1l1C' look r rtt si·<.; ;:ill olhf'rs I\;. n1;1de lopf)('rs fur f;i!l, !l11i ('•·r ryont' \1·l1n 1<n'I toppc r'.-t 11 n11't br \'alt· qu i.~hed' ·· Klein'!; fall ·;2 collcrt11 111 runs lhfl gan1ut. !\fax1 cnals. Pantsuits roppt•rl vttth t'roppe tl avi<itor jacket~. ('oars :it thf'! kllf'e . Lots of separates .. Not1er;lh!y 11\>. S<'nl are dresses. "Today's i.1•oman would 1.il ht'r 11·C'ar llt'pa rates than a dress. Somcho1r rlress lengths ~till confuse "'Onlen and 1·111 nnt going to ht !\Ir. Hero -the de!'1,t:ner "ho brings drcs~<'~ back ... Al!hough Kll'in, 0011· ratrd 11il)l thr lhref' big B's of fashion -flla.~s. Rrook :-:. Ret'l lt' -has fame and fortu nr. ti h;ii.'o tf l t urn<'d lus hc;id. The one rule that Klein lives by is no t to l!it in his studiG and design as if he w~rt in.an ivor y to we':'. He goe.s evtrywhere. to pe<iplt-\l'Rl<.'t. and absorb impres~ions "''hfch are 11 I t i m ate I y translated into fashion. lie da sht's from the r<lrt'ficd at - mospht'rr ot !';nob Ne\v 't'ork rrstnurant~ like Grcnou i!le to the more public ~hl';\ ~ladi !11n \\'hf'n in P:in ~ ht• da.~l1C's fron1 Lefl Bank cafes to the llotcl fl1 tz. IEA ANDERSON, Editor T ...... y, A"lf !!, 1t1l P'•t• \I GOWNJ 'OJ\. MUJICIANJ -- f'a . ' "' . ' 'I ...... ~~ [.,..; . .(_-t DAILY PILOT 1 • ------- I nsta I lations Signal Start of New Year lnstall riur111t . p;1r11"' I•·· lures iuld fund·r al'11n1• l'I 1·1d-. trip :Jjilf'nd;is .1!11nJ; 1/u: (lr:1r1~r r 1.:ist Hoag Au xi liary J)r. <:t'(Jrgeltf' .\1 ! f ;r, ~· r I.\ .I t bt· 1)11· guc~l s111 .. 1k1·r 1:.i: ing thr ;innual lun{ h1'i1 P .,f lloai:: r.tf'inorial l!r.sp1 t:1! 1iux. il!arv in tht> 1:onferrncr center at Ji:30 am. Friday, April 211 Or . ~1c(';regor Is a profe~sor of effective speech and hun1an und erstanding ill ll1P Gnivrr ~1· 11· 11f (';ilifornia. San D1r;.!<i. ~he has hC"en r.n !he t ·cJ..\ f,Yull) fr1r !II yr:ir~ I/pr tnp1e "'ill bt• ExplonriJ! Volunteer Country. Offi cers lo bf' inslallrd are the :\Imes. Fro nk Fl\'nn, president; James Laf'l11 ni mr. Thomas Raffel!o, Hudol ph Ba ron and llubert Smith, 1·1ce presidents : Lawrence lto<l t and Cha rles W hi t eh e a d , secrr.tarie.5 ; Robert t.lil!Pr, treasu rer, and r.1 atthew Ken· Gorden Club (ltJ\t•l',111p 1!11· ]1••!11" t1!'" r".;1r~ i1t \r l~•t l>.1.1 11 II !11· lt.1r1 .rr \,1 ... 1 ll1.r111• 1,,11oi • 1 ( 11.1. . \: 4 ,II I• Ir\ I• 111\.1\ 1\1t1 II 2:) 11,t"ll•iJflt' II I p!•'•t•rr! ;i trt·r· [11 l ,lf'I ~. 11J' 11'1 1.,ps ·I ~.HI and 75J f,,r J1l:.n t111i.; on 1!11: grct>nbrl! 11e;1r c:i1hh .. us1· I T rygve Lie Tr-yg\'t: L1f' l,ri<!i:e . :-.t/11~ 1,f .l\•1r 11<J\' 1>,l]I 1·r'.t' 11~ ;11r U.1 I l .:1 11•k;11J~ i '\ l\\!';•1,1f1 ~(!\\I I IUHlt r' ;,[ ~ li) 1J Ill F1 It.Iii,\. r\prtl ~R . ;11 thr .\1r '.':a t11,n.t] ( ;u;1rd J\rm()rl. co~1 a \\•";I, Trl"'ket~ are S.1 frir ar!u!t -.ind SI ffl r children Afti·r dinni>r ::i tiu••t n anrl rn1n1.q 11P1·11 11 Jll hr 1 /1•1~4·U ,u d ~Ir~ llal\1,r \r·rrntud v.11! 11n1en o'l1n w i ! h .it·11°1d1on musir.. Cha1rrn1>n arr ~l r!>. ~'.d Le1·eri11g and ~!rs . Oscar '.' t!.1~.,I ·~I"' i,,,, ,,, I•'' ; .. 1111 1..; .,1,•I 1 "II 1• , I ·I r 1 " Lo s Cerritos '-nu I Ji ( • "I ' . I 11.i' ii \ \ I 'I ' ' •• .. f ,, "'!' ,( ol '' \ ;1 i,., ',',; I !" ; ' 11·11d111;' 11,1· I' I 'I ( '. I 1) ci I I• ! 1·1Jr: . 1·1 1,. •'' I r 1'.i \ "r d S;1l111 d.11 .\onl ~lj ; I ol ~:1 Pt lilt' Alr)-"1rl·,\l!J1'1n;1 111,ll·I, Lu~ 1\r1~1·!c,1 NB J uniors l!!1h ll1·11r'.', l'r••hu11 ut t)11• .. j1 \\ iJ ·<1!1 'f \ :-,1j, I', I\ ill :-),.,11· ;111{] 1•,tl r .11" )!d\ II t, ' 11 111· t1.r1k 1111 1 llJ•'. '" ll.11 •1 l·r1·r1•l1 /'<,h n•~1.: _\,•,\ i •·:• l.11111 :ind I· lJI 'J J1 •· pr1 ·'.f'ntu1 u.•1 11111 b1·~1n ;11 -; 'lO p rr1. S:1111rtlriy April 2!1, 1:1 11 .1· El,rll l 't 11hti11 u • e-. \1111.-irt 1!1•;1 1!' :1r1rl pn1t •·1•I 11 111~u r1JJJir11 11~· .h11 11ir 1·:1,1 !!· proJ•·•·t. 1h1· En\ 11· .. nr1ir·11Tot/ N:illlrr Ccntrr. Tickel.~. at ~2. n1~11· Iii· purc:h-.scd fron1 :1n\' Ju1 11o r 1,r '·'" Beau x Arts t .• ,1, r .. \lu' 1 1Jll1 I· 11>:·,1! 111,,11 1 1!1•• 'J111.111a ,\rt l · .11 • '''•lillll. 1"11 1•S Iii 111, '' !•' ,, J'.1 '"'~ \n~ \•·1·1 111 •· •. I n i' 1, S.1!11~ ,l,,1 \i'' I ..'• !ti lltl l\,1Jl1••\! l ':+\Jjj1 I I 'I LJ( ; ··d \\ I "•11!1 ~ JJ t llll' J10U ·• U!!I l.i 11.dt111'. 111",jj, City of Ho pe Sh1·1la \JJ1o1·11 Au x i I 1 :1 r v . '11.-1111.'" l'n1,..n!v ('I: 1pt• r of 1ht· I '" .. 1 11 Ill' \\ n pr I 1 •1! a 111! II• r d."rl ' ,. Ill !11•· \• ·'I" It• 1' I: •1 '\tl1,r11 _,•, \prd '.!'1 t • r 1\111• 1\ 1 I t"''I! 111 11 · 11 '"' ~ 1;111-i :JI i p Ill . !f1ll1.11 o>d t.• rl 1rui1 r :111d <L1nf ,/'L'. ' , t! · n 11 .11· of 11;1· Old S , ·1 , Vil lage Guil d I 1~4· \ 1JJ:.;•1· I ;11diJ !I 11 <I r 1' .. 1d1-nl"' ,,f 11·.1•11• ,11 •· • ,,. ·1~,1·~4 1111 11? ,, 11111·(1.1 1' 1\11\ :1r d l r;11t'> J·:xhitut1011 and '.'..dr· Tllf• 1·1·t-r1t 11•111 I~· fr(1111 10 :1 fn _ 111 IJ p n1. Sutunl.1_1, r\pn l .!:,. .,1 d I/ 1111 I"• • I ' Ii ) 1n '\1iT .l!,1 I \;I' ./-,11 ,+ \ :111• I 11 1. •I · 1! \ I .1! h ~ Ii I I) p I !' I! 1, I!•, Assis tee ns 'l,10 ,\ ,,,1 1 1 1.~ v.il l rr-l'l'i\1• !',, \1!1 !1111 •I .\ s "1 ~I an<·, . I , .1,rue ,\ll'tl:il l1011 d11r\n1' ;i +11·1•111•p•·t Su11rl:i). A11r1I J1• l:•·L11111 rit-; 1v1!1 b1· ~1 1~~ ·•'I I ';11•·1r1:i n 0 I et I J . •I .. .: ol1·r 1 t \1r <.1nd .\l r~ 1 f·.ot•1,H d j\10[('!1 lof ,\.l'\l'IJl•!l 1;, 1· !1 dlHl \l ie-; Hohin Crt·1•n \I. 1 r .i •!;1u;.:h tcr of Or . and \11 fql\' J•;\t·rt>ll {'.l1ntr Jr . .ii , 1d \J·v.p1.r1 fleilch 1· •• nou 1~ 1l1:1rms, indicating ' • •, 1\.1 .•· r1111i!lcd tht1r pr•1- \ lio· ,11 '''••!', 11 111 bt !llf' \J 1·'.'i \J.,llv Kea tin g, J\l'll• I .. L l•l .11111 Hi1rb:1 r:i l.<i1tl, ;i.nrt ti,•· \•dUllh'f'r \lhO ha!i Sl't\'ed rli1· 111,,•·1 l11111rs 11·ill rrcriv1· the j\., 1~1 1·t•11-,.f-1 he-year J.\\artl. BSP \(·11· 111 firers ha 1·e been 1-'!t>~ !I'd I Kapp.1 • .: .. 1 L)1.1µl1·1 I :1 I • II+· 1.1 !It , I I" ' t \lid1i1 \I ,"\ . ll 1 ! Id L1:ail11 1111 !!I 1), 11111.11 11 ill lii· I ht· 'I I,, I 11 . I '" •• , 1i1 •"1d•r!' H;11 1d.ill 1., •1 !" ···:d•·t•) Al j ... ' I ... ,, !1• t· r•:L~lll't·r, :11 r! 111 i.111 h .•111,,.tl •• lld 1~.'1LJI s1·11dr_1'. ~··o'/'1·11.: I Ttil'.'}' 11111 ],~· 1!lst all1•d .1' 11 j1.1n . i\\1111<1:1\', ~l :iy I . ,\lr!'.! JtJ li 11 S..1nµt·r i~ pr•· <lenl of 1111· l: \.\ cJ1:ipt1·r .11.ol ~£'r1 1ng 11 .tll J1,·r :ire ti .. · :\l!nes 1\1>tl1 t it•nsrh and l;e o r!.t•' \\ :1!11 ~ \i i~t· pres1d1·111• IJ1.u:: l.\rner a :1d 1\1:111 ~l :11h11t 1•1•1,11 11-. :111(1 Sid ('h:ip;wll. II• :1,u r,.,, Pen Women Lagun:i Br:l nt h ot r !i ,. Amcritall Pf'n \\omen 11 tll 11•· stall offir 1:r:-rind 41pl·11 ,, n1u11th ·lon g t'~h 1ti.1 :'>!(•11d;11 ~l:l \' 1 Thi· 111,r ,1H<1t 111r1 11 11! rakC. place 111 rh1· I l111r 1 L11g11n;1 and !he t'.~h1ti11 11 il l he 111 Ilic l 1. ,,1u1 (je,,( h F1"1 eral :\<n •II , 1111J L1 1.1t1 ~.illeJ~ v.ht•fl' II !1·.i l•Jf t·\IJ1l11! V1SJ\u1.s 11 111 be ••• •1 \l td11c~d<J~'. ~lay 3 \,.11 11tJ•l.t·1~ <lfl' Hel11n t:,11 I ,11 )111"1ih·rll F!Qre /H'l' \l .,.,.1.'. \Ill,' prt·:.1dent \l,11,, 1t:1 L.inge ;ind f\lildrr·d \\ .. :1 1', seeretar1t~ a nd 1\(';1l1l.1 \\':in<l!ing. tr('asur1·r . Int e rfaith :\11·1'pt1ng Our (h1n ~1l1rt;1 lr­ r· l'l the subJC'l"L 11f a i our~t' !11 l>e ~p .. nsu red !1~. 1/Je ln1erf ;u th l·'ou11d at ion •·!I '-1 -: t u11!.et ut1\r 1\1uncl:i\" ... r,1rl111g ,\l:1v I in the r11 rf.rt :111h l<•t1ng1'. Jr\ int' A fet· 11f SIU f11r H11· l'llUfSC or $2 1J(lr scs~ion 1~ l•1·1ni: charge1I lnd ion Ma idens \~1 \ton or 1he \\'hil l' Huffal o, 1t111.1111gton fll'at h \'~1CA In- iJ1,,n \1ai den~ has inducted 11t·1\' off1ct•rs. Tl1t·1· :1rr ~1rs Bill Smith :in1l 1!:1ughl Pr ,)oi.l~·. princt·!>s: \lr~. <;:11'\' ,\lourr and r.1 1lissa. ;j,'','l~lil111 'princes~;. ~!rs. n obh ~ill a11d 11l'hl.if>!'J. meJUplna t.111 \1 1 '-\I ll<iiT a 11d Llll:1!;1·1l1 !.1 ll'. ~t·1 ·1 11·1 , ;1rHI ~Ii ' l.1nu·\ c ;1111~( !1al k :ind l)~·t1f/I .iilll .J.1111 1J· 1n!e!l1 kf't'f'('I LB Ebells Art1ll-lsracli pn 1l1l1·1ll.\ 11 li t lit• c.J 1~< u.~~ed h~· Ur. t-.l!1rga11 :-.. tJ1tcl l 1111(·11 ht• :idclresse :> the !..1gun;1 Ul';lt'h Ebel] Cluh oi l , :a; p 111 ~1 1111d ;l1, i\lAy I, Ill tt1r> /1111111• of \Ir.~ lll'rlwrt Bu r- 1 111~·· nr. ! ld1·l l (,!llj.;lll phi!osophv ;11111 11 II) .u11 .1! r'lt:ridenl:il t '111!1·ge ,,ud v.·as pres1den1 i1f J .. 11 •!> :incl Clark C11llr·~1·, 1·,.11l:111d . Ure. l ie rrl1rt·d 1r1 1•1<;1110 1r:11el :iround !hr 11·orld ~1·r11n~ 01 er~ra~ 1111,,~u1n' tlr. :-!Jtnl r.n1· _1 1·:1r :1! t 11 e A1 ncrican \ 'r\11 t•r ~11y 111 C;111 n .'Ind four yr:i r!i :-it th« l!ci rul t '11l ll•g1~ I r•r l.rlHllll)ll, 111• i:: L:igun;i Deilt'h \\ I) 1111•!1 I 11 a r1•s1dl·111 of Your Horoscope Watered Down Version Aquarius: WEDNESDAY APRIL 26 Dig Deep i;ourc:l'. Change of routine should be \\'elcomed. Take a more independent .5 la n c e . Of 'D I ream Misleading By SYDNEY OMARR ARIES <~tarch 21-April 19 \: Don't affix signature Io document.. unless authorized lo do so. One in authority could be resentful, iruspiclous .. TA URUS (April 2(}.May 20): Low-key approach is best : be diplomatic a n d receptive. Family security is involved. GErtflNI (May 21 -June 20 ): ln love. you find \ol.'here you .:i:tand. ln other areas, you are ~ tempted to ta ke unnecessary . chances. Im portant to know difference bety,·een one y,·ho i~ sinctre or otherv.·ise. Element of dect-ption is present. CANCER tJunc 21-July 221: Rely on experience. Stick to familiar ground. Resist one who attempts to sell gel·rich- quick scheme. Don't skirt la\1'. LIBRA ISept. 23-0cl. 22!: Differentiate be tv.•een publici- ty anrl notoriety. \'our inner ll'elings \\'ill serve as reliable guide. Aquarian could play prominent r o I e . Grandiose proposal should be carefully examined. l'\o <lne is giving yoµ son1ething for nothing. SCORPIO (Oc t 23-Nov . 21 ): One you think much of could have proverbial feel o~ ulay. Accenl is on getting puzz le pieces together. Bizarre situa- tion is ;iboul to be <.'(Included. SAG ITTARIUS /Nov. 22· Dec. 21 l: You are drav.·n in two directions. (;;iin is ~hr11\'ll if vou choo.~c coursr th:it re· qufres steady dclerm1nation. Oth1'rv.isc. you have fu n hut results will be en1 pt y. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. Uy t:R,1A Utl.\IUELI\ I ne\'er unc!t"rstood \1 h\' babies v.·t·re l'rl•nted 11 1th :ill the component p;1rt s /lt'l"t·s- s;:iry for a rith, full life "'ith the unl1n1shed plui nb111g left to ama1 ~'urs If ii \l";J!i a 11\:Jt!er (Jf ITI!)l)f'Y . therr is11 '1 ;1 111 ot l11•r 111 th is \\'Orid 1rho 11·ouldn ·1 !J;11·(· chipped 111 ;1 Ft11' f•x1r:i btl1·~s _to hove the kW 1.:on1p!ctcly .:is- se111hled. 1r;linC'ft ;ind rr;ulV to 1:1k1· on loni:: 11·1rs. !\.~ 11 1.~. 0101ht•r!i !ilt1n1hl r :i1ong tr.1·111g tn triilt'l "tr.1 1n" th( 1r b:1 h1t·s hy t·lti nL~il.1' r11n- n111i:: 1r:1t1•r t11 t.:rf>a1t· au ;11- n10.~pht'ft' :i nd hold111i:: s1·;1 sh1·1ls to thC'i r c:i r to stii::ges r rushing 11;1\f·r 11 11 rs h I had ;1 dim,. for e1 (•r1·111nr I ~at r.n the edg f· of 1h1; h.1tht11h !rlhni,: thr SIOt.\' or 11if' Jnh11 s101111 Fl oor! 1 AT WIT 'S END JUSl been a~ht'd to fly the 1l1111g to Cuba . So l exp lainl'd to him. 'Todd , lf you do your 1 hing you '11.'l!l hear music.' " ··111(] he undcrst afid rhnt '.'" I :!Ski"d. ".\ot a 11"ord. Ile sat tht're a l·ouple of hours and finally I tuok hun otf, 11"rnl to th~ ~.1!!·hen. got a g!a.~s of 11"ater i1nd [)(Jured it into the bo11"l. "'/'he music came out and Tor!<! clapped his hands and d.1 n('ed around like he \\'as ~e1·1ng !hr rirt·us for the firs! 111111· 'fhen I pul hun on lt ag:un and he :-;!\ tlll're !or ano1her couple ff hou rs" "Then \\'bat dirt ~cJu 1lo'!'' "I too k hin1 o/f :ind got ::inother gl nss of 11·:it11r :ind d<'monstraled for hirn :ig.'lin ·• "1\nd hr fin ally go1 th(' poin t and 11011· is on his 11 .1.\' lo be1ni; tr;uned. right ?" ··\\'rong. E\·ery eouplr-of hours or so. he J.\l'ls ii glnss of 1nilk ;ind pours ii 01·f'r 1t1r po l- tv <Jntl da11ecs to 'Tht• l111po!i:'>I· bit• nrc<i rn .' .. "[)o .\'Ol~ think h!•'IJ f•\l'f hr. !r:11!H'd .'" ··1 don't kn n1r:· sh1· ~au l, s:n.lly sh11k1ng her hc:id, "I on· Iv know ho11· d1s;ippo1111rd ht ··· .'i'oing to be \lo'hrn he 1hrn\1 s 11 pitcher of \l'atrr O\'er Hn Arrnv latrine and there's 11n1h1ng lo rlancr 18." LEO (July 23·Aug. 221 · Relalives, neighhors may at:t in confused manner, Key is to check rnessages, calls. Fini!>h now rather than nnemrting 10 begin projecls. Couperale 11·ilh Aries. Don 't break health resolutions. Let gn of past. J!l 1 · You require permissi()n; Uon 't trv too much. too soon. Arcept rired for revi.~ion. (lb- ln111 hint from Sagittari us nu·ss<11:e. Deline goal. t;ain ,g r cater self-understanding. i\lrmber or opposite s e x reveals inten t. Xo11 I 1101 r-1h:1r a ru•11 1 "tr11111inJ! k11" hns 1•111111· nn thr· -------------------------- VIRGO (Aug. 2~Scpt. 22\o Cains come from unorthodox WOMEN'' W!;A• SIHI ' II 20 UIS IE. Ct1t1 "1 wy, C1ra11t d1I Mt r •11-1m Th• 1l•r• wi01 l1b1l1 of di1tintfio11, Yeur c.litr9• •ttounl w•ltom1. Darkl"9 tit.11111111 Uor1. AQ UARJUS (Jan. 20-Fch. 18J: You require addit i11nal in· format ion. l'osts ha ve not been analyzed -or revealed. Know this and take ap- propriate action. Di~ d£'ep. Reject superfici;11 indic;1tions. 'l'hfJSf' "'ho eare the mos t may be lhe n1oi.t subdued. Crea tivity Abounds rn ark1•t guar:in11•1'd ro ~·111 toilt.·1 1ra111111g r1n1r u p 1n l~I pc rl•f·nt. 1\\Jt h son1e kids rh:d ;idds ur roug hly ''' !11 0 \l't•rk" b1·For1• foo1b:11l pr:1t·~1l't' • Jt's a lillh• rhron·· 1111h :l bu ilr.1n rnu.~1e ho.\'.. \rllen l/1e bnUy ha~ pcrformrd . , nnd not until !hl· n111.~1(· box rr1\·arrls h1n111i11i a l1tt l1: tunr I first ~:111 11 1n thr ba1hroo1n nf m~· next-door 11Pighhor. f;]!ir1:1 'lit:\', lll:it's 1 ~rrif1r." sa id ·'·\rhat do .. ~ 11 p!.1\'"" "Th t· Jn1po'-"1 h;,. l lr\·;1 111,' sh1· s;11d 111'~ I~ PJSCt:S iFrh. 1!l·:\1nrch 2fl 1· Al'oid ~cl f·dl'!'rp!1on. l•'1na111·1al committnrn! nee ct s t1x- n min n l 1 on . P olicies. docurn('n!s ma\' r f' q u i r c ehanges. (' o i· r er I pn!<t mistakes. J)()n 'l take situ:i- lions, persons for granted. Tr:i cy nr:ut~h:lll and 1'o ny ~1 ;1:.:~i ;.;I'\ itJ \'Olr !'d \\It h lhl':r r1n_g erp:i1 nlin;! 1r ll il'h v.111 ill' d isp1a_\'l'd d ur1n .:.: tht• i\lc•.•J \'ttlle l 'h;ldrcn's ('rrJtt\'e .\rt \\"r1rk~h1Jp fro1n 10 a.111. lo~ µ rn. S;:i tu rrl:iy, r\pr 1J 2!J, 111 tile ilfC'sa \·(·rde UnitPd i\lethod1s;t ('hur('h. /\n :irl r \ln in1. (·re-ativc activiti es for t:luldren and J d rJ\YJng for loc:il a rt ist~· 11ork n·1tr llt lealurcd. "Th rn. y011·rr h.1 \ 1nl( :-omr «111 ·1·1 ·-=~ 11 11 h 11~·· I ;1~k r·d hopeful!~ ".\ot really " shr said "Todd isn't too swift. The first I t1mr I pu! him on. he sa11herr frozen and ~cared likf' hr h11d No Way to Map Lonely Road D!·:.\H 1\\\ I \\IJ!·'.H.'I l 11,1 ;..r ,ilt•l1d fur _111111· 11 1,r• • 1'l'li~el !11 · l 11 ... 1'>\ Ill /'('rl ll)i_l'I\ .1111;1 :l11d 111 ri1 1i~·1 S 11l ,1;;11rd II It h guilt f1 •f'l!nf·:: l\1•1 ;1 1 1.~1 · ~•>111 1 ·1 111 1• 1u·,1r ;1 11d d1:!lr l 'IJ!llllll[i(·d ~lll('idt• f h'll !' hl'l 'll dul\'ll !/i;1t l111lt'IV r1 •;1d :i111I r 11.i11ld111 \\ h )I 11 •Jll I 1\.1 II <ti'~! !'Tl('l Ii\' J 11 :1, h:11·1·I\ t'.1 :11 th1· 1111 11• -.. 1rc·ndy n1:1n 11·d 111 a 111;111 rt:u< h nl/11 \1· 1h;1 ri m~st'Jf I J1:1d 1111 111t,l1ng lh;11 1111 liu·h:•ntl \.\as ~u 1111st;d1Jt· 11 1~ t'1·rr:unl.1 11 11~ 110L the cl:i~i;ic .~ll lf'1da! per~i>n:1 l111 . Nr \'f•r (11ll.'C 11·as lhf'rt• ii lunt that hi' had s1:lf-dl'slrue l1u11 in 1n1nd. I'll ~p:irt• yuu the detail.~. hut !hr lllf'lhod ht' 1·ho~e to kill him~clf 11•.1s skJ1Hul!y dtSl;.!ill'd !n 1nake inc ~uffcr . Fur yrnr.:: I c.1rned the guilt of his rlc.1 !h t hJ;11rit.1rl rn.l'~rlf fnr nol tiring 11·1~c enough lo rerogniz1~ !hf• signs. I kl'JH lt'H- ing 1n.1 :-1·!1 111:11 s11t11t•l1c11\' I could h:11·c . .;avrd h1111. I kn1t11· 110\1'. 11f rourS~'. lh;rt. nobnd .1• r·nn ,-;;J1't' ant bud .\'. :\ jl<'rsnn 11 hn 11·oulrl p11! :1 l11\·1·d <•ne lhrnui::h 1ht hrll 11f such :i 111;.:l111n:1re 1.~ 1111.~pc:ik .'1/Jly st'Hl ~h and \'ct'.I' sH•k. t·<u1 !>av Th;111~ 1 nu !.\ llHf>t)l\l.f\[.· f11r 11 -A FHIE .\ll IJE:\R FHIE'\IJ : I ftidn't r~ali~-' ~11 many pcoplr s11Hrrt'd "·Ith guilt rr~ull in~ fron1 th e sui<'irtr ol a lovt>d onr. I rref'h · Pd dot rns of lrltrrs From readers ~·ho e;t· pr1•sst·d ~.iinilnr s1·n lin1ent~. Thank )·ou lor ,l'O Ur ~e nt'rous comments. OEi\H Al\i\' LANDERS: You hal'C cr1·al1:d " lcrrd1c prnblrrn 1n our family :uul r hnpe ~·11u ;IJ'e s.1ri~fic·d . Do you rcc.11! 1hc ltllt•r fr<itn th<" \lltttnnn \\'ho rn.1rrt!'d a 11•1Uo11·c r \\'i!h gro\1•n childrrn? 'l'lll' kid.~ lll1J\1•d i11 liken hf'rd of lrlrus ts ;111(! la·lpcd !lu11n s1•l1·cs lo ll1r silrer. (•h111:'l. paintin :,:.~ ;on(l Jo11"ly ht'irl1111111s. 1'11.11 nii;ht Jt d11111( r I !Jrut1glit up ~11iiJ1 ·l·t ~1.1' hu sband hrra1ne 1·rry nn- !IH~l'd ;ind ycllrd. ''Oun't bury ml' sn fas! 1' 1 n11ght fil'e lnnhl'r than ~·ou ." ThPn he thre1\' it up lo mr in front of I lhe ('hildren !hn! I a1n tv.o years 11lder 1 than hr 1s. plus a fc1v dirty di.I!~ :i l)(lu1 n1 v 1\e1g!1t and n1y hip:h blond prt·ssurr . Ill" !-aid tf I died (1rst he .,...·ou)d 1101 ;i llo n· I .1!1\'lh111(! I!) hr !akrn fr o111 1hr hous1• - "L.ct f'ltir k id~ hu y th l'i r r.11·n .~1 lvrr and d ishes~-· he shou!ed Thr oldrst daughter scrr;imed. "I tlon'I wanl )'OUr d~unned dishes:·· () u r daughlrr·in·law lefl the table in a huff. \Vh;1t I though! W<lu\d be a quiet fam ily discussion !urned into the \\•ildest fa mily fight .\'Ou can im<"lginc. And Ol'er nothin g hut !hat luusy column of )·ours! \Vhy don't you sti ck lo advice lf'I the Jvvrsick? Thank vou vi;rv rnu!'h . -JA~l.LED NERVES TN f\1EX iC11 CITY J)EAR J .l'\. IN rtfEXTCO CITY : Sorry )'OU fl't'I I rreated a pr(lblem. It sounds to 1ne as if the problcn1 has been lh ere for quite some time. 'RITZY GYPSY" PERM Your 1·01np.1s~1011 ;111r! u1Hl1'r~t nnrl1ilJ.! w:is ;1 sourr't· of :.1rr11g1h In lll t", I ;qJ- prcri:itr your cJ::uly colun111 nt<ire th an I The sr('ond \r1fr 1\'as horr ified. She 1·;1lil'd 1ht'111 nv:1ri!'ious. grnbhy kids . \'011 :-:11d 1f !lu· n1 11 thc r J1:id had ;i \l'ill 1n \l'hich .~ll_t· ~!:1t1•c! her \1'i~hes it could ha\'c t•ll111i11 J((•d a Jot of h;1rd feelings. IF THAT "loufiy'" column of mine was the-catalyst for some honest expression It set\'ed a useful purpose. Go from shags to ri ches via our own Cut-Without Short ening, shampoo and set plus a body- conditi one r that kee ps yo ur Ri tzy Gypsy coif perman ently curly. All ju>< $20 MAGIC Ml~~O~ 13ea11ft;c.5alons 0"11 MllMlfJ 11\r~llt~ Sl!~rO•y J.,.,.,., •"O ll>\i,...,•I' l"•H1in91 .. ~-'"' ·~Po1~1 ...... 1. •••-10<(1 Elders Bid to Lunch 1111\I 1 l111rthf'~ h:1·.•· ht••·n na rn1·d f1ir lhf' nr \t fi.111· \t'111 .. r r~ FRANCIS- '\,, ORR J J 1 11 i;:rn hu11'hf'o; s11r\'1•d 1111 Th ursd.1ys bl l 'hurc:h \\'0111('11 l.Jn11cd. The i:i ccnl nic;il 11 111 b<' srr1 cd in c·omn111111ry ( 'hurch C11ngreg:1t 11•ru1!. ('n rnn:1 del 1\1:1r. April 27: Firs! l'111ll'd r-1e!hodist Church, C t;1 s t a ,\1tsa, r.1;1_\ 4; St 1\11drr\\'S /'rc~h.\'terian Church. l\e1rport ill'arh. ,\l;iy 11 and Chris! t 'h11rr h IJy lh~ Sc;i, r.lay 18. llcst'r\'alions must he made v.·1!11 the host church orfice by !he preceding Transporta\Jon n('('dt'd. Tues d ay i~ provided H DIAMOND REMOUNTING '1'111• 1111'1 wlll llllr ''"'" ,..,. .. llff •.. Wt "'"' .,. ""llmltld tollttllo" ti 1lylt1. ,., ...... 1,.., Ill -''"'' •ltll lt\I• Id. HONDA JEWElE~! .... "~' , .. , ...... ADAMS .. llOOICHUIST HUNTINGTON ll:ACH :fliadllW!l!a LAGUNA BEACH FURNITURE SPRING SALE OF Here it is! Blackmarrs and the Aireloom Bedding p.opl• hav • made this gr•at savings event up just in t ime for your spring hous• cleaning! These ter- rif ic value groups are available only this one ti m e •• , .. don't miss it! The "Vanguard'' • , •• • qulltf'd style unit of medium fir mness with 10 yr. guerentff by Alreloom Bedd ing. 1·1,·in box spring & 111 attrcss, t·on1p\rll' llouble b0x s pring & n1:itt r(·.~s. coinph·lt• Queen box spring & 1natlrl·ss. con1ple!(' t\i n~ box spring & mattress. co1npletl' Th• "Ortho Supeme" , A quallty double quilttd mattress with a full I" poly foam tOY•t completely enamelN 2" sprint unit m•k•t thl• the flnett walue1 we've ever offoredl $79.88 $89 .88 S\19,88 $149.88 nffdlo over a one et T\'.·in box spring & mattress ..... . ... $129.11 4/6 box spring & mattress ............•... $139;81 Queen box spring & mattress ........... $189.88 King box spring & mattress .............. $239.88 LAGUNA BEACH FURNITURE 260 FOREST AVE. 494-1071 1620 NEW MacARTHUR BL'VD. HARBOR VIEW SHOPPING CENTER S•" Jo•q 11;~ Hill, Ro~d ti fl ~w IJ.•tAd \iur NEWPORT BEA CH / ~-------- 1.-11\'E STATl{)~EltY MOTHER'S DA'I' <;,Iii -c~rd1 FIN£ PENS ttr 1 ,,..--,... V iviane Wood~r_d_ ~::·1)~='="·'='"=~~~~~~::'."'.'."." ( 1011 -P ~·~ ,,_G1r! ~"d 11111 (ll H ~liWll T 111 1111 · t04D11 II! IUI tDIVf"lll '11111, ' • COSME TI CS Are now in N ewport Belich Call 64 5-0990 for ilppoinfmenf Try Saturdc1y's News Q11;iz • DICK TRACY Ti!IS HAS LAIN T1-115 WAY SltJCE WORL:> WA~ T WO. TUMBLEWEEDS W~AT A CATACOMB! ·( j GRffTINGS, CLASS ! n115 SEMI NM I ~ATURES A COURSE IN INDIAN COMMUNICATIONS! 10 flf61N 1'/11H1 . .;~ 9 WHO CAN DfflNE TH c WORD ----''COMMUN ICAl iONS.'? MUTI AND JEFF ' ~ . . . ANO I HE.AR Ti.-IOSE DOGS. By Chester Go11ld -...,.--. w E'vE LETS GET OUT OF SEEN HERE ANQ. PERFECT ENOUGH! A PLAN BEFORE WERE BOOBV·TllAPPEtl • By Tom K. Ryan IHfN ~ Wli'r'tl vtxJ RAISE \' oou: ! HOW INllYSCREET KIN YOU Ciil! VOUR HAND?! ' ' v By Al Smith NOKlDDING- l'M S ERIOUSLY FACE LIFTED? WHAT FOR. ITS GROWING UP "Tr\ROUG >I YOU R ~AIR ! ~ ...... , .. ~ .. ' .. ·-~,, FIGMENTS // NANCY • '/ \. If \ ( '· 1~8 '4 DO YO'..l L lK:_ 7 riE N :::W ME ? I DAILY CROSSWORD •• ·"' , " ro w") 1 r.~~1 •. 1 .• 4~ _,.,, •fi~·I 4 j s.~,.., •. : t ·~ < rt1 l dl .,,I~ i. ! .!" '~-·1•1 ~1 1111 [,;, " ~:.-~'·-·: -I N"i·• '• :J A~A .. J1 ,,.J, ''"~ l'd:J"Ji1: (.i;.•1!:. 4 1 ! ,. l•' • 1(1· ., ·~ ... ~ , 4 I •ir~-.. · ', ! 1 ,.., · 1 .• I~!, 1 . .,.-. I rl ' 1;1,--· ~z ;,, li.11.11~ p ~-,,.,:i,1:tJL . h l •n~ ~:.1•·,' l'·••I 7 ., ••!• ]f, No: d•'«t•~ J.7-O:r11 ,,., l a R ·~~e n 1 r I IJ"I llle ",<d] :l~ l\i'l ~~·" 7CI Br~rnm"~~ 2~ Q,ly n( .. '.,1:11: Z \'o'.:rd. 4'4 L~.1\ !lunuQ1\ fir1r nor~'. ;f, P1~c r nl l:irn:tlJr? 2 f Tho'.r '"' lc•1g~r .1r!•~' 111 b11~onr ~ 31 ln~.c~l mq m~ .. 1e11 n~mr ;IZ D11:n.1- ch.i.r~tt~r :n Adyant~y· :;l) !.ound of sorrow JB Comf'di/1/1 -··- l.~ut1 :'.I~ Not movinq .1110 ltindu SJ)irltu~I !l'.1t!er ~1 Writing tool ' 2 l • '" " ' 0 I 1 ' ·, . 2• " " I I J2 ' .. ' I " ' I ~ +,: ' .. , ·• " " " .. . --.. ,\.~ A•' < ~,1·; ··~o" '...-~. vr · w p.i'.'• I I" 'i ' .lr <I i.1 r .1!1· Ii? Pri•'lir!Q flo•d - bJ r1rr1c.1 o~rnc le.: ~.nr.•1y ~4 !:>tr"'J ot l~n~~c1•~ I , [•""'l•• r +.h e~o·,~ Pr~!" f.7 Ch1111 11 (!)I.Ill' •t 00~1.'/ 1"-\urh a Camtort lo Mr " i Kind of hJtd r Y\e•nal (!)Vflill!J 3 P•<l- 4 Abhnrr"!lt P 5 ls a 1111i;n:t lo ' • • " " " IS " " ,, j " ' . ··~1•l ~ « . .. , ' " JO 1, r .. ·1! :~ r;.rt I l "·1·, Id~ , , \', '''I"'' ' 'l .\"• . .,, J ~·l' H•' 1r HI C,11 '"to \l C W", (', -:-. 1~ \' '. ': ,., p .. , .... ,' ....... lily,,,, l ~ Knd nf J,ir ">! 01 ~·v~ :: l f""'~"-' I 1w! F!\orutd l'•J•ol •l~,, ... .?S ll ')!lor~o111r !lf'Jf\lr .'l l,oJ1" PP'1f1 t'I" frrlo111' ?ti ~m.111: ~11h1 ~ Z~ C orrn~r.11111r CO•IJto'\IOll JO An1m,1I f'ncloi.urts J4 Anet .tor J) Seto! JJ pl,1yon~ c .irtl~ I ' • ,. " " .. , 2J " " ,, 17 r,.11 ·'t w"~ _,J-S".1· '"-'" -,, ~1 I'" Nor\ 1 l\ll,ml1 c 41 Vl''~""' r ,1·t 1~•r, in br.f.,l!! •3 C1,(".~~ A.1 Tlor '"'' h• l 4~U1 ·1~11• 1i:l•I '" "' 4 / .... , ..... ,. ''m~r· • •:< )tnJO!J+ll 9 •nnl '.i) ... l.1.1• ll'~" !il "i t.lfrsl 111 ~p.ict. ~) I!>' ,111<1.11 ·~ I rhrr.111 5f. (~ch.10qr pr£>mium 57 --lr.l)r fi O Vtry ~~1,111 " " " ,, " ,, ~ I •J . " .. ir~f.• " " , " " " ,, " 61 ' .. " MAN?- ~~~~~~~~- Y'.X.J'i.> B ETTER G=:T P ID OF T HAT 1'.:EV/ YOU ··· PEANUTS T11 ;,, :, S2.:.:·r·!u:·1t; JUDGE PARKER MISS PEACH i"E LL Y SCHOOL Cl..INIC FOil GIRLS" l,l.ltTM PU>BlEMI W ITM BOYS . PERKINS by Ernie Bushmiller BUT WHEN V('\U W,A.LKEO INTO THE DIN E~. SAM ••.. J DECIDED NOl TO 5 A.'f AN'l'TH\N()'. l PON'T l(NOW WHY B UT I PANICKED! M'I PR'OBLEM 15 1 NONE OF THE PoPULA~ BDYS EYEK ASK ME OUT. H OW COME ? AR'E.N'T :r: "rr~CTIVE ENOUGH? l-EX.PEC.T A r:1< ANK AN$~!('. • . ~"' - GASOLINE ALLEY l . • ,,1., I, 1!,1 SALLY BANANAS he q, .. "'r~~~~ "1Yl ~o&CiWI ~ GORDO 111 Tf,:..\ jUc'~:nent 5chool•, d -, t.Je now kn:;w t.1em a~e Rras!:il:J '/'• ·:~ .... :· '.1 .... -=. ,:::ino.;, ~·--: ~;;i', ! .. \\~ j t~:.: -:-~\ t·V~ -- ' ' c' ~~ -'"=-t"'- CAIL Y PILOT : ~ ~-­ By Dick Moor.s By Charles Barsotti ,----,,----_:; ~!•I -. -. ', :,,· ... cJ ' ' ~·~ "· ,• ,,C,_''-.2-.' By Gus Arriola t:'f:e:::" ::-.:-1,...i, ~-,_,,....to:.:. ":C':..~ 1\l f:C!:. 'IOLI \E: :·:.::....: --::: :"'* -l " .• I .. :: .' .··-f ' ' A. : -• ,.-·.1 t.. ":: _\:..:: 1 ;-E: .\ i ~ ... f; .\ o,J" •J. '0.:-,~;;:: .... · i;;:. .... .._.~ ci;;:. .._ ~i": MOON MULLINS " ANIMAL CRACKERS •,:•· '(;oOT ! ' DON 1 '!'OU THINK THE SENA.TOR SUSPECTED AS M UC H ;' :i.'M t>. 1>1't>t>Y! :rr'::. A BOIJ! .. By Charles M. Sch11lz 1rH5 /S SECl?fl..l..~IE.S !..'EC:J.;-.. PAT "i'OUK'. ~ECRET.J.1~,, ! ··- 1., By Harold Le Doux By Mell WE.LL, FRANKLY, '1'0U'~E A60Uf THE 5 1S C.OND MOST" .ATT~AC.TIVE GIRL IN THE CLA SS, If= 'YOU DON'T COUNT ALL T l-IE GOOD·LOOK'JN6 a.JES:. t~~· -;---:,,,, ~-·h '•' ' Cc " ) k\ ~ -..:> ' f ·l( ... ' , I \ _, _l.~- .I.. __ -~_s._-i:; ':O:..l.IO::~ -::_,1.,,.' >.f:i...· ,' ::..'>,~:., !:: :.'.' -... .),.>,,! I ; \ ,::..:: "*' :. • .. _ ... , ' '· (~f-~1 ·•-;:. 1\ -r4 1 By Ferd Johnson .. -. -.. ' !'EM EMBER IHE Goat> De' D/\"'5" _,_,.,....,._., I \ By Roger Bollen ~ISTEIJ, J: BEfl'ER Sl'UT Fa<:. ~E !-I. llJOOU)ll'r hllSS S'EElllG HIS Hl6H &HOot- 01?APOAT10I) FOi! 1'.E WOl'LC ! THE GIRLS ··-·----... -- c J f.1 '. . .,\"on-, pl ca~t. rion't ask mr "h&I lhrst arr -m y horOsCi>pr said , 'G(l()d llal lo r xperimrnl.' " DENNIS THE MENACE /, ) I f 8 DAILY 'JLDl Pinso11 011e Angel Who Is Loose By CRAIG SHEFF Of ""° D•ll'I PM9' 11111 r.UL\\'AL"KF:L -Elf'vt!11 1na1t,1 li·11;;ue ~ea.:>ons ago Vada Pinson had a bt;'.!1n11ir1::: lhat rompa rrd Sl)me"·hal \\'1t h \1 hal !he ( •ll10 r111:i Ar1;::rls <1re g(11ni: thtf!Uj'.:h n~ht ll\.111 ··1 11rn! r1;;ht-tri r-3:l u1 th,.. Hr~1 JC'\'I \1Pck ~ 01 1961 and I thuu;.:lll I'd n; 1c·r gf'l ••Lii (ll that slump" ~:1_1 .. rhc ll.1111 oul- heldei. Aul he did come out <ii JI 1n a b1;:: 1\•av, l1n1!>h111g \11!h a lus1y .:l4J ~fas/Jn a1•rrage A119el .'ll11I<' All Ollfl'l•I ..., IU•lll,C !1111 Jo ;.• '~ lo "'Jrl\ •T f,\llN•V•'• ~; I /.,,,,, •I 1'·1 :.•.,••• '·T.· ll 11 "'1th •• l11 :t n•w • Jo e· '9 A1'1!;1•11 •' 6•111mcro II . JO "'""'h •• 8•1Tlmo•• I . I D<•lu.· v>. 1'1•1~•'P'. I ''I Uog•,. >• Pt •• ~~Ip•~ I t i I D~dQh • ~" ,~il~O•l~n·• ' " ' : '-· ' ~ .. '' " . ~ ' - I ')''" I ·' r'' u 1t h the Cinci rR'la li flffis, a rtub hr 11'as 1111h !or eleven seasons. And al though Pinsn11 v.'as C'ollared in three appearances al Ilic pl ate in a 6-4 l•13s to the Tf'x as Ri ngers Monda y nigh!, he still sports a hefty .385 mark. "'It's a matter ol just staying loose." ~;i.rs !he 14-year ma}or league ve teran, 11 ho came to the Angel s last Ocluber I ron1 Ch:\'f'land in lht Alex J ohnson lr;;cle. ··1\·c ne\'er really '":orr1ccl ;ilxJut h1t- l1ng. I just go up there and lry and do my job." says the 33-year-old outfie ldrr The rest of the llalos could learn ;i le~son from Pinson. Monday night's sel back 1vas 1\{1, ;) 111" row and the fourt h straight to !hr Rangers v.•ho "'Duh.I undoubted ly like !o earn !heir pay jusl playing against the Ange ls. Tonig ht lla!o manager Del Rice sends It fly Clyde \\'right (G-2 ! a g a i n s t fi.1ihva ukee's Skip Lockv.·ood (0-0J here i11 an attempt to halt the dismal start. And if there's any1Jne !hat can help bri ng them out of Ul<' skids -it's Pinson. "I'd really li ke lo help !his team hnl'e a Aood year," ~ays Pinson. "Thal ':. 011r flf my goals. ··01 course my No. 1 goal is lo stay heaHhy," says the Oakland resident. l~i nson \\·ouhl like lo hit ,j()O once again -somethi ng he has not don e since '65. ··f reslly don'l think much about pl'rsonn l goals, but of ('nU r!':I' an\' hilltr lrc)uld like to hal'e a _::oo ave1·a~r 11'ht'n !hr se;i~on is over. 11·., l1kl' 1rin1ung 20 i::a111r!': if you're a pi1thl·r. DA VIS CUP ACE tf PSET JN RO~lt: ftO:\IE 1/\P1 -:-ievcnth seeded Tom c;orrnnn of Sr:it1le rall ied in the th ird St't lu hc:it Aus1r;ilia11 Ian Fletcher 6-4. 3-6. fi- ;; In thr fir.~t round ul 11H:n'.~ sing lf':< ;it th~ 11<1!i;in lnr 1•r11at11.111<.1 ! Open 1£'nni-> t1u1rn;1- 1nl·n1 ;\lunt!:.iy. Ion Tiriar. the :;:~·.\'car -old Ho1nanir111 Onvis Cupper. was lhe nnl.v seeded pla~'(•r !'1 lo~e i\lundny. ~:z10 tl1 i\lallcn or Italy hc:il hiin 4-6. 6-J. i -5. 1Vlan~u·I Orantes or Spain do1\'nrd ;\icola :-ipear vf Yugos lav ia. li-2. fi-1. Fifth st"eded Alex ~1etrr\'eli Of !hr Sovil'l Unio11 heal J im ~lt~l anu.~. of Oakland, fi-4, fi-2 in another first round match . Aztecs .Forego Further PCA.i\ Grid Warfare S,\;\ l)lf~{_;\1 l 1\I' 1 -San 1)1e~u ~t ;itc ('111\l'f!t 's fw tbal1 t4·t11n 11·11! n11 \1111R('r 1·u1npt'lt: In thr Pal'1l11· ('(i;i:.t Atlll~l1c 1\~soc 1a!ion. \V hclher 1ls 1i!h<'r tC'a1n ., t·t.>11- l1nui· as conference. 1n('n1bcrs rl'n1;i1ns to be 5ee1i. OJ, "The most imµir t;u1t 1 hing ;1t)(o11I pl aying baseball ts lo relax and clon't worry aboul hilling. I! 's a long ~eas11n and }'OU're ploying every da_v sO there'.s no use 11·orrying aboul ii ."' htean\11hilt . mrut or !hf' rr.~! or the Angels continue lo ha1·e thei r pr(JOien1s. T1l'o cr ucial ('rrors in th e si~lh and !'eventh inn ing~ he lped th e Rangrrs ~core r11·e lim<>s to o\·ercome a lead the Halos had 1nalnt;1ined most of the 1\la\'. Acting C'ollrge president Don11lcl E. \\"ulkcr sen! ,1 lc11rr to the PC1\:\ 1\lnnday :.n.\'ing. ··111111! !l ru:C:l'SS;1r.v !011nlurn1 ~1111 lh;1t as of !hi~ tl.11r. San Oicg11 Staie·~ fool ball tea1n 11111 ( rnn pet r 011 an 111- drpendent statu-. THE ANGELS ' SANDY ALDMAR SLIDES SAFELY INTO SECOND. l·lon1cr.s by Ll'o Cardrnas -and ./in1 S1wnC'('f hn d st;ikcd rhe Angrls lo tl11 r:irty lc:id and mRde Ricr's brirl tri11n n1ccf in~ before !he R:ame look likr ;i hri ll iiin1 .~1rale,1ty mn1·r Bi(·t h11d tol d his 1can1 no1 !o gf'l dv11·n 1111 lhrmsr h•rs and lo quit pressing. And they did - for five innings_ ¥~( ::r .•. •· _., Cilhl•r~ol "' Tt~•I fl) .. " ~ •11 .. ' ~ rt l lo •O.,.,,•, >o ' • • R~~d l • . '" ' 0 • 0 r 1·0~"· ,. ' ' ' 1 0 N•l>O•\ '" ' 1 ' • ' " " ' ' • M l'!c ~o-. ,. ' ' ' • ('./,•r "' • • • K111Q ' ' ' • • "'>>0'' " ' ' • ' L<>vlllc, " ' ' ' • ~~-·' ' ' • • • ""tint•, " ' • ' :.poo<•ce•, " ' ' ' /,~~~d.,., " ' • 0 0 1.~< • un''' .. ' ' ' • II> rf ~II . ' ' ' ' ·' ,, . " """ ,, • ' ' s .,r•eu•t, 0 ' • ' ' 10,oorQ ' ' • ' ' f}. "COii, " ' • 0 • • -· ... , "'"~. • • • ' • «• ' ' ' • ' ' 41 P''. " ' • • • L ,roar~a 0 0 ' ' l l•n,• " 0 0 ' 10•••-' lOl•I• ,, • ' • L •l.OC''"' '" ~· '" I•'• "" "') ,,, I "• ~" ''"" ., t ~ra•~• LDll LAh •·-··~ I l ··~ I" :! 1~.,:n•• .. ,, -Ct•O•~•' 11 ~r.•,.c·-•I 51'. -R•nd" •'""i•• O 11e 1,~., i. -t.!o"''" &•I"'"' .. " . I,,. 'f•ni<ln 11,_,r II ~' 1 I t.11~.r I I ; /. "".00< ' ~-' • (o~ :i J ) I Linabla<i (Vl.1 1) 1·1 l 1 O TJm' -2:11 . .I.I! 0 l nc' -.5 SO I. Elt t1 ~o • ' • ' ' • ' " ' Thr s{'hU4J I 111 !h<lr<·11 1t ~ 1r11 n1 tron1 lhf' 1·oul~·rrnt't' h1·1·:111.~•· 11 ll'lt 11.~ tllort., rn 1(1'1·elO)J ;; 1rl.1prr 101111/);il! pruAran1 1r1•rr br1n1: l1:irnp\'rt'rl h1 l'C1\,\ l11n11at1"11 µarJ1ru!arly rtg<J rd1nj'.! thr· 11l111dJ1r .. ! :-;tllol:ir.o:h1p~ tt1a1 n1 a,1 Ire g11·11n . L;ist f''cb. 29 1hi· PC.\,\ £len1rrl .'i~11 /Jlego State's reque~t 1r1"11l1drln•· pJst 11 ~ lootball team. :;ay1ng 1he. st:llool hnd tn <Jrop out in all spor!s 1f i1 clroppcd Olil 111 (l!lf!. (Jn April<!. 11'/1en !'11111 D1 cgo ':-i all1lr t1l' advisory board 1·otcd 111 11'ilhdr::iw all it:; tei.n1s if it rn111c t1J tlla1 . PC,\A Con1- mis sioner Jf's:. I/ill :,n1ct hr 1rou!ct be surpris(·d if the cont (·rc11(·f' t ou nc1I a l- l1111 e(.f the 0!11cr l t,,1111~ to r cn1a111 11.~ 1~c.\A n1en10crs. Hill said lhc c·ou111•il 111adr llJl nl llr(l rcprt!'c11tatives fr on1 f'a rh nl ll 1r s1•1·rn f-'CAA school.~. 11 n11ld con;:1drr San l)ir~o !' rno1·r and ;1 !'>lln itar reque3t by Ln.~ Aneclrs .'i lat• :tt ii,, .June nle('!1ng " "\\'e'd like more lhnn <111,\'lhi nR lo ket'µ :1!1 nur othc.r progr.1111." 111 thr PCAA." .'aid J\('n l\arr. S:111 ll1 rgo Slate's athle!lc dirt>ctor. "Hut I couldn 't hazard a g11r.~" as lo 1rh~l our chnncr.~ are of sln~·111g u1 lh e PCAA in everything bu! foo tba ll." LA's Sutton Confronts Expos 011 Hill To11igl1t 'i.:l<llH 't' at !ht rf'c111cl II 111 pn•I'(' lh;i! ror n1nf' t?nmcs :ii li·:i "t r r•·n g0<,d-h1 t1 1n:.: l ean1 ~ 111 av h.11 r· lr\Jublf' 11'1th Lr.~ Angf·h·~ E11vious o[ lsaksso11 For Retii1·1i to Li11ielig·/it L1>S A.\'T:E l.F;S iAl'1 -lit• 1\'tlll 1ro 111 .i J:'J.Jnn1 pulr 1 ;1ulh·:· 111 l11l!h ~r hoiil 111 ,1 Jll-4 1':lullt'r 1n h1:-. 111 . .,1_'.t·.1r 11f rllll1';..:r Anrl 1111·11 • .-111ir· •ill 1!1(' ~l:11nor an :J1hlr!{' t'il!l ]1opr tor _ lhl.' nationol po lt• \aul! c:hnn1p1011 1t11r ol the fi rst Ji fre1 Thro tf1erc 11;1 ~ a :-ul·1·rv-1ul tou1 11f ~:uropf·, 1·herrf'd by huntlrPd.s " I lh1111s.i11cls: ;i drslrrd speaker at banquel:- brt·au.~e nt h1,; good luuk~ and easy-~oing speech: a 11orhl record anrl thrn th<' l}Jyn1pir nlcdal lol101\'r d hy a "lor.1·txink nlJ1.rria.[!e In ;i braul y c1u1·r11 Bdb Sragrcn 1hrn l'illn•· d1l11'11 !o r<1rlh . L1 1eiall r. The r"uggcd grarhratr tJ! 111 .. t'1111rr•u1· of Southt.'rn Cali!orn1a 1r:1.~ hnr."cba<'k riding 1,·Jth hi.~ ll'ife Kam 111 inid-1971 \l'h('ll- "-lh(' horse ran i111'a.v 11•i1h n1e: i!i 11 hn t happened. I thought I had con tro l of hin1 until he threw me. I landed ha rd, on n1y right knee •.. really tore it up.·• The operation !are last yea r left hi1n depressed and ups('f. ''I 1~as slo111 comin g around. e1•en after the cast came off,·· he ~a.vs. "r-.'losl guys 1\'ho h:11·t· c·arlilagr op1·r:1- t1ons arc bn r k pt:i .1·111¢ lnolh:~ll 111 fuur llf'f'k.~_ I I 1\·as n1on!h:-l}rforr· I 1·011lrl 1"1 111 ;ind 11 1\·as a lit1le rl"r>r1 .. :::in;.: tn ,,1·1· 1n1 11~h1 lrg 2' · 1nt·l1r!' ,n1;1ltr1 ;1t !111• 1h1:.!h lh.1n 1n1 lrt1 J:ut 1:n1i ~r·a.[!rrn 111 .. 1 l1.1 1i· r•1·~ 11·1J iron1 h1:> experience rif falling oul o! the J1{•,1c.!l 1n•''i. ··1·111 hungry :ig.'l11J." he -"<1,Y:". '11·s rr;1 Jly s:itisf}ing \rhen people :isk for your a11!ogr:iph and ,1·;:int to rlo :;t.11·jes about you. But In the pasl yrar, l \·1· ;usl been nobod y, just an al'erage guy. Last "'e('k at the Kansas Relays, I 11'1\!'1 !r(':J!ed jUS! like [ ll'aS Oll(' of the <!7 pole l'aultrrs. l 11•as n't lrealed likr. l\j('ll .. 1-\jell lsak sso n M \I' hold!' !he 11orld rrc:ord. Bark in 1968 11·hE'll Seagren srt the m:irk RI 17-!1 . tnan.v though! he'd be lhr fir:ri:l o~·e r the 18-foot barrier. Hf" 111;1.~n·1 ;ind nn\Q S1veden's lsa ksson holds tile tnark -lll feet 2 inches -and is ra,·ored by signature seek ers. "\\'hen I ll'flS competing al USC, l ;i1·rraged nlxlut 60 n1eets a ~:car, so I Ji:n·c lrrmendous hackground and ex- perience. And I fee l l'rn back lo about v.·herr I left off." _Al Kansas last l\.'eek, Seagren cleared 17-0, the first time he'd reached that level in more than a year. And he nearly went over 17-5 but "I didn't know what to do. r 'n1 using a nr1v pole and it was a bit shocking to be~ fa r over the bar." \\'ith tnnr,. than 150 vault~ over !hr 17· foot 1n;i rk in hi:ii: C'areer and \\'ith lhe 1·1un1>f'tili1·r !nu gh11ess Sc;igrro h R..; ;d11n1;: hact. he ·.; nnrr aga in be ing 1·n11- ,1drl'rd ;1 pr11nr h()p(' In m;ikr !hr li S. 1111111pu · tr:11n 1n h1.~ spec1a11 ,. Sharman NBA Coach of Year \ E\V YORK (A P 1 -Bill :Sharman, 11 ho.•c Los Angel es La kttl! iron 1 rrcord ti~ ~ame ~ during \hr regular Sl"'a ~on, \\'as 1u11nctl Coaeh of tile Ye ar 1n !hr >at ion;il Baskttball As ~or1.ation today_ 'l'hr ~.)-1·rar-old Shsrma11 \'. ll~ a run:ill·ay Winnrr 1n the \'Ot ing by three aporlj \\'liters in tach or the leagut';i 17 C'it1r:-ll'ith ~2 \'Otts. Tnm Hei n~ohn (If Boston and Al Attlrs ur G<lldtn Statr litd for .~ccond 11·!1h lhrrr ,·otes each. Grne Shue ol Baltimore rectil"ed 1110 f"l•t"'h sc11...,111• l'ln91• l~ Int Nll!H11J •••t•"lll oln•1l•I01n 1'1t1Wlt hl-n t'• N-'l'l •t l(!llCko 11"1 l~I Ln ...... i.o L1k'" .... " w ....... ., •• nh!kl 11 J fl In• ...... .,.., Wiik IM ··-...... 5u"41r, .... II 10. P•fuM. 1111 ... !~II t•••M 11IM l rl l,..1t1nil9 111 ...... k Ill• IHm • ..... u .,i1y "'' lhl•" 1"4 leur!h .1,,, .. ef I~ ~•U·tl·••••n •ti 111 N 1w .,..,,, 111 M•l' l 1"4 '· ~11,.1hY'• 11u11.,. 11.,... 11 .. ~·' "' .. 111. "'I•• •no fllTl~iM .... ef !tit JC~lllVll M1111• Jf'>tl ftllr11'1 llMI ,,~on·t ..... dK itf<I. ~11lcs and L('nn\' \\"ii ken s of Srattlr (inr. Jn Sharn1an 's fir~t seasun. as LJ.Js Angeles coach. the Lakrrs rtcle'd off a :J3- _gan1e \.\'inning streak, unprecedented 'in lht' ·hislory of major league prot'rssiona ! leain sports while L'rui~lng to the Pacific Di\'ision title. The La kers !hen \•:ent on to win !ht \\'e;;te rn Conference Cham pion.:>hip and are prepar ing to meet the !\e\v York Kn icks for the NBA title. In 31 of their 12 regul ar S4!ason g11:mcs, the Lakers scored 100 or more poin ts. Shannan attributes th e team's 8uc- <:ess to the conditioning program he put the Lakers on when he \\.'as lured a~·ay from the C'h1mpion Utah Starl! of the Amrriran BasketbR\I Association. "There arc no secrrt ~ in !his g;imr.'' Sharman said. •'A player "''ho is in lhe best shape possible i ~ in ~ position lo function and reach n1axiinun1 eJ'ficiency. ~·o othf'r sporl t·an t<.rn1 pitrr \\'1 ll1 baskrt- b;ill 111 the importance 01 conditioning. · l'vr tr ied thro11gh lhe year.~ tu \\Hrk out patterns t1nd drill s !hat' 11·i!I krep n1.v team in tondi!lon. I take lhe ~an1e seriously. Thal'!i why I dt mand ~n n1uPh of my pla)'r r.~. You ha1·~ In 11111 everything -all thr t1mr ." -~ Anahe.i111 Sia les TV Los Angeles Lakers baske1ball fans 1r1 ll have an opportunity to vie\\' the cham· pionship NBA playoff game 1\·ith the i\elf York Knicks \\'ednesday night at !hf! Ana heim Cflnvention Cenltr by closed t·ircult television Tirkels ar(' no11• ava1lablf' at the (~vnrtntion C:cntrr at $6 rach V.'ith i::att~ opening at 6 and the ga1ne .a t 7 \\'ef!. nesdRy night . ll1aser Seeks Repeat Must ·Push F eru~ Aside To Stay To11gl1 at Indy NE\V '"ORK (.'.Pl -''The [ir~t fh·r or len laps are the hardi!!sl." 11.aid ~!rs. Al t:n srr. lhroYiing a look of t':ndeannenl ;J.\ her baby-faced husband. "And lht lini:ih -1\•hen he ';; leading. it seems the last ten laps will nevrr end _·• Othe rtrisr. !he rrd -ha irt d l\'l fc o! Ont' of Rutn racing 's top drireri! manage:; to rr- main coo/ and rela .~ed \vhlle the man of her life is whirling around a track at bet- ter than 200 milts an hour. "C.ertainly, there is a certaln amount of rrar.·• i\lra. Unse r addtd. "You don't thin k about it. You don't talk about it. You ju.st push it out Of your mind ." "If you \\·orried." s.a id Unser ...... 1r ~·ou \\'Cnt into a rncr thinking you might be killed, you couldn't pcr forrn property. So you ju_il <:ontrntratr on ietting the machine 11round thr track as fast a;; you c.:an. Thu:'. nrithcr Al nnr hi~ v.•ife is haun ted h~ the jinx L'n.,t l' faC'es in thr ln - rlianapolis 500 !\la~· 27 l\'htn ht see ks an 11nprrredented third Htraight victory in the h1 . .;tor ic e\·ent. Three men before him ha l'c hatl fl ~hot at it and f;i il rd - Wilbur :jha1v. i\Jaury Ros~ and Bill Vuk ovich. v·ukovic h died in his att rmpt. ''Al alway s say.-: you make your O\\'n j1nxrs,'' said fi.fr11. Un.!ler. "Jinxrs and superstitions -the y're a lo! of foolishnf'ss.'' Al Rdded. "In 1970, when I won my first Indy, the y ~aid l couldn't wi n beca u.~e 1 had the pole posi- tion -the pole hadn 't "·on in se1·en years. In 1971, they tol d me I'd be jinxed by my number -~o. 1.'' The Unserl'i wrre guests at a lu nehton l\'londay along \.\'ith l\fa rio Andretli and .foe Leonard, the ()!her members (Jf th~ so-called "Superttam" l\"hich ·will dri \'e ('ars of a revolutionary new design in the j()(l this year. The car~. sleek 111inged jobs that apptar ready lo lake olf into 1pacc, <1rr t ailed OlL ClTl' TEA~I ROLLS INTO llTH LONG BEACH -The Sith day of lhe American Bowling Conire1! tournament pused without a sin&Ie 1erlou1 threat to the leaders of the $d04,000 ttnpin •PK· tac le. Huntington Lanes of Huntlngton Beach. moved Into 11th place in the booster team division 1vith a 2,711 series, but none or the other 80 teams which bowled 1.1ond.ay l\'85 able to crack the top ten standings. North Avrnue. Fumlture of Grind June. hnn. Colo., ltad~ lht. boosters with 2.824. ''Parnl'll1-" after Parnt lli Jonts, ~·hv \Yith Vt! .\'li letirh i~ r·o-01111f'r of 1ht tr 11m. "The;;e ca r.'i ar,.. ri·r.1!1 rat:i. · :.;ud Lnser. "They'rr ~ierk. !n;,. 1n lront and ha,·I' lht se 11·ings on thr .;1dt . Tl1r.1··re dif· ftrtnt. Auto raring 1~ 1n111ll,1· a learn io'o -the 1nachine. lhf' dril'rr. !he p11 rrr11'. l\'onr should ge! nlorc credit than rhe other ." Ln'!tr. 11 boyish-looking :t?. un1narkrd de!pitc. a carrrr of spills and sn1 ashup.~. grt \Y up in A!buqurrque. He \\'as ju;;l 18 \\'he n ht met his 1rife. then 17,i!I. walfres~ at a neighborhood ha1nburger stand, tt nd married ht:r. They celebrated their l.~t ll \.\·edding annh·trsary Tuesday. ''Sometimes 1 fee! sorrv for hrr.'' l "nstr said. "Racin;? is mY "'hole lifr. se1·en da~·s a 11·eek. \\'hen I lose a racr, l start figur ing uul why I lo!>\ it. I'm not an tdgy guy and I don't ler it bug me but son1el 1me s I \\'Ond cr ho"' she puts up i1·i1h mr.'' "It'.,. oka r. dear. ,aid \Ir . .;. Unser. "I 11 ouldn·1 ha.1·r11 any du1 r.rr nl" Laver, E111erso11 Tea111 for Win DE\VER iAP I -The surface 'W11! f11s!, possibly too fa~t. but the action v.·a~ slo1r ;ind prediclnblt l\londa y in tirsl round play of the W!.000 United Bank oC Denver tenni s classi(·. Second seeded Ken nose1\'all. winner or !hr \\'orld Champion . ..;hip Trnnis I.our gamt:-\ in Ch 11 rlotte. i\.C .. lasl '\'eek, mt tls Brian l'11irlir lod ay in lirsl·round single.• l'On1pctilion. Tflp :-;ecdrd Rod Lavr r of Corona clc/ :\lar . !he hrs! ~I milJinn 1\'inocr in profc.ssion~l t rn n1~. lakes on Ron Barth In doubles action i\londay oighl , Lovtr and Ne v,oport Beach's Hoy Emerson teamed to \\·hi p Bov.-rr~· and Da\·ldson. 6-2 and 7-2. Taylor and Cliff Dry8d11le stopped A'lark Cox and Slil"·ell, 5-7, 6-1 and 7-6. Fifth ranked Arthur Ashe. got by Tom Leonard, 6-7, M and 7-3 In early first· round action Monday. Roaer Taylor 1topped Stlllwell of \\'embledOn, 3-1, M and 7-6. In olher play Mond11y. Allan St(lne beat Nicki Pllie, 7-i and 7-5. Bob f..uti 1rhipped Jetr Boro\rlak, 2-6, 7-5 and g.3 Stonr and Lutz face each otb('r ~ seeond round action. · Fred Stolle defca1NI Bill Bo1\'rev. ~~ And 6-4, and Ow~n David son drrw ~ hvl' a/tt r Rod Hol bi!!r;1 pulled out or lh!! t!\ur. LOS A .\'r.f'~l.t~S JAP 1 -P1ll'h1 111!. Th" I ,os Angeles Dod,11;rr~ · trad em ark dunn:: lhe 1960s. may bt lht byv1ord for J9i2 if !he first nine game~ nr !hr seri:.(ln are any indic1tlon. The Dodgers opened Ul t J 9tl{ls v.· 1th 1ocb names as J ohnny Pod res. Don The oppos111on h:is ~tared JUSl 20 run~ in the nine gatnes with Los An geles and 10 of them came in one game: the op. position has garnered $3 hits and 11 or them came at one time; the Dodger staff has averag ed ju1t over two walks per gamr . Rookie Manager's Fine Irks Ellis t>ry11d al~. s,,ndy KoufAX :ind " hn<;t nf lfl j\ hultpen !'i!11r11_ Th"Y clfl~rd lhr 'iin~ v, 1rh Jlll<'h hur lers ,,a Bill SinRrr , Cl.1u clr f)~­ lt t ll and f)111i Suttiin Today. \l.1ilh • 7-l record , ~111i;r1 , .~1 1 111111 r ·1d Ostetn arr io:lill 11rou11d ~ncl hit11 ~ 1r·h addt'd ht lP 11~ Tnmmv .lnhn 111nrl .\I [J.•\\ ntn j! I When ~l'lnt real's Carl t\·l(lrton. 6-0, l:'lkes the mrn1nd tonight. he 'll hf. facing Su!!on . lhr "t{lr of lhl' l.<1s Angeles st11ff ! fl cln ! " ~uttn11 ;, 2-0. hn1111~ bl';lll·n l'111r·1n1\;1ll .'l-1 llµt'llJl l;,: <In v 11 11h ;i l111r sr1·1·11-111nlr11.: prrlnrma1\r'('. I-Ir alS() ~rhipped Allanl a '1-0 11111 10• htl • r1J) _11.pri! I~ llr ha:-:n't star1rrl . ~1 n1 r h••• ,1u-.1· m:in,,:(1•r \\'Rll Alstnn 1hr11 'I •'111 "Il l! r1111r •llh«•r .~l;trfrr ~ PJ'ITSBURGH (AP) -Controversi nl Doc k Ellis says a $100 fine levied against hin1 l)y rookie manager Bill Virclon nf !hr l 'i1t ~[)urgh Pirates is unfRir '·J 1!01i"l (ike ii.'' 1•:111, 1i11 1d ~u11d;n 111 !'h1i :1d1•!ph1:i 111\•'1•· 1111' l '1rnh·~ ";·11· 1·li1 -· 111g 11ut :i ro /'.ld .~1:11ul 10:111\ rt."p111 t('fl 111 ll1r--h.-ill p.11 I. ·~1 111111utf'• l:Hf' i)n /·'ri<l.i v rught. hut 11\1• l'1r:11r ~ 11ch1h ;i1Hl"r < l,111nrcl hr 111l111fln t I ha"' practiced anyway btcawe or I 10f9 foot. "But he should ha ve been here getling ii trentcd." Vlrdon ,;aid Monda y. "I dnn 't ~"(' :iny reason ror him to be in I.ht hotel 111sl hccnusr his foot ts sorr. ,. f·:ll is co111pl!linl'd that hr had nc 1cr hr<'n lini;d hr m:inagrr Danny !\1urta1·.~h. :in1t 11 ·~ that ro mpllrison 11·hich rould rna l..f ;i s1mmtr111g pot boil In lhe futurt I i·;iu'L hrlp if 1·001p;irir.nn.~ 111 rl! madt," says VINlon. '1 jult do whal I think 111 rlaht. You hive to lhlnk of the group." "All l\lurtaugh "·anted to do was wln, '' F~ll is srtid. "Ir I get fined a11 ln. I may gi\·e the ne\\·sp11~r~ a biggf"r .~tory : J mA y li!k to bt trad ed ." F~Jli,, l\'ho injur~ his fool Th11r~d11y while 1llempling lo leJll oitl an inrie ld hit . 11ririrrwen1 wh irlpool lrralment ~'fondav bu! will mllt • llatl 11111111 Cin<inna" Tunday nlfht "He hasn't toJd mt when he can pitch .. said Virden. ' "How can l tell hhn "'hen I can pi!c>I "'he1.1 I don'I k~w." !aid Ellis, w11H iog ou!s1de Thr~ Rl\'Cl'f' Slacltum in ~plashv­ rtd panls 11 nd a red 9ki h11t '-'hll t. lhc re s't 111 !ht. Pirale:s 11·rrr \1·orking 0111 ··:\fy foot ferl~ l'X'tter loday. but I tl on1 lr:nn1v \\'hen I'll br read1· l 'or Big Fish !SL\~,HiH.\D r\, 1·:,. 11\!' Bl ~ ~a 11H· l1<.h1nf! 11~1d to n)rtln s1on ;1 (f;\_\ ho.ii• I l'rl~ th;:i! ('r1~l ;is 1n11rh a:o. ;i t111r S\\ISS 11:i11·h i+nri \1,h1ni.: t1Jd<- b111\I ;d~l11 1t thr \1nr~ of fl te!rphonP J'll il r 8111 ii nrw .~t1 It· 111 tni,: g;unr ani;IPr hil~ ;ippr,ll'"rl In lhf' F lnrida l\r\' lt).hl'rrn r 11 \\ hn srrn1 !11 t•r rlr n r n h1 a rnn1p11 l<.1nn t11 t.1kP lnr h11.:c.e.~1 fi."h M~-~t!Jlr u~111 i: tnr Ji~h1r10t tar lo.JP lrn1 n lhf' <;111.'lll1·~1 hn.11 Thr sa1111~h \\'hll"h h:i ~ \1arrnr d t!1r t'•H·klr s of n1;.in_v an arn1C'!1.1 1r iu11:lcr·s hc;1rt 11·11h 1rlr11."ed d1spla1 ~ iif 11 ~ r!<'l'llhil[l1'~ -11111\ IS h1111!ril !11 li1ousnnds or f1:,ht·rn\rn nnn1·d v.1th i;pi11n111i;: t'nd'i liindrd ~·11h 15-p11unrl 1nnnof1l 1n1t•111 11111' Bob K\r111. a l\1·~s ~k in d11· in~ guidr 11ho lilhc<i h11 sn1;i11·s holld;i\!-1,1 f1 ~1i 1t1r (;ulr Strr;irTI rn1 1rrs ,-.;i11f1,11 1ntn caslln).'. ran~P h\• u~1ni,: ;i kitr He f!1r <i 1hr ·k1tr !nnn thr slern nf h1 ° 2'2 ·fon1 ~kif! A \\ne frn1n !hr k 1tr ;i\101,1,·c; ;i h;11tltsh -usuall~· ;in r1gh1·1nch halan -10 s1~1m near the surfare a tx)1J1 100 frrt hrh1nd the brlat \\'hrn !hr st111f1 sh come!' 111 to rakr 1hr ha1tf 1!-ih. l\le1n rrr\<i !hr ki\r in SO (el'I and drflpc; the hall h<ir k 1nro the >,\, (ll P f .\fter thrcr 'll' fnur pa ~c;r~ on !hr r;ip1d l.1· d1 s;i ppr:ir1ni: :ind rP<1pprar1ng hai!. 1.he ~;i1H1.~h 1s rn;id rnotigh til hit :1 1l\ 1 htn~ and \11111!1'" \1k1· ;1 nl;'ln1;11· ;it a p\li;.: ra;:t near !11111 \ .~nn!hrr pnp1dal' l1e,l11 1;+rkle ;;amef1 sh is thr "mhrrj;ick. fl\e·frrt ;<nfl 7S pn11 nd<i nf gn!den m11.c;r·\r that r;in s1rip !00 l'an1s fll line ol! ;i rrrl hr!nrr thP f1shrnni1n rcal1 z.rs hr·~ go! thr fish hMkrd K\etn·s 22·f(}(llf'r 1~ hi;: rnm· p;i rrrl ro somE' of thr rraft th;il plv thE' s:in-r!t'ilr azurr watrr<; fl\'f'r thf' rrrls .:1 nd (~ull S1rr;:i m \-IP v.·;i~ running nut In thr {\~hins: grnunds one 11111rn1ni: l\'hrn hP spo11rrl a man f1ch11nc ;i htg o;;1iJ f1!'"h frnn1 a tint· 14-font skiff Thr l1!1 le boa! m1,.:ht hf!\'e ht'en larking on the tnnna,::c side. 11 v.·as Pre11 Swi111 Ho11or Roll l~f ' II·~··~-" ''l'•T ' • ' ,\·•• ' ' -. , , " . I"~·~~·· 111r 'r ... ~·A"' l"V'' .,,,'•" !;·~-~ 1 •In 1ro P••'" <'? 1 F' • • ·~r•• I' l ,-,.,. f '•"' '"""'NJ L•··1 !'.'•"•''"'•• IH U•• lf •U..,.1'~•11 IC•"' It I. ·~ 11..... ' (\••1 f ••11' 1.-""' 1~n•~11 P.•Arlll , ~11 1 ''·•• Vo• "'Md IC••'• 1.••11' '11•) l ,._, .. , ~"""tv" !F'nu111•'" V•ll•vl '111 I •"'l l:"rff O~l~I 1 (.nr11"• ~~I M~r 1 )i I l !:" .. """'" V~ll •/ ] :! ~ l "l•wl)tlr! H1rMr J 16 t Volleyball l"r•• \/'o&ll•Vb•ll ll1•1+ly W••'""'""" n•• Mvn!l,,0•1111 I'•"'" 11·u 1~.1~ 11.~ JUll•Dr \/1r1lly 11v,,11n11n11 fleV."riirr b• ior••·• F'dV"'"'ll V~'I•• M•' f!I""" 6·11 1~ I. 1'·'l J~nlor V1r1lty 1-<un!ina!nt• S••r" v..011 b• !n'1•1! V1r1lh Fl\u"'•'n V•ll•• ~f! Enl1on •·II. l\·I , J. I l '" t't\111!\)it'f! f\,\ Wt•lt rl~ lt\f' h!Z (')1:u·1r1· ~>.11 ~ w11h \11·11 rl f1ghl!l1I! ('h<111 11111!'1gger pnl('s :01d ;1 11111 lh bnllgt' II lu.,f.1 ·d l1i-1' ;1 11 ailt111r:d's 1.;1q.'!', . f\1!•111 \<tld "J "''\'('f 'illl ;1111 rh111g l1kr ii 1n 1n1 11/r Tl11' i.-11\ r11·11 h.1(t ;1 11urigr! rr!11~1·1 alnt 11n\(1•1 !hf' how ~r;+r 11 hrr f' hi' krpt h1 -. bf'f'r ·• '!hr •11111 11~he1n11•n 11 hn ch;,.,. 1hP h1g rinr•s fn11n an ;in_cl r·r\ el1!r hut 10111 1ng .:1:1 rhr· H•P of 1111· p1n11aclr aie thto'f' rl1,rla·a1rd -;ind snmP -.il \, ~11i.:h•h ~ITf>I\\ !rw 1\hfl f1~h hli?: JZ<ll1 1P V.'l\h fl~· n 1d'i l)nt' 11! rhr n1.,~t n"lrd ':d111;Hf'r Ill f1~hrrn1f'n is Ted \\'1\l1.1ni,, n1111 rn;111ag<·r of h:1-.1·b;i)l's T~·\a~ f1 ;1ogl'l'S . \\ il\i:irn .;. J!:1\'f' thP ~pnrt ;i 1rr - 1n rnduu..; h110\l whl'n 11 hr- ('!l!TII' kno11n that on~· of th!• rnuntr~ ·~ sporl o:; hpr·ol'~ sprnl much of the {1ff ·season plying Flnr 1d;i 1~·a!er.:- Fl,1· rod~ 11nr1 rrrl ~ th,11 on('r ~n ;rt:;:::;rr! t11n·pn11 nd !roul 1n nnrlhrrn slrr;in1<i 001\ ;irr t1~1>rt to Jll!Cle 11nprnh<'l'lllP lO<•k· ing fr;ither lures unrlrr 1hose rm se.< of 100-JX!und IRrron MD Lauds ff,1op sters At Di11ner Rtl'lr. Kn1H1n 11·011 thrre ;i11arrl'i iit the .".1.:iter l)e i l!igh Sf'hool b;isketball a11·ards b::in· <JUCI ,\1onda~· night and tv.•n orher \ars1ty awards found cn- rr«ip1rnls gaining lop honors. l\r11fl1n 1v<1s :-:r!ertrd as inns! valut1h\e pla1r~ ::ind i:ilsn lhe b rs 1 rrbounrlrr on I hf' .\J•1narrh rran1 nl 1!171 ·~2 .fnh n Ad:i1n<i ;ind ,Jrff l\ilP\' .... ·rre 1•:irt1f'<l rrl••<I 1n1 nrn1 rrl anrl S1r1 r f'ucu\ic· and Kniffin as 1n0~1 1nsp1ra1 1"n•1t \' .\ R~ITY \Inst \',11 \uablr -l11rk Kn1f. frn \111s1 !n1prn\rf1 Jnh n Adan1s ;ind ,Jeff Kilrv. .\·1ns1 ln~p1r;ir inn:il -S!r1 e C11rul 1r ;ind Rick Kn iffin Rr'1 RI'houndcr R1rk !\nJff1n Co11thrs A1\•;ird -Ed PCH.'1\· grn. .J unior Varsit~· :O.ln<I \'aluablt -BrtndE'n \lacahrv ~I ns! Prnm1s1n11: \\'1rlnnd BPe" \1ni:t \'a!11 ;ih!t R;in1<t;ick Churk Tom \ln~r Pr11m1 ~1n g ~1 1ke Tha n1mer an<l :-Ollke Ryan \ln~! R"lcrr Crt~ \'::i hiable r ,m \ln>.r Prnn11s 1n~ -Pf!t f,r. clrs and Chuck Le1denhe1n1er Area Sports Calendar r i..u .. D•V (AD"I ll) T••" 1'e•11n• n•·• ~·•r •I E••&or • r """'• o V••I•> •t (n•'"" f>lu1 I ,, •.·~'" r" M·'""" \l•e1Q •• O·•"D" <,,., (<"'""'' •' \.'II• p., •. \!'"••\ '• •' flc00 ~~ V~ll• • "' C<><'• 1,·, ' £1 1)1ir •~n •' l A1 Jf'• fl.r~'" l•U •I l P l 8•·.~11111 S•nn«,·•-• •' ll•vf "'n• ll XI' c,n.i -·i~r " U' "~'"" •I """• (n"'' C.C (!I ~~"m"''"" Gnl~•~ II••' '"" O·~no• Co.«' 11 \oJ!l\••, Ce,,tarn•A JC. m~~I A! , <>~<! lle•:n (( T•nn;, -DCC. GWC 1n<1 UCI •' 0•~• l""'"""' 'r!d•v l •nrir 111 B•<~OAll CO'~"I d•I M•• •I E1•'"" E•t1r.c•• "' Ct"'" I'•••. .,.~cnol•• 81 Fnun!••11 V I I I r ~ w,~1m1n1'"' 11 ><v~to.wi!nn P••<" 5•" '• """ 1t "''"""" l(fttr ll• •1 '"''~''"" \/•••<>-fv•hn •1 \•o ( ,..,.,111n Uni~''"'v •' S01'0r•. Vil•~<•• •I L•aun• P '"'" !~!. 11 1 !!•, ( r'•·•n 1·1~·1 .r 1':••1 L,\ LC ''•I"~ •I UC !•n I~ fl••t>•<• (J\n1» •',JO\ T~nn" Ed;•'" "' (oron1 <!•I ~·•· C<>•I• M~'" •' E•l•nt" r ~· '·'"'" v•nev •t l'•·1no!i•. H.•nlln"'·" E••r» 11 We~lm,~''''· M•""" •' ~8M~ Jin•. W•<'"" 11 "!@WOO•! l.'1t>)I,,, \/\•"•on Vi,Jg "' I<; ,,.11., S•o ··1~m~"'' •' Tu'""· Un"'""''v •I So1'n••. L•O""' fl•1tn 11 V1l@nci1 (•II 1! J. ISi, Qjl l lou< nrv r.nll -(, il<!•n ...,.,,, 1• Cv,.re1 <, IJ( SAn D1taa ·~ tll i'vio• et Lnm•• ~Anl • ~. lbO!f\ A! 1) DAYl ROSS PONT IAC S EJ:CLUSIYE NEW CAR 5 YEAR/50,000 MILE WARRAnty At N" E xtr.1 (h.1 ~9 ~ !'1 II. l•t· O rr•" "''"' 1• • . -. Def endi11g Cl1t11111• lt'ins San1a AnH ('nuntr ~ Cluh':-!.111:-, F:dc~ 1righ1 1 ~h n l a fnur·round 149 to c<1rt11re the 11 nn1rn's cluh !1tlr fnr th<' ~r«nnd year Inna .\l ouron, 11 hn shot a 3,;2 . 11·;i s run11t'r11p. ~~~~~~~~~ ' ' £' ,· El Nig11el Titlist Ent<'rin.[!" !ht> El Niguel c·ounlry C'!ti b \\'omen '.t golf r h<1111r1011 •h1p for the f1r~t t1mC' 1h 1~ year. Esther .\'upcnt (lcf! 1 shot a four-round 351 to 1vin !.h e 11·o n1cn's title Te n ~lrrikc.~ behind 11·as runncrup Dorothea E;.(a n Lei •t-"'•le• [n'"" •o• Tuf!d•• (~Ir & '1'111 F or>! I PM ll E••c!• on "' II•<• 'S E•1c111 on •I~ & 11~ 111<•1 'll!!l ll•CE -n~. m <• r,c• ~··· ~,,.. i.. ~~" ... ~ ' ""~· ~1"" 6•·n •' <> ~·• ! ~·., ~l<H & ,rd•· •n' " ·~ .. ~!<00 ·~•! •'" nr• , """' • !'~"' P.,,,, 11.r.i ""'"' 611.,oC"• ~ O• 1tr•I I"• I•''"'" 10 1.nl ~.,,, ''"" f" rg•• oR <'•"''a• ""• !~~,..·-·~ '1•••8 ·~· <~""''"' I(, ><olf ~'•••04 \~nn•" 1°, ... ~.,., r , .• ll l ••>'n' ""' r•••1 ~~ ,_f. ,,.. ••• ,.,, ~£CO >JO Rllr£ t c n• ( • "'""" 6, ·~"' "'-"" ~I'"~ ''" ",,. </{MV' p..,.,1, S·» •: " II .,,.,.,, "'II• \'O'l'"'r II ! l ""'"'r•I r ... ,,,., ,.,., "~" r II••~> \ ,,~,, .. r•11 r ,, /..••'< f'ol•• I J V.u •' o ' \oo,''"' 1'~•··1 or •'•;O•nl Dr ' "~'"' I \', 'tiA'P '"''"' '"" ' v-1 ••• - . . ' ..... THIRO 1!.l(E -O•• .,. Lo "•<• (" •• na .,,. •••• f'u••u llto'P ''" (I.• "1•11Q P"<t \l;lfl V"''""''lt•••lt 1'1••1,.,..,, 1•'(> (••c•<1P t~1•t IR >~•llo••"•I 1•·p l)ol(•n· (•••• •I) r•cr • :""11 I" ("0' !(, "al! Jl<,n Rn<~" P.••I '~ O••n'T1•'1 .fl'•' M•I SID"" I ( f1Dy<1l 'l"'n Gin•• o"""'" !J lf'<lfll ·,frn 'OURTH l!.0.(£ -0~• ...,,.,. Irr· .,,, •••• rrn, •• .,,, 1'"'Q •n l~ll 1••1 AO<! ........ ... ~· fl8< ... ed lo' '5(G ,,, .. ,. ~,~, L~"'nfr r,,1on I>< E ,.n•I ~., ~ . I: \'/, 1 ..... ' 1.1 .. uv O S"•' !( J•cnt>~\ Lu.,,b•r P•!• f I W•I"""'' I 11"""'" 1••• •E ~""'r•'• O:ellY w M1o" II D•1i'lnn l SJo••l•n• Hann,,• !E Wh••I.,\ S"• DM'•~ IJ Oeon.1\ ,1,lN 11.0.Cf -On• "''I• Pac• Clr•m•"n All •<•· Pv•n •J&OO To~ <l""":nq ori(• 11ern Gr,tc"en A~,01 !C. Lon•~l "" I V ~1 J/.'tC.·•on•l ~)(111 !'"~II o•• <0 "''va<:'" •'N\ O•ck• Qol•,.,m• ! J Woll ~"'I I •!«' c; ••v f·£n• IC· ..,,.~ • • ~' I\ C.r~"<! P.·ow.•• •J Voll•roJ tlrn ,.., .J••• 1l D•\ "'" •!-'.~ l'r <V "'O" I P V•ilt • l(•yl 6~1\ ~1 .-rH 1!4CE -On• -•'• "•" r 1a""' ·• C•"' br•n "'"'•""<! an ,,, . .,~·•• IJ•f.;t ltD c•a.,.,1n1 r·,r• soz1r Tan·""" "'v' r• W •o•\ "'""'' H••n·~ !" C11n•ov1 ,,,,,,.._.,.,,~ ,, ""' J_j .·1-•I ""Ii s~m'""" f r'"" 1G P.•<>•e•I Jonn• • l •l•n' q n1o l'M• A"n•, M•" "' r.•on,••1 1~0 {'"'"''""'•'"''I •1 L~r ,! ~·I• A \•J.nt>r ;l •nN! \.E\/'ENTM P.,1.Cf '1•• '"' "1 ·Q~• """ ,,,nn" 11n (IM .n 1~1' •o •c •""'•I a ~·P """"' •r D• C•• "'"~ '"' !•7'1r' .. ,,.,. l•Y>I' f •• T•• 'n•Q Ir-..,n111 "' " /./Ill""'\ , ...... (,.,,, .,,..,, 'if'•~r." P >1rr 11,.1•0'1 lnn•V•lif' """''" r.1 rV""" I D ,.., ••• "1~" oo1••n' o• H•~"' • r o~nn•"' n•»ogr1 "••• IJ D"'"'"l •i "'1\r EICiNTN 11 .. cE -Oo• ...... ""'' (I• ,.,;nG .... AG"' 1'u•H lbilOO. Tnc. < ''"' n~ D"Co !)/,'>(Ill .,,, ~tvo•~I !J. v1.i•••m<I ll.IYY C-rDw'"O <J ,I. fl•rm•fll H .d)') fl~q o• Got~ •l L•C~.i·l '' !Gli (""'" H"""""' ! J ''"""'] l!.n·" "'·""iAn• <R w;o,am•I •l.•Oll T~~·o~ ~ \/' •o•~ t• C•••vl •s.f""· .. ! .. Tio! -Qn• ''"" PAc• Al\ AO•~· n(>fl·Wln 11DOO tn ltll ion •n•: ~-· mm·w• 11000 1 .. 11 "'""'V •" en 10 .,I •ho•n" nn"•"'' n•• lll noo '" 1011.1911 1not ••• nn" ''"""P' ol I I.JOO ""' "'ont~ In Il l! .1 "~"' "u"• lJ'OO "''~'", s,rd JJ C<•n•\ ~ii~•• fl <JllOr ![ {DODI Fr••GM 'lo•n,1••1 IQ Ari o•....,.~, Mr ~•O•I /I! V•ll•\ !l;•v' M "I o.,.,~ ~l eo Ill NdhA'"l\l Mv 001il•~ (J 88d••I P•n•1 M'tn••I /I( "'~•"~'!'!' Jfff e••on E•~'~" IA.. C•••Q\ Harness Results Melld1v . .O.prot 14, un (le1r 1nd Fiii ,IR\l ll&tl! -Ont m•I • M1l<1tn I Yt•• 01n1 111d undf• .... ... ,. "v"' fll•c-w1v lfl nvdl ~~;,r;:;·,\,fl?~~1.~~;r•'d 1 ... l IQ l 1111 JO!\ 2 •0 ,. Timf 10911 A.Isa r1c•d -l •I Joe. t.i•llv C.•11 e o J AY El V1li1nh HQl'•V !,n .. nt ~•vn• ~Cf ~lr"!d V1lo•nt '"'"'' 11 1!•8UI. •·Slltk Wey & l •Norm•• ·~·.,.. p1ld fll.Of. \l!CONO 11.0.(1! -0... ,....\• ''"' ~1j1.i:'1~~ ... ~1t1l':~!\ Pu•1•~~W., •r 1 •n H•Hll Mollf (5ly/u•l<I '6 00 I )II ,l.,lblon Vtll!n•d J (M•vl'<I<•\ l "11 ' Servile Dad Lashes Out Cc1lls Mesa Gym 'A Du11ip' Thr 111r c·nntrn,·er~tal prP[1 stor\ nf lhf' \Pf!r i~ !ht Srr1 llf' ll1gh ha~krtbatl ~ arn -h;ind' do11 11 .'\llrg,1lh'il' r11n111ro; anrl 1nnurnrln~ h;i1·r hrrr1 hurlrfl frnn1 ~p1r r al ('oroer~ ill thr Fn;n·s 1·.in(·('rll1n i:: p11;;.~1hlf" ftHU l'f' t r;in ~l r r~ pf ;i !hl~'r 1r ~l<trs !ruin nf'arh~· p11bl1c" stho11I~ IP Sr1·11\t' 1 '1 1~1a \It'""' !t''-1drr1! .l•1ht1 :-.111n1011r 1 ~ 11 p;i ~I h11nst<·1·, , li1h prr.-.1r1rrH nf Sf'f\llf' anrt 1·11nt.:11·1rd r h1 ~ 11ritf'r Jn 1r1l!'f' nh1f'cl1nn' In a C'•>lun1n \\1111rn 11h1rh qunlrd f!F S0urhern ~ri·t1on <·nm1n 1~s1onr r .t f\ennclh Fa,i::.1n~ •· ir Seri J!P krep::; hr1n~1ng 1n lnr p\a\ rr0 I don·, knn\1 \\ hil! 11 ill haoprn ·• Th::il p;ir!1cular quote 14as madr !n this ------ ROGER CARf~'l0"1 -------· rnlun1n 1·nnc·lTn1ng lllP suggr ~l 1•1n h1 ;i l'"urlr nf ClV AAA .A. lr:1gues tha1 Seri il r and !llP 1·f'~! nf rhr f'ar11rh1<tl schools cnmpr1r 11 !!i11n !hrir own r.1nks in !hf playoffs . Thr 1clr;is hal'f' comr fnrlh lnlln1· 111g a <'h;irgr lhal frr.•hman Denn is ~m>l h 11a' 1alkcd 1n!n t'nroll1ng ;i\ Servile. rathrr 1h.:in [nlln1~· !hr puhlll' school !rail a! Rrils;i <;ranrlP The CIF hody ruled him Jempnr.:i nl~· 1n - e!igiblP. but a quick court rulinl! rr \•rrscrl the ordPr i:ind thr charges 1,1,•erP sub~equrntJ.1 dropped h~ lhp Clf' Se.vmour ha .~ srnt lhreP nf h1~ son~ 10 Srr- v1te t1nd herr's 'A'hal he has to sa~ abvul !lir s1tua11 on "I lake r x(•rp11on 1n fhr rem;:irk !h;i! Sr r· vi!f' i,o; bringing in .:i: top hasketliall pla~·rr !l 's ju.~t not true "A ,eoorl rasp in pn1nl i~ in 191\i 11 hrn nt11· l::i sl ch;impinn.th1p roo th;!ll tram \\'('Ill 10 !hr CIF quarterflniils thr ~chool marl!' ~5'1 .nOO "Jn Q;i.~krtb!\ll 11•hen V.'e 1!01 the quarter~ 11 \\ ~~ ii frilrtl Jif ~!,)fill If 11f' 11r 1P [(1 1.:ik1: rerr11111n~ ~ h;in, r ~ 11nulrln; ti hr mn1r .;,11.;111;i~e11u• In ~" ;.i fJ .. I' 1hr Cfl<ld f'!•p \\ ;i1·nrr fl'l(lfh;ill Sl il r r;irhrr 11 1'111 ;11\ flhl l1tU\ \111111! l1i-f A li-4 h;i• lo,1'lt1i1Jl 111i('1111111" ' Tl1:11 • 11 li,11 1 111 .c~ n1r ' \ 11«1·111 (If·' hull1't111 1 ~ r n!11 ;i) 111 '-r11 1lr 11lt1t1;1I • t.11 11•1111.: IP~al hr•lr 1n 1 r 1 rr -11 ~ 11~ 111111,+\ d1'< 1 ~!1Jll 1hr 1 h;11 j \11n hr;H'lll);' ;i.1·,d 11• ! ho•l ""\rd 11 r !I 1,h;i1 il l" \'' fl• " ~' rl\' "' I!,' ~.1\ •• <;r1 n1•1t1r \\ r frl! 11 r 1'1'1'., h,1t' 111·, 1. · '', " r 1o;:h1 ~ ,\nd 1 "ll PP''~r thr .u• • h11'lflf'n 1r ;in1"n" r l-r 11 •ti'' ,,, " In ~ ... : 1 11r .. hr ;iflrl I' fl;><; hrrn ~Jll'C'l\lalr1I •· 11, '• " \\1f.r !)1111·1 ::inf! ,,,~incr• •r , · r ~ 1u•·ri 1111 .11 s.·~·111 r 11• tl11 '• St1rh :i n1,11r 1111111.1 •, "' ~ in" l111r 11 n n r h:i -~r·h ,1 .Sr '.Jllflllr 1" f'fll 11 I •' ~\ ~11'111 illld \:I '~ .I I JI r•ritll'" 1u,1ilrl l•r I•' ' ~ I' 1· htip111 11 11 1\ p11hl1' ·1·h, .. . (',,~!·1 \1 r~·1 11 1: I · ~·' ;ii ;i 17 '111\~ f:11 1111• Ii p,~," 11 ('l'f' 111" fl •l I!• 111 hrr,111,n I ~IT·•,k• Ill I ~rlf " llrifl• '-"' '''' 1;;i rrlrn t ,:• 11· \ " I •' "' . , ' " .. '" <1!1111' I \\ I. I:' I '11•" 11' "! 'Ir,·· " T •11r!. .. ' I ' '' ""'' :inrl n.H1• h·• \1;111111·,~ C,;imPS 1111!1 l;rr1 Ho I II, 111'1!' h,• k~ 111 ii! '"" ii• or r1 l':i! ;it Srr1 •1 • ''! k<'f'!l h (',tl'll)_ 1l~11,1 'Hl'l'1 frr h11! !hr• f.11·1 1·1·•11.1111( !1r h"lll!' '··.11· nf'1 ( r I• d 1t. crarlr nnn·l'an1 .. l1• ·11111••1,1 11·ho rlr1·1 df'tl hP 11 ,,ntrd '" ~rl ;:i f11<1 1 lil'' l'd!l<"l!lo1tl 1!1 1,;o•!\11\ 1,,-io\I' ,1!trnd SrM1 \Tr •n "RU! 1111 \o\11 1'1 •'' h1 .. 1t !• lh1I hr ,, th" f riln ~f('f frnt'1 R"I ., I ,1,111/11'" II' 'I' •11"11' "llr ;1nrl h ~ n1"!11"t 1• 1n1,.d tn !:" ' ' '' 1 llr ,'\n nnP 1n1t1;:itrrl :1n1 r:1!l:c: In 1)1'' Sm11h hnmr f'ilhrr." h<> ;irlrlc S•n1'f' Sr r\'ll P 1~ nnl ;111 <1r1'hd1ni·r:-r -.1•h·1•il , trci~lr <1111•n 1< n"' rr'!"•r'1"I !n 1'11h,,l1r< nnl1 Falco11s Toc> ~/>ee<l_y Pre11 T racl{ Honor Roll For Fou11tc1i11 V11/lt>,. For Area· l(WI -J~"~ "'""' l(n::. C••lo lo''' t(nM lloc • De'"'"' •Cn•'~ M~•6 , c,, •A"''"' 1 "'e~1no•• o t M r•1 \, I.'•" ><oo'°" !N•.,Onr•I. l1 • uo -E• c Ol~o" 1 r,onr •~· c,,,1 •m·•• l"'•wnn<I •, •• O. """" Hoo>@!! I N•w<>0'1 I •0 I RR~ ~'" Olson tf ,16n(,~1 ~I 'll Hnq,~tl 1N•wDor1t. T S,10, Br o<!ID•d IUnlv•••ifyl, ! c.a 6 !• '· '" lh l• -D<l~o M•rl •on ICg,to M~'''• • l/ 6 E ~ ~•d••moc~.r !M•"'o" v, •• lo • I• l, Jo~P Holcomb l "l•w~o•ll, ',. l Oouo J '"''e "'"'~!. , .... ,.1, •006 Tnm o IJ , , ~· "'" 0 11 ' l(O'I~ 1c~"• (Co•tA •10 '"'" -MAii 1-'0Q'"" i >,:ev..n~.i 1. , .. D•V• "''"'~'<! l><11,.1 1nqtonl "• 110 l "' G•n• T•V•o• P0.<•·1~; 10 l. 18 , .. ' " I •• l•· va•1•v 1< e Moll ..,co••" •N•-.. nn•11, Oorn1•d Leno• ll'<>vo!&•n u~ O~IOV lO'" r o1m1a1n V•l'•v •.l 9 ,,, •I• lh lOV W••lmon•te1 1 1' I ....... °"'' rnv11f~·n MJ -Ge<><Qf o:en! 1C1>1/· Do"n II••••~ tM1t•• 0•• • t·~. J~ O~no" fC<lf.11. e • LJ ll nn (oll•no' <E<>••<>"'· Ji 1n J~~ "a·c~·o''~I" Cell• l.'.e,11. r 11 '"'"'"'"'ell INewOOrl JI·• ~v -llnb ~<~•""-l ~nunt••~ V•ll•' , I•/• (~••lit r.'(N1,r IL >Q Un • P·~'" !nm D•Sroo·•••o ("•woo·• W•I• Sin~•• IW•""''""''" ,:;_,, ~r le••v A l~""O" t~•wo~" ~· '> l~ny ('"'""' "'""''"01 0n .I'• 1 JoP I M1' 1(1>/.I J) 0 0''"" ......... ~ ~""'1"' "~" !11 II l ••r\. ~11\rlt•~n l<j•wn<>" I•~' 1"" ln<'I ICn'J t<J ' T J -1,.., M•11~ ''·''"'"~ \/'" -•1 I\ ""'' ..... ,, '""" '""'"~" JO " M•d ro.~~holm «•n Cl•~'""" l''' Sanra Ana \'a1lr1 ·~ Falcnn~ dnm1nated !hP .t'prin1 ~ an'I tiurdle.~ tn oul scnrP Fnunl;1 11i \'fll]r \'. i1·56, 1n i:in lr\·1nr LragUe du ;i l tr.:ir k arirl f1<'lrl mfPI f)n thr v.·1nner '.Ii n1·;i\ \1nnday Thr~· oul ~enred lhe 1n1';idrr~ '.\O·\I in thr ~pr1n1~. h11ntl r~ and 440 re la.v to run away \\'1t h the victor~, LeRdini;: pPrtorn1rr r 11 r Fnt1n!a 10 \';illf'\/' 11'i1 S rolr 1 .:iulter Bnh SC'hPnk . who tlef!ri:d 1.1-6 for f1rsr plarr .... , .... ,ounll •n VI II •• !'"'I ("I~· U1ll•• ··t . Svl1•' I ~)? W·•·~n .... 1~· l 11 .,,~,. 1 r , l •m• ;n Q nn 1 M••~()"'' 1 •,' l W•n~•· 1 t • J """" l~I T'"'• ,1n "o t ""'" ''I l W•lr~ !<I 1? '•v I \ T '"''· j) • ''n I S•v••• 1r 1 ) M~r•1 1r 1 l C.•••,c• (~) l •m• ) ni • l,Aol~ -I G AOV•IO< l\o) S""'n IC.I ' C~n lt• 1 ~) 1,..,. • 11 I Golf Scores ~ • .., Goll Vl'l<IY f.••one<I \Ill 111 ) {_"'II Mt l l l •• 'E 1 n•' Wnod<'''' 1(1 O) \1 (_~'""' 1El ~•! ~MllOG! /(I ~· t-'! ~<rr-c"8 " IE o 11. ~,.. ll•llCI •ft •(>" •" l o"o•• •E• 11. I''" T•o'""" 1(1 '' ll '·'I• Cl IJ. Gd L ln"I•~ I E •-~ ! ' /.l••P•.tn •E l n" Cu••,..,•~OI IC '" " £111nd• !•ll !il l CO•ll M••• L•• •e i 11 ne• woo~r.nr• IC ' ~J r~""" f ~·· '~'""~' !' 1,• ~r ""(••·~"~If.I I• n•' ll•Orl'" o(I '' . ''"~" ,r 1 11 •·•d 1••••1111 <C• ~· 1' "•· 'f 01 n" l•"~'"' f I ~· I ~·•·•"'''" 'E '· n•' c., .. ,..,. .,01 IC! "· " ... , "" 0 .•• •• " ''· . .. . ·~" .. " y, •'"1• I' flr ,g"t '" ' P.•r"•' , r !<.•I> r<\] .. ,.,.,_., Ill J, o, ... ,,,. ,, 1' ""' .. •··~rr ~·-~o• 0' •• '' ... ''n V1llrv !I"'"' P• '""" 00 .. ,_ . ' .,, I\, f ,,.,e r ' '" ' ~ "'" I ~' .,, I<•" I~' 1110 I F •~<'"' I ....... ' G'"'~'" 1~ r,o·• • ,, 'Jn><"' 'c-..o '' r ~. l l•h""' 1<1 l ,, .. ,. •' 110 L.. c_,.,o 1\ ? ,'. "" • ••~On• r o 1,,.,. •1 !AO II.''''' V~H•t f,,.., 1 1/ I >< j l I "01 •~•"lnlO I tM 1 100 •~•<i•tlr PV 1 (,.,, ~S l 1 .. >,.,•l!~n '' !Ir •n•o rF 11.,q.., ll ~ ~p _ 1 MooO< (~I I O•·•• .r !1~•~'"' 1 ~1 O••l>r tr ,o I D••<V• I (N:,I •v~ ••h" '" ,. ••~ V•ll1• 011 ll•I S•n,. iion o V•"•• ·c~ l(•r·e~-; ~~ ·~···~"~ <'' • '"'""" r11 f,rn, n 1 'i!D l(on11•!1• j\I l ti l•o~ rr 1 O c_~"~"' t ~• ''"'' o n M q \~r•I /<,,? (nf""'"'" 1r\ ~·"· .... '~ "'"' l' i 117" .,,.,,. i• I , ""•""'" 1\1 l ~•~·•~IS f,,,,, l •O • '"l.. l~nn•n,N••<•) W•"•' II ·1 ~11•nl\•r v 1\ r,,.., '1 "O "''"' 1 S•n!• ~"" v o1l•v l "" •I ~ "I "~' ••• '•~" t • I !no• >V• I•~'•' "V a'"'"'"" \ ) ' ' l l'l""' ';I '""II"' • ,, ' 1 •• .,~.,. IS J (•"•~"" r"'""" I ' -• ,,. •. Star~ Vie AtOCC \\ h:ir ~ n1'11 1n lhl' 11.•nrld of I o•l!f'' 11,iJ)'' I· ,q 1or1r !11111.c . 1ri.fnn! ,ti n• 1r nn11~ ,111d 1·r·i1111t: IPn~th rirri p !'I I ~ \\ 111 hr IJ 'f'd (II ,, 1·t ' .• ',ti \\I \01\lo·• l\11( rh;i1n• ",,.n 111p~ ,1 rir" lrt11 ~ 1h l~ 11 , , L ' ' " '' o) •• •!' f]1f"il~'h ' 11111 ~11 1..11 ·1 1rr1 n ~ (''1f'OP: .,i lfJ' I ~ I' th,1n f.tl i'·" I fl•''~ !hr f, r nn rhr .._ 1111 'l'P-:: \I 1• 1•·h l.111' 111 '\• !' 11ll Pl\t1il ,.it' ,1 111 II HI ' .il H\l I 11 I 11•1!1'\'100<.hq'I 1<11i •\h;il\ 1h1-\rr11 Thr\ '-f'I I I' <l.'i foll! f~o\p~ <ll ir\ \ir\p 11) •·li n1111:1lf' hunl 1111 t>t l••• \1hrrt1 1111• nu'n wrrl' t11r 111rr11 1:illrl't llj'•"• 111 milkl' rh!firu\! ra !I ~ nn •1! • ·hr r \hr ha !! 11 ~~ 1n flt '"'' .,1 \I , 1 I II ·I ll !hr anl t'IH\,\~ . .:11)1 h.1 11 'ti.11 !Hllt'hf'!. 11 '1'1~ II 1'1 111111 rr111g ,1nfl rhr hall 1~ thrn rlilrd 11111 s1df' .'\rgument~ n1'er t'.1ll~ arc 11rt uall'.' ehnl1na1ef1_ Thr rlr11p 11rt-.. ;1111rl 111rlr1he 'I'·" 1"11~ ()('( g 1 111 tn !•1 !1•11r "p,11 :i fr rn111 r-. :111rl "ill prr · . ··111 ~r 1krd !1:1 11 11·11111 ht'tni:: rlr·t· rn 111!11 .111 • .rlwr ,. "111 1 d111 - lt'l' plill ~p,~1 t.dl•I'' 11 !11 bP ;i]1\r !fl S('{' lll!Hl lt;I\ fhr !)f!'I 11·d 1hll~ 11 1\1 1,,. 11,\r 111 111111·~s ;ic·11111 1 1111 ;1\1 (n111 , , ,.111" a1 0 11, t' 1· 1111~ Ill/It• •' 111:. +ti. • 1,.,, 'l•'!pa!P 11 I I lo• I '11ir'I(! Ill I I +" 111 rn1ra::!.•• ll,11• " , ...... \rll' ''·I~ i 1'1 •!• l'•r><!l"- S:•rll:i \\ .. uh .1 ''•ll I • •t• 1 1 ... ·n Sa111 ;1 1\,1 11,,1 •• !\ .• 11,,,,. '.'. ,, C!uh l 11• \11crlr~ 11.11 1:!. f\" u•h ,1rrd ll r1!1!'h \ 'nl11rnh1;1 Ti('k!'!~ f11r rhr f1r~1 '"" d.11 ~ w!ll hr aft ecn1S f11r ~111d rn!s ;ind Sil filr ;:idu lt~ Thi" S11ndav f1n;ils v•1ll ens!~ I for 1;1urlrnls ;i.nd $2 for adu\ti;. Tnurn;:imrnl l1C'kPt li are al~n ;i 1;i1l;ih\r fnr a rrdured pric!!· .11 1he O(C f!dm1ni.~tration h11ilrl1ng from 8 ro 4 daily, l)ccp Fi sh l~eport D6N,1. W/11'11< "~''· Bl m~c••" 1 •· r>n P,t.DIJI (OVE I • •"• ,.. .. • "" roa SA.°' DIEGO 1r~ '"qi•" '. "' ' ""I •""''!>I I ' r ' • "•r•"· )I b•• •'"n~ .ti ,.,, '"" VEHllJll/l • ~ ~ ~· •• , 'rt';E ~P10"l1'~;'fl•••I • L"''"' 1~ ,.~•,.,, CO'·' C> A • <' 16rl'o L•nll•"• t •" • r-rl '~"' c~<: OC!.O.NSID£ ~ , •• ... r>~·., Jle •o•-, •• • n ., •• ,. ';A Nl,1. 1.10"11(,1. •• "" " •~\ ~od, • ""' r"' IJ '""" ""'' LO'<G 111!; .. CM r1'1 tlmon11 t a rQ1•" I '"n" h•"· 171 •D(• (~d 1'1••9• -11 • ,~1 .. , ~ ~.,,.r .,~• ~ ~,n11 ~"" 1(1 o••<~ ~•'•Out ll(l ~•'• '"" !'°itrQft•"f L•ndl,,•I -1~ 0 '191"'' t~ '0~ rrn, '°" ·~'' rr~ RED0"400 " ;rnl••• 1• ""'" ,,,, '"" 71 ~ .... ., ~!.Al lllEA{H .. , . ' '" ' '""' • "'I . ' ~ . " ... ,. ,_,, Baseball S landings DEAN LEWIS l'\ATl O~AL LEAGLE Easl Oi\•isinn W L \\lont real Nr1\' York Ph il-'dr!ph1i'I P1t1sburgh St Lnuis ChiraJ!n llodli!:t.r.~ Houstnn S.:in DieRn San Francisco 1\1l;in1;; Cincinnal i ' ' ' 4 2 2 I 2 3 ' ' 1 Di"sinn , ; 7 ' 4 ' , 2 ' ; 7 5 M~"ll1v'1 ll1•u1t1 M(llJ<!"" ). (~•t •on ) II •n<>l<>t < On•• ••"'~~ -r~••hit"" Tuf\ll1v'1 Gl,.,.tl Pct . .R.lJ "' _:}ii .571 .2~0 .222 .77R 77A .444 .44~ ;'\()fl .28• GB 1'7 I '' 4 4'' 5• L~u" !G·~'°" 0·' I 1• 611~"11 •"11,••• 4-'1. "'""' t"·'•n<o t"l<on•r" 1 11 l ' woo~•nn 1 11:.v1~ l Il l nlo"I "'"""1, •• 1 '""""" p.ft\ II Le• •no .. •• l ~U""" l·GI, "'V"' !ol•w Va-• 1(•"'" 1).11 1 "' !-• o .. .,,~ ,.,,,.. "-J'. n•oM P~·t•!l••ah•• !C.•rltt!J' 1·0\ •I ~"" F••"''"" l '~•r•r••I I !l n•o~• (•nronn011 l"IO'•" 1-01 1+ P•!.,0U'~" !Jt~"""" 1\.01. n•a'" A~1t:::R1CA Ll::AGlt::: Bah1mnrr Cleveland Roston 01>tro1t M1htt111kre !'\rw York O.:i:~l;ind Chica.co Tr:ica~ \1inne~o!."l Kan~:is Ci!:'-' Angel~ Ea'.'it Divi~lon W L \\'e~t ' 4 ' ' 2 2 lli\'~ifln 1 3 ' ' 1 ' I 2 !! :1 ' ' 1 2 .1 ' ' ' l.<OIWl1Y'I ll•oulh Pel. 62$ .. S71 .5110 OM 400 J:l.1 .lilii 62:i 62~ ,60!1 :1:1:1 2.;n ()•"~'' •I "'""''''"''· Don "'"' ~~ourd1 1•••1 ' {•'•'0'"'" • 0"'• ••.• ,., """"'"1•!1 Toll1v1· GIMll GB '' ,, 217 3 l!o••n~ (~'"'" n.7, •t "'"""'"'' •J ,,,.,v ~.11 fl011 "''0'' I M(N•ll• )~I •I IC•"••• C 1~ ID••O~ "11, n·<ih' , (I !•'"""'" 1W••ehl 1\.1 < ,i ly\oiw•l•l •• lll•o<I 0.11, ".~1 nn"'••d I'"""'" n n •' "I• .. v .... ••< "' • 11' ....... O•f" • !~o!·•h 1 t1 •I 1.,., <f\1>• ... An I 11 "~~· (l•v•'•nd !N•IC'l• I 11 •' (!\•(~go (Wf)Gfl J" Ila""" •' 1"••~••'11• 1972 TOYOTA CARINA WfTH FACTORY AfR CONOITfONING PER MONTH S94.70 Tot•\ Down -S72.00 Tot1I Monthly P1yment. •31520 fer Forty Eight Mo1. D•f•rr1cl SJ5SO.OD /Ca1h S2794 .7D AP'lt 12.76 on approved credit. 1972 VOLVO 142 SEDAN WITH FACTORY AIR CONDfTfONfNG PU MONTH 1117.46 Tot1I Down -Deterr ... S6057 ·-''· C•1h Prlc• '4246.27 Incl. T & L/APR 15.36 on •PP· crHlt 1;,,,, -'01 l l! .lho rited Crn .. n ~nno. ~ L. ~en• We<l•••d-V't G•"'•I (•nconn•h ~\ P•ll•bl<'O" n>~hl S' lou•! •I .. 11 ,,,1,, n•ohl C~•{Oeo •I ><O!Hl<>n, nlol>I ""~·•··~' "' LO• .,,,.~r•,, '"•~' "l•H Vor• I! S•" O••~o "'"" '10 l )(! 1 #0 Pl\o>~d•l1>hl1 I f !•n Fr•nc,.rn l!O't .... M . •f lf•'I"' (,,,, 0"''"'1 "' l •••' ~, • .., ·c,.~•l•n!I •' r i.•r•on (Ol•tnrro o •I l.l•lv,•u••• O~l<l•nll •• "low Y11,I 1972 TOYOTA MK II l r1vlf•. lndion OA!c1. T•'"•ll ~<••1Cll1G -Ovlcf\ ~o•cl•! THtllb 11.0.(I! -0.-• ""I• r.,, C••lni lno. 411 111•• f>ur•t 11500 ,t.,mbro l(l'lo (Malt) • 00 J 10 ; •~ Je"v Ooh C~•dit (M•rdl•I I 7!1 4 iii SilVt' 1t"'ord IWlno•rl )l~ Tl..,. -J.Of l1J ,t.,ho ri ced -"1~11.~,, °"' \•""" Nolt, Emme S1v1,t, Vn1n On• .Srr•lcf\ll'd -TrotWllOf! Jim, •n(I•' lrl~. F04JllTH 11.0.CI -On• "'I• "•t• (l:'•'>ln'I ,I.II •t•• Pur,. •ll(lfl l11•!t ~.,, ll>r~"•'I llO •00 1"1 H••n n:•f lfll •r•"'•"l JOO I•" Ru"'" l'!ov •M••n•l l"' Tlnit -l In 1 ~. ,1.1,n .,,..., l~··v T"''· 1•1•. Vr•e'" ll<1 n1 ~~•l!l'ln, ~•n•!M ~'"• 5•·Al~~•d -•11 l(•v•G Un FIFTH 11.0.t!. -o~r ••111• ... ,. t"~·o1 •11 •o•• l'u••• ''lrl-' G PorO;., Un.,~1~~1 U 60 J1 ~ ~"" ht Lf•••.., l'No\J,•'"I•\ ! A.) , M Mlt"lv St<>•<~ !W•l!lt "'•1 1 I~ Time -10.' ! l •O )40 .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· ' •' DEAN LEWIS 1966 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA Serv ic• and Modern P1rt1 for All Imported (1r1 Body S~op for Alf Ciro 646-9303 STATfON WAGON WfTH FACTORY AIR CONDITIONING s9soo PU MONTH 18 CAil Y PlL iT , ________ _ LEG.\L ,'\OTlff l.F.C..\L '.\OTir F. 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GE "o A 1Jll l • ('fiS O 8 30 -"Ha 11a 11 F1\·e·O .. r-.t rt';arre!t iJark Lorrl J battle5' nr_;:an11ed crimt 11·hen a mainl and ~yn· d1ca te mn,·e ~ 1n tn t~land operati on ~ l\r!J O 7 3() -"The .\l uppe1 .\lu~1r1 ans C'f Brr man ., Th!!i rhlldren-.~ special lt'l l~ 0f a rl11nke_\. ' tr1r to the ron~ter . a dn.i; ;inrl a rill nn a musical fabled rl!y nf Rreman. Lnu1~1ana l\l'El' ED 7 30 -"Portr;i1 I nf !)range !'nuntv" The ran1rras zoom in rlo~e to hoine on lhL· edl· tio n of f urrent Events. ,l>IH ''"" "'l •·~• f· ".,.A~ !• ~1 '-" • .,,,,,,, '·~··' • '"" ,..,,,. >•• "'" ·•I "• "'" ""' r< 11•"'1. u ~.,~o· n•r ·1 r• ''• • 1 "~· ""''~ "'' '"''' ,,,., ''" "' · ._ .•.. ,,., ., ''"'' r , •••• o• Blt.<; •I •.'QAA (.4, •• , !!LA; '10'1.0.C..O., O•c••'>"" I >;()lP(£ IS HEllE~V C,1\Jf >, "' m•, '1 (••n''O" 01 l~e onnv• "~""•d n•<•n•-i '" "~I •'I l""'nM' ·~-"l ~ .. "'" ~0' ••1 '"" •" 11•(•0•01 ~'• •e"""•~ " ' • '''" r · ·~•1 ·~"j l ! ,. r • ., " , ' LEGAL ~OTJCE F IC TITIOUS BUll"'E\! .. AME Sl.&TEME !.1 1 -r.. •r 1r •1nq t-,' .... , ,. M•' ''"' ••• •t•7 >1 ("• !•••o•1 •~•'"'"Ann••••< •''"'rn"'" n ••·~ •·• ,,,,,.,. o• •• ,,/ll•o"•• ,. • .,.,. .. "• ! r····~" ~"''I~'" I ' .,. '' ,. ~ ··~ ""' '' '•" ,-,. , '·• 'r " .,, ~,., .... -. ,.,,,~,, '"""'" o• ~···~,, •· ... ''• ' .. t 4 ~•" '''"'·<'·7' 011 <H/1 •" 1•• ~o~I'<"''' ••1 •I '""•i1 .,,. "1• 1---I EG~\L '.\OTl [E-J: ~ ::: ·~,'-~-:· .~·r;;, "n \:~·::« ·!:·.::·_',. ~: " ,. ~:~ 11 ''' • ·~" • ~· ·•• ''""'"'" r"<~ "' ••r ~"n"'"''", ·' c-·~ .~,·~ ..... "'~' -A1• ~· "I> I.'' r 'Y < ·n• I, ,, ~· A ·•· •• FICTITIOUS P.US INE~S I l';rl'"•rl (l'~'Q' ~" , , I' l•'' '"i •nl '"'' "AME ITATE'Mt •n '· )• 1'.11 1r·; ,, r1 N•··n~•· II••"' ''' '"'"~ l ••lc ~~~··,o• ~··~M "'"' Mr;• .. "~. ".... ., .. , 1:· 1 •"' ,. ' .. r ""' ,, .. ,, " , ... , . ••• f "'' ·'' "'' .,, /. •-'•.., r •I·~·~·~ •. ,..,,,, I•""'' IJ' ,. •. •• ( "'" .t.•1•• ,-'.•l•rr-·~ • Fll' ·ri'l' ' l.'iP 1 F •' , ''I -,.,. ""'""" "'"'" r , '"'"~ ''''" ,, ... ,,.. ,, .•• ,. •I• , ... ~···"I '·•·M"' Ei•M• ·,,," • ~1•f.~ Lf.l.AL "'llTICI.; " ' . "'"'' "' '·' ... '· r • ,, ' • ' ,. • ., •• rt I'• ?, ' ~l'""P'' •\ ~· "9 Tr"~ I"~ ~I •• ln~IV>OU•I ,. ' • '.... r,• c q '""~ '""" r~ ., I',.., /UI••' r~ • •••reme~• 1 IOI! Yi'" '"' ~"' ,.,, " .... c •~r • n• 0·•~9e Cno ~•y 0" At •' " •'•!)I I•, "~'""'r' '••n "•n '"• bY !levtd • J "'1<1!1C11 0 •<>u•·, (o.,no, , .,, "' Q•~o~e (."''~'V ~" O.p-.1 C ""· r• ~.,,,1 , J •la<1<1~·· D•<> '' F llO)t # •• 0••( p "' P1 O'""•d .t.r• r IT •! o •• ~,. c""'' l! '"o '"a' l "'' •11 1i,r 1>,.~,.., -----,.~,. l \J "' .. LEGAL !'iOTJf'E F 1cr1i1ou~ I U\IMESS MlllMf 'Tl.TEMEMT . ,,. " ~ ( (01/l'A"IY. ICJ. OD•'· ll•lf>ri~ ''''"" r 8< • •l•6l I ~· l •v ' I r \fr•' lG" On•I l!•IMC ~ . " Of/, r~, ll•J•'""" ,1 b"'"t ''""II<'•~ h·· ~.. 