HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-06-27 - Orange Coast Pilot' • ' .,. ears Mitchell to Canapaign . TUESOA Y AFTERNOON, JUNE 27, 1972 • ·Bespit~ Martha ~s Vo.,, VOL. ... NO. $11. I laCTtoMS. a PM•I • • • • • • • • • • e • .. Ne .w Suspect •• Ill Coast Bank Heist • • .. Armed .Men·· Roh ..... .... .- ' .. Clemente· Store · · TWo lll'Di<d mm ...p..;1<c1 emg::,, ol the Alpha Beta Market In. San te Mpoday, bound 'IOW' of the -ken with lal'"> lorced the maaacer to open a sale, t1J!in Oed with a yet-undetermined ..-i ol caah. ; The dajllgbt robbery took place at ~bout 10:~ a.m. wblle no customers -.re ·1n' the lion! at toS s. El Cimino "--· . .nuJ.. • ; • : The principal victim In the holdup - tplliq:el' Leon Rlley, a well-known com- V1uni1Y•leader •. ~~ Aid th< paw entered the store arid one or the men carried a brief case. !le watted' near a telephone and w~ Jllley appeared; tbe bandlt'i partner calne' up bOh!nd the manager, produced a -U revol•er, then both bandits l'OUJ1CI. ~ up all five employea oo. duty. • The .workers all were herded Into a itOreroom where all but Riley were ...... hand and foot with tape. : ·Rllef wu then orderod to the market ~e. detecttves said, and lorced at gwr to!nt to open it. .. • different men. Workers ii thO llire tJirough the day wacted with Police Artlai· i;ancty Martin and produced composite drawinga ol the pair ol bandits -each reported to he !n their mid 30s. Wltnesaes said both men were about silt lee! In heJsbt and each welgbed about 175 pounda ' . The ~t with the briefca!e wore a dark brown business suit, a tie and a dress shirt, and hiJ dark brown hair was worn long, over the ears. He also Wore ~gJasaes, police '8kf. Ins partner, wbo wielded the blue-steel revolver, wu more cuually dreued. ,Witnesses said he wore a droopy moustache and had a pock-marked lace. Huntingwn Mom H el.d in Knifing . ' Of County Man' .i:· After stuffing "a considerable amount" Ill caah Into the brlefcaae, both men Ordered the manager back to the ~ and ai.o bound Riley wttb a A 37-year-<>ld Wleillployed aerospace )lpool ot i.pe. 11e told offlcera he Ulen -ker died In Huntington Beach today _,ordered to lie oo the floor. alter' he was stabbed twice In tbe chest > The pilt then fled . Momenta later · Wbile at the !Jaine of a fem1:1e friend . ltmployes freed themaelvea and called Garfietd Lee Pomerny, 5932 Santa pqlJc< Barilara Ave., Apt. B, wu pronounced !' The. holdup wu the aecood dayli&hl dead at Huntington Beach Intercom-~ l!l the market tbta year: The munlty Hospital.at 1:111 a.m. ~In uie pttvJowi boldup rema1\l5 •t ' Mn.' Gay Joan Orlee, 3S, of 1™1 ,Jule. · ' ' • NewUl)d Ave., Huntinglol) llea<cb, was • lletecllves,.bowever said they are coo-arrested oo susptclol! ol mUraer •. • -uie1 laid! helai wu the work of • · 'POl!ce said 1lley have been unable to .-------,----"'-' --, determine what caul<d tba latal alterca-tloO .• ..... Ce•• ·, ......... SliPlb' War)ner clo Wedneldly -... -aiooc Ille cout, --lo ... --service. ..... .......r 'It 11 Ille beaches, IO IDlaed. Lon tmlPt In Ille 11)'1. IN819E TeD~ '\' ..... _ . CIMI• t ==--"'?: = . " -' --. &:=·:! --" \ . .............. -. --" --. --. ..... ,..,., ............ ,, -" -" -. -----. Pollce saJd Pomeroy, a friend ol Mn. Orlee, Wll VlsllIDc her when I llgbl IJ>' porenlly broke out. '.l'b<>e wu a Jl!!Yslcal lllullle, polke uld, arid u -point. eitbtr before er during the argwnent, l\lra. Orlee •--' ~ with a kitchen knile. ornc;;.,-.... she llabbed Pome- . roy !n·the llv!ni...,. pl tbe ·bome. Mn. Orlee then called the police who aitmd at'JJ:• a.m. P'lllt{IJ WU nuhod to Goe boopltal and stnn ..,.... · gene)' -bJ • team ol doclon. Pollet said that Mrs. Orlee'1 ...., and •l&l>I year-old ~ ,... 11t the Iiime at the lhiio ol lllt tight. n.,. have been tamed .... ID llielr latb<r who ii seplr'lted !nm Mrs.-Orleo. Foreign Animal Ban $.(CRAMENTO (UPI) -Tbt state ,._bly Monday po....S tepllalloo -ning the importatloo lor ... ol _..,.,. llolls and tigers and oCher Uva -ta nol natlva to Calllonla. 'l1le pr_.i ....id 11111 aPPIJ to -tr ~ croups. 'PJ.ill ·Oyer t ·o Side! "" • J • • • • • .I' ' • ' . . FBI Squad Arrests 2nd ~·Malt m Ohio · Joey Shanahan, 4, looks quite apprehensive u he is followed by SeatUe policemen. It's not u bad u it looks for Joey. Policemen were mefely patrolling ' , UPIT ......... 6-nille stretch of Lake Washington Boulevard to keep it free of cars during Bicycle Sunday, when only bikes ate permitted. · UMW's 'Tony' Boyle Gets .. ' . . . 5 Years, $130,000 Fine. WASHINGTON (AP) -United Mine Workers President W. A. Tony Boyle to- day was oeotenced to !Ive years In prlaon and lined $130,000 lor making illegal poUUcal cmrtbuUoru with union funds. The '10-year-<>ld Boyle, sullering from a back aiimtot, stood siieot and ugtrt.np. ped as U.S. District Judge <l>arlea Richey imposed the eentence. As a condklon ol Boyle's release, pmd- ing appeal, Richey onlered him to port the $0!!,000 er a surely bond J!l that amount with tile court. The judge -on1....t that the money ....,. from Boyle's own pociet and nllnlned him ll'om diaslJlllllni his ... -. . The 119 lleellan ol Boy1e and other• prniollllJ bid been ........ out by .• lederal judp, who .-..S a ntW fllec> tlon bJ tlle aid of Ille yoar. Boyle and some of bla omc.n had .. peeled to run 111a1n. bul his coovlctloo ca11 doubts whether he could. Union rules and federal law lorbld an olflctal to hold office alt<r a lelony con- vlctlon, bul tt wu usumtd B")lie can hold ·the pruldeney lllllil an lppWs court rules In hiJ cue. A week ago, Ille Labor Dopoitmont named Rooald' :r. Weakley to direct' a tu~ lorce of aome 30'J10fttwe4 ....,ta wttb ·-tty to vlJlually nil Ille -pending the etectlon. llOyle WU led away !If tr.S. marshals and Jllll Into "" -lockup In llgbt ol Rlcbey's • 1llOt, be nol be nieMed until Ille ••·11 poo1e11. • Act1ially, 'lilaier~ 11'" n ... ,... sentences .., JloJlo bal Mid they could nm ooaCurrent11. One, Rtcbey Aid, ,... lcr llo,le'a .-lctlm ol count ..,. <JI the lkoual lndletmlil aia!mt him -COi> aptnq lo mllalt -money under the Landnm>-Ortllla Ad. He also Imposed a •1•.• flDI ... llill ..ant. ' :n.. olher .n.,.yw IOl1lence ..... oat of -IJ .r the Indictment under which Boyle wa ..-o! ICluallY trander· rinc ..,.. lo 1lllon l1"lda to an account set up for makJnc contributions to the 1"8 Cillljllfp i. the U.S. preeklency. A (he IOYLE, Pap t) Mitchell Keeps CanipfJign Posfi- Despite .Mar_tha From .. Win Sei•lc•• Fonner U.S. Attorney General John Mitchell. today vowed to continue cam- paigning lor the· reelectkn ol President Ni.on, but his pollllcs wtiry wile, Martha, has caricelled her once heavy ochedule of penooal 1ppearances. Faced wltb ah ultimatum from his -.tie to.qult.~Ucs pI._i I-her Newport · Beach vtJla Ja8' -k, M!tcbeD bu no ln- tentlcn of ~ his JllJO! u Ninn'•- campallm .inag<r, c!Ooe aldel siid u.-.1~-t I ' ·~·· ' Powell,~. a Mitchell stall member ai the Cori11illitee.' lorRe-eleCtlon o! the Piesldenl, -uked Mondly ti Mitchell ' .... qultUng.. ' •lffot by • ion, lhot, It hi replied. 0 He's commllled to the taslt before him. tt Maarnrhlle, an allegedly brutaed Mrs. Mlldlell .....inc bandqea covering lqers ol her Jell hand baa taken Up quarters In the posh W-r C.Ounll'y Club In Rye, N.Y. Rye wu the com- munity In 10hlch the Mltcbelb lived when (See MITtllEW!, Pa(o I) An UDl""I,,... llrtp.-WU Ir- rested In -an. Ohio by FBI agents e&rly tbll morning as tbe secood Upecl In the '2 'lJlllllon hetat at the Laguna Niguel hrandl of Ullited caJllomla Bank. FBI agents working witb U.S. Manhals and local police captured Amil Alfred DinsJo, 31, oflJordman as he was travei. Ing In h!J car down a local str<et. Dlnsio II the brother·ln-law of Qw1ea A. Mulligan, 33, o1 Youngstown, Ohio, who WU &!Telted by FBI agenta earlier this month In comecllon with tho burglary In which an unknown numherol people blasted their way Into Ille bW: vault via the roof and rilled 4511 '* deposit boxes. A U.~. Marshal'1 Olfice spokesman said thli mom!ng that Dlnolo """1d apo pear belon a U.S. M~ In Cleft. land 111!• alternoon !or amiPmmt. Whetlier Dtmlo will he lblpped to Loo Angeles Clowity Jail where Mulligan ii nciw belnc bold II not known. The spoRlman refuaed to speculate ~ MuDtgan and Dlnslo were Jn. vOived In a May 4 burglary at the Lcl'd• !woo, Ohio bnnch of the Second NoUonal Bank of Warren In which $430,000 In cub .... _ The FBI also revealed this morning that • lederal grand jury lndlc:lmmt Mooday . nomed :5-JNl'<>ld Ronald Lee Barller of 8cutb Gate In coonect1on wltb tile bqrglary. Bartier, aglllll Aid, remalhs at large and ls ooe ol -per-thet may he arrested In ---... cw in Ille nm few <IQI. His -· Viola ilarl<r, 5.1, WU taken lnlD cuitody June 14 for porjurJ Ill cmnecllan wltb Ille !nvalllptlon. '!be dloclooure .of Ille lndlda8ll '"' Barl>er <ilme durln( a 1-rtnf'!n· wlllcll Mull!Pn'' pleodecl -ent lo tho burgllr)' c11ar&e1. . U.g. Dlltrlct. Court Jlldp Motl J1rrm WU to have lei I trial -for Ml!lllpa, bul he continued the _.., wllm he (lee IUIPBCI', hfsl) Go-go a No-no At Naval Ba1e SAN DIEGO (AP) -1no111u1o1 two years~ u ·---· go-go ii now a llOilO at MlnmM' Naval Air Station. The lemala daocers who ncbd, rolled, bounced and gyrated n11bUJ at the Enlisted Men's Club and twice weelcly at the Olftcers' Qab are oo longer clolnc '°• station ol· Deers say. No official ,.uoo lor booflClnc the I D-gDll WU sJ• .. , but Ollt of· (!leer said the announcement ,... made last week, b ir days after a new commandar ol the -toell over. • s Democrat Platf orin ·'Suicide · Note'-W allace Abortionist . Calls Death AccUkntal ,, ... ..,. lknletl LOii ANGELES -"I didn't kmw tho .. .... ioldt!d • • . ,. Tho -Ilia( ot cruad~ •bot· -Dr . .Jolla •• °"11D ... opoaod In ---....... With !Iii tntl-ot ., 8tt'Menl1' U rttrc ID tbl Dtc:enM- -ot 1111 p lfrlllld. -l>wJlr, ,Jt, ........... -.. .,_--die Va.A ampao With lbe .,_..id ........ -Mo ....... lbl -..,.. ..... taffmd tbrte 1*llet -In Ille loUI Incident. ..... , Dr. Gwynne dolmed u "'°' ....... bepn lhot Mia Dwyer - ol!epdly on • drug lr1p •I Ille time - .... obot to dath durlntl • ll1nlQle ,.,. Ibo .161 ~ molvtr )» ........ Tbo-·-·--....-u1811 ID ba111 Oriiip and Loi Mploo ...... dol..S dlt -·· ........ bod ..... ~-· 111-........ llld -m from dnJ& use. ..... ....., -.. boll pending 1111 trto1, Dr. a.,-hlmllll bu been ....-.. lonto llu'blrl, -· .... dwpd wttll bola(-lhe 11111 ..... of drup. lie -booplWJsed temporarily •fttt -· doputloo .. polnll lound hJm ol1"1P"' -In 11i1 cor porUd ID ......... .u. ...... Tbo -uld durlDC Mondey'• IMtlmony !bot Miu Dwyer bod fint ob- 181nod Ille wupoa lhot ulllmalely killed hor. Ha ....... when lie ........ In the _ aporlnllnt hallway With !be IUft be tried to take It .... ,, lndJni to • -· molch. • ,,_ ...... oliuale." ho aid qulolly. • "I -~ rtcall how lcllc • , • the 11111 IMIDld to 10 all • • , I opmed the chamber ••. I didn't know ft •• lolded," Ibo -pliyoldu conllralod. romia1 Nftleadnl on vartous •bot'jlon c:ouall reloted to Ills Wool Loi Angela llld Santa Aa8 dlnlao which oerved -with unwllllod .......,,.S. on 811 _, """ -bM -pootpoaed J)endlnc llil munlor lrfal. ' • Tbo dort-htlred doctor bM rudlly od- mJllOd eadlni bundrado of pnllnlDCla for m.vrled women llld Wini Jlltb, clllmll!C only tbe choice thouJd be lheln end not 11181 or • IO"etnment. Ho cooperated In pt010CUllon or llil .... In • cru.ude lo -he hopet - • uJllmalely overturn !be C • I If or n I • Tbonpoutlc Abortion Act of Jte'/, cl&Jm. Ina It Ill W1C0111ututlonal. · lilt mother, Mrs. Rubye Vnruh Gwynne end nearly a llCOl'8 of aborlloa clinic nunea and lemale lechnlcltns -IOn\o from tbe Harbor Area -were Jailed with Dr. Gwynne at tbe heJsbl ol bJa notoriety here. CbtriN against ·most ol them hive • been dropped Jn lbe Intervening period, e olbOI Dr. Gwynne'• uoembly line obor- Uon cUnlce dmr plocorlk:llT)'lng plclcets encour1dn5t and condemning him. OL\Ntl COAST IT Light Hold oa Life ' Mlos Nwl-. a ddtpte !nm catifonlo, WU beofal bra IHI rd1<all -... -.. -.-.. be "a m.at:ter bet•em a woma, ber di» ... and -.... -to-~ ii> ckldfQs ber rtllPas c»'U••b.'' Alao def-...,.. -ol buds, .... a pr~ br Fl<ra .O'attt of lbe Vlrglnla Wamm'1 Political cancos to gjve platlorm mdorsement to ''Ille rill& ol '""""' to cootn>I tbrir owu productive lives ... The votinc came 81 2 a.en. all<!' ..,. hour ond i5 -ol ~ and wmi!Jip u.t m -tloa pUnt could defm Dti••ratic CMMfidatt:s j n Nov-. Defw of 111e P'-11 ldt lbe party platform -meutian ol -· Wltl! reopect to bom••nnal1, lbe plat.- ur1T.....,.. Fireman Robert Moore malnWns light grip on shirt ktory YMCA bullcling In downtown San Francitco, vlewer talked to Jenkins until Moore got hold of of Paul Jenkins, 20, who lay for 20 minutes atop contemplating death plunge. A state labor inter· him and the would·be leaper eventually agreed to leave his perch. See related photo, Page 5. • 75 Teachers Protest Tustin Salaries P,lan By CANDACE PEAllBON and aaid t.mion between teacher °' .,. Dllfr "'"' ,..,. negotiaton and the board'• reprqm- About 7S tcocbm walked aod carried tatlve, uoociat. llllJl<tintendent Jack picket ltsns down 1.ag,... Road In Tullio SdnnnoJur, ttuoed oome of 11181 gap. Monday nlgbt prior to a Tuatln Vnloa • SchUD!IUr dtlended bJa Involvement Hieb School Diltrlct lruttta meeting Jn end lllld 11181 In the lut three montha, protal of the board'• "lnoul!hw" Ullry leachen hive brought DP new oul>jects to proposab. which he couldn~ react 8lld reluaed to "Good pay clrawo good leachen, • ditcuaa lomlllor toplca. "Tultln la Ille Iowa! paid Wllon high achool dlJtrJd/' and "Let'• confer, not Jult meet" were a few of the slogans teachers held up to motorllll drlvJng by. Led by Mlnklo Viejo Hlgb School t.acher Jim Wehan, the lfOUP then toot their objectlObl In to Ille boord meellnl, which moved to the little lheoter at Tullln High becauoe of the olze of the crowd. No Collectin~ Life From Sea SACRAMENTO (UPI) -Collec- ting 1ea We ID Callfornla 1 1 tldepoalt couJd Incur a '500 line or aix monlht Jn jail. $10,000 fme WU lmposed along with that .......,., Regarding C01111ts two throulh 12, •Richey impoled a $10,000 fioe 00 each· count but said he w .. smpeodiDg aen- t.mce ond Instead placing Boyle oo hfG.yter probat1oo wblch would begin after he oerved bJa oentence m lbe otber counll. Ridley left !he matt.,. of pa!l>le DP to Ille V.S. Bomd ol Parole, rather tl!an im- poaing a minimum time for Boy1e to spend Jn jail. Boyle's -.e.. Plato C.cberia, bod asked Ridley to lflllll a new trial becaule of s.,..... Court decilklo Jul week which C.cherlt aaid negated the law Wider which Boyle wu convicted. In that rullnl, the high court laid ii is not against Ille law for a union lo aet up a separate fund to collect mooey from its memb«ahlp for poUllcal coolributlom. C.cherlt laid that ruling "severely emaaculaled tile law aa It applies to Boyle." l're• P.,,e 1 MITCHELLS. •• he WU a W.U street lawyer. Until Jut ..-. wbtD Martha left lbe Orange Coul lolJowlns • stormy w .. k marred br a feud with John at a Newport Bach GOP porty llld lbe DOW· famous 'l'bunday phooe call lo a trusted Wa.sbingtoo rei>orter, .she "as expected to star in lbe N!Ioo campoign eUort . But now thett'1 not a slng!e public ap- peomn aa her achedule. Monday Mro. Mllchell told reporters llhe was bein& held a "poUtlcal i:r-isoner." Milcbell ond the WbJte House bave declined mmment oa Ille charge. How._, a opotesman l4r the Ni•on commlltft llld Mn. Mitcbell has no ap- puranca tcheduled for !be ttmainder of Juoe:. "She intended to UR it for free timt," the aide said. Earlier in this election year,, Mrs . Mitchell was depicted by staff members as having more demands for ap- pearances around lbe country !ban any other woman In the Nixon Adminlstratii>n. She was expected to .make numerous campaign appearances. Mrt.. Mitchel.l's popularity stemmed from a aeries of pungent comments !be made while her husband waa attorney general . They ranged from an attack on Stn. J . W. Fulbright, for bis vote against Nixon 's Supreme Court 1!00iinee G. Harrold Canwell, to complaints ·about women being tbinkiau citizens -"We 've never been liberated as far as our view- point is concerned.'' Her comments usually were offered in t.lepbone calla to reporl<n, and usually late at lllghL At a result ot lbe publiciJy, Mn . Milchell WU lnvlted lo appear Ob TV tall: sham and before numerous organiza. tions. •: Now Mn. MllcheU repom ahe ia being kept out of lbe spotlight. It la lier "honesty" they'~ worrying about, lhe says . Mn. Mitchell told lbe New York Daily News that while she was in Newport Beach lasl week, a security guard toot away her telephone and ....... 1 guanfs threw her onto a bed and "stuck a needle in my behind." l'r-P .. eJ SUSPECT •.. was told of the possibility of lurlber ar- rests. More lhob '2 milllon Jn sccurlti., and an undetermined amount of c11h 8lld jewelt were taken In the burglary. '!be lklll wtJh which Ille !helves worked has given a "Mission Impossible" aspect to the entire cue. In the wake of the heist, 23 safety deposit box holders have sued United California Bank IO< $53.3 mlDlon cbarg· ing negligence m Ille port of Ille bank and the Oreo alarm compeny. forcemmt. .. N)'I lbt appsoNCI platSana ~ plallorm commlUee --lnll7 approved • plank caWnc for - Hoa " tho elec1oraf colleto .rt. • delegate C01DJ111ttec1 to oa.. waa- aoespectedly announoed wan-·. .... donement ol that th8Jlle. "Gov. WaUace bl 1o favor ol tbolilhlnc the etectoral eoUqe," announced Norman Ille Jr., a Flortdt delfpU. A llllement calllna lot obolitlon ol the death penalty 11 an lntUectlve and cruel clelemnt ... adopted. Amoag 111rprloe 1mendmuU waa - calling for defe•I ot lbe pending welfln. r<form bill, adding 1nolber obotacle to lbe already lonnldable .... lbe -· has -end In CongreH. Spearheocl- ed by a group or bloct delepJa, Ille amefkfment carried, 64 lo 21. But the committee refused to endOl"lt the ~ po.al of lbe National Wellare lllgbts Organization for a '6,IOO guaranteed Jn. come for a ramUy of four. ' The language adopted on tbla 8lld on taxation was broad enough to ac~ - commodate olhtr propoulJ bu I d o McGovern'•· McGovern in San Antonio. Tu., aaid he la preparlnl to lnlnlduce new propoaals on welfare and taut.Ian, toning down hia orJsinal plan 11181 w been criticized as banh on moderate, as well as high, incomes. Rejecting amendments tending both toward a more hawkish and more dovish stance, the platfonn writer1 pledged that a Democratic president would JJUlke "the first order of business an immedJat. llld complete withdrawal of all U.S. fotcet in lndochina'' and said th1s country '1rill no longer ... k to detennlne tbe future of the nations of lndochlnl." A mili!ary.policy plank declutl llJll "the military budget can be reduced subslan!ially w!lh no w.U.nlng of our • national security." lt included no f1rures ' on reducliom. Abolition of the armed-• services draft was urged. The rejected Wallace antibusing plank wouJd have declared the p a r t y "unal!erably opPoSed lo busing lo . achieve racial balance." The adopted planJi describe.s bullng u "another tool tha t must continue to be • available according to Supreme Court decisions ta eliminate legally impoeed . segregation and Improve the quality of J education for all children." Police Seeking Pair in Robbery At Restaurant A mantwmt is under way today for two -who knocked "' the ........... door at a fashionable Newport Beach rwurant Monday Dl<l'lling and ..Ueved her of '6,000 in .... tend recelpls. The cash collec:led Saturday 8lld lluJ>. day was being oounted lor a bank depoalt by Patty O'Dalley, 38, Jn Bob Buma' Restauran~ 37 Fashion Island, when tbe -eotered. She told police ... tnndlahed • revolver wbeo she answered the knock, · keeping her tom«ed while lhe loot - about $5,094 in .U -was stuffed lnlo a paper bag. Investigalors oald the victim wu quickly and quietly bound and gaued during lbe i : 4.1 armed robbery. The bandits, d~bed aa in tbelr micf. 208, slipped out and Mr$. O'Dalley waa discovered by a bartender wbo hid betn working el!ewbere In Ille spacious lount10 and dining room comple•. The Monday -.q stickup was virtually Identical lo one at Laguna Beach's White House Reslaurant exactly two weel<J ago, In wbidl the owner and staff were robbed ,_ bound and abandooed. Wehan, prelldcnl o! tbe TusUn Seco"' dary EducatJon AalOClaUon, read a 1tat&- ment which aald that put milun- deratandibll between board and teachen were DOI yet tleored DP Ind that the board '• meet and confer representaUve wu DOI gtv.., clear dlrect1"1a. Wcbtn also uld 11181 "the only counter. progosal we can get from you Is to stay with current policy," which be called an "Jmpaue." The State Flab -1 Game Deportment aaid Monday JI will begin alrict enforcement of rula bennlng Ille coUectlng of marine Ille along the abort. It's What's Out Back That Counts! DAILY PILOT The teacher11 group made 1lmUar re- quesll for more money two weekl ago, • but Wehan told a reporter the "alluallon la worse now than ever." l'N!vloualy, lbe department Issued wamh1ga, but because of the increued threat to Ille tidal ..,... by students and tourists "ooUecUnc evel')'lhinl In algbt" vlolalors wW now be proacculed, I b o an- nouncement aaid. Our store is like an iceberg! No -we're not chilly to deal with -it's that you only see one tenth of our store from the front. 1"' OfWIH CMlt DAILY PILOT, wlM lllMdl It .....,.. 9111 '""""'"" It MlllllM 1W tM Ornfltt CMtt ,,....,. .. C..,.,,,, .... "'' ........ art _.._ tMnUr ...,.... PrlNr, fer C.le Mitt, N..,.,I lffdlo """""'"" lt«ll/1'9111111111 'l•llf'r, t..afvrl• a..Cfl, l,._hw/h .. lttltci: a lt11 Cltm111lt/ ltft h#I Clphlr..._ A al11tl• .... loMI .,,,. .. -ltNll ltlfl"MYI Mii ._.,.., Thi """"'' lllllllWtlnt INnf It It la Wnt .. , ltrtlt. c.te Mnl, (alftfNt, ntll. aei.iert N. W114 • ttr..lllMI ... l'\lbl .... J11lr R. c.,1,y Yke p,.!Mnf Ml 0tner11 Mlfllllf '"'"''' KHYll ..... thtfllM A. Mvr,t.t111 "" .......... ,. a.,,,, H. Lee. .,, .. ,,.. r. N.n AMlll&llf ~ Mlltrl -a.tit MtNI! -..., "'lhtt ...._. a..ctt1 ma "!Wll"f .., .. ....,,.. u... lttdll ....... , ...... ......... 9Mdltl 11'01 """ .....,.,.. IM°"""'"'' m ...... II~ it.II • , ......... '"'' 641-4111 ~ .U.tl •• , '41.ffJt , .. "'-~ .................. ·-· PMI .......... e...lr QC __ , .. , .... _,_ •• ,... "" .... °"' """'··· -... --..... -............... ~ .... ..., .... ::=_.. ......... ==-~..,,-~ '= ==:•,.r, ..... ~- He blamed a lack of communtcatlon County Widow Sues State Over Murder of Husband A woman whole huahlnd ol Jual 21 days Wal lbot tbrou1h the hear! 11 ahe handed !be eontents or her purse to a gunman 8lld bit lemale compenlOJJ oued the State of California for moro than fl million Monday. MJ'I. Kann Rae Mlicbell, 24, ol Orange, names tbe ltale 8lld Departmcnl of Correcu... Director Ra y m o n d l'rocunler u defendant1 In on Oranp Count,y SUperlor Court lawault !hat blames the director for luulni 72-l!our -lo two mon held Ill Ibo iioo Luao Rebabllitstlon C...ter. Both men were free on paaa lut !811. 21 when teocher Gerold F. Mllcbell, IS, wu •hot outside lbe couple'• 1portmenL Nllchell hid alreld)' eomplled with tho :"'' dell!lnd ~ lie hand over llil 23, ol Pomona, drew 811 Identical term lor her role In the murder. Mill SUtcllHe 8lld a ftmale -ponlon later ...,ped from the Froatera Prllon for Women. They are IWl al Jarce. Allo involved In the MilcheU k!llln1 wu WWlom Neil CartwrJabt, 31 , ot Phoenix, the ,.iaway m8ll In the NIJcl>. ell holdup. He It ~ a ttato prbm lenn of five yurs to Ille after beinl Con- victed of oecond dep'M murder. Carlwrllht admitted be Wll at the wheel of Ibo car wblch Wried the trio to Newport Beach after the MllcheU. 1llyJns. The ... they hurled llllo OCOOft water _,. the Stull Sblrt -In Newport Beocb .... lat« reco-1:J dJven. ' Mn. Mltchell -a t o II I ol $1,00G,llOO for wbot * datma II tho llllo'I ..,,u,.nce In allDwfDI ....... pr1-I to olJlaln ~ l ..... tram Ibo n.. !.ufl ladl!IJ In Cliloo. A da!m filed with tho -1111 April .. .. ---1'17 Poople visiting us for the first time are flabborgasteCI • when the spacious interior unfolds before them. The huge 1howroom hos thounnds of nmples. (Customers tell· us we hove the largest selection they hove seen). Our warehouse contains an inventory of infinite variety. Hundreds of remnants inhabit a 25x50 Remn1nt room. Add offices, • spacious drapery room, plenty of parking, pleannt people, and you'I heva the "Big Picture'' of our successful operation! ALDEN'S CARPns • DRAPES 1663 Plocentt. An. COSTA MISA 646"'4138 HOUIS: ,._ tin n.n., t 19 l :JO -l'rl., f i. t -s.t. t :JO le I ,_.!_•.:!. Nld!ael Wide, 25, of Pboenls, .... -to lllo lmprlaanmonl ror ll!ot alaytns. Illa com....ion 111 Ibo ll~waUc boldup, s... LoulM Sutdl!le, 12 .... dmlod loot Nay 1l "---------------------------"'-! ___ _, • • • Bear Killed; . Laboratory Test Slated u,., ....... A Salute to Sunrise The beauty of form Is created by these ballet dancers practicing at a summer ballet workshop in Louisville, Neb. More than 50 dancers from the Midwest are attending the week-long workshop. Broker Cites Harassment Dulaney, Wife Seek $7.1 Million from 'John Does' By TOM BARLEY Of ... Daltf' ~ ... '"'" Globetrottlng stockbroker J o s e p h Dona1d Dulaney and his wile, former principals In tho oow defunct World Financial Tn!nds empire of Laguna Hilll and Seal Beach, sued a former investor •nd "100 John Does" for more than $7 million Monday in Orange County Superior Court. Dulaney, 31, of 2631 Via Cascadit.a, San Clemente, also demands a. permanent in- junction that will halt what he claims is the continuing harrassment of himself and bis wile by Mrs. Cleatie B: Sharpe and her 100 ce><ltfendants. Dulaney and Mrs. Marlene Lucille Dulaney, 32, want $7,182,000 In damages for libel, alander, conspiracy and in- vasion of privacy by tho defendants. The ~aneys cialm that the defend- ants have betn raponslble f.., tho preparaUon of false st.atemenll that began In October, 1969 and bave been constantly made av a 11 ab I e to D<Wspapers. tlngton Beach, from their htadquartera dubbed tho ''Taj Mahal" at Laguna Hilll Leisure World. '!'be group also operated a World Tn!nds headquarters from a Seal Beach office building, Both buildings were sei7.ed with the filing ol bonkruptcy alle- gations. Grand Jury action wu taken against the Dulaney group after It was alleged that they defrauded investors, many of them elderly residents of Leisure World communities in Laguna Hilb and Seal Beach, of more than $! m~n. It 1.s also alleged that tho llulaney groUP bilked the St. Bernardine HosplLal In San Bernardino of !500,000 on tho str<ngth of collateral that proved to be wortbless. lnvestlgatora. claim that only •10,000 of that loan .... ever repaid to tho Roman catholic lnatitutlon. Robert G. Machan, 40, of San Bemardi.no, former controller of the St. Bernardine Hospital, is one of the seven defendants. Court action against llulanoy and bis blonde wile bad to wait until district at· torney's investigators, backe&. by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and INTERPOL, successfully concluded a worldwide bunt for the miuing couple. llulaney and bis wile toot their three· children to West Gennaity in December, 1969, at about the time that the first comp1aints about the World Trends organization began to filter into the district attOrney'a office. Tbey were first aought In Munich. Dul""!Y was later traced to the Dutch cari~bean colony of CuracaQ after local lnve.tlgators unsucceasfully responded to reports ·that the DuJaney1 were back in ' tho United States from Europe and bad actually visited rtlatives 1n Illinois and Colorado. · Dulaney was returned to Orange C:Oun. ty and was soon joined by biS' wile who was compelled to leave a hospital bed in tho Brlt!sb colony of Bermuda and face tho multiple charges levelled against her and her husband. . The llulaneys and their five c<><iefend- ants· are free on their i:romise to appear for trial Oct. 15. YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK, Wyo. (UPI) -Park Rangers hive slJOI and killed a tOOopoulld female grizzly bear they said may be the '*"' which fatally mauled 1 camper. The animal WU shipped to the Mon- tana Fish and Game Wildlife laboratory II Montana State to delermlne II It was the bear which killed Harry Eugene Walker, IS. of Anniston, Ala., SUnday. Rangers aa1d it was tho fourth reported tilling by a bear In Yellowstone In its 100. ye. history. A woman was killed in 1H2 In the last such incident, rangers said. A spokesman for 1he park said tho bear was •bot near where tbe camper was tilled, Walker was attacked by a bear when he walked into his campground with a companion, Phillip Howard Bradberry of Oxford, Ala,, Sunday to find the animal ripping tho site apart near Old Faithful geyser. Bradberry fled on foot to the Old Faithful Inn but WaJ almost incoherent. Becawie the men were camped In an area not apsroved for camping, rangers were unable to find the site immediately. Assistant Park Superintendent Vernon Hennesay said the bear wu "acting naturally" to protect food. Schedule Listed For Boys' Club Summer Festival What do King Kong, Jolin Wayne, W, C. Fields, and Dr. Caligari have in com- moo? .1bey're all part of lhe Laguna Beach Boys' Club summer Film Festival begin- ning tonight at 7 o'clock In the Boy's Club library. · Film schedule 1' : ·-Tonight, 1w. c. Fields in "Barber Shop," and "Climbing." -Wednesday, W. C. Fields in "The Dentist," "60 Cycles," and "I Am Also a You." -Monday, Laurti & Hardy in "Sons o( the Desert," and ski film "Moebus Flip." -July 12; John Wayne, in "Stagecoach" and "Omega." -J\Jly 26, "King Kong," and "The Day Manolete was Killed." -July 19, "Cablnet of Dr. Calgarl," and ''The Tramp." """"'· Mt ll, 1972 s DAILY PttDT .. . - : : ( • ' • • • 'lo f ' - UPIT....._. frloina Reaper Dressed to portray 11 Deatb ," a protester carrying a scythe marches outside hotel in St. Louis where Vice President Spiro Agnew was speaking to a Missouri Republican• fund·raising dmner. About 15 persons staged an antiwar protest. JO Ktaots Per Bour Graybeard Speeds Along : On Winds, Widens Lead BY ALMON LOCKABEY O.llr "U•t IMllftl lfdller Plunging across the Pacific at speeds of better than 10 knots Monday. Loi Kil- lam, skipper of the 73-foot Tahiti Race scratch boat Graybeard wasn't about to reveal his wind and weather conditions. Hardly anyone could blame him as Graybeard widened her lead in the 3,571· mlle Los Angeles to Papeete classic to hang onto both the boat-for-boat and han- dicap leads. Concerto, 275 ahead of Aries and 140 ahead of Siete. Neither Pen Duick IIJ , the previ~ " corrected time leader. nor lnisfall reported for the Monday rollcall. Gra ybeard ,..porled that she bad a 245- mile day's nm between Sunday and Mon- day for an average speed of 10.2 knots. This could lndlcate winds of i5 to 39 knots. Min Sette ls appcireaU.y experieocinc: • the same 'f'e&tber conditlons 11 abe •• reported an average speed or lOJ kaota. • When asked to give ,bis wind dlnetiort and ve.locity, the recllt 0ham~' ~ · Graybeard said: •: • Mn. Shupe is accused of malting tho &lal<ment that Dulaney forged her ~ to a pledeg, ot stock th't wss u!l!d to Obl.aln a bank loan. Dulaney will ask tho Ju4e appointed to bear bis demand for I prellmlnary in- jundion to order tho defendants to relrs1n from entering ·bis San Clemente bome and to abandon whit tho former stockbroker claims ls conduct that baa caused him and bi.I wife "emotional -and mental angui!h. .. Headon Traffic Collisions Kill Two in An~heim Named with tho couple and Shipley and Machan m the criminal actlon are Daniel Hayes, 40, of 8211 Snowbird Dl'ive, Hun. Unglnn Beach, Wendell Warren AUJtln 38, of Riverside and Fred Riley 45 0f Mo~ films will be announced for the remainder of the summer. According to positions reported by flve of the seven boats bl the race, Gray~ ii leading her nearest competitor, Joe Pollock'• Min Sette by 173 miles on elapaed time. She ls 264 miles ahead of "The skipper re!uaes ror, tlcUca1 , .. .. ~ reasons . No date baa been aet for the bearing. The llulaneya and five CC>delendants are ocbeduled to face trial Oct. 15 on charges of forgery, grand-theft and con- spiracy cont.alned In an Orange County Grand Jury lndictmenl That Indictment was issued following a long InveotliaUon of the World Tn!nds flhancW complea admlnlstered by tho Dulaney1 and vice -"lent James Shipley, SI, of llllllil Lowell CJiole, Hun- Summer Signups For Saddleback Start .Thursday Summer seasiou registration fQl' day and, evening clwes at Sadcllehack College will be held Thuroday and Fri- daJ .-ClllStl will start July 5. Reglstnition_ will be-by appointment on 'l'bursday from 1:311 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and ,from 5 to l:IO p.m. Open regl.sjratlon will follow on Friday· from 9:'5 a.m. to 1:311 p.m. and from 5:311 to 1:311 p,m. Day · ciaAd · lnclude couraes In art, utr'ODOmY,, bio~k:al aciences, t.1lineq, dlemlstry, Erigflsb, French, 1eology, ~··Uh·, h I •·Io r y, h'll manitieo, ln1tbematlcs, music, phyaioll education, phyllfl, ' poliUca.l sc~,. poycbology, ""'°"lion and speech. .EV<!llpl clalies include astronomy; blolollcAJ lclencn, business, e a. r. l y ehlldhobd· educalion, economics, Engllah, hNlth.· bumlnitlet, mathematics, mu.sic~ }lllilolophy, physical education, police IClence, political, aclence, oociology and _.ii. , female Drinking ' . ~tatute Upheld • •WASHINGTON (AP) -The U.S. --Court baa left int.act I Cali(Wnla law that prohiblls i.maJe emploJel of 1 blr from aolicitlng drinks ... --from cuatomen. W..teat loc., ownen ol lho Mocombo Bar In Son FrlllCl.sco, -•led on tho ....,. Iba! tho law WICOllllltutionally illocrtmlnatM ll(llnlt .,.., .... II aald -lllllliol'll ... permitted to aoliclt *11!b, wltbout penalty. The lhlte AlcollollC Beverqe Control Dl.taloe -tho bar of 'fiolating tbt In IOd ocdolecl 111 liqUCX" n ..... .-. Ill. Tbo Ca1llonla Saptt111e CN1 ~ Ill to m11w tho dtdllon and tho U.S. ... _ Court turned down tho -1, I to 1, far wlllll ol I llUbltlnU1!" federal ...... Two Anaheim mldents died Monday night In ·separate beadon collisions that occurred wi)bln one hour and two mUes from each other. Ralph Flor.s, 311, died beblnd tho wheel of his car when it smashed into another vehicle after veering across the center lbie at tho lnteraectlon of Katelia Avenue and EucUd -In Anaheim. A woman passenger in the Flores car and two women in the other car involved in the pileup were 'taken to a nearby hospital for treatment and later released. Mrs._ Dorls O'Hare, IO, of Anaheim, died an hour later when a small car In which she was a passenger ri.n headon into another auto~t the nearby in· tersection of Katel]a ·Avenue and Dale Street. Her son, Roger, 25, the driver of the car and the occupants of the other auto involved in the collision were treated at Santa Ana Community llospiLal for what police said were minor injuries .. Mn:. O'H~ w_..dead on arrival at the same hospital. Anaheim police said tho two· deaths brought Orange County's 1972 traffic toll to 123 fatalities, II more than at this time last year. Pair Deny Role In Grisly Death, 'Befriended Man' SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -.A couple booked In tho torture slaying ol aldd row midlllt Moncrief Solias Monday denied respqnsibillty In .tho grisly death, aaylng they lent tho vlcllm money snd "gave him -etlllng to eat when be didn't have anything.'' · 0..ar It White, '3, ·Ind Butrlce Mur- ray, 35, were intenlewed ln city .prbon by a reporter alter their arrest Sunday near the Embarcadero hotel wbe~ Sollaa' body·was found bound to his bed. The SS.year-.ld man bad been slaabed, at.ab&ed, c:hokecl Ind beaten durlnil I tbree-bour period of torture, police 11id. In aeparate interviews, Miu Murray an( White' clalmecl they befriended Sollas. · "We gave b1m 10mething to eat when lie didnl hive anytljlnR. We even loaned hlm money when be didn't have any," Miss MWTIY aald, ' · White lold a ..........., be ls receiving total dl11billly ...,_ for 1 bad back , crlppled leg · and 1 put history of ~·· Re!eninc to &H11' beill 1 parapl•gic White uked, "Do,... think I'd murder a man ute lbatl I'm 1 cripple, too," Wblte and Miii Murray were booked for lnv..Ugatloa ol murder 1 few mlnulel after I neJabbor of Solias' di""'""'1 bis, body. Norfolk, Va. ' ' The festival is for youths from 7 to 18 years or· age. Graybeard't position pve bar 1,711 miles to 10 to Tahili: Vacation Time ... Wagon Time · . ' #2Z76S530157 • Colony Park .. • • • • , •• IF CONTINENTAL BUILT . A STATION WAGON, ' . ' COLONY PARK WOULD BE IT? Colony,Park offers the new look of luxury In staUon wagons for 1972. Long the leader In the staUon wagon field , .. aee for yourself the most magni,ficent collection of better wagon Ideas under one roof .•. Test.drive one today ... SPECIAL ••• $4866.00 ' Montego .•• Villager. "Car Of The Year" ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL IN A STATION WAGON ••• THE HOTTEST STYLING ON THE ROAD TODAY I ) e GREAT SEI.ECTION e ALL Wl'l'H AIR CONDITIONING Rome Of Tbe New Car ••• "6-Wea 'l'eMelt" , . ' . 21129 HARBOR BLVD~ COSTA MESA ' Rome Of Tile New Car • , • "Golliea r-•" ' • I• I ' . • , ' '.• :1 '• ~ " " ) I ' Noise Level- It's a Riot SOUND• nTRY DEPT. -n-folb wbo worry I Jot lbout the envlronmenl and pollution mon .....xly hive been furrow1n& tlJdr brows obout noise. 'l'hll II difficult to undel'lland. '!belt people wbo ore ICl'tlJlllne 1bout "the nolle pollutm" like cemax fl()o lorlet, jet pl111t1, auto body repolr lhopt and the UU have obvlowly never lived around ml racket. I mean, they clearly do not have 1111 teenagen In tlleJr hou .... Now, you lake tttnag ... 1. When you live with them, you can build up a really hleh tolerance for 80\llld levels. Around our place we never ett any compla.brtt about ooloe from Ille nelghbon. That'• becaUM the llereo lo &Oin& 11 IUCh voh•ne that you can't beor the lei_,__ ring. • ......... I HA VE CONSIDERED padding tile •all1 at Oii' place but U I did that, there would be no ploce for the kidl to bounce buketballl agalnlt. We have animals at our place too but Uiey don't pollule lhe air. 'llley pollute Cllher pllj:el. Oh, lllO cal.I hive a fight every "°" and tllen but seldom In our houoe. It always happons on 1 neighbor'• roof oomewhtre down the llreet. So u lhere'• catcall pollutloa, lt hm't happening at our place. DOG Ill A BEAllTIFUL people because he doeon\. bark much at all. He'1 a whiner. In the mornlng1 when he •snl.I to ..,i In olf hla d>aln. he ae1.1 up a m ot IJlib-pl~ whlne. It'• not loud enough to drive you out ot bed Jn 1 flt of frenzy. But It I.I J111t loud enough to keep yoa awake. The pitch ol Dog'• whine may be bJJlh enough to broalt the nelgbborl' gla1"' but U It Is, lliey haven't com- plained yet. Probably fear I'd retrain the animal Into a howler. OUr nei,t>liol1lood aloo fe1turH two 11ooty..,,.1, and a RI of crows. 'llley don~ bother you mud! '° Jong 11 they don\ get (Oll1f In unison. Anywoy, all tldl bother obout noloo l~vel1 ~ really only In your hood. Jult 1ernenber, thel'll ii alway1 the uplrtn bolUe. . Delplte •all -ficl.I, IOllll -lhlnkn stlll lnaJll the! nolael within ..., ISOdety llbould he attacked wltb zeal and vigor. I IEE WHERE the Board o1 SuJ><n!OOl'I up In Rlverolde County 11 eonoldorln& an -Jaw but Ibey have nm Into oorne opposltlon. The - pie wbo run Con>llo Raceway don't can much for It. Offlclal1 of Southern C.llfunla Edloon Compony 1ave k the knock. Some chap from Hemet tatlfled that tho propoeed Cll'dlnancl wculdn~ even allow Ille opentlon of firm machiD«'y. Dan Simer, wtio lalked to the Riverside board OD bebalf of EdillOIJ, claimed Ibo law 11 PIW"led WU 10 ICringent !bit. JI would even ouUaw nonnal convenatlon by two folks stand .. on their own l:rml lawns. WeU, maybe It Wl'I really a DOlae nrdlnonce. Maybe 11'1 jull on an~gooslp law in disguise. Testimony presented to Ille Riverside BUpervisors proves that everybody Jan't in favor of silence. Lota of folb like noise. Some are pertk:ularly devoted to the sound or cash registers clanging. IN OUR OWN Orange Coast region, the city of Fountain Valley waa the first to actually get an antlnolse law onto the books. That just goe.5 to show you. Foun- ~ lain Valley was probably the last place on the coast that needed It. That place is really quiet. The loudest guy that ever walked through Fountain Valley was a door-~ door feathennerchant. And he waa wearing rubber-soled shoes. T""'-1, .._ ll, l'ln U.N. Action 'Ignored' .. By Israelis B7U_P,.. ___ Imel and Lebanon today reported fmh lltblfnl llong their frontlert despite 1 United N1tlaao Socw1ty Coonc11 molullon condemning braell oltackl. Intl uJd the oltackl wvuJd continue u Jong .. Anb IUttl'IJlu lllldi: !Inell vJJJaces from ~ unc:tuarlel. £oplian Minlller ol Stat. lo r lnformalloo Mohammed Huson 7.oyyat told a new1 cmference ln CaJro the braell 1tlacko were port ol 1 Zloolll plot to annex IOUf~m Lebannn In fonna- UOn o1. an. •illl'ldl Empire" that 11rtady lncludel parts ol Eyll]Jl'1 Sinai De1ert and Jordan. A mWllry l)>Oknman in Beirut said !Inell lroopl and ormored vehlcla llruck Into Lebanon Monday nl~I for D10re than ID hour and killed a civUlan Jo an ambush. An Israeli m I JI tar y 1pokemian said .. Arab suerrtn. WU ldUed and three !Inell soldiers wounded In the ciaJb. The tp0kennan tn Tel Aviv said two Anb guerrtllas ambulbed an IJraell border patrol northwest of the oettlement of Dan. lhat one of the attacken wu killed and that lhe other neaped. He 11ld three members of the braelf patrol were wounded. The Security c..ncu condemned .....nt laraell f0<ay1 Into Lebanon Monday night by I vole ol lU with lhe United Stat.s and Panama abstaining. I 1 r a e 11 Amb11111dor Yotd Tekoall Immediately ,.jecled the relOIUUoo as "Inequitable and Immoral" and prolealed thal Jt did not condemn the guerrilJa.lnaplred Lod Airport mllllCl'e of 24 ptrlOnl, Another statement of the llraell posl- llon came from LL Gen. David lllazar who said in a radio Interview In Tel Aviv "II It (Lebanon) doeln't lake any action; more terrorW attacks are likely to tome, and aurely we shall have to take actk>n lo counter them." A Lebaneae 1overnment spokesman prailed the U.N. reaoluUon as a vin- d!caUon of Lebanon.'1 policies and a 11demmclatlon of hrael'1 ezpanaloni.st and aggressive policy." 7.oyyat, in the Cairo oewa conference expreaed aimllar viewa and said ~ resoluUon wu the "opinion of mankind" and that "I om with the mt ol mankind and not with Israel." "The broeU raids ore port ol 111 ti• Jlllllionlll policy aimed II colonb:lng the entire area," 7.ayyat said. "llrael wantl to inllplre terror and fear everywhere." .IWlt!llinncnKIHed CBS News re porte r Del Vaughn wu one of four per- sons killed Monday when a helicopter cr~hed while land· Ing at Capital City airport in Pennsylvania. Three television newsmen and the pilot were killed in the crash while cov· ering the flooding In Pennsyi· Vania. . - ' Bijacker's Weapon? A submachine gun believed used by the hijacker of an American Airlines jet was found in a farmer's field Monday near Peru, Ind. Earlier in the day a farmer found a canvas mail bag containing $502, 000, believed to be the ransom money. The pilot says he is sure the hijacker perished in the jump. Agnes Survivors Returning Home -To Problems By The Alaoclated Pre11 Receding waters from the Eastern Seaboard's worst flooding disaster enabl- ed thousands more to return to their homes today but crisis points remained at Wilkes-Barre, Pa., and Big Flats, N.Y. 1be death toll from the week-long ram- page by Tropical Storm Agnes climbed to 123 Monday. Among die latest victims wen three newsmen killed in a hellcopler cr83h as they returned from surveying the devastation. Drinking water remained a major prob- lem in dozens of the hardest-hit com- munities, but the arrival of water purif1C1tion units in IODle areas helped ease the need f<r trucking in suppUes. New appropriations of f e d e r a I rebuilding a.id were promised by Presi- dent Nixon after complaints that the in- itial allocations were far too small. E!funates of damage run over $1 billion in Pennsylvania alone. For the Jl'eseot, much of the relief came from people helping people. Mayor Eugone Peters of Scranton, Pa ., brougbl htmdreds of his dty•1· workers to help man the food and medicine distribution center in Wilkes.-Barre. Food, cJo4lllng and medical aupplle1 were still belng flown Into the bardell·hil cities such as Wilkes--Barre. wbere downtown streets contained oily, stag- nart water and full services were not ez- pected back for a week. "We are spared of the flood, so we came to help otr neighbors," said Mayor Pela's. Big Flat., a town ol 3,llOO In aouthwestern New York, r e m a i n e d vtriuaJJy d-"<I today as oU company workers attempted to collect a n estimated 500,llOO gallons of gasoline and oil that leaked from ruptured otorage tan1<1. Fumes peiineoted the air. Enlrancea to l11e town were sealed off by police, and motorists on nearby Route 17 were warned not to smoke. Ill Flying Again WASHINGTON (APl -Th< Air Force has reinstated its Fill tactical fighter planes following an investigation intJ two recent crashes. Thein vest i ga t ion "produced no evidence to indicate a com- mon cause of separate accidents ," the Air Force said. Bul tt added it was unable to pinpoint the cause of the crashes, which raised to 22 the number of. 1..... of the controversial IWing-wing planes, fonnerly known as !be TFX. McGovern Sees Error; Still Not Over the Top WASIDNGTON (AP ) -Sen. George McGovern h8! backed off his claim of enough delegate votes to win the Democratic presidential nomination and now says the prize still dangles just out of hi.s grasp. McGovern llrltegistl figured late Mon- day that the candidate holds 1,191.75 delegate commitment!, a scant 16.25 short of the number needed. The turnabout came after a recaku1a- tlon showed McGovern erred earlier Monday ln claiming to have topped the magic number with 1 ~ votes to spare. Hi.o chief rival, Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey, clung to the hope that the party's Credentials Coounittee would trim more delegates from the McGovern c<llumn by parceling out the %71.delegate Wieks You hiwe been listening to s.n.tor GeotrJe McGaveml votes from California's winner-take-all primary. success of that e.Uort, said Humphrey, who lags a remote second in the delegate count, "could change the whole ball game." McGovern traveled the South today, courting Southern Democrata w b o disagree with him on key campaign issues. He left supporters In Washington to protect his interests in the Democratic National Convention's Platfonn Com· mittee , where they won initial ac- ceptance Monday for planks in line with McGovern's viewpoint! on the Vietnam war and income payments to replace the weUare system. McGovern, himself, hinted a I forthcoming revisions of the welfare- reform !lance that has troubled party moderates and conservatives, Addressing a labor group Jn Oklaboma City, he said his revised plan wOuld ease the taz load for most families of four earning up to $20,<KM> a year, but would raise tazes for the wealthiest 20 percent of the population. He sketched only bare delails, but promised a fuller outline soon. Before leaving on the swing tbrougb Southern and border states, McGovern told a Wuhington news conference be had won the suppori of 9'.75 vot .. held by uncommitted black delegates - enough to guarantee him more than the 1,509 votes needed to win the nomlnation. "There is no question , now," tbe South Dakota senator said, "that this ls enough to put "-' over the top In July on the first ballot." McGovern's claim immediately came under fire from dissenting blacks and a Humphrey aide who said !be figure of new support bad been Inflated. Lat.r In the day, McGovern strategists admitted the error. Value of Pound Dropping As Light Trade Prevails LONDON (AP) -The British pound dropped lo 12.48 today, a devaluation of 4.8 percent, after the London foreign ez- change market opened for the first time since the government's decision last Fri- day to let the pound float. sentenced to death in the electric chair by a panel of three judges Monday. Th< pretty blonde, wearing 1 violet dress, broke Into tears when the death sentence was pronounced. Two court matrons carried her from Deleware Counly Courthouse. Fair Weather Predominate The dollar strengthened elsewhere in Europe. The pound opened at $2.51 and later eBJed back to $2.48. Dealers said the market was busy, but more with in· qulrles than with trade. TheY reported relatively small amount! were changing hands. I IN SHORT ••• I Marred by Scattered Storms, Tornadoes in Midwest ........ ._.... The dealers said the picture would probably be clearer Wednesday, when most exchanges oo the Continent reopen. e Viet Senate SAIGON (UPI) -The South Vlefo. namese Senate diDolved into a shouting, table pounding melee today that forced pastJ)O{letnent of a vote on President Nguyen Vsn Thieu'• bill to grant bill> almost unlimited polVtr for lix months. Senato Spuker Ngu1'0 Vsn Huyen convened the morntns lellalt session two and one half houri late with the an- nouncement 1hat one of the IO aenalort, was arrald to allend the dehele because of unspccl£Jed ''threats.,. · "My first vice 1puker; Sen. Vo Van Tru,.., ls '1IO mltl1ng ·and the wife of another oenablr, 1'rlli Duy Don, bu 11ld Don ,.., lddnaped," Huyen told the laW1D1ken. Ali I~ oppose Thieu's biU. e 111-Sent.encecl MEDIA, Pa. (UPI) -Marilyn llobreltoakl, a l~)'OIMl)d llliltller who """llled to alaylnc lwo polJctmea, WU ' Last week, the thret judges found bu guUly of flrat-<iegree. murder In the shooting deaths of Delaware Stale Troopers David C. Yarrington, 24, and Ronald Corey, Ill. e Press ClleeJc WASlllNGTON (AP) -The board of 1ovemon of the NaUonal !'rm Club bu voted unanimously to conduct a full«ale lnvelllgaUon of !ht N I •on od- mlnlllrallon'a relallpns with the neWI modia. The club'• pro!mlonll ,.1au ... ...,.. mittee WU directed Monday nighl to ..... duct the tnvesllg1llon and mate 1 J!Ubllc report by Oct. 12. ecen~rols WASlllNGTON (AP) -The Price Commillion II dropping conaldenUoa of anY ~ controla on food prlcta f• the time beln&, In the woke of Presiclml Nls· on'• decWoo to ellmlnate meet import mtrlctloos. Bui Coomllslon Chairman C. Jac- G,..)'IOn Jr. promised a mlew of food costs in about 1 month to.,. Jf braids conlroll are needed I Cease-lire In BeHast 'Effective' BELFAST (UPI) -A ca»llleeolled bJ the militant Provlllonol Wing ol tho Jt1JD Republican Anny (IRA) wml Into tffecl 11 midnight -but the ldJJlng ...,_ t1nued lodly. And then were more bloody lncldtnl.I in Ibo houri ond mlnu!tl before the truce hegon. Bernard Norney, 31, 1 truclt driver and father of five, wu lhol ond ldJJed bf gunmen today In lhe Romon Catbolic Ballymurpily orea of Bell.ut; on 11-year- old youth Ibo! In I gunblltie in the pre. truce houri died in I hoapllal today. '!be ldlllne WU lhe flrll lerloua Jo. cldent to mar the ceaJOoflro which bad been generally eHecUve for itJ first 1J hours. There were acattered cues ot allooting during the night, but Incident.I were minor in scale and hurt no ooe. Two soldiers and a policeman ltto died In seperale lncldenla In the houri before the truce, bringing to 394 the number who have died in the past four yean in fighting that involved the Catholics, the Prot.alants, the BrtUab Anny and Ibo IRA. Police !lid security forc<s ...,. not iJI. volved in the shooting of the truck driver, A spokesman said a bakery worker mU:~ ing his rounds wu approached by two men who ordered hbn to drive a car and the dead man to Royal Victoria iloopllal. The young Prolestant msn who died from gwubot wounds wu identified as William Galloway. He wu one of 10 civlllanl wounded In a gunbattle In tho Duncalrn Gardens. The olher vlctlnlls iJI. eluded a 3-year-old boy and an ~yW'<>ld girl. All were Prolestanl.I. There wu aome sniping at Brltiab army posts on bour alter the truce went into effect, pmumably by di .. bard mJU.. tant members of th'e IRA who found i& hard lo accept a truce. Whether today's assailant.I were al!o di .. bard guerrifiu was not tnown. Shell Explosion On Naval Ship Kills 2 Sailors SAIGON (UPI) -A shell nploded Monday inside one of the big guns on the 1 U.S. 7th Fleet destroyer Benjamin Stod- dert off the coast of South Vletnom, ldll- ing two aailon and wounding four otberl. A U.S. command spokesman 11ld todsy the shell blew up in the stoddert'• forward gun mount whlle the lhip wu firing on auspected Communist pooitlolll in the norlhern South Vlelnam. Nam.. of the vlctl!na were withheld and poalblo ClllSe of the uploslon waa not uplalned. In the air war over North Vietnam, Radio Hanoi cl.limed today 11 U.S. jel figbler·bomben were llhot down lo the past 24 bours. 'lbe report, monitored Jo Saigon, lald five of the six plann downed today were hit near Hanoi and their pllols captured. It gave no lndlcatlona of what happened to the crewmen of the sixth jet or those of the five downed Monday. The U.S. command never comment.a on Communlll clolnlls of downed U.S. aircraft but did 11y today that an Air Force Fl Phantom jet crashed from "unknnown C'auses"iu a raid lut Wedoe&- day about 50 mil's oorthwest of Hanoi and the two crewmen ere missing. A command spokeamon said the Jalesl loss brings to 984 the number ot U.S. planes lost since 196! Jn bombing raJda over !be North. The Radio Hanoi ,.pon put the number at 31197. Military 1pokesme~ lo Saigon said two allied aircraft were downed Mondoy ln the . relentless air war near the old tzn. perial capllal of Hue, lOO miles north of Saigon. The Salgoo command said on Anny AHi l'eCOllllaissan beJJcopter WU hit by ground fire and cnshed :JS mfiea northwest of Hue. 'Ibe two U.S. crewwww w .... wounded but rtlClled. A U.S. command spokesman uld <Jorn. !!':"' ~-Mot dawn a U.S. 01 . per '""·-=" oboervatlon plane 14 mil., oouthw.st of Hue. 'lbe pilot tptnt the night In Communist-Infested jungles but WU ,pulled lo llfety today, suffering O!lly an mjured wrist. Command lpoketrnan In ~ aald U.S. 1152 bomhen flew 21 mllalOaa lrorn noonV Mooday to I a.m. today in Soulh letnam'1 two northermnoot provtncu _ Thua Thlen and Cornmunist-lield Quang Tri. Despite the heavy air raids NOf!h Vletnameae gunnen pumped 'neoiiy 12,llOO rounds of artillery ancf mortar fire Into ell but one of the 11 baae compt·Jn Tbua Tblen Prvvlhce wi-the Soulh Vleinamese army bu tslabllabed Ila defense tone. In olher acllon, North Vl.UW- lroopa, unable to pt!W1to Ibo My Choi* River delenao line north of Ruo lonnchod bJg artillery and around 1tloclcf today on the wellern •-1> to the old lmpirjal Clpllal. The South Vl.UWO-llkf the altacb -one oaiy n .. mUoo 1rorn 11uo _ ,... repuilod Ind tbot the Connnunllla loot n -lllinll llChl ,......_-.. DAll.Y PILOT DELIVERY SERVICE ;lotlloly el "" 0..1~ -·--~:'t:'':l'.!. ':. :. ':.. "'.:. ': 71•~ • -Olli ............ -.. -~--"""' .., ., . ..... . ...... .... ........... __ -· .... ta• .,. ..... 9"111 .... t1'9ptw;w .. ""•' -. -.. (luMy .,... ....... __ ... ,~--_. WU,,....., r ... ._ ... -- IMI Ck'""""· C."""'9 lllrdl--L. 1111 Jlill1!I °'""""'"" DIM ~ ..,.. ut¥ll. ~ flllllllllf •• -- Tut!dly, JuM 77, lm Pfldfie Telqliw - Re.versal Asked 2 No--lault DAILY :or_§ ' ·obscenity Test 0 • • On Hike Denial Bilb Die; 1 Remains Using Mesa Case Near Death SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Pac(fic Telepbone bas formally aalted .iie Calllornla Suprmie Court to rev.,.. It. decisloo wlpbc out tllJ mlllloo in annual rate lncreaaes and o_.,. more than Sl45 million In refwids to CU1tomen. The !Inn alao aalted la a petition ffied Monday that tho ordtr be llayed, U the state court refuaes a reheuinl, to give time !or an appeal to the U.S. SUpnme Court. 1be 1iate court'• ruling, pushing ntea back to 1961 levelJ, Is scheduled to take effect July 9. II eliminat.d a $113 million 1enuat rate increue that went into tffect July 23, 1971. Pacllic Telephooe said it could ahow in a rebearing that the court "erred and deprived Pacific of it.a P.fOperty witbout tbe. due proct111 ol law guaranteed by the federal constitution." The Supreme Court uld the 1971 in- creases, tOtaling $1 a month in m'1ropolitan resid~ial rate.a, w e r e hued on an accelerated depnc:Jatlon tax accounting method tbe court disapproved method tbe court rejected. The petition said the Supreme Court in.. structed the Public Utilities Commission to study and consider alternate ta1 ac- counting method!, and the commission began bearings on that issue earlier this year. Due proces1 was denied, the petition said. because the court ordered refunds .. without waiting for the cOmmiss.ion's determination and without having before it any evidence on the issues which it had previously determined to be relevant and material." method the court rejected. The decisloo resulta In "'taklnl, away rrom Pacific the reven.. refllllred to oUset taxes wbk:b lederal. law roqultes It to p.1y," tbe petition said. ' The Supreme Court conu.decl Pacilic Td<phone' and General Telepbooe an the st>te's anly major utilltles. llOI. usin& ac:- cderated depreciation illcom• tu ac- counting and rebating toes .. v!d•to coo· sumers. · Appeal Court Appointee Confirmed LOS ANGELES (AP) -Despite ob- jections by aome attorneys in Ventura County, Chief Calilornia Aul. Atty. G<n. Herbert L. Ashby h13 been confirmed u new member of the State COUrt o( Ap- peal. The at.ate Commission on Judicial Ap. pointmeot! approved GOY. !\on a I d Reagan 's cboice ol Ashby Monday, but only by a 2-1 vote. Confirmation is usually routine. \The dissenting vote was· by Oiief iustice Donald R. Wri&ht ol the SACRAMENTO (AP) -The death ol two major no-fault auto Insurance P.io- -!s !~aves the CaHr.mia Lellalature with one m•Jor bill on the subject to !tame a poulble compromise on the louchy Issue. A hearing was scheduled !or today by tho Senate Judiciary Committee for the surviving ooe, by A!sembl)'man Jack Fenton ID-Montebello). Fenton baa said he would accept no amendments that be oouldn't 111iv1 with" The competing bil!J died Monday in the senate Finance Committee, the last hur- dle before moving to 1 floor vote. A bUl by sen. Alrr<(I Song (D-Monterey Park), wa.s rejected on, 1 4-t vote and one by Sen. Georl" Moscone (D-San Franciacol, died on a 1-1 vote .. Jq. an interview later Moscone branded J'enton's bill as 'Cjnsurance c:ompany- oriented" and said it would· have been a ''b:agedy" ir Gov. Reagan bad 1igned the bW In ii! present lorm. He not.cl his bill would have prohlblted rate bike,, through 1976 but said Fenton's bill contained no such provision. Jim Reed, representing 113 organi~ lions in the California Consumer Coali- tion, told the Finance Committee bearing no-fault "hu been sold to the public on the b1Si.s it will reduce premiums substantially . We don 't w111t it unlesa il reducu premiums." No-fault i.!J a system where aa in- 1urance company pays ita customer•' damages without regard to who was 1t fault in an accident. Fnm WU. Service& WASHINGTON, D.C. -Setlln& the 1tage for a Jone-awaited tell cl the legal definition cl obocenlly, the U.S. Supreme Court bas atreed to hear i n com- bination 1lx appealed cases, o n e originating In O..ta l\lesa. The pr<>ceedlncs scheduled for the high court's neat term beginning In October constitute a complete examln1tion or the sensitive issue and its effect on Americ111 society. Mail order litmture dealer Marvin Miller 's five court conviction in Harbor Judicial District Court ts 1monr the sis: aampte cases set for judicial scrutiny. Miller, whose conviction was later upheld lo Orange County Superior Court Oct. 12, 1171, maintains it is: un· constitutional. His attcrney1 argue that standards or lewdness and obscenity -a growing legal.social Issue -should be unifor1n throughout America . otherwise the deren· dant'.s guilt or innocen ce is unfairly decided. The malled brochures ad· vertisements for 1exy reading mat ter and one film -that he sent through the mails are no more obsce•e than materials readily available In bOOkstores. according to Miller's lawyers. 11le overall case review. to be made In the next term of court. involves such issues as: -Should a national standard of obscenity take precedence over state atandard s? -Does a state ha ve the right to close down movie theaters showing '"adult'' films? -Is it constitutional tor the federal 1ovemment to 1llow i nter at at• transportation of o b 1 c ~ n e in- formation irrespective or whetlioi-It la to be sold or 11sed privstely by tho shipper? -May the govenvnent ae.ize, 1s ot>..cene. material imported !or private use ind possessk>n? In the case of the ParlJ Adult 1lleater or AUanta, which appealed aelaure of two films on constitutional ground•, the court 1sked both ail:les to debate this question : If a the1ter advertises the oature ol the Him and provide.! re1son1ble safeguard• against admUtlnc juvenilt.'1, IS tho c!Uplay of a sexually oriented film permissible under the Coostitution! Tht court asked debate on the ume question bul involving picture maguines in the case of Village Books or Portsmooth, Va .. which challenged the state's right to seize and prohibit the ule or 300 books. Set for a second round of briefs ind oral arguments, meanwhile were two •P- peals by the gov~rnment and a Clllfornia case that poses the large question: Ex- actly 111hat Is a "conununity" 1gain.st whose slandards aexy 1dverUsement:i;, books and movies are to be judged? · The Justice Department appealed a ruling by U.S. District Judge \Varren J . Ferguson or Los Angele s, who ordered the retum of fibm, ~!Ides . calefKlars and booklct.s to Ariel 0. Paladini. who said he imported them fOr his own use. The government mairitains it ha s the right to seiie obscene materials designed for private use, despite 1 1969 decision that barred punlmJnent for possession of obscene material. An unemployed San Francisco drummer lay on a 9-story ledge for 30 minutes contem· plating a death p I u n g e be- fore a state labor interviewer reached the man and reasoned with him. A fireman, holding the man's shirt, persuaded him not to leap, and the man was taken to a hospital for ob- l!ervation. The petition contended the company's cost of service is computed u if it were using the accelerated tax depreciation I NEWS BRIEFS'·' • j Environment Unit CUSTOM 1All01$ IN OIANCif C<KINti Coast Bill Dies; Chances For Another Called-Slim eanrornia Supreme · Coutt, who nld Ashby "lacked Che necessaey e1perienc1 as a trial lawyer and as 1 jiidge." Bill Obstructed SACRAMENTO I AP! -A coa3tiine protoct.lon bill that conservationists termed worse than nothing at all has been killed in the Senate Finance Com- mittee -all bul ending chances for • coasUine biU winning passage thi s aession. I1norina: the author'• plu Monday to Early Education Concept Barely Clears 1st Hurdle e Collete• S•pportetl SACRAMEN'ro (AP) -'-Tht Callfornia SACRAMENTO (AP) -The Assembly is almost eithusiaslically in hi&hly tout.cl • t a t e en· favor of increased state 1uppori to com-vironment 1uperagency bill munity colleges. , bas bit a rock will in the That'• the imprmiolrgjveo by·the 72-0 A!sembly Ways and Means approval ol the llkoembe! J1ouse Mon· Committee. gend the bill on to the Senate floor, lhe day to 1 bill that would incrtlle-tbe IUP-The proPQSal Is a com- committee voted H to kill the measure port from 1613 per atudenl per year to promlJe between Gov. Ronald 1706. Re nd h -an actio{1. that put.a: the spotlight on a agan a t e con- coastline initiative that may be on the e l"anete• File Sult servatloni!ls. It would com· November ballot. bine the present state air and SAN FRANCISCO (AP) .-Olarglng water pollution boards Into a "It leaves us with the initiative," said they have been beaten, threatmed and single. new environment agen- Republicon sen. Donald Gnwky ol subjected to "couotlees ICll" of abust cy. Watsonville, Who authored · 1 con-si x San Quentin convietl •linked to ~ But It stalled on a 10-1 vote 1ervationiS.t-SuppoH.ed bW that was killed. priaon violmce in wbidt Georp: Jiclraon Monday, one short o( a ma- in a Senate committee earlier In the died have filed a '1 million damage ·auit jorlty ol the 21·member com· session. 1gainst prilQll autbc:ritie8. -mittee. However the 1uthor, 'lb . 1be suit, filed in U.S. District Court Assemblyman F.dwiu Z'berg uraday is the deadline when counly Monday, Aid all ah -cliarged wilt> (().Sacramento), was given a clerks must finish determining II the murder ln the Aug. II, If/I outllfeU: In chance to revlve it later. coastline has qualified !er the November Wblcb Jaclt-two otber, iDooer• anct Z'berg 11id the bill would ballot with the 325,504 aiinatutts three llllnls ...,.. killed -had aulfered stren&then stale anti-pollution necewry. Backen claim they have since the outllreak' occiirred. efforts by coordlnaUng them Oil Debate Rages Over. Palisades gathered mon: than 400,000 signa:tures. for the firtt time. SACRAMENTO iAPl -A "new con-Sen. ll<mis CallltDlet' (ft.Newport Z'berg was backed b Y LOS ANGELES (AP) - cept of education," under which school Beach), liked the committee to aPIJ'Ove l.. spokesmen for Reagan and the -his meas•-' Mooda al'""'-b S D '--residents are battl'-would start at age 3 years 9 months in--e . y, -• he enate U. mps Sierra Club. Bui a parade ol """'' -. stead ol ! years, has passed its first acknowledged it wasn't perfect but could other witne.ues attacked the plans lo pumr oD from legislative hurdle with 1 one-vote margin . be worked over on the Assembly 1kle. plan as 1 dilution of the beneath the manicUred lawns The 11 billion, five-year plan won an 11-One oI the major iuues involved Hel t B 'U power ol present anti'pollution ol Pad.fie Palisades, • prv1- ' vote Monday in the 2l·memb<r Qlrpeoter said, WU whether there should me f, agenc~. ptr'OUI coastal autiuril whoee Assembly Ways aod Means Committee. be "a strict, multilevel perm.it 1y1tem "F'irst of all, this establishes homeowners include G 0 v · Assemblyman Kenneth Cory ( o. and I don't think there should be... ' SACRAMENTO (UPI) -With a the 1 u Per a gt n c y . You Ronald Re1gan . Garden Grove), the sponaor, said it "in The measure a9t.bored by Grunsky and "lobby" of Hell'1·AnaeJa looking on estl.b1ish the pattern for NO Oil, Inc ., a citizens' .... , ..... , ......... SAYE UP TO 50% 2.!~~ s135 ""H.i~' l•114rl4 Cu111111 Mtft ::.,!'!IC"-'••~Pl,0K;<f'-·,-~""· ..:;.,.,,::( Sulh, SPGllCOlll, Jltekt. J~lltJ. 0...Me ••It . , •. St5 $ff • WI llT ANY 1111 lltk »-••h .•.•• II 65 c..1-.., •.•. ,· ... ti 11 ° ANY STYU CO,.ID Sloelloll" • • · •• • I~ If • fJlll ALQ•AflONI 1t11< w .. 1 ...... •> •• s•1n1 ••........ 10 • • IAIY •AYM9fTS ., ... "'"''" ..... , not flllS1 IWOltfl WOOi.fin • NUii.i r1nn esseric:e funds 1 new concept of educ•-by Democratic Msemblyman Alan Siero-and applaudlnc its demise, a.Senate regional government here," group repre9elltihl the 1otl-<11l tion ... wllh -•lfectlvenesa built ri&ht ty of Beverly lfilla in the lower house committee bu tilled a bill . ooug!lt id Rich rd Car l I b-rorces, predictr victory alter in from the very beainning." would have set up a systeni of 1il: by tbe caiifonril Klgbway P1trol to · 11 a pen er' 0 two years of battle 1gainst the Har confidence in you rlites· your art.:rits. ~ re"""'al boa~-and a ~-•--ide board -· moto cli I byist fOl' the League of I l Oc Id t I P t I "' The proposal wu drafted by Wilson •--· ·~ ·~~ reqllll'e rcy stato'W<atll.. Ca!UomlaCities. gan c ena eroeum When1helook11iyou,yo(J'rerudyto Riles, state superintendent of public in--all with veto pi>wer over coastline ty helmets. "You are taking a step Corp. climb the h."'hllt mountlin. You fell atrucUon. developments.. · 'Ibe measure by Repu.bUcan State backward . . . completely The latest skirmish came .. Cory said it Is intended to avoid ti· Develope<s and public utilities oppoled Sen. Craig Biddle was niected disrupting the progess we Monday in a hi&h achoo! her whole-hearted approval. Aste her lo pensive and ineffective :remedill tdu<;:.. tbe Grunsky-siff'Oty package, 1ayq: it Monday following an applause-have made. You might have auditorium in the community marry you with a beautiful diamond tion at higher grades by starting earlier would, in effect, put a moratorium on punctured bearing when none of the the finest coordination' ot the of 35,000 set on b I u ff 1 solitaire. Solitaires illustrated priced to help the children who now fall behind development along the state's 1,087-mile eight committee members praent poorest environment program overlooki._ the P1cific. from.$500 to $1000. in school and Jail. long coastline. olfered a motim to bring it . to 1 in the nation ," said John More than 600 1holiting, The bill was oppoeed by Roy M. Bell, 1be Carpenter measure only establish-vote. Fraser. lobbyist for the tr-clapping, booing ind hissing ~~=-=,::11 ... deputy director ot Gov. Reacan's ed. a statewide board and comervaUon 'Ibe propOs&l waa dmounced by 1 rigation Districts Aasociation residents crowded lnlo the ••nu.-riu,.. .... MnW Qfi,... '"· Finance Department, on the grounds that critics argued it would allow k>cal strin( of witntnes w.bo aaid oC California. auditorium -from inatrons SLA.VJ11'1K'S it committed too,.mucb money too fir iD-governrne.nts to go on approving en-helmets would be a hlµrd to The opponents 1 n c 1 u d e d with fur1 to young housewives -. " to the luture on an uncertatn prorram. vlroumeotallydamaging development" riden. . spokesmen for the County In jeana with children In tow Jewelera Since 1917 bil Bl.ut Bell praised the coocepb in the "Leaving development a ppr o v. a I "I don't want to be kWtd, dig! So supervisors Association 0 f -to participate In a Loo 11 FASHION ISLAND authority with local agencies and think· dm~ make me buy a helmet," Pat Cllllornia, the ca Ii I 0 r 0 ii An&eles Planning Commission NEWPORT BEACH 6H-l l10 "The concept that Wilson Riles has in ing they'll do a cood job ls like 1ettin1 O>ugblin, a youna:, fatigue-clad Farm Bureau Federation and hearing on whether to rezone Open Mon. •nd M-i. IO e.m. to 9:3 0 p.m. Uti5 bill ls 1n excellent one. It tries to 11--lot monkeys down 1t a typewriter and motorcyclist from Slcramento told other government and farm ~ ... ~a. es into 11 oil well Wlttt 11e....,_ If: T1trrllfl(1, Or•..,.. L• c.,.,...._ u N.,... tack 'the root causes," he sakl. But be ad-. saying now they're IOirll to produce the committee. Coughlin aiid he interests. 1 . ..:-=:w~M::_ ______ ~=====-~~..,~-::~·~...,~·~.,.=·~===========~ dee! thal "our opposition la to tbe rather 'Hamlet'," said John Zlerold ol the Sier· wu not an Angel. Z'beri aaid about IO --1 _m=u=s=lv=e=comrn====ltm:::::e=nl:::::o=l=ov=er==l=l=biD:::::lon:::::."===r=•=CJ=u=b=i=•=an::.:e=•r=ller::inl::::•l'Vl~·e=w=.----"=======================~~~o~l~lhe~a~cli~·~vi~ty~ol~tbe~~~~;;;~p~G·aed·~ .. I • WESTON STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF LAW OF ORANGI COUNTY new 1cc.,t1ni Mlf'I ... W•Mlft wht .,. •lttl•r: • -11 ..... t '"" ,, .c•.Mt .. , .... _...l ... 1• • -ti .... hrl• ....... 1111 .,,.,.... """ ~.t ~ltr ttt. ..,.,.. •I '"'"" I• ...... Ml ii. ~ """ • Thi: J.D. « lLL ....,.. tM be 11tl'\ld It! 4 f""I tf !Nff•lilN cltlltli J cl-,... -iu J-4 """" ptr d•H. A a,.dal "'-'"" .t '""'-. m ... , M s.w.,. k wll!W* ht fftlr-'fllll' ......... Apply Now for September 7th Day or Evening Classes Wttf1 OI l'MOHI POI INfOIMATIOH OI CA1Al.OIU( IOO South lreolchu"I Anohelm 92804 17141 635-3453 • Gr-'vttlt .,. liittt.lt ft t•kt ""' C.hf9fnl• Stet. W lt.llfliNlltn. ~t ACCllmtTa IT lMl CAUf'OIJlltA CMMm11 °' ... lltMUNllS ""' '· 1 f7L 1~~~~~,,,..,~~ .. ;,;:;,,,;POl;.;;..W~,..~~...,~~~~~I Psst ... Peel r ' '*tmd Cl&at.P11d7 d ~MdlllCll!lld9 haven't fol.lld I Jiii. Y• 1mtl lgtl'lt ""°"5 Ille Wflf· ,...- What you need is a little Financial Elbow Room. We've got great plans for you. Call your l'Mlllest Menu Ute ag,ent. Mani.di Ute lho_lila...._~ -Offilr.-- 11.L= -. HUNTINGTOH BUCK Tai: 551-1500 • -.. -.. .1 DAD.Y PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE • Intolerable A move to Impose cenoonhlp at the county level on educaUonal films has drawn a well-deserved protest from Supt. John Nicoll o! the NejYpOrt·'Mesa Unified Scbool District. A lJJt of. 800 of the 3,500 films in the county audio- vlaull library was put on a reotricted liat by Robert Dollll:er, head of the county au.dio-vlsull department. His action wu taken at the request of the cou.nty board of educaUon. The request brought memories of the heated controversy generated several years ago wbell an ullra"'l'nservative on the board sought to Im· poee his personal literary judgment on the schools. Wblle the board bu not yet formally adopted the cenaored llJt, Donker's department bu been carrying out the UmltaUons since Ju.ne 1, the da!A! when many teachers atart ordering materials for fall use. Teachers ol. lower grades are being asked to explain why their atudents should see the requeated film. Put practJce, one quite acceptable to the local achoo! 1ys!A!ma, bad been to classify them only for sug· gested grade level viewing. Teachers on other level• could use the films at their discretion if they thought them approprla!A!. This was a part of the program to decentralize and personalize the educational system. Nicoll, In a lettA>r to county School Supt. Robert Petanon, said, 111 find this sort of censorship unneces· ury. It throws the direct lie in the face of academic freedom and of the capacity of our Individual teachers to know better than anyone else the maturity levels of the atudents with whom they work. '40ur whole concept," he continued, " ... is voided by the lmpooltlon of censorship at some central level. I have faith In tho ability and the professionalimt of Censorship our !A!achera. I find lt demeaning to them to sugg..t that they are Incapable of. selecting materials appropri- ate to the maturity levels of their 1tudents." Peterson, blmsell a controversial figure In the put over his use of highly unaclentWc "barberahop polls" to Influence school declllon-maklnf, denied the new rules are a practice of censonhlp "In our aense of the word." Whatever his office'• "sense of the word" may be, Ibo action of one man in lmpoolng his judgment of ed· ucational suitability of a given film on teachers In local school sys!A!ms ls cerlalnly censorship by dictionary definition. Dr. Nicoll was quite right In demanding a reveraal ol the censorship action -and hnplylng a aoverance of bis dlStrlct's relationahl.l' with the county department "in this 1enaitive area If Peteraon and the county board do not end the practJce. Site Donation Needed In common with a great many other Institutions and Individuals, Pepperdine University Law School would like It very much If someone would dona!A! ocean• oriented Wid along Orange County's southern coast. Now housed In an office building complex on West• mlnater Avenue (17th Street) eaat of Harbor Boulevard In Santa Ana, the &Choo! wants a campus-type atmos- phere, preferably at or near the oceanfront. But that would r~uire a gift of the land or cub to acquire it Tho rvine Company ts negotiating on a possible •ite. bu and donation Is not Involved. A &Choo! of this type would be an asset to the area. No Clear Definition Yet, fJut • • • A Political A New Political Coalition Platform ls Like Plywood WAllllNO'l'ON -The 1ooC presidential lll'lmarJ electton seucm bu come lo ID ind wtill -11 that were not fomeen or ... -r when It aJ1 began In tbe -"" Hampohlre. > Tllo -and )'OUl!let elements of the Domocradc ·J>ll'IY hon rajecled the old loodlnblp wblcb WMa..tonacoel- ltlm at !Illar, blacb, el1lalc IJ'OUPI and --lclUI Uber· all. .... Georl• Me-Govem II probably qulle rllbt tn refer-rillll to t1ie elem-wblcb made him tho -ol the prlmarl,. u o new coall· lion ol poUt1cll for<el. Wllal Ulla now coollUon 11 actually """'P""" GI bu so fir defied clear clellnltlon. But It bu cleorly rejected the old coolltloa repr .. nted by Hubert H. llllmpbre)' and Edmund 8. MuHle. AOOORDINO TO Humphrey, tbe new .,..;1111M II compwd largely of voters In the 11affluent" aiburbll, upper Income blacb, and campuHtleoted lntelloc- lulll. Tbll doel not oeem lo be quite ......,, to -I for McGovern's 10 primlrJ 'rictoriu, althou&I> It mlibt be p>'lih!t, tlkfDI Into account that only a nlltmly aaJ1 fraction of the Iota! Dlmacratlc Vole toot pll1 ID the prtmariol. Tllo MW coall!llln would have lo extend far beyond IUd1 -conllnet lo pose a 1erfo111 threat. lo the ,..iectlon of President Nlzm. 