HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-07-19 - Orange Coast Pilot.llnion8 Given· Choice I ' . . • Kissi 11ger Bolding Talks in Paris. Two. Men Aeensed . • . Of Kidnap!) Hape With N. Vietna111 ln ·Newport Beaeh • . . WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 19, .1 972 VOL. 65. NO, »I. a llCTIQHI. M PAG•I. la )Ve.¢.mt. peach . ' . ' ...... ~t2 Men-Accused , • Of Kidnap, Rape Court arraignment was set today for a pair of men aceused-of-kldrulpini;-&-petite blollde in Newport Beacb, then taking turns at forcible rape and perversion witb~her In a parked van while the other •tood·lookou~ . Kissinger In Private Negotiations WASHINGTON '(UPI) -P~dential adviser Henry A. Kissinger ls holding pr!Vate talks in Paris today with North Vletnamese negotiators Le Due Tho and Xuan Thuy, the Wblte House announced. In a joinl announcement wllh the North Vietnamese, the White House said that the President's national securlly allalrs advisfr Js expected to retwn to Waslilngton today. He Dew to Paris Tlladay ,or the private, sessions in an attempl to.jlet the Pails peace talks moving again. ThlS was the nm time lhat Kiss!nger'• prlv•te meetlngl with the COmmW!lsl ~Uators have beet! annowiced whtie the sessions were under way. He last met In Paris wllh Le Due Tho on May 2. The United States and SOulh Vietnam resumed talks with their communlsl counltrplrU TbursclaY. Tho arrived In tl)O French capital laat weekend and said he wu ready to conslcle( any new U.S. oiler. · r.. days ago, Kissinger told reporters I San . Clemente, thal there were in- dl91lions Hanoi wu rudy to reswne negollationa with a new and raponslve atUtiJde. :~ the time, Klsslnger llld be was hlj>elul but not oplimlstlc. ,~latlon arose that Jt1aalnler was on ..... lher mlSii!ODfot Nixon Wiien the P!eiddent arrived baclc from the Western WMte House In Califomla Tuesday ltilllout Kissinger · The two lrequeoUy trtvtl together. Earlier dbappearances by Kissinger pre<eded Nlzon's tripe to China and the Soviet Union. He aloo made several trips to Parll for seoret ta!~ with the Com· !1lllloll!a over possible ways to oetUe the Vlellllm war. , The !lock mm.t ooared lnlUally today "!' news ol the White H.U.. 1ttempl to JIW the stalemated Vietnam peace talks I~ P&rts, .. • I ,. One was 'arrested on a warrant !Wed a week after the June 19 abductlo!!,.l!l!ilo the second was picked up Tueod'ly morn- ing at his Syimar home. Larry c. Trostle, 30, a computer technician, was-booked on an arrest war- rant charging h1m with kidnap, plus two counts each ~f forcible rape and perversion. He was sub6equently released on 16.250 bail, the same set in the ca-se of his alleg~ ed companion and codefendant. James J. Barrentine, 25, of 21;4 Thurin Ave., Costa Mesa, has been free on be.ii since his own June 30 arrest. according to Newport Beach Detective Sgt. Ken Thompson. Information developed Jfter the 24-Year~ld victim went to police led ln- vestjgators to begin bunting Barrentine and Trostle. Barrentine'a Harbor Judicial District Court date wu already set for today and Sgt. Thompson said Trostle would be formally advised of charges in the war- . rant issued by Judge Donald Dungan at the same tlJne. DetectJves said the Santa Ana woman ~ who reported the asaault alter being rele~ by lief al>durjofa ~ad met them througb mutu1l ocqualntances; She reportedly played pool with the en- tire group at a West Ooost Highway tavern, after which the group left and ate diMer. The victim said the pair, known only by first names, talked her into returning to plly llOOI again, but Instead drove to a secluded spot In West Newport where the . 9fdeal began. She said that while terrified she was alrald to figbl the two men, clalming they 'threatened aerious consequences if she !ailed to follow orders. 2 Countians Die . In Garage JUaze Two men were burned to dealh Tue>- day nlgbt when the garage converted to a bedroom in which they were sleeping at 14082 .. C~ St. in the Tustin area wu destroyed by lire, the t\"ange Coun[y Coroner' 1 o!fl~ reported. Oead'ate t'rank A. Lascano, 24, of 315 S. Harbor Blvd., Sanla Ana and Bemanlo Gonzalea, 11, ol the Tu.stln addm&. . Orange County firemen said 119,000 damage wu done to the garage and the adjoining residence. Cause ol the blaze II unknown and ii under tnvesUgallon. n ' .. ' 1..; J • ! .... ., ' . ~ - Future Spaee. Team: -. ' . U.S. and Russian space acientists Tuesday conetu~ed nearly two weeks of discussions and planning ·tn Houston for the 1975 •chedilled rendezvous and docking between an Apollo cralt and a Soviet Soyuz m·ciduJe. The docking procedure Is shown in artist's concepUon. A~FL~CIO Netitrality ··.Se·en WASHINGTON (AP) -An Informed source said today the AfL.CIO Ez· ecuUve C.Ouncll voted to eodone no can- didate in this year's )iresiQential election. The source, a member of the 1'3.6- mlltion membe~ labor lederaUoo's ruling e1ecuUve council, &aid the decision WU to let. each of the AfU!C>,'• !17 unions make it.I own decision whether to en· dorse Democratic presidential nominee George McGovern or President Nixon, or to make no endorsement at all. 'i'beoecfilon rii>ortta!y was taken agalnsl the' opposition of some members o( ltle a>nian -who wanted to back McGovern ogalnat Niloo. . 'Ille decision to. make no endenement for !be fU'&I time in the 17-year history of he AF1'CIO was a victory' for tho lsbOr federation's pnsident, '17-year~ld George Meany, who has oritlciied both Nixon and McGovern on a number of Issues and led a labor ottempt to block McGovern'• nomlnaUon at tl!e Democratic Nat\Olial Conventioh last week. Earlier, It was reported that Me~y r was not accepting calls Crom' / Sen. Thomas F. Eagleton of Missouri, the Democratic vice presidential nominee who _bas __been regarded as close to organized labor. The AFU!O a I w a y s has backed Democratlc presidential candidates in lhe past but Meany il·unhappy wilh the chol<e of McGovern. Eagleton said Tuesday he had been uDPble io ·reach Meany on the telephone, though he tried for lwo days. · • However, be said be .IJ!lka wilh nine other labor leaders and received en· Ex-con Facing Raps 'OAKLAND (AP) -An ez;oonvict 18 months out of San Quenlin has pleaded Innocent to 31 fei.;ny counil, Including eight of rape. Benny Lewis Jackson, 27, wu Cl'dered held In lieu of IZ!0,000 ball 'l'u<llday by Municipal Judge Jacqueline Taber. I ·\ couragement or outright endorsements from officials of the Machinists Union, the International Ladies G a r m e o t W.orket> Union, the S!t\t•, Counly and 1'!Wlidpal-Employes Union and the . ll)ternaUonal AssoctaUoq. of Meat Cut· tera. ·Leonard Woodcock, president of the United .Aulo Workers Unloo, met with . Eaileton Tuesday and said he would work for the Democratic ticket and ex· pected the union to endorse It. Woodcock at one time was under consideration for lhe spol Eagleton bu on the ticket. Eagleton said lie will make no furthet contacts ...with qther unhSD oUlclals because he doesn~ want to leave the Im· pression he Is "inlenneddllng In unloll af· fain."" The two milllon·member Ttamsters Union, which bas not been a part of lhe · AFL-ClO slnCe 1957, bas endorsed Prtsl· dent Nixon. The UAW, wilh a claimed membe!'!bip of 1.5 mUllon, abo Is not aHUlated with the AF1'CIO. .• ' • HUntiilgt~n -· Boy Killed In Accident From Wlre Services SAN BERNARDINO -Following weeks ·of preparing pr ose cu t Io n p{lperwork, a Newport Beach marine firm owner has been formally charged With manalaughter in a Memorial Day • weekend boat collision that killed a Hun- tington Beacb boy. Donald E. Payse,. operator of Payse Marine Inc., 4229 Birch St., wu iden- tified In an arTest warrant aCCUling him of being at fault in the Colorado Ri•er aCcident: · · . Payse already has been charged In a $1,650,«XX» wrongful death and personal injury suJt filed jointly by the parents of Chris Dart, 7, of 310 Second St., and a pal who survived. 'The Dart boy, his g·randfat her Fletcher Dart, and ·Donald Thornton. 9, o! 602 Dana Circ1e, Huntington Beach, were fishing May 26 when their aluminum boat was bit. The Dart boy was killed almost In- stantly In the coll!Jlon with the speed- boat, whJcb, ~ecutor1 allege, slowed momentp.rlJy j.hen roared oU toward (See CllAllGED, Pare J) era.,. c. •• . . We•dler Despite thooe dark clouds In the early morning hours, lhe aun should be sllinlng on lhe OPonge Coast by mid-day, according to the weather~ lady. Highs ThUJ'sday, 'IO to 80. Lows tonight ~. iNSIDE TODA)' Three new prod11e~°"' lighl up the local thtater stager l -around Onmge-c -o-u" t v this wetk, a ra1itv 1/or mtd.su"'~'· See Enttrtainm.ent, Page 26. MM .. ...,..,. ·u Me>•• »-U ... ... -.. --. or..e~ ,, l•l'fli .... ..... ,,.,, Df,I..._. ,. ......... T ........ tl l~~·:o ~--------. I L_ • 1 ~~D.lll.;;;;;~Y~M~L~O~T~~-=s~~~~....;.;w~ ........ :;:;;;::!!'~J~;J~y~1•~·~'~''~' ' • Boston Mayor Win's Jlele'ase of Rock Singer~ llOl'fOH (,u>) -Mlct J'""' a D d Jraltb llldla."d, tbt l•ader and .. .., PlJldal ~tbt &µlDC StoD<I, have been ~ ID -with.a lrawl with • POUoe. llut lbay 1tlU made ll to /IMtOD ~ w1, ~, -..htn tho1111od• or fam waltad 5\1 houn Jn ntlterlDC heat lo._. the Br1illb rocl< ll'>llP· "I ulled and I rot them out and tbty're OD their way," Ma)'Of Kevtn White told a capacity OVlfd cl IJ,Sjlf pel'IOJ'I who pacRd tbt Garden for the •chedulecl I p.m. c»ncert. loud ovation. Allu their firll number, Jagger told Ult audlence that the ll'>llP was dtllyed bec1we "we tr ied out the J.U for a whlJe.11 O..pli. the dtlly, the crowd ,. .... ally remained orderly. "Our thanb to the mayor of llolloa," JIQ<r added. "He helped to fet 111 out or !hat J>il." 'lbt delay ln tbe eoncert occurred whtn Jauer. 2t, Rkbard. 29, and tbree other wmben of tbtlr traveling party were amsi.d In Warwick. R.I.. Tuesday night on charges 1lemmln!J from a aculfie -a Jlllololrfpber tried to lake a pic- ture ct 0.. """P· White, who appem>d be!oro tbe erowd at II : tO p.m. lnte<ceded with author!U.1 at Warwick ID behal! of the Stone&. Earlier, Janer, Richard and the ~ otbert arrtatld appt&rtd before Juat!ce of the Peace Ptrry Bernstein in 1 special seaslon of Rhode bland District Couzt at Warwkk police ~uarten. They were ln'll11Ded on chafre1 llemmin& from tlw airport 1CUffit. . All pleaded bmoceol, were ralaued oa bill and MDI under pollct acorl for the eo.mlle drive to, Aulhorllles uoed many ployi lo k .. p the crowd occupied, lncluclJDg at one polnl pallln( out small, rubber footb1lll, whkll the lalll tolled around the Garden lor aaveral mlriute<. 'lbtlr J!:i hod been cllvened to Green lntorna . Airport al W arwlclt when foll aoebd In t.can lqtemallODal Airport here. • Earlier, ainltt Stevie Wonder perform- ed lo< ,.,.... lllan an hour. Wbtn lbe 8toneJ antved OJI 1i.1e at 12 : IO a.m., they were veei.d by a long, Bolton. . n.y "'" or<lered to appear Au1. la In ltlore Irving . . Autlior Finds New Publisher NEW YORK (AP) -Author Cllllord lrlvng bu found a publlshar for hiJ book telllnl all about the Howard Hufhea autoblo(raphy .can<lal. Grove l'rell In· late September wlfl publllh In paperback at II.II per COpY "Cllllord lrvlnt: What REALLY Jr.ppened." By then, Irving wlll be serving a 21>-year prlJon term Imposed !or his role In conneetion with the autobiography, which was exposed as a hoax. Reports tn publishing circles indlcated that Irving, his wife Edith and re- searcher Richard Susk:ind-who alao were convicted in tl\e plot.-will get notJ>.. IDg ilke the alz.flgure advance they demanded for the Irving story. Ins~ad, it LI undel'ltood, the 1uthors wlll get 1 "negllglble" advance, but will share In the prollll, U any, al a much higher rall than the UJUaJ 10 to 15 percent. Cosa Nostra Boss Says He 'Never Met Sinatra' . WA!HINGTON (AP) -New England Olaa Ncllra -Raymond Patrmca -~y be evtr Invested $2U,OOO ln a Maaacbllaetll race tract -and uld be .....,. had any bualnel1 dullngl with entertalnar Frank Sloalrl. (Related alory, Page I) '"J oever met the gentleman 1n my life," Patrlarca told the House Se1ect Crime Committee. "The only place I've aeen him II OD lllevillon." El Toro Marine . ~eports 'Kill For Hire' Plot RIVEllSIDE (AP) -AA El Toro M'11nt C«ill private testllled Tuesday U..11-\Volahlo offered him 11,000 to kill hit wll• and boufhl him a round lrtp llcket to lliom1 lo do tbt job. 'lbe 11111 of Wolahln, 118, o! Venlce, began Tuesday ln Superior Court here. Wollhln II cbar11ed with 10llclllng for murder. · ·nrn Boudelte, 22, llattoned at El Toro Marina CGrpa Alt Station, aald Wolllrin hired him April 14 to klll his wife, Olga, and promlaad hlm an adclltlooal $500 ~ be bad lo ldll Mn. Wo1Jbln'1 mother. !4rL Wolllhln ,.., atayln( with her moth· ·er ID MJaml at the lime. ! Mra. Wolllhln also leltifted during the oa>enlnl day of lbe lr1al and. 11ld !ht Gould not believe her huaband hired ln)'Ollt lo ldll her "blcluse I !mow my lkaabllMI J0vt1 me." : lloudelte tulJlled be WU hltcllhlklng in Bln'rilllo 'April If 'l!ben Wollhln plcked blln ap Ud midi' tloo offer. • Beadatta aald lio flew to Miami the riul momi., and mtt Mra. Wolahln thal .:tternoon. ; He ukl be -... lnltndad to kl11 Mrs. Wollhln and told her of the offer bocauM ., think more -le ouahl lo lfl Jn. Wived In lhlnp auch u criminal ac- Uv!Uea heca111e lhll could have betn a tburder." ; Wollhln war arreoted April 17 altar Boudette told his story to pollce. --· IT DAILY PILOT The committee IJ probing an allegation that Patriarca bad a $215,000 hidden ln· terel! ID the Berk.shire Downs racetrack at Hancock, Ma.ss., in 1963 at the time Slnalra w11 brltlly an officer and dire<- tor of the track. Sinatra, in testimony Tuesday, accused the committee of character assassin&· Uon. Patriarca, transported to the hearing room from federal priaon in A:Uanta, Ga., said he bad only read of Sinatra's investment in the track -a:nd aald he bad only read of hla own alleged 1215,000 Interest In JI • .. I wllh I did," he said. ••t never bad $215,000 in my Jile." Patriarca, serving a 10.year 1entence for .murder coospJracy, was identified by Iha Ju1Uce Department in 11169 aJ hon of the New El!clan.d Cosa N°'tra family. On the wltnes• •land, he at !Int took the .-uth Amendment right a11a1n11 ..U· incrlmlnatloo to reluaa to answer any quntlom about Berkahlre DoWDI or hormaclna ID tanaral. But alter denyln( thel be ever met Sinatra, he allO denJed a number of speclfJc quutlooa on Involvement Jn Berkahlre DoWDI. However, when alked U he or anyone on hla 1tall boucbl ltocl: from Sinatra, he qaln~t<-Oll FUth Amendment lll'OllDdt of pooelble' lelf.Jn. crimlnaUon. ' Slnllra told the commjllee that be Jn. veiled 156,000 In the !rack ln Au(Ull 11162 puroly u ID lnvutment and then told !JI 1toct back forthe ame .amount !rt Jlrly 11161 alter be -elact«I a tract vtco preildelit and dlredor without notice. "I clldn'I know It WIW I read In .. the sp;'ll'tl pqet," be t..wled. , Rep. Sam Steiger· (R·Arli.), oald federal 'Win>tapper1 orirbeanl tomeone lnlonn Patrlatta by lelephone Aug .. 2•, 11162, that Sinatra wu llOlnc to be elema I track director, "Do )'Oil know Prltrlarca?" Sloalrl wu uked later. "No," be repUtd under oath. 1'You never met him?" .. No." Slnltra dtnled my tnowled(e of tile allered BerkahlrJ Downs La eo.. Noolra money with confident, short answers alter stalking Into the crowded House hearing room and accusing the commit- -tee of lrruporulblly listening to charges of another all'lled tie with racketeers. "It was cbancter auasslnation, let's face it /' Sinatra aald. Frot9P .. e1 CHARGED ••• Parker on the Arlzona side. The Thornton boy wu lnJurld, while the dead child's grandfather managed to e.sc~pe the collision without hann. Payse was named Tue!Jday 1n a San BemanlJno County Munlclpal .Court ar- -warrant algned by Judp Georre Krumm, who cl!Jpatched two dtpUtiu to pick up the sutpeCt. Payse was expected to be arraigned to- day. . Fllln( of chargea "" dtlayed for :wt<kl pending completion or an in- vesUgaUon into wblch l,lde ol. the river the fatal «ash occurred on and sub- mission of evidence. Yuma County, Ariz .• authorjt.ies were al first Involved along with the U.S. Cout Guard, then turned the case ov.er to Sol! Bemanllno proaecuton 1lx weeks . ,.. Young Dari wu the '°" of Newport Beach Fireman Richard Dart and hia wile Nancy, Marine Exe.-cise Turns Realistic As Jet Crashes ' A desert warfare exercise was In- stantly transformed into a nightmare scene resembling the real thing Wednt&- day n I 1 h I, when an El Toro Marine Corps AJr Stallort jet 1Jammed into I troop <'Oll<tl1lratlm and exploded. 'l'!le S: Ii p.m. accldenl our Twen- tynine Palntll ~ed. iw.. Cf..nneft -OD I low·levtl slrafing run over 1Imul1ted enemy troops -whUe seven men on the (rOUDd were Injured, mOllly with burm. No estimate of the A6A Intruder's altllude wu offered. hut lhe _IJ!perto_nic fight~ often <1>me ID heldw 100 fetL Marint C4l'po ' olfJclala ,.id many -1,000 ,_,,Illa ....,..i In '- day maneuvn our camp Wllaoo witneued the apectaculor crulr. Identity of lbe plli>I and oavl(al« and tile ...... lr1jured Maril* enppcl in war 11amoa durlnc I~ weeb cl ..Uve duty wera wJtllbeld peodtr11 notllleallOD of DW<>f·ltln. - A Marine apobtman did no I --Marine ,...,.e unit or unlll were Involved in the trqedy, hut aa1d lhll mornin( the dtad and lnJurld are DOI local """" FEW . WORDS BUT . MUCH SUCCESS Yoo can I» a pencm ol fn -and 11111 lli1'l 1111"""'1 -pl<mty of II -Jn · DAILY PILOT c1-Uled aclvent,lnll a>l· · lllllllf, Me, for example, lbe !ewL~ In 11-two and I lialf lJnta cl .. ...,... Inf: · I BR, S BA, lrplct ~I . crpl, dl!ll. bltns, JU'Gwd floorl, fltO. llX·UU, They were enouah to Rlll llre place to the !Int caller. A few wtll chcoefl wmj& ln the right place, the DAILY PILOT'a classified columns, can get ruultl for you, too. Dia! MU671 and .. ~ ..... W<l'dl with one cl our ad-vi1ot1. Ms. Friedan Lashes Out At Fellow Female Lihhers NEW YORK (AP) -Betty Friedan has accused 1ilter feminists Gloria Steinem and Rep. Bello Abm( (l).N.Y.), of promoting a female chauvlnl1t Ideology tllat Is al ienating men Ind COi' ruptlng the movement for equallb'. · "I hive always objected to a r!Jetolie thRt trtats the women's mowment 11 clasa warfare a1ainst men,u Mrs. Friedan, founder o! the N a II o D a I Organization !or Women, .. Id Tueada)I. "U we make men the enemy they will surely lash back at us," Mh. Friedan, a pillar of !he women'• liberation move- ment 11td. "Men can and ntWt be with us If we are to change society," ahe con- tinued. Her remarkl were an elabar1.Uon or an article written by her for lhe August lssoe of McCalla mapllnt and enUUtd .. ~ Women'• Liberation.'' · 'When Olorla Steinem dtsml1111 ma!' r!age .. 'prootllutlm,' the ~ 19 that no woman would ever want to Co to bed Wllh I nian ll lhe clJdh't need to sell • her body for a mint coat," Mr1. Friedan aald. Mlsa Steinem, eclltor of Ml. Maautne, replied to the chlrre that her altltudl matea a woman "apol"lllle for lovlbf her husband or children" wltb a one sentence statement : · .. "Haytnr been falaaly, 1"'11tacl. by lhe male Eslabllshmeot ~of liking men too much, I am now btln1 faltelY accused by a woman Eatablllhment Journallat of not lil!J(f thelll enough/' 01 Rep. Abzug, who UOJUceWIUliy challenred Rei>. William Rflr> ID the re- cent Democrallc prttnary "liter hor own ...,,,.lll611aJ cllllrtct WU ellinbilted, Mra. Friedan nld: "0nl1 a fomal1 ehluvlnlat WOllld NY Ullt iio· matter llOw taod • milt'a · reccni -OD peace Oil 1""*1 -........ . m111I N-1 a .~ ......... jlit ~11ia1aa-· , Mrs. Abliti Mllad illat ro...~ ......... ~ that she never ~ lot -ohb' --aho .... a woillin. I DtllrJct Couzt for a beaNi:. Police were ~I ta lbe Warwick airport alter ~ · Dickerman, a ~!o&fapbor for tbe Provtd!!>ce.Joumil, <&lied and eomplalned thal ha bad been ~ by a """'her or tl!e fnlUP In a IJre shed w!Jue they were 1walt1n1 their ba(pge. Sgt. Frank Ricci, who led a polke dttall to the fire shed, said that when of- ficers arrived he saw a Richard punch Dtckennan with a belt he had wrapped around b.is hand. Ricci Wd the fint a1sault on Dickerman wu carried out by another DM!mber or the travelln( parly, Stanley A. Moore, ftl, of San.Ftanclaco. Wbeo J>Ollce attempted to J!UI Richard in a poJlce car, Ricci aald, Jager and Ulll f""""9 Zipping In Commander of the first Sky· Jab mission, Charles "Pete" Conrad zips into a vertical sle.eplng bag ~!!..board a Sky· lab workshop l'JD•clu; during a news media tour in !be trlin· ing faclllly. Quake Aid Bill OK'd SACRAMENTO (AP) -Districts l1otdlng money to make !heir schools earlbqual:e-proor-couia receive upto l30 mllllon from the state under· a bill clear· Ing the A1sembly Tuesday. Aleem blyman Le111Y q r e e n e , a Sacramento Democr'at, authored the blll aimed at bringing aclrools up to .. rety standards set by the Field Act, paued alter an urthquak.e rocked Loog Beach Jn 1933. GEM TALK TODAY by :J. C. HUMPHllll DIAMONDS STAR IN MOVIES For centuries diamonds hove been surrounded by romanct and intrigue. Although some of the stor- ies told about famous diamond• are pure mythology, most· are hls!Grl- cally verllled truth frequenUy aur· passing the most lurid fiction. And since history began, gems have retained the interest of most people, thls lnterest beln~ express- ed through different media In Nc- ceedln.f generaUona and in diffennt dvtllUtfons. Recent films nleased &om most major 1tudlo1 an featuring dia- mond• •• the center of 1Uractlon for both crooks and heroes. Al· though th110 movl11 ere atral1ht fiction, the.y are fascinating eudl- emces of all ages. Among such diamond oriented fllmt are ••Hot Rock" 11Th1 Cool Brffze" ••011mond1 Are Forever". •1Pro~'I and ''Hofrowboust." Another pl'Qductlon by Wemer Brother•, ltllder the dlnctlOll of Sidney oho centered around the lure of diamonds. · Althou1h •• have alwaya dealt with dlaiilond tacit, we anfoy th11e hhaelnaUve movies and TV show•. You might f.ll\d !hem eqlllll¥ U.. W-Utlllg. two other IDl!llbln of the party, Marshall Cbau, IO, d Brvetly llllll, and Robert Frut; 41, or Zurich. bttame Jn- valvocl In a aculfle wltll police. Cheu WU. l<l<ntJJl.ed 11 presldenl or Rolling 8toMa Reoorda, for which tbe ifOllp roc;orda. sit. Ricci Mld be WU hit .. the left ann by a 1ar1e movie camera held by Frank. J•a:11er and Chess were charged with obstructlOJ\ of a pollce officer. Moore and Richard were charged with a1111ault. 'lbooe charaa are mbdtm....,,,. Frank was charred with Wlult on a uniformed police of!lcer, a !tlony. Thi Stooa are oo a North American lour and are tcheduled for a lwo-nlght atand ln BOiton, with the windup session ' • • tonl&ht. • Thtlr i.ur bas bttn i>llrued by lloub~ On Mond1y an erplooton ~I tbt Moll· tttal Forum d>Jnaged put of tholt equlprrumt, which w11 ln a parked ""'*· Gat«rullert and other youtbl lMI~ btto amsted 1n 1eu1n.. d u rJ n.1 perlormancet at Vancouver, B.C., 8 ")I Diego; Tucson, Ariz., and Bloomlnfloa, lrfiM. • Jn Los Angeles, the Sf9nes' p~ representatlvt', Bob Gibson, iald: 1 "Painstaking efforts have been made to see that lncldeota Uk• thlJ are ••ol4: ed. there bas been no prev)®1 lrouble Cl any kind lnvolvlnf the Stonu dlrecUy 6 this tour. Jn no way would the cro9 allow this Incident to lnlerlere with t1ie rest ot the tour_.., •• , Two States Halt Amtrak ·· Trains for Open Saloon OKLAHOMA CITY (UPI) -Law of· flcen In Oklahoma and Kansas have stopptd Amtrak trains and arrested crewmen for running open saloons. The batUe over booze will be taken to court to determine which is stronger - federal or 1tate law. Amtrak, the federal railroad system created and subsidized by Congress, con· tend3 thet II operat .. undtr !eden! law and therefore cannot be regulattd by the antlliquor statutes of the states through which its train! travel. But Oklahoma and Karuias olliclals dlJagree . "It is our position that the serving of mlted drinks on Amtrak is against Olclahoma Jaw," said state Attorney General Larry Derryberry. who led a raid on a train Tuesday ni&ht in Oklahoma City. De~berry and agenll of t h e Oklahoma Alcobollc Beverage Control Boin! boarded the train at Ardmore, Ojla., and uid they bought cocktails u the train rolled throuah three "dry" counUts -areJ• where the sale of Jlquot J& prOhiblted by law. Jn Oilaboma City, agents conflscated el1bt cases of beer and seven ba1s of "'I""'""" bo!Ues or liquor aboard the train and arrested !he conductor and a ateward. At Newton, Kan., state Attorney General Yem Miller stopped another Amtrak train and arrested three crewmen for violating Kansas liquor laws. The men were charged with main- taining an open saloon, operating without possession of a 1tate tax stamp, selling liquor wl~ut a Uctme and allowing the consumption of liquor in an unauthoriud place. Fatal Accident Prompts Suicide SAN JOSE (UPI) -"My God, I shot ·him!" aald Tim Newman, 42, when, his new .45 caliber pis to 1 accidently dlscllarged, hitting his brother, Quinn, In tile chest and.kllllng him. Tim wallred outside, put the run to his head and fired , kUllnf himseU. "They were very close,'' 1aid an in· v1stigator. Tim Newman, hit wile and family, of Milton, Wis., arrived for a vacaUon visit with hit brother only houra before th1 shootin11. Miller said he notllied Amlrat oftldJ!s in Wublngtoil. last week that unleu the( :itopped senlng liquor on trains rolling through Kansas, they would be stopped: and arrested . '. Amtrak officials responded by saying the state could not interfere with route4, rates or service under the federal law creating Amtrak. Serving liquor comeJ under the tenn ''suvice," federal of ficlals said. Kansas Jaw requires private clu~ licenses for liquor sales by the drink. Miller .. Id a train coold not quallly !w a license because it had no permanent ad- dress. · Rain, Sleet, Snow Okay; But Smog Will Halt Mail SAN BERNAllDINO (AP) -NeltheT rain nor JDOIV • , • and all that., Bui •mol ii something el.le. • 'l'!le pos~ cllrector for much ti. Southern Calilornia and parll of Arlwna and Nevada announced Tuuday thet iii his territory mailmen will stop deliveries ' during smog alerts. District Director Guy Harlsook 's order affects 14 counties in California, 1 ia Arizona and 3 in Nevada. ~ Officials said they believed Hartsook'~ order waa unprecedtnted in the Poatal Service. It doesn't offtcl the Loi Angefu aoil upper Orange County metropolitan areas, where most of Soulbem callforni1l: smog is concentrated. • Bui it applies In San Bernardino eow.. ty, which bes bad two alerts this year, and Riverside County, which has bad 23 -IS in the pa.st three wetts. The counties' alertr don't require any 1ction but warn cltlzms of pocsible barID lo their health. ' Rlvenlde County. calls lnore ltlloC alerts than San Bernardino part11 because its-alert level 1' :n parts Qf ozone per million of air. s.t n Bemardino'a level is .35. In Riveralde, a post offlce s-pokmnan said caniers mlght start deliveries ._.,n hour earlier than usual to have a beflu chance of finishing before an ateh 11 called. Most alerts there have been call· \d about noon and some have lasted until alter nJghUall. : OMEGAO the perfect gift for people who spend time together . J.C. .JJ.ump~ri"-6 Jewefer6 1823 NEWl'ORT BLVD., COSTA MESA CONVINlll<T TIRMI IAHJAMEllCAAD-MASllR CHARii 21 YIAIS IN SAMI LOCATION PHONI 141.)401 • . . • ., .. ' I -I I f ' • ha an of w .. .m at on to bu M Tu . I al ... be .he .. pr qu . ·go ·n1 . ej Jn Dlstr" P!rso IJ' Ing Cit pis .pd :Ea cjud ~issi up a a m ptrso ·A dtstri • smcc • even :Ne de rl :K yfar \jx rlte pro v .:-1 Jt>) , :Nixon Doles Out Power, _ Cuts Down Bureaucracy By JOHN VALTERZA 01 Ill• 01llr Piiot 11111 -. TALES OF BUREAUCRACY stifling Ille best of government project. have filled books for generations In tbe United States. Everybody knows how little energy ts spent really con- summate the ideas themselves. The real bulk of the work is In the red tape . 1 But Monday at the Presidential compound In San CJe- mente, a few of us were on hand to see how one man-a ' President-can dole out a little of his power. THE CIUEF EXECUTIVE had been simmering for more than a week over a drive he took to San Onofre Beach State Park-a parl of the six4 mile strand be declared public last year. ""r.. rlriRZA On the Fourth of July-a day when most people clog the sands of Southern California-only a hundred or ao persons had made it down to San Onofre. Chagrintld. President Nixon called state parks officials, Marine C.Orps brass and other federal representatives to a lengthy meeting in the Presidential office complex. He \va nted to find out why. ~The lf!ck or drinking water, toilets and other facllilies on the beaehfrOQt was the reason. he was told by plaintive state parks people. So the President gave everybody a little time to work out some temporary solutions. Very little time. TWO HOURS, to be exact. The gang went to the pbon~ during those 120 minutes. And in that time they rounded up enough sophisticated equipment, prJ.. . marily from the military, to provide real flushing toilets and drinkable water at the base of the bluffs. And that meant that camping could be permitted on that sa me beachfront. They also came up with $350,000 for water main.s. So the temporary problems are over. llow about some of the Jooger-range ones? ACCESS is the toughest. Unless the state wants to carve away scenic bluffs to allow cars to drive to the skinny strip of sand, rugged trails are about the best they can offer. And the best \Vay to negotiate those hot, dry routes is on top of a stout burro. Now there's an idea •.• They do it at the Grand canyon, don't they! . \Vhen the entire six-mile project is completed sometime in the 1970! .. , 1•1peoplemovers" are planned to shuttle throngs of beacbgoers to and from the "'\ands. state parks spokesmen say. But, getting back to basics, whe:e . is their se~age goin~ to .go! •. While officials don't lik~ to adnut It, the. Manne OJr~ IS st1~ out of JOmt about the land gif t, and until Monday's meetmg had not lilted a finger to help encourage anyone on the new public beaches. WlfY DIDN'T the military help'? "\Ve ne\•er asked them," was the reply by state parks head William PeM Mott. Instead, the department has asked the city of San Clemente for help ln Tumi shing water and sewage treatment. The stale would probably pay a ~percent surcharge for water so!d outside , the city. SEWAGE, however, is a more complex hassle. The city's only north-south sewage collector is an antique and at times al peak capacity. .. . A neW state park's summer output is out of the question for the old 'beachfront -sewage main. ' San Clemente asked the State of C31ifornia for a Clean Water grant to help pay the million dollars or more needed for a new main. THAT WOULD EASILY handle.the new slate park. But the State of c.aufomia moves in mysterJous ways. I One state agency h"! begged San Clemente ~,help. , ; Bul another state agency responsible for parceling out the grants which '.could give San Clemente the chance to assist, thinks otherwise. -It turned the grant application down after two years of delays. And until government can find a solution to a set of unique and apenslve problems, President Nixon might very well find the beach f>Uth of his e.state quite secluded for many .years to come. . . Unless those vexing issues are solved, San Onofre might make history-a ,gorgeous, six-mile public beach. \Vith hardlf anyone on-it. Moulton Niguel Water -lJ~trict Rates 'Same' By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL 01 lllt 01llV Pflol Sl•ff ~'" 1964, the ~Toulton Niguel Water Dlst rict boasted a population of 211' persons, \\'ilh Jess than 100 subscribers. "trociay. the expansive district stretclr tng from Laguna Hills to the Cilpistrano Valley houses 30,4 17 persons ePd has 8,221 customers. :Each month, the di strict, which in· tjudes the fast gro\ving com_munitie~ of r4ission Viejo and Laguna Niguel, picks up abou t 160 new connections, indicating a mon thly population increase of 560 persons. ·Amid the skyrocketing growth of the <Mstrict. tax rates have dropped steadily sfuce 1966 and water rates have held e-Ven since 1964. :Next year will be no exception, says darl Kymla, district general manager. :Kymla's $2.08 million budget for nex~ yfar reflects a 35-cent cut on the base uix rate of the district, plus other ~t r.lte decreases in each of three un· provemeot districts: ~1n Laguna Niguel (Districts 1 •nd .iii.) property owners wUI sec a tu rate • Joe Del Rosso Services Friday .. Funeral services for co m m u n l t y Qieater actor and playwright Jqe Del Bosso will be held at 2 o'clock Friday ~temoon In Ille chapel of Hilgenleld ~ortuary, 120·E. Broadway, Anaheim. . h-1r: Del Rosso, 46, a weU·known performer w!tlt many Orange County (heater groups, was found dtad in his frailer Sunday night. ' Visitation will be held lonlght and ,,,ursda.y nrter 5 o'clock. lnterment will follow the funeral Friday In Anaheim ~melery • . · decrease or at least 76 cents. The new rate is proposed at $3.21 per $100 assess.. ed valuation o( Jand only. (The assessed valuation of the land is generally equivalent to 1/16 of tne market value of the total property.) -In Laguna Hills (Districts 2 and 2A) the tax rate is expected to drop 83 cents from $4.30 to $3.11 per $100 assessed valuation. -In Mission Viejo (Districts 3 and 3A) the current tax rate of $3.53 is projected to drop to $3.15 per $100 assessed valua~ tioo, a reductioo of 33 cents. Kymla's proposals have been in the hands of directors of the district for the past month. They are expected to act on the recommendations at their regular meetfng Thursday at 10:30 am. Tax rates have dropped, Kym.la pointed out, as indebtedness for capital improvements has been paid off. The rates also have been lowered due to whopping increases in tile assess.<! valuation of the district, he said. Last year alone, 'the assessed valuation climb- ed 25 percent. The only increa!es thot Kymla ls recommending are a $1 per month rise In sewer service fees, from $2 to $3, and a connection fee for persons booklog up to the di3trict.ow1tcr·supply. Water rates, be : predicted, wlU not begin to rise unUI the 19'13-7411Jcal.year. This ls due to higher rates the district must pay for water from t· h-e Metropolllan Water District. For example, In 1964 the district payed $30 per acr&-foot lor water. (An acre-foot fs the amount of water tllat would stand on an acre of land at a depth of one foot.) This year the district pat d $57 P'1" acre-foot. Next year, Kymla said, the price wUI jwnp to $63. Kymla noted that water rates In Moulton Niguel are par with comparable distrlcls In the state. Not Giiiy does the dlslrict selJ n e " water, but It has dtveloped a growing market for reclaimed water from sewage treatment woru for Irrigation use. Pay Boost Gets Stwly In Joaquin San Joaquin ac::hool trustees wUI be asked tonight to consldtr pay lncr,.,.s of allghtly more than five percent foe tbe district'• 532 teachers. Teacher's usoc.iatlon p r e s i d e n t Patricia Downey has formally requested that the starting base pay of teachers be raised from 17.500 to 17,91.Z, with similar Increases in the amount of pay raises given for experience and graduate units. The teachers are asking for a dental plan and .. ure insurance program with the upgrading of other fringe benefits. The salary increase would be just below the mallmwn 5.5 peroont allowed by tbe Federal Pay Board under lb wage and price guidelines. The teachers received a five percent pay raise last 1cbool year. The trustees will coosider the request as part of their regular agenda at Wednesday's meeting, which will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the multi-purpose room of La Paz Intermediate School in MI>sion Viejo. Other items to be consldered by the board Include: -A recommendation that the Sad- dleback Valley Exchange Club be thank· ed for the donation of a Freedom Shfine to La Pai lntennediate School. The presentation, made in May, sparked a great deal of pre-election controversy when several school board candidates ap- peared during school hours to take part in· a brief student aasetnbly. -A request from a landscaping finn for another $2,003.92 to fert ilize the soil before planting grass around the new De Portola Elementary School in Mission Viejo. The !inn, during grading ol the •ite, realized thOy had bid too litUe for the project wile!! It was discovered the son would not sufficiently aupporl"turl. -A legal opinion from the county COWlSel's office that tbe·board could not, without threat of a lawsuit, terminate the escrow agreement now pending on the sale of the old EI Toro · Scbool to a developer. The sale is contingent upon a zone change for the property by the county plaMing commission. but bas been delayed by completion of en· Viromnenta] Impact 81udieo for olher jl"Ojeda In the """- -A revised and condemed staement of the proposed .-.qulrements-lor gradoa· lion from eighth grade In the district. This is the third time .the" matter has come before the board, the two previous propo.1als were sent back to ataff members for condensation and more specifications of guidelines. While the first proposal was four pages long, this last one ii only lwo paragraphs. Indian Remains Found in f.ounty Put on Display Indian ar:tilacts uncovered on Irvine Ranch lands by Thurston lntennediate School students are now on display at thl Laguna Beach Historical Society, 815 Laguna Canyon Road. The artifacts, said historical society president Harry Jeffrey, have been dated between 2,000 and 4,000 years old. Several chips of soapstone, he said, were uncovered indicating that the local tribes traded with Indians on catalina Island, where the on1y known soapstone quarries exist. Student., Wlder Uie direction of Thurston instructor Ron Rodecker. work· ed at the Sand <Janyun "dig" using equip. ment made on their own. Money for the project was provided by the historical aociety. Maps, charts, slides and a tape record- ed introduction are included in the ex· bibit. Student members of the team, Alan O'Harra, Richard Roll9, Greg Widen and George Wyman are available to answer questions on the discoveries. Lifeguards Set Rescue Display "Rescues'' from the ~ach, ocean, cliffside and air wUI be Included In the Laguna Beach Ilfeguards' aMual public demonstration Saturday at 9:30 a.m. on 1 Main Beach at the foot of Ocean Avenue. Highlight of the program will be an over-water parachute jump by a team of guards wearing ocuba equipment, who lhen will be taken In tow on an un- derwater sled to demo-.te the pro- ce<lure used in searching for a lost diver. The Orange County, Harbor Depart· ment also will send its fire boat to demonstrate water·OOme fire fighting techniques. Other evenls wlll Include a competitive race, standard rescue techniques and emergency first aid procedures. ·Nixon May Get Prize WASHINGTON (UPI) -.Senat• Republican L<ader Hugh Scott will nominal• President Nixon for tho Nebel Peace Priu to be awarded next winter, Scott's office said Tuesday. It will cite Nl>on's initiatives In his China and Rus.sian trips, the agreement to limit Soviet-American strategic arma and the relaxation of trade b<twem the United Slates and tbe Sovltl 'Unioa and China. .Santa Lives in Cap•· Rancher Thrives on Good Deeds , Toymaking By PATRICK BOYLE Of flle 0.llY NII ...., The years have been good to Carl Hankey bu! per1lapo ·t11at•1 be<:euse ho bas put • lot into them. The San Juan Capistrano rancher has done more for his community and his rellowa than uy man can list: Z3 years on the school board, :SS years without mlsslng a Rotary Club meeting, four yW'I of donating gladiolas for the high achool graduations , •. The plaques and engraved gavels and letters of commendation s t a c k e d carelessly on his bookshelf scarcely represent the man's aecompllshments. But be treasures each award , smiling proudly as be tlolds even a high school yearbook in his rough, brown hands. "Isn't this the nicest-letter'?" he said. on the front page of the yearbook, high school pnncipol Dan:ell Taylor thanked Hankey for hi3 work in the past. "I consider it a privilege to call you a personal friend," Taylor concluded in his note. Hankey, a tall, balding man who 8Iways wears a smile, has lived in San Juan Capistrano in the same house for 51 years. He moved to the home at 28232 Ortega Highway from Santa Ana, where be was born, shortly after he married Adele. OAU .. Y P1LOr Stttt l"Mte "We had four daughters and every one of them had a brother,'' he said chuckJ .. ing. You conclude he bas eight children. The Hankeys now have 18 grandchildren and ... greet-grandchild. "What makes me feel old ls that my little son is a grandfather." Hankey said, Uie toll ol 76 years shawing only in his Iring,, of white hair and a deliberate. slighUy limping walk. CAPISTRANO RANCHER GIVES MUCH OF HIMSELF Carl Hankey Displays Toys He Makes for Children Hankey has been a farmer all his life and once owned 150 acres of the most fertile land in the Capistrano Valley. He raiSed oranges, mainly, and c a n remember when there were +I packing houses in the county that bought the fruit from ranchen and distributed it na .. tionwide. There are now seven, as houses and streets have replaced the groves of trees. When. ta.x .. went up and tile C<l6t of la· bor increased, Hankey be'gan to .. n his· land, an4 he now has just under two acres, IWJCh of it planted in a variety of fruit ll!!<s-He be.s figs, oranges1 crab apples, apricots and ll"i!'ches. And .. has big rows of gladiolas to cootinue his "hobby" of proViding flowers at each high school graduation. TJJe gladiolas represent only ~ne of his services to .his community, a histury o( benevolence that extends back to the time ._be giov~ here. One of the first things he did was to help find a name for Ortega Highway. The wife of a county supervisor was related to tile Ortega family, one ol Ille first famiLtts to settle in what is now Orange County. Instead of calling it the (Japistrano to Elsinore Highway, as had .been proposed, .Hankey's committee <;hose Ortega. Since' 1921 , he has kept the official rain- fall records for the Capistrano Valley, rneasumg the Wll\e" In three gauges located arourid his small piece of Jand. To this day, whenever there ii a Jarge amourit of rainfall -or periods of no rainfall -newsmen from around the county contact him to see if a new record has been set. He began providing nowers at the Capistrano Union High SChool graduation in 1929, tramporting and arranging his colorful gladiolas. Hankey served on the board of truste'es for the school from 1935-38 and again from 1940-58. But his involvement with the schools did not end with each board meeting. £or he has bten very acti\'r In youth-oriented :1<·tiv1tles, p:lrtirul:irly those involving foreign e x c hang c !tudents. In a corner of his spic-;i nd ·SpRn liv ing room, 1-la nkcy has a two·<lra"'er filP cabinet filled "'l th letters frorn 64 fo reign students who rithc1· Ji ved \\·ith the Hankeys or visited thcrn durinA: their stay. As a tradition, he has ahvays in· vited the visiting foreign students to his house for Thanksgiving dinner. He has also been involved with the Boy Scouts for years and sits on the board of directors of Santa Ana Cotnmun:ty Hospital. Another activity. for \\'hich he has received little publicity. Is his toy mak- ing. On the walls of his \Yorkshop, hidden deep in his garage, are shelves lined several rows deep \Vith painted toy figures. They are identical in sh a p e although painted differentl y, and llankey shows how the Jillie men can be in· terlocked to rorm hu man pyramids. He bas 650 of them tining the shelve~ and estimates he ha s made over 4.000 of the little men, giving th em to children he Iran, Gal Sells Mate for $9,000 " . TEHRAN (UPI) -Farldeh Ghayebhi, 22, found an interesting and lucrative way out of a love triangle in which she was playing .the wronged wife. She offered her husband to her rival for $9,00J. The other woman agreed. Divorce is not easy in Iran, but when both parties have reached a financial set- tlement it usually is granted. "My husband wasn't such an ex· traordinary dish alter all," Mr s. Ghayebhi said. "I'm going on a long vacation with the price J got for him. I'm sure I'll find a better man later." n1ct on his trips to different regions of . the \.\'Orld, · · Surnl' peoople think I'm nuts for doing ;ill this ," he admits. Rrranging the men back on the shelf. "bul I thin k it's fun.'" In udd1t11111 to the n1C'n, he rn a k e 1_ bookends t1nd \.\1oo<lcn toys to be glveA a\\'tiy. "! work out In the field until I get tired," he explains, "then 1 come in and n--st at my saw cu lling out toys." . Besides his penchant for good deed; he J>OSSes.5eS a kren memory tilled w it ft area history and is often called upon by service and other groups to tell stories about the "old days." At a rec~ C.:ipistrano Beach Chamber or Commerce meeting, Hankey talked in a rambling fashion about Orange County and how the' various l'ilies were named. Appearing in a da11per gray piru:trlpe suit. he complained n1ildly about being given only 2S minutes to give his talk. "\\rhe n I get home," he told the businessmen, "I'll wi sh I would have toll you more about \vha t r didn 't tell you." fie claims he is only slightly disap- pointed about the signs of progress tha~ have taken .a toJI on what was once a purely farming community and says it was unavoidable. ' · "It's just' one of'those· t?lings~" be say;._ resigned to progress. "Look at the weeds in that orchard next door .. I'd never have Jet my orange groves Jook like that. But that o~e's for sale now because Jt just doe'sn't pay any mor.e." ~-• ' I , ,• Art Worth $700,000 LONDON (UPI) -A hitherto unknown and unrecorded masterpiece by the 18tbi century English portrait artist Thomas· Gainsborough today . brought a record' auction price of $700,0000. The price paid at SothebY's by the U)iidon t!ealer. Colnaghi, acting for an English privata.. collector, . was a record for an Englisfa. painting and for any English work of ar~. MID. SUMMER OUTDOOR FURNITURE SALE Buy Now ancl Save on These FAMOUS BRANDS All STORIS SA.LE PRICIS GoOOD THRU JULY Jl S1maon·Gard t:oatffl fr1m11 ar• warrant.cl against t:orroslon for .S yHn. TA5-eJMI 4 CHlrs R99. fJ9.i. SllYIN• CART R19. SliO. LOUN•I CHAii R11. S'40. OTIOMAN R•9. f 20, IOCllR R•g. S45. SIDI TA.Ill Rig. $10. CHAISl LOUNGI R•g. $70. LOYISIAT •••. $60. SJ69'5 s4rs s32ts 5)695 SJ7'5 52495 s59•s s49•s tNll·llO/l0 MOBILE BASE All•wt you to Hll Ylllr 1rlll out of tho "'''« -i..1111.t l11•t9' $8983 SUNSET 11 By SAMSONITE H•r•'1 outdoor f11tnit11r• H11t m11k11 '"'I petio po1h, It'• th1 moat d11r11bl•, fh•nki to S1m101'1-G•rd, • new polv,.,.inyl c:o1tin9, Comfort'• built from th1 bottom up with ' fl1xibl1 1!1h i11 1 v1ri1ty of color combin1- tto111. T•bl• top1 of h1ndcraft•d "M1rb1ll1." ii;;;;;:~~ GAS COOKERS POST MOUNT Steys '"""'"'nti:r-1• tho groulld. liO" '10119 pott Tl tuif proof,d, th"' ptlnt•d. $7274 Q•ollfJ 11 S. ttt. t:oolt.f ,...,,. '" wDI tet wl .. fow Cller-lroll •• HL 111111., ttio c•mr-c..,..ltM• •I tM ff- ... 119. PATIO . MOUNT . PM1911•d W ln1t11J_. tlon •A ••l1tln1 p•tio"' Tip·prol'lf. m SANTA ANA ORANGE COSTA MESA i77S No Main • 543-8213 2378 N. Orange Mall • 998-1721 1706 Newport Blvd.• 645·2'10'1 \ Ul "d' North of l 71h St 100 ydt North of th~ Broodwoy nl 17111 SI • . ' . ' . . . ' • • . " • • • • • • l • • • • l 11,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'-............................. ~ .. • ) • I • > 4 DAIL V PILOT • Arson Told In Inferno -On Queen HONG KONG (AP) -'!be fire that cfntroyed the former luxury liner Queen Ellubetb Jan. 9 was probably dellberat .. ly e1used by penons unknown, a marine court of Inquiry said today. "l'Jbere were at least three major sites of fire, all of 19<m occurring within JWlnutes of each other, and there may [ ___ I_N_S_H_OR_T._ .. _· ........ ) have betn other independent sites as "ell!' the court said after a two-month Inquiry ordered by the Hong Kong gove.mment. "While there is no direct and con· elusive evidence on the matter, the court b also satisfied that by far the most like- ly cause of the fires was a series of deliberate acts by a person or persons unknown." :e Pollu(lon Warned NEW YORK (AP) -Metropolitan New York area residents, sweltering through • beat wave aggravated by a serious power blackout in Brooklyn, have been advised that a stagnant air mass en· veloping the area may result in he11vy air pollution levels. The National Weather Service said the air stagnation advisory, issued Tuesday for New York City, Long Island. Westchester and Rockland counties and western Oonnecticut, would remain in ef. feet for 36 hours. e Attfea on Alert ATICA, N.Y. (UP I) -A temporary state of emergency was put in effect Tuesday at Attica State Prison where hundreds of protesting inmates have refused to leave their cells to eat or work. SUetli'1ntenden Ernest I.. Moolayne utd ~ emera:tncy me~ was essen· tial for tJle drderJy operation and "to assure· the safety and. security of the pei IOlll!d , inniates "'1<! bcility prop- perty." He ·· Slid · the situation would be evaluated on a day-to-day basis and the order . would l>e cancelled when, In his judgemen~ ''the situation bas reached its conclu.sioo. ". · . . e Met Stunned NE\Y .YORK . (AP) -StUMed by the death Of Goeran Genlele, the new general manager of the Metropolitan Opera. the Mel'a board of d1reclol'$ meets today to dbcUas the company's future. Oentete, 54, and two,. of his daughters. Cedlla ,Anne, 21, aod Beatrict, 15, were kll1ld ~uday when a ~r the conductor was driving collided hea<f'-on with a truck in Sardinia, where tl)e famil y was va c.a· tloning. Geotele's \Vife, Maril. suffered bruiteti and shock, and thtir daughter Janette. Z1, sullered a fractured arm. They were taken lo a hospital ' in Olbia.., Sardinia. whe~ Olfiicals sai.d today that neither wu ln Sf;lrious condltlon. . e Famllfl Wllf'.d Out Vietnanl Terror Tale . -• Girl Tells of VC lmpressment, Air Raid Quits Post Briti!b Home Secretary Regin· aid MaudlinJ. number two man in the Bntish Conservative Party government, has resigned after being named in a con· troversial bankruptcy case. DA NANG , Vietnam (UPI) -The t4- . year-ol~ girl In the blood-opattered pa. jamat said, "What can I do? 1bey have the goddamned guns." Do Thi Uy told or being abducted by Viel Cong, forced to carry Communist rockets, and of being one of five surviv- ing pr!oooen when American and sooth Vlctnamese aircraft caught the group of porters in the open, killing 29 persons , 19 of them women. After her lather ~Jed four years ago. the little gJrl went lo work doing odd jobs. She finally set up a soft drink stand out.side a South Vietnamese anny training center at Hoa Cam, near Da Nang. Her mother and younger si!tert remained in the family's _native bamJet In the Dien Ban district, 12 nUles eouth of Da Nang. Last week Do Thi Uy decided to vi.sit her mother. She arrived early in the allemoon and as tbe lamily was llnlshlilg 1upper that night three armed COll>- muntstJ entered fbe house. They ordered Uy and her mother to leave with Uwn to attend a polltlcal meetinc. Uy11 mother protested and one of the men knocked her to the ground wilh a rl· fie butt. Uy feared they would kill her mother and agreed to accompany the men. 'Ibey walked to a nearby area .where nearly 40 other women waited. They were told they would have to carry rockets from the area the Americans call "Charlie Ridge'' to a site where the Saviet.-bullt 122mm rockets would be launched against Da Nang. As t.he women carried the rockets - two women per stx-root projectile - across en open fietd, a U.S. Army UH! Huey nighthawk helicopter gunship Oew Spassky, Fischer Draw In Hard-Fought Match REYKJAVIK, Iceland (AP) -BoriJ Spassky was stony-fa ced and Bobby Fischer smiled and waved after their fourth game In the world chess cham· pionship ended in a draw Tuesday night. The standoff came after five hours ol what many in the crowd of about 1,200 felt was the most exciting ma tch thus far. At the 45th move Fischer extended his hand to Spassky and the Russian ac- cepted. · With each player picking up half e. point on the draw. the score is 21h·11h in the Russian's favor . The fifth match in the 24-game series is Thursday .at 10 a.m. (PDT). Fischer had the white pieces Tuesday and wittl them Cle first move and Jed off with his favorite Sozin attack, P-K-4. '!be Russian pulled a surprise by counter-attacking aggress ively a n d saciificing a pawn £o open up useful lines of attack.. ''Spasaky's gtlt a lot of guts," said U.S. grandmaster Robert Byrne. "He may be going for a win." After quic kly making the first few moves, the two settled down to a dogged pace and the neon "silence" sign flashed repeatedly as the audience fidgeted. Spassky appeared to have the edge after about four hours. then Fischer pin- ned the Ruasian's queen against his king and forCed a swap of queen:::. Le ft with a game of rooks and bishops or different colors, Spa ssky was running out of time, and soon after the two called it a draw. Here is the play move-by-move in the· fourth game. 34. R·Q7. K·B3 35. K-Ktl, BxP 36. B·K2, B-K4 37. K-Bt, R-Qll! 38. B-R5, R·B2 39. RxR, BxR 40. P-R4. K·K2 41. K-K2, P·B4 42. K-Q3, B·K4 43. P-84, K-Q3 44. B-87. B-Kt6 45. P·B4ch draw. U.S. l(eeping O ose Watch On Russ Action in Egypt WASHINGTON (AP) -U.S. officials are keeping dose watdl on Sovjet deploy· ment in Egypt amid some skepticism here over how many Russilltl$ actually will pull out. President Anwar Sadat's surprise an- nouncement of an end to "the mission of Soviet military advisers and experts'' Ul)o. derlined the most serious Moscow-Cairo dispute since Russian military personnel were invited .into Egypt two years ago. was to have been 11decisive" against lsrael. And he indicated Moscow turned him down lurtbe< this year on weapoory for an offensive against Israel. After the SoV:iet's explanation of Presi- dent Nixon's SUmnilt session in Moscow, he said in explaining his decision, "I felt, in light of all tbi5, the. need for a piluse with the friend .•. during which we draw up together a method for the new stage of our friendship.•· om. Uy and two women hid In a small clump or btu!b. As the helicopter was flying away, one of the Viet Cong opened fire on it with hil AK47 rifle. The helicopter returned and opened fire with its S,000 rounds·a·minute 7 .62 mm tninigun. The crew of the helicopter called for as.\istanc., and an Air Force AC!l9 Stinger gunship was dispatched. Fire from the Nighthawk detonated one of the 122 mm rockett. Fire from the two 20mm cannon and two minlguns aboard the four engine Stinger delonaled 10 more rockets. Fragments of the bursting rockets added to the hail of fire from the alter aft. When the air strikes ended, an armored cavalry troop or the 56tb ARYN Regiment arrived and captured five survivors, among them Uy. Ten rockets were found intact. Documents on the bodies of the 29 dead indicated that at least some of them were Viet Cong. Some of the others may have been forced into 5er'Vice, as Uy was. Uy, unharmed but wearing clothing spattered with blood, told interrogators with tears in her eyes of how she drag· ged the dead bodies of her tv.'O women companions across her own body to pr~ teti it from the hail of bullets . Novi, Uy said, she only wanted to see her mother to tell her she had survived. After that, she said she would just ''float with the stream." She said she consider the Viet Cong no better than selfish murderers and thieves. If they try to impress her again into doing their work, she said: "I would try to resist and protest. But what can I dot They have the goddamned guns." Ireland Leader Meets for Peace BELFAST (l;JPI) -William Whitelaw, secretary of state for Northern Ireland, new to London tod ay to try to work out a ne\v peace move with British opposition leader Harold Wilson. ·\Vilson met secretly with leaders from tbe Irish Repubtican Army (!RA) f<J< live hours Tuesday in London. Details of the mee ting were not disclosed but political sources said it may give a new thrust to a cease-fire movement. Despite the cease-fire attempts, police said one civilian was killed and a soldier was v•ounded in separate shooting in- cidents in BelfaSt. SOUTH KOIEA ,,,_,.-.:-~ v.11.w , •• -=-~"' ~ tAlll TO llelN AUO.J fOI l ,1D ~~¥1..:~ .... c•o•• COMflllNtl ... v < .. ·: L--------7!. , .. Site Sougl1t I •" South and North Korea •treed : today to open their full scale, ..... Red Cross talks on the reunit• •. ing of a million families sep~ · ... . rated by the war. The two na-. .. . tions are in conflict over where to bold the meetings. • '·1 ~:.:..C--'--'----=----~ .. Maryland Police':: Put on Alert As Cons Rebel . ...... UP PER MAl..BORO, Md. (AP) :.,.•' Police and state troopers were put .P,D. • standby alert after an inmate rebellfcin. ·: erupted again early today at PrinCC.' Georges County Jail followi ng '.a : disturbance Tuesday night in which thrf1!S.:). guards were taken hostage and tbttr&:. released. The outbreaks \Vere the third siDH''"' Saturday at a Maryland penal institutloni ~ lrunates became involved in tl*" disturbance about 2:30 a.m. but no Outside forces were called in , county poli~e said. The inmates returned to tbtlr cells about an hour later and no outsr~e: foreto was needed. .. Officials said there \Vas some damage , but no injuries were reported. Officials earlier blamed ,hot, mu~ "''eather and previous prison disturbances in the state for the Tuesday night upriS· ing, which ended when inmates releasf.d, their hostages unharmed some 3'1: hoiirs after taking over tile second floor of tbe- 100.prisoner facil ity. .': Rhoads and other county officials \vere. unable to 1ay e1actly what sparked tbl .. disturbance. ' 1. P-K4. P-Q84 t Kl·KB3, P-Q3 -~. P-Q4, PxP 4. KtxP. Kt·KB3 • Sarlal also said that "all the military equipment and installations set up within Egyptian territory ••. are to be the ex- clusive property .or t;he Arab Republic of Egypt and under the adminiStratk>n of our armed forces." Tiii WORl~OIOQl .. WHlmY PRESENIS THE:WRtftli OlDEST:MAN. 5. Kt-QB3, Kt·B3 6. KB·B4, P-KJ 7. B-Kt3, B·K2 8. B-KJ, 0-0 9. 0-0, P-Ql\3 SUMMER AGAIN, EH? 1•L(: NEVER FORGET THE SUMMER OF '92 WHEN CHRIS COLUMBUS THOUGHT HE'D FALL OFF THE EDGE OF THE EARTH! BUT NOTHING BEAl'S THE SUMMER OF 1608 ! . IRVINGTON, N.J. (UPI) -A former policeman V/tth a successful dry cleaning l+---'"""""is left a suicide note among a pile ol papen then 'killed his wUe, two daughters and blmsell Tuesday. The bodlei bf Thomas F. Sballery, 39, hls wife Estelle, 33, and daughters Laura. 12. and Allison, .11, were found in the family's ~·floor apartment. All died from bullet "°'*ds to the head. The shots bad been !ired from a .38-callber piJtol. 10. P-B4, KtxKt II. BxKt, P-QK~ . 12. P·QRJ. B·Kl2 But the Cairo announcement gave no figures on how many of an esthnated 15,000 Russians who have been training and advising Egyptian forces .and man- ning Sov!et unl ts in Egypt were supposed to Ieeve. · While Sadat was quoted as saying the move was "actually implemented in full" r,tooday, there was oo independent word her-e _yet Of any large scale Ruuian wUhdrawal. DAILY PILOT DELIVERY SERVICE De!lvery of thf Dally Piiot Is ;uaranUed MorKSly.l',llllyt If ~ ft l'IOt MW yow JNllW ay f:JO ,,m,. U H 'end \'O\lf copy Wiii lie """'Cll'll ft ~ Ctllt 11'9 MkM until ,:. p.m. &lil\lrdeY, l!ld &unGiYI 11 you dD l'IOt ~·I~ yovr coj)y IJy t 1.m. S1tutd1y, or I 1.m. $1,1nd1y, Clll Ind I CO(l'f Wiii bl! br0\1;111 to "'"' Ctll• ''' 11t111 unlll 10 1.m. Telephones ,... °''"" COurlty ..,. •• ~ •••••••• .o-021 Horttlwett H1mtll'9i.it t 11clli ·Ind 'lt'tslmln•ltr , ................. lfl.1nt ltn CltrM!!lf, C1pltlrt110 ... dlt . S.n Jlltn Ct11lt1r1no, OIM l'fllf!I. ~lh L1111vn1, lAOun• NIOUlf .... .n.4429 13. Q·Q3, P-QRI 14. P·K5, PxP 15. PxP, Kt-Q2 18. KtxP, Kl·B4 17. BxKt, BxBcli 18. K-Rt, Q·Ktl 19. Q-K2, QR-QI 10. QR-QI, RxR 21. Rx.R, P-R4 22. Kt-Q6, B·RI 23. B·B4, P·KR5 24. P·R3, B-K6 25. Q-Kt4, QxP 26. QxRP, P·Kt4 27. Q-Kt4, B-84 28. Kt-Kt>, K·Kt2 29. Kt-Q4, R·R I 30. Kt·B3, BxKt 31. QxB, B-Q3 32. Q-QB3, QxQ 33. PxQ, B-K4 The authoritative Cairo newspaper Al Abram said today that the pull-out will not apply' to·Sovlet military men who are trainin« Egyptian forces. _ or the a,ooo. approJfmately ball .,. ra~ here as "advilen and experts'' aod the reot .,.. believea to be In Soviet llllill assigned to the MedJterranean and to Egypt's air defense. Cairo's wording about "mmilitary equipment and in.stallations, •~ some ex· perlJ suggest, may be ambiguous enough · to be carried out by only a aymboJ;c . Egypt~an takeov~ while continuing to permit Russian use of bases. Nonetheless, Sadat made plain Egypt's disagreement with the Sovlet Union her big J>C!~er supporter and ·suppliir of billions of dollars worth of arms aid. He said the two remain friends . But he 'Complained of StJviet failure to deliver promised arms in 1971, the year he said Sho wers Linger Over U.S. Many States Saturated; Fog Blan.ket Sliroudi1ig East Temperatures CaHl-l• ·" .OJ •• ~ c.lffoml• twmpftttllrff wl" ..Clh'lt ffltllltl! Tl'IVf'ld•Y• rl\t N1llOMI ' . WMll!tr hrikt Mid IOC11y. 1!1rlv _,,,,,. 11\d 1111111 low dM• '°'"' llW Wl'I' 10 '""""' IU!lfl't Ill!°" ffll'llC•ll ......... l1GfNO----, rfill11olN t~'.iliJIHOW ~~"''tg. Cu1tv wlnlli wnt kid! ve tt w mll• .,..-llOuf' In dtMrt '™" Tllfl Wiii 11'1 I.et A,,..._ T"""*"° .. ftll«IMI 10 r-.el'I 71. V.S. Sum111am Sho¥ml •!Id tllUnclt'11'1oWtn lfn...-.d "'!"' °"" mucll of ~ Ml!Of'I fl'Ol'ft ~ LDU lltf'n Pl•ll!i to Wllt~M -Nt'w El!!ll•nd arid Florldt. '/11111 lhurid•ntorm• 1111 1111 llOl'thWfff Pia "' llld llOf'lhtrl! AocklH, W!lh • few thunderstorms rumblll!I 1cros1 tllt ::Jlll1rn Di.111u ,...'°" 11 well. torm tf' Mont111•· uctd, r1, ~ ll~t:', tnd Mllff ~ afld IOl\;M Nitto'*" wllll mor• ~ii 11/1 l11CM1 rain ~Oii form.iii Dvt1r tr. _ ('lllddl'I .. fld l'IOl'tll AtlinflC •I•• lflakll!f drlvl111t ........... T "'•'"""!! M(IV ''"" ""'" ~::11.:. l1111. ,..,.. JIM1f,,-to •s -•1 Co .. Uit'WeetJaer Sunny tod41y. 1.lt lll Y•rlabk wlllft lllgllt •nd rnot'rlffw llolln btcomlnt wt1i.riy 10 to 1l knot• In •tier-. locllly •!Id Tlll.lr ... y, Hlth !Odfy, 10 to as. Cot1111 ttt11P1r•turt• ranoe fl'Ot!'I .. to 15. '"ltnct ttmP1r•ture• rtlll" from 12 M t0. W•"' fttnPtrll-111. Sun, Moon, Titles WIONl•OAY --""" ..................... .. TNUlllO.Y ,,,., 111111 .............. 7i'5 a.m. a.o fi:lnt i..-................ 1:•..,m. t.t s.cw Mth .1 .......... •:• "'"' u --............. , •• 11:11 .. ,,.,, "' kn ,,... .l:.M .. "" ........ """' Mtoll ,,_ t:• "'"" .... tt;tJ ... • IT'S THE BEST SUMMER REFRESHMENT SINCE THE ICE AGE. )OU SHOULD TRY A BUSHMILLS AT YOUR LOCAL INN. OR DO You CALLTHEM COCKTAIL LOUNGES ·THESE DAYS? . 8USHMlll8· f . • • ( • ; ( ' I I • l I ! l ' l -~ _, too <I Ells ketpa Pttsid calual lhiger' ltlts P81• a P°*tag oonnec Ellsbe Russo bave Ells the charg pionag public Ells bad 1yatem Qu To LON oaken aervl ecale equals Thes former Mafy and p I.Ong 1967 lo turned The and •w art sol s '' . "Jblterp Claitn Secrets Hidden From I!resident? Erom Wire s.m. .. \.OS ANGELES -A> a apeclal!y cleared researcher in Washington. DanJfJ Ellaberg aaya, he found the Penta1on kelps nuclear war secrets from the Prtsident, and l1;e was shocked at the caiuaJ manner ln which Henry Kl,.. llriltr'1 olllce band!., secret docu111<ntJ. tlbberg made the statements in a U.. pa&e allidavlt submitted Tuesday In the PetJtagon Pa)i<rs trial. The affidavit wu connected with elloru by attorneys lot Ellsberg and codelendant Anthony J. Russo to bar from the jury peraoos who ha ve security clearances. Ellsberg and RU580, former analysts at the Rand Corp. think tank, are on trial on charges of theft, conspiracy and e9"' pionage for the.Ir admitted role in rnakln& public the Pentagon Papers. Ellsberg said in the allidavlt that he had been Involved with clullfied 1)'3tem alnce tie left the Harvard Queen Mary Objects To Be Auctioned Off Unlverllty iraduate !cl>ool for the Marble Corpo In 11154. E1llbers aald that In 195MO, workin( lot Rand, be become "Pl\"haPI the oaly peroon" lo have Jtudled p!w for ..U1111 In the Pacific In the cue ol a reneral nuclear war. ill 1111 he drafted a "Basic Natloaal Security l'lall," deleribed u the basic U.S. military policy for actions to be tate:n in a worldwide nuclear war. unm tbtn, be said, such a plan bad never been submitted to the President or secretary of defense -0 Indeed its e:r· l.stence and nature had been concealed from these civilian authorities," Eilaberg said. Later, he sald, he was authorized unlimited access to the super secret '1eyes only" Yault in the State Depart· ment and to a aeries ol crisis studies in material and the security clearance the Penagon bued on the mes of the Joint Cl!lels of Stall war room. He aid these were kept secret even from !be aecni!Hy of defense. Ellaberg said that alter. a decade of auch esperiences. dealing wttb clasallied LONG BEACH (AP) _ Need en old material, he was sbocnd when he was oaken pulpit used for Jewish rellgioua lass~ as a 1~tant of Kia:~unger, 1ervlcea on transeilantic voyages! Or a ~1dent Nl.J:on 1 chief fore!~ policy ad- ecale that meuuru in atxJoes (one stone viser, to find the tre~tment given secret equals 14 pound.s)? document. In hla office. These item.. are among 2 000 from The <llances are nmrung out !or the rav- lormer British pusenger 'liner Queen emment and defense to c11smiss potential Mary that have been declared surplus Jurors in the case witllout giving !l ~ason. and put up for auction by the city of With the eicusal of 13 potential JUrors Long Beach, which purchased the liner in Tuesday on peremptory cballengea, the 1967 for $3.4 million. The ship bas been government was left only one more such turned Into a tourist attraction. challenge before a jury is selected. The auction will begin Friday at 9 a.m. The defendants have two mOl'e joint and continue Satmlay and Sunday and challenges, and Russo bas one ~one. At- su.cc;eedi.ng weekends until all the items torneys have estimated a jury may be m sold. ,..led by !be end of thia week. Prh,.te Person7' Percy Fellwock, 26, the au - thor who wrote, under the pseudonym Winslow Peck in Ramparts Magazine, that secret Soviet codes have been broken by U.S, intelligence, said he made the statement because the military .is a "dangerous threat to me (and) my family." He said he will retire to pri· vate life now. Hot;el Considered For Lo1ig Beacli LONG BEACH (AP) -Ollicials here are considering a proposal to build a $10 mlllion replica of the Imperial Hotel, the Frank Uoyd Wright cttation which survived the disastrous 19'l3 earthquake that destroyed most of Tokyo. Under the proposal, the 300-room hotel would be constructed on a 20-acre site next to the Queensway Bridge on the waterfront within view of the Queen Mary, officials said Tuesday. A representative of the New Imperial Hotel bu discussed the project with American investors, but a spokesman for !be port of Long Beach sald confirmation might not come for several months. Skyjacking Defense Insanity LOS ANGELES (AP) - 'Defense lawyers for Ricardo ·Chavez-Ortiz, accused of com- mandeering an airplane from 'New Mexico to 1..o5-Angeles, 'p.;-U>ey will ergue th!t he was temporarily insane during !be hijacking. ' U.S. District Court Judge Charles H. Carr ruled Tuesday that Olavez-Ortiz was men- tally competent to stand trial after putting him on the stand briefly. Chavez-Ortiz, 36, a Mexican- natlonal, told !be judge he JUI- fertd a "nervous breakdown" in 1967 due to overwork and a death In bis family. "I thlnlc I'm In good shape MW," Chavez-Ortiz 11 id' answering Judge Carr's ques-tlOris iillialllng Englisli as a translator stood by. OUR GREATEST VALUES EVER IN CHILDREN'S SHOES CIDIDREN'S SHOES VALUES ... OUR GREATEST EVER BUSTER BROWN BOB WOLF KEDS ORTHOPEDIC SHOES School Tax Bill Going To 1st Test SACRAMENTO (AP) -The com· promise \1.2 billion JCbool finance and tax refonn bill headed for its first legislative test today with opinions polarizing both for and against it. Rock Group To Go Free LOS ANGELES (AP) -Si• members of Sly and the ~'nmlly Stone rock group have been releas· ed .after a district attorney ruled there was insufficient evidence to prosecute them on charges of possessing m a r i j u a n a and dangerous dnlgs. Sherill's oUicers arrested the singers early Tuesday after stop- ping and searching their motor home on Santa Monica Boulevard. Among those taken into custody was the group's leader, Sylvester Stewart, 26, of san Francisco, who is known as Sly. The compromise bill was agreed upon by two major Capitol opponents, Republican Gov. Ronald Reagan and Democratic Assembly Speaker Bob 1 Moretti. Testimony at the bill 's firsl 1---------------' hearing, before the Senate Revenue and Ta1.aUon Committee Jate Wednesday. should reveal where many or Reagan's and Moretti's supporters stand. 1be bill would raise the !tate's share of school support from about 36 percent to between 41 percent and 43 percent, say the backers. This wou1d mean $.515 million more state money to local schools, part of a $740 million package to relieve property owners of their local school tax· es. The tax relief would benefit mo.stly homeowners in districts with the highest school tax rates. The bill would concentrate the new support in poorer districts. 'Mlis would in· elude $25 million for a plan by Wilson Riles, state superintendent of public in· struction, to lower the school age to 4 years. It would also mean a new $3 million program to help districts with large numbers of what educators call "disadvantaged" children. Assemblyman Robert H. Burke (R- Huntington Beach), has criticized the bill because, he said, it puts Riles' "con- troversial and experimental E a r I y Childhood Education Plan" into "this year's tax refonn package." Burke, in a statement, called the com- bining of both provisions "nonsense" and said it is "definitely not in response tG the wishes of the taxpayers, who are demanding tu relief -not more ex· pensive programs." Nursing Mothers Respond ~ Call LONG BEACH (UPI) -Nursing mothers responded in over"·helming nwnbers to a plea for help on behalf of an infant who nee<ls human milk to survive. The telephones "ne\·er sto p p e d ringing" after word got out, said a sµokesman for the La Leche League, which coordinated the effort. More than 100 nursing \v01nen have been signed up, said a spokes1nnn for Lorraine Miller Children's l~osp1tal, and no more volunteers are needed. Three-month-old John Jos('ph Shults, son of Mr. and ~1rs. Joseph Shults of Huntington Beach, \1•as hospitalized two weeks ago weighing ooly 6~i pounds. just ounces more Utan he \l.'eighed at birlh. Doctors diagnosed his proble111 as a digestive ailment and he \vas placed in the intensive care unit. 'The baby would Jive only if he could get enough human milk, physicia ns said, Jnd th<'y called for help from the La Lechc League. an or· ganization which promotes breast feeding. Within hours alter the appeal Tuesday, the hospital had more volunteers than it could use. Stronger Obscenity Law Okayed·~ • • .. SACRM!ENTO (AP) -Tbe Callfomlo Senate has voted to remove 'be "redeem- ing social importance" clause from the obscenity law in order to make it easier to prosecute smut peddlers. The measure Y.'on 23-10 approval Tues· , day despite a warning that it could en· . danger 1he sale of the once.banned boo ks by llenry ?.1iller and others. Be all• Penally OK7' SACRAMENTO (AP) -The man - datory death penally for a w~tenn con- vict murdering a prison guar'd would be reinstated in Ca Hforniaif voters approve an amendment to the state Constitution ( NEWS BRIEFS J in Novc1nber, says Alty. Gen. E\'elle J. Younger. The statc·s chief law enforcement of· ricer said Tuesday he has studied the re· Ci!nl U.S. Supreme Court ruling on capital punishment and c:oncludes it ban:-. the death penalty only v.here a jury 1:-; • gi\'en discretion on executions. Bridge Bill Passes SACRA?.1E:-n'O (AP ) - A measure to name a San Diego an.•a bridge after State Sen. Jack Schrade tlJ..San Diego) has zipped through the Senate \Vith a col· lection or bills labeled " s non- controversial. The measures, called the "consent calendar," woo 33-vote·approval Tuesday. Schrade \\'ill be gwming for a third term this November. ~--------------------~---------~ Outstanding School Shoe Selection Naturally, All From Our Regular Stock. (Earn $61.80 on each $1,000) REGULARLY TO $18. SJ90 TO Sale Starts Thursday. Doors Open 10 a.m. An Soles Flnol ' Ne Exchontta Or lltfunola 30 FASHION ISLAND • NEWPORT IEA~H • 644-24'4 You can earn this high interest on $5,000 minimum two year certificates. The first year your $5,000 certifl.catewill earn $309.15, and more for each consecutive year that interest is added to the account. You ~ earn $59.17 on $1,000 minimum one year certificates, and as much as $5126 on a regular passbook savings account of $1,000. More interest than banks ... more certain than stocks Plus free servi.ces ... safedeposit boxes,notary semce, travelei:s cheques, trust deed_andJ,lote . collections, andmanymdre free services are avail· able when you have the required minimum balance in your account a! THE BIG M. r Plus personal service ... experienced and cQmpetent savingu;ounselors in each office to assist you in planning your savings program. You will find a warm, friendly attitude on the part of everyone at Mutual SaVfugs. Corou del.MAJ:: s867Eaat Co•1t:Blahway/675·5ozo Olhtrol&alll Co'llm, W<atAJcadia,Pasad,.., Clcndale and Cmop Puk·Cbatawcrth I • -\ I I j • . ' DARY PILOT·EDITOBIAL PAGE • Closer Con1munications Th; Laguna S..ach Planning Commission is well ad· vised lO take steps lO close the communications gap that has been developing between the commlss1on and the city council. After an extended period of upheaval, marked by many pets<lnnel changes, the planning. commt.slon iieltled lnto a very productive and construcUve period, but with one glaring defect - a serious breakdown in steady communication wit h the council. Pers<lns attending meetings of both bodies ha~e been lncreasingly amazed to see them going their separate ways. conscien tiously enou gh. but with only the vaguest knowledge of what the other fellows were doing not to mention thinking about .m~tters of mutual con· cern. One problem has been that the coun cil lacks com· plete report! of commission meetings, usually held just two days earlier. A change in meeting dates coul~ ~lve this. It would be equally important for the comn:usston· ers to receive adv ance agendas for counc1l meetings so they can arranfe personal attendance and participation In discussion o planning Items. Track-moving Problems As expected, the federal government has agreed to provide $f00,000 In grant funds to study feasibili ty of moving the Santa Fe tracks away from the beachlront in San Clemente and Capistrano Beach. The funds, according to the latest plans, will be u.ed•for a study coordinated by the state Department of Parks and Recreation. T)ie project wi!f include detailed costs of relocation, alternate inland routes which might affect the Saddle- back Valley, a timetable for such a project and sources . .. or revenue for a very-expensive Idea. - Although the granu and o(Qtr progreu In the al· fort mov ed wi th 111eat speed, lh• public should re- member that planrung funds are only the begtnnillc of a very long rough tri p. Nol everyone likes the Idea of moving the railway. Major industries In the South County are concerned about losing the existing route. Major landowners al· ready resent the idea of their property being converted into a new rail route. And taxpayers a.re worried ove r who might have to fool the bill. The planning grant ls merely the start of years of hard, surely controversial but certainly worth·whlle 'vo rk. Judy Ronaky Goes Home • It was a sad da{ around La guna's city hall when Planning Depa,rtmen Secretary Judy Ronaky cleaned out her desk last week and went home to try ber hand at domesticity and retirement -at least temporarily - from the hubbub of.government. Judy has been a perennially cb~rful and extra· ordinarily well-informed fixture in tbe"l'lannlng Depart· ment for the past 10 years and her encyclopedic know· ledge will be sorely missed. In additi on to keeping track of planning com· mission actions, she managed to accumulate a wealth of information about codes, zoning matters and local geography which, along with a knack for sortln§ facts from verbiage, made her an invaluable "source for both city staff members and residents seeking help al cit.v hall. We wish her well -with the private hope that her natural energy will soon guide her back into the sort of public service role she fills so well. s - .Oi•tiut Difference Between €andidate• t ,. It's Hard ro Get a Shine Nowadays Calls for Women A Real, Choice This Year ' . -·To Talk Straight ' WASlllilGTON -n.. new· ealechlJm • ·of the McGovern Democratic party ii 111 endless lntooOmeut of the Cl9ICI: YOUth, women, blacb and a.kllnoa. The 1ltaoy rm throuab row; da" of Ille naUoul convention with a fillaJ benedldloll by presidential nominee George 5,. McGovern. 