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Aho Vl.'ry ha ndy 1111 id ent ificat ion l•bels f or me rkin9 per1or.el it ems such "' books, r ec:ord1, pholos, P.l c. labe!i s tick o n 9la1s •nd ma y be us ed tor ma rk ing ho me cann1d fo c.d ilem1. All labeli .a re pr in ted w it h 1tyli 1h Vogu • type on f:ne q ul'l li ly wh ite 9 umm•d paper. r ----------------------, ,,I!!• !M• c•u•••. '"~ •o~ "'"'' ,.,," \l.ll !o: I I P'1lo! ""M<t•q ll~r l [)i.,P.O. I •• !Ill ' I Cott• M~•. c.i1f. ,•1111 f I I I l I I I l I I I I L----~~L~!-~!~J!~~ ____ J F IOU <>'"I ~I I '. '· '' '"~ ''"'"~'~'" " •""'c ".,., 010.rr ·I""<"' rl '"" •or o~ ""' '"" '~·'" "'' ••e,rnt """'· ,. • '"' "t(•'"'" ""'· •n '"' • "~"'' ., •• ~ ~' '"' '""·e ··~· ~11• •·•,\ ""F'-'''·'\> E ~ f"\1-'I .~, l•n;' [.r!"'"'• •11 •, •. ,., 11•"•1< •· '• ?'1 <~ •o A•• c··1 '"'" • ~:1c1 ,,,.,, " '"·• a'''' ~· h.' """ •' '"• """•' OM<tl • ~ 1 ~-··•·• ., •• n "~ r· !•• •<'•" "' '"'~ 1•('''"''• • "' ~··r• '"' '.,. ~up '' LEGAL NOTICE ' . 17J·71 q~~O•'!I 5D•C ol O•t ,..•oo• ("D••\ '~• <'ubl r W~d" \1 M n~r "' • TV DAILY LOG' Tuesday Evening APRIL 25 b~ro:iar ,.ho want$ to •~ stra rli! ha! to p~I! on! more job !a p°"' oT! 1 d'bt Q M1ll1on $ Movie: (lhr) "lhe l· SlliPf(i ROGm" (dral &J -l!~l11 Cii ron, Tom StlL I ''"'a a om mm•-rn ~ NtwS m Mu~ Critf1n Sho• !ll l1w Week Sp tc11I ED The Advocatt1 O An111s l1ttb1ll {cont'd S·J(I PM) C1l1!. An1els YS wa ukee Brewers 1t M1l,...1uke1. CJ fl) Wl ld Wild WIS! m Tiii fl lnblont1 (D I Dre1m of J11nnl1 !ff Zt10m! ED Hod11pocj11 Lod11 O_'t Mryberry llft> CID El Amo (5Z) Thrn Stoo1u ffOT •• 5:30 0 Movl1: (Cl (60) "Nollody'1 h r· fief' Conti. (coml '68 -Doua M[- Clure. N1ncy Kw1n. fl) CBS J'lew1 W1 lur C1on~1!1 [Ql J'l1tion1I Ctorr1phlt "Voya11 o· !ht Br1~1nt1n~ V1nke1" m Andy CiriHi1h Slio• m Ni nny tnd th1 Prnlusor ED rff1 Sc~ool1 W1tholll F1llur1 m lrtt1Ult OV Cir11n Acr11 ai) Qulen C.,nb E1tl Clncio~? CE Yldori• J•m11 Siio• 152) Httd1/lop 1:5S 0 l'olitlt.11 Mns111 7:00 fl .:1,". 0 @n N1wi ({)Truth or Canstqutnces rs D111n11 0 Wh1!'1 "'1 llnt1 ID I lovl luC)' ID I Drttm o! J11n"11 flf Educ1t•n1 1 N1!1on ffl HathlYOil Kath'e!n H1tchcot i W Uni 1"1111ri1 tn .i C..mine 0"11 Kid T1!k (H~l•y play ofh fl'i!) pre errp1 sched uled proa:rammrna:) 7:30 O 'l Decis1en '72 l1·1e C11ve•111:e ~• !ht M1ssachus!f1s 1nd Ptnnsylvan 1 rr1m1rie1 0 1fO m Dlcision ·1 2 l"e r.ove' ~;;e ol rh~ Pennsylvan•a prom~rt. fl 11_.1 f'f1 Tiit Mod Sq uad fP 'Color ol l1urhter. Color ot T•ai; I Th~ SQUld 101ns I t"CU1 lo t+nd n !' €0 •merittn Ec:onomy ~ St• Hunt 9:00 EJ ·a· H•"'" five·O 1;1 MrGir·•r1 fears a il ngl~n{I war 11 1rm ~·r.t w~tn 1 mainland ~ynd•c.ile tr•t1 Tn ti•• ove r c"m•nal not•.tt•Mn1 o~ •Sl~~d. 0 JACK PAAR SPECIAL * AFRICAN DIARY All New Entertainment 0 ·1_0 m I IJIC IAL I Jt tl p,.,., A!rit1n Diuy Hoit Jae~ Pau holi11 the 11rst TV !al~ show on Mount ~cPr.P1 v•e"' of !•on~ be1n;i tau~n1 ro act en cue i nd prt1~n1~ a dri'Tl~· n1111on ol Int · Maneaters ol lsavo" rrag~Oy EI! L1 Cri1d1 l1tn Cn•d• 39 Th1 Y1111n11~ CI!)N111ch1 !:30 II) N'•s Hvin w. d'fll ll:f l ltc.k Jour1>1! ml Lt G111 (52) lhc1n1 f1em Hcllywt>oG Par\ 10:00 0 -_t: C.nnon 11!) Ca~non b•· , wtal•ny 1nd h~r I C!\IT>!\ b!ldy1uard lo stix.~hrn~tr'i d1u1Mtr r~•ldrei 0 m Ne'n 0 jg ro Junts Garner I .I Nitt!cls (RI "The Soer.1alis11. N l~ll!ll~ IP cr,11• 1 r~li~td i•"i or r"me sot - r11'1sts !o recover stolen mone1 troin a !u111t1v1 l1v1n1 1n Me1•to. o T ~ rn h11rt u1 w.1b,, Mo. (RI 'lh·~ I! Ma•I. A hp1ne~e· ~'11tf1tl n l~d learns ~ew t1c!1 1bou! h•\ !!thel (E Dra1ntt ff;i Speci1! el !~1 WMk IC) €D The far1yh S1.1:1 !II \ CI!) fU1i~1l Mulu"o (52) H11dshop .. ·no '' saboug1n1 •I [dw1rd Asnti 10:30 0 Your l urn to 11lk Back ~,.SI! I rr-Al ls.su• IT I Dre1rn of J11nn>t Q Nr•s Wilch )cnn F ~•lmer 0 SPEC IAL TONITE "Tlie m Bill Colby Show * Muppet Musicians of I ml• Sltlniu Bremen''·A TV landmark ffi c.n ot the West for the whole fam ily. I @Mo~••: "Htivtn C..n Wai!" 039:CI'lll'IClit.C I l1lt1 frc P11ll :ODIJOCf@ e!mNew1 Mupp,tl1nd: Thi Mulicl1ns ol lrt· O One step Btyl'Jnd rnt n -n hnur of hn!lsy w11 h l.ern1! r6·, M1 rsh1I Dillnn I"• dnnl<ty Tl! t~I rM~lpr Ro,., 0 (31 (l) Ntwi lo• 1~! h~11 ~d dnR and C~l;i~I t~I Q Mrrvie: "K1'I.• till l lOOd Ofl l.ly 1"~ ~ mu1<t!l Jr10 1n Hit l1blei1 c1t1 H1n1h .. (dl!I ''S-61,>' Lanta\'!! nt Bro.min. L~11•1•an~. ID Trirth or ton1111uen ~e1 m HoR1n '1 Huoe1 m r•1hion1 In Siiwin2 @ Drlintt ffi ll1hind tl\I L1"tJ ~l' Th1 fnnytt S.11 11 :10 m Movie: "811111 or M111eil\e1" ff) Current EVlnts "Portrait cf Or (adv) 'S!l-SteP~tn Boyd C. ty" I an2t Un 111 :10 I) rJ) tas I.alt Movie: (CJ "Mui· Cl:) tonse11ro C.tlll)ll dtr Mllft Foul" (m11) ''4-M11a1re1 (52) Movit C11ules: (2111) "Slim"! RutherfMd, Ro" Moody. (adv) 'J7-Htnry ft1nd1. 0 ~ @n Johnny C1r1Df! Joey Bl~h· I op i1 sutut ituh host Schedul~d 7:45 0 An1ll1 Wr1p·U' fU!l!s 111 Corbett Mon1t1 . Utd 1:00 O Gitt! C.m11btll Coun!ry music 81ll1nt1n1. V"l'"'' Gr•ham 1nd Dr 3:11"\ Johnny C1sll & June C•rt er N~il Si!'lon. Merit Hau11d, But~ Owens. Minniti 0 Movie: "!'lo Tim1 for love" P•~rl J~rry l!ped, F11dd11 Hi rt 1 n~ (tom) '43-tl1udUt1 Colbert. Fred Mtl 1111111uest. j MacMurr1y. . 0 1J)@Cllf1CllLJ Tht r eu1, O CilOO CI'IDict Clvdt ~htd- Kinp four volunt1115 lrom U.S.) uttd 1uest: Or. Chn1t111n Barnard. pr1w ns m1l!1 d1nrtrt1Us mli..\ion tn m le lttl ttlt Trut!I G,,many durinR Wnrld W1r I! P~t~r r11t S11stn Slr11ber1 i nd ra ul 12:00 m MDY!t: (Cl "Miu Sldit T11011tp· IDn" (dr1) ·~Jost Ferrer, R1t1 Hay..ror!h. Lu k~! J1U. g Movit: (Cl (2/1'1 "Whtr1 Lawe Hts C&11.-' {drt ) '6'-Sus1n Ha~· 1%:45 D Movie: ''Zatt!" (ltn) '62-lam w~rd, Bettft [)~vis. M 1~! Connors. Poston, Juli1 Metde, Jim 81tklll. (J_l Rollin' an tilt ltiffr m i\Mf Ctlffittl Sllew 1,00 CD DD CIJ a ,.., aJ Dlvld frost »aw Scll1d ul edl 1:15 8 Hilll'nr II.tr.I rues~s 1r1 Els• t 1nclles!,r. Tiii l:JO 8 Miii•: ''Heldltlll l1111>lrt" (drt) UQuire Colle11 Botrd, K•y St"r t nd 'Sl-lrl•n Daoltyy, C!•lrt Trtvor. Lnwell lhom11. IE LA C... llllPdt 1:30 0 (]) '1) GJ) MM!t tf Ult WMk: (Cl (911) "1hl1r• (RI (sus) '71 - Rith1rd Cr1nn1. M1l1 Dkk!nson. C4P111ron Mitthtll. A profeuian•I Wednesday DAYTIME MOVIES !:00 m (C) '1llt Min frtM Urt•I•" (wes ) 'S~J1m11 St1w1rt. !:JO 0 "[w.rytllln1 I H•vt h Yeurs" 111r~) '52-M1r11 1nd Gawu Chim· '"" 2:111) m All·•!Pt Slln: •Mtt11tr h t Ff'llfl•tn," "Flit T.," 111d "lurr ....... J:OO 8 MIWl1: HUntllll'Wft 11111111" Ii) ''l-Rleh1rd DenninJ. (~I· t:oD a ...... .btttllt" (tdw) '4S--Ernil Flynn. A111is Smitll. m .......,, Mklnllft't 1M Dmt" (drt) ·~M1ril St1wn1. l :J08 "lltlrl" (th) '40-M1dt!1lnt C41rDll, Deufl•s F1lrba11b Jr. J:OD Cl) "11tllf!lt Hturs" Cor1tl. (dr1) '60 -J•111n C•rllfY. (tl "foll• net Dnit• .. lltrt I (mus) ·62 -Elvl1 Prulay. ~· t~~ ( C•>l•orr • 10:00 Jl"KoNI lad fa111GrW (dr1) ·sg t11 "TIMI Pllll1dtlpllll It.ff '•11 1 (eom) ''I -J111111 Stt,.trt, Kttll· 111111 H1pburn. -Jolln Atu. CllO Moore, t•I "l , 10:10 8 "Coln' ta Tf'#f!H {"'15) '15 M1t W!S! "'1n111r'1 Dlurtthr'" ltom) ·.'(i....M1rth1 R1y1 , . I 4:11) • (C) "1ll1 UMtunt Wirt SMrtl" (CO!'tll '5t-Tam Ewt ll. ':JO ,JJ SllM 11 JD AM lidinr {' ( j HELD OVER BEST ACTRESS Julie Ch•i1t1e "M<C ABE AND MRS. MILLER " • • COAIT HWf AT lOCA~TMU• ILV~. ltl «PO•f ll -~M • ._.4-0160 0011161 l?JO,JJU I t. IUP M i1·J n; [R 'o '-~n:il-IW'm k.\1111011 llLVD. AT WILSON IT. COSTA llESA 1•6·0~73 Z Mil.ES SOUTtl f\:(11 111 '1f\(.1(.f\i.LS T ~ O'•l'll :~ -~JT~~~ ~~T;) \lp,"~.! P ,\ t'<J'Y ri ~·l~QW!t<~fl: llST SHORT SUIJICT "SEilllflS Of Sil EiC£' /~11 1 "~'"It"'·" '-r"C',..o,Q•1(,.\'.'t \ THR:ATRI! "'""°"'''t•M• co, .• M,, ·-~·.1 ,., .• 1 -· .. O~l .. •O ·D•l••\1 10.'•"'""''""'"-IXClUS~VI l~GAGll_.IHT ~ 10 < ''"" l'..'1<.Jd I" "IL Vt MY Wlf(" ... ...._ "''"<Wf41 w.~:':; .. , "THE SPLIT" IN THE Wl!:STMINSTEA CENn" W-.~ .. ~. R" _i •1rnu1 •••D1~ ••ovi , l.lll .;. .. ::.:. MllD DYii · IND Wiii I UT ACTOI. NOMINff ,.~( C.,...C.!<ott ---..... --&loo lfST ACTOl &HO MST &(TIUS NOMINff -... FONDA OO>Hl O SUTHERLAND oo-•••o·• •ot•••o'~·• 11,. • lilil C'-ilfit l w_..,.,,, i. "McCISE I MRS. MIELE!" • Noah Play Splendid I :~ ·r t)\J H \lll.EY O! rn, O•"I f'olOI \l•lt .\1nr1• ' • I ~ I ' 111 !1•111pur;.1 \ 1· .. 1111•• "' 1, •• • • "•i !11 .~ hJ1ntl ;d :,d1i1 11' 1. 1.,11 1:1· /1•lt 11'0 1~ ;1ppi'HjJ1 I.lit• 111tt''<' lor lhe :1n.·1l·11t 1111t,1('!1· 111.11 ' 1li.1 \ ha vr Uc-l1).')1:1·d 1nl .. .,\q1 ~ l•n • flll U!'lc~. blll Jiu ••II!'. 111 lJ11 , lTJ111''<., Iii'\\ t,,, ~'llJ11\t·d a nylh111g lik1· 1\w •<1!·1 1"~ ;11 lr11d 111:..: 111·· 1,11111 11 1:1 1u·11 . ~upt•rh r 1·11 .. r ~11 1~ ,,i · \,.,,' 1:1udclt."' 1"'\1•:1li, Fl1 ·1d · !\ \\.1 , ;111 ,H"f "t 111 JI 1·;1!11111 t•ll B1 1tt r11\ 1 .. u ! 1•· .u!jl Ill " Ul\11 rlH1~11· ;ind .t · 111 fill • :-.el1•(·ti .. ri 11 •1111 !1!1· 11111111al i:; 1111.~ t·h:11·r111 n11h ~1111p!1· ,, I 111 lrrly 1·orr11H'll1n;~ 1,111· 111:11 11 .1 1·n1hr:11!11 1;.: 1 t11 1 '·' ,,, 11 111~ ", fiUO .vl'nr~ ;1g11 ""\'u,\r·~ Flud d•·' \1.1~ n!il ;1lway~ pl'rf111'1Jh'!1 111 :11·l1111•·Ji LikL• 1na11r •Jllll'I' "I !ho• fll (' d i (' I a I Ill I r .I l ' I ,. \)C'rfor111;1 n• ·1·~. 11 'i p:1 r·L 1~ 1p:1111" ('(>!lsid1•J'f•d t Ii \' 111 ~('I 1 r !•1rlunntl' 111 li:1 1 r ll il' ll~r nl 1he YillagC' ~l'tTn (II'" 111:1rkt 1 ~"]11'11'!' 1•11 1111pr •n1 q1tu ~1 : fenngs lh:1 1 n1:11 h:11~· bt·1·11 ~h(Jrl Oil dt'l'HJ' :1nr! dt'C'!•l lllll tJut ~·r r·t· un1 :11 l11 tl'll 11,11;! t111 <J11 <!it'11t·1· l'll!]IU \1;1'11. Tl11s cn!H' 1s Jli'! 11111· '" Tnany 11 ho ll;n t' l11ng :irr111·d Iha! the 1•htll'th pru111lcs 1111• rno~t oh1·1ou'i :11ul n:1tur:11 foru1n for rh1<i 111011ng: <i!;1g1ng of the U1bl1ca l t:1ll'. It 111.11(d be hard to find :1n.1· 111!1cr fX!l lll of 1·ie11· aflrr [;1!.I 11crkrr1d ~ ~plrnd id p1•rfor1n;i1l('t'S o l ··~oyc·s Fluddr · 111 ~ t Andrrw 's I' r 1· sh 1· t ,, r 1 ;1 11 Clu1rt'h. 1\r11 port e i·a1 h l'r11dutt1t.11 d1rt'{'l•1r 1;,1rd1111 /\dan1s and 1·,.11du1·tnr .Jo11;1h J\l1r11·t'r 11 Prr tl1•· n1r11 h1•h111(I ;111 1nsp1rt'd ptl'~r11t;1 11.,n 1h:1 ! packed !hi' IJ1•;1111d(il 1·hun·h ~.:u1ctu<1rv to !he doors ;ind reminded !host• of llS 11 h•J 1H·1•d rem inding th at 1rr l1«11 t• g:1111ed nothing ::in1l po~!'1bly lo.~t :1 grrat deal 11·hrn 11 rnrne:-; 1., ;idl'qun!P r;q1r1·~~1<111 of !ht' f.1ifh Jh;1! ~U\l ,'il lll'ii 11 II I Fnrebc;irs 111 1h;1I i.: r 1 1H medieval era. 'I lic11 :-1111plt· t:11tn ,.,,nl•' h111 HI): t l:ri•!l~li .1 l,1,1l'!1 il l•l'•t· tl111 ~·"'I t!1;il l.L·pt de,, r ,11;d ]'1'''('111 d.1\ .1l ('\•il!o I 1111'111 h o ;, 1111)11 11\U!.I "IHI l.1 Lld 1IJ!', V•lli ' "1111.il• d 11'1 \!:l)'lt1 ·: ·' • l.'1i1dd1 ' 1/l;,' )1 ;\ 11 ,l!·h••d Ill II \I ,1tt11 '' \\ l!I\ Iii!' .'!d•ll!i!•ll vi thl' !!1111 .. n S\•<I •' !I \ lll"~! f111>\ ltll:.. lt\Hllll'I '-. II' I 1• )II tJ\ ;llr·•I h1 1!ll' \~11 ' !ull!i r 11 11 li>1 du11111·d t!1•·1r r··ii,1·' .1n1t ti :in 1l-p.1 1n1 ,.11 l:1•:icl".:1•ar. tooi.-.111~ -1 t•r1 :,.ut·- 1 ··~~fullv --lol.1· th•· 111.11 1\1 ;1n 1111:1l:-. :tt!d hl'ld<; 11h•• "··~11·h1 t'CIUCI' 11.lh '.\11all :t lll l lu .... f.1m 1Jv 1111 thr :irk Tht·v sang !ht·1r 1t111ni.: t11·art.• (Ii:\ 111 lh<' (hr~·i· li1·n111~ 11v'-t'll hv Br1!lt ·n 111!11 h1~ 1!·1·:.1l111 (1f "l-'ludd1·" :u 1d, l1n· 111:11 n t:d!t'r. .~O d 1d \I(' Ill !11(• ;•ll•!it•Jl!'l'. Tht•I(' I'· !!\i' t'llll it nr tll<· 1111r:1rlo· p!.11 'l ln· .:1q ii1· 'r.1l f~11 11·11 !lll•I p .. 1:\;l11l~ 11 11•• 1·1 11 Hll Iii•"'' ! II' I i'r"dll''l 1"11 ' 11 111ild Ii:•\!' ll1011:ht 11.,•1 d li.1d .I i'""I' ~1.1~ 11 l ilt'\ l1 :1d111 ~ .. 1' ~111)\1'!••'1 • f11 '''' !lw .u .. 111·1"'•". l"'''l\f· .11••11 1: 111 !h<' 'i•IJ 1! qi I I!•' o t11·l ·l1' I" I" ii 11 11 111 Iii Tl 1 I 111d 1• lo•/'111'• \,•:iii. • pl •·1ul1•ll~ 1'L1 11"I I -. ,Jr•~l'l'li ~;:111t!111 11 .t., j•\•·1.1 :1"11 t hr 1·on11n;i11d1n~ /1c1111· L<' "'CABARET' IS GLITTERINGLY BRILLIANT. IT DESERVES TO BE A CLASSIC ." l~ch~Kt;int" [PG] ci- [?11••1bult'l try Al"l'd M 1:h CllJ ------- ' '• : Vdn•0<~ Pr<!q••'" Glf,d,\ J•<V>on "M AP'f, Q UEEN OF ~CO T$" "ANll(l:c OF THE THOU~Afl(O DAYS•' E«lu.,vr OraMq~ (011n1v llo•N VH! ~•d! En~·lqerl1t rl Hom1n.l't<I tor I Ac.><l•"'V nw or~'! "FIDDLEP ON THE POO~" .lc•drmv AwJrd w,nn~• J"~~ Fe.,11• • KLU l l ' l l•o 'MtCloO E & M~~-MlllCll "<•dcmy A ... Artl W,nn~· "HOSP ITAL Ph" "SUNDAY lltOOO'f SU .. 0.",'f w'""r• o! I A•~d~mv ""'·"~' "f no ff~n<~ (onn~tl•On ' 11l) '"' "V•n·,~·nq PO•MI" ~Pl $P.P!· ~ ... If# ... ,~ ~·u ·. "CONOU Ell Oll WOlll~" • ~POG~ 1PG1 el1• ph1yi11, ACADEMY A\'fAl!D WINNER BEST STORY SCREENPLAY "SUNDAY BLOODY SUNDAY " G1•11da ShowtlM 7 p.rn . Jec•J111'1 ond P•t•r Fi11ch Co11th1uou1 Su11doy Show, lot•d IRJ 2 p.rn. "NEWPORT lHICD•ll ''' west tf 1111111 • l,1·4110 •o x o'' 1 ' ·h111ild Uc ;ind r i ngin g :it,1 1\11\iu' llobt·rt I.Ill~· \\;1 ' 1·1 ,•n r111 •r1· rnrn11i;1nd1ng as the I 1•<1 • ~if { ;,,,j ~uur t'l'lltc h;1d ;, :iti;ikv 1110· 111!'11( 1'1' !110 lHf\il )11• t1n: I !~ 1,•:il11ed 1h.1l tt11· 1Jw r11111g <·t,1nr11:111d 111t•nt ~ rrl'crht·ral 1 n ~ ;1nu111d tl1e t•hurrh .1t·(\1;dh •'.11111· fn1t1 \ Lill y 011 1!11• h;il( .. 11~· :u\d n"t iron1 ~nrtH' tl l"/'{' t't'il''l1:d 'UU!!'C L11u I 'ralt <is :\1r' :\u:ih l.11 .. Jl a,kl'l! ;is S l·111, Bil! C'l:id.. ,1S I l:-un ~ind Ted i\11·C111l1·1 ;'IS J ;1Ht•\ also 1·;1ugh1 lli r 1•\f' 111 a 1:o)l11rful pro tllH'llHil th:1I o\l {'tl a gre:1I dl•:1I lu 1hi' ~trrl111g 111.nk 1d h!H1\\l'I ',; !'OSi'lllhlt• ' ;\ilYi'~ Fh1ddc" 11·111 rt 111:1111 '1,1tl1 us ;1s ooc of th•· l1111·r olff'r111gs 111 our 1911 -7:! ~·':L~'•ll. And Ir(' bPl1('\'t' th:11 1l1v tltlighlcd <'una1·e~·ali!111 111 l<111•l v :-;1 Andr1 •11··~ <"l11ff"l1 ll•dlld •1l i1•f' 'I f(•I I L jll '' 1\1111'11 l<r 1l1:i1 .111:111 -1,, Cl1·1111 llo ~l~ l lnl .l.)\\'\)(J!J r l f'I • / '11111 11 ·r ;1 ,ln111,1111 ,J1•h11 1 :1"1 •11 11 :II ;,1 I ;, )11,,f "' I );,11d \', 1,)f11 '1 ~ II!'\\ '!'lj '''i I' .111.I I('• li:1 .. !11g1 ,,.1 "'' ·II r I' r c ·1.11u·~ T 11111n1"rull' ·• • I iC l I I * ENTERTAINMENT ' ,,i11dilio11i11µ. if1Tllt'"l1.1 ,1u\!11!1111s f11r tlu• F11lh·11 •• 11 c ,, '" 1.1~hr !lj11•r.1 L~•n1pa11,1 ·· (]1!1'!1•1<1 i 1 ;tl1 11111 .... 11 1q •·o1111ng ' \J,1 11 iol pt•• l .. • flt•nt"I\ ,\l,1111r. :1 1111•1111J1·1 1 I 11111 (':11 :-:1:1!1• F11ll1•r1Dn 111u ~11 · ~1:1ff. 11JI! L'l)(l!hH'1 t hi• ~lllf ii l n•n~ :ll 2 ,,·~·!nt'I. 111 1111· ~I U't• :11111 flr·:11n:1 l\11ild1ng ~ii 1ht• !".ll1•;:l' 'l~ll' lll"l')l('-.1 I ;1 f'I' fJLll rPS 1\0 ~1 1'111~f'd l !l~l l'U!!lt'lll '­ t'\<'c.'J11 g11it:ir :111.I strin~ !):1~~ ",\l an i1!' l.:1 \!a11c·h:1 ·· 11 dl upt·11 .J111 1t· 11; [111· thr1·1· 111•t•l.t·11(J.-. .d J-'11llc•r·lf•n ll1gh Sl'hool's f'll!rnrncr Aud1torn1111 . Further 1nlor n1;!1 1on 1na v br nb t;i inrd by r .:ilt1ng fi37-8Uli5. * -, '· ;. ' ,. 1. ~ ... J..,•,t :-• .. 1·.~7 DA1LY PILOT J9_ 'B11sted Pilots ' C<Jt Airi11g II~ ('\'\'Ill\,\ l.~l\1 1\\' \I.\\ Yill:I\ 1.\!'1 '1'!11· ni.1n h of 11 l1;1t th•· t1.·1r 11•1u11 ii"· 111!.111 b'1· ~Ii lL1h ·\1 Ii• 11,ul .1 , !1.111, 1• !0 11 1· ,, l\l! f1f \I ., .111d rr1.'flt' hl':1n!s and t'X t'r1·1--•· 111il11,t1 1 r.dl' · \111,t~1d p1l"''' :111 .1s~1.r1111f111t flf fori i).!11 :11 ... r 'Jiiin. ·11 11-i.t ' \\,! ' ( 11·~. l! 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Int" ~<1t1ph· p[u.; ;1 tll1dtl'Cl'. <ill ~')/)f,'--1'1! 1 :1,~1· 1r11·11d" 1\ t.l.11 k 11um .irr •y0/ ~ · d .. t'!llf \\;\' l)ljt'C'!t'd 111111 tJa· ~ • ,!,1r\ lllH' ,11ul !11" 1 rhrur 11llt' 1 111,.r~ !1111~ P1t'1 ... un1et 1n1.-·' ''OCEANS'' b;1l<lll' a11•I \Cll !IC'l1111t'' ;in1u• 1111..!I-;\ l1llll' 'l'V hll!11!r1 g•it·.~ ;1 1.1n" 11 :1\ ;1nd :\r1·111 c Hu11kr1 ~11 11 '11;1-: 'rt 1•rl'11y 11rll Cvl A N•w Surlln9 f ilm ly Rod Sump!•• Ph1J 1'1·1· 1 1r~ram "as prirnarily d1 1;., ··d !•• c ·.,nt ra~t I h t.' , 1.,,r.111i·1 s (ir tt1c t1") 1n1·n lo ulot.: "Pl"'" ng :1rn1i1•-.:, a nd 1• 1!1 r\1 -:1111p.dhell(' anti ll';JJ'Jlll p•11'!1'.1 ~I' +d llH'lll. "Dirty Harry" (R l J~""' <;,.,. "Sk in G<1me '' -51orh W•dne~da~- '·' " ·~· f -.~. nr·~·~·~;.;I "Kr1'p1n;.: l'p \\'1th tl11· aeit~~s ''YELLOW .l .. 1h'st·s·· 1·•~nl'rn1r:itl·d on tlH· SUBMARINE'' '"·· ,, . v'"" . [Ill' 11! !11 0 l 'l!Uplt•s f11f!llt'l'IY 11\ -ll•·········- K Hln,1pped'' (G ) 'AM un f ot A l l Seasons" "']')11• Funnv Side" \1'h1eh 1\·:1..;f' .. ___________ _, • "MARY, QUEEN OF SCOTS" o\r '~""< A,,,,~ • ' .. ., "Srl AFT'' (R) Al10 Short Subj.-cr. Cant. S11n. Fram 1 P M "D IRTY HARRY" "' t'.11 u·rlt'd nl n11d~r:1.;ol\. Tht• p:11r:-. 111 !h1\, ont· bi<1('k ;ind th1· 11llH'I" 11·h1!(·. 11:11·1· lh\' :;-;11))1• ~ur n;111H· :1nil !-l1,1r" on 1: n·1n"d"l"(t hrownst(Ul('. ll 11 :1·.1 ;di -:ligh tly ft•tll!l11Sl'l'l1! i•f lhl' i uld "llo11e\1noo11er$. · 11·1th 101 , ut ~lloutii'1,i.:: :ind 111 ;,r1 t ;1 I 1111st111dr1·~1 :inding 1---AND AND •----AND B<'\1tc1·11 the tlon1psti1· Pon1· mcdir<: !hrre was ;\ r I r Johnson in a broad satire ot . --------- * " . ' .. ~ "(l;i y P igeon" (R ) "SK IN GAME " IRI Open Daily 6 30 pm • Sat Sun & Hohdays l 0 P 111 * I _R,-C: ·KEZV's GRAB BAG THAT IS .•• IT HAPPENS ALL DAV lONG .------------- * * * * If . ' • ZO DAILY t lLOl , ' L• FAME-LESS FACES J~) \I ' ' .. \1 ,~ ' I I ... hti'Inii:;~.\fff~ L NATHAN MILLER RA LPH C, DEANS Think You Don't Know Them? You prob db y don 't recognize d single name or fCJce in this group and yet, if you're one of t he DA ILY PILOT 'S ve ry well informed editorial pa ge readers, it is t his talented team of writ ers which he lps you keep info rme d. They write t he Ed itori4 al Res earch Reports. Th ough their ow n nd mes don't dppear on the dr ti cle s wh ic h dre publishe d under the Ed itorial Research Repor ts head ing, t hese are the re al pros -diggers who go dfte r all the backround facts wh ich put today \ top issues in to pers pe ctive - without t hought of seeking the fdme that goes with the name when yo u're a ndt ional colu mn ist. They're Your INFORMERS ·Yes, they could be yo ur "i nformers." It 's features like Ed itorial Research Repo rts whic h make the DAILY PILOT much mo'e then just the most important hometo.vn newspaper ava ilable to residents •long the Ocange Coast. The DAILY PILOT is the total pa <..~age . lt make s whCJtever happens in the world "local news " an d delivers it daily right to yo ur home . Let this team of dedi- cated "informers " he lp you ketip informed. Read Ed itorial Researc h Reports on th~ editorial page -a nd all the ot~er inf ormative 1pecial fe atures in other parts of the DAILY PILOT '· Coast Students Get State Scholarships ·•I I• L ,,ri. ... "' d .. ' I I " l ( I' .1' • o .... ,, ,.;." . , ...... ' "' ' ... ... -' .. , . ' ' . .,, ., \.' lllllt ·•l<j!l 11 1 ;,11,1•d 'I!,. • 1111•:•· 111111"' ·, • ,,, 11 11 1• ,;r, II ;, \I If' ll 1" ;1111•1 ,! t .!-I a ,11 ,1I\,1' I l!•f! •I 1dr•r I' '· • '-1 /,. 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D••r • r• ~,.I .or• l<Jl1 l•nl!e•n VI•• •~n IJ•nc•· I~ Om•"''· l•'.il (n•"""'• l1•,1n I" P•I •"I fl ••n"'", <'I A • {.~•'/ (, "'""" H.01 fl \1 10 r.n •1. (,•"••" l i:i.,., n'l>I' I" I (,,,.~•'" f)r,vn M•c n~•• / llnO•n'O" '"'' r h•'""'' r'"" •f'>O D•rn ,, • """""" 1111 ~.,.,. L•n• 0•'""'~ I ~"n'"n"o '1" \•n 111••• I•~-"''''' • Vh <r•"O•· ••O~l B"" ,.,gn•rn f'O•!• !oto • "''"""r •n, ••~'1 8"''n"• P••<• •n<! l!"n"'" • Yq n• 1 ;1c? 1 """' f "" o"'' W•oTm;••lt L !••"""" If , .... v 1nJ1 ;,•0001 llo•<>. !no•''"' l RI•<~"""' !91] J•"""t" Je•I••• n L• noMll tn111 Noll·"~"""' '""' r (1m1>!l•U IOl\1 Nq!!1n~n1m ona li utn F e n""' .. •JU I rr.u•o• ;• l •.,1<fn(• 1'1 (oon0< 0111 '-"o.,..,n•t i:t o•~· L"'''" A r ,.,•nn•uG" l1n) !••" ••• (,.,., W f•n•on. /1J,> '''' \' Nro 1J ll•u<• r:i r.ollh•"' 1\111 •1•1•• W•v ''••' W c,,,,,,,. ~!' L•r~IPU• o..... """ C•o un·~ J ""'"'''" '1(19) Jonn•"h .lowr .. \.'lion l'I ... O~·"""" I "QI \~•·•lo, Sr . 1(1••~ l J •<loOvo<" •lli •n••~• l'l'l~O. 1-l•rn•n• O ~.,.,,, 1311 f;nl•~ .,, .......... .., L K•w•n•I• •J?I (••·• 1,0,. o ... ~. l(••n1t•n '" L•'wo')<1 ,.,,1 ~i~1'S~,1!;c1~~111 ~~"'"" M. ''·'''""'" ,,..,, L NOU<!, 116•1 PolO"'"' '.t (•"'" ~ ~·• ~l (,I•<'"' 0,,.,. ll111>•n "'""'"'""'· 14111 llowhng r .... ,. (hom•• l i:t •v, ll)Jl B•"ucn. P•lr • • I Sn&nnon. ~}6~ ~u!!on Avt An<! S~nn'I 0 '"''"'"" ~ll LOV~I• ••• 8•<n• VI S""i'h, 1J0l1 SfnUO 11"""· ""'""" YI !"'"""'on. l lJJ! llnn''-' L•n• •"" ("~" G Woocn. ~00 SAn" l •f1t :~4 Get .~ College ,. y 11~ .. • UP I l•1<ono10 "Mary' G1·01111ded <)ur rn ~!ary ;ippcar~ hC'adf'rl 111\1.irrl rlr\ l.inrl , h ul phnro~rarh 1va" lilkr11 hv !f'lr phn1n ll'n~ .\1·111 11111. fnrn1 f'r lu.xur.v l1nr r rrpn."C'" .<-.ifr ly hch1nrl pro· !rr111•P hrP;ik11at r r Teachers T apz1ed For Tour of l 1idia 1·hrrr lrach<'rs Rr.;i l'h SO('!ill :-. j IJ d I f' S f1·n111 1hr HtJ nt111g!nn L n1011 H1t:h Si'hool J)1s tr1rl h:.1 r hrrn .<;rlrt'lf'rl 10 n;irtJ Clp<!Tf' In <lfl f'IJ:h!·\\l't'k 11un1mer !nur nf lnd 1<1 hcgin· CJarcn1ont Honor~ 7 Sr1rn Orani:r !'n;i ~! n1rn h;i 1·r hrrn c1Trd f,.,r ;i i·arlen11r f'Srr llcnee dur1ni: 1hr L1 11 .~rn1r sl er ;it ('l::ir·rrrinnt \ten '." {'olll'J:!'. ·r11r.~ ;irr l)a1 1d n 111'1, 117 Ra1~1d f' Jll:ir r. ('on111;1 rl r l ~!;r , Thnn1a~ \\'hll ri-1rlr. ;i442 Hrr11n ('1rr lr. ll 11 11 ! 1 n I! t n n Re;:ich ~l arin :-l ;11nrro .!1· 2111 l'hr1~1nh11I. ~;tn ('lro1rn1r• ;ind \\'1ll1arn lfllrlH·,.,·k 1 ! 1 5 Emera ld H;1_\. l.H!.!tq1'1 l\o>,.1·h .Jnhn <'h;i n1 hrrhn .. i~I ('rn'rr S1 , l.a.e.un;i Rraf'n . Rnhrr r K l\<t11·<1r:t!anL ."157 .\1o11 n 1 ;i 1 n !\n::id. Lai:una Rra eh .:tnd l\rn nrth Dre11·, :12251 S!on 1 n~tnn Rnacl . Snuth L;ig11n.:i n1n o:. tn l:1tf' .)linr Thi' Hirer 1n.~1ru1·1or." ;irr rht11r .I. 13n\ hcrg . 24. a i::cnrrarih;.o and hi stor y lr;ir·hrr 111 Fo11ntA 1n \';illcy H 1 i:; h St:hnn l. Thon1<1s (,1hh11ns. 2'.I. ;i ~cngrnphy t f' ;1 c h r r ;:inrl fh.11rmAn nf 1he so1·1;1I ~tud1r~ 41rpar1n1cnr ;i1 ~larin;i f11,c h SrhflOI. ;i nd Krn nr!h S. Sko:\;in . JJ, a JCr<1g1·aph,v. hl~iul',\ ;ind rt·11n11m1rs tc;u IH'I' ;it \\'rs1J,ll!rl<!rr l l1~h ~rh~u il Thr\' ';irr ;i 111011~ 1:1 h11.'.h ~!'honl and f' l t' 111 f' n t ;i 1 \ tra('/1rrs :-.1•lri·1 rd f .. r thr 11.11 r 11h11·h 1.~ sp1111s\1rcd h1 lhr \ ~\· l 'r11l!'r f ti r ln l~r11:11p,11;1I Educa1111n :ind fu1anrl'd b1 the l :-.\ <ll!1!'r qf ~:c111rat1nn · The lhrer rl1 ~l f'I('! lt';i<·hrrs \1 tll \\'rll P rlassroom c11ur~e 111~1ttr1;1 I lnirn r h r 1 r r ;1,. prrir nrr~. "hC\' .:il.~n \\di ht a1 adahlr In .~f!C;l h. 111 lncal 1·11 tc ancl ~rr1 irr cluhs nn lnrl i;i 1·hr TPa(·hrr.-11prr ~r lPr·T f'cl nn 1hr1r 1r;ich1ni:; ahih11rs. !heir 111ICf!'~I 1n f n r r Ii: n ('llll lll'CS ;ind 1hc1r :.hi\i!\ In ::trli'l nt 1n foreign ILles1ylrs. and rn 1·1ronment.~. Ho1101~s ·r1u· r1 .i1111·s of :14 S:-.ddl1·h;u·k C't•llr~1' ~iullrnl~ 11 t1n at'h1r1 Prl 114 •1 !1·1·1 4 (I ~1a111bn~s dunn,il 1111· \\1111<'f 1.i111art f'f' 11rrr <tn• 11111!111 t•d 1ud,11 111 I 1r Vrrrl II. I 11 1·rr11 1 'l•f"'' lr1l 1'tHlt·t1I pn'•il ih'lll 1\ II ... 111;1.·1ol • II 11 11 :1 11 \I ;111d !II).!' (f\ \lo f.+j.!11 1 ftf ht•ll l'I' l'I 1ul:d ot ·11111 !ur 1hr ljlliH'1f'I , 11 1·!'•· n:11 n1•d 10 111r 11(';1n·, ll1111"r I 1·,t 11.r h1ch ;1c;11lr1n1r' ;ii 1111•1 ··1111·11• S!udf·lll \ 11 11 11 .\II ,,, 1·on111111t1 il I<'~. ' ·' fo l!!1\1 ... li;111a r 'i>l 111 \ rrn:i 1 ·;1n·~ ;111d ,J;111H·r ·\ l\onn1·1 F. le<"" Stephco f: 11' l.;1pp. \1:i~lllf' \'. l\:1~1rn Anrl l 11i.:1·ho1·~ \1 \,1•h111 ·n I .:1i;:u11tt Hr;i!·h -l h111fl\ <1 n ll ll n rl ,\iltl<l linhrrt A S1· IH •l l l' l .. 1'!ll n;1 \1gur·! -llnris f:. I lt ! 1tt11 \]1~~11111 \ H•1f) -\ldl'I \,, 1':1rn11ni:;h;irTI , I\ ;1 r r n ! .. !)()rl.~nn. P,;1rhara :\ fl irh <tn<l l.nrr11a I. S11an~on :\r11·pnr1 Hr.11·h n S;o1rler., S;in Clr n14'ol r /\;iron R<tnk. l.nnn1I' l.. Cat i·.~. Orann. ,1 Ha11k1ns. \'1rj:!1n1 ~ l\:ira\'<t!n~. C'r;i1i;: II Kr:iht, Luann .\1 \h:1:1111i:an . \\'ill1<trn 1\ l':it1 ·hr11 . n1rh:1n1 T. l!nhrrr.• and Chn~r111a fl Si nk. ,..;;in .111;10 (.'ap1~1r:inn Alhrrt I. llr \\'l(t .Jr an(I .Joe /" lla n11rr•1 .Ir San!;t An:t -S1 r ph1'n [. 1\1 11~. l\11 1 h~ I. Pun·cll ;1nrl rharlrs \1 Sh11m;ikrr S1iu!h l..1~11na -Rrcn1 n. \\'r1sman ·r11st1n -l )ot1g!.1~ \\' Ahrn- rlrorh. fih onda A. Hf·ndcr , .John E Cosr. RohC'n I! l,;;rh- 1n11nd .Jr·. '.'llicharl rlosrnl rctrr .1ncl \',1nr,\ L Snyflpr E 111 crp:c11 ,. )' l'.~C U111_y .<\ fnur-1l;1\ r1·a111•11,1:" rrour<fl' /nr cn1rri:rnr·1 rnoo1 n11r~r .. 11111 br hrlrl .\l.11· 14-!i. <tl 1ht D 1.~nr~ \;ind Hn1P1. All rmrri:rnr\' t room nut r<: ;i nrl 1ndus1ri:1i' ;iprl p11hl1r hr:i!th n ur .~c~ ;irr 1111 i:rd ,\ $i5 <h;trj'.!r rn1 rr~ lunrl1 Pnn ;ind rn11r~r 111 a t r r i .:i I • , Hrl.'.1 ~tra11(1n 1.~ l1rn1lrrl 111 2~10 Th r C"llllrSe o\f 11'<» urr~ ;inrl ;iutl10-v1sual <lemnn~trai ion~ 11 111 {"n1·rr ;:ill p hasr.~ r f n1rchr;il c:i 1·r ~l '.f'll In ill a··d 1111l1rrd rirrsnns 1n th e ho:=.p11 al l'!nergcnc.1 ronm . tr"·•• C• "',, ?h~J '',111•·• "'' • I ""'~ f · '~'" ,,, •Ht ~~· <-o-t•· ' fn•••'1 M ~··•I•> .. 101• Jr"""' 1i,.vr . """' [ ·"H"• ~I /' 0'"' I ~· 11 r"11,~n n ~"'"'"'"· 1•J! fl•·"" 1 p,,,,. '"""""""' .. '···~· 117• ,.,...., •. .,~. ""' M••v E vrn" 110! Cornn• L~"' .rn '·""''~'"' /.//ltLJ• 1'11 '''''" l .... D•na Pooni D•hn.•h I) Oyn-.1on, 1"•} ~~"''I l4f~ ••• (tm f' H~,.,,j. Inn ll•QI ''I""• ('\An• L l(,na l•illl 11•1 n11 .. ,,n i1 l•n• A ~"""" UIO I ~~·"'"" 11, "" "n ,,,., I!~·~ P. •lung•· ;11•1 'wA ~··r ' 5 7 Get All A's, 354 A's a11d B's at Lagu11a Higl1 "h" J """'"'" 1v1. •IAl•a• o""" , 'I ' (I ·•A'1' '"' oed r .. , .. ' """ • .. f l Tn•n '••A" r> (~"''""'""· . .,,,,..,.,,,r>,e •,.,A •,;,.o ;·.r~1 1 •nt1•v.f ("""' • " I.'~ ... '""''''~··•"·•·I .•. ~ O~r~"'" )41~1 ll•l~•••n ""'' " L' ""' ~, ' .•. , • .,ri "''"''' rJ ''"""'' '"'' ,.,,,.,1.;. ' Santa Hail ~ 17 (oast Sr1·r11Tc1'n Or::i nj.!c ("a < t sturlrnts ha\f' h,.rn r 1tf'rl lnr n1·::irlrn111· rxrr!l!'nfe d1ir1ng lhf' f;ill ~!'n1r<;.tcr l!li'l a! Sanla Ana ('nllri::r ... rom '>1'11 pnrl B e 11 c h : .1 ;11nr~ Swr•n:-;1111 ll un linj!lun f1r ;11·h· .)u:in;i A1 :in11ln;1. Rn1 H :i 1 i ~ ;i rt . \l 1llnn ll1·n\1 ll. Ar!h11r 1'11n· 11·r1·;;~ .. f:in1rs l·:rlrksnn a nd 11:11 at r nl'I rr ~an (Jfrn4•ntc. A \ f r rd (;,II'( i°Jl F11un1;iin \ allc~' !) 1 a n a Rr;1110 J1;1rn1h\• 11111. l)l"no1~ \t1J1t1k:i . 1;1 a1·f· Ohr rl1ng ;i1~d ('h;1rlrs 1:1'.\n,,ld.~. f<J Tnrn ( :r('~nrv H!'U1, .lo.c::r rh { :i!l•!l n.1nda !'rice anrl J)1anr Suhn l'cppt'rdinc A \VHl'(I \Von 1.rn J) (;rss11gr. 2:12.'1 :\r11'- p/'/r1 Hll'rl . t'os!<t !\frsa. h,1~ hrPn ;i11 ardcrl a $:1.200 Prc!'ll· rt~·nt 's Schnlarshiri 10 aHend Pr ppc~tlin c l.n1vrrsi1 y. r.essa~f'. a Snu l hrr n C':ildnrn1;.i Cnllr~r s!uc\r n1, l'P{'!'l\·r(i lhr ;1w:trd f fl r ar:uirn1u· e-.:r·rllr11cr 1n hcith h1~h i;r·h•l(JI anr! rollrgf' t;r.~s a~r 1rrr11·rrl dran s l1•t r11rn11nn rnr !II~ srmr~tr r~ :i t. ~cc· ;i nri 1"'~' r l ;i~s rir('i<trirnl 111 h 1~ f rr ~h 111.in 11 n d f>Ophom(lrC ) C:JI ~- Some 57 Lai:un;i Rcarh Hi~.h Srhon! 11!udPnl.~ re c: f' i v P rf · ~1ra1~ht A .~ .. lhP nff1 c1;i! !lon11 r nllll fnr rhe firs! ~1'111r-.trr ... h""·~ 1\(l<l 11111n;i II 1 . .'l.i4 stud rn! .o: 1'r1·1•1\Pd hnlh A .:tnd R i:rades dt111 n~ lhf' f1r51 ~!'ffiC"lrr Tho . ..,fl 1r1·r11111J: all .<\·s. 11~ i.:1 .1rlr levrl arr Fre!"hnlcn - ncrDrr Cht1ll1s, F r ~ d l1!'Ke.1s1'1', Dan1!'i .Jn hnson. l'am \r1l. Oz S1m mnn~. Snphon1orrs - Hr\'n Harn<il'll. V ran r n i • l'luh~u . Trrrnc e .\1a ln\. (;ail .\lilrtin. S;inds \11ntrr. F.ri c Orlnll'sk1. 1·: r 1 c fl rsslrr. Adriana \\'ti tt. . l11n1or.~ - ~rd Rlurock. Elaine Rnvr, l,1<;a Cannon. Do nna Cook, !\l<ir.v 1;itf1llan. Thom 11 !Ii Hnu1 s. (:wen .lnhnsn n. Brent l.1 l1rs1 ron1 Palrir k o ·cnnnnr. Oebhir S1mm(ln5. n <t 1· i d I I SOt'l'·SElL SA'1 " 'f;im;iyo. Srn1nr~ ~!r>rrdPe Am."Orn. A IJJ~nn ~1k1nson .. lolir Rr rn!'t r in . Ril l Bird. Tnm Rrnrh ertnn. <;rri:: c.1rlsnn. Churk Corwin Karen J);i\·1es. C11 tco mp. .\1 a~p.IP rl 1rharcl Flnurno~, Louise Fr:t'l.C r. An1la ll aro . Rnb Hedr!en .. Jamr.<; l\;11111r. .lrrrm~· Kuhn. H tJ n 1 e r ~lacPhersnn. i\o11chelr ~·l c Rfl\'. Ne;il O'Connell. Na ncy rar- i."h. f.lizah<'1h f'('rr. Sharnn f'h1mlry, Debbie ~·larpl e . Pa 1n f'11rci!ly, .J :i n f' Reth!efsrn. ~1i1·h;iel Robrr!s. Sherry S;ilterl1e!d. Al iSnn Sy kes. 1\1;irc. T<t .1•lnr, .Jon Tens fr ldt. Kris1in Th1enc. Susi Vi111 ;ini . Lee W;indcl. Sa n rl r a Wini eski. Receiv1ni::: A's and B's hy ,1:,rad e level. Fresh1nt!n hnJ?. Donn werf' -Cynthia i\!lh· B11rn1"!1 , J11ne1 b y ~lar\'ln M)•ers 1 ....,., .d ~ -1 --' , __ - .... .... , . ... . . .... ,,. ... .. 'WI JilAI) Tllf :#1£ COfTEf '/JJ k!ERE PlllNK'''~­ YE\fERDA11 NiD YOO Pl~'T cor1'1NN.1" Branr. Shar(lll Ro1r , Diane Rrnd ir. l)oug Brnwnr . Trrr~:i Ry1 ngton . Dr b h 1 t Ci1rlrs . l\;ircn l'ar!son. Lnt1 C11nnrll \ <tlf'nf' Con11·;11· Ah:;on ( nr1 . Anthon~· ('o!!a n1 . ('fl r " l ('r11 mlr.v. ,1rnn.v l)ehaun .h1l1 e !Jnrr 1.•. l.1~a Du11l;ip. Q111 nn ~·;;i1nr~. .1 ... nn1frr 1;;i11!hf',I', !. n r r 1 l .\l loon. K1·if' 1;11i1n.~. l.a uri (;lrnn. !.;i 11r1r Ht1 1rn. A11dv Hedclen . Annr l!cn · drrson, ('1ndy Jln111 ~. 1·r1~c1\l;i lln"·;ird. l' a r 1 .J;irobson . .Jcnn1fr r .l.<in7. 1\1ikr .rrihnsnn . l\·!ark .Jnhn.~nn. l\l:ir!;i .Johnson. \.1.'i<t .Jungc)as. l\ristrn Kennrdv. D <t \. 1 0 l\1rhy, Peggy l\n;ipri. l\il:iry Kuhn . Ron T,e\\·is. R;ind\' Lum. l\;iren Mac\.;. P<tl rirk ·:'1-1.:ivor k. .till McCue. Lori ~1 rl\rnn. r-.·tary Merchant. D ii m ii r 1 s f\.lryers. Tod MflOre , .lrlfrr.v Nag el. N<t ncy Northcolt. Kim P<t r· i;nn~. Sarah Payson. O;in F'rnn!',V, (;;:til Penney. ,Jnr Rin~r r. Ch;ir\es Rockv.·ell. J u I i r Rnsso. Selene Sch<1 aF, M<try Schick. Susan ~n~·der, Stott . SrotL C ii r n I i n e Li7. Snyder Sus<tn Charles Symmonds. Traci Tiner. Susan ·Tnn~r . Eva Toth . Thomas V:inLu chtnr. Terri' VirkP.r~. r-.iark Vuille. Amy W:indel. AlekR \\lat!. 1;;irv \l.'oofi. Robert \Vood . P;i tty \\'orm<tlfi . Sophomores R n b f' r t Ahlk1>. Kell y Aki ns. T!'ri Ande rson, .lames Ar msl.rnng, .Jenn ifer Baron . J im Benion, Debbie Berg. Kev in Bi~hop. Kurt Bradley. R ich ard Rryson. Robin Buck. Anne Buhlig. Doug Case. Joe Cllr1sloph , Karen Clark. Cindy Co le. Pai~e Cu lkomp. Oilvirl Dtvore. P..tar1 Drcver . Bill rec. Erin Fr;, ,J;i nine Fisrl1r. Chris r;al)O\Va~·. f..11rkf'\' f.arri,r,on, I. u v 1.nn~lc.· Lind;i ll;ias. Doret'n Ha ~garrt , Paul Hansen, J ulie fl arman. ·r hr:. H:irr i!', ·rnrn H;irn~. O;in irl H;irv:i1. L1nd;i H;i1 rn, Flor~· l!r un. K.ir rn Jlumrnrl. S11.~an .lnhn!'nn, ~:\;i111a Ka1hrl. 11 r Ir n l\at'i1_11ann1. Sur Krllrr. !1:11 1d l\1c.,~r lh:i!'h , Lr;ih 1.nk(ln. Jrnnv .\l ac.\\1llrn . 1 ·ar- r.1h .\lat), · I\ 1 m /'ll<tdrll)I·. H n hr r 1 ~1alo11r. Lon /'l l;in:un1. :'-i1111c :\lcCa!l a. Bnhert '1\'('rirl\ \1 n1 \ v 1\1cDnn0ugh . Shav.;~ :-.1t:G1nrr. C.hris i\lchaffrv, ~1ar k .\'el."ori. Bcnn1 r '>r~~. (;abr1Pl ()'Connor, '.'-' ;i n r ,v Por1cr, .J;iC'k Pul narn. nct h lcf~en. An n .Jnna th;in Ryn n. K ;i r r n R1ch<trds . Hruce Schoenlcbr r. ~c·o11. L15a Shipkey. Spit;il eri. ill<trv \larC Sus;in T;i y l n r . .l n e Trrthe11·e~·. Shril<'l \l.1enl\VOr1h. ~·1;i ri ler Wilson. Kirk \Vol o· sh.vn. Juniors -Shrri Anrire~·~. Shf'rri Ran~. illark B;i rre1t . Drhbir nrck. Grel! Bishop. \';i lrrir Bnf- fcrding, Rlck Bo w m a n , S1erih;inie Boylr. J ulie Cabang. A n by n Coonrad . Kal e Croc ker. Dana Crnwley. Denise DiNovi, Lori Dodi;ic. Anna Do lby , Andr~ DuMouchel . Marif' Dvorak , Larry Fi- S('lte. Tim Fos ter. Slefan Ga r- nrr. P<tl f.lr;isnn. Ev;i (ioodw1n, Ci;iry r.regg. Vicki Haa~. R<tndy Hennin j!er. Anrlrrw Huhble. Craig Kennedy. Da\·id Knffs. Karen Kuwa lsky. T n n i Lance. Conni LaPorte, Betty Leisten, Robert Mayock, John Mer- rifield, Kevin Monahan , Sher· ry Morris, Susi f\tudge. Mari Newman. Terry Nor~ard . Lisa Nunis. ~1a ry O'Connell. Charlot!!:: Oslr<tff . Bill Patrick, Linda Penncv. Candy Pnwrrs. D;:i nny Q111- jano, Tom Red\\'il7.. Br11d rlen· 1n~. nanrly R1lry. I\ 11 r r n Robert s. Sharon Rober I s , l.r-l1 r S('hiltif. .\11chacl Sexr(ln. St e ,. 1 S111 •!h . D1tinf' Specialr, Sam Si'lrlr!cr. Trrr.\' S.1 nin1nnr!~. (; 1 I r T,1!:;or. Jeff T<'n~feld !. Ronnie. Tl1nrnp:-.<1n f)an ;ifr.n11·h,1~ L .t ·1 r· 1 T1111n~r11r1. llrhh1c \';i nD<'u<.rn. .l;l!llC'-\\';ill;i('f'. .lnhn \\'ell~lr1 . nrg;in \\1~1r1, R(·!h \Vnrmald Srn1nr ~ -( .lrnd;1 ·\i'tlrd, \1c11 ~s;1 Aln1 nn , .\1;irk .<\~h l1ni::. lla1 id Ba1c111:in. .J ;in r t Billtnan. Th r>r r s ;.i Hn;:i1 .. D;in Rrnrkn1an. S11 ~;inn Brnrhr . .J;iime. Bro11ne. L 1 n rl A f ';:tl;i111;irn. I.Pe Chrislr nsen, Diane Cnlltns, . l\.C. ('nrip!'r. l'"ll,\' Cn ~·rll. l\:il hy C'ro"·lc1·, H a rb a r a Dalr.v. L.1'r1n D1rtnrr. i\1ark Dierck!>. .J o v r t Eaglclnn. P;i ul;i E in s t e' 1 n , Rrcky Ev<tns . Diana Fal1.onr , (;arv Fi· 11r!1r. Bill F1~h. Pal Fl;ihivr F.llrn Foo!r. (;;irv Fn1vler I' I F' . ' ·au 11 rench. C;iil Gomr1 .. 1'>ane y ll cndcr~on. Susan .Jac kson , Cindy .Johnson, Kim .loh nsnn, Li nda .John s r1n. Kav K_a v.·ara ta n1, Li ndi K;iwaratan i. Leslie Knnwllon Joseph Kn. Lisa Krant;. K i~ Lokan. Ka1hleen f..1a yock: Vince McCall;:i, Sc 0 l & f\·lcCarler. Ma ri e McCarty ~l irhae l Moorm;in, ' ~t;iria 0 · C n n n n r . .Jan P<tr.~lr_v. \\'endy l'Pa cock . Detr. hie Pierson. .John Pr1c k1tL Ann Prigo Kat hy R.eld. T<td Ridd er, ' Sherry Rin i:rr, S 1 e v , Rodriguez. Sondra Savage Sue Sa vage, ' David Shic k. C h a r 11 e Schoenleber, Libby Shackford Cindy Smith. ' Susan SowuJ. Ann Sumner Chris Syfan. (iail Symmond5 ' Deni~e Ta c he I . Kat~ Tamarkin. John Tomehak . Jao. Upton, V ;int ~s a Amory \\;;ire. \Vnnd.v \V h!t t . Van;\i()(trdrn, Rohin Welhc, \;inc;.-Wilr:y. N ~ n r • \'.'ilk1 nson, Becky \\lood, ~1il 1J Zirgler. '• I ' I • ,,,. I r-4! 1' l "1 I~ r Eve ryone Hos Something Tho+ Som eone Else W onh DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS The Biggest Marketplace on the Orange Coast -Dial 642-5678 for Fast Results You C on Sell It, Find It, Tr ode It With o Wont Ad l l . ~l~-_''_"''"~j~, I -.,,,.,.. J~[ _b,., J~1 I -.. _ ..... _ .. ;o;;;;j~-l~""""iiiiiiiiiiiiii'"'iiiiii'" .,;,;j ~iiiiiiie ii J~mmmmm;;;;;;;,;G;e;n;e;re;I;;;;;;:;;;;;; 1 1 _ 7 u_· •-"-'-'-'_I _______ v_e_n_•_,_•_• _______ 1 1 Gener 111 I Gener al I Hou1111 tor So1!1 t{out11 !or So1l1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1'G;;:e~n~e,~a~l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 General [ Gener a I Gener a I i -.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;. * * ,. CHOICE C. F. Colesworthy & Co. Realtors CORONA DEL MAR DUPLEX Sn111h nf !he h1;.!.h\1;1.v. 'l\•,o bedroo n1 -, anti cl l'n \1 irh r11«t1r· ne;:in1r d t·cilin~<> and !illll- df'1·\i '1'11n hr..rlroon1 '·' ith firrrlare anrl hr1t"\i paL1rr~ ·rl"i 11lr ~62 son . BLUFFS-4 BEDROOM l~r..inrl 11P11· r n<I 1111 '.l f o \11nho1t ~e upgrari f'd and l"rad1 ln rnnvc 11110 F;im\l v ronn1, dtn· 1ng area . and 21 1 ba!h !' S4 2.:'i00 :ind hurry! Eastbluff Office • 640-0020 Bayside Office • 675-4930 General General $25,950! No Down GI! Buy of a Life Time 11111~1 '" 111.irula1r 2 Sl••r~. ~ 1 h:ith * * * * 'd:~·l 11 M~S~1 •• VERDE TAYLOR Co I,_._. • . :-._ ''.I . ' e • ci__fj.$,·:m;,~-;. 1_. DOVER SHORE S , 1 1 BA YFRONT BE ST OF HARBOR VI EW -!.95.000 ~:xqu 1~1 le &· n1c t1c ulo11• 4 J\R J111111p !· an11 lv 1111 \1 ""1 bar 11n !.. 2 h:tlh .... plu_.. p n\1 d rr 1111 .~pccta<.:ula r \ 1e11 o f IJa.1, ocean \'l lig hl !-.. "Our 27th Year" 1 WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO., Realtors ! 2111 San J oaqui n Hills Road l _..N_E_W..,..PO_RT_C_E_N_T_E_R~,~N~.B_._~ __ 64_4_-4_9_1~0-i General General I EQUITY ALL TIED UP? !hn' I GUEST ROOM DEN PARTY ROOM .\1T .1n11 11r1ahlr 1n h111 IU'\\ hn11~r 111'111 \IHI .1"11r prr,rn1 nrlt"' ~,,I I !'Lll.l lll-:1 1 (;t;~ .. "T l-1\C'IL· fl '"f 11 Y ; tlr •'nl1·.1. J· 1wn1al !11 [l<'l"h~r)~ l'tll 1/1\"f''llllf•lll ffl"O r rrr.1" II" l>:.ivr ~ n 11 1 :in.•11f'r \\\lh n11r ••x1rn~l1•' n1nr1s,:;ii::r 1·onn<'e!1\'ln•. (.lll 1 '" COLWELL PROPERTIES, INC . "': ............ ,,, .. I •. ~~~ I _. I i't·m 1 • -I '~ I U~l()U~ ti()M~~ THE BEST HOMES ...... •. IN THE BEST AREAS SOLD OUT• 111arn near. \\I' need 11.~1111;.:-~·1 f llllf-t\ CORONA DEL MAR · 675-6000 7443 Eil\t C:n;i11 H1qt)111.<y, Co1n11;i Or1 Mi11 MESA VERDE· 546-5990 NEWPORT BEACH · 645-6500 1~, ··ol ' . ! \1 \I! I 1 " , \!,I I 1111 " ~ ! •. 11 • ' I • •lo 11 \ 1.'. ,1~1 .1., < l, I" ·d 111 I I ,, 1111 I• Ii< • " TOWNHOUSE NEWPOR T BEACH " Ill.,: i.:l• • •1lu ' <\ I" I ~ I ' _ ' lo , I I 1 ' oi _. • i I l'<'I , •l1 ,q11 ' .~ I , 1lhl i.:"1 1:;r f,> , ' ' •11"\ 1" '"' 1·· 1; ,; ,,~, ' I' GOR GEOUS CONDI TION i I 11.:•· f,, '11, II h I I., il)'(l•'l '1 ' '• 1 1i~1th~ .;:, " •"'1 . " CROSS YOUR PRIVATE BRIDGE T" lhr f'llio tl.11•·• I +n11c.n1f1o·••11I .' 11,111 h ;inh' I • '''" l"'f! < \ •I +·" I 1:1: ' I I' -hiol • .illlrl1•1nr•'ol f'rl\ il"l:• ' '·' " " I. ' " COATS & WALLACE REAL TORS --546-4141-- ( 0pen Evening,) "6" BEDROOMS " '" pl I ,I ,_:I .II••' t ,,11 ), :7~•:11\11 " ' " . ' ' . " ' I, \\ ,, o'< ' I Gener ii View-Balboa SUNDECK 6 BEDROOMS ''~ T '"II' I' !I, • 1•1.• • ;o rvj '" " ' ' l ' "''' 1 I ' " ' I 1 'I: l :.\ I I• 1\ I' "1\1 . ,,. I h111· lt!'t 1 ·I • • 1' I 1, " ' ""' l " I ,,J ,1 ' ' ''IHI);! I I 1: ' J" I ' I ll' l.;11 • I IORISI" [ 01,0\ " ~£A i T0Re> * 4 UNITS * Pen insu la Point I !'<Ir . 1:rn1rl[ " I\\ I ;'11• ., • i,: r 11"•11!\: \ ·~ ' 1~1 ,, \ ! -:' '.' l i * DUPLEX * Price R educed 165 .750 I '1'•' •I 1:.:r !'• 1i.ir111• •liu 1·n , , 11 , r" ' .... , , .. .j\ .• ,. 1, .11 ;·r ,,,,' fl!J'I, ... \ I hrdnin111 . 2 halh h"11lt' lrwatrd 111 Fn11nt;1111 V;lllr .1 I f~1·;1u1 1 r1i1 1 .. 11d-r1111111i:: 11 1rh :-pr1nklrno, f'r1crrl ill 0 111.\ s::~.'.1:11 <'all 1'4i..f{)lfl f1,1· n1rorr rlr1111l. hnn1r 11 11h 11 1 fr-~111rr huillln k111'hr 11 .\lii•'i'" f!rrrilaf'r 1 ;rai·1nu~ !11111::; r"l on1 Ol'"l lt"ik~ ;i prr1 r.1 tn'r ll nrrl ~lrrr1 ~;od p;11 10 «1rrlMk~ 11 p11·hll"r'q11r. hr,11111rul!.v li111r1i<cil prrl trrr~ _ ;i r 1n 1 n/ hl1•1111i11g /"(llfll"~. ~1-1::•.~. REALTORS 1i2s East Coast High"ay Corona del Mar . 675 ·7225 1111.!" \'1••11 ~-.... 111~ l'0.>111 ,, 1th tt1.inr•'l"'1 111 r p!"',. 't!· nr;...' ('brl ~ k1l 1 11<'11 11 Ith "<<'If ··1>·<111 .. v,..n. Lt.1111dry i:rrv10-r '"''"' h' Phi• pnllrn fr<'" Air. /'l"f!ll-·rt·:I~ SY:-:Tl-".\1' 4 )'.:.i:1n1 l1f'd1Mu1J<' :.?fl :\ :'I IJl-:TA('HEll rAP.TY 1:r:c Hl-'..\Tl("r\' Jtfl<).\l" Bn,11 :!;1r- :1 i::r. rn1·1•rf 1<1 -~"11 Call n<11' 61."1-0::o::. 1 l'rnff'c;;.~1n11;i! r 1·;i1. li<IT 1n11.; ~I\ ('11 I General General [11·11,., -\ "' hl••ll.111" I "I ' -111'1 ":"\ Ii \!I \ 11 UNITS IN COSTA MESA c.•ra ~" I Golf-Cour se-View I' ·"'1 ,;:.:-:;,;,, !~r .. 1111[111 En•l-.1dr h<111l<' J . •THE REAL ~ ~~IA.I~ru,; Y.A. · f.H.A. Buyer I.a r;:r r0rnrr Int ho n1r 111rh 4 hdrn1~. l ', ha1h~. Honn1 fnr 1·a1n prr nr hnill IJ(of1111d f1i1•·P. Thl5 11n11·1 !11 ~1 lnng Olfrrrrl al ~~9. 7;:i0. CORBIN- MARTIN TARBELL WE HAVE THREE Thry ;i ll 1.,...1; ~s i::;o;orl 11~ ;i p11·1urr , ~ hrr!rnnm <. S2!l .. -i00: 4 hrdrnn111~, s~·l.4ftfl, l'tll'! a .l + a rtfl f;im1J.1· ~::0.2.-il. 1\IJ lrr111s. ("all R~i·601U. REAL TORS 644-7642 111 ~·r~t mrn1 • BY OWNER OPEN HOUSE Sat. & Sun ., 11-4 2422 S. Rene O r ., S.A. 1.S. "1{ II ~ n1r·r. II r,f l'.n•tril ' 3 nr:, 2 B;11i1 !1rrpl;"' .... f• r General____ -1 Generac,-------i CAMEO SHORES OCEANFRONT Se tt 1ni:: & \'IC\\' or incomparable beatll y. t~J\'. & d in. rms. \\11th o\'al ceilin~s: gan1e rn1.: 4 RR .. 412 h~. Patin \\·1J;inni. pool & dress- inj!. ba . S'.140.000. ("etrol Tatun1 BAYSHORES-VACANT :\bscntce 011ncr .'\ay" '"sen·· -en.iny pri· ,.alp bc;iche s. bo<it ing &: .\r<ir 'rounrl living at 11 .. hr .... 1. :\ Rn ,,. overs ize fam rm. $46 .fl50, 1\l<1r.v Jla r\·cy SO. BAYFRONT-PRIVATE DOCK <'h(lt(·r So h;i vfront lor 4 BR . 4 b;:i ,. fan1 . rn1 . rl 111 r1n .: pal 10 . rrh pier&· f10a 1 Prl\" cntrnn<'r for pn~s d11plex . Sl99 .500 . :\1 . C. l3u1e HARBOR VIEW HILLS L 11~k ··sanrlp ipcr·· hnn1c 4 RR .. f;im , rrn . "·11h fireplace & 11·e1 b<ir . r1ro fe!'.~. la nd- scaped. ~fi9 .500. ('a111r.\·n Tennille EASTBLUFF VIEW HOME f'ornpJetC pri\"aC'V in th is !O\"e]y 5 T3fl i~ll Sk hon1e . F'n rmal din. -office & extra rm. ('ourtyard entrance \\", 2 co\·ered patios. $72.500. llarriett O<i\"ies OCEAN. BAY VIEW & CITY LIGHTS Harbor Vie\v J·lills --"'alch lhe boat. ::ic- tivil y from !hi.'\ c ha rming :l sn .. sep . <l in . r1n .. fam. rn1 . ho1nc. Immac. & huge patio. !59.500. Charl ene \\"hyte APPROX. 'I• ACRE -OCEANFRONT Beaut. terracerl .c:a rdens surround lovely. lgc. split-level home : .iacu?.zi pool & spac. gue st hou .'\e. Step.<; dn . to priv . beach. 8290 .- 000. Kathryn Raul ston ATTENTION BUILDERS LIDO ISLE -XLNT LOCATION. Home \\'Orth.v of remodeling. In additjon to vacafit Jot . For further inform ation call Edie Ol son. $78.500. 2611 CIRCLE DRIVE Bayshorei;, 4 BR .. 3 bath fa mily home with garden patio ; cozy frplc .. private streets & beaches. Call ror app't. S59 .500 . La Vera Burn.'\ LIDO ISLE SPANISH HACIENDA- Sl59,SGO Th is lovely home MUST BE SOLD & is suit~ able for lge fam. or small fwith sep. guest ql". l. On 3 lnl• plus pool. Top loc . Eugene Vreeland S BR, -• BATHS -LINDA ISLE f:lcgant custom home that ha s it all ! Large "U" yacht slip, outside brick BBQ on deck. patio, famil y, formal din:ng. $147.500. Al F ink --.. Coldwell,.....,. 133-0700 64'-2430 ~ JSO NEWPOltT CENTER DR., N.B. 646·88 11 (•nytime) $30,500 Spanish 0rr11 lhr 11<.rir I•> ~f'" ,\.1• f~lll ll~ 111 11'1: !-\I"! )'11••11.11 llrv11 pl •'l '"I" r ! ' r r 11\.1 ·111rr1.iP• •• l"•f ll ""ITl' .' •l'f'·' 11<' h 1" I • Vi1111·l.1 P•111l 1\ Ill 1'1\ I 11'.! !11·r111,,,, ~·.,•11·111r1 h1 1 I· 11 k 11·h1'1I d , ' h " H ' I ,, r R••;<o1l1l11l p1o1 11 1 n1•·1 \r\ok· ;i 11<>;1T l.1 11111111( <ll"t''I P.i• '1•111:1.1 l"nrl~•·.i r•rd :::n1111"i' \!:•l'I <'\ll"l't~. o".lt"f'<'I<, d I 1't f1 I'', r;ih111r1• F. !2-6(i~l1. ~,.,. '" :.pprro·1,1I•" TARBELL OWNER BAILING OUT Jllnrc;;i; fnl'("f'S 1n1n1rd1:tlf' .~;1\r' Pnr11!;1r 4 hrrlrnnn1 7 ha!l1 hnn1f' 1n 11n n1 r :oirrA . ~uh1111I Rll !rrn1~ ;i nrl nHrr< r 1rr\"- lh1ni:: f'f1ni<1rlrrrrl :"ll11<t nr l'flld +n :<C'\"<'n 1l~.1i<. S.1 1..-,f)(J. nr nfff'rs. Call ;_i.1;,,1;421 1(1pr n ('ire;.\ $47,850 FOR CUSTOM HOME? \"Pc;. anil in Nr11 port Rf'a•·h. inn:~ Yo11"ll \.\'8fll In F<'f.' th1~ h!>;iuty. Thrrr i<Jl:tr1nui; hNl- rnnn1s, l11r~r li1"1 n~n:iom, f'Oll!l!l)''·Sl/f' k1lrhrn. fl lllS nlfll"'f'. Plra.~f' i·all 541i-:tl1.~ In \·ir w H11s hnn1r. 1-ol THE REAL ''."\{ ESTATERS ·. · ' rr. 112 Mile to Ocean Thrrc hcdroom homr 1n Ilk,._ nrw conrl ilion. Park ynur h'llll in !lit' h1tt k .VarrJ VI-" rrar allry 11ccri;.~. f"11r !hr br.~I buy 1n 1h(o tw.iu;h 11r1>~. rail nn11 . (;J nn dn\\n -Fl·IA Joi\' dn111n. Onl y $215'10 Walker & Lee rl.f'11ltors 2111:1 \\"r .. 1r l 1H 111·11 ,. I i;1i;..;j11 Op':_'.1_111 ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••.. Dtmf'-A-Line fi.12-5fi7~ l"ORl\l E Ol.SO\ '" REA l roRS COTIAGE ESTATE Cn1.1" 1 l'>rrlrn1. ~h1(kr r"')f. rl"li!hlf' r.i1· "!. i;1r,~·1 h;1n1 ON BROADWAY! PRE STIGE WATERF RONT HOMES SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT 101 Linda Isle Drive Lo1 ·r /\' 5 Bf! 4 ha . honic 11·1th d n 1111 ~1a1r s '' ;11rr.frrrn t 111:-.tr . ;;;u1lf' & lgr. gan1e rn1 r.r ~t11r\1·. '.\l cx1can \1lr flnors. bea1n C"c1l1 nJ:!s. q uai"1 1y con struc11nn. slip $15.i .OOO For Complete Information On All Homes & Lo ts, Please Ca ll: 675-3000 m Ml' .\ BEACH \'('\"\ l•1\\ 111·< I'" I'' 1 rr111" I\· Ir•" ' • '' ~11;.~:~1 ~1· .. ~· 1·.," '·' Id I I "" Macnab-Irvine r: .. ~ I!,\ ("111np .. ·•1 642 -8235 644-6200 Wet Your Whistle! ll 1nu 11;11" hr·r11 " • 1 ,. ;i . 1 'l ''=Tfl\I Ill 11 I I:,' " \I \Ill l"I" nf t1.1l11t 11 h1·<t1\ll d 'alli! \II 'I ' . 1 l o"•l!•••!t\~ ;1 •I II I" ''' ii ~·;i1111l,1 r onn\ .~h ~ l I'.•. f..· )'.•!111.1 . ;11HI 11111!! .0 1•··1P I 11 Sl'\1:1..:1.1\1 ; l\f'"l"I " hll<'J'rd l'llfll .. Tl1r•<1 l,i ·1" 1 •1111 1'11• tll•' ,~· I 11.11 J, 111 : I~ I" °ro, 1;r1•;\I \!'111'11 111 B1·il1 \i .\•) •I I'''' ;i1 ,,111.1 ~-,·;non 11•1h 11111111 ' $35,900 Walk To Beach 4 Bdr + Family rm ;ii I To•f .1~ 1,• I '1'111 II (; I nr t .. 11 11 .. 1111 f·"ll.\ I ~p,1• ""•~ hl•ll"~•ll" "l h~t!l•_ h11[;f' f,,1111h r•~1111 11 1h 1n•r1l! 11·;:: f1tf'pl!t1' Hu Ir n r 1n::r 111r•n /..· d 1•1\11,1•h~r F•11111:.~ d 111u1c 1·1•nn T':·,·· ~ \!• !11'1\ . l><'ll<'I' lh:P• 111' \I I'll! "•l••ll• d1·:···· "' .~ ~·1 ~ L'· ~ ,, : TARBELL Hrn,.ri!1.I l·,,,,1 ~ .. 11• .l•wl'tl1on -OCEAN VIEW , 1,,.,, :,, II, .1 , l•f r .°'h••P1\ll)C .I· """". ; 'I'" I''" FOR $34, 900 ht 111·,•.11 ~ "''"I h11 1·11 rt~ T! . I S"'\ 'In'' <;; (II' 1111'1 ll f11n~ !'"'1t11 Inn);, \:Jf S 1'1£ II -.<',•~I.• )lf"r" p l ;H'll i~I" I I<'\\• rlf lht' (l<"f'illl "'In fl·l l lo, J.,,1• <rlT\r''~ nf l'<l\Pf'• d f','!l 1n ·;111d (!,lJ"l;tnd< ..r fln11r1~ 1 .. 11;:" r:""d ;il/r1 r .. r h1.;il. f'<llllfl<'I', rra1Jrr . t''i' Ju-..1 l;~tf'd full f'l 'l!'f' ~-~fl '.):11 Walker & Lee 1 r.rahnro;; /j'll'~ \\r><lo·l 1ff ll!"TI " l>ll>-77 11 Orrn '11] \l P :'-1 UNUSUAL !.11·r ;ihn\'r yo111· n 11· n , hui-111<'~" 1n " 1rrv :i r11,t11·I .:ind hill< (1·n111 lh1s sr111rk l1ni.: :Z !or(!rm111 C'.<'ll1 h•C:h ;itnr ;i lull ~uprr sh;1rp 11 1th nr 11· p.1111! 111 and 01 !1 ;\."r11 shai;: 1·a rrw11n.i::. 11111 f"all 1n 11<1.1. rtu ~ nn,.. "'nn 1 !a:-1 \-0' THE REAL ,~ E!3TATE~S $24,500 4 Bdr + Den .•ll"lf'd huil<lin~ gf)("l(I fnr P:i~ n1rn1 111n11rs _vn11 rich! in- ' I;,.,,.,,...... I , I In ll11s rlrllJ.:htf11I ho111r. drr•. , .. ,,.~ pmn1:r;1p 1rr.<. ill'I 1~1.~. f'l l'. No Down Terms ? l'>n1hs. l1rr11 m k1t r !irn, h11 11i -111 t·a11:.:r . n\r n .~· rli~ln1 <1.<l11·1·. J··11r111.~I rl1n1110: rnr.01. fill\ 1::0 /I Cl'n11 r1rl' . hn.11 11r 1railrr i;: ii Tr . M0-172(1, TARBELL 1!l5.i H~rhor. C'ni;t;i .\lr.~ii. EXCITINGLY- DIFFERENT (;I irrm• · rr.\' ·,•, d•ti\n .:111 Is rhi~ \.:lr~nt :l h"'lrn11111 2 n 1hrr•. ~ hrrlrrv;n1~. 2 h:ilh•. hath h•lnir nn p."11..-.11 !~J r i.•nt.11rd rf'a!" h1 111:: l"'""'lnl llfl;1~r~ .:1 h;in<l .~nm r f11·rpl;i1·r , h11 1[1.1n k 1!rhr n. C'..fll rrrrl p:11in, \\"1rlf' mn· <"r,..tr nri\·r11.:1 y. h!11!'k 1., firhool. v.·11.!1< 1(1 a ll .•chool.~ & !!lopping. 540-IT.IO. TARBELL 19~:, llrirhrir, r~ta :"llr~a. JU~1 ~ir·r~ ;iu.;i~ lrnm 1rl<'11 I .~\1 1111n1111i;?: h"~rh l!;i~ <"'n- rral :i1r r 11 n rl \! ;.,n 1 n e:, ~rar~•u~ li1·1n11; rmn1 11·11 h f1rrplarr . r pl"' & rlraJ)f'i:. Ownf'r "nXlflll~ fnr q111rl< !<<1lf'. No\.\· $71.."l()') rall !or in. ~pcr t ion . fi73-s.·,.-~. I ORISI L !USO\ '1 .... m.""'i111••H£RITAGE . -~pt? R(.l.LTOAS 1:;::==:::::;; ,. 11£AlrON.S ) l/4 OF AN ACRE -COLLEGE PARK 1 4 BEDRMS + POOL SJI ,lOO. Bn1 1Jri: 111 th<> r''"I, 1,hat " nu•s~ Tr r11111r n1n\"rrl nu1 ~ .. ll1r r'l1111r r 11\hn 11\'f'.~ 1n f>;iip1 :-;p!"llll!SI ~il.V~ '"j::f'! n il n( 1t1 ;i1 1h1r11::'' \";ir·11nt & 1n nrrrt nf T!.(' ( ""ul rl l'>r & 11.11\'f' . ''l°\ll'IHflll/<'<l • 11"111<' if'illllr 1111: p111,h \\ '" •h;i i:: l"t'fl! ~­ r•t1~tn1 d rp•. -.11n<h1nr hr11:h ! lrl'-• prl ~r••1111d' 11/111r 1·,11 rd pt•!ln "1~h 1 11c 11 f'll. ~llh· m 11 {"~II S4i-l"l:!1 ;, l)r.~111~ Vix ti S~· .. -,()(1 a \ I~ :)<\6°:!::1.1. Call nn1v :o:;~:Y .\1<1t ·n !{/·'.,\1.TY. 171 41 l{f';i.·li Bll'd . 111 1111 1'.i·li 1-0' THE REAL \'.,_"\. E(:>TATERS REPOSSESSION $750. DOWN REPOSSESSION 4 Rrr!1...,..,1n". 2 halh~. ;ind r 1·r1'_\'nnr 11uald1 r~· frr!<hl_v p11.1n1,..fl. nr11.r nr11 ··~rpr11111:, l11rj!'.r f;i •ndy ronn1 .11nd ;ill h11il!in!I. Xl11I 11.rr a. hr~! hur- l'\" 1111 s~2.~:-11 Call 51j-R·l~1 111;1rn r1•1·~ I \:n1" n11 nf'rl hy \lrl,..rans Arl- tn1n1~1r;il ion . S~~ll rln1\·n p;i_v. n11•n1 In an_v11nr. 2 !llftr;.i hnc·I; frnnt ('r.lnn1;il 111~lr. ;., r.r:, '.l R;1. 1110111.v roorn, lnr- tlllll •l1n1nc . .,n l:i t•;:r rnrnrr l••I f;ir11r l~ I.· all h11111 1no;;. F ull r nc·r .,nl_1 \~7 ''l."11 I c'" "" "'' '"''~::~~:; [-,o-O L TIME- 11c.1.Lr0Rs ~prnrl 11 l11n1;1sru· ~un1n1rr 1n '---""'------..JI -"'"Ir n11 n l!fx,lfl 11111.V ii111n '.'lln1·r ri:;:hl 111 : drl uxr 2 nn. n111rir· P'"'I \lr.dPl likr ~ firrlMoOn1 2 h11th hnn1" 1\llh 2 R.:i l 2 fl/:. /:.t .•p:it1n11f' nf'r'n 1'>1•;1 111 •·r 1hnl'.'' l)<•11't r:in1il,, t'111 , ~ h111hs Bll-•n~. n11c~ !h i• nnr, 1'1111\' 5,12 400 -BAYFRONT -APTS-. \11~ta J)rl J.i,1n. r 1rr !.· ~l ip Pl .l!Sll ~ HH Tihurnn t'ftnrln. i·~i·p ·~"'if' 'fl".•. frplr· p."·1nl l t,111 IM ~~,':, /\f l\\' (ll1 nr°'t' lrari•lrrrrd 11 nrl iilld f'<' I l\;1lk 1., "'~r.1'!!1 111:: ~1·a1I rr.,m st~ .. 'ftl. I C11n11I fr11n1 1"1 ~'.?1'1 ()fl(l G.org@ Williamson Realtor 548-6570 645-1 564 I tn •rlt $1!1('(1 in .~!r;i• for· .\1.11 lr:>ilc f"r •m;ill hnn1 r· frrr· \ .;Tl \!. a t $'~.~ 'lll1 111 /'n!Tlllil dr l \!"r C11:I \0 11" f/,r ~pp', ~'"l Ii I MORGAN REAL TY m 1~~ ~ h;i1.-:i1n·i1 ~...,,, 11 .. 1• 673-~2 ~S.:_"459 A sirr.-l 1111111 ad I.'! 1. i fl()(f lar1\1n rr.:i lt~ 1111· !¥iJl-~.lfl:;. F!'lr hf-<t rr4•ult•' f>l2-~7J: I in1·,.<1m,.nt ---~~-----~~-'--~--~ ------~~ • •1 I• P·""" 1 •" .;• ,( " .. ., .. I 11 ! ' "I i'I, ,,1, I '•'"" - h, , 11 H " "'' r I ,1 • ti ~ ''I '··" "",j •I • · . ., 111 ,, ,I, " . ' ' '' I S26 .500 HURRY i " '\o, I''" !I ; .. ' '\ HERITAGE IHAl !OR<, ' • '• I "' 'I ' \ " '' I <Jnlp " I ' ' 1 ,,, .1 '•I!• ·. " ' I• ,,,,,' \., ll •n!I 'll H lt.i i 11 ) ., '111 • • 1 I 11 .i 1 I it I I 111 '11 1.; rrr(•'•"I for Iii~ .11n111c 111<•(lr1·n f1"n11l,1' ,J 11~r ~:::o.'.~~l I "·.I I (, u; 7 \ 71. AMAZINGLY LOW PRICE p1.i·r I lru:ht,• '• 11r1.il ~:.'·1 ;.·~'-/!1'1'•111 I" 1>111+.J MESA VERDE I :r: . \"<'ry 1111·1> ~ hf'rlroom. fir n1ni: r<•orn. 2 ha th ~, q 111f'I 1·ul -dr .•;1r ~rrrr1 . 011nrr 11111 .<.rll f,,r· )1111. ]n11 rr1o·r I R\' \.'T :~~I 11111"1'1 nn 1!1 1• 1 ;i r·;inl ]11111 "\ "IHI •• •f l!li 0\0 C.\l.J. ,111 ll.11 "'I" II ('\"'-,) . ~. HERIT AG! RCALTORS .... .... ASSUME HI VA LOAN 1 ·11 • Hll11 l111 1tf h<'drrw1!)1. '.'. !oc•TI•~. 111 In;:: + rl 1n1n:: a1·r ;1 ltn•pl. r .\ h1., f'ill 10. 1lhl ~:+r f, tH 1 t+nl CALL ANYTIME 64&.3928 or Eve . 548-9416 Lachenmyer Re.i ltor -CLOSE TO OCEAN- J BEDRMS + 2 BATHS S2J,OOO . Cl"~" 1n ~h"Jl~ Ii.· .~rhl~ 11 /11 1-rpls !.· rlrp~. forn1I din ill"f'il, r /n. In::. •·n1·rl p11!1n rtl\'f'I\ \rh1 ... 1·r rl S11hn1 1t l'11ll 1'~7-1':~'1 ~I< Y ~1 !I!' n l:J·:,\1.1'\' 171 11 H r<lo II n11rl . 11 11111 H1'" Ii * 4-PLEX * COSTA MESA !-rll r.r ,.,, h:111!:r ur FORTIN CO , REAL TOR 642.SOOO VACANT S24,000 Quwh r•"·"~'"~!I pn-~1 hlr nn 11\1• .~ Nlrn1 h .r1t11""""1 tlnr.r hnn1r 1n nu f' 11r1;:hhorh"""'·l nr:oir ~r1.....,,,1, \.",\ nr -,. , d<>;,11 ll'rn1~ C.tll ~d'l-~:i:.:; SHERw••D REAL TY * FIXER UPPER * Tnp Cnslil \l•· ... :1 Arr;i 1 BR. 2 hi!, Cnr11rr li>T An1nni:: h1i:::h"r fll"ll 'f'rl hn111r ~ ,\•l•111g $:! ~.rio h111 ~,, BALBOA BAY PROP. * 642-749 1 * " ' \\' h I I r !·.Jr'P!l,1f11< ri1nn1n: ~rH1r h••ll'"~ Turn thr111 I"'" . I \:'\H -$I'll rhr n1 "·r 1 P~1 ly r 1I o1 ("111·~ ! ~1 hl~-.lh·~- associated IROKEAs-.REALTOAS JOJS W lolboa 67l·l66J 'l'\i1 ... II' ·" t 1. '11111 l'l1·r1t1 l1•r I 1"110 • YOU DESIRE A POOL? .1," . II 1 h I\" r.nr 1, j 11•ii 1.1 Id,'. I l•o' •',I 11"1 !H"l"f' •II• I 11 11,r I '"ti I ild • l'lrol ' 'I" ''"I "11) j •"I' I , "11 I I :. 11 1uHI I .,, " ' 1•~·! " I ·' ,, !ol" II' : \ ,., F.1·f'n1n.i::i: C;1l1 fi46-!l702 VA BARGAIN HUNTERS :-;r]lr1 " ''"'P p;,1 , " I• ''t1 ll" rl• '" 1• 11,i I 1 Pl• ·111 I , I lco:-1 n 1 Ill' ~ 1,,111111 pin• rlrnln~ r'lfllll •. t.;J1·1;: 1·;1rf"'I ~ J:· 1'1 11 t'\11".•' 1.1r.tl 111l11r 11! 'lnl~ S~'S.7fKI 1'11 11 '111 11"1! f.,r rlo t:iil11 3 BEDROOM CUTIE $24,250 111 Cn.•l ,1 \)f'."1 11 llh 2 ;:•.>Ori ... 111• 11.ilh'". ll<l'f' arr ;i . SfolJ Pr l f'l.V 111nl11·;1lrd nr!Pr1n;:: 111 1\ lrn•' !:<'d Cnrr"' P.P.111111·• :.11: ,1, ·" SHOWCASE- POOL -POoL ~ 11/i 1.,1~··· n 11r>1 111• rn1 1 .. r n1al I n1n~ l:r+lu• rd' S• II V i\ ~!I\ !~lln "I It, 11f lt1\111·1 111 l!!C! ~ 1; ~-~,- U.S. AFFIL IA TED Hr•1L1 •1'-I:• dr1 5 BEDROOM- SPLIT LEVEL Outs•ar11J 1n.: 21''1 ''l 1· ' ~tor.v hnn:r. nrll ;i;1 r:•. ;1r·.> I r;i rpr1. rn\r11'ri fl"'''' ><11•1 r.,.,,..,I F :111' I; 11"!1'" ~r .. :· f'(rrJ (";iq,t" r: 1 +I' "1 I ~ ~)1r.-i::1>Hl. * JUST LISTED * :; Hr: . 1 ·, h;... bllns, r;irr J:· rtri.ipr• :• f';il10~. \\";ilk tr: CAYWOOD REAL TY * 548-1290 * Balboe Island Couple's Hideaway H~lhna Prn1 n pri111t, 2 RR kn.,!t.v r1111r A: hran1 cr1 1 ·~. lhrunul, P11!1n. ,\ r utir' --GEM-- 11t10 \\ ('na~t 11".V .• \: R l~~;Al .TflR,..; f>-12 -402:: CORONA DEL MAR DUPLEX. 1·r ry s harp: Lari:.,. '21 :; BH Ullll~. Snulh o! \1 1s;:h1\"il)'. $76.:,00. 675-6.'"01 \\, I•' •11 l\.( ' ' I -OPEN-DAILY 1-S ."il I LARKfir UR ·z HR. . 1T1t1m tfl huil rl 7nrt unit. s11:ro Onl.~ i\i.rnl 11r11 -i .111 :--:n'v fJ-12=:.sR l1a 1l1 1'1.nr \\ ;t nt Ad s Mve h11r.:11rn\ i;::al.,r<" v DA.Tl Y PILOT -...... c .. ,. Me•• 111> IDRMS. Nt!lr r\'pt. llgh1~. I-I.I!'"· bdnn. &. C'Uhhy bd r111.; n11 R-2 lot, \l.'llh space to hul]d in frurit. All!'y acc·t.~s. $1!.SCI), 2 BDRMS. N,.ar J'li'pt lhrht.~ .. l ll1,. :i bdrm. co!tai;c e: Jg,., k lh·h. v.·1 brkf~t. rm . pln_vllou~f! in back. SL!,!IOO. 3 BDRMS. C!1armin,: :: Bdnn., :! h.1th.::; m~tr. bdnn. 1 ~ h u ~ .. \\' frplc. l,g!'. l1y1ns: r n1. I.: rlining rm \\'1!h frplr. z, ~ Pftn!'!l1na. L3f'. kllrh,.n w/tahl" 11.r!'d. All hJ.:r nl'11·. Sll .~. CALL G>. '''·~4 14 Atd'4.c. 71[ALTY ~tar Nr•p•r1 P•~I Ortir r nlF. VJE\V R im~! m .. k,.~ you mi~ l!Cr1n)! lhr l1'1n1P Affl'r )OU'\'(" finishe(! oh'in::: & l!.ah'lng. yo11'Jl srr a 1n.il) outstanding 3 b I! d r o o m ~auty, A ~·omans k1tch<"11 a1Kf \rarm and frit'ndly himi!y t'OClm in A homf' you'll lo\·" thr rrst or your !if,., Only s:ui:.::ioo. l)11·nrr \1·11! help financ,.. l:ir1•01n realty inr. 96.S-+IOJ. * MESA'~v=E=R=o=E~*­ Ju~t listed _ of Bil pool • By Owner. Charming "·aJ!paJ'lf'rt'd hon1r , fpl in llv tm., pn).d den, fml din. rm., &ay brkfst rm. 2004 Balearic Dr. 546-6541. Pr i nc i p a I a only/plea~ $¢9,900. BY Owner of BR. 2 Ba, 1500 gq ft, frplc. dsh"·hr, ~· shar. clean. So. C(last Plata area. $2'.l,!O'l. Ali terms. Must sell. ~>1.~~2. REPOSSE=s=s~1o=N~S~ 4 l 5 Br., Belo\v Market At Sl3 A $37,000 Illa Realty 546-77zq VA-n!A Jmmac 4 br &. fam. elec bltn k it, Aep ln<lry. pa tt°", nr ~ti!~. 5'0-8Ji6. V.A. REPO. 4 Bn. 2 Ba. $32.T..il. $750 DN . $29~1 i'.10. Authorittd Broker 548-6570 D•M P•lnt OCEAN View llomfl: 2 BP.· 2 Ba·LrK lot. crpt-dra~s. $.14,500-Quirt SI . 496--1942. Huntin9ton •••ch $28,000 4 ldnn + Den Ne Down Terms ltmu1 • low do'l\'11 all o!t1er.~. 4 b@drooms, 2 bath s, i80lated rnr livin1t roon1 with e:.i:qui~ile fireplacr. Queen's prid~ k i tch,. n , dcluxr huiltin tftnr.:r, oven & ne \v Kitchenaid dlsh11·il~h,,r. New· shag caJ1)eting. many added learures. Dt-ll:.h1f1il pa!io. Nell1ly m11nirur,.d grounds la s ll"full y larx1S("3pecl. 962-:1J66. TARBELL -----2200 SQ. FT. 2 MASTER IEDROOMS $2'.500 Features 2 story, ~ bdrm!!., :\ hath~ slep-Oo1\'n I i v i n R room, fpl acf', \\"·\1· "fl'" & diJl"· t"OHMAL IHNl/'\t: 11 r r 11, bll·i n R~t) and 1l i.~h11·a~h!'r. r\rf'il" .~"mr l!xin'! :-:; u b ITI L' ! Cnll 8 -4 7-12 21. S t: Y:'\'fO t: R P..F:ALT'i". 171~1 TI r a. r h T3lv1l . 1l11nl T~r>.'Lr·l 1 $19,950 Huntinatwi •••'*' No Down 532,500 Family Special BEST BUY (;,1. ll"r:n-. • l..011 1lu1111 lii l! oll1f'r.•. o~·r r<11f'd l1"f!l'' f1,r llw pra·I'' ~ ,.r,:1. , .. 11 ~1 l.rd 1Y"'1111 ~. ·: '"'f':1r:•!" lia1h~. I f;1m1J,\I rr••111 "11 11 ••l•';,:.11.t t1rrpliH.:r, l1n,..•I 11,. ! u \ r I l1u 1l11r1 \..111 111•11 d,~1111·;,~lirt. /1,,!to), l\r l\ ' ., I p I' t I II i:;, 1lrRf""~. !\lr1n~· "\ltil~ l'r 1n1r In Univ•r1 ity P•rk n r111;.: fQUr pa1r11 l•t11~h I, vou r ~H.flll"n tool"' ~,00) :-:.q. I! ,,f ico.~1 1,..mlly living ''•111<1 h1\ ,\•1l>r \\ 1lh II 11!!\1" h1: r,: r :I-.-,\ i.;r::; ~ J 1;'t f" r!u•'!"l '" r :1:,lll'l ,. (/\\'n"r ''".\" tor10;: ffll nllrr-.' 4 f:r: .. :11, h.1 ·~, tan1ily n 11. ''Tluh ·-1 i"11i1. 1 .. 1·.1111in. ~·1G·if.V I TARBELL -- -,-11.l'uilur ---"~!1'CE l~H~; .. $ 19, 9 50 I t \~·,.~rrm n nnk Ti l!lj: IS THE PRICE 1·n11·rr•11y l';irk . lrYtfl" 1 Days SS2-70GO Nigkt& fi,r t h:~ l•)\'rly :: lll'1l rr;;.111 , ? h.11h 1lrran1 l\'lU~" ·rn,. lnnn I Laguna Be1ch i< high l'TI<>ll:!h lhi11 ~'1U 1·.ir. i:i -~1111~'"-T!•t:d p.1\•n1,..nt..; t * * \1r.1 P"f 11\·•1•1h 111• 111·1" :Ill 1·:1.~·1 ; ''T ,·11 :1r 1rri:.11 : 1~ :'\!r,.-!Prn h11il!·111~. d•·"f1 11 II' 1:1·,·r1:!f'TED i\H t:A· 1·nrfl'('ts, ;i/~., m at r h i n ~ '! l·••drro .m•. :? l,nll1'-' pJu ~ t]rilPf'S. !Juuhlf' g:ir:i:;r 11, • "lll'•"•r!il1i" ,, 1),111. F"rnt.tl b.'w'll! Fa n1a ~t1(" ii<'rr 1,.1 • ol1 11 1 n~ r, .. n1 r•lt1~ nvJ(lrrn 11·iH1 lot!! of 11·{·1·~. Ciill ' k•t, 11r 11 11 1111 1.r,,Jtkl.1<1 ;1rea Walker & Lee I "'""I''"''"' l'°<h<'P· Rf'altvr--· l)prn L1 r:·· POOL TIME S24.200. 3 BP.. 2 BA. 60'"100 fn<'d Jot, f'lf'ci bl in n 10 . tl-1 hl.. \\'/11' t'rp!~ l hruout, indoor-outdoor C"rpl. in kil ch &. din rm., ()a.neled din. nn. JI! Ii: nts pool, OVf'tll!Ztd rihl. gar. Sl'e today. I' rllJge ReJI EstJte tu.4471 I: I !146-1103 FHA21s--·~ $200. moves you in fhis :.! hedrooin 11 J b..'Ltl1 IO\vnho usr. Srllf'r 11•il1 pay all other co~ts. Only $1R.500. Cnll 9611·4441. CREST REALTY BY 0'-''NER. 4 BR. nr11r Dougl11~ .. ~chli;., :shopping . Call 893--943.J 11"eck days arr 6 pm or 1\•k/rT11ls. l~l~IACULATE 4 Bedroom Suburbia Pa rk homt" lln comer lot. Pr i c ,. N"ducf"d to SJ9. 900. 101 0 r!o1\·n lo a.~~lllll" ti'~ \.' "' loan. Terr\fl<" n<!lghhorhoofl Ol'lf' mill' from o c ,. a 11 • "'I rrn11n S':'.l,.·.no. • • • 111r:At. r·,\;1,111.~· 110:.1E 1• •'h r n1:1·:vF.r. \'Jf:\\' of nnr lh r·nd r.f ci ty and hlu,. r ... .t•111c : :; l1f'1lroom<:.. :! hnTh~. 101·,.ly rli ning rrt0m nff m•l(]rtn k1H·hf'n 1\'Llh brealda~t ittf'!l -plu.~ li11·:::r PJCTI;RE LIVING noo~1 11·!1h co;.y firrf!lRce. Th i~ \\·on"! !Mt at $6!1.500. Htl•n Newton, Rltr. 494-5511 A sk for 1..f"s Jordan. INCOME T11·0 l -hclrm. apl~. p!u~ guf":':I !<lurllo. \\'•lk lo 101\·n I:. hr.1fh. Prim,. ("o n cl i t io n l!;i r1 J lo t111•! \·alu,. a! $14,000. ..A'Olan REAL ESTATE 1190 Glr nneyre SI. 494.947:; 549·0316 * JUST LISTED * Benul. 3 B<lnn .. 2 bAth homf', w/formal din ing It family rm:it. Living rm. has lgl". :'l'!Ont frpk'.; nice p;i.\io .arra.~: l(ood n'"il hborhood, closr lo school~. Aski ng $43,!J.Al. • 499·'.!SOO • CN.'nr.r'll' n,..,.,. horn,. almo~I rea1ly. lan1·1n rf'al!y 111r . .""4_"''~· ~~--.. -1·,1· -~"';,. l!"Y O\\'Nt:R '4 nr.. <.. Ba.~. tam nn, clin rm, bl rn =~i:' ::i b:ir-0-qur & ftrr pl!, hll£" ,...._..._.c- hrick paun. 1 mi. tn Och. $-1 1.'.iOO. 95.~~17~'.?. WALK TO BEACH F ixer·Upper's clr!iRhl. Loll' dn. $19.000. !i~6.r.rJ07 Bkr. Irvine PRIVACY PLUS!! t rniversity Park's n1 o s I 1lr a1natir fiMr plnn' Jn t:n1- \'"'rsiry Park"s n1nst pr1\·a1,. IOC"allon! 4 Rrlr1n!'.. :.'1c ha !h"; 2:.00 sq. H. ol sh,,rr flrama! Comr I:. S<'t' lh1~ bf'aulifully decora!rrl hnml' today. PRICE J UST RF;. DUCED TO $44,950 JNCLUI).. ING TIIF. 1..Ar-iD! "l.l11 l1 ··r \ .. 11i1 . ---'llPulior "'SINCF. !~tr." 1 ~1 \\'p~trrn R111nk TililJ!. 1 ·n1\'Pr.~itr f'ark, ln·inr D1y5 552-7000 Nighlt ilf-:ACll llOllSt: $29,500 Qt.Jn \nt home 11.r!:'a ; clott. in. nrnnt t·r 1l's., flr. to ce\I. frpl r., picture \1·1nrlow, rl":f., "'"ashrr . l Bil 1v/hnth . f.llSSION REAL TY 494-07Jl BY 0-.1·nl'r: Vie11• hom'". 4 r.r., :-: Ra . l.ll11·rr l\Ty!'!ic IJ1ll. .~6.i,:M. (;ill 60-Z.~'1. :: nu. :;p1j1.1""\·""1. "" dbl 1 ... 1. F11ll OCt"lT1\'1r1,, f1•r-k, lrplr-. If.· l11 nt"!!' ln~rprl 111{"d bc·kr-rd . . ~12.1.00. 9~0 H.tia :-' t., Lazuna Rrh .4!)..1..8468 Lido Isle NEAT and C"ltan :; nn. :! ba. & fam· ily room homf". Large straUa patio, $51,000 hotucJA.() lou.1900 jtt. -..... :'Mlli \'ia l.111'1 *BAYFRONT_*_ [Jl'au\ih1lly <lr,'nrAfrd. im· !lHI<:, /'1rr If.: slip, ~ flf:, 5 ha, 1a111. 1111. .~1~i}l!ll N f.\V to1:i fw(."8 ~ ol my J1~. 4 ~ bt .. 3 S. holnl! nr. B;i.~t r-.tu!rt be mid ttiis n1fJ. A'-'k1ng $!'.!,JOO. ()p.-n Sun., 1-6 or call 54!-l5lt o .... ·nrr. H1rb•r Vitw HtmH 4 lit (lroom. Jilrni!y room, Uin· in:; f'IT1m , $\~,7:}(1. F'"'"· 7~~ Io" n , O\ri\'EP-.-AGENT 614-7!2~ or 644-&l::.I. BAYFRONT, PIER Ct,;.1·n1111:; j BR bt?ach home on ~ .tnd:1 :iihOrl!, Excilin: 11 .-.r1,...r a•·1io n . choict locaJe. .:.1~.0 1 f;i.).~irle Dr. $168,000 f.y Appointml!nt T1·.J lluh"rt ti'Q.!1300 f"/IAf: \!l\"1"; Fr .. ncn Coontry hr11n,. in ul!'~lrab!'! \rr.'11<'liU, ~. f"·, ~ h;i .• ,.un!ite g!a,·l' :.:. r.', 11 l"•'•n\ o~ning lo lat· I' J ji.t\i'l l,, gilr d l"O . H~d•!<'Cr ! fo f.:i.:i,000. By -*-BY-OWNlfR""* R"~l flUplf'X buy in N't 1vport f:,.a1·h, Frl!'.ihly painted. T(·r·n1,·. C<ill rift. 6 PJ\l .. 6i:i-:::i19 • Newport Htightt J;Y (),r:--;~:n, ne~·ly N"mod~l­ ,.r1. rrcl l"c. 3 f:r ~p21ni~h horn'". Beaut. !o c a li on S~t:.oo:i. 64:Hil93 d • y s . tiiZ-lG.» eve~. OPE:\ DAILY - 1 to -4 p.m. :00 Cr<lat, N'r"""f:IOM Sticn1!. VQgf'I Co. Rffitors ~9346. Tustin BY 0 1l'nrr. 3 BR, l~.,:, B• .. [rplc .• pool. Fr~hly p.1.intl!'d in/out. G<l. t\t>ighborhoocl. r~S61 ; a ft :-;, .:i3S-4b88. ----~-- ...... -1§!1 Mobile Hem•• For Sile 125 1970 F1tttv;cod 12'1"'i0' Front I: rear bedroom~ l ~.; ba, blt·in.~. a\1-nlng!, sk!.rti.nf, •lorage shl":d. Clubhou.~e. 1amP-rm, Pool Li\·,. in the sun k smog.free air at RanctiG California. .~8.000. TI4/6'i6·5liJ Pri\·ate party DESERT CRE3T 0\rn your O\vn lot Golt, CLUBHOUSE. Na1ur1.t Hot Pool~. $3,990 to $7:'90 Fre(! Brochur,..~ I:;LRIDGE REALTY CO. P. 0. B(>:; 665--0 Desl":rt Hot :3pring~. Calif. (71 41 j2'!J.64(4 FLA:'\fINGO -Dbl~ \1·idf', ~ bdrm. on!:' i~ kinlf:"i~1i .... :.! fuJI b.a!h~. lot of storaaf! spar'", n e v; d i!'h'..1."aJOher, 11·a~her k dry,.r -~et up in family nice park. Pet OJ..:. itnmf'l"liate pos~I' ~ s i on . 531-mi. '61 Argu~ dto]U~l!' i\lobil" llome, JO'x.i5'. i tust see lo appreciate, Loe, lln Coa!rt ll11y., across st. tram beach. $4 ,t!OO. Ca.II John, lit!.:J'91:! 11.ft 5 er ~·•knrl~. 1:-0: beautiful Baysid,. Vi'.la)T* 1 BR, 1~.'12 + lOxYl scr~nrl r ncl po.i·ch. All <·rritd, <lrpd. $6.VWJ ra~h. Cal! 671-1?;61. BAY t· OCEAN Vlt\V ? sror.Y MOBILElfOMF. 1..100 PATIK. ;,..i~):i7~ FOUR BEDROOM FAMILY ROOM Short distance to beach anrl golf course. FAMILY ROOf\f. used brick fireplace. 2 baths. built in kitchen. close to shopping, schools, Jr Collt ;!e &. frtl'u·ay. Try your VA. S31.~00. CORONA DEL MAR 2· TRIPLEXES Built in range and oven, lli5h\rasher and disposal, carpets and drapes. 2 Units have '.! bedrooms. l bath: 1 Unit has 2 bedrooms, J l/2 bath w/fireplace. Each unit has 2 car- ports, maintenance free yard ancl pool privi· leges. .. .. . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . Each $79,500 CLOSE TO SHOPPING AND THE IEACH Good starter for the youn:? family. NE\V CARPET, 3 bedrooms, 1:1;" bath, close to free\vay, school & shopping. Small investment down can "beat the rent race." ONLY . . ' '.'.. . ... '''. ' $27,900. POSH IRVINE TERRACE "VIEW" Let us show you this enchantin!l two year old home. Atrium entry, open spacious liv- inJ:? r oom \Vit h fireplace ·and VlE\V. 3 Large b•drooms 2 baths, LOVELY DINING ROOM + room to store your trailer or boat. $62,500. HARBOR VIEW MONTEGO MODEL-FEE \'A CANT. Immetdiate possession <>:> credit approved buyer. 4 Bedroo ms, 2 baths, formal dining room. \rith family room ad.iac:ent to the builtin ISLAND KITCHEN . Lots of ce- ment "'Ork in front and patio. Only t"·o years old ............................. $54,950. ~ •Am::iAlES REALTORS 644-7270 2DI EAST COAST HIGHWAY CDllDHA DEL MAR, CALIF. -----A,.rtment1 t.r ••le 152 , Income Preperty 1'6 REDUCED PRICE lo .~59,900. 4 units -2 lots l\r, 5 unils, all fum ish"d, 100m'" J ~\·erything. Xlnt rentals. Q.'ith oce11.n vit 1v. l'o vac&n· Good cond. Leaving 11.rea. l'Y· Call Bl1ir Realty A~I., 675-0144. 492·9811, San Clfmentr.. PRL\~lE7• ~+~P~l-ox-ol-B=r-.-. ~,-.=-,., Ctm•t•ry I in{·. $700/mo. $62.500. N. Lets/Crypts tS6 Co,;ta i\Tr sa. 5-ii-61:11. _ _C_l\_Y_PT_,-.,-_-40-,-p-,-,-lt-;,-v-;-ei\' I UNIT· W•lk te Behl i\!l":morial Pnrk. Valrnria Coi:rt..Companion·,-'i:-1lh li,.r. f'r\,,. $1:.'(.() C a » h. i n c , lran~rer t"I!. \rr1fl": F'.\11 l-~ltltr·81 ~ Sf'alirt Court, San Di~l{o. Ca . !)'.HO!I. Cemmercial Pr-rty UI Flr1t Time Off•red Cua<;! 111-\'y, Cnrnn a rll"I l\far :: Commrrr illl ,. cl'lfllf':"": $11:i,OOO O\rC Tl)(ri'it~•;. &. 17th St., C•sta Mt51 Top location, \rn•• do11·11 .11 .~r, ~pe~rlahle rf'tum R!!alonomic~. Birr. 675-6700 l & '.? BR. $11f/ i\f . $16 i'.I <In. i09 Palm, If& 8.fi.::9~7. 21 Unit-Nr. Shop'g. 2 lo :: BR, '.? Ba. 8'.?:il Elli!! A\·,.., llB. $1'.!I} ~t 84i-39j i . lots for Sale 170 VIE\\' lot, u nd l!rl rou n rl utilitir s. 112,000 or be.itt of· fer. Only $300 do1\-n. Excfl:l inv,.~t. op po rt u n ity. ---=~~"­OCF:ANVJE\V h !.ll~ir]r lot, .111.::.00. Sht lte r r o1·'"· ll un1· ty,i,;i Cllunty. fl,.~«tl ~r,.;i. 11 ilh a irport. T'vl. ply. 5-!S-;i97~. lwlne1s HevN1 Unfvrn. 305 IHou••• Unfurn. -°"-'"'P_•_rt_un_l1y ______ Coren• ftl Mir L•gwna le1ch JOl PARTNER NEAR Beach. ~parkt l11i ·• STEPS TO OCEAN Br 1 Bii hou-r , (;an lf'tl lt1.!•·•••r.o11·d '.! ]',]( 1 '• l\'1 . pa [;0• J,!tn ~ 1t t:11 ,. n. Lr:{ 1 11 111~ 1'111 '1 lo1·t"ly .AchVI", ::OK c·a,.h w I I h k' \'it·ii· & frpli· \~~5. Uhl pd. m.,,•grment a bility. t.fu~t t'rpl~/<lrp~. air ~ir. pr i I 11 I ' fa,11 Avu 1l \'rarh ho:! 1.ble to J>Up P-rv1J>1!' + pr v. gar. ir ™r/ · 5 S27j/n10. Lf'a Sl', ~~; NU-VIEW RENTAL p1.1rcha.;.1ng, !nventury con· f,J ~I · 1,r 1:• 1 ,14~ trol t.. l"X/lf'd l!ina;. Starling J-'ernl .. ;il,_~d:'ll. '_;. 1 .• 11 --- "al11ry S1» \\'k t tqu"'I BRAND NEW-$48S-l19un9Hil11 wharf' ()t prof it~. Shoul1! 4 Br., 3 Ba t'am. R1n. '.! :\l·\r ., 111 • & di·ll ? ti·• "asily n,.I puly Sl"lectf'1! fr rl·· . C;it !ofl"' d r a r " s • ' ' ' -' Jle.:i11t Jnd ~•'ll , 11 A 11 t •I O\'f't $40K 1 ~1 yr. Jtigirl in-Harbor V1e111 II o n1 c s. \P ~t l,a 1ioo inv1tf'd. Rf'ftn-n· 67?,...'i13l g11 rrlr n pa!iu. C'u~tnn1 cpls Ai h I All I 1lrp· . .'\tr,t • l'l h I n 1' I So cr s '"".<' angrt, _rtp lf':s j llR. •. l "p!c· k p.11 ,,, " f d .. 1 11 •h"a~hf'r & 1.Jlln~. f rplc., h'I" 111 1tr1rt {"(In 1 f'nf'l":. $~/mo. Hao:helor 11"/frp! C II ' •. , --•"·• '"''-'''"'. :.! ror R·11":11o:" A1·J1.1! June. II " .,.._, .• """' "'~'" f, t\O t'1f:i *iiJ...-0.112. (71 4) 63:,....0JO:I. . _!'_~-· ., __ · ll1 1•rl1 •·k~ lr1 .... 11rr \\'orld (est• Mt1• (;.111 c .. uf~"· 1<~1~-';!):'.!. M~---y-.. -L-.. -.--~2~41°'1e Ql'lET Hrlrt>11t : I Br. furn. l.;una Niguel 1 TD L r\r shnr·i:: .. ~1m. 11,.,1,,, ,-1,1,.,.\rr gnlf o·ours,., st oans ALA Rentals e 645-3900 hill.< .. 1 Ill:.:! Bi\. lrpli . ~A· e HARD to B<'at! 2 IJr. srp. tin•. lrtr~. gardrn ln•lsrp £. 6·1'..t,'O INTEREST house, k id!/(>('ls ok. $l~O. slinr. 1·rp1s, SlOO nto. By 2nd TD Loans ALA R•n••I• • 645-3900 ''.''" '""'""'" 3 nit '.? OA. Unf111ishril M1ss1on Vitio tm.·.~sWt 'E'1'e'uoyrao1••0~5°;, hol111~ n n. 01·,.r garage-. ~r. r.E .. \UT. rr. .. 1. 2.,..1y. ~·\·illr S. f'oa~I P!u111, !".1n D1rm IK·rnc 4 r.r:. r.111 1. rrn & S•ttl•r Mtg. Co. t'r\\ Y I.· i\'p!. fni)• ~2~n n111· ,..11 ndr1·~ l.:.:r \"ard. ~n:l 642~2171 546-0611 A\·ilt! :'-1.iy l l. :.J~~:':l. ~:! \11,n'h. ~~() .. .'ij::."'l . SPrvin!( Harbor =rirea 21 yrs. f')1. ;",J()....(11 1·1 afln()(ln & ----"°'1~. -~, .. ~=-~ ~~~~~~~~~~-~-~~I f'\·r"'. ~ nit & l)f'n. '.? ·.a . ""'·'· ~~~~~~-~~-('/J"l. frp!1 ', hltn,;, i.:n~ l:iBQ. I~ Lt: ASL. r\ew '.l .Br: .. 4fl.)..;,;;:i.q "r llJl-OifJI. ttDIMtferftlflt ..-,, hcl\\·d t1r~. cpts, bm. <:e il1n;.:, B h n::::J '.! full baths. u~"'d hrll'k Newport eac II:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;; ~ frplr", f11rm;,l •Jin 1T11 .. !.0.'\1. !t"rrll. \\"a'rr 11i1n1 Sll rikrn li1·1n~ r n1. C)111wr. "'/•li•'k 011 1!Jr lt1;1I T0 r liiin· Hou••• furnl1hed 300 S2J> nio .. 11~-::·11.J JIO-(H'"''· n<·!. Cvniplrtrly 1n(ldrrn 2 G•ner•I 3 BR, 11 ~ BA, hlrn.~. (:pis "' 1x'rlroon1. La.tgt" beamed fl'te rent, util pd., unit~ mgr. $00. walk to heh H.B. l BR hsr. util pd. C.!. Urps, ten«d ~·d. Clr an 8: r·r 1!1nR ]l1·1ng 1non1 . big pav- rozy. A\·ail ;11. 3 I 3 .·; f'll y:i.rrl. ff' n c e cl I: ~umatra, ~1es11. Vt'r<lf'. fif'!s. lnrlflsrn pC"d. Call e\·ening! $240. n10. ~j..-i3:»9. r u r a r prt 1 n Im r n t REr<i'T·A-HOUSE 919-MJO i;;; .. 2?: .11r.1::-1:::i.-•. lalltM l1lend FULLY CARPETED BJ.L't'fS .... Ll:-;t>A :'\10DEL- 3 Bt'droom, 1 bath horn'" "·/ Grrt"nhf'll . :'\Br. 7 Bn. A\'llU LAROE .1 IR.. large fenced yard. Fa n1ilif'~ t.J.1y 1. ~er nr l~r. 0 1\Tier. Older & ch!rming. A\·a1lahlc only at $20:i. per nio. Cnll ti!3-l;J:i ,., .... ~. ye•rly 517., or 11ummer reo-Oi\·nr/agl !37·6.19.~ 546·"141 ~ '.!-H f-:.-0-.-,..-,.-_ ,-1,-,---,~.1,-1-,-.-,~<1.1 taJ $!3.)/ll"tf'kly. fdf'ai COU· ' . plr. :\r. hf'Ach. $.Vil Yrl~. NU-VIEW RENTALS e BELJEVE! 1 Cr. i11ov"'. Cny\\'or1<! nra!ly .>IS.-1290 6il-4030 fir 4~3248 TP-frig, smt ('hil<l. 11\1 u!il NEW l BR , 2 BATH I IL. p I incl. S!lO. I IJlk Bi·h J)A\'.'I b42·7523 • -• enlntu 1 ALA Rentals • 445.3900 ~ . · . Condom1n1um1 l~\AR ~use 1nea~ Bay. 1 ~r. e COZY Cott11gf" -I Br. Unfurn. 320 ,16~~."-F.·00J;_"~ ne. s11.. 1_r e · slovf', refrig, cpl ldrp.--, utH --. ---------1 ., ~ •• ,,....), 1>:1. uua, or . 1 .,1?. Irvine <·all : l'.?13) ti72-2031i. inc ~ --'· ---------- d I M ALA Rtnt•ls e 645-3900 1\0\\' ;t.t··iil plu~h 2 BR Cnn· Corona • 1r --. , . . .1 BRD &· f;i m, lo\·cly gard"n 11•1. ~210. Adul:.<. h'\'lnr . (..11Art~l!:-O:G 2 Bfl·'.! Ba-Cnpe hon:e, in :'ll"'s.t \\".-:..-ii:I~. :rr.:1 .. "2l...fJil2, ~;1-16t)3, :1'.?.>-12;}1. Cod Cottar.:r. Ju~t r.~n1odeJ. 11'.:i~e. ~l~ Sa n J:.afacl Cir· Duplexes Unfurn. 350 ~!. T'r 11• l~if("hC'n k ;q1111. elf', ?13-2~&-1 '.!29. ~lidi n,i:: door opf'n" to pa110. 4 Ur.'.? ba. fully 1·ptd 1 111-p<l. Capistrano B•1ch gTf'l"n hs .... & ~artlf'n. S!f'p!' hltr.< inrJ rl~h11~hr, l~l' fr n,·. , ., 10 Jitllf" Corona hearh &. d ba k cl \. t. " r.r. -~. <'TPI~. d~. g11r. shoppin". $400 mn. Oavs c·I "...u:~· · :~·1 •1 :_:it · tn,.,.I yard. 2 rhildren t>k. .. . (l"an.~~<AJ nllJ,-.N<>-"'· ~r·i ·~rn~"' 6'. lfl4 .. \"I' 644-"~~~ -.•.. 1 1110. ,1.,.,...... • ., .. 1, ~-'.::....:_' -·:·•·---:: Hr... 2 ba hOmf', ffl(rl )Cl. ·---------SUMMER RENTAL dh! z.ir. \\"-~id,. s:.i:::o nio Coron• del Mar Atlracti\'l": 2 Br., frpl{'. homf'. int'! 11·:i.1rr, .~l9-26·1f.. t·o n Lf'a~··Comna. 1lrl .\1.:ir ~ l Block to beach. Ava il no111 $13mrt. crpt.~. drp~, ipl, Rft. '.!' ~ hath. f1rC'plAce, tor. ~PP.ro~ .. ~ mos. h\!Pt~. \'Ac\ !\.ids Oli:. n11-1n '. \\°,;!k 10 hf-ri<"h & r 2i .1ut1ill11'S pa1(J. R•nt-A-Hous• 979-1430 sh,,ppl n~. /\0 ti. £.40·1'.!39, NU-VIEW RENTALS i\fis~ Phill ip.~. 6j3-40::0 or· -19·\-:!:."!4'1 i\lesa V!"rd<' · 1;;:. :I Br, 1 :1~ ;c-.,.--..,.--------=~~~-~-,.--,.--.-ha lain rin frp! patio Costa Mesa \rALK to b.!arh. :-::n:;I~. <"pl~.. .··.1 bl 611 '$"-· ~· :0 10' ---------- kiri". $11,J. L.n n:-" lot plus ft\ai a '" · ·'"'· ....... ,, ' DUl'J.E.'\ 2 BR, gnr.. )T ri., ~a rag'". * '.! Bit Hou<f'. no Pf'I<. riri pa!iri, ~11ai 1·rpl, 1!rApr11, RE~T-A.JIQL';;F. 97~.ll-l ~O $160 per mo. 37:i Cl l"a nlng bltin-kil. .~170. 54:'rM~9. CllAR~lli\(; 2 C•· ho11~". _!!_t>. 1996 Pomona A\""· Ntwport Be•ch rr.ri.r11rr Jl.•;11 1 ·~. n<i p•I"' vr :l Br:. utilitir:-; pd, $1:.0. mo. (:h1l1lrton . $'.!7:1. tii'.i-41fi<l. 1!164 '.\l,.ytr r111'" <rear 3 RH.':! 1311 . A\'ail :.11». ~'"" hnu~"I. 1lrM r . 1 hll.: lo (>('f;in. -----~---1 yrl~. fl.1.0.:;3:..o r\". ----------!• '.? Br:. 1 Ea To11·nho11~,.. $8) Ulil Pd -F urn i)ac-hr lor P.11:., /r;.ar. P oot. S~i J·:l sicl,., A\'ai1 no11.· . . . f hil<l/Ol-\. nn f.l"I< i)j-~400. $1'.?0 -l.lt il pd 811.chrlor, full • ---------El Toro kit. l."On~1<lrr pr!. $1:l9 -1 BR Apt \·rry n1~·r. 4 PLUS DEN :sn.i PNoou'.v"'1'E•Wk .. R. E. NTALS 2 Bath. frplc., h I t . i n s . Apts. Fur". 3'0 c11.rpe1~. c!raPf'~. RMaR,..l---------- 6T3·40:lO or 4!)4.~248 frn<"d y<i rd. <'hi.lrlN>n &: pr1s G•neral CHARMING 1 BR. 11 "11'tlnir. ~2:.n Firf'pla<"'" home. t-:icely turn. _!'4U·VIEW RENTALS A ~ clo~·i4 k stnraicf'. Lrg. 61 :::..•VJ."\il ••r ~'.J..i....:12~~ 1-~x~.o· p:1!io. F'./'-'ir!I" !r)C. H ,. I e h Bold New Concept ~1 1;;,, un 1ng on ••c NU-VIEW RENTALS e CY'17.Y -1 nr~. f\·r hf'.i!'li . \:73-4(1~0 or ~~l-~2411 1\1d~ ~1 111 r~t nl.:. s 11 ;,, FURNITURE RENTAL L1gun1 Beach ALA R•ntals • 645-3900 .. i\lritith lo f.!0n1h BACHELOR e REAL J."intl: 2 nr. r ncrl .~ ER, 1. BA. A Rf'a.I Br;i,uty. All f'if'('lri(" kitrhrn. '.! c;11r R'atagr. rlin. rm.. rl"nrrd yard. (",.f)()(j IO<"n!tnn. $'.?000. cln. Sl R!l. l('lla.I monthly, Drivr by 96.il !'111111~h. 1hc n ra 11. PAINTING'S DONE in l hiq 5 bdm1., '.l li;L horn ... I1!t;'a.I for larn-rr f:i.n11Jy, sit· 11;itl'd on qui"! r11l ·dC·.~:ir­ !ltrrr1. dr f"<lr111nr rlr;if'I'"~ anr/ prn(".~~iCln;iJ J:indsrari1ng. .\t!,1(1ft LIDO REAL TY INC. ::.1;7 \'1,1 l,1./.1. l'\,r:. 673·7300 Jlr1gh,, rhl't'ty! :; Br., 1·'~ 11a .. :;.r lnl. so patio. Offrr~ Acr••I• hr 111• l!;i 151 0 11·r . 111n:.:in11". llkr . 673JiiJ6. I ----------- Ntwpert Stach L'OLORADO. 5 •ere pa.rctl!!. full prief', $1.!0:I. Also 10 L· ~a('. l\,.ar mountahw, hun· ti ng & rishin(. $1:.0 clo\1·n, $30 mo. Call \Vay n ~ , 7141887-33.19. Cendeml"iur111 fer ••I• HO LA GUNA Brach vie-,.,, lot, un· dl"rf{t'Oun•I ulllitiei:;. $1'.!,00l or best otftr. Only $500 clown. Ex~!. invret. opportunity. ~SA Verd"'c·· 2 BR,dl BA. 644-17Zl. i .. -n irtory. UJ>e''· ?'ape'tl, 1-~--~--~---£"ar111r... poo!. B_y o\"\·nt'r Ne11J!Orl Lot. Irvin'!" A"'"· $JJ.4:il. 54;i-0m3. ~~crifiN". S"G.i:JO, T'h'I U4 :::ull1v•n, flltr. ~~~7~1 Mountain, Desert, Reaort Norlh .End. !\ear beach. yrll.. t~ncl 1ar, kld~/prt.~. Idea! BinRle pe rs on. ~1 5.-.. Availahle yr a r I y , $75 ALA R•ntal& e '45-3900 ulili!lt s p:i\rl. NU·Vll!W RENTALS 673-46.:"'fl or 4~-311'\ Hou••• Unfurn. 305 *WE hAve a lar::e ~"'ltc!ion or 3 and .. brdroom homef lh;it c1n h,. fJi('V•d in!o :almost lmme<liattly on ()Ut * lll(l~O Purchase Opllon • \\"ide Srlrcllon. Style.Colon. * 2" Hour Dtlh't'ry ' illJge Real Estate 531·5111 C :::: J Sll-5100 -----... AVE ! • Br.111d nr11.· Tihuron ne:v~r li\'<'rf in: Sf'll1n:: nrw for $29,j()(}. I 11·ill ~,.11 lnr $'.16.500. t.·ln. r aym. '.i'.?2·'- Tntn~ff'J'T('ll in :i mo',: Mhind in pymt. ~,. ! makr my apnt an nffrr. A.srt'n! !'162-.-..