'l11e ~caled aupPorl of labor, the su·rprise WASIUNGTON -The House Armed Strvk:el lnvestlg1tlog SUl>commlttte may come up with .1 lllartlln& aurprise regardlng Gen. John Lavelle. It'• poaible the special psne1 may recommer>dlhatlbe former commander GI 1be llevlnth Air J'oraabo-.cllo ......,,....._"" lllold GI blio( dO: _., .... ,,_.t --lllCI retired Io r 11111udlorllod etrltel aplnlll North Vietnam'• maalve bulld"'t> for Ill violent spring oflenslve. Wbetber the U<nember subcommltlee (7 Democrats, f Republicans) wlll make 1ucb an unerpected recommendation ls debatable. But ,It II beh'I serloualy discuued ID the private deliberations on the group's auN•I COUT DAILY PILOT (mcHARD wn.so~ JDUI of black and ethnic voten, and loyally to tho old Idea of tbe DemocraUc party, have all been in'gredlents ._,,. lo vlclory In the presidential electlon. Tbete elements nearly aayed Humphrey ID the closing weekl of the 1968 eloctlon. IF TBElll SUPPORT Is lo be diminish- ed now by lack· of interest in McGovern's new coa!Ukn, tn !act by a hlih degret of ausplclon GI It, victory wlll come \hi! much harder. The zeal of 'McGovern'& hf.gbly moUv1ted, young 011anlzatlon may not bl a full aubsUtute for the old line, labor-financed IJOmocrallc vota drlve1 of the put. 1.eal la abnply not enough Jn a pres!· dentlal eI.ecUoa. Thia has been learned by a IUCcellku ,of candJdates who repreaented eomething "MW" from Wendell Wlllkie through John F. Ken- nedy. WlJllde was defeated and KeMedy won ooly by tbe narrowest of margins. A new coaliUoo, not in Jtaelf represent· lng a surging movement in the whole Democratic party, will have lo croos par· ty lines as did the Roosevelt aod El>enhOwer coaUUons. Thia II singulsrly dlUlcult for the McGovern coallUon with its minimum of appeal lo Republicans and Its put-off of people wbo think of themselves as Democrats. ONE NEEDS ONLY run down the list of 1talel carried by Humphrey and . George c. Wallace in 111111 to Judie the difficulties facing the kind of coalltlon which McGovern repruenta. McGovern has lllt1e reuon for optlml!m that he could carry many of tbe'8 19 atsteo, U any. He would have lo carry all of them, or their equivalent, and more, too, to ' EDITORIAL RESEARCH defeat Nixon. A political plalfonn so m e t i m e s It becomes necesury, then, tO tblnlc of resembles pl}'WOOd - a slick of plankl whether or not McGovern can defeat Nix· each bonded qalnst the· grain of the a~ ext ID C&lllomia, Dlinoll, Oblo, and other joining onu. Since the two major atstes which Nixon carried In 111111. American partie1 are large a n d SUrveylng the possibility of victory In heterogeneous, their quadremilal election such states cannot be very reusurlng to manl1111lol must appeal to a variety of Mf'Govem'o m111agen. Much lea are lllllU)ll whoae Interests are for from iden- the1 likely to be encoarqed-by victory , Ucal. Thua, the plat!~ tend to prospects ·in IUCh states as Alabama, straddJe controversial iasu'a or, when Georgia, Louisiana and Milllulppl, car· this 11 not posalble, to oiler "oomethlng rled by Wallace in 1988. Or, for succen in for everyone." llUCh Humphrey atste1 u Texas aod '111e DemooraUc Party may fllld this Pennsylvania. · •Piroach difficult lo follow In 19'12. ASSUMING THAT Wallace Is not an"" dependent candidate, It la dlfftcult lo Im- agine that much of hill support ID the South would go lo McGovern. The "can't win" idea ii thus likely ,to attach It.elf early lo tho McGovern candidacy. It most be said, In fact, that Humphrey and Muskie have already, In effect, pinned that label on McGovern's new coalition. A candidate who "can't win" may have an underdog appeal (everyont remerri- .ben Harry S Truman tn 1948), but It II not a stance much desired by pru:idenUal candidates who are trying to inspire workers with the idea that victory ii within grasp. lnlllead of draftlnl a ·platfcrm julll prior to the convention. u wo customary in the past, the Democrats began a series of 10 regional platform bearings on May 30 • The full platform committee met In Wash- ington on June 23 lo hammer oul the final document. IT REQUIRES NO cryatal ball lo predict that minority reporls on a number of planks will be 51.lbm.itted to the convenUon delegates 111 Miami Btach. On school bu.ting, for eumple, It Is hard lo imagine a fonnula that would satisfy both Rep. Shirley Cbilhoim and Gov. George C. Wallace. Sen. G e or g e McGovern's ideu on defense spending and tax reform likewise are IW'e to 1tlr heated debate. • Ill Lavelle Case? ft Is conceivable, then, that some parta of the Democ:ratic platform will prove dlstollleful to tbe party'• presidential nominee. 'lltls bu happened before. In 1912, the Democratic p 1 a t form specifically commJued the nominee to advocacy of a conitJtutional amend.men~ limltlnl the President lo a single term; But tbe party's standard b e a r e r 1 Woodrow Wilson, condemned llJCb a limitation as "irbitrary and unsatisfaCT tocy Crom every standpoint" after ht became Presldent In 1913. (ROBERT S.AI.I,EN) ,. forthcoming report 011 the Lavelle case. The report, which haa lo be 1pproved by ~ full Anned Services Committee, is expected within ten days. THE PROPOSAL that Lavelle be restoffii to four-star rank haa bipartisan support. No member of the lnvestigatlng Su~ committee favors disciplinary action against Lavelle. Sen. William Proxmire's coutt.-martlal demand is shrugged off as ''characteristic publicity seeking and grandstanding.'' Derisively remarked o n e com- miUeeman , ''He can alw1y1 be expected to llliak In his load-moutli "' lo gnb ofl o self·servln& hesdllne." Unquestionably Gen. Lavelle made a dislinctJy favorable Impression dlll'ln& hlJ interrogation by the Investigating Sub- committee. This was noted by Rep. 11. Edward Hebert, 0.La., chairman of both the special panel and the full Anned Services Committee. COMMITl'EEMEN oocnmended the former Seventh Air Fcroe commander'• candor.. forthri&ht a~coptance ol full responsibility and lnterial desire to 1tltck the Commuol1ls' unmls~ka~le i?f•PArt· lions !or a big offenal... · • • Illuslr1tlve or this qmpalhetlc atUtude wal the comment of Rep. John Hunt, I\. N.J.: .. "It 110D11 to me the only thins wrong about the •lr lllrlkes you ordered wu Ulot there abou1d baft bee 1 lot more of them. W!iat you clld on your own ......,.n.utty In a smaJ1 w11 belo1< _.,.......,..-....... w W8 \z'ntellb' ........ oa a llrst alt -Ibo off-IOI-.._,. "In yoW' considered judgment, could the offensive have been averted or smashed if there had been an all-out assault against tbe build-up that wu very apparent ?" "I AM QUITE SURE of that," replied Lavelle quieUy . "ll we couldn't have c:ompletely stopped them, we certainly c:ould have crippled them 10 dezperately that they couldn't have gotten very far." Lavelle's 28 unauthorized strikes took place between Novem~ li'll and March a, 1972. They a eoncmtra- tions of North Vietnainese armor, artiJ.. lery, aircraft, oil and other supplies in an area up lo 15 miles north ol the demll~ tarlzed zone. Detslls ol tbla muatve mllltsry buildup were fully known In top Pentagon quarters. Two weeks after Lavellt'a dMtructln raids were baited, the North Vietnam• launched thtir aJl.<>ut offensiv• acroa tho eHtern hall ol the DMZ. Ten· daya later, l'ralldenl Nixon unleashed tbe sllllhlJll air counlorool· fenslve aaalnst North Vietnam. Dear Gloomy Gus I could uoe a low mllllons, Gua. Get me a city job wbert I can base my land 1POCU11U001 on Jn. aldo ad'rante ln!ormatlon. Conflict of IDl<rlll! Ha. ""' ............................ __ . .,, -·.. ... ,_,,,, ...... -........... The Democntic plaUorm of 1932 called for "an immediate and drastic reduction of governmental expenditures by abolish- ing u I e I e 11 commtssiont and of. fices, COlllOUdatlng departments and bureaus, and eltmlnitlng extravagance to 11CCOmplllb a 11v1DC of not laa than 25 pel'Ctllll In tho coat of the federal govern- ment." By the end •f Frantlln D. Roolevelt'a Brat term, however, federal Rpendilurtl bid nearly doubled, to fl.~ blllfon. FDR .nevertheltSI •J1Ued thst the pla\. form plqe had been "definllelj fuUlll· ec1 so f• u 111a ordinary l'1lllllhW ... -of the 1ovemment ,.... ...,. ~" Ht pointed out that the lncrMse .in gov.......a _.ting WU CIUleci by "tbO moaJ .... fimctlolis wblcli tho ... . lt'1llllllll ~ an.r Mardt 4, ... . the many new odmlnilllraUve apncles whlcb were arpnlrod, and the vut ... pend!-!or rellel, pubUc -.u. and related projects. .. SUCH LOOIDNGGLASS 1oi1c may brMd eynlciam tn voters who upect pla\. form ple4ges to bl ~. But Gerald M. Pomper of lluliert Unlvoralty, who 1tudilll\ 'the file al platform prom1aeo from llMf lbl'Olllll U., found a aurpr!J. ln&IY lllP -ii llllNlment. Ploctgeo GI the wlJllbC'""' .... -tn 71 per-cenl GI 1llt -i ... GI Iha 1o1i1W per· lylllAPll .... Plaltaiw..,. a• pw;111=· 'nlttr are -...._Ill IDill """IM pldoo II P111r -.. -I ruJ111 wro4a, "P1d111 llalallwn•tllll >objlol-lllftllllllPS IFJlrllr wllt cqlll t1 •.. 711 7 111111'1111 1111111-•12 .... .ir&• n .,... --....... 1111 Ii ... Oii.. , . I' We Can't Have It Both Ways Listening to an ardlty CONetV&tive friend holding forth at lunch the other day, I reflected on an irony that he would hardly appreciate -the kind of world he Js seeting may be found in the Soviet Union. He waata a society without organized crime, or m u c h crim~ of any IOrt; a IOCiety wf>ere the people work bard and haw a ,.... iJl community effort; a society where the ' medJa are not per· mitted , to be "irrespoasible" or "inflam- matory"; a aociety where authori'y is re>pected, Where young people study hard, and where the national defense budget II considered tbe main priorliy of government. BUT, OF COURSE, my friend Is a violent ''anU-O:mununlst"'" He recognizes Russia u a vicioul totalitarian regime, and objects vigorously to Its ant~ capitalistic bias and its a n t i . i n- dlviduallstlc phllooopliy. Yet it never oocura to him that the only fast and euy way you can ·achieve the kind of IOciety be desire1 it by enslaving the people. That tbe social virtues he ad· mires are virtues hard to obtain in a democratic, pluralistic, individualistic, competitive society. Or that the profit- rnotlve itself generates much of the disorder and dissent he so deplores. WE CAN DO AWAY with crime, make people wort hard, control the media, ~YDNEY J.HARRI~ ensure respect for authority, compel youngsters to study hard, and make defense our main national expenditure - all we have to do is impose a totalitarian pattern on the country, by force, fear and intimidation. It is impassible to hilve both kinds of societies at once. There are advantages and disadvantages to each, and I happen. to think that the disadvantages we suffer in the U.S. are minor compared with the disadvantages of Jiving in a monoUUtic. state-controlled nation like R us s I a • Obviously. we don't have to be as disrup- tive and anardtl<: aa we are; but neither do the Russians have to be as repressive as they are. EACH SYSTEM possesses the defects of its virtues. Capitalism needs to move fwther in the direction of aocial equality, and collectivism needs to move further 1n the direction of Political liberty; but it is absurd and naive to assume that we can get something without giving u p something else, which is the tragic fallacy of all ideologies. What my friend really yearns !or II a collective society on the bottom, con- trolled by a conservative elite who decide where the benefits go and bow they are distributed; in this way, he hopes to get the best of both worlds. The technical name for this illusion is a short and ugly ,one: it 1s called fascism.. Hawaii ls Deteriorating Honolulu'• Ala Moana iJ the world's lara:est abopplng center, a 50-acre com- plex of lllO 1bopo (Including a Dunkin Donut stand) oeething with a hybrid humanity In pineapple prints and parking lots jammed with Datsuns and Toyotas. That's one of the things wrons with Qahu, according to a tart and articulate observer, Francine du Plall:s: Gray, in her lnvesUgation of the state, "Hawaii: Tbe Sugar-Coated Fortress." The hook, lllght but penelrating (it oriJl!ialed as a New Yorker profile} Is one bl& anti-travel poeter. It IJ the most negative display 'of public relations the lllands have had llnct Captain James Cook wu ltllled there, pll'lly, as the lady notes at one point, "because he wu taken f(lf • 1od and was apected to act llke one." THE WmTE lmmlrtatlon 1ince Cai>' tam Coot hun't c1me the pl1ce much good, Mn. Gray mat .. clear u •be in- vestli1tes !he cullure and poUtlcs of the lslandl, the overcrowdlns, the ever· present bill mJUW, and tbe deep-eeated racial teoslona thlt exllt in Bawali'a much-louted meilb>C pot. She dmcribes tho new Hawaiian ns· tlonalJmi: tbt powlng 1ti1abnent qalnlt lbe "Mola," U. white mllnland forellnm, tn-.i rivalries and -bet-a--, J..,._, Puerto -. flllploaa .... .., lllhlrilll. a. ..... .,_., at Oallu'• car ....,,., """""" ..--wl. -• •12•7 .......... la 1z1111-... ••• tr le Illa ...,i ............ ,, •••• '111;. ·-....... t•1111111, dllUI ~ tall ~. a~ .... ..,,_ ID Ibo talalOk -•••• Illa -... -. I II 11171 ... IF -• lD.L •nib' mau.11 lit tho ._...... ..uq (THE BOO~AN J of the cream and rose-hued university camput:, heavy with bread.fruit, avocados and purple jacarandas. HOWEVEll, Mrs. Grsy lookl at Wailtlld of song and story and sees Utile more . than Coney Island on an Allfllllt Sunday~ and Honolulu11 slums are aa ugly as those on the mainland. She expreaes HaWlll'1 distrust and resentment of the vast military establishment in !ti mid,,t -th.la ttlg&r-coaled fort.resa, or "fen. tagon ol the j>aclllc" -although tbe military bas been the chief IOW'Ce ol the region'• boom over the past two decades. Mra. Gray plays the turbulent ... pansion, over-development and ienenl Loa Angelesiution of Hawaii ag11nst 111 hllllory. The result II an lllumlnallng realistic and depretling 1Urvey of 1 com'. plex American aru. It la a document about •• lar removed Crom the jamlllar 1""11111 brochures OI you can find (Ran- dom House; $5J5). .----B11 Gee?'fe ---. lJ:eor G.Orge: Your main ,fauJI u an ldVlce co~ llllWol II you 111 ~ ID ple11t Ibo leller wrltet leolilid of btlnl ""* llld -PleMt bl moro -TIRED OF PAP Door Tlnd: 0 .1[. Ile -,_ llaed: .... --··-· •• ~ . . . .. . ' . -'~way From It All'' • • , 'Winston's real, rich, satisfying taste makes any occasion ' · · . . a little mo.re pleasurable~ Be~aQse Winston always tast~s good, like a cigarette should . Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined. That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Yo~r Health. •tlJI &~ H•lltOl•t tONCCO COIPAn. WllllTOll•IALlll, II.•· • KJllG, 20 Jiii. "111".1.4 mg. nitotiOI. eox, 20 mg."tef, 1.3 mg. nicM.1¥. 1111 cignt11. FTC Repon APR. '72. • • • • . . / ' ' • • • Tut!Qy, Juno 27, 1972 'W esty'·· Honored Termed 'Right Man ... at Right Time' Fr<m WlreServkel Ci11ac bit part In the U.S. troop wlthdr1•1l fn1m Viet· 111111, Pruidenl NW>n hu iwlln!ed outcomg Anny OU.I ol stiff w 111 h • c. w-... bit fourth diilill(Ullhed service medll 11 a quiet White H o u 1 e ceremony. "HiJ uceptioual Jeaderahip llld 1110e11 dedlcalion 1o duty I PEOPLE l throughout tllil period are the hallmlrts of his brilliant career," llid the citation read by Army Secretary Robert F. Froehlke. "The nation had to have 1 •trona man, a dec~nt man, a lood mon u chief of 11111," Nixon told the tour-star renenl u be pinned the medal on his blouse. 11You were the rlaht man in the rl1ht job 11 Ifie rl&ht time." Nixon announced last week th1t Westmonland w o u I d retire Friday a.1 the Army's top-<IDking officer after :le years in the aervice. * Aaceta 0.Yll will arrive in Chile ·later thla week tor 1 two-week v!Jtt, ChUe'a Com· munist Y outb announced. Mill D1vll hu been Invited u an officlal 1uest of the youth organization. During her visit, Mtu Davis AllAlllM .l 11 l°•-Cllfw famou brand gr atJy r· due d -OITIUCll r.-.hland lf'ft-1 ~i...-Plozo SAi 1111110 Foshioo Y<*r • • Rer. to • Ntiw 3&.u DOM1N1e hMANo • ••• 19" 35.88 AMALFI .•••••••••• , )99o 31.80 IMDEMOISRLE •••••• 1790 32.U INGENUE by I Mmer ••• I 790 . 1790 27.• AMANO •••••.....• ft.II PAUL ALLAN Shoes ••• I 790 hurry to our • semi- annual Fashion 'Shoe Clearance SIZESTOl O·•ATOB • (N twport S1or1 Only. SllH tt It, lllM 0,en Synday 12 to S P.M.) · •MW..llollli1flltlllh111itl•N0Refund1! ,.AlllAllAN ~f!Gf • • • ' . wltl 'QUEENIE "'~ ltf •.• ,,,.. "' Weight Doctor8 Re~ly it1 ·Chi -~ . ' . . ~~"IUt. ''&I ~ '•i. ,, ~~-iiill . 'i ~ Jji liit Ila~. -• . r 1 : trl ~'~\r!tll'-=~i :Im ... :*ZJ't .. ~ .r1~1111t:=11.j!lt'1tt. ti. . WllAT't UIO mmttionfft -Ill Ill! 'fltli 1111, tilt til. .it • .!t~ .i.iit~..:WA1·=1~im.,..,• •1e 'l'.''l'f!T oldbo1 ,,., 'tom M-. lie alao 11ld: "U.m- let is the tragedy <i tackling 1 !1mlly problem too 10011 " after college." And: "You're not treating a girl right UD· Jess you ruin her digest\on." Q. "WWCH way does a cat purr, breathing out or breathing in?" A. Both ways. Two vocal chords. One sounds off on the inhale. the other on the exhale. It 's not like snoring. Q. 0 HOW many miles per hour does your blood run through your arteries when you exercise?" A. LiWe better than rive m.p.h. Address mail to L. M. Bo1,1d, P. 0 . Box 1875, New- port Beach, Calif. 92660. Men in SerNice Marine Pvt. Jtlta A. Mori, '90ft of ~-•114 Mra. William L. MOH til~-~Doter Drive1 N4"pOrt -. l('lcluatea 'from basic training at Ule Marine Corps Recruit Depot in San Diego. Eddie G. L. Jorde of 810 S. SUlllvan, Santa Ana, has been promoted to Stall S.r1eant in the El Toro Marine Air Reserves as a member of Marine Medium Helicopter Squacfroll.714. --Army second Lieuten1nt ' lht ~~jt;::-:.i.IOO of Mr.... .. 0. ~-I!I A-, limo.Ni NIMllr .. , ....... nlne-wea air de!enoe lrlill<ry officer basic course at the U.S. Army Air Defense School, Ft. Bliss, Tex. Army Private David E. Limit, JOn of Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Lamb, 6 311 Abraham, We.tmine:ter, i a llligned to Ft. Ord,' where ht is trllnliw under Ille mod«n volunteer Anny Field Ez. perim<nt. - ' • Florida Closing In On ·Land Swindle.rs ~ other state. t by far the llf jorlty or undeveloped ii considerably nd is worth in ," be added. ·g WHO WEARS t.. Ill ~eral insurance Miii ':".tm\ fee!J strongly thlt ....., is a consumer General Louis J. LeOwwlll said the company failed to in· form the buyer's that aome _of the land was under water, t~ accessible or bad not been surveyed. Nortek denied the allegations bot consented to the order. Reacting to charges that lhe Florida Land Sales Board was just a land sales lobby ~P· Gov. Reubin Askew aboli!hed the board. RESPONSIBILITY F 0 R regulating the state's second largest industry was handed to the Department or Business Regulation. specifically the Land Sales Division. Then Richard A. Pi 1 o t, chairman or the department , i 11 1 ~organization, appointed a land sales ad- visory council. Three of the k o v e r , ' ' seven members are officers of JI "we've gotten large land sales firms and th• nviction, three chairman is Sen. Verle Pope, ents pending, (0-St. Augustine), • real of really ma-estate broker. t'•l•f, .. There •H ....,,lings of •' t!MHeum o 11 t .It I tllilderness ....,..Mil, •. !lirming out the, 1--.:=.:,.:_ _____ _ EMERALD BAY IRYINE COYE RESIDENTS We Deliver Fine Groceries, Liquor, Fr11h11t of Produce &. Manning• Beef 673-3510 COAST SUPER MARKET 3347 E.COAST HWY. CORONA DEL MAR '""'"" ,_. NOW SERVING H HOURS DAILY ......... C•CIU•ilt f11l9rf•lrlrllMt CAPTAIN'S TABLE COFFEE SHOP P1*w IJJ.lnO. irporter G/nn ~~!~ Gone" • Roady to S...o wltll Hooey '• Sptco Ghm • lcleal Fw -1"9-No Preparatloo . .. • Imported Cit...., ..i Wion • Dollcat ..... wltll Saodwlun To Go • Al Typos of c.tll'iat J7ot I. Cfflt Hfttrwer. C..... .. M• -67J•'flM 1 •llcll WMf lftf CNWM lltlMwllt Im S. .... 6Jl·24'1 CONTEST STARTS THURSDAY HARBOR SllOPPING CENTER • it so ' -. , . • UCI Profs For the Record Publish 6ALTZ BERGERON FUNERAL HOME eo .... t1e1Mat m.tlA Colla M-Ill UZI BELL eloADWAY MORTUARY 111 e .. adway, Costll -LIWUI McCORMI,:l LAGUNA BEACB•AORTUARY 1111 Lagana Cuyoa 114. IN-1111 PAarfcvm. MEMOJUAL PARll: Cemet«y MorlalrJ CMpel 1111 Padfle View Drive N....,.n BHell, Callfonla -PEEi. 'AMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL DOME 'WI BGlaa A.w. w--r 1111121 SMmlS' .foRTUARY 117 Mala St. 1lutlllclta -... 'Eco-film' Presented C.therlne WllJJlllll! o I Oraage ha.! preaented Harry M. Rowe Jr., of the Orange "County Public Library, with an ecology and nature study film, "Wbile There Is Still Time." Mn. Wllllams Is a member of Jasac Walton League, founded SO years ago by a group of sportsmen to en- courage wiae use of the na~ tion'1 natoral resources. During the &Ullllner of 1971, Mn. Wllllams served as both president and delegate for the Anaheim !Utts at the 49tb Na· Uonal Convenlion of t b e League. Theater Rides C'ircus Performer: Doug Ramsey, 13, of Thousand _Oaks, ge~ a kick out of the striped face he wears m Laguna s famed Pageant of the Masters. It begins Its nightly. six- week run in Irvine Bowl July 14. Dou~ Is m Picas- so's "The Circus Family." He is spending the sum- mer ln Laguna Beach and lt will be his second year In the Pageant Efficiency Awards Go To Four UCI Employes IRVINE -A Harbor Area quartet has been singled out for awards for suggestions for Improved on-the-job efficiency at UC Irvine. Linda Husak and Jessie Bamyak, both of Costa Mesa, have received $25 for sug- ge>ting mooey ... vlng Ideas under an efficiency program on the UC Irvine campus. Mn. Husak, a aecretary in the mathematJc. depertmen~ was rewarded for a propoul to dlJconnect pbones unused in summer montb5, that official! '"Umate that could save 15,000 or more. Mrs. Barnyalt shared her award with another UCI telepho-Hlce employe, Carl Eili jW propooing a revlsl.,. In telephone bill.Ing procedureo which might Iring a fl~ an- nual savings. The Harbor area women are two a( seven UCI employes granted awards from the eft' ficlency program headed by Vice Chancellor for Bu.sines& and Finance L.E. Co1. Winifred G. Spohn o I Newport Beach also received $25 reward for money-saving ideas on campus. Mn. Spohn, a n ad· ministratlve assistant In the purchaslng department, received bet award for sug- gesting the uae o1· mlnlalura telephone bead!els In two departmenb. It reportedly Is saving IZ,000 a year and Is In- creasing employe comfort, UC! olflclala said. Awards are given llllder the efficlency-111BBestlon program headed by Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance L. E. Col .. VCI 'Veteran Named Assistant Chancellor A Corona del Mar woman who haa aerved on the llaff of UC Irvine al!lCt 1962 when lt was begun, has been named assistant chancellor for ad- mlni!tratlon by Chancellor Daniel G. Aldrich Jr. Mrs. Eloise Kloke, executive assistant to the chancellor, gets a new UUe to reflect the scope and level of assigned responslbWUes, Aldrich said. Mrs. Kloke coordinates ~ mlniltraUve activities t n several areaa:: tbe chancellor's Adm1nlatrative advisory coun- cil and other campus com· m I l t e e a, federal-state con- tllcll, tile UC Board of ,Regentll and COWICiJ o I chancellors matters and the UC! aHlrmaUve acUoo pro- gram !or employment op-ASSISTANT CHANCILLOR p or t. u n I 11 e 1 for etlmic UCI'• Elolaa Kloke minor1Uea: and women. She repreaenls the chan- cellor on the advisory com-Mn. Kloke wu .-1 ... _.. it LONDO!i (AP ) -London mlttee on the stllUIJ of women ,,.,..w theatergoers are g.e t t In I and admlnllf>rs the chill-Paloa Verdel College for special late night trall!]Jorla· cellot'• oUJce. . aeven yean, worked with the lion lo lake them home alter AddlUonaUy, Mrs. Kloke will federal government for five the ahow. Buaei run from Pie-coordinate c 1mpu1 w Ide years becoming west coast cac!Wy Clrcus to Paddington persoMel matters. rqiona] director of t h • and Liverpool Street railroad Prior to joining the UC! stations, to coonect with late ota/f during the planning President'• Conunlttee o n 'Tragedy' Committed After Heist Reappointed I A-SC-. HAUOI cnnn ------... 11141 tnJIH trains. lllges or tis deveJopment, Government Contracll. ~;;i;;;;i;;;;;~-------~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil--iiiiii " I See by Today's Want Ads e A PLACE AT THE BEACH " wal!IJW for )'OU -the larp t bedroom ll<olll 4. Juty and AUllll( AN the J110llthl It will be available. e UKE KIDS! A babysitter Ja wanted for the tummcr from lloodq thru '"'- da,y with a hall da,y Moo- da,y. e YOU CAN travel and not ~ll>oota....,.wUh ttrlo Ill Nimrod Ctprl. It oleeps 4 ""' "" • --....., wltb Ill*. °""--· DOES A CORONER OR MEDICAL EXAMINER HAVE THE RIGHT TO DIRECT WHERE A DECEASED PERSON BE TAKEN AFTER DEATH1 by EUGENE 0. 1Elt6ERON ................ , ...... ,,.... .................... ..... Mt11tY a.swUe1ts• • .._ ... ..,_ er -..t fl lluet:MI II "-._. .._ ..... ...,...., .................... tr.. ...... 1 ..... -... _.,, ......... I a .. w .. _,_..., ... ...,._ .. _,,.._._.._., ......... ... ._. f!I fte •111 I f'I ....,. If.._ 9f ... ,_.,le cu 1'*11 et ....... ef ........ UNiW If .., ..., ........ I 5'ZSU .. r•1c:u4 tee,... ...... ., ,,..... ---·· w... .... " ................. .., .... ~ •• •111•••• _.. • _ ... , .. .._ " ...• m .. -.;.. ltk....,,•11 .................... _,I 11 llMf ,., 1121 .. ..., ... ........................................ 1 7 ........ .., .... _. ...,.. 1Wr ........ 1 ........... _,' ....... ., ................. ....... II ,_ .... e I 1ea ................. ..._ ..... w ... M :a f lf1, '..,., .... _,,,............ . Bfll.t~·Be"fleron Fwr•I B0111.e COSTA MllA COIOllA W MAI Ml 24J4 I LOCATIONS l7J.Mll ' T""'"1, Juot 27, 1972 I DAIL I' PILOT I LEGAL NOTICll LEGAL ~OTICE .. • · . • • DAILY PILOI s Tondlf, -27, 1912 Business OVER THE COUNTER Sou!llen! Cl1llomla Edllon ComlllJ!ll'• boanl ol dlrectoro have1ilthorilod piano ta ralae up ta f!J$ ftlllllan lhrouib the ult of llnl IDd nlundlng ""'"'"'' boodo. DetermlDatloa ol the eu<I alllOlllll ol the illlle wtll be made at 1 later date. The new llllle. Serleo BB, clue 11197, to -'°' btddlnc on Wedneaday, Au1. 11. The electric company ti· pecta ta file an appllcallon with tho CllUomta Publ ic Utilltlea Commlulon on July 10, ~ IUthorlaatloa to lalue IDd aell the boodo at compotlUve blddlnl. lt'a time to FlY ... Wlly Ill..,,. .. ........ >·""-""11 LIASI or IUY ••• ---1m°CoNTININTA~ Oii Mlacli•v--.. ,.,., .................. ................. u....., *'WWI.,.,_, ...... .,.. .... ....... ,.. ........ ....... ..... .,,..,.... ....., . ,., ,.,. -- ORDER YOURS TODAY! PlllOllClllDd • StyHsh • Effldlllt Onltr For Yo•l'Mlf or a Frltncl· Mty be u1ecl on envelop11 •1 return 1dd,..11 &..Nik AIM very h•ndy •I ldentifi'cation 1*11 for m•kin9 personal item1 such •• MHa. ncord&, photos, etc.. Lebels stick on ..... •ttd "'•Y be "'" for rn1rkin9 homr un11it foc4 items. An l1bel1 ere prlntM """'tl}'lith Vogue typ. on lint q .. lity ,..hits jd 1 Fl~,.,.,. I I ,..-;t":.:"=~:;:;; .. -:;;-;:---1 .................... .0. ....... _..,Cl&,.. I I l--PILOT---PR-INTl-_-~~G---J ' • .. ..-.......... . COMPLETE-NEW YORK STOCK UST • g. ~· Nw ~= ~ ·~ "" NV "" "" ~ "" Ott ~ .. "" "" ""' ""' "" """ 011 ""' ~I "'" ~ 8::: ""' Monday's Closing Priee&-Complete New York Stock EXchange List Various Factors Pull Stocks Down NEW YORK (AP) -Uncertainty about lbe In- ternational monetary altuatlon continued to weigh heavlly on lbe stock market, wilb prices lharply lower lr!onday in moderate trading. The Dow Jones average of 30 lnduil'ml atocka dosed down 8.28 ,1 936.41. . Among 1"'* ~ on the New York Stoct Exchange, losera W 1atnera more lban S to L • !tftl! ... .,.,. JI ..... AeCl"9 ~~w:J!l ... ~'1 •,,,."l.J: q:r~"::::::I ~ ::i:: rr ... ~ ul ... ::::: -.it ...... _ft ...... -~~ ....... I ··:a ..... ..,. r. ..... • .... . ·····'· -, ..... = • yftdt 1• -·:: -" • ... , ..... .4 I .Int .' 1972 s DAILY "LOT J.l , . Finance Briefs • " l I • • ,• SAN FRANCISCO -Net fJ>. i come of Lynch Com-.: munlcatlcnl Syllems, Inc., , could be 11 much 11 411 JIOI' : ..i leu tllu prodlch• ~r beco• ol a. llrllle II tbt ' , company'• Reno. pl1nt, the . ' llnn'o pruldent baa oald. ' Preeldent D. L. Oestreicher > oald hen! rteenU, that tbt )· company earlier estimated : 1 ' lhll Ille Income for the quarter endlna June llO would be 1botlt l5 cents per lhlre. " ' ·' J • DAILY "LOT We'd like to introduce ourselves . to Newporf ·B~ch. Though the name . is .new to our town we've been . . . . a~ound for a long time ... bringing . . ' . • thousands of.families ac~oss the country gteat television reception and more viewing enjoyment. Now we're doing · the same here. Yet, there's more to us than a beautiful reception and extra chan- nels ... just like there's more to our name than our n.ewly ·painted trucks and signs. There's the years of ,. r• \ , • .. ". , ' :.. . ' • , experience we have as the leader in the field of cable TV. ' There's the warm, friendly, efficient way we keat subscribers. New and old alike. There's the reliability of a company who is constantly making new breakthroughs in search of better TV transmission reception. A completely rebuilt cable system brings you the finest TV reception possible. Greatly improved FM reception and Local Origination ·' .... • • \ to keep you up to date with events in Newport Beach. We won't be satisfied until you're getting the best in TV entertQinment. Teleprompter Cable TV ••• there's more to us than meets the eye. I ' . TELEPnom·PTER . (C30J :]~ ~ I • -' L . OUR REGULAR $14.95 CABLE TV INSTALLATION- ~ REE You p1y only I month's service in advance. Otter iood In cabled areas only. DIAL 642-3160 l ' "''··-----··-· ... .-·-· ---..... ••• ' M C11e s:• NII :wr• QlijlW&lb4 ·1fn • • ' - ' . ' • : I': ' -• ' \ e e • s oes 1n1ng Kick ·Eut Back in Life • f .. f • BU .ANDERSON, Edllor ,.....,., .-. 11, ina ,..._ u • By MARIAN· CllRISTY. NEW YORK -Now U..t designers have decreed U..t plain clothes are The Olollles, fashion is fast becmiiog a game o! wil The play revolves around the question of how to add razzle.daz:zJ.e to the sea of simple clothes rolling on the Spring-summer 1972 scene. Beth Levine -shoe desljpler to miµlons of American elegantea inclUdlng Mrs. Richard Nixon -predicts there's a fool feUsh in the offing: "Women wiU go crazy decoratingithe.ir· feet. You really can't imaglM how hungry fashionables are for arty ac· cessories now that classic clothes are in;'' says Beth. ' ~ battle of the sexes, one of those never-UH>e-resolved facts of life, also enters into the trend. Men are standing extra tall on three-inch beeLs and plat- fqrmed shoes these days. Women are ujxitaged. There's a way to keep your best foot forward. Levine 's new suede and leather shoe3 are boldly prinled with Aztec designs or are checked or plaid. Beth, who coordinaled her boolery with matching handbags, prophesies a refocusing of interest in feet. FUN MISSING "This country has just gone through a national psychosis," says Beth. "When the hippies snubbed traditional fashion, elegantes everywhere suffered pangs of guilt about wearing beautiful things. The · desire for flamboyant elegance aeemed fror.en. But people discovered that something was missing. Fun. An amusing image. A 4ime.nsion of life." Which Is, of course, why fashion i. en- joying a renaissance. Beth has always been a student of the 90Cial scene. She believes that what's happening in the world is interpreted in fashion. "People don't want to be anonymous anymore," she says. ''They want ~gni­ tion in a world fast becoming' automated. Clothes, particularly shoes, are a way of making a strong statement." Patterned shoes come in a potpourri of looks. Platforms. Ankle strapo. Pumpo. Wedgies. Even the color comblnationa Artist -------. ---- Women buying printed shoes from the Levine collection can buy matching-purses lie~ I •. Above, the check wedgie is one of the newest print shoes. Below, 11 new high-heeled · pump features 11 dot-check front. are miexpected. Picture a black·wbite ta- bledoth check shoe with a foor -inch navy heel. Or na.vy satin pumpo with black pa· teot toe tipo and heels. Of course the con- tradictions provide the fasclna.Uon. RIGHT BAGS Thanlt heavens Beth has ooordinaled the hap. Imagine the oonfusjon When I fasblooable attempt& to ~ whot color, what !lyle, whot kind ol bag to use as punctuation. EcolotlY, a conswnlng Interest of Americans, baa entered into Beth'• decision to do printed shoe3 In-depth. Faablonahles were chagrined to learn that alllgaton were in danger of becom· log utlnct and alligator accessories 1imply would not be available. "Women ltlll want status symbols," Beth A)'I. "And the printed llboea -4 an updated IUbotltule. ~·Youna elegantu are nhlbltlna a Des.igns New ' By JO OLSON Of ... Dllltr ......... Franceoca Brown bu COYerad & lol ol t«rttory en lier way fnlm the ......-! llage to 1111 clnu de- signer'• showroom. Born in Rome, the Newport Beach realdent could play C2iopln m the piano by memory at the age ol i, and gave lier first concert at '· ... alao --· ....,....,. ln-altbo ... etl,ad- _.1111 .. ~ tbo wwid. 1111' lotber, • doctor, -Iler --tr u11-..i111r&!l =~UiupilDO Al.-. .... _ ...... lllnll- ... 111 a padesl•I Ill jbo 1111111o1 of aUcb -d ........ Dior and Balmdap, 6oiD( JlllAd .... Iler atagecootumes. Tbert, .... oblerved tver/ aiep Francesca Brown mod'els 11 French silk chiffon dress with an eliptical · waist and satin belt (left I. and an lrith linen skirt and blezer combination. Both are her designs. 'I ...,. of adv-with . fublon. Rather than followinl fallilon lelldencla, they're establbhlng tbml." the 11y1. Youth comdori11Df'U llll1 aboanda In the Urllled Stalel and mm that la balptnc the printed -bl&. '!be laat ~ - -111 II lep which,; -pod, -· Ill& lonver. Printed shoes.._....,, •••r ft! of /===~-='== Career Ille ~ toot and aakad oo many que-. U..I Ibey labelad bir an upotart, ,,... drtsamakinfl, blnla Iba-with .... -- -tbelll In bor OWD ..._fll faablon career. When FnlDcesca'a bu ab 1.n d, Thfimas II'. Brown, passed away in April ol lfll, ahe decided the rliora of coocert work, with its stays in bote11, IOlltary m e a I a in -.uran11 ml C0111lant tr•vtlin& WU DOI 1111 kind ol life she wanlod -So, ~ turned to dral ~early love of Iler llfL • been • dream of -llm:e I waa a child. lillce I llld Ille abWlJ ID appnclato bamdlllll ~ ·::-::::':. bod . ~ Ill -York wllb llad•mo -· • naiad ........ ad fnlm lier she --ol .... c11111act1 .. --mark • !Int pnneal. -"'-• lldrt ,,._ makel la an oriClnal, ad•- plana to make two al1U. "Awoman,ilallelmlllo'- ud go_od lute, ~ ......... buJ OrI,inala," she ..... "I Ila to -oi.-.. .a clolhes. I ...,, tliat a ...... lbaldd wear w 1"'C JI I' ~it" fuMca. "All -aro baaleollJ boauliful 11 Ille)' - -dolllll, --........... .:=.~~ :i.t Ille baa plcbd up Ill -.. OYerlbewwid. 1'lle petite, ... dooilner .... .... helpar, i. black Dutdi-P'nlloll mini&-poodlo MmOd Ptpl. Ht'o a UW.·_.. reladaat ID --....... nnllowod • llralpl ... ud ..... to .... 11 ........ - bll lonllll, llul II ~ lw: -support. Franctoca l1lmod to deoll* lo .... bene1I busy, .. ...a .... 11111111 ........ ml tt -• If lbt'll be .......... ..., If -._ ............. .... dlc1lm ol ,lllllr - • ' ' I ' -· ' • ' J 4 DAILY PILOT TiltldaY • .iu .. 21, 19n Your Horoscope Tomorrow . Aquarius: Push for Real Progress· WEDNESDAY JUNE 28 By SYDNEY OMARR ARIES (March 21-Aprll 19): Caln through professional ef- fort ls emphamed. Some or your hopes, wishes are dose to fuJfillment. You make con- tact with individuals who help spread your message . Socialiu. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Accent is on progress, ad- vancement. Take initiative. Study Aries message. Make headway by assuming authori- ty and responsibility. Progress now is hallmark. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE -Andrew Franklin, BrilWI consuJ.genoral, · helps Mrs. Michael Mullin Qeft) benefit chairman and Mrs. L. K~t Wanlass, president get In the party mood for Newport Harbor Juruor Leagues gala fash- ion show. Public expression or your private thoughts -thi s is featured. Your intuitive in· tellect works overtime. Means • you perceive what is Im.. portant and otherwi se. Aquartan is in picture. CANCER (June 21-July 22): British . Are Coming ! · You are concerned with the hidden, the occult, money of mate or part11er. C ~ e c k policies, leases, prorrussory notes. Avoid careless attitude. ,Expo's The'Brttllll .. comlacl Tbt Brlthll Ile_,,., Revolutionary Fall Vows Adually, they 've been com-cient Golf C1ub. Planned q; to the West Coast since Sir Youngsten will be en- Fraodl Drake arrived in 1579. tertalned by a children 's book But tbll time the destination coneCtion, Punch and Judy Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. 11 floutll Cout Plau from F ta· Vall .... -lo Oet. I for Brlllah puppet show by Professor Schoeb of oun m ey -.-• p have announced the engage-Espo '7S to promote ccmumer Cod.man and a "Beatrix otter t f ••-· da hi Judy _,._ t and d Rabb't" d men o un::ir ug er. cul:slne,1111~,1por s .. an Peter 1 ay. LyMSchoch to Marc Michael pop llWllc. Al£ie Howard, weU knoWn as Mooreaux or ~ta Mesa. Thole wll~ ~1 i::. Loodon's town crier, will bring The couple plan to be .we;<f tallyho ..,... olllclal greeUngs and the Sept. 30 in St. Joachlm s ed into a mini-Britain. Colorful Catholic Church, C.OSta Mesa. flags, pennants, btraldJc be.~ Newport Harbor J u Di O r Miss Schoch is e graduate oC ners and coals-of-arm wlll be League bu planned a gala Santa Ana Valley Hi gh School strung along a London. akylloe fashion abow at the Balboa and Southern C a I i f o r n i a nwral between replicas of Bay Club featuring Engliah r.ollege of Medical and Dental Trafalgar Square and lhe Eros desljplers. Assistants. Statue from Picadilly Circus-, A Concoun d'Elegance of Her fiance, son of Mrs. Sounds of London -tradi-Roll! Royce and Bentley cars, Nieves Moureaux of Las tional Cockney songs, chimes as well as Welsh choir and Vegas and Creyton Moureaux or Big Ben and cries of street Scottish dance concerts are of Newport Beach, is a tradera -will be bean! by acheduled Jn conjunction wilh graduate of Newport Harbor lboppen 11 they view "The the trade e.hiblt. High School. Two Elizabeth,," ahlbiL Matter of Policy One you trust may be con- fused. LEO (July 23'Aug. 22): You may become inextricably in· volved. U alngle, marriaee is In picture. U married, special partnership is featured. Mar· rled or single, take time to be analytical. LIBRA (Sept. Zl-Oct. 12): Clltldren, lnn•tments, allalro of heart are high on bul)' agenda . Love and security are featured . Make adjuatment at home front. Strive f o r hannony. SCORPIO (Ocl. :ZS.Nov. ti): cryl!IJJ!wcl Ut1llre pul ... perltnce. Coprleora. !1 ~ volved. Tm care ln wrapping packages, mailing letters, dupalchlng messages. Short journey may be on •l!".nda. Be flexible. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-l"eb. 11): Lunar cycle colnclclel now with independence, • contacts, orlglnll approaeh. Your judgmenl, lnlultlon are on target. You can be at rlCb$ place at right lime. Pualt ahead; take inUJatJve. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sepl. 21): Com mun i cate with co- workers, usoclates. Relative ln transit may intrude. Be gracious. What appears an im- possible situation is teJn. Porary. Refuse to panic. CompleUon of project l 1 featured. Strive for practical approach. Overcome tendency toward self-deeepUon. Se: e penons, aituaUorui as they ac- tually exist. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 21· Dec. ZI ): Thoughla, id<as are CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Penooal -"""· your back account and earning c. p. c It y .,.. higbllghled. Tate Inventory. Check hudiet. Genuine bargain· la obtain- able. Broaden borlzolll. Plan journey. PISCES (Feb. It-March 211): Keep aecrela. Telling alf you know would be error. Clan- destine meeting is featured. Teach and 1eam -ahare knowledge. You have deallngs now with hoapital1, in- aUtutions. Excess Sitting Causes Pain DEAR ANN LANDERS: Nonna and Boompa be.re. We'd like to use your col .. umn to get a message to our daughters. It ls lnopired by the young JDOtb<r who thought her parents were "rotten'' because they refused to be round-the- clock eitters: DEAR DAUGHTERS: We apologize for raising you to be such spoiled ltkls. We apologize, too, for still being Jn our 50s, young enough to enjoy going away weekends instead of staying in town and taking care of your kids so YOU can tue off. We'd like you lo know thal we didn't shove you on OUR parents when you were babies. Your father and I stayed home plenty, or we took you with us . Now it's our turn to go -and. your turn lo stay home wilh YOUR children. Ruling oot sickness or emergency, there is no reason wily you girls and your husbands shouldn't be responsible for your own children. When they are grown, you will want to be free and you will have earned your freedom. As time marches on and your children marry and have little oneSr you can tell them "1lat I am telling you. RAISE YOUR OWN. WE DID. -NONNA AND BOOMPA (ST. LOUIS) DEAR NONNA AND BOOMPA: I loved your letter. Thanb for writing tt. DEAR ANN LANDERS : I have read so many letters ill yrur colunm ending with the age-old question: "My husband runs around. What should I do?" It's highly ---' ~ " ' ·• / amus~ to me that )'OU, Ann Landen, should be trying lo dispense adVice on this subject. As a woma:a you cannot possibly know WHY men run around. I am 34, a successful executive and have a loving wife to wbOm rve been manied for 13 years. She ls beautiful, d>annlng, a gourmet cook, a lady in the Ii~ room and a tiger in the bedroom. Yet, for lhe life o( me I could not name all the women witb whcxn I've had af-faira:. There are only two kinds of men - those w1lo cheat, and thote who woold like lo but are afraid of gettlnc caught. No husband would rema!n faithful U ho could be ·sure he -ud.not be lounCI out. The only motivation for cheating la the thrill of a new conque11I. So why oot tell It like It la? Tbla urge la Al old as mm himseU. It la ...,,,al, heallby and harmless. -ASHEVILLE, N. C • HEAIJONIST DEAR ASH: Slace yoa llllb Ille polo! that a woman cannot poulbly tpeM fer men, I retpeetfally submit Ula( a ...... and an admJtted tomcat cauot speak for decent, mature basbudl. Gruted, muy ha1bands thlnt (ud beba'9) u yoa do. But &bey are IJ'OISly lmmatare. A mu wbo 1ay1 hit wile 11 'jwooderful" and attrlbaln 13 yean of bed--bopplag to "the &hrll11ol coaqaelt'' pe11 hlmltlf at tlle Doa Jtu level. U be • o:amlnn wbt H ii "cwqaerlng" be will • 1et a tood rledla1 •f •hue:lf. My man r cu ftad a womaa wlto wlll-10 to bed with '. tlha -U Ille Mio 1111 11aadanb low eaou1h. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I learned something today that !llJOllOd a door to · understanding and pelCe cl mind. For ye1n1 I haled my older-.. I -llOW it was :not her faull It wu my mother's. , She a!waya favored Sia. Whatever Sis , wanted she got. I arew up tbinklng Sis . was mean and Mlfish. U Mother had t been fair I would not have had thele leel· ings. • Now that I know, I can·)ave my altter. Please print thia Jetter for othera who hate !heir slbllllp. -COMES '.l1IE DAWN DEAR DAWN• Aod aow U you ... lorilff 1-molher, YOI will Uve l9levtd • lalf-1'!'· Are drui• OK U you learn mw to ...,_ trol lbem? Con they be cl llolp? 'lbe lllllW<n .... ln Aon Landen' ..... booklet, "straiebt Dope on Dnw:1." Far each -ordered atnd I dciliar hiD, plus 1 ,loq oelf .. ddressed, otampod envelope (II ...U postace) lo Aon Llllden, Box !Sii, Oiicago, ii1 IOl5I. Her Majeoty the Queen bu loaned her racJog colors for dllplay and Andmr Franklin, Brlllsh coosul-geoeraJ, b a I arranged 'for • dl!play cl blatorlc sporting ftllcs from SI. Aulrew's &yal and An- CdM Her Important Papers Leaked Charmaine Cetch • 1perkl• '""" tho moml11111un. Hold tho mog/c ot • 1uddon ,,,..,., KHp !/loll mcmonll 111'19. Tllol('ll you,. tor 1 llfotfmo .,,,, • f/WJICtld _...,,,,,.,,_ .. "--· South Coett Pl1u lri1tol at tit• S111 Diego Fwy, Co1t1 M111 540·•066 Pair Honored The 60th wedding an- niversary of the Freeman G. Fishers of Corona del Mar was celebrated at a family party holted by Jhe William E. Fishers. Al!o preseot were another ... and his wile, Mr. and Mn . Freeman V/. Fisher and the third generation, Miss Carol Lyn Fisb<'r. James, Barton and John Fisher aod the Me&- sra. and Mmes. Slepben Fisher and Gary Fisher. The honorees, g r e a t • grandparents · of . two, were married in Minneapolis. They moved to C&llfomla in 1926 and Jo Newport Beach in lllS3. CHEESE OF THE WEEK By .ERMA DOMBECK We bad an insurance claim to make the other day and my husband asked, "Where is the policy?" "It's obviously in my folder marked, 'IMPORTANT PAPERS.'" "Which Is?" "Which is lost." I said. "I haven't seen it since we moved." "You mean it has been lost since last June?" "No, it's been lost since we moved from the Oat to the t8nn in 1968." "That's incredible," be said, 0 Tbat means we can't put our finger oD our insurance policies, our deeds, our car registrations, our will, or our marrlaiellcenseforthatma~ ter." · "111 look for It this af. MONT. ST. BENOIT ternoon," I said. By that evening, I was all smiles, "I have some godd news and some bad news," I said. "Let's have the good ne~s first," he said. "Well, I found our car registrations being used as bookmarks in "The Man in the Gray F1annel Suit," our life .insurance policies turned up in your shirt drawer and the deed to the house was in the at- tic tn a box marked, Maternity Clothes.' The will turned up in the suit jacket you wore the day we made it. And I found ...-folder marked 'IMPOR- TANT PAPERS' ln the oewlng machine drawer." - "Now we're getting somewhere," he said, ex· clledly operling the box. He picked up a decayed blossom .. AT WIT'S END three tokens for Fantasy Clty, a typing cerUflcate for 40 words a minu~ lo my name, the dog's inoculaUon record, the laundry instructions for something Celape5e, two tags t b a t read, "Do N 0 T the finest clothes It's magic with Chuck Jones REMOVE THESE TAGS' ' for children TV's femous menic. man and, voila, our house in-from the best ~ and .said, "What is this?" surance policy. Aren't you American le European Where? Hunfintfon "It's a dried gardenia you pleased?" designen Cenfer Mell got me for the military ball. He eat silenUy for 8 moment •;: s;n• When? Thun-fri.S.t And here are 400 Top Yalu looking at the coateota of the ....... ...,..,, • .,. _, June 29fh.]Oth.Jufy I stamps, a batch of spelling · IMPORTANT PAPERS file. ....._ •• .._._ ... .-.1u1 2.J ....... 7 pm Thurs.Fri papera lrom a seventh grade "What's the bad news!" he Jlaitqtoo Barbaar J.2.J-4 P"' S.t. you once taught, a dental ap-asked tiredly. (7IO 14&--CHARGE7 NO-It's Fr .. pointment card for our son "l found oui marriage TOW9 A C.U, Hunfingfon Center from 1962, your dog tags from license," I said quletly. Onqe 1f leac.h end Edin9er the Army, a Korean flag, a:rir,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~;(~7~1C~) ~lll~-~~~~~iiii~S~1o~D~i-~1~Fr~o~o~w~oy~ renewal card from Reader's ~ .... Digest, someone's baby tooth and an expired library card." "These are Important papers?" he asked, his eyes widening. "I'm not finished. There are TOTS LEARN TO SWIM AT YOUR ORANGE COAST YMCA CALL 64~·9990 Gene Blirton Cordially Invites You To See The Complete Fall Sample Collection Of Cioa Knits j I f GRUYERE Golden Anniversary On Wednesday, June 28 10 a.m. -5 p.m. • 'I • Regular 2.35 lb. N 0 w Offtr 19ood Ju11• 21 thru July ] 19 u. .......... -.... -.of St. -h ._ -nto..t-Hid°" -....... •"'itr-la ... ot4 -...... '"' -...... _ -St., .. ___ _..., .... __ ..... __ .,.. .. "' .. ,.., ... , ... ! .. Dr. Maurice Allard of UC! and blJ sister, Mrs. Vivian Small of Orange, co-hosted • champagne buffet In Saddleblck llobUodge ClubboUM to hon~ their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Moral ~ard of Tustin on their golden wedclln& annltenary. um REmTIC v ......... -:!lr:':.: "'··~·...,.· _ .. ___ .,. -... _ .. ...... JI Y•n &,..11111 AMMl•WtU111 ... __ _ -· FINS IT.,'JOIUlllf UMiM•I L•d .. I Cr,tttl PW-NII -PllOIO&ia9U Alll fl'MW 2mUN11_., ........ -·•·U I,_. • GENE BURTON 3418 Via Lido, Newport Beach Phone: 673-6250 ' l , - • DICK TRACY TUMBLEWEEDS 'llUSeANP HUNTERS'HANPfOOK' "YOW' l.WW\ee headed 1br the l'OekJ,Fu.ture :Bride? .Mayl>e YDlm ~leethlqlrim.AWlll needs to feel WANTED. Let 1tiJn know you want ltim!' - Mun AND JEFF 'IM!,SON! BEA GOOD 'l!ooY FOR )t)UR MO'l1iER Wt-llLE I'M ON OOR. GOOD WILL "TOUR FOR l'EACEI FIGMENTS NANCY • ;·1-~~~~~~~~....i ' TIME FOR YOUR • • MEDICINE, NANCY YOU 70LD Ml: you HATED MEDICINE A CR OU l Soi.id -· I """'~""'"" htttll)' 5 LJvht flintlock musket 10 Ht1dllntt l-4 Actrtss ~rr1 15 Hnth genus 16 Composer al "Rule BrltJml•" , ir SuP«flcr11 ' QJtgrowfls of ' pl111I tissue 19 Path 20 Writing · Implement 'll Having n11miw """'' 21 Mary Am -: GtOtQf Ellot .. "" 27 Physically ..... 1,30 Pfl'ftct '1111111 ;34 lllerilm of lht ' : NFL, NHL., 1tc. ·!JS Soot ,37 F1r11 anl1MI JI ltldlt d · lndla .,tGlvts 11\iSftcliOn -41 Con's ..,..11. -42 Esstntlal '""' ''4) Tatu lbout tedlG.ts1y 4C Qilha: COlllb. f«11 :ts r.trtnlanrs 41 fnnchnlan ot -·"' 50 Soclal Insect 51 "-Taka I "'""'r" 5Z City o Wisconsin 56 Gn1ss-c~1red plaln of Russia 60 Fruit of Blackthorn 61 Oulstaidlng "'"" "''" Z words •4 UrrtlllDlt """' 65 F1ust, for ont 66 Ht ns: Utln "7 -and tnds 68 legally pt11lsl'llbl1 69 Grett portico DOWN · l Stcandlry school: lnfa111I 2-julce ) Chambtr of I '""' .f Pact1~ 5--tue: Bl rtl11ttc1: 2 words 6 Vrsstl 7 "-trnlt glorl• •!nit'' I D«orllts 1. "" '"The--1 s. " Par Is H 2 words 10 R1laUn9 lo N1CI 11 Snare 12-of Clrvts lJ l i!'d i11sttt11111nt 11 llakt I ...... " 22 Lin 11·111cbor 24 NlllOIS of Afilca .2.S ~ ane foot •long gnxrd 27 Bishops' seats 28 Acla' George "°"""'"' drtk:t ll As tuy--: ·-32 Ft1111nlne .,.,.. 33 F1lnU11g spell 36o lnst111t of passing oit 39 Chemkal ..... 40 End of Ult lint: 2 worU 44 Pl1ntlS 46 los Anl,lfles llfftetblll '"" 48 Scoinlrtl 49 -Grlhanl: Great CltvtlMd footbill« 52 City of Norn 53 f'asstd sGIOOthly ~Uwls-: T tmls stw or "" ~" .55 Caifkltne• 37 111f1Jdtntly bold 51 S.l lboat of lndonala: Vw. 59 This: Sslllllloh r.z P .. 1n1u11: ...... 63 Sp1nlJh tlt!t of courtny: -· Nearly Everyone Listens w Landers -• ly Cllestw Gould GASOLINE AUEY ly Tom K. Ryan SALLY BANANAS l ; l E • ' ly Al Smith GORDO MOON MULLINS ly Dale Hale by Emie lushmlller ANIMAL CRACKERS BUT I />J-WAYS GET A DOUGHNUT AS A REWARD PEANUTS JUDGE PARKER I JUST GOT IN MYSELF, LEf 1 l CAN'T WAIT TO HEAR: THE GOOP NEWS~ MISS PEACH l SHOWED THE CANDID SHOTS I TOOK TO A PRODUCER WHO'S IN fROM HOLlYWOOD! Hf'S fASCtNATEO! HE,,,_ __ --<.... WANTS TO SEE WHEN? I'M YOU, TO HA~E A SO EXCITED! TALK WITH YOU! l:"A, DO YOU FEl!L. YOU'l.I. 91! ASl.I! TO ..__.., ~L. WITH LIFI! TMIS SUMMl!fll, I 'I I J 1 f • ~. WITMOIJT MY M&U'? .. PERKINS ' ly Charles M. Schulz By Harold Le DoUll ly MeD •"l'O~'ll& FORilTTtNG-% AM 1).llt SCION ~ ONE OF AMEl'ICA'5 <i~EAT P5'1t:HONfU!lOTlC FM\IUl!5. By John Miles Tut!daJ, Junt 27, 1972 DAILY PILOT JI By Charles Barsotti DUI \jC" ~ .p,,..,e """~~~? By Gus Arriola ly Ferd Johnson LIKIO FATHER, LIKE SON ... ly Roger Bollen "My granddaugbter l•ll ,._ ucl , .... 11UI ..... u)ttdllc 1oo?" I I J OAILY 'ILOT T"""'1, J'" 77, 1972 . r ..... Twin s Cose Oliva After ~gels Fall sT. PAUL-MINNEAPOLIS (AP) - Ray Corbin's pitching and E r l c Soderbolm's grand slam were clouded in the ·Minnesota Twins' clubhouse by an announcement thlt Tony Oliva is due for more 1urgery. "l don't have any choice." Oliva sald grimly u he peeled off his unUorm. probably for the last lime unUI at least Sepltn)b<!r. Oliva, the 1971 American League bat. On TV T onight Cha11ne l 5 a t 5:30 tins q,ampion, underwent surgery on his rigbt ~ Jut September for removal of lortl cartUage. 1be knee did not respond durlna spring training, and he missed the first fwo 'months of the season. He then was activated for 10 games and hit .321 but limped badly in the outfield. Ju the Twlm downed the California Antels 7..fi Monday night, it was an- noiJilced Oliva. would be deactivated and iiCtiduled for more surgery "as soon as ls 6ractical." 'l\e three-eame series continues this eviung with Jim Perry, M, hurling for the~·m.1ns qainst Nolan Ryan, 7;5. erholm, a rookie third baseman w has committed only three errors in 44 1ames, clouted hll seventh homer of therseuon and his f1tat grand alam of his career ofr Eddie Fllhtr in the seventh in-ninJ to lloke Corbin to a HJ lead. ... ¥gels manager Del Rice said of hi.ol teahi's rally. ''One of our problems this yelr ii that we seem to get behind early and alwayt have to come baCk." PANAMA'S ROB ERTO DU RAN ON WAY TO LIGHTWEI GHT TIT LE. Vada Pinson faced Wayr'le Granger only twice beCote in the National League and got a double in one of the at bats. The other Twin•' runs came in the se<:· • ond on Leo Cmlenas' throwthg error and in the sl.ith on doubles by Jim Net- tles and Phil Roof and a single by Cesar Tovar. Ctl11tor11ll (41 Miii-i• 111 ••rlll'M ••rll,111 Alom1r, ~ • I O O Tov1r, rt S O i I awry, ct • l 2 I Thomci.ort,1 a 5 o 2 o f'lnM!I, ff 4 1 I J Clrtw, Jb 4 I 2 0 R.ou....,., 111 • o 1 1 1Clllt11r1w, lb ' D i o L.Allln, p O O 0 I Ma111on, Pf' o I 0 0 McM\lllln, tXI l 0 t 0 R ... I, lb I 0 0 0 Stanlon, rf 4 0 I 0 lr•11n, ti 1 l l o Cini-•, u l o O o J,NttlllS, cf 1 1 I o Torborg, c 1 O o O SodtrllOlm, J'b l I I ' SllPMmon, c 2 I l I Roof, c 4 l l I ltot1, p I 0 I I Corti!11, P • 0 0 O E.1'15MI', p o o o o G1111K11f', p o o o o Sp.nc1r, lb 2 0 O 0 ~~ »••3 ~~ "'''' C1Utonill 000 Ol'.ICI O.tl -t Ml1111ti011 010 002 4D1t -1 E -Ci"rdtMt~ TllamplOfl, Corbl11. OP -Call· .. rnll 1, Ml!'lnttol" l. LOii -Callfornl1 s, Minne· llOll t . 21 -J. Netl1ff, Rtof, TllomPfoOn. HA - SoehlrllOlm 111, l"lt1tOll (l), SI -To~1r. $ -Ro11, lrt11n. .. " • .. .. •• Rost IL.141 lot/) .• '· ' ' ' 1!'.Fltller l·l /l ' • • ' ' L.Alllf'I ' ' ' ' • • Corbin cw,~aJ ,.,,, ' ' ' ' ' Orilngtr 1. 11 a I I I ' Vneoneenaed by Fur or New Lightweight l{ing Says Punch Was F air NEW YORK (AP) -Roberto Duran, beaming after winning the world's lightweight boxing championship by halting Ken Buchanan al the end of 13 rounds of a scheduled IS-rounder, seemed unconcerned at the furor generated by the tem~tuous ending of the fight. •·A lot of i>oxers try to make you think t~ey wer~ hi.t .low because they are los-. ·ing. l won it legally," Duran said, after the ·referee ruled Buchanan was not fit tG contin ue following an exchange after the bell rang ending the 13th round. The former champion pitched forward on his face. clasping his groin area and grimacing in pain. •·1 hit with a good righi hand to the stomach ," Duran, 21-years-0ld and· from Panama, told reporters following the fig ht. •·J always fight to win.'' Tonight In Las Vegas Buchanan, however, the area around his eyes slightly swollen from the fury of Duran 's heavy-handed punches, admitted he couldn't tell what caused the con- troverstal ending of the bout. Quarry Brothers Seek T·itles Over Ali, Foster LAS VEGAS (AP) -Muhammad Ali wagers $500,000 against a chance at $3 mUlion arter Bob Foster risks bis light heQvyweight title tonight in this gaming capital of the nation. There will be no radio or television broadcasts of the fight card in Southern California. Ali, the former heav}"veight champ. collects his half million for meeting No. 2 ra!'lked Jerry Quarry of Cypress, at 12 rounds. Should he lose, however, he'd also un· d®btedJy lose the chance of meeting chfmpion J oe Ji'razler in 1 return bout 1wled to earn each more than the $2.5 mtllion they collected in 1971. J Oiter, lhe 115-pound kiJ!i from Albu- q'o/'!ue, makes his loth title defeMe in mEin( the younger Quarry, undefeated M · e who bu won 36 bouts and has just tu ed Zl. IP the odds department, Ali is favored Coniglia1·0 Talk JIALTJMORE -Billy Conigliaro. 1111PMded outfielder of tbe Milwaukee Jlrewera, says that baseball "bas started to \ecome an tmhappy chore rather than a Pleasant way to earn a living." to • statement issued Monday night by tbf Brewers, in Baltimore for a t\l,.0- 1ame teries, Conigliaro hinted he may be contemplating retirement but said he wl'1ted "to reevaluate my personal life in• perspective 1way from baseball.'' at 4-1 and Foster at 6-1 with not too much wagering apparent. Ali expects to weigh about 215 and Jer- ry abou~ 197 for th.e heavyweight scrap which follows the light heavy batlle. scheduled at 6:30 p.m. PDT at the Las Vegas Convention Center. A crowd of about 7,000 was expected to be on ·hand and the card also gets in- ternational closed circuit · television, which would earn over $1 million . The live gate at the 7,50()..seat arl'oa was expected to better the Nevada record of $292,000 drawn by Sugar Ray Robinson and Gene Fullmer in 1961. "This is the soul brothers against the Quarry brothers. the last of the great white hopes, .. the 30-year~ld Ali has rre-- quently chanted. "I don 't know what Foster will do with his hope, but I'm going to whip my hope," the ex-champ declared. Foster said he'd whip his Quarry faster than Ali wins his fight. Ali and Quarry met in 197{) after Ali won a Supreme Court decision in his draft evasion case. Muhammad, although hit hard in the second round, slashed Quarry's eye in the third and the bout was halted. "I gave you a whipping," Ali declared when the fighters v.·ere physically ex- amined Monday and found to be it1 good shape. ''I didn't take no whipping , you just got lucky." Quarry replied, his Irish temper showing. "You keep spouting your mouth ofr. You don't win {ighls that way.'' Ali declared. "I'm not only going to destroy Jerry Quarry, 1 'm going to destroy JO(! Frazier. rm still !he king of the world." "I just felt a terrific pain between my legs ... he said. ''They helped me to my corner and the referee (Johnny LoBian- co) said I couldn't come out. l told him I could keep boxing, but he said 'You're not coming out.'•· r It was the first" time in his pro career that Buchanan has been stopped. The ioss dropped the 27·year-old·Scot's record to 43-2. GiJ Clancy, Buchanan's trainer claimed the Scot was felled from a knee that lifted up his protective cup. .;~le's very good," Buchanan said. "He's a good puncher, but I felt I was coming on and could pull it out." The official s. however, had Duran ahead by a hefty margin and only a knockout by I.he daunty Sc« could have saved his crown. Duran was in command for most or the fight and bulled through the champion·s guard and repeatedly hammered him with solid rights and left hooks. A few times, Duran lowered his hands and growled at Buchanan. "That's just something I d-0 . I always do that when I'm fighting." Duran, still attired in his boxing trunks and shoes. told repoi;ters. Early in the first round Duran dropped Bu~anan briefly with a right hand. Buchanan immediately regained his feet and said afterwards the blow landed on his ann. catching him off balance and that be was surprised the referee ruled it a knockttown. "He's a good fighter, though,'' Buchanan said. ''J'IJ give him that." Mauch Pe11alized MONTREAL -The Montreal E•pos said Monday that Manager Gene Mauch has been suspended by the National League !or one game for his part in the brawl during Sunday's game between the Expos and the Philadelphif' Phillies. Mauch would sit out Monday night's game in St. Louis agatn.st the Cardinals, I.he team said. ~ Too Early to T hink Batting Title--Mota By GLENN WHITE Of Ille 0.llY Pllfl Stiff LOS ANGELES -Described u a darned good hitter who puts it all together, Manuel Geronimo Mota could become the first Dodger to win the Na· tional League batUng crown since 1963 when Tommy Davis turned tbe trick. He raised his average to a classy .342 by getting three singles and a double in four trips to the plate Monday night at Dodger Stadium in a 5--0 loss to Cin· cinnati. ' Now he trails only Houston's Cesar Cedeno in the batting derby as the Texas team's hotshot is collecting hits at a .349 clip. However, Mota isn't exciting himself over thoughts of being a batting champ. And apparently the Associated Press isn't either. On today 's dally report of the NationaJ League's Top 10, Mota's name is nowhere to be found. An jronic omissi-0n in view of Mota 's words. "I'm just happy to be hitting over .300," he told the DAILY PILOT follow- ing Monday's loss -which was wit· nessed by 33,130 fans . "It 's too early to talk about batting titles. . .I'm just happy to be in the top 10," Mota adds. "This is a funny game . . . you have to take hits when the.y come. Sometimes they are hard to get. "I just hope we can stay close to first place ti! we get our hitting and pitching together." Mota had hall his team's hits Monday as the Dodgers fell four games behind Cincinnati -the farthest they've been out of first place this season. Manny bas had two nights this year • ' I ' .~ ! ~It! when he garnered four hits in five times up. Asked ii his current hot streak of 9 lor 13 ls any kind of personal high, he says not. "I was II for 14 once in a series with Atlanta," be Says. "In the doubleheader l had 10 hits." He's had other solid years in the ma- jors with five .30()..plus hitting campaigns out of 10 years. Twice he was over .350 in the first half or the season -1966 and 1969. In '66 he wound up with a .332 mark (his best-ever in the big leagues ) and in '69 he had a .321 average. Mota 's great hustle engineered his last hit Monday as he barely beat oul a ball hit to deep short. And earlier he * 2 Dodgers Out LOS ANGELES ( API -The Los Angeles Dodgers placed pitcher . Bill Singer and infielder Bill Grabarkewitz on the disabled list Monday. Both were injured in a game Saturday night. Singer suffered a fracture of the knuckle in the right inde:r: finger while batting. Grabarkewitz suffered a small fracture in the tip of the right little finger while fielding a ground ball . Singer. 3-7, is on the 21-day disabled list. Grabarkewitz, who was batting .164. is on the 15-day list. The Dodgers recalled pitcher Jose Pena from the Albuquerque farm team in time for Monday night 's game against Cincinnati. ~ stretcbed a blow Into a double with sim- ilar crafty baserunnlng. He 's been platooned since joining the t>odgers but that doeJTI't seem to bother the Dominican Republic n a ti v e .. "Everyone needs a rest -every hitter gets tired," he a elm.its. "The manager can see it when the player isn't swinging the bat well." Dodgers hitting coach Dixie Walker calls. Mota a natural hitter who also works at being a good hitter. "Who can say why he 's good?" Walker comment$. "He's just a damn good hitter -puts it all together. gets the fat part of the bat where the ball is." The Reds got all their runs off starter Claude Osteen. "From the begiMing Claude was wild. J thought he'd come out of it but he didn·t," Dodgers skipper Walter Alston said . Tonight it 'll be Don Gullett against LA's Al Downing. ClllClllJl>lll (J) lH A"99ln lll '' r llrtl •• rhr111 Rose. II 5 I ' 0 Buckntr, lb • 0 • 0 More•n, 2b S I 2 O W.Dtvlt, Cl • O I O Tol1n,cf l l OOMot1,lf '040 BllllC!'l,c l211Cr1wfard,rl40 10 T.f'1r11, lD ! 0 l 2 Sima, c l O O O FOl!lf', rJ ! 0 I I G1rvey, 3b l 0 0 O Mtl>ltt, lb I o o O Valtnflne, 2b • O 1 O Concepclafl, •S s 0 0 0 All$Hll, u • 0 0 0 Nolen,p lO O I Ol!een,p 1000 P-,p 00 00 lefebvrr, pl\ 1 O O O strehl1r, p o o o o W,1"1rker, ph 1 o o o WHhrtm, p o o o o To11!s lS S f $ TO!lfs :M o I O Clnclrm1!1 011 .300 000 -S Loa A"l!tlet 000 ODO ooo -o E -llu11ell. OF> -Cl"Clnn11l I, LOI An1tlt1 I. LOB -Clntl11111t1 12, Los Aooelff I. 29 -T. Ptrr1, Mot1. Se -Mor11t111, Tolan. s -Tolin. II" M II I• I • SO Nolin (W,lt;.l) ' I 0 0 I ' Ostttn (L.1·S) ).2/J 1 s • S I Ptnl l·l1l 1 0 0 I 1 Strehler t I O O O I Wltlltlm 2 00011 PB -Simi. r ;,,..,., -2:2t. Artencllnc:• -33.lJO. UP I T'11811d1 EX·UCLA NETTER JIM CONNORS ADVANCED MONDAY AT WIMBLEDON BY UPSETTING BOB HEWI TT, Evert' s Lifetime Dr eam -Playing at Wimbledon WIMBLEDON, England (AP) -"Ever • since I was a litUe gitl,'' said Chris Evert, "I dreamed of playing in the .. Wimbledon championships. And now it's come true." The 17·yeaMld lellnis princess from Fort Lauderdale, Fla., was scheduled for her filst Wimbledon match today know· ing that a crowd of 15,000 was waiting to see her. "I'm not worried,'* Chris said. "l was at first, when J was just another school girl. But I'm getting used to Uie publicity now." MM~!, ... l'u t • ..,... Dick Sl6cltton, Pr.I W1tlll!'llllall, N.Y., bMI Tom l(ocll, l r1r1I, ..,, " , ...,_ f.2 M . ltOICOf· T1mwr, LOClllOllt Mountain. T1111\., bffl Jiii" V1!11co, ColombJe, .. i. U. ..,., 1.t, 1·5. Dlc11 Cr111r., Awtt'tll1, bttt Nlcol• Sl)Mr, YU111»ltvl1, 9 •• '-2• ,.,, 1..S. 81r1¥ P!lliP,.MOC>r<!, ... u11r1111, bHI Jo.QU!m LOY~ Mayo, M•~ico, 6-3 ... l .... 7. Tom Gorman, Stttt!t, bfft l!rnl•d Ml;nol. 8t1qlum • ....,., •·4 . .._,, Lttlt'I' Hunl, Aus•r•ll•, tiff! 8r1nd1 IC lrk. $0!.olll Atrkl , 7.s, .... Chicago's Hull Inks Contract In New Loop ST. PAUL, Minn . -The World Hockey Association has completed the biggest coup of its young life today by signing rival National Hockey League superstar Bobby Hull away from the Chicago Black Hawks. The WHA and WiMipeg Jets called news conferences this morning in St. Paul and this afternoon in Winnipeg to sign Hull to a multiyear $2.5 million con- tract. "Everything is as prescribed," said Ed Fitkin, assistant ID WHA President Gary L. Davidson. "People wlll realize that e are here to stay." Davidson left his Santa Ana o!fleti lilt Monday with a cashier's check for $1 million to present to Hull. ~ Rams' Sale to Colts · Owner Denied NEW YORK -"Everybody's n looking fOf me, II said, Bemlce eera. whoae career 11 pni1.,.1on11 bl~ lirsl femal• umpire began and L06 ANG&LES (AP)-A report by a Loll Allceles sport.sca1i.r Monday even. 1111 that the Loo Angeles Rams had been llOld .for $17 l)l!Uicn to C • rr o 11 JICllM!lbloom ot· the Blltimore Colts was immediate!)' dented 1IJ both National r.otblll !Aqlle ch"" ...i Ille NFL com· -· jllll -,,. a.ltimare Ban publlahed ,_II lbll -ham ltod "made a -·-"ltbuJtlllllllL W 1111 -bllifillil pil!l!Nd npol'IJ llllt Ill -.. ,.. oolt repeated ..u.r 'C'8*" dlol tlll clull will b< ' sold to """' 1lreocl1 named In • • three-way deal unless complicalioll.'I arl!IC.. Jim He.aly or radio station Kl.AC here said the Rams had been sold to Rosenbloom, owner •or lhe Colts. fur ''7 million. niat reJ)orl w .. squaihed by NFL Commil$loner Pete Ro• • 11 e . Ro8enbloom'a son Steve, the president or the ,Colts, and Ram President William A. Barnes. The Sun, In its Tuesday ediUnns, said Rostnbloom admitted. +"I have made. 1 commitment. We wlil just have to see U tt can be: worktd out." The Sun story 11lso iTJd!caJcd th"t John Unitaa. whose Colt contract runs out after the coming season, has· a 10-)'ear personal service contract w I t h Rosenbloom And . it was speculated that the former AIJ·Pro quarterback would join tho Rams J'ronl olflce U the deal went through. Melvin Durslag of the Los AngeltJ Rerald Examiner had written tbal Jlob. crt !my of Skokie, lll., and Willard "Bud" Keland of"llaclne, W°JS., would purcllase the club, then trade with '.Ro. enbloom for the Colts, making RoseJ>. bloom new owner of the Los Angeles franchise. Durslag had allO written that 1 a 16 ml!llon dCpo.<ll h already been •• made by the two men to buy the Rams. Neither was available !or comment on thal report earlier In the day. . .''rve talked to at least 20 people." Barner said, "and when we have something worthy of holding a neWI con· fereocc aboul1 I c.ao aSSUtt )'OU lbat will be the first order of business. "Tbere are a Joi or tax angles to be considered, plus the 1ppro•al of the league and the c.wrts." Steve Rooenbloom, the Baltimore club pr.,idcnt, admJtted bit father hid talked with Ram otticlala ever alnce the death last year of Ram OWM'r Dan Reeves, 1 lonatlmc rriend of 11..,.,,bloom. I Saturday night. "I don't want .ty anythlng now. I'm tired." ' But Mrs. Ger• added: "I'll tall at the n e-. s con!ertnet.." The t().YelfCctld housewife from tht Jackoon lleiib6 3':· tion or New York celled 'l'bt Atsocilted Press Mondoy to announce w will bOfd ·a e<>nference Wedne1do ~t-mtaurant near her home. ' ""' SAN OIECO -The Houston Altrol tied the club record wflh five home nais and then used three aln(les, t"11 doubl.., • triple and two errora to -. aev'" runs In tht IUI lllrfe inn• and be8I ,!ht San Oieio Padres lf.7 Mond1y ni1bl. I Alamitos Racing Entries ... ,...,, lltk ........ 1t """' 1111'11""' -""'· , ..... IM ...... "'"' ..... 'i•t ""'· " •UC't• ... 111 •1e1 U ••kt .. M •t11 lllf ttfl .left. PllST MC• -«Ill Y•rdt. J Yillt Old• & ""· flll!et t. MllPft. C••lml11t, Pvr11 Dl(l(I. c11lmlnt prk• U!Dll, C'Vl!llc'JI Dllrt {Ill . A!l11r) ll' 11141n1111 Lo.,,. (M. CrotOYJ 116 TUl.laM T•rl IJ. Dr'-) 111 Cory IC't Glil'l'lbll IAlllto111 11' I'm tNtl!llllffid llC, Mertl 11• l"rtrlklt Alltrllfoe Cl. 19flkll 111 11:11111111111 Mll"lc ( •• V111•nl 111 Veu HutSY Vou CT. Lldllm) "' P11c111~ ,.nu-(D. Knletil) 111 SI• CO.I IJ, W1r-J 110 AIM •1'91Mt VI-. "+-¥' Moon IM. "•9SI 111 SICO"D tl:ACtt -l50 Y1rdf. t ¥tat ..... C!•lfol.llll. PlllW SI•, Clllml118 Prk1 tHOO. ludl:y Shlldl (I. V1Ulhlll 117 CMdt11H1111 IC. lmltfll 11• W\>11 Pe Go IC. PtfMfl 117 prttty tlldl111 IT, UPMml IU Sntek Atttck IS. TrHwrel' 120 D1I Riii OUNn IW. ,,,,_IMnbld'I) 11• Doubll'1 Dvd (D. A/lh1onl tl1 a.nu wine (M. P1 .. 1 117 Wtil"1'~ M!Q IH. Cl'OWf) 117 TMlltO UC• -U> y1rG•. 3 v111r •kh • 1111. Ctelmlne. l"lltM 12200. Cl1lml1111 11rlc1 ~. ltlYI TM V1t IC. Plf'MI') 119 G1t11 Go Mlln fJ. WllMM\I 111 IMlllY THkY (IC. Hirt) 117 Mlflnoll1 EMii (Ill. Ad1lr) 119 Andy Go (J, DrlYlf'I 115 Ughtnl111 lld (C. Smltti) 122 , Ltot1'1 Dla! (Jt. 11111111 11• D!vldlnd'• l~r fH, Cro.11¥1 112 Ftabblr CO. Knight) 117 l'OUltTM llAC• -"° r•nlL 2 Yllr o!dJ. AHllW~fttl. Pune SltOll. Ml•J VIM"'" (J. W1tton) 117 J<lve Chics CJ. Dreyer) 120 Pocketu CT. llfjhern) 117 W1tcil Z'1 F..-.:y (Jt. V1uvhn> 1 U f'er Ml Only CD. All-J 117 Rfllilt ltd llC, Hert) 11J ,rlnc:ffll Z.ret1 IS. Tl'Nwrel 11• Tinv Pll! CC. Perrw!rl 117 'op'•G1I CD. IWthfl 11' ' .... Still Friends: Fun •r>d Protrt (A. Ac1•1r1 111 Californlll' Angels first baseman Jim Spence!' en· l'll'Tlt uc• -110 y1n11. J ""' 01<1s 1. uP. ct•1mr"'. Pvr.. s1to0. gages in a skull session with wife Fran as they pre- c111m1n11 Price S1600. Sa d ftball ell . t G\'11 ,, .. 1L.. wr19110 11• pare for tur ay's so pr uun.ary game ~ ~~ ~~ ~~!1ri ::; Anaheim Stadium. Angels players will face tbell' Mt:kN 1eu111n tJ. w1n11 n• wives in a 7:15 prelim contest to the regular An· lt~ttte's Kid (I'. 1-l • 111 Cf'llNw• 1r..,. 11e. H1ro 1u gels-Oakland game. ~. CW>ld R. l1M.1I lU -"------"----------------TM Churt IJ. Kenll) 117 SIXTM ltACa -l50 Yll'Cb. J 'tier oldL Ctllf.-brMI. Cl1lml111, PUl'M S2000. c111rn1111 price S1JOO. Wlld c.., CK. H•rtl 117 $P1Cl1I HOllC'I (Jt. Adllr) 117 Do!'ll MNf' (It. l1nQ,) 117 V1ln Tone111d1 (T. LlPi11ml 110 Tl'lllY Up Tlehl (C. Sm1tlll HS lu•eoeed 2rld (D. l(nlGhl) 111 P:Oc:kll'I ledY (J. Rlcf'llrdl) 117 MelkMI l1ndll CJ. W1rdl 117 Dtllt S.rw:h IC. Perl'lefl 117 l•r Thi Moon IH. Cl'fl!IYI 120 l•V•NTH Ill.Ca -5'19 Ylnll. 3 '1!1r old1 I. up. Allow1nc:1. P11r11 $20DD. Wiiiow Gold IC. Pemtrl 119 F11t Efdll (J, W1t11111l ll7 Ju.nllt P-eyel Cl, Vll,lllfln) 115 Tl'trottl• ltcll IL. Wr19111! 117 RMnOlno (I.. Adllrl 111 l"rOIPWOUI Girt tT. l~I 11' Come On o.tk IA. hnlll) 111 Elltn'I Poai (0. Atlf90!!) 117 l1rthllld IC. Smlttll 117 TrulY lar (S. Tre1wnil 111 ••O"TM IACa -a Yll'Cb. J Yllf ltdl .. U•. AllOWlllCI. F'Urw sxm. Untie P• (S. Tr11wr1) 117 '9r1M Aodc91 (0 . Allllonl 122 Attro Sufi (J, OrrtWl •117 NG Jtnlrllrlt (T. LiPMl'l'll 116 T°"' Tadd CC. Pln'lll'I lit Pirates in First After 11-4 Verdict Ward's Pirates moved 1n front of the Metropolitan IA>ague baseball flag chase Sunday afternoon with a come- from·behind, ll-4, victory over the host Senik's Rustlers with six big runs in the eighth in- ning. nlng after Mark King had walked, then limited the tire nine to a sirlh inning double by Scott Johannes. He struck out nine Saddleback ballers. At Golden West College, Gordon Blakeley propelled a MltN ltl ... lllS W L T IN. Ar9D tJ. W1tsonl 117 Saddleback's Mabee Tire Company entry dropped a l--0 decision to the 0 r a n g e ~~ Panthers .{Chapman Cpllege) 1i'O With the losers limited to two \ltnew!n (It. M1lr) 11• NINTM UC• -,50 y1rd1. J ¥11r flldt " up. a11mlna. l'vrw snoo. Cl~1nlt11 "'kl S2000. Tl¥ Twrlffc: (II:. l1nksl PllllM kr CC. Ptrnlrl • QI~ (J. K1nl1I ~--IH. CrosbYI "' I W1rd'1 "''''" 2, I t LI FOl'ldl Dans ,> '"'\lrton Hutl11!'1 1, > O Sen k'1 Autl1.,. .... ,_,. l ' • CVP'ftl Chlrllf'S ,' 0 Oi'a!IM 1"11\tl!IB I o SWMY'I ....... ~lr1111 11, Rustler• 4 ............... .-... Fullerton S. Cl'JH'IH 2 :r.:"..t1~·-r;r .. '!:.rwtPHll 111 base hits by junior hur er ~~ Cl'alg Flanders. M1rl1111 It, U Fondl 1 (1xllltlltlonl T....-.r1 Otmt5 Biid E,,_ IT. LIClhlnll D'flltmO Petrel IL. Wrllhtl Colmlc: (D, AlllMln) I'm £trlY (J, Aldlll'd0 ,,1 Flanders gave up a single to ~:; Steve Carpenter in lbe first in· LI Fond• Done vt. Slnl~'t AU1!1- 1t S.nte Anl Mlmorlll Ptl'k. ' •·'"· W•rcl'•' Plrtllil ...... or11111 P•f11'111rs 11 SA Memotlll "'rt. I 1.m. ' Alamitos Results home nm for the Rustlers to give the Senik nine a 4--2 lead which it took intd the seventh frame. Three ·nms by the Pirates reversed the Jeader, 5 Ml!lll..,, ,.,. "' 1m c111rafut FIRIT RACa -J:50 Yt,dt. J y11r oldt lo UCl. (lllml119. PIH'M SllOO. Mr. Pn. I.Ir (K111l1I 6AO 3.20 2.IO C~ Al I 1<11111111 l.211 3.110 R•ln Diii IVl\llhnl '·'° Time -.11 2/10. '" AIM ren -Mr, Allnt ZlllM, Ill• Gr1ndlddr. lalirnl Trllfr, Gold 1"9Cll. MIK Dll Jtu 9er, TOl'l'ltllr Tonia, D1Yl1 J-. So'1tchld -NIOl'I lltn. le Pllf1 JH and Tom'1 <MY. 12 E:nct9 I -Mr. htl Ill' a 11 - CllNCI At, Hkl 114M SICOJ40 RACI -3JO Ylrdl. 2 Ytlf olds. Bl'ld.C.Uf. Clllmllll. P11tle SllOll. Chic P1t Go (Wllsan) 35 . .rJ 10 . .0 •.IO MIP Jtock1nlr11r tHarll ,,00 2.60 Rhythm Men (Cralfvl 2.tcl Timi -.II 6/10. AJIO rlrl -SlllklM Miion l•r, Pel• llUln, Jadll S.l!n 91r, Cllblrito, S.lllton, DortflY'I "•lllo. £Mll1'1 Cute ·~·· Sa1ld'lld -Sllonlo Mlln. Wllldl'tfl M l11, C1ll Ml a.M tl'ld Uncle HollY. TMIRD llACE -110 Yerds. 3 '"' 1ld1 I. llO. Cl1lml1111. P\lrM S200ll. Don 1Ct.w !CrOllWI V.00 11.0ll '·'° Go AnlUnd IStnllfl! •.AG .4.00 Nickl Oii Mir I Knlllltl 3.2111 Tlll'll -"1 1(10, Na Krlldlft. l'Dt.IRTM ltACI -3.fO yltdL I ¥Mr lldl d11m1 ... """' '''°°· Adln Amlp CTre1SUf'll SOMt¥ Gii (1(1\llhf) Gob!n lill'I , ..... , Tll'M-.II •110, ,, ... 10.IO •JO 1•.20 '·'° 11.«I 4, and the big eighth put the AIM r1n -SIMPfA Dream. Dtotti Icing on the cake. 9•r JudY, W'rllll AIWrn, Ga Oler Go. P ul Fl min belted saneuh•'• Jet, Jim Doolll'I. J11ntiert1. a e g a Scratdled -Nlner'I Ctlartett., C:ClllY homer in the seventh With tWO W•tctt, Bedev111d •nd Jorws v11tf'lt1n1. mates aboard to put ••· fll'TH UCE -400 yerdt. 1 )'Hr ~ oldtc ' up. c111m1t11. Puna slOClll. Pirates in front. Fle~ alJo Dt Judee CW1nll 24M I.• .._. had tbr "'""' and ••-· 0111 1r1..av !LIClflltnl u 2.to ee GW6'es wn:.:: Mone 0111 '"""'°"' SAO rbis for the game. Time -JD •110. AIM ''" -Jlnvoi•t, ic1c1pu '"· In the eighth, Rich Fielder G•rvln countr. Eest lndl•n. ZIPllY had a bases-Joaded triple to Ht,._ SIXTM IAC• -:150 Y1rdl. I .,.., spark the Si.r.·run uprising. okh. Allowltl'IU. Pune $2900. W11T'1 "''"'"' 1111 ll:DY1l Go Go {Rlch1nbl 7.20 J.llO J.00 1b r II rltl 1 "-Tiult Gtrl tL1P111ml t.IO .... McKlnlfY, Jb I ' j '• ltutus Dun It tAllllOll) 3,00 Fltlder, 21:1 j TI,,,. -.11 tt1t. r.r.:" eml~, rllb 1 4 J AIM r•n -Prl .. Kllltn, Art1, ,,. , ct t I I N 'I Plink., T11rly Trlfflc, Lynn Cn, mer, d • i 00 8 Diamond D41llOlr, Slnt111111h. ~.·.,~ l o Su1tdled -Go T•rrlflc Ind Clou9tl. I 1 :i f Turlevlodls. F.''°"' u \ $5 E•Ktl S -lttYll Gel Ge • • -I lllllbln'Y, 111 3 ICllOW Ttlll 0111, HN 1144.•. Cfl:'.\1P J 11 i a SaVENTM IL\CI -U> y1nl1. 3 veer llnlll'I llftfllrl (41 okl' a. up. Claiming. Purse 12500. 111 r II rltl ClllHll' (Pemlrl 1.00 • . .O 3.llO Mis c1ul 0 1Yl lb •1 ! 0• ! l.Gclll! Mick (B-1 7.IO 6.IO ~m "" I I He't. A PllmOl'ICI (Tr111111A) 1.60 l!mPSon, cl f Time -.U flit. ~-=,:..,. rt o' ! 1 Alto ren -Rov1I T• ler. Geronll'l'lo ""11, 1 i Mlror, A Goli'I' Miii. Sur11n•1 Ml... ='"',-,.•, .. r 11 Wlldl Ell. '.: Scritdlld -Jt.,. Clru. ~ • I 1:19MTM ltACI: -et Ytntl. 3 yeer -,l11 -.. -.... CllstlflMI AllGWance, """" -""'"-Pvne s:iooo. "'*' c • I ICowton CU""'"'l 6.0t J.• J.00 l"mnon. 1111 j J~ ,,.,. CPwMrl I n.eo ..., ~""f1!.~-· rl f I'm Mot St.py IAdelrl a.