1bi• De\Y. MllU-~A oJ coune supplemenltd by. a more general appeil to ctntral elements 1 -.-~ ol the voilri& public desiring change, but as a political exer- clle It pn<plses to be something riew. Yo u;t b, ,women:t black&~ ChiCl!IOI <. do not in themselves make a poULical Jiii' ty. The McGovern appeal.. extends to everyone every- where -the Wallaceites, ihe bard-pressed b o m e o w n e r. the op- pressed taxpayer -or anyone else who thlnb tllal "'!"'th!D8 has gone wrong With the l)'ltem, I THE llAllD CORE of McGovern's ""!>- port and the reuon be recognizes as lho ca111e of bls nomJDatlon ii his all-<111~ un- cond!Uonal. end-It-now opposition to the Vietntm War. This la a cause uniting all the different elements making up McGovern's support. An lntorestlng test Is thus In the mak· Ing on how to win a prosldenUal election. The McGovern managers think they are in ~ssion of a new formula ou t-dating older ldeu about dl.rect appeals to tradl· tional votlng bloca -labor, the farmers, Jews, cathoitcs, and so on, whJch have be<L aecepltd as gospel In the old Democratic party. THE NEW REVELATION conceJ·;es of To the Editor : l was interested in the letter about the MAILBOX 9 organization of voters who do not feel an ~ . OVOl'poWering alignment with either of RICHARD WILSON the two major political parties, or are actively di!:trustful of both. ~ ~ The Nixon campaigners, on the otber SYDNEY J HARRIS hand, are setting up a tradiUonal • . :e= 1:~: ~-f~laJvo=emt:t '·;: ~~~=~~~t;e:ar~~~~ -<O 1 ~=t;e;e:~fe~a~ lower .whlch was country, has gotfen off the tracis tfia.n McGovern campaign which bu alienated OUtalde of a few large cities, It's .1 haven't met Beth, but adm~re any g~I ,tradttronaJ-tdeas-a~--where-lhell'-tJietradifiOnilete:rnentr.There ii room-.:lmolt-impolsfble-1o-get..yoor.-1hoea..ahln--:WIUleJlQU&b~~1:1ID-f9L<.;,!!l'. C?~cil._, ·~-----------------'· - P9llUcal allegiances he. . for this kind of effort even among the ed anywherei whit's surprising i1 that Am glad, howev.er, after readmgller 1~ THIS CONSISTS largely of lnten•lvo HELEN TRACY No Contrasting Views F''Youth, women, blacks and Ch.1canoa blacks, certainly in the ranks of labor, our Jnnovatlve techno&OIY has not yet ter about the lifeguard tower on ~lain happen to be a large element t!l the surely amorig women who do not I.Ike tilt! come up wttb a ihoHhining machine Beach Par_k, that I voted fo~ Boyd and oo;an of ~iscontent, and ~hus can be the new militancy and among CatboJirs and that does more than a mediocre job. Helm. I thmk the old tower 1s ugly and ob1ect of mtensive campaign efforts. Jews who are greatly disturbed by • • • am gl.acl it is being replaced , but that is Beyond that, the McGovern managen McGovtm. . 1 not the point; I can understand her ar- tend to leave lhe old Democratic Next to engmun, docton as a c ™ gument that she feel s the city can 't ban of Pre N' seem to know less about the world methods in the ds sldent ixon TllE McGOVERN m•••-ro have outslde their lie. Id than any otber group afford a new tower. with bis ability as the maker of policy -..... ~ and dispenser of benefits to appeal come to realize that there may be aome c4. Jl'eswnably educated people. WHAT REVEALS to me, a lack of directly to the.-established ~oting blocs. serious gaps in their new conceptions. • • • focus, fuzzy thinking and deli~tely McGovern's managers are contemptuous Thus McGovern piCD a CathollCfOr-ViCe -Tlii two molt dini:erGUs people in the miskadlng writing is ber-folJo'WUp1coni· of the Nixon ~ver of tra ditional .Prtsident, wavers OD Vietnam. rev!.ses world are the man who knows exactly ment that, "New cars, to w e r a . Democratic met.bods. They think he Joes bis welfare plan, pledges to maintain the what be wants, and the woman who restaurants, new interiors, new thls and 'not understand the new political force nation's military security and reanureJ doesn't know. that are nice -but we do not have the loose in America. the Jews on Israel. • • • money in oar wallets to spend." Wow - . When it all shakes down. the new ideas · Although the Sherlock: Holmes stories she _Implies a real spending spree ! How THEY MAY BE deluding the11!5elves and the old Ideas about political are venerated by lhe many restaurants ls lhe dty pouring by thinking that the method~~ m win· organization may prove to he similar. cOOnollleura of de-money lnlo, anyway? I have heard of ~ing the nomination ~re valid 10 the elec· Nixon'• appeal is to middle America and tectlve fiction, my nane. Am sui-e the glib remark about t1on. The McGovem1tes ~ew the ne w the moderate man. So is Mcf'.60vem •. own preference la for new-cars refers to scmething like new ruJes and e:tPlolte:d t.hem. m the pre-con-Both aides are preoccupied by grs55'-the Father Brown po\ice cars, but the impl ication is -a vention penod, wmnm g l1l some places, roots organizaUon. That la what the work ttoriel by ~ Cadillac for the Mayor ' ' like New York, by default, an<!_!_n 1Jther of the-committee to reelect President · places without a majority of eveD-a-frac--Nil'on ·& all about. J• is 11180 what too wblch are not "NEW-INTERIORS!.!_may be-based on tion of the total De"1ocratic vote. McGovem'a volunteer 1 ·iza tion ii t11 only ·infenloul JK.11'" an item like a new coat of paint tor city It Is debatable whether or not the kin d about. zlea, )lrtlllantly writ-hall, but the words Imply deep shag or national convention the McGovern ten, but allo Pf9Vlde carpeting, etc. She should lay off it. If caml'\Aign for delegates created is rare lnalgbts lntO bu~ the ·women are going to break into ,..... IN THE END, McGovern will make an motlv lac'"•• Im representative of the Democratic party intensive appeal to the labor vote, which man aUon -.. in the Ho es politics more -and we should -it will as a whole. But the McGovern managers Nixon will try to subvert. storlet. not be imitating the worn-out rhetorical are assuming that Jt is and ~ putting • • • methods or old-time politicians ·1>ut by together tbelr new coalition baled on the Bui on one point there la no doubt. Tbla The nicest hookplalA! I ever saw straight talk, and competence that has same principles of oiilanization which year there ii a dlstlncl, definable, and belqld lo a man who Inscribed every been proved. •• ell ti In tlln th gen~y understood d.llterence between book In ..... _ llbr-with lhe · 1 npnlomlnv~ati·o'°n. ec ve ge g e the fWO contenders for President. It is a 11111 -., Simp e al chol pl>ra1e: "'Ibis hook 11elcoi• to ••.•• and re ce which will pnlbably cut b1J frlencll." • across party lines. • • • To the Editor: Le tters from r-eaders are weJcomt. Normally wr1ters .should conve11 their messages t11 300 woi:ds or le!s. The right to condense letter! to fit spac• or eliminat e libel it reserved. All let- ters must include aignatures and mail~ i11g address, but names may be witl'"' held on request if 1ufficie-n t r-ea.son is apparent. Poet111 wil l not be puf>. I ls Md. Laguna Beach School Board, with no con· trasting views or rebuttal given space. I find it interesting t h a t in the masthead of the "Mailbox" you ,.y: "Normally, wrtten should convey their message3 in 300 words or less.'' The letter to which I take umbrage 11, give or take a word, 710 wonls In leogtb. IN ALL FAIRNESS, the other 3.IO words might have been devoted to aome- one who agrees with the views of 1.lrt. Gillette, Captain Linke and Mr.'nlomaa;-- Accotding to your masthead in the low~r right-band comer, the editorial page seeks to provide a forum for the tl• pression of. . , .diverse viewpoints. • • The time is now. DAVID T. GEDDFS Balboa Author·~s New Novel ' 'lllo f.., 1ecluml and prof,.sors bave aboorlled Ille wry observaUon of the Isle BIU1 PllalJll ot Y~. tllat "No man, no -b>or 'Hlf..;,tUcal, can atand up beb't a c:lak ml· Jofraill from aaylng .-. -be ID'!""·~· In your issue of July 14, about half of the editorial page Is devoted to an attack on the conservative members of the In specW. circumstances, such a.t the school controveray, the normal word limit may be waived f~ especially artic-ulate and pertinent letter. All tetters received on ·ih1 1chool board issue have been prlnted. Mr. Gedde.s• le tter is the firs t and only one rece ived in support of the board ma;ority in the pre.sent prott.st. -Editor • • . A perplexing story ol matorilf wealth 1nd success combined with a glossy ii· fusion of Jove mMklng a lack of personal fulfillment unfolds in a new novel by a Balboa writer. "Tomorrow-Tomorrow,•• ls the fourth work by attomey·turned·author Philip Louis Gabriel, much of it set in the Jlarbor Area. Protagonist Adam Penn is t h e stereotype pla yboy an d Gabriella Dulce -as his love missed, then won, then lost forever - is a 1930s genre .swing singer. Or singing swinger. ONE SUSPECTS that eltller Adam and Gabriella are completely paradoxical humans or that author Gabriel's view of ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT RobeiJ 11. Weed, Publishtr • • Thom el.! Ktetril. Editor Alif<rt W; BalCI Editorial Page Ed itor The tditorhll J)tl!W <>f the Daily J>llot XCE-ks to lnronn and 11tlmu- Ja1e renders by pr~1·ntini: t his nl'\.\'apapcr'a opinions and eom· menlJ\Z)' on t oplai of lntem t and l'iJtfllflcanre, by )}f'C)Vtdlng a forum for the ~XJ>l't'tlllon of our tt&den;" (!pinion~ and by prt'llentini: the dl\'C~ vi~·polntt of inform('(! (,I) .. ll"T'\'l'rl &nd aJ)OkC!lmcn on topia f>( lhe da.y. Wednesday, July 19, 1972 (THE BOOKMAN)· human beings is paradoxical. Read and decide for yourself. Gabriella be g i n s as a beautiful, virginal girl who marries a family-ap- proved fian ce. She pities the handsome youth. who is dying, unaware of his heart cond ition. She also pines for a Penn-pal namely Adam. Heartbroken when Gabriella marries a rival, Adam· buries his r e jec t e d mascu linity in an endl ess succession of willing wenches. man's solace since the dawn of time. AND ALL JDS buddies keep telling thi~ suave, capable commandeering executive how miserable he is. Most men would envy him. suddenly and almost too-conveniently, however, Gabriella turns up from New York ate Balboa art show. wearing fresh widow's weects· and no panlit1. Suddenly Adam's fantasy of ldeallsLic Jove Is within his grasp, no pun intende<I. The tender-hearted tycoon t h e n responds to Gnbriella's confession ol her own true love during a walk on the htach. He doesn't seduce btr, or at least that Isn't the word listed hi Section 2'1.1 of the Callfomla Penal Code. . HE BESTOWS ALL the tendeme!S of a delegation of Hell's Angels upon the oJ>. ject of hb affections on the Newport Beach strand In a chapter. Including a detailed description of the ripping . and rending of Gabriella's every garment 3nd her every gasp. '• I This aandy aeqsuallty woold bave genel'lted enough beat to burn down the old Rendezvous Ballroom 30 years before It did, but only kindles Gebrlella's aJ. leged latent nymphomania. Rejected eventually by A d a m , Gabriella decides she ii all wubed up ill lile, jumps off the jetty and geil washed up in death too -almost to Adam's doorstep, in fact. AUTHOR GABRIEL Mln't produced a bad hook, but a saleable one -Oow of clear and at-Umes classy proae 11.1ffm from some nagging inconsistency almoal Impossible to dellne. One can imagine 1aying: Yes. I read the hook, but I liked the movie bettor. .. Tomorrow.Tomorrow," by Ph 11 i p Louis Gabriel, Wllltmol'I Publishing Company, (:173 pp.) 15.15. A.l\.V Dear . Gloomy Gue A new national distinction for La- guna Beach: A Laguna gal ii ooe ol the first two women FBI ag<iiil. For oome lo>oll;y elements of our community tbete'a heavy irony In this! -S.J.T. llllt ... ,.,,. rtf*"t '"""" .,ltw.. "°' NtttUl'llY ftlota .. ftlt """"""'· lfl'llll 'l'OUr HI ~ .. Gloom'!' Out, Dally ''"'· I t , . . . Ona ot Ille molt frUltratlng and .... borruilnc fee!Jnta In the world la that of beln( a reallOl>&bfy ~ inan and yet not beq able "' tear open • fragile-look· Ing little cellophane bag. • • • The best relationshipa between men and women usually begin wtt!I a muo avenion; romance without conflict as a seaoonlng goes flat before II Clll now .... (This ls wby Shakespeare's love affairs, with f.., u.eptlobo, open In acrimony and end In ardor.) • • • Playing the 1ame ol whlch period beside our own we would moat prefer to have lived in, my choices wm: first, JtrU.!alem during the ministry ol Jesus; second, France In the 13111 century: and third, England In the EU!8betlwl pertocl. " . . . A flM play marred by bad acting Is nenr so repellant lo me as a rotten play coometlclaed by IUjltl'b acting. • • • The -campaigning months ahead mlci1t be a 1ood lime for reca111ng Jolm Gal""*lbf1 IOge advice lo can· dldates : "Thin 11 just one rule !or polltlclan1 all over the -Id-Don' IOY In JIOW•r what ;pou 11y In opposition, or )'Oll'li bave lo carry out the !mpoUlble." Quotes Dr. ll<rald Walker Smltl, Be!mool l1mUy tllenpfll -"Conflict ii bul't lnlo ' IDI' relationship tllat mattel'I: It ii - U1l to lnUmac:y. So It bemm•• a question ol how croaUvel,jl tbe c:onfllct it bandied.'' ., lrems ·From the Mail Things a columnist might never know ii he dldn 'I open bis mail: lf people really ate like wolves, a hungry 200-pound man would be able to consume nearly one-fifth hjs own weigh t in food at one ·m~al. 'Ibat11 almost 40 pounds. Scientists are certain now that the planet ,Mars cannot 111stain human life because of the lack of OX}'gen there. The atmOf!phcre of Mars is about nine-tenths carbon dioxlde, which rnakt.t it far worse for -tblng even than the air at a national political convention on this pilnet. Earth's at· moapbere I• 10 lhomand times richer In OlQ'len lha\1 that on Maro. DOES IMPRISONMENT In jail or prison have any ml detorrent effect whatever on c r I mJ n a l s 7 Some aoclologisls doubt I~ llut the st.UsUcs aay otbenri ... conJlnemenl may not af- fect the harde!led pror .. 11ona1 cr1m1n11, but the lldl are !hat from a hall to'lwo- lhlrdl of all persona who ,..... a 11!:11 pr!-. term nevet "'" to ,.,.. another. Tbt three moll upenslve 'cltles lo dr ive a car In AmeriU are -Botlon, New York, and San Franclaco, accordl~g to i n Auto and Tra~I Club atu"v. '1be two wlift drtvlni ls cheapael are Portland, Ore., and . Richmond, Va., where ct1ts art !lellr()' three cents per mile cheaper than the !DP cost ol I 4.13 ' I ( HAL BOYLE J centa a mile chalked up In Boston. Which city he lived in could make a difference of some $475 to • businessman driving 15,000 miles a year. ... QUOTABLE NOTABLES: "I have learned a great truth which I shall always cherish -that people an pretty much the same the world over when you get down lo fundamentals, and that II doet not much matter what ii their race creed or color." -Louis Bromfield. · ' OBSfACLE: IJe1Pile the miraculoll• march of medicine, many ancient ailments that could be all but eradicated remain a problem. For eumple i.tanus «11nmonly known 11 lockjaw .im tu.I about 150,000 livu a year tmOughout Ille world. It was .Oscar Wilde who olJset ved, "II one tells the truth, one Is sure, ......, « later, to be found out." B" Geor,e --Dear George: Tbanb for takJni 1ip !or ua teeli- aeers lhe way YoU ch>. 0... Kida: . SIX KIDS F~1-et ll -al!<r that letltt c:aJI. Jnc !I old 1'111 of/ JOU llltlal t.... , agm far IUe. • • " • I 'I L danc year was ly surpl wom tach lows num than com perc one fact dilpl tissu It ~ead Tave I mon 25 .;bu. •. inte iOs ·~ut .)lttUe llkel ... ehe'l tee j rt -"" "' • r ~"' •• • .. ' ~ man ,apart own !Car client • the •1"ment ·•Dis 'Hoga -'that : pO.b 1·nient •Was b..-gl .,Cadill "'i nd .... H •,1lleg -~-w.U• arr es • jndict charg pe-so ",in cu ' The ,CX! legal! chec and pa ' ' .J :T ~s ; ' ;. WA Rep. .Ga.I, ·~::,', "<4 ~·,ehare • WtdrttSd"'J, July lt, lt71 DAILY l'I~ f. ' L. Jtf •. B!fd 4 -• New Help ·for Alcoholics Not Enough Gals Alger Ethic Drives All Ckuses to Drin~Expert From2Qto 30 ' . . Tbet pinstripe penonallty G.,..ge Rift, actor · lllmtd dancer turned man-ibou~tJle.world, waltM omtll ht wu 71 years old before he ravelled to lll)lbody that hla raal name was Jtutralo. THE CLAIM that no twin ever became llmous delllllt. ly bas been proved wrooa. But the ""'11enlloa that no IWln ever wu rtco1Dlzed lo be a atnlua re- mains unre!uted. F AUE EYELASHES, 11'1 1 a I d, make the e)'ll ol tome 1trlt look smaller. Not every inftnue lhould wear same. NllVl!R llAll thore been enoulh single women In the 20-to-aO art bracket lo maldl up with the avaU· able bachelor&. not ever. TbJ1 con- • tradlclt the wlde11pread myth about - surplut ot marriageable girl•.· Correct, lhera ara mo,. women than men, overall. And certainJy far more unat. tached ladles of retirement are than lllCh seasoned fel• lows at liberty. But under 35, the .iJclblt bacbelors oui. number tfie single girls conalder~Jy_ CASO -Supermarket eaohlers undercbarp mort ofttn than they overcharge, That'• tbe ·ewm of a calh rtgllter company's survey-takers. Slid euhlart allegedly err oa 71: pereent of all blllt over $9. FILL A glaos brim full of water. Now, alowly, drop In one straight pin alter another. How c1o you e1plaln the facl that you can drop In 11 many aa ~ 1Ucb plnl without di!placlJ!g any of that there water? "Make aoottofill11I l'lielhenextdlmwlt who,,. by and 1i,. 'Ban& lll lbere, Rlllpb, old bot!" NEW CANAAN, C o n n • (UPl)-llcntlo A11er, ao all· Amerlean htro, left a lfOlt ethic --t hard, 1tve It all you h110 and you can 1et lo be -1df:nt. "It jUSI ltn•t IO/' llJ'I Dr. Four hundred bav• 1one Unulh the treatment, wblch Includes poycbotllerapy. One out of two over the la1t oven yean had managed to be free of alcoholism. Tlllt ii a eure rate of IO percent-<:Ompar.d lo the usual 20 or 30 percenl EXPERIENCE mm the corporate uecutlve and other Ing bad been maintained about 10 yeara befort treatment beclme mand&tor.y lot survival. NEXT QUESTION: how can a man ''Ibo la tunctionlnf In a hlib leV\l of a <Or- porallon, ~Pl In t h e -ldoncy llsoU, carry m hll dullu and -1 hla • Despite the difference fat wealth and position, the upper-cilal1 aleoholle 9eneraH11 drfnlt1 tor the same reasons as hb le••·aflluent brethren. • · Cllarl11 P. Nllll!lann, medical director of SOver Hill Foun- dation, ·a private poychtatrlc holpltal In Naw Cana.In. In the .,.. It'• known u the Gold Cout holpltal. Ila patlonto, who are called "guesll" in· elude celebr!Uu and, more and more, corporate es· ecutlve1 who are alcoholic& Soma are tbere beeau,. they swallowed Alger's alcobolilm? wordl-llook, line and sinker. upper clas.s alcoholics at Silver Hill has led Dr. One an1wer: bt the cor· Jl'OR THE PAST seven Neumann and h1a associates to porate world the acceptance of year1, Dr. Neumann and his this belief: heavy drinking may m1lnt1tn associatu have been dealing Despite tbe dlfftttnee in and worsen the problem while with the emotional and phytl· weolth aod poaltlon, the up-postponing early deteetlon. cal wreckage tnfllcted on many per class alcobollc generally Take the case ot Mr. c, cited trying to follow Alger's eilict. drinks for the aame reasons as in one report from Silver Hill . Many hive mad~ it to pres!· hJ.s less affluent brethern. Fifty·nine and the head of Satelli. te Could Fi· zz dent cl their companies or case after ca .. llluolrates how the International offices of • clo&e lo that high rank-only affluence and high position are major accounting flnn , he to be felled in a battle with no buffer age.Inst feelings of de~loped feelings of an.1lety boo 1 e, Mlf ·administered inadequacy, depende ncy and concern associated with Man Y Roles Of Study. medication to mask all kinds problems, anxiety, depression. advancing age, which led to a of feelings. loneliness, rage, repressed divorce and ~marriage. Dur· What 11 unuto....: about Silver sexuality and the multiplicity ing this time he attempted to by .,_ d lit Hill? All adml!alons Ire volun-of 'dynamics tvldent in the medicate and mask these feel· WASlllNGTON (AP) -A •-agency to stu Y • • tary and there are no tocks d r Inking of upper-dass I t lute to L. tJ ~-bu Im _.6_ •-ings with alcohol. comp es •• e ~ O-uNw• t Pll•-t ~ Dr. Neumann thinks voluntary alcoholics. u 1-19 with many .,.,.. porate .. ecuuvu wllo an alcohollcl,, the c o r p o r a t • --DI ""'IJ'lrod hla problem. Man a c 1111 en t llnatmed lo ,...,.. Ml'. C. from bis job ti ha dl4 not ol> taln lrl!ltmenl. Dr. Neumaoo and .-11tu noted that btea-rl. Mr. C't rtlatlvt lnaocoUlblllty to ecrullny ha wu all!• to -eea1 hi• drtnklna. Lib many e1ecutJvet, ht hid fre6dom and fltxlblllt1 within hll wotlt aehtdule, Jllua the prlvaey r1. his e1tcUtlv1 aulte. He eould conceal hll altcltollim more elfectlvely and IOncCr than lower·1tvel worten u n d t r more ctttfUJ 1UrVelllanca on lhe job. BY THE 'l1ME Mr. C. r'8cbtd Sliver DOI h e demonsttalad, u many of the •lcohollea do, . evld-o1 orgsntc mental deterlonllon. This dUplte the fad that he was function~ well enoulh to pass In e hip level job. Many who enter Silver Rill are on the road to detox· ificaUon -1tri1'in1 for ab,ilnence from al e o b o I i c beverages. "AbflllDf!~." says Dr. John S. Tamerln, ''is the befinninf, not the end, of treatment.•• He said covert111 up Is the crueleit thing anyone can do to an alcd>ollc. SOME SCJEN'l'IFIC evlden<e lndlcatea a man'a alrull tissues are more apt to calcify than a woman'I. Or to put It otherwise, regrettably, the male tmla lo be mort boa .. headed than the female. . _ MENTAL -M for people who are apt to come un.. laW>Cbtd Friday may htlp duatrtal flab in one area, but admllllonl have a lot to do In one report of 32 corporate BECAUSE OF HIS high ror· keep tract of cities' srowth. he added the knowledce ob-with the success Sliver Ifill alcoholics, mean age 51, Dr. porate 1tatus, hl.s excessive prepare crop torecuta, make .tamed will be appllcab11 to ha1 had tn the treatment of NeumaM and hls co-workers drinking was concealed for a better maps and spot good flaberlea In other areaa. alcohollca. noted that the problem drink· number of years. Eventually. flsblng apots, the natlonatt...;==-.;.;..==----------------.....;.---------------------- space 11e:ncy says:. raveled mentally, February Is evldenUy their roughtal month. Admlsalonl lo payehlalrlc boopltala Jump by about 25 percent )heo. Second roulheat moath baa lo be Novam· #lier. Admlsllona Jump theo, too. ! · YOUNG LADY, ll you'ro 11-foot-7 lnclJes tall, II may lnlereat you lo know esacUy II pereent of all llrlt IJI lbetr 2os nationwide are UkewlH. ~ SO YOU'D like lo be a bl& fish In the Uttlut of pond1! t t•t. Moat Important flab Iii Ille world, the herrln(, Is • Ue flab In the blgeat .of poncll. . IF A WOMAN attemtpa auldde btfore l(e 15, lt'a moat likely she'll fall. U abe trleo It after ar• 60, 11'1 moat llkaly .-•he'll succeed. Statistically, atallallcally. AND OR, eucUy why Is ti amokel'I lead to !Ole their : teeth at a mucb earlier age than noaamokan! ; Addre11 mail lo L. M. Bo¢, P. 0. Bo: 1115, N,... .: . .J>O!l Be_ac~•-Callf, .. 9~~~Q., ...... .... c ~;~ of 132 Cltarged ' :~i.Aid Recipient Indicted; w.Big Car, Fancy Home ERTS-A, the flrlt earth naources technology satellite, lJ acheduled lo ht launched c1owii the Wutern Teat Range over the Pactfle from Van- denberC Air Foree Bue, Call!. The 1,916-pound apoctCrafl will orbit the earth II limet a day at .. altitude ol 17tl mn ... 'Ibo Nal!onal Aeronautlcl aod Spece Aclmlnlstratton tald tilt aatelllte may ltelp the Bureau ct the census keep -k of W'ban sprawl, the A(rlculture Depa rt men I prepare more accurate crop fcreeull, the Geotoalcal lllrvey produca more uae!UI llld up.to.lhHnoment mape. II may alto eaable lbe Na· t·lonal Oceanic and AtmolplJel'lc Admlnlstrolion to -lbe -lndullry locate troubled waten and !boat 1rt11 where lbe eatcbe.I wU1 ht aooct. ltJl'l'S-A lJ J emtpln proj- ect, w II h unt IOO ln- vlll!ialorl from 41 lllatel and II lonl(n -lmlvtd. Al a_ NAB,\ lldefln(, Jl!Jll,. ~'°::M:W YORK (UPI) -A man who lived in a luxury ,OJ>llrlmenl and drove lo hll own bu1lnw In a hlgh·prlced tear was one d. 132 welfare clients Indicted for defn1udlng "'"1> GeoJocleal S U r Y I Y '" -ltoioPt for I b I ~ aolelllte ·Jll'OCl'Alll, tol4 how Hogan'• ofllee alto 11ld ERTS data can eontrlbute lo otber fraud1 included thote the C.lllUI CiUes project by who applltd for rdlehi!ille ~vldln& pholoenpbo o f ml!represtDtlnc lbelr --· -w.u. moalh-to-month of their lnoome, or eoalinutd urllon ehanl11. • the Social Services Depart· .i~ment of more than $130,000. .-·"District Attorney Frank 'Hogan's office said '1'11!tday --ibat Rtchardl'lttr,13;-of·lht 1 tiOsh Lincoln Towers eptrt· ·1 ·hient complex on· the wut 11de -Was driving to his Manhattan burglaf'Y' alarm buatneu in a • Cadillac when he applied for ~ 3nd received home relief. to work or and llltd fkllllou& Scltnlllts will lludy ERTS names. data oa the lline-county area 'llte total fraud, tht dlalrlcl '"°""d Sall FrlDClsco in attorney's off I e t 111d, ~ water.... require- amounted lo $131,405 In ~ta In Calllomia and In peymento. '11ii eaMt wen mapptiif rl. optlf iPR!BIOt recommended to Hogan by _, plannlnc, Wray aald. Human R e 1 o u r c e a cam.. A real eitlte firm plans to missioner Jule 5u1arman. llfO· FJITS data in looking al the S.., ~ araa with an eye to new town develo~ Shirt Order "':!'J:·~~th ~ 1n . _ ;Eveiy year ii eleclion year for the readers of. Car and Driver magazine. . _ ·~Every year they vote for what they believe · are the best cars in the world in various cate-gories.(~ .. ? :_· -_ ..... ;~ ~ _ · .;, ThlS year tliey-VOted Vega ''beSI: economy sedan" against some pretty· stiff comri_etition from Jo~ Germany, Italy. Even the U.S:A. _ , · ;; /That'squiteatributewhenyouthinkaboutit . These people really know oars. And when they piclc a winner, ifs truly a winner. They've picked Vega two years in a row now. (In 1971, Vega's very first year on the market. it managed to unseat the incumbent import, break· _r -~· Jng its eight-year winning streak.)' _ _ _ · Chevrolet would like to·thank the readers of Car and Driver for helping to~confirm what we'vebeensayingrightalong:i'. _ · -: · ·' , 11 yega is"the little car_that~oes~~~ weu. - . Itm6ves well, stops well, fuma·weu:naes-wem Arid it looks, well, it looks pretty dam sportyforan, v · 11 · ...... -------·r ......... ·-economy car. · _ . . Obviou~Jy· it takes mere '!}lan _ ec:OnOiJI~ be voted 'best economy ~ · " . sedan." Drive a Vega now, while The Vega Drive is on .. Building a berler way to see the U.SA -' i.-·' Hogan's o[fice said Pllla "allegedly received $2,000 In --weUare asslstance___befure hla. a,rest on July 6. He has been • more than two' dolen <Jther cl· U.....JJ-T~~J----11--~~~~--~~~~~~~~ fl em L'°'5""" Orleat11, Walbin(ton, D.C., Cedar ~»Id.I. loft. New • pidicted on grand larceny charges and is one of 19 persons out of the 132 who are A ,in custody. . The frauds were allegedly , CQmmitted by persons who ii· fegally claim their original cheeks had been lost or stolen and who thut reeelve clouble payments. • .Jane Fonda i_ Treason Rap ~.Supported· ~' WASlllNGTON (UPI) Rep. Flelebe< 'lltompeon (R· .Ga.), baa aeeused ,actreea Jane Fonda of gJVlng aid and · ~infort to the' enenv and ut, "04 ·the JutUce Depertment lo 'eharge bet' with treeaon. " Thom-told the .llouM ·1rueaday U..I presa aceounls quoted Miss Fooda as uratna . IJ,S. troopa In Vleb)am lo • '.'d<Jl<l'I aod turn !hemselvt1 , in to the North Vietnamese." ~ '!'.J>eclered war or-un.. :~war, thil la &ttilon,'1 '.l'hi>n1!>00D aeld, "II Is Ufi11 "lhis 1ovarnmeril look aome ... :llon againlt auch -1.e d Jane Fooda gfvlng-aid aod Comfort to ar1 enemy." 'lltompson said be w11 writing Attorney Gen er a I Richard o. Kleindienst and : "urging him to inveattaate ·fully and lo bring ebarges of ; trenson agalnst Jane Fonda." Miss Fooda bas been In l Hanol and among o I her ST. LOUIS, Mo. (AP)-'llte Havm, Conn., and Bolton also Natiooal Labor R e I a I ion • will be lludled. Board bas ruled here that Dr. Bruce"K•lly, dlraclor of Southwestern Bell Telephone atandarda ~ roielreh for !ht Co., did not violate labor lJwa DePmmenl of Agrt(,,ithirt, by oroering emj>loyis lo said: "EBTS coverage will ht ebange T-shlrll which bad the very ll'Oed and very rapid. We statement "Ma Bell lJ a Cheap ara moat enlhualaatlc, and ex· Mother" written oa them. · poet that IJI the area of crop The ablrts were worn by 23 aurveys It will provide a moel Bell employu during contract valuable supplement lo tbe lit- negoU.tlonl In Juna IV/I, and formation we galhtr from II workera walked off the job olbtr IOUi'eel." brteOy when ordered t o Kelly uld tht llllllal areu chanl• the shlrll. . lo be llUdlad lntenalVely by The NLRB rultd the ablrt1 ERTS-A are one or two , ... carried · an ob a o en e .,.,,. tort of 100 sqUlre mil•• eaah notation and that the c0mpany In lllliaoutl, Soulh Dakolt, wu wllbin Ila rtahla orderlnl \dabo and Kanw. the employea lo chant• the Wllllanl' Stevenaoa of NOAA 'lftlrtl or leave the pnmtilel. ui<ftbe 11telllte would ht used Want Ads I See by Todats e NO WOIWB COULD DE- SCRIBE '1111 •a '1'1111Diph ~. It ls a hard tail, 1D over trwt: end and it ....IOOd. ' e TO CO.M1'LETE YOUR DUNE BUGGY -this Vw · .,..ine could be e.aenttal. It'a a 40 HP. e NEED TO GET AROUND TO\l'N? y.., mlJl>t look lltto this 'ii Fontll• Bon· nnUlt that'• on 11.lt. lt'a In pd coadltlon tw ooly '300. l stetem"11a, aeeordlng-t o Radio Hanoi,' bu ealled on U.S. pilots to quit ~ Nartb Vietnam. .._ ______________ _,, • • ' • ' • • ' • • ' t .. • I l I .1 I • " " ,! I I ~ • ' • I ' .. • .. I' ' ' ' ' l •. i ' ·i . ' . i , ' I DAD.Y nt.Ot - Admlren Gather Bra Inflost•Y. Expanding Sinatra Dazzlis Committee . • Natural LOok Put,s Business on Firm Fou1ulations -DANIEL RAPOPORT shrieking an<I squealing over _, the 54-year-old glamor l)'lllbol WASlllllGTON (UPii -that bsd just paMed. '""' committee'• counsel and p e pp• r acknowledged they had suboeqllenUy of>. tained af!ldavits -relptln& the cbirge and astied Slnatra ln understand !hey had no idea that the wltnesa, Joseph . "The Baron" Barbot.a, was going to llltroduce SlnaU.'• name. ' NEW YORI\. (UPI) -Tbe brassiere II back. llqardless of what your eye may tell you dur· ing a stroll along Fifth Avenue on a given rummer day most likely there's a hrasslere under that • cllngy sweater or. bod_y shirt and:to the hra manu· ' racturen, there lies the commercial future. Tho "natural" look has boosted tho bra busi· ness which, according to best estimatea, amounta to about '700 million a year. For a while, wben ' ihe women ilbbers were cfamoring for equality and taking part In bra-burning demonstrations, the In· dustry got the jitters. All tha\'1 changed according to Metcy Dobell, editor of Body Fashlo~s Magazine, wbo saylf "the brs business i.!I looking up tremendously." Miss Dobell attributes the success to hig~ fashion and women's desire to look natural. "However" she told UPI, '1today's fashions don 't want that saggy look. They require the softly shaped look, without a lot of ribs and seams." \Vomen's foundation wear long has been the aubject of discus.sion, fro~ the days C?f whalebone stays and tight cinched waISts to the liberated look of the late 60s, But, the bra manufacturers report, \he birth control pill and even changing fashions brought about new dimensions to the industry. A spokesman for· Bali bras who sai~ sal~s"were "up significantly," added that a contributing lac· Fam1J11 Clreus fJU BU Keane ----~ .rn::. '1;1:1::. "Momm yl Tennis rocquets oren't RE'ALLY mdde out of cot gut;-ore !hey?" So~n Seeking Probe Of'-Chaplain's Case tor wu an lncreue In the average breast Ii ... '"l'be 1verage bra cap used.to be a "B" ,but now it'• more like a 1C', "the spokesman said. The .. pill" had a lot to do w!lh such growth, the spokesman added . Martin £!kind, president of Lady Suzanne Foundations, a subsicli"!'J: 9f Duplan Corp., said his business WIS growing aoout 'I mlllion a year. How· ever, Elkind said, the styles have changed and ''we've 'one to a eoft.er,,more iJat.1,U'll look." While the brassiere business has Improved, lls sister, the girdle industry, has Slgged. Again, in· dustry spakesmen report, it Is the desire tor the natural fook. According to l\ll.!s Dobell, the brassiere busl· ness now accounls for about 60 percent of the $1.1 billion market in women's foundation garments while 11girdle" sale.s are down about 2.9 percent." However. she. said, some girdles have gone to tbe brief style with higher waist'bands to accommodate Changing fashion trends and sales have made a slight turnaround. Mate, Kids Get Alimony From Wife Frank Slll&tra came before Hoboken, New Je.rsey'a..most the Rouse " Crlme Committee celebrated 900 was dreued ln Tuesday under the threat ol a the !8shlon of Hollywood. He subpoena and a cloud. lie wore a llgbt brown sport departed ln a jog with d k br slacks a r--g-sslonal apolorries ·and jacket, ar own ' d ~· .. •· broad light checked tie an female squee!J of clellgbt In shiny 'patent leather boots with hi5 ean. elevated heels. His n o w 11\e Jegendiry entertainer, familiar hair piece was finnly now in retirtmmt, turned in a ltollor perfOunance in th• in place. Democratic Rep. Morga• Murphy of Chicago apologtied and said Barboil bsd "taken advantage" of the committee. cav""""" Clu<a -of the summoned to explain hi! House Cannon Office Building. 1962 connection with a $ CASH $ The Sinatra name 'drew the racetrack whose owners ht & 2od R. L LOANS same . air of esCJtement and allegedly in~luded members of • SI ,oot "' Sit.Ht ••tw..""-... 1 mar•·• bis the Mafia, Sinatra wasted no i-~ :'Ii , ....... ......... .,._. u... r.eu · tak' the offensive • """•••• · appearancff of yesteryear ~t time in mg • c.-..._ n. tht old Paramount Theater in and displaying flashes of his • Alf ..... · well known temper. Barely e ht 9llkl s.mc. CALL New York, the Palladium rn swornJn he sternly upbraided London or the hotel nightclubs the coWnittee for allowing a 847•5200 cf Las Vegas. seU-<0nl"""'1 gangland "en-IAILE For the first time In years, forcer" lo publicly testify that REL •. the giant crystal chandeliers "'e had ''heard" Sinatra h.ad or*"' C• . .rtk• cn4) JTHSG of the caucus room shone u: afi 1e111 a111.a, 1t ton1 house. Outside in ·the marble terests in three hotels. Fay !Wsen of Maldenlorm, a leading bra com· pany contends the bra business is on a -firm foun· dation. "The whole thing Is based on stretch, fr ... dora and comfort," Mrs. Rosen said. down on 8 standing-room-onlyl-~bee~n~f~ro~n~ting~~f~or~M~i~a~lll-~~~·~·"'~"~''~"'~"'~'~""~'~"~"~ TRENTON, N.J. (AP) -An rotunda more than 100 persons belress lo t be Johnson & stood In line. ff ONG ~ONG Johnaon -pharmaceutical · Inside about 25 cameramen . " . Another spokesmaQ said, "won;ien no longer want to corset themselves. They don t want to look artificial, but they Wlllt support." fortune must pay II million lo fonned a ball circle in front of her former' husband undt.r the the witness table, awaiting CUSTOM TAllOIS IN OIAHGI! COUNTY state's new divorce law. Sinatra's arrival. Instead they .....,,.1 ..... c.-...,.. SAYE UP TO 50'Mt Mary Lea Johmon Ryan got the word from Committee 5Unl s135 must pay William A. Ryan Chalnnan Claude Pepper (J). . ~ ... "" $650,000 outright aod place Fla.) that Sinatra was ex-1,1CtAt rtKI bt . .ow $350,000 in trust for the , ercising his prerogatives ~ht. i.11 .... sts ,.. nd 1 and '-$Ilk Mltlolr ,,,.... U · couple's teen-age son a under the ru es was ur c...~-, ...... ,, •• daughter. The youngsters are sisting that no cameras or si..•PU• ...... '' 12 be . tied , Siik w .. 1 ,, ••• , ll It in Ryan'• custody. microphones penn1 m '~" .......... 10 • t11 Ktnd T1llortd CW"" Mtde Suili. Sportu1ft, Sl.W, lllrt" •WlftfANTMll • ANY l1TU CDPtlD •mu AlTDAT10NI •WY PAYMINTI Religious Man's Chance Pays Off With New Life 700t flNllT IWOllTlt ,. ,. • The negotiated settlement · the hearing room during his ""' ,_.. 1 "wi' = fOB ,.~ was filed recently In the Olan-testimony. wOOL11111 J0111U ••m ._ 1M SAN JOSE (AP } -Weak the hospital corridor for an ex· cery Division of superior . At precisely 11 :04 a.m. ,.,. ,,,,. .. _ ,._ UM1t1 and bedridden a few weeks amination by Hanna. Court. Sinatra strode briskly through 2112 Dtlhnt Dr. w.. 12 ,...,_ni a..ch 11. ago, Lewi.! Carey has a new "I feel fine," said Carey. Because-It was negotiated,·li;th~e~d~oo~rs~.~Be~hin~'~d~him~'~in~l~h~eL~'"'~·°'~·~·,.~"'~·""§·~·~·h~··~·~,.§'"'~-~-~·~-~,.,.~·~-~~~~~~ life ahead oC him \ocfay after "There 's really no other way no appeal ls expected. hall were women of all ages, doctors took a '4big chance" to say it." The settlement ts believed to because of his re I I g Io us His doctor concurred. "He's be the largest wider the new beliefs. dOlng jlbenomenally well for New Jeney statute irblch pro- At bis insistence, open heart all the work we did on him," vides for equitable diatribution surgery was performed on the said Hanna. . of property in divorce pr~ M-1ear<>ld San 'Joae railroad Tbe operation b y p a 1 a e d ceedlngs. The. law allO permits conductor without a blood three arteries serving , the separation or U months of transfusion. heart wlth three ar)eries cllvor<e · after If month>' Carey, a &-foot, baml· transpl8nted from Carey's UJ>o separation or tt 'months of chtsted man, took lltuall1 lhe per tbfgh. Tj>e'Orlgina! vessels desertion. fundamentalist teaching ol his had become so c Io g g e d Ryan, an lnvesbnent con- Jehovah's Wltnes~s faith -through the· years that they •ultan~ will retaln a $500,000 that it is a 1in ln take blood allowed only 35 •percent of tile borne in Maryland. Mrs. Ryan ftcm another'&· ~y, even to normal' blood supply,: tcttrick1e ls to keep a house of equal save a Ille. Eveh one11 own. through, Hanna .said that 95 value in Bedmimter~ The doctors lnkl C8rey, percent of !ht "°""81 blood T b e Ry a n ! f i l e d debllltsted by 14 years of supply now &.rs through slmultaneous complaints -his heart _trouble, t.l}!l_! h!s_ only them.. on. gro_unds_ of !lesertion ~~ chance to live . was a com-"There was a time," said hen on grouoda of desertion pllcated heart-surgery .. techo-··carey, "when tt ocCWTed "to-and-cruelty. Mrs. Ryan's suit nique that rellu1 _yn bl~ me that I would need a was dismissed. , transfusions as. normal pro-trans(usion that would save Under prior statutes, Ryan cedule. Carey refused. my life. But the Bible says would . not have received an '11le problem was laid before that we must not use another's equal share of the property, Dr. Ellu Hanna, chief of blood -even an anlmaJ 'S. The even if the divorce bad been cardiac !W'gery at St. Mary's blood not in us must flow into .. granted to liltn. Hosl>ltai in San Francisco. lhe ground as God lnld Noal)." "It was quite rleky," said CB.rey_ added, "This doesn't tbe surgeon. "We were really leave much room f o r WASHINGTON (AP)· -'•It is ~ifficult for me to takir)g ·a big chance." transfusions!' .i~-tand ho 'bl Assi!ted by an· 11-mefnber · .. I still 4og:t understand it,'~ KIDS LOVE ~UNC[tl~ ...J!~p~I!. [. _:iilk, (~alil.)_,,. N'.'!'fil' m··w w M~1 -• open heart team, Hanna the ptijilclan said. called '~y for a Navy in-\. c~ tooJa:ng :Uevtd~= ~ performed the' operation in The'-oi)eration waa .perform· vestlgation of alleged harass-comf to \rial," Silik said in 8 less than 75 minutes late last ed1 rapidly and with a ment of .Navy 0 b a P.l al n statement:· , month. This week, fresh from minimum of loss of blood. b bis a weekend Jehovah's Wit. "We obviously had to cut down SATURDAYS IN Andrew F. Jenaen Y "Despite the fact that the nesses convention In Oakland, on the amount of blood Jost, I auperion. trial found Commander Jensen Carey walked bris'kly through ·and ~e did it," Hanna said. --Jensen from Selma ··Calif., innocent on all ~unts, it has1;~~~~~~~~~~:::;;~~~~~~~~=d=;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;:::;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;; .! ' · ' affected his family and un· THE DAILY PILOT In last year's Kodak International Newspaper Snapshot Awards, Clarence "Mac" Maki, of Honolulu, HaWBJ1, won the r+ waa fo_und ~~t of c:tiar~ea deservedly smeared h I s ~ alleglnl adultef! 1nvolvmg two name . I intend to help him ~ __Na.'lJ--officert!->-wives... The ctear lt' ~ verdict was retuhled. by a Sisk requested l he in-~ Navy c, our t -n:iart1al at vestigation in a letter to Navy Jacksonville, Fla., in March. Inspector General Vice A~. ' r • • ! I ' I I i I I: I I • • , ' ' " Sisk said Jensen, now Mearui Johnston Jr. assigned to at!e?d a post He said that if he gets no graduate chaplam s course at satisfactory answer to his let· Princeton University for . a ter, he will ask for a con- year, h_as asked for an .1n-gressional inv~igation by the vestigahon of allegt;et 1m-House Armed Services Com- proper trial and pretrial pro-mittee . cedures in a further effort to The letter fD. Johnston Usts clear hLs name 11 cfiarges of iJTeguJarities Martha W on'i Be Asked J To Confab WASHINGTON (UPI) - ?.1artha Mitchell will not take part in the Republican Na· tional Convention in Miami Beach next month, Mrs. Anne Ar'mstrong , GOP vice chairman. says. "We have no p 1 an s whatsoever" for Mrs. Mitchell to play a role in the con- vention activities. Mrs . Ann.strong said, "She wants to be alone." Earlier, ~frs. Mitchell had been scheduJed to be a hostess at 8: convention luncheon. before and 4uring the trial. They incliJde derogatory remarks by Jensen's superiors al Cecil Fie)d, Fla., bsrllS!- ment by c·ommanders, disclosure of evidence prior to trial, command tapipe.rlng with w11o..,.., hosU!lty and bias by the commanding Of· fleer and mtlliary judge, and unfair treatment of t b e defense during trl'al. · Sisk specifically 8'!ked that the lnvestigaUon ~de an· In- quiry intG the 11close personal relationship" between t h e military judge, the prosecution staff and the judge advocate. "This investigation i.! needed to assure that the system of military justice remains: ~ corrupted by command · in- fluence and also to assure that Chaplain Jensen does not in the future become the victim of discrimination in promotion or asslgnments, 11 Sisk sald. METROPOLITAN ART ASSOC IATION PRESENTS AN IMPORTANT ART AUCTION FROM ITS MODERN MASTERS COLLECTION SAN. CbEMENTE INN AQUA MARINE ROOM 125 AVENIQA ESPLANDlAN-SAN CLEMENTE FRIDAY--JUL Y 21 Exhib ition From 4 P.M. -Auction At 8 P.M. Original Oil Paintings -Watercolors . Origina l Graph ics By CHA&All -PICASSO -DALI -MIRO -IUFFET - CLAVE-AMAN -TElt£CHKOVITCH -IRAG& -KELLY -AIZP'lltl -GUILLOT -lEtAOAH& -IOULANGER AND MANY, MANY OTHERS. I ' I • y SALE SHOES ' '-....._r . ..--..... • I FURTHER REDUCED I LADIES' SANDAI.5 e CASUAI.5 DRESS SHOES e BOOTS .Reg. To~· NOW $1.90 to $10.90 MEN'S FLORSHEIM e BASS MANY, MANY OTHERS Reg. To $39 .95 NOW $4. 90 to $18. 90 "Where Shoppilig Is a Real Pleasure" Prlees Eff~Uve Tltarsday. Doonl'O:pea 8:30 A.M. AU Slzts On Racks P"or F.uy StlecUon All Slzt1 Taken From Our .ltecular Stock 1052 IRVINE AVE -WESTCLIFF PLAZA-NEWPORT BEACH-MS-88M PLEASE ••• ALL SALES FINAL. NO EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS. . i -61ack-an(l..W!llfe category First Place Award of a trip around !he world for two with this shot bl two suners competing in the junior WI• n· uou championships.His camera , , was enclosed in a waterproof atripirounbod ~ tlii. . world. If you take pictures, you have a chance fo win. Follow these simple rules: 1. Th• cont•tt it thlctly for •m•t•ur pho. to9r1phtr1 !An 1m•t•ur i1 O•fin•c:I •• on• who1• hobby or •¥0C•tio11 it pictur•·t•ki119 .,.a who 0011 not mtk• •11y 1ub1t1nti•I p•rt •f his 1i¥l119 throu9h t4kin9 pictures) •. ' . 2. ll•ck·•nc:l0whit• or co!or picfur•• 't•••n 1fhr J11ly I, 1971 lrl 1li9ibl1. No pictvr•s m1y b. ••t•r•d by •nv tmploy• of !ht DAILY PILOT or Ly 111y i11di.,.idu•I who ptr• 10111lly it •nt•v•O In th• m•nuf1ctur1, ••'•· commerci•I fi11i1hin9 or prof•11io111I ut• of photofr•phic 90001. J, Sn1pthot1 m1y b1 t1k111 with •11y m1k1 of c•m1r1, on .tfly br1nc:I of film. No •rl· work.. or r1touchln9 i1 p1rmitt10 011 nt9•· tiv•1 cir print• -110 comp11ilt pictwr•I, 1'1'1111- tlpl• 111po111r11 or multipl• prl11tin9, 4. Afty n11mb1r ol pictur•s m•y b• t11t•r•cf. , C."t•sl•11t's n1m1, 1ddr1t1 '"' phone n11m0 b•r mu1t k wrift•11 cl11rly on th• b•ck of 11ch plctur1. M•il or d•li¥1r prl"h or ft•rtt• p1r•nci•1 toi DAI LY PILOT ~•p1hot C111• test Editor, P.O. lo• 1160, C•1f1 M•s• CA. 92626. l Entri•• c•n Ii• h1H·cftli¥1N,4-to •ny DAILY PILOT oflic•, but mutt k phy1ic•llv ht. W.1111 111 #'101• •fflc•t ~ '-•c:llln• ••ch we1k.) Cont•1t officl•lt ,,,,,.... th• rltht to c•rry ov1r 1;11 entries for !ud9lt19 from 0111 w••• to th 111Jtt •ncf t. ••cll.ldt from judg· • . ' ln9 •llo9•lhtr •11y 0tlllri1' rtc1lv1d l•t• il'I th1 fin•I w11k. 5, No bl1ck·•nO ·whit1 pictur•1 wlll . It. ,, .. turned. Conl•tl•nt must be <11bl1 to fur11 itfi- th1 ori9i11•I n•9•ti¥1, if r•qu•s+.c:I b.,-the Conl••t Editor, Th• DAILY PILOT flstumts no t•tpo11slbilit-y for 11191ti¥1t or pri11t1. COLOR PRINTS OR SLIDES Will IE RE· TURNED ONLY IF ACCOMPANIED IY· A STAMPED, SELF-ADDRESSED ENVELOPE. 6. Cont1st•nft •r• p•rmitt14 to tubm lt plc- tur11 to 011lv one 11tw•p•p1r p1rtlcl p•tl119 in the Kod•k lnftr11•lion1I S11•rthot Aw1rd1. 7. To b• •li9ibl1 for • loci tr•nd ptht, • cont••••nt must •hJll • tt•t•m•nt th•t the plc- tur1, or •noth•r cl~t1ly 1imll•r plctur• of the s•me subject or situ•tion, h•s 11ot bt11t, •ncl will not b• 111t.r•il bj him 111 1ny oth•r co11• •••t 1nc:I will not bt off1rtd forJ11bllc1tlo1t to 111y publio•tion not connect with this Conftst. I. IMPO.ITANT: 11 1ur• vow kntw th• ll•m.t• 1rttl •ddrt1111 of •11v r1co9ni11bl• p•r•~n1 •PP•1rin9 In your picture. Thi1 It 111c•st1ry b1c1u••, 111 order for It to li• •nter.d In th• 111tlon•I fud9imj, yo11-mu1t M •bl• 'to 'g•t th. writf•1t 10111•nf •f 1uch p9r. ••n ~ p•rrorrt tor tliiif l•t•rtu•rOl· 1111 ,rn t~, c•111 of mh1on) f• per"'if 11•• of the p1ctur1 for the p11tpo11 of ilh11tr1. 1:011, •tf.,.•rtid119 or puhltc1tlo11 In '•nv m•n• n•r • Snapshot Contest ' f ·" ' t " " J' . , ~· • r • t• • • • t f •• ' . r· < r. ' ' . •. it • I • ' I ~ ' . ~· . I • • iii It . • • . -• • • l ' ! 1 I ' ' I I •• ,. " . , • • ,. ~ •• • • ' ' ' . • ·- 3 PILOT ·ADVU'llSU GWCTrio Top Profs In Nation Four f1e11l1Y momtien at .<J<>ldeu w .. 1 !All•1• In Hunt· lngton Beach hav, been chosen •1 out1tanding Eduatora of America for 19?2" on tilt basis ol civic and pro1 ... 1ona1 1chl••emtn1. Named In tilt national awards volume are Edith A. Freligh, of Huntington Beach; Norman Rich. of Westminster; Anna Mar.le 'Ibames of San Pedro; and Hay~n W)lllamsj of Westminster. · Jlllss Frellgb, chairman of the college's communications division for the last oli yeara, wu recently .a ·ppo1nt'ed associate dean of inltNct.lotL Rich, chairman ol 'I h e mathematics and 1.c I enc e • divl!ion, and Williama,. former division chalrman and biology teacher, p io neered the development of Golden-West's audio tutorial. lal>o!'alory In biology. Mn. Tbam.. has been a !acuity leader In the develop- ment of computer assisted pro- grams In Engllsh, aUlhor!ng --more-then two dozen course aegmentir. Child Care Center set At,.€o~ _ . . .. . A day care cen.ter !~ P,e-• - school children will open lhi• fall at Golden West C.Ollege in Huntington Beach. Available to student-parents carrying sli: unH.1 or more. the Kiddie Korn! C!ild Achieve- ment Center will offer morn- ing and afterooon sesskmLat '6 per child per wed: for each session. The center will open Sept. 11 at Grace Lutheran Church, k>cated at Edinger Avenue and Golden West Street across from campus. . Enrollment b limited to 24 children in eecb aeulon. Ap- plltations are avallable at the college affaln office or ,the campus ·admlnisttwtlon.' bulld- !ng. City of Hope Ciws Coast Man's Work • Owles Howard of Newport Beach, a 30-year supporter of tilt City ol Hope, hos been named to the City of Hope Gallery o( Achl<vement. Howard WIS given the honor recenUy In special ceremonle• before 11000 Southern California auxiliary leidera. The hooor Is the highest of given by the City o• Hope, a free nonsectarian rn e d i c a 1 center. Howard has 11erved as a Board of Direct.ors member for 11 yean and u a vice president for 10. He · ls a member of the Supreme Cooocil and has served as an olflctr of the Sportsmen'• Club, 1 leading City of Hope auxiliary group. Howard and hla w If e , Miriam, reside In Newport Bead>. Bridge In Debt S A N FRANCISCO The Golden Gale Bridge District is headed for rtd Ink and its $20.S mlllioo In reserv.. will become a '900,000 deficit In 19'74-75, the district'• !lnAnce oommitlte chtitnnan hu wamld. Ben Lehrer aald heavy aubaldies to "8'•le bula and lirda will • meuplhe....,....U!llm federal or lllle -ln!UJe fundt. I I DAILY Pilot • f ·-,._ • COSTA MI U.-i.t .. .,.., ..... at,,,._ A. Wednm.,., Ju~ 19, 1912 • , ,\ .. "'*'"'l•TCNI •Mae -inn ...,.. ,,.., • AtlMM Wflf AlllA -_, ........ It. t; WUTMIHITft-tf" .. II Wiit COSTA Ml'SA -t» & lnll st. "U#f.,... la.t.Qt..-..., ...... .. .. . ? ill • AU Stores Celebrate Grancr·OpenhMJ -of Ou~ New Store, 3325 Bristol, at MacArthur Blvd., Santa Ana ' • I IL TOM -It Twt .. atcltiMf ..... I .. • ... , Sellen ot • fnictloll of ..... . Or11lolll Prl~I , $4.91 to $9;91 Vmlffll ••··· ,.,. . . Ster11AIM•. •i:.:':9.-i':"..:.t:-r . I ·:;','.:;;,;:,:;-' $197 ........ "i:t! .... ........ , ..... """'*'--Ml'9. .. -............ '!! ... 1o .... ,,. • ..,.Hu..Uhil•......,_-'t ,,... " ....... -. sin. $ayelle®Acryl· Mftrs.UstPrP 11 c.rrld 'ri; .111,t Ster•• Alltllms · ' ' -finiMr ,., Hits! Select ,, •• , .. vt1111e1 to ., .. , · Sttr••:AlM• SterH Al.uni• : ""' ~ ~ .... ·······" 2 ' $1 I:."". \:,1";;;_. ·$139 .......... ,.,·, ·-.: 0 ~ .!!!'9..-. • .. t •• •• • • ... '. =:-~ ' ~=== ... :·:·:·"":··:'":"'::· :::~ -· : ....... CJooN-· '' $13'5 vol•• Women's Watches · lly famou1 Marcel $499 w..w,.. ..-....Swlll-:....-.. ..... ...... ll ,,,. .... ,,.. Dow, 4-19• ... ....... ,., ........ 1 • ....,...,.u-. •• ! ~-·, .. · ...... .. $5'5 Ladles' Slnle Sets F11Nll llottOM Slilft with M.tcldOI Biklol S .. rts s366· -' . ca.,.., ........ _...._. llft 'lrith Cl ·.im.• ... 1...-...cnt· · ,_._ .. wl!Otl-.•• ....,,....11. •• *'/white. C.OI c111d ' ..ty, .,....ble ...... ,_ .i-_II, ...:IT••-.! large, Llldles' Knit Pant Sets M1nrlaforaat tllls a.. Prlcol y.,. ..., W9 ..,tic bit IC9M .51096 .... ... , .... ..ctt•....,. aa.t.d',·a 011• At,. .... Ill""* __ , ...,., •• , ........ .i ...... ..,.lfl .. ,_ . ....., Knitting YartJ . $2'' · Value! ,., lde~I Flatsy .' Dolls :g9e Shim with tM "'loak ef th• l..der"'. loflt """"· ~ cllfh. lo"I F'9i11t- 9d collcir wllh ba11dod . .... _ ... ;ch, ~. i11 fit~ort. hr _ _._ lex .t 40 -.... l•r er S1ptr 99 C Modeis 'S111iltar:y Napkins ....... s:ff & Dfl ~l-Perspltaat .... 79c VwrCw:wlNlll4 111 Oun~• 73c ll•aca )reatll Drops .. ; ......... Mt,Mooll_ .. __ ..,,,.. . 5'$100 le~TfOfltbruslles............. : , Su•~•r White Large ..;:.;1.t .. 1c si.a., •... ~ ........ 99~ P .... a t J I ljPockot>hoM•W.•-•'"'''"' S9C --.G•t ' ,. •• ;..11 .... ......... ...._._ __ CNeJI ........ " ........ ; n ewe ry Sellick 11a•i• mf-..... ~7~b-:£·1361:1 l5lj:;J'1? --'Ml_, .. ""'"'"·11·•~· 99c ,..~,., ...... ,...-1 ... ..i, ....... _ • . VlslH EJ• Drefs ....... f ...... NWW'-. " .....at.A11 , C tMOrt .tyl ... '.J'll• JICltvral ~ 'll(lfl ___., a.ttl1.t24 ~ ' 93 lrl1tan tAIUTI •••••••••••••••••••••• •1" Value! CelH1a11 , ... Golloa Coo 99c ' ' httl1 ef SO T1~l1t• , 98 C hcedrl•·P.M. •••••••••••• ,. .••....• ,IO.CI r CMIAm • 66( P•cil•I• , .,..,..,. """' ••••......... ,_ $J18 Prepti PH Ac• LetlH .......... . 1-tae ~ . . ..\ 94c t .. y, Suata~ LOtllll'• .......... .. ' • Gigantic "illow Sale! .. $2'' to ~4'' Dacron® • Bed Pillows • $4.98 King 20x36 In. • $3. 98 Queen 20x30 In. • $2.98 Standanf20x26 In. Choice of 3 Sizes! F $ 0 I ~--~y, $p:.,.,, Fruit of the LHm · " ~~,,. Decorat1r Sofa Plilews Hc:inchotM pillow. {O....red wllh rich fa brio 111 lot.11 decoratar 99 C 1hoda1. filled Wltli toft CalO-~o;:;.~~~::'.:.~~~·l•:•d~. . $3" Ca1,1non Montlcelle No lren Print ShHts 72"x104" Twin Siu $259 Flat or Fitted 19< & 29' Values! 12x12" Cannon Wash Cloths SoliU • Strip11 • Prints • Checks rt0t qvottty eotl9n f9IT'fl 111 up-toodat. ho-fatho. Jo11 celon to 1111.ic er .... tth ...;1h the i-11 yeu "°"' ...~ . $24. 95 Value! New "-Camfortable "Sit-at" lronin-g'1'-a111e : ~.:· .~.":"' s19" e lart• Pacldff S.et e Atbestos ho• Well Sit h1 C:o1t1fortl Ir•• 911lcltly .. d lffertloalyl lreni119 btcomo1 • ploe1uro i"'tftod ef • chore with tht Sil-ot! St.Ong tubuler 1fetl from•, wo11't wobble or ti it. I]" wldo, with fo•m und•rloy •nd toflo"' co"''· Comlortoble p•dd•cf •••t ot- t•c.hecl. Foldt fl•t for 1lor•g•. t•••• ••'Y li ttle room. NEW FIOM SPAIN! La Mancha Wines 24 O..c1 Wick or Conflll ltttlu ..,, .. , .. ,, • c.w.n San11••• •PIHtlfeK •G,....h11 SJ59 ..... r1c •• lelle Llgld Whisky Fiftli Gollon $ Htiw tM fW -~ 3'' "'"" ,....,_..;. J'G•I A Mft .. t"lle 4riflk. I .. ............ It: ••• , 12or.eua -6:f!! 63' Val••• Inell• MeterOll • , l f !Wl Y PflOT •• ••• • Doctor In Hoase Chole sterol Fear Can Be Abnormal Ill' Dr. PETER STEINCROHN breathini -our 1~ Is pol· luted." I Clll II chole1teN>lophobl1 - 1n abnormal fur of hlvln& Otar Dr. Stelncrohn : I .. lop much cholesterol in the 1m 1 tttnager with 1 problem blood." >.. a n1Uon we hive that is hard for me to talk become too conacious of every .about. Mainly becatae my mouthfW or food. In many friends laugh, and I do not cases Jt unnece.uarlly tlkes want lo UJ)llet my parents u " the fun out of life. they would blow up. Deor Dr. Stelncrohn: My My problem ls this. A few wife 1J driving me aw., from months ago I w1s very foolish the table. Pretty soon I will be and let my frlenda talk me in- taking all my rne11J in to taking 150. I look it only restaurants so 1 he can't two times. But since then supervise my diet 110 much . some strange things have been Like a neighbor o~ our1 she h happening. cholesterol crazy. She watches At least once a \veek . .,..·hen me like Lhe proverbial hawk. I'm almost asle ep, my head No butter with my toa1t. No hear1 nolse1. Somet imes I see Pier Bound ' .. 3 NeWporl Beach Teachers· To Attend Humanities M~et 'l1irte Newport Beach bllh 1c hool teacbtrt will J)llrtlclpete In a tw~weet tn. 1Utute e n t I t I 1 d 11detlgnlnc HumanlUo for tho 70'1" Au1. 1$.26 at Wlttetlberg University In Spri!lcfltld, Ohio. Among the 40 participant1 wW be Harbor Area in- structors Mra. Cm>I Hanke, from Corona de! Mor !Ugh School and Frlllk Wright 1nd WIUl1m Hllli<t, both from N....-poli llarbor High School. TNCher1 will be divided into thr .. grouP' ae<mllng to the type of !Choo!J they teach : urban, rural or suburban schoolJ. Discussion will take plact In the ll'OllP -.... Sir C0111Ultaotl will open the JCMion with 1 major presen- taUoo ol 1 movement or study area Heh reptt.HDls. Study ., ... wlli Include el· fecUve education, alternative school moveme.ntl, values in e d u c a t I on , multi-cultural 1tudJe1i hu ma njtJ 11 u dlsclpllotl i nd environmental studlet. · After t h e presentallona, leochera wlli dlsctW the ID- cllvldual toplcJ. Objectlv., of the m .. tings include the 1atbt ring o f ntUon-wtde represent-a.lion of MCOOdory achoo! Instructors teaehlna humanities cour1es or programs. Other ob.)tetlvu t n c I u de promoUon of the humanille.s at a total ICbool program rather than 1aallted courses and estlbli&h a natk>nal group ot humanltlt1 educators work- ing toward• a common goal. Eliglblllty extended to all 1cilve secondary teachers · acro11 the nation and Hawaii workinl to develop humanities proerams at their schools. Noo-teachera with a strong commitment to OOmanities programs wett also con· lidered for the imtltute. PILOT·AOV Art Museu1n Boa rd Told LOS ANGELES (AP) - Five Southern calllomians hive been named to the board of trustees or the Los Angele, CoW!ty Museum of Art. The)' anr: Mn. J1mtS B. Re11Wlck, 1 coll~or o f African Art ; t.trs. Norman F. Sprague, who has collected Flemish and Po st · Impreasionlst p a i n t I n g s ; Robert Wilson, collector of graphic arts; B. Gerald Cair tor, collector of Ro d i n sculpture; and Daniel RJdder, publisher of the Long Beach Independent Press-Telegram and member of the Partnership for the .AI1I in California . cream in my coffee. No ice horrible images fust like on an ~ cream. No bacon. Only an oc-LSD trip. These flashbacks • ., casional egg. Where doea Jt are awful. y hope they disair A •goofy-foot' surfer he1 d1 toward the San Clemente •~ end ! pear in time. phlor on a sizeable wall. Goofy.foot ride.-, stand with Try Saturday's News Quiz We Dare You! I would not mind if my doc-Meanwhile I think It ii t e right foof forward , as opposed to the 'conven- tor said I was sick. But at a my duty to warn any other tlonal' style. Weekend surfing conditions \Vere excel- recent checkup he told me kids not to take the first trip. lent along the Orange Coast, with waves around four that although lam 46, I have _'.Th~ey~w~1~·11_i:re~g~re~t_l1lt:·=!Ml~ss~M~. ~to~SJ~·x~f~~t ~h~lih~·----------~--'!::,,=====================================' the arteries of a 3(1.year-old 1- man. ri.1y electrocardlograms, b I o o d cholesterol readlna:s, X-rsy "nd other teita are nonnal. He says J can eat fats moderately. But my wife is stubborn about it. She bu heard that "cholesterol is bad" and says she wants me to be around for a good, long while. So Ille supervises my dJet rtgldly. If you are on my aide at all , Dr. Stelncrohn, will you put a few word• in 1 your column about cholesterol ? She reads It every dtt)I. Perhlpo Ille will see the llght. -Mr. G. CO~NT: I 1Ide with you. : I lide with your doctor Mt. G. : Your wife suffera f r ,o m _J: holeslet"oLophobl.a. '!_l'!"l cl!ld i electrocardiogfiplifc chli\iii - a hlib cholt1lerol or alreldJ> hid a heorl attack, I mlllllt agree with your wife. Uncler ., such conditlons, tome re,Wa- tlon of cholesterol Intake ii euentlal. But not wUll a nonml man or woman. I CID lpeall only for !n)'Rlf. II I were you, I would enjoy my let cream, bacon. egas, milk, butter and o-t he r .. turated f1trin-modention. - ~ I'd do IO un1 ... rqular check· ~ UPI Indicated that there was $ 110111• trouble brewlog. 'lll<T1 I'd cut dovm on lntake.'-'What's most Important for you to do now ii to keep at a proper wel&ht level. A good way to comproml1t with your wife iJ to suggest that she eubstJtute margarine _made fJf -®m oil or other unsatuiated oils-for butter - 1 or pretent margarine. And when !he uaes fat for cooking, have her use Jlquld form1 rather than lard or solid ; l: shortening. To repeat (for other men and wom en faced wi th a similar problem): Moder ate restriction of fats m a y sometlmu be neceaary, but don't let'• all live in unnatural fear of cholesterol. That ls like - reasoning: "Let's st o'p " j 20 Students ; From Coast l'--;''--Get Degrees Twenty Orange Co 11 t students have received law degrees from Western State University College of Law of :1 Orallfle County. ·1 Students awarded degrees: l'"•OM COSTA MESA ~ O.•ff C. J1c:obt, -Ml W11nv1 Pt.ct1 Mu I . Jllllon1on. J.l«I Sin!~ Ct1r1 Clrc\11 Tom T•-•lo IC11m1111, ,.,. fll""'' Clrl\11; Peltr IC. Nl1r, :!OH So. Cll>tll• COYrl . tnd Anlllonr P. •owt, J:UO Oft90flt ""'· FlllOM NEWPORT BEACH' Oon1rll L. McCart\I, 80ill tlU l'"ltOM SEAL BEACN: S.1kl1 Arlllur, 4'U HtlttnYI AVI. l'•OM SAN CLl!MENTE: 1111 I!. Loh!ldl, n1 C1U1 Pu~ll. F•OM SAH Cl.EMEHTE: ltn I!. Robert M<:llrov. 70632 •l'l'I L11111 Edw1rd ltnnolch. ,,,, CIVIA Clrcl11 LIVOftnt H1rrl.on, 16106 M1rlntl Orl .... i TlltOdOrt A. JohMon. 6100 Wimer Ave. No. ~E ; WllU1m V. JGMton ol 10101 Jen DI, Orlv1. T,....,,, A. Ml•, t11SJ Stn LtlAll•a L1N ; 8urr!1 R. Su!IOll. •lJI lermlld1 Drift; Neill D. O'MlllllY, 1113, lrocltl'IU•ll SI./ Wllll•m M. Wfllon. 1111 Ntw H1v1n L1n11 Mtrlarl& E. ll:Hd, WI V&lencl1 Ori.,. end E<tw1n A. Lothl1n, 9112 PorlJrnou!l'I OrlYe. H1mtington 'Passport"' : ~ For Youths • : Huntington Beech children : are eamin« pas,,poru to other = coontr:let tbJJ summer by n1~ : ping through the pag .. of good ' boob at the public library. " 'nlelr pu9pOl'tt won't really ~ git them out ot this coontry, < bot they will eem )'OWlf!sters • trip to Edwards llWltington · Cinema on Aug. l for a special parly titled the "C:OOUn<ntol Jiop." Eich chllll who rcada IO boob on subjectJ deolfng with ;1 tpt<lllc OOl!tlnent will eon1 I ·~. ond. -to the Aug. I party. • , .•• ,. ffllll ISPAiiA WALL•ICOR Beautifully preflnl1hed in dark ___ _w.alnut._fasy_to Inst.oil .... -Just.a-· acrew or o single nail holds each aingle or multiple support bracket. Shelves rest on waU brockets, giving a freedom of de1ign and arrangement. L L S YE BRACK S SALE SAYE 3 FT ••• 4.77 •. 1.22 SINGLE .. 3.47 .. 52• 4 FT ••• 6.77 .. 1.22 DOUBLE •• 6.77 •• ;1u 5 FT ••• 8.77 .. 2.72 TRIPLE •• 9.99 •• 300 4'x8' !19--'llllNISHED-PANELS COLONIAL OAK There'a no need to Jook at un1ightfy walls, when you can purchase this special. Goes up easily when applied with P.anel adhesrve over aid walls. POWIRFUL MAGNITIC .CREWDRIYER TEXACO lllOTOR OIL Complete with 3 interchangeable, hardened and tempered steel blts. Magnetically energized bits hold screws sKurety. TIXACO MOTOR OIL Top quality Texaco motor oil in 20 or 30 weight. Do it yourself and save. 25~. ' MALl•U S-LIGHi' GARDIN AND PATIO LIGHT SIT UGHT UP THI •tOHTI T SUGHTHT WllHTIMIR 4995 ______ _....__~ Keep your grounds well lighted. Your home is beautiful and safe. the year round. Complete~ 1hock-proof and waterproof. Costs less than 3 centa per night to operate. Easy to install. No permits necessary. 3995 RID WOOD STAIN--AND-SEALER Has the strong 1ummer 1un robbed your outdoor furniture of its luster, color and beauty? Bring it bock to life! Stain and sealer restores color and reseals. TRASHCAN INER Choo1e from a 12 pack of 33 gallon, 18 pack of 20 gallon, 6 pack of !i5 gallon, or a 30 pack of 10 gallon heavy gauge plastic trash can liners. YOURCHOICI 59! .. IO·fT. TIE OUT CHAIN OR Tll OUT STAKI ~frfect for toking the dog on vacation. Just screw tlte stake into tha ground ond attach tho chain. Kaop1 the dog from wandering away from the campaJte or picnic area. YOUR CllOlft 79~ PICK UP TOUlt FREE SALE BOOKltt AT T.OUlt LOCAL B.E. STORE 3~PllCI RIDWOOD TABLE AND BENCH SET O•LY AT •UtLDllltS WUMI Strong and sturdy patio table and two benches. All hardware included. Manufactured for Builders Emporium by the Jahn Hancock Co. SPECIAL PURCHASE WHILE QUANTITIES LAIT 19 88 · 8'X20'~ SPLASllER POOL Splasher pool for the kiddle1. Heavy steel 1idewall with a rugged vi~l liner. •·FOOT I" POOLCOYIR •••• -··· ORTHO LAWN AND Dl.CHONDRA FOOD Provides hig '1 nutrition al food for blade grass and dichondro lawns. Easy to IJ.t appfy, dust free pellet,. Odorlesa and fast dis solving. One b ag covers 6000 square feet. 395 •RAllPOP·UP IPRINKLIR HEAD r.v." ,.,. W'alO' •••••• 1k ¥4''• 1 O" •••••• ih ICMIDULl•O 'h"•lO' •••••• 79e :V.HxtO' o o o • O o 9911 t"a10' •••••• 1.n No stick stem pops up 1112• under normol pressure. Adjustment 1c~ew for control of •pray distance. 99! America.'s Greatest Hardvvare Stores -.......... _,,AWY...,IT. iLT .. O Mitt atcuu ., ........ .,., ..... ~·· iWLCUP .. &YI. COSTAMISA •L11'11f. arn1ncomt1at1. .,...,.~ 1111.V••va. 6'J1 WWJ , ,,.,, .. 1--TUS--Tlll-----LWW,.iHI. Wll'l'W.... At--·· .. _o_R_A_•_•..;•~=~' .:,•~'"':;:!,.:.::'"-:•:....--I LA llMllA ml 11.11 1-~...;;.;;;;;;..;;;,;;.;;..;..,~-·~·~·.:: .. •VAN NUYS • RIYUSIDE •COVINA o LA CRHCINTA •THOUSAND OAKS o SIMI o LANCASTER o CHATSWORTH• TAR ZANA• UPLAND o SAUGUS • OOLnA •VlSAlfA • VICTOllVlLLI •GRANADA HILLS o SAN IUHARDINO o CAMARILLO • IAklASflELD • HACl!NllA HllOHTS •SANTA CLAM • COllOHA • ISCOHDIDO • SPRIHO YAU.IT e LADIAA HEIGHTS• UIEDA e l!A&t LOS ANOILH ' I' ·• • Record Births HOAe ~MO•tAL HOSPITAL J1i1111 .) '"' M!1 Ind Mrt, Jotll\ C1r•1• .ot TorlllOwn, -Hvnllnt!Ol'I .. Kii, •lrl Mt. ':?! Mn. 01Vld Klrb'f, toot ~ .. A.Pf. lt, HulltlnalOI\ INch. Mr. 11111 Mn, GrffOl'V Krl.M1, 201, l.-rd LIM, N .... POrt l11dl, ljooy . Mr. Ind Mr1. HIMY Hlllff. '-M\'J P'ltlc Drlvt, Collt1 M111 boV Mt. ind Mr1. R1r W11u1m1. '°' 01r-r111, CO.II M .... boy Mr, Ind Mrs. John l1wl1, Ul2 VIJii Orlv1. NewPOrl &ttch, boY JllM U, ltJ1 Mr, and Mrs. Otvld SUWjlnk.Y, 1'1f M"•lt, Apt, t, Co.It MeH, olrl Mr. t rod Mrt. G1ry G1rrad, ff72 Spln- 1111k1r Ori.,., H11nTlntlon lllKll. t lrl Mr. 1!1d Mr1. Shffm1n Gr1y, tsn SmoktY Circle, Huntln1ton 81.ai. l lrl Mr. 11111 Mr1. BlllY CMPITlll\o 1101-1 0.11w1r1, Hvnll~n 9ttdl, 1!rl Mr. Ind Mrs. Rlthltd F01l1r, 366 E1tt 1'11'1 SlrHt, eo.11 /MMI, 1Jr1 W . end Mr1. Joll11 P09, 1721 P~ Allller Pltc1, New11111rt lt•th, 1\rl J11119 21, t'11 Mt;, •nd Mr'I Al•n Beer, 26591 Ot1r 1.lr<:Jt, MIM on Vlt lo. 1lrl Mr. end Mr•. John H1rrl&, 115' M•Ytr l"leu. Co.ti MeH, •lrl Mr. •Ill! Mr1, Ch•''" Crccktt1, 3230 OAILY PILOT flt" l"lltte $5 Million Additima Orft\orl, CD!l• M•••· bOY I . th Mr. 1nt1 11.r .. An111on ... A1>r1m1iue. 1us This will be the newest addition to the Civic Center in -Santa Ana. t ts e HOfth Jtob!n, Apt. O, An1htlm, 1trl ill be J l Mr. •rid Ml•. J. o. R•ndOl11t1, 11tUi new state office building, built at a cost pf $5 million, and \V com~ e e '',,."" si·::;. ~~~~ "'11"'· '111 in December. The building will house the departments Of welfare, corrections, Mr. •nd M••· K•nn•lh DotllKlrt. '"1 investments, franchise tax board and department of equalization. IM~ Slrfft, lrvlM 1lrt M•. lnd Mrt. E111•M Ht!t, 4231 l"ltrwn -----------------------------~----! Or YI , H11nflnqtoo llfCfl, 1\rl Mr. Ind Mrs. B1rry ftrlrn, lUI Ohif. Pl1c1. Cost• MIS,!l.1 bo'!' Jlllll :.r. 1'11 Mr, Ind Mr•. ltlchtrd IE-loni.. Sl2t OOYtWOOd Ori"'' Hll!lllnt1ton •ttclt, '" Mr. and Mn. K-..t MUtlctlll!', 31,, C.Ndi.n Drive, Codi Meta, tlrl Mr, tnd Mrt. Ron11d TodOl'tn. 14.M Jll'Ol'llmo Li ne. El Toro, 1irl Ju,..-. 1m IN\ tl'ld Mr1, John N1l1,n. it, O. SOii 2 1, COi'-dtl Mlr=lrl ' Mr, I nd Mr1. John Bu 11r, 2'* S.nlt AM A¥enin, Casie , 1lr1 Chino Hills Airport Foes Urging Support Firefighters Facing Hot, Dry Period Mr. 11'1d Mrt. Behrooz PtrvJn, 1•)111 Anll• Lent, Huntlnoton Btl!Ch. llrl JMl'I' 1, lfJJ Mr. end Mr1. An!l!onY Sl•dfr, l02 E1rt By JACK BROBACK Of tM Dflll'I' l'lltt Sltff 20th Sir"'· Cosla MHe, lliov SANTA ANA . -N 0 r l h Mt. Ind /h1. Hlfll'Y Moore, 1HO MonfoYlt , Cosla Mall, llTI Mr. 11'111 M,.. Tho!'rl•• ,,,.n, 11111 Orange County city officials Ooldtft"""t, Hunt111111on llttth, glrl Mi:, 1nd Mr1. c1r1os Redrltutt, 211t have banded together to o~ urlon, .Apt, J, S111l1 Ant, bo'I Mr. •nd Mr,, Joh11 01111uo. •!S'J: pose t"-proposed Chino Hills vo11n11 Drive, Hvlltht1htl IMd'I, boY 1~ Dr'G 111d Mr•. Dtvlcl Kltnofl', lAAJ Airport. tiu'i.,N~:;f~'tf;;• boY • • • Mr. 1nd Mr1. o.v1c1 ttt111rtv, 2332 Called to a meet1ng in his :t:n Av1riu1. Ao1. 1, co11• M.... Santa Ana office by Third Mr---.-.and._Mr.s.....-Elhl'•td.~Gou.ld.......UU.,._DlslrtM··sa""""-w·1ruam J North Ad•lr Piece, A111helm, ~lrt ,,;~ ,,..... • -· -, Mr, Ind Mii. We11eY Smltll, 1221 St-eed tol'ld ,.,....,,111, Coron• ci.i Mir, bo'I Phillips, the group agr Mt. I nd Mr1. Jl'l'rY Hffly, 10I07 Mllchltl, Drive, Stenl<>", boY Monday to: Jutr a. 1fl1 . Mr. tnd Mrt. Rkhtrd $1ndov1l, tliO!I -Seek League Of CitleS St1rllll9 AYl!lve. Founl1ln \Jt llll'r', boY • • l Mr. end Mri. wnnam Hoben, •2'2 support 1n their opposit on to ~\."'1"°" s1rHt, ""'· '" c os11 MIN. the jet facility four miles "'Bo~~ t!~. ~~~"~"="''•~ :i~~ north of Yorba Linda. Mr. •nd Mri. Geore• Mlnn1v. lllOO Clift _ Urge elected state of-or1v1, NIWPOrl encl\, 1lr1 • Mr. 1nc1 Mr1. Rot111d M•rcus. nno ficials to omit the a•rport from l"GPP'f Av1nu1, l'ountalri Valll 'f, bo'I h l . ••-I f t e staes mas~ pan o SOUTM COASHTOl .. fr'lC' Mu N I Ty airports which is expected to Ju11e " be completed in about nine Mr . .no Mrl. M1fue Fi., di S. ,Ir No. ~_!_ntltwood,J=:-Jf ·---months. Mr. 1nc1 Mr1 1 st1phtn Ltwls WU11011, 205 -Urge Riverside and San Ot11 IE•11• 1,, J:iY-'f•,,,.nte, bOY. Bernardino counties to further Mr, and Mr$. JQ•tpi'I A P•dlveo, 1411 Ui Hll'Tn0$l1 L11J1.1ne l'lttlJ'el, boY. Jury 2 Mr 1nd Mrt. J1m11 GrlHIGTV Malone, =~· Wt sl EICtlones, Sen C!lll'llf'llt. • J-4'1' 3 Mr. 11'1d Mr1. "oetf Oullon Nlctlobon JOH MOl.inl•ln Vltw Dr, L11un1 111ch, lloy, J.,., · 4 Moto1·ist In Lawsuit Phillips' proposal to form a wilderness area In the proir ORANGE _ Facing 0 80 erty proposed for the airport. extremely dry d r o u g h t -Try to convioce other period," the Orange County cities to back the wilderness Fire Department t o d a y proposal. alerted all county residents to Cities 'represented Monday be aware of the dangers in- Included La Habra, Brea, volved. Yorba Linda, Buena Park, In the annual report ot the PPJ~1cen~_i~ __[yll_ert~n ~d La development, Carl M. Downs. a ma. ct1untyltr-e-wnrden-noted-;h:.at - Also present were represen-population growtJt had con- tatives or Corona in ruverside tiooed at .fl rapid pace. "In C'.ounty and Assembly John v. combining the past five fiscal Briggs (R-Fullerton). years with the projected in- Of the eight coinmunities crease for 1972-73 we face an represented et M 0 n d a y ' s average nume rical growth meeting, on1y An ah e i m ratio of 24..046 persons or a 9.5 reported that its city council percent annual average in- had not yet acted directly on crease. the Chino Hills airport pro-"But our annual emergency posal. alarms during the same period -But,4 -Mayor-':.Jack·-Dutton···-·ha¥e increa.sed-14.5-.percent said reports than Anaheim from 2,570 to an estimated was interested in developing 5,714 during the coming year," the airport were incorrect. be warned. County Director of Aviation 1brough the Orange County- ""'i.d1 Mrt. Rlbt~ fi•tto.,.llltnlro, ,J •lid t!:-,~J." . E:,._.f'1!11Kr1: 2"5tt °" Roioun.,".Uru1on vT110, 11rt. ,.., I ""...!K.~t. """-'""""U/MW g;;:• ·-• 1 JUc1, C..lftreno INCh, Robert Bresnahan told the city State Cooperative Fire Protec- representatives t h a t pro-tion Progr~m. ~ fire de~ moters of the project have a rnent provuled fire prevention, ''long uphill fight before them suppression · and re !I c ue to get the project (l(.f the service to all unincorporated ground. 11 areas of the county and on a SANTA ANA -An Jr.vine Bresnahan pointed out that mutual aid agreement basis, woman"-4otllld-'pllty~ o4 U.... Clvll Aeronautics· Boar,d It -Cypress, La..l'ajma, Los drunken driving by an Orange normally will not appro\'e A 1 ~ m i t o s , . San Juan Olunty SUperior Court ju'ry service to two airports Jess Captstrano, Villa Park and has been sued for more than than 25 miles apart and Yorba Linda. J1ly • M~tnd Mrt. Cl1r1n<:e FIO\'d Ptlltn it, 2'751 -C1llt Ulllmt, CIPltlr•no h, ""· Death Notice• $18,000 by the daughter or the Ontario International is Jess The area covered Is more woman motorist who died .in than 15 miles away. than 521 square miles pro- IA1to•• the bead~n collision of two The airport director also tected by 28 fire stations, a ''~\~· ••rMr •r." of m11 H1t1111t11 cars said the new Sou the r n staff of 699 employee:, irJ.. l9ri. UrvlY b't wl Jfllllll of'"' llomt. Mrs. Celia Edmonds .named California Association 0 f eluding 226 fulltime firemen or:a HY9!'i. D•~ot d611th Jvly 11th, • Two ION; lllil"I v.,.11 "'"'· Twp SC G 23 "d 11 I t e111111rtm1 •tty c 1111 • eonn1• M11111-Mn. Jean Irvine , 51, of 5382 Govermnents ( A ) study and 4 pa1 ca vo un eers. ,.,..,., 1i11>Y K1ve,..ueti. • v • n defendant in a Superior Court or airports, does not mention were 4,727. A brtakdown ~~; .~,wsi br::'·Lu!,a;:;','!~~r~;: Catowba Lane, as principal for developing a master plan Total alarms during 1971 11rcnddlll r... A rntm"r of J..'!! H! t int!Ol'I eech EIQ LOdte. lr:vnl• action that also names her the Chino Hills project. He shows 550 structure fires, m =J.~ ~=~1~ 4 ~,iim employers, the Richard B. said SCAG--approval-----.i-s vehicle f i r e s, 308 refuse 01' "1• •uND••soN Smith C.Ompany of Tustin, a! necessary to get federal finan-blar.es, 408 grass and brush R\1111 v. Glltldtrson. Ao•,,, -114 01rn1t, codefendants. cial aid. fires, and 1.535 rescue calls. llllboll Ii.lend. Dtlt of drith, J1t1IY 17,--------------------------'---------1t'2. Sw'li'lff by hvsbtnd, Victor H. GUllOencwll H~llffr• MN. Gi ii Grim· ~r. Arctc1111 .oo, Jolln GundWIGn. 51n11 "'n1; tour 11r1nckhUdrtn. Mlfftbtr of 1!1tleN1111r, Ar<tdlt . No. Oh Dii11thlt1' of tM Hiit. l'amlly AlfD'lb ll!eM wllh1nt '11 n\.U l'lllmorl1I «111trll>vtlont. pl1111 cootrlll!.IM fo thl AmtrlClf'I C1nc1r SOc!I· ty. $INiets 1"41 1Plt1Jf1'nfnt prlv1te. Wnrctlff Ctlf.ptl Mortu1ry, ~. 8ALTZ BERGERON . FIJNEl\AL DOME Con1a ..iMar mNI Oolla Mooa 11111111 BELL nloADWAY MORTUARY 111 Broadway, Cotta l\lloa uwm MeCOllMlc\ LAGUNA llEACll 1dORTUARY 1'111 -Lapaa CUyoa Rd. DMlll PAar!VIn MEMORJAL PAR& Ctmeter7 _.., IMP~Mra Nowport Beocb, Cllll..U llWlll PEEK f.um.y COLONIAL FllNUAL DOME "'111o1¥Aft, Wllllnlmlef •IAI fMITlll' .Toa'f\JARY SIM•a. ' Bu111wCINB-* 111 lllt \, ' • THE BIGGEST SHOW OF ITS ~MD _,,,_.,2--"'...,.-WEST OF THE MISSISSIPPI! :·'· 1972 !W 18th Annual SOUTHLAND HOME& GARDEN .SHOW J·U'LY 14·23 ANAHEIM CONVENTION (air conditioned) CENTER SHOW HOURS: S.11 p.m. Weekdays Noon -11 p.m. Saturda:'s Noon • 9 p.m. Sundays · ADULTS I I I ••••• •2.00 .1u•••• ....... 1.00 ClllltN9 ..... 