·.11 PANICSVI LLE·- 0\V:\Eit ha~ alrl"ady mo1"rl ;uxJ mu~t ~rn immr rl Larr;r -4 hdrm., 2 ~lory hnm!" 111!h fonnn.l rt in1ni:: a rr :1 .i nt! family room. Only $?J,'j()(\ Sec it toclny~ Call ~.Y• SHERWeeo REAL TY JMl&f Brook:tiurst. r . \' TREES ti ROSES II 11 h sprinklrrg lo care Jor thr m A bl: com rr lot 1\·i1h a boot pt!! and 11 1lnubl,. 11;ir .• o" an 111lley. A Of'al £ 1•\ran :: BR ho~ and 111U this for SJ.00 101111 m,it~. llurry: Thhl: i11 a !!.lf'rpe.r 11t S2i.:ll0. larA•in r,.a]ty inr., !lf,8--«().j, An)1imr . WALK TO-il!ACH A IJ'ftl 3 Br., houlllt. Scrttn· ~ In patio. Boat p t,. Brtakt.1~! hAr A: l&undr)' room Lo'"' low do¥.'n £. p11.y~nt~ lf>~s lh•n rPnl. r nn 540-117l,·,:,, SHERWeeD REAL TY ll!Xi l Rrnokllul"!ll, F.V. •'\\'h i tr fJepnant~" aver· nmninJ? ~r hou"P! Turn tMm Into "CASH '' -91!'11 th(>m lhru D•lly P 11 o t (ired hill HEALTY Univ. Park Centrr, ln:1nr CAll Any!i m~. &~l0.~20 in 1hr \r,.~1 ... a Oa1l.1· I' 1lo1 Cl;i.~.~i f1ed Ad. S.!:?-~18. !!ARBOR Vi1"11· lfom~~ -1 BR., cornf'r Palrnno, lush ;\'trai;. .l&l,9.--0. O w n e. r . 6-14-4i2·19. . H!.t'rFs -Lin<!R :'llrvl,.1 - (;ref'llhf'IL:: Er, '.?IA!. a\•a.il :'\lay 1. S.11., or 1~. °"'""r. f;jJ .... •l:i..'\.1 l"\'r-;. Dime-A-Line &l:!-r~73 A SLEEPIRI 2.5 8 (' h11.y 395. frontqe. V vel, ,Jf'C, ID prop. Only $3500 F.P, w/ll":nni!. Bkr, 644-41170. $©\\JtllA.-~ti~S" ThP Puu/p with th@ !uill-fn Cbaclfe • ~_z,.....A~R~E,.....c ~1 ·~ .1 1·11.§ . • i-j -H.-ure_or-.;.;.x ~1 .; "":J: nolbd '"" mid . I I I I'. "'" .....,. __ '° r-;P:-A:-:-R "'"H ""o""",......,I 'f<N1 t--rl ..... ' Tll ''""'lr-'Tl .-,...1 -I G e-t.: ,:-,,., ~ 't°:!:'t . . . ,.. .i...1op '""" ... No. 3 a..r- • f'P INT NlJMl!f~lO UTTfll'i IN "lll['iE SQUARES • UN~Ct.AM8tf l£TT~R'i 10 I rrr ANSWER • 1· r r 1 SCIAM-LETS AN$WERS IN CLAS$1PICATION IOO 6 Unit• E•tta.luff r\I::\\"f'ORT BEAC11 2 BR., 2 balh unifll'. 2 yr s. old. Fully carp, It draped. Covt'hd parklna. Bfllt kx:a· ..... l!M.000 . ......... 0 -La 7 HDUSIS ••• 2 LOTS Fixer upper 1 and 2 Bdrm. $17.l. mo. ine6me, Sl0,000 dOlfn 84.2-1771 $79,SDO. * CENTURY 21 * l'OUR-PLEX 3 BR townhouR, 3-2 BR apts. Ukt new. fJI.~. Ollt'n dally 1 tD 5prn. 21732 So. Drook· hunt, 11unlinstan Bet.('h. PrrE BAJ'tRETT REALTY, 142-SlXI. 174 P..Pnt-Op t l on pl•n .517\V, 191h, O f G.".r.t ----------SJ!ER\VOOD n F. ALT y . '.li.·tG N. :'l l.1in. ·'A ttBIG BEAR LAKE -------1 540.1555 Only $3,995, C11.bin nestJtd in , LANDLORDS! \.\IAl'.'TED-SomtoTII" 10 rent i;ii;o.-1sfind th@ woocl!. ''Try it, you'll \\!'! SprclalLte ln Newport Ulen it!" CaD Ron cn4) Bnch e Corona del Mar e lh\:i: 1 BR: D 0 l I h 0 u 8 e' * \\'0~1EN -!-;ingJ,. Ronm'I'. 5J6..17!8 Cll' write: Spe11cer Lquna e I: Dana Point. ~~Y ;:~:rd:......':;',.~ta~ 1V R.!11, ki lche~: ~\'in1er ~ Real Estah~. P.O. Box 2828, "Our RtnlaJ Sf'rvlc'! is FREE BBQ Avail 4129 Jni/mo per mo & up. ti1r:W~t Blc Bev Lake, C=rilif. to You! Agt 5JG,..gg74, . . \VATERfnONT I Br, fpl, FRAZIER P k K ,._ NU-VIEW RENTALS pvt palio, pki;:-. Yrly ()r 'Iii HmJW ror ::~ w~r;' 1;;: 673...COM or 494-3248 3 BJ~., den. crp!.", drps, frpl , Junr 30th. 400 S. B<iyfmnt ~---~=----·I p;t!Jo, boat/cnmprr s!or, B · fruit tr1~. beaut. vilf'I\•, }'ree rent 1.:J DR. units mar. near brach. $2.50. 64~l8:J7. •Ibo• Peninsul• pl&cf' to rtitire or ,,,.lmd!l'. $90 1 BR hm,, klcl!l ~1'17. $1001 BR kp horse~ ru.:tdr. Irvine 2~~r··.11 ~! ba., pnt io, baleony. 1~0-A~==~,~.~La-ncl~cut-,-,-.-..i-,· 1i11s 2 BR fncd, kldw/pet~ 1,;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;l ... l.1 E . Bay. µ:i0 mQ. on yr. l' I~. ln11. AJ!t c. 61.'.l-JJ71 or or exchanie. O..vner. Mu!!t !1l'i 2 Bn fpl lf.B. 3 BR, 2 Dath.~ SlX:i/:tl'l SIR-7771 dl1p:11te. 2131881·53!' ~ + dP-n \\'llk to bch Crlr-.J 3 BR. 2 BA., fam rm s1,1~1l,e0i1i115i,Uw;iKi""i•~u;;p;;-;0;:-:0,,,---:I RETIREMENT cabln ~a.r Rent-A-Heuse 97f..IUO l BR. 2 Ba .. fam. rm. $.\iO ~ . n rran e LOVELY NEW 2 Blt Condo J BR. 2 Bath:it $350 J.ovtly Bach · 1 Br,· Room:!i !:!":m °n't,1~, ~x ~~ with all, the' extnA. lpcllted 4 BR 2 Ba., Fam. Rm. $37' r-.ta.Jd •ervict-Pool·Ulil Pd. ~""-•---t hi I BR 2" ba I $390;i e Cll.ll 67>87to e '-'""'11.111: nr un: .. •Y· rt• auran , . ~ .• am. rm. mtotts, etc. Easy Jlvint at l BR ntlll' be•ch ·, bt.y, pk.g, Ro:; F•rm•, 1• Sl:20. Pf.f mo. Call qent ~ry. Mwly Tf'nov . "I 1 I 11 &IM141. /mo yr!y. 67J...4526. \1111 ( !L ! TRADE LEASE/OPTION Cut~ 2 BR, 2 BA, JOOI home. Avail tmmedi•ttly -Aae.nt 175-'lm -C.P.1. .... -J:11rl l11 r "SINCE 1916" 3 &droom pool houte, In l~I \Vt'.SIC'm Bank Bide. N19tprt ttrl1ht!I. $3!5 pr Uni\·ersily Park, Irvinr Co"'"" dol Mor LRG. Barhelor, l Blkll bit!: Corona, ut!I pd. S150 yrly. 1 adult, no pet.11. 642-852Q Open 30!! Carnation. Apt. 2 CdM ' month, lnC"ludlns pool D1y1 552·7• N'91tts llff'Vlce. 646-TITI Apnt. Cena Mtu NEW DL."X O.na )>(\int duplex $49,000, 13952 Sil\•er Lantem. Webb, Bid'. GU-4905 DUPLEX wantl'!d by private party in N. B. Prin. anly. 173-7813 or 646--41WS. • oiiUXi t-Plh a.ta MNI. I!~~!!!!!!~ prtme l"lnta:I ana, Xlnt fblc. 1-. ! BR for OWM!'/OttUpant. By (111.\'Mr, TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT 3 BR. 2 balhl •• $!1$/l3$/!411 * $22.50 WK • Ul'- 3 BR. 2 bl., f1m., furn •• StllO e 5tudlo A I Br apt!I lll~l . 4 U•lt• S duplexes $17,000 WALJ<l:R 6 LEE, 11'."C. 1n't 56-1111 HOUSE Hun~T Watch tht OPl:N HOUSE celumn. • WANT AD 642-5671 3 BR. 2 ha .. f•m. rn1 • · U40 e Rnom $1A A Up. 4 B1l 2%i bath•.··· $3.15/375 TV, lin<'nll', b111byRllllnr Snv ired hill REALTY Univ. Parle Centtr, Jrvlnt Call Anytime. 833."{1821) av111ll, rrc rm, utU pd, •wtm pool, T.V, rm, all m-.jor t'redit c"'rrl.11 l'l76 Nf!\\•port blvd. . s.u,.9755 Th l.11 at1 worlh $~1 on rent Jl8vt iOmC'lhi"I j'aU '!\'II.Ml to •ll! Cla1111tled ad11 .ii) tt I I I ' • I I ' DAil v '1LOT 13 j~~~~~~~~~~~~I I [~; .. ;"";'""';;";"'; .... ;;~] [;•;} ~'-'"'_'""_"_" '_~_. _""__J ~ "'"'""'" ·~ "'"' JI•! I ~'"'"" I~·~· I ~[ •• ·'."."".··.· _ ... _ .. _ .. , ___ . ,_~_1 l ~-_""_""" :~ R•:J l "1 / Ap•s. Furn. 360' Apt. Unfurn. J65Apt. Unturn. J6S I Apr. Unfurn. 365 Apt. Unfurn. US ! Apt. Unfu rn. '?II •~1•· 1~:1 LHt.Mr. .. ~ ]~ ~~~,~~~ Office Rent•I 440 1 Found (frff •d1) SSO 365 Apts., Coit• Miia J ~c:ieral Gener ii I ;C;o;s;ta;;;;M;;;;e;s;a;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Huntingtof' 8e•c:tt Newport Beac:h Ca1a del Oro 1;;;;;;=====;; Furn. or Unfurn. Cost1 Mesi 370 * Ol :Ll'X[ r'\el"Ul •I " llU i!f' ~\l(1K f.·i1!~ i'tlll <",ti 1, of , ... rt1ct,o. C.1n,,.1l'd, I 1:r1J\\ 11 11·ht p &: ••n111<1.1·h "'hi "1.1. U'llLJTJ;·'> "'"" EL CORDOVA APTS. I ON BEACH! .~" ·~/1.1:,. i.>t :u1\' )ull ,,, .: From $145 · .,,1u111 <Ir · u;11P<l. '•',111ir i··. Furnislied & Unfurni1lied • ~·:1 .. l·.r11.~ k!1, '\t'n 1'. ·h, 1 111 1 ~11~'.:1~lic·r -:"ill;i~ l"J 1·petu1~ -\Valk-•n 'lu:.- ,: •l"l"! i.:· I I.~-· c I 1·11rl'l'd ,\1r )/t.',,1 r:x 1ra L<ll"l!P Ho o 1n ... - • ···1" ;,i .. 11 ,11 • 11r , 1 :~·:1111111'! t;an1c F:oo1 :1 -llc.:ited Porit -llBlJ ·~-• I :. i'"'·t l,., , ........ · ,, I I , • 111 · '>.•t'(I (,Jr<i;:t·s. lJ uicl s urrou ntlin~:>: ~111 tl • Pi'',.··· f.' ..... ' t l1 1:·t' 1u .,1J l1ppin ,::. {N1· llai·bor & lliln11!tun ~: l • (",o~,•11 i ~' 1,:.-1• ·l,l.IC'" • L • Adult Living -No Pets. ,. <I I !tr " ·' rlliU'IJ I~ null• 2 , ,. 077 Cha1·I• St., Coslil Mesa le ;:·'rt···: l :,lr " • 1\,j r.1 ~.'1(('~< • _.,,r I '" ;_.;, ,j \\I '1 pi.i :1 1<111'1 ll•'•ll'·"·" -'•<l•1,, :1\ .r.;: 11 ·~ nc 1 L;i r ~,. 1 r.1: ~!7, l .. rll.Jlll-S FTI I 1· ::s:i \\. \\'1h,u1 ~.:~-!:);1 Wea1o8.11u20 *BRAND NEW* 1;1: ••.•• "i l:>!J ..... f-'uru '! HI: ..... 'i:t:'lt ..... ~·1111 1. t·1·1v;1(r• p.1lllh, l11sh l.(<1r,/1 •!•, 1·11rror1... 111 ~:. ~~ttil :-.1 . C .. \1. ;,i~·OL:7. HOLIDAY-P LAZA- Dr·:LLi:\ I. :"-p;H '"'h I r;r: f111·11 ;.pr \l ~j I lrqtr1I 1•1 1111 , ,,n1 plr pnl'klll:':. A1h1lt.. 110 pe r ~. Hl(i;, i'•1111•,11u /\1,.., {~_,J. LA 11GE I~r. apr. '.\'~11 (l rapo"~. ,.;hH.: c l\ I' p I '~ Carf.K.'rl A· lndry. ;,;r ~hnr':;; ,If, ~{·hols S \-IO + , ll'p, !l'.1S f-'.I ('an11n<1, Ap! t, ('~I , ;).IG--f...i:.1. ** Lrg 1 .l li">. s;:i A!1'11111n,·c Br :;arllt"n apl. -;10 \\'. 18th 64j-Z>5J0 •• pool I .'' · A\',\IL no11•. '! B-,,-.-1-,-,-B:i. l\1nhousr. nrw tt1rn . lff"·h p111 111, l"""'I \o pr t Jo. 6.tl--1221'1. -----------DL:'\ .! bl" 111111 ;11•1 JlMl. r·IU•f' T<) ~hop~ i\(lull~/i'O r 1'!.•. ~ltilJ. )'ill Pornnn;1. C:'l-L ---·----$SO Move In Allowance Et.:">! GAR nF:i\"S APTS SJ1111Jy la ll'n-f'n..)!-~1~0 l "p. Ji7 r. 22nd ~!. 1;.12.::G-r •. r 1r .t! ··d J 11-h , ,1 HACIENDA HARBOR Fron1 S 150 I •1:u ;xE I" "llLUl\00\1 , Furnished & Unfurnished 642-4470 :1111>l -(;;11;;g(·:-. -Sil;'.~ lc1rpL·t 111;: !u·r -1\!i L:t1IJ\1cs Paid. Adults Only -No Pet,. 241 Avocado St., Cost1 Mes" 646-1204 MESA VILLAGE APTS. 3 BEDROOM-$150 2 children welcome, no pets Fori·cd .\1r llctt!in:•. -\V:itcr l'<1 iJ -,·;;1;·pc1 · IJrapcs · Bui!!-in S101·e -(':irpf"I -StalJ Sho11- C'r · f,;111nd r.v Hno111 -Ftntc:d \"ar c!. 1046 El Camino Or. =A, Costa Mts• 546-73 31 HIODEN VILLAGE APT S. Home·Like Living Families Welcome! 2 BEDROOM-2 BATH From$1Sc; r·arp(·1 ~ -!Jranes -Air Cor.dil :onnt! -J'ntl os- f'd p;:itio~ -llP;Hrd JJool -f orced 1\i r lieut . Carport & Storage. 2500 South Salli, S1nl1 An.1 'en\C'r 2 blks \V, of P.r i!'.l o!. off \\"arn~~ ,in Linda \\'ay, so11 th to\\'. (;ent,.alj 546-1525 VILLA MARSEILLES SPACIOUS 1 & 2 BEDROOM APT. Furnished & Unfurni1hed Adult living l )1sh 1ra~her r·olor <·oordinaled appliances 1-'lu sh sha g tflrpet -n1i rrortd \\"<'lrdrobc doors- 1nclirc("t li g h tin~ in k1tc!le 11 . breakfast bar - huge pri\·atP fenced patio -plush Jandscap- ir1 i.: • hr1 rk J~a r-be·Que s -large heated pools S.: J;1nai. 3101 So . Bristol St., Silnta Ana ATTRAc:-E-s;do 2-BR. 5S7-B200 Bl l ·111~. 11111,0. r•J()I. run1.u11f COLDWELL, BANKER & CO. rro111 s 1.10. ,\rll1;:. 6•12<l."i2rl, MANAGING AG&NT Furn. 8-.-c-h-o 1-o ,-, -,-8 r' i 1 !1 ~~l!l. JJlll•llJl!!!!!Jl!iili!i!!i!iiiiii!!!i_~_i_ii_ ~--ii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!l!!l e1peci•lly nice. 2110 Apts. Furn. 360 Apt. Unfurn. 3'5 Newpo_•t_B_l_vd_ .• _C_M __ . -N-ew-.-.-,.-B-.-.-c-h___ Costa Mesa DEL L":\~: ! 1..>r "l l.lr. nr .~twip~.1 ----------­ Po.•: .\1111 .;. no Jlf'f.;. l "t1J p<l . • • 11\ B.\Y-~f~,\I~ LIDO 1-.,i 'ilr•nt'()\·.a .-.i~~Y,. I" .·.• 111 I H.1n n 11 / Prn· --!'., " \:'• 1/1nn. Ll1I inti. A\".\11. ;-. .. 1· ! s .. -.: Bi· lnrn . 1. STABILITY PLUS SECUR ITY HARBOR GREENS 2 Bedroom or 2 B1droom & Oen 11/1 Ba or 2 Full B1th' "n·l<'r i;11f' bndn:w•m s 11•, 1~1i::h lu nlll C'f'il111g~. li1.t"~f' l!\ 111g 1••'•1111\"1 i,:as 01· 11·0<111 bu1111ng f11r p!&i•f', Cnn\'en1Pr,t la1tn· 1)1·y area oft i-;!l<"hPn. 'f:n- ' !tJ<f'd patios. 2 ~11·1111min~ 1•--•L-<. ~nuna, t ccrcatictn 1.or1IH1e~. :'l !ODELS OPI.:N' 541>-0370 :'/',\C. :l & ~Hr 0111. Sl40 up. !'0>11 , •·pl/clrp, hltn:<. kid,, I !1~11; ;\ l. q1l<' \\." 1 '.'.'(~; (:1.l!rgf' i\o. !'i ti~2-iO:;~ --~------ VL I:\ I \":'\fl -r."'\. -,: Bf:. Vru111 ~:iii:, ADL LTS O~L\' }'11n11t11re ;\v111holJlc , C a r 11 c ts-d1·apc.<»<l1J.:!11t·a sher hf'all'd pool-saunns-,cnnis rrc roun1-0eea11 v itws pCt!ios-an1plf' parkin~ Sct·url1y Gunrds. HUNTINGTON PACIFIC <1 1 OCF..\:'\ 1\Vt: .. 11.C. 17111 [;36-1•187 Ofr open 10 am-6 pin Daily \\'ILLIA:'ll \VALT!::ftS CO. Lll.\F. r>i·i1·1\l·y a cl j a c,. n t ,..,·hwl, p11r k. ten111~ rls~ Co1nf' lo 16382 IX'J ton Cir,·!,., !J.B. i)<'lu.xr "l Bil.. 1 1~ Ba apt 111 .1.plC':-.. Children 1,tlro111<'. ("all 1!4i-O:.r.;,. SEA AIR APTS -$11S Ll'i;. :'.!Bit. Crpl ~. drps. hltns. 1 IJ!k N. or Ada111~ ufl Beach Chd. i:?!'1 J\"u. ti U11l'a . :J,it>-:l7~~f 01" :1:lf>-iO;u :: BH. \'• 1·on1plrl!' d l't'OJ". & J!<l.\i(I, '.! ~6-16j1. 0<1. \\'a~h/Uryr t1ltn~. N ,. 11· l y <"l"ptd, lncd ~tl ., 1·Hr <·arporl. 2 BH, apt, l\"e11· 1\·/1v crpt, (ll"p~. bltn~. Gar a i::,. , ~arl>agf' d isposal. !)62-8j78 fo r :ip111. SPACIOUS ' Bd r 111 ., 1ls\\·.~h1\. rrfns::.. rf'rrntly rrllerol";;lctl. ~127. l\o pet,;. 846-jl27. --;\T0\0'f~: ~l~C--OT"o'~a~A~V~­ f"ro1n $1::9. hid~ 1\·clcorne 2 Er, all xlra~. rioor. 8 17-~9 or 968-7:,1 0 ~· B1' a1•1. 1 •l<1~1·<J ;_:;11''1 ~(', rp!:-, oi l'!"· { iJild ,r,. ~111;.JI I'• I 01.\. \I I.> 11111. !l li-'t!lHl. j\"f-:\1' l.1ri.:f• I ll11 S13:1 1mo. \.ird \\;ilh 1., ll11 01111i::ton Cr r11•·1-. (';oil ii 1 :,;Ii .l M Irvine PARK WEST APARTMENTS Bdrm. From $160 2 Bdrm., 2 Ba. From $195 l );,.: Pnrk\·1('1\· Lane Irvine. IJu~t orr S...o D ie~ F1vy al Cull·,.r r.J) Mesa Verde Preview Showing l.11x ury l'IPllrlment>J with OCt';On and harbnr '·iews. Smog lrt<e. 14- }1our palroll~. t<ncl~ t:0mnu1nity for~urily. SFOO,OCWJ recr~•tion11I c:ompl,.x. tiinglM, I, 2 J1nd 3 bedroom lui:ury units up to 2,<XXl 11q. fl. t•roN $\H .,o.. t o $7'6 inn. \ ,.,, uo on• <!oy.' t.. ~ w •n!• •~• ~<...obw•. U.pl. UP 1 ~ ()"I 1..-11.Ul'JS AT HIVl'f'Ol.r l\..nald J. :;d1"t~-'. C>mp1nll ~.1:'!.~~t:~i~ ... ~=ii~~ ~~6~ t;t!">.l,o,ti() ··--........ --...... ,, -aiiEATHTAKING VIEW S~;·, ll\i!!f' "l BP. Apl. H1 011 1'111 rk Bay Bl11!1 \I'/"!. p\·11·at,. bn\cona•;, l'rplt•. Jtratri! PQVI. L.O;t<l~ uf ,·(ri~f'I!', ; I-\ [kln11n~u Dr. 1Cd:'ll IL:l> 'Ji9-12tili. BRAND NEW All Utilities Paid 20102 l31rch ::>i. !nr. l).f'. airport, :->. of Pali~adrs Rd 1. r~riv. patin. Dilhard ro1., jAeuzzi. Nr, l:C 11-..·inr. nt.11r. 557·42%. NEW_2_B-~R~~2 ~B~A-. - '20432 Santa Ana Ave. (,\,·ros,; f1'01n S;..nta .\na Go:f Cour~el. Sl8i 0\1·h1", frpll', prlv pallu. J!eatcrl :;1\·un- 1n1n::; 1tOUI. ___ M~' _ 979-1261 ::iP,\CIOUS Adult ~ Bl"! apt 11/11·p1,·. r>1·-.u;11Jlr .\.11 111 l!~lo l•w. Sl'-"· ill' 10111'1· 1n f'X chang•· 1·or Iii" n1:Hll· \(•nanef". ~,JS...!lo~:i.-1. == ---,---,,-8f:A1.'T 1Fl"l~ <)l'('an Vu :-ilUdiP ,q11. 2 bl',:! h;'!, hitn~. ti rp~/r.rp1~. bnll·0n)', pool. ~nr, P\'t. Yrl~ ~:i:.o, 1 l()I }" St1po l"Ltll", \J~1", :'\!:. •• \\ ,\Tl·.J~~ \1J::t-v'--:.!~B01-·.-j l'.a, }!'t<.t"ly a \"(1 ;I. :'\o . i\ppt. lr.i,~<'. fl(' IS". Sidi!' !ir tii3--824!) Crpl ~/lirp,;., hltin~. gar. :\r. llw;; Ho~p. Fron1 3li2.:io i\rlul !i. 641-1~S7 A~! 1lr11perl &· p,n'f"lt d !'1 • •'Tip!! on no~" JllrTI["'<i tron1 WE'Sl>BlllJ 2.1, 1.irl-.111)(11111•1••1• '~''• ,,,1 '" 1·1t· \lt<Ja Vr:rd c Ill' ll"ll I 111o111 .• .i \\ ,., J.,I) d' ..!' ;., ~J•.111.1 111'~ : 1;.11 i ·~ •• 1,h 111111a 1111r11;i11. •' I .I ":i-· -.,-11-,-,.-,-,-,--,.-11-,,-1,-.-,-,-,1-. I <tl•I.,. J'U.•I. ·'f"'· lu !-.l1 I\.,,,;, l,o.i,11 l:1•;:;1t; /"•, ,,:;,.1 l )•llii. .\4.J!I (.\-ld~<"fll;:. ~arilRf·~. AdulJ-. ~I 1., ... 1~"' -''' \", .\It;~ \",.n!1 _Cl ub h'O!H $!1j. Al~u 11\·;ul. !1 1111 j ~·I, llll"\! .. 1r -1 ;;\11•·~ ... 1~1 j h·•'. \ ,]l.J ~ .J..l\J·-1!••1 1:.1 J-:. :.11.-.1. L' ~I. tO•lG \1,,\; ' . ' I I - ' ----.•lt1 •.~1•1 I \I I' I .• ""\,\1i 1Y!·,!I ;-.h•'f>ilf'1ol •. lp- f'tunfingfon Be•c:h 1'••1·• ~·_:1 •1 ·• ,,,,.i.J I"''' 1 )I. rili1, .... 1i,.p11 .. rd l•I<'• ,, ·'I. 1,,u 01·i11.;1> 1o1 j 1<1~l'k11·n. \'t•· l fl•tr".t\"Ul· NEW SANDPIPER ~:arly -•tiird '-pl'C"1,.1 .... 1 r.1: fron1 $1::.-.. :! SH tron1 'I , Furn/l.inlurn. '·uul i"u](q 11- t.·1·101"'-!lo""VI. Jti•'u111, 111 .. 1r l'tOSI Holland !•1'11". II 11· 11n1<:ron Jirat·h. ~17-'• . .'• VISTA DEL MESA Apertmants &. :.! UR. Furn. k I n1. D1 sh11·;1.~hcr -Stn1r I:. 1:1·1 11.:. Sha~ 1-rpc"i: L;:r- ~·('1\hT. l:F::"\T ~t :i 1·t ~ \J.,, Irvine & Mesa Drive * 545-4855 * OAKW-000-GARDEN Apa rtments \fir~nr! L11·1n~ !111 Arlul1..: Uni~ • l\E\\T'Or:T lll-.1\l ii !titl1 <1 ! ln 111,. ti4:>-0jj() or I , r 11 I '' I " •• • -" '•1'-•11·• r ··1 j,1.-.... h1 "ll l :• '' I .•,., Once In A Lifetime I. ' ' " l'l"I"' 1'' • l'" .1· ,1 ! Ir: • !1,11~1 ""'1cnr1 '• pl·nr• .1:1 '!'' .11 11.•". r;. ~•'••I !" I• I ! loiU ll .•lih• 1111 ;,11011. COLWELL PROPERTIES. INC. REALTORS 3425 East Coast H1~hw.1r Corona del Mar 875-7225 \I .I 1' ,_ " I,,,., I f>•lo'f'I I l .,:"1•11 t. 11i11te } ' ... u.•1 -1/l 7 R,. 11 r h . , •'l \11 · ,1111 •. ..:ic. l·l ar;. t: '"'"' 'Ill I !•!\ \OI• 11 .. 11 . \ .. 1•r ... u · n...11ch. \" 111 z:rd. (",II t>.1'.!-~1~t . l l\\."'\ .'. "• .,.-£·"·''" ~ (' hna u1r1 ·1·r··• r ! \., I "Cl. , i ,. 1'/•'1 1.IHL." ·'"•l··"pyt!,.1· h1k,. ' •·· 1!,1J,n,;, )11' '\ r.. \all 1- .''' .'.:.l~n~1-~:::_:: __ _ ~-E.\1/\1./~ 41"'f:-. t 1r· Foun· I I <111 \";ir)r' • ,,., >:':ti<i l~l I ,1 1-·n~I, : .. -~•.r..i __ ,_, __ l/"lll ".\1 1 1;,lr \\"P1n1;1r<1.ner !:! I"\!!. ~f'lt\'" a1 ;1 1 t-:-,~1 \,, hiti1 "\:. C 'I. ti-1~-Ll50 r 'li'li. -1:• j'I' l • 1 11"1" ' ;i.I; f(•I" 1.\1 • ''" 1 •~I 'I I Ioli\ ' '·' 1 !• ',):.\\--1: 11~1 -hl!!t'll ;ihout • '• -tr''"'' •J{'. ·1·~·'•·1 • I ~ 11·k.:. nl,t l·'n1 in•f ,.1;._ l)a na • ,1111 J 1,1)/: !;I ..... I • 1'"1111. 41.-,r.,:.; * \\"11111•1· :o'llll11111'1" '"' ;11 I Rt nt:ils A 1~11l:i l•ll • ,\/•pt l·~ • ,,1 ·<1 . \1!"1 1 ~rl \Lor f;!CYC!.I . '"'l!Vll'I !I -;: h 1 tt . ·"•' l"'T I As!<OCifltf'd R1·(1\<r r~ ti<, -. .. 11_i · 11 •1\l·, ---I .lf"('a. (',I to r•l ,.n!i f y. FZWT Industrial Rent.a l 4SO I .>1~970: STOJ~ \(;r; f:l,J-:: \f.i . ... 4 . h1ttf'n -s 1d111es,. fa rtor~. \"ir;. p111 ,,1,. _,,1 111 ~ ("\~ -\."~ Nt1\•port 11 rt d. 83J-8Wl ... · ,~ .. c .. -;i;..~~1 1ri 1.: ~-··"_"'·~!~ • ,,u:r--.~lu~ • Balboa. 1,l.'.-:~1n Roorns fURN. frmalr ore Roon1 Jdt ;d Clo.~<' \"Iii 1: 1:1-~·.:o L.ru .. ; ni~ _ -1,, pl'r. J <1d11l 1. \p : < 1.'I .~' lA~I 111<'' • 'I .-.:::u.-sOi: 1. PLF:ASA~T Guest 11om• " 400 '.\I \I I 1! Ll":'\F: .\l-1 111111.• I• 1 \ ·"' r o• l~.~-~ \lonrn1111 . 11,r ,,; · : : • ·· :1;_,,7,1..; "1 ,. 10 576 to 9600 Sq. Ft. pd. 4001 l ~irr·h, N.B. 541-503'.! Rentals Wanted •60 I IHI---------- '] ,, 415 I I)_' ,11 1;i'.I< h >l l'f,] }'i f'll'I "! ,. 'r ( '1 •'ii' 'iii-1111 .-iJi ,\ p I•. l•'.-,f'1 11111 I' {.-1\ 1fn 111(• ' hi] rlrr111 lh"1rr s In \r;1~,. f11r l\1Sio!'d io•'1 1l". ('.111 4~1'.l·l."(10. B OA fl D /C11 r•fl-111i.d 1y Good nlf'a!s. ~!'1 11. \i \ • l'r1 ;::~~C;l·~::::I S ~ ·~~~( ~;;;;;;;;;p;';";';";';''••;;;ll~•-~· l Lost 55S ' LO:'T 11:.'1 11r,.11 ,. 1n a 1 I ("O\'kPr/l'hihuahua mix pu~ l'Y. Srotty hair C11L AMv.·e?"ll 1,, ··snnorr··. Bro""ll lr11.ther collar. Child"~ pel . ti4!-0671 01· S.1G-!lii?.O 1:1· ... ~. ---~ L0."1'. hi.i r k t..· 11•l11tl' ."m1tll 11111Jr I"\ l<'Tl"lf'1" 1· i I' H11thl;Hl•I '~ Dn\"er, . .-llrl l'Ve . ans. t" 'f'rp1"'. 3-11>-l ilfi or .),"":\-11 \ . LOST \/.11 :'::;1111 t ~e eel. .'111111!. ::rrt v rtrna r ... \~i(" ot ,-,~~ t<l 1r,t11lllr. P.al ren1n . Call ,Jllhn 4;115-&}6! rla)'l'I : Apts., Furn. or Unfurn. Dl "PLI::\: npi ., Mi . 1 \. Person•ls SlO 370 I DNG. \1 : fin 1•.-' ... , ---------- \-on1p. fll<'d. /.. P' 1 ~·t·i ,t.Y 1.1r1··\"",FT • 11/11 h' 11,1 na r;11 ''·11 ~,fl,.. r(lr p.1[1t'r rout". rP1,·1n:1 : l~t~•. l \I. ----~~~--1, ·'' .·.! ··~::-r;;-.o pv I 1 r' r111 .. zrl IOI'. ;\o <·h .... 111 . 11 .. pr1~. i>ir .... :1.,~1. ICl.I \\, 1 I<':. crp1~. 1!rµ>, Jn a ··han~1n:: ~ .. r ''''·'. 11,. ;ill ;ipprPr1;i1,. th:<! 1 <1nJ11h•nl 1 ff'f'!in::: nf h1on1f' -1,p]I. nla 11;1 ~,.,I. \\"f'll·1n:11111:i1nrrl. l!"s ~·01 1t"!'l 11"1"" 1n ·' ga rden u1Jn11n1rnt •I trh ~ brrlrnon1~. 11: 1:. l11sh11a/\"h('r, ~hag rpL '.\11 , h1lcl rPn or pc!.-; Sl:l:i nio. :',<\-.'~l A1·oca<lo. :'llgf. Apl Coit• M11a Df.J.l"X!< ! .~. J Er. :! B;i. <'Fl< I -::_;11·. ~ 1 ,:, 11,1, 1 :<'nt..I I;;;;;::;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;; J)rotPssi<ln~l) d • "1 d r..rr.nwr.1·d 11.nthr :-;p11·11u11l1-<t Aduhs Onl.1. ~'o vr1' I ill :-'pu· 111;1! f;Pa d 1ni.: ;t11·r11 d.1 1- S:\IALL curly, lilt brn. ma1"1 1lo~. lost April 13 \'IC. ----: -lol" I'• .\1 11( f ,\di'~ ()nl\ ·:? 1:1: IU1!l. Hr,r'<'d pnnl. I 1 \I I" "hJ')i")" · L1:1l11 l·H•1n \h,idn•11,,k :"io _i_•Jt1 '· ·_'·_·'_:_· __ ._. __ _ J>f'·-· 1:.:1: \lr.ri•r· \" -;t;L C \!. Newport Heights v 1::1:Y -n11 ·;:-1 -1~1111,. Q~:1·\ ·"'°I'· by l(HrHg··~. I ,\dll 01 r r ::o 11'' i"'I•. ;.1~-10~1. ---------CIJ :\\, 1 l!I!. 1·1·p:~, 4Jq1.•, hlr.1.•. :'\r (X'C. Arlll~ only. r.n l"'r<. SI l.i. 7>10-97//. HuntinQton Baach Low Weekly Reta1 E xecutive Suitts 111 Yorktown Blvd. i:•lil r:~:.\!"H nL\"IJ. \ r y n111,:·rn\\ :-. 531>-0411 STUDIOS & I BR 'S. • Full kill"hrn e Hefltt'rl VC"il • Launtlry fii1"il1111 ~ • f°l"('f' 11l1l1l ll'S e Frrc l1n4•ns e T.\". f.· n111ld srr.;, e R;n··R·(~11I' e Pl1011r ~<'z-..·ir,. ··-------a La Quinta Hermosa J'p11ni~h Cnunlry £slate Li\·· in; k Spal'ious Apl;:. Tf'r· rnf"rrf pool; ~unkf'n i:::u; RHQ. l"nhrl1f'"11hl•• l.1\"in,r.: -l)nl.v 1 Br unf $150-furn $175 2 Br unf $175-furn $210 3 BR Studio • furn $?75 l'1 blks S. of San fli,.i;o F1~1y nn P.rflr h, 1 hlk \\'. nn llnH 10 11i21 l P:1rl:~111,. 1.;inr l 17141 R47·~4 11 ('Lt .\.\ 1 "' : 1:1\, ~d!1-. ,.,, 1•r'-. I~ kit Sl:~."1·.'S l:ll. :!i~! I I• 01 I 1 .-.: I. .'\ J; I; I l"r-I I'll I Apt. Unfurn. 365 ~· ~~: ... ON fEN Aa..ES I !. 1 BP.. t·ur11, l l"n!urn. r1repla:r~s I priv. patios. i'ool~ Tennis Contnl 'l Bkf~I. 900 Sl'a Lane, Cdi\! 614-2611 I 1.liac-Arthur nr Co11st Hwy l JJ 111 l·.rlcluple:-., 2-L~IH°ri.:•' I.I '. 11 f1 !•lo . I\ 11' ITJl!~ 1i•1l l•. i\1·v.J:-· p:o111lrd & nr.1j!l'd. J-:n,·l'·~r·d '._!:1 1·. ,\. ·;i\. I 1 , 1, 'I l I '' 1 ·~ > l , I. 1 .• · ., ~(' $..· n l I ro 1•·r••n1 . ·.. 1 •·111ur<>li. s2:r1 1•1 ,. nir.. <·.111 :111 I flO P\1. ti.:1-::,:JI Hi" !i0.:-1 ~1~1 1_ \l ,\Tl"l l lhf' ~>Jn.;ct in th1:- "'""llli\"r .~ bdnn. 0f"<':1.11 Hh d. duplex. Adnlts only. s r.r1 ~lo. A_t:"Pnf tii~>-493'!. filll·IJO'.?O. ____ ~ t '.\!Ql"~. t·h,11rau on B;1~·:"111e f)r. :.' hrlnn. &: <l<'n -rl inin;::: room. 1\duH~ onl~. t::;.-, ;\In :\ern: r,;: ... :'.l:':!l . ..;.:fµlO:.:O. ---..... 1-:\I ;; 111 . ..! h.o •Ill• 1!• 1 k. "alk hJ UeJ1., ..:1•t. 111 p .. ..,lo\r ,'\: r<>rriJ!:, 67.l--i2"l:, Ai::r nt. UPPF.R rf;11'.f"Bf 1\l;11.-ap1. 2-DfC-111 1 .in~. /'uol. \\"a!k In Overlook in;..: lakr p11rk S.· ilf'fll'h. 5200 n10. t)rAng1>. bt'a.11!. l'ncluM'tl patio /., CoAsl Hcol f.:stal<' 644-484.'i pool, Adult~. no pets $16!1. 2 BR. J BA, frpl<'. sunde<:k. 10~ lZth ~1.. 536-2692. l1111ift>d O('f'An Vil. no pets. 1-BR, cutf' dup!Px "'/yard. l $23.7. n10. 6i5-3l24. Infant 0 .K. No Ptl!I: Sl4J. ~i36-ll!m BACH 11.pt~ Bl Crr~1·Pnt 8A y. U1 il. color TV S·I0-$·\:1 11k, 11:r1 ~-0t11~r <1!l-t-:r-.()'1 ------Newport Be•ch BY O.C. AIRPORT \LL l "TILll"lt:S l',\llJ Coit• Met• NEW NEW NEW VILLA PEDRO .r\l:;;T ~'lNISHf.O Families Welcome! lit l "\;IT-~·Hrr.;:'\11\,\" 2 BR-2 FULL BA. B"M". f11r11 1'111 t'al\ll. '' 1\JOVE·I~ ALi i_)\\ ,\~Cl·: BR.:! BA. JAr11·,_z1 /, h1lhnnt ' \\",Tiil~ AP rn1 . Hratrd pool. l.i11.q :-io. nl e Lovk gara~c 111/li:: ~t•ir Pali.~ades P.tll. 20102 Birr h e Bm ce.il e Lnrll)' Ii Pal 10s SL ,\liJ', ;i,,;i-4216. e D/\V-Dispo~al e Drapes -BRAND NEW-e Deep 2 color shag cpt1 [)tluxe 2 Br, 2 Bl, tux. furn. • Special toundprooling F rplc, htd pool, prlv p1tio, • Nr &ck Bay, Airport $23:>/mo, A: School• 20432 S.nlA Ana A\'e. GAS Hf'AI Gaa Cooking Mgr. 979-1261 11nd \\'ATER-All p11.irt. UiGflii.-11 h1ch 11 Pi. All ut l l~ Mo./Mo. From $185 pt ld. ('lo~ tn heh &: Hon~ 2332 Elden Ave. lfo~p .. ~Jfl.IC nlo tr· n10 Av11il ~2'24 ft11' .~hO\\ lfli: ~fl Ii p Ill . 641-84.'!0. -----------2 BP. ~turl io, tlU pui11 1. <'P l·, :! hlllhs . .:uci;t J"•Y1111 nr 1lrri Jilu . .; pa1 iu 1u1rl ill l !li•' rlr· ;:fu11•1• or outdoor ]!1 ins;. ~10)) in SOOll. THE VENDOME 1s 1:. Anilht'Ull A\"f'nll" (";1111112 "2~'.!1. :\!rs. Pl11ll1n" DELUXE APARTMENTS ,\1r <..:ond -Frplr·s -:': S11·1m· 1111nc: Pooh -I lcal1h :-\pa - -r, n111.;: Cr1 ~ • 1;;imr &: I :1111.1 t d f\•10111 I llf~Jil:Ol)\I r 1:11:-.1 ~Jr.:. MEDITERRANEAN VIL LAGE .''1111 lL1rl·•u Bh·il . 1· '.I. I ~j .p :1:1i .~Q211 !'.l·.\T,\L OFr!CI·: i ll')·.~ 10 A:'l1 TO 6 P '.11 Jlui;" ro:~1 . ..;q. Ft :'. Bfl. :: BA . S1i1d1<1 111lh .~p1 nd ~1<1 1 r l . .;P .. ,1111 1!rck. l'rpt/dq\s 1:1111 ... ,.,r,,.1 2nr. \\". 1~111 t · ,\l. .~:!Oil lllH. Ii 1~-4()(12 hf'L :-, pin ;,i--1x,111; ;.11 :i prn/\\'k1111...: • ;'111·::'.\ 11 r r a . f"h:1n11111i..:. l>PHl'l<Jll.; ',! Br ' t B:i . •l"l"' shr .. frpl l" . lqt·ked j!:.r .. 111nir· grnrl.~-Adults. S\11.1. :>1;i-401t.i. ~==~ e 1:1-:.11. \'ALL't:' <'1 pls, 1h·p~. 1! .. 1\11 !'t11· .. po1>I. :! r.R, !';\:;(). ,\J;.1111r,. :11lul1~ :-,;<1 !"''' Ql "IET ':'·19:, Pn1 •1h" ,\u· I" \1 ~.l\~~"jR .' f:r 11pprr.-~l.·4· i1l1n-~·rlr1J;:. ("li.~o·!I i;:u;iJ;!I' Qiur l. S140 tn 1·r.•pon~1hl•· adulL i\n p<>1!', P.t!!'. C.\6-•1221. -------• + ll l::i\UT IFUL 1 & 2 BR. Con tcn1fKll"Ary G<11'tle11 Apt ~. P11tios, frplc., pool. $13:).. $1 70. C1111 546-5163. AIPART\'IENT '.\tNGR req. Live in. $SO ptr n10 off rtnt. .i-.i plesPll. 2 hr, 112 l:ia. f'ncl pn1io. <'nrport. 540-72~7 . LRG. 1 Bft Ouplr.x. Brlr k frplr .. pr1 11alio, hf-Am cell.. lo\t·1n~. nr• pl'!~. ~J j(). 187 f.. :?1st ·"'' . r :-.1. 615-1::11 :! lllt ~1udin. 1 ··, h;1. \llO P;1 l!o ArJ1 !~-(":111 •!I ,·nll ,•1:.:-.'1:'.'.!~ ~\ \"~\ i I ~,\,~. t" ,·c~hlylMi;ll f''~ ! Br !011 nhou:-.c, 11 ~ 1~·1 Ul1n.-., t·rp1~. Urps, pool. l\ll P"is. 64M220. ** 2 BR. $WO Privat~ patio. t\o pt'I!\. 787 \V, \Vi!IOn 673-7178. 2 BR. Adult!, no pPl1 BAY ?<.fEAOOWS APTS 387 \V. B11y SI., C~t 646--0073 * \\'IL.5fJN' GARDf.N~ • 2 nr .. l1~ B1\. <'rfl1/rlrpf. ,.nc l pAt 10. ~140. ti·lZ-AA1 !. T·:,h1·ards A: \\' a r n er . tJt··. ::,,•11 .'L" r .'\' r.. BRAND NEW "E1·<'~ :!l.1/2i1-4:{li J ~. lll ,\.\1-ill l'\I 1\d 1 ,r •111 Rentals to Share 430 t1.ll 1natlf'r'. I 1·.in iil·lp )Ou . R""'a rrl. Phone 84i-j200_ $50 Move In Allowance l :L:'l l GARDENS APTS . 'liarly Jaivn-$140 Up. r;7 t:. 22nd St. 612·364~ • • ·1 [lf:.. Crpts. rtrp~, hl111 ... , b••au1 reil"ing, $\'.;j. mo. No pets. 112 Blk.•;. \V. of llarty,r Bl\·(!. ."i6.it \r. \Y il~on t 1t>-::7~1; nr .-.r.....071~·1. L.r\Ht;t:, n1•1\" :? Hl1 , 11.: Iii\ tn11·nhsr. hltin~. hou~~ pr!~ Oh. ~:!:!."1/1110. I..;(' P( S'.!40 n1 .. ·1~·. l3arrr11 r: ,. ::I 1 t y . 611-.",'.l0Ml/r1·r·..:· ti 1"2-4f~)~. Ll:C ·: 1;1·. ·~}:~,,. 11" fll'I-.. f"l\1lo11111 .. ;;. ;\r ~t·hl-; & ~h .. 1• _. \l ~oJ/nto. ""'4 ,".-.li9fll. t J :1:. lr.11 •·r. •) ;.t.. tlrp·, 1 r a11:.:•·. ••1,.n. 1•·111;.:. n<> P' 1·. ~\\fl 'l(",'1-11 "1. ·---------:! I ; I )I : .\ l • ..: t 1 ; ,1 -. •I 1 p-. ."'i1.ih r11<'11" l)r BH1\:"\!l '.\ J·;I\"-sm .\n11 :r11~ \\'y . ·r11 nit«'. :? P.r. '.'': H.i . sh;-1i:: i:.:rn • r·pl, 0·11'1111 1lrp,, \1":'111 p.ip1•r. f'"Ul J,1ril, 2 c.1rprw:. 1;; ...... 1::~11 \:.:>fl;:, Huntington Beach * H11 111111gr .. 11 Harl.,ii.1 • 01·. ::lf•I. '..1 ~T~. "Id. ~q .1; . .-,0 All hhn~. 1;.i2.:J;;.jj -WALK TO-BEACH Brant! i'\u I·:! Br .• ·p1 drp. bl1n , rrpl. l:!j l!i!h . ~1;.::!1S7 * :! !:ln1·k~ '" l{1•.11·h' ~li->-.' P.I: 11111 1n•·l"•i Hlt-111~. Cail ."1::fi-~;:;~ "l Br. ~ara;::r. !rnrf'd. chilil Ot\. S13."1. 11~92 Jacqurl1n ~---:)21-::11.1. __ ~~~ The fastest drat\' 10 the \re ... t , .• a Daily Pilot Classified Ad. &12-3678 .-~11 -10::1 , ------l'\f.:\1 111••11'1"11 :; 1:1:., :! b,1. Capr. dr;11ir.•: dlil. il·lr«~" S2G,"1/l.•·;1~1 l.•1,• II 1ntr•rci<'>·n :.:11-::.~7~ li ~::-11~1\) Newport Beach PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS on the bay Luxur:1 apartment livin~ ov- l'rlookin;,: the \1•11.lcr. Enjoy S7JO,OOO health spa, 7 s1vim- rning pools, 7 H;;ht ... '{) tf'n- nil!l courts. plus mile!! of hicyrlc trail>. put11ng. ~h11f. fleboard, <'l"OfJUCl . J unior l 's fron1 \164.:tJf 111onlhl.v: nli:o 1 :ui ri ,:>.l)r iJrooni plans :inrl :.'-~lor.v ro11 n ho··~c.~. £Ir e· tnl' kllcl•l'n~. pl"i\·at~ patio-" or lmlcon ics, r11rpe1111t;", Urit- Jl('ric.~. ~ubtr.rranean p&rk- 111~ 111th r•l<'\":Jl(lr~. Oplional n1.iid scrl'it•r . Ju~t north or r·as/1inn Island at Jamhor- '"" and San Jo;iquin Hill~ Tinnd. 'r,,11•rl1011~ (711) 644-1<){)(} !or rental 1nrormation '.! .~-:: or. 4-pl.;x 11p:J.:. LIVE NEAR WORK- Jn Br:uutirul EAslbluff 1;\rnr :":e11 pnrt Crntl'1'• &: '.? BR. 11pt~. ll"On1 ,1.'-.i. -n,; ns.::,o .. Q • • ·rn1111huu~r. J Br, 3 B;1, df'n. AJ•Pl'O.\. 1•00 i;q. r I. $1."iO/ino. Yr11rly If' a <,. Dot.:k 111a1l. ;\u pf'!~. ;\pp\. 673-~24~. -~~=-~­l{INr.S Rd . Vie1v Homr. Largr roun1s, 11 flu I r ~ . AvR ilabll' June 1st. 642....f,~N~I, CALL 642-5678 A' TAUIUS ,,.~ -'''· 10 ;-~ 11.ir 10 -~ I 6 1) ll ~/3J.:l6.S' _, ... --. . ·-••• ,j ' • ··~~.l . ' GfMIPd " ~~ '0-.~1 . . " Adults Onl.v Apa111nrnts 11·ith pool l·:n("l":.<'d )'.:.or:1gf'• Bu111 ,1n~ (~;1qxi1~ & drap"~ ('••11\"f'll lf'l11ly lrt\"Hff'd I or 2 Bcdroo1n~ f'l'orn 3155 Per J\lonl h Drivf' by: 2311 EldE'n Ave. Or 1·all: 615-5780 CO:'IJrATIBLf. X.: :11 ·111,. 110· 1,1;111 '" ><ll;1n• l:.:1· lu·:i111 11('\\" ho1111 ,., lt1ll111 p. 1nlnil1•u., ,,,.,.,,11 I 11'\I' II 1111 \\ ldf>I\. .-\loltl f' ~lll'l'.;. ~1 :10 Jl•~I" !110. j,",j1i Sk.vlln<' IJr., Laguna. Sl.fARE 3 hr homf', H.B. ."P111i-pril'Alf' hfl1h, !lll'in1- 1nin~ pool facililir~. lJlili!if's lnclude(l. .".:l or ovrr &· \rork- lng. j36.-0187 aftf'r ;, pm & \\"~~;rnr!~ ;\IA :\. :!I!" ::::, 111101<1 like young-111rothf'J" .~· r·htl<l rl'n to shar,. f1tt'11. ~ Br: home :;12 N. 1:1 Camino Real, San c·1rn1rn1-:. . ~Z-91 ::6 (l r <1:1'.'-!'(I'.':~. •I'\\ 1..;11 P\"l/(,1 ,1•1p, l 'J .• ,.;1;111 1.ll<',I To 11:d11 1d11a1 n,.,.ds !· :-,.:oal~. BLI:"/Hr<i•I. r·r,.,, rl111·nn1<'n! lo••.-.•11. :'\,H 11r• ~ I I ' ·r<'flJ lu11~ "'<P. :~1 .. \1;· , Dl!>COVJ.Jt !JISCOVl·.J:Y F"inrl YOURSELF u1 Soni• nor Call no1v -i\'o obli,R'Ali"11 (714) 83.)-688.) 1:2131 387-.:::::~:: i\'ATJONALL \' RECOG:\IZED RE,\LTOR~ :-:INCE: 19·14 673-4400 t11·.1-::·.n1 ~-------= :'l'fASS.\C~E. SAU ....... \ G: G•r•ges for Rent 435 \VOnKOUT. Th" 111l1ni.,;.-n rl'l1l>:llllOJ1. S::J....'.!J{)(). \\.\\."TEI): t ;~r:i::r 'n 1~nt -----c----PALM MESA-APTS. 1,,1. ,1,.1.,,C!f' ,,11 f'rnin~u!a l'ROBL!-'.;\.I l'rc~nant~. 1 1.11. l\Ui'\UTF:S TO NPT. BC:l l. 11111 ,1 -.... iipnr ' .t r:nllioa. lidcnt, -~ .v rH fi at h,. 1 1 ,. f"'liP.N. OP.. CNFliRt-:. h7~-.~:,!l:i. p1'<'gnAnry t'ti1u1•,.l111g Al~.,r- Unhc!Jp\·ably large a pl::;.. !ir1n & .\dupli"n 10 ·1. Al'- huge pool, Jacuzzi f'lert bl!· I Office Rental 440 CAP..F.. 642-14.\11 ins. ~hai;:-c:rp!~. dJTJ~. :;auna Pllli\Jt: J.O!",\Tlil:'>/ Sli\GJ.F.S DA l\"C:t : Pie, Ar!ul!s, no pt ts. Offir·,. Su i I,. ,\ 1 ;i 1 I 11 b I f'. :'llEADO\VLARK COUNTR'{ ~INCi.ES .•... fronl Slli cu~ton1 1lr1·11n1Tr·d IHI" f'Rrh ('l.UB -Jr.iR2 (;nihan1. !I.I~. 1 IJF:DH~I. ••..• rro1n ~140 . ' t".\( TJ"f -L11!1n -\\"It • -S\llll" o R F •1"n t('nant. J 1rk 111~ :1 1·1.nd. -' ,. ~ BED nl. • · " ron1 ., "" 1-·r11!ay !l-1 -Adrn ~:1. 'You"rf' r igh t, 1hey'rc under-flll l 111a111t . :::r, .• \·1:1 Lido. prirl'd'. l:.'11 l\Jc~a Dr. :"l.t-11 fY•l"I H1:l1. 1 ·111h'I' nf'11· (J blks fT0111 r\f'1\·port Blvd.) ,\!:i11ai,:rn1rn1 . -r1:111l.v <Irr·· :1"1G·9k60 11ra1r11. r.rnLd r•tri.,. .~u1tr ,, 1.COJ f(JL!C . .-/\11011.1·111011,-:. Phn!ll' ;, I:.'-7211 nr 11 n le P.O. Bn'\ 122~. Co~:a. :'l!r ~a. 10 \\'KS. Gern1. Shep pup·vlk r:i('t , 11·ht p111\·~ l: l'hett· f'hOkf' chain-V ic. \Ve~t C.i\f. tll.~B8S . BLACK 11.tlit!.'hr C""a:o.e. Vic 0C Airport. Cont.11 i n11 busi~s~ papera. Re"'Ud. 557--4Q50. RRO\rS f... 1\·h1t,. PllPfl)', hr11.!•lrd li•1ti11f'I" 1•01! 1r. fou nd in Cr.~!a \l<'•a. •-46-1311. YELLO\\"/Gr~tn p11.111l<;,..t- Vic ~ ;\"e1\·poM tll&:h 4/23. An"11"f'r• Chirp. 642-632'.!. RI.I.;-~· ~Tll) f<"lfYli" mix 11 /•·)11•k" 1·(0llar !. t!.,,1 r.ia. r·:iu ,,1,4 11;9 LO."r: ;>\111n1P5r c.ai ....,!r;o ' r.1!,1 r ;1 1 ,.,.\\/• ,., 1:•"11\t f! ~·,.A ring !Fl!1 -'· 110--fJllil lt•p•lr Di.~"01111! A11 pJ1a.nr,. Rf'paiT \\'a!'ihrr, ri1·y,.r. fJ1~h1\·:i~her, Dispo~:,I Etr·. ~-N"e F:at. GUARA:\TEED. • ::.46·6694 e ~P/\Clt)LS e \\'eH-ll,.~1~n('d Apt~. :'.01. i14 'f;71-!J()'I] Da ily Pilot \V;ir r Ad~ havf! Da lly r ilnt \Va nt 1 & ~ BR. \\'/Terrac<".ll. From $140 -$275/mo. .'ihai: Ppl:;. drps. ~anna", pool. j!l('UZZi, f'nr!. r::ir. Q .irt Arl ul! l1\·1nr: MERRIMAC WOODS 4:'.':i •• lcrrimat' \\'11y. (",\1 El Puerto Mesa 1 BR 'S-$130 UP All Utilities Paid n~·flCJ·: -11 1111 \:P11 pntt 8:.y b11t1tains 2"alorc. b11.rga1r.~ ::11lof"'. '•PP L1~l .1 l •t". 'i pc a l' iiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiii-ililii-IilllJIMiiiiliiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil J~a.) ft~1n! It)(. 1;,J PArk. C1pl .... -titp-.-;11r/r<I. The * * * * * * f•l.Ulf!f'1· r.Jd;:: ';;J P,;1ysidt'l.t"'---------------------.... lh·. 6~::-11;~1 . .-.i11-lfl!9. .\lt .'"'' v~:1:111·: \J l·:l)J(AL Hl "ll.DISf; l "p tn l'lt":.0 ~'l. t; .i1.11l;ilil•' PJ:OP ERTY \l,\\:\1_;~·11 Jo::'\·T lilVISI0'.11, l.F'.'IGO REAL ESTATE lN· VJ-:ST.\lF..\"T. 4!Jll-1 39i . Trader's Paradise Pool & R•'("J"f'l\lif!n Arf'11 . children, no pels. i\o AHCHIT~:CT, Engin('er, ,.le, Ofc"s. ·l~·l Old i\f111:port Bl,·d. S<-f' to nppreciRtP. F."- 1~1". t n1r11.nt e. SI 10. ;,.\S-j3()() OPE'.\. lines times dollars 1959 Maple Ave C.M. BEST location Corona clel i\lar nr. Polit offlcf'-Snackl''----------------------'1 Shop. Priv. park i n 1 . $8j/mo. 160 Acrf's, t-)Cl'h&nae for Rtalooomir~ Bkr. 6i.i1700. inCOm(' or ~77. Al.so 2 8R DESK space aviu.lable s.'JO hOUsP, 1.111' lri~. 8~x28J. mo. U'W provide furnlhlre rrRd<' f<lr T[J" or ~·· al $j mo. An!ln·cr»oa: servlre 714:4!1~·1GIG fllly nl" n 11r . avallable. J787j Bench 8 1,·d. YA('J f'f."-121 p11 -1it\-1\l11 t llunUn,irton Beach . &42-4321 1•n111 I ·ll"I' sr ph11 •. :.i~: Chn~ Df'.51\ !'pace a vailA IJ JC 5:i(I TS. l'l;Hl,.rl. II nnl u 1.·n111". mo \Vlll pro\•ide lurnifurc ··;1n1pi;:n1d. 1·.11ilP•'r 01 " u,, at SJ mo. An!\\'erin; service t:41, SI> !•:!IOii. !?:>.:."':•?.; availa blf'., 222 Fore1! Ave. '7:!-0iinr-s\1i2"Y° r;:,r :.'-rlMI" LRguna Bf11ch. 494-!MGS rrin~. Ari··11 •·!i1Pr, Sund BAY VlEW-0FFICE5 l:higg-' trailer. :\101orbikr. DPluxf', 111lr·conditlonecl or ? 4:>9 C11mbr i1l2f' Cr, C:'ll- r.,.rlProralcd. Lido Area 646·1~7 Real onon11 c1, Bkr, 675.8700 S\VAP Dane Pit Bull, toy 2 noor.r ofli<'t , bu1y corner. l)OO(l!c, shrpl1erd. or Ch lhua- Coata ~1esa. $90. utU!tle1 in-hua for lge aqt111rlun1 . fl•h, rlurlrd. li4'l~::lf1'1 bll'l'I!!, la!hP. & phi ~ttr. <'At · o~·f'ICE .Suitt!!:, 1!01vnto1vn rentrl' or ? 5.11 ·~27. l.rt1:1111a _ Lr;ii.~t". ZOC.O ~If. rr . ~pt!'. ~·12:'.:, !~,fl~91.::n2~ l\lh11 t rJo)·o~ ha1,, '"~~;rrl:·· 1 ro Ii (JFFIC~: ~p11.i-r;: ••n !.1·\1 1! hr r -in t :iri ,.r !Jrl ,\f~l'. S.1 n Clf'inrni .. ~·11 11·.unry '; l<ir:..·'~I rtarl lJ'dd· • Jli10Tf:L "* M units, AAA + lt1ae eom- rntr<'i&I. 4 X'• IJ'Ol!I. E.i:- c·hflnl(e ror R. .E. etc. S42-77J l A-0 Riiy 536·U84 O\\"r\Efl 1rill trade 60~t eq. 10 11> unit t.:ngle\\·ood poal "ii' 1 hlk rroin llol\~'1'.IOd 1rn1·1. t"or fi•,.r & <'lf'11.r prop, TU".~ or " llft ti pin 847·6947 11.,VE "! br housr, CMta :-.ll'~••. \'R.luab1f' lot . Eq uity SlO.OCIO. \\'ant: Pahn Destrt 11rra house or tat or !! f\lyers. 673-6756. ll,\VE: Bil lhar 3 br, tam. S8~ tqully. \\"Ant : Palm Dewrt un hou~,. or lot or !! Myen. 67::.GiS6. ITnt fa.sit-~! d r11111· 1n 1h,. \\",.~t . , . A 011 11.v Pilol t:l1~11hf'd 1 '"' i12-56il 1lrp-<. 1'. h•1. tt111·. 11t11t~. no IJ"I~ t l ;., ~ilS-tl : ,j 2 Hit~ J B~1rj;~1~rp!-rn1·l ~111 £ yd lll!n~. Clo•r ,., c~r l'IAZil, .-,~\6!1 DATi: Y-Ptl.or -for-A(l1on '. 1·1111 n•J-.ihlR A-S111·r ' .~· 11p 111<'1 utll, ~112 1221 11.;: PO~I 6-C2 . .;biS • Offlc•Co1ta Mei• i* * * 6~' Ol"l!T --,71C"R""E".:-s,--,-,-.,,-ai-1 1)1 r:rnn. impro\·td, 330. ))t'r JJ•Tr-TnH!P for r.omm•rc.ial or -~· Ai~nl , 2!11,l LI Vtn- tllnfl. San Clemente, 92e72. * * * ~I "I'!. ii • t0"'-·11 '11 -~-----~ -- • !.J DAILY PI LOT J ., ... ----. Schools and Instructions ST. ANDREW'S KINDERGARTEN • lnd J\ 1du;1I .11 1 ~ 111111 11 • i-:nr1v 11(·t! l '11rr11·1ll 11111 -· " ,,_ ·"}" Fall Registrat ions Available I f_ I ,-., , 1'I ., St Andrew's Presbyterian Church 600 St. Andrews Rd., Ne wport Beach * * 646-4646 * * I AIRLINE AND TRAVEL Children discover great things at our school. Themselves. CAREERS FOR MEN AND V.'OMEN • Travel Agent • Ticket Sale' • Communications e Reservations e Air Freight Cargo e Operations Agent Our school. Early Achievement Center. Unlike mo st pre-schools, we do more 1han keep little hands busy. We keep little minds busy. With science. Math. Language. Ar!. Social Studies. Things like that. Impressed? Don't be. It's not what we teach that's so special. It's the special way we teach. We encourage children to discuss things . "DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES" Touch things. Act out thing~. So they will better know thei r capabilities. And themselves. :)un!lo••1cr tnrly Ar:hicverrien! Cen1~r ~·5 15 We~! Suril lov1r.r Avenue ACCREDITED: N11tio,,.I Anoc idiio ~ Tr11d • & Techni- c•I School1 • Approved for Veter1n1. Eligible ln1lilu· fion under lhe Fed~r 1llv l~1~red St~d~nl Loftn Program. (Which is just about the greatest lesson of all.) S::in111 Ana. C:-i lilornia 92704 714/5•10·4750 Airline Schools Pacific 610 East 17th St., Santa Ana 714-543-6596 Ok, like lo discover more about us? Ca ll or write for our lree brochure. Or drop by our Sunf lower school. We're open year 'round. So parents can come 1n anytime. And children can be enrolled anytime. Interested In For A Career NOT JUST A JOB BE A "WOMAN IN WHITE " A REAL ESTATE CAREER? Prepare For State Exam In Four Weeks 'r rain In /\ l·'e\V Short ~1onth s To Recnn1C' 1\ J\IC'd1('a! (lr llc11t ;il _\s~1!..':l nt Licensin9 Preparation For • Real Estate Salesmen & Brokers • Sales Success Trainin9 • Employment Placement For Graduates • Day And Evenin9 Classes ADVANCED REGISTR AT ION REQUIR ED For lnformation·Brochure-Free Guest Orange .•. 64B No . Tustin, Suite A ... Newport . . . 325 Old No. Newport Blvd. Lecture 633-5032 548-1192 New Classes Starting Monthly 623 w. 17th 541 -4461 SANTA ANA EDMOND F. JACKSON Real Estate Educa tion Since 1964 N•tlon11 ll1•0'•~lioh of f r.,!r I Te<llnieJ! Schr:oh ACADEMY REAL ESTATE CONTRACT~NG & IN SU RANCE SCHOOLS Servicer and Rep.airs. ~ ( Services and Re~rs Carpet '1ervice Carpenter ~-ntractor ::;.ardening ~a rden i ng JOI I:'\ ·s Ca rp.-·r & l "p!i• 11, 11 1 1 ( 'l .~-n 1\l 11 ,.~11111, •1 k pnn1•1 . l{fl0:'<1 J\d1lit1nn!i. E~t 1111;1!<"•, l'H0~·1-:;.:~ 10~ 1\ I. tr ... 1• 1\·nrk, Jnp:i ll<'~f' G;u·t!('n in~ ~rvii'C Ch•an•·rs. ~;\:I r:• !h·i.Sli.1.1\l· 1111 · 1 .• 1.,11 .. 1..:. i :.·11 I n·p.111·~ pl:1ns 1 .. la.\'out. l"tn(<:ll" or 2 pr u n 1 n g:, 11· 1 in 111 in~. Alro ('lr·1n-11r. 1-'rf'c E~r. fl'l'l !11•f' Scnl!lit:11·11·•I 1;.;.ql .\I'.·, 1•t1. 11111-• ll;11Jurk:l. :-i.11). L.T, Cn11~rru('l1ou. l'pra.\it1 ~ .. ~pr i nkl rr ~. e .->1.il-fll?';1 e J{Pl:i rdan1 ~ \. 1">0'l:1•••:1"'I'" ,\. ,, I• 7 .·~~ lH7-1.111. liu1d •<•a p1nt. (' I 1• a n u p , -,,-1\-f-.,,-. -, ;:11., h i i in_"_' -,,0-,-,.-p-i,-.,, all ,,,1,1r hri:..::h!•·11• r ... ·' 1111 . LA RG E-OR-SMA-li .\dd1li<ln~ * Ttf'n1o;lt·lu1g -'-'-'"-"-'!!"_· -"-"_;..;,~~i.~. 1;11111 ,\ ~ 01n! i·arf'. 1·fe;u 1up.,. 111111utf' h~1 ·a··h h •r 11 lu11·1,,11 111,,.., \l urk t ul •h•u•. f;rnr1f'k ,(.Son. L ir . .\1.·:;~~Al ·:llf;'\l;\fi :.1:,...x~;2 af! ... pn1. (·.1 11)4•1•. ~a11• '"'llr 1n1111•v · I I I ,.,.,, • .,ill * ·.•l'.'"1 -,0 r ,,. , \ , 11 --c----c -· · 1•·•11 • t•·l1\<ll •·, !1n1•h . ......,, ..-~ nr !.!ill°lf 1111:.. • :-ii ;i ('fl .'1 1'1.ET~-: l.;n1 n .t-in · sa\'111!! HH' f'\ tra 11 ·p I ' , ,.,.,.. l"'I l:i ! .:rr1 i1• · •· II ,\·111 i·l•'ll ll l i\"ltll! !'Ill .. <l >1Hii~· .11 11 11• ·~p:ii~· _,._, ·_·'_'__'.·_•_•_· .Ii\ C lo\ Ta u I all l'·ltl'p•u r 'ni ·i·ap:n'! · '~. ''1 c;.11\lt•n1n!,! ~fT\'i('r, J!;i 11l 1 n~ 1 rn l l it 20 r • .-.1n-.. ,J ~.'\ r\·r~. ~~ 11 in ?..: .~· 1'lo';i11-111• • .1 1111 ... fi.Q-()lffi. rn1. ,(· hnll ~1 :1. ,\111· 1'11! n 11 · .ir r i . ~-'·''I'· ;'\1•11pnr!, ('d~L l' ... ;.1 \lc~:1, $7.,-,o '•011rh S 111 f'h:11 r ~:, I ' I Cement, Cone rtte ].,,·~·-i 1.1· \\':\,\~Co. :, 11--NI::~. ,..,,,,.,.,. :-;11,1 1~ ·.:. \\'rs1, ·I 11 f. L,\ \\"'.\' ,, '' H 'f', f'\Jlo ·n••!l1·1•d ~T~.·,,,,,1s 11hal •...-.un1.,n•d l l \il .\'l\llH:l\.1 .. ,1,,1,1, .. ,100 Groom·,ng .---:111d 1·,•l 1.1 hl'"'. Frrr II I I I '' ' 11 g ) l.1\ll":'\' Sl·.l{Vl('r:. l.1n<1 .. ,·.1p· ~··i 1 ,, ... 111-, 1111•10•. in11•1··11)" .,11,,11 l'•·!'•••J\,,1,1, fi·.-.,1 °.:1111 :•1'"··'·,.. '· I 1•1'.~. 1•n u1u1•: ,\.• :.: ,, n I (;c...->fl rc·r ... ,;:1-'1 01 I I· -•1111 II . .-.:111fI 1 \I;'' • Tiil'.: CLIP .JOl\"f . ~l ... ~I ' I •'l1•:1llll J'•. \'••l',I STEA\I C;irp('l <"l1•;1111T"· I .!• "'\:,. ,\ up. Gr:u lii;df' 1.!l\Jo•i n•·r<.. 1:; .... 11:11 hf'lnrf' 10 I J111n11rn ll111r:n H•·l1 '."1.lf1--l-l,;f,i I' r '-' c;_ • • 1111 (•J" profP:-si()n11I <ii l'l 111'~1 1 l·.':l'l·I:.1 ',,11•1•, t1111r11;11 pi u·r~. :l il \'~ rms N•tnplf'1r \•'ill.• 1.,,.,,, loun1l;1ln•n S~, 1 -962-"6-2 Driveways ·"'··'·" · · 1 · I 1.1 • .,.1, .1 1>1 1 ~ 11.ill~. 1;11 • ----------- ~"TJ-:i\,\I ("An l'f'.T ('l.f<:A,'\· 1 ·''.•\ ''. l'HCITf-:CTJVF: ~(';1! ('Qatin1; - JN(; SPE(.IA1,; 1\ny liv n n ~ l:l 1 id· 1, uh ",. _,, .. 1 1 dti•ll'J~. p!'l lJ(l~. t:flr, ri()(ll~. ~ h;1lh1 ri~' ,,, :'~I ~·1 I!.' 'II,'•'• \ll l<l\'111" \••! :-.1 ,1,lol 11l'k.ll 1t11 l c )'s , $:!:!~1.i ,\II .'-:1,,:1111. fi·IZ-101.1 ,, 11 .. 1111 f11t IHI• .1:., 1t ... -"-'·---"l_o_:,_. ______ _ • (',\H f'~:T l.A\'1~{; t r /\ r 1\j :E I''" I •,I, ,11, I ,'-I ,I '\"I I· I: I: 1 •·~· ( ,..,, r, Ir Electrical , f,1.1 1-rl!ll'"AL \l'(l!:I\ All II•"•'-p >•·· 1ir1 \r ".I · :-1.!1•11 ,II,. ti .. 11 +•i.' ~i1l. \,,ml-Tit';.'. n1• s11i.1ll 1.11''•1 ~-\"a~·a1u·1rl' 1'0~! p-·.-.n!·y ! J~1•n! , lu frrr r ... i :,11~--(l~l I )"·>llr 1~111.,.., :ir'. ~!111 r l ''fl'~" •1alk•. •lr1r'. 111.r •• 11 - '\'I'•. ----~-Al.".' l..-111<lc;_(ltpllll{. Tr r I' i'•'n\o\"al. Y,1r<I t"l'!l\Nlf'hn~ 1·r:1 ~h ha11l 1nc. lnl 1•lranup. H1·p11 1r ~1•rl nklf'N:. t;7.i-11t;(i. I<\!'. Jl.11\·:lii:tn l.;1rd1'nrr Cn111pl1'll' g11 rdf'nini:: S•'r\'i('I' l-\11111:il11n1, fil&-l!ljf,. 1'1:nvi::J.;s1n:-.· /\I. ,f:1p;,111••1' (..;,1 r•lr iu ni: ~r·r,·11·r ~·n·1• 1 ·~· * (.1f;_fl,OJ•! * LANDSCAPING * hit!~. r 1!' lhru 11 Da ily l 'llt•f """ l.111"\ ~ .• 11, h1rr1i. T h" • Y1•lln11 Pn\."r.·· t:l11jlillf('d Ad. r1•n1•l11• :1\.1\-1'.I~~ fur "'' nl ,\1 '' 11111 t\•, Spr1nkh1i, 111« i. .... t"l•';•!lllfl, Sl ;1lr l1r'd. :;~, 121.·, General Services RY i\loo •~": Lt c!e<·r. plunih, ff·tir(', irt~!lns. C"a rpcnlry, 11lr. 1)-A/llf -C card ~~i.-...os20. TOl«IJ. ~ERVTC~~.c;; \0. J '11 1111 1-~ Jn.•!H 11 '~.(":trf'l'nt ry 1·:11•,· lt<'i1;11r • 1;11;...i.~ro Hauling \',11·d Tri·•· I :.·11•, s {::1r:l.::I' ('l••,111 l!p 1: .. n1111.1 I. Frr•-F-.t. 1 ::11 ··~ f.!li ': 1.~.q '11,Rll t. G.1ra_g" ('ll'anup. rr .. i· f'.,L 7 rl:l,) ~. Ca.II ~ny!1 n1r. '•l'l-.":il11. Servicn and Rt~irs Hauling y ,\flD . .i::ara.:;r 1: l (' 11 nu r !<. Hrnin1·1· 1r•'e!<. d 11·r . 1\y. s kiplo;idcr , ba1'kh•IC. . S·l7-~'l~;ii. LOC1\ I~ 111()\'f'S, h ;1 u I I II ';,'. . 1•l1•an11p. E,'(p. 1·0111').:f• :<lt1- 1!t•nL Lr;.:. !nh'k. 1:1'"· ;.;:1-1.Qlfi. ~---,-, YA!:n tra:<h. ;.:ar;i l.!" 1·11•;11>· 11p. i\IO\'<' & h:tul. Tn•1• tr1111· 1111nr:. r nlo!i!linC". r"1.~-r1s1;:1. -Y:lrd""'"k· L_;ar;1.cr f·j; u ;;~ Tl'i'c ll rtnuval. .frl'r E~•. Rr:i.~. Hal('<;., f;rlfi.'.MS.~ Housecleaning HOUSE OF CLEAN Complete Cleaning Service r·1oors, Carpels, \rin!ln11·s \Vall~. 64:l.fifl2·1 illl-:SA C!rflnin~. (llf])('I ~. \\"indn1r!<. Floor r 1c, HP~id. $: C nn1u1'J. :,:11-67 •12. :11~111 !. Dedicated -Cleaning * \\"10: lXl EVLHYTlll.'\1i • Rrf:;, Frrr r st. f.•l(i 'l'l::'.I Srlt lht-nlrl !<hlfr This ,·ariPlv of fin e sch ools eo 1d1l introdn1·1· y o n to a 111·w to1n o rrow. For further !nform•f;on teqdrd;nq the Odd)' Pi!ol School1 dnd l n~truc ti on Directory CALL 642-5678, EXT. 325 DOC ~ OBEDIENCE SCHOOL PRIVATE TRAINING & CLASSES FOR ALL BREEDS Novice Th ru Ut ility Al ~o. Schooling For Dog Tr aine rs MARTIN CREST KENNELS 20061 Cypress Santa Ana Call 546-0989 ,P laster, Parch, Rep•lr • \''f) I! 1·1 _,\...'.'l~Hl;>.1; \ Io I" • f I ''t _, .,LJ,.L 'f':!I •. di .)11..J,• .• -- 1 P lumbing ..... 1·<1• ..... ,, .ill • ,, : •. I '\ • 1·-coLE PLUMBING- : I lq' ' I'\ I " h I 1 111:1 .~\\l·,••llli•<1ll•' 1p.••1 ~n·1• I , .I jili11 11h. I' Hl<I 11\•l.dl 11.••ll• 11 •• 111111~. ,\''I IJ :;2 ' Ro<lfi ng • I'. 1;1.,1 1:1 .-.llf!!!. ,,,,.:'\, P ,., t J 11" 11'\ j)\\U ll"<•f k. I ,,I , .:~~•I, .J~-•11 11 Sewi ng/ A:te rat1ons I A 1t;;';iions -642-™s /\1•:11 . ;i r1 nr;1! ,, .~l ~ • ,11 :< •·\p. I I Television R•pair j • 1:1..,1_-..:~:· . ..: ·rv * I '-'•"I'll• Ill~'. ,\II t:r:111<l.\ Au1l1•>1"111'•I >T.1~:na\,,'( }\t\•11111 fqf h•olll'~I,\ ~1 10-1'.ll'.l [ J[Il] Job Wa nted, Female 702 '.\°~:~:IJ h1•lf1 ti! hPlllt".' \\'r h:1\"P A1·I~·~ e i\ur~r:t e ll o•u~i·I\•'< 1~·1... e Cnn1- p;1n1"11s • I l11111t•111.1kl'rs - \ '11J .. hr1, :i1l-f.f1lo'.I. -~-----~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~IT'i'l'l'\1:, Lii 111y h••lllf'. I~ J·:\p",J. Ill lld~ll'•'!<~l ll!-;, hldh. SJI•'•':',, f<1r111 l•·llrr. trr111 p;,f'l'r;:. ~::~-~l'.l·l'.!~· -----I ~1A°'l'l 11t ~: Lalo-;-rt•':< 1 d f' n I 11•u1!,1 liki· hnl1~~1t1 in,e: for d:l_\~. 111 !f'~I 11·1; .r nrl II . • Ml'll•Cll .t« .. sl•nt e Oon!•I A<t•\l•nl e Mn•l•l•o<1 Tnu•py T1<nn•<••n e Em••atncv Mro•c•• Tocn<l•(••n e Elf.C T1<hni<•dn • Mod«•l llrc~p!ion••• By a recent acquisition of Newport Business School, California Professional Collecje now offers: e Tvponq e lt>ollll••~·~q e S~or!n•nd • Lt<J•I ittrtr•rv prt pu1toen DAY AND EVENING CLASSES Enroll Now For SPRING SEMESTER CALIFORNIA PROFESSIONAL COLLEGE I I OI N~wpoft l twd., Co1to MH a , Cotif. 71 41645-2922 SIYO"~t P•~mont Pl•n•-Cr;,dU~!e Pl~Ctmen! An110.nc1 Ownf'd £ OP•••to<t bV Memt>t" of '"• PrtfllliOn C•ll or Wrllt /or Frte CU•IO<j r,;: .... 1-:~;1, ----\11· I tlC/\L 'fr.-h d· .·tfl'' bal·k 11H11··· or l~1h fY'SJtion. ll,\ t ·r~r .skill;, :X ln! r!'f~. '1~>--~-1 ::1.. ________ I \\,\.'\TJ•.ll" \),1,\110 11'k ';?.~ii} lir. ()\1 n 1r;111~p. l'li•1lf'rk·i;1hJ,. _, 111-:',.J.'7 f•I' ~,~,7-:':!~"I LlCt-:.\" . ..:1·:1l :-O:l '1 :-:~;. j ;,.,·1 1.,1· . .J l'•·l"i'!'lh ,. T+"n•lrr L111 Ill!.: f .lrl' fit· .. ~.;(;!. --- He lp Wanted, M & F 710 l,,r,·•111111 ;11'1 ~r. P.T. F ·c 11kkpr-l-'1.& t'!I.\ '\".\ r;i rk:1~rr 1 1-:s. rn11· C!t•rl• ~·"·"1·.( 'nn~! n11•11on I lo •nl:il 1\.~o:t 11.U, 1 ;1rl r·ri.n r:ui~e ~1.•d 11·:il :-;, .•. -.\' !'1 •1:io11n1•I ~ ... ".v 1''1ln1 l)rl'l'lnf'l'r ' :-;h1 pp111;.: <"ll·rk !'1'••).!r.111 1 ,\n .. 1y~1 !.~ i.:al Tr:111"''' ~ 111' $:.:;o hr :Jr.2:1 ~:-00 ~;{,() ~4J(I .'J: ,(){) '"" ~liO(I \ /' \1•!1'.11"\lo'l l"ll <;:,7;! I' T11 n1· ."·····.1 H.1?·rir ~·:.;,n hr \1!·<11.-. .i r:. 1·1 p1. '\1',o ( ;u·I ~~rid:'.\ .1ii00 :'II•·•!. Transrr1hrr '\.-II(] / ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ii;i;;;;;;;;;;;;~/Arrl ng (',-,n!n1I ('Irk .<;;::io A NEW PRE-SCHOOL TO MOTIVATE ,•· NEWPORT Personnel Agency 833 Dover Or., N.B. 642-3870 YOUR CHILD (., , , _ _.)_ ... ,\\("(Jl":\Tl:\C 1.· (' r r rl I I Clrrk for r1·1:11! •Trd1! rif fi<·r . F11ll 11111<'. f:.'\f)t"1' 1n p•1~11nc 4 fl<·~ b11ard :-~;.1r11H ,t· <1!1 pltd·f'~ nr 1·r··dl1 . ·"•'nil 1-. '\1111•' I•' ll a;.~1 f11·,! ;i d :\'n. ::r;:,, 1·/·• D,11 ly P ilnt, f'. I) 1·.n, 1·,r,(1, (".,.;!;i \Ir-.i, l·.1 ~· ~ ... 't: _ IN HIS MOST FORMATIVE YEARS! .... ·: • .\ T.,r:il f : ['.' (111 ,, '. I 'r .. -.. :11" • ;\ l.1·;11 lolll .. E11111,,n1i11·111 e :'l ln1·111111· /lfl,·rnr,,,11 T··~1 r·h 1n•· ~"'~!<•Ii AD AGENCY GIRL FRIDAY f."1•11111 '•lll•·r ;ippr;1r;1n1•,.. It;,.,,! ,.k1 /I < F1i:urr <1p1 1rurlr. ~~~.s:;:.n A/Payabl• $4l0 1 ;r.<.; l'ny<; F1•1' 1:,-•1·r nt pa,\:ihl<'!< ,. _..pr r . I lll'<'t'<.<;. X\nt l>r11rt11~. P:lul THE EDUCATIONAL READINESS CENTRE \"a r. Fn'r l.· F1•r l'11s1!1011..;. I <".ii 1-·a 1r E~1p~ny r~f'nl I ,\1.!l'lh'f, !)(1,, :'\". f.uc·tul, l...:'111~\.._~,,~1_"_· ___ _ .\l'T .. \!(;I'.~ f,.!" -,::! lln11 1:1.i'.'. 111 ·""'''~1r1 r:1·h .\!:i1 11rl'. ""f1'!. :\n 1•l1ildrc11, n" Jl"I<. Ca!I fA:1-1~11. 2070 Ma ple Ave., Costa Mesa ---- 646-4334 646-3062 ASSEMBLERS- Hou,ecleanlng Cnn1plrtr House t'rl'c E~llniatrs. S:tVf' . S:!9-0J72. Cl,,anin~ Call 11nd t:Ll·:i\1\"INt; hy !hr· <li1~. Hrf. Tra n~Jl"r!al ion r ('I i ;i b If'. :112-fliSl. Landscaping e TOP SOIL e Viii il1 r1 , 1i dnl11!1ni.; & ;-.:r.'l</111 c. --1 lll--fH~li. ---- Painting & Paperhanging 1'1\INTINC, int. 8.-l'XI. rf'll~ . ralr~. \\'<lrk g-uarnld. Local r t•f's, lir. Phil, ·l!~h%!l l. 1~1tor. painlin,q, in1cr/cx1f'r. Quality \.\'Ork. Rc11s. Lic"d In~. :1:17-74:l:i. S1il-27jf), Pi!OV. P ;11nr1ni::, <'11"'1 roof~. nc('(l1L~. crll , d1'1\·f111"a~·~. Lir(Ins. f "r"I:' f'~t. 61: .... -.191. l',\l'.\'TINt: .~· l'Al'l-:l~L\'1:. l!I ,\ r~ 111 1!:1r)l(lr ;11~·11. l .1. S.· 1~·11·11 .. 1. 1:1·r-fl11·11. r.1 2 :i:·-; PAPER HUNG $30, An,\ nH -1-r11qw·r . f'i•1'>·2·1'1!! I \I h 11r r.lr 11111111t D1 n1C'-A·L11ie ' Painting & Paperhanging I' A 11\ TIN 1.: Jn!r1'/1''1:1rr. \\'alls 11·ash!'tl l..· tnilll'll' n ·pa 11'1' :1! rric1•!< ~uu i·;in HI- ford. Frt'<' 1•.s1. fl r rs, r.1::----l lflli. ---------1.'liTEH/L)I{ & E'\lrl'ior P:11nt· in~ rninor l'L•pair~. 11f)n-1lrink· f'I', Fr1'f' 1·s li1111ttl'~. C:Lll •"V<'nincs. fMli·04Ti. ____ , Vl)I~ c!!':1n & 11rn1 p<1 in!111g . iflt('rinr or r x1rrinr & N><i~. ra tr s. lli(•k, 96.'\--100."1. No \\ .1s;1n~ * WALLPAPER * \\'hen )'OU call "Mac·· 548--1444 646-1711 ~{'1·1Jt•d lrninrcli;ilrl.v F. 11n1r -f•·1na l1• Apply 1·1'.11 J-"1<;1·h1•r /\\'I', fr\·1nr. r'.:ll1f. AS . ..;IST,\:'\T 1o h:11r ~tyl1sl, p/ti1nr. l,ir. rr1t'd. .Ion r;nrirpy .~. en. I! ii j r \1 ;i n;igl'n1rnl. fi.t: ... 7i!IS. /\ T THACTJVE, inrcl11gP11! 1\·0111:1 11 In 11·ork 11·/a priva!(' r·o. in lhf' puhlir schnols. J.:xflf !'. nlll n!'rr.~io., hur 11 p!.~1.,;1111 ))('rsonali!y & nf'IP 11ho f'11}1)s f'hlldr('n im· 1111rtan1. ~·asnn:il u•nl'k: fln- 1.1· 11 h"n ~1·11111'11 1.~ in sf'c;_~inn App1·nx ... l n1o's a .vr. S111ri hu1• 1\11:n1s!. Srrul sl\()rt h1~1ni:.' + pho1o lir flOS.">ihlf'l 11·/pl111n,. no. for ;ir1rL J'.11 I.Ji~" ,12'..l!l, ~·11i1Prlnn, Ca --·.~=c~-AlfHAL~rlVE 1;1111. O<-r:1~1nna l "·ork, hi pny, slr.ir1 hnurs. rnu~t ilr i\'r ;<rnPra l c·Jranitlj,(. No rn-nvY \i·t1rk. Apply R r n t 11 1 R,,1111irr, 5f>I\ W. i!llh SL, PAPERll/\NGERS • F1ock.o;, C.:'11. brt11·f'l'n 11 & U. foil~. vinyl. mur;ils,_-Li<'. & AUTO Ins. Tiie llangmc.'tl. 547-5.lt-'6. MECHANIC l'A!NTIN(; • llnnr~!. 1·1!1':1n, 1-:xf)l'ri,·nr·p<J In 1•it/1rr B,\lW .cuarnntrf'd 11ork. LicC'n~f'd or t\I E'HC~:llF;S. T•iJ• PRY .~. insur••d. 67j-:,7!0. pllln . 1111 i'O!llJ•llny to,'nl'fllll ·1·:\T~.f{~(',1n1pll'~' 2 1'011!~. I s, . ., ll••111r n! · ~tnry S'..'lfl. '2 :-;1or.'' S:'J)(l. CREVIER MOTORS i\ra l 1\<1rk. P.11\, .~1;-1::.·~\. 2ns 11'. 1-:r S1 , S:111t11 Ann )'/\11\"Tl:\t ;:-p~1f.-All 11tu'.k ___ 83S..ll 71 i;:-11111"11, Cnlnr ~ pr C' i ii I i ~ '/ F11o.~! rrsulr.~ ·:11·r 111~honl" R\2-r :.o;;r,, :14i-\,I II. r:l)I a11'i1,\'. t112 ... ;ifl7R 1:A11Ysr1Ti-:n. 1ny ho111l' '.\1117'1 hi11f' ""'11 1'Clr TUf'll ,t· Thur~, 9:'.IO !11 ti .. 110 f!"r 1Jn~. '..1-,...11'!7. (.' :-.1 Bank1n:: TELLERS lll"'lltl\i::~ fur IJ;u1\.: !rl!o t' 111 Cosll& f\!P~;. t,, l>t>e"h :irra. l '.:>.1X'r. r1n •J"d, liu! \1 ill rn11n XJ11'1 so1!11r:;.· .~· !,,.-nt•f1t~ Ar1•ly 111 n"rson. m •in '.IOI, ](}j;, !'\11 :'l':i1n. :".A So. Califo rnia Fir5t National Bank ~.qt1;1I Op1,r1r. 1-:n1111r,\•'I" DAR+'.\JAIJ> -0\ rr ;1;-;:-:\t> .~. r:•"' :\tu~! likt> 1•1•111'1". N1 ;:fil \\••l"k i\1•rlv In r~·r" 11 •nt1 !'!..\("!" ')'(~I \I f:,,1.,., 11h·.1 .. \.!: BOOKKEEPER-S ECY- iur ' .. 11~1 1'<1«!1011 ofri1·1· 111 :'\•'11·1 •wt lt•·a,·h. :; (!;.)' 11,·p,>I.. ti·L1-l'.!lil)_ -------B(}()!{l{l·:i·:PFlt, r r lll :i 1 ('. !hri> 1<n;1nc1al 11l(l!;·rrir n1'. p;1 ri 11111•'. ~ hN; 1!;1!1\, !?.:~1 hr. :.w ... :;1:!'• BOYS Age 10-1~ !•l fiel1V('r pap<'~ in the Dana 1'01nt, S.1n C!e- 1ne111~ 11.N'lt~. DAILY PILOT 4!1:!-~l::!O CAST CA~L~L-- All :ii;::rs. l'~rrt·1nlly over 30, in!£'re~lt·d 111 app1·.1r1ni:: 111 fihn s!r111s fnr n1edi1':il e(!urntlon. Sat urolny onl y. April :!!'!. 9 lo '4. 1500 Arlnms, C'nsl11 illr~u. Su ltr ::10. CASUAL LABORERS Urgently Needed e :0.I ust hai·t• trrin!<porlnlion & trlrphn11r . Interim Per1onnel Service 7;~ \\'. :0t11. ('.i\l. TA2-7j2'! ::r1fi·25!l1 CLERK TYPIST Yrar officr t-J•tp<'t1encr '.\!In. :11 11·.r,.n1. f lc•c lnr l)'Pf'llT!lrl' C;ill Fnr ,\ppl Indu.<lr•a! l~rl111inns (7141 494-9401 TELONIC INDUSTRIES, INC. Laguna Beach Equal Oppor. En1ploy1'r COO!\, c:..pl'r. c .. nl;t«t <1d n11n1stratr1r. f':1rh L 1 <l n f'fln1· r n1 . f.\'.!-:'111·11 COMMERCIAL TELLER E xperienced l'u!l Tilne & Part T ime -UNITED- CALIFORNIA BANK 7901 Edinger Ave. Huntington Beech 847-2581 or 546-898S J'.:qua l Orror. En1plo~·rr CO'.\TPANlfl:'-1 & bahy.;;11!£'r I•' li\'f'-1n. r\n hr.u~f'\\ork {''1:- crpt hnhy".;; l:iunrlry. S&1. ,1·k. ~fl rlrlnk:ni;:. AJ:'(' 35 Tn 4:1. r-.111.~1 rlri\·e. Plrasr rflll :'>1~. \hr1r1nnn, f1}1---~~~~-:1, if n.1 :ir:~. r,.1: QS!'li, \'1r: N.A. Cn!<mr!i;:;:--~\lb~idiary n£ Grnrra! Ff\()(!~ 11n1\· ~rtc"f'n· inc fnr f1"'r"'"n.1h:r mrn 1 .. 11nmr n Ill lra, 11 tl):lk<'11p. hif'h r~rr..11:: r-.o:,.11•1.11. Fnr •t:.,·r1 "'' :1:1;it .f r \1·,, 1 I \j,r<l:.dl. ~·11-l·lh l __ _ ('()S\l~:fJ(~-~11lr.<l1li:ir_1· n f ~rn"I f,'fM"i~ m1\· s•~rC'Pnir:t: r. •r flt'l"'(lnahlf' mrn ,t,, \1 (\mf'n 10 trach mllkr·ltp 11/l11i.;h r:.rni~;; poll'nl1n). f"<Jr 1nlrrv,1·. r111I ~~Ul-19. C1-;·r1 1·.T:0·:;rr-;::--11ik~icUT- 1,.r. Al~n. ~nnH' knowledi;r of f"U<!nm 1lrr~s c u ! ti n i::. '.\laturr rx·r~nn 011!~-:'11r. c.1rn~·. 1;;:1--;Sf,(I h1•!orr 6 pn1. &J:,..'.\10') aft i pni. DF::\TAL rt l'C e p1i0 ni ;;I r xp·d .. Cull or p:irt !imt'. Srn<l rrsum<" lo Rd No. 3!1!1, J)aily Piln!, P .O. Box 1560, Co!>ln Alcsa. Calif. 92626. DENTAL Reef' pt i l'.l ni1 11.·11.ntr<l t'xp'd & reliahlf', !<nn1r> ~\·r~. & ~nmt' Sit\'s. f';rat in appt 11 r 11nce. f>-lt>-!Xi71. DENTAL ;i ~o;L orthodonil' rhnirsirlr . f'sp'd. Front or tiark, call A'.\I S.12-777:,_ DENTAL Assis1an!-Exp'd. Snt's o nly. • • ~~7074 •• DISHWASHE_R_ Full Time Nites Apply In Prn;on COLONY KITCHEN :1211 llnrbor, C.i\f. DRAPERY-{'.nrprl s n l e s, Exp. Deror:i !or !ypr p<'rson. Acli\'e slnrc. Exct'l dra\\·. & comn1. 4!'12-225-l. ----E 1c row Officer Co. \Viii pny lop 1;11Jnry for cxprr ienC'f'. \\'ESTCl.IF1'~ Prr~nnrl As::rncy 2W3 \\'f'slrhfl Dr .• NB 645-2770 E:'\P'D po1,·rr 111 ll c h i n r oPf>ra!nr fnr m • k l n i.: t'll~hion.c. r.1a1.~n. 1 73 3 Monro\'in, f"o. E. Co~t11 ----Don't Jl'ivr 11p !hr ~hip! "LL~t " It In rl11~slf1<'rl. Ship tn SIVlrt' Rr~ult•! fi.12-:ii78 OAILY PJLOr ~j Employment 1(1!) 1~_ ....... _, .... ~J[IlJCC............ 1~1 L-1 _._,......_.__) ~; P 0 .X \' Adhol·:.1vt-/palr1l 111 II nu I R c r u r r r nff'll:. £•11er1.:1·T 11.' mutun> 111ale far- 1.,ry v.orker lor !r:uruni as ; • ..,~, I• ·n·n1a11. S.1 pr hr Xlrll ••Pfl''r fur 11J1-.1nc·enu·n! ;.i.~~:.1 ~··, FACTORY TRAINEES !\(l t'\ll• l"irnrr nrr·rs..~r.1;.•. l111mr•d1,\11· pv.,1 IH•11s H\lll[- a hl1• nu,', i;t11J1s. (.',1s1a lll ••sa. ll'\11•1· .~ "'"''lior! ;1n·:i.~. :1 ·1 () I J•,\\ (J'.'l.Y :-1 S. Tl-:'.\1Pfll1AHY S!··!~\·111 : 1·1-~I SU. \,l;,\:-,.11, S.1111.1 ,\11:1 '.t7 ·o:-:r. l 1 \l.\I.!< ~;dr~ !w lp -'·hht IM· rl• :•I f,, ··IL1·1f'•ll 1:0<•1 t.r~, ~·1 o1""! P•<.I'. Appl~ 1:1 l•t·r~1111 .. 1· r;lll r,,r ;•l•f'L 11 s ,\. ~:· r1·.1 r, r .. :.•11:! ,,,. r:-11 J."'.. 171h .'-\! • ('.:'11, FIGURE ON"AN EXCITING JOB Figur• Cl•rk 5 \'a r 1•·d ro01:o1t1ons 11 'h1llin i;. ca](·ullllions. hie l.1·pini;:. G•n'I Clerical 1;r.-1d f1~:1U'r> 11·ork & typini: !>.kills hP lpfuJ. Keypunch :-.tusl h:1ve 6 n1o'i:; \\l)rklni:: f"Xpt't . on r>il\ier A krypunch, krylnpr , or key rli~k drvice. Secretary-Steno Typinl!" 50 1v.p.m_ Litr i;Trnn. npt'ni111-:~ in J'H't!<nnnr·I, fintn procrs~ini;:-. & olhrr ch;iJ- lr•nginJ! an'a!<. • 1:'\TETlVJE\rJ~.;r; \ln11 ·"-Ttir~ ~an1 :!pm \\rd 1hn1 t'n !lam-12pn1 ()~ :::rr1-: nv f)! ·r. !\I·:\\' P.l!ILO!\(; PACIFIC MUTUAL F,\~lll():"\ l."l.Ai\11 IC'r>rnrr s.1n!a r r111 k Jl;r·r f"11'1 ('rnil•r l)ri\·c t hu ~ tr;in-.1.,r1n1 inn rnr 1rr.rk in I~·~ ,\ngrlrs 11n!il n1<•1'<' 111 !\""I fl' 11'1 II .1 ll t l' fl . ". Fu!l P<T.l'll•"•·d. lnp pa~· 111 rJ<·/rarl T1111r. (ii\--fi'.l';ll Villtl·:.\IE:\. Le11cln11'n, r "- r"'l' nio!dt'r~ ,t-!r;11n1·1•.; nrrdrd ror llf'\\' llhrrr_::;; pl11nt . Top ray. All 3 shifts. lfi.11 T'l11c·rnt1a. C.'.\!. FRY COOK Experienc.d Pi Time -..202 Surf & Surlo1n 59'.!0 \V, Cne.111 Iii\')'., !l:B Flll.L (\f p/t1me. S<-rvirr r -t:ihli!<hC'rl F11llf'r Bru•li t'US10mf't!<. 962--0-llti. ---VITLI. t11ne l:N J.JJ::lO shift f!<•vrrly \":1ll'scr nl J\J an o r llo!<pi1al. Co11- C.1po lh·h •. '111(,_:,1ss. CELCOA1. lvuch-up l't'Jlr.1r f..· 1ns!all::.tion men. F.q ua l Op· I/Qt . En1plflyrr. Columl:)l~ \·acht!'. 17;, :'>! c Corm i c k A\·e., \,'!<!a :-,1 ... ~.1 GENERAL OFC HELP For Jt·11·r lry !'hll'f' 1n ('\1. Somr '-'·'IX'r. Plt'a~ant s111·- rn11n<lini;:~. Full 11mr. rh f11r ;1]1p!, 5\j !!1 ~5. -----C.F.N 'l. r!1·~1aur.1nr \\vrkrr. fllanuI::ic tur in~ Help Wanted IMMEDIATE OPENINGS DAY SHIFT 17 A."1 lo 3:30 P ~I \ -110-V./12·Y. ELECTRICIANS -WELDER/MECHANICS -FINISH WORK CARPENTERS -PLUMBERS ,i\11 positions rcquirl' r~·l'l'tl l t'XJJrrit·ncc in lhP /(. \·. nl:1n11f~1c-111r111g 11Hh 1!)!1y. Appl1+ c.:ant s n1ust be c~q.lr1 hlt· 11( d ui1i;.! rough & fin ish \l·ork in high-\'o!ume n1u!ti-11nit~-pc r­ da.v plants. J\lust Ile ;iblC' tu furnl!-.h pc.·r~ ~onn l lools. J·:xperil'lll't·d npplicanls r1nly. Al'l-'L\' JN PEJL'i(t\' lil-'.'l'\\"1 ·:1-'.~ 9 &: !l l\.i\I. (;L.1\l(ll SIL\t'l~ Explorer Motor Home Corp. 577 Paularino St. Costa Mesa An Equnl Opportunity Employer t-H-e-lp_W_a_n_t_e_d_,~M-&-F 710 Help Watlted,_M_&_F_7_10 HSKPR-P/TIME Con\·. llvspil<1l. 642-!!044 llSKPJl/Con1 pan1on fl/!in1•~ no s1noking nr <.!r inking !-Jf.2{1224. llunl. u,·h. INVEST IN YOUR FUTURE t"ult or r /Tirr.r. BE YOUR OWN BOSSI Men or Women lease A Yellow Taxi Cab Ca\I for 1\ppt 546-1311 PERSONNEL ASSISTANT 0111s t:indinc: nppnr . f1ll' 11'1- \ ,11\1 1•1n r11t \\-/rap11lly ,., pa nd1111!" sf'n·u~· ~w~11n11;1- l 1<111. \\"I,' 11re l•1ok1ng f•Jr <1 1·:11•.-,·r nund£'U \1' u 111a11 11/•''\1'ep1io11:.il :1h1l 11~ Ir• 111.rk \V/prnph•. '.\lusl ht• 11"'\lhlr. c·11;1!J1•n,gi11g J~lsi- 11011. Jnirnr•I. op1·11ing. .APPLY IN l'l::rt~ON' !I TO 1 P.\l CJ'.'l.Y .<.;I S. T!<:'>!POHAI{\' A~k for Hrn11rin ~t:Hvrcr: oiiiiOiiOii0iiiii0iiiii0000-ooo.-m : 11?0 SCJ. (;HANf) f~NE PERSONJ\1El II ~an:;~~i ___ ~.17:::·,;i;. l'lZ!..\ C•.ql>s ,i.,. !>.. Jl\,.r~ SER\/l(ES/;>AUNCY I r1r:11 ·rs. P~l't ti111r. !li•·r ::1 ;\l\.:ln;: Si•("ylH~: 111 :<;i{)IJ _ 1°.:o::.:_l'..~.1<'~ 131~ ._ H -~·- ,\J>sl. ill.)(}kkl'l'fl(·f IU $1:i fl r'.•·'"rp1d 1ir s11 1u si.-.n PRINT SHOP S,•c'y1 r~ll~h1ron J<;!and s.,:11 rmmrd. 0(>(·nin~ fnr can- 1.lu·taph!•llr &>."y S·IOI') rl.d.ile "·/~Orne f'\j.,.!'. 111 r;,•n'] Orc/l.1tr Bkkpn1; lfl s:~·.o :sin;i\J o 11 s c I Uup!u-al1111.: lfns1•il:\I Crrdi l !o S:..00 r riuipn1 1•n1 . rrt'c· 8:. Fi•r ~-F"r Appou1tn1C'n1 Contact 4.~ii F:. 17!h I n! ~"f·.\1 {':ir"l Sn1 ,th 642-1470 AVCO FINANCIAL LA!JJl·~S c·;in L'at11 $1.".-S•!Cl p1·r i''C' In romn11~«1on. ~t·i!:n~ P.t>1•1in<> fa~h,,111• fl•I [IJ r l) p l:1r1. 1'::~.'-:1-1'!7 or 5-\i;.r..iOi. l..\J1JE.", ••11 rn p/l.111r u1- ••n1n e fii1m )"0111" h'lrllt". r ·,,r lllll'I'\'\\'. l"Ull 9GS·:!I::::. J.,\J)Y Nee1lffi in 1!0 1n•n1n.1: - _1.iur hon1t'. SI hn11r .. \Ii~.~1011 Vil'jo Hl"l',1 . S::l-~'2.i:,. L;\DY, rar! !1n1r l'nurn1•r hl'!p. Apply in pl'J"!'(lll. ~x:;9 Adnrn ~. ll un11ni;:::ton Be.1rh. !.OT \lan 0."f'I' 21. ··l>·.111/1'1•a1 ar~r11·1 r.1!l•"f', 1\t·· ~1·r•.•1\'I'. lrn1ncd. 1111t·11.11i.:. !'hon(' :-,.1(}..9(;(;:>. L\.N nct'dt'd, ;'..l l shift. Ap- ply Pnrk l.i1!11 Cnnv. 11 .... 11. 1--1·1:, S1tJ1<'!'1or, I\ .n. MAINTEN ANCE-MAN for lar~r :irarln1rnt 1·0111- plex. Illus! be lhnroui;:hly r'\- rrrirn1·rrl in ;ii[ phn~rs of m;11ntc11.:U1<f'. S:.iJO rnu h• !<fnrt. -------~ .\Ji\'\ICUP.L"f _ H,1·1·1·p11nni•t. (',d1f l1r. rr•l'il •iit!i'<: II • l' "-!\Ir~ :-.0>1) llt'il I I r: i:: 1.;..~11(;1. SERVICES !i~O ;'\t•1\"Jll11·! (;•n!rr Jlr :-.1•11 1inrt HPat·h fi11 ;,\(I() l.q11;,I (lpfl!JI' E 111r•l·,~1 ·r PROOF OPERATOR E xperienced -UNITEO- CALIFORNIA BANK i\lain !-:1.. Jt11 n1. Rrh. S36-8811 PHOIJl '\TJ01\; FOHt::'ltA:\ {..-l.l<,\D.\IEN t•1r nt'\\' pl:tn!. F1 hrrgla.~~ "x p . rlc.~irnhlr. h111 n"I t'S~enlud . \l"r will 1rain. Top pay & C'th1! fu tu rr. r-.t a r (;reg o r \·nrht Corp. 1631 Pt11cent1a A1t· .. C .\1. l'H()~"ESSlONAI~ phon e sollc11or -Dana P ou11, San ('1f'rnrn!t', Ca p1str.ino aN'a. ''""'rk in y011r 011·n ho rn<'. Hc<:l dc:i! in nt'f':1. Phofle s::~ .. i-11,:, )wh1rrn 9:00 n.nl. nrul 1>1•:1n !n!l!Urr fo•m;,Jr 11~1· 711:\:Xf('Ll~IST. :"\ •• \I fl() f T -Real Es-ta-le-Career ltm11. i;~~~~·'.l'..'iJ . --GTRLFR=ID~A~Y~- '.\!111111'"· v <' r !'at i I f' v.•/ k n'11~·l('(ti;:r of & cxprr. in 1nodrrn i;cen.-tarial nfc pro· l"t'!ltJrt'~ inch1rl1n,c: 11h. &nd rrsun1r !o Clns~i fif'rl R1I 111\ ::~s. rtn l'lni!y Piln!. l'.O. Bnx 1560. Co.~!n ~tcsa. Cn . 9:!fi26. CJRL, J<lll'o'! \\'Ith fi.f,'111'!'!', 10 key addlni;:: m a r hi n e . 1'1·iva1e r lub in l\'e11-p<>rt l\rnrh. Fringr h ~ n r f i t!;. fi.l:"i-51XXJ, ext. 176, l\1on-F'ri. L iz CIHl.S Club of the llarbor Arr<i. 11.i1si!;fan1 lrrn <lirtt- Tor. Ovrr 21 \\"it h exp. '.bl lit·s. prr 1\"k. Allrrnoons. l'\"Cs. S.11. S I~--, per hr. 6-16--Tl Rl. r.1nLS Cluh of the llarbor Al"f'11, n1ohile as!'! is t a n I . Ovrr 21 , f':"<.'Tl'd, _1~ hrs }X'r \\'\.:. Sl.65 prr hr. fi.\6-7181. }IAIRSTYLJST, N f' w po r ! 11l't'a. husy 1;hop. Should lmvr r licntt'I, but not nee. 6.JG--11-1 :;_ I-FAIR drts!'let: Are you look- ing for 11. tun place to bent! hair ? Bu ~y shop. C11.ll Bob- bie, S.l.~·9!119. llAIR ST'i!LJST 65' ~ SAN' J UAN CAPISTRANO •• 493.1011 •• !If.LP \VANTED -Qu11.li!ie<l mnintenancr-men "' i I h \\'tiding o:per. Strike In pi»grt'.~'.'t. Ct('5"\lilr, San Clemt'nte 714-'192-~163. HUSBAND &: WIFE to ma.n11.ge 18 Uni! Benrh Apt. r.totel. F.x-p'tl p1·rr. Srnd res11n1e "1 Cla!'lsifiPrl Ari !\O, 370, Daily f'ilol. P.O. Ro11 15f.O, Cmit 11. i\te~R. CA !f2f.21i "Jlov.·a.rd" ~·hf!rt are YQU'? l.o~' Plml'!hin,1?? Find It , pl11.rt 8n 11(!! &12-riG;.~. :1ro•11, htl~.I' ~h•'jl 11 I t h r>~l;ohhsht'•l rlii'nh·!r , \Ju.'' hr ~tiarp. &16--1 J.l."1. :-.ll~Jl](',\I. st:c1:1•.T1\HY / !1f·:f 'J'F.'TI0:"\JST Good !vp1~1 for ht1~.\' nlf1t"', ~:xp1·r1t'nrPd o n l ~-. I lun- t i~tnr1 Br11rh 11 r" u . ~1•+::,10. ~ --·-------1\l'H:SES, p\t 11\11.1. all lyJlf'~ all sh1f1s. lA'srn11l1t• l\'ur,:.r s llc;.;1slr.I", 3;,1 ller.<p1 t;d ltil ., f".B. fi.12-!~l:i"i or ;.m-.~;,.1 Intcrvit'\\"S 9-5 M/F' OPEP.ATOJlS, ~i11grl-~pcr lal. Exp. only. Sport.~1\-rRr. ~rl. r•ay. \Inc. flll~'-N . B . tl2-34j?, ortG,\'.'IST. CPITA!:l"-T r or r.;;ie Cluh \\"nrk i\N'rlrd !m1nMJ. 7'i·l-\:Ji6 Cnll from 3-!i pm (lnly OVEH 6~1'? Thais ck for Shaklct' Distributors! FR~:i.; 'l'RAINl/\;G for your Ol\'n lull or port lime 1if':1 l!h, Rf'au1y & F:coloey hu!<int•s~ . Br involvccl \\'i1h othr r f'\'.- periencr1!, active pcnpf('. Cali rl'tS-5253 lor appt, OVERSE'~A=s-­ ~IORE JOBS TJIAN PEOPLE All skills & prolt'ssinna • llighcr \\'aJ?c~ e Lo\\·rr ex-pense1 e Tax hen1,lit1 • F~ Transportntion CALL 541-4345 Service Guarantct'd Until employmtnt accep1ed OVERSEAS SERVICES 1617 E. 171h St S.A. SuHe 3 PF.TITION circulator.::, 18 yrs & over. RPi;t:i!I . 10 vott' 111 Orr.;. Co. :iOr Pfr valid 11111?n11.turr. Brine: prnof n l rr.i;:i~tra1 ir1n i r 11 ,. a 11, i\:>.6+7.1--l:i, fiAA E. lilh SI.. Suitr 217 S.A. The fastrlit draw In the \r .. ~1 .•. 11 Daily r 11o1 r:a~~1r 1"d Ad. fH2-56~-· __ Free Licensing School April1r;11 .n11s 001\" hrin;: t;ik"ri rnr OrRngr Coun1,Y Si·J1nnl {)Jl<•n :'1\.1} 1. * .\1 orr h<·nrfil;:: me /l. 11 hi.t:hrr 1nro1nr. • l:J() 01!11 ·rs c:irh in•lt'f}{'nd- cn1ly 01\'nf'd . * :'l'i"Ujor ne h\"Otk 1' . V . nr!vrr11s1ni.; * Full pai.:c advrrti~ing in tht' tiA. ·run!';::, ""f'f'kly. * Sta!f'-\rid c rC'rrrral pro- gran1. * Ex!cnsi\'c ~alt's training rour~e. * Bonus romrnl.~~ions p:iid. If you qualify -S6i 00 schoM:1] tuition 11·ill be rein1bursr•I. 1\la.v bt' con1plctc1! in ·I 11·rcks. Sp;1\c 1.~ Jin1i!£'d. Ar>- pl~ 111111. Cnnhtet Sl rvr t~ran111s ror int,n·icv.·. Rrd CarPl'l !1ral1t·1r;::. ~16-.%!0. -Real Estate Career Nc\v or cxpcricnced, join lhl" Company 1hat'11 gt'O\\•ing. lf you do not have a license, check on our $49 Real Estate licensing Courie Full salrs training pro~am -no cost. r-.tan1u::('mcn! np· portuni!ir~. A ~k for ?i-lrs. Jnnl'~ for inforn1n tion at 8'12-5581. Tarbell Realton H. EC E PT I 0 NI ST-PBX \Van1cd 2 bright, quick f.r rhct'r!ul ~irt~. 2f>.-29. f11 illon--t'ri 8 ::10-~pm. somt' PR:'\ f'li:[lt'r, l'.H Sl-1! ,t Sun only !Hi pn1, nn t'li:Pf't llf'('"~"-Cn!I \tr H~rllf'tl. IMr ... 1 ~\ll. An~· dny 1~ the RF.ST nA Y lo run an Ad' l)nn 't <lcln ~ .. r nll loday 6•12-;--60~. H~;-'l .\l"l~t\S'I' ~'lfl \\';<11t1•tl 1·1.1·/, c ... ,k~. IJ • .. h11a"'" r. J:u.;r;,.._v. \\'falH't>"~'"" • ~···~! ,\ Cr•1 \\!a I (',1n1.11·1 \l r 1:,,f..1 ·1· 1!11.\\·, ~ p111 .. 1 J'lll ~'' <"!° ,~ ,-.:•,.ir\, ) 17!1 r.:1~<'1 >.;• ('• ""t '.\J.·-..1 I 1: I ..,~J',\l 'HA:"\T-111:!11• -•J, ,, 1 I'\ I ;,.n I 1111t11·~ 1\(1;.'1 ;d .-: :'1"11. .h·dn1 ~. :V-W •J l\!",)l•1l ( '. \1 RN I )11·1·(·icw ••r IHll')oill!", !r..I !>1·11 ••lrh'. 1.~p i\l'j•I c· .. ~t.• '.\1• •11 ;11·1·.1. .'\••1,.! n ·•11lll1· 11• .Id 111111 1:.ll'.1!••1 , !' (I "'" IH~•ll, ~ .. 111,1 J\n,1, '1~'71 ! C'•i111'. 11 • .-1.,1.d. ll;1n:. J:. 11 ;u·r:t ::O.i~-~ •. 1,,L Costa Mesa EVENJNG H01l'ESS 21 Or Over Apply In Person 1555 Adams Ave. Co51a Mesa ANTIQUE ESTATE AUCTION MIO SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE THOMAS MORRIARTY ESTATE - SPRINGFIELD, MASS. ( J '<irl 1:11 Li...,tiri~ 1 14 pc Louil· X\'l f ';1rl1lJ '.-\l'l \',11'\t•d 1:r:111 d - l,llht·r 1'lot'k-.\l11,n· l ll1x -l·:;\q\11S1l c l<ih:~,­ ~·r1·-l.'ri'llC'h l)!rl!IJJ.: t:uulll ~l:l'd r11111]1 (olil\lil ()r'll'lll ;il 'J'E•lll\..\IC!(ld l'l ~'lt'S i\Ji~!'. ("11[ ,\ /\rt <;l ass ltl•111s-:1 i\J1n1 l"lun;i 1 ·nh1nr·1~ ('<lr \'cll llunll·rs l 'aln111·1 -:-,tl" l "h1n.1 111-J;,1 \ l "h l'~t -lla111lpJ1nl l·tl 1:rt·11t·h ('o nin1,Hl l·~. t·:tt' DATE ' THURSDAY. APRIL 27 -7,30 P.M PLACE ' MEDICAL CENTER RECREATIONAL HALL 300 SO. FLOWER ST. -ORANGE (l3t·l. Ch~1p111;111 $.;_ I.:·1 \"1·\~1 I ,\uc·tionP1 ·1 I.. J.('\1111 Antique5 l! i.;.) \\";1 111111 -('1"" 1:1 '''" j '-------' SCRAM-LETS Help Wanted, M & F 710 SE('l{l·:T.\l{Y: l'lus11 uffH't' 111 hr:on··!1 rof 11a1 1nn;'1 t•o (,1r lilt' ).(HI \\ho 11·;,,lls I\• luk1· ANSWERS (lrph;111 -\1 .\l:\1 1'1' !lavo· 11111 1!H11, • f I d 1::qu:il Opper. Einpl"}C't •·h:ir;:r as rii:.:111 h:ind l•J r·.1sl 1 111:•k·1~ l""'l•.r -----.. -----1 J'<'L:l(•lllll n1:11i:1•_,:PJ". 5:,_·,() ( l_l_'_l~~\•\t~ • - I\ \!:\I Furniture 7 PC . VELVET & SPANISH OAK LIVING RM. GROUP <'"!1•!•1(11l'. p( 1'' I• ii 1·1 -.I I I ' ! lo >If ~ "11 "I ! ' ,., • All FOR 5199 TERMS-ALSO LAY -AWAY PLAN TRADERS· 1 FUR N ITURE " 202 N Bro.adw,1 y, SA ' ' I Gar<1ge 5dle I '· " . " '\ ,. ' ' '. " I. M isce ll;i neou~ Sil HEAVY DUTY CARPENTERS RA CK \'' " \\ . ' .. ' I ' "• ., 642 -8223 "' ·'I "1, •\ h ' " \ I 1 S ,\LES..\1 1\N: l'Lll\lBl:\l;-C;oll .Jan l';t;:•'. ~>'\IJ--b(i-.:1 ,\:\l'IQ\'E H•1 ,· .1 1 BUI L.111:\(; :O.IATERIA!..'i . Cnnst:d AgP1u·y I ,,, '.. ' ,, ' .~ f' T . I! f' ;, \ .1 11 , I 1, 1 1·ak111i; appl1{':il ;on~ ln1n11"I. 2i9<t J!;1rLMn-Bl . 111 1\dn1n~ -''11rll 1n Pf'f!;nn. h:El{.\1 sr:cni·:·rAHY-:-;harp 111;.,tun-· 11!.\IA llAJ{!)\\"AHE, 2titi(i 11· o 11111 n. d<'f"M'ndahl1·/!ull '. )'., "'' .1 .. " ' ' ' !'' ' ' .. ti e t 11! L!.t ·r11I: .. ; \"1·1 1 ,\llll:-. e 111 '-I ·•' ,,J,i '\.1 lh •I . .! < ,,,!, '<1 l j,• 1 , "Iii•••"•! ,,,., -· ''''"'' I '' " J ''·" j " " • ,. + '" Ill "' I ,,, . ' ,, I •·""' ''" .... '1~·-~., .. JUKE BOX " .di' 1 .. 1 ',., ii '' 11,ld1oill "' .. , * AUCTION * I n ' ·' ' 1 ... ' " .1 o!, I ' " . " . 111 '· ' ".1 I I I I" I ~ 1 •• '• 1 I I 1 ~;., !)Ill· L I I >r, 1·~ •1• ·' I . i !!" l '·ll!" • " ' I .. I !I l.1o,r 11 , I ,, ,-,.,• " I I II , I : 1~ l•l\f ~ , 1 , 1•1•u•!I' I \ 11• I 111-1 I • 11 ,1-11.11 ~-' 1 ~l ' •' , .. 1 .... 11~11 ,, ,.,., .......... 1-.r.l ' f.11,..1 I I,,}.(" I"~ 1,, "! 11i:.·<~·:r;-. .1 .. 1.,--1 I,,, "'I 1, 1 I : •• l'•h • II• 11 /., l'I" il••P 1'111• I)•· II .11.•ll"" \\.,1• ~·,.,. tll"•! 1\11l1u 11 .~i l +Jlti.1 H:1r1,,,. f\l \d, C.\l salr.~ EARN $30,000 to $50,000 11nv·. !\on-s111r1k 1·r. 11 (• 11 - drinkrr. :-11 & 1yp1n~. !'\II ofr. C:ill for appL Alon-Fri: (;~5-7121. Jrt•·l111l1 ·~ r.tl.t. 1; 1 •. ,. h Vf'l \'t•l-llkl' llrl ']11"•-, t'iilll' .·al)111t•t, s1h·1•1· 1•ahin1•t ••Hd hulh·t. 111 11•r.v i.;nod 1·0 11. (J(l1u11. ~·nu •or I~·~! nff,.,. •••••••••••••••••••• Do Full or p/t ime you have ... * .c;rrurily'.' ~ !nrlr p11idrnrr~ • S1•lr ~l is!..11.:1 1v11~ ? ? Do you want .•• e Bi'l!1'r opportun11y! • llq.:hrr posit1.,n'.' • ~:.1i:1•ru1 i\'e opporlunily'? e P!"f'~\tl!<' auton1Pl11lr"' e Profcsi;1on;d tr;,111111;.,:'.' $ I l\u. l.\J)r1-. l\r•cr~.~ary ~El{V !CE :;1:1. ,\!lt>11d11111. Full or p/llnli! hrlp Apply u1 fl"r-~011. A1r1•n·1 ·rf':"<.~<,1, .11;0:;: Ca111pus, N.11 . SEWING-MA.CHINE- OPERATORS E\pt'tu•n,·rd nn O\"l'rlOl·k. So111 r 1'ra111f'f'.~ hrini; n1•- r1·n1r d. Apply J~y·!\1nr 1n1•. 2'1<17 S. Oak St S;1nta An:t S In ::. S!lll'l'Elt, 1•_\"i\\'rlcncrd, !1111 !1n1r. ;"\l\\"fJ()fl 1:1·;\L·li. C;oll ti 12-.". 17'..' TELF~Pl lO~L Sale~. Top n-.1nrnissions and honus. Ap. ply in person "be!l.o,·ecn 9.00 anrl l.:!:00 noon at fi?J;l F.olsa 1\,·t'nllC', '!id\o,·ay Ci\y. TYPIST Jr lhe ans1,·rr to thN"e or \\"i!h son1(' ESr>row rxpt'r. to n1orL' 1s y~·s. you n1ay ht' the assist l::scro\1' Oriiccr at pt'rson v.·e're !onkinl! f1Jr. llunllni.:lon Bt•ac·h Branch o! l'o.~itions llr!' available SECURITY NOW! PACIFIC BANK CALL 714 'S::~-9472 :202 Main St, HB i\Jr. \\'ard S!arling 1nlnry * SALESLADY * commrnirurate \\"/f'l<-pi 't. Sf'e Doug Kt'UP, A!<sl il1gr A~P '.l0·4:i. Eli:pf'riC'n<"C' 11nnr1'-r~qual Oppor. F.rnplnyrr t·s~:ll'}', ApJll.v : THE SllO\\lr:=========~: (lFF, 22 fashion l~lancl.1 1 --- - S,\LJ-;S.\1 AN To rrpn.-srn! UTILITY MANAGERS ASST MANAGE RS markini; tle\'iCt'S &. \\'riting lmmerliRle openini::s as part i11stn1n1ents for r f' I i ::i b I e o[ !he JR<'k·in-thr ·BoX m8n- e<1abli~l1rcl co. 2i0 Brigg~ agen1ent !cam in Orange Co. Avr, ('r)~!a .'.\1e£:i. · & Loni:: Bra("h arr·.-i. No !a~! SAl.ESl\lAN rood l'..'ifl('rirnre nrrL·S!'ary. Paul lra1nin,. prn"r;i1n. C1u11 -Lc::tding l)ran1:e Co. mcn'11 ... ... C•ll ri·t1111·1· 11:1i.;:1·~. <•1•11ortuni1 i··" stnrt', "'fl· i'I nius!. _._, 11!1~-fJ:13~ rnr in!rrvir\i• !or r:1111d ;ir!v:1n1·1·n1r 11r J.:x --+-c-rlh•11 r lornrf11~ :'ALJ-:S.-J'/11n1t• f\•'lll yo1111c INTERVIEWS [ 1111H1 fl"rrlroi 2 f'\'r~ ,r:,, ~'\1 Th ~ A I ·17 ·~ A \l -, P\l ;,,11 .~"22:i llr.~J.\·l-:,fl~l L._u r.; 1 1'r.i,,, ·,; ~,1 12 ·~-.... ----~ 11, nrn "'''• . "· 1''"'" e S:\LE~\\'Ol\1AN e JAC K·IN -THE-BOX Es!X'rif"nl'rd f!" 6042 Edinger __ l~i~·~~~r-J .,~9 Huntington Beach SECRETARY PLATFORM Co1nnfl H:ink ~:xp. Dl's'd CENTINELA BANK NEWPORT BEACH Re9ionel Office C:ill i\1r. J . J . Thomaron (7141 646-7121 Equal f)ppor. J::rnployrr SECRETARIES \\"A!TllJ-;ss 1ran1rd, c;:1llt'~· \..1 ff', 11!r.1~r Mii f(1r in- l1·rv1r11 . 1)7:;-:110. I\ A\'l'J·:r1 111an nr 110111;11\ <·x- 11r•r11•nr1•rl !ry f'Oflk. Lun.-h ,(, du1111·r . :1 1:(' '.':1 !ri '4J. Fasr. neat. si1n1 t• h;u·k1.:ruu111l & rrlrrene~· \vnrk Pxp. 111 Oranize County. ::tu \\"rs! 4111. ~anl:t Ana. \VANT F: J): llo11~rkrerir1-, about :i dllys n "·rr k for couplr_ 011·n !ra n~. f,\.J-2f.J:, f'\"l'~. -W.7A~T=c~H~M=A=KE R F:" fJ"r i 1•111 ·rr! r .. r rr('n1•r!'I. i\"1•\\"!)•11'1 J\r11rh r,;:i.27:11 lmmed. Openings \\"O.\IA~ for par! hn1•· 111::111 long & Short Term JinuS"k1'f·p1••1:: 1111<1 11n 1n .. No Fee t:()<)k 1nl!' fo1· f'lil,..rly lnrlv ln 9 TO 1 Pi\! ONLY n1ohi1 e h n rn 1•. Car S,L S. TF.:-.1Pf)f1ARY nrrr.~~nry_ Call 1!a uchlrr ;,t SERVIC•: fJj"J-Ti:i l. If n•1 illlil\\·rr, r:ill 1420 SO. (jl{ANO, &1f,..2?:1i. Sil nt :i Ana 54 7 .;,;::r; \\"() \ 1 F \l-,-,,-"-.-,-k-i ,-,-,.-,-111 t SE:CJU-:TARY ~ yrs. f!)(p. i1l sl"111[1 1111 nite & p/!in1r. :'\'n stalis!ir nl lypin~. for n1 pholY' r:ills pi..,,~,, \\'1n- 1h~sign & lite 1-.ookkt'f'ping, 4 chf'11's, 2'!)\7 l!:,rl..,,11·. 1\1. Girl ,.fr,..,._ i;o1ne 11hor!hn11d, \\"(}.\l A~;1.,, 111 rhr1'1 r1n l\"f'\\·r1nr t Bt'::.<·h lor. s:-.2:i. llf'lrnr. :I.lust hi' n!1!1• t" •h"vr \\'r11'\ \l:i11sifit'fl Ari 1\r.. ~2. rl<IC'rl~· Muplr. ;.is+~'G::!l or l"la1 ly 1'1!n1 . P 0 . Box l~(i(J. &16--£:iG;1, r<J~l.1 l\l1·~a. \;1lif. 921i26. --------------------1 \VQ'.\IF~ ror pf:lnu• 11:r tury \\(Irk. Cnll '">1"r2il:2 Secretary to $6SO more ~as d1;.·•·r ~ :_. h• n n1urc rlt·i.:. •li)i•r s .ii 11,,1 point rk·<· 1lry• r S 11•. r;u •I and rlrl. :1·\f,+!11:7:_1 t.lAYTAt: rcpn tnn;,11 1\·asl1rrs S:ti.' to ~ll~ 11r111 rr S:l!l--177.li. i\ /I )'T. 11"'-I ( di .~-~c--­A!,;\lf).>.:'I' 111·11· C:1Jri1'•l' ~···'-; r:111g•'. ~P)t c·l•·lln111g !•1 • "· Hla.-k fKJ1\·1!rr roon1 i. .. ~111. REFJUc:EnA·rnn .~ ~In\'(' - l'1t"1k l1kf' )j('\l' s:.o ('JI. ':"1':0 \\'1·~1m1nsl1•r Alvrl .. \\"1•s!111. QV~:r._ 200 \VilShf'r.~. dr;.·t'rs, rf'fr•crr~1!or.~ from S39.9J. :H~7fi0. Rent Washer1/Dryers $2. \\'k. Ftill mainl. • 6.19-1202 * Rf:Fi{Jl;EP.ATC)R, l:1 ru. II. /\11Tn d1•r1~)"I. v1·ry (']r.1n. ri \'r~. 11id. J;~J-OOffl. :-,1,\ y ·rAr. coin nJJ. 1\·ashrr & ga.~ <lryrr. Sli:i. Rrhui!t & ~uarantc,.,1_ .~.~!l--170::\. Auction ORIENTAL RUG AUCTION Sunday April 30th /lur-11nt1r1•r----1 111 rn Tr11n! F::\Jll!llT[(lN II} /1:'11 2 l'.\'1 APCWl'l()!'J 2 P\1 Newporter Inn 11 07 J:1 1111~·1"•••· lto;i<f l'\1•11port J\rno•h, (';ii. Furniture 3 ROOM GROUP ALL NEW FURNITURE 110 rnn~1.~!ing of 8 rr twtlroon1 i;ri•UP, 7 p<· 11\·ing r\!oin gn111p &: 5 pr dining ~1·1. ALL FOR $29'1. TERMS-ALSO LAY·AWAY PLAN TRADERS FURNITURE 101 N. Broadway, S.A. K1:i·l:lO:i (1p1'1l 7 J/,1y,;; OFl'-11h1lr 6' , _ d r a I\' r r 1!r<'S'-•'r f..· nurr•11 , .. h11r round For111lr~1 1hl \\'/Ir.i f, -1 t'h:lir•. [)ark r•1r 11"r 1·11p- llo1ar1J 1\·/).,:J;i~~ 1lnnr.~. '.l' h11 f- rr1. !~r ... 1.:2;, \\"rrl Thur~. \\'krnd.~. :'lll Tu,•Ton A\'I'. NI:. VF.I.VET lultr d ~fa. lll'\'f't US4'!l, SlJi. Vrlvr! h1-h:u·k ch.11 r.o, $.~:; r11ch, cnr\·1·d C(l('k!ai1 t.ihlt'~. S t(I 1'.1Ch, laillT'~ 520 rarh. ~i:~fl...f,2)11. ----SAi '. Eh·o::inl Lou1~ XIV Ar11111irl' SJC.t). li !h C1·n!11ry 011 S•i .. l TRhlr~. l'l1::t•rs. SIO up. f>-42--GAA9 --,-,<.;r\F.A ~· ,~. !rl\'" ~{':1!, NP\"!'1' lll>t!•I. l\11Th SI 10. Sf'11'1ni.: n1a,•hin1'. s2:, Pn\·::tr r111n.v ~·S--':'910. I (;1rl offirr. Crra1 t\'l' Atn10!;phcrP. EXEf"llTJVt: PF.R~:\l\"F.L ACf:NrV 41 0 \\'. CoAst lh1)'., NB --H-0-USEWIVES I !-1;-<_E_H_"_ltch-. c1n-,-,cly-pi-,..,,-•. -.