-T_;j,r.-' 4 I ' Time -..JO S/10. DI 1 k.,. .., 1-... AlllG Jt1111 -F'""' 1'1rtr.ll, Jlftl'IY Wtnt'li "lr1lll Olt 100 ~11 I 0 Dlwr. Nu """· Prlflf• "'"""'· senlk'I R1,11tt1n 111 110 --4 10 ' Volleyball Tiff =r.w.·'::'. -"' ""'" • --.111 , , ... okll. AIWIW•nr:.. PIH'M Sll'OO. ~ .J' ! 0 i I (MlhudaJ -· . .J ... uo ,.2M 1'"' I Spotted • ., -'"'iw;:... lb The Orange County Ski Club w11m c,... 011c 1croe.1W1 1i.oo s.• ~· • I I I Is sponso..i..... 1 w e e k 1 y Tlo vino thrntrl '-2' ' • o I .... Tlmo-... 1110. ~ I I vo1leybaU game TuetdQ even.. AllO "'" -vo1ere. w .. ....,..,11n. f:J5 , rt , In In Corona del Mar Those Mldttn CNr9ff, Min ot H-r. Ciiio ct , j gs . NI•!, Mtle Fllflll, G1ll1nt ....... 'I mO. p ti t t interested I n partlclpaUng setatctied -OlllOY Ed!o 11111 ""• o1a11 ..,. w 1--.. &bould come to the main "':;1·,.ect,, 1 _ '"""' .., 111 a Ortntt Ptnltlln • "° ~ ' I beach at I p.m. Wllcll CMk Cbk. ,... lllUI SlddlltlM:lt Gii .. ~ 2 1 Two Area Nines Win In Legion Weslmlnator and Sin Clemente were the only vlc- l<lrlous Oronge Cout area nines In SUnday's American Lfglon baltboll action. Weslllllnster took Peanon, ~. in .. American League game . while San Clemente blanl<ed Garden Grove in the National loop, t.-0. In another Amerlcon cln:ult contest, MJss1on Viejo WU thumped by Analleim Heffron, 11-5. .Other National loop hostilities found F 0 U D t I i D Valley droppin1 • doubleheader to La Quinta by llH and ~ counll. Westminster rode the five. hit pitching of Mike TUdale while Bob Nodland WU the olar at the plate -collecting four hila In u many trips. Britt Heodricbon bad three singles In four trips Sunday but it wasn't enough to avert Mission Viejo'• airlh 1oaa In 10 tries. San Clemente tallied ill lone nm 1n the fourth, when wi~ nlng pitcher Matt Keough got aboard via an error, moved to second on a ground out and scored on Rieb Doug!us' lingle. J e ff HaUield'1 lhr<e-nm homer was Fountain Valley'& big blow in Its first game against La Quinta while Hat. field had I triple and scored twioe In the oecood. Volleyball Olympians SANTA MONICA -The is. member U.S. men'• Olympic volleyball team wu c:bosen Satunlay. '!be 1e!ectloa committee ... nounced the memberl are 0oug Beal, Columbus, •o.; Mike ~~ Malibu, Duncan McFarland, Manhattan lleocb, Kirt xu,our, Loi Angeles Miles Pabll, Santa Moo!ca; Dodge Parker, Honolulu; Dan Pattenon, MaJlbu; Byron Sbewman, Olula Vista, Jon stenley, U.S. Air Force; Ran- dy StevelllOn, P a c 1 f I c Palisades, Budy SuwU"a, San- ta Barbara, and BUI Wardrop, Manhattan Betdl. • OAll. Y PILOT J Zi Knowkdgeable Uni C0ach Estancia Set w Join Bush at UCLA Takes 43 Hal --aniy uwnd the Orloc• Cout area for a mere -·· time. But lo ~ lmowledgeable GI tloe area prep tract aod lleld ....,., be mlide hia lllll'k. llarknea, SI, carried bia eoochma banner during the ll'IJ.71 achoo! )'HD U b e a d crou country aod oplke mentor at Un!ver- alty High in l:Mne. However. 1!llen a brllllant _.tuntty come1 up enabllnc a brilJJt )'OUllS coach llke Har-lo advuce b1a llllul (and prob. ably ellhance hia peydleclt as well), It's bani lo reluae auch an oiler. Lo and -· the IOlclen band of ad- PHIL ROSS vancement knocked at Hal'a door earlier tbla year, and, even though be bad planned lo lily on wllh Uni '• Trojans, Harkneu couldn't tum down b1a beoelactor -UCLA bead traCk·aod field coach Jim Bush,, A polWbouae on the cinder peth! during Bush's aeven-year reign on the Westwood campus, the Bruins have u:mttnually Jacked a claSI performer in one crucial area - the dbtances. So, former Newport Shores 1t1Ident Bush wu In the mortet for a qualifled Individual to aive hia cliatance prospecll closer atlen- Uon. And Harben was bis man. Now Brea resident Harlmw will usume duties as UCLA'• bead cross country tutor aod assistant tract coach come tbla ran. Harlmeu set the frethman two mile ......i at 9:2S wbIIe running for Bush at OCddental College from 195Nll and bu been regarded in ....,..t years u one of the betler pnop distance coachea ht the Southland. While coach!ni in 1967 at Loi Angeleo W!Iaon, Harkness produced Art Martinez, thlnl In the lllte meet 880 at 1:51.7, before movhtg Oil to South Gate llJgb in the LA City CIF..ctloo. Alter deparUng Soulll Gate for Uni, Hark· -beld the re1n1 u an but 1hne ot 111e TloJIDI' 15 vanity acbool """""' wtft mwbed. Most lmpttll!ve, GI coune, -• the mJcl. die distance aod dllllDce events where Jua- kn Bob Br.atonl (IU 440 and 1:51.11811), Don Roa (1:111 mile) and John Beaton (IO:SU) lowertd ICbool llandanls by Ieape aod bounds. With -at UCLA, University Higb'1 distance --lhouldn't be hampered much u Onsta Mesa resident 1lon Cbrlsten- aen, another hllbly reganled mentor, movu over rmn Lynwood to Inherit the TroJBnJ. • • • • To m..,, tloe U.S. JftP I~ ummtt -r<eonl Ht Ill ll!'-1•1 natleul AAU janlor track ud lldd -ot Denv.,. by Alvbl JatklOll of f'fovklenct, JU., WU .. _,.i.e. 'Ille burly Jaeboa walled Ille ball-• cbaln ltl-lt for tbe lf.poluld lludanl to add tut acbtevemut to the m.a utloul r<eonl wlllclt be establllbecl wblle bammertn1 tbe U-jloand .... bt ror Providence'• Oaulcal Hlgb. Jacboo, a 221 poaader, h -.w for Peu Jtate oa a loolball tellolanlllp. • • • • The Newport Beach American Legion jun. ion baseball nine has an all.CIF selection on Its roster. He's Roger Rasmussen, a current Newport resident who }lHpped thil past seuon at Monrovia High. M a pitcher for Monrovia's Wildcats, RaJ.. mUSSe!\ fuhloned a t-5 won-loss record and sub-1.00 earned nm average. • • • • Gola( into the boob II a rorm of slow tonare ii tbe ..... t Orange Couty an- baaeball 11me played at Aultetm.11 la Palma Pork. Aa upertmeM ill ae1&1•1 1aacevltJ, a. emtnt betwtea...., ....... Mii fnm .. -.... Nortll portlool .. tbe _, -tln'ee iaolll'I IDd U mlfttel -alKI that RI oaly lO get Ill lutng1 taken care of. Imagine U tlae thine would've 1tretclted Imo atn lnlD&•· (Yawn!). Triumph E1tancta edied Colla Mell, .... lalt Frldloy nllht . In a Harbor Area bayt baltball 1ame played at Colla Meaa Park. Coach Ken Mlllanl'o •lo- torlous Eaglet got all tbeJ · · needed ht atopplnc t h t I r croatown rivals wtlh all lour """ in the bottom of the f1rlt inning. '!be bll blows ror the Eagles In that rrame were doublel by, Mite DbaMI and Sieve Morl4n while a -in( error aiao figurtd inmtneoUy In the winner'• favor. Jim llacey'1 M ... nine got 1Ingle n1111 in the fourth, filth and •Ixlh 1tanw, with Dennis Delany'• tolo home run over tho Iert-center field wall being • the main b1ut In the fourth. C.-MIN fJ, .. t II 1'111 I i I I I ! : I I I I .: I I ! 8&fltfldl (4) .. , .. ,•,"' I I 11 .. f i I ................ (Mfa Miit .. 111 ~ , ' ,. l•l111d1 400 OOI x-4 I J Saturday Nitro Race Draws 16 Albacore Start tO Hit; Area Landings Buzz Baseball Clinic Set At Laguna A lkar field hlgbligbts the fifth ID DU I I Nitromethane Cbampionablpo at 0 r • n g • County lnlernallonal Raceway Saturday night. Gotel Ot><• for qualifying at IO::IO a.m. w!lh elimlnatloDI foll~ing Jaler at 7 p.m. TbO meet features drag rac- ing'• three -tupercbar(· ed, luel burning cate(orla - top luelara, funny CMS and luelaltmcia. Track re<onl ldder Pat Foster of T1r11111&, driving llalT)' Setzer'• Cb r ya le r • powettd Qievy Vega, will be going alter an unprecedented fourth conaecutlve victory at OCJR in the lwmy car division. Aiao vying for final berths In the lkar IJeld are funny car speclaliata aucb u Ray Alley. Dave Beebe, Suah Mallublra, Gory Burstn and Jim Dunn, amoogotben. MOii wortbwblle driven on the top lueJ llate, alao COID· petlng for II final spots, lb· elude BUI TldweU, Gerry Glenn, James Wamn and Don Moody. The fuel altered drivers, meanwhile, wlll be IOinc after eight final slots. Bmeball Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE Pittsburgh New York Ollcago St. Louts Montreal Pblladelphla ClnclnnaU Houaton Docllel'I Atlanta Eoll lllvllloe W L 31 22 31 25 3$!11 :IO S2 'll !5· 2219 WttlDMlloa •• 19111 !529 San Francllco San Dlelo 29 S3 1115 2111 Pel. GB .11311 .1112 2 .171 I ,414 tll .435 U\I .361 17 .IOI -.IOO II .517 4 .Ill t .357 II .SSS 1711 AMERICAN LEAGUE Detroit BaJUmore Cleveland New York -Mllwautee Olk!ancl =. Kanta City Aagell Texu EutDM1loe , W L Pet. Mlll .517 SS 'll .llO 'll n .111 21 J2 .141 25 'SI .Ill 12 S7 .m GI I I 7 I 1111 West 0Dlvlaloo .m .lllO I .611 1 .411 U\I .413 U\I .llt 1111 Coach Damll McKibban of Laguna Beach High will dlnct a -fold bueball clinic whlcb lalteo place July I, I and II cm tba 4rt1ota' dla· mood. Each portioa cf lhe ellllk: Iuta '""" t :• a.m.-cm the•-............ -the IDltnlclloo st-froa of charp 14 ell lloJa hD lllllo ~ -... blCh ICbool. Only llml ond -.. ... quired to "' lnalbl .. .... e1lnic bJ portlelpoall. The lint day wtll .... central& on bunting and hit· Uni: the ucond -ion on defaaolve bueboll; and Iba IInol Alvo will Include 1Jue. nmnlnc and nlated -nl-. Tine former 1 tan d oa I playn an4 five Laguna vani- ty ~ rrom the 1m tum will balp with the ellnic. llelplng McKibban will lie Jack khwabl, former pltd>er for• Col Slata (Looi Beach) ond !he San Franclaco Gtanta' mJDor league chain; Steve ~ ei-all~F eatchar for El lllncbo mp llld ....,,,.. Anpla' larmllll!d; llld Jim ·, T-, a-Ualnnlly of Colorado bur!or alld brother of Olympic decatllioa I o t • midolllt BUI Toomey. DIAN UWll 1972 motA Wiil Bil •EISAIY SPECIALS!! '72 TOYOTA .U • ::~ $1966 01 $264 $48.86 -.. MDllTM " ·. " ' .,. " ' • ·; ,• '• ---!liiiii!iiiiiiiim!iii Westminster Girls Drop Doubleh~der at Simi -·-c11ic. 11, !"tit~ I JM! l"tlllc.._ I. At!Mtt I """ '1'9'\ .. '"'*"" l It. LMI .. MlllfNlt I """''-,.. ..... Ditto 7 ClndMlfl I. L41t ~ I T_.._ _,,._ Ml._..• I, ""JiMrt I ,.......,.,, ..... , Mlftrmlt1 7. c.w.... .. IC""" Cltr '-CIMcMe t ~1,Tlalll Dlfrttt 4 IWw v.. 1 ....... ,4 ? ........... ... _.., .. ,_ .. . ..... A.-Mj Slop .. 11.M ........... 12 •• ·. Westmlns!er'1 LltUe Miss Softball team lllllettd two dev-tinl defeats II the bandJ or Sin11 Valley pla)'<l'I lo ••IY &llD8 over the week· ""'· Due lo poor pitching conWI and numerous errors, the mll<lrt Iott their llrtt pma 1o Simi VaUey I In 1 13-nio ohutout. '!be Ione brl8ht spot ol the -1amo was Monique 0De1elte, wbo ollertd two doubles lo !ltlp booot the vil!Iort' Mllllll IOOrt. 'nle team loll lo Simi valley m, JU. Westminster wilt host Stan-toa !or Ill nm 1 a me Saturday. PlllllCtifllMI IHtlfl 1·t 111111 ll:fYl'llWil NI It Olk.-1.IWIM M 111'111 ........ NI AtW111 ("...,.. 1 .. 1 It 1M !'rand-(Moo II "' n-tc N) 1 ' P~ oci-•1> et ,...,-v..-IMc.AMNw t t NI I • MMfJ'llil tMIN't9ll >7 Ml Ttrm WI It It. It LMll ...... lfllMIM~M) 1 e ...,._ 1•_,, '41 et 1"'11 D .... CAl'ltll M, • t ClllCiflnefl IG\11111 ~I et WI ........ IDllWMw Wutlltl al• ttl •• ltd.• I e 1.....-i. • J • ~· 1. llllM. Cf J • J..-.. H I t ~.111 , • W11t1r, a J e -·-MllWtllll.tl f9Ntt :HI It .. mm.r. IAlcm114• M If' HtrttlM NI ..._ CC-* N'.!,C........, IWI'-•11 C..... lllt'Hlll II .W.1 .. 11 I"""' HJ ~ (..,_ > tf ._ CIW C ...... _.., .,...... c........-.. ,, et T°" ( ....... 441 N1W Yd ll•lllieMM NI II Dlfr'lfl 11.tfldl l«ldflffl. e J • HIMollt rl ' • T .... 1 11 e t •· .. \ • • 1-~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~...i~~~~~~~ . . ~ ,t I 11.J) _,,_ • • • .. .. t-•. J • llJ ... 11" • ... ...... , .. .. ,.,.,. .... . ' .. lf'9Mli ~ • • 1 • • °""""" a, ... ~ ' 1 I 1 ........ c: ' , , 1 ........... ,. • 1 1 • ~.1 ... 111» 4 t I t Wllllr,. • t I t Ml'*""" d ' I I I """"' " 4 • • • T...it • I I ' _,,_ • • • """911MW 11'1 ftl ._ I I f """ ••Mfr 111 n• sn x-11 u • ' • DEAN LEWIS 1t6' HAUOR ILYD., 'COSTA Ml'SA hrvlC9 1nol Parta fw All ,._,.., C.rt Modem lady Shop fw AH c:.n 646-9303 Onnie Coanlft Latpst and Molt Modem To:JOll and Volt0 Dealv ClnUIAI DSLIYDT .IPICtALISTI 1--$3550 DI $295 -.. $92.86 -ltra ,.. ... I I ...... tilJll..ll. ... ............ -.... --ifli~'P -llM~ .. GHM ATTINTIQN VOLVO OWNlllS Ann1-ry Spoctoll AllCOtt-~ __ , ~ INSTALLIDll ' • ~· " . , .. • • l l ' • • Jf OAll:Y PILOT TlltSll_,, Junt 1:7, 1972 TONIGHT'S TV IDGHIJGHTS Veteran Actor's Son Makes Debut :" '72 Mi.ss America Enwrs • • Homestretch of Her Reign KTLA D 6 p.m. -Angels Baseball. CaUlor- nia Angels at Minnesota Twins. KCET fD 6:30 p.m. -"Five Days in Moore- field." An examination of the attitudes and acti~i­ ties of residents of a small rural community in Virginia. KHJ O 7:30 p.m~"Stanley and Livingstone." 1939. Spencer Tracy, Richard Greene, Nancy Kelly, Walter Brennan. ABC O 8:30 p.m. -"A Very Missing Per· soil." 1971. Eve Arden, Julie Newmar, James Greg- ory. A private eye's investigation into young w~ man's dlsaepearaace leads to murder. NBC O 9:30 p.m. -"The Blue Collar Trap: An ABC White Paper." News documentary exam- ines the blue collar worker, his life style, work ethic, politics and views. Tuesday Evening JUNE 27 &:GO fJ II 0 Ill m Ill Nm m~-o Anitb l1sebllf (con't from !i:JO PM) c.111. An1cl1 at Mlnn. Twln1. (1) Wlfcl' Wiid Wnt di Tiit flilltltona m DH1t1 "°"' (lj)-1 m•r, J1rna GftfOtJ', slljt Autirey, RI)' Danton, Dennis Rutket. A ft1m· tioyant prlvttt ~· lmtstlptlol Into thl dlSIPPtltlllCI of t J'OllJ\C \llOm1n lt1ds to l!IUrdtr. m Mm lrffflll .._ Gllllb: Jill Nabors, Rld'llnl Dawson, Lllnt Kl- un, Dr. IA• Siik, 1nd Pat end Slllr1ey Boollt. fl!lQ]llM-(IO 9:GOl!l-f.llY __ _ III lJ ""41 111t Cr1oA Q.i! Ille lflilalu l!il- t.25 m '"'"'",. 11o1,,_ m Htlftldrt ltd11 Q.i!-111 ail l• .,. ,._, t:30 fJ (I) Clllno11 (R) Andmr Duw11 Efl ftrM Stoops 1u1sb IS the frightened mldent of a &host IOWft whlrt Cll'IMll'I II· l;JO O lllM: (C) (60} "A Did.Int ctlvtt •n untrltndfJ rac:eptlo11 -..· By BOB THOMAS HOLLYWOOD (AP) Check the local li•tlngs and yoo're llkely to nnd movies starring the o!fsprlng of Henry Fonda, Judy Garland, Kirk Douglas, Lucllle Ball and Desi Arnaz, Edgar Bergen, Maureen O'Sullivan, Lloyd Bridget end John Wayne. Now add another name to the list of second generation stars: Edward Albert. He'• the handsome, blue.. eyed son of Eddie Albert, star of the television series ''Green Acres" and several dozen movies, and Margo, who ap- pear;ed in "Winterset" and "Lost Horizon" -she was the beauty who aged in minutes when she left Shangri La. Their 21-year-old son will become an instant star with the release nert month of the movi.e version of "ButterOles Are Free." Little doubt about it. He has the best star-mak- ing role since Duston Holl· man's in "The Graduate.'1 Albert plays an affluent blind yootb who runs away from hUi protective mother to set up his own pad in San Francisco. Arthur Knight's Hollywood Reporter review termed him ''infinitely "MURPHY'S WAR" with Poter O'Toolo TMllMI" Cond (1d¥) '64-Troy h• arrim In Mirth of robbtlJ su. Donal111t, Suztnnt Pllshette. peels. I~~~~~~~~~~ (J)CIS 11m Witt. Cronkllt Q (lj@DIJHCP411'NllltCllo 11!1 ... --II( T""'" Al MC - --· m Tiit n,11( 111.111 fim "OCUll'MlltlalJ twnfnlna tflt !BJ Nltn ti AIMriAn F°" llutlc blut coll1r wm:tr, his Uft st)'!•. fr) Flft Dl)'s II MMtlfl.W (R) An wort ethic. polJllcs and vffWI on I wmfn1tlon of the attitudes ind Y111tty of 1ubJects. tctlvl!ieJ of rHldtnb of • sm111 O llJ Nm rurtf comrnunlly In Vitllnil. (ljJ l!ldl JHru1 ll!IT-~ fDIM '""" S1C1 (I) ~ '""' .... i!l llw-l!il Qollo _&ti_ m_, ... _"" EDVldltltnn a.. Ii) Hoo ..... Eliot Min• lD:OO 0 CI) (J) llJ llllm Wtllr, M.D. "Cross-M1td'I" A •1tttr )OUnl bllCk 7:00 fJ Cl) II m..... m•n finds I MW """ of llf• wlltn II) Tm. tr ColMqllllltll hi alws his blood to llfl tht Iii• (J) ..... 11 of I .. HI baf, O W1'11'• "' Ultl Dt.oo•., -m I Low ""' • -""' Jona, ... -m 1 -11 Jiii•• · llJ "LOOK AND LIVE" ® Ml4d• ci.u ........ * SPECIAL-CECIL TODD Ult. Q• YH4rl " "°"" ART LINKLmER f!il-..11 VONDA KAY VAN DYKE ti) Una Pleplfl "' ti Calllhlt m ........ u... hllflous proffllll. QI lfnil: •Undf< ID flip" @ lfollJ"M T-- 1:1D a CIJ a"' • .., """ ""' l!il •--Comed)' va1lety series, tlso l11tur1na &J ll U7ndit • ..,.... Spencer Quinn 1111! C1I Wilson. 10:301J Tht loldlll..,. (R) Emtst Merit Etrle, and Johll Twomer and eorgnlni 1111Sb. NOl'l'l)lft Anderson. Guests •rt Ed· D Or. SI-Lieb '1'ht Httllf'" ••nl Asner tnd lom.t Lllft. ors. lotkl tnd Stt1tfl find tllent· B m hlldertSI "A Rid• In Ille HIYIS In cont lid 1Mtwtt1' tM proud Sun" (R) Bink Robbers uSI the inces1fl1 Wt)'I of tftl' Ameritln In· Cutwrlahb as dupes In 1 plot to dllns 1nd thl ttdlnlqun of lftOd. stul from Ille Yitglni1 Cit)' Btnl eni mtdlclnt. 0 (})CJ) Q'J Tiii Mod Sq111d 1J Ntws Geot1t Putn1m "Owtslde Position" (R) Bobby SfiM· {)}Al 1 .. lllln guesh as tn ••·convict Pile Qi Stl DHp ,....., tritl to llelp afl!r he WIS framed fD ltfind tht U.. "Wip. Wlllo on • n1reotlcs charae. R.qs tnd Rldln" A look It women'• (_I) I Dre1m ol Se1nnlt m11azl111S. "MAROONED" ... "SILENT RUNNING" .... ll'GI COL'OI 0 Million $ Movie: (211,, "Stlnlrr el Lt Stlllica llld Urlnptont" (1dv) '39-Spen· m eau tf tbt Wiit A MARK IM>ELl f1M cer TtlC)', Richard Grunt, Htnq 9 McMt; "'TWt ftlfl Wiil" lle!ly, Walter Brennan. aJ Condtndl Culplble Slton Cit 7:00 p ... ~ "H'::' ::~1111: "Eth1op1._ 11:00 II o o mm m....,. ,1-"!"""°"'~-=':.,"'!":::---•\ mKoaan's Heron IJ)(l}ID}N... 'fM.lll'T ma..., OT•~·"'* .-""' @The Forsytt 511, 00 MtrWt DIHol'I \'DUR NH ED cmmD tqU1I Justkt Und• 0 Movlr. ,:'Th' F~-. llnl . the Lo "SIO!I ind frisil" and MUMhtuMn (dr1) S9-M1los Ito· ~search end Seizure" (RJ Tlltse pecllJ, Jina Br1jova. M.'WISOt ~ J films ate des!rned to Inform clll· mtnrt11 If ConseqlltltClt ' AIMMDMW.el:; m C:!st~e: ::~tiontl riihtt = ::~(:-CONTIN~~5u:·:uNNIN• Q) Movie: (2111) "'Nlaht Unto 11:30 1J (I) en Lttt Mwlt: (C) ..... SUNDAY MATINll Nlclrt" (dr1) '•9 -Ronald Re11en, dnilltd" (dr•) '55-Annt Bnttr, l's;=:=:=:2 :;':; 11='·=·=· ====:I Yivea Lindfors. SIM fomst. r O ll9Jl!,)lor11111· -!Jto<tt Pepp1fd, Rodnt)' D1nttrfltld runt. 7:f5 O Angels Wrap.Up l:OD 9 Sports Chll!•nl' 8 Ont 9ttp l.,tM . IJ) R°"" " "' •n• 0 (I) 11) Ill Didi -'Ana1l1 m The Mothert·ln-Ltw D1Yis, In her first talk show IPPNI• (!)Piny MtJDll IRCI slnct htt tcqultt1I, pests. Ei)ltMtjornl'.scllnol mtt Tell the Tnrtfl Ill Lo "" '"""' 12:00 u """' -~· ... (Ii) Esttdo1 Ctn!rll (mp) '49-Al1n Ltdd, Dont11 Rttd. •~au CIJ -1 '"'"° 1R1 •cG•" m """" -•d -rett's fofTlltr lilntee (Diint Mui· (rotll) '46-floblr\ You111, Dototts. daur) finds lltr husband slaln. McGulrt. • ll ~!!!lllC !di" ,,,,_ llJD m-bJ -TI"' "Turncoat" (R) Gtorp H1m!non, M1rprd 0'8rten Ind C.trnll O'Con· 1~ Cl) a D ([I 0 ..... nor Wr in Korean Wit drtma 1bout t:IO fJ "'* _ "PUMtt iFltt" t Iii wllO clelect£ to lht enemy tnd , • '"'' b unt back to the U.S. to steel (wes) St-John Paynt, Dmb: mluile s.eaets. O'KMI\. D Motle· (211r) "F1tt1 !ft tllt lttln" • All.fllcW 1llor. "Thi El M1t. ' . .,...11,,. ..,... II& 11n1t.• t~. 63-fl:OIJ C.lha~n, Mtrina ,.1111 ,.... . a rn 1J> !ill"""' ,, "' w ... , 3:00 •--,-11111 .....,. fq (IO) "A Yt!J Mluln1 Ptnll" (~) '!iQ.-llWJMICMumy, lrt• (lllJ*) '71-£11t Aldtfl. Jullt Ntw· Du1tM. W--'-d m _ _.ld•>'" 9Uf18S ay -touh "''""" Jooo Losllt. l:lO u ''R11hc -·· (ft) '4'-•• t!OVIES Jean ParUr, IMltlf ...,._. - -l:GO OO "Two m....,.. -. •• .. .. 1'\ -(od'I) '63-MtllO" ·-Joo•.a..dl -Rll ,.....,. ....... Brio~. ........ .....,. (dro) 11-9 (C) '1to ......... Po~ I --. ..... Doll. (mUI) '53-flld -· Cl' CM--~ ._. (do) 'lO 1:00 :1,"iCl "'"""" ti lllt -....:.: ..:;. (..,) =:"wi%.".l '63-MM """'"' ~ .......... -i.... 4:l0 (})-•llt!ll ..... .. v ' r """ ·11-111110 s:00utc1-i1 -, nw-<"'11 .... -~ ......... 111117. • ~-­"BEDICNOBS AND BROOMSTICKS" Contln-Dally 1...., 2 p.m. --······ _ _. ..... ,! ... -···"• touching tn 1 role that coold ...Uy degenerate Into self pity. Jnltead , he II warm, l'unny, bellevablY self-reliant, aDd dramatically elfll<llve." Not bad for a young man who never acted before. "Well, just once,11 be ad- mitted. "It was a picture call-ENTERTAINMENT ed 'TIM! Fool Killer' with "--------' Anthony Perklna, and I was 11 years old. My mother helped me get through It. I don 't iemember much about the ex-perience at all." Despite bll inezperience, he more than hold.t up bll end ol scenes with proa Gold.le Hawn · and Eileen Hectart. Could this be la!!! lo heredity? •'Environment, too," h e said. "You see, ours ls 1 very tight family. Whenever my father went on location, he took all of us along -as far back as 'Roman Holiday' when I was t year old~ I often went with bim on bight club tours, too. So I absorbed a tremen- dous amount. "We also stay home a great deal and watch movies on television. Afterwards w e discuss what was good and · what was bad about the pic-tures." Edward Albert was born and reared here, but he grew up oulllde tile Hollywood world. His parents sent him to public acbools, and the Alberts never traveled much in the movie crowd. Luci Award Ceremonies Thursday Movieland Wax Museum, the stars' Hall of Ferne ln Buena Park, will hold ill Sec- ond Annual \.Ucl awards din- ner here Thursday, it was an- nounced by JOsepb F • Prevratil, museum director. lAlcite statuettes symbolic or product\on and acting ex- cellence will be presented to producer Philip D'Anlonlo for "The French Connect.ion" and to Jane Fonda and Gene · Ha~krnan, respectively, for thelt performances in "Klute" and "The French Connection." All were voted best of 1971 In the LUCI public poll. The voting was conducted in the Orange Coast area by the DAILY PILOT and both Na· tional Gener.ii theaters at South Coast Plaza and Town BY CYNTllIA LOWRY" NEW YORK (AP) -For mott of us, summer 1J Just starting. NBC, however, has Ill eyes fixed firmly upon September -particularly the Salurday after Labor Day. Laurle Lea Schaefer new Jnto New York recently to start promoting that annual extravaganza, the finals of the "Miss America Pageant," in- variably one of the most popular programs of the year. Laurie Lea Is tho 1!172 Miss America and, like all previous Miss Americas approaching the end of their year of glory, she is full ol plans for ber postpageant career. Since last Sept. 11 when, as Miss Ohio, she was crowned, she has traveled close to 350,000 miles. Tbe tall, bnmelte beauty has appeared in 42 states and will wind up her reign with a three-week USO tour o f Southeast Asia. Also like most M I 11 Americas, Laurie Lee expects to continue her show business career, probably in television. She has an offer tram a return to more or Jm e1itr'1'" O>Jumbus, Ohio, TV staUon, day life? but she won't be pinned down "Oh, no, 0 said Laurie Lea. on the details. She would like "I'm looking forward to jt, to continue doing TV com· and beojdes, I've sUU got 84 merclals -as would, indeed and one-half days to go." jusl about everybody who gets 1------'----- in front of a camera. Tllrough months of hopping planes, living out of a suitcase and eating banquet meals, the 23-year-old said sbe has kept ber weight -unrevealed - about the sQJDe as the day she was cro~. She has been in- terviewed from coast to coast and lobs answers like a pro- f essional. When she was asked about her vital statistics, revealed in her official biography as 36-24-34, a bit o! the real l.Aturie Lea showed through the pe.geant veneer. "Nobody, absolutely nobody, knows my statistics/' she said. "Those are not right at all., After all, l1m able to wear model-size clothes and that ought to tell you right away those statistics have to be wrong." Won't it be a comedown, after the exciting year, to <11be on1y friend I have among the second-generation performers is C a n d i c e Bergen," Albert aaid. "She is a remarka e person and my best friend. on't' see each other often. but when we do, we pick right up gain." Center. Other baUots were collected Mon •• frl. 7.9 p.m. by participating newspapersl!~~~~~~~~~==~·~·~t.~l~4-~S.~7-~t-~l~I ~P.~'"~·!'!!!~J/ circulating in cities from coast to coast, and in the lobbies of 275 National General Theatres. ENDS TONIGHT "SKYJACKED" "THE ANDERSON TAPES" STARTS TOMORROW Continuous from 2 p.m. EXCLUSIVE FILMED PARTLY AT U.C.I. AT BOTH THEA11ES ... hc'son1 bland lllW Gii& a sc:retvball ccme9v rerrmbe" trem? AT4 TIURIS • ·---lllUllU ' _,.,., ..... LI._ 6')~ ---Ctr;fOOME JO , . ... • •..__:_r_;., •• , LJ --Ctr;fODME 21 ... -·.-1' .1--r_-r;: -.. -t1 SIAD/UM I .. ~· .~ .. -. -~ - ----.. c. SlADIUM 2 ' .. ~ ............. ,------.:. SrAotuM J .. ._ ... ,.'I'~ ----,, SrADl/J+I d .. -· ...... - Sun. 14-5-7-t p.m. "W41l llTWl l!N MllN 6 WOM•N" . ...... ' J1ct L1m1n1o11 ..... "'HOW sw••T IT ., .. '1.rYINGI llll••" • °'TOKUT"' (0) •·1ox CAil lllllTMA" (Ill wllfl hrfNlr1 MtnMy ... "'1M CONVICTS & A WOMAN" Ill) Jtflll WIVIMl'I "TM• COWSOYV' I "THI 0000 OUYS ANO TH• IAD euvs·· S,.....M~. .iJUNIOlt, IONMlll" 11101 ........ _ ..... "'KOTCH" IGll "BRAVO. BRANDO'S 'GODFATHER' .. . . "Tiil YUl'I iiuT llWJ.Y IATllFYlll, 111 CIHOCW. gEllCP FU. DIE DI THE IDIT llRITAL .. 11111• CllllllCW DI gEllCAI Lit EIEll DUffllED llltilitl 111E Ulm DI POPULAR EIITTllTAlllOO:" -Vlnoeni f;En New York Times "'TIE-=~::n. -:r~:fia'!'l t!F TIE BEN Is on his way . MATINEES AT All ·WALi ii THEATRES -i'MI OTHO• .... I.MT '9CTVI'• ....... fl) -.. -.... --.. ~~ ~--- ==:• -" .... .,, "4T •u.ss •• , &OAal' NWV. I. ----· 7·-• tnl .. T'IN••-..,..... 5H<WRI MUllY, . lllDUOOI ""' WOOOYAWM - PW$ ......... ... ....... '"' -~­...... -... ........ Is Alioto Pu •UW "'-____ .. au •-Bil~ Pms To Protect TUtsC111, Junr 27, im DAILY PILOT 700 Million Bathtu·hs Candidate For 1-974? Consumer Huntington Uses Equivalent Water Amount c.,.... NfWl.- SAC!WdENTO -Th t D e mo critic gubernatorial free-toMU hu a new factor for 1111, Sao Franclaco May0r Jooeph Alioto, a poUtlclan with, in bia own wordl, "1 cerufled record of purity." ,After two trl1l1 in Waahiogton state, Alloto has been cleared In both otate and led ... 1 courta ol wrong-doing "1 a lee-Wring ll'l'all(ement :!'h'n alt«ne:r Alioto won fl!.S ,million for publlc u t 111 t y fllstriett and municipalities lbere from prlce.!Wng elec- trical ma{IU!acturers. Alioto bu come out of SACRAMENTO (AP) -If 1 firm tumo you down for credit beeaU$t ol lnlormation from a credit reporter, It would have to tell you about It under a bill that bu won lopsided Senate approval. CHdit users would also have lo be told if credit. charge1 were be1l1( raised becauoe ol a 1'port ander tbe bill by Sen. Milton Marks (R-5an Fnn· Cisco), federal court looking like a ------------------martyr -an 1,ppearance be is 1be biU went to t h e Asaembly on 1 2W vote despite charaes from Sen. Clark Bndley (R-San Jose,) that the Jegialature wu on a 11consumer binge." not anxioUJ to change -and Immediately blll!lled former .. -•••nin•!!lll"""'""' ________ g "A person has to be 1 Pbiladeiphla lawyer to do business these days," he said bef'ore voting qainst the bill. l{.S. Attorney General John Mi~I. a key Republican• l)glire, for hla troublea. He lays he piana to sue MltcheU apct othen for,"malicious pros-- ~ .. EAIUJER, the San Francisco mayor had been linked, in an article in now-<iefunct Look Magazine, with or a: an I J t d crime. Alk>to sued for libel. A lirst trial ended In a hung jury, a second trial ii pending. ' Alioto has char1ed both the !Ugulne article and the WMfllnlton state cuea were ~...r.Jy for the .,.,._. ol l!eel>tnl me out of I h e governors race1n 1970," but refuses to commit hlmsell to the ~me race two yean hence. ~ Just the same, at this atage he can be considered a can. didate -perhaps the. leading candidate -among several other1 equally "oot in the race," so far. AMONG O'l1IERS also not yd ruoning -but COlllidered U~ely to -1rt Alioto'1 lelJo9' Democrats Sen. G e. o r ge Moscone of San Franciaco, Assembly Speaker Bob Moret- ti of Van Nuys, and Secretary qt state Edmund G. "Jerry'" Brown ol Los Angeles. Los Angeles Mayor Sam Yorty, .wbose bid for this year'• p a r t y pruldential nomination never-got oil the 1r'ouncl;rs !mown to hive ""'8 ur1ed to enter the guhml1torial race. Fonner Assembly Speaker Jeue ·Unruh, who eventua11y won the nomination, loot lhe elecilon In li70, has hil eye on tho pooitlon Yorty holdl (VO!" ty may try for an un- precedented fourth term .. mayor of the state's largest - naUon's t.ltlnf.laraest -city). YOl\TV TOSSED HQ beanie In for the 11116 party noailna· Uoo, lllGWlled .,_ no com- P.IS!. and -a tlllrd of Ille prilolry---~ am future loler -Edmund p, "Po\" Brown Sr. '.1'111 GU!-eome of oat yur'• Los 1.qgelea mayonill)' 'fiOnlest could ellmlnate either Unruh or Yorty -or both. Al .a bate of operations, San Francisco may not liave. the welgfit of Los Angelt1, but It has 1 lot of weight atlll. Alioto {llSO bu an advantage over, the two Iqt!laton, beca,.. be bu not had to rtilster a volt on Issue after Wiie. And the younger Brown ii gaining a reputation u a gadfly ,.. l!ith a .sting -even among other piembers ol hil own party. ' ; THE SAN FllANClllCO may· .,; "" die other boad, now not onlJ loob like a winner bu'. ;,J. ao -who bu won against tllrriflc odds: be dldn 'I fight city.ha~ fought the federal eov~ment . ind won. A favorable (for him) e~ to lhe dispute, with Ibo maguine wUI only make him loot bel-'1tr. . With Gov. Ronald llelgan apparenUy firm In bla In- tention not to seek ,.....1ec11on on tht Reputillcan side, the • run for the (unlnbabflO!I) Governor'• Mansion ii wide open. 3 Selected By Society Thttt 0r..,.. ~ - communl<a-llUdlftll at.- tencllnC CaWllole '*""" have li<el lnltlated Into 8lcrM l)ella Cb! Proft11lonal Joumalilllc Society. The FuUorton chapter ii oae of mora lhu • dllplar1 servinl ctUet ml eallep campuses lhroulliout 1111 ... llon, wl1h a lolll aclfft membenblp of ... thin U.Olll -111111 ,.., ... ... journalllta. New lnlUata loeluda Charles Paul, of Cella -; Betty Rawlq,, of '-Billi lllCI Maril Wiik, of ,_ loin Vllil11 Men · in Service Navy Petty Officer First Class Cliarles II. AJe..-, ~nofMra.MabelO.Samaon of $T12~ Gtrdto Grove Blvd., Weetmlnlter, JJ. ailed for the Medlterraimn aboard the USS Luce, a guided missile frigate bomeporttd at Newport, R.l --.Afmy. Priv.te Steve• E. Pntlt, .son of Mr. and Mrs. Melton E. Pralle, !Oil Atlas Drive, Btmtington Be a c b , rmtiy WU Ulignad to the 1st .Armored Div.iaion i n Germany, Pvt. Pratte is."""""' u a mmllrman wHb Headqull'len ComPll1)', Ind Battalion of the dJvision''s $1st Infantry near ~·Im. -- Captain -W. Butcller, IOll ol Mr. and Mrz. W, E. BUtclior, 1115'1 Flamlnco Hood, Lacuna Beach, recenily com- . pitted a four-week Army Automatic lfata Processing (ADP) System,, Analysis Of· ficer course at the U.S. Army Adjutant General School, Ft. Benjamin llarriaon, Ind. Private SUro• L. Staebl, wOO,,e mother, Mn. Mary J. Stuebi, liv., al mo Petenon Way, Costa Mesa, recently received a Jetter Of com--me-upon completion of •"'11 -of -tnlnln& at Jhe w-.·. Army Corps Center, Ft. McClellan, Ala. !lie WU cited for her bilh academic standing durinf die cour ... mind Which provides Ovlng, technical and buic mUltary training for U.S. Air Force p!!r30l1Jlei. --Marine Pvt. Alu L . ,......., IOI! of Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Fcrguaon ol 1!021 Newland, Hlllllinllon Beach, 1radueted from boiic lralninl 11 Ibo Marine Corps Recruit Depot tn San Dieao. Airman Pder A. Brick, ton of Mr. and Mra. Gale P. Brick ol 2!eO% Pepita Drive, Mllsion Viejo, has completed hil U.S. Air Force basic training al tbe Air Training Command'• Lackland AFB, Tex. He has been usigned to Sheppard AFB, Tes:., for train.inc in the tl'ansporialion field. Navy P<tty Olflcer First Cius lllcUnl M. ODii, son of Mn. Vella C. Chullb of 114 W. ltlh SI., Costa Mesa, com- pleted 1 apecialir.ed aviation maintenance course at Naval Air Maintenance T r a i n i n I Detachment, Naval Air. Sta· lion, Palw<enl River, Md. Dale Alu H-,C.•, of 111541 Rhone Lane, Huntington Beach, wu enlisted into the Navy's "llO day delay" pro- a:ram 1t the U.S. Navy rea:uttlng branch llation. e Dtih•• Dating SACRAMENTO IAP) Dairy products in Cali!omi1 supermarkets would carry an ew-to-read date telling when they lbould be removed from the shell to . Insure lresbness under a bill approved by the stata Senate. The bill by Sen. Anthony Beilenoon (D-Beyerly Hills) would require plalnly-written dates .. containers ol milk, cream, buttermilk, s o u r cream and cotla&e cheac. It WU approvad •t and sent to the Assembly. "Pull dates" for dairy prod- ucts are already printed on packages -but frequently in a code Btilenson says the retailer himself 1C1metimes can't ·read. e C .. rter Trips SACRAMENTO (AP) - Charter Olght operaton would have to register with the state under a bill headed for tbe Senate. '!'be bill, Introduced by Assemhlrman John Feran (D-san Fnnclaco) won !H ap- proval of the Assembly. Present Jaw requirel such travel prunoten to poat a bond or have a certain amount of cub on band "to' protect tbt travelen," Feran sakL He ealbnated lbe1' are 700 to IOO travel pnmoters ·in California, e Safer Clet•e• Alrmln -C. t:os, ,.. o1 Mr. ml MrL IL M. Cox of 17'117 -. Fo Clr<Je, Foun- tain Valley, has daploy!Jd to Tbafiand with the U .S: Air Force'• 4lth Tactical Fighter Private. Earl It Mm.all w· mg. Jr.,, SOii of Mn. Mary J. Rel· Airman Cn u an aimaft terath, 1117% Saybrook, HI.DI!· maintenaooe apeeiaflll with lll(ton Beach, wu ~ the ..;-, which movad from SACRAMENTO (AP) - G.._ color .Udes o1 burned children 1rt apparently tMre per11t11ivt: than arJU!Dellla of the California Manufacturers AJICJClatlon and CaUlornia Chamber "' Oriumeree. a certil. • lcate ol achievement ·-Holloman AFB, N.M., to upon hil recent oomplelioll of Tafildl llO)'af 1bai Atr Foree the Be1ic Army Bue Admlnillration courae al the • !& wife Eii2abetb, ii the U.S. Army lDfantry Training dlughl<r ~! Nr. and Mn. Center, Fl. Ord. Frank Volprlno of All Sowell Pvt. ~th received the Ave., Westmlnater. 'l'llol'1 the way it appeared wben lhe Sonate Health and Welf1rt Committes gave U approval to a bill to utend federal rueproo11ng standards to au clothing 1or 1ma11 certllicate fClr hil oulalandinl appearance and I • n e r a I knowledge ol mlllta_rl\Clllloms and courteajes d"F" Iii lrail1ing perkld. Airman Wllllam w .. wu ... Jr,, IOD of Mr. and Mrs. W!Ulam W. WUcos of 2301 Private Road, Newport Beach, hu gi'aduated from I h e technlcaf training course al Sheppltd AFB, Ttt., for U.S. Air 1"orce radiology speclafilta. -W'~cox. who learned to epenilf radlolrapblc «1uiP. meal uoad to !luoroscoplc ... -. ii being aatgned to an Air r .... IUPPOrl unit In 'lllrlty. Serieanl Tlaol~y G. Newlll, IOll et·Mr. and Mrs. -G. Newell, 5112 -Dr., Huntington Be9cb. recently wu graduated. from . the eighth U.S. Army's WlfhUlman Non- e omm 111 lo n ed· ·Officer A<:ldemy In !Corea. The Serleanl bas oerved In Vlolnam. Do•• A. Dovey, ... of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Dovey of Q Via Jtllaca, N e w p o r I Belcb, bu -,_ru.ed .. ID oallllMinl U.S: Air Force Raa a •• Offlcen TraJnlnc ClorJI (AFR01'C) -al the Uni-, of Soulbern Cafllonlo "" ...... tbe Rasorve Of. "'*° A-tloD JWaf for ICldllfDk: ~. -l'1tll. Clue -lftlllla, .. ol Mr .... Mn. Bifl1 J, Whittle, U 111 ~lllo Drift( w-. bu ....... led al -AFB, Mlo9 , from I b t _ ... .,~--­U.S. Air Fore• .,.... _...,_ eqalpmaa1 "'C'--WU taUflil ----:.=i:. .. ~~ ~dredto­AJl!I, Mia, .... ...., wllll a ... .,,,. Air 'I'rlbdng Com- Navy Pelty Officer Second children. Clall 811 ... • D. Ne1111, b~ ,The federal standards now band of the 111rmor Mils apPly only to sleepwear. '!'be Beverly J. AiNnce ol 3113 bill, Introduced by Sen. Milton Taft Way, ea.ta Mela, was Marki (R..s&n Francilco) a!arded the Combat Action. -Ud .make them apply to au Ribbon for aervice· on board -children'• clothing up to size 8. the destroyer, escori. USS Tbe lildel were displayed by Badger whlle bis sblp WU JI"" Dr. Vincent R. Penni!il o1 St. vidlng • gunfi" support for Fnmds Memorial Hoapllaf in Republic of Vietnam fClrces. San Franclaco. Marine Pvt. Gary L · • D-.. e S11it nu-, butband of the former Miu Vlctle J. Erick· 100 of SOfl7Z -1-, ffm>. tqton Beach, bu ._-fed for duty at Marino Corps Alr Slatlon, Yuma, Ariz. REDWOOD CITY (AP) -A fl{ million damage suit hu been flied a1ainat f o u r · buslnmes bY a Sacramento woman who claims abe 1ot a skin infection from vennin-in- Navy Satn1n Jae' J.,, ~.on, tested.straw med for pecking. IOI! ol Mr. and Mrs. James C. Rooemary Allred filed the Hoilltm of -Ca I I • suit here, charging !bat straw Maia,Ceplllrano -· wu used to pack her household awarded tlle Combol Action goods for shipmen~ back to Ribbon for service cm boanf this COUJllry from W e 1 I the ~ .-· USS, Pakistan c1Ultd ber problems. Badger while hil ship was pro-'lbatr action named u ~ vldl"f .. gunfire IUJlllOl'I for fendanta the San Franclaco ar·, Rapul>llc ol Vietnam .forces. ea !Inns of Beklna Wide World Van Servlcea Inc., Guy F. Navy Lieutenant l'rM H. Aaa-Corp,. C o I u m b I a ~ husband ol the -Co. and contracton ior-Miss J a c qua If n e bulldlll( the Mangla Dam In Costello ol IAI Castle Drive, West P~. Mrs. AUred Huntington lleach, -I hil said her late hutbond had two weelll ol lcltft duty bom -on the dam u a -Ille helicopter cartjer Plihting loreman. USS Iwo Jlma. ---'------- Navy Seamon Recruit -M. cam..., -of Mr. 111C1 Mrs. T. J. Ccllllfr ol ll'lll Seulde Line ,~ -. ... ---trafnln( at 1111 Nnaf Trainlllfl Center at San Dlqo. Navy Seaman Recnall ftall. ...... c. ..,_, -of Mr. and Mn. Carl E. Dura-of -N!Chlhtlafo Avt., ,_ ~ Valley;·~ - -!raining ol Ille Nnol 1'nllillilc c.ater at SID Diop. Marina Lance CorponJ ,...... '1 D. °"· hut-"' the -MlaMymol. -of all SanU Ana Avt., Colla -. bu ._.r ,. duly al llortm ~ Boto, Camp .......... By TERRY COVILLE department , 7.2 blUlon gallons. o. 11e e>ettr MW SW!' F« the privilece or wa'tering their RW'ltington· Beach residents have con· lawns, washing their dishes, scrubbing sumed enough water iD the pa.st year 1.o their backs and wettJne their parched d throats. the beat 'city residents wUl have create a 40..acre lake, 414 f~ eep. paid $2.I mllllon In 1 yea r's time. That lran$lales to something over 700 ,. mimoo full bathtubs. TUAT COVERS 11 MONTHS from July Or, in ltn111 used by the city water I, 1971, to the last day ol this montb . But dty officials are afraid that while the water may still be flowing . the £inan- cia1 well is running a tittle dry. Heavy expenses and an increast in Metropolitan Water District rates are going to force an locn!ase next year in the city's water rates, says City Administrator David Rowlands . Details have not been worked out. bul Finance Directw Ben Arguello says 1he increase may be 50 cents to $1 on the rninimwn bill. Residents pay $4.50 every two 1nonths for the minimum usage of water. 2,000 cubic feet. During the summer the tpyical homeowner uses close r lo 4,000 cubic feet and pays aboul $10 to $15 each two months. THE MORE WATER USED. the cheaper the city"s rate . The rate-is 24 · · ~ cents ror each 100 cubic feet of water above 2,000 minimum charged . It's two cents cheaper per 100-Cubic- feet after the first 4,000 cubic feet , and keeps dropping to a lo\v of 18 cents per 100 cubic feet. Despite the decreasing rate . a big water user is soaked for a pretty heavy water bill. Arguello said a company such ;is McDonnell-Douglas Astrona utics. one of the biggest water consumers in Hunt- ington Beach, might pay $4 ,000 to $6,000 a year for water. 'The rate increase for big consumers will amount to about s percent of their ., /current bill, Arguello says, though the ex· act increase has not been settled . THERE ARE TWO ESSENTIAL reasons the city needs more money to pay for its water departmenl operation : Very Liberatetl capital e.1penditures and an tncreue in nut year's fees by the Meiropolitan Water Dlstrfet. Huntington Beacb recently completed a $'100,000 reservoir with a capability or storing 21.600,000 gal~s of water. lt has lo be paid for. explains Ed s1an1. Ille water superintendent. The new reservoir. near Garfield Avenue and Main St.reel, is the d1y'1 fourth . and brings it& total 1tonce capacity to 40 million gallons. Stang said the city also recently flnish- ed installing a lot o( new pipeline. Those capital projecl11 used up most of the reserve funds in the w a t e r departmeflt'• 12.s million budflet. stone said the city also plans to buJld another reservoir in the next three years , as well as laying more pipe. BUT EVEN WITHOUT the capital proj- ects, the city would face a tighter squee ze next year, thanks to the MWO rate increase. The city currently pays $53 an acre-foot fo r M\VD water brought from tht Colorado River, but on July 1 that rate will jump to '57 an acre foot. Huntington Beach receives 40 percent of its water from MWD sources, transfer4 red through the Orange C.ounty Water District. The city also has nine or its own water wells which pump 80 percent of the water used. Stang said wtll water cost.! only about $34 to $40 an acre-foot. WHILE IT MIGHT SEEM a cheaper n1ethod to use well water. if the city uses n1ore than 60 percent well water, it pays a penalty to the Orange County Water District which balances out the price. Last year lhe city paid $&$,009 In penalties. That's becauee oomo ot Ibo underground Wiler pumped out, WU pul tbere by the OCWD. So, wltb tbe city 's population l!Oll'in(, MWD rates jumping and more reaervolr1 needed . a rate increase can 't be avoJded, say city officials . Women of Old West RardlJI Noticed Miss Nora Ratcliffe draws al· tention of some passersby in downtown Denver as she dem- onstrates mountain climbing . technique of rappelling off side nf department store. But most shoppers gave little no- tice. Badham Proposal On Plant Time Buried for Year From Wire · Services SACRAMENTO - A measure by Assemblyman Robert E. Badham (R- Newport Beach), designed to reduce the_ time required for planning and building power plants. has been set back just like a 'clock. Assembly BUI 1323, which woujd have created a State Power Plant Siting Board to streamline legislative procedures in- volved 1n approving new facilities was sent to interim study. By filing It away in this manner, the legislature Is excused from considering Badbam'1 biD again during the current session. "This JUI\ pots oft tor another year any possibility o( reducing the time and nuinber of agencies a utility must receive, approval from before initiating COii'"' st ruction of a new facility,'' Badham remarked. Ht' 11ld under current procedures, It lakes 10 years to begin a nuclear power plant operation from the initiation of plana, compared to eight yean for a fosaii fueH111rnlng facility. Topless Bait Girl 011 Line NEWPORT, Ore. (AP ) -Dale l'homu bas hired a topless bait air! for 1lis charter fillllng boat, and wbon the 21-klol bo.a geu out beyond the three-mile International boundary coclttaOs wiD be served bY a waitress, fully clotlted. Tbomu ran a newspaper ad as a Joke lut "'1llllltt" antng for ap. pllcanla lor tho top1-bail g~I job. He hired a lt-year-old girl, but 1ba back«! out at the lut minute. Thomas decided there w a 1 enough lnl<mt lo 1tve the lclca another try thli year and hired Mindy, who lo ia her IOI, to barelY hand oul tho ball .. hil boa~ the Clrolint. Were Free in Spirit By ROBERT E. FORD DALLAS (AP ) -II there ever was a time and place for a woman's personalJty to burst in to full bloom, it was in the Old West. And bloom some women did. often to the aggravation or men, particularly sheriffs. The truly free spirits were the young women who headed West to find ad- venture, a husband and wealth-all three in one package if possible. A shcrt list of the more noted of these women would inclllde F1ora Quick, Ann Bassett Willis, BeUe Starr, Dona 1\iles, Calamity Jane, Poker Alice Tubbs, Lola Montez, Maj. Pauline Cushman, and, in a somewhat different subculture, MoUy Brown. mESE WOMEN -YOU HESITATE lo call all ol them ladies -are discussed in a new book, "Wily Women or the West ,'.' by Grace E. Ray of Oklahoma:. Perhaps the best known of the badwomen of the West was Myra Belle Shirley who went down in the history books as Belle Starr. Some of her more noted associates were the Younger Brothers gang and the Jesse James crowd. Belle wa~ accused of many crimes, in- cluding murder. but the only thing tbal can be authenticated even hazily is horse stealing. She wu assassinated as she rode toward home -killed by a blast of buckshot in the back. FRIENDS BURIED HER with her pearl handled pillol in one hand. Her Ont•e..,I Cuban Premier Fidel Castro drives !or bosket durtnr b.u- ketball game al Krakow, p.,. land during tour or Commu· nlst lands. He IJ being feled in Moscow thi• week. • lbree husbands ol record died by ...,rn, too, at different times. Poker Alice Tubbo, like many olhtr wild cbarocters In the West, caw ~ the British llles and tumed .,..,.....,.! gambler in Indian Territory IOd the mining res:lons. • Some or her contemporaries were KJtt1 the Schemer, Airship Annie, China Mil')', Haltershanb E~a. Faro Nell, Prairie Rose and Iowa BUii. Only Poker Allee WaJ successful in gambling. 'Ibe others were loo emotlonal for that profession, Poker Alice once remarked. Prairie Rose is noted for a famous stroll . She made a bet that me woukl walk down the main street of a Kansas town-naked. NO ONE GA VE HER any I rouble. Far she carried 1 pistol ln each hand on her walk. Maj. Pauline Cushman was a Union spy captured by the Confederates, wllo vacillated between hanging her .and fol. tin1 her go. When I.he war was over , she heeded West as 1 lecturer and sometimes ac· tress, then became an innkeeper, llloon owner and livery stable operator. Her chief claim to fame in the Wat was that she Improved on the tedm.ique or horsewhipping with which -· we.men vented their anger. She htld a pistol on lier victim in her !ell bond while beltlni him with a ~ tn bet right. OUTSIDE THE RANCHING' culturo wa s a red haired gir1 named Magje Tobin. She went West as a baah aiqer and married Leadville Johnny !Imm, who became a multknilllonaire wben he discovered gold. They moved to Denver and built a mansion amid the homes ot Whet wu called the "Sacred Thirty.Sis" of Deo,.. .,ciety and wealth. She was no!t •"'IP!ed for; a llUlllller ol rea~s. one being that ft wu uneducaled and unmannered. Maggie set out to r<ctlfy that, Siio 1ludied hard and ...., wu • member ot Pari~ society. THE ROUGH EDES WOllN olf, 11bt aeWed In Newport, ·WOI lilted In lllo Social lndes and 1110dlled wilb .. A&tors. Wbilney and v~ ,..,., parliculariy loved the way • could loll a-story. • Yet, she would ban been a ~ today had 11>e not boon .-.i lh Titanic When tt hit an ~I en April II, 1111 The -~trl had been brafnw- about the boil'• unslnftablllty and - women and cillldren refuaad to 111 lillo !Keboab. MAGGIE-YOUNG, STRONG and sometimes domfMulhg -Went allout 1he ·lleck, shovlnc women •nil kldi ltilo Uleboats, .......,,1ng at tt..; and generally made herself a heroine. When the rescue liner. tbe C.rpatllia, landed In New York, Maule, who had a ius\y way with words, told a reportor alrlly, "I'm unslnkable.1• So now you know who ahe has -· tn lepnd, fact, -and thoator. Sbe WU ''The. Un inUblt Moa, Brown.'' , • ' 0 DAILY PILOT Everyone Has Something That Someone Else Wants DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS You Can Sell It, Find It, Trade It With a Want Ad General * * * * * * TAYLOR CO. BIG CANYON COUNTRY CLUB * * NEW 4 BR. residence in this prestige area. Surrounded by B. C. Country Club, Large fal"lily room & formal DR. Plush carp.eting. Garden entryway. Beautiful $124.500. ''Our 27th Year" WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO., Realton 2111 Sen J oaqu in Hiiis Road NEWPORT CENTER, N.B. 644-4910 * * * * * * General ... OWNER MUST SELL WOOF! WOOF! 1t. going lo he ditneull to believe wh at you gel in this It'is a DOC, but you "-'On't be SAR.KING 11.t the TREES if Sharp Homr for S26.oo:l. No ln . 1, 1 th' NEW· Down Veterans, Low Down YoU vcs n · ts FltA 4 Bedrooms 2 Baths PORT HElClJTS Fbr:e~ Up-Bullt:in Gas Kit~hen wit h per. 3-Bedl'Oom, dirUnc I Cabinets just Relinis~ed. room, large corner lot, de· Double Car Garage. Covered tached double a:arage, Wlth Patio, l:au 646-0555, Even. two utility rooms. SEAUl'I· 1.... ,, ••• 7003 FUL TREES, 'J'R!:ES. "'1611 ""' ' ~EES. Apd you can own "THE WHOLE THING" tor just $32,500. COLWELL PROPE RTIES. INC REALTORS G.neral WHO LOVES A VIEW? WE ALL DO! Cameo Highlands. Architect designed-New carpets & drapes . 4 Bedrooms, convertible den . 3 baths1 cathedral ceilings and 2 used brick fireplaces , family room, built-in kitch~ en & B·B-Q, PLUS MANY XTRAS. Entertain around your own POOL . . . . . . . . . . . $76,500. POINTS TO PERFECTION IN TURTLE ROCK Let us show you this enchanting home. Atrium entry, spacious living room with fire- place. 3 Large bedrooms, 2 baths , LOVELY DINING ROOM + room to store your trail- er or boat. ........................ $62,500. . IT SPARKLES, IT BUBBLES IN TURTLE ROCK You'll love this beauty! Atrium entry, 3 bed- room 2 bath, FAMILY ROOM , built·in kitch- en , SHAG carpets, CUSTOM drapes, beau- tiful . covered PATIO with gorgeous land- scapmg on fee land . A real love at .. $47,900. "U" FIXIT 5200 BUYS! NO FOOLIN' AROUND Musi see thl• 2·STORY BAR· WITH THIS ONE GAIN today. Perfecl ror Enchanting TWO STORY 5 bedroom 3 ba th, young or old couple. FHA 2 fireplaces, FAMILY ROOM, formal din~ Bayfront Condo OK! Needs TLC. ONLY Ing room , NEW carpets and drapes, island 3 Br, 2 Ba, pool, pier a, .U1> 117.750. Call oow • 645--0303. kitchen, SOMERSET model on FEE land in 0euihtrul $'19,500 HARBOR VIEW HOMES .......... $72,500. EMERALD BAY "HONEST TRUE" Immaculate 3 Br + fam rm. YOUR BO Ocean •ide of hwy, View. AT AND YOU Mu•t ,.., $149,000 ----~=--c--Waterfront and pool with PIER and SLIP Tod Hubert & Assoc. The "Yellow ,.. .. ,.. of available too. New carpets and drapes, 2"2 34n Via Lido 6'15o8500 cla!sltled. • · .~$18. baths, WET BAR, marble fireplace. OVer- Genorol General look THE WATER from your patio and en- IRVINE TERRACE CHARMER Bright, theerful patio off large fam . _rm ., 3 BR., 2 ba., formal din. Loads of bwl t·m storage. Choice toe., near beach. $59, 750. M' C. Bui~ Joy ................................. $85,000. General /lr,utt#-Slldfi ~ ... - REALTORS 644-7270 2121 EAST COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR, CALIF. • General General General General General Genera\ EXECUTIVE · SPECIAL A Ul'IWl()Ut ti()M t for this superb 3 bedroom home nestled among trees and shrubs. Sparkling qual- Hy fo1· fine eotei1ainin&. Lush deep pile carpeting "'ith custon1 matching drapet, all electric kitchen \l'ith all th.'.! trimmings, fan- tastic fireplace. What a show place for $39,500! Seller is prepared for GI and FHA tern1s, now's the time, Call WANT TO LIVE ••••. ••• 11on easy street?" Condo living offers the closes t approach to it -whether you want to travel, or just take it easy. Also, you have all the investment advantages of owning your own property. * HERE ARE 3 EXCELLENT VALUES * * THE BLUFFS - A must see -for the economy minded . 4 Bdrms., 2 ba., $39,950. HURRY NOW, transferred executive has just reduced price $2000 and \\'ants actio n! 3 Bed- rooms, cozy den and a single story floor plan comprise what many are lookin _g for! Bay vi ew, formal dinin g and spaciousness. Open today at 2012 Santiago, Newport Beach. Drop by! Now at $87,500. 0 WA Ll<I HI'. I 11 PHON E UNIQU E HOM ES, NEW,OIT IU.CH 645°6500 REALTOR, MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE. Realtors 569491 Open Eves. LAST OF THE * JUST LISTED - Choice 4 bdrm., 3 ba., with 2200 sq. ft . of living space. $48,500. * SPECTACU LAR VIEW -of the entire Newport Harbor. 2 BR.: 2 ba. Your own gar· age space plus ample parking for guests. Pier & slip avail. $84,900. General OCEAN VIEW FROM ALL ANGLES ConvenJent parking~asy to be a "DROP-IN'' at Bay & Beach Realty . &JS-3000 Tired of looking at neighbor's walls! Cast your eyes on the aparkling blue Pacific f"Om BAY & B[ACl-I H EA LTY ' ll"l~C. 1 .. 1 "••I • •ot • I-'' "' any window ot this custom Temple Hills Mansion. Watch the sun set behind Catalina Island. Buy a tele- scope, Words can't describe IJl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"' j the beauty, this 3 bedroom Ge'-1fr•I General has it all. Formal dining ;;;;;;;;;;;;====--=====,;;;;:=;1 room, lwih ca.rpet!'I and matching drapes. We will Genera l WANTED!! TENDER LOVING CARE from a lamily who desires to live in a good neighborhood, excellent s c h o o l s , con- venient lo markets and freeway, cul-de-sac close lo CHEAPIES 3 Bedroom 2 bath. builtln,, double garage with ttorage and patio. Condo, asking $20,950. Vacant-move 1n quick. Call 541).ll51 (Open Evea). -$: HERITAGE . • REALTORS Mesa Verde Country club-3 !!!!!!!!...,~~"!!!!!!!!!!!!!•I Bedrooms + family room. 2 * 4-PLEX + baths. covered patio. Priced Xlnt cond, LQ:e. rooriiS. F.A. at only $30.999. Ca l J ht>al, bltns, dishwahr, Low ~2313. do\vn paymen! ! \-0 THE REAL \). ES'.f'ATERS olJnJa !J/Jl trad~ anything you have for this $60,(XX) castle. You will 3 Hon1es on a lot. Bring paint brush It save. FORTIN, Realtors 642·5000 agree. Call for appointment. ..Oiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiii~iiiiiiii; THE PICK * Fixer Upper 3 BR.* PRESTIGE WATERFRONT HOMES SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT 3 Linda Isle Drive Bea utiful new 5 BR., 4\.> Ba. home. Water- fron t living rm . & formal dining. Handsome oak paneled fam. rm., frplc .. wet bar. Large master suite has Irplc. & cozy lounge area. View of Bay & the mountains ....... $179,500. For Complete Information On All Homes & Lots, Please Call: BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 675-6161 INCOME WHILE VAWE Cute Cottage· $19,000! O wAt1<1H & ut -Realtors . 545-9491 Open Eves. IOln\I I Ol \O\ • ~ -• c ' , [ncreases • Flash • This Eastside location on nice . . rustic .C Bedroom 3 Bath home with w/1v carpels 1+ drapes is a must see, Used brick fireplace • spacious living room • electric bltin kitchen -separate patio - plus a l Br unit on rear - street 1 1,,. BR + Den. -,M=I o"'o"'A.,.Y"°'l"D"L"t"'N"G;- Xlnt condition ,.,, I n e w will be more fun in this Lov· carpets & ~pes. Has large e\y Secluded Patio. This covered lanai room & many Home is the Essence of bearing fruit , tret:s·, Won't Newport Heights. Nearly last Jone at this price. Niw W/W Carpets, Roof OF BAYCREST Corner 101. Xlnt ·noor plan. YOUR CHOICE OF THREE Bring your paint brush & SPACIOUS BEAUTIES: save $. Good loc., close lo l. . 4 Bedrm. fam rm anCI all schools. Hurry! din area.'Prime location -BALBOA BAY PROP. * 642·7491 * $64.600. 2. -4 Bedrm & din mt, gour· Ba lboti Island met kitch, breakfast mi. .....;X_L;..N_'_T_L_OC_A_T-ION--1 Quiet comer • $81,500. 3 .. 4 Bedrm, family rm and Classic Island home. 2 Br '+ dining nn. Large Jot • quiet bunk house. Distinctive ex- m 000 ter. Many uniqUe features. area . ...,:;i, . p " PETE BARRET Quality ron~rudi<>n. auo. Sundk, lrg 2 car gar, Isl -REALTY-Public offering of this home. 642•5200 By Owner • 112.500. 673-8241. NO DOWN G.I. Corona del Mar LUSK FIVE BEDROOMS TERRIFIC LAGUNA OCEANFRONT Lovely, newer Rockledge home. 5 BR., 5 ba., fam. rm., pool, den, din. rm. 4 Car gar. Cust. const. plus a sensational ocean/ island view, $195,000. George Grope. ,;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;; I ";;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;I $55.5.00 monthlf income with LIDO ISLE -EASJSIDE •per>dable.only$65,500,Call and' Siding. 2 Bedrooms. Dining Room and Large Kitchen with Double Ovens, Service Porch. Double Car g,arp and clean· adult-occu· pied 4 bedroom 1% bath home. Close lo schools and shopping. Cheery rtreplaCf!, covered patio, sprinklers. Bright all electric kilchen including dishwasher. Own· ers are packed for Leisure World and wan! action. $31,000 hu;y!'I security, com· fort and privacy. C. F. Colesworthy & Co. Realtors This beautiful brand new home needs a master! He wi ll enjoy the breathtaking view from every. room, the formal dinit11 room, areal living room arrangem~I. and the lovely pool sized yard ••. P.S. He will enjo;y tbe good price, too! Call • 675-7225. JUST LISTED A great lind. 4 Bdrm. view home in Har- bor View Hills. So clean & nice. it won't lasl at $65,000. Call me now ! J im Muller DOVER SHORES 5 btlrms., family rm., wet bar, pool. $125,- 000. 3 Bdrm., enormous family rm.1 excel- lent view $93,000. Eileen Hudson . EMERALD BAY -HEAR THE SUR F From anywhere in this 3 BR., 3 ba., C.D. home in gated, priv. community. Luxury appt's. Low maint. $110,000. Bob Yorke . HARBOR VIEW HOME Just i><ted. Montego mdl., larges t single sty. 4 BR .. on corner. Brick frplc. in liv. rm., formal din ., plus hill view. $49,950. Howard Wells DESIGNED FOR CHILDR EN Efficient & charming 5 Bdrm. home. Up- stairs family rm., dining rm . For the fa. rnily that warlts an investment in happi- ness . Balboa Penin. Bill Bents OCEAN VIEW -$86,500 Charm galore in old Corona, on 93' lot- 3 BR, 2 ba ., office ; farm style kitch. I· House off Ocean Blvd. lrnmac. cond., move right in. Triona Bergin SEEN EVERYTH ING? NOW -see this impressive 3 lg. BR., huge. beautiful !am. rm., choice town- hou se in care..free Univ. Park. $551()()(). '1Chuck''' Lewis EXCITING LUXURY Big Canyon beauty. Privacy -grace for a most discriminating tas te. 3 Frplcs., wet bar, sep. D.R . fam . room . Call for app't. & details. Paul Quic~ VACAN T LOT -LI DO ISL E Build the house of your dreams on this choice 401 corner lot, across from beach club, tennis & priv. beaches. $53,000. Char- lene Wbyte lltiS IS IT I Truly the spot. Large & gracious, on quiet N.B. •treet. Big upstairs suite, den & wet 'bar. Encl. yard with trees. Csll Bill Com- stock • _..... ColdMl,Blnker ~· SSO NIWl'O RT CENTER Dlt., N.I . Cozy single story home 673-8550. in choice Lido location 1vith 3 bedrooms $24 500 including master suite t • with 2 baths living room has \vhlte brick fireplare lots of bookshelves 1-Q\THEREAL \'.'\f. ESTATERS . ' ' -=~~~::':;==;-· I Garage, Alley Access, Boat S to rage. $35,000. Call ~I Evenings 644.7'003, COLWELL PROPERTI ES, IN C. RE ALTORS & opens onto private brick patio form al dining room vacant .\..ready for AND AS.SUME VA LOAN - Bedroom home on cul-<1e-sac SUPER SIZE BEDROOMS Nit-e 3 bedroom Ea3tside street w/separale garage &: in this immaculate 4 home with brick fireplace, alley entrance. Vacant and bedroom, 2 bath, 2 story HUGE )'a rd . ctll~e-sac ready to . see anytime, 95% home. Formal dining room, location. Detached double loan available, bright patio kitchen and garage with alley entrance. good carpets & drapes. Priced only $26,000. Cali 1-,0,,---Sa=----Se~l=ll Newport Beaut. landscaping. The now ror further details, wner ys • ot bfost part is the price, onJ;y 546-5880 (Open eves.) Republic home ju.st j two immediate occupancy 163.500 $33,500. SEYMOUR will years young! Lar&e iVl.ng Fairview take your present home in room with cathedral beam- tr d th! he Call ed ceilings. Formal dining 646-lll T a e on s auty. • now for a p p 0 i n t m e n t . room and breakfast nook in (inytime) SEYMOUR R E A LT. y A good want ad is a. iood m.. kitchen. Separate family 847 ·-.~ t room with brick fireplace. ~~~~~"!"~~ :---u_"·.------_.~--.'~n_. ______ I Asking S 4 2, 15 0 . Call REALTORS VACANT .4 BR General General 54&-23l~ SINCE 1944 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION -6 73•4400 Fantaalic comer location with plenty of room for boat ""'s~T~o~p"' ... R .... EA ... D ........ 1 " traile<. O"ly 5 yrs old, and a ll the modem eonven- AND SEE! ;'""' included. P 0 0 L TABLE size family room Thia well located 3 bedroom. plus den. Freshly painted. 2 bath home with a TWO· xlnt condition. S35,9"..i0, \YA Y brick fittplace. soft Call_ 545-8424 <Open eves.) waler system and man;y other features. You'll love the huge fenced backyard \vith an automatic sprinkler system, large PATIO, and beaut if u I landscaping. 1 ---~'-'----­ Prieed to Sell at $39,CCXI. \outh {-oast - MACNAB IRVINE FINER HOMES VACATION YEAR ROUND O THF: REAL '"'\.. E:STl\T ERS * 8 HOUSES on lot * Eastaide C.M. Pampered 2 BR. $135,000, Owner movlnj:, will finance. CHUCK CAROTHERS RitiA~~1~~E 1831 Westcl!U, NB 846-5'52 A IUOd want ad ls a good in. vestmenl Eastblutf OUice 64().0020 Bayshore Office 675-4930 INCOME DUPLEX C.orona del Mar -So. of High- way in line location -Deluxe 2 Bedroom lower unit -with 2 baths • carpets + drapes • all electric bit.in kitchen · f''rench shutters • l car gar· age • plus i Bedroom unit In rear • both leased, Asking $63,500 -call 673-8550. 1-0/ THE REAL '{)l f::S'.J'ATER? ' . . . . 2 TRl-PLEXES B•lboa Peninsula Xlnt winter/summer rentals. Each unit has 3-2 &. 1-BR's. Sep. patio or sundeck w/ea. unit. Ea.o;y to see,.call today! Call: 673-3663 642-6963 Eves. associated BROK ERS-REAL TORS !OZ~ W Balboa 673-366) The fastest draw in the West. ••. a Daily Pilot Cla.ssilied Ad. 64Z-5618. COLWELL PRO PE RTIES. IN C REALTORS NEW LISTING Cu11tom bit. duplex, So. of I-fwy. on extra·wide lot, 3 BR. & 2 ba., &: a deluxe 2 BR. Storage cellar; priv. patio. 2 Laundry areas. Ex- tra bath in lge, 3 Car gar· age. l·Blk. to the foot bridge. Good financing. MORGAN REAL TY 673-6642 675-6459 CAMEO HIGHLANDS .. BY O\VNER. HARO TO FIND 5 BR, 31Ai BA borne w/fam rm. see thru fpl. Newly painted & decorated + ocean view. Open house, daily t.5. $69,950. 67'3-~. TRIPLEX (3) 2 Br Studloo, Top al'l"a.. $7S,500. Owner CHOICE HARBOR VIEW HILLS. Lrg Lu1k 4BR, Fee Janel. 184.500. ~4--0786. Don't give up the 1hlp! "Lisi'' it ln Ci&MWE'd, Ship to Shore Results! 60-.5678. 646-nn. Cul de Sac Chann REDUCED $1 ,550 "Apple pie co'nd.'' l..arlfc lnd8cpd. k>t, sprinkltred, !ID YoU ehjoy the pool,. The house iii new thruout,. ju.st move into thi~ 3 bdrm. rhanner. Priced to lell at 1<!2,!)5(). In beautiful Harbor View . Pretty Porto!ino 3 BR. Near park & pool. Extra Bonus room & bath for B'lest or entertaining. Land incl. $65,900. LotS Egan 644-6200. Open -Sat. 1·5 S@ttot!M.-l&r.tf's· T!te .Puule with fire B11iff.fn Chuckle 20' x 22' Bonus Room W!Tff CONVJ;;RSATION PIT 1t1rroundlng Swtdlsh fire- place plu. la~ modern kit· chen, ,dlntna room, huge Uv- ina room, 3 bf& bedrooms and 2 baihs. &taut trounds CORBIN- MARTIN comolele with putuna I"""· REAL TORS '44-76'2 Best Mesa Verde location ~~:;;~:;;;;;;;;;;:;;~ and pdetd 133. 750. with 5% • aown PoYmL NEW USTING ca.u ~ (Open eve1.) quiet c:uJ..deo-tac 1 tr e.t \,, E&abtd< 4 Bedroom, 2 bath; btt.utlfU1 1....-tory home ; •""'1dlnr cl-Ciole to -.. -.,,.,, Pro!. ldtcpd. Oney ~.500. • HE RITAGE RlALTORS *BUILD INCOME* N'pt Beach, 5llKl60 R·2 lot. room to build. 2 8R. hom<. 2 car pr, ...,.ted el 1210 month. Orab' US,9tkl. CAYWOOD RI ALTY :Ar 511-12'0 * CALL ANYTIME ~ .. 1 ... -...11 Lachenn1ye r j. 1, c IF YOUR DOLLARS COUNT Karastan carpeted, expensively shuttered fastidiously draped, graciously decorated, warm & cozy 3 BR., FR. Baycrest home. $64,QSO. Lois Miller 642-8235. . * HARBOR ISLAND SOUTH * Priceless Island' location w/propertles val- ued near $2,000,000. Pier & slip fo r large boat. Sandy beach for the cblldren. A charming older 6 BlL home w /lovely grass terrace. IT IS DELIGHTFULLY DIFFERENT By Ivan Wells. Over 2400 sq. ft. In this de- 1i&hUul 3 Bl\. Baycrest home. Beautifully landscaped - plenly spa,ce !or pool '79,500 takos iL [ lrvlne 1-._ .. _,Qwwpo., I Hl -rDrMMi·m s 114'•-r 144-- Htwpott ._ct., Callforlfa IJIN ~ "~s=-~l!lTllS IN r I' 11 I' I' r I ·~~~El!TTW I, ., I 111 ,_s __ c_RA_M_·_LITS__;__A_;,N_SWE__;_R_;,S _;,l ~C_;,LA_S_;,S..:...IFl'--".;.CA~N IOO L • • • • _ ..... c..taMua 2 br, l \' bl ooncbnlinlum. 3 BDRM.. downtown, new Shel' cpt, drps. bltint, pvt CTpt A pa.Int~ Muat llCf: th1s paHo. 2 c:v ear. 2 aotry one at $71.900. c,2 krt. 186 tooNnhouae on comtt 1ot. Wtlll Place. 0 w n 11: r , Pvt rtne.ncirw. s1.ooo rnoW!'I ~i. .)'00 in. F.P. $21,tiOO. Aq 6:Xl BY OWner. liome With Pool pm, 557-2447. SBR., 1% Ba, Frplc, Din 1t!ESA VERDE Rm. $32,000. Call Jor appt: c br, ht11e f.am" nn, form dln 545-4739. nn, Beaut lndscpd. Cul de:t--------- sae. i-u.500. 1940 Killdeer CORNER lot CUl·dC·sac st. 3 Cir. Shown by a pp t . BR, 2 BA, frpl & bonUll rm. ~45. $35,500. ~T'193 DON'T PINCH YOURSELF (You're Not Dreaming) But You Can PINCH YOUR PENNIES with a PILOT PENNY PINCHER Classified '.Ad 3 LINES 2 TIMES $2.00 Any · Item Priced $51. or Less (II ,,,... • than -ltom, tho combinod tot1I annet pc11lll $50.) 642~5678 $29,900. MESA VERDE B«t bt.tY In tht UU! Coz)o family iwn1. w/cracklina fireplace? Sfparate muter be<lnn w/bath! Don't wait, call fOf' appt. 9'79-1050. ~21 POOL TABLE \\lill fit with room to !'lpan! in ts· " 30' den. 3 Bedrm 2 bath, !lttplace, bltins. Xlnt in & OUI, $32,950 Roy McCardle Realtor 548.7729 1810 NP"jJOrl Blv41., C.~1. DAILY l'llAT f.I _,,,Wt -- Fountain Valley M.sa Ver<le Mobile Homu Income p,_rty 1'6 Bu1lna11 H~un:t-ln~g7ton:"""~Baa"";".ch":'.:;:::l•;;;;;~~~O::::~~~;l-~F~o=r-S~a~le::_~~~l.:_25 1 -::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,j Opponunlty OWNER laving. 2 >"'-now. Sp&nlab dtllJn brauty with 3-l>odrooma.I pullman bat hr, el e a a n t fireplace, deluxe builtin kltcben. dllibYo'Ull<!r. Pride of ownerahlp inside & out. Ex<.-eUeot neighborhood - ahort joa: to btaoh. I-luge grounds-15 ft. on side fo.r boat or trailer. Brk, $35,450, 962-1373. Attention JocJ9ing MESA VERDE CONTEMPG-Dclux•~~ort~~ Mesa AVAILABLE Enthusiasts Dcllghtf\11 •dwt oceup;oo LAGUNA HILLS itudlo apts. 2 BR. 1 ~ bath NOW 1 YEAR new 5 BR Green- brooke r~e. Spacemaker I modf'L Swin1 club. Avail immed. $45,995. Tran f. owner. B-731. $21,IKKJ Condominium, below Th'• honlf' Is 80 1 .. _..t' ,.,,., home featurinc 3 s~cK>us: Prestige adult eommtmlty h .th A ... _,., J"'" bc:drooms, largo n1llster adjacent to Lel!W'O \\lorld. eac • '"1 a:arages an can do your daily ;)oe"g'ilJI 1ulte y;•ilh drt!SSln ... room. Beaut sumrundin.., all lux· alley, Present Jncome $950. "'1thout leaving thP house. .... ...... .. mo Thn.'O 1.,... bcdroruru. 2 fully c a;_p ••.• #)n<ludh>g ury appolnlmenlr. Theta· ·-FU. LL PRICE OO!h lamtly rooin with ldtchen, .ervk.-e porch and peutic pool, saunas, IYDl· 4 fll'('places dowostttirs a.nd famil)I room. Utrge covered bllU'll'd tables. 1.1 UC H $67,500 15' x 32' patio and nta.ny MORE! llpstall's, 1300 lfl'I· ff. ot more extras, all tor $3i,95C>. St-c thf! "A1,•ard -winning" finished Bonui rmm. If )'OU call 5*-llSl to see our new f'Urnished n'IOdl'I homes ON have a big family. you must Is see; lt LVUld hllve 6 to 7 1 tin&". SALF. Tl-llS \\'EEK. Call 549-1151 (Open t'Ve~.) 830-3900 or m-7900 bedrooms. Call now. • • . 1142-2535. ., i -HERITAGE • . REALTORS 8'x37. ;'\fobile home lv/lO'x~· Cabana, <:arpeled, skirt.in&. & storageo shed. $1800. Arter Newport at FllA. 3 BR, 1" BA, frplc. '61 Aiizus dcllLxe nlObile 1t 714: 494-2859 * Mf11ion Viejo homr, 10x.55. N.B. location, 5. 5.184!fil. r.Q)THE REAL \')£. E~TATE.~S . . . . Huntinatori Beach -BIG -a<'l'05s strttt from beach. .-;;;,;;;;;ii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,16 BR+ furn m1 . ideal homr 4 Br, ram rm. din n n, 1·ri11s, $3.7::.0 . t•ark n111i;c. 64fr9926. THESE ARE }'lXERUPPERS 1 I 3. ACRE WITH for the tr.; fa1111ly. This trplc, pa!io. cusl d11)s. $39.i:1• z Bil in Lid 0 bf.>auty ha~ elPc hllins, dsh-$41,900. At! 6:30, SJO-SOll. \\'all•rlront Park. Tenns or but produce xlnt incomr & LARGE POOL tax shf'ller, 5-2 BR & 2-1 BR Large Corp;.IC'atlon des.ires ttponslbJc p e r 1 o n W dlslributc TEN C 0 fa Division of Coca-Cola) COF· FEE PRODUCTS. Cllll staart full or PRrt time t~lO hn:. J>(':r wk.) Com· P,'ll'ly f':'ClablLl'lhf'S bus.lnt"ss fl)I' dtslr1buto1.,;. :\0 SELLING~ Go f1M1ng or isprnd matt t1n1e 1o1.·1th your favorile hob- by and Jr.I thr m11ch1nr age eam you n\oncy. CASH RE- QUIRED SZ-1911. Set.11red. UMITEU OPPORTlJNITY \Vrlte now for 1nformat10n, 1ncludc phone nurnbrr. wshr, shui: l'rp!s & cusr1n Newport Beach N·n1 option. 673-3817. honirs on a double lot. SS7S. ~ ' N U n1onthly income. $10,000 .. , I "·y. wl•at a hoUS(>. AU lh1ck drps, 1·a.n IJ!.' pur(·hasf'll \I.\ fl~'.Dl-BRE\V 4" shag carp('lini;, 4 bednns w no nior_u'y dn ~I 7' • int. ear pper ~ I ·'·' $T9 500 Ph CORPORATJ01" $''~'I' A I I R tE1te .a_ (0\\1l. Awng ' ' : ltxltll IA "" BY OWNER _ 2 Baths. \V •rain rm, step-,.~"'· r . s 1ur[l ion1<• N rt B G!ne~.ai . .g 6(2.JTII. ... owan ven M v d I down front l'ITI & l"Onvcrsa-~r:11·i(1Usly s1tu;1t1•;! on nu ewpo ay • San 1111111'(), Ca. 94401 3 Bil f·asa er 2e f•ple's Iron 1111 w/wet bar. That in oversized lul. If yo11\1C' h1'1•n $25,250 Ontu Ll"UOR STORES · 1.,.,.1· haomm·'.m1:,._. ,h' .,,1,.:_· 1 i1 sclf is 1_vorth tl1l' prl. cc. but looking 101· au ou,s11t11rhng ~ 1 'Ci 1 1 1 d "' ,.. Nk'e bal·k yttrd \\'/bird 11·a1t a n11nu1r. l _ere s 1nor~-hanhv(X){! ,v.,_ shat cw·p1•t, · HOLLAND 645 _ 4170 ~, Y ... ''-~' h • valul', S<'<' this one! ,, x nxims, po i; ir Acreage for sale 150 • ~"'21 Sto Chosefrom . "" 1 Th1: Uack yard 1s super btg If rloublc garage, huge lot wllh . . , , I C >! aviary . .;11.·f>. P ny area. ·u kli 1 and. 30 u ··11 1 r1 ,,, .• or 1716 ~""<"Av• wJ 1 a spar "" pon '''''''"& ,had• t •·.",. " · ., 1·t 1 • v•· ... , •-·• --· Quiet t•ul-d<'·s.aC'. 3 Btks " · " ,__ '"' "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!~I --. Sa l'abanas for dressing, S<'t 962-4471 ( :::~J 546. ·1103 Assumt• the VA loan and Costa '!rs.1, ' fl 11 r" v t' d "'! Health food slol"('. ~~~~ & ;,~1~'-'· .lF:~-ar~ back fro"'! the 47' Jong CO~· $151 per n1onlh pay 11!1 or no plans. Fo1· ..,,111· _•'I tr.1de ror , TRIPLEX 2 yr lease, Jn i,.'OOCI shopping ran rd. $32.ij(}. 5.i1~190. f'r('(( paho. 'J'.hc P?01 is rJo,1n to ~w Vi\ loan. FU'St unit!!. $ 6 9 · .>O O · OR . center, Beautiful store doing __ g 1 main!. frer. ThlS won I last, OWNER deS:pC'ratc . CO o I he k 1 \\'/l'OOprrn!r 111th r1'p11lahli.> 11'1•0 BR. each In PRli\1E good bu!!ine11s:. 5S.ll-0242. LOVELY North Stdc hon1c. sec today. Call. OCt'an breeze' in the lovrlv day on 1 inar ·e · con Ir a 1· 1 or . l'unta1 t: rl'ntal af'E!a, on Ja1nes St. \\l/pool.JBJ<&.d('nor4 pati o. Pool sizf'd McNA Sll J!E ALTY , C.M.$49,0CIO. CATERING ro. l'SlahlisMd BR. Lrg. Fam. H.m., 2•1 ba. I' i,:ruunds-neally lanclsca(M'd 642-8-100; :!l~'G N r" p 0 r 1 I CALL '="' ., •. !414 14 yrs, La Canada. St-U or 2200 sq. ft. By owllC'r. & manicured. 5 bedroom~. Blvd. c . \1 9 ·•'1i:JI ~ tradt in ix'ach :ir e a · $39,500. 1043 Conco rd. 531 .. 5801 ( ::) 531·5100 Tri-level home d 'vi t h Realtors 54.5-9191 Busi~ess Property 154 -:AJUIMC. 2131790-6344 l\1rs. Hohm. !>1>7209. separate baths. ream Open Eves REALTY 2 \VEEK course f)n mail builtln appliances 1nclud(' Nr•r Ncwp•rt Po1t Office order .~ imparting. Call Separate Master Dover Shores NEW LISTING This n1agniricf'nl lour bed· room, pool homC' has r.very- thing! The finl'sl of con- struction and no limits on quali1y have ('rl'atcd the mos! beautiful Spanish home you have ever set:n. Lovely antiqol' ntirrored wet bar in the family roon1. 1-lcavy beam l"<ilhedral ccllings, de! pizzio tile entry and hall 1vays. dual arLil entry to the fom1al dining room, massive Bedroom This lovely trl·levcl home in a prestig-e area has the master bedroom suite on the Jo"•er Jevcl with direct ac- ces to U1e pool size yard. 4 bedroon1s, 2¥.r balhs, formal livins room and has beC"n freshly painted. 11ay Ix' bought on VA !C"rn1s. Call toll free 842-2535 today. dishwasher. family roon1 NEWPORT UNUSUAL • NO\\I SELLING e 8i6-9678 for information. boasts firepl ace. Laundry S '"'"· Walk to all S<;hool,. HEIGHT OPPORTUNITY Brk, $34,500, 962-5566. 5 BEDROOMS This fi ne com1ncrcial building REPOSSESSIONS 0 has loads of sty!(' and is a $58, 00 g•~•I location tor anyone ;n For Information and location 'J'ri.Jevcl home, great for any crf'atil't' IYIK' or \1•ork. of these FHA " VA homes, f!ntcMaining, "'f't bar. large The floor pl11n is fli.>x1h lr contact -sun deck, very large lot. and tit!' propco1·1y eo1111·~ \v1th KASABIAN rear yard Xleal for trnnis a guarnnrred t°t'n tal nf S90!l. Real Estate 847-9604 court & pool. t-.1any \J't't'S. a month. The duple" in llaek Irvine PERFECT PLACE Rear access for boat or of th" apar!n1l'nt upi;lairs lr'diler. Call 646-7171. \\-'Ould ntake an PCOoomieal home for the nc1v O\\'nl'r. Call 6"5-7225. INCOME HOMES S.NEW DUPLEXES 148.950 4·NEW TRIPLEXES $67.950 Braut. nc"· 2 &: :\ BR units. 151 E. Bay St., Costa M~sa. Co1npll'tlon Aug. 1. OPEN HOUSE lnve1tment Opponunlty 220 NEED 10 inVf!stcn with $25- $50,0» each. Retum 180Z% per 11.nnun1 plus potential futUrt' stock o p t t o n 11 • Secunxl by growing Ora11te O>unty f\1 fg. Co. with p~ prietory products since l!IM. 833-8820. Sat. & Sun. 12 lo S p.m. TRlPLE.\'.ES: MtJdeis at 17th 240 St. in Hwrt"tniton Bea<'h,M ;:.:,ono;.;;;;;Y~t-o_L_o_•_n__,. ___ 1 aunkC'n living room and. a --'::==:=:==:==='~=~ m""I uo;qu. "U .. shaped HIGH JACKED i>land k;tcheo are j"'I .. me TO SAN JOSE of !he highlights! Call For you, if you ar(' Just start· ing ou1 or just winding up! t'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii .. \ OnC' bdrn1 .. rlrn, 1 bathl1 IO\.\"nhOU:il', approx. 1200 sq. BACK BAY walk to heaoh. CaU 96S-J.17l BORROW COLWELL PROPERTIES. INC. $1000 . $10,000 Up * Triplex-By <>wn.r. 2 Br, LOW MONTHl Y 6T0>-7225. 0\\'tlCr must movr.. P1icc jus! n . Buy lhis httlr Jt'""C'I for Easy (°Ondo Uving. a short REALTORS large yards, gar ab f.' 11. PAYMENTS COLWELL PROPERTIES. INC. REALTORS El Toro 3 BR .. 2 BA., (:jllS. drps, !gt' patio. lge. pool-size lot enclosed by block wall, close to xlnt schools, markets, new m a I I • Reasonable. 8 3 7 -1 7 5 3 , 494-2116 aft 5:30 & wk-ends. Fountain V'aOey OWNER ANXIOOS Spacious 5 ~room, 2% ba.!h, sunken living room \Vlth fireplace, and raised hearlh adorning one entire wall. Large formal dining room. Priced bek>w market at $3.\.950. J\U I e r m s. 962-mi. QUICK OCCUPANCY Immacula!e 4 bedroom with large country kitchen. great landscaping. W a I k to Collegevlew Elem. School, close lo Douglaa & 'Golden \Vest College. $ 2 9 , 2 5 0. 962-7771. reducffi to $39,00J. Enjoy sliding doors Iron1 3 ix'drooms in this garden homl' near the beach. Formal dining room off the atrium, sunken separate Jlv. 1ng 1'00n1 with man)', 1nany r.x1ras. Call toll free 847-6010. \-01 THE REAL \"\! ESTATERS • r,r .. r, ,.r...ra 9 Ptl only $25,9:!0 & enjoy all of "'alk lo Olympic siu-swim· 1-C~e-m_a_te_ry _____ _ the benefits or a unique ming pool and putting grren. Lot /Cll'VW6s 156 planned (.'Ommunily "'ilh 3 BT{ 2 st()['}' wUh upgradcdj--._1.;_.,,'""' '"-·~--­ aduH pools, family pools, crpts thruout, vaulled ccil-2 CHOICE Crypts a t tennis cts. Ir. miles of bi· ing. bltins incl dshwshr &: Memorle.l Parle, N.B. Con- c-11 oh "'11 v Iii!. ---,-I I l'11 il11r cycle paths. "SINCE 1964." rotis. oven. Most popular tact Nils Goedhart, J\ttny. plan in Newport Riviera. 558-7565 $31,950. full price, just 10% 1-==-~2:=c::O,-,,,......,,-,ry~P"'l,..o:-1,-- dn, 71h't~ inl. Pacific View. Best Offer, I ' 548-794.1 Commarclal 962-4471 ( :=J ~103 Property 151 To BEACH Jst Wes.tern Bank Bldg. Lagun• Beach WALK un;versHy P•M<, Irvine VA NO DOWN 50 x ll3 c.2 ZONE 3 BR 2 BA. $23,500. Queen Days 552-7000 Nights on this rare value. 2 One ot last downtown parce1s sizr kitch w/dshwshr. elec -=~~~:;::::::;::::::;::::::;:::::~:;I bedrooms each unit. One Jor development. bltin R/O, plenty of cu~ ii unit now vacant and ready hoarth>. w/w c rpts &drpl'!. Harbor View' Homes for immediate oceupa ncy. E. 17th St., Costa Mes• lrg bdrms, patio, dbl gar. Expensively decorated 2 Each unit rents for $165. AAA Tenant. $115,000 Dn. See today. bdrn1 , and den. A lovely Keep as home or rental. On-Cash spendable return homr with many extras. Jy $32,ffiO. If you have been Realooomia, Bkr, 615-fi700 1llage Real Esta te l' l0-20% dn' $45.500/orfrr. LOANS on ANY HOME, 2233 Ruteers Dr, C.M. PAID 1'"'0R or NOT 557-8400. COMPARE OUR C 0 ST S BY O"-ner, d up It'", FIRSI'I Capistrano Beach. Sfi0.000 or l~IRESIDE LOAN t1·ade for lot. 1 Yr old. GUARANTEE: ~· ll you can &et the s.ura dJ ,_ LOAN from any O'I1:IER C M i.4-plcx. Be>Vw Hwy. LENDER In Callfomla a """3 Br., an..a Br A o ... t RATES LESS THAN WE Br. All w/frple's. $99,750. th By owner. 64 2--5531 Eves. OFFER. re tu rn e Mountain, D•sert, R•sort MONEY within U dreyl, anc1 YOUR LOAN .nth US Is 174 ·FREEi R.C. WERNER INVESfMENT ~ TRIPLEX Plus -wit h Fireplaces on Golf Counie & near Ski Area. $49,500 Aho 1 Section -640 Acres $450. an acre. President FIRESIDE Thrift 2328!Harbor Bl., C.~1. 66-1000 819 N. Main, S.A. 547--0684 1st TD Loans '62-4471 ( ::::_ l 546-81 OJ $52,500, in the service, call us. EXCLUSIVE C·l 1-' acre, Godwin's Alpine Real Jo::State P. 0. Box 1796, Big Beach Lake, Callf. (714) 86&-151I 6~ % INTEREST ~ red h·111 ~~:· =e~.