11 f ....... ,.,.ta ••• ·~ER AND emfR THAN EVER 8EFORE ! A GEORGE COLOURIS PRODUCTION . ' • • WtdntJdolt'f, July l •. l 972 DAILY PILOT SANTAANA AUGUST & CLEARANCE TOMORROW, THURSDAY JU1¥ 20~ SPECIAL SHOPPING HOURS: 9:30 A.M .. TO 9:30 P.M. Vast savings on everything from fashions to furniture Shop Bullock's Santa Ana, 1 Fashion Square, Santa Ana, telephone 547-7211 • • , I I I 11 D.Uj.V PILOT Wt4*1tsdq, J°'Y 19, 1972 • . - ~ Cal State LA. Area Men in Serwiee Coastal Studen~ Awarded Degrees Marine Cpl. Jerry M . Rau•. husband of the fonner Mias '11»eresa Korando of 240f Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa, haa reported for duty at the . Marine Corps Air Slation, Iwakuni, Japan. Marine Pvt. David R. heedy, son of Mr. and Mrs. ; W. D. Tweedy of 15632 Mayflower Lane, Huntington . Beach, graduated from basic train.lng at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot In San Diego, Marine Pvt. Michael D. Sweeney, IOD ·of Mr . and Mts. Dean 5.....,.y of 8291 Terry Drive, Huntington B e a c h • gracmted from basic training • at tile llarlne Corps Recruit --oepo1;n-San-D1ego. - · !-Wine Pvt. Deuo Fok•, 1011 ol Mr. and Mrs. DeZOI -. Fokol of 23891 Coronel Drive, Mission Viejo, graduated from basic training at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot ID San Die10. Airman Jeb1L A. mltabr, son« Mr. and Mrl. Lewi• M. Whitaker of 9211 C.pe Cod ---onve;¥unUiiifim Ilea ch, has completed his U.S. Air Foree basic training at the Air TraiDIDg Command'• Lacldancl AFB, Tex. He bas been aWgned lo Koeller AFB, Mils., for training in com- m u n I c a t l o n s .-electronics ayllletnJ. Airman Richard r..· Crane, IOD of Mrs. Marilyn M. Crane Of 7134: Start St.-;-Huntington Beach, has completed his U.S. Air Force basic training at the Air Training Com· mand'I Lackland AFB. Tex. He has been assigned to Chanute AFB, Ill., for training in weather services. Airman James S. Farrdl, 90h of Mr. and Mrs. Jimes E. Farrell of 296% Grande Vista, San Clemente, has comple ted -:Jui U.S. Air Force basic trt.lnlng at the Air Training Command's Lackland AFB, Tex. He bu been assigned lo Chanute AFB, Ill., for training .. ln aircraft maJntenance. AJrman Dean A. Howen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert R. Howell of 20632 Live Oak Drive, Trabuco _5anyon, has -GIVEN HONOR Matthew Kot ' Mater Dei Student Gets -Top Ho1wr Matthew Kof , senior al a!er Del High School, has been accepted. Into "\Ytio's Who In High Schools, a national )>onor IOCiety let bolb public ~ porochlal achooil. ; To quall.Cf a ltudtnt must. be "' tho lop thrte perctnl aenlorl lo hil graduating 2nd BIG WEEKI :·-SUMMER WAREHOUSE Clearance SALE ! OUR WAREHOUSE AND STORES ARE OVER ~ LOADED! MUST MOVE NOW! _.;!.-.~- . • 111 UAUn MAME llAND CAIPlTI AT LOW llSCDUHT PllC[S • SfllCT FIOM THE LAICEST CAIPET UtV(JITOIY 11 lNE WEST • IYEIY QI.I. '' CAUET JS Ml.HID ... ,.. PllCED fDI YOUI SNorr1NC CDNYEN IEIC[ • All LINI jlll~OllDlrlOllALLT CUAIAMTUD 1000's OF REMNANTS • lllJIC YOUll JtOOll MWUlfMEJITS LARGE -SIZE 60%-1 SMALL SIZE 80% • SAVINllS U~.10 •• ; () SAYINGS UP TO • • • 0 -'f'-._.,. CARPET TILES-SAVI$ ffflJ lik• nlnl-Hlwnrs llur DO.IT-JOUISllf ''"" -1111 11 iatall. NYLON Hl·LOW 100% CONTINUOUS Fil.AMENT NYLON NOW PILE. POPULAR NYLON HI-LOW THAT SALE COMBINES BEAUTY AND DURABILITY. PR ICfO MANY COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM. COMPARABLE RETAIL .......... .. . .. $4.99- DUPONT TRl·COLOR SHAG 100% DUPONT NYLON PILE. DEEP, RICH, DURABLE SHAG. BEAUTIFUL NEW THREE COLOR DESIGNS. NCJW SALE PRICED COMPARABLE RETAIL ........ . ........ $7.99 &eLANEse· fPoRTREr TRl·COLOR SHAG 100% FORTREL POLYESTER. LUSH, DEEP, LONG-WEARING ANO HARO·TO-SOIL STAYS NOW BEAUTIFUL WITH A MINIMUM OF CARE. SALE VERY RESILIENT. BEAUTIFUL DECORATOR PRICED THREE COLOR SHAG. NOW SALE PRICED C..-.• ,..., ............ ~ ........ COMPARABLE RET~!L .................. $ 7. 99 SQ. YD. SAVE -n :oo --·· 99 SQ. YO. .SAVE $4.00 99 . SQ. YD. 1 SAYE I $3.00 ALLIED NYLON SHAG 71 ""' "'r· " FOR TODAY '~ S'-~t;ir.. ~~:ci ~~rro 599 ;f'//%~r /.1£1.,, WITH MANY so.'"· · (......, './"" DECORATOR uvi • 12"•12" . 2' • 100% Nrlon Piie SAVE . c • St~i~-~11i1t•11t S9c;. ~ ' I"" 1QO% AVUNO) POLYESTER. BEAUTI· ~ FUL, DEEP, LUSH SHAG . MANY NEW st. n . :· COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM ::_: NOW SAll'PllCED......................... • KOD•L .PLUSH 100% KOOEL POLYESTER PILE. RICH . LUXURIOUSLY THICK PILE ••• NEW DECORATOR COLORS. NOW SALE PRICED 4~ S4.00 COMPARABLE RETAIL ................ $8.99 COMPARABLE RETAIL .............. $7.99 it 100% AVLIN~ POLYESTER PILE. EX~ TRA HEAVY, THICK PATIERNEO DE· SIGN. MADE WITH NEW CONTINU· ':a:f' OUS Ell.AMOO..A'illll®-.fOL'tESTER "'" COMPARABLE RETAIL .............. $8.99 ~----------------l 1 t-----------------i KODIL TRl·COLOR SHAG lncron Rando• Sheared 100~ Encron polyester pile. ulra . COlORS ~ n.oo COMPARABLE RETAIL .................. $8.99 Allied NYLON PLUSH r-:l,.>Jrtftrr':t;i;,,.-NEW, DEEP LUX· 99 'JI liri "'f"" rJ URIOUS PILE 6 STYLED TO ADD ~,,..... Jr/tp. .. BEAUTY TO ·sire. _ _ · c-AliY HOME ,5_: COMPARABLElfETAll ••• -........... $11.!J9. 100% KOOEL POLYESTER PILE. RICH, DEEP, 5 99 LUXURIOUSLY THICK. PILE. MANY NEW HI· STYLE DECORATOR THREE COLOR SHAG TO SELECT FROM. RESISTS DIRT ANO SOIL ' •:.::- STAINS., 11.ot COMPARABLE RETAIL ...................... $8.99 he1Yy, !hick 11ndom sheared patlern. 599 I. Ru11ed, durable-easy io rna1nll in. Very usilienl. Beautiful dftor1lor colors. •:.::· llOW SAU PllCID • • • • U.ot ~ COMPARABLE RETAIL •••• , • , •••••• $8.99 ALLIED NYLON SHAG rkcJltftn'.:~· NEW. HEAVY, OEEP7'' illrl "''*",; SHAG. STYLED TD ADD BEAUTY TO ~1117' ,,~ ... ANY HOME. DE· Sj,J•· -CORATOR COLORS. u.~ COMPARABLE RETAIL ........................ $10.99 KODEL SCULPTURED 100% KOOEL POL VESTER PILE. 3 PILE 5 99 HEIGHT PAITERN iN GRACEFUL DESIGN. RUGGED DURABILITY. BEAUTIFUL COLORS siJ,•· NOW SALi PllCID ...... ,. IJ.00 DUPONT DACRON TRI· COLOR SHAG 599 100% DACRON POLYESTER PILE. BEAUTI · FUL, NEW DEEP SHAG. EASY TO MAINTAIN. •:.:,•· MANY NEW DECORATOR COlORS u.ot COMPARABLE RETAIL ..................... ,$8.99 ·MANY ROLLS NEAR PERFECT CONDlllON • • • SOME WITH SLIGHT DAMAGE ••• CHOOSE FROM SHAGS,. PLUSHES, HI-LOWS, SCULPTURED, TRI-COLORS ALL MAR!<ED DOWN FRON, 50°/o TO 80°/o BELOW .REGULAR· SAl.i PRICll SAYE $ $ $ LIMITED OFFE• .. • FIRST COME • FIRST $1RYED • 30·10·lt DAYS NO INTIIEST • CONVENIENT CIEDIT l'l.UIS Mt U111 TUMS IYllWL! • Clll FOi FIEE SNOP·IT· ROiif SEIYICE • YISIT Oft CUSTOM DllPEIY DEPT. CANOGA PARK WEST COVINA NO. HOLLYWOOD ANAHEIM LONG IEACH . HOLLYWOOD ' ~7007 ......;, cii., ... 11141 Wilshire llvd~ 21~31 Shtr"'on Wa_y 2526 1; Worliiino11 Ave. '4t N. lodi4 St. Joot lolfflower llvtl. 477·5525 -S47-2'34 9116-4471 • 11¥4. -"2..2200 635-7674 . 421 ·1934 T11s Jr.V1rm.nt Awe, San Diego freeway lo Wil· Ventura freeway lo Canoga San Bernardioo frwy. lo Hollywood freeway to Sher· Z blocks North of Sanll CLOSID DUl ·TO Fiii. "6-7455 sh ire turn off. 6 blocks A1e. North lo Sherman Wsy Citrus SL Z blocks No. on man WaA. Eut lo Laurel Anl frwy. on Euclid Acr1111 LOOI FOi Z blocks North of Hony. wesl on Wilsh ire. lhen righl Citrus to Workman. Canyon lvd. ,fr0111 Calif. fed. llWID OPllllNG SOOll. wobd Bl1d. on Vermonl PASADENA TQRRANCE VENTURA COSTA MESA 'LOS ANGELES 2660 I. Colorode Blvd. 423' Artnlo ~lvd. 2501 L Moln St. SAN CARLOS WHITTIEI 7956 Beverly llvd. 577-1900 S42"6ff '41-5041 1714 Newport lllvd. 930llC.-lool ' ' . l ~lt L WhittMf llvd. 011 llocl W111 11 h lr111 L Colorado Blvd, 11 San I Block East of H1wlhorn1 J blocks West of five '4W020 H24'1( NNltl Gabriel Blvd. Blvd. on Artesia. Po1nts on Main. Newport ~lvd. 1! 17Ui Sl 451-6411 • ./ • p n I h I ~ ' I I g s s r r J d f I i I p e c f a I fi • I 0 s • a I •" ;r PRISONER'S GIFTS - Elizabeth Coll, wife of a social work official tries on necklace whil~ wearing bracelets, gifts from Albert DeSalvo, who plaims .to be "Bos- ton Strangler." She met DeSalvo at Walpole (Mass.) Prison \Yhere volunteers staged out- ing. Poem accompanied gift. Trumpeter Charged In Incident From Wire Services Jazz trumpeter Miles Davis was arrested and charged In New York with unlawfully lnl· prisoning and menacing a woman in his West Side apart- ment on July 9. He pleaded in- nocent at his arraignment and 1 ! w.enL!Iee.for . .trlalAug.. .__ Court papers alleged that Davis verbally abused Lita . Merker, whose age was not ( PEOPLE ) immediately k .. oWJl, slapped her an4___pr_evented her from leaving his first-Ooor apart: ment. ~irs. Merker, who gave a Manhattiln address. said the -46-year~ld jazz musician at- tempted to restrain . her from leav!J)g tl)e apartment but gave no fw1her details. * Sen. Mark Hat(Jeld .Of Oregon, who recentl_y t~riled 50, parijcipated in a muscle strengtli:tist at a Seventh Day Adventist conference. "You've got quite a grip." said a woman after HaUield rated an above-average 135 pounds Per square inch on the hand-squeezed dynamometer. "In politics, J've gol to," . replied the Republican . I * I Fonner Tre asury Secretary 1 John B~ Connally is-rejoining· -1· the Houston law lii1n he left to , · become a member of Presi-1'1 dent Nixon's Cabinet. ! Frank Smith, a partner in the firm , said that the firm of- fici ally changed its name July J to Vinson, Elkins, Searls, Connally. & Smilh to reflect Connally's return . -* Trish-Arqericans are vitally interested in Northern Ireland's "tragic situation" but the United States will only mediate if asked by all parties, Gov. Ron81d Reagan or Californi~ said in Dublin. The governor spoke to newsmen ai Dublin Airport on his arrival from London at the \ end of a seven-nation tour of !, : Ji:urope to assure leaders of continued American backing 111 for the North Atlantic 1 1 Allian~. , , &agan was met at -th~ airport by the 11.S. am- bassador and officials of the Jrish guvemment. It was his first vlalt to the land of his ancestors 'Since 1948. At that time be was still a movie act- or and was mobbed ,in the streets of Dublin, by fans. . "* Mayor Sam Yorty 's news secretary has quit his $24:,325- a-year job· and says the idea was his own. "1 reel 1 need a little change after Six of the greatest years of my fife," Tom Jardine told newsmen. "I'm not mad at the mayor Or ·apyone ... We've gotten along very well." Jardine, 43, said he had no Immediate plans, bu~ added, "I don't plan to be unemployed too long." * Gre1ory ff.lck of Lawrence/ Kan., and David Bullock o Provo, Utah, were elected to lhe two toy position• In tlie lllghllghl o the 27th annual Boys' Nation spoMoi'«I by the American Legion, In a mock convention in WosHiligton, Hack, 16, was elected pruident. and Bullock, 17, wu elected vice preaidenl • Now-f1mous Levi's leans designed · J ind built for m1ture guys. Fulltr-cvl for comfort in 34 to woven flbrics. T.rv on 1 p1ir tod1y. liijfj JP • . . TRI GRIRT 101s .... 011 or THI TWO ·IRllT TOURIST ATTRACTIONS IN ILL or SOUTHERN CILIFDRNll ! . . . THE GUHT IOTS- Your Levi's caphol of tf11 West ~...,. :,· PANTS ~" • LEVI DENIM BUSH JEANS 28-38 s1100 !1@WD0~· FADE-OUT BELL BOTIOMS Gu1r1nteed to fade every time th ey're washed-five, ten, fiheen limes 1nd more- from wh•t· ever original color · Grey, brown, burgundy Sizes 28 to 38 s9so Lev rs 1 HAWAIIAN -~ -~ PRINHHIRT-S -· ·:· ~!.,' ~ ):[ STUDOIT CORD BELLS , "'·'"" · A11or1od co1ori ~-.9~0-- ... , :··· Sizes2to14,26to30 •~ P~ BELLS AND STRAIGHT LEG CORDS bf __ Lev rs .-1-BELLS 10 COLORS SIZES Short Sleeve, S, M, l, XL ' '" -FAMOUS-MAKER BICYCLE SHORTS $900 and Up Reg. $9.oo NOW $ 5 98 F•LDING ALUMINU. COT Full Sill 72" Long, 26" Wide, 14" Hig~ $ 6 88 · ' ' LIGHT WEIGHT CAMPING TABLE $19-.s Use Your Credit at The Grant hys ,, BARG --~~~. :r:&xGP - Hang Ten Tank TOPS New Shipment .Just Arriyed. Solids & · · oeli gns: -J.. · Mtn's $5.50 & $6.00 loy's $4.00 PATIO CHl,IRS Cel•Me• 4 I..._ D1crol\ 88 42x86. Poplin Cover, Fl1nnel lining. Web Sit on Alumi- num Fr•rn1. WOODIN SlO.OLS Model 725 Cal•""'" 4 llt. lnsul 200 3611:80. Poplin Cover, Flannel Un lng. Model $1488 735 '. DOUBLE MANTLE PROPANE LANTE~N The Coleman Prop1nt lantern. Team It up with the enclosed LP G11 cartridge or couple It with Col1m1n'1 re· flR1blo t1nk, Hm'1 • ~1mp Ught thll buma s GAL wam fOLD·l·CllRllR s1•• Coleman . Three Burner Colem1n Stove Rtg. $26.95 • Coleman 80 qt. Cooler s24 88 _ s26 8' ·· s900 ;& LEVI'S® FOR GALS TOPS 3 ntw Jtylt1. Tht Cht1hire-F11hion-Right tur· tit ntck wlrh solid body s 11 00 end 1triptd 1l1tv11, Ru1t, N•"Y· leigt. S, M, l. -. THE LINESM~ _ ,. TWO IN ON£! A solld body with ttrl,ed lo"f 1letvt1 lo tcctnt tht ley-' s 1200 trtd look, Purple, Brown, aed tncl Ntvy. S, M. L. FORWARD PASS CJ111ic tvrtlt neck 1tylln9. Ont of 1 widt r1n11 of polytsttr/cotton rli s1 ooo knlt1. Solld Color Rtd, N1vr, ,urplt. s. M, L. Sl11I Rope %" Ol1mtter, SO f11t . long $198 STRAIGHTS 7 COLORS s7so U.S. C o a ' t G u """_,,_d_ Approved AK· 1 lift Veit. AU. AICHDY IQUIPMINT •/2 Off Coleman 200A L1ntern, · Single M1ntle s9a8 Col1m1n ' PROPANE STOVE -..-.) The Coleman Propane Stove. Who but Cole- m1n glv11 you bumers that produce up to 10,000 ITU'1 of 1t1Hy, controll1blt h11t? Burners that heat from inside and out1ldt tht port1 for faster cooking? And . 1 gr1tt ind 1pl1sh gu1rd th1t lift out for easy cle1nlng? Includes 16.4 01. prop1ne fuel ind 1tt1chm1nt. ' up' to 20 houri , w1tft no pumping. YAGUOND II TINT 9x12 ~~eman OASIS RNT lxlO HOUDAY TENT 10x13 $ 88 ' It's 1n hero. 1r1 1n Col.,,,1n. ' ( • I· I ' ' • ' ' • -' ., • • • • v 1 • . • I I I I I Shampoo or · Conditioner . W!LMAID -"Teflon" Coaled 'h.,vyweight cotton drill cover, 3 layer 2 19 pad with resilient foam center. Re1alor 2.59 • NOXZEMA Sunburn Spray MEDICATED ••• moisturizers prevent dryness, cools-soothes hot aching 2 29 ski~ Non·staining. 9 oz. Spray can. . Reg1Jar 2.69 , 1111111lc -wltl 1'1!Cll lrl&lteiers I 11. ~ I , . I I GARCIA Salt Water pinning Rod 9 ft, 2·Pc. medium action, fast taper, 7 hard-chromed 24 95 gU1des. • PINN SOO MITCHIU402 SALTWATER Salt Water Reel Spinnin~i~e!t e .. Ji1master" Salt Water 4 to I fast Reel -fast retrieve. 25Q 5-1 retrieve. yd. capacity. Teflon drag. full bail. I , . I ' . I TOP BRASS HI & DRI Natural Protein ~ Anti-Perspirant HAIR GROOM 'II by REVLON CREAM ~ 59~ 8 DZ. Spriy Reg. 1.69 Ill Black nylon bris- tles, black plastic beavertai l handle. Reg.1 .98 1.29-· Refre shing Jellies in an assortment of Spearmint Leaves, Orange Sl ices, Spiced Jelly Drops and Big Ben Jell ies Midure. 2 , ,. 00 2lb. Bags o . 12.49 24.95 ~ ~N~~·~c~!~Y~~~~!~nel~~~~~:~~ 2.49 Sport Matched Luggage Pieces Regular &le a • Sergeant's Molded Plastic Pet Feeding Bowls ' Chair 2.99 Bright aluminum tube frame with 5 weather- resislant, muti-color webs. Fl~t, comfortable arm rests with roled ends. #115 Reg. 3.49 ~ PENGUIN Suri Leaders Unconditionally guaranteed. Quality leaders 77c in 10-30 lb. test flea t H.EXHEAD Albacore Jig . L.,,~• 1 oz. swimming lure with reflecting chrome 2 19 head, 2 color "psycho tail" skirts. , PENGUIN SALTWATER PLANO SALTWATER Wood Tackle Box Plastic Tackle Box F!'~:!i 'lil plywood, 16x 8V.x!OY,, divilf. ed top tray plus drawer. 10.95 . 2 fxtra large trays 18V.x 911 x 9V4, '"'"''-'"'features 4'n<r lilt" top. '· . . tl·lncb 5.95 22·1ncb 10.29 Soft-side vinyl texturized lo simulate fine leather, water resistant, sleek-modern styling plus rugged strength. All around steel frame. Twin sweep,. easy stride zippers. lock and key. Choice of Brown or Avocado. · ZO·lncb 7 .95 24-lnch 11. 99 " . /~ ~1~~d~'.0il~;~vt~r t~~:Y a~~. ~ . ... water. Ass orted ·colors. Medium Double 45c 59c 10.95 r.::===1ridescent CARNIVAL GLASS AD PRICES PREVAIL: • • • EXCLUSIVE OFFER ••• 18.00 VALUE 111 ~ I Libbey I "Prado" 24 Pc. Glassware " nr,,:Wrtjll~~, ! This is our plan: Have the Thursday, July 20th lhru 'Slftday, July 23rd rr ~ amoun l of your purchases at ~ Sav·on Drug Stores punched SAVE 7.01 'l; on a card. When the card is 1 0 99 '--J. • !loch T1mblm completely puoched out (a n=J1 • I Bmri1• limes total ol $10.00), you may •I l1r1r Cetlers obtain this for only • . [sJI s2I s2 ls2I S2ls2ls1is1j$1 is 1js1 jsocjsoclsocJ2sc.J2scl • STUD Oil Treatment !11. t.Oi OPEN 9 AM to 10 PM 7 DAYS A WEIK NEWl'OltT IEACH -1020 Irvine, Wtskllff l"llol• HUNTINGTON IEACH -Adlmt & l/'90lltlu"I HUNTINGTON IEACH -Spt1n9C11l1 & Ed1nt1r ' EL TOll:O -14172 Jlodlti.ld llYC. • Wonder Cloths All P1rpose. Wipes sl1111f1'11tl win · 11Jy11ht -r11salil. ·\ Variega ted colors dance delightfully in and arou nd these handsomely styled gift items. Choice of blue or gold hued Harvest Pattern. o "Harvest" 4 Pc,"'Har1est" 4 Pc . "Harvest" 70 oz. Pitcher Cooler Set Goblet Set Brueor gold. 14 oc coolers i~ 9 oz. Goblets in blue R 249 bl•eor gold. or gold. ef. · Ref. 2.49. SET OF 4 Ref. 2.49 SET OF 4 2.29 . 2.29 2.29 ~-~~mm~~'°·""·--~~ 6 Pc. Gourf11el Salad Set Bowl, spoons. df!Ssinr bcwl and-SJllCef wi~ spoon. Choice cl clear or olivt glass. 2.19 Mt. Vernon Covered Candy Dish cm of clear, ou.. or amber tl1st. Jl(.1.21 1:09 r Co da HI Sa ass An Pa Pa we Ac ed mo ctu niq cod Jnir def and s ·A will Coo at 7 day leg me cent pur que the pur Ad Info I M eta s Oil Lua Cl are are or I I ~ ,1 I 'I// I ,1•1 { ! ~I l ' I I , I . 1' :ift· JI 11,,· f I Retirees ·can Make fk1/ I I 1.11 ii >i>r Moii 'ey .in , 'i 1 r· 'i. ,w ~,..ld_,.-'-~'-'-''-'-'i--':.:....;"-'------''-"/---,,-D:..:A:::l~:..:y...:~..:.L:..:O:..:T_',,,J~~ Many ways ANIMAL • ic~ .. ~ PUT ON PATROL Edw1rd Burgnon Mesan Gets Assignm ent Witl1 CHP Edward H. Burgnon , of Costa Mesa, graduated Thurs- day from the California Highway Patrol AcaderTiy in Sacramento. He has been assigned to the South Los Angeles Area of the Highway Patrol. , All new California Highway Patrol officers receive 16 weeks of cadet training at the Academy before being assign- W to the field. The curriculum consists or more than 70 subjects, in- cluding enforcement tech- niques and tactics, \'ehicle code and weaponry. Others included are life sav- By Joyce LaiJI KtlUltdy ll<at Joyce: I am retired now. I never before un- der•tood tbe pity of .. -meat. After one haa posed the gold·watcb hour, It bf.. comet clear that tbe rttlr~ ment pestuA1r on.1y appeared to ~ greeGer. Mall)I of UI look longingly back over the feace-to tbe harness a1aln. Only problem, new harnesses are hard to come by these day1. Please write about re· tlrement and employment ...... O.R., Charlotte, N.C. ing-techniques, u n a r m e d . defense, high speed driving ~and-eourt-procedures. -- -_.c::_,_,_ Tibet Dinner Set at OCC On Weeke1id A special-Tibetan Dinner - will be served in the Orange Coast College Student Center at 7:30 p.m. Friday and_ Satur- day by a group of Tibetan col- lege students. The evening lncludeS' e meal, a lectW"e and movie about Tibet and authentic Tibetan dances and songs. The menu include.s: Momo, Tibetan ·meat.:filled steamed dumplings; Shei Da i, rice combined with meat .. eggs and vegetables; Ngostel. a cab- bage dish with meat and blended spices plus Phing, noodles made from black pea flour served with meat. Fresh green tea a n d Tlbetan ·cookies will be served for dessert. Tlckett'l for the dinner are $3.75. For reservations Call 834-5765. OCCCatalog Available At School Orange Coast College's 1972- 73 Student catalog is available In the OCC Bookstore. The 166-page edition pro- vides course descriptions and currlculum requirements for the coming fall and spring semesters. copi es are on sale for 75 cents. They may also be purchased by mail for Sl. Re- quests must be addressed to the OCC Bookstore. Bookstore hours are 7:30 a.rn.·1 p.m. and 6:3().8 :30 p.m., Monday-Thursday. The store is open until 1 p.m. on Friday. The handbook may also be purchased in the 0 C C Administration Building at the information desk. Ma11ual Arts Reu11ion, Set In Analieim Manual Arts High School classes or 1952·19~ are sporutOring . a 20-year reunion on S.pt. 23 at the Disneyland Luau Grounds . Clamnen and their guesls are Invited to attend . Tickets are SlO per person. The evening Includes a meal, In addition to cocktaU muslce, a floor show and a dance band. For further lntonnatlon or reservaUons write Loretta llendro Howland, 1920 Swan Drive, Colla Mesa, C.I. 926U or coil (714) 54$-0876. ' fl Americans would live longer and stay healthier without e~ forced retirement, says a Lansing (Michlgan) physician, Frederick C. Swartz. Doctor Swartz, who is chairman of the American M e d i c a I :AHOCiati901s Gonun.ittee on Aging. h a s studied I h e retkement..employment que,. lion for more than 15 years. DOCTOR SW ARTZ is con- vinced that a lack of motiva- tion brought about by idleness causes many medical pr~ lems : "When you retire, you . quit and go born~. And thot fJ when the problems start. 'J'bete are no problems of ag· Ing except -imposed by retirement which are not l'lto the probltms ol every other age grollj). u JJLJL.tel.ellb<>n"-Interview. Doctor Swartz also !llggested tMt en Individual of '5, faetd by probable retirement in 20 years, should begin plaMing ahead: "He shouldr. 't plan to stop work but should consider what he would like to do. It's possible he coold turn a hobby into. Lbusiness, but hobbies alone aren't enough. 'nle avetage perton wtnts a little remun~raUon, whether it's money or a pol.on the back." TllERE'S LJTl'LE, QUES. TION llllll ~ Is a bJi prob- lem with . millions ol retirees. Less lban ball the workers in the nation's private sector are covered by private retirement plaN. In smalJ establishments-Jess than 100 tmployes-73 p e r c e n t of workers are not covered by private peosions, according to Governmenbat.tlist!Cf (19681. Here are 3 reUree money· makers, wllb mor• lo follow In my next column ••• TREASUll£ FROM JUNK· ING. Many rctlrL'<.s with craft talents scoll.t garage aales, flea markets end swap meets to find household re- jects and old furniture. They repair Md refinish lhe Junk wit h a few tools, elbow grease, and much patient effort. 'nle newly styled me rchandise Is then resold at a profit. Sometimes a junker finds a new use for discards, such as turning old gripding wheels and picture frames lnto atlrac· Uve table topl. Trwuro junk- Of1 often .. 11 their restorations lliroug)I swap m..U and newspaper ads, or hold gcrage sales, figuring there'• more pro/It selling lo individuals. Ho,vever. some do sell to an. lique and second-hand dealers. Send your care8r topic suggestions to Jo yce Lain Kentledy at this newspaper. co~Gfl­ A1rs. Kennedy regrets that Q,.,~,~~·"1., ~r,;..o the volu111e of mail makes L.-.... __;.r::¥::o_u-'RtA:!J..D_?_S_C_l:i>M.;_~,. personal answers impos· Sible. • • means I 2"x12" CEILING TILi •"·· 11ni •Ot.L fUU 1111 •n .• 1n • ..na -' · -SLIDING -- PATIO DOOR 5 /8"-THICK . "Olym,ic'' white t o 111w• and ........... _ ... , iftolollollon, -~BAMBOO_ j!AT~UNA PANWNG ·-·--- C...,lot• wl!h ..: ........... 11. Joel ah1ml11111'11 fra,..o, 1afotr ......... , ... ..... 11 .n .-.. ' • • CAMPIR INTIRCOM ~=-~-::!: , •• ....... CO.Ill,.. .,., ~ ...... .. I•• Hem• Of 1•• h•u•••· SET •••k• •••• ,, --. • •. 12.99 AUTOBAnlRY 24 mOnth1 worranty, Pit• m11t Americon can, S-GALLON AQUAllUM Stalnt.11 11HI equartum complete with hood. PARTICLE BOARD ' e .... ANCE , .. ,;, ..... , Mmlo•• •lor. ......... wlllt "wtdf 9al¥011ll•ol wit• . ~~~ PLUMB_ING & ELECTRICAL DEPT. "Ollli" 12" x 12" CAIPJTTILI ~:-:ztte ... , ....... •-l•r c.I. .... , IA. ..... ..... 1•••1•• air ... 11 •• .., ., . ....... ..., '"'"' ........ , con1wmp1ioto ' HARDWARE & AUTO DEPT. ANTl.THln HAlll 6 LOCK COMI ,.,,., ""''-.w ... ~., • wo'I ll'IGkt It, whli. 'f'fll th.p .... H ..,..,, TURTLE WAX P .11,e. your c•r ••• , cf.uW. 401· 110 I" * the time. 20 11. Mtt •. PATIO & GARDEN DEPT. CAMllERS BACK· PACK MMe ill U.S.A. C•I•" 0-.fft ;.,1on lto9. • .. "u,11...i ahtMlo •vm1hytolto ho.,.,,. ' •• Reg . 10.99 lA. H .. vy d1i11y poly pr•py• Jeno In O•Mrfocf c1l1r1, SAVEi 40% e IA, REDWOOD TllLLIS Choice ef 3 1tyl11. Fon, ladder, 11poli1r. U11 them In ytt.tr 9orcl1n. , I ACOUSTICAL PAINT . Rtg. I •• 2.99 GAUON MACRAMI COID 9,e Reg 1.99 EA. OPEN 7-DA YS A WEEK! MOii. thru Fii. 9 to 9 IAT. 6: IUll. 8 to 6 'IL MONTE 'POMONA •SAN • NOIWAIK • GUDIM 12160 I , 6JS NO. 11\ILLS llRNAROINO "llStoNI ii.VD. GROVE GARVEY .Jl40llAHGI affTVflllAltB 12Kt ~-· SHOWIOAD 04.t.PMAHAYI J MICllWT --MTIAl!Of ··-NMMI to, "I" 11, ....... , ='°" .... i.nOWlll .. . .... • HUNTINGlON • WOODUN~ •SANTA ANA • llVllSIDI '8UDIMA HACH Hill! 3309 so. 10331 ............ 7100 fDINGEI '12'40 VICTOIT lllSTOL MAONOUA WAlCMflot ONI .r.:.-, WHT ..... ............ OI' -·-°"' pt(tAC\UI 00 -·""· -=-tolill• COUl 1'1.111 --_ .. fW. '°"'"'' OO ·tT·YOURSELf CENT.ER APAYUN,,COMPANY OVER 100,000 DO-IT-YOURSELF ITEMS IN STOCKI •t tl\ll'tl t1l ~ tO uall •.611mlll, lU S•ll ftKB MtJl(i M lllCI M ... M'fl · ~. ' _, I • . . • 1 I I . . . . . . . • ' ' ' . . • . . ' :: • . ' . . .. . 'T .. Lo •j DAILY PILOT Wtdntsdq, Jul~ 19, lt7Z STEREO ALBUMS 2.99 & 3.99 ' • Spocl1I PurchlM • 1Currtnl Hits · ONE GROUP KNITS Texturod polye1ter1 soups. Orig. $4.99·$5.99 NOW ' WALLPAPER BONANZA Double rolls only. Flocks & ptpers Orig. $3.95 lo $17.95. - NOW )44 AND 3aa per roll PATIO 'DEPT. P1tlo Furniture Mlnuf•ctvrer1 Clottovt Motchlnt plocos. 37 8 8 Alumln1m1 CM .... ---··· OrlJ. 1'.U NOW • ~.·.~~.~.'.'.' ... ~.~:. ....... Orif. tit.fl NOW 52.88 ~~.~~~.~-.~~-~ .. ~~.~~~ .. Orlf. 65.N NOW 27 .ea Aluminum Scrollwork P1tio Furniture Ch1l11. .............................. Orif, 54.fl NOW 23.88 Clu~ Choir ...................... Orl9. 14.tl NOW 23.88 1ockor ............................. or1• "'·" Now 28.88 OIWor ................................. O.lt. St.fl NOW 38.88 • Aluminum Director's Chllr """ ... colon. 11 88 Istre speclel ltuy •............ Ori• 21.tl NOW • ' P.V.C. Wob Outdoor Furnlturo ·Chol ..................................... Orif. II.fl NOW 9.88 Choir ...................... -.............. Orif, 11.M NOW 6088 • JCPenney . NEWPORT BEACH STORE HOURS: MON.-FRI. 10-9!30 TUES.-WED.·THURS. 10-9:00 SAT • ..,;.10-6 SUN. 12·5 MANUFACTURER'S CLOSEOUT Men's & Women's Better W•llets. SPECIAL PRICE NOW 1.99 EL TIGRE II GLASS BEL TED TIRES 2 "' ,...,.. .... 2 ,., .... WN4 ILAClWALL 0116. C7 .. 1J •• , ••• , , , •• ••., •• ,, •• , 24.91 P7a.14 ••·•••••••••••••••••·• JO.ti Clo71·14 ••• ,, ,,,, ,, ,, ,, •• ,,,,, JI.ti 160-11 •••••••••••••••••••••• 26.tl •1a.11 •••••••••••...•••••••• Jl.95 pin F.l.T. elHI Oki Tire. W,.lt.welh SJ.40 ..,.. NOW 19.96 24.76 26.36 21.56 27.16 MEN'S SUITS 64 Only-Woven F1b<lc1. Most All SI- ............................ O.lf. 60.ot-75.01 NOW 29.00 MEN'S BIKE SHORTS 200 Only. 29 To 38 Waist. Solld1 or F1ncle1. Sp1el1I luy . ............. . ..................... ................... 1 o 99 MEN'S BETTER DRESS SLACKS 364 Only. Woven Fabrics. 28 To 36 W1l1t. ................................ Orig. 7.tt to 15.00 NOW 5.00 MEN'S CASUAL SLACKS Mony With Flare Legs. 347 Only. 28 To 36 W1l1t. ··-························· .. Orio. 4.ff to 791 NOW 3.99 I y ARDA GE DEPT. I TERRY PRINTS & PLAY KNITS 99 ·······················-··············· Orl9. 1.6t yd. 2.St NOW • KNIT PIECE GOODS 48 ....... -............................... Orig •• 'J.1.lt NOW • p. POL VESTER DOUBLE KNIT FANCIES hlyntor/•llk. 4 88 -.--·····-···-·······················-·····-Orig: 7.tl NOW • I . ._I __ s_H_o_E _D_EP_T_. _ __,I I GIRL'S DEPT. I ·I WOMEN'S SPORTSWEAR I ._I _____ G1 ... FT ......... sH_o_P __ __.I MIN'S CANVAS SHOES i!'s""PO""R"'T"'s"'w"'1_A_R ____________ ... ·M-IS_S_E-SA_N_D--JU_N_l_O_R_S_W_l_M_W_E_A_R_____ ASSORTED SPANISH WOOD =-::. ~~~~-~~-¥•••••···· ... Orl1. s.tt NOW 2.88 tMs·-~~ .. ~.~-4.51 NOW •••• ' .88 t,:~~ ~:~:~ty· -~·'-~~~-I~-··········· 6.99·8.99 ~~nd:,:~~ ......... ,. .... Orl1. '·" · VINYL ATHLETIC SHOES 1....,.. cotton. 1 88 TERRY PLAYSUITS "LOVE IS" PLAQUES NOW 1.88 · ~==-I=~ ··----········;•·--· Orlt. 5.ff NOW 2.11 ~,r,.ed see.ts WL ........ Orig. UI NOW • :~~L.·~~: .......................... Orig. 11 .00 ~OW s.oo :,:t'~1::~I~~~ ........................... Orl9. 1.ff INFANTS SHOES • IOI% cotton. JUNIOR TOP CLEARANCE "SMILE" HANGUPS NOW .88 , A11trtlil atyl ... Net all t11 ... ··················-··· Orig. 4.U BOYS OXFORDS NOW 1.88 ~·+H"iNG"""SLiiTs·-··········· 0"•· J.00 NOW 1 •88 :i::. a.~1'~. hag;:-,~=~· NOW 2.88·3.88 =i· c~or;; ....... Orig. t.00..2.00 . NOW .44-.66 Auortod •trlH & colon. 2 44 4 88 TERRY TOPS TRIPLE TIFFANY SWAG l.MtW ._.. Not 011 "••· 1 S8 2 88 -···--·········· Orlf. t.tt-10.tt NOW • • • WOMEN'S DRESS SHOES Cem;»Nltton sol ... L"""'"ifht. ........................ Orif. II,,, NOW 3.88 J.14. .. ...... 0,11. ...,..1000 NOW • • • Short ,1..,.. & tank tept. 3 88 4 88 "Cok.,.-"Frulr and FLARE PANTS s-M·L. -··· orlf. J .oo.t.OI NOW • • • "Cont" Dnlgno. ............ Orio. 2UI ~ .. '.~1~ ~~16;.~.a.oa· NOW .88•3.88 TERRY COVER-UPS TIFFANY POLE LAMP PURSES Short loneth. 5 88 W/t1bl1. 0 ... I'. flt •• II ~10 12 01 NOW • frul~ 1tyol1 •...................• Orig, lf.tl ......, .. colon. 1 22 SPORTSWEAR CLEARANCE . NOW 22.88 • 16.88 NOW t;tti1~l'\;ii~ss .Gi:.oviis o.1,. 2.oa Now • short .. T•,.. ski"' a ........ 88 1 88 I NOW 3.88 Strotchlbl.. 88 1 22 LlmltN ••ontltr. Group 1 ····················2 • • • 88 • WPA .. NTMs'·E·T···s··· Ori• ........ NOW • • • Grou• II ............................. --············· .88-4. SEAT COVERS WoMEN'S SANDALS riat. """' """'· Auerted colen. -·····-······-··· Orft. 1.tt I AUTO CENTER lroklft stock. AtlOrted stylH. 1 88 I CURTAINS & DRAPERY DEPT I 30 Hts. ................................ Orli. ll.tS 11,. 7-14. •. : ............................. Orlt. 4.0I NOW • . . , PORTABLE TAPE PLAYER MIN'S OXFORDS LNtlMr _,,,...... INtlter solo. ················-··-·· Orl1. 13.H NOW 12.00 NOW 8.88 PUCKER KNIT BLOUSES • • 1 trock """'ting. 35 00 . bWOMENsS ACCESSORIES .. 1 -=~ ~~ ~~'.~:~ ........ O.lf. ue .NOW 2.8.8. .. -CAPRI CURTAINS--·-_ ~~;~~;MATS ···· Orio. 7 '-' 5 NOW • _ • KNIT SHORT SLEEVE TOPS ......,otrk p<lnt. mod •trr.. 2 44 12 44 Ant, colors. · 1 88 AUt. slau. O!IJ• J .44-14.U NOW • • • Aut. colors.-4 99 7-14 Orlt J II NOW • CALICO ZOO CURTAINS Torrlflc uwlngL ·······-··········· Or 19. 6.tt NOW • I . lNFANT'S. DEPT. I ~~;'.:~1;Ji~~~c'u~~l~~w 1.2 2•2.44 I SPORTING GOODS DEPT. I CRAWLABOUTS • Kitch .. curtolno. Oink only. . 1 44 24 4 ... ~...,.,.....,._;, __________ _,_ DYNEL WIGS 'MMy atyllL -2 88 , ................. -··-·······························-··········-··· . DRISSER ACCESSORIES -......... mirrors. Mony to 88 6 88 C-.. fNA Or ... U.11.tt NOW • • • WOMEN'S .BEL TS • Chllns & luther. """ ........... °""'· , ...... .. ·w····oo·······o······POOLrlJ·s 2.4f-3."· NOW • • • SURF FISHING RODS l'olffftlr end cetten. 1 9' 8 E Trw Temper 'iVYi: 88 3 88 AuortN colon & •IHI. ---·-· ... -....... _ • LlmltN 4u1ntltl11. 6' au I' 50 99 S only ............................... Orio. 25.0I NOW NOW• • • SUN SUITS 1..,th1. .................. Orlt .• ff.IA4 NOW• •• SURF FISHING RODS 15.88 15.88 NOVEL TY NIC·NACS Cahh1uy1..,.. . A ....... 1llt, Orlt. 2.004.50 WOMEN'S SCARVES NOW .22-1.88 s.tw'1 • p<lntt. lllko & ,.iy....... 44 88 Allt. ttyl ........... Ori• 1.J.5..2.SO NOW • •e LADIES' HANDBAGS ... -.. ...... & .............. •trfH 88 4 88 & eel~ .......... Orlt. 4.oo..6.00 NOW • • • LADIES'· WALLETS ClllMM styla · , 99 -· ...... __ ................................................... . LADIES' LONG FALLS M•7 ............. human hair. 6.88• 14.88 .... r·····• .. O;a,, 10.06-Jt.OO NOW· LADIES WIGS-SYNTHETICS Ovr Miu USA cellectl.,.. '..".'.'."O~if~.to-~:-0 NOW 11.81• 19.88 LADIES' COSTUME JEWELRY Plorced & cup .. rrlnp. pins, neclclac ... etc. Orig. 1.oo..s.00 NOW LADIES' VOILE ROBES -& 11-'""''"' yellew and aque ................. Orl1. 12.00 LADIES' PANT SUIT 1!MI% 10lyat9r. Jwn\Or 11.uL. ... "-··-··--·-····-· Orig. 11.00 WOMEN'S SLEEPWEAR . .44·3.88 NOW 6.88 NOW 5.88 """ otyl" & color• 2 88 3 44 Meny to choeH. ...................................... • • • AuortN ·colon & "-1 88 CORONADO DRAPES trve Tom...-t y,' ~tj'~ljifs J.5% cetten. -·· Orlf. S.11 Now· • Opon WMwe. Aast. colors, sins. 8.88•33.88 5 enly. -·········--······-·····-Orlt· 22.00 NOW ' .. " k ............ Orio. 10.oo.2f.OI NOW GARCIA FSHING ROD ,. cettett '"""' or. 1 88 FURNITURE COVERS Light ectlon •Ya' •• ;ANT '$~TS & blui. ·······-··· Orlf. 2.2t NOW • Throw• end flttM. 10 only •................................ Orl9. 11.11 NOW 6. lOO% cetten. • Llmltetl ~uentltlu. 9 88 26 88 GARCIA AMBASSADOR Strl ......... 1w .................. O.if. 4.51 NOW 3.88 ............ Orlt. 13.oo.21.0I NOW • • • :~ ..... 19 88 t~I~~:!.~~ :.~~.... 3 88 I BATH SHOP I FOR~MOSTBAJT .. CA~~~N~1 -~EELNOW • ~-celen & atyl-. ··-Or5t1. S.00 NOW • • Lovtt w1nr. 1 22 BASSINET LINERS I only ..................................... Orl1. :a.n NOW • ~-1~.~l .. '.'.I~.': .......................... O.lf. 2.ff NOW 1.88 ~~!~~d!=~E~:~WHt• 3 88 9 88 =K,,.~~ REEL BIBS a.sket-lroom. Ori• NOW • • • 6 enly. ······························-Orlt. 1_9.tt Ollt "'"· 3/1 22 SHOWER WINDOW CURTAINS VITA·BELT MASSAGER Aaortetl colen. •..... Or5t1. J/1M NOW • Pertrolt ll•ltn. 3 8 ..i 4 88 % h.p. motor. 37 88 HAT & COAT SET Orig. 7.tt NOW e 0• • 4., w1b IMlt ..................... Orl1. 7t.ff NOW • ~":~. ~-~'.'..r'. ........ Orif. l4.U NOW 10.88 SHEETiR°EDUCED TO CLEAR ~!~~blB•E•L-T '.""SSAGER 49 88 Pink and Aque. 5olld• & Stripes. I MEN 'S DEPT I l'I· •""' Sup1r SIH1. 1 22 7 88 4" WH kit ..................... Orig. ,,_.. NOW • • PLUSH .. VEL~~T 2.~~~~PRE=~~ • • • :~::i .. ~. TRIM 9 8 MEN'S BJKE SHIRTS 2 Quoon-77 00 ' only. -····························· Orio. 2'.U NOW • 8 Shirt tlMYe knit. 6 00 2 Full Sin.. ........ Orig. 115.00-125.00 NOW • SLIM.().MATIC ~J~·t!?10N' .. sfii"ii>Eor1• '·" Now 3•88 I TOY SHOP I ~;~~1~:'.:iiowi:iNii .. iil.~~10. '·" Now 3.88 Short •I-i i.., •'· ........ Orlt. I.ff NOW • • • Gold 15 lb 14 lb 1 FASHION SPORT SHIRTS DAWN AND BABY DOLL BOUTIQUE ........ : ............ :'. ............ : ....... Orig. 24.,, NOW 8.88 Knit .... -Lone & """' 1 88 6 88 Flt 11 12 "" 14 WOMEN'S BOWLING SHOES tlNYe. ········ Orlt. 2.fl..7,ft NOW • • • I h ~I 1 0 ~ 1 If OW 44 lroken 11111 5Y1 to t . NOW i0.88 MEN'S TIES "' 11. ······················-··-.. r,.. · N • NOW 5.8a NOW 3.88 .l _____ T_O_J_L_i_T_R_IE_s ____ __.I y~~Si..-: .. ~ .......... °""'· uo Now .88 t~z;;s:~:N5 ___ or1o. ,.,, Now 2.22 ~~;.~~t.~~~~:~E;:::: ::: ~:~?.~~Ll~~!:s!1!'.!~Rm1ny rollon 16.88 ~'.". .. '.'.".'.~. 0.1,. ,......... NOW 2.88·8.88 ~:.1::: ;';~~':'.'~.~-....... Orio. 11.U NOW 6.aa· :r:,k":'o. "'..~. ......... . ........ Orl9. '·" NOW 6.88 lnclud ............................... Orig. ,,... NOW FASHION BEL TS REDUCED , CRAFT KIT WOMEN'S PUTTERS ::is,~~rs.All;!'.°y ~~~JIONARY 33 ~r::·wWth• .............. Orlf. t• SM NOW 1'.88 :-::1y'n country H•n• .. f. Orlt .,, NOW 2.aa r°!fy, ~--1'.'_'· .. ····•·········· Orlt. '·" NOW 6.88 . SPORT SHIRT FINAL . .................................... . . GOLF t• <-from ............................ Orl1. 1.25 NOW • PAINT BY NUMBER SETS CLUBS HEAD COVER SETS -----------·------lrolclft ,1-. 88 Whl .. & Wock. I WOMEN'S READY TO WEAR J ....... "'1 ... ········· 1 ···· 0 ··,··Y··;s·· 0 'D"'·E •• P:a.T". Now· ::~~ ::::~!:;... ··-········ 0r11· .. ,... Now •88 ~.::"lov:AL:.iioi:i'ii1.L':.'~g. '.5' Now 4~88 . -I I GAMES FOR SUMMER FUN • Pl•• II. lllppory 1,..--a. .. Stlx-88 1 88 fl 5 99 SPECIAL PURCHASE Loapln Llunt. Orlt. 2.llMM. NOW• • • c-........................ Orl1. '·" NOW • Du. ~:;:~:·:.1~.;11:;:",:,,11 51,.. ..... .......... . .. 4.88 !',~!;?!!,':."ER SWIMSUIT 1 88 :!~'::~2nY!RN ART I "iARDWARE DEPT. 1' BETTER UNIFORMS All al1• 1-11. ........................ Orlt. J.tl NOW • Censtructlvo Entertainment. 88 2 88 _ SNaon cl1anup. Machine washe .. lo. Orlt. t .•11.to-12.00 KNIT SWIMSUIT BOYS -··-······-··-···········°'!• JM.-7,,, NOW• • • ,._,,.. colon. 1 88 LIGHTING FIXTURES 7.88, 8.88, 9.88 · ~~~iirt~ .. liovs·swii.is°U'rrs2." Now • I CAMERA DEPT. J BRIDAL & FORMAL wE.-R "-.,1..,,1 .. 14• . • ......... •trlH. .......... _........................... 25% OFF :.':.:~~~;·~.;~~!;.Now 25•.4·309/o OFF :~:A·5..:;~+ ·s"Hiitfs ···· · ··· ········ 1 •88 POLAR010 360 cAMERA :.~~N=.v .~RK BENCH GROUP I WOMEN 'S DRESSES Lii a..r "'°" sl-"'"-colon 99 1 •• T .. of tho u... 122.88 to only ............................. Orig. 22.'5 -I J I I & ;r•-nc a lloclnlnk •·-• o ~ 1n-NOW SOLDERING GUN n c .. nvp. un or, M UJ & 7 88 .... ........ 1."4.11 NOW • • r...n. -·· ,... .,.,.. Hoff Sl•n ................ Orio. ••n.oa NOW • BO JEANS/S CKS PENNCREST SUPER I CAMERA 211 watt. 6 88 GROUP II WOMEN'S DRESSES .._... •trill. llrolcoo . . 44 1 81 1-1 -z-. 122 00 4 only. ···-·-·--····-·-··· Orlt. II.,, NOW • ...,_ clNnup. Junior MIUJ & 9 18 -.l1tt. ................ Or ... 1.tt-5.tt NOW • • e n,... fllmlnt .,.... .. Orff. tff.tS NOW e 4" JOINTER Helf 11 ...................... 0.1,. 12,00..14.00 NOW • BOYS LIGHTWEIGHT JACKETS BAUSCH & LOMB SLIDE PROJECTOR -""11"YI & Hit lnclud... 77 GROUP Ill WOMEN'S DRESSES . ·--· •trill. 11 ... I-IL 4 81 13 II T•k• •II 2x2 mlUfttt. NOW 4.88 -3·2'··;·sc· ..... R ... E···E···N···"·ooo········R0Srif. · IOf.51 NOW .oo- ·····"'' cl .. nup.. Junior MIUJ & 12 a•• ...... 1. ...... Orft. s.•1s.t1 .. OW • • • Cenvtntoftt, ..,, .. .,... __ Ori•'·" Helf-II-........... Orl1. 'u.00-10.11 NOW • !.II' BOYS SUITS ' KEYSTONE FLASH SWEEP 22S HINwtro lllCI-. 7 !:" ... A~~LIC KNIT ~.~~:'1~.:!i· .. ~"' '"'J"w - :.:."'i!'tt.~r~ ........... °""'·.... NO;-g9 -it(i()'i"i>~~~~~.t"·" NOW .44·8.44 =O~I ~u~~~-WEAROrlg ,,_.. NOW 9.88 JCPenney ~.~=-............... _ .. _ °""· ... , NOW 2.79 :.:!:'~'~_'.'.'.:·~o~~ .. -1 •• oa Now 9.18 !'ii'~sa=vs__ 44 GROUP II OUTER WEAR ._ ..... _ ........ _,,_,, Orlf. Af.IMo NOW • •oll •tyto ....,,k .. • · 12.81 24 FAS -1NnRNOR a EXTERIOR PAINT Mlooy ---··· Or\1. IS.ot-llOO NOW Hf ON ISLAND va-. colon. GllOUP II OUTER WEAR • · ·--·--·-··---·---·-Orif. 6.IM.11 NOW 4.11 = =--~-~o.i. ~... NOW llell NEWPORT BEACH :!2!.QU,l!ITS -----------o.i. 4A1 NOW 1e99 NOW 17e88 I I I SA has Ave red I eyes a rig " petlU throw cbam he ad sport terest shout hold they main Yea ~R i i Pi tB j BOS j helw '\Pd • 18ys The ~ perfo Siebe ti me, Sox w Ry t.wo-g "I day," Jul"I' 'It J111Y 20 Juty 21 on." Re pub IO r -- . - • • l~o b o dy Has the Rig ht To Be in the OIY mpics SANTA BARBARA (AP) -"Nobody has a rlgbl to get Into the Olympics,'' 1 Avery Brundage said, leaning back ·I[\ his .red leather swivel cb.nir and letting his eyu gaze out over the Pacific. "It's not a right -it's a privilege. nTbe Olympics are not just a com· petlUoo to see who can run the fastest or tbrow tbe farthest. They're not a world championship., They're unique. They're an ideal. They can't be changed by anybody." C At .14, scarred by a thousand battles f and preparing after 20 years to step out as president of the lnlernational Olympic •• Commitlffi, is a crusty C h I c a g o millionp.ir who ls stlU unbendable in his defense of the purity of sports and the ~ Sacredness of the unsoiled amateur. ~ "There are two kinds of competitors," I· he added, "those who are interested in I sports for sports' sake and the ones in terested for fina nC'ial reasons. Why shouJd the pros want a medal? Let them hold their own world championship it they wish. The Olympics will always re- main' amateur." Years or filification have stiffened ·Ryan Corrects :Pitching Flaw, ' 1But Fails, 4-1 BOSTON (AP) -The di!ference between a IS.strikeout, one-hit shutout C\!)d a seven-hit loss is about one inch, £ays Nolan Ryan. The California Angels' righthander was roughed up Tuesday night by the Boston Red Sox, tbe victims o! his near perfect performance two · weeks ago. Sonny Siebert, who was on the losing end last · time, pitched a four-hitter and the Red Sox won 4-1. Ryan said the difference betv.·cen the .two..games was control, not speed. "I was as fast tonight as f was that day," he said. "But I was falling behind A ttge b Slate .. Al OlllMS en •Ml"C 1n11 JulY M ~..,... et lo1ton 10:2.5 o.m. JulY 20 A"81l1 1t N"1 Yori! 4;!S p,m, Jutt 21 Aneeh. 1t New Yort: I :li p.m. and I'd have to come in with the hitter's pitch." · Two of lbree walks came in the sec· oonit" ttining when the Red Sox gave Siebert Iii! the support he needed , scoring three runs. - The first four men reached base on two walks and two singles, and a double play and an infield hit by Tommy Harper that trickl~ away from third baseman \Vinstoo Uenas produced the other two l runs. · The Angels got a nm back on singles by Leo Cardenas and Vada Pinson and "'.an error in the fourth inning. but Harper offset it by himself in the fifth. leading oU with a double, stealing third and beating Sandy Alomar 's throw to the plate on an infield tap. Siebert retired the last 16 men he faced and ran his record to 8-5. Ryan, with two straight losses, is 11·7. His team record of consecutive complete games ended at 1 1lx wbep. be was taken out for a pinch ~hitter in the eighth. is "Ryan intimidated our hitters the last ~time and I'm sure they weren't too anx- :iouS to face him again." Siebert said. "( f knew I'd have to pitch a super game." "II ., C1llffflli. 111 a111C111 10 fl •II r 111111 •It rhrDt ~ Alomlr, 7b 4 O O O H1rptr, cl • I J I • Ordan1•, u ' I I O Gritlln, 7b J O 0 0 ti! Plru.C111, rl • o 1 o Y111r1e1n1kf, II • o 0 l R.ou,,.r, lb l o 1 o R.Smlltl, r• ' o o o SfllnC.tr, tt I 0 0 0 Pt!ra<•lll. lb • I I 0 Sfo1Ciohtnt0n,c3010Fh.k,t 2 100 l.IM111, lb J o O o C..lcr, 1b J 1 2 1 Stinton, ti 3 0 0 0 J K""'.cly, 11 I 0 0 0 N.ill:y1n. p 2 o o o Sli!Mrt, " l o 0 0 Motion, ph 1 0 0 0 •• .i E.F1$hel'", II 0 0 O 0 , Tot1lt JO 1 ' 0 10111• 71 • l I c111twnOI 000 IOC 000 -1 -Botton llO 010 00• -• ~ I~ H • Ell: II SO ' N,ill:yln ll,11·7} 1 6 4 • l 1 E.F1$lltr I 0 0 0 a 0 $/wbert CW.I-SI e • 1 O I ' i l ime -2:t1. At1tn111nc1 -15,4n ~Thomas, Dalla s 1Make Peace ' THOUSAND OAKS, (AP) -A •om· posed Duane Thomas, hinting at a nf\v relationship with both pro rootball and the press, has made his peace -at least for the moment -with the Dallas Cowboyo. AVERY BRUNQAGE rather than softened this crochety, con- troversial Colossus of Olympic idealisn1. Painted as a tyrant. an uorealistic. old man still livl'lg in the Middle Ages, he has been pilloried in a dozen 13.nguagcs. "My legacy is a clear conscience and a thick skin," Brundage said in a recent in- tervie"' · He was sitting in a sparsely furnished first floor office of the ri .. tontecito C-Ountry Club. one of the few properties he has re- tained. The lush but old·fashioned c1ub consists or 200 acres or su~tropical foliage, a golr course, ten nis courts. bowling green and 50-year-old Spanish· style club house overlooking the ocean. Brundage lives alone in a newly-con- structed penthouse atop the club. His wife, E~beth, died a year ago. They had no children. The penthouse is barren. not fully decorated , "'ilh Avery's papers and Olympic erfects strewn all over the place. The shelves of a huge cabinet. which once strained under the weight of priceles,, jade and other Oriental art treasures, were empty. "The insurance cost $6,000 a year." Brundage said. "I sent it all up to San Francisco with the other stuff." Over the years, Brundage amassed one of the world 's biggest collections of Chinese art. He gave the entire collection- -valued at between $30 miUlon 1and '40 '\flli!lion -to San Francisco, which placed lt,. i~pecial museu at Goldlfl State Palk. ' About sit t_imes a year the bustUng, globe-girdJing Olympic boss sneaks a.way to this quiet, pleasant resort -once the playground of millionaires -to get his breath and stoke up· fo"r new wars to fight. His U.S. headquarters is atop Chicago's LaSalle Hotel, which he recently sold ror $10 million. There he maintains two shifts of secretaries. ooe reporting at-9 p.m., to handle his voluminous cor- respondence. He also has an office in Lausanne, Switzerland, the IOC base, but much o( his Wofk is done in the first-class lounge of trans~nlinental 747s. He is constantly on the move, averaging three trips around the world a year. "I can only sleep three hours at a titpe," BrWldage said. "Some of mr best work is done in the middle ot the night. I Sports in Brief usually go to bed at arowid 1 a.m. and l'm up at 7." r~ a man 20 years beyond the normal rctiierncnt age. Brundage is a ren1urkable figure. Straig'ht as a poker. he walks with a brisk step. He seems to have an inexhaustible source of energy and vitality. He expressed his viewpoint.! in strong, ringing tones. A six-footer, balding, with hom·rin1- med glasses perched on a bulbois nose. he has a thick, 17·inch neck, powerful shoulders and hands that reflect the days when he pushed a \\·heel barroV\and ml%- ed concrete. He has retained the athletic build of yoµnger days when he was America's best all-round athlete and a frustnlted non-medalist in the decathlon and pen- lnthlon events in the 1912 Olympics al Stockholm. .. The-all-round was a category at the time." he explained. "It was 10 events in one day \Vilh a five-minute rest in bet ween. Sometimes you were on the fie ld as long as seven hours." •·11 was tough, requiring endurance. I 'asri't exceptional in any particular sport but was fair in all of them and I had endur.ance. 1 worked 10 hours a day on my job and trained at night and on Saturdays and Sundays." ''l thought I was going to break every record at once. ·'The coach told me I was working too hard. 11e was right. \Vhen I got to the Olympics, I was stale.'' Brundage. born in Detroit. moved lo Chicago at the age of six after his mother and father had separated. He was reared by aunts and uncles. He studied engineering at the University of Illinois. and upon graduation, became a construction superintendent, bu i 1 ding skyscrapers before starting a business of bis own. His 'fortune escalated. He prospered in real estate, hotel ownership and in- vestments, lost almost everything ln the I 9'l9 stock market crash but rebuilt dur- ing the depression by buying stock in deprtssed companies at a few cents on the dollar. "You didn't have to be a wizard to make a fortune during those times." he said. -- Bestdes properties in Chicago1 Brun- dage had broad holdings in ..,_~ta Barbara, much of it since disposed of. One Santa Barbara mansi&l . was destroyed by fire and another was sold after his wife died. lte succeeded Gen. Douglas ti-1.acArthur as president of the U.S. Olympic Com- mittee in J9'l8 and 1952 became head of the IOC. TbroughOut , he has umained a staunch defender, .of the ideals. of Baron de CouJ:>erl.in. who established the Modem Olympics in 1896. "Work never ends,'' Brundage said, eyeing a stack of freshly-delivered mail on his cluttered desk. · "The Olympics are i m p o r t a n t eve~where except the United States,'' be said gloomily. "O.wer here, everything is commercial, we "lire interested only in professional sports. We are becoming a nation of spectators." Brundage said colleges are little Jn?re than incubators for the pros, producrng halfbacks,·· pitchers and basket-~tuffers. "It's hyprocritical and dishonest.'' be says. Asked what he regarded as the highlight of his ~year tenure as IOC president, Brundage quickly responded : "The growth -the massive gro".'1th_ of the movement. We have grown m im- ('S.. TALK, Page 18) • Sutton, 8 Other Pitchers Named to NL All-stars SAN FRANCISCO -National League manager Danny Murtaugh has selected nine pitchers. for Tuesday's All-star game at Atlanta. Murtaugh named Cincinnati's Gary Nolan and Clay Carroll, Los. Angeles' Don SUtton, Philadelphia's Steve Carlton, New York's Tug McGraw and Tom Seaver, Montreal's Bill Stoneman, St. Louis' Bob Gibson and Pittsburgh's Steve Blass. A notable exception to the Uneup is the absence oC Ferguson Jenkins , the · Chicago Cubs' Cy Young Award winner last year and a 12--game winner this year. "' DUBLIN Former heavyweight Only ninth seeded Arthur Ashe, twice a finalist here, was forced to go three sets among the seeded entires. He got his game into high gear In the third. set to complete a 4-6, 6-4, 6-0 vlc- tory~ver teaching pro Steve Siegel of Teaneck, N.J. "" LONG BEACH -U>s Angeles Rams offensive tackle Charlie Cowan hasn't reported to training camp because he wants to reneg9tiate his multiple-year contract, a team spokesman says. Cowan is being flned daily for the •bsence by coach Tommy Prolhro, The amount of the fme was not teported . 1be rest of Ule veterans reported Sunday. • . . • DAfLY PlLDT J 7 -It's Seaver 01.ll.Y ,!LOT lteff l'~•M BILL FEARING (LEFT), MARK SUSSON IN ACTI ON. '· '72 Trek · to l(londike Has Different Object • • Th£re's another ro.igr~ti®JQ t~_K)on..: in the best-or-three series. "fl.lark came djke. Only this one ·has nolhing to-do with . oI aKe in tMI--tOUiilamf:nt~ -lte Oeleated gold, the magic lure lhat attracted people I never thought he'd beat and no"' thousands of treasure hunters to the he scores about 15 a game against me ,'' K.fondik~~:Vukqn 'territory in 1897-98. Fearing says. The 1972 version Is the Klondike Open "He has the physical ability to be an Racketball Champliooships, being Maged • outstanding player and no\v .he has to in Edmonton, Alberta today thrQugh . learn the menta l aspects -to be able lo Saturday. psych oul others and not psych out Although no cash is Involved in this hiJP.self . .and to ~ analyze '''hat 's going journey .to the. 'Klondike, merchandise wronc .whee be losca a gam~ a'vards such tr& color TVs Will be given to Although seemingly confident of auc- tbe top pht)'ers. · -• ~ cess at Edmonton, Fearing admits he't Some 250'350 participants are expected up Uglll 'Ibis time. The Bay ·Club has coughed up $~ to send the two' racktt- - = - -- = - - -WASH , ballers to Canada . " And as Fearing puts it, "J know damn \veil I better win." Vs Osteen ; LA Win s LOS ANGELES (AP) -t~ank Ro~Inson, Ibo al ug1ing oulfielder of the Loli Angeles: Dodgers, has numefous ex· planations for his hitting stump wbicb saw his average dip to .249. But Danny Frisella, the r<llel whiz of the New York Mets, no doubt doesn't believe one of them. ll was Robinson who slammed a 1-1 pitch into the Dodgers' bullpen with two out in the 10th irutlng Tuesday night; breaking a 1·1 lie and sencling Los Angeles to a 2-1 viclory over the Mets be.fore 24 ,3'l4 fans. The Dodgers will attempt to make It t1\"0 straight tonight when Claude Os teen. Julv It Julv 10 Jul..-~I July 11 Dodge r s S la te Alt ·-n 11.1'1 (Miii OOCl11tt'I \II. N~w Y.,k Oodg1r1 ""'· Ntw Yott Dodoen vs. Phh1dt1t1h!• Dodg1r1 "'· PhUMlelPh!t 1.!5 1.m. t:!S P.m. 7:55 P.m. •:Sf ,.II\. -------9-7, opposes the ~·1ets' Tom Seaver, 12·5 who has a 13-3 career reCQJ'd against Los Angeles. Until n fourth inning single "'hich helped the Dodgers to their first run, Robinson \Vas hitless in 13 slrnight llme3 at bat and had but one hil in 2~ tries. "There art lots of explanations," he S.1.id afterward. "Mostly it 's the "'rlst .ind then the long layofr," Rollinson lnjured his IC!ft '''rist \vhen he slammed into a v.·all in St . Louis June 14. r·inally, manager \\'allcr Alston asked Robinson just to take it ensy and not even take batting pr<tcticc in order for the \\'tist to heal. Playing sporadicall)', his a"·erage dip- ped under .250. • · J 'rn just not the kind of hitter "'hi> can walk up there and the hits start PGPbin2: off the bat," he said. "The layOlf ~rt my timing. But now the wrist ii Jlne and after going eight straii?ht days witlwnit takin g batting practice 1'1n back at it." After the Mets had taken a l·O le::id in lhe first inning with an unearned run, the Dodgers tied the ga1ne in the fourth , also v.·ith an unearn ed run. In the Dodgers' !Olh. Frlsella gol Mota and \Villie Davis W\th oo troubl e but Robinson slugged his homer to end it New Y"11. {1} L.11 A11ttlfl Ill li rlitol 1•f~i"tl l-l1rrelMll\, •• ' 0 0 0 LKV, 7b 5 0 0 (I 11,•vi, '' 5 I Io WO.vl1.cl s 0 .1 O Frt00,I, JD • O 1 O Molt, ll • I I • VI.Garrett, JD I 0 0 0 i'.llOUln\Oft, rl i I 2 I Sl•utt, rl • O 1 I w.P•rllll', lb • 0 1 l suc1.111o.0t.. lb J o o a G1rv•1· lb • o I O O~·tr, c 4 0 C 0 Va!en1nt, H • 0 l 0 Schnt(k, It • II 1 o Cannl.t~••· c J O 1 o T.M11Hnt~ 2b • 0 I 0 Wiii•. cu 0 a D a M•llack, p I 0 I 0 D"" '• r I 0 Q 0 Mllntr, pfl l 0 I 0 Jolin. f. l 0 0 0 Frl11ll1, 9c D I f I l c·f.,.., , 1111 O 0 0 0 lr1wwr,. • o o o o To1 .. 11 :V I 1 1 T01111 J1 2 11 2 Two out wMn wlNllftt 'IHI ~rM. N•w York lM 000 DOO I -1 l.OI Antf... tot lot 000 1 -2 £ -v11en11nt, Slilll-lk~ 01rw.,. 0' -NIW V1>rk 1, lM A119ilts J, lot·-"Ntw Ytf't -,, LM .6.nU•ltt e. ~· -PtfOM.I._~,_ -~ l!:~/.111). SB -V1'-lllnt. S -'Harr111Mn, Jitwl, If. . • H".·M•l lllJO MITl•tk 9 10 '\ f ' • Fri.till tl..MI 2/a 1 t I 0 O Jolln t •.ltOS Brewer (W,6-IJ 1 J 0 0 f I Tim• -2t4. Alltnd.t~ -2.YU WHITE · B.oss Offers Razor Blade --=------ et.IENN WMIT• at !he Canadian city aixt incl1:1d.ed are two chaps representing Newport Beact)'s Balboa Bay Club. The duo finished t-1-in the r~ent state singles champiORShips at San Diego with Bill Fearing defealing mate Mark.-SUssQn in the Class B finalf!!'" Fearing directs "the BBC !J>Of1!, ~ntq while SU8$0n, 17, just recently gradua'ted from Corona ,del Mar,High .. Fearing is anything but f~rlng of bis upcon1ing matches in Edmonton. "Jf. the Committee rules that I can continue playing in the B division. 1'U win. It's automatic," be told this column 'tuesday. He projects he'll be among the top JO in open division play and is hopeful that he and young Sµ.sson can be among the top 16 in aoubles. r JI he makes it to the B fmals that could involve ~a d~n to 15 mate~ Of an average duraU<m. of LJA: hoors each. '!bat, plus play in the other two divisions, might bring about a weigbt loss of 15 to ·:io pounils'. '"I !Oii 13 pounds playing ln San Diego," be recalls. ) SmaJJ wonder racketball ls one of the . rapld()f Wlwinl. j,arjlc)pation endeavpra among the popuf&ce. , Fearing hasn't iost .ln the Ba for tin'& years and wben be wound up playing Susson for this year's stale title he recalls that be laughed at the prospective competltiOh.' I' "He (Susson) used to get an average of five points a game 9ff me," Fearing ex· plains. As In handfuill and ptpg JlOOS 21 points ls what each game ~rticfpani , la shooting for. However, Fearing suddenly 1 became fearing wbo!i SUS!Oll won tl>e first.match ' After Spoiling No-hitter ' . SAN DIEGO (AP) -''l messel it up." Thus did freshman San Diego manager Don Zimmer take the ·blame Tuesday night when Padre right-hander 'Steve Arlin came within one pitch of a no-hitter 'but l:nfsselt. • Philadelphia'• Denny Doyle wao at bat with two ·out in the ni nth and the count went to oue ball and two ~es when rookie third baseman Dave Rpberts started,to back up after playing shallow to guard against a bunt - Doyle bounced the next pitch over · Roherts' bead for a oingle to opoil Al'lln'I n0ohllter. A balk put Doyle in position to sCore on the second and f i n a 1 Philadelphia hit of the game, a oingie by Tom Hutton, before Arlin naUed down a > L victory. "I bad Roberts playing In," Zimmer moaned. "lf he plays back, he fields the · Dall." When Arlin, a.10, came lbact from a post-game.Tadio Interview , Zimmer ap- ~~·hec! blrh and handed him 1 razor blade. · . "Here,'' the manager sald, _polntln& lo hjJ own neck" HMake it quick." . Arllir managed 1 grin before defending Zinunet'I '!lr&lel)'. "! thought Larry Bowa might bunt 'with one ourfn the ninth and I thougbt Doyle 'mlght try it, too,'' said the ~year· old tight-hander and part·tlme dentist for whom the Padres paid $2001000 when they grabbed him out of ·the Phillies' farm system 81 the !*h of \heir IO el· pansion draft choices in October 11163. "We'll give them back lhe $200,000 i[ they'll return Arlin," said Paul Owens, former farm director of the Phlls whn no\v Serves as both their general manaier and field manager. "T was confident of·>the n0ohitU.r ill. the eighth iMin~ and certain of It when I SO\ two strikes on :Jlbyie Irr the ninth," bo said. "When Doyle hit the ball on tlie groo nd I thought It was all over. Then I looked at'Roberts and saw he was playing shallow and I thought , 'Oh, no.' 11 UCI Rows to 1st . A young team from UC Irvine .ti respcnsjble for bringing Newport Beach its Ont-ever national rowing cbam- pionsblpl. The team took first ln the three events It entered over the weekend at the Na· J.lonal Rowing Championships I n Phii~phia. SOpbothore Rick Peter10n -and junlo~ Mlke Sullivan and John Davia of UC! teamed up wlth USC senior Doug Dovey of New port Beach and Orange Coaol College {rub.man Tom Cameron to •wtn. t h e four·with<Vxwaln champiOlllhip. Cameron acted as coxwaln. 'lbfll the I.Ur rowers dlvlded inlo teamr for the two-without-coxwoin tom· petition. '!be P~terson·Oi>vey duo ·look first in lhe oenlor pairs while Sullivan Ind Davis woo ' the intermodloll .. .,. peUUon. '!be talented but unpredictable running back made his second appearance or the year at the Cowboys' training camp here Tue.sday nll!ht. After talking in private for nearly three hours, Thomas and coach Tom LIDdry emerged IO tell reporters that the _player would take his physical exam and begin workouta today. champion Muhammad Ali , keeping hi! normal pre-fight blarney under wraps, says he expects tonight's heavyweight bout against Al "Blue" Lewis to be a tough one. "I'm not taking Al ~wi! cheaply,'' Ali said. "'Ibis bl1y Is big aoo strong, make no--mtstake about that/l 200 mp}l • Ill ~o~k~t-powered · Kart Thomu, 11niUng_and apparenUy relax· tel during a brief news conference, wC)\lldn't say why he walked out of camp lul Wedneaday night, nforring only to "personal reaaons." asked If he was hap. py with the Cowboys, he answered, ''If l wasn't happy I wouldn 't have come here." Reminded of his statements last year cllftching Landry and the team's front office, Thomas Nici, "Yoo'n talking a~t the pasl Wait a few more weeks aod I'll 1Ive you eomething clJ< to 10 oa." :41'1!e aloo 11ld he woold end h11 much- publlclied ailenoe and talk about football lo reporters lhla year "If I have time." ·- Ali was still trying to slii>ke off a heavy cold which rorted him to cut short his final preparatipn. Lewis, of ~trolt, vowed he was "going to finish All. 11 ' "I'm as big as he b.'' said ~wis. "I'm stronger d!an his is, and I'm f11st too. He had better not drop his han~ and start fooling with me." . "' WASHINGTON -Six actded pl•yers survived 90:<!egree beat IO advance Toes· day in tbi first round of the llo,ooo WHhingtoo Star lnlemationol tennis championship. ~, -· f ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. {AP \Vhen the light turns green, 46-year~ld Jack McClure thund~ down tho dra!lttrip approaching 200 miles per hour in his rocket-powered go--kart. McClure's little beast looks much like the three-horsepower carts that chug children around Vll'Clllll lots at IS m:p.h. Bul behind the driver -where a lawnmower motor normally alts -Is a steel ch3mbcr that houses the rocket engine Al the nose of the metallic blu• k311 are two small wings whlcb help keep It from becoming airborne. Fuel and prcssurizln1 lariks aro mounted at ·the .iirJver'• oide, and 1 parachute to halt the speeding llCl'tamer ' ii.attached to the rear of the frame. 11lt'1 a Jot like a re~ular go--kart.,.except we ha~e a rocket engine on It and we ex· panded t~ wheel!>"se by two Inches to ~ inches;: McCltl"e say' of the opeed machine he'• bctn tooring dragstrips with it for the pyt 1ix months. ... So far, I've only gone 190 m.p.h. in seven aeconds flat on an olficlal·tlmc, quarter-mlle. llrip," McClure Jays. That was at the !ntemational Hot Rod ASIOC!atlon SJ>rlnl Nationals at Bristol, Tenn., 1n June. -·-- ·~ul I had to back off way ~fore the quart.,..mlle aod predict -ho ahoold run quarter because the G-rorceJI were pull-· tho distance in 4.$-~. 7S l<COlldo. tng me oot of the kart. 1 coasted for the But he hasni attained top speed, )'tl laot Uttie bit, '° I kno,,w. I bad to ~ve bec>luee lndicationa an that II he di4, Ille cart would cross the finish l.intt min hi ~n above 200 m.p.h., he laid. , ·driver. •, McClure bao been a speed enthusiast "Yby. lie down In It, and 100 doni ha"' all his lire, racing can aod boats, 10-any kind of harnw or roll bor," bo aald: kru1s and just about anything' el;_ he Under 11111 ac:<:eieratlon, It ""111 abOu1 could mount an eng)ne .,,. throe Uilles the f,... ol ln•liJ • Uli lllt · body wclgbl becomet about IOI pomds lie lived in Olm>kee, N.C .. untll 1167, 'lnslead of hi> normal UIO. wbe~ he moved to St. Peleral>ur1.lllld:tll~ ·~ !mow wbeo 11'1 llme lo bleli elf Ille up 11 a charter boat captain. acoelerator," he lald, "When I h .. • to McClure Nld computer naures Clve hb ' bani onto the llWinJ wbeel lo 11111J Ill , Uri a top speed of 240 m.p.h. In the l"ln loinC too fut." • ' ,.. II-DAILY 'ILOT Sea · Kings Bold Lead ,, CdM, Newport, Eagles . " • ·.·:Tl1ump Ba8ehall Riva ls , Coron.o del Mar held on ~ '8_~me run..coring double in the 1lxth frame. 11ulae ln Rarbor-Huntlngto~ach su~ Estancia scored early and bruud wlth iiiu baseball league .Play Monday with a ~ _ rour-run ft rst Inning. Jon H1rtley 4-2 victory over Ed1so~ at Co!ta M~• ~ted two with a double. Steve Morton Par~ In nocturnal achon despite being scort!f 1 runner with a ucrtfice ny and outhit, 8·2. Bob M•dden's 1acrifice bunt added the >lew!)Ort Harbor's Sailors kept the fourtb tally, pft~ure on in afternoon action at Edison Joe Barnett homered for l!:atanCia in !r}ien the Tara shelled Huntington Valley 1he fourth to pad the winner's margin. ~ting Goods (fountain Valley), 14-9. lie also singled twice. . ~~cia's Eagles put the skids to Hunt-1111"" 1u =' ton Harbour, 8·3, at Huntington •" r ~ ,.., CtlM 10 •9rtr1111 ) I 0 I , 0 0 • I I 0 i. 1 0 •• ) 0 I e MeC~v. tl-p 4 t > t J•hrui. fb-11 ach. M .lib•, !Kl l 0 0 I l<ohlllr, lb I I di 0.1ro1l•r1, 211 4 O O O 1t..,.....,w1, II ~J:oach Tom Trager'5 eague-ea ng ~1 ... ooc1. lb 1 1 , 0 '"°"°· 20 ~.outfit got rich in the fourt h inning ::iC:b.r~ ..... ; : ; : f:::~~r•~'ti ' ' 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 I I 1 I 2 0 1 I 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 ' • 0 • 0 0 0 • ,, 4 1 4 •• ' ' ' ,., '"' ~ it acored three times without l)enent of a bese hit. · Two F.dison errors got It started and &n infield roller produced the first run. Bob Meyers reached fir•t 11afely on a fielder's choice and Steve Behrens wal ked to fill the bases. - ~en Ken Nogawa and Fred Moote rkelpted for 'free passes and 'Corona took thq;lead, H , despite being no-hit up to thlt point . f(ike McCoy had three singles in_ pac-hl4 EdilOn's attack. · Oilch !leJull• Snilth'1 Newport unll unjhded wlth three home runs to destroy- H~tington Valley SP\)l'tlng Goodl. ' J!lke Folsom '• three-run four-bagger in th~seventh broke it OJ)en after Newport ~ed four In the filth and sixth innina:S 1q:;.sume a 1~5 lead. , her home runs were recorded by Herberu and Ernie Hooki Herbert•t· came with 'r mati aboard ln the! . ' , ' I ~n!{· MCbo..Id had 1 two-run trlpl~ In iixtb 19 1l~e1'port•1 ca111e. · tlngton Viµey'1 . Clarence Austin pli:lid up, IJ!ree rbl '!(Ith • triple In th• t.,,ui hitliig and Jell Churchwt!l bad a ·~ ' Hlbblrlll, II 2 0 0 G L11t, t>ll CtHtllt, lb 2 0 I I 8t llrtN, rl T 1,,111!, f"I J I I 0 O.vl11, rf W091w1, u Moert, t <:o,,.,l1ky, 1111 M~!lory, II Wlllll111on, 11 1' 1 I 1 To1tl1 l<•r• •v 1111111111 001100 0-;·: 000 301 ·-' t • • • HVllll!llftll V1U11 NtW .. •I Htr-.r (10 J111trfffll Ootcl1 ( I 1~r ll rbl lbr~rtl ll obf•I"'"• 7b t 1 D 0 l"111!1iorl•, el 4 1 I O Fru,,.,, 1b 1 1 1 0 H1rC1"'1t11, 11 2 1 0 O <:~•rd, jb $ o O O S1!1or, rl 4 o o o Hi!IOI!, rf·ll 3 J 1 1 Zlmmtr, 2• \2 1 I o Alibi!!!, ~rl·lb 4 I 1 I V1 l111tl, JI 2 2 I I Ouk1t, t.I 2 O O O Au.1111, c. 1 1 I ) FOllO,,.,,Cf ,,IJ8-n,c 2121 M'Oo1111d, II 2 ) I 2 Churcll .... 11, lb • O J 2 Htrl)tf11, II 4 l 2 l 8•1l'!lrd, lb J 0 0 I l thll, lb·O 1 0 I 0 Ctt!r1d, 11 1 0 0 O L1111, c • e o o z111111tr, , 1 o o o Toltl) 31 14 I t Torti• 2t ' • • k••• ., !1111l11t • ' 001 14' ' -1• 000~2 -, • • ' • ' •• ltl111e11 1•1 H\ll'lllllfttfl H11"u, (U "r trr rM 19 rllri.f Oh111 .. , ?b-1t ' 2 2 0 MaloCllnf, t• I 1 0 I Ht'f*S, 11-0 2 I' 0 0 l<~f'lnedv, lib ' 0 I 0 Tl\Omp-son, 2b I 1 O O Moll, p 2 1 O O Mcl.•VOhlln, :lb t 0 O O Stlmmltr, 2b l 1 0 0 81•11111, Jtt-11 • 2 l 1 EnQ\trom. t. A 0 0 0 .i.ruev, cl ' I 2 2 Terrv. ti) • o 1 1 Morl!lt'I, t. 2 o o 1 R.,,1h1w, c! 2 o 1 o Hunt•r, t. I o o o OVQmo•t, ti S a o O Ol'rl59!1, t. I 0 O 0 Krel!ltr, rf l 0 C 0 Midden. o-rf 1 O o l Mcl 1r111, II 1 O 0 0 McCrtM, t. I 0 0 I LCstlh, tl·2b·cf a 0 0 0 111,,.,un, 11 I o o • Wttk lrt!o1_ lb ) 0 0 t RO!lllUU-..;r, lb t I 1 8 De\/~, 'Jb I 0 1 0 L1119d1 1f, rf 1 o 1 o b •kJlll, p 0 0 0 0 'Tofth !2 I 11 6 Tol1 l1 " . ' Jtor1 •v ln111"'' ' . 410 lot 0 -• 11 OOOOJ00-1 4 • ' • '·-~00 K , !'l".)JRuNt)AGE ..• S C'lOl..;..~ftut P11e 17 • '. pie national commit tees and only about pc)iance artd macniWde. We are atinost 20 percent of them are interested in 1~blg. ·• ~ . • \ . winter 1ports." • 1aid be ~d 1Ike to see the Besides. he added . Alpine •l<iiqg bas ol!ation ·Of the 'WinlJr Games and of become so commercial that it now is a ce t"9.m •rta. such 21s soccer, con test of manufa cturers Instead or b , etbell and loe d!ockey. ............... sportsmen. He Hid Karl Schranz, the ~ C'.oubertin '!\'.,IS opposed. to Win ter Austrian who was barred from the Sap-G~~ because he . thoUgllt there abould poft! GJ_mes ~21rlie~ this' Yt;ar.t. __ '!"~• a be:j>nly one Ol)'l'!lp!Gs," Brundag~ said. •·w~b!Uboard who received "°'OIJO a "l'.ieeree with hlm. There are 130 OJym~ re.r f.e_j)ro~te ski products." :l Br.naage Insisted that such team :0: 1potti u football , basketball and Ice fi.. d 1 } M hockey are so 6eavily pro-indoctrinated '-#JfOna e ar that they have become bus inesses ins1ead , ,; . r-of sports and "cause us a lot cf trouble." 'R.. v!;i -.i 62 54 ' Brundage bristled when asked about .1..i.UPS 1Ke8·, •' ~the move ln some quarters to dilute the .• . · authority cf the IOC and democratize the .&rona del ·Mar High'& undefeated _Game!,i.glving athlete s a voice in the bai.etball tearn &hool oft a determined conduct of the movement. firi half bid by Pnvllusly uni.ten ''Who else would take the time cr M¥ina Tllesday night It Edison High spend the money?" demanded the con- ar\J" went on to post 1 62·54 decisfOn iD stnictlon tycoon. who reportedly spends Hldltlngton Be21ch summer league action: $50,000 a year of his personal money in O>rona'a Clsey Janes Jed all scorers Olympic work. "This ls an idealistic wib. 23 despite going seorelesa the fln t enterprise. pedod . "It was conceived by de Coubertin and f!erhaps the key to the issue was the the movement was willed to the com· ~biJ'Jatlon of Corona's Joe Kozmata mittee. It's not like the United Nations. cn .. lhe. offeaaive and defensive boards We are not delegates. We are am· ahifiU)i'fOUI fri>uble endured by Matitla's 'bassadors. I don't represent the United M,fr1t 1 Adami,;, Stites. I represen t the movement. Tough Clolehle : ~~' boll! . team• "Maybe we are •elf·perpetuatjng, 11 1r• scori111·cbn8ilt!l!'(b'l but d~te the they say. Mayhe we'n1 auJocrauc; Tb1 t'1 t•Olc1,.0ori>tll 1ot (Oiir pJayero,lp\40ubl1 ;,the way U is. Thal'• the wiy ii It.It Jo fi......... \ ~ ' . -' .·• be!' "6'1¥"' ,, ' ~ Baseball Stnndings • • i Ea1t vision NATiONA LUGUE • " W L l'.tt· PIU.burgh 53 31 ;131 ~ York 47 35 .173 Qlicago 4.1 41 .a23 s~~~l :! ~ ;fil ladelphla 29 55 .345 Weit Division dnctnnaU 52 32 ~ston 49 39 Dod1er1 44 40 Allanta 39 47 s'1t Francisco 39 50 S.lm Diego 32 52 .. , TlllMn'• 1t11u1t1 .619 .557 .5U .453 .438 .381 • Chltlell t, Clf'ltf111>•11 t, !ft ''1"1~11 ' illtlilltt 4i l'lt!Murth ' ' Hoo.rtlOll JI, $1. LOUii l : $111 Dlwo s. ithll1d~10M• , 1 l•n ,.t,11(.ht.t 3. Mo'll•e11 o GB s 9 9IO 16 2-4 ! ! 14 151! 20 I.ti Aftl'fl•1 l, N~w Y,,..lt I, !0 '""'"9• THIY'I Giii'~• C!nclfl!'Mlll (Grlm11~~ 1.31 1• c~1c1•c l "••~•I • •-ti .. MolllfNI fTorrt:I •·J) t ! ~~~ l'"rt"C IH.O (¥<· . -"..,, i •Hll'lll (N1tl(rfl ,.1) ti l'ltl1b"''~ l!l"irl I 31 .. $1. Loult IW ... t·•l 11 Hcu"on IDlt•lt;tf' "JI , Ph!i.deJ.r.ia cc.rhM,J> .. ) tt S•11 Oieto UU~l'l1 . ,.,,- • t.ltw v...-/lftver 11·fl •1 L•1 ""'"'' 1011"" • ..Pl AMERICAN LEAGUE 0.troil Baltimore Boston New York c11veland Milwaukee Oakland ChJcaao Mlnneaota Kansas Clly Ansell Texas Eut Dlvl&lon W L Pel. "3 35 .578 4) 36 .566 40 39 .506 31 41 .4111 34 43 ._us 33 i8 4llr West Dlvl1lon !3 3l 4.1 40 42 39 0 41 31" 35 liO .1131 .52f .519 .512 .«I ,412 ft1IMIY'1 lltwllt to.It!! 4, C1Ulorrll1 1 Nt W Ylll'k 4, MIMlllOtl t Oekl•llf 4..1 Ml1w11JltM 0.1 Qltl'e!I 4, C1tltl lm J, 11 111111"'• a1111m11r• 2. Te1tt•• 1, IJ 111~1no1 1<1n~li" City 6-11 , <:1evel1nd 5-1 'TM11'1 G1""'1 Gii I 6 ! 131! 14 '" ,91; 10 I I 18\; CtllfOrllll 1w,t1M 10.1) 11 Sotton (M((;lllt!tfl ?·Jl Mfn'lfllOll tJ. P'1r1Y 7·11 11 Ntw Yorlr: jl(tl(/th t·ll Otkl•llCI •IOcMln l·t l •I MllW1\lkM fll*""'lft ... , Ct1v1Jlftd I~ PclrTY · 1•11 11 Ktl'lllt Cllt , ..... ~ S1!1!,....... tit 1-71 .i Ttq, IP.ul >-ti Chletto ood 1)·10) 11 Dttroll (llrt11t1f!'frll n 1·11 ' • DEAN LEWIS ,-1966 HAltlOR ILVD., COSTA MESA • • Servi .. ind Porta fer All lmpor!M Cara Modern llody Shop for All Cart 646·930 J Ounre pounty'1 Llrfut llld Most Modem Toyot. llld Volvo Dealer • • -IU I DILIVltrt OICJALllTI MV Poloists Fall Again By One Goal Mission Viejo continues to lose summer water polo games by one goal dropping a 7-t decision to Las Alamitos at Costa Mesa High School Monday night. Vanguards, Laemmle Post Cage Victories Southern California College and L.aem· mle stayed within shooting range -0f Coata Mesa open summer league basket· ball leader Blackles Monday night \l'il h victories at Orange Coast College . Southern California College nipped LIFE, 14-73 to up its record to 4-2 as did Laemmle. with a 76·58 triumph over Coast Grads. SoCal's \vin y.·as led by Pat Q1.1lnn and Steve Racbunok who :scored 22 .a.11d 20. Lee Walters popped in all 12 of his points Jn the second half to aid the winners. Craig Falconer 128 ) paced LIFE to \ts near victory. Paul Caldwell (28 \ \Yas tops.ror Laem- mle. offsett ing Chuck Yerkey'& 25-poinl evening for Coast Grads. Duane Dif fie, former Fountain Valley High player, ad· ded 15 for Coast 'Grads. Tournament Begins MV Ends Laguna Slate With Per fec t Record Mission Viejo H.igh's Diahlos tuned up for tonight's firat round In the IA~una Beach summer basketball league tournR· ment by completing the regular season undefeated after nine atarts. Coach Pat Roberts' ~tisslon V!eJo erew swept past Un!verslty, 6H7. and goe:o: L1t11111 St•c~ Sl•"lllt11t C l'"l~•tl w ' ' • ' • • ' • ' • ' l ' ' ' • •• ' ' ' • • ' ' tonight (6:45) against the No. 2 Laguna Beach cnntlngent. Thf' second round is scheduled for ~fonrlay. Other results ih the flnal v.·eek of rcgu I Ar sen:o:on acuon are San Clemente 116, Dt1nrt Hills 42 ; Laguna Beach 66, i\lission Vieiu No 2 52: and Oceanside 85, ' Laguna Ucach 1\'o. 2 25. C1n1 H•"• "'1 S1n Cl11!1t "lt <UJ If II Of Ill I'•••• F.iit"~~IM s,,. •• ,..~ b';','.f~".. ll<>lm•'l Pet~ hJU ~!•e • '11 ~ ~ ~ ;g ' ' ! I I I 1 J ' 1 ~ ' 0 0 l 0 ~O•fmlll "" 1(~101& Yf'd~r 1-101"'8~ l(~ .. r.t~ """"' '"('~ W•tT'r ti••Q•n W'l\l'~ 11 I '1 11 To1AI~ Sco•t ~Y Ou•rttr '" " l 0 ::t " 0 0 l 0 ' • • '! ~ ? l l1 s 0 1 10 ' 0 ) 1 t 0 1 ( , 1 l $ , 0 7 • ' 0 7 7 .JO l l6U MllllOft Vit lO No 1 (!1} •• " pf !!'I ~ ! I 1 • ' ' • 10 ' l l • 1 1 l ' 2 4 l I 2 1 1 5 ll~wen E1111r•llQM ee~r• T~O""~I ~'~"~ C~rllto~~ Milision Viejo has Jost each cf its 1•C•1 conete 0•1 11 It ,. IJ It 11 t1l !J LIFE (7'1 Other games on tap tonight include Laguna Beach and University at 7. Oceanside and Mission Viej o's No . 2 sq uad at 8:30. and San Clement e and Dana Hills at 9:30 . I~ H 1• U 11 I? 13--16 B 11 1-51 games by one goal. , J l2 Falco~•• 1~ • , 11 lfl No I MV "" i The Oiablos missed their chance at : ... •11~~ 1 s !ti A•c"•' " 1 ' 1 in th h f J, C1u11y 0 a J o Rold•~ o 1 ' 'Motocross Racing Ml111on Yl•lo C•Sl ty I up e game in t e last second o 0,,,,, 4 0 , 1 Tow•"end 1 D 6 play wben the ~ AJ goalie blocked their R1c~unok ' 1 2 20 1..1nd11y 1 1 2 11 ,....,111, r-.Iotocross action cont inues on its 1vrfk- free foul shot. Mark McCartir. was high -1'"°" ~ ! ~ 1; ~:~~:~ ~ ~ : 1~ ly basis at El Toro Spcedii ay frirlny acorer for the Diablos with four goals . =11tch1r o o 1 0 101111 21 "11 71 evening 1vit h a full slate beginning 1vith Edison defeated Kennedy, 11·2. with ro111s 31 12 20 '' H11111'"1: LIFE, l9·3•. the school boy class at 7. . ' . ·" I o ? I~ 1V ?l;tl No•mt nc1e r•,-r~~" fie·~"" R~"1 1rl! W1t wen10" , ... ,,,., £0~0•1c,on ToMI~ Store DY Q~lr!Cr\ " ' II 1i Pat Moorhouse piling up six goals for the t 11111 Or11u fl•> 1...ur'l\1T1I• t1') AnahCim's Davey Carlson v.·ill be winners. Troy undid Bolsa Grande y:ith •g " '' 1' 1• 11 •1 •• trying to further extend his lead O\ er )us '••••• thgth N• t tBJ ~f~llln J 0 ] 6 Ctldwtll 14 0 l 11 ' J h h f d ' ht " '11 8-5 victory and El Dorado downed Yt•kt'I rn s 2 2l L111,,.,,,.,1. 3 , 1 1 riva s .,.,. en e goes or a secon s!raig 11 11 ~1 ·~ M11rks Piiis 2 o 1 • C•mP11~•r• s o 1 io victory in the JOO and 125 CXf)Crt classes . s ~·~'•111~u' 4 0 0 0 ~t-"~"0 Valencia 4-3 revlo• 1 1 o • P1ns11r 1 o l 2 "" , J o l 6 Rain~11n ' · 0111., ' J o u wocie•1 2 0 1 • Carlson, \l'ho fell the \veek before, W'lsM 1 o 1 1 Ana11••on 6osta h1esa remains undefeated in <:tmt •on () 2 l 2 <=11•11•1• 6 0 l 11 defeated Shane ~1cConald in the 125 class (f~l•aleo~ 0 0 • 0 To!als h1 It pl '• 1 n l u e o· o 16 1 0 J 1 • 1 0 ) 1 1 ? 2 ' ~ 1 ' '1 !I I 0 I 3(1~11 65 17 I J.-i1 16 11-6J 0 1 1 1 1 0 ; 1 1 2 D 6 0 0 3 0 11 31925 Ewing 2 o ! 4 Store Ir~ Q~~r:e11 competition at Orange Coast College w.1~,. • o 1 1 and Joe Flores of Anaheim in the JOO ort,1n~•de 2• 20 10 21 -~s T,Clfll 2l 12 ' lot Toltli JI 2 14 1, LB No. 2 l ' 10 J -2.S after a 9-2 triumph over Anaheim Mon·',--'-"-"-""-"-'-'-'"-"-"-· _,._.~_. ________ ,_1a_s_s_if_ic_a_11_o_n. __________________________ _ day as Chip Mc.Aneney and John Whit· more each scored twice. Wit6 the hel p of six goals by Jim Young, Newport added another win to .its score _1heet, defeating Estancia. 13-3. Robert Webster scored two goals for the loser a. Downey downed Garden Grove, 8·7, and Lakewood outscored Foothill, 7.3. Froah·so ph action at Estancia found -Edison defea ting Los Am igos, 9-8, with Jett Watland accumulating all but two of the winners' goals. Jon Huntley tabulated fiv~ goals ror Westminster. which defeated Troy, 3-1. Tustin Ued with Bolsa Grande. KeMedy added another dunking to its ros~r .of aununer losses when Western beca~e the third team in four games to defeat it by a score of 23--0. Marina Belts Foe; Barons Defeated In Cage Leag ue LONG BEACH -Marina High rolled by Lakewood. 50-33, to rema in un· defea~n Long Beach City College prep summer league basketball play ~1onday. The Vikes ea rned their fifth loop wi n with a tough defense that limi ted Lakewood to five field goals in the first half. Fountain V21lley fell behind in the early folng to St. Anthony and was una ble to regroup, losing, 55-46. ,M1rJ111 (JOI flt11nlll11 Y•H•V (qi • ~orl, Swim1'bn LNl'\I, Ad1""1 JIMrlby ltot.,r Ml!tOl'f ",, ti ,, ,, t e I 4 ' 1 3 ' f II 0 I 1 3 l t1 1 ' 2 ' ' 1 1 • ' 0 1 2 1t 1t 1111, H!U 312) Jolltv ' O II I ~-11111 l ' 1 10 $flllJIVt(jt 1 0 0 1 l!'Pfltllhll""I' 0 0 1 0 Dcra•ll l o 0 2 H1tlllld ~ t I 11 Tr111l•r 0 0 1 0 Tofil• 21 I t lll Tot•lt II 10 6 4' DEAN LEWIS '72 TOYOTA COROLLA !