~,· Pt llimr 11 nrk frt•111 yn1t r \1 ul•·. 11.·nr1 11 11.-·,,.r thr pn<'f'. hnmr. Fnr 1nrrr.·1t'1". 1·all 1;~;,_;,~~'l. Su11c II 64:1·271~ 540-0!l2~. ~r-,-. ,,-.-"~,,-,ck-,,,-. ,-,.c,-, -, f:1··· YAC11T S1r,1 anl ,\· Ln~1111•1·r .\111•1 b" r 11p'rl l'°'/L'flfWI tl'f•. S'.1p r-;o_ ~l'.l. I ,1•to Y :• ; 111 Anchnr:u.:r , )\(•1\"lillrl 1\1•.'1( h. .Apiil.v \li,11 1hri1 t r1 t ... r~· pur«hnc.:t', hrnnd $')• 111,~-1~·.:: \'n' l'r'\ '1"11 -----111~1!1111 Sofri .~· L,..-.1·('-.:1~1r, ~fl. ~ !:ok • dol•·~+ 1,11\J·'. ;\'F\\"' f\1.'>--lifll For an ad in Wo man's World Call Mary Beth 642-5678, ~l(! JJO Jiffy Afghan A,J,I 11 l•l 1!~111. l"ll•"lt 1111~ 11\\lltH-ulut lwa11I~ l 'ln11d-sn!! 11nr111 !11 1 I'. ilh 1"!>.1 ~''l'llJl~ ur :: ri1l1•t'> In 1 1·••- 1·)11•t ~rr11i~ i11 !;:1111· !:1 -.~··l••r! a r g h 11 11 -l 'Hll!•rfl ~IJ~ 1!1r.·•·!1•u1~ !or 1•a1•!1 p.1ttrr11 -;u)d :.i:, '""111.~ lnr f•:ll'h p.1!1 1·1·11 r .. 1· Aw :'llail anr! Sprr 1:il ll;1n•1J. 111;.:: ••lhrr'l1'1S(' lh1rd-<'l;1~s 1!•·l11·1·1y 11·ill l;ikr !hr"" 11 P1·k~ nr 1n11rr Srnd I•) ,\l1 !''" !!n•·k-.. 1111• 11,\ll.Y 1'11.llT lU~•. N1•<'dl1•1·r.d1 J)1 •1it , !Ylv Hi::. f )Id f'l1•·l~•·a Sl;tli••n. :\t·11· Ynl'I~. ~ \' 1()(11!. l '1·1n! '.\'.:1111<·. ,\1hlr1·~~. Zi11. l'nll•·rn N"n .. 1l"·r. r-;r:F:OJ.EC'lti\FT '71' \r1i, t'h'"'· kn it. 1'11· ~'rr•• d1!'r·\'• ti1•n~. ~ 1•1•111~. f"E\\I: lo .. l1t nl .\l11rr1u11r. fl;1.~!I', fan•')' knrot ~. roa11 1•rn~ $1. 1':8'1,-Ar1 at llnl r11ln Crn· rh1•I -rovrr :!Ii rt,·~ll!ll~ In niakr . SI. l n,lnnl ("tfli·h1•I "'"'" -1 l•"Arn t..v p1<'hll"t''' J'all•·l'n". SI. 1·on11)\f'lf'. ln,.fMnl r.111 "'"'"- -111111·1· 11ian 100 cll1(. -81. ('n11111lr lf' Altli1111 "'"'" SI. 11 .rur,1· 1t1111: n .... 1;,. -·r0 l'f l'ri1f' ,\fl(hn n~. :,o 1'!'!11 •. Q 11lll Rook I -ir. pn11t'rnii. 511 1·1·nt< :\111~1·11111 t)nll! nML: t - ',/I 1 ·rn1~ 4t11i1t• !Hr T"1l111"c l.h·ln' -l.'i b1•1111 T1f\1I rn11o'l"l1!1. :Jl ,., 11!~ , In Women's Sizes 9395 Onr- 11i:1 1n pullt•fn p.ir! ror lh•· 1)11]! on 1•;1111 ~ !11111 a1•1• 1!1• s1;..:n1•d '" 111 lari;:1·r ~il.t''< 1~J111f,.r!:il •ly, r-.1nkt• n p;ur in n" 111111· <ti all~ 1 •1·•111,.d l'n!trrn ~l.1!1:1: ,'it:w \\',•1111·1\'s \\'a 1~f S11.1•;. :11.1 •• ~2. ::1 .. :Ii. :\ ~01 ,. r: 4_-,1 ~_ S11.•· ~? l •1l;P~ :!' ~ _\';1q!<; 4!"1-1ru·h- :o..t:\·t:ST\' ·t'l\"t: r,,,. 1•;u·h [l!•Tl1·rn -1uld :].] •·•·111 ~ 111r r11 .. 11 pallL'l'n for A11· ;\ta il nntl ~p .. rial l !n 11•ll· 111i.:, o!hrl'IVl~t' lhitd-<'la.~,. d1•l1\'1'ry 1\·dt l.1kr 1hre,. 111•1•1,~ tlt• 11u11"1• :'l"-1111 I<• l\!;1r111n ,\lnl1•t1. thr JJ.A ILY 1'11.(IT. 4'1'.! l'nll1'rn Dt'pl., "'l'.! \\'r~! l~lh St . ~f'I\' Ynrk, ;... \-. lilll!L l'nnr l'liA:'llt:, Arll)ftt:~s \\'1111 7.TP, ~•zt: 11nd ST\'l.t-: Xl";\IHt:R. SEJ·: ~!ORF. S1)rin~ Fa~h inn~ .~nd rhm11r nnt' pntll'rn rr"r 1rn111 111•11· Spring.Su1n n11·r C:italog. All srzrs! Only '.>1\ •'<'111~, 1-..;STAi\T SE\l'lNG HOOi< "·1v 111dn,v. ""'Rr tnmol1'tl\\. I I 1.-..;sT,\NT F"ASlllON ROOJ.:. ll11n•lrL'd.~ uf fashion fRclS. $1. e llr··~-.1nnk1ni.: -Allt"rations lll'"1~nrd lo ~u1 t ~'Q\l Cflll Jn • 10\&---61•16 SE {' Ht: TA H Y-():\l.'' lo npt'r111i< IR:-1 Alf rQ\IATTC ! '.\tTST J l,vp1·11·rllf·r -\\'ill lrAit1 -r'a\I Krtr..n, S11lr!L - Nr11'Jl'1rlrr inn, 614-1700. /\ l{OOll \l.'l\nl in\'rstnll'n1 !.l:A:-..1• 1 '1 11~._ ~.~I() 11r h• .. 11· \\'h11,. f1Ill11; rl'l11rhr< $.•1 ··n flit r._ :.i' ~~ : 1••·················· r.;in &12-5678 "-Snvt~ ' DAILY PILOT , __ L ---1:\:·;'r.\\'T C:1~h ror grV'M"l 11-rd IL1ro. l1drn1. !'•·L~. 11•1rkH1[! 1"ol0r T\"1,_ rrfn~ .'\; ;,rf•h l i" 111"' I·• 1ttl. :, ! '.J -'! ~ .; I . :,.1;-0;::::. f-:l,f-:ITHI\ f..:.x1 Y1·y1ll' <!<"IU\. :\1111 ~·otHI ' 1111 ·~ ~.~V11. G0.1--1'~?.l 2 ~P· s~:.o. \rE 11111 hu~' :in.\ll1111i:: 'Jf v;du1-, 11,.,1~. TV .~· .<-<> l.irliJ. 616--0·177. ---~ -~-BASS JN ET, c·lran & Like nr11·. SLJ. * &lfi-38 1~. * Miscellaneous Wanted neat. 820 JP.VINE Coa!i l ClJUllil)' Cluh !IT r m h rri;hip , .... •11,..rl-f11r cnsh. Phone 548-8G6[} nflcr 6 pm. Musical ln$truments 8'22 Pet$, Genert'll r::11·,~· 1'.11 ;,l\("('t~. <lil ly $i . r:li:r nr:d (;r!'.'l n • ~~~1'-11'.':;; • Ca ts 850 852 ~ n i\f{l.I\'\; 1·111 ... l.:1111•11', 6 \1 Ii~ nlrl ~: •. e 1'.!~-!S1.'\ r1·'.11.ill;-.;·~d-,,,:-,1-,-,-,"-"· SJ:1. CFA rrg1sll'n•d. Dogs 854 * 1\l-'GHA.'-I Pups -Ch11mp .~11'1•1L Exo1 1(· ,. n I o r s . S11·1-fli .~h . E n-;:-J i~ll haL·kg round~. Sh111\' or ~:!. Jtra.<,01111hl1·'. 6 ·12-;.il ~ 5 • 6-l.>-1209. l1f1• prr>."'r\-1·rs. 11 111 i•T, Si.Id. !11)2-:i?;o.:,). ]\JTr: 1'\'t-,-!l<J-.. -1.-,,-f'v••r t,.·1·0 IL,1·d. i\lcl{1hh1n Sllll $~iJf!. * 6<15·47:'.0 * I.ID(\ 11 l'\o. :le'H 1, !1kr nrw. l11.-l11rlrs 1rlr .\: n '>\"C'l\ !)1~:,o. ~~~~-1 l(J:) Bot'l ts, Slips/Docks 910 ~I.J P 11·anttd 1.-ir ·1!' po 11·"r lmnt. Hus. 171-11 776-6200. J!n1. 77ti--251ifi. Anah!'.'1!11. * * 1\I::Afl L1rlo-Sirk: Tir. Ac{'um1norl;1 lr~ 20 ro 2.'i fl. ho-,rJ!. 6i.~-'i-1.-ill. ---- Boats, Speed & Ski 911 Jfi' Glas~ Ski P_.(1;i t \1·/;'IJ hr :.1 .. 1«·. C111npl \\'/!iki <'qui r . . Xlrl'! c-nnri. ~99:> or b\1~1 of- f1 •1'. 96.~9-191- --~-~­l r '.",1·lox Sp('ed hoal. \r / m1v Motor Homes Sales • Rentals 558-3222 ll\l S. VilL1s::r \\'a.1 , '.'-_.\, H F:C/l V ,\Tl():".' /1 !. \'•'hn·:r·· f(•I' /:1•'1! llY•1'1 .\0.:o t,1 .~i<~I PI CK UP S VANS '62 to '66 12 to choose from '.J~+(I 11,ul••I )'.l\d .• (' )!. 1,4::i.111GG ----·~~ ])A l ,"l.'>; f'1,·k-l"p 1"\.I l'Qnd 11/L·;,111rw1· ~111·11. If\ l'n1 1f·~. SJ l.'1 ·•I" 11t:1k,. n(!l·r· :-;:io.:).:~;11 IX•l11 r :+ !.· l' t ;, ·<·w~ ,,.. I ' I" (" l::11]1;d ll 1;•;111,11 < '••1 11111"11 C.111'1•'1' !'•'1'!11;1 1· ... 11 i,,, :1111 .. 11•! .. ,1 ~~~.n. {;.i11 ;~:J .:>Cll7 a(r, ,. 1; l''I f>''r 11r1·k, p!i1., 7,. fl('i· 111:.f·, ----.... --~--­ Slr11)~ I !n ~. 0Hr·r l'\"[1•rl'\ ,Junf' J. 1!172 ;,.ir ... 02!!1. 291J5 Bn ."Tnl. C .\I. ----- Tra ilers, Travel 945 11 ' Tl1AVl-.L T1·;11lr1 <;!1·1·p~ ·1, :t(' )·~·-~. !>111;HH' .<-T<l\t" ;-11},j "l'Pn. l1r~•'l1('1·d for 72. L--.ti; (!f ;.1or:1~e :-p;i<'l'-111•11· r·111» t~t1n<. 1-: .... ,·r ll1•111 j'ond, sr.~r), 6~7-1!:.; :if! ·l l'.k d .1··. :\11\ l1 111r $3:" (;I F(!l:IJ !'!•~. l'p :,,·•JIM ni 1lt'~ hy 0r1i.:::n11I IJ11n• r, l'l:i.,Slr 1•1\11<!, t!irU\lUI. ;)1::.1! ;,J!-11 1~ j1j;,-,J.· .. 1.i--,,-,..-,-_,-,,,-"-,,-"-,-_ -,,-,.,, !'/!'.lit', 'll•l<i"\ ·~1,r11;11 11111' (;,,)II 1·11nd. .~:.'ll(l. ~',1 l -::0\,~ '19 Cl lJ<VY Tl:!'{'I~ \'f'f)' r>l•';,11_ .'\l•1I i •J1l1I. * ;, \S-OCI:;,~ * -----~-----'1: ! '" Ton D·)d:.:•· i; ··~I, ;.;1iod r·1in1111101\, ~fiLil. 1.1' LO\\'.J.l:'\t; 'HR Shasta. srlf (_·onta1111"rl. in1rnac .. -;62 Ford E co~V an- . , s111tnhll"' fn1· V\1". Oa1<11n, 1\11·1· 1 L•1:1"1:l:J 1 !'It '. ~33~' ~~1 3 L.1 Linda P l. $1095 N P,. '6!! [\"l;\IHUJJ l ru11n f)('l lLX{' Tr nr T.·;11),~·. Xr rn4'. Sti7:J. ••r ht:s1 offr r. Sl2-70.:.+ ----17' SHASTA, .~Jrrps S, lili•' n1'\I'. f-:x1ras~ SJ !00. 1!1.t! Rosl'.'n1:u;. rt. c:.1 6 !,'1---1 7~1i 9ARISTOC RATS e l'\F.\\"POrtTS e AUTO·~ll\TF:S Al so, scvernl used ~395 & up 1\-'0RSJJA!lt TR,\ ILER SALES 27111 \V, l7rh Strrrt '66 Dodge Six Va n .\fusr "'"(' 1 \' t.!li2li1 51 795 ?lta.Wt4 ~ 1HJO I !a rhnr Blvd .• C.~!. GJ:1.0-IGG Auto Leasing 964 ALfA ROMEO ------Alfa Romeo • !'\O\\ 0:\ !Jl.SPL.\Y * ;66 Mustang As k111 ;i < S2.m. 17\n. 5:-rl.i) .F HIT"'. l\'ArtRE\"S VOLVO ---,_,,_:-:-:-::::-,-;::--A 11 I• ' 1972 VOLVO ' ''"' J 1'.+Ji<, ,\ I' { '1 111d t 1>11d, '<111· :11: .. 1 •. J•.\o'I I 1 Sport Car Center ----------•o r:,\:'\CF: c 0 u ~ T \. ' s ·10 A uC:i ~o L\r.r.>:sr AUDI ,!'••'ii. 1 ... 11 .. Ii· "r r0 fl l'IF' 1 ~1 '>1.!'.;\, ~1 7--074~1 ''"'l•·rl , ;+t : 11;~1(){'(,1'.,•• . .S11ra 1 :0-Lll Ill~, •1 d1•11' ,.,1 l:1ll, 11-1 f." (',.,1 -1 11"'"· .'.'.J-.\\l 'CJ l ~I' Hl '..\l1! ii7:!.0:~IO E~I. ~-:i1 BMW IMME DIATE DELI VERY PORSCHE O'iER 25 Clean, Recond itioned, & Guaranteed. PORSCHES 9Jl's -912's-914's 1957 to 1971 NEWPORT . ·IMPORTS 31 00 \V. Co:i:-;t H\\'Y· l'\C'\Y)JClrt Br ::tch 642-9405 --·10-Porsch_e_9~1 l_T __ Slrr"o. !11:1;-~~. l 'r11"a le Pru1y, Days 839-!l::.60, aft ~ ~-~-~--~l5i Let'1$e Today at Best Rates $88.74 Per Mo. O.A.C'. ,\:\1 'F':\1, ,\u1o_ tr.1n;; d1~c hr:·,krs. ~.G 1110. For Lea.sing or buying '70 FIREBIRD 2 DL. l!T. li11L·l11·l ~1"1(~. radio, hratt'r, J Sfl<I ( lloor shif1 f li«1n-,,., p1· i'. r11~c hrakes , ri·11 1:1u111:~ :10,00fl n11le l:l«lnry 11:i rr:i111.1. Pvt. Ply. ;>::-1-li'.!'.l{i . AMERICAN American Motors ·~-=--=~ ·;1 :fl! T. \V11:·r:'lnl}' All r::.;-,...,Gremlin1 ,...,Hornets tr:1.~. Sepi:1 hro1111. Slial'p. "'Matadors ,...,Javelins 'llu.~1 -~l·ll . ti·M-:?-1::2. • ... Ambassadors SEF: 1 ·:-, .-\BOUT ,,..- Overseas Delivery '1:.' Pn1·~1·h" S :".<'l"i'"'' .. ..;:ln't lluKe s!oFk ol 'il's f~ ·7~·s CR EVIE R MOTORS i·,,H:d . :'llany ;.;1 "11~· sisoo 0r Big .. Big Savings 1\1·11\,· Ofl'. :1::G-2i~7. '"·' "-'8;~~1 7';'"'" '""' --~R-cO~V=E=R---1 Harbor American ---------1 l101nc of Convrnif'nt Autoruo1 c•'lle•1ce ----------- $895 '63 Ford 500 Clb Cpe \ur .. I r.d)S , .\ir r·11nd. !-11•0 1 111~: >•Ii i' 'Ii ,.I_ $595 [ '011 I'!' ~~ ·+::r l.""1'1 I.Tl>·~ ]11 ll,11 <i l<1fl i-.· .. 11..:h;1;11 ,n: ~ .i '"' · ,\,, \'i11.1I h•J>. 111111 •1 "I "'• F:\· ( ,.:1.•111 •'O!ll· 1111.11 1. .\~~111) ~l!'.l.l. f'r•,,.,. r J ,. \ ! b Ir . _-, II f..dy.~ ;01.l'I loll'' 11·!;11, [~. '1;:1 t«wd LT!i. 171"!1! 1 1 11 11·~. :' •Ir. \'11i,• I t••p. dr•h1.,~~ in fl"'l"JO)'_ ~!'<)ii» ... ~ ,~· Ill •''\•"I ,· .. 1111. ]\\\\'(•1· ;h'•'l'illl"_ !"""' ,. rl l-•• lq· >~1 -., tot:' <"Ill.! ~:.'~1 1:1 c: 1-_-,:.11, '(I !'l.\T•J l '.1111·d,.,11; i \,.,11\(' : 'lid 11'11'1', ~'1 ; ,, '' .•iti-1i.~')~ ."iii 1; 11 0;-,j , ' '1i! ~111·!1 \";111. <1fln~pl rl'b\I , 11~'1\' p:i ot\1, l><-'.'I off; r . tt l•~-.~.~'I:! itt h l ~-1~ > ;~ CrtETCll c-ountry ~cntl\'!n a n. 1 yr oli1. $500. "<t~h rw offrr. CaJJ Pat, cvrs 4~2.0_1_2.c·•. __ TOY fo~ pUl'C'hr.:-d. p,,..:11111 rull.1 j.18-!liO"l T<'rnrr Pur>pil'S, no p a pl'r~. 11l'lrk(''I. s2.-1. 1r:i 1Jc-r .t running !ir:hts.· ,scac"c'•cA:ccnca ___ 1c71c4c1_Sc.'c•1c·'c·'=!'I:; N,.11· 12v l,;d \(·ry a nd 11:- 111:rin !',1"~1•·111. Anc-h"r. '72 /'< ·~. (i 12-6.~~f\. Try 0 11r Jea~E" e.xperts f(lt Sl11·1ngs -Sall~faC't ion -Srr- v1('r. & TC 2000 Rover, '6~. P aymrnts • .·•· :-.-lnl r·ond .• $1700 Finn. 1969 Harbor Blvd, G7:i.'12fi.1 a~k for Jolin. (o$ta Mesa 646-026 1 • ·~-0 F"rd :'1.1 \1::1i .. n it :' J:!d , :.?11 l S:1 nla ,\r\;1 ,\1 ". :\n. A. ( ,\!_ ~---111~· i•ff•'I' hi'.'-'· !I ---------• ·I Tiny C11(·k,1pooi;. Auto Service, Parts 949 Of(ice Furnitu re/ E~u ip.' 824 $10 1·~•rh ti:\2-'1~1?1 nr :,:'.-1 -:~.~~.-, ""I.,..~. DAHL!:"\(; l1 nlc T \\'k (1Jd 11prw111 fl<1°'!1'"~. s::.-;, ra,'h. li12-IS1S r1r ;,,';.1-111.~:1 ;ilt 6. .+27 Ctir"I'. T r i .1'0 11 cr : ~111_1111_1111_1111_1llliliil"111_1~111_11iiij~ J 1\ 1 u in i nun1 n111 111 fold, ;: !ml 11011c-y 2 hhl~. 1·h1"()1l1{' <llr \\'E LF.ASF. ,\LL r or1:1.,,q 1~1;2 .'\l:\J-;:1-~ . ..; ,\T CO.,I1'ET !- ·r 1v £ I~.\1'1::3. RO Y CARV ER , lnc., __ TO_YOTA BUICK 1 r:: '!Ci\ ~I;:-1:,rk ·1·~. 1 '"' :i. r r·,1i1 !'"•\~•'I', 1\~!/f-\I. ;qJ •"•nd, Cnrul 1iri'!', 6·1 1 -r.~.::.i. ~!ol2:1 ll•1rl>0r Bhfl '70 TOYOTA Cn~1 :i__:tr-.<-a _ :,i1 :-~1 .:11 STATION WAGON JEEP 17 \',f),!,J.; ,)•'<:'-\•/·:I EX 1·011rl, rlf'~I<~. i 1 1 i• c-ab1n('!S, visirf'cnrd. r-1r111r~. drafr tn'; tahlc's. ()!hf'r 1 h'1n ~. 5-J.'\-3-J86 dyS, 5-t&---46,jl) ('\'CS, C':\I lriosportation 1 '] f 1· l L.--------' ~1t~;~:'."rC01~;·plc1e11 ·;~~~i. ~;·, ChE'v. Du a l Q11t1 d~ r:d .-r h r <i(' k :i hu1u1111n1 Call )!:dcoln1 P.rld f,•r furlh<'r drl:1ils. TH EODORE ROB INS FORD 20fll Harbor B11·,1. DA TSU N 1 1 :\r11· r·:•I" lt':ule in. 4 _....,,.rd .. r<oil•J, ,\; h1 •:i ll'r_ 7 ISC%l'. -·72DAT"SiJNP.U:-$1495 :\•11 -1n1 1·,·~1.-t•·1·1·1 I. '.\!"'.:'.' Santa An a Toyota ' ----------- ; ~Ci•<• 1:1 ,:r \·_11• 11.1,), :· 1, .. ~·,,.,, 'I d .-f'ff ('r CADILLAC LI NCOLN 0JLL ll::S, Ii 11ks (Jit~-;hlr .~· 'd111 r , AKC 1·r ,::. Good fa n1i- ly rlog. 897-~1fl:;2 Pia nos/Organt 826 AKC rPg 1~l !'.'rf'd S;1n1nyrd Campers, Sale/ Rent 920 1%6 l j ' Chale1 fold c!o11·n ea niper trt.ilC'r. f1hcrg la<~. idcrps ·I. n1any extras. :\lui;f sf'r 1n npprrcin1r. :iHJ...:iJ l2 af11'r 3 pn1. n1<1 111folrl. J{l•hu1 1t C'll rbs, ba ll bf'al'ln).; !1nka ~I.', chro111,.. Hlr f.<'VOp~. ('Or11plr1c Cn~ta :\l e~a 61:!-()llJO -· ' ·'• 1 l'"·c c!ep1. Ofl!'.'tl , .. II ;u11 " h'"f'I~ H1<' r11hh .. 1• r 11 ' -... " •. , ('ii1'0111r !i111n 1wr·'· 1.ra-r ·111 Cl pin ;\lond.1y 1lirli ~-11 ~7.",_ ~!n~o 11i11 _. _____ _ pnppi•'S. 1 OOy. 1 g\r!. SJ1ot~. e ORGAN BUYERS e f, wks. ~~lS--Ol !'IS Autos Wanted 968 /<11'' dJ,\. 569.95 Month ;-• d:lll, :Hr, \J11·1tt1•n I I'•''- fol! B--3 JIA:\1:\lOND. Perfect 11·/h'.ruger string b a .~ s. Sl.!11-::( CONN ThC'alrrrrtc. Prr1rct. $1 ,345. 4 SILKI ES, 2 male 2 frinalr·, 2 n100. Blk toy poodle, S lllOS. f>·l6-01 ·12/~,.1l\-l0Z2. CA .\IPE!t SHELL ff\r D111 sun pickup * 1;i.1-.1.-.7:i; (1 \~{'. * :-.1 1::r{c~111rnd V-8 r n1;. \l"ll h all ar·c·r~."Ol"ll'.~ .~.','.> 1:i.10 Forrl ("r\11[1•' rJ,)<1~ IQ f'1 rh. l'.l lfl F'unl il:1•li Sill ~'.:~\.567~. WE PAY TOP CASH O,,\,C' PHO NE 540-25 12 YOUR ONLY -lli \',. \\,,1 1:1·1' .":'!n:a /\11.1 rACT,li:Y AUTH ORIZED CADILLAC I>' I ' SI ill unrl 1· 1\;'1 !'·111 1_1. I 1 1,1 I l.\ < '11'' '. I' ~' '.' Bnnl;. ~-~:!'-•. fi l~-1 lf;i Piano,; C llICKEH!l\'C G1·and. * 8 &-a u1rur part G(•rman S!li·l'!hC'rd P11riplrs to good ho111(' S5. ca1·h. 646·5'1."i.1. V\\' pop-up c:an11>"1· 1-t,{KJIJ 1111. :dnl cond . Phonr ·1!!9---221.7. EIOO, ~3ro). tor used car.; & truC'K~. j.ist call us f(lt free estim.:tles. J'.lJ·:A Lt-:1~ J,;1r~f':..t s••l 1'(·11,,n of C:1d il- l:1··~ 111 (J•';lllt.'.I': ("•unty. Sll ll'~-Ll•:ts1n::-. J.0111; f .-11· <!Ill' ~11~/ ul' p.11'[• ::'.iJ(J '; ( 'i'I"'·', :' ,\. 11 ~'·· n ;111"h'.o,.~. Sl .997. \\'URLITZEP.. pl:iyr r ru<tno Nr11· warrnnty, S1.1·14 AD O P.ABLI:: poodle!, 8 \\'kS. 8-lZ-1223 purcbrC'd ·~-----Cycles, Bik es, l[B] 925 I ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~ GROTH CHEVROLET t\F:\V spinets -Ao :;hon cuts $j9.i. ALLF:RG IC . i'\flJSI' ~ell ' l\f;i lr Golden Re!r. 112 yl's. Ah:C'. loves k iri~. 6·1;).-05111. LARTlADOR Retrievrr. AKC rcr,i~. quality puppi{'I'. C;dl 557--6219 Rrt 3pm. Scoote r Ii -------General 950 A•k '"' Sal" Man11.:::er 18Zll Beach Blvd. GOULD J\IU."IC CO. 20-15 No. l\fn i11, 5.A. ~~17--05S l * * ~lllC(' 1~11 * PUBLICNOTIC EI 8 C'fOr1.' you buy your pi;ino QI' O!"~rlll, b e S\J!"(' .!/,, lif'C us for Best Selection for 111,.. h<'s1 srr.·u·1' in So1 ··"r1"1 Cr'lifom1a At Lowest Dilicount Prices COAST MU SIC SERVICE 1839 Nr11·por! Bl at JJ;irhor Ct1s!a J\lt·s<• &!'.:' 2.~Jl Oren St1nrlayl'I" 1'.! In :ir.111 -ORGAN--P IANO WAREHOUSE l\'f'11·-U.~<·rl 1-·an10\!" H1-.1nrl!I STETN\\',\Y. I< J :'11 B /\I. I., OIIC!-\.f'::rtING. r!c. (01·1'r lflOO pianos <iy:1i1. \ l!/\J\1:\IONI). 1\1:\llJALL ,!'w CONN, C'1r., nrr.111.~. Refore you btry·Cil'I.' us a tr:v! Largest Delll•>r in thC' \\'t•~t PENNY O\\'SLEY CO. 7J418!l2·3314 11132 Brac11 BL. S. of J..:ntrlla Daily 10·9. Sn! J0-6. Sun 12-li *PIANOS*ORGA-NS* Going Our For Busi11rss Best quality -pn ces -Sl'l'I'. Ka1\•ai·Sll.'1n11·ay-Halrhvi11 . c•!r PlayC'r Pianos & Holls Rr nl11 ls ••• \\'(' B11y • Srll Daily ln-6 r:11rs /Su11 12.;; • FIELD'S PIANO~ Cosra 1\1esa 171 ·1\ {i4!'.i·~250 WOULD YOU-- BELIEVE FREE ORGAN LI::~SONS as long as you like! 1\'.o t l'g· lstration. No ohlic::1!inn, Ju.~! Come Mond11ys 7:'.ln ri tn , COAST MUS IC , ____ ._1~_2_~::.1 __ TOP PRICES PAID FOR Slein\\·ays !.· H:1:nn1unr!~ PENNY O\\"!'LF:\. CO .. 892--'.'::11 ·1 WURLITZER $pinr t piano, antique 1~·hllr, i.u"'d ,·n11(l. $350. * 67,}-:,1:17 Kll\-1BALL B<1hy (';ra nd. Louis Stylr·\V;ilnu L l'l'rf. cond. $9:l0. ~6-f!i;~. Storii, Rest•uranf, Bar JUKE BOX 132 '6!1 Po\\·rl! Trail Bike. Xln1 -'------- nier h. cond. Fast a n d 'ti8 Dodgt• Van, Rerl-E- pi;>ll"rrful B .t S 5 hp em,ine Kam[X'l". lo m i'i;, S2100. '64 \r IC o m c t Torq-D-vertrr E! C11n1ino. nu '.l07 f'nr: .• (lr11'('. A.~k 1ng $100. ;,16-1.'<7!1 paint. rrp1. 11pl1ol., !ire.~. If Huntington Beach -6087 KI 9-3331 ---WE PAY TOP OOLLAR FOR TOP USED CARS your '" I< ext rs clt>llJl, \VELS!f Corgi IPl.'n1brokel. Al{C, 2 malP., 3 female, rrd, sable & \rhile, S.16-49ZR. art :; P)I. ~~;J(I. '65 Chl'11' II ~ta \1·:1g .. WANTED 2:")(] or .'lOj llnnda. Prr frrtth!y no! runnini.:. Call Rfl('r !l pnl. or h('fore 10 am. ~7-930::0. f'ng. ovrrhaull'd Sfi!"i(). ·;:,.~ f ord Sl'd. S75. i;.1~-~:!72 Cliff's Auln 11rp:iir. 17'1 7 An;ihrim, C.l\t "' ::r.;'. BAUJ::'P. RU I CK 230: E. 17!11 s· * SPRING SPECIAL, S2. (Ii!'· count, all bJ'eeds, Noah's Grooming Parlor 642.fl.'<23. SA:'llOYED Pup~. 4 11·k5 n''serve no\\'! Champ line Si'.i. 968-6:iZO. Gcr 111.1n Shrphr•rd p11pp11.'s, t':i rf', long tia1n 11. ~l0-;1 1:\.~ * .~·1•-71'(1 ------s11.1:y ·r ... rr:r r J1'1fl~, ·l n1nlc~. sh()t~, Al\C. Call afl,.r ~ prn. ;ol:!S-11.111_ ------------ '71 I lunda 7;)/"J, 12" ruston1 fro111 rn<l . 6000 m 1. ln1n1a('! ~l:1 ny x1ras, Sl 'l751olh'r. fi.1:;...;1~61i. ~--,-=-~=­'(i7 Bnllaco 1~1hilo lOCCC, ,.,,_ p~n~1 nn c 11 a m hr r. c'On1· p1·,,_,~1ll11 r"lt·:1 <1• ~:.xr,.Jlrnt 1'1"'nd. ~20:1. !!i:l-1.11!'1. -----~~-'71 YA:'lf;\ll/\ ~.fiO F:11d11rn. Antiques/Classic s 953 LOl\'fJ()\' r :i b - u ~ f' d as p.1 r:1dc ca r hy Lr•nrln n (;r 11Pra ! C11h (n111p:in,1· lnl· m<il'. ~~.O'Xl f1rn1. .J 1ni. fi7;H;~~- Dune Bugg ies 956 n.ri. 'ill 17~1 r r , r11i.:r. hr:11~ :<u~r .. 111:10::~. 111111k , 10p. :\'.1r:1s, 111;1k(• of. .. ~Iesa 548-776:! buy '" n1akrs or c!rnn """ u 0' sports ears. paid not. Please. clrive in fr " <!ppr.:li~al. -· ·,NEWPORT -·iMPORTS -. ; . 3100 \\', Cn11st 1!11')' Ne1" por! Rrach fr;r roe . 642-940.:..5 __ _ Old English Shrr p !Jog p11ps, 12 11·ks, AJ\C. Stui1 SI'!'\')/'(' 1{1 rp1;\l1ry b1 rr!ir~. !\:1i-·1~4l< Suprr Cll.'ali. ~r.'1:1. :i ft ~ fl-Ill. __ __ _ _ -~ _ Irr_ fi7.'l-:1.i~~-L\!POHTS \\',,NT£D Oranr.:e CounJJC'S Horses 856 XLNT. BUY B1·au!i(11l hny n1 ust.1ng nH\r l"', l'pir1t rd, ran hr rrg1str n'd. ,\pp1"0:'1:, 14 h;inds. nihhon \1·1nnrr. Crrn! lnr ex pf'r· irnr•'d ~·v1u1;..: l"lfi<•r: Also ha\·(' ("01npJ,...1r t:i1·k. C;ill '.'i·1fi-7Sl7 a f1rr 6 pni. 3 l!OHSES __ _ Appy St11 ll1on :1 .1r~ . rtrg. $400 fir1n. Bay Gr ldinr; Sl'rO. BUl'ksk1n grldini.: SXl!l or m;ikr offr1'. .'i-1()-:\80.1 aft 6 pm -----------BAY ,C:C'!olrng. Xlnt f r1 r rh1 ldrr n. Jnrl11d1ni: I a r k ~~m, [)11.v.<; 6·1 ~-:'.11 1. PIT~. ~l7~21 I~. l._vnn1' \\"ilso n. T\\'O Pinto po~cs $6:1 rach. (Jn,... h:d f Appy .~. h;ilf Qu11rtr r 11\·r year old filly. S-1."JO. ti~7--684.l * * Fflfi Sa!e . \lnl"f' and all larli inrl. sa{lille in good rr>nd . ll-10-.11.171. ----~~--~--~!u<:ni11('"f'll! TR C:1•ld1ng, (.~rs .. ltl I!. Rnlrl , klnrl. t:1lc111e1L il:':2-·Kn~. ~)1.1..f~1 1 .1 ----· :\TARE 10 yr c.cntlC'. S12.i. 1ark in<·lu<l<'d. '.'i:\fi-1019 ........ --][? 'j0 Hond,1 ~.-)o, '.l~f~l 1111, r,. :\IY !·'.!ls-~1-,,-ri:<t:-.-1-,-0-,-,-.-,,-.. l r.1~· ,c;('r 10 apprf"1·1>1Tf'' r nt:1t1<' XJ.:'\T co . ....-o. TOP J RUYE!t _•_1_: ... _.I~~-"-·-'-""'---'-·-~-~ 7-~!-:_l.1((1 .. ~.17-f•:'1 17 SC1f\\"I:"\:\ Su prr Sr<iii lO Sports, Ra ce, Rod S9'59 ~pd, fj n1ns old, 1111nr r·0nd. x t r;1~ S J ~() 6!·1-2j\)tl ErLL ~IAX"EY TOYOTA JSSSJ Beach Blvd, fl. BE'ach. P1i. 8l7.:;o5;)j ·72 llo11d11 . ~,()(H. l1k1• 111•11 rnn(\, Only 3000 n1 1. Sl 1;;, fi.1 2-i6.\l:J. =~~~-~ 1!100 110 :\'DA 12:1. xln! ('0111 1. lo niilrs, $210. Cal! 9i;>-i19:,9 aftrr J pni. 4 HP ~lin1 B'ikc,-clo-,~,,-lc,-_ ~S7.i. C;i!l 6-16-0~.'\7 Mobile Homes 935 n,A;\llNGO -clhl 11i rlC', 2 Bdrn1, one is kirtg'SizE'. 2 fu ll h.1111\ ln!s or ~:orage space. N('11' <lislnraslW'r. \\'asher find c!ryrr. Sr! up in fan1 ily park. P('t 0 .K. ln1n1C'd . fJO.~~. ;):> 1-72!l·1. MOtor Homes----940 19i0 G.:'11.C. Roarl lf~f'('llr, 5 yr . .1tuarantce. 18,000 m i., \\'alk-thru, fu)ly rrp!d., S('lf con!ainl.'d, blr-in g!O\"e / ovrn, hutane I elrr. refrig., dh!. bntteries. autn trans., p11·r. ~Ill sliding glass door. clrop (l\vn. p:it io. 11.mple ~1nragr. \'!l!J trarl r eqully for c:ihni. l.1,TE model spol'ls ciir tlr eash. 2l :l--597-3267 aft('r 6 p.1n. or \\"kl.'nds. --TE"~S=T~O~R-I VE- THE MIDAS MINI MOTOR HOME Distribulr.d by Krn Crnft Prnrlrrt~ Trucks lint ~porls c;i r Si:!:. r,0: ..... .-{1~ 962 /'TU p11';"· 11·anls .1ur~k nr 11 rf'!'kt•d l' rar~ ~11i111hlr f, •r hflllle [ll'OJ('l'I, .~:;,s .. Jjf,:9 , ~1 1:1-!12~2. \rJLL Buy your (."ar pnir! for 'iO G:\IC a, Ton :;.~ V·li. P/s, or not. Ca!! Ral ph Gnrrlon p/h, r:idio. 1\/T, Orig 673-0000 -4..J5 E. Coa~I H1ry. (•11nl'r. S2R:.O &-1-r3666 Ne1vport Brach. Auto Serv ice, Partl'949 ) Au to Service, Paris 949 of VINY L TOP INSTALLATION CENTU • SllARPENS APPEARANCE or CAT'\ e INCREASES BLUE BOOK VALUE e Save monry no11· d urini;: our Grand 0pf'ning. General 900 CREVIER MOTORS MERCURY f11JI rni::e ads r 1-i-·r y \\·, d . 1----------- l1rr.~. 111·•1· ~·i>rll r':11'1f't'i" 1111- ni:,r. S:.'l:lll. G J.1 -ti~lh . ---.----·1;6 Dil i ~ll n 11;(10 . .:110111. S·IOO !irin • 612-fi.~1 7 • -------'li:\ 1.11\ T.c:L·:\' ;,](). •I (.r. rib. s;no. Xlu' nH···h ··0r;d • fi ·lr··6 !4fi • ------flAT E11l\'l'!!l'll•-~ S;il"' llr•1 \L,;. I. ,1['1111."1 G TOY ET OUR OTA DEAL RE YOU BUY! BEFO I J!)Gfl a,1}m Lewi& 9 TOYOTA 11;u· bor . C.:\L & frlday f0!' i.ur SJ•rrif'b. Nabers Cadillac 2600 1-IAP.BO R BL., COST,\ l'dESA 5~0-9J00 __ 0 _T!f'n ~1111day CREAM PUFF '67 Coupe De Vil le Full Po11•rr. 1\Ir Cond11io1t1ni::'.. L11nd11u Top, Cann111 ye!llJ\\' S0.000 milr.~ l:\'.:'\:'\H}l •. ! 1"·1'1'.1 rrr!. ·1;:1 F•:1: fJll r;i.r-- 11, \\ ('I'" 'j ] (\•P 1ll; I, 17,flOO nlt. S1,i·l.'n 1 (1,nd. f\('~1 oifr1· 00. 67J-635·1; 8.~!J.6:.>60 $2495 O THE RS TO CHOOSE FROM ·' ~p.I , 111 111 i!lll', ll"i•ll'. r,1rH;1 ;~. ·r(' r i ~ 1,1p•\ :\:In 1'.: ... ::~ .. -:-di ·' JAGUAR '1i~ ,l;J!'.ll;'ll" I!· ,;,,1••r '" n11IP~. I'll'\\' .1 .. -.,1 .. , 10 · "1·r·r Sl~ l\;1 l!J~'. ~~ !o TR 1100 llarbur Hl\·d., C.)!. &i:!·04i>li I=~~------------'62 C'nr!. I111n1.1r. ninntn,:: IUMPH :\' n· * T"!UMPHS * r ond. ~('iOCI or ho.·~1 offi•r. Cnll I con.! . hnrl_\ X· 1•r1l: -':;l•I I ri. 642<(~(} :i ~k lnr f1rbh1r . fi1; • .,·;~11 · '71 CLOSEOUT __ _ _ _ -· :,,.,-,.1-1.;-1· ,.-.-,. 1-, ll'I"-~i'f';" '!:J.:::; /\S I ll",' 1\~ S2~:m CAD ·~o C'on\·. :'\r1~· 1 11·"~. n , .. \ • d J. ''. .1 I '" GT 6 SAVE $500 ~~ l)XI 111 ·~ X'ra h 1''r ~-l•1'1•1·:nr \1 •11\' Jfl frl\1 • ·•· ~ . __ 1 ·: ., ' · ~ :.rp 1 ~~ ;-r-/i r,1 \-.~l~''• · · Jo'P.IT Z \r AH !:I·:\"S $11~1.i. r ... Hi2,1.c· __ _ '1•; \l,J'•'l 'I"~ \\'.,,:I, 4",d1.:1y I '.11 I\. n /h' "11·1:1 r. r-" •11. ;,!,(/()() 1n1. * :11 ~-.:~~.1 ·~11 _\Jrn·111·:; 'l111ll•'>:n -\j;~, 111!1,v f''fl l1p. SlfA) r;,~h A: ·r.n. 1 '. ~ .. ,+i----~,\.~t.. -.... t'•1ill'~l ,\ ll : ... 1; • .-111 --~- ~; I .l <'I ••n.;. 11 .. ,;_1 ,·nrh. f'l-"·l'f!;. l/)\I' !'I I ·1;.-, :'lr11~1:i11!!, 1111" 1,1•lln, ;,ut•". ;::•lf1r1 1·0nd. l'r1v;il t l'ar1y. S\gJ, li7:, 7~17. .. iO BO.".) .~.rn. PIS, f'/B. A;\1/f :\I ~lrn >;i, S 21 00 . ~:.·,~::\·~ ;if1..,1· ~ r n1 0i1/'i \il '~T.\'\(;, \<I '. l·l·;~ 011 1h ,-, .\1;·.,r ~I I.I.' Iii -J: ; • I !t'l"ldl '• ll _ o " 11 d _ ( 1·~ 1~;1 1--MAZDA • Sp ort Car Center 'l)s CAIJJLLAr ,·nn1·1·r11i.1. _ Q H ,\ :--· G ~: (' 0 11 NT y · S ;11r. 1\.\i F:\1 . l'lt~ r,r 1·-:tr.1 ~. r G .• .s21:i;i .. 4:12.1:HJ0_ I LA~ .E::-.T 710 F:. 1-1, :-.. \. 5-17--0i&I 1%X C;idill ~· -;;,:1nn Dr\:"jj;--,-:-O LDSMOBILE- NOW OPEN ·~1 To 111111pi1 Tf:-1:. 0111/fm. Im mediate Delivery J.rt1111~ i-1 111~. 1 .~.()()(l 1111·~. 111 11• 1(· \\"11 1 ~;ic. ;ll S2000. J~,,,1rlf'd , ~2.2:l;l 01· br ~1 f1ff, r· f.:.1~-11!.'JS afjrr 4 pn1 11 krl•1.1 <. CAMARO 'TO !ll•I, C111 L"~ ~11pri ·:-,\I.' .\1r / ,~1. 'I"' i/T;, 1·•'/1,11 \" \.I II\ I I'• <>f ,\ ],. k•· l•f!• J'. HUNTINGTON BEACH 1'· 1"' '"' 1 ·.o11 ,-, rr .: :1 ,7 -.'f/X I P.I U ~ •• ~ pa :\1CsT-s1<L!_: 1·'1A7B=y7' 7 ·--,-,-u7·" '67 Can1;iro. ::21._ ttutn, ;i lr, .. lrf.1~ ,,.. llJI ·~'."! TR·fi, 2:1JIOQ nii , AM/Flit· pwr. ;\l11g:s, nu !irl's. sh;u·p. llEll ";~~~~:;:i'f; ~'~-H~~~OLET lH1:11 011 :· <I Dr. Hun~ 1 ;,,nd CIPnn. s2:~1. :.:,i-9:\0:i PL YMOUTi:r- ·71 1 ~ l\IAZDA. 2 dt", j ~r. 50.000 mi ,1·arr. drk grn, rc-arl s1 ri[IC', s2~ri0. al! 6. S.12-6718. MERCEDES BENZ ~---------NEW AND USED Mercedes Benz: Leases Now Ava ila ble At HOUSE OF IMPORTS Auth. Mercede1 Dtaler &!62 Man('hcslcr. Buf'nR Pk Alon,:: side lhl.' Santn Ana Frf'C'1vay a 1 Beach Blvd. 52 3-7250 (J1 ,1nr:i " (ouri+y ·., L.1•9c .. 1 Si>lr·ct1on i, N »ti & U· •_·d l • .~.~('l (l'CJ.·\ R1·1'/ '70 vw Super Bug '71 Impala Custom '70 Plymoutli 4 Door. P n11·p1• .'-·rr••r1ni::'.. A11tn Trans. Air Cnnd, ]'01vr r IJrakrs. C1Juntr.v C.11" ~!us1 srr :rnd f)1•i1·1" ldlr !M.15 \. Pl\41 LO ri211ri~1··:, Radio. heater. (290ETB) 5))1.'cial of the \\'ttk at $1199 4~.) E. Coas1 lh\")I. NE\VPORT BEACI[ 673·0!!00 Ext. 53-54 '70 V\V Can1pl'r, like ne11'. S2·17i SilvE't Rhrt• coupc. Auln trans., P S. PB, fac.lory air. Vf'f.V JOI\' m iJl.'age (256FAXI $339;1. Ton1n1y Ayre:; Che\•T'J!el. 9lli S. Coas: Hwy., Laguna Be a ch . 494-77.14/~6----9967. 1966 Chevrolcl ln1pala, Ex- cel. c:on<l. pis. p/b, n('11· lircs. 1 01vnC'r. Runs grerd. Rl"Cl'nf tnne·uri. $7j(I. Call 4CJ7.J445 af!cr R pn1., l\.IUST sacr\fire '70 lmpnln. mint cond. still on \var., fac 11.ir, vinyl tori. lintM glsi~s. $1495 ~~ 2100 l111rhrir Rl\'rl.. C.i\f. fi.l;>-O·lfiG 7"6°7cP~i)-,,,-,,-,-,!l;-Fc,,-"-."1"11~4-.,-,-. P .S .. P.H .. Ai!' C~nditi~nin~:: l.ikr nr11'. Priv, rinrty. $1100. ~1 ~1~1c1 c6~"-·'-"c· ---PONTIAC ()pt tape • ..,,, I FM '1'"0 '70 flREBIRD $2!199. or hPst ofr. 492-20.lll . ') D . . -I· r.. ll'i". ht1ckr t :;('als. 69 E! Can11no, fully londNl, rarl io. hc11trr, 3 sprl (flr;>flr .~er to npprcc . Cab 01'1" ~hH11 1 rans.. Jll\'r, di~c $975. CA~1PER. S!v. Ref. snk. br.ilkci::. rr·ninining !ia,OOO CLEAN. GOOD CONDITION $27~. 494-2070. 494-7900. n11te fac!or.v v.·B.l'Tanty. Priv. P1y. Call 962-3822 '67 Impala. auto .. p/s, p/]). Pvt. Pty, 5.14-6!Y.16, VW Baja Bug, new paint, faclory air. Am -Fm · 1966 PonriAr Gm. ~ 8 9 mags. 1700 cc rng. lmmac. CLEAN! Dys 213:437-3748. rngint', 4 .'iJ><'('rl, good th·,...., $1000. 645-5741 Greg eves 557-2504. & running condilion. l ·l,JO Joaded with late hit record~. In ex~llent condition. lst S.liO or best offer takes, 644-46W1 after 7 pm. TV~ R•dlo, HIFI, Stereo l'.!' ~'11r~ Alun1lnun1 lxi11t. $10. CEir 1op 2(1$1 \V. l~! SI., Santa Ana 135-3171 All colol'!l and !l!ylrs rustnm m11.rlc: to your car. (\Ve also Install protrc tivr. sirlc m oulding.) Jim Slemons Imps . '61 Chia, N('('(fs paint &: !!!cal CHEV 'f,6 Capri.c:r. 4 Dr ~-548-4786. ' mver,;. Good Mechanical. A/C. P\\T wu){Jo\\•. Vinyl 1!!61 Tr mpr.~I Sia \\"i:l:n (~l $450. E\~$. RJ0...5ROT. top. Sgl. O\\'llE'r. 548-6111_. -11 r a n s po r I tt t i n n .. l200. BA TES RECONDITION CENTER '70 V\V Buir, \\"ht \\'/rt'rl in· A Classic '5$; Jmp.'1.la Con\·. 002--97S:1 trr. auto !rnns, x!nt conrl. Ru n.~ ~d. s2·0. 300 Vi'Jtll ~l.TOz---,c;-,-~-,-.,-.-,-.-1 s l\'B &14 12·2 ' ' · ,,,,\ 1• , 111 VJ.1 1nc• & M.11n St. I S.>n ta Ana 546-4114 :14~--tii.12 • LOST LPas~. r.toving Out By _,f;ty ls!. ~lU.31 St'.'11 rt- n1aining color 1V's. Ray'i lV. :m~: Cenl('r. C.l\-f. 6~313. H E~T-Explon!r 2~· dcluxl.'. :i1r. a1·Rll Rll sun1mf'r. $2:iO Pul n li111~ ''loot" in ynur 11k . f..'<, milr~. 5.12-8292. Lnri.~ -~ell lho!le bauhl":; for l-,-clclFc_,c.,=,-..,-,-,-,-B=y-,-.-,.,"k,--o' 46S E. 17th ST . • S14S0. !!62-2&!2. U('rf('. · .:....._:1 ·---t'Onrl. Oris::. owm-r. J'\•! pty, P ut 11. l lrtlr. • "loot" in your V:1cnncirs C'OS! money! Rf'nl 19:-19 OIF.VY S111 \\'g_n. nn S.~:O. !'IGU, 1r.1. Levis -SE'Jl tho.st bttblc11 for your housf', apt., lloN' trans, goor! ~olor k, all ·fi7~To~--;,,.,--.,-.,c1 c11c"-,.-,1-R-i-, COSTA MESA 642-0426 "burk~". Call ("ln~(lfif'd m ri111h ?;1· Sigh!!IH'r '71, all &12-5ti7R. \ u·~-J'rvt pr!y. 642-Sl~. "b1u:k!>". C;ill Classified hldi:: .. ('fc. thru a Da l1y plJ(l l ~1hrr:...p.1rt~, S2J. :i iµr,9.,~ rng1nr. Fl Cn 1n1n(! l"<'iir riid &12-5678. ! Cla~i::irlrrl Arl. ) \rhi'" t :lrphnnr Dimc·A·LinP !ion_oclc2c-'_'c'·-'·----- I l J \ • I 1 I San Cle1nenie Ca isirano VOL. 65 , NO. 116, 2 SECTIONS, 26 PAGES EDITION ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORN IA Today's Flnal TUE SDA Y, APRI L 25 , 1972 TEN CENTS l(issinger Does It Again-Secret R.uss 'frip \\'-\Slll NCTON IAP )-Prrs1dent1al .11tl- vt.~Pr Henry l\1:-.s1ngc r spt'l11 lour d:iys in J\!osco1v fur .St'<'l't•I lil!ks 11·11h Sov1('L [C'aders on \.'1t·1n<1n1 :-ind oth<'r int1•rn;i . tional problen1~1 th e \\'hite House' dis- closed today_ l\is~inger, \\'hn n1ilde a secret trip to Peking lo arrai1ge .\1xon's hislur lc l'hina visit. was in lhe So1·1et capital froin 'I'hursday unt il t·•londav and n1et v.·Hh C<>mmunist P;irty Chirf Lronid Bre zhnc1· Cllld Foreig n \11n.ister Andrei (;rom yko. The discu ssion "dealt 11·ith in1port ;int international problems as well as y,•ilh hilateral n1;11trrs preparatory tu talks h•.'ll\-l'l'll S<>v1t1 leaders :i nd l 're~idl·Ht i\'ixon in ).lay." pr(·~i rlcn\1nl pre~~ sel'rc\ary Ronald L. Z1r~k·r !'aid ;1s he read a briC'f slaierr.enl r t· I " a s e d simultaneou.~ly in \\'ush1ngt o11 and /\losco11'. The secret tal ks were occurring at the san1e lime the \\1hite House "·as saying that Kissinger y,·as at the secluded Camp David pre sidential retreat in r-.tary1a nd vii!h the chief executive -the same type of plo.v used to cover 12 secret trips to Paris for private talks Kissi nger h3'd with lhr \'nr!h \'1ctnar11c~r. 1\1,,:-.1111-:C'r. ;1p r1l•;11 11)(.! br1t"fl~ hrlr11·p nr\1S!!lf'll at !hr \\'hit{' l!otl~t·, rt•iu:-.ld tu <li\·ulge spc{·1 f1c top1(~ eo1crc·d 111 ll1.~ ttiur d;1vs nf confercnc~·. But hr clrurlv 1ndic,1ted t h~!t \'1L·l11:1111 -nnd !hr SQvie1 sh1pn1r11t uf arn1s to 1hc Comnlunists there -\.fas a rnajor it en1 t\15sing('r dtst losed, too , that i\1xon hris been c~rrying on cxtrnsive exehangt•s 11 ith Brezhnev. fie said. in ansv.·er lo ii QUf'S!!OJ1. th;it lhese exchanges 11·r"·e th r1,111~h corre~po111it1nce. ratl1er than via the ~1 oscow-\Vash1ngton hotline. \\J11:1· rt•!.i 1n~ l•I dJ\UICl' ilt'l.dJ• J..1>.~- 1n;,;f't !>.:111t 1111• "\,11\.., 11 0·1 1• 1:~1•J11I . 11.11 k ;1,,d ~.11 1~1.111 111'~ ''\\t' :1~f1'l'tl 11t'tll11 ·r 'ulr 11·uuld r~·11•.1 I tJ11• ~U[JjC1'1 1\! tllf' I.ilk ~. ' f\1,~ll\):l'I' rr:,p0ndf'd 11·t1t'll :1•l-.1'il 11 l11:(lH'r \'11·t11;1111 11 :1 ~ d1vt:l!'~l·d Uut he p<1111!••<l tn1r:1rd !hf' j111nt :111- noune~tnc111 s ll 'C <•! !!I!' phr:i::.c, ··1111- port:int 1ntrrn;11 1n11:il probl rin!'.·· ;1s .1 rle:ir ,<;i"'l 1hal \'1!·!n•11n 11 :t~ u11ll't'd ;1 1n:ij(l r topir. In <1dd1t1011. !';ltd I\ -:nn'.s :l'<;1s\;i11l f(>I' nation;i l .~ecur1t_v nft1111·~. "th(' 11·h,ili.: 1 •11..:•' ,,r s,n,,·1 \rn••111.1,1 r1l.1t.··1 11,1<; 1:1 I l ~:)l'lj ' I\. .!'.! t'! ~.1u J 11 )11•11 ,1 "'''I \\I•' •·<'l'l'{'I 11,1$ 1h·('l"'~.11'~ 1,11 111<" \l,,.,,,11· 11 ii'. ' \\ l' .i!'t' :ti !ill' lll\lllll'IL1 111 ;1 I <'I'. ~k·l1c;1!(• ph:1~t· •1! 11111·rn:1111;n,1I l'•·l.111••11~ ,llld t)<llh >.1dt·~ ;\).:rt'l'J Jt l\.1~ t!t' I lh!" '" 1-"PP ~Pt'l't1l;1t:;;in ln ;l t1 \1t1111111111 '111\trl rh1',\ h:HI lh1· 11pp1Jr[u11111 t.1 l'\I tt!(' 1•:u n 1<th1•r'~ I ll'll"'i " Tht' prL'•hi1•1tt1,i\ ;uh 1,t'! •;11:! 'IP 1l'a< · •. f'i.l :'-,](•St'"\\ \1 1 1nd 11.11 I ;ci l'I' ,j• 'I tn11,d,1y nt~',hl ;n1d h•llT!1' l1'il II~ t.ii'/..'\ 1111l ii \1,.1 · day !li.l(Jll (.\1~1.~\'H\I 1 tl~lt' '· ( ,r 1 11 1 1•· '11111· I 'o·d '-r;11t• Ji• ".1 1•1,t Hlit11•d ,·, Ill !II! 1 ,,:np ll.,,1() '•<I\ lh•\1t1d ' \L, 'L111d ' \ 1:11, I II \l· 111~ J,\,lo-. I•• Ii) ,1·; \,\.,11 \1 11/l \\ I• 1!1 ht' .,,_.j !.•' li,111l•l<'ll1" ·:~ ll'l'(jlli'l11 (•oilt ,11·• did · 111:_: !lit' II 11 I\ 1.,·11 \ 1 • ··11 h.v h<'i,1 "\rit·I' t" \ ,1n1 ;i ! •.111d Thn1 · d.1 night. Za·glt·r -..111! h1 "~- 1r• l'I 0!11 .Id. •I f'l \l'li :11 t!ie llllt\1111.1111 !• 1/1".1 ' \.1\• '' l l'fll;"i l!le~l Tht'!t' 1111!d l.1'!' \\,•".!,< '" 11 11h l~]1H•' ll o111 t' I" k· 111r11 11l~1~l 1ng Tli•'1111;.:!\0•1l1 'I•~ 111••' .. l'l<l i ~;1 fl i•,!<'~'01-!f'I" II.I~ 11\l'l\' (!" 1, 11111;.: II 1lj1 : 11< J 'rl'::.ldt rH. {_ays ,1 orce ., Countv Bani{ Blasted -' FBI Enters Bombing Clise; No Motive Set The FB I tocla y entered inl'e~t igation o( a Bank of ,\n1eri ca bombing In Orange _.,,,nday nigh1. the third such sabotage in the counly in 24 hours. Oam:tge lo the branch, at 225 !\'. Tustin A\'e., y,·as spectacular, as a result of the bomb being tnpcd lo a plate glass \\'in- do~-, but ol'ernll destruction 11·as minor. Shattered glass shoy,·ered throughout the lobby but there y,·as no one inside and consequently no injuries. The 11: 45 p.m. explosion y,·as beliel'rd caused by a homen1ade pipe bomb at- S plasli.clo1vn: Good Weatli.er SPACE CE:\TER, llouston (t;Pt) \\'e ather conditions f o r :i;plashdown of Apollo 16 at 11 :44 a m. (PST J Thursd;1y are expectert to be satisfactory. the National \Veather Service said today. The forecast for the landing area near the equator some 1.500 miles wtil h of Honolulu calls for scat· lered eloud.~. easterly 1rade\\'inds, three-root sens and a !en1pcr;iture neJr 82 degrcc5. Ca1>0 Sc l1,ool1nen Jl1eet JVe<lnescla y Ort Gro1vtli Woes Growth probl<!lllS in the Capistrano t;nified Srhool Dis!ricl and pos~ib!e sol u- tions for the next fey,' years \vi ii be the topic of a y,•ork session \\'ednesday. Trustees of the district will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Serra School, Capistrano Hcach. to lake a hard look at the direc- t ions !he district will have to take in the nei'lr future to see that students are ade- quately housed. \\'hen present construction proj('('{.~ art completed. the district will have space for nearly 11.000 pupi ls. This year th<!re 11re 8,700 enrolled. and tht> di strict ex· peels 800 more by !he end or the next school year. Th ill means tha t theoretiC'ally there i!I space for all students during the next year. Unforlun<1tel y. most of it will be in the nev.·ly const ructed Dana Hills High School and Richard llenry Dana Elemen- tary School addition, while major growth is tak ing place in areas like Laguna Niguel and San Juan Capistrano. The school board will have to decide next \\'<!Ck how the student population will be distri buted for the corning year. Proposals have been made to bus children from growth areas to schools where space i!I available, but these have met parental opposition. Trustee!! Wednesday, will t'Xamine whether the district should usf: its own bond money IQ build a junior .high or an elementary school or both. Because !lp&ee Js available in the district ror 1tudt:nt growth, under sh1te formulas the district would not bl!: able to obtain a state building Joan. At the sAme time, U the di!llrict chooses to build • school "ahead of netd" ll v.·ould accelerate the debt l'!paymt:nt schedult: on state loans and ta1t!I would be incrt:::ised. As di!llr ict enrollment grows, 1d- (Ste ATTENDANCE, Pa11 21 t;iched lo a "·indov• at the rear door of the fac ility. Ko e.\'.planalion \1'3S offered in the 1rav of a' motive for the bombing inciden t. - l'.:arlier ~1onday, a molotov C<lcktail de1·irc explocled in a science ilnd reading clinic classroom at Smedley Junior iligh School in south\\·est Santa An:i. Dnn1age to the school v..J1ieh hils been rocked by racial troubles and gang \'iolence recently could reach $50,000 , ac- {'Otding to campus off icials. Bomb threats and a menac inf( shotgun shell were also left at the U.S. Selective S!'r\'icc headquarters at 1138 E. lith St., :'llonday in S.1nta Ana but \'andals fa iled to C"ause n111ch damilge. A bomb threat CJl Ora11gl" Coast College in Costa !llesa also created excite1nent :'ltonday night hut a !'earl·h of the area i11- 1 ol1'cd failed to disclose any planted <!x · pJo~Jl'eS. Run1ors originating on the campu s to- day that 30 studen ts and a lea.cher \\'ere arrested on drug charges were Rpparen1· !y due to verbal distortion of the bomb threat case, police said. Delive.-y Operations Post Office Re11ovatio11 Migl1t Save Ti111e, Money San Clemente postal officials hope t(l sa\·e some time and money Jn letter de]i,·ery operations onc e remodeling is completed at the ma in Post Office. r ostmastcr Kenneth Toney said t)lr construction "'Ork nov.· undcrv.·ay at the farili ty CJmounts to moving-!hr lrttrr car· rier ope ration from the industrial area 1n 1he north part of t(lv.·n to !he niain Pu~t Office. "\\'r hopr to solve some adn1i n1str:11 11·e prohlcrn s and sa\'<! some t1n1r." ~n1ci Tnncy in discus sing the pri;ijrt"1 "\\'r also cxpt'cl to save quite a few <lullilrS :i dny i11 the carrier operation." Tvney explained that under the pr1•sent ~etup. much time is lost and money spent. in movi ng mail from the n1ain office lo thr carrier station and bu ck again. \Vh<!n "'Ork is completed in about a month, Toney said the carrier and ma il sorting operations of the Post Office will be loca led at the old fa cility, 213 Avenida del ~tar. other postal services. such as sales of stamps and money orders and post office boxes, will be moved down the block to a new location at 205 A\'enlda dcl ?olar. No Congestio11 On Freeway Site Construction o!ficials late this morning rt:ported few problems anL no accidents on a stretch of the San Diego Freey,•ay north or San Clemente partially closed for installalion or signs. Tonev notrd that the project involves con~trUction ·workers and nio\'ers. but not Post Office en1ployes . Therefore. he s,1id, m;1il delivery and other services are ex· rx·rt"(t !n br carried on ;.ils usunl" "\\"r don't anticipate any problcn1s <'11 all,·· Toney said. CJen1entc Po1icc Probe 2 Th c f ts S:tn C!rnienlc police :ire in\·c~li.£!:a!i ni? two theft s reported \\'ednesda y in\·oh·1n.!! lhe loss of a ~140 electric grinder fro111 an npcn garage and a tool box fron1 the rc:i r of n pickup truck. Jesse Taylor, of 142 Avenida Buen,, Ventura told police the n111r-1nch grinder 11·as faken from a 11·o rkrncnch in his garage. The loss <lf the tools. ''a\ued at $150. wa.~ rejXlrted by James E. Sulli\'an. f1f 22.1 Avenida Victoria . Sullivan told police his truck 1-vas parked in his driveway v.-·hen the toolbox v.-'as taken some lime Sunday night. Golf Reduces Taxes ll Y'J'JI E, Engalnd (UP I l -Pamrla 1-:ll is hi!s had her locill taxes reduced after she com plained of golf ba!ls crashing into her garden. i\'tiss f.llis said !ht: trouble started v.-•hen a gol f course was built behind her home. DAILY P'tLDT S!ell P~ol• ll'J1icJ1 N11111e? \\'hat \1·111 lh(' \\"J lrh '~ nan1c he"' \\'and;1, \\'1n11ifred or maybe \V olf- hil da. \'oungstcrs Jn the Sa n l 'll'1nc11tc area arc participating 111 a Snn Clcn1e11te J.ibra ry t·nn ll'~I tn n;11n1• lhl' \I 11! h a~ part of Library \\'eek ar ti villCS. 1'hc 11an1 l'IP!-~ 111(! h 11;1" a 1·1·111ral r1 gurc in r£•tcnl p11ppe1. .~h r111·. i\lar!1n ~lartlnl'7. to. 1~ pu771 1n g 111c•r :-i 11 ;111u· Utility Co1111la11y Pi1 sl1i11g Fo1· Defeat of P1·op. 9 Ofrit'ial~ of the S;in rJirgii (;:is and F:lcctric Company ha ve rcve;1lcd the firn1 h.1s ~o fa r spent $1.lOfiO toward lh~ defeat of Proposition 9 in the June 6 election. C-01npany presi<!t·nt \\'altrr Zillau an · nounced in San TJicgo th al ;.i report 11f lhe C'Xpt>nditurrs has b<-en fi1£>d \\'ith 1hr California Secrctu ry of Sta te . Zillnu said SI0.000 (lf the 111011e.v was f·(lntrihu1rcl lo Californians Against. the I' o l I u ti on lnitiativr anti th!' rcn1a1ndrr spent dirr<"tly by the con1pany on advertloi;ing . \\'hile opponents of l'rop0silion 9 hav(' dubbed 1t th<! "Pollution lnit iatl ve ,'' it 11·il\ be rrferred 10 on the> .June fi hall QI at the C\e;:rn Environment 1\('t, Zitl au said the firn1 h;id cur1tr iUuted lo lhc dcfc>al of the measure because ''it threatens to di~rupt not only CalHorni;i·s electric industry but the entire ccon:in1y uf the stale." He did nut elaborate on the allrgc-d economic i1npatl tq California ii the n1easure is appro1·ed. Proposition 9 w;is put on the June tl h;il]ot afler ovrr 500.000 rci;ls!r red voter<; signed petitions calling fo r th<' measure's cnaelmrnt. A spokesman for Sukut·Coulson, the general contractor Qn the jo~. said the firm ex-peeled no problems with traffic. Jn the mile and a hall stretch between A\'e nid a Estrella and San Juan Creek Road, cars v.-'ett restricted to one lane in each direction. Candidates Lash Battin "The traffic flow Is pretty steady there." the company official said. "It doesn't really pick up during rush hour." The slgn installation project wa~ scheduled to be completed by 4 p.rn. and the traffic pattern returned to normal. Navy Captain Dies CORON ADO. CAP) -Retired Navy Capt,. Lewi!! S. Sims Jr., who went on Adm. Richard E. Byrd 's expedition to lhe South Pole in 19.'tMI . is dead at 58. Sims served 30 years in !he Navy Medl- tal Corp!. He died Friday in a Sal! Diego hospital. First District Riva.ls Cl1,inie In Witli Coniplaints B~· JOllN ZAl.LER Of tl!t D1llr P'llel 51111 Orange County Supervisor Robert Bat· tin was attacked Monday r o r "unrespo nsiveness" and a "poor at- tendance record" by three or four can-- didates l!eekjng his {XlSt 1n !h is June's t:lection. Candidates Wally Oa l'id. Bill Hill, and Bill Wenke joined in :ittar.king the in- cumbtnt Ballin. while a ff1urt h randirlate, Paul Bae<:h, refrained fro1n criticism. Battin did not al!end the cand idates' luncheon at 1he Ila' Penny Inn in Westm inster. Iris office ex p\;iinecl th 11t the fir s! district supcrl'iSOr :1hd '•,1 previous engngem11n t, '1 Thl' !\rs! supcrv isnr1;il district i:. co111- posed of Santa An a. part of \\'eslrninstrr. and Founta in Valley east of ~1 .1gn11h :1 Street and north of Talbert Avenue. ''It's not unusual that Mr. Battin s!1011ld fail to show Uf! Ill this candidates mcctinF;." said candictatc Wnlly Dal' is. "lie ha s ;i re cord of fa iling lo remrmbtr that he represent the peoplt and failinJ!: tf! 1n1·1·t th('nl in head-o n d1sl'uss1ons of lhr1r problems " D:ll'is said thnl so1nr of BaUir•s f<lrmc r supp<irlers h;1d h<·cn "duped" when th1·y support ed him. lie arll'rrt1sed himsc\! as ;i n1;1n "fnr alt the people. not a chosrn few " ' l~b Ot11tin'~ Rh.~rnrr tod ay i~ typ\c11l tStt 8A1TIN, P11ge tJ Ac tio11 U 11it Sec l{s Halt II~ l '.\\11-:1.A II \l.l \ '\ O• II\~ 0•••~ '"'9' "·'" I Jt ·,p1l r n fllll'I'\' Pl 1.1 ' '!11: 1l ro 11 rg11111t·n1~. 1nen1b1·1 s ol 1114· '1 .. 1\ .111.111 l '.1p1-.1r:111n City Cou1u·111 ... 1~ ,11,11 a 1 l 11111 :'1 1(1111!:11· 1n ~1pprnvc ,111 "11l1n.111 (' 11111• ll \1.ll iTr·.il r· ll1e t•it~·, l1r ~t 1 ~1\u·1· d .. p;11I · Jiii 111 '1 ·pr .. 1111f: !he st•c:ond rc;1d1ni:: 11[ tltt- plli)l!r ';tlL·!~· ordinance hy a unanim<lu~ 1 (•1 1·, the i:ouncil atte111ptcd to put an end tn ;i rai;:ing controverlly over the nerd fo r 11nd co..-t of munirip<1I p:>lict· se rvices. Hut the fight is not 01·1·r . \\'il!ia n1 Hicks. spokesman !or the S;i11 .J 11a11 Cit1Zl'ns for Action. a group that ha., l""nsi.~tenl I~· opposed formali<ln of a p<ili('P. f!••p;11·!1ne11L at this titnr. said his gr•111ri \1 ill t:d-.C' 1mm cd i.'.1\c ~lrp.~ t11 h:1ll uu- /dt•111roJ :d1nn of the pn1i.:r:in1 Ill' ~nil! his gr<l1lp 11111 1·,111-.1rlrr 1•1 1>11• :1l1t·r11 111 11·r "u•hic/1 I" our 1•1111s1111 1 11•11l~d r1gh!" hrfo re maki ng :1 1111;11 (lec 1 ~1n11. lncludrd 111 these :1lti·!'n:ll 11 L'" ;1rC' rct":1ll of thr r~•U lll'll, a ref rrr·11d111n P/1 11 1,.. p11hl 1r ~afrt y ordinance. :111d a rnurt 1n1unrl1u11 i!J:::linsl fur ther acl 11u1 l!it·k.~-gr(lu p hall .;\;11l•d lhl'\ np p11.<:r 'h@ n1un1 e1pal i1peralion hr('a11s1· the-~ b1•hf'\'r i! is unn l'ccssarv . '''=Pl'llSll'f' :tnd \\di prob<ihlr require ·;1 t.1~ 111('tt·.1 •.i·. Di.~<1~01'('('1ng v.·11h t)11~ ~L111d 1 1.1~ 1.1• .. 11 (11.v :\la11:1grr D<1n;ild r: \\r•1d11t'r li'h•'1 111 .1 prrp.1red speech . tolrl !hr· 1·111 111(•1! thC' •'•· t1 11·111 n1•1·rr ha1·r 1·,,11!rnl •)l •·r thr 11u;il1- tv and co!>.I of police ser1·11·r.~ ;i ~ Jung :t~ tht1' rc n1a1 n 1\·1!h Orange Coun1 y Sheri ff's flf f1r r. "Thf' 1n:1jnri ty 111 l!H· r1 t1 ·~ 1.r·d111anr•r' ;11" ""! l11·1ng t·an wd .. 11t •. 11d \\'1il 11• 1 "I J1,11 1 .. n1: tnu.~\ 11 ,. • 1,111 <111111 1:1•11·r111 1\,"1I \,1 r1•11111l1' rion!rnl \\ i·tcJ/lt'I Sill(/ rill' o 11.1 I' IH fl,lpJ.!l'I .,( ht't"111n u1g a "papt'I 11;.(1·1 · lot·1·;l!1~1· 1! h.1~ no efft'et11 e me;111~ ol d1 r1•1'1 111i• ;,1 11111· 11·nll1ng !hr ofl!rrr.~ 1n 1J1c f11·hl 11 ,. ~;11 11 c1 f1 tl l t1nie pub!Jc s;1l1•1 r dr p.1r1tnt·n1, :;l :1r!ing v.-•i1h 1111' IJ(dl l'(' 1'l\'l'lli•11!. 1.; n(·t1·ss;1ry lo efficicn!I} cnndnl'! prnbll'P\~ :<>nl1 ing. Hr lu r!her staled lh;it ;1dclil1nn;il nl41t\r\• ii: .1\·nil:ible now and slk1ultl h<! usrtl f11r !hf' p<ilice dep;1rllnf'nt before 1 t is llil'11rtt•rl In anothf'r 11.~r 111' .~a id that if the trend in dcrelop· n11•11t tonlinucs. taxrs ~·ill proh11b!y go 11p \\'1111 t>r without a pol ice dcp;.irtn1ent bel'3US<! rei;identinl unil s arc revenue !Ste POLICE. Page !J Orange Coa•t \\'eather 1rs goini; to be wa nner alon,i:: lhe Orange Co<1st on Wednesday ., 1\·lth highs at lhe beaches around 70 degree!'. rl~ing lo 80 degrees inland . Lows ;ire expected in the 40's. INSIDE TODAY Thry'rr still nil 11•hilr.. A11glt1- Sa.ro11 <1Hc! Pro1esto11r, bt1t 1101v· 1uln11s so nit: men1be n; of th e K u Klu .r f;lon sO!llHl 111nrr like out- r nf/('rf left radicol.~. See story, l'o~e 7. L .M. •orf ' ••llllu•I ·-.. t •!lfornl• ' 1<111t.111l Mlw• • <••n•tl•f .. ,, Dr•• <•u111y • Comic• " tfhll ...,.. " Cro11wort " '"rl' , .. 11 D1•111 Holltt • ''""I Mlr111" l._11 l dlt ... ll t "~ • '"'"lllOtl " 1:.,1,111111m1111 " Tl'Mel•r• ll-lt ,1 ....... 1 .. 11 ..,, .. ,...., • f'ff IM ll<Orf • Wllilt W 1111 " 11••01<-" ,,,,_,,., "·-11"1• An~ L1n<:1••1 " Wt<lll ·~ • Mevlt• 11.11 • ) II ( ? OAILV PllOI Secret Document Nixed on Record \\'1\SH1 :--·r;ro:-;-JAP 1 -S1•J1 ,\l1k,~ f~ravl'I 1,1,,15. blor ~ctl l•Kli1~ 11iit·n ht. tnf'd 1G pl;ice ii\ lla· C'l11i.,ri ·:-i-i•111.d H1·<·11rd !'C'CrP1 d0t'11n1ent' he ~;11d :-huw th:H l1rl'S1drnt .\1xnn·s t'11·111an .:i r!v1 :-"r~ !uhl hun lhr('.(' ~1·,trS agu the )J11n1UJllg i'i! '.\.irth \'1etnan1 -..as 1ueffl't'H11· The Alaska Deni ot-rrtl rolll 11l'\\ smen Inter that from study ,,f lh1~ 1\11t'Ullll·nts he 1 ,included Prr~ident ~l ~on "I' pur~uing a fo·('k!esS. JfllOlOf;tl p11i1() II II!( h J• du;•!Jll'd ru 1<.iilure" l-'.XC(·rp1S ht· f(lJ!,\P(} fr/11 11 \h r cloc urr1ents dit.! not 111rltHle the i11dg1ncnts nf lhl': Joint t'h rc·f~ 11r Staff, lt1e l1;ic1f1r Command, or !hr n1i11t;1rv t·ornrn,1ndtr In \'ictnam on the cffl'ctivri1css of bo1nbing ;ittacks bul thi' opinions of 11v ili an <if- l1c1als of thf· l'i.·nt:1gun. St:i!c l)c partment and the Ce ntral lnlt'!ligence Agency. Ne\\·sweek l\lag:iz1nr and t h e \\'ashingt on Post have printed a('('ount s saying the secrrt 1969 report. appraising lhe effec!iv eness of U.S. bombing o( r-.·orth Vietnant, di.~closrd decided dif· fl'ren!'f'S in J1ow three nta jor agenci es - lhr S1ate l)t'p;irtmcnt. the Dffrn ~r Ot'partn1ent an d the: CIA -assc.~sed th;it 6lr;H1'gy. r:ravel 's effort s to pla~'C the secret tna l l'rlal.~ in the rPeord :it lht• sta rt ol' t1odi1y·s Sena!<> session \\ere blorkcd by :ic11ng Republican Leade r Robert P. l;nffin of Michignn. C:nlf1n said it 1\'0ul d be ''very un- !ortunate if the senator from Alaska liik es it on him sel f lo be the sole judg<> of lhe dccl:i ssific<1ti on of highly sensl \i \'e pap<>r s." tThe sl"Cret study ordered by President Nixon the day aftrr he took office also revealed that it would take up to 13.4 ~·cars to complete pacification or South Viet nam and that the Communists were "apable of outlasting the All ies in- dt fin itely, United Press International r£'ported. (The study t.1'as _condu cted by JJenry A. Kiss inger. Nixon's national scrurity al· fa irs ad~·i scr. \vh(I ('Qmpiled the results in a memo entitled "Responses to National Sccurily Study i\femorandum J.'') 1.raV£'1 Ta.~t year convenf'd his build in,i:: and ground.s subc"o n1n1itlee to n1 ak e public lhe Pentagon J>apers. the top.- secret study of American Inv olvement i11 \'ietnam. A Boston ~rand jury is looking into his subsequent arran~ements for publication of th ese papers and the !'lupreme C.ourt js considering how far the jury can go in questioning Gravel's association in that connection. 4 Incumbents, One Newcomer Named Planners Four members of the Sa n Juan Ca pistrano Planning ~ission were reappointed t\tonday by the City C.Ouncil :ind one new member will take his seat 1~·hen the comm ission meets ri.Iay 2. J ames C. Barg, 30766 Calle Chueca, has been appointed by new Council man .James We;ithers. Jfe replaces Roland Ol son \\'ho hnd been an appointee o( defeated councilman \Villi11.m Bathgate. Others reappointed to the commission Include Mr~. Carol Helm. Gerald c:af- fne y, J ohn S\veeney and Art La\·agnino. Although Lavagnino had been an ap- po intee of defeated mayor Tony Forster. he was reappointed by new Councilman llfly L. Byrnes. The decision on thf' ent ire slate wa!' made by the full council artrr delibcra· l!OJlli in cxcculi\"(' Sf'SS10n. The vote on the sla!c "''as '1-1 t.1•ith l'ounci!man Ed1\·ard Chermak Vflting no. If(' drcH ned to comment on hi~ rea.~on~. 1"hf' O('"' ("1m1n1.~.~in nrr i~ a 5rH· 1·n1p!oy£'d arrhilC't t "'ho is rn:irried and 11.1~ 111·0 childrf'n. The .11-vrar-old 1:radu;i1e of the l 'ni\'Crsttv of Southern Cal iforni;i has ser,·cd on ·L.Cf's Project 2 !. '.\tPmbf>rshir on the new co mm ission in- clude~ l\\'O :irehitetls. a housf11·if~. an in· :-:ur an<"e ;1genl ~nd a rollege ad- n1inis trator. OltAN~I COAtT " DAILY PILOT "flit 0 1•nt • t•nl OA\l..Y ,JI.OJ, wllll w.t1!<11 I< tombln1d Ill• Ntw1-P'rt11, 11 pUblllh ... by /he Otln~• Co111 PuDli•hl"9 COm1>otny. ~tlW• t•t• e<11!•on• ''" 1>1ibli•ht'd, Mondoy •~•D"9h FtiG1y, lor Coil• M•••. NtWPO•t 8t•<"· H11n!l..glon ll~ar l!/1'011~11,n V•llty, L•DV"I Bt&c/I, lrY•nt S&ddltb~tk ana San C.l•mt~ltl S&ri J\ltl\ l.ftll•tlrlno. A 1l11;•t rt;·~•! f'dl!>on ;, p11b1i1l'ltd s11u•d~y1 • ...., S11r<1~Y" T/lt pr\nc111t ( pVbli1hl"" pl1111 h t i lJC Wt•t li e~ Slrttl, (0111 Mt u, CJll!o•11I• .. '1611. Rob11I N. W11d Pft$odt nl •...O ~ublll/le• J 1<k R. C ud1y Vi<• Prn;omr t nG G&flt rt l Mt OIOft Thom•• K•t•il Edllor Thom11 A. Mvrpki'lt M111•9I~ i:O •lDr Ch1rl11 H. Loo • RPcll1fd ,, Nill Aul.i•n• Mtneg!ng '"·'••\ S.. Cl1.-m Office 105 No1tb El C11t1i..-k11 1, •2•12 ~ Offlcft Co1l1 Mt••: no Wt ll 8 1y !.l•t tl ...... _, 8t lci'I: lU J Ht,....Orl 8 1)UlfYl •ll th1tttl"910n ae1u1: lrt7J l 11cll 101111-.ud Lqu.,. ... di: m For..,,1 "'""'"' T9'.,.... f7141 '42-4JJT Cl.ulflff Alhwftl .. 6'12·1671 S.. Ci.wM All D.p.WffW"'•: T•..,._• 492-4421 CllP'r'Jlql'ol, ltn, 61•nt1 '°"'' ~wr:1111111 Ctmpel\'f', No MWI 1!o•I•\ llhn.rr-'l•n•, .,clHotl11 "'911tr or t th'••l ·1-ll lltrt •I\ ..,,.,. Dt r!PrOlhKK wll/1011! ~ltl p.,. "'lttllr! Of Cop~rlffll IWMr. S-c:Olld '~ ...,, ... ~1111 .. C.t1 ~ • . C.11'-""'•· $1/b1U'l•lior. trv , ... ~. 11 ,, "'DntrH•I "' tntll tJ U "'°"1lflfYI '"!l1!1rr ft1!111.111on1 17.6S rnont111'1. r.r.i\'rl .~aid today the doeumenl ht> nov1 i'i pn"~1'1111ng C""n1:i1nrd nfJ military 11 1· f .. rrnii!1"11 lh<it 1\•iuld JL'{>p.:i rd:Zt· H1l· ~:lfc· t:· 1if !ht• r1~l 1un At a 111'\\S t'Onfert·nce after his futilt' .at- \1:n111t tr! pl i1\'I~ any n[ th4: rn<l.t1·rial 111 the f ('t i·rd , t ;r:1 11•l lash .. d ou\ at the stcpp1·d· 11p ti0n1b1ng 11f t\orth \'1c·tt1am cordertd by r'011un o:if1er th!' rt·t·rnt lank-led Cotn- 1n11n1'it in,·at\f\n or Sciuth Vietnam. "\\'e arc k1 lhni: hundrrds or thou~;inds ,,r J:.l'Hplc 1.1 ... :1ve th1.: ia cr of one 111· 111\ 1d1:.d ," t :ri11·1·! s:i1d I'.,\' 1,nf• 1nd11 Hlua!, hr ni>idr t:\1·:1 1 111' 1111•ant ~1 •un. i\t •int' pu1nt, (;r~1 vt:! :1ccuscd :\r•on nf ··rnn lf(·;1san cr u1 off icr." 1'he m;1te(1;il Gravel ""'anted to place in the reC'ord included a summary by the i'Oalional Sec:u rily Council of rPsponses from the Defensr Department. the Sta!f' Department. th e CIA, the Joint Chiefs of St aff and othe rs to 27 questions about \'ie lnnnt \l'ar <1J)l"'rations i;hortly afttr J\'ixo n 1f"IOk off ice in 1969. In add ition, .in aide said Gravel alsQ h.:i.d thr r rspon~es of each agency. AJtogC't her ., he sni d, Gravel has aho ut ~ pat-:c.~ of matl'n,'llS he y,•ant.~ In put in th1~ re<."ord .~. l !r in!(·nded lo ~t :irt 11•1!h nbnut 30 pages dealing \1·ith the cffl'ct 11·cnrs ... of b<imbing. Crarel told ne1\'Smen hr \~·nuld continue lo try to gl'I the srrret docwnents into the Congressional ltetord. Steady Increase In San Clemente . Economy Noted The sometimes faltering but often pounding pulse of business in San Clemente showed wme marked trends during 1971, as renected in annual retail SA ies tax report from the stale Board or Equalizati<ln. The statistics, based on sales lax recelpts, show that gasoline and liquor consum ption dtclined during the year. while purchases (lf food, home furnishings and appliances show e. d dramatic increases over the previous year. The figures could be indicative or a revilaliz.atlon of the local economy, but C)Vera\l ci ty receipts from sales laxes have continued to increase :;teadily for the past several years. In 1971, city corfers received a S280.3Sl share of the sales tax, up Mme $17.000 fro m 1970. The large!t increase in 1ales refll'eted by tax receipt:; Yi"as for stores sell ing home furnishings and appliance s. These busineases reported $l.3 million in taxable sales for 1971, up 19 percent from 1970. Food stores reported sale~ figures reOecting a 17 percent increase from 1970. However, service tilations reported figu res for 1970 that show a decrease in sales of some 22 percent. Also declining 1·nr the year were sales at package liquor ~tores, off 2 perctnl, and business at clothing stores, dot.1T1 1.3 percent. Businesses reporting small increases \\'ert drug store!, a percent : eating and drinking establishments, 7 percent; auto dealers, 6 perctnt, and building material concerns, 2.3 percent Overall, totlll dollar volume of business in th(. community incrt'ased lfl percent o\'er 1970 to a total of $21.8 million. From Page J BATIIN • • • of hi." :i !)~(·lll'r :i! n1nn\" irnport.1 nt r1·rnt.~."' •,1uJ nn11n1rr (':lr1<lld.1tc. Bil! \\'enkr'. \Venke charged that 1'1 ;i rcct"n! serie~ or aa conferrnces held lo inform lh l' l"Olln· I\' SUJ>(!rl'1snrs ;ihout the proposed 1912·73 budgrt. llatlin h:id f:i1led t•J ~h<11\' up :i r any. \\'rnke .1dded that Bal tin's :i1d es had only been present at four <Jf the meelings, ''and ns r undrrstand . thev left earl\'.·· Candid;itr John ''l\ill;' Hit! ntSo at - tacked 13a!l in for "unrrsponsi \·enl's~ ·· Hill de vQ ted much of his five minute :;pcech to a statement of his pr o--buslnrss attitudes. "J'm a businessman first." he said. "I make no bones about ii. Bul 1 would lik e to bt a busintss man in a poli lical seat doi ng a job for the people .'' Later llill .ndded. "Sure, \\·e net'd a clean f'nl'ironment but we can't do Jt aL the expense or business or po11"er. \\"e need to work together 11·ith :ill concl'rncd lo solve our environmental problem~." C<:ndidate Paul Balch noted that he h.1s experience as a reprcs('nt:ili\'e of the pe<iple from the time he spent :is an ad· n1inistra!ive assist ant. lo lhen st;i1 e :;enalor John Schmitz 1R-Tust1n). Ba\rh said the county has problem.'! \.\'ith drugs, the mtnlally retarded, youth, crime. mental he11!lh, and poverty. "I ask for the opportunity to contJ nue serving you.'' lie said . The candidates also engaged in a detailed conversation about mental hea lth. Davi.'! charged lhal Orange County is receivh1g an average of only 70 cent.~ per person from the federal governmtnt for varkl~s type!! of drug. psycholo~lcnl, marr1111e. and youth counseling. "In San Franrisco. eaeh person 8f'ls Rn avera~e of $2.33 of these ser ... ·ices, Davis said. ''It ls lack of leadership at the top !eve! thAt i!l responsible fa r us being so for behind," Davis !!laid. Wenke added tha t he oppo!td 1 pro- posed $3 mill ion expan~ion of county medic al facilities in the city of Orange. ''I think these service~ thould be ?1prejjd throug hout lhe county," Wenke soaid, LAOS .. .. . ... .. ". ... . " .· . ,• .·. ... ... .. . ... \ . . PL EIK U \ I VIETNAM __/®~:-::0:---=~ .~ 0 70 I M1 . UP'I Now•m~p l iet Retreat 10 Yanks l(illed In Copter Crash ... 1·1.r-:11\1 1, \u·t11an1 !Af11 AnH•ri1 ·:-i 11' -~ix :itl\'ISC'r s to ·rt"11 flu· Sou1h \ t1·!11;Hlll'SI' ;1n111 ,111d (11llr ht'.!ICOi"ll• I 1 ,., 11 nl1·n -11 ··fl' n·1MJrh11J tod·:i y I" h;111' Ill •'I\ \.,Hh·cl 111 ;i llt•!1~·opt.·r 1·r .i-.h \l<llld:I': ctu riu(! th<• !'>•1u!h \'11·\J!.11111·..,1· r(•i rl'<!l !ruin 'f"an \.·;inti .11111 1 );1~ ·roi 111 th" (\·n!l•d ll1.Hll:111d ... \ ·•'1"11111 .\1111·1"1< ,\II :1d1 l\1·r I ·•\11 !\:1 \' !>1l1l•1B•. \\,o<. i"l'~(\i"d .ill•·r fi1!l1!1 ~ .di 111..:111 1n·.1t 1111· •JI 1·r·rt111 :-. .. uth \'11·r11:dn~--"c ~t.1 1 ,1111 1 h t'.ld•1ll :11'lt'I " ;1l '1';11) (:t11l1 l"ll.!1IJlll" ;ind tlllll' S11111J1 \'u•tll:1ll)l'"'C'. Ill· 1 ltul1ri~ thi· n·~111H·11ra t C<1n1 1n:1nd•·r. hid Ill 't';tll C.lllh :tl\t'r the l\'.tlr!h \'it'l!l;JlllC .-.;t• took: tl1t· ba.~e 1\lond:.11 , 11.1:; t11 1• h•·lir•i\]ll •·r t/1:11 IE1il p11 kvd ll p t11,. ~.x ;id'.1,t't''i hut 1h:1l !111"• l <; (',u11 n11111rl ;1t I lit' 1 llil \.' ,., JI <, .111 11o1t1111 •'111<"11 did ,, l \.,1:.11 l.i,LI 1!1c 1.tlu1· \11 11·1l(,1!l'i \ll'I C Jli>•.ircl . l lnit 'J'o San (Jen1c nlc REDS ADVANCE -The map spots the l o\\'O of Dak To, \Vhith \\'as e:tband oned today to advancing Corn1nt1nist forces. '!"he governn1en l forces fell back tov,rard Vo Dinh, tbe parachute brigade headquarters prolectinj.'.! the provincial capital nf Kon turn. 1\!!er d;1rk. tl1f'v ·r!l•)\t•d nut s1dr lh1· \.ll'r111l('!('r . .1tld IJObb1n s <':tlll'<l 1n :111 l\r11cr1t':u1 hc·l!copl('r hy r;1d10 toda\'. 'rhe ht·!ic(lp\ct v.·;is fired 011 ~<l ing in niid t:ik- ini.: otr. but ii \l'JS brlievcd that uobodv 1~·;1:; \1·0undcd. · 'l"he f('port -0f 1he hcli('op ter ('rash c:in1c fll!ll1 :i.n An\erit"an v.'!10 \\";!!'. hll tile 1;r11und ;it ;in ;i1rslnp ab11111 :i n11it' ;ind a hair fr1111\ ·ran Canh Allllf'\:1t 11111 tu ,1 rlfo1ghLll l1"l l1).: t·11 ~·. in l"!l!'f1'11'.L1 ,!J!1 •Ir Cfl l!llJl!ll'd 1·1i11n1y l'Oll!111I 11·ill h<' !I ll' ;1llrrnall\t'S d l<i\"US!'>t'il \\'l'rlnl'Sd:11· 1J1gh r ;il :i r11('et l11g (Jf thP. 1 ':1p1~1r:11i.1 l!t:.1c·h CHrnn1ur11!y Assnt·1.i- I tori. Searcliers Losing Hop e :\ spokrs1n;in tor !ht I '~ f'u111111<1 nd 111 S,11!_l11n ::;:i1d 11 htid '·nn1!111H~ .11la1:1\!1' 1•1 u1ll1e;1{f' c1!ht·r 11:1v that tht'l"t' ;1r1.' :1d- ' 1~l'rS n1issi11t: 111 ;1Clion.'" 'l'l)r or1~:in,1 :il 1(\ll·s ~t·~~i,111 11 111 hr hr \\\ :!I Hp Ill ,It !Ii•' l'011;1n l n l Hl•;1I J1 11 .>; 1olf1r<', ~ti'l·l 1 ( ':l)llill•• dt• 1-:-:111·\1:1. t)f111'l .1!.~ Ir• nl thl' j'JI \ 11f S:in rlr111e11lr :1 :1ll tr11n1 !be l>.111;1 !'111111 l'i ll 11•n, l11r /\1'• !1011. ;l ~ft•UP ~t;11l.111 1i: 1!11• lul111 1· ot that 1·nn11t1u11 11". ;11·r stht-tlu h•ll l ·~ ,-,peak l11~forr tlu· c ·:qii~t r:ino !Jl'll{'h 11• ... 1d1 •111..;_ For Cou .ntian i1i Gorge Larl1rr rl•p.irt.-.; said !ht· s1 -.: :1t!l·isrrs \1 crt' arnon~ 11u11· A1111•r1t·.i 11-.; t.1!..1'11 uuJ o[ ·r;111 Ca11h by l11:lil'oplt•rs undt·r lirt· .\I on· 1l.1y ·n1e ~1 x 111 rf' r1·port rd l :ual~·rl :11 \l;1 k 'I\• 2 ~11r~tr1p :1 n1d1· and :1 half :111;1v b1·t·:1u;;e South \'it"·lli:1n1e s(' soldie r:. 11'l'l:t, (·h11 L:111g t1l !he ht•l1c11p1'·r"s sk ids ;111d 11. 1~.is !('arrd !hr_,. mi ght f:ill off if the fli ght l\':1~ nny long1•r. The 111111ll'orpu1 ;i ted C<lllH11Ulll t,1· h:i~ l<itu.; li1'r11 l'if'll'l 'cl fur pos~1h!e ;111111·:-:a ti.in 1<1 S:111 l"lt•1ne11te. hul :1 l1n;1) dcr1,.11111 h:'1!i 11t•1 1·1· bel'11 n1:1d1·. 1.·:1p1:-.ll':11111 lh•:1t'li 11 1· 1·.,1·1"W1r:1l111n h:1g :1lsu h1~1•11 cl1.~c·11~s~·d , l'llht·r nl1111t' ;ir 1111n1 lv l\'1li1 Jl;111:1 l'u1nl From Wire ~r,•icl'S DUTCH JOHN, Utah -Searchers were losing hope tod ay for four C:iliforn1ans, including a Garden Grove executive, missing since Saturday in the chilly, choppy, 83-foot deep "''aters of Flaming C.orge Reservoir. The only trace of their boat. which ap- parently capsized dur ing rou~h weather, has been a fuel can, jacket and ice chest Yi·hich washed ashore. Investigators list the men as presumed dro\vned in the worst boat ing misha p on the IO-year-0ld man made lake near Ytllowstone National Park. They include: -l'ttlcbael 1\.1athe\li'li, or 12091 Bayport St., Garden Grove. president or i\ILke 1i1atlhet.1·s Associates Agency, an Orange- Fro111 Page 1 POLICE .. • consumers, not prOOucers. lie said additional monty is available now and .o;hould be used for the police department before it is di\'erted to another use. Disagreeing t.1·ith this point was Cit\' Treasurer Alice Ro5s who said she didn ;t foresee any reserve at all al the end of the fiscal year. \Veidner countered that the surplus v.·ill be there when state and federal funds earmarked for the city arrive. Other points brought out by opponents during the meeting included . -~1any cities in Los Ange les County or 100,000 population do not ha\'e a n)unicipal poli ce department, but employ the sheriff. -The public safety director's report on the nted for police services could not have been impart ial because he v.·ould be out oJ a job (a statement denied by the cou ncil\, -The cil y is getting 25 pt-rcenl more srr\·icc than it pays for from the sherirf's fJlftce, :iccordin,i: to loRged actl\·1t.v reports for one manth: tt.1·0 city pat rol units wouldn"t be enough. -The d;:in,1?er of ,1 ful! time poli{'e Ofler:l!Jf)n JS full-lime harr<1ssmcnt nf its t l!l~e l)S. l~r,iUI'.' '.'illrr tff .lrrr;1 Honri11 \111r n1·d tho• f 0111l1 'il 1iJ:l! !hr (H<t I• f "d1,:iss('111hl1!1h ;i p .• :1c fl 1!rii:1ri1nt·nl ,, hrp:h "ls tha t ;i lhrP.:l t.'" :i~kcd Cnunc1hnan F.d1\·ard Chermnk A grc;it deal ut c·n11cer 11 1r;i' :1 1n •d o\'rr a f('Ctn l :\en1inor 1n lJ;ina P()1nl <'Oil· durl<."d, sponsor('([. an d p:i id for bv UC San1a Cruz. The pol!ce seminar use{! San .Juan's formation or (I P'll ice depart ment :is a topic. ()f stud y ;i nd in\'itrd Public Sa fely Directo r Jos eph i\lcKcon IQ discuss it. f\tcKeon s::iid thp re~ult.~ or the seminar \.\'ere tha t fian Juan should go ahead if it felt il could :ifford A police d('partment :ind if il is not sa tisfied \vith the current le\'l'I of service it is receiving. J1e said the group made the decisio n primarily based on hi~ test imony ;ind testimony from a delegate from !ht ci!y of Irvine. Cl emente Pair State Reps Debra Austin and ~1ichac1 Chemotti have been named Girls' and Boys' State representative! for San Clemente High Schrol. Alternates "''ill he MelRnle Serences and Charles D:irgan. All fou r arc juniors. Boys' State will be held Jn J une in Sacram('nfo and Girls' Stale will be in Sq uaw Vaill'}' from Jllne 28 lo July S. Both events are spon!<>red by the American Leg ion and its women's aux- il iary. Miss Aust in is the daughter of Mr. snd ~1rs. Forrest f\f. Austin Jr. o( San C!rn1cnre. She is captain of the school dril l team, member of Ame.rican Field Service, California Scholarship Fedl'ra· lion and Junior flumanitle!'I Club. Chemoltf. the s(ln of Mr. and Mr~. Sa mue l R. Chtmotli, I! president ct the Inter-Club Council and has competed in a rh rctic activit!es during the Inst three ''e;irs . based e.-.:ccut11·r scnrr h and pl.1 rPtiH'11 l agency. -Los Angt'!cs County Jl eahh Drpai-t- ment A!coholisn1 Program Chie f l>r. A. \\'. ",\lvirdo'' Pearson, 62. of Tarzara. -Charles \\'ooh•erton, of the i\1splrs ne ighborhood (Jf Long Bt>:i<:h, ch1 ('f technicnl 1\·ritcr (ur ~lc:Dl1n11el l·Dou ~las Aircraft Corp<•r:illon, pilot :ind ('11 d 1\1r P;itrol of!icrr. -Psychologist Dr. !\l~rsbalJ llo<lg<'. nf CJ:ir1·n101\I . Forest ~r r\'iCt' 1dl·nuf1cau011 u! thr !C.1t1r v1c1 un!'> \1hv lll·1r-to Ut:1h lJ.':>t \r~'t·~ u.i ~1 trout fi shing trip \fi!h \\'oolvrrton ~s thl· pilot crri1nt•uusly listed ~l.'llhc·l\s ;i.~ a psyrhnlogist tno. "~1ike \l'Ould ha\'e gotten a la ugh C)ut 11r that," one of his busi11ess assoc1.1tcs saul sadly today. Ill' snk! J\'la!hr\1·s hnd a dPep 111tcrt'st 111 lhc fic·ld, bu l v.·;is nu specialist. Chances that anything but the \\·orsl happened during a \l'ind·\\'h ipped flshin~ expedit ion Saturday arc ren101c, se<1 rl'h coord inat ors said today. "\\'l'"re v.·orki n.i: on the assun1pti•in 1)):1! the boat r;ipsizcd in \1·:1,·es up to two :;n,\ three feet high," .f'{lrcst l'h1l Johnson said tod:iy. County Slio1 v11 011 T Y S71 ccit1l An hnu r-l oni:: dociimento r\· !1t1•·d •·r ortra11 nf Orangt• ('011111 :~··· 11 111 be sho11·n a l 7.30 o"c:lock 1un1ght n11 KCF.T-TV. Channel 28. ThL filn1 \.\':JS actual!y protiucrrl by the stafr of KOCE-TV. Ch;innf'l 50, the new Orange Coast Corn. rn11nity Col!egr Distrirt ~t al ion \1·hic h i!'i sc heduled 10 go on thf' :i1 r nexr f<1!1. Film cli JlS taken 01·cr lh(' p:ic;1 fi,·c n1on!hs \1 dl ~hfl\\' a nriru r ~il r h1lrlb1r1h ;it 1\nahe1m I :r•perri r l!o~[lt lnl. ltt.' :ihonrd 1hc plt'osiirr hn.1 1 "/10~1·1do11 " 1n ~ <' 1" po 1· \ ll;1rbor. s1 1n hathrr~ C)t1 lhc bt.1Chc!' :.11d nthr•r C•>UD\y hfl', 'l"hesc tJrJu·r rt>pOrl~ said t h (' Allli'r1c·<ins brg:i 11 11 alk1nJ:: to\1·ard the ~•'111h \1ictnan1esr ilnl'S. Dul the rrpo rl 1nd:i y s:iid a lluey heJ1c:opter picked lhr·n1 11r. 11 as hit after it look off :ind crasl1l'd in fi :11ne~ 1n an :lr(•;1 hcl<l by !he f\11rlh \'i1'!t1~Hlll'~(" Tl1r rC'pur.1 i;..1id no hnpc 11':l~ l1 L'ld ror llil" 111('/l Ul\ b:l:lrd 'fhe t.,; ~-('umrn~1nd in S:iigon :1n- P•11n1·f'd .\l ·1n1!:1v thnt Zin Arn1y h1·lirop\1•r 11 .i~ :-:h"t d1111:1 nt•:ir [).11.. T" ;uiil the f,•ur 'r• 1\n1rn \\(•r(' k1!1 rd .\l1!1t,:iry <O\IJ"!'CS 111 l'k 1h11 s:11d t1.cl;1r 1111 .1-, hl'h1·ved that 1h1:i J\ 1'TENDANCE . jusln1rnl 01 :iHcnd:inrl' bound:ir1{·S, ("0!1· s1dcration of all-year schooL ;1nd rrnt;i/ of 1n11rc p11rt.:1hle cl assrooms nre amoni:: op- tions ;"ii :i.ilable lo n\Jin!ain a desirable ril t10 t1f pupils tu tc:ichers 11·1thout r/•-.;ortin t'. In d11uhlr sr~s i1J11.-;. llr1ub!r srs~io11 ~. hn\1t·1C'r. 1\·il! becon1e ncccs5ary this fall For the first lime since unif1c.1tion. San Cl cmc·11 tc lligh Schoo l II i)t ~:qJ('ll('!ll't' 11lf' !II Ill ~t·'j,~IOJIS f11r ;1 fl \I' 1n~1nth s uutil [J;in:J /f il ls High Srh•~LI is crirnple!C'd, In ;1 _1.·ear·s lime 1ir n1orr. 1\·hrn :-tudrnl IJP~IHl.1l111n ;1ga111 rc:1('ht•..; a p111nl hr\"(111d 'i hnrd (!1-rr1<·t 1-.1pnh1l1!LL"" lo hou.~r 11: II'.•• 1!1:.:r·1t! 1n;1·: ;ig;u;i h1·con1c availabll' t .. r 'tll!r tonstruct iun lo:ins. Bu t brfnre it <'iH1 qu:1!1fv fnr thl' k·~" rx pe11s1v r statr fulld· 1!1~ ;1 '[)!H lll l")(•4·l11>!1 l1 di ~l:l\'f' 10 b<' p.i!',<••lf ,, .. :111·t!11 11e; d1s1ru t oftlc1:il~ fl'l·I 1\·nuld ht• d1ff1c 11l1 , ll'lng tel'nl solutions lo di stritt grov.·th r roblt·ins are br in~ cxarninrd bv· a · t;ro11·th con1n11tter." llt'iH!rtl hy K en~rlh l\rster, t "ntrollf'r f11r 1\l·eo Commun11 _1· l)t•\ eliipf'rS. .\le r:1 brrs of flus ca:rimJt!ec inc-iud~ rrprrsentat1.,.cs fro1n S.111 Clemente and S;in Ju:in C;ip1s1rano. in addition 10 1!1·\t"lnpel''-;111d otla·r 111l tirf's trd 1•11JZ('f1<; ! lilt' o( thr gon l ~ nf lh l.~ (OtnnHttl'C 1s 1n f111d v:.1~s c1l 1t':; !tile! tlr1•elo1)('rs can 1rv1k 1qi.:r1her \I) \'\;111 f11r {\1!11n· sch<l(1\<; and 1Ll <·n r)(· \1·1n1 a 1·1 ~1ng ~tudcn l 1~1 pul:i\11111. The l 11111 \1 ;11;,11 1 1\.111~ a C('11~\rtt rcv1r1,· of tht· d1~l!"K'l ·~ .. n1.1strr pla n." A:;~o("iat i.in p;·r.~i11 Pnt Hon Bu!!rr s:iid 11. ~('l'()!ld r nc!'l111~: of !hr :is:O:-utia!i1111 '1'1!1 he ht'ld \\lay 2~. :Ll '1llit:h !11nc .1 stra1~' vole \1 111 hr 1:1kcn of lhe 1nPn1brrs lo .-lc1crmine the association"s oF1tcin1 posi- lion rl'i.;ard1ng thi• possible Jltcr11a tn·cs f"r g1J1·c·rnrnental conlrol. 1\ nn ex, Zonin g "i\lora loriun1 ' End :-; in Capo A h:i rr 011 :111 n('x:lt1on :inti 1.1111111;.: .'.lct;1111'i 1·t1 1 r(·11!ly 111 r lft·~t 11 1 S.l11 .J11:11t <';1p1-.rr:1110 11111 41fl ir1:1l ly end 11hf'n thr. 111'11 l_v :1ppointcd 1il:1n11in;.; c·111nn11~s 1on is l>l':1l1·d. ·rhe <'11\" ("ouncil 1ntrrl 11nrini n1011~1v r.t1>nd:1~· I!; r11d !he "1nor:1tor1111n " \1'hi rh 11 .1\ 111 cff1•rt u:1t1I "a/rc1 !hi· f'lr('t ion~ ·• l>r H11y l. ll1Tllf'~. \1 1!11 n1.1dr !hr 111.-.. ltnn tn rl•n10\·e the h:1n. ~.;11(/ hf' h.1d r<1n· :.1dered rrqtlf'~rth;! ;1 H)0-(!;1y r.\"lt!t1~1on t•f 1!1c nHJr:1tnriun1, ·-1~lll I ~cc 110 1:1·cd ;1! 1 111~ lillH' ... he ~:11d , 'l'l!f' 1·11unr 1l :i~rrrd !u 11·;iil until lhe J 'I, 111111 t\J.: t ·r1rill1l!~'-11 •II I 11111·I11HI llll: t1,,f,,re 1nak11p• :1 nv lur lhrr· dt·l1•r111 l11;1· t 1111' ,. ,., ' H'ltl\'~ a11d f',1t1•1•·Llrl'·111 .l.+•\1 (;:11nrn ctl "t·1 r :1r1.lti11):t·d !(1 ~c-: 1·e <-11 ;1 ~uh· i .. 1111 n11J 1•f' to dc·tl'r1111:n• !hl' f1 11\C'll'ltl~ .11 ti r1·--rnu.~il 11 hl if's of :i nc11 t•11nirn 1Hcr 11 h11 h \1 11! ttc1t·rr11i111· th<' 11npnl·t (If r.1r·h 111•\eJOpJn('n: proJ111<:ed for the ri!~. 1n tht' f11\l rr:iunri l on !ht' d111ic s 0r " !'rt·r•1,1I 1·n11s111!nn! 10 :;1udy irnp:ict .1nrl 1n j.;l\'C' rr:iun~·il <11~d plcinnlng r·omn1is~1011 ct1rf·<·1ion in n1nkin.[! f11t11 rr dccs1ons. T <'nni ;; i\Jcrl Slatr ll S;u1 1·!r·t1)f'1J!1• !1·n:11•1 bull ~ TJJ:J \ )\:JI"/' Ill ~'" Hill ,,f {(1\1 II l'I f llld ;1 pl:ll H\~ 1"!1111 l 011 ~ 11 rl'~c11d \\ht'rl tilt• El f'.!!!11!1(1 'l"l'l1!11S t !uh l 1n~to.; a (11:11c·h 11·i th 1h1• t :lt'ndale 'f','1 '111.~ I "1 111! l··,,r lh1• !11<1 '·;1;i111t·11!, !h,• i.;r111 q• h,1<: rr~•'r1·pd :111 \IX .. r 111•' ~ 11 11 1·1 ~ ;i f S;111 ('lr nv.•n\f' l\1::h S1 h111 .1 '!l1e tn r1·I 11 111 be ht·l d ;di (J..ri1 IJ1ii l1 ~:d 11i·rl:1 1 .ind !"1111d:1y. IN A IIURRY? DON'T WORRY! SOM ETI MES IT HURTS US A UTILE TO GIVE EXTRA FAST SER VI C E, BUT WE FEEL OUR ADAPTABI LI TY TO RUSH SITUATI ONS HAS WON MANY PERMANENT CUSTOMERS. NATURALLY, WE PREF E R A UTILE LEAD TI ME WHEN THI S IS AVAILABLE, BUT ARE PREPARED TO EXPEND EVERY EFFORT TO PLEASE. IF TIME IS OF THE ESS ENCE, THEN "ALDEN 'S" IS THE PLACE WITH WHICH TO DO BUSINESS. OUR SALESPEOPLE ARE SERVICE OR IENTED AND HAVE VALUABLE EXPERIENCE IN THESE AREA S. OUR IN STALLERS ARE TRAINED BY US. AND THE BEST IN ORANGE COUNTY. IF YOU DESIRE GREAT SERVICE, THERE IS ONE STORE TO CALL -"ALDEN'S, OF COURSE !" ALDEN'S CARPETS • DRAPES 1663 Placentla Ave. COSTA MESA 646-4838 f ' l ( '1 I I I I, '· 10 OAJL Y PIL OT SC FINANCE For Gootl 1Vlecha1iic B\• S\'I \IA POH'l t.H 1111..,•I 11r ;u r linalll 1ak - b a b I fai r monry rrn.1•rs., • S1art shnpn1n11, fnr rrpnirs before you nPrd 1hr1n Jr s 100 !alp \lh('n 1n11 1 cnr c.,nkc;; nut a nd 1nu nccrl 1! a1 nnrr ilak{' n plan nf a :-111111 11011 h:ll e a list of p!;:iccc;; 1·ou \l <llJ!d tflk" 1n11 r r,1r ~hn11ld 1nu nrf'rl m inor repairs nl;i 1nr renairs s1 n1ple ma1n!rn;i11cr rlr " Chf'<'k \\Ith 1•our fncnd~ anrl arquaintanres on !heir ,., prriences "11h ]oral auto rr p;i1r shopo; • Conr enrratr nn frnrlin,g a <hnr \11th 1nech;i11 1r<:. 1 011 can trust -"nd thf'n c:t1ck 11•11h !111s <-hop Jln11·e1er fnr .,_0111e 1· •·"" o( l\Ofk .;11rh ;\~ 111\t 'tlrr icp]a(rmrnt nr br:i\p 1r l1iuH! -\OU n1av br nhl r II\ <:i1r n1n1v•1 hv pi1!r11r•n•u; n 0rcr1<1l t1 <:.hnp 11 h1rh rlnr< a lnr.i:;P 1nlun1r nf r rn,11r~ 111 1h"S.(' 'II f',1S :ir>rl \\ h1 1 h h~<. <I C' cun11 ila1rrl ;ilJ rhr ~rJC'( 1~1 r n•11pmf'11! ;inr! r\'1r1 '1"f' ner::l P1 ro prrfnrrt1 thrm ( l1rrk nut thE' rrnut:i1 1nn nf an1 nut~1d e sprct:i!!v ~hop, 1hnu:.;h ht fnre \QU turn 1nur h;ick n;i 1nur rr!!u\;i r ffiE'thantc· • :0.1akr a drhbf'r:Hr r hnu r twtv.een 1nur nr11 r:ir dr1lf'r repair bn1 <:. in Inc a\ ga"-<t a- l1nn" and 1 n ri e pr n rl r n 1 n1rch;i,n1r"-•1 hn rlr; nnt <:.fll r'(l< -and rrrn~n1~P 11111 rl11 h;1e lhf'<.f' 1hrrr al trr na111 "" Fnr 1ns1,1nrc 1r 1111111!..r1 11r rle;ilrr frn111 11hn111 1011h11 1crl1! 1hP r,1r ;ind ha1 r '·1n'r> ,,, 111. I h1n1 h1~ "hnr 1~ p1 'l'111>' '.111 1 hr"t hr! llr 1~ i•1' In t•11 r,1·11 r.rinrl [11111 p11<"d ~r111 •\I\ lht> hr'1j'f' !hf1! 11"11 '11 11,il 'I hll\ 10111 rlf'\I I ;')I fll• 1l h11•1 \•lrJ hr p1nh;ihh 11 111 b• f;i'l11•111 11 t!h 1 n111 r ;,r <:. r1 u 1 !.. : ;ind 11 11 1 h:i1 1> ;in a1n nlr ~ln!'k of thf' parr ~ thr car 1<:. n1n~t l1krh !rf !""£'cl Rli1 tf !hr dr'll"I frn tn \\horn tnu OOui::tn seeml'; nnt 1ntcrPS.1crl 111 srr\"Cln~ ~n elsev;hcre ConvPn lE'nce i.; !hf' krv arl Th• Mazda Rotary Engine Fnr 1nfnr11"\t1nn on 1l1r srnrk nr Toyo Togyo Co. 1 60·1 65 Apr 19, '72 Cr.ll f.:r>' B;11 th!'llnmr11 (,i rat J';:ii;if1r <=:r,•u 11 l l"~ 1-2!'1 1J111 nr>1311 0 , ru"11n 714 -$l:Z-1i000 1'.b's 'l" ,• WWW_EQ!\iiW V M4 Yf 151WWWf&:E OVER THE COUNTER • ... ' ' • '"" . • • • '' p, I '" ~ ... r ·~ .. I " " r .,. • . ' . a , f 1 In ' ., r •n• ' .. . " '"'" '"" r •• ,...., 1~ ., ,,.,.. .... ~ .. ~~-,. " '. l '" ... , FQ 1 • ''" ... ; .. ... .. '• •: ... : . . ' • " f ( •n T>r' ' . ( •• .s " ~"1'11 ... r • ,. '" r • r r,, ( • *II"• More Security With NASD .. FALSE TEETH ... ~\ ! .. •,, " . • ·' " . " £• " ' 'r• ' . I' .• ., t. «> ;~ ' " ' ~ 'l~.':no•••'' : I ::·:~· ,' ' -, "' " " " ' . "' .. ' CO,IPLETE-:\EW YORK STOCI( LIST ..... ...1 ' . '. ,., . ·- .. .. •' .. .. .. .. " " ' " .. ,, " ' ' . , . " '' '1 ' ~ ' " '. ' '" ., ' "' ' ' . ' ,. ' ' " . ' ~ , 'r • 1 " ' • .,. ~ ;, ' } . " ;• .. ~ ; .. ". " . " ,. • " . " ... " .. " .. " • . , " ' .. ;c , .. " " " ' " ., .. '• .. " .. • .. " ,. " ,,, ' • ·1 ·I ., ' I .. .. ... " .., • " 0.' • • • ' ' .. ' ' t ,. <) .. ' ' ' r r• '•' .. ,, ' ' ' ' • ' ., "' ' " •"Oll 'nl ' I I'• ' ,, " h !' Ir "' " . I ~ ,_., ... ' . " ' ' .. ,, ' ' " ' ,, ' e < ('~ " " ,, '' " ,., • • " ., .. I ~ 11 f• I ,.- ( . .,. ~· ( "' ' \ (t n•n • '" In•• I ,.. ("•'•l!n ~F~ '"""'<( •n r ~n Frl 111 rr~~rlp'' '" " "' ; " '" • "' , .. ., JI'• 17'. " . • ". " ... " ' ,,. J5'; ,; ~~~r;.·~ '1'~ ~: :... 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Wt wilt llt •ll•JH lo ••tm•"f yfttl' "'"'• ,,... tlll.,I•• r•t•'"'"• t~•" !.,. .... 