~~~l,e ~:. ~ ~ !:~ ~= BIG BRO\VN BARN. • Realtors 545--046.1 54>4.389. London Bridge. Located Lowest rates Orange Co. \\'hile wood trim. 2 or 5 REALTY 1 0JX'n Eves 1c-onc1-o"m:_,ln_l_u_m_•____ clo!M! to all IChools le city. "WE BUY TD'S" 2nd TD Loans bedrooms can be \JS(·ll for Univ. Park Center, Irvine 4 BR. 3 B~, 3 yrs old, s~-for ••I• 160 $9000 or will trade for Coata S I M C craHs, paintin~ or \\'t'aving! Call J\nytl e 83J-0820 tacular view. Best quality,1-...... ----...,.,,,.,......,..., Mesa or Newport Beach in-aft tr tg. o. Kettle kitchen has view. gas . m beaufi!uUy lndscpd, c 0 v 4 BR. appr. $24,000. SeU come prop. 644--4687. 642·2171 545-0611 copper builtins + breakfast Office hours 8 AM to 8 PM patio, cathedral ceiling. S23,<XXI. C.T.L. F.H.A. pymts. 2 Lot.a, secluded s:i:,eo Serving llarbor area 21 yrs. nook. EnclOSl'd porch and Laguna Beach formal din rm. $74,500. 2 $153. + Maint. Wshr. dryer, Moonrldge cabin $15,750 NEED CASHT Sit(O). Or up rambling rear lot. Sl.'1,000. BR. trplc. fncd yd, patio, cpts, ~!:..i,..1;>°1Cuae. ;eev• Lakeside cabin ~.cm to $.1,000, $10.000 and more. 5'#. oown. BKR. 962-55lt. Ranc'ho La9una BBQ. "Int cond. $24,950. 3 15959 ""''"'~ rt. · · eau 8664641 or wrtte: See Avco Thrift tor a Real $23,500 3 Bdrn1s .. fireplace, street lo BR, bltns, lcplc, paneling CONDO for Sale, 3 BR, 2~ Spencer Real Estate, P. 0. £alate Loan. Upon a~ Gr or r~HA TERMS. 3 BC"d-lot with br'autilul Jandscap-patio, fncrl yd. Assume Ba .• 2 Cfl!' gani,ge. W/pooJ Box 2828, Bl& Bear Lake, proval, ~ the money · 11 ba k -" r 1 $5.2% Cl loan. $27,8.iO. privl. Near Hoa&: Hosp. Calif. however you like. Also ask rm. fenced yard, a!tached ing. · uge c yaiu or ou · ThontS('n Realty 492-9550 673-9183. about our u n secured garage, Clean in and out. door entertaining & farnily I ~,,.;.==-~~--~~ I Real Estat• al 1 A y C 0 Gl's no dawn. recreation. Prict'(I below the NEWPORT HTS. FOR SaJe by Owner. Condo _.;E;;x;;c;;h.;•.;•.:i.;• ____ 1..;12 =~-~oa~~wport Ctr. 847 8531 market at $56,lm, · 1 hdmcs 'in Newport Beach .. • -* HURRY to sec thui: tasteful Y w/boot slips. TI4--675-682.0. Action Leaae-Back NNN Or, Sulle 101 , Newport the Real Estate Mart Aa/i decorated home. 3 Bdrm1.. B , d Owne'r will Exehanee a Beach. Ph. 833--J4.10, OWNER transferred. Ex· 0 ,-, ,. 2 Ba., irpl., lge. pat.lo plus 3 R, "BA, bllins, paUo, bl -.C.-1,;,, alley acceis. Only $44,500. Pl'Ri'· pool &: d ub. $21,950. $'15,<m equity plWI' $00,000 MONEY avail tor lat & 2nd .. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iii;;;;;;~;;;;;iiii;I cellent home ft>r a young REAL EST.'A'JE =5' "" ..... ,,. .... ......,., ea.ab for Income or Land Joans a.bo purt:hasc TDs. "-" 2 " l 'ALL ~ 14'·2'14 ~ -~,.,~~~. VA 'CANT family with 3 uo.-urooms. ~ from Compton to San~. Marvin McClure Re a I lmmed. ~-· in the heart of =:rai~ b=,~~· ;~=. 494-94~ Glenneyre ~-0316 AfA4d#C. D~=~:Xff/Unlt1 162 ~ ~.1:-:~: ~ ~~s 4.92-8332. eves, Fountain Valley. across th.? dra-. Relax in the patio r.EA.LTY •u 12 ) Squ .... ~ WHITE WATER VIEW Nt•r Nrwpor1 P•1t Offlee DUPLEX by owner, Xlnt =~-,....;"'"c_-·-~--.,,.,.,~ street from Mlle are af!er a hard days work! Country Club and Park. 4 p 1 cturesqur landscapin'g. 4 Bdrm~ .• 2 baths, 41;c. Uving BACK BAY VIEW &Ml, Z-1 BR units, fumllb-RMI E1t•te W•nt.d 114 R ( I di all lee & fanuty rms., frplc. Exccp-ed, $25,000., 382 Costa Mesa Lrg B ' orma n, r.. Prime !oration. Br k' lionnlly nice fenced ya.rd & Plus view ot Fashion Island St c M ~5-6328 WANTED &o buy, 5 br home NEED MONEY! Or do YoU kitch, sep laundry . rm, $25.950, 842-669l. flllliO arerui, with room for & Ea.~tbluU, Ju.st as bcautl-' ' ' in Mtakln Viejo with low have a m 1.o Aell! CAU. oversized 3 car gar, firepl, \VALK to Bch. 3 Br, 3 Ba, pool. A good buy at $54,000. !ul at night as in the day. lncom• Prooerty 1'6 down or leue with option Uoyd, Bkr. at &t2-2ln. Mortvatts, Trust Duds 260 ~~~~td i:~~:s 1 ~11 ~l~~· patio. fr p•I c, f u 1 ~ Y * 499-2800 • A beautiful home with 3 TRIPLEX, ea. 2 BR . Call 581'rTil7. Prlnctplea on-"UICK CASH w/co~tc block wall and I and s ca Ped· $37,950. ~..._... spac.:lous bedrooms & a w/patios. Nr. It.ores, $45,90'.I. _1°"Y;,· -,.,=,.,--:--7'=:-• covd paOo. See ro, yourself. 008-40. 149. 9711 O.arbrook ~~ charming l•'l!llY room for 67:>-0144 A&ont 646-7414 BLUFFS 3 or 4 BR. THROUGH A 133,950. '· ~~.., only $64,500.,Call fl46.7l7I. Uke lo trado1 Our Trador'a * 613-13ST * DAILY PILOT O\VNER saerific:e. No down ~ao~J:Zi Paradl.!e column ii for you! Need a "Pad"? Place an ad! WANT AD ' I ' G.I. terms-4 bedrooms, 2 ....,.._ ....... c:...-511.nes, S day1torSbuck1. Call 642-5678. balhs, large family room 3 BR. & Den $36,950 1;:;;;;:2:::::~~~~~~~~~~~;~~;~~~;;~~;;:;;;:;:::=:1 962-4471 ( :) .54M10J with inspirational fireplace, h' brl k .., au .lectrk kitc hen , Unique,'" ite c ex r, PANORAMIC VIEW " ••'""entry. 2 Ba .. blJ.;n,. . •• ~ ST' ""R G ,.,..E .... "1C¥. OWNER aru<ious assume d i 1 h \Vas h c r-a real frplc., carp. Yard needs &aul. m&.illtaili..-u 1.a,i!ue ..l"1'.. .£76.aJ ·~ "1' 5"t,i fllA loan now on pro-Wife-saver! 2 patios, full work but a l"l'RI buy for the 2 Bedrooms & Jarge family .!.!.!!.,.---»rCLAYJ.PO perty. Sparkles like a jewel, dining room. 2fX» p;q ft. hand~an. Call: nn. Pool. $64,500. _A-J AltU M "four.Deily J.di.tfr Cilicf. 1/i- 3 bOOrooml, loads of extra homt> on huge ground9-MISSION REALTY 494--0731 George Wllli•mson ~Jil"f 11 V' Acc•rtl/111,. tli• Shrn. cabinets It sMlve In trailer or boat g11.te. R It .,~;;," iodewlop~forWtdnlsdoy, kitchen •nd b e droom. Gorgeous shag cMpl"ting -Lido Isle S4MSJO •• or '4S.lS64 ~n.uo readwords~ingtorunbers Gourmet builtin kitchen. much more! Brk, $37,tm, * REDUCEO * . _ ~TAUlllS ofyoi.-Zodioc.blrth~ •--1 U -r cuJJtorn on-"""~ Nlwport Beach Estate ls.et 31'"-•1A ~"" Y wa Pfli,.._ ' O'tU""VUU't· A Nord 1trata c:omer Af~ H 2 Pw. 32 o....lop ~ ~ dra~. Bet1.utlful mvcrcd BRING p A r NT AND C bl 3 BR 2 ba Size Lot wAY 10 3 Cwi't 3JWltn 61To )l..Uo wtth brick tlreplace. LAWN"10WER. llrtd turn ustom $~ •. ~ ' · A 70' x ll"i' CorJitr • Only ~~ ~~ :;::.., • =~anat-Brk. $26.<XXI, ::h nt=~~n~o ~:cl~ LIDO REAL TY S2l.~. fi46.7l7L ~~ rr~ ~~ OWNER must sell. Lovely Largt yant with covered 3317 VlaJ..ldocioN.B./ i~ g:; !:~ home deslgnf<I for happy patio. What a bey al * 673·73 *0 ~~~ ~~ ri=- famlly llvin1 A. entertaining, $~500! No down to vets. -SALESMAN 11:P90!;• •2'-:irlolitt 72J~I a ~ths, cl-B.lll tirflplace StYMOUl't ft EA LTY, We have an onnnlna for 11 CANNERY VWaae Propmy. 13~ Al~' )3~ ~ """ -· I"-,. ""''""' ... ,,,. 7• ™"41 lend.11: ad<kd cha.rm to 847-1221. high calibre, crtallvl' salcll· Part leased + rm to build. 1s~1tion ASWho 1S ~ gre clous livlnr roont. 4 GOV'T. OWNED pcraon, capable of 11ealing OWncr. $4C,too S48-8'1fJO, ~1~;"' ~=Id ~~ bedrooml.1 Gourmet's vrt<f,. n...,.---~ hom-. , -In hlghar prlctd propmjcs. San Ju•n Capistrano ll°""""t ..e0t 1,.n, .., builtln k tchen, even a ~' "~ u.n-. lt t!Mllwd A9 n.. "'"' l!!:W:"- dlahwtihtr. Phtn )'OUl" IUJTI• down. -Covemmcnt l)4)'S b~ 1aweoD jr&. VALLE Vlsta Homes, VA a: uo ~~ fi~ ::=- mer 1tC:tlv:ltle1 in the loVt?Jy closing COltl. Clll 96M441. aeolt.otl ronv financing, Crom $21,650. ~ JUL"t ii 1 22~ • 52Ub 12YawW ........r paUO. Many <>tru; * Crest Realty ~ Udn 675-<"62 3 • 1 Br, 2 a.. Alpine RllY ~"''·" 1 ~:::..,,, ~~ :l~ anl<le dtcp •ha& carpeting WNEl\.3Blt l it hi fr!>lc EXECUTI E ESTATE 493-2332, Ml 496-5141. ~ .. l~ t 25Wrn 55T~ :J~ Exptrlly iand>t:lped. pool 0 L.-· ·-· . ON THE POINT TIME FOR 1~6.,-~:=-""' .... alud -Brit. 129.950. Total ~" ~ m 0 3 BR 3"' batl• Gam• nn. YI,.. ,...._ '""" """" SCSl. ~GJa•-11 63 • 125 • 900 · Pn~ate l "'PM•Uclled. D~ILY PllOT :i:.~ lJ:~~ ~~ :~i-B;..,~·2~ 1!;: :. ~ 1......,.; AMume ,,._. G.1. GEM CLASSIFIED ADS ~o.t~:io: • ®Goo! @Almw ()~1 :a~. 2 'lllrl'.· 136,900. ~Br, 2 Ba. 2 '"'· bllM, cpl& 1510 W. COMt Hwy., N.B. I ~C~A~L~L._.:64~2~·::5'.!6'!..7~8_ 1 ____ .==:"';:::':w=:_------...------,..-1 •llllltl IZ!,!llO. sm si ... n Ill&-REALTOR.• &12-«23 '-.;.;;:..c;:;:c ___ ~,-~_ • ' • DAILY llLOT• ---~ Ho-Fumllhod mo lolboo Ptnlnou ... BALBOA P t n i n • Ch&n- net-Summr.r « • yr l y . Jla>'lront. 5 BR. 4 Ba, l<e f)oat It pier, crpt'd. ht dau. 673-2039. Costa Mou LOVELY Custom 3 BR. Fam R.Jn..1 blk Mesa Verde ~ try Club. Adults •· $400. Ge'rdener & water incl. 540-5215. Huntl ....... a.ach TURN. bachelor cottage. Walk to beach. 'Rel req. 5.16-1617 &ft 5: ~ pm. Lhlo Isle 4 Br, 2 Ba. July !S/wlc, $1(0)/mo; Wint.er or }'fly lse start'c Sept. 956-UX>. .. TufJlfa1, June 27, 1972 Schools and Instructions This variety of fine schools could introduce you to a new tomorrow. • don't do" have .. ' ONE SMILE-A-WHILE DAY CAMPER FOil HAVING TOO MUCH PUNI \Vhe~: 14582 Beach Boulevard Why: Swlm School •• Sports •• crafts Cookouts •• Trip •• Overniehts Who: BOys Ii: Girls 4·14 Reprdlesa ot school placement $115 • Bal. hland • Lrl 1 Br. over ga.r. Privacy A Charm! $185 -1 • br, waterfront 1n For further inforrn•tion re91rdin'g the Daily Pilot School1 end Instruction Directory CALL 642-5678, EXT. 325 dplX., lri· patio. ;;&iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii .. "Mommy, I a!1yt hing to It happens every Summer ••• When: Your Choice: By Day, Week, Month or Whole Summer Special Education Children Welcomt FOi REWARD & INFORMATION .,....2S1Jo..-CALL-5J6.S2=4!t~=:~~~I pro • 3 mos only • Lklo Penn. 1. BR apt., util pd. NU-VIEW RENTALS 673-4030 or <DC-ms $9150 Ul11 Pd.,·C.M. $85 Uni~ Uili pd., N.B. $90 Walk to bch., 'H.B. Cair tor details, A a t •• 9'19-3430 HoUMt Unh.rn. 305 General . HouN1*Apt1. * 145·0111 * '85. PRJV A TE Bachelor w I all utlla pd. Conv. Loe. Avail. now. * $1l0. UNBEUEVABLE. 2 Br, Interested In ' A Real Estate Career? PREPARE FOR STATE EXAM IN FOUR WEEKS LICENSING PREPARATION FOR • Real Estate Salesmen & Brokers • Sales Success Training • Employment Placement For Graduates • Day And Evening Classes For lnform1tion-Brochur1 FrH Guest lecture Kids are out of school and out of things to do. Suggestion:. This Summer, send them back to school . . SUNFLOWER EARLY ACHIEVEMENT CENTER Our special Summer classes run from June 19th through September 8th (three week sessions) to fit in with your vacation plans. Any child aged 2-11 can attend. , In addition we offer separate swim lessons, ballet ·and modem dance and a new program specifically designed to introduce eligible children entering kinderga.rten to the fundamental structure and requirements of the public school system. This 1s taught by a public school kindergarten t~a cber -2 d~ys a week. . Our fun filled program will be divided mto four sessions and your child can enroll in one or all 1st Session 2nd S.1sion 3rd . Session 4th S111ion 6/19-7/7 7/10 · 7/28 7/31·8/18 8/21 • 9/1 \ Literature & Dram• (Childran1 Theatre 7/7) Sc'-& Natura (Sclanco Fair 7/21) CrNllvt Ar1 (Ar! Show I /Ill Music/Body Mowrnent (Music FHtlval 9/l l Consulting child piychologi1t, pedii1trici•n, speech ther•P.i1t i1nd bus service. Sunflower Early Ai::hlevement center 2515 West Sunflower Avenue 3anta Ana. califomia 92704 714/54().4750 are worth training for •TRAVEL • ADVANCEMENT • SECURITY Al RUNE SCHOOLS PACIFIC Learn How You Can Qualify Call 543-6655 610 E. 17th St., Sant• Ant !Urn. IJtilt pd, Sin(leo 0.1(. . * $125. OCEAN Breeze, 2 Br. bit-ins. Avail. now. Kids, Newport, 32S Old No. Nprt. Blvd., 548-1192 Afternoon rec.r••tioni1I activities include1 PHOTOGRAPHY COOKING POTIUY Computer Reservations Training For Quali· fied Graduates At Los Angeles International Airport. ·· pets, fine. EDMOND f. JACKSON By * $145. CUTE 1 Br. Cottage, a:ar, stove, re.frig. Child O.K * Real Estate EducaUon Since 1964 ACADEMY REAL ESTATE CONTRACTING & INSURANCE SCHOOLS and all exciting thin91 thi1t your child wo uld wi1nt. . A memb<ir of 1ho u. s. Financial Grcup • CONTINENT AL AIRLINES . $180. SINGLES or Family, 3 Br, 1% Ba, Mag cpll. Pet O.K. LANDLORDS I Do you have a vacancy'? We I can fill it. Many desirabJe tenantl on our waiting liat. 'iimmmmm~· Aboolut<ly NO CHARGE. • BEACON RENTALS Houus Unfum, * '45-4lll * Coale MaN LANDLORDS! We Speclallze In Newport e FAMILY needed • 2 Br, e BELIEVE! 2 Br, steps to 3 BDRM., 2 BA, bllns, ghe.g Beach e Corona del Mar • foot yd, incl gar. lOda, pets. bch. Kids. Util incl. $120. ctP.t & d'.P' ~t. Pool A Laguna. our Rental Ser· $145. ALA R tels e '4S..39bo fac11. Ma1nt: incl. Adults. vice ia FREE to You! Try ALA Rtntals e 645-3900 '" teen ok. $265 mo. Call col- N VI 1 e XTRA NICE! 2 Br, :stove, Ject, (213) 83!-17G2. u-ew. , NU-VIEW RENTALS , e LOTSA room! 4 .Br, 2 ta, retrig, crpt1, drps, heh BRAND new 3 BR house. 6'1M030 01 494-3241 huge fncd yd. Kids, pets. SITO. w/beaut. ~iew. For rent or $2211. ALA Ren tals e 645-3900 i. .... Air/rond., trplc., all RENTING·LEASING ALA Rentals e 645-3900 el !tit h 962-3883 Home• only, 5 yr's exp. 2 BEDROOM, elect. bltin ect. c · · .I Bold New Cancept f URNITURE RENTAL SMALL WORLD PRE-SC HOOL NOW OPEN * * * * BABYSlmNG FOR 4th of JULY HOLIDAY! · * * * * THE BllfFS SUMMER CAMP Children ages S.12 years. Agont 24 bn. 951>-2500. BRAND NEW HOME R/0, Crpll & drps. 60' x Lido Isla 3329 Alabama Circle JOO' fenced lot, dbl garage.l-------- 3 BR. 2 BA. !am rm, $275 per Huge 3 Br, 2 dlx ba, sunken ;200 per mo. Call today. 3 BR, 1% Ba., bltins. yrly mo. 900 Liard. 979-7tll or (l) tub, wall• of glass. cathedral AGT. 96244n or 546-8100. lease. $350. (213) ~2808 AGES 2 THRU 6 Open All Yoar 6:30 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. 3 Balanced Meals. Supervised Day & Night. Swimming-Hiking, Field trips-Beach. fUU AND Va DAY * STATl_LICINSID ' 585-3586 ·1 sh ts Mod 1..:=:....:..::c:.c...::..c:....:.:.:..:...:c.... wkdys. (n4) 6 7 3-4 o 6 3 · ce1 ., ag cp • em. 3 BR, crpts, drps, bltns, wknds. CREATIVE EDUCATIONAL & PLAY PROGRAMS . $60 por WHk·por child. Corona clal Mar ··-------$2'l0 • 2 Br front duplex w/frplc & gar. Sell defrosl l'l!frig., new shag, redec. SM5 .. Exceptional 2 Br., 2 Ba, huge liv rm., 2 fl'plcs, all bltns, l blk beach! NU-VIEW RENTALS 673-4000 (II' 494-3248 ** DUPLEX BRAND NEW. Huge d1x owner's unit 3 BR., 3 BA . Fireplace, bltins. 1800 sq. ft. + S decks w /view of bay, ocean, & hills. Walk to bch & &hopping, 1 yr. lse. $395. Refs. required. 6~. Vacant. $350/mo. Carpet r n c d, Im m a c. S 2 6 0 ,.;c:=::...,-=-~=--­ layer will show, 956-2500, Lease/Option. Wtr pd, (1) Ntwport Btadl 517 w. 19th, CM 5Cl-3C8l QUIET cul de sac. 3 BR.. 2. 993-2392 $85 _BACH nr beach. quiet_ 2756 N. Me SA 517-0314 ba" Extra lge. tncd yd. ~3 Br., 2 Ba .. 2 gar, secluded. 2 people ok. Will Bltins, w/w cpt., drapes. cpVdrp., AEK, nu paint, rent short term or yearly. Balboa Peninsula Nr. all achls. SZ-:iO Mo oven 5292 Sis.sen 846-5838. $125 • UTIL pd. Bach nr m..1-------- 847-1905. ' hi lull '" I e $4.'i WK & UP • On Ocean • sc ' Nt., ocean v ew. Lovely Bach -1 Br • Rooms 3 BR, 2 Ba, $260, also 2 Br., 2 Huntington H1rboor $165 • BACH, No. end. Full Maid Serv' Pool. Util Pd Ba, $170. Cpts, drps, stove, kit., bat carport. 2 people e ~e6-75-87..,: • • dshwshr, dispou.l, pr l , EXCLUSIVE 4 BR & DEN. ck. - patio, trplc. 5 4 6 ... O 4 6 9, lease! Call aft 7. • $210. 1 B1k beach. 2 Br., 11,i l-BR., util pd. New carp., . 979-0745. ~5013/or 544-8llii, Ba. rutns. Nice view. $160 mo. yearly. Single or Fountain Valley · lrvfnt $250 • 2 Br. 2 Ba. Deluxe couple over 35. Steps to ;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:::;;;1 View Apt. Htd pool. AU stq>ping & us. 6'/5-.16t2·1gt. HOT LUNCH • TWO SNACKS CERTIFICATED TEACHERS Reservations Now Being Taken For Fall Kindergarten DAY OR EVINING 549-3177 NI• UlTHOU.U• I.I.Pl, •UILDINe • 2950 McCllntock Way, Costa Mesa SWC...ef ...... &hlewkw -Summer Camp - will bo OPENING July 10th. ean 645-4302 or .646-5788 For Information & Reservations. 3 BR. 2 Baths ........ 1335 1N'S'.ViEW RENTALS Costa MaN 5 BEDRM., 2'h Bath. 3 BR. 21la., lam. nn ... 1325 Gl:l-4030 or <94-3248 --"'W°'E=E"'K_L_Y___ r 1191 New 2600 sq. ft. Grten-4 BR., 21,l ba., tam. nn. S350 Executive Suites Apirtment~orRe111: ;)l brook. $400. nar mo. in-4 BR.., 2~ ba., tam. rm. $375 4 Bedrooms, family room, ~iiiiiliijiiiiiiiiiiii..;~~ ~~---;~;;-;;;· ;m~I CLEAN 3 Br. 2 sty, elec ""-WE HAVE OTHERS .... -+. drapes. Only 3 2080 Newport Blvd. ~-----~~~ b 2 frpl und k N eludes• narden. J1rwin ...... .,.. • .., kite , c. s ec • u • years old & In Harbor View Cost• Mesa · ..... Unfu 41.1.it cpl s. o! Hwy. 531-0034 alt rHlty 968-4405 any-Hom.S. 1t has community 642-2611 . . • Apts. Furn. :NO ...... rn. ... Apt, unrvn.. • < pm. timo. park & pools. 1430 pr month STUDfOS & I BR'S Apia,,__• _F_urn._____ Balboa Ptnlr1oul• Corona dal Mir 2 br, 1 ba, lge, liv. rm., new on years lease. Phone e FREE Linens Costa MtN Huntington INC:fl beach. Ydy rent. 8!6~ Huntington &eech 64()-0020 or 675-4930 agent. e FREE Utilities --------/2 BR, lllba .. patx>, baleony, ALL new 2 BR, """'"· Mara!~old , 671-5417; SEA FOOD MENU WESTCLIFF,Executlve e FuIIKitcben $PACIOUS 2 Br:, close to LARGE Bachl. Wlik to 315E.Bay.$250 monthlyon retrig.,prl.paUo.Vtrynice 494-7._.. 1 B 11 95 "SINCE 1946'' home. 4 BR, 3 Ba. Beaut. • Heated Pool OCC A 'shops. Attr. furn. &hops. :SCI aduU only. Ref It yr1y leue. Inquire at Apt. & unique. Open Sat le &in _,. t bch 2 B / r seaslte '" '''" ••••• $ •..i Y•••ly Call e Laundry. Facili'ti' Cl I ~• flM pl w....,. o . r home w 2 B 'd IM'li:: 1st Western Bank Bldg. au.um. ,..... • : es SpankiJW dean. $139.50. See ean nc ...,...,... ... -1.11 C. 673-1521 or .5'8-TI71. .only, or by appt _, r merma1 • •• • ••••• ,.,....,. WINTON n-·•tor 6-•·331 e TV • 'd all ill --···~ absolutely everything, 3 hr. Sailboat Vu •••••••• SlOO University Park, Irvine • no::m liJ""o.), •'mat serv av row. Call ~llt. u · • --· LGE 1 br, turn or untutn. Heliotrope, alley entrance R.nt-A·Houtt 979..UlO 5 Br Cllff dwellus •••••. S25Q D1y1 552-7000 Nights Sna:Is or cpls. Vac 2 Br, walk • Phone Service * $1lS * LAfUlll lelCJt Wood tnt. Beam ceiling. only. Phone (1) 433--0069. Costa Mt11 WE HAVE LOTS OF to water. Kids. * $30 WEEK & UP * studio Apll., 1 Br. $125. $185 yrly. Utlls pd. 673-S430. 2 ~r. Shaz, rel/mg, llrepl DELlGHTFUL TREATS! Rent·A-Hou.. 979-8430 e Studio A: 1 BR Apb Older adlil.tll. No pets * 1 BR. cklle to beach Ir 2 BR den 2 BA ptt ate S195 l8e or $225 monthly • HEAR THIS! l ~Br, fum, tncd yd for kids, pets, SUS. ALA R1nlal1 e 645-3900 e RENTER'S DREAM! 2Br, ti~ area, kids. pell OK. $150. ALA R1nt1l1 e 645-3900 AVAIL ~uly lit. 4 BR, Mell Venie, 1lf all tebla, fi'plc. c:rpts. drps, bltna water paid. $300/mo. 613-<706 alt 6 pm. Lee 2 Br $U5. &Lt' vac, Kids/ 1'<1111, Rattt..l-Houla 979-l304 HELP-U e e 53M381 4BR., 211 ba. ...... 1365131'5 Newport Haight' e TV i ¥aid Setvl<e A..U 2135 Eldon..Mar. Apt. 6. •bot>'g. No. End. Ocean ,.,den, 1;_..1i7s, ;;,., Garage. No pet/child. 3 BDRM 2 BATH I t. 3 BR., 211 baths ........ $350 • Phone SerYlce-lltd Pool vi.w. Call 494-70'19. * Call 67J-ro62 * 4n,Irls, So. """· '*'1331 blti RtO t ' ~ ~ 2 BR., 2 baths .......... 1175 SHARP 3 BR. 2BA, !rplc. e Children a. Pet oection Huntlngt\ln 8e,ach 2 BR, N. encl, blk to beach, 2 BR, bltins, pool, Wallt to flre~lace, ~ts •·& ttris'. 4 BR., 2 baths .......... S.UO F0"1Ced yrd, No dog. Lease, 23tti'N~ Bl~ CM avail. July ll Aq., at.o for Corona del Mar beach •. $XIO-up. or an 1 e 60'x100· lncd lot, dbl pr. 3 BR., 2 baths .......... $340 $295 """ alt 61-· 5'3-91'55 or _., LaQUINTA; HERMOSA winier. -·· Coast Rd! Ealate, 641 4848. $229. per mo. Call today. ,. d h•11 Condominiums This Ad Worth 15 on Rent SPlllfsb. COuntry F.atala Uv-....,..rt INch . AGENT . 9. 2. 44 Tl or . : re I Unfum. . 320 l BR. Flint. 2 lrg. -... Ing .. Spacious Apll. -~.... Cotta r.1818 MtHUO.'l. q11een 11Jo bed, priv -need· pool: sunken au YRLY 2 BR. Ovt'I' ........ l ~ ---...----- •WE have a larp ldectlon Cotta Mota lzt& rm. xtra Irr room~ encl B!IQ. Unbelleyablo L1vb>c. blk ~ Quiet motriod Jm.• LOVELY 1111'., bltina, drpo, of 3 and 4 be-m bomel REALTY 'BDRM new"""" -pr·w/•-· AdultJ omy, Only • . cple, no,..,, Ra. $115 mo. "' "'"· pallo, pool. $130. Avail. that can be mo\'ed tnto Univ. Park Center, lrvine J)(Xll prf.vg. Near ~hools & no pets. $150/mo. 1 IR• FURN. '$175 6'J'S.-4958, ON TEN ~S 1162 ,H~ Kto'MX>d p I. a1mos1 lnunediatell' 00 our Call Al\Ytime 83.1-0820 City Ralll r..e..Meposit • 203,S . Fullerton, C.M. ALL 1JTILITIES PA1D e W1NTER RENTALS e Aplo. IW'ft./unfuni. Le11e -· Ren t • 0 pt Ion p I a o • Ol!ice hours 8 AM to 8 PM ~. per mo. S48-1392. Furn. Bachalar & 1 Br's (l blks S d Sa lop Frwy 1,2,3,4 BR. a. ..... = Fttop:~ c:•· 1;i,!lol. :CLEAN;;-=:;-:1-:·BR."""-at'"lld""lo-,-drpt-, 1 SHERWOOD RE A LT y • NEW 3 B" 211 Bl. Comm. DupluH Unfum. 350 •apaclally n.... 2111 8'a.i.. 1 ~ D ABBEY REALTY Foo tnt'l flt. cpl&, bit .. , -· adtlll>, 54N555 -· • :::... -"t-. •H• New-' ........ CM. ... ' . w ... Holt LARGE 1 'BllRM'. *"I" 4. 900 So Lano, C<IM Ml46U ........ $156. ~. ~ • ··~ -~· ~ ~ H I ·.--to 182ll Paiioddt 1Allt.J ""'· A·---Mo<ArthlD' nr Coast H"Yl ="'="-=--=--,._,.;...__I NICE roomy mme. big yard. ,_..,., 833-0030 Dal'>. ask uni ft!:IOn ..... VERY Nice 1 Br dpls.-Qulotl (;Ill) 11'1-1141 • ..,. -· -· ,,_, SPAC 2• Br .. 2 ba . ..,,.., 2 BR, 1 JI&. ip. IJ\'. nn .. new 19311 Beach· Bl•d., r< for Jack. 552-SZIO Ev<L S J C I t """· by praps. Adulll * 6'1U741 * ~ ' •~ .... , drps. aJI bltno. Mlll'l1<d& ..,. $1~ ~-~r: yd. 1..~.$11\l, 49 9-1901, an uan •PI reno. ~~. ,..,.,., !148-1111L $145 . '$165 Apt. Ullfurn. "5 3BR.~· -·Apt. -wit, b.chUdol<. $1111. -· ... -•~ Laguna loach $IRS-mo. 2 BR Kitchen w/all Jltehtlor· i 1 BR, patios, pool, no pelt. 4250 E. Coast CLEAN 4 BR. <lrpo 3 BR. 2 BA, ""' crplg, StlliJ or lamllie<, nr bch. 2 $125 • 'tJ'ru, pd, Bach lit Hi· bllm, xhag w/w drp'd. ~~~ 1 ~~;;,,: lrlic'~ prtv .• I ~r •I••· Ooilara~ -. • • • • Hwy. ~ 2 •• bllnl, no flOR, $1l5. Nr 'l:; 1---1 ·...,_,-Nflll i ._ 111' ~ Miilt/ -..ltl;-full ldt......,...i.w~ ..P .. !io.-a-oar-av Adul ~1·:ft".i._ -Dltlldtd-balh....i. ..:.::1111-n11 ···--· GREAT~:;~~ • i --7. lot $225/mo. Act:•• 32S5 Ranl-A-Houta 919-1430 $165, BACH. No, tnd. Full Prel'.d· SUmm<r rtnlal ,_ -......_ clooots. Rtcltall, pool i un , ~: .. ,.,,.., 1111"1. """"""!:.!: SP.IC.-·~Br lll nu. FOi ldt~ .. bole, arport. 2 people -•bit. 9S-8197. 1 BR. .::!~ _ .,;.""'"No'' pool _tabltt. . ..,. llO!lts. 12111 U., 11.-. ,......, -~ ·;,..~ ,.. 3 BR, ~l new. $280 mo. ok. cpll, -•~ •n ·-· ~ for ~ lmt · 1 ilR.·Funt. klhlfom. -· · • · _,,.,.. •·• ~-QUICK CAIH Near !be bell, crptt, drape, $110 . 1 Blk beach. 2 Br., l ll Nawport ...... pets, or-· 5117-231111. K..i.... Ln. 0 bllo w. o! FROM ONL y $1tS n .. POI ;;::•;;;;1-.,....--=--=-=-~--t -ou5H a biu ... lrpic. 962-U. 11a. Bitn1. Nice view. 3 BR. 2 BA. wtw, cil!JO, LIKE -prdon aot. Lo.Tao ~ 1 bl~ ii· o1 Saterl. OCEAN Q\lEEN DAIL y PILOT FJSlcle 3 BR. 111 • .. adult. , ._ A 3 BR, 2 BA. duiil"· $210. $250 • 2 Br.· 2 Be. Deluxe bllinl, <fsliwshr., !rplC, 210 l Br., PQOI, 1<!C room, Ml-'IMS 11311 E. 0-0 FM!: ' • -· End. P • t Io · DAIL y Pll.OI' l'lm G4nl .... Ln .. Apl. B. View Apl, Hid pool All f'ern, is. Yrly. ~ ~. now, 18th St. 1 BR, Jlltlo pool dlbwoltr Lq -(D3) -C&:ASllRID ADS $1115. -alt L w ANT AD .... tt • 1 .. ,..... Ukt lo tftd<T Our ,.,_.,, SPAC. J'li, -furn, I Br., dllp, utU P.,. Maia. ms: -d by-Walton°" FOi AC110N. • • '7'1.IO -.... DdF )iii Wot AdJ ha.. NE-VIEW RENTALS JWedl>e column is tor ""11 ""'1~ no pats. A .. u T/I. Avail 7/S. 11'1l cam.ron. U1te ., _, Q1r'!illfi?1 '4Z."'.__ ""'1· 132 W. Wlloon. C.M. 64z.s67,I 673'4030 or -511Ms,~dsyf lw5bocltl. $140/mo.To .... cali-Sll-m1. . Pandt4eeohurtlllsfor)Otl! ,,.,. ~---·-----' , .. ' I I t ' DOC ~ ~ OBEDIENCE SCHOO~ PRIVATE TRAINING & CLASSES FOR ALL BREEDS Nov ice Thru Utility Also, Schooling For Ope Tr•lners MARTINCREST KENNELS 20061 Cypress Santa Ana can 546-0989 ' I A NEW PIE·SC:HOOL ("-I TO MOTIVATE ,. .. ,P I YOUI C:HILD f ... I IN HIS MOSTlQ__,,....· FORMATIVE I YEAlSI I e A Total Readln«IS I Proaram e A Leainlni I Environment I e Morning/ I afternoon I Tellchlng I Sessions I I • Full &: half I day program I 7:30 ll..m.· I 5,30 o.m. I : ~ THE EDUCATIO.NAL : I ~ READINESS CENTRE I I I I 2070 Moplo Ave., Cost• Mesa I I 646-4334 646-3062 I .. .Jl!I!__ •• lllll!t.• • -• _ _._ r. • Anthony Schools Expert License Preparation for • REAL ESTATE Sales & Brokers • CONTRACTING CHNlltAL IUILDING, ENGINEERING, ALL SPECIALTY C:LASSIFlc:ATIONS • OUR STUDENTS ARE PREPARING FOR TOMORROW. TODAY. In fact, tens of thousi1nds do i1nnu1Uy. Althou9h Anthony Schools pr1pi1r1s more p1opl1 for vocational c1reers lmor• than ofty otlter prl•ate school in California) ... to us, the individual is importent. HERE ARE WAYS WE TRY TO SHOW IT: I. Our Reel Est1te ind Contr.1cting course material is const•ntly up-d•ted. And for 9ood re1son. St1te exams ere ever-changing and the student 1hould be prepared to meet the changes successfully. 2. Our Instructors ire profession1I. And we're proud of it. It's an extra velue each student receives when he studies 1t Anthony. ). All Anthony Schools courses ire epproved by the Celifornie Dept. of Edu- cetion, Bureau of Sch~ol Approvels. Thet's en edded protection. Co•Ylnce y .. rsolf. <:di 1714) 979°2353 f0< a : FllEE GUEST LESSON FREE C:AREER KIT HARBOR CENTER-2300 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA •.• ONE OF 44 CALIFORNIA LOCATIONS Tllffdof, Junt 27, 1972 Newpart Air Associates Fright School & Ffying Club LEARN TO FLY $500. ,_..,, • ..n_l * FAA APPROVED * C:O...e l•cludn: 35 Hours fli'iht t imt in C•ssna I SO 's with 20 houri dual instruc:tion. Club membership. 3 Month's free dues. Individual instruction, tailored to YOUR ab ility. 10 AIRC:lAF! AVAIL.AILE AT LOWEST llATES IN ORANGE C:OUNTY Learn to fly now - -ind hive fun I * Fly Mexico & Canad• * Special Rates for Commtrcial or Instrument Students. For Complete D1t1il1 C1ll NOW 979-1155 DAILY PILOT Rtnl•l1 to ShoN GI NEED female room.mate btwn (25-35) to find and IN.re nice apt. ~ -· SHARE 3 Br ....,., H.B. Everyth ln c incl. l3 yrs/OVE'I'. s.36-043'f aft 5 pm all day wtmdl. $87.!ll 2 BR, 2 Ba, frplc. Professional-type not oft!' 35. Straight anly. 9'19-6599. NEED othl!r pi or 1trlt IO Sha.rt." a pl. by fall. Ap ~23. 642--6496. G1r1ges for Rent 4U 12':77 •i th 10' wide 4 11'-l" hlih dooi'1 for motor homes, boel!, etc. $40. 6.f2...501.3. GARAGE for rar or storage. ni Lincoln A\'t"., fl.B. UJ, per month. 536-1n1. Office Rental 440 -------1 FOR Rent. 600 sq. f't. otf:itt. OceM It hill views, carpet 1., drape11. S.lX> mo. 0..11 Nine 1:30-4:00 pm 842-11 or &11-2452 or 4~~'161 -DESK 1pace available $50 mo. Will provide -l- at S5 mo. Answerlnc service C\& ilt ~ ~ available. 222 Forest Ave, 'O'~ · w e . ~@A l~Lquna~ee~a•h:_!!:.'9•~11116-=I ~ t:l...Y DESK rpace a~ble $!O Anna's Pre-School Kindergarten, 1st & 2nd Grade REGISTER NOW For Summer Session Ages 2 thru 2nd Gr1dt • Full Le•rning Progr1m e Phonics Stressed • Art1 & Crafts •Music • Relld ing • Sports Activities 2110 Thurin Ave., Costa Mesa Ph: 646-1444 mo. wm providr'fiirnStuN at SS mo. A~ .met available. 17875 Beach Blvd. Hunttnaton Beach. &0-4321 AROUTECT, engi~. etc. Ofc's. 444 Old Newport Blvd. Sff to appreciate. Ex- ler. entrance $95, 548-5300 Opeo. OETICE r 0 r 1ttretari&l bookkftping service. Jt.eu. Nr. 17th SI. Sh1>1. C.M. SIHt!S. omCE l60 month, crptd. furrt, uW pd. 1n thopplrw center -ll'\ E. 17th St., C.M. 673-0140. BAY VIEW OFFICl!S Oeluxf!, air-condllkmtd Redecorated. Udo •fta Rt!alonomlcx, Bkr. 675-6100 lDEAL loc. Avail Aua: L tiarbor Blvd., CM. Good traffic expose, l!XXI Sq. n. c;;;,'t., ~ ~ ~ dya. '2:Jm IV~ee ~ ~ ,_B_u_._1 ... _._._R_e_._,._, __ w_ 'f\..;pJJ ~ OFFICE apace or comm'l store avail. Approx. !a> 11q. ft. 17404 Stach Blvd., H.B. Call 847-'l531 ""· [ ~lw .. ot l!•l I R"'t* Jl_..5] ~n. =·Nol:;.>::~~ --·r -1-.-------=~=---;;~:\JB~lvd~.,~C.:M~.~6~4~6~·~2~5~4~4 , ApJrtmenls for Rtnl ~ II 548-&1'.U. _ _J ~ Apt. Unfurn. 365 Rooms 400 • .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim.ii~~m;1~:::;~~;;--= co. -... 11. ...... e Mldktl A.ul1t111t ~ ~"-CHCCSEA~--· PRCFESSIC!,\lAL CAREER/-:~"'·:\....·~ ~~11:1 -W@~~OO Y/'. - · e Dewt•I Aulstant e lnhalotl .. 'Olerflpy Ted11dcHM e Medlcll Recel'fle11ht 365 Newport Booch I ~~..,.,.------1l9 Cal>rl~o,. Cool& M-Apt. Unfurn. 365 Apt. Unturn. \VOMAN will rent to male * 645-1\31 * c-'"os-,-.M-e-s-.----Newport Beach SEACUFF MANOR-1 BR, =~rt~Y~k 1 .!Rbc~3r~r 0,::~:,,1,,nc1"'u_•.,.t_r1_._1 .,.R_on1_._, -·- HACIENDA HARBOR 241 AVOCADO STREET AdullJ only e No Pets 2 Brs. avail. Furn/unf. Deluxe l & 2 BR. Pool --------1 uni $140, furn $155, Crpts, beautiful patio vle\v, As FOR ltale by owner, In-PARK NEWPORT drJ», bttna, garb. dbpt. •teepiog rm, $67.50. To dullrlal bldf, ID,000 .,. ll15 Pool. 1525 Placentia Ave. hart kit , !iv rm. TV, Borchard, nr Edinaer A APARTMENTS "'1< about our dia<:ount plan. phooo, 1100. mo. Pleose nll Grand, Santa ".1111. 142-3m. on the bay RS43-I~~RD2. 'S LIDO AREA • <92-2169. 313 Aoeho Ln. Soo COSTA MESA ""°" Oemf!nte. · 1440 • 2880 Sq tt. Luxury_ apartment living ~V· New lra: Sharp 2 BR, 2 Ba, ROOMS flS wk up wlkit. U> CABINET 1.fAKERS- erlooking the water. Enjoy CID dshwhr SIC oven wk up Apts, 2376 Nt!wport FIBERGLASS BY • RECENT ACQUISITION OF NEWPORT BUSI· NE$$ SCHOOL, CALIFORNIA PROFESSIONAL COL· LEGE NOW OFFERS: Garage. Dlshwhr. Paid util. FROM $100. * 646-120t Coldwell, Banker &: Co. Managing Agenl Perk-Like Surrounding QUIET • DELUXE i1:;o,oo:i health spa, 1 swim-frpl.' gar, $Z'JO mo yrty: Blvd, CM 548-9T.:i.5. Nr, Nwpt Frwy I: S.D, ~ l1Wlg pools, 7 lightf!d ten• 673-0844 .-• "T nis courts, plus miles 011..:...:..:.=·-----STUDENT or Working &iri. 2931 Grace Ln. bicycle trails, putting, shuf-BEAOI area apartmenUI Pvt. bath Ir kit priv. Nr, (So. of Baker, E. of FaJ:nri"' neboard, croquet. Junior l's from $175 pet' month Yrly. OCC. $75 mo. 546-2573 % Ml) Reprf!sentatlw there e Sltort"-IMI DAY AND EVENING CLASSES ENROLL NOW FOR SPRING SEMESTER 2 le 3 BR API'S Prv. patios * Hid Poo.ls Nr shori'g * Adults Only Martinique Apts. 1m Santa Ana Ave .. C.M. Mgr. Apt. l13 6f6.5542 from $174.50 monthly; allO 1 ACT. 673--8563. Room tor Rent 9 am·ll noon . and 2-bedroom plans ana Newport Heights Kitchf!n privi.leges ITI4 l 9794434 or 17M711 Z.story town boull!s. Elec-ft48--0516 aft 5 pm COSTA MESA trlc kitchens, private patios NEW, reday for occupancy, __ _;_...::...::.:..:.!.:::.._1670 sq tt. U0-220 power-$95. or balconies, carpeHne, dra· 1906 Oay St., unf. :1100 sq. Guest Home 415 mo/1280 sq ft, pvt ofc.10' dr, peries. Subterranean park-ft. ~ Br, 2 Ba, dressirw nn_., *p, RIVATE ROOM llG-220 power-$167. mo. C. ll ing with elevatora. n...oona1 frpt. dshwshr., forced air * NA1TRESS CM •••1•- maid service. Just ;'rth of hi, w/w cpt, ,drps, bltn for ambulatory f)el'IOtt. Good ' • • ~--._.. Fashion Island at Jamboref! ra.net" •. &1a!ll aUd a: dr. from lood, nice cheerful aunound· 576 to 6,000 Sq Ft California Professional College iuo &. up, nkely furn 1 & 2 hr trailers. Adultll. No pets. 112 W. Wilson, C . 1\.1 . 66-4;.JO. and San Joaquin Hills Road. 1amldin rm. to pri. deck. Jngr. 4001 Birch, N.B. 5Cl4U32 Telephone Cn4) 644-lllOO Lndry area-coin op. $245 * Call 548-4753 * NEW DELUXE M-1 Unlta. 3 for .rental Information mo. incl. pr & gas ht, S ph. power. 1733 Monrovia -===-=::::::::::::_1 cook'& &: b;)t wtr. 5CS-2967 ummer Rentals 420 54l-Jl4fi: S?i&-9198 ev.s. 1101 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA, CALIF. 714/6"5·2922 East Bluff PARK NEWPORT tor appt. 6 Mos. le~; 2 bdrm.11 .• 2,1.,;.....:c=-------BALOOA Island (Llttlt.l, 325 Storage 455 bath!!. balcony, canyan/bay Apti ., E. Beytront, Lrg. 3 Br., 3 --''------ Ap.rlment1 lorRent StMMt Paywt Pl• GrlMll11tte Plocewt Aubt.1K1 OW9ed I 0,.med by M•ben .t tM Profetale11 c.11 er Write fet free c.tetot 2 BR, delux apt. Frplc., pool, Adults only. $215. 644-2307. Huntington Beach view; all t!lf!C. No pets. Fum. or Unfurn. 370 Ba. Avail June $400, JuJy OFF1CE. atore l'lffr N'pt, Child 1S o K $375 p $450, AlJ& A: St-pt. $500 per Post olc. & Gre")'hOuM month over · · er Cotta Mesa wk. Ahlo winter lf!ue av&ll Depot, 537 ft. SlSP; 736 Ft. $150 pu mo. 67J..8249 $Z5 Month. A&:ent 646-2U4. 0 ,. ~ Summer Rentals BAY VIEW 2 • Rent.is W•ntocl 4iCl ][9 ) N BEACH! [a ,,9. J!:luF PALM MESA APTS. 11,... f completely lumlabi~-; ·=====I ~-----2 BR, 2 BA Uni. Fr, 17n (i.$( :C t U MINtrrESO TO NPI', BCll. ed. Avnll JW10 to S.pt. f1?;0 NE EDEO -------· ~ FURN. R UNFURN. Pl" monlh. Adults oaly RESPONSIBLE Apt. Unlurn. 365.f.pt. Unlllrn. 365 Apt. Unlurn. 365 Apt. Unlurn. 365 2 BR. :;;;:TS oNL'i· 1388 i •' really u:,.~iev;r. }:~ ... •:,~ ....,1. 6'1Ml30. WORKING COUPLE Furniture Available ~: blt-lns, shag crptl, drpi, 1 Br. furn mobile home. need ooe OI' t.."O bedroom 1-=-----~.....;----~-Gener1I General VILLA MARSEILLES SPACIOUS I &. 2 BEDROOM APT. Furnlshlld &. Unfurnishlld Adult Living Dishwasher color coordinated appliances • Plush shag carpet • mirrored wardrobe doors- indirect lighting in kitchen • breakfast bar • huge private fenced patio • plush landscap- ing • brick Bar-b&Ques • !Alge healed pool! & lanai Air conditionin~. 3101 Sa. Bristol St., S•nl• Ano 557-1200 Costa Meu HARBOR GREENS Furnlshlld &. Unfurnishlld From $120 to $215 mo B•chelors • I Bdrm1 2 Bdrms • 3 Bdrms Hit or 2 Full B•ths C a r P eta-drapeMt.shwubf!r 2414 Vista dcl Oro Wlllli etc. Adult!, no petl. Avail. July thru ~t. Poot hou1e with larp fenced heated pookaunas-tennlr Newport Stach SJNGLES ••••••••• Fn>m $135 Boat slip. Adl11. $400/mo, yard (for two VERY WELL rec room-ocean views 644-ll3.3 AWITIMB 1 BEDRM .•••••.•. From$140 54&--5605 eves, 557""6C76 dlyi. 'TltAINED doc•) $.1'0 moet. patlo&..ample parkloe WESTCLIFF 2 BEDRM ....... From $160 * NOW to Sej>t. lS. Ulll. 2 Vic: betweenl9th6Vlctorio PEACE AND SECURITY • Security Guards. CAPRI You're right. they're un. BR apl. C.M. $175 mo. Hu -(ntarW, Bl.)' st.) COSTA Yoon to c:ome home ID! HUNTINGTON 1700 \Vostclilt D•. do,..prlc.d 1'61 M"a Dr. relrig & bltoa. 567-8400. MESA. 548-1'31/alt 6 p,m. Here's earden-livtng at l" PACIFIC Adult Llvihg-No pets (5 blks from Newport Blvd.) GrHn V•lley L•ko best: De.luxe 2 Br. Pool. 546-9860 Cabin Wk! only 5t5-4S5I WE would Jlke to rent )Wr * Sm&ll. wtU..managed lux· ru OCEAN AVE., H.B. Carport. Furn. or Un!. 1 ll 2 BR rum or unfurn · Y ' lowly. bff.udful house with ury apt. unit& for adults In (714) 53fr1487 642.Q74 Children's aecti>n. Pool. FURN 2 Br, lleeps 6,tJ.IA ba. al lp It dock in Newport I.Al a convenient, f!!tablished Ofc open 10 am~ pm Dally * l·BDRM. APT. * $140 Up. ELM GARDENS Priv PllUo, (rplc. l blk bcb. tot Auplt. Bat of Rtfer- area. WILLIAM WALTERS CO. ln ESlltbluU. $185 APTS. 111 E. 22nd SI, C.M. 673--5500 or &tS-4828. ~Call \VaJtah Out. * Big trees, area.I pool, op-&f2..3645. FOR rent, Mountain Cabin,1,.,=,_,.·-,.-----, P.S. Cost• Mesa poaite ' golf course. * FRESH AIR , , '7WOH 0 D•n• Point pleolled activitiet Io r LOCAL -man -* Thret btdrooms, 11~ \Valk 3 Blk1 to &ach~ children. Lake Fun. SS1..ao31 tumw.d 1bdrm1pt.., )Tl¥. Muter lize bf!drooma w/ baths:, per'30llal patio. taun. Lee 2 br apts, newly decor. -&& 2 BR. 11,.1 BA, from Sl'IS mn. BAYFROr<ri"T, ave.U J u n e Pn!ter "'"'°Pen I n I \l J a COLDWELL, BANKE.R &. CO. MANAGING AGENT $ be:.:m 'Pl iar:, dry-worbhop, spaciowi lJy. W/w crpl•. dfi>I, bltm, rx· OCEANFRONT, Newport's No pelt. Near 1hopplnc. 28-Sept. 15. Cok>r TV, nu &t'IL OlD OM.lck r~ 365 bumina: flrepla~. Ing room with (lreplaa. ct'pt telria. $150 A: Sl». No Finest. 2,000 sq. ft. 1 BR. 499-3S!l6. crpU, noo \\rl'ek. ~-67)..137(. ConvenJent laundry area P.S. The price wW IUl'pl'i&e &11KI•. no Pf!ll. 5.16-lnt. lrg. pvt. sundedc. Sharp Huntington ~ 1 BR. bet'A'fl Bay I Beech, l BR H9e. ot lq. apt unf\Q'n Apt, Unfum. 365 Apt. Unfurn. , ..... ____ _ ----- oft kltcbtn. Encloeed pa.. you! LRG 2 Br, l sty 4.pJex, !incle prd'd. S400 rno/yriy. Newport, ilpit 5, n'"iO wk, for ftftl.Oetn. Until Jan. DELUXE tkll. 2 1wimmtnc pool' -RIO •~· m.1629. NEW SANDPIPER .,.u 503-1821 Ill< lor P•t. 1971. 1415 Pft' mo. lo Cdll • NEW ,C!>I. ~ "'wly d<!c, AP•RTMENTS sau111, recreotloh facill-FAIRWAY VILLA erpla/ •• ,..., '·~r nn , 2 N..._ lk:ll. MHd bl•--2 Br " -Socw1t,y ~ pr, tl1Cd, child ok. Sl35. BR., 1 b&., lrpl, N.., carp. Early bird llPldal>-1 BR Vac•llan Rtnl•ll 425 ==-:---;..,.--,I -"·~· upper. Alr Cond • Frpk'•. 3 Swim-p RTMENTS 5:1--1144 A palnt. Encl. pr. w/auto. trom IUS. 2 BR lrom 1155 OLllER cpl<, •ul IO - Nr. lhops. Adlll only, 1140 mJnr Poo11 • Health Spa • Models Open 'Ill' pm. A A -· Mature adulta, no Furn/Unlun>. cool color ti> BEACllFRONT, N • w port sml. hie in Cdll. ,,__ Oct. mo. Mf-2139: ~. sn Tennis Courts • Game and '3122 Sn.nt& Ana Ave.546-6215 WALK to Beach pell. SIM. 6f,5-4443. tmors, pool, Jacuzzi, morw. SUmma rental. 3 br, Xlnt 1-AprU 1. W/pt;1111. ~ • JOOM St. Bllllaro Room. 27°!r~r'i:' :f:J•&.CM * * $110 * + l :· p':f.::.· ~l'l''iu~~i'." 3 BR, 2 BA duplex. DIBhwhr, !081 Holland Ort"" Hunt· vto... Attract lum. ~7: buy. P.O. Box 363, CdM MESA VERDE .al'f.l ·Lux 3 l BEDROOM 3 Br, 1\1 Ba, DtWly f)l.lnled bltll f'a1Wt', w/w c:rpts, Lnilon Beach. 847·9500. ~. 1-~AMILY needl pool bomt. Br. ear, frplc, betlut. petio. FR.OM S165 Adami Bltins, crpt/drps, cocl patio. DUPLEX for rent, $135. dr'J»I. 1i blk to beach. wilh ruRN or unfum. SBA. tl75, • CATALINA • ~la. ehoppbW, Rer1. Cd !'~~ ~~6.ho""'. -Adulll. MEDITERRANEAN , 54r5025 Nr achll A shop'f. <lhlldron ~Br. cpl•• d""' V~w Year round 1,..,., $325 Child/pot ol<. 2 BR $151), BeAlltilul view home. 5 BR. Bill P.-, ""'11 -· -U" ok, no pets. 880 Centt_r St., CAll Ma ~. ~ _ n10. 675-769(. Adult• it Jlf!ll corwidf!rtd. \ By week or month, 673--0148. " •BEAUTIFUL I .. 2 BR. VILLAGE CM •MM~ ••• -N • 8 • 8 $285 I ·0 = ·~or·_._,.. ew • r, & •1 -2 BR dplx. NJCt1 •c· Walk blk-lO s11,11-r!. Mwger Tr3l Rent1l1 to Shere Oi r-----.,,~ Oonttm.ponry Gardin A.pta. 2400 Harbor Blvd., C.M. 3 BR. l% BA. BcautUul Walk 10 Beach. Mfi....2.:)79 to bay, ocean. lhoJ')S, no F..lll1. No. o. ~,_1831. l -....ii l'Jttoo, Iriilc .. pool. JJ». -tnu 5>7~ ~,\!: 2 t I Bt lilt llJll.up. 11P9dous-81)1.· 'Prh ·r te Mott Verde • peu.·Adullt< '15-4171.-MOVE IN-'TOOAYI • l or 2 &Id> wanted to"-"' -• . .. 11'11. c.u -RENTAL omCE Pool. ~drp. bltna. klds balcoey, Corpe!. Choice • ' woo ISJ.E. 3 BR, ' BATI!. Kids • "'" olt. 2 Br n.m -Mlh .. ,,.., Move ln,,. ______ _ DELUXE 2 Br, 1\1 ba. OPEN lO AM to I Pll ok. localloa. Cblldten A l)llall iiEWJlE 2 l 3 Dr., 2 Ba. Adult• • -·-. n4.· -· ~• •1••, 3 Br. 1199. All -~-Iuly 1. &4>!661. i• Studio, <rptJ~ pool , •DEWXE1•2BR.• l996&1ooieNo.t ••• 642'381l 11 1oomt. Ra bte enc1 lt."5 "'1a1 ~-·~·~ P.;L847-3e69 968-ru·-"'UICK CASH AMowM•-11 1111111, II" Pl\IOI-$lSO. 1 811111, tlmnbr, pr., lit St>. :!nOlll•p No. 5" .&a.7035 pt> "' .,... pr, up, " AP!>!· to.,., or 0, ,. a.Jld ok. "' pets. &• 01911. Cout Pim. • se.ml. 2 Br. Adults. no pets. :;;, :. ~L 3!l Vic> ::j1134:ll95 Mace Av'' v....oo ""' mooeyl Rant Newport lloach THROUGH A 1 !,?'}.!1 ~ ~L l_ I BR. •Ill-w/loft. Da~llll XTRA "' 2 Br. 1\1 Ba, nu BAY MUDOWS AP1'S. * Spl<. ' BR .... crpt, 2 BR unlurn •Pl Meaa v-,.., ...... •Pl .. , ·-23)4 w, OcelMont, le 1 BR, DAIL y PILOT qulcltly • ...11y. can tn>k, di> ltlt. ....w.1,,,,...., t>Alhl . ...,,,..._ .... acc. No Ill w. Bu St, QI 14M17r.1 dnoor Okin pm. Sl.15. ..,,. <TPI•· tlnpei, hill••" bldg .• •"· thni a Cit.Uy Pilol 1ummtr a wtnltt rentats. WANT AD Ardtlle ftlll 02-1911 i.. Sl75. 134-U: m.2:04. ~· sr·~ .ti 5. \\rlllfr_Ek::pftant. ~me.A·l.lne , m.&1"'1. I~ lno. ggi..~. Ml.Wf)f'od Art 6-Q..S671. llVAil JUI~ I,~ --------' '-"'-"_ .. _lnlY..o..·-----, Cell•-Colt• Mesa • -~-------·- • II ?' ' I. ... • . -.... -""1 ~ ·-... -., . -... ~ . T.,_, m 17, 1971 ~ ~~~~~~~~ J.:f [ OAILY PILOT J[llJ I - l[j] I "-µ111 Jill ... ) : IM<Md,_ ][SJ [ ---1~ [-... ""'"I ~ [ L......... ll il 1b .. """"-1 ·-· ~l[llJ~•, I Hol W - M .. F710 HolpWOll'9d,Ml.F710 HolpWonted,MIJF710 INMllry Help Wontod, MI. F 710 _.;.p _o __ , ---.i Holp w.-, MI. F 710, --------Auto tronapom tloh 525 Lost 5S5 Controct0< t• MIDDLE age......,,,.;..,. ..... ....... --------------,;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;i;;;; ' EXECtmVE S..:..i.ry -O S lo< ....i.mvalld 1ad1 • SNOOPY. -·· ·~ old JACK Taula,.,.R"°"lr REPAIRS. pllllttn, brick, •-.. ·•··i. to"'~ Ci~ I Ai-.lve. Most have INSPECT R ••-. ha • -· NEED ride to mid-town Lot .,... ,,,.,. remod., addlL ig )'ft exp. bkitlr., llonft .. Ql&lity work. ~...... .,._...,. • • abort.band To .,, OO It ~in. w: c&f', "' ....,. Af¥dN trom Corona deJ Btqle Jotit ~ 615 ir Uc'd. My Wa.y Co. 5t1.ooll Ken, Ph. Rtlid. 642-l'J'JO. Machine Dnftmwi $100 SrtCa top t y PI n &I .... r. week. MobBe home park. Mar Mon thnl Thurs. l.MW' Brookburst le Ad• m •. MarkttU. Sec'ty t700 lkllll. Some bookkeepina re-Minimum 6 mo. lnlptttion I: 673-89l7 •• M :30 am, le..ve L.A. 4:))-5 Collar, no tap. Reward. Drlvew•y1 P•lntlng It Insurance Sec'ty $$50 Good l'lrun aptitude and quired. Full time position. previous P.C. auembl,y exp.M :.::R::::::. ::;:E~n-r~l-n_e_•_r_o-:r Pf!\. £1.ther u ~ or Dlly1:. 82&-«l60; Eve•: j ;:.;_.;.;;~;_----P•,.riwinglng Rec'pl/Sec'ty IO ~ mme· typing helpful. Litt, Salary op._IS. Bl.ytront ol· Fut Crowin& Co. VERY temi-tttlred, \\'Ould }'(Ml llA will tumish car tor 213/*"-9343. QUAUTY .ekl co• t I ri I • PurcbuinJ Oerk to $600 acdderlt or health insurance tice. ~Ul NICE PEOPLE! tb le.am how to UM1t In responsible drtwr. PboH $100 Reward :.~~he~s, :Ua :~~~~~ QUALITY INTERJOR DenUJ AJ1't. l..a&UM $500 prde:rreQ. but hOl ~ntial. &'<PER b1cydo reyainnan, your own reiidenl1111 pro- m-.c.lM or-· Sl1\I It Golden •baUY dog. Mihl!S5. v-!:~!;"b .. o r>:t-NE WPORT full time. Mlulon Scl>wlnn NO f£ES! P.P.S. P'•'l.Y on !he wholHale bull Tq reads L. Palml'r, San v.,, l\11:.......,._ "'... Personnel Agency v Bicyd• Shop, La I u o a niake I~ profit. at the Dle&0. Vic San Joaquin 111111 Electrical * 646-'lOSl " Ill Do::,:_!}: 0 ., N.B. mlC"J f CJC""J Nlcuel e..sm, SJM88L same ~ Corot up A Rd A: Marguerite. COM. EL£CI'RICAL \VORK. All * PAINTING • PAPERIN C -" ..,, J, JJ EXP. baby&llte:r. to care fm Pilciflc meet &e~ other tx· ~=YHt~c:=lat. ~13.szi4 •!,~~~: (ll 223-kinds. Bts or 1tn<tll We'd It ulni.e~-.--i G Ext= ,..,..,...,....,,..,..,..,..! 4. & 6 yr old l1rla. Fl'om S Ptrtonnel S.rYices Erwineen doine' tht .~ 530 .... ~ -; (\) ~. Ina. Free ut. 546--0211. c. J,,....,""' 14U'&D Actar...Acift:lllf!I am to 6 pm. 5 d&;Y1l wk. Call ll.2 No. Towe:r thin:· No license requ.u..:u. Spiritual Ra.dine• 1tiv.;:n ,--.,;.:,-'-'~'-_,.;.-~-Call lllll'T'i8 GU-4558 FAME I. FORTUNE ·~ ·-•··-For IU-''"er into, C a ll daily. 10 .Ut-lOPM. Advice MALE Doxie, brown/gtty ELECTRICIAN, llttnstd, Some actual MT/ST e'X• Mn. warren, ..-U-.UJ. "°""~ Union Bank Square l"UI given on all matten. I can face, 13 yn old. Ans IO bonded. Small jobi, maint. No WunnK Independent producer & pe:rience required, with ex· F/C Bkkpr. Days M1 ttme. Ora~, Calif. SlJ..1103 & talk to Lee!'. "WUl!e". Rtd collar & *WALLPAPER * casting ,.rvlce seekl ""w cellent IJ'anlCrlblne ok111A. Penonnol Dept. Hoar 547•6446 e e NEEDED help YoU· bl•ck flea callar. Uc. Vic " repalra, 543-5Jll. When .....,., call "Mae'' laces for GP rated films I: tal Ne. Two Offl•• Glrl1 312 N. FJ Camlno Real G ~ • •-.:."= ... :!::i =.· =· ::...,____ A&k for Raebel \Viy -r--,.,, ___ _._ N w pt/Irvine Oetprrate. aruen1ng M&-1444 ~111.l 'IV COMERCtALS. For INTERVlEWING t;>a.J• \,,JCIUCllU:: 1n . Call ( 2 l 3 ) FIE L D aerviceman. ell:• m-9131or492-9034 =· =e l~hter. QUALITYG P1~!!~~u. ~~::: ~· Mon-Fri J..12:30 p.m. perlenced. ;~ 00 do o rl·IN=SURAN==CE~~----.,-.,..Co. Muat -0.-'a~'yble_ fl> ddYt wv. wwkt Uke to rent )'Ol.rt GARDENIN Aceto R-olvablo Clk ON ope:raton, to yrs. b&ck&round. General Office Cid. lov<ty, beau~ bouH with monogram w/letter M. at c Yn ex""r. in area. Re-lnt/F.xt. Free est. Reis. -SITE OF OUR 642-.1400 n ~ V ~~ _...:.™=..E=·=l=G.::••:;S:;I.::.· ..:....· -'--Dom' '-JI B GM'/"" "' ,.-027 9 ···"·" <or '"·y Acctg. Dept. · Oerlc. Agt ·;;N. ••IC\.I llln Ir dock in ewport Atta. nn:11, · · ,..., ,,;, planting, haul away, ienua.1 a.i,,... 5 · '"""-'t:U .,... NEW BUILDING I F id $5.r"' . . <r A t. Be 1 0 I Sentimcntat value. Gen. . F t Req: 2 yn:. exper. in like Ge r •Y .-duties. Policy f)'ping, some tor uau• a 0 _ -~• ,.,,.., 2044 landscape maintenance. E}..'T. painting, ree es. position, 10 k~ adding New position In, property bkkpr, Salary open. 673-3833 referenctl. Call W a I la h ~=•~u.,,;...u·_N"--'--~·--=-Ftee estlmat". Rea!! Lic'd, Cuar. You pick PACIFIC MUTUAL t d pt · If·-·· ''" t ~ machine by touch. typing 50 managemen e • o .... ,..,,_\;;ii~i.i•iippii.. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;., CJa..&.. f4t.0)22. SILVER ..-y male poodle. 540-7173 or ..... 9076 color • ~oe'll do rest. FASHION ISLAND firm llandl• ~., fig ....... e·~ ,1·pm (eleclric.} Pennanent • i""" ... • • FIND YOURSELF Vlclnity Sunflower & YARD O.EAN·UP TIME?' 642-8520. resident only, Call for in-(Corner Sota Crm: I: urea, organiie. No ''Hum ID\1'tr..tr Da>~t"U"-ln IN SOMEONE ELSE. 1''aln1e\\', $l00 Re¥.wd. 3478 Tree rcmovaJ. pruning, lawn PAINTING &: PAPERING, t er v I e w aJ>POintment, Newport Center DrtveJ Drum Job." Lovely new 11\.Vll"tC: .-U\.)\...Jl"61"'l:U. DISCOVER San Rafael Cir., Co.ta Mesa cart. Also, lawns fertilized, 19 yrs in Harbor area. Lie & 492-1153, Mrs. Gonzales. Newport Bch offices. Xln't SERYK:ES•.J.UJ.O DISCOVERY M>6529. top dreu, mow, I: edge, $15. bonded. Ref's furn. 642-23216. ACCOUN'l'S receivable clerk. * FREE daily bua trans-benefits. Abigail Abbot Per-- n 4/835-6885 2131381·3393 LOST dog: Beo.gje re.med Drivewa)'I sealed Jal, PAINTING • Honest, clean, 1ifust be reliable & have portation for . work in Los JIOnntl Agency, 230 W. War-Scc'yAcctng Dept to $fiOO PROBLEM Pregnancy. C.On-~~-vi:1n:°1~ V ri:,: 645-4191 MS-66.16 gUnranteed work. Licensed worked with the public. Lite Angeles until 1 move to 1 _ne_'.c.• _su_l_to_:l!l!>_,'--S._A_. __ ~~~~ to ;: fidtnt. sympathetic preran-AL'S GARDENING & insured. 61::>-5740. typing req. Knowledge o1 Newport, Sept. 72. GARDENING I: o 11 ts~ de Payroll/EDP to S600 ey counselinl-Abortion le Sun. Tag No. 8 5 -4 1 2 ; tar prdeni.na: 6 •ma 11 The Hangman. Up to % oU. water dislrict he Ip f u l . • CHILD CARE. Colleit! maint. Full or part tune. Girl Friday $550 Adoption rel APCARE. c~:.:.:.=7c.·-~~---landscaping aervtcea, call Labor i1 buy mat. Call Dtstrlct ln Laguna Niguel. girl tn Irvine area breded Hunt I neton Retirement Gen'! Ole/Dictaphone $52'.l 6f2,..4436, LOST in Eastb.lutt. 54G-5l98 evta. Ser v Ing 11fobile store. 547-5846 Please call 831-2:m. for summer child care. Residence. 842-7788. Accounting Oerk to $500 lfalr """"wn fem. tort./ Newport, CdM, Costa MHa, ~k. ~•7333 ENERAL ~-full Pl' .,75 ALCOHOIJCS Anonymowi. 11~1 iitfen. &44-2239 Dover Shorel, Westclitt. WALLPAPER HUNG Accounts Payable.,......... JJolr • G vux,...,, or . Clerk Typist ..,. Phone SC-7217 or write ~~~~!!~~~= Carl Rebko 646-2449 ~lust Type CREW MANAGER A/P, AIR, appt for P!Tlme Secretary $3+: hr P.O. Box 1223, O>a"tll Meaa. ; AL'S Landacaplng, Tree 67:>-3450 or 549-1933 We need 2 men over 1B that figures. Type fiO..flhorlhand. 488 E. 17th (at Irvine) CM I I~ removal. Yard remodeling. PROF. painting, also roofs, Aak for Margaret can handle a small group ot Yacht of!ices on Bay -642·1470 nJER.E is only 0 .D e s.mc.. and R9p1ir1 'I'raah ha.Uli1'4t, lot cleanup. accow:. cell., inter/exter. 646-(651. I ..... ~~~~~~""' I .. Wright'" way to get a llii6 Lic/lnl. Free est. 645-5191. ATl'RACTIVE Gall to learn boys getting new customers ---------1. ~ Try tt. you'U like ~· iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiii Rlipair sprinklers. 673-d . FOR dean I< neat ..... 1 .. ttng, It teach professKmal cos-. for Southern Orange ~ GENERAL Shop Helper, to INVEST IN It! 13,l.2l()l. JAPANESE Gar ekn er; m· 1e~-or ...... _...: ..... 7~u.. metlcs. VIVIANE Woodard, ty'11avorite newspaper. Men clean I: paint parts .'1: help YOUR FUTURE Ba bysitting C.Omplete Yardwor • i-.,1-'""'""'-..,, 842-6449, Jor appt. can earn $200.00 to $400.00 tn atock room $2. Hr. No Tr•vil S40 ---------CJean-up. Fl'ff Estimates, ~'"~'-"::.·_Dlck~o-·~-~~-· -:,-IAPT. Mgr. 46 units Costa perweekdependizWonnum-exp, nee. Apply in persoo, Full or p/tlme. :.:.:;.;.;;... ______ I SUMMER altttng • 4 or 5 yr f>.U.3102. Plaster, Patch, R1:>alr Me!a. Exp. (.'()llple or man. her ot boys you can carry. 858 Production P l, CM. BE YOUR OWN BOSSI COUPU: and IOll, li:, with olds. Beach trips. Reis. $20 PROFESSIONAL tree work, Maintenance. 1 bdnn apt. Thill i.a a dignified career GENERAL o f r t c e ex-Men or Women neat couple fer partnership wk. pr u n l n & , tr Imm in 1 , * PA'ICH PLASTERING garage. &Uary 0 Pen. commanding high. wqea. No periehee. Starting aalary ~':t a;t::~c~A~ * 64>l38'l * 11praying, spr In kier•. All ~F~timates 644-6297. experi:c" b~ ~ut $LT5per hr. 540-0095 ~in- p rox l mat eil y $20,<m :~i::1::1,:; = =~a~~ 1 ea nu P' Plumbing APARTMENT MANAGERS :1':t boys.a lletnter!~ed .~ tft'View. ava.llable. Rudy Glldeha.ua. e 54&-8854 e Adult C.Omplex 24 Units can start oow, call 89'f·ll1D GEL coaters &: molders. -s ~-1.1-•-.. Las PROFESSIONAL Save on home ........ in 639--6420 ,,__ 9 A M until 2 P Id. Start immed. APP l Y LHHAYoll- Toxl Cob can for Appt "''"' vu"""'' .tU•vw. BABYSITTER bas openings Japanese Gardenin& Service to-.. eat plumb,;;,~ paint Tl'ENDANTS ,_ ..... .uum ' · · Mel-<:raft, 738 w. 11th St, Vegas, Nevada, B9lOO. from birth to 6 yn. My home Free Est. * 646--0619 ~ '""' • ' ' A • tervK."" .,.._, COCKTA I L & Food SHIPMATES WANTED w/Iee yard. CM 548-84!M. EXPERT Japanese Gardener Installations 839--0372 full &: part, day & nite, w at tr f! s s e 1-Apply m a.ta Mesa. •·'-.a-H-.1.. Wlndjammer-!!oothl'Aclli<: PLUMBING REPAIR Salary+ comm. 644--0743 poroon. U am.J pm, GIRL FRIDAY l;;;;;;;;;i;i-iii;;';;i;;;~;;;·;;;ii·-... ·~ • Business S.rvic• * 645--1796 * No "'b too small CdJ.'\f. H-'•, ........ n...t-ool s .E. Bn..r pr-managflflentt• 546-1311 Share work expenses CM or NB area ~ ... .,..'M> * ~·~.1 ~ P1-m• -.1 vr-•v -1~ 213/311-1239 REAL ESTATE AGENCIES * ~ Auto Mechanic Santa Am.. co. Answer phonH, Vt'"''6• lii'iiiliiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiii J Wantto sdl that hou.se? How COMPLETE La"' n " COLE PLUMBING BMW Exl>'rlenco, Should ::.C=O=.:l.:::L=-Wl~N~D~IN~G~ !Ulng. Ability to compose about a beautifully hand Gardening .ervice. Haul.inc 24 hr. service. 64.S-ll61 have Cl815S A Ll cen11e, Good letters. Shorthand preJer- J .C. PENNEY CO. 24 Foshlon Island Newport Booch NEW ACCOUNTS CLERK Experienced Minimum l year commercial b&nking. CENTINELLA BANK Reglonii omce 17141 646·7121 Norma FeJ'IWIOD Equal Oppor1unl!Y Employu NEWCOMER WELCOMING: Hospitality Holtesa To can LOCALLY on new resident Jamilies bringtnl gifts " civic info. Good pay P/time. Must have hapP)' smile, car, typine: ability. 517.,'K)95. NOTE TEWR Experienced -UNITED- C11ifornlo Bonk 6 Monarch Bay Plaza South Laguna 496-1273 1 ][SJ painted, decorator mural? "-clean-up. Jim 548--04lfi, Working conditions, See To $2.80 Per Hr red. Salary to $550 depen- Loll end fCUld Call me, I'm reaaonable. JOHNSONS' GARDENING Drains unciJgged -$T.50 Mr, Heinz at Irvine area ding on exper. SUbmit .!_ __ II..------' Trennel, 540-9663 wkdays Yard Malntenanc<, Plantln& Sewe~t~i;.,:~-$15. CREVIER ;;":, ~~h ~· 1810• ' alt'· all day Sat. SUn. Oeanups 962-2035 MOTORS P.P.5 •• NO FEES 11 Sooklng HOME DECORATOR CONSULTANTS Equal Oppor. Employtr NURSES Aldes-Apply In penon, Parle Lldo Conv • Hosp, 1445 Superior Aw, NB. l FCMWI (free •dsl 550 Carpat Sarvice LAWN SERVICE Roofing GIRL, recent 11"8.duo.te. JI06i· 1 ~--------Cut-~.o1 .. e-Trtm Dependable • T G y Roofing Deal 208 \V. lst St., 84.nta Ana Call Rachel May bon with none technical m-1' JOHN'S Carpet A UpholJtery =:__ ~ 6• ~66 557-8585 • u • k 135--3171 547.1695 formation research serv~tt SEEN: Vtc. West Bay St., cleaners. Ext l' a .c.._. Direct. 1 do my own \\'Or · for architect. No selling in· C.M. Two boxe·?i' 1 ~.: Ori-Shampoo free Scotch· ROTOO'ILLING. Ne; !:i.':' 645-2180. 548-9590. AUTO SALESMAN Cook vclved, no typl'll'. or For thit aru NURSES Aides, &11 .shifta:, 1 white w/ ra: • ~ gUard (Soll Retardanta}. aprinklers, tree~ 'J6l-3'J:i81 Sewlng/Alterai'lonl Experienced Imported Car Experienced convaJescent le previous exp. nee. '\p:>t'/ ln Full tim career oppor, Must F/time. H.B. (bnv. Holp. around neck (hurt» un-Degreasers & all color shaped or rem · -EWIN-G DE-SIG.NIN-G Salesman for BMW Agency. residential ca.re facilities. person 7933 w. 3rd St. Los ha e nt (ul 18811 Florida St., H.B. nh"C &: looklne lost. brlgbtenen: A 10 minute JIM'S G&rdenlng, complete S • Group in9uranct', demo. 642-3505 A g Jes Calif ve nee success ex· 1..:=:..:.====--·I yard d5nUJll Men ·Women. Reuonable pl.an. See Bob Crevier at n e ' · per, In sellinl custom drap. OFFICE Oerk with .:Ge F'OUND puppy between Falrgroundo • OCC, en.ta Mesa. Owner Iden t i fy. S40.J994, bleach tor white carpets. lawn&: catt, . rates. Ten dollar minimum. CREVIER MOTORS DATA RECORDER GIRLS, 5'10" or 0\-"t'I', to eries I: acces11>riea. payroll, bllltna: A typina a;. Save your money by sa.vb~ 54>l662 aft 5 pm. Estimates. Call 84~7450. OPERATOR pe.rticlpe.te in Sociokigy ex-, . per. Small office. Apply me extra trips.. Will dl"'IUI * LANDSCAPING * 208 W. 1st St. PART-TlME . per._ in strength. Up to UJ. Excellent commwxm I: car Allie Mae's, l5M> Monrov1a.. Jlvlna: nn., dlrung nn$7. ~ New lawns. Sprtnlden:, decks, Alterations -:._ 642·5845 Sant• An• SUbmlt qualifications to: per Eve. 842-5641 aft. 6:~ expense. Outstandlri1 be:ne--N.B. YNG. Feme.le, leu then yr, part husky dog-vie BE\fast &. Fairvi•w·Ha1ecrest • -1994. hall $15. Any nn. .JV, cleanup. State llc'd. 536-1225. Neat, accurate. IA} yeal'I ~-835.3171 RUTII McCLURE PM. fits. PHONE .oUcltor fem, Worlr: :X~~h ~lO~ir!~~ ~t EXP. Hawaiian Gardener S • ..;lg;..n_• _______ AVON lNVITES YOU to P.O. Box 1810, Newport GIRL want~ for pet shop, Apply In Penon 2% hrl i>er eves. rrom )WT method. r d9 work m,yselJ. Complete prdenlng servlce 3.D Magne'lic Signs start earning extra cash ..:Be:.:=ac::h::., ..:~=2663=. ____ exp'd pn:1'd but not nee. 10 AM-4 PM home. Salaey le comm. aft Good I .., ~01 Kamalanl 646-1676 "= ch ' sdling our exciting cos-Rral ESTATE Will train. No phone calls. 6 pm 54>1';63. re · ""'"'..,,.. · ' ' ~"J ea • up. metic fasbklns for aummer, UI Equal Oppor. Employer General Slrvlc11 Call 962--0!l'IO anytime ''12! For a penona1 appt. 1l3 Broadway, C.M. M/F PROFESSIONAL FOUND Ballet Hound vk:. StaUr Broe. Market on 19th STEAM Carpet Oeanen. SL, C.M 8_30 w. l8tb St., prof. at lowest prices. X10 CM aft 5 m sq. ft. $29.9>. 962-0672. . . er p . FOUND Wednesday. 6-21. C•rp1nter Black puppy, male. Hun-LARGE OR SMALL tiogton Bl\lch, 5J6-M49. All Types Work: Cut doort, .FND. Gennan Shepherd pup, panel, remodel, f i nish , approx 2i,, mos. Jem. O.C. frame, repairs ·etc. Falrgrndl. Sun. 893-3822. 96~ 1961. RHODESIAN Rid~ Back CUSTOM v.·ood\\wk panel- dog'. Owner call '114 : Ing. Cabinets. Gen'I repairs. 494-3494 and Identify. Ph. Duke D a Durk a , CAT, young temale, reddish 64&-7S98. bt'CM'n &. white, 'JbaHe. It. MINOR:c.:.ho_m_e_re_paas.'"'·,..-"'p"1um-- W•oon. Lag Bch. 497-1091. bing • C"P'ntry -painting 8 WK. Puppy vie. Rochelter -roofing. Call 540-6560. & Senta An~ C.M. Identify PARTITIONS, sm. remodel, to claim. 645-1082 alt 6. move walis. Quality work. FOUND oew 10 speed bike Ken, ph. Re11id. &42-1770. on Balboa Peninsula call ":eiling1 OR 3-<;~ and de=lbe. --~-,..,,,--:",.­ FOUND tan Cockapoo vicini· Acoustical Ceilings blown machine applied. Free es· ty South COfl.st p 1 8 z a Umate1. G11ar. 644-TI83. 61nn2. 842-5539. FOUND: Irish Setter pup. Cement, Concrete Identify. C.M. 645-5308. JOHN'S Patki, pool decks I: lost 555 RE\\1 ARO SlOO! LOST honey rokn't<l puppy v l c i n It y Harbor lli School. 548-6709. Any day ls lhe BES! DAY to run an ad! Don't delay ... call today 642-5678. block. I'ree esl 8J3.-021Jl for appt. do.)'I or aft. S. e CUSTOM CEMENT \\'ORK Drives. walk!, pa!Jol!, pool deck"i. Don, 642-8514 PATIOS. walks. drive, hmnll new lawns, saw. break, rtn')O~. ~ for est. rorAL SERVICES 00. Television Repair Call ~7041. CAREER 1!v.!nope~1a:; n:=. ~ =~=•A~~ Plumbg Install'•· Carpentty. * BLAINE'S TV * BABYSI'M'ER, needed 8--6 Duties consist of typing, lil· J, C. PENNEY CO. Hourly Employeu Benetit };lee repe.il'I, cement work. Servicing AU Branda pm weekdays. Nr Wil9011 Let us help you &et darl:td tng, 10 key ltdding machine, Fashion lsl•nd By I.mt :reea fw6..1809. Authorized Magnavox. School. 66--7646 Call aft 6 in high eami.ngs with an ex· answering phones etc. Muat Mana.gen •••••• Salary Opr:D THINGS By llj008e: Fence, Known Jor honesty 540-4.113 pm. panding ruu. SERVICE be able to work % day on Haa openings for Good oppty w/lq: Corp gen. crpt repllr, appl irustln, Till BABYSITTER for summer, qanization: Excellent op-Saturday occasionally. Aut. Manqen ••... $150. mo etec., plumb, tile. 5.IZ-8949. my place, own trans. Moo portunitiH in' Advancement Opportunities BEAUTY SALON 2nd Cook ........... $25. sh1ft Hauling CERAMIC tile new & Ihm Thurs. i> day Mon. * LIBERAL LICENSING Excellent company benefitg OPERA TOR Broiler Man ............ Open remodel. Free est. Small Refs. 67>B144. PROGRAM including pa.kl vacation, Fl)' Cook , ....•.....•.• Open TREE a: Irg. plant removal. joba welcome. 536-2426. BARMAID wanted. Good * Free comp!'f!henslve ~ pe.id insuranot I: retirement Waitreaes .. over 21, Food le YBJ'd & trash clean-up. CERAMIC Tile, Kitchens, penonal4ty a must. Apply House contiDual tn.inin&' program. Costa Mesa area. COFFEE SHOP cocktails. O:iolc~locationl • Rototilling, mov!Da;. 2 trucks n-!hs, En-..... Cu st 0 m 10-3 Knotty Keg 21 2 5 * Residential ResaJe Write Classified ad No. 10 COOK llhi.tts , ...•••.•.• , •. $1.65 hr. 5 flat du 7 d 24 Dl:I ... ;.. • * 0 -idential Inoome Daily Pilot P.O. Box 1560 ,., uo. .. _ + ton mp. ay, work. Reas. Glen, 548--1263. Harbor BJvd., C.M. ~ Hoste11 •••••••••••• .,..ON w-. hr. Call ?if le T 6(2..1403. BO S WANTED $ * Trade-in plan Costa Mesa. Cali!. 92626 Hostea/cuhier ••••••• $2. br DISPOSE OF THAT UGLY Tutoring $ y * Full' Aervice office HOUSEKEEPER Excellent worltin1 Bua boys ........... $1.65 br. TRASH AND DEBRIS . SPANISH TUTORING Ag" 12-l!i CALL JACK BACK Beall!. CdM home, 2 adults, 5 Cnndllions. r Mgr-Front Desk-Hold •• $3. hr FREE ESTIMATE. 673-2380 MUST BE: (tt4) 833-1266 day wk. Good plain cook. Outstanding benefits. FEE REASONABLE 548-6428. All ages. L Neat and honest. COLWELL Must have car. Good salary. ROYAL SERVICE AGENCY 2. Able to Vr'Ork from approx, A t bl p ~-YARD & Garage Cleanup. 3 PM to 8 PM and 8 hours 644-1109. PP )' mion 3848 Campus v ••Y"OJ Free .. 1. 7 days. call I II i & J Satunl PROPERTIES INC HOUSES11TING wanted. Suite llll, N.....,. Btach anytime, S48-5031. '""°)"*It f 3_ ~njoys pl~ parties and 1 , kq or short timr, me.JTied 24 Fashion Island 557-2800 ~------~·~~ Disneyland. couple, both teachen, no Newport Beach REAL ESTATE YARD, garai.:e cleanups. (a irubsidiary of ..... ,..1-R I e Remove tree11• dir1, ivy, 4. Would like to make $15 to 1..'UA<.U-.:n. e ere n c a , kip Io ad e', backhoe. Job Wont ed, Fomolo 702 $40 I>" week. 1---='h.::•..:.Cn::t::well=.:Cn:;·:_> --available. ,.,_l!i20, Equal Opportunity Emplor.r PROFESSIONAL 847-2666. DENTAL a&!istant for pro-HOUSEKEEPER needed Salenne.n Ir broken! The I GOOD TYPIST This job Is getting new cus-fetoional commune, llvb>r part time, xlnt pay, vari<d KEYPUNCH opportunity ls here! Yoaare PICKUP .scrap m f' ta I Wiii clo your typJng at tomel'I for Southern Orange together and sharlnc. Dr. awes. call Jor interview 6 . need.I'd lmmedlatel,y for our ....ubers, etc. Rehig 1:1!:!° her home, Wiii r lckup County's favorite newspaper. Rolfe, 494-f685. to 9 pm, 6C'J..98'm. raptd]y expandiJlg Re a 1 nlfl!'. or not. Nwpt. 675-o.o.wo, I H B -·" . d 1· . 1 _;..,:,."""'===-:-,--..,-OPERATOR 646-3250 and deliver oca • ·• No 1..vue<:Ung, no e ivmrw. DENTAL ani.tant, aper.. HOUSEKEEPER. ~ in. Estate division. Postttve op- F . V., W11t, 75c per pg. TransportaUon ii furnished &luth Laguna otnee, Mon.-Under 50. Calta MeM. portunil:y for advancanent LOCAL Moves, Exp college or wUI work by hour from your house. U interest-Fri. x·rays. Send resume to S45--8395 After 6 PM To work for large financial Phone, sludent. Lrg I.ruck. Reas. call u7 -s. ed caU between 9 A.M. and P.O. Box 722, Dano. Pt. I-...;.=,.,:""'=~--,-,.-, ....... anizatlon in Ne"""'rl li1 .,, ~.. 11 t ~ ._, 2 p M d 11 HOUSEKEEPER. wanted to -·a ~...., • ·-=..'::::~..:co="'=·----· • a Y-DENTAL A 1 a I at ant• "ve ,·n, pv t -m. bath & Beach. Day lhift, ~linlmum -NEED help at home? \Ve 197 1310 u ,...., ' Housecleanlng have Aides • Nune• e • Orthodontic experienct ~ TV. Mlllt drive. 494-7258. 6 months expert e n c e . · H~···~ e Companions e ---'-BOYS ty. call AM only, 1142-7775. Famfllar with l1l9 " 11511 ~ MESA Oeaning. C11"'"'ts. ,,,.,..... .. tA.. and/-data recordl-windows, floors -.-;tc. H om em l )'er a -Upjobn Age 10.14 to dellwr papen DRAPERY lmtaller custom INJECTION u• • ._ * Rtsldlrom'L 557-6712, 547.,;e&. in!beDanaPoblt.SacO.. "'Jl'd 5 clay 'w •ek, MOLDING equipment. Mll-llll. EXCELLENT houOedeanlng, mente """'· multl-beoefifl. Call kr h> OPERATORS For =~~ Call * * * * * J apn"'"' Lady ., p erlenced, re!erencH. DAILY PILOT tervi.w. Window Oesignll (Or Trol-•I AVCO FINANCIAL 84• ••s< m-4420 Inc. Mll-OIJD. For Plutks Manulactum, SERVICES will do housecleaning. r£'1 ... PIT * 646-0019 * Jobs Wontoci, MI. F 704 CASHIER. lull or . an.veyard llhlft. Mull be *5'00 Trader 's Parad1"se oAYWOR~\G•ne .. 1 ~ ::=a1~1N.= ..!~1 ESCROW =~d·:~~~e=i=Equal,;,;;,!!°".;.-;,,..•unr""""' .. Em""'"~'""' C le an t n g . Rt I l able. CER11FIED exptr. te ,...-l'I R I E 1~ '°""' seek livo-bl job u COOK Sal. or &m. Ll'n!O Oolor cameraman H 1 ••• Tr ansporlation. ' i tutors or c:ooka. Younc Om\lalelCetlt hOspital It resi-OFFICERS Appl;y 1 PM-4 PM "----an. W a I~ Llctn1inll Course 11• nes 5<t-93JO --• '' f cillty lllO West IJlh ST. "'Jl• ,....._,.. J'uII aalH tnJntnc lll'Oll'ID' (.'tl\l111c w/lntanl noi>-""'"""" dential care a . ......_., Mna, .,._,,., opet) &:-neao~~. (n4) _no _ "···-·nf _ HOUSE or CLEAN l'rt n 0 n • drinkers (%13) 642-3505 ........ ......... 521-0&2! ..._.... -............ -r Floon. crpls, \Vindows .t: ~·31's·~ I edl I I t 1·-* ORnee Cout Plutlcs * . portuoltles. Alie lot Mn. times . '. -Carpenter TrolnH mm ae pacomen -1JVE.ln -k<eper, ranch Jones r.. -at walb. 5 yn ....... 61~, Halp Wontod, M .. F 710 Tbis 11 • fine job with a E!croralw o~ ·-:'..1.!.~ I A I LY slJlle ·-... Mull be SC.508!. BAY & ll<ach JouulO.~. ;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;I aro..r,. en. for the clean gene ..... ~ w --c.pahl< of ......... .,.,.. o! Tarbel Realton d 11 S CrpU/l\rindows/Uoon etc. :re cut mM who hM had al Ing sales and loan etC'l'OWI. home I: a1ao lib anbnall. 0 ar Resid/Cnmm'I. 646-l~l. A Be~u:ponry least 11.S. training In Wood =.. ~ == N<> small cblldr.n. -· REC'PI', new law nfc. '----------------""I * ~~t~~~~g * URGENTLY ~·u~:'~~~' ~: """'"''" Excellent !>'Inti< p I LOT . LVN b=.~~ l::Ji 1&0 Acrft in Oregon, for * • * * • * ' ReJs, Frtt ett. 646-2839 CO.stal Agtncy, 2 7 go !:,ne~~uant work· * ~ * .:m"-'~=1:.. ----~~ Tt>'t, unlU, home11, etc. 18+ ._ 10 can(ly machl.nel, .10c LADY want~ housecleaning NEEDED Harbor Blvd., at Adams, Receptionist $475 ·-.... '"''- 11"-'· wnnt IY""'. Value S2.500. \Vant ...u MAODNE ,,.,__tors. Turret "'"-·-t-~. •~t-' Good -~ -•~w~ •• worl<. Exp'd. Own trans~ ·~=:.·----:-:::-! Pl C II .,,.... ~ -· .... .-...... Orana• Co. Eulli• 'IV" land, car. or T Dave, 847.J637 H OPRS -NM o RANGE Lofhe.H~ Clua A. Ap. !>Pin& sl<llll. smarts ' at-~HA~~·~. 96l-J010 846-700 J~ANEM.SE ciNe••;ngt "cddr1· KEY~~~! llM TIME FOR ro o1w.mscuss 'YOuR 0 * nu Plece>ll&. c.M. ='.'°N~C..': WLIOAT HULL ~:!II !~lste<(Ufl~f~~: ~~ o:niran~~:~i029." 9 am~~':!': ~~pm QUICK CASH IW QUAUFICATl~S = w~d.ov:..:.· ~ tmb~. Fee Pall~ ~~·:."~'':: :"~~\~~·:;'~·~ EX:;;~*te!':tng wor11;.""!!,-.. THROU~H. Ar SECIJ8ITY. COAST'S ~t .. d>">"• round . cau8:'t:EW~r- 893-25Cl, SJ!-5033. ~ ~ lntwllll .U llF.OlAN!Cllnv. s.. CdM PERSONNEL AGENCY ~ :=. ;~ :::,.co~!~~~~~~ _!.,rof,;.1~~ ci::·~~.. PtnOllnel Senlc• DAILY PILOT PACIFIC leatli_. Ing :" ~~· ~!~: ~~'Dr .. :... ~1n ... m:::--::.: !::;.r;t .. ;e~1~,~~ ,:1:tchSJ7'l!i08.21hn. 641Ys~r·-·C.:2592 WANT AD BANK rketpla otrcond.Pb.61:H31s. ~~·t.~~.:!·~~ cipolir .,, 611 -671·27116, 54M.19;\, Ma ce Don't rJve up !ho lltlpl -· but .... ~ llodttlon Be Awai. AJlY clay lo die BESI' DA'IC ID &42 U'fl "List" It In duallled, Ship AVfh llJ'lrilYne, rnc. '"' * * * * · * * Sltlrta dMe to pleue )'>IL ""' an o41 Dan~ dela1 • • • """' !:qtlll Oppor. :Ell>plaJtr ID i5llot'o -..,, r,tJ.«11. Nlman a. C.M. s• llllS ,. 1;-.. ..;-••••!9"---.... ---66-103.I Mnn·n:I. 9 to 5, call today -.--r I .~ I • " ' ... . I ,, . .-• ----------= ' 0411. Y l'ILDT %$ E;~ ,, ][DJ I , ,,, l[Ill I ~iiiiiiiiiiiiii~ I [ ~ 1--..... l~l -ttf',, I~ I -·-l§J '~~~ ....... ~I •. II •d•I Hol' W-, M & F 711 Holp Wo-, M & P 710 --------1 RESTAIJ!Wn'o Wo lft talc· Roceptlonlat ins •Jillll<atlon• IOI' Toi.,,_ Opor11w *EXPERIENCED* Po4' OpUcs, IJlc., manufao. (0ctrt1ll Woltrouoa .,,.... GI the l:uc!na""' Food W It decorative lls:ht.. • retMI • ' P 0 LY -0 PT l<;Al.'i" Cooka IOCl:IN In 1rvtoe Industrta.i hr·t.nders Complex hu an lmmodlote Bus Boyt 1'9QUlremtnt. for a Rectp-Dl1hw.ash1r tk:nlll Telephone Opera!Or. Apply In ..,... 10 am .. pm Tho ..,... .. i..ted "" Ille JOLLY ROGER pooltlon will lwldle a buoy RESTAU!tANT recepUoniat dtsk with htavy 25l:A> Del Prado ttitphone mponalbWtJe1. Dana Point Marina typlq' aldlll muat. be-ex· eeu..t, abo a &""" ..,.. SALES Clerk, female. Large dtntandlnc or. genmt or. part.Y &: paper goods ~. nee and bualneU practices. Previous sales exp. re- qulrod. f"1l time. Am In pel"Dl, 9 un-4 pm. lK11 Baker St., C.M. Mr, Harper. APPLY AT POLY OPTICS, INC. lJlli E. CARNIEGE AVE. SANTA ANA RIX!EP'llONIST I AKI. book· keeper. ~ Dq, 5 day wk wk. ~ A Beach Rlty. 67S-3lD RESEARCH SECRETARY lntere1ttne job worktna tar Piii>"• In pology. Top c. .. salary k benefits. SECURITY GUARDS Long term uslgnment for tuU or part time. So. Orange Co. area. UNIFORMS FURNISHED. 1 ~ for over- time. Fl'ee~p life trui. Sterl.lng SeCurity Service 326 S. Lemon St., Anaheim SALESLADY for permanent. part time job at Art Gallecy in beautiful shopping center, Santa Ana. Mu.st be at· tractivt, dressed smartly A: be 25 yean or over. start at $2.25 per hour. 13-lS boun NO FEES! /P .P .s. 1-'pe"'r__.wee==-k. -'-'Sll--2036.-~­ SALESWOMAN, exp. dttnt• & sportswear. Ow.'%' ~ Steady Part time. 8!M-Q3:2. Poclflc Parsonn.I Services 1U No. Tower \lnloo Bank Squatt <Jranie, CatU. . 547-6446 Aak for Rachel Ma,y SEAMSTRES.5. no exp nee., but helpful. For dept store mobile manufacturltlg unit. Base pay while training . Full time or eves I: Sat. For aPPkc. It inter 1.851 Kaiser, 557--0882. Hoi.t Wonted, MI F 711 Ant..... • Gor ... Sole 111 Muolul Inst-ism Poto. 0-rol l50 llNto. S.ff tot Motor Homes RACOON (tame). Nice pol ,---,.=,.--,.--~!Uy 1 SCRAM LETS Slt!NNY MW Fr1&ldalre SPINl:l' --cond Sacrlli co W. ..USllEARWA'reR catamann-ESCROWSECRl!TARY ' • •wtherlctryer,cop-. ancl--.-otttr. ~ llli raet '°""' 7'6" The 1rvtDt Co. .-a.n 1 yr old; Hoowr portaWe M&.1460 Cata m beam. 2'.JS 1¢ 1t 1all, in eood =wn ~~ "~ ANSWERS ~· SZ; J)aUun 11e1t ~ 2 Yr old Selmer AUo Sax, C!)od. WI. trailu. s.:'m. •t~ whftl, new, $25, mike bHt otte-. PERSIAN Ktttena. CFA Mutt w'J, bought larger :::-~nt ~!':.!~'!!; Burlap -Bl.ped -Reann -lOOl box for pick up truck, * ~~ * n;rtstered. black, ello boat. !>tHpi· Nuance _ BURNED SS: 1wtvtl rocker, f3 1 Pers.lan atud Hrvice from 20' Viking' all bolt. New Real Estate t4Cl'OW ex-Believe it or not, there'• ldt<.'he.11 bible, $3; 31 cup Office fumtture/ proven b~~"Wkt stud. &ails. tull roven. Ju1'l hauled perlence. Typltt1 60 wpm, nothing colder than an old ~le cortee pot, $5; \\'Otk Equip.. 124 & rellniahtd. Mwt 1cll. ability to oper.te addtng name that' BURNED t bench, $10; anw.1.1 garden Dogs &St Ch\·ncr. MS-Sl.50. ~chine or calculalOI'. Ex· s 00 ' tools: mllc bouattdd itemc. WOODEN desk with attached ~.;;...-'------1·--'-'--""""=---ttllent company bene!ita OLD SUvertone crank Good Junk. 293 Bowilfw mUop.ny ble MIN. Schn&Uitl'I outlt&ndlnt SAILBOAT and wot1dnc conditions. Call pbxq:rapb. ltUld u P G 5'I0-"15'l0 t.a • bookt!ue, PUPI \\1/pe.pen. $ 9 o, 14.~~· O'Day n cing sJoop. M Smoot 644-3389 model «> ftC'Orda. $70 reen Dr. or Ille. ms. 673·9385, ~2!:MXJ. Compan.ble to Udo 14', S.C~~·Buy~r Trne ' &12-lliOc. . ~-Pi•noa/Organt 126 WANTED: Good home tor h~ain & Jib, $299 .. Good ~ to $600 OAK pump crian. tine cond.. Jewelry 115 ALLEN.CONN-WURUTZER tralned trtmd(y combo dil.lon. 673-5468 Du'IO. No sh. Kty 1pot tor advance-$300; smok!d &lass Swedllh OrJans. Pianos. Harp&icbordt Sht>pherd/Dane Gd w/ldds SAILBOAT 12' IF"leety Class) ment in dynamic irowtna; vue (Qped) PL f9t..0402. DIAMONDS.. &y Olrtct NEW..US£0.RENTALS O\\'ner moving 613-Jru or riberxla.!is over ~'Ood. New Irvine area eled:ronlcs firm.. * WHOLF.SALE PRICES * GOULD MUSIC CO 312/EX 5-4265. sail. tmmac, cond. S190.00. Will train to buy .:>ft ltema. Appll1nces I02 Dana D\.amonda C96-JOllO Our 6lJt year • NEEDS holllt', maJ~. la111 ""636-::..;2388::::;:·~-~--,--,-~ Beautlful future, Top bene-SERVEL Rrlrir. 135. Good Machinery ••• 2045 N. Main, S.A. Shepherd, good with ldds. SfAR Cla.1111 sailboBt, tr!tt, fits. Ablpll Abbot Persormel working Con. Wbite. ll2 Sfl~ needs room to run. $5. Covf.'r, gd sails, cnly S950. Agency, 230 W. Wamer, Snug Harbor Rd, Newport ALL EN SYNCRCM:;RAPH WE BUY PIANOS-ORGANS IJ.t2...&ll. S48--&.)%. Suite D , S.A, Bch. MODEL E 1415 HD JTF PENNY OWSLEY-Stanton DALMATIAN Pups, 6 wits, 4-~9~· ~, ~'1~,-1<-,~Sl~oop-.-ro-o-,.-,.-,N~t Secretary $700 A DISI'RIBU'roR 1t1AOUNE. 11352 Beach Blvd. ~3314 AKC Camp lines. Summu fnr cruising. :\1nt c d . Fee Paid/AlJo Fee Jobs !!;.::~ $35~~. ~ SU-1734 eVH &: weekends. Daily 10.9 Sat.Sun 'til 6 tun tor kids. Pr1 pty. $18,500. 644-41)48 att 5. Top &kills, local deliver wll yr. euarn. Miscellaneous Ill HAMMOND Piper Au t 0 M&-70l?. al' Norv.·f.'g\81'1 sail boat. l>ual Call Lorrainl! 83S-1778. · Cb>rd, l yr oid, S900 «best SJLKIE Terrier PupplH, A'fle lrai\rr. $.'WO. WE.STCIJFF O'~R ~ w~~i.----WESI'INGHOUSE u .. ..i .. ~t otr. 5(M;...2824. AKC, 1 wks. Shedless, adot· 846-0491 Personnl!I Aa:ency ·v.c.. ~ ..... oci .. , ... ,. ..... , tM..,, 2)43 Westclltt Dr., NB refrigerators from $39.95. vacuum V.5. TaJM' recorder l1PRIGHT HA.rdman piano. able. Reduced! 962-8377. 32· Colu1nbia racing sloop. 645-2770 545-0780. $5. Boat ckily $25; Jemiry Good coblfition. $250. or o1· BEAGLES ->J<C, 2 male:s, 7 Slreps 4. $4950. ====.-oo--=---, ICOOD automatic washer tor tun lOc to $2; 3 netting 1er. 545-«Y15. wks old. Show quality. (TI4) 846-3445 SECRETARY: Vice Pres. of dark blue $40. ~~Only wrcught iron tabln $9; C.op-Champion stock. 64a-59 16. KITE No. 895 growlna: co. in the ~ betw 4 •-1 pertone pa nmge 29"', $25: 1 BABY GRAND, $600 houslne fteld. Be au t t tu I !!en • pm. Small cvpets $2: Dttt&ing Good cond. StS-1474 BEAtrrlf1.JL female mini \Vith dolly • Very good cond. modern oftice by ocean. REFRIGERATOR, ve ry table or desk, bench & Sporting Goods 830 llilvt.,. poodle, 1 yr old. Good S750. Call 549-0229. Family atmospMft. $li50. clean, lnlide & out. $00. T1XI matching bed frame SZi; w/chHdren Sal. 968-5335. KITE Sailboat, very gooct Call Helen Hayes, 540..alSS. Westminster Ave. Westm. Kq me mattress $25; 2 S CUBA GEAR, new DARLING COCKAPCX)S rond., mast & boat rover. Coastal A.Keney, 2790 REFRIGERATOR. clean, box IPrillfl $25; A.ssorfEd 1hark1lcin ftt Mlk, 8WEEKSOLD $10 EA . Must sacrtf. ~. 675-6257. Harbor m at Adam&. OL auto, ~ 5 yrs old. linens 25e to $2; Schwinn Scubepro Mk VI rq-., ac-. &t2-4818 or 534-3885 11· ~fontgomery o in g h y . SF.cRETARY in purchasing .* 893-9060 * Stlng:ray SIS; Ce1'mics, cesreories. All % pic:e. ADORABLE white tiny toy lapstrake hull, SJ.7.(1. Call operation. SH, tiling, ao-SERVEL Re[rigE'rator, rune gluswve, ebb, hand ~aft 6:3>. poodln. Shau. ;;838-=.:1:.:•l::~:,.,.,-,,,....,..-= cura~ ~ I: rm.th. Ex· ~-ell, ~.. tocU, airioe:, prints, frames TV, Radio, HIF~ 642-4818 or 534-3885 Boats, Slips/Dockt 910 perlence pre.ferred. Good 548-6143 2Sc to $5; 4 hold touter $4; Steno G6 ST &mard pups. 7 w~. btl---'--'----- opportunit)' & 1 r l D g e R W h /D Paperi>eck I: hard cowr pup shots, No .t..~~ 17' Schiada SK with UO bene:flt.. Call for ap-tnt at ers ryers books 25c to fl; 4-track 1972 ZENml 4: RCA TVa. stock. SflO. 536-f508~· ..----.... ~ferc OB. Canvas cover, "BILL WHITIJOOES" SUNSET MOTORS ORANGE COUNTY U>CATION ELDORADO Min\ - MOTOR HOME $6448 FULLY SELF CONTAINED le-IT"S BRAND NE\V! Ser. •213Jl7 Phono 64S.Un 1970 Harbor Blvd. Co it• Mesa 'TI Nl~1ROD TENT TRAii- ER . , . LIKE NEW . . , $Jf!('ps S, stove !ILX6879) SI '95 BEACH CITY DODGE 6555 Bt>a<'h lloulcva.rd llunli11g1on BeMch (714 1 !>t0-6WJ Motor Home Rentals Available for dally, weekly or monthly basia. 21', 23', and 2$' aeU contained Mo- tor l lomes, all equipt with 1cnerator, root air. and many other extras. AU Coaches are 1972 models. \Ve have the all steel Ami&O alto. Pletl.'Sl' c·all 839-9560. R.N. • O.R. ExCJf.llent f:rlnce benefitl. O:>ntact Penonnel Office Mon lhN Thlll'I 9-4 PM FOUNTAIN VALLEY polntment m-3361. $2*. Wk639-. ~ m8.lD*. t tap@S $1; Sloes 8"' to 9, Drutlc price cut on all '72 ffi!SH Sharp! $1750. 962-.mi AR Y F Illar ~· do<he9, aC<elOO!ies 50c 10 models to make ""'m tor Seiter pupe. AKC. 4 MOORING WANTED S EC R ~ T I :1::.6 d SERVICE Station Attendant, $2; Electric clocks S1 to $4; ''131. Priced 1eu than the mos. 1 mate, 1 fem. Ex· w I working w e lull ti.JM eves A wknd.1. fumlture 110 u .. ....u....~ U 10 ., F dlec.wnttts w/3 ~ p'·ture ceptional. 646-«lflS. 12' boat. 644-4620 aft. I AM 13831 Harbor, Garden GIOYt 1 B1k. So. ol G.G. Inly. -material. Take dictation, to Must be exJIG'., neat & ~ ........ "'""&, ~; en-J• ".I' 1--"C.C.-'-'~~-=-~= work p/time, reg. hn clean cut. Hourly wage + QUEEN 90fa bed $50 . tastlc ~ albtims 50c; tube, 1 yr P8JVI It aervice. Horns 156 Boats, Speed & Ski 911 COMMlJll!TY HOSPrrAL Jnoo Euclid at Warner m-tm pref'd. Will consider after incentive bonua. Don's Gull Uroom set (black vinyl Bing Cto8by 7&t $3; Carpet Terms or cub 90 plan. All 1 "''· 1213) 831-2256. s.-•-. 590 So. Coast Hwy' ., ..,la bed. chrome " gloss _, IS; IWlelooa plo-Zen11b 2:1" color from 1425 * APPALOOSA * FASTEST. gtamoro"' •k '·~ •·-on wood •• N 5 to •.iDO. 25" color • .-to 3 I boat on the coast! Call 637· '·-·-· 0 -••h. -"ee •-end tablet) ·~. ua. ... s ...,; ew ~ ......., yoar o d ldl _ ... _ uc-. '-""" • _... .... 11..... -19" Cbrornocok>r -. 99 ng, 5744 Sat. Sun a Eves. ' '·"--•-• U75. B/room 6 GUUO' aquarium, &f5..3166. _. ...,,;p I I od u75 Motor Homes For 1n od In Womon'o World Coll Mory Both 642·5671, ut 330 SERVICE Statton Attendant, ............ ~ s-Se ~ Dr NB RCA 23" t:rom $425 to $469. reg 1 er • ~ • * 13' WHALER. • 7 O . .. • '"" ni,. l1and <no bed· •v• a ...... re ·• ' • CALL ANYTIME lull time eves 4 wkndt. ., ....... 25" $449 to $619. ABC CUor JOHNSON 50. Sl,100 Flrutf. Sales • Rentals 558-3222 Murt be exper.. neat k enddlrcl '~ble1. ~ ~wood& 1972 G:, o_:;_,~, TV, 9021 Atlanta, HW> 540 • 3803 MARK 54Ml91. clean cut. Hourly wage 1+ ... ...,.... ncu •J• ...... ~ ttncton Beach, 963-3329. 1.(U S. Vlllnae W13, S.A. incentive bonus. Don't GuH paUo furn. $l5. Decorator flllly automatic cbugt.•, ESCONDmo LIVESI'OCK ONLY S8500 S4Cm below kitchen set $135. Colon1al AMIFMIMPX radio, aeal-PANASONIC turntable• AUCTION'S 4th Annu:i.l [i1 ·· • =· :!!:· Coast Hwy., end table 119. Small bkcue ed air suspem:kln speabn AM/FM 6radlo, 1t a Pe • Registered-&ll .Brttd11 I ~ TransportatJan . J IPh =-~· ~!; b: =~ $10. Vanity chair $12. CUbe plua tape deck. Still brand IP"ktta. Mos. c d. $'15. Horse Auction. June 30. . . ml 175 Cumminp dleRl, 1194 SERVICE Statlonlatt£1ndant, tables $2 each. MiJc prden new A: guaranteed. Wu 6f4...4.307. 6:~ pm. Auctioneers Rick full tbne, eve. ahlft. Exper tools, lawn JllOWft' '65. left unclahned. Or1glnally 1910 1.enith 19'' Black A Berry&: F.ddle Rogen:. r-lo/R 920 _Auaus.:.=:.:t•::..:St..:·•-,C:..;.•..:l.;__ ___ I only. Light me ch an f ca 1 Misc. homiebold i tem 1 . priced at owr $.lX). Now white, excellent picture. N. Freeway '18. Elcondi!lo Campers,~ ent •n Sbuta 18' mtr hm for knowl. Neat in appearance. '$7-Jlll after 6 or $105. Cub or a mall UHF.Portable$8.S.54&-1395. Calif. • 1G-69U ,62 a.ev 1 Ton Step Van. rent. Slps 6, self cont, air. Apply mornings only, 2590 "'-"eekends. payments. Credit Dept. EXP'D riders. 13 yr old Motor h cm e conVC!"llon Pvt pty. 497-2384. Fashion Wrap Up! Sew and Crochet! Newport Blvd., C.M. MUST return to p en n • TI4/893-«01. Gelding, all shotJ &-all'Mflt tinlshed. S 1 2 5 0. Rent A Motor Home SERVICE Station: Gravtyd D~. Lab! model color STANDARD AM/FM/Stf!ftO/ I 111 wonned, aome tack. $125. 