+ T. & L.l OR $39.30 MO. ruu cull price $2,096.30 includt- in& tu & license. Down pa~t ls four hundred dollars. $39.30 total mo nthly paymen t includln.a: lnternt. ta.x A license. $35 pay plU1 ba.lloon payment ot $800. Tota.I deferred pay price $2.575.50 A1P.R. lJ ?f, On Prt·arranged credit. ( 300785). • VOLVO "Dean Lewis" We lea11 more Volvos in Orang• County than 1ny other dHle11hip. ' EXAMPLE SAVINGS : $8890 MO. 1 . . t 40,000 M\U CUSTOM POWER CUSHION TIRE 111.AD l\FE Steel bel ted tires so tough ~ £XPEC1ANCl l G?odyear backs .them . 1· PO' IC'I'* I ":'1th a 40,000 m1le.trea o · • • ' · hfe expectan cy pohcy *W~th ~•r care ind aorm1l dtlvin1. you will 1et 1t l11Jf 40,P.QO mile' of tre1d wear from new, tir1t• cl111 CUitOm Pow\r Cu•blon Poly1teel tire• on your cat. If you don't 1et 40,000 mll11-11nd provided you wer• the orl1lnal buy1H or the tire• ind th•Y 1r1 . atlll on th• ori1\n1I ~r---hrlng-th• tlr11 and th• policy booklet fwith recordtd mll••I• re1d!J111) tet WlllltWlll T~•tl111 "" A78·13 878-14 C78-1 4 E78·14 F76-14 G76·14 H78·14 F76·1~ G78-15 H76-15 J78-15 L78-15 6.45-14 $51.20 $38.40 6.95-14 $53.25 139.84 7.35-14 $57.35 $43.0l 7.75-14 $59.40 $44.11 6.25-14 $61.45 $48.09 8.55-14 $65.55 $41. 8 7.75-15 $60.45 l .34 8.25·15 $62.50 !.18 8.55-15 $66.60 $49.95 8.8>-l $70.70 $~.03 9.15-15 $7&.85 $17.". SALE ENDS SATURDAY NJQHT 3WAYS $2.05 $2.10 $2.32 $2.39 12.55 ll.22 $2.54 $2.53 $3.47 $3.23 l.56 TO CHARGE any Goody11r Service Slort or De1le t !n the United Stal•• or C.n1d1. They will 1Jve you cr1d!t for mll••s• not r1c1lv1d en th• purch••e of n1w Cu•· tom Power Cudtlon Poly~toel tinr, b111d on Good· yea r'• "Pre·determin1d Price for Adlu1tment", ' A 1m11l 11rvlc1 ch1r1• mey bt added. Cople1-o( thla-potler 1r1 1v1llable 1~all Good· y11r loc1tioru • • Our Own Customer Crtdll Pltn • Masttr CMrt• IT MUST BE RIGHT OR WE MAKE IT RIGHT • l1nkAm1rlurd --------------------~-• YOUNG & LAN·E TIRE CO. 1 I . SER VING ORANG E COUNTY SINCE 1961 I I I LAGUNA BEACH 482 OCEAN AVE. 494-666 6 MON. t~• P:•I. t -1-UT. t·I COSTA MESA 1596 NEWPORT BLVD. 548-9383 • .. THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 HARBOR· BLVD_. r-.;C=OSTA MESA 642·0010 -------------------~ I l .I • • I I I "' ( t l • ' ... ·~ I·: • ' " ••• L1e1y ... " " GM ("' o" " ( " .. • •• '" "" M" T ' '"' '" • , .. , T . ' I ll! •• " T ' .. N ' •• Trul '" .. " T " «I "" " Li m ' ... •• "' '"' T " '" '" • '"" " •• SN 0'0 TN T ' I •• G• " O' ' .. ·~ " OH OH T ' V• • I ••• " Lt '" N •• T ' "· N • ,,, K ,,, Oo T ' '"' • • '" • • Alamitos Racing Entries Los Al • acmg ~suits Tlleldll,, .l•IY 11, 1t71 Cllllr & ''" ''"-'' ltACI -350 v•rd•. 3 ye1r flld'I, Ct1lmll11. Purw $1900. LM!y Lll'ld1 Lou (Wright! 1:'9 S.211 •.40 5-r O«k !Hirt\ 2J.OO 10.00 SIHk lllr (PllrMr) •.llO Tlmt -,11 2/10. A!10 rtn -Mr. Cl1bMr Tllrtt, G9flllem1n J..t, Sl>\!r Ctl, Ch1ro!n1 Cll&rt!•, Gold Spring .. You HllUY You, Dl1mon.d 0.vbt'r. Scr1tehed -SvP4'r!Ulefll l . SwHt Comm•nd, V1 ln T-••d•, PIN Ge G<I. 12 lllKtll 1 -Lilly LlllH LIU & t - loftOI" D.U, ••kl U11.2t. SICONO ltACI -350 y1rdJ. 2 yter ok11. Cl•lmlne. Pur .. tllOOO. Rotl!I IAdll!rl 2.MI 2.60 2.-20 Nl11er'1 CNrHlle !WtlSOI') 5.20 ~.60 Mls1 Apr(j Mol:ln (Llp, .. ml 4.60 T!m• -,n S/IG. Alie r•n -Arta VII Tw11t. c111 M• C"tnt, Ad1leo, Jim Ooalln, S•m11'1lhl P1rr, Dt!ith &tr Jl.ldy, OannY Dowl'itv. Scr•feMd -Ooi'ltlY'I Pllll!'I). Pr••tv tMllan, S«l"4y Glll, lfdtv119d, -THlltD lltACI -a Y•rd•. l Ytlr ,. l I. v11. Cltlmln1. Pur11 s2t00. !Ill's Rt<1U9SI lllphtml J,00 l .40 1.00 eev W•• Chic (Orever) 5.llO J,to LI LI C.0Uu1 !WU.on) 4.40 Tl"'I -.20 l/10. 1'1to r1n -Jlntol•I, ZIPPY Hink, !.tnor P1nd1, G!MI Lid. NI) •cr11cM1. ,OUITM IA.Cl -400 Yl•d•· 2 ytlr old•. Allow•ncr. PurM J2,000. Truly Hol Pini• t &eqk~J l1rn1lt11 (Prrntrl FIW lld (C1rdoz1) Tlrnt -.10 6/10, 11.IO ' ?II 4.IO J.to J.«I .. ~ Al10 rlfl -Re1cfl 'n' Gett II, AC- ctllr'tll, Gl\'elfnl!'I, Chic P11 Go, l 11t- t1n Rtldy. RN!h,robbfor. j(l(IJ~I. SCr•tcPlild -Ml11 Monlc1. !11rbflr1 Ltm1t1, Ev1rttt'1wtllt "''™ JIACI! -t70 v1•d1. 3 'l'ttr old• & uii. Cl1lmln1. Pur•• SltoO. c;e F•1Y.1le Go f1'1ll111nl 2S.JO •.Ml 5.111'1 Trl1 Fir• !Smith) 2.'° 2.4'0 Ill~ To 811rF1 (Crl)lbvl ~.00 Timi -.4' 2110. Ci.1r, Irick F11t. Alto rlfl -c r.1•0! Em. C"l~•w1 1r1vtr Gonn1 Wln, lt11lt'1!1, lll«tlttlt'• l(ld. Scr1tc:he<I -Miss 8H Gr1111t. June Thun.ffr, R1moH110, Rlcadltl lllocktt. SIJ:TM JIA(I -l'11 v11tdl, 3 n1r eld•. Cltlmlnt. PurM 11'00. s~11c1 """' !W11111111 10.eo 1.00 J.l'l(l 0 '0111 l"•Hl IS.ta 11.20 Trolv UI Tlo'lt !Orev1r) 5.00 Tlrnt -.U 2/10, -Allfl r1n -Vlcklvenhire, ll11lltll•fl l um. lurnl Svrup, St1r'1 Gold l1r, M11cktY'I Cltbll!>r, M•tn•ml!'IO\ll. Scr1IChtd -... rr Cl1bbtr, CO•Y lt:'I 01mb!l, 81obtiY •ttb, Dtf"tlv'.,.I Jet, IS l11Chl I -t••c• Nth • t -0•01.1, ,..., un.-. SIVINTN IACI -3JO v•rds. 3 ywr llldl &. u•. Cl•lmfnl. ~rlt snoe, li.ttttr Cun 11r fSf!'lltltl IS.20 6.00-r.IO - oto-Mht.1111 11r1 IRleh1rd1l '"'° '·"° OH-lloc.kll ltr lfl'I' ll1nlul '·'° t.IO T~-,11--fltl-. - AlllO tll'I -Llltlt Ole!! IM. H1nk'I y,...,.,., ••• Me Jl)t, Ho 1er1tcfllt, lllNTM IACI -Utl v•l"dl. 3 Vfft 11111 &. '"'· C111t.-bl'td. Clitlltltd A1kl'il'l!'ICI ftUf'MI U)O(I. lllld1 MlfC'M(Pll (Ad1lrJ S.60 t ,60 2,«I NIIMI MllCtlldlo (l(nlthfl 2.11 l,'O fl lul'IOll' !Wrllt\f) 2.IO Tlli'tt -.n 1111. AtM ''" -91 SI.Ir• kid. •••II.II Dun n. Ht ••tr1ln1. Mr. Art0. OldllY 1111e ·~· H• •cr•t<MI. NINTH IACI -400 \'lf'lb. J \'Hr ••II• ., ..,.,, c;u.1mtri•. PurM 11eoo. ICICMIU ... IW•IMfll U.40 I .JO 4JO J([lft ... D«k !Drtt ... l 21 • 7.60 D1vlt Jlllt IWll'dl , J .• Tlnlt -,20 1111. Al• f'lfl -l'.ctdbdt !J...ctff, ttotktl hll\H\. Ootl\lt Jf1M1, Tlte 01no-. .. Oii D,_1.t..1 ft Go. I !• SI\' Sctl!CJIHI -Dllpt'• T• 00. ,.,, • WedntsNJ', July t•. t•7Z DAILY PILOT JQ Men'sGeU Newport Five Nips CM,47-42 San Clemente Nine • • " 2 Aces Recorded Suffers 3-1 Defeat .. At Costa Mesa San Clemente dropped a 3-1 decision lo the host Fullerton Dodgers Monday evening in a makeup American L e g I n n baseball game when the win- nei-s came up wl!h three runs iJ the seventh inning to snap a scoreless situation. The 192-yard ,. • .,,lh hol• at Costa Meu's Los Lago1 course lured two holes-in-one Sunday. Donald Gourley used • four wood and Vincent Heid I lhr.te wood to break the several month hole--i~ne drought 1t the -course. • up JUiy 17·29. About 130 leanu art expected to enter. Mea.towlark \:. Nflwpc>rt Harbor ouUasted rival Costa lesa, 47-42, Mon- day night to remain unbeaten (7-0) in Foothill League sum- mer basketball action. The Met1dowlark Men's Golf" Club ~staged • two-day best two balls of the threesome over the weeken<:. Saturday's winners, Grant Argabright, Don Nichols and Don Roberts came in at 121. Sunday's winners. who scortd a 125, were Mai Teuton, \\'illiam Buckjey and D • Clemens. ltlesa Verde Dr. George Haddad won the Mesa Verde Men's Golt Club's most recent point tournament. He accumulated 43 points to aecOnd-beat Lowell Hayes' 42. Ed Holmes tied with Henry Alhi.ra for third with 41 points. GWC Falls Coach Da le Hagey's Newport Sailors never trailed, although Mesa came within three points with 1: 12 left before Jamie Holmes put 11n end to the uprising with a pair of gratis tosses. · Rick Browning was the mainstay of Costa Mesa 's of· tense, scoring 24 points Rnd had all but two of Mesa 's first half points. Coach Bo.b Sorensen's Mesans were hampered by their failure to connect on any free ~ow attempts . The Joss drops S a n Clemente 's National League record lo 13-4. San Clemente s p fl i It d Fullerton's 1hutout bid in the nin th when ?.fike Stavro got Deep Sea " Fisl1 Report S"'N DIEGO tMu11ld••I L .. Mlln•l -1,1 1t ~"ol~·• 1.~1 •lb•to•·r. ll vellowt1il I l!luel•" !un1, 1 bOnl!a, 61 cA n(~ l!t" J b~rrMu<IA DANI. Wl-IAltP: -114 1ngl•ri· 1JO r11ico b1t t, ,, tMtr•tu<11, I h1Ubul, 7t NIWNrt (0\ m~ckefll. ft II pl Ip LONG !IE.I.CH ('°lu110IM l l ndtn•) - l ' l / t] 1nGl frl :!01 C•li<<'I b~ ... 1 wtlll• 1•• 2 11 b•SI. Sl\ "X~ cOd !l•tmonl P'i•r)-Jt '.l : ', i', ':': h•llOO!, 11 ""•c•1<1I. Sl!cl.l IEACH -11).1 "n11ifr1: 1'.111 roe• cOd, 27~ C•hCo b•11. 1 b•tr•cvd•. ( .. II M ... (41) l h•lotwt BM~• -120 1"'l1r1: 21 11 ti 111 '' h•libo.rt, 11 m•c•~•t !,,,,,, J 0 ' • s.-.N ,.EOltO 1nnd I t. Llnfl"tl -l'I chr11PP 1 0 I ~ •n91~r~· 31 b•tt•tu<U, 110 c11lco b1n . T Ca F f"'rv 1 0 ~ • I} bonito !O m•<~ortl !Sporlll1ld111 f 0 ge oe .~:::n1nt1 1l g l ,! -., •n91••• J b•rrote<10• .• t);)nll(I, 1' • Cummln1 I O o J <•lira b•"· I 11nd b•"· 1 lllllbul. J6S M..-rltt 0 0 1 0 1ock eccl WHITI'lER -Golden West Tallll '"" " 011~:..-0 \] ,, OCEANSIDE -271 1n9Jer1: Jl llar- Htwt>Ort 10 IS u 10-() r1cud1, II bonlla, S2• ••nd bin. n College, lacking Its top re-c0911 Men t 1 \1 14-"41 h1l1but, 1 •oc• cod, ..,. ni•c••r•l. bounder, fell to rugged Longl------------- Beach City College, 82-78, in Rio Hondo 11ummer basketball actio n Monday night. The losing RuMlers, playing without 6--10 center Mark Dek- ·ker, 11till managed to 11tay close to the Viki.nga throughout the night's action. Jeff St. Clair led Golden West with 16 points .. The Rustlers, 3.3 in the ruo Hondo loop, return to action tonight at 8:30, fa c in.- Cypress. l ..... ,. WtJI (71) ft " pl 0111111 105 y-r. • • 1 1'1mc 11r ~ 1 l ;~~-... iii L•n« I D I Co'"' I 0 1 Tot1lt • t It H•lfllrnt: llll'lll IMCtl 41, GWC J6 SPECIAL , mate Rich Douglaaa 1cro1s with .n infield grounder. Douglass had ainglea and ad•anced to third on Bob Palmer's base rap. Ml.RINE HOLDING T 1.NKS NP $YSTIMS 01. USI lltlSTINO MIAO THE HOLDING COMPANY tt1·Htll ""'· •ct1. "'6-1•» • ANTHONY SCHOOLS HARIOR CINTIR • !>Cit H•flltt Ct"I"' C•tl• Ml•I, C1Hflml1 n . 1114J t7t-2JSJ 1117 s. ll"Mkl'l•"'I St. AHtltlrn, C1I. f11M "'· 17141 ,,,., ... OID .... 2.11- $177 TIRE Vl.LVE ••• IUHLE 11.U.NCE , Track Stars Del Mar's track hero 11 the Thoroughbred , , • I mH· terpiece of careful breed· Ing, grace and 1peed. The .. Thoroua:hbred is the sOootiest aristocrat of horsedom ••• with a pedigree:that must be t~ceable to one of the three grand sites who started the whole thine In the 1700's. Thoroughbreds are the fine.st "athletes" of thtlr aport ••• and at Del Mar you see nothinr but the finest Thoroughbreds. That'• about 10 top star1 ap- pearing nine times dally, six diys 1 week. It' a like seeing Vida Blue, John Unftas, Jack Nicklaus, Wilt Chamberlain and Joe Frazier ••• 11! on the same team. (For only $1.75 1ener1l 1dmlssionl) • Track Shorts Del M1~1 track shorts 1r1 the Jocktyl ... the bl1- 1est little men in the sport1 world. Wearin1 tht color• ful silks that 1dd so much to track P1P1ntry and perched prte1rlously on a 24 oz. uddlt, they control 1bout 1,000 lbs. of 1peodln1 hOr1tPoMr with the touch of 1 knte or the tug of a rein . Del M1r11 traick team lncludenll1hl 1r111ts, from Willie SHoomekir, who broi<e 11! win ,.cords at Doi Mar In 1970, to populor wlnntra like Don Pierce ind JtrrY Lambert. Tracktators T11ck fans are 1 lot mDl'll than 1poct11Dra. Tll'1 por· tlclpata. Wildly. Bocou .. durtna the b,..thl111 "'°' mtntl of 1 net, the tracktltor uowna" the hOf'M _ ar • ht'• cholen. And, win or. louJ tM excltlm1nt of tolll 1-tnt la 1...i.r then In •nY other sport. Tl'!lcktltors comt In •II lh•Pll. · 11Ju, 1111 and . blcktrouncf1, At Doi Mar, you'll rub shouldtra with 1Y1rybody from Jimmy Dunnte and Burt Bacha11ch to your boss or your mothlr-ln·llw. Th1t'1 blclu• blin& 1 tracklltor !1 fun, friendly and rully Oii)', once you pt the hlnc of It. Trackmosphere We'v. coined another word. BtcauH there wasn't one to dtscrlbe tht 1tmosph1ra of Del Mar. There's no place quit• liko It In !h• world. From ill plush , Tu>f Club to the oomfortablt thMlro-11)111 Miii In 11ner1l· 1dmi1~ion. From tht colorful Addlinr ped· dock to thl ntW lnfleld ilkH •!Id f0Unte{o11. From thl turf where the Thorollgf1bred1 exercl ... to th• luah rr111 cour11. From the sunshiM-and·OCMn· brtete climate to tht con· ta&iou• spirit of people heYin1 lun. Put It 11! to- Pther and It 1patl1 Doi Mar ••• whtra every day ii lucky, TraclfRecord Hon's your own peraonal rwcord ol dttlll1 to r• "*"bar. 1972 Saison: July 26 'Iii S.pt. 13. Post Time: 2 p.m. Hine races dally. Dolly Double, first and llCOOd racu. Exacta In 5th and 9th races. Gin· a11! 1dml11ion: Only $1.7.5. R•--ta: $1.25 ($1.IO, Saturdtys and holidays). Parkin1: 50~. Call !« lnfonnallon or meMlions: 290-1340. Go out !«the Kint ol Spoltl t11l1 ~r ... 'join Ult Doi Mar T11ckT111ml Keep on Trackin'. Del Mar. s FOR A·78-13 B.W.TubelHt -+1.86F.~.T.E9Ch R91. 4 f0t $60.00 RAVCO Custom ··s2·· ENGINE TUNE-UP INCLUDING LABOR ANO PARTS •s,.n: ptu11& • Adfuet •c_...., c ........... ., ... •s.. Tifninl $22~T CARS DOUBLE-'CTION 4-WHEEL FRONT END ·BRAKE ALIGNMENT ' .... , ... c ....... c...... . ~. RELINE • JledUC91 W-Oft TINs ~Front Ertd. •Complet. Front End Wortc Awiillbl1.. '15!o! ·s~! , CARS CARS SHOCK ABSORBERS OIL CHANGE AND LUBE \ $5'' EACH MOST CARI \ INSTALLATION AV.AIU.Ill •3!! CARS e INCLUDES UP TO liOUARTSOF PREMIUM Olli ' "THI MONEY SI.VER" MUFFLER e TRIMINOOUS INVINTORY e IXHAUST AND TAIL PIPIS AVAii.AiLi e ONI LOW l'RICI e INST.ALLllTION AVAii.AiLi s1111 MOST Cl.RS lulltr, ,.,,... tt. '''' Olrrtbb!I. •lsatt14-Kk.,.IM6>T,._.1 _~~~~:....~....,.,.-~~..,-~-::-,.-~..;_..;_..;_~~~~~~~~~-'-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~•'•;::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::== • Did, ..., .,...., ... \ . ' I ' r t •• ~ --' l f r . -.. . _ .. • • Doll LY l'ILOT Welcome • , Aboard By ALMON LOCKABEY 1'hl1 column Isn't about boats, per se. It's about a re- cent airplane ride. For one day , I joined lhe "Catalina for IWlch bunch." (See Picture.a, opposite Page.J ·:.' ~~;. J'd heard about the growing popu1ari1)' of Catalina's I•' "Airport in the Sky '' 11 a place literally to drop In and i::. have lunch. !;· So whtn my old fr iend Bill Dav is. a retired ~1arine ·' C«pt sergeant. called and asked how I would like to ny ·~-over to Clt.allna for lunch I said "yes''-not even ·knowing that he fle w. BUI picked me up at orange County Airport ll1' a T-34, a dilapidated old military training rraft which he had rented from hiJ Oying club at El Toro. You know the craft ~.:-a two-seater In whirh the pilot occup ies the front seat and the passenger or Ins tructor sits in the back with a canopy you pull ovtr your head if the wind gets a little troublesome at 130 knots. · EVEN WITH TH.! plexiglass canopies closed. the oo- ... cupanta. of the plane have to c~ry on conver&ati~ by :-; means of an intercom l)'stem which can a~o be switched :~to the proper radio frequeocies.1 :·: Now one e.ipects1to see and hear a lot 'of traffic aroW1d :-· tuch airporb as Orange County or other comparable com- mercial airports. BUt at Catalina Isla nd? I was ama:ied. The towe r even put Wi in a holding pattern. All aroun d you could &ee light private planes waiting their tum . . But from 1,500 to 2,000 feet It was a chan ce to see Catalina 18land as few yachtsmen know it. Off to 11tar· board was the Isthmus -or Two Harbors as it's beginning to be known. From that altitude It looked as if a P'ood high tide would make the Isthmus slop over into Cat Harbor. A quick bank to the left and you are looking down on Little Har bor, a popular yatching rendezvoU1, and inland •• there wu. the Horse Raneh nesUed in the barren hills. : :: WHEN IT FINAU.Y came our tum to lan d, it was ::; small comfort to realize wt were making a downwind ap- ·: proach . .. ~: The Catalina' Alrport . isolated on top of a mounta in ;:: IOl'l'le 20-30 minutes by bus from Avalon, i1 one of the most attractive· structures on the entire island-lncludlna Ava· Jon . The white adobe building la &Urrounded by beautiful landscilplng -Including imported patma· ...:_ an~ .. ~e smoot h · runway Is sufficient to handle small private jef.s -or so · I heard the tower telling one who was inquiring. I 0 Yes," sata the tower man, "one landed here last week." When you check in at the terminal you are given tick· tta which entitle you to buy hutch. The outside lwicheon area !J mall wt beautifully de<:orated. .. ne bill of fare conslatl of the most tasty hamburger Cat $2 per plate) or 1teak. Being 1 retired M~ine er,eant and • newapape:r reporter, BW and I did not inquire about the tab for 1teaks. THE PLACE JS JAMMED with luncheon trade v~tu· ally every day durlng'the summtt. Private pilots who own their own plane or have one available for charter find th ey can leave t-helr mainland ofile.e:s...an.d fly ovet to Cat- alina and back in the U!UBI two-hour lunch period. . . There is no bar, for obvious reasons, so the martu11 lunchecm crowd is notably absent on tht way home we circled around the easl end of -the island and made a C()Uple of passes over the city of Avalon. The harbor had the usual number of-midsummer yachts on mooring• and the streets and waterfront seemed busy. Which brings to mind the recent storY that the strike cf the "big white steamer" Is playing ha'voc with Avalon's summer business. some Avalon businessmen claim the tdllng of the steamer -wh~c~ brings gem~ 2.000 weekend visitors to the island-ts nnnmg their business. • Others in Avalon dlacount this, claiming that small boats and seaplanes -the later landing on the Avalon waterfront -will eventuaU, bring the business to the Is- land resort. Bu(niERE IS-ANOTHER· angle that Avalon city of. ficla!S and businessmen may not be taking into account. What's going to happen to Aval on when the law goes into effec t next January that prohiblts1 any private yacht from entering Avalon Harbor W11ess It is equipped with a hold- ing tank? Hundreds of SOuthJand yachtsmen CJwn or lease perma· nent moorings at Avalon. Hundreds more <trop anchor at casino Point. f\.iany of the boat owners I have talked to WW that they will never equip their boats with holding tank! and wiU bypass any port or harbor that requires them. so far, they may be talking through their yachting caps. U federal legislation eventually requires holding •tanka for every boat equipped with a marine ''head ,'' then you'll have to have a holding tank or no boat. A8 of this writing, there ls already a Jaw on ~he books In orange County which would force all boats with heads to have a holding lank come next January. But this Jaw has yet to be tested In the courts as It was in New York and New Jersey where W.,h courts ruled that such laws were unconstitutional Glenn Reed Wins Again Glenn Reed of South Shore Sliling Club. Newport Beach, uiled his Santana·27 Aloha 11 to hi! fourth straight naUonal cham.plonship in the cl1ss at California Yacht Club. There were 15 entries in the ee.rles. Final results were bas· ed on a best three out of four races. Reed reco rded finishes of 4-1-11·1. SUmmary: 1. Aloha II: (I) Sloopy, Dick Velthoen, Arulcapa YC : (3) Betllna Marie. Tom €oles, CYC; (4) Magic, Henry Peper, SMYC. DAVl ROSS PONTIAC'S ElClUSIVE N[W CAR J 5.JEAR/50,000 MILE W1RQ~nty l . . J l • Newest -Outboard Motors Unveiled Johnson Outboa rds h a v e ·taken the wrap1 off the latest In Its m ies of hlgh - peformance Stinger outboard motor& that have beeo wlnniog major boJt races around the world. Dubbed the Stinger GP {for Grand Prix), the 150-plw; horsepower motor is built around the same 91.kubic inch V-4 power head uaed on Johnson's top--Of·tbe-line stock outboard for 1972-the 1'25. • 'Ille. new motor has a 2.$88- inch atroke, a 31h-lnch bore and comes with a 14 :23 gear ratio as !ilandard equipment. . A 1: 1 gearcaM is available as an accessory. BOATING Boat Firm Helm Goes To Johnson .. l>ale Jolwtoo, former salH manager for Luhrs Company, one of the nation's leadin1 flbtralw power c r u is e r builders at COSta Mesa, has been· named general manager of the firm, according to Charles Thom.,, pre~dent of Jensen Marlne. Luhn bi a division of Jensen ,.farine which in turo ts a subsidiary of Bangor Punta Operations, Inc. 'Guard Asks-· Suggestions The Eleventh <»asl Guard District's Aids to Nav\gatkm Branch ls ask.Ing boat C1woer1 for eommenls concernlna; pro- posed changes in the Coast Guard 's aids to navigation system . According to Lt. Cmdr. Billy D. Lovern. chief, Aids to Navigation Branch, the coast "Guard period ically evaluate1 ain! to na\'lgatlon, to · determ ine whether or not the con ditions for which the aids \\'ere established have chang· ed. SPECIAL VALUES FOR TODAY THRU SATURDAY ONLY! Se habla Espanol FULLERTON WESTMINSTER 15221 BEACH BLVD.• PHONE 893·8544 MONDAY THRU FRIDAY , • 8:00 A.M. • 9 P.M. SATURDAY , ,. • ,. ,. •••• 8:00 A.M.• 6 P.M, SUNDAY •••• , • ,. ; •• ,, , 9:00 A.M. • 4 P.M. f VOLT Translslor BATTERY <, ~-::.11 c HAMDT IA. PACTOIY lllUILT-PllfORMANCE TESTED GENERATORS Soy iteot1i.,.. lo ot....-o!IM' ft...,bl•• w ill! fo<tory ril>ulfi, JHrfOffl\OtW.t l•11t>d oaoct r.Poc...,tftl, FOR MOST CARS FACTORY REBUILT ltplact ll1at fa11lly a lt ... 1tolor wi!li 1hl1 pt1for111. on<• !toled reploc1monl. f'itr "'oot GM «>r• 1963.'711 ~ ~~~~· .. 1""49'·'s"' IN1·'7l. WITH OlD OllGINAl lfl UllDAllf PAIT IN TIADf. r!~t Inch tliamet1r, lfttlwdtr flM, !Mdl11m ofld lOOfJD 9rc11lt J. u ...... 11hdrll11,loth.1 & oth.t p0w1r tooli. CARBURETOR CLUNER SANTAANA 120 E. FIRST ST. AT CYPRESS• PHONE 547.7477 MONDAY THRU FRIDAY•• B:OOA,M,• 9 P.M. SATURDAY •• ,. , • , ••••• 8:00 A,M, • 6 P.M. SUNDAY • ,, •••• , ••• , •• 9:00 A.M. • 4 P.M. 1530 S. HARBOR BLVD. • PHONE 870.0700 MONDAY THRU FRIDAY •• 8:00 A.M. • 9 P.M'.) SATURDAY • ,, ,, ,. ... ,, 8:00 A.M. -6 P.M. SUNDAY •• ,. ,, .... ,, •• 9:00 A.M. -4 P.M. c. ..... 1, '60.'ff folco1t '60·72 l ukk '"·'72 IMtcury '!fl-72 forcl •57.72 PontlM '''·'12 Old1 '60-72 "'"" '60-72 98'~ · 1 AIR CLIPPER 15 MONTH GUARANTEE* 4 PLY NYLON CORD CORNELL CENTURY II THE "llG TIRE" o SMOOTHER RIDE NO FLAT SPOTIING o GREATER STABILITY FOR HIGH SPEED DRIVING 27 17 .. 14 (7,3S/7.00 • 14) IOAD~LUDOUAl.t.Nfll• THl. PIP I OYS GUAl~NTll CORNlll TlllS fOI A ll'lCI· PllD NUMlllt OP MONTHS AGAINST All ltOAD HAlAIDS IN NORMAL l'A.SSENG!I Olt U$f, OAMAGIO Tiil Will IE 11,lAClDWITH l'IO·ltAl lD MONTHLY ADJU STMENT CMAJIOI IASID ON l!GUlAI SILUNO PllCl AT 11MI Of fUICHASL MADI WITH M1Jt• 11AYON COID HO l\AT IPGTTINO 01 THUMP Stlf FREE $6.98WHEEL ALIGNMENT WITH PUICHASI OJ rwo Ol MOii PAUINOll TtUI JMOIT AMlltCAN CAii) 6.00 x 13, 6.SO a 1) AIR CLIPPllt TU!ELESS BLACKWALLS 40 MONTH GUARANTEE* ~ TOUI GU Tiii ACCWlll ........... Of CONM'"*-All,_. "81 ffllU&. PClll taa 6 .. ftlL l . Blackfin 1st Across In Bayona BAYONA, Spain (AP ) - After nearly 19 daya at sea, the 73-foot ketch Btackfin became the first boat to com- plete the 2,700..mile Bermuda~ to-Bayona yacht race, crossing the finish line Tuesday morn-ing. The Class A yacht, skip. pered by Kennejh DeMeuse of Alameda , was at sea for la days, 19 hours and J5 minutes. The finish was about four days behind schedule due to light winds in the Atlantic Ocean, Nine of the •s other yachts in the race were expected to reach the fmish by noon today. ' Race Officials said class winners and the overall win- ner -based on handicaps - would not be known for several days. CATALINA FOR LUNCH BUNCH ENJOY TWO.DOL LAR HAMBURGERS Private Pilots •nd Guests Keep, Re staurant Busy -No Booze Four other yachts arrived. at this port Tuesday : Jubilee III, the Nava l Academy 's 73-foot -22 meter -in Class A, skippered by ON A CLEAR DAY CATALINA ISLAND'S TWO HARBORS LOOK LIKE THIS FROM AIR Cmdr. Howard A. Randall, of ..... · View Is from Bird Roc k (Foreground) Across Isthmus to Cat Harbor Annapolis, Md., with a crew of---------------------''------------------------- 16. Dora JV, class A 62-foot, skippered by Lynn William of Long Island , N.Y., and wit h a crew or 12. Sorcery, 62-£oot also or Class A, skippered by James F. Baldwin, New York state. with 15 crew members. which ar~ ri ved at 2.0 : 15 GMT. Carina, a class C 48-foot, sloop owned by Richard S. Nye of New York. 14-boat Fleet New Ericson 27 Group For11is • SF in The birth or the National Ericson 27 Association took pl ace in Redwood C i t y recently and Fleet No. 1, "'ith 14 boats, is alive and racing over San Francisco Bay. President 1s Vincent L. Morvillo, Jr., vice president. Tony Orazen : secretar y - treasurer. Phil Schwartzal. Feet ~leasure, Dave 1',ue. and Ne"·sletler Edito r is Bob Hall. The new organization's con· stitution has already been ap- proved by the fleet members. The fleet racing schedule has been drawn up for 1972. On the agenda of fleet ac- tlvil ies is an Ericson 27 seminar. Dick Deaver. 1vin- ning skipper in his 01vn right and manager of North Sails in Seal Beach. California, will be on a committee boat and give instructions to fleet members during i\.Sitn ulated race on the bay. L:iter. Octt \·cr 1vill :;ho1v a 4 o -·m i n u t c color film dc1nonslrating such v i t al points as sail setting and trim. Foll o1ving the movie. he will ansv.·er questions fron1 the fleet members. ISLAND AIRPORT IN THE SKY IS MECCA FOR PILOTS Private Planes Keep Tower Busy During Summel" Season Judges Eye Maui Finisl1 For Winner ------- LAHA!NA, Hawaii (AP) - Race officials said they hoped to be able to name today the overall wiMer of the 2,300- mile Victoria, ~.C.-t~Maui yacht race. Seven boats were still at sea Tuesday, but reliable position reports indicated that none of them would bl able to best the corrected time of the 32-foot sloop , Cherokee which sailed into this port on the island of M,\lui Sunday with a c01Tected time of nine days, three hours and 15 minute:;. The Cherokee, from Seat- tle's Corinthian Yacht Club, arrived some 27 hours after . the O d u s a ' s record·setting dash of 14 days, one hour and 25 minutes. But the handicaps of Ocean Racing V gave the SS.foot ketch, also f r o m Corinthian. a corrected time of some eleven hours more thari Cherokee. However, Odusa captured the c o v e t e d first-to-finish hooors and skipper Eric Zahn also can take1 satisfaction in beating b:Y almost a full day the record set by Graybeard in the event two years ago. Race headquarters said the ~yawl Aukele, sailing out or SeatUe, becamt the tenth yacht to finish \he trtk that began July l in Victoria. It ar- rived Tuesday night. The others were Co·Motlon , Nautical II, Patriot, Satan Doll, Flame, Red Dog and Sargossa II. The Bluey II, lrom the Royal Vancouver Yecht Club, was expected today. Six other yachts -Maitoca JI, ~cy Alice, Kinohl, Allegra, Siren and Penzance -also re- mained at .sea. National Regatt.a Under Way • N a t i o n a 1 championship regatta fur the Intern>tiooal- 14 got under way today at Marina del Rey under the sponaorshp of the South Coast Corlothian Yacht Club. · Top skippers in the class from Newport Beach are Pele!' Gales of !laiboa Yacht Club and nm· Muri!on, Lido Jsle Yacht Club. Two races were scheduled today, two more will.be sailed Thurllday lllfd the-final· long distance race will ,be sailed Friday. General chairman o1 the regatta Is ·Bob Qirry of Hun- tington Beach. Top priza !or the "'""" Include the Founden 1'ophY for the series winner and take- hom• tropblea for the lint live plllCel aklppm IJld crewa. The Presklent'• Trophy will be •warcl<d "' the lint pla<e - skipper in the loag cll•lance roce: the Humphrey Trophy , ... lo the lint woman, either skipper or crew, and tlle Sherwood Tropby goea lo the Jlliher ICOrtr In the !Int four racu. ~.!C ._._. ___ ... JI· c::~~!~- STORE HOURS: DAILY lO TO 10 SUN. 10 TO 7 • Tube!- FISK PREMIER. _.PLY POLYESTER CORO i Z/32" TREAD DEPTH WIDE 78SERIES TREAD WHITEWALLS 11.95 !ulNl-Tw a1 .. •w111 Whu.V.iilt lu1 Fed. Sirt. 8<1nd , .. Prieo Ex. T1~ COde 3629 •K h '"" .ctlTlr't' 1151).13 SI.JS C7a.1Jl100f 17.95 19.95 . "" E7a.14t736I 19.95 21 .9 2.24 F78-1ott77SI 20.95 22.95 2.311 F7a.15l775J 2.43 l"lu• F«I. £•.Till G71-14l8Z! of SI 71 G71-15\82fi 21 .95 . 23.95 • H7a.14l855 22.95 24.95 H71-15(156 All p<lc.s Jllu• Fld. Ex. Tax •• FREE TIRE MOUNTfNG A.ND ROTA- TION WITH TIME l'\JRCHASE. FfSK FAMILY OF SHOCKS STANDARl' SHOCKS DELUXE SHOCKS BUENA PARK BUENA P~RK ._. 11N. .. i..1twellot • Lincoln al Voftey View SJOI ._.amt. 5885 Lincoln Ave. 52J.3040 ' 826-5800 ' FISK · SAFTl-CLASSI C l:{[)(][p 1'0LYESTER CORD/FIBERGLASS BEL TED WIDE 78 SERIES TREAD 12132" TREAD DEPTH . WHITEWALL$ 2lli Plu1 F..:i. EJ<. r .. E..:h TiA 11.!ilO C78-1-t\695J 2.10 E78·14~7"31i) .2.34 F7S-141775) "2.52 C7a.13(700) Bbickw1ll G7S.14182S 25.95 27.95 2.69 --Tu~• 1'1111 Fld. ~''-"'-''-'''-'"""'1---...... ---!~·-"c_, ~!:_TU " .of $1.90 H78·141855 26 95 Z8,95 • • H78·1518S!S ' fl8·14IB1161 na.1s!aas1 L71J.15(915) .All prices plut Fld. Elf. Tllf 29.ss.• •Whit_ .. , Onl.,-. FREE TIRE MOUHT-' fNG AND ROTATION WI~ TIRE l'URCHAIE. COSTA MESA Harbor llhd ... Wlhon • 2200 Hortior llYd. 548-2082 I . FISK SAFTI. FLIGHT D~,AL WHITEWALLS WIOE 7BSERfES TREAT) . 4 POL YEST ER C.DRD fLfES l'l.US.Z FIBER!ll;ASS BELTS ,.,. 95 711t.1 .. r .... • Slz1, ennd • ... 1ot5 cn.1217001 £71--14 (7351 1'71-14 min Pl111 Feel. Ea. l•ot Each " SANTA ANA WESTMINSTER EclbHJ• St • .t !lriltol • 15440IleadilM. 1400 Edlwg• .._.llN.otM•F"•'" 546-7832 •'2·2088 • •• ' \ U: DAILY PILOT , UDQA!. NO'nCI L1!GAL NOTICE LBGAL NOTICE ' ........ ""'°" .... ,..,. 0""" "'", .. ,.,. ····•·J.•_·.!'.'"'"'·•....................... ... •,fl 1A C,...T,.._. 0,.1lllr ,_....,., otllr" ..i ,_..,,..,. Mlljtll ... w.ttar• .......................... ~ ............ VT ... Wnt9CfT'f(lllUN(ll•TMll'CTTTePNUWftlW .... ..,..,. '"" ,._ --""...... ..... ... ...... ... 'I.A 1.a ............. ., ........ ,.....J v·---·:.:.:;·Hfj~,····· .......................... '."'n •'t-~LAS(laT,._ ...... DllTIUUN ... TNI HIVAK.•• tifll CNtfitl...., W S• ftml ...._ 1..-I WW l'N'f "'...__. "9t -,.._ ......................... . ••• 9P ..... TO 11 l'i\IO ... TWC COtlfftlUCTMNt ... PVILfC W041Kt M u.11 • 1 ---.... ,. wtltl 9llt ~~-rCll•I ... °"'9W ~· ... .....w-.wn .. nlletf'Y ... JIOVNTIJ# VALUT U.,.I&. TM• ,,., ,.,.. "'"" W' lefftr.J ~~ ......... MiWlllll .~Oillt'*' f•.. l"lllllM .,.. UWll SfN'kikltn ··••·••••·•••·•• U .JO .....tM•liluT ... ll\l'OCATtoH Ofl TMllal.tot.UTK*. '-Ckllf MIMf ....... , ......... , .... ., ................... I.a Yil 1A --· .... -,.·.--.. --, ... -, ., ..... · ,..tJl ••..,"--llo ~ .... ~_.$twW,.m01Dt00•,• .•• ' .. "' ..• • •• •.• •••• •.· .• ·.·.·:::::::: l.:o, ... ,,, • ~latA.1, s.ct• 1rn _, tM ~ C.. tiJ tM lt•M tiJ C..llflrMl r.IUir.. J~ MM ........................................... ._.. !-.,." 1.o • -·-·· ,.. lltiir n-m -~ _,,, ....,.awtrftlt M'(-mtd.,., ,.ilc _.,_. l!hfll __.. ..... ~I IC"tl"" Mill..__ ~le C-Crtft PIK• Opentw :. t.a -1.n Mte ,.ltl l"fMitll .,,,., ......... , ............ ·••· ... , ... ~11"-I , .... _,,.,. flffll ...... .,.,. .....,.1,,,_1t1rit r1'9 fW Mf ... Y aM "611dlef _..,, UlllNdltlf Allll•"" (A,.. ................... , .. ,, 6.IJ 7.2t wi.tl"r..c.v.twOpentw(.....,7•cv.)ft,Jlff'"°""-t VtUlton 1M W.lio.~ ......................... \, ~ W't .. tM litcl.lltY 1111 Wl'llcil the "*'le~ it tt Ill "9"11iioM .... MINlr -~ (IWIMI er mte:hlntJ ,. .................. 6.a 6.tl 7.4 0,.1 ... .,.,.10Hwtr~trl ........ 1"'9Vf "Trtll'llne tnii1 PromollOrl 1...... .,. "" ,_,. c:..tt, dl .. llU""'-er""" W wtf4it1Nfl,...... 1rit ..i.clltt '!hf d!Mf'M't, t M J((fljNot ........ .,, •• ,,,, •• , ....................... , •. , ....... 6.JJ 6'U 1.. 0tnY ......,1'1'1'111111 ~} 14/C & •rirltlr1llon OtMrll ,Ol"l'!Nn " •• Jf,9' ..,._ ~ Mdl ~ ..... 1rit.,..,... MW llftYtllllll nl9 Iii I,....,,,,, NoQlitfftM ............. ,., ................ , .......... ,.,,, t.• '-" 1.4 Tiie ......... ,,_ ........... #I IP'• ................... ...._ "/C 1. • ..,,_llltn l'ltt.r 'O•ttNn .......... fJ' • tMfn1 dfclMllfilJ" IMtf -I .... WM Md! rMt "'"' tllWI""""' fW1ll °"'"""' • T,.....inl •tw Grt.;lltlf MKl'IW.. ,,., llA f.N 1.0 .. I A/C & hfrlOtttllOft ,ltltr ......... · "'"' a.)O tfW ..., fliMt' ,.,. 111 Mc:ll c:1a w ..._ "9 tM .., ...aklllfllr. Mil ltll .. ""' ,....,. -w-. mufk or ......, _..,.loll, tw ... CtewltrTtldW (QililM t i -ac ,... ...,.. .,..It...., H•ltll ,,.. w.tt1r• ................... ·•• · · ·" ;•~ ~ ""9tfl ~ ( ... ., tr(~ o1 NINWlllfl), ahorktf'lt, tic:. .. •.n &.JJ 7,JI ~M ltllf--.:"" lltw' .... ft..,,.. "-loit ......................................... 1 "ao ""'°*· 1Hlllll'"Oltl, TH• cm COUNCIL°' THI cm OI' lfOUNTAIN ~fl'Nft -"'""" """"........................ ..... .... 1.0 TtlWWO--.tSc,.,loM' 9dcfnlfM1 v-.11M ....................................... °' va.u.av DOii HlltEIV ltllOLVI, Ol'Cl.Altl!, OITlltMINI, AHO OltDllll """'*' ,.,.... .............................................. •.• .... 7.IJ J °"""' Hlltt-lk ..,..., .. ,lltMI -.'!WMlllll ...................................... ·,, A ~OWS: , S.~tttw ................................................. t.• "" 1,a All wwlt ..,..,,,_Ill Twwiela -.asc ..,.l'liiir~I 1r•'"lrl0 .......................................... in ........ L lfllt ... City C-11 ., .... CltY ef ,IWf!T•ln v1u:y, ... ,..,,.,., Sllttt .... lt•llt Wot11• .................................. f ,7J 7.n 7.M ("'-~ lllA'fY .. HY*M,..,tlk .wl!J ""-'IT•••• $.lo AIMM Jo41mtym111 .;afft 11111 WltrMlnt tMt IN l'Mfll ,r"tW1ltl11t ,.., .. 9f lllOP' • ffft ..... frlr Sl'McNtt Miii ............................................ t.• '·" 1,11 l.q ltom: °'*'""'' • OOft't f»t,., Nw W• 1W1 70c: W.....,. fW Mdl lf"9fYll11 ........................................ 1 9S .._ cntt, dl••lflcttlen.., fW1t 9f -*!NII .....-'9 ""'"'Mlle -'It l"fl """"" lt1lt1r •rd $t111r .................... , ... '-• f.91 7.d ~lf'-1 W tif...,,. er ,ortlfll flllrlrflf. Olltn rtlCll\l9 ¥• f4' 1 MtllnlLHl'I Pl111.,..r ........................... ,. ........... ·:1 CM~ lftll .,.. ,.wr11 .,......,...,. t'9lt tf 11911 llolklt'I' 11111 fYOP'fllM ....,. fof fWlft'lllfr ftr•k-•M Jlll'ltc:llmll11 "' 11.1111111 Wor111 •• t.n f ,7, 7.11 fll ""-JOO' r111. H•llll •1'111 w11t1r• ............ • ••" · · "·" 1 •2s _. fffft ff" rtM 111 Wllf1I IN lfl ...,._. Wiit! 1t1t tc1Md11I• 1ttldltlf ._.... T~ ltttlmbor--_... w 11"' .............. ... '-" 7,11 l'"*tn TYPt 1.,1 ....... -Sul,.,.._ atll't °""""'-.it. (lftY C'fll91M11tft) -Pt11$11!'1 ,. ....................................... ·50 .. et\INt " ... ~lltlt • ""' ...... ..,, """"°' " """"' flllly Mt -.:: Tllfl MM ............ ., ..................................... ~ •.n 7.11 ., •• ,.,. Mur ..WltlMef Vtc.iflOR .................................. •. .• '1s ..... 111. ... loft 1111 lfl .. 9Hici1 ff,,_ DlrldW _, l'Vblk w.rk1 9f ,,_ Cltf TUlllltl ~ fflflllllltr ............................... _.. f.91 '·4: twAMn•1tl lr .... Pr-t!Oft ............................... •01 ~1111 V1Mty. T""""' Mlltfllll ,._,,"" M.lft ........................... ,, .. ,, 1•1 ALLOCATK»IS: 5/'lm-5'11 Unllll't ...,., at"'"""""~"""' .. ••YI' ~klllllp ................................... 111 -..•:::lds.~::.::.i c::a ... m:.i.:...,~ MM .... E>fllt" A 111111 Mtl1f I "~.':' .. ~~ ... ~: .. :~~ .. ~~~ .. ~~ ... ··*' I.ti 7.JI ·;::~== :.~,:-.. =" .,• •. r•:;ri:w:-::..:'~:. PltJlef ·Tiw:No.~~.~~~~~ ................ ''·!!s ..._I. TMr 1 (fflf., tltll .......... W fftf '""""""'"" .... ._. nt1110•111t .,.,_ c:._.lfkl11M "Jl)lff tftll' ll•lll Witt" WI M 111P1k 1•1t .. 1n Wlrll fl'On'I 1111/7l a5c 121 -.tllt & W11tt 1>1 -141 Ktflofl.. .... /111 lfld W Jf1r1 ' .... .. • tllh rtMlvfffft aMll -N ftlM 'ltflt ~ DI,.,.. 9f .,_iatrlll ~-wtlflll'I ... Wlfftflc:t tt IM 9"'fl er rtlW 111111 lnc:ludlflt ti/'" cilt""'""· Tlll1 c:llll1lllc:tllfl'I -Ml"'-'f "'-...,..,_,, 'II 1 ' .. '' .. ' .....•. '.,.' .. '.,. I )Cl '-Ull fl)'t It tflf .... lfl'I """"'· ..... Ullf'( te I ll -X .,..,...,Int _.,. c:hlmilerl up tt lfOl.l!\CI le\ltl. Hffltll & Wtlfl,..-ik......... • ~.~ """,','.'.':·:·::::.: , .................. ~',".:·. · . .a ......... _TMt tflle ,....Mltn \fltll ... ..,... " "''' -time Mc.It .,..., WtillATIN• .......... , ,._..,._soc,., hair' PITCH 11o0ii'a OAMP'. WAflll,JIOO ... lif a~-.. "'*'I tlrc:vl1llwi. Mt1tlll & WICf.,. -60c:1 1k -111m VKltllll & ._....., l't,llW -lk Mt lllllt" ('4tdl ll191' .H 1Wltll ll·lS~I .. 1'11 ,._ .... -SIA01 11~ -111M l'lttmfll; 'iYtltn t C..trKtw ~ya'" hit •)'1'91r t., P*'I l'll,...1-'t ...,,,._,.,.,_..II ···•·•••••••·····••••·······• ········· ':'tt WAel SU.LWI POI Tiii SIX IAIM: TlAOll V-tlM -Htlldty ,.1111111 -:»c Ml -~ Vlllltr fllf tllnMllcllfll ff' flll T•,...ter1 111cllldlnt tl'IY Sv .. For-n ......................... , ... ·• '" 6 '' .,,.. .,... ''"' '"Mii lllilW •• .. ecanltMI with 1lw """" flf 1he llwrMnl lfWlrl*l1 soc ,., Miur _, fllt r•I• ti ttlt ltlptlt fllfW l11111nttr unftr his ""'OIT*lt "" """ 9'11 ""' •Ml -111-..ric. .,..v1;,,_, tM c-JOW!lrl'INn ... "" ...... · .......... ·" ·" · ·· · · ·' ~ 5' atlftrflle Mhter La• Ai,..,..,., for 9'11' ~-..... ,,., IMI _.,Wit IWClff'V"*'° trwtw !Jhtli Mlitnllfo -T1t1MIW Ii tnn ,.,_II 1ftcl flt 11'1111 CllM c;.M111 .................................... "15 ~ ... ,I.II•: I.ft .......... ! °"'""'· • .,.... ... , "" ._,.. .... , """"'~" 1111n 111111 rfQN9 -,.. ..... mtt• "'" ... 1111"-t T•rllrler c:l-ltlc:tt..., -Kltllll Md W•H•r• ............................ • ~ VllllM'•; ..,._ llr'Mtl, SM LW 09h9f, J(~w'::a_. 11111 MtM. ... _ O'lOU~ t ................ , ...... ,., , , ,., .... , ............ , ... , , .. , ... U.» '7,Q ~ !It II ,.,_.n, .-.-~ ................. , , ... , .. ,., · ...... · ·· ·50 AilCMT10IU.L COJT ITIMt• ,., l'lllllfl1t1M• Tr•M•• """' , ....... ,,.,._ 1nm Ylettllft ......................................... '15 ..,.... ••• ut. • .,.,,._., ..,......_ .....,.... CNtt .. ...,, .. ........, PwtllMI c..rn,rn-°"''"" "4"n• ., SWld• OtN, .,. tMIU1r tr• •~ lllrtvw (1) .......... w.u c.... Cntc1t-ot1 ... · · · · · · · · · · .. · · · ... " .. · · · · .... ·0u ' ~~ft!"....,_ p"""'-"'ce.11 .... OffM1t1. fk., "9111d"" LllCM Uttfifl Dtdl Hltllll 8«ltt'fltlll ...................................................................... , t.u "-"'tk11Pllp • Tr11n1no '11<111 .............. ·~45 .--or:"fN~";=L~.7: ~II)( IAtt( TllAOll1 St.W .... _,. ::.":.;... :,..... =l.tDv':ie"::. ~jjtft'i;'\.;.i;1C•'l.f':""" .. .,., .................... '·°' =~~",:~';'At.""'"""""""""'''""·"· l·i·ll 7·~·~, ibo'llt JOVt'llfYINn .,.. ....... ~ ................. 1,.tlltltttMlll. H11vyDvtyJt'"lrn'llllHtlP1r 2 ..... 11) (2) ............................................................ 5.U FIOl'lll'lfll ...... ,.................................. r•lt q•'8NTl•I . ll'\lrl'IO Oclfrt fw • , J t llft CIJ ....................... ,,,,,., ......... .,., •• ., ... ,. .. ,,., ... ,,. t.OD 11.,. a-.Vt J0\1"""'"8n ~"'"*"'"•rt.-•1c1 ttc -s11m :~r11nwin on..!,."-•·••"' u1 ...................................................... t.u Glllfl'•I For11Y111n .............................. ,111 PtM1o11-1xiu.i:-111m k"""" .t1tMc11ipr....,.1'1.lde .............. ; ........................... 6.0) un 11 n :;::;-:=• '"' 1t111io.y -toc i tOc -w11n :~: ~;iV(tk.f.' 'I.ii~~....................................... •.11 1.1' = : \'::.'::.1:r T.;=.: -"':~ yt11. . .. .................. ...... ... .... 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VKttlon . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . . · .... ···• ·60 ..o Ji a.w 'ff'lll' ....... , ....................................... t.41 t.SJ 1.21 "'"'°"'''°'• Gtrltttlw P~.,. ComPt•.., Unti•IM ,. ffuc:ta ••1uMt t. p1,.11n1 tn11 uiult'( """"' wlter• • '1om-,','.",'"'._., .. ,, ..... 1•1........ ... .. ......... "i~i .. i.n Tllble P'awtr Slw ()pltttor .............................. t.a 6,11 t.D ltNry Drlll Hll,., t.ilflllcll ,...11• c:rtW It tiMlll (I) .............. , ' f.11 .. ~tk Hllltr ., P'twtr Sl101or . . . ..... ............ f.JI 1.• t.• lk!MtMtt" -WPlfft f'fM, .,. " Ill .,,ii. wltlloUI 11!1dlmtnt ltOl1 tan'ltr Drlftf' -HIGllWllY .' .. : ··" · ·· ....... " · .... · · · · ·'" .. · · · · ... 6.SJ Foromtn In c:h.l•!Je of l-1~ men .............. $1.ltD Pl' dtY mor• thin \°"'"''f""'R ...., 1ff1K1 llllldtt tn lt•IMllill Ptiil«h ............ J.» S.ft J.M SOi1 ,ltW Tldwllcll11 Tt11f~tr .. Pr.ot Ctr, uciwine mtvin9·iiN,;~· •iiwT*if: ·.;,;;;.:.ii ·~".·: s.u Foumtn In dM•lil9' O'f 11 or mwe ... .... .. . .. s.oa 111r Illy mor1 fllln MM'l'll'lln lto9f LMdtr O'f Sllllllllt .................................. s.oo 5.ct ,.. Tw,... 'lrtfMfl lnid: Gr-•1111 Tlr1n11n csoc: n1 111r 11111r ldcMlloMI wfttl'I -""' ·rr11 Layw ................................... t .n 1.1S 111 Piii -ctMf ~~."r .. 1 .... ciOd:'C,:;'"· .. ;.·"'"'"""•• 1M 1.. .... ~=.:.ryMl~:-:.:.111 0,.,.lw l~ tl~ii:. •=r24 llltllll In "'11111 llllmanl•} ., ...................... f.11 H .. lih Ind W1H1r1 ............................ .t.U (EmplOyM Pl'l'I • ,.. Otl'wr kit tr Pll'I TruO: C Oil llfltllnl ................................... , .. ., ...... ,, S,fl Ptntlcln ........................... , . . .. .. ....... .3} .ll "1VI C•* ... lo.-..... , ................................ •.'6 t.• I.» ellll()w'-er 1 J.$1 Trvdl llll111tlrll'lll'I 0) ........................................................ t.• V•ctllon ......................................... 10 ·r:s ~ Dn'llf( Mtn -Derrkll ••l'fltm1n .................. t.• t.M 11.26 J..P' :t 'Wj.;(h'TiVdl'o;t;ijt.r"""""'"""'""'·"""""' ·· ,01 lruc:ll lllPlllnntn H11Ptr 111 ............................ ,., ................. t.10 Tiii Promotion ................................ 1'1 • NM ltoefelllfltllf' ....................................... ,,. 6.W I.fl L» o..:::'" rudt ll•lrm1~Wfltler (I) .............. ,. ...... , •• ,, • ., .................. 6.fO Apprentlc11Pllp ................................ , .Ol '.O!,. •::-11,..,. ................................................. '·"' .... ..» lllY91frft()ptr•tor flMldt) W•~ •nd TMmtllf' ................................................ s..n TILi'. H•LP•lt #11 '-1·11 .J.,4 i:n.·~:";:yor11~~~ t;;itn"'Ui*i • ._'iiiii't'hi!Y'n~':' ..,.,.!11,...ld 1;!.to, l!eullllflMftt o""" f,.a> :::"r:" Cltrk .......................................................... 5.tl Tll• H11111r ... .... ............................. s5.tt ..... ' -1 to Ito<.. O " ----twltflllr.t~•ltlCIWntl'ltll 2 "'Ill (lfllfltd ........................................ 6.24 ~ , ln, • 1 up i. 1 Mt• -. !WI c.-ihl (lie:) f//11' tf WM HtfktflW ltM'°"""' (,,......) IX , ................................................................ 6.00 Jtellrtm1~t ..................................... .SO -lttM~-hlt.~ct~ll .. Wl1fot .. tr_.:::'lt-'-._f .....,.Ctntmt C:=lllttO!Mftlw Wl~flrlj'j°'' ••la Ill ...................................................... f.10 CPlrlilrnt1 S1vl11111 ........................ ..... ,:ro WJI ~·Uc I/It Miit' :...: ... ~fUt11'! ~II~:.::..:: =~.!_"!_~ "---"' W1ndl Trvd!."Df~".:..:"j:i~'~"i.M,;."~jirOftij ·w:.;e;."tPt;fji.:..:.·~" f.llO VtUllon s.tvlno1 ............................... .lO 04) .... .:; · ..,.,..., ...... _ __,.., • lll'llldl, er 1ltnli.r tpttK.lll l tll(hrnonfl ,,,. 1111 ltuur•n<• .................................. ,,'5 !E"'j'~Y" JllY• · CIMI MAIOMI ·-c.mer Optr"fllf' OMtlMl NOTES: (lj llldlc1!11t "' ldlt.mrntnl ~ ,.,. 111n2. 111• P"'"10llOn ......•.•...••........••.. '. .. .. . 1'°"' ax.., '*"' -111m si.11oNry Plpf' w,.,,,.,. a. OMnlllS Mffllhw c,.,1ttr 121 tnc:.....,_ •II ¥9l'llclla -. lfl•R 1111 twii Dl••bllHy .. · · .............. • ....... ·· ·· ·· ·...... ·20 -~tk"--V,m -111111 == :riftj ·;~~ ..................... I ......................... 1·12 1·" .·:r.:.·.·.· Wl.&.Olltl1 S.mt ..... ICl'9 •• er•; .... Wftl(ll ""V ,,. ,ncldtrrtll. fdllCl!loMI ........... ;;.·aiiN"T1C'i "SCHEDUi.'i: AND llAT•.f/I V~ -.OCI 10c: -I/I/pt ....... Mfdlflll' ()pfrtfW "'-·· I f f.1·11 Tfilt A,,....,ik1 1111• II ~'( '° O'f 1111 JIUnlf'l'INll'I 1t1i. ~ Wl'lfll """.,. mtnt Ctrlltlll ~ 1,. ttf'lltlrtllll M • ""'.,,. '"'" lo:l!Nn., M'*'""'n (AllDflllt., CMM:rtl•l _,,,,,, ortmen .so 1111w J.M. (riff 1ni.rr111 111 21111 irl .... Jiii •t~ 71• •ht t1t1 1tlll 11111 /'. ..!" .............. n t ~II Ind Wll rlC'tlw-1101 lilt 1t1111 Mir: .., O." Wttdlflt M~ Opfrolor l'trllMfl .11 '"" Jt11m1Ymtll .... '"'" ... , .. ' yrJ. '° 70 llD 90 .-;;-; _,. tnll'I llllll fM Mwlf "'" 9f 1M lttfJlllt ~I ~ c:lhi'-C...Crtf• hn'ltlo Opw11ff (llNll ,.,..llltl ~..!",,'". -W.ler1 .............................. 11.91 8'1Utff'!)llttt1 •. f mot. 10 72.S 7S 77.S IO IJ to ff ,, flcllllflf#fl(lillMc:llllfflMr•~Utr. ttNlt"'-Ufl.....,llllllT""1'llllll90ptr1,.,. ...,.. •rt ............................... 4 erkllll'ftn • mo1. 50 '° 10 IO to ts J'• 11tm Mm Olfltry~wMetorMtnf"'"'Ml lncluflntlOlonl ~ .......................................... .u Ctrptntrn ••.. tmoe. fO ts 10 1s IO IJ to fl °""8f M1J11ft ,,..,,_.,,_11 iMIWll'll 11111 ,_. rltttktef .. tJlt E•lprNfit a-ti' !Gn!IN'Tnrdtl lnltttinij'""'·""""""''.................. .f7 14!~ MllOnl f '"°'· 15 7t IJ 11 t i 95 ............ ; Cll~ .-klllftel tltflrlt Cllfll .. !'fl llllll ...,., .... """"' Htllt O!Mflltr °"""'---·· -,,•,~, .......................... ., .07 ~ltl .... 11100 11•1. .5S '° 10 Tj to IJ ttf11nt ff llntl, •!.Ill• 11111 1,....1 llftllllt teftflM, Wfrlldl MllhllM Ca~ S .... lmlft •OIL'iit°MAK:. • ~t'2ckiM ... ................ .OM Iron W1Wk1r1 .. ' "'°" 10 tl 11 ft fj II ~ tc,... lll•J cwltlrlt ...-Int .,.. ..win. ,... ~ H)'dr....,_,.., -Jwr. '""""' GOIMI' ITM 1f.1·11 1•1-n 1111.•"' """'-c.1.s.c. ,,,.., 1rr1e111on a. C,_J lllUOOlne, llUifll S"-'1'01t Miii! fry JllCkllli ~· ,..,_. SWMIW 09frtlor llll.,::,.:Ol"':'"r1""""··· .......... , .......... I .1. tMYt ~-II LIW!t SPf$11r, 5 yrs. «I U 14 U to • l"*-1 ftNllnl rM!lrlol(,_.,. '"9111.,..,.. llllll lllcb1 ltolllr Ollwr•lor l~I Ir Kll1mllll ....... , ... , ...... 7.2t Llllllf"I ....... J mot, 41 4t " .. ;~tnbllr·lr'uc:t d!Vtl. ...... ,...,. 'tn11 dldu1 """' -kNld o.., ..... (Alplltlf or Cine""') H•llll .. W.lf•r• .......... ............ ...... .to Lllll .. 1 • "'°'· IO '° " 76 • 1 .-tc:llllll IM todlli!li. roddl , tt'"'lntl, lllt w.11 ltOlllNn "'"•Ill! ........ " .................. .......... ... I.Del M.41rbl!' M1Mlftl • mos. to U " ff n f6 ~•"" .,. ••mt•·i ~""I ';'•:::: •• ,, "'' Trtnchlrlf Mtdllnt 0,...11or ,.,. ;. • n.J ":!.'!..'°/' ··.. ...... ............ ...... .... ... .. .... so l"1lnt1n ...... • rno.. fO •s 10 1s ts ts 100 .._.. .. ""' flot ................ -' OMV• I 7 • 7.. A k_,,tp ' ,_, o '° " 7S -" 000 ~ (Mlt9Ml"9, """"'I• .,,.DO !TIMllc Alptletl ,it;,;'fifijM~"'" ................... ,,........ .. ......... ' ·•• lltlCKLAY•lt ,.,, ••• , •• ., ••••..... , • .,.......... .12' • Pl11t•!:"' ~ ::!: jQ iJ - ~·°""' Ellll'(, °""°'1•' ........ , ....................... 1·" ••• car.trfftltltllPi.ntOl*'IW-l'w-~-Empr.,.,.7fntn,'IO!le1 1M11 u '" J ,lllfftrt ' ~ ~ P:IOtltfnt " TNWtllllli MKtlhJ OptrtMr ......... .•• 6.D:I t .tl (Olllr or ,,.,rMY'l'Mll _ T,..._ !"Mllllntlll ,_ _ 1Emp1ey 7•12 ll'lltfl, "°' -. .,.,.; 1r' hr":"'..!._,_..,_._ ,1~ • · •• 1 tne111.. w.i• Gl,ltfot ~lne ci.tntw jc:lfrlWll tnty) ... •• .... ... .. .. .... i.n .. ,. IW'Mrt ~loll ,._.. II Ml ... Ill "" tlMln -F•--E~ .... er u '""'· lllt ""thin .r.: . • JOl.lr'My-ll Jiii' '"' t!Oti .... "'°'· : =""""°' T'ntl ff krM o,tf1W , , • , , , , .............. ... .... 1.11 t. U 1_..., .,_,,IW a. fltVl,...I I ',/!;" IW. ..,_ JolifMYINll Jto:,.,. 1 mot. MICfliflf 0.-tlter 110 typu) , ", .• ,, ... , , .. "........ ...... 1.n "" (Oft lftlJffl4fldt _.,., .,:;ff• ""ltn it.... 1 O,.,.•r.Cn..-•r1c111o1.,.,. • S'-M.llOll , .... ·• ......... ' ~ Roof ...... ! -... to Vlbnl..,..,. ll111llw 1Wf k""" Ofitrtllr ............... , l.n f,M 1M1 t _,,.llltMI ~) H1tltll & W1lf1rt ........................ :.: .: 't .7t St ttJ& i'"" trlOI. .. " " " n .. " " " " " "°"" ~ °"''"" .......................................... 1.11 ._If •-o "'' to~-·""'"~! ,_Ion .... 60 _, klrtn ~ .......... •¥ii .. ,. '""· bol'11'1 c:lllll", .,. tulPll'\llflll 1c1ffold, whtllrW ,.,. • ......... ,_ ... JW• '"""'°'"''•'""'"''<""<O"''"'••O .u Or•lnl '" ''• s Yr'I. ., .. ,, u ~Int.,. l'llW. ......... lllf!O'# trwnd. thlll rta!Yt Uc ,,., 11fur 1¥1" Jt1o •It lltlr,._ Vtcellorl .................... ,,,................. ,.6 SMtt Mtf1I I mot. $0 SJ to ts '"""'"" rtf• Qllertfl Jol11t IMdll..-Olltr•tor (CIMI •Ml 1lmlllr fY'Pll lrld• Pnirnotlon .............................. .Jt Sign Parnt1r ,, t rno1.. JO 'ss llO ts " " 12.J ., " " " " " " " " " .. N • " " " .. .. .. fJ.1 lOI .. " " ts 100 .... WOltKfts . GIMrti. P(llMf' °"''""' APOt ... lleuPllp ..•.. "..... ........... .••. .. .... . .M T.,,.,. . ........ mo1.. so u 15 lOCI NII .... Wotrtni _ lkl Uc -WM/71 DlfrrldlPMll (Ollfltiil ..,._} P•ICICTINOlltl (LI..,.,.) .. 1.71 Tiit ll'l'tr ,, ,. f '"°'· jQ .a u 70 u t7 fl n JOO ~---'2\ok1 t7\o\c -,,,.,,, OfCk IE1t9lnt °"""" T«Mlttl •.•. " .................................... tf.U PASSED AND AOOPTID 11111 Siii 41'1' of July, ltn . v.-..IM -70c1 1i¢ -l /ltm DrtNlnf MHllMI °" ....... (Jiit!"""" .,.,., """"' Hllltll .. Wlfflrt ................................. ..u l•I Al HOLLIND'fN """""": 1111.tc:...,. "" -flMll'I 7k ,., Nur ,.,.,. """ llM lltllrty ,.,. "' "" ,.°"11" °"''"' ( ..... '"'"' ~lty) ,_.... •••• ....... ...... ....... .... .. .... ... .... • .» Mlyor • """"' llUlldlnl IPMM c:ll••lfkttllfl ...,.... Wllldl ho Mi Wlllt'Ylllon. M,..,,..r•1c: s..... ~ c.r11w (ltr-"""., Midi Vec•lllll ....................................... , ,,. An1:111 Wllll'I .... w ""'9 ll'fll WOrlt.,I ,,. ~Int lflltl N itilld .. ~:rOporolilf' . UlPft', LINOLIUM • IO'T TIL.9 UY•lt /1/ Miry •. Cllt • ..., .. lrmplt.,., M ICI. ,lf'll'l'IM. . MltlMll '"""""' '""' IMI• Vlbf"lflr c ~ Lt ... , T ,.,.n .. ,.n .,.,, nA~~ ~~Lll"ORNIA I ... : • I ..... _ 111•m l/t"'1 "'ildl•nk•I ·--cVfti er°"""(~ ..... ., espfltlt) ........ ..... I 11• Layer .............. S7"4 •. .., COUNTY 01" OltANGE I M"'t • l'Oft ..................................... "' ...................... u N ,U: Mld\lnle1t lll11ltl'ltr o,...tw (~ -Clery, JoMlfn.•hl'll'lll Ctr pl! 'kwef"S IVK . .211/ "13 .• , .. . . •• .. .... 5.ll s.7• CITY 0, FOUNTAIN VALL-' ~ t.-"'Qlltfl lrll'I Wwlttr ....................................... ~ ... ". I .. IJI w •ltnlllr) Mlllrlll Hll'ldler (VI C. .211 "1' . .17} • .. ••• ... • 415 a.Of c. =:1~~!\ln Wtrttt .... · • ........ "' • •• ....................... ,. :·: ~~ ''""""' lr11k1r 0iitr11W ltrvck. mMiltf. Otltl'.Jeur,...~1n1~ '",,,..• °"'pllctlor (VK, ·"1 "1' ,4) "· ··· • · •·•• 1.;; _,7 conlfr M.:ftY111:· ,!~~ ~.~/~ .:!1 1~:,~~~ly Dfln•~=::i11 ~•:.Y·c: ~~ :;::-:~~~·:::·~·~·~~;~;·~·~·~;;~................. ' :=r£~'7='1~::1 =~ ~ ... ~~~~.:.~·:::.:.:_:;::.::.:::::.:::::::::::.::.:: :! :: :: ;!~~:V~i:°'.~11i"::i:W:: ~~:d•~ of July, lfn, •nd ••• 11 uld rntetlrrll ._..... -UCI SI.II -Sll/711 11.• -lll/1J ll/llllttf tlrwll ..... Ml>¥1lll • ..,.,.., 0111111 .. lnt, .., • APJQ!ltlcfttllp Tr•lnlnt . . . . ................. •• .02 .ea .. AYE$: COUNCILMEN: Adler, J1.11t, Holllnden, S••lstH, kolt v.c.tlfll -toc1 ac-S/tfT' llM)I lnr:llllli,. II W. •lr\ldl) CtrMl. UM, "*""'II• 1111.lf• 2-f.rt •1·11 NAYEJ: CDUNCILMEN: N6n1 """""'"" Trtllllrlf -1'c ,.,._..,.,.. .. lfr -~ M9c'Jllr. Opwttw 111 ' .-n. .... , .... , ,, , . , , , , ................ , ktt $t.1' A•SllNT: COlJHCILMIEN: Hone ~ Ntf 1111 fMft Mo iJIW ...,,. tnll'f t11111 tllt howt'( ftff nftll ol .. llllt ~ ..... °"'911f' I,...,..,,,._ ""'*"1tlc llftlN lM 6 '"°""'* .................................. .UI $.I! /U M1ry ~. COlol City Clltrk _,• fll\JIMll ci..lflUtlOfll ..,.,. wtldt tit "" ...,...l'lht,. ...,. *"" ~ fllr'lflll W ' '"'"1111 ................. ....... .......... '·" J.JI • •• • t1t111 anm 111m T..,...,. ...... n *""'' 411'1 ' "-""' ... ........... ... ..... .. .. .... ..... s.as s.ts ........ .,, lltlttfftlfl Ifill ,,.,.. •• ' .............. ' .... as.ass IS.MS ~2" T\INll1 LMMMtlW l)ftltnllr ( ... It ... "' ...... ll!(llliflrll Stll • "*'"" ............................. ' ...... 4.11 .. . =:-n·:.:.:·,·1i·:.;.:.;.:·,. .... ,.,. ... i.,. .. 't.'ii.._· ... ri0iii"' 1·141 •·• ,..., ••=::c:-•• .. -w-·-·•-·•·-• . ""' montnt ......... -........................ •.u ',·."., _,. ....... ,,... ... "" 1tlt ' rnonttie ................................... 6.'2 .... ,1111 " •I~ ond .............. ""'''"""" Sir;' Dowltor lCtlwMr ,,.. Wtlool ,.,.,. ..,., ... .,., '"" ILICT•ICIAH s.n.n ...,.... ,.,.,...._, • llWtflOd ....a IW tuc:ll IMdlnt lilP tt tlllf intklfl• 1V. ..,._, Gll'llrtl fotomtll .............................. tlD.fl .t-"iM' Jlll1:111t • •• ... "·· ........ • · · • .. • ·" • • • • ...... · • · • ••• '·"' t.tu9 l.Jnt T~ Oper"" -"""*-• T1""" kr.,... Cllrlllf flllll'lf, ~ · · · ·" · ·••··•·•••• ·· ........ .... .. ...... f ,tl •"iftn .... 111 M111 ........................ ,., .. ,,,,,, ..... J."5 1.111 t.1.U llOMltflt,,_ fl'f'WJ!tellllllltllnllolr!Y'llfl,.,'9-.cllncW... su; l"«ttnl.-................................... t.• °""""' °""'"'" flll 1 )'frill w i.rt1r ftll!ltr tlllf CM IM lltnv,;: tyfm} CMll S,llllctf ..... : •...• , ........................ f .JI llltldllnl w. ~1 .......... '! ................. , ..... 1.2'5 s.111 t.IJS Welder _ 0.-01 C.Mt s,1ktf' For1n11n ......................... 10.M ~rr~ .. ~.~'.':'.'~~~.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~:: ~ ::: t~: ! cwNf.i·~ir;;·o.;;n*-·iti~··n;·iitiw.i;.;ai .... 1·41 1·'1 = ~=: :::::::::::::::::::::::::: t: (';"'nh; W HMllll"I O'f '•Ml ,.,. ............ ·. ·" ......... a.tie. 1.4'J i.'NS Mpllttt h'l/11111 Mlclllne 0,.,1ter lllrlNr Cf--., 11tnlltr =Yn'llll l'«Plnlell11 ................... ••• . . •.to ~. ~ Cvttw, Orlriftf ., hnder ·•············••• S.lSS l,IO.S '·'" ,,.. _' _,...,.,_ '911Ulrtlll ) Cert '"' Wl!Otr ................................ '·'° ~ a.nr-1,.,,.,.,. Mlfnllrl .... '""' ,_ 011..-.. 1.m ..... ··'" IHL Lim• ... PK!ltr, Wl(ll'llr fl•dlt., 1rmn1r o,.,..ior Oretillilllftlll lit .,.,. '. .... . .. . ... .... . . .•• .. .... 1.24 c-.ci;wr. S.W Men, a.1111111 kerlP11 Old., N1w Ctntrtl9 ''* 1.IOf t .UI ,,_. c;,.,.. °"''"" • Grt~n 2rld yr ............................. 1.M (MlcfM lcrllfllllnO fDf' ltOl.IO!t Strike Off (111 ICOlnllftCf (111 In Pi.co pi,.. Uylfll Mldllne Optnifor •t.•CTltlCAL STDtl•KIPP•a .... M'""°'ll'lcill"' tf Ollder1llfldlrll with Cttntnt ~tkln Mlur Md °"""""' Oper1tor (G11nlfl Wwk) lit )'tit • • ·" • • · • • · • • • • .. • • .. ••• ..... , ...... ,.. S.U ~ illl'tM 111t1•1 ............ , .. , . ... . . .. . .. ... . ..... s,M l .4'l l.te ~ ......., °""'"' Clfvdil: -11o1111 Ollor r"""'rtlll 11111 ~r ··.... •. •• • . .. .... ... .... ............ .• 4.'5 ~·· Wlfw CW!nl ................ · ................. ,. f.M "'" I.HJ (Mt'nll Mii., o,enter -Pt•lrll (Oller w JIUl'llll'tntrWf'lll!M lrll Y'tlr .... •· • · · · • •• ...... ".......... ..... ••• l..M _(Fll:IMr, lllfr'.-, LIHlnl. lhttfl1111, lflC fttndt Ptaclllf, ,....lr'ldJ ""•••"•••'J,,"', w"",,!!r. ......................... , t.n ~111111111 LllOl!tl Hffnmlf' ·........ •• . • . • • • • . • . • . .... I.JOI t.OMt 6.a5 C1W1t 0..,.IW I• 19 encl lncWIM 2J '911 tltlttlfY) Ollor .r "' --Mlrlill T"c:A 0ptt11w CDtnwlttlfltJ ...................... I.OH 6.MS l."5 ,,_..,..'t'l'IM-trw9-,,_,.,_,, IL.lflll llOlfl'I ,_., 1J11111c.tltlt/, l•t f mon1t1t .................................... U.6 o.r;.Jltilll Ulltror, IM tlMllln9 tf.lll'tclll Mil lvmbtf ... . 1.141 l..fH S.f.11 '"'9111111 Plfflt Olltrllw (Oller • ,,.,,.,..,ll'lfllolt'lllfllt ,_... fWllll 2rWJ I tnlfllllti "' ..... ....... ................... S.lf lit Y•r OfU*': An ptwor lllrllll, t:11Cludlnt JNk.flftnrNf', .. (WIWI ~loll,....,." Mt tllld,,.. 11u tfltll -,_ Ill 6 m111lllt .................................. .!1.1' '!lllllllttr e:tr., dl•rlllllf, .....,., trltll, ""''",.. ""11, 1t1tw ....,..., 11 l"fCVlrfllll 2'1'1111 • rnont11s ... ............. .................. •.n w "l'•r a.NI• an.y lllt' 111 other """' ff ~lcll f r\U1 01111 Ole* lit f motlfl'll .................. ,.... ............. t," ~,..,,. ... to tllt""'" ff fNllw flOlli'ff llllt-. 1 ..... fftlt,0,.._, OJrtltStet hf f ·rnonlllo .................................. 7.12 3n1 YMr c!Wflll "'" tt.t Wtfk .iflerwlff -•nllllll 11'1 flttl lleftrllrt 0,.,1tor-.(Wff' I toMI II I monflll ..... ·" ............... , .......... 1,S1 ,.,..,.,.,..llM .. Unffrlhllllllnl Mtwt«1 Lllltwff'I IMI Gr• ('Mdl.. t 2M 6 rNMlll• ... .... ....... ........... ......... 1.01 «frl Y1r11r . _.,,a,. '"'.,_,. ...... lft Mllfnl, ,..,..,., 2/J/14 •• .... ..,... '·"' GrMtll °""""" fOIMr ., ~~fnln .. ,..,1...i1 H•ltll.,.. W1lflr• .............................. .u lliilJtr, JHkllllnl'llOP', m tt. •111 .,..r., ...,.._ ........ S.4' IJIU .,,. Gl"Wllfll Madi..,. O.•t.r . ,....,.., .......................................... .45 Or)' ... IC:k"'t • C...Ullt. ,IUllllW, JI Nlllll et ..... ~ lllllM o..r1tor """*"<LIV•'r"'oo'"""""""'"""""••"""'·••·· .. ...._.l! '. _.,,. *'-................................................ J.t4 .... S.HS rri_,. Dtity a.,.fr-m1n 7"-• PIM Grlcltl', HltJIWtY llllll 61Ntt P1"ir. .A.,,.,_, lfollt °"'9tw 10Mc:l9D 9lf9"I llflll 1i"'llolr trJlll ,.._n ........................................ 110 . .Mt "'"""'f'I• 11111 1l111!11t t;,f ,....., mntlrvclllll ...... ,. t.lff f.JtS .... Kafm'll lilt l..Moltt Mii 11"'1111" ""(Oller w J"""""'IM~ Mtdlllllc .............................. , ....... ,. t .21 ,,,. W.ldltr, L~ ln.ltlft Lhdlf'a, "9ltrl 1M lfl._ ,...,,,..., Cini Ht"" ............ .. . .................. .. .• f ,($ Otlltlt Hlllllllrl ...... , ........................ , ......... , l ,M '·"' f,t., Ul.,,_, llflt CMlpttctor.,. elmlllr fYslf SO ,.,. ctnter , . • .. . ..... ..... ... .... ..... . . . . .• <t.d 1~"""::;"""'"":..:°":..: ... :::::::<"':=':..:"':"'::'...:'~"":::.·:'':":.:.':'·-'~"'::. ________ :'"':::":' LEGAL NOTICE su••••D• <W•T 0' 'Tiii SUPIRIOlll CDUlllT D, 1N• STATIC, CALl,OllNIA l"OJI STATI 0' (ALIPOaNIA Jlotl TMI COUNTY M OltANO• TH• COUHTY 0, OlllAN•l Ml, A-JMlt N•. A·JWI HOTICI OP' N•A1tlNe Olf PITITION NOTIC• Off NIAJtltt• Olf PPITION l"Ott P•O•Al• ~ HCLOOllAPHIC ..-oil PltO•.t.TI O, WILL ANO l'D• WILL AND lfDtt L •TT I JI$ Llnl!RS Tl!STAMINTAR'f T•STAM•MTA•Y Etl1t1 of ERNEST H. WELKE, E .. 111 _, MAJIY P. VAN WINICLE, •kl DteMHd M.AJIY •EJtNICE ALDERMAN VAN NOT1c£ IS HEll!IY GIVEN Tntl WINKLll DtCNMd. • Ht1en M. W1llt1 "'' flltd ri.r.in • Jlf1111tn NOTICE 1$ HEJIE8Y GIVEN lhal lOtS lor probltt of wlU 1nd tcr l1su1nc1 fl MAHAN Mt f lltd Plfrlln I Nflllon for L1t11ni T1111m111!1ry l'llo ,tflliontf', •rob~t· " Hololr••Plle WHI Ind fo• rtflrll'llC• lo wl'llcPI II midi '°' furt!MI• lllUr.,'let Ill Llfltr• 11ll•m1t1t1rt lo "rtklll•n. 1nd 11111 W... tlm1 111d 1llct Plfltlonlr, rtflr-1o WPllcti 11 m.oe for of 11e1rlnt1 fhl Vmt Pl•• bHn M!t for Jul'I fwtll.-Ntflc:Ullr&, IM tl'lll IM fln'll Ind 2S, lnt. 11 f ;,. 1.fn .. 1t1 1111 cevrtroan1 O'f Pilct tlf llMrlrll h Mn'll 1111 llffll itl OeJ>lrfmlnl No. J of 11111 court, 11 1tD fw Affvlt I, ltn. It f::IO 1.m., In Tho Cl¥1C Ctnler Drl'llt Wnt, In W!1 City 9f cwm_... tif 0.N"""""I No. J 114 tald S1nl1 ""'" C.llltrnlt. court, 11 700 CIYlc Ctntor Drl¥11 Wtsl, I" Oi led Julr 1, Im 1111 CtlV _, llnll An1, C1Ulornl1. W E St JOHN. Dtt• J111Y' 11, lm. cOuntY ctert WILLIAM I . SI JOHN, OINDIL, 1111.Allt.OP;, SNAPl"O CtunlY Ctfftl 11111 OUITT .. lllt IDWAltD A. T•Allftl '* Wllllllrto i.u._.,ri lUU ........... r..lo'll1N S•llt "'"'"' 1• ,...., .... C.llfWllll .... • '"" na ~ LOI AriMtn. C1lllWllLI tlMI NfrlrMr W 1 hlttlMff Ttl= f!lJt fJ.J.llll 'IJTI Al"'111'f• ... t P'.tltloMr Pl/lllllhtd Crant9 Colit CIH Piiot Publllllld Ol'lllOf CMlt Olll'f l"!lot, J111v 11, ,,, ,.., 1,12 v 1 .. n J111y u. 1" lt, 1fn. 1m.n ~ .............. '.. ... .. .. .. •. .... .... . . .•. • . .... . .... ..... lffS 5.NI ""' llN Mldll• °"'"" (Vl\lftWlfW .,.,. 1lmlltr """'' Hlfltll ,,.. Wtlllrt . . • .... ... . . . . . ...... ... .... ,1'5 ... tu •Y l!l't\Jllv• ... ., Oii i"'"''-"' LHotlr ................................ I.OU l.ffS I.Mi L.lftMo9llo Optt1W(Otlfr,., hur•'I'-"'""' ,..,1.-1 hflllln .......................................... a &. .ou.., Im~ LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE ... & OJI'°'"''"' Wr•l'PW-ht TllllMr"" '""' Mall •• •.tu 5,705 '·'" LNder °'"'""(AIM'(, ludlcl, Si.mi IM llmlltt ty.,-011« vv!~,''"" ..... ...... .... ......................... ~ \IPfDJ ""'ft, Jrn. er fl'lll'9 1---::::-::::::~::-:oc:cc=---1---;;;;;-;;;:;-:;;;;;;;;-c;:;--;::=--..... on Pl .. 11111' ·w.-.,,., .... lndl ,ipt'"' ,...., ........ ·~ '·'" .,.. or-~-1"Ulrtd) -loll luppl•rntnl ~"'=rt)' t •etltlbl SUP I O.lr!ll Chi..-.... ; ........................................ , f;2" t.'1J ,,12S Mtfwltl Httlt o,.n.lor ..................... ,..,, • ffnP •,.I • PICTITIOUS eUSIMl$S !! O• COUltT 0, 'TMI ........ "'""' ........................................ I.JU f.OIJ fMS Mt1dllr11 MKlllM Oplr1frlt (M VIII. -Olllr er JIOf""I'"""' eu11•• f.t" NAM• STA1t:M•NT STA •• 01" CALll"OllNIA •Oil 1rrWtfCt Wforldl, Mllltt-Pll,. ... . ........ ... .. . .. ............ s.JJtS I.to$ 6.ZIS ff•I-,..,1,... -"""""''..._ r1111 er trotk 'YJlll GL lolzllt .......................................... u :t> llnc:hllllM Vtutltnl Tiit fortowlne MrNlfll •r• •olna THI CO'::'l.g" .. OIAl1Ull bttltmtll, ~ ..,. -HOl'l'lnt ••JMlt, 11,..nw. """""'tic ClnCrft Plldrll Midi/flt 0.-•IW IHICk""1·''.. Mdi'rlln ................... ···A·............... .n ,.,.,... J_,_.y,,..,. MIMIS 11: NOTICI •• H•••••• .. ·-•nON ~:i:;.im. CM!lc ttltll •TlnKlr ,.,.,. tnti.riltl Wttli., •lmlllr·f'l'ptl SC.ffDPllilf ..................... '.~..... .... • .. ••• .ts w Iv,·-'"'· -,... DEL'S ,.,OUltETIES. 2002 lMntt • ' i"• ""'"' I _.._.., ~. Wwtl'-, .,. P'*"""k "'"'"' U.ltM (hl!Wlll) Hlflltl •nlf Wt+f• • ..... '" .$D Lene 5•nl• ""' IVOS ..-oR ••DIA1• D, WILL AMO -,.~ " .... -.. -.·.··"' ''" _,_........ ..-... Gun -... r ............................ .» • • ......... ' . CODICIL .t.MD Lin••• TllTAMIN· -"" '" -• ,.-,..,.,.... .. ,,. t. V~lolll"· • ... •• H ... , ....... ,,,..,, ...... , ............ , .» AttMoo !!....":"""• 2ID2 Url'lff' l.tlll, 11"11 TARY llOND WAlYID) wtlwPfOlllllO) ...... , ... , , .. , , ........ , . , , , .. , , ... , .... ... 1."5 1.q 6.M It_,., Drift 0.-trtor CnduifMil '-IYIMl (Dllttt w "-· ..... "'" o y 1-c·--I t • ,.,_ ... --._. •--·-= t I lnitdl .......................... .,., """ ~..... p I .. -CS Eslllt of GEO•GE KINIEHAN, ... . ..,..,., W ......,, ...... ,loll .............. ,. ........ 1.fG 1.,,J S.NI II> l'l lltf ,..,IA APlll'fl'lflchhi9 Trv.t ......................... 04 IV ,... POI.Ill), 2al2 Lerner GEOR • l.lber•r. T11r1"°'1ry Wtltr • Air Llllfl ,., ..... , . ,., • .,.,, I.IMS 1.<tff f."'5 It l'lnd ll•rtfl Mftlt'll l:"°i,n-t ()ptrslor' f1lntM, LATMIR I ORAN el COUNTY AilllAI • .,:,1 Lint, S.nlt An1, fVOJ. G ICINEHAN JJl., Dl<;11NCI . ...... er, PICklnl 1111.Dd S"fl' .. P•nt ...................... S.11 "" "" ........ -CllWP!lltr, Ellclkl, Athty w....,..,.. 1lmlllr..,,.. L.•lfllf" ........................................... "·'' TPl]f bllllntu •• llllnt c:onoutltd .,. ' NOTICE 15 HEREIY GIVEN thll T1111 Ufl4K ... Gero-& N!Mlry M111 l""' kntWflllllt 'If wllit lfl"f I/Id Ill lltld\fl'ltl'ltl WW 2S ...... lflill '1P f9 11111 iKl,.mt/t . , .. , .. , , ...... ,,,., . .,,. . .,, .... ,., ..... lK f""'9 tlll Joyrnt-n•o ,, .. Pf#lntl'thlp O'f H\nblnd & Wiie only. n1ur1nce Ind Tr~1t ht• llllOCI lltroln 1 ,JtlMtt fMlerllll Inf hfw '9 1111111 t111m. L.11'(1 eut MCI-.., IO CV.,..... 1!r\ldl) Hltrtll lfld W1!f1rt •"-P-..rl A. Mool9 "llllon for Probl11 of Wiii tnd Cod!cll Nrit '"'.,...._" • fllllW tllt llrMIKIPI '''"' , ..... f..,1.s 1.ns t ,ou •"""'·Til'W SC:r•fllt °""'_. (Mlf.loldllll -""411 ""'"' io•i.i " · ................... "" ···.. .U • Allllt Moot• •l'ld tor Ltl11" 1Hl1m,nt1rv 14 '"1. IU'"'ll..':-(W•U•i '""' f-... °"''' ,,,, ..... <NS Zt'.;;;Joll" DMrt,Mlflllltlmlllr•._l•tinltl tn ......... , ... ,.,,,,,,,.,,,,., .. ,,. AS ""'I It -.... 11_,. (Bond W 1¥1111 .. t ,,. vec111on PIM ................................... .JO ""' • wllh !ht County • '' ninc.i.W!lcn flllnr· CltltM MIR W.H•, $IMI, ~. ,..,., lk 0,...•lrlt (Cl'IWW Miii WllMI f'l'pl'-nw t't\-,.,.. Trltd• llntnollOn ...•..••••.•••..............•• .If Clttk Ill or-Cwnl'I' on · Ju-. :u un 11 "'"°"'tor turtller ••rtl(llt1ri. 1nd "'at Fdl.trdllllllll W ff111t-.-aw• & gylflr .. tldtwa~) ., I.NS 1.ffS 5.... ..~ '9 I"' lndudint ::::a-J ,1,pprentlt:lltlttp Trtlnll!f ,.,. ........ ,......... ,Q l• lowrl'( J, M1611u, £,.p1.11y ioun,Y Ille lltnt 9nd pllCI Df llHrlng thtl NIM c..ttrw ., """""'lie, on, lltclrlc TIOll, VIW•Hlll -·H• Hllttn""' °"""" MAllL• M•Ll"lltS #11 .. ,." Cltrtt. h•• llttn 111 tor JlllY 2S. Im, " f l,. "#Ntfllntl & 1lml~r INCl\ll'l!uf 10ole 11f11 ..,.,,....,. lt_.f'fltflll 1:1'111 Mo¥Jnl Eiwtsment o,tniflt (l'l'IUllplt MlrMt MllPtl'I ................................. U.DQS ·-II llm' 1.m .. In 1111 cour"-i of DtNrtmtn1 Ne. Pl~~ ..=~··1ii'i:en:ic"tt 't.I'~ 'jir." .. ''''i,"jft.:00 " I.Kl J.a1 l.2$S T=ii:. ~~ $:"'::1 ~ :.r:-..J,. UlllClfr, tntnl/" 1W. fMllf'tnCI ,,,,.,,.,......................... ,J., (.,,.Jo.,... PflYt .O(j "1*1lltfltcl Ol'tftM Cot1I Dill!'( Pllo! J GI Wld CO\lrt, II 1t10 Cl¥ic Ctnltt" D•l¥t .. '.... .. i.. ........_ _. ......... -. ,~1 1 1-~.-1 -1 It.ii,.,,..,., .............. ........................ ..fe J~ • lrMf J iiiy s, 12. If, 1112 1612·1'2 W11t, In Ille Cay el Jtnt1 A111, C.lllornle. I , ti• .. ____ ... , ... rtc:•lv Ill pl.-"" ............ ~ ,. .... ... ., ~ .... , ..... ~ ,. ,...., ""l VN llOll Dtttd Jul~ 1 itn s.~~:17::T.-. I~~~~.'.::' •. ;.' .. ':.....,· ·-'llC~ •• =.. i$'.,.C.';E~..rr:-.... 'C.E ~~::~7.' ~·:::::. :~~~::;:::::::::::::::: :::::::::::: :: 1---:::::LE=::G"AL:--:-=::N=OTl:,=~CE==,,,---I ·····~~~iv !~~~kHN .. ......., ""' ••• ,,_ ,,..,_, PAINTlll 1•1·11 ... ANO ANDlltSDH t•ry""' Ill MMtr dt'llltt llMd tor -. COii....,.. '"' ,., It' elml'9t) Chlldtnr, T1mptr, Su.,.. llllll flt!Jll ...... , I' ... , SV•l•>OI COUIT OP TM• Allor111~1 11 Low fl 111y 111t11t1nc•., ,._, lli'MIJltr .. ,.,. • ..;;.., lmtor •tlllol .,..,,..., ll'lfn •r .i. .................. s .Ill ,...,. J1un1rtm111 rai. "'"""' 141 IOJlll. lfl. tlr, .. 9'lttt' ,,..ruc:i .. ........, MC lll'llho Tt9Clror Cf,.,.,,.,. <ttorn •119d)-llJ Flt'trMll S min or mtrll ................... .7J aMw J-lll'l'mtn "''' ITAT• O~ CALl,ORNlA ,0. 11 Slrwt JIM. •I lllt ""'"' .. IM "'""' ., """""' ,,_ ~ ... Trwtlffll P"9 ~ °""'"-•1111 81nwilnt Mld'llnt l nntl ............. " .................. ···~· ... ... 'n ,.,.. CDUNf"I' .,. 01111.AH•• Ln A111tlft. C1ll"'1111 ... ,. i"'~::::z~"S:"."t~!:fif~"==.. .... ..... .... =:=~.:..~l!Z.:. = .... ,_ ~ ... ... s-·::::TI !ii.'.·;~,;;;;;~;::::::::::::: ~~ "f~·..:: .. ~~~t:tr :~·r~: !~;.::;s; ~-::.;:::; l\libtr fl'*" }llntt, .-1n~ '"' ... ., Ind •II "' ... C:ll..,.. M.C.llt;J (Ollttr'.,. .lotlrM't'-trlilntt,.. ll'WI •. ,, .. ,. & '''"° Sp.ray .................. 1A ;~:lw.tt :No:l•UnllATION WITH-,llbll~ °''"" Cont 0111'( ,,lfl, i1tfwr-r-.•~ -"r•J I' --... '"llclbltl ff9ft, Si.rt & lflcl .. lpr1v. $11i'lnt II ........ 1.M ~ • .... IUD Jiiiy 12. II. It. lf12 1m,Z .., ..... w. " ....................................... I.JU 1.11J &,m -· -• Sto!ftlNt.r 70 till ff ...,..YMll, MYlllllS DtcN1M ------~=~~~----------~:::::: !'Yfl')lr• Qollcl'*lt Vllll'l!Dr Oplt'lltor 7' fMl,lflde • fWI" ' ... .... • "' GltOUP 1 •... "" ...... ...... ••. ... .... . . .. .. . • , , ....... 7.51 •.ti ..... ''"'"''' ·'"' '"""' •·•" .......... " · W ftCI. IS Hl•l!tiY GIVE'' -,, ••r' "'°"""' troom , .. .,... 111n1n1 •. .' ..................... :: 1.'W ;:,.. ila& CriMOpn1or-owtSIOflt."'.,'111iintiUd1ni'ioO't.M' ,.11111:•':'un!:1"' 1111' ...................... ,".,.. w111ttco 11n 11i. 11tr11t1 • ':.liiion for LEGAL N,._,... -=•rblflll MlllPloll 11111111111' .......................... J.dl t.CIOJ 6.4SJ ... fl.Milll.otl'IPIYISIPl-k•1 .. ttl IOllor, JPIKM:)'ll"llll-lrlfnrlrlll' • ' ...................... ,.,,,..... . P'*ll f/f WIU '1M for IH'1anct ol L.tt· Vtl"',so •, , •""-'~·""', ... ;,;,... ·,._ ..... ,. .. .., ..... ~~:.;.·,.· ·:.:::.:~ !·ow" •'..,"' .•',.," ---• '""00:;:,... IL--..., '"'"'"'' ~ ,...,..,,..1111 ' .................................... '·'° ltn " Mtnfnltlr111o11 wr111.1ri..w111 .. n-·----:c::==~o~c~cc-------.-.. ........ ....... __ ,.,.... ... ,... .,... _,. $lliMf ltocll Ttptr ............................ 7.4 ..... .....,.nc: ... Wllldl II ~ '°' ,ICTITIOUS I U11tt1•s1 ~ "'""" ••• :::r. ·-· 0.-1 Or\1111 Ml er (Ol"r., ~~"·"* ,...,ir11111 Sllfftl illOCk /U•lnt lllOOltfl'I ................. 1.n """"" .. rtlalll"' IM .... , --··--..... NAM• ITATrM•NT -.. . ...... , .. ,, . ...:. ................................... ~ ..... _, ••••m•••":=t.,~' ,.. ,.,-1 sr... •tct. u."' Slllm tu) ''' · ... ,,_ ,,_ '""'" .,.. ~ ...... , ,...,.. -.................................. &.2SS I. s 6.IU .,,...,........,. ..,;. lhtl _,.,.. Work ................ ' Jllilc• of llMrllll tllt "'"'Ill• llfftl Ml '"'"' ""' ,.. "''ION ,,.. Mint -... ~ (Nou, ...... , ................................. J..lt$ J.•.U ""' •• ,,, ..... =,··-_ ......... , ,.I•"' .. _·-··--=~II s ..... , .............................. ....... lot AllllllSI 11 1971. ,, 9:ll0 '·"'., In 1111 Mlr•t• ••: = tftt (Pt; Ttntll I ................................ f.21$ ..... 6.US ......... o:t,; C:.ll lf"1 "" -,..~ "'' ·········· ............... · Cll.ll"frotm "' Dt111rtmtnt NI, I ff 111d II illANCHO MISA PllOPlltTIES ................................................ S.OtS 5.UJ '·"' • -f"-... ~ c1':n.'f.!!Ys;!.W111t .................. ,...... court, 1111111 Cl¥1e c ... ,., DrlV9 W111, In Ll,o, 21 OCEANllDI '"OPlllllllS •...... fk ..!,.tnr OltOtr •llCI. l111t1ller (Lffd Mini .......... ., 5,lfS l.fAI 6.0fJ 1o-rly :Or""' ... 1 _ •-,,,_ O '"' 0 • .,. ""' ........................ • 1t10 C:l 9f S.1111 AM, c.r1ttm11. L D., 101 Lindi hit Orl11t; Ntl#pOrt ...... lt.tllltt ...... •-1 " ,. IN ... .., ..... lrlf ,... , lnl JOlitlllYf'l'!lfl erwl'!, Clffnblflt IMll ............ 7 • .0 ..... , ''~ 11, 1-111<11. c1111. ""' s .. ...... ... ........................... ........ """ ·' In fifty (':,l,Yf lrvtll ./Wl'M'(IMn bl'l y, Cnl'llblfll ..... 1• -~·.. RI ,.., ....... ,.,d Ml" & Gvlcltllnt """ . . . . .. .. .. .... .,,, J.n •.» •i.:.:,,... • -·· • I ·--'" HM!ftt .... Wtttt... .. . ......... .... w. . St JOHM .... , dl•td M1111•1d'lmldt, 107 llrld1 ,,,. 11 .... a.rko, WKtltr • 1lmll•r l'l'PI .................. I.MS l.tol •.W tl ON, Eo<t• et' .. ~•·· ,.,",o::""'co-s' .--,. ~ ,r. .......................... (lwnty CMrk "'Vf, ftntoo'1 leldl, Clllf, nMO T"lllSUJl!r6C1Mn.r .......... " ................. l.l7 J.12 , '·" ..... ,.,.,_~··---...... fO-...... P'wnllln .: ........................................ .,. •O"fL,Ulllll Alldr .... ,,,...., lJOt llton " ... """""' ll'llf Mtrtltrn1n S.Ofl l.S4S £ttf v. , _ _,.. LIN lmwlflCe ....... ,.,., ....... , ..... ,,....... .1t ... .,.,,..,, .. y. Nl'Wfttort IHcti. tfllf. t2'iO n. Cfff191r, ff•ller. ciM1ii'siiW op.,1t9;.',"~ittiiburii"'" Trtclor......,. OtMA* tCr•Wltr •M wllttt ,,...._. •~ ~ ......................................... ·• 1Jtlil_._ ..,.,.. >otiR ••riot, 111 •ldt 0vt Wey OlfNtef' W llmlltr lypt lru.11 511rltdtJlt9 ............. , 5,"J f.71J 6.IS.S •""-·' ·-·-·-~ ~"Ir~ .................................. ,Of ~ M-, Cl""'"'ll ,V!ltrtor'li (II". mlf ' Tl'Mallfltt ~11tt. "' ... ''°"11td .................... "'" 1.101 .. ,ss ~· -,-_ °'·.,-... --~· -.. , , =~=u··,COMM1iici.:i:, ................ ,-!! , ... ,, -=z'•" m41,,.-,.-L~.·.· .. "',1!."'",....!!., ...... c:endl.ICfH..., • "~ ~. lnc:ludl(!tl Clluor. P1Utwer S.17J SflS •. Oii · '"'-"'!'!""_' .,..... .. r O'l/lf' QI • .,... "" ..., ... ,...,., •k:ltlnlll ..................... ~ ................. :::::: ..... ius S.ttJ M.C •. 1,{011~,.,. ~ll>MIMI """'"') ''"""' 9"ITI ~" (c:.n.trvct*I) ........................ ISM tf.11 .., o.-.,.. CM•I Diiiy ,.llot JI.If'( ~A. c ... ,,. W.Wlftf !It Cft*llM Wlffl LI ' ""rll . . .......... •.• ..0o,. 1.455 w•' •PP~.. ~---.(Contlnlc:I...,) .................... ,,u s.• 11. t:C.1,, 1m IMl-72 Tillt lfotrtfMl!t fllld Wlltl h CwrltY WIWW (lelnilr 1... t -s IHI llcMt -,...,,., JOUftlf\'fNll (Si9'1 hlnlwr) .................... 1.22 1..U 1::.;.;;.;::_:::.:_ ______ :;;:._:::IClfl'll II 0r1,_ Cwftou .,., J•r 7, '"'· '1fld::::f,ij:::::-:~i·===·~=:· ' =~;'~==~w~=~=::.:.,11NMr11 :t:!':f:·::."''w!,,.~~~~~.:::::::::::::::::: •;: "" LEGAL NOTICE ~r.r~""'rrv J. ~. ~rr to11ntt ?1':1ct ... ff1"""9df111 flf lcpw'*1r ..... ttM11111111lptto11ttMIMrMw. GRO\M't ., ... j,., .................................................... 1A.J I.IS ~-....................... ,, ........ 7 ....... ·• 1--------------1 MM ......... """ 1t1MM O.ltt., l•llltt"t kl~ ., ~-1,_ 1 n,o Allf4'9rMW 0Jterttw II GrMt ClttckWI 1 ... l lllWl!lonll ::.:•=.1m;..·;··:"'"'''.'" ._ ._ N tt ...,. ... ,,_It WI. <t.ftr. ...... 14 i 11. •% I_,, l"WllW!M Ortr119 Geitl Olll't '~=-;.:.: ~·~J:.rr '*"' ......... le ,.... A;;!:'£~~·-(Or• °"'*""' ..,..._"' ICOMMUClAL D•HAA'POl.1 .. ,...,, •M3 >tNa •te:ttllOUS eust .. 1$1 Jllfy l2. lt, " '"' .....,..,., L am ,,..n H ........ Wtlftre-* -lllm1 SJc ..;511m1 uc-111m Ollii"w ....... Mtlllr'lllll JfllrMllft\I.-••• ................................ .... .... ..... ,,.. ... = ST~N~ eol11t I m''"IT "'"""'-•-111m111.ie-111m1 •1..111 -111m crwc,.,•"'-""' '°'..,. ,ontr, JM""""'lt-.,."'"., ~""" '"' w.ttt,. ··~........................ .a """""' "~ ~Hanes -----.'f..11!~ -u1n' .... 12' .,.,....,.. ...... !rod) (~ loom ,.., '"'1kllllll l'wneltl!t ................... ' ........ ' ....... '.. ••• .u VICTOIUA PWO,lltTll$. ., Vlc··•;;:,.;;;;;;;~;-:==,.,,=-- 11 ~ c: MWL lllCIWlnf ""'' ....... " Hoid °""*'· •11n ...... GV"( Oerrlckl.,. •lrnl•t.,.,.. v.c:.,..•1o1,.,:.1 .. :.:,,·,··· UT '.:..!..'!•'•"•'~·.·,·-.;.·,· ..... ,... """. torlt Slrlft. Cot•• Mew. C•lllorRtl. llTAflMINT °' -:i:i:··· ........ ., l lOI 1.m. ....,, ..,...,/ftlll 1 tlll\lltr •v'• .;. ,..1111tri " 7:tf, T1», fC*ft9bit rtt Mll.llfll lOI,.. or ,..,., (OlltW .,. ,,_,...YtN,.. S "' """' ... •• , _,, lllt itt.ICltlt-tlrN ,_,,.. r&l>t llNll M Id _..Id! •lfllt tlfNtl trl ..... ,_.,INdl .. ,_n: """ ff, ffrffft!M. 1220 Gltncot, PAii NllllNI• _. ,_,,,,,.. -\tlfM• ..-Mn Wll Ml 1,.;., .. """"" WIClfl' ';. ..:. •II •ltltt1. S1nt19 1llltt M ... l'll""liw OJtrll# (t .,...,,.., 1M1 ellff fK J~ ~rtllt • ·••• ,,,.,.,., .............................. tLf6 Arctlh. C.elf, 910N ~~=-•VM• ... ..... $Pllri.t: lll'l'llllltr.,..... er,.. nrc1i.,.. lk,.,. flow fftlntii ,_lf"ld~ s.,, ••"'" .................................... ,.., '""" ll •·-~ "" •-•· '"' .... J,~ .. w d..';)flcotlM IYfl' •ldl "' !Ill .._.l"llllla. '"'"' fM hw-t MKIM11k1f l"lnltl! Mkll&M Oporolft H1,,...,, .... ,.,, ,., ........ ,., •• , ........... ..... t.11 Att.C/1, C•llf, tlOOt. I ..,...., ....... ~ · 111 Mtb/IO,..... Trt o;..w NMllfl IM Wrlf-... ~....................... .ts Tllll ....,.,~II~..., I Utnflflll ...,..u ... """"' ... . - ,•-, -.._,"', 111m 111/D Mt1tr> ,,_...., o.wt• (Mio ......... ) !:_ ........ ~,. .. , ....... , .. , ...................... ,. .If .... _ ,.,.,-:: ... M. ,_,. -, •• " M"t.A-ftT C9A!!. • ._ .. _, _., · ... .... ... .. ........ ...... ...... ..... N.11 11. JI PIH Mo1:111tt MKMnt °""'"' lt .,.....,. -J ~ .., ........ --·-:.,.,.,..,. D111it1'. ,.. .. ,.1....., ............................ u t.11 1.Q • .....,.,,,... ,..,.MIWll •-.i__,.,o,.f..'";'~1... l'li'I TMD'ii'" ................................ ,...,. P.,,,Y H. l'flttfftln C11Htcno1t '1M ' ..,, 1l::I ~:: ... ,~._··:::'.:::-.:::::::::::::::::: ~ t~ 1,·! ·z-i •1111w, ea~-.,,,,....,,.,...., • c:• ,.._ '""'*" a s ... ,,.,,...,. OtMfll ,..,.,...._ ••.• _...""' ,,.,,.,~,..,.,.... ntt 1111•1 .. 111"" "'" wtt11"" c-. Thf flCtltlwl ...._. ..,.. 0 = =PIO!rnlll _...., • .... ,,.,,..... • Sr.trnllnw .. OIMllft •••••••••••••• _. ...... .,...JWi,f~mt rv C• ft 0..-.. Cllllfll'( • JIHll 21, fltttlt""""""'• ... llilllli•flti41S- ..... ~ ..................................... ....... ...... '·" 7.lt • lf.i .. , • ~· .. ·----·"· •-· ---.... -u. 117' 1111 "" ~ ., • IUtf G""'1 """""1 .................................. t.a t.