1. c~n ¥•. J111p1>o er M •. ~e!tJ tt 141> -· So~th Co••' Pit •• l r:1tol t i 11\1 S1" D·e9 0 F..,., Co1t1 M11• ~40 .9066 • Br.1d ston 5 pc. rat ta n dining group An tl l1!d t111 r ( l.i~~ic, 1la\•, :f'~':i :)' (raftecJ in r1ne<:I r.1llrl n . ,\\<1 ~n1t1r en t l ) rel axed , so perhly c lf'~,111 1. c-le ltghtfuHy at home C\ cry\\ h€'rf·. l .1l il <.: and fuur chairs. $ 3 5 5 reg . $405 co-ordinatrd Brads ton seating pieces se 11ec reg. $2n' $229 lo\ e srat rr-~. $1 DJ $1 59 cha i·r rf'g. $I f)) ](J\v S\\'i\·rl ch.1ir rPg. $1 09 h'gh S\\"cl ch"' reg. $1 29 £:-nfJ tahle reg. $33 cocktail toble reg. $1 09 $8~ $99 $109 $45 584 groups for dining and seating at savings Seven piece dining group \\'i th a par · ticularly cheeriu! outlook on outdoor d1n1np.. F1n 1sh ed in \vh1te, .'!Ccented ''ith Gra nada citron covers. Tab le , table cover, urnbre ll a and 4 chairs. reg. 167.50 matching .eat ing pieces to complete the happy Cal i fornia outdoor scene chaise lounge special rocker specia l 2-passenger S\ving spec ial pat io shop 146-al/ 18 stores use one of our conven ient credit plans ' •' I v f~ ".!\ ' , r '" ~ group;., ·in white.I 29.95 24 .95 79.95 Sd msoni te co-o rdin ated patio furnilure fo r d1n1np. and seat ing. Curved steel \\1th a glorious conlemporar)' lool--mat- ed with <oft rrl;ix ingly cool loo•ing vi - nyl cush ions. And so reasonably priced. to $ 8 5 reg. $39-$99 um brella tab le reg. $69 $55 side chai r reg. $59 $45 cha ise lounge reg . $99 $85 lounge chair re~. $:59 $50 olloman reg. $39 $25 Finkel umbre lla in citron reg. $89 $79 ... ,. _.,. , .. SHO P ... MONDAY TO FRIDAY 10:00 TO 9:30 • SUNDAYS NOON TO 5 salurday hou rs 10 to 6 • ma y co south coast plaza, san diego freeway at bris tol, costa mesa , 546-9321 .r . -..l •• ..,., .... " ' . " •:, I .. '. . , ' ' .... 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'1 0 11 6 ) Otr 6 6 on 6 i orr 6 J O•I • 1 011 6 ! O•I 6 I OU 5 1 BroOt t! Ind BrO<IY St1t11 Bric• Per 10 Brown(D wl BrForll •OQ fltU(fR \Otl BT MIO •Id I TB Coro TU Envlnt luohltr Co utll In lSI Bundy (p l Burcitn ln<l Burn1lnl f>l'J UunJP 01<1 llulltr AY 81 llu!!~5 C.•• Ca!>lecom CaDOI ( Old Caldor 10<! (81 Complr CnlPTCt m 1 Calvorr E•o Ca.,,coln 1~ Cam<>b (hob (M'llll In ]0 (!In E• Ga• Cdn l'tm11td CnnHvdr ?1 (~nlnP 1 ~O (An Moreen '" '" '" " ' " (d" l~t .. UI ,,. c.i., Occ•dnt 1'• (<In Su11 011 '> C~n••rl '"" (an~ ln<11 Cop Fd °"' (&oltol If'<! C8rftr Acd l! 101i '" ". ' ~ _, " -" (dr•na 0 J (A'"l'I WI f ••nln ! ?OA C~'P""Llll I (Arru;ol r ~ CAtrl .. ( "' ce .. 0110 .s-c.111''"" 1n I) 1\1 700 (••lltwd l!t I ~It"" ltt C1vltr0<1 Co I U3101.J:SJ r !IWL o~ 15i:l l!1,J9J (•nu (••!! (p~Mot l • , ,, ., • , .. ~ .. 4 '" . ' ,, '" .. • , " " ' • " ; .t f I f ' , • 1 ' ·~ ' . • ' " '. f 1 1r 1rt•\IOJ v , ::1 ~!: .~ p;,,: , ,. " v ' < " r 1!••1' r ~ . ' ' I Ir -•' ,~ " " .,,. ~­ ;.~ v ,.,. ' •••• '1 ~ ''' ll II / ~ "'I It •• " • , I, , • .,,,, ., .. , r l•no I• " " " " " • " '" ' . 11 ?I. . ' '" . 0 H ,, " '~ 11 ' . ' " .. ,, J? 11 1 "• ., ~·. ; 1 ~ • • 1 1" • Jt qo, 1 I 11 " ' • • • ' " ' • "' . ~! , 11"-lnvll v II '' q '• "'· • O!!•h~r • r~ 1 , 11 , ' ~+,1, II ~l' I , 9 lnvFu nd •O ~. ,~ ov.r c" •n tJ, 1•, ~ 1nvP '' ?•d !jl, 1' ltO<!U \ 1•1 11) ,\ " ' • H ' ' ' l•vln I~~ I ,1.1sr 1nd'' "lll'°l r ,lllConr l 1 • • - ·i i ' _, ' l • 1(11~ ,,., ·~ ' 0 ' ' 1011~ l'ldU'!< .. ,. •n '" '' "l I'll •n 'rl .., o•~I "'~ ' 1" ' 10 J&.,,••W8>' '• J• r tll• Jdl••son ~ )"'•' (M• JPl<an ( !•II " '• ' ' ' • • " I ~ "'~"<1 Ir<! "t llY~" r, "1•~r Sl>'l•I ,.~trhfJO •0 ' / Shlp"n'd ' .. ' 1''• " . •• '" ... " ' '" ' " " • ., l"•-" , '" ~~.;_ ,, ·-, .. ,_ . ' -10'•-, • • '• JrWPl<Dr '" Jo~""' 1•d J ~ Ind• I~• Jupltf• Ind ". ' I, ,,,,,,~ f:l•r 1·'""''' 1• 1::·~· ... ,, ~ --~ I( 1 P~f :~~~: ,' I<• ,.,.lrd JI •I I "• (<! I' n ,. "'~I••"'" ~· ~~ r>r;r n• ? l\ '• l(~r•Mll W! 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' " ' , .. , " " < ,. ... '" 11 " ., " .. ' " , ' " , • • ,. ,, " ,. .. .. " ·' I 111n In'', t I rl r en r • ,,,,,1, [l<j' f ~-rl • '" \Cf~n• '~i. '1•r r,1<' '~ ' ~;~~~! ! ~~ . I<,( f <lrl T • ' ·~ ll•>'h II l'()';o<!I,. 101 ' \t>f< •ITV 0 '1 \n•1•r• l•rl ' l ~~~:r~I ~~~ I '""~·o "' ,, ~P""'"' (n • 'ol ~to • •I ~; ;~ ' \\l't"d 'lrl '" ..,, ~.rlr::,'~ ·~ I• ''• < o• 1 O r 1 , ' ' I MO••dg rf ,, 1, • '!/'''"' /1 I' 1•"• 'M l'otH r ?"' "''"'nd•4 •• • ' \IS~"'' tl• lC IG i, \l~I~""' •i '"• '"'·' l'•na• C ''I " • 1+ 'tonfrvA •• ~r.n~ "~ 'n •• , \,.n • • ' ""~U\I ·~ <• ·••!! " .. ... .. , ... ' " ' .... ,, ... " .. • ~ Mu!I I tld "~'"""' " '!'"'"''' 1., ~·~, .. ., ••ll~q I '" ' r ~., I ' I I t• T<'r •• • ·•~ I r •I 'tr ,.,. I ! ,. " ' " '" ., ' . " ' • " • " ' " ' ' • .. ' .. ·~' ' < • ., '\ ' ' ' 111'1 ... •• 71'• '. ! I'• ' I I J< ... , " " ' ,. ' ' , • " ,," ' " 'l 11 n r n 0 , .. " ,. " " " "· < • ' " < " ' " " • • • " ' C> ' ' " ' " ' , .. .. '" " . '" •• , .. .. .. ' ' ,. .. " " ,. ' ' ' • • " • ' ' 'IN 1,~~co "'' I 1 • ,y,o ,n 11" N"n~>«l I 1 <( • ·1~ .. ~!:$;~ ":l :" ~ ~i'f;r ':' l N~I! llfl lo "l"""lv•tl '1 ~fO<I Ind l• Nani LT Oln .i z;~~~-::.· ~~ . i ~·,c~' .. ~~ 1\Y•I• l ~t.oo ! WvnAOI f n "' ' ' " ' • ' ' • 0 ' " I JI 0 •1 l& • ' " 4 oil " 11 ]I! ~·~ ., " . v ~·· _,y,_ • • • ... " .. ' ~ .. .. ' " Jtr~· .. " '" I'" . ' •l' • '" " • • " , " " .... • '" "' " 0 . .. ... "' 1"· '-' ' -- 01, 1 "lw.or'"" (,. '• YA!t• Ind"'< I""""" llQ~ 'M • I ' I? -•O •I " . ' ?I'· " ' ,. < " " " " ... .. " .. •l ' To•o /,l!Q JS J . ' ~·· 11''' F nrt .I.SE ' I "''"'"' ' H nlC' ryn" '· " .. -· Allied Tells . Acq1ti.~itio1i A!liC'd Securi1 v Corp i\t:'Y.po1 t Bench land de\elor~ nir nl f11 m <llf!lllrcd J 400 arr; llnnC'\ Lake ll 1'lhland!: Uj l nssC'11 Count\ about t\1cnt:. milf's nor lh of Su!:an1111r1 " l " .. 1111pt•ir1111 SolPs \'al11111f" Ln\1forn1 n , Acf'ord1n~ lo Tho1n.1~ f) Ph11tp~ prf'~1dent of Alhrd ... '°'M£111CaH £)(CHANO! S.l.ll\ •• U1111.,i Pr9'o IM•tlllli..,.•I , ;r•o• ' OA! •lo.-• to••I ' 1'0 """ ,·~•• !01AI v••• •oo ~ '" • ~ .,,.. ~· ••• ~1 l>N>d ••l~t t i ~10 t'>lij fl '~'""' ••Ir 000 l"l llCl'rj Srcur 1tv plan!: arr tHl drr11 ~v to d1v1d' th r l:tnd 1n11 4fl :I( re parcrls and off rr thc11 for sale about nud sumn1 er r f % DAILY PILOT VPI Te •PhOlo ROYAL MANNER - \\'ith rJC'!it·<ill' \O\!t:b. l~r11Jn ':-; l'r11H't.:"~ 1\n n" flick.• dirt frorn ht·r ('\'C •l !' :-lie ( onlJH'll'" ·,n \\'t nd ~ol' hr1r'.'il' t r1~d :or. B e 1111'' F cle ~ Gets wts From \\'ire :o:ier\'it:ts ('unll'd1;1n Jark Benn\·. a~ \'IOliu soloisl. r;uscd Si°l l.0-00 l•Jf the E:drnonton Symphnny. play111g Ill fl sold-llU I benefit •·onccr'l for \\'hirh !1tkc!s wc~c Slrfil a couple. S}'m'111ony oftk·ia ls s<11ri ii \vas the l<iri-:es! arn11unl E'\"('t' r.;ise·l by ;1 s1ni::lt• P\'ent 1n AlbcrUJ. * R riti~h l 'rirnr \I 1 n i ~ t f' r l<::!\\ ;1 1·d II I' a I h dJSl'Cl\'l'''f•d chv rt h is nil ~;\nclua r \' tur rvlit1c1:-in~ - ll c111h hnd a ~c.11 in lhr frnnt pc''' of S<111111,,·ai k C:11hcdral I PEO PL E nn lht' ~ou!h l);u1k nf 1hr Thanll•!' fnr ;i Sh;1kr>"Pf'ill'1' b1rt!1dn~· rclc·hr;it 11111 ur 11111~1<' ;ind roe!r.r. He \\ii~ <1hviou slv en\ny1ng h1111.~rlf 11n!ll p•1l·1 1\cJr·1,111 \11tc·htd\ 11 :ilkcd up 111 tlu· 1·han1·r·l "trp\oo In r~•111\ 111-.. p11c,111 . ··The \";1.~1 ;111"ay~ .. ,\1 t1 1.:)1rll lr1l l'h<'d 11p Ji;, t rnl!~rr~ ;·ind 1;111111·\1.;d 111\0 :in ;i11111·;; (•!1 lli•;111i ··] dldn"! know lhr pr1111t' ll1in1stcr \\"II\. gn1111! 1CJ h(' h(·l'i' !(1ni~h1.·· he :;;i1d . ··or l'<l h:"J'.1' \\T1llcn i.on1c!h1ng a ti :, hr! ter ·· Thl' ma1ncd pr1n1r m1111:.tr·r rt'· unruf/)rd throughout * * * P atrolrnan \\"altr r f or\r\·. pot-bcl'1ed and good hun1orrft. sl ::-1rcd on lhf· s<·;ilc and eq r ioprd. "1\rn 1 H str rrnt~·pr of v.hat thr proh1£'rn ,~.,·· 0 \cr\\'C'lgh! :ir ~:1;1 pound ~. Cnrlc•\'. 6 fct't 1:ill ;111d ::17 11·;ir·· nld. W<1~ a11111ng nnlv I~ n! t~.i pn]1(·r11it ·n t" hf'. fnn11 :1ll\ pl:l(·1'<l 11n :i d1t'! :ilH·r 1111· !11"'! Pit t1·inl \\l'i1~\).i1\ 11f th,· \t'\I \'ork !"1\r f '(1ll~·11 ' ! )i>p:1r1n1c11t st' (I 111 p 11 l "n r•. \lf'if.!h ! 11 1~.~ ]ll'llf'l''tl)l 1\ f.[CIH'l'l\1 1 ~ llf-1'1!11 \ h.11 1 ;inrl :i 10 p1·rrr11! lt'\·11.1 1 h1·ipl•d ;1f e1111nt tnr 1l1£' lr11•1 1h:1t thP rt' rn;11111n~ 21 t 1·np., 11·1,rr 11nd1•1 !he n1a\11n111n \1r1i:hl ;i1ln11i>d in 1h1'11· ngr ,11HI l1C'lj!l11 catcg11r.1 * * * \\'hrn ~·ou'rr pl.i~ 111r: for :i.ooo sthoolrhildrl'n, ··rn1t"1·1• Jil11 to n·:1kc s1i;:ns !hey 1"" 0 :lt1 un de r~tnnd. ·• :;:i1·!' bandlc adt'r Ouk<' Ellinr.ton: "'II boil ~ d1n1n lo the mo-:\ prin11l1vc (,,rin 11! r or•1n1uni<":1t1on ·• F:IJ1nglon. 11ho 11111 ht• 7~ 1 111~ 11·eek, ·f'onopart'r\ 1l1r )'ii\\T\C. ~r11· .Jerser :111d1c11i·r h 1~ Ii p1Cf(' bfl tlli" pl:i~ erl lo) I\ 1th 0111' <1 le.iv y(':lrs cu:1• in l\:dJti\ Af Q li;1 ni.~la n. "\Ve pla,v<'d lo fi .J"iO p~·"pl 1· there in a !'irlrl. Y1•t1 l<1D~ ntl! at \hrm :ind y1111 ~:11 !ot yourself. '11 011· n1an~· nf 1 h"~t people ha\'(' <'Irr h11:1rd 11 ; Duke. F.l!ini;:ton or h<':lrd 1111 music?'" That's v.•hcn :1 n111~1r1.•11 starts makin~ "sign!-·• hi ~ 1111 dience can rel ate tn. ~:ud th•· duke. l.£T'S BE FRIENDLY If you ha\''t' nr1,· n<'ic ht...u1;; or know of any onr 1n 11v~n1: to our art e. ph·ase lrll u ~ so th.Ill ""r' may f'Xt •·nd 11 friendly wt:>lcomf' 11nd hf'lp thrm to bt-t:omr ar q11Kint"d In their tM"W r;urr oundini;:!'. So. Coast Visitor 4M-ti1' 494-93'1 Hnll' Y'ISitor MMl74 ~, ' va11it~' fair's flo,v i11~ fle·eees of Dae 1·011 · Livr ,, lu \111 y ' ioa.J ,,....,e r r " ' • • 'fl ':",f ir" t ~. ( c ~ 'N I' r· 1t.:\e D(l ,-r -1 ' r•Jh1, ., .. ' ,, . ' 1 ~r cci:-. 1 he; >iPl I, ,/c nri t (• '• : 'f'l{ ( ' -'. n; i ·c y ·111r l.1'11 ;, l lr t,,· ,I r ;r· I 0-12 25 .00. B. M a n:iti r n rr <.: • ;,,...r I in'"J p ink or blue, ,; e 8-1 B 25 .00. lv1 -,:I .;ind piionc: cr ::icr~ invited Rc:.D( .. " .. • • ·' ~ . . I I • ' I I B. ... '1 1 .. . , .I ., -. it~s at tl•e broadway NfWPQ~T •1 ''••~•0" I.l and 111 •! b4 ~ 12 ') ORANGE. Mi ll of 011,.9• JJO O No . T111li" Slr••t 1714 ) ••l·lll I CllfUTOS 500 lo• c,.,;101 Mill fl Il l 160·04 11 J,fl ~Hf l M 144 N.l wt l•d 1 1 !4 J ~)!i.81'1 HUN TINGTON BEACH 11,1 £d1"gf 1 A•enU • !71A) 1,1.)))I !!HOP JCI AM to ~JO I'M MONO-'Y TH ROUGH f.lllOA'f . .S ATU RO ... 'f 10 A.M to i> p M, SUNDAY 12 NOON to 5 l'.M. I j J Lag1111a ·1Beaeh Today's l •'l11al N.Y. Stocks VOL 65, NO. 11 6, 2 SECTIONS, 26 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALI FORNIA TUESDAY, AP RIL 25, 1972 TEN CENTS l(issinger Does It Again-Secret R.uss \\' \~1!1 ,\"(;T(l:J !i\!')-l 're)i1drnt1al ad- ' h:il'r ll rnry K1:-.s 111;.:l·r s1,1·nl f11ur days 111 fl ~osrow lor !'iCl"f(·l talks \\1th Su\'icl li~aders on \"1e111n111 and <11hcr in1t'rna- tion31 pn:ililcnis, the \\'hi lt• Hutise dis- c.Jo.scd 1odav. Kis~inger: \\'ho 111acll' a serrtl tri11 to Peking to arrnnge .l\1xon·s hi s!Ori(· Chuia \'isit , 11·as in thr Snv1el t'Hpitnl fron1 1'hw·sday u11til ,\1111,d:il' :ind nit·! 11·11h Com1nun1$t !'a rt~· l'hit'f l.co>nid Brczhnt·1· and Foreign ill ini.:;:lt'J' Andrri liroinvk•) The discussion ··den!! 11 11h ln1pOrtant interna tional probl(·tns as '''ell as with County hil:itcral m;ittcrs prl'j)<1r:1t .. 1·y to i;ilks li{·l1\l't·11 Su\1et li·a<ll'r.~ ~1111.t l'rc:\HJ r:ll i\ixu11 1n :'ll;n\" pre.~u.h•n11ril pi·t"·' S\'(:l'e1.'lry Bu11n!d I.. Z1e~lcr :;;11rl :is 111• re:1d a hr1(·f ::t;11en,cr;1 r 1• I ca .~ t d :-1n1L1ltani'.'OUsly 111 \\"ashi ngtun <111 d ~Insco\\'. 'fhc Sf~trct talk s \\"Crf' uec urring ;it !h1• sa rne. lime the \\'hire llous t' \\·:1s say1r'l!! !hat Kissingl'r \\'a<; :it 1h(' sct'lu<l1'd l'.1111p IJa\·id prrsidrn!ial retrl';il 1n .\l;iryland \\'1th rhe chit:f exi'.'cutive -the c:;1n1r 1~·1 ~· nf plo~· used to co\·er !2 sccn~t trips !\I f'aris for pri\·atc talks Kissinger h;1d \\Jlil llJf' '\H!'1h \"jt•!il;l\!lf''!' 1\1 -.-1111;~1 . al'jll 11 1;~ lirir•I!\ j,.,.,,, 1!1'1,~1 111·11 al !~H · \\'hilt· Hou~e. rcf u~c<l lo rl11ul gP ~f)!'t'l f1r 1op1t~ t"Q \cre(l 111 J1 1.~ !•111 1· 1J:1_1 ~ vf l'O!lfl'l'l'rl('t' But he-elt·;irl\' 111d1l."af('d t1 1:1t \'ie1 11:1111 -;i nd 1h" Sor it:! sh1pn1 t·nt of anns lu 1!1c Con1nn11\lsls 1herc -11·as a llHIJur 1tr•111. l\iss_ing1'r diselnsc1t. l<llJ. that \1xQ11 h:1s hl'('ll f'arr~·inf! nn 1·~1rn;;i\'e c~challgj':, 1111h Brt1h1H'\ Iii· ,,,id. in ;ins11t·r l•' II (lll":.111111. tlla1 thr"c ('.>.:ehang{'~ 11·1·1·t• t l1 n1u~•.h t'flJTt'S!)(J11clc·11c·r , rn!hPr tl1nn 1'!;1 1hi: .\lo.-;ri"111 -\\";1 ~h111!;10n ho11uu·. \\'111!1" r1·l~1~11 1i:: \•1 d11u!ge ckta1\.~. \\p., it1g1·f :-.11tl 1h•· '"{;il f.,., 11 cre tbt·ful, fr.u1k :.ind S.'l!!Sl'lc'!1)!'Y. "\\'e ;ic!rt'l'd llt'!!hrr· ~idr 11 ould l'Cl't':J! !11(• :.tillJlT1 qi tile 1alko.,"' l\iss1nger !'t':-pon<ll·d 11 hen ;i~ked 1' hrihrr \'i("Lnan1 11 :1.., diseussi•cl But lie pt11ntcd 1'111:1rd lhf' joint an- nu1l!K'l'n1r111·~ ll,,~. or Ill!' pllrnSi'. "in1- JXlrtant i11lt·n1;1ili"1ll:l l prohl 1·1n.~ ... ilS a 1·lt::lr :,1j!n that \"ictnn t11 11 ,1s indeed a rn:ijor topi<' In :idd it11111. -~:'lid r"\'1x11n·.; as.~1stnnt f,1r nntionn l sceun!y 11fl ;11r~, "tl1e 11·hnle • range or S.111c!-/\1l1l'r1!';1 n rr!.11 .1·r . ",1 ; 1i1~e11..;~ed · h.tS.'ii!lgt•r :.ccree.v \\·;is !->~lid. 1\!1t•I\ 11C('1'~~.'11'~' foil" ;1~kt1d II II·. rlir .\1 .,.,i" 1· triµ, .. \Vp :ire. <it tht' 111011lt'lll 111 :1 •. •·r 1• de!1catf' phase of illt l1rn:it101t.il r1·t:,r,,1: :111cl l.k.llh sules agreed it 11a~ d··•q·1hl •· I" keep spe tulati<\11 to a n111111n11n1 "\1:1111 they had the npportu1111 y !H ('\f1lo>1 .-· ''" 11 n1ht>r's \·ic11 11," The pre.cul1•11r iat :i.rh ,,.-.r :..111! '1r rr1('h· erl \10:.;e1111 hv n11li1."l1"\" ::111'tT<1 " 'I ·•1 1r._d ,.,. 11i.1:h1 ;111<1 cl'l.11!tr11H•d h1' ltd ~' 11nril \1,,,, day noon 1:'1los(·1•11· 111~1f'I. OUSlll-.. Blas-ted ,. .. FBI E1it el"s Bonibi11g Case; No Motive Set The FBI today rn!ered i111·estigation or a Bank of Amt·rica bomhing in OrJn gl' Monday night, the third such .sahot<1gc in the county in 24 hours. Damage to the branch. nt 225 N. Tustin A\·e., v•:is spectacul.:ir . .:is a rrsul t of the bomb bein;.! lape<l lo a plale glass \\Ill· dnv.·. but O\'rrall destruc1lon \.\'as n1inor. Shattered gla ~s ~·ho1l'ered thruui:;hout the lobhy· but therc 11';-is no one inside ;ind t:o nsequen!ly no iniuries. The 8:45 p.rn . explosion \ras belie\"Pd l'ause<l by a hom<·made pipe bomb at· Splaslido1vn: Gooll W eatli er SPACE f'F.~TE:R. llouston (UP!l \\"e;ither· co11ditinns for splashdown C1f Ap<1\10 16 at 11 : 44 a.m. ~PST f 1"hursday are expected to bt• s11tisfaclory, tht• National \\'calhcr Scr\"ice said toda,r. The forecas1 for the landing area nrrir the equat or son1r l.500 miles south of Honolulu cri lls f11r sca!- lererl cloud~. t'a:;terly trade\\"inds, Ulrec-foot seas .'.Ind a teniperature ne;ir 82 degrei'.'S. Laguna Kayoc<I Citizen Duri1111 t"' Theft in Home A 21-vr ar--o!d l.agun:i Bra<'h man \1·a~ knocked unconscious by a burglar lootinl! his stepfather's Sumn1it Drive hon1c ~lenday· morning, but his aprearance on the scene of the crime apparently in· spired the. intrude r lo lc;n·c in a hurry , accord ing to police. The vic!i tn , John Ed\\'ard Lupnc. called police shortly before noon to report he had been sleeping in a roo1n on the lov.·er level of the home of James G. La1\·. 1005 Summ it Drive, when a noise and the ~ound of foo1stcps on the upper level 111vakened him. As he perred through the door of an upstllirs room Lupac received a heit·;y blow on the back of lhe neck \1.'hich rendered him unconscious, police said. When he cnme to. the burglar or burglars had departed, laking with them 8 portable television set, portable stereo, short"·ave radio. tv.·o pairs of binoculars, five rJfles and a shotgun, '"alued totally et approximaetl y $370. Additional items also may be missing. police s::i.id tod;iy, but the thieves did leave behind a nu n1ber or valuables they appAtently had assembled prior to their hasty exit. Booze-sniffing Bull New Delhi Dilenuna NE\V DELHI (AP ) -A bull "·ith 3 nOd · ror booze is sniffing out illicit \\'hisky stills, the Times of India re)>ortcd. The an!n1al pries open whisky containers \.•:ith hi s horns and drinks his fill . The bull cannot be killed because 11 i!I considered sacred to Hindu s. If the moonshiners tnke it to the local cattle pound, they will be arrested for violating liquor l;iws. tached io a y,·indo\v at the rear door Pl !hr f!lcil\ty. i\o <'Xl>l;ination 'ras offrrM in the \1'<1Y of a moll\'e for the bombing incident. Earlier ~1tinday , a molotov t"O<.:kt<11I device exploded in ;i sciencc and re.:1£\ing clinic classroom al S1nedley .Ju nHJr lligh Schnol in sou1hv1esl S:inta /\11;1. Dan1a!!e to the school \\·h\c h hns bf'1'n rocked by r;ici<d trouhll.'s ;l1HI gan ~ 1·iulence rtcenlly could re~1ch ~.ifl.()(111 . ar- cording to campu~ <iffi('ials. Bnmh thri'.'als and a men.:icing shor~u n shell \\'ere ;ilso left at the C.S, Sc!rc\!1·e l'cl'\'tce headquar\ers at 1138 E . !7th St., t'llond<iy In S<inla An;i bu t vand:il.~ failed tu c01u~c mu<.:h damage. A Jiornh threat at Orange Co<ist College In Costa :\lt'sa also cr('aLed excitement .\lnndn .v night but a ~eareh of the area in· 1ohed f;uled to disclose :iny planted ex· 11:11-J \ l'~. liun1'1rs origin:11ing on the ramptis to· dil~' th;H 3o studf.'nts and a teacher \\"C'f9 arr•·Stt·d on drug charges \l'Cre <ipparen!- 1~· llut: 10 \ erh;1! c.l1 sror1ion ol the bomb thre;:it c:1sc. pohce said. Moretti Tax Sl1if t Pla11 SACR,\~!Ei\'TO IAP) -A slashed \'e rsion of Assembly Speaker Hnb ~loret· ti"s $1.5 hilllon la ;.c shift plan was ap- pru\·cd 10..1 tod;iy by the Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee. The measurl'. sf'nl lo !hi'.' \V;iys :inrl tlea11s Cornmittre. ,1·01ild still rai se stn1e inron1e taxes an :t\T'rnge of ~.-) pc•rrrnt. bul cut property laxes f!lr ho1H l'l'l\\'tlers abnul the same amount. The cuts put off a p\annrd SfiOO mill ion Increase in state support of !oc.:al ~ch1iols for one year. ~!orl!tli. a \'an '.\'11ys [)e1nitt·rat. ;1ls•l el1rn i11a!cd a proposed st;1fe111de 5 r<·1·- rr11t trlcphnnP tax frnn1 the 111!1 t111d put ofi a proposed one cent incri.;nsr in tl1r sales tax fnr one year hf'fore taking lhr me<1sure to a committee \'OU'. Those n1oves rut. !he prop:isfld ~hilt s 111 the tax reforrn to $933 n1illion during the 19i2-7J fisc;il \'Ca r. 'rhe tax shif1 !he nexL )ear would inCrcasc lo $1.4.'i billion. The proposed $600 million fund for schools \\'as retained in the r.loretti bill, but \Vas pul off in the amendrncnt:; tod:1 y until the 1973-74 fiscal year. The amend1nents would also "fref'zc"' lhe ext ra school funds. ~1orclt i said. unlil a forrnula is \\'Orked thn1 \l'ill meet the State Supreine Courl's 197 1 Serrano \"S. Priest ru ling. which found the currrnt system or local sc hool la x-es 1111· constitutional. "The main th rust of lhis legislation i.~ property tax reduction .. The srcond thrust is to provide the funds tha! ~·ill be needed by Se1Ta no ''s. Priest." ~1 nrell i s;iid. fie said the bill \vould cut the average homeO\\'ner's property tax bill by $274 a year and 1\·ou ld pruvidr renters up lo $1\0 a year in extra inf'nme lax crt·dits to offSct their higher incon1e tax rate.~. Both personal and corixirate incon1e taxes 1\·ould be inr rt•ascd all up and do\\·n !he 1ncf11nr sca le . ;ind nt•1v' highf'r lax r:Hrs \rould be irnposed <1n ~){'rsons in the !•)P t11 o percent of lax:ible t•arnl11gs. Spring Co ncert At Laguna High The :iO-picc e Lagun11 neath l li'1,h School f'Oll<'rrt b;111U \\·ill preM:.nt a spring con· <'er\ a1 II p in Saturday in the high schO(IJ ;u1diton11111 . '.'llu~i1' c!irf'rtor Fr·l'cJeriek Sto11frr \\•ill lca<l Ille band in !la nders Ho~;,J Firi•11 orks i\!usit·, till ;1daptat io11 of a fl1C'ndelssohn piano \VOrk and Vacl;:iv i\clybrl"s Suite rro1n Uollr inia Ill the fir sl hair Clf the progri"llll and !hr· Sf'Cf)nd half \\ill b(' dt•vo!ed to j:17.J.·Orien tcd n1u s1c, leading nff 1vith Hr1ck Odyssey. Thi.' hr:iss cnst•tnble \\'ill he fe atured and \\"ill play f\\·n of Stoufrr"s 01vn C•)lll- po.~itions. The Sf)('{·ia \ presenlation hy 1hc con("erL hand. 11hk·h has grn1\'1l fro1n a 1nc111- hership of 21 jusl ty,·n years aj.!'o . is (1p('n In the public. Tic-kets. ava1lahli'.' 11t lhe door. 11·ill he SI for adults and 50 ce nt s f--.r students. \\'ilh prnceeds gulng directly Lo the music dep;irtn1rnt. OAIL y .. ILOT 11111 l'lloto 01•e11e1· Prelude ~!rs. 1\n1y r\or\1·orth, long-ti1ne patron of l,:iguna Be ach Little League. h;i<> ;ip parcntly hcen joinrd by :-;on1c \rcll-kno\1·n friends in prelude lll 'J'hur sday's :-;cason opener. Jn hackground is for1ner 1.,aguna Re;ich rna.\·or. J es1..c n iddle. 'fhc a ctiv it y \\•as part of a Jltl!c Jca!:·ue cclcbra- 11(111 Sa turday at c;uycr Field . Lag·una Will Recognize Beautification Efforts Ci\·ie beau!ificalion efforts or l~aguna 'R<>.:irh area resid<'nl s and ht1sinessmen \\'ill be recognized next ~l nnday evenin~ during lhe sixth annual Reaulific;ition i\\1'<1rds Ceren1ony sponscirerl by the Laguna Beach J\lermaids (\~·omen 's Dh·isio11 of the Chamber of Comn1erce1. The II p.n1 . program in the I .aguna J\lou lton Plnyhouse is open to the public nnd \l'ill fenture, 111 addilinn to awards rrcsental inns. a progr.:im of <'olo r slldt>s hy Robert Turner, music, refreshments and chanipagne. Tickets at $1.50 arc avail;iblc ;it the C'hamber of commerce. The l~agunn f ederal S1veepslakes Av.·ard \\'ill go to the top beauty winner in !he con1munily and the board of realtors will present pl;iques to fi rst-place winners in residenlial. commercial and l:inclscap- ing categories. Winner Def ends Motto The Good Neighbor award is given in recognition of individual or cooperative efforts to enhance. a neighborhood. Speci;i l recognition \\'ill ht given for public buildings that have gi\·en con· sideration to good design and upgradin~ and there "'ill be appreciation awards tO residences and businesses that cont inuc 10 maintain an '"im11ge of bcauty" over a lonR period. Claude Girc1u.lt 'Ve ry A 1n£1 zecl' at Irvine R eactio n Ry GEORGE LE1DAL 01 th1 01Uy "II•! lllU The author of the "'inning entry in the Irvine Junior \Vomen's Club contest for a seal and motto for the new city today defended his "Angulus RiJet'' motto. Cla ude Girault who has n1oved to 25751 Demeter \Vay in ~fission Viejo since lie en!ered the contest two months ago said he was "very Amazed"' over lhe misinlcrpretations of hi s Latin phrase. "I v.·antcd to leave wmethlng in 1rvin e lh;it symbolized the town that I found was very nice to me," Girault said today. The p;irttime French teacher 11l Cal State Fullerton said he wa!I very surprised ~me in Irvine ••ou1d believe he entered the \\'inning motto "as a joke." ThC' rno1to \\·hich Girault in tcrpre1c<l 111 a two f\nd a hnlf page explanation Iha! apparently never reached n1cn1hers <lf the city c<luncil "m:ikcs sense," he said torl:iv . "Ang<'lus nirtf'!" 111Cnns ''t hat comers or the \\'orld sn1 iles on me'' or "thi~ land cha rms n1e," Girault said. noting he ft1f'ls the phrase Accurately dr!'rr1hcs "'lhe beaul v or lhe land in lr\·ine ."' c;iriiult. who ...,.111 attend !011 i~ht's City Cnuncll meeting to recei\'P his ~lOO first place ;i ...,·ard. sugJlcsled acting nssist;int classics profe~snr i);ivid 1'htin111 snn nf UC lrvine wa~ ''n1istakcn·· in h1!5 in · 1crpret.a\1on of the l\\-'O-\\·ord phr<i sc frnm tht> Lalin fJOf'l llor:iee. Dr. Thomason last \1·cck ~u~~e~trd the ) phrase rcrerr.cd. !fl a trysting place that •·;;mlled'' on a !t1vcr because or lhe presence of the girl he was about to meet lhrre. Dr. 1'homasnn. (;irault .~airl todi\y, •·shoul<I have. re ad the poe m before mak· ing wil d sui::gestion~. "ll11race only compares Tibur. roun<led h~· ;111 Ar give colony. :ind 1'11rantn 11n Ita- ly 1: he never la I ks ahout the n1ceting oC lorers," C:irau lt said. As for the verb"s prercrred mc.ininJ! ''!(! l;i1 1gh" -a meanlnjl; !hat fnnns the hn::;c for the F.nglish y,·or<l ri<hc11lou.~ - li1rnul! rl<:•lf'~ the. "New Co!lt•g1.'lte \.;1t1n ;i nd F:ni::lish Dictorionary10 ~a~·s "r\dC'o, ridere'' can mean "to smile t<l 1<1t1 whe n 1See l\tOT"ro, Pa~f' 11 . ' The l\!crmaids' program patterned after Los Angeles Beautiful. was in - augurated in June 1967 to give public recognition lo ind ividuals ;ind organiza- lions for contribulin~ to the beauty of the cmmunily. A"·ards are present!'<! an- nually for "'·ork completed during !hr past vear. JudReS for lhi1 years aw:irds art F.d Eberle, ;iuthorily on decorating and an- tiques: llill Verner, Laguna Be;ieh photoJlr:ipher: Elise llarmon, r i I m personality and Blue Lagoon resident : Cylll'ns r;arr, artist aM gallery owner, nnd Arlmirnl .Jacob Onstott , Emerald Bay resident and holder or • degree in architecture and p1a nnin11:. I 1 • • r1 · ' ~" I l 11 · i "I ' \\ 1' ' \:! 111• ,j •'I 1H !I • ! ' ,, , , 0 "i I IJ 1' P'11 1 I \ j ,\ ', i;1 nd '' ., ,, I .olll I" I,\,.., \ ·' •11 II 11 Ii 11', ,111 •!' li.111 I 11 'I'll ' I I I f l't'iil " '' 1 ' 11 ' ' 111~: !fl,• 11 ·I \\'h!'I\ \,,.'I. 1•11· hi I··' .• ~·. . \ l).1\1.l '!!1111,d,11· rnght i'.11 ·:•1 .. 1,•I h. " 111~:··1 .11 1 !' Iii .on'I\ t•il ·•' IJ ,,· !I.•, 1pl .• 11•!11';1\ \l\•110 1•'11!;1 11\t"d •l h•!I I • I .\l"t'd.1\ •1 1 · 11 1rh \\I· '1• II n 11 r , p«~!'"llh'll 1~1 1 11;.: II •I 111·•·~•·111 1 111.• l\1:-,11l.!1" 1 I' Ji•~""" l•'f f'lllJ.! \\ 1111 1/11' J'i'l'~ldo •1' • 1e De1noc·rc1ti•· lly FHEllERl('I\ :'->t 11 111 \11·.IU . lJ 1\\' 1·11~t h(lllSllll-'. p1 11 10 I ,,f 1•11· D1•p:1r11nP1 1I of 111 111~111· '"'I I :+- l)\•\'t•h •pltl•·11\ f('t'l'l\'••il h 111 p1 .1:' "1 l 1·nntl1·n111 ;1!111n !\1ond.1\ rll1 t' •1 l ;1 • 1\1.~1·11 ~sH1!1 ht•fore n1t•111lu •1·, .,1 ti, I 'I 1 l!t·:u•h lll'1n111:r:iti1· t l11li HrolH·rl :-;t:i rr. 11L'll :\lul!1l :111111\ l l -. 1111: r1·pn·~t·nlativr lt•rn1rd till' pn111 .. !lit· n111st !Hlaptahli'.' to the tt'n.int and 111.- 1·1111111Hl l\1t.\'." \\'hile ~laric \V:o.r1' ~1 ny1'r, president i!r the Lagu11<1 Hl•:1ch 1':1:\· payers' Associ;ition n1nintainl'1] that ll L:J} C'ities succumb to fire hon1h i11gs ;ind lfllJ\in ~s. n1unlrrs. r;1pes. dupt· and i.:1•1it·r;1t pn11K'rty ct cvalllJt\nn .'' At thf· root of !he discus:.;iun \l":t<: L:1guna·s particip;ition ill the 111 •11 11 c·rr:11i·d Orange Count v ll :1usiru: 1\ull 11·, 11 hir h is expl'!"l ··d 1 .. I" l'~\·· Ill IJ fund s f<•r low tost 111111~1111, 1 o·Jll .pl\-1111··., i1·i1hin the ni'.'xt y<':1r. .\!rs. ,\J;I\'('[' {'h:ir:•Pd 1 .... •I '. "1111 I HI I'~ J1a1·p nu 1·1;ntrol 0\'1·1· Ill 11 I""'1 111 11·•1 p.irl l('lf\.11 1"11 in 11i·· 11 'I II' dil!ll I l~ - \\'tiuld "tr;1nsform llu l'i l1v'11il1lul \ill.1 g•· int u .1 ll'L•lfare and l'l'1111•' 1:11·•11•1 ' Sl :1rr r··~J>Ondcd. 1·\fll;11•u11\· S1•1•1i1 111 :.o:: Of lhl' J!\"J) lfl\V 1·11 ! h"ll I' 1•1 •0'.f,1111 which 11111 probabh h1• 11 •1·d 111 r 11 :1 111··~ Coun1y. '!"he (Jr;111 1...•· <·,.11;\t '. II •11 11:'. Aulhnrity, he s<iid ""''1o1 !.!\ J ,11,,1:',1'1'·• l't'nlals in !he CO!lll l\. • t1!•·~ 111111 ,1 lo·• ,. 11·1th the 11 ~ners. a111I •11 hl1•1 111~· 111111., ,11 .i !O\\'t•r l'OS! lo f)<'rS11 ll '-111 111·1·d •.f li111 1•1 •t hf111sing hcruuse <•f l1rn1!(•d 111t'11llH ~. "The differences ht'l11·<·e11 11·hal 1t 1·nsl.<1 ihf' housin~ authnrity tu lf';1:-e the u1111;; :~11<1 wh n! it !'Ollt·i·t~ 1r1 n·n1 fr,.111 1J 1,. !t•11:111!s is provided 11\ ll l 'Ii ! .11d-'1 .. r 1~1111tPd 11ut . All u111t1; 1• 1111111 1111 11 11 1 '' rulls ;i nd :ir(' ~~ .i11t·1 1 d !b:«1J i,. ut ·1 ~1\'l'rl t'IHnmunity r:i !ht•r !!1 .lf11 !11 1, ,,.,i 1n a givr11 are;1. Sl:irr :Htdril ··r think l.:igun:1 f'o1 ·:1<"l1 111.1d1 11 11 .~~ derision ro at .Je:1~1 "i!tl .'• 11 lu·· i•·1• gr ;11 .1 and siudv 11h.1t 1\0• 111•1 •d r 1•11. 1ncnted \Vaync i\l()(•il~·. <1 1:, 1 t 11 ,,f pl.111- ning and dt•velopnu·nt fu r· 111•', 111 ··1111• eity council ha s lhc p1•111•1' 111 rl+'t 1d•· \\'hf'l hrr or not \\·c par1 11·1r' 1\• 11] ;111· .. f !ht' progr:ims. It c·ould be~ 111· 111;11 ,i,., 1d c- n<1l to p;irtitip<ile." l\1oody pni nted out th.-i t 1·•·11'-td•·1 .. ,1 ,!•· housing problems are dc\'elop111~ 11 Ill t•lderly persons ""'ho 1·nm pr1 ~" nr;u 11 """· fi fth of lhe city's popl:ition ... Tht·1r pr"~ l'l"ty costs ;ind rents are int-r1·;1 s111i: ~Ste.HOUSING, l'.a~e 2J Orange Coast ]l 's going In he wann1·1· ~1lon.c: the l)rangc Co:i~t on \\'1•(l11ri;tl!1y, \1·ith high s <it th(' bCal·ht·s otround 711 degrees. ris 1n~ !n no dcgrf'f'.'> inland. Lo11•s are. 11x1wtlt1d 1n lhc 4ll's. l l\SIDF. TODA \I 'f/1r!J're sril/ nll !1 /1111'. . I 11 11/.,. S11rv11 (Hiii l'rolf•l111!f /1 •1 t ui>11•. fl</11,1/S SOIJ!C 1111·11dtf'f.~ •lf J!11• /..,"it ".'/11;r ]\/(l1t ,~(J IJ,11/ t"•U f' /,1·1· •>i•I· (Of)f'fl /rjl 111•/i l'IPI •· ."\1•1' ,,!J)I !I• f'f!f/(' 7. \..M. •o~• ' Y.~tu•I F11nd• " (l h !Otftol HJhon~• "'rw1 C••nil!H "" O•~'-'~" Cn11n•v Com•c• " ~,1v10 POtlO< " crouword " \Qnd • 11 11 0 •1111 Hol•Cft \tnclo M"'~~" 10 I! l lltor111 "'" • TOIAV .. 1ftf1 " llflllMl lnrntftl " T"'9•Pl " 11 1• Fiftl MI 10·11 Wt••ftr• "'' '"' lttco•d ' Wl>ll• w .. i. " tler!l'•nP• " wn""'' • "'"'" 11 II l,ftft L1nd1" " Wot Id .. ~ ... ' ~ ..... II it 2 OAll Y PI L01 lB W11at 's Bu1·t Reynol(l s Got 1"'11at I Have11't? By Rf (H,\Rll P. ;\A LL Ot th• D•ll' 1>1lo1 U 1!1 :'ol \' \\'I FI·'. \\'At..:i..n in\fJ lhf' market to buy 11 rop\• r1f f"1,~mop•il 1tan It 11:1s 1ht> i~~11r ''llh Burt He vnolds in thf' huff, ~lie :.£11nt't 1 rnt·~ bu~::. Jt 111lh<11Jl llurt Hf':-t11ilrl • · Sht: a~kt'd a J.!f(.l('\'fY t'hf·r hi·r -11 youn~ m:111 -if the n1ag:iz1ne t·np1r s 11ere snld out. lie a.e:surf'd hrr thry 11.·t>re and and lh;il 11 hadn ·t t:iken lon.1.: lie 11!'111 on Ill eon~le her hy saying: "It didn 't rtia!ly sho11• nn ythinf: any1.1ay and he's all cti1 ered "'ith hair.'' ll L::\ll'FF ... ~IJ 011n 1, t'Xtept on my head . * For a v.h1lc I v.·ondered if Beth L~1!s i"manju;1na mHkes nil' f Pc! sr1 i.:roo \'e _\' .. I might srrve on the La_Runa Reach (~1ty Counci l \\"\th E:d Lorr (''run the dirty drug-addif'led Le ary brother. hooc!oul"1 . H 1night h:ive ht'1'n, at least, an interc~t in~ spectrum of opiniun. * fl1y 11ift' n11t1 crd a DAILY PILOT rdilD rinl about the new !rash ri111tn1ct in Lnguna 13t·ath. It s:iid !hat undt!r the contract the ··collecter will pick up just about Jny- lhing hut old cars and unwelcome house guests.'' !\he snid. ''Oh good .·• I mullert!d, "\\lell it costs more loo." Then I gave her lecture 3A on economics. It 11·ent sumC"lh ing: like thi~: ··T_ll E CIT Y COULD hire !rash collectors who 11·ear fel t :slippers and shp In on l1ny cat's feet \1·it hout making a sound. "THE CITY COULD hire trash rollect6rs y,·ho come in and sing a ballad al each house and ~i\'e earh resident a rubdown. '''rhe city could ... " llC'r eyes roved. So I ende<l it : ··11 ·s all going lo cost more money." * I h;id m.v car v.·ashcd by !he Thurston Intermediate School Studcnl1' Sat. urdny. 1'hey're raising money for the annual raft trip down the Colorado Jtiver. The kids "·rrC' r('a!ty stoked up. They y,·orked like beavers. They splashed \1'alc r at each othc·r and spla~hed a little on me. Why \\'&Sn't I that stoked up ahoul school. \Vell, I did have some good teachers and a couple that I rate as grca1. Son11"body at Thurston must bt> doing something right. . There was an assembl.v line at the car-washing operation. It v.•as organ. 1zt>d. Someone would shout for a qualified driver to move the car on to the next phase. As I got il from the youngsters, they eam points and the top 125 get to make !he !rip. Two boyS were arguing over who had I~ most poinrs from the bake sale, the car w;ish and other things. They started adding them up quickly, to bolster their argument . "There·s mathemnlics in action," I thought. And while they raft down a section 1;1r the river, they study it. There's a lot to study. It's 1.300 miles long. 11 has history. And before it p!lsses out of the U.S. it feeds the great Imperial and Coachella Valle\'s via the All American Canal. · It goes on into r..1exiro to feed the f.iexicali Valley, v.·here much of the economy is pegged to cotton. Leam all about that you 125 winners and the history or that gre;:it mean· denng saline river that has caused boundary disputes and power politic~. Tht'y fini shed drying my car with old tov.,els and old DAILY PlLOTs. That's the fa!e of old news. 3 Candidates Criticize Supervisor at Luncheon By JOTIN ZALLER 01 llu D•lly 1>11 .. Siii! Orange County Supcn:isor RohfH Bat· !Jn \j,'aS alt:icked l\londay for ''unresponsiveness" <1 nd a ''\X)Or at· ter1dance record" by thrf'f' of four ('an· did:i1es seeking his post in tliis June':- t>lrctio11. Can<hdtitcs \\';i\\y Orn id. Oil! Ii i\\, and Rill \\'r11kr j1l1ned in alt11ckin~ !hr in· r'11n1bn1t B:1ll 1n. 1rh ilr a fnunh c;ind1d;1t r, r;iul 13;i rch, r1·fra inrd fronl crl!irisn1 ll .1t1111 did 111> .1tt1·11d the 1.:1111d1da1r~· lunche-111 at thr !1;1· l'1'1111y !nn 111 \\'cst n11n•·tc~ Il ls (lffice t>xrJ:iinrd th:11 the first tl1 stnl't :'.lUJ-.Cr\ 1s1Jr ahd "a prc1·ivt1s e11g:ig{·n1ent. ·· Thr fir~\ ~up<'r\'i~{lr 1:il distr ict i~ c-om- postd nf Silnla Ana, part of \\'estn1ins!C'r , ;.ind f o11nta111 \'allfly ea~t of ~111 gnolia Stre<'t :ind 1101 !h ,.f 'f;i!hrrl 1\vr11ur ORANG-I COAST LI DAILY PILOT Thf Or11r1c Co111! DAILY PILOT, •illl 'flll1<h 1< <Jl,..,ll>'l~d tl\e New1-PrH\, 1, pUbll,nfd by 1~1 Or"n9c Co~,r f'ubli1~ing Comp•nv. S•P•· rnlf ~d·''o~< 1•e pvhll,~..i, Mo...i11v l•rou1n FrtO••I. II" (_~•I• MP••, Nf WPl'rl I••<~. •Jv"'""'"~ fl• i~n r.nunMln \l•lltY, toounf 11• e~, Ir.<'• ~.>d<li-~~ •rid S•n Clf,,.,fl\le/ ! '~ Juv. {-'fl''"""n. A si"'}le •r~l""'•I P-'·' l"1b ·ho:<! ~.ivrd•ys •rid So.rndt\'1, • <' "' :>~I nuol,,~l!\Q plenl I~ 11 JXl WI"\! '•r•cl, (."''I M..,e, (•l llO'l\I~, 9:621. Roh.rt N. w ,,d rre1·o~n< •rid Pub1 .. nu J 1c~ R. Cud1'f .,. '"" ,..,.., 11nd C."1er11 Mfn1grr T~o,..11 l<11vi1 [d11~ T~o,..11 A. M u•p~in 1 M1n~1•"!1 Ed.tor C~1 ·l 11 H. Looi A,;,~11d 1. Nill ....,,~1•1..,1 M•n•Qlno Ed'lor1 L..,•IMI IHcli Offic• 111 Fo111i A~1n111 M1ili119 Addr111: r.o. lo••••. '1•s2 0,.., Offket Codi Me11: J:JO Wnl 81y $11"" Nt•po!'I 1!1111cl\: llll Nll'Wi-t I OlllNJ"il 1-fL111Hr11Jlon llc1ci'I : 1111) 8Ndo """'""''it SI" (l•ml'f\11: .))$ NO•!I\ f l (1""'"" ""I ,.,.,..... 17141 '41-4Jl1 Clnalfletl A4"rtlsl .. '41·1171 L9f•H .. ec. Aft P.,llf't ...... : 1.,., .... 494·'"'' (O)Cyria11•, 11n, O••r>O• CHI! l"ubll11ll"1 C o...,~nv. No n-1 1tor1t1, l!lvl!•t Hoo.•. ..iotoro•I m•l•rr M adv1•t11-t1 ""'"" "''V bl r..,,roducl!d wllhoul ""'Ill P''" mls1lon fl (Dpynght _,-. ~ .. cone! ,1111 "°''''' .. 14 1! Cotll M*''· C'..lllfornlt , Suh1t;Tloloon tnr t~·•~' 11 •~ "'onl~I· by "'''I U.lJ. ,,.,.,.,n,.,i mll•h•' M 1'lnt l•0<11 l l .U m9f'll"IY. "Trs not unusual that ~tr. Battin should fail to show up at this candidates meetinf::," said candh1ate \\'ally Dn\'is. '·fie has n rtcorrl of fnil1ni:? Ill ri'nli'!nlwr lh:ii! lie rf'!)rcsen! lhr p1·op!~· :i nd f;11l1ng ro m~et thrn1 111 t1end-0n discu s~ion,, of thrir problems." Fro111 Pt1~1•• I HOl lSI N(; • • fa~it'f 1h.1n !llrir f1xrd 1nMrnr, ,ind ;1s .1 r'\''1 111. !hey'rr J.:f!l n.(: \11 h.11·r In T!lft'.1' nut." ~fn,.-<l y pr1•d11·trcl :\1111thl·r ptj•h!t rn 1., lh11! L:-tl.!Ul1;i 1, ''hecnmini: a pl:ict> th:i1 only !hl' \1 r;1lrhy t.111 :iffurd ," said ~10<.>d.v. Thl' 1n1•d1an \'alue of homrs 1n thr 1·1!\ 11 ;1' ~:m Oo<l 1n 1910 census and is still ,::oi ng up. The effect of UiP hnu ~ing ;1uthor1!•: :11 Laguna Beach. f.Ioody reported will t1t• "\'fry minirn11I" during it's fir st 11.'<ir ,.( optrativn beenuse of Lngun:/.~ 1.111· pnpul.1 tio n a.~ co mpnrPd to the f'11u11ty a~ a v.•hole. ··\~'r're talking ilboul 200 to 2~11 un its for the entire t'Ot111t v. l.;il!u1111 Ocach. v.·ith one percent of 0lhc r nunty pflpulalilln d(l('sn't stnnd n111rh (•f :ii chance,'' said l\loodv. In an~1\'t't In ;1 -r111C'stion. S\<111\rv Hietala, Buena Park associil!C' pl.'.'lnnt•r and Laguna resident, said it is ll'.~s t'XJX'nsivc for cities In join ,, rrginn:1l housi ng authority -surh as the Or;ini:c Count~· unit -than to crC'nte one on a local lr\·el. "It 's b<-st, lC':t st expcnsh·r , and most efficient to join the Ornngc C01unty Jlousing Authority.'' commenled Jlirtala. !-iin<·r 1h(' crr.11 ion nf !he housing authority six of the 1.6 ('Jtles In Oran cc t-ounty -Fullert on, Buena Park , llunl· ington Beach, Lriguna Beach, Stnnton rind \'forba Linda -ha l'e joined. La!!una Prog1·a111 Se t Rt>rldin gs rind songs about l.a~un;t Re ;tch will be featured at a n1eelin1'( of V11le~e L11guna lonlght at 8 o'clork in the Lagun .11 F'eder.11 nuilding. f ollowing th" progran1. ell1ction of of . fice rs will be held alld outgoing officcr!l v.·111 report on the presenl ste!us of lhr organ iz:i l1011. ~rinned last year 10 combat l11J!h rt~ ll1n"1.ll h the height limlt ln- 1t1H11'. e. :: " Viet Retreat ... ;1 \ ... \ /I .. ... v ·: \ 10 Yanks Killed LAOS ·" __/®~=--=:::=! .~ 0 20 ". PLEIKU . " . . " .· . MI. UPI N .. o'\ni~p In Copter Crash VLl'lllHlll I Al' I A 1111•r1.-;111~ -~1 ~ ;:1d1·1sC'rS tu \ 11·!1l,11111·,1· :1r111y and fl'lt1r T1·n !ht• S11111 i1 /11·llt'4/I]!<'/' 1 l'•'\\'1111•11 -11 t're rrport('d to1l:1y to lla11· h1·1·!1 klllt·d 111 ;1 hel1f'Op!l'r tT:.i~h :\lond.'lv d ur111~ 1h(' S<'u!h \'ie1 11:11111 ·~r r1•tr1·a~ ln1r11 ·ra11 (.',11111 ;111d 1);1 k ·r .. 1n the l'rn!1.1 J !!1gh!.u1d -. r\ ~~·\l'rllh ,\Jl)l'l'u·a(111d\'l!ll'r , Capt. ltay Jk1hh1u-, .... as rt·$tu1•d ;1f!t'r hu!ing a ll 111t;l1t ncoir !he o\·errtu1 South Vu·tnarne!le d11 1,11111 he:idtJ l1urlcrs al 1·a11 C:l!!h. ll\1, \\!1~ hit u\l\·r 1l 1<~1\... 11lt and cra-,li1"I in 11111111·~ 111 ;111 :1110,1 hr ld 111 1hr \111 l/I \ 11 li1,1lll\"\' Tlit• rrf"'"1 :,.1 1d !ht,: h\('11 I'll lJ;o,Ll'd llU !JOptl 11 :'.l:, !wJfl frlf B1·1u·fit l)inn<·r l;'or AFS Stud enl Progran1 Slated ,\ di111C·:l tlip d i111u•r \\'1!h ;in \1 REDS ADVANCE -The n1ar ~po ts the \O\VO of IJ:ik To, \\'h1 th \\;JS ;1ban rlr11 1('d today lo :idvanring Con1m unist forces. 1'he govcrnnicn l f()rte:; fell IJ;ir k lo11ard Vo Dinh. the parathule brigade he:idquarter:<: protecting the provinci.il (·api t al of Kon!um. !Ju/Jinns and nine South \.ll·tnanu•se. iu· c !tiding !he r1'~lllll'lltal 1·n1nn1andl'r. hid 111 'r:u1 Ca11h :ifii/r !hr N•'rth Vi('tn::unc~c 11~1h !!1c ba se l\loud;iy. Afl(·r d11rk, they n1orl·J <Jut.suit' the pt•fl!ll\'(t'!". and Dobbins r:i!led in an i\r111'rlt':l 11 llu!i ropter by radio toda.1'. The t1rll1·<1ptt·r \1·,1 ~ ftn~d rir1 gnin~ in and t:1k- 11 1g 11fl. b11t 11 w;1 s U1•l1e1·4•d t11:it no!x~l,Y \\ ;i.; \\'l•\111\!l'r!. tL·r11n!11111:-1\ l\;1\11r ;111d slide pr1·sr11!;1\j,111..:. lron1 .lord:111 :u1cl Ar;.:r11 li11:1 11'11 1 be (Jr· ll'rrd h1· 1hc Anu·r ic·il n Field Servil'e ~lll· dl•ll t 11h;1plt·r nf !.:JF llt~;i Reott h 1!1Kll :-i1·hool in th t· .s<·l1ool t':1fctt"ria i'll G 30 p 11i. Th1 1r~dal' 10 li1·Jp l';iisc· f1111d.~ for thr 10<·:1 1 AF:-; ~l l Hll'lll i·XI )1;111f!l' IJl'L!).:l':1111. Ca1lo to Get Ow11 Police Af te1~ Split Cot111cil Vote 'J'lle r1·purl 11f 1l1r he]iC"optrr era.sh ,·:11 111· fn1rn an i\n1l·r1l·an 1\h(l 11:1$ on 1\h~ grot111d a1 an air:>tl'1p ;1bout a niilc and a h;1H fron1 'r;1n C:1nh. A spokesn1an !or the U.S. c,1111mand in Sa 1l!On s:i1d it h:1d "nolhing offiria!h• In ind1l':1!c el!her 11•ay tha t there are. ad· \ i,t·r~ rnlssi ng in :tl'tiun." Earlit•r rl'pti rl s said the six ad1·1st'l'S 1\t•rc :1n1ong 11111\~ i\rncricans l11krn out of 1';111 (\1nh by helicopters uuder fire l\lon· 11:1.1·. 1'he six \\'Crt• reported landC'd at IJ:ik 'I'<• 2 ;1ir~lrip :i n1i!C' :ind ,1 hnlf a1\·a.1· b!'C'iluse South \'i l'!11anlt'Sl' soldiers v•e re tli11~111g lo the helJ('Oµll'r'S skids and 1t 1ras ff·arrd thry n1ight fall off if the fl ight 11':1.!i a11y longer. Tl1t· :-ludt·11! ,_ l1;1pl t·r n 111~t r:11Sf' about 111u·.1h1J'rl uf 1111' 1n<>11t·1· n1·rd1·d to hring 11111 f11r1 1ii.:n sl\t\h 'lll S ·tn L:1gL11\a !leach ll1gl1 1·:i1 ·h .1 11.1r. n n h;111d to sh:irt~ !ht' r~otic di~hr~ :ind J.:_l'~'I gu('_~rs 1\•111 Ix: foreign .-;tuden~s I· :·1t 1n1:i 1 l11~lunl •· nl Br:r1.1l. 1.1 h11 IS .'1:i1111g \1"1!h l ht~ t>onald \\'ard farn1ly at 2tiill !':irk Al i' . .lost·ph Cho of 111>11~ t\11ng. gur~! 11[ lht• ilrlh'f' ;\lursc fa1111l f . 3137 1\l•llfl l1t111· a1 1<I t\:i l1'li).tn \lul.'!crc.: of Belgiu1n. 11·ho \\':1" 1111~! .~bl l'I' 1!1 Laguna :-ludenl Rohi11 ()[111'1' during h1•r !970·~1 sl11y in Al·lg1t11n. and 111111 1s spending the ~"·:ir in Lagun:1 11lule ;11\1'11d1ni.: Laguna 1-:ea~h J!ig/1 :-;rhool. B~· PA:'\IE:LA llAL LA\' Of !ht 01lly 1'1101 51111 l)cosp ite a nurry or lasl minute argun1ents, members or the San Ju:in Capistrano City Council took S\t•ilt action J\·lond;iy to appro\'e an ordin:ince \l'hirh will create the city's fir st police dep;irt· m ent. ·Approving tl1e second re;iding of the puhlic safety ordinance by a unanimous vole, the council atternptcd lo put an end to a raging controversy over Ilic neC'd for and cost of inun ici pal police serv ices. But the fight is not over. \Villiam Jlicks. spokesman for the San Juan Citizens for Action. a group that has consistently opposed formation of a police department at th is time, said his _l!:roup \j,'i ll take immediate sleps lo hall im· plemenlalion of the program. lie said his group \l'ill C(lnsider every alternative "1\·hich is our consti tu tional right" before mak ing a fin al decision. Included in these alternatives nre recall of the council. a referendum on the puhlic safetv ordinance, and a court injunctio n agairist furth<'r action. J-llc ks' group has stated they oppose the f 'ro1n Page 1 MOTTO. • • It i.~ used with the da!h•e." The dat ive in question is the pronoun "1nihi" ·which Councilman l\lrs. G11brielle J~ryor has suggestetl be inserted in the phr;1 sr lo cl:irify the "smiling·• meaning of the niritto. (:1rault agrees. Uut he rlisagrC'es 11·ith Dr. Thomnson·s vie\v that the "·ord "angulus" suggests a confining, clo:i>ed place. To the Fullerion teacher angulus ··~uggests something v.·arm, cozy and special. ilorace applied t his quote to Taranto. a city in southern H:ih·," r.!r:cn1ll ~:iid . ''and CICet)rdin~ In !he. l'r!'nl'h (l ir\1onarv ':\ou\'erltl Petit L:irous:i;c·. ·nne c:in 11~r it to rC'c:i l! ,1ny pl:11·r 111.11 r l1:1nn.s ~011','' !11.' :i><11d C:lraun ;ii.on <lrnil'd ht' had ever 111· d11·:drd !hr phr;i~f' rnr ant n pl~cr th:tt (,nd .... rn ill'~ on. 1'1\e n101to 1rr1tcr il!<;fl drplored tlir :iil- d1t1"11 of thf' \l'u1'<! 'l1i1 ·· -tl11s -to th.· hnl!111n111g nf !l1r phrn<;f'. :i-:1gc1 ·~!1n12 !h;\I, 1 1 I "' i1nl:1 r:; "'-h111il•I l\;1\1· rr;11J lliw;1 1·e·s \)do.· ;ind 111.lr:i;. that \J1(' pn(1t 1ic1rr !hnugh t 11 11;1s nPcri;.~'11'} 10 :idrl .<;uch ;i 11•ord '' .. '/I!(:' 1r1 •til d d('ffrov the conr1srnc~=-nr \11(' ql111t<' hy lr~'1 n,,: 10 n1a ke ii a l11t•ral 11 a11s!at1on 11/ 11s English rendrring,'' ( ;u·ault c<1nlrnd5. The !or1ner resident of fr\'ine ur~H·d an interprrt;1tion or the m(lltO "Angelu!; ~1 ihi li11l('t'' r:ilhrr than :i IJter:il tran.-;lntion. St·l1ul:irs \Vho n1:iy continue tn question !hf' intl'nt of using the phr.1sc as a ci~y rnotl.i. he said. might look al pa~e. t20 1n th<' hfM1k of Jlor:ice "The Odes and Ep\so<les·· translated by C. E. Bennet. 1·1ie pocrn can there be found in both \.;1\111 .1nd English. :\le;Hn\·hi!r, unless Jrvinc councilmen ch:111ge lhf'ir minds, (;irault's entry sta11d:o: as the lop choicr or the council for inr·lusion in renderings or the \\.'inning thr<'C c·11~-sr .11 cntrirs. 'flu• l'On1hinrd .~cal arid 1notto choices, \\ hrn spn1red up by a profr.~sional Rrl isL 1n:1v hrc·omr 1he city's official seal nnd hr u:i>f'd nn s!a11onrry and cily vehi c!C's. Th11rsto11 School Kite Kapers Set Thurston Intermediate School's fl ll· nual lnvil.1tiona\ Kile Kapers h;is been scheduled for Saturday, from 10:30 a.m. lo 2 p.m. at the upper rark Avenue school. in Laguna Beach . 111e: event. designed ns 11 con1munily particip11tion activity. is 01~11 to Rll in· terf"S!r c1 Lriguna arcn rr.~idenls and will fc:l!ure. in artdillon to kite conte.~l s. a magic show, bike rare~. physi cal rduca. tion e:ichibil ions and presentation on thr Colorad11 rh'l'r trip and eciucalional drmnnstrations 1101 <fogs. potato chipii, . snow cones. JlOI) 1·0rn and sc»t drink.~ wiH be on sale, \\il h proceeds going to !inance school ric· t11·111cs. n1u11 ici pal <1peralio11 be.cause they hel 1"1 r it is unncr1•ssary. t·xp1.1nsh·r and 11 111 proh;1ll!y require :i t:.ix inerca~e. Disagreeing ~·ith this :;land has been Ci ty i\1anager Do nald G. \\'t·id11er \\·ho. in :1 prepared speerh, told the C'OUnl·il lhe ci· 1 '! will ne,·rr have control <Jl'C'r the qtiali· r.v ;ind rn.~t of police sC'r\'ices as long :is lh1'y rernain 11·i!l1 Orange ('11unty ShcrJlf s ()ffll:e. '"l'hl' 1n 11jor1ty ut' the c:1ly':; orcl1n;111('l'~ :1rc> nol being (',1rried out," s:1id \\'id ner. "!l n11· long m\1.~1 wr eont1nur )::0\'f'rnnirnt by rt'rnol t' ronl n,I'.''' \\'eidner said the city is in cl:i ngf'r or !"1Cco1ning a "paper llger'' bc<':iust" n h;1s 1111 C'fferri\'e nicans of dirf'ct1ng or eun· I ro lling the offil'rrs in !hr. field . !Ir. .~.1 i1! a full 1in1e puhlir safely drpar!nll'Jlf. sl11rt ing 11·i1h the porirl' PIFnu•n!. 1s ncees~ary to effic1ent!_1· rond1u·1 prrih!rms wh·1ng. Laguna School ... 011e11i11~· Dnor.'i Lncuna Rea ch schools arc opening tlll·ir doors lo \'[sit-Ors and present ing sper1;1l prugrarns this week in obscrvant·e of i\'a- llnn:il Public Sehoo\s \\"cl'k. Open hnu ~e ;it F:I ~1orr-o Ell'1ne nl:11",\' Schni,\l \l'ilt bPgin at 7 pm . \\'ednP,.d:i.v 11 irh a band and orehr..•tr:1 <·oncer! in t11c shoo\ palio follo\1'f'd by classroorn tixh1h· iti11n.~ Ii.\' all gr<u.les 1n a 1'Pn1prrhL·n.~f\t', 11\'0-hou r prograrn. Aliso Elen1ent.1ry .Sch0<·l'S opt.'n hou!'C' is schrdu!rd f!lr 7:30 p.n1. ·rhtir~d,1 1. fo'ealured amon~ the rla s.~rnnrn exhtb1r"' "·ill be a modC'l t r;in~p.-•rtnllnn pl:in f.,r Laguna Beath. m~de_ b.y ri~th ~·r;i1l1' studC'nt.~. Thurston lntermediat<' St"t\1¥11 ~ r .. n. tritiution to TJublic Sr'honl~ \\"1'1·k \\oll !1•· 1!<; :innnri l Kitl· 1\:i;x•r:-. :in 011!-d.i\ ,,h.11t j•I\ Saturli:i1 . Tht' h1i.;h st'hool. 11 \uch 11c\1:11111ed v1~1!•1r:-f11r a \;irnpus l1111 r ~lt1111la.v .. n 1~11 1~ 11ffi•nng frPc pa:-.st·'i In lh1• pub\11· l•\I' ~111·h SC'hiJo! t•\'ents :is lhf' \;_-1r ~1t v tr;1r k 111rt'l ;ll ~: i;, p.m. 'r h\1rsdaY. 1;AA b;i1l· r11111t"n ;11 2· r:1 r rn ·rh11rsrf;:\y :111<11":1r ~11v hn:-ch:ill at 3:15 pm. fridny. (Jn S;i111r· 1l:i~· al R p.m . the l'Cln(•rrl b:ind >1 ill pr,.,s1·11l 11.• .~pr1ng concert lr1 thr h1 ;:h :-rl11~1! ;i1ul1ror1urn. ·rlH•.-;c e:irli t·r rrports said t h e i\111l'riC;\ll~ b('i_:an ·\\';1liiing: tv'\'rard .~the Sciuth V1l·tn:11nrst~ l ines. But the report tt1il<1_1· s:1id n lfuc·y helicopter picked thrn1 Also on h;ind 11·Jll he S!udrnts !'\nj1\•e ~:!ideh of .rord ~n nnd Jnse 'fructo of Ar~e-~1~i11a. 11·ho \1'\ll gl1·c ~le slidt> ,r.rrsen· t:1t1.~ns. ·rhe puhll<· is hn 1tl'd to :1t1t'nd !ht• di11· nrr ::ind lllCl'1 !he JorL·1gn studt11t.<;, Searcliers Losing· flope F 01· Countiari in Gorge Fn11n \\'ire Ser\·ires DL'l'Cl l JOll\', L'lah -Scart·~e rs l\'f're l·1~1 n ~ h•)PC 1od:iy for fou r Californian.~. 1nt hid1ng a (i;1 rde11 (;rore exeru\il't', in1s~1ng slnte Snturda~· in the chilly. l'hn ppy. 8.1-foot d1.•rr 11·11trr!' of Fl.1m ing <;orgc 11l'"vr\'oir. The (l!lll' tr:ICt' nf th01 r boa t. which ap- Co1111t,_y Sho1vn 011 TV S7>e ci nl An hour-IOnlJ rll)f'Un1en1nry titlrd 'l 'ortr.11!. C•f !tr:-111:.ti• Counly .. 11·ill !l,· .~no11n at i .Jn ii'< lm·k 1v111ght on hC '!-:1'-'f'\', ('hannrl ~8 '11 .. f1Jrp 11as :ir·1u;llly produced Ii~· lh<' .';l:1fl of f\OCE·T\1, Chnnnel ~11. the n .. 11• Orangt• Coast Com · I >IJ!il !I f 'ii!lf'!.;1' r)1StriC! ~!<l!i(Jll 1' , -11 1• ,,1 fj, d11lt·1l to go on The air II•'.\ t:1ll l-'iln1 i'llP" !:1kt·n O\'e r thr p:i.~t (11 •' n10 11t hs 11 1l\ sho w ;i yiatural 1·11ddh1rth ;l\ An:i hr1 m t:ener11 l l!ospnnl. \i(r aho<1rd the pleasure hon t "l"osl'11lon" in N f' 11· port l!:irbor. Sllll ha1 hrrs Qn th" hp?.chl'S illld 1•l lH1r I 1gnrll{'S or Orange l'n11nty Ide . p:1r£'n!1~1 C'npsi?:rd 1lurin~ rough \Vralher, h:i~ IK:l'!l II lt1l'I (':Ill, FU'kl'I and i<'e che5t 1~hirh 11·ashrd .1shorr. !11\f'Slignt ors li~t thr mrn :ls prt'sllmtd <lr0\1·ned in \hf' 11·rirsl bo:iting n1ish;ip on Hi<' 10-yr:n·-nhl n1an m::i clf' lake near \'1·llo w:.t"n1 • .\'.1li<.1ll[ii !':irk. '!'hey 1nc!11dc : -'li1·hal'I i\lathr\.\'S, 1•f 1:!1191 Bayport St . <;;1rde11 <;ro1r, presi<lt'n~ of Mike :\1.11lhc11·s As.~nr1.1tr•s A p_ency~ an Or:ing!'· h:1~td C'XC'c ut11c :-l':irch ;u1d pl:i<'t'!llt'nt •l J,i('llt'y. -L(1S Anl!•'lf'S County Jlralth Depa rt· mtnl Alei,h11li.~n1 l'r111;r.11n t.'hit·f llr. A. \\". "A11·irdo" Pearson. fi2. (lf T;1rz11na -Charil's \Vool\'rrlon, of th e Nap!rs neigh borhoort 11{ Lon ~ Ht•.:ich chirf technir;il \l'fllf'r for \l«fl11nnC'Jl-l)ougl<is Aircraft Corporat ion. pilot ;ind Ci\·11 Air l'atrr l 1ift1rrr. -Psyeholoi;:ist r>r . :\lar~ha11 Hoda-t. of Cl:irernonl Forest St•r1·ic r idl'nt1ficat1on of the f1ur \'1c·l ll n~ 11·h' rl1 11 to I 't·1h l,1\! "'""k nn o.i trout fishin~ trtp 11:th \\'{)(1lll';ton as the p1l"t 1•rr11n1 ·ou.~1~ l1~l1·d ~latl11·11·s as a \1'-Vf'hn!ri~i~t tnn "\l1k1· l\l1\lil! 11:11!' ~"Ii' :1 :1 l.11a.:ti (llJI nr \h;t1." 111\P nt \11s h11s1n•·~~ i\~~tit'liJ !C'S s:i1d :;.1dl \' tl)d.'l\' \ . 11'· ~:11rt \1.11 lit".1.; had ri di'!'p intrrrst in !~I(' f11·l 1I liu! 11,1.~ 11u •p1•1'1.1l 1~I Ch.1111 r~ th:>l :iny1l)111g hut \hC' \VOrs t 1i:qq11·11<·d rl 11r111g :1 11 rn rl -11·hipprd fishin!! C'·'l"'!h111•n ~a111rd;iy ;1rt' rr-111011'. srarch ( ... ·r.lt11:i1 .. r ~ ~;i1d l•·· .. P,. IN A HURRY? ,. • DON'T WORRY! ; SOMETIMES IT HURTS US A UTILE TO GIVE EXTRA FAST SERVICE, BUT WE FEEL OUR ADAPTABILITY TO RUSH SITUATIONS HAS WON MANY PERMANENT CUSTOMERS. NATURALLY, WE PREFER A UTILE LEAD TIME WHEN THIS IS AVAILABLE, BUT ARE PREPARED TO EXPEND EVERY EFFORT TO PLEASE. IF TIME IS OF THE ESS ENCE, THEN "ALDEN'S" IS THE PLACE WITH WHICH TO DO BUSINESS. OUR SALESPEOPLE ARE SERVICE ORIENTED AND HAVE VALUABLE EXPERIENCE IN THESE AREAS. OUR INSTALLERS ARE TRAINED BY US, AND THE BEST IN ORANGE COUNTY. IF YOU DESIRE GREAT SERVICE, THERE IS ONE STORE TO CALL -"ALDEN'S, OF COURSE !" ALDEN'S CARPETS • DRAPES 1663 Placentia Ave. COSTA MESA 646-48]8 -. ~ I ) .. ·' , .... " • ' . •I I I ! ~ l ' l I 1 i I ! ~ ' l l Saddleha~k Today's Final N.Y. Stocks VOL. bS, NO. 11 b, 2 SECTIONS, 2b PAGES ORANGE COUNTY , CALI FO RNIA TUE SDAY , AP RIL 25, 1972 TEN C:cNT S l(:issi11ger Does Again-Secret Russ tlu· '\1111 !1 \-1t !·1.i11\1·.-1• 1 .. -111i.:11 . :1pp1 ,11111;: !i1 .1·!h lit·l·1•·r I ,11,;!1· 1<1 ""' I• I \1 i\• I l< ,I II J , .,t , ~1 1 ~1·11,~t d . \\ \'.'-1 ll \t ,·14 l.\ L\l' 1-J'n·s 1d1·1111;d a ll · \l':>f'r 11 1•/I!'\' l\1;.,111 i.;1·r ~11··111 f11ur tl;1,1;. 111 tl~1t.'\IJ\I f11r :0.l'l'l t'I l ;d),~ 11 1lh ~U\"l•I lt·:ulfrs on \'11·111;H11 ;'111(1 ti1hcr in1 er11:1- 11on;1! problrn1~. 1hr \\'h111· !Jou~1' di~· l IOhl'11 1!1(\;1•, l1d;1\1·r;il 111.it!1•r~ pr(·11.11".1!•ll"}' 111 Lil ~~ lu•t111'\'ll Si11 •1•! l•·adc·,·., .. nd !'t l'~1~!t•11! :\JXPtl lll .\\:1y,' pl'l:"idt ·!ll ',:11 111 "'-~ Sf'('! l'lllry Ron:ild I. Z1l'gl1·1 !<i11d ~I ~ ht• r1';1d :1 l1n1·f s1a1e11.t·J1! r 1• I c a" 1· d sunullantn11 .. l,1 111 \\ a .. h111~\un ,, n d ,\ln~{'O\\' 1u•11.-1111·11 ;11 lilt· \\'h\tf' Hui!:-.\', rcl \l~ctl !11 dl\Ulgc ~P''f 'iftr tupies 1·0\l'rcd Jfl 111~ 1.,ur {);1\~ ol o ul fert.'!ltr \\hilt' l'l'ht•in:: t.1 1!111111!1' ~li·J.1 11•, 1\1•·· 111;;1·1 :-.,11d !ht· t,dJ..., 11t f t' 11'\·tul. 1r.u1~ J1 u! '-:1l!!ifac!t1 r\'. l\1:i.•Jt1g1·1 ;-,.1111. 11!11·;1 .1 -1.i .J ''" ,. ""'"' 1.11 ,J " H II ii , "\\'r agrrtd '11c1thl'J' .-1tlt.· 11 vuld I l'l t'.il 1h1• !'>llbJCl't 11f tile t:1l ks, -}\l~.,Jrij!t'l fl':'\IOtl<.lcd II hl'!\ ;isf..~·d II hl'ther \"Jt'!rl<llll \l;tS d l\l'US.~r'd •t't'!"t'!'\ 11 ,1, 11•'1'•'''•!1 I l••I !I ,. \I,, < • 1 !lip, •·\\1• :II!' .I! ll lt' lllOl\ll'1 1 oil I \l'l'- (1\:lil'illC' 11h;1 ,,• •)t 1t1!1·111.1!1!1!l.1! 1·· -·1 · ! .. ;llid IJi•t h !>H li1\ :1g1·1·1•1I II 11 ,1~ iJt•• I I'" J•I ~Prp ~pr1·11l:1111•11 th ;1 1111111p111111 1111!11 the·~ hat! tilt' op11u1 tllnil\ IP 1•1.1I·11· ";h 11 111hrr·~ 11f111•'" I "' " ' 11·•11. 1-\111 lu• ('!('arl\· 1P1l1r;1\ed th:1! \'u;\11:1111 -:ulfl thr S.1\1C:r .<;h1pn1e 11t of :1rins !o tlll' t'1tfllllllln1!-\S llit•rr -II CtS ll 11':J jlll' 1lt'lll " '" K 1~~1n~cr : 11lu) 111;1d1· a ;.t(·ret trip Ill l't:k 111g to ;1rr;1 n ~c .\'1.~t111 \ lu.,!11r11· C!un:i \'is1t. "'as 1n !lie Sin IC'! (';1p1tal fr1>111 'l'hursda.v tullil ,\11Jnd:1v and rnct 11 1th f'o1nn1un1 sl !'.1r1v <J11c1. Lro111d Hrezh11e1· .a11d 1:ort"ign '.'ll 1ni~ler Andrt•1 1;r41111 rk() 1'ilc: rl i~c1 1~s1(1 11 '"dealt 11 1\li 1n1p0v1·!~1nt intcrnat1on;d problcn1.~ :ts 11 cll 11s 11'1lh 'J'hp ~t'l'rl'l t;1lks \\'('ff' 11i'l'll1Tltl)'.; :11 tiU' -.;11111• t11ne !he \\"h 1\e l!oU.':iC "'as ~;1 y1 11g 1h~1t 1\.1.~.':i !Of?cr w;i s al !ht' sc<:lu<.lt'd !';11pp [);i1·id prcsidl'lllial fC'lrc;1! Ill ~];11·~ l:1 11d 11·1th the chh.•f r:-.:crl1l i\'r -!ht s:1n1~· \.1 p1· ur pin~· us1•d to co1 cr 12 ~j·C;rf'I t1·1 p0 ti1 Paris for pnva1c talks Ki.':is1ngtr had 1v11h 1'1!-l:ilngrr t\1:;t'h1:->1:ct. 1(111. that '.\1x o11 ha" IH•('tl c;irr~·ing on rxtl'JL<;l\'l' exclianges \\ 11h Hrez/1ne1'. Hr s.:i id. In an~1ver to .'.l ~111t·sl1!•n . that tllr.<;r l:'X('hange:>. \l.'t•rr l (ll'lli!~ll ~'!HT('~Pf!OdC'nrc·. r.1thf'r 1h;111 11:1 tilt• .\·!11~t111r.\\':1~h 1n~!\1n l1utl1n1 Uu! he 11111nted tu11,1rd lhr Ju1nl ;1 11 ru)Ul\ten1enr ~ use uf tli•• phr:-i ~I". ··uu 1>or1ant ;11tcrn{1t1n11 :11 prohlcnis." a~ ;i 1·!r:11· sign th:1t \'ll'1 n:nn 11':1s u1drC'd :i n1.1jor !1)p\l'. !11 ndd11ion. ~n1d :'\1xo11·s :is•:1~1n11! l\1r 11at1on:1! security atf:ii1·:;, "!hr' 11 holc Countv Bani{ Blas·ted ~ FBI E1ite1·s Bo111bi11 g Case; No Motive Set 'l'hr FBI !CH.lay entered i1n·e.<;\igat1nn f1f a Bank of An1erica bo1nb111g in Orange r-.·!onday night, the third such s;ibo!agr in thr eounly in 24 hours. D<unage to !he braneh. at 225 !\. 'fu.<;1111 A1·c .. 11·,1 <; spect acular. ns a rr~u\t of the horn!l. bc111g J,Pu.cd JV , a .v.lalr_.&l<1~~.:\1'1!J· c!o11·. hut ovrr:1!1 destruction \\'JS n11nor. Sl:;1ll Prl'd gl a~s ~h1111'i'rf·d !hn)Ughout. th1· lohhy hu1 lhe1·e \',as tl<J 11nc 111s1de ;ind \·11n· :·q11rnll~' nh 111iuries. Tiu· 8 -15 p.nl. c.~plu~1 u11 111ls li'.'111'\Yd r au sed h~· :1 hun1cnlade pipe lxunh :it· \ached lo a 1\·indo1\' at !he rear door f1[ !hr faeillly. l\o cxplnnation was oHert'd in 1he \\':.IY -0[ a motive for the boinbing incident. Enrlirr ~londay, a mololov eoek1 ;i1 I <le\ ir·r• (•xploded in a scicnte <Jlld r(';id 1ng <'!ini<' class room <ll Stnrd\r~· Junior \lii.;h J;cl)pr~J .i!J ~vlQ~:clit Sanra An;t. .,... ~ U.::irn;igc to the sehf)(1I ll'hich h::s h0en rock ed b;" r;ie\al lrouh!rs an:\ c,;1n~ 1·in\ent·r J c·cr·n1ly could rt:ich ~50 non .. 11·· rnrding t0 et1111pus off ie1:1ls, Bnnlb lhrc;its :tnd :l n11·11;u·1ng !-1h•11glln ~hel! 11crr al so le ft at the CS. Se h,1·1111; Co1111la11ie~ Asl{ Rev e1·sal Of l1·vi11e Pla1111e1·s Move SC'r1·icc hradqu;1 rLers at 1138 E . 17th St., ~!(lnday u1 .Sa1ila Ana bu! v;indnls fa iled tu cause n1ueh damage. A bon1b threat at Orange C-Oast College in Costa r-.lrsn also created excitement ~\0 11d:i~· night but :i S('.:i rch of the :irea in- . \'Ol.\.'.Cd..fai.l!'d t~discioi~ .an~~ planted-sx· --. plo~11 c., l\u1n1irs nri;.;1n;·1!111g 1111 tl1r e:i 1np11s lo- <1;11 lh1d :lfl sludcnls :111r! a trachc·r \1'1·rc ;1r r i·::;tl'd •111 dr11g chargrs \\'l'rc ;ipparrnt· 1_1' (\\Jt• 1n \'t·r\i;il d1s\11rt1on of !hr b11nlb 1iirc;1t r;isr, pol1cr s;iid. S plasltdou;n: Good ff' c<1tl1 er SJ'i\CE CF.\'TEH, ll ou<;lon !l'I'(\ \\'rather cond1 lirins for Th<' p 1'1·~11l~·11t1;1 I .1{\11 "1'1' ,,,1.d 11" 11'.H 'l• t'd \\11 -1 ·,,11 111 1111\tl,u I .. 111 I .d' 'I \1,11·~d .. '. nigh! ;u1d 1·o1rlll'1\1i·d hi' \;ii ~~ 1111111 \J,.• d:1y 1)1~1J1 (,\1.1~"'!1\I l1l:H I. ,1 I~\ '· 11 , ~ f'' \ < ' I • r < ' \\ ''" \ •'I\ '" I 11,i\ 1 I II 111gl.1 ' 11'l "I ,11 111•d ll'f l ,. " '· . !'ll'.!111• ,, \I, 1: d .• ' \'.tll1 \\ II ' ill h.1 !I• l'lill. \\!'I f..1 •Id 111 i\I" Ill)'' I I• 1 1111.: 1' 1'' 1!·1' 1 'IT'i<I• T11n appeal!' rrsu!11n~ ron1n11ssic.11 c!rn1als 1;,·111 lr\inr citv ('ou11cil1nt•n ml'P!in,g :ir.7·Jn o'elork 111 C.1t11)JLIS !Jri1 t• fron1 pl<lnn1ng b<• hc:i rd hy at !onight ·s Cit~· h;iJ!, 4201 Thr l .arw111 (.;otl'\\)flny is !'l'ekin.~ a r•·1·1·rsal of !hf' pl:111n1n,!! t·omm1ss1on ·~ rr·fu.~11 1 !o ri ·zn11f' a .14 -:icr!' pa1·t·rl nor!hcasl ol \\';ilnul A.1·rn11r in crn1r:-i l lrv1nr to aetornrnodnlf' 391 group rhr tll· ings l.:1 r\\·in hnd ;t~ked 1he planning eon1· niission 10 ch.:ingr 1hr zoning fr om ugr icu\ttiral USl' !o .1!1011· a pl;1nncd coin· n1un 1ty clc\·clop1nrn1 1n 11h1ch 2A'Wl :<>qti;i rr frrl of land would be assigned 10 t Jr-h unit. I, Rren fonlp<ln~"s reqlll'!'\ fc1r an l"•;- 1rns1on of 11s 1110·\'eilr ol1t ten ta\t\'\' tr;11·1 n1:1 p for ;i i9-ai:re pnrcc! ;don,g the sou1hcrn <·ornr r of Cul1·rr Dr i\'r and \\'a!nut ,\\·entic . If apprO\'C'd by the <·ounctl. that suh- dil'ision 11 ould prov idr :!J9 !->1nglC' f:11n ilr hoinc lot s. a school site. an inrrr:nr grf'1'11bcll ·hike path <'Ind 1 fl!l!y dc vclopc(t puhlle p:1rk . spla~ht!nv;n nf Apollo 16 at 11 ·.\~ a rn . t I 'ST l Tliursday arr rxpet!rd to br ::;atisf;iclory. the !\ational \\'eather Service said today . Thr forecast for the landing ;irea near the ('qua1or sonH' L500 1nilrs so uth or llon1>lulu call s lor .~cal· !('rrd clouds, easterly !radc1\•inds. thrf'r-fnot ~ras and ,1 lrrnpcrature nC<lr P,2 <lrgrees. STUDENTS AT LINDA VISTA HUSTLE FUNDS FDR ALL-DAY SACRAMENTO TRIP Selling Popsicles Are (from left) Steve McGee. Tom Higgen, Peter Ryan and Pam Rogers The second :ippcal 1n1·0]1·rs the f)onald Oregon Gets 01{ To Put Krnnr•lv On State Ballot 1·:1 ·i ;J~'.\I·:. Qr(' I 1-1·11 -i\ l'\l'l 111! t•o11r\ j1Hlgr h:l~ upheld \hr ri~hl 1•f ()1·1·gnn ·~ srr1·rt:1r1 elf ~1 ;1tr 1,1 plat'<' 1h1• n:illlt' of Sc·11 l·'.d11 ;1rd l\1·11ncd v 1 ll· ~!:1!'s 1. on 1hc ~t;il1··~ ~1 i1.\ 21 pr11n:11 ,. ball•1t, r:ugen(' i1lt0 1'11l',\' ("h:'lrlrs () r nr\l'r l1;1d filed n suit ;i ski11g tlla1 Ke nnedy's na1nc be renioved fr<Hn thr h<1!1 ot. :irgtiing tl1;i! Scc ret;iry of ~tri!r Clay ~lyrrs h;id not foll O\\·rd lhr s I a t r ' s Ad1n inistra1i1·e Procedures At l for choosing polenllal candidates to be lisled Lane County Circuit Court .Judge Edvlin Allen ;'o.tonday ruled the act did not apply to Myers' rrsponsibil ity for listing C'andida lcs. lie saict it "·as .:in internal ad- mfn istratinn matter. Pnrter. a former congressman and a c11rrcnl l>emncratic. candidalc fnr a Jlouse seal. pl;1nned to appea l Mond;iy's cleri~ion . Kennedy had prel'iously a.<;ked Myers not. to lisl hirn on the Oregon ballot .. saying hr \\·as not a contender for the Democratic presidcntal nomin:ilion . Superintendents Will Air Vie,vs Two Saddlrback area school dist rict superintendents will discuss the proposed unification measure on the June 6 primary ('\ection ballot at a Laguna •!ills Rotary Club meeting May 3 at. noon at f\.-lanni ng'.~ Restaurant in Laguna Hills. Ralph Gates. superintendent of the San .Jo.:iquin Elrmenatry School District and Vi illiam Zogg, superintendent' of !he Tustin lligh School Dh;lrict will seek sup- port ror Ille votC'. which would go into ef· feel July 1. 1973. Unification wnuld crente threr school clislricls in the rirra now covered by the Tustin Union lligh Sch()(IJ District: a Tu.<;lin !\·12 d1~lr1cl : an Jrvint K·12 district and a Mission Viejo K-12 districl. J '!anning t·on1rn lssion<•rs 111rned do11·n th1' extension rrqul'SI t'lling ohj1•«l1011~ 10 v.·a!ls along Cul1·(·r. traffic c:ircul:1110:1 nnd t11r Joc:i iion or 1hr school si te . •t~ree~ Coffee. Cookies to (;ct 4'i, , Hren executives appc:i r1n,(! belore 1hr pl:inn1ng com1n1ssio11 1ndieatrd th1·:· \\'Otild rnak.c changes in th!' shap1· of the p;irk. sitr they 11·c•rr offrring lo d1·cd In lhe t1ty a\on,g \1·11h landscaping 1111· provcmen1s v.·orth about $120.000 Councilmen tonight 11·ill ;ilso n1 ull a pilt· of r11 y bills totalling n1orr 1han S7 .000 in· c!udin~ $806 1\'0f1h of eosts for !hr S,111 Jost pl:inning conf£1rc11l\' l .i~l Fphru::t1 .1 1\11 ri~ht ·il rm consent c:1\l'nd :ir 1h;11 n1ay be p:lssrd 1n one n101111n 11n!i'S.<; ;1 ny c·oun t ihn;in rernO\'CS an ti( 1n frorn !hr 11mi· sa1·1ng l i.~t of "rou1111f'·· :1 c•1 1nn~. nl~u is 011 10111ght 's <1~enda Congc~I ion On I•rec\va v Si le ·' No C011strue1io11 of!ici:il s latr !his 1nornin~ reported fcv.· problems an1 no <iccidrn!~ on a stretch of thr Sa n Dicµo Frcrwa_v north of San Clemente p;1 rt 1ally <·lo~rd for installation of signs. A spokesman for Sukul-Coulson. lhc genrr<i l contractor on thr flh. s:i id the firm expected no problt'm !'. "·1th tr:iffic. Jn the mile and a h;ilf strf'lch betv.·een Avenida Estrella and S;in Ju<in Crl'fk noad, cars 1vere restrirtcd lo one \;inc in e:irh direction. "The frJffic rlov.· is prrtly strndy lhcre." the company nffici:i\ s:iid . "ll doesn't rc<ill y pick up ch1ring rush hour·· The sign instal!alion project 1\':'l:i> scheduled to be con1pl etrr! by 4 p.m. and lhe traffic pattern returned to norrnal. l\'l cs a Dispatcl1 cr CriticalJ y Hurt In Free\\ay Crash /\ Co1'1a !l·l t~:i nig ht policr dispat i·hcr 11 as l'rtticn.tl~' lJJJlirrd C<lrl y 10<1.1y 11hro his 11npol"I (';J r ''fll \hrd 1n10 a harril'r on tltl' :-.;111 D1<·go !· rt<(•11.'ly near hts r-.1is~1on \ irio horn(' Co1n111unil':1 1 1on~ Off 11·1·r 1\l \\'r1r. 41 . 11·:1\ 11ndrrgo1n~~ sC\'~·r.:il ho11rs of .~ur.t:f'r.v I\\ boor spPf1;1\is1~ <11 n1 id·(\;1y to rPp:11r " q11:1druplt' co n1pou11d frnrt11rf· of lhr left l1 f, !"o ln1· 11 ln11k:-l1kr hl' dn1'!'i11·1 h;1\'r ;11 1v i nlf'n1:1 l lllJl!l'11·,.'' sa\d Co!-1:1 ~1r·s:1 ('11rn· n111r111·a11n11s l11rf't'lfl1· Or\'lllr /\rnh11 rg .. y 11110 11 ;1s 1111h \\'cir <If ~1 iss1011 Corn - n1un11y llo!'p1tal l111ti;1! 1nl'rst1gar1on lncl1ca ti•d ()fill't'r \\-l·1r probably fell aslet'P 11•h1le sou th· bound on the frer"·nv a! 1he La l'a1. !load OVC'rcross1ng. 11·here ·the hig t111 a~· <·urvcs. T1r<' tracks shn11·rd his l'ilr 11·e11l stra1ch1 and sntrish1·d into the ecnlt'r safety barricade and fence. rnangting his leg before the v.·rct~a_Re camr to rest. C:tlifornia ll ieh11·;1y P::ilrol off 1r1·r~ snirt thr car 11·as a total 11TeCk- Hee (;ro up lo "\T eel 'fhr lr\·ine r•·rrc:d ion l'!11i:r11s ;idr1.~ory comrn 1t!ee v.•ill n1r1'l ill 7·30 p.m. \\lednesday in t:ra"·ford !\al\ 1111 lhl' L:C Ir vine t:ainpu.~. St udc1its See k Fu11.cls for Cluss Tri/' To raise more fund.~ for an alt-day ficl1! trip to S;it·ramenlt\, six th graders at Lin· da Vista SC'hoo! in f\·1ission Viejo 11'11\ commit 11·hat Principal Doris Lynch lh1r.ks is the ulti n1a1e t'rnbarras~rnc111 They ,1rr going to charge v1!'1tors lnr !hi' tr<i(ht inn.:illy fr<'" co(fc£< and l'Ookil's at Op<:n I louse Tht1rsday. "Can vou hc!lr \<' tha!',"' ~llf• ask~. :-11111· ing and ·shak1n~ h<'r h('_ad Uut ~he anti sixth grndr instructor Chns i\1ark .<; lhink the iconoclastic aetion has great nitril ii wi\J help finance an 1n·pt·r~on study of government in arlion for !IO students. Those :imbi1111u~ students ha\'f a Ire adv r:ii.scd n1ore 1h.1n Sl.iOO 1011·.irds their trip ;ind ha\e :ihout $200 n1 ore lo r<1iSl' 1n each nf t)1i'l r 1hr·ep 1•\;1ssr s l~1 t'r~ da .1 !hr s1~!h gra1Jc r~ 1;lk.<· turns Mo1~etti Tax SJ1ift Pla11 SACR/\~1E'.\TO li\Pl -A ~lashrd \'ersion of Asse1nhly Spraker Uob ~l·1rrl· ti 's $1.5 billion tax shi ft plan "·,1.<; :ip· proved 10·1 loday b~· lhc AR~einhly flevenuc and T<Jxation Co1n1nittcc. The measure. sent tn the Way.!! and tlleans Comn1i!ler. ll'OU1d slil! rJ1se stale incom£1 taxe~ an aver;ige of :'15 percent. b11t cut prrifl{'rly taxc·s for homco:nl'ners about !he sarne an1ount. The cuts put off a planned $600 million incrc:ise in stnte support of lor<i l sehrMils for one ~·rar. r-.1orctti. a V<1n Nuys Democrat. alsn e\in1inaled a proposed stn1r"•ide 5 per· cent telephone t.1x from the bill and put nfi' <1 proposed one cent inercasc ln snles tax for nne year bcfnre l.1k1ng rncasure lo a con1mittre vote. th1• lhc 'rhose n1oves rul lhe proposed shifts in the tax reform to $9JJ million during the 1972-73 fiscal year. The ta:-: 5hift the ncxl year "'ould increase lo $1.45 billion. The propostd $600 million fund for schools w;is rrtnined in the r-.1orclli bill, bu! was put off in the amendments tnd.1 y u11l1! the 19i3·74 fi scal year. Winner Defends Motto Thr a1nc11d1ncnts \\'OUld al~o "frcr1.r '' the extra sc houl funds. r-.tore!ti said. un!1I a fonnula is "'ork cd lhat will 1neet the :-i\n.le Supreme Court's 1971 Serrano vs. Priest ruling. \\'hich found the currrnt systr1n of loeal school taxes un- conslitu1 io nnl. "The main lhrust of this legislat ion i.~ properly lax reduction. The second thrust is to providt> 'the fund s that will be needed by Serrano I'S. Priest." l\lorel!i said. Clctulle Giroult 'Very Auiozed' ot Irvine Rcnction By GEORGE LEIDAL Of lflf D•llY P llll Slit! The author of the winning entry in thr Irvine Junior Women"s Club contest for :i seal and motto for 1he new city \od:iy defended his ''Angulu~ Ridet" mollo. ('laude Girault who ha s moved to 25751 Demeter Way in 1\1ission Vie jo since he entered the contest t\\'O months ap;o said he was "very Am:ii.cd" over the misinterpretations of his Latin phrase. "I wanted to leave son1ethin1t in Irvine lhat symholizrd the town that I fou nd 'vas very nice to me," C.irault .!!aid today. The parltime French tencher at·Ctil S1at io Fullerton said he 1Yas very surpri sC'd so mr in Irvine would believe he entered the winning motto "as 1 joke." Th<' motto \\'hirh Girault interpreted in a two and a half page explanatio n that app;irrntl.v never rtachcd m('mhers of the city cou11c il "m<Jkes sense." he said tncla~·- "Angl'lus Ridel" means ''that c<Jmrr~ or the ~'orld smiles on me " or "lhts land charms me." r:irauh said . noting he feel~ lhe phrase accurat<'I~· desc ribes "the beauty of the la nd in Irvine ·· Girault. who will <1ttrnd loni,l!hrs City Council meeting to rerC'il'r his $100 fir st place av.·ard. su~gested ae1 ini.: assista nt classics professor Dav1ct Thun1ason of UC Irvine 1\•as "m\st;iken" in his in· 1erprct.1t1on nf the !ll'O·ll O!'d phr:isc from 1he L:i!tn por! Horarr Dr. Thomason last week ~uggested the . ' phrase referrt'd to a trysting place that "smiled" on a lo\•er because Qf the presence of the girl he "'as about In meel I here. Dr . Thomason. Gira.ult ~atd today, "sh<lu!d ha ve re:id the poem brforr m01k - in!'.: "'ild suggestion~ "Horace. only C()mp;ires Tibur. foun<led by an Argive colony. :ind Taranto 1 in Jt n- lyl; he never talks nbout the. nieeling nl lovers." Gira ult !'i:iid. As for lhe verb·~ prrfcrrC'd mtn.nin ~ "to l;iugh " -a me<1'ning thit! forrn .o; the bnse for the English v.·ord r'1d iculons - Girau lt notes the "Nev• Cnllej.!latr. l.011 111 and En~!ish Dirtnrionary" says ''rid{'O, ride re" c:tn mran "In smilt. to i at f "·hen \Ste MOTIO, rag. 11 ' lie snid !hr hill woul d cut the average homenwner's prClperty tax bill by $274 a ~·ear and would provide renters up to SBO a vear in extra incomr tax credits lo uffsl'I their higher income tax rates. Both personal ,..and corporalc 1nCQme taxes v.·rnild be iTic reased all up and dO\\'n the inrome scale. ;ind new h;gh<'r lax ralrs \rould be imposed on persons in the top two P"rrr11 t of tax<lhlc f'nrnin~.~ l\a\")' Caplain Dies CO!!ONADO, rr\l'l -Betircd :-l:ny r~1p!. Ll.'"'!S .s Sun~ Jr' who \\'Cl1l Oil 1\rl1n . Hich:irrl E. H1 r<l 's expechlion to lhC' Snu !h J'olt• in 1~3!l ·II. i~ dead :it $11. Sans srrvcd JO v1·;lr!I 11; 1he Na\'y l\lrd1- c,1l Corp•. lie · diC<1t Fncl:iy in a S<1L11 ()lt'f;O h1l~p1!;1J. ' lo St1cr111111•11lo "1'!11111.: 11Hpsi1·lt·s L•I '1, I' I' l~;u ·11 !'I.lit J af!t>r ~· !1c•nl t<I' 11' r 1\ ,"('f'll '\ O( O!hf'r (11111\ I ill illl <I lj ha\'1· pr:H r11:all y J.·:i rlo" • q11111 1" '' ' 111 I' cd dr~. · \l ark.~ l.111 •1 1 " Tht">•' llll'llldi' I .'1111 i<'\1•1·\r,. , ant!h·" 1· 1 p:Hl\ :th.1· lirt':1kl;1· I p:11111(·d t)n •·uru~. 11 .il1 1 · .'-i 111101 :ind :1 t1~1·d I ti I '•' •• II" l·:avh .'l'ilh 1"r:ul1· 1~ · cl11 •d11 l1·d 111 111.i i..~ lht> cap11ol lr1 p !hi· fir~I .. 1 11 ~ i..1 1111 l«r •·lr111J•111;1r.1 .'111rl1·111 -. 111 111 ,11'1·,1 11ri ~1 ·p :11 :11 1' d:1~" 1111 1 r • ' ' \\ 1• li'.l I I' ;i f\Hp: :1111\ 1ilf <:fl)ol I I '' 11" :1hn\I\ dt'llH1c r:1l·~ lru111 1,, "~1\'S ",\11d llH '\' 1•·,111111' I' I• !I\ hf'0l'I' If !Iii',\ ( !II l'I 1t1•n1uc'rac•y ;11 11· .. 1 h \I Thf' •·lasses li••:11t"•I 'It' ',, ' ' 11• ,,, fl':H 'hrr.~ .Jo;1nnr ll1•1i1 .111d I •·I 1 1,111 1," v, ill gn nn prcarr;1ngc-1t 11, 11 "' (';ip1!:il building. tho I, :!I L1l1P •' ,, d h1 ·:~orirat si 1rs Thi· ro~t brl'nks t\n111< 111 .111.111! <-!:. O per stud£'nt. ~1arks saul 111.t! 11 I '"! 1 ini: runs short. the y 11'1!1 h.11P 11 1 ' ' t'al·h l·hild a small amo11n1 '"Bui even al so1nethi11i.: 11~1· ~·, ,, 11 t11·t!i ii ," hf' adrls Thr sturlent.~ an.• f'Xl'l!r(\ ;1\~)ll\ ~11 ,11L! !See FUND~. l':ij!t' :!1 It 's gf1111i.: 111 b•· 11:11·111•'1' ,1litni:: !h(' ()rangr Co;1st un \\'l'<lnt'"d;1\, 11 1th highs ,11 tht· \Je;rc·h1·~ ,1n •o11d 70 d<'gn'CS. ri~1ng tn !Ill 111'!\t 1•1·, inl :1ncl, l..riv.·s arc C.'ipl•t·t1·d 111 th1· 4!J's. l !\SIDE TOD.\\' Tll1 ·1/n· ~'111 (II/ 1rl11r1· .. \110/11. Srir1111 a11d r 1·o r,..~rn111. /1 n 11111 11dr1y.~ .~11 1i1r 111 1•n1 1>1·1 .~ ,,, rl11· 1\1' "'/11,r /.:/1111 S•!ll!!rl 1t1ri1 1• /1i\1' o•i/ nt!lf'd /p fl ro'l1n./~ .\r'I' ,11•1 11 /'!l!/r i L,M. a oyd \llutu•I Ft'"d' '• C~ll l~'ni• • NJt.onfl N,,.., • Cl•<•ihtd 10 " O·~~~~ c~~"'' Com•C• " 'yl~of PO"•• " Cro,\word " \po1h a .11 0••1~ !!al«•• ' ~t~c~ M 11•tr• I ~ I I l!d>lo"ll "~~· T•l•••\1on " l!n!•r!olnm~"' " T ~•ll ft\ 11.1 • f l"1nt 1 1a l• 'N oi•l>r• !'or !ho lt••O•d • WI'.,!• WJ•h " MO•O>COPf " 'NOl"~n'\ llt'•" 11 11 .,nn Lf~d••• " w".i• Now• "°'l~I•• It" ., I ., DAIL~ PILOT ---IS District Seeks Bids on H\ ./A.\' f :O\\'AROS 01 '~• 0 .. 1, ""Q' sra•I 'Rooms' gr.1:11. po1111 ('i'I 1111! '1'111 ·1·, 1 •, li r1n1"' .1~ ~•''.•·~11 IJ, '' 'I " (~ 'i"" 1.d ill trtii.-'.1L .• Jn.:• •Id Ir I !. I lliil1,; j) llul lhc bn:H'1l l,1t)l1>1j :111 1!11t•rq LAOS \, ;1 •· ~ \ I I, ~ \,,/ '' \ DA~ \ ~ oBRON ~-" \ 14 ::::~/-, ~ \ 1'~..) \ , .. , lfet1·eut 10 Yanks Killed In Copter Crash Up, \\i1 ~ )1 1t .:l!l t•r 1! \1~·k iol ! .11111 i :·:1 11• ·! J11 n:i r111·· 111 :111 :1r~·;1 tll'ld 111· Hi t• \11 :,1 Bid ad1·ert1 ~inr.: l1•r 11.i p u rl ;1 b I •· classroon1:; ;u1d 1 \111r· !'(·!1· r~':;11rf~1c 111g 1111~ .-.ppro1 rd ~l11nd:11 11igli1 h1 Tu:-:!J!l I 1Hu11 Jlir,:h SchoO! [)1,,\ri1 ! t1·u~1·lt•\ f1i1· U•C !lin•ugh the d1 ~11·1ll. fl'JH l;111r •p ;1 j_!l'1•1•1p1 lit \\I'll I " ' .,, ;:1~0~\~ \ ,\J!\t'!l\';il h -.~I ~ ,'1(j\ 1$ff ~ !•J \ 11·t11.1111t''t' .11111;i ;_ind !11ur T1·n I hl' :\p11l ll hel 1rnpl1 1· \ Jt•!11;1l\U" I' l'11i11 .. d Sr l1u"I 1>111 111 1•!1 1· t 11' { 11t1ld ht n1:11lf• nt•oJ '' ·'P' ('Ii'• ·ri • f5\ I c~Ms,o,0 1 A (f---vo 01HH /.\V SOUTH , \ I \\ 'j! ' r 11·11 1111••1 ~1t·r1 · 1·rp!w1!•1I !nd:i~ !•1 11;111• lX't'11 kill• d Ill a l11·lit:1•plr r· rr:1:;h ~1f1nd;1y i111ring Ille :-;.,ull) \ 11 ·1 11:1:111·~1· r,·1r·1 ii i 11,~:11 'l'.1 11 ( .•1111 ;111d I >i1J.. To 111 !111• ( c11t1 .LI I Ir i1:.111d-. Tti(' rfp!irt ~;11d !lit llll'll un bu<i1d 'l'ru.')t l:r'" sh,111t·d 1·ri·l•'!1"1•·11 111 r "There 11•111 br ;1 1·l'r\ ~·'1-11111" lvH1<;111i:: probleni for 11t-'I 11•;;1· "'!11'1 ,,dh' :1t !\l 1s.~11111 V1r111 fi1 1~!1 ·0('h"i'I ~.11d :'up! \\11!1;1111 Zn;!~ If(· t'\11"< I • ;111 111 .. 1e ~111d•·nt ~ -:1 1.,1.d "' ~ 11111 .. 1 1!11• ~i 11•·1.f 1irnrl1n~ !hf· Hµn •t·11l1•11! In >i!lult J •,.u· 1 l 111n;il prr•~:1 ;1f!l <o; 111· J, r!il • •' 11H 111 ;ir lr• Ii." j ' I' ; I JI rl f" I " (ill• I I " I! ~ ' • t • ( • I ! I : ..,..-,·°"~KONTUM • "'"''" I (:::,.,,.--~-VIETNAM J\pollo Spac·enu ·11 And Tu~1i11 High,-,, !111111 111;,1 :,j .. , ro1·"d nl<Jri' ptirt:1b!r uni t' bt·t'au~1· all ~l1Hlf'11!-. lil·ing ~uulh of ~1 1lclH·ll 1\11•rith' r\<111 h:11·e the option f1f nlle11d111g (•1l)ier Tustin lf!gh L'n11·r rs r!v l/1g h Schflul. l1>1• '1 '111,1 ('('' " ngrP('lil('f)( •11111 1i 1111· !' I 1·111•,'I" \\<'!< rn;1tle :111rl 1111t 1111!1 1111•'\ 1 .. 1d l•.1 t1 H1l ·1h"I :1 1l1 ~(1'1CljY)lu:.1 fq/ ;n1'. 11JI P iii 111!• /'l!J~!)tl t <:1,(.:ff'f'mf'll1 S, Flv the llt'XI lt'.111/'d Jll!'f'\1 11~ Zoll->: <tS!iUrcd , thC' dr ~i1'1·d (·h;1ni:t•s 1\ollld !;1' fn:1dc In !/le c•1ntr:u"t :1gr11rn1c11l ' ' I ~~/ .,,,,.,, ""i ,,,.. PLEIKU ___/®~=---=:::::1 .~ 0 1 0 Mt . UP! Ntw>mOp \ .,•111tl !1 ,\:1J•'l :1 ,II\ ;1 d\1~i•r. t .1j1l f::11 J !111)11111~. \\ :1.~ j'!''.\'lll'd ;1fl1 '1" J11d111g ;di 111~1tr1 11t•:1i' 111 .. 111·l·rru11 Suulh \"l\•1n:1 nTr~1· d111,,u,11 lil';1dqua r1l·r..;; ;ti ·ran (_.anll Streak for Hon11 · 'Vith Moon f>rize 'J'hr unii s \\ 11! hr 11-;1:;1·(! 1111 ;1 on1>:-l':lr bas1..;, 1f \i1l1·r~ dl·1 ·11Je nn u1 11f1tat1on be- ginning J11 the 1973-74 sl·ho11I yc.'.lr. Zogg ::;aid. a nr\1• high sch1}QI 11·dl prob.'.lbly bC' built :ind 1not.t units •1·ould nut be Tll'l'ded . 1'-10AE MORE .\10HE -;s And if lhf' d 1.~tr1vl d()('S not unif~·-d i~­ lri(·t 1rus1r~·s l1<11·e the option 11f rcn1·w111g 1/11· Je;1si·." 1'ru!i tre l11<·kr:111 B11r.111 i.in t'\Pl"l-'',cd ;1 1lr~irr to rnj11r1t;1111 till' 11cl/~hhr1r!l!t"iJ .~"!1•1<11 t'un r1·p1 . ;ind ;ill !rt1.~lt·1·s-,.,. prr:-~~·d r·onv11·11011 tli:1~ ;ill fl lil ;11],111 s:11drnt ~ ~hou :d rr·111:1111 111 !l1•·1r u11·11 d1.~­ !rir•t ,•thr1t1 I ~ REDS ADVANCE -'!'he n1ap .S p(J !S the tO\\'ll of IJak 1'o, \\'hJ eh \\';\S ;1batido~1('d todav to advant·inC ('01nn1unist forres. 'fhe governinent l'or1 ·{•s fel l l)<H 'k 1:011 :1rd \1o Uinh, !he parathute brigade !icadquJrters protel'l1n .~ !11P prP\'111C'1a l c•;1pilal n f f\.ontutn. !