8J6....8336. for your V.utlon •tnlt, !/-. MUii be ex· TV, RCA $125, 8' ID!a, v.,.y MPX U1'1.95. Harman-Ka.. Frol to You . "36-7704 dya. '62 FORD 250 * m.atl * 7141 ' i ' I ! per. Prefer collep student. good oond $75. Kitch stove don H·K ~.speakers $159.95. FOR Sale, MARE. Good w/8"' ft. Eldorado Camper. e NEW 2S' 6 2.\' lllXUJ)' Aroo, 19th .. Newport, CM. eX'Cel cond. Kenmore $65, ::: M31clloNldOX prop! f~!onalllh 3 lines, , Timn, $2.00 Cond. Includes l&ddlt a all m&:t. 5"-3U7. M. 11. Air, loaded! Belt rat et 1 • SINGLE needle Open.ton, Port TV~S25. .srnt uitlque ..___~· ~--t co~...aes•HIJRw E tack. 84.7-$371. Pll.GRIM " Clb camper, possible. PYt pty .. 1!97. exper. on drt111e1 &: Grandmother roclrer, l of a -· uWll cover•·""' ~ * MAI TAI, --"-male ......, -khlcl. $25. 9iip wood •love M'IS cartridge ISO .DO. ........., ~ARDING STABLES many extm. Make offer. •72 WINNEBAGO 27', tl-.1porttwear. . $100. 2J1J Broadway, C.M., Complete sy1tem, all new, Siamese. 1 mos old' Beaut new. m1l Acacia 543-6256. 6, alr/oond. Delux. Rell'IW SUnday only. Delivery of aft 6 eves, n>W $28!J.50 U.S.A. Stt>m> ~~'J59'!t lovinr pet' Santa Ana. HtJ. !im-8414. '61 Jnterootional Htll'\oUter now. 8S34010: newspapen to curlers and '"-·--l~ ~ ~ F.qulp, Warenuwic, "' E. BOX stalls wlahavfnp. All reblt eng., stove. oven, sink, CLAJUC-(X)RTEZ new th 'IT, supervision of dellVt!rles. Re-RATTAN table, 8 cln, $$. 11th St C.0.ta Mes a AFGHAN-Enc. ~ doc faclltllH, Reaooable ratea. ice box, $685. 962-$)96. '6,000 ml. XJnt mild. See to qulret valid CaWontla drlv-Ice' desk. $38. Bu.reau $25. 3 MS-2'42.' ' Crou, 9 mo1, F. Germ. 962-8679 · • ..._.. ~ f94-7'7!5. er'• Ucen1e and iood driver Single beds, $38 ee. l King She'pberd-Hulky Owl, 9 • * 'f'.6 VW Camper. Rebuilt "'"•,,._•·-c.-·--"-.,-~·=~~--I record and a van or station $99. 6 Pc Span. Br IUite, NEEDED mos, ail lih:>tr, F. 6C-$4J.3. GRAY-White part AraMan eJlilnt'. 675-6970 or 494-4818 FOR rent 24' Motor Homt'. wagon. Pleue contact S200. Carved teak cottee tbl, RESPONSIBLE f geldlflr. 9 yn: old. Sphited. alte'r 6. Sell..mnt., 11tem>, a.tr, slPI 7. a~-W""----A~-trunk ••• 11lS * FREE Kl'ITENS. Dorl-1250 seMTTlt Reu Rat'5. 96>-2195. ~·~ ~~ -~-• ~· WORKING COUPLE ire 1tufly --.. Id~ . . '10 VW POP·UP CAMPER, Circulation Department Highland, N.&..lGC-4'189. NEED one or two bedroom UN: 548-2847 att 6 p.m. l!S,00> mi, excellent cond., rraflers, Travel DAILY PILOT 2Bauet!Broets. lkhicme, booae with lure fenced I ]~ 13.tm. 499-2217. -330 W. Bay St. c.'"" Meat «>mp, $700. 1 4 pc dbl bed ylrd nor·two VERY WEIL ~ ""':" = ":!:· fl!lltbbo""t.;'-'ff Cyclos, Bll<os, e ARISTOCRATS Telephcn• Work $250. Naugh rttllner, avoca-TRAINED dogs) $1!iO most. S4M615. . . Scooters f25 • NEWPORTS And a:en. offtce, Seekl.na: do gm, $50. Couch &: love Vic: between 19th 6 Vic-e AtJTO.MATES sharp girl with a:ood voice seat $50. End tbb $10 ea. tor1a _ (near w. Bay St.) OOCICER Mix. medium lize, General tlO POWELL, late model dirt Alm. ~ used $395 a up and .......,.Uty tor perm. 557·1215. COSTA MESA. 518-71i8l/all. • IDOi. female. Friendl>, """hi'"" Excelle:rt cond. & !WORSHAM TRAILER SALES anent pogltioh. Salary &: DINING rcom set, Cina 6 p.m. libs c:bfldren, 646-'lUIS. '65 Tri-Haul Thunderbird, llO extremely niepd. Knobby 27'D9 W, 17th Street bonuaet. Call 12·5 pm cabinet, 44 inch table with 4-pm!ill!JI female kitten&. 8 Mere. UO tr. New covers. tire1, 5 bp erwfne $100. Santa Ana Cnf) 531-2595 54Hl9U three 12 inch leaves, mar * AUCTION * -old-Need playmat... Excellent am. Sid or fish. 54tHB79 alter 4PM. 25' Ave<>. 1 ye. old fibergtau, TELEPHONE: Sales. Top proof tcp. 1lx c ha I rs • Fine Furnlture 548-0905. $1995. 673-1562. * '72 Yamaha JOO Ehiuni a.Ir cond.., ta.pes, thm'e'I' commlukJm and bonuf. Ap.. Contemporary w a I n u t . & Appllances BIG black male 1ahrador •n 15' Newport' Sktp. 9% hp LT2. Brand new. Never rid-w\th bath. Fully self con- plJ tn ·penon between 9.00 ~·~ condition $500. Auctions Friday, 7:J> p.m. Medi a good home, room.to John9on. Well equip. $815. den. With helmet. Ptl: !talned. Seeps 4. 493-4C&I. and 12,00 noon •• 8381 Bolla -· w· d ' A f B run. Lovts --· 547.eti4510Vfl 6'15-4Q. owner mlll! .. H. S.,t otter. '69 lllMROD Ca¢, lieept 4, Avenue, Midway Cl.ty. DINETI'E Jet, formic&. top, lft y s UC IOn arn 2 old M AKC Be.agle BcMtts/Marlne Bet 9:J) AM, f75..6687. bumtt butane ltDYe TEL E pH ONE Operator, chrome legs, 2 cha.in:, SW. 2075% Newport, CM 646-8686 v:., high' spirited. T~ Equfp. 901 VElOCETl'E Thruxton, 1967 w/link. used once f graveyard shift. 228 Forest, Club chair $10, Queen llize Behind Tony'• Bldg Mal'I tpeciel home. 536-7711. vintage, better than newµ.. ~- bed M•e heedboQrd $4.5 FOUR 8 75 16 5 8 J P.ETI'ERS dsl, 2% KW, air &Ide and out, $1095. Rudi 1..1::::..==------Laguna Beach. , . . x . , ugs FREE ct.t food with eedt cooled pn. Ju•t o'hauled. Niedzlellfld 5.16-4.100 * 't1, Ariatocrat, 14'. Slpa g, TRAVEL AGENT Maple desk $25. N""""'"'1d Chevy Pll tire•" rims. USO lcitten! To good home onty. AJlci~ "95. ~· -' · 'a..n. •lect hrkr. 557.-$12. 642-3643. or belt otter. 6 Piece gun · ....... ... ... ........_, ,-.._Ka··---•• G -· ~ ~ Exp •"'" Imme d late HEIP. 557-ou.i.. ....,.,......, wa-..u rtif.'nlu'l:tl.Jll. ·"::":.;!""::m:::· _____ _ ·~· FORCED 10 .eit velvet OD!a cablnet $45. 963-GIO aft 5. Boatt Power 906 N -t:\n ~ opening. Good pay. Trans ' HOMEL~ wail handlome ' ew erv. perfect cond. $250 Auto. Service, Parts Mt I ... tFKld c,.,tf, Globe Travel, Costa MeJB.. le. Jove Eat, large lamps, REFRIG lrg 2 dr, Excel meJe llitten needl borM. or best otter, 646-3520 after I .. Vff -. Sat & Sun, Call cocktail,,_,. hexqon <.'On<!, !50. '68 Evlnrude out· n.e """"· &'B-7511. 1960 • 25• Trojan Cabin 6 pm. TIRE CITY ' • 494-0557. commode tables, maple board, 6 hp, Runa ta1r but ~~in~n~ ~ 90CC SIJpe'J' &nda 1986 teel Radials: 235rl5 $49.9$ + Look fuhk>rt-arwt in a VTVIANE Woodard I aota. Pvt Jrty. 53&-3597. needs work. $50. 536-7459. KITI'ENS new' --~~ • -1-Hea~ duty clutch, dfrt FET. Poly Steel Goodyear --. •• euy • to • wear 1 ~· 1 con-PART SIAMESE ........ -...,,.. nd -95 Hi J k "' ~ .. •:•=-v ductin& Dittr Acad (Jrg 9' oyster color couch. xlnt OINETI'E aet, fonnlca $17. 546-376J (&enerator watu ' pum ftrH. Good eo . SJ.50. .,.... . ac en _...-JJI'. ~A WHIZ.· to lllW; a "wow" f_ . .oflT' • -dt", _ _, Co. during J~y. F~ lnfo: cond, $100. Red w!Vf't Redwood pknk: table lc. et ) BaJt' tank, aw1zn t p, 531w'l294.. F&Q:rt5.Be11ed White Lettm at J*l1iea, ptherillltl. Make Inf lllM1Mt lllAAI..... call 84z.M49, SUbsl:l.lary of rocker, abo xlnt cond, $35. berdles $15. l~ Orar!p 4 MO. old German Sbepberd .:;,.;. lt&ln, tuU ~::; '72 Yamaha 360 Enduro 21." $28.50 + FE.T, U. S. M~ ... 1 • ._~ ......... trl____., _1_ General Foods Corp. 979-4810 call aft 5 pm. Ave. CM. 642-ai&i. t!mele. H cu s t' b r o ken • (ua'.X)) nt'# plley head frt wh1 Xlnt tond. l3XI nil $15.95 up. Rodi'tt Ward 00 1 u ... __,,_""' .,. ..... ...,... ........__ .. _, a ""'"' ..___..____ Mi Lovable. 645-4038. 1--• • ' • ...,.., "·tak · Super Low Pr1ctt. 1y emtnidtted· skirt Joo&' or '-"V!Wf~ .. ..,_., • ,.,.,,_,...., WAITERSt WaltreuH 4 Futnitu:re-oving! VA C U U M S 1 5 Re c • .ll'C'l:pa 5, compau, depth ... ., e ovtt payment&. Free Ba.lance with th1I Ad. n41 abet: le. poncho (~without arm Bus-· fer main di..t .... Ready to .... , Magh. din set, w/vibrator (wht vinyl) $25. FREE kittens, maW .. finder, fish firtda', eonar, 2 ~-1 _ N~ 81.~ C.M lbort. Pattern : -· ) to •'far over the: ....... .,... female 1 ks box trained ~ ... ...-• "" 3) included: f'M> motils. room. MU5t have exper. Ap. Maple hutch, New bot point Uphols chr $10. 138 E. 18 • w • • ancbort, full lUe jacket&, MUST Sacrltlee-72 64So35M 12345 E. ~ U:WElftY·nvB. CENTS princess top, l*ltl or skirt. ply In pl'l"IOn, Hotcl Laguna, refrfg, Much Mon!S4&-4152 CAf S4S-448S. 5'S-240S. . ~k dee~, _'!111y crptd, 00 SlllUld. TM400. Excel Haw a·I tan o a r d e 111 for each p11.tk!m -add 25 :~ed .Patte~ ~~:i:-425 So. Coast Hwy, Lq:. TOP qu&llb'-uaed 5 mo. ~ ALL EN SYNCROGRAPH DARLING kittens, 6 wlta Wd. 6 -pa, •-wa~. Ready J6SO 6t$-4m 213-860-0345 cents far eat;h -pt.tltm for 1 Sizes l! ' • ' ' Bch. Betwn lO&m I: 12 noon beef, end tbls, game/din. tbl MODEL E 1415 HD J1F All coklrs. Newport Heichb· to IO to C&t&llnal Great . ..:..;:..:;.:..:;=·-----1 Air Mall and Special Han-18. NEW :Hall Sizes l21Ai, &: betwn 2Pm a 4pm. w/4 ,chn, FlsdM!'r Stereo. OISTRIBtrrOR MAQIINE. 5'8-3583. filhtne' tio.t. Vakie $8500. '69 Honda 90, .reblt. Alnt '61 or new Ford B or 380 •-.. ,~ -•·--1411 1611 l8ll 2111 %111 WUI .~ nu. otter over 1970 Triumph 500 ftlglne ,. auto. av.. 1n .,.. di~ othuw-·~·~ ' • ' • w·-~·• exp'd food , 644-1347; 644-1323. 54:1-1734 Eve• & -kends. HIMALAYAN Penlan Id• ·-•· •-t··~ G nd • Will "" three PUlA8E STATE DRESS """'~ . $6000. Call ~2440 Aak for"""''" "'WNJ'l""J• reat !XI • cut of CV. Reuonahly ! deU~ -Send 10 SIZE. lunch & d\Mer IPlit llhttt. DINING Jtm..9 Jliifoes Col.Ir>-GOOD Automatic Washer, t~111. 8 W~;6 ~Ml. Art. $850. * 6"-8581 pt°ic'ed. 54$.-0006. 11o'ff:-or .. -~· S£vuft.:nvz CENTS Apply While Hof'le Im, 3295 try French. Excel cond l.l)o dark blue. $40. 646-1565 Only .--A-w Al.tee Brooks. the DAILY for 4.'8.ch ...;,tten -add 25 Newport Blvd.,, Newport tiqun white w/drk wood fly between 4 A: '1 pm. FUZIY KITTENS 28' FAJRLim:R. •port .1.970 Norton 750 Commando VW "• "~t, excb. kltt., It PILOT 105 Needlecraft -. Bch cruilt:r, ftybridp • all 5800 ml. $975. guar. $275 up V I n c e ' &.,. Old Chel cents: 1or•each pattern for · speck top. $895. 64t).$11'18. CARPET FOR SALE hstbroken, 6 wka, 541-1382 rood\es. Xlnt ClOnd. All ~n75 Aubnotive 19 "1" ~. [)epl.,/llox 1 """ Air Mall and ·Speotal Han. WAITRESS Elr"'""ONAL 2 8' -•d by ~-t '·-•. Call FREE KITTENS CM u• MTT :;tatlcin, N ... Yori<, N.Y. . tl:lr<f.< "~'" •--~ -· meehamca!putaroblt.New l971 Yamaha250Enduro · · ~· · 10011. Print w..._ ~ dllng; otberwist lus Expd A a.ttract f ood quilted ao~ SUiO both. Pr • 546-5745 • 5«>-XIB6 hoUsebroken 6"-4207 bottom palnl SIJp avail at 800 mi. $650. 4-15" US map.A tiret, S Jue "'1, .. ,.... "-· =.~eryor --:...iak~~ :!:"'~...!..~= ~,!"2u;~-~~ .. Bcl50h both. USED BICYCLES Dana Point bl' app t. t;e.nis pattm..1200. NEEDLD:R.AFI' '12! Cro-• . . . ' "lln""'W(O .._...... • All types, large ltlecUonl fB m..1543. ·n H.ariey D. v Id I 0 n .... ' chl!:t1 kn.II etc. Free dlttc-M:fil'lO Ma.rtln. the DAILY WANTED: Secrttuit1 18 to S Pc. Virtue din aet. 2 gold • 642-1272 Pitt ... ...,... J L :I>' Imp '68, XII) hp I/O, fUU Sportater, Low ml. Mwt tkms, SOc.' ~~e:2'J:t~ oe:e; 25. Ttttd o( that tnundane ltv. chltts. All vtry god * Membenhlp bJ a &eaditls . J9ll\ can"", balt tank. 2fl> hr., 1t:ll. n700. s.8-8909 aft. 5. -,...._ -Yorl<. Ny JOOU .. Pr1hi lDl>T Try -~ new! oond. 96:1-713l. N.B. private aoclal dub~ Tandem VIJllDO bir, IJ950. 50CC 1970 Sutoki Toltl 111Ue1 I Ao.Ir~ 11 '4 l Buie, ltnc:y ""°"' Pl• · • · 61WIS1. ** GREEN couch, llble A ale. ~. 673-008. driven Jfl. Must ..Ut Flnt . 1;:; '!!'· .. -··.,.,.. ~~~A.O~':.ci-rr:: w~~~-~lpplnl I~ chair. lamp. 135 an. Good HOCKEY lcnkat .. N ..... Pots, Gonorol aso u· LOBSTER BOAT nso. talces. 531-7194. !;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~I a dei1p11 to NIJMBU. re« ••• ,..--.. wage. condition. 557-mr. M11C1e by Hydt. SI 1011. $90. Tho T"'Pic Zono M:rtor • trltt l1l50 HONDA 160 ScrambleT -• .,..,. SEE MORE Q u I ck per he. 5I0-30ti tor in-6' COUOl. call ''"' -53M125. 206C S. Mlln e 0..,. Now 54&-<US nd ·~ Dune llunloo make $1. ttrv\ew Xlnt ro . _..,: .... ---F .. biona ~ 'l::" °"" WOM~ Eorn xn IZ. Good condition FOR .i .. t -.n ofilot Santa Ana!,'!:'!~ tariett U' OUTBOARD w/35 hcne 536-ml '69 VW Dunt BoaY, M,.... Leon by plctumt Par pa ttem ..,.. our • ' . money. 6'B-l067 · dt1k, baby eq111p. l6 gal ao-Tropical '~ ·~· 5 &al. motor • inJler. Comlbletel SIJZIJKI 50cc. dirt bike, .,,,,. ·Manx Craaan • ..U bar, lot. t ..... n. Sprinf.SW.me• Catalor. All Phone tollclth¥ fll>rn JOllr 8' SOFA It love teal, ncvtt quarlum w/oqutp. 64U056. lllll< w/hood 13.99, lO gal. 14511. il!Mm alt I pm. &""". 136. 536-TTll after 4 or chrome. Mutt 1 ell. -c..::. II ~G':t,.~ ~~ ~G BOOK ~~'NII.I"':;::: ~ ~~t~ ~":, Ml ... llonoouo :" pu"m~:.:i.:::: 'lll Slripjack 24, p.m. ct!IS-Sl!O:.:::..:=·:_ ____ _ tew todty MU 1omom>w WOMEN-COSTA MESA wane. $2;"9, Elephant Noat llke new, prtw.t. J*l'ty. '69 KAw 17'5 ec, •tree( leip.1. TNck1 '62 fl., l -fl. ' ·TELEPHONE SOLIC11'0RS. ANTlQUECh lppend•l• W1ntod l20 n.99, Artlflclal plaots 4De Xtr ... 116).11>15, -2lhp,l!lntc:ond.$290.art 5 -------- flo. 1 111 A/P&a -INSTANT FAS 1110 N S<S-M&l . ot 540-1838 breakln:ht, id:rt condition USED GARBENSTANGEL o., D1ilOin tilter 1111.til. Booll, R1nl/Ch1rt'r 90t pm, t!GJ912. ~f:V ~!l:i/":'• ~ • ...,.,__ ilOc BOOK -Hu-of . $!25. 53f..TT11. ' MUii hava rta!rt·hand«I Calt9'J9.P'lai:. * BOYSSCHWINN'LEMON 549-litl· 53f..95U. -ol It ..,_ ..ii., :, llo:bk:n "'<\I. $1, • YOUNG,... IOI'·~"-' SLEEl!ING -. pmvl<>. ,..notilt with _.-dl.. GllOOMlNG 27' AUX, SLOOP. PEEL!!I\. GO O'D CON· .:.::..::::!'-''='-'='---I •· • C' .. SSIFIED .. DS lrc n..,,_, den...,,. w clal din rm table " cbolH. pol .. k. Would -early AD -.. 0nmge 0>.'1 Ptrl«t tor week"'4! crw..s DmON. $50. ~. '66 GMC TRUCK .. -l _ K pa-. ..,. .. am. $300 mo. m.74U. etc. Cn-!0!8. modd with battery Oll"'tcd tinHI, 10 yr.r. exp. O:mplete 10 Catalina. Fl:U, oqujpped. YAMAHA 125 SCRAMBLER Radio, h attr, <•~l. ltlt. • FOR .. CTION XU'\'T ~. Nati Conctrn DlNING It iw. -st, p 14 41 a botto m . Write' medical bath, Clip nau., .,. SS ndto. RDr, lltepa '"'· X1ni cond. l200 or boat ouer. .sm. dlr. -. -"' -I -.. • • • Hat opeolnp .,.. roote end r. cotlee-tablet. lampa, 0Htlfled ad No. 17~ DAl· preu Anal gland. cltan It 6"7" beodn:om, e<>mplete t;e.1189. ,70 D--'-,, T i..,_ 1D44 et<. ~-&ITT. LY PILOT, P.O. Box UEO, medicate ean, band drytnc. nUey. Oub rates. Lots ot --.....,,.. 7 4 Oft ....... ,....,,. • ._ -CAU 642-5671 talamen In CK. I& Vacanclea coat moneyt Rent Q:ata M-CA 116311. Animal• R Us -f)ll'kl:v, Call tor -~· .. Ho1M1 940 v.a, Auto Trant. with .. ~ JS-pa-tlllc. Don't KM up "" •hip! ,.... -· opt.. ·-The -draw In the Wm Any day II Ibo BEST DAY fl> &57-!ltMa all. ,,30. LUX Pace /lmJw ..... ,.;;, Bod>'. Muot aeU, dlr 1974124 -'-"Utt" It In cluoUled. Ship bid&. etc. thru a 0.lly Pilot •• llat4' Pilot OUtliled Nil an •d! Don't deloy • • • Oil&, Pilot WM! Adi ha ~-6. A/C, hl·M. private Stll idle Items """' COii •.•••• .................. .. s:inre R• •tu!~,~._ -~ ,4 M. -. -~' 64:1..1671. .,.,,...,.,,,, l!'t.... P'"· ""'"" ...... ' -"""' I DAILY "IAT Trucb '71 CHEY. ncA•o CUSTOM Sl>Uttthw bronze metallk ltnloll w/matdltnr full vinyl In-. VI, 3 speed tnn.o., p.llh buHOn radio, heatu, WIW' Ura, dnted ••• dlx. wheel COYert, etc, A perfect work A p.y .aulDmoblle. -. $2666 • Nabers CacllAac 2llO IWUlOR BI., a>srA MESA ALFA R0 .. 0 NOW ON DISPLA'f Sala -Pvtl Body Shop COAST IMPORTS :tool).]2J) W. Cout Hwy. Newpon Beach llUI08 BMW '67 MERCEDES 250S SEDAN Exqu!S!te aand help with lull Jehlher lntfl'ior, tadory air cond.IUonina, auto. trana., power ttm1na, JIOWft' dllc braket AM/FM raillo, n.dla1 wj)lfe aide wall tird, klcaJ beaui, that lhowl im- peccable car. inside and out ('IWJ9'111). $3555 .. Nabers • CacllDac 9100 Open _,, Vllll our new bM!wl '57Rrd 1hTon i Pickup lntmac:ulate, Miat Sell, d1r ~~hevy 3;. T ROY CAR ER, hie. 4 on 231 E. 11th si. Imnw:olate, MUii Sell, dlr Colt& 11!.,. . 54M114 891-022t. IMMEDIATE Auto LH11ntl 964 DELIVERY ~ "" -..... _..,.I« ·-. S.llllldloo • '"" -WE LEASE AU. POPULAR tm MAKES AT a!llPEJ't. TIVE RATES. Coll Malmlm Md tor -detallo. TttlODOltE llOlll(S l'ORD --Bl..S. Ooota..... - . & ID US ABOUT DvonHa Delivery CRIVIER MOTORS b w. ]Jrt St •• Santa Ana 1$2171 •n BMW . 600 cc. Ex· ceptlonalty cl<an. A ateal at PEUGEOT $1,195. --------- CITROEN * PEUGEOT * -W•-Mic ·-ltroon--Spo-rts-M-.-,.-r.-11 .u low u $2,299. <No. 55451 °""" c.um,. beldquar1en l'RIT" WARREN'S REWARD Will PAY O~ Kelly .. Book l'or l•lo model, clHn, low ml ..... dorno1- tlca, Imports, trucks or umpers. - Call and uk fer Buyer DAYE ROSS POlfTIAC 24IO H•rloor llvd. Coot• MMo 546-1117 WI PAY TOP CASH ........ -~ llZll--· lllDlllartom -.aT KINSll D<POllTS WANTED era,.. eo...11eo TOP J l!U'YER BILL MAXEY TOYOfA lor local 6 European Sport Car Center ~~~-Import• eoRAN~~NT Y'S DI! So. 111a1n, Santa Ana no E. 111 st s.A. sn-517~ Open Sun. =~=-'''-'-"-.c...;.-'-" DATSUN PORSCHE Mechanlca Dellcht -• ....i '70 Poncho 'llT 1b: "er'" upiper. 1967 Datsun stereo, 15.qt, Private Party, w_.. $325. Call 5l8-Ml4 Dorl 839-9560, aft I - aflee 7 P.M. 833-3155. •n Dataun ~·1. SYwr, auto -1971::;;.;.:;91.:;4 ~Ponc--he-.-Low--ml.~ tram,, w/61t cond. 11,000 Oean, all acceuoriea. $3400. mHn. $t695. Dlr, 5»-1591. 557~71. 3-.5 pm, 17821 Sky FIAT Park Ctr, Jn'lne, 1972 Ponche', e FIAT e ~~ ..... '62 Ponche, trans work nttded. SIDJ or beat oUer. Call &U-1045. • 121's, 124'1, UO'a ODii SALE S1644 Plus T•x I Llcen11 I DNl•r Prop. '72 123 2-DOOR •'lli9157 e YOlUME e • $AYINC$. •Bill Jones RENAULT Ron•ull Demo S•I• Semi Annual D•monstrator Cle•r•nc• S.•I• This w .. k.nd Unbo1t1blo PricH ALL 1'72 MODELS IN STOCK .FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY INSTANT CREDIT !181ll!eldlllltd. · R. Beoc11. ""-117-11111 SPORTCAR CENTER , •Harbor 5IOM9l APPROVAL IANK FINANCING *W• buy olcltr c•n * fl5 • $50 • $100 . for most can runnina: call m-5017 COSTA MESA * a!MPLET SERVICE, PARTS 6 BODY SHOP Factory Trained Mechanlcl 16 StaUo '1:30 am to 5:30 pm COAST IMPORTS WE buJ all inakeo al clean Mno., Tues., Wed, 6 n1. :tool).13XI W1 Paclllo Cs!. HWJ, llled _.. c-. paid for Tbun. to·9 pm Newport Beach (714! 60-0408 °'-""•~ drivo 1n ,., _.....:H~O~N,::D,;.,;A::...-R n1ult S•I" I •-rvlce ... -. ---------for over a decade in Qranp NEWPORT IMPORTS WE PAY TOP DOILAR FOR TOP USED CARS u your CU' ii extra clean. -DI tint. BAUER BIJICK 1925 Harbor Blvd. Colla M-9'19-2500 '71 Hond• 660 Sod1n Connly Immaculate, $688 or belt of. Serv. Dept. Open t1l I p.m. fer, dlr, 897-022t. Monda,y MAZDA ROTARrS lmmodl•to Doll,,.ry RUlfTINCTOl IEACI ~ I h, J ' • I I I 17331 BEACH BLVO. HUNTINGTON B(ACH ., ' Jim Slemot11 Renault :rm So. Main, Santa Ana 1 bJk, north ol Warner Service Department 516-4114 Sales Department 5S7-QC . TOYOTA '72 TOYOTA COROLLA 0 47. 66f>b WILL Buy your car paid tor ========= .. not. Call Jlali>b Galdon - ,$1966 ( + T. 6 L.) or 6™J900 -445 E. 0out e..,. Newport Beach. Au!oo, lmporta<t '70 ALFA ROMEO Alfa Romeo '12- 2000 NOW IN STOCK For lmmo•Hoto Dollwry lnstonl CNCllt IANK FINANCING COAST IMPORTS '67 MERCEDES 230 Sedan. Autom&Uc, IJOW8' oteerln&. ...... brak ... fac- tory air coodillonln&, pulh button ndio, beater, radial U..., leather lntdlor. - beautltul automobile shows excellent care by previoul .....,.., (TUP5:16), $2999 $39.30 MO. FULL cub price $2,096.30 In· cludtnr tax I; uceme. ·Down' ~ent ii !our hundted dollara. $39.30 total monthly J)IJ'!Denl lncludln& interest, tu A llcenst". 35 pay plus balloon payment o( $llX). Total detered pay pice $2,J75.50, A.P.R. USO. On pre ·arrana:td ~ crtdlt. 1300185). J)mltADi& TOYOTA 1966Harl>or,C.M. .:=, Mallen Ill!! •.!.~is UDO W. Padlle Cit. H"1. • Cadlllac ~ " l'Wt• N_. Beach (711) 1142-0116 2llO IWUlOR BL.,. Toyota 6 Jquar Dea1tr •e qYDER. Fuel 111J 5 <DSTA MESA Authorized 5a1e1 6 Service .,.., AM-nl, &d ~. 540-9100 open Sunday 900 s. Coul lil&bwll' JI.• mL PYt l'ir· l2.4!15. 51 US ED MERCEDEi Locuna Beach - -. lllrloJ, Dorl 157-611Q DN DISl'LAY NOW 71 TOYOTA WAGON at 19; ._ 6 ..-i... .. Now Morc1•11 $14'5 ---$111.71 Menlhly SANTA ANA TOYOTA MIA llO~ -HDUSI OF IMl'ClltTS Service Depl. -....... zl I]' 'J ..... 2 tl62 Mmrlfl• ...... Pk '1:30 am 't:ll • pm at a 1 • aoadtal m.1250 oa Saba Ma,....,., Man-Fri. M042'' Cl7 w. -6 a -·-V---t R<nt Wamer, -.bL - -..... --· op<.. ,_ 'll>e tamlldnw IO tho Wst. • "M"t • od1 lilds-. ""'· -• Dair Plot .... DallJ Plot Oo••..., Oii -0 '""'Ad. I ~Ad=·~-=+:=---- • I.. -...... ][~ I -·-I~ I -·ljlo 1§1 I -·- SAT •• SUN.·SPECIAI. '69 ' TOYOTA CORONA 4 door, wblte flnlsb, 4 •peed (ZKZ425), • $1099 1972 VIII.VO L-Todoyot leltR•too ''7 CAMARO 1969 llodp C!>al'&'l' aoocl lmma<ulote coad. Muot hi condition. '1295. or trade for "1l!D to aPllftd&ta. must convettible &mall c a r • oetl dlr, 19'1-022(. -· $11.74 .,., Mo. CHEYEW FORD 0.A.C. AM/nl, AUIO. tram., dtsebnl<es.38mo. r--------r-----'--- For LHtl,. or buying '68 CHEVEU.E waaon, FORD 1912 LTD Bill MAXEY ~I • ..!. C' ~~'radio. Uill1I .::.;:::.;=..:::..::::::.; __ , Air -· vln. top, ( 41)8. TOYOTA VOJ,¥0 CHEVROLET EJX>. . 1ua1 -· 81"-lll68 Harbor c.M. 646-93G3 '67 Chavollo Spt. Cpo, $95.90 Huntl"lf'M 1Mc11 MT~ ' Radio, heater, automadc, a + Tax per mo. 24 mo. open '5' VOLVO WAGON r..i beauty. emm. end. $250. -aft .. 1.ow 0own '1"' 1.ow Tenns Sauthem California *TRIUMPHS* Aulw,;'Ullll "° ' TRIUMPH '71 cLOSEDUT =~'=A tst Nationar Bank SPITFIRES AS lDW AS $2399 . BUICK 2145 Harbor Blvd. GT -6 SAVE $500 '71 BUICK Coate M.,. Leasing FRrl'ZWARREN'S '70 NQVA SS Sport Car Center RIVIERA Coupe, 350 VI. Vinyl top, 2l22 B!Wnesa Center Drive 0 RANGE COUNTY• S Luxurlou>l!ardtop coupe wltb brown w/bel(ie vinyl booket Irvine, CalJ!, 92664 LARGEST factoey air oond., luU power oeatL Automatic Ulna< ablltl nU33-8620 213-6Zl-0067 no E. ht s.A. sn-Including, door 1ocb. vinyl console, factory ""'"'~ '71 Ford Wagon ' 000 top, tilt Wheel, ateroo multi~ power diac brkl, exterior A 1 'Ell TR-6, 26, ml. AM/FM, pl.ex, strato seat., sport chro TOP SHAPE' S16S utomat c, factory air con· . :!:. ~ :a~,P~ whttls, etc., etc. very low, Belo:~. 1duat s.ui wm dltlonlng, radio (382CTQ). low mlle1$4, (7tl'ICPM)999 • • .. ~qut~ck~.~Call~531~'1218~. -l'il%i2195F<mdlri"',V.836-6535;n;;;~· ;;;;-:;;;;; VOLKSWAGEN ..c:'!lo Nabers U CacllDac ..: 1 '62 Ford Van excellent cond. 66 Nova WagOll $750. or best otter. Pis. call I eylinder, automatic, ndlo, after '1:00 pm, 847-Sll.5. beater, economy vacatkln '1t Pinto Runabout. Bronze, special (XE'Vll8) $895 dlr. auto, RJH. XInt cood. OXXl '56 VW plus extra parta. Good for Dune bum or trans car $250 alao West- phi.lla Jugpge rack will fit 2600 HARBOR BL., ·COSTA MESA 836-6535. mi. MJaell D9W! 644-1734. any VW van $30. ~· 54().91DO Open Sunday '10 O..V.lle MaJitlu. ex-IMPERIAL 1963 vw Campa'. The body '61 wx tremely dean. p/1, air, ta in excellent concUtion. ~ Buick 9 Pllll Sta radio; w/1/w tires, new -,..,.,,....,_,,==,.,,..- tertor and exterior. Motxr Wgn.. to ml. Xlnt oond. brakes. 6l6--086'I aft 5,30 pm '69 IMPERIAL needs repair. ~ 11 $600. Mwit sell ms. cub. Prl I: wnds 1 -B RON 531.7291, ply, -atter s pm. .,·7 c . . .. A •prico Luxurious 2 dr hardtop with '70 VW Sum>of, AM/F'M '69 Riviera FuJ1y equip. Immaculate.. Loaded, Low, fa ~. . ' ·"" "'"" lltereo, C'hrome w he e I 1 , Low mile, $2850 low miles, Sacrillce, must c-.,, &ll' co~uo'":'16' Radials. Detller reblt -. 644-IOU aft 5. aell d1r 897-(1224. vinyl top, tapestry mtenor, -·~ • • full power, cruise control, Take o/pymta. Trade for C~Dl~C '70 Monf'e-'Carlo till wheel, door locb, most mu. car. Ewa. 646-6964. "!;Ju~atlc -cto-air every dlx, xtra. <XWXll.4}. XLNT BUYI · ' ~" ' •• ., ' $ '68 vw Squareback, must '70 EL DORADO £•leering, radio, h .. t. 2777 ll Xln • -··· L -··· like the .tau er, vinyl roof (784AVA) se • t running, radials, UA.11\a • • -~ ·~ d1r 01,. ,.~-• N b I~ ~· 111rst .. 1d1 FuU ~-. tac---· a ers '""'· or vuer. 673-5469. _...... n.L. tlry air cond., tele-tilt ....... '66 Et Cantino r~kup, Autn Cadillac * '70 VW FASJ'BACK. Tram Power ~ 283 At.rro, AIR. XI.NT COND. !:i, ~l~p,' ~a= 4 miLR Excellent Com, ~ HARBOSTA ,_!._~L., PRIVATE PARTY. £-1U>IO '--V ~ inter. New WSW" .tiru, (Q19.. _.,.-~. 540-9100 968.--0723. AGC}. '68 CUS'l'OM Impala 2 door, • o~ Sonday Bright yeilow '67 VW fstbk. $5222 PIS, P/B, !WI, xlnt c:ond. 70 lmpenal AM!F'M. Must ..ti. $1350. 5'&-6417. I -•--Oii· F.xc cond. Very dean. N .......,. &n-1892 • abers '66 Capri<e w ... new. -Immaculate Condition Sacrt· C di.lac 8hocks, brakes, good cond., flee Must Sell dlr ' '67 vw·B ... 8,000 mlles on a """ownr, $795. -· • • • • ""'' erw. Good tlrH & 2600 HARBOR BL., MERCURY brakes. MU!I: .ell by Fri. COSTA MESA '61 Qe\t, Ca,.r Van. ~t ---N...t. tnna. ~ $250. --------~~·· e. •·-· ••~•"'· 540-9100 Open Sunday 8C-Ct!latterfv.m. Mercuiylkrnnjs 1972 '66 vw Squareback Waaon. YOUR ONLY '66 EL CAMINO -.... ~ condition, radio-beater-aoocl t1tu • $825 or best of· FACTORY XLNT a>ND. Colony Park Wagon fer. Call 9'JS.3822, AUTHORIZED Call Dave, 54Ml8ll aft 3PM Full pwr., twin c:omlort oeata, '62 VW BUA, rum eood. needs new plnion lft!'· $450. 616-9278. CADILLAC •681 ... ala :!.t~:;'!!,1'i:"ti!': DEALER Immaculate, ,Sac:rillco, Miis! 429 q, (437-EOY), ters.., oe1ec11o11 ·or Cadll· ..u c11r, l97-022t. $119 19'10 VW Westphelta Camper. lacs ID Oranp Counlf. CHRYSLER Pop top, new tin!~ etc. Saleo-Leulnr. L<>Ok lnr our $25W. 546-1919. full_ J?1!P ~ f!ferJ Wed. --------1 + Tx. Per mo. 36 mo, open '69 VW oqbacl<. Voey dftn. 6 mdl1 •~ ·our llvectaJa, 'a CHRYS New Y..,..... eod . $1295.1 owner. s.e at m E. • Nabers ~. "',:..~.~ OR CAN BUY 1'11h SL neor Liquor..... · _..,__ wkends. ' UASING • MUsr ~ '69 vw &us c--.. ALL MOD.ELS lltlOO n•~"~R -CONTINENTAL Great cood! $!BOO. ~ ..... 548-0342 MO-!li~STA :s-Sautllem Cardornia . '69 vw Bug, Excellent eon. Cant. 1971 Mil HI di-MUii Sell, $ill6. '72 COUPE 1st ,11...:..-1 Bank 530-l!i!l2. DeVIW Loaded! Vin. top, AIR. AD "411-IGI extra&. ('llMDSLl. 'il5 vw Bui:, Good condition, BeantlfuJ llnilb wltb vinyl top $6;350' Leatim must 114!1.1, Dir, $ 5 O 0. le leather A tapestry intel'--'6 530-1592. tor, fU11 ........ equipped, 'Qi VW bul w/'70 reblt. eng: climate control factory air Or l.aau R/11, ..... -. bro.lift. condltionln&, AM->'M radio, Saa"'-Calf1L•m""iM Slil50. ~1332. 6 way seat, waw tires. tilt I: UIGllll • '67 VW Bug. ~ Sacri· telek'Opie steering, bumper • , 202'J Business Center Drive Inine, Calif. 92664: nU33-8620 • 213-6Zl-0367 HO More. Col Pork Wag,$300, 545-1358 ~... $8Xl Dir. Phone ~~::mpe, etc., etc. 1st National Bank s:io..IS9'l. $~600 MUSTANG Custom vw, very clean Leatillll' many extru fj Na'----"".. · '65 ,MUSTANG * 635-1125 * , UWYa 3:)22 Bualnw Center Drive Immaculate, SacriUce, Must '66 VW, perlect meeh. c:ond. Cadillac lrvlne, Ca11L 92664 "U. dlr, 897--0224, N...t. body "'"'· 96S-al05 2600 HARBOR BL., n~ =.-PINTO nr Jl68.SIO:t. COSTA MESA 1968 Mark m-tmv mites. ·=_,,,.,.........,,,._..._ __ '69 VW, xlnt cond, to mile, nu ~9100 · Open Sunday Dir. Red ,.Jbleck Landau )m Pinl1/ • :ml cc <'bglne -. pvt pty. '71 EL DQRADO top. Black leather, t!1t w/alr. 12,000 mL $2395, Xtnt 548-5196 wheel, lulJ power, air 6 cood. New tireL !l'IM589. '61 vw BUS CONVERTIBLE stereo. -WTR 7811 PLYMOUTH XLNT COND TniJy the finest of the ..,...t 8*-7361. 'I MUST SELL. rn.<M22 line of automobUea, Lwrury ''6 C1111tlnental. Cpo. '65 Ftrry Wa-' '68 vw Seat -.. -. Only 1D,2ll -··· Loaded, -.,,... .. runs ~. ~ _.; Jocal m11es. Fact.. air COlld., Sell, dlr, 897.Q121. A=, tactnry air """' IOI' station w•-6'M687. lllJl power, tilt A W-plc 'fi5 Oolltlnental. 4 ctr deen, ' power steering, --lleer!na, door tocb, AM:ni: ·' radio, wblte""11 -(NBZ. '67 vw BUG stmo wtmuJilpta tape, !':.:."~-~coed: $1llOll .. 538), $795 dlr 836-6S35. Neall $825 trunk Jock, a ~ that 'tll ROADRUNNER, 383, * 549-133:1 * turno your Jlgbte on ' off * '111 ~tal.i!tclr~ Good COlld. Extras. '68 VW 7 Pua Bus. &mroot, 1or you, PIUI a b01t cl fea. pwr, nu trans, . ·1 _ _;:Bes:::;:.,t otter:::::::,·::.-::_;::::._ Jui. rack. Xlnt oond. $1650 lures to brinC the thrUl of $1.5(15. 644-f!IB. PONTIA,. nr make oiler. 536-3507. motnrlrlt bact to -(1)'18. COU&AR ... '68 vw. Sund1at eamper, CXWJ, --:::~::~:_-11--;:.6l,9;;PO;;;;;NT1A;;;;;;:C-;:- "'buUt engtne. ll!l50 nr ol· $7444 P-.ir 1971. P- fer. cat1 SJ6..02111 e-. -... """ BONNEVILLE •n vw camper, pop 1op,.x1nt -0 ~~-Air . ........neo. WAGON , cond, lulJ,y e Q u IV P • d · -......,,-. HJ.. 9 pus., 3 Rat. Fact., air, lll(- 5'8-CT47.. a HARBOR -nr flU'I Pae rack, auto tram., '1l6 VW Bom. 15.000 miles on ~-A ~':""· -ote<r. 6 brakes, elect """.,,, _..,_., + Tx. per mo, M mo. open _ ...... n!blt q ., $500. 540-9100 Open -,. ml or..., bay $2,900 (I.GP. ....,. ..-... I\ 6 H, WSW • '*'7881 * '67 COUPl 140>· ::"' =:...i-:, ~ ~,.i°C:,:.·~~"': DeVIUE Salin .calflnia aaefamUy-.ll84ETB) 547-122'J. ' $3111 *VACATION TIME* 19'10 vw Pop Top ea.., Voey Ceon. $2.595168-111ti VOLVO Fech117 air cor-.i.;c, tun 1st fbll11ll a-a.· ....... vinyl ... beouttfuJ --.......... cloth.--· Wt ,_ • ' teJHooplc -... AMI • ' l.easlnl , C•••c FM radio, a..tw, auto. -u•e.....R ~ tram., -tires, elc. (VOL-:ml -Cailtr Drift -o06U""--· '71 Volvo 1800 E 1~>. Intoe. c.ui. -..,. 0ten Sundl1 $2111 n~ 2Q.Cl!.oJl'I 4 !\fd,, w/ovmltlvt, Radio, --v ....... 4 Dr., :_c:: ~~ooo:~ C, Nabers DOHI r! :;:.._ ~~ Loather lntertor.,Stl< •47A • Ca•1c '66 WA.ON ' out, Must Socrlftc:o . $4199 :llOO IWlllOR BL., Dedp -. t ,_,_•l,;;-::,:;;;;;,,.,.,..=~--.,, CREVIER COSTA -~ _, a1r-. .. PONTIAC GTO, I qieed, ·511l-8118 0,......,., -.._ -111 "4·1.;h~I ;11,L:W.,S~~~=~ll~D~~· MOTORS '69 EL DORADO ... tale lo< radio, -· (JIUCIST). • .... • W, 1A St., Santa Alla or1c-Lo mllM, --dtr. -IAMll ... as.:r171 c:ond, AD Xtr.... ~aft 'W 'Dodie V ... -li&IM. '-' -'"" V.....ioooostmutl0)'1Roat 4pmat----'2& 'G J'w'lr W.,. A• ,.... -· apt, st1n ''7 CADILLAC * •• • * ,_, ...._ ~. blllr·• lie. ti.. a Dally Piiot C...., "'11-. air-., ""1"'1IItllO81111' DA'f lo Gelid ~tlon Car. 0.Mlfled Ad.Sol !dte 11m>o 1-Kaiato-.. -rm u adl Dllll~ .._., , • • IKlll GI) Pf: D tr , -Call fC.S'!I -I -1111, •, 1r1-. .. ..,. -NI-_..i, ' J • 7 I San Clemen~ Capistrano VOi:. 65, NO. 179, l SECTIONS, 38 PAGES • EDITION ORANGE 'COUNTY, CALIFORNfA N.Y. Stoeks ' TUESDA~, JUNE 27, 19n TEN CENTS Mitchell to Campaign-Despite Martha's Vow Flom IM Wire 5ervlcts Former U.S. Attorney Generli John Mitchell today vowed to continue cam· paignlng for the reelection ol Prtlldeol Nixon, but hiJ polttlcs weary wife. Martha, has c~Ued her once heavy schedule of persollal appearances. Faced with an ultimatum from his wile to quit politics P.hllned from her Newport Beach vllte lut week, Mitchell has no in- tentions of leaving his post as Nl:s:on's campaJgn manager, ·close aides said Monday. Powell Moore, a Mitchell staff member at the Committee for RHlection ol the Prtsidelll, WU uUd MOIJday if Milcbtll .... qulttiqr. "Not by a long shot," bl replied ''He'a committed to the laak belore' him." Meanwhile. an allegedlf bruised ll!n. Mitchell wearing bandiies covering fingen of her left hand has lakto, up quarters In the posh W estcl)ester CoUntry . Club Jn Rye, N.Y. Rye was the. com- munity In which the Mltchelll lived when he was ,a Wall Street ~wyer. Until last weekend, when M~ left the Orange Coast following a. alormy week marred hy a feud with John at a Newport Beach GOP party and the odlr· lamoua '1'llundl1 pi.. call i.-a -*' Wublnllao ._ter, lllo WU apectad lo liar In the NbDa -"'11n -- But -thorf'• aot a alnlle public ap- pearance oli i. llCbedult. ~ Mn. Mltcbtll told reporters she was htlq held a "pollticli prisoner." Mitchell and the Whito HOU!e have declined _.1 .. the charge. However, a spokesman for the Nixon committee aald Mra. Mltcbtll hu DO ap- pearances ICbeduled lor the remalnder<f June. "She lnteoded to uae II for free time," the aide aald. Earlier In lhta elecllon year, Mra. Mlldlell ...,~ by slalf members u bulllC !DOR ~nds lnr ap- peanncoo around the country lhan any other woman tn the Nixon Admlnlstratloo, She wu qpected to make........, campaign.appearances. Mrs. Mitchell'• popularity stemmed from a series of pungent ~mments ahe made while her huaband wu atlorney general. Tiiey ranged from an attack on Sen. J. W. F\llbtlght, lnr his vote against Nixon's SUpnme COUrt nomla8 G. Harrold camftll, lo complalnts about wnmen beiDI tbinktass dtlzena ..:.. "We've never been liberated as tar 11 our vJew- polot ii concerned." Her commenl1 usually were offered in telephone calls to reporters, and usually late at night. AJ a result ol the publicity , Mrs. Mitchell was invited to appear on TV talk shows and before numerous organiza-. lions. Now Mn. Mitchell reports she Is being kept out of the spotlight. It is her "honesty" they're worrying about, she says. Mrs. Mltchell !old the New York Dally News that while she wa.s in Newport Bank Suspect Nabbed FBI Arrests Second Man 'in Niguel :Heist An unemployed atrlp-miner WIS Ir· rested In Bordman, Ohio by FBI agents er.rly this morning as the second suspect In the 12 million heist at the Laguna Niguel branch ol United Cliilornia Bank. FBI agenla worltlng with U.S. Marshala and local police captured Amil Allred Dinslo,'36; ol Bordman as he ·was travel- lni In bis car down a local &tree!. .Dlnslo ta the (lrotbol'in-Iaw of Oiarles Trustees of the C&plalrano Unllled School District Monday -one more atep along the rood lo a .:J,, budget and an lkent lax rate i.... llPP<Ovlng · a "tentative'' model al Che document and Senate Panel 4,pproves Ban OnHanaguns Issuing fond l\Opes lnr ...,. "good nen" . In lnoome early -D>qllth.' 'lbe teiaative budpl, c:a1llna lor major lncreaaes bee-of Dona HIDI 11Jcb School . opening_ next JMr, amounta to 110.5 mllllon In dtllrld -for the coming liacal year. Bui delplle beln( tU million higher than the badiet !of lhta Hplring !iJcli year, the tentative vlrllon u yet con. taina no provisions for inc:reaes in wartes above ...,war llljustmenla lor dlslrtct peraonneL Sam Chlcu, aastatanl superintendent, hualnea eervi<el, joined SUpt. Truman 8-llct In hoping lor good· ..... July ~ · J'na. Wire lervka when the a'tual 1a111ed valuation. at WASHINGTON -The Senate tuablt'pnpaly ill Ibo dlllrtct la made Judiciary Coinmittee lqday approved a avallablo by the "1lllllj lax •-: , bW olo outlaw the commerdal u1e of "We are hoping now lor oome good t -tll\ mlgllt -...,_ above mllll, concealable type handganl DO the projected eight percent;" lleDodlct suitable for sporting ~·· said. The measure, •ponsored .l>7 Sen. Birch Chlcu Nlterated elrlier explaDalJoM Bayb (~Ind.), wu.approved hy a 11 lo I of lncruslng COiia In the dlstrlct, due vote after the ~ttee turned down by primarily to the opening of the new a t to $ vote a rival measure of Sa. acbool in Dana Point. But even with the Roman Hruika (R·Neh.). , 1-in· .._, IM!lldlng ma!n- 1'.hr<e hflls ollered hy S<n. Edwal'd M. tenaiice and other S.y lacillliea.related ~ (~Mua.).' lo rtqulre the, • lunctlom will be,'~"·li!ll com· nptration of all fireanlll, or the u.,.,,.. Inc year, he added. .. of both pig guns and handguns and "Even though ... llavt committed all ol only halidguna were rejected by °"" ~ funds to Dana HIDI, we ati11 can not aided margin!. find the funds. 1or ma1nteJ11nce auppllel l!ayh '1old n...-. that bis hill woGld :: ~ ::":, =· = "W.e out of tbe martttplace the Chas added Illa! llllhougb thi'dlxlrlct weapons ,,mo~ , li'ecjuenUy used by will have aeverli new hulldlnp lo clean criminals. . and IDllntaln -1U' the fUnctiona The handguns used In the assassination will Jnbably ba,. to ~ clone with ex-of Sen. Robert F. Kenned)' In 11118 and.In lalbig penonnel · the attempted assa¢natlon of Alabama "We .... •1 be. able to espect the Jevtl Goo. O-Se c. Wallaie Jul month~! of ,....._ ·and c1e111u-that be banned lnJm u1e 1Dlder the -....... -uoed lo," ht.told-· tlOn. . • Illa t f'• aoerOYll 1fll tlle -.eCood of-Tbe ahooting ol Wallace during bis fldll atep In !lie buclpt )lNICOll. campaign for the DtmocraUc preside!> 'lbe -ofllclal nn1on will be 1 tlal nomillallon · opbrred action by the publatlaa budpl, poctllpl cootalllinC committee on .!layh'a bill, 'tfblch had ~ In ,..,,..,.. . • been lying dormant Int a year· · Tiii final iiucfpt, wttlr tu rates much The committee members_ who voted rqan ctlialn, ''!illl bl appi;otec! ••'1 In apln~ appro'"I of Bayh's blll were Aucuat- chalrman James O. Eaatland (~Mias.) and 11en. Joll! L. McClellan (~Ark.). . llrulka ~ Bayb's bill alter bis -propooal, hued OD atandardl of aaftly and reliabllily for lbt ..ie ol hllldguna, -delelled. Meamrhlle, Kennedy, wllo loll two lmllhen lo guns, aald ~ oaac-lhld "declare dulb by polirl • epidemic". -"Wt_.-no reMattll II -1 cw. Int death by gunfire," It..,..., testified al a lloule judlclaey aubcommltllt 1*1'- 1"fib. cau1e of gun duths II dolrl1 ....-.. We ahall cootrol cun dead!I - •control the euy accm to gunt". • Capistrano Chamber To Hold Tournament ' t :•~···~· · . , I .. ~RJollI!*' .. ... ~NO' SIDEICICIC KM!t McCord ' . ' TV "'Olficers' tn Lead • • Cfum~~·ie Fiesta Pa"r<uk ' Maoists 'Threat' .... WASHINGTON ().!>)'-'lbe Colllomla- bued Rewlulklwy Unloa' ml: Ven- ceremos orpnlzationll m 0 America'a Maolata" and coDSlitute a potential thraal lo u .s. Internal aecurilJ' • -,,_ committee Aid -y. 'Ille -laternal Secor!ty CGmmlttee uld the two '""'1JI · are lilhllf dlaclpllned Communist organlsationl lnaplred mainly hy taaddngs ol China'• Mao. Tae-tq. Nixon's Meat ~port Bid · ' Cited As 'Not Effective' Jy JOHN v ALTEllZ.\ And vlrtially an that beef c0mes °' .. ""' - -a1nady honed and frozen tn latlO blockl. Orange Coat --ill coming JI la 10 :tough lbet Ila only -ta to months will probably , llllt a larger c1omeo11c t uaed lnr ham-amount of 11toup bull fnl'tid cow" on •uimtnt mea aupermarket meet countan -but Ulllo i..ra.ir .. jJoWpd -'!lch -11 and e1ae u the .-11 of.--·11t11-ca,,...S IQ9dl contalnlng beef, the Ina ol ~ ...... ..... ~ aald., autbarttlea lllondV· They addod that there WU • DO ~ lhtt the bullr ol Imported -blo riaclloo'Monda)' In the ma- Dllll II_, ,._.IWflc bee!", jor Dllll lllftbaaim« centen, where -.......... t Ibo llfl. prlctl, for Ille -part,. conformed to ... " Illa .... blJ bove ~ belnn the -lly the DO tllecl • tlio ... IJ el Nixm Admtnlltrallon. r bitter -. Locally, beof producers hive dtcldod ..... II fer ., 11 ~ ol -to wait and ... -arrt ... from atnld ~· ....__ Newa 8errlee ta before they. make any changes In prices. Loo ~ Aid dtlt bmerl In At lllocho M1aslon Viejo, where an loullln ~ u.,ciy !la>i --avmp ol l,OllO to 4,000 bead ol beef la the aimmer 111P1J <I tmporled !WI -IOld lo lttcl loll each year, the catUe ,,-n, from Aullralla and New super1ntendent had Utile good to llY Zealmid. (lleo PlllCl:I, P11e I) .. Sdlle1i:er, Liolll; Janet r ...... Opllmlsts, and Karen Mcteroy,.Kiwanla.· · · Each of the clubs wlli sell 'ballot coupolll' to prumota tile candjdacy ol their contest. • . The wu-' ol tlle UUe will ba,awardtd a free vacatloo ,fer twO to HA•~ plua othel' ~' ' ' ' ' Tlie coiipOn-tiallols inclllde diaCoun\a 'lo ICJ!>I) liuslnesa , establishmenU ·IDd the baJ1oQ wlll,form hell of Ille point l)>stem used to select tlle fiesta queen. · The k!Ckoll dU-will stazt. 1t. S p.m. The fi'81a JtaeU will ·beg1n Frid'l' .Ven- ing, July 14, wltli the start ol lhe camlvli and midway at Old' Plaza Park.' The starling gun'wlll aounc! at 5 p.m., and "" tivlties there will continue au weekend .. Advance-sale ride tickets are on 11le ln businesses ln·San Clemente. . On 'Saturday at 1:30.a.m. the parade will begin at the base ol Avenida Del Mar, following the traditional route to El cam1no Real, nortll 'lo El Portal .. d flnally,eo41!1& ~I .Old.Plaza Park. ' ' l!'ourtec . of u,. stat0'1 top.rated marclit!li ~. cOlor guarda, colcrfut Shrin<ra' mt•mtlitary units will be en- tered alone ,rlth JICores of local floala. · On Set..,..,, 'lftemooo tlie National Dory ~I" will be held 1t the San aen.-. pier featuring lifeguard teama from 20 dlfl1nnt clUes rowing their light craft tbree lapo around the cl· ly pier. • Saturday night at 7 p.m. the Royli C&vallen Band will 'perform In concert at the park and Shipmates Square Dance Club membera will pedonn al I p.m. at the aame place. Launching the Saturday and Sunday lcllvltlea will be the tr1dltional Kiwanis breaklut In the Albertlon's Market parting lot. The event will he held from 7 to IO 1.m. boll\ dsya. , The Jaycee, tills yeir have IJXIlllOreil the porade sweepatakes trophy ; Clq> OoU Pro Alan Coot. hu aponaored the Grand Manllai'a ~: 'lbe Anchor Inn will lpolll« the iweepstakH IJol>bY and Orange Saving•· and l.t>ln bal ,..,. -llen lht Mayor's trophy. l!Vau alao credited 11verli otlMr bualnuMI and oryanlzatlona for helping to -the major banda troveiJlta to lhe porade. . '1'e APartment, llotel,' Motel A-1>- &o, Ellu Marclllnc Band from Wblll!er: !lllfway Houae, St. Genevlne Mlfclliq Band of Panorama Cily ; Realtor Bertha Henry, the Royli C.v111(n; Tojlo)o'a I!estauran~ the Diplomata Ir om Lynwood; Sou I h ~baclt AnlWerlng • Service, G !en Ca try Hl&hlanden ol Covina. Beach last -k. a aecurlty ruard toolt away her telephone and RVeraJ IQIJ'da threw her onto a bed and ••stuck a needle in my behind." Mitchell remains incommunicado. The campaign committee says there will be no comment because Mitchell 11considers this to be a personal matter." lllitchell was reported to have shown up at the campaign offices Monday but left to go out of town . Where? "I don't know where, 11 aaJd one spokesman. But aome 9'ltll'Ces said the fonner at· tomey general bad flown to Rye, N.Y. Daring Pair Pull Heist In Day_light . Two armed 1men surprised employes ol the Alpha Beta Market in Sin Clemente Monday, bound lour ol the worken with tape, forCfd the manacer to open a safe, then fled with a yet-undetermined amount or caih. The daybpi rollbrory look place at about .10:11 .a.m, 1'lltle ao. -- were Jn, the il«I at IOI J, El Comtno llOal. ' . "'" ll'1Ddfol-•-..... . 111•ns1r •1111J, a ••kzua.a . ll1lltdlJ loodlt. ' Police llld lhe polr ....... ...... and -"' ~ ..,. eanlod • -cue. He walled near a telepbmo and when Riley a_..t, the bandit's· partner came up belllnd the manager, produced a small n!YOlver, then both hlndltl n>Ulld- ed up all ll>e employes on duty . The worten all were herded Into a storeroom where all but Riley were hound han4 and loot with tape. Riley wu then ordered to the market sale, detectives said, and lnroed at ...,. point lo -ti . Alter atull1ng "a conalderable amount~ ol cub Into the hrielcaae, both men O{dered the manager back to the 1toruoom and allo bound Riley with a spool ol · tape, He told olflcen· he then wu ordered lo lle on the floor. The plir Ihm fled. .......... laW emplo)'el freed themoelveo and caW police. The holdup wu the second daJUljlt robbery of the market lhia year. Tho suspect In lhe previous holdup remalna at large. Detectives, however 1 said they are con- vinced the latest hetat WU the work ol dllfer<nt men. Workm at the llore tbrou'h the day worked with Police Artist Sandy Martin and produced compoolte drawlnp of Iha pair of bondttl -HCb n!ported lo he in thefr mid IOI. WI-uld both mto were 1houl six feel In height and each weighed about 175 poundo. The bondtt with the brlofcue --a dark l:ro1'1t t.•1MSR IUlt. I Ue and a dresa shlrf, and bJo darlt ..... hair WU worn Ion(, .,,. Ibo -Bo ""'° -. sung-. police a,ald. • Hli partner, wllo -the --revolver, WU lllOl't ca•11llJ dr•11d. WI-aalcl. be -. a -.,. mouatache and hid a poct......ted lat. ' 4'91• . -• % DAILY PILOT SC Democrat Platform 'Suicide Note'-W allace WASHINGTON (AP I -Democrallc pleUllrm -"' Ill l ........... lon ... dill W\r I*)' pll1 U.Ctlher I documeDl tinged with Sto. George McGovern'• views on lDdochlna withdrawal and domestic issues wit hout outright en- donement of 10me of bis more con. ttovtr•lal Blanda. 8"~.aa It OOUfhl to fHhion moderately liberal plankl, Ille Platform Oommltlff llapped dowo hard an ellort by backers Sponsor Says 2nd Coastline ' Bill Vote .Set By CANDACE PEARSON Of .. Dtltr ll'IW l"lf Sen. Dtnqls Carpenter (fl.Newport Beach) today said tbe state Senate Finance Committee bas agrted to reconaider hls coastline protection bll~ which was killed by a I to 7 vote in 11111 mmmitt.. Monday. Carpenter alao said he now thinkl he has enough votes for the measure to pass the committee when It rehe#a the m....,.Frlday. It bu already passed tbe Senate Natural a-irc.1 1od WlldlUe Oom- mlltee but baa boon criUdud by CDD> aervationiatl u btlng too weak. "I wu looking fot an 111as1ln Mon- day," cirpent<r aald thlJ morning of the close vote, adding that one no-voter who first l8id he would vote approval haa again agreed to help pass the measure, AB lllO. If JI puaet the llO<Uld vote th1I Fri- day, tbe bill will U>en go cm to p.ibllc hearing next week and on to the Senate OOO!"fromthere. The meuure would establilh a I~ member atate hoard to formulate broad c:oastal guldellnn while leaving most final control fn the banch of local govern- ment. It wu lllJll>Ortad by tbe Orange County Lequa of Cltle1, the Orange County Cout Alloclltlon, the stale County &ipervbora Alloclatlon and most Orange Ooest city councils. carpenter bu conteoded that looal cootrol ...,. lbonl1ne development ii vital to the home nile concept and told the <OllllD!ttee that the ilsue Is too "Complu for an in1U1Uve,'' referring to a move by comervatJon!N to place a more restrictJve bW on the November ballot. .Jllltt Mama, atate chairman ol the CIUfomla Cout Alliance testified MM· day before tbe committee th 1 t Clrpmter'1, bill ii "a couta1 Trojan hone, I corporate windfall plan! II Daplte thla oppo1ltlon, Carpenter to- day aounckd opJ1mlslfc a-the Friday rea11111deratloa. Voting for ~·1 hill Monday were Sells. Lou CUNoovlcb (R-lillmnon Oab), Jolin W. Holmdahf (D-Osklllld), Robort J. Llgomarllno (R·Venlura), Fred W. Marler (R·Rodding), Stephen P. Teele ([).Weal Point) and Rmlolph COlller (O.Yreka). VoUng against the meaaure were Sens. Allred E. Alqulst ([).Sao Joae); Anthony llellenaon (0.Loa Angeles), Albert S. Rodda ·([).Sacramento), Alan Short ([). Stockton), Walter Stiern (0.Bal<ersfield), Howard \Vay (R·Exeter) and Donald Gnwlty (11-Wat.onvllle). Grnslty'1 Coastline bill died In the Na· tional Resources and Wlldlile Conunlltee but 1 limilar mea!urt Is in the AJsen]bly, authorled by Assemblyman Alan Sleroty (O.Loo Angeles). Camp Pendleton Sets Auction of Vehicles Dump trucks, cargo trailers and several sedans are among the 218 government surplus ltemJ to be sold at auction Wednesday at Camp Pendleton. The aale ia scheduled to begin at 9:30 a.m. at the Marine Corps base aouth of San Clemente. Other llenu being sold in- clude tractors, pickups, generators and others. ' OIAN61 COAST IC DAILY PILOT lllil Or .... C..t DAILY PILOT, WI"' Mlkft It c9"lltlntd ''"' H•wt·l'rets. 11 P'lbU"*f )If #le Of•llft CM1I l'ullrltl'ILl!I CtmHl'l'I'. s.,.. rtM Millon' llrt pwb11Nt9a, Mffld•Y ltlrtllllft PrW•'I'• fW CO.I• Mtat, H...,,,,.f It-ell, ,.._,.""""" ltKhll'w"ltl" Vt!li!y. lqvnt t.tdt, lnrlMISHCte-..U .,... ·J.n C"-te! SM JllM Ctp!Ur6"" A slll!lll r"loMI ..ni• It flllbl1$11td h tvrlll•Yt 11'1111 $Wm. 1""9 prlnchttl ,.,.11111111"' ~nt b ti D Wul a.y ltrMt. Co.11 Mnt, CtNlotnlt, f,.2'. lloliotrf N. Wttd l"rUMltflt tl'MI hltlllhtr J,c~ "· C111ft y 't'kA l"'tftlll~I aNI Gftltttl N.tnltl r lhol'l\11 Koowil IEllllter 11i•ll'ltl A. M11r,hine M1"9flnt ElllilCM' Cliarl•• H. Leos llUc~o1ril P. Nill Aulll1n1 Mtnlt1111 f~lNll'• S.Cl....,.Offkti JOS Nettlt ll C11nl•• Roil, •1171 --(Ml• MeM; ))I ~ Sw..t "'""""' loedll Im H hlllwvlfe HtMt_. 9Mcllr trl1S lffcll ..,_...,,. L.....-9oM'I Jn ,., ............... , ........ 1714) '4J.4)Jt c1 • .,... .wu.r11.-. '42·1671 'See Cf1 r u la Ml hf••=••: , ...... 4tl-44• ~ lffl. ....... ( ... , ~-~. "' ....... llliltll'll ... .....,... ""°' .,, .,_......,,..,.. ~ fMY W W • all WffMll'I Witt ...,.. ....... "..,. .......... . ....... dm .... NlllllM C...Mt.t, ~.._ .._,..,.... w "'""' a .. .......itr .. Nii U.lf -"tl'rl """"" ................ flltMM¥. of Alabama Gov. George c. Wallloe to p.it the Porty bebind a propooed <X1D-1tltutlonll amendment outlawlnc hulJna for racial balance lo l<hool1. Walllce'1 presidential camp a I 111 manager termad the platform "a suicide note for November" amt 1ald Wallac.e forces would flaht it on the floor. Charles S. Snider aaJd in Montgomery Ala. the statement.of party prlnclplea lg· nores the expressed wi shes of many voten ..,.... the nation. Unless it ii rewrttten at .the CCllveolloo, he aald, the party wW lullor "Illa worll cleleat lo Its hlltciry" In the !all electlClla. Seven! Wallace plaob were rej<cted at tile platfonn wr1!lnr 1e11lon, but there appeared to be no rancor on the part of the Ala bama goverilor's supporters. Moreover, the commlttee made visible efforts to lnclude in preambles and olher D011C011trovenlal aedJoos the laoiUll• •• ~ by Illa Alabama .....,,.. •• apokesmtn. - lfcGoftm told a news eool"""1<e In San Anlmlo, Tu., today that he ii haWY with the dtr-plaoU In the plaUorm .. they stand. McGovern, touring mucb or the Southwest and South Iii ll ~ventlon campaign swing, said he teamed the defense plank calls for a major shUt of U.S. Lu dollars into civilian purpoees UPI TtlDMtt In Plenty of Traube Joey ·Shanahan, 4, looks quite apprehensive as he 1$ followed by SeatUe policemen. ll's not as had as it looks for Joey. Policemen were merely patrolling &-mile stretch ol Lake W asbington Boulevard to keep it free of cars during Blcycle Sunday, when only bikes are permitted. Summer Programs Slated In Capo Unified District Horse Thieves St.eal 2 St.eeds In Capistrano A variety of summer acUviUes for YOUllf!sler• haa begun at the achools in the Cspillrano Unified School District. According to recreation director Bob Boo.man, programs will be offered throughout the summer va<:aUon to students of all ages. At Las Palmu and Crown Val· ley Schools, an arts and c r a f t s program wlll be o f f e re d from 9:30 a.m. till no nn with three special, two-week sessions. Each class will be limited to 30 children in grades five through eight. Clay scu1pture classes will begin today (Tuesday), stitchery on July 10 and printrpaking on July 24. At the high school, weight training will be offered Monday lhru Thursday from 1 to 9 p.m.; coed volleyball is scheduled for Wednesday evenings; girls' gymnastics and modern dance is offered daily from 9 a.m. to noon: and baseball clinics will be held on the playing field in the af. temoons. Baseball cllnlcs are also being schedul· ed fOr the playing fields at Oown Valley School July 10-21 and at Marco Forster from July 24 to Aug. 4, TeMls lostructlon Is helng offered at crown Valley, Marco Fonter and at the hlgh sChoo!: No lee ls dlarled but particlpants must furnish their own ten· nis balls. Furthe!-information concerning any of these activities or other programs at the sdlool!, Bouman may ,he contacted at 496-12lli. From Pagel PRICES ... about the imported meat. "It sounds like we 'll be seeing a 16t more tough cow and some more bull," said Delane Kendall. "The imported meat Is cheaper, but it's tough u old nails," be said. He explained that the heel lrom the Mac and Shamrock aro. two of Bill'• beat ltieoda whicl! la ~ than can be said !or tbe unknown bone thief who Is preunUy enjoying their ccinpany. Mac and Shamrock are 21>-year .. ld geldlngs -Mac Is a roan and Shamrock is black -and unW last weekend they shared the Jll"OPOl'IY at 2im Rose Tree Road , San Juan Cspistrano with owner Bill Hersey. Both eldtrly equlnea were removed lrom fenc<d posture land by hone thievea who are t.be target of an all out search by Orange County Sheriff's or· flcers. "Thou horses are valued at only $100 each," an investigator said. ''That isn't much but it's a lot blgher than the value we put m the kind of guy who could pJll a lousy trick like this." Sailor, 19 Wounded two Commonwealth countries Is Jn. SAN DIEGO (AP) -A l~yesr-old spected for cleanlineas and approved for sailor at the Naval training center wu importation, but no gradirig tiktt place, in serious condition after being shot 1n thus the quality of the meat is never the abdomen by another recruit Sunday certified. nlgbt, the Navy aald Monday. The youth One other !actor which can not he lg· wounded by a .25<allber pjatol shot waa nored, several authcritles said, is that identified only as Seaman Appreollce there is no e.icess of supply at meat Frank Chester. He wu taken to Naval llDd ao llld to the war in Vietnam in 90 days and aholWoa ol tbe draft. lh!>dated by ..,. party rules to do their work in p.iblic, the l!O <011U111it.. rhember1 tolled from t 1.m. Monday ~ W well into this momlng under searing televiJlon lights and In view of a heavy delegation of newsmen and a thinning au- dience. They substantially recast the pre llmi· o.ary draft submitted by a subcommittee. Capo Council, Orders Stud)· . On Annex Bid San Juan Capistrano city councilmen Monday reacted to a propoe:ed an- nexation by ordering a .study to determine if any other property owners in water works district number four would like to become part of the city. The cJty staU wu ordered to contact persons living on the west side of Del Obispo within the water works district with the proposal for anne1ation. The ac· tion came foUowing council consideration of the annexation of 38 acres which lie between Del Obispc and San Juan Creek. Councilman Ed Chermak made the suggestion of including more than just the 31 acres in the package to be presented to tbe county Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFC) for its consideration. Other items considered by the council at its Monday night meeting include: -A planning commission proposal that an outside planning consultant be hired to take a look at the general planning of the city. The council approved of the idea and oraered city manager Don Weidner to solicit propoaals from six small plan- ning firms for council consideration. The consultant would be charged with studying the city's present general plan, and zoning ordinances to come up with new suggestioM for land use. -A determination by city attorney Jim Okazaki that the mayor had the power to fine or imprison persons ruled out of order at council meetings. Qlennak said that when he first suggested the matter be studied, he was more Interested in maintaining order at planning com· mission meeUngs. Ok.uati wu uktd to determine If the mayor could delegate hLs authority to the planning commlaion chairman. Three Arch Ba'' Resident Plans Protest Action • The Three Arch Bay nsident who was cited by Orange County Animal Control officers for running his two dogs on the private beach of the exclusive South Coast community will appear in court Wednesday morning to protest the ac-- tion. G. Dominic Shelton. 22 N. La Senda, said he will aeelt a jury trial when be ap- pears in South County Muolc!al Court to conteat the citation. . Some 60 Three Arch Bay residents have been subpoenaed to appear in court and testify in the unusual case, which was sparked by ao early morning "dog raid" on the Three Arch Bay beach in April, when Shelton was one ol three dog owners cited for violaUng the oounty ordinance banning dogs lrom public heachea. Shelton, who said he has been running his dogs on the beach since moving to the commuolty a dozen years ago, decided to contesi the citation and ask for a jury trial "to aettle our rights once and fOf' all, II Two Uberal abortion )lnJl>Oaal>, one aubmltled by ac-Sl!lrley ~. were voted down by the J>latfOnn CCIII· milt.. early today. A "gay rights" plank al.w was rtJected. Miss itacLalnt, a delegate from Csllfornla, was beaten by a 59-41 rol~ vote on a motion to declare abortion to be "a matter between a woman, her doc· (or and anyone she wishes to consult, in- cluding her retigiou.s counselor." Also defea ted, by a show of hands, was a proposal by Flora Crater of the Virginia \V001en 's. Pol!Ucal Caucus to give ptatfonn endorsement to "the right or women to control their own productive Jives." The voting came at 2 a.m. after one hour and 35 minutes of argument and warnings that an abortk>n plank could defeat Democratic candidates i 11 Npvember. Defeat of the proposals left lhe party, platform without mention of aborti.on. With respect to homosexuals, the plat· form write rs turned down . after 45 minutes debate. a gay righta plank that would have endorsed full rights for homose1.uals. They adopted a milder platform declaration that, "Americans should be free to make their own choice of lilt-- styles and pfivate habits without being subject to discrimination or prosecution." Phr asing a plank on marijuana proved sim pler than expected for the platform wr iters. The subject was just omiued en• ti rely. The 26,00-word documat has a full page pledging a massive drive against "heroin and other dangerous drugs" in- cluding amphetamines abd barbiturates, but does not mention marijuana. "Hard-drug traffic in schools amust be met with the strongest possible law en-- forcement," says the approved plaUonn plank. The platform committee overwhelm. ' Jngly approved a plank calling for aboli- tion of the electoral college alter a delegate committed to Gov. Wallace une.zpectedly announced Wallace's en. (iorsernent ol that change, "Gov. Wallace is in favor of aboliahing the e1ectoral college," a n n o u n c e d Nonnan Die Jr., a Florida delegate. A statement calling for abolition of the death penalty as an inefrecttve and cruel deterrent was adopted. Among surprise amendments was one calling for defeat of the pending wellare- refonn bill1 adding another obstacle to the already fonnklable ones the measure ' has encountered in Coogress. Spearhead. ed by a group of hlack1 delegates, the amendment carried, 64 to 28. But the committee refused to endorse the . pro. posat of the National Wellare Rights Organization !or a 16,500 guaranteed Jn. come for a family of four. The language adopted on this and on taxation was broad enough to ac- commodate other propOuh b e 1 I d e McGovern's. McGovern in San Antonio., Tex., said he is preparing to introduce new propoJBl.s on welfare and taxation, toning down hls origlnal plan that bas been criticized. as harsh on moderate, as well as high, incomes. Rejecting amend.menl! tending both toward a more hawkish and more dovish stance, tbe plallorm writers pledged that a De111ocratic president would make "the first order of business an immediate and complete withdrawal o( all U.S. forces in Indochina" and said this country "will no longer seek to determine the luture of the nations of Indochina." A milltary-polfcy plank declares that "the military budget can be reduced substantially with oo weakening of our national security." It included no figures on reductions. Abolition of the anned- services draft was urged. The rejected Wallace antibusing plank would have declar«I the party "unalterably opposed to bu>ing to achieve racial balance." The adopted plank describes bu>ing u "another tool that must continue to he available according to Supreme Court decisions to eliminate legally imposed segregaUon and improve the quallty of education for all children." Adulls will continue their slo-pltch softball competition at Concordia School from 5:30 to 8 p.m. Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. available for importation to the Unhed Hospital. States. I-;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:; Administration and industry Toll-free Telephone Calls Take Effect San· Clemente residents may now call toll free to South Coast Community Hospital with the addition of a new phone line. Resldents with phone numbers begin- ning with a 492 prcfll'. may dial the hospltal 'a new number 495-5191 wit hout charge. spokesmen throughout the nation said Monday that hecau.e other countries also compete heavily on the international market, the effects of the lifted quotas on the United St.Iles will be gradual, not sudden. President Nixon emphasized that I.I decision was calculated to curb a "surge" in meat proceu ln the nation, not immedlately cut prices. 1bia year'• total amollllt expected from Australia alone will be 600 million pounds -nearly half the total beef imported into the Unlled St.lies in a 12·month period 2 Clemente Suspects Held On ,Heroin Sale Charges A San Clemente couple suspecled, Police said, of being suppliers of heroin to local addicts was arrested late Mon· day·Jn one ol two raids. ' Rick)'· Jomes Austin, 24, of 3281\ Avenlda Granada, ai;id bis wife, Nydia, 20, were arrested late in the evening by agenll who cla imed they had made undercover buys of heroin from the OOU· pie Jn recent weekl. Police llid....a "amall qua1'llly" ol the powder all'l!edfY was selied at the «M.1ple11 reskleoct. They added that the arrest. were 10 mdlutlon ol Ill lncreaalng heroin proJ>. lem among the Soulh Coast . Austin was ordered held on 115,000 ball and w•s set to be formally charged with pogse.ssion of heroin for aale and 11le1 of heroin. Hb wife, who lnltl1lly faces 1imllar charges, was releued on her own recognizance after her arrest. In a seoond arrut Monday nigh~ detectives raided a residence at 166 W. Mariposa and t1Tested three person. on suspicion or sales of dangerous druga and other charges. Climutng ao werted aerie& ol "buys" -the lalest ol which took place only moments heloro the arrut, officers hooked Patrick FrlllCb Paoli, 21.; illW -wtnsJow-.Swlbu.ey,. fLtnd n... anne Shea, 20. • Offic:ers cJalmod earlier In the evening they bou&ht 18' "minlbemde" pllla, tbeo obtained ... rranta. Aller ent<rlng the ..U-0, they aald, they selled 500 mora of the lllmullnt pills, hypodennlt kits and "uaorted other pil11 and capsules.• Each of Ill* arrested WU ordered held on 15,000 ball pending orraJinmenl It's What's Out Back That Counts! .... ---·,., Our store is llko on icobergl No -we're not chilly to ~eel with -it's that you only -ont tenth of our store from tho front. Poopl. visiting us for the first tima •rt f11bl:ior91ste<I when the sp1ciotn interior unfolds before them. Tho huge showroom h.s thousands of simples. (Customers toll us wt hive the l.rgest selection they have seen). Our w1rehouse cont1in1 on inventory of infinite voritly. Hundreds of ,..mnants inh.bit • 25x50 Remnant room. Acid officos, • speciotn drapery room, plenty of perking, ple111nt people, •nd you'O have !ht "Bi9 Picture" of our successful oper.tionl - ALDEN'S CARPETS e DRAPES 1663 Placelltla Ave. COSTA MISA 646-4838 HOUIS: ........ ,....,,, 19t:JO-M.,t199-s.t. 9:JOto t ' Jt DAILY l'!LOT SC Business Opportunity Show Set OVER THE COUNTER Edison Eyes Bond Offer Southern caurontia Edison Company's board of directors have 11utborlzed plans to raise up to •m mllllon through the sale of first and refunding awrtgage bonds. Determination of the exad 1mount of the issue will be mgde 1t a later date. The new issue. Serles BB, due 1997, ls ICheduled for bidding on Wednesday, Aug. If. The electric company ex- pect.I to file Jn ltppUcaUon with the calllomla Public 1'tillties Commlsslon on July 10, requelting aut!»oriiation to ls.sue and sell the bonds at con:r.et11iv' bidding. ............. If. .............. ,., ~ ......... 11. ..................... .................. 111111 ··it--:;:..~rl'C Mobil 11i:h M:J'l1 ... Id, O.C. Al,,.n. • """' --. -.. .,. .... FINANCE Airlines Set For Flights- Mazda Tho Rotary Engine Fn" inlorme.Uon on the 11.0ck or Toyo Kogyo Co • 1.35 • 1.40 Juno 26 C&l1 Ror Bartholomew Great Paclfic Seeurtties 11291 Irvin~ ~lvd, TuaUn 714 -832-8000 LEASE or BUY • • • • , ... ,... •· """ .......... llM .. ~ -LlllcM w Mwalfyt .. ,...,. dleke. ••• ,. •Mt .. ..... ,.. .., flln fMiftttH!ln ..... .....,. ........... ,_. ""' -- ................ _.,.,. ., ''" ....., MfW'ffllll ... ,.... ,...... ...... ,...,... ............. u •• NAMa , ,, ,, ,, •• ,, ......................... , .......... , .. ,. ............... .. ADMass ................................................................ . CfTY .... ., .... ,. ............. , , , ,., , , ......... PHONE ., ............. .. Orwl'I' Cff•tt' "F,,.il; t/Fi•t Clr/t ohnson&son I~ I · ·- PtnollClllnd • Stylllll • Efficient Order For Yovno1f Of' • Friontl· May I>• usecl on env•lopes 11 ,.tum 1ddrtss 1.tJ>els. Alto very handy •• idtntificatlon labels for m1r•in9 p•rson.tl ittms such •1 ltoob, ,.cords. photos, •*4'• Labels stick on 9l1s1 1itel m.y be used for meriting hom• canned -focd it.ms. An labels ere prinftd with dylith Vogue typo on fino qu1iay whitr ,...m..i pop1< • • I COMPLETE-NEW YORK STOCK LIST NIW VOO< ru.o-........ .,., ~ ti'! IM Nwt YM Slodt 111~; \ • -· - I DAILY PILOT 9 For the Record NOTtcl IJfVITUfe 1101 l'KTn'toul IVlMl.:U P'CTIT'Otn IUllNllS NotQ ii ........... ...,. ""' ,,,. '-4 fl MAMI IT.ATS.IMWT ftNi\I STATIMIMT lMfltll ti 111 (Miii c--.lrt ~ Tiit Wt~ ,..._ .... ,.. ......._ Thi ~ ..,_. ii *"'I MIAttt °'tfrkt « er. ... ,.....,, C.IMnlll, wlll UCI Profs Publish Db•olution• Of Marriage Destll Notlea 8ALTZ BERGERON FVNERAL HOME CoNUcldMar m.fllt Cosla Meil 111-1411 BELL BIOADWAY MORTUARY UI Bl'Oldway, Cotla Me,. LI Wiii MeCORM!& LAG~A BEACH•40RTUARY 1711 t.apna CuJGll RL -u PACD'lt VIEll MEMORIAL PARK C.meler)' "'_,,. CUpel l50I Paclnc View Drtvt Newport Bead, Calllonla -PEl!l!. , AMIL Y COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME 'Ill Bel .. A,., Wdlm""'r - SMmlS' :oRTUAl\Y C'1 Mala SI. HantlngtDn -- I ~"!::r,.ir-,.w,:i.:..._ TIIMfllr lr•·:irm .\I~.!' ~:; ,._ ~iif'~''.:"t'/~:Et-.... ~riii:. .. ~~ .. ,111 r.t rlt. IMn tnd -·'"· I!• A. O'l'Ctl FarMM, Tan~ dWftd efld ICS. ltllll Crtrrvnw Ctrfl"ltr, won-OvnlM w Marr Frt t1c:lt "'l':i~ JfO::,. M.lrt1rtt•MIN ~ o.~1~, ~lorWICC Mltl'loll •1111 wwi- "'' J.U C •1111 Clla NM t:. Loi• H. fl" lt•IP~ "f, J!.~'1 . ..J~~~.~ =• I . Stent •. Frtlltlrle M. Morrit II. tllCI W rior .. ''t11 L.oulM K. tnd MkNl.i f, M ,_,_,, ltl'Olfl JN~ and J~ COOi~ ~~'· ,'lr.'(.L;.~W\11111 W. {;ff • M1' ,,_ •lld $1t nl .. WO S-Wl. Slit Ell'" atld Jl:Dlltld GGrdoll H!1niMI. ltobtrt £ ~ Edu~ M. ....... ~, Gr.c.y. K.mo ,,,.. ...:! 0-ld .Wn""ll, Alldfft' F. eN11 Afchle H. auter. •~_Le.flt.,., .... tfl LKllJe L=r1· wndt• M Md D•nn ... Arttlut .~~ ~ ~ Gf:'&-o:Hi "'1Nlc G. A.I~= Lou u. Alfrtd lottw •ncl !dtll'l " -~·~!~~az.::x:1~·Nn • -M. •ncl (tltfla • M. Mid Fred L• ltw '"""I ubtlh A. •nd llkl'ltrd J, -·~· l•M 'rd'.frrYI War<left, H. S.ndra ~ Arctll•· !'flfflO C•11 •• •1111 L ... d G. Han...,, JIJCI.,. Allnt and It• Fr.O.rlc:k ltubl!i;.abll, J11an It, Md L111 M. Llldy, llrv11'18 Eaw•rd •nd Eltlnot >' Ti§· Vivi .. Incl Wlllllm J• t. M•r t I . •tMf llom.H l '""' ~VITICWlll AllM •nd 8"1rlu l1v:n._ ~ G. ,i'°.d ~tW•r4 E. Jd k 111K11. P.ir.J. 'r .,:WM!,rcw. A• Doug Ramsey, 13, of Thousand Oaks, gets a c Circus Perfornaer? iihmtn. r;'"" M. .....:i MJ~llMI • out o! the striped face he wears in Laguna's famed v~.!:t. ~"'1~. ·_, MkMtt Pageant of the Masters. It begins its nightly six· s1~0oe. catt1i-su. •1111 6-c""11, week run in Irvine Bowl July 14. Doug is in Plcas-O.Y11. P"avt•Dl1N W O-..A1 .... ,r. th w~. ~~""" n Erwin J•mes so's "The Circus Family." He is spending e sum· ~S. ~-= :,:.v~:::J:_ mer in Laguna Beach and it will be his second year c:r."io. J="' -:;:,: .... •h in the Pageanl WhlW!Mdt.S ... t-'I• .nd O.•rltt S. ------=------------------- Mlrltld.I, -... Md J,_ P. ~1""""1.!>llce _, Gtor.M J. IOI!. ,......, Jane tlld '""" l.owtl ) I "'"'' G•f'Y JI:, llllCf Mtrv E. i""~Mc~e.~·,..,. • 1S •E. tfMI o'(;',; E. .... T a1 J. Nici Mari.II• F, -~ rwdtrlctl s. eNll a.tt'f J , Dud_,, d•ftl A. ll'MI J-11 J, Mc:l1 $"PMI L ... nn •lld Mlcllfff '" Miiiot, PaullM W. Incl John W. ~hon ... rlln c. Mid WUhttmlnt F. 11'1'11111111, a.rb9r• IC. •nd L•rrv o. tfldtft .. ,,_, Gary W-l'lf and Efficiency Awards Go To Four UCI Employes •r,"~~,.~~'i~· and Mfeut• L. IRVINE - A Harbor Area ~ 1111•r,-•i:·1r~ Li_ anc1 H~ 11:. quartet bas been singled out r~ •IP ... nn Mldlltt ' {or 8Wanb for suggestions for Hl.lllnlt, J"""lt Ind JOM llllt • w.1-. M•r '''""" ,,.. ltoti.r1 tmproved on-the--job effic1eocy wj1~ Glorldt o. t1'1d Arttnw -at UC Irvine. f!trwi1 J•~,_..,.,., anc1 wume J-Linda Husak and Jessie ~~:t:..=:"J=L~J'r J . Ramyat, both of C'.o.!ta Mesa, Mf'1bln'. J>.1r1ct. Mat~ .~ have received $25 for sug· 1e111rn..i-1t1. rttt wi111-"· "'° gestlng money-saving ideal Mlf'Y Ann nd ff . ~:~r.· ~7:,1'.L•J"1~'t".l. ,11 u eher anC e 1c1ency program w11911l, Flor-J. _, Tt'"°""' on t U Irvine campus. H•lt'"°"11", AIVI 9"" Pall! W. ""-H"••k a •-•e'·ry In It lJ. tc.lllltlll L. Ind "'I"" ll'lllt. UoHO " .......... WI ~·J::J:Y. ..., •nd wu 1tm J1,,... the mathematics department, ~o0n.ld. ~ ~._'rt.om•• j· was rewarded for a proposal !.!!._rtt•· St!lrlft' t :"i!d ""°""' . to"·---~ ho -~ . W iiiiii-1, s.llla Hel.. _.. Sttve wa<..vuua;~ p nes WIUM:U Jn ~~wmi.m H. and ..,.~ ,._ 5Ummer months, that olficials ~,,,S· ~ t::;: .,.,C!,~·L. estimate that could save '5,000 r..~~on~;1,:f =.I'd~ or more. Ft111Cl1 0 . Mrs. Bamyat shared her Atl)Mnt,, .,,. K.it1119M llld A111u1 rd 'th the UC! wuu.111 awa w1 ano r ~..,, L" 0011on • Artene l!!.,.1,." telephone oUice employe Carl Ml'd, WO!Odrvw W. alld 'Thelm1 W. ij' ', 'l:".''&:'1-o. •"' J•l'MI 11:. E 1s for praposing e revision .:11~· J=t•• ~x:',fi" 11111 •-It in telephone billing procedures P::'~:, Nor• Mlv •nd 'Tl'lorN• which might bring a Jl,500 an· Cll•rlet I In s"'"H1, Le111. a.tt1 111d wi1111m 11:w nua sav gs. ... , .. JWll 14 Ml!M, l!rnl• 111\ IM!d Fr~ Eltrll Gra,,.m, P•trlc: • Nin MM! Ct..rltt w.- 1be Harbor area women are two of seven UCI employes granted awards from the ef· ficiency program headed by Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance L.E. Cox. Winifred G. Spolm o I Newport Beach also received $15 reward ror money-saving jdeas on campus. Mrs. Spohn, a n ad- ministrative assistant 1n the purchasing department, received her award for sug· ge:sUng the use of miniature telephone h~dsets in two departmeni.. It reportedly is saving $2,000 1 year and is in. creasing employe comfort, UC! officials said. Awards are given under the efficiency--suggestion program headed by Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance L. E. COL 'Tragedy' •: •: ftelllyt ............ " 1:• -.111.. 11 U.l. 11 Ct# ..... Ail* .... , Tt .. tl~ ~lln CLEANEJI, 1'1Sl TIMWt.,., Jlltt 6. lfn. ti lie IJvrchulM IM .,...,...,..,, C.lt 1Mt.t Gloucfttw l.tM. ~'""""' IMcft. DIDC. tf Wld .ldlMI dlNtk:I ltUIW 1t ........ L kt''lll ...... • I . lll9t M., (tilt f»N 11.Jt AdllN A~ C..~ ,,....., C•t1 l'Mfl Hllllf! •. DfrW'dl;l, lfJ'Sl G.._.., t.lltlnlla, at MllCfl ttfN Mlf lllOt •IH Ill Tlllt MIMll h M1M ~ "' an '--Hllllllfllloll lllldl, C.IH. "'°" ..... ldY ..... tnd rMd fw: DffE '10. I~. Tlllri ..,.,.._ It IMl111 c.ndumd W "' FESIM)tilAI. TE.LIVlllOH Sl.IDI! P•O- A.ltll L. ~ llldl ..... t. JliCTOI. Tiiis 1t•femltlt fllM wlll'i ,,_ c-itv JllMtlf} l . Dwwldtl All bid& ,,. lo M Ill _.llCf wlllt 0111t flf 0r.,.. CW'ltr 111· ,,_ a, tm TMI 1ta'-'*'1 1111111 wtll Ill CeuNy 1111 ltufrvd'-W (Olldltltftl , ... Dr. James L. caiderwood ., ~ J ........ D..ut;. CouflfY , .. "or ..... c.... .. , ,,_ 1. 1m. Sllttlflullont. wNdl .,. r#" Ill flit tnd Cit111 ' ·-lwtftr J. MtddoX. O.OV!Y CW11t'f mt... bt MCIH'td In fllt ttnc. It tM and Dr. Harold E. Toliver · l"lmf c.11n. 1t111ct1n111t """' ot wld tct1tOt dl11rk1. ' ,.UWllhld o.-.,... c..... o.1tv ruot "'"" EICll ~ """'' l,llbfnll wlnt Ill• bid • both of Laguna Beach, have Ju,. 1s. a. v . .,111 '""" 4 ttn 1-.'2 l"llblllhtd 0r11111t toatt Dlll't P"llOt: ua111.r't dltck. e«tlHMC Md(. ii" til~ ~lied ho! I Junt"' 11. •· u, 1m l.w! W'• bolW mtde p•r•bll to 11'1 _.,. ot oi an ant Gg)' fil'IUt ed 1M Co11t C.-wnlty CoJi.e-Dllltkt "Forms of Tragedy," publl.slJ.. LEGAL N<mCE =0n:! :=n-r-1~ro1·~.J.., ni:ldie;: -• b the !Inn ~-I u.ll LEGAL NOTICE • 1111r111tM ttMot ftlt llldcltr wm 111ttr lnl• c:u Y r i..::nt te-UC11 , 'termous 1ut1Na11 t11t prOCIOMd COl'lltlCt If tM -11 Both !so I NAM• ITATIM•NT ,ICTIT~ IUllMlll twlfdtd to tt1n1 111riletwnt rJ f1ll11rt19 men, a pro tssorl of Tiit followlnl _._ .,. dol111 Not.Mii ITAT•M•NT t111tr Into WCI! 'umrKI, tilt pl'OCMJClt Gt E !•-• d • MIMM •1: 'nlil fol.loWlnl Wtonl '"' Oollll !M CMc11 wMI 9" ftrffli.d or In 1M UM ng ~1 an comparative MOOl!JtN ,-ttoouna. lM1 o.nu "'" ..,.,_ .. : of , 11on11. 1111 '"" wm 'INl"tof w111 11t liter.lure al Uc I I Co.ti Mtow, Catlf, n&2'. GltdltoM.. oM6 """"°" 1 1 VII •• fotfWltll " ,.111 Kllool dhtrkt r v n e , D"• e:. W•"'1. i.it Olfllt ,.., C•t• NtwMrt h.ctl. c.ut. Na blddel' m•v wl"'*•• ht; bid 1or • Prepartd an earUer anthology MtN, c1111. nA» win11111 Of'Wfl. 4ll• H•i.rii w., No. .. ,.., "' frof!Y.ft .... '"' ..... •fttf tilt ' • Oltnn snorr.... ua MtMll. Timltl. c, NewMf't l1adl, C.lff. Otl M1 fol' IM OMnlfl9 tMl'Mf. "Forms of Prose Fiction " c.111. '*°-ll:DgtUa v..,. n• P•l'll HtwPOrt N&. Tiw 1°"4 of T""•' ... ,_...., ,,,. ' J.,.,., Httt, ,,, C•llf It..... Ian a. N-' IMdl. C•lll. orl ... !llM GI' Nltetll'I 111\1 tlld all .id• « published thiJ spring, J.ssued Cllmeftte, CtlJI. '2at. lnn'tnet ......._, ... VIII OW.., to wtl¥9 ""I' lr,_,lttt!IM .-IR-- . 1111• IMI-la btfflll coMvctM " • Lt-llldl. C.111. torTM111lts In ,,,., bid .-In IN blddlne. earlier were two companion P1r1 .... 1111.. Thi• ..,,,_ i. 11t1111 eon6l.lcHd tw 111 HORMAH e. WATSON " Diii E. Wattrl Ulllnc.Dl'JID(lltd Auocl.tloft. SedY. lottd fJI Trinl- VOIUJnel, Forms of Poetry" n.i. •t•t-.nr tlltd wlltl tti. c-t., W1m1111 GrHfl o-: JulY .. im-2:00 p.m. and "F ol D ,. Cltrtl of Ortr\111 Coun.,. WI: J-1t. 1"1.. Tlllt 11111m1111 tlttd wltll lht Ceunt'f Pll'blllMd OrM!lle '°''' Dally l'llof, Drml rama. I r ltWflY J. ~ Dtfllllr Cau11ty CllA of Orano-Ccultr on: J11n1 t.. ttn. J-211. v, lf71 lW-71 The professors are also co--c:1n. , 1.,.. •,r.,._ 1w1r1r J, fMJdox. °""""" c-ty LEGAL NOTICE editors of "Essays in J11'::':~ 'r,,"~ ~·'., ~~~ 1'tii":;; 1"1111111Mc1 °''"" c°'" D•ltr "~~~~1-------------Sbakespenrean Cn'"c'·m," an J-•· 1s. 21, 21, 1m 1..u.n 1AJ1 "'2 t..1 I.II MOTIC! O' Da,AULT AND anthol ol odern critic" !LICTION TO Sall ogy m m LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NonCE uMD•• D•eD o, TausT on Shakespeare. ,,,,,,,... •••••••• NO'TICE IS T~e:~.~CilVEM : lti•I MAMI STATIMINT MOTICI TO CllOITOIS SECUIUTY Tl'TLE INSURANCE COM· 'flit foltowt/111 --tie doll'll IU,-llJllOtt COUllT 0' TMI PANV, 1 QN"PDl"lllOll. 11 'Trutte. ulldtt • lllll lMtl ,1, ITATa Ofl CALll'OR.MIA '0IJI dMd of !tu.I dtltd Decembfr 10, 197'0, Two youths A! .. ~ .. 1~: ~?vi.1121 e. l!!dl!llllf', hnt1 TH• CO~Tr ;::uMOE :'v~~G~F=~~H:~?,:.· foG!::!~e l.,,,ard IC1rv1r, S111t kl Lion Or., lrltlt of Cttt>erlne Hurth, tlto k,_n 9111-I" ftvor of ENll:ICO GENTILI, Committed After Heist D•n• Point, Callr. H C•ll'ltrlne C, Hurlll, •11111 known •1 C. 11-ncl•rv. ~rded J•nutrv 14. 1t71 11 Jotn ICal'Wf", »Ht SM lion Dr.. ~0~'1c?.f~S~EltEllY GIVEN fo tht doc:Umtnl Ho. 1& In book t511, PllO• "' 0.nt Point, C.llf. -I ol Olflclt l Jlteatd1, In tM ollkt of Ille 'Thi• butlMU " btlfl9 CIOl'ICklc1tif .. In CTtdllorl °' lh9 it.cw. "'""" n ll~ordtr of °"'"" Coollnty, C•llfon'll•. lndl'tldlHI. tl\lt •11 ~-havl/111 clelm.t •••lnit lh9 dttc:r!blnt l~nd tiwr1ln 11 : Lot ISi ol ltrNlrd IClrvtr .. 1c1 dtaclelll •r• rtaulrecl lo Ill• "'""' Trad No JnJ •• lhDWn .,., 1 n'l4IO Tiil• 1tlltmlllf flltd wltll "" ~ Witt! Ille MCHlll'Y WIUCl'l«J.. ln lht offlc• r9Cafded in l ook Ul PllDtl SI ll>d J7 et Clel'll. et Of11111t COl.lnt'f on: J\IM 12, 1t12. et lht cleA. of ""' tbo,.. tlllllled cCll.lrt, or Mll(;9ll•MD11• ""'"' 'in tht olflcl of ••Id a ... &twrl.,. J. Mtdclall °""'1ty' Gountv fo prinent lt'ltlm wlllt IM ntettNrv Or•"" CGUlllY. C•lltornl11 Mid ""••· Cltrlr.. Wllld'ltrl, le fM undtt'tlentd •I lltt ottKt !Ions lncludlne -not• for tll9 tum ef I' llMJ fll hit A"°""""" NotWrnll't. Wtter .. Scott U 200 00 SANTA ANA Tw ths ~llblllhtd Or1111t ColJ1 O.llY ~llOI Ind ltlordln. 4'S SOltll'I Fig_.., JOtfl Th1f tilt blne!lcl•I lnM"'I undtf' IUCh -0 you Jllne ll, 20, v. •1111 Jiii ..... Im 1uw:i l'loor, Lot A""'"-C.Ufornl• t0017• llffd' and IN a9tl t•tl-MCUred ~ ho dmltted ••-'•• I the whkll It 11111 plKI of bUSIMU of lht •r• OWMd br"" llndlnllllldl W I ...... .ru'6 OU unotnlontd 111 1U ""'""* pert1111r111 to .,,,., , bl'11eh of. n *ltull 111. t119 $'75 holdup of a Huntin"*".. LEGAL NOTICE 1111 "''"' of ,.1c1 ....,.,,,, wlttitn kll.ir ae111.t1ont tor w11kt1 l.tldl Otld i. ._..,., 6_, nw1tn. •ttv t1t1 flr1f Mllc.ttlon tf tlll• ll•s ow.ln""td In llltl """"""* ri.1 not Beach d r i v e • i o restaurant 1---",o,.,:::,=,.000.o,~1000.10,00,0101,----1 "°'J:1o J " 1972 bHtl IMdl of: TM 11t1tat11Mnt "' ~"' NAMI STATIMIMT lllW ' dPlll Mil lft~I wflldl bKllM dW •nd have been committed to the Thi 1e11owr,. ..,-• -..,,-... Mlflln M. Witt• ,..,.t1:111 Mt ... 1, 1tn.. •net lllbMtllllnt 111- ••: -· ·~-Admllll•tr1t... 11a11rnen11 t1111 ""'.,. *-M and California Youth Authority HOME 811°"''' _ """''"0 ,.,. °" "" E"•'• ef , 0, .... .,.. c1ur1"' the ,.,1oc1 °' t1111 dlftu1ti ftllt aboW lllmed dKtdfll !tit d'ltrtill a1 PfOYldtcl 1n 1M ltnl'll of (CYA) for indefinite terms. &EACH, INC., tlGXI &r4llldlursl Str"', ,._., W•lorl. k•tt 11111 R.ltrH• 1111 1111111 lldvtllCH mtde ta 1fM hDldtr 1111 • H11n1l111ton lftcll, C1llfoml• nM6. 