• J.O ..... := ,,.:-__ -1 " -.,o:,1 ........................... 1............ '""' '• -, ,.klltn'!'llft ... ........ ,,. ~ ...................................... t.JO e.&1110. MOt.UY, .... "'" & wtr •. L.Au l'"lltl 1tntt aM ., "' ;.,.. ca-l,..,..,. Cflltlitt.:.iMt""'"•""''"'""""""'"'·" "'I f.fl 7,jJ ........ T •ktopw ()pfttlor -ltlllftflilll 1t1t.,...,... l"wll Ctt, Lfltllll I"""" .................................... La e"-ltrwt, ..... *' Wlll'lltr..-: - C • ....... '..•t•··•a:·0.1..'t~':!.·-·.:. ,......... t.u 7.ft ll~l'Wlt CJk Ml' llfillt' MCl"""l 19 Nit r•lll) . lf~ttll Mlf Wlff1,. ............................ JO' er"'"'-"' ........_ e:• '"'' ROI.LO lllWi.'tO ,._,,. '"" ... '"'· Jnc _. 'I" ~ .......... t.b 6.1! 7.11 TllltdMt I:~-·-11 .,,. -rvl -.... Pl l • _,.... 0111 -'NI f··",""' = ' ..,_. Dl1110t ............. ~····••""'"""'""""'" UI 1.U 1M T1111fe!ft'trfffw°'9!:'.-~t.,1~IWa..,.1 ~--~ tll ....... ,. ................ , .. ,,.... ,,..fllfNttM'fl'tll _.. •OLLb•I Al°"'!, __ ... , ••.••••••.• , ... ,,.,, •• , ...... ,u • .. ·••··•••••• UIUI f,7J J.11 1-.!MM-"'9Cfilfll--IW •r VIClllMac:.fft!lffp "'"'f.'"•" .................. ,,,.,.,.,....,..,,.., ' P \Mtl D '"""""'-· . M&Nt ........................................ t.7' r.11 o•ov• , -...._. ~ "..,,....,._11 :n •••••·•••·•· '"' - -.... ·-t: 1.0 •-i·-·-··· ....... ,.,., .... ,,. .... _ ...... , ...... · .... ·,· ...... ,·Oi*etW,"'"'"'"" 1.11 t..a "''"" • "IM.., or,.. c...t ,__ ""'· ~ or;'I: --·.,-~ . . ........................................... -..-.. ........-·-~·-~-"·--= ·-, ... _,, ,,,.. ... ... "· ......_ '" ............................ ....... . .. A Olllr, WW.14 ,. 'dl°n"" ...., --• ntMfl ...................... "" N't t. tit ». "71 1m.n Jltlllf a .,.. Nir t .. N. lPt '-"* ......... ....... .. ,""" . ................. 7.. . I ' ! • h • I I A I " ri d 0 • r d t l 0 Joe Caraway or Laguna Hills has been llilllted director of public relatlons for Mlrlill t\dvertlslng·Publlc RtlaUoQ in Tustin. ·Caraway was formerly with the Orange County Manage- ment Council as assistant dJrector and public relations CO~ltant. Previous to that, he served as en Air Foree public information officer. * Newport Beach r e s i d e n t rt1ll1Je Wood has been transfer. red to First Western Bank's Orange County regional office. She previously served as con· sumer finance offjcer with the branch's TemJ1!e City office. -She has been a.ssOCiated with First Western since 1959. Dollllld Seb.;1{, has been a1> pointed cor- porate direc. tor Of mar. keting for Mission Vie- jo Company. He will be responsible for deslgn criteria and selection of architects for the flnn's proj· ects. He resides with his family in Tustin. * Seal Beach resident R. F. Mansour has been promoted to assistant vice president of United California Bank's Los Angeles beadquirttts. He joined the bank in 1969 as an industrial engineer and was an assistant cashler before his promotion. * li-1lcrodata Corporation has prQtnOted Thomas J. Mulder as product manager. responsi· bie !or marl<ellng ol the Micro 1600 minnicomputer. He formerly served as senior programming analyst at Microdat.a. He and his wife and two children live in Costa Mesa. * Raymond G. Corkery bas been appointed director of the Mission Integration office at Celesco Industries in Costa Mesa . Corkery was previously an associate group director of all Army projects and testing with Aerospace Corpqratic>n in El Segundo. 1 ·* Corona del Mar resident Brace Brusseau, an industrial salesman with the Coldwell, Banker and Company's Newport Beach office, has been named a senior sales consultant. He joined the firm in 1966, following s a I es assignments with a large business machine Manufacturer. He was among Coldwell Banker's top salesmen between 1969 and 1971. * Babcock Elfetronlcs Corp. has appointed Jobn M. Phipps as vice president of operations for Control Products. The Newport Beach ex· ecutive joined Babcock in 1971 as director of the industrial relays operation for the Costa Mesa plant. Prior to that, he founded and was president of Phlppo Prec1$on Products. Robert B. Kellou has ~ eppoin· 6 '·'' led assistant vice prcsi· dent In tbe Orange County Re- gional head office of Union Bank. ,. He Joonedthe .• -. KELLOGG ,. bank in }968 and \Vas promoted ti loan of- ficer in 1971. Kellogg reskles in Laguna Beach with his wife and soo. * Dick Steioeke, manager of Duffums', Fashion Island, has been elected president of the Fashion Island Merchants' Association. * W. H. Naylor has been nam- ed by Phillps Bu siness Systems Inc. as district manager for Norelco dictation equipment in the Southwestern U.S. The Dana Point resident formerly was western regional manager for the M i c r o Division of Sharp Electronics. * Robert E. Newbury has been named assistant vice president and branch manager of Mason..McDnffie Company, residential loan office in Santa Ana . He is a licensed CaUfornia realtor and a meiftber of the Southern California Mortgage Bankers Association. He and his wife reside in Newport Beach. * Lon B. Rubia, housing ex- ecutive, has assumed the post of executive vice presiden~ of the Behring Corporation. He will continue to serve as ex- ecutive vice president of Leadership Housing Systems, Inc. of Santa Ana where he has serv· ed for 't\VO years. Rubin was formerly as· sociated with the National A s sociation au11N of Home Builders in Washington, D.C. where he served as director of mortgage finance. Prior ~q joining the Santa Ana firm, He' was cwistant division managff' of t h e Southern Callforn'ia housing division of Kaufman and Board, Inc. * Ronald James Perkins has joined the Santa Ana office of Dean WiUer and Co. as an ac- count etecutive. The Hunting·· ton Be.ucb resident was foi'm· erly an engineer for TRW Sys- tems in Redondo Beach. * Donald G. Durant has been appointed director of in~ustrial relalions at Colllo!I Radio Com- pany's Newport Beach opera- tions. He replaces Al •Sloan who resigned recently. Durant bas served in a number of similar positions with B e e k m a n Servomechanisms, Northrop Corp. and Bertea Corp, ~Bank Secrecy Act' Hit By ACLU Lawyer SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - An attorney for the American Ci.vii Liberties Union argued in federal court that the "Bank SeCrecy Act" would mean "wllolesale violations of the rights of millions of irr dividuals.'' ACLU attorney Neil Horton $11id only a smoll percentage Of bank records would be iiseful tp the government. -'The challenge to the new regulations was taken under submission by a panel of three Judges. They also extended e temporary order holding up enforcement of the reporting portion <1f the act until a decision w.as roocbed. 'TUE TEMPORARY order was is,,ued June 30 and said banks should maintain t!i• ~ but need nol report t'liem to tbe government pend· Ing detennination of-t h e Issue. It waa ·~ by u,s. District Judge William T. Sweigert. Banker Fo-y Slark and the ACLU filed suit against tbe ect June 7. '!be C.llfomia Bankera ·Assoclatloc I '8 l e r joined the action. - Hortoo argued Monday thal the government doesn'I bave thl unlimited right to obtain ln!onn1lion, H• said It tnDBl proYe a reasonable relatlon be.tween lbel nf orm et Ion sought and the government's -THE A'ITORNEY dre"' an analogy to the situation of Congress passing a law order· ing all telephone conversations monitored by the utility. "No doubt there would be malefactors caught b11t tl'le law would surely be ruled un- constitutional," he said. Another ACLU attorney, Charles Marson, said that con- troversial organizations are entitled to protec.• the J t' members. He said this could nol be dooe if their checking accounts were open to surveillance. Bank' rs Association et· lorney John Anderson argued that the "assurance o £ privacy" was an essenllal ele-- ment of customer service. HE ALSO said tbe cost to C.lifornla bankers woUld be $50,000 a month to microfilm the front end Wk Reach o! the estimated 250 miffion in checks tliat """ the tellers cages each mooth. "We don't want to be diarists ol our -eu;stomers' .4inancial lies," aaid Ander&0n. A government attorney, John J. McCarthy of the Department of Justice Tu Division, said the bankers and the ACLU bad no standing to "&'ing suij. ;;Pct>Oritors have no tn-- herent interest In b a.n k records." McCarthy argued, ''and thtte is no right " prjvacy for ban)< ~·· ... -DAILY ,ILOT 23 ltloJUJJl'S Wortla Ford Denies i--LEG_AL_N_OTl_cs,----1·--LE_o_u_NOl'l=,,,,CE,...._ NOTIC8 o• MOtt·ltlUP'ONSlllLtTY "IC'l'ITIOUS IUllNIH Psy~l1iat1·ic Help Entails Shopping Ntl!Ct II tiertb'f tlY"' tl'ltt !NI vii· I.AMI .-TA,'IMll(T dtf't!llMO will not IN l'ffllOJltl.,.. fror •n' Tiie !GUCIWI"' ,.,..,,.. ,,. 111011'11 l»bll ,,, 11•~11.lln .<Ol)lrttlltd by ~YOl!t bv'!MU u : ' orntt tl!11t "'''"'·on• .tfw 1111t Mtf, '""" "**" """" ,.,. 1'0tt Dt*' 1nlt 1111'1 dt'I' Of Jul)', .,11, TMOUI Platt. ~c-1 lllC"• Death I.ink Oavld O'Sr!fft Ctlllor11I• tl4'lol. "' ~rl..tltld .Sfrlltf Ftr It. MWt'tY, \&It Porl Ttftllll 1'1,, co.w t)Ma. c11\toml1 Ntw-' hid!. ~1l11orni. n..a. P1Jlbll1Nf Oi'.._ C..U Otllv Pllot. Herold M. """"''' 111-'I Port lfft"'' July 1s. ''-1t, ttn 1m.n Plkt. NN'wt eMdl. C1lllw1111 f'U60, DETROIT 'II h. (AP) Thi• 11w1iw11 11 btlmi COl!dWlecl or a ' J1 c -0-tal "'''""''"'p, John c. Eckhold, Ford Motor LEGAL NCTICE :::o:· :.*",;~," Co. auto saftty director, has •1cT1T1ous IU$1MUS Thl1 1111tmen1 IHld •ll" •M twn1, To Failures •"d 'eel -· b Ralph HAM• STATIM!NT ci.rll. of Or•llH Couflt'i on Juh' 1.1•n.. ltl'I' en1 \;uarges y '"' lollowl111 ,,.,_ It tfollll bulh'*-• .. v1r1, J . .v..dl!Oll.. ~,.., cwntv ci.r11. By SYLVIA PORTER Nader's Center for Auto Saft-111 • ' 1"" . PLAZA on. 01' CALl,Oll:HIA l..U P1,1blllhld Or•.,.. ,.,.. .. o.11~ J'Jtot. reduced amounts for ment as an out·patient. treat· About 20,IXX>,000 petsPllS in ty that failure of a wheel Ioli• c111u. 1-h.ml~ton ll••d'I· c.111. Jw1, 12, ,,, u-' A\lllw• '· 1tn -..n the U.S. will at some time Unkage in 1965-1969 full-sited """ do. " develOp a form of mental or AND TIUS is a benefit that FINANCE Fords railted In occidcnts tt:n~l:.. 'i .. ~~,~~ ..,.. ic.. emotional disorder requiring is being written into in 1n· ~~sing ·six deaths and 29 Jn-1~~~kl:t1M1s •• t1t111; c:ord\l<t.ci bV •nl-.-,-.-><-,-,.-,-c-0-,-.-T-.~,-u.,-u~•~o~•~•,-•. LEGAL NOTICE psychiatric care, accoh:Ung to creasing number or group Juries. 11:00 c. CAtN couHTY o,-o•A"4Ga, o•ANGI th N I. I A I ti f T'l\11 1llltMe11! flit<! Wiii\ "'' C0!.1111'1' COUHJY "A .. I 0. JUOICtAI. e a tona ssoc a on or policies. ,1.,11 ot 0 •• .,111 '°"'"h Oii: Ju1v 11. 1911 ontlli1CT, w wn1 1m ,.,_, c .. ,, Mental l-Iealth-almost one out Js It IY\C<:ible to shop for NADER llAS been Mdger-11'1' 9•v1rly J. ~ddoJ:. Ot!PVtv COllll!V M•MI· C•lllwpl1 of every 10 or us. On any glvep I""""' J Ing the auto comp._wy for two C1•1k· ll'UOJJ cAst s~~~'w~ 1n1• day of the year, nearly 500,000 these SerViCeS? , nventory years, urging a recall Of all Put>llsl\f'd Or•11oe C011I C•ll'!' Pllo!. Pl•l11lill• AMERICAN ACCEP'TAHCI;. of these are in state, county Yes, it is possible to shop for the four million passenger Ju1v it, 26 •rod Auguo 1. '· l•n u19.11 ;~R~~~;~!~A J':.~:"· ri ':EH~~: and private mental hospitals. psychJatrlc services. Control cars to replace the lower LEGAL NOTICE ooaav J. sess10Ns. ooEs 1.x. E h h. A . bu F d '-~ in,1 .. ,1~., ac year, I e mer1can Start by checking the anns, t or ,...,s lo 1111 o.t1ncan1,. public spends an estimated $4 Department of lleallli to see persistenUy asserted there is 1"1cT1T1ous 1us1Nl!'.ss ,. <:1vu comp111nt ,,., t.~11 n1~ WY" irit HAMI STATl!Ml!NT pl1!n1lfh '91ln~t you. II you wl111 IO tie• billion on the what auidance you can get on Meet Set no problem. T111 1onow1n1 Pl•son 11 do!nt 1><Ji1...,,11 1er111 "''' 1awwrt ..... \q!ll "'"'' 1111 111 1111l treatment e-Mood h N d I S! courl • Wf111111 p!eeClili11 In lllPOOl•• ri your particular problem. A In a letter ay, t e a er COAST HOME o'MtNTENANLE. l•M IM c0mpi.1n1 {Or • Wl'itt.n •(H' 61•( and preven-group urged Ford President leti•aOOI", Co.11• Me11, c.i11. Pllld(f'll, If • Jvdlce Cou•ll Wi111tn JI I. I health off1"cer w1'll be able to II . ll*tt v. Brli•Qll, U# L•br.aor. d8r• '""'VI!• tvmmon• Is itr~ on vov, ion O men· The Orange County chapter 1-lenry Ford ll to persona Y co,I• W••· C•ll•. .•• 0111erw1 ... v01.1• dot11vn w!U bl •11ferld o .. tal illness; refer you to services available of the American Production ••act now to p>revent additional T111> bv1ine)i 1, blln• tonduc11<1 bf tn 11Pf)tl(1tton bv ,,.. 111a1n1111. •l\d 11w cov·i 4 . lnd1vldv11. m11v tt1t'lf' 1 IVd11m1nt 11111'1"-'I you tor tno. our economy through the department or and Inventory Control Society human and .eeonom1c losses ROl!ERT v. 11R1sso~ ,,..°'"! or 01"'' r•ll•t r1M1111t1ed 111 •n~ loses another private agencies and also wlll is scheduling a dinner for 5:30 fro1n Ford lower control artn c~~~ J'6~'.::;'c!::!:.,. ::'.hJv~~~ l ~~:,'; co;;~:!n~IM> ,, 11111 111t ..rvlc• .t • ., , .. $ l 7 • billion 1.A able to help you f'"d the p.m ., Thursday, at the Carter failures ." er Blvtriw J, Mfl()do1t. O•wtv C01.111tv "'""' 111 '"'' .-11..-, rov ,.....,1, •o • bee ! ui::: u• Cler~. ''""'"' to l~•t vOlir •'-•dln1, If •n•, ause o 1 hi tr· 1 . Bowl in Fullerton. Jn his reply to the center tt1t011 m•v 11e 111tc1 911 ume. the . decreas-•••TIR names o psyc a IS s in All perso ns, es,........iall" those charges Echkhold branded as Publh"~ or1n-;11 co.,, o111v Pliot, O••tO M11re11 ,,, 1n2. . I t' ,.~~ l • h I July 19, 16 •nd AvO\llf 2 ••• lt12 uu.n M, Hamllu, Clt•k ed productiv· . . priva e prac ice. interested in advancing their absurd the center's report t a e, J, c11ma~. PtPYly ity or the mentally Ill. Overall, Ch~k with your Io ca 1 knowled ge of production end Ford has spent "hundreds of LEG.U. NOTICE ~~~~~1 .. 0 A. NEWELi. this has become a $21 billion religious leaders and other inventory management, nre thousands of dollars" covering At1ort11Y •t L•w U nd k FICTITIOUS BllSINl!SS < 41t !••I Intl Str11t problem in the .S. alone. community leaders to see invited to atte . Tic ets are up the alleged defects. NAME STATEMEH'I' Cetta Mn•, cat1rorn1• "'l' $5 for members, $5.50 for non· Tiit lollow!nv persons Is Oolnt buslnns ('10 '4Mt00, $41·t0SJ what free services mighJ be be as: A1tor111y tor Pr.1n1it1i AND THE problem goes mem rs. TIIE LOWER control arms JEM co. LEASING & SALES. so1J w. Pvt>llsllld 0,111111 Ca.•t D•nv f'llot, beyond Utis. For it has also open to you, Richard B. Thom as, are not defeclive, Eckhold I(•~'· S•n1• Ane. C•11'· "'704· July 1:z. 1t, u •oo A1.19us1 2. 1tn 11•s-11 J1mes F. Owtn, $OU w, l(enl, S1nta1 ____________ _ been estimated that there are Don't overlook such govern-systems engineer with IBM, said, adding, "We have con· An1, C•. tl7CM. h · f 'I I ksh d n.11 ltlu1lntss 11 btl>l!J co!lduded bf 1n LEGAL NOTICE more t an 1,000 patients or ment programs as the w1 present a wor op on ducted scores of lab tests an IJ\dl~ldv•L every avaUable psychiatrist y ·et er a n s Administration '"Basic Forecasting Tech-field investig.ation and turned JAMEs F. owEN IA• 4029 and that, of all who need niques." o·-r all results to the National c~~' 0111~~~';.',';',,!;}~ :,,'~Ju~: 1~9~~~~ NoT1ce TO c11:1:01To1ts which conducts a large-scale ~.. sul"e11:1oa cou•T oF THI psychiatric. care, only 10 to 20 Social hour is set for 5:30 Highway Safety Tr ~ r f 1 c 8Y eiverly J, Mt«lox. OtPV''I' countv STATE oF Cl'lllFORNIA FOR. pe~~~~ta~vee;hegeatnsi~e-to lour ~a~i~'!31 P:famre~~b~~!f:~ ih~P~::~ :t :;;g &:::;: and Absdme!i:t;~:rec:~ i:~~~·~O\~~~ ci;~:·11·~~ oranoe (.oa" O•Hv,. ~~~ e,1~H~ ::~~TEcJ~~:·::::n.e ~. •., services. a " Jun1 2t, ind Julv s, 11, 19, 1912 1,te.Jl O..ct•Sld. of the mo§t basic money ques-Carter Bowl is located at control arms. NOTICE 1s HER EBY GIVEN to .111, tions you might ask about 1501 So. Lemon Ave., The -ter cited a letter to LEGAL NOTICE a ec1110<1 ot 1111 •bo•e neftleci d1t.O.•·' LOOK · IN THE telephone l .... .,,, l-------~~-.,.,---111111 •II ""'"""s having cldl m• 10•!11" thol psychiatric care. di'rectori·es to see how wide a Fu lerton. Nader from 1'-larie Shepack of l"ICT1T1ou' 1u•1Nl'SS ••llt 11«.otnt ,,. tlt'lv1rtc1 ro 111, 1n•..,. bo fi For reservations call John · NJ i h'ch she NI.Ml' STATl!M!HT wl"' l'll'f 11ects11ry ~t."' tM otllc• How do you go a ut 1nding range of low-cost psychiatric Summit, · ., n w 1 1111 to11"'11n, P••IOl'I• ire dol11t 011111 cten: ot "'• 1eow1 '"1111..:1 court. or a psychiatrist? services might be available at Newman at (714) 821-2501. said her son felt a bump and a bus1n•11 11: 10 prt11n1 111em, wll" the neusurY . First. if you be~ieve you great moneywaving · value to thump before their ~968 Ford .. ~~!r,'=· c';!~ ,!~;~:i;t;r11~ :,°';,f.'~rior~~: t,~~~~c:~;e:r':t need SUch help' COnsuit Your fastback went out of control M1rl111 A. Tllut. 16611 Melunf TOiJd " 8ARNEt (f'l't Ell.NEST J, ICHAG. you. D dlin 51reet. Foun11ln V1l1ty, Clllll, JR.), UU M•c:Arttiul IN'd., ,..O. loit primary personal physician. Of Ctlurse, ask your friends ea e: and hit a tree four years ago , Richard J, T!tvt, '"" Mount TO<ld 1716, ..... PG!', 811ch, C1llfOl'Tl\1 '2643. He knows what kind of person for help and find out if your killing two passengers. ~~1!"°1bv~~~·1~ vi!'/!;· ~•tel 11v • :,;~J"l1!~~:ti11~~~em::11~·~~1"f"'1~! you a~d Which psychlatrist own company has any sources Partne••l\IP. lhe nt•te ot ie1 (t dtc1den1. w11nt11 four Jul 31 t IN ANOTHER 1 et t er MARIAN A. TtTUs month• '"'' 1h1 rlrtl pubnc111e11 of ttils might of most benefifrto of assistance. y S • Thli ~111e(l"l1n1 1111'11 w1tt1 tt11 C0t1n1v no11c.. you. He probablf also will And by all means, discuss \VilliaJn J. McCormack of c1erl or O••ncie counrv 011: Ju1y 1. 1tn. 011.s Ju1~ 1. 19n, Sec NJ told Nader his ev a1vertv J, M6ddox, Oeplllv Counrv LEONARD J. PElLETtlR know tf any part i cu 1 a r the psychlatrist's fees With aueus, · ·• Cltrk. Administrator will\ ltM psychiatrist is regarded. with him or her at the very start to July 31 is the deadline for father died of a rupture.d P~bthhld Or•nt• ca.st 0••1v F~~1~ ':111~~:~~~:~·0, 1111 ibov. n~m•IJ any suspicion bv any of bis see what adjustments might filing a contribution return splren seven days after his Ju1, it, it,'' •lld August 1, 1t12 1toJ·J2 O..ce<1en1 Own medl.cal colleagues. be made. and report of disability i~ l96$ Mercuri Montego veered ouaYaA. CAll:ll'E.HTl!'.ll • 11i1tHes -and Report [ l [' LEGAL NO'nCE ,.,, !RNIS.T J. SCH.AO, , •.• OR YOU MIGHT turn to the -·~~ ~-Tax·wiumeld --·;~a~~~~ ~l~r~~~ ,,CTITIOUS IUSINl!SS ;s: '::~~;;:· ··~· (Optional), form DE7003, for reason. NAME sTATIMl!'.NT """°" '''"'• c.111. ttw local mental health association UCB Notes the nd uarter f l972, A ,,'."' to11ow1no ,.,,QI'> '' ooint bulll'll•l '~b~:;:o" Or•flil• c,,.,, cianv ,.110,, or the state mental health ~ q 0 • • • Another letter from Gloria · uN•Tt:o oYH.1.Mics. '"°' Pert!,,.,. JtAv it. 1•. 26 11111 A1111~,, 2. 1tn 1122.11 authority for the names of P .. Spittler, Tax Adrnulisttator Gooding sald she noticed her mon s1r11t, Foun1ar11 v111e.,. c1u1. mcc ------------ qualified psychiatrists in your E • u ~or the SJate Departg:n\ of 1968 , Ford pulling to the left 0~!7,·~~~J;,, s::;1:,·11 ~1~s Mllcti•u ___ L_E_G_A_L_N_OTl __ C_E __ _ neigh00rhood. armngs , p m~an fn ~Ana ~~°.!; just bef6re \t SWS.~r~ed Vou1t1 O{ in!~~:IS~l~IMU II btl119 conducted by In NOTICE TO Cll:l!DITORS How much time and money . control near urn a ey, Howard 1rv1n sm11" sul"e•10" cou•T o, TH• is involved in treatment? United California Bank has remmded em P 10 Yer s of Calif two years ago resulting Tftls s1•1•m•rrt 111«1 wttll 111e COl.lntv s~~ri~C.W1::':,':t.~0&• agricultural employes. . " sh -~' h Jdlied her 6-Cl«k ot 01•nv• counfV "': Ju1y 1. ,,,,, "'· 4~1,..1 How much you can expect to reported that second quarter p I and int est ill be m a era muc er &tveriv J M•ddOll, o~utv cou11tr E•Nt• et ltUTH -A SOiOePPIE •ka. d ho I t t earnings increased 16 percent ena tY, er w . year-old son. '1~•k. .,1 .... ltV"l'H SCHOi.""'· o.c.tM. ... pay an w ong your ~ea -charged if the report is filed ll'ubll*""<f Or•no• co.st oenv ,1101, NOTICE 1r,;:n11v OtvlM te ttie ment will last will depend on ~ the correspo~ period after the deadlines, Spittler LEGAL NOTICE Jui., 1i. it. 2' w AIJ9V$t J, tm 1tin-n ::;t':," ,,:_. .:.=-.ca.i~ .;.~ your condition and the treat~ year. said. ••Id ~t'ire mitfecl .. nr. "*"· ment chosen for r~u. !.,bank spqkesrnan said that Employers who need help in F~Zl]~~~/ .. ~~i:::s : ~ N~CE w11t1 !\)! .._.. .. ,.,. ~111.n. ott1~ The most typical charge for 1he improvement was related preparing their ~turns and The !o11ow1no ci•r•on i1 dolno butl"'" l"IC:TIT1ous 1us1N1E11 ~ ":.:: 0:,:, ~ ~,·=:·;. a psychiatrist's time tbday, to the growth of 'loans and wage reports may contact '!be n: Mes MARKETING co .. 111• t•r1Sr11•1 ,.11, 101~!~~ ST!~!!'.'~,. dolnt ~~~~~~.~'.f. according to the American deposits and an increase in Employment Tax Field Office Drive. c°'w'' ~'; ?Ji~ circlln•I or1v., bu•~s ••= 111111 11:a. 'S.li Milrlf!O/ c:11"°"""'"""kfl ts '"' .capital. Average loans and Gew9e . • AME II IC.AN kEHNEl CRAFT. co .. IM Oltct d'bu~lflelt of !tit uiidenloMCI "'-Psychiatric Assn.'s Hospi-..u ~its ;-ased 20 and .l2 at 1619 West 17th Street, Santa c:os11 M"• 91126 bit conc1uctltd 1w , ttt3 Ro1ern1rv Pl .• Coste Mt,., C•1. •ti l!'lllltn Per11111111t t,o "'' "'''' ot .. ~ and ~-mmun1'ty Psychia' try .. ,,.,., -·..,-Ana or,_,...._.... ... "Ill Tiiis l)u1lneu ls "' 921611 clutClel'lt, wUftln ,for.If "'°"!flt •ll•t tl'il' ~ percent1 ~jvely, Since ' .,:; o;;yuvu~ o1'W"'V ' SOie PtoPrletorslllp. Wlll1•m Gr•nvllle Gl!MY, 1 ttJ flnt ""'blk111Jon ol lhlS Mtlte. Service, is aOOut $35 an hour. • "'"l"'"'· GEORGE w. MOE t'I ROl.,.lr'I' Pl., Coste Mis•. C1I. "'11 Dlltd JUIY 10, ltl"2 The fee !or your initial the second quarter of 1971, This st1tement fl1f!d Wiii\ J 'r'' 1f~:,, Jotll C.c:ll!• G•lntY. lttl ROMmlry FRANK SCHOEPPE while equily .....,.rutal increased Cl•rk of OrltiH Counly or\: u y ' nt . ' 11'1., Cotti Mlf•. C1I. "''' Ell9CUIO( psychiatric consultation would .__,.. Beechcraft B'I' Beverly J, MllclOOll. Dtlll!"f COii 'I' Tiiis bullrMll II 0.1111 <Ot'ICll.ttllCI by • I of in. WUI ot d d the ti.me m· vol"ed by $60,747,350 through the cien.. ,1t0n ,.,1,..,,hlp. '"' •DOV• n1rn.c1 ucec1111r epen on y is f' 1214 "'7 d • I ,,, I WILLIAM G. GAINEY c. M. CASTRUCCIO and ml.ght be slightly more ~ance 0 ' ,:J't • a • Pudtl•htd Or•rige '°''' •1 Y 0 72' Tiii• .i1ttMitnt 1111e1 wtt11 1111 count, , o ••• ''" ditionaJ shares during January July lt, 26 1nd A119ust 2. '· ltn ltU. O«k of Dr•noe tovntv on: Jiffy 1. 1972. '1in M.rrM, c1u-.r111, than the hourly therapy 1972. . Sales Flym' g 1----:-::::77-::;::;;:;;;-;;;---l!'I' aaverly '· Mlddol(, QfpUty COl.lflfY T•h f21J) ,.,., .... charge. LEGAL NOTICE crerk. Attnt1 ,.,. 1ucv1or 1---=c'=c=:::::-;;:::;;;;:;---I "1"'1 ,.ubl1'111!d Or•no• Co.al 0~111 f'Uo't, ,ICTITIOUS rustMIE!S l'ultllllMcf Or•11;• .eo.11 O•llY Piiot. JUlv IL,,,,. •nd AUQU!f 2. 1971 1tlt·1t mE TYPICAL number of Beech Aircraft· Corp. ha's ~AME STATl!MINT JUiy 12, It,,, •nd August 2, 1t72, 17 .... 72 : sessions in psychoanalysis New n:v:s:olt Tiie f(l11owlll9 "''°" \• do1n• bu1!11t1• LEGAL NO'l'ICE , &i &i &i reported a 19 percent increase ,,. LEGAL N011CE ranges from 300 to : SUM·Tll:OL OF ,SAN CLEMENTE.I ___ ::::.::::~:::::::. __ ~,--.. ;;c .. ;.-n;;s.~iiiii:c-:' h hi d 'nds in sales and A 50 IV>n"Htt gain 2'-1 Plk• ROid, LM1un1 Hiils, c1, f16Slfw NOTICE OF' Y•UITll'S_ lAl.C 500-althoug t s epe . .on r· --·· •• · . · ..• , ., 11m ..,, ..... ....,..,,. d th At lnt;e lcom in earnings for the third. •. J,,"' •. 'c.•.ov.!.;,,2s211 f'lk• R""':" "" l"ICTITIOUS IUl!Nlll ' Flit'"· 1to2' the patient an e progress. I/ n • Y~ I btl ~ucted bY •n NAMI! STATIEMINT Of! W.OneMtt'I'. Aut\111 f, mt If 11:00 1be span for you obviously quarter of its 1972 fiscal year Tl\li buflneu • 1111 Tllt ·1o1towlfto "'''°" It dofll9 ou11,.... o'c1oc11; '·"'· °" r11e P11bt1c •IHw•lll 1n I fro • lndlvlduill. ••: · h'ofll ot. tlM 1111r•11C• ftl 11\t tlulldll!I -.. could vary considerab Y m Intelcom 1ndu 8 tries , Total consolidated sales for TM• ~~~!!~Yfii.i1 ,..111\ t111 eountv cot.owe:tt: IAHKr• EKROw. &50 1111 south Broo1t111.1r11 strttt, 111 tne citt these totals. · t h e q u a r t e r r e a c he d ciirt °' 0 ,.119, COlilltv oni Jlllv 11. 197'2. N"""""1 Ctnltr Drlvt, NtwflOl'f audio ot AMl'lllm c1ntor1111, R • • 1 t"" · · Newport Beach, b a s an· Oe9f.ll county c1111or1111 t26'0. · · l11COr111r•1te1. • cor-111ori, •• Tru•IM (These are typical ·and $43,257 ,176, a gain of more ev eewrty ~· M.CSOO•·· " Yndrnert Etcrow """°"' he. (1 ullffr1111 °""., T'111tl m• w "'"'- average charges as -reported nounced formation of a, De'W than $6 9 million above the ci.11. , ,'°" C•Utotnl• Ff'W•llonJ. inu VldoN '"'"""'rt _. a..r..,.. J. "'""""· iw.. . divisioo, Jn t e I com Ciom-· · • when PUblllfMd Or•ll09 eo.st ~nv ""°'' &Olillv•rcr. "'" Hm, "'"'· t1401. NM ll'ld wtt., ~ r'°'""9d '""*" • by national associations. Your !llUlll·ca· !Ions,. to . Pr 0 du c· e . same period last year J""' 1, 2, •net 411111151 2 , nn 18'9·n Thi.. bu•I"'*• •• CotldUcttill "' • air· 1m. 111 •• m1 ,... "' "' ortt<• · t• ill d nd .. I $36 276 RD< "'' ' ' : 110r1llOr'I. . . RllCOl'tls of Or111t9 COllftlY) C.lltcirnt.,.. own s1tua ion w epe , mobile s a t e 1 I i t e com-sa es were , ,......,. L111C1m1rk r1erow lnrlc••· 1ne.. -ti"""' to MC:Ur. '" tlldetlNdnl•• in t1v~ a g at n, on your own After-tax earnings showed a LEGAL NOTICE cti1r1et, •· Hiiton. "'"ldtftf o1 Tl\1 'c111..._11 COl'f'IPll!f, 110W owntd •lid d municalions equipment which bl . ___ ,,M, to Thts 1111.......m ••• 1utc1 w1111 "'' Coll• i.ld w Scl'tlntttldv S1v11101 •ncl Loa" , circumstances, lQCation an ·u t' ships t into land compara e gain ..... vuuwDg ,ICTITtous ius•Ntll tv c111rt ., Dr•,.. (O(Mt'I ..i J11fll 11. AMocl.tton. by ,_ of 111e b"Wt °' problems.) WJ ie a sea $1 891 508 or 41 cents per NAMI! sTATl!Ml!.NT ' tm. cu1.1n o1:r11a1110M ucurtd lll•r•bv. f!Ollc. Will health 10• surance •·-die telephone networks. ha, ' ' compared w"ith The to1towir11 "r'°" 11 dolr"' M l"'" CHARLll •· NIL.TON ,. of Which w11 l'K'Ordtct M•rdl », 1tn In •~• Th new generat'on of s re, as ,1• u1•1Vkt9rY11vt1. IOOk 10060 "••• n1 Of wld Of!lct•• anv. part or the costs? e I $1 256 845 or 28 cents per . SEA.STA• APARTMEHTS. ltMnED. v'::O":!' C .. lf. ,,... R..:ords. Wflt tlll ,, Jllbllc avctlon to -• ~-daily c 0 st s of equipment is an outgrowth <If -1.'--' 1' th hi AOJ eist eitbot aouiev•rd. · N~ T• h:llt"~1 1 l\l\lhflf t11c101r '°' c•1111. ,..,•bl• 111 11wtu1 "~ h , ·1 • t ;,i:JCl,I e or e compara e eetcll C•llfornla , 1Mn ll'IOflW .of "" Unltl'd s111u •I trM ttin. o1 Psychiatric hospitaliza. tion are t e company s P re S e n ,_.iod last year Jdl~ p Sn)'der CGe1111r1 t ,.,,.....,, , l'ul!llsfttd Cit•~ C:0111t D•llY Piiot ... ,., w1111ov1 w1rr1111v •• 10 11111. satellite systems Which prfr -;:'::;:-·::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:.::;:::;:::;:::;:=;! TllO ll:Oliimovnt Gl'11d•le, C•l1lcrr11l1 JUM 21 '"Id JUl'I 5. 12, 1f, '912 1611·12 -MfslOI\ or •11Cumbr1111cn, Ille lnt.retf roughly com par a b I e to d • • . • ,.. tuo1 ' ~yr.d .to and now nt ld rw i1 rd Trus!PI!' h . al' . ! th vi e precunon navigation to Thli bUllfllss 11 tierna concluctl'd bf" , LEGAL ·~CE 11.,.r 1ald o-.:r 01 Trust. In •l'ld to ffl9 osp1t J.Zat1on or any O er merchant ~,·~ produced by THE BEST 'Im••,. Pertrwrsl\fp. 11u.1.1 fOl!o"'ll!IO dttcrlbfd P•DPl•tv : reason. MJ I""• .. JOHN P. SNYDER I.DI S02 crl Tr1ct No, 1n2. '" flle C!tf In th t · ha Jntelcom's sub Sidi a r y, ReadershJp po 111 prove TM• •l•t..,l•nt lltl'd ¥tlll1 "" COlil'ltv 1 tnt7 ot Cott• Mts•. Couniv of Ora~. sr•tt! e pas ' msure11s ve Automated -Marine lntemB-''Peanuts" b one of the Clerk ot Or•nff County Of\' Jul'I" 17 1•12 NOTIC• TO c••OITOl:I of C•Uklrnl•, •• "'.,..." on 1 m•• tended to shy away from e J M.oclo 0.!llll C tY IUPe1t101t cOUltT Ofl TM• tt11rtot reC11rlle<1 ln lllXlll so. 11a11tS 32. tional. · Jntelcom Com-world's most poptll&r comic 11" •v•rlJ' · 4 " oun ITATIOflCAtlPOltNIAPO• », ,., u 1not 3' M11c1!l•necv• M'll•• coverage for nervous and wl di · ,A strips. Read it daily in the Clltk. · ,1,.., THI COUNTY OI" OU.NOi r1Cord1 ol taJll OrtnM Countv. ., u.mtal conditions because of niwllcatioM II be a VISwD DAll..Y PILOT. 111110U11Md Orlf!Ot COlll D•Av Pl101, Mt, A·mtl ll'roofrtv ~1"11M; 217' Conll,...nlil the high total COst 10. volved. <°':...A:::ul:o:m:a:l:ed:..:M::::ar:in::e:. ---=============~'~"~·~·:··~·~·~·~"'~'"':'.".:'.~:·~"~':·~":n:....~· .... ='~2 1 Est•!• of ~UTH e. 8EAAD. 0.U•Hd. Sir.el, Cotlll Me11. C.1JfQrr1l1. for Ill• I· NOTICE II HIERl!IV GtVEH lo tN ltl;rllOM of HYlf\I obllt•llon1 SK Utfd bV H t · edl I Cfldlfor1 ot "'' •bovt 11•mtd dK~I .. Id Detd of Trv11. lnckxlh-v l~a. ow ever, mos maJOt m ca ftlit ,11 ...,_ 1Mvl11t cl•lmt 1,11111, ft" <1111rtt1 •nd •xP11111S of Ill• Tru''"· all· plans today will pay 75 to#) .,1d d.cedlnl ,,. rHUlrld to 1111 ttltm, v•nce•. II •ny, u!'ldlf' ttM terrru ol 111ld ! '#ltll 1111 f'IKl•Nrv \'Olldlen. 111 the olllct Dl«I ot Trvs1, !nflrtlt tl\tr• •rid percent of the cost o treat· cr1 "'' ciert or'"' •lloYt 11111tt1e1 min,• an.561:.0\ In unp11d 11rllldo11 01 1111 110t1 ment for such conditions while " or11•11t .,_.., """' tr11 '*""rv ..cvrld w ~a DHd ot Tru11. w1111 In-. '<llOUdlffl, to the Ufldtl'll~' •1 DI l9r11t ttMrtoli frll!l'I Au-I 1, lt11 n 1,._ the patient is confined to the. NtwPOrt ,.,.,..,. 0 ,..,.., su111 *· MfWPO'f .. ~ nett'"' 9Y •-prll'lklM. h "taJ Ma y plan5 Will pay 8•Kll. Cetllotnl• nHO, Attn: ll"'UCI f , °"'" July S. ltn osp1 • n • H•rrkllton, E ..... 'fl'tllcti I•· ftll ,.i.e. "' Ru11y lll<Ol'POl'•ttd· TMtH b\lllf'ltllt of tM undenltl!Md In •II m1tMr1 IY fUc!'llf'd F, "''11 Union Bank Tells Gains Unionamerlca, Inc., bank holding compony !or Union Bank, reported second quarter income per share, before securities gains or 1<>6ses, in- creased 14.6 !!tf<ent lo 63 cents from lbe SS ce~ts •BTlled In the second quarter ol 1971. lncOme before securities galna .or losses totaled $5.911,000 compared w II h $4, 71>,000 in the s e c o n d quarter of 197~ an incttase of 23.7 percent. Net incom• for the quarter, after $ecUrlties gains or Joues, amounted to fS,84.1,000 co~ with $4,795;000 in the same quatjer ·of 1971, an lncr'"se or 21.S percent. On a per shart basis, net incom~ alnwnted to a-cents: an in- creue ol 12.i percl'11, 0110r the SS cents reported In lite 197t quarter. .. 1 GUY IJVKN.GSTON 14' FASHION SQUARE SANTA ANA, CALIF. M7-6345 ( pef'lt1ntn1 to "'9 11111• If Mid dKldltif, k<rtllfl' •'"'"' fotlr lf'IOl'lff'lt llttlf" 1111 first oubllc•· uns c 1 0 n ,1,_," th!lf cr1 ftltt natkf. lllullll\lled Or•1191 MS • Y ~ .. D•Jtd JUM n. 1m Ju1v 12, If. 26, 1m J.Jn.,(, CAROLYN •uTH STAR" E111e11)ri11 of 11111 Ell•f.-of "" _.,. nemed dlcfllltnt LEGAL NtrrlCE Klll'l!Ndt. ~u, ~ • mu Cl\1111~ ltcrW ,,. .. lUD ut ,,._,.,., c-... °'" s.Mt,.. filOT1ce TO c•ro1roa1 NIWNl1 &lldl', C•""""" m.. 011 IUf..lf; T•ANSIJ•• Aflll! .,. ••..•• ,.,11191111. IM. IS.a. •ltl-61t1 u.c.c.1 . AtlerM'f'• ,_. lllllCUtdlr Nolle• " """"' tlftrl to crerd.llors qi. P1,1bll1Mcf Of•11t11 COlsf O•ll'f lllllot, Ille wl!l\1n niMed t11rllH tMI • ~ June 2t Md JUiy 5, 11, It, ttn 1St•·l"2 treMter It In~ to tit fnlldt Ol\ LEGAL NOTICE --• Pt-'Y hert1"411ttr Ottcrltrito, ,.,,, "'"" •"4 llvll'lllSI 1111111,.,.. " U1* lnltfleltd 11111tftrlll' 1•: • 1------.-... -..,~.-----OONAlO H. MOON, lO:llS flllh $1,. Fou1111111 V•llr't', C•llt. PICTIYIOUI ·::::s• ltw "'"" 111\d tiu1lw Mklrlu of ... 1 .... .---lllAMa ITAT t.---ftndfd: WMPf1• h 1 -"The fl>l•ltW MNPtll an 'dolnt flETElt A. lOIUll. 1U~ R St" lll.lllllt1t ltl ' tu..Pon •uctr~ t.llt, • ROD!.fl,.llt•l,alHttlL. .i Tlllt 1P11'"'"'1Y"'tllltf!I11tr1tO ~ "£tpl•nldt 1r', )»I RIMlftlll .. ..,.,. Sllll• dtscr!OM 111 """'''Mt ••i.i.. w.-106. COii• Mt11, C•llt. llllft, ftltrdll"lllM, ""~' !erl .W 11' E. 0. Rodtff•r. 2127 f'eclflp Ori~. loctled Ill CONIV Kl.ANO. 1M ,..,, ... (Of'Olll dtl Mar, C11ll, "'JS. dff\ PlllCt. Nll'#ffl't tN(fl. c .. lloMlt. ,,, W•rf•11 Rffd S6rl11k1!, \l",0, 80ll "41l, TIMI M\(I bull!; ff.,...., I\ 1"liltndlCI to'- 1~5' N.-IM,, F'cw'll-·C.lllorNI hftt\1"""'11111 ti !tit titlkil If 91'~ nus. e.u.w COft'IHnr. M11 W•1 St)111! st .. \.fl ltlt*'IN W. SD'l'l"ll;1t. »32 f:11e:•mtvs A"ttltt, C•lltot"I• '°°"" Oii 111 •ttv Se.t. HIU •CNld. Yotb9 Lind•• C.llfomt.. 1, ttl"2. ll•lM (, S,rll!kll. J.lSI l!UC•IY"lll SO f•r .. It kl'lllWI'! .... N lflf'l!'IOIO HUI !toH. Yorbl Lindt, C.ll"""11I•. Tt•ntfettt ...... lllflhd.O ,,.p_,... Wiid Tlllt M11!1111ts i. cO!llluded tl'I l.1Mll.0 "" tollowlfll itdedt~l ~ "'"1t' l"•rtMnl'l l.., M'lll ~ WllJ\ln"lflt 11\rtt .,..,.. '-' i . 0. lilodtt'" ti'fl)I: ~ Tiiis 111te1'11f1'1 ..... l'llmf wltf'I ""taun-MOl.O DESIGNS. "' Mcf'MilJoft. "·' ty Ct1rk et 0..1191 C:O-ri" °" Junt JI, New-• -..cti. C•\11, on. Per.r A. TOf"' IROWN & lllOWN l11ttnc1H Tr•""""' JU() Wlt~lr• Sl!"IYlf'll D•t.dt Jul\' 10.-1'11, • ~ Allttlff, C•llfWl!llt '"11 ORAMIRCY l!SC"'~ COMl'MY T •h {!l 11 JIM44l xn W•O lhl#I ·~ Allnl Sltltfoll "· llMll t.o. .\Ill"(~. ~ ... P 100 OUM: .... Hn1 11'\lbllshld °""'-' Ccibt Dtltr Piiot. "*'_.,. ~ c• Oell'r ""'" '"'' a, 11. 1t, M. nn 1n.n Jvt'f 111-1tn ~n: l ! I • ' ' ' s Finance OVER THE COUNTER COMPI,E'l'E-NEW YORK STOCK LIST Briefs Now Open For -loUNGHEON 11 iJO t. :l:JO-M ... tfint M. A•k P•r Our ·c.n....., Mestorploc•' Compl•I• $3 95 Olnntt • From 6 p.m. • ?don. thru Thur. ltORS D'OEUVRES AT TIIE BAR H..,. Yev Hur4 AMvt CLUI· DE PARIS M•mMrl Only n.nclnt-L9t• Supper IOI 30111 ST., NIWf.qlT RACH 675.0300 ·1meet the $10,000 panther* ••• PANTERA t>Y deTomuo •.• imported for Uncofn.Mucury. Italian ~work creatfd by the brilliant Ghia Studlos or 1\trin. ~Ford designed the 361 CID 4V V-8 engine. Four wheel In· --depmft'.lt auspenslon -and mid-shlp engiM placement Five 11"«1 aear bo>< fully 1ynchron1ucl •• , 'Pantera •• t ltallan for Panther ..• ORDER 1000 YOURS \ TODAY! P1nonali11d • Stylish • Efficient Order For Yourself or 1 Friend M1y Le used an envelopes 11 return 1ddrass labels. Also v•ry handy ,., identification l1bel1 for m1rkin9 personal it1m1 such •• boo•J. Acords, thotos, etc. Labels stick on vi•••, ucl_ma~ t used for marking home c.tnniHI focd 1ftmt. All l1b.l1 •r• printed with 1tY,li1h Vogue typ• on fin1 qu1lity whlt•· gum ..... papor. 1--;;;;;;:;;:;;::.::1111-;:;;::;---,, ' .. .., '"",.. Lllkl Div .. r.o, ••• lliit I .... -"'"·""' I I I I I I I I I · I I L ____ ~T PRl~J!~~--J \ \-. I - • r • I I . ·ll • 11 I I ' r • • .Mt , 1m Tuesday's Closing Prices-Complete New York Stock Exchange List Wall Street Hit NEW YOJ\I( (AP)-Stock market prices dropped broadly !n slow trading Tuesday, DecUnes led advances by 3 to I on the New York Stock Eiebange. Analysts" blamed the decline on international monetary problems, uncertainties about the econ· omlc policies of the Democntlctresldentlal candl· date" Sen. Georie McGovern, an the lack of prog· ""'' Ill th e Pam peace talks. ·N111 ll'ldl.m _N•t t.t• I~ m, .. '·"' -, ... ,y ... lt•IM:I ,,, 'j'•r ,.._ ti Ifft '°" M1t TH .to Nll.ln!I .4Jd N1t.,...u .2s ,..,,., ... "' .«I Htv ,.w \"' ,....., .. , . "' N.WIJ pf 3 .. "''!El 1.•f NE• T 2,36 Newh•lt ,)(I eWl'l'lf\I 1,6' ""''""pf 41'1 YH8" .10d NYSl!G 2.0I NYt!PI l .IO ~YSEJll ~ l .. Mo 1.10 •Mor l .611 •1•MOf ).IO N ,, IP! .t<ld NL l'le'Ull I HLT CP ,J'.ld NlorlolkW1 3 NorJlflC .:JOd Norrr1f 1.0• NA Coel 6G f.11\ Mt 1,:IOd H,._rri ""II l NoA Ilk 1.4'0 NOA.A: OI 4'.4 N.t.lltkor 1.J.S Nr:Jt UI .fl N lllG.l 1.•2 H I01or 1.'0 H I"'"' l.J1 NoNtG1 fAO Hl)$tPw 1.n NOS,.of J.66 No&PJll •.5' HOSP~ I to p,11)1'1hOlll E ..,,._ ' N~'~ Lil ,....., 1\1•1 .•s Nw tfl 1.t\ NWll ht .2U N)ll'll 1NI WI Nwst 11'1 Ol1 .wtllof •• t!~llnotc irwMu 1.11<1 N(Jw1!Stl ,1, ·-'"'' ·~ Noirt llm .ts Nrtll 11' 1.tO Nucor Corp NVll Co lJf &:t,~'t. :I! O<ttll't .1111 °"'"'',,, 4 Occfttl!f i . .o OccPllll' 2.1, °"""(. ... ~OC!fft 1 l.17 1 d 1.J.I "' J.fO Ct! .. •.•4 Oh -' • S• c:i111•o"E 1.D Oi:ltflLG I. 4 QllroCer• • o:1t 1111!11 Ont r.. ,10 °"1-.. M I or •c~1 1.JO Ott. e: co 1 °""''' M I Outltf C .65 OVcrTr11 .60 5 CF ·" II! t . .O • pf •-" ' I Dotolotte• • ' I ! ... .... (IMM.) ........ c .... tit. Ul 1,._,. U "' •• .,. tot+-'• US L••1 ,)t •• '"' '"' " " ""'•• •• . .. ••• .... 11'1•-'• ~ Ul "I l.iiO 'll ~ li: I!"" .. "" u , .. ·tl 1 -· '~"\191 ' ' " . ",. wl1 ' ' ' j -, .. 1 Ulllfel,, 'J1 ' \I:: l!:: 11. ··;, U11ILMI I ' U11h1 Oii,,. IJt ti"' II\\" ~ Ulliv C-•• l!! '"' \b I"· U•/-'j 11• .... l ' '1"1lJ ~lli'JY '. ff a-~~ ...... ~ u c •. ''"" . ::: ~ M ti 1 dO 1n• 1 "" 141-I"' 8 M !' 1.a ..: ~ ~ .... ~ UI•~ 11t1 ,U \Utah '"')J ; 1! ' !? .. UV l1'Cll • UVl1111 l.a6 ' 4 • -··-V11!111 .Ato.o M IJ1'o u·. ll'"" "' • VCA ~· .'O f ?." ffr 70'·-, .. "'"'" , .. ~ ~~ ..,.,. ,llllll ~ tt§ r." '-+ t-" ,.,.. Vie~ '"' .. "--'" Vic:! C , 17'0 11~1.t •VI I~ I.a ,1 l~ ''5' 17 -'• V1f, •, JP !17"'-\It ···~ 1~ •lft tt\o ~ f!~ ~fi" o•• ~ ll '!" VY1\llM l.Ool ll ,, " 1 t " VW VII .• ' ,,, Vt IV.-'' KIDS LOVE • UNCLE LEN Saturday• in The DAILY PILOT • .... . . (Nl,J ........... c ... QI. I • OAILY ,ILOT Phone 64243 21 For Weekender Adve rtising St itt iiltt lh•1.) Mith ltW' CIQI Cllf, THE BEST · hacl•nlllp po I It _.,,,. "Pllnull" 1a ont or tM, warld'1 tPOtt ~ cmdc •b1l!L .... ti dolb' ta dol t>All.f PILOT. , ' r • -.. -.-. DAJtY l'ltOT --- Theater Notes TONIGHT'S TV IDGilllGHTS Three Shows Make Debuts • • • :· K'M'V m 6:00 -''The Emperor's New Cloth ... " 'nie cbUdren'a cla .. ic about 1 villi old emperor who 'II sold some invisible clothes. • ABC D 6:30 -"A RaiJin in the Sun ." Part 1 of 1 two-part showing of the drama based on Lorrllne Hansberry's novel. Sidney Poitier, Ruby Dee, Diana Sands head an lll·black cast. . NBC O 7:30 -The Mouse Factory. Orange ·Coast comics Skiles and Henderson join the Disney ::characters for a half hour of comedy in sound. :· CBS G 8:00 -The David Steinberg Sbow. Th e ;premiere of a new summer variety series features ~~ McMahon and Leslie Uggams as special guests. :· KCET m 8:30 -"I--otemkin .11 Sergei Eisenstein's ·:i925 classic movie based on the actual mut iny or '. Russian sailors aboard a ship of the czar during the 1905 revolution. TV DAILJ LOG Wednesday Evening JULY It h0s1ttt, tnd Chief Ctlftot~ (L D. Ca11non) ttlum 111 trldt • holpil•l- llM ,11to11tr lo llYI Ills llfl. D CIJOO E!)lk1 C1 r111r l•r "C-.>llk'1 Ni:ht Dul" ID Min Crltflll Shew uoe D a 11111uJJ-m111- fD QI) fff11 Odyuey "Pot1mklt1" (Ruul111, 1925) S.r11I Ebenst1ln'1 c!1ulc bastd Oii llM tclutl mutiny et 11llor1 tbotrd 1 •lllp of the Ci.tr durlnt: lilt 1905 bvohlllon. .,... ... - CIJ-' mtfiMI TW ia,trlfa Mew 0.... frM Gnda. Wiii I. Ablt, YldOl'll Mlllofy, Mettle Striftllf tl'MI ltabtt1: DllMJ slit !ft tllt ''"' atory ·' of t vit111 old lll'IPlror who Is Mid ... ilw\dlll clot!Mil ·:: 1:::':': .... MtT- llr_.,. ... IMI' I :::.:* -- • l:OOD Cll ...... Co""!•> A"°" pital tdml11lstrlt0t' (Mont• Mt rt· him) t111b 1n ICddent victim (Clu Gul.11r), Ill 1 commu11ity wll1r1 tlltt1 II no cloctor 111d ii tempted to re~ra kl actift mtdlc1I prlttltt. D (lJ CIJ Ell "'"1 '"'"'' c. .. 111, lhcMlt Sped•I aunt ii Orson w.n .. I ·-"' Y11111 ,_, RIC!lnllr m-•:»•-: ., ............ t.JO (l)Dn ... hrl: I (drt) '61 -9'ney Pllitltr, g S1C11N L.Ma Clludll MtlttK. luby OM, D11n1 D CJ) CJ) 0) Alt Ce_,, H• Slnfs. "Th• Kopy' ~ti WHh Holl ~oblrt i:.=... ;~ ..... , Arlt& 1U• II) A'lllflturl ' ....,.,. U) bclll Ff9• HollywMll P11l I :=· ::...w 10:00 II()) M11111b PiPJt Scott au•sta Mcl1nlll• 41 ll C-•ldll 111run1w111lrl whast ltllltr 111111 ...,_ ,._ Shl'I M1n11ix to fin41 Mr 1nd thin lrltt lo 9......., P1ul Send. ol "llMI ptf lllm to e1nctl the w1rcll. Mot lad." Juab. Elllol: Mlfltz b B ISi I! flllpt; lllltry "Ptmtl1'1 halt. Yotc:1" 1l1ri Pl'IJllll Diiler tlld kllln Ast in: "LORI Survi'lor" ll.111 Jollll r.otlcol; "The Doll" 1ttt1 ,1ot111 Wll· li1ms. ,"°a ... "' ~ut> """' 1111o• ... porta on cumnt 11\d pro)ecttd ocu11 ''''"'" -D Tiii Mtu11 rnry r:om1di•ns 8111 Sldle1 trtd h i• Htndt!Xln 1u111 .• 1 uny allow 1bout tounds 1nd mu· • •it. • -= (2hr) .............. «ft' (9d·fi) '69 -lllrrl Crant. P1tu WUl111M. (IJ Te T• tM lrvtll ())I Draa9 If Hllllit G -I -= !!Wl "W• LMf"' (dni) '6? -StM McQ111111, Robert W11ner. CD.....,.., ... ,.. mm ... .,.. (IJ) ClllctllOI .,. til Mm GllM- tlllk. m"" Loch em- a """' 1CJ ca~ """ -bnl If Hllll ...... (Id¥) '54-Johrt 0tr1~. E11ln1 Stewtrt. OJ C..N111 flt FNlllll TCM"Oflll Arp on. Otthl 111&111~ Rldt11 t!JIHI 0111-•-tmM-_,... ,,._ 11-(R) a•-·-m 11 " -. ... 0) LI LIJlllll• N llft•lt IO:JO (lJ 1'llo ........... D Ttlti llct CIJ _Cllal .... D 11111 ta, .. , Uf• Rlch1rd Cr111111 II 1ur,riud aunt. fl) LI lllU1lc.1 a-= tt> "T>o 11, , ..... m 42 P1u• m c.llnci• Cllf,.111. 11:00 D 0 D Ill Ill Ell Nm (l)Cll®l Nm II One .. , hJend CIJ _llO .. By TOM TITUS Of .. 0.lly .. ,l(of .,.,, A Thur5day evenln& In midsummer isn't ex 1 c t I y "prime time" for lot:al theater openings, but tomorroW night will see three new productlona taking wing on Orange County .. •t.U•ICMnNl'll·lll . "'GODFATHER" (R) -..... , . ., c-. -·--·4 .. 1 .... a. ....... 1-. .... "" ''THI llAOUATI" (Pl) 'llSl'&mHll "Ml, •ATAl.llN (Pl) ---· --·--111·1 .. CUllfll .. , .. Y\'tnl .... I "SIYJACUD" (Pl) nn/Mljlltl (NIU Nu111 noTMllT" IPI) stages, one of whlc:h will in· augurate a new community theater. The political musical "Of Thee J Sing " Introduces the Placentia Playhouse Thurs· day, while the San Clemente Community Theater unve ils illl summer comedy "Tom Jones." t.1eanwhile at Hunt· ington Beach's Golden West College, the first increment of a three-pronged s u m m e r season opens with a collection of one-act plays e n t I t I e d ''Games.'' George Gershwin's "Of Thee I Sing" goes ba ck more than 40 years, but is being revived in this election yeB.r as the premiere production Df the new Placenlia Playhouse. Robert Wimberly is directing the musical. Heading the Placentia cast are Pat Warn~, Jim L'Angelle, Donna Colliard, Hank Sorkin, Bob Busch, it a r go U.P ha m , N i c k Furticelli, Art Sherman, Bruce Talento, B o b Ra smussen, Norman Helm and Gary Bassin. Performances are scheduled for Thursday through SatUr· day of this week and Firday and Saturday of next week , all at 8:30, with a 2:30 matinee on July 30 at Valencia l~igh School, 500 N. ·Bradford St., Placentia. ReservaUons ~ 7091. * "Tom Jones," 1 costumed romp from the centuries·past novel by lienry Fielding, bows lo for a four·weekend run at the San Clemente Community Theater Thursday under the direction of Richard .i\ndersen. Tom Taliaferro lakes the ti· tie role in the comedv, \Yi th Bobbi J\farshal and Richard Cosbad also cast in principal assignments. Rounding out the cast are Ray Judson, Stan Weissberg, Jan Gordon, Glen- na Weissberg, Mary Modiano. Mark Razor, Bonnie Judson, Doris Donka, Doris Decker, Ann Keenan , Neri J.ucius, Louise t.-faroc , Danna Tal111fer- ro. Ren Hutchings, Herb Johns, Jerry Lucius, Richard J\1eisner, Chuck Senge, Cliff Waters, Walter Orange and Sharon Heusinkveld. Four weekends of performances, Th u rs d a y through Saturday al 8:30, are scheduled at the Cabrillo Pla yhouse. 202 A v en id a Cabrillo in San Clemente . Reservations 492·0465. * An evening or nine original one-acts launches the am· bitious summer theater pro- gram at Golden West College Thursday, with three performances only thro.ugh Saturday. Mike Leddy directs · 'LIKE WOODSTOCK \. ONA WAVE' _.., .. , __ y 'SPECTACULAR' ........... _ ....... _ . ..Ji .• '~ ,. 'GORGEOUS' Pacific Vlxatio.v OO• ·n1 • ...,. .. ~SEVERSC1"·COLOR.--· ... ----· SURF THEATRE-121 5th St.-Huntington BHch 2 P.rfonHKn 1:00 & 10:00 -AdM. St .75-f'tl. 536-tlt6 Now -Exclusive Harbor Area Showing At Regular Prices! Shows N14Jlttly 7:00 l t :lO Sfllulrtlle MVlit .,..,.......,1 iim •• ., """•u11e11 f:!J MMt: (Zllr) "Ktlr1 lltcMI" llfMf Tiii ""'*-1 i . .....,,111_.nNIAITlf"fll Cdrt) '39 -Rontld Ru11n, Dl•d 6) Ne...., (Ill) ~~;.':._.,....,...,, & Osc1r Winner "SENTINELS OF SILENCE" (PG) En• Kids. 11:1511l f111Wt1 r11m1ce I=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~:'! 1:00. Cl) HEMIEI£ 1k Dffld RllJt· 11:30 IJ ()) CIS Lit• Mme: ''fr111••11-I: b1rJ Show Ed McMll1011 ind Lltllt tteln Mull II Datrlyllll" (l'lor) '70 Uutrns iuest In the op1nln1 show -Peltr Cushln1, Simon Wtrd Ve· 1ttrrin1 11!fhtcl11b 1clor-c:om1dl1n f'f!lllct Carl.on. ' Sl1Jnbir1. In 1 one·hour CDllltclJ· O ~ _ •·--T ••rilty fonnlt. Will '1o:,I ,.,~ • --""' B l1J ID Ml•·lZ "l•tlr·UP °"' R11111111, tau Elliot runt. L·20" (R) Four WilllNHS COlltfl· ., Mrtlt: "Wtkllll .. .,.,. ctict Offlc:.r M1llo7 whttl ht a;m (com) '41-8in.& CrosbJ, .ltt• Ca ul- .,..it"'" testimony thtt Sil Mtc· fl11d. 0on11• cwini.111 ao,tllJ dill not IJ.(J) CIJ EE Did en.tt strlkl 1 pedtstr1111 with his pollCI m 11 Ttl dl1 lrvlll "'· a Cll CIJ Ell "" ..,., "J<>o'• 11:0o m ~'" """" -1.1•,,. SClltmt" Jot Invests ' hundrld dol· (dr*' 43 ~ J1mu Cainey, Grtct !111 In 1 flll·buek scMnte 1111! Ii.I· Gtor11. .tits. 12:30 ID c..m, MUllc TIMI • n. Mottlnln-1.1• • ....., "'"' l:OO(]JQD CIJ®l N'"' e 111r111111 C.r•lt l:JD 8 l!Wt: "TM Jl.W trt,..•' e di DlctlM ?Z (dr•) ''5--Ken Scott. Shirt., EllOIL • U. IAre • 2.:00 m Aft.Nlpt 1iw. "1111 .. ,.-. ID r.-... c.1tm hi": "** Slide": -a. r 1:• D Ill &l HC ""'"' ""',._ llcCleW HA Ut!lt Plai 1t T11nqui! Vllhlf (R) Smualm hold MeCIOud l:OD fl Movie: ...... 11 tM Dirr' (llrt) ·~ -Wlllltm Sylvtsttr, 91rblr1 Sll1lh1y. ..:: -~-mtt1 ....,, -· 1 .. > .,, 1 nu......,y _... ,......,, ~"''" "'"' Sttpht!I McHtllJ. "mDt MOVIES 1:30 a -r.,,. Mim" (CtJlll) ''1-....,. JIDl1nd YOU!!£ jl)lft Blo11d1n, 0.nnil ...... ,,.. ...... (c:em) '42-0·111er1. MIM7' ft111, LJlll ltlt. J:OO (I) -J11111p Milllon1lni" (111111) '51 1:9 ........ (dre/ •55 _ Gltnn -lllllmJ Clinton. 011111 Jur11111. Alrt DlftM -Ut11t Hltltt11. aJi "TM ll&ltt T111e-" (td¥) '51-,__,, ( I 'Ml-Jot! SttWlrt lifln&er, Ctortt S111C11n. IHI CJ)-f•-._.. . l:ll D (C) "T>t hlfod •-il' - -• ( ... ) .,.__, ... ClHlio. "'" LolP. 1U1•111-...,"..,....,. ms. ... 111A11 -<•1 ....... Dmttt. 1111 Cof4. 1:110 ......... 1111 ~ .... ui1• 'Ml,, W' t• 'U-l*'J '40 ~ 'ltw DulM. II:• Htf• ilil---· .... II rtntre lffklnc for tnalllt ---liftJOi KUii>. m~·&ffi ~ll/A[·uffil ~41QN OO~Sl!!l1l ·SllliAr.rJl)A J.. ~fS W Aftllv~GH I · Mui<~ lND SCll11!J! llrlren I\' BJlllt 11\tilfl!I [oaJl>W i'iol.c!• mRJ OO!Y· Piod:;clO ~ Slili(Y litD:!ll(Ml. 0..:l!d ~ JJfj Slli8·A lll .... /Ml\lllll ""11l'~ Pnxlud... 1W!llroLE•· ~'4:ms 1PG1 ~~~-o l sKONO PAUL NEWMAN "Somelilles A G~at Notion" FEATURE HENRY FONDA .. • • the collecllon, under the title of "Games." Three of the plays - "Camera Obscura," "Jew" and "Momma as She Became, Not as She Was" -"'-'ere first performed at Los ~geles' Mark Taper Forum . They are billed as "nine shorties to make you think," and revolve a r o u n d psychological in· teraction, using people as pawns. Curtain time is 8 o'clock in the Actor's Playbox in the GWC com m u n i c a ti o n s building . with seating limited to 75 persons. Admission is free. * South Coast Repertory is back on the boards tonight, running through Sunday \Vilh its West Coast premi ere of "Happy Birthday, Wand a June" by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. David Emmes directs the black comedy . \\'i lliam Brady and Mimi Smith heads the cast of the SCR production, supported by H. J. Parks, James dePrie."il, SCR ,production, supported by Pat Brumbaugh and Reginald Parks. Performances of "Wanda June" are staged nightly at 8 o'clock in SCR's Third Step Theater. 1827 Newport Bl vd .• Costa Mesa. Reservations 646· 1363. DAILY f'ILDT Stiff f'llllo REAOY, AIM ... -Joe Re ise r aims his trusty pop- gun at the balloon carrying r.1att Gordon skywar d 1n this scene fr om "\Vinnie the Pooh ," closing this we e kend al the Huntington Bea ch Playhouse. with Joe Reiser , Joel Strauss, Jona Berg la n d , Sieve Richards, Cathy Ca r l so n , Mona Zirkes and i\1ark H0ist. "\Vinn ie the Pooh" "'ill be staged Thursda y and Friday at 7:30 ~'ith matinees Satur· day and Sunday at 2 o'clock in the playhouse. 2110 Main St., Ralph Richmond heading the cast of the Jay Allen comedy. Performances are bein g presented F r i d a y s and Saturdays at 8:30 at the pla yhouse. 5021 E. Anaheim S!.. LonR Beach. Reservations 1213) 438--0536. Huntington Beach. Resec\'a· Dr. Burl Iv es tions 536-4446. * HOLLYWOOD IUPI I ·* ''Forty Carats'' conlinues its Actor·lroubador Burl Ive 1 By popular demand , a six·weekcnd run at the Long received an honorary Doctor special Thursday performance Beach Community Playhouse of Fine Arts honorary deeree has been added to the third this weekend with B<:1rbara from Western I 11 in o i I and final \Vetkend of the Hunt· Crooker. Scott Williams and University. ington B e a c h Playhouse ,_:::.::=:c..:::::::::...::::=::::::...:::::._..::::::.:::.::::!..:.. _____ _ children's production . ''Winnie the Pooh." which closes out its successful run. Directed by Carol Faulstick, the children's rantasy §tars Matt Gordon in the title role "the ·audience went crazy in transported ecstasy ... we were silenced in disbel ief ... dazzled ... stunned by the awesom e be auty ... the beautiful ~usic.'' -·ROLLING STONE MAGAZINI . . ~·: • ..... ... to-;.\ •. ...:, ...... . ·· .. !-· ~ ~._ •. . .. . ~ ·, .~ . ~ ' " "4 . . 1 > Nicholas •nd Alexandra lolYlll-•· ...._ ~ "UCl»l.llUff"IJ -~ll•ll'lW. -~ .,IM't'll SAii 111 llY IATillt"' ~·" Gl1*'1..C:UV.ll Ml\Vtl< l'OUGIAS ":I,. I ' " • ··; •• • . T~• L.A. Tlrn" Pp: "A fllrn .... __ rf ..... 11 ""I II.,.,.,...., .. Wl!DMIESDAY ti!"' SU HOAY -JULY 1', 2t, 11, 22, ,, l AGUHA tl!ACH HIGH SCHOOL AUDITO•IUM •zs f'lR AVMl\19 •:• , ..... Barney wanted women in the worst way. And that's the way he got them. ,..,.,,,. Pdte5 IJtSlft5 A Howaird"' ICoch -... Meil Simon ""-. .Alan.Arkin .. .. '1.ailof the Reel Hot I.ewers" lllo llMlig, fl (.fdlr ol .... Sall Keller111an Pa Renee Tavlor _., .......... _,.l ..... a4WICocll ,,,_.,._ ... ' ' ... Mu1ic SoiJed W Meel Hefti Coler~ IOIEIM A~~. • Exclusive ORANGE Eag••e•eat COUNTY -;""'1!J ( -.--... ur ,...",. ' . ' , .. ·-· ::~ ... . ,. -. •!• :· " ·" ••• .. : . ... : : : ···;11 .. ~. :t'tte J:I 'Jae ·. .. H Pr hav next FBI. o'r "Ba . .. . . . .. .. .. ~ .. :: : . . :: . .-.. . .. ·: . .; .. .. .. .. .-~ ' ,. '"· .· ::: ~iCiini Eastwood Ai Ho .,. ... e B el1i nd Can1era ... • • By BOB TllOMM ~:; ;:;HOLLYWOOD (AP) - ~esUoa: whit do ptrformer1 =Ille John Wayne, Elaine May, :t'•l•r Llwrord, }JDbert Culp, :t"iul New(!lan, Sidney Poitier, Se.narc! ,Ntmoy, Rip ")'orn. ;lack µmmon 1nd C 11 n t ~God hllv& In common? ~~nswer : AU of them have :liuneil film dlreclor. ~'.A few stari!I have tried ~lrectlng once and never re-. ~ated: Marlon Brando1 Frank ~tnatra, Bu.rt La n·c aster', :James Cagney. M~ actot'- directors are repcnters, even . . for Quinn HOLLYIVOOO IUPll ~roducer Quinn ~1.artin v.111 have four shO\VS on ~he 111r next television season ''The FBI," "Cannon." "The Strrl•1s cir San Francisco" "Banyon. '' though they earn far lesa behind t~ camera than they do In front or ll T1ko Cl int Eastwood. He stands No. 2 \lmong the n1oncy-making stars in the t.itotlon Picture Herald's an- nual poll or theater operators ( \Vayne Is first t. EostWood could be C()u1ent lo conUnue collecting millions for his hard-fist~, tight-li pped pol'travaht Instead, he took on the added duties or directing last year's "Play Mi.sty for l\fe." Before the end of the year, he will direct IY.'O more films: "High Plains Drifter," a \\·eslern in Y.'hlch Ea st\\'ood will also Siar: nnd .. Brce1.v," a C<lntemporary story with \V\lliam flolden in the leading role. Eastwood talked about hia douhle car~r before leaving fur the fli gh Sierra !orations for ··Jt igh Plains Drifter." 11e \v as jusl n1oving into his nc1v ortices at Univcrs;i! Sfudio; I .'. IJ.'. If, > f"• ,qt;] ': Jlll&l~t ~FC~ 11\0o'I 1··' ;•,11 1 · ""'rl 1 tt '!_,, J ! • ~ ": , "i '<~ ~ I~ II.IOI' ) !.""-11 DrKl9'!1'.' ~:,_~· • :. •~·.t . .l!'ll'.11'1f!ll.i ~ •I'"' ,.'.lt"rA ~L[\l l!~·r.·.·~J~· ·: .. , :: ·: . : : . . . ·: •·· .·.1~·.·· 4\',.l.i"fll ttt.~ ..... -.. ~\>l .. , '. NOW li ACADEMY AWARD WINNER! " BEST Art Direction BEST Costu'me Design :· c,A.», ... I . ; . :· .. .. ,• ., / •• ~~ ~· -~O* ~'CS' Lir Dix?" _ .. /!II. 2NO TOP COMEDY WOODYAllEN "•ANAllAI" (rGI 4th GllAT WUIC • -, - they had formerly ~longed to producer Ross Hunter. \Vhy do actors want to direct~ "It's a log1cal plAct' ror on actor to movt," st1id the r:..ingy actor , "unless he's C<lntent to sh In hls trailer bel>K•ttn ~hots and do nothing else. I was never sallsfied lo do that. I've always been an activist ; I like the picture busln<'ss and I have . a great curioslly about filn1s. "f\1y desire to dire<.•! g{l('s 'y,•ay back lo the days when l was doing 'Rawhide' on TV . The company promised nle r e-0uld -and then rrnegtd It seems !he net .... ork \\'as helnj; pressured by a lot of aclors who v.•antcd to diret l. and it becan1c a policy matter. I didn't hnve the bargnuunR power that I had later on ." E<1st1Yood \l'ilS able t 11 barg:1i11 :i!tcr he I r. f 1 "Rawhide" and be<·an1e u fi ln1 star I h r o u g h llalian-ma1lc "spaghetti westerns," s!arling with "A r~islful of L1ollars." "I didn't have rnuch trouble conv incing Lew Wassrrn1an to let me di rect 'Play Mls!y for Me' after I told him hov.• I wou ld du it." s<1id East\vood. \\d~l·rman l:i the. Unl\CrbJI St udio boss ' I hroi.q;hl the pleture In four d:i 's und('r schedule - 11bout lui.ir and a hall Yietks DI sh11oting. The actual C9St of the picture was under B n1illlon dollars, so they can't really complain." • ' "Play r.1isty for Me" \YIS well received at the 1>9x oflicc, Class Set 111 Acting Auditions \\ill bt htld Thurs· ctay for mc1nbe r !>h 1p in the "llerc and NOY.' .i\t'l1 ng Studio" of Laguna Beach, a 1\orkshop condul'ted by \\10 L:C Irvine dra1na 1)rorc~sors. l~tJbcrt Cohen and Ashley C,1rr arc conduet ing t h c wurkshop in u studio to the rear of \hr Cot l a g e !1t•:.l<1uranl. 308 N l'o;11'l Hi~hY.'ay. Classes 11r1> offered three llmes a \Vet'k un ;:1 nlonthly basis, Further inforn1a!1011 1nily be obtilinrd by eon!ac!in~ Cohen At 497-16.12 or Carr at 4!ll -6874. llflCt!fl Ave •11l 1l l11ttl ·121 ·,010 IOX O,flCf OPlllS Al 1:00 and 1noi;t rt\ltwen aw;reed 1h11t Eust"ood made a ered1tnble debot as 11: dirtctof 1)()('1 this portend a full·llmt career as dire<"tor·! "No.u said Eastwood. •·1 fltUre I've got a fC\Y n1ore. nttln& ye-ar, ahead of me I wnuldn't glve up act1ni;. nnd I'll ca,tailnlY not direct all 111~ O\YR p1ctur~s. "Directing Is hard \\(irk. You 11aVe to stay on top of ever}'lhlrtg all dav Joni.:. :1nd;jt can be tiring. l learnl.'d ~ pact niyself. It 's not like act· lni;. v.<here you c;i.n stay up till I o'r-lock the night before work As a dlret'lOr, I had to crash before 11." "fa111 c' C:ast HOLLYWOOD I UPI I Attwr:o Sordl and Silv(lno ~1 a~11ano ha ve joinc<i Bette J)fl\'tS and Jo~eph Colten lo "The F111n('," a l)inlo di Laurentus production I n Ron1e. mmiiiiiiiia HfH8 c.ltiOIDf.T•" l•P) "" "CO~L HANO LUK•" iOPI "SKYJACKI O" with Cll••l•l11n Ht1M '"' "KILL Y'S t+EROll" "P OllTN!)Y'S COM,LA1HT'' CRl ,1~\ "CANOY" IX! Slev• McQ- "JUNIOR IONNIR" lf'OJ "FISTFUL Of" DOLLARS" IPql "SHA LAKO" l 'Gl t l~tll.41.411~S ! Dustin 1~offm1n * BEST MUSICAL-1~71 -l< IT'S A SCIENJIFIC N.Y. DRAMA ~ ~UN OME!alAll CRITICS' t ·~ llUll AWARD -I< • ,., . .. ~';:; . . . . . ~ ~PREVIEW l'RICU JULY 11 MAT. -JULY 22 MAT. '#tos. M.lf.0•<~. \lM o . ...... "·" • lolC. ... to, I.II, J 01 WIGl. I lHU•s. Gt<•."~ ....... H .!Q. l tlt. ._ __ .....;. _____ ..;::;.... ii.Ml, t..H, J.$1 •111. O«•. tJ.lG • Mtu :\1.$1 • IOI(. II.SO. l.M. l.14 Sot.T. MAT. Or<ll. ~"ALJ DISNEY 1r,1t. ""'"· .._ .. •l•I<. 11.llO, t r.1, 1... I '' NllWTIOA' •"• RlqUL.\I\ l'llllC:ll fUll, WED. TIN~I, 11)11. lMt.~ I.at. ....,_Ol 1:U Orel!.. 11'.M • '• • . •''' Mu.1, N .M • •olo. N.MI, 1.H.1111 flll.I IAT, ..... 01 l:>I O!Jll. \IJ.JO • llUI. 110,U l • ' () • 0 lot.. If.SO ....... I.II WID.M•T." l.Jf o.c1o. 11.so ....... H .11 • lolc.. ... ..,. 4.MI, J.111 ' 1AT.lll,f,1ll lM 0. .... 11.ID•Mo ... ll.lf·lolo,l l .... t.Dl,IJMI J ~· c;•• WHIN OftO!llltNQ SY MAIL Mok• cl'lll<~ J•11tl1 IO 51oi~.,1 Tho1\ro 1 lfll~ IO lV\f , P.O. 111 l1IH c ... 1~ry Cl!y. Collr. MIQlf,on<1ooln1 Hn°tdorout<1.11am,.d ••YllO,.. t · \Ml & r oll tllfOllMATIO N AND GfllOU, 1.-.l f l ,HO!lf {21JI I SJ·tcCMI 11;u11 •~01Ulll '"" * 11 Ill Jffi~ll IUIKlll. * * * ; lO MlllU51Ullw/,e/itMIOATIO,.!llNCTO T~affltr -j< I ALSO WALT DISNEY'S ~ 1c "PERRY " t j CONTINUOUS SHOW CENTURY CITY DAI LY FRO M 2 P.M. • 111f' T"l IAN Dll51 Afll llflTI lfftlle& rtltwAYS) lOtAJll DlllCTlf AtlOtS flllM Tltl CUITUIY PlW llOTfl I ·····~~········•••¥~•········ 2BIG ORANGf.CCJUN'J"\' f.XCLUSIVliS ALLEN IN ,...,_~ ............... . -l)L4,-II ..t.b<\11". S..t.M'' DIANE KEATON lONY ROBERTS NOW! UMITED RUN 191 Hl~IOll ~l'IG Cl"fl~ IOWAAOS HARBOR ,~:.1 "THE GRADUATE" Show St•rb 1:00 p.111. CLINT EASTWOOD ''JOE KIDD" Al10 IPGI PAUL NEWMAN HENRY FONDA "SOMETIMES A GR EAT NOTION" -......:~ 0 "THI OTHER" AND lf'G) "WAIT UNTIL DARK" • • • •, . .. . .. . ••••• &4•·•10& ••••• Allt•O"lt AT AO•••· eo•"' ........ ' ' . • on 1he screen Umtad Arturll At l~\ O• 1111 11(.~TPO ''''I~•. IOX OHKI Ollt .. 1;.,~ !"-l, ............ 1~1 1-\.100 , ... 1 ~~"'"' 1 •~•1110111 & I ~ • 1\I )(, • r•irv l."ICl-VJID ~ · IW!(N II.ACK W GRNlf ·l'-1•'<.J "1ir• t:>{nol()~Yltl' 1•\1 .... ,1,•r tta 'Q• fJll...M .~IJlc.6. NOW! AT THESE SELECTED THEATRES! 1:1. TITAN •1t~ NUIWOOO AT (llMMONWlAllll DIG THE INVISIBLE VAPOR CAPER! WALT DISNEY PJIDDUCTIOU' ~Yl§:@ m~80!J~" NOW '«>U-DCWT 1 ... ., ., ., • • , . ., ' • • , , . ·,• ·: ·• .. .. \\ ". . \. ;.. KURTRUSSE!l·CESAA ROMERO JOC FLYNN ·JIM BACKUS· WILLIAM WINOOM m1~ "1.AN lilWIJT · .(IYC( MOC.l.S·llffiWl IW\Al.'IM•[CMMl) AIOlW$ TECHNICOLOR · XJSrP1il MCoolv· .::;;.:_ ·llOfl 1i"ll£R. rotfilUl~ -............... ...,. .... ltll ___ _ ALSO -A TRUE LIFE ADIEMTURE-''PIRRY'' MA TINEES TOOAYq •I f"OX llltl 11.0UHTAIH VALLIY Sl•rlln1 ar I tll '·"'· DRIVE·INI 0,.IN M111.·l'•I. -1:M '·'"· 111 .. 11111. -7111 '·'"· Kids Like to Ask An4y .. "llLLY JACK" lf'G) .,ILESI THE. lllSfJ AHO (HIL'DlllN" ., M11IOI !1iiu "SKYJACKID" AND "THI CAlllY TlllATM •Ht" some book. some movie. ll i1cina ~mi1 im ~t~i~ i11l1JJ1.11 laii1I ~UYI~ ljo ~ ... llllllfril ®> CONTINUOUS OAIL Y 12,30. 3,30 7,00 & 10100 P.M. , . . ' I • \ H DAIL y PILOT Wednnday, July 19, 1972 .... BRAND NEW 1972 • . .• FULL PRICE OtDll ••• cadit for 36 mos. ·oetffred pyml prict $2265.6C Pll MONTH i1d. oll finance <hor;tl. to.Kts. '72 license or.ii YOOJ prtltr lo poy tosll. full colt! price is S 1932.95 ind. ,,J '129 DOWN 1 $Olt i. loll, 72 lic111se. ANNUAL PEllCENTAGE RATE \.,. .. 11.06% • ~.,,.-........ ~,, ,, , ~~ · /! · ~\.\. Nl'I' ~ _,,, ' --,·,; n1~1>1 . ".10 GO\ ART AT.·· pRICES ST '71 DATSUN '70 .TOYOTA MARK II PICKUP ,;rtd CAMPER 4 '71 CAPRI t ~~r, HtrdlOP, Avtomatlc, 1peed, r&dJo, llHter. !3'0-• Speed Radio Healer Sl'QI· "i1"5'77 "$1877 "$2295 ' '69 TOYOTA COl'O!'la Coupe. Avtom1Uc, Ra. dlo, HHter, Air COndlllortlnt. .:··~1'0.7·7 . '71 STATION WAGON FORD COUNTIY.SQUIRI VI, A1,1to. Trans:, F1ctorv Air, ~i3_5'7f '64 RANCH ERO VI, Auto. Trani., Powtt Sitt<"· Ing, Radio, HM!tr. (ll2 OPZ) s777 '71 T-BIRD Full Po~t & Factorv Air, Onlv ll.ood"MUef, ("27 BBO) s4277 '72 ' ' '71 '65 ' ·.FORD 71 MUSTANG CoM•Y ""'" w.,,, VI VEGA TOYOTA A11tom11llc, Air Cond., Power Auto. Tl'an1., Radio, Httler, HILUX PICKUP VI, Auto., P.S., Rldlo. IOTR Steering, LUW811f ·Rack, Vrrv LO'f' Mlll811f, Nkt At Ntw. Very LOw M)i.s. ' Spffd, Ra-5701 t Li~'"'· :056 09'1. 1$ CXV: . '$HNI". Cm CPI) $ ' .~4.3·77 ·,' 1877 1599 995 l ' I •• BRAND NEW 1972 PINTOS ·-MAVERICKS MUSTANGS ., , Brand New '72 -TORINO . ~ , 2 DOOR H"RDTOP \ Cruiseomotic, power steering, radio. tinted gloss. belted tir (2A25L242042) $ '67 CA MARO Hardklp. VI, 4 SPHCI, Radio, H_.,!er. (TRJ 114) '62 CHEV~ '70 . THUNDERBIRD V. TON PICKUP. R&dlo and Full Power, Flct. Air, LOW healer. (L.iU•l MHel. f#l35721J s477 lf595· '64 '72 • y,'tdne~ July 19, 1972 PILOT·ADVERTISt:R 1$ ..¥ I • OVE~ DEALER INVOICE FOLKS .. ;. . SSO Oval DEALERS INVOICE PLUS. DEALER PRfPAAATION, FACTORY RITTNTION, SALES TAX AND LICENSE. THE All NEW RED.WHITE & BlUE SPRINTS. Whilt They Ut11! IMMEDIAH BRAND NEW '72 FO D- cusroM 500 RAl\ICH· WAGON . . -\ '400 CID, 2V, V8, eir conditilnin9, deluxe belts, poWer, front. disc brakes, AM rad io, remote control mirror~ tinted 9lass, tail gate power door ldck, trailer towing pkg . #2J$188723 "68 .·VW. BUG 1Aut0 .• ,Radio, HHltr, Low .Mllft. ,(WAF 6tll :sf7~7 '67 INTERNATIONAL $CltJT PICIC UP (08002t)-' ·se95 '65 '64 '69 MUSTANG FORD MUSTANG CHEVY CHEV. ... Bed, v•, • Speed, Radio.. 2 Dr. sedan. Vt, tUl\)nvtfc "'i795 .. :;:rs4gg'x~ • . ~. ' I ~ god sine Jun Vari t . and thin cook veg bros with stu red, tart- To firm juic fre qui high To tern to r supe ( ( I '4 I 2 1 · I 3 3 I Fr this Co and pi Bro A aim H. fruit for out , col .., bal wit coo .. •rt }% PILOT·ADVERTISER N WtdntsdJ)', Jiiiy 19, 1972 Rus Branc Gold ii whtre YQJ filld H, IJ1d calilomla, !he Golden Stat<,jlw come up with DION! than 111 Iha.; of nuggets from the riiines of the 1ortin1neri to lb• fertne, Inland valleyi o1 tllf San Joequin Today'• gold hangs hearm the tree; unUI 11 t.s plcked and shi all aro1111d the. coulllty. • These golden ilobes a~1 nectarines' - once considered nectar table for the gods. Fresh nectarfues· still Ire a rare tr~at since their season iB aJahort one fro~ June to September. Bui p-hat a wdnder!ul variety 1or. things you can do with nee· tarines o enjQy them lo their iullest. Eat them .rt&ht oot ol hand .••. skin a~ all. There's no f~ and the skin is thin ancf tender. Slice -trem into salads - cook them along with meats and vegetables .... or, turn your gold into am· brosia. Or a beauillul little ais11 of poolet saute with simple cream sauce turns into a stunning entree in brilliant oranges and red, contrasting delicate chicken with tart-sweet nectarines. To freeze the frui Just peel and slice firm nectarines. A sugar and lemon juice to taste, stir I bUy and spoon into freezer bags or j s. Seal and freeze qu.ickly to preserv the fine flavor and high color. To thaw, set the ntalner out at room temperature and le stand an hour or two to reach th! pro r stage for creating superb summer eshers. FRENOH cotlNTRY CmCKEN A LA !'£CT AR!NE ' • or 5 large f(y!ng chick<!I bream (single) • r I teaspoon pril~ salt · I'• teaspoon · while pepper 111 teaspooos )"'Prika 2 tablespooQl cornstarch , 1 "lablespolin oil 1 tablespoon butter • 3 table'spoons brandy S or lt fresh nectarines 1 cup whipping cream Fresh herbs for garnish Bone the chicken (or have butcher do this fon y®). Combiile garlic salt, peppeT, paprika and con11tarch in a bag. Add chicken piect1L .mLahake unUI well coated. Brown chicken slowly In heated oil and butttt In lmte .skillet. • Add brandy,.; ~er, IJ1d coot until a!JnOll ~er, aboif~ "'!"I'~· . · H-nectariaoo IDd remove ptt.s. CUI fnlll illlq .thJet .U... Add to dliclcen, -·-over all and-•· cooking uncovered , Over moderate lieat, about lD minutes longer, unUI chlcl:eo ls done and ~ .. heated and lightly glued. Serve from skillet or arrange_ In WV· Ing dish and gamlsb witfi "fresh her~ ll desired. Make.s· 1 or 5 servings. -. NECTARINE MOIJSSE 4 cups 1liced nectarines (about 5 medi'!lll-Size) • I can (Ill ounces) pineapple. tidbits II cup ·sugar ' 3 egg yolks II teaspoon salt . • 1.i ctlp light corn syrup y, cup frozen Mai Tai mix thawed or z tablespoona lime Juice ' 2 cupa whipping cream Turn nectarines Into a ·skillet or flat pan, drain ~P from pineapple over · them· and slmmer about 5 minutes, until cooked through. Add sugar IJ1d plneepple tidbits, and cool. Place egg yolks and salt in blender jar, and blend a few second!. Heat com syrup. Turn blender on, remove cover. and slowly pour in com syrup. Turn oll, and .add hall the fruit mix· lllre. Cover and blend untJJ omooth . .A~d ' remainli!g fruit and Mat Tai mlt 1or lime juice and blend smooth. Whip cream; fold in fruit mixture. Turn into deep pan, place in freezer and freeze until finn. Remove· ·from fr..,.. and plal!' lm refrigerator shelf for about 10 minutes/to sofl<n· slightly before st!rVlng. ~es about 2 quarts. . · 1 NECTARINE NliT LOAF Z ot J·f):esh nectarines 11-<UP~-- 1 cup "'ilr Z·eggs I "teaspoon vanilla ~II cups silted aU-purpQoe Dour 211 teaapoons bating poWC!cr I• teasi>ooo salt . II .C)IP • chopped pecmt5 or frpasled dic.d a)moods ' BlaJ.ldl nectarines,· remove pe ~ Mash enOO&h fr\lit to meaaure I cup. Cream shortening with sugar; mix in eggs and vanilla. Silt flour witji baking powder and salt; 8dd to creamed mix· ture alternately with mashed nectarines, mixing .weiLafter_each..addilicll.Jdtx In nuts. J Turn into gr<ased IJ1d Ooure<l 9 x 5 x :1- incb loaf pan; bake in 350 degree oven aboot I hour. Cool In pan I~ mlnulel ; , remove and finish cooling on rick. Wrap and store.overnight !or best" sllc· / Ing. Makes I ioel. \ ' P~-~chy ld~a: A Real Fresh peach., and plums are designed for summertime -so easily eal<n right out ol hand. . Also, their plnltisb .range. and pilrple coion .g19w. in sW)Shine and their juicy ...-s ls a natural complemenl to balbei:ued meats .or .frozen d~. •• nie.. fruits are great tQe ali>np, · Items thal make those spe<l4Gllllc, ;ye1, sJnj~picnies that Clljf~ are famOUJ for. PHch&, """" wine, cheese and a ioa~of br<ad au tempting fare kr ouUnga in the wine country 1r atternooDt at the. beach. For anoihet pick up and go menu, itart with fl'elh peacllet and 1dd fre!h crab, •tlUlll oyster& and ci1ma, cooked shrimp, cooked. cbllled artichokes or marinated .artichoke hearta; clleeses su¢h at Edam, GoUda, Cbeddai or Swiss; caMed white atParagul, hard-cooked eus and lemon wedpo. Arrange U.... ~ foedl on plates and 1en'e with· Fienoh bttad, a bottled ~ or tb!J spectal1y : • ' . SAUCE VEllTE I large avocado, Pfeled and pitted ~ cup witer y, cup olive oil V. cup red wine flnesar I teasliOon garlic sail Freshly ground Pe- Place all !ncredlenll In a blender and mil until·-Chill In a covered CCII· tainet. l'lfahs_abouLJ.ll_CIJlll dreaing. For calorie wa~. there are only SS calories In an~ena• peach. ~ for nutriti<ln wale (we all lbould be), · peaches have f times the vitamin .A of many fruit.s the same 1Ju. · Plums come 'In a rainbow of reds, gre0ns and blues for skin tonea with flesh varying from ~low-amber to "gred\. Check them.i for rfpentill by llChtly pre,sslng the "' ud matinC IUll It's 1on. Plums 4ould be refrlc~ed Im· medJately all( can be Hpt !or J to I day1. Keep tlem II\ plutic blp ar a mobtm-ond eootai-lo preftllt s.,~'vt1'"'i. · f l.. Characteristic plum flavor comes from the contrast between the tartness of the akin and the sweetness of the flesh . For further flavor flair, toss in some grains and try these dressings to serve with grilled meats. PLUM DRE5SING I cup chopped onion I cup chopped celery 11 cup butter 1 package (7 ounces) seaso'l<'1 stuffing I 1/3 cup& hot, water · '4 cup chopped pa(Sley 1 teaspoon cinnamon I egg, slightly beaten 3 cups quartered fresh C.Ulornln ptums cook onion and celery In butter until tender. Stir In remaining tngredient.s; flOllr !nlo shallow greaaed ca,..role. Ba~• at 350 degrees F., 50 minutes. PLUM/Ill CE LENTIL• DRESSING - f cup lentils, cooked according to • es . . ., • Necfarines ·olfer a wonderful variety of ideas. Salads, me ats, vegetables and desserts benefit from their tart-sweet t aste. - ··--r ' 6rnen BEA ANDERSON, Editor I .- WM11tM•~• ""IY If, ttn , ... • Home News ancl~·vfews .,. .. Confusion Adds Up A little imagin ation can al ways be packed in 11 picnic:. basket. And,' don't forg et to take along •II supply of fre sh fr uits. Plum By DOROTHY WENCK 0...811911 C1o1111ty """-M¥1Mr When yoo shop ace you Interested In getting the most for you! money.?. U you are, how do you determine which of several sizes or br8nds of a product are most economical? Take detergents for example. In a typical supermarket you might find 21 different brands, five different sizes. 17 different weights (from 21) ounces to 20 pounds), and 24 different pricea (from ~ cents to $4.50). · Or let 's try cereals. You will have to choose from seven different brands, 66 different varieties,. 16 different 'Weights (from 5 ounces to 22 ounces ), and 37 dlf .. ferent p'rices (from 23 cents to ~9 cents)1 And then there's toothpaste. There are about 11 c;tifferent brands, 15 differeQt varietieS, 12 different welghts (fnim 1.8 ounces to 8.75 ounces) and 16 different prices (from 10 cents lo 11 .59). BEST TASTE Most people, faced with this multitude of confusion1 give up trying to fmd the most economical product and choose a brand and a siJe that is most convenient or has the best taste or smell. Often thiJ results in overspending. In a recent test. 33 young married women with at least one year of college and one year or regular shopping ex· perience were given nearly 2'Ai minules per item to ·select 20 best buys among items stocked by supermarkets. They chose incorrectly 43 percent of the time, spepding an average. of 10 percent more th an necessary. 1 Qther studies also have indicated tbar price conscious consµmers are ovenpend- package direction! ing about 10 percent for grocery and 1 cup inslant rice, cooked according to related commodities because of their in· ' package diredlons ability lo c0mpare quantity and price: V4 cup butter This means California supermarket 1 onJ flnel cho shoppers, who spend ove r $11.2 billion an- on Y pped nu ally, are spending more than $1 billion 1 green apple, -peeled and finely chop-more than necessary . ~ . . The major problem is the proliferation I fresh Caillornla plums, pitted .and ·of brands, ll'Jl'S and sizes of products, chopped · particularly those packaged in odd 111 teasll"Ont salt _ weights and ·sold at odd priC<I (like Freohly ground pepper prices that end in 9 -so dlfflcull to II teaspoon ground cinnamon divide.) Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Rinse FRUSTllATION DELIBERATE cooked '1ot lentils and rice In cold 111ater, Consumer advocates maintain that the drain well and tou Ughtly together Jn a odd 1\'elght.s and prices which dominate large bowJ. the shelve& are Intentionally designed to Melt butter in a skillet and sa.ute onion .. frustrate . price compari~ns. ' . and apple unUI soft but not browned . .Add Tbls ls why icglslat1on has been· ID· to rtce-lentli mltture • .Add remaining in· troduoed at .both the state and ledcral gredlent.s and tosa until tborOughiy level to ~uore unit prlcin,. or prtce per blended meuure. 'Ille .P[lmary objective of unit · pricing ls lo &Ive consumers the op- Place In a lightly .buttered 2-<juarl poi:tunltJ to detennlne which brand or casser111£, cover sod bate In preheated Ylhidl Ilse II lnOll ecooomical. oven 35 to 40 minutes. Mates S to S serv· Wllh llDft pricing the <OSI per ounce or logs. per pound or per cup for each product t would be polled aloo&. with the total price of the packqe. Y Oii .could Im· mediately dedde which br'ane!, or. which size would gl,ve you the most for PM money. 1ben )"OU could go on to consider other facton such as quality. Unit priclnc leglslaUon, however, ls a long way from becoming reality becauH there ls much oppoelllon to it "' bolsl· ness. Many argwnenta are praented against unit pricing -for example, that conaumehl don't really care and won't use it (this baa never been tested over a looB enoug)t period of time and wtlb 1116- quate con11uncr ediicatlon.) . "'''" FAMILY FAVORITEs ' ' .Another IJ'llllllenl IS 'that consumen cl'on•t need the information -"they.- by brandl and fam!Jy favorltea instead o1 by price. But perhaps conswners buy by brand because they have neither the time nor Inclination to make the compli- cated mathematical calculations ~ sary to compare prices. The most ccmmoo 1rgument 1galnst tmlt prtclng ls that !hi ... ~ would be prohib!Uve -and, oo-pl coune, would mean hicher ~ for conaiunen. However, a st6re In BurOngton, Iowa tn. stalled the unit price syatem In 21 st ..... •I an lnltallation cost of only $2CIO oiid a weekly maintenance of 14 per store. A company rtpretenlaUve el)llalned that t11e of tbe computer bu made tbe coot of unit pricing "negllgtbie." Unit pricing can be mialNdJnc, too, unless one I(• canlul ~ C<l!ppon Cllly •!Jnllar products. !Jquld delirpols fllr example, vary in c:oncetta*8-''J\e1pro.. duct ccetlng !hf !Out per"ou\ic:e may be mote expenoive becat11e you haft to -mortofil . , So while tmlt pilcJng -ff tt eve( C- aboul -will be a helpM tool to_,,,,. en, it will belp to IO!ve onb' ant pn>b. Jem. -llllting price per quantity cOm-par)(llS. QUES'l10NS WE A11E ASKED Q. I WU reaJ11 sbocl:ed lo read about the tottranco Ille roiiil and Drv AdminlstraUon has for filth In our ~ Wby should they allow •y Insect pull,• etc. In our food ? I've decided to IO liodi: lo home canning. A. The Idea of JOO petttnt pure lood ii appealing, but realistically ""-811e: when )'OU constder all the animail Md •· sects that sro competing wllh ,. ... -· food . And jll!t beeauie a delect ~ .;· tel does not mean that tllfs -fl . foreign matter ts always .,._i -lw 11oeJ ls zero. Freob f'oods, u IPlll •tt · processed foocls, are DOI II.,.. 111r-: any contamination other 0. 1t11dll : residue. • ' 'I ' . 1t DAILY PILOT Wrdne:sday, July 19, 1972 • ! ' • . A(:upuncture Amazes Western Medicine • . By AWSON DEERR Of tlM OlllW ,llflt Slllff "That a needle stuck into ont't foot should improve Che functioning of uJte '• Uv- t.-r ii obviowi-u incrtdiblt • . . as a matter of tmplri· cal fact, it does happen." Aldous Huzle11 President Nison'a trip to the People'• Republic of China brought wide uposure to the Ch i n e s e practice of acu· puncture insertion or needles at vJrlous points of the the body to alleviate pain, cµre illness and e v e n anesthetize the body f o r 1urgery. '"Bui ~· had !>Oen practlctd for 5,000 yean before Nlxon'• trip,' &&.Id Dr. Albert Fie ')Jr Los Angeles surgeon wl, llJOU to stall and guesti at JJ'• HOl'lpital of Orange 9unty . Dr. Fields~ has Uved In China and studied the practice of acupuncture told his au.