>.1b!1111s ;111d niiH' :-;0ulh \'il'ln.in1e,r. 111- <·l11J111~ Ille rr·~i11 1l'11t<1l {'i1r11m:1ndcr. hid 111 ·r:1n Ca11l1 ;d!i.:r !lie 1\orlll \'1l·l11amf''-l' took !lie bn::.c ~!0nd:1;1. Aftl'r dark, they nlQVl'd out si de !he prrirnl'lrr, :ind Dubbins (':111<.:d \11 an A1nC'ril';1n hl1li1·opter by rad1u !ud:1y. The ht•IH'11pt1 r 11·:1~ fired 011 gn1ng in ;ind t:1k, int: ufi. l1u1 11 11:\s lJ1·lif'\'l'd !h;11 11.,h,.fl_v 11 .1 ~ 11 111111\it •(I_ SPA(;i-: CE:NTF:B . Jl.,ti.~lun tl;PJ \ i\p11IJ,) 1fo's :istrnn:1uL~ f'S('rlpcd 1!1" 1l11n1111n nee of !ht> 1noon·s grav!!y lild.c \' :ind sprd f.'.lstcr and fa sti"r to\1·ard r;11'll! 11·ith n tre:isur y nf rocks tl1:i t srirnt10'>!;; think n1ay include tong-sought piecrs of th1• rrin1iti1·r· lunar c:rust. l 'oncrt•lr su rt :11·r~ 111111 be rf'qu1n•d a~ fti1J11Jat1u11s for !ht: llllllS. Ill anothrr <1t tio11. truslrl's approv ed agreenients with the Anahf'in1 Lni1Jn 1 llgh School Di stri ct. which will provi de instniction 10 aurally and visually handi- (·appcrl students rf'sid1ng in thr Tus!in d1srrict. This agreement is a money-saving prC>- Irvine Jaycees Lau11ching Drive For Membership An Irvine ~'cees chapter is being fanned and its 23 founding members are launching a meryibership drive this 1veek. !'resident of the fl edgling group is Gary l..oomis of 14751 Sweetan St., California Jlomes. Membership in 1he Jrvine J aycees is open to young men from 21 lo 45 ·years old, "however. associate memberships ;ire also available to those of us who are over 35, but still full of vim, vigor and ''itality," according lo associate member Denny Glenn. , Loomis said, "one of the first priorilic~ of the new chapter will be the ambitious and very worthy goat of helping Lo pay off the sizable leg al debt associated with the recent l rvine incorporation effort. "This will be accomplished throu~h fund raising programs such as cai;ni1·als, harbrcu('s, l'('!ebrity go!f lournan1enls, t·ar v.>;1shes nnd othl'rs," Loon1is said. OtK'e thr attorney 's fees are paid. "proceeds fr orn fulure fund raising pro- gran1s v.·ill be donated to other v.•orthy pr1!,l{'cts 1,·itJ1in Irvine,"' LcMirnis added. Officers of the Jaycees chapter, \\'hich has yet to be chartered by the natlon;d orgnnization. \\'Pre rll'elcd n! the April .lit 111Cc!ing. They nrl': !'at i\cx. inlrrnal vir·l' prl'.~1d(·nt :· Pill T\-Tull,1ncy, t>XIE•rnnl 1·1ee president : l)f'11 - n1· Hauze. state dirrclor: (;co rg'c 8et!g1'. lrC!ls urer; (;:1ry An al11ril . SC\J'('\;o·v : rlo11 14azof. parliarnCntarian, and Hob Crisson1 nnd .Jcrrv f rcv. directors. 'f'hcy Jayt ce·s· mailing address 'is Box 488!1. Irvine, 92&fl4. An.von(' intcrrsll'd in joining niay con- laet :'<tu!laney at 832·5811. Schools Renillin Without, " Nllnu• 'fhrec schools ;1fl' still lH\llilJnrd in tl1 e: S;in .Joaq111n l·:l1'1nent:1ry S.l'h(Kd {)1 ~1ril'1 Trusler~ ;i _~;1111 p1>~t1)>11c1l ;1rt11 1n l:1~t \•oeek !111 n;in1111g ,~t'hi ~1I ~1 l r~ 1111 J'rcri:H!!•S 111 ~1iss 10n \"1('JO, lll\'f'nrlt1ll 111 l,;ik~ Forrs1, and K:i r1·11 Ann J)r1 1·e in lrint· The 1H1111111g uf the srhools hns brrn delegated tn lhr S.111 J o a q u J 11 Oxirdinaling Cou11ril >vl1ich i.~ mrldi" up of parenl·leaeher org<tnilalion prf·~iclen!s , adn1in1.~1r;il1 >rs. ;ind :i bo.1rd IJ;iison. OlANG! COAST " DAILY PILOT Thf' Orl~t Co~st Oil.IL Y PILOT. WIT!\ ""''r~ ;, comolnl'd I~• N~-P•~11, i• pUbli;h~~ tiy l~t Orl nQt Co••! Pu~ll\~in9 Comn~ny, 5~0.1· ~•It edil"'r' a•t pU~li1 ~fd. Mor>d~y th'OO;r~ 1"rid1y;, !~r (o,I~ M••.>, N•"'rv'•l !!•"'~• l-1VM!in;10., 11•~(~ rou~1 ''" V•li•y, t aoon,, B~l'"· 1.,,." ~•d<!lrh''~ ,.,d ~~" Cltl'l~nl•/ .clol•O" •\ f>o•i 11.,C<I ~~!Urdo'.V' •"" S""ll•r .• r ~· D''"'•r•I Dvo1<1~•"0 l!l~n1 ,., ,., U\' ,,.,.,1 (l~·r !>Ire•!, (O\'I M•1•, (~(1 l~r~1~, ~)6)6, Robed N. W0 ed t' ~e"t ••1<1 !-'uo1r;~-t TMom•t 11:.,.a Ed<lo• TMo,..•1 A. Mvr11h i"• '"''~~Q "·Q [<1 ,•o• C~ .• rltli H. t.001 R:c~ ... d P. N.1 1/ .-.11lll•M l.\~l'\olging Edilo•i Officn Coll• Mtu: lJO Wt,r ll •v !>!rpot N""'porl B••c": )lll ,..O'WJ><>tl llOlll•••rO L"Oun• Bt •cl'>: m Fo'*" "'""""' ....,..,;,,q..,., •H<fl: , 711~ "··~~ lt"\11'~''" !w!'I Cl•mtn••: JOS No•tl'> (I (t"'"'o ~••' 1 .. ., .... 17141 '42-4J21 Clgsslflff Alt-•rtl1htt 642·5•71 S.. Ca.,,..... Atl Dtp•rtlMtt'I: 1.i.,.. .. "'2·4420 Copyd91'>l, 1•71, O••• (011! PIJb!i!l'>i"'I COMP•"Y· No " .... , 11a•·t•. 111.,.1,.i..,~ .. ..:11!0•1•1 mt1!1r or .-l•••t11,m.n1, h•·• 1 ,,..1 Of ttprodvcr!d wl!l'>OVI 'PfC .. I t><!'· ml11lO"I of c09yr10IU ewn1r. S'"(end cl••1 PDll•oe .. io "' (1>\!1 M•~·. C.•li klt flll , Sulncrlplltfl bY r1"lt r ll 1~ ~11'>1-,; b'I' mil! ll.!S "'°"t~l1; mil.,1•-, ets""'''°"' n.•s ,.,.,..1~iv. Candidates Lash Battin 'J'l1c r1 ·porl (oi !ht• hl'l lc\'Plt'i' 1·r;1~h 1·;1nu· f1·11a1 :11 1 A1nc·1·1c:111 \1 h11 11·:1.-. on 111•' i;r.it111d <1[ :111 airstrip about ;i mile ;111d ,1 Ji.df f1·u111 'J":in (;;inh. .Jolin \\' 'i-,,1111~. Thon1<1!i l\ \1 :11!i111'h ;111d Cl1arlts _\J, lluk~· .'>IH11111d 1111' !i!'ll'l\I. ;:1·:11 ll'l11te 1n1111n r1·(·r·d111 g IH·h111d 1!1 .. ·11t \i11r'1111: ;111 e:1rl1· 11 11wn11 \i~ 11npri1111 p1 u teler:1 ~t . T h(')' 11'crr rl'pllrtf!d on i:irg<·1 f1>1' .1 :;pJ:i~lidn1rn 111 thr f'r1 !'1fir 1)1'\';111 l:1i•' 'J'l111r~d:1.1• 1n11r1111 1g First District Rivals Cl1i111 e In Wit,h Co11111laints ,\ -,p11kcsn1:111 !ti r 01e ti s. C'r>1n1na11d 111 S.11 :••I\ :;.;ud 1l li:1rl "11nt!11n~~ 1oil1 r1;il i1· I·~ 111l!1i':1l1' l'llhi·r ll';i1· 111:11 tl1crc ;1ri: ;1d- 1. ~1·1·.~ 1 11i~s 1ng in ;1(11!111 Young ;111d 11tlhl' 1;·alk!'d on l ll•' 111111•11, but 1lld :1.\' 11'.i:' ,\1.1t l1ngly's il:l) 111::> S\'iledUJi' Cal}('d rur :lll h1rUf·[Hllg :'p;1vC 11·:1l k I.a rrtril•\'I' 6.500 11'1•1 or l:hn tr11111 !ll'o 1n;1pp1ng c:1111t•r:1s 111 !ht• :;p;1('f'.~h1p 's n1non ob.~l'r1-{lf,1r1·, By JOHN ZALLER Of ,~. O•llY PBor St•!! Orange Coun ty Supervisor Robert Brit- tin was attacked i'..londay r o r "unresponsiveness" and a •·poor at. tendance record'' by lhrl'r of four can· didates scrking his post in tliis June·s election. Candid;iles \Va!Jy David. Rill Hill. ·and Bill Wenke joli1ed in a!!acking the in· cumbent Battin, v,:hile a fourth t:Jnditl;Ht·, 3 YiejoArtists Toke To1J llonor A ivarcl.~ in F ete Three members of the !\1iS$iOll ViCJO Association of Ar1i s!s and Craftsn1cn have 1von a popularity con trst. Arline \Villian1s and B<trh<tr:i l.;1n\'I' took top honors for p01in ling and Hill Nt:l\'by V.'OJS flr~t in cr;lft~- Thc jurlbillg or arlislie \l ilt'k5 Ila,, <11111c hy visi!or.~ 1(1 :i rPccnt r•s/llbir 1n .\!1:i$l(Jl1 Viejn. \l iss Lnncp i~ a n1E,n1hr·r r1r fh ,. :·11'! as.~ociation:-; nnd is rl'pn·~i·nt1•d 111 :in:! private cii )l('<'l 1011s acro~s 1hr t'flll11lr1 ;111d in foreign countrir.e Miss WiUiams, \Yhn lparhrs ;irt in l1r r hornl', :;pe rial1lt'S in J-:ur11pc:111 ;,1111 111( ,ii landscapes. She h :i~ 1·xhil111ei1 111(·111 111 Europe ;111d Nrll' ,\lc·.~i(" :ind tli1· l.;11<u1l;1 B('ach \V 1nlt'r Frstir:1 I ;111d ha .; p;l 1 1)tj11 ,·~ in prr1nanen! ('(oilt·t'll(Jll~ ;11·ound t\11· \\'O!'ld. Second v1 ent lo a11·arded monlhs_ place iil lhr· 11«111l111g d111 \1•.i1 Olga Stc'!1r11 . 11 hll 11:1-; ht'~·11 !r n nb[)r11 1~ in !h!' pas( Jti J·'irst in crnl!s 11 :i~· Hill \'rwbl' 11·hn tc;:ichcs ffiil Chinr ,<;hop 111 C:ird1•i1' Cr111•· :;;chools. Il e cxhihitcd t11s n11 •t:1I .111d w1rt: :;culpturrs in !hr l.:1j:!1111.1 \\'in1 11r V1·~111 :d Second 111 ('!';li t ~ 11·;1<; _·\nd 1• l\ri11p;1 <; mr!.11 sc11lp!11rr~ .\I I ;111;1n_! 11 tT11H1r.~ h,,1r 11"1 ,, "" Cli l'pl;1\ ltl thl' .\Ji_,,l<ill \ii It' j,;l•J'dl I J( i 111 ler!,!'a rl e 111 • r ,.; ' Sign up :; At i\li ~o S la11 ·d l\indrrg<lrti'n rcg1.~t rat 1011 for 1·h1!<irP11 ll'ho 111111 attend Al iso E!e1nrnt;1ry S1•l10<il In El Toro in Srpternbrr 11·111 t:1 ke pl<ll't' ~1<iy 9 ;i nd l'vl;:iy 11 fro1n l to 4' p, rn. Eligible for C'11rolltt1l'l1l ~ire ch1ldrc·11 fil'e )'ears of .a~·e 1111 or lA·fi1rt' J)c·r. 2. 1!172. from the follo1vinr, nrp:1 ~: nesign I, Laguna North. Lak e F111·r.-;t /c\rt'Pt (inrden and Countr~· Scrll(' 1. f'a~a Vrrdt• ;ind Tri1hueo H(1<1d lo ~I u i r I ;1 n d <; Bou lf'r;ird !'rwf or birth 1J ;i1(' Jilli~! bt• glll'11 IHi' ennillnltnl. ()lhcr registr01!1un 111:1trri;1ls 11e1·d1.'d ;11'1· ;i Ii.st of il!nrs~es . sur ~rry, .11u! 1n.1,1<•r ruo. cidr nts. proof of-polio and n1L•:1~1t'., 1:n- 1n1111izal1(Jn. name of f:iin il.I' d11('lnl' ;inrl thl' n;unr 11f .~111nl'Ollt' ll'h() ran I><· ri';1t'lied in cnse of an en1f'rgl'ncy. F'or further infnrmal1on. call Aliso School. 22682 Lou1nont Dr1\'I'. l'rom l'age l FUNDS • • • and arc .~tudy1ng Ci1l1fnn1101 h t~\ory ;ind govl'rnmrnt 1n prcp;1 n1011 . Tht> tnps arc pl;1nn<'<l fur 1\l;1,v :io :l! ;ind June !. ~-1111d r;11 ~1ng hn s l~'t'r1 gill ng nn :<.111c1• hf'f nre Chri ~tn1:1" and ~lr ~. I.inch 1<; re.111_~-."0!'1':-' lhc goa l hasn't h•·t'tl n11·I vc•r, S11r·s "rrnh<1rr:i~.~ri1·· :ihnul lh1' ~ri1,1ll 'f\;1r~f' th1•y'l l hr 111uk1ng Th11r~d:i_v bul ln1'1trs ·all p;1rf'nl s to ron1c lrorn 7 to H p rn . Thr el'eninR "'ill ff•:iture 11 band anrl r horus ptrformance. a si ring concert nnd sc1rnre, rrf'11live art :ind wr iting fair~ and a lot 0f nnx1ous s!udcnts v.•ai!ing for ~;1r·r.1n1cnto, l ';iul Baech. rl'f 1·;1inrd from criticisni. Ballin did n111 <1!Jt1nd the candid:1te~· lunthl'()ll al the JJ;i ' Penny Inn in \\'estrnins\er llis office explained th.it th(' first distriet supervisor ahd ";1 previo us cng:1gc1ncnt.'' The fir.~l superl"isori<tl district is cun1- posed of S.'.ln(n Ana, part of \Vestminster, and roun t:li"h \lnlle,y rast of ,\1agnolia Street and north of Tnlbert Avenue. "It's not unusu:~! that l\1r. Battin should fail to sho11' Ufl at this candida11.•s rnrC'ting," s.'.lirl cnndia:itc \V ally J);i\'is. ·He has a record of f.'.l ilin g to rr1nrmb('f 111'11 he ri::prPsC'nl the peupl~' ;ind f;_iili11!.'. !o mcl'l !!1('111 in head-on disl'US~1ri n s 11f thrir prob lems." !);ivis said th;it son1e of H;11t1ri's f,1r111t'r ~uppor!('r.~ h.:id been ··duped .. \1·he11 llH·1· ,-,upportrd h11n . lie ;idrertisrd birnsrlf :I ;) ;1 n1:1n "for ;ill !he people, 110! <t cl1n~r1 1 f('\\'," "Bob B.1!\in's absence lo<L1y ls 1.1'pic;i1 1Jf his :ibsr ncc ;it m:1n.v in1por1J11t i·1rnt ~.·· s.11d another c:1ndidatc. 13111 \\'e11k1·_ \\'1_•nkc r hargcd !h;-il ~t ;1 rt'{'tl11 serir·s 11f ;,5 ronferc·nccs held to inform th(' eou11- lr SUIJ{'J'l'IS(lf".'i :1bo11t lhl' jll"•'IK!SCd 1'.l72-7:l l111dgct, B:1tl1n l1:lJ f;11led !11 shn11· tip ;ii ;111v.-\\'c11kc add(•(! !hat Oat!in'.s ;11dl's li:1d .. niy brrn pres('nl :it four of 1hl' 1nccti1tg.", ";111d ;1~ ! und<'r~ta11d. lili"I' lt•I'\ l':.Jrl\'" ( ':1111litl:1tr ,Jr.Jin •·Bill'" Hill ;i l~n ~lt · t :·~·kttJ nattu1 for "unrr!>p1111~1 1 encss:· J\101"1'0 • • • il ,..,_ 11-.!'d 111111 tl11· <l n11l l'" Tlir rl:1l11·1· 1n q11r...:l1un i~ 1hl' prnntiun '·1111hi'' 11 h1rh 1'0Luu·dn1;1n f\lr:;_ (i:tbrlrllc l'r\'ill' lifls ~uggc~1 t:d bt> 1n:;erJrd in thr plii-a~c 111 cl;1 rif.v tile "~rnillng"' 1nl':in1ng- 11l !he n1oltn ( :1r:iult :tgrC'r ~. Hut he d1 -;agrl'CS 1\']!h Or . Tl1on1:1 son's I I\'\\ l\i.1! li lt' 11111J '';111g11 i11:-" ."l lJ.:ge)(t~ ;1 r11nf1n1n~:. 1·l11"rd pl::ir·r. Tn the Ful lrrl1 111 t1•:lf'l11•1· .1 1!::11111~ ···;11ic.:Psf., ~nmet!1in1: 1• .1: •11, "11. 1 :11ul , pt« 1;11 . I l11r~11•1· ;1ppl1t·d !!•1~ '1 111 !•' Ill 'l'.>fdlll•i ;, ('t!! 111 'OUlil!'l'll 11:1:1 ." (,11 :1!111 ~.11d. ,11 :d ,,.·,·111·d1ni:, Iii 1 ~1" I• 11 :i\·h d11 '1'11',ll'I' '\'nu\ r'i)\l [ '1•l ,1 <'•ii ii •,~ 11 1111 1' ;jfL\ I •I. '''I •fl ' ": I 1 \I• " ' ' I I' <I r !i•d th!' 1 l1r,, 1· JI~! II' \ :,, I ~I' I !If• , 11 .Ioli I, ,d '''I :1 I Id'.'!' t.h.1l T hi· 1110•1 .. 1•.1'1!1·1' t•l•n d1 pl• rrd !h•• ;\d· 11 : 1"11 .. 1 111•-11 .. 1 d '11 .. · · ! ii,~ 111 1 lir l11 ·:•u1111qg cil lh1· pl11 :1 ~t', ~ll/il'.f',1 111'.; ll';1L 1 ·1 ·1 S('hnl :1 r.~ "~li(1t1ld h:i1·,, react Hornrr·s lJdc· ,111d nolrs. 1h;1t the port n('l'('t l ll!•l1t!hl 1t 1\·;1:; nerc.~~ill',V to ;idd such ;i 1111rd" " ·Hit ' 11'(1uld dl'~lrnv \hr C'Qnriscness of tht> q11otr b,\' trying t() ma'kc 1l a lilt'r:il t1·:1nslnt1011 of iL~ i'~ngli.~h rrnder111g." ll1r:1ul t to11tt·:1d.~. The f11r1ni"r re.~idr nl of lr\'inr urged ;in int1·rpri·t:Jt11 1n of Ille rno!lo "Angelus r-.11hi Hult·l·· rathi·r 1h;1n :1 i;ttral 1ransJ;i 11on . £-4.:holar,<; 11ho 1n;1y ('Ontinue !o question llH' 1nlt•n1 11f using thr phrasr ns ;i city 11 11~110. 11~· ~:11d. 1111 1~1 !1 \npk :t! p:1[',f' 120 in lhc h<1i1k (1f l!or;11·(• "Thr Od"S ;111d 1·:p1sodr~" rr:1 1t~l;11l'rl by <' 1-:_ Brnnf'L 'rhr p(•1·1n c:·1n !hrr(' he fo11nd in boll! l.:11111 :t:HI l·'.11gl1.•li .\l r:1 n1rh 1iP. 1111lrss lr1'1!lc 1·,11111ciln1rn cl1,1llJ!I' their n11nd .<>. Cl1rnult's rnlry ~t;1nrl s :is tile lop l'l1oif'r. of_ 1he countil for 1r1ch1 s-1nn in rrndrrings of tl1e v.'i nning thrrc \ill' sr:i l cntr·irs. Tt11· r 1l1111Ji11rd sral :ind ninllo choices, \l'hrn sprucrd up by ;-i profcssiori-1 artist. n1 :11· bccnn1 e the ci1y·s official seal and h·· ;lsl'd nn stationcr_v nnd city \'Chic les. Battin Foes Spl'ak A I Canilidate For11111 ./uhn \V "ll ill'' JJHI and \.V;-ill:ict H,_ •·\\':illy·• f)avis. eandidali"s for the Fir.~t Ois!rirl ~1tf)(>r\'is•1rfal l'C'a l hl'ld hy HohC'rl 0.1rtin 1,·ill \)(' ~rrakrr s tonigll r. 1n th e fir :;! <1f :1 srrtcs f+f lllN!lin~s ~pon­ ~orrrl by thr Or:1ngr Coun!y I~rnrlo,1-cs Associa11on . !~ill. a S:H11'1 An:i r!o!h i£>r, and O;i1·is. n Fn11n!.11n V.1 ilt·1• :11tor11c.v, will appr:1r :it thr 7 p 111 "\Ire! You r C::indirlflff'.~" ~1·~~1nn .11 ~1n"rllt'I' .JtJn ior High Schoo! 21211 \\.'. Ed1ngrr Avr ., Santa Ana . 11111 dt1•_1tl'd n111«l1 of liis lil't' 111!11L1'P ~pccch to a statr111cnt ur his pro-business al!11 udes. ··1·111 3 busincss rnan first," he s<iid. ''I ni:ike no bones alxiut ii. But I 11·ould like lo be a bU!ii nrss n1an in a po litic.'.'.!! scat c!oing .'.'.! j-0b for the Jlt-'Ople.'' Later llil! added. "Surl'. 11·e nred R t'lt•<111 1•111-1n1nn\l·nl but. 11 t c:1n '! <lo ;1 01l !ht' l'C\pcnsc of bustne.~~ or po11·rr. \\-c 11L·rd 10 11 ork togrl11rr 11 1th ~ill l 'Onctrned tn :-;olre (1ur rnvir1>n1nrntal prnh ll'ins, .. !',1nd 1d :!!1• /':Hil B.'l]1·h rn ilt•d !h:1t hf' h.1 s t'\P>'l'il'llC't· :1~ a rcprc ~ent:it11·1' (JI ll1t• )11 "'!Jl•• fr<'>111 lhc !1rnc he .~pL·nt ;1~ ;111 :1d~ 11 o111ist1;;1tive a~s1stonl to tl1{·11 ."l:11 c -~l·1.;1(u r ,J,1!1n Sc)11 n11 z (fl.'fustin \. !\;I]( II .~;lid !lit' t'tll!nty h;1s pn11Jl('llls 111111 drugs . rh1· inrnt:il l~· rr!;1rcl('d, youth. 1Tirne. n1e11tal he;ilth. and po1·rrt_1·_ "I ,1 ,;h 11!1' thv <•pp1 11 tun1t .1· 10 cu11t111ut• ~f'r1 Ill)-! .11111." hr s:11d. Th1' r:1 11didate~ <11.~v engagt"<l i:1 ,1 dt·i:iiled conl'ersali1111 a bout me n101 1 llrnlth. D;ivis ch:irgrd !ha! Orangr C<1unty is rccrh·ing an <11era ge of only 70 cents pt>r pi:·rson fro111 the federal gu1-e rn1nrnt fnr I ,1 fiOUS !j'p('S Of drU,g, psycho!Dgl(;tll, mnrria;::e. ;ind youth counsel ing_ Cou11tv ·"ho,1u11 ()11 T Y Special i\11 hou r-lnng docu1n1 •nl<1ry 111 lrd "l'oHrniL of t1rnngc Co11 11ly'' 1111 ~ !1t• ~no11 11 :H i :JO o'clol'k ro111 1g ht (1n J\C:ET-TV. Ch.'.lnnel 2G. Tl;,,_ f1l111 1ras ac1t1~lly pro~luccd hv 1111' s1;1 ff of f\OC1':-n ·. Chnnn1·l 5il. the nc1v Orange Consr Corn· rnunit~· Collrge Dis lrict ~1a1 ni11 11 l1ich is scheduled to J!O on 1he ;1ir next fall. Filrn rl1 ps t;1kcn 01-cr lhl• p:1st [11'1• 111onlhs "'il1 ~ho1r a 11:-itur:d 1·h1ld\unh ;I[ Anoih('tni 1;rner:1\ ll11sp1 t;d, lrfP :1 no;1rd the plc:1surr. bo,11 .. Po"1 "(~Qn" in .-..: t' 11 po r l IL 1rbn1-_ sun hr11hrr_~ nn 1h1· IH·:1ch1·~ 'tlld C1l lJ•'I' l i,(!llt'llf·~ (Jf iJ 1;11•;!J' l'•1:.111y lii1' E:1rl1cr r eports s:iid tlie six :idl'isrr·s \1 1.'l'L' ;11non g ni11t• i\mrrlc;i11s 1:1kl'n 011t iif '1';111 C:-1nh h.1· t1elicupll'fS u11d1T i11·l' .\1011· d;iy. 'J'l1f• six 1~·t·re rl'PQrted landed at D:ik 'l\1 2 :1ir~1r 1r n 1111l r :ind a half 01way hC'C':iusc South Vir1nan1ese soldiers 11·rre t•lingin . .-: lo the _hclic1 )pter's skids and it \\'i1S fl·ared llH'Y tnight fall off if the fliglll 11·as any longi:r. 'J'hrsc £•<1rl1f'r rrports said th(' Amrrir·:ins began 11·uJk1ng tu\V;1rd th<' ~011th .\'1{'tnan1t•Se lin('s. Bllt the ft'P'·'l't tod.1~· said a Hu ey helicopter picked them The pi!uts re!il1ed thei r cou rse to1vard the ho1nl' pl anet 11·it h a brieJ bur~t fron1 !he spaceship's sn1.:ill conlro! r(1c kets at 8,2!1 a.ni . 1.PST 1. At that time. Apo!ln 16 11·ns 41 ,000 milr! fron1 the moon and ''nung rcportt'd. "At arn1s d1stant r . if you cup your hands ;,round jt, it s about as big as a 50·cent piece.·· First Northern W<t,ter A 1·rives iii Soiithl<111d 1 :1~cwhr rc in So111!1r·rn C':ilif0rnia !{><l:iy. pt .. 1pli• beg:i n (1r1nk1rig !hl'1r tir:-;1 11':1!t'r lror.1 .\11r!lil'r11 \al 1rurni:1. b11t Orange f1111rlt in ns 11·i1J h:11·e lo 11·.'.l it four mnri" y<·~trs Iii t:l-'ilr the reporlcdly .s11prri 0r ]Jq. oid 'rll(' 11:ltl'r h1'1ng plln1ped frorn 1ht• S:1 t"r:1111~·11to 1lrlt.1 rrgi\1n ~ind <'Oming fro1n !he Fl'atl1er and Sarramcnt11 H1 1·ers \1 1 1 1.~upplt·n1l'nl111her Southrrr. Cnl1 fornn1 1\:11 1·r :-u ;1pl1e;.: fr(Jn1 tilt Colorado H11er 'fhc• 11·:1 11·1· in 1111' 11r:1rll" ;i(l(l~n1ilc·lo 11g ~\;it(• ,1qu:1d11 ('\ h.1d hrcn he:d in rrsrJ'\'(11 1'." ;ind ripclines ~ill('(' the p!ir:n- Jl l!l~ f;1r1li1y at !hC' north ha~f' of thr ·rf'l1:1l'h:1p1 >1ou :1l a111s lx::.;0111 1.11f' la.~t ~ 1·;1 r T"d:11· 11 n.!' thr f ir~1 cleli1·cry nf wa1rr 111 hr\l'l1t'~.· J;1rn1c; :ind h11sinl':;ses -b11t on!~· 111 tl1e n<1rH111e.st Snn Fern<indo \";11!f'y :<nd \'cntur:i L'<lunt r -:ift•'r ncede<l lncri l plpi" linkups 11·err ~111npleted . Tilr n('t·c~~a r~· p1pelinf's in Ornngf' Cuuntv to kTd the new 1r:itf'r to a trc:1t- n1rnt "~t:iiion in 'i'nrhn Linda. 11"0n 't be ro111pll'tcd unt il l ~ifi. f.r'flrgl' \\'('Snf'r. :1 :•~i ~t;1n1 rnginrcr at !hf' Orange C011n ty \\'oiler !Jistrir·t. ~;iid t.rw;Jav_ \\'r~ni"r \l'.1<; 1lis;ipn(J1litPd ;1hout rl1r f,,1 1r~1rar 11';11! h('(\1use thr i\(lr\her11 <',il ;f:,rn1~ 11 :l!('r "1s ."n m1 1rh hf'l1l'r th;in 11 1,il 11 0111 Ou• i'1.lnr;1do ri 11'{'r." !t i~]('~.-. l1:.1 d .ind 11.1• \~·~" 111111 f't»il'-', hr .~.1 1\\_ I '1·,. ••nt ~011H11 ·rri (' .1 I 1 f •1 r n j a \l•l111 1M 1l11;1n \\:111'r l)1 ,tr1c1 (_\l\\'!l 1 1.: 1U~ 1•:111 f11r ~11 -70 h\rnd of 11 ;1tr r 1n \97ti, 1 .. 1111 1111· 1n;1 1"r p\·r1 •t·111.1gr 11i 11 ;-1111 ri1111 ini:: fron1 thr Cqlor;1do R1l'rr. \\'l'~nrr rn1rha ~11,rd !h:d tl1r f11ur-~r.1r \\"<111 11 011'L (';1tJ.,r ;1ny pr•)IJli•1n~ 11 1\IJ lJ1·:111ge. Count~\ \\;lier !<upply. '\\'e're not in d:ingcl' of an l' 1\':llcr ...:!1url.1g r."' /1(' s;1i<l _ • .\1o~l of the cit 1('s i11 the co1111ly 11are 11rlls to ptirnp niure v,·;ih•r ;ind th1'i r l"('St'f \'('S ill'C ~llfllL'll'!ltl_\ ful: [(I !l1t:t:'! t:llJ • rentl.v proJ el·tc<l nrrd!<. he ;1dded. Con ~fru ction 1if !hi" nt'l'ess.'.lr,v plpclu1l1! i.~ µ,>rng ()!l fl\l \\' !II the COIHlf.\ Thr :-.:orthc·rn Califor111;i ~1ipply is t 'x · peeled tn take pr'cs surr flff othtr p.:ir1 !. or !hr 11;1ter d1s tr1bu t iiln .\r~lc 111 , Frank Clint(111. g1'11cr;d 111 :in;1gl'r of !hf' ~l\\'O. said t1ifl:11· th;J! '·if nol f0r th 1~ nc1' ~upply, 11 e 1v-0u ld h:1vc bf'r:1 J1:.rrd·prr1'~1·d !o prnvidl' :.uifir1ent 11 ;1tr r .1t l1·a st fil r ;1gr!culture ust· u1 th1· (li:;lnct lh1s 1r;ir - pr1 '1l'ipall.1' 111 ()1·;ingl', l\11 rrsi dr ;;nd ~;in !)1('411 Cl1lHllll'.~.-· \\'t•;<;nt•r cxpl:l1ned !h:d b.v .~1,11d1ni:; :it. least sorne northern l\':Jtcr t11 the Vis Angeles :1re;1. m(1rr 1,f tlie rcgu:irly rL'Ceirl'd Culor;ido ll':1trr t ;in J1c niade a1·allable to othl'r ure.'.ls if needed. C'l11;!0n ron!«ndrrl 111.11 tl iL' 1ni11.1I <k·l1 1-f'r;• c;unr "Just in !1111l'" 10 t'lff ~<"! 111- (TC·nscd v,·.1 ter nrt"d~ in ~r1rne :irr;1s C:Jll ~­ t'd hy the l:irk flf r:11nf:1l l thi.~ \'(',1r_ I!(· <tdrl£'d 1h~1! 111 .. ~ n(•ctl d1.:,,pr111 c, ;i rc11n1cn1~ hv s11 n1r crilif'S of Ilic 1111111 1. n11llion dolL11· .~y~lt'n1 1\/1" hnd call1\d 11 !lllllt'l'rlf•() I\\' l!llli. ;ill ril Snu liH'l'n t :i\1ln1·n1:1 in the 0 \1\\'D 1~ <;rhf'dllled 111 r1'rt•11·f' ~nn1C' fl f thr \1·a1rr IN A HUIIBY? DON'T WORRY! SO METIMES IT HURTS US A UTILE TO GIVE EXTRA FAST SER YI CE, BUT WE FEEL OUR ADAPTABILITY TO RUSH SITUATIONS HAS WON MANY PERMANENT CIJSTOMERS. NA TU RALLY, WE PREF E R A UTILE LEAD TIME WHEN THIS IS AVAILABLE, BUT ARE PREPARED TO EXPEND EVERY EFFORT TO PLEA SE, IF TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE , THEN "ALDEN 'S" IS THE PLACE WITH WHICH TO DO BUSINESS. OUR SALESPEOPLE ARE SERVICE ORIENTED AND HAYE VALUABLE EXPERIENCE IN THESE AREAS. OUR INSTALLERS ARE TRAINED BY US, AND THE BEST IN ORANGE COUNTY. IF YOU DESIRE GREAT SERVICE, THERE IS ONE STORE TO CALL -"ALDEN'S, OF COURSE!" ALDEN'S CARPETS e DRAPES 1663 Placentia Ave. COSTA MESA 646-4838 Huntington Bea~h Fountain Valley Today's F inal N.Y . Stoc k s VOL. bS, NO. 116, 2 SECTIONS , 26 PAGE S ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY. APRIL 25 , 1971 TEN CENT S P1~iorities Declarecl J1y l-l11n ·tington Plan11ers u~ TEUH\' ((lrll.1.E 01 In• o.1h P+lol ~IJll Crcolliun uf <.i ~1X·l·1,il ,,.1nf. i .. r g<.1., .-1;1 · \tuns <ir!11 11 J•U.~~1ble 1nur;1t11rH(Jll till p!11nn1•d fl•.;1drn1 1,1I til·•·l•l11pn11·n15 \1t·n· dct·l~1rcd !u)l f!lh11"ll '11·~ \ur llunl11 \g\f)I\ l\earh plannl'rs ~l•Jtld;\y night. :"\e1tl1cr 1tr111 11';1~ ;1 high pr1uri1y 1lc1n 011 !hr planning c11n11111 s.-1n11's-!1~1 of 6;i pr<ijtt·t ~. hu ! ell~· !'i1u111•1h11r11 urged that hl1th rCel'l\'C prtr1r1ty r ;1l 11l).'. tuuncfhllf\11 ;111d ('O lllllll'l~IOllt'rS !l\~·I Ill <i ~pe1·1nl ~1 udy se~.~inn .\loridny 10 rt·1·1r11· th•• i.:on11n1~sin11'!; gu;ds .111d u!iJl'1·t11 t•-. f,,r 19;::!. ··t'd rl';1!1 \' like lu "t'L' 1 ~11• 111 . I'll 1 ~1ng!l' f ,.11ii 1!y. pJarUl\'1 I lit•\ 1·!ujJll1t'lll I 11rd111auce l'lin11n:111·ct.'' f 't1ll fl•'lhn:~11 .)t'rT1 ~l:i t uev ur)~t·t!. ··11 rJ('l f't hnd a111 hus1nt·~s there ., Tht' H·I. PO a!ln11·s c·f111~tl'l1l'1i11t1 1,f n1o re hon1t'~ on an ;1l're of \:incl lh:111 !!tr r1l~"s ~tnnd<lr<I. in rr!l1rn f•11 u1111'l' •1111·11 sp:irr wJtl11n Ille <levt•lo1:n11'nl '.\l :i t111·1· ron1plained. h11\o\'f·1 t'r .. lh:d 1!11' rflf:e1 of i1 11 :1s tn intT\:!:1~" dc·11iid1 :1 pr;~1!1nn lie does no t s1 111p01r! Cou11cll n1a n Henry JJukr s11F!~t~l l"I ------------------- ··~1 .• hl1-·11111g a 1nur:1l11riu11i 011 rhr fl ·I, I'll u11t1l 1!" l.'.lll't'l t·uuld bt· ;.ll1d1cd · h Jn· ~·, 1·H:-t>.-, den,,11.\' ::.i-~H prrePnl , ., ht• .~;ud "Tl1t· intl'nl 11! 1hi' I'll 11rth llal\1'e llt'r1b !.i Ut· nll.'.l bt•f\Jrt! tt 1-;u1 he a1J:Jro1l•d," Uukc :-::11d .. \\c 11f'ccl 1<1 k111 1\I' \1·h:1! 1s thr 1111p;11"t 1H1 p1 1put;i11un, !'t'r1·1ee~ :u1d t/l(' ('I)'. 11'\)lllll('lll " <'l'l'iJ!J<Hl of :i ~Cr\-H'C ;:t.11101\ ZOl\t' 11;1s ~11 ~~e ~l1"l by ('{lunt·ll111:n1 .J:u·k (;rl't·n "l\1•11' niuch t1n11! \\~1t1ld 11 t ;1~C' 111 •·~t d!lhn :1 ~pt•,·1;rl 10111· for g:1s ~1:1· !11111 ~··-· Crrcn ;L~kt'd .\Lu'<' f'orlr r. (•l1<111·111<Hl ol thl' pl ,11\lllll!; 11111111 11-::.,11111 ~,111] pl.1nt1t•r, .1Jrr:id~ k111111 !111•1t• .111• .1 b•1ll1 :14 ,1\;11l<1hh· •ltt"• 1 ;re<.'n tltcl\ ;1 ~l.1·d Lllv AdnliHl:.lr<i1 or ll.r 11d H1111 lan1l r; t.J rri:11i·1 to !he 1· .. u11.·rl \lunda.\ 111~!11 nn <l ~pc1·1al 1.-0ne !.1r J.:.1"> ~1:11\•J!l" •·Fnrtun<1!t'h' 1\f h:11r :'I r 1!Y :ul 111:1 11~lratf1r 11 h1i 1~ 11\tere.-tcd i11 ·th1~.·· (;l'f'f'I\ r.:1H\ "!\ s_hollld ht' !T\01\'(\ tt1 :1 ht):h IJI' ion 1.1· .. t't1un1'1ir11('11 al ~o <r'hrd t111• r11111 n1 1~~1011 1•1 lili>\'f' 0111· o\hl'r llf'11l 11p 111 ;i hi:::hi•r p1'1<•rl l~· -1h1' 11llllt'n11•1111·111 ol ind1 i~lri:1I ;ind 1·0111n11·rr 1<tl l:ind· ()!tier than !hci.,C' 1lf'l1l~. r1 11\nf•11\nr11 :'.1•11r1.1:ll :1..:rt•i•d \l\Hl thf r .. 111"• .. , / 11ri.ir11.1· lr;;t 11 h1ch f"Jnph:i•11e .. 111· ·11·-' •1J>t.•n ~p:1er 11 :111s. ho11~1111-! .• 1i1l 1h1· T· I',; !ht· I 'i1·r. ~u!tr1g 1he '"~!1'11,11 f' 11,r "'° 1''•'11'• i '.\l:i\or Al C'•ll'll 11 :1nu·d · 11 ·~ 1:11r 1 ·,1 .-~' !!l !ll111k t·\('11 ~Ml l'\'l •'t'll! 11f 1ht"·•' 11 .11 hi' ar 1'1>111pltsht:d 1n 1117~ \\c •h1•1!d !1.~1 '' 11.11\·l;!nd-; p1(·k '-1•1 1·1·,d r·1·:1l!·!" ~''"' fr.1111 !ht:~('. and tht• ,·\11:1ril ~h· .11 .i ,1d"I ; \hP1!1 " l'ortt'I' •.1111 I '1· 1••:11111!••, rl J,.,,,1.1•d tll:!I lilt' lutal 1oru 11·•·I' \l<>iild !.iiv' 1' 1r.1-I 1110 yr:ir~. .;''~It'd dl)it'I !I' L I be ;:i. 1 .\ ~· '.,, •• t.1! I 111 'I" I ,\, 'I lu·lp lh 1,t 111 ,, 1d1 I'' I! ;irl t d I Ii 111 • I .. 1 'I ,I t I ,. 11. 1\ ,J ( I'" l J, I ;11a],<; ,!I 1! I r, ·•+, '1,, I I )I ( •:11!\1,l'(I ,,'Ii ~l'\1•r;•I iil"'"!\11111°•'• I' '.ii! ,t · I d.!l .i II I 1., •1 LI 111 ]11 I I " 1· .. 11q111·•"" •>t'l1n r \1,111" ,.f !' .,1, .. 1' 1•1 "Ir<' , " l(issinger Did It Again Nixon Advis er Held Sec 1·et ~1 ,)t~t s i11 M oscol fJ " " PLEIKU .. .. ___/®~=---====1 .~ 0 20 .' . ". "' I. UPI "ltw~m•o REOS ADVA NCE -'!'he n1ap spot~ the lo\rn of Oak 'f o, \\h ich \\·as abandoner\ todar lo ad\'anring Cotnmunist force s. 1'he gnvcr111ncn t forces fell back !o\rard Vo Dinh. the parachute brigade headquarter~ prolc\.:~in i.:; the provinc ial c:a11ilal of KontunL T en A nierica ns Reported • Viet Cr as h J(illed in PLE ll\L'. \r'lrtnam fA P1 Ti'n Americans -.!'ix ;1dvlsers to lhr Sou1h \11eln.'lme se army and four hehc{lptrr cre~·mrn -\~·rrl' rrpor!rd today to ha \·e been killed in a hcl1t11pter rrash :-Olonday dun ng the So uth V1rtnamese relr1'i1! frcrn ·ran Canh and Oak To in the Ct:ntrnl •lr!!hlands A seven th An1t'nr:in :1d\'1S~'r . C:ipt ., Ray l>ohhins. \\'as rrsturrl afti•r h1rl1ng ;111 n ill near the uverrun :-ioulh V1r!narnesc d 1, 1!>1ru1 ht·ad nu arli•rs al 'f;in Canh . fJ,1hb111s ;i nd rnn r S!iulh r lrtnaintst. in· l l11 d1n.t: tht• r1•g1 111 r·nt.1I r11n1n1a11df'r. hid in Tan C1.11ih :i f!t'r tile ~1'1'1)1 \.'irtn:irnc~c l<)Ok !he h:l!>t:' ~111111\;i~. Aflrr ([;irk. thr y rnn\ed 011 ts1dc 1h<' per1 n1rler. ;:ind IJ::>bb1ns r:illrct 1n .1n Am erican he!iroptl'r by radio t o<la ~-. 1·he hrliroplcr was fi red 1111 1;ninf! in and !ak- in::: off, but it \\'as believed tha1 nobody v•as \\'Oundcd . The report of the helicopter crash ramc from an American v.•ho \"'as on the •ground at an airstrip abou t a mile and a half fr om Tan Canh. A ~pokesman for the U.S. Con1m;i nd in ~a ir.on ~;i 1d it had "noth1n::: off1c1::i!ly to indicate either v.•ay that there arc ad· visrrs n)issing in action" \Vas any longer. These earh{'r rrportc; s:ud I h,. Arne ricans began v.·alkini:; to~·;ird the Soulh Vietname se lines. But lhe rrp:-irt today said a lluey heHcop!er picked thc1n !&e CRASH, PaJ?c 2J Co uple Soa k Up Also (;ood Sun; l<'or th e G rass SA.\ FH1\~C ISC() ',\11 1 -11 II :1~ :.:1 11·h a n1cr d;1y, said \'aul Bullrr ;ind Su~:111 Tllu1nas l:itrr. thn1 thi·~ parkrd lhr.1r 111 0 niirubus('S 1o cnJOY tile sun 111 1;11Jd t;n (;,11r l';irk. ,\nd the sun v.·as so brii::ht thl'y \Uok lh<'ir polled rlants ou l of th<' buses lo cn- jo~· it. too. Jl;,;t\er. 25. and t1 i!i.s Thon1as. 24. bo1 h of Palo Alto, said later in Jail lhal !hey \~·ere here lo look for a location fnr <111 herb and boo k store. r-.tounted Patrolman .J ;unrs F . ll l."n· nes!\ey nud~cd his horse nvcr 1(1 the ll<iSk· (&e GllASS, Page Z) \\'·\~!11 \(;'fON <AP l-Pres1dent ial 11d- \"i\t·r llt·nry t\issi11gc r spl'nt lou r days in \\'.usco\1' for ~t<•rt·L talks 11ith So\·i!'l l1-;1drr:-; ou \'11.!lll:llll ;ind 111hr1· 11nc rn:1- l1<111:il pn1hll'lllS, thP \\'hi11· 111•\ISl' dis· I \i1~1·(i \[)t\;t'.'. !\i ~·~111~1.:r. 11ho n1:1di• " Sl'!TCI lr1p lo l'!'k'll/.'. lo arra11J;e .'\1xnn·~ histor1!' l'h111:1 1 1~1\. 11 ;1~ 111 thr Sn\0 ll'I c:1p11 :1I lru111 'rhur!ldav until .\\011(!:11· nnd n1ct 11·1tll ('<Jn1n1111ii~1 !':111_1-Chu1( l.P<Hl l/J Brc·zl1nev <ind F1Jrt·1i.:11 :'\11111~t1•r Andrri (;rn1 n1 kt1. A11"ela Da,1is' b Love Lett er s To Be Airell :'-1\:>;" .JOSE f AP J -A jud ge rull'tl tod;~y !h:ll three love Je ttrrs fron1 1\111;eln Da1·i~ lo (;eorge Jackso n could bl' r11ad to tile jury but \h;J t jurors ~·011ld 1101 heHr \C'~ti1nony of a guard 1\1111 1\1 illll'S~r·d !hr 11 nly face·to.faeP n1cct1n!\ of tire h\'O. Superior Court ,Judg1' fl i<·h:1rd ~~. Arn:1son said ;in 13·p:1gr dlnr~· ~l iss f)avii'. 11Tfl !1• a ~·ear aftc·r a !!liO f'<)llrihousc :.ht1,ll(1Ul conl<1inrd n111ch "lo1;,lly ir· r•·!t•1·i111t., r11at1·rinl and t'ou!cl be ad111i1t cd or.ls 1f the pr11s{'t U!i1J n ('lrtnin;1tcd ir· rl·lt'\''1nt p.1rl s. ~~C'l' carliC'r .~tor~-. page .. ,\\1.ss l)aY1s is on 1rial on murder. kid· 11~1p ;u1d consp1r<1<'y chargr·s u1 the courthouse esraJ>I' !ry ii#io:"hr<'h :i 1uclgr. two con\ 11.'.IS ;ind Jat•ksd'fi s bni\her 1-1'ere k1!l1• i 1\tl11rne.1-:. [1 1r \l is.~ !Jn11s tougl1! 1 1 ~11r.1u ~h· lf1 ~t•t·p 1ht 1ury fn un h(';ir1ng 1111· h'l h I~ l'hr !'rns«'•·1111011 1·l;ri111 s lllt',\-:irt th(' h1'\! In pro,·ing ,\\1<;.~ !J;n 1s was so clr11- ' n i1v lri' t' fr1r .l :H k ~n11 sh•· 1\\11\h'<I Ill l:1kr h,, .. 1.1,~1·~ 1r<1111 1h1· ~1:1r1n t·our1!1011sr. 10 , ,1'ho1 11 ;.(r l.d1·r 1111' .l:1(·k <,n11 \ frf'£'d 11111 'I ht· jlld~f s:11(! ht• 11 ill ;l1\u11· 1hP j\lT~ I•) hr·,1 1 l1i1·1·r lr·!ft·r~ 11nt!1·n ;1 1n1Hi111 hrf•1n· rl:1· :<llrin111u1 'l\1 11 1\'Cl'I' found l 1 <I.ii'!\ ;1fl l'I' l)1c :-hou111 1~s in \li.~s [)a11 ~· L;J!\ .o\11gtles ilphrt111\'l1\ and a third '''a s con- 1 1.~1·:itr1l al Stllt·d11d l'rl:..on l1n1n1·d1;1fi'ly afl 1'r Arnas(1n·s ruling . l'rnsceuh1r Albert Hnrr1r; .lr. read lhe three lt[1(•rs v.·ithout 1r1fll'cl1nn or en10- 11011. Th(' jurors :-.ho11rd no em<J\1011 ;is !hey llstent·d. and ;\Ii~<: ()Jris sar :-i tari ng :.lr:i1ght ahc<id. In 1hc ran1hh1 1!'. 11'1!1'1'". \1 1.<;~ l)avi~ said 11!1 hf'r "li!c l'ff,lrts·· 11rrl' aimed at frrl'i nr• J at'kiion ;irid !h1· n1hrr S1olrdflrl Brothers. The discussion "dealt v.·1th important in1e rnational prob\en1s as 11·eH as \\'\th liilater<1l 111;.i llers prt'par;itory to !:ilks be!11·cen So~·iet lf'adrrs and l'reside 11t ;\·1xl11i ·1n \l<iy." presidentl:i! prr.'",; srcretary n(ln(l\d L. Zieg ler s;i"1d :is he rl'ad ;:1 brirf sl;ilrrr.en! re I ea s ed sirn1d!;1nrous l_v In \\'ashington a 11 d r-.1osro11, The secret ialks \\·rrr occurrin g ;it !hr s;in1r t1n1e the \\'h1 te /!(1u.~e V.'aS saying th:'ll K 1~s1ngcr \\as ot \he secl uded Can1p S 1Jlasl1 clo1 u11: Goo d Weather ~PACE CF~XTER . l-louston ILJPll \\·ea\her conditions f o r splashdo\\·n or Apollo 16 at 11 :44 a n1. I PST I 'fhursday arc r.xpected to bf' satisfactory. the National \\'ralhcr Service said today. The !orecast for the landing <lrea llf'rlr the equ;itor son1e 1.500 miles sou1h of Monolulu calls for scat· tered clouds, easterly tradev.·inds, tl1rt'r·foot seas and a tcn1pera!ure near 82 de grees. H 1u1tin g ton Man Killed After Ca r F li p!-i Over A 2J..year·old ll1111ti nglon Beach ninn <lied l'nr\~· this morning from injt1r1e!\ he s11ffere<l 1rhen his foreign Sf/Oris (';1r skid- 1lrrl nff Ad;1ms A1·('nue in H11ntlngt o11 B1·a<·h ;ind flippe1t three t1 n1es fll nnd;Jy n1.gli1 L<·n11· IL1.1 !llnllrl i\l1>yer~. 11! Pl()·ll r 11·~1dilly Lan t', d1l'd <i1 racifir a J\():-,p1\t1I ;11 12 .:tn a 111 . oiC't'(H'ding tn a hn.•p1lal 1'J'lCJkcsrn<l11. Areord ing lo pol1cr, ~leyers r;in off Acta111s Avenue nea r t-:e1r!and Avenue at 6::111 p.ni. 1~·hile apparently trying to avoid a co llision v.•ith another car driv en h~' J anice ~l ;-ir ie Ford. 26 . of 8802 Elgin Circle. l luntington Be:ach. I lis car skidded into a di rt field for ap- proxi mately 180 feel and then rolled thrre titnes be.fore con1ing lQ an upright rest. Police said the car v.·a!\ completely destroyed. E<irlier reports s:11d th e six advisers \\'ere among nine An1cric:nns taken out <i( Tan Canh hy hclicoplrrs und er fire ~1 on· <lay . The six were rt•ported landed al Oak To 2 airstrip a n1ilr and a half a\\'ay because South Victnan1esc soldil.'rs 11·crc ctingin~ \(i !he hehtc1pt er·s skid:-; an~ it was feared they might fall off if the fhghl Five Support Night Court Coun ty Sliow1i 01i TV S pecial An hour-long documentary titled "Portrait or Orange County" will be snO\\'n al 7:30 o'clock tonight on KCET-TV, Channel 23. TI .... fi 11T' \Vas actually produced by lhc staff of KOCE-TV, Channel 50, the nrw Orange Coast Com- munity College Districl station v.·hich is schedu led to go on the air next fflll, Fihn clips taken over the past five month!! "'ii! show a natural childbir!h at Ana heim r;encral Hospital. life 1100<1rd the pleasure bont "Poseidon" in New port Harbor. sun bat hers on ihe beaches and othrr vignelles of Orange County life. C<uididate s fo r Cou1tt)· Seat SJJC ll k n t Go lde n West Dy MICHAE!.. GOOORICll 01 t111 01lly l"Llol St.ti Five candidates for the \\1esL Orange County l\Iun ici pal Court seal being vacated by retiring Judge Celia Baker ~1onday nip;hl voicl"d the ir sup porl for holding court at night. The five hopefuls l'lrc among a field of righl candidates running in the June fi elcc-!ion for the six.year munici pal judge's lerm. They spoke before abou t 100 students at c;o\drn ''1est College as they explained their 5upport of evening courts for thoi:e persons who can not al· tend cOurt during the day. "111e C<JUrl !I hnven·t <'Orne into the 20th Century." s;iid Kcnn11!h Golden , a \Vestmin!'lle r attorney. "PC<l ple feC'l an in- justice because they often times can 't take time off from work In have their day in {'(lurt." "I feel lhe court!> need to IX' resf>'l11~i\'r to the needs or the pcQple,'1 sa id l'(lui Bt'lL an Anaheim attorney ... , \\'Ould \\'Or k tv.•o nights a v.·eck "'\thout anv qualms. Its \.\Tong thnt a person ~hould t:ikr a da y Off fro1n work. not be hrard and then have lo \akl' nnother dn y off ·· ··1 agree 1-1·i1h n1gh l court~.'' said J ames Atf<lnn. a mcmbrr of !he Or:i nge County Pubhc Defender's Offirr "The c11urts 1-.1n he mrJr1• ron1pa!i.sion.11tr in ;:irt- n11ni~l ra t1ng jns11rc through n 1 g ht l'OUrt ~ ... c;\cn T. Bashore. a Slanton attorne ~·. noted !hr sm:i\I numbrr nf traffic viola· lion!\ fought in court. "Ou! of 77,IXIO lraf· fie violaUons \a s\ year ~' pt·r l·cnt of those people cited didn't fi Ahl 11 l !'an ·! helievr the police \\'rrr ri~hl ~!!I fiC'rl't'nt of thr time. It just <1Jd1i't p;_1y for pe11p\e to fight becaUSI' ils too n1u('h ,,f a prohlrn1." ''\Vh o can f1u:irrrl 1\·11h !he pro1x1!l itinn th<l t rnur1 s sh11uld C'OtTl" rl0 1.1•r !n 1he peo- pll' and srr\f' llH'n' \w!!1·r ·· s~1d IUck Bc,1com. the he.id 11! \\'c!'1 orange County District Attorney's Orfice. •·1 do believe that night court s v.·ill be created through the Legislature ." l:>urin~ a que stion and answer ptiriod the candidatps v.·e.re asked to state their feelings about the legaliiation or marl· jul'lna. "Bc•forr we make a rat ional decision. 1-1·e. should knQw more about it .'' said Alfano. "\ dnn't lh ink it will bfi leJ;;al'lzect .• but the punishment n<l\\' is out of prt~ portioon y,•ith the ffcn sc.'' "F:vrrvonr says trv it vou'll like it, b11l I hav!'n:! tr ied ·it.." 0S<iid Ra!i.hOTI'. "I'm not \\'11ling to say lt should hf> lr~:ili zed . but th" pe nali!ies are gener:ll!y too srvrrt· ., "Th(' l'lrarest indication is lhat it doesn 't have anv detrimenltil aflert on the user." said Bell . •·1 don·t want ii ffl r myself. but I don't encourage the outla1\·- lS.. J UDGES. P•1< 11 • r)ar1d presiden1ial rclreat in ~larvland 11·1\h the chief execuli\'e -the ~ame. type of plily used to C'fl\·rr 12 secre t trips In Paris for pn1·:r1r 1rtl k' l\1~S111)-!cr h;1d '" 1tlr tl1c 1\'orlh \'irt11:1111!';;c. Kis~ing(•r. :ippeoir.nr. 11111·1'1· 1,1·f•w1· 11e\\",\111Cn ;1t 1hl' \\'hi1 1' 11 (•11' 1 .-1 u~rd 1,, dl l'Ulgr SJ>C.<'lfl (' t1lp1t·~ t·o11 ·1 t 111 !11 ' 11.;11 i\:l\'S !1f COl1iP1't'lH'1' but hi' cle:irly 111dJ<';1tr<I \1 1:11 \'11·1na111 -an d !hr ~11·iC'T ~h 1 pnH·11t of arn1-10 1l1 r Con11nu nis!~ 1111·1·1• -11 .i!> a 1n:1 pJ( 11r111. K1ss1ngrr d1srlosrd. ltll1. 1J 1at :'\1xon h;1-; been ca1ry111g on 1•xtrn~n'e exrh;1ngt~ 11·ith Hre£!1nev. lie sa 11!. 111 ;in ~111·r Iii • q1111~1u111. rli:1t lhe•P ,.,, h.111~•" 111' ,. \t\!'o>ll).:h l'llll l'~l)tltld('!ll'I' 1.111\1 I 1\1111 1 \Jll llH' _\!11~(·1i11 \\':1sh 111~t1 111 L·.il11w \\'lid<· r<·f11.,Jng ill d11ul 1!" !1,,1,11\. I' .. ·• 10f.,1'1' '<111 1 ll tt: "[;il k• \\ l'I I' 11,!'lill. I/ I. ~ .ili•\ .;.:11 1 I IH 1111'~', '\Ir a1:1 1rd ne1 !h1 ·1 '~"' 1•1n,;1 I 11'11 lht ~llbp·1·I of th•· l,11 ~ 1>;1 .. U·-! tSt'i· KISSl1'1 ;EH . l':1~t· Z.i Gi·a vc l Halt(~( I i11 Attc111 1lt To Record Seci·et Repoi~ts \VAS!·llNGTO~ IAl'i -S1•1I ;\l1~r Gravel Wa!\ h\<lcked toda y 11 hr1i hr lru:d to pla ce in the C(JngrC.~.,1on1 il Hc1•11rcl !'ecret doeu1nenls he s:ud shn11• th;it Pres ident Nixon ·s civilian adl'isf'rs told hi1n three years ago the bombing ur Nor!h Virtnam \\'as ineffl'ctive. · The Alaska I){'mocrat told nc\\·smrn lal£'r that from study of the documents he c'}ncluded President Nixon "is pursuing a reckless. immoral policy which is doomed to fa ilure." Excerpts ht quoted frnm t h e docun1eot!\ did nol include the judgments of the J oint Ch iefs (lf Staff. the Pacific C'lrn mand. nr thr mil1tarv comn1nnder 1n \o.i{'lna1n on lhc effccti veiless or bombing attacks hul !ht• opinions of c11·11ian Ol- ficials of thr l'rntagon, State Department :incl the C1•n tr;il Intelligence Agency. .\1i•11·s v.·c1·k ~'lag :izl ne and t h e \\'ash1ng tun Po~1 ha~·e printed accounts ~n .1111,e: thr Sf'!'l'f't 1969 report. appraising the •·ffr1·1iveness r1f C.S. bon1hing nf Knrth \'iclnan\, 1l 1si.:lfJ!;rrl flrri1 \(.'d d1 \· lrl'l'IH'l'S 111 h011· thr ee mn1or ;i gi:n('ir.~ - !l1r ~1 ;11,. l)1•!l,1 rt 1nl'n\, the Oe fr11 ~i­ llc'p,1rtn;cnl ;ind thr CIA -asses~ed thnt slr:i !r g.1· (;ra\'t'J'S effor1 s lo plat e !he secrrl 1n:i terin ls in !ht' record at Ili c r;tart of !oday·s Senate session v.•crc bloc ked hv :icting Republic an Leade r Robert r'. (;riffin of '-·lirhigan. (;r\Hin said Lt ~'Ou\d be •·verv un- fort unate if the senato r from ,\Jaska Utility Spe11ds 813,050 So Far For '9' Defeat (lfflci al~ of lhr ~an D!eg(1 G;1s <lnd Electric Company have revealed the firm ha s !i.!l far spl'nl $13.050 to\l:ard the defeat -0f Proposition 9 in the J une 6 election. Company president Walter Zitlau an- nounced in San Diego that a report of the expendilures has been filed with the Ca!Homia Secretarv of Stale. Zillau said $10.000 of the monC>y "''as cont ributed lo Californ ians Against the Po 11 u t i on Initiative and !he remainder spent directly by the company on advert ising. \\'hile opponents nf Proposition 9 ha\'e dubbed it the "Pollution Initiative." it \\'ill be. referred lo on the June 6 ballot at lhe Clean F.nvironment Act. Zitlau said the firm had cont ributed to lhe defeat of the measure because "it threaten!\ to disrupt not only Calilornia·s electric industry but !he entire economy of the stat e." lie did ool elaborate on the alleged t-conomic impa ct t-0 California if thr mca.~11re is approved, l'ropOsition 9 was pul on the June 6 h11\lot alte:r over MI0.000 registerrd votrrs :r;1Rned petitions calling for the mrasurt·~ ena\.:tment. l:ikes 11 on hi11111elf lo he thr .~ole jud~e of 1 hr derl11 ssificst!on of hig hly sensitive p;1p<'rS." (rhe sc<'rcl study ordt•red by Prr\1d1 ·11t \1x11n lhr day aflt·r h·· 1(1,)k 11fl1t t' :ii"" rt•\'r:dctl that it wu11ld 1 ,1k~· 1111 1n 1 ! 1 t See SECll ETS . 11;11:1• Z 1 Ul!-ic r Bca1n~ Ne ,v 1'ooth T ou .r he nc r t" In Ex1Jeri1ncn ls Laser beams <'Irr 11<·111~ 11~rd 111 p1·011d1· ,, protective arm<1r fn1 11 •·th ... :11 ~ 1)1 IL II. StC'rn, dircelor ol 1l1c las1•r lab11 ra tury <it the UCLA S('hOOI of ctrntisty. llr <Jescrihed !he new nictt1(1d in an in, frr\'1<'11· ~l<Jnda.v 1!111111;.; r!u· :111n11:1l ITH'Pl111~~ of the Soull11·1·11 ( .1 !1f,11 11t:1 l)1•1p ,1) A ~~·1r1 ;1(1til l 111 An:d11 ·l111 "J'h1• [;1.~t'I' l.'11111.~ ,1111'\i l •'lli!'ll 11001 !1\".111 ! nf i11\1;;1ble ligh r 111111 11l 11rh l•·t·ll\ .11 e ~l;u:cd Ste rn s<1 1d 1111· ~l:it.o· 11 n111"·1~ lh" tce!h and prevent.~ 1111•11' I H•11\~ 11 1·.ikt•/'1 d hv tl1e lo!is of m1n1·r;1I~ l!'a~·h1ng ,,11t throug h their enamel 1 •():11 ~ The heat of ;rhou1 2_;(~\ 1!1'i.:rr,.~ fahrenhelt affects onlv !hr ~iu f,1c-1· nf lh1• enamrl since lt pr nl'ir.1trs ll'~S th.10 nni- 25.000th of an inch 1ntn !hf' f'tl .1n1rl coaling, according lo Stern "Under magniricat ion, enamel f)f lf·l'th IF ~cen to be tufted and lined ."' S1 f'rll x;iid. •'The glazing srnoolh~ ouL fh l!I mic-roscopic irregularities and prt'\11111,, mineral!\, chien y c:i lrium hydrox1dt'. from lraching." Oraage Coast Weathel' l t's going to be warrnt•r ;i!ong th e Orange Co<1 st on \\.'ednr~day, v.•itli highs at lhe braches around 70 degrees. rising to 80 degrees inland. Lov.·s arr expected in the 40's. I NS IDE T ODAY Th"y'rr still nil u;J11 1e, 1l llg/(I. Saxu11 nut! Pro1r.~lru11. h ~H 11011;. <lfln!JS .~11n1 c 1nP111 1Jr r~ nf the K" l\l11x l\lnn sor111rl n1nrf l1h·c n111 - 1'(1,t1f'd left r(ld/C(J/.~. Sf'e stury, P<1gr 7. 1..M. aeyll ' "-Uh,itl ,Uftd1 " Calllot"ll "' ' M1llt111I l'tt .. 1 • (lll•llltof 10·1• °'"'""' (OWft!V ' Ctmlt1 " Sylvll ,..,,,, " CtDl•W"'d " l~orll u .11 1;>11111 l'to!lt11 ' U1H;-Mtrkt h lfdl lldl!orlll "" • TeltYi&iffl " • "'''''j""""' " T ... 1l1r1 11.u J'lfll M I lt-n .,.,.,,. • JI•• ,,,. ltt•orll ' Whirl Wtoh " l't•••··-" w ......... ....... tl·lt ..... 1. ..... " " W1rld ....... • \111vl11 11.n ~ DAILY PILO T " SECRETS ... \l"8rs l1l <v111pll·l1' p.1r d1ra1 •r1n 01 'ou1l1 \'1t>tnarn And th1tt thf' l.;ommun1 '1~ 11l'r•· r :ipablr ul uull.1:-.lirl.! !h1• \llu" 111 def1n1lel)', t.:nitcd l'ress lnternattQnal reported. (The study was conductrd hv Hen rv A. l\\ss1ngPr. !\lxr,n·, n ~1!1rJn.d ~;·rur1tr' ;.I-, ta1rs a{h·1srr. v.h" {-tqnp1\(·d \h~ r··~l1\1, in ~ 1n1•mo f'nt1tl r·d ''ltt·,pnn.,t·s 111 :\;1r11 .n:1 I St.'t'urily Study .\1<·1111 )1';1ndu111 I.' f \.ra\'rl ln!i l ·.i'.1r tr;n•·rnt·d h.~ t ..... :ildi 1 and grounds -:.t1l>1.:1i1nn11\\~·i.: ·w 111;i\.,,~ pul>li c tht" l'c11r;1r11n l ';1p<·r~. 1!11• t .. p· ~ct"rrt !'1u(\_\' ~.1 1\!n1·r1i·;111 1111+•\\'1•n11111 !11 \"1c·1n an1 . A B··~l1 •11 ~1:111d J!lr\ I• l•i<1~1ni.; 1n1n ht~ ~ub~1·q11 ~·111 :1rr.1n,.;1•1nenl' f1or publ ic,1ti 11 n of lhf'."' fJ<lprrs :i nd 1'1t: Supren1c f <1Ul'\ 1<: ~'(1 11«id1 ,r1J1~: h"11· L1r l\it· jury c:1 n )''' Ill illh''t11 •TllU.: 1,J ;1\1 I \ ,a .;"11C'l l;ll!•I' Ill 111:1! t 11!1111'1 111•11 (;r~;1,•I ~;,11J 1 .. ,J.,1 111•• d"• 111n1·01 ! ,. n ... Y i~ Jlfl5 ~ent u1i.: 1 unta111• d II" 1111.11;.r1 11· for1nnt 1o1n th.i t l'i 1•uld J•·••p.11d .11 · \!\1· ,,if,. ly of the n:1!u•11 At a nc"·~ f'ullf l'r<'n<'I' al li•r his lnt1lr <11- templ to pl;:H'<' 1111v ,.f 1h1• n);111·r1al 1(1 !he r1~cr1rd. (:r.111 ·1 L1•l1•·d "\I [ .11 tlu -r.·ppt·d- up bUn1h1ng 1if ~11rll1 \'11'1n;1n1 urdtn :d by Nixon :tf!£·r lh•· l"•'l"<'!ll t.ul ~·ll'd C11ru- 1nunist 1nv:1t1on 11! Si •uth \'11.:tn:i111 1'\\'r :ire killing hundrrd~ rif tho u ~nnd~ of people to :-.:1\"r t he f;1 re of 11nr Hl · dividua J," (;r:n r l said. 13 y -011e ind1\"idual. tie 111:1de 1·h:;1r 111· meant Ni xvn At onr JY1111t. Cr:i\"••I rir<·11.~1·d '.\t>.vr\ 1.f •·n1;1lfr a\;ulr t· io Pl!11·1·. · 1·11e 111nlt·r1:1I Cr:1vt·I ll';uitt"d !n 1il:icr 111 the rf'c·ni-d 11te ludl'd ;1 !'U1n111;1rv !1·, !l1L' J\'ational S"curit) (),1u11 1! 1,f f1 '\p1111s1 " lro111 the 01"fc11~~· (Jcpartrnl'n!. tl1f' Stall" l)cparlment. the C!1\. !he Join t Chiefs ot S13ff and 1•ther:-. to 27 11ues\1uns about \·ie!nan1 v.·ar 11pcr;1 tions shortly aflt.'r J'\ix11n lonk htli<'<' 111 19G9. In ;idditirin. ;in ;11tl1· Said r.ravcl :ds11 had the resp1111 sr·s ol l·n<·h ;igelll'~. AllogethC'r,)1c !'l aid. (;r:irC'I has about ;.011 p:ii.;cs of matrrla\s he ·wants to put in the record!i. li e intended lo start with ;ibOut :JO pages clca!ing \Vith the eff ectiveness o! bombing. Gravel told nf'wsmen he v.·ould continue to try to get the secret documents into the Congressional Record. Asked \11hy he did not distribute l hf' documents to nev.·smcn. he spokr or possible k'gn! cnnsergiences. He said hf' ;iJ so had henrd talk that Sen . \\!illifHTI B. ~axhe IR·Ohio!. and others '"ould try to censure h1 ni. KISSINGER • • • J"{•sponded v.·hcn ;iskctl \rlielhcr \'ic.tnatn v.·as discussed. But he pointed to1,•ard the joint an- nouncernenrs use of the pl1rase, "itn- portant international prublr111~.·· a.~ ~I cle;ir sign that Victna1n \l"tlS 1ndrl·d a n1ajor topic. In addition, said Nixo n's assistant fnr national scruri!y :1ffnir.'>. "Ilic \1"/1<ilc range of Sn1"ict -A111cnean rclal1ons 11·:is d iscussed." Kissinger said. v.·hr11 :1.'!krd why secrecv 11•as neccs~:ir\' for the r.tosco1v !rip, ,:\\'e are ;1t the inon1enL in a vcrv delicate phase of international relations.'' ttnd both sides agrc·ed it v.•ns desirable to keep speculation to a minimum "unti l lhey had the opportun1ly to explere each other's l"ic11·s." The pres1d<"nl 1a! :id11!'('1" ~aid he rr;ich· ed f\t oscow by n11ll1ary <.ir<-raft Thursday nig-ht and continued his talks until \lon- dav noon l \1osco1,· llf:'l('l. l:pon returning to the lin1ted Sta te.~. he went immediately to the Camp Dov1d con1pound in \laryland·s Catnctln \l11un- !ains to brief ~txon \\llh \1hom he said h1: hrid been in "1•ery frequent'' contact dur- ing the !rip. \\'hen \"1xon ne11· by helicopter to C;in1p David Thursday nlF:ht. Ziegler said Kiss- inger already arr1red at the mount11 i11 rr\re:i!. r\ixon ren1nined there unt il l;iti• J\1onday nigl11. \1·11 h \\"hilt H o u ~ r :spokesmen insist111g throughout thr "·eekend that !\1~.~1 n~rr \1·;is 1hcre con· frrrin~ 11·ith thr. 11rf'i>1dent LBJ Getting Heller SA~ A~T(l\l(I, Tl'X !l'f'l 1 -Off1 c1a1~ til Bruok<' Arm y \lrdlc nl Crnter rrpiirt that fortncr rresidf'nt L~'!lllon l3 .John-on continues to rcco\"er \\'l!h-011! problenis fr(lm hi~ Avril 7 heart nH:tt'k OlANGI COAST HI DAILY PILOT Tht Ora"~' Co1J! 0,t,ILY PILOT wiift wlli{tl 11 comn;otd 1n~ Nr""' "'fl!, [\ p11bl11hrd bV fl\e O'""Clt (O•\I r uOh\hin9 Comp•n)'. Sep,.. ,..,, f'dl!IO~I .. ,e nublhhffl, MO....:l•v lhrQUQI! F riday, •or (~•!,1 N,•,•, N"•1roort llr1ch, H11nlln9!011 ll•~ch ·~ 1>11~1.•i'I v,.11,y, L"gu"a ~fdth, lr,,nr ~8!1d l •b>tk "'·~ ~"" (lrn·,.~1 r/ !;,ln JU"n C•nll'r"no. f\ "•'"~ r ·~~·~not t !loloon '' publl1ht!I ~"11111'1' ·••.I ~~Pil > 1 ,, Tne ptlncopal llt,ib l,,~lnQ Pl•r·• •I ,1 JJ'I .'/• ... I 8•t ~'•er•, Coit, Mr!&, C•l"o" I, 9;~.'0. Rob 1rf N. W,'-d "'"" "'''' dnd f'ubl '""' J .. il.. R. Curlev Viet Pre.i 1<1~nt ""!I C.r11rr•I M1l'ag<r 1ho,..•1 Ktt ~;1 i.Q11Qt Tliol"le• A. M11rphinl' M•tt0~1"(1 £d,•nr Ch1rle1 H. l Qo• R ,th ~,d P. N811 11~1i1l•nl 111 •n~o·ro; I 1 'Q•S T•rry Cowitle '"''tsl O••n11e C.Ounly £Qotor H•ittl•M he<h Offic• 1717S lt•ch l ovlt v•td Mtili119 "'ddr,11: P.O. IQ• 790, 92b4B Otller Offices t•oun• Plr&ch· n1 f c•u T ,t,w,ru' (o•t• Mt\I ; llCI Wt\I fUy ~l•tU Ne.,.llCrT 11~;c11 · lllJ N'''""''1 lloviev•rd Stll (lemt,,ir· JO~ North l.I (•"'"'0 Jll t l l , .. .,.. .. 17141 642·4111 Cl.ulfl•4 Ad"rllM11t '4J.S671 ,,..'" Nttl~ O•••<t• Ct11~1r C1mmw~11 ,., 540·1220 Co11yrloh!, ,,n, 0••"9• ca.111 l'ulll •"'"~ (om~ny, No ,.,.,.1 1torlt1. lllu1tr•t,oo., t•lllQ•••I "'"l!tr or *4wttll•f"'"'" !\fr •·~ ..... v "" <f'P"'"llC"' "'hl>Ovt 111«~1 ~· "''"'°" el COOYf'9hl ,.,.,,,,, s~cl>NI t llU P<"!IO~ pal-f 11 Co1lt Nu~. (A ll!~•"''· Sllbtc•lnllOFI bY t•tt~• 11 ti rnrn!Mv; by m•of $] lJ monthl~; "'Ii''" •1!1n11co"' 11,l i !Nln1111r. R·l Status Town Lot Study Eyes Apartments Tfon1r{)1\·11ers lnvo h•t.'Cl in the llllnli ngton n f''1Ch '!'011·11 IA•\ Study may •11in tt1e1r c;1:ie ;iga1n:;t <1p<.1rlrnt·r1t s. l'l,1nr11ng Uii·cetnr l\(·11 ltcvn,1lds :1d· n111trd !\l11nd.1y night th:1t r~·rh:ips thr :-111).'I•· f;1111dy hon1r area 11·1!1ii11 the study c+11ild 1)1• rctn11{'(l tn pr .. i.:1•r1·e its H I :-t;ohl' 1111d t ... 1·11 .1p,1r tn11·111~ ou t. 1~1·1n•itd 111 r1'\11·111ng tlir 1••11· lt1•\•·r .... 1.d ·r(111 11 1 ~,1 ;.\!11d_1· fur !itf' (Jfl' f"H\llH I\. ('01\{'('<\rd !hr d 1f!Lrul!~' HI fUrl"lll)!. ;1 11 1il1L 1 •,1 .1hl~1h1·d nr1ghbo1rh•~id lo t·hangr tllC'r !roni honlt:'S \o np:irtinen!". Fr(·!ihn1nn Councilman t-lrnrr Duke 11·rnl n stt'p further nnd stiggrsteil the 1'11- 1 irr. s!udy !>houkl' be rc-e\·aluated 111 drter1n1ne if the ci!v re.n il\' n·ants :1pJrtme11ts iu anv of tlie Tnwn · Lol Sf'L'- tor. · "This v.·hole study is intended ln en- courage high density apartments,·· Duke co1nmented . •·\Ve should look al where :111d 1vhy \\'C v.•an t lo go thal v.·ay:' Counriln1en look no action on an.v !iUg- r;e~tions because thry 1\·crr n1t·e1ing in a stud.1· ses~iu11 11 ith tile pl:111ni11g eu1n- 1n1ss111n. T!ll' !!I I! 1\~·t rrql11ri ·•. :ip1J1111.i l ,,1 flwne r" (1f ~ll pt;rct·nt iii !h~· ;1,•1·~~· d I ,ilu,11 11•11 Ill " ~!il•j1'1 I .ir' I 111 1,,1. /ii "I 1·1·;~ 1>'.\lit"I ·' l'.1\1 !11• I .1:>.1 ,\ l,11" Hll!•I 1, • • 1111·11!::; !:r·1·1ioh\~ 'aid !11· ti•I\ 1•r1•111·rl1 111111•' i11 !lit• l)ll!i\'I !')11p•l'd :11 \" I '.\ I I' I P :1)1ar1Jn1·t1!' 1'•)\1ld 111' 111111• \11111ld 111•t1 1 " H 1' l 1:11111 IJ1111L 11, 1 · ·;1,,. t· I \•·d 1H1 •·l lll'-. Ill !1 11' ll••lll\ 11111 • 11 1111•1 t' 11 h1· \\di 111·11 "t h;1t · 11 111 ht• 'I!;.! 1••ti•l ••\lh't1H\1 in 1!11· .11t'<t ~ Il l'~{ t•I 14 111 :-it1l'l'l. :111., fro111 I ht• huJTlt·s. Boro\vicc Get~ Board Approval Edwi1nl l\orci\11rl' !1:1~ hi'1·11 l·111ior~1'd f1ir a 1ar:tnt .~t·:11 1111 11\1· t"lllltll\' L"on o· 111H l1'l' !•11 Srl111ol ll1. .. 11·ic·1 (Jr1~;1ni1ii 1 11•11 hv !n:~i<·1·~ 11f !hr Fnunt;nn \':1llt·v Sl 11•~11 /]1 ~1 d!"t . CONTESTANTS -'f"ll("\" ~1·vr n girl<: arr ;1111on:! 1 i111lc:-.t:i.nt , fi1r \!!.'' F11 u111 ;uo \ :ilh•y t 1t lC'. l 111 h"lH /1 t1 r11111 1t.·f11 a1•' \1 1•·1,1 ,'J1l!·lr. IJ1;1n:1 \\rt''· J:1,!J!,1·· l·'.tl\1ards ;ind ·r 111·rl ,1 ~hl.L':n1 (ln l.1\1.n d rr1111 1!·11 1 DAll'f PllOt '!Ill Pllo1o ;11'l' ~IL·l1:-.:.;1 1111;.:hf"·. Sh;111n;1 :\ccy and \icron1qur l.L·1·1:i. 'l'hr<'e nlhl•r LOnte~tant<:. Lau rie Reka~. Kris ta f )(•~!OS." ;11!(1 J1;1uJ;1 \\"11il'i1, /lll SSt'd Ille pbU!l). 'J"hC' rn<'C'ling roorn \\"a~ pilt'keQ 11·11h ;ihoul 30 residents interested in the To1111 1.t>t s tud.I', \\·hich is the area bounded h\' l'acifie t:oast H igh,~·;iy, 6th St ret't. 1';1hn 1\\"i'nue and c:olden \\'est Strre! B11r11111r·1· r:in llll Sll('L'!'"'l11\I\' fnr 1n,· r"'~r !:1..,r ll''1 r 111· ,,1.~i1 r.1111111,i11'i't·,,111ll\' 1,.r ;1 ._,.,i"t 1111 llh· Fu11nl :i111 \ ;1\h•1 ~ h1~;1 Huard 1111\ 111·1·ks ;1g11. Tr11.~ll't'' u11.1n1n1ou~!v 1 •r1dt11 .~1'd 11111\ 01f\1·r lll"1r1ng :1 r1!fl!Ji:1 Jr .. 111 S11pt rn1· li•r1<lt.'ll l 1\l1J..(• llr1 c·h !hat nnn11111•t' \\"111ilil have a gliod ~·hant·1 · ol l1t'1ng sC'IC'l"!rd 11 1th !he dis1 ri1·1 ·s ('tldorst•int·n1. 'f'' (~01nn1entator \'alleY 1'o En1cce Beauty l'agcanl 1\>lel'i.-,inn nr·ll'~tn:111 711.11 i" \1 :1i'li:1t~o v.·tll en1i '('l' !hr fith n11n11:il \Ii•:-1:1 1111t:i,11 Vall('y B('.11111 1'01g1•;111I \!·1 .1· 1'.l· 111 1111' cnmmunil1 crn!rr. ~l ach:ir!;1 :1ppr:1rs 011 :1 11\11rn111g 111•11.: ~how and 1111 lilt' ··J;1:• --:1°11"·;"' 1111· I\\ \T 1f'BS1 l'h:J1111tl 2. T/1;, ,\J.11· 1 ~1 11:t"1 :111 ~t:+rt s :it ll p 1n. · " Trn f~irl•· :•f!''~ 17 111 11·1!1 d1·•11 .. 11<11 ~1'•' thrir p111 <:~· ;111d 1'<·1..,,111:111 11 111 1·;1 :1.• ~ i.;111111s , h;+ll1111g :.u11.~ :uul 1n ;, 1:1h·1,1 <1.11 I f'.<:t Four juill.(l'S \\'Ill 1lrc·1rtc· 1\!U('h l'll"I rrn:ns a.~ .\11 ~s /'ut1nl :1111 \ :dl1·1 t"r l!ii!. .ludg"~ u1rlude !\Ir:-lh·nr1· !lrut.!{•rt.111tl !he mother of trlcv1'i1nn. ~1 :11· .J.11:1• •· Brolin li\1;ir1·us \\'1•!h\" !\1 !1 1· \Ir~ ll os1·nu1r.v l\1·11 .v f::1d 1t·· :J r .. rn1t·r \J 1 ........ F1•UllliHn \";lilt·~" T H!I\ ( ·,...... r11r1:h •r n1ayor of Ta~till. :ind J)r :\Hnna11 l\'l\L'. Reals. a nien1[}l'r ,,f !hi' f:in1r1I t-.1J1': fo"nmily. f\.;lf('ll l lnl\1'rlll:tll. Iii~· 1'\llTi ·11I .\11 ~ Fount;un \.i1ll1·.1. 11 111 1'1"iJl'.'ll l1l"1" :-11( {'PSSOr, \\'ho \\'Ill hr !hf• 1 ·11v·~ 11H11•1o1I liosle!;S ;incl rcprr~Pnl:1111·p 111 ;-,tllt'r !11•;1,1 I.I" pag<·an!s. 1·11e page;int i!> !:1"ll1n,or<'d Ill !lir \\"O!llrn's dil•i!>ion nf lfl •• Fnu11l:1in \".1 ;\··. Ch;i n1ber of Cnlll!llt'l"l"f' This 1t•.'1r« r·o- <·hairn1£'1l of !he pag1':i111 "' ~· \I•~ Thom:1.~ !Jnly :lnd :'.l r.~ Tl1oni.1~ 11 h:1l111: The S:Hi1h l'n:i.-:t Ju111nr \\01nrn'" ('1\1!1 \\'ill hPlp 11·irh 1hr p:1~t.,1111 T1ck111.1; !11 !he p.1g~':1111 .1r<· ;,1 :nl:1h:1· frnn1 cunt('~l ;1nt 'i ;111d i ;,11 l>" p11ri·l1 :1 •·d ;i: 1hr 1!rwir 1111 \1 :iv l:l Tu•k1 ·t~ .11<· ~ \\'llh l hl' prur,·rd.<: )!111ni.: lo11·ard ,1 scholarship fu nd lur 1hc r1rl..-, CRASH • • • up, 11·.:i~ hr! ;i ftrr ii tn"h Pil .,r.d 1 1· \11 r! in flt1 1lll':. in an :11r;1 IP :11 ti·, 111\' \ ·1';11 '11 (ll:1J\11 'f' Tilt' r1·p1 •rt :;.11d l\(J l;1t\I\ 1• ,, !·11 \ii 1, r !hi· Ill(')) Oil Ii ·,11ti 'J"h1· \ ~ {" llJ\11\,11\'\ II\ !·,11, •II ,ti\• n .. 11111 1•d \l 1111tLn 111,d .111 \r .. I'. !11 I. 1 1~11 !' \~;,i; :-.\H1l 1\111111111•,lt' l>.1h T o) .11111 \11~· I•. 'rl 11111t•1111·1·r1.· killt·d \l 1l1! 1r1 ,,1t1111 l'' 1 i'IL'iku ~:JH\ t1 1tl;i\· 1t 11 ,•~ h1l 11 •\1·d lh.il 1\11'> \r:ts !hr hPl1l'11plcr tl1:.il. h:1d p11·k· ii up II·· six ad\'i ,rr~ b11 l lh:i l the U.S C111n n1.ind al 1he ttn1c nf J!s :111111111111·1·111 1·11! dal 11 •I kno\\' that the other 1\n1!'r1l':1ns 11 l'l'C- <iboard. \lt·::inv.·hilr. Soulh \'1rlt1:11n1•sf' l11n 1'\ 111 !he CC'ntr:il ll1ghlanJ,, a bandoned t\I"" 1norc ba ses undrr f1rt• tod ;i v. bu! !1rld reports said L·.s. hornlil'rs kn.orhc ·d 11111 :1 l1igh\\·:.i.v bridge and slov.·cd the i\11rth \"1rlnamrse drirc Jv1\·;1rd !\ontun1 Cll \'. South \'lel11:11ncsr trrH1ps 11·<·rt' r1·pi 1i-tPd tn h;11·c l'\":it'ua!rd Fin· B;isi·s:; :ind ft. !hr I.isl of a strin~ of six gOl'l'r11rnrnl 1)U~1- t111ns nn ··Rntk!'t Rid ~r ·· d11n1 111;111111.: lh•· t11gh t.:r11t111d /111t'1h 11f l\1111!1111i. Sc1t ·11 h;igr~ ft'll \1 nn<l<1y. Offir1a l r1·pnr1.~ ,\,11d !hr 111:1111 \'0rll1 Vir1na1nr~r ad1·:1111'1' 1!~111·11 !l1 r:h11·:1v !·! ~1 1uth of 'fan Ca11h had nut pn!gr(:~srd p:i~t the 1v11n uf IJ11J1 B1nh. 1vh11·h is !I nHles hy r(l;id n<1rlh fJf !he lll'\1· Sn111l1 \'1('tnan1Psr (lrff'n'l'"'' \1nr :it Vo Dinh and 21 nii!cs norlil iJf !\11n1urn C1!y. GRASS ... ing couple and pot lf'rl pJ;int~. A~ \li~s Thomn!i pntled !he hflr~c ·o.; nose, Hennessey pnin1 r.d ;II snrne 11f Iii•· puts. ""\·ou kn(1\1' ynu h;11 c i.:r;iss there ,"' hr sn l~t The couple 11as :irrr.,trd ri11tl bo0kcd for i11 1 c~tigaU011 llr pu~;.~j·~~1ng m;iriju;u1a nnd p• ·s~r!-!-inR it ror gro1\·1 h. In J:ti!. \fi<~ Th11n1as tol d n rf'partcr: "J'vr grown Jots or things. but this "'fl~ the fii;;;t tune I tried gro,1·lng m;ir iJuann 1t 1r:i~ snrt of an r ;.;pcr!men1 " ''Thi'~ ·r,, .:nnrl p('np1,..,·· s:ild fl cnnrssc1, ··11u1 thr'.\ '~'t'l"t' hr1·;1king !he J:i111." • ----------------- First N 01·therri Water Hrynolds suggested that I~ ci!y's niain f•ffort should be spent on !he area "·est nf 17th Street ""hl're nearly all of thr land is 1·11c::int and pockm.irked v.·ith oil opera- tions. J\fernbcrs flf !hr County Conunfl tl•r 1ri\I make the final l·huice. Thr 1 ;11':t11l'\' on !he I I-member panL'I 11•as t'f1•:1!cd bY thr resignation of Sc!t n1 Fr1u1kl1n of the I\ewport J\lcs:1 linified S<:houl 01st rict. Arrives in Southland The emphasis of the To11·n 1,()t Study Involves improved traff ic circulation. ad- lii!ionat street parking ;1nl1 bet ter a pa rt· ntent ('onstruclioll . ltryn0lds said the !raffic f101v toulcf he impro\·cd by cutt i11g (lff so1ne of the s treets froin through rraHic. l·:b~'"1 hrrr i11 :.,,11.11 hern r:i\1f urni:1 trxla~:. l't'"f'lr bl·g;111 1lr inking th1'1r l 1 r~t 11 n1C'r 1n.111 .\'1•rll1f'rn l':1l1for11 l;1, [Jut Or;111gc \ 1,t1nl1 :1'l°' \1 111 lli!I\' (<I 11 :11l 1"11\lr lll<l l"l' ~i·:i rs t 11 1.1~lv 1!1("' rr pqrlcdl . s1i['ll:r1 vr 1111· IHil T i1r' 11 :-i~<'r hf'1t~i:: p11m;ird frn1n tlH' S .1 1·1.111H11;•1 111'11;1 r·1·,,111n ;uid 1·1111111::: lrn1n 1h!' 1·i·::11\cr ~nd S:uT;i1nr 11!0 ll 11·r r); 11 il l .'llj•ple1111•11r o!i1rr Soulhl·rt. C:tlifor111.1 11.i-11 q1 ppl1r.~ f/'1Jn1 !hr Colnrad11 H11·(1r T!11· 11 .111·1· 111 th« nt.«H'h !"1nQ.1nile·l1111~ r.1 lt.: ;1qu.'ldt1rt h.'ld bC'etl /1eld 111 I• ,..,1 r' oir:\ and piprlu1rs S!IH'C tl1c pu1n- r.;n~ l.1c1!1!y .1t the north bJsc el ll:e 'l"L')1ath:i111 ,\lount:ul\S began l;i!c J;i~t ·r11(J~1.v 11·;1s tht· first c!cl1\'C'ry ()f watrr !n hornr~. f:1rn1s :i nd hti.~1ne:'.~e~ -hut <in ir 111 th1· tH1rth11·("'t S.in Fern:indtl V.illr\· ,1r.cl V<1r.tur.1 County -after needed li •!':;r p ip~' linkups were r('\mplc!('cl. Thf' Tlf'l'i'~<:::try p 1r)fli11{'~ in Or;inl!r t 'uu111r , lo feed the new 11·;itcr to a treo1l· .\pol lo Spa1·en1('ll ' St reak fur Home W ith ~10011 Prize ~rACE l'E.\"TF'.R. llou:.lo11 fUPI! - 1\p11\ln ir.·s :i~tronauls rst•:i prd the d •ln;n;1:1r·c nf !he rnopn's f:r.:11·ity totlav ;111d ~peel f:i..,lrr nnd f;i<;ter to11·nrd c•ar1h 11 •lh a frp:1~ur~· nf rnrk'> lhnt scir.nt1sts t hin~ rro.11· 1nt"l11dr lon!:!·SO\lght pieces of !lw 11n1n1 \11 1· lun:1r t'!"U~t .lulii\ \\ ''1>1111)'.',. 'l"h1•tll;\~ K. ~latlin~ly .11:11 1 !1:1 '1, \I i h1l,I' ~ll1111('d t h1 · 1Jnght ) ; " ,, l,,1. ,.,,,,I\ 11·1'1·1i 11 •i.: \11,\11\HI 1hr1 n .j 11 t~ ' ,,11 ,, 11 I'. 111"1 !IJJ 1:; ll11p1'11 t,liil i1 11 Ir•;,.\ Tl'!'\ 11•·/"r n pr,;·1prl "11 1ar:;rl f,.r .1 : ;ol.1 1.1! .. 1· •1 111 !•a· I '.H 1 ,i v 1·•'.1'1 la11· •; !11 .i . d,1~ llll'i 11'1:.: Y11un;: and n 11kt: 11,11 \..Cd nn !l1•' 1110,,11. li111 r .. d~1 .r \1 ;1~ l\l;ill 111g!v'.<: r!:i_1 ll is !'>i 'hl'rlule 1·\llli'd f1)r an hriur-ln11g sµn cc \1;ilk 111 retr1e\'c ti,500 frel of fdn1 fro111 !1".11 ni:ip111ng caineras 1n the sp::it:e~h1 p's 1n11•11 1 11h:-.l'r' 01tor1. Tl1t• pi!ols rrfi~ed !heir cnur~e !11\\":Jr1I the h'l1nr pl.incl 11·ith a brief hur~t fn.111 lhe ~p:ire~hip's smJ!I control rnckrts <1t !:I 2!1 .'.1.n1 . 1 l'STl. r\t th.11 lime. r\pnlln 16 \1·;is 43.000 milC's ln11 n !h1· 1n11nn and Youn~ rc•ported. "Al :1r1 :1~ d1:;t;1nl'e. if ~·011 cu11 ~·our h:in1J s .11'<>l11\d 11. 1l s <1h1111( as bi g :i s a :ill-cent [Jl('l"(' " School~ ]{t'(f 11<'!'-i t ~5,000 in U.S. Dru~ Financing An ;·1ppltcati(ln for $5,000 In federal funds for drul! educalion equipment ha s hren approved by trust~s of the Hun- 111u:ton Beach City (elementary) School J)t~\T J\'\. If fedcr<1 I educatton otJicials 11 ppro\'C lhl' application. the district v.·111 b~ rr- r1u1rccf lo spend $5.000 In matchi ng funds Hl Prdl'r to rcreive the fe:ttral 1noncy. Thi· !otnl of $10 .000 would thrn be ~pen! for film strips, drug l~teral ure, and othrr 111:11cri al. school official s said. Trustel'S have autherized n1en1brrs of lhl' di strict stJff lo C'Xplore frdC'r.:il fund- j11g in !hr('C ot hr r arens, Project~ under study inclwle rn ulli· n1cdi;i Cl·n!::-r:;: at Burke and KeHJer ~i·hu('ll~. :i 11i~tri~'lv.ide reading cllnic. and a cu11ri.~t·!1111! progrn rn at Lcl3 ard Schoo l r,11· .' hd1 lrrn \\"i!h Jcarning 11 n d 111 i 1pJ1 nary problrn1~. rn('n \ :;1:-ttion \n '{orba Lind;i , "·on"t be 1•11!1 1pl t·ted 1111t1! !97G. (;t'orge \\'rstll'I". :1•:<is t:1111 rn~·111rcr ;it !he Orange Countv 1r;1 ll1r 11is1ric!. said today. · \\"r,111'1' \\';J~ U1s;1ppoi11trd about the f1111r·yt':1r 11 :11 t lirc;111~r lhe '.\orlhcn1 (.';11il·•r111.1 •ratl'r ·'i.~ so n1ueh heller th:111 Th:1t ln11n lhr ("•d 1•radn H111·r.·· JT 1s if··~ l1.1 rd :111<1 li:1~ le.~~ n1u1•·r;~L<, he ;~:ud. ! 'rrs1·nt Southern C ;1 I 1 f n r n 1 .1 \h·tnipoli!;in \\";1ter D1.o.;trirt t~l\\'f)i I !;•1:~ (';1!1 lrir 30-ifl bll•nd nf 11·;iter in l\'l~ii. 11 1'h lhl' 111:1J•H" ]Jl'rl:1~n1a;::l' of 11 ~11ll e,,n1· 111~ lro111 lhr l"1•IOr:1th1 H11'1•r. 11·1:~11t•r emphasizrd th;it the rour·\r;1r 11.111 111111 ·1 <';1u.~1' ;i n_,. proble1ns ·11 J1h ll1·;111gr C11u11!~ ":; 11:i1rr ~upply. ··11\•'re nol in danger of anv \1":1 ter ~h,,rf:1 ge.·· hr said. · \f,,s! or !hf' t'ilirs ill lhe C'Olltll\' )1.1\"r \1('!/s to pu1np murc v.·ater a nti thr1r r1·ser vcs ,1re suffit1enily full to meet cur- t"l't1!.ly pr{ljl'C:led needs. he added. Const ructiun of the nrcessary pip<'linr.~ i., g11 1n~ Qll no1r in the cn1111t1·. The :\orthern Cali fornia Su pply is rx- pcctcd tn take pressure off other p..1rts nf lh1' 11·atcr d1~trlb11 t in11 svstrn1. Fr;111k Clinton. gr11cr;i.l man.igf'r o[ tl'c .\11\'IJ. s.:iid lnd.1y !h:it "if not for this nr11· ~l!ppl~·. 11·1· 1111ti1d ha\'e ber:1 hJrd·prc~·~rd '" pr0\'1dr .~uffic1cnt \\":Jh•r at lra~t !11r ;igrir ulture usr in the d i~tril'I thi s .1ear - pr 1nci p:il!y in Orange. Ril"ers ide and San lJ \~'gn i.'.ll\11\lll'S.'' \\·rsnrr explained thnl by sending at least !'Orne northern v•ater lo !he Ln~ Angeles 11rea. morr of the regunrly recc11"ed Colorado waler can be. n1ade ;11 :11l:1hle to C1ther arens if needed. C\in1on 1•nn1rnded 1hal !he init1:'!\ dcl1\'erv came "just in time·· to offset in- 1 -rr.i~(·d 11 alrr nerds in :;11n1e areas caus- t•d h\' tlH' l;1ck of rninfa\l llHs vear. !h· :1d<\Pd \h:1t tl1is need d1sprnvrs :1rc11 mt•111s h11 .s11n1r cri!ir;; of the niult1 · 111!l l1 on dolla·r :-.1 ~trn1 \\"ho had called 1t IJl111Cl'dC'd . U1• J~l~f\ all nf S<n1t l1ern C';il1ir1rn1a 111 IJ 1e ·~I\\'!) 1~ ~cii('cll!lcd to recr1\e sf1n1 r of llit• w:i11 T ··\\'r can {"fC:lir p;1rking rourts br n1 ak- ing ::;0111r. cul -clc-sncs nncl lantlSl'ap1ng 1h1>111 ," he rxpl:iinrd. ll 11»1s :i11 rxperitnental p:irk ing court 1in 1:!1h S!n'l'l tl:n t l:1u11rht'ti the l'On- tr<l\"1'r:-1 Q\'f•r lhe :-ludv. l!t1!1\f'O\l"lll'l'S a hlul'k :iwny ohjccted and !he 1t'nlp11rary !r1·r·s 111'ft' rrnl<J\"('d St.·1't•ral ;1p:1r11ncnt uni1s have :ilrr:ulv hl"fll built l"\llSf' \,) t]l{' bf':ll'h. hll\ lh~ ar1•a.~ ne:1rrr thr· du11·ntown1 :mrl inl'1nd ~11n1c,1·h:li :1rr filled 1r1th older hPtnl'~ ( "nunritnian .l.it'k ( ;r1·rn 1·xpn·s5ed con. ct•n i :11>..,ut •·a Ii i! of rntirl'!.v trans1cnl, n1in-p:irt 1tip:itory population in the ;ire;i. 1\ lo! or hippies lire in the older home 5_ .. Heynolds said the apartments v.·er~ f:1irly tightly controlled, and there 11·t:re fC'\\' varancics in then1 . The planning-director told councilmf'n 1he 1.1nd ~enp1np; :ind in1prn1·em ent l•r ~!reels could b<' arcnrnplishf'd hv usiri.'..:" thr \91! Jn1prol"cmc 11t District ACt. Stanley Sf'hnabel Slated l-'unf'ral sf'rrirc~ for 1..os Angr!r~ C(tun· t~· f1ri>1 n:1n Stanlt'r \~·. Sl"hn<tbcl. 2!1, Hun· t111 gtn11 l.ll';ith. h;11·1· ht·rn srt for noon \\"ednrsd;i_1• :111he Uttrr-.\lcl\inley L'hap<"I in Lake\\"ood. Schnnbel. v.·ho lil'ed at 20902 Sparkm::in L.1ne. died in the blaze 111onday :it the ;\:1t1on<il Lumber Yard in RclH!01\·er. lie 11·111 he h11r1cd 1n Fnrr~I l,.1\\·n r rmr!l'rv in Cy press. · fl. n1il\t:t ry.;;lyle funeral wll\ be con· 1lu l'trd. \\1lh I ll~ Angel<.'s County firrrnen ;10:. pal\ br;it('rS. -"llr\'tvnr~ 1nr lude· Schnabel's \l'ifc. S11 ~~11\. a s1111. Br>'nl: h1;; pJr1•n ls. N11rher t Scl11101h1·I of 1.nng He:1rh, and \\rs. \1 '1r.v :-;1·1l11.11>~·! o! l'ar<1n1011nl, and ;i broth rr. \11r 1Jp1·t Srb n:1bel , .Jr .. o[ Hun1ingl!1n Brn1·l1. J '1·11111 1•a~1e l JUD{;ES ... in~ of it [1rr rn:illl!"\' ;Hltill~ ·• '"l'n1 a;.:a111~1 ii Y~1l1 1·:uft l1•;,:d111· n\:1r 1\l1:111:1 11 1\hc 111! l 1•gal!11n~ ,, ! 11 er ~l arL!t'fullS 1lru~s.·· !;;11d He;1t·un1. •·if \"(1 \1 uud,,rst;1 11d 1h1· law lud;1\ yt 1\L l':tn ~1·1: !l'l onr 1. .... p1111 nd1ng on !hr• (1r,r t1r.11· 1,f. fl·nrirr. '1'1\1·n· L~ 1·1h111c:h II \ '\1ii1l1ty \11 ).:\\!!: a kid :1 hn •.1!., .ind ~rnd thr IHl~hcr !11 the s\alt· pr1~1·n · ··rhe 1ur~ 1-.... 11H ou t nn rn;i ri iuana.'' s:iid f;(l\clf·n ··1 1h1 nk \\\• h.1vr 1'no\ll!h trouble \\1lh b1hu1· 11 1th0ul intrr l(\uc1u:.: o!her 1n tn11"ic·;int<i into ~oi.:1etv . 1 think lh•· pcn.1lt\' !"r fK•.:<~~·s~iun 111 · one ·s hnllH' should. be rC'<luccd " Board to 1-f ear Of ~ia!Slcr l_.lan A pr11~re!is r<·µo1 ·t 1111 !hr 1Ji,1ricr~ 111. ~·r-:1r rnastf'r pl.111 \\'Ill hr ~·ivcn tn !rur..t•'l'<i 11f the ll1 111 1111gt11n l'·l':l1·h l ·n1v11 l!1f!h Sch•IO! 111.~tricl 1on1ghl. 1·hf· rr\11>r t \\·ill bt• gi\ en by reprc~rn· 1:1111\'S ()f ll:ll i~. \\:1t·C .. 1111rll ;ind J );i\"I~. th1· t·11n~uh 1n:~ f1rn' \\\Jir h l1:i ~ h1·1'n df'l'e!•ip1nf: !he pl;1n SHlC'l' ,\l;1rch 11. Trusters "ill m1·el ;1\ 7 :Ju p.n1. in the J!un!ington Beach lli.i::h Sch1i1ll c;ifeteria. Charlie Weaver Ill \\'CST CO\"J.\",\ 1Al'1 -1\t'tor Cliff Ar- quette. v.·ho nppcars as lhe 1vhite-ha1rt'<t. po!·bellied "Ch :ir!cy \\'e.:il'cr" on telrv1s1nn ~ho;i.·s. was hn sp1t;i\!1.rd tOdav 111 this L-Os An,e clrs sub11rb :1f!l'r ~ufferini an ;ipparent ht'<trl 11!\J1:k. Arqurttf'. !lli. 11:1 ~ .~!r1ckrn \lond.iv ni ~ht. \1·h 1h~ \,,\\·1 11i.; a car on !h(• ~i.111 Bi·rn:1rd11 111 Fr1'""1.':IJ , lh!' r :1hfnrn1a ll1ghw.11 !':1 lr1>\ ~.11d --- IN A HURRY? DON'T WORRY! SOMETIMES IT HURTS US A UTILE TO GIVE EXTRA FAST SERVICE, BUT WE FEEL OUR ADAPTABILITY TO RUSH SITUATIONS HAS WON MANY PERMANENT CUSTOMERS. NATURALLY, WE PR E FE R A UTILE LEAD TIME WHEN THIS IS AVAILABLE, BUT ARE PREPARED TO EXPEND EVERY EFFORT TO PLEASE. IF TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE, THEN "ALDEN'S" IS THE PLACE WITH WHICH TO DO BUSINESS. OUR SALESPEOPLE ARE SERVICE ORIENTED AND HAVE VALUABLE EXPERIENCE IN THESE AREAS. OUR INSTALLERS ARE TRAINED BY US, AND THE BEST IN ORANGE COUNTY. IF YOU DESIRE GREAT SERVICE, THERE IS ONE STORE TO CALL -"ALDEN'S, OF COURSE!" ALDEN'S CARPETS e DRAPES 1663 Placentia Ave. COSTA MESA 646-4838 I Records On Juvenile Cases Ol('d S1\ CRA .\.1 F.\'TO I Ar I -·rhf' rig ht nt thr prl'.~" 10 nb!;un 1nformat1nn nn · 111vrn1\e.;; 1nkPn u11n ru ~l nfiv ha~ bf'f'n ilf· f1rmf>d hv Atr1· (;Pn . Evrllr .I Yn11ngPr H 1~ np1n1nn \lnnday rtff'r!J\'f•l,1· ff"i1f'rPd l hr r1..:h1 nf nr11 ~ n1Pd 1a !n uhl<11n n:.n1rs ;ind nrher 1nfflrn1a11i.n 11n Jl 11 r n1IP nf- ff'nrlrr' A J9il .~t;itp ~11prr1nr C11ur1 der1s111 n had hern 1n!PrprPlrd In• snme JUl'P1tilf' l'nurts anrl pnllc·r a~ forh1dr\1n,1;: release nl lh.:il 1nfnrmat1nn (;enf'ral ne11 " rnrd1a prflctu·r prtnr tn the 1971 drc1~1on had brf'11 nor 10 use names nf JuvC'n1te offenders unless the rrime 1nvo!\'rd ~1gn1f1cant violence or destrucl1on . .. Df'tentinn 1n(qrmat1nn . shuuld no t bf' d1~srm1nated 10 rhr publ1r generally,'' Ynungrr"s opinion said. .. Ru1 thP \('g1sla11ve h1stor~· of the .\u.-enil r C<l!lrt lt111· inclirfl!P .~ thr prr~s n1a.1· ha1·r /l!'f·rs~ tn .~ll!'h 1nfnrrnfl l1nn 1n \·iew of 11s 01rn 1 n\un\,oiri \~· adnp1ed code of rthic~.·· the op1niun said. Thr 1971 court ruling involvi>d 111'0 St1n l-'r<1 n(·1scn ~·nuths p1cli<'d up by po\1re dtlr· in~ an an1 111·ar d<'n1011stra11on and latrr rf'lril .~rcl 11·11hn11t c·h ar~e. Tht>: ~nu!hs ~nu,[!h! In rxpungp thr ar· fl'"-1~ frorn thP1r record~. but thf" SuprfmP Cnurl drf'linl"d. sa_rin~ 1! ll'as un necf's!'iary bfca11.•>f• third part ir.~ had no aC'Cf'SS tn !ht rPcnrds and that \hP you t h~ r nuld say in futurr job job or college ap- pliralinns that thr.v had no rrcord . Younger"~ opinion ~·as in response !o ~ fP qursl frnm As srmblym an Bo h ~1onagan 1R·Stockton1, who asked "·hrthf'r thr drrision barrrd \aw officers from disseminating juvenile dt'lention in- f0rm;:it1on tn !hP pre5s or public. Arnold 0. Overo~·e. rleputy at1ornry ~ri1r r;:i! wl10 dr<ifted the opinion, s11ld rhr Supreme Cou rt decision used "extremely brnarl tangua.er"" 1n der\;:iri n~ "that thP det aining agency ... must receive the p«r11'1ssrnn nf I hi' iu1'rn1\t' t"Otl.r! . to rclra ~r 1nfnrn1:il1nn tn <1n.v third pa r!~'. includin~ st;i1r tlJ\f'nriPs_" O\·ero1r ~:i1d !he prP s ~. ho"·ever. wa ~ nnt speCifil'all~· mentioned b~· thr court HP sau1 the stalr·s ju\'rni\e rourt la1v .,.,.__~adopted h~ lhr Lrgisla.1urr in 1961 on thr ha.~is nl a report h.v a i:tudy com- mi.;.~1on on Jll\·rn1le JUSIH'f _ . Ht>: rrpnrtrd the 1·ommi.•s1nn said lh~f hmdrrl "1·nnfi clen t1al11r unclf'r thr 1111~ did not rnv1~1nn the prr s.~ ;:i~ br1nJ: Pxcludrd frnn1 J11\·rr11le <·o\1rt h1•arin~~.. f l'en th:iui;:h the\' 11·rrr rl0srd to fhr pub!1 f' "]il fhf' \·pa r~ .~lnl"f' !hp tidOpt1on nf \h P ju\"rntlr t:nun \aw 111 1961. nn !'han~fs ha1·r bren mar!r h1= thr Lf'g1slat urr 10 rrflrrt ;:i rl1ffrrrnt iill1tudP. or to reflert !hat ;l\)\ISf'S h;i\"p O('('lll't"f'r\ \\·art<in!inC: a rh<tni;:e 111 philo.sophy." 1he opinion sa id. "It roncludf'd th::! th r pres s m;iy ha1·p arress 10 drtrnt1on infnrm<illfln w1!h1n ihi~ rnnlex!." it said. add1n[!: "11'r i'lre certain Iha! !hi.~ rnnclu~ion 1s rorrrrl. "\r\"crthl'lf's~. the rxpansi\·rnf'~' of !he ~upremr Cnurt s language rause-d murh <'Onfu .,inn "'h1ch drmnnstratf'S !hr .n~rd for clar ifying lrg1slation."· the op1n1nn concluded. Area Executive, 3 Companions, 1-1 u n le(I • 111 Go rue ~ Fr11111 \\"irr Srr' it·r~ 11\'1'\H .l()H\ r 1;ih -~f'<irrhf'TS Wl'rf' 11"1~\ll): hl1pr to~a;. fnr fnur [;il1fnrntr1n•. 1nrlud1 n~ a (;;:ird r>n r;rn1 r exrr11:11-r, ni 1~s1 ni;: .t1nr P ~a1urd:i1· 1n th" f'hilh. rhnppy. R::.f110! clrrp l\i\\ers of Fl?.m 111g (',nr;:r Hr-srrvn1r Thi' onlv !r<1f·r nf thr1r hoal. "'hl!'h <ip- ptirrnfl\ c"·iip~i1rO du~1ni: r(lugh 1\'Pathrr. has hef'n ;>. f11r.J r:in. Jaf'kct and ice C'hrsl v.·hirh 11·ashPcl t1ch11 rr. lnvestigatOr.'i h.~I !hr mf'n ;i.s prPsu mrd drowned 1n the 11·orsl boat ing mishap on the 10-ytar-old m11 n made lake near Ye llo wstone National Park. They incl ude : -Michael "1athews. or 12091 Ra yporl S!.. Garden Grov r, prtsid ent or r..tike Matthews Associales AgentY. an Orang~ based executive search and plartment 11gtnC'y. -Los Arigrlrs County Hf'a.\th D<'part- ment Alcoholism Program Ch1rf Or. A. w "Al\'irdn" Ptarsnn, 62. <1f Tar1.ana ~harle!I \\'oolvertnn, of 1he N11ples neighborhond 11[ Long Bea1·h. rhtrf trrhnical ~·rHrr for ~1 r0onnrll-f)o.ui::l~!I Aircrafl Corporiilion. pilot and C1v1! Air P <itrnl officer, -Pll'.}'chnlogi!lt Dr. Mar!lhall Hodgf". of Clarrmont. Fore!lt ~ervif'r idenlifiration of !ht four victims \vhn flpw In Utah lii st 1vrr.k nn a lrout fishing trip wi1h \.\'oolvtrlon as the pilot Prroneously listed Mathews as a pgycholo~ist ton. "Mike would ha\'t gnllen 11 laugh oul ~r that ," one of his business associates &aid &11dly today. Foul Claimed In Cat Show DOi\1CATEn, England ,uPl l .-.lud~rs ;i\ a local cat 11~.ow cJa1m hou se1\'if P. Retty Reach doctor.ed her Si?.mtse cat's eye with mascara be fore entering I he ;inim11I in the shnw . Sho1v nfhf ifll ~ sa id <'lipping~ from around the r at'5 t )'t h11 ve Dttn sent lo a tabnra!nrv for ~nalysis. ~rs. Rl"11rh ·der lined lo comment. •f·-·:_•1·~·1•1•>,-.-•-···~···-............ -. "·dJl:"'"~.7 ~~£4 § ----:-·, ,., t~ .-~,. ~.,,u • '.., ~ •_. i · ·11~ '!n&;MJ \' .. ~ " ' UP1 T•1toho10 ffapJ•Y Bi1·tl1day Benga. a gorilla born just one year ago . begs for a tidbit fron1 his mother, rlelen. '''ho opens a box of ra1 ::i ns during Benga ·s birthday party al Chicago's Lincol n Park Zoo .. i\JJ residents of the zno's Great .~pP I-louse enjoyed coffee cake, lcn1 ons and pears as part of the cele· brat ion 3 Candidates Criticize Supervisor at Luncheon B.'' JOH ~ 7.ALLER Of ,~. O•dr P!lol U1H Strr e Po\a!n1rk. ;in rxrcutirr assist an! tn Ri'lll \11. Si'llrl , ":i.1r. R:i 1tin h<1d ii Pf('\'\O\I~ engagf'men1 1ha1 11a.s unbrra.kablr. f\ul he did riffr r !n ~end ;i rrprr.~r11!a!1vr lo present hi.<; 1·ie1\~ at th<' !unf'hPon b1111h1s 11 :is retu.•rcl hy thr pt>np lP fn chr1rgc ." H Countv Bani{ Blasted .; FBI E11ters Bo111bi11g Case; No Motit'e Set The ~·Hi t11d:iy rn!Pred 1n1 r~11.r..-:at 1nn of 11 H<ink of :\rnrru·;i ™1rnh111A HI Or;ingr .'>1nnd ;11 n1 ~hl. 1hr !hlnl ~l if'h .;11h<•l<l~f' in !hf' f'Olllll.\ In 1~ t\1•1 11'' ll:un;1gP !o lhr b1 ;1nt•li. ;ii 2~:1 \" ·r11ct111 .'1 1r , w ;i~ ~pr1·1:11·1il:1r ;i -ii 1·r~11\I nl !l\11 h111nh h1•111g laped !<\ i'I pl:1tr ~l.i•o:. 11 111 d1Jll , hill 1t\f'1:1ll til'~'rlll 'idll l'i1" lillllll' Sha!l,..rr 'l j!l <t~~ -hn11f'!f•d 1111'••11'..;11•,111 !hr l·1hli1 h111lhrrr1,;,~ 11111,nr 1n.1rlr and 1·pn~rCJtlrr1l.1 1111 !f1 1il"lr'· Thr ft 4:l p 111 r\pl11 .. 1 .. 11 11-i !v,lo,..,,.,\ caused b~ a hl"'nH•n\:td~ pt\J1' biinih :it 1,irt1Pd 10 a \1 111d<•11 at tht rrnr d .. or of thr f;n·11 1:1 \., 1·,pl,,11.111,.n 11 :1~ oifrrl't\ 1n lh•' v..1·, ol ,, 111"11 \r li•1 thr hnrnh.11'.! 1nC'1dr ni 1.:.ir~.··1· \111nr!;1'. a rn"l,1!11\' rf•r ~.' .. I 1lr"1i. !' ('\pl11d1'd 111 11 ~r·1r111·r and rr;ir\1tt.' , l'ltil' 1·1.•· 1·,,,+\I\ :;1 '-n11•dlt'I .lun1ur l!1i::'1 :"-,,,,,.I 1n -'hll••111"-1 S 1rll~ ,\11;+ I l,1"',1, ,. 1,1 111•' •\II• .. 1 II h11 11 h:1 -b· ' I' j.. J I.II '.!\ !•1•\Jht1•• :\\ld L • I •• 1 ... I•' l•'l r!I I ,-.,11:d :-r,H'I\ ('jl (lfl<I .ll !' •·f~,' -"'I 'lf!"l'\l~ ( !1\1 ,11 B1•q1n 11;1 r 1'" -inrl .. 11'1'1' 11 1t1 ~ -"•·' "11• 'I 1•1•1 1· ,l ~,, ,i·f: .t' H1r ! -" -..~ .• ' r :-Ol'i " .1 e hr,1rlij1 .. 1ri f'r-ii\ I IJ.:J E 17th St. \I, nrl;i·, 1n :-.1n·a .\nci but 1anda!s failed 111, :n1~r 1n11r·/1 <l.i[110~1' ·\ h-1111h tllr r,,t ;.ii !Jr;.n<:r rnf151 C"nl\ri(e 111 1 11~:1 .\1•· ~ al:-11 rrr.1:r1l e_xr1 lr1ne:it ,\;,·:1<1,11 n1i.:I · 111!' .1 .•roc1rrM r1f !hr rt rra in· 1.,i 1'1! '1,Jr•I ··1 rl1 1.~,. ,1111 rl11n ted ex · 1'" I " II 1 1, . 11'111.: ,,,, 1r1r t .1n1p11~ !rt· ,,, 1· "'1, •I·' l'!•I ., '"·11 h"f "-Prt ' ' ' ' ' ' .,. ~I ·I •l "t"f1'. ., i ·:ii' b•.1n tl Wi11ner Def ends Motto Cla11dP Gir<111lt •Jl erv :1111<1=t'tl' 111 /rri111' R e111·tion Ry c,~;nnr.E l.ElllAI. 01 mo O•.iv p,Jot si.11 TllP aJ1tho1 or lilr 11·111n1ng 1'1111"1 Ill !Iii' \r r1nr .h111\!\r \\.'D1n1·n s ('\l!ll e .. 1rr~1 l"r :t .~ct1I ;ind 1nn110 for thf' ne11· t1I\ 1oci•1\ <lflrnde1l his "Angulu,<; H11lp1 '' n1r11111 l 'i:llHJP !;11;.i11JI 11 h11 ]1;1<; ITIO\(•J 111 '.!:i:?>J l>t'111e\1'r \\'<1\ 1n .\h":'lilll \'1c111 ~111cr l•r PrltcrPd 1J1e 1'·onles1 t11<1 rnonil1~ a<.'.11 ,•;1 ,d h1· 11a" "1·1,rv a1Jl?.7f'(t"' 111Pr rJ1r 11Hs1111t·rp1Tt<1tu111s of his Latin ph:·;(,r ··1wantrd10 lt•a1e .;on1eih111i: 1n lr1 111r that s\'n1bo!i1.rd the tu11·n 1h:1t I 111u r1<I ,1:1.s 1·ery niec 10 rn <'. · {;1rault .~:i1d 11,d;,1. ·rtie parl!1n1r Frt•nrh te<iehr r at C;il Stille Fullerton said hP 11·a~ 1•er'' surpr1 ~Pd ~nit in lr1 int 1\'nu\d he l1 r \'r he rn1rrerl the \\'!nn1ng mol\o ";i'i a JOkr " The n10!10 \1·h11·h £;1raul! 1n1erpre1crl 1n a !