4411 """' .,....,.., 11111 ''-1 prior •nd '""rlor clMcl Clf frull of Orange County SU per Io r Hom. lnlk«• • H1111t1nw1an """· ~ Mflttt. c111frtnlll ,..,, record anc1 •11'1' ...,~ .OV•l'ICe mtde Co d . ll'IC., • C1llfonll1 tor'1IOl"•llDn. Tth C21JI ...atl 1111rwinl to t11t t1r1111 of the o...i of urt Ju ge William MUITay n.11 busl~u ta bet111 (Dlldlldtd Irr "A AttwMn tw AMlllllttrtkN' tnnti fortclolilN fffl .w. uncoht ordered CYA le-• lo Joseph CorPOritkln · »+« E11terprl11t1 •• 1tn11d 111 1111nt, • .,.., r ::.:.:· httl'IDll ,-llblllhftl Ora11e1 Coii1t DlllY Piiot, 'Thtl br r.•lOfl llltrfOI, 1he 11nden!1111d, Charles Lo,_,. 18 Montebello nits ,,,,_, t11ec1 1• ., ,_, " JUTl9 v •lld JulY " n. -11. 1m 16'+72 11r1Mnt 9"11t11c11rv 11ncttr wc11 dffd, ,.., "'""'' • ' w .,._n executed •nd dell....,t<I fo ukl Tl"llt!M • and Mark Stephen DeLeon 18 CllA of Or•1111t County on: Junt 16• 1972• LEGAL NOTICE wrltttn Dtcl•rttlon of Dtf1Ult •nd 0.-' 1 llr h11trf)< J, MlddoX O.,Uto, COi.inti' IT!lllnd for Silt, incl N11 dfJIOllled wltll Monterey Park. c11r11. 11 1...., IAI ,.,. w ld Trv1t" •ix.II ...... 11111 •H lklcvrMnt• Lo •-·ded guilt to Pubtlllltd Ortn• COlllt D1ll't Piia!, SU,-111:10• COUll:T Of' TNI .... ·wnclnt obllt1llon1 MCUrld tlWr.br, pez p~ y st-J11n1 '1. t7, Incl Julr .. n . 1'72 1mn STATS 0, CALlf'OINIA l'Ott •nd 1111 O.Clal'*I .,.... doff htr• lftcl•rt cond degree robbery. Del.eon THI COUNTY Of' OIJIAHGI =~ ":::::!i~~r:i:r~:,:tr a:: pleaded guilty to being an ac· LEGAL N011CE Hg..,:~.=-ll«•lw tlec:I to cauM ""h'111t ,,_rty to cessory to that robbery tn t111 "''"" of t11e MoPtton ,.14111on • told to u111tr the G0111111c1nt ttalfM B th ulbs . _.._.1 'ICTITIOUS llUllMISS of AJITHUR W. MOORE, JR., Ada!DllllCI 1~;.:i-: Mty JO. ltn 0 yo were arre~u::u NAMI STATl:MINT ,.,,...,,_ THE I & A FINE last Nov. 10 shortly after they 1'IW follow llll .,.,..,. 1r• tlolfl9 F~~D~ITEE: HATHO VENTEN HAN· IJIEVOKAeLE TJIUIT. took f75 at annpoint from the butlMSI ••: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE TH A 'T undfi' d.i1 °' J•nu•N 1, 1'71 e-aaH COMPANY. 1A12 Stnl• .. 1111111 AltTHUJt w MOORE Jll hi• fifed 1 ... : lrvllll N. Fine. Jack·in·th~Box driv~ln at c ircle, Founttln V•lleY, '"" tllr•lll , ,.iui.i for ' 1111 • ....,nen ct 'TnistN 1631] Beach Bl d O'r.---Sl•PiMn Mkl'IMI &t11W11, IU'l2 Sanft EDITH ELVIRA HANFORD ind JAMES 1'IW Of'ltlntl of tlll "'""°'"' """" fll V • Ul\.~ 1411ndt Clrcll, Jf~•I" V1ltey, t27111 DOUGLAS HANFOllO lnor dllklrffl "Nollce'' w•t rteardtd 1111 JllN S, 1t7'L •1 halted their getaway car i'ust "•"'!elf! Mtri. &f'ft'll, 1ia1t s.nte • "' • doclltnlf'lf Ho. "°" 111 t111 e111ct o1 t111 lltllnd Ortle FGU I Ill V lln' n70I YOU AltE HEJIEIY Cl'TEO fo •PPl'I' COllnl't lt-dlr ol Orl lllfl Counto, a few blocks Crom the holdup n.11 t!11rws1 '11 ti!'1,,1 ....!....-!,. ~ Dll A1111111 1'· 1tn. tt t :U Cl'clcla., A.M.. SECUJll'TY 'Tl'TLE • .,_...,..,, .. , ' In 0-rtmtftf I of 1111 tbDYe enllli.d '°arintrlhlp. <Olll"I, lotlted 11 1CCI Cllllc (lllltl' Drlv• INSUltAHCI COMPANY, $1t$1Mf1 M. ,,_ WHI, Stnlt AM. COl.lllly ol Ori~. ti 'Tnit!M IC1Tt!I-M. lrOWfl C•llfamli and .._ c.lllM II .,, ... you I r CIVlt Lollkff n.ta 1t1t.ment nltd with !tit C..ntv ~ w11~ u ld ac1op11an "111i.i llQlld Fortcklaw• o.c-rtf!W!f Clttt ol Or-COl,tftfy 111: JUTl9 1. 1'72. not b. trtnltd. ,-ublllllld Of"'IMI COlltl 0.lty Piiot, ~r.r:-IY J, tMddoX, o.rtY (wn,,.: ,;l~!nE':!N~n! =·~ 1e Mid Junt IJ, 20, 27 Ind Jiii~ (, 197'1 t'-M-71 •• Grvtn llndW rtlY fltnd 1nd II* .... el LEGAL NOTICE SACRAMENTO (AP) l"vblllhtd Or11111 Cot1t De/tr P11of, IM Sul'trlor Court of ttM 51,11 ol W H E B k rsli Id J11M '· 1S. 2l. V, 1m 1-iu.n canfonil•, caunl'I ef OrtflOI, 11111 1$111:1----,-,-,-0l-VT-,..-.~ ... "'--,.-,---emer . pp, a a e 1e Ila\' " Ju!MI, i9n . A JlllOLUTIOM 0, "" CITY COUM· consulting psychologist has LEGAL NO'nCE WILLIAM e. ST JOHN, c1L o' TMI c1n • ,-ouHTAIM been reappointed by' Gov ~~·~ltTUlll:O e GUE VARA VALL•Y. CAl.l,CMI. .... ,D.CU.•IHG . ,,.,,,,... ••• •• -' c··-. ITS lfllTIMTIOM TO YACAn A .. Ronald Reagan to a four·year NAMI IT"TIM'•HNTS JOllPH.,.,""'l.1oo'Y.. 'OOT·W1D• f'ollTIOlll °"A STll:llT " • IAS!MIHT LDCATID1 ON MT• term on the Board 0 f The lollowl/111 petlOll •• dotnt blllll'llU IUI w. tc.ltll• A..... IALDY CllCLI, MORTM 0' CONDOIJI 8 h I al Sc• E mfn ts: Mltlelm. C911t. t*2 AYl:NU• IN TH• CITY OP ,OUN e av or 1ence 18 ers THOMPSON AS$0CIATES, ,,, s T ......... Cn41 nwns TAIN vALLIY SITTING THI TIM. in the Department 0 f C.l•IP• Sir"'· HIWPOrt INdl, C•lll. Atttn!W,.. ,...,, .. PtNflt AND PU.Cl .:01 ltUILIC Hl.U:IN• nwo. l"llblllhld Or•'* Cotsl DallY Pllcf, THl!l!ON, AND P'tlOVIDIMG ,Olt scene. Reappointed lrltntr, lonrli• A. tlld Lindt D. N .. r •• Jfr•~" D. and J..-ur.tt.• D. lmlll'I. aon11111., s. •nd Jtrntt 1. Jr. llKKburn, Caroll S. Ind Ctwlrl• T. Consumer Af£airs. JMn N, ThorMotoll. 2'11 ClftlPll J ..... 20, 21, •ncl Jiiiy '· 11, 1'72 lur>-n TMI PlaNttMAMC• °' ALL ACTS Ucl 'V N d SlrNI, HtwPOr1 8ffdl, (•Ill. tHM>. aeou1a•D IY u.w eteran ame LEGAL NOTICE '" .... _ " .. ,M ....-. .. "'"" LEGAL NOTICE WHEREAS ... ""'""'" .... _ .. l---=======c---·l lndlvldu tl. C«N, Stcllon:I uoo ti MCI., ~-11 tlll 'ICTITIOUS IUSIMISS Jnn N. Ttlonl"°" HDTICI INVITING llDS StrMt VKttlon Ad o1 lt'1, prl)'tida kw 'Eco-film' Presented catherine Williams o I Orange has presented Harry M. Rowe Jr., of t.ht Orange • County Public Library, with an ecology and nature study film, "While There is Still Time." Mrs . Williams is a member of Issac Walton League, founded 50 years ago by a group of sportsmen to eir courage wise use of the na· tion's natural resources. During the summer of 1971, Mn. Williams served as both president and delegate !or the Anaheim Iketts at the 49tb Na· tlonal C'.onvention of t h e League. Theater Rides LONDON (AP) -London lbeatergoera are g e 111 n g special late night transporta· lion to lake them home after the show. Buses run from Pic- cadilly Circus to Paddington and Liverpool Stroet rallroad 1tatlons, to connect with late tr.Ins. I See by Today's Want Ads e A PLACE AT rnE BEACH ii waJUnc for you • the larae l bedroom sleeP1 4. July and AtJill>I Ire the month• tt wU1 be avallable, e LIKE KIDS! A b&by>lltor 11 wanted 1or the 11Jmmer from Monday thru Thun- day wJth a half dq Mon- di,<. e YOU CAN travel and not worry about 1 niom wiO. U.to '611 Nimrod Coprl, II •lttpe: 4 &Dd bu a .,_. ----On4'Uled_..I Assistant Chancellor A Corona del Mar woman who has served on the stafr of UC Irvine since 1962 when it was begun, bu been named assistant chancellor for ad· ministration by Chancellor Daniel G. Aldrich Jr. Mrs. Eloise Kloke, executive assistant to the chancellor, gels a new title to reflect the scope and level of assigned resPonsibilities, Aldrich said. Mrs. Kloke coordinates ad· ministraUve activities i n several areas: the chancellor's Administrative advisory coun· cil and other campus com· m 1 t t e e s , federal-state con. tacts, the UC Board of Regents and council o f chancellors matters and the UCI affinnaUve action pro- gram !or employment op. ASSISTANT CHAN portunltles for ethnic , CELLOR minorities and women. UCI s ElolM Kloke She represents the chan· cellor on the advisory com- mittee on the status of women and admini sters the chan- cellor's o[flce. Additionally, Mrs. Kloke will coordinate campuswide personnel matters. Prior to Joining the UC! stall during lhe plaMlng stages of Its development, Mrs. Kloke was reglstrar at Paloa Verdes College for seven years, worked with the federal government for five years becoming west coast regional director ol I h e President's Committee on Government Contracts. MAME STA TIMI NT This lt•ltmtnl flled with ""' (ourity Nollce 11..,.. llVfl'I l1ltt !hi Bolrd of Ille P1'11Cf'Ch1re ~ !tit CllV m.r 'The tallowl1111 P«IDll 11 dolnt bllsl-CllA of °''"" '°"""' 1111: June I~ ltn. Tnn'"' et t11t coa1t Cammunlty QilleM vtul• • .Wife .. ~, n .. ; a ... l_,.IY J. M8dODx O..VIV Cwnf'I' Dlatrkf o1 Of.,.. County, C.tlfiornla. will WHEREAS, !tit Clt'f P'HlllllY ~ ll .. H DISTlll:llU'TDll:S, lCl'1t Porl (Ifft. f' 11461 rtctlw Mlltd b-1c11 11P to 11:00 ''"'-• • Pllblk n-t tnd rttllt llf W.., fw Qrdlff Pl. NeW'PCll'"I l•ldl. "'40. 'f'tlvndtV, Jul'I' t,. 1m, II lf'lt l"vrdlulM ttl'MI 11111 hlthw•.,. pllf'1IDHI lcuted on Jtldltnl Etrl H11nltr, 2029 Port Pllbllll'lld Orll!M CMlt 0.ll'I' '°llcf, Otpf, fll ,.kl 1cM01 d1"'1CI loc.llld •t Mt ... ldY Clrttt , llDrlfl of Condor A-.., C•nlltf Pt , N--1 ll•dl. June 21• 'D, •nd Jiiiy l. 1., 1m l444-n 1)71 Adttl'lt A-. Cnf• Men, and ts .._, 11¥1Jc:11\arl~ OtKrlblcl lft ,,,. 'Tflll bullMU II btllll conducted IW aft C•lltorn.lt, 11 "'11k:fl ti,,,. 111d bldt wlll bl ..... dncrlPllDn 1ttad*I har.to •11111 lfto lndl'llMI. l'UbllclY OPtntd and rnd tor: llll:DAO. COl'PCll'•1td l'lttlln t1 EKtllbll Al and ltlCHAltD E. HUNTElt LEGAL NOTICE CAST COLDlt FILE CHAIN A.HD WHEREAS. POr1IDnl llf Mid Mlle lllll llat-i flied Wirt! !tit CCllll'ltY ltf.U.TED ITEMS. MMt'Mnt 1r1 llllllKHUrY for P'-1 ... Cllrtl "'°''"" Cllllnty Dll: J11nt, 16. 1912. PICltllOUS IUllNlll An bl4h .,.. fo bf 111 kC'Onlll'IC9 "'"' -Pldr ... Ille beeautt °' .,. r-1n1 .. 8... ._.., J. Mlddoll 0-t'f (Ollftlr MAMI STATIMINT the IMtnicllorlt •nd Ccnllllont .,., portion of tllf1 MWfMllt btl"' "' tuf· Cieri!. The fol tOWllll PtrMn1 •r. dolne SP1Clllc.1tk1M whlc;ft ltt -an tile tllll IKlllll wldftl llld ln IWll'(I wttlt 1lw ' 1MU butlnlU ••: mer 111 llC\lrtd 1n n. Clffk• o1 "" lldaoted m•tltr Pt•n ol clh' 1tr•11. •nd PllbHll\ed Ortlllt Coast o.n ... Pl)cf, CALIFORNIA l'ENCll! c:o.. 17N2 l"vtctlulM AOtnl °' sakl ICtlOOI dl1trlct. lllf!hW•n1 Jun. .. u, •ncl J111 ..... 11, 1m ,,.,..,, Mtl11 Strwt, Tintlft, C•llffwnl• f2'IO Eadl blddlr mulf sutlt'ltlt Wirt! Ill• bid • .-ow. TH I It I! F 0 It f . IE IT LEGAL NOTICE $""'9n 8. H•l'Wlnt, •11~ p..,.,. cathltt'• chick, ctrlllled c:lledl. ot bid-IE.$0LVED b\I flle City Cwndl ol lht Cl. Strief, Corof\11 dll Mir, C.llfw1111 dor'I band m.1119 Nrtblf to l1lt lrdtr o1 t'f of f lMlnltln Y•lll't' 11\tl It 111•11 tM»c1 • Jd'ln H. lt•'fmOnd, 1Mn lrNbufn 1111 Cotll Cemmvnlty-Colleff OIJ!rlct Pllblk .... rl111 for Pllr!DOMI ef contld«l111 11....i. T111tln. C•llfornll Soard of Tru•t-111 an •mwnt not llu wtllll\fr to Vtc•I• 1111 M19V...ci.1e:rlbed f'ICTITIOUS IUllHl:SS llllt IMlntU 11 btlnt cancll.lt;ltd Ip I lllln 11 ... 1 petctlll !S~J o1 tht 1111'1'1 bkl 11 portfam of I ltllbllc MM!nllll. Slid HAMI ITATIMINT ~ti P1rtlltrltllp 1 ai.r1nlM t111t t111 bldd9r wlll tlll« Into hffr!ng tMll be held In lht '-Kii The following ~ 11 ck)lne butlnH• JOHN H, It.AYMOND ..... pr0$>0Md ContrKI If "" -I• Chtmblrs, Cemm1111lf)' C•nt.t l11lkllnt, ••: Thi• 1ttfrtrnlnl flied wllll t11t Coimty •w•rdtd to him. In !ht nent or t1lllll'"t to 10200 si.tll" AW!lllll. l'ounl•ln V1lllY, °" 1) A TO l MAIN'TENAHCE, 1.) A TO CJtrk of Ora1111t County on Jvnt 2', 1,72. tlllll" Into IUCll contrKI, !tit proceec:l1 of Wldne..S.r, Jiii ... S. 1'72. 11 1:00 P.m .. « I HANDYMAN, iltt W. C1mlll•. S1nt1 IV hvtrly J Mlddo• O.,.uty Gwnty 1119 check wlll bt forfll!M or In lht (.IN a1 IDOn lhlrNlltr u I,,. 19111d• "milta. Ant, Calif. '21Ct. Cllrll • ' o1 1 band, lilt fllll 11,1111 '"*'9cf wlll 9" IE IT FUJITHEll RllOLVID tl'ltt Ille J. T. Arment, Mtt W. (11111111, S1ntt ' ,-1Mll forleltld to Mid tdloOI district. Cl,., Cllf'll 1111111 ClllM It fo be jlllbllslltd In ~.!· ~;1:.11 11 belM cenduded 11 ... an ,-UblJIMd Oftn19 (Olllt Ottl ... Piiot, .:.:..b:se~r:~llWdt~!: ~ ... -..: =1:-: ~~~:=-~~ lndl111du1n. JUM u •1111 J11tr ., It, 11. 1971 1.u.n 019 .,1 for till -u. """°'· 1N Mvlnt •nd 111111 M1Mf u11M ncrtlca J. T. AJIMl!'NT TM 8otl'd of Ttw'-_. tt19 OI' tlM tlmt 1nd Pltct el l'IMrlM to bl 'Thlt 1latement fllt<I wllll tllt COllflty 1 ~ •• N:ll'ICB prlvl1-of r.19dllll .w •11111 •II .aft Of pot'*! In •I Mftt ft!,.. •*-•IDlll tt. Cltrll OI' Or•"" Counto, on : J11n1. ,,, 1912. ~ ..... 1..,. ... , Jnwultflllff of lnfonntllflll tine ol tllt .. Mmlflt llf'DPOMCI ta be Ir ltv1r1.,. J. MlcldaX OtPwtv c.ini... 111 '"'f bid or tn iflt blddlfllJ, VK.lted. Cltrk. I.lit"" NORM.AH 1!! WAnOM PASSED AND ADOP'Tl!'O tt 1 lt•lar p 1MU ,l('TITIOUS IUSIM•ss S.Cf'I'. Board' F 'Tn11tett "*""' OI' fM City Cell11tll tlll• '"' di)' " l"ubnll'lld er..,.. CO.It DlllV l'lliDf, MAMI" STATIMaMT °""": Ntr .. 1m11:t0 """· June. t•7'l. JllM :JO, 'D, •lllf J111Y .. II. lm 1-.n Tlle fllllowl1111 ,.._ ....... IMnlflfll l"utillv..d °''"" Coat o.11)' P'tlof, ALlt:ltT HOL.LIHDEN l-:============-1 .. : J\IM., n. "71 •~n Mt ... .-c1Hof1tl!'LLA MAID Sl!!IYICI co.. ATTtSl: I ANTHONY~ HAllOI CINTB 1M H--C11ntw Cfftl MllM, c.tHtm• ,._ 17141 '79~111 "' E•tt 5-111• AN 1tvc., "nt• Alla. t -.AL -CE ~ I!'. Coif C.111. '2101, &-.. 1"'v1.1. City Cltrlt JoN Flnllfl4I l'lrtt, "' l!!HI Sllltl STATE OF CALIFOlllNIA I An. 8 1¥11 •• ltflfl Ml, Clllll. nm. NOTICI Of' CONlllYATOa'I PIJllVAT• COUNTY OF DltAHGI Ju Thll 1Mn1n1t1 h. "'*'"' ~ 11tr an SALi Of' •UL P'IDNJITY CITY OF '0UNTAIN VALLIY I lndlYldual. "9. A-*JI I, MAll:Y I . COLI, City Cltt\ OI' !hi JC111 ''""'* ~ l1t lit S.,.W-c.t llf lllt ltHt 91 Clt'f ti Foutrltlft Vtllw, C•llforl'llii 1tD This tl•""""1 fllld wllll tlll c_,IJ' ~ fw .. ~ tf Oral!ll Mt...,. Cll"lllV 11\11 tf19 Pol'ffotnt lll'IOlll· atrk. or Of1t111 c""""' .,: June " 19n. •• ,.. .,,... 11 .. c:...tY....,.. tf t1on ••• rte11•artv 1nil'fldllad " tll9 Cit\' a... Bwtrl>' J, MMliu" DeNtr '-IV JAMeT ftOlllTA H •MM I M 9 • C:OIHIC:U 11 ltl lttiNlll' mtlfll\tl·lleld Oft 1119 Cltrt. "1D11 HOT1ce: IS c~~~'E~';-GIVEN thlt ~1: ~= ~-=-w:o::.o".i: (OHi•, tlOlt'ICI & OWIM "41LIP' M. HEMMING, .. -.-v1tor OI' 1119 folklwl'll wti, town: 1 ... 1 IJIODDlf'O MOMTaJAMO tlll n t1M of J.\Nl!!T ltDIEltTA HEM· AYES: COUNCIL.MEN : Aditr, J11i1, Atltnllrl If u. MINO. ~.,.., win Ill ., Pl'IV•le Hotllnd9rl, lv1!1tad, SCOtt lflt M, .,.....,..,., ..... ti' Nit. fo IM h/9Mtt Ind •t lltcldtr, uncltf HAYES: COUNCILMEN: ,._ ,_.. Mt. C.llf. ftm lllt l9l'1M 11111 concllllOM ~ ll'ltll<-AlS!.HT: COUHCILM£H: NOM T•h m4) •I• tlontd lfld Wbltel to conflrmlt)Dn b'I' the MAltY E. COLI Pvblltlllll Or•nee cont DllfT Piiot, 11119r1tir CM!, tn Jt.ilt' 11. 1'72 .It the CllY C1"" J-tJ,10,v • ...tJ11ty4tm IS.U.71 ltwr of lt l'ckldt. A.M., °" fMrf•fttf". IXHlllT "A" !-,------------·! wlflllll ftlt llml 11..., llV llW, ti !ht Cll• l"OJITION Oft MT, llAl.OY CllCLI rlcn ., WlnMAH .. SCHMIDT, ••• TO II VACAT•D IV THI ,.,,,..,. for Mid ConMrv•tor. •I * San CITY 0, 'OUMTAIM VALLIY LEGAL NOTICE M~ Ori~, lillft -, Hftl*I IMCl'I, Thi! POl'flon fJI 1119 Hortllt11t Qulfltr et 1---=,.o,=,.=,=...,.::::""•"•"•=••=•=s=s---1 Cllfloml1, ""'°· •H et nw r1911t, 111111nc1 n. Hor!Mlll °""""' Df Stctlon ii w •••• ITATIMIMT ll'll!Wfft 111 ......... llf fht llkl cm-11\tf porlltl\ of lht Nortllwttl Qv1mr of -wv1!9t In •NI to '1le ml "°"""' Ille Norlliwnt Outrllr 111 kctlon ». both 'Tllt hll°""'9 ,.,... .lf9 clltM ""'411e Ill IM Cll'I ef Colt• Mnl. COuntr fft TCIWMlll9 J South, ltl!Wt 10 'Welt, hi MIMll •!.,...,. ,_ ... • " D "' OrtMt. ,, ... ti C•Jlfornla, ftterlbtd tilt lttnd'ID LI• '°""· Cll't ., FOU1111t11 DOES A CORONER OR MEDICAL EXAMINER HAVE THE RIGHT TO DIRECT WHERE A DECEASED PERSON BE TAKEN AFTER DEA TH7 CA.11:,En 11••• MA """'""' " II ,_.llwl: Vtllwr, CountJ ef Of...... St1,. of DAL y, Jtl• Ctmpvs ~ .....,.,.., Lii! ,_. (4), TrKt IDOf, 11 W met C.Ufornll, 1• w 1Mt1 NCOtWd M l ootl ~ ....... _ ... -,. Vlo ... ,..,,._ In .._ •1, P... S4 51, P'IM lf ti Mlttell•-• M• Ill ttN ,,.._,.._ • "" MltC'tlle'*'" M-. ._. « °'"* 1ttke " ... c_,,,. 1ttretrW ., ukl Ude 1• ~nft CllllllJ. c-tr. dtlat.I • fOllHtr a.-O. Dll'I', I OW. Clrcll, Thi ltrfllt .,.. '*"''*'-fJI ftll Mlt l9fln •t • "'4flt on "" ..., """ "' MUlofl Y'-ltrt Ctll'°'""' ' tf'I: C.111 W i.Wflll nMMV tf"" Ullttod uH Hlrtllwwf Qll«tv, Jovt11 .. W W' Tllh_ ...,... It llllflle ~ • • 119,._ Clf Amfl1c.t. tr ,.,, cttfl 8l'ld ,.,i Ent 1!90.JI tHt trM1 lfll H""'-I ,.,,.. .... ,. D'tlltf, 111t 1'nM tf Midi cndlt t. Ille•· conw ....,._, .. "-" • ,._I Mt• by EUGENE 0. IERGERON n. .,...., ,,.. .............. ,.... ........ -.......... ..... .... ,, ... ~,lt-tff. w... .... c.,...., .............. h ............... ....... ......... ..,. ..... ly.., ........ ef ... IM4y ........................... --.. ..... k ...,_lllt4, W .. My Mt.,., ... kdy ...... _, ........ ......., ....... Hit c...., ef tt. •••It'• f9M4r,, If ... -* tti. ,_,., k •• n lh tlf ... "--' ...,. ... cw ., ...,.., .., ........ ...., ...,...,. ,_ ....... ,.... ..... ., ,,1 .... ..,,.,. w... .................. ...., .... ....., •• ,..'::.,..,' ""'" . ......, ...... ..., ... -... ... It ..,..,,.......,,__,.....,.,...,.,_,1111111141r,_1 .,.,..._. ... '-'1~ ef...,.. ..................... fdlllfl ch I 11 '"'9H..,. ...... :-v· =--= ......... ,., .. , .. ,,,~ ............... , .. , .... : ..... ·... r-_ ..... ,.... ..... -....... ,.. . . ... • CWWIUl .. 111111 BalU-Bergeron Fwnertd Bonte co:.·::-" l LOCATIOlll coa~~ MAI CHM;LIS o. OAl.Y ..... to"" conwrntw 11111 .. COllft, •IJ. ~ .. -.Id """""' tlltMe TMs ........... f1Nrll "'1fl tM (Clllnff' Al IMtt fl¥9 ISi ~ "'._ -r -MOr1t r It' r 1111 -.. IMI ,. !ht C1ll1l II Oftil'llt CMdY .. J-,._ 1'11 flt 8ClalnH"" "'9.,,... IM the ~ to trve IOlnl fll btllllrll"" Mid 1t11nt ~ 9Y '""'1Y J. ~ Dtpuly.. Ctunty M llllf illlfWI flll tr.,...,. rl tllft fo llld Ill tlll ,,...... rlttlt.......... fJI Mt. ~ l'MI ,,...,.,.,.. T .... W lll'lll'tlvlnt"' lfl.. l•lllV Clttlt1 thaKI Her1t1 .. W ... " ..... IVl'l'Q 4U'tltllblt to Ille """"'* .... 227.tQ '"' .,,... Mitt ,,...., .. l"Wlltllllll or1,... Cini DtllV Piiot. lflWld • ,,...led .. llf 111t ..,. of rlll!t..or.,,.., to • tMHnf rurw C'.DtlU ... • .NM 27 w J11tr 4. 11. 11. 1m 1""1f trlfllfw tf tftlt, llllCOttllM of COfWtrtl!Cf, ... ..,,,, h• ... 1111 • rldlw ti "·• IMll ----'.".C'-...,---,-----( tnfltflr 1111... ..... llfl't fllll IMUrflflQI lftlrltt lltl'tlltrtr llOlll Mid ~ M LEGAL NOTICE 11t1a wo 111 '' 111t n""" o1 tht we •111-. tt u .n '"' fflrWtfl ,. c. ....... IKrM cfwtn Wll bl ~.,,.. frll 91'1t11 tf i.• n• W' It 1 ttl'IMM ,ICllltoUS IUll•l•cc---INll .. ll'MI M'lllr Ml Ml-Mtt .!Mo the lllWI ...,_ '""91 I ... • If" Int •.• · """""""'• fllf ... Mid l'"ftllf MM to • t•llf'llf IUMI ITATIMINT Alt bid& 1111111 .. If! wrltl"" llld Nflt to CWW. CCMCtW -"'""ttl'i, N\111111 t ..!':.,.. ~~ ~ .,. Clol"' h .,._ llf w""""' & ktlll'lldf. ,,. ttd1111 of •.oo ""' lhtnc9 ner1111m · ..... '°"'"' fOr q ld COMC!'\11tof". •I * hn 8ncl ........ It' llont 111d 011W 811 ,,.. WHY Wl'f.,..., POOD COM,ANY, M1wt1 Dr!..,.. lilllil -, .....,.,.. &Md!, dlSllM:. Of JIJ.:r1 fMt ltl!wlll I ftflfrtl -.. ·---Mite 11tllf. ar.,..., t81lM1t, tt.660, 11 tnJ llrnt tfltr i:tt .... fir l1:r W fl" ft fll ... fl • . ""' llVtlratloll ., 1111 ""Ice .Ind ....... turwi """ NDrlll .,. .,.. 11" .. .. I. OefT lwf, 91'JI Ylf$1 W... Df.,.. .. Mlk.1111 ef Mid Ule. Wfd CGMN'\'tt•t 4.» fltt to t f9llltlll CWW ~ v::::.--o..e.111-::i' I-··-,..._ .. ,.,.,., '° l'lftC' ""' .... Ill •fhlth .. "'""" • '*""' ti ..... '"'' . ' ~ tflf tf'Nft: ll\9nCt ...,..IY ....... 11114 CUl"rl "' ,,.. \1111t 'll'k. C.llf•ml• Detld1 J""lf tt. tm. 41Jtl!IC9 ef •• ,..., "*"" ..,,,. .. 'Ylllt ...._ " ...._ arwctod l¥ lfl PHILIP M. HIMMIHO «Y' W ' E"ff .,.... 1"fl 1t*Ce ttt "- ,lf'tMnlllp. """"••I• ., "" ••• If .,. 1r r w-t,.. .,.. 111 .,. llttl• -• ... ""'°' n --S."9t "°'*" Ht1nt11 l•t • 11·~ tf • fffll9llf cv....., tew'"'W ..... •""*" 111111 .,.."' ... tv Clfwlrvlltl ...,._._ -• -,. -, .... Clfl?.!..., ~ C_...., 111-JlllM IJo_!!!! WtTTW & IClbA.... flrtt ,,;',D' """""" •;:; ~IJ I )' ........,,. J, ~ -• A ..... fll' C I '*' ...... ~ CW¥t M 9"C dltflftCI II DJI °"" ....... °""" -.. .... ""'-"' • ..,.. ....... .. ,_....,...,a...... ...""' .... ........... MIWIW Ontlel c.tt hi" ..... ,_.,... °""91 c..Clf OMw ~UJI, ~..,,.. Ol'lllte c..t. Dflltr P'!lll, ,,._ 1:1 .,. Ni... ., 11, "' 1m 1-.n J• 11. a .., J•tr .t. 1m IHWl.J•1 a 11. 1m m~ ' I N N I p p '.; p , p p p p p p ~ p • , p p , p p p p • , p p p p p p p p p , , p p ~ p p ~ p p p ~ p p i p • • • • • • • , • • , l I I • ""_ ............... . • • • • Tuesday's Oosing Prices-Complete New York Stock Exchange List Stock Investors . Wait on Sidelines ,._York s..ie. v.a- ,,. • .c."~c,.,. .... U.l. 1 f:stoOC """' .,..,-.,. ......... t..»U1J 1ir !Jiii,_. I -• llnll .._., .......... fi ~ tlft.11 • ..., ... • #It= w: ,..... ........... .u'B -'ll: ,; 'tit . "" \ Finance Briefs ' • l I l , • ' , ' • • ' We'd like to introduce ou'rselves to Newport Beach. Though the name is new to our town . we've been around for a lo.ng. time ... bringing thousands of families across the country great television reception cind more viewing enjoyment. Now we're doing the same here. . Yet, there's more to us th'an a beautiful reception and extra chan- nels ... just like there's more to our name than our newly painted trucks an,d s.igns. There's the years of experience we have as the leader in the field of cable TV. There's the warm, fri~ndly, efficient way we treat subscribers. New and old alike. There's the reliability of a company who is constantly making new breakthroughs in search .of better TV transmission reception . A completely rebuilt cable system brings you the finest TV reception possible. Greatly improved FM re~eption and Local Origination • 1 •• DAll.V P'll.OT to keep you up to date with events in Newport Beach. We won't be satisfied until you're getting the best in TV entertainment. Teleprompter .Cable TV ••• there's more to us than meets the eye. lELEPRDmPTER [ 51!\J : le!:@ ~ . . , OUR REGULAR $14.95 CABLE TV INSTALLATION- F REE You pay only I month's service in •dvence. Offer good in cabled areas onJy. DIAL 642-3260 • • ... ~,~ ... ' ~. ~·· ..,..,-._ ... ! ... "I'~ .._.J>C" J• ·1 •• . ·..c•" • .,-":.1• . ~,~ •.. .,. ••• . ...e. ' .. t I ' I' i' l l i j . I ' ' ' r !fr Lag1111a Beaeh Teday's l'l•al N.Y. Stoek• EDITION voe. /iS, NO. '179, 3 SEiCTION~, 38 Pf.GES . ORANGE COUNTY,. CAUFORNIA ··----~--..--· "r" -- TE~_<;etm _ I Mitchell to Campaign-·· Despite Martha's Vow FnmWlnStrvlcto 'Former U.S. Attorney General John Mitchell today vowed to continue cam· pafgn111g for the reelectloo ol Pmident Nb:on, , but hll politics weary wile, Martha, baa cancelled her once heavy schedule of personal appearances. Faced with an ultimatum from his wife to quit politics phoned from her Newport Beach villa last week. Mitchell has no Ur tenttons of leaving his poat as Nixon's campaign manager, close aides said Monday, Powell Moort, a Mltchell staff member at the Committee for RH!edioo ol the President, WU asked Monday II MltcbeD was quilting. "Not by a Jong sbot, 11 he replied. 11He'1 committed to the Wit before him." Meanwhile, an allegedly brulaed Mn. Mitchell wearing bandages · covering . fingers of her left hand baa taken up quarters in the J)OSh Westchester Country Club in Rye, N.Y. Rye wu the com- munity In wblch the Mltcbells live!I l\'ben he was a Wall Street lawyer. . ' Until last weekeod, when Martha left, the Orange Coast following a stormy week ~ by a feud wltb John at a• Newport Beach GOP party and the DOW· 1amous Thunday phone can to a INalod Washlngtnn repor1er, lbe wu apOtted to star In the N)xoa ~ ello4 But DOW there's not a single public op. pearance on her acbedule. Mooday Mrs. Mitcbell !Old rtporlera sl)e Was being lje!d a "polltlcai prlaj>ner." Mitchell ' and tbe Whit. lloulf !lave decl)ned comment ob the cblrge. . • . However, a spokemwi for the Nbon committee said Mrs. Mitcbell bu no 1p. pearances acbeduled for U!e ~ oli June. "Sbe Intended to. uae ti for !rte time," the aide said. •Earlier ID thla election . year, Mrs. • ~bell .... deptctti:: memben u hi""' more ·for ap. _..... .-..! the country tbln. any o !ber woman In the Nixon Admlnlstratlon. She WIS tzpected to make ljUlDOl'OUS compaign appearonces. Mrs. MilchOU'• popularity stemmed from 1 -of pungent comments she mode wtdle ber husband was· attorney general. They ranged from an attack on Sen. J. W. Fu\bril)l~ for bis •ote 1galn.1t Nb:on's SUpreme Court nominee G. Harrold ~ll, . to complaints about women being tl!lnklua cltizenl -. "We've never been llbtrated u far u our view- point b: concerned." Her commtnts usually were offered in telephone calls to reporters, and usually late at night. As a result of the publicity, Mrs. M1tcbell was invited to appear on TV talk shows and before numerous organiza- tions. Now Mrs. Mitchell reports she is being kept out of the spoUlght. It IJ her ''honesty" theY're worrying about, she saya. · f,lrs. Mltchell told the New York Daily News that while she was in Newport Beach tut week, 1 oecurtty 1W1ft1 toot away her telephone and oeverol guan!s threw btr ontp a bed and 11 Stuct a needle in my behind." Mitchell remahu lneommunJcado. 1be campaign committee says there wlil be no comment because h1itchell "coosiders this to be a personal matter." MitcheJI was reported to have shown up at the campaign offices Monday bu\ left to go out of town. Where ? "I don't know where," aa1d one spokesman. But some IOUrtes said the former at• torney general had flown to Rye, N.Y. a1n Se· J!!guel Bank Second. Suspec,t Held • Ill An unemploJed sb'ip.mlner wu ar- rested In Bordmon, Ohio by FBI agents tirly thts momlDg u tbe oecond llUSJ>ed In tbe fl mtilion heist at tbe Lagunl Niguel branch o1 Untied callfornia Bank. . FBI agents ~"ltb U.S. Mlrlbals and local' police Qlllllrt4 .Amil Al""1 Dlnslo, !6, of Bordmln U"he WU lravoJ. lng iJl hlJ car down I local streel. ,- Dinllo ls the brother-b>llW of ailtloo J.. Mulllgan, !6; ol Younialown, . Ohio, wbo..,.u·sn1ted by FBI qents earlier 11111 month In cOnntictloii with tbe ~ll'Y In wblcb an unimown nomher ol pe0pte blaated their way Into \he bank County Policy Seen Beneficial ro 'Specul~tors' Orlll!Je County hos a p I an n i n g pbllosophy !bat l!Ollllds like I h e '.'speculaton' Creed" without enough r.gard for breatlllng opece. 'lbal ~atlon was made by earl E. Johmon, ctialrman ol tbe Laguna Beach Planning Commission, following a report on tbe Orqe County Open Spece plan made during tile C<lllll)isston's Monday night study -ion. <Jommiasi_.I listened 1pellbound IS Comily .Planning aide, Jim Funk told them that Orange County Is being paved, roofed, fenced oad -wltb concrete at a rate of 10 squ~miles per year. . He said that tbe county's philosophy baa been that every man has a right to make a profit by developing his land. '!be County Open Space plan presented before tbe Laguna !)each commlssionerl would set aside from six to elgbt acm ID °"" 1pace for eocb 1,000 citizens. "No pllce are we calling for a moratorium on developmenl. It Is not • pion to prohibit all dml-ent wi111ln tbe county but to Insure that open apace la Incorporated • 1 l8nd uoe wlllili\ the develoP.mmt,''1Funt emphaaized. ~ "'lbere II I new ethllc to be JIUrllled to retain tbe lhinll tbat bn>qbt UI here in tbe first ploce," he aakl. ' 'lbb: would be (outbt by · land developers, Funk predicted. '!be open opace pion will be up, for odoptlon )\'-y 11 I 1;30 a.m. )Dini meetlng ol tbe Orange County Board o1 Sapervllan llld the County PlanDlng Commlsllon tn Sonia Ana. '"!be deftlopen will be there tn force with tbeb" "*"Dt11)' Funk fcreleCS. Services Slated For Robb L. Scott SerYlca will be 111111 11 l ,,.m. TJmn. dty ID Poctllc View Cllljlel ar 1lobb L. 8co1t. Jiil tknel A'fl., loalll t.oc-, who died FriclaJ 111111 lft II II. Mrs. lloolt, I rtliNd llldlrobr lad •year -ol 0..,. Olanl7, ls IW'Vived bJ bls -· Vlft, .. I IOll, -M. Soolt ol Gllndalt. Tbe &¥. Philip E. G_, wlD ol· llctate II tbe 'l'hando1 oem.e, .... ID- amment II Poclllc: View -Plrt follow Ing. Heist vault via tbe roof and rifled 4.lf safe deposit bous. A U.S. ~·1 Offi<o spoltesman said thts momlng that Dinsio woold ap. pear be(oroe a U.S.: Jhc]ltnte 1n . Clev .. land .tbia lfterw ilr omf........ I Whether Db.ii. will lit·~· to l<Ji AnleJes °"'811 Jill libft· Mlll1lpa II .... ~ llold ls'!!'! lolion. ' '111" ........ -lo ~ Whetiier Mulltpn and -_, 'fn- yolved In a May ,4 bur!!W'1 •I ~ Ulnls- 1"'"', Oblo branch ol tfle,Second Natlooal . Bank OI warren ID Which tuo.ooo tn cash WU seized. '!be FBI a1JO revealed 11111 mornln« that a federal grand jury ~ Monday named :zt.year.old ~ Lee Barner of SUUlll Gato ID -wltb tbe IJur&lary, Barba", qmts aaid, remaini 'ot 1arte and is me o1 ... era1 peraons tlult may he arrested In .....ectlcin with tbe cw In tbe -1 kw doys. His mother I .Viola Barger, • Sl, WU taken lzlto'cbltody June 14 far perjury In connection Wltb tbe !nvestlplioo. '!be dlsC1ooure of the Indictment of Barber CIBDe during I ~ ln wbich Mulllgan ~leaded Innocent to the burglary charges. U.'S. District Court Judge Matt Byrne was to have set a trial ttate for Mulligan, but he continued the bearing when he (See SUSPl!lt'l'; Pqd) ' ' Senate Panel Approves ~an On Handguns ~ ...... Win lervlc:el WASH!NGTON -'!be sen at e Judicllry Ci>mnillleo ,ledoY 1pproved 1 bill to outlaw tbe . commOrc!Of 11le of lllllall, concealAble i,pe. llancfiunl not llUllable for sportla( Pl'P*'I· '!be mtasUJO, _...s.bJ Sen. Birch Bayb (!).Ind.), .. ~ IJilnVlcl by 112 to 2 vote olter'tl!e"~ ~.-by a 9 to $ vote. I rival JDel!Ul'9 of Sen. Rorilon llruaka (!Ultb.). l Three btlla Oifered by Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (!).Mw.), to require tbe registration ol Ill fireannl, or tbe llcen&- ing' ol both .... -Md bondguns and of only bondgunl were rejected by one- lided marglnl. Bayb told .......... that hll bill would "take out ol tbe morkelplace tbe -pons -~ uaed by • erUniDaJit." ' ,,,. bu>d&ID 111111 the ....... 11oa o1s--r.1:;•1o im 11111 tn the 1ttempte!J 1-IJ· d. AllhmN Gov. Gemp C. W.U-lut moolb wonld be boDDed ,from .. -tbe llllaio- Uoo. • '!be 111oo1i111 ol Wallace dm1nC hll CMllpalp for tbe llomomtlc JiNjden- tlll --........., -by tbe cammlttee Oil BaJli'• blD, ... 1lld> -""' doniwl! for a ,_, 'lbt cammJttee 11111Dben ftl ...W oplolt 1_.i ol BoJ!t'• 1111 ..... chairman James o. Eutland !DM") llld Sen. Johll L llcClellaa ll>oM.). -.,ppor1ec1 s.,11'• 1111 ..... 1111 own ........ ~ -111 ii Loll ol afety and reliabWI)' laf Ille lllo ol llandcUDs. -dol..iM. • • lj ,, •• , ., •• ,·,,ti ... ,;., P.~9"at:'J'~'1le . . . . ' ''..,. Joly 'siiaillm,,'4, laob' quti appk.e..She ii .Jle ',.• &-mile strtltli. pf Lake Washiniulii' M,tilevard to is fdlltmd Qy, Se'aW. ·polic."eo. It'' 110~ as w·,.,. r • ~P it free of cai:s d•P/1,1 Bl~ liun.di)'. when .it Ioqb£~r ·Joey. P<J!i~!I'! were.mereJy '.patralllllg '" oitly blkes'are perrilltted,. , '·. . ' t"' . ' .q " • ·S~~.<~if~ lle.que~t Aw~\ited ~ •. 1 ••''"1 • ' ' ··• ·Ptop0sal"for '£coZ:Og~az · ]>reserve' ,To ~e Lodg~d . 'Ille Liguiia Beacb City Council moy W Newt><ir\ Beach) ' at tbe I ?!quest of" tO tbe Fish and Gome eommtaloD ls tbe asked as early u next week to suppol\ 1 s.,_ and Cooner did poa the Senate same u tbe -of 'Badl>am'•· bill. more that-would'ollallpt to -"e all Natural 8-lrcel c;ommt~ earUer ''It'• jult 1 matter ol =we need oea life betwem Helaler Pil'k Md er... • thts rnootb and was 5'iit to t1ie Ways and an IClloo by tbe state lure when cent Bly. · Means Comntlttee with a • 11do paaa" tbe aame acuon ·can be handled ado Councllmeo will be uked by City Al· recommendation. • • mlnlatraUvely by the commlaakia," laid · torney Tully . Sejmour and' c b 1 e·1 Seymour llld Cooner, however, were Seymour. Llfesuard Skip Cooner lo req-!bl I not 11tlslltd rih·tbe·bill.ood hive.asked He odded lllat be .hoped to .btlnc the state Department of F'tlh and Gome lo BM1mn to Jet It die. matter. -tbe eGWiC11 II Its July t eslabuab an "ecological· reeerve.'' In e11ieDCe, Seymour aald, the requat ~. • SUch a reserve would pll 1 bin. on tall- Ing ony species of ftlh or other forml ol aea life from tbe llhore to 1,000 fell of! the cout. jjwe want to have a clook and •' underwater part," Seymour explained. Enforcement procedures Would be -ducted by Ibo clfy of Laguna Beach and the Department of Fish Md Gome, ho 1dded. Seymour said the request to the Fllll and Gome Commisllon woold be .. alternative way cl crutlng an UDo derwlter pork. '!be other woy IJ by on IClion ol the state lellalature. A bill autbored by Rcl>ert llldbom (JI,. ' ' .. • :Nixon'.s: M~at .Import Bid. • Cited · A's 'Not Effective' . ' ,\n<I vtrt111ll1 all lhlt ,beef com'" alreody ""°"II Md "-.. ~ blocb. It 11,IO toap !bot Ila llllJ me ls to ••1me11r....n..uc -~ -,.. bom- ......,., pocllapd -·lcb ... 11 and ..-loodl -·· -. tbe .,._Aid.'. • ~ odlied l!'*l there -DO _.Ille ,_ilGft 'Mcmd17 Ill tbt IDI• Jar -~""""' '...... wllere Jlllces, for Ibo lllOI( polt, confarmed to 300 ·Acres Involved In Project By JACK CHAPPELL Of .. o.ll'f , ...... " A -Roumoor Corporotton develop.-! In Laguna mu. now under construcllGn wtll cover 300 acm cl Laguna J!o\ld plain lllld, a dllmoyed and angry Lqimo Beach Plmmill r-1....., learned~. "We'n!nat~1-ellllllll*.la a cue Ilka 11111, wo'n i.ltill .- llOodt,". -'ad .. = ... ~=,...-·-· '"Clll 1" .,u.q 1111 ..... ~po at tbOit f" bo allld. ~ ...., told by Tom Howard, I t!11.7 otafl pllmer, that deve~ In ·tbe ..... could hive 1 population ol, :13,350 -le ti muimum ""' wert made of •xistlni county soninc ortllnllas. -·-corporation represeol&Uve1 hive told blm, however, lhlt 1 H.000 popuJatlon la planned for tbe oreo. Tho entire .,. _. plot IJ tdenttlled u Sec> Uon III ti. tbe Roamoor planned· c:am- munlty, lloword said. Tbert lro three sublectlono !bot lie witbln tbe .... designated u the Laguno flood . plaln. The company plana to develop between alll and 15 units per ocn on tbe land. ~. noted that under cur• rent Orance County Flood Cooln>I lawo, the developer ls requlrtd to ,..._... nmolf Wiler f1:am Ills -~ ,... the natural watercourtea It would lllft taken bad construction not -un-dertaken: Howov<r, no provision IJ required for trapp!JiC ar holdln( excess TllllOI!, or the water that ordinarily would hive been aboorbed hid land not been covered with roofa and 11pbalt. Lqlmo coounll!ioners viewed exceaa runoff U I tbrtat to the "health and safety ol Lapna cltiienl... They eellmoted that 5 ~n:ent ol tbe Lquna Oood pla1n wu Involved In tbe Roosmoor project. 'lbe1 noled that the ctty bad uked far I building moratorlwn in the Lquna Oood plain, but lhlt I plan drown up bJ tbe Orqe Olunty plannlnii office ~ lktrted """""' tbe a.__ ..., clertakl!i(. ,. _ .. _ CorPcntlon .. --~ !bot bis 'company'• deYflolimiat ~ conlPtled wltb alf i*'O'lllin "' u. · . (lee ROtl8MOOR, Pop I) ....... ........... Slightly W on WedneodlJ with low -aloa(J !be cout, occording lo tbe -oentce. lllchl 0.-70 11 lllo -1, a lnlond. Lon lllltpl lo tllo ID'L INSDE 'N•A 'l' BtU. Slon', Holtnalwrllcl 1.., Poker Alice, etc. n... .,.,.. tllt toll• -I M-UJ lodio-<>f tllt Oki Well. ht llM1/, POii• 19. thooi before the ~ by tbe -Adll>lnlltntlon. Locally, beef..-. boYe decided ~~ : to Wilt and -* --olnld -- ::"""''It --; before tbeJ' moke 1111 cbapl Ill !'lbl· ~ :l Al Rancbo -Viejo, ......_ on - -I ........ ..... ... ' 1venp ol l,llGO to 4,1111 bead ol beef la ' ~· " • IOld to feed Iota each ,_., Ibo cattle ~ -:'.I IUperillteadel>I hod Ultlt flOd lo 111 .. O M • (M PRJCl!I, .... 2) -,_-_._ ___ M ==: ~~j a.-·I " • _I DAILY l'ILOT LB Tlleolor. -21, 1m ' Democrat Platform 'Suicide ·Note'-Wallace I "'.AllllNG'l'llH (API -.Domoaallt f'Jlhm ..-1n., JI.boor....-a-dlni wiy today put logether • document tlnced with Sen. Geor•e McGovern's views on Indochina withdrawal and -· i&IUes withou t outright en-dbnemeot of _,me ot hil more coo---.i .-. .- Bui, u It ~I to !asbloo moderotely llbenl planU, lhe l'W!orm Commlttee llapped down bani ~ ellorl by blcl<en High Sclwol . .Teachers Man Picket Signs By CANDACE PEARSON Of .... ~, ......... About '75 td<hen walked and carTled picket llsna down Laguna Road In Tustin Monday ni&ht prior to a Tustin Union ~ SChool Diltrlct trustee• meeUng In pote.t or the board'• "lDlultln&" aaiaJy propi>oals. "Good pay draw1 good teachers," "TuatlD II the lowest paid union high ecbool district,'' and "Let's confer, not jlllt meet" were a few of the alogana leadlln llold up to motorltlt, driving by, Led by MINloa Viejo lllP School teacher Jim Wtban, Ibo group tben took their obi-Jn to tho board meeting, whlcb moved to lhe little theate. at Tustin lllgb bec:auae o! the slu of Ibo crowd. Weban, presldtnt of the Tustin Secon- dary Educalloo AasoclaUon, read a state- ment which lald !bat put mllun- derstandlnp betwem board and teache'1 were not yd tleotnd up and !hit the oo..!'1 meet and confer repreaentative wu not given cleor dl..ctlom. Weban alao aald that "the only counter- proPotal we can get from you la to atay witli current palley," which be called an "impaw.'' The teacher's group made 11imllar re- quests for more money two weeks ago, but Wehlll told a nporter the "altuatioo ii wone now than ever. 0 He blamed a lack of communication and II.Id tension between teacher negotlato'1 and Ibo board'• represen- lalive, uaoclnte auperlntendtnl Jack Bchlnna .... , cauoed .... of !bat llP· Sdu1m•ker, defended hir' involvement llltd Aid tbal ta tbe Jut three mnnlha, i-. have brougllt up new subjects to Wblill be "'"'1dn'I react and nfuaed to clllCml famlll# taplca. Tbe lucberl are req~ a 5.5 per-cent c:oM!-ljvfnC l'alse .. _ ... Pnll- dent· Nlzoa recommended It,", Weban lald. T1>e board bu offered a 1.7 perceqt m: Cl'tlll, 1'tl1Ch Wehan called ••i~tlnc." It livea no Inert.,.. lo <0a!'l>et, 'l!!ven' trliln!n1 or summer tchool..lie ail.d. Weban · reltttated ~ leicheri" iUg- 1estlon·that'an oublde,.objlctlvO"per90!1 be broughl In lo look at areu of •1pen11tent disqreement" and m 1 t e reoommandationt. The teachen bave tald that a mutually llflllblt membs' of &be bar UIOclltion would be appropriate for the lalk. Board chairman Paul Calhoun told w-lbol -could not dltcusl lhe mall« publlcly, but would take It up In ei:ecuUve aeuion. . Wehan amw•ed that "the law only aay1 ,.. may dltcuu tbeM lhlng1 In ex- ecutive eesalon, you don' have to." Calhoun repeated that the board would consider salary proposals In private lell!oQI, TAX 'EXPERT' FAILS TO FILE? PHOENIX, Ariz. (AP) -Marvin L. O>Oley, author of "'ll>e Big Bluff," a boolt allecedly telling how to me income tax returns without paying tu, has been charged with failing to me income tu re-. for lbree year•. 'l1>e 4.\-yeu .. Id Mesa fanner who bu battied tbe Internal Revenue Service for years , wu arralined Monday on charges of falling to fife returnJ on income of 111,911 in 1968. 117.214 in 1969 and 119,1163 in 1970. DAILY PILOT 1'1le OWlll C..t D411.V PILOT, .... wMI$ a.~ tM Nf'Wl.itrtu., II ........ W tht '""" (Mat Nllltlllftl C'lnlplfty', ...... n'9 edftllnl •N p,jblltll«I, MorlNy ffl,...... FrMl1y, ftr CMla M ... , N""'*" IMdl, Hullltntlln IHCl\l,ounl1ln V•IWy, LNwY1 ltldl, lnolM/S.ddl•ct ancl 11" Clementt/ hit JUN C1pl•tr1no. A 111'11'-""!Mil MlllM It Pllbllsl'IM Sa!unltYI Mlf '-la~ 'l'M prlnc1119I llVblitftllll i*nt h 11 UI w.t .. , lfrtirt, C.0.11 M•1, C•IJ!omlt, ~ R1~1rt N. Wetd ,,.ldtttt .... f'ublblw J1ck R, C11rt.., Vk1 PNllRll Ml9 ~l MlnltW. Tho11111 K11•il 1•11w TkM11 A. Mw,lti111 M1011tc• letrw ~llf• H. l"' Rlcli1r4 I. Mill AMl*nl Mir.el"-M t• '---211 ,.. ............. . M•Ullf M4r1111 P.O. a.1 tM. fltll --c..N ._.,ail w..t 11y '""" ltldt1 DD ~ lluls .. rf ..... a..ctll l111J llldl ........ ,,. '-1 JOt N1r111 II Clmllte -I '"•llli••• 11141 '4Jo41n Cl rs• M•1hlll '41"'671 a.._. ... All heat .... ,,,,, ... ~ "P.-.. -.. P. ....... .::-.::::: =.'=-.tJ: ~.:..~ --:s=:;-• (111111 .... C.-:• _. c.rf'tlr IUI ....... ... ,,~, ........ ................... • • . .. o1 Al ...... 0.., Gap C. Wallaot to -. -Ult -. lllllala ti la ~:.=r:..: ~1"= ~-::: ~t..i'"\'I: ::e;::. 11J Illa Alffe., FILIA'• and ·an md In Illa 'IOI' In Vlelnul In 10 da11 and ahol'tloa al Iba draft. ' Two liberal abGr11oo ,._is, submitted by -Sblrl.,-Macl.a"-were voted down by the pllllfonn ...,., mlttee early today. A "gay rights" plank alao was rejected. tor rlClal balance la adloolt. In Ille ran eladlm& Walla<e'• -ldeallal campalcn ·Sewn! Walla<e plub wcre releclod ~ lald • lllWa eonltrtnee in Seo ........ Tu., today that be II happy Willi llJe clal-. pllnta Jn the platftrm u they, lland. Mandated by n<W party rules to do their work In public. Ibo llO committee members toiled troni I a.m. Monda y un- til well Into tbla momlng under searing television lighb and in view of a heavy delegation of newsmen and a lhiDnlng au- dience. manager termed the platform "a 1ulclde at the platform wri!in1 -Ion but there note for Novemb•<" and said Wallace appeared to be no rancor on the part o1 Mc:Govem, 'lollrinl much of tbe Soutlnrat and· -In a precooventlon camP"l&n twin(, nld he learned lhe deftnte plant calls for a major abllt o1 U.S. tax dollan Into dvlllan purposes Miu MacLalne, a delegall! 1rom· Callfomta, was beaten by a 5Ml roll-call vote on • motion to declare ~bortlon to be ''.a matter ~ween a woman, her doc· tor and an yone she wishes to consult, In· eluding her reli1lous counaelor." forcen•oold figbt·tt-on the !loor. . --·111e Altbama covernor'irtupplrtm. Charles S. Snider saJd in Montf,omery Moreover, the committee made vil:ible Ala. the ttatement of party. prJnc pla ig-ellorll to Include Jn preambles and other nores the uprmed wlabel of many noncontmoeraJaJ secticJos the laDl\IOI• They 1Ubatantlally rtc:ll!I the prelimi- nary draft submitted by a subcommittee Go-go a N~n.o At Naval Base SAN DIEGO (AP) -lntUtuted ,two yean ago U a morale boosttr, go.go is now a 00-00 at Miramar Naval Air stallon. The female danc<rt who rocked; rolled, bounced and gyrated nlghUy at . the Enllltod Men'• Club and twice weekly at the O!flctn' Club , are no longer doing to, ttatlon of· • Ileen uy. • No. offfi:ial naaoo lor bouncing the Co-IOO wu pven, but one o(. fleer aafd the announcement was made last week, four days after a new commander of the base took over. Ji'reMPqel ROSSMOOR. • • Orange County Flood Control DiJtrict. Kenneth Dyke, aaaiatant lo lbe ad- ministrative vic&-presldent, tald that Laguna Beach'• sudden shock was a little lati, notlJll lllit plant fur tbe Rooi!Door devtlopneut have been on file wltb tbe county '1nce 1913, and !bat tbe nlntb retlaloa ol -plana WU made ~ 1'70. He aid lbat all the tract mape for deveiopmen~ except one, had been ap- proved .Incl tllot coaatructlon wa1 pro-ceeding. • 'I'het one'tract map Is for Section G, procrammed for a dtmity o! 15 dwelling units per aae, be lllid. "'Ibey came up with tbla greenbelt after thlJ planned ccmmunlty Wit ap- proved/' Dyke aald. 14l'm no expert an fJood ooatrol, but it would ...... Ioclcal for Ibo city and coun- ty f1ond coa1ro1 to eel tocetber," Dyke tald. In ~ al poialble a11ema11 ... for stopping--. Lal\llll -plaDnera bad apecuiated fllat If .,....,,. ment futtdl wtre lmoi'Nd In~ ftJ'1mi. EnvhUm""llll i._i Sia-~ be required. . • D1te aid a.at the -denlopinent, lo ~ itnela .... ll!ll>llc ..moeo, la' !inallced by private ...... . Ji'Hlll 'Pqel SUSPECT · •.•. . . WU told ol the poulblliiy ol further ll" restl. More than II m1lllon In -tlfo and an undetermined amount of cash and jewels were taken In the lUglary. The 1klll wtth wblcb the tbelves worked bas given a "Mission Impoaalble" upect to the entire case. In the wake of tbe beil~ 23 aalety depoait box holdm have sued Unl)ed California Bank for 153.3 million charJ· Ing negllJence on the part of . tbe banll and the Oreo alarm company. Gov. Ford Recovering HOUSTON, Tu. (AP) -Kentucky Gov. Wendell Ford waa reported lo be Jn excellent condiUon and r ~ c o v e r 1 n I nonnally alter a weakened RCtion of an artery in his abdominal cavity was replaced with a piece o! dacron Monday. Ford, 47, will remain Jn Mdhoclllt Hotpital's lntentlve care unit for another d_,, a opokl!lllWI at the hoepltal aald, but 1dded that nn compllcaUont are ... peeled. Badget Effect • Senate P•nel Al.lo defeated, by a show of hands, was a proposal by Flor• · Crater of the Virginia Women's PoUUcal Caucus to give plaUorm endorsement to "the right of women to control their own productive ~ lives." Bill Advances Sponsor Says 2nd Coastline Bill Vote .Set The voting came at 2 a.m. after one hour and 3S minutes of argument and warnings that an abortion plank coul de(eat Democratic candida~ I 1; November. To Kill Freeway Delea! of the proposals left Ill• )>llriJj platform without mention of abortion. Sen. Dennis ca-"'er . (R·N-~ With respect to homosexuals, the plat-.,_.. "'"t-• form writer s turned down, after 45' Beach) today said the state Senate minutes debate. a gay rights plank that Finance Committee his agreed to would have endorsed lull rights for By WILLIAM i!CllREIIIER Of .. IWly ., ........ A bill by state Senator llenllll Carpenter (II-Newport Beach) elimlnat. ing the entire stretch of the Pacllic Coast Freeway route between Ventura and San Diego sailed through the Senate Transportation Committee Monday on Ila way lo the !loor for a final vote. Newport Beach AWmblyman Robert Badbam's bill dropping Ibo fneway 1•1 through Newport Beach II ttill oo the aentte floor awaiting Its final reading and a vote sometime this week. "I am confident that my freeway bill wlll get lhorugh the finance committee ...Uy !hi.a Friday and then on to the noor for a vote," Carpenter II.kl today. "This would be the first bill Jn slate blttory to eliminate an enllra 1reew_, .. ! Elderly Wo~an Hit by Car, Not Seriously Hurt All elderly Laguna Beach woman eacaped aerlou! Injury Monday alternooo wben abe wu ttruct by a car while croNiDg Fora! Avmue at Ibo Beach Streellntenectlm. Pollce lald Mrl. E. Omar Bacon, '17, o! 1595 N. Cout JDcbwaY, ---from ber feet by a car mi-by Wllllam Oakley Georite, 11, ol llH Wallace Ill., Coata Meaa. • Georp WU· mui.. I left tum from . J!uch mto Fora! and bad llowed almool to ~ .... when bll.vebl$ ...,..., the " p«teitrliir 'In .Iii. Ciooaliltk,~ -.C: cording .. Jl!llil\e. 'l1>e vtclijjj 'i1lo complained o! pain, aald abe would comull her own doctor. A report ol taoocldenl will be llled with the d1atrlct attorney'•. offlte, police aald. Ji',....P .. eJ PRICES ••• route,• he aald. Carpenter cited lhouaands ol parcels of public and private land that have been affected by Ibo route and piecemeal dele- tion efforts over the past several years. "A.side from the millions o! dollars that have been spent acquiring property and planning lhJs lr<eway, the delellon o! the mute favorably affects hundredt ol mllllons of dollm Jn property that would never have been condemned in the tint place," Carpenter aaid. "Deukmejian's and Badham's bill alrt.ady amount to a 60 percent deletion o! the freeway and mine goes all the way," Carpenter said. "1 admit my bill won't 1c>lve the transportatioo problems but it will force traffic plannm to look for other means to IOlve them," he added. · Badham'a bill bu been on tbe - lloor awalllns Ona! actloa for three days. Carpenter aald today be Is waltlnc untll the moel opportune time to bring It up for a vote. 'l1>e aenator la mpomlble for all<pherdlnl uaembly bllls by Badham throufl1 the aenate. uwe have been concmtraUng on 1m1te bllls and -ency -ly bllls tbla week but I bope we can get to Badham't 1reeway bill before Friday.'' Carpenter aald. Cltpenter'a bill, U 11 puaea tho -Ona! hurdle of Ibo flnanco committee on Fri· da;r, would be Oii tho .... te floor by July 4 - a worldng hblldiy in Sacramento. "Wa -have. a Tole 1t01D111 that time, .. Carpenter aald. Three Arch Bav ..:·• &.-'• .. ~ ,, ReSident' 'Plans "' Protest Action - reconaider his coastline protection biU, homosexuals . which was killed by 1 t to 7 vote in that 'MleY adopted a milder platform declaration that, "Americans should be committee Monday. tree to make their own choice of lUe- Clrpenter alto uld he now thinU he styles and private hablta without be~ has enough votes for the measure to pass subject to dl.scriminatloo or prosecution .• the committee when it rehears the Phrasing a plank on marijuana proved meuure Friday. simpler than e1pected for the platform It hu already passed the Senate writers. The subject was just omitted ..,. Natural ll<aourcea and Wildli!e Com-tlrely. mlttee but bu been criticized by con-The 28,00-wcrd documeat has a full servationl.sU at being too weak. (See page pledging a muslve drive against earlier story, Page 5.) "heroin and other dangerous drugs" in- "I wu looking for an assassin Mon-eluding amphetamines abd birbitw'ates, day," Carpenter said this morning of the but does not mention marijuana. close vote, adding that one n1>voter who "Hard-drug traffic in schools amust be first said he would vote approval has met with the strongest possible law en~ again agreed to help pess the measure, forcement," says the approved platfomi-' M~ ~ .. If it PllSlleS the second vote this fu The platform committee overwbelm- day, the bill will then go oo to public ingly approved a plank calling for aboll·, hearing next week and on to the Senate tion or the electoral college after Ai1 floor from there. delegate committed to Gov. Wallace The measure would establish a 15--un~pectedly announced Wallace'• en-· member atate board to formulate broad dorsement of that change. coast.al guidelines while leaving moot "Gov. Wallace Is In favor of abollahlng final control in the hands of I~ govern. the electoral college," a n no u n c e d 1 ment. Norman Bl.e Jr., a Florida deltgate. It wu supported by the Orange County A statement calling for abolition of the League of Cities, the Orange C.Ounty death penalty u an ineffective and cruel-Coast Association, the st.ate County d te d Supervisors Association and most Orange e rrent was a opted. Coaat city oouncilil. Among surprise amendments was one Carpenter bu contended !hit local calling for defeat of the ponding wellare- control over shoreline devekJpment is reform bill, adding another obstacle to • vital to the home rule concept and told the already formidable ones the measure Ibo committee that the lsaue ;,, too baa encountered In Congress. Spearhead- "complex for an Initiative,'' referring to ed by a group of black delegates, the a move by conservationllll lo place a amendment carried, 14 to ZI. But the more restrictive bill on the November committee mused to endorse Ibo pro. ballot. Orposal • of the1 National Welfan Rlghta Janet Adami, ttate chtlrman of the illlJllZ8tiO!' cir a 18,500 guaranteed in- cantomi. Cout AJ11ance teoll!led Mon-come for a family of four. day Wforf · 1be ' committee t h·a t The language adopted oo tbla llltd on Carpenter'• bill la "a coutaJ ~Jan tautlon If• llroad enough to ..,. hone a _. ~~ ~" commodate other propoeala ~~I Id o Deiplte'tbls ><ippoolllcin, CarPel>l'.r tof' McGovern'•· McGovern in San Anlonlo, day toundod o¢mlJt1c about the Friday Tes., said he Is preparing to lntroduCO' reconalderatlon. new proposal! on welfare and taJaUon, Voting for Carpenter's bill Monday toning down bla original plan tlriit bu wen Sena. Lou CUsanovlch (R-sberman been criUcized aa harsh on moderate, u 'l1>e Tina Al<h hY naldent Oaka), John W. Holmdahl (O.Oakland), well as high, Incomes. lied by Orafil• CounlJ Anlmar~ Robert J. Lagomar1lno (R-Ventura), Rejecting amendmenls tending both :i-. for ~ bla two dop on the Fred W. Marler (11-R<ddlng), Stephen P. toward a more hawkish and more dovish private beach ol Ibo aclualve South Teele (!).West Point) and Jl&ldolpb stance, the platform wrlten1 pledged that Cout ..,..mimlly will appear In court Collier (l).Yreke). a Democratic president would make "the w...-.,. mornlnc to · ,,-t tbe ao-Voting acaln!t the measure were Sens. first order of business an Immediate and tlon. · Alfred E. Alqulat (J>.San Jose); Anthony complete withdrawal o! all U.S. forces in -~·-..._.._ Bellenaon (!).Los Angelet), Albert S. Indochina" and aald !hi.a country "will no G. ~---. 21 N. La s...!a, Rodda n •--Short about tbe Imported meat. lald be will -a jurJ trial wben be ap-<~•menlo), Alan (!). longer seek to determine lbe future ol "It IOUDda like we11 be oeetng a lot pears In South County Munldal Court to stockton), Walttt Stiern ([).Bakmfitld), the nations o! Indochina." mon tough cow and tome mon bull," COllteal 'tbi dtalloll.' Howard Way (R-l!:xeter) and Donald A military-policy plank declares that tald Delane Kendall. Some· Ill Three Al<h Bly naidentl Grumky (11-WataonYllle), "the military budget can be nductd "Tbo imported meal II cheaper, but ha~e !>-. 111bpoenae\I to appear ill court Gmtky'a Coutilne bill died in lhe Na-subatanUally with no weakening of our lt't tough u old nalla," be tali!. and teaUfy in Ibo llJIUIUal cue, ·which tional ll<aourcea and Wlldllle Committee national security." It lncluded no figures. l!e explalnec! that tbe beef froril the WU '1!1'ked. 'by an early. morning ''dog but a aimllar measure II In the on nductlons. Abolition of the armed- two Commonwealth to1111irlet Is Jn. raid" on tho Tbree Arch Bay beach in Aasembly, authorted by Auemblyman services draft was urged. apected for cleanlineaa and approved for April, when Shelton waa one of three dog Alan Sieroty (!).Los Angeles). The rejected Wallace antibuslng plank imporlatlon, but no grading takea place, ownt'1 cited for violating the county would have declared the party, thlll the quality of the meal la never o-e banning dogs from public Fil'" . st Woman Executed "unalterably oppooed to -lluslng to cettllled. · ' beachu. achleve raclaJ balance." 0ne·olher factor which can not be I&· Sbeltoa, wbo lald he bu WO,, rmm!ng The adopted plank descrlbet buaJng aa nored, several author!Uet aald, 11 that h1a dop cm lhe beach •Ince niovlng to the TEHRAN (AP) - A woman was ex-"another tool that muat continue to bo there ls no excess of ·supply o1 meal community a dozen years ago, decided to ec:uted today !or the fil'llt lime In modern available according to Supreme Court available !or imporlaUoo to the United contest the cltallon and uk for a jury Iranian hlatory. Iran Shifarl, 42, was declalom to eliminate legally impoaod' States. trial "to aet11e our rl&!lta once and !or hanged for the murd<t o! ber two 1tep-segregation and improve the quality of A d m 1 n la t r a t 1 o n and lndutlry l"'i.ur.;; .. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;da;;u;g;;hters;;;;;;;' ;;ll;;and;;;;;;;';;;y;;ears;;;;;· ;;o;;ld.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ed;;;;uca;;;;ti;on;;;;!o;;r;;all;;;c;;hil;dren.;;;';;' ;;;;;;;;;;;; spokamen throughout the naUoo lald Monday that bec:auae other counlrlet alao compete beavlly on tbe JntemaUooal market, the effects ol the lifted quotu m the United states will be gractuaJ, not audden. It's What's Out Back That Counts! Capo School Trustees Our store ls like an icobergl No -wo'ro not chiRy to dHI with -it'• that you only '" one tenth of our storo from the front. Ptoplo visiting us fot tlia first time aro ftabber<Jaste<I whtn the spacious Int.riot unfolds boforo them. The hugo showroom has thou .. nds of .. mplos. (Customek teR us we h1v1 the l.rgnt .. ltction they havo soon). Eye County Tax Report Truoteea of the Clpislrano Unified School District Monday took' one mnn step along lbe road to a new budget and an 18-cent lax rate incrtaae by approving a "tenlaUve" model of the document and JSsuing fond hopes for 10me "eood oewa" in Income early next month. The tentative budget, callla( for major Iner<.... betaUIO Of Dalll Hilla HJP &:boot opening -year, 'amounla to 110.s million In district -for the comiQc flacal year. But cleopHe .belnc IU mlDlon hllht< than the . budpt for thla uplrinJ fiscal year, tbi tenlatlve version u yel con- talna DO provltlont for 1......... In salarlal above regular 1djullmenta for district penonnel. Sim Cblcaa, aalalant auperlnlenden~ buaJ-. Ml"llcto, joined SUpt. Truman Benedict In hoplni for good 11tW1 Joly J wben the actual a_.i •aluatim of taxable property bl "" district la ...... available by the coanty tu aa1-. "We are ~ now for -IOOd news that mlgt!t . .., incrs sts 1Mve ~II.projected elgllt J>Ortent," Benocllct ' Chiou reiterated euller npl-llonl of lncreulng costa In the cl1atrlct, due primarily to the opening of Ibo new school in Dant Point. Bui even with lhe incruaes In .. _ bulldiDg main- tenance and other te7 fadlltlet.related flmd.ions 'frill be ubare-bona" um cam- ~year, he added. 'Even though we have commlllld al lhoee funds to Dana Hilla, .. a1111 .. Doi find tho flmda for mal-aol(llllllo and equi~t such u .... -and the like for lhe .,... dtool," 111 IOld. Chicu· added lllat alt:l 1111 <llalrld will have aeveral .,... =~ lo dlla Ind maintain Dell year, Ibo ~ wUI probabl7 have to be ..,. -o lsUng-1. "We won't be able lo flll*l Ille Joni of maintenance and d:wfssrr tbat we've been alld to," be tlM tn · r r. Monday'1 ~ -b Maid ~ fldal otep bl !lie btldpt pro< Ill Tha -ollldal .... will be a ................... ,....., ......... m.._ .. , .. , ••. ,,,. ... llldtot. -In -...... _.. -. wlD .. _ ..... urlJ bl Aupot. • ' • • Our wirer.-cont1ins 1n invtntory of infinite veriaty. Hundreds of romnents inhabit 1 25150 R1mn1nt room. Adel of~ • 1pac:ious Clrapory room, plenty of parilng, p!M..nt people, •ncl you'I hive the "Big Picture" ef -._..(ul Of*ltionl ALDEN'S CAIPm e DRAPES , 1663 Placer.ti& Avt. 11• COSTA MISA ---1111 646 4131 HOUtlSi Ma .... n.n..-t i.-1:11-M, f 19 t-lot. t:JO 19 I • ' • I • .. ••• •• • • • ' ( \ I I ' \ l • ·Saddlebaek . IDITION YOt:. 65, NO . 179, 3 SECTIONS, 38 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA • ---·---.&..-..,.... _________ _ ·Tall Wall Asked : Tustin Board Del.ays Pl.ay Courts ·Tualtn Union 1!iih School· District t-Monday delayed the blrlng of an ~tec:t for planned tennis and handball courts at University Hlgb School l!' ltjlne ltt.. a Mission Viejo Hlgb teachOr complatned of tO!Hhorl court wails at his aChool, District Superintendent WWiam 1.ogg bad recommended lllllntnl a contract wUh Willis, K. Hutclwon Arcbitecls and Al!ociate., the same f1nn which drew plans for Mlssloo Viejo'• facilities . Tbe boord earlier tn the evening had approved advertising ror construction bids .on the up to 1117,000 project at University, <Trustee· Robert Bartholomew argued llClinst spendlng "a fantastk: amount ol Board Criticizes Lack of Detail, But Backs Plan money" for an archltect when lhnllar facllilles have been built and tljere are "oo problems a a:ood cootractor Couldn't handle ... The architect waulcl be plld. four per- cent of the cost o( the ...,,iructloa. 1.ogg aald the tmaln and ....... ol power at Univenlly lllib wert dlff<rent -)from -at MJa!on and~ ii the allte WGUJcl approve Ille project ti a certlfled arcllitect or engineer didn't aJao ' approve .tt. . .fbbalMoore, a teacher at Mission, then suggested that ii the board didn't spend !be money on an architect,. '1ben you could possibly make our courts rlgbl." 1.ogg told the board that "there ore dif. ferent ldeu about what high ICbool handl>oll courts are llUpposed to be" and Mission's walls -a· leJlli..compromise between straight and slanted styles -I lose handballs. ' Moore was~ more deecriptJve. 11From • what I gather," be told a ilughlng au- dience, "tbe wails are the i'igbl size, just down tn !be pound too far, · "You wouldn't play i!=ll an a ollorl court-or handbill either," he continued, ' • N.Y. St.elul TEN CENTS ·--.,. ---• a1 ,, Beach Ties Master Plan To Rezoning By L PETER KRIEG Of .. DflllY P'li.t ll•ff Newport Beach councilmen Monday nlgbt told the city ol Jrvtne ~ It wants to master plan the Orange County Airport area, Irvine must show "good faith'' b)' rolling back zoning on the 50-Acre McDonneU Douglas property o n MacArthur Boulevard . Responding to an Irvine resolution ask· Ing for a delay in consideration of a $135 million development plan for the nearby Collins Radio Company p r o p e r t y, Newport COW!Cllmen adopted a resolution ol their own that 11)'1. In part: "Newport lleoch wllhel to olflclaU7 and without -rvalton ~amnn ill """' tinued intent to cooperate with the city ol Irvine In planning the area • • . on a mutually 11tlsfactory basis : "As a gesture of good lailh the City Council' of Newport Beach urges the Jrvlne City Council to promptly consider reexamining the zoning on the McDonnell By PATRIC!\ BOYLE adding that II is just a problem of digging Of Ill .,_ Plllt ltltf the floor out "ju.It I tittle." • DAILY r1LOT "'"9 W ~ p..,... Douglss properly "° that comprehensive planning studies may begin ln earnest.'' --Wltbou~itlna-lor-1-r-.-- Still criticizing· the dci<ument for ils "We have to lower the floor about m lack ol detail, San Joaquin school to oigbt feet," be clead.panntd. "It Is my ·DESPIT!i-Tl'IE'"SIRIOUS-SIGN~E-PICKETER•OUND SOMETHING-TO SMILE ABOUT TUltln Union Hlth Sc'-1 District EmploYff Plckat Before Truate11 Mffting Newport .,.D'lim0111Cheduled a July JO public hearlnc on the Collins request to rezone its 1'17.0cre parcel to allow big)! rtae office llulldlnp. district trualles Monday approved a ten-undenlandtng lbat the wails are there." ' ' tatift '111 million budget f,.. tbe Jm.'13 He added that II ....,1 proper that ldiool yeor. •every U-yo11·bit the bondboll It ,... As pi:omlled bf tile board, the piopaty tnto the tennll court (over the ""11) and le rote tncr.ue .waa held to z cents per the lemlla playera lllrt .plaYIJw ttmWI 7 ·5 Tea~hers Protest .. Councllmao Milan Doltal wanted the l'ffOlutlcm to Include an onler lor the two ciUes' llallOll '"'"m-to meet poot baste. fJOO olMI•-Vllnallon. with the·-·" ' . ' . ll'O -.t Ille .............. ,... Truiileel laWed It ........... .,. the . aram, a tu ol tz,71..id,J.lt :lo!led'"' · ~tect·a -.. 1 Ml~ llvd,. ~ dlslric\ -· u 00!'1l(ltd to the' llie'tllli!fl>Nlt ... Mlle ~·'*oatr-· preoent tµ of •a lW $tilt: 'Diii -.& llirllli ,a -... ' · • tu blll lncroae ot •bout flt. 'IS 1111' lbe ' ·.ru.r, Ibo ball\! .... to • reQ,,;,11 ' ' ~qi:J.~ Irr.Chet. 'in 4fUl'!n, Oppose SaJaryi Pro11,9. • "Do we ba'8 to lmtnlcl ......_.,ilteea to meal," --*"" Dllald A. McJMll ,"l~ ... llllllooalnlllllllalllo wort """ .. In ~ pion. owner of• ll0,000 borne. ' ..__ by onio _....,., Jl!c'rlll llonnlan, tliat Trustees wen geneially critlcal of,.. an aJtomate bid tncludlng,IJibts on the brief, •ilti>N" budget . •um m a r Y • court faeillUes be advtrtlsod ·•-· with "epared by -SUporintendent thO DOD-Uglited eoiiits. " -.. C Nerloon. Tllei' contended II did nol mate avlilable to -or to the publlc enough details about the vlrlous propoeecl 1p0nding -· "We dm~ have the information here to !n!elllgenUy dllcuss what we have spent the lalt -... " -llennll Smith aald after debate .. ,.. cuttillf !be leam- lng disability J11<>gram. "I tltlnk it bas been • note ol time." • Ci_ry Councilmen Eye · Last Public L-Ook at Bti«tget \ \ ,I • By CANDACE PEAIIBON dl8Cllll .famililr ·toplca.- ~, -oe •..., '''"...,. ... ' • The teachen)are ~g a$..& per-·. About 1i ......... 11.alked a.I! canied . cent cOst-<>f-livtng ralae "because Preli; picket aigna down Laguna Road tn Tustin dent. Nbton recommended ii;" Wehan MOnday iligbl pnor to a ·Tustin Union aaid. <' ' . . . . Hlgh ScbOOI Dblrk:t trustees medlng tn '.!be-board baa offered a 2. 7 percent in-. . creue. which Weban called "insulting ,. protest of the board'• 11lnsill.UJ1i" salary It~givff no~ to cOacbes, .diiver81 ~· • , trainlog "! ,~ llChbo!, he aald. · "Good pay draws good teacbera," Weban ·ljoiterated the teachers' SUI· "Tlilttn' Is '1he 1oftst paid wdod high gtstion that an outside, objective perllOll school diltrkt..'' and .. Let's coaler, not ~ r ~ .in . to klok ,.. at areas of just meet""'" a r... of .the .ak'lua .=nc1a dlaagreement and ma k·e teachers '~ up to motorlsll drlv!Gg by. · ltom. Led by -Vlojo lllib School ' • ' ' The teachen have oaid that a mutually agreeable member of the bar llSIOciation would be appropriate for the taak. Board cba1m\itn Paul , Calhoun told Weban that truatees could not discuss the maljer ,pubilclY.,but would tai:e II up in e1ecutfV1 tealon. Weban anawmd that '1be lltW only 181'' you llloY dlscuN tbeM thln11 in ... ecUtlve lelllon, yOu don't have to." CaJboun rapeated· that the board waulcl consider '8llr>' propoaals tn private sesslons.' • • ninl,,. l:>rDiMJ ukl II A ..... would -pio ....... ol ........ willi IOmelhlaj W ... bllt." . "Tba!' ...... • ollort to -with us," Vice Mayor Howard Rogers con- tended. "H this is a long-rqe thing, Ibey lboultln't jump In at the iul minute and mallll u eflort to meet. "Their .... 1ut1on aa)'I they ean withdraw aaytlme they want to," be llld. "I tbtat It would strOllgihen our !*· tion with then ii we included wordiJll (In the .....,.dm) caJ11ni for a m•tl,. • DoetaJ llkl. ' Ten teachers had been requested for the ...,..-ol that~ at a cost ol' fll4,llOO, but· Nerloon said, the money \no not available. <>then agned 'lriltl Smith,' 'l'rull1'!0 Jooepb P-IOll remarldni tbet tn order to cut or bop a pn>gnm nut scbool 7ear, trualee< need,io tnow what It is. Irvine city COQ!!cilmen will lob the Wicher Jim We!WJ, the irOoP then toot last public look al the ci!J'• IU million their objedlOna In to the boird meeltol. Pro" le'. s'sw· U, Q Would Use 1m.n ·budpt, ¥ln!I their meeting at which movocl to the llUle theater · al , . .,., 7:11 o'doclt imilcbt to dly ball lllllOX. · 1'1lllln 'lllib beca .... of the size of Ille "Maybe I'm not that familiar with !)llJ " covernment," intoned veteran eoa. cllman Carl Kymla. 0 1 am conouaect whether they ore sincere -lhq llltl their nool'ullon by aayln& (Iba <Iller for joint planning) 'may be withdran al (Irvine's) dlacreUon at 1111-.' " Clty·M>._ Wl11lam li'oollett Jr. wW crowd. . · . · · , , ' Neriaon, reac:tllli to the criticism, aald that Ji! bia 15 ~· -king on budget, hO hid never before encoonlen!d a board that wmted 1tn ltm>lsed ICCQWltlng of dllcuss the budget propo1a1 wblcb coun-.weban, president of the Tultln Seoon- cilmen have amtndM durina a •aerla of · dary Education AsaociaUon, read01allte-1 four pubUc bearlnp. ment ''whlcb &aid that _palt mlloD- Tbe c:ouncll meets at 41111 Campus derallnilinp beiween boatifOd. teacbera ; Drive, Only the portlon.deallni with city were not yei cleOred up and, that the Building; Douglm Says ·· JVel'l' expenditure. · He uld he would Jftplre a detailed lllee ~OAQUIN, Pip I) ·Senate Panel Approves Ban " . On Handgi1<m mm Win 11erv1ea WASHINGTON -The Senate Judiciary Committee today 1pproved a ·bill to outlaw the commerdal sale of amall, concealll>le 11J10 handgunll nol ' atjomey wvlceanmatna to face co1111Cil bOard's 'meet' arid cooler repreaentaUve cqls. A coptract with tho 1a, firm of w~-not given clear ·dlrectioos. · Rutan and Tucker of S8nta Aila Is aJao 'Weban aJao aald that "the only counter· .. 1 for tooight'• agenda. proposal we can &et from yo~ Is to·ally Other niattera before the c:ouncll in-with comm policy," wbicb be cailecl an elude: .. impasse." -Final actlnn on U,. Univmlty Park T)>o teache<'s group made aiml1ar ,.. planned community ...m;. · qimm for more money lwO' weekl •iJO• -&lection of tine poatble sites for but'-Weban'told·a reporler the "lilUaUon final choice by tba county librarian, to is worse now than ever." house a county branch librlr)' In Irvine, He blamed a lack of communlcsUon .!.A 117,000 •-of the city'• con-and aa1c1· tension between teacher tract wi~ Ed il4'""1h and Sieve Lifer -tlatorl and the IJoard'a repr_,,. ffr piGltng coaaultaal ....ice. through taUve, .-iate superintendent Jack September. Schumaker, c.euaed IDDle of that gap. -Approval of I pilot bleyCle• trail proj-Scbum.ti.r defended his Involvement ect at a -ol f$,000 or more f,.. strip-and said lbal In the lits! three months inl of -~ Univ<n!ty Pork teac:bOrs have brought up new llllbjecta t.: md UC Irvine. · wbiCh he couldn't react and refuaed to ' ' By GEORGI LEIDAL • • Of .. o.ltr ,,, ........ OfficiaJa of Mcllormell·Douglaa Corp • today conllnned . they are seeking a· con- ditional nse permit from the Irvine pia,,. D\r!g corfunb.tion to lilow-"c0mmerclal, p!Ofeqlonff and business uaes" of a building at 2121 campus Drive. . 'A eom)iany spokesniaD toaay 11id three archilect9, I doctor and I dentlll have leued olfice space In the bulldtng, City Managor, William Woollett Jr. said a condltloail uae permit Is r.quired for theae uoea uniter ·terma of, the rezoning of the parcel• approved· by county 1overn- ment shortly befOR lhi:orporatioo. "I pell Ibey 111ucl:-tbeoe lenanll tn ' 111itable for sporting purpoaea. . • • ·,~~.e~~~~:Fl'ood Plain Use Cr1·t"1·.c' .. 1·zed a 9 to $ vote a rival meuure of Sen. , . . ,. . Roman Hru1D (llo-Neb.). . t ,,,.... bllla ollered by Sen. EdWord M. ' ' ~=~~~~;ci:.n~ 300 Acres Would Be Involved in -Devewpment 111, ol both-long -and _,... and •of mly ........... "'"' rej<cted 'bj me-By JA(J[ CllAPPilU. bave told him, however, lbat 1 11,000' \aided mar.-. • 1 .... ..., "" ""' population is planned for the are1. The illJb told --that hil blll ,:ould A -llownett-Corporation entire 700 acro plot,, ii ~ u Sec- "tab out o1 the marketplace Iba ~ 111·1-lli1ll -Ullder tioo m o1 the 11oo1moor plumed com-,,_ moot 1requmu, uaed by constructlall ' ril ..,... • acns ol munity, Howud aald. cr19w11 " Lq1ma flood plalll land, a dlama1'lf and ' There are three ouboectlonl that He 'Ill~ uaecl la lhe •-lion ,.,,,., Ll&la.lloodl Plinlllnc t'lnmt-m witllln the on!O cleslcna•ecl• Ibo 1.quna ol la -F. KlllllllJ 1111'11 and ID lea...,i Mll/dlr. Dood ~ The ...._ plw to Iba ......,... 1rii'likc ol Alablma "We'ro 111 about -· In demos> between liJt,and JJ llDltl per acre Gor. o-p C. W.U..illlll ~ woa1d a • • wo'fe talklnl about .., Iba JMd. be --... .... .. ........ -.w _... • ,.,,,., Rater Opnpl-1-· -llat ....... cur- -Llalllloor, dtJ ...... -i-. "" GI I Ooaa11 F1o111 Cmtro1 Ian 'ftlo llloollnc ol T Dr mte llll "Oii wt "9 lliftlll4 ola -crtft ... •• I rps II 1.,.ind lo clllnaei -· Mr tllo M........ 'at ... I !MT" ba ub<I. rwlf<-.. lllJ A9Jlll .... Into tlll __ ... Q&Jld "' tllo .:: H .... -told "' Tllll ........... I II -....... ..... commfttee • IllJli'• .._. 11111 -•.. a c111 1111r ..._ 1llf. Jllla w I -111 --.... -11111 •11111 tor • ,_, ....... ,,_ In Iba -. ...,,,, ~ a aos .~ -~--ol 'aa wloo -popilalioll ol 13,JIO poaplo If •"Nn •as••, no _... 11 roqa&td 1 ... --"'111'• 11111 - -..... made o1 alltlal _,-. ......,. .. ldllnt ~nan ... the ---o. !llllw llMllla.) ..-..... nltir illo& a6w;ifr _.. hi~ been aadl&Jal.'M:Wlm(l).Arll.). n-oor ~ llpMID1111o91 ll11Wlladliod!IOl'bea<0Hndwlth -------------__ ,, , roofJ and upbalt. ·Laguna COllllDlllloner viewed excesa ' nmorf u a ~I lo the "health and • aafely ol LaaUoa dti-." They eatlmltled that $ ~ ol ~ Lacuna flood platn waa tnvolvOcl tn the R....n.or project. TbeJ -tloat lhe dtJ bad ulled Jor • a buildlnc morllwl11111 tn the Lacuna flood plaln. ~ tbat • Plai\ ..... up bl' Ille Or-. ODilllJ plann!ic amc. bad 1tJr¥ around the ROlllllOot un- clettaklnc. A ft••-Corparatlon -ft lald todl1 that Iii OmtpollJ'i .,..._' bad ........ -all --ol the llrqo CoDty Flood CoaCnl 'Dtmtcl. X..tli °""' .. -lo tho ad--.. ~· 1114 that i..,... l11ct'l ..W.~w11 i UtUe (lloo JW•IOOll. ..... I) ' and now want to make It right," Woollett said, · Si'nce Incorporation, many people In Irvine have beireved the city's building freeze and later a ftqllested tonllnuance ol city cmsldenllon of Ibo lncldtrlal to commercial zoning nltcb bad main- tained the new. city's rllbt to reconsider the zoning clwlp, .At lsaue with,the lar1er,lkcre parcel Is the changed nablrt of land .,. around the Orange County AlrpOrt that would reault from approval of 1be McDOonell· Douglas plana, A coriventton ttriW and hotel are ainong the -.... the finn had convinced ·~· -offlclalt were needed ~hen Ibey .t the rezoning ~ to hicorporaUon ·o Irvine. The McDcinnell-Dougiu apokesman to. day noted the Condltlonsl use permit they are ~ lnim the city, would allow the commercial, business and pio- feuional . uaes oa1y within the ClllHlory buildilig presenUy on the property. :However, Woollett Mid the coodltlonal • use permit m1gbt ...U couae lhe plmmlng commlum 10 lob 'another loolt at com- mercW ...... the ,firm (OI frolll lhe county. A n!lum ol the lolcllollllell-Oouglu parcel '• IOnlni to lndl!llrW la ll'ged by o!f!ciala to Newport 8ea<b ID their ._. lullon ouppor)lng I joint plmmlng a,_ to ltudJ' airport 11 .. ~I. ., ' Boggs,, Ford Greeted 'roKYO (AP)-Rep. lllle,Boaa of Loulalona, B-majorllf leldof, ...S , llep!I • Gerald R. Ford ol MJcbican, the ouae llepubl1can leader, were Fteted on tboir ...Wal ID QilDa by C111!11 1'1!1- 1\1111. ~ ~ o1· the a.tnese People'• )utituto of , ..... Allain, • New a.in. NOWI A&'*' rojlart aays, - Bocp add ~.orffied In ~ JiloD. day ._,led by a P*tJ 'of 11 tn-cludinC lllelr wlv.1, Ille ""Inc braiilcUt ,.ici. • • I"ln6 offlclala aald tbe7 prl .. cla,.. In the naolullon • ., ..... 11 Newport Beach pl'OeftU with Callllll , rezoning. Antitheft Gas Capsule Fails SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -The lint West Coal! Ille ol 1 gu capsule dtlllntd to lmmobl11Je bonk robbers failed "'-11 didn't dlacbarge, police reported. Tbe -fled Ill loot with • ""' of loot. A teller II a Welll' ,._ -1nnc11 aald she compiled with Ilia rtllber'1 re- quest to fill the ""' with -but ad-ded tho apeclOl gu ....... Ofllciala aald II WU the lint loll ol the calJllllle. which bu been -tn Eut Cout bonb, Csalt ...... Sllglllly warmer 111 w_., with low claucll alcml ·lhe <Mii, ICCOl'ding to Ille -Ihm' -· lligbo uuund 7' It tba --· • Inland. ton ton1g)lt II Illa Wa. JNSIBE TOD&Y Bdff Sttm, HallntlllMI 11111, l'olccr Aller, <le. T--. u....uv......,,._...t_..,. Uv lodl.,-<>J•l11c Old Wiii. S.. ltort/, POQI j"· ....__ . Cll!"""9 • g~~ 1Nt .. -" --' ·--. ... , 1 mt lt ....... •tt ............ ,. .... d .. --" • I DAILY PILOT IS • • • -., .• .-~._,,.,~~'"• . .. ... . ,,_...., • University Park " . . - San Joaquin · Intel 1nediate xhoOI E1ementary School ~ . . ... . . . . .... .... . ..... ·Principals Won't Get Salary-Cut · Principals' ularlH In the San Joaquin Elementary School · District will ap- " panntly net be cut for nm IC!tool yur lollowlng trustee approval Monday of a i.ntauve im-n budget. Althouab Ibo action dJd not determine Ibo ulary ICl!e for district employes nm fllcll year, the board did not set another meeting prior to June SO, the deadline for mating any salary cuta. The pay cuts had ,l>een proposed by IN.Slee Dennis Smith, who lelt the 29 principals and assistant principals In the district were being paid above the average of their counterparts in other county ICbool district.. Smlth said tho county "°'"""''' olllce had ruled that· no cull In pay could be made after June JO, the end of the cur- m>t llacal year. Stuart Omntngbam p r i n c I p a I of UnlvOl'lity Part School In Irvine, told the boon! Monday that 11 leut four other county ICbool dlltrlcll had set their ad· mlnlatr1Uvo salary IChedules for next year and that tho IChedula were In line with Ille praent San Joaquin District prlnclpall' pay ICale. "W• f~ that we are in the top half or th1rd of the dlltricts la the county,'' CUr>o nlnglll!n told the board. "To cul U1 would pul·WI below hall of•lbe ,county dlltrlcll. • However, Smlth contended that while other -had pay celllnp u bJih .. the San JOICjuln principal'• pay ICale, few prloclpall -that peek. San JOICjuln bu only five ll<pil on the • VCI Farillt1 I Carpenter Seek ~ I , Hospital Funds All Orange Ccmt legislal<lr today bas opened .an d!ort In Sacramento to reatore !900,llOO to the state budg~t which would pay !or working drawings of .the luture UC Irvine teacbing bospltal. Funds !or planning the medical facility were cbopped out of Ille budget last week by the j..<J)slature Jn a pre-conference committee action. State Senator Dennis E. carpenter (R- Newport Beach) today declared he will attempt to have the funds restored ttrough a spot bill he introduced earlier this year. His measure, SB 1086, is due for a hearing early next week before the Seoate Finance Commltke. Carpenter said he has met with ASsemblyman Willy Brown (0.San Frari- cisco) to discuss Brown's opposition to the teaching hospital allocation for UCI. Carpenter saJci he believes Brown was instrumental in deleting the budgeted planning money because Brown feel• the UC symm should build teaching hospitals only In Inner clUes where they can serve knv-income famiiies as well as train new doctors. Corpenter said he will try to convince Brown that the facility will not replace h<.ispilals with wh!cb UCl-Calilornla College o1 Medicine pmently hu con- tract. for medical training or doctors. SB 1086 Is an education 'spot blll Carpenter has saved for the typical '·Jau mlnute'' crunches that race sehools and colleges at budget Ume. '!be rider , ii approved by both houses, would restore the p18.Ming money to allow continued development o! t~ Irvine hospital. Actual construction of tilt facility, however, is dependent on November voter approval of a $J55.9 million health sciences bond issue. Thal meas41"t, tl\i dorsed by Gov. Ronald ReagaQ, wip benefit 1111 UC campuses and cover cost, for building the UCI teaching hospital. . FremP.,,el ROSSMOOR. •• late, noting that plans for the Rossmoor development have been on file with th• county 1lnce 1983, and that the ninth revision or those plans was made in 1970. He said that all the tract maps lot development, except me, had been ap- proved and that conatructioo was pro- ceeding. Thal one tract map Is for Section G. programmed for a density of 15 dwellin1 units per acre, he said. "'Ibey came up with this greenbelt after this planned community was 1p- proved," Dyke said. :·1·m no expert on flood control, but it' "'OU.Id seem logical for the city and coun- ty flood control to get together," Dyke •aid. Irvine Town Center ... .