- dience, "I do believe that acupuncture does work in many palR condJtlon1, psycboaomalic I~ and the extraordinary thlna ts that· to date the Chlneae b a v o performed over 800.000 opera· Uona will! this method u the only anesthetic." THEORY With Pedro Chan, llOll of a Chlnele doctor who pra<tices the method, FleldJ uplalned the <lllneae theory. The Chlnele, he said, feel there is another, a fourth system of ctrculaUon In the-human body -along with veins, arterie1 and lymph ducts. T h es e "meridians" are the channels which connect dUJerent parts of the body. ' It la for tl!IJ reason thal lo treat, for example, a toothache or prepare for oral sur.gery, need.lea are Inserted In the web between thumb and lorellnger. Needles come In 10 abapes, sizes and types -each for a different purpooe. Early ones w•e made Of fish bone, bam- boo shalll and runt tater they W<M of gold, aflver ·or copper. Modern v er 1 Ions usually are llalnles1 lled or Jleel alloys. There itre about l,OOO;Jmown- acupuncturo lite~ 36S are tradlUonalfy uoed and 40 key ones are used moot by modern Cl!ineae praclltloneni. OTHER FACID"8 other·facton that come into the picture are the weather, time of day, and even a perm's birtbdate. The "meri- dians" supposedly correspond with Ille hours of the day. ( ''Needles are inserted al a site: distant from pre.ex· !sting pain," Fields uplalned. He ;.Id that the Early .cbinese noled that a peraon lllllcted with a eontinuoua pain might be cured of that wben nicked In the heel by an arrow Jn bat- tle. Unlll<o Western medicine, which treats the. afflicted area, the Eastern pbilosopby ta to treat the allliction by way cf the connecting meri- dian. Fields suggested t h a t Western physicians do accept the fact that systems are in. terrelated and that an injury to ooe organ or system would. Meet the Sewing Nun affect the otllers. Tbll, be ad· ded, paralleb what t h e acupuncture advocates be- lieve. t IN SURGERY He noted that well-known Western physJclans who have visited China recently and seen serious operations, like open chest surgery done with acupuncture anesthe1ia, must admit it works. Most, he explained, however feel that a large part of the success of acupuncture is due to a form ol hypnosis. "Needles are inserted for periods from 15 minutes to several hours. They are turned l perlodicall~ by a oocillatol' type machi~f! that operates on a nine-volt battery. 1'h1I in ll!ell probably baa a hypnotic effect," Fie!U added. · He added, as a sldeUght, that Western medicine should not automatically discount Eastern meth~. "Today, c~ has con- trolled tuberculosis, cholera, malaria, and ~.o. MOBt of lt is because of their 'barefoot cJoc. tors' who are deither barefoot nor doctors. "Through these people .they have brought ~lie health In· fonnation to the,people ln the factories and the communes." \ Pattern Cut for New Habits By JO OLSON ot tM Olltr 'li.t Sl1..!f When word came four years ago !bat the Sloters oI St. Jooepli could weer modilied habits or conventional street clothes, Sr. Regina Goyette was one of the first to make tile change. It wasn't that she dlillked the 1ong .. 1eeved and' long- skirted black habits, but they were hot and she was always too wann. HlilllttlflM IW CMUr r11tt Artist ""' ,.,.,..... She made the change abruptly too, for she was plan- ning on going to Riverside with out-Of-town · guests the day a!tor_toe ..-l!lel!L was made, and knew. it would be bot. Happiness Is a Clean Car To expand her n e w To nlae charity funds, Keynotes will wash cars· for $1 .25 per car from 11 a.m~ to 4 p.m. Saturday, July 22, at Mariners School. The group is a junior auxiliary ·of Harbor Key, a support organization for the Oringe County Child Guidance Center. · wardrobe, the Massachusetts native began making slttet clolbes in bright com. Instead of the "flying nun" or the usingjng nun," she's now the "sewing nun." • Your Horoscope Tomorrow L~o: Emphasis ori Home "I bad been sewing our while habits (for -k in Ille hospital), but lhey were -and required. no fitting," she said. Wben Bhe bad to make ( clothes wllere fit was Im-• portant, she wanted to "start from scratch" and learn dressmaking techniques from the begbmlng. MORE CLASSES THURSDAY 8' a whole. SaaJttarlan plays Message will become in-.. 'U' •y izo PJ11mlnent role. Expand creasingly clear. . ~-. . horizons. You 1J1eet people and LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22 ): 87 """'!'" O~alte meilillllg!Ul-contiC!r. ou-wuHutve-opportunity to Tautlll offin appiarl alow, GEMIN! (May .11.Jiw 20): Increase earnings. Windfall uncertain. But mUves of this Feeling ol restriction ts in-now ta distinct opportunity. sodlacal alp can be dellberale cllcated. Thia Is but tern-Caprlcom could be involved. and defln.lte._ The Taurus porary. MalntaiD steady pace. Take aim toward goal. Know pwaon ii pby.slcally d!awn to Avoid speculation. Stick to there ts room for you at top. V I I al familiar ground. One who is Promotion Is indicated. trgo, • ana eg .qreemen!I with Scorpio, holds lively overly enthualasUc . may 11" SCORP!O (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): dlscuulona with cancer, trylnS to l!efl y0u bill Of goods. You draw people to you. dllagrees with Leo and CANCER (June 21.July 221: CreaUve efforts are marked Aquarius, harmonizes with Spotlight on relationships with for success. Adhere to in- Pll!Ces and Capricorn. opposite sex. Nothing la apt dlvldual style. Look beyo nd now to OCCur hallway. Know the immediate. P er c e i v e Where money entera pi~ Wh h ture, -Taurus gravitates to thil and don't play games with potential. ere t ere were Gemini. Taul'lll Jovts luxury, emotions. Young persons play obstacles, there now can be i1 sensuous and can be 11tub-paramount roJes. Bring forth prog?ess. ~-F us p 1•--ts creative resources. , SAGJ11'A'RIUS (Nov. 22--·· our . . l'U=• -.. .. n1· ed She went to Orange Coast AQUARIUS (Jan. :!0-Feb. College eV<!llng achoo! for 18): Spotlight on ambitions, t.bree seme1tera, then standing in c o m m u n i t y t transferred to the Santa Ana prestige. A v-o-i d scattering YWCA lot sessionll---00-col0t-- forces. Finish one project at a and line, fitting, tailoring and time. Saglttarlan no-, eroves coutire tedmiques. fine ally. Give full pl'ay' to in· Her favorite color ls blue tellectual curiosity. Get and she has made drwes in answers to questions. pfiikl 8nd.-lavenders, but she hasn't "gotten used to green." PISCES (Feb. 19-Marcb 20): "I still prefer not to wear Communications f r o m a bla""' " she added. "It's too distance are featured. Check w~.,, correspondence. Fulfill past Her garments are~· . obligations. Means remember lngly made, reflecthlc the promises -make effort to do many boln of training a.be something abouf them. Fine ha~ had. Her favorites are a for writing, publishing and light blue coat, dark blue two. advertising. piece suit, robin's egg-blue IF TODAY JS Y 0 U R dreso and pink knit dress. Sister Regina 'Goyette b I ~ I ecame sewing nun when habit was modified. were born 1D1der Taurus: ·u!O (July 230Aurr.-22r.-1Je<~21):-•l•1• on.e co m to Monroe, Buchanan, Grant and Emphasis is on residence, home;, hospital Aid .one who .1s Tnlman. home comforts, domestic ad· engaged! In pwromkoti~gh cha~1t1- BlRJ'l;IDA1' you_ a~ apt to l]e _ E.ach_11>ap is Covered, e,ach musical ana moody. You are hem is self.faced and each fascinating; your emotions rWJ buttonhole beautiful. themsf!lves," she exptatned. It In a different way." "So1ne of the older sisters The soft-spoken, broWHyed want to learn to sew. I've · mm is dedicated to her work started to help them with pat· at Children's Hospital of terns." Orense C.Ounty., where she bas "some missions already have seamstresses." ARIES (March 21·Aprll 19): Unique iqvestment opportunity may be on agenda. Permit Clncer lndlvldual to offer con- structive advlct. Dig beneath superficial indications. You are trusted with secret. Be diacreet. Then you benefit. jmtments. Taurus and Libra able pro ect. . or wit spec1a persons are featured. Make group, orgartJution. You get conciliatory gesture to family opportunity for. .future ad- m em be r. Harmonize rela-· vancement. Leo 1s involved. tlonshlps. Promote greater CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan . emotional security. 19): Accent now is on hopes, VIRGO (Aug. 13-Sept . 22): wishes, special relationships. Accent is on short journeys, Friendly. advice p r o v e s presentation of unusual Ideas. valuable. Follow through on Avoid seeing in too idealistic a leads. Hobby can be manner. Means b a I an c e transfonned into profitable wishes with reality. Then you enterprise. Don't sell yourself can ha .. best oI both worlds. •hort. deep. You are probably ruled Sister Regina also has by your heart. You draw peo-unselfish motives for wanting pie to you and, very often, to Jearn1o sew well. Her fellow they take from you. Try to be nuns who are making the more selective:' Then you will change from habit to dress have a greater chance for nee<{ help in fitting clothes to happiness. In September, you their figure!:, and it often ts embark on new project. hard to them to find ready When she entered the con; b e.e.n g I v I n g e I e e- vent 40 yeers ago, Sll!e~ lrocilrdlogr-for the past 12 Regina nev<r thought she yeora,,and feela possl~!Y lllle Is would lee the day again when~ "reeclil,ng tJlt· unreachablel" ~·-1d put on a bright l'Jft \ In heniork-belplng In a way or dress, but she 'never ' no.one e1ee cafll The Sisters of St. Jt> seph h a v e one themselves, an~ t h e y can be as proud of her unselfish motives as they are of her fine work. Hl!r machine can be heard. humming away in the cOnvent, anytime she can get to It but that's to be expected, because Sister Regina has found that sewing is habit·forming, TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Apply light touch. Don't force issues. Leave details for another time. capture picture To flnd out who's llX~Y for you Jn money •nd low, Of~ SYd"-Y Om1rr'J bOoklll, "SKret Hlntt for Mtn Ind Women!' Stnd blrfhdll• Ind 75 c1nt1 tq Om•rr Aslrolpgy $Krll1, tM DAILY PILOT, So• 3n10, Gr•nd Ct<ilr1t Sl1flon, N•w YOik. N.Y, 10071, made clothes they like anCI can wear. HELPING OTHERS "I want to attempt to help those who cannot h e I p lamented her lack Of'cboJce. Sister '.ilegina thlnb she Is "f just didn~ think · of \seeiilg'the beginning of a new clothes,•: she said. "But when ,trend for nuns to sew their yooi have a choice you think of wn clothes, explaining that Epitaph for a Family Pet Is Monument to a """ood. ·Friend DEAR ANN LANDERS: l just rtturn- ed ftom vlsltlne my sister in San Fran. clsco. We went together to the cemetery to put flowm on the gra ve of our father. On the way home she said, "\Ve're going to stop and put a rost on Tu·eetle'a gravf!." I uked, "Who's Tweetie?" Her answer floored me . "Tweetle was our pet racoon." So htlp me, Ann, they burled that animal In a aatin·Uned casket and pul a marble head.stone on the-. grave. I'm ashamed to tell you my aiater cried more cwtr thlt ncoon's ITave lhan she did at Pape'a. 'Ille wltol• day bad a nl1htmartah q111llty. I uw graves for 1oldfiab, ~. bamllera, •nd oven a l')'lhon. Tbt ,reuodl were buuU!ully kept and the landBcaplng and beadstonet must have cost a fortune. The pet cemetery was In much better condition than the one for humans. l find this hard to take Md even harder to understand. Can you explain it? -ODD BALL lN LEXINGTON DEAR 0: The attachment some ptople fed for their pets delles explan1Uon btcaue It Is not radonal, lt Is emotional. People do what make1 THEM feel 1ood, ud obvtously 1 great manY peoplt! feel 1ood abolit flvin~ 1 pet a !anc:y burial. Jnctdentally, Lexington b11 the most magnlOceut cemetery for horses In the world. Whtn t visited tbtrt t w111tunned by the be•nty ol the fl'Ounds aod the lavfshne11 of the monumeut1. DEAR ANN LANDERS : l am a typist· secretary In a large office. Two of the girls I work with have been going to tho USO for several "·eeks and having a won· derful time. They Mked If I'd like to go "'ith them because there's a shortage of hostesses. Incidentally, AM, I am 20 years oJd, and these girls are both 21. l.ast nighl I tola iny parents I was going to a USO dance Friday. My mother hit the roor. She said no decent girl would be seen in such a ptace t that It's a pickup parlor tor low~lass servicemen. l was ahocked. Theu girls are very respectable and would not be Interested In a pickup parlor. We moved here from ·a small town two years ago, and perhaps I am naive. Please l•U me U the USO center Is • decent Place tor a &Ingle girl -OAK PARK MISS. DEAR MISS OAK PARK: Only respee- tahle, hl1h-lype, well-recommended &lrl• - i 14•.t~ ,.. I are permltltd to be ho1tesae1 at: USO ctnlers. All affltn are c 1 re f 111 y chaperoned by 1 aenlor penon ID e&,ar,e. No &lrl Is admltled ualess she 11 U iem of age and has excellent rdeteDCt"" Absolutely no llquor b served • lite premJses •od U anyone brtap llqoer ID ho 11 Invited to tuv.. Moat USO dal«1 ' art ovtr at U:t.S. As for the "low-ela11" strvictmta, ddl ' 11 a ,...., lasnlt to .. r f1oJs ID onlform ,. • .,., I ' and you ean ltll your motber for me that she owes ,.veral bun~ tholl11nd apologte1. DEAR ANN LANDERS: A woman, who works In our o!llce needs to liuow how she loolta to others bec:ausa It 'ta painfully apparent that abe doesn't bave a clue, Tbll dolly ~t i.ut ~eo (•be'• abotll fl") illd whoft '1.-y lltt '11!11'11 transparent bras and ponUes under her (' • white and pastel silk jersey shirts, you can believe It. Even though abe Is old enough to be my mother I 'think l oogbt to tell her.• How can I do It llct!ullyT -DISGUSTED DEAR DIB : Tllere ts no~., way ID tell •, woman to pvt on opaque nder· wear. Jvlll loll ber 1tnt1b1 oat.· Bui don't be 1vrprtaed u noUtf•c •ltaqe1. Mosl people know what Ibey look ute. ' J's pat • drug!. Can !.'lD and pills opea new -Ida lar you? Stop l\lWlll(. Get tho focll In Ann tandera' new booltlet, "Straight Dope on Dlllgs." FO( eacb booltlet ordered aend a dollar bill, plus 1 loaf, sel!-addrolsed atamped en•\'k>po with 11 cenll JlOllqe to -Land~ Bot 3318, Chicago, JD. «1114. r ' Wtdntsd.,., Jult 19, 1972 01\JLY PILOI ;J;, 1Young Couple' Celeb rates SOt h By LAUllIE KASPl>'R ., .. ~ .. , ... '"" So1111 people lffm to stay youna . . . even when thelr hair Is l!'ay, akin is wrinkled and 8luMa are needed more than just for reading, Youth, romantics uy, ls 'Imply a stale ol mind, But youth allo is boys and &lrl.s leaclUqj: active, varltd Uves. The youthful Everett and Regna Rae, who at the ages of U and 79 just recently colebrated their 50th wedding malhe~ SUMMER SAVINGS FALLS c~t~u $15 OFF! .... 124.tl t9 U t .t l NOW $9.95 to $34.95 511•1•, Gyp1ln , Dvlc~ Bovs, "lro-P'remofn W191. l.Dn!I, Short, Curly, Ca1~I , • , , .... 124.t l •• 141.0I REDUCED!! NOW .$4.95 to $29.95 100°/o HUMAN HAIR PIECES Marked Down ! annivusary, have always been interested In youth. Rae was a hlsh ochool teacher even before be and hls wlfe moved in 1930 tO Costa Mesa, then ju.st ~ "wide place in the road" where a perlOO couldn't even buy a pair of shoes tone had to take a trip into Santa Ana on the PE !or such items), to be«lme the first vlce principal and science· teacher for the new Newport Harbor Union High School. COMMUNITY WORK Twelve ye.1r1 later, be was elected superintendent of the C.O.la M e s a Elementary School District, a poot he held until bis retirement in 1957. He also was involved ln a church-sponsored young mar- ried couples class and Boys Affairs Inc. She worked with another church group, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and a federaJ nursery for children of work ing mothers during World War 11. In addition to their past work with community youth, they now boast that they have four children, 1S grandchildren and t h r e e great-grandchildren. Everett ind Regn• Re• review their 1M•t •s they celebrate their .~ SOth wedding annlverwrt_. ~·I'S!!· "! ·1~~~~~~~ Ir::: VJBGINIA 'S \ SNIP 'N STITCH SHOPPE 1314 East Coast Hwy. e Corona c:.ltl Mir Phooe 1>73-8050 SALE Fashions By The Yard 1 1 SAVE] TO 2 ON QUALITY NOVEL TY FABRICS e IANKAMlltlCAltD e MAITll CHA.RGI Wl9leh 12 01.J -Ro9. $11.95 ........ NOW $8.95 C .. code ll 01.I -Ro9 . $17.95 .... NOW $12.95 Glen! c .. cede 14 01.J -Re9. $21.9 5 NOW $1 7.95 A1rs. Rea Jives by the philosophy of "live and let live." It means, for' her, "not belng too critical about what goes on ." Her husband's belief is a bit longer, packaged in a poem titled "Ho'_'1 Old Are You?" which his family used on his mother's tOOth birthday. pening, the couple is looking forward to their 60th. England and New Zealand Lltis•---------_J~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ fall . AS~ ABOUT OUR NEW -COO L - FOR SUMMER CAPLESS WI GS JN ELURA FI BER! WIG and BEAUTY SALON 250-D Eoot 17th St.· Hillgron Square Coat• Me•• 541-3446 MAD fashion's a~\\tt t\\~~ !;-f> s~ THURS.-FRl.-SAT .-JULY 20-21-22 DRESSES A w.tlflll~M~•MiiMll't.,.._ .,-wnll••lf-lllfll I '* t~ Siilr1· ... 11M'f-. l!Mny """"9t •'YltfJ & .. dMt'I. YA~~U $30 ...... $1 ()00 YALU IS TO YALU IS TO YALUU TO $40 ...... 51500 $50 ...... $2()00 $60 ...... $2500 ;01\couNT PRICES DISCOUNTED BLOUSES hllfl *fL Ihle Wfltl wflltl ..... 61'1. ,.i,._s,.,,, M,. utttfl. t1S v•lw. $500 Age is a quality <lf mind- If you have left your dreams behind, lf hope is lost, If you no longer look ahead, If your ambitions' fires are dead- Then you are old. But if from life you toke the best, And if in life you keep the jest, If love you hold- No matter how the years go by, · No matter how t h e birthdays fly, You are not old! llaving celebrat.ed their SOl:li anniversary at a time when divorce is a common ha~· ENJOYING LIFE "\Ve just don't worry arnfwe enjoy life," Rea explained. "1 think a lot of it's being fond of each other," his wife added . But then sbe said, "l think in our day people took their marriage vows much more seriously~ You just planned to be together for the rest or your life." Mr. and l\1rs. Rea slowed down just a little since they retired in 1957. For four of those years, Rea served on the Costa Mesa City Council. Much of their time has been spent traveling. They took a sailing trip around the world as well as other trips to Alaska, Hawaii, Japan and England and t~ Scandin~YiiJl coun~s. They hope to go to New Of where they will go next , i1rs. Rea said, "You never car\ tell about us." H~r bus· band said, "If we get some n1oney it burns a hole in our pocket and we gotta go somewhere." Apparently, it doesn't take them long lo plan a trip . "\Ve're the type that can get ready to go in two ltours," ~irs. Rea said. The couple has been in all of !he states. They logged over 70.000 miles pulling a trailer through this country as well as Canada. The trailer was given to them during a retirement par· 'l ty put on by the PTA at the Everett A. Rea School. "They "'anted to get us out o! town." Mrs. Rea joked. They now live in Leisure World, Seal Beach. Calendar Maste rs MAD fashions For the second year the Orange County Guild of the John Tracy Clinic will sponsor the Orange County Section· ot the Master Calendar of Greater Los An· -- gel es. Deadline for organization listings is Aug. 10. Guarding dates to avoid conflicts are Mrs. Sumner Mann (above) and ii.rs. Robert C. Todd who receive help from Newport Beach lifeguard, John Carpenter. 10055 ADAMS AT BROOKHURST Introducing .the amazing new 998 Kn 299 Qui 179 P:r.: THESAFEWAYTOSPRAY FOAMING ADJUVANT From an amazing breaklhr01Jgh in spraying crops comes a better, taler way to spray lhlngs around lhehouse.F,OAMSPRAY'"FOAMINGAOJUVANT. 11 tums liquid insecllcldes and herbicides Into foam. Spraying loam Is safer. because 11 goes where you wanl ii an.dis blown less by wind. Foam clings ... for bell er coverage lhan ever before. Al las I, a saler way lo spray. JCPenney I· New organic hair remover Hairs off in minutes, stay!:; off for weeks. Leaves skin beautifully smooth, free from hair ... without shaving, waxing, using messy creams or foams or resorting to electrolysis. There Is now a new way to remove un'fanted hair completely from face, arms. thighs, legs, wherever- and keep it off longer. You use a gentle, odorless organic compound, called Oelll1, and the results ere slmplysensational. Delila aclually lilts out the whole hair from the folliclo ... leaves your skin beaulllully smooth and free from hai~ for weeks. The little oxtsa time Oellla may lake al first won't matter once you !Ind that you can really forget aboul hair removal ••• yes, for weeks. . There are no blunt ·~~a. No prickly 11ubble, no nicks or cuts. And there s no quick grow back. When hair even1ually does come In, It seems &parsor end babysotL Delila,. Natura) Organic Hair Remover. Ideal !or teenagers, too. $5.95 at our cosmetic counters. JCPenney -_FASHl9N ISLAND, Newport Beech HUNTINGTON CENTER, Hunlin9ton Buch • Sparkle more, pay less. 20% off all Penney diamonds . ,For 4 mo.re days. Nine diamond bridal set. 14K oo!d setting, 1 .33 cl. center stone. reg. $300, Now S240 · .20 ct diamond solitaire with single diamond wedding band In 14K gold, reg.$150, Nowl120 Matching man'• band, reg. 33.50, Now 28.80 Seven-dl1mond men's ring In 14K gold dome mounllng, reg.137.50,NowS110 Slngle diamond cro1& In 14K gold sailing, reg. 42.50, How $34 •overlap' brldll ••t in 1•K gold wllh .19 ct. pe11r stiape dlamon d, reg. $195, Now S156 13-diamond cocktaU ring In 14K gold '1wirt' setting, reg. S250, Now S20C Men'• seven-diamond ring In 14K gold mounl!ng, reg. S250, How S2C'" Double row wedding ring In 14K gold aelllng, 10 diamonds, reg. 289.50, Now 231 .60· JCPenney Nlne-cita'l'P"d~at eot In 14Klali:furedQold, reg. $300, Now $240 Matctilng man'I band, reg. 31 .50, Now 25.20 Pear shape cocklait ring, 32 diamonds, 14K wtiit• gold selling, · reg , $695. Now $556 Diamond pierced earrings in 14K gold setting, reg, 62.50. Now S49 .25 cl. diamond sollt1h·1 in 4-prong 14K gold setting, reg. 169.~. Now 135.60 .50 cl., r9g. S350, Now t2IO 1 Cl., reg. $895, Now f716 The values are here every day. Shop Sunday noon to 5 P.M. at the following atore1: FASHION ISLAND, Newport BHch (714) 1>44-2313 HUNTINGTON CENTER ,-Hun:inglo n Beach (714) 892.n71 •. •, • t • r • Orange_Coast Groups Attention Focused on Socials Card parties, dances and picritca held the 1umrncr 80dal1 planned 1long the Oranre Coast . ' .... Ctmftr••• c ;~:Si;" Society A public card party ls being planr>eq by St. Anne's AJtar and ROsary Society for Fri- day. July 2t . Jn the porloh boll • Stal Beach. A dessert will be served at noon, and games or pinochle, canasta and bridge will follow. LB Women The first in 8 series of .sum- nltr card parties wi ll bf presented Friday, July 21 . by the Woman's Club of Laguna Beach in-the clubhouse. II.Ill. 1MOW1C<d Mn. Irvin& Watwood, c:haimllll. Single1 ~ dance 1t I p.m. Setlrday, July :a, ii bellli planned by ~e Coul SJnclt1 In P1rk Newport. . Bethel 321 Mn. Mildred Brown,.deputy &rand guardian, wlll make h<I' official visit lor inUlatkln night of Job'• Dau&ht.er1, Bethel 321, HuntJncton Beach. Inillates are Debby Meyera, Leisa Bailey, Jalmla Smith and Ter· ,JcJfilS .. Grad"'" ~·ConetJel'9 " th,.. ,.t .cM. 2M •· l11t1 It .. Hlllfrt11 S& 60...,, CHI• MUI Lwtch will be served prompt. ri Poultney. ly at 12 :30 p.m. and card u On . Aug. 1 the Supreme play will follow . Admission la Seulon will open in Anaheim ~~~~~~~~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ ConventJon Center. Because the supreme guardian is a resident. of California, the Sf.Sllon la: echeduled in this state. SO YOU WANT TO BE A TEACHER! Opportunity 1wails the dynamic future educator. Invest a year at the ROSTON MONTESSORI INSTITUTE FOR TtACHER TRAIN·' ING. Applicetions 'must be sub- mitted by August 1 Sih for the 1972·1973 training se ss ion, Orange. Kappa Phi Sigma Alpha Iota Olapter, Kappa Phi Sigma will hoot 1be 17th amual convention which opens Saturday, July 22, Jn the Royal Coach IM, Anaheim. During file ...aJon a $325 scholarshi p will be preeented to Mias Robin Novlck of Hun- tington Beach and a speech contest trophy will be awarded to Mrs. Julio Parente or El Toro. BSP McFadden Park. Wesbninstei: wilJ be the ~ne of • ramily picnic Saturday, July 22. The event is being ar- r~ed by Beta Alpha Xi Chapter, Beta Sigma Phi. Jr, Ebells Summer of 72 will theme the annua l couples' party, plarmed by the Junior Ebell Club of Newport Beach. Mr. ~Mrs. Jerrold Cole of Corona dll Mar will open their home (or the party at 4:30 p.m. Saturday, July 22. British" The Huntington Be.ach home of Mrs. Pat Hawley will be the Tinted Hints selling for a swim party Saturday, July 22_, tot members of tbe M 1 r y Picltford Oiapter, O.ugbttrt of the Britilb Empire. Irvine Junion Irvine Jllllior Women'• Club will cast ol:f from Bayside ~farina at 7 p.m. 8ahrday, July 22, for a dlMer cnllH around Newport Bay. This is the first ways and means event of the new club year, according to ~fr1. James Middleton, chairman. Beta Alpha Pi The summer 90Cial of Beta Alpha Pi Olayter, Bet.a Sigma Phi will be a luau and will take place Saturday, July 22, at tbe home of Mr. and Mn. Don Kracht. FUnds will be raised ror the Cystic Fibroliis Foundation. · DAR Col. William Cabell Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, presented 7 9 American hlstory medals to students in the fifth through eighth grades in 32 area schools. ·Cinderellas Mrs. Donald Gustaf90n has been installed president of the Cinderella Guild of Children 's Hospital o( Orange County. On her board are the. Mmes. 'Thomas Queen. ways and means chairman; -Joh n Holcomb, membership chairman : Richard Robinson and Roger Peterson, secretaries and Jack Adams. treasurer. Plans are being made for the armual \Vestern Barbecue and Dance in Bommer Can- yon , Sept. 30. No Hangup For Fashion Fashion is finished with fashion kicks. The costume kick , nostalgia. hard chic. They are all in the past. No less than Oscar de la Renta, one of America's pace- setting designers, says so. "I believe in the totally con- temporary a p p r o a c h in clothes ," he adds. "I see them worn by women of spirit, with ANNI ROBERTS Betrothal Revealed itr. and Mrs. William G. Roberts .Jr. of Huntington Beach have announced the engagement of their daughter Anne Brillan R<lbOrls to 0en'. ·nlo Edward Averyt. The betrolbed couple graduated lrom Marina High School. She allenda Caliiornla State University it Long Beach and her fiance , son of Mr. and Mrs . Virgil E. Averyt ot Huntington Beach, is a midshipman at the Naval Academy, Anna Polis. Date Picked Jn September Mr. -and Mrs. William T. Evans of Costa Mesa have an- nounced the engagement of her daughter , Debbie Peterson to Michael Palmer, son of Mr. and Mrs. William. L. Palmer of Costa Mesa. A wedding is being planned in St. Joachim's Catholic Church, Costa Mesa on Sept. 23. The . betrothed couple are ~raduales of Costa Mesa High School. Cash Counts NEW YORK (UPl )-Money is a mighty important con- sideration when plapning a shower for a bride. For young couples starting on a "shoe- string," gifts to fill practical needs may be the moo welcome. Party Season Debs Honored at Sea July ii wet sult and fin time for Nlllonal Charity Leagu• debutant.. and lhelr dat .. ,. they anticlpale the bilcl< tie and tall formality , of the November presentation ball. The ''"'"p boarded the Paul Connally1' "SUzle Wong" when the Me11r1. and Ptf m e s . Nonn1n Conlee Walker and John Hallam Hiestand hosted an afternoon of waterskiing, snori<ellni and lunch 1t "' to honor their dauahters, Ale.tis LUciUe Walker and Barbara Gwynne Hlestaod. ' Dr1. and Mmes. Guy F. Miner and Robert t.telvin Hauck and fwlr. and ~trs. Ro\vland Gardner Loh rn an have invited the debutantes tt.> a cruise-dance aboard the Pavilion Queen. The party for t h c I r daughters, Robin ~1 l n e r . Leslie Ann Hauck and Victoria NUt LOhman, will beiln wl\b a gourmet dl1111<r at the Miners' Lido Isle home. . Bid to tbest fe1tivJUe1 art thl Ml8' .. Karen Ann l!ale•. Kimberly Joyce Bruce, Nancy Ruth Buccola, Mary Lee Cllf· ford, i'rancine Beth Harris. Karen Mi~helle Howard, A1ary Jane Mims, Janice Lee Rod· man and Frances Kay Turner. . YOU DON'T HAVE TO HUNT FAR FOR THE GREATEST SHOE BARGAINS, IN TOWN! AMALFI .... $21 to $34 NOW ~990 KIMAL .... $26 NOW ~490 All SalH Final, No Refunds. Thi• It Our Annu•I Summer Cle1r· •net. S1l1ct From Hunclred1 Of Stylos. JOYCE .. CARESSA R09. $24 NOW $1490 SPECIAL GROUP SANDALS $5 OFF THE SHOE TREE 3410 VIA UDO, NEWPORT BEACH ACROSS FROM RICHARDS MKT. e ONE OF THE LIDO SHOPS '" CH I C AG 0 (UPl)-Green and smoke gray are the best tints for sunglass lenses, report!! the Jllinols Society for -------------------'~:'.::'.::'.::'.::'.::'.::'.::'.::'.::'.::'.::'.::'.::'.::'.::'.:~:'.::'.::'.::'.::'.::'.::'.::'.::'.:~·~ Prevention of Blindness. 1- no hangup." Open Sundoy 12 To S. : THIS IS WHERE WE'RE AT! These colors absorb harmful swl rays and affeet color perception the least. Wearing pink, yellow, orange, red or violet lenses can result in eyestrain, fatigue and inability to see clearly in b r i g h t ' . .. •Chuck •Barbara •Judi •~haro11 • E111 ll11 •Jori JON G.WEPY & COMPANY _.Ja\,~ hairmanagemeni ~ «O E. 17th St., Coit• MeP 64S-7788 645·7789 ALE sunlight. The society's recom- mendations are in the National Safety Qiuncil's cu r rent "Family Safety" publicat ion. SELECT GROUPS OF LADIES SPORTSWEAR, DRESSES, LINGERIE , SHOES, -SWIM WEAR SAVE 1/3 TO MORE THAN 1/2 OPEN SUNDAY 11 TO 4 LADIES SPORTSWEAR -LINGERIE ows 3404 Via lido -Newport Beach "One of the Lido Shops" ii itto -leader:. Let Singnut your sewing machine In its best wof)ling order with our 7-point program- done in Y\>ur nearest Singer Sewing Center. \\;! 1. Adjust, balance tensions 2. Adjust fabric handling mechanism 3. De-lint threading mechanism 4. Adjust belt tension 5. Inspect wiring 6, Lubncate machine 7. Inspect, lubricate motor. THREE DAYS ONLY WHEN llOUGHT TO YOUR NEAREST Sl~GIR SIW1NG CINTER. OFFIR IX,1111 JULY 22, 1972 . ' SINGER ..,_,;_.....,,...,...1tfffllN<;l"f'fld11!• COITA Mlu.-lrls/OI .. $tltllloWtr, Joutll CNtl ,. .. l. """" .......... s•l.U COSTA MISA-nlll H•rtlor tltwl •• H1rbor Ctnltr •. . . . .... " .. ". ". Kl touts "UNTl"•TOll llACN-idl1111tr ...... kl!, HUl'lllllll lO!\ '"'" Ctnl•r '''''' "1•"41 . ................. M4MI UllDIN HOV.,..,,,1 Oiilllft'lll\ Ortntt CMll l'IAU .............. ,., .. .,....._ ' NOW-SERVING THE HARBOR AREA OF COSTA MESA a Je~ghl/uf budge/ ja/on where beauli/uf hair jf'Jfej begin. PRICE LIST MONDAY THRU THURSDAY Shampoo and Set $2 .• 50 . Permanent Wave Tint Bleach Touch-up Frostin~ 7.50 5.30 10.50 14.00 FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY PRICES SLlfiHTL.Y HIGH ER haircu/6 51.50 • 1695 lrvine Ave.--Costa Mesa CORNER OF EAST 17th ST. -ABOVE LA CAVE RESTAURANT 645-1050 548-9986 OPEN 7 DAYS ~WEEK And SOME EVENINGS ''TAD TBE EUW A'l'OA" • I • • WON'T SOMEBODY PLEASE TRY ME? l'rn new. My, name b Gourmet-Touch. 'I'm an m. -.sta nt ma..inadf.-and I teoderlu too. !·com. In 4 flavors • • garlic butter bartecue, ~ wine ~ leriyakl. I do bea~tious ~a, <h<W·wisLwillLJl!L esstender cm. of boel and navor enhance any ineat fish, or fowl you sprinkle me on. But don't think of me always BS 8 rtJ,arinade. Try me on nuts,1 croutons, or , frozen french fries . Ia me linger in the oven with them. Flip me In your vegetables, dash me in casseroles, toss me in oil dressing,. J make even plain mayonnaise do 4 dif- ferent trlclcr. I I I ' . The Gourmet Touch Ode applies to any of the jars, bottles, and envelopea of sauces, dressingls, a n d marinades that offer trimant exotica to the cooking masses. Read your labels carefully. Some need to be COoked. Some don't. Who sez you can't Goulash a chicken, Sc a ll o p inl a shrimp, or Hidden Valley Ranch a clam dip. Competition between the San Diego Chargers and the Loe Angeles l!am5 •• Place: University of California Irvine Stadium ... Ticket! at eit h er Richard's Lldo or Harbor View. 'IbJs game rnarb the first appearance of. Deacon iones against bi.! fcrmer Ram-mates. He was traded. you know, last January, along with Greg Wojcik and Lee White,, for Jell Stagg.s, plus others .. The tickets are $2 for adult! -$1 for studeott_and chi ld r en . Benefit: ~ UC Irvine athletic sd!olarship fund. MILK FED VEAL , TENDER AND FAT FREE A Till'e delicacy these cuts or young boel from 4 to 14 weeks old. The color of true milk fed veal is a .!mOkey pink. In the chope and rounds. the.re isn't any marbeling at all. As the veal grows older to berome a beef, the meat becomes redder. Ever try ground veal as a substitute for any recipe calling for ground beef. You're in for a whole bunch of taste surprises. Try doodling It with 1'0UJ' cherished spaghetti sauce recipe. But use bean sprouta or French style string beans in place of spaghetti. Make vealburgers . . but add things, like chopped green chillies or parsley and dashes of thyme . . even cheese or mushrooms. MORE TRY ME YOU 'LL LIKE ME continental Royal Yogurt , navored wi~h hooey. The navors, luscious black cher- ry, Peacl!, Raspberry, and Strawberry. If you 're a yogurt enthlsiast without a I spoon, Continental Royal t olfen drinking yogurts to !hake and sip and adda boysenben'Y. Do you like your bun1toe crisp or soft •• Your pick of beef and potato, beef and been or bean and cheese .• Alex XLNT recommends doing 'em in the oven with the wrappers on f o r softness. C.Onsumer Reports rated Hebrew National All Beef Kosher Frankfurters No. I for super quality and tw In bot dogs over all other> . • From France, comes hooey cake, so soft and dellclous smelling e v e n through the package. II ls made with rye nour and llaVU'ed with licoriee. Rk:hard's, Lido an d -View, the People Stbm, with oomelhing for evtl')'body • • from Kraft'• rrustard In ahak> and squeeze bottles to Cllkkeo uvenmrat. • ' ' DAILY ~OT H RICHARD'S LIDO MARKET end RICHARD'S HARBOR VIEW MARKET ' • • .r:.· ~ , ' . /' ' • • \' I • /' • Men love outdoor cooke ry- it hes e specie( charm , with the blend of hickory smoke and the eroma of grilled meets. Beckyard firpeit, barbec ue or hibachi on the deck-meke it easy and fun . Let Ded join the barbecue shopping fun at Rhichard 's wit h French gerlic-cheese bread, mellow ~oteto salad , fr esh ve911t11bl es and 11 bottle of California Zinfendel! Barbecue Steak 1.79,b Chicken Legs Ma r lnahd 69~ . Thl1 U.S.D.A. Choice shook Is thick cut for hearty appollt11. E1poclolly vood with Lawry's Tond1rlzl119 Marinade. Barbecue these and serve with macaroni salad and ve91tabl11 vinaigrette. Rotisserie Roast 1.69,b Wieners Oscar M1y1r All Me•t or Pure BHf 89~ For Wi1n1r~kabob-cut up and 1k1w1r with 1ppl1 chunks, h1con11nd onions, A roelly dollghtful blond of flavors. Barbecue and 1erv1 with grilled mushrooms, rice 11lad and pepper rings. Puancake Mix 2 •. 39' s~~~!~HE~~~~E: ~~~~.~~!~!he::: p:t ~~.5~:::· ~::.·::~: .. ~.: !.?2~ 'V t M 'd S G9 cornstarch, % C. Burgundy, 2 T. wine vinegar, V4 C, li9ht corn sy rup. Bring to • boil, 1tirrin9 constantly. Add 2 tsp. ermOn al yrup 24 oz. C lemon juice. Serve hot. Wesson Oil Hydrox Cookies Sunshin•, the ltids f•vorit• Jumbo Dash , Lb .. u OL 1.98 Knudsen First Quality Butter , u . 84c Butternut Coffee ' LI. 69c Campbell's Home Style Pork & Beans " oz. 29c Ocean Spray Cranberry Cocktail .. oz. 69c Fleischmann' s Margarine ' LI. 39c Aunt Jane's Dill Sticks " ... 49c Springfield Mandarin Oranges " oz. Uncle Dan's Southern Dressing Mix • oz. Mary Kitchen Roast Beef Hash " oz. Diet Rite Cola • ... " oz. cANs General Mills Snacks All FLAvoks Purex Liquid Bleach •1. GALLON 5 for $1 3 for $1 49c 69c 3 for $1 29c ~ill&iikilm Monterey I Jack ,. ~ 98' C1sino Nat-ur-Roll Chee1• ---IT ... LIAN . &1i Dry Salame u OL 1.59 Bay's Cocktail Rye " oz. Weston's Stoned Wheat Thins ,. oz. Why not take ho~• 1 pint of our own special B1 rb1cu1 Rib Sauce. • Bit vivid bunches in pi.nk, viol1t m1,1nt1 end levendt~l. 1.98 .... 33c 49c Smoked Pork Loin Chops Wafer-thin or reciular· 1.29 Lb •. Season with 11lt & pepper, top each with I pineapple slice and bake in J OO~ oven for I hr. Cube Steaks G reat e1tin9 in 1 ste•k sandwich with lots of grilled onions and home fried potetoes. 1.79 Lb. e~LE116J1T .MEA1$ for summertime convenience Salisbury Steak . . . • · • • • • • 89c lb. Stuffed Roastinl! Chickens • • • • • . 49c lb. 1/2 Stuffed Game Hens 1.19 Ea, Your choice of ) stuffing s-Rice I Mushrooms, Appl111uc1 & Almonds or Hem & Ch111e I Cordon Bleul from Elwe ll Farms. $UMME'Rf 8.14}10}) langostinos o.u ... i.-... M .. • 2.49 lb. AND ALWAYS A SUPERB SELECTION OF U.S.D.A. PRIME STEAKS-CUT to ORDER. ~~-Papayas From Hawaii ... 39' For only l5c 9et our Exotic Fruit Cookbook with 5om• delightful P•P•Y• recipes. Honeydew Melon Cucumbers Doliclous with Dip• Lb. 15c 3 For 29c 25c Cherry Tomatoes Gordon's London Dry Gin s • .,. 1.51 e11 2 cit. prlc.t 67l·6l60 HOME DELIVERY IN OUR AREA. • Basket 9.99 PRICE EFFECTIVE JULY 20, 21, 22, 2l ~JVJ~~"' Lemonade=~~··· Maid~~ 7,., 'I Limeade MIOll• Maid , OL 7,.. 'I S k • h Gr-Giant nae WIC es 7 VarlollH 4 0.. 4 fl For Chun . King Pea Pods 'Oz. 3 .... Sl l kind1: pla in, with wat•r ch1,tnut1, or with w•t•r che,t nuts and bamboo shoots. Cauliflower with Cheese Sauce 3 for $1 . 'oz. ''"'"" In, •• 3 for $1 Italian Bread 49c 7 grains for healthful 9oodn1ss. Butter Pound Cake 87c Good wit h berri es and whipped cream. Strawberry Danish Pastry • • • • 2 for 33c Clover-Leaf Dinner Rolls • • • • • 6 for 35c ~14b~fB~1 SIGN UP IN OUR BAKERY TO WIN A FREE DECORATED BIRTHDAY CAKE ON YOUR BIRTHDAY! • ( . • • ~~ HARBOR VIEW 1660 Mac Arthur, Newport Beach 673-2155 ~ LIDOCENT ER 3433 Vi a Lido, Newport Beach -OPEN DAILY9 -7, SUN. 9 - 6 • 673-&360 OPEN DAILY9-1!, SUN. 9-6 I , • . • • • • ' ' • • • . ... . . . J DAILY PILOT . ' \ . • • . • I Fr~ezer 1 Ali*a Beta's ~risps Man iA Blue Lettuce Says: ''fantastic discounts ryday RLPHRB ETR SeJt /oi Le.J.J I Dt1r Nan: Your column on badget-heatlac waa lateres&lng and btDcflclal, a• I always dis· JIOHd of the deeper green let. auce leaves since Ibey alway11 Mtllled ralber withered and IOI al aD crllp. Too, I have been confused about cooking 0U1 ud salad 4d1. Wblc b do you consider tbe belt for frying chicken when I don't use a popular herb flavored dry coating? I have uted mar&arlne. LAURA C. DRONGESON, MINNEAPQ. LIS. I know those outer lettuce leaves are oo the Ump side, but they can often be crisped LETS ASK THE COOK "' N.Wiey If you wash them well, shake or pat dry and refrigerate un· I well chilled. Another somewhat revolu· tlonary way is to freeze them : for five ar 10 minutes. Set a timer so you won't ; forget and overdo it. They 1 mus~ ol course, then be used , • In a toued salad Immediately or lheY wlll be more wilted: " than ever, but they will • ablofute1y""snap; i:rackle and • pop under the touch of a fork. ! Whenever I make any kind of ooup I add whatever stray lettuee leaves are around. It ~ won't affect the taste much one t Wl.)'"l)r·Ute-other;-but ati east-- • you11 be getting a bit more • Vitamin content. Or use tbo8e f.; leaves for a wilted sweet..sour German tyJle" with cabbage slaw· II you don't have enough ; of them. !" You might like to try French r 1tyle pees. Put ¥• cup boUJng water, ¥.i teaspoon (each) of salt and augar and a package of fror.en J green peas in a saucepan. Add t l amall peeled onion, I sprig of t parsley ·and cover with about 2 t lettuce leaveJ. Bring to a boil. Cook slowly \ about 8 minutes or untll peas :· are tender. Most recipes call ; for removing onion, parsley ) and lettuce before serving. but ,,., I never do. I like all those • Items. • As fer cooking oJls and salad r olls,-they4!re pretty muclt in, terchangeable except for olive r oil. The ta\ter has a unique j-flavor, eapecially: if you get \.....virgin or first~press for a vinegar and op dressing. but it l Is too unstable for deep frying. t It should be refrigerated or It may tum rancid. that makes it cloudy, but it clears when ·slowly bea ten Into the . vinegar .. ~ Your can use any cooking or aalad oil for frying chicken, whether it is cottoMeed, peanut, com or soya oil. None of them will smoke at hi gh cooking. temperatures a n d they can be used over and over again unless they have been ·used for fish frying. Slices of raw potat.> tooked with the fat do hel p to remo ve strong flavors and clarify the oil fro m time to time. I like ooe of the hydrogen ated. solid cooking fats for fr y ing chicken. Nan Wiley regrets that she cannot p r o v i d e personal answers to your cooking ques- tions, but questions of general interest will be an11wered in ber eolwnn. Address you r questions to Nan Wiley in care of the Dally Pilot. ·-Bake Buns QUICK BISCUITS 1 cup buttermilk biscuit ml x, spooned lightly Into ' measuring cup 2 tablespoons wheat germ I' cup heavy cream I tablespoon milk In a medium mixing bowl llllr together the biscuit mix ond wheat germ . Add the ....,.,.; stir with a fork until oimoot all the dry Ingredients are moistened ; sprinkle the milk over the dry part •nd mix again. ~ Int.> small muffin-pen aq>1 (.ach about 2 Inches In • diameter and I Inch deop) fill · • i 1111 olmoll full. Bake ilo a : prellgted 44-<legree oven un- : · ti\ brown<d -about IZ anlnulta. Serve at ooce. Make1 II. ROB GROSULAk STO~ MANAGER 2200 HARBOR BLVD, COSTA MESA WE WELCOME FOOD STAMP SHOPPE~S \Ill ANY LOI AIMlfllL llVUllDI. Oii o1UJ« OOUNT'f IUM lffA FEATURING 13 -DOUBLE DISOOU"TS Ii THIS AD." STOl.I MCMIU MON.flll. ID UL TO 9 P.M. SAT. & SUN. 10 ~M. TO 7 r.M YOUI At.PM ICTA IUQllORHOOD IUTCHEll !MAH IN TffE •ED Al'WDlll rROOOlY Off[IS . BUTCHER'S PltlDE MEATS RID • RIPI LAMB FRESH FRESH ECONO PAK 3 LBS. OR OVER TOMATOES i' sw1n JUICY GRAPES HAWAI IAN GROWN LARGI PINEAPPLES ·L~. GROUND BEEF ~ C LBS. SHOULDER ROAST GROUND TURKEY 00 c c LB. LB. FULLY COOKED • SANDWICH FAVORITE PATRICK CUDAHY $498 HIM 5 LB. CAN@ EA. ALPHA BETA BUTCHER"S PRIDE BEEF RID •' RIPI •RED LEAF •BUTTER •SALAD BOWL IOWA·MAID 72' BACON iK\l'· wtSTE•M SMOllEO • r111sr CIAO[ BRANDING IRON BACON i it.· 111 STANDING RIB ROAST CHUCK ROAST BLADE CUT LARGE ENO OSCAR MAYER SMOKIEllNKS 1i 99; JIMMY DIAN 1 "·ROLL 11~ ~=~~~'*'~·-·····'" BONELESS FAMILY STEAK ftOllN fOOO BONELESS RIB STEAK "f;OOKfO & ,fllfO" TASTE r1 Sf.A CAlllfAflON CCllH ·flllSH fl SH SHRIMP GOLDEN STEAKS FRIED SOLE --2~~--131 ~: 97c !~",,' 77c BONELESS . STEWING BEEF THESE MEAT tllCES (FfECT1V£ JUtY 20-26, THU•S. THllU wtDrtESOA'f FANTASTIC DISCOUNTS EVERY DAY All'MA 8!1A OISCOllNT ,l lCC FANTISTIC DISCOUNTS EVERY DAY AL'HA fl[TA OISCot/MT !'RICE WATERMELON WHOLE c LB. ·FOR LETTUCE c EA. PURE OUNGE or GUPEFRUIT JUICE SWEET CORN 6 ASSORTFD COLORS FRESH CUT CARNATIONS c UNCll Tl<ESE PRICES EfFECTIYE JULY 20-!6. Tl<URS. Tl<RU WED •.•••••••• FANTISTIC DISCOUNTS EVERY DAY ALlliA 8flA Dl$COONT Pll lCE FANTASTIC DISCOUNTS EVERY DAY Al.11MA IETA DISCOUNT ,ltlCE FANTISTIC DISCOUNTS EVERY DAY ~IOA DUCOVflfT n11ct 2S.Pound Bog JOHNNY CAT · 1" @¥Ari Di' K:i!i>s HALIBUT841 @vrHiiiA wA'friis' 391 I Mt&~;.~"'~,,,,,,;, <§13.or.con •soo"'~" 551 COFFEE ~ 2 25 ~~ a.o,. ''"'~ · .. ..,.,_r,.,.· , PLANTERS PEANUTS D-~ BRIDGFORD BISCUITS 25" ' 10 Ov"ce • lmtor'lt Colfn 1.49 <§) llA'X-c'LEiNsfii @sPRAY &'WlsH' ~ M'IRrcl'.{"wHITE ~ FABRIC SOFTNER 20' 81 1 ------------- 11-CMlCa A«OIOI Con • l itn1o COLGA iEi NSTANT SHAVE CREAM 411 ' l;:~ COLGATE ' ~ 5..()unc• Tut.. TOOTHPASTE 681 lu J .. ---------------· • MediiJ'n or Hord {'8COL6ATE 'M DECORATOR TOOTHBRUSH 20-0unu llottl• LAYORIS MOUTHWASH 29' 921 l'E'!81'tiA'CA' ''"'' ..... M;"' a6c 'M BREATH SPRAY ---------------- 1st ----------------· ~-Ounce • lofiOI'! oi SEA & SKI SUNTAN OIL •·Oi..on<:• Lo••on 781 791 791 .... .. ---------------- 571 ' D••-·• "" ll-<n. c.n ; C«k<o" "' ~ 4B·C.01.mt s22• 54c 19-0:r;, Peppotroo{ or Sousoge ~itl:wAuAN. fro•~ ~FRUIT PUNCH 391 QUALI TY BA KER Y AT DISCOUNT PRICES 2-4·0Unc.t loof ALPHA BETA 371 FRONTIER BREAD D 1.2-0t. Pkg Uriiccd Di.:::, RlPHR BETA 471 ANGEL FOOD CAKE 16-0i. Loof • Umhud lll,Hll IETll . 391 LONG FRENCH BREAD ALPHA BETA 12 Pock. 351 BROWN & SERVE ROLLS D ...... 16-0t. loof D .... ~, BIRKHOLM ONION 41 1 CHEESE BREAD 1·0unC• Tube D~:. TEM~TEE ·PRETZELS 291 ~TENDERLtAF TEA ~ • 10.Qz, Stick' flt 9.oz. Minitw•st .l9c: ~1Q.PolyBai1 •Mi1< 96C 12--0.ince Bog • Ploin or Peonut "21M ~LIPTON lllE TEA M&M CANDIES . ~7 . 16-0unc• Bog • PIGin or P('(lnul llt ~- AL PHA BETA • 103 Wisconsin Longhorn CHEESE "· 891 :~[l!ii'Aic cit'Efs£'' · ";"" 7 6 c 16-0unc• Jor KRAFT CHEESE WHIZ 8·0uoee COflt111r1er • Smoll Curd ALPHA BETA COTTAGE CHEESE f6.0unc• COOto1r.er • Smol! Curd 16-0%. Pkg,• AU Meot OSCAR MAYER WIENERS DD..,,,., Smoke Ctoft • 10·01. Jor "·-·: BEEF JERKY \ RtPHR BETA 6-01 Pkg. 's..-,~~ SLICED CHEESE : :';~~:~n 17 OUl'\Co • !2 Inch ALPHA BETA CHEESE PIZZA 19-01. PepPeron1 • 1:? !n~h @ PAR0KAY-MARGA R1ti£" ©nElsc'H'MANN~•M" @ PA°RKlv'iAAR°GA'RiNE c.i.sr or t:. '22, KERNAPRfc"o"f'NECTAR 131 @ vl'RM'o0NT0MAID SYRUP 37c , .,,.... l 24-0i.mce Botlle 69t @ruPJACK0MlX 491 @ iN°s'TANr 'Pi)'IAroEs 781 22' @co'ilN't'DhBEEF5HASH 531 "' ~ Compbl!l's • 28-0t.. 851 ~PORK Live'EANs' 321 464 D-toM 15-0uoce Con 2 71 D"·-· GEBHARDT'S TAMALES 39 C D .... -Oonty Moo•e • 12-01. Con 691 D....... Roast Beef & GraY)' 871 I. IS 391 471 291 1-0:. C11n • Sohd Pock in 0 11 STAR KIST TUNA •ji·O:r:. Chunlt l ight 1 !fl·O:r:, ChUl'!k l ight HUNT 'S FOODS 16-0uncc Can HUNT'S PORK & BEANS 29·0....n'e Con HUNT'S NEW POTATOES 6-0unce Con HUNT'S TOMATO PASTE 54' ! •. .. 171 "' 32' 161 ~ •-o~" c~ J QC ~Hunt's Tomato Sauoe ID 1•' :-Oz. Solid Pock 21 C .,,.:::, HUNT'S TOMATOES I~ \l:i;·OI. st .... lld lie li'r'PEAtlur· BUrliit 981 COPPERTONE SUNTAN LOTION 79C 6·0unce Con • ''01111'1 15c MINUTE MAID LIMEADE ~-,..o •. '"" 1 '"' • "'" "'--· BEm CROCKER 59c 1 ~;,!:' "''h '""0'· '" ANGEL FOOD CAKE CHOCOLATE CREAM PIE 791 "".o •. ""'°" ChOltM '"" '" @ieaPOTATb6CHIPS°" 331 IMifATION "1cf°MIL'K ' COSTA Ml,IA -141 I, 1riti St, COSTA MllA -mt H•l'Mr IMI HUNTINGTON l l ACH -fOU Ad uitt. HUNJINOTOH llACH -1 ... 1 ... Mtlll SI. HUHTIHOTOH l lACH -tlQI l rMl!f"nl ,-OUNTAIH VALLIY -Int W•,..., LAGUNA HILU -t»41 C•Ut lit• l,111H lllYl/\11 -1 .... Cw!_~ Utll~r ,,rll IOUTit ~OUHA ~ JllJ1' I , (-1 H~y \ • 58' ~ RA"INelRR'ii. ~ FABRIC SOFTNER 721 ,.,D;;;:, l1hiPE'iiiAL0DETERGENT 9 7c RlP HR BET A • 35-0L Boi DISHWASHING 471 DETERGENT · · SO.Ounce 801C ... ~~ 16-0unce Sproy Con "-* EASY OFF D ....... M OYEN CLEANER 11• ·1 ~ I ~.Qz . C11n • Oveo Cleor.er sac ~VAPO R BRITE D 32-0u.nc• Bottle• LiQu•d D,.:;':;, ODO KLEEN 691 -Deodorizini Cl.EANER ~ 1•-0z. Con • R!?.llemon J 31 ~JOHNSON'S PLEDGE . @j£Ji6ENS1BAifSQAPfh Siie 9c ~ 14 '{j;·OI. Con • 2 Vo11etln 26' ~RE~IPE DOG FOOD @PURINA°Dos"cHOW 761 ZS Lb. 809 • L•~er· l .90 ~ 200 ·~· '"" 43c ~DOW HANDl·WRAP @H'ifn°Pusr1C"&"A&s 541. 20-Lb. Dog • Choreool KI NGSFORD BRIQUETS D.,..,.. -4.0unct Con "'·-·• ALPHA BETA >;;l" BLACK PEPPER 1 '' 35' '" J IJ PJLOT.ADV£RnSER • Wtdnrsct.,, July 1'9, JiJ7l DAILY PILOT jJ!S ' I 90NE-IN CHUCK ROAST i : GROUND 1 BEEF STATER BROS. CERTIFIED BEEF • BLADE CUT FRESH•LEAN•DELICIOUS GROUND IN OUR STORES c c LB. LB . 6 ·'"RIB &. 7-TH ROAST SLAB BACON STAT••••os. MONEY BACK GUARANTEE ON QUALITY MIATI .. . .• -:fft'<"'l-·*-~ ... ., ..... -. '-::w- fVllY,IKIOFMIATIS BONELESS s 119 UNCONDfTIONALL,Y GU.U:ANTflD • • ~ \'1! TOl'\.IAHYOU ..• OltYOUOMOOl!Y . • "' ROUND STE·"' WIU.llCHlllFULLYll FUNOED ,_, ' . •,'."f '£,, ..... , ......... LI, STATER BROS . CERTIFIED BEEF• GUARANTEED c LB. l·STTHRU 5-TH RIB ... LB. $1 .1 S MORRELL'S PRIDE DELICIOUS SMOKED c LB . , NISH FROZEN 8 tc sr"' TER BROS. c1Rnmo aEEfotoNE-IN $ O 3 10N1uss BEEF SHOULDER $ I 0 9 RLLET OF COD .................... LB . RUMP ROAST .................. LB. I ROLLED ROAST ........... LB. .. SHOWCOAT . 73c STATIRIROS .CIRTIFIEDIEIF•GUARANTHD 7ftc: STATIRIROS.CIRTIFllDIEIF s 109 SLICED BACON ................ LB . ROUND BONE ROAST .. LB. ..,, RIB STEAKS .......................... LB . . SLICED SANDWICH OSCAR llPPIREDORGREINCHILI sftc: YOiJRCHOICE•LIAN6.TENDER s 139 ',' MEAT SPECIAL! ALLM~TAYERS"' BURRIJOS . . . ....... 1 .5.:·.;~~: 7 . STEAKS ~lRJ~~NR~~BE.:...... . ...... LB ' WIENERS ........ LB. 7 -MOllE\.L'SNIDf MOn&l.'SYOllCSHlll llAN6TIHDll•OUAIAHTIED $ 67 . ·~ ... ~ 2 89' AWLILENBEEERFS LB 93' WIENERS• 12.oz ...... 57• SUCEDBACON •... ..LI. 73• ·PORTIRHOUSE sn•• ... ll I . li;rkey, ........ • MOHIU'SAU.MEATOIALllHF 59< NOTAIU•TINDfl•GUAIANTllD $ 61 STATl•••os,Catlf'.IOlllF s 1 •s I c,.,., PkOS. ~~~;1~ .... ll·OZ. 9' SLICED BOLOGNA ... 12.oz. I-BONE STEAK .•.. . . •• LI 1 TOP SIRLOIN sn•• ............... LI .. . CORN LARGE SWEET TENDER '.~GRAPES THOMPSON SEEDLESS EA. EXTRA FANCY LB. PANC-AKE MIX HUNGRY 71' RIPON GOQD. NABISCORllZCRAcKERS-~-'-·~::49' Ass· 0-RTED HALFHILL TUNA ~"'""-·······""" 33' HEINZ JUNIOR FOOD.S ···-·· ~.'z~ 12' coo Kl Es PINTO BEANS RANCH STYLE ·········· !SOZ. 16' . REG PKG KIDNEY BEANS ~~~~~6'~.-2 ·~OL 37' . • • MJB INSTANT RICE ---···-14-oL 45' ASSORTED FLAVORS irmorr~:wi~~-~.".:E.t:... ______ "·'· 39' Jt l [ 5 llt 5 I . BISCUITS ;",';,'ti!~, 26-0Z.PK0.41' 52-0L 73' . r.::1~1itt __ •1.29 GELATIN 33-oz. GOLD MEDAL FLOUR ···-••L•. 11.22 . PKGS. KAVA INSTANT COFFEE .•• , 51.05 HUNT'S COCKTAIL PEANUTS :\'.'o".J~~,·-······ 69' STEWED , SPANISH PEANUTS :\'.'o".J~~·---· 59' BEL •. PEPPERS ~. FAB.RJ.c..SOFTENER ~~,1~~~ ..... JJOL 79' TOM ATOE s • ' MIRACLE WHITE BLEACH ,,,.,_ 66' 141/J-OZ; LARGEFANC:YSUMKISTVALENCIA 2 29' x~~~Y 29ta · NIAGARASPRAYSTARCH .noz.67' CANS ORANGES .--.... , u• iiDOllONS · MORGARINE ".1"-'···--"·"' DEALPACKAGE 9 cuTciiiiiis ................ .,;!R25' o;:!~L l. 29' ~~,~~%~i~~~~~--~~~.::~ JUMBO DASH$ 0 ' 'fl:;~· ·• • ~~~l~sR~c:c:~~~·==:::~w. DETERGENT PKG • . 'L,_ Loa_, ~ "J-t, AlaL . SCOT TOWELS FLOUR ~','6~:')(~~-•o-Los.11.22 __ •·tBS 62' MJl-MADEONLYFORTHEWEST · SARA LEE CAKES ....... ······· ,',12: 0D.•co,SORAITTIEDD WHEATIES CEREALS ___ ••·oL 56' ~ ........... JAR e '"""'"''""'"'•"·"••••·•"""" 79c 1 BIGROlL 29C FLOUR il'~.'N.~~~c ... _ . -----· ~Les 67' INSTANT COFFE!fc 10-oz.S 1 29 AP~f-PIACHOltST.AWIUll't'Wl•HU•••• 7ftc A ASSORTED SNACKS GENERAL 4-P JOHNSTON PIES ........ ·······'"~ ..,, cotoos CAKEMIX "''"""v M"'•--·-"'°·41' "1/.-~.M ~ ~ -~ .A,1. ~a ,,.""2.,L • &"riocco'LI '.~"'"."".'.'_ "" 43' BUTT0 ER,BRICKLE --... 63' TOMATO l:Z.OZ 4 5" IRAK '~~;~;" -s····tc"G. VI s""1N.~E"'$1°~2au9.:q, nt«;l.ICHl-~P·LUWS7.":o .. HA• Clll!(NGll!, .. TWflUT!tll~V!.l 43' P4C•AGl0f6 63' ~ PIPPIR -.... WHITE CORN ...... toOL TOWNHouscsuNDAES -· KETCHUP aomi ······-'"""'"·0 ' PLATINUM DRUllltG t c'Au'Ll'Fl.ow'Eit:.:::_,,,, 43' CREAMED CHICKEN --73' M.J.1! 49 ISLANDER PUNCH '~~····--"G~'~1 1.65 '=' 7nc 99·c ........... ,.. 8 ftc 48-couN1 ( GEBHARDTs CHILI .... , _ .... , 65' EYE DROPS u.cc ."... 7 ........ FISH STICKS .... ·-~•~l: ..,,. TEA BAGS .-.. ••'-· BALLARDB!~R~JTS ____ 3,.,2r ,::CnV.1'rn HA::.S•aY = IC:~"l'l , ,...,., TRAY ,.1,.oz. 89< •"'""°" . 99 OVAL TINE cHoccLATr. •.. -.. ··-··-•·•< 43' ftc I , 1 29 •1 59 PIZZA .. . . ••G. ·wEssoN OIL ( PURINA VARIETY MENU 2 ... 0, 37' .... 57 .. :::... 1.09 ... • .... • .. lili'l'P'uiiu1T JUICE -29' OH-BOY,POTATOES -'"3& 48-0UNCE aonu SOFT WEVETISSUE •01ts 25' 8U"DIN SHAMPOO. llQINlll ADHUIVI "'""'" ·28' OOWN""" 17t . . -DUPONTSPONGE ______ 1..w 'll' TABUTI CRllllRii"H DllODOllAifi' fA111-cH11 " ~~.~~.~.EJUICE --••< , ~~1-J~6-COUNT -•UL 1 SHOESTRING BEETS ?:·=~·• 21' SANl ·FLUSH POWDER --,..., 56' ... 11 25 66< """ '1 25 "'' ~·•• ORANGE JUICE -"---""" 55 HAWAIIAN PUNCH --"°' 45' HARVARD BEETS o••M•••·•-••·••29' FEMS NAPKINS .....•. ·-.. ,,., 43' "'100 • • ,':'!.:, ':'.';.°" • 32" 52' -• • I • ' . • .. DAILY PILOT ~l .Soul F.o.o.d Feeds Jazz Lionel Hampton and fan ' By JOHNAJILINN aJooe or wllb rice. Makes 4 1 teaspoon salt cabbage in skillet. Add onloo. porliolll. y, teaspoon black M!P'' meat, ,.11 and black pew.;. compare appetitea and all that i•JL : NEW YORK -The Jeu1e's smotbe.rtd Cabbage Brown salt pork in large Cover, cook over low heat, • Pmidert'a tavwite jaZs musi· ~ cup salt pxk (cut in skillet o\ler low heat, pour off t1Urrin& often to prevent stick· ' I clan, Lionel Hampton, bad just • pieces ) fat, r-ving both fat and ing. . One 4-pound head of calr meat. Meenwhile, core, wash Cabbage ls ready when • p:>Ushed off a gargantuan bage cabbage, chop io small pieces. tender and volume bu been l boealdast ol bam. •usage, 1 ~lum .. ize onion, peeled, Put cablioge ln large skillet, reduced by half. Delicious • eggs, bacon, grib, and _ ___:coar~~se~ly~chopped~~:__~~-po~u:r~fa~t~from~~sa~lt~po~r~k:)~o~ve~r~w~ith~c~""'~~bre~ad~!:__~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~==:::::._~~~~~--.~~~ : IOCkeye salmon, topped off·· • • with a stack of ayrup-taden bot " calls in his West Side apartment that overlooks Lin- coln Center. We "1lked aboUt food and hb pet project. • federally funded university to be built smack dab in the mlddle of Harlem. We asked the king ol the vibes Js be didn't believe food b important to musicians. : "Yes. Trumpet players and • drum players say to me, 'Hey, • man, you eatin' too much.• • But, I say, 'Man. I've got to play those high not.s. I've got : to play out. I've ·~ot to play • jazz. And that's food 1 can play jazz by!"' he said, laughing. ••t.ouis Armstrong said the muaic he pJayed jazz by was red ~m and rice, ~ barn hocks and corn bread." ' • The atmoepbere In !lamp's house is, like him. low-key, ultra~elaxed, conducive to conversation. Upon entering the apart- ment of this man who's been • performing for over four decades, there is an im- mediate encounter with a huge 1tt ol vibes, dwarfing a .... u :~ console pianO. It's a sharp • reminder of the m o st dominant force in the man's : Ille .. l "Talking about food mak._. : me hungry," he said, laughing. "Do you like apple , cobbler?" Hamp loves soul ~ food, any food, but good food .'. In quantity. Dinner that night ) would be meat loaf, llma '-beans. smothered cabbage. ; tosted salad, okra, cake and •• ice cream. ;.t His enormous appetite may ·t well be the secret .of hla :' t"""""'°"' energy and great : zest-for· Ufe. · ~ He win even forget to eat 1 when he's working on a new i. recording or preparing for a • performance. He's also been t known to forget a meal when • he11 raising money for a : favorite project, like the 1 unlvenlty hi llarJern, ; Typically, alter be has eaten · · hia 'waylhrough a .,......,..,.., lu!IOh <r dinner, Hamp mlght say, "That stepped up my ap- petite, let's stop and have aome sukljakL •. or borscht. •. or chow mein ... or blackeyed peaa and grits .•. Hts -'1te, like his In- terests, ar~ ', a l w a y s en- tbuslasUc aiid varied. BOm In Louisville, be grew up in Qlicego and Wisconsin and has broken bread with people all over the world, in· eluding kings and beads of state. One. of his lavorite meals was with Ki n g Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand. . WATCH YOUR MAI L BOX ••• FAMILY PACK 5-LBS. OR MC)IE ....................... _ .............. .. .. ........ -.... .. W11111.,.. ............. . ........ ,..._.,, ..... ... ....................... .. ......... ,.. .. ---- GROUND BEEF . "We had a jam seMion e, one finesrwe''"ve-+--.. --. ever had. And we ordered anything we. wanted. The king had. au kinds or wines, cham- pagnes. . .everything was out o! sight. He plays flute. "The foods from my travels have been very interesUng. 1 bad an unusual experience with Obinese food In Hong Kong. I weat to a cafe there. They bring you tray alter tray and you can take anything you want o!! eoch tray. · ''The lint guy brought me -· egg loo-yong and !lie next guy had some spare ribs and still -broogllt Jobotet Cantonese. II WU like meals In rotation! 11 RAMP'S FAVORITE LIMA BEANS 1 cup small dried llma beans Small · ham bone (or salt pork) Smoll onion, sliced, optional Vegetable oil Water Seasoned salt, to "1sle Few dashes monosodium glutamate Freshly ground JlOPl'l'I". to "1sla Wasli beans, di=rd any that are discolored. Soak ovemlght (or place i n sauctpan covered with water. Boll aevere.l mins.; turn off bee~ cov«, lei stand aboUt an hr., then drain). . OJI ham from ham bone In-to small piecu, broWll lightly · : In minimal -o I • vege"1bla oil (or dice aall : pork, saute 1tow11 until aiap and brown): ren>Ol'e meal. ; Sault -la .... drippiftp , until Ump. Platt beans In pot " wilh •"11' to """' and ham (or aalt pork), onioo,........, ' ult, ..-iooclium g1utam.alt ' and pepper to lllte. Brine to slow boll, cover, ~ ..,,,.... slowly about 1 Ir.: ·: oUr often to prevent alickine. lldd men water 11 needed. • lloll "' Ille liquid lhouJcl be _.., beCa"e oetvlng. Cor· reel seuonlnp belcn oervtng GOLDEN BANANAS STORE HOURS: MON.·SAT. 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. SUNDAY 10 A.M. to 7 P.M. U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF USDA ·cHU(if cH01 ~E ·ROAST 1 9f=FICIAL · U.S.,D.A. FOOD STAMP REDEMPTION STORE ' ROYAL CROWN COLA .... -. ..,......... . ..................... ·-.. """"".... ·.-...... ....__ ....... _ .. ,._,~ ... ,_ ..... _ ... :ui=i:m'·~-:11-..... ::!' ... ·~1»1 1 ......... .,... •UtwA&.cm,...,1.....,111 •'9Wlfll.•nW.c 11 • .-• .., .•,•MtU.HH& ....... tw. •llWPOl'flO°'''" ..... ..., ••»tlllA.1lNt.&.M1•.. ·=~ ,,_......,It. .,_ "-••tt 1N • -.»11. .... 11. • ,..., ... ,.,. .. .._ ..... ...,., • '-'-'""-'*11..tta... • l•••e1.»1•L......_ • 1111T1 ... rntt,1n1s'•.._St.•......,IUt•.M ... , • IU'ft-.•i•• 1,.11 • •• k ...... 11111.tt.ltC ... lltf. •Clftt•tt.H,S..._..,_ •..,..-Mft,1Htl0..-in. •lMIUq,1 ... ,.....,1&. • ... Ml.ltlJtl............ ,_,..,llJI ........ "' JAlf mll.:_ ..... s. •lll• ........ ' •5l,..Ll lJ~J1, •C .... 9111......... • ltcmNllMn,Jltll. ..... M• llfi~tftl ......... tt. e lln'~1~1. ..... A"" ...... ilUCI, 1 .. 1......_. .... : Uifl:" lllJtl ...... 16.' _... imAoN • 111211. ........ llr4.•untA.NtW.5w ....... N. •W' .... ll&Q.77U..... •1MW.1UI .... ~ ,, .... ~_..1JMl .... lll • ..... JtllOittliil-lo. .... ........ , JM ...... M. '~'Dltt.-.·M .--. t.l'llltff..., •at,.an,1111w.."""" •u--.1•9'"W..•. •--.11nt.._.c.t..,. •H&a MDT~~ • ..-IUllSl.&J_l_,,..,. .--.1•111,....-. •:=i:r-1.-.-. •tw. ...... k •a-.111w ..... a,.. •l.l....._t .. l•S....,"'-·~~W ......... lt. •·-·~ W. II. • ..... -._I U .. lllt~"""' • tltl. ... M • C-.P-.MJl ....... IL • ..r•'f'MAP, .... &.......,_ • WIWftl.tllJW,._ .. r • ~,...11111. ........ • ,.._. .. ,.......... • --·•lt l••·---•!"" , ' I M m eel ao! wa .. vol I bu WI' "" al 8 A a 10 w I a A I 1 M~ royalty. A brilliant mural ol. Gellhaa coven: a celling lo tilt cocklall lounge. In cool contrut to all this sofUy ill llltlnf 15 the rock waterfill gnfoed with Ming trees behind a gl ... wall. Yee, a llOIDled engineer who ftllnqullhed I thriving academlc~areer to embark In the i'l1ky re,alm of ttstaurateurtng, became fn. volvOd In the culinary arts as a college student. I SWEET CORN Extr1 fancy s f 39" In Th• Husk 0 t' Local R TOMATOES RED RIPE SLICING XTRA ANCY NORTHERN 2 ~ 29¢ ' , Hi• effor!J Brat dellghled huncry friends. Fame spread when ha -nted lavish din- ners In the ochool auditorium for aJcli charlfies as the !lefu1ee Student Fund. Moro tbto IO entreel and appttl%ei1 are not.ed on Kam' s lavleh menu -lobster laced with bean and egg aeU«S or teamed with Chinese wt1etables .•. Manderin duck, booed, Pre"oed and combined wldl <riop celery and hall peJ> per. , .oyster haef tenderloin with black and b u t t o n m.-S. pea pods and water~. PEPSI-COLA YELLOW MEATED CARROTS MORNING FRESH 1 LB. 3 p 29" PKG. K t' G SPRINGFIELD GRADE "AA" Crab .·~oon, chicken t!lcka and merineted beef IOO cmw .,. o!IM< 11111pllngs of the-to ha enjoy«! tnlJ..-------------.....c BUTTER thl.s Orlenta1 "ll't gallery" -"" laion home I« • private affair. _,. SHRIMP I.OBITER SAUCE· 1 ounce "11 I OUllCOSlllrlmP ~ ounce. minced loboter I/IS ounce 1arllc 1/11 ounce black bean (from Orient.I food otoro) 5 ounces water 'I• ounce comotarch '4 ounce lherry wine J,. Wnce sug1r 1/11 ounce 111t -lfll-«Jilee~ HIND· UARTERS MOJAVE BRAND TURKEY c lb 9lull!Nle H .. t ,oll -ln wok or lkillet.1----------------- Add aalt, 1&rllc, black bean and loboter ml!ll. Stir I« 20 ......i,. 1ben adc! ohrlmp; mil 10 ~ !oncer. Pour In water, COY« pan a,nd cook two mlnute5. Add comotarch mlJed with sherry, mono1odlum !llutamate and iugar and beat a few lMCOl1Cls until tlilckened. Add en and 1111r 1n untu cook· ed. Som In two portlonl with 1teamed or frltcl rice. ' CASllBW N1JT aDCKEN : :~ c!Ucken -· CORNED EEF OUR OWN CURED USDA CHOICE BRISKET c lb SPENCER STEA·KS FRESH DRESSED FRYING RABBITS IAR M FRISH SLICED BOLOGNA BAR M HICKORY SMOKED SLICED BACON FARMIR JOHNS ALL MEAT WIENERS USDA CHOICI 1 LB. Whole or Cut Up • BULK STYLI FRESH BRISKET BEEF ROAST ' ,. •• ' I .... ldir • ...,, lt, 1971 OAllY rlLOT 37 ' ' "''' . ',,., .... --· I 14:$1 l I I c-I j :1·13 ~:I i·I·l ·I I,_____ c USDA CHOICE BONELESS 19 LB. c lb 69¢ LB. 79¢ Lii • --( 69¢ LB. $109 LB. $109 Lii. SWANSON T.V. DINNERS e CHICllN e TUlllY e CHOPPID SllLOIN YAN DE KAMPS . NOlTHIRN PlllD HALIBUT 1111-HT & IAILY IMITATION • oz. ORANGE JUICE ~i NABISCO OREO COOKIES 11 oz. ARROW BLACK PEPPER 4 oz. CAN s INSTANT COFFEE 10 OZ. JAi 48' 29' Prices lffedlves Thursday thru Sunday JULY 20,21,22,23 Prlcft .... ,.., .. ltOCll ......... ' WI 6LADLY ACCIPT U.S.D.A. l'OOD COUPONS I I -... .. \ • ) • " ' j·. I I, ' ' t: ' ~· '1 lj r• ' ~ . [t' . •' ,. ~~· • ,., ~ . . . . . . . PILOT-ADVERTISER ·w111ntldly, Julf 19, 2912 Servic:e With a Smile • JS r Thri£timarts sii•e! ' ... ii' • We aren't giving ~ . a line at -:1 Thriftlmart ••• Just Lower Pric:es! The dollar You Save Will Be Your Own ·~-....,., \c 1 -~;;;,' You'll · ( : Fecel Better ' . ' Knowing · You·GotJt For Less at . Thri£tima WHITE AND COWRS AURORA TISSUE ~~ s .2 PACKS ~ U.S.D.A. INSPECTED GUARANTEED FRESH FRYING CHICKEN LEGS . 47.:. BREAKFAST TREATS w11-c •• ~. "", 68 , SLICED BACON •••••••••••• 1~ ••• ~'; 111. ,,,_ J .... ,_ '"'' I ,. 35 < LINK SAUSAGE •••••••••••• :; ••• ~ ••· ···-·J<oh· 89. POLISH SAUSAGE ........... ,.... lb. DISCOUNT SEAJo'OOD FRESH FlUET OF IOClCOD ......................... 79cl•. FRESH FILLET Of OCWI PEICN ..................... l!i 1•. FIESll FIUEf DF TIUC8D .......................... 9'c i.. FIESI FIUET DF DOYEi SOLE ..................... S 1.29 It FIESll FIOZEN DRE;DN SHllMP MEAT .......... Sl .911•. INSTANT WIN A JO DAT PRINCESS CRUISE TO .MEXICO OOER THE NO _..-, "-.. KMPC/IHRIFTIMARI '""""' -... ~·----SWEEPSTAKES N?ClSS,t.IY ;'"'e.\ . ._. ,. ·~ g_ '-w=-':~4 ~ . tiG ... ---···-~:;.;.~';\;1,, •";:& ..... ----..,,.. "'o::="ls:=l.,,....,s=' ....... __; '· ., •. ' ....... !-!f!'! ~ .;I" ••• A!?'~'f'!!l!J~~·;;:;;;;;;:;:;;;!B'9 ;. : •.... f .. tt. ·~ ' . . . . .. .. ... ... . . . . . . .. ... ~ . . . ot.Osrr YOUI NAME .. AOOlfSS Af A.NY iH11fTIM.ut DESSERT ·Ci\KES FROZEN IRIS CUT BLUE LAKE SARA . GREEN BEANS 12-1.4 oz. •BANANA •CHOCOLATE •GERMAN CHOCOLATE , •ORANGE • DEVILS FOOD LEE NEW BONUS PACK OH'. BOY PIZZAS ENRICHED WITH VITAMI N 'C' WELCH'S GRAPE JUICE 08 LB ; LABEL MAKER CHECK THE SE DISCOUNT VALUES '"'"' '"11 ""'"1' 8 S c D RAGU SPAGHml SAUCE •••••• '~~·~~·.45' l 4ac. JULY IS BARBECUE TIME! JANE ANDERSON D SMARTY CAT LITTER .......... ;•;1.•.69' l 99, T'"A"PE'.::~c.'.~'~"!:': ...... 8.8' D FOLGER'S INSTANT COfFEEC:;0 ;;) ~~}1"h .s9 it'AIR SPRAY ~~.":'!:!!?:;. 64' D WALTER KENDALL DOG BISCUITS;.':';. 1259b 19 HAIR SPRAY ~:'.":;.'~.~·; .. 64' 0 NESTEA INSTANT TEA ••• ••• ••• , .';~;98•: 99c ~AtsAM '.~:':: ...•.. :!?:. 11 57 0 CALIF. GIFT SALAD OLIVES ..... !-';~~99•h.o9 sA'LsAM~::'. ........ '!.•:, 11 57 0 LAURA SCUDDER VIRGINIA PEANUTSC:..3J'l 39, D DELAWARE PUNCH ••••••••• ~·:-~.~~0:·83'l 99 ' SALADS """·""·'~" 29; COU 5!AW 1.5..QZ C • • • • • •·• • • • • • a. ECONOMY SWISS CHEESE •••••• 9811.. CASJNO NATURAl ROLLS MONTEREY JACK CHEESE ••••••• 9711.. ITALIAN DRY SALAME SA LAME .s~ic;1•0.~? ?.z ••••••••••• Slc $11CID-•oz. SALAME •••••••••••••••••••• 96c SALAME & rtO\IOlOfll -4 ..... 0L 72 • • . • . . •• • . . . . . . •• •• . c DAILY PILOT FOR A MUSICAL TtEAT YOU'LL MEYER FORGET ... Bf.THE GUEST Of WINK MARTINDALE AS HE SITS IH'OM A RECORDING SESSI0/4 OF A MAJOR - MUSICAL AJAX CLEANSER 21 -•o'c oz .... CHUNK LIGHT CHICKEN OF SEA TUNA 6~·0Z,TIM J8c . " ·~(~1C\4~~3 I >}. •;~o OM' t .. DOLE PINEAPPLE JUICE .. OL' VIRGINIA ~ TENDER & JUICY FRANKS Se FARMER JOHN FAMILY PACK a-oz. Slic:ed Ham ...... ::~.79• ; . > iiiii~~- REGAL SELECT 12.0 1. LOOSf CANS BEER ~~~.:z4$J 19 lOf'fG LASf\Hp PARO' ICE CUBES·:::: 24 c THOMPSON SEEDLE~S GRAPES SWEET JUICY 2701 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA e 13922 BROOKHURST, GARDEN GROVE e " 1308 W. EDINGER~ SANTA ANA 5858 WARNER, HUNTINGTON BEACH e 23811 EL TORO, EL TORO ' • . . • DAILY PILOT ' WtdnescflY, J~ly l'l, 1972 .I:•''.•' ......... priGots · :·Satisfy Sweet Tooth ''tt o I -• J .... -,•~·· .. , ' .. By B~BAllA GIBIONI dried .,,-and wine. They ' SUM QOUIUllT , (For tl1iJ recipe ' you will breastJ 810 browned in their to 40 minutes, untll chicken ts Chloken and J a Pan••• u you'd like your !ltd! lo ......,. ID, lftlU a to1mply~cuitir£N_1'D'J' ,\f!Uc!n:S '1*Cl.a llOIHUck.liill with a ow• tat • SI or uncovered Vet8ettbtes. Chicken In Red klck the canclJ babl~ lo-~ ,.,...!-•..,.i oour -.. <hlcl<eli i • I · , oovs, or other large pot with When welt browned, turn the another 10 mlnut.. or more, . 'Jow.ealorle Chicken a la troduce them to d r I e d sauce diit'1 oo• IOj:lbtlllcated ; la!1t dried "~' !Pllt a DOMtlc:k llUl'fa~): , • chicken p1 ... , skln side up. until liquid evaporates to a Kini· · . for these and othen, apricots. Kldt 1o-.. their yet IO ~111-prepa(<. a ta~ ":;y~ • Put the chicken skin side Combine alt remajnlng tn. thick sauct. send • stamped, aell-ad· special lllMY ,_tnestl! • Jloa'l~'lbout the wine t ~·while "1ne·, _ d01'!!JU the cold skillet. Place gredlents..-Stir, to be syre ar-. Pour apdcol_ lllLUC£.....9."er dre.saed envelope and 25 ctnls A growlilg )lllldlul, about 10 ealorlea.'~ 11~. o!. • t be m z <\IP' ·wator •. , , • it on the range and tum on the rowrcot or oornstarch is chicken breasts and ser.ve:' I 'SLIMr-il~IHHd &T- srilall apr.lcot b!aJves, ii leu tVIJtOrale,.., •JOri.c with .the 2 ·tee~ arrowroot or htil Allow the cbicten•pieces dissolved. Pour over chicken Serves four, 22S calories each. CHICKEN RECIPES" -in cart llian 100 ctlorfes bllt 1aU1 alcobol.:Aui yc\t ,get. II-the ooilli!a'Ch , ', .,_ · to wann gradually,..so that the and cover. ol the Dally P!lot, 50 West twice u loag to eat a, a dllnt• flavor! • • ~t and ~ chicken fat melts and the Simmer owr low heat for 30 C!Jicken. and Pineapple, Shore, Sparta, N.J. 07871. chocola•blr-wblcbcoots,i-;:::.::..:_,,~~~~~~.......::::.:.;:::~~__:~.l-~.:::::::_:::...::::::'..J...::=....::::~.::::.:::__:_:::...:.~:.:::.=..::.........::::::::::::....::.::.::.__:_::::::~::__.:::::.;.:_::::.:::.::::...__:_......:.::::...~~__:_~~...,...;.,-;....-:;-- 26& calortw • But aren't clrled apricots fattening? Perbapt )'OU allD grew up with the mllon that fresh apriooll ire 101f .. alotie but somehow they g a I n calories as they dry! Well, tile fact a that an apricot bOJI If 10 calories whether it'• fresh, fror.en1 coolted, canned or dried. The only kJnd of apricot that's fattening ls one that's beei1 canned in a thick, 111gilry syrup. (SfrUP'.packed apricot halves average around 15 calories each.) . If you have a aweet looth you'll be happy .to hear that dried apr~cots seem to be sweeter than fresh • , • for the saQle number of calories. Which makes dried apricots a g<eal WQY to add natural sweetness to desserts and din- ner dishes. Here's a Slim Gourmet chicken dish· that seems IO rich and fattening thanks to Gen . Lee's Favorites By TOM HOOE ,.,. Htw1fMtfl:I Wrlltr Gen. Robert E. l<e II Aid . to have had such a passion for towering layer cakes that they named one sfter him ; • four- decker made of sponge c&ke with lemon filling and orange- lemon frosting. It was based on the abUn- dance of fruits, vegetables, game and fish the first set- tlers found along the Virginia, Delaware, MarylJlnd a ti d Carolina coasts. Southern rivers were alive with catfish, black bass and · perch, and along the coastllne1 cysters, shrimp, crabs ana crayfish abounded. Geese. partridge, doves an4 wild turkey could be flushed from every stand of trees and the fields yielded virtually any vegetable or fruit known in America. Most southern cooking had a continental touch that persists to this day. It was ·natural in Louisiana wilh Us Spanish and French heritage. but in other state9 below the border the wealthy would make trips ebroad just to acquire foreign che£s. One son of Kentucky, Gen. William Preston, took his cook en a trip to Paris and had he!: . study under a famed French chef. The lavish touch still linger11 In many southern kitchens, and a visitor is left bug-eyed b m·arathon breakfasts that start wit grits downed in n1elted butter, then run the gamut from creamed chipped beef, spictd apples and tangy country sausage to fried eggs perched atop thick slices of country·style ham with 11~ eye" gravy, com bread, spoon bread and a platter of southern-fried chicken f o r . anyone with the energy to eat another bite. New Orleans still features ~'The Peacemaker," a long loaf of crusty French bread, hollowed out and stuffed with cysters fried in dt!ep fat ; an offering which should keep the peace in any household. Of all the dishes offered In the South, my favorite Is Brunswick Stew, which was once made from squirrel but- now~ features chicken and pork. BRIJNSWICK STEW . 2 pounds chicken quattered 2 pounds pork IJ>lrerlbs 11;, quarts cold water J tablespoon salt · II teaspoon black pep- percorns I pod red pepper S Inches long · \I green pepper d I c e d medium sized 1 cup dictd onion J cup diced raw potatoes 'ii cup green beaM I cup llma beans 1 cup com cut off cob rew I quart dlctd fresh tomatoes . \I teaspoon ground. black pepper 1 ounce butter I cup rtd · wine ' _Wa_sh chicken and• place ln1 _ _. six quartleltle with porl; water, salt, peppercorns and rtd pepper. Cover and alnuner for. S houri until meat 11111 olf ....... 8-ftotD beat aoal • dlacard bones. CUI Chicksu and pork into cubea and retllnl In mck. Add ve1elabtes, ptp- per, butter aoal wino. Covtr apln and c:ool: llowly · for 1 hour 'lltrTq flequently 18111 to keep from sticking. Good ":itb • robust rtd Burgundy. 340'1 Serves about six. U . ' • I ' • ee , ..... . .........-- ,....... ... .. 69. llltl.hrlit1"1: • """'Cdr '1· Hm Slices-:.::-.. ' ~' ' ~7/tMe/Jilfl'-/'-1 cr,~;i.°"&;;21'. ~~-35c ~U't aunER ~ 991 ':,A~-l~ISlAND,fanch. \'Ngctt, tta11o" 29c WAD DRESSING ~7.'.- OUNC»I """ -CAkl MIXES TOD PUREE ~ 27' HoiRMEAT,·,aF11.AM1, lMl 115'.ot 3:25c y~ DOG FOOD . "" I I • : Nectari u AAllt FAllCY ·oo DDERGINT GIANI TIDI INCL 10c Off . SLIM PRICE BREAD Danish Pastry VONSPlllN£OllC!l£e!.~ 490 ~~~ u-. Wheat er Sandwich White 1.U. lOAI' s. 59° 'IMJ•~ Large Eggs Sifawlteniei Hi BELL PEPPERS"'="IO~ 39~ UDISHES"'='="'IO~ •· . •/¥11 ~~~'! . 1 llPEOUVES -----~ I · • · PoiATO CHIPS =s· lnfl .IQ SalCI ·~ lleilz lelisll ~;:' , ........ ~ S,1111•01 Popsicles ,:J. Burgie leer n .... "" WllS-21' Sb11lllrry 1'111 "'"::n.-W • .... fd "'::" 'St• &;A'fGAll:ich,I JU IACARDL ICOTCR IUM ::. '11! :.:: 'IP! -~ . YOllS PllllUUll • Coffie ...... !"\'•-""" I 5 ' 5922 EdlnprAve., at Springdale, Huntington Beach lapna Hifts Plaza, El Toro· 21 082 Beacb BIYIL, H_.. lld .17958 Mapalia, fmllll - • • .. .,. ........ ·- FROZEN FOODS ; !9,!{f.i!FL~~~~~~~~~ ]5< GREEN GIANT ::~~~\·~ ... , 39' WH!TE COllN W/IUTTEll SCf., lltCX:COU W/ CHff.SfSCf.. CAULIFLOWER W/CH. SCE ......... 10-ia .•• _ •• 1(A~ DAIRY SPECIALS . ..,..___ ___ ,.., ICE CREAM ARDEN HALF GAL. CATERING QUALITY t.8' : •j HEALTH & SEAU"fY AIDS .•• ·"I • " . ' • COUNTRY PRIDE · ... LARGE . :·.·G~ADEAA ·" . . . W.cdntsd~. July 19, 1972 380Z.80TTLE ~~T~EPER .. ADULT CUSTOMER JULY 20.JUlY 26 SAVE40cWHEN·YOU BUY 3 LIMITJ . . . l PILLSBURY.cAKE MIXES \~l\11~ •.• "' .. \"··.; .. 3~ae~ ~· R • 1 LIMIT I CO\IPOll PER ADULT CUSTOMER -~ULY to.ff DAILY PILOT FLEA COLLAR $149 S.4.R0£AN1"S DOG & CAT _ .................... M .. •·······• EACH • . . . ;.·. "· : ....... -D1· 1:~ DELICATESSEN SPECIALS , ~ . . ~,.. I· 'i" 1 .. ' "i" . : VandeKamp·s ·~: · f~~£!'1.!!~oL. · , t¥tes so good, ' ' } )ts hard to believe ~,!~.t~P~!~~~~BUGlES \~~-so~oodforyau. ~!!~!!J~0\~~ .. . ~PE;Cl~LS -July 20·23 PRESERVES ButtJr~((am ' ss.~ -. ~sSTOA~RY lOOt... co~~.ef~~es "' ''' .•·~'1'• . ·_ ' lllfC SALT Ct"' If Ap orto d 39c -SCH ILLING'S 19·0Z ............ . Dun~ettn ........ 1112,Rtt.45c MJB . IN STANT COFFEE l~OL 11 .29 .. Bal~na Walnbt $139 c.u .... : ..... ;2lf!11, .... 11.10 Van deJ(amds. ltSTANT COFFEE FGlH!IS t•·g 100%.JAR ._: 6.0Z.$1 .12 . l I . · EASTERN PORK ·'SPARE RIBS ~!!LI,'.~~.~~~°.~~~!~ ,..s12• ~!!'!!~~ ~.~~~ -. s 1 • • FROM OUR MAYFRESH fAMILY OF PROUD BIRDS .;,;:, · GAME HENS ~ . . MA YfRESH -u .s .D.A. GRADE A-~ 8 OZ. NET WT. y7 ~- BONEL.55 . PORK·•OA5T5 SHORTRIB5 OF BEEF .... :..... ... . . iV::15 •~DEcurs ............................ 7 lb. BONEiE55 BEEFROA5T5 CENTER CUT $ t9 CHUCK ............ . lb. SMOKED PICNICS HOFFMAN SLICID 59· c &. TIED lb. ·~· II>. BEEF SHANKS ~~1'' ·--·· lb.69' FAMILY STEAKS 110'""" ••.•.• lb '1.39 cHucK STEAKS llON""' ....... lb. 11.25 SHORT RI es '"G"'" CUT ····-········ "·at WllSON CORN COUNTRY SLICED BACON ............ lb. 79' · WILSON SLAB BACON "THE Pl!C! .............. lb. 65' SMOKED PORK lOIN CHOPS ~~'.~~.:. lb 11.39 IEAL McCOY SPECIALS -u•111s soz P<G. -------········-Js. SHRIMP llOIUM SIZE-GREEN ... ,..11° -IOU SAUSAGE ·············--···--·---lb."' GREENLAND TURDnT FILET 6t llU IACOll 12 OL PICG. ·-·······----··········:··· 79, DU ......... lb. MAYFAIR SEA FOOD SPECIALS NORTHHN S 12 , HALIBUT STEAKS ... . lb FILET OF SOLE FRESH ····--······ ,. 1 P' • 1' • PLENTY OF ENCORES FOR CRAB LOUIS Crab · Louis Rates Encore The &tory iJ told that when Enrico Caruso of I h e Metropolitan Opera Company aang in SeatUe in 1904, he became so enamoured of Crab J..oois that be ate and ate until there . w8s none left in the kitchen. pepper 1 bard-ci>ol<ed egg, chopped I tablespoon cbopped olives II t.aapoon lemon juice Dash ult Dash pepper _ Combine all ingredients and cblll. Makes approximately 1 cup dressing. ·• .r s....... n...h w.i n. S.... e Mfd wflll ... er• e ........ -Sea ~-Salad -FIOYort.I.' ...... rllif h M wM IHllMP 1-J .. ,.u ........ telJ- 111 .. c. w11et ...... 1 c . .,..... ....... , 1 T . .1..,- '14 t.tNtHHI•• 1/1 t ..... ...... c.,.... 1 llJ. c ... ff SHllMP ' . TbiJ dellg~tful crab salad iJ even more.popular today. LOUIS DRESSING Dl••tn 11119 ~ lllillllt .. m . liM ,..~ Nttlllllllltl. 11c• SHllM .. I ~ tlll"tlllll ............... itioflMillNI lint llllM& w 1 I C. W 1 Qf. 1'" _.... CMll 111111 f'""- U11MHI ... MIN" ,,,_, "Ill ...... •I• SHl9M,.. SW-4. " The two Louis Dressing recipes given here vary from llie orlgfi1lil but are equally delicious:-' One is a 1implifled version for days when time ts short. The other omits the whlpplng Cream for those..wbo are caJorle conscious. Choose your own favorite erabmeat for this entree. Whether your,cholce Is king, Dungeness, blue, or snow crabmeat, the Crab Louis will be a gourmet's dream. All crabmeat provides bigh- !IU•llly prot.ln,, vitamins, and minerals for good nutrition, is low in calories, and bas a delicate flavor. CRAB LOUIS 1 pound crabmeat, fresh or frozen er 3 cans (6\1 OT 7\~ OWlCU each) crabmeat · l head lettuce \I teaspoon .. it l cucumber, sliced 4 tomatoes, sUced 3 harckooked eggs, sliced Louis Dressing Thaw crabmeali , if frozen; 1 drain. Remove any remalniDg ahell or carUlage, b e I n g careful not to break the crabmeat into small pieces. Shred lettuce and place in a large shallow salad bowl. Sprinkle with salt. Arrange the crabmeat over the lettuce. Place allcJlat. slices of cucmnbers, tomatoes, a n d eggs around edge of 1l9wl. Spread touls Dreaslng over the crabf!'leat. Makes 15 serv~ inga. LOUIS DRESSING 1il cup MayoMaist or salad dressing 2 tablespoons cblll sauce pickle ~ 2 tablespoons chopped green oolons 2 lablespoona ehopped green 1 cup mayonnaise or salad dressing 3 lablespoons catsup 2 tablespoons chopped sweet pickl e I labiespoon lemon juice Combine all ingredients and chill. Makes approli.Jnately 1 cup drwlng. c .. ,.. c .. ,.. ~ c..,.. c..,.. Fiii-ONI COCKTAIL SAUCI whll n•pff eH ,.,.._. •f 1 •· -.. • ...._. . ..., ., ~~-. -$2;11-~ ~-. Ad ..... Till"I J.ty V.111. ........ __ • -·~12100 C.f;Y?t• -;Nhf;:rt' a •• ch .. \ ~ ..... ~;;.~,, ;.., ~ ............... ~, .... ' ' ' ITALIAN DELI. RESTAURANT· BAKERY . ( • I •• ) 8911 Ad11ns 'ot ~111 Huntington Beoch e 961-4466 IN OAllDINA ov1• n Y•A•t HOW AUO IN HUNTINOTON &IACH HOUH1 DA\L.Y1 IN Jllll. lM IUN. lM- ClOS•D MONOAY O!'I OWN DINNll PK•. MEAT RAVIOLI -·-.... Prk•ff¢ LIM I -.... 7.JS PllNN. STYLI CMll'HO CltO .... ID HAM 99' LI. .... ,,,,. PICK UP PAITY PLATIIU-le1utif11lly dt•il"•d '"d r1110111b/y priced. SINGL• U.Y•ll OllllMAN CHOCOLATE CAKE ITALIAN ITYLI CAl'OltMOHTI llD TOP ate TOMA TOES 4~$1.00 ..... * ••. HCO~TID •CAUS POI AU OCCASl~NS AD uP11l1S•7/U/'7! ONE OF THE ·LARGEST DEU OPERATIONS IN SOUTHERN CAUFORNIA ' A Very Fine 'Extensive Selection of Imported, and Domestic Wines - :%e ~:raodo~ .:.--.. .,..,..., -, .... . : .. ~ ·-· .. ,. . \ · ~_..,.,,·-.··-· 60I EAST BALBOA BLVD., BALBOA ;..;;;"""';,;;'!!:~ . REFRIGERATED DELIVERY SERVICE1 PHONE 671-alO ··-, IPICWS THUISIAY, HIDAY, SATUIDAY, JULY H, 11, U LARGE FRESH LARGE BEEFSTEAK ELIERTA . JOMATOES CORN ' -PEACHES • EARS • c c FOR lb lb ' , -I AM.•7 P.111.-1 ..... W"°" WI maft TMI lMHT TO UllllT fVAtmTllJ -1 A.11.,1 r.11~1 ..,. • w""" • Wt~, JW/ lt, lt 72 Cheese Boats . Comin'. .. ,. I -. ·:...r~- • •• ""! ""-;-.,. ,'1\ .1 . . ' . • . ,. ... .t i ' I ..,. • • J I f" ... ; • • • • < . • . " ... -• .... ~, ~ • ~ .. ' "'\<,. "' ( BUtit can sure brWhten apsomesoacktnp. This is the newest additicSh to Casino .Brand's impressive selection of fine natural cheese. It's a one pound roll of excellent Monterey Jack. · You can cut it like a salami and eat it with some for .that _matter. Notice how you can slice it to fit a . . hamliurg,r. The whole roll is wrapped in Saran to seal in the freshness, then dipped in clear wax. • ' . • . ~ -- ~ - ' ' Actually, this is an age. old shape for natural · cheese. It also kind of adds to the romance of cheese. Sort of like "a jug of wine, loaf of bread and thou" shape . Another way to eat this cheese is to tum it on . , . , end'and cut it crossw!Se. ln!ert fancy picks and hold· onl' Monterey· Jack goes great .at parties or just late evening ,S¥Cking. Nat•ur-ijolls"' .·Monterey Jack and .. a; nice ~lof,fruit '' lfS<aJgQ,O(t ' .... dns'ert . • ' t I ' .. too. . ' ~~ ~ ...... 9 . .. Nm'•llR•PAIJS'" Justri6f:IQl'Calibi.pts Mtural taste. ... Culno Brand Mazzartlla•M-. Cart way and Brickc:ome In chunk.,..,.. Manlaq Ack comes In both ......... I - • • • -El Rancho's Super~Summer Super Sales Event! I . IP1sb C/1111 New En1l1nd Clwrrystont (LHlltnt<h ... I!' lb.) • • l\1ake a bowl of a chowder ... offer up a steaming stew ... Of urve fried e)1m1! fr11h Ill/DH Wholeor half 114/l Alaskan King ... firm meat, fine flavor! erve baked, and tnJoY the difference f.rMhneu makes! • • • • • Pan fry these, and enjoy the flavor of really fresh fish! ... and Ute Crisco Oil for 1avinp! .. Fresh Salmon Steak c~~\e' s 1 ~b' Center cuts from Alaskan King Satmon ... Rich red meat, firm ahdnavorful! Delicious baked or B-B-Q'd! Fillet of Sole English ... and Fresh! ••• s 12,? Mild flavor ... that's why sole is always so popular with all the membera of the family! Fresh Catfish .......... s10~. Mountain Trout . . . . . . . s1~b9 Frtim Louisiana .•. skinned ... headless! Freoh ... 3/Ho I YI lbS ..• for baking, broiling' M h. M h' ·-·"99C a 1 a 1 •••••••••••••. · lb Finnan Haddie . . . . . . . . . s 1°~. The real thing ... from the Hawaiia-~ _ Monterey Squid--.. :;" .. ~"~ 39 ~. Smoked haddock with authentic Scottish flavor! River Smelts . . . . . . . . . . . 49 ~. Cut is small pieces, deep fry Until crilp. ~.,,..,...---. -·I. ""' ; . ~. " ' ' . FrtNP the famoua Columbia River to you. The 1.1, .0 dllllet !lllklke of the mix that lets you make so many good things, so easily. • • • • • • • • • .... 53° The light one ... the oile preferred by so many, for frying, and for a aalad dresaing mix! 24 oz. bottle Hamburger Helper .... 49c Add a pound of ground beef, and voila! . , . a main course in minutes! Choose your favorite! Patio Dinners .....•.. · 59( favorite Mexican varieties, frozen for convenience! Heat, serve and enjoy your choice! Globe A-1 Macaroni 23c Chooae Shella, Elbows or Salad cut in! lb. pkg. Strawberry Preserves 49~ Kern's ... twenty ounces of goodness. Instant Coffee . .. . . . $1 49 Chips Ahoy C()o~ies . 49c Nabisco~• chocolate chip cookies!! 14 lh oz. pkg. Folger' a Mountain Grown flavor in the 10 oz.jar Lysol Spray . . . . . 79c Get• rid of odoni, kills gonna! 7 oz. Instant Tea : . : ... 79c Tenderleaf ... ready in aecondll 2.pi : • Jeno's Snack Tray 79 c No Pest Strips .. s1~~ Frozen ho1'15 d'oeuvre& in 7 oz. tray! Shel1'1 •.• works for so long! Dash Detergent . s 199 The jumbo oize goes"' far! 9 lb. 13 oz. Broccolettes . . . . 39c The C & w·poop/e add their touch! 9 oz. Wet Ones . . . . .. . 79c M. J. B. Coffee .. 77C The clean-up 1tid goea wilh yout 70 ct. One pound can (3 lb. can ... 2.23) ff .... JgbJfDMI ,,,.l!W ....... . America'1favorlto lunch meat ..• ch0011all beef or all meat I 6 oz. packare. PILOT -AOVERTISER IS . . . .. ... : ' . . . . . . . . .-... :~··::. . . . . . ' ' ' . • Serve it Cried •.. or try "Shake 'n' Bake" for fish ..• easy to use, perfect results! With skin on . Large Sand Dabs For Fry ing ! •• 89~b The subtle delicate flavor makes it a pan-fried favorite with almost every fish favorite! Halibut Steaks • • • Center Cut Add these to your cook-out plans! '.fhey're great cooked over hot coals ... or from the broiler! Fillet of Halibut ....... 89 ~. Fresh Oysters . . . . . . . . . 39c The mild flavor is always so well received~ \Vestern for freshness ... and a stew ... 10 oz. jar. Kini! Crab Claws ....... s1 4~. You'll find so much meaty goodness on these! Maine Lobster . . .. . . . . . s 1 9~. From New England's waters to southern California! Cocktail Shrimp . . . . . . . s 1 ~~. King Crab-Meat ........ s2•~. Fully cooked .•. San Francisco style for flavor~ .Just the thing for a sea-food cocktail! . '-1i!OV-~ Ch b • d -s2 89 ~ :__;, ateau r1an . . . . . lb. ~ Here's sheer delight in dining! U.S.D.A. Choice! (filet Mitnon ... 2.99 lb.} Split; Broilers ..... 4·9~ Big plump chickens; expertly split into halves for the broiler or B-B-Q! Turkey Breasts ..... 89~ El Raocho broad breasted birds offer this treat-with rib ·cage and wing portion! Chuck Steaks ..... 69~ Here's Proof! ... you can enjoy El Rancho's U.S.D.A. Choice beef at a budget price! Sliced Bacon . . . . . . . . . 79fb Grou nd Beef . . . . . . . . . 99~. El Rancho's own ... ranch style! Extra lean •.. bulk or patties! Spal'kls-ftrtnJh l'Patha l1tdill'illll LARGE SIZE ••••• II! Sweet and juicy yellow meat! Saturated with the flavor that makes nectarines so popular! Kentucky Wonder Green Beans ............ 25~. Garden Fresh! ..• apd this ia the variety t~at'a become so famous for snapping crisp goodness! · Lemons ...... 19c. Red Onions .. 1oc. .Green Onions .. 10~ .. Sunklst, thin skinned, juicy! Sweet and tangy! Garden Fmh! ... radilhe1, too! $UD[ID[lwu®11°W®n El Rancho Gin.~::~ One dollar off the re111lar price I try it! YI 1al. 90 proon .-~ennouth Extra Dry SJ 29 J & B Scotch . . s1745 Quart for the price of a fifth! Weibel. Save $1.50 on the half-gallon size! Schlitz Beer ~.'!'~ s 119· Grey Reisling ... s 199 Milwaukff'1 famous beer! 12 oz. cans Wente'& fine dinner, wine ... fifth Wieners . . . . . . . . . g5c Seafood Sauces . 35c Prices in effect Thur. through Sun. July 20, 21, 22, 23, No sales to dea/tra. ·Open doily 9 to 9 ... Sunday 10 to 7, Mt. Wine Alllllden s2 9• Mateus Rose ..•. s2 9• Oocar Mayer, all bttf or all meet! I lb. Filherman'1 Wharf-Tartar, Cocktail, Louie 8 oz. Chablio, Rhine, Burgundy, Claret, half· gallon. Goea great at any mHll fifth ARCADIA : S11nsel 311~ H11nlinglnn Or iW1 I· PASADENA : 111.11r. SOUTH PASADENA : ;·;/1: HUNTINGTON BEACH !Wrl· NEWPORT BEACH 7717 ~rwrorf p ,, "1 ~ ,[I RJntho Cenltl I ..... 320 w e~! Color a!!n ~·~Ii ! :. Frcrnonl anf1 Huntintlon Or " 'w\ .ll 1.t I ,Jlld Al~un~lll!1 fiO.l!!IN.l ~ Ct n:Pr •,• /'1'1'.J L;i'.lhlufl 01 If .1\lhl11t1 ~ill 1pP. (t'liil• • 1 t • • c c c 0 c A c t r' t p c a p c c 0 I si t Ii 6 d d • v p d c a I v t i ' • ' • I YltdnndWJ, July 111. 1971 DAILY Pit.Of Two Desserts in One ' Jubilee Ice Cream Does the Trick No need to gild Jhe lily with sauces and fancy :servins tricks \1'hen there 's eherric:s jubilee ice ereanl . . . a festive desert anytime. But give it the distinction 1.t deserves by using your finc:sl glass dessert plates. rig cookies "from the store" and plenty (If hot coffee are good companions . seen. It's such a 1lamorou1- lookin g dewrt that you'll be stirprised when we show you how easy it ls to do. CHERRIES JUBILEE BAKED ALASKA l piece thin bakery or home· prepared sponge or angel cake B" x 6" x 1" Oil 1 8" or 9" round or square la yer of sponge or angel cake. S egg wh1tes, at room temperature: \JJ teaspoon salt 1 teupoon salt t teaspoon vanilla 1 quart cherries Jubilee lee cream Beat egg whites and suit Jngue ls delicnte.I)' browned. with hand or electric beater Take rrom the oven. Slip 2 until they Stand ln peaks When spatulas between the cUe Ind the beater is ralaed. Beat In paper . Place Biked the augar _gradually and slow· AJ.uka .on chilled servini ly, wMle bcallng until otiffand plait. S.rve 11 once, cul lo glossy. Add vanilla. Quickly slice" spoon the cherries jubilee tee Makes 6 to I servln&s. cream onto the cake. The ioel;:::=======~ cream should be very firm . I Jmmedlalely, cover com· THE BEST pletely the Ice crean1 and neadenb.lp po 11 a prow slde:i of cake to the very edgt1 "Pea.nut.a" Is one ot Uie '''ilh the meringue. Bake ln a world's m~t popu_!ar comic hot oven (450 degrees ) 4 to 5 strips. Rnd tt da1JY In the COOK CHICKEN DIFFERENT EVERY SUNDAY tr you want to go fancy, cherries jubilee ice crean1 makes one of the prettiest Baked Alaskas you've ever 6 tablespoons granulated sugar. sifted Place cake on several Uilckoesses of wrapping paper ~" larger than the cake. on a v.·et bOard. A cookie sheet 1nny bt! used but the board is bette r insulatlon against !he lw:H necessary for browning Uw meringue topping. DAJJ..Y PlLO'I'. nunutes, just untJI the mer· Poultry Recipe Poached Try something new next SWKlay. After stuffing a chicken, place it in a delicious mixture of cranberry sauce, chicken broth and vegetables. Poach until tender. Sprinkle with parsley and serve ln the casserole. POACHE D ClllCKEN WITH STUFFING I pullet Or fricassee chicken, about 5 to 6 pounds Salt and pepper 1,'z; pund bulk pork sausage :t" cup barley 2 quarts (8 cups) chicken broth · 1 can ( l ·pound) jellied cranberry sauce 2 teaspoons grated lemon rind 1 l!J. cups finely chopped celery 11"1: cups fineiy chopped onions 2 tablespoons cider vinegar 6 carrots. cut into I-inch pieces 6 s1nall \vhole onions 12 small new potatoes, peeled 12 small mushrooms Finely chopped parsley Sprinkle chicken inside and out with salt and pepper. Fry sausage until brown. Drain ex- cess drippings and reserve. Add barley and 2 cups of the chicken broth to sauSage. Cover and simmer until barley is I.ender. Add 'h cup of the cranberry sauce. lemon rind. 113 cup of the celery and Y.t cup of the onions; use mix- ture to stuff chicken. Sew or skewer opening. Pour reserved sausage drip. pings into Dutch oven or casserole; brown chicken on all sides. Drain excess drip-~ pings. Add remaining onion, celery, cranberry sa uce , chicken broth and vinegar. Cover and simmer 111' hours or until chicken i! almolt tender. Add vegetables and simmer until vegetables are tender. Serve sprinkled with finely chopped parsley. Serves 6 to 8. Timesaver Speared Asparagus Puff with Com Flake Cheese Topping is a delicious bake-and-serve dish dear to the heart of cooks. It can be prepared with dispatch since you're working with con. venience foods. Fragile, tOasty com flakes piquantly seasoned with Ched· dar cheese add n e e d e d crispness to the custard·like asparagus mixture. Because they are inexpensive, con- venient. add flavor and tex- ture, cereals are excellent for ingredient use . ASPARAGUS PUFF WITH CEREAL CHEESE TOPPING 2 packages (10 ounces each) frozer;i uparagus spears 2 eggs, separated 1 can (lO'ii ounce) con· densed mushroom soup, undiluted 1 tablespoon prepared mustard 2 lableapoons diced pimento 1 cup corn flakes, crmheil to J' make ~~ cup ' 'h cup shredded Cheddar cheese Arrange asparagus spean in shallow reclaogular I II-quart baking dl!h. Combine egg yolks, eoup, mustard, and pi~ mlenlo: mix. Beat egg ·whites until lhey hold sofl peaks; fold lri soup mixture. Pour over asparaus. SprlnkJe with com flak.. and cheese. Bak• In moderate oVtn (!60 degree< Fl unlil egg mhlure I.! tel. •boUI 25 minutea. Yield : 6 servings. H you've been waiting for the lowest prices · on fresh Sallnon ... come to ~ lllllA ClllADE A-SOUTlllRH Caii:KENi:~:33 --BLADE CUT ClllCK STEAK lb •• 89 IWERYDAY WW PRICES MEAT MASIBI MEAT U.•n Bttf Chuck lb.1.09 BONELESS ROAST BMl'rCenlerCut lb.1.17 ROUND STEAK Beef Shoulder ... 89 0-BONE ROAST ..., shoulcltt Clod lb.1.29 FAMILY STEAK _...,CV! ... 1.89 Bollom Sirloin Steak Beef Loin CVt ... 1.48 · London GriH Steak RoH-Dtlldoua , . PORK TENDERLOIN lb.1.59 Convenience Br••ded lb .• 89 Beef or Veal Patties Armour-12-oz. pkg. MIRA CURE BACON ••.• 88 'c.ctarF•rm·•trom Reth-1.fb. pkg. OL .89 SLICED BACON 4TOtLll. Now' at Ralphs ... peak oflhesouon Silver Solman ... ~.... rushed in fresh from the "'Id wale,. of the NORTliWESTCRN-WHOLE Pacific Nort.hweat. And aa you'd expect &am Ralpha ••• the loweet p'rice in town. Fo< wol enjoyment and fresh salmon. come to Ralpha .•• Silver Salmon LB. BythtPI ... , 1.()9 Sleako, 1.39 • where prices are low! UAH Bl AllEBm CUT Cf ops lb •• 89 NATIONAL RABBIT WIEK FRESH RABBITS ~ .• 98 El'1iRYDAY WW PRICES CALIFOllMA GROWN Days Fresher-G111dt A .1 •• 39 FRYERS Whole 3-31'rlln. Callfornla GJOwn lb .• 73 FRYER THIGHS Young-Whitt M•et lb.1.09 TURKEY BREAST Fre1h-Nutrttlou1 lb .• 89 GROUND TURKEY Young-GrfftA ... 85 TURKEY WINGS Youn.g-Turll:•y-Gradl A .... 39 DRUMSTICKS Hot Dog on • Stick lb. .79 CORN DOGS Swltt ... s-oz. pkg. .... 87 BROWN 'N SERVE J1m•1-1-1t1.n1H tL effl PORK SAUSAGE Sm•ll W1mm-D•llc5ou1 ... 1.98 COOKED SHRIMP DELJCATESSEN DEPARTMENT Co&tSlw-Mec:•ronlor r7 Ralphs Potato Salad . 14-oz. • l.eo'• lb-"91-Comtd BHf-PaatrlMI 39 Sliced Beef or Hams....,,. • _ Oscar M1y1r-All M11t or 85 ALL BEEF FRANKS ,.,._ • ld••I for Summ•r S1l1d1-11.i pint .23 37 IMO DRESSING •"" • Whipped DoOMrtToppl09 REDDIWHIP ....... 59 Parby-21\Jbs SOFT MARGARINE •·••· .41 counuy Style or Bultennllk Pillsbury Biscuits . ... L,09 Fleischmann Soft-2 Tubs DIET MARGARINE 1·1b. .42 cH'lucoN CARNE •·lb. .83 ~F~lt Fanni 15-oz. 89 ~ rHAWBERRY JAM 1•" Swwt Milk or Bufttrmllk l-o%. 08 BALLARD BISCUrTS ..... DAJRY DEPARTMENT G,.at fOf Dips Ralphs Sour Cream Viti! Pakt ORANGE JUICE J1I. .49 "1111.•83 LJQUOR DEPARTMENT ¥1-QIL. iii*aWiB.99 PRODUCE Large, Le Grande l B NECTARINES • wnternlcellerg LffiUCE ... h.25 Firm, Ripe Cherry TOMATOES Fr1ah, Crtap CUCUMBERS sweet, Juicy ... -Basket .&.a VALENCIA ORANGES Heh ,10 lb .• 19 lb. .10 Tops Remov•d FRESH CARflOTS NlrxE'DceouauETS -.88 Fln••t Qu ality M1rgv1rlt• DAISIES -·· ~RIGOLDS-B••ut1tw1 MA '"""" .. Poi"if'o1MUMS ... 1.• BAKERY DEPARTMENT White I Wheat, HOUSEHOLD VALUES lrnH In Oregon-12-ot. cans 95 landwlch I SilltTIP ....,_38- RAlPffS BREAD • • 1D"r1D"C.stlron wtth Ad)uttablt Grill end H•rdwood B••• ~. 2 99 Hibachi Barbeques 08Ch o Choos•fromMenySlzetAlumJnum 2 99 ·PATIO CHAIRS each • TIMPORARY REJIJCED "!Cl. PLUS/BUY .... ~-... 0\1.-............ _. ... o.w SAYINGS HEAIIH & BEAUTY AIDS Style-Rsut•r. UnllCIDltd HAIR P~Y 13:,; .59 llfk:rln-Ortl 1 ... L 71 ANTISEPTIC -· MitnrMn •E• Spray DEODORANT 4:.88 Fact Gu1rd-Double Edge .... 72 RAZOR BLADES ... . Fecft••t-Ralpha Exclualv• DENTURE TABLETS ~.59 TOO'TH'i!Am'nt l.2 .. L 89 ' tube • Scort-M•n'1 Nttlll'al 11-oz. 88 HAIRSPRAY c:•n • Fd••I-Ralphs Exchrtlve 1~.33 ASPIRIN Prfel1 •fflttlY• from.luly 20 thru 21111972 30 Qulrl Sit• FOAM ICE CHESlS ~•ch .88 On S•te Tbll Wffk-"'Reptilt ... TIME LIFE BOOKS HCh 1,99 Ralphs Catarq ICE CREAM =.89 FROZEN FOOD FR'oieN''POT'AT"OES '= .26 ChKUrboatd foodl- Macaronl & Cheese ;:~ .22 OAANGE1 JUICE ':,; .22 ChecUrbo1rd Foitd• . 10-0:r. 49 PICADILL Y CIRCLES ,, ... Downyfl1k•-Regul:ar WAFFLES Minut.Mtld LEMONADE 1tklL 29 ..... ':,; .14 Gorton1-With Buttff t-o:r. 11 AUETSOLE ..... Ch4tClt1rboard fooda-Tulktf A Grny or 22 Chicken A La King -. ..... FROZEN FOOD PANTRY FILl£RS PANTRY FILLERS ,.._,..._ ..:.34 --; . ..,. --APPLE PIES INSTAMT COF'FEE MACAllONl&CHE!SE ";::.zt -9:A9 --";:~ --"":·.oa ORANGE JUICE GARUCSALT IAIYFOOD ___ .. c:.o.. .... ";;AS l-~----.----~ ... CAULIFLOWER GRAVY MlX -.21 BIRDSEED -Oo« ... ._ .. ., --=-----": ... FRIED KAUBUT VANILLA WAFERS CllJCKEN -----~ ..... --............... PEAS "=:,AZ CRACKERS ,...311 . CANNEOPOI' '':.10 ai°'~PIES ".;.a ........ --·mow ' '°;;.2B ... ":.a MMSHMA 9 FRUIT COCKTAIL ASPEN GOLD BEER ... aek • KomuclcySq111rw-lo,.20c a 99 Straight Bourbon ntth • ~!!!'L.~ICA!llmr-ao .. 11.00 "11•L 9 9B :swTCH WHISKY ..... • .... .49 ... ..... 112.46 -.46 lvary-P8l'lolllll Slz8 comet BAR SOAP ~ .28 CLEANSER ~ .17 PANTRY FILLERS HOUSEHOWNEEDS HIJnz-Tomato =.27 Dl1hw1ah1r '" ~.49 KETCHUP DETERGENT COFFEe GrtDdl ·:.1.39 Ol•d-Pl11tlc '= .48 GARBAGE BAGS Htlnz-Wlal Onk>ns ::.69 Mop I Olo-Cluner-, ..... 89 BARBEQUE SAUCE FLOOR SHINE ...... SACE0 DROPS 2-lb. 49 big • Dunlop-Aaaorted Sb:•• I: Colon RUBBER GLOVES .. ,,,89 R.C.-1..._ 09posR Bottl11 .. _.89 Nlag1111-Spray '":'.; .49 COLA STARCH Ralphs 1~ 1.19 Fre•:r•tt•-PltltiC .-.49 INSTANT COFFEE ICE CUBE TRAYS RtdPKk--·211 AJl-CondenHd '=·72 TOMATOES "'" . ·DETERGENT Homldt-12«. 39 fret1ettt'-pta1fe ~.88 CHU SAUCE .. , . JUICE DECANTERS HEAUH I BEAUrf AIDS PANTRY FIU£RS HOUSEHOUl NEEDS --HAIR DRES81HO =:.n ~.MCE .....,_ ... .!:.3f ~N.BT'1111J( POUSHlllllOVfJI ~ .... .._ -YE CRl!Alll ":.11 ~--fOOD -~-': 1.11 ... ,, HAIR TOllATO .IUICE --• --ANTACJO AllAUilntc -=·· BABY.IUICE li'NRC'ciNDmONER .:;: .88 ... _ TOMATO SAUC£ =.aa ---PAPER TOWELS -:::.- '=2.19 ~'il'.\licoAJ. BlllQllEl'S -.:.a -::.12 ----';:.n TOILErTISSU! -:.J1 ...... ••Ullll'I omRO!NT =.- ': .Clll Alutii;mi.'1oiL .::.- -:.10 CftAffcoAL IR!OUETII ~ i- ITIMEI On 5ale 11118 'N11k 1liE REPiLES o~1~ LIFE BOOKS • Are .... tlar.tul. ,..., L<Mr prices are Ralphs prices • Do ropllloo """I brllof •What 11 tMfldure Of ttt.tul'le7 P~111~s STORES ARE LOCATED AT: 380 E. 17th ST., COSTA MESA; 9901 ADAMS BLVD., HUNTINGTON BEACH; 15471 S. BROOKHURST, WESTMINSTER; STORE HOURS: 9·1 0 DAILY, 9.9 SUNDAY 17261 17th ST., TUSTIN 401 N. LOARA, ANAHEIM I • ' I I 1 , U DAILY PllOT Wtctnnday, July lt, 1972 about Beef Labeling._ •• What's in a name? With some beef cuts, a "name" could cost from 10% to 15% more per pound! For example, yciu could easily pay 20C more per pound for a "His and Her Steak" than you would if it were labeled as T-Bone or Porterhouse S~eak. At some markets, beef cuts are given names that are different from the standard, industry-used names then offered at higher prices. You may have seen such cuts labeled as Market Steak, Butterfly Steak, Family Steak, Bar-B-0 Steak, Butter Steak, Imperial Broil S~eak, Sandwich Steak, etc. When you check the prices, you may well discover that they are consider· ably higher than they'd be if these cuts were packaged under their standard names. At Lucky, all meats are truthfully labeled. No matter what cut you select, you know exactly what you are buying. Our labels clearly tell you the standard name of the cut,,the price per pound, the.total weight, and the total cost of the package. What's more; you can count on every cut being tender, juicy and flavorful, according to your judgment, or Lucky will refund every penny of the purchase price • . So remember -it pays to shop at Lucky, where all meats are Truthfully Labeled -Quality Bonded -and Discount Priced! .,OUR PR1Q PROTECTION POI.ICY GUARAHnlSTHESf: PlllCIS TO Ii tfRCTM fltOM WEtMSDAY, .lJLY 19TH, ntROUGff lUBOAY, Jl.l.Y 2STH, 1977', ' PIUCllAtl DtlCOUNTIOIXCIPTCN 'All·TIADaD ANDOOVllHMa'.NTCONTIOL.LIDITSMI FROZEN FOODS "ALI.UT CIUW ... 0010"""99 ' , • • , , , • fl.lit 10 OZ f'l(G SAIA LEE CAKES •••• '!"~'l 79' OIOCCJU,li. OUNGt....,......, GUMAM OIOCOU.tl 01 ""' ... PET llTZ PIE •••••• ~~ 34' GINO'S PIZZA ....... ~ 65' COOL 'N CREAMY~.~43' llifillll OIOOJU,11, Ulilf OIDCOlATJ OI V.WllA VEGETABLES ••••• ~:~,~::l 43' OllCINS .Wlnt CWM 5.1.UCf. J«QCCOU VU.U WlTM lllml 5AUCL OIQPl'IO llOC(OU WITII Clint SAIJCf. '°""'fLO'Wll Wini OllUl 5'llCI O• WHITI COii! Wiii! ....,.. """ PET FOODS c.,.,,..... c ,,Tl L•tlty llor11 liK.. Ml ritflb _.,... Hl·C DRlllS 71lAYOH3.~c 4'-0UNCl CAN . . CANNED FOODS HILLS BROS ••.• uif'cZl 83' IUCHI( PUK. MW."°' OI DllP HILLS BROS •.• ~~ 2.43 IUClKIC PllK Cit llGUV..0 E. """" INSTANT COFFEE .•. 1.19 CAT Lin ••.•... 1011.,,, ss • 111u.s-..1~otJ.U DOU • IUIGEI ROUNDS ~"r.~~ 26 • FRUIT COCKTAIL ••. ""'" 43 GRAVY TRAIN .':'~'~.~ 3.15 .,-.!~~~~~OMS .. ~~~~ 51 ' CAT FOOD """"""'"" 99 ' _..HASH "'"'""~'°'"' 54' , • •, • • • • 6'1 0llAG ~ , , • 0 0 ,, lfffUOZt'.A.11 DAIRY PRODUCTS SOLID TUNA •• ~f:!?;~~i!= 54' er DRESSING •• k.~:"~~~~ 67' .,-. DRESSING .. '!"!'"~"tli~ 45 ' 01Ess1N_G ••••• M~~~T.~r~ 39 • FRENCH'S SAUCE • ".'';'i',':\";~ 53 ' o-+MUSTARD • ~~~~~~ 17' 0¥ALTINf •.•••..• '\'!:~75' rwltPI OIOCOlAtt KE Y BUY cf' SPREADS •• ~e::~o~'X~ 39' ,, ...... MARGARINE ..... ,,,:i'J: 34' VITA PAIT •••• ":".~~~~.: 71 ' LADY LH IUTIER ; :~:g:i~ II' ICECIUM .... ~~.=79' CA NNED FOODS CRISCO ......... ~"!:'JI'~ 91 ' .,-. PEPSI COLA ..... l!'J::~ i 8' TASTERS CHOICE coi:~,\'!:J.15 .,-.BOSCO •....• ~·!~:¥\:: 55 ' DIETETIC SALT •• '!"!"!r.:':'l'll[ 59 • o'4 NESTLES' Q!llK ... ':;g;~: is· P ACKAGED GOODS ISLANDU PUNCH .:I\:': 85·' .,-.ROYAtCIOWN '"""~ 79' FROZEI LElllOIADE- IPllllGllllD ... llllCI CAii 11 c WHEAT BREAD . ":":".''.'i.~!':l 37' VANILLA WAFERS •• ,\":'l".:':41' .,-.WHEAT CHEX •• '.".":;g',\,'l 43 • ""DINNER ""'"'"'"""'"'49 ' fT -• • • • • I CllHSll t OZ ~G o""DINNERS ••.• ,,~~~~::z~ 75 ' .,-.BROWNIE MIX ••• ~~.~;49' .,-.FLOJIR ....... "'l:,':':t: 1.12 BISQUICK .•••••••• 11~~;~~ 56' .,.+MARSHMALLOWS ,.,';':'. 27' Eve ryday Disc ou nt Price s On Health And Beau ty Aids J .. J ;;:::: BIBY POWDER t.lr; Great for babies ~ and adults, too. 94 C ~ 140L SIJ:l -()• •··/::;ylk;! J .. J BIBY OIL 40L 43c '~' leaves a protec· tive coating that helps pr.vent lrrf. fatlons, Plastic bottle, J .. J BIBY LOTIOll Soothin g lotion 99c ho1s prevent on heal heat rash, etc, 9 OL ().• •.. K;y&;! BRIGHT SIDE SHllPOO Key Buy savings on the shampoo that leaves hair super· glossy and bright. 110L $1 JJ IOTIU ft• .... K;y&;! I ARRID LIGHT POWDER ~ The onfi·p•rspirant with powder to keep $ 117 you e)(fro-dry. 9 0%.. ()• .... K;y&;! ~ PLA~~~~c;:PLUS ~\ INJICTOI 7 ILADIS 87< ,LATINUM PLUS DOUILI IDGl S'a69C SCHICK SUPER CHROllUI lllJECTORS Treat your foce to the 1upet·smooth, super· close. supet<omfortable shoves II deserves! PKO.OF FOUR PKG.OF llGHT 74• GIEER ............ ~~.~'.!~16:~~~~~ ......... 8 7 c ~EFT ............ ~~.~~:·J:~~'.~ ......... 8 7 c I • STA'°>'O s 1 05 lAllGlf END UNCONDITIONALLY IONOEO FOil OUALITY ANO LI FLAVOll FRESH F YERS u:~~·~~i~!YA 3 3 C 1•0-ILll UNCONDITIONALLY LI IONOEO ~N~O~~!ON~!~~!oE~~~.~~.~~~ 93c CROSS RIB .ROAST ......... :o~c:lfN:·:~~~:~~: LI s 1°9 '·',!.~Tr.~~,~~ .................. s 123 r.~~~ .. ~.~~,~~!! ........ ,, 88, !~.!:~.~.!~,~~~~ ............. 39· ~~~!IL~~!~~~~-~ ••••• ,. .. ,.,, 73c ~~~E~~!!~A~~ ••• 1Llll0LL s 174 ~O~~o,!1~~~5~1!~ .~~~~~~~~~i: 49c ~~,~~.~~ .. ~~"--~--~-~.~.~.~ .... 79•!..~,~~!.~~!~,~~ .. ~.! ... 67• r.~! .. !~~!N~$/~~~;~:.i: 45• Fresh ... Discount Priced Deli Items CHEESE SPREAD _::::,::~ • SUCU, INDIYIDUAUJWUl'PID. .1 LI KG89 ALL MEAT WIEllERS ~~as· (I LI PUii lllf IUHlS Mc)., 1 LI PIG OAK HAM '0011";" .. ~: • t• oz su.c10 l'KlfK,.nc) ••••• 101 "' 97 ALL MEAT BOLOGNA ~.: (12 OZ PU•l lllf IOl.OGMA tk)ltOZ KG87' IOD1 SALAD DRESSING "" <H101 68, (IOO'S 1000 ILAAD ... \60% Ut)16'0Z JAi SMOKIE LINKS · • OKAI MATtl. ,, , ••••••••••120Z NG89 !.~!~.~! .. t~w~,,~~!~J ... •u S2'' !!J,~.,D~!~.!~.f.~ ........... u SJ 39 SWISS CHEESE , IM~ID,AUSTllMW'S .•••• IOI KG53 LUNCH MEAT :!?,.:,~~sin SllCID IOUMD OI SIUAll., , , .12 oz PIG .t~~.~~-~.!!~T~!~Ts.! ... u s3•7 !~T!. !~~~!~ '°°"" ... ~.~-~~~: s 15• PACKAGED GOODS LAWRY'S MIX ••• ".":f.':~~ 24 ' STEERO CUBES • , !";"'."'~\:~ 36' LAWRY'S MIX ••• ':"?,~ 23' PINTO BEANS .... '!"~'i::.:l 41' HOUSEHOLD ITEMS HOUSEHOLD ITEM!i 111 ~Van de Kam p's w AN OUTSTANDING VARIETY Of FRESH BAKERY GOODS BEVERAGE • SPIRITS .,-.SPRAY STARCH •• ;;n:: 57 ' SOFTENER ••• ~'~:.c~:i~ 77' DETERGENT •• '."'.'~·~~.~ 2.30 BRIQUETS ••••••• o:;::::: 1.51 B.B.Q. STARTER ••. ,,;~l'C.::41' ' 100 PllCINT CHIQUITA UAND TISSUE ••••• 2,~~Sf:."n~~ 29 • .,-. HEnY BAGS , .":'~~'11: 1.23 .,.+TOWELS •••• •• •» .. n~28 ' MODES$ NAPKINS , , ~·::: 83 • WHISKEY .... '!':'t.'.:."I.\':,: 3.89 -~&;. , . BllllAS 11 ! OLYMPIA BEER ••. i•oz~ 1.62 t ' -• GOLDIN IVNCMIS YIN ROSE WINE •• ~~0.~! 1.1 s /,. --.. : ' U.I. NO. I GllAOI DKOUHO DI 'Mltn: tlGU.M QI~ GLAD BAGS •••• , '!'!"'J'~39 • FACIAL TISSUE •••• ,,.;'g':: 40' IVORY SOAP ••• ,,,.,,_~J31' ZEST BATH SOAP •••• ;•,:: 21' SPIC & SPAN ••• ':"'."'!":.<:.~ 97' rY'l•1r~•v•••1•u•rsm•D lilll'lllJQUOllDl~•"~'"l) Ji'"'--_. RUSSET 12c •Key_ Buys" are extra saving~ made "' .~ f,. ' POTATOES LI possible by manufacturers tern. . · .• .·· ' porory prt>motionol allowances. , ~ ••••ATU1t1 SUNIUfT Y .t.l.l:NCI .. OllAffl!I OUR "DISCOUNT CENTERS" ARE DIFFERENT FROM DISCOUNT "SUPERMARKETS" .• OUR "CENTERS" ARE BIGGER THAN A SUPERMARKET.OFFERING A LARGER VARIETY IN NON.fOODS, INCLUDING HOUSEWARES, GIFT ITEMS, WEARING APPAREL . . IECDllATOll TOSS PILLOWS A vost assortmM"t •• C of colors, fabrics, prints. IEl'S PERii PRESS WILi SIORTS Mac'hlne-wosh- n-dry Perrno Pr•• cotfon/polyest•r obrks; tolldt, pottemtl 2....a. POLY PROPYLEllE IATIRESS _fADS Protect mottrest frori'I soil, spots, ttoln• and wear. BIS BOY BARBECUE Just th• right size for travel ' and for use on o table. Adjust- able grill. s41' 10" 1 10" HIBACll EvM"-heotlng cost FLIT 50'15/8" GIRDEll HOSE _ Stays flexible ot . oll times, squeezes $621 out water when flow is turned off, CHIRCOIL BUCKET Attroctlve block plo., tic bucket ls 17" high, hos "steerheod" decoration. Woll bol· onced for easy use. $244 !rtOT AVAl\.A.\.I "' '""'·" #oOflll(o\ TWIN t3n OUllNs6n DOUIU'•" Kl!fO sin Iron wllh •Ingle $296 adjustable grill. -lh1r1'1 I lllr JOU , • , lMAMUM • 111 le, Stitt Ctf"p N WNllM • 1M W, t. , .... A'e. AIUSA • l7J I. G ... tlM lltMt MlOWllt PAii • 1Jt4t ., .... lh•. CMeGA PAh , 7214 ..... A''· W. COVINA • I•"" ~ .... (I'll. DOWlffl • 12• fh1tH1 lh-4. WOOi GtOYI • IJOJ'S l.cW St, GllODI llOYI • llllJ ... St. GtllllOA(f • llSS W. Glt111 .. 1 II.,., '4.llKIAU • lM 11. C1""94 A''·· lflf'MtMO ,Aft • IJJ W. A''""' CS ltWTINlTOI IUO • tUI Atl•tl A't. ( lAGUMA llfLU.S.. Oil" fry, IStl• Pn U MJIADA • La Mir .. "'"ilt C111. lA•IWOOD • W; .. ,. Y..,,fllt Ctw. tlWMOAlf • 14411 s .. ft•.,,..,.. I/oil. Ulf!WI • 11111 "9rtl '"· i fNWOOD • 11111 lHMtlt "''· lOttG ll,ACll • tlJS I. S,rlltt $1, L LOS AJf"1.ll • )4M I. 1.-Mtlpfl A•I. MOlflOVIA • 412 W. *illli .. l1t1 Dm9 •nawo . w .. Wikt• lfOIWAll • llnt ..... , ltt'- OIAlfGI • 26'Jt L C_,_11 A"· PlUDflfA • 4N J, Vii Stt111 w. tlllfllDltfO • 1s1•s l•Hllll St. I. SAM Gllllll • tJJ I, l11 '-"'' llv~. SAM ,IDIO • tt:M • '1S1ll $1 u•n• •<*le.A • Jtt7 l11tt111i .,.,,, SOUTII GAfl • JJll J•1u1 .. II••· nDOlfOO lllCM • JllS A1t•lil '"''· TOllAIKI • 2'11 Ptdfk <•1t M•f· fOllMCI • ... t.,.i.,.. lhl, 1V /UttGA • 6241 f1ttMll ..... 1Vllll • 1J211 ,....,111 '"· " 111 "· WOKMftTll • 1101 liltc•IR lh't WUfMltfllll • ll011 ~ It. WIS1MINS1'1t • ltH W11htllttH WMltTill • ISMS S." f1 A••· WMlfTill • 1 IJM I, WMtTi• lhl. WILMUfGtOtl • 1t2J M•. l•tlt11 WDODUJIO ltllll • Ja.t ""1WI 1W, • " DICK JIACY TUMBLEWEEDS WU.JAN'S 6<1f A 11lMMY·ACHe1 ~fANS! Mun AND JEFF NANCY MY POOR OLD TREE L.OOKs · KINDA SICK 7• ly Cliester GCllllcl euT CAU. IN ~E RliPOllTaRS, .Wl!'LL STAllT "fl.Ii llAU. Ra.UNG WI™ PUllLICllTIOH ·~1s1s~•-v 1'MI! PU5LICS llEEll Sfl!ING Tll!M, OF THIS S)(.-n:M. HOWSlf®LP I KNOW WHVfl I IJN'1'MN seEH1ME Sl\ll'IP ffllJNl F~ff I'M 'TRYING-ACUPUNGTLJRE By Tom K. Ryan ~ By Al Smith . -By-·Dale-Hale - by Emie BushmlRer I DAILY CROSSWORD ~ •• by ~ .. POWER I PEANUTS ACROSS . 3• Jt ~ YtSttf'lkY'l l"llnlt Solwd! l Furld-mtl • Ind!• l"illCl~H C"MOn)es! • T"lbltt 2 wctds lo Vouchtr of2 Worries 14 l ike I 111at 44 111\lllllllly: olll ..., Prtll• ll As 1tr.1J91t AJ Ont ~l/W 11_--:2 lnln words 46 Bimtd wilt! U -W. Rl'flf' lio! llquld of lr111 :4~ l~Pt of~ 17 Fllp f'llldl, ~O A~tlc fat.,. plllrlts • 11 Opp:isllt ol Sl L.ctlQ nlrrill'l'I dead dl'lri;: ,52 Jtll~llkr • 2 WOl'M SIA!st.-icr 20 Ch;wiee: SS H•~~I Arck•lt Wll'T~l 21 Fr1111 f« ofl!c« wtndlno rope SS Buy 2J TllrHfold rf9Ul~r!y 24 F111f"9'11ntd, 60 This: Sfl. ct lclrlOllS •1 ShOWll!\l lklll 26 ~~~ tJ ~:::It 11hlrt.es M ~ 21 Th011 .tTo Kl Ci5 DM!tr fot cChtrS 30 An tr1tlrtty 31 •orqtls Jl lltciltSS -~ """" Ill hlS flrld: • lnfon11I ,, ... ptlnllnt I ...... )8 Anltfltan I [)fntal A110tl1Uon: ..... I ,. • 11 N ltlw • 21 19 ' " - " • A " DOWN l Jdlam Srt>tstlllt -2 Bulfato of C1llbH l Siiiy person 4 HI_, priest 5 Furtl'll Ci Giits 7~ef deity I OIM!Ofld -: : II! WtSt role. • •• In fltsl ~·" •• " I -, ~ - lOHamtiiiied 11~ ... l2 Gr.et • goddess n Grows bored l'lJtll~ vlolln: lnfon11! 22. Endll'lljf used with poet Ind hrir<t , 1 2S Ca'lld1;wi povlJKt: ..... ~Rt.ts a!tenllvtly ,,....., hf9h'lr11J 21 EltclriCll lfl[b: Abbr. 2'l Ch•b111Uc lredet: "" ... 30 Clrcw ....... 32 Cut Into Mn 3) ApplJ sirtiD, • '1: " u . ,. 'll '" '" ., - ~44 .JB± ... - " " " .. , .. " ' ,_ .u:: ... 34 Bad dly lot CHSill' 3S U(llmate )7 Pok~ st.ltr 40 [Jp;indtd 41 Soutl! Amttlc•'s "Rocklrs" Cl Certain c!trgy111ei. 43100~· mtli!l'S •5 Saiall pltchrr 46 Sward 47 CrOMI~ 41 V•!evntd ch11cedtlly 4'l OivlslMs ol • wllldolr Sl SfdllHl'ltmy 1111terl•I SJ Blblic1I plxe 54 ti lvt cut .......... S6 We.n's Ami COfl)J: Abbr • S7 Attys' grcup ~ SIJlte . II 12 ll a-; ~ )l ,. .i :· " " .. 7/l917Z Nearly Everyone Listens to Landers JUDGE PARKER ' ' MISS PEACH ' I I O@[}fJ 0@{]&') ) GORDO ..... -.... -... --- WedMJdl'J', July 19, ltl2 • • ·- -0. By Charles Barsotti .-:~:-::--:. 112'""· -..--::---. ... I ,.,.,,lt.e.td'lr ~~ nrJ,QQ Jhmt._' 11'11<1&,..,.,,~ """do ~~ ""<>'l4. By Gus Arriola • -~lll • &-...------_...;;...~_· ~ :...=:~:!::::::::::._J1 ANIMAL CRACKERS By Charles M. Schulz By Harold Le Don_ POuce ARE INVESTI GATING THE MURDER OF A YOUNG WAITRESS WHO&E BODY WJ6 POUND LATE THIS AnERNOOH ••• . By Mel 0f5[}f;J By RCMJ91' Bollen THE GIRLS ·"But, Clara, If we 10 late 1 coeltlD loan1e cl.rttled like thll, yoa bow wlllt mea are IOlll la Wnl<-laMtvlnc cboru pu. '' DENNIS THE MENACE • I • 1 • 1 · aoaun· M15HTYH15H , SUPPERS .SHORTCAKES > Dill&ltfal Asstrtnieat-lltat & s,ritl • 2-111. ~ Pkg. Prtt11lom QHlilJ Rich In ilqmin C Bel·air Peas .Premi.um Quality ·M·e" -1··1 · ·p1•es Manar House , · Heat & Serve c · ,f rench 'Fries :=~~~~ . ,. :;.;. Anitl ~ Dry ~ 'li:!" 79' Macleans loothpaste•r.~·47' SAFEWAY PREMIUM BREAD \I ,.,. ~:.hw~:~r,· 3~~::~ 1 ll 2-Layer Cake..:'".;~n,;:;$p9 A MrL Writltt's • Pudding Cake '~~:· 63' fancy Quality Golden lb. I ~!.~!v!~!~pes . :::: ~ ~ >.< "' I • 1 LAIGE'AA' EGGS .~ Croa• O' lit C111-L1111 Pric~ Mi&I Mltriti11t1Yallt Disl~led Groin -SO.Pr. DARIY-DELI AT DISCOUNT! ( SAFEWAY CHEESE HHI & St"' (Elce,1 Beofl $ 11-oz. , Pkgs. ~;39c ' . McCOY'S CHILI . . MRS. WRIGHT'S '\BREAD · $1,tr Stlt-Sttcl U, Prkt 16 ~· -or. . -loaves CALO CAT ·FOOD • C•lt Ltm CJts! ,. CRE~M PIES Bel-air-Ready to Sene $ 14-oz. Pies CARLO ROSSI WINES • Red Mountain Burgundy $) 99 • Pink Chablis • Vin Rose' C•llan . CHAMPAGNE Say Bon or Maison Slone. $ J 89 ·~ink. White O!:_Cojd Doc~ , .. ,. ... Fit.-. · BEEF SAUSAGE M<Cov's Bron3-S.O"""" 35 Ju$! Right. Reol l•"'YI ~ C I ' • ~-' U'l1 it. 1tn DAILY PILOT "It's I'•• t. Be Nlee t. People" NO ONE' OFFEll •El • •: ' REAL :BSTA"l'BRS No. I Ne.1 la s.r.ke -lefote and afttr tM ..... 11 tr .......... ,..,,. In 6 .tfk• .. felS.... ttin. .. -~,~ ... ,,... ,_.,. _., ..,. .. -5°/o DOWN _ • . Lovely comtr lot, 1 3 1argf bMrooms, buflt-ins., separate utility room. r fireplace in huge living room. shake root, lOts of brick work and a lovely country atmosphere. Only $29,000. Call 847-6010 for more--inlonnation. NEWPORT VIEW 3 spacious bedrootm, large living room and famlly room wllh fireplaces. Only $47,850. Please <all 546-2313. ' ' OWNER WANTS ACTION! For only $29,500 you can enjoy living in a 4 bed· room, 2 bath doubm car garage home with a hea'O' cedar shake root. It's close to the new H.a: park with all the little lakes. Call toll free 842-2535. "PRESTIGE" - PREmGE HOME Beautiful i900,,.modeL•6UPft' marp Inside and out 4 B.R. 3 bath home. Lush Jandscaping - Sprinklers front & rear. Lots of wallpaper ~ decorating features. So many extras they cant be listed. Price is $48,950. Please call 847-6010. A.' BEAUTY-In The Bac:k. Bay ThlS '3 bedroom home is secluded on a cul-de-sac •treet. ntar the Back Bay. Recently palnted\Jn- slde and out. Knotty Cedar pane]Jng. 8¥K .car~ petlng. Large yard. A real charmer. The large kitchen has Jots of cabinets, shouJd delight any homemaker. $38,450. call 646-717L ISLAND LIVING AT ITS BEST , · Truly dellghttul 4 bedroom, 3 beth) home on Davenport Island. Bright. sunny kitchen fMl;llY area Must see master bedroom suite which comPtetely covers second floor~ Ocea)r view from b&lcony. Priced at only $60,500. For further in- formation, call 847.0010. PERFECT HOME FOR YOUNG . FAMll:Y-NO DOWN G.I. Nice. ne.t 3 ll.R.' 2 bath borne fn pleasant quiet neighborhood on cUl de u.c atreet. Lovely yard with maey !tu!Ltrees..Close to IC!!Qols and ahoi>' ping. $28,500. Call 347,ro10. • • DIVIDEND PAYING Real Estate. 1'.hiJ • rustic btaut,y 4 '•bedroom, 2 bath' home ln ideal location is today's top value at $65,500. Vacant quality w/w carpets & drapes - used brick fireplace -built-in 'kitchen - pluri: a mode111 l bedroom apartment o~er 2 car garage that's always rented. A must_ to see. Call 673-8:!:!0. 14x20 FAMILY ROOM Everybody wB.nts one, here'• one for you. 4 bed· room, 3 baths, 3 car garage. Very large lot neat Mlle Square Park. All this for onJy $41,500. ALL terms. Call toll free 842-2535. . POOL PLUS Enjoy s ummer i11' your own huge 4 bedrooms pool, plus Hardwood floors Low maintenance yard $34,500 Please.WJ 546-2313. FINEST PALERMO IN HARBOll VIEW HOMES All you could want in a 4 bedroom two stocy home with dining room, family room. 21h baths and alJ the extras. Distinctive landscaping lnclud~ ing lots ot concrete and brick work. Fine locaa tlon on premium lot provides upstairs view. Interior boasts upgraded carpet, wet bar, 2 fire- places and many cabinets built into closets and garage. Automatic sof_t water completes the per- fect situation of ~7,500 fee. call 546-2313. ONE OF A KIND • In College Park, 3 bedroom. Family room, dining room • Large r.orner lot beautifully landscaped • Exriansive, air conditioned family room added • Added laundry and expanded bathroom • Many. custom cabinets throughout • Most convenient to all 1chools • See it and you'll buy it at $37,900. Please call M6·23"13. . COLLEGE PARK WITH POOL Beautiful College Park home with add-on Bonus room plus a beftutltui Anthony pool. Priced at only $34,000. Bring me any offer. Many extras. Call 546-2313. • SUPER OtDU -LARGE LOT UnuSual older-, 2· bedrOom, 1% bath· home on huge lot. Could build another house on rear. Priced at onJy $33,500. Additional property ad- jolnJng available also. 1st time advertised. Call 646-7171 to see. NEWPORT flEIGHTS 5 BEDROOM , $58~o00 ' Tri-level" hom~,1 areat tOr ·entertaining, wet bar, large sun deck, very large lot, rear yard Ideal for tennis court and pool. Many trees with rear access tar ~t or trailer. call 646-717L MESA VERDE ' $33,999 Shi.rp 3 bedroom, 2 bath plus dining room. Fresh-' l,y painted in&lde and out. New shag carpets, custom drapes; wood shutters. and lots of wall· paper. Bright kitchen has built-ins, di.shmaster and disposal. Large yard with patio. Please call 546-2313 for a showing. PARKSIDE -PERFECT Choice comer next to park In Irvine. Many custom details in this tlne family home with ' bedrooms and family room. Priced to tell fut at$34,750 lncludloa the landt Call 646-7171. ,• PRID~ OF OWNERSHIP Enjoy thhi luxurious 3 bedroom, 2 bath homa on a pride of Ownenhlp street. The family room &. master bedroom overlook the pool size yard with huge covered patio., lush la\1:n I: profes· slonal landscapr. This bOme is in excell(>nt move- In condition. $52,500. Call 546-2313 for mof'Q info. ~ COLONIAL MANSION Fantastic 5 bedroom, 3 · bath family area. T\\•o fire.places and much more for onJy $38,900. This home ts adult occupied and sparkling clean. call toll free 842-2535 Now!! NEWPORT VIEW $47,850 FEE!! Yes-a view home for under $50,000 In Newport Beach. 2000 square feet of gracious living tn this 3 bedroom beauty. The wa rmth of the country-size kitchen and family room, opening onto a beautifully maintained yard with com- plete privacy, '"Ill delight you. Evenings bring the sparkle of lights from Eastbluff & Fashion Island. Todays , home at yesterdays price. Call 546-2313. DOUBLE DUTCH TREAT Shake trimmed co'ttage v.·ith cul d; sac privacy. Dutch door entry, enormous bedrooms, and Sellel" leaving many decora tor touches, including cool dough boy pool. Treat yourself to your own tenns. Enjoy low assumable payments or st.ash your cash and come in '"ith easy low new VA. FHA or 95% Conv. $28,900 and it's all yours! Call 847-6010. CLEAN, CLEAN, MOYE-IN CLEAN ! Tender loving ca.re makes this beautiful 4 bed· room home a joy to be Jn. It has, a family room and a big living room with a fireplace. Lots of storage space. Plush easy..care carpeting, Beau- tiful trees and gorgeous roses in the easy malrt- tenance yard. Shopping, transportation and a park ·are all near this Cost.a Mesa $35,000 beau· ty. Call 64£'717L . YA-FHA TERMS No down to veterans -small down to non- vets. 4. bedroom, 2 baths in excellent area of Coit& Mesa for the exceptional low pr~ of $27,950. For·appointmmt to see -call 546-2313. STEP LIVELY Owner must move. Price just reduced to $39,900. Enjoy sliding doors from 3 bedrooms in this gar- den home near the beach. Fonnal dining room off the atrium, sunken separate living room with many, many extra.a. Call toll free 847-6010. THINKING ••• About really getting into the Reel Estate Business? If you ore willing to work, we 'II work with you. We offer personalized training. A pleasant end exciting office, lots of help, end on opportunity to grow. Lei's talk, coll me 546-1600. RANDY BACK BAY VIEW Plua view of Fashion IsJand A Eutbluft. Just u beauWul at night Bl in tbe day. A beautiful hool'-with 3 spacious bedt"OOltll & a charming family-room for only $64,llOO. e.J\ 646-7171. No. 1 "' .... '" ,,.. Harttor Af'M ,,o., ,..,,.,,. 1 Thi• ll.wMre "The Actlen la. .. "SEA BR m & VIEW" U a fantastic vit\v and gracious living are lm• por tant to you -then ~·e have found your dream home -Je t U1 show you this 4 bedroom 01· 3 bedroom e.nd den. Large fanlily room. 3 bath home. You will be spellbound by Its charm and good taste. OnJy $79,900. Call 673-8550 !or air pointment. ASSUME 63/4°/o VA LOAN • Immaculah'! 4 bedrooin home • North Co~1a l\lesa • $215/mo rm • $3,000 will assume • call today 546·2313. LIKE LARGE YARDS? Try this beauty on for size' \\'ith C'nough room for a pool, badminton, patio and OltH'f'. Decnr· ated for an adult's delight with nnkle dl"f'[l carpeting, mltrored wardrobe doors. custom drapes and light fixtures, Van Luil wallpaper. You name It -this has it! Monaco Model In HarbOr View with 2 bedrooms, den, formal din· ing room, eat in kitchen. Community pools, pa rk. basketba.11 coul"ls. All this including land for only $55,900. Call 5i16-2:l13. 4 BEDROOM VIEW & NEW Custom bullt 4 bedroom, 2% bath, huge family room home with formal dining, huge lot wi th ample roo m for pool, camper or boat storage, Great view of Catalina and water area from uir stairs. Built in stereo, self cleaning oven. and all the finest f inishing touches a custom home ha.s. Buyer his choice ot color or ca1·1wling also. All this for $59,000. To see, call 646-7171. SLIGHT F1XER·UPPER, Great 3 bedroom, 2%: bath home \\'ifh lar~fl family room, large Jot with am1>le room for pool. Camper or boat storage area. Priced to sell. neeM a little fixing up, that's all. S29.500. Call 646-7171. SEPARATE FAMILY ROOM $26,750 3 large bedrooms, 2 baths, beautiful kitchen and dining area. Located On a quiet cul-de-sac s trcf'L Just right for the ldds, 5 % down, FHA or VA tenns. Call toll tree 842-2535. FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY "BONUS ROOM" For family living 2300 1q. ft. you must see this before you buy 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, formal din- ing room and a fantastic bonus room for only $34,950. It's belo'" the market. Call ton free 842-2535. SUBURBIA PARK 4 B.R. + POOL $46,900 U you'l'e particular about location and neigh .. borhood and want a beaUtitµl swimming pool. here's your nUt home! Features famlly room, formal dlnlng room, 2%' baths, and a 18 x 38 (X)Ol with jacuzzi. Gretit neighborhood for famla lies and children, very close to elementary school, pe.rk, tennis courts, and beach. For ad• ditional Information, please phone 546-2313. "BONUS ROOM" 2300 square feet of faJlllly living, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, formal din1ng and a fantastic Bonus Ro6m for Only $34,950. Call 842·2535. IMMACULATE MODEL HOME! Exqulllte upgrading and tnterJOr decorating. This fantastic 4 bedroom, family room, formal dining room has everything lncludlng deep •bai carpetlnS'. ImPouible to improve on this home. Priced-rllht at-$48,000. can 5'6'2313 "NOW! "COOL TASTE" This cuslon1 upgraded to,vnhouse ls bubbling "'Ith exr.lflng surprises from noon to ttlling - oriented lo the d!sc.rlmlnating client with a sopillst lcnti>d lifes tyle. 'nils split level 2 bedroom. 2 bath hom1• is J)('l·fect in ev(>ry detail. Complete- ly air condlti<1ned. Priced at $38,000. Call 673· 8550 for \'iC\\'ing appointrncnt. • A LITTLE LOVE & WOW!! Have you been dreaming ot large bOOrooms, sepa arate family room, mature l•ndscaplng, comer pri\'acy loc11.tion with protective block wan fencing'!' This extremely well built home will n1ore than fill the picture and do justice to your U\\'n decorntor touche!I. The low $28,000 pri~ \viii he lp you to .stop drean1ing and start livi ng. Call toll '1rce 847-6010. A REALLY HAPPY HOME! If you have little peop\€' you'll love this 4 bed- room home with cui.tom shelving A bullt·iO dressers in sunshine brl~ht rooms. Mom will en- joy cooking· in the conve.nlcnce kitchen wlJh built-ins and di.shwashl'r. And If ~ou like casual, outdoor entertaining thrn you won't want to miss the lovely backyard. Located on I!. Jow- t raffi c, trr>c lined stret>t. v.·alking dis tance to lichools. Only $34,950. Ca11 546.2:31;t OWNER SAYS SELL &•ncr po.lntlng throughout Nice ;yard with :..hade t rees .t: fruit trees. Near school• 6: 1hop. ping areas. AIL terms -$24,950. Please call 546-2313. SIX OR SEVEN ·BED~R~OO~S This home 11 ao large You can do your d&Dy jogging without leaving the house. Tbl"ee large bedrooms, 2 baths, family: room with flttplacet downstain Md upstalfa, 13001 aq. tt. Ot flnilbed bonus•room. If you have a big ,family, you must see; it could have 6 or 7 bedrooms. $45,~. Call Now ••. 842-2535. CAMEO HIGHLANDS Uke ncW 3 bedroom In exclusive community with private beach. Spacious living room and dining room. Quality wall to wall carpets At drapes throughout. Pool &lze lot. marble fire- place and vanities. Professional landsca~. Ask• Ing $67,950. call 613-8560. IMMACULATE IAYCREST . This super clean 3 bedroom 2\1 bath homo 1111 Juat be<ome availabl., DoUble llr<place anti ld!Hoen eating ..... l'•·Me and appreciai. call 641l-7I11. ~ -' THE REAL ESTATERS ' 0,.. 'TD' NEWPORT BEACH 1700 Newport Blvd. 6'46-7171 COSTA MESA 2790 Harbor Blvd. 546·23 I 3 HUNTINGTON BEACH 17931 Beach Blvd. 6014 Warner Ave. 842-2535 847-60 I 0 CORONA DEL MAR 332 MaNJuerit• 673-8550 INVESTMENTS 2790 Harbor Blvd. S11it• 201 Cost• ~ 546-1600 " • J ., I -· ' ' MILY PllDf "LDT·AOVUTlSU J7' Everyone Hoa Something Th at Someone Else Wanta DAILY PlllOT CLASSIFIED ADS Yo u Can Sell It, Find It, Tracie It With 11 Want Ad ·rhe Biggest Mark~tplace on the Orange Coast-Dial 642 -5678 for Fast Results Gener1I • * * * * ·* * TAYLOR CO. CHERRY LAKE AREA -$72,500 Lovely view. tountry living in Newport Beach . Perfect for teenagers. Lge split leve l 5 bdrm home w/den (c ould be 6th bdrm). DR & rumpus rm. Extra Ige living rm . ''Ou r 27th Year" WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO., Realtors 2111 Sin Jooquln Hiii• Rood NEWPORT CENTER, N.B. ~91 0 General General * * * * * * • SHOWS LIKE A MODEL, -AND IT SHOULD. G1n1r1I 911:1eral General -·-- IN SELUNG YOUR PROPERTY WE DO WORK HARDER ' WE WILL HELP YOU FIND EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT OVER 500 HOMES TO CHOOSE FROM Gener el "''"''•' oflnJa J j/e PRESTIGE WATERFRONT HOMES SH OWN BY AP POINTMENT 53 Linda 1111 Drive Elegant 5 bdrm .. 41'. baths; on lagoon. New &"fE:~~· ,t;pes .&. ~allpaper: Lovely$~~~ For Complete lnformetlon On All HomH & Lot1, Pl1111 C1 lh BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Bay•"• Dr., Suite 1, N.B.' 675-61'1 General 01ner1t • : * "DOLL HOUSE" * * HOME $31,500 * ; 28R. + dtn, like nt\v! Stt!p1 * DUPLEX $J4,000 * , l BR. 2 ba. Lar. rumpus rn1. Enchanting TWO STORY 5 bedroom 3 bath, 2 fireplaces, FAMILY ROOM, formal din· ing room, _NE\V carpets and drapes, island kitchen. SOMERSET model on FEE land in PLEASE CALL US TODAY FINE RESIDENTIAL HOMES MODEL HOME THE FAMILY MAN SPECIAL 10 be&ch, pooll, lennll ' ~aut. pal io. Parklike :yard HARBOR VIEW HOMES .......... $72,MO. BA YFRONT ON BALBOA PENINSULA •' ·c'•AhhoYw""'oo' SJ.JD ,900RE.ALTY ·~' ,,. lcidf. "PLEA SURE YOUR T REASURE,'' BALBOA BAY PROP. -IN TURTLE ROCK '?,_*..,541-.... .,12,.'°...,* .... .,.,,.,,_:_*:..,.:.64:.:2...:·7...:49_:1_:_*:..,_ You 'll love this beauly! Atrium entry, 3 bed· 3 bed., 2 ha .. 2 story home on the water with pier and slip and private beach. Vacant, and zoned R·2 so that you may now rent tlits home as a family. full price $147,500. This wu not·the model, but it sure looks like one, Im· maculate in every re11pect. r.tany extra features In this J Bdrm Me11 Verde pool homro. Great p11.tio for enter- taining. Only $38,000 wins thia prize. Mfi-8640. Jutt about a th.lrd of an ac:re In Newport Beach with room to romp with the kids on the "back forty." Mom w!U love the formal dining room for the special dinners, the large family roon1, and the kitchen that mak6 cookl.na a ~­ ure for the whole fmniJy. Everyone will Jove the large patio and the bi1 Pool. 3 Texu alte bedrooms, and we do mean bl&. Excellent achoola near by. A IUper value al $66,950, ;'C..narel Gentrfl room 2 bath, 1''AMIL\' ROOM , built-in kilch· en. SHAG carpe.ts. CUSTOM drapes. beau· tiful covered PATIO with gorgeous land· scaping on fee land. A real love at .. $47,900. ~~~~ltlifitilil~I ELESANT BAYFRONT, • -PIER AND SLIP. -LOVELY HARBOR VIEW HILLS See this nearly new Lusk 3 BR. home. Dra· matte cathedral ceil'a. Beaµt!Jully decorat· ed. Profess. Iandsi:apett, fl3,llOO. LaVera Burna CAMEO SHORES · NEW LISTING See this charming home. 3 BR., 21-> baths, formal din. rm., large family rm. w/frp!c. & walk·ln wet bar. '85,000. Carol Tatum ENJOY L:IDO WAY OF LIFE Gracious family home, completely rernod., on lge. lot. 4 BR., sep. mstr. liuite. Near tennis, private beaches & clubhouse. $122,· 500. Eugene Vreeland BEACON BAY R-2-$65,000 Private beach & tennis ct. 2 BR .. I % baths plus guest rm. & bath. Also, charming I· bdrm. apartment. Immaculate! Mary Lou Marlon TOP VIEW OF -BAY lo OCEAN Very priv. custom bit. home;with 3 bdrms, 41,l baths, w/sep. maid 's quarters, Beauti· ful large front patio plumbed for pool. $175,· 000. Kathryn Raulston . LIDO ISLE Have Your o'wn custom built home on now vac. lot, adj. to charming smaller home. Steps l-0 prlv. beach & club. Excellent st, to 11. loc. $78,500. Edie Olson LIDO PRIVACY 50" Lot affords great privacy, w/s unny South patio & large, well constructed 4 bdrm., lam. rm. home. 3,000 •q. ft. $89 ,500. Mary Harvey 4 BR . 3 BA. FAM. RM. + POOL $66,800 -Still occupied by orig. owners. Cl~an, bright; shows like a model home. G'.eat front & back yards plus pelio. See this now! Al Fink COUNTRY LIVING IN THE CI TY Spacious S BR., 3 ha. home. Formal din. plus large fam. rm. View of surrounding hills . Prof. decorated & lendscaped. Fee. $95,000 . Harriett Davies PRIVATE BEACHF RONT Vacant lot on 60 feet of white sandy beach. Outatanding view of bay & boats. Now is the time l-0 build your home! $49,750. M. C. Buie 133.0700 --6«-2430 c;~ldwell, Banker ........... 550 NEWPORT CENTER DR., N.B. EXCLUSIVE WEST BAY on the PENINSULA. Immacul ate 5 bedroom 3113 bath. gorgeous kitchen, formal dining room. For the dis-- criminating buyer ............. , . $195,000. LUXURIOUS LIVING, -ON LIDO ISLE . ... in this beautiful 2 story 4-bedroom 3 bath hon1e with n1any extras and builtins. Carpets and drapes. fireplaces, builtin kitchen. On extra wide lot, so you can store your boat or trailer ........................ $79 ,500. TERRIFIC BUY, DUPLEX, * SO. OF HIGHWAY, CdM. 2·Bedroom cottage 'vith large patio separat· ing 2 bedrm unit over garage, with remodel· ing possibiliites. Bu ild up to see the ocean . Motivated seller asking .......... $691500. OPEN HOUSE · FRIDAY 10.2 P.M. (3 BEDROOM.) al 723 Cameo Highlands, Corona de! Mar. Price $69,000, ~ •AmWES REALTORS 644·T270 2821 EAST COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR, CALIF. * * * * * * * Generi1I Red Tile Roof Den + Pool! SPA NISII . rourtyard bt>h!nd 1••rought Iron aa1f'11! Frani·l~­ can tile f'llll')', Gittnt f1unily .room 11•llh Spanl:<1h tln !r! Coiy den for f!ftd! La1'Rf' srp:1rnll' mai1l f'r "u i I,. , SPAHl\LlNG 1 7'~:'12' POOt! BBQ flrx·11i1. To11pi·d uf( 11 irh gcnuinc SPAN I SI I r:r.D TILE HOOF! Yuu 11•t1n't 111•. llrve lhf' Jo1v pri~ • c·n ll / 00\\' 645-0303. I 0111 \I I Ol \O\ ' ' . FIXER UPPER OWNER DESPERATE Ne\\"JJOrt llrii:hts oy,·nrr hu bought nc1v hnnu~ 11.nd is vcry attxiou11 lu ~P.11. Don't nii.~.~ st>eing 1hrir luxuriou!I :t BR hon1c y,·1th formal dining roo1n, gol'grou'! shag c1:1.rpeli1 and partial vie"' of thf' ()('t'Bll. S<'r ii. You'll lov~ it! A~l•i ng $.;.1,950, but \li'ili ron11iclt•r nit off1'11l and loy,• clo1v.u 1i:1yn1ent. Call 546-8640 e HORSE -RANC_H_e_ BEST i\1ESA VERDE LOfA· TJON ! -3 &: famll,y, NrPcl1 Jots ot work but mllkc Oftt'r 00\V a.nd SAVt'! Vat'Ullt, cul· de-sat', 1valk to school11. 546·~ (Open f'Vf'!I.) ~,.,. HERITAGE • • REALTORS i1,1 Arrr~., nil l'hn link fl'.'ned. ovf'r 'r. 111·. in Ju11h .erei'n ln11·n11 ro1·c'rl'1I y,· sh11dc lrf'rs. f ruit 01·rht1rd .. 1 11111.IJ barn a1wl llH·k ran. Cr.Har. Pe•coc.:kl'I~ duckl!, tic. 3 BR home w/tan1 rm. Pedley area. $11,000. Try 90rA, loan. Call MR. 1-IARRIS, 545-3f2~ South Coast R('(lllors. BAYCREST EXECUTIVE On exclusive Santiago Drive. Entrance thru iron gate and attractive \valled yard. A fine home with 4 bd .. 3 ·ba., formal din. rm .. den. large family room , 2 fireplaces. Lvg , rm opens onto \vell·planted rear vard and pool. Excellent kitchen, large laundry room . An out.standing home for only $98,000. Fee land. ESTATE SALE Prime Balboa Peninsula area -2 ba. older home huge sleeping area off garage. I block to bay & beach. Good rental unit. $42,900. COSTA MESA Dandy Halecrest, vacant move right in. 3 bd. 2 ba. new paint in and out, brand new green -shag carpets. $29 ,950 90 % loan available. NEW ENGLAND SPECIAL Charming 4 bedroom 2 story home in choice eastside location near Santa Ana Country Clu b. 2 full baths. beaut!Jul tile, bar atyle kitchen with electri c builtins. Raised fireplace , nice carpets, detached double garage. Full price $37,500 -owner has moved to Montana. Make offer. Zoned for horses. LIKE IT QUIET? Try this 4 bedroom home on small Cul-de-sac in beautiful hardwood noors .. Firep.la~e. F.A. Heit, Electric builtin ~itchen,' large double gar· age with bu1lt1n storage and work bench. Raised patio deck overlook· lnR tree shaded rear yard. All this for only $33,000 -90 CO loan avail· abje. FOR NEWLY WEDS Thio; lovely Huntington Beach Condominium, "1 blk to pool. with washer, dryer, stove and Dish"'asher included in total price of only $21 ,950. Try 5% down .. 2 BRAND NEW DUPLEXES ON PENINSULA Vacant and ready for occupancy during the rental "rush." 3 br. up and ~ br down, 2 ba. in each unit, room to park 8 cars. Full price only $7~.500 each. 10% down and owner will carry 10% 2nd T.D. First ·user depreciation will apply to the new owner. VACANT IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Dutch girl clean -large back yard iith lovely patio back and front 3 bedroom , 2 ha. Builtin stove and refrigerator. All this and more for only $28,500. 6 UNITS Great tax write off with good income. Prime location 2 story build· ing newly painted 6000 sq. ft. can be converted to offices. Ekcellent financing available. ''THE PROFESSIONAL REALTORS" SERVING GREATER NEWPORT HARBOR ARIA MEMBER 'MUL'TIPLE LISTING SERVICE 881 DOVER DRIVE 6 4 5 •4040 NEWPORT BEACH Daily Pilot Classified ORANGE· COAST'S BEST Gener el Gener ii l•A'"'s'"'s'"'u•M•A•B•L•E •v•A• I c. F. Colesworthy Anytine can aasume lhl11 high & Company bAlaoc~ VA mn. No q"'Hly· 640-0020 ll'll and no \loan polnta:. Sp•rkling J b<l!mom home Bayfront Condo ftatures all builtin A:&rden 3 Br, 2 Ba, pool, pier &: 11ltR- kllchen, larie bonus room Delightful $79.500 and ••dosed palio. A•ldn& EMERALD IA Y $.1.1,500. For details lmmacu1ate 3 Br + fam rm. Call 540-IlSl !Open Evet.l Oeean tide of hwy. Vlew. · · 5 -· HERITAGE .. Mu1t 1ee! at49,000 Tod Hu&ort & A11oc. 3471 Via Udo 67$..&500 General RlALTORS General MACNAB IRVINE FINER HOMES l 'M CYNTHIA ..• LIVI WITH .Mli' I'm a nearly new 3 BR. & den -en a quiet cul·d .. sac. Just the place to raise a family. ONLY '35,950. SPACIOUS S&CLUSION is yours in this beautiful one-of-a-kind cus· tom home. Room for your grand piano. Swim & sun in oversized pool. One of lar· gest lots in Westcliff. Room for your motor home & boat -nff street parking. 3 BR's., 3000 sq. It. Barbara Aune 642-8235. HURRY! HURRY I TO GRl!ENTREE I 3 BR. Greentree home -assume VA loan. Owner will carry large 2nd. Already re.- duced $3.600 for quick sale! QUICK po•· session! Lois Miller 642+8235. THE LAST OF THE BEST Final opportunity to choose from 3 1pec· tacular newly completed Ivan Wells cus· tom homes . Sweeping view of bay & moun- tains. From '110,200 to $122,900. An un· usual opportunity to share in Newport's fantastic appreciation. Furnished model Open Dally 1·5 p.m. 2018 Galaxy Dr. [Irvine I -... ,m .. 111111,c...,.ny I tot _, Dri... t42·a211 11'4 llooArlllur 1'4•1100 N-rt ... ,h, Cllllorftta ~21•1., I SOLD I WALKER & LEE REAL TORS ~ u Wl\ll<lH P., Ill 1cal t o1s SOLD . 11,m "NO QUALIPYINll" C!ll.S&!e& home . 536.000 f\lll prlet. Low down. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths pluJ huie ta.mily room and separate dln1n1 room.. Corner lot - loaded ""'Ith extraa. "ACRIS OP llUIN" $23.000 full pricf! with SiOO do\li'n only! 4 full bedrooms. 2-atory, 2 bath home with m&dflrn kitchen. Near the beach. Ntw p&J.nl C&U n 4/Bl&-3371 <ollm "SHO•T ON CASH" WAnRPRONT-$210,000 Superlative cu1tom ~man1ton "'ith 3,600 IQ. ft. ot happy family llvfna. The epitome of e11y ell.re with electronlc oven, beauutul wet bar, 1oothlng aauna, electric movie 1etetn aJ\d the belt tn burrlar alarm ay.tem1. No addreSll v.'lll be give n. Qualltied buyers by advanct appointment only. IA Y FRONT-.$171,000 Exceptlon•lly \\'I'll done eirecutlve mansion with 4.000 tq. ft. ol comfort and luxury. Double larre dock . .f. bedrooms * d•n and 5 baths. AJ)polntment only. sn CATALINA From this m&i nJJlcent custom home with just another 3000 1Q. ft. ot comfort and luxul')'. Tired or tht vlew t Ta.ke a dip in th• m&fl:moth hMted I: filtered 1wtmmJn1 pool. Ka\'1 tHnatmf Betldls thi pc>Ol you can probebly UH the bit 3 car aar.,.1 ~llOO. Shown ONLY Ulrourh W•lkor I Lee. . . . FORMAL DININ!; ROOM Lois c._ .. HOMES Owner y,·11! pey your COits. -4 bedrooma. 2 be.th1. sharp u a-pin home. Nf11• ah&g c&r"Pl"Ui, n•w paint lnalde tnd out. OWner ha.t boucht new-m.uat 1111J ! 131,000 au term.a. Plus hugp family rMm "'Ith m1u11lv~ nreplace. Larae kitcli•n b11 N.tin1 area looldng onto lovf.ly rear ysrd with cove~ patio. Quttn •bed bedrooms. 2 Uled ""'hi. lo••l.Y au.ti of fhltmins horns In m11nlClcent BaytrP1t. Prtctd rlt:hl 1l 159,500, s 'w11 and 4 tuUnp sold. Toi&! votumo ~ Wo Wllb to extend to Loli CronwelJ. mothtr or 5 Yft7 ftfMI chlldttn, our concra.tulltlOru: for a 1&.ntaatlc mtu\t& br *611¥1 ca1l tMI lf )'OU want your house •Old. LAST YEAR Fountain Valley Office 17213 lrookhurst 96B·3l71 Open IV9nln91 ' Newport leach Office -646-7711 20"3 Wtttclllf Dr. at Irvin• Open lv1nin91 Con Mesa Office 2790 Harllor Blvd., Open Inning• 145.0465 541·9491 r • JI PllOT·AOVERTISEll Goner al .4 UNICIL f'Otf BEAUTIFUL HOME-BEAUTIFUL FAMILY - J ust listed ! An immacuJate 4 bedrn1. two- storf with an added famlly room that has a beam ceiling and mass ive used brick fire· place. There is al so a formal din ing room , a cathedral ceiling living room, beauliful car- pet.s and drapes and exciting tasteful colors inside and out. At $49,500. it's one of the fine st listings we 've seen-truly a beautiful home looking for another beautiful family. PHONE UNIQUE HOMES, MESA Y'ltDI 546·5ft0 ON TOP OF THE REAL ESTATE MARKET WITH THE NICE&T PEOPLE SELLING THE NEATEST HOMES CORONA DEL MA R. 675-6000 .-MESA VERDE, 546-5990 e NEWPORT BEACH, 645-6500 e CALL US 3.!neral .Gener1I * LIDO ISLE SPECIALS * * VIA PALERMO •• Spacious 2 hdrm., den & dining rm. home. Lge. South Patio, wide 50 ft. lot. Xlnt value, price only $77 ,500. * EXTRAORDINARY 2-sty . hom e. Superior quality thruout. Beautiful pool. 4 Bdrms .. 3 baths, wet bar. formal dining im. Ideal for executive entertaining & fimily living. $150,000. CHUCK CAROTHERS REAL ESTATE ·TREASURES FOUNO IN OUR OL' SEAFARING TOWN THE BLUFFS General FOUR BEDROQM -REPO- EASTSIOE $1,000 DN. Country m. kitcMn, formal dlnin&, cozy Urtplaee and huge yanl. Only $239 per mo. lncludq Pll. • SALESMEN NEEOED • fOpeo Eve&) Btst Kurt)'! C.U ~. $27,950 Cotta Mt .. MESA VERDE $30,900. Be IW'ft to Ste this! 3 Bed· rm a.nd frle.ndly family rm w/firtpl! Separate utility rm for nlom, and great patio tor entertainlna:. You can't beat tM area flr the price. Call for dttnlls 979-1050 . ~21 POOL TABLE \VlU tit with room to spare Founttln vaney SPARKLES LIKE NEWI • SPANISH eorawuo ma 1ftrpet, ex-HACIENDA e qulllte euttom drapes, Ill.•· rored and paneJltd living Llke Span\Ml exterior'!' Then room, and oewlY tiled 11irt you'll loVe this )l!r& lhe.rp JWit a few of the sparkles. 3 BR home, Xtras inc crpts. Beautliu! park like yard drp.s, cov patio, waler soften· loaded with fruit trtts. er. v.•shr, dryr, retrig, pool Lurfl:e, lowly.patio for fun t•ble in fam rm, lush ldscpg llJ'ld rdaxation. Close to in front & rear yd. and cul-schools and shopping. See- de-sac street. lf you are A l11g·is-believing! O N L Y lu ssy buyrr, this may 11'rll $29.IXXl. Call SEY'!\10UR be your lucky day. This is_ REALU. IiOW! $47-1221 or a nr1v Jist!ng, and is lisred 546-4712. rxclusiv('I." 11·l!h VillaJi:e I iiiiiiii!i!i"!!!iiiiiiiiii Rtal El'itatr. Price is $37,500. HAVE Call today for appt. i s lh. If I' omt 1ng to o tr you YOU NEEO : _ [ • \'our 011 n de!lk 531·5111 ( ·~·l 531·5800 • Clean au"cond ulr. • tu-c-omrn. 1 to SO', J OWNER trans. Spanish $ly]. • Ad\·1lnt'e proj::ram ed t'legant design 11•ith 4 l • 1rau11ng, in depth in 15· x 30· den. 3 Bedrm 2 I,.,,.,,.,,.,,.,,.,,...,..,_ bath, fittplace, bltins. Xlnt in & out. $32,950 Roy McCardlt Realtor 548-7729 1810 Newport Blvd., C.!-1. beautiful Spani~h !ll'('hll'a,ys • Gu11r. 11d\'f'rHsen1rn1 on the front e x t er 1 or . \\'e have il all plus ~omt. master bMroorn locatrd on C<ill J1n1 (;1·111 1·s 1n r~-l,j2:;. far side of 1he hn11)e COLLINS & WATTS featureirit& own Ro11111 11 i:lep -INC. DAILY Ill.OT 4t Irvine A FIND AD Could be appearinc ln thl1 simce TODAY on YOUR propcr1y, II we: had tt !lated! Due to lrt'mendous aale• ac· tivity in Unlven.lty Park "- Turtle Rock rectntly. we urgently need n~w properties to 11how 10 our many cUent1. Ma.v WE be of service to YOO? r-1 1 1 ·· 11 11 I .ill I I' 11, ---I: ,.llf l1w "SINCE 1946" t~t \\'t!l!itll'm Bank Bldg. Univtn1ity Peirk, Irvine Days 552-7000 . Nights l•guna Ba•ch HANDYMAN SPECIAL Few settings in Exclusive Bluffs can rival this with its view overlooking gorgeous green~ belt ! 4 Bdrm's -2% baths. Only $54 ,950. in· eluding popular master bedroom & bath on fir st 1.evel + surprise bonus room . Assum• 5Vc% loan Payments less .than rent. Tht rear yard has beautiful fruit trees. covered patio. 8nd BBQ area. 3 Sedroom!I. den. built-In range, o v ~ n , dish1vasher. natural brick fireplace, no down terms, Brk, 54()...17~ I 11!!!!!11!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!1!!!!!1!!!!!! I Industrial Users do1\•n tub. Thr 11:hrr :l C & W bE.•drms arf' fin the n!hrr ~l!!!!!l!!!!!!i!!!!!!iii!1J!iir!il!!l•l!l I Side. Fan1ily rrn. r!uung !!-__ ______ _ BAPl.Y IN NEED OF \\'EEDINt k LANDSCAP· INU IS TJJJS M 0 D ER r-.· 1101'1~:. DE:TAILED &: J'.\1- POS!NG ARCHITECTURE, or \Vtl!TE BR I c K. ORNATE IRON GRILLED GATES. 6 ft. high, rom· plct1'1Y enrloscd tr on t rourtyarrl l'nfr)'l\·ay. Spr;.iv.·ling 3 BDRJ\1. k DEN r~LOOR PLAN, SER VICED BY 2 BATl!nOOJ\1S, \vith nH11'blE" rypc r ollrnnn. \V1\\' C AR PE TING. (''(fending b<lrn1s. Rear drn \1·llh parq. thru 111·. rn1., halls & all 3 hd1l'd. floors, in dctailf'd ht.01·1; drs1gn. ha11 Roman Bnc·k f1rcplact!, opens to shrltrrcd p;.i rio. , 1831 WESTCLIFF DR., N.B. -CAlL ME 645. 6770 AND SEE < TARBELL ,, Walk On Beach Uenera1 3BR 2BA modern home. l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;mi!;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Perfect beach living. Nicely decorated. 53oo River, N.B. LIDO ISLE BA VFRONT BUYS! Sharp 3 BR. & 3 BA. home with pier & slip. Reduced to bargain price ........ $144 ,500. ' Estate-like home with 6 BR's. & 5¥.i BA., huge dock. Now only .............. $265,000. Ken Brittin9hcim, Realtor 402-32nd St., Newport Beach 675-0123 Bolboo lslond ---,----XLN'T LOCATION Classic IslarKI home, 3 Br + bunk house. Distinctive e)I· tl"l". i\1any W1ique features. Quality construction. Palin. Sundk, lrg 2 car gar. 1st Public offering of this home. By Ov.·ner -$1'.?.500. General General 673-8241. Moving your plant IG Orange rm .. 1t1:.;111·iou~ k 11 ,. ht". It Isn't Yours Yet • County? Call our Inves;tm ent Division and 1ve will Locatf' you in the bcl!I area ror your business. Call 546-1600. \-0' THE REAL \~ ESTA'PERS ' I , ~PI" I V -FIR.ST-TIME-- OFFERED BRJ\, 5311.:.oo. ~l6::-~sr~·, 0\VNEfirlr~prralf• n1U!:"t leave hon1(', 4 Bdrn1 -.- r~amily f ill. :i.1a11y Jo.Ira fe atui·rs ~uC'h as a con1plrtr ~eparalf' l11unrh·y r o o 1t1 • family 1"1Yl111 + a runniu-. gamt rooni, p11.~~ thru break fa st h~r, rlin1ng rm. huill-ins, Brk, S 3 3 , 5 0 0 . 842-669\. Th11t's the only thing \vrong 11 ith this IO\'('ly ho!Tlf'. I-las 1'1erylh111g the ave rage fanuly 11·an!s. Four lArge hrd1mm~. 2 b11ths plus nu1ny rx1ras. \\';ilk 10 beach ,t• !!t'liools. <)NL\' S27,7:il. Nice oorner. 4 BR, 2 BA . I"---------OWNER n1us1 sell thi!i homf'. Shake-roof. Shag cpl . E.lec-ELEGANT 4 Brlrm + pool clcli:Hlll sh,i.I(' !Mr.. Forbel'i built. Limited Time? $33,000. ~t:: p~a~:'. ;1~:~~~,:·.c;~~;~ I MANSION ·ay OWNER fainily rni. built-in r~ngr, Z Sio~-. $?.1.!i~iO. 4 BR 3 BA. • 642-1818 e oven, (hshii'ashC'r, rurto~('d 1:1«1l'in11s l1v rrn 11' 1n11ssive BY Q1vner: Boui:ht new patio. A~ume .;~ •• ;. lonn. Ip!. ronnl <1111 rtn, ))[tins inc fiome, must sell. Nice 3 br. BRK .. S2l!l00. 962-5::.6fi. dhl 01·r11 & r!~lnl'slir, hf'llcr house. Redu~d $3000. Shag than ne11' r<inrl. 3 \"rl'i old. All crpt, huge yards, lots of Huntington Be•ch upgradf'd crp1s & drps. trees. Cov'd. patio. Room to patio, block v.•al\, oversizl'd Convenient parking-easy to be a ''DROP-IN" a t Bay & Beach Realty 675 30001 ;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;.I --~ NE\V bayfront home. Pier & • I• *EXCLUSIVE * inoome. Open Sat/Sun/W<'d build. Stove, drps, hanging YOUNG LOVERS dbl gar, lop nbrhood. See lamp incl'd. Assumt' FHA Th1<te spacious bcdroon1s, torln;,.~ loan $198 . per mo. total. 1 ~; baths. h11rdv.·ood floors . l' Un11JU!'. nio('lrrn lyflt' kilchen. \\'JTJI RPJ<F.trr. BA":. BLT· D 1 S II \V S II R . , HD\VD. JN flANGE & OVEN, CABINETS, with all the latest step saver feature•. Thi! unique home ev~n ti.as fl bit of ocean view. The en- tu°f' gl'ot1nds arf' badly in "''"ii or \l'ecding and l;indscap1ng & some of the' n1rnding walls need rf!pair. For son1t'(lnf' 11:1a Green Thun1b it's an exrrllent buy NEW ENGLAND Bau>0a h mn. Lgo. 4 """ 2 1-5 AR KITCHEN ba . plus family rm, for 337 E. Bayfronf, Little lslanrl F M gracious entertaining. This WINTON. Re-allor 6~5-33.11 WITH property has everything the Balboa Penlnsula Appoir.tmcnt · 548-!!876 Garage is finished and could -SAVE-TI ME--be used for spC'cial parti('S. 1962""4471 ( :::.} 546-8103 Cook, watch the kids & talk Total payment s $\:11 {>C'r 1\lage Re al Est3\e SPLASH-SPLASH average family needs, in--.-------j,,,,.,,.,,.,,.,,.,,.,,.,,.,,.,,..,,.,,...,,,...,,..;!!!o,,...,IA lovely separate panelled eluding easy financing. O\VNER leaving for Idaho, General family room plus 3 Bdrm's, $6f!.500 quick sale needed! 9rue<:0 to Dad. 3 BR., 2 ba., family month if you take o\•rr first rm. $29,500. FHA/VA. T.D. existing. l-lUR R'{~ --GEM- $18,000 TOTAL PRICE " $36,950 Full Price General · New Listinq e OPEN OAILY e 195 Monte Vista, C.M. l.D\V-OOWN. ASSUl\lE VA L 0 AN, NO FINANCE CHARGES!!~ Custom built 3 Bdrm, 2 bath Eastside, sparkling clean living + dining area, fireplace, FA ht ., bltns, nu shag crptg + drps, patio, dbl gar., fencN'I yd. Vacant. Move in on cttdlt approval, $2.S,500. CALL ANYTIME 646-3928 or Evt. 548-9416 Lachenmyer Realtor BAY WINDOW VIEW Huge living rm with larger FP overlooking the ocean. 3 BR, 2 bath, format DR, built-in kitchen, hardwood floors all in tip-top shape. Asking $45.000. Owner v•ill consider all offers. Call 546-8640. Irvine Terrace Reduced $2450! Yes, it's true! UNDER $50,000 in beautiful Corona del Mar's Irvine Terrace! f\.1assive Palos Verde stone fireplace PLUS gorgeous wormwood walls. Den. King size bedrooms. Chef's kitch- en. Tropical mood yard. JUST REDUCED CALL FAST • &1;.o.JOJ, I IOlll\I I 01\0\ i.>£~1•-oP'> ALMOST NEW Have you been look ing at new Homes and can't decide? 'Ml.en see this very sharp 2 Year New Home. 3 Bed· rooms, 2 Baths. Large Open Kltehen. Fireplace. Upgriid- ed carpets It Drapes. Shake. Roof. $33,000, Call 64&-0555, E:venlnp 836-6960. COLWELL PROPfRTIES, INC REALTORS $29,950 S Bedrooms 2 Baths WO!lderf\JI family home. O>n· venlent family room , naturAJ brick fireplace, entry hall, rtar Uvlne room, dlnlfli mom. bulU·lns. brl<, ~-tr.n TARBELL 85 Harbor, Cott& Mtll Dilly Pilol WfJlt Ad1 bilve barplna 111ore. ARE YOU FARSIGHTEO? 2 baths. Overlooking a Call-: 6~-3fi63 &!2-696'.l Eves. duplex. stressed garage. Nr. sparkling POOL for your * OCEANFRONT * beac!i. $45.500 Agt 675-0\44. splish-splashing enjoyn1ent Haine. 4 Bdrms., 2 baths, & a Jow maintenance yard. v.·i!h 40 ft. frontage. This Corona del Mar 1610 \V. Coast Hwy .. N.B. REAL TORS 642-462.1 BY Owner. Custom home, just rt::tlecorated. 3 Br., 2 ba., tam rm.. frplc.. all elect. Extra li'g. room!!. Near schools. Days 646-7741, eve!I & \Vknds 646--4~. CALL. l\'ll\V TO SE:E fireplat'<'. bu1ll-ins. s1vlm · MISSION REAL TY mlnR pool facilities plus 91':~ Sri. CoA!(I ll11·v., L.<1~na n1any f'Xlrns. Jrlral for Phone {7f4 ) 4~4--0731 C wAll<ER & LEE Tu·o bl'rll'(J('ln1~. t1\'0 haths, Realtor.1 842-4455 LUXURY HOME ' If you are you'll see the value of owning this 2 Bedroom J1ome. Beautiful Fireplace and lots of Tile. Enjoy this Rural Life 110,v & "'hen you are ready, possiblY build anolhl'r 5 Income Units on the Large Propt'rly, Ollcred for $27,500. Cali 646-0555, Evenings 836-6960. All this for only SISOO. older home has lge. living Lovely Lusk Homes do\vn~!! Full price $35.900. rm., frpl{'.; dtnlng nn., ex- This executive hon1e 'has 4 ADULT LIVING; HURRY. CUSTOM -BUILT- spacious bdrms, big fam ily Just l1s1cd~ B1~ ocran \dew COLWELL PROPERTIES, INC. . ·REALTORS ASSUME VA LOAN Teni.fic 4 bedroom home \vilh 1viU1 added family room. Ideal Costa ~1esa location close to schools and shoJ' ping. Take ovrr exh;ting 5~ "V V ~\ loan. $211 per mo. pays all. $32,950. COATS . .. WALLACE REALTORS Open E venJngs • 962-4454 • CALIFORNIA -LIVING- 3 Airy bedrooms, bltins, fif't!. place, dbl gar. 1vith alley access. Lot as bii as all out- doors. Quiet Costa ~1csa Eastsidc cul-de-sac location. Unbt>lievably low priet>d at only $26.000. Xlnt JO\V down terms. Call us for further details. 546-5&80 (Open Eves.) ~.~)ii> HERITAGE COATS & · WALLACE REALTORS -546-4141- (0ptn Evenings) 10 UNITS EASTSIDE Individual houses on 120'x300' lot. Xlnt tax shelter and terms;, \\'ith good leverage. Fully rented with a consis- tent income of $1650. a mo. $150,000. Newport at Fairvl•w 646-8811 (anytime) Ranch-1/z Acre $29,950 Near NE\VPORT! Pictur· esque RED RANCH HOUSE? Giant shade trees galore! All knotty pine inside. Ranch kitchen with beam ceilings. Dining room. too! Big oovered patio. BAR· GAIN -BARGAIN! Call fast 64;.o.JOJ, I OKl\I I. 111 '0\ " Iii',-A '-L'"' • • REALTORS DIAMONDS ARE A ..,.,...~~!!!!'!'!!!!!!!!!! GIRLS BEST FRIEND POOL and thi• 2400 "' 11. l Bednn H S • p I home \viii truly be the dia· UCJe Wlm 00 mond in your lile. Every $35,000 spot a delight • from the Large family room, 3 bed· covered patio to the spacious rooms, xtra bnths, dining Roman bath. Yours !or only room, entry hall. 2 fire-$39,990. Try $4,000 down or places, built-ins, dishwasher, use your GI. electric garage door open~. larwin realty Inc. picture book yard, patio, 546-54ll (24 hnr.) 968-4405 pool brk. 541J.t720. 549 • 950 TARBELL ~ HarbOr, Costa Mesa YOU DON'T NEEJJ A "GODFATHER" Anyotte-.ca.n take. over .J.bJJ 6~% loan. 4 BR, 2 BA, ser- vice rm, pool On!> $26,500. 5 Bdr. + Family Rm . open beamed ceilings Iii fAm· Uy rm, dining rm, wet bar. oversized master bedroom. 2 firrplacr.s, bullt·ln range + oven + dl8hwasber. IW.f£Plng view, bric, 540-1720. TARBELL CINNY MORRISON ** * -REALTORS-2955 Harbor, Costa ?i.1~ ··~ •• 1505 M•.. -CAPE-COO .. M •V•rd• Dr. 1!:•11. OPEN DAILY * ~'•• * CMta. Mesa 313 Santa l11bel **• .... 557·4.130 &ood E&ltsldt kx:, lrg tarn e 103 Llnda tslr, Dr., N.B, 3 rm. formal din, 3 lrg BR 2 BR, 21i BA. 66' lot, ilii'. boot I>< up, I BR l Ba do"11. 11in $14'.500. Pcrfcid In-law boUIJt!, • 2430 aay111om Dr., N.e. 4 ••o E.t7• BR, 3 BA. ;.\' lot 1149,600 'tV ' KENNETH L. II.ARTMAN. C.M. R. F. lM\'8tlment1. 642-5760, ~46-2581. .. tra lge. kitch. Dbl. garage We have two ~pular four plus extra parking. Best bedroom mod~ls Just of~ered area· nr. Nc1\'port Harbor for sale. One is a beaut1fuUy Yacht Club. Easy to show. landscaped Monticito, with SHl0.000. ari· outstanding tropical or Call: 673-3663 642-2253 Eves. Oriental theme. The other is a brand new Sandpiper, in a gre8t location higti on a hill, where you, the new owner, can do aU the things you "'ant just your own way. Call '675-7225? associated BROKERS-REAL TORS 2025 W Balboa 67 -366] Over 1 l/2 Acre Custom· Pool Gorgeous custom built home COLWE LL COLI.EGE Park. pool. Sharp 3 br, tarn rm, ne w paint & cpts, $3.1,900. Open Houi;e Daily. 328 Bowling Green Drive. &4S-0968. -MESA VERDE- Large 3 bdrm, 2 bath, den, din rm/fam rm surrounding a Calif. patio. Deluxe crpts & tile. Move-in cond. 3260 Michigan. Owner 549-2688. rm. Immaculate! Thi;; tri· homr u1 hrau!. i.::arrlen set- level features Parquet rntry, Realtors 842-4455 tin:;::. 3 Bft., .~ h,1·s .. 1;pac. hardwood floors. J.ge p11tio;--0 \VNf.:tt must i;cll Spanish dining Ii: rani1ly rnis.: wf'll waler softener + orhrr nicr I ·• k't "· rlrsi~n. No do"·n, terms P ann11.-u 1 Cu.in; 11!:1'. view to have xtras. Prierd 10 srll d··" • · ;iv;\ilablr or fakf' over ex· 11."-'ft "' patio area. Many at only $41,950. Call & sec, •-~ t bar in 962-7637. is!ing FHA loan w Ith ex ...... ; we , t led glaSl. monlhly paymt'nts of S23.i. 4 garage door opener. seU,. -OUT OF SIGHT!-bedrms. family rm, rllnlni:c clean. oven, etc. Very YOU BET -TH.IS \VON'T rm. built-ins, 11 pa c I 0 u s functional, well planned LAST. Tip top condition, in-kitchen. 1trch\vay leads Into home. A jewel for entertaln• dudes 20' x 20' family the hon1e, Brk, $28,500, ing. $89,500. room, CO\'ered patio. kitchen 842-2'.JGI. * 499·2800 * HURRY BEFORE t T ' S ferred, 4 hcdrooms, family ~.<T'O,,. .. TI'f'kv BEST College Park area. 3 GONE. $27,500. All terms. room, den, .dining room. .-~~sr'"'~<if PROPERTIES. INC REALTORS on WAY OVER Vi A,CRE of _ _ _ __ with large dining arra. OV.'NE!1 !raving. tra n s· -~ Br., 2 Ba. encl. patio, block Ca!J SEYMOUR REALTY ... _ hu1<1:e ma<>1"r bc-'tli-oom, rear sMH u.O<..NA. wall. near schools, $28, 150. 847-.U21 ·of 546-4212. livini:: rooin, c ! r c u J a r I ..,,... a. .. "'"""" c-w choice land! Loads of giant * DUPLEX * shade trees. Vaulted and Custom bit. by present own- tx-amed ceilings· thru-0ut. er; spacious 3 BR. 2 Ba. plu! Formal dining room. 25' lovely 2 BR. unit over 3 car family room! 19' gourmet garage. Priv. patio. Beam kitchen. Giant maslf'r suite. cell., lots of storage. Beauli· SPARKLING 40' SUNSET fully lndscpd, Short walk to POOL! HORSE COUNTRY! the beach & shopping. May 0 0nniy'I". Callclal .. t;;mu'0'3P, 64M~c~~s. Cheaper Than Rent 0 0.:>.:>-..-.i;.>u drivev.•11y. No do11·n. Terms LD LAGUNA "roTAL COST ~ YOU 1750 availabll', Brk, S 3 2, 5 0 0. Th . .1. 4 BR just palnted----cf Jv 962-l373. is magn1 •cent Spanish thruo~t. · ~rplc., di~ r~: or take over existing SlST home is located ln one ol Woodland " Harbor Hi & per month payment on thl• REPOSSESSIONS Lagu"''' mos! oecluded close to parochial schl. 325 two story c 0 n do· 4 For tnformatlon and location areas. !·luge strf'et to 1tre.et E~ther. $30,000. 536-3323. bedrooms, 2. baths pl us of these FHA & VA homes, lot offers unequalled views. many, many extru. HUR· contact _ 4 Bdrm11. ph113, plus - UNDERPRICED to sell fast. we show you this? BY OWNER -Me,sa del Mar. RY! KASABIAN 179'500' Hurry -call '645--0303. MORGAN REAL TY 4 BR, 2 BA, family rm. New " . I Ol!ISI [ Ol\O\ PrAITORS 673-6642 675-6459 •hag" crpts. O>rner. Ready ---· ----to Move-Inf $35, 500 CANYON VIEW "' .. " "'"'". ~ WHERE e1se can you bUy" J':l<>-\ll;lOO Realtors 842·4455 The last of the Corona del $38,500 hm. for $1500 dn~ No Mar charmers! Rustic 4 TRANSFERRED • Must SeU OWNER transferred. 4 bdrm qualifying. Assume VA loan. 962-6644 R11I Estate ..AO tan: REAL ESTATE ll90 GleM<ytt St, BR. w/beam ceil's. &: used 4 br, 2 ba. $33,350. + fa mily rm, surrounded Choice )LB. location. 