\\'O ;;nd a hall page f'xplan:it1on th;i1 ;;pparenll~· never reach ed 111(•n1bcr<; <1f lhe r11 y tnl!ncil "mllkPs ~ensr ." h(' said tnr1<1 .1· '·A11gr\11s H1dC'r·· n1can~ ·-t11at c:urncr .'i of the •1orld sn,iles on n1c·· or "this land charms n1r." C1rault :;;JJ~I. nu!ln!.: he ff'rl ~ the phrasP ;:iccuralt·ly df'sf'nhr~ "!he bc;iutv nf the land 111 lr1·1nr " 1;1r.iu11. 11ho 1rill altrnd 1on1gl11.; !'1•v Cnunril rnrrl1ng If! rrrr11·r l11s !SHio fir·! plact ;1v.·ard. ~uggrsted ill't111g <l>.~i~1;int c·J;i.~su:s µro!es~or Da1·1d Thnn1<1son u[ L"C: lr1·1ne 11as "mistaken"" 111 his 1n· terpr('l al1on nl \he 11,0-"nrd phrase frqn\ tht> Lat in poet Horaer. Dr Thornason last 11·rC'k :-;uggt''il('rl 1hr phr;ise referrer\ 1n a trysting p\;;er th<tl ··.~m 1led "' ()n a lo1rr b('1·;iusr of lhP pre~encf of the girl he 1ras al/out In n1r r1 thrre. Dr. ·rhun1asnn. <;1rault .•;1 1cl !(lrl;n. ''should ha\f' rracl 1he: poem Orh•rr m:ik· in,11 111ld sug,crst1011:-.. · Hora cf' only cnn1p,1rl'~ T1hur. fo•1ndrc! h,\ an Arg11·r colony . .;ind Taran!n 11n lt .;i - l\ 1, he nrr er 1alk~ ;ibl)ut the rneet ing nf 1fJ1·rr~." (;1rault said _ As for· rhr 1r;·b's prrff'1Tcrl nlr;1n 1ng "111 l;iu~h · -a mc?.n:n,<: th;;il fnrin~ the ba.~c for the English v.·ord ridit"uloi1 s - (;11·.11111 1111Tr-1l1e \rl• l .. 11..-.'1 .~,, I '·1 ,11•rl ~:11;::!+,h ( l11 11! 11,11' 11. I J·.I !' rH !('lr <'<11111<,'11 "~' r 11 1••('1\ ii I" lf,1•d 11 1' il 1111' d.11, I Thr d.'1'>1 1' 111 q11«'I (>11 ~rtP P'"11 " ' lll ih1 ' 11) I( II \ 11\1;\1•)\l\1,+I\ \\1 \ • •i•! •' I 'I I •'I h\1 ' l''.,'I ·.,j l•f' I 'I 1j t' 111Jr;1 •I' /11 I \ J 1,1· II,, !! I ' of thr IT'nl t ;1rnu .1 .t 1'• ' Bil! 1,n ii, , ·1 1·1 ,. ,1•1 J\r 'I 'h"I , ,., II('\\ th.ii till' \••''d (!1_ 11• •11:~!.I ' 1 ;1 r 11nf11111\).! r'l"·"d pl;i. 1 1 .. 'hr I· 11 •" •, n lf';i('hf'I ;11 _,!1!I ' 11i.;.!1···~ ·«111<''! -1 .: \l ;lf"nl . l'H I ,1t 1tl 'i'I'• .. 1) ll• l.h<' l•l'I'· 1•rl !hts q11ot" '" T.i1 .ull" ·' , 111 irl '"'llh•• •1 It al\.· t,11.11 .. 1 •.1d .11111 -ur,1•d1n _: '·1 !hr . ~·rrnih <lu·l 1111111r1 \,.11 1r111 \'f''' \,;irou~~". ·11111· i ;1n 11 E' 1' 1,, 1r•·1U .1111 r l:irr th;i1 ("h,1n11-_11111' 'h.--. ~iJ .d G1r;iult at.~o drnird he hilt! e1 rr in Gif!i S "in1 ~ .'\,ra~· \Vi thou I a f) le<" p S\\" 1111·:c.n r \I ' 11 h:ilr. 11 ho '11r1111 •1, h11<1 l11111•·rt !1 1 f .. t1" 1 fur lllllf' r1111ntn• ti1 -11.1 1.d~ tr .. 111 ;i 1 :1d .i bai·\q1:irk . ha~n ! b1·1·1• t1r;i1 •I 111•111 1.11!'\'. S('IClll l~!~ al lloi • \.11 ~I I !l<lf•f'""I u .... r~1Th ;ind I 1, ,.1, Pill• 111 I 1'!11• I 111 ('h:ir~r nf tlH· t r:11•k111L' .. pi•r:ol 1t1n .. ;1 1 i 111!1 ;i pparrn1\~ 1 .. <.\\illHll l!I~ n1<1·111 1111\1 1,1111•r 1.:ra 1 11ha!I•!< 'l'lu•1 an·n 1 "11 •· \1h1 th,.. h;ll('ll 1 h1'f'1l J.'l'l lllli.: _,,1;p,1I~ lu1' 111 Ilk l!lf' ~n11•nn<1 hi\ her r;11h11 1111:.-_ht h• !1<·111 Thr h11f.'.1' 1n,.111111;1i 11,1. l..•·i.i 111 ;1 r11.1r111t• p;1ri.. f;uik ln1 Piii' '•·at l•'I :-( 11•n !il1t· .. 1111h i\f1f\ 1hrf1 \l ,1<. 1•\••<1,1'd o\! 1hr S;1n 1llcR;1 Coa~1 1\larth 13. Sile spcn! hPr fir .;! 1n\1n1h 1n th;i1 j:!Cneral are11 . feccl1ng in kr lp hrds <ind :-;hov.·ing nn rush !o join 1)11· 11n11hrr11 rn 1 ~1-al11•11 nr r.r:iv 11 h:ilj'<; t'rorn hrerrling i.;rnunrl~ 111 B;•li'I ( :1111111·111:+ !>1 1hr 1na1nn1;1 1s· ;incr.~\r;il li11111r I!\ 11r1 111g St'il tli•': q1''" 111'~1!'1" il l" c~• 1il••l \l\ !hf arj ·, :1, • 1,1, .• ... 1·d ·Ii I! ,, -rn !).,' I•<".! Ill I. • ']I(' )lhi I I' ·ll::~f' 1111::: !h ' I I I • 1,, •,,H ~ilHll lrl 11.1\ 1' 1 t ,id I !•II ;1ri 1 lrlf 11 .It•-1)-I' PH· prw• nP I Pf th"._~' · 11 .i~ nrec ,11 '0 .irlrl -1:1 n " \\• ,11 II 11 .d 1lrst1• 1 ' •'••"'l'i rrr, 11• !ti•' i •. 1.,1 /' !•I lf~!l1,i,: f•I •'1 l "f' ii ;~ 1 ff'f,t' 11 .111 .!,+· "''l .,f its l .nl 1 ·!I I •'11dtr1n;., I' '.I ,;· I I r:1rnd~ ·11:i· !111 1nr1 res1<lr11• .. 1 I• ' 11'• 11/" ,.:"rl .'!" u ••1·rp!•'l •t111n 11! thr 111••1'11 \n~r:u. \\ih i I\ ,1r1 1-1111"1 th<1n ;:i l1!r1.1l l1.•n:,1,111•1n ... , !l"l.11 llhO llli'\.\ O H(lflfll!f' f., fjlJf' I fl'l 1:1•· ,1•'•'111 ,.i ll.,1nc 111•' j•\1:,i,f• ii , fl '.'', 1••,,11 .. hr ,;11cl. 1n1g ht 11·"~· 1t p 1;-:r 12'1 Ir< !i1•' h h•k 11! l!•lf:l<'r /'J1,. (lfi "; .1111l Ep1sO<lr s" transl.1tfd b\ t E Benn"' Thr pn!'ln 1':111 thrre hr lriuncl 1n both 1.<1!1n ;ind Eni.:li~h \l ra1111·h1l r . unit~" 11·11qr r·n11n11\n1 r11 1·i1,11 .1' t11"1r 1n 111rl 1, : 1.ill , 11•r· '11•1:.~ ii~ l)IC top rhlJI•,.. .. r IJll' (",\Lil'• ,I ( .. r 1111 111 10.r1 1•1 f'('nr]r ril':'-nl lh" 111~1n1 n~ lh1•r 1 ,1, -•·<i i rn!r t• 1'I , , .<111111 11('0 sr d •1111 11""1., rli•' <"r •, 11 /1·11 l'!ll•rd up hi I p:11f··~·••111 •I :11-1 I 1n ·11 I ·~.-., :nr thr 1·1" .. \I i• ,11 .• r~l <i rtrl \,• •l'( II ,,1 1 ~!flllllll('I1 ,111rl 1·111 1 rhlril'~ l{c finer' \\1 orkl·r Fall!'i to !)Path \\!\ l \j\'t~1'0"' I \j'1 -All r11 l 1rf ~,~~·: 11 ' ~1111111 frll 20 fr t'\ In h1~ clr;i!h af1rr 1 l·P' 1.,,,,,, ;ind ~pr:11rrl him 11·11h <;,\earn .. 11 • 111· i.11;1\ !rl'('! (If ~ 90-lfl(ll pressur• L'inr. ri1 Ilic ·rf'xaco rrt1nrr.v Thrcf' nrhcr rnrn burned hv the 5\eam wrr·r hoSJH\;il1zrd 1n fair cond1tinn. rn~r <;urrrrra. 47. of La Pa lma v.·a1 ~1 f" I \1< nrl:ty whrn he Jumped aside In 0111 qd i hr ~\;i1n . los t hts fnl1ting and land- rd on h 1~ hc(lcl . pnl1ce said iiiiiiiiiii Oran1i?e Coun1y Super\•isnr Rnbcr1 R<1t· tin "'a~ a!t.:irked ~lnnd?.S f (l r '·unresponsirenPs~"' 11nr! a · po<lr at· 1enrtance rPrord ·· h.1' thrE'e o/ four !·.:in- did:ite~ seeki ng his pnsl 1n this Juni:·s elect inn . Candida1es \\';i\lv David. 8111 Hill. and R1!1 \Vrnke joined in at:<ir k1ng lhP in· cum bent Rar11n. 1\·hile a fourth candid.it!', Paul Baech . refratnecl from crllic1sm. • • • meet the MERCURYS .. : Ba llin did nor atlrnd the candidates' luncheon 111 !hr Ha' Prnn\· Inn 1n \\'estminsle~ Ills 0H1t f' .-x pl~inrrt \h;H !he first clistnct suprr\'isnr ;ihd "a prP\'ious rnj:!agrmenr .·· Thr fir~t ~11pprv1 sonal chs1r1r1 i~ r nrfl· po~ed or Santa :\na. p:irt nf \\'est minstr-r. and Fountain \"11ll r~· ea~! 11f .\1a,t:nn)ia StrPPt and n11r!h nf T;:ilher1 Avenur "ft"~ nnt un11su;1\ th;i t i\1 r Batr1n ~hould f;i d !n .~ho1~· uo a1 th1~ ra11r\1~;i'PS rnf'f'llJ1~ ... ~a i d ~:i\nd1(i;i1 r \~';ill ,1 D:ll 1\ "Ht' has fl r r 1·nrr\ pf f;11l1ni;! !l'l rrmf'n\!'rr 1h .,t hP rrprr.~rn\ thr propl!' anr! fail ing 111 nirrl !hrn1 111 hrl'ld·'lll d1$1•11.;~11in~ 11f th,..1r prnhlr111c " l)a1·i~ said ih:11 ~fln1r nf R;i1 11 1'·$ lnrn1rr supporters har1 hf"f'n .. r1upf'1f' 11hrn th r.v supportecl him . Hr a r11·rr11.~ecl h1msrll ;i.~ a n)an ··;or l'l!l the people', nol a cho~rn fr1r ·· "Bob Bat11n's ab!'ence 1oday is t~·p1C'al of hii; tibsrnce ?.l man v 11nporlanl e\'ents:' said another caiid1da1e. Bill Wenke. \Vtnkt charged thal. ,oi l. ;i reC'rn1 scrirs nf JJ conferencts held lo inform thr roun- tr supervisors about the proposed !!li2-i.1 budget. Battin had fa iled to show up ;it l'lnv . \Vr nke addecl th;il B;i ttin·s aides had on iy been present at four of !he mf'r!ings, "and as I understand. the.v left rarly." CandidAlt' .John "Bill'' Hill also a1 · ta cked B<tl!in for .. unres pnns1\·f"ne1;;s ·· Hill devot e1 much of hi.~ fivt minulP speech to a stntemenl of hi.~ pro-busi ness a ltilude~. ··r 1n a businessn1:in fir.~1." hP s;iicl "I makt no hones :ibour It. 8111 I 11'oulrl likP lo he a husinesi; m;in in a pnlit1cal seat doin~ a jnb for !he people." La!er Hill addtd. "Surr. "'e need a r\ean en vi ronmrnt but we c:in'1 do it ;ii the expense of businrss nr RO"'er. \\ie need 10 \York togrlher with All concernrd to !IOlve our environmental problrms." Candidate: Paul Balch noted that he. h;is ~xperience al! a repre senlati"e of !he peoplt from the time he i;pent al! an <1d· ministratlve 111ssistant lo then s1a1e senator John Schmitz IR-Tustinl. Balch said the CflUnl y ha~ problems with drugs, the mentally retarded , youth. crime. mental he;illh, and poverty. "I ask for the opportunity to conlinue servi ng you ." he said. Th~ candidatr~ 11\so e:n)!ap,ed in a tletailed conver!'iation about menta l heallh. 011\'L~ charged Iha! OranRe Cou nt y i~ rectivin~ 11n ;iveraRP of only 70 ren!~ per ptr!On frnm fhe ftderal government f0r va riou11 l~·pe!I of dru~. psycholo,l!ical, marria,l!t. ;i.nd youth roun~e\ini;l . Explaining Rattin·r 11bsenct for the luncheon. which "'a.!i 1yponsorf'd hy lhto \Veslminsler Chamber of C-Omn1crrr . "Car of the Year" Mercury MONTEGO • '\ the .\IERCL.:RY MARQUIS --- EYcrythiug you h11 y a s1 nall t·ar for! l\'lercury COMET the '·.Sexy" lillle l'\IPOftT! Mercury CAPRI slee k and sophi sticated ~IERCURY COUGAR "Orange Cot1'1tJ{s fnmHy of F'iM Cars" HomP. Of The Nev.' Car .• "Golden Tou.,h" ohnson & son 1-Iome Of The New Car .• ""Golden Touch'' LI NCO LN COUGAR CAPRI 2626 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA • 540.5830 ' .. .. Ju ~t Path -cleared for GOP Sl1ift to Miami . (• . ~ f"/ '.~ "'' ·.. with Tom urpbinl' "&: Ho,v to Succeecl BH K' Tlrl\\ f'OL ITIX .ih• Rf-puhhri'ln j\a1 ~ona! Cnmm1f!te .,., h1rh rrltl~.f~ 1.0 hrilrlf'llJ,1flf'r!> h<i( ~ a1 .Jlfl F !~o1 S1 ~[ in \\a~h1n~1 c.n !) (' pu b!1~hr• <1 1n ~l\I': 1hr> prnpr r In· 1rrrrrlanon to pol1~ t1r :il PVl"!ll! It IS r <illcr! sunpi.1 ' ~lnn rl.:i v · OnP prF~Um"~ 1! rnmrs nLH nn t)1.1t d:~.\ Ai ;ii n.1 ra1p :tn April \~f.\!P of ~Inn 1;i1• ~et ml' ~1ra11;:h1 )n 11h;it happf>nrri in th r \\"1.or n11.~1n Pri· l'r11nnry Elrctuin TH E (OVER nf rh1!' parru:ular April i.~~ul' nf ~.lnnrla1· u·;i ~ dr1 ·01ed almosi t n- t1rely fo a Conrrid carl()(ln deo1c!ing 1hr o!rJ rhrf'f'·ffiil!'l("rl !'hip of 1hr Dtm&ra11c Par11· be ing srnrm-rnsserl on horre.ndou~ ,~·at er~ P.111 Jn. JUSt ahead is 3 ™'11 hun.v hnbhing on !ht sto rm-tossed "'alers. H dt~p!.a.\"S 11 s1~n \1llh a directional arro111 pcu nt 1ng to lhe safely ahead at Hyannis Pnrt BPJ011 ;i ll 1h1s 1r. 1he hearl l1ne. which gives _you the real scoop abou! all trus I! procJ:i1ms KE\NEO'' REAL "'INSER J.\; \\"I SCO!\SI.~ ~Ste f!lnry Inside J Zo un rls. I cru~d H~re l am in 1h ... ne11·spapPr business anrl I d1dn"t e\"en ~:nn"'· T1>rir!y ""i"l.~ runn1n i:: in ! he \~'1;,con~1n Drmorr.1t 1f Pririiar\· Ho11· could l ha1e m1s~rrl all 1ha r·: Quic kl~'· ! scan rhrough pages 1n searrh of Sf'e S1nr~' 1n~triP I •1orkerl 1ny 11a} pa~t a nire piece b.1 Richard ;..1 i\"i xon on v.·hy Congress musr rnnvP on rrori::an1za1 1nn of the txccull\"f' hr.:inch of govrrnmenr 1 skipper! ano1hl"r offering hraded. '"Democra!tc Par1 y Funrl-Ra1se r~ Sprearl LIPS About Republican Party anrl ITT .. , I \\'.o\S (1SLY m1lr:lly 1n1erest ed in thP phoro of .i h;i1c hc1 .faced man 1n a crum- n1y office 11•hich rhe C.'Jption infnrms is a Demo funrl ·ra1 sPr soliciting cash for 1he Drrnn~· J11ly conve.nt1on. ThrPe pa~es are rlevo1ed to setting the rl":rord sir,-llght on all !he Democr;i lic lies ahout ITT. finally. on Page 6, "'e flnd rhr prnpr r inrrrpret:it ion of whar h;ip- prnerl in \\'1~rnns.111 Th11s. "Thn11gh Srn (ie('lrizr '.°l\('!;nvern and (1f>V fi P<lfgr \\'a[larP l\Pff' th~ nan1 f'S rnmmandlnf! thr hc;i~lt!'lr s th~ mfirn1ng aft er -1hP n:in1p nf !hr h1g 111nner nn !hf' DPm()(ril!Jf ~lr!P Ln thf \l'1.~rons1n pr1m.1r~ 1s SPn Ed11·ard !\enn"rl~· 'AS f{l:.f'l"BLICA '.\ .\at1on;i! Com · m111e,. rh:11rn1::in Boh Dole put 11 la ~1 11 r~k ·~rn t\ennrrly 1s r n1Cl\·1n~ all thP hrnef11s of r11nn 1ne: for off1cP . 11·11h none of rhr rr.0 rnn.,1hil1r1rs Sn far , 1he senaror h;; r.r r11 ;i b111 r thF' h.111\1> ' "l-\r1'nrrh ·~ pn'-1t1nn 1~ s1rPni::;!hPnt-d bv thr a ~.tnn1·h1ni:; 11e;:i ~nc·.~ nl rhP ce nlrt~r rJ1>mofri1rs .\lusk'"· H1 11nrhrr~ 11 n rl .t.·1ck~o11 ,\f!cr \l'1~rnn:o.1 n rhe ri"mnrr:i11r nor11 111a11nn 1:0: !\rnnerl.1 ·~ for t h" a;..L,1nr.: \Ve it 1r.1J rn.11 c.hakr 1n11r hr,irl a hit ?.f'e r ;i ll 1h·r-'irrJ1h rl 1dn·r rr«ll r\J n 1nu g1;rs.s 1;111 hr vr.i1 ,1p1 11:<1 ,\S FOR Tll E nlhr r [lPn10~. 1hP c,np :-.1rinrl~1 r uhhr:il 1nn f'~pl11n~ 1nrthl"l .l!hll v th.t i \tr1;01 rr11 1~ ;i c.1nd1date of ~uprr­ r :Jrf1c;it~ .lnhn 1.1 nrl~;i ~· hou~ht hi.~ Fln rirf:i 1 nt"; fnr ~-, riarh f,r!111 1inrl \l1Js k1r ·c. fJn11rl.:ir1 1~ rle;irl , \\'allace r :in'r 11 111 h111 hr ~ !I O]Pn all of Sroop J.irkson ~ \ "'"~ -\II rhtc. hr 1n;:c.. \"OU full-c1rr!r back !o ~:('nnPr!.1 '\"011 t>~gln tn su.5pect that th P R"puhhcans sor• of ha1·e this Kr-nn rdy Th1 ni: \'011 r.oir."1 te ll 11hc1hrr thr·:·re happ:r r v.h~n 1-;Pnnrrlv is runnln.I! or 11h1>n :,e 1sn·1 r unning anr\ lhrv \US! 1h1r.1r: he. IS rrnm \\ Lrf' Sl"r1 if('~ \~ ASH1:-.r.TO.\ -\\ 1111 RPp \lhl 1c.:1n ,\11- 11··1!.'JI (ha1rn1,1n r!nnt'rl .J nnl,. pr.1atl'1\' u~i;rnf,.'. thP RPp11b11r;i n _\;n1nn.:il 1-n m 111,ltl'P tu mo1 r 1t1r r.illl!'ln al ron1Pnt1r1n lrrJtn Srin [)1r~0 Jr• \l1;1rn1 )li•arh. <;,,nrr~I \lnlfof~ ~l!m 1n;~l(rl ,, ~r 1 "h~litrl r In tt1•· ~11 1 it h 1rirlav h1 1r· 1r •,1 nr11 i ,:inf( l1 n~ 11• p);i(l Trr 1J n1 r>il tl"IP J'l71 H1J1! k ~ 1n !hr> \!1,<1n· l-\1>;irh ( "nn1 rnr nn IJ:i r I'. r rP nr1t h.:qrP ' "nr. ,1 ii ' 11 R J!' l ~pni-..P«rn :i n ·~ d h.11 tr.rrP \ nr•'h::1;: v. •· • tr1 '1fl :"l ho'" 11 ' I' l,PnFrl1 I \1"'''1' n.:ir1 \~• ... ~iJ 1'" ("n'r n11 •n lla l fr,r t •,.. R•.ir n ;.ii,. 1r rrl 1r'i' .'\ .:: 1' 11 r!~'r< 1n ~1 r«nf"1 r1~1 1• 1'n thP ftrrunl,r;,n rrin1 P.n11n'l ~rhrr\u l· £d tr1 t"let:in ,\•J;: '!l , .. ,,. Disclosure r;,\1 will m n1 P tht 11n1 ,.1l1ng In ann!hf'r un •pprtf1rd r1i,1 f1o!t 1ssuPrl .a r11.U ~·lnnda y for tn,. cnm - m1trre nH•r11nJ!, de~cr1b1ng prf1 b1 ,..m~ nf i.,.,.rp1n g !ht' rnnlPn!1nn 1n ::Ian Dil"g n 11s ":i lmo~i :n~1:~~nur.t:ibif' ' I 'f'J Je·;1r11rd rhr Kiln .•ao; •rn;i111 r anrl 1hP 11r·1• 1'h;i1r1n;1n fnr' {;(/I' ron1rn1111ri :1rr;inic1•rnf'nl ~, fl L '"!l1rk HF'rm ;i n. Mth 11 111 11rg(' !he cn mmlt1ef' 111 apprn1 p thP ~"'ill h. Thi· 1n1nm1tlt>e n)re11n i;: 1• <(·h(•li 11l rd 1n I\ a~h1ngtnn \];i~ !I-Ii I an1 <11rr 1r11J illf' ;:iv.;i r,. 1rrr11~n !11•• nt11• mf'd1a tha1 ...,.,, ari> f-.crd v.i!h prnh !r(rl~ 1n S,1n D1r~n th;it .11r,. a ln•o~I L1''U rmnqnliihl,. ' DnlP n11>'<a~Pr1 rnn1. !}"Ullf'P m ... mbf'r .• 'nlJS ha~ lrrJ ti~ 1r1 rofl\lder thP po~s1 b1hty of mo1 u1g !hP ron - l(leindienst Approval Facing Another Delay I\ ASHJ'.\(, Tl).\' 11 ·r 1 A new d1scln5ure frnn1 On" r1f President .~1:i;nn«. top a1dr" ha" triggered a demand th;it. the Sena!e Judiciary Commi nee hrild nff a 11·hile lon ger on the artornt".\' general Chicago Combed As Businessman Take11 • Kidnap Ill CHICAGO 1\"Pl 1 -A pnli r P hunt C(l\'ered the c:1t1·"s South Side !Odil\' rnr ;) 11'ealthl' b1J5 1nP.~~man 1\·hfl 11;is ;ihdurtrrl for SlOO.noo ra n~n1 Pn!JC"t> frarpd Al;in .). Bernst ein 11.1.!"l .~trioush 1n1 1Jf(•rl nr tii:>ad LorenzP Turnr.r. 40, a h us 1 n ,. .<.. .5 a~sor 1ate of Berns1e1n 11·;i s rhari::;ed ~lon· day 11·11h kirlnap1nio'.!. t1ro count:; nf Hl· t1m1riation and unl;1:11•ful u~e nf :i 11•captin T11·n other susper!s 11·err .~nught, policl' sa1rl . Berns1('1n. of ~u hurha n Fln;.;smrinr. 11 <i s rrported m1ss1n1Z latr Frirla\' hy h 1~ v.ifl", Kathi ~Ir ~. Bern~.tri n !old police that she rec:e11·rd f0ur trle.11hnnP calls dem:in- rltn~ SI00.000 d11r1ng a 12·hour pcr1nd rin Saturda1 Shr rece1\"rrl nn telrphnne rails Sunda.v 'and \lnnd;iy. police said The v1ct1m '5 19i2 car 1vas found nn !hP Snu!h S1rle Sund;i v near onp nf !hr rl ,.aner~ he nperatcf! The r-ar v.·a~ sp lal· tered 11·\th hloNI. p<1 l1c r s.;i 1rl . Fron1 !hr trunk nf 1hat a11\n )1;i<; hPen l.:i ken our ilrprnx1m;i1rl .1· nne ptnr of hlfinrl 11·h1ch 1s 1hr-~'11r1r lvpr :i::. Iha\ of the \·1c!1 m." said .A.~s1s1 an1 S1 Rtr's At- l'lrnr:-i Rnn:ilrl B;ink s rluring a he;iring for Tu rner ~1nnd;i1·, S;inks :i~kerl fnr a hl/nd of ~\f\0 .000 for Tu rner But Judge John F Hrrh1nger srt hnnr! for .$.1:.,l'lfl() and rnn11nurd thf' ca~e 1.i ntd ;..1.1~· !O T11rn"r 1.1·11!> arrr·tr1! SunrL11 ro11rP ~a lrJ at th(' !Ill'" nf thf' arrr.~! Tu t nrr h.::irl 1n hi5 pn ;~r~c.1rin a J& rallb,.r re\·nl\rr and 11 mn111n1t1nn B:inks frild thr rfiutr "11P ha\e 11 cnn- t r.~.~1nn nn the charge of ag,;::r11 vated lod- nap1n~ " ,_ S..y, isn't that Ted Kennedy behind thllt trHr nnm :nat 1on of R1r h;irrl r. hlr1nd1 Pns1 The aide, Peter r. Flanu:.:an , !Pnt .:i \pt- ll;'r tn 1he cnmmittrP \.1nnda.v 11n.~v.Pr1n~ Q\JPS!ll)n.5 .~Ubm11tPr1 tn him .<!l lhP Pnrl nr !hf' panPl"~ 5!);-\\·erk ln\"f'<;\LJ<i111nn nr l\!r 1nd1Pnst. ITT anrt r(']a1rrl mA!lrr.< Among other th1nE:!s Flanigan ~aid Frl1 :< Rl"halyn, a dtrC'rtnr nf lnternar1ona l Telephnne & Te lri::r;iph, had r;llsed thft .rus11rp Departmf'nt 's an!itrust .<u1t a~a i nst TIT in a c-nnver~a!inn w11h him. Anrl hP !'aicL he la 1rr passrrl Rnhal yn·s rnmm('nts nn tn Kle1 nrl1en~L 11·ho v.·as as- ~1.•tanl ;it1nrnf'1· ~('nrril l at lhP timr -- ahout nnp mnnth ht'forP the .Ju~1 1rr Drprl rtment SPtfled the !IT r;isf' nut (lf cnurt , Klr1nd1rn sl prPv111usl~• t r~t1f1~d bf'fnrr !hr rommittef' that hr rould nnt rec;ill ;in\· rontacts. 11·1rh thr \\'hitr House 11bnut th(' lTI l'lnt1tru~t m;itter_ St>n. t:d1•1a rd r.1 Krnnedr 1 D·\.-las~ "in rr~ponse 1n F\an1~an's cotTimcnt.s. s.atd · Thr conflirting s1<'11P!TI('nts 11[ \Ir. F\an1i::an and ~1r . K\ei nditn~t abnul !he \\"hllP Hnll!'f' 1n\·nlrrmf'nl in thr :o:rl - tlrmPnl nf !he ITT e;isr rf'f1L!\re~ th;it bn1h nf 1hPm rPtu rn lo te stify ful lv heforP !hr .Jud1r1arv Cnmmtl1f'r bP!nrt' lhf' rnm· m1!1 rP makf.'i ;; rrromrnPnrlarinn !fl the SenRll' nn 1h1s 1natt Pr ' The rornmillre is schPrl ulNl lo mrrt t:i trr !hl!i 11'cf'k !11 !('\I !hr Srn<1IP 11•hr!hrr 1!. st il l rF'rnmmrnds that Klr1ncl1rn~! he r<lnflrmrd as ;ittorner _l!f'nera l. If it hrr<l~ Krnnr>d1 "Ii drmanr! · tha1 Flanigan and l-\\r1ndif.ns1 b1; rrr;iilcd, the cnst cnu\d hr extrnderl tnd rf1n 11 ,.l_r l\\eindicns1'.c; nom1nal1nn br r i! 1n P sn11g ged ilflfT rolumn1s1 .lark Andersnn 11 llr_1!rrl t here was ;i link hPtwten !hP ITT sPt11emPn1 and JTT'~ (lffPrr tn hPlp suh~H!i7." 1h1s sumn1er'~ nrpuhl1r;in \11 - l1nnal Cnn1Pn11on Fl.:tn1gan sa id Anh:i!1n a.;kPd him. at !hi> rnr! nf ;i rnn\'"T'5a]lnri nn anntht.r m<it· !rr v.hethPr h~ 11·.:1; ;,1.1,·:irP n/ the 11"'f \' tiie ,tu<..l t"f' Departmrnf 1.1·anted to sett llo the !TI ra ~f' Las Vegas Gets Bornb Threats , Pavoff De111nn<I, I -\:--\'r:1 ,,\~ 1 I \-.··i:;i~ hn!rl ~ ;ind t>nrn thr·ral rnrrl l'I • -r\1 \e;:i~! 1;, t;;~ c;i mhl tn i:. 1·,,5nrts h.11 P 1.1 1th hnn1h 1nc 11nlr~s thr·, 11 i::r"" in ;1 .~2 111 1i l1nn ra 1n,I ·r11n lh l•',•t 1•:1n1r 1n 1rlrnl1 r·;il lr1 1 r r ~ rrr r p rrl \l••nrl;i1 r dtf'rl1 11('1' ... tul"n('rl 11 \rr 10 tl,r Ff'drral P.urra11 n r l n1r~!1c;11!u11 ;ind 11u!hor1\1£'s. rf'fusrrl '" 1·n1nmrnt 0n the case.. Hn11r\er. 11 1~ behe1·('d <111 2! m;:ijnr do11·n!n "''" and 5!r1p hni r\s rrr-r11rli rnp1es of the tyP"wrtllrn 1i>!!r-r \\'hu;:h. Y•as mail f'd from Texas on Sund;i1 The lrt!Pr did nnl spPll nut !hr !unr anrl plilre nf the pa~'ofl~ bu\ 1ls a11!hnr 1n- d1ralrd th ;it he dflesn't care whether rhe mnney 1!' paid ininllv or b.I" .11 n individual hotel. a~ lonf! as h~ gels !2 mi!hon . One hntelman theorized tha t a nother cnntilct will folio~' Dry, Cool Air Prevails Frost Rellches a.~ Far Do tvn as Soutliern Illinois '.Tetttpe ro111reJ11: Al&.1""· c•••· Atl1'lt•. c•••· 8trrru~o~~-~I••· IMIO"· cl•J" l tt'1•l11. c1,,. C~t·•ttl'"' •t ~ Cllt d""• (I!!• (lll•lt'· Cle~· CIOICr""""· •'11 Clt v•ll"'1 ;I••• P<l"Y•'· •f1' °"' ""(""" tl tt• 0."ft••· c•t.1· M&nalttly. Cid ' MflOJ''""· cl•I' '""''"''!>"''''· rl~8· l(fOl!&I (•I·; C''"' LI• V,~~· <'"•' U"!• ll!'IC• <1•1 • Lll<J•svdlt . il•t• "'-1•'"''· , ..... "''lllfl u••• 11•1 • "''"" \t P•11' clt l ' N••" Ori••"' cltt•• "'' •• v~·· r lrjy C" ''"~""• C.·•·1 rid" ,.,.,,,,.1,., .... , fidf '°"''""'0~ (ld'I '°D'<!j-,(j 0'' Cid~ •'<"..,""Ii 1 lt'I f ,, l ell'I (It•• ~,,..,.,. rl•1· Wt 1•'"CI•~. t i••• ... ,11 Lftwi. l"I ., ,, .. " " " " " " " " ., .. " " " " ,. " " " •• " .. " ,. " " " ,, " " " " " " ., " " ., " " .• , ., " .. • " " " " " " " ,. .. " " .. ,. " ., " ,. ,. "'~l•ri .,., Wl 4l><!f ~l lY!{I 1(/11 {•'1 <• 7•111 tll ~Cl~~ California ''·•·~ 'l'''' v ·~\ ~II ••' •" ·~ l('!;.11 •111>"• ~1.,,. !·vt"~'" t 11 •e••·• t••v""1 ,,_,, ,. ••• -·v·•or·1 •···~M """ W•~'"'""' «•••••'•' " ,,, "1•v1 •l••t.r~J>IOW f7T'7l '-. • •t LLL:J!"'I°'"'"'!•:. r1riw '"' U'"'r>''''"'' y l ,..,.,. '" Ml 'al..:1 .. •1d•v '""-'"' 1 l!!W '""'t"' "' , ..•. ' •.••• , l''O•·~·· \•"''" •• tl U.S. Summat'll Cl•v t~ ceel Wll!l'lt r ~rtvtlltd ew• '""ftS1 o! 11\t "111(1" l(l(l1V. Wl!l'I V"- tellOl'lt &IV celd t lr I" 11'1 .y.1•,.,..1• &Vt1'1!'0 fret! 11 ltr t !IYlll 11 c1ntrt l 1 ~11 $111111\t •n lltlh&lt, T"t Cl'lld w•v• w•• ~·~•fl~!I ·~ &Vlh .. t!wt •d •nl! """II ,.,.,,,.~ ,.,., r>@•t •urtt '"Ill Vor<;i•~·• ~· VJonr•1n•v ,..,,..,.1 .. g. II lfW ""'""''"'"!! '~"WO" no ... nonod '"• •ourn1rn t nd <•~•·•I £••••-n loo ""8•.t t"ll 1:1111 ••In •nl••~•n '"'" ·~· J>•r••lr Nort~wtJ! •~rt •~• "~"h!-~ re-rrDtt••lvr•• bl•M• "''n ••nQ•rl ''""' 1S 11 Ml•Qv•tt~ C"""'v "''"llQ•I. "'It~, '" 11 •I ,.,,nt~"· "'''/ c .. a•tal Wralhrr '•'~ • IO(il "f, V••o•M• v ,.,,,, "'GM •"'! ''"'r'11'!1 h11t1•• ri-r"""'"ll w••• r~ "~•!l\Wf\! IS '" '' ~n'11• on ~""""'""~ ie~•v '"'" W•ot.,•1~•~ •Han t~"'" 11 lc~1tol 1IO"'ntrt1v••• ••1'0• ''""' ·~ !" ~! !nlt~d t•,..11•1•'"'"' , • ..,,, l•O"' ~1 ,., n W•''' '•"'"'1•••vr• 11 ·"""· "'"""· ThlP• TUISOA'I' .,., •·~ "'Oh I YI n "" " .. ~.,,.~,, +nw I •.1 ~ ... WID#IJDA 'I' ~·'" ~.e~ ~·-1• 1e ... ~-~~81 "'O~ St<Of'll I""" ".,,.,, ., .. , t ·~ .... l •l•I l 'I ~ .., '' " '. I W D.., I I 1••1 • 1) r ... St•t l ll • ... rrnt1on ln ano!htr S!lf'" ThP cnn1 ent1nn. 1\ h1rh ts ex~rted in r,..nnm1na1r !'rr ~1dcnl ;\'t:.;(ln , nnw !S ~c-her1t1l ~rl 1n San 01Pgn Au):: 21 Ho11·e1er. sr1p r;1.I prohlrn;i; hail" 1·rc.p· prrt up 111 1/11· nrrp1ir·u1 1un~ Thc1 1nrlt1dl"'" d('\;iys 111 s1 11r1ing con~1 ru t"11on 111•rk a1 lhP San I !11'~0 .;po 1rt~ an·na . t:-1 1lu1 r> ,,f 1111' Cl!y l0 l'Otl1f" Ii[) V.'l\h ;i\I 11f 11 ~ plPfl1!,f' Ill ~·.:i~h 11nrl ~Prv1t·es . ;1 n1~ ~ shor1;1,i:t (Ir prnmisf·I! l101t·I rorin1s In arlr1 1r1nn. !IH'rr ha~ her>n '-P•'1'11l;11 "!I th;i t a rnnt11 r he!1111d th" p!'fl [lfl~Pd ~11111 1•·a~ thr Scn;:i1r ./11rlh ·1nr1 \"01nnn1trro·., 10- 1 ,._,1 1i;:at1nn nf ~n all •'~rrl rn1111n1lnH•n1 !'". !hf' lnrrrna{lnna! Trlrphonr ,'(,· ·r"!r~1 :il'h Corp !n unrtr r11 rltr pa r! of the :-;:u1 I >1r~d c:<re nse~. 1rr 11·;i s 1n1oil f'rl 111 ~n ;111- r I ~ : • ' Boyi11 - t .rru~r s111! a! the 11me rif rhe offer. He rm an r.nnrf'ded prnbltm.s rPma1 nPrl fn bl' wri rked nut fnr the ;..11Rm\ Be;irtl ~!IP. h11! ~a1rt ··:\11am1 Rrach rnulrl hanr!JP the c\'l n1cnt1on. spccta!h· since the t 1>11- 1rq11nn '1111!t'r :il rl';idy 11•1!1 h;i re brrn <;-rl t![l t11r \Ile ll1'lll11C'rat1<: K!ltJonal c .. n. I r'!"r! 11 l!l " 10(")]• \(';1d"I'.~ .~:1 11! 1hry (·1111\d nol 111••11' lh!'1r 1111111 n11111111 p 11n1 l'arl1cr than AllL' ~! hf·1 ·a 11~r "I <'"nflu·t.-; 11 1\h pan1· h\"\<111 " !";111 I li1 f!" plf·l!J.:t'il n11)n' 1h;in S.'lilil 11(,(1 l"r !)1+' ll1·ri11hl11 ,111 r•.,111 ! n11n11 . h11l lhe 11 t ,-)101~ 1.u:-t'd !H11\ ;1l)j1Ut Sl!~l 000 so f.ir· 'll1f' p;1rt1 al~o ;., 1111111\f•d 1n r\1.r;pulr~ • 1 t'I 1 ,.,1 !n11 l l••ri ;1! th l" :-ia!l Oil>l!:U Spnrl., \11•10.1 111HI 1~ h:11 Ing trouhle f1nr\ing t r\lllU.:h li••l f•! I Ol•lll~ ··~ The l,o<, ,\ni.:Pl1•<; T1n11' 11 1••rli 11 :->ur>ri~I' tha t PPIPr r;rilllam ilpl'r:i tior nt In~ Spnr!~ Arena , h,1 \ d1>rn:i nd1rl S442 -,Ill 11nrth (lf perm'1nr nl 1ntrr1(•r rhnni:;r~ tn 1hP {}11·1111\' ilnd ;ir1 Rdd1l1nn;1l ~1(l(1 01111 i r:•t Th•· '1'11111 '' :tl~o :-i;11ol 1l1r !i1 p111i1, . .iii 11"1e 11 ~1<.1'•! 10 p:t1 u11 I'• ~n:111rK~1 I•• n1 ;1, .. llir' -~1 H1r l'i ;\!'!'!1:1 ll'"hlr ;:i , 11 '11n 1 111 111111 l(·1111•r (,r;ifl;i11i h;1, n·l t1~1·fl 11. l·n11>1111 ·1'1 \\1,11111 Hi'B!'h jil ll!'1al\ ji;n P 111dlf ,ll•il thr-1 1111n I ol l1·r· !)11• l1rp11hlt< ;111• n' 11 n111rr 1h;i11 ~l (Hl !W\O 1f th r ~11 111·h 1, 111.11 ··, 1111! tl1 r J,(H' '"ilr••' 1r1111h,.1 I 111 11 <' Flo!"l dil n1•i::nt1ii!t11n~ !-a1rl. · rh:it li l'I(''!• I nv·.:t11 111•)!h111i:: \I ilnl1 Hr:i1 ·11 \.,11011< '·'" t.:in·r \f'lfl m•1ch 11h<lu1 rhrm nnll Cl' 11• ~l!k1fw"111hr>n 1hP 111hPr plaf'e 11·.:in1' t • l h;i ri;:e us n('ilrly a n11Jt1on," BalJy Buggy Bomll RitlS Ulste1~ Site H~:t.F.\ST :".11rthrr11 !rrland 1t"Pll -- f.t1[1111rfl 11s1n~;; t1:.hv rarr11q::f' f1llP<l 1.1,·1\'1 J'f']IJ.!111l r h:i.,..r h1•mhPrl '\nr!hrrn lr"land ·~ ni:i1 n trlrrhnnf' f'\"rh11n.i:" d11r1n_:? !he n1gh1 lhl'n nrrnf'I! fir·,, nn Flr11 1 ~h troop!! l r.11 11 ~ to p1·ac·u11le ~O lrlrphonP npc-ra· tors ;inrt O!hf'r l"H"rson~ frnrn 1hr h\Hlrl 1n_I'.!. Sn i prr~ firer! 111 troops. 11hrn thf'y 11 r- r11·rd In tr1 In r lrt1r per~nn.~ fr('lm the IP\rphnne Px ch :i n~e \fl ca<I' lherl'.' wer~ mnrt> h];i .~t~ The ~rilrl1rrs fir rr! b.:irk and h11 fine sn1rrr, The bu1 lrl 1nt:. wa~ ("lr;;rcd hut opl'ratnr!I l;itrr rcturnrd !n lhf"1r ~w11chho1rd~. ~rron(\.<; brfnrr !hi' PXp\n~1on. thr. n rf'rll1Dr.~ :inrl othrr wnrkrr~ da<hf'<l into rril r rn...,m ~ '"Ir .<rrin rrl ''1111 ii lr\1 ~,.,.,.nri ~ \at,..r 111;+1 ;i ll 1hr ll'll)dnv •. ~ hlp11 1n sinrl 1hP 11·tinlr r1)fl m ;:inrl ;i i\ nur rqu1pmrrt 11::is c111rrf'd 1n du~1.·· s;i11i H11 lph ,\rl;im s, m;in:i~rr nf 1hP !rlrphri1H• r~rh;inl!r ··Thrrr 11 a· 11r. p;iri1c :i lthnuJ!h 11 la•!I 11 a~ 01111:.: illrt1'~ 1hr .~11 11chh";irrl rlYlm " \ Hr it1~h ~1olrl1rr ~tin! !hrn11 .i:h lhft !!1rflil! h1 :i i-n1prr F11d.1 ~· rhrr! tnda•,, \\!l h hi~ 111fF' 111111 f;ithrr ;it ht~ hf'r!.••-i" Tfi,, r1r.1 lh r:i 1~{'d 1h1> f;i1;i tll\' 1nll 1n .:il!nn~r thrr" 1 r:i:~ r.J \nrihcr:1 lrrlanrl \ 1'">lrn1.:r 111 :llfi C'a n1bnd1a11 y~1111g ~tcr r:irr1e;.: n1 01t .1r t1!11C' a~ he 11·alk.; alnng ll1ghHa \ 1 tn11;;irds i\r ak l,uong after C';:r;i p1n ~ frnm tr,1\·n of Kon)pong Trabcrk . fl1 s homctr11r n ll'as rcrcn tl.v n1 f'rrun hy Commun ist~ 1rho ki lled nr r;intured 4.jn of 11 ' dc fcnfler ~ The 1·~1 l'l al.!r 1>1i p\,.1lrd 111 a ~h""' r1f n n1nf'~ ~h1n1 h hrl nl'f' n11r!n1 t:,l1! \fnnr\.iv 1•1\11T rin and !•,rpl1 11~ r:11·t ,,f .:i 11:i ll nf t~,1'! nu1<1rlP 1hf' H('lf.1.,1 1r\rrhnnP Pxrh;:ingP.. 1n1ur1n.i: 111(1 nr1t1.•h ~olf1 11>r~ ;;nd " se1 rn·l'lnr1 \)r11wn hn1•k h111l rlin~ ,o\n ;irin~· .<pnk11 ~m:in ~.11d 1hi> tll'n ~t·I · li 1rr~ ~u.•tillllf'rl \1•J.! :inr! ,inn 1n p !r1r~ 11 ht'n lh P hl1<! h111 lrd tl1rrn trl"rr;i l 1 ;:ird:ri ·1n1n thr nH1cl ;1~ lh1>1· 11·1>rl" ham1T1Prin~ fin 1hf' b11ilr\111i.:·~ n;ik <fnnr~ 1n ;in alten1pt II'! 11;1rn thn~,. in•1rlr nf l h~ h<1mh. ·~~~~~~~~~~ USO Ai(le l\il a(l e F 01·tu11e Th" 1nn1r"r\ r11 1l1a •1 11;o~ ;i l1>IP0hr1rie ,.n~1nrf'r nn ri :111· 1n~1rll' thP hu1lrl 1n;z 11 h1rh .•land• n,.11 1 th,. r111 h:i ll anrl !h~ flnrn;in i·111hnl11· \1f!·~r1 ~ :irr;i , 11 hr·~ 1 rnop~ ki!l"ri .lnP \lcCann ;i n 1.-i~h n ... pubt1can :\rm.1' IR1\ !radrr, " V.PPk 111 Viet11a111 , Say W 01·l\.ers • l\"ASHIS(tTOS !\·t1\1 ~ T11n l11•n1P r employrs of lhP L"n11prJ Ser\ ii (' n rc.11 11.r- l lO!l" C'l:i1m 1·s0 11·n~\.t 1"·~ 111 \ 1r·ri '''1 m::irlr mdl1nns. or rioll;1r" r n .... 111n(.'. • ,i, h infl ;it rrl p1 ,r·F'~ ~ fr:iu1h.lr11t m;i il r.rri• r h 11~1nr5~ .:i11d ~1r•kh:ir I,• Hrr !,{'-;.\~pill 111\\\ \111n•l.·1 p11hl1<:.flf•rl tlJr :il\1'~:d 1 rir•·. ill t h r· 1 ·,,n~r•'"-~1nn:,I n,·,·oril "-<111 nF 1 h ,. · •1i1 rrr1!1 1•n1 111:id 1t1 r l.111•, 111 •h,-1 ·,i l tha1 n1Jr (;I ~ \\f'/fr !Hli I 111 ·····I o\~p.n·~ 11fonn 11111 ~ lri•h 11111 •111'·r! 11n111rn 11hn !11!il .<1!1:·,, .. :1l)t•1 .1 " r;rrd i-r.:ind;il 1n rhr 1 :->fl ir• 1h" 11111;::r•'"'l'l:•11'" .~taff llr1:1ii f'rl ho·1 I \t ~ r oqr1•c.• <rn \11'11lS 11rrr-n1rrprir1•<I h.1· t.p in 41111 pr~­ ( 1111. Thrv sa 1r1 onP 1·sn f;ic iJ 11;, ri1rc1 : .. r 1n;irl p morr th:•n ~2 n1 1llifln in \"1rin;on 11-hilP r.irn1ni: .<;11 .:.,~1 11nn11;1lh ""If 1h1·Sl' :JIJ('gat1ons. arr "1ruf"" ,\~P !I !<~Id . "lhrn 1hc f'\'1rlrncr 15 r:i p1dly mnun- !!n~ 1h;11 .1 giln ~ of r s 11 rhJ('\"t.>.S t·h(';itrrl An1f'rican I.I:-111 \'1r1n;im " 11rfensr Scl'rf'l<ir\' ,\lpJ1 1n H. L;i1rd h;i s r1 1cp~rrhrrl 1n1·ris.t1 £;,1nr~ 1ri Vi!'!nam to <11d 1n !hr prohr of app:irr111ly frau rluli>nt 1·s.n i1 rl 1\·111r~ in vnl 1"111g ··1rry ~uhs1r1n· 11.11"" s11n1~. nf monc~ Tl1e l Sfl 1~ ;i $!; n1ill 1n11 111u1u;il op1 ·ra- l1011 . f1nan rrrl rn11rF'i~· h~· 1.;.llarily . 11 rlor~ rr.'r 11"F' .~rim r 01 rr.<:r::is 1n !hr 1·rrrr ;it1nn ;i nd sr r1·1r rn1rn arr far1J11it.~. i:;n1r1·nn11'11I 11 ~s 1.~1.1ntr Sf"n.<:f" thal s.on1r Qf 11~ sor1;il f;ir1li11r~ fnr hnusrd in izo1'rri1mrnl Accord1n.I!: lo Asp1n"::: 1nfnrm:i nt•. nnP. oprr1tion headed by thP rl 1rrrtQr of tlH' tiso rar:ilitv 1t Tan Son ~hut in SoL1ih Vietnam offered exotic 11rms such as Judge Clears \Vork Hunting 3 llOLl.\"\\"O(ln Fl;i 1Ar • -A 1urlge h;i.s rh~m1~srrl ch;iri::('s a'!atn~t lhrre ~11am1 \Pli1h<; ;if'C'lJ~rrl nl mnwing l.:1v.·n ~ 1o,rilh0ut' ;; permit . He :il~o t1rdrri:>d all J'('<'nrlis nf thr1 r ;:i rrt sls de~trnvccl Mt1nir1p.1l .Judge GN"lrJH! r'allnttn ;J C• !'rpir(i .:i rlPrrn!'r rrriuf"!'t. ~1nnd:iy lo <l1.~n11s~ 1hr rh:ir~c.~ a~ain ~t Prr!lhin~ "hip"' \V ill1.in1<; Jr . Rick Si~ler nnrl l1a11- n,1· \Valle rs. all 17. They 1Ycre arrestcrl Apnl 12 "'11ilr ,llnln,ll door tn door 11nd offrr1n~ lri mr11v ].111ns In r irk UP ~nine pflr kc! n1onr1 Thr.v tn!rt nn nffirer thr\' h:irl nnt h<luc:hl. 1·111 1r\1>nlifir~!1nn prrm1t ~. 1v :11ch cn~t :i ho11t $2 ,!j() ('a<'h, anrl 11rrP t~k1>n tn j<11!. \l.'1lllam!' car \\•as impo1inded . Thry 11.·cre r,.l,.a sed nn $5j bond e.1 rh. C"rn~.tinl'.~ !hrnu~h .:i mil ll orrlPr srrvtr P !/011r11>r. 1h" 1nfnrm:i n1 sa1rl . 1h,. pre- p.11>1 111·rn.~ 1• r rri n"\"Pr ~~nt 1n rhP f ,l s h"n1r 1n !hP t 11.IPd S1;i1 r< .:inrl. ""\\'p 11·r r" i-r11I ,1.:r1 11 nt:. lrt 1 rr~ h:•rk lrnm 1 ;1~ ~.:11 1n;;:. '\\ hrri· 111•· h• II 1~ lli\ hh111gun' cir 11 h.1 •r1rr 1' \Id~ 1'hr· hr11d rJ !h1' n1a 1I nrdrr :-rr1 1r ri IT• 11·,,,d n111· t1;1n~ <t:.itr n1!'n1 ··1r,;i1 h-lrl 1 rn~ rif t h(•.1<r1nr1 ~ ril rlnll;nf 1n 11," th" 1n l.i··1,:11' .·1'1 \\,. 11 Sf\ ~:;iff 1 n(irn r!.~r11~~"r1 b <> 111.'111 '1' h;,n ~ arTn11n1•, 1n h.111 ~~. :ill n11·r lh" 11·flrld , ,1 rrr! [ \lilS 1nlr! hi' 1111· hn~<; 1h;i: hn 11a.< S.UrP llh(' man·s n;1 n1e ' rn;1dr-01 rr 52 1n1ll1nn 11-e 11('re al! l\llff' ol 11 .. 1·so off1 r-1<1ls 1n ;\rw \'nrk c;1tv hafl no commrnt on A ~p1n·$ Jaiesr re l"e]~!iQn.~. Ar~hie ThP cprokr5miln .. illrl 1nnr e 1n111nr< \O"Pfl'! 11 rpi1ren1J~ ;:i1·ro1d rd by qu1r k-rh1nk1 ng Sl"]d1Pr!i nn a pRfrnl. DAILY PILOT DELIVERY SERVIC E r •.•·1~···r1 1.r ,,., ... ' .... , .. ,.,, "' ,, ..... , ... r•r• · \ " r -r• • ., ,• ,. •·r 1 ~ 1 r• ... ~., o;•· '" ,,,, (• , Ar• ..... .,-1 ; v ~ - <,., ·•• '"" t , .,._ I• ,• '' ~·· ,.,, ' r '' ' ' o • '•'<r "' '' ~ 0 -~ 1·~0 , •• I O•" o '"" A /\O '"'"Q"I ., yo u (•<••~,..,.,,' 1 ~ I .., .. , ,' .. "''" ... \'" '"'""'"'" t •rJO •••·~ """'" <•• "'~" r ·~'"''"' n••• '"'"' ..,,·v·~ l •Qu"~• l •Q~·• NrQ,.•I Vexes Jewish Group Slaps TV Figure \\'ASHJi\'(iTON /Af-'J-Alre.~rl~1 cuffed h~· thf> Tt;i mster.~ Un1n n, ltlrvi !ion·s Arrh1e B11nkcr has collected some \new lump.~ from the Amrriciln Jtwi~h Con. ~rr~- Tli(' CHS lf'lf'\'!Sinn serif's ''Al l in !hr F:i m1I .\'."' 1n 11•h1r-h Archie Bunker l!I b!ue-collar 11·nr ker who make!! racial and ethnic ~lur.~. ;~ ··crr:it1ng a ntw free- rl '1111 tn br flffrn s11·e." sa ,v~ Rabbi .I , Lr lrvr lrl, pr,..~irlrn! 'lf A.Jr. Tl1c rahb1 ~;iid ;i majnr sin or !he tele vision shnw 1s !hal "It is leachin g our chilrlren rl isrl'specl." He said hi~ ov.'n childrrn hilve cnmP hnme trnm junior hii;:h school ··\\·1th Pola1·k Jo ke.~ lh.:it have been tnld tn !hem bv their tP.Rrhers."' ··1r ynu !hi nk_ for a mnment ahnut ;ipplyiTii:: lhf' same techniqur nf ridicule, of mcrc1]('~S saltf(', lo olh('r soci;:il evils of ou r time . ynu wnu!d think twice ribnut applying lamrooning 11nd l:iui:hter to bi,R"otry."' R;ibhl Lel vveld said "Slums are not r:n lert;iining. "'ar i~ nol entertaininJ?: ~nd hi,llotry is not enter: tainin.e." ··There is nn suc·h thing as a h;i rmlf'$!' biJ;nl ;i nv rnorf' lh:in !here 1s surh ii thing R., i1 friendly cancer or a h('n ii;:n drug pushr~ or 11 lov.:ibl t> murritrer or rapist."" Rabbi I.el.1·veld said Mondf!y in lhr: organizalion ·11 off ici11 l publication "Conszrr~s Bi·\\'f't'kl.I' ... ··\\hen r nliccman are 'pigs' the~· :i re filir ~amr for thP stau~htrr." Rahbl I ,p)l·,·rlrl !iRlrl . ••\\'hen Pnl.:ick s arf': stupid, st1bhumttn beings. ·when kikrs are i;hr£"wd .ind r1RJ!OS nr 11.·ops a rr ~ly And murrlrrr•u~. 11 is onl y nnr ~1r"p frnm lhe ('pilhrl . tn con1empL .Rnrl Another step tn discriminRtin n :ind 11nother i;!P p ln prrser11 t1on ii nrl the final step In the jl:A!I chambf':r 11.nd !11}'.~!emetic txtl!'r· n11n.<1linn" Et1rl1rr 1h1:o; n1nn1h. a Tt'amslC'r~ Union puh\icR11nn sa 1rl worke rs rrsrnt the lm<l/;P prr~rnted h,v "All in the Fl'lm ill'." ""For !'nmr rei.~nn thr \\Titrr~ nf !hri~,. shn.,.,·s 1irr1<frri thP a\PT<1qr wi"itk"t is a dingb;;!-f;i1, mnr e than 11 llU IP dumb. 11 cnmm i!l rd r.:ic1~! anti mos! nf 111! l'cry rnn11 c:a1." !he uninn ~:i 1 rl in it.~ public11tion. ··rncu~."' ' ""Thrrl' arf' R lnl nf ~·nrk"r~ 11·hn arr thin , thin k r:vPrvnn,. de~i>r\'f'~ 11 trulv equ:il opportuni l\'. 11 re ~1ncerely compa ssinn1 tf" 11nd e~sentiall ,v 1ntrl11 ,;:en!."' 1he Tea mst('rs' publication 1a1d. -F Orange Coast Totluy's Final N.Y. Stocks VOL. 65 . NO . 116, 2 SECTIONS, 26 PAG ES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 1972 TEN CENTS Pla11ners Told to Set lligh Rise Standa1~cls Uy l .. l'ETER KRI EIJ 01 •~• o.,,, P olo! ~1•14 i'\Pl\'p(Jrt 1:l';1eli 1·1111nt·1lnu·11 :'1:11nd;1v J\Jg'.ht !ol d pl.111111ni; ('(HilllllSSl11Jil'r S 1:1 t·1·eatc hi,i:h r1~1· ~1;1n,1:1rd s 1111111l'd1.itt:I\. Cuu11e1ln1tn g~~\t· C'u!l11n1s~iunt'rS :1 Ir;.,. hi{n_d lo _ dc!t·rr1111lt• !u·ight lirn ils anll tll'~n l'ri!Pr1;1 !Ill'\' !h111k :i1·c ht·st c.-1n11nlss1u111•rs \111J (!\{'l'l .\!av 4 and m:iy tl h·n schc·clulc !he pt1bl1c· ht·:1ru1gs thry're suppo:.1·d !11 u ~c 111 e.'ita hl1~li !In· in ll'rlrn l"l·gu l:1t1u11s to bl' u.~ed until a fH.'\V ·::r ~.( Residents Lose Round In Battle llarbor \'ie1\•-0roacln1oor horneoi,1·ner~ lusL another b11!ile against Ne"·port ('r11tcr high rise ,\lunday nigh!. They argued fnr more than one hour lwforc Jli'e\vp11 rt llf'at'h c o u n c i I n1 e n :tp,.~in.•:t ii pl'UP1'1S1·d 40-fuot prQf('Ssio1u1 I building they \\'rt nt ed held up unlit the co11lr(1\ersial si te plane heigh! rcgula!ion issue is resof\'cd. Council1nen . hrn.1·erer, on a 5 to I vote, i::rantf'd the building J)(>rmll to Charles. Sn1y!h mai nly ht·c :iuse the building he prn1>0scs \1·ould be alrnost totally hiddPn frur n h11 nH•o11·11cr.~· vie11· bv a lalle r building in fri )nt //f ii. · Dcb;ite on Ilic issue r;i11~f'd ;ind ra~ed as resident..; clain ied !he~· paid a prerruun1 for vic11· ll1ls in the ir hill side t1·;ie! across ,\lac:\rthur Bo11lc1'nrd. ''\\'c pay a prt'rn i11n1 for all lots in thi!t tu11·11. ·· sh(tt back C(luncilman J!ichard l'ruu l. ",\ \'it;""' i~ !he f'\'e i1f the bch<1lder .'' •·hserl'cd Crnt il ;1s' he r.:hallengf'd !he h1in1e(\11 ner.~· elai n1 th£'y had a right to a Jlf'O!('C!ed \'if'\.\'. "~!,\'kids p\;i y on a ,·acant lot next door but /'111 not g9in,:: to be able to stop the owner from putting up a house." he said. Homro\.\'ners rC'pre.c;entali\'es said all tSet CE:\TER, Pa~ %) Board Votes 5-0 To Cancel Lease For Dunes Area 'fhr ()r:ini:·· ('ount ~· nn:i rd 0 r Sup1.·r\·!~(>rs \ utcd uuanunously today to .;isk 1 tie county 1'01111s1·! to pr1_•pare lt~;d JlllJX'!'S 11 l1h ·h 11·111 lt'ad to ean rclla!1on of lht> i\£'11·JX1r1 Dunrs ll1:1:•«'. Countv off ir1als :'lnd Sl!Jll'r11sor~ h<i\'r bj't'n 1 ~nrf'rnt"d ri:e~ ntly 0\'11r the run dOll\1' f'011<1111<illS of the f ('f'rl';'l!IOtl f;Jo 'illlV 1111 1·011111 y 111l ~'iri1uls 111 l ·1ip11r :"i ('1111(11 l J''l\' "·[•!;"~· a]s(l 111'rf' d1s!urh1•d lh:i! 1hr rt·s t.1urnn1 011 1111' pro1x·r1y , tht• n,.,.,,11 Toad. h<lS hf'4•n c.:]Q~f'd for s1·1•rr;il rn on!hs. The l ~·a~1' reqt11 rt'S th:11 a res!au r;int tw• 111 ope ration at nll !i n1l·S. Real Proprrt y S<'r\·il·t'S !) i re {' tor Stanll'y Kr;H1St' n~pQr!1•d th:l! lhc l)11114·s oper:1tors h;11-e taken s1rps !o n1.1ke 11t·r ess.-1ry rep:iirs and lhrit 1l1£'y 111·rt• progrl'ss1ng in lh(' sele('11011 of a fu1 ure rcstauran1 subl c:1sce. The last oprrators of thf' c:i1 ing pl.1Pf' ha\'C filPd hankruptry <tn<l th~· restatJr;1nl has bf'f'n rloscrl si111·f' f1f'rrrnh1'r- Fif1h District Suptr1·isor Ron :i I d r aspers of Nr11 port nrnch pushe rt through the n1oti on 10 prepare h:·g:,1 paprrs to cancel the le;ise. "I am inter- ester in getting thcrn out of lherc," he s;1id . The lcasec for 1hc Dunes is Col. D. 11. Ryrd of Dallas, Trx:is. He has held thf' 1n.1ster lease on the recre:ition facility since 1957 b111 has been su bjected to a series or complaints ove r the years based on "poor operation" or the property. Coiuity Shot.vn 01i TV Special An hour·lon,1t documentary titled ''Portrait of Orange County" "'ill be sno1\·n al 7:30 o'c lock ton ight on KCET-TV, Channel 28, Tt. ... ·film 11•as Rclually produced ~y the staff of KOCE-TV, Channel SO. the new Orange Coast Com- n1unity Colle1;e District station \\'hich is scheduled to go on the air ne):I fall. Film cliJ)S tak en over tht past rivt" mont hs \.\'il! show R natural chil dbir1h al Anahei m (ieneral Hospital. life aooard the pleasure bo.11 "Posf'idon'' in N twp or t Horbor . sun ba!hers on 1h~ beaches 11nd othrr vignettes of Orange County life . • I 1naster plan is complC'!('d . Criunciln1('n dcl'ided IV. in lh!• \.\'Ord s uf ~fa)·or J:>onald r-.tclnn i.~, let thl' ton- t r11v!'r~ia l t:ill builclin~ iss ue "all h~u1i.: out" in public forum dcsvHe a h1\\1ye1"S \\'arning \hf>y are askinJ: the comrnission "ill lalk aOout sophisticated concepts fnr ;i ll the people to discuss, even though :irchitects and engineers t'an't agrc(' on them." The a{'fiun al so came e\'en though one countilrncn pointed out that a council t'O mmillcc a year ago had ne:l rly rom- plt't ed a sci of high riSl' 1;ontr(ils th;it s{'enicd ;icceptable to most fa ctions. Coun!'tlm;in Carl Kymla cJted the 1\·ork (If his Lower Ne1\'pDrt Bay Ci\'iC Di.stri<·t s!udv con1mitt re \\hich v.'a.~ dissul\'1'd af tef one citizens group s.-iid it would ror1:e an initiative votc to get a fla t height llmil unless the council ad opted some arhi!r:i r.1• ceiling. Counl'ilrnen r-.1onday night Uilked first or instructing planners to "'cJrk oul the DAILY ,!LDT Sti tt P~oto S11bstit11te Jtloth.e1· i\lrs. Kalman Spelletich of Corona del f\Iar nurse.~ one of t11·0 hu1n· 1ningbirds she found in a hedge last 1veck. One 1ras too 1vea k and died, hut this one is gro1ving. ~!rs. Spc!Jctich !"ays. Te1i Anierica11s Reported l(illed i11 V ietna1ri Crcisl1 PLF.11\U. Vielna1n IAP l Tf'n i\n1crirn11<i -si x acll'isers to thf' South \'irtnan1cse army and four hehcopter rre11·mc n -\\·ere. reported today to hnve been killed in a helicopter crash tt-tonday during the South Vietname se rctrenl fro1n T;in Canh and Dak To in the Central Highland s. A seventh Am erican adviser, Capt. Ray Dobbins. 'voas rescued after hiding all night near the overrun Snuth Vietnamese division headouartcrs at Tfi n Canh. Dobbins and nine South Viclnan1 ese. in· clusling the rc:gin1ental comn111ntler. hid in Tan Canh after the North Vietnamese took the base ~londay. Tl1e U,S. Coi nm:in\! in Sn ig(\n an- npun l'rd >lond:iv 1ha t an Armv hPlicopter \\'flS shot dO\\'n 'near Oak To and thl' four crl'\\'lllC'll 11·rrP killed. 1\lilitar.v so11rces in Plriku snid today it was Oclievcd thnt this was the hel icopter that had picked up the six advise.rs bu!. Iha! the U.S. Ctimm;ind al the lime (l f its announcen1 cn!. did nol know that the other Americans ""'ere aboard . r-.1e:1n1\'hile. South Vietnamese forces in the Central Highlanrls ;ibandonC'd h1·n more bases under fi re today, but fichl repOrls said U.S. bombers knncked 11ut <I highway bridge and slowed the North Vietnamese drive toward Konlurn Cit y. South Vi etnamese troops were repnr!ed to hal'e rvacualed r ire Ba se s 5 and 6, the la st of a string of six government posi- ISee CRASll, Pagr Z) guideline s operat ing fr,1111 a suggr~ll'd 28· foot. heigh t limit. but ~l fl .1or ll•)\1·arrl ltogers' ultimat~ n1u11u11 11·as I h •l t no jlUidelinrs be given !ht· turnnuss1011. John ~tac~ab. a rl';ilt11r and prrsl<!l'nl of the ()rang1· Cou1Hy Coast Assuciali11 11 . 1vho formerly hf';'ul1•tl th\' N1•11·111.1rt Tomorrow planning slud~', e11t•d !hr c11n- t•ern of developers r\t first urging that :!5. rather !han 2R fret tx• included ;is lht: b;i.~e fig tlfl'. ~ac.l\/a b poi nted OUl n1 Jny of the honll'.~ 1111 Li11d,1 !.•le are :io h•P! tall "\\"c nL·ed goo<l pl<i1u111ig," \1.H·\,.·1 n·n1i11ded c:otu1c1lr11e n, :ind n•lt•1r111;.: 1 .. h1~ \'f'wµor t ·roniurruw <·h;11r11i:1n.~tu11 ad cletl, "I ~pt•nt a ~ear d1tet·t1nh 1111 \J1'•'rl1· 111 g11·c ~vu wund gu1del111t1<." ('wt111e1ln u•11 alsLi rt·,·~111 •·11 :1 lt·li01 1' ~i)lllL'<i by :u '.\'1·11·µ.1 rt !le:1t·h ;1 11·!u11·• ~~ ••llfloJS!'d t•I ,1 2K·fno1 h1111t ('onun11ni1~· [l1-•\'f'!t1pnH'I\! IJ 1 1 ,. r I 11 r Hl!·h:1rd \'. llo:,:;111 ai.:rrrd 1h:ot 11 11 1•' 2'! fr)(1t f1~U l'l' I~ lll('h!<l('d 111 lll,11'111'111111" ,~ """\d lt. t . I'•' i I\ fl II•'" ' ,,1• " ,. " o Hlllh . ' ''Ii Ilk Ill~ 1'111• "' 11~.1 l11 •o111I .. ' ~,·•,I'( ,II .... '" "'(' "' " ·'I•" ' I :tll' " ,d, I '" .. I \ I~· 'I '11• 1111 • l.'1 Pll\ I )h J HI ! t\f I I"\\ ' f ttl ! L' "1 •,1111 ~:h•l1'.i\ '1 • :,, :lltlld 1)11' l'/'1'o• 1'• j ' li1•;11'lt1~ • • : llllt' ~ l'l••!' I• ' ' ; I j•"•·d' 'l,,f•d, l'11l'flt'I l:,11 j; \\,.,It' I 1 ', i! ,, ' ' Lil\' \'1t'I' I '1 !' ,d•" ~ H l'r•· lll!dl BISI', J'.H:r '.!.1 He Diel It Again l_., J(issinger Meets Ri1,ss in s,)cret \\':\Sl.f!NGTO~ 11\PJ-l'rcsiden!ial 11d- viser Henry Kissinger spent four days i11 .r-.:osco1v for secret talks \vir h Soviet leaders on \'ictnan1 ;uul othf'r lnierna- tional prollle1ns, !he \\'hite !louse dis- l:loscrl toclay. Kissi nger, \\'hO n1n dc a Sl'cret trip lo Peking to arrange Nixon's historic China \•isit, "'as in the Soviet cap ital [ron1 Thursday until ~londay and n1el \.\'ilh Communist Party Chief Leonid Brezhnev and Foreign r-.linisler 1\ndre i (:ron1yko. The disc ussion ··dealt 11·1th in1pot·tant international problen1s as "'ell as "·ith bilateral n1ntte rs preparatory to talks between Soviet leaders and President Nixon in ~·t ay." presidential pre~:; secretary Ronal d L. Ziegler said as hf' r e:id a brirf staterr.ent re 1 ea s e d simultaneously 111 \Vashington a 11 tl J\10St'O\\'. The secret talks \\'ere occurring at the same time the Wh ite !louse w;is sayin~ that Kissinger \.\'as at the secluded Can1r Da vid presidential retreat in Maryland with the chief executive -the same type of ploy wtd to cover 12 secret trips to P aris for private talks Kissinger had 11>ilh lhe J\'or!h ViEtnamese. Kissinger, appearin,E? bricny h(>forr ne\vsmen at the \Vhi!e J-fouse. refused to di1'Ulge specific topics covered in his four davs of conference. But he c!earlv ind icn tcd 1h<i t Vletn3 tn ~ and the Sr>viet shipmf'n\ of arn1s to the Cotnmunists there -11·as a major iteni_ Kissin ger disclosed, too, that J'\ixon has been r11rr~·ing nn extensive cxchangP.~ with flrezhnev. lie said, in answer !o a ftUeslion . thal these exchanges \1·ere through correspondence, rather than via the r-.1osco1v-\Vashington hotline. \Vhile refu sing to div11lge rlct ails, Kiss- inger said the "l:J!ks were usclul, frank "nd salisfaetnry. ''\\'e .1g rred ncilht•r side 1rou!d re\eal !he subject of the tal ks.'' K1ssi11g1'r n::!'iJX!tldcd when askc'd v.·llcl llrr V1 rln<1n1 v.'o1s d 1seus.~1·d But he point ed !011 ;ird the joint a11- n0Unt'e111cnt's use of the phr;1sr, ·•1111- fYlrtant intrr11;1t1011;il priibl t·rns." :1.~ :1 1·lt•;1r sig n 1h;it \'1tln11 111 1ra~ 111 df'1·r! a 1n:tjor 1qp1r. Ill adth1111u, .~.-i1d \1x1111's as~1:-t;1 nl f,,r n.1!1011a l ~er·11r1ly ;1f/;11rs, "!hf' 11 hHlf' r.1nge of !'qv \ri ·Amer1(';in rf'la11r11t~ ll'<l:i d1 ~c t1ssetl .'' Kiss111s,:rr said. 11hf'n' ;iskecl 111ly secrecy 1\·as 111'crs.<;;Jr~· fur th<' .\lo_~('j•11· !rip. "\\'c are ;it the 1no1nent 111 a 11·r_v delicatC' phase nf 1ntern:itiona! r1•lat 10 11.~." and both sides agr<'<'d it 1\·as des1rah!I' In keep speculation to a n1ini mt1111 ··unlil lhey bad the opportuni!y to explore each other's vicv.'s." 1'he presidential adviser sairl hr re;1ch· rd ~tosco\1' by military ~.i rcrart Thursda y Golf Reduces Taxes lfl'THE. En~alnd t UPI) -Pamela Ellis has had her local taxe.<; reduced arter sh<' complainf'd of gnlf b:ilL~ crashing intn her gar1ten. ~Ii s.<; J~l!is said the lrouhlf' star1 cd "hen a gnlf eour~r \\'as built behind he r home. night :Hill c1in!1nucd ht~ t;1I ~" 11n1JI \l·•t'• dav noon (~toscow tLn1e ). Upon returning to the United S!il!.:.~. he 11·e11t in1111edi:itely to the Carnp Onvid con1µound in ~1 ar.1'land·.~ r ntrl(·\ 1n i\lnun- lains lo brief \ix.in 11 11h 11 J1j11n h1·.~;\1<I he had hel'n in "\'l'f'Y frr1 11 1rn1" r·(111L1rt du1- i11g the trip. \\ lH'll \l\1/1\ l\C\\ b~ lr1 •:,n1p'r·: !11 ( il'· ();1 l'id 'J'hurschiy night , Zit').!lt r .~.11il 1\1·-· Inger already arrived <H the 111ountu111 retreat. Nixon rcn1:11nt'd !hrrc unlit late :\1'lncla y nii.:ht. 11·1t h \\'h Lle II fl u s t: .~1 ~·h.,·.~111 1'll 1 nsi~1u1g !lirou: ,bn.;t J',, 11c1·krnd 111.11 l\ii;s 111i.:••r 11:i.~ 1\11·1" • ll'l'l lll!i 111tl1 the l'rt;~l•h '111 ll t•t'f' in r:i p~1dt• funn :in· !hr 1n:1j111 ;.1·!1ul):-. t.dq•11 \l(uHl.1 t\t'll'ltiH·t Beat·h Ci ty i ·111ttll'il +, HI I lllCill RISE -T"lrl plannu1~ i ·1 ·rn1111~ ... 1ot1t·r~ , .. ll '{' lhl' puhlio I\, u · ,•1" ,~ss tu .itlop! high r1.~1' .'!.1111l:11U~. ,\l;1d1· 11•• n•l1·r1•110'•' l•1 any S\H • 11 i 1,, 1 1 · 1•111 in tlh1ir ln ~lt:tu't 11>1 1~ TRAFFIC l.H illTS -H1·ql!t'S!t'tl tl•ti4'1':1! 1un!l.'i r111 lll'!J cn1 1'~111 11 ~1;_d .1:.:1 1 ti• 11nc :11 \rv.·port t '1•n\1·r 1ln1'r t·:a~1 -\\'i•~1 :111d ;in .. 1111·1 at H:1lh11a l'ilantl hr111i.:•· -!hr la\tt•r fl1Tr !ht• "hJ•«'111•ns (,f n1·11 Jl .. 11•··~ !-J.111d l'ut11n:iln1;i11 l';,ul Jl. Hyt'koff . llOLJ)il\G TAl\'KS -lnsLrui.:lecJ t·11~· lill1t:1;1I:-lo prtparc ordill<ln(·t 1·r- QUiring vessels 1l'ilh heads to have holding tanks, Ordinance p<iralll'ls new county rul es. but applies to city tidelands. UE!\S ITY -()nll'rf'd ( 1tv oHiC'ials In 1Jra1\· 1n11in~ regulations f11r l'eferral to planning comm issi11n nn i1rnpos al by l'<1lu11·ilrn:1n ll,vckoff to rezone all of Balboa Island !o H-1 1 ~ <sln~l l!-f;1111 1ly wilh ap;1r1t111•11ls al101ved ov1~r ga r;1gesl. NOlSE POLl.UTIO.f\I -Ordl'r1•d $17,()()f) :1ltu1·:1h·d thls year t<1 start studies or a noise element lo lhr ne1I' rnun icipat 111;1:-!er plan. PIER PARKI NG -Nan1f'd \'i1·p ~1;1 1'•1r IJl111,'1rr! Rogerii 111 lh·•nl •':11 ,•1·11~· cornrniftee to study parking pn1blrrn 1n .\h'f ;1dtl1·11 Squ;ir1• ;11·• :i . 11, r· ll 11J:1·1·: sa id 11•hat is needed is short-tern1 bu~1nt·'~ p~1rk1ng, nnt ltl"I'• ,p 1• • ~ t"r heachgocrs. Strict Conditions P1.1.t On Lease of Airwesf, Hug hes A1r1\est has l)(·e11 put on no!i re l/1a1 11 11111,l in1pr111'f' its tl1_1:IH prn· 1'1•d111 rs. 11H 'f'l ·,1~" t·Hnr1 s 1n insta ll snirikr ~llf•pn·ss;11 1l c•ans 011 their 1·11g1111·s anrl Jll~llfy ;1n,1 111t•r1_•;1sc in tht• nu111lx·r 11f !hghr~- ()r:111gt• C•1t1 n1 y ~Up£'r\'isor;; today rc- f1·rrt•d ren1·w11l ol !he. interstate t1>n1mf'r- f1.1I .11 r l1nc·~ lt·a·'" l•l the Dt'pa rlln('nt 1lf Beal l'ropt:rry Services and Avia!i(>n l)i r1·c1o r Huhc rl 1;rf'snt1hnn \.\'ith the n11- !nl1 r1n th;11 tcrn1 s of ;uiy nl'W lensc ;1·ere tn be "very slrict.'' Supervisor \Villlam Ph ill ips of Fullerton said A1r\\·cst has not been conforming to ni rport. flight rules :iffccting noise ;ind pollution. "I 11·as shocked the other day v.·hen I 11·a1t hc1l the cl imb out procedure of one of th('i r Jets .'' lhe su1x•rvisor sa11l. Th<' co11n1y airport co1nmisslon Inst 1\'t'l'.k recrunmf'ndcd lo the J\o;ird of Supl'rVisors that any ne1v lease of lt'r111innl f<lcilit lt·s v.ith 1hr ;iir linc inelu1lc rcriuireml'nl'S 1hrit v.·ouhl limit flight s lo 11 f)C'r day nnd requ ire oh.~crvanc:c of all !light procedure rules. The airl ine's le:1se e.tpircd several n1onths ;1go anti lh1•.v :ire 11011• ofJf'r~ti ng on a month !O 1no1Hh b:i~1s 11 111 11 a n4·1v 1·,111l r<icl r·;1 11 ht• ngr 1·o"<l IJl"'ll Sup;•r11srJr ltalph ('L•rh ,,f \1·;.l1• 11n :<:11d !ll;1t A1r\1·1·st's ;1ppr ... +1 I! p .·:1 11 "'' r thf' IJra11gt•·'f ust1n a11•:1 11.1' '"''' l1,i1J ,11 ·l thu! th(' (l lrlinr v.·a.~ tlfd 1un1wr.11 111· 1111h t•o11nty flight. rules_ Battin Foe's .lnhn \\' "!!ill'' 111:1 :11ul l \'.1:':1\'1• 1: ''\\':illy" i)avis, ca11d1dn ll·s hll' Int• F1r 'l !)1.~l rit·t supC'r v1."nr1:1I s~·;l! h\'ld hv Jtubcrt f\:1U1n "'i ll hr spc;1k1•ri, tn111~)1! in the. first of a ser11·s 1>f 111 ('1·11111!: ~1~111· sorrel by the Orange County l<1upl.1.1 ,.,~ A~.~o!'iation . 11111. a Santa Ana clothier, and n .1\ l/i'_ a ~·flunt:iin Valley alt"rnr.y, 11·ii1 11pp,·.1t at !he 7 p rn. "~lcet. Your <.:nndi<l;i tes ·· s4•.ss1on at Sn1('dley J unior Hig h SchfllJI 2120 W .. F:din,iirr Al'e., S:inla An;i Orange Coast After dark, they moved outside the perimeter, and Dobbins called in an An1erican belicoptcr by radio today. The helicopter was fired on going in and tak· ing orf, but it was believed that nobody was wounded. ThC report of the hclicOpter crash ca.me fro1n an American ~·ho was on the ground at an airstrip about a mile and a half from Tan Canh. Water Main Flushing Set 'M'entlaer It's ~oi ni: lo be 111ar1ner along lhr Orange Cnasl on \\'rdncsd:1~·. 11·1111 highs at the bf'arhrs ;1ruund 70 df'grces. risin g tr1 80 dei;rcl':; i11land. Lu\.\'S <1re expt>clf'd in the 411',;, A spokesman for the U.S. Command in S::iigon said it _had "nothing officially to indicate either way that thtre arc ad- visers missing in action." Earlier reports said the six adviser~ were among nine Americans taken out of Tan Canh by helicopters un"er fire Mon- day. The si x \Jt'erc reported landed at Oak To 2 airstrip a mile and a half a1~·ay because South Vietnamese soldiers y,•ere clinging kl the helico pter's skids and it was feared they might fall off if the fl ight was any longer. These earlier reports said th e American.'! began walking toward the South Vietnamese lines. But the report today said a Huey helicopter picked them up, was hit after it took off and cra5hed in names in an area held by the North Vietnamese. The report said no hope was htld for the men on board. Rusty Liquid • lll. Rusty water is fluwing from 1nany Balboa Peninsula laps and the problem hlay ge t brierly "'Orse before it gets hel- ter as city officials attempt to solve the problem. Newport Be a ch Water Depar1ment crews will flush ou t the Peninsula's cast iron water mains starting at 9 p.m. 'l'hursdny when evening con~umplion normally declines. 'l'he operation y,·111 proMbly increase water discoloratk>n for a short time, of- ficial! said. "During the winter months ""·hen there Is low ll8aji!I'. rust builds up in th" pipes." said Thomas 0. Phillips, Ne"'port Beach ut ilities dlrectfir. "Then when •usage picks np in the ., . Peninsula Pi1Jes 011. tlie Way Out spring. the rust gets inlo the hnrnes.'' J'hl \lips said. lie said the Oushlng operation forces a high speed stream of \.\'a\tr throu~h the system to clean out 1 he rust before the problem becomes too serious. Philllps is urging nre;i residents lo use a.~ little water as possible during lhf' night to prevent rusty \.\'ater in the mnins from entering home plumhing. "P'rom a hea lth standpnint . 1he \.\'ater• remains perfectly safe as usual for drink- ing and other pe.r!!onal needs," saul Phillips. - lie \\'Rmed. however . that ! h 1· d iscolored "·atcr may :ilaln launrlry 11n1I :ihould not bl! Uli'<"d lor thal purpli:e Phillips added th11 l some \.\':1ter ttiscnlnratinn fr om rust n1ay temporarily continue after nushing operations are complete. The iron pip ini;i still in use on th1• Peninsula wa s installed more th11n .10 years ag(l, Accordinl! tn !;laff {'ngi ne<>r Ed :\la<·Donatd , lrt hnir111f's or lining surh pipr:s with c;nncrl'\I', e~1>cc1nlly sinall 1han1eter one.~ like those on the Peninsula, had not been pcrfe('tcd and ~'£'re not economicfl\ly feasible at the !111\<' thi•y wrre put in . "\\'e hal'rn't had problem~ with iron p1p1·s hrrak1 n.: 1\0\\'ll 11 nc1 silt ing up on \ht l'r·nin~ul :i :i.~ muC'h as In the heights and (Ste ~IAll._.S, r11gt 11 ) INSIDE TODA\' Tlil'y'rr> .~till 11/l 11·lnrc, A 11ul11- Sn.rcr11 1n1rl /lrolt>.~1 1n1t. hut 11 n11'- udc111s .~r1 111e 111e,,1hcr.~ of I/iii J.:11 J.,:/11.r J\11111 .~•1l1 J11l 1t1orr /I ke uul· r11u1·rl left rorlitu/$. s.·c story, r·uvr i . l-M. le~• "'•••u•t """'' " Ca!ll0<n1a toat,on•l Ntw1 • C!au lll1t1 JO•U O• •"q• (~ij~f· • Cantitt " \Vl~OI ,~flt, " Cr•1twtrd " ~-" 1•·11 hlllt Hellen UKll M1r•1h 1•11 ltlilM'll l .... • T1l1¥lfltl't " ... ,.,,.1 ........ , " Tl\IUltr\ 1t·t• 'ln111<t 10.11 W11!11tr • 'or ,.,. 1.tco•d W~ll't Wl\lt " MO<OM .... " Wt-ft'1 NtWI 11•14 •nn L•ndr<\ " W~rld Ntwt • "lt¥1H 11 11 ' I, , 2 OA IL 'f' Pll(J f " Butlget Meet By T1·11 stee8 • l\'ev.'port· \1e":i .'5t!H .. -il truslt·es 11111 dis<·uss n1ure f;1ct~ 11nd fi~tires c.if nex( year·'I prupo.~(·(! hud~f't during !h•·ir n11•r t1 ng t11r11.:,:h t :11 i ::io p n1 ln 1hP ('orrina 111 I '.'l!~.r 111;.:h S(·h,o11I !.Jl r!c: 'rhea!!'r. Truslf't's al sll atf' schedulf'd to takP ar· l ion on ,1 s.·,9:i.110o ('Ontrart fnr rtmodf'hng of ltt'J ~llt!dle SclH~il in c .. ~ta ,\!1•<;;1 a r!eed :IC'f'f•p!illl~'" [l'r thf' 1!11\' f) Andcr~un Sch011! ~!1 1· 1n llnr t111r \'1t·.;;,. ll111s <1/\d a i;!Lldf'nt fret"C1111n of c~prf''>Siun resolut i<•n. Th~~ pr()p11sed $3.1.3 mil lion budi:;et i!I ~!ill in the \alkin,c: slag~ but adr1ptiQn (J f tht' suggrstr>d 1972·7S figurr Y••1uld mean :in ei;:!h!-rrnt t.1x increase for '.'\e1vport lieach and CosL1 .\1(•s:-i. proper1y ov•n f'r..;. 111e figure undt r study does not ini;ludt- ~rhool lxind redcrnptior1 rates wh ic h will be an adclHiona! 13 to 20 ('f'n!s. ai.•c0rd1ng to sc hool finan ce off ic1::d s. Also not included in lhe sum. \\.'hich 1.~ 11early $3 million rn11rt• tti.1 11 last .\t'ilr .s h11dg4·1 . arr r:1iS!'S 111 r1n pl11_1e !l al~1r1t:'i hi'1(1nd rci.;ul:1r HlfTl'Jllf·n !,.,.. .\ell'pnrl-.\!1:.~a !eat hf·r.s r r c e n ! I y presf•nrr·d n prnpo:.a l fnr ~nl :1 ry boost.o; .i nd .school impro\·ements totaling nc11rly $14 million. The added money would mean a tax bo • .,,t llf 26 to 28 cl.'nts to $5.31i ptr $100 a~s('ssed \'alu.1t1on in Cost a !11esa - up frorn $5.10. In l\cwport Beach, the figure would be $4 98 pt·r f !OO assessed valuation com- pared with a 1971·72 figu re of $4.72. A final op('rilling budget must be ap- pro\"ed in Augusl. Also up for !xJard action is a policy which would insure students in the d is trict "the right to exercise the rights of freedom of speech and expression in the context of the public school en- virorunent." TI1e poHf"y, y,·hich was fir st unveiled at thf' April 4 mee!inf!, also stipulates that !he studt•nt rights ·'shall be enjoytd y,•it h due rega rd to !he rights of others and the 11red for reason;ible restrictions in the ope ration of the public school system." DAil V Pl~OT St•!I Plloto ENTREPRENEUR LAWRENCE SHOWS OFF 'THE FACTORY' In Old Newport, Some Im agination and a Lot of Cash R1111-clo\v11 Metal Facto1·y Becon1e s A1·tisa11's Co1·11e1· B~ \\"ILl.JA~I SC llHElllEH 01 I~• O•ll~ P'llol "IJI 1nl)nr.v <lll! of n1y 11\1 n poc:kc! ·· La1\Trn('e sn1rl Driver Arrested 111 Traf fie Deatl1 1'.1rs. Elizabeth Johnson. 62. •,va s killed today and the driver of the car in which she y,·as riding v.·11s arrested by Anaheim police on s uspicion of drunken driving and 1nanslaughter. One man's imagination and b:inkrnH ha,:c gucceeded in cOn\"erl ing a r\J ndu1111 Old Ncy,·port shert met.1! plan t inlo :t quaint eolla~e of artisans· shops and <'i..'l- lectors· corners. lie 11a~ted no tin1(· i11 eo1nplf't1nr.; h 1~ pn11t·tt l.;;11Tt·11ct-in1"1·~ll"d 51[10000 :i nd nHJth of !us tirnr in the F:iel•)r~ "I 1rn1ncd1;11t•ly p11"tured !>h11p~ in liPft' ·• La11T1·1u·1· S.'tld ;1 , ht• l11okl'd 11rn11rid !ht> rU.1l1t· Uu 1ld111g The r..fayv.·ood y.·oman died t arly thi~ morning ;ifler the c;i r driven by Mrs. J/e1en \\'esln1ore!and, 5 1, 11 Jso o ( 1'.layy,·ood. collided y,·ith another vehirle d rl\'en by Davie] l •. Cre!tol. 30. Fullerton, at the intersection of Lincoln Avenue and f:ast Street. off icers :said. Mrs. Westmorela nd y,·as booked in the prison ward of Ornnge County Medical Ce nter y,•here she y.·as treated for minor inj uries . Crellol was not injured, BC· cording to police. ill rs. Johnson';<; death brought lo f!O the number of traffic fatalities in Oran~c Oiun,,Y !hi~ yrar. Thr figure compares \•oith 67 fatalitie~ for the same datr in J!J71. Purse Snatchers Strike in ~f esa A '.\r>\\1Jl.1r1 Be11ch \1·ornan shopping in Costa .\fes11 .,londay nigh1 lost hrr hand- bag and $!2n in r.:ish to a pa ir of p11rse .o;;natrhrrs \\"hn \\'Pre rhasffi by two {lil~sc·rs bv but l'Sc.1ped captu rr .J1111111t.i l!tn1grs of 221 8 Franri~ro f)r1·.c ~.11d thr th 1f'l"I'~ Rrab!)f'd hrr purse .d;, r .1ppro.:i ch11 1;! fr on1 lwhin rl at :i rn;1rkrt ;11 21/JU '.\'c"I J111rl £111 1!, .1nd !•)ft'. It o:f h1•r ;ir111. '/'i1<' siron.i;:.irm rvbbers, one of \\•hn m l1ad long. t·11r:y· hn1r and Y.a.~ 01bo11it 2~. 11·ere la.~t St'rn hcad1n~ do .... ·n nea rbv J~ural La ne whrn tu·o men \\"ho gave <'h:·.~e ga'·f' up. Oa.&NQ.I CO.I.Sf N DAILY PILOT T?!1 Orlllff C.0..T 0-ll Y f'ILOT. will'! ...,.,ich II tOmblntd 1111 N....,..Pt1K•, It S'Ubli1ll1d by lllt Or.tng• Co111 ,,,.bllslllll9 Compen1 $~11- r•le '11i!<0n1 ''' 1111bll111W, Morldty lllrougll f ,iddy. •or Co1!1 Mt111, NtWJIC>rt Bt•cll, Hun•.nglon 8t•t h/Foun111n \l•llt y, L1oun1 B t~tM. lrv1 n•/S11ddlt b•tk atltl S•n (i.n"n!t/ ::.,." Ju.1n C•ol1!111no A 1!ngl1 rr11lon~I td ·on " riubl•1lltd .5B!Urll•Y• 11nd !un<J~y1. r11. P'·"~·P~I P11llll1hlr19 Pl/Int h II J)Q w~,, I' f .Srrt!f, Co.ti M11•, C1ll1orn.1, tlol6. ll:o~erl N. W•1d "''"~en! I nd P11~h1ntr J1tk R. C 11r!1v \ ·~ Prt \l<ler;t Ind Gt nf!•I M11n11gtr Thom11 k11vil E<ll~r l kol'lt t A. MY•p hi11e M•n•oln~ E<1•ro. L '•''' J<ritg >hwparl ll•acn l •lr t dirnr N_,_., h•li Offk• The Factory's 32 shops, on :Joth Si n:~·! in thr heart of the 1ild 11 a1er!ront clistrh·t of NeY.'tx>r! Beach, all will be orr11111c1J soon. ~aid Rick La11·rrnre, !he f'Jl- treprrneur 11·ho got !he 1\"hi'lle r n•J•'• 1 guing. Lawrence, owner i1f !he Alie\' \\"r ~I. :1 popula r t\.f ('Faddcn Squ;ire rc.~1·aurru1 t , 1,. a yout hful-looking 11 -year-old who hns li ved ln Nc 1vport for 20 Yt'<irs. lie had been investing hen\"il,r in !111· Harbor Area for some yc<irs brforr deriding lo huy !he Factory 11 nd help µn 1· rnote pl;in~ for Carull'ry \'illa gc I le snid he wants lo "turn un·· the 11·hulc an·a ··1 lx1ugh1 th1· hu1ld1ni: \;1~l ~1:;11 11 11 h f'ro111 l'«!Jf! I CEN'fEI{ . • • Corona del ri.tar." ~lacf>c ,n:ild ~:ii(I. !le-~:ud !ht> .~1 .il 1•111<1111<111111 1111· ht·ii::hi• ;ire<t.~ 1,~ •allrd 'h•il ' ;11111 lt·:11h I•• 11111~ Ii rnore r;i p1d hre:d,()1111 n 11t 11"•'11 111p1·' Tht· l 't·nin~ula , '111 !hr u!hrr hand , is rnn~t l \' sririd the hence lr~s dr ~!r11cth,, !o thf' pi pr~. ··,\lns! of the r11~t in !hf' \\;11rr on ihe Pr11in~ul,1 i.<; C'll ll \('(j !11" j )lp l)Ollt'r lpl:llJl_v lfSl•l l ·· ,\J.1e fJ11n ;ild .~,11d !If' said thr C'r1 i11r:11tn Hil'Pr 11 ~1 lt'r ll .. 11 heing u~rd is !11gh in rn 11n'r:1I <'on!enl :ind mnre destrurt11e than \1·att•r 11'h11'h rn;1v t l)n1r fri11n the Fr.1thl'r H11·rr 11·;1l ~r proj- ect in 7\orlht·n1 \:il1frlrn i:i. ~farDnnald ~;iid that !here nrr Sl'l"r r;1l prnicc\$ un clrr 11·:1\• in l oron;i flrl :\Jar 1~1 replace !he wil-d;i.mni;ed iron pirrs 1r1th a nr11· conrrele-asbcslus tubing . Ile added. ho1rrrrr, lh;1l such pipes Y.ere nn! y1•t net'drd on lhr l'r r11n.o;;11h1 because !he probll'm C'ould be s11h·rd h1· periodic nu.~hing of the m11ins. · Youth Rcco,·er s After 1\eciclcnt A l'\c1r1111d Rr;i1 ·h 1crr1.1grr 11hr) .~uf­ fer(•rl .~1·riPUS f;1!'l;1I 111Juric...; irl ;i c<i r· r.n1 1lu1·1',1<'if' r1cei(]1·11t :-iundav al1rrn~11111 t\·hrn hf' Tiln into 11 4·;1r 1~ 11npr't11·1ng l!i- da ~· lfnag tl-lcmorial lf1•~p1 !ii l offic ials s.1 1d Ha~n1<>nd F Forbt•;-. Ill , 17, of 1512 ~lill'Jnrr"s nr11 e, i.~ Jn !'>ll t;s,{;1('· tor~· condi1ion . lie y,·as injured <ibout :I p.n1. 1ln \\"estcl iff Drh·e ;ind lli~hl:i n(I !)rive 1n !he arr1de11t Jll\O]\"i n.i:: Dr. Thon1:i.~ \\". !)(1;111, 4.'i. of 225 North Star Lane. JJJJ Newpo,I lo~l1w1rd M1Ui11t AdJr111! r.o. l or 1175, ,2,&J or.... Off!cn Coshl Mfl1: J):'J W•ll Illy Sl•ff1 LIV\IAll llt•rn: 111 F&<t•t .-.venue Hllr'll~l&n lltlcf'I· 1 111111••<~ ll f!\lltYl•d $111 Cltmer>l1: lllS "o"" [I C•mt..o "tll The physician ~aid he hnd slopPf'd itl !h" rurh Ill tn !k lo In s rla ul!h1er, 111!0 11;is on a bicyclr, 1\•hen ~oung Forbes rode in· In the rear of his car. T.r.,..... (714) '41·4111 Cl_.., -''"rtld .. •42.1a11 Cotir •IQftt, 1172. Or•no• CGl•I P11hll•fl"'11 Com~ny. No N•• 1111•1•• lll~tlr•lloo1. t'd•torl•l moller or 9clv•n 1,.,.,.,,,, ..,,,.1., m1y lw r1praduc"" wit'-! "*-loll .,.,. mladon el c.opyr1fht OWMr. Hanrl Chainunn Srl "!"n1 a c r't'<il1\"t perso n :ind 1 dt•s lg n lh1111:.~ I lik(•."' hf' sa,d. "!t JUst seen1s !hat e1·er~!h1ng 1 likt· n1akes 111(111ry" J.11 11•rt•n('t' s.11d lht' plan t \\';is us1.·d or1i;1n;il!I· In fab ri!";ife shPet n1t•t:d r 11n1- l''ll{·nt'S.' La!er. he s;iicl, ·11 \\:JS used ;i s a ~l!'f".11.!C ll':trl'h(•IL,1·. "\\'lle11 I hou,ght it, 1 founr! !h.:i t peoplt· h:1d stored ;·ill kinds uf !lungs:· /1e s:ud. "l"llf'rc 1r;i ~ el"crytbing fr1Jn1 somr guy·s 1a ,·h:l' b11.1: 10 roo1ns full of furniture." '·\\'c e1'1·n found i1 few 1•f thn..~i' c<1n1pcr husrs ;iud a dlu\I' llugg,v 111 here ... J.;1 \ITt'llCe ;J<](]('d. (lnl·e r1•01odcl1 ng \\"Ork brgan. 11 \l't•n ! ... 111f1!1, ! .. 111•rpnr:c s:iirl. l'11ten11al ~1•1fl'· rr>11lrr~ fl111·~1:d !o the Far1or~· to set up ~huu .. I "1r e1 ery (•Il e I arcepled I turned l hrl·~· rllure ;i11:iy.'" ,Jc!wrrnre s:i id. "I "lTt"l'rH'd thr ~hopowners carefully,'' l.a\\TPFlC'<' !':aid. ":\~ a rrsull. I J:ll<'SS I ~pi •nt 1n.1r1· 11111r ••n this proJ ct·t than ~L il}' othrr ··1 tried to 1·on rrnl 11·hn RO! !hr shop ~ T tt1111t; \\t' i.:•11 ;1 cr••tip ot real cl:issy pco- plt· ' 11\> ;t,L) i·111' .'rllll)\\1111111"<; Sf'f'1n 1n f'X jl rf'SS !111· .1.:11111• \ •1:11r .;~ lh1·11 l;1 n1lli>rd.n1P11tnr . l·.v1 I I •'II•' ll ,1• t'i\1 1":111\'<'d by 1 ht' ldf',1 .. , ,:1111 1';1! ./111n·, 11 !ii1 n1n-. ;1 j.!111 ~h11p nn !IJ<' I· :u 11•1 ,I ' -.pl Hild I 1!1•11 · \\'(,.\• ;di d'•"l•' "llr u1111 11 nrk on th<' !--ll"l"J'-. ' 1.h1· .idrli •d ~lll· !11111p.u •·d tlir> pr'•Jl•rl to s1•\1·r;1 ! :-11 111l.1r .111 :1• 111 :-;:1n Fl'.1rl! 1.'•" l'1·tl'l!:t lydt]fltr~'. \\ho 11 1111 ht•r }IUS· h.1nd 1l1111s :i r:111dlt· ~hop in 1he Fnctnry, .~a id, "'rh1s should go orcr h1i:. ll 1s tx- <'it1 ng fur us lo come in and sre "'hilt peo- ple ha\'(' donr 1\·i1h lhe1r shnps" L.1 11rencf' pr<·d1ct.1, ahnut a year nf 11·nrk in grt1 1ng Thr Fal'lory s hnps off the ;;r1•u11d .. , 11:111t lo make· ~ure !hr rines 11ho 11 :1nt !11 111:i kt ii. will n1;ikl' 11.·· ht• said. 1\p11:1n·ri1!y th1• :-:h11p~eept•rs <ippr eeiate 111> t•tfnt11'. ·This 1s my f1 r~I lime in hu ~inr~s ." ';HU l)a \'J d Llr•!'Comhr.s of lhc \\'(lod Shed. ··11 is " gr(•,11 t'h;ince for !ht• sn1all bu "111r,~1n:1n to .t:~'! 111tn it ·· Al! 1.1. not a he1! or r(ISt'~ for the ncu• \'l't11 Ul'f• l'nrk111i; h :1~ been a problrn1 11nd sori:ir l'll)u·r 1,.r;il 1,11,1nt'!'Si'S arl' no! h:ipp,v 11·1th Jh(+ lrr11rl in 1h1• :1rt':1. Thi• F."H'tory jusl squrc·zl'd in befo re sin en1c rg~ncy city (Jrdin:ince required such busin esses in manufacturlns zones to l1are :i use pern1i1 nnrl pro\'ide parking. ··Th!•rr> is 11•l parking to speak of ::it the l·'ac·t"r.1>."' L,111•rcnc1' .~a id -or mosl ;1nywlirrr else in Old Nr'A'port. Ho\\"ever, he said he is lA'orking y,·ith ci· 1.1" officials to sn l\'c the pr(lhlt·111 The en1r rgem.'y ordinant·r 1•xp1rrs ~l ;iy .!!I, bur 11 <'O!tld be extended by lhe coun- t il. ~ff'an11·h1 Jc. !\rwport Be;i1·h planning •01nm1ssio11ers have approv1·d an ;imrnd- 1nent !o the municipal cod e requiring c..·o minrrcia l e.~t11b!lshmcn !s in industrial zone s to provide parking. T hey hope this \1·ill br r nough to hel p solre !hi'.': problem. C1 !~1 offirinls are tryin~ to help ~cl the parkin.i: pro!ilen1 resol ved and are tryin~ to wrirk 011l .~01ne cooper11tivl' \'en lurf' lo ~ali s fy any di si.;run !lcd ne ighbors of The Fa<'!ilr.1· ~1(';1 1111 hiif'. :-:i1rl Pat Jones, lhr Stt9'!d CllH -I-of Nloll It Cm.11 M1,.., C•l!Pornl•, Svlttc•l1 rtnn by t orri.r IJ •i "'°"1M,; bJ' "''I! IJ '' -f'lly1 l'l!llt1r1 111111 .... 110"' n .•s m<i"'"11. SANTA 1'-10.\ICA -(A P\ -.1. r :iul Austin, chninn.1n of lhe bosird of the Cnr:i.Co!;i Oi., has been nnmed t•hnirm:in r,f lhl' !xi;ird of trustees {)f !he Rand Corp. Hnnd llald ilfnntl.:iy Ih a! Au.~l in . 57, vr Al '.1nta, r.a.. \\"ill sur<'eed Ne'A'lon U, tl-!1r1 w. a forrnrr F 4.' d Pr a I Com- munira1inn~ Crin1m1.~sinn cha1rmnn, \1"))n ser1·td !111) onr-yrar terms ;is C'hairm nn. l'U\1<irnrr$ d11n'1 i>e(·n1 lo be discourn_l:!ed. ' I "S11r11c of lh" cu~!(lmcrs fuss a Hll!e :1!; .. 111 !hi' p,1rk11ig , bu! they're .still con1- 1ng 111, · ~hr s.11d. I f 'rom Po9e I Te1111is Co11rt CRASH ... tiont on "Rocktt Rid~r ·· d,11111nat1 n1: !hi' high J(rountJ north of t\11nlurn SP\f'JI b11ses fell Alonday, Lighting ~ssuys Council Delae Official reports said lhe main !\orl h Vietnamese advance clown H1gh11;1y !-I south of Tan Canh hnd put pr11~rC':-Sed p11s t the to\\'n or Dic·n H1uh , 11·h1th 1.s 11 1nde~ by ru:id n1•r!l1 uf the n1·11· ~uu lh V1etnamrse defen si1·e line at r o IJ1nh :uul 2J n1ilf's north uf Kvntun1 li!v. Fu·ld rep1.1rt.~ .snid the ;11rf;t!ds 0t 1\11 1~· turn allrt l'lt·1kt1, 2.-i n1ilf·s f11rth~·r ~1 \Ulh . 11·cre :-,la•!lcd spor:1di(·:1il.1· !t1r1Jui:ll1u1t lh•· (lil y. v. uu11l11ni; sevl'r:1I pt<r.~ons. Sei·tral thousand refug1•1·~ 11· e r •· s1 rean11ng ~tJuth on ll 1t.:h wa~ 14 to11;1n t ~onruin. ll undrl'd~ \1 l·rt• trying l•J J.!•·t :ib11:'.rd plani•s frn1n K•lnluni !01 flPt ' f;i rthl·r Sltll!h ~111111· 11'alk~d ~iiuth fr11111 Kontun1 . U.S. and South \'Jf\na1nese f1gluer· bi)mber pilots reported knocking out /11 ~ rnore Xorth \'ietn arnese !:inks and two trucks in the Tan Canh and Dak to Arl·as. hut eig ht t:inks \\'ere reported spotted 111 Kon Koring village. six rni!C's southeast of 'fan Canh. South Korean troops captured a kt!y hill dorninatin;.: llH" An Khe Pass farther south in the high!nods, but the ~ort h Vietnan1ese still held the pass. and rnore bunker·IO·bunkcr fighting '>''as l'Xpec!ed. f 'ro1n Page 1 HIGH RISE • • • rnond \Vatson said: .. I support the concept of bringing the dialogue into a greater forum," \\latson said, adding that he didn't care \vhat in· ~tructions were given so long as the result "is not a carbon copy" of them. 0 '\\'ha t I hope is that an urban design element will come out," he said. Earlie r, Rogers had pointed out that 1he proposal is not to put a blanket O\·er !he cl!y, just to make it a requirement 1hat a ny building ebove a certain height get publie scru tiny before it gets a building-permi!. \\"arnings against any arbitary he ight fi gure also ca me from architect Ste1vart \Voodard who pointed out a n t'X isting hn1it "resulted in the Balboa Bay Club'' lin ear apartments on Coast High\1·ay. Stressing thnt design crlteria are mor~ important than height controls, Woodard ,)bser\"cd, "You can .haVt a fi\·e-font limit and cars would be okay. \\'1th nn eight.foot limit you could erect a fence and then ha ve no vistas, 'You could put a 28-foot limit on ~lariners ~I lle and you·d have to cut the masts or eliminate the !xJats to make thl'.'m confonn."' l'ron1 Pa9P I MAINS • • • lhev·re asking is that the perm it he heir! 11p ·until they ha1·e time to 1net't v.·1t11 Irvine Company off icials to see 1f the ex- istinR site plane over the former civic center property could be extended north lo cov er some more of Ne 1\•port Centrr. Cou ncilme n said they fel t they had n<t right to de!;iy the permit and to mnke 1nal!ers \1·orse for residents also he:ird ;inother developer say he'll be ln tl-1ay 8 \1·ith another high rise request. Councilmen have established the tem- po rary 35-fool height limit in bro !'imall .<:erl.lons of Ne\\·port Cen!rr 11~·nd 1 ra.: rl'.'solution of the sitr plane i.<:~U<' Th"v :ire re<1uiring nll hu ilders rn gn 1hrotH'h the public hearing proces!'i brf•1re l!f'll1ng permits in those areas in the rnriln11n1r. f.harli" \Ve aver J II \\"E!-iT CO\"!:\..\ L<\P 1 -Ac!or (lt!I 1\1·· 11 url1e, wJ10 :i ppears as the ~·h ile·hai rf'd , P<•1 • tJclli1•d ''Ch:irlie \\'r.11·rr " nn t ,..lt·1·1~1i1n .~!h1 w <:, 11<1s hnspi1:il 11f"tl tnl);i~· 111 this l.ti1.' An.i:t·lr·s .St1hurb afl er sufft•ri1\f; :111 :ipp;:irt•nt hrnrt attack . Arqur·U e. f.6 . \ras .i;1ricken f',Jonday 111~h!, 11 hill' lr1 wi ng II ('fl T on !hr S.1n 1:1·r11:1r1l 111" Fr111•11ay, the C:il1fnrn 1.1 1!1gh11 .1 \ l'n!rr1! sn 1rl. '!'he L1d1) l.~lt' Ct:>1111nunilv A11soci ttl ion II .IL .\• 11·111 !]11!be1ilJU\\'ed'10 in.~11111 !hi: e0Ht r111t·J"!:.l:il li ghts on the Via Jl1e11r ti·n- ni., t,111rt u11!il Nl'"'P!Jrt Hcneh ad(ipts nt·11· l1ght1ng rt•gulatain s. City toun<·1Jr nen urd1·r<•1I the drl:1v ~lr•tal;i~ n1)!h! ;11 \t·r n l.1Uo r1·sidf'nl 1·h;1q.:t·d tin• 1:.:.l~ nf !hi' lii;hts w;is so h1J: th.ii rh1· Lit'\ h:id :1 hir("d i.:u nrd ke1·µ 11r1 •lt·~1 111~ l1••flll't111nt·rs tJUt of ;i set·rl t 11~1·1·l11n~ "ll !lit· inalt er last nlonlh. '"l'ht ) had an arn1ed guard at the donr of !hi' ~l:ir<·h 11 n1l"~li n,t;. charged Robert \\lrii:ht. 21 7 \'111 Jucar. "and he had a !Jst n11d 1f )Pllr nan1~ 11·as1ft on it. you didn 't ~et in. ",\or11· uf !hr assoria11on members, wh1) tire t•Jt i7.t·ns of the city of l\ewport Beach , 11 ~rt· pi·rn1il!t•d b.v the nrmed g u~rd ti) ent er till• supposrdly (Qpen1 and a!\\·n~-s bt•forc upen nlt·<·!1ng," \\'riKhl said. Bu1ns!rr t'rr t•ley , LIC A executi\f' dirt't'l11r, rep.li~·d !hi .~ mvrning tha t l lu: l1uard w;1s in C.l:CCU!il"C sCssion ''!11 di scuss personnel and insurance.'' '"It was a very, very cold night and he (the security officer) y,·as the only person dressed to stand out in the cold and turn people 11way," Creeley said. "If I ha d had a t-OpcOat, l probably \\"Ou ld have done it," he said. \Vright also told council men that he had learned the association planned to seek lhe permit for the lights next week, im- 1ncdiately after a benefit teruiis match Sa!urd11y featuring Richard "Pancho" 1..:on:talez v.•ho is playing to raise the money for the lights as a memorial to his daughtrr. r.tariessn. The JO-year-old girl \\·as killed recen tly fr11n1 fl horseback riding mis hap . Ne1v li~h!ing regulations are under con- sidera!i1.1n b.v planning con1miss io11ers but discussion on thern 11·as postponed lasl 11·erk \\'hen they r11n ou t 11{ tiine during the ir ClfternOQn stud.I' session. About a do zen Lido residents, led by Anti,rar Slides To Air in CdM An antiwar slide show en tit Je d "Auto1nated Air \\";1r"' \\"ill be presented \\'cdnesday at 7:4~ pm. b.1· the Peare 11 .... ·:ircness Group of Tustin at Sr. !IUcl)arl 1\nd All Angels Cllurt h. 3233 Pacific View· Drn·r . C<1rona dr .\1ar. Tlu• slidrs. pro<lucrd b\' National Ar!ion Jlt'Srarr h on !he t1-ii!i1ar >·lndust ri01 J C11rnplr.~. :i s.~crledl,v t1r pirt ihe kind ••f \\·capons no11• being manufarlured for use 111 11 ar. ~\lrs. J:unrs F't·lton. µresiden t of the Episcopal Churchwomen at the church, s,1Jd !hr sho11· presents .in anlil\·ar po int of \"ie1\' 1n discussing the modern highly fl'('hno!og ir11J, non-personal type of v.·ar. Her .i:;roup ;i ncl the .\!ission Strategy C111nrn1~sion :it !he rhureh are co-hosting thr par ish C\"l'nt. A fee of 2.'i rents for adul!s \\'lll l>e charged. Students and <'hildrf'n .1r r frt·r (;('Ol'"C Sanders 1:"' f)ie s in ~pain ]\\I:\ l<I !l\.\ "p:tin l ·\f'I -,\l'\11 r c ., , • t' ~.1 11d, 1·~ 11 ,1~ l••U!ld dr:1d 1n ;1 hotel al f;is t rlldrfel l~. :1 se11 .~alr reS(lrt near )\;i){'1'lllJJ;1, f"•llh I" ·Hlll"\"!'S ~;11 d ~;111tl1·rs llll S f•>U n<! I~ 111f; 1111 hi~ hr>d :it 2 p 111 C,1L1.~c ol <lt•;ith 11,1.~ th•t in1med iat t'I}' kn1 111 n \\'r1ghr. ~!:1lk1 ·il 1n11 "' tl1•• 1111"1>J n1 11 l\,t'i ;11JjtHl!')Jl'tl .llh'I 1111"!1 " /1 .. .J I <I L•!"US'·dioJI 1111 .11111i)h 'I' !01111 · L'rt•t•J,•y 1111' 11 11/l ll lllg Od'iH )illli lit' I '~ !'-t't'll !Iii' pr(lpu ~t·d l'\'1-'Ul:11 1u11' anti 11111 1!1cy e:11n(• !rorn ~r:tnd;1 r1h th·1"1 ·l«p• ,i 1111· LI{',\ f11r 1h1· !11.i 1 .. 11rt ~ !•ti Ill• •' •l lli.1! ;di 1·:1d.1 11,11 1· l 1~Ji1:.,. 1\Jrli1111gh \\1 11:111 11t11t •111llo! 11. 1 .. 1 \ :1ppl1t'.dl"l1 \1,1s l"UrlllUJ.: 111 11•"\I 11 •• ("n ,J11· 1•l:11n1ed l>l;Jn~ (;dll·d t .. r 11' n1.uli· ;dl1·1· 1!1t• 111•.\t IH•11rd 1nf'1·1111g \1,,,· JO \\nght al,u pn•t1 ·.•!i·d !hr light" ••11 1,;1' gr,1111uJ..; !11:1! !ht' ("ullrt ll! !'i11pp1i.~1·d l•f h<' f1 •r t tuli.lr1·11 t"X1 'lll.~l\('l l'. altl\11t1gh l.!l \ nff1e1als ;irt· •:t~ 111g l/1i1! 11 1~ pj•L a 1·hi11lr•·n·s t'(•Url "Th1·.1 '1·c 11.•1n1t 111:11 g1n111111·i\ H1:1t 1! ;, ffl r !"hddr11n in 1/11!; b(•11t·tir." II rig/it 11;11d, ··1111t tll r11 t hr~ 'rt• 110 ! g111n~ h1 k't 1!1c ,··hildrrn 1 1.~r 1!" 1-l ir~clt 1'ri<tl Lo11 o · Gri Lli11 ,,. b t' Co11Li1111,i11g A lun,I.! t-ross-e.~:nn in;ition 11f horse r:tt'- in).! 1_,·1·u•111 Clemen! I.. "lhuldy .. Hirsch \1·ri1l i11!0 its Slc'\"t•nth da~ lod:1.1 1n Or;inge t·11unty .Supcr lur Cou r1 11 1th !lie ,\'e11•Jl()rt Bearh m11Jl 1n11lli11na1rc rl'~u1ni.ni:: 11 1·hf'<'k·by-f'hetk narra!i1·c of /11.~ multiple b11s ira·ss intC'rests. Hirsch. 