•.. -proposed bike ,Wfr'J A traffic generator " acale and prlnclpa!a ore moved up 1 step eacb yea!' unUl the top salary of PJ,:tOO lJ re1cbed. In other acbool dlstrlcta, pro- motion lJ -"" adcllll1111! educlUGll llld Ume In the dlltrlct, .. few men reach the top, Smith cooteailed. One Irvine raldenl, Al :n-, of 111111 AnUocb Drive, urged the boon! not to mob I cut In the princlpall' pay becl-II could he clemora!lzJng. For more than a year, UC! oUlclala have contended they Will continue to place medlcal students in alt hospttals they presenUy u" for training, since the facllllY' being planned adjacent to the UC! campus will have only 350 beds. · Thal is not viewed u enough hoapital space to handle all the training needs of the growing medlcal acbool. From Pflfle I JOAQUIN •.• In looking at poss.Ible alternatives for stopping construction, Laguna Beach" planners had speculated that if govern- ment funds were involved in 81JY way, an,., Envll<lnmental Impact Statement would he required. • Dyke said tl!at the entire development, to include at.reeta and public services, is; financed by private moolee. "M,y cbild 1oe1 to TUrtJe Rock ScbooJ," &nmeJ aald. "I elm~ -Ibo pr!nclpol 11 thal -. but he aeta a lane !hot lJ reolly .,..L He II eatremely eiect!ve and does a vory, very good job." budget for the trualeel prior to llna! coo- sideratloo ol nm year's budgel , Piloi..BtlcfLfialls Newly elected Irvine Unlfled School D~ct trustee Charles B o u I a n g e r qreed with Romney,. saying that It was not feasible to cut principah:' salaries while at the same time asking them to assume more responsibilities with in· creoaed mrollmeDll. Boord approval of the kn&Uve budget Monday wu inertly a formality to meet the June SO deadllne aet by tbe CO\lllty, ao that a tax rate can be set for next flacal year, Superlnlemlent Ralph Gaks told the board that the entire spending program can he alt.red by trustees In July, prior to final adoptloo Of next llChool year's budget, wblcb must he done by early August. Bill to Allow Maternity Leave Squeaks Through lllp lbowt proPOHd on-street bike trails lhe Irvine City Councll wfll colllider al 7:30 o'clock tonight In dty ball· 1.t111u, 1"1ne Town Center. The 3.8-mile aperlmental route wu rlVlJed slighUy by the pl••nl•ll tommlalon, but conUnues to offer two- ' way, eight·foot cycle lanes on Campus and Culver Drives with tw~way, narrower lanes in Michelson Avenue. Routes link University Park neighbor· hoods with UC Irvine and Town Center. A few of the changes In prosram1 pro- SACRAMENTO' (AP) -No one spoke asatmt motherhood -even for Jail prllonera -In the olak Asambl,y -but a .bill giving pregnant lnmatea tin!• oil from Jail to bav!.,bl!>lea just --through .with 9llO vote to spare. Y Indian Gm" des posed by the admlnistrau... through the new apendlac -am include: • -A cul In lhe .dlstrtcl tranapo[lallon SI te Dr , • e>pendtlures, which Nedaoa 111a will ' ' ' '• a a·wmg IDtlll a cut In buslnaa aervlcu and an Sacfdlehack' Trustees Mull Class StandardS Tbo pJu call Monday OD the meuurtl by ~bl,yman Leon Ralph, (!).Loo Angeles), wa, 42-26, just over the 41->0la maf!>rlly required to send the bill to the Sena!<. ~,.1· ~ .,~. H 'N M t,' incNae In the Waltlntl dlltlncea to . a y~ . .. ~ ea . ..... R . F ds schoolJ. He did not yet baV. the details $18 Million .Bond Issue ~ -.io 8ISe 'UD . ·.., -d1st1nces. Due More Study -A tolal cut in alter ICbool aports for The Saddlebact Valley y M CA children in the elementary schools. Prln- '!be measure would allow women In- mates up to eo days of maternity leave from jail, providing they are serving tenns on ofienaea for whicb they would he eligible for parole. . 'l'rulteell ol the Soddleboek Valley "-.}.lnllled·Scbool Dlllrlct lhlJ rnorntnr...,. lnlon11ed that an fl! ml!UOll bond lllue will be needed lo IUpporl flD adequate balldlllC ...,.,. .... Mlll!Qr 117 1.m. for tbe rtudy -· the boanJ WU told that the bondJ would ba ooupled with """"' fll mllllon In lllte aid to build U acbooll over tho neat five )'Mn.' . A bond election haa been proposed In the achoo! dlllrlct for Sept. II, but the issue inusl be 1pproved by the boml end aubmlt!ed lo the county by July I ao that the electlon m1y be Cllled. Tupaym Jn the district now pay IO cenla per flllO of Ul<lled real property v1luatlori for bond redemption. U t~ fl! mt!Uon bond Issue were to pass, the bond redemption rate following uniflcaUon would be 84 cent1, the trusteea were told. The new dJatrlct, wblcb will net take over operatloo of the acboola unlll July I, 1173, may not be allowed to sell the bond• until that 'lime, However, ii It ... ...., pasoed by the votm, dfllrlct ard'dtects could belln -kln1 m achoo! deolp and tbe building Jll'OlfllD would not he delayed. DAILY PILOT 'ff'lt °""II C:.W Ml\.Y PILOT,_,. Whldl " ~ ............... Mnltlld ... ... OAlllte C.... ""1Alt: ... C:-..Y •..... ,. ....... .,. .......... -...., ...,.... """°'• fW C.tl IMti. NfWllOl't .. ~ Huntlnltwl hkll!Ftu11l•llt V•lltf, l~ htdt. .,...,...,..._. ....... a.-tel llfl Jt.11 CtplttfMO. A 1Jntt• rtaloMI •11• It .-,1w..i1 lthlN•'l't ""' lvMeye, TIMI llflJCi,.1 tullltMnt pltftl k et 330 WMI ••r lt,_t, CO.It M-. Ctlllonllt, D». l.1Hrt N. W1ff ,.,.nkl'l!ll 1M II'~ J1,\:: R. Curl1y Viet l"ra!Hnl ..., Otntt11 MaN~r lh1rn1' K11"il .. l.ll!w n.-11 A. Murphi111 M ........ l:titw Cli1rl1' H. lHt lic.h1nl r. Nill AallMefn MWtlrll ... ,.... -c.tl ._.,,. .... "' ...... ....,... IMdi: am """'" """''"" L..-hlcllr m ...,_, 11......,. ,.........,. lhtdl1 ... ~ ........ .. IM ""'*"I• .... II ~lttll , .. ., ... tn•• '4MU1 aa::dfW Alo•¢' a '41-M7t ,_ c ....... Al .......... 1 Tel1,e111 4flo44JI ~ 1'71. .... .,.., , ...... ,. -... --·--......,-_.,.f/f ............. ... :I'.~ •• $ 1 .......... ... .,..,...._. --~-·-­~ .............. -r.:·-.. _,_ • ff_ .... -.. Olficlala ·of ·the present Tustin Union High School and San Jooquln Elementary School Dlllrlcla allO proposed that aome '800,000 In bond money be oet uide to purcblse bules for the new unlfled achool ··~tel . -I • '!be buses would be needed Iller unification for use in conjunctkm with high school athletics and not solely to transport cblldl1!1 lo 8Cbool, as now done in the elementary district. , St.le and school district olficlalJ are now trying to dekrmlne ii the new unified school dl•trlct will he all.Wed to sell bonda prior to unification. Mirehell Keeps Campaign Post- Despite Martha From Wire Services Former U.S. Attorney, General John Mitchell today vowed to conUnue cam- paigning for the reeltcUon of Presldont Nixon, but his polltica weary -. Martha, has cancelled her once heavy schedule. of personal appearances. Faced with an ultimatum from his wife lo quit politics phoned from her Newport Beach villi Jut week, Mitchell baa no I!> tenUons of leaving his pool u Nixon's campaign manager, cloae aldea &aid Monday. Powel! Moore, a Mitchell sla!I ml!llber at the Committee for RH!ectlon of the Prealden~ wu asked Monday U Mitchell was quitting. 11Not by a long ahot," be replied. 11He'1 committed to the tut be.fore him." Meanwhile, an allegedly bruiaed Mrs. Mitchell wearlnr bandage& covering lingers of her lei! hand has taken up quartera In the posh We1tchelter Country Club In Rye, N.Y. Rye wu the com- munity In which the Mltcbelll llved when he waa 1 Wall Street Jawy ... Chlracallua Jndlan Guida will bold 1 clpals at the session told the board that San Joaquln school dlllrlct trustees drawJnc July 2 at the Oreworta &bow In wbile school aports are Important to lhe have sent back to the lllfl for more the Million Viejo High School stadl'um aa educllion of a d>lld, they did not have study a set of _ _, llludent achieve-part of a fund ralJing effort for the YM· tbe priority of o4her JllOl!l'ams and sbould ,...,......... CA. · he dropped !or financial reasona. ment atandlnll, with one board member · Grind prize In the drawing 11 1 Honda -Holding the line on the number ol AssemhJ p contending the proposal "bu no mut to QA 50 ,mlnl-blte, dGllaled·bJ MIAlon Hoo-port.hie clwrooma lea!ed by the y . asses it." do of i.,.m. Nfluel. Second prlre 111 IO-district at the J:. .... 1 61. 'Ibis could After a presentation of the criteria at 1 . speed Sdnrinn Vuolty bicycle, dmated =::: : the ~ = :-o: Anti.pusher Fund recent board meeting, trustee Robert by Mlaloo Sclnrim of Lquna NllU<l. double ltSSlona or modified scheduling Dameron said no level ol attatmnenl A lelevlllGll 1tl dmated bY Farley's TV next year, with the exception Of children SACRAMENTO (AP) -A '3 million wou!d ba lmpoaed on atuctent. by board Pol~ !\°'o1111wolbe;~.!"!"1 ;,!~"!!' at the El Toro MCAS School. •PPJ'.'Prllllon to give local police eatra passage of· the measure. . ,..... w u -w~ --One jropooect. Item not Included In fun~ to track down narcotics pushers Dameron said he fell the criteria ner'i car, dmated bY Bill Clwenl ARCO the lenlltive budget WU the Installation has been approved SH by lhe Asaembl,y should al least tel some standard of service station, ~11Jll& Hilla. ol lir concHUonlng units al Ollvelrood and and sent lo the Sena!<. knew ledge gained, "even ii It II as bulc · "l'lcteis· are ava!JJ'ble lnRn the Indian Galea elelilenlary ochools, tile Olly two In Assemblyman Kenneth Cory ( D • u tnewlng that two ptua two equal lour." Guides, the donatln& mercbanll, and 'the dlttrlct without them. Garden Grove), author of the mwure, 'I'll• criteria prepared by the dlatrlct · Royal Savlnp and Loon In El Toro. They Jn the detailed budge~ Nerlson has said Monday It I• Intended· "to ascertain staff sets the 1landard for students at will allO he aold al the flreworta dllplay. hem uked to lbow bow mucb eac!h wbo It Is wbo is In" the profit end of being able "lo perfqn1 in a manner com-Donltlon lJ 60 cenll each or three llcteta sPectal irogram nm by the dlatrlct i. narcotics inst~d of just arresting usm. mensurak with their polel!Ual." for ft. eo1tlng ,. that the tupayera will have a Cory said his bill would mate the extra '!be criteria was prepored mainly u 1 Winners need not ba pruenl to recOtve better Idea ol where their money lJ funds 1vallable !or special lnvestigaUODI sllndard for elgbth graders gredWltin& · their prlzea. going. to track down the oources of llll<Otica. from Intermediate achool. Jolm Tennant, j;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_;;;;;; ________ ;;- prlnclpal ol Rancho San J o a q u I n lnlermedllk Sdlool, llld the crlkrla would serve u a guideline for kaehers lo set tile goals and obfectlva for their own classes. "I agree that It dots aound I little vague," Tennant told the board following Dameron'• questioo on goall. "I would like to !mow that wbe\> I stand up ~ and shake this young man's or lady's hand and glve him a diploma that he did acoomi>lish aomellllnc. bellda going lo acbool for elabl yul'I wlihoul being auapendld or apelled." Dameroll told TeMant. Dameron added that the board would he "kidding the public" ii It did ·not set doWn aome de!Jnlte atandanll !of student achievement. ..Go to a c ho o I , 1 ' Dameron nld, 'f1"blt II the crtterla." A stat! member asked ii the proposed criteria would he acceptable to Dameron if it included a statement to the d!ect that a student would havt tO llUCCOUfully complete the district curriculum for grades one through eight In order to graduate. He said that would he o<c<pllble and matter WH referred to the 111111 lot revlJlon. It will he bro11Jb1 up &Caln at a later boln! meeting. TAX 'lXPERT' . FAILS TO FILE? It's What's Out Back That Counts! • Our store is t.ke an iceberg! No -we're not c~llly to ilul with -it's that you only '" one tenth of our store from the front. People visiting ua for !lie first timt art &blitrgasi.<f when the sp11cious interior unfolds before them. The huve showroom hos thous.~ of aamplas. (Custoin.n ten ua wt have the i.1'9tst Nlection they hove -~ Our werehouae contains en inventory of infinite voriaty. Hundreds of remnants inhabit 1 25150 Remnant room. . Adel officts, • 1p11ciout i:lra,..,-, -.,, pl.nty of p11rlin9, .,l.aaant people, ind you'B htvt the "Big Picture" of our ~ Of1Watlonl · ' ALDEN'S Until laat ,...kend, when Martha !ell the Orange Coast following a stonny week marred by a feud with John at a Newport Beach GOP party and the MW· famous 'I'llJroday phone call to a lrWlted W1s!tblltoo reporter, •be wu' elJlecled to atar ln tbe Nlxoo campatin dlort. Bot -thert'• not • •inll• public .,. PHOEmx, Ariz. (AP) -Martin L. pearuce on her achedule. Oioley IUlher ol "'l'ilo Ila Bluff " • CARPITS e DRAPIS 1663 ......,_ A•t. Mrl. Mtlchell told reporters '0....a. f"· ...!......... Ille held "poll"··· -~ " -a .. ..., telliDC "°" lo .. ~~ a -.--~r. ' lal -wllllout pen. lal, .. been Mllchell and Iba Willie JloUlo hi•• char1ed with falllal tO 4lo 1-11 lal dedlnad ......... "" Ibo cllarp. rel1D'1ll for tluw . ,,., 46-,....old ffoomw, a ~-for 1111 N!Bn -!annor :,c"' ._ balllod 1111 =~ .. ~tor~ ~~·or,. 1-...i a.a ,. ...a 1w,..,.,,.. ............ ... ·~-m'lllnM ...., ........ ti fllltnc June ... "Sbo Intended to use II , ... lree to fife l'llllml .. lncomo of flt,IU In Ume, Iba aide said. 1111, fl7,21f la lllt and fll,G13 la 11'11. .. .. ---"" COSTA MllA 646 4131 HOUISt ................... l:lt-M..tllt-W.f:Hlll J ' 1 I Huntington Reaeh .. • • Fountain-Valle7 .. -°l~il.J'IQ,.JIY,_3_ S6CT10NS. JL.P.t.GES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA ---.. -. -,.. --· TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 1972 . TEN CENTS Approval of 4% School Pay Boost Expected .• lll!nlln&lon Beach Union High 8cllool Distttct -are expected to l1'llJI I !Qur, percent ~ Increase to teacbers alid.,noo teachers when they meet ton!Jbt at .~:30 o'clock in the Huntington High lidlool cafe"11a. . !)Umal fringe benefits wtlI be con- llllued -·the new pay acbedule wt.th pNrillorw for lnllatlonary chan(ee. ·-led employee will have new l~ty benefits under the proposal ' . ' - -,; from the dlltrlct's personnel commlaslon. The longevity ralae wtlI provide for a two and a baU percenl )ncreaae alter IS years, a live percait lncreaae alter ZI years and aeven and a baU percent alter 26 years. Classi1led employea were formerly given icni .. lty pay nJaes when they reached a years ct. ace and bad been with the dislrlct fO< mO<e than 10 ,..,.. One of the two labO< .............. rtpreeentlng the cluslfled personnel bu protested the wage and frhlgo benefits pro_.i for the ctasslfled iimonnel. Clllf Bolen, a aenlor union rtpreaen- tative with the AFlrCIO State, County and Municipal Einpleyea 011inization has called negoliatlom b e t w e e n his qanlution · and ·lhe diltrtct 's peraoonel commlasion· blatantl arbilary. . 11We.don'tbelieve ~bu been a fair • • exchange or an attempt to seek agree- ment between our group and tbe person-~ commisaioo," said Bolen. Bolen'• union represents approximately 40 class!fled tmployes In tbe district. Tbett are 5GO cluslfled penonnel In the district ct. which appronmatel1 250 are ttpreaenled by tbe calilorma School Einployeea ' Association (csEA). The teacben and ·the CSEA have both 1es ·in ·eac .. • • approved lbe packages put forth by the personnel commtsslon. Bolen's group though bu asked for a five and a half percent pay raise in ad- dition to beginning longevlty pay In- creases after five yean . Bolen bu charged that the personnel corninWion bu not negotiated In good faith or allowed tbe commission and the union to go into a persistent disagreements negotiation as required under the California Education Code. Dr. Jay Settle. assistant superintendent for personnel, said today that the person.. nel commission bas met with Bolen's group and will continue to do so if disagreements ~tinue. "But we can't bold up the salary In- creases for everyone just because of one group which represents a minority of the employes in the dlstrict," Settle said. • ( !liree Aboard J Tom Cat Eludes Huntington Mom Held Ocean Searchers -:--Sea and-air-searchers-loday-~tinued to comb the Pacific for a crippled catam4l'an carrying three su!Cering ullora, Including one from Huntington B<acb, expecting to cover 55,000 square miles by DlghUaiJ. l .ill:freeway Bill Approoed f t . ' By Committee BJ WILLIAM SCllRElBER Of .. D.itr '"" ltaff .A bill by State Senator Dennis ~ter (R-Newport Beacb) ellminat- lqi tbe enlire stretch of the· Pactfic Oiast P'r<eway route between Ventura ¥<! San Diego sailed through tbO Senate Triliaportatton Commlttee Monday on Ito way to the flotr for a final vote. ·:Newport Beach Assemblyman Robert Bac!bim'a ·blll dropping the freeway leg l!!rou&b Newport BeaCh ts still on the 8'nate floor awaltmg Ill final ruding ind a ~ 1K1metime um weet. '.!~11, am· coofklent thltt my freeway bill '11111 ° get tborugb tbe finance commlttee AlllY ,tbts Friday and then on to tbe Door lof a vote " Carpenter said today. ·•'Thia wbutd be tbe first bill In state h1itory to •eliminate an entire freeway roaw. ,, te. said. . Carpenter cited tbousands of parcels of ,Ublic and private land that have been "'ected by tbe route and piecemeal dele-lloi! efforts ~ tbe past several run. !"Allde from the milllomel dollara that £ave been spent acquiring property and • (See FREEWAY, Pa&el) .. •• • No trace bas been fOWld of the 33-foo& Tom Cal, last sighi.d Saturday about 500 miles west of Los Angeles, adrift with storm-tattered sails and · no lood or water. Skipper Fred Shropablre, 4', .ol Lano!, Hawaii, plus crewmen 1t{ike Faun~ It, of 8l3Z Alexandria Drive, Han!ingtoa • Beach and Richard Hims, 17, ol Hawaii, were~ lo be II bad shape. O...Clll ~ lti.. ..m,.n;r ~1 h •. wlclelpi""' .. ,.. lbe ,.... Get)(- day, tJt!!ggjilt --· bad -46,000 --i1Y dark. . . "We wtlI continue until all Olforto bave. been eqendecl;" said •· spot~ for the U.S. Cout Guan! Search and Rescue station In Long Beach. . . • Coordinated by tbe Western Regional Search and lleacue Center ·~ llalpiltm Air Force Bae, tbe hunt includes aircraft and tbe Coat Guard cutter Reoolute out of San Francisco. -<we are still aearcjllng and are prepared to tover 1$,000 mori! nilles to- day," said a Cout Guan! officer in Long Beach. · • ' Re declined lo speculate on bow soon tbe .organ!..a aearcb for tbe Tom Cat and lb lllfferlns CttW mlgbt continue. '!be tw~ V .... I owned by. I Hawaiian woroon vtsitlng in Sherman Oaks was algllted SatunlaY by another sallb61t outbound for,Hooolu!u. Pasaln( a..-two plkm of ]ftclous watet and' six days' worth of food, the crew of tbe Add Aller l'l!dioed tbe Tom Cat's pllg~t.an<f° position lo a commercial vessel which ttlayed ii ·to tbe Cout Guard. They said Fountain, Shropoblre and Nims -· ,in pretty desperate shape, their clotbea tattered and thtir food and wster supplies long-ago eshausted. The Tom Cat departed Honolulu May 19 en route to Marina de! Rey, with Jtme (~ TOM CA'!'., Pap I) • • '_Coe:rper. Re~s /)rive ' ... . . .. . . . .. In ff unting.wn Bea~h: ·' Plrecl Huntington Beach patrolman Gilbert J. Ceerper .Oswned his long and <JI> lar un-fUJ bid for reinstatement ID the city's fofce Monday wltll a new <!&- ~ for a writ that would compel the .QIJ to rehire blm and compensate blm I« 'lihat the molorcycle officer sla\el Is lj!o unjult dl1mi11a1. • ,~, Zl, ltomeli tbe city, tis perlOll-1111 bolrd and the Stale of California as 111dlol•1ildmlllll ID a new OrllllO County o.n . action ch•llenclng hil ':.. "'\!:,' :z I ~In In ,...... It waa allepd 111at be un1a:l.ny ... cut pri<e loya !ram tbo 11 ...... *"tlOIM"IMlllr'f"J Wanl o1Dre In BllllliaC1m ..... -tbo ..... lion tut the ~oal ..... .-lntandedfor bJ the Nile -Oulld. . -t-i.u 1111*4"'-tllt -Giii* ......... lliol . ..,,. •141PD•., tntvtlll b' tllll Gdl ~ ... ..,..., ..... E • toll'1lll'. """ bid ...... .. Jiil CllJ'• pollm -al.. lie -!!Nd. t-1* blo earUer •ml• 11111 lie tltoul!bt Ille"""..-..... .... ·-tllat not all the""" ...... It .... -..... to tho Galld. .:-..:..-=..ta;::·~~== tlile time 1ltlen be .....,. for ~ Ward In HuntJnidon - ·as a security guard. He claiini Jn an action tliat is awaiting tbe aewac of a •bearing date that bis reinsta-should be ordered because the pollcO ~ fired ·blm wllhout tbe p-lor approval of the city admlnlllrator. He aiao claims tbe rulet and regulatlm1S under which he WU fired bad Deftr been lawful!y &Wed by tbe tl!J•council, He allo condemM as Illegal the barning of City Atlomey Don Bonla to tbe post of ......... ~ ....... lba~­brougbt abou\ bis dtslJllllll:, Coerper .. claims lbat 1111 .,__ to tbe -.. ~ ...... that bllrlng .... delaJM lor -..illts --ct. tbe city'• failure lo l'l'O"tdt blm with • wr1tton-. ' Dwtna that lime, tbe for m e r patnlman ........ the cilJ --dHa-ap!Mlllila.llttlltellwioal detrbnellt of. °*l*''• deft••· Ooerper a41111to "' ........ r.r • -tflal ho lied during tba hlMt!I .. ,,..... _. !bat be did .. lo Jll¥t,.,, ofll<tn. Ho states that he rell!lld to lalio • -"' lie deteclor lelt beta• le -., medication at tbs time and -lllrlld tUI tbs polygraph .....ui.1 mlPI 111 ,,,_ fected. !arllor court -tak"' bJ eo..,.,. ........ In tho IRlllal""'8 ct. Iba ........ 111 8 ; rior Oourr •• CIDlle llL o... -...... . . ' ':: • By Police A 37-year-oJd unemployed aerospace worker died In Huntington Beach today after he was stabbed twice in the chest while at the bonle of a fe~le rrtend. Garfield Lee-Pomeroy, 5932 Santa Barbara Ave1, Apt. B, was pronounced dead at Hilltlngton Beach Intercom- munlty Hoopltf! at 1:07 a.m. Mrs. Gay Joan Orlee, 33, of 17141 Newland Ave,, Hunttngton-BeacJi. was arrested on suapicloa ct. nuder. Pollce aaid they ba .. been -bit lo determine wbat ca-tho fatAI aJterca. tioq. , 4 ' ' . . .l .. " ' I • ll<lloe oak! l'oiDeNJ, • fl1ond ct. Mn. brtoe, WU •llllq her Wben I fiaht Ip-. porently -.... .... ,,,.. .... ;lilsloal • , struqle, JOlleo llld, and u -..... t eltbU lielon llT duilit« Iba •a-t, . ' Tentative Okay Glass Library ProjectDue See~~ ~n . ~ud·get • · · ·• TentaUve approval for a $8.1 ~ •• l ReVleW ·by Board Co11n. cil· budgetjor 1972-71 Is scheduled tonlgbt by • -II; · • • • ' trustees of tbe Huntington Beach City . · ' ' · , (elemenlaiy) .Scbool Di1tr1ct. Qty ~ Jn Huntington Beach will fl ,201 : ·and 'Upgrided mecbaqicai lteml, Tlie budget contains aome provlatons be buay todoJ" and -trying· lo · $12,311, , . for beefed up educau.oal Jrllll'.IDll. i decide j1lit bow much of architect Dbi• .Alao: a llOCOlid elefalor,.$17,0Q; entry &cbool •officlala say, but la buicalJy I Nellfri•s glasa llbrar/ they Want to build. fQUDtain ~lay, fl,tel; north fountain "bold tbe line", budget. It calls for a · Menllien ·of.tbe.llbfary bi>ard ;.....,-to dlsplay, $23,311; COl'llJlete omamenlal spending level. $850,000 blgber than tbts lllk It over_'fd"Y,>wbile clty.councllmen rock vaneer, '10,iiCNI; medium bronse year and may require ;.,.ht property ·llX wtl1 llllte .... f!naf declaton In a meeting anodi finish """ · """ ~ for 5 -w-.1---.1-c ' .... -; ceruruc We Increases · ~-:N p.m., -~y. cireularramp, ••,211 ·, s"-~; .. -• . • TIWy have a choice ct. building tbe new ., ... ,.-, .. -. ~ Trustees wtlI meet at 7:30 p.m. al the central library for IZ,'157,134 _ wblcb tn-crete, oo.,cort. · Dwyer Intermediate School Library. c)udes evtrytliing Neutra designed -or And: pipe for phases 11 and m (ad- cutting out certain otlglnally conceived ditionsl cultural buildings), fl , o so ; Pier Swi m Set ·In ,iHuntington Items and bringing tbe price as low u circular ramp, $13,171; five Interior IZ.W,000. pools, $1,140; tbtte exterior pools, •"We have to loot on this oot j\ist as a $41,783; lire detection, fl,131; a biqer library, but tbo start of • cultural parking lot, '13,235; and hard-llhlob cj,nter," 11y1 City Admlnlstiator Dovld 1kyllgbb, $1,532. Rowlanda. "The envinmlllll Is iJl1.. Neutrs's contract called for a n.s iior\anl." million llbra.,,, I.Ith ·-$3001000 'fur A -p of barely swlmmen, men and Several ct. tlie optional upecto Involve filrnlsblnp. All aeven blddett on me proj- -younptero and aduJta, will dip tbe eslbatlc aw.earance of tbe library, ect came. within '3141,000, or c1-, to Info tbo ocean Soblrday 1llClnlq to swim> IUCb u Interior and nitrlor rellectlng Neutra'1 lllure. . a ball-mile around tbo Huntqton lleacb w1ter pooll 11111 a oplrai otafrcue. The additional cultural c ep-t • r Pier. There are 11 ltenil, each broken Into a Bowlandl talked .-ttftn to two ad· Tho Dnd _.. Huntln«loa Beach price bracW, wblcb can be cut from tbe ditional buildings wblcb mllbt be built Ope RouP Wallr Swim wtll llart a1 t plan lldlvicluaily,"' as a package. ll<>1l!1d the.library compla ID tl!e ~· a.m. ,... lbe ..mit dMolon, IP 11 and • llowlando ladlcated that If llll'ary Neutra 'tried to eoiiTlnce tbe city to llDU ool bJ tbo jmlon, d to 1$, at board memben and councilmen wut lo build tbe two "win~•" along wltb tile llb- Ulo. iee~ llMlll el tlie lteml; and come up ' rar]I, bu! limited f1J1111ca balled that. Mrs. Orlu armM i.nilf with I kitchen knife. O!llcort aald llie-ltailbed Pom .. roy In tbe Uvlng room of tbe borne. Mr1. Orlee then called the police wbo arrived at U:30 a.m. Pomeroy was rushed to tbe hospital and given ..,. .. gency lttatmeot by a team ol doctott. PoUce uid tM:t Mrs. Orlee's seven and eight year.dd daughters were in the home at the Ume of tbe fight . They have been tumod ...,. to ·their father wbo 11 seporated Iran Mrs. orlee. Co1lJ!ly Driver, Friend Dangle ~ Over High Cliff · From Wire Senlct1 SANTA BARBARA -A Sonta Ana youth and, his pasaenger dangled on t)lo brink of eternity for moments Monday, when their sport& car skidded of! a 1,000. fool cllU In tbe rugged San Marcos PISI area. -n.. roadater landed 10 feet below the roadwiy atop a concrete drainage pipe protruding from Jhe nearly vertical ravine wall, a miraculoUJ catch. No otbe< such pipe sticks out below the roodway that curves tbrouah tbe rugged mountainl above Santa Barbara for miles. calilornla ld ...... 1 Patrol offlcm said driver Blalno Smith, 11, of Sonia Ana and, John EbertJ, Ill, ct.1111 Vlata, unfutened tlieir MGbelts and gingerly climbed out o/ tbe car. Neither was Injured wben the sports car slid in roadside gravel am burtled over the <di•· • ..... .. 1featller Slightly wanner on Wednesda7 with low cloudii aioo1 tbe coast, accordln( to tbo weather aemce. Wghs IJ'OODd 79 at tbe --.. Ill Inland. LoWI toqlll Iii tbe ll'L INSIDE TGBA l' B•U• Starr, Halttr1""1ikl &oq, Pol<cr Allct. tic. 7hc11 ,..,.. tile toilr womm-no& fteceuar- «v ladl• ...... / th• Old WesL s .. 1iorv, Page 19. l'W s ~"::'""d bJ the CllJ wltll 1111 tlian .1'11.11111 In ..,.,1 tbera lan't Rowlands said IUCb _..ion mll!bt ll•1 e11rrilDlm• and tbe 11111!' much point la "'1tlng any of L Include aeverai tblnp, lnclud~ facllltlea :.5 .... I CM. "U It ......, down lo tbat typa ol for lhe Porl....UC aria, bat didn't p Ip--t:-=" : ....... prt t """ lo lbe top flcure, .. -probebly ftnd t'1e _, lo detail. =."" "ti ..._ _, ~ swlmmen In eodl to build It all," llowlanda 11ld. Neutra bas dlltgned a twwlo~:!f. -" ............... =-= ,.... ...... 4 --' .,... ,..,, If .. 1!i9 ~I~ .... dlll 1111111, with their prlca II encased library, with I boaY)' :r::J'::O : Tbo 0.. -......i Perpetuol llstect by Swlmier1oo and Wilber&. »w on woter In lhe form ct. fountainl and '""""" •• " ,.,,,. wUI .. '" ... "' ----biddor • the project, ...., lnlUlated •. _._t . . =-= -::-1: .,..... IWllri tfulll m1 ·1ndltl1IUll """"' lnluil, $11"'4; n!ltdl:'rt .-. ..nit lltulra-Ms,..... all of., tr.imon'alo-: :._. :: m..... • and IOUtb, l!l,S7!; a retmn Ian l)'ltem, (See UBRAllT, Pop I) ~---- "'"* ---,..,, ·-. -" -. -----. OAILV PILOT H Consumers May Have Same Beef By JOHN VALTERZ.\ Of "" DtllY ,II_, Sttft Orance Coast houlewlve.s ln coming months wUI probably find a lar&er amoun& of "tough bull and old cow" on 1upern\l:rket meat counters -but little else as the result of President Nixon 's llft· ing of meat imPort quotas , some aulhoriLies predicted Monday . Stressing that the bulk of imported meat JI limply "manufasturing beef" I 1evtral authorities claimed that the llft- lnl of lhe quotas would probably have no effect on the price or quality of the better cull. Spokmnen for lhe U.S. Department of Agriculture Marketing News Service to Los Angeles oald that brokera in Southern California already have bought the summer supply of imported meat - primarily from Australia and New Zealand. And vlrtuall7 all that beef comea already boned and froun In large blockl. II ii 10 toush that Ila only uae ii to auonent dom .. tlc vieat uaed for ham- burger, packaged 11andwich meats and canned fooda containing beef, the spokesmen aa.id. They added that there wu no mwunble reactloa Monday In lhe ma- jor meat purcbubli .,.ntera, where pr1ca, for the most part, conformed to thole before lhe announcement by lhe Nl•on Admtniltratioo. Locally, .heel producers have decided to wait ond see what arrives from abroad before they make any changes in prices. At Rancho Mission Viejo, where an average of 3,000 to 4,000 bead of beef is aold to feed Iola each year, the cattle superintendent had llltle good to say about the Imported meat. "It soundl like we 'll be seeing a lot mote touch cow and some more bull," aatd Delane Kendall. 16The Imported. meat ls cheaper, but It'• touch 11~d nails," be aatd. · He aplained that the beef lrom the two Commonwealth countrlea Is In- spected for cleanllness and approved for importatioo, but no sradin1 takea place, thus the quality of lhe meat ii never certUled. One other factor which can not be lg- 110l!td, 1everal authorities 11ld, ii that there ls no ei:ceu of supply ol meat avallable for importatlo~ )a the United Staie.. Admlnlatrallo~ Ind lMuatry •Poktsm•n throughout the nation oald Mcmday that because other countriea allO compete heavily on the intemitlonal market, tbe.effecil of Ui lifted l'::' on the Unlt!d State• ~ gra -, not audden. TAK 'EXPERT' FAILS TO FILE? PHOENIX, Aril. (AP) -Marvin L. Cooley, author of "'The Bia Bluff," a book allegedly teU1n1 bow to Ille Income tai: returns without paying tax, bas been cbarJed with falling to file Income tax returns for three years. The 46-yur~ld Mesa farmer who baa ·battled the Internal Revenue Service for years, was arraigned Monday on charges of falling to file retuma on income of $18,912 in 1968, $17,llf in 1969 and $19,1163 in 1970. From Pagel LIBRARY ••. book stacks In the center of the library. aocesslble from all llides. Functional meeting moms, reading balconies ·and open corridors sWTOUDd thO atacltl. 'Ille librsry Is to be built nexl to Talbert Avenue, on a knOll overlooking Talbert Lake, in the 207-acre central park. ' DAILY PILOT TM Ortl!Oe C..11 OAIL Y ltlLOT wrih whlcll 11 comblfltd ftle Nt'lll-Pru" 11 publllfltd b't the Orll'lllt COii! Pllt)llt)lllll CO!tlp,wiy, S.,.. r11C edllllnl 1r1 1J1bll111«1, MOMty th!'04,10h l<rid•v. '°" co111 Mn1, Ntw!IOtf ltKh, Hllllll"'llton 811th/F011n1tln v11i.v. UQllfl• ltl(:I\, l"'lnt/Stdelltblt k and Sin Cltmtfltt/ ~•n Ju.111 C1pl1!r1no, A 111'111'-r11111ontl ecll\iOll II publllltfd Sl!vnllYI alllll S!Jntt.,,, Tiit prl1"1CIP1I M lllhlfl9 pl1nt !1 ti UO We1I B•f ~tmt, Cost1 Miu, C1!H!M'nlt, n.:.. Robert N. Wied "'"'""' ind l'llblhtier Jttk It Curl1f Viet l'ftt!Nnt anf Genetti Manlltr Thom11 K1evil .... T1i1m11 A. M\lrphi11• Mlftlfl,. ldllOr Ch•tln H. i.., Ric.h1r4 P. N•n At.t1111n1 MNll9'"' UIMn T1rry Coville Wttt Ortritt Ctuntf ~1111ot IMli.,tN._.Offlce 17175 lt•ch k11lev1r4 M•Tll11t A44r•111 P.O. lo• lt0,.!1•41 -·-~ &Hcfl• 'm ....... , Avtn1i11 (Ml1 Mot.t : Ja ~!:f StrMI ".,,,.,., .. left: Jin N lavle¥1i" itt1 ~n-at Holl!'! El CtmlM "-ii T••••••• lJl4J 64l .. J21 c-.......... '41·1'71 ,,.. .... °" .... c...rr ~"' Hf.tut ~. 1"1. °'.,... Qttt NllllMftt . ~., .... ...._. ~ l!Mtr .. -. ..... Ill #lllfW' ., """',...,_.. ... ,,.,, .. ••••uu• wlfNWI tPKMI ,... .-..-~-· =~..:::::...-., .. = ~ :::: .... .:·~.,,..,,., lt!Altn • • • ' -27, 1972. Civfe 'Award Abortionist Eight in Running Says Dea_th ---. For HOME Title Accuwntal Eight indivldUats have been nominated for (be Huntington Beach HOME Coun· cil's IMUal ••cilizen of the Year'' award. Ttse winner will be announced during a luau bu!Iet Wednesday nlght at Sam's No Collectirt~ Life From Sea SACRAMENTO I UPI) -Collec· ting sea life In Callrornia's tidepools could incur a $500 fine or •be months In jall. The Stat. Ftsb and Game Department said Monday It will begin strict enforcement of rules banning the collecting of marine liftl al90g the shore. Previously, lhe ,d e part men t issued warnings, but because of the i.ociused threat to the tidal r.ones by studenil and tourisil"'collecting ·everything ln sight" violators will now be prosecuted, t b e an- nouncement' said. Freighter Sights Missing Sailor In Atlantic Race LONDON (AP) -Lone British mariner Sir Francis Chlchester, missing ,...,. be sailed from Plymouth June 17 In his yacht Gipsy Moth V, has been sighted heading towards the Azores, race of- ficials said today. The news came from the Observer newspaper, organizer of the singl~hand­ ed Transatianttc oalling race in which tho alllng, 70-yeaN>ld Cblcllester Is com· peting. 'Ille Oboerver said lhe sighting waa made by the 8,9'6-ton llrtlish freighter Barrister. It eave Cblcbester'a poslllon u about fOO miles off lhe northwest coast of Spain. A message from lbe ship said "all was well" wt th Chichester, who disregarded medical advice by taking part in the race. The announcemerit came atter ocean patrol aircraft of the British Royal Air Force made three attempts to track down Gipsy Moth, which has remained behind a curtain of' radio silence since she sailecl 10 days ago . Reported leading in the race was British yacbtaman Major Martin Minter· Kemp, on board the 65-foot cutter Strongbow. The major, a special air services of. ficer, hu covered about ooe third of the dista..,. from the start at Plymouth to the finish at Newport, R.!. Gov. Ford Recovering HOUSTON, Tex. (AP) -Kentucky Gov. Wendell Ford was reported to be in excellent condition and r e c o v e r i n g normally after a weakened section of an artery in his abdominal cavity was replaced with a piece ol dacron Monday. Ford. 47, will remain in Methodist Hospital's Intensive care Wlil for another day, a spokesman at the hospital said, but added lhat no complications arc ex· peeled. Seafood Restaurant. The nominees, and organlz.aUont: which submitted their names, are: -0.rlene Bauer, nominated by the women's division of the Chamber of Com- merce. -Dr. Ralph Bauer , president or the board of trustees of the Huntington Beach Union High School Distrlct. nominated by the city's Environmental Council. -Margaret Carlberg, chairman of the Environmenta l Council nominated by the American AMociation of Univeralty Women, Meredith Gardens Homeowner• Association and the Sol V i s t a Jlomeowners Association. -Rod Cruse, trustee of t b e Westminster School District, nominated by the recreational activities a!SOCiation. -William Foster, manager of the Hunt· lngton Beach Company, nominated by the Huntington Beach Playhouse. -Arthur Knox, chainnan of the citizens zoning and variance committee, nominated by the Huntington Harbour Property Owners Association. -Janie Koch, nominated by the Junlor Women's Club. -Roger Slates. president of the Chamber of C<immerce and a city plan- ning commissioner, nominated by the Chamber of Commerce. This is the ·seventh year the HOME Council has sponsored lhe award , but it marks the first year women have been eligible. HOME_CQuncU membera decided at the last minute to abandon lhe old "Man of the Year" format and booor women as well. The past six "Men of t}Je Year" were: Mayor Donald Shiple~. William Susman, Robert Dingwall, Mayor Jack Green, Vince Moorl>ouse . and Irving Tucker. Orange County Supervisor David Baker wUI be the guest speaker at the HOME Council's Luau. , The award ls presented In honor of the late William "Bill" Gallienne. who as manager of the Chamber of Commerce helped put Huntington Beach on lhe map with a Fourth of July Parade ID;.d the "40 Miles of Christmu $mlla." Ticket. to the banquet may be obtained by phoning Margaret Parkinson at IC- 2956. Fr-P .. el FREEWAY ... planning this freeway, the deletion of the route iavorably affects hundreds or millions ol dollars in property that would never have been condemned in the flrat place," Carpenter said. "Deukmejian's and Badham's bill already amoµnt to a 60 percent deleUon of the freeway and mine goes all the way," Carpenter said. "I admit my bill won't solve the transportatim problems but it will force traffic planners to look for olher means to solve them," he added. Badbam's bill has been on the 1tn1te floor awaiting final action for three daya. Carpenter said today he Is wilting unUI the mosl opportune time to bring It up for a vote. The senator ls responsible for shepherding assembly bllil bY Badham through the aenate. "We have been concentrating on senate bills and emergency assembly bills thil week but I hope we can get to Ba()Jlam's freeway bill before Friday," carpenter said. Carpenter's bll~ If II passes the final hurdle of the finance committee on Fri· day, would becin'the senate floor by July 4 -a working holiday in Sacramento. "We should have a vote around that time," Carpenter said. From Win °Servlceo · LOS ANGELES -"I didn't know the gun was toaded • • . " The nwrder trial of cruaadlng abor- tionist ·Dr. John S. Gwynne baa opened in superior court but, with his testimony of an accidental shooting in the December death of bis girllriend. Debbie Dwyer, 19, who shared an i:opartment near the UCLA campus with the l>-year~ld former Santa Ana •bot· tion clin1c operator, suffered three bullet wounds in the fatal inck!ent. Monday Dr. Gwynne claimed as pro- ceedi11.1s began that Mill Dwyer - allegedly on a drug trip at the time - wu shot to death during a slnlggle for the .!57 Magnum revolver he owned. The admitted abortionist who has been prosecuted in both Orange and Los Angeles counties claimed the attractive blonde had been alternately violent, itr coherent and unconscious from drUg use. Since being released on bail pending his trial, Dr. Gwynne himself hat been arrested in Santa Barbara, where be was charged with being under the influence of drugs . He was hospitalized temporarily after sheriff's deputies on patrol found him slumped unconscious in his car parked in a deserted roadside area. The defendant said during Monday's tHttmony that Mill Dwyer had first ob- tained the weapon that ultimately killed her. He claimed when be saw her 1n the apartment hallway with the gun be tried to take tt any, leading to a wrestling match. '1There wu a struggle, 11 he 3aid quleUy. . "l don't ...ait bow loog •.. the gun seemed to go off . . . 1 opened the chamber ... I didn't know it wu loaded," the. bachelor pby•lclan continued. Foi;mal sentencing on various abortion counls related to his ·Weal Los Antreles and Santa Anl clinics which served -women with-unwanted prtlDlllclel oo an imembly line -baa been postponed pending his murder trtal. The dark-balred doctor baa ....Wy ad· mttted endinl hundreda ol pregnancies for morrted women ond unwed gtril, claiming ottl)' lhe cboJce lhould be tbeirl ond not that of • eovermnent. He cooperated in prosecution of his cases in a crusade to -he hopes - ultimately overturn the C a I i f o r n 1 a Therapeutic Abortion Act of 1967, claim- ing it is1 unconsUtutkihal. His mother, Mn. Rubye Unruh Gwynne and neerly a score of abbrlioa clinic nursea and female technicians -some from the Harbor Art& -were jailed with Dr. Gwynne at the height of his notoriety here. Charges against most of them have been dropped In the Intervening period, since Dr. Gwynne's assembly line abor- tion clinlca drew pJacankarrytng picketa el!COllTaalni and condemning blm. FremP .. el TOM CAT .•. 5 her estimated time o( arrival Monday the cutter Rosolute reached the appro~ate scene of lhe Tom Cat'.s Saturday sighting and began a method1· cal seercb of a 92-by-111).mile area. Young Fountain went to Hawaii several months ago and was returning without nolllylng his now .. nguilbed parenta, ap- parently 11 a homecoming surprile. Contacted Sunday morning bY Coast Guard officials, Mr. and Mrs. l'red T. Fountain learned their son was miss~ at sea. • , E'armer Makes 'Harvest' Lowell Elliot!, a Peru, Indiana, farmer, talks to reporters about how '- he f~und what is thought to be $500,000 in ransom from Am~ric~ .. , Airlines skyjacking June 24. He said be found the money while Ill· ·- specting a soy bean field. See related photo, Page 4. t• Mitchell to Shun Martha, Continue Nixon Camp~: From Wire Strvlcea Former U.S. Attorney General · John Mitchell today vowed to continue cam- palgni.og for the reelectioo ol President Ni.J:on, but his politics weary ~. Martha, has cancelled her once heavy schedule of penonal appearances. Fa~ )Vith an ultimatum lrom his wile to qwt politics phoned from ~er N~wpo.rt Beach villa last week, Mi~ lwi~·m. tentldris of leaving his pO;! 'a.-Nllon's campaign manager, close aides said Monday. Powell Moore, a Mitchell staff member at the Committee for Re-election of the President, was asked Monday tr Mitchell WU quitting. "Not by a long shot," he replied. 11He's committed to the task before him." Meanwhile, an allegedly brui5ed Mrs. Mitchell wearing bandag., covering fingers of her left hand has taken uji quarters tn the posh Westchester Country Club in Rye, N.Y. Rye wu the com· munlty in which the MitcheUs lived when be was a Wall Street lawyer. UnW last weekend, when 'Martha left the Orange Coast following a stormy week ·marred by a feud with John at a Newport Beach GOP party ond the DOW· famous Thursday phone call to a trusted Washington reporter, she was expected to star In the Nb<on campalga effort. But now there's not a single public ap- pearance on her schedule. Monday Mrs . Mitchell told reporters she was being held a "political prlsoner." Mitchell and the White House have declined comment on the charge. However, a spokesman for the Nixon committee said Mrs. Mitcbell baa no ap- ,, pearancts scheduled ror the rtmalnder fl,• June. ''.She Int.oded to use II for !zft· time," the aide said. '•\ Earlier in this election year, ~· Mitchell was depicted by staff members as having more demands for •P;.' pearan...s aroond lhe country than IJ/Y other woman In the NlxOp, Administration. She was expected tD make ·numwous campaign appeareoctS.1.U Mi:•· Mitchell's J>OP'!larity otemm~ from a series of pungent comments slit. ' made., while her husband wu atlome7, general" • ·• They ranged from an attack on Sen. J, IV. Fulbright, for his vote against Nb<on't Supreme Court nominee G. Harrold. Carswell, to complaints about women being thlrd<iass citizens · -0 We've never been UbeJ;ated u far u our view point it concerned." Her comments usually were oUered in telephone calls to reportera, and uaually late at night. : All a result of the publlclty, lllt1, Mitchell was invited to appear on TV tall: shows and before numerous organlza· tions. Now Mn. Mitchell reporta abe la ~ kept out of the spoWgbt. It Is her "honesty" they're worrying about, lhe says. ' Mn. Mitchell told the New York Dally News that while she wa1 in Newport Beach last week, a security guard took away her telephooe and aeveral guardo threw her onto a bed and "1b.lck a needle Jn my behind." Elementary Board Loses Its 'Conservative' Image It's What's Out Back That Counts! The consen•ative reputation Of the Hunt- lngtoo Beach City (elementary! school District tnay be iading . Once the never-never Iand for federal grants and so-<:alled innovative teaching progratns, tht district hes in recent times taken on a distinctly tnore progressive look. ln the past yenr it has: -Abolished the traditional A ll C grading system through the rifth level In favor of a more complex system thnt seeks to measure whether a student Is \l/Ork.ing up to potential. -Discarded tradlUonat designs and mbved to modified open space in con· struction plam for Its two newest primary schools. Two intermediate schools already have open apace d.,lgns. -Begun -petition In earnest for federal grants, even In such controvenlal areu aa drug education and -rsmedlal programs for lhe culturally deprived: --Decentrallud administration to allow school prtncJpals freedqm to odjll!t hiring practlctS to Include more limov~llve pro- erams. · • Dillrlcl ol!iclals, uked lo comment on these apparenl changes In llRht of tilulr dillrict'I conaervallve repuljltlon, diltrlcl offlctals were cautious. "I'll admit we niled o few eyebrows In Slaamento whoo we asked for thole open •Plce achools, said SUperinltndent S.A. Moffett. 'We're lftllY well known for our pllllaoplly. "So 1 just aald with t..,.,. In checl<, ivts, 1-gues.-we mw:t be chlflllne.' " But Molfe\I doesn't belleve the district 11 chancing in terms of b •le phllmophy. " Th~. he said, Is to provide "each child · wilh the best possible education.'' If pressed, however, Moffett will alao admit, "We are doing a lot or thin&s those other innovative districts.are doing. We haven't Just lunged right In, \hOIJllb. We've looked very carefuUy at these things and wi'! feel they're good Ideas." "When you're deallng with lhe lives of , children. you can't take chances/' agreed Betty Funkhouser. assl•tant 1111perln- tendent. '1So there may be IOr:De who were there ahead of us ." The "new progressivism" may be viewed most readily as a chanae of emphasis. Three years ago, for uample, the district was openly relUCllDt to talte federal grants. If the money was taken, jt was strictly limited to such DOO-C<Wl'- troverslal projects IS llbrll')' l!n- provemenl or capital equipment pro. grams. But now administrators h"'e broached -and truatces have so far reviewed fa vorably-proposals for actual deve!O(>' ml!llt of wbole new educaUon -rama. ni. one most widely dilcuatecl ls an admllledly 'lnnovallve' plan for hlrlnf psycholoSlsls to work wllh primary grade you11.1ster1 on learnlna and atUtutle pro- grams. "Thia ls Still In lhe talk~ ~,• atreSied MlJs Funkbounr. "We ve a ways from opproval and anytbin( coul happen ," "We're aticklng with the aoUd ...,. aervatlve ~ where . lheY look be1t~ Moffett lilmmtd up, flbu( we're conotanUy reeHluatlng. In --. there have been1~angea." Our store is like en iceberg! No -we're not chiUy to ~eel with -it's thet you only sn one tenth of our store from the front. People visiting us for the first time era flebberg•sl•CI when tho spacious i~tarior unfolds before them. Tiiti huge showroom has thousands of samples. (Customars ttn us we hava tho largest salectlon thay have snn). Our wa .. houae conteins an inventory of infinite variety, Hundreds of .. mnanh inhabit a 25150 Ramnant room. ·. .. • . .. Add .offices, • spaciOU'I drapery room, p~nty of I. .... --_,"' parlrlng, pleasant people, •nd you'A hav. tho "Big Pictu .. " • of our successful operotionl ALDEN'S CARPnS e DRAPES 1663 Pfectr.tfe •Aft. COSTA MBA 64M8JI HOVa: ..... tin 'llln. t le l:JO -llrl. t tt t-s.t. t:JO tt I • ' ; , I I I . I ' \' • Twfdof, Junt 27, 1972 • H DAILY PILOT 3 New Suspect--in Coast Barik Heist --• Spoasor Hopeful Seco.nd-.Coastline _ · FBI Squad Arrests 2nd • I r Bill Vote Slated • Dennis carpenter (R·Newport Jltlchl today said the state Senate F!Nnc;e Committee has agreed . to ropnsider bis coastline pr<>tectlon bill, :.· * * * tf CI Hospital unds Sought "/J y Cilrpenter In Orange Coast JegislatDr .today bas oi:Ped an effort in Sacramento to IOO'J,000 to the state budget which pay !or working drawjng• or the UC. lryine teadliug baBpltal. for planning !ht medical !acility were chopped oot of the budget last week by the Legislature in a pre-conference committee action. Stat. Senator Dennis E. Carpenter (R· Newport Beach) today declared he will attempt to have the fUnds restored through a spot bill he introduced earlier which was killed by a I to 7 vote in that commltlto Monday. Carpenter aJao said he now tblnks be bas enough votes lot the measure to paaa the cominlttto when It rehearo the measure Friday, 11 bu already passed the Senat. Natural Resources and WUdWe Olm- mittee but bas been criUciud by con- servationists at being too weak, (See earn.. story, Page I.) 0 1 was looking for an assassin Mon- day," Carpenter said this morning <0! !be close vote, adding that one no-voter who first ""id be would vote approval bas again agreed to help pass the measure, AB MO. If it passes the second vote this Frl· day, Ille bill will lh~en go on lo public bearing next weet and on to the Senate floor from there. The measure would establish a ~ member st.ate board to fonnula\e broad coastal guidelines while leaving most final control in the hands of local govern- ment. • I this year. It waa supported by the Orange County League of Cities, the Orange County Coast Association, the state County Supervisors Association and most Orange C.oast city councils. II' His measure, SB 1086, is due for a hearing early next week before the Senate Finance Committee. Carpebter aaid he bas met with Assemblyman Willy Brown (0.San Fran- cisco) to discuss Brown's opposition to the teaching hospital allocation for UCI. ~ter said ~ believes Brown was I Inatnimental in deleting the budget.d 1 planning money because Brown feel! the UC system should build leaching hoopltals only in Inner cities where they c.an serve low-income families as well e train new doctors. Carpenter said be will try to convince Brown that the !acillty will not replace hospitals with wbich UCI-Calllornla College of Medicine presently has co~ l)acl5 ror medical training or doctors. For more than a year, UCI officia1s have contended they will contiftue to place medical studenls in all floopltala they presently U!e !0< training, sinct the lacility being planned adjacent to the t!CI campus wlil have only 350 beds. 11iat is not viewed u enough hospital space to band.le alt the training needs of the growing medical school. SB IOllli la an education spot blli CarPenter baa saved for the typical "last l!tlnirte" crunches that face schools and Oblleges at budget time. "The rider, ii approved by both houses, llould restore the planning money to allow continued development of the Irvine hospital. Carpenter has contended that local control over shoreline development is vital to the home rule concept and told the committee that the issUe is too "comples:: for an initiative," referring to a move by conservationists to place a more restrictive bill on the November ballot. Janet Adams, state chairman of the California Coast Alliance~ testified Mon- day before the comm.Jttee t b a t Carpenter's bill is "a coastal Trojan horse, a corporate wbtdfall plan." Despite this opposition, Carpenter to- day sounded optimistic about the Friday recomideration. Voting for Carpenter's bill Monday wele Sens. Lou Cusanovich (R-Sherman Oab), John W. Holmdabl (D-Oakland), Robert J. Lagomarsino (R-Ventura), Fred W. Marler. (R-Redding), Sl<phen P. Teele (D-Wat Point) and Randolpb Collier (D-Yreka). Voting against the measure were Sens. Alfred E. Alqulst (D-San Jose); Anthony Bellenaon CD-Los Angeles), Albert S. Rodda (D-Sacramento), Alan Short (I). Stockton), Walter Stiern (D-Bakersfield), Howard Way (R·Exeter) and Donald Grunsky (1\-Watsonville). Gnmaky'a Coastline bill dled In the Na· tional lleoources llld Wlldllle Committ.e but a aimilar measure ls in the Aaaembly authorized by Aaaemblyman Alan Sleroty (D-Los Angelea). fJroker Sues Ex-client Over H·i,s 'Harassment' By TOM BARLEY Of ffle 01ltr ~lltt Sllff Globetrolting stockbroker J o 1 e p h Donald Dulaney and bis wife, former princlpals in the now de!unct World Financial Trends empire of Laguna Hiiis and Seal ~each, sued a former ihvestor and "100 John Does" for more than f7 million Monday tn Orange County Superior Coor\. Dulaney, 38, of 2631 Via caacadita, San Clemente, also demands a pennanent m.. j1D1Ction that will bait what he claims Is the continuing harrassment of h1msell and bia wile by Mrs. Cleatie B. Sharpe llld her 100 C<><lefendants. • Dulaney and Mrs. Marlene Lucille Dulaney, 32, want 17,112,000 in damages for libel, slander, conspiracy and tn- vaalon of privacy by the defendants. The Dulaoeya claim that the defend- ants have been responsible for the preparation of false statements that began in October, 1969 and have been constanUy made av a i 1 ab 1 e to newapapen. Mrs. Sharpe la accused of making the statement that lllllaney forged her 1lgnature lo a pledeg of stock !bat w11 used to obtain a bank Joan. DuJaney will ut the judge appointed to hear bia danand for I preliminary in· jlDICllon to order the defenclant& lo nlrain from entering bia San Clemente home and lo abandon .mat the former --clalma II conduct that bas Clmed h1m and hil wife 11emotlonal llhoclt and mental afllllllh." No dale bu been eel for the hearlnc· The Dulaneya and five e<><lelendanls ... llCheduled to fact trial Oct. 15 .. dllrges cil 1......,,, !Vind theft and ..,... aptracy contained In an Oran(O Couaty <lnnd Jury indlctment. That lndicimenl WU i.....i folJowinl a ,... lnvestlgllton al the --llnanclal comple> admlnJllered by Ille DuJaneya and -Pl-J-SldpleJ, II, al 1•1 Lowlll Clrdt, - l1ngton -· !1'1111 their ~· !Nbbld the "T.i Mahal" at 1-BD1I Leisure World. The ~ a1'o -•ted • World Trends beadquaNn from a Seal Beacb all!ce bulldflll. Bot) J>ulldlap ...... ,.ized with the filing of bankruptcy alle- gations. Grand Jury action was taken against the Dulaney group after It was alleged that they defrauded investors, many of them elderly residents of Leisure World communities In Laguna Hills and Seal Beach, of more than $.1 million. II Is also alleged that the Dulaney group bilked the SI. Bernardine Hospital in San Bernardino of $$00,000 on the atrengtb of collateral that pr<>ved to be worthless. InveaUgalora claim that only $10,000 of that loan was ever repaid lo the Roman Catholic lnstllutlon. Robert G. Machan, 40, of San Bernardino, f0<mer conltoller of the St Bernardine Hospital, is one ol the seven defendants. Court action qainst Dulaney and bia blonde wile had to wait until district a~ torney'a investigators, backed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and INTERPOL, successfully concluded a worldwide hunt for the missing couple. lllllaney and bia wile took their three children to West Germany in December, t961~ at about the Ume that the first complainla about the World Trends organization began to l!lt.r into the district attorney's office. They were first ~t in Munich. lllllaney waa lat.r traced to the !),itch Can">bean colony of Cunao ofter 1ocaJ tnvestigoton unouccessfuQJ responded to reports that the Dulaneya ...... back in the Unlt.d states !rom Elln>pe and had actually vlaJted relatives In minoll and Colorado. lllllaney .... ntumed to Orange eoun. ty and WU -joined by bia wile Wflo waa compelled to leave a hospital bed in the Brf~lh colony of Bermudo and face the multiple charges levelled oeaJnat her llld her buoband. 'Ibo DulaneyJ and their five co<lt.ftnd· 11111 aro Irle on tbelr prom1le to appear fer trial Oct. 15. Named with the couple llld Shipley and -in the criminal action ""' Daniel llayet, 40, of Gil Snolri>lrd llrfv11 Hun- llnctoa Beach, W""'"ll Wmen AUatl!!, II, al Rivenldt Ind Fftd Riley, 45, of Norfolk, VL Light Bold on Ute Fireman Robert Moore maintains light grip on shirt of Paul Jenkins, 20, who lay for 20 minutes atop 9-story YMCA building in downtown San Francisco, oontemplating death plunge. A state labor inter· viewer talked to Jenkins until Moore got hold o! him and the wnuld·be leaper eventually agreed to leave his perch. See related photo, Page 5. Horse Thieves Steal 2 Steeds In Capistrano Mac and Shamrock are two of Bill's best friends wtiich is more than can be said for the unknown horse thief who is presenUy enjoying their C<lllpany. • Mac and Shamrock are 20-ye&M>ld geldings -Mac is a roan and Shamrock is black -and until last weekend they shared the pniperty at 291121 Rose Tree Road, San Juan Capistrano with owner Bill Hersey. Both elderly equines were removed from fenced pasture laod by horse thiev~s wllo are the target of ~1!.11 out aearch by Orallge County Sberiln of. ficer1. · "Those horses ari ,,~ ~I only 1100 each," an invesb,gaJ:pr said.· "That isn't much byt it's a lot hi&hef. than the value we put on the kind of guy who could pull a lousy trick: like this." iiiiiiiiiii Graybeard Speeds Along On Winds, Widen s Lead BY ALMON LOCKABEY DallY Plllf llNll .. l:dllff Plunging across the Pacllic at speeds of better than 10 knots Monday, Loi Kil- lam, skipper of the 73-foot Tahiti Race scratch boat Graybeard wasn't about to reveal hia wind and weather conditions. Han11y anyone cou1d blame him as · Graybeard widened her lead in lhe 3,571· mile Los Angeles to Papeete classic to hang onto both the boat-for-boat and han- dicap leads. According to positions reported by five of the seven boats tn the ra~, Graybeard ia leading her nearest competitor, Joe Pollock's Min Sette by 173 miles on elapsed time. She IJ 214 miles ahead of Concerto. 275 ahead or Aries and 340 ahead of Siete. Neither Pen Duick III. the previous cOrrected time leader, nor lnlsfail reported for the Monday rollcall . Graybeard reported that she had a 24> mile day'a nm between Sunday and i1on- day for an average speed of 10.2 knots. This could indicate winds or 2S to 30 knots. Min Sette ls apparently experiencing the same weather conditions as she reported an average speed of 10.2 knots. When ased to give bia wind directlon and velocity, the radio "ham" aboard Graybeard said: '1The skipper refuses for 4'Clical reasops." Graybeard'i position 1ave her 1,716 miles to 10 to Tahiti. Manin Ohio An unemployed strip-miner was ar- rested in Bordman, Ohio by FBI agents ewly this morning as the second suspect tn the $2 million heist at the Laguna Niguel branch of United California Bank. FBI agents working with U.S. Marshals and local police captured Amil Alfred Dinsio, !8. of Bordman as he was travel· ing in his car down a '4>cal street. Dinsio is the brotber·in-law Of Charles A. Mulligan, 38, of Youngstown, Ohio, who was arrested by FBI agents earlier this month in connection with the burglary in which an unknown number of people blasted their way Into the bank vault via the roof and rifled 459 safe deposit boxes. A U.S. ~tarshal's Office spokesman said this morning that Dinsio would ap- pear before a U.S. A-tagistrate in Cleve- land this afternoon for arraignment. Whether Dirl.5io will be shipped to Loa Angeles County Jail where Mulligan Ls now being held is not known. The spokesma11 refused to speculate whether ?11ulligan and Dinsio were in .. volved in a May 4 burglary at the Lord,s. twon , Ohio branch of the Second National Bank of Warren In which $430,000 in crush was seized. · The FBI also revealed this morning that I federal IJ"and jury indictment Monday named 29-yeaNld Ronald Lee Barber or South Gate In conneclioa with the burglary. Barber, ageots said, remains at large and is one or several persons that ma)' be arrested In oonnectlon with the-case in the next few days. His mother, Viola Barger, 51, was taken into custody June 14 for perjury in connection with the investigation . The disckllure of the indictment oC Barber came during a hearing in which Mulligan pleaded innocent to the burglary charges. U.S. District Court Judge Matt Byrne was to have set a trial date for Mulligan, but he continued the hearing when he was told of the possibility of further ar- rests. More than $2 million in HCUrities and an undetermined amount of cash and jewels were taken In the burglary. 'J1ie skill with which the thelv11 worked bas given a "Mission lmpoaalble" ~ to the entire Cllt. ' In the wake of Ille heist, IS aalety deposit box holders have sued ll1lltod California Bani< 10< $$3.S mllilan charg· ing negllgence O!! tile part of t11e ' bank and the Oreo aJatm company. Vacation Time ... Wagon Time #227655301!17 Colony Park .. • • • • • • • IF CONTINENTAL BUILT A STATION WAGON, COLONY PARK WOULD BE IT! Colony Park often the new look ol luxury In station wagons for 1972. Long the leader in the station wagon field •.• see for yourself the most magnificent collection ol better wagon Ideas under one rool ••• Test drive one today •.. SPECIAL ••• $4866.00 Montego ... Villager "Car Of The Year" ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL IN A STATION WAGON ••• THE HOTI'EST STYUNG ON THE ROAD TObAY I e GREA 'I'. SELECTION e ALL WITH Affi CONDITIONING • l!'ome Of Tiit New Car , • , "GoU-l'OtlClll,. hnson&son 2929 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA • l401131' Home Of The New car .•• .. ,..,.._ 'l'eeaelt" . ..._ ______ ~--------------------------. • \ t 4 DAll.Y PILOT Noise Level- It's a Riot SOUND 4 FURY D.!l'T. -Thole lolk1 "110 WO!T)' a lot about the environment and pollution more n:contly have been fUJ'TOWing their brows ·about noise. This Is dllficult to tmdentand. These people who are ICl'taming about 0 the noise polluten" like cement tac-. t.r1 ... Jet planes, auto body repair ahopa and the like have obviously never Jived around real racket. I mean, they clearly do not have any teenagen in their houses. Now, you take lffnagers. When you live with them, you can build up a really high tolerance for sound levels. Around our place we never get any complaints about noile from the nelghbon. 'Ibat's becauae tlie aten!O Is going at such vohme that you can't hur the talephone ring. I HA VE CONSIDERED padding the walls at otr place but 111 did Iba~ there would be no place l<r the kids to bounce basketballs agalnst. We have anlmaiJ at our place too but llley don~ pollute the air. They polluta oilier plaoee. Oh, tlie cata have a fight every now and tfl~ but seldom in our house. It alway1 happens on a neighbor's roof BOD1ewhere doWn Ille street. So II there'• catcall pollution, lt Isn't happening at our place. DOG 18 A'~lll'IJl'UL people because he doesn,'t much at all. He's a whiner. lo Ille ga when he want.I I<> get In oll fu. chaln, be aeta up a sort of high-pitched whloe. It's not loud enough to drive you out ol bed In a fit of frenzy. But H Is Jul! loud enough to keep yoll awake. The pltdi ol Dog's whine may be high tDOUgh to break the nelgbbora' glasSOI but II ii Is, they haven't com- plained yet. Probably kar I'd retrain the animal Into a bowler. Our neighborhood also leaturei two hooty..,.Js and a set of crows. Tiiey don't bother you much 10 long as Ibey don't get gnlng In llllilon. Anyway, all this bother about noise level& lo really only In your head. Ju>t remember, lhert is always the uplrln bo!Ue. Despite all Ulele lacta, some wrong llllnkm stlll lnslsl that noiles within otr <odety lhould be attacted with zeal and vigor. I SEE WHERE the Board o! Supervisors up in Rlvenlde County is considering an onllllolle law but they have run Into IOIDe opposition. The pea. plo wbo run Corona Raceway don't care much for it. O!Dclals o! Southern California Edi!Oll Qimpany gave it the knock. Some chap from Hemet testilied that the propooed onlJnanca wouldn 'I even allow the operalloo of farm machinery. Dan Simer, who talked to the Riverside board on behalf cl Edison, claimed the law as proposed was 10 stringent that It would even ouUaw normal conversation by two folks standing on their own front lawns. Well, maybe It Isn't really a noise ordinance. Maybe lt'1 just an antigossip law in disguise. Testimony pre sented to the Riverside supervisors proves that everybody isn't In favor of silence. Lota of folks like noise. Some are particularly devoted to the soW>d of cash registers clanging. IN OUR OWN Orange Gout region, the city of Fountain Valley waa the first to actually get an antlnolse law onto the boo ks. That just goes to show you. Foun- tain Vall ey was probably the last place on the coast that needed it. That place .is really quiet. The Joodest guy that ever walked through Fountain Valley was a d0<r-t<>- door feathennerchant. And ho was wearlng rubber-soled shoes. Tlltldoy, -27, 1972 U.N. Action 'Ignored' . By Israelis By Ualled Prea 1ntt1111t1out Imel and Lebanon today reported freah nptlng along their fronllera desplta a United Ns tlooa Security Council r..,lutlon condemning Israeli attacb. Israel &aid the attackJ would continue u loag u Arab guerrill11 attack IJraeU villageo from Lebanese aanctuaria. Egyptian Mlnillter of Stata Io r Wormatloo Mohammed Hasaan Zayyat told 1 news conference Jn Cairo the Israell attacks were part ot a ZionlO plot to am.. aoutt..m Lebanon In lonna- tioo of an "l•aell Empire" that already includ .. parts of Eygpt's Sinai Ileaert and Jordan. A mllltary spokHman In Beirut aald Israeli troopo and armored vehlclea struck into Lebanon Monday night for more than an hour and killed a civilian In an ambush.. An Israeli m 11 l t a r y spokeiman &aid an Arab guerrilla was killed and three Iaraell aoldier1 wotmded . . ' .. ': In the cluh. ,. The spokesman tn Tel Aviv &aid two Hijaf!ker's Weapon. Arab guerrillu ambushed an lvaell 1 border patrol northwest o! the aettlement A submachine gun believed used by the hijacker of Dan, that one of the attackers was of an American Airlines jet was found in a farmer's farmer found a canvu mail bag containing $502,- 000, believed to be the ransom money. The pilot says he is sure the hijacker perished in the jump. killed and that the other eacaped. He aaid field Monday near Peru, Ind. Earlier in the day a three members of the Israeli patrol were wounded. The Security Council condemned recent Israeli fora11 Into Lehanoo Monday night by a vote of 11-4 with the United Stai... and Panama abstaining. I Ir I e I t Ambassador Yose! Tekoah lmmediat.ly rejected the resolution as "lnequJtable and immoral" and protested that it did not condemn the guerrilla-inspired Lod Airport masaacre of 24 persons. Another 1tatement of the IaraeU posl~ lion came from Lt. Gen. David Elazar who said in a radio interview in Tel Aviv, "if It (Lebanon) doem't take any action, more terrorist attacks are Ukely to aome, and surely we shall have to take action to counter them." A Lebanese govenunent spokesman praised the U.N. ruolutlon u 1 vin- dication of Lebanon'• policies and a "denunciation of Israel's expansionist and aggressive policy." Zayyat, In the ca1ro news conference, expret3ed !lmilar views and said the resolution was the "oplnJon of mankind" and that "l am with the mt of mankind and not with larael." "The Israeli raida are part of an ex· pansloni!t poflcy aimed at colonizing the entire area/' Zayyat said. "hrael wants to implre terror and fear everywhere." Netcsman Killed CBS News reporter Del Vaughn was one of four per- sons killed Monday when a helicopter crashed while land- ing at Capital City airport in Pennsylvania. Three tefevision newsmen and the pilot were killed In the crosh while cov- ering the flooding in Pennsyl- vania. Agnes Survivors Returning Home -To Problems By The Associated Prtss Receding waters from the Eastern Seaboard's worst flooding disas ter enabl· ed thousands more to reta-n to their homes today but crisis points remained at Wilkes-Barre, Pa., and Big Flats, N.Y. Tbe death toll !rom the week-long ram- page by Tropical Stonn Agnes climbed to 123 Monday. Among the latest victims were three_newsmen killed in a helicopter crash u they returned from surveying the devastation. Drinking water remained a major prob- lem in dozeos of the hardest-hit com· munities, but the arrival of water purification units in IODle areas helped ea.se !be need !0< trucking In supplies. New appropiations of f e d e r a l rebuilding aid were promised by Prest. dent Nixon after complaints that the i~ ittal allocations were far too small. E3tlmates of damage run over •1 billion in Pennsylvania aloo.e. F..-the )ll'<IOlll, much of the relief came from people helping people. Mayor Eugene Petara cl Scranton, Pa., brought hundreds of his city's workers to help man the food and medicine distribution center in Wilkes-Bme. Food, clothing and medical supplies were stJIJ being flown Into the hardest.hit cities such as Wilkes-Barre, where downtown •lreets contained oily, stag· nant water and full services were not ex· J>ef1ec1 back for a week. · 'fWe are spared or the flood, IO we came to help <U" neighbors," said Mayor Peters. Big Flats, a town or 3,000 tn &oUttrwestem New York, remained vlrtually deserted today as oll company workera attampted to collect an eslimatad'500,000 gallon,, or gasoline and oil the! leaked from ruptured storage ~-tad the air. Entrance.o lo the town were aealed o!! by police, and motorist.!! on nearby Route 17 were warned not to· smoke. Ill Flying Again WASHINGTON (AP \ -The Air Force has reinstated its Flll tactical fighter planes folJowing an investigat ion int:> two recent cra.!hes. Thein ve s t i ga t Ion "produced no evidence to indicate a com- mon cause of separate a«identa," the Air Foree said. But ft added it was Wllble to pinpoint the cause of the crashes, which railed to 22 the number of losses of the oootroveralal swin«·wlni planes, formerly known u the 'l'FX. ' McGovern Sees Error; Still Not Over the Top WASIDNGTON (AP) -Sen. George votes from California's wiMer·lak~aD McGovern has backed <>ff his claim of primary. enough delegate votes to win the Success of that effort, saJd Humphrey, Democratic presidential nomination and who lags a remote second in the delegate now aays the prize atiJJ dang! .. just out count, "could change the whole ball of his grasp. game." McGovern strategists figured lat. Mon-McGovern traveled the South today, day that the candidate bolds 1,492.75 courting Southern Democrats w b o delegate commitments, a scant 16.25 disagree with him on key campaign short of the number need,,.ed.,.,_. --:--:---"issues The turnabout came alter a recalcula-He iefl aupporters In Wuhlngton-to tion showed McGovern errtd earlier protect his interests in the Democratic Monday in claiming to have topped the National Convention 's Platfonn Com- maglc number with 1 ~ votes to spare. mlttee, where they won initial ac- ceptance Monday for plants in line with His chief rival , Sen. Hubert H. McGovern's viewpoints on the Vietnam Humphrey, clung to the hope that the war and income payment.I to replace the partyts Credentials Committee would wellare ayatem. trim more delegates from the McGovern McGovern, himsel!, hinted 1 t colmnn by parceling out the 271 delegata forthcoming revisions o! the weliare- re!onn stance that baa tzoubled party Wicks • You have ,,_,, limning to Senator GeolJl9 McGcwml moderates and comervatives. Addresilng a labor group In Oklsboma City, he aald his revised plan would ease the tax load for most familie1 of four earning up to $11),000 a year, but would raise tares for the wealthiest 20 percent of the population. He sketched only bare details, but promised a fuller ouUine soon. Before leaving on the swing through Southern and border states, McGovern told a Washington 11CWS conference he had won the aupport o! IMl.75 votes held by uncommittad black delegates - enough to guarantee him more than the 1,509 votes needed to win the nomination. "There is no question, now," the South Dakota senator &aid, "that this Is enough to put us over the top in July on the first ballot." McGovern's claim immediately came under fire from dissenting black& and a Humphrey aide who &aid the fi8ure o! new support had been infiated. Later in the day, McGovern strategists admilted the error. Value of Pound Dropping As Light Trade Prevails LONDON (AP) -Tiie British pound dropped to $%.13 today, a devaluation o! 4.5 percent, altar the London !oreign er· change market opened !or the first time since the 1overnment11 decision last Fri· day to let the pound fioa t. sentanced to death In the electric chair by a panel of three judg,. Monday. The pretty blonde, wearing a violet dress, broke Into lean when the death sentence was pronounced. Two court matroos carried ber from Deleware County Courthouse. Fair Weather Predominate The dollar slrengtbened elsewhere in Europe. Tiie pound Opened at '2.51 and later eased back to '2.13. Dealers &aid the market was busy, but more with in- quiries than with trade. Tiiey reported relatively small amounts were changing hands. I IN SHORT ••• I ' Marred by Scattered Storms, Tornad.aes in Midwest .. ..... tClltlDC:AR. Th• dealer• aald the picture would probably he clearer Wednesday, when most exchanges oo the Continent ~ e Viet Seaate SAIGON (UPI) -Tllo Soutb Viet- nam ... Senata dl.!IOlved tnto a ahoutlng, table pounding melee todaJ that l<r<ed postponement of a vote on Pu11ldeal Nguy .. Van Thieu'• bill to srant him aJmoot unlimited powar for alz maalhl. Senate Speabr N°tlll)'eD Vu Huytn convmed the marnlng-eeal• two ud -ball boon lite wUll the an- -that ooe ti. the ID -tori, was a!rald to attend the debota because of u:nspecllled 0 tbreatt." "My lint ~lni opa1lllr, Sen. Vo Van Tnzyen, ts alao m1a1,. and the wile or another aeaatnr, 'l'rln Duy DOD, bas .aJd ' Don wu kldnaped," Heyen told the Iawmakon. All three oppose Thieu'• blli. eM_s-t_fi MEDIA, Pa. (UPI) -Mari1111 DolnlaJskl, a 1•1MMl4 motllor who ooof-1, to slayq !WO pcllcotnai, WU -~---------------------------------- Last -· the three Judi .. found her guilty ol llnt-decree murder Iii the &booting deaths of Delsnre State Troopers David C. Yaninflon, :M, and &aald Clrey, Jt. erreuC'Mde WASllJNGTON (AP) -'l!ia board of ........ of the Natlonll -Cub bas volecl _,to-a IUfl.cal• tn.m!pUaa of the N I z on lld- m!nlslntlon'a reiatlonl with the neWI media. Tllo club'• pro!-1 relatiaall ..... mtttae .... dlrectad M.,.i., nllbt to ...,. duct the lnveitlgatlon and mah a public report by Oct. J. ·£'-trols WASHINGTON (AP) -'l1le l'rlco Commlakvt ts clropplttC -•lion of any more controls on food pricoa for the tlmt bein(, 1n the nice ol J'noida Nlz. oo'a decision to tUmlnale meet Import nislrtottona. Bui ~ a.Innao c. J..- Gra)'IOll Jr. promllod 1 mltw ol food coall In about 1 month lo ... If brooder ........... oeedad ,, . . Cease-fire .I~ ! I . ' In Belfast 'Effective' BELFAST {UPI) -A ceue.flre called by the milltant Provisional Wing of the IJ'lsh Republican Army (mA) went Into ef!ect at midnight -but the kllllng con- tinued today. And there were more 1 bloody lncldenta In the boura and minutes bel°"' the truce began. Demint Norney, 38, a truck driver and father of five, was shot and tilled by gunmen today 1n the Roman catholic Ballymurphy area of Belfast; an 15-year- old ,..,U. &hot In a gunbattie In the Jll"" truce hours died In a hospital today. 'l1le ldllJng wu the lint aerious in- cident to mar the cease-fire which hacl,I • been generally effective for !ta flrsl 11 hours. ~re ere scattered cut1 ' ' •hooting !be night, but lnclde!l(a were mlno &cale and hurl no one. Two era and a policeman also died In seperate 1nc1aents in the hOUl'I before the truce, bringing to IM the number who have died in the past four years in lighting that Involved the Catholics, the: • Protutants, the British Army and tM' -IRA. • .. • Police said security forces were not iDo volved 1n the shooting of the truck driver. A spokesman said a bakery worker mak· ing hi! round& waa approached by tw&l l men who ordered him to drive a car and the dead man to Royal Victoria Hospital. I The young Protaatant man who died from guns.hot wounds was idenUf~ u WUllam Galloway. He was ooe of 10 civilians wounded In a gunhatlle In the DuncaJm Gardens. Tbe other vlcllms in- cluded a S.year-dd boy and an 5-year.,ld girl. AU were Protaatanls. There was some anlplng at British army posts an hour after the truce went into effect, presumably by dl .. hard mill· tan! membera o! the IRA "110 found II hard to accept a truce. Whether today's usailants were also die-bard guerrillu ~. was not known. 