58. is rebui lding 11ndl'r the QUf'S- tioning o! Los J\nge les all(1rnry J)avirl ll:irne.1· lhr f1n:tnc1r1I st:iru.s of Ille r;irin_'! 11nd industri al f'nip irr crntf'l"l'<I on hi.~ l\a l K.'ln pe! food l.HJ.~llll'SS <luring ll1e r~·.1r.~ of h i~ 1n;1 rr1:ig1• In \I r-. ('J,1 11rl 1a 0 llulson l !irsrh. tl-lrs. llirs<"h. 4:i, uf .10 ll:irl~ir ls!.1nd . i.~ suing for d1.~:;1.1luf!!,1n nf lh.11 marrlllRr and a sub.st:1n1 1al s!Lirf' nf Hirsch's 1·a~t 1n - trrests. II i~ t'Xpt..'t.'h·1l 1h;i1 it 111 11 t;lkl' .11 lr:ist J() "'t't'ks 11f !1'~f1m1Jn~ bt f11rf' Jud,l(e f"r.1r1k i°>.)llH'ni1·J11n1 ran ruk· on !hr (Ii\ i!'ion nf 1\ h:11 h;1s b<.·1·n l'S1 1111:1ted to b~ <1 $~.O mi!litJn t sl:itt'. ll1rSl'.h has te~t 1f1t'd 1h11! he sl)ld the K;1l l\:111 Ou s·111r>ss for $~! rnil!Jnn 1n the !olle ~r:1gl·s 11f his st·1 1•n·.\t•;1r n1:1rrt•1~e !o I\lrs. J /1r~l'/1. lie IOdHV (·on11nurd hi.~ ;ina l\"si ~ of !ht• <i!hf'r bu:.1nes<.1·.~ 111>t•r:i te1l hy ·hun <luring tha1 un111n ll1r:-rh <'or1tr11!il·d the liut'k1ng K f'(\(1(1.• business and se\'cral So11!hlt'l lld ranchi·s in addition lo n hrrse r11t·1 ng s!ri11g \h;it has inrludc<l 0\'f.'f th1• yPrtrs ·in- ll'n1 01f1(111all.v ;trC'la1med hl<"1d strM·k n.ucl su1·t·r:1! 1n aJor stakes "'i ll n•~rs. ~lr s 1!1r:-r h L~ ll(•ln~· :1 llo111·1•d S~JlOU .a nlrtnfh .ind S!~ll ;i 1111J11lh fur r ;1rh 1J( tu·r !wn children . Case.r. a, :ind Chr1 ~1 (1pher , 6, pendin~ Judg1· D111n1·nic·h1n1 ·.~ rul in~. It has ht.>i·u !t·~r1frrd 1hir1n~ thr rri;i! that thf' :lltr;H.:11\'i• SUCl.1111!• is S201l OO(l 1n 1te ht. Sh(. v,'as s11t'd for S~J.000 l;ist 1nonth b~· a l..11~ An.i:•·h·s ti>i llk Officer S1p1el1·li1 •s l'rison Pizza ()nler ~.\.\!.\ lH! ·z i l Pl 1 -lnn1a1t's at ~1e Snnla CrU7. r t1unl ,I' ),Iii l'llrl US'' il p;i,v 1rl1::phr.n(' 1·1·1·rv d:l\1, IJul 11il'I' r:111 "t rnunt 11n order!l1~ t·1·;'11111 ~ .'-!l:tt'k.'1." A jl!lZ.1 p:1rl•1· tall"d !/Jt' j:11! Sunda,v n1gl1t !(I 11·r1f1 :111 •ir1ll•r f,,r d('lilcry (lf !hrr>I' ];1r~t' pJ~ZJ'\ f•1r J:lll tank 11urnb<·r 1hf'{'('. ll•ll1•I S!111rrr~ sa id 1ht 6.i-r r·ar-(lld nctnr ll·lt 111" 11•11t·s. one ll'l"l!tl'n 1;1 Spanish ;111d 1ht• other Ill l~ngl1.<.h . The onll'r w:1s c·;in1 '1>ifld U.1· I he dtnr of· f j('(•f'. IN A HURRY? DON'T WORRY! SOMETIMES IT HURTS US A UTILE TO GIVE EXTRA FAST SERVI C E, BUT WE FEEL OUR ADAPTABILITY TO RUSH SITUATIONS HAS WON MANY PERMANENT CU STOMERS. NATURALLY, WE PREF E R A UTILE LEAD TIME WHEN THIS IS AVAILABLE, BUT ARE PREPARED TO EXPEND EVERY EFFORT TO PLEASE. IF TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE, THEN "ALDEN'S" IS THE PLACE WITH WHICH TO DO BUSINESS. OUR SALESPEOPLE ARE SERVICE ORIENTED ANO HAVE VALUABLE EXPERIENCE IN THESE AREAS. OUR INSTALLERS ARE TRAINED BY US, ANO THE BEST IN ORANGE COUNTY. IF YO U DESIRE GREAT SERVICE, THERE IS ONE STORE TO CALL -"ALDEN'S, OF COURSE !" . . ' ALDEN'S CARPETS e DRAPES 1663 Placentia Avt. • COSTA MESA 646-4838 I • • I " " i ·- Orange Coast EDITION 'J'oduy's Final N.Y. Stocks VOL. 65, NO. I 16, 2 SEC TIONS, 26 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 19 72 c TE N CENTS Mesa Planners 01( Plan for Tourist Co111plex ll .1 Hl Ill \'IEllZIELSl\I 01 t~~ O•llW Polo! \\.:!f 1'!1r Co,!.1 .\li·s:1 l'l:uu111 1g l 'uu1!111~"'hn1 1"1ond:ir 111rl11 11.11t·1I 1111· 11av l11J' t·1.H· slrur111Jn 111 a n1·11• $".!\I 1n1lhun r1·1·re:1· 'ionill con1plcx L~ actnpt1ng :i gener:il plan 11n1rr1chnt•n1 :in1l a 111·11· t:t11111n1·reiJI· r ecreatiuna! u.int' Buth n1casur1•s. p.1s,cd by un;u1i1ni1U~ :·,. 0 vote, will allow F11ur S<.•;1.~un.~ ~·vcloir mc11t Comp.111y !o )..:1) :.th(·ad with !I S plans 1•1 huild a rn:ijor 1uur1sl <1!trac11011 on Costa J\1esa's north s ide. Envis1nnl'd in the 10·a{'re t on1plcx north or the San JJiego Freew<1y and y.·est of Bear Street art a v11riety of sports <1t- trac!ions, including archery, billiards. ice skating, 1vatcr and dry-land skiing .ind 11~·0 n;ajor hotels to accommodate thr visiliirs. The general plan amendment changes the proix;sed land use of the area frorn DAILY ,.lLDT Stiff ,.hole JOHN ANO JANET PELICHOWSKI KEEP GETT ING LETTERS They l ive Whe re Fireho use Bat Operator Once Lived • II c 1\i 11 't II ere To11lc.~.~ Bt1r '01 cner' Elusive Guy· B~• 1\1\THL'll H \'\\SJ.I. 0> !~t D»lt Pol~! ~l,+'I \~'lli1l di1 .1'•H1 .~:1.1 !o.1 ,•1 11;1ke(i 1:1d~ ~ They q1;1dc a h1!:1r111u~ 11111111· ;1h.111I th:1l qul.'~!11111 ,111d :111 thc ;1n:-.11rr~ 111 11 \\"hal thi ~~111 ~:11 iu S•Hllt'ho(I~ 11u111111i:: lhe man 11h11 gave Cos1;1 ?l!c.~a 1!s 1r1·,v own dail~· d1~pla~· of n;ik,,d l;ul1r~ :i! !h(' F1rcholl!ir !xilto111l1·ss bnr 1nort1 1h:11i 1110 years agu'.' "li e doesn't l11·c hcrr anyn1rirc." 1s 1hi' slock reply of .Jnhn ;ind .! a 11 rt Pelichoo,•:sk1 an<I tht·1r :-ix I i t t l e Prlicho1•rsk1s. 11·tw:i lh·e in lhr former home of Rar llohrn . The oper~ltor -he ii-(lr \\'ilS -Q[ the hot spol "'here the llanl'Crs .,,·ear h1g: smiles and not much cl se mnl'cd frorn 1226 Londnndi>rr~· SI . ;,bo111 24 1nflnths 11go. !Jul 1226 Lnndondc>rl'V SI , remain~ on \·arious civil. crirn111al. ·publir <ind pri\':i tt· lypes of record~. hc<:alise £toh1n n1<1111cd "'J!hout leal'1ng ;1 for11·arding addres.~ A large n11tnbcr of the people loi:ilung for llohm. sav the Pcllcl101\•skis, c:1rry police hadgrs'. subpoenas, court sum· County Slio1vn 01i TV S11ecial An hour-lonR docunicnt~ry tilled "Portrait or Orange Couniy" U'iil be sno"'n at 7:30 o'clock ton ight on KCET·TV . Channel 28. Th~ (il111 \ras acluallr produced by th e staff of KOC&TV, Channel 50. the new Orange Coast Cnm- munity College District station which is sc heduled to go on thc air ne:ii:t fall. Filn1 clips taken ov<'r the pasl fl vr months ?.'ii! show a natural childb irth at Anaheim Cenrral llospital. life :_1t>o:JTd the. pl easure bruit "Posci11on'' in Newport ffarbor. sun bat hers on the beaches ;ind 01hrr vignelle!'l of Orange Cou nl y life. 1111111~t·~ Jlid other legal 1l11r11n1c11t ,; Lu r kil y, !hC' l'elich1111·sk1s 11Hu1ngc to rn:ii11tain il ~cnsC' of hu1nor !I ~ bci.:oine S<Jr! of a j•1kc ;\I 01:r )).,u ~r._" s<1.1·~ l\lr s. l'chchowski. The weekl~· p:iradc uf curt la\1·111en. ctJr\·aeeou.~ lad ies -presumably seeking d:ince auditions -old friC'nds, ne\\" friend~ and others not .~o fo rthright about their business continues at th<' old Hohm hon1e. "11 SC'C'n1s 1\lr. Roh1n is as elusive a person to find as llo14•ard Hughes. at least for the Orange Cnunty Sheriff's Of- fice and the Costa Mesa Police Depart- n1ent." says l\1rs. Pelichowski. She says besides in sur a nce in- vest\ga1ois. pr ivate eyes and la"' of- ficers. squinty.eyed men heriring en- 1·e!opes "'it h lit tl e cellophane \l'indo\1·s are among those v.·ho · would convC'rse \ril h one Reiy Rohm. "\\'c are begi nning to reel li ke part of a .l ames Bond thriller or maybe a small sci:::n1ent of '1\1annix"," sars ti.1rs. Pclicho~·ski. She works ;is a "'aitress and in a school cafC'leria. ~·hile her husband v;or ks swing shift in a ne'>'·spaper's composing room, "·hi ch makes a rather hectic domestic schedule. Their predecessor in the leased home 's unf inished legal business doe sr)'t help malter.11 much. "Last Wednesday morning wa s the fun· niest of :ti!," 1'frs. PelichOwski e.1pla ins. Coincidentally, . they decided Tuesday night to hit the Firehouse wit h frie nds and sec what all their inherited vis its in- l'oh·e. "\\'e parked our car out front of the much fussed-about cutie place and departed. happily-entertained." she note.s· Despite the f:ict the last indecent ex- posure case lnl'olving Rohm a.s operator of the Firehouse ~'as bounced out of court April 17 , palice are keeping their eyes Of)f'tl. One alrrt officer evidenlly noticed tht Pelichowskis' C'Br that night and the now- familiar 1226 1..ondonderry St., address on the paperwork_ "The car had ll new registration on it with ~1r. Rohm's old, address -and ours IS.. SITE, P11e li high-density residenli:1 I lu cun1n1ercu11 . recreationa l while the ney; zone allO\\'S ci- ty officials to place additiona l controls around the Four Seasons development. The objecti\'e of the commerctal- recreational (CRJ dist rirl zone. as word· ed. is to ensure C"Ompntibility, esthcl1c 11ua!ity and proper blending of the facilities in the proposed project. Ccr1ain other normal zoning controls- such as building separation and height Mesa lillHIS -;\fl' !lil'rl·to•rt• t•lllrllllfllt'd. !hl1S ~1rcan11in111g pr01·•·11lir1·s tor lh•• Fuu1 ~a.sons tutal dC\l·lop1nrnt. cit~ pla11111•r, sni~I. {)ne examp!r 11·nuh.l he lh<il 11 1\huut such sµecial zoning. r('«rea11on;1l ridr" (lr 10111('rini; structu r('s 11~1~ thr lfisnf'1'l.111d r.lalterhoru \1·o u\d eaeh rcqu1r.-.'-p,·e1:1I hearings anrl city appro1·aL Ry crrating a diflrr('rH 1.onc> 1·u1 \'rlll.L'. ~Pl'f'1f1c;1\ly !he Four S <'as o 11 ~. t .' pi' Eves J 1!<'11·l,11ln11•ll1 Iii.· i'l1 1 l·:J11 l11'P"•·' f"' ~ ,o/ht ;1111 1\ .. 1111• 11n1Jt'l'1:-. on :on •·l··.1.l h.t ~I~ \\'\l\\Oll t \11d11"11\\!;\\ ~U 'll"11 ( +1Ultt'!!Jlh'I! 11hu 11 !11 Jl'!'l 'llt' 11 • ''•.I /Htlt' liir r:1\11!1·a!11111 llf'~t \\!>1111.ol I' ·I· l111t·n1t I" ~li p 1hl· 11e11· ('fl 1 .. 111• 111 .!1•r ''" •1nlu 1:11 .1 t'1i1n111t·n·1 ,1l '/••lh' ll1•, t1.+'•' .ilr1·:1d~ g1':1ll1t·d t" f."our ~t·.1 ~"'' \l 1h .. th!h 11 :1llo11S f.",,llf :-.!'·' • ' -f'-, !,, I)! L(I li1·:_:;111 " fl"t't'I h 111°! 1\ ,J, ,'IH' ,, . ' I, d tll \ I ' ,. \ 11!!11 J 1 11"1111 l.11 !'1 ii I!' 1, 1hl1• IP I' ''I 11!1 I I'.\ j 't: ,.,,111111 11 1. 1!; ••1 I h· I l1t• ,.. .. 111 11 1· 1111' 1111'11 h.1' I 11!.d''< ' ' ··l111•11i. 'II I ( ·d ~ 11, " '" ,, ' " ' " State Will Dispose of Sur1>l11s 1~,, i 1·1·i e1r l~f111<l By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI Of th• 01111 ,.;i,r sr.u Immediate action 14·as urged by Costa f..tesa City ritanager Fred Sorsabal today to prevent a mysterious Squaw Valley conC'essiona irc fron1 staking a 36-acre claim on the proposed f'air\'iCI\' Park. Notification receil'C'd by Sors:1hal 1his morning from State General Services Director James J\loe indic:it.es that. the st;ite intends to "dispose" {Jf 3fi nercs nf Kissinger's Secret Russ Trip Bared \\' \S}ll!\GTON ( AP )-Presidenual .!ld· viscr Henry Kissinger spent four days in A<Ioscow for secret talks \\•ith Soviet leadC'rs on \'ictna m and othe r interna· tio nal problems, the \Vhite House dis· closed t oda~'. Kissinger, "'ho made a sC'rrel tri p to Pe.king to arrange Nixon 's historic China visit. "·as in the Soviet capital from Th ursda.v until l\1onday and met \\'ith Communlsl Party Chief Leonid Brezhnev and Foreign J\ll nister Andrei l.ronirko. The <llscussion "dealt \\·it11 impOrtant international problen1s as "·ell as "'i!h bilateral matters preparatory to talks bet"·een Soviet leaders and President I"ixon in ri.lay," presidential press secretary Ronald L. Zie gler said as he read a brief staterr.enl re I ea sf' d simultaneously in \\'ashington a n d l\losco11" The secret 1alks were occurring at tbr satne Ume the \'Y'hite House "·as sa}'ing that Kissinger 1vas at lht' secluded Ciln1p i);i1·irt presidential retreat in f\farylan<I 11 1th the t.:hiC'f execulil'e -the same lype uf ploy used tn COl'er 12 secret trips to raris for pri\':i!e talks K 1s~inf:C'r had "'itli lhl' ,\'orth Vit0tnamc-"ie, l\i~si ng<'r. <lppearin.'! hrirfly beforr newsrncn :it the \\'hite House. re fu ~ed lo dil'ulge spct1fic topics covrrC'd 1n hi~ tour d<l.\'S of confcrenee. Bt1l he clearly indicated that Vie tnam -and the Soviet shipment of anns to !he Co1nmunis!s the re -V.'as a major item. Kissingrr disclosed. too. that Nixon has been carryi ng on extensire exchanges "'ilh Brezhnev. He said. in ans11·er to a question, that these exchanges u·rre through correspondence, rather than via lhe Moscow-Washington hotline. \Vhi le refusing to divulge de tails. Kiss· inger said the "talks Y•ere useful. !rank and satisfactory. "We agreed neither si de \\'Ould rel'eal the subject of the talks." Kissinger r<'.!!po nded when asked 1vhe!her Vietnam was discussed . the total 257-arre surplus land '.'.londay n1orning . A public hearing has been sthetlulcd on the matter for JO a.m. in Boom fifl3 nf !hc Stale (."apitol Ruildinj:!. SorsalJ.'.il urge!! lhJt anyone inicrestC'd i11 kccping the !and for public ret'rea!ionn l \l~f' attt'll<l lhC' mecting to pro!rst 1Jisposi!1on ol 1hc prripc•rty The pro\)l:rty in CJlH:st1on ls loc:1t1·1! :u l. j:1ccnt lo lhc'.' Ct)St;i \lrsa \lun1,·1p;il (',iursc and is zoned ror insti1ut11Jnrd .~11(1 Splashclo1vn: Goocl W e<1tl1.er SPACE CE;.JTEH. llnu-~t<•n 1L:Pt1 \\'eather cond11111ns tor sp\ashdov;n of Apollo 16 at 11 ·~~ a.m. I PST 1 Thursday nr<' r~j)('('\('d lo be satisfactorv. the NatilJll<l l \\leather Service s·aid toda~·. Tht forecast for the landing area near !he equator sorn r 1,500 n1ile!'i south of Honolul u cal!.s for scai- lcred clouds, easterly tradewinds. lhrce-foot sens and a trniperature nt'ar 82 degrC'es. l\1esa Di spatcher Critically Hurl In Freeway Crash A Costa fllesa night pulice dispall'hrr \\·as eritically inju red early today .,.,·hrn his in1port c:ar ('rashed in10 ;i l)arrirr Qn the San Diego Fre('way near his i\tiss1on VIC'jo homc Corn111un1 cal 1011s Ofl1 ttr Al \\'cir. ~I. 1\'aS under,i;:o'1ng srvrrnl hours of su rg!•rv b~· bont' spf'et::iltsts ti\ 1n1(\.£l:i y to rt·pa1r ~t {l\Jtld ru]llC' tornpound fraclltrc of lhl· klL leg. '·So f~1r 11 IQllks like> hr dnt'sn·1 11:11·" :1 11y inlcrn:i! injuri,•s .·• s;1id Cos1n i\l1·s:1 \'rJ1ll· rn11n icat1ons I>1rector C/r \'ill r A111h1irgc~ 1rho 11·as \1·11h \\'e1r a\ ,\l1ss1on f'o1n- 1nunity llospital. Initial in1·rstigation in<l1c11lrd Off1C'rr \\"ci r probably fell as!C'cp 11·hi!c sou1h· bound on the frcev.'ay at the La Paz Hoa d ovcrcrossing. \\'here the high11·;1y curves. Tire tracks sho.,.,·ed his car 1ven! strai,i;:ht and smashf'd into !hr <·1·ntrr safety barricade and fence. manglin~ hi~ leg before the u·reckap:e can1r lo rest California Highv.·ay P;itrol officers said the car \1·as a total 1rr<'ck . Movie Soplaisticate r1•c:rca11•11111I u.~t· :11'i '••1d11 •" 1., "'•1~.1h.1 I llut a1h•nlp1 s 111 <l1,t'1111 r '' lio 1h•· , n11 l't'SS1Qn:t1r1· IS :11)11 l\ll,,1 \i.· 1111• 111\, '!I build 011 lhC' pr<1p1·rr.1 11;111· ·"" 1<11 !•j't'll fut ile. thc t•ity manngcr sa1i! II is kno11·n hO\l'(•\'f r. that \hr df'v('ll'lp~'r {)\\·11$ a tollrf'.~slon 11n st.1!t' pr•1pt•r1~· in !hr Sq11;111· \':111··1· ~h 1 r .... 111 Tilt' ,·"11· tTSSIQ!I h:1.~ rc•pr1nrdl1· Ji,., II l1J•.111i: llllilll'\' :i nd tht· sla t<• 1~ 1111;·1'•" 1.·d 111 rrt' .. 1,rr·n1.: ii..; l:i nd Ln.i•·r th1 · .1 1.;r1·1,1\11 111 t11 :11· l"''i'H·r·il .1l $1'ACE Cl:::\TEH. JJi,u,!1u1 11\l') - A!:ol ronnu\ Thomas K. Matt ingly took a <l••cp space walk today, stepping out of 1/ir .strl•aking Apollo 16 spaceship 200.0(1() 1nilC'S fro1n r;irlh ln re1ri{·1 e n111••11-lll;1p· ping f!hn fnirn !.,.,«1 l'i11tH'r;is at lhl' \'(·nr 101 !h1• cr:1f1 Bunrlh·d i11 II stiff 1rl1ilc rr·l'~Sll!'t' ~IHI and ~dli1l'hl'd to il 2~·fOol lil <·l 11H'. :'ll a!- lingly cas~d lus 14·ay Ollt of thr 1•p1·11 l1 :11r h of !hr <'nmrn:1n d ship Ca.~pcr -;11 12 ·47 r Ill. l'ST fcir lhe hancl-{ll'{"l'·hilnd lrip ol atx1111 IS feet lo the c.!lmrra b.'ly 1\ t('JP1'i.~1nn camrra mounted nut!i i(Je the h:1!rh pro\'ided l'.'lrlhlys 11·ith a n'1n:1r kahly cll'<lr pi cture as i\1:-ifl inAlV llnated i'!nd 1naneur£'rcd in the dnrk . silent \\'Orld. A)lrrd :\1. \\'ordcn m:ide a sim1l;i r \\';ilk i1 n l\1)(llln 15 la st su1nn1C'r. Ano llo 16 11 ;ii; hc:t<INI hornr after !11·r d;i~ ~ of 1'11 1,1111 exµl ora! IQn ll'hirh t'llU.~('rl 1h1• ai;1nin:1ut" 1(1 won<!Pr v•he1her th1~y li;1d lriund lhf' 1·nlc·:1n11· ro('~~ 1h1•y 1-11lll111! Tl11•1 1H'I'!' l'C'pi1r1rd on t:1r~{'I f,.r ::i ~l'l:t~lt(\1111'•1 in 1hr l';H.:if1f' Ot'tiln lat1· 'l't1111·~1l:11· 111111 nrng Tl!" p1lvr.~ r'el111•·d llit'll' 4 •1•ur~r (••11;i1 d II\(• h1\tl\C plan('\ ...,11 h ;1 hr\(•{ h11r~\ !,,1111 lhi' ~IJ:ICl'~liip '~ .'>111:111 !'llll(f'lll l'll!'kt•(_<; ~It H 2~1 n111 {!'ST1 i\1 \l1a\ 11n1(', Apnl\u 16 v,·;,s 4:\,000 1n ih·s fpi1n th(• 1nonn ;tnd '"'Ling rrflj1r!ed. "1\I ;1rn1.~ d1.,l;1nre . if !HU rup your hand~ ar11unrl 11 . its ab11ul a.~ big .1.~ ;i ~)-cent pi t•ee " The thrcc as!ronau1s rocketcd r1ut 11f n1oon orhit i\londav ni~hl and, '>''ith that t:rit ic:i l m;tncu l'cr ·hch1nd then1. rt·1lf1 r\c1I their morale had shor up ";i cnuplC' nf hundred perrenl " Thry fnlcrcd the pull of earth's i;:ravit~· <i i fi :J6 a.in. (/'ST I y,·hrn they \.\'Cre 211i.OOI miles out ;ind he;iding hnmc at ahou1 2.900 miles per hriur "I'll lell ,You. \\'e l'an hardly w;iit ," said 'Youn~. veteran cornm;inder of the Actor Sanders Takes Life BARCELONA , Spain (UPll -Actor George Sanders. suave sophisticate of the movies, was found dead today in a hotel room near Barcelona of an overdose of barbiturates. the official Spanish ne9.'!5 agency Ci fra said. Cifra said lhe actor . 65, left a note sl'lying he was comm iUing suicide "because I am bored and havt lived enough ." The official agency !aid the bod y of the Rus sian born Sanders, a rorm er hu sband of z..ia 7.83 Gabor. was found in a room of the Rey Don Jaime hotel at Casteldelrels , a seaside resort near B:ircelfl na . Sanders made his Am erican motion picture debut as Madeleine Carrol\'1 villanous husband in "Lloyd 's of Lon- don." It followed stage and screen JUC· cesses in England and "·on Sander!! 1 lonit·term contract with T"·entlrth Cen- tury-fox. •• The urbane. 6-foot ·J actor's plc!urr!I also inc luded ·'Picture or Dori an Gray," ''Forever Ambe r.'' "Call J\le ~(adam.'' "4.11 Aboul Eve.'' '·Touch of Larceny"' and "Rebecca.'' fl.1iss Gabor, Sanders' second '>'01fr. onl'I' described him ye;i rs after their divorrr as "a slight cad," but v.•ith no apparent tones or bitterness. She said th.'.11. It \\'::!.~ on a bet he madr \.l•ilh her in 1953 lhnt she became an actrC'sS . sanders wa.~ J;ibrled i!olly\\'OOd 's No 1 C)'nic in lhe yeArs after \\'o.rl1I War II In 1946, the hnndsome ::ictor enragrd elubwomen with the rrmarks- "Womcn are strange 11\lle br;1s1~ &gref' with that old vcrsr : 'A "·omnn . fl dog and a walnut tree -the more you beat them the better they be.' " Sanders wa~ born July 3. 1908. tht' !!On nr an Engl is h ro~ manufacturer 11·ho wockrd in St. Petersburg, His filther phrd • a successful tr;1dC' thrrc untll lhe Revoh1- tion "'hen hr and his famil y fled to F.n~land. Choosing s~·1r11cr as his goal. Sandcrs studied 1c;..;1 ilcs ,11 the ti.fanchrstt·r Technical School and later "'ent into the tcx:tile busincss. J-le .,.,·ent to South America to operate \obaC'CO plan1iltion~ in Argent1n;i an1l llr;izil, hut 1hr venturc failed "'ilh lhC' world ()(•pr1·~sion nf the li'!!C' 1920S and lCl~Os \\'hrn hr rf't\1rnrd to Englrind. ;in uncl<• 1\·ho h;id tw,·n 111 oprra s11Jti.:es1ed hr lake s1ni.:inJl 1!·.~sons S .1 n 11 r r s 11'f!S "<tis1·nvr rrd" :it a p:iny :l!l(t ht• bcgan :-:1n,1(1nJ.? in LA.lndon musicals "'hic h led 10 hi.~ f1lrn <·Art•rr llr 1J11ln 'I sl n~ in motion picuircs , ho11 1·1 1·r, until 1953 1,·hcn hc 1nade "Call i\lr ~l.1<l;i1n " \t, · •I.>' ... 111 11111•~ \' • 1lll1I 11 • ii 110 I! hi\ 1111 Hl'o t I" 11 ' "'' I lJ ~ \H,111 \ ,dl o·". pn1p•:1 \I •,, l • ',1t1• In ,~· 1'11.111. !' 1•11' I/ii' :Ui :11 • \I , I I'! I , 't 1\11•!-:1 Thr Co1~1 :1 \II·'·' 111•11w111 lr.1 . ;.11 :1ppra1.~l'l l 1;11\IP ul ~l \!I 1111\11<111 In 111 ~ lr!lt•r !n ~nr,.1h:ll \1 q1• ~;onl 111r. f r id•·, ••Uhl I •"•lilt 111 ••:l ·ol1 · 1i1li· 1111 <11 · , 1.il ),('!wl rr 1,. 111,-111 i! , olh ,.,,,,! 111 ,1 1 liv tr;n ,i , 1• .,1, 11•1 1·, I ·,1th " ( '11~1 :1 \I, '·"'''i' F \11!\'JL\\ l'.1•:1 ~I 1111-.,!111! IJ1:1! \1£'1\l rro111 111';11·-!:lllLI!'(' to Sllt'('t'SS in f 1\'C d;1 ys. Spacell ight rn~t e1J1'(1lri1.:bts rl'por!{'il !h:1t v.·<'111!1er In the l;1ndi11 1.: ;irea 1.1011 1n1]r~ ,1,u!h nf ll1111ril11]11 11'.'.l:-i f'-.:pcctcd ta 11•' -..;.111 l:it'IH l'~1 ::il I\ ·1·1 ;1 Ill Th111·sctay I >11ki· h1111.ved the l u1pe~ of gt•olngi.-.t ~ \1')1•'1 1 t1•' n·p1)rf('rf thr 24:i·p111HH I C'!llli'!'lt· II fll lll<Holl l'"('k~ ~f(l\\'f'rl 1'1 {':1';\)<'1' dld Ir•\ l-1'' 111 11. 1•011tah1 1 oli .111w -,;i111pl1•\. T1•1"111t l)arlii11µ A 11t1'11.1l11"'"' C1•t.<; Pla1111 er f\ !11'11 \.1l1d-l1St' 1!Hl1t1.1111 ! ,1Jftl'IHit1'1• Il l 11·:1, a pp1>11 1·d h.v !hr· t "~' 1 \1· ;i 1ilo111 r11 n.: 11i1111111,s1"n :..1 .. 111!.11 111 'II It :.:11 , . ._ :1p;1rtrn1'1ll tP11;1111,, 111orP p<1 r~1ni.: ~Jl<HCl'. In ;1ppr1)\ 1111.: l/11• r11~·:1.'-lll'(' 1~<H11· p11 ,,1on1·r.~ rr-1·11n1 1n1·11d1·rl !" tl\1• 1·1111 1' u111d llio! l)i1• pi•' .:11 111111 '•\1:11 1,,,j,, ~I '' I 1• •/I \\ 111 ! 'Ii ~Ji> I 111. 11 ' .. f' ' . !. '''. • ' ''I I : (<' !1pi· .111d ,111· fol :1p.11 1,,, '• '" ,1 •)•'ll'<l·I, !)•' d· •·1:111 r[ Hl)•olo '!• )'l:i11n111i.; r1<'p;1rT 111111I H(lll ! d \rtil!' l!.t1n:d:1 s:11d :l rf'l·r111 •11111 · ,il'l1'll' , ... l"ll]l:l\ll~ tlf :1p:irl1111 •111, IJLl!li 11,11111; •1 ., past lhrt•p .\'{'<Ir.~ .•llu\1~ 111•"111 IH )1t1•t1:'. Sllfl!K!J'I frll' n111n· ofl-~1r1·~·1 11.11t1111 I!(• ~ai d among ,,1•1 •·r.11 !i1nu: .11l!I pri~tt·ilrd.~ .~cur nu( "4•)1~·11111 ! ,,1111uou-_ n111re !hnn 50 Jll'ff'f'nl 111•r1• r1•!11:•111d T.'1" ma111rity la\'(trt•d ;111 11r1·n ·:1-1• 111 1olJ ,lri •'l parking ... paces. Thf' new amendment. 111 h .. p:.'>·•·d •·n f{I lhr <·1 ty counci l rur ralif1,·;1t1011 .\Jqn· d;i~. requires 1.5 park111!! s11:11·1•., ll!r 1·;p h j1ne bedroom unit. 18 spuc1•.s 1nr 11111 h<'dr(1om unit ~. and onf' ;11Jd 1t1nn;1/ gul'~t spare pC'r each IU :1p:ir1111rnl 111111 ~ ' Orange Coast _.,.. l\'entller It's going to he Wllrn1cr along lhc llr;in,c:c C11:i.~t on \\'cdnC'sda v. .,., ith hi).!hs a! thC' braches ilrtiurid 70 dC'gr1·e~. rising t<1 BO dcgrel'S in la nd l..o"·s are e:(pected in the 40"s. 11\SIDE TODA\' Tl1r !(rr ~/1// nit 11•/11/1'. .11111/n- .'iff.i;u,1 1111./ /'ruli'.~'"111. t1•1/ 1!1111-. ud11 11.~ ~11n11• "lt'tJol11q·s 11t l11r l\1l l\/1J.1 l\/11ri .1•11 11111/ 11111rt• /1k r or1t• ru~11·1I /1'fl r11d 1('11/~ .'irr S(lll'!/. l'up r 7 '" aey4 '>lu!ull '""~' .. (~I l ler•;•• N:.lonn•I l<Ow1 • Cl •\•lh1d "" o,,,~~. County • Com!c1 " ~l•~•e l'O<l•t .. (rO-,•ward " \oarh , ~-!J Oe.>111 Notlrt\ ~l~t l Ml•ltl1 It· It f dolorltl P,11<te ftl•~•"on .. l nt1r11in""""n! " T"•1t1r1 It·!• '•n•nte II 11 W~.>'hfr 'or '"' ll1rord w~·•• w •• ,, " Morouop• " w11,.,1~·, Ntw' 11·U Aft" L•nde" " WOfld M1w• • Y.ov••• II It I • 2 OA!LY f.l,f,T Budget 1'1 ect By T1·11 stee s T\('\\'porl ~fl·~a ~111 .... 1 !ru!ltrl;':; "'111 dl~C'U~s n1 ntC' f;ir\'> :ind f 1gurl'~ nf nf'\l ~·e:i r s propn~t·d h1ul gf'I d11r11I).. r!1,,1r llll'Cl1!1_g lnlll/.!!i! :ii 7 '.!(I r1 Ill Ul 111•' C'{lrona d,·I fll :ir 11 1~!1 ~!'/ilu l l.111!r ThcatPr. Tr11 :--tl'•':) a l"u :ire· '!'ht·dul1·d r., !:1h" ;1\· l111n on n S5Q:! !~~l l '(•lltr :u·! f 1r n·1 n<·1~1·11 n''. ••I He:I \l1rl1tii• ,..,1 11., .. I Ill ( •· [.1 \!, ~ .1 111•1'<! :n t'•'!ll;•rH r f, r tlu· Hor•, 11 \11rh r•"ll ~l'li/\411 '-1\l' l!l !f:uh•o! \i(',I 11i ::. :1 T1d .I :--lu<lt•n ! fr rl'd11111 ,,f e'l:prt ''I'•!\ t• ••Ii,:' ·i 'fhf' prr1p0!-1·d S.1:t :i rn1ll111n ht11h t: 1~ :-.11!1 111 tt1e Lilkull! ~t:ll:•' but :11!•'11t1•rn of l h1• '-lll!l!t''lt·d 11/1:! i"J l!gurl' 11 uuld 11u·;1n ;in c1Khl-ct•lll \tix 1nl'rl·.1,i· f.1r fl."r11 porl ilf'il Ch ;ind l'o~t:i :\li·,:1, fll"p1•rty 1 1\.\IJfr~. The figure und rr sludy 1tMs nnt 1nrlud~ .sr hool bond r1·d1>n1pl inn rn t r.~ \\ hich \\ 111 be an additinnal 18 JI) 20 rl'nls, ar·t(•td1ng I!! ·"l'hCo<il f1n ant·r nff1t'1:1 I~. ' IJ(•Htlt DA!l '( P ILOT SllU F'llOllJ \· \/i(•t RetreHt 10 Yanks Killecl In Copter Crash l 'L l::JK L:, V1etnan1 (AP ! Ten A 1nt·r1v;111 .~ -six ;1dv1sers Ill the SOu!h \'1t·!11;1rnrse <lnny ;n1d four l1elieopttr c·rc \.\'Jlll'n -11't'J't.' rrported tud ay to hill \.' heen killed 111 :i ht•licupter crash i\fond:1.v <lunng !hr Sout h \'1t'!nan1esr relrr:1t lrunl ·r~111 (',11111 :111\1 l•:1h T11 1n !!n• ('c•1lt 1;d I !1i.;J1l:1n(I' r\ ~e1 t.'ntl1 A 1u11r1t".111.1lh1:.~·r, (':.ilJI Hay J),.1;11111'. 11.1~ rt-~l'\ll·d af!1·r hu.ling ,Ill 111i;:l11 lll':1r Ilic Ul'tTl'Utl South VielniHlll'~(· d1\1-.1un ht.idc1u:1rlt·rs at Tan Canh. l)i )bbins nnd nine South Vietnamese, in· ('!ud1ng the r1·~1men1al corrunander, Jud HJ '/'11 11 Canh after lhe North Vielnanu:sl' look the base i\1onday. m0re IJas.e.~ u1 all·r J1rt !11d:11 liul l11ld r vp<,rl\ .;aid L' :-.. lM 1111h1·r-; i...n.,.r,,.i 1,111 ,1 h1gh\.\'<1y liru!g1· :.111\ 1,] 1111 ·!1 1l1t' '\1 1111 \'1t lr1:l!ll1·~1· dr11 t· toi11 ,11 11 h•'l1l 111t\ 1 .1:, Lo11 !.!. (;,.; 11i11 !~ C' ( Co11 ti1iiii11g A h)nl:! l'l'•1~ .... ·1'.~:1 n11nat inn <1! hJ >r~I' 1.11 Ing 1_1•coou C!1'n1rnl I.. •·Huddy" ll1r'· 1 \l'1•nt in!11 its Sf'\'f'l\lh d;1\' Toclav in Oran;~t:: AL~o not inf'l11<h:d 1n rh1· ~iHn \1'h11·h 1o;. t1P;1rl\ .~~ 111ill1111 t 11101·1· rt1;111 l a~! 11 •;1r .. t,1idg t~I . :ir1• t':1i"'' 111 t'lllJ'il••\1• l'.il;rJ'lt•., L1'\<1lld r·· L'~il:1r llllTl •/111·111 ~ \r11 p.irl \lc,:1 1 ... 1r ·llt'I' rec\· n 11 1· !•l'•'"r'r1 1(•d :1 pr1rp11 <.:il l1tr sal;ir-.v h•10.~ts . i nd ,1·hnnl 1111pr·o\'t:•nH·nt.~ tot;il1n.'? nrarl .v .~I I 11111 I Ifill \!1 J11 1r1~1 !l n!J1·rt I .. <'<11·11na. ~:~. nf l!J!)O ,i l.11r<·s l.:1111· l!11nl111 g l1111 Hral'h .~u\ Olli 111 !h b~1 t k rr:n1lun·~ .\1 11 11 d:1r ;if!f•r !hi., l<J Jfi p .111 n1JJ11\1·1· :it1·H!c·n ! on J·:~1;·1 n ('l:t J)rivt' <;i>Uth C1f ,..,11.111 IJ r111• 111 ('(1.-.l<t J\ll'~iJ ·r·1·.q1pcd for a tJ111 t· in 111·vC'k:1ge . ('11ro11a is li ~ted in l.11 r l'!1n cl1tio n t11d:i1· ;11 ~·1 1,ta \lL· .... ;1 \lt.'111oriJ J I-Ins· pita!. ln\'e<;\1g;ll11111 1, 11 ndrr1v;1_y into \11ly he losr r·ontrol .:l11d r;111 f1 f'f ru;1ct . Aft er <l.'.1.rk. the11 rnoved outside the peruneter, and Dobbins caUed in ;111 An1crican helieopt cr by radio today. The hcl1L''•JllC'r v.·as fired Qn going in and tak- 111g ofr. hu ! it 1va s hclleved th:i t nolx1ct.~· 11J !> 1vu undcd. The report of the helicopter crash carne tron1 an American who was on the ground at an airstrip about a mile and a /1alf from Tan Canh. C•)Unty Superior Court ·11·i!h thr f\'1'll')l"rt Jltarh H1ul t11111llion:11r11 r1·.,u111111g a 1 ·hl'Ck·IJ~··1 ·h1·t·k 11;11T:11 11·r 1.i 111~ 11111l:ipk· LU'llll'!iS lllll'rt·~l ~. ll1rseh, 58, 1.~ rt•!J11\ld111 g t11ah·r 1he qut'~· tn111 1ng of Los A11grl1'S ;1tlorrh·.r l);11·ut ll:irnc.\' the fi11 :1 nri:1/ s!;1!11s <•f !ht' r;1 ('in;; :ind 1ndu .~1rin! •:rnpir11 <·cnl1·r1'•! 1111 1\1~ l\;11 Kan ptt lo~·d husrr11·~-~ d111·111).! lht• .1":1r~ J1f his rn :1rri:igl' lo .\lr~ Cla11<l1;i Jlut:.110 li lr.~ch I Ill' :1rld('rl nHltll'I' 1111ulrl n1£l;1n :i t;n: 1~.11,t 1>1 2fi r .. 211 1···11 1, t•1 !l."i ~fi p1·1· ~10t1 .1~.<.1•.•!-t·d l';du:d111n 111 (.,;11..,!;1 '.l !l'~:t -up l/'lllll $.i 10. In \~·11·1>0rt Hcar·h, !hr figu re would be \·I llB pl'r $100 ns sessrd \':'l!ualion com - pared 11!1h a !9il ·72 figure of~~ 72. Costa Mesan Declares l ,.1·t1111 1•1a~1t~ I FAfl{VIEW . A spokesn1an for the U.S. Con1mand 111 Saigu11 said it had "noth ing officinlly tu 1ndk·ate either \\'ay !hat lhere arc ;id· 1 isers nli!i.Sing in action." 1\lrs. /11rseh. ~:L of :HI ll :1rh 1r !~I.ind. t( !->lling for <t is.~oh1!1!'1111f th:11111:1rri:tgl' [Ind a substanti;il share nf l!lr.~eh's \':1st u1· f('rrsls. • • /\ fina l 01x·r:it1ng budgC't niust hC' ap- proved 1n August. Also up for board action is a policy which \\.'OUld insure stude nts in the district ''the right to exercise the righ!.s of freedon1 of speC<'h and expression in lhc con text of lhe public schoo l en- vironn1~n!. '' He Didn't Beat Child !~1·11 unabll" to nu1~lrr th1• S1 rnilllon l"t'· quin·d for outright purchasr <if the 2.;1. ;1CJ't'~. Earlier reports said lhc six ad\'iscrs 11·ere among nine American s taken out <1( ·ran Canh by helicopters under fire J\fon- <lay. The six \\'ere reported landed at Dnk. ·ro 2 airstrip a mile and a half a11·a.v because South Vietnamese soldiers \1·cre clinging to the helicopter's skids and it was feared they might fall off if the fl ight 11·as any longer. It is expe{'led thnl ii 11·11! lake at lt'aS! 10 \\'eeks of l c~tirnony before J ud i.:c Frank Dotn<'nichi ni can rule on !hr di \'iSion of \1·hat has been esl1mat C'd to be a $50 mil lion est:it r. R}' TO.\I BAH i.Er 01 lho D1U1 Pllo! St•ll The policy, \\'hich \\'as flr.st unvcilC'd at the April 4 n1ect inJl. alS(l stipulates lhnl the studcn! rigl1ts "!-ih<11J be en joyed \\'i!h due reg nrd to th(' right s of nthcrs and the nred for rea.~onablt• res!rie!ions in !he operat ion of thC' public sehcx1r srstr111 ·· Dai-id l3rer1! Hansen ur f'ns!;i i\it';;:1 \\t'lll lo tltc .,.,·itne .... ~ s1a11d l1Kl:i1 111 ()range County Sur)('rior Courl 1<1 rcpea!t.'dl_v deny lh;1t IH· in flirt~d !111· n1assi\'l' injur1r~ 11hii'li l('d Lr11!1<· dcatl1 nf l11s par;uno11r '.-, 3·.1 t•:ir·1•ld ·'"II llansrn, 2t r:1lh,(I :1~ d··1Hll ) 1111hll!' 1h'fcn1li·1· 1!~111 B11tl1'r\ 111·,t d1 ·f1·11 -.1· \\'J!Jless t11da.1. 1.ild pr11~~·t:1 111 1r .)(il111 Cron in under n j:!rurll1ng cross rx- a1nln<i!inn t h<it hr> "didn't S('f' !lny1h111J.! rl•ally 11rong · 11l u·n ht• pulled lhr l1n1p bodv· of S1cv1·n Guidry trn1 n tlir shu1•·i·r last. Oct. 2-1. hin1 off and put his pa jamas on. l ie said !h:i t \1-hi !e he \\'as there he changl'd his u1rn pan!!i \.\'hich ha d bl't'tl so:i k('d 1n Ids 1eff11rfs to pull Steven frorn !llt• sho11er. "But Y<Jtl didn 't r>n U hi.~ rnn!her "hl'n • \uu s:111' !'IOllH:!h1ng 11·;1s S('riou.•ly \\Tflng~·· Cronin <isked . "\V~·ll , 110, no! ngh1 rlic11,'' !l ;inse11 r0rli1·d Although the properl y c·onsiderNi for t r:ide is on the bord('r of the proposed park . Sorsabal said. "\\Ip \t·ould have n niore difficul! time lo pl:in a tot;il 111- te.cra ted pnrk. '' 1'he c11y rnanager urger! that Costa .\\r.,ans "ir1111led1ah·lv .. !iend lrlf'gran1 s 111 S;1cr;1n1en to 111 pro'trst. of the tr;1dt• . 'fh1·sr. he sriid should be \.\'irrd ID (;01'. Ht·ug<in. ;\1l1('. ([en11ra l Sl'r1'lt't':i Tlln•c lor I .;111 r1•l1!'f' l1.(1h111sn11 , :l nd 111 F1ll:l:H't: These earlier reports said t he Ameri<'an .s began v.·alking lo\\'ard the South Vietnamese lines. But the report today said a 1-luey he liropter pit ked 1hen1 up. 11•as hit after it look off and rr;t ~hC'd in fl ames in an area hrld by the North \.i(·tnarnes<'. Hirsch has testified tb:i t he sold the Kal l\an business for ~24 million in the late s!ages of his sel'en-year n1:irriage to ~t r~. Ji irsth. He today rontinuC'd his anal.\'!iiS of the othrr bu.~1nesscs opt·rnted by hin1 during !hat un ion. ll irsth C{ln trollcd 1he Hn< king I\ Fo<XI.~ husiness and SC\'!'r.11 Sotillilllnd ran<'bt < in add iti on In a horse r<it'ing string !hllt has inclucl11d 01·1·r !hr _rea rs in· rematio11allv arC'l~i i tnrd hl nnd srork ;ind several n1aJnr st:ike.~ \\ 1 nnrr.~. Bit·y <'lin~ 1\ic~an Leads Offi<"crs On WiJd Cha se A Co.st.a 11-1esa youth who allegedly led po!itf' on a n11t-.so-n1er ry chase. f'ludlng a patro l c·ar on his n1ore·rTiilneuverabll' bicycle. all lhl' \l'hile shedding clothes, ""'OUnd up in jad :Vlond:ty. A1ark A. "'olfe. 20, of 22.'i Tulane Roa d, \\'as booked un suspition of resisting ar- res t and fai lure 10 slop for a red traffic light. Office r .Jack KoC'h said he tried to rltt \\'olfe for the traffic violation al 16th !:it reel and Ne\\·po rt Boule\'ard alxiut noon .... Jth 1ilt lt1 !iUCt'~SS He clniincrl \\'olfc spr11! three rnin utes refu.~1 ng !o gi1·e l1is l;i~t n:i n1(' an d argu- ing legal phi losophy and traffic C'Ontrol. "He u•as trying to ex plai n \\'hv the signal "·asn't n1ennt fur hhn." rc·rnar kcd (Jfficer Korh, \1·l1u d1s:1grcPU, The patrrilman sa id \\'o!fe suddenl y sped ulf southhouncl \\'ith him in pursuit. then .,,,·hipped <J quirk Li-turn 1v go north· bound on the boulev:ird and jumped the center di\·idi·r to hea d soulh again. lie sa id \\'olfe zi pped up to an industria l plant, thre1\· hi s bic.\·clr over a fence and follo\1·ed it before fin:i!ly being cornered aftrr he h:id d iscarded hi s shir1 and h:i! hi chan/,!e his appt:'arance. ()fficer Koch al lr~rd Iha! \\"olfc tried tr) get 1011gh :inrl <luring the struggl r to han<IC'uff him . damai;ing the p;itr0l111<111 's un1forr11 Charlie \\"e;n1·r Ill \\"EST C0\'1.'\A 1,\!'1 -At'lor Cli ff Ar· c1ucl!r. wh u ;ippt•.1r~ :1s thr 11h1tt'·h.11rrd. pnt -brl!ied "Ch;irhc \\'c;ivl'r" on tel1·v1s1<1n .~ho;1·~. 11 a!i hosp11 al1zcrl tod:-1v 1n this IJ lS Angeles suburh afte:r suffcr1n1o: • 1n .1 n"lnrtnt ht«J rt .1tt ack OIANG-E COAST CM DAllY PllOT Th• Orin'" Cc.II 0.1.IL y l"I LOT, WI"" Whldt Is combinid Ill~ "'~Wl·Pr.,1, 11 llVtlllV!n by Ill• O••ngr C~1t l'ub.l l1hlng CDITIPflnr . s~ r1r. cdlli00"11 1r• l>Wlli•hod, M.-!1y t~tOVlll'I Fridoy, 101 (01!11 I.I~•. N•w1x>rl 8e-a(l'I, H""'ti1>gton 11 ~~01 r o~"'"'" V•ll•'f Litvn• e11ch. lrvfnr ~1dd l1b•ci1 fnd 5•n C~m.n11/ ~•n Ju•n CJ1>i11r1n11. !< ,,,,~Ir rl'QiM•I f'dilion ;, Pllb'·s~'<l ~.•lur<'My1 •nd Sunthv1. T~~ pronrlpi l publi!~lng ol""' « •I JJO W''! B~v S!rt,r, Co.11 Mf ••, C•ll•orri,1, •l62l. '"fou ·ve seen !he slir1 rs. h:11'f'n 't ~«•U •·• l'ronin asked h1n1 "Thr shrl1•s lh:'lt .;hu11· bruises :ind 1nJuru•s 11r1·r nvl~I nf rl1t' <:luld's body"·' ··Ye s. J've seen them .'' llanstin qu1e11v replied. "You mran In h·ll nit• lh:i! yf1U d1dn 1 see rhen1 1hcn··" ('ron111 n!'iked !he ~111111g draft sman. "No, 1 did not." Jlan.~en replied Cronin cont ends thal llan s('n inflir>le1I the n1ultiplr injuries on thf' ('hild hntl1 hefl:ire and af!er h(' !041k !ht• l1ltl1~ t.oy f111· a sho\\·1·r 111 the apartn1Pnl at il9 \\", \l'iL~on Sl i\an.~en had shared the ap<irr111t nl 111 111 Mrs. Deborah (;11id1·1', :!~. and her !hr1·1· clilldren fnr about ·si x niontl1 s lx>f1irr St even s11ffereit J1is f>itill HI J1 1ril's. Tllr> child 11·as dC'<Jd 011 ;1rriv1il ;1t llo;1g 1'le1nor ia! 1-lo~pilal !Jansen, an Orange Cri.1~l Col leJ,.!1' sttJ· dent. adrnil!cd to1t:1~ 1h::ll hf' h;id ~lappl'd Ste1·en nn scver:il <1rt·<1.~ivn~ a ~ di.sci pli nnr~· n1easurt<;-:ind that he h;ut rhasti zrd hin1 011 lh<' da.1 <1f lhc l'hilcrs dC'alh. Btit hr deniecl under a long gril!ini.; from Cronin th;i \ he had ('rer used his closed fi st or a belt on lh<' little bo) He admi\\Nl under ('ron1n 's <111cst1nnin~ that he had v.·rappecl .1 ~ni k·1! 1ha pt:r arflun d 'hr chil d"~ hrad 111 ;i n111r1· to prf'· \i•Tll the little ho,\ trnn1 rt'pt':l!f'rlh 11r·!· 11rig hi~ cl o1hing ll :in~"ll !Old C'rnnin thal 111· had l1·f1 Jh1• 1·hild 111 !hP !-li"11 l·r ;ind 1;11,•r • fl lTl!' ha1 !.., 11·1 thf' h:11hrnon1 tn find :-il1·1·<'11 l\'1n i.: rn11nplrd 111 !hr !11li 11J1 h tllr 11·:+l•·r ~til l running 1,11 111111 H:111s1•n ~:1111 1•1· 1!11•11 !'ilrr11·1f th1 Ill" c·nn,~('l(l\1.~ child to 1br b~'d r111"1ni 1,1 dr.1 Rall in At C:a111lidal c 1Con1111 John W ''Bill'' Hill and \\"all;ie,. n. "\\"a lly" Da\ is. tanrl1Ctalrs for thP Fir.~! District su pe_rvi.soriat .Sf':'l! heir! hy Robe rt Battin n•1ll be :i::peakrr.~ lnnighr in th~ first of a series nf· meclin,g.~ spon. sored by lht• OranRe County J..:n1pJu.1·r.~ A .~.~nria ti on . Hill , a Sant;i Ana c!nthier. anrl Da1·i.~ a Fountain Viltlt'~' :i 1t11rnl',I', 11·1!1 ;1p1x·;1r ~it the 7 pin · :\l11l1! Yoiur t ':tnd1d.i11 ·~ st·~sH1n at Sn1tdlf'v .J1111i11r 1!1i:l 1 Scl\11.>1 2120 \\I, Edingt'r 1\1'1', S<Jnl ;1 1\n;t ''Yo11 t11d n 1 c;.i ll ;111.1li1•d,\. !l11I 11111" • <;t·unln ;1,~ked. ·rht• 12."i·p111uul. l1 1r.f\1nt 1hrce dc·fL·11<i:111I h•·"1T\llc<I and looked ut tht• Jury . "i\n ·• hr ans1111red. aln1nsr ln<i11d1hh Board \1 otc~ ;j.Q To Cancel Lease For Dunes Area The Or;inge County o r :-i11per\'iSor~ voted una nimously today 10 :1~k rhe C'ounty c·ounsC'l to prepare l e~:1 / p;1pt:rs 11hk·h 11·111 lead to i:ancellrr!ion 01 !he ,\tll'port Dunes lease l'vL1ntr <1!f1(·i:1ls .:ind SU Jl{'f \'JSO t'S h.:111· J,1·1·11 l·or11 l'l'll('d 1·1·t L't\ll,v rl\t•r 1hr run dnn11· conditions of the retl'l'3tion rac1hty 11n e11un1y llll('l;i nds 111 l Pflt'r 1\11:- i\e11 port I >1r1'«1 1r \'t•n1 (ln· '-'•1r::.1hal ,aid hi' :111d \L1~11r ./;1<'k 11:1111- nu·tr 1111111•1 i:;o tn S:ieran1('nto per.sPnal!y lif p1·1·.·~ f'11~t:1 '.\l e~a·s ra~f' ht>fnr r !hi~ (;t'IH'l':il S1.•f\'!l'J';-, bo:lrd or d1rc1 ·1ur" Thi· :.tlt·pr1-.p ;1nnouneC'Hll'111 •II !hi' lr:id l' fullo \.\·ed rlosel\.\ nn the herL" 11f a hill tn!rn1tuccrl br A.~srrnbll'111:1n !1nhrrt l l Bu rk"' tB-l lu.nt1ngton 1il'~l!'h 1 11·h1('h 1111uld ;1Jt111v {'11sr:i .\l~sn or lhl' Co11nt ~· (If ()r:i u).!r to le.'.1.sr> the E'nli re 2.°li-acrr prop- tr1Y /o r 50 ~·l·;ir~. llurkl··s hill \\·ould h;1\'c pn"\t'l!lC'd diSpO~ilion of fhr prO!)t'rfy through aUt'· lion. trade or olhrr me:in ~ for the clur:i- t1on of the 1Pase. Jiank111g on the pnssage of Burkt' s bill. Cost::i ~·lcsa and Orange Ccunl\ uff1t i:ds rrcentty en1r rC'd Ki lo inrgotint ions for :i JOinl p<iwcr.~ :-i.:.~T('('n1 rnl un der 11·hirh !hr pnrk 1vould he developed. Fuods expend ed in the devrlopment of lhc property by bolh age11c1l'S l'riuld hr sublracled fron1 the Sl.000 per acre pe1· ~ear lease fee spelled ou t 111 Hu rk c's bi il The rC'port s:iid no hope \1·as held frir. the 1ncn on bn;ird. 1"h1• U.S. Co1nn1ru1d in Saigon :-111· 1111lHK'l'd !\londa\' th;it an Arinv llt'Jicop ter 11·as shot do1\·rf~1rar f)nk To :ind the four lTCwn1rn \\:Cre killed . ,\!i\1t:iry sou rcrs 1n J'le1ku said today it 11·as believed that this 11·as the helitoptcr that had picked up the ~ix ad\'isers but that the U.S. C-Ommand ;1 l the time nf its announcement did not know tha t the other Americans v.·ere aboard. '.lleanwhile, S-Out h \"ietnamese fo rces 1n the Central Highl ands abandoned t\.\o MiddJe Schools In Costa Mesa Hold Ope11 House Purse Snatch cr8 Cos ta ~·l esa midrilc srbools \\'ill open their do11rs tn par('nt.~ t11nig ht ;1! 1hr1r ;i n· 1n1 .~l npen hou.sr srs."1•1ns P;i r(·nt.<1 11 dl Tli~·v also 111·r1• 1J 1~!11rhcd tha1 thr. 11~1 ! classrQO ms and SPe lhr ir children's rt~1 1Hir r1111 o11 lhe propc ri.v. 1hc Ocean 1e;1C'ht1rs and scho11lv.'ork F(llJowing is th1' Tonti. ha~ bt·e 11 closed for sc\'eral Sti·ikc ill Mes a ~ch.,dulr · months. l'he lease requires thnt a -\1:111<1<' B. [l.1\1!i. IUJO Arlingt<lll fl·.~l aurant ht' 111 opt'rat1on at all tin1e.s. /\ NC'\\'j)Ort Beach \\'Oman .shopping 111 l)r11r · i p.rn , ;1 i'T,\ meeting; i ·JO p.rn, Hea l Property Services D i rec t o r Cf)Sla ~tesa :\1onday night lost her h;inil· 1·l,1!-.~rnorn \'JS1tatio11, follov.·ed b1· an l('P Stanley Kr<iu.se rt ported lhal the Dunes h,1g nnd ~120 in ca!ih 10 a pn ir nf Pll r.<r crr;1n1 socia l nnd cilke decoraling con- operators have taken ~leps to make snatcher.~ \\'ho were chased bv 11111 1t·s1 llt'C'eS.S'1ry repairs and that lhey \1·erc passersby hul escaped capt ure. · -lle1nz l\ai!iC'r. 2130 Sant.1 1\n.1 Ai l' 7 pro~rr.ssin:; i11 ihe selectio n of a fut ure .Juanlla Hentges of 221 8 Francisco r 111. to !l p.n1 ., rlassroon1 visitatio n. r1·~tnur;int stib!r:1st'f' Drivr snul lhr thievr.-gr.'!bbrd her purse ·-f.. A. Reil. 601 1-lamilton SL 7 p.m . The last operators of the eating plat!' aftrr :1ppro.1 rhing from bf;'hind .11 :1 1···hul;1r l'TA n1eeli11 g . cl ;1!'>.~ 1·1s1t:iti11n un · h;i 1·p ftl('d bankruptcy and the rest:iuranL rn.1r krt at 2180 ;\'e11·pnrt Bird . :lnd 1 •rr 111 ~I 00 p ni. ha~ ln't ll (·IUS(•il -~1nC'•' IJl'CC'mber. it fl~f hi·r arrn -l 'h:ir lc~ \\'. ·rf'\l'ln kl<'. :122-1 Califnrn 1;1 Fifth 1)1<;-tr.11 Supc r1·1sor R O n a 1 ii lh~· ~1ni11i.rir111 rnbbrr~. flllfl r1f 1\h11111 i\1r · fi ·JO p.m. to !} pm. ire crrarn f':1;~P!'I'.~ rl '\1'l1 )Hlr t Hr.1ch p11 shrd h:id )(111g, c·url v hair :ind 11 n~ <J brtll1 2:1 ""·1:d . i :lO pm !o !I p n1 .. c)as.\ 1'i.~it:1- ;\fr.~. Hlrsrh is h1·in g allt111·f'd .~2 .ROO 11 mQn!h and $150 a nionth f(1f r:i ch (If hl'f 1\1·0 children. Casey . 8. :ind Chrislophrr, 6. pending Judge l>nmrn1 ch 1n1 ·s rulinf!. II has bcl'n tt'sliilrd during thr !rial lha1 !hr nltr:ltli\'e .~orialilr 1s S200.000 in debt. Sh£' \\'RS sued for ~3 .000 last mon th by a L-Os Angel('s bank. f 'rom Page 1 SITE ... to be su re - for H 11·as and 1.~ riur ('ar, our address and our homl'." !'.tr:\. -Pe licho11·ski lam ents. Hri,i;:ht and earlv \~'t'<lne.<;'d.1 r. ;it 7:15 a.n1., !lie long ;1rn1.of 111c l;iw rCached out and rnng !he Pf'l i{'hn11'skl doorbell. 11·h1lf' th(' h~nd at the end ol lhl' otl1er one prepared to pre~ent n1ore ll·g:i l paprrs. Thr C'n1is.~:1rir~ of l.111. nrclrr. drcr nr\• :11~d 1nur.1l111 ;1 ~k fd 11hrn• Tilt\' {'r1ulcl f1111! Hay ftohn1 '. 1( !lir /li'llL·ho~rsk1 ~ 11Pr1· close fr il'lltl.~. or t\'Cll d 1~1·1n l .1i·· qt•a in1 ,1 nr1's · .\'1n1·. lrt 1! Ix' !1 1f !ht· rf·1·unl \\'r 1!011 't kt111\\' the 'm:1n. \\'••uldn ·r kcn11· hrrn 1r l•P ,,;1\1' h1n1. Bui 11'1' v.11uhl hke lo -111.~1 '" plead \\·ith hin1 10 let the 'f<Jlks' kn(•lr he doesn't H1•e hen;' any1norp," \Jr :;. Pt•!ithn11·~k1 1!rrl:1r1·.~ She aL~n .~:11 d till'\' :1~krd 1hr F1rf'l111t1 ~"'. bouneer to get thr. ml'S!iilf:'t' af'ross. :id· 1ting !h;tl lht· r('1 u •lln 11 s ki~ did indt'C'd gt•t 111 1· l;i.~t laui:h. lier J111shrind r1~c<1g111Lrd (111<' of lhf' 7 15 n n\ p11l1ef' v1~1111rs ·You 11crr ;1t !hr· F1n•h'l 11~e l;1~· 111.ghl '' he di''1·l:1r,•rl f1·1u t1111h.1nt!1 "[ :,;i·,1 ,1 1.11 1hrrr'" t hr·111 1~ii 1111, 111i,1 1r111 1(1 1•n·p:1rt· li·~:i l 11 1•r'e la~! sf'Cn hearl 111g do\<n 1H·.1rhr 111111 :1 i:;:~nu1.1~tic dC'lll(Jns!r<itin 11 in tlir \lilP!'rs 111 r·nncrl th1' l1';1~r ·I •11n 111'1 r·· H11 r.d L,111r 11 ~1rn !1111 rn('n 11hri ~·1 ',f' 11 ul!1 ·purpr.~r room nnd a h0mr>cnm111.'? Thr 0 ff u·11r r1f ('nllr~f' ··~·1'r 111 c:<·tl1ng lhe1n 0:11 ''I thrr1'" lw 1'!1,, •.. .i i • 1111 den)ons1ra !1on in the line of dut.1 , .. ",j 11 =--_..;;===----......=---=====------.-..;;,---. 1'h r lr•a.,l'f' (flt' l lU' r)\lfll'~ I ~ {-OJ [) !f II Jh·rd of J );i1J:1 ~. T1 ·~~~ Hr h;1<: ht·ld !hr 1 11idslt"r 11·;1.~1· 011 1J1c recre~11on fa c1 l1ry 1 since l!l.'ii hut ha.~ bcC'n subJf'l'led ro ;i ~1·1·11·s or co1npl;1i111s over lhe years based 11n '·roor opl'r.1 tion" of !hr property . IN A HURRY? Hand Chair111a11 Set DON'T WORRY! S1\.~TA l\10i\'ICA (AP 1 -J. Paul ,\u.<.1111. t'llil lfll1an or the board of the (.'oea·Cola Co .. has been named chai rman 11f lhl' ho;irrJ Qf tru~tres of the R ~nd Corp. ll.111rl S;l id \londay th.it Austin. 57, of \!1;1111:1, (:a. 11'111 .-;uf'Ccccl Nc1vlon II. \11111 111 a l11rn1('r F c de r n 1 Coni· n11111u::1t11111~ 1·01nn11 .-;si(>ll chain n;1n, 1\•ho 'l'l'I t•rl 1 II II !1nr-.1 r•:ir l('flTIS ii ~ 1.;h;1irin :~n. SOMETIMES IT HURTS US A LITILE TO GIVE EXTRA FA ST S ERV ICE, BUT WE FEEL OUR ADAPTABILITY TO RUSH SITUATIONS HAS WON MA NY PERMANE NT CUSTOMER S. Rob~d N. W.,J Pr•· n• rit •r·d r>ubl"~,.,. J1,k R. Curl t v V ici P tlliOenr 1rd G1:1r r•I Mlntger Strict Conditions Put NA TU RALLY , WE PR E FE R A LITTLE LEAD TI ME WHEN THI S IS AVAILABLE, BUT ARE PREPARED TO EXPE ND EVER Y EFFORT TO PLEASE. IF TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE, THEN "ALDEN 'S" IS THE PLACE WITH WHICH TO DO BUSINESS. Thom11 l<•r•il Eo;!or Thom •' A. Murph;,,, M~tMJlnf EOitor Ch1rl11 H. Looi Ri <~1 rd' r. Nill Au l1tfnl Mln"fing [dl!ot1 Cftf'W M ... OHie• l lO W11t l1y Slrt•t M1ili"t Addr•n: r.O. l o• 15l0, •lll l O"-Offkn Nrwl'Ofi !It.«~· JlJl N•wriarl !1"1t!t vt 'lt LIQll<ll IJl11d•: U7 Fo•rot .e..1>....,ue Mun11noton 11,1c11· 1111! fie•(~ 110\llfvlrd ltn C11~n11; JOS Non~ El C•min" ltt•I 1 .. .,. ... 17141 64l·4JJ1 Cleulfiff A4"'11tlitt 642·1671 ('1111v.io111, 1•11, Or•.-.ot C~••I Pub•i.~;.,. Comp•nv, 1>111 ,..,.., 110•••·., iilu11r1!lon1. fd •l11<11I rn111..-or 1101>r-<''"~'' t.1r11" m•v bf' r1t1r001,r<;N W''"°"' •PKlll _,.r• ml11Ion ol <OllrtltJ lll ownt'>. $~(0"<! tllll tlllt! ... 11t11d .i (~1!1 Mrv, (1lof<:-rn i1, Suburl11tlori by C•ttlf• U lJ rnr.nf~ly; bv m1U ll lJ mon1Mr; mllolA<J e.111n1•lot>1 Sl ,U mo .. 1111~. On Lease of Airwest flughes Airwest has been pur on nollce that it n1 ust improve 1ls fligh t pro- t·edurcs. increas(' efforts lo inslall smokfl .suppressa nt cans on their engint>s and justify any increase in the nun1 ber of fl i,ghts. Orange Cu unty supervisors torlHy re· f,.rrC'd rf·nr\\al of Jill' 1nt<·rst.1!r rnrnn1er· eta! airl ine's lC'aSe 10 the Depart ment rif J{('al Jlruper!y Servicr.~ and Avia tion Dire<'!or RObcr! 1-Wf'.~n aha n with !he no.. ration fhH~ lerm~ of anv ne w Jr ase "·err 10 be "vrry strict." · Suprrvi ~or \Vi ll1a m rh i!l ips of J;-ullrrton -~;11d Alrwesl has not bC'en conforming 10 a irpor! flight rules affrrting noise and pollution. ··1 t\'3S shocked lhc other day \1 hrn I uatched the climb out procedure or one of their jets,"' the supervisor·said. The county a irport commission last \reek t('('omm<"nded to the Bonrd of Supervi~ors that any ne\\' lease of 1f'rn1inal farilitiC'S with the airli ne include requ1remcn1s that would lim it fl igh!s lo l t prr day and require observance of all flight prncrd ure rules. 1'hr> airline's .le:ise l'XplrC'd Sf'\'er;il months ago anrl they are no1v opernt i n~ on a rno11 th ro q1ont h basis un lll ;i nrw cont.racl ran !)(> a.greed upon. Suprr\'1~rir llalph Clark o( Ari ahc lm sn1cl tha1 1\1r11·rst's approach pa1 lern ovrr rh(• (Jr:111ge-T11st1n :trea v.•as very bad and thar the :11rl1nc .... -as not cGOperatinR v.·ith ruunty fJ1gh1 rules. OUR SALESPEOPLE ARE SERVICE ORIENTED AND HAVE VALUABLE EXPERIENCE IN THESE AREA S. OUR INSTALLERS ARE TRAINED BY US , AND THE BEST IN ORANGE COUNTY. IF YOU DESIRE GREAT SERVICE, THERE IS ONE STORE TO CALL -"ALDEN'S, OF COURSE!" ALDEN'S CARPETS • DRAPES 1663 Plac•ntia Ave. COSTA MESA 646·4838 'J 'J %0 0 1i1 1_ v r 11 o, * FAME-LESS FACES .a \, :;;. _"') I \ --- I ', I ~ 11 ,,0 \, . ' ".,., L NATHAN MILLER RALPH C. DEANS Think You Don't Know Them? You probaby don 't re co gniz e a sing le name or face i_ri th is group and yet, if you 're on e of the DAILY PILOT'S ve•y well info•med edito•iol poge readers, it is this talented team of wr iters which helps you keep informed. They wr ite the Ed itori. al Re sedrch Reports. Thou gh their own names don 't appear on the articles which are publishe d under the Ed itorial Research Reports heading, t hese are the real pros -diggers who go after 1!111 the backround facts wh ich put today's top issues into perspective - without thought of seekinq the fame that goes with the name whe n you're a n.ational columnist . They're Your · INFORMERS Yes, they could be yo ur "i nformers ." It's features like Editorial Research Reports which make the DAILY PILOT much mo•• than just the mo st important hometo-Nn newspaper ava ilable to resident. olong the Orange Coast. The DAILY PILOT is the total pa<kage. It mokes whote ver happens in the world "local news" i!lnd delivers it daily right lo your home. Let this teom of dedi- cated "informers" help you keep informed. Read Editorial Research Reports on th .! editorial page -a!'ld 1!1 11 the et~er informa tive special features in other parts of the DAILY PILOT • • \ Coast Students Get State Scholarships T/1r ~1 1Tr ;-., J:,d;1r--h1 r !.fl.i n cun1n11~~lf)!t h;i~ .J nno:.inrcd n11' .•rlrc11r.11 rd ~r;1tr ~' hflL11·~ l(•I' lhr !)1·;1/lJ.:f' t "11.1'-I n1t·:1 1r11 :lir :11 ·;1dc·11·u· 1t·;11 11171 i '! Tht·11· 110 11· ;q1pr••\1 11 1 011 II ·12 liOll ;1ppl10 ;111!' llll 1111• ~-•!Ii ;p1aru-Tht· 111 ;j \ n1 u •11 ;inuu111I l••r "l l\uLH '"hiJl" I' -~I r..·,11 .._, J1.,l.11 -.!Hp'-oi ~ r .111 :11 t!1·d 111 ;11·,uh 0111 ,111-. :1l1lf' ... 111do 111, \',d" 11t·••d hn:o!l• .~d ;1 ,~!.'1:1111 !' ;11 11ilh•;.:1• :\llll1'1!J..:/I rl1"!-i .1 11 .11rl \' tll- 1 11·1·~ 11:11 I' h1'!'ll ..;1•1\'l'\t•(( 11\t•I f' i,, ;1 l1 ~t of :1ll1•t'n:1lr' 111 111~,. (Jtlalit'n·;1!111n<; l.111 .J tl!o l lir·lo w tlv•sP Pl 1n11 1al :111"<1rd 1\11111/'r..; 1\~ \;ll ':llh"f'<; r!r1 1'lop th<"'e .~111derus 111JI !")(' s1'l l'('l<"rl ::is <1rld1ti<)Jl:I] \\ 1111\f'I ' Th~· fo!lt1111111.: ~ru1!cnr:; ~1<'rr ;n1 ;jrlfrrl :.i·h1 d;1r<>h1p" r.om 1•11>11~ I"'~ \ 1 "' "~ lO•Q F f"I•••" RI,<' ~·~I••·• A ·~~n,~•·, 111'· 1: ·~.., ·" I'• ,. RA•b~• 1,1,rn~ '•"•'•·'"I ~•II •~ IN , '•n" "•" (O'•'''" d•I MA< '"'' ri·o~" ·, ~ """ ·1 •r" r· ' ••• · •11 r """ n, ,, l•·I' .. , "' ' ''"" or~ 1 .,,. '•' , . ""'"' . r .. ., .... , l•~n'" 111 '''°"'" • !'• "/,,.rp".''"' \,I I·•'""~·· -~. " ,, " •• ' ' ' " ' <I "'' """', A r ,\ "' " rl••"' <t I'• • • '" A•" • ' " .o; !'1• •" A~'1 "·II'·" ' CQ"" '-</ ••.• o ' ",, ' -' Co<!• M~•• 1, • ( A<ON"'""'• . ,, •. , 0 I• '>A lo 1'o~ H••I"'' l~lfJ \'''"I I (r.~~' l<" f·Ho•o ~· Al.•0' lo 1 '''"·'"" l!OI A,,,,., "P !'"'"" M·.1 "•·O"I " (1'(1'.'~• 7'1A ......... ' ... . Rnl•n<l l r~"'""<!~1 1noQ '"""'. • y,,~, I. r•r·• 1~?8 1'1 ,•c•n••• Ao' A l,•1 L r uuuo1 1•8 11nd ~' \"lh>1 [) ,,,.n•· u~ Alv•• 1 ... ,,, n•v r> A ..-,.,,.'lot' 111 R•"""'" "'"' onr> Ru• ~H r ... ,,.,. HO'> I n ''""' "'" """I>< \;'unn, :1..-; N••wN'" Fl»n n .• ,.,,, 1_ r.~•·• ?l•b ln'"''' , "•"''' r "~"' v .~o r 1 I '!> '.I ~\MQM•I r. ""'''I• "0 I I ~"' ·,1, ~.,,.n 'l "o' ""'•n /·I~• N,,,,~i, Vlov •"<l ,., . .,,...,,,f t Hull•• I, 1.•1 An1~f"' Rn.,(1 ''"c' l l"m' ''.~ l •n<nln '/ .• .,- ;:· ~;: l t L~f" ~~1I o!?~i, fl< ~t~~;,, ~'"N ll•o•-. )!' v.n~"" ~· """ A u~·~., 1'. N•W•"•" ''11 '"'""'"'' 0••~~ '"'"''i-.,r • "'" p•1 ''"" •·· ' J ••n L P•>lnl. •0~ Flo•-•• \" P~•r• 4 r:u "' '•~ "'"'"~' \t Nr l •·, "R<• JT t r ... ,., Avr """ "''"·'l n '" '" • 1 r '"'·"'" n'"" "''''f' '•"' '"' '•"·'""· I '""'! "'" 11 11· ,,,,,. 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Founu .n V a I I • y ' p,-, r • L. 5•"<-"~'" ~JI· l t \I~ I• />.,~ M~•V S Santa Ana Hail1; 17 F ron1 l:oa~t ~r\·rntrrn n r·angr r 11 ;1 s I ... turlen ts ha 1 r hrrn e1!Prl f11r ocaden11<· r·.;rl'llrnr·r <ltirin!: th(' fa ll ~c1nr ~1cr l!>~J a1 S;1n ra Ana ('oll£'l!I'. '"'•"'" 111'0 ~ •• ,~ ·i l'u' • " I ., • t I' r ''I'"'"' ' • ~·" . . . I ' ~·~,,''-. r •• ' !" n .• ' • ' ,, " ,, '" .. ,. l '" ·; • ! ''" ' "' • . ' -'.,' " ' '" . " ' ... "• " ' . '" ·' ! , •. , ' r " ,. Mu'""'<>'o" ft••<"' l'•··~ I' '·" ' flt '~dnl I Jf'•~. 1-n>~ "' ... ~ ... " .. 1-•·' 1 11 •.1>(' (;"I "'""" I ~ .• '''"" •·I p ll'"~"'' I t"""''"' ;1•11 '"''""'''" ~:':~ ~~:"~ ,' ~~·:'." '., t' ·"'.' f'l, .• ~"•"• N ~""' « .. </<<I""~' u"'' f)•,;r •"" "'"'""''• \ l'.l•"'• .,, 'Nol ~.,,., S"8''" V, II ~" ' 1)•·""1~n )•O o ,~ 1'•·• t ~··· o..... ' 11."' •• "''"' P ( "I• ""''" '' ("•<>••' 111' To•~Prt '"'"'" f r. .. uq<r:• ,. 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A I' "' Juan 11 •" ••• (•"''"I) f •·H~" /11; •· "" ' ,,r r """''" A••lt• V',A\ '·"'' <,urn L·"' ·"'" :"• n •"'<I <••VO•• ""•n•I• •<!'>) •"''~A'" ~·~· h" II "'' "·"' I••"' \" ... , l!~·rn \ '"''" ,_.,-Ar '•• r ,,,. "'n·.•· n ,,. 0;11 p. .. 1 •. , ~--~·,,,.,,, ( k .!'••IJ• .. OJ'I {N01 ,.,.[l,,o JI.uni t• 'l •'<inn~ ''"I \/r" I '"Ir """ u•.•n /~ ~·c l ~11""'" h6 .' 11"•"1>1 1 <,i M•tv l. tLnu~. •·•~ ""I~"'" ·,• (•'"· I "''"' '~" r1 .,,.. (),,,, r;:l!C"n """''nl<•/ '•Iii \l,~V'i>"O ( ... ,~. (~,...,~, l II•• 11"1!\1 "'""U(h r.,,,, ~ I S"annnn •)•' ~unn~ Av• •on ~•nnta D ''"'0'"" S'" L• d• b"• fl1~n· II'.' Srn•!t> •1D'1 '•c•r ~ !)""' //o(~A•I W ~!•v"""·"· 1•;J1 U""'"" l arr ~na C~~a V ~·;ooa• ''10 )~D ~ L•nt I•'" '• ' "·'" ()11r·i·1 1 ~1 ;11'\ ~ll tl•i';1 • h1 ,.1, ) 1i h1 1l1 \!.:t";1pl1 11;1 -l .l~d ,,, \ . 11>1 :n~·r 111 \111' 1!1,, 1 • I'll" I 1<'(111 1' hr1•:1h\\,11 1·1 Teacl1t'r.~ 'l 'tt />/>t 1<l F 01· T Uli,. ,,f I 11di<1 Thrrl' social s 1 !I rl i (' ~ llunt 111,c:l11n Rr.1C"h I "n1flr\ 111<:.I\ <:.r·~""! !11..,lricP h;!\t' hrr11 '1,., .,., p;1r11r·1 p.11r 111 ;111 >'I.: f;.11n1 111cr' 111 ur 11{ IJ1ol1 1 1 .. (:larcn1011 I Honors '7 ' " . ~r1 rn n 1·;1111"r ('•1;1 1!1'"""" ti111r hrrn 1·11rd f,1r ,1 ( ;irlrn i l'.\t'rllrn1·r 1i111·1ni:: thf' t .11 ~r11il'~trr at Cltlrrn1011! '.11 •11, l"oiill';!t' 'rhr~ arc !l;111d H1(r\, t1:- R :i1 ~1dl' f'l;Hr. i 'll!'fl11a rl!I :-0.1;11 'fhnn1;1.-. \\"il 1rr~11ic, IM 12 !ll'ron t'1r1·ll'. 11 u n1 1 n ~ ! "n Hl';i1•l1 .\l:1rJo \i;1 1nr 1·11 .Jr, 2 H1 l 'hr1~1 1,b;d, S;1n f'lrrH1·1it1' ;11'<1 \\"1ll1:1:i1 ll 111·h1·1 >1 h. l 1 I ;> !·::111Tald B;11 . l.,q,1 11 .. i H";ri h .Jo1hn t·h;in\111·1·l11i. ~,::0 11 ·1111 1 ·1· ~I !.;1g11na Hr;-i ch , ll nlu·1·1 I\ l\;1 v.;u·;i1a111. :i:1i :-0.11111 11 I ;i 1 11 l111:irl. l.;1i::11n:i Arath :inrl l\rn- nf'lh Orp11· .. 122:11 S111n1ni:;tnn Boad . South Laguna. 111ni: Ill lall' .Junr Thi' lhrt (' 1nstri1rtor<; arr !'\111!1\ .! Fln\ hr rc z.1 ;i '11 I 111111: '1111 \ I II " 11 ,,' "lhdl\'o I, ·' ''~ q1 111 I • ,\ •!\oil• 11\d l\ • t ';I t "I 1' ,.q ' ' '\ "' 11\!'1'1 .d \1_,, ii'. 'I .._," ,o1, •I l• ••-·'1•1 .• nil • • 11111<111" 'r.1• 111 . ii I I • I Jt 11r1 I~ ~ 11 ' I 1 ·"' I I"' If' .II • ,lllloll .. 'I ,, ' 'll""j ,Hid I • '' Ii 1t· .. 1 l11 ·1 · "'lt•1·t1•1I l1 u I' 1111 II I~ 'i"'il'-111'<•!1 \1 11, .. 111111 • II•· I -..1 Ii 1111•1 I 111 J· I'" 11 •llo ,111d 11 1\,111• •'•! l•I II" L .., \ 111 , 1 .. 1 f<.!"1 ,11t,,11 T/1! tl H•·• d1-1!11t 111111•• ,,,IJ .. 11!1 11.1<;~!(•1>111 llflll~·· rn;1!cr1<1I frn111 I h" 1 r r x perJ1'1u.:cs. 'fhcy also v.·1!1 be ;n ;ql;1hl r tH ~pr:1 k !fl lllll(ll I 1\ ,o :i11d '('I I l!'I' I hih~ f•ll !11dJ.1 Ti,•· 11 ·:1( /J('f, 11 "1 •· •1·lr1 11·d on 1111'11" lf'd( 11111>: ;il11!11 11·s . !l1r11 111!rrc ~I 111 I " 1· r 1 i;:. n r td t11rr> :Jnd n11·p .1h 1111 111 arli'l pl !(l fnrr l.cn litr!'tl I··~ i'lll'f en11ronn1c.r11 s. College Ho1101~s Tt1r 11,111 1··· 11f 1\ ..;,1<11P1 h,11 'f f'ri llo·1.,1· ~l <1d1 [)I' 11h1l .-tr h1r11"·f p•'tf•" 1 111 ,1 ·11111111i·~ 11,1r t II• I\ ' '•'! l) i.11 t, • 1u • r " Tll 1 11 11 t 1 HI! 1 '. /,', fl• j •, I , I ,,, ' ' . '. t"' " 1•. , " \I I ' I 11-1 It 11, I I ,n' •l o lllr·• ... 11.·111· 111 1'111111 1 Ii•: 1, t\\' 11,111:1 II• I .lfH! I Ill!' p_ \\:1' _,·hnr.i:: \I .1:_:1/!L'I I'• 1111 , ·I ., .1'.!1111:1 \ 'I Hll \11 "'it I , 111111:..:I1 I ohJl!! j •'1 ' I ( \1•11 P"I 1 • .'\:111d1 , ._,111 \ I I'. UI ~ !.011 I L1 11 ~ II .. , .. " \' I'. I ' I'• ,;_I I h,l!';11 :11P• t:.. II h i 11 I, I , .. •11111 \t \\, I, .111:.:.111 \\ 1:11,1·11 I ',11, /i, : · l:r. h .111! 'I '. 1:1 ,hrrt.~ ·•J•d \ llt l•' 11.1 \I ;-. 1,. :-..1n .lo i•• \Jbrrt l. I•· 1 qo1·,1 r;p111 l\11• .'" :1n•I I' Harn 1r1 ' .11 ).,.- S.1nla _\n;1 S1 1•p h"f1 I. Httl~ l\;it!n· I, !'11n·<'ll ;in.-1 ('h:1rlf'S :11 :-l1•1n1 1l.,•·1 Su111h I I " r· II 1 · l.~lll.11 T11~1 1n I >1• ,_ \I d1'r11h I ;11' 111: , 1,, , ,lr.hn ~: 1 P• ,, Iii, " 1' 11 1n11nd .Ir IJ 1 '1·oi I , ,lfltl ,'\,i i·I , I f,' 111 (' r f.!-t' II I ':·. r\ Ir 1111 rl.11 It " ' , fpr 1'1ll l'l'Cl'l1C\ i""H 11 •I ·, 11ill br hrld ~l.1\' 11·li, .ii I!,,, I ll 'i"Jll'I !;ind ll n1rJ 1\1( CllH'f,l!('O("\ f flllJH ll!B' I'~ ;:ind 111dus1r1<1I <ind p11hl 1r bcalrh uur.sc:. nrc 1111 1lr>d ti $i5 rh;irgr l'flll'r~ lu1 u·!1rn n ;i nrl to11rs(' nr).!1.'-l/';1!Hlll rn<1\rr1.1 \~. is l1n11tf'rl !11 2:111 Thi' c•ntll'~<' nf t rr:111·r~ ,,.,,) :11 1<110-1·1.~u;i! rlcn1ons1r.111n11. \\di r rnrr ;ill pli1 -r ,f lll<'riir :1/ 1·:01 r Cl •11 I·• I ·" u11u rcd p1-r~•111" 111 1t11• !u1~p,! 11 ('lllCfJ.:\'IU • 1 l"•ll! From .\r11 ~rt H r a l ' h : ,J;:in1es ~11·r n~on Huntin~ton Be11ch .fu:in a i\1·;inl'1h1a. Hor n a Ji~ a cl , :\1 111nn fl rnwn: ArJhur Cn11- lrrre1s .. );i1nrs J·:ricksn n and f),1r1rl )'nr·trr 57 Get All A's, 354 A's at1(l B's at LagL111a l-ligl1 Sa n l'lrn1rn!r: A I f r c d (; ;-!fl'l:l Founrai n \":il!f'\" n I ;i n ;i Rran<!. J)orn1h1 11111. J~r,,1111~ :-O.la11H\.,a, 1;r;i•" n1w r!i 11g and {·h.:il'l<'~ Rl'I nnlrl~ El Toni t;rr1..:r>r1 .11,.;rrh (';it 1'1' R,1r.r!;i ;u:d n 1.1nr f'.ih11 So!ed::d 1'rial ( :o~l 8284,000 Hi 111 , ! 'fl('(' SA.\' rn.A.\C'JSCO ( AP l - The ens! nf the fn11r·m(lnl h Snlrdcid Rro!hrr.~ trial hr r c has been 1all1rrl a! ahnut $284.000 . a ci t1· offiri;i\ sa_v .... A ~sisl an! C:i1v Cnmp1 roll rr F r:ink fl1Tnl' s:i~.~ 1hat the ht~J:r.'1 11 Pn' nn \hr hi !\ is .~J.10.'.J!lO li2 f~1r pnl1•r S('CUn1y ;i i lhr tr1.1I Thr ~oll'<1'11I Hruthl'rs -l\10 hl.1<"k 1 nrn;1!r~ ac·rusl'rl nf murdl'rlll(! ;1 rr1 ~n11 .c11;ir<I - 11rr!' iH'q11 1ttcrl nf tl1r l'h;ircc 1:-ist n1(111th h~ an :11!-11·1111 1' jur1 rif ninr 11·11rncn and rhr('c n1rn. Bvrnr s:11d 1hc cost nf ;in aug.mco1ccf lTe w nf d1'p1 1t.v sheriffs tl1 !he clos£'ly-.l!uardcd pr(lrrcdini::s 1s r o u g h I y est1mnted at Mi6.000. Peppcrdinc Award Won Len n r:rsS;:l,I!('. 2.i2.·1 :\r11 .. port Rh·<I . f'os1 .:i ~·1rsa. h.-.s hf'£'n 1111·arcfrrl a $.1.200 Prrsi- <1rn!'s Srhn l;ir.~h1p tn a!lcnrl Pl'rprrdinr I n11'l'rsi1v Gcs~;igi'. ;1 So u I h r r n (';i lifnrn1 ;1 Coll<'~r ~rudrn t. rcrp11·rd tlir :11rnnl r n r ac:irlrn11r rxi·r\lrni'r . 1n !V'I h h1i::h srhMI and r11lll'Cr <;l'.~s:igr rrrr l\l'd rtr::in·.~ \1"t rncntinn for ~1 \: sr mr.~lrr ~ a1 sec anrl '-1.'il.~ r l:i ... ~ prr~•rll'nl in his f rl'~hn1an a nd sophomore year~. ~11111e .'Ji L<1gt1na Beach Iii.c h Srhnol student.~ rec e ived !he (lf11r1;il "stra1;;ht 1\'~" l l11n11r 111'!11 f11r 1he llrst scn1rslrr ~h11\\·~ 1\dct 111nnr1 1h . .l-14 students rrrr11 erl hni h :\ ;inri R ,i:r;1 dr s 1l11i-1ng 1hr first ~r111r ~l r1· 1·1111~r rrcT;11 ng ;ill ,\·~ Ill ~1·;!rlr lr1 rl <Hr 1::·1 -h111r11 Drrl)i"'r ( 'li;rll1~. V 1-rd !)r l'\r\~r··. !);1n1rl .J11hn!-11n, l ',1111 \ril. n1 :->1r11rnnns Sophornnrr.o; - Bryn B;:irnard. F r ;i n r n l s Dub;iu, Trrl'nc·c \la!n~-. L:id :\lart1n, Sands :\llnlrr, F.r 1c Or!o1rski. E r i c Hessler. Adria na \\'all. .Junior.~ - Ned Bl urock, Ela ine Rn vr , L t~a Cannon. Donna Cook. i\1:-t r.v GiH1U11n. Thom As Hou1~. r;v.•rn .Johnson. Rrent l.1 !\l'St1orn. 1';;1ru·k O'C11n nnr. !1rhtl1 £' S1m1nnn.~. 11 a \ 1 d -- TAn1a,1·n. Scn1nrs '.\lrrl'<lt>P An1sd rn . Ail1.c;nn -\1\dnsnn . .loll p Rr rn:<lrin . Ril l n1rcl. Tnrn RrnthPr lnn, (irr~ l'Ar!~nn. (h11r k l'nr11·1n K ;1rl·n f);1 I I ('~. ('u t1·n n1p, ll 11·hard .\J ;i ::~1!' I· llllll"Pfll, 1.11111>r F r.1t.r1 .\111!.1 l\:1rn. l\1 •h llcdrl1·n .. );1111rc \\;1111rr , .l1 rr111\ l\11 h11. 1111 n tr r :\l ,11 I 'h1'r'"ll· \l1c)11•lt• \1 cH.1r, \r:-i l fl l"nnnrll .. \':111~·_\-l';1r- 1~h . ~:t11.;1hl't h J','rr. Sh:111111 l 'l11n1!r~, !)1·hh1 r ,\l;irpll'. I' :t HI 1'1tr1·1\l~. .I a 11 r ncth ll'l ~cn .. \lu·h.ieJ Rnhcrts. Shrrr.v S<111rrl1eld , Alis(ln Svkr.c;. \larr .Jnn "f'l'nsf~lr11 , Kris!ln Susi Viv1;in1. Lrr \\'anr!rl. \Vin1rski T;;i~ lnr, Th1cnc. Recc11·1ni: ,-\ ·' And Rs hy J:rAr1P lcvrl. Fr<'shn1rn 1111.c. Oonn ' 1 = . ""' wrrr -Cyn1hia A ~h­ Ra rnrr l. Janrl ... l•~ ... .,.~ .. ' -· 'WT IJ\.\T \ Tllf W1f CoFFEt" '/J1 IU'RE WINKIN'.- ')lS TER~A1 MD YIJJ DI~' r COMf'l.AIN.1" I ' l"\r1111r. Sh;iron Hn1r., f)1;inr Rrod11'. Dnuc. Rrnwnr. TPrr~;i Ry1ngtnn. [)eh h 1 e f11rlr.c;, l\;1rrn l ';irl,on l.01 1 ('nnnr\1, \ ;i !<>r1r Con11:11 . 1\!1:-r.n j or1 Anthor.1 c '11tt.1n1. f" a r •l ! ("111rnlr1 .. lr nn1 J)ch;1un .Jul:r Jlrlt"l'I<>. l.1.•:1 I !11111.111 Q11111n /.':11 ri.", .1r11 111l1 ·t' 1,.,1 lip I, I, /1 I I I !.d\l\,HI\ 1\111' (d i I Ill' i.;11111 ( :!r1111, I . .<Il l f' I l.11 r'll. \1111\ l l1•dd1 ·1J_ \nrlr 11< II (l1•r•n11 c ·ind\ I lroul', l'11~1·1lla ff r1w.u«I c · ;i r 1 .l.irllh:o.•ui. .J1·11111l('f .J;i n1. \\1kp .J11hn~nn . :-0.lark .1ohns11n, 1\!.1 rl;:i .lnhr1snn, Lisa .l11ngclas, Kn.~tcn KrnnE>dv . Da v 1 ri l\irh1', Pri::g.i Kn~pp , Kil:-try Kuhn. Hon Lr\1 1s . 11.:indv I.uni. K;irrn :\1 <t ck. P:ilrit'k 0 :'11;1\'0l'k, .Jill '.\lcC\1r. l.nn r-.·t1·Krnn , :-0.·1.:ir.\" \·lrrchant. D a m .:i r 1 s ,\f('l'('I".~. T11rl :'lloorr .. lcffrr\' ;\a~rl. 1\"anry \orl hrrit!. Kim Par- son~. S;ir;ih P;iv~nn. lk111 l'rnnl'1'. 1;,1T1 r ,nn ry .. lnr H111i;!rr .. ()l:ir lc.~ Hnr k'.vr ll .. I 11 I 1,. ll r1~.q1, Sl'\rnf' S('h;iaf. ;-.1:ir~ Sf'hirk. S11s;111 Sll.\'<lf'r , Slnl1. S1·1o11, l.Ji' C ;i r n I 1 11 r Cha rlrs S_vmmnnrt~. 'fr;:if'i T1rirr. Susan Tnngr. E1·;i 1'nth. Thomas VanLuC'hcnl', Trrri V1l'krrs. :\·lark Vu dlr , Amy \V;indcl. i\l('ka \\'all . c;;\f"\' \\'ood, Hnhr.r! \\'nor!. Pal!.Y \\l orn1al cf Sophon1nrl's R n h ~ r I. AhlkC'. Kell~·· Ak.111~. Trn Ander~on, .James Armstrong, Jrnnifcr R.:1 ron. . Jim B£'n1on, DrhbiP Rcr ~. Kr\ 111 Bishop, l\urr Brar111'1. n r1 ~11n , Robin l111ht1i.:,. n ir ha t d f\u('k. ,\nn p 1)1111c f';i-.r .. Inc {"h11 o;111 ph K ;irr n Clark, <"1nd~· ('r,lr. P ;i 1 ~r i '1d kPmp. 1l1111rl !lr\nrr. ,\]all llt"f'1·rr. lldl Frr . 1·:1'1 n frr . .J;in1nr F 1~r1\t'. \'\lf\<; {;a]l!111·;i \. \lit kr \ ( ,;ir r1.q1n (; 11 v Cr1nrllr l,inrl11 ll;ia ~. l)11rrrn Jt;ic;:.;1rrl ra11I ll:in~cn •. Jul i<' ll ar 1m n. Thr;i llal'ri s, Tom Ha rn~. O;in1r! H<lr\'<11. l.1nrla \l ;1\r11, Ro:·.\' /!r1in, l\aren Jli11111r.r1. ~11.~:1n .Jnhn.~nn. El;:i1n;i Ka 1hf'I. H r I r n 1\:11 ~111ann1. Sur Kl'l ll'r, J);111ct K1r,,,,r lh;irh. J,r ;1h J,1.\,,;111 . .Jrnn1· :\l.1f':-0.11llrn. Car· r;1h .\J ;u·1. · 1\1111 \!:idd ni . !:n h rr r \!:il111lt'. l.1 '1"1 .\1 ;1ro 11111 ;--11111' \lcC;illa. !iodl<'l"I :.1i·(';11·t1 \] "11 ,I .\l r /)onnugh, Sh:~11 ll :'l!f'( .u11 r. Chns :'llrh<il!c\. f.lark \rlsnn. Hr111111' .\"'"· L;1hricl O 'Connor. .\ ;i n r 1 Porlcr. .J:ir k Pu1n ;11n. R£'thlcfscn . :\ n n Jnn;i1h;in ll ynr.. l\11rrn n1ch.:ird.~. Rrur c Schnrnlebcr, Senti. Lisa Shi pkcy, Sp1l ril1·r1 . .l\1 ary Marc S 11 s ;i n Ta y I n r , .l n e Trt•lhr11'('_1·. Shril 11 \.\'l'nt1ror1h, l\1:irilrr \V i!snn. Ki rk \\10\11. sh~·11. Jun1nr~ - Sh!'rn R;1ng. lll'hh1r r.I'( k. Sheri 1-.Jark 1\nrlrf"11 ~. R:ir rrtt. (;1"1'):! R1~hnp, \'alrr1I' l\ol fr1·d1n~. lli (·k B 11 11 111 ;i 11 , Si rph;inu• Bo~·\r,'" .lul1r Cah::ini::. fl " hr 11 «1~111r<irl, l\are Crorkrr. J),1n:1 Cru\1 Ir:, Orn1~e !l1~01·i. Lori l)nd~r. Anna Oo lby , An dre Du ~ouchrl . J\l;irir Dvorak, S!'1!r . Tim Fosler. nr r. Larr~· Fi- Srcfan r;ar- l'at (;\cason, El':i r;o00 "·1n, Cr1r~· (;rrgg. Vicki fl aa.~. Hand y Henninger. Anrlrrl\' lluhh\c , Craig Kennedy. Da vid Kn ff~. , Karen K u>A·al ~kv. 'I' n n i L:ince. Conni L;1rOr1e, Beny Leisten. Rnhcr! \la~cH"k .. John \lrr- ri ftrltl . Kr1·1n \lon:\han. Shrr- ry illorris. S11s 1 !\ludi:-r . \1ar1 :"r11n1an, Trrrv :\orj:!;i rd. \.1<>n :'\11111·. \t:irv O'lonnrlt. (h,1rln11 r l )~1 r;if( Ri ll Pa!rir k. Linda ! 'rnnr\·. \';indy r(1\\"('I"~. l\1tl!l\ Q111· j.1no, Tn111 Rrch1 1t1, llrarl Rrn 1111! ll anrl1 11obrrt ~. Hilr\. l\11r en Sharon. R 11 h e. r l ~ , Lr~hr ,<;(·11;1.•' \l1rh;11•\ :--r\ln11. ~'' r • Sn11th 1)1,11"' ,C..iu·< .. 11•', '"lfYl S!ndrlrr. Trr·" ~\ 1n 111nnd Tr1 ho1 .. !t :t 1"1 •1 It ltll Thnrnpson. llan T11n1r·h,1\... 1, f' 11.,11 r 1" I. a 11 r 11 T1)11·11srncl. rirhh1r \":in 11cu~rn , .ran1r'" \\ .ill.11 ' .lnl111 \\ 1·!1 11 !'.r111 \r,,1111.011 1 1 .. .Pf \\ • ,,1, Sr>11Hq c :\ 1 r I r• · .i l l.1\ ul B dln1.111 '. '.I 1.•o!, ' " ., 'I • l T ll !'I f' t: l'•'I Bnx ·k111:11\ ·-11 ;11111 !\~"·\, ,ffl!/ll (' Jlfp\\llf' '11 1 Cala111.:irn l,r1· 1·111 ,1rn~•·r . J)1;inr ('ul\1111 . I\ t'. ('11oprr . 1· .. 111 1 .. 11:1, l\;irh.I' ('r·n11](·1·. fl ;i 11.1 r ,, !)air\'. l.v11n !l1r111•·1 i\l;;rk · D1rrc.~·. t' r. Eaglrrn11, !';1111;1!-:1 n ~ r r , n , Br1·ky E1 :•n • n ian:l f al?Ollf'. !,,ir1 !'1 Sl'lfr. ll d! 1··1.,h f',1t Fl:rhn r Ell rn Foul r . 1 ;.-11·1 Fro 11 II'!, l'.u1l.1 Frr1u·h. (,.111 ~;rin1r1 \arll'\ lll'lld(•r,••11 S11~;1•1 .1.1f'k ~11n, ('1 111h .lnhn."111. K1111 .!ohllHl l1, l.1 11d;1 ,J n h 11 .~ n JI l\,1\1·;ir;1 l;i11 1 I. l\;1w;1ra1an1 , l .~·'lll' K1101\!lr>n , .lo.~rrh 1\\1 , L1~a l\r;111t1 , 1\1111 Lokan. Ka rhl rcn :'ll:iyock . \'111rr .\l1'(';i!la, Sc o I t ~lcCar!er. .\lane .\lcCar!~, ~·l1chael i\.loo rn1an. "'1;:ina l)' ('fl n no r. J'.1rslry. \\'rnr!y P!'acock. b1r Pierson . J ill\ De b .. .!nhn \l r1rk1 1t , ..\1111 !'r1i;o, l\;11hy Reid . T:id 11irld<"r , Shprry H1ngrr, St e 1· 8 ROOr1gurz. Sondra Sa\'agt, Sup SA\'agl' . 0.1 \'id Shlfk. \.harl 18 S~hnl'nlrhl'r. Lthhy Shackford, ('uid~· Sin .th. Su.-.an Sn11111. 1\nn Sumnrr 1 1 ·h11~ S.\ fan . (;ad Syn1mond.'9 1l£'TH"r T:irh r t, !\;ill'! T.1111,1:-\\111 .J11h n Ton1ch:1k, Jan l pl nn \' ;1 n (' $ :-A \11111r\ \\"arr, \~(11){1\ \\"h1t r , \'an\onrrl rr>, ll.nh1n \\"clhC', .\.11H'I \\'1\!.'\". N a n r v Y.'1\\.;.1n~on. BeckY Y.1ood, "11\rl Z1ei;lrr • 1\'eacport ('l111reh Staying Noah Play Splendid Uv TO:\I BAHi.EV O! 0!~t Ol olf P!lot 11111 ~!orr th.in 11 :1 r ,.,,n 11 ·1l\j1'.J1';1r~ 1«1111)~1~<'1 /Id' (I [o·d his hand ;1! :uJd111 ~ 11 l1:1t l1r> fril \1 :1.; :1 pp1·11ri1 1:llt 11111 ~1(' !1• th(' oi nr1Pnt 1111r:irl1· p lJ~!-1li:1! J1:i1 c rlt>liµhtrd 1 n!<i••h\'r" 1111 «c·nlur 1\''· b11! 11q .. r.!', !11 1.11 ~i'lf!r\ \if".\ h;: 1·•11• '''fl .1 11~1~11ng lif.1· tl1r 11 1'"" .ol t, 11il111;.; l\r•· .ir'i 1 I: I'•· l ljll'i l\ 11'\li!I " II"•·' \, , ) 'l1 1(!dr ' + \'.,:ij, ~ j '" ,,j It \\ .+ .. ,I! :11 I +.j ':1<11.·· ,1 I di r1 :! H1111"11 • I ,ot • l•1 .11to1 11.- ,,1111 111ll~i.· .ind .1 •!1tl lfl.:..'. ;,~·l l•«i•'•ll !J·••l!I llH' l1111111 :iJ It> l h1s tharm111g!y l'-implf' ~l·( 11 1 trrly c·o111pclling t;1lr th:it \1:-i ... 1·nth1·:d l1ng \'1t•11 t·r~ ;·is l<ing ;1-. 5(J() years agn .. \'oye's Fluddr•' \\'[!S not :1h\'ays perforn1 cC in a chLH"<·h . Like nianv other of lht· 111 £'d i e\·i1 I rnir ;ict1· perforn1ances. its part 1c1pant ' considered t hr. rn s e l v t· ' Jnrtunate tn l1;11 c lhe ll.'-l' ol thf' villa~e grC'rn <1r a n1 <1rk1·t :-quarf' lot n1 1priin.pl11 r1I !Pring~ lh:1t 111 ;11 h:11r 1,,,1·•1 :--hort On cil'l'Hr ,:ind flf'!'<1ru11 1 hu! 11-rTt' unf:1 il111.:I\ IJ )1 111 ~111 ;nHl1r·11l'e rnlhu~1: .. -.11· Th is <'rilic is 111,1 •!Ill' •ii ni:111y 11!1\• h:•1·e 11.1 1i: :1rJ;u1·d lh;i t the c-hurch prnr1drs thr• 1nnst obvious ;ind n:it11r;il Jorurn for 1 hi~ moving :-;t;i ginJ-! of tl1e Biblic11l tale. It 11·01i!d he hard to find :tny other poi11L of view after last v•eekend·s splcndld performances o J "Noye's F'Judde" in St. Andrew 's P r cs by t er i a n Church, l\1c11·port Beach. Production director Gordon Ad ams and conductor ,Jonah Kliev.·er 1<1ere the rnen behind <in inspired prcsent;1 t1on that pa cked 1hc bc;1uliful church :;anctuary to !he door.~ and reminded those uf u.' ll'hO need ren1inding tha1 11·e h:11·c gnint•d nolhing Hnd po!-i~1hl.'i lost ;1 grr.;1t deal 11'ht·n i1 t·0n1es tu ;1dequJ ll' r·xpre.'-.~I H!I uf the f1,rcbear:-. in 1h:1t gr i 1n Th "t simvle ta11l1 t;.in1r .-: .. 11. 111~ 1 1i rr1u~·l1 a 1 :1~tef11l j•I'•·· t1;11·t1ot1 !h:.i l k('i11 tll'l'11r :1 11d prr,f'111 d :i ~".._n(;C<:<a<·rn.1;·:;••· I•• •I 111.Tl.lH·l/!1 ,111.J 1 .. ,.,J,1 o 11 ('Pill r:ill'il f•ll :;\:1j..li 1~ ;1 "1: ludd. ' I 11111 l..1·; 1 • "1 !.• •I 11• • \, ;-. r "t 1: o' \', I! 11 111•' :'11 )'! I' ' 1 I 1 ot ! 111· I :1 .1 ir·11 .~··• ,,.,. Ir ·, 11 1<i' 1 111•1\ 111:' 11··"' 1 • r · \', l'I I' Ill'"\ d 1·1! 11, 111' 1·,11 ' I 1idr1·11 \, '1" ./ .. 11 ••I I 1 .. 1)1", :onil l .I II d I'·• I ff! ! " l11·:<d~;i·:1r, 11>1 1; Iii', \<'I I"'!' (l".;!'fUI]\· l1J..1 • Iii!' II 'I' ;1 n1n1;i], .ind h11d· 11:1·1 '" !;"'' ff•fll/l(' \I t!h .\or:.11 :111rl 11 [:1n1ily on lilt:' ;trk Thev s:ing thf'·1r \1111tli! he::irtS out in the tllrt'r li\n1n , v.·oven hv 13 ritt rn 1n!ri h 1:-; version of "Fluddr." and . !••r that ma!ter. :::o did ·we in the ;iudiencc. 'l'hr1-t' 1.,,, !IH' 1p1 r11 .. r \hr 1111r:1(·h· p l.11 ThC' .. 1111111" (·r;dt ~:1 11·11 ;111d p1::1-.;1nts \I !1u 1:u l "II !i1"\J' hr~t pn,d u1·1111lh 11·01ilrl 110111· 1hnught tl1t 1 'd h:Jd •• f'llY<r c!:11 i'f lhc1 l1<1d11 l µ.111 ''1111('11]1(' lnlrTI Th1• ;111d 1~1fll'o', l,in·nr .1 hi1 1:: ''" !t1r "-/H1 111.i 1)11• l •fli'l'llT, I•! 1''111 IJi1·111 11) !II• II I !Id" !111'1111 1 .\.1:d1, ·j.d1•111l1d l1 p!:11 •·il li'. .lt1'>l'j1li ( :.11111111. 11 :1 , !'l'l'l'_I' 1111·]1 111« 1·u 111111 and1ng Ji~~lll'~· hr '"CABARET' JS GLIITERINGLY BRILLIANT. IT DESERVES TO BE A CLASSIC." -w,ohltd flle•iO•, L.A.Hertld·E411mln.r l ~cho1c(Jtor• JpGj C>-- t-.~:1 ,t.uled ~, .i.111fd Ar11:1~cm J11 i1h th;1[ .~ll.'-l t1111(•(1 o u rl _m_r_die_,_al er;1. 1.-----------• [ V•"~"• R•d~c"v• Glooa• J><~'o" "MA R'\", OUE[N 01' ~COl \" "ANNE 01' Tl1[ Tl10USAN0 OilYS" E•~I"""~ Or onqe County 110,~cvod S••! Enq~o•m•ol "1om•nMod ror I Ar.,.!emy Aw~•d•T "l'lOOlER ON THE l':OOF" Ac~demy Aw.Hd Wonnic J~n~ Foml• "l<lUlE" ~l•o "MtCABE & MRS. MI LLEll " Ac•d•mv Aw••C w.nne• "HOSP llAL" Pl~• "~UNOAY l lOOOV SUNOAV" W1nnu of S Ar•d•my Aw•rd• "Tht l'nln(h (onnorctlon~ tlJ ""' "Vtnllhln~ Pein!" IR) "1'11.0CS" IPGl plu• "CONOUEllO~ WORM" "··~~ THEATER ' 1~0S (AST COAST HIGH'"'"'y :::;::vt:ORONA DEL MAit t.}J·b26Ct alM plavl119 ACADEMY AWARD WINNEJ; IEST STORY ' SCREE:NPLAY "SUNDAY BLOODY SUNDAY" Gl•ndo Joc:klion c:ind Portorr f inch Showti-1 p.m. Continuouli Sunday Show, 2 p.m. SHOW T!MlS Roted IR! Al NEWPORT H WAI TIMf S UENA PARK 7:00 And 10:15 P.M. "TNE YEAR'S FIRST RULLI SATISFllNG. llG COMMERCIAL AMERICAN FILM. ONE 01 THI MOST BRUTAL ANO MOVING CHRONICLES 01 AMERICAN LIFE EIU DESIGNED WITHIN THI LIMITS 01 POPULAR INTERTAINMINT.'0 -Vinceri1 Canby, New York. Tim!.'s '"'THI &OOIATHER" IS I SPECTACULAR MOJll. ONE OF THI FlllST HNGSTER MOVIES EIER MADEi°. -Gene Sh11!it NBC· Tl/ ~l1•111ld IA' ,,nd r 1 n ~ 111 ~ "'"~a•J1 1il<; ll•olll'!I l.::11· 11 ;1~ 1'\r'n nHoi r 1.•1in;ii ;11 d111 f! :i~ !hf' \I 11('1• <•f (;,iii Y1•ur ( n to• h.1d ;1 •h.ik'.' 11111 tllf !'I 1•r l 11 .. lit l,1 Ill' tir1:ii,' I'! ,1]1/!'d 111 11! \lrl' h•~•lll l l o!.,, i 11111111 ,11.d1t1 • 11:-.. r, "1·1:11,r:i'1 1<1., :ii'< 1!1 ii 11,1· (l<l <I' )I ,11 !,t;1!1 •','1' ,. 11, in I I!" •nl t 1 • l1,d1••I\ ,,·d l•t !111'11 "·ii ' ! «•!•' , ' I \ 1.J <I !I•' 1 I 11• ,1 ',Ir \ I · '• 11 ·I" 11 " ;-,. ·11 Li I l,1•', .11 d 'I , •I \le (•II Ir , · ,l:dJ• T :d~<i' :ll.C!,' I :.1· ' ' ,. 111 ;1 !'<d!<i 111 1 \II"• d1ir•110111!. . .r <i\lt"I :1 f'l'f';1! dt.1d !!1 !II<' ,~!1 ,l'IH1 ~ 11i1rk 111 1-.111·111·1 s f'n:-:C'rnhl f' ":'\,..1f''s-F li1ddf•" 11·111 rl' 1n:11n 11 1!!1 Ul'i ;1 ~ one of !hr lln('r f,ff('ring~ in our l971 ·i2 ~1·:1snn . ,\nd 11·e be li c\'e that thf' d{•l\ghl f"<l C'Ongregati011 111 !<,\ 111•. ~· 1\nd 1·i'11 ':-; rlH11·1 ·il \'.•nil<i oll r 1· 01 f1·r1·r11t "A11 H·n" 11\ !h;it ,1n;il 1 ~!" 111 JI I.\ \I ( )( )j 1 I I 'I · 1 • I r111111·1' .+· 1•••1111 1! ,J .,/111 i;J • 1t1r 11 :I I ,j, I i1\ )i,, I •'I f /:•\id \\.,lpo•J '.! 11•'11 1!'(\'IH'(' :1:Jd l•·1·li11•1li.1') '-l1l I•'.' ) I r· 1 r· l'oint·s T .. 111rwr1,11 ·• * ' • ENTERTAlllllEIT ' .1{1ulitio11i11µ: ()J't·i11·:·.l1.1 ;11111.111•!. l'>I' ti,, l·ullcrU1n ( 1\11· l .• ,..lir (Jp1•1,1 l'.11 rn p:i11; '.; dt1 t'!H11l 1if tJpi (1/l\1n;: J!I'" .. ,\ ! ~111 I •I J .. < .\1 :u11·h;f' 11·111 hr l1 rld S11nd.1 y ;ifterno(•n Benton l\l inor. a n1cmber ul !hC' <~;1! St;1te Fullerton 1nu:>11.· ~t:1r r. \rill ('onducl tt1e :tud:· t rons ;![ ~ (•'t·lr1ck 111 th e :!'llt!;.11· ;ind l)r;1111:i !iuil d111g :1! Ill(' t·ulle;.:t• Till' 1 1rf'l.t·~t1 .i I'\' qu :rt,, no :,;nn~ed 111.'-.J r11 111 ~111 , ,, ,1 f'l1! ;.:1111:11· :111d :-.11111i; h;1~- ·,\J;111 rif l,;1 \J;11wll:1" 11 rll "ill°ll .111111• Ii, lur 1111 "'' \1l'1 'kt·11d-. .it l··11 ll1 •1'ln11 l l 1~i1 Sthto<d 's l'l1 1n1111rr .\L1U1!1•!'ll!l1! Furlll1·r i11forrn<1!ion n1ay Ii<· nh1 :1111ed by r;ill1 ng 63i'·~!Ol:.'1. * .. OA!l Y P(L l'l T f ~) I -~~~ \ 1· l!\:.1:\,!il1· lr1.1!1 1\1t..-11,,d 1 ht' program v.·a.s µr1n1arily\ ,, .t.1111'1' t•1 t.~t· .1 1.,1 or v.1~ ... 1 1~ .. 1~n··d lo contra~\ thf' 1;,1 L \'\111\\ LU\\H) \I·.\\ 'tllih 1 ·\!'1 'I 111· 111 ;11111 4)1 \\li<Jl till' l11it'•l\"lll 1nd11)1r~ <'alls "bt1\led p.!ot•,' 1 ·~nl!i!lll('!> '['/\!~ l ftTH· 1t \\d~ l!lf'l·c l't1111c(!y pr11gr::i111s 1111 \Ill." ~\11nd:1y n1i.;l1t. nvne .. 1 1i,h1r h 1~ on !he nctv.•1rk':i !:di :,i·lit1!11lt· ;1•1d :.o ~ill in.11' 1,,. r•1 •·,un1f•d rn Ii\• d 1~c:1rJed .. nd t'f1•pt• li< .. 1r-ds ~ind f·.\(•J't:Ac 1·l1:1:·oirlt'r.s tif the tv.u n1t.'n :"1 ;"•11r'!lr11 11! of fo 1·~·1gn ;1(·-ll'ad1ng opposing arn11c.'I, and I 1,.111.· I• 11,1 ... 11h:11Jvr 11 h:1lf 1tdrt'11·s)111pat helicandwar1n hnur. hul 11 .. uld t ... : :1 !J.1H· Hll ;1 _l)()f'll':ll!S of tl1t·rn. ' ~------c:: l •lil'\'-:1·'\\ l't•k h.1 ~1:-.. 'l.\1·tl1 1j ·~llt11 .'\.,;J1l ~!Lll 'Iii<' f 11 I ~ ( •r11 1•1'1•d '•ll I " ll I ':'111·1'1•!1dl·1· ;,\ AJ1J>11ftl.1l•iX ' 111 ('/L'i "Appo11111 11!'nt \\'ith I!• l1u\ ., ~•'l'lt '.S ('11llt'(·111r;1t('d !·I~ 1111• fjn;d d:11'S td tl1t' ('11 ii \\;1 1' .t!ld 1lif' 0 l'111l]t'iJ1it:1JIHI\ ti1·l\1et·'1 J\1.l.1·rl !< l.t'l' ;111d l i; :-.'"" :-.; ( ;/';1 nl j l!:.11,11, \111~·1 1r .. 11, ,I I\ ,\SI. couir• ~-r.1'1C aJAS'I' HIG1f11'•1'. '~" .... , ... ,,1,. ·' ,,,, .. ,,,,,., "" ~~~--,;,('./). 1•,1;"' t1 1•·1 i1 ,\ 01:11:... 1111n1.111 • {/,. (/)T /,! . ·· (i .. 1 'in 1,;,, 1r.J 1·1·1 ;\I 1111<1 lh" ~ ~ 1.>11· lint· .i1 1d 1111· ~·1l111 H' 11n('· "OCEANS" I 111·r~ '""" 01(·r . ~ornellrnes ti,ddl\' :ind ~"n1rt1 n1l'S ;111111s ·, ·1· b I A Nrw S11rfln9 f llm 111gly, A li!l lt• '! i).!Ol l'Y f!Ol'Si By Rod SumplTr :1i(l11g11:1v :111d Ar<'h1C' Hunker1 .__.._.;,._..._. __ _..., ~!1JJ }1:'.lS 1t ]l l'C'tl y 11 f·il l'Ol"1 f'lus ,,,,.e<I I THE "YELLOW '/'hen "l\f'C'p111g-Up \\'il h the ' 1£ATLES "D irty H arr y" (R l "Skin Game" "Kidnapped" (G) "A Man For All Seasons" .lnnP!'e~" ('nnt·ent r<c!ed on the , SUBMARINE" W•"ner ' 01<•"! \ife u! (11·0 t vu ples forrncrly in lilii•••••••••• ''Till' 1"11nnv :-:;1rle" 11'hich 11·;1.,I .. -----------~~~-' !'Olllt'rlt'd ;;t niid ~c<is-on , 'fhr p:11r:-1111h 1". •1111' hla \'k and t li1· •1tht·r 1d11 tr, !1:11'(' tile s a111(· ~ur11111111· ;111d :-ol1:1re o n e 1.-1111·drh·d 111·,.1111.;;,,nr. It 11 .1~ ,di ~lJ;•iJl iy /'E'llll!ll~('t'I,[ <ol l ilt'! .. td "1!11111'1 lll ()(•ll l'~·:;,' \\1 th 1 .. 1 ~1 1d :-h1Jut1r 1g-;111d n1;1r 1 l 01 II ~ ---.=- '"MARY , QUEEN OF SCOTS"' A<•drmv A""'~ ~ .. 1 ~onq "SHAFT" (R} 5 ACADEMY t AWARDS lnch1d in9 IEST f'ICTURf IEST ACTOR a liES~.~lRECTOR ~O:' t'1~;,,, l ! (' p1r.· : ', I Al50 Short Subf~ctt Cont. Sun. From 2 P.M. ' 0DIR TY HARR Y"" "' llll'<Ullders\;llldJJl).'., ; AND !PG! 1---·AND 1---··· BC•l \\'l'L'll t ll(' dOllll\'-111 ' 1·0111· ".Al<N[ OF lHE , ~~~ 0Al$ 11l t'd11·:-. 1hr1r 11 :1:i ,\ r l L.J ,J ,1hnS(1n in a_!:rJ~! S<1l1re ~j ___ -----~ ~~~ * I ' .,~ )\_~' : ', ,_ * ''Cl,1y Pigeon" (R ) * " l ., I I "SK IN GAME "' i Rl ·KEZY's GRAB BAG THAT IS ..• IT HAPPENS All DAY tONG * * * * l J ·7 t ' ' ' •