'f Shell Explosion 6n Na vat Ship Kills 2 Sailors " SAIGON (UPI) -A shell ezploded 1 Monday Jnsld• one o! the big guna on !ht • U.S. 7th F1eet destroyer Benjamin Stoel-• dert off the coast of South Vietnam, klU-1 • ing two oallors and wounding lour others. A U.S. command spok .. man &aid today the &hell blew up In the Stodder! '1 forward gun mount while the ship w~ firing on suspected Communist posltlona In the northern South Vietnam. Names o! the victim& were withheld and posslblt i cauae of the explosion was not exp~ • In the air war over North Vietnam, Radio H&DOI claimed today 11 U.S. jet, fighter-bomben were shot down in the : past 24 hours. Tiie report, monitored in Saigon, &aid five of the &Is planes downed today were hit near Hanoi and their ,. pilots captured. It gave DO indications of, 1 what happened to the crewmen of lh& ~ sixth jet or thotse of the five downed Monday. The U.S. command never comments on • Communist cloiml o! downed U.S. , aircraft but did aay today that an Air Force F4 Phantom jet craahed !rom . • "unknnown causes"ln a rald last We<fnes.. . ' day about SD mU .. northwest of Hanoi " and !be two crewmen ore missing. A command spokesman said the latest loss brings to 984 the number o! U.S: : planes lost since 1984 In bombing raids ,, over the North. The Radio Hanoi report put the number at 3,697. M!Utary spoketmen In Saigon &aid two allled alrerafl were downed Monday in the relentless air war near the old Im· perial capital o! Hue, 400 mtJes north o! Saigon. The Saigon command &aid an ... Army AIU nconnalAanCe hellcoptar wu hit by ground fire and crashed 25 mil., northwest o! Hue. The two U.S. crewmen ,• were wounded but rescued. A U.S. command opokesman &aid Com-,l munlat guJ111er1 shot down a U.S. 02 "SUper Slcymaatar'' obaervatlon plane 14 " mll• IDlllbwest o/ Hue. The pilot open!' I the night In Communiat-lnlesled jungJ ... h but was pulled to aalety today, au!!ertnc " only 1111 Injured wrist. . Command apokSllDID 1n Safgaa ~ • U.S. 1152 bombers flew Z1 m!saions fronl: noon Monday lo g a.m. today In Soutq Vietnam's two norlhernmoat provinces-; 'lbua Tblen and Communist-held ~i Tri. Desplta the heavy air raids, Nort!ij Vietnam... gunners pumped nearl~i 12,000 rounds o! artillery and mortar llnl ' Into all but one of the H base <amJll hf 'lbua Thlen Province where the Soutlj v-... army baa establlshed 1i, de!enae zone. lo oilier action, Norllt VlelnatneM 1 IJoope. unable to penetnta the My Cwih Rt..,. def1iwt line north o! Hue, launched blc artlJlery and ground •ttacitl todq od the -opproach lo the oid lrnperlal i::i-South Vlett!lnt.. aid the •ltacb --onb' o .. milea from Hue -'""' npulled and that the Communlsti l'olt * dead aplnsl Hslll ..... -- DAILT PILOT DELIVERY SERVICE Dtl""Y ol tilt 0.11J ~llot ·--_,..._ ..... "" --,....,. by t :l6 11.m .. an .,.. .,_,. c..., w1" .............. 0111 ..... .,. 11a '·"" ltfWtlf ... ..,..,f "' ~ • "" ~ atlY ..,,. ' a.'M. """*'• " I a."' 911 Mt• COll"fwtrl ......... . ' llli ..... Mtll,. ... ..... T•----•-........ -....... ,~ .... .., WWl'IWflr ..... W:""' .... -=:~~:z:-:.. ~ ~L..-ll ....... ( I l . I l ' ? ., 1 • • • • ' I' ! I ' l I I I l . I I • ,...,..,, Jw 77, 1m SC DAll.Y '1LOT JI Tuesday's Closing Prices-Complete New York Stock Exchange List Stock lnvP.'ltors Wait on Sidelines ' ..... .. .. 1"41L) Hitlll a.-CltM Cll .. "'" "'" {WI.} H"ll LIW CtMt 0... Finance Briefs e FOOll Ea,.,.I ... • •• • LOS ANGELES -CoD1111 Foocll lnternallonal I n c • , owner and operator or 1a Kentucky Fried Cblcktn and Sizzler ' Family Steak House I restaurants, bu announced r.cord earnings of a,llM,000 for the fiscal year Mlllnll April 30. • Earnings for the prev1oua filcal year wue $1,717,000 or ' '5 cent& I shatt. With I por • Illar. IJrure adjustment lot the ~10!'2 •lock split In AprU. ..... ahare eornlnga for lflcal 1172 were 71 cent& 1 allate. company P<eslc!ent J1mo1 Colllna llid M~. ' . es111,9an1 ' SAN DIEGO -camPllen • lnduatrles aald 11 bu ap...s I • In prlllclpl1 to ICQWrt the I lhlpyard operauona or Son 4 DlflO Marine Constnidloa Co. I No detalls were IMDWICtd. • Both Dnns have built 1.,. • tuna ltinm. • 1 1 .·u STARS Clmpbell owns a lhlp-1 • \I Sy4ne7 Omarr II one ol bulldlrc and repair yard al llio • '" the ,.,,..,.,., area• uwlo-loot ol Ith Avenue In Son I ·~ gen. His column 11 .,,. o1 Diego. San l>iqo )larllle It .: f.':~r PILO'l"S sna• . localed at Ille loot ol "' ........ _______ _. ·Sampm. I . · I ' • • Jtlto 1972 IWl.Y PILOT J We'd like to introduce ourselves to Newport Beach. Though the name is new to our town we've been .around for a long time ••. bringing thousands of families across the country great television reception and more viewing enjoyment. Now we're doing the same here. Yet, there's more to us than a beautiful reception and extra chan- nels ... just like there's more to our name than our newly painted trucks and signs. There's the years of , experience we have as the leader in the field of cable TV. • There's the warm, friendly, efficient way~ we treat subscribers. New and old alike. There's the reliability of a company who is constantly making ,new breakthroughs in search of better TV transmission reception . • A completely rebuilt cable system brings you the finest TV reception possible. Greatly improved FM reception and Local Origination ~ : • • I . to keep you up to date with events in Newport Beach . We won 't be satisfied until you're getting the best in TV entertainment. Teleprompter Cable TV •.• there's more to us than meets the eye. lELEPRDmPTER ( 41!\J : le!:@ ~ OUR REGULAR $14.95 CABLE TV INSTALLATION- F REE • (C) Cl¢$illllll f#iwTW Clli ... O .... 1f1I I You p•y only I month's service in advance. Otter good in cabled areu only. DIAL 642-3260 • J. ' ~ ...... -.. -·· • -..... .. . _ ... . :':" ...... ~ . ..c:;. • .-...._ ,, ... ~<'(<'·1 • " ~,..... . ·~ ..... ,.,. •......:-,,. ~· I . • • •lllC• • • ~·~:·f" . --~r.;.. , l ' / ·~ I ' ' 1 • .. 1 . ' •I orange CA.ast EDITl'ON . I N.Y. Steeb -vot:. 65, NO. 179, 3 SECTIONS, 38 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, JUNE ~7, 19n N TEN CENTS \ ""1 I Committee OKs Bill to Kill Whole Freeway • llJ WILLIAM 8CllRl!lllER • Of .. DellY '"" ..... ...... bill by siate Senator Dennl4 Carpenter (R;Newporl Beach) ellmlnal- ll>g. the entlr~ stretch of the Pacmc Cout Freeway route between Ventura ond San Diego sailed through the Senate Tranaportatloll Committee Monday on Ila way tdtbO floor for a final vote. '.Newport Beach Alaemhlyman Robert Badham's bill dropplJll lbe freeway leg through Newport Beach is s11U on the sena te floor awaiting ii• final readlng and a vote someYme this week. "I am confident that my frt!eway bill will gel thonigb lbe finance committee easily this Friday and then on to lbe Door ror a vote," Carpenter sald today. "This would be the flrsl bill In lllle history to ellmlnate an ent!N freew8J mi1Uons ol dollan In property that would route," he said. . never have been condemned· in the first ~~penter cited lbouaandl. of pan:ets ol place," Carpenter said. pabllc and private land that bave been "Deutmejlmt'• aod Badham's bill affected by the route and piecemeal dele- Uon efforts over lbe put Mveral years. alrNdy amount to a llO percent deletion "Aside from lbe mllliom ol dollan ihat of the lneway and mine ..., all the have been spent acquiring property ond way," Cari>enter said. planning this freeway, tbe delelloo ol the "I admit my bill won, oolve the route favorably aflecll liundreds ol . tranlPortalkm probl~ but II will force ' ' ' . Good Faith Requested . •. . • ·.•t ~·11 If Irvine Wants County Airport Master Plan I~ By L PETER KRIEG ~l Of .. DallY PHii lt.n )Newport Beach councilmen Monday nilbl told the city of Irvine ii it wants to -pllll the .Orange Cciynty Airport -. Irvine must show "I\*.' faith" by rolllnc bock IOriing Oil the 5kcre McDomell ,Douglas · propeify on MacArthur Boulevlld ... J!ell>ondlni· to an Irvine niolutloa ask· mg' for a delay In -dfntion ol a lt3S million development pllll (or !be nearby " Martha Plea < Turned Down .. B Mitchell y . Fmn Wire Sentcos Formu U.S. Atl<inoq I G<iiaraJ ~Olm Mijcbe!! -Y'-1o .-. ...,,. ~~·:If~':"' IOrtb4. bas cancellell ...... -heavy ~., .... -.... ·-· fOced Wlth'an ulltmlllum'hm bla WU. ta'qult polJUcs phoned from he< Newport -villa lail week; Mllcllell bas no ln-len&nl of laaving ' bla Poll u Nixon's cam)lOlio JDalll!IU, cloH'1 aklea said Joroi>day. • ' • , ·Powell llloott, a Mltcbel! llall member it lbe Committee fO<· llHIOctiClll ol the Prtoldenll wu uted Monday ii Mitcbell .... quitting. ,!-'Not .by a long lbot," be replied. "He's cOmmttted to the wt before him." '}!Mlrirlllle; ID allegedly m'uJaed Mn. Mllchell wearlDI bondqcs· covering fliron of her left baqd bu tateo up quarters In the ]lOSh Weatcbesllr ~ Club Jn Rye, N.Y. Rye wu 0 the com- ....,Uty In w!llch the ~Ua 1ved wben bl WU a Wall Slreel lawyer. 'until last weekend, when Martha left the Orange Coul followlnl • stormy ....., marred. by a feud with John at a {!ewpirl Beach GOP per!Y anll lbe DOW• f,mous Tbunday phone call to a lnllled w~ reporter, she was eapecled ~ star In the iilloa campaign effort. ·BUI n9w tbOre'I DOI a llnlle. publlc ap- (See Mm;Hl<llJJ, P ... I) I Coast Youth Escapes !njury in Car Crash ; A young Newport Beach man-escaped !RJIU Mooclay Wlern!>on. • when bi~ ' Gerinan car went oul ol control ond rolled over m con Drive Ill a ~ 4islrlcl overlooking Newport Harbor. 'w Mark H. Fink, 20, of 414 Allio Ave., wu eutbound m C!iH Drive at Tu1t1n Avmue about 411 milel perllour wbea tbe acddellt occumd, acoonlllJc to pollco. .: ms car IO'le!rw! ino!lerate -.. in Jhe ':15 p.m. accident. ~ ' . . Colllllll Radio Company pr o p er t y , NewP<irt COW1cllmen adopted a resolullon of their own Jbat aaya, In part: "Newport Beach wlabea. 'to olflclally and without rmervatlm rufflrm its con- tinued lnlent to ._.te with .the city of Irvine In plannJni the are.a ••• on a mutually sailafactory basis; "Al a gesture ol good faith the City Council ol Newport Beach urges lbe Irvine City Council to promplly consider reuamlnlng lbe zoolng Clll tbe McDonnell Douglas property '° that COD1prebenaive planning studies may btcin in earnest." Without ·waiting fir a ,_ae, Newport councilmen ocbee!ule<l'a July 10 public bearing OD the Colllna request to mooe Ila 1n .. er. porcel ·to allow high rile olfke buildlnp. . . Councilman Millll llollal wonted the reoolutiClll'to. Include an order f<r the two clues• llaiaon commiti-to meet pool haste. ~ , " "Do we have to lnslrucJ subcommltleel Newport Council Action Here In brief are major actions tateo Monday by Newport Beaib c:ouncil- men : BUDGET ADOPTED -Approved llU mi!iJm spending pac!<Me foc llacal . 11172-73, up aboul II million .D)alnly becauae of salary bikes IDd projecU - ried over. . WGB RISE CONTROU ,_ Scbtduledrpublic befring tentatively Aug. 1' m regulalloal to eatablilb varying be1ght 1lmlta .througboul tbe ,city. to meet," mapped M$.yor Donald A. Mcll\Dis. "I !hint Irvine la aerlowl·ln its Intent to work' with ,., Iii comp-..ivo. plan. nlng," Dostal said. "A • meeting wwJd esihance tlie chancea . ol COIDln&: 'up with IOlllOlblnl -blle.~ '"n>eJ made DO • effort to meet willl us," V\ce MalW How8ld ~ero con- tended. "U this is a lon&·l'IDle thing, (See COWNS, ~ Z) * * * Firm Seeking Conditional . . Use ·Permit · PAYING FOR 'pAJIXS -Told Budgtt Goals Coaimlttee to meet with . . J>arb, BeadJes and kcreauGa 'Comm!HJcn to prepare priority li<t of "en. .Oflldlla, ot 'ifc'll!lil'f\,n,aesu Corp. =.ii:·,r~~·llli:;.1!'.'11 ailel. No~~':"''**-"""° PP. lli(lr .... 111..r+i-ai«••- WEST l'iEWl'OllT STllEETS ~ Approved _,, Iii muter .... callloC dillanal,.. 11111111-llle lnlat - for -of Jt1b .,._and Bdloa Boa1oYJrc1 prorided tltJ'• lriflle ...,. nlol ..,..1.,.. to allow "''"'"""'di!. - aultanl,flndl nollllDc -with tbe plab. prol1ml=of Md ... b _ _.. of I BED TAX llD<ED -lnncreued ''uniform traaaienl oceupaney tax". from balldlna at~ ca.pm Orin. five to aix,,..._ OYer 0ol>joctlm1 of three summer renlal ownera. A --........ ' lilda, aald PouCE ADDITION -AwaMed bid for comiructlm of aeconoktory addJ. lbrte ardlltecll, a -and a - lloa to police beadquarten: have leQed .m.. ipace Ill ille bodkffnc EMPLOYE 841,•llll!S -Approved cootradl with city employes callJng Cit)'~ ...... wllllain Woollett Jr. aalcf f<r average 4.7 (l!'r<tlll ·poy and fringe benefll ~-a CODdillanal uae permll la nqalnd""" NO BAY PUMPING -Appn>11ed ~ cmdonilnbnn ... Lido Parlt DriYe -... .-.... ol tlwrOll)!•tna ol . when developer pnmlled to -1DJ water encountered Into a truck to be the parcel approved by counlJ ... .,,.. dumped at Ille ....,ty clump. DHilit -,.. bef<n'. locorporaUoll. • &11\PORT ZONING• ~ Sdteduled publlc bOarlng July 10 m flll mfil!oa • "1 -theJ ilmd: -1enan11 In development Plan fol Oolllna Radio Company properly bul indlqtod ;will delay abd 'now, -to nlu. tt right," Woollolt acllon ·for join! la)b "1lb Irvine ii that city rolll back commerdal ·aCllllnl Oil said. . McDolinell Doaglu property acrod"Clmpua Drive, · • ·Since 'IWilPur•llGn. miiiJ ~ m -........... the cltT• bii!tdilc . $14.3 _Million Budget Wins Newport Approval A 111.S inJ11ion city budget that ReJll Newport Beach under Ugbt spending restraints wu unanimously approved by councilmen Monday night. '!be propooed budget may nnec ... _..tllate a slight lncreue In tuea depending on the outcome of a propOaal to enact a aurtax to ·acquire park and, bicycle trail •Ilea. In,. r.iun of .a bearlnc two.~ .... not a abisJo -a_..rbefcn....,. cilmen to conunent on the spendlag. '!be budget ~ about '1 mlUlon above · what City Manager RobOrt L Wynn said II 1'0Ukl be lnitlallJ bat he aplalned tbe -la due prJmartly to new salary ·--· with' dlJ emplo1'f abd • IZSl.ll!IO carryover In the water fund to pay !Or a ........ at Spyg!aa llfil. In addilloo, councllmen added IUll,000 to the general fund apendlnl, lneluding 152,000· f<ll' a atonn drain cleaner and $50,000 to hire alx .... pollc:tmm ii a propooed lltate grant falls throu811- lnclucled In tbe bildget is $mll,llOO In • contingency account and 111111,llllO In a new 11stabilizatioa fund." Wynn said there will be DO problem In coming up with the additional ........... He ald tbe ...,..1r funda will aimply be transfemd from lbe currant budget wblle lbe romalncler will be picked up from a one percent bed tu blloe, a bib In Ille beadt perkln1 fees al Corooa de! Mar State Beach, and the bulk ol 11 from (See BUDGET, Pap I) --later a~ -"' dl1 """"""-"' Ille incilslrlal to --Joe -bad maJD. lalned jbe ..... cilJ'• rlJlbt to recmaider • the ..... dlanae. . • At tsaue with ibe·!arpr-..... porcel . is the cbqed .. -ol land ... around the· Orange County .Airport that would ' result fnlm' approval of 'the McDonnell· Douglas plans. I A convention center and hotel are amoDg the (DijHWJeial WI the firm had1 coovlnced ~ offlclala were needed ' wben !her the mmlng prior to . lncorporalkm lrTlne. 'Ibo Mcllamell-lloagl ll[>Ohnan to- day,noted lbe coadlllonal.-permit they .,,, leeklng -the dlJ, would allow the commercial, ....._ and pro-' faalonll .... 111!11· w\thiD tl'e _,,..,,.. 1!Ulldlnl preoeat17 Ill lbe pupe(ty. . However, Woollell aald Ille condllloaal' ... permll mlJlbt """ .... the plannlna . iomm....., to lalle _. looll: al ....,. merdll aoa1a1 Ille llrm IOI 1nm the" COmJtf, ' I A mum ol the McDonnell-Doualu pareel'• ..... to IDdaltrlal. lo qecf by ofllclala la NeW[ICll'.I -ln their ...... lutlon --·jolal~-~ to .llUd1 alaport araa .....,....... traffic planners to look for other means to IOJye them," be added. Bldham'a bill bu been on the senate Door awat!lng final adlon for three days. C&rpenter said today be Is waiting until the most opportune Ume to bring it up for a vote. The senator is responsible for shepberdlng a .... mbly blUa by Badhfm through the oenate. "We have been concentrating on senate .1 • bills and emergency assembly bills this week but I hope we can get to Badham's freeway bilt before Friday," Carpenter said. Carpenter's bill, tf it passes the final hurdle of the finance committee on Fri- day, would be on the senate Ooor by July t -a wtiriing holiday in Sacramento. "We should have a vote around that time,'' Carpenter said. l'•ilter 'll•hf!• 'JfarNst~. , ~ .. ~4 t •. ' ' , . t v • .. t LoRIJi·FJllott; I' Peni,. Indlini, 'farmer, talb lo reporters about how .he (quad what i,. thought to ·be ~00,000 In nnoom from American · Alt!ln~· skyJacltinf )tme ~ He s.aid he found the money while In-~ a 1 IOY. baan.llelcL See relate~ photo, .Page 4 . ' ~' ~ l ; f I CooociJ . ll~je:cts $8,000 ' I • I ," Jo :~~¢~~·:WestHarbo~ , , . I i l ' . ' A propoul to spend '8.llllO·for a llludy · Rlcbanl .V. lfalan polntod, out-lbel, lllt of the feullillily' of Hgli/g a batbor In Orange' County Harbor Dlalrlcl • the Wflt Newpon"-00 flolila wu rejected coura.ged the.ltudy, saying it would -by Newport, -·coancihiien Monday r·~ night. • vlde additional boating area f<ll' an ·c1una"lbe .p0temw' bO.eot ·to private . overcrowded harbor. lnt.....U -Hancock "Bill" BA!)nlng ·lli, "'More barbcir would mean only ......, ..-_family.O'llDI all tbeJand'lnvo!ved ' boats and llJOi'e cars· adding to !be con- -counc:Umen said they thougbl . be . gealloo here," countered Rogers. should at leut help pay part of the coet '!be supealion that Banning be asked of the ltudy. to contribute wu made by Councilman City Mab.pr Robert L. Wynn P.ln!Oci John Sl«e after Rogers and councilmen out that·lbe prtmary wrpooe of the atudy • CO.I Kymla and. Paul Ryck6ff vol..cl was for the coaalal element of the ctty'1 eonUnued objections to consideration ol general Plan. • · , · the ,[ll'OJecl. . Some,. MmcJ-..... II dil!erentl:f, however. .. Ara in cWal ~ to' aid cGola' Meaa • • . Jalud {property OW91" -Vice Mayor Howani """en, -· lilir fo' beth I the) Bannln( ~ -and <:oata -·· l)Oll)blllly ol· _, llevlng a marina lurtller to 1he north. Community Development D I r e "I o r • Police Seeking Paii-in Robbery At Restaurant . . * * * ' Newport Manager ' •noloeaus1 Threatens!' · Weadier Su,irtlJ'~ m 'W~ !rith low -alonr tbe coul, accordinl to' the ...aiher eervloe. Gets Pay; Boost I • • A manhunt la under way today tor two .....,.. wilo knocked m the-·· door at ·a fas-Newport Belcll reotauranl Moaday ,,..,.q and rtli .... lier ol '8.000 In --reoetpll. Council Told Newport Fire Prot.ecti!Jn ,l'IUldequate :;r~~~=~-= . Reltaurant, fl Fublon llland, when !bl • llllha ..-'It at tbe beaches, Ill ' lo1and. i.o,o·fml&bl Ill Ille lll'L INSIDE TODAY • BeU. StmT, Roi,,,_ E1'G, Pom Alla, etc. ftt• -• 111< ..i1v -,........,.. llr lodiell-Of U.. Old Wal. SH . llOl'V. l'GQc 19. _ ........ ,, -.. --. --. --' """ ,.,, ---·-.. -.. -. __ ,... --. Newport -C11J Manaaer Robert L Wynn M""'8J-Ii'!' a '3.'!I' raiaa for the 1m:11 -,..,.. bJ lbe Cit)' Council. Wym, wbe W11 hind 10 mmllll aco, will -bo ...... '31,llO ..-JlJ. Al · 111e w -counclbnm -near1J a II ..... [lllY ralle to Qty AtaMJ ~ O'llell ..._... Iii pay from fD,I. lo ..... a year. • Tba P11J If Qty a.rt Laura Lal* --'81 u percoal, -.'11.• .. $11~-prlloe ... al ..... top olfJclals, wbe --' dlndlJ to the -~ In crattllaf the ...,_ aflor aJ)lnrinl cmbacle with the cllJ'I emploJe --1•a1 annpl us,..... Newport Beach may not be [llVVldlng Be ald only the .SU. o1 Loe Anplul adequate fire pnlecUon and,a lbreot ol a San IJleao and San 11wi... aurp1111 major bolocallll ~over the city, Newport-'•IGCll---IM councllmeD _.., told M-,.. mlllloa -iut -· "Oar ablllly to maintain adaQaate fire "We mq ......., be la trouble • RrTice --11 quelltianable," Aid RObert_ Fowl« ..set. . ' Fowler, Ille c1ty•1 balk!J .. coalnl of. Coundhue lllcllard cr..1 calltdj Boer. = ·--.= md -"Some" -............. eom-~ ......... ~" ,._ Pl~-*> lw one of the Cioal, a bal1dor Nmull, aibd .- -.... ol llo Ill lbla cJ.. Newport load! -._ 1M .... 11," -lllf. ..... _,a-of qali r r K lm1 11 IM -·· 1111 ... -.. _ ll!lf1llN .-u ........ .., Oodl. Q-.. aB -.. rill IMdMJnp --ltdMllllt'llllaladdad, ... JMjlr 4*~ lllt .......... "U we ... 11111 Jiii, It .., be loo '"llllN hao biiil = IHI srnlli la laW." Newpon lltldl;" llld. "Wa n -aim -that Ille -.i flnl Iii dollar voi-., ~ per --ii -fellllc ........ Cll[lila la tllii mtln ol&" -.. In ,,__ aed aaJd I • • I -·Prelldential' ll1ldy cloiiui!laetOI> bancllts -· aaJd pertlnent provla!Om of buJldlns , She lold ~ Giie brandlobed I -ire "the moot U~prtpand." t"= ;.""' ..,."::.:r=· i:' :;:c!: Pin Clliaf i.o l.ovo lbla IDmlli!I COD-about $5,111 Jn all = WU llltfled lido I cumd ID &verJfldnl Fowler uld. paper bag. ''!lll recommenotalm ill the bu1lllflll lavoatilatcn laid the vicllm WU code .... [IUI la lilln,al -..... rtloa , qulck!J ... qaieli7 bound and pgod l'MllJ," Ollel Lota uld. durlnc 1111 1:'5 am>ed i:obbely. "We-~ -Ille~ lo ftPl 'l1lo bondM1, cleocribed u In their ~ a flft Iii a !llP rlM Jlalldlal. • :1111, allppod oll and lira. O'Dalley Wll "We feel l)ll'lUltr ayatems are lie 41..,._..i by a bortender who bad - -lo "' ............ ba Mid: -kin( elaewhtre In the 1padool 1- "lt laka an A1111J ol fhw lo potoat and clllllna"""" complu. a !Ira Ill a hlP rlaa -.. • Loft aaid. Tht ~ ""'"""' lllcklip -''WI M1 blft. mla1·'' 1 YtrtuJl1 ldentJcal .. Ol'le at I .... 1Aiva alao poliiloll oat IM=r.= Beacll'1 --Rutauraot .-llr __ .,..._I.. two-...... -111e -• (lea IPllNll.S9, .... • llafl ..... .-_ bollld aed all IF 1-l J DIJl.V PILOT N • r.,q,, """'v. 1m Sensuous Men? Nominees Abound at Frasierland • loch ..... -1llleo .. Dr. U., Klalnger Rudy Vallto and Flip Wllaon are included among a doien nomlnees for the title of Am erica's Moat Seo....,. Man. according to lhe latest word from Frasltr-land, tomtllmes known as Orange County's Lion Country Safari. The nominees, have beeo selected by members of tbe Frasier (the Sensuous Lion) Fan Clubl and a Golden Frasier (a troplly In the llkt..., ol the famous lion) 1w1lts lbe winner of a poll to be con- ducted by newspaper colunisU aod radllr TV penonaliUes tbil summer. Tbe cooteol -lmvlred by tho IC-COlllplhhmeola of the olderly u. Coul- ll)' -wbo allqedly alred SI eubl In a --and ll adond by u..._ wbo 1p11rned the advtnCH of younger, mo.. handlome lions. The 12 nomlnee1, "cho1<n !or lhelr sheer senauaUty and animal magnesUnn. regardless of age," according to Fraaler Fan etub pretldent Marilyn Arcoll of Loi Ancelet are, In addltioo to lhe abov .. lllllled lrto, BW Ballanct, Klrk Douglas, M"" Grilllo, Dean Martin, Rlc1rdo Moolalben, Paul Newman. B u r t Reynolds, Cesar Romero and Doc Severin9on. Mesa Planners OK 60-unit South Coast Plaza Wing By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI Of .. .,..,, "'"' lhff A fi0.1lore addition to Soulh c.U! Plua which la erpected to generate belween t:l5 and f40 million In new retail sales each year wu approved by the CGltl Maa Plann1ni Cornmiulon Moo- day night. The live-man commlulon endorled the eiponsloa llfOJo<I by unanlmoul vote allOwing eollllruction to beCln Im· medUltely, ctty Council approval II DOI required 1lnce the general plala ccncepl WU aPPNVed by eow>cllmea In 1116. Complellaa ol the threNtory Bulloclt'• d_.....u lllcn, anchor :r=•f the new wtac. ll ocbedllled for of llllS bul tht otbel'. -probably not be flnlllled until the followlnl oprlng, •coordln& to 1'1111 • Mal!aler a--· Tbe Sq..-Family, bullderl of the new wing. apecla to lnvlll be-flO and fl2 million to the 1111,llOIHquaro-fool pro)ecl. • Already tht lorgeot lboppiaC -Ill Oranp c..at, wltb ill " ..... and .... jor ---·South Coul,1'1111 will become oae of Iha -1c1·1 llrletl &hopplnc areu oace tht apo!lflon II compleled. II will be llr(el' tball the Ala Moina c.w In Hawaii and -In "'" ooly to a~ lhopping COider In ... .._ Tbe oal1 ~ CXJIM!!Mimar wltb •PPll• fl= about Iha Soalh Coul PlaD WU Olarill lied< wbo cbarpd ID a 11UC11 -prior to the•:• p.m. meollmc that the lmpoct"' ~ had DOI IUfllcleallJ bolo "N..., 11avt I _, ., .,pin-cl thll ............. with WC:. lltllo llall • port," aald Beek "' the~..,_ queoted -plan &amuuumealmonl .... .,.. .... Wlc""'*11qbnrllthe_.... Plata -Id hive Illy ~ tdeot cm the eonununtty and -II mllbl spell the"'"deatb ra · OU. local bU&inehes. Commission Chairman H. J, 11Jlmmte" Wood 811!Wlred by explalnlng thet the projed had been thoroughly llludled over the put a yean. .. [ ... , und4l'lt&nd your going oU on a ll111ent ol bow lhl1 alfects the downtown dlstrlct," be 1111p- ped. "You llnow damn well it'• going to alled the downtown dlstTld." William Walton Services Held Funeral servlcu for .Wllllam D. Wa1ton, 52, of Costa Mesa, were held June 22 at Sawtelle Veterans Cemetery. Mr. Walton, of 53f Hamilton St., aerved In World War II as an intelligence officer in the U.S. Air Force. He graduated lrom UOLA School of 1aw and was later employed by Coast Federal Savings and Loan AuoclaUon in Lo• Angeles. The Waltons had lived In CGltl Mesa sir.ce 1968 and he laught swimming at the Boys' Club ol lhe Harbor Area. He II ourvlved by his wile, FrlllClllul M. Walton, plus aons, Christopher and Anthony and daughter, Victoria. OIAN•I COAST • DAILY PILOT Ttle Ori"" CMll DA.ILY PILOT, wtt11 wtlldl 3 combined tlM NIWl-P"""' It llUblllllell W tlle Drtnte C•t r'W9'\tll l119 °"'Pfnr, ...... rete Mlllonl ,,.. pybl~. MOl'!Cltr through Frid•)". 1.,-Cosla Mn1, NtowpOrt hKll, Hunllntllln l•KJlll"ovnll~ V111ey, L.- 8e9C.lt, l,.,,l1te/S1cldl.tlKll aflll St" Cllrntnlt/ S11t J lil91t C1pl1lr11no A 1lr19J1 reti'-1 .clllllft b pull11W!ld 5-twc11ya ......... ys. TIMI Pfll'lcip.I p,obllMllnO .... nl b •I ~ WUI ley SlrMI, C•lt M.,., C.Mlornlt, QM. ltol>ert N, W1M l"rn ldft 11111 l'UCllltllw Jee~ It. C11rl1y Vice ftrnkMnt •1111 0tnw1r MaMo.,. 1li1f'l'l11 ICtt'f'll Edltw Tiio11111 A. Mvrphh11 MIMtllMI IEdll'Or L Peter krl19 H""°"' ltkfl cn1 Elfl!W ....... .._. Offk9 JJJl Ntwporl lo11l1•1r4 M11li1t1 AclJr1111 P.O. lo• 1171, ,J,lJ ....... _ CMf9 MM.11 -W..f ley "'"' l...-a..dl: m J"trwt A""""' Hunt'"'*' ltffdl: 1711$ IMt'fl 18'.11.-tf!N llfl ~•: aJ ,..,.,.. II Clmlrll "- 111~ (1141 '4MJl1 Ct....,. Moecll•t HJ..1671 ~·· ~ °""""' Cell! M!Wt1114 ~,. ,,.. ,.... ,..,.., .,..,.. ..... .. ,..... ....,,.. ... .._.."""""' '-tilt _, .. ,...,,....., ... "*" ..-111 ""' ..... ~ ....... . ................... " C.t ........ , ............ , .... ~ " at'l'lw IU.S =, .., .,.. a.ti ......, .......,., '' .... """"""· Plans are lo connect lhe two-level man wing to the existing mall at the Caroulel Court and welllerly toward Bear Street. The new Bullock's ltcre, meuurtng 1111,000 oquare feel, wlll be atlacbecl at tile wing'• end If negotlallo111 with Federated Department Stores prove auc- cessful. . The new addillon. which woold tn- cre ... lhe shopping area lrom l.Z mWlon to 1.15 mllllon oquare leet, requires the oonslructlon or two 1>igh-ri11 parklnc atructures; one 1t each end of the wing. Both thre...tory unlll wW expand the parking capacity of the plea from 1,000 to 1,000 veblcles, acoordlng to Planning Director Bill Dunn. The apanslon project II only the first In a sert11 ol Segerstrom FIDllly un- derlaklnp oa the 200-acre South Cout r...,, Center. Ullimltely, the family plw to in- creue the number of lh091 one! 1toreo to 250 and' lilo COllllruct a If story, fl5 m1l1loa '""'I, COlllleded with the 1hop. J>lnl center via a llfOmenade over Brlltol SCreet. · lleo1auranta, 1W.walled o!Oce towen. a financial center and • medical center are planned tO !.und oul the overall llfOjed. r ..... P .. el MITCHEUS. •• ~ .. lier ocbedule. -.Y lira-Mltdlell told reporten ·-belDI bold a "piilUcal ~ .. ~D and Ibo Wbite HouOe haff declbiad .......... Cll tho char&o. . lloweYer, a --for the Nia ""'M!tlh llid Mn, !lllfdlell hu "" ap-panncoa ocblduled for the ..... 1. of June. ·"Sbe lntendod to UM It for' tree time .. the aide aalil. • • • .Earlier tn . 11111 ·election year,1· Mn. Mltcholl wu depicted by stall members u _havlng more demands !or ap- pearanoea around the country than any other woman In the Nixon Ach!>lniltralloo. She Wis expected to mate numerous campaign ippf:1rances. Mrs. Mllcl>ell'• popularity !lemmed lrom a serleo of pungent cornmenla abe made wblle her husband was attorney generaJ. They rqed from an atlaclt on Sen. J. W. FUlbdglrt, for hil vote qa1ml Nixon's SUpreme Court nominee G. Harrold Carswell, to complaints about women being third-dau citizens -"We've never been liberated aa far u our view- point is concerned " Her comments u°suaJly were offered l~ telephone calls to reporters, and usually late at nighl. · As a result of the publlclty, Mrs. Mitchell was Invited to appear on TV lalk shows and before numerous organJza- Uons. Now Mrs. Mllcliell reporta abe Is being kept out ol the spotllahl. It is her "bonaty" they're worrying about, she says. Judiciary Unit Votes for ITI Findings' Study WASHINGTON (AP) -The Senate Judiciary Committee voted unanimously loday to request the Justice Department to review the record of its Investigation of the Jnternailonal Telephone & Telegraph Corp. Antitrust cases for possible perjury prosecution. The action wu taken on the motion or Sen. John V. Tunney (J>.Calll.), who IAld witnesses gave contradictory testimony under oath at the commltltt's poliUcally charged investigation. The committee's Investigation over a lwo-month period grew out of the nomination of Richard G. Kleindienst to be attorney general and a cbarce that a pol!Ucal deal wu involved Jn the out-ol· court settlement of tbree anUlrusl ....., againlt m. Much ol the controversy centtr1 around an oileged memorandum by m lobbyill Dill D. Beard, auggestin(I tb:at the setUernent wu linked to a pledge by the 'l•nl conglomerate'• Sher1ton Hotel 1Ubsldlary to help San Dleao -i the coast 0£ this year's Republican con- v.ent1011. Suboequenlly, the Republlcana decided to move their.. party convention lrom San Diego to Miami Beach. 'l'unn<r. Wit amonr the 11 b Ir a I Demoorata wbo voted ll(linlt c:on· flrmallon of Xltlndieml'a ftClllinallon and who COOleldod lhal the commlllee cul oho'1 111 lnvllllcatlon before aellJni the f\111 truth. Boat Still Missing; 3 'In Trouble' Sea and air searchers today cooUnued to comb the Pacific for a crippled calamaran carrying three 1ullerlng llllion, lncludinf ooe lroin HunUngtoo Beach, expecting to cover 5$,000 squa,.. mile• by nlghtlan. No trace bas been found ol lhe 33-loot Tom Cat, last sighted Saturday aboul 5oo mllet west of IM Angeles, adrift with storm-tattered sails and no food or water. Skipper Fttd S/lropshire, -16, ol Lanai, HawaU, plua crewmen Mike Fountain, 19, of 6832 Alexandria Drive, Huntington Beach and Richard HimJ, 17, ol Hawaii, were reported to be 1n had shape. Overcut skies hampered I h e widespread hunt for the 1'om Cat Mon- day, although searchers had covered 40,000 oq""" mile• by dark. "We will continue unW all efforta have been expended.'' said a spokeaman for !be U.S. Coast Guard Search and Rescue station In J.<>111 Beach. · Coordinated by the Western Regional Search and Rescue ·Center at Hamilton Air Force Base, the hunt includes aircraft and the Coast Guard cutter Resolute out of San Franclsco. "We are still searching and are prepared to cover 15,000 more miles to- day," said a Coast Guard officer in Long Beach. He declined to speculate on how soon the organized search for the Tom cat and Ila IUfltrlng crew might cootlnue. The twilJ.bulled vessel cnmed by a Hawalien woman visiting Jn Sherman Oats was sighted ~ by another sailboat outbound for Honolulu. Passing acroes two goilona ol precious water and six days' worth of food, the crew of the Add Aster radioed the Tom Cat's plight and posiUon to a commercial vessel which relayed it to the Coast Guard. They said Fountain, Shropshire and Nims were in pretty desperate ehape, their clothet laltered and their food and water supplits long-ago exhausted. The Tom Cat departed Honolulu May 19 en route to Marina del Rey, with June 5 her estimated time of arrival. Monday, the cutter Resolute reached the approximate scene of the Tom Cat'a Saturday alghlJoi and bepn a metbodi· cal search of a 92-by-llCknlle area. Young Fountain went to HJ.wail several months ago and wu returning without notifying his nolNDgulabed parent>, ap- pamiUy as a homecoming aurpriae. Contaded ~J IDOl'D!nl by Cout Guard oll!Clall, Mt. and Mr!. 1"r.d 'r. Founlaln teemed their SOD w11 mi1Slag at aea. Council Finds It Didn't Pay To H esiro.t.e Go-go a No-11.0 At Naval Base &Alf DIEGO (AP) -lnallluled twe ,..n aao u a morale bnoolar, ,.... II -a ....,. at Miramar Naval Air lllltlon. . Tbe. i.naJe daneen who roc1t;.J, rolled, bouoced and ll)'l'tted nJ&)IUy at the EDllated Men'• Club and twice weekly at the OCflcen' Club are no longer doing so, ataUon qt- ficers say. No official reason for bouncing the IO-IOI WU given, bui one ol.- Dcer said the announcement was made la1t week, four day1 after a new commander of the base took over. Police Corral Fleeing Female Burglar Suspect Spoltint a rented van backed up to a Newport Beach office building, oUicers in cars and their hoverihg police helicopter cornered a woman SUJpect fleeing on root early t~y. Linda s. Trujillo, 3t' or m Shalimar Drive. Costa Mesa, was captured near the scene, • arre1ted and booked into Orange County Jail on suspicion of burglary. Nothing was taken from the Newport Language Center, 1455 Superior Ave .• where the U-Haul truck allegedly Jinked to Mn. Trujillo waa abandoned, in- vestigators said. OUicer Jim Jacobs said the initial call came in at 2:15 a.m., and Patrolman Reed Gloshen was dispatched to in- vestigate a IWlpiclOUJ vehicle at the teaching facility, which uses a variety of recordlng equipment. Officer Gloahen discovered the van standing with the door open and tbe key in the J.~tJon, as though someone had just gonen out. Helicopter crewmen Ken McGregor and Clay Lyon we.re diverted to the area near Hoag Hmpital and not far from the captured suspect's apartment. McGregor and Lyon said they l!]>Otled a female fleeing on foot toward Placentia and Superior avenues, where a parked rented car waited. Patrol Sgt. Woily Kerr arrived almost simultaneously In his squad car and !Olllld the Trujillo woman in the vehicle and ordered her out. Invest11atton wu continuing today Into the possibility that more than oae In- dividual auspect might be involved !n the case. Detect! ... did not say whether It WU obvious anyone had alrtady entered the language teaching institute, O<lly that nothing had been liken out llf ii before Ibey arrived. Frolli Page f ".:: BUDGET •.. lVl~yor SeekS Conference On Options Mayor Donald A. Mcinnis will write C.lllomla Dlr«tor of Public Worts James A. Moe uklng !or a meeting to dlscUA altematlvee to freew1ys through Newport s..ch. Councllm111 alae declared they or • clt,y alaff member will atlend oil meet- ings ol the Callfornla Highway Com- mission for at Jeast the next six months. "We abould mcllitor each and eVtty meeting of the Slat< Highway Commis- sion, until we 1et a better idea ot what they are going to do," Mcinnis said. Mcinnis , reportln1 on h.ia trip to Sac· ramento to the Highway Commiasion meeting Thursday, said he thinks "we gave better than we gol" Newport Beach "got " when comJ'nis.. sloner1 voled to Hk Colll Mesa U thel city \\'anls to re-route the Newport Free- way so it ends at the Newport Beach city limit on Newport Boulevard, rath- er than Superior Avenue. Mcinnis ·oaid ~esplte that· threat, he thinks the commission and the Public Works Department es:prwed a eincue desire to work with the city on solving tran.sportation problems. Mcinnis said he tltinks the commis· sion will not allow the route to be chanaed back to Newport Boulevard. "[ asked them to fully ocmlder the consequences," he said. "I showed them on the maps what they would be doinl?. 11A number or the commissioners don't even know where Costa Mesa is • . . or Newport Beach," he declared a bit unhappily . . . "I think they will think about it very carefully. I am sure the clly coundl to Costa Mesa will think about it very care- fully,'' Mayor MclnnJs said. Newport Beach oppooed the Newport Boulevard roullng-ond ev"'tuaJIY 1ot It changed to Superter Avenue, w Ith Costa Mesa's cooperation -!earful of the huge volume of tra!Oc that would be dumped onto the Balboa Peninsula. concessionaire Loses Sales To Fair Bandit A Newport Beach coocea!oaalri who collected fl,11111 In WMl<end Aleo al the Orange County Fair loot It all Jn a cloalng hour car burglory, Ille told Costa M ... police Monday. Jean E. F'rederlclll, a. cl BIOi River Ave., reported someone stole her brlel- 0111 end wallet from the vehicle, parked adjacen\. 'to tllt Neil' Productl · PaVUJOn where most commtrc1a1 · bootha were housed. - Officer John Stoneback uid Mrs. Fredericks rtported ,..1ng a LaUn male, 20 to 25 and wearing I hlf black hat nearby jast moments after s h e dl3covmd the mlclnlihl tbeft. proceeds from the sale of the city dump The vlcUm uld abe llaried to ap-proach and question him, al wblclt time Life From Sea SACRAMENTO (UPI) -o "·oue ...._"- ting 111 Ille In Calllornla'1 tldepooll could Incur • $500 line or sb: months lo jail. , Tbe State Filh and Oame• Department 111d Monday It will be&ln strict enforcement of rul11 banning the colledln1 of marine Ille aloo1 the shore. PreviousJy, the department luued warnings, but because of the increased tbrtat to the tidal zones by studenl• and lourills "oollocllng •verytlllng In alibi" vlolatora wUI now be; prosecuted. t h e an- nouncement u id. Freighter Sights c•: Missing Sailor In Atlantic Race l LONDON (AP ) -Lone Brlllsb mariner Sir Francis Chichester, mlssi~ since be sailed from Plymouth June 17 in~ hi.I yacht Gipsy Moth V. has been sighted heading, towards the Azores, race ¥~ ficials said today. ~ The news came from the Observer newspaper, organiier or the sinsle-.hand·,_ ed. Trans1Uantic sailing race in which tJr~:· ailing, 70.year-old Chichester II coqi,.. peting. _ .... 'Ille Observer said the sighting was made by the 8,le6-tm British freighter". Barrister. It 1ave Chichester'• position as about 400 mi111 of! the northwest " coa•t of Spain. • : A message from the ship said "oil w•· well" with Chichester, who clllreprde4. medical advice by 1at1n1 parl In tlili'' race. The armo1111cement came after oceaie" patrol aircraft of the British Royal Alr ' Force made three attempts to track down Gipsy Moth, which has remained' behind a curtain of radio silence since she sailed 10 daya a10. ' Reported Iel.dln1 in the race was British yachllman Major Martin Minter!,. Kemp, on board the ~root cutlet • Strongbow. •.J The major, a special air aervlcu ofl!' fjcer, bas covmd about ooe third of the' dlslance lrom the alart at Plymouth tO • the finish at Newj>ort. R.I. FroaP .. el COUINS ... . . ,.. ... and make an IB llleeL " they lbouldn,:um In•\ the Jul mlnutli' "Their reooi uys they '., wilbdraw ~they want to," he sa1T. "I think It Would ltrengtheo our ~~ lion with them II we Included wording (In the moluUDDl callln( !or a meeting:/, Dosla1 said. : property· he il · the man ran to an old lorelfn alallon Gentosl Br<>tben of Colla .. _ bid Councilmen ve un1· August to set a wagon, jumped In and eped away. •• tu rate for l!l'n-73 and must wait until Qu $67,000 to build an addition lo the then to receive updated' ......... valua-estlonlng or two other young COl>- "Maybe I'm' not that familiar with cit.J '. government," lntooed vetan Cowi-' ciimao Carl Kymla. "I am coacemotj,. whether they, are alncere when they ell(l their moluUon by Uylng (the offer f.,. joint Plannlni) 'may be withdrawn al (Irvine's) dilc:retkn at any time.'" Newport BeadJ police alallon two months tlon a..,... lrom the Orange County cessk>nalree operalJni a booth with ago. , . Asse!oor'• office. . . artiltlc handcrafted waree told tn- ''Too much," comp!aloed councilmen, Wynn predicated the budget 00 a 7.75 vesllgators they only knew the lllljlecl'1 pointing out the architect Yid II lhollld percent hike bul the i-. may_ be as first name. cost $55,000. milch as 12 --en• coundlmeit were They said be jlllt drllted onto the lrviDe 9fllclall said they pul~ clame In 11!1 reaeluilon u 111 -.pe Newport Beach proceedl with l'eJO!ling. Coonciimen immediatelv ordtred now ~" " fairgrounds. scene and was given a job b'ds __ , ..... ,.,_ tim gl ' -~-M-told. working with tbe jew·•-· booth for a day, 2 SD v· . F . 1 ......,.., .... e v"'i c.uu--· · II that is the .case.,a proposal by Coun· according to -rta.~' lCtims OOD.a allWe more.time lo do the -job. cllman Carl Kym!& to .,.ate a special --~ "I '1-~lhainl!rotbethe ~agalnbu~"m.~ ~=-account to buy "endangmd" park sites RAPID CITY, S.D. (AP)_ Seorcberl v...... .,....~ -~ 1w. \..vuoYu...~ -before there is a bond' issue -can be F' W Ex d tlon bid this time Was "8,300, llOllle $1,70q funded without a lax hike. irst Oman ecute have found two more vlctlml of the Juno more than ii had offered the ,lirsl Ume. U t I' cl t t Rapid City fload. AulhorlUee ldenltfled Public Works officials t.old councilmen assessmen 1gures are oser o TEHRAN (AP) - A woman wu ex-a body located ~y u Maline Save-. the first time tile short coolllriicllon Wynn's estimate, however, Kymla pro-ecuted today !or the firsl time In modern posed "up to a 10 cent" tax surcharge far Iranian history. Iran Shlfarl, 421 was Jy, no address, and ll1d Gnorvall GaU,- perlod may have had 30Dlelhing to do the next two or three years to provide hanged !or the murder of her two step-Rapid City, was found Stmd1y. ,,,., wltll the high bid. Original speclfJcaUo11 aboot II million !er site acqulsitiOR. daughters, II and 5 ~·" old. deeths nlaed the flood deeth toll to -. ; called !or work to be done 1n 90 days. Ir;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;'-;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;-~ With the 135 days they have In the I building would be dQne August 15, so this '• ::"~they •ighed. bul •warded the.... It's What's Out Back That Counts! -~ With the 135 days they ave In tile tbe second bid, the addition won't be done ,_ unU! Oct. zt. 'lbe seoood alo!y addition ls ~ to be oaly temporary -to give police -elbow """" (•boot 3,500 lqllln> feel) -unlll a new p0llce building II con- 81nlcted, pe!!J.a91 cm the f-!awn .,.. ol City Hall. FroaPa,,el SPRINKLERS • • major apaltments like Versailles on the Blulfs. "ll's fOing to be a problem Wben thHe get older. lt'1 a problem now, but when they get older they deteriorate and the class of cUentele deteriorate.." "A building inbably bas a !He II• pectancy of SO years," he sald. "We're lrying to relieve the 11fOblem bello'e there II a calastrophe -before Ibero'• a Joss of life to ~ve tt!' COUllCOmen SCl\iilulec! a public 1-tni on the propoeed amendment July M at 7;30 p.m. In City Hall. Gov. Ford Recover~g HOUSTON, Tex. (AP) -Konhlcll:y Gov. Wendell Ford was~ to bl In .. ce11ent condition and r a e o • a r I n I nonnally alter a weak.,.. -cl an artery In_ his abclomlMI ...117 WU replaced with a piece of dlerl!ll Moadly. Ford, 47, wW ,_ Id Mijltoftet Holpltal'• IDMml ............... , U,, a IPff P • .t lht h 11P3"....., bul added tbll no comptlcatloao are u· pedtd. Our sfoN is liD an icebenJ! No -we're not chily to doal with -it'( thlt you only sM -tenth of our store from the front. Poopl1 viliti119 us for tlie first time ire f11bl:ierg11t.cl when the s,,.ciO<q int.nor unfolds before them. The huge ohowroom hes thousitncls of 11rnples. (Customers teft 111 we have the 111'9..+ ..lection they h1v1 111n) • Our warehouse eont1ins 1n inventory of infinite v1riety. Hundreds of l'lflllllnls Inhibit a 25150 Rom!Nlnt room. Add ofb, 1 lplCMus Clr1pery room, pl.nty of ~rking, pleU1nt people,~ y!IU'i hive the "Big Picture'' DI -successful operlfionl el\·:": ,N ~.~'-·. ·---... ~ - ALDEN'S ' CARPm • DRAPES 1663 ...... rle A.YI. --. : - ~-t'OITAMI~ '='I=' 646 ••JI t• •• .. j ' ,. ,, . ,., •• • " . • ., ·y f , '" ' • ,., '" .. HOUIS: M-. ..,_,.,;,.., t le l :JI -~ t 11 t-... ttJt 11 I ~ ----.---------------...-: .. • I I '' 1' • ' ' ' I I /' ' ( I \ ( • Orange f;oast EDltlON *. * ·voi.:. 65, NO. 179, 3 SECTIONS, 38 PAGES * ORAN6E COUNTY, CALIFClNl.I: • TUESDAY, JUNE 27, '19n • • N.Y. Steek• c TEN CENTS •' New Plaza Construction Can Start at Once BJ RUDI NJEl)Zll!l.uJ Of .. .,... ..... ,,.,. • • llO-sl«o addition to South Coas1 • alia which Is expected lo generate W.,..., $25 and $40 millloo in new retail W. each year WU approved ·by !be C8oll M-PllDDillg ,C!>mmisalon Mon- .i.rnlghl, · 'llie fi>e-man commWlon endoned tbe project by unanimoua vote -lo begin Im· • Ctty Council opproval ls DOI .. r<qUir<d since !be general plua coocepl was approved by councilmen in 19SS. C!>mpletlon of tbe three-story Bullock's deportment !lort, anchor point ol !be new wing, Is acheduled for September of 1973 but tho' other storea will probably not be flnislled until lbe following spring, according lo Plaza Manoger Gene Robens. The Segerstrom Family, builders ol !be new wing, expecls lo Invest bel\letn $10 and $12 million In tbe iS0,000-square-foot project. Alrudy tbe largest shopping ctDter In Orange County wlth'ila M shops and llll- jor department stores, Sooth Cosa1 Plaza will become one of tbe 'world •1 largest shopping .,... once tbe eiponslon ls completed. II Will be larger than tbe Ala Moua Center in Hawail and aocond In also only lo 1 >rectnUy-<lOmpleted &bopping ctnler m Chicago. • The only plaMtna commissioner with apparent .... rvatlons about tbe South Coul Pilla upanslon was Ow'lts Beck who cbarged in a study ltSlioo l'flor lo lbe 1:311 p.m, meeting that tbe lmpecl ol tbe projec~. had not sulflcl<nUy been . ...-. "Never have I seen an 1ppUcatkn ol. this mognltudo with '"''. utUa 1111! aup-porl;" uid Beck ol tbe Segersl!<Jlll-re- quosted master plan arornendment. Beck wanted lo know II tbe expanded Ill • L9wer Prices. Doubted t'. Litt'le Effect Seen From N·ixon's Meat Edict ' . By JOHN VAi.TE~ Of .. ~ .......... ing of tbe quotas would probablY bave no effect on the price or quality of the better cula . plaza would bave uy adver1e efrect on the community and whether it might spell tbe "death ratUe" for other local ~s. Commisslon Chairman H. J. HJimmie" Wnod answered by explaining that tho project bad been thoroughly studied over the paat 15 years. u1 can't understand ;(OOl' going off on. a tangent ol bow this affects the downtown district/" ht ana~ ped. "You know damn well It's going to a1fect the downtown district • ., Plans are to connect lbe !"°'level mall wing to the enstlng mall al tbe Carou!el Court and westerly toward Bear street, The new Bullock's .store, measuring tll0,000 square feet, will be attached at the wing's end if negotiations with Federated Department Stores prove sue· cessful. The new addition, which would In- crease the shopping area from 1.1 million to J.65 million equare feet, requires the (See PLAZA, Pago I~ •• 1ve ~ilted Man In4Hours Of Terror REDDING (AP ) -A youth stole a amali plane and performed dive llld loop stunts for -four hours today before • Orange Cosal housewives In coming iilonlhs will probably find a larger ainount of "tough bull and old cow" on .Upenlll!tket meal counten -but little else a& the mull ol Pmidenl Nlxon'1 llft· J.nil . of .meat Import quotas, llO!Tle liiJ!JiofitlfO predicted Monday. Spokesmen for tbe U.S. ~t ol Agriculture MarkeUng News Servlct In Los Angeles llid that brokers in Southern Calilomia already bave bougbt tbe 111J1U11er supply ol imporlf>il meal - primarily from Australia land New Zealand. It Is 10 tough that ila only U8e Is lo augment domatic meat U8ed for ham- burger, packaged sandwich meata and caMed fnoda containing beef, tbe spokeamen said. They .added that there was no meuurabJe reaction Monday in the ma. jor meat purchasing ctnlel'll, where prices, for lbe JDOll pirl, conformed lo u-belln tbe -em by the be nosedived ·to bis death, alter ignlJlinc warn11C1 lie .,.., nming oot ol-11aa,--- 8lteoolnc !bat the bulk of imported meat, Iii simply ''mJnulacturin( beef", -aulllorlll• claimed ~l Ille lill- And virtually all Iba! beef ...... already -and lrozal·ln large blocb. .Sensuous ::zvo,,;irwe1· -Abound' at F;~ierfand 0 Men? ' . \ ... . . . . ' . ' . ~ divorse--persooalillU u Dr. The· coni.ot wu ~ by tbe ac- Hery> Klulnger Rudy Va\)eo llld Flip compllsbmeats of lbe elderly Lion Coun- Wlbon an Included anxang 1 dozen try resldeat who allegedly ·11rec1 33 cubs -•~ I lbe UU. of •-~ , M~ . In a lknonth 1P1D IDd lo adored by ~~ or, ~·ca ' -lloomea .Who l[lUl'n9ll !be adqncea ol s..-)WI, ~ to the latest younger, more barlllsonie lioaa. W<i'd from Fruler-land, aometlmea The· 12 nomtnoe., ... _, for tbelr Pi>wn 11 Orange.County's Lion Country sheer -.faitty an.i animal magnestlsm, · liolarl. · • reg"'11lea of'age," ~ lo Fruier '!lie nominees, have heel! selected by Fan Club preotdenl Marlltn Areoll of.Los ..,..bers. of the Frasier (the Sensuous Angeles, an, In addillo!! lo lbe al>ove- 1'jau) Fu Clubs and a Golden Fruler (a named trio, Bill BaJlanc9, Kirk DoUglas, !Nplly.ln lbe11kei!eu ol the famous lio!I~ Merv Griffin, lleln . Martin. Ricardo E tbe winner '1/ a. poll lo be con-Montalban, Paul • Nowman, B u r I by ......_ ci>lnnls1a and radJo. Reyndlda, Cesar lloui<ro and Doc persooaJilles lbli"amm!er. Soverlnoon. ' It •f itchell to ·shun Martha, €ontinue Nixon Campaign (loo PRICES, Pap Z) I Mesans ~elp ' Block~ i»ro)ect In Anaheim Northside Cos1a M... homeownen wece ruccesslul Monday .night In tbelr el- forta lo block COllll!rucllon ol ff/ fourple< unila just acroa dly llmlll on Slmllo...,. Avenue In Sonia Ana. Alter listening 1 lo complaints by lhe North Cosla Mell Homoownets .Alloda- tion and Irate IOUth Santa Ana resldellll, tbe Santa Ana City Cooncll voted U lo deny a zoning variance for the C!>vlngton ~project. The propooed variance, approved by the Santa Ana P.J.anning C.Ommjuloo, was rejected , by the city council became ii did neg conform with lta earuer policy lo limit high density conalrucllon in south Santa Ana. Incensed by the prospect ol bavtng 331 apartment.type unita dlrectly acroas SUnf1ower Avenue in single family (R·I) zoned . properly, the Cosla Me 1 a homeowners had tbe backing of tbelr own Fnm Wire llervlces Mltcbeil WU depicted by 1111! members city coundJ -Ibey objected In Santa Ana Monday night. . I , • , , , '• I , , t \ l'anneri' Makes fBflt*VeSt' , • '.. , •, l I-: ' , • ~ .t .• , •I 'Lowell',El!iot~ .a•Peru,.'lntllana; •farmer, llllla.•to r•perteri~ ·bOw be found •wbat is-tbougbt lo be '500,!IOO In rllliom from 4tnerie.n Alrlilies Skyjacking• Jwie 24. He : said be foliod tlie money wltlle•ln- specting a ooy bean field .. See •retated photo, Page 4. ; ' Grove Man Dies Mter : · • • Former U.S. Attorney General John as having more . demands far q>-Cosla Meaa councllmtn had asked their Jll!diell today van! to cmtlnue cam-pearance1 around lbe Oomitry than any Santa Ana counterparll two weeka ago lo ' potnlng for the roeloction ol President o!her woman In !be Nixon delay approval of !be varlince until the Stab' bm· . g .. at Be· ach Hom· e lllxon, but bi& poliUcs weary wll'e, Admlnlatratlon. Sbo wu npected lo Impact of traffic from the 2&-acre com-JIWlba, bu cancelled ber once beavy make ~ campaign 1ppeannct1. plea on Costa Mesa !lreela had been 'liiedule,ol penooaJ appeorllllctS. ' Mrs. llllcbell'1 jiOpularlly llemmed u..-d. · hcedwttbanul\J\Dllumlromblswlle •-m •.serlel ol-ent eo-~ llbe Mondaynl""''1councildeclsionlnSan A.-.--·,. ·-·"'--' ~ Newland Aft .; . ..:.._. __ n-~ 1 &qultpOUllcsjlholiedfromberNewport •·'*1.ue her buaband w';';U:,..y taAn-;'°loellmlnatelboworr~ ••,-~ ,...... • ..,.,_ --~--. .-~.,._.. -~ • .,.. ~ villa lul w.eet, Mitchell baa no In-neraJ aspect. wotter died hi Hunllnsfbn, Beach today · arreoted·on llUlplciaa of unrder. ••m ol leavinl bis pool u ~·· geThey ·ranged from an attac~ 00 Sen. J. The property north of ,SUnfloftr alter be wu stabbed lwlce In the cheal Pollce said tbeJ have been unable to diipalgn manager, clooe aides said W. Fulbiipl, for bis vote aplnal Ni>!lO'a avenue llld between Greenville and Bexr while at the h\""" ol a female friend. determine wbat CIUled th< fatal alla'ca- 'lllonday. · · Sullft!DO Court nomlnM G. Harrold streeti ls muterplanned for low denally Garfield Lee· Pomeroy, 1832. Santa lion. Powell MOOfl!, • Mllcbell •tafi member CmTtvell. ta complalnla about -bulkllngs, but !be Santa Ana Planning . Barbara Ave., Apt. B, WIS pronounced Pollee said P•111eroy, • friend ol Mn. ail lbe c-Jti.o for RHlectlon of tbe hilng ttitnklaa dtlzerui -"We've Commlsalon · baa on !eVeral occ111cJM dead al Hunllnglon Beach lnlercom-Orlte, wu vlllllnc lier when a l1ght ap-Fiooldent, was asked Monday II Mllcbell nevw been liberated u far u our view-dlsagrted with lbe city council on that munlly Hoapltal at 1:07 a.m . porently -out. There wu a pilJl!cal • qulttin&. ' ' (loo MrreH!C!JJI, ~I) land use. Mn. Gay · Joan Orloe, 33, ·ol 17111 · llnlaJe, llOlioe lald, llld u -point ~ by a io!1I shot,:• be ftplled.' "H<;s either belore or ~ tbe -~ .,Utteillolbetukbelcnhlm." K' f . B 11 OK'd =~.~~Ibo:~ Pome-·Keamrblle,.an allepdly bruised Mn. • 11 • . rvy In the Uvtoc room ol tha home. r=n~i!5:5.r~~ 1 , • reeway 1 . .:.:/~1't.:i:na.~e:~~~~ ~ Rre, N.Y. Rye was lbe com-l)llhed lo lbe boopilal ud 11-. ..,.,.. ~la -• l4Jlcbelll llved when • --by • !elm ol doclGn. .... ,.wa1111treet~. Carpenter's Proposal Now Goes to Full Senate ~~lbati;~1ee,;:.:v:a;! Vlllll WI 'llOOlcead; when Mirtha !ell bome at 1be -d 1be flilll. 'nle)' ho" ... Or-. ~ lolllowtiw a stormy BJ 1nuuv llallllmllB for a vote," Cltpenter llid today. ot ·tbe lneway and mine -all tbe bOen turned -lo lbelr falbor who ls .. a •al "1 1 ~ Jolm' at • ., ., ---"Thls would bl the finl bill In state -•," .r·-ter la1d. ._..led fronl Mn. Orlte. ,.. .._ ..._ to truated A hill by Slate 8enator ,,,..... hlatory lo ellmlnate ID entire lneway "I admit my bll • ....,, • llllve tbe ilherll!'s clepuUes said. · riepuq. Jon X.lbauih talked on ground- l<>alr rlllo to lbe~for 15m1Dlteo before ,tbe ..... but &aid the fiyer refuo. ed,to gl .. a_ for 1!.lo actions· "I triad to talk bD down but ho . _, .......... .., .. oald. '"lllen all l:t a ltllolll lt wu ID-·" ~lllill llld h pl)ol wu ...._. ............... -... ., ... , ......... , ''W•Mllt.D. Liw!J, ................. 11. ,.,,. bad .... d.li11Jil6or.-r Cupriio. .: ,,. ............ a .. Dartt !Ill ol bera ellled Oealral Valley, deputies uid, , · Llvely'1 motber, Betty Lynch, said ber IOI! pl-fo marry a gr! who lived In Central Valley, but the 1ir1 D!llTled IOliteOoe e1le. "II """"" like he .wanted lo die, doetn'I It!" uid h11 molber, altl!oUgb she --lo explaln wily her 11111 .,... llyhc .. plane. Slaerifl'I efllcm aaJd Lively lllole a SilJlleqlno Alon A2 from Ibo Entiqlitao P'IMI Out> -. be bed been • -pl1ol. He balan flJlill -S LIL and crashed -7. •A wt-llld H a_...i Lively ran oul., .. -··!be pilne -about 711 feol oil .. ..-..., • delerled I ~ -·the msiDe stopped and 1llt plane nooidtred lo Ille ........ Depu!J,Kelbough, who hid 1mown u .. ]y In Redding, said there WU no flt- di-In !be rsdio coov .... Uon thal Lively ·-under !be inl1umct ol ~·" A _., deputy said Lively died at tbe crull actne. , Gov. Ford Recovering HOUSl'ON, Tea. (AP) -Kenlllcky Gov. Wlll!lell Ford WU reported lo be in exceDent coodltlon and r e c o v e r t n g normally aflor a wtOkened ilecllon ol an artery ID bla •bdominal CO•lly Wll replacod wllb a ploco ol dlcrm Monday. Ford, lfl, will ftll1a1n In Methodlst llillpltal'• lnteN!ft care unit for anolber clay, • ..,.._.. at lbe hoopllaJ llid, but addad lbal no cmJplicallooo an a.. peeled. ..... ....... Sliglllly warmer on WednosdaJ with low -aloni tbe cout, accordlnl to lbe -ilier -HllM around 711 at tbe --. • Inland. Lows lilalPI In Ibo •'L IN81BE TOD.\Y e ll.ii GOP and !be now--~ _,.... · --...-. was ~ Clrponler (II-Newport Buch) ellmmt.. niute,'' le said. ~ prob!-boll It Will - .. .., 8 llit "C'; • 1 •p lllorl ~~ tbe mUN llimit QL.lbe hrll!r_Carpenler died Uw111ncls ol porco11ol-1rt1ae p'amn It llell W-_..__--Bogga,-Eord-Greeted-- 'Jut -IMn'I .. 1 ... pub11C op-~ -bolw-VmRI pullllc llld private land !bet haft -to -ti.om,'' ho addod. TOltYO (AP) _ 11op. llaJo B.olP o1 .fltlk.atorr,JfalkrUinW.hl.-,,_ All«, rte. 2'111u ...,., .fl..,.. m 11or llllldlli ad SaD Di. MIW --!be-Senate afleded by Iba .-and plecomeal -. a..lllftl'• blD boo -on tbe -1e· u.11111111, Hoose maJorlly leadOi, and lloi"'iJ Mil. r" t.U'lald nporten Tl--Oaalilllltee MmmJ Oil lloalllortaOIWtbepulMToral,..._ lloar__,flnal_lor_daJI. Rep. Gerald R. 1onf 'of lllchlpn, Iba ..... bllllc flolll • ................. " llil .,._, ~ llit lloar llr I flnll -. .............. m!Dkww of .... jbot Ca .... said-, be ii --llillll H-ilfpallllcsm llldor, .,.... p•ted •il•D ad llit 1lflllt '111i8111ave l'lewport -• u IW)w -._ -..-...,..he ....-IJ ad Iba ----lo brfar 11 "" "' lbelr MTlftl • Clim 117 a.. ~ •il':IO'lo•'"'••......... , Ilodlllia'• blll *"Plillll ... liwirtJ tes pl --~.lhldolellonolllle 1or1-.'Dll-li...,..,.nilolor lUaDo vi.. !llUlderll ol the am.111 • .. ,..,., a ..,....._ tw .. mm. 1hroulb Newport Boldl ii 11111 on !be _. foNllllJ *to bandndl of ....,.dlilc 1111 ,..., blllo 117 BadUm People's Iutllult el hrelp Alllln, • . said Mn. Ml ' I Im • 1p--le floor aw.W. Ile --.. mRIJom of dolll:n la ,..,.ty tbel 'llOllld u.r.,i. Ill --Qltia llfWI ,,_ ~ llJI. .............. , rhlwof anda_.,~11111-. ---<•I w!htbetlnl ._,._.,._u~•tlaCm_.. ....... ,_.. ...... bMlll- Sbe lnlmlad to -• lw ._ "I am confident tbel mr hew11 blD place," CW)IOlller aid. blllil llld -••'l' rr111N11J 111111 llill uy ~ 117 • plltJ ol :i, 11>- aldo 11111. will get tborugh tbe flmnco COiiliilltlae "Deutmejlan'1 and Badbam'1 11111 .... but I~ ft e&il pl ID Badbam'I c1udlal tbelr-, Ille Mlttl liroolll • la Ibis election JW', lln. w!lj 11111 Friday and tben m lo Illa floor a1readJ -to a • pmeot delellon (Ila ~WAY, ... I) llld. • • • Ille...,,...,._,,., -- "' ll!dlc......,f Ille Old w .. ~ Ser ''°"· ~ 19 . U!,-I C•lls I g:-' . "': Ci • .. --. --. • ._ .,, .... _.. .. ., .. , ,., M --.. • _ ........... ,. -. --. --. --. -..... ----.. ,, ==-: -. -----. , - % DAILY PILOT T~, -27, 1972 GtvtJnne Trial Abortionist Says Death Accident From Witt Services LOS ANGELES -"I didn't know the gun WIS loaded , • , " The murder trial of crusading abol' tJon1st Dr. John S. GW)'!lllf bas opened In· supertor court here, with his testlmony of an Je<:.idental shooting in the December death of bis girlfriend. Debbie Dwyer, 19, who shar<d an •parUnenl near the UCLA campua with the ~year-old fonn<r Santa Ana •bor· Uoo c11n1c operalol", suffered three bullet Senate Panel Approves Ban On Handguns Frolll WI,. Servlcea WASBINGTON -Tile Senate Judiciary Committee today approved a bill to outlaw the commercial sale of amall, concealable type handguns not 1ultable for sporting purposes. The meaaur<, l]JOlllOl'ed by Sen. Bird! Bayb (l>-lncl.), wu approved by a 12 to Z vote after the committee turned down by a 9 to 5 vote a rival mea!Ure or Sen. Roman HrUaka (J\.Neb.). Three bllll olfutd by Sen. Edward M. Keimedy (D-Mua.), lo require the registration of all ftrearms, or the licens- ing of both long guns and handguns and of only handguns were rejected by one- aided mar..,.. Bayh told newsmen that bla blll would ••take out of the marketplace the weapons most frequently used by crtminall." The band&uns Uled in the usa••fnation of Sen. Robert F. Kenoedy lo 1918 and to the attempted auaHlnallon of Alabama Gov. Ge<rge C. Wallace last month would be benned from aale under the leliala· Uon_._ ' __ The ohooUng of Wallace dllrinl hl5 compalin lo< the DemocraUc presiden- tial nomination spurred acUon by the committee m Bayh'a blll, which bad been lying dormant for a year. The commlllee membert who voted aplnll approval ol Bayb'.1 blll were chairman Jamea O. Eastland (D-Mlaa.) and Sen. John L. McC!tllan (l>-Ark.). Sailors' Wives Prepare Welcome SAN DIEGO (AP) -The U.S.S. Constell1tion'1 war wives are prepartng to welcome the blg attack canier borne again Saturday after a record 150 days in Vietnam watert:. A third duty tour in that war zone began Oct. I, but a vlaU to Hong Kong by 250 of the crewmen's wives wu in- lerupted by an unexpected callback to Vietnam. Then the scheduled end of duty tour in April ended abruptly In Japan with an order to return to the war. Aboard the giant carrier are 4,000 men and San Diego-bued fighter piloll. Front Pqe l FREEWAY ... freeway bill before Friday," carpenter said. Carpenter's bill. If it passe! the final hurdle of the finance committee on Fri- day, would be on the senate floor by July 4 -a working holiday in Sacramento. "We should have a vote around tha• time," Carpenter said. wounds in the fatal incident. Monday Dr. Gwynne claimed as pro- ceedings began that Ml5s Dwyer - allegedly on 1 drug trip at the time - waa shot lo dtath during a struggle for the .357 Magnum re volver he ow ned. The admitted abortionist who has been prosecuted In both Orange aod Lo!! Angeles countles clalmed the attractive blonde had been alternately violent , in- cohertnt and unconscious Crom drug use. Since being released on bail pending his trial, Dr. Gwynne himself bas been arrested in Santa Barbara, where he was charged with being under the influence of drugs. He WU hospitalized temporarily arter sberll1's depuUes on patrol found him stumped unconscious 1n his car parked in a deserted roadside area. The defendant said during Monday 's testimony that Miss Dwyer had first ob- tained the weapon that uJtimately killed her. He claimed when he saw her in the apartment hallway with the gun be tried to take it 1way, leadin1 to a wrestling match. "There was a struggle," he said quietly. "I don 't recall how long ... the gun seemed to go off . • . I opened the chamber ... J didn't know it was loaded," the bachelor physician continued. Formal sentencing on various abortion counll related to his West U,s Angeles and Santa Ana clinics which served women with unwanted pregnancies on an ...,.mbly line basl5 baa been postponed pending hla murder trlll. The dark-haired doctor has readily ad- mitted ending hundreds or pregnancies for married women and unwed girls, clalmlng only the choice should be theirs and not that of a government. He cooperated in prosecution of his cases tn a crusade to -he hopes - ultimately overturn the C a 11 f o r n i a TherapeutJc AbortJon Act of 1967, claim- ing It ii unconstitutional. Hl5 mother, Mri. Rubye Unruh Gwynne and nearly a score of abortloa cfutic nursea and female technicians -some f~m_the Harbor...Are.a.= were jailed with Dr. Gwynne at the height of hla notoriety here. Chargea aeainat most of them have been dropped In the intervening period, since Dr. Gwynne's assembly line abor· !Ion cllnica drew placard-carrying picket! encouraging and condemning him~ Front Pqe l PRICES ••• Nil<on AdminlatraUon. _ Locally, beef producers have decided to wait and aee what arrives from abroad before they make any changes in prices. Al Rancho Mission Viejo, where an averaa:e of. S,000 to 4,000 head of beef is sold lo feed Iota each-year, the catlle superintendent bad little good lo aay about the Imported meat. "It aotmda like we'll be aeelog a lot more tough cow and some more bull," said De1ane Kendall. "Tbe Imported meat la cheaper, but it'• tough as old naila," be aaid. He explalned that the beef from the two Commonwealth countries is in- spected for cleanliness and approved for importation, but no grading takes place, thus the quality of the meat is never certified. One other ractor which can not be ig- nored, :several authorities said, is that there is no excess ar supply of meat available for importation to the United States. Admin i stration and industry spokesmrn throughout the nation said Monday that because other countries also compete heavily on the international market, the effects of the lifted quotas on the United States will be gradual, not sudden. ANCHOR POINT OF THE NEW SOUTH COAST PLAZA WEST WING IS THIS BULLOCK'S DEPARTMENT STORE Containing Thrff Levels, It Will Open In Sept. 1973. About 60 Other Stores Ar• Included Jn the Expansion Proiect Airport Plan Mesa Asks Good Faith of Irvine Di· L. PETER KRIEG 01 rti1 Oallt '11•1 Sllll Newport Beach councilmen Monday night told the city of Irvine if it wants to master plan the Orange County Airporl area, Irvine must shotv "good faith " by rolling back zoning on the ~acre McDonnell Douglas property o n MacArthur Boulevard. Responding to an Irvine resolution ask- ing for a delay in consideration of a $135 million development plan for the nearby Collins Radio Company p r o p e r t y , Newport councilmen adopted a resolution of their own that says, in part: "Newport Beach wl5hes to olflclally and without reservation reaffirm its con· tinued intent to cooperate with the city of Irvine in planning the area ... on a mutually satisfactory basis. "As a gesture of good faith the City Council of Newport Beach urges the * * * Compan_y Seeking Irvine Approval For Use Permit By GEORGE LEIDAL ot 111t o.!IY rntt ll•tf Ofllclala of McDonnell·Douglas Corp. today confirmed they a,. ,..king a con- ditional u.se permit from the Irvine plan· ning commission to allow "commercial, professional and bU8iness uses" or a building at 21Zl Campus Drive. A company spokemnan today said three architects, a doctor and a dentist have leased office space in the bullding. City Manager WUliam Woollell Jr. said a conditional use permlt la required for these uses under terma of the rezoning of the pareel approved by county govern- ment shortly before incorporation. uy gueu they snuck these tenant! ln and now want to make It right," Woollett said. Since incorporation, many people in Irvine have believed the city's building freeze and later a requested continuance of city consideration of the industrial to commercial zonlng switch had main- tained the new city's right to reconsider the zoning change. At issue with the larger 5()..acre parcel is the changed nature of land use around the Orange County Airport that would result from approval of the McDonnell- Oouglas plans. Irvine City Council to promptly consider reexamining the zoning on the McDonneU Douglas property .>0 that comprehensive planning studjes may begin in earnest." \Vithout "'aiting ror a response. Newport councilmen scheduled a July 10 public hearing on the Collins request to rezone its 177-acre parcel to allow high rise office buildings. Councilman lllilan Dostal wanted the resolution to include an order for the two cities' liaison committees to meet post haste. "Do we have to instruct subcommittees lo meet," snapped Afayor Donald A. Mcinnis. ''I think Irvine is serious in its intent lo \\.'Ork ~th us in comprehensive plan· ning ," Dostal said. "A meeting would enhance the chances of coming up \\'ith something worthwhile." ''They made no effort to meet with us," Vice Mayor Howard Rogers con· tended. "If this is -a Jong-range thing, they s~uldnl_jump in at theJa.tt minute and make an effort to meet. "Their resolution says they can withdraw anytime they want to," he said. ''I think it would strengthen our posi- tion with them if we included wording (in the resolution) calling for a meeting,'' Dostal said. "Maybe I'm not that familiar with city government," intoned veteran Coun· cilman Carl Kymla ... r am concerned whether they are sirK.oire when they end their resolution by saying (the otrer for joint planning) 'may be withdrawn at (Irvine's) discretion at any time:.' " Irvine officials said they put that clause in the resolution as an escape: if Ne"·port Beach proceeds "'ith Collins rezoning. Mesan Arrested On Drug Count A Cofita Mesan was jailed on drug charges Monday by Orange County Sheriff's officers who said they found him lying unconscious on the sidewalk in the Tustin area. Deputies booked Robert Tllomas Kot, 2.'l, or 13.1 E. 16th SI., for possible drug lo· volvement after reviving the helpless man from what they believed to be a drug-induced coma. Officers were called to the Tustin area by residents who believed the fallen man may have been the victim of a traffic ac- cident. Kot 's car was found nearby. Newport Council Nixes Harboi: Dredging Study A proposal to spend $8,001 for a study of the fea sibility of dredging a harbor in the \Yest Ne\vport oil fields was rejected by Nelvport Beach councilmen Monday night. Citing the potential beneDt to private interests -Hancock ''Bill" Banning Ill. whose family owns all the land involved -councilmen said they thought he should at least help pay part of the cost of the stud y. City Manager Robert L. Wynn pointed out that the primary purpose of the study was for the coast.al element of the city's general plan. Some councilmen .saw it differenUy, however. "Are we doing research to aid Costa Mesa or an Jnland property owntr?" cracked Vice Mayor Howarci Rogers, referring to both the Banning develoir ment and Costa Mesa's ~ibility of someday having a marina further to the north. Community Development' DI rector Richard V. Hogan pointed out that the Orange County Harbor District en- couraged the study, saying it would pro- vide additional boating area for an overcrowded harbor. "More harbor would mean onJy more boats and more cars adding to the con- gestion here," countered Rogers . The suggestimrtharBaMlng-be asked- to contribute was made by Councilman John Store after Rogers and councilmen Carl Kymta and Paul Ryckofl voiced continued objections to consideration of the project. FromPqel MITCHELLS. •• point is concerned." Her comments usually were orfered in telephone calla to reporter!, and usually late at night. AJ a result of the publicity, Mrs. Mitchell was invited to appear on TV talk shows and before numerous organiza- tions. Now Mrs. Mitchell reports she is being kept out of the spotlight. It Is her "honesty" they're Worrying about, she says. Mrs. lllitchell told the New York Dally News that whl~ she was in Newport Beach last week, a $eeurily guard tool< away her telephone and several guards threw her onto a bed and "stuck a needle in my behind." Mitchell remains incommunicado. The campaign commlttee says the.re will be no comment because Mitchell "considers this to be a personal matter." Mitchell was reported to have shown up at the campaign orfices Monday but left to go out of town. Where? "I don't know where," said one swkesman. But some sources said the former at· torney general had flown to Rye, N.Y. Front Pqe l PLAZA ... construction of two high-rise park.in~ titructures, one at each end of the wing. • Both three-story unit.. wlll expand the parking capacity of the plaza from 6,000 to 8,000 vehicles , according to Plann{~ Director Bill Dunn. ~ The expansion project is only the first in a series of Segerstrom Family ~ dertakings on the 200-acre South Co~ Town Center. • " Ultimately, the family plans to in- crtase the number of :shops and stores k> 2SO and also construct a 14 story, $15,. million hotel, coonected with the shop- ping center via a promenade over Bristol . Street. Restaurants, glass-walled office towers, a finarx:ial center and a medical cent~ are planned to round out the overall project County Driver, - Friend Dangle Over High Cliff - From Wire Service& SANT A BARBARA - A Santa Ana youth and his passenger dangled on tht brink of eternity for moments Monday. when their sports car !kidded off a 1,00G- foot cliff in the rugged San Marcos Paa ... area. Tile roadster landed 10 feel below Uwi roadway atop a concrete drainage: pipe protruding from the nearly verUcal ravine wall, a miraculous catch. No other such pipe .sticks out below t1ie roadway that curves through the nagged mounlainJ above Santa Barbano fw; mJleL Callfornl~ highway Patrol offtctrt u1'l driver Blal!ie Smith, 18, of Santa Ana and John Eb«ly, 20, of ·Isla Vista, unlutened their aeatbelta and gingerly climbed ofzl of~ car. . Neither was Injured when the spo~ car slid in roadside gravel and burtltcl over the edge. William Walton Services Held Funeral services for Wllllam~ Walton, 52, of Costa 1"teu, were June 22 at Sawtelle Vettrana Ceme · Mr. Walton, of 53' Hamilton St., aerved In World War ll as an inte!U,ence o!IJcer in the U.S. Air Force. w He graduated from UCLA School If law and was later employed by Coal Federal Savlnp and Loan Associatloo In U,s Angeles. The Waltons had lived in Costa Mesa sir.ce 19611 and he taught swimming at the Boy&' Club of the Harbor Area. He Is ltlI'Vived by hi! wife, Frances~ M. Walton , plus sons, Christopbe:r and. Anthony and dau'ghter, Victoria. ; A convention center and hotel are among the commercial uses the firm had convinced county officials were needed when they sought the rezoning prior to incorporation of Irvine. It's What's Out Back That Counts! " OU.N&ICOAST ... DAILY PILOT Miss Giesler Named June Our sloro is like an iceberg! No -wt'ro not chifty to ilHI with -il'1 thot you only -one tenth of our store • from tho front. Th• 0r""9 C.11 DAILY l"ILOT, wlff' wf'lldl Jt urnblftff .... N"'"'""' It ""'4""" W tri. Or•• c .. d Pvellthilll eon.-y, ..,._ fllt' ..,illon1 ,,.. MlleMd, MINl1y tfwW\1111 Frld1y, Tw C..11 Ml'tl, N.wport a.ell, Hunll""foo'I INCl'l/l<ovnt11n V•lllY, l11111n• ludl, lrvll'IWSllddl.tilck arid Sin CllrMni./ \tn J..,~ Ctp\11!'11111. A ~insltt ,...ICIMI .0111011 ;. WDtltMd $11..,l"lll'f' .,,,. SunMrt. ln• prlrKISNI Wltllllllnl pl.tnt •• I I llD w .. 1 II'( $If"', (.,lo Mue, CI H!on'lle, !P)UI, kolt1rt N. W11d ''"""" .,... ""'°'..,,"' J•ck It. C11rl1y Vlu """"Inn! ""' GtMnll Mtn-..r Thoin11 K •• .,;i l:dlllr TliDfl'l fl A. M11rphit1• Mtnlillntl IEdflOI' Ch•rlH H. l111 ltich1r4 P. Ni ll "111111111 MafllllN urtwt c..,. M ... OMt.e lJO W11t l1y Str1•t M1 ilifl9 ....,,,,,,:P.O. l•a 1160, t1•1• ~-­MN""•-•f'Kfir lW MfWllll'f ..,....rd a.;,.. a.di: m ,.,..., A\l'Wl4/t H.,.1.._*' hod!: 11111 ltld'I .......,.rd ...,, C,..,_lt: as .... II II C.lnlM lul , ......... ,,., '41.14111 Cl•"'-' ...... I I Ml.f•7• ~. '""' en,.. C..lt l'Wlltfllnl °"""""'· H• ,,... ,..,._ 1111111,.llon&. ..,..ntl ""ti#" flt lrfYtrt\tlllllMll --'"" ............... ......, .... , ,.,. ..... " ctlllY'tllllt -· ..... clMI ...... ,.. .. c.t1 .... Clll"l'Rla. 111111crll't•• w am.r aM MClll'IMY• "" """ a .11 --.,,, fftlfrr.,., ...,_..._.. IJM ..... hi\'. 'Mesa Off ice1· of Month' Sometimes law enforcement requires a woman'g touch and that's why the Costa lt1esa Crime Prevention Committee has chosen Lynda Glesler its Officer lor the Month or June. A career policewoman, Oeteclive Giesler has worked a variety of in- ve:stlgative assignments in her nine years with the Coata ~1e:sa Police Department. She is presently probing crimes against persons. juveN.le cases and .sex offense.s, which all frequently apply to a .single in- cident . A young rape victim. for example. finds the ordeal of discussing the ordeal of what happened In on effort to lden!Uy altll 8fflst fier l!Jac~er a blleitsler wlien dealing with a female o[ficer. Detective Giesler was instrumental Jn the recent capture of two men charged with the kidnap and rape or a young housewUe alxlucted from shopping center at gunpoint lo btoad daylight. The honored orflcer for June la perhaps 11 example of the contemporary career woman who can handle the demands of her profession and .. uto a private life. She holds office as a past honor<d qu .. n of Job's Daughters. while majoring in police science al Cal State Unlver~ty, Los Angeles, and is active In three law enforcemenl associations. A 1963 graduate of Orange Coast College and the Orange County Peace or- fi cers' Academy. Detective Giesler is also the only woman member of the Costa f\.1esa Police Department Tactical Squad. Swimming, water and snow-skiing are among her bobbies, which include: raising registered Doberman Pin.scher dogs, with four champions to her credit .so rar. Born In L-0.s Angeles, Detective GieJler was raised from age S in Eugene, Ore., and spent a year In Hawaii after high school before coming back to the Orange Coast to begtri a career. Like sevcrirlocal l&w officers, Miss Giesler attends Calvary Qiapel, 1 cburcll which work.I with young clrua-uaers while ,..chlng out with a message designed for all Individuals. Besides professional and personal ac· Uvttles, Detective Giesler la alao keeping busy lhl5 summer ltoeUng her nephew Kurt, 6, on hla annual visit from Anchorage, Alaska . She la the Orst policewoman desipated for Of!lcer of the Month honora 1tnoe the program'• 1nceptioo more than a year aco. People visiting us for tho first time are flabbergast.a when tho 1paciout int.rior unfold, before them. The huge •howroom hu thousand1 of samples. (Customers ton us we heve the largest selection they have seen). Our warehou•e contain• en inventory of infinite vorioty. Hundreds of remnants inhabit 1 25x50 R1mn1nt room. Add offlc.,, 1 specious Clrapory room, plenty of parking, pleasant people, and you'll have the "Big P.icture" of our successful oporotion! l\LDEN_,_ CARPETS e DRAPES 1 1663 Plaeei:tict Aw. I 1o,.. COSTA MISA ---· .. , 646-4131 HOURS: M•. ,_. Thn., t le S:JO-M., t 1et-s.t., t 1J01e I " ,, • '" •• - • -· . .- () ' ·,