4 BR, G I APPRAISAL brick frplc. A woodsy Mt. 3280 Michigan. 540-9347 by beautiful trees, 4 2 BA. 2 sty, stp dn tam rm, • • • canyon. 40x164 Fl. lot. E•st Bluff bedrooms, oversized master 2 yrs old. 833-1103 or $42,500 feeling, overlooking trees & ------bedroom, natural br ick 962-2270. 454.9413 $49-0316 O\VNER; Split level. 2 BR• dt'n. 112 BA, fireplace, swi rleck. $42.500. 494-8635 or. 213: 66.~1073. Cooperative seller has Believe It or not. there's * $29,500 * fireplace, family room. din--"G~O~V~'T~.-O~W~-N-E=D- agreed 10 sell this spacious roo~ for a ~I. $59,500. 3 BR. 1'~ BA. Condo. Xlnt Ing rm, built-in range, 2 , 000 en, ft. home ~ lhe Scenic Proper11es 675-5726 co8CI. Pr~. only. call oven, dishwasher. Br k , Repossessed homes. Low -... ... ownf:T 642-2657 for appt. $26,000, 846--0li04. do1vn, Government pays ~~:r;:::,m:.Pffi!:iou! Costa Mes• El Toro DUTGHfARM~H~O~U~s-E= closing costs. Call 968-4441. Le9un1 Niguel baths, beautitill atrium OJI BYO ·-WN-E_R_M-,,.--v-en1-,-3 _...,_______ with heavy, heavy shake * Crest Realty master bedroom .. I a r g e BR, 2 BA, tam rm, 2 frplcs, 3 BR., 2 BA., cpl!. drpi, lge roof, shutters galore plus PRI DEOF-OWNER- BROADMOOR. N l g u e 1 Shores, ocean view, 4 BR; ran1Uy rm. 2 Ba, 2 yn old. 2200 ~q ft . ld.~cpd, drps/cptd, 3 car garagr, Beautiful fam- lly home, fine area witt1 easy, safl' bearh a~ees, $67,500. Call own('r, 496-6334., V.'<>rk,shop and sewing area. nE.'\vly painted. fully crptd, patio, lge. pool-size lot 1eparate playroom for kids Sharp 4 BR, 2 BA. many L<x;aled ?n .quiet cul-de-sac lmmac. $32,750. 1742 Iowa enclosed by block wall, or cralts. 3 Big bedrooms. xtras, lmmac. corner Jot at street 5 minutes from the St.. 545.20(5, close to xlnt sch o o Is , $700. tolal costs to move Iii 19822 Carmania Lane. beach. 1 :,=.,:~=-~~--~ market!, new ma 11 . for any veteran. Bkr. · 2 500 B CORNER lot cul-de-sac st, 3 Reasonable. 8 3 T -175 3. 962·S5U. Priced at only $3 • • rok· BR, 2 BA, trpl 6-bonus rm. 494-2116 aft 5:30 &: wk-ends. er 547-6334 or 546.62&1. $35 500 .. 6--l MUST Sell-T.O.P. on Gt OWNER ' · '" ''"' Put a litU~ "loot'~ in your Joan. $750 down. Nfeds ~sale/rent by owner. Levis. sell those baubles fof worlt. 4 Br & 2 ba. 11,~ yrs TRANSFERRED C WA ll<l R&Lll Lido Isle __ ........,,....... __ _ Realtors ~ml 2043 Westcliff Drive Ope,n till 9 PM SHORECLIFFS $23,500/$200 mo. 3 BR., l "bucks". Call .. Classified old. 20941 Glencalrn. HB. 3 Bedrm. 1% bath, !:mt or BA. Avail now. 540-531B. 642-5678. 83~ll03 or Eves. 546-97S4 . camper gale near beach & \===t::;;:====================~~;;;';·~== scl>Jol. S'~ down. Only I 124.500. cau 962-mL RED CARPET REAL TORS Now Is the time • " To list your property. ·we have quall!led customers' wail!~ .• LIDO REALTY 3.177 VI,_, Ltdo. N.B. Local professional has spent thousands ot dollars 10 create what we feel is one of the · most oulstanrling homt!s in our area; from the massive brick enb'y to the secluded rear yard, you'll tall In live wlth it. See it. even If you don't buy it! $89,500 Including land. CORBIN- MARllN REAL TORS 644-7662 $28,300 4 Bodrm. + 3 Baths Bcautlful famUy home, entry hall opens to spacious Uvt:iiz room, dining rOom, :iatt11"F1l "'OOd Cflbfnell!. park lik4" yard. Brit, S4().-l12> :t:l.\RBELI: ~ Harbor, CollA Mtcri lNVFSl'ORS SPECIAL! 2 Br. Eut Cost.A Mesa, r<!lluced! 118.500. Myers. ~ - The Puzzle with the Built-In Chuckle .9Reorrono• lttt•r• of ~ /~, • f01Jr 1Ctt11ttbltd words tie. Sow to form fovr slmplt "NOl'ds. ·1 H A Gs I R I . I 1 I I \1 . I DYCERI~ " I \1 I I . 1 I. T u s I E I ! I ) J j~ • Title cf new record releoMH . . . . "Ha Had a Wooden Leg But l p U BT A R !She Had a Cedar-: 7 _10 I I I O Cornp!•te th• d!uclclt quoted I l IS by f1lllng In !ht rnlMlnQ word _ _ _ • . • _ vou d1v1lop from ttep No. 3 below. i PR~~s~~~~~~s LETI~RS IN I' r J5 I' ,, I '1 u~~~~N~~~l mnos l l I l l l SCRAM·Lm ANSWERS IN CLASSIFICATION 900 • I • VA-NO DOWN 3 Bdrm 2 bath, central en- try leads to large family nn with cozy firepl, modern kit· chen, $31,950. PH : ~-7771 RED CARPET REAL "roRS. * 673-7300 * ELEGANT 4 bedroom &: tamll.Y room home with 4 baths Ir 2 ~· pla ces. S92,500. TWO BEDROOM SHACK bowcm!l loweon JR. FOR SALE C H E A P ! MGl.COQ 1150/mo. Jump to ocean. 3416 Via Lido 675-4562 1 ..:B::kr:..:·..:962::.:.,SS:::;ll::.·:_ ___ , I Mesa Verde .I. r;;v;,;ln;;e;;;===;:;;;;;;;~I ' SR. lg Ux24 came room. • 11' ba, bltn kit., crptl, clrpo; END THE SEARCH waler oo llen<r incl. 134,700 This 4 bdrm .. 2lh bu. homt 557-9194 has evel')'thlng you've al · AM~l~•!!lii~o~n~V~lOJ~·!::::::::::\ ways wanted, includina a :.: view. Two tireplacts, Im· SUPER SHARP 3 B 1\ ported linen drapes. gold HOME, NEW PA I NT, aha& carpctina:, storage. b&z-. X·LARGE LOT. OWNER bcqut, de<'.kb)&:, patlo• &: a WILL SELL AT VA AP· quiet 1)8_rk loc11Uon, $56.~ PRAISAL -$.31 ,500. Including land. eKATELLA REALTY e 8:11-9400. (ired hill ,...~ew,..t.c""7u....,7t,...::-:-:.---,-li REAL1Y ,!>lk from ..,.. i-to. Univ. Park Center, Irvine. SSS.000 u. Al1 fB.456S. Cl.II An,yUme, W-0820 Office bOUJ'l I AM to I PM FOC' thl.I lttm under S'l\ tQ lflo i'<MY Plncll<r. -· • ' I • . . I~ "'"' £•t•l•. GtfMll •I [ill .. fJNlnc:l1! lril I _,__ . -. .. --~ • Wtdr\Udl&', July lt, 1'97! ~ILOT·ADV£RTIS~'4.'! [ ,_.~-... ~ ·1~~ "-'pan Beech locome Property 166 11\onty to LNn J~ .__[ ......,_,. __ ,~1 ;.1 -----._;J~~e I Aoor1moouror•-j~[ ~r..-j[!J 305 ttoust• U•fu,..,.. :IOS C1ncl0mln lvm• Apt. Unfur n. US Apt. Unlvrn. JiS Apl. Unlvrn, _u;..n .. f.;.u;.;m..;. ___ ....;.32;..0 -.,~ ... .,....;r;;.•_l _.._ ____ G_•"°n-•-ro_t______ Co•t• Mo .. 240 HouM• Unfurn , 1 Attn: Ilg Families SEVEN HOUSES IIOMEOWNERS! BORROW "'e ban "''O t.rp 11'-'0·llM)' 5-2 BR & 2-1 BR. tndlvldu1:11 bomu tor larger fom.lllC'11 hOmes on large oor-Mr lot. •'ho Wllll their .ch.lld1·~n Nttd~ JOme TLC And $1000 • $1 0,000 Up cbe to .flne ttertational at· gtntral clr1tnup. NI'! v er LOW MONTHLY tfvltits. Bay, btach, poolerwJ viu;ancy. $875. month In· PAYMENTS • ttM1a cJubf, and caru1.l:fron1 com~ $10.000 dn. Asking LOANS 011 ANY llOME. Jlvb\&: all comf! with owner-$79.500. CAU. 64.2-1771. P.AJD !'"'OR or NOT ot Ntwp)rt'1 best wat"r FIRST! l Hunt!nrton 8Hch Huntington Beadt 1225-Lrt mod 3 hr, 2 ha. \Ve Specialize tn N('wport ;rptc, lncd yd. child/pet 4 Br, l ~ ba, pat\o' carport. Beach e Coton& dtl Mar e 81-!il Taylor 847-5169. $225/mo. LANDLORDS!- • 645-4573 ' Ir Lq:una. Our Rtntal Ser. LARGE 4 BR. 2 Ba .. fencffl I ~-~-=-=-'---­vlce.~ll FREE to You! Tr)' comer lot. Sl)O/month. Call Condo. Furn . o r Nu· View! ~3)81. Unfurn. .NU-VIEW RENTALS Irvine Nawporl Baach 673.<0:liJ ot 0..3241 :.;;;;;====== -------·--Ba lboa lal1nd 3 BR. 2 a.,, tam. m> ... 1325 * BAY FRONT * ablp. ~se homes att In tv.'O Ontu COMPARE OUR C 0 ST S oricntfd communitlH. Call ~ }1R.ESIDE WAN ~?ti$. --21 _GUARANTEE ' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;= Jf )'Ou can gel tht SAJ\fE CHARMING l l'!!!!!!!!iiiii!i!!~~~!iil LOAN from any OmER CAPE COD COLWELL 2 BR. 2'bA. Choice? .••. $300 Concto home w/hoat slip, ·WE HA VE OTHERS BrlUld new -for lease Furn. S650; unfurn, s55o 4'01 \V. Cout Hwy, Ask for Bud Meyer 67$.60> II' ~--U LENDER in California •l Yearly r<'nt&I. 2 BR., dr.n, 1 ~.....,.. RATES LESS THAN WE balh bomt:. 1,i Block from Townhou11 Unfum. 335 VILLA MARSEILLES SPACIOUS 1 lo 2 BEDROOM APT. Furnlahtd lo Unfurnished Advil Living Dishwasher color coordinated appliances • P lush shag carpet • mirrored wardrobe door .. Indirect lighting ln kitchen -breakfast bar • huge private fenced patio -plush landscap-ing -brick Bar·be·Ques -tare• heated pooll & lanai. Air condiUonlnt. 3101 So. Bristol St., S1nt1 An• SJ7.a200 COLDWELL, BA~KER lo CO. MANAGING AGENT -·-----·-\ INCOME HOMES OFTER, return tbc beach. $325 month. ~ 6-NEW DUPLEXES $4.(1950 MONEY w11hln 15 dayi, a.nd Mulne WilllAn11 642-8235 A F J6I I A t U ft.I l.. CONDOMINIUM "NEW TRIPLEXES 167:950 YOUR WAN wit h US la HuntinAlor. 8Hch pfs. "'"· p • n m. Park Lido, 2 bdmu1., 2 b.\tht, Beaut. ntw 2 Is 3 BR units. FREE! R.C. WERNER • "SINCE 1946" 3 Br 2 Bath Cos ta Met• Y . . "' •-pta-pat'· l enc•--~ lSl ~ B St r-1 ., ,. President h1 \Vestem Bank Bldg, Townhowt,,·• ... palio ,•frplc. Costa MeN ••H(Jt-Jf Hl llS INC . l~l:;ALTORS , 11l'-.:: .... , ''-' wacu i.. ay ., '"""s a .. ~e · Realty Compi'l.ny U . ·1y p k 1 1· ·-« 1115 & Up. Nice 1 BR. I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii v• saragt. Only $30.500 Co1npl~, 8/1, Ph : 642:4905. FIRESIDE Tlarlft 642-8235 644-6290 D n1ver5"517::,.· ivN·"'ht-\V.shr·df'}'f':r I: rf'frig lnr.I. lrallers, 1 adult only. 132 W. ARBOR ""'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' 1y1 -""" 11 1 Nr tcttls & 1bopplng. Access \Vil.son, Costa Mer.a. ,_ J.'mm&CUlate 3 bedroom 21,i DANA H ~ 2328 }(arb()r BL, C.M. 645·1000 ":." •-• 1 to.pool&:: tennis courts. $212 1 baths $32 500 · INCOl>tE i!Ol\1ES rNE\V) 1119 N. ]\-fain, S.A. ~7...Q61t4 Ba lboa Penlntufa H t i t 8e h rt . . f·Plexes . ' Sli6,9'JO to $71 .950 MAGIC LOANS 4 BR., 2~~ ba .... •·•·•·· SJ6S ."'°,..;..:·.,.96=2·.::489::,1:,.::,ov"e""'-~= un ng on •.c HARBOR GREENS Furnlahtd lo Unfurnished CAL"L . C!), '''·1414 Duplex .............. $52,500 2 BR, 2 BA, ocf':anfronl. Has 3 BR .. 2 baths ......... 13'0 1,,0,_u.;.p,,le_•_•_s_U_nf,,.....ur_n_,. __ 3~50 l11QUINTA HERMOSA .,. ~.Mt* 8 Uni11 ............ $132,500 The Col\\•tl\ Company has 2 evecythill,lot. Gar. J<irl!'. 3 BR, 2n, baths ........ $300 .~N6'-Alcazn.r 11.1 t.iJ. Cresta, Dain~ million dollars avallable for Rent·A-House 979.1430 Huntington Ba11ch SPanisb Country Estate Liv. r,, .,,·, "•••••• '''' o rrt<• Pt. WEBB (Bkr.! &t2"1905 loan to home buyers using SI{ARP! Clean! 2 Br, 2 Ba. ,. d h•11 -""'=,.;:.------tng &. Spacious Apt.. Ttr· From $120 to $115 mo ro ... l ' re I DELUXE 2 BR, COV palio. raced pool : sunken pl f~· 'PANORAMIC VIEW *NEWPO·~-T8EACH* the nl.'\v MGIC b~'ured Yr y l..M:'. lmmed. poss. No ' New dri>s. crpt-s. bltns, dbl BBQ. Unbelievable Livin& - : . Beaut. malntAlntd home Luxurious Office Bldj.!. loans. These loans enable ~"''-"-· _R_er~·'~· _67,>-c~3944_.__ gar., lavely private grounds. Only 81chelor1 e 1 Bdrmt t't' 2 Bedrooms A larae family $200,000 Down. Prime Joca· yo.u to ?uy ~mes u~ 10 the Coron• del Mar REALTY Water & gardener pd. I BR . FURN. $1lS 2 Bdrmt e 3 Bdr"1t i rm. Pool. $64,500. uon. 30,000 Sq. ft., 11teel & 5n~d .i~.~n wTh•th' "i httle ,•,s * * DUPLEX BR AN 0 Univ. Park Center, Irvine Responsible marri@d couple Al.4 lIT_ILlTlES PAID 1 y1 or 2 Full lt_ths ! · G.orge Wllll•mion masonary construction.. 1". uvw · 11e o11.ns. e Call Anytime 8J3.0820 (AdUlls1 $165 no pet.s. • Reiftor Merritt Propertiel! 640-0110 available on condominiums NEW. Huge dlx OY.'ner'1 Office hours 8 AM to a PM 842-3276. (4 blks S. of San Diego Frwy Master,J aize bedroom• wl ~ u••570 64' 1564 17 Units-2 blks fro n1 b' and' on leaseholds \Yhich is un it, 3 BR., 3 BA .. DUPLEX for rent. $135. 2 on Beach. 1 blk W. on Holt high beam ceutngs. larce I . ~ "' . ig A nMY way to finance these. 1.-'ireplace, bltins, 1800 sq. fl . L 8 living room w/cu Of EAS'I'BLUIT. ipacioua split Corona. JOS-3t2 Carnation, Call G75-722S. + 3 decks w/vie\Y of baY, agun11 each Br. cpt1, drpS, 624 Geneya, to 16211 Par.kskle Lane.) I ,.,.ood burnins fireplace. -ltvtl, xlnt cond. 5 Lg Br. J CdM. Gross SZ?OO per mo . ocean, & hills. Walle to bch $150 • 1 BR. SO. Laguna. Apt A, H.B. Call Manager (714) 847--5441 ,., . Convenient laundry &rel I . BA, lovtly patio. Xtra lac All on lse. Aslung $265,000. & shopping. l yr Jse. $395. Private beach. 894-SlOS $145 • 11~" oft kitchen. Enclosed p&• , yard, room for p001. Spf.<:-By Owner 642-8520. Refs. required. 675-6900. $175 . CHARMING 1 Br hse , Bachelor • 1 B~R. patios, tios. 2 •wimmlna noola. New • New • New VILLA CORDOVA COOL· ffiESH QUIET • W 'E (Near Back Bay) 40 Unit Adult Complox Only (1 ) 2 Br. Left I Entertalnlna will be a pleas· ure. t>ecorat:lftl will be a job. e Special cablntt i1>1ce • L«k &•r&lt• w !ls 1tor • Bm cell e Lndr:Y • Patios • 0/W, di1ponl e Specta.I llOwtdproofin& • Deep 2 color-Iha& crpll e Drapea GAS ,f. WATER PAID $170 Mo. to Mo. 2323 Elrlen Ave., CM 646-00S1 -------- TAKE A MOMENT and enjoy the peacefUJ IUI'· roundings of this adWt com· plex opposite a aoU course. Privacy, luxury, aecurity at a rell50llable price: '* Lovely living and tnter· laitting areas with tire· place, patio * 3 bedrooms, 11,i baths * Pool and putting grttn Take a momtnt to aee ••ho you've be~n ml11!ng at FAIRWAY VILLA APARTMENTS 20122 Santa Anit Avt, 546-6215 ,+ ttcular view. \Valk lo BY owner duplex 1 yr old N d Q . 1 l _, ded l l[t) "' . sauna. recreation faclll· ' h $50 000 $220 . 2 BR over gar. S!ove. 0 • eo · uie 8""'+u · Apattmtnta forRtnt •. frplc's, priv. gar a 1e11 . ties. Security rut.rd. l sehool1, parks. For 11ale by Capistraoo Beac · · ' $115 · LRG 2 BR in 4 pJex D•"""ed bath & •-t8 of -·-r. •1:•,500, 644-0485 or trade for lot. 5.16-0346. t'f'frig, Crpl /drp11 . Can furn . .. bal VI ,_______ YIU IU Models o-n 'tilt pm. v-...... ....., $225 • 2 BR hse wltrplc, neiv C'rpfs .. rps. · ew. closets. Rec hall, pool & ,.--aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii&iiiii-1 New"rt H1igh•1 (10 ) 2 BR·DelU:<e Bldg .• 61st TD L bflns, yard, jtaTa~. NU-VIEW RENTALS pool tables. sauna-baths. 2700 Peterson Way, CM *NEW* VILLA PEDRO 1;.;.;.;;.:;.;.;.;...;.;...;~·;c...__ mos old, E/aide C.M. Prin-oa ns 1395 3 B 3 B f I bl 673·4030 or 494-3248 Aptt. Purn. S60 See for vnurself! 17301 nr H1rbor Blvd .. 4 BR .. VICTORIAN cipals only. 642"1121 . • ~ . r, a, rp C', tns, LAGUNA Ni·guel. I BR, 2 Keelson '-'." 11 blk' W. of •doma 1 You must J''' th11 cwstomii-L f 5 1 170 6*% INTER EST v\('\\I or bS1v. 3eneral ....,, "' ~ ed marterpie«. 3 yn,old. 3 ott or • e · 2 d TD L NU-VIEW RENTALS BA. Hv rm & dining area. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii"ii-i J Beach, 1 blk N. of Slater). ,. k H HI h n oa ns 673-4030 or 4!14·3248 family rm, frpl , builtinll, 842-7848 546-5025 ' r bl I to arbor g . CHOICE l!Ubdivislon lot. 'rli A ()wne Alt otters terms & La v $500 Sell · carpets, drapes, fe't'lced & HUNTINGTON G a r d e n ' s ----- 1 BR., 1 B.~ APTS. super-Comfortable-Quiet ;::1 r-. _ hr s eaas. · or Lowest rates Orange Co. J BR. 2 BA, H11rbor Viev.• sprinklers, 2·car g11ra~. Aptll. Htil at Bolu. Chica. 11·, ~~!~-.,·. po!ls. 149 ,:>00 . trade? 541.-6220. "WE BUY TD 'S" 11om ... -M,,,_ Pool ,,,·,,,·1 1 lold New Concept V'tor~ ... -.---. ~.,. · mmac. $315 mo., 1st, last&. 846-1323. Compare . See DELUXE· .. Neu Nt-.vport Baek $8.y. f ·_ . Mountain, Desert, Sattler Mtg. Co. 8S~!5~on•Avail. Aug. 15th. deposit. Available Aug, 24th. \\'ha1 you're missing. Fr. APARTMENTS -Resort 174 641-1171 54S.0611 ~·r_.~_~_. ----' ,;;;49>4;...' .::24:.;:4 ·c,,,,~.,_. =-.,,.. FURNITURE RENTAL Sl20-$'40. Air Cond • Frplc'• • 3 Swim· ' I I~ ~ Sing!t'~/Famili4'~. 2 BR , furn 1 'NO _, b . l 2 B d' =~~~~--~~ 1 "-rvl H •-zt . e .. u c arming r. 1n $1"'5 • $l35. Lge. mod•rn 1 ming Pools • Health Spa . ·,,"• MobfteHomel z::m::1. SPECIAL Smoke Trtt Valley""' ng aruur area yr~. or unf. G~r. F"hcd. r 1 • -,.... rm. rp , gar, terrace w/o-,..... lb t M tb B d c t d N Trnnis Courts . Game and l:iiiimmm;;;;;:;;;; aettagl", ZJ level acres. Mortgages Rent-A-Houte 979.8430 • '"on o on r., re ec. p s.. rps, r . , cean view, 11,1 b 1k1 * 100% Purchase Option ocean. 210 Chic ago , Billiard Room. .,.. Imperial Valley. F...ast of T r ust Deeds 260 bea c h Is hop· g. Adlt.s. "''>-.<!2-• 847 5169 1 BR. From 11-SAlton Sea. 12 ml to river. Cos ta Mesa n• * Wldt Selection-o}J<r ~: -. • vu _ Mebllt Homes_ 4;,ot-7rJ6 or 499-.1727. ~tyl Col 1 BR. le Den From 1110 , For Sllle 125 Xlnt investment. S375 per $40.000 -2nd T.D. 10"'~ Tnt. 3 ---------... e· or-e LRG, 2 BR, Bung&low ...;:;_::.:;;:._ __ _;;: Ac. or $6950 all. \Vil! ('On-yr due dat(' .. ~2001 Bonus MESA V ER DE l SPLIT leY('l 2 BR&: dtn, 1~·~ * 24 Hour Deliver)' Apt. 4 Gardens. 6 pools. MEDITERRANEAN '\ Contcmpo Mobilchome Expo 11ider trade for home in Or,gt~"~"~"~"~~~u,~e~d ,~640-~~15~15~. ~~ Bl"dmom~. family room, 2 BA, fireplace, sun deck. • Saunas. Hol Jacuzzis. Ttn· VILLAGE • * .Grand Opening * Cty. Days, <7141645--0550 bnths, carpeting, draperie11, $.12>mo. 494-8635. w _ -· ~ nil! courts. Sl90. 846--0XiS -•--Orange C<>Wtty's newesl Ask for Mr. Murrah. ~ charmin~ home in t'XC'f'llent L1gun1 Hill1 ~ ~ 2400 Harbor Blvd., C.M. -I I nl'ighborhood. Available 1 APT. Poolside • Spacious (nf) 557.5020 j; '72 furnh1hed model mobile LOT In fRmous Lake Havuu. Hoc.ff forRtnt 1e Au.i::-. 1972. On('·.vear Jea~e 3 Br, 2 ba, bltins, carpt'~ng Bungalow. Pvt. patio, $150. RENTAL OFFICE home di1pla.y. Open da.ily, 9 r:m:, or the.dworld ~mo~:l~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~ prefcrrrd ai SJ 5 0 Imo. & drapes. Pool facllitie~. 511 W. 19th, CM 548-3481 mo. lo right ad u It I . OPEN 10 AM to 6 PM ~i a~usk. Take SAn Diego n n Bri gc. at 'fl Including \Yater and ~1ninlcnance includrd. 2756 N. Ma.Jn SA 547·03l4 S46-l323· Trew)' to Avery PJcwy exil. cloiie to a~I school~ &. ci ty .. Hou111 Furnl1htd 300 gardener. Drive by 2812 551-3954. _*_Wl_NT_E_R-. -R-ENT--ALS--NEW TRIPLEX '' 28282 Camino Capistrano. ~or ;n tra~e ~or ~~t8 1 ---------Zcran.i:: aod plcasl.' phone . Balboa Island 1, 2, 3. 4 BR. Reserve Now! Sell or Rent 1 • Laguna Niguel. 831·1900, eM or ewpo eac n-81lbo1 Is land 54fr2219, evenings for more· 4 BR 2 ~A, bllins. fenced ABBEY REALTY 642-3850 New 2 & 4 BR Aptl =::,C.--,C:-~-~--1 come prop. 644-4687. __ :.;.;...;.;...;.;...;.;___ info. yard. patio, excellent loca· * DOCK & PIER * ~ 12X55 1 Br Moblle home. IN VESTMENT-300' BI v d CI1ARMING 3 BR Iden tion·i mmed oceup. $li0. per Channing 1 br, furn apt, on I ·N"-'-ew=po"-rt-'-8;;..;;,o•::.ch:;;;____ Frplc, sh11.g c!'flf5 le drpa. ~ $.1,2000. See SAl·Sun, Bay & Fro 1 s4~ 000 wall.'rfront home Au g S(Jpi: R SHARP 3 Bed· mo. Call agent 546-4141. N. Bayfront. 1 car gar. $350 FROM Sl90 ~ Beach, 7704 Pacific Coast n age · lst 1 ~1 h $500 \V. '1 • s27~ room 1 Bath f ·1 1 67~ """"" 2 BR. \Vinler. $225./Mo. ct 15th Plact Ir ' H NB S 16 INCOME-Moonridge Golf • :J ' -• in er ;i, ' ' 1m1 y mo. ea~. ,r-1\J;:r;:r, " BR IV' I $300 /M r W'f, · ·• p. · mo AYail 9/8 ''"I'",-rm carp I d Now-rt a.1ch .l • in t'r. . o. Orange Ave .. C.M. Course Triplex·Ski slope 1 · · · ,....,.. .)J · '' t 1, r1-1. --* CHARMING 2 Br Yoariy • • 213/337-8333 or 536-2350 aft · ,... · Summer dates open now. 13'7966 , , .. 4 pm blk S49.500 Corona .del Mar Neet & clean thruout. THE BLUFFS rental. Large. See at 5000 N t e NB 1 "' I . rl LAKEFRONT hsr·Nrl'ds TLC SI -. . . $250. per mo. C11ll Call }~ern at 673-6900-ep un ' -New VIiia Paula NO Down. Lido Wate ronl Alpln Reali p 0 Box 1796 15 u111 paid, gar unit, also Dav 8 , HERIT.AGE ONE STORY BACHELOR apt. % blk from 2 2 ' p·"· 13 995 Dbl 'd c y, . . ' $85 N' t B h B11lboa Penintul• 11~" Br., Full Bi.. IU"· · · · wi e, Big Bear Lake (7141 861).7511 P c · REAL TORS, 540-1151. Like new 3 BR., 2 ba's.; priv. ocean. "" mo. Famlllf!t Welcome $5.995. 22' Sail boat . Rent-A-House 979·8430 .., M · d 1375 N 6'5-0098 after 6 pm ~ 573-3817. 2 Lots, secluded $2,450 C • TINY Cottage -Perr. for plhlO. ove.1n rea )'. PE1 IN Pt. ·lrg 1 br, w/w Shag cpt/drpll, patio, ;, ~12, 2 BR,· patio, lndscpd, l\1oon·~idge c~bin Sl~.750.,_•_s_t_a _M_•_•_•_____ :iiin~le pe_r~n . Sll5. Per month, crpt, pvt "patio. Yrly lse. * % block Bay & Beach. beam cell., 1araaes. •• Lak g de c b I '' 000''. ALA Rentals e 64'3900 ~ Ulil incld. No pets. Single or Bachelor apt, $125. 2 BR From SltlO ' & I lk to e 1 a in JJ, 2 Br stove & refrig ~ ' >. 64 rec ~m poo , wa Call 866-464l or \\'Tiie: • · ~~·~ '"'-' cpl only. $195. Avail 7/1. 1500 ~apc,t'c,Sc,275_.~· =5-0_;_U3.c.___ 622 Hamilton, C.M. , · shopping. $65 mo. $2200. Spencer Ret1 I Est11.te, P . o. crpt/d rps, so~e fu r~· • 1-IARD to Find~ 2 Br, fncd (__ '~J!iefr Miraniar, Balboa, Down· UPPER 3 BR. ~~ blk beacb. See Mir. Mr. & Mra. Hoban : j 646--8464. Box 2828, Bi& Bear Lake, Cfld~;rt, 1 811 uNtil P'1 1v· •,"1'i!Jet , yrd, encl gar. Kids&: pets. (,«.Sf !.; .. -~' U 1 ~·~ta~ir7-•~u~nl~t.~6~7~3-0~7~11-·~-Yearly. New crpts & drps. 548·X!62 "•!OBI'~ H •· 10 50 2 c 111 8 ony. r t'llc $14~ "' • u · W On •~1 N t 64° ~· 1 ~ om · x · 1 • Plaza Sl SO 642-0538 · -r"a K &: Up-Octan ..,..,., mo. 0 pe s. .<-.)OQO. Park~Llke Surrounding : _ Bdrm. ~1any ex!1'as Incl. VIEW cabin, fabu lous IOC'. · ' · ' · ALA Ren_tal1 e 645-3900 _ (? realty Lovely Bach-1 Br. -Rooms S•n Clemente QUIET • DELUXE I ' • PrlC't:d for Quick Sale Runninit Sprgs. 4 BR. nev.•ly laguna Baach OCEAN view 2 -Sty near Maid Service-Pool·Util Pd 2 " 3 BR APTS 1 ~ ..... n~ 2414 Vista Del Oro e Call 6~ •7•• e SP" 00 FURN OCEAN VU 1 ""'-"'· dl'c. $22,900. &l&-ll'i5 $400 mo. 2 BR. 1-3 mos. im· beaches & Ne w po r I. •..-o"" ""· Prv. patios * Htd Pools t P . 4 Newport Be•ch C APT . 3 LG RMS, PARKING ~ 10x40 ~ayflower \l.'/cabana, Out of State Prop. 178 med. occupancy OK . res11ge br, J ba, lg tam B4+llJ3 ANYTIJ\fE orona del M11r Nr 1d10•"g *Adult• Only ' convtn1ently located, adult Fabulous vic\v. 598 Alta rm. bltns, frpl. forma.J din, l * ADULTS 492·1209 * M rti I A park, 64&-8464. FOR salf"" 4 Ac Ranchette: Vis!a \\lay. Quil't & private. yr neY.', etc. Avail "°""'· * FOR LEASE * BACH furn garden apt Sl05 Apt. Unfurn. 365 a ft que pts. ,11 or 6-100 front ft residential Tt'lt'phone 0 \I' n er in '''aler pd. $295. mo. (213 / Former Movie w /u ti I • bus In essman, Im Santa Ana Ave .. C.M. lots. 1 1nile hi vif'w prop, Holl y\vobd 213: 6."lG-6300. 429-2858_ Producer's non-smoker, P r iv a c Y · General Mgr. Apt. 113 646-5542 675-4859. ---------J iteal E1t1te. PN-!COtt Ari7.. $17,000 or N t B h * $27,450-3 BR·1 BA * Luxurious E•1tbluff -SPACIOUS Studio 2 Br, w/w • Gtner1I \viil trarle $5500 eqty for ewpor e a c LEASE/OPTION AVAIL. Condo. FURN 1 BR apt, CdM. $170. SNEAK PREVIEW o! pro· crpts, ne11,' drps, elte. bltns, 'l:mmmmm;;~;~ I h I •-h a 2 BR 1· fl 2 Near beach. 1 Yr lse babty the be 1 t new 1" b Pr! tlo N .:• ouiie n lll'AC rcas. WlNTEll renlal. Npt Penin. Bit-ins. crpts, fpl , 8' blk \\'ALI IP 1t level w Ba. ,.. a. v. pa · r. -""9" " btk 1 b 2 b 1. r , 1~1 A 11 desired. Call 642-4210 d•v. apartments in Costa Meaa. frwy• , shop'•. No pe!J. '""""°° ,,.,, ·1 rom ay r iv cncc, t-or lot, as~ park c r gar. """ mo. va -., oi; • Gu &. Water paid. Mo. tn Mo. From S185. Children Welcome. 2332 Elden Ave. • 548-8224 * * $180 ** 3 Br, 11Ai Ba, newly painted Blltns, crpUdrp1, e n c patio. Nr 1chl1 le ahop'c. Children ok, no pet.s, S80 Center St., CM. 642--8340 or 543-2682. DELUXE 2 BR, I~ Ba., Studio. Crpttdrps. pool. _,Buns, p .t patios. $150. 1 chlld ok, no pets. MS-0496 CLEAN 2 B:R. Studio, 1 ~ Ba. drpa /crpt /bltn11/gar. Adults, no pet.s. S l 5 5 . 543-6357. Spac Townhouae. 2BR. 2BA, Vaulted Cf!iling, 1ara1t, pool1. air I cond. $210. 54<Mll9/!i40-204& E/slde 2 Br, 1"' Ba. adult townhou~e. Encl patio. lt65. 134 Melody Lrl, M&-9695 or 548-5986 aft 6 pm. 1 BR. w/Stovt, refri&ft'&tor. Water &: lights pd $145, 251> D Eldtn. 84i.5192. ' SPACIOUS 2 BR Apt. $135/mo. Carport. Oldtt prefeJTed. 673--8145 2 Br. Adults, no pet1. BAY MEADOWS APTS. 387 W. Bay St. CM 64&.oo73 2 BR unfurn apt, $145. No childn!'n, no pea. 820 center St., CM. 842-5"8. Dan• Po)nt 2 BR, 2 BA, crpts, drpt;, ap.. plia,nces. S200/mo. C a 11 496-7oo8 eves or \Yknds. ,f lu1ln111 Property 1~ RP.~I Estata Wanted 184 rm, hie kit. frpl c.' nicf' ~atio \v/pools. Bkr/owner. Aug, 1st. 213: 461-8170 or -"~·m,,'_,',.,',,ve_s_. _5.16-<622,....-·-~ fef!.hllin1 firtplace1, walk in _54-;-5-4-:8:'9,"3'=--,-,--=---- FOR SAie-Beer tavern. fa mi-& goest house w-Br,,~ba. 646-9666 642·2211 Z13 : 461·8179 day1 or 213: Bachelor apt, man only. cc~~Jlln"· ,"'1 pobhsed beam,ed ' i & 2 BR Apts. Garagts. ;F..;O;;U;;n:;;l•:;:l;;n_V,;.•;;l;;,l•;;Y:..., __ ~ 1y bar, by O\\'ner. Call • PVT pty wants J or 4 BR serv rm \\'·Wshr .~ dryf'r. 654· 70&1-eves & wknds. Annual leaae nI5 mo. · g, u ouse, sw m-Q · 1 ard tf Sl.35 &: l._ _ .. '911 home Call H•,_, 8.11·1129 1zs,-mo 67" -o•. 54' -11 J Br, 2 ba, cpl1, drps, bltns. R Ulil pd. 64-4-7701 mlng pool, Fumistled or un-upu"ut"11 ~ .. •eFurnmc. ·1 4 BR, 3~ Ba. encl 1•--, ~ · . .....J, . ' ;r-.:.IW't, o-v.1 ' d dbl • ARE Indeed! 2 Br, slops Iu-1'•h•d, Bachelor' 1 B-'. ' 'i:i-.::... • &VIU • --~ \ \\lkdys: eves & \\'knd! ext 394. screenc patio. garaite. '" « eu M , 3 1 8 5 0 8 pool &: recrea1ion. No peta, 2 •-Commercial "2 2 '~=~~-~-~-lmmcd. occupancy. $265. to beach, stove, refrig, kids, Cotta Mesa roo fro 11~~ anager, " -or chil•-n. 1~. ~-1"'. • 64"" JI· iiiiiiil1BDRM, 2 frples, bar, 11''· 1;:;;;.::.:..:...:c.:::;:______ m m JiJ per mo. ~992 ,...,.. ~ ""' V'l'I I Proparty 158 Mt'sn North. 557-8443, Rich. "' 140 W. Wilson, Costa Men, -'-..,:;..· ______ 1._;;;;=c,...._;_~----1 . -·. blto,, auto gar. doo• opem'r. ALA Rentals • 64S.3900 LOW WEEKLY RATES 642-131l0. "THE GABLES" Hunlln-Bl'Och * FOR SALE * II •I soft waler. 1425 month, 3 BR plus ram. rnom, cpt•.. E t' S It 2 Br, 111 Ba w/f"· Adtt•. •·-· ~ 5,650 c;, ... ft. lot • Laguna Financlll . 1!!,Vail. &-pl. 15!h. 646-5291 drps. stove. Vic. Vlclorla St. • LIDO Lovely • 2 Br, 2 Ba, XICU 1ve u es ON THE BEACHI, Crpt/drps, bltns, !nod yrd $175 • """ . · & Pomona Ave. $ 18 5 . 1 1 d 1 20&0 ..Newport Blvd. I~ Near forest & Third St. rp c, crpts, rps, enc gar, Cost• Met• w/patio. Wtr pd . 636-fUO -'968-.l~""o.'5~·~--2:::::-0'"'-"' 2131 o Ch'1ldre n Welcome ·~· Ideal for ... 642·2611 l BR. Furn. & Unf\lrn. ranat Ave No. C SIS3. : prolessiooal or"''" hidg, Buslneu I j[ 11! j PVT. " Cteao 2 Br .. lncd. ALA R als • 64S.3900 ""ACIO B S FROM ONLY $195 SPAC 2 Now Fam'1ly Apts. 0 Port" 'tv 100 "-·--~·-ya•d, crpl/drps, "b•e-"fst. ->P US 1 ORM • A 3 Br apt $1411 up. ~· lttALONOMIC~, BROKER P n1 ,._.. '"' ...,... • Ill\ $185 U 'I pd 2 B D 1x 1,2 Pool /drp bl ,. * 67S.670o * 1:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiii bar, gar. Jdeal for child. b • t1 , r. p • FREE Linens OCEAN QUEEN k ' cpt , tna, ktdt 2 Bdrm. Color Coord. t~ ' --\VANTED, MAn lo en!er the 642-3289. s21.o'' lL\;100°''1'"1•' v Irg I • FREE Utilities Lo 1830Be E. Ocean rtvd. 1::..; M pl N ,· •M OM3 TENNIS CRT., p•~·G ~1 6 Comm'! uni!!;; gros~ $770 \1•oocl finish Removing Serv. • 1 • ery e Full KHchen na ach (213) 43;>.5845 ~ a e o. , .. 17U">JO• v 1 1 4~ ~' per mo: Sl,014 laxes: util Remove all ty()('s of 1vood Houses Unfum. 305 2 BR w/garage. Childttn. Br ove.r gar, All recite. a Heattd Pool Mna'd by Willfam Walt-Jn Co. 2206 College No. 5 •.. 642-7035 GREEN, POOL, BAR·B.Q's , ~.Make offl'r. Owner anx· flnlsht'S from furn. & Int. Gt ne l absol . no pets. Inquire at $285 • 3 BR, 2 Ba. Newport • Laundry Facilities e VIEW A Privacy! Duplex 2 2 Br. Townhouae l\S Ba, new CHILD PLAY AREA \!" k>ua to aell. 4-44 Old Newpo1·1 panelling, kitchen cabintts.1 ---ra______ 381 No. 2, E. 18th St. 11.ltls. G~r. Yrct. Deck. • T\r Is maid •rv avail Br, garaae.. Lndry taciL crpu, dtapft:. bltna. No DAY CARE CENTER 1 1: Blvd. NB 642-8~ _ drns, elc., on 60~li basis. 642-4l63. NU-VIEW RENTALS e Phone Service «16-75.58 or 675-39811, 'pets. Nr. Baker A Falrvitw'. 3 SI'ORY REC. BLOC .. INC . . 11 C·2, 1068 NEWPORT C.o net 1200. week · 3 OR 4 Br. 2 Ba, xtra irg 673.<0:liJ or <~·324! *' ••o WE.E'"K;-_&'""U"'P,-.,.* $165/mo. 1194 Mlulon Dr. GYM & PARTY RMS. t 11~ '-d r I od k .. Balbo• Peninsula DESIGNED FOR THE !~, Blvd. 100' x 315'. Principals guann ee. ;M1. requu•· am rm. n • fll"l!I 0 • Nr 4 Bdrm, 2 bath, Harbor View e Studio A 1 BR Ap\J _...;;.;.;;...;...,.;....;;,;.;;;.__ 545-1882. 1• __ , h 640 ""l to enter 22 years of est ab. schols & frwy $270 leue H 2 BR 1" ba • t.-t-GROWING FAMILY •I· ow)'. P . ~ . b · · ome. near Pool & e TV A Maid Service Avail • n .. pa.tio, <M.K.vny, $145. DELUXE 2BR -.1.wly SEE :ruRN. MODELS us'ns. Sl.000. Dn. Starting 645-6456 Cl bho 430 "" E ~." I MS lb) ~ " c-~ I • u use $ mo, leut. e p•---'-"~Htd Pool .u.. • ~· "" . mon Yon decorat-•, .'·· ev•ey'"'""· j; .....,om n1um1 lal'ge inlerior J>lltltling Joh •1111 ,.. QCl'Vh .. ..--.-i.. iro naa ..... ,.. ..... "'I WARNER AVE , lo I 160 $135 • Vacanl 2 Br. Has &ar· Cardel1(11' included, Aa:ent e thlldren A P et eectlon ;,•v leatt. Inquire at Apt. 10 rnlnutt 1 from btacb. -'"" • • r .. • ln Hawaii, Aug. 10. 1972. c -.. ~ "'1771 WO ~ 714 689 2000 '33 W.11th COSTA MESA age. }(ids pets ok, 640-0021>. 2376 Newport Blvd, CM · v,.,...._ .. or .nv-• E. 16th Place. 548-4245. (Corner Warner A Edw&tda) • • 1•-·. ""I\ 1" BA. P••fe"I ' 1. • ' ext. 48· R I A H 979 .... I :i='::::='=,,..,o---~,.---"" -· p • I f U b . ~ ..... ,, 40 YI ~· ... en • • out• -WESTCLlFF. Exec u t t v t ._.....,.,...., or 645-3967 CorcttW d1I Mar • TROPICAL POOL. 1 Br.. ro1ec o r 1ntt1c1 ' for rttlftml'!nl, In aduH~ on· ~yttme.' SR' . GROOVY Beach Pad. · ho 4 BR 3 B Be t Tht's Ad Worth I' on Rent iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I G ., HOUSE in court-2 Br. 1 Ba. mt. , ll. au . · " IU'af:e It Watt!!' furn . $145. e ly comptex, 80'1' Convl.'n· e UNIQUE GIFT Patio BBQ g•eat tor c rt 980 1• 11th St N tr! y 1 c 11 N " 1" -- II . 1 SHOP • . . arpo • '"· • o. a um car y. a : $135 mo. Deluxe. mobile per mo. o . .u, ~ E. 18th t235 I, tional n11nc1ng av-al able singles B c M 54• -"9 1•~•roN R alt 675-'m St "0 1168 f 21900 Pr! 1 1 ru l'O S . , . . o-~. . .. u,. , c or .:>..JJJ homt. Nice patio. Comp. ~-·· ,,...,-· CHILDREN WEI.CO'~ $ '. . nc pa I (I y. R ~LE-peclalty 1h0p in * t W/W I M ~ ', ~81. rxclusive center, Orange, Sl45 . BRAN" NEI'"· I BR. 4 BR, nr frwy~. Cpt1, dt'P!I. LIDO I5-le, 2 Br., 2 8111. Bay urn. carpe s. ature * *BEAUTIFUL 1 & i BR.. BRAND NEW FA"ILY Sa u: '' frplc. Avail. .$280. 549 Mar-vi~~ Adults. Oayg 642-ll94. couple, no pet1. Po11dero'3 • Contemporr.ry Garden Apt11. -M i nfE finest view on the nta Ana area. MAny fX· Crp1s, drps, stove, re.trig. Mob.I E 1991 N TOWNHO PT ~ blyfl'ont. l Br. 2 &. elusive f('ature~. Owner·~ Avail no"'' queue Circle. 549-1507 wes. 6';5-fil06. dt e&i" !!73 ewport ON TEN ACRES P11 tiOJ, l r PI c.' pool. USE·A S. rtdeCorated. From $51.000. related intcrf'~t drmandin,R: · * l BR. cptt, drps, garage, Ocean View . 1ttting on b&y ~Iv · ~, · Apt.JJ. turn./wdurn. Leue $~l70. Ca.ll S«r'1.83. 3 BEDA.n.1S . .f FAMILY, ' ':: W-NE\~.RT T 0 WE RS . "ro"'rd'.'G'nimUeB,Bc:1E1 IRoLibS, S.4.~~ $175 . OOLL!!OUSE! 2 Br, qu iet. Cpt. only. No pelJI. 2 BR. 2 BA .. G11r. V1tcAril, lABdrlt tq s:~ &: Stdl~• S/pool. Flreplace1 I pr!v. pado1. CLEAN 2 BR, nr. ahopl. 2 BA, TENNIS CT., .IJA}" « _ ·lW $170/mo. S4!-82SI, 548-1405. Rent·A·Hou11 979·M30 s Ollly, eiu for Pools Tennis Conblt'l Bkflt. $120. Adullt ovt.r 3 5 • PU'I"'I'ING GREEN, C'"'""' D• NB "'7·7900 encl gar, Bllns, crpt, drps. bach~on J.993 Church CM R-1 . -·.. ..t-.. •• B • -td "" '·• · o,J;J 1 • Pet ok * 2 BR 'home, redttorllted. HARBOR Vrt;\V FIOMF.:~2°& e"l ' ' 900 Sea Lane, CdM 644-2611 ori.1;., .... ,Jt, ... .,.., crp... POOL, Afl..8.Q'1 {.!: '!f~E0~,!~·~s:.o~~:m:. 2 7 Rtif. bldg zoned prof. · * Older couple. $155. ntn or 3 BR. $395. I.st. or1=513-;:;:, 9633:,·-,,--=,-....,.-.~l'i"IAri;lh~UT~n~r~Co;••;;t,H~W)';'~j'j64~~~~·~~"§.Pt!:~~ CH~? PU.Y AREA :..t sty Med~ll home.. Nr ocean, f&rl'O!S from Poat Ofc.) $l 85. SPOTLl-.:SS! 2 Br, huge ~.....,-·-•_642_·!~1-01~·--mo. m mo. MS-2.S.,2. DUPLEX l BR, furn, 2' Bit, unturn. Opta, drps, DAY CARE CENTEf\ ~tchla, 1ho 1 & pool. Patio. FISH .\ Cl-If PS fncd yard. Gar. Kld s/pel ok. H ti q ton le•cfl RARBOR Vu 3Br, 2Ba, Fam Quiet. No d0fl1, ~II or NEW 2 BR. 2 BATH ranp(ovtn, refric, No pell. S STORY REC. BLD. INCL. ---t.>t b'J)le, ihufters. 536-738. -twrll ('jl!Abll11hl>tll *-un " " Rm, Din R·n1-..-Club/pool. mot.orc~~r.!J, 548-:2°. kfvie-w-DuplexJo $;,:,;.; 981-l.SS. gi:c~ioAR~R ~ _ .1 4 BDRM 2 ~ .• wfw crptJ, Hollan~S ~ul7s0. Sa les S220 ·-SPACIOUS! 3 Br, 2 Ba, 3 2 b I =~:::l911::..:mo::::·.::640-::..,:1:.:~::::_· ---VERY ce l r. dplx. tlo"· $400 rno-lea.'9 onl)'. D J 8Jt, rar. ldult!, GFtO\VING FAMTLY WID <t<lm palio l)OOI ~-~--bitn" "'" '"'" "" kids. coBnRd.-. O~IAy· !~~Xlpnert San Juan C1piatrano 0't',':L30Se, ,!:; peb~•.'~·~".11' ~ ~~·. ll M-0>., ~ ~."21,~Ut~Jt°""lnr. SEE FURN. MODELS ~ rec. 'ctubhl!t. 'near ahopptni FOR. Salr, \\lig Shot> with LANOLOROSI •"o u'--1. .,_.,_u, 6•~ WARN.E : 'school, $23,$'.IO. 675--312:2 or aoc>d income , for a am.all In. On you have a vacancy? \Vt mo. Agent 962-4471 or 2 BR. new, In Condo devel· $89.rill • Furn. 1' r a ll f!r All new l BR, 1 BA, 1111n"y 3 BR. 2 BA, nr. OCC. 'TV I RAVE. ,,.. ~1. . vtstmtnt. 492-2552. CAn fill 11. ~tany dttlr3-ble 546-8103. opment. Cnmmunlty pool, w/cabana. Utit Pd. AduJta. ))lltio, 701!1' KtHotropf. sjf,O, j Uptla.lrs. Nt.w crpts l: drJ», (C.omtr Wam¢r A £dwant1) I °""' iu II Money to Loan 140 lc"'ot• on our wallfng list. $245. •• 496·1506 No peta. Call !M+.J~. (1) -· $\69/per mo. Call ll5).,9768 Projecl o f Urb1...tlca ' t• IXtt n 1 -Ah~l·1tr ly, NO C'HAACF.. 2 Br, brand M\v. Huat bl.ck r-ntl Ano , l -'*c-'NC-'TC:CE;;:;..l:;.•=-2:cn:.:..:.Tr=l-'--u 1: e 2 B:R. ca-Lido. Apt. 2 B:R., 2 Ba, bltn•, "-'3. ' ulo l62 1VEmalletoansoop--r1•. BEACON RENTALS .. a ~· ••• ,.., ·• _, NP:wlleoul 2 BR.&hlc -~ •l Alao buy TD'• r.i;;&ur~. * 64 , 01 11 , * yd. 1235 mo, IJJd wtr. Dll)'s. l up. M1turo od\1111. Chlld Adulll, pool. no Po"-<260 drpo. ..,....1623Corllndu dnPo•. blHns. ha• ;p,~ 1 1, Unll• (5 h .. ;. 5 Apul Si<?'. 024332 or '92-042' ~ 1714)645-0SiiO . .Uk for Mr. ** 4 BR .. 2 BA. 7 moo. old. ok. No pell. M:l-12!4. & Coa11 Hwy. 546-4924.' Dr. No. A, CM ~~ NW b .. ch. Open houM Sot r !· E/atdt. C.M. Priced to ' S-H FO -..,--"-IMMEO. OCCUPANCY Murrah. lOlO ~~"·e~:f 2 BR, uHI pal~. $1111-;;;o:-c 2 BR. 2 BA. Studio. Crpt1, 1~:30. e23 "11 •. or ..n ', IOll·A>klO& $92.500. wlll CA R TD S B<aut. 2 BR Cortdo. m> oq. IUS 2 Br, bike to hffch. V•· ' ,_ ~o pe\J. 1277 MaJtl< SI. Ollt MHI drpo, bllnl, d1hwbt. Pollo. 147~140. •' lllla tlllrr. G,... $1.0!0 p0r Prlvatol'lrty. 6t«2949 fl, PM!,"" C.J.S, 54&-1168, canl. Kldsok. DAILY PILOT -13 SHAllP "'"""" 1 BR. l 2 Gar. $1'13. 548-ms. ,;2:.;.B::,l\;::.=ll'Ofln>t=-::--nt"',-drt,,_JIQ.-I i -By JI'"'<'· 64U320, L!l<o .. tn""tleT Qur TnOer'• Ev.• 8JM3(J, Renl•A·Hou•• '79-M:JO FOR ACTION. • • 1 Bl\, ...... WO. 2220 Elden. er. w/-. ~·to occ' 2 Br Ullfllnl. 011n, 2 llllll ok. W/W ...,.. .. , d-.,. ... IM ID '!ride! OUr Troder'1 Panid1se wnn b for l'Otl! A ~ -·t ·• 11 • _. •-A -w--t Id " 1 _. ,., • ~"11. '" ~· or •-·•-• UCI "w • · JlllS I no -11 •1411 mo TIO ~-·1-1 -~ "~' fvadiae ,.JWIUI la tor )'OUI 5 u-. 5 da)ll lot • bud<a. ·-~~· -·-•• .:.-;;;; .. ;:'' ~ ·--c_~A;_.:.:L::L....::...U.:;2::.·_:5:.:6...:7-=•~...::i'::;lhln."'=------""'_-__:.·,;::m;;_-.:.:ml.::::....' _'-__ -__ · SbiJi;.,.: &ia-.1c1: ' ~E:U=~.;;.;~.;...;..m._~ __ -__ '• ' • \ 1 • • ' 'Wtdnadq, Joiy 19, 1912 I~ I~-,.--·· ..:;!~~· I Loot ... -Jal ;;ml iiiiiiii ... -~;;; Apt. Unfum. J65 ._.,, Off1ce -Ron1ol 4'0 Po.--1• 511 Found (frw .. , !1511 ~ 575 1,COllPLETE===~L:"'a_w_n~-:,. Plumbl111 ~···.,..-- Hllntu.lttl -.. "'" Fum. or"""'"" Jiii o;,;;;.;Offfce7,$140/i.lo. PALM a •cu.t Jleodlnss. GERMAN Sb<pben1 -Gardenln& -· llaollnc PLUMBING ~::~o::=:;;:==;:::::::·I C~ot~l~o~Me~•~·~----IAtt--eoncl, .heated, pvt ba. Advice A bd» lo many mat~ niear stop and Oo Marht, I &. clean.up. Jtm 548-0tOS. ' lnltall·Rttnodel·Rt palr. r ulll 'i pd. Central C.M. Ioca--chlldren, mur!qt, Balboa BM1 le Padllc: Oout lnterHMd ft JAPANESE o..rd<ner f'he Eotlmates, Lie. ON BEACH! 1 • 2 BR. furn. or ll!)lum. Hon. 54&--0259 dlyi or.,..., bwdneu, love. One tree """· SCUl50. A Rtof Estate Comp. Yardwork le Clw>up. 548-STn Pool. $140 Up. Chffdttn'• 645-4263. question answued over the FND. Medium Germ a a ,. _ ., FrM Ntlmatet, 60-3.102 Dn.lnl unc.toaed • $7.50 2 BR, 2 BA Uni. Fr. $2$1 l!tctlon. ELM GARDENS DESK "'"'* anllabla ISO phone. Wltb this ad .....,... Shopherd tomer mix. Fml., _...., r EXP. lla"'1lan Gmlent< ~r line to 100' • 115. 2 BR. Furn Fr.~ APTS. lTrE. 2200 SL, CM: mo. WU1 proyldo fumlturo 1U11 Ille rnd!na lor $3. chlln .eollar. Vie Eod of W. Completo pnklllnc 1trvlco * ~2502 * -I Help W•ntlolt M 1P710 . ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: Bright nf'W ftm1 wubl malure pJ with 901'.'M ao-- cou nl1 payable ~­ To $500. Call Pat llall, 540-605.'I, Cot.Jiii Agency, 2'190 Harl>or m at Adami, CM. ADULTS ONLY 642-3645. al IS mo. ANWOl1nC -' 2U:llM-l350 Fully llcenaed. l9th St., C.!\I. 54W388. Now or Expt>rienc:ed Kamalanl, &ltl-46'M. PLUMBING REPAIR lllrnl""'° Avallabla Huntlngion ae..... 1Vllloblt. 2D 1'orelt A... La Hain, Ca. can lor appt 10UND: small llllt a ptp. Full or Part Tlmo JOllN9'.JNS' GARDENING No job IOO small ACCOUNTS payable 001<. Carp•~ Lq\maBnch.t9C9• only. pu.Poodlettrrittmtx. Vlc. Uetnslna Prep. For Yll.l"dMaintenance, Plantlnc * &U-3121 * Fut crowIDa lrv1ne Co. ~ledroom(MIOl~u .. ""':~ 2 BR FROM $139 DESK opaco aVlllable ISO J\llt a lotter of'"'••'"': M.,. Verde Dr, East Cleanups -, COLE PLUMBING ne<l'.ls cleric with heavy exp. ... -•••• "',.YI •·--· A•·-·~ '1359. e R.E. Slrm 4 Bkn U t ·~ -r mo. Call patloHmple pu!dlw t,\OVE.JN Tv'<" mo. Will pnMde fumllun J w.nt tD thank all the Pftt1y -ns. ~ e Salts SUc:c<u Tralnln& JIM 'S Gardeninl:. ClOmplete %4 hr. service. 645-1161 P o -· ~ Security Guardt Klds le pets OK. Pqol. Ah at SS mo. Anlwroc .met nurses, Dodon: 6 1t&tt at UJlRAlX)R.~ 1'DOtt,. male, e Placfment Aast tor grads lawn & yanl CAtt, elt"ll1UJl9:-SAVE On Plumbing. Painting, Mrs.-l.Jndeey~.-1:30 HUNTINGTO. N extru . 3 Br, n99. 11392·~ avall4blt. 118'15 Beach m..i. Hoag (clon't .. t me wrona> . pure ·blacll. Vic. ~ Sch • Day" Ev. Cluoe• 515-3662 alt 5 pm. !JlltallatloOJ. Free e1timatea. ~to_;_,..5~. -=--.,--.,....,- Kttllon Lane. <Nr Slater A ffunttngton Beach. IC-4S21 t hid a woman Or, too, for Tennla Clu.b. ~ aft e 'l\Jition ll.elmb. Plan ADMJN. Mar· .tor private PACIFIC ,,,,,,..,, .. ....._ . J~s La~·n Service Good re/a, 839-0372. Beach Bl.) 547.__,_ OfEIQ: · Spa(it, , 444 Old putting up wllh me<> Wttft.9. 4:30. . "! ed s all community usoc. Know , IL p S """-••ow, ge, vacuum. .m • Romodol & Ren..ir 111 OCEAN A VE .. H.B. N,..,woort 8.adt Newport Blvd., 3 blks No. of "Okie" B1 · · '...:.a"' ~ FOUND: ~ at J&Uer For Information Brochllre large, clea,n.up. 545-294.1. ....-budgeta, accountJI\£, prop (n4) 536--1487 Hwy l. 300 sq. ft $95/mo. lot.a of 81lls. I know, cause I . Parlt tn '0osta Mesa. 11 (714) 541-1192 Gtner.11 Services CUSTOM Remod/Alteratlons. management, malnt A PR. ote open 10 am.& pm Dally mt W. Oceanfront, lg 1 BJl. ~5300 aot them. Thank:a ag&1n. Ken 1n alt 548-5360. & Free Cuest Lecrur. \Vhat · have you. David Start $700 plus car allow. WtLlJAM WAL'I'ERS CO. summer .l winter rentals, BAY VIEW OFFICES WANT to meet an Old Bald FND. German Shepherd pup 325 Old No. Newport Bl. NB JACKSON. The Magician 45 Ste\vart, gen'! rorp:ractor, Re1umt by Aug. lD to Selec-"'jr.[7,;::t;~';'l;;;::;"::;liaiviaiil~Jol;y~!,i6"-5.10iiiii7i.iiiml Delux~. air--oondilioned Square Fone>'T Don't call approx 2% mos. fem. o.c'. Edmond F. Jackson min. of spell binding magic 6'l6-2S47. lion Committee, 312 Via 2 BR. duplex, stove, r• Redecorated. Udo area me. U )'OU are cute, petite Falrgmda:Sun. 89l--2822. R.E. Education slnce 1964 tor childrens pa.rtioH, $8. Palrrmo N.B. Ca. 92660. frig., dshwhr/w a I h/t~ Realonomk11, Bkr. 6'75o6700 and want to meet a recently -· 494-3009. Roofing ALTERATION Lady Needed. d pt d $165 I -~~ J & divorced, nice I 0 0 k i n g LARGE Black puppy, male, a do K . Quality CJ ry, er 1., rps., • .,,__ ,-M.EDJCAL S1,1.lte, ready to alncere bachelor 38 with 'white paws, &lae colla.r. "c• my BABYSITTING, houseclean· LEE Roofing Co. Rooting all u11ter s eaners, Couple /rtf' 1508 Olive. . _ go. HeU at Balsa Chica, 'own home call 546--morns 645-0147• Rul E1t•t• ing, cooking, gardening job types. Recover. repairs, l53il Newport Blvd .. C.~f. 536-852 • ~ ,H.B. $275/mo. 846-1323. _ or after s:So. FND.1-4th ... Men!seyeg18ssea. 1 Co.ntr•ctlS~ .. ~I wantOO. 536-8539. tbenno root co~~g~. w:;: AUTO SALES S.• Afr Aph. $115 Rooms 400 TWO ADJOJNJNG OFFICES VI Pit . M V rd n1ur•nct1 iwKJV s Hauling & color. Lie/ & • s \Vould like experienced man. ' - 2 BR Crp dr bit M CLARINET pl .. ver want.I to ' c. Cllm, esa e e. (GI appro·-.1 M/C, BoA) 1'"7. fl'«' e!ll. 6-IZ..7222. Jo'" oo>e ol the mo'! '"" .... • ts, apes, • LARGE J m nicely • best corner, Costa eu.. make music..., with IC>lne--SfS..3995. "~ ~~'=-"-"----;c=::::--;;::; I "' ,. ins, 1 blk N. Of Adams. off turn~~pri1;' ba. Nr. $100, util's ~ 642-6560 one--chamber music, that MALE gray A wnite kitten !!!!'!INT~~ERESTED~~~'!IN~A!""' 5!!~~~~: n:in~~~ •0~. ~~ ~~: ~~ ~s~~ F~!i~al;~ii~~~~ !\each, 129-6 Utica. 5.36-7070. beach & ever Y t bl n I · OFFICE $60 month. erptd, Is. Am interested in jol.nh\I found at t'.:osta Mesa Hia:b REAL ESTATE CAREER! s'a\\ing & b r e ak in g. mlssioM, Insurance, Demo 1.ARGE 2 BR 1 story ~plex. 673-1Xl4. util pd. in shopping center. woodwind quintet, playil'lg 1 School. S4W30t. ~ cn4) 548-1192 846-IDO. M>l?!O. S48-9500. P lan. \Ve need a truly pro. Cpta. drpt, r/~ pr.oi45. fncd, LUXURIOUS priv entra.net 3.U E. 17th St., C.M, 673--0140. with clarinet player or In FNo. item at.K Mart, Costa Academy Real Estate YARD, earage deaaups. Sewin!f/ Alttr•tionl feS-'aional new car salesman. child OK. $135. 847 & -bath 'kit priv m band or ordlestra ~2279 Mesa .• Call &: describe. Contract & Ins. SehOol Remove tret's, <lirt, ivy, SEWmo:OESJciN1NG' Apply in person to Don WALK to Beech smokers,' maid s ~ r v · Business Rtnt•I 4Cl alt 5PM. 548-5258. 325 Old No. Nwpt. 81· NB Driveways, grading. 847-2666 Men/Women. Reas. Rates Crevier. Theodore Robitu J Br., cpts, drps, d!lbwahr 548-TI.97 675-&10 OFFICE, Store near _N'pt. *riIU.Y LICENSED* "FN"D=-: -cs=he-p""herd-:--O>llle,,-,,,,--m...,..lx R.E. F..ducation Since 1964 YARD & Garage Cleanup. $10 min. Call 846-7450 Ford, 2060 Harbor Blvd., 125 A 3M 16th, 847-3957 LARGE room & be.th-no Post Ofc. & G~ Renowned Hindu Spiritualist. hlk-brwn 4: wht. vi c. BE AN Free est. 1 days. Call Alterlltiona-642..SB45 Costa M<'sa, 2 BR., 2 ba., deluxe. Single cooking. $7'5/mo. Cos ta Depot. 537 Ft. $150~ '736 n. Spiritual Reedinp given Newport Beach. m-2459. 1 NVESTI GATOR anytime, 548-5031. Neat. accuratt-. 211 years exp. Auto Mechanic story. Pvt. patio &. garage. Mesa Ba> Center S t . $225 Month. Agent ~2414. dally. 10 AM-lOPM. Advice STINGn •y bl 1 Recorded Meuage Tells How Fottign Car Experience, $185 53&-8659 642--6848 given on 'all matters. I c&11 ~ type eye f . Call Toll Free He•tlng & Air Signs • • · OFFICE, store, nr. N'pt, help you. Call to identify. 841-3916. (l) _ •26-0232 Conditioning ?.-1ust Bt licensed, Plenty of Laguna Be1..ch ROOMS $18 wk up W·kit: Post Office. 450 sq. ft, Good 312 N. El Camlno Real Lost 555 -'-''Ork with Good Compal'1Y $30 wk up Apts. 2376 parking. $120 month. Cl t AJR CONO. CONTRACTOR 3-D ro,fllgne!!c Signs RE'n£'fils, Set' &>rvice ?o.tan- N. 'end, 2 B1t. 2 BA ... nr Newport Blvd ~ CM. Graham Realty 646-2414 ~ ;~ REWAJU>: . URGE N.T ! I ' ][5J Call for es1in1ate -642-0515 $5.95 e3ch & up, agC'r at beach &: market. Adults, no 548-S'l55 ICE-600 ft 1 Family ot four desperately Ser*9 llllf~ . RR Huggins486 Ne\,·port, NB Call 962-0950 anyllme CREVIER pets. S160 mO. 4~12. ROOM .$, 2 5, Overlooking ~~FF 800 Sq. '\-t. ~-PROBLEM Pregnancy. Con-needs money lost in wallet I~-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiili. liil Housecleaning l r=;"11..::c...:.:::..:=-''---* 2 BR • New. 1 blk "' Harbor & Ocean. 1' blk DUSTRIAL SHOP avl Aua. tiden~ • Y m Pa t b • t 1 c Sun. al 9tb st. Beach, South 11 MOTORS ~~~e~~::. k up. ocean.%iOOSeaview,CdM. 64&-21.30. · ri:~:p:nne·~:7: Laguna. 222 Wave St., Add...A·Reom-HOUSE OF 208 W. l.!t St., Santa Ana d I 1 Guest Home . 415 FOR Rent, good 'pace for APCARE. 642-4436. Laguna. 497"1181· RemodelJng, Patio•, Roofs, CLEAN Li o It fix-It shop or!. Near beach. GENT SS, paraplegic in SAT. NighL Gray small mini Uc . .t: Bonded. Goodwin I: CERA'.\-IIC l lie new & remodel. FT'ee est. Sma,ll jobs welcome. 536-2426. A U TOMOTlVE Salesman. \Vant a good ex-per. Strona closer. Call Jon Saltus, Ol THE GUEST H O'U SE: 673-3340 or Eves. ~. feml., poodle. R«I flea col· Son. 846-3708 or 847-8372. n..ooRS. CARPETS, . LIDO Bayfront lge. 1 Bdrm. Elegant living for the elder-• wheel ehalr, needs lo\ling Iar. La.st aeen at Merimac WINDOWS Ir: WALLS. apt. Cpts., drps, newly dee. ly pri & semi-pri., now STORE;_.._ & ottice for rent. understanding gal who Restaurant. Reward. Susan C•rpet ~rvlce 664YEARS2•6AREA82. 4 ~iiiiiiiiiiiii 521-«>50 .• Cotton Gott VW, lfi'i11 I Buena Pk. \Vith garage. $210. 675-1060. oPen. ~S6 N. Tustin ~~ca at Hell. H.B. wants wpe 646-:n&l. Capel, l-882-UJI. Collect -J-OllN--,5-Carpe--t-l<_U_p_bols_tery_ . bvhJ•Milt Mesa Verde Area. • MARRlAGE minded working_ bet. 5 pm; 675-4574. Drl·Shampoo 1 r e e Scotch- llttJ .B::.A:..B ... Y::.srrr-'---~E-R-, -H-.-.-m-.~u-.. I DELUXE 2 & a BR. 2 Ba. Summer Rentals 420 Rent•ls W•nhd 460 !:1 = :!:t toa:e:_~ LOS'I' in Dana Point, nr. Big guard (Soil Retardants). Job Wanted, Male 700 encl. gar. $155 up. Renf:a! 2iii"'-$200 week. 3Bl'-$300 -more.64s..684ldaysto!:30. Sur St., Golden Retrl.ever Degreuera I: all oolor INTRODUCING: f.1cCo y,l--------- housekt'eping, mu1t lovt> children. Room , board I: saJa1y , Prlv. room. Must S!X'ak English. 9674840. Ofc., 3095 Mace Ave., ......... N-· •-, oolor TV. "Angel.'~ Vernon Edler, brighte.nen &: 10 minute i::.u: l""A ... ~ ,.,.. u.11-u"" Man•~r Rtloc•tion AIL'OHOlJCS Anonymous. 673-7746 or 61'3-6148 bleach for white carpets. home &. yacht cleaning NEED l-lome Improvement? .,-nr '-"""· Blk to bay & Bch. on Penin, Ph>De 542-ttl7 Or' write Reward Save your money by saving service. Lie. Reas. rates. Call ' Industrious young BAKER lraineE'. F'ull time. Newport Beech 114 E. Balboa B 1 v d . desire 4 Br, 2 Ba, approx. P.O. Box 1223, O>sta Mesa. · me extra tripn:. Will clean 673-1357. men experif!nced in pain-Graveyard shift. No exp. '--------.-:-=:\~~67~~~~=~~~-BEAU'S gone, Mining since ting, plumbing, pla11tering, preferred, Call Davt r · 2·000 aq, ft. residence in Socl•I Clubs 535 Friday night. MWion Viejo living nn., dining nn. & MESA Cleaning. Carpets, land11eaping, etc. 642-0022. )147-700l. PARK NEWPORT BAY VIEW 2 bedroom, Newport-Huntington or Seal .,. .. Large blue/iftY male ball n s. Any rm. $7.50, window•, lloors etc. =~,-,~~~~~-1 APARTMENTS sleeps 4 completely furnish-Beach area. Occupancy Aug. F1ND YOURSELF cat with broken hind leg. couch $10. Chair $5. 15 yn. ! ~aid/com'!. 5 5 7 - 6 7 4 2 , Job W11nttd, Female 702 BE AUTICIAN. 2 Leaving, ed. Avail June to Sept. $700 1-15 tor 1 yr. lease. Prefer IN SOMEX>NE El.SE. Pll'Ue phone 837_9682_ exp, ii what counts, not 548-41ll. .... TYPIST need one to fill In. can on the bay pr month. Adults only custom built w/swim'g pool, DISCOVER method. t do work myael! Dedlcotod CIHnlng GOOD helw" 8 & 6: 518-8.'20. Luxury apartment living ov· agent. 675-4930. but not ·essential. Reliable DISCOVERY REWARD, big cat lo!lt in GoOd ref. s.n-0101. *WE 00 EVERYTHING* Wiii do your typlnt et BEAlITY operators -tull 6 ertooking the water. Enjoy BACHELOR Apt., ~~ bile family being transi'. from nt/835-6885 2131387-3.193 ::'~lutttail~·Fl'!:1te !f:; m'EAM:prol. at =tt prl°c::.ne:; Refs. Free est. 646-2839 ~~d ~:~:;r~!!.r~~B~ ~~:~io:s~:~ty.Co ~ $750 000 health spa 7 swim· from ocean, alps 4• $lOO wk. San Diego. Rental amount Tr•v•I 540 w/bell. Call collect 714: Excellent Housecleaning 5 r 11 mini:: pools, 7 lighted ten· Also 2 BR, ~ Blk from open.PleasecallMt.Owens, sq.~ $29.95. 972--06'tl. F .V., West, 7 c per pg. ~;::~ nec e ~s ary. nt.s courts, plus miles of ocean $175 week. Newport res. n4:2TG-2385 or o!c. _WINDJAMMER 524-2221.. C•rpente~ by !~8 tr;ris· or will work by hour -~~--~---- bicycle trails, putting, shut-Beach aft 6 call .675--00CJS. 714:279-4474. TAHITI LOST July 14th Pomeranian call 147.3095, h•uty Oper•tor Deboard, croquet. Junior l's NEWPORT Bch. Oceanfront PHYSICIAN, wife, 16 yr son Sailing voyage ~ South Seu. malE', approx. 4 pounds, CARPENTRY BAY .\ Beach Janitorial. NEED help at home! \Ve Wig Stylist. With or without · 1• 50 thly also 1 "'•A • br cabana · n~-• ~ b 2 ba Share work & cost• long golden fur, white pawt Rouah & Finiah Pat)o..Topl-Crptl/window1/floors, etc. have Al~--• N·-• follow1 ..... 60-1241 or eves. from $1 ... mon ; beach ._,. o> • • wish to rent,,_. .,,... r, • A vest. Santa Ana Hgbtr. Cement. c.io 15941 Resid/Comm'L ~1401. u.:a '"""'• ""* and 2-bedroom plans and !lps ~ Avall wkty Joly houae, fum/omlurn. llarbor 213/37a.1:139 ~ Housekprs e Companlona e 673-J383. 2-alory town hou.es. Elec· 22-Aug :11;. (713)92J.6212; l1lgh Dist., pref. Newport arei l!tWudt ~12. MINOR-erepaln.P!umb-Prof. C•rpet Cleonlng Hcmemaktri -Upjohn BEAtrl'Y OONSULTANT Irie kitch..,, private patios tnrnrr...rus. llgts, about SepL L 2479 GERMAN shepbml, b1k "' tng. • carpentry • palnU,,. Also -& lloor ..,., 1147-6681. Teach 11cin ..,. a maJiNp or balconies, carpeting, dra· NEWLY decor 2 Bt fum, American RI v er Dr, . llSJ tan. 5 moc old, male'. --roofing. Call 540-5560. Call Dutch S?.6-1508. 24 hn. ClllLD Care. my Irvine we tra1n. 5'4-~ fOI' a~. perles. Subterranean park-sips 6-8, % blk heh, Npt Sacramento, Calif 9'5825 I.oat _. r.nl Leather collar w -n a me World's Best Carpenter Ironing home off Culver Dr. Full ing with elevaton. Optional Bch. 673-9142, 832-0042 ask 1'.MMAC. family, 1 · child. "'Ch.Ito''. Reward. ~. Small Jobi References p/UmE". Exp. mother. B~!i~ =~YR. ' maid service. Just north of for Gayle. C.M. 3 BR. unturn house 83Ml43; eves 497-149L Call ~'1588 Jrontng done In my home. 551 2398 Fashkln Island atH~'~Roaboreed OCEAN view -weekly w/pool. Yr. '1se. Aug. l1 to Found (fr .. Hs) 550 "Tiger", 11 mo grey tom Cement, Cencrete Reli~ble. References DA;WO~K. Gen. cleaning, a:;~ F'; .. ,..A~.ln=· and San Joaqulll lUll • T ' $350 541)..1761 cat w/blk stripes 6 white • ~1894 • ~ v •"" '"' -~..--Telephone (714) 644-1900 monthly rates. Ocean er-· ' FOUND small mixed collar mlulng in Fntn Full, pt. time. Reliable. female. Gwen's Be au t y for rental lnformatlon nee Apt.s .. 729 Gaviota Dr .. Bachelor w:lth two small dogs-shetilerd. Vicinity Santa VJyJ&nta Ana •re a :t~8.:h 1•Ze ~~ l J1nltorl1I Tr a nsportalion 543--7006, Shop, 240 Beach St., Laguna DELUXE ~od 2 000 sq fl Laguna Beach. 494-1719. desires 1 bdrm. apt. or Ana Avenue 1; 2Znd St., n--..1 _....,,.. ' t. "'·-·tltul ~bat _ COMMERCIAL A Realden-541-9330, 541--0467. Beach. 494-J29.I • ....., o. , . ttll:: hous unfurn Pb 646-2335 7 7 / 7 2 new .... "" _._, .. a ~u ,.. a 4 .. aa. 3 Br, 2 Ba, 2 story. Bltns, BALBOA Furn. Bach. ~" ft 6e . • ' Costa Mesa, I • price. 645-5073. tlal, 1tte Est. 24 hr serv. By HOUSEWORK by the hour BEAtrrJCJANS WANTED crpta drps pool children wk. 3 blocks to Fun Zone. a p.m. 642-8444. LOST small Seel point week t1t mo. 733-8898 or $3. N.B., Lag. &-CdM. Exp. 703 E. Ballxla Blvd., Balboa ok. $3sa1~. Y~ar Ie8.8e. 30'Z E. Balboa B 1 v d • 2 Adulti & 1 &mall dog need 3 FOUND at Jamboree Road A: ~lam: ~ats:n~~vic: PATIO~ walb, drtve, = 'IS4-6782. & Ref. Call after 10 AM * ~770 * Avail 7/'E>. 2Cl University 67S-547J. Br., unfurn home tor 6 I Coast Hwy., f em a 1 f! Costa Mesa, reward I =~·;:_:~est 547-0225. BODY &. Jender man nt'efled Dr. (Shown by appointment). -CORONA del Mar, So. of mos.. in or nr. Htg. Shepherd type dog, golden 642-5102. aft 6, M.sonry CONVALESCENT aide in nntst own small tools. ~V Owner 963-1674. Hwy, 1 ~~ a*week. Harbour. 846-8067. color, about 1 year old. LOST dog, aman black • ~;~M~~.RK BRICK, -BLOCK &: home. $400 mo. 5 days. V. specialist. Da.)'& m-2100, VERSAILLES * LADY, 50, would like to rent 497-2098. poodle I tenier, "Muffinl," pooJ decks. Don. MU5l4 SI'ONE WORK Ryan, 2808 Broad St. NB. eves ~3154. Executive Apartments BALBOA-1 &: 2 BR. Nr. ,guest cottae:e $90 mo. v. STANDARD size dog, black w/whJte vest, approx 10 Yl'I PATIOS.SIDEWALKS 646-5419 or ~ Help Wanted. M & F 710 =ooo=o:KK=EE=P=ER=-: =0o-yoo-"u1<""•' Overlooking Newport Beach. beaches&: IMp'g. $150-$1'15 Ryan 2808 Broad St, NlJ. w/cream paws • 1.eg11 old, recent hair cut. Corona CEMENT CONTRACI'OR -bookkeeping &: vari o us Spectacular views. Luxury. wkly. Aug/Sept. 675-5810. w/gtf!Y marldnp. V 1 c • de! Mar area. 675-1357. Call Max *** 644-0687 P•lntlnt & A Better Temporary general oUii=e duUeaT TD1s Models open 9 to 8, On Hos--BALBOA ISLAND 2 bednn ~ Mesa Verde Sehl area. RED Dachshund, male, 12 Child Care P1perh1"1lnt Pos!Uon opportun1ty is yours. Co. pital Rd, off Newport Blvd. futniihed. July & Aug. I __. Id 557-8795. yrs oJd "Casper" Vi Ht,g URGENTLY Payt Fee/Alao Ft\! 1obl. Or s"pe:riorAve. $165.wk, Ph:6#1361eves. •• FOUND ·. German • • c NoWudn" "' •llWI can N v.. Ave I< Atlanta, H.B . CHILD ..,., .... op to 5 * w•LLPAPER * '0 -· l""1 _,,, LIDO ISLE •. 3 BR., 2 ON Canal Sips 8, outbrd Sborthilied Pointer, female 536-006. yra. Wkdayl. Fncd yard. W'Mn" -call "Mac'' SI0-60!l6, CoutaI "-· BATH. Adults, least. =·or~~~19· Announcements 500 ~~~n,C~~.~::~ POODLE-Ollhuahua, F. Call548-79t7. 5'8-l.fH ~~ M-lTll NEEDED 2190 Harbor Bl at Adami. 714:753-071t. Appl. to . DON'T tosa out tbooe empty tar. 646-4335. :":.~·~~~"""'Red·:.~. l Contractor SIDING & ~~~·-, 1 ~~. • ~CM~·=====~~1 • -·~ ~-v•--~ •-z SECRETARIES $ BOY$ WANTED S Sff, V•caffon Rental• 425 alumlnum beer & IOft drink SPO'l'TED a pale b I u e bell 256 E. 19th CM. EXPERIENCED c 0 n t, r. $175, 2 story $2'lS. l.ft's ~ 12--!S • % Br, 2 ba •ludio. v;ow. canst Recycle them at the -·-"-t w/wblt• head vie. p --"· drl brl-'· Painting " Decorating, • TYPISTS MUST BE: Eastblutt Terr. $285. can * OCEANFRONT -on the Eco'-• .Center, 1060 Gl, en-,_........... LOST cat July 15th, tmaU .._ a~um•,P·..,~!:._ _ ... ve. !:.3533~. 558-7497. Aft. 6 p.m. sand Down I.a&' Bcb. .,., wu..m & State Ave., C.M. II • ~ ·-•• = • CLERKS' 1. Neat and honest. N~~e!orA::.P~ing'sftoad. By Wk ort~. M12, ;thes~t~~ 646-4.187.Att.S. :=.n.~.ae~eSle~ JA C K TauJane-Repafr ~~G·PAP:~ e PBX 'OPRS ' 23~t;.':~;;~f==p= Avail. Aog. 1st Slng1' adolL 833-2848. your traah caN lor lea In-HOUSE & Car keys found m Weamtnster. 89M003. remod., addlt 2) yn. exp. Lie inlured Guaranlffd • KEYPUNCH on Sa turday. 1.::642-6889:;::::::::.· -...,-,...,---.:;;;!UNIV. Park, exec. 3 BR. ert items. No payments. papersJforly 15~ ~~1N~pe~ DK. brn, med. female dog Uc'd. My Way Q), 547-0036. eaD Han'ls 642-4.5.58 3. Enjoyi pizza parties and 370 $150 Per Week Coon botll•• Wo will be drive u ' --gue "Earth" w/helll Vic 18th a Drafting OPRS A ~urn. or Unfurn. Cantrell Realty 833-Zl24 accepted. 495-4354. N~ 7115172. Doug, 833 l'TING PH~o!~ION·~. Pa=. Interview Hours .. ~~':'~-:~ to make $1S to p s., W. 17tb St., CM, Any meD:t: 55'7·9695 Lie/Ina., Int/ExL ~ 9 am-U am & I pm-4 pm $40 per week. i:C;o~1~to~Mo;••;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;l~R~en1~o;l•~l~o=S~h-•:re~;:430! * * * * * * DOG: Keelhood. male. 9 nl. U.ls. 54s-2'/59. Work when " where Tbls job ls getting new MAN. ---wanted to mos. om. Grey, Jong hair, Electrlca1 INTER/Ext p 1 11 you want! cwitomen for Southern ..... ~ ON er a n n r. I rl Orange County'• faYOl'itt! NEW •haft 2 BR, !Urn. apL cboke chain. Alt 5'30. EL ECTRfCIAN, lloonaed. Llc'd/ Ina. U.fa. R<u. nte m .. ..,...,.,. No ClOllectlng, 2 bedroom with lanai Swim'g pool & l•<=•· Parle 675-6243. bonded. Small Jobi. matoL Free tst Chuck, 645-<)(!09. Penonnel Service no dellwry. Tranoportsllon over'--pool 6,'N~"'.!:':': .?.'I ..... ~~ ... !_.~!?.': SMALL, thin bei&e/aprloot • ftpalro, 548-5203. Pn>f<1tlooal Palllting 771 W 20th C M. ls furnished !rom your -~ ~~. T d J Pa d• · fem&!e-....tt...(Goldle) Int-/~er ..,.,,Au"'___,, • , • carpet• & drape•, bll·inl ra er S ra 1se ...,.,.... ELECTR.!CAL WORK All '" ~· • .,_.v -· 642_75•• 546-2592 ho\llO. U lnteroated call enclosed garage WANTED uncrowded dt;!uxe T/3. Nr Coast Hwy, CdM. kinds. Bl& or small IJc'd a: Reu ti57-7455 ,.,. betWttn 9 A.M. &nd 2 P.M. Reall1 neat accommodations. Widov.-et Reward. 6'7S-46l6. Im. Free est. 5t6-0211. PROF. PalDUnr, also ftlOfl, daily. $705 • $lllO 50 wi,..ng aon & caL I 1' nes * BUC • while mal• cal. O.rdonl111 accc>UI. ceU., lnter/ftlt'r. ACCOUNTING C:O.ta Mel& ..... Dr!ve by: 23U Elden Ave. Davis, (21!)724-6'411 Red collar. Harber View Lie/Ins. Free Ht.~ phone 875--5222 Ol' call: 645-5780 wk~ays. • Hllli. CdM. 64f...5836. AL'S GARDENING EXT. painting, noee est. CLERK Huntinaton Beach area - SHARE my water!ront bon>e ti mes WARD'S llunt Bch. Blk tong tlr prdenlnc A a mall Reu! Llc'd. Guar. "ou pick . 968-11641 REALTORS SINCE~ 673-4400 w/dock, """' 30-60 yn. haired 4 yr (>U5')' caL landacaplng -· call oolor -wo'll do nit. llOYS $150/mo. Stralgbt. 6'1!H331. d 11 -· 531.<I956. -..... s or• I• r 642-852>. Opening tor cle!>endablt : An J0.14 to dehver papen NEAT. re-slble individual 0 ars LOST: Reward! SWnele Newport. QIM, Oolla M-PAINTER .EXPERIENCED cllvldualwbollaaoodtw t, In lllt Dana Poln~ Sao Cleo wanted to share h:lu5e tn Stt.Jpolnt cat. BIUUI area. Dover Shares; Westc:Wt. • RE AL I ST J C MUCES opttates 10 key t.ddtr accur-mente &ttal. Laguna. 494-525& eve•. 509 Vllto J'loro, NB. PRO~ONAL1 !lee ~ CLEAN WORK 842-1255. ::..a!yol~ ~:...~~ DAILY PILOT E.'EMALErootnm•letoabartTrade '61 VW rebuilt '65 **Will Trade 8\0' Open Reward. Gray stripe(! prun nr,tr mm nr. WALLPAPER HUNG wori<dlrectlytorcredltm11> 49MOO 2 BR., 2 Ba. apt. ~ce. motor ~ aood trana-Road Camptr with ne-tabby cat wlbrwn cotl&t IPRY,lnc, 'Pr 1nJc 1 er'• Carl Rebko 6t6-2449 agtt. Thb poettlon otrtn BOYS age 11).14 ytara _ old pool, near btach, 968-{12S6. portatkm for D&t.la er Downl, Bouncewl)'I, Boat A . Male. '75-T728. NB area ~~le an u p. FOR clean & neat painting, good salary and benefits. apply Tues. It Wed. 1:00 pm~ l!!!..,!l!!!!_l!llB ___ ,,,I SHARE 2 1t«y, 4 BR. 3 BA Toyota P.U. In need 'ot ,... Awning .for t~htng boaL !.oat; Brle!o.,., Black, inl· * LANDSCAPING * tnlerlor, reas. ,.,.., Call For an toterviow plo•se call 5:00 pm P/tim<'. lm-1 lfe8liBA8 ao bomr, F.V. w/bachelor. pair. 642-46811. . Call 531-5607 art, 6 PM. t!al LM.S. Vic, GolaVtn New 1a,..., Sprinlclm. dod<I. Dick, !l68-406I!. Mrs. Margaret Greenman, N ..... Blvd. C.M. Spoddq !mr Adult Ap!L llllCl mo. -MT-'11XM. Palm Deter~ 2 tr condo, '63 Bonn. PonL ooovt. F paridng lot. Rtward 55'7·1900 ckonup, Slatt Uc'd. 5!6-122S. DISCOUNT on llarllirc II penonnel office, 642-4321 at BRIGllT mature girl or oou- e 1 BR-Unlum nm. Gorogff for R1nt 4),5 lllrn, A/C, so l!wy--111, pwr, 6 way pwr aeala, Ut otr I.OST: Bil< le Wbt Ttrrler. buy on W.C. Lie/Ina, call the DAll.Y PILOT, 33> Wast pl• In -of mra Income, -.-1ft'D .... -•1an •10.500 ,._For-· ··bl.nu•-... -e-2nu' .. __ to ..... _ ....................... EXPERT'" 1apane1e Bl,Y.Stnet,ColtaMesa. wOik--trorii own home Iii »~·-.. -· GARACE-Stnroa< on I y -· • eq ~"-· ·-· U....AM~m Pili.;;..i., .. R:.an1t ;;;•. 0-~ Caroentt. Complete Yard The l!-n 51'1-. ll)ltttlmo. !l&W164 • • 2 BR, !1' BA Ullfllm mo. $151!\10 Looallty Of 23rd i. ro, land or."' Pl) ... ~.. Servlcta -CleaJl1ll)I. Frtt PAlNTING • -. cltan, ~ .. IPER ~ d • 2 BR, 1 BA Fiim ~ Newpor\ BI v d ' CM. MYERS 673-6156 1625 val. Td tor • -NEMROD dJving ma• k ' eat. 543-21l6L guaranteed .....SC. Llcel1lod Acoountant $800 yu, ~ ~ n • • a Private P<lloo. luah loftst 641;-0J68. HIDEAWAY Nearly An 5-iO Acrto deoert land, nr prelCrlptlon 1.,,...; our AL'S Landocoptn&. Tree A lmured. 6'1>6Ttl. F/C Bkkll<'R.E. $800 ~~"st ~ft>'· 8111 W. ltttlgr. t:arporls, P> paid. G•n•GE ~ •---acre plumbed, wlftd A Bantow. $2!!0 Value per ac. OCC. Rewardl -. ,.---•· y-~ ftmodtl'-. PAJNTJNG • PAPERING, Sec'•/Comm1 Ina $700 ' sa. llC E. 2>tb st., C.M. 54Ml.!7 :::::'tb. -•-·--. ..,, -~ •-3 mobile horn... -• ~-TD .~.-·~--.,. • ' ~ ~·~•G !•· --·--.. ~• -· ·• -•·--Truh hauling, lot cleanup., l9yntnllarb«0Utt.Llclt Girl Friday l6!!0 ~·~· -n~ FABULOUS 2 BR. 548-0419 alttt 6 pm Im eq. lar motol' home or etc. 1 ~ n.paJr sprloldm. ~ bonded. Rtl'11Um. 6C-2!1l&. EXtc. St<rolary 162$ ""'1<, 40 Hn. wk. In ol._ sue Up. Fum/Ullfvm GAR.AGE for CIT or .......... bmlt. 61).1$15. Call -.. ... I ~ GARDENING Service. Ex· INTER/Elrtcr. Quolily ....,. Corp. SecTOtBtJ isoo bid&.. Nwpt. c-. P<I. You won't !ind a taritr $:1). per mo. 9111 Paint St. TR.ADE UP: Your clean '16-TR.ADE M·l !Ot w/4 ho!llOI peritnct a Rellablt. Frtt l -hi•. Rtcept/G, Ole ~ vac. l Ins. Xlnt wmt,. 111 .. r apt tor Itu. Beaut'. 11.B. MMm. 531>-t979. 'l&-'10 compo<t or "°"'" "cate m No. l<ff Bch tor .,um.,•• 963-ll!n. Call -T28S Steno 1475 eoodl. Send mtDM ot pnltn .,.., pallol. ~let Office Rent1l 440 IDr my '12 Country Squirt, lot-vacant or .,;.,.mm'l Schoelt I LAWN SERVICE Oeri< 'l)pl1t PO $450 ~~ odp:-i: J: detld-tnl! &tree~ just So. ol IK ml., 429 engine, air, lull bids. or t m Colta .,.... lnsm.cllens 575 Cut . Eds•. Trim Dependable Pluter, Patdl, R1.,.lr p,::&,w,,.1 .R}. Collt&-., ~. 9a. ' Nft)IOrt A""' Molli, no 2 ADJOINING o Ul <ea Pl", 'ITP. 545-2665, For lnlo call local i50-38$7. Eves oft. 6. 145-3116 ~7-818!1 * PATOI PLASl'ERING •-~. D....,.;:n.N C' & ••-o & ,.$ pets, 2llllll P'ulltttorl Ave., aVllloble. 2 d-Jot».* * * * * * VIOi.iN A Plam 1-: SPRINK-ll'R-SERVICE All~ Free_,_ ... ""'°' r., , • ~ - C.111. (Jal E. of 8'cy) tloN. mo. a $111.t.. ~ .... · ~:; .•• r.v.-. n--•1c1mta11.-v"&n-'42.mt ~Z.1671 IC... -~ ft• ·~,.... !!!!!!!!!!!!-!!!!!!!!9 l _ _::i.:::::::::::.::_..._1 ) l I -- \ .. ~~~~~~~~~l~~~~~~~W~td~""'""'~i·~Ji"i~i'1'·•'i'1" ........ ili•'•'L•O•~.•.ovlEllrTISilllE•Rlliziii1_ 1[11] ~! ~" ..... ~ ... ~~l[II]~IJ I "'""-!!Ill ...._I _"'""_ ... ___,j[fi]! DAILY PllllT w~. July 19, ltn 1[11] I ' I..__ ·_,1 r _____,' l[l!J! EnglllHIS RADAR _ ENGINEERS Design for the future At Hughes Ground Systems The innO¥•tor in rad•r t tchnology 11 now heavily in· ; volved in adv1nctd progr•ms such•• AWAC S, IPD-TA S, SLQ.17, TPQ.37, & 0th•"· Mult~ple openings now in tht fo llowing specialities: • Radar Systems Engineer • Micro Wave Components & Techniques • Receiver /Exciter Circuits & Sub-Systems • Radar Signal Processing • Mechanical Design & Stress Anal ysis All pOsltlons require 2-10 ye ars applicable experience & appro- pri11tt desir••· For immediat• consid•r•tion , please send resume to: ENGINEERING EMPLOYMENT HUGHES AIRCRAFT COMPANY GROUND SYSTEMS GROUP P. 0. Box ,3310 Fullerton, Calif. 92634 ~.S. Clll.zenshlp Re'julred Equal Oppor. M/F Employer I Help w.~ ..... ,,, & F 710' Help Wanted, M & F 710 Halp Wanlad, NI & F 710 CAN'T FIND THE COOK, exp. 18 or over. A~ ply -Van De Kamps, 309!l Bristol, C.M. See Mr. Trudo. EXPER Cooks or Cook Trainees & \Vaitresses. AP.- ply in person. C o I o n y Kitcl1en Restaurant, San 1¥;:w1 H 0 U S E K E E PER.Jchild cart'. Live-in, must love children. 2 Boys 1 & 3. G7>77VI $300 month. INSURANCE RATER TRAINEE: Fort~ gal wlxl \.\'ants to learn &:. gTO\\' with a line' co. in Irvine. Some at'COUnling or record keep. ing CXJ)t'r. Start S476. Call flelen Hayti!, 5 40-605 5, NURSES Aides, ex p e r . prtf'd. All shifts. Park Lido Conv. Hosp., 466 Flagship Rd., N.B. 64~. OFFICE girl, f/Ume, perm position. Hunt. Bcli area. Exper. pref'd. 847-2561. PAINTER/ CUSTODIAN Coastal Agency. 2 7 9 0 I Professional painter needed Harbor Bl. al Adams, C.M. for our large apt comple~. J1t,urance -Gal Friday. E.'<terior, Interior & finish 5 yrs comm'! agcy e..'l:p. <'Xperience nece.ssary. Cus- $700. (TI4l 673-fi610 toctial work experience help- ful. $2.tiO Per hour, ~NE PERSONNEi.. SERYICES_.AGENCY G.O./Comm'l lns to $700 Exec. Se<:relary $650 Bookkeeper to T.B. to $600 Payroll Bookkeeper to S600 Apply in Penon OAKWOOD GARDEN APARTMENTS 1700 16th St. Newport Beach, Calif. Equal Oppor. Employer ~~ ======I PANAGRAPH OPR Top Salary co. & benefits, 1\/P Bkkpr/Manuf, to $550 Clerk Typlst/Purchas. $475 488 E. 17th (at Irvine) CM 642·1470 JANITOR Pennanent-P/time 6-10 AM. 5 day \veck Minimum age 21 years Xln't employee benefits Apply Personnel Ofc 3rd Floor Tnferviewing 24 PM P.P.S. NO FEES Pacific Personnel Strvice ll2 No. Tower Union Bank Squart" Oran~e. Calif. 547.6446 Ask for Rachel 1\!ay JOB YOU WANT? THE BROAPWAY COOK, exper, Park Lido Juan Capistrano. See PBX. Answering service. TRY OURS! IMMEDIATE PLACEMENT FOR' Conv. 1-fosp, 466 Flagship Manager. 7777 Edinger, H.B. Exper pref, Relief shift. Rd, NB. 642-8044. EXPERIENCED m e d i c a J Equal Oppor. Employer Steady \\'Ork. 536-8881. COSMETOLOGisr, licensed, receptionist. Call 9 to 5, PER~fANENT r e I i a b I e work as assistant lo stylist Mon-Fri, 644-1025. LAUNDROlflAT Att.endant, cleaning lady w /own & some desk Work. 499-Jl65. F/C BOOKKE_E_P_E_R_ p/time help. Parhcu1arly transportation. t day a ,vk, . interested in couples. Reply \\<ed. or Thurs.· 8: 0-2: 15. COUN1'ER g1rl, Donul Shop Great . opportunity for gal to Jack T. Cox. 2212 Dupont, $14. 642-2374. age 2(1....35. Full time, no exp. that is familiar w/EDP. Irvine, Calif. 92664. .:::__::__:::.:::c.::_ ____ 7' nee. Call Dave 847-'llXXI. Large manufacturing l'O. PIANO player. Apply in Highest SU eaminKs. LEGAL SEC 'Y person. Carole's Lounge, 810 • FIGURE C:LERK COUPLES • Apt Mgr, gd Irvine 540-4450 Fee Pa;d. Al'° Fee Jo"'. IV. 19th St .. c .. ta Mesa. ~e&e jobt are varled I: chal· salary. Anaheim. No cxpcr. NEVER A FEE AT TEMPO Short on _hours, ~5 &. long • req'd. Call aft 5 pni. TEMPO on benefits. Calif. exper. PLASTICS lenglng! f:.Aj 00"0 ... -~. I helpful but not necess. for MATERIAL U you're good w/numbers &. ..;...C7R=E~W~MA=~N"A'"'G"E""R=-_Temporary Hep these Jr. associates. Great can +Un.., a-little you may FIBERGLASS l 1 HANDLER .... ~ Weneed.2mencver18 that · oreman pay. Call Sharon \Vat, TRAINEE -quality, can handle a small grolip o( needed. must be exp'd & 833-2700 Dennis &: Dennis Young man interested in boys gelling ne~ cust:omers have background in tool Pel'!IOru:et Agency. 2082 learning plastic pa r t s for Southern Orange (:oun-n1aking. Apply 1831 W. 18th Michelson Dr., Irvine. manufacturing. Must be fl TYPIST CLERK th Reinder's A.rtnt.'Y 4'00 Campua Dr .. N.8. Raal Estate . L icensing Course Fee Pa.id By Co. ~2118 Full sales training J1l"Ol:I"l..I' SECRETARY: \Vould YoU -no cost. Manaaement ap. like to work with a group ot ' portunhiea. Ask for Mrs. friendly prople? Thia great Jones tor lnfonnatloa at firm is waifing to take you 842-5581. aboard. To $600. Fee Paid. Tarbell Realtors Abo Fee Joi... Call Hden Hayes, 54()..f,(155, Coastal Real Estate Sales Agency, 2190 Harbor Bl. at Like working in l..3.guna Adams, C.M. Beach"! t~medi~te opening SECRETARY • for l girl for qualified I 1 ~ens e d reg. sales o!fice, computer peMiOn, Ask for Rita Myers type products, major com· at Sandcastle Real Estate, pany. \Vant matW'E' a:irl 1786 S. Coast Hwy., Laguna looking for responsibility &. Beach. 494-8025. challenge. Prior sales oU. RECEPTIONIST exp. desirabl•. 835-7335. PoJ.se & personality most im· SECRETARY ~rtant lo greet w.ealthy PVT secretary to company clients ~t front desk spot In executive, Newport Beach lovely rum Boss needs you a heavy dictation typ. to '''elcome i~portant. in-:; ~Ired. Salary 'open. vestors lo plush inter-Offices. Call for appl 644--0511 Nothing here-but, men & . money, Call Tracy Martin, SECRETARY, construction 833·2700 Dennis &: Dennis \vork. Call between 9 &: 4: 30 Penoo~l Agency, 2082 pm. 962-«i83: 540-4200. 1\1lchelson Dr., Irvine. SHOE salesman, exper. By · RECEPTIONIST: L 0 v e 1 y appt. Ask for Mr. beach area firm needs your Shoemaker, Ph.one 644-4223 great personality & good or 548-6541. skills for various duties.1 "'""s~K~I ~L~L~E~D~T~Y~P~l~S~T,.­ Nice co-workers. To $444. To learn the mortgage bus- Call Linda Ray, 540-f,055, iness. Min. 60 w.p.m. Must Coastal Agency, 2 7 9 0 be able to learn. Irvine 11arbor Bl. at Adams. C.M. Indus. Dist. The Meairs Co, 833-8340. RECEPTIONIST • STORE c!eck, female, part TYPIST. Corporale offices. time J)OS'S. full time, neat 50-60 \VPM. No agencies. appearanee, 2 days/wk. · For appt, call Dick Beau-494-9975. champ, 546-0.170 weekdays. , ___ T_E_C_H_N-IC_l_A_N __ -----~-~--!Experienced tape deck & RECEPTIONIST: .P/time. stereo equlpment, take over J-landle phones,. typing, etc operation or entire repair &. for man1;1factunng concern installation center. Salary in So. S.A. ~II ~twn 3::.0 plus. U.S.A. Stereo Equip. & 5:30 PM, 835-9323. Warehouse, 179 E. 17th St., RECEPTIONIST fur doctor's Costa Mesa 645-2442, open oUice. Type 60 w.p.m. Call 11 AM. 548-0076. ,_TELEP ___ H_O_NE __ Sal_e_s_: -Se-ll RETAIL clerking & part Southern Orange County's time kitchen work i n Favorite Newspaper from hospital store. Full time, 5 your home. Make as much days, 8 to 4. 522-2819. as you need. Generous com- R~E NEEDING QC. mis-sion on each aale. Call CAS NAL \VORK. Vaca·1..;5.l:.7c.-';c7.:.3"c.· _____ _ "0"" . 1 in Sept, Dec., etc. DAILY PILOT · Greyhound Shipping & tickets, H.B. 53EHI45. RN's & LVN's, 11-7 & 3-11 WANT AD ~~~uni. Bch. area. Cali FOR ACTION • SALES Permanent Positions Full &:: p/time Schedules 642-5678 • • Good akilla neceu. !lllllt'ance e>eper. helptul, but not es· aential, 1 Position requires Ute ateno. ty's favorite newspaper. ~ Cosla .\fesa. LEGAL s E c RE T A'R Y: neat, dependable w'ith stable Men can earn S200.00 to GELCOAT TOUCH-UP Local young attorney needs work record. Permanent LINENS $400.00 P,er v.•et-k de~ndini:: FIBERGLASS MOLDERS sharp gal to assist in court full time work $2.25 hour to COSMETICS CLASSIFIED HOURS on number of boys you cnn Coast Recreation, Inc. &. offic(". 30 Hour week. start, . STATIONERY & Advertisers may place carry. Thls" ls a dignified 940 \Vest 17th Street Some probate exper. Apply 1 PM to 4 PM CHILDREN'S thl'ir ads by telephone career comnlandin~ high -~~~642-0~=;iz=~~~cl helpful. To $600. Co. Pays * Orange Coast Plastics * Exper. prefened ~:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. wages. No experienec Is GENERAL OFFICE: Would Fee. Also, Fee Jobs. Call 850 West 18th St. xtn't Employee Benefits. Monclay tbnt Friday INTERVIEIVING ~ Ou:u Fri 9 am·U:30 pm necessary but n1ust be able you like to be the helping Linda Ray, 54 0-6055, Costa Mc:>a, Calif. 8 to noon ~aturday to get along with boys. If in-hand in this pleasant offiC<'? Coa!tal Agency, 2 7 9 0 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!"'!'!'!!'!'!!""'""'""'!\" Apply Personnel Ofc COST A MESA om CE I terested and can start now, This investment firm needs Harbor BL at Adams. C.M. PRE-SCHOOL Director \viii-3rd Floor 330 W. Bay ON SITE OF OUR NEW BUILDING ' PACIFIC MUTUAL FASHION ISLAND • (Comer Santa Cruz It. *-Newport Center Drive) * FREE daily bus transpor· tatlon for work in Los An· ·gelea until move to Newport, &pt. •n. , r.all 897-1310 from 9 A.M. you today. Co. pays LIVE-In Housekeeper, S~1: ing 10 relocate, Aspen, Colo. lnterviewing 2·4 PM 642-5678 until 2 P.M. Costa l\1esa Fee/AL~. Fee Jobs. $450. days. lotin. 3 yrs exper. Sal. Must have·2 yrs college & NEWPORT BEACH area 675-Q222. 11unlington Call Nancy l\fay, 540-6055, Open, 67~7364. preschool educa t io n . THE BROADWA y 3.13.3 Newport Blvd. Beach area 96&-~1. Coastal Agency, 2 7 9 0 LIVE-in housekeeper, 3 675-4867. 642.·5678 DENTAL Exec. Sec' Y "":;":::';bo::;'..:8;!...:•:;';A:::d:::am:;.•:::·,;C:::.M::·c 1 small girls, full ti~. PRESSMAN Eq:7 O~~e~~~ -HUNTINGTON BEACH needed. Exper, for blJSY GENERAL OFFICE: Figure English speaking. ~1596. -,,"'"""'"'"""'""'""'"'"""'~I I 17875 Bea.ch Blvd. N.B. gen'l practice, Top your 'vay to the top. Great LVN t· bi I t d 1 Year mihimum exper. !!! 54~!220 convlderation given r.o. moving to Irvine. Fee··.:• rel~ e 1 o~ sea; onA.B.Dick3SO&Itek SALESMAN stability, maturity & ability Pa.id/Also, Fee Jobs. S475_ ~sition. so. or par Camera. Salary -in~ntive. Young Co. Gd Potential i:i~u-lo~es~Efv?!' to mel-'t public. Should ])(' Call Helen Hayes, 540-60S5, t1bn 1 1e. Aldso kitchen ~elp, Call 642-9470 Call Mrs. Schmidt -494-94{;6 fa mi 11 a r v.'ilh appt C t I Ag 2 7 g O a e to o some coo ng. __ _:D::"""::..:c::llc:M=wp~h::.Y~-WESTCLIFF management, pegboard ac-H'::~r Bl. ate~~~s. C.M. _>i'-"9--""'6'--'-1--~~=~ PRrNT Shop Binder Coat· 2043 Westcliff Dr., NB SAN CLEMENTEcal COCKTAIL WAITRESS counting ,,,,stem. Insurance GENERAL olfice. Mat"1'C MACHINISTS Ing, tr ; mm Ing·, stitch· 645-lnO 305 N, E~no R FOOD WA'ITRESS & banking procedures, etc. Li bookk , ing exper. Willing to SALES personnel, exper. 4 ' Tray Servi~. Exper., 21-33 Salary open, 646·2481 for in-woman. . te eeping. N·O FEE work 2nd &Jiifl. Exceptional Male &. female. Salary NORTH COUNTY' , New growing company, t)'J'I old. Niles, Permanent. 1crvlew. CdM 644-8494. e Operate Engine Lathe oppor. w/growing nat'l co. Open. Apply in person, dial free 540-1220 /Apply 4·6 dally • • • DENTAL Recept./back up e Turret Lathe Immed. openings, X l n t · Fashion Gallery, 660 N. CLASSIFIED Do Th. 9 -•chcomL-r GIRL FRID. A Y, for new • M•'ll'•ng Machine orking conds w/outstand c---H '-guna Bch. n 119 us girl for dental specialist. dennatolog1.~.t : med I ca I Long term temporary ass•·gn-\V ' • l ... ~iiii'ii.iwyiii.;i~i;iii;i;; ... i;;iiii ll DEADLINES ., Corona del ·Mar FIT exp nee . H B lng fringe benefits. No. Deadline for copy & kilts CONSTRUCTION Superin· ~71. , . • . ~:~~·si~~~s:~n~~~il~ ment. American Correspondence is 5:30 p.m. the day be- tend -t I t I 't ~·-I p p S School, 4401 Birch St., NB. s t • for publication, except en \V s ng e Uni UW<=. DENTAL chainlde axsislti.nl, for you \\"hen practice ex-• • • M'I ""7360 ecre a r1es "•• hil'·id & FHA e -u· Mrs. ·1 es, ;.l"IO-• tor Sunday & Monday ·u-16 .,, e x,,.... exper. So. Laguna o ice pand11. Call Dr. Steele, P•cific PRINT Shop Folder Opr Editions when deadline (TI4l 979-Jro>, Box 722. Dana Pt. Steele, Sui!c 710, 14-01 U2 N To i"'Xlni oppor. Call Ken l\fenitt, Mon.·Fri. Send resume P .O. 64~16ll. or v•rite" Dr. Personnel Strvicts Cut t 1 n g & folding ex· 3 \s Saturday, 12 noon. .L 0· wcr """r. Willing to \\·ork 2nd CLASSIFIED · •-lood · di DENTAL •-t t n-Avocado Ave., Newport u · B ... Sq ,, · COOK .,. service rtC· ass.,, an . nccep-n1on an... uarl'.' shift. Immed. 0....,nings, Ex-REGULATIONS • ·a t'-' t' -t & I . I of E Beach. Calif. 0 c I'/ ~ tor, res1 en KU re irem.,.. Uonist. gir c. ~xper range, 11 1 • ceptionnl oppor. w/growmg' T Ma ' •--'t I 'I G ""2167 · 0 nagelS ERRORS: Advcrli5'n t:onV. '""'p1a ... r. co. only. Npt Bch . .,..,,.. · GIRL Fr~day,_ yo_ung 547-6446 nat'l co. Xln'I working should check t heir ads Sigler, 847-3515. 18 811 D I S lf \VAS HER-Mornings \\'/personality, lite typing & A k f R 1 1 l\1 cond!I. w/outstanding fringe :l!lil.Y &: report errors J ~,Flo~r'.:lda.::::~"::·:'.'.B::.· ---~-I Apply in penon, 230'S E. Cst bkkpg, like t() work __ s ~ aC'tl'_ !·"-benefits. No. American Cot· Wt have Immediate hnmedlately. T H E C?OOK-Pn!rer expcr. Over Hwy, Cd~f. Equal Oppor. \\"/prople. 5-11)...96.SI. MAIDS WANTED 1'€spondcnce School.s, 4401 openings available -t •AILY PILOT assumes 18. Apply betwn Zpm & Employer. GROCERY Clerk. full time Mature. Must be cxpcr. F/ Birch St., NB. ltirs. Miles, 2 in our Engineering lia bility for thf fir,,~1~na E 1--~'-------ti Se p rsonnel i\fm-& 1 • C correct insertion o • ...,. 5PM, Snack Shop, 2305 · DRAPERY work r o o in . rlnys, married ninn prl'f'd. me. e e 1 "' • 546-7360. Otpt. 1n our on- Cout Hwy. CdM. exp'd. tabler'. \\"ill ronsid1~· Contact l\lr. Arlnn1s nt The Balboa Bay Club, 1221 \V,3 c=r"u:::m::cp:-,I-,t-a-nd-7Sal~es-m-en7' tracts Otpt. Requlrt1 CANG:EU.ATIONS: COOK. French Resta.urnnt. trainee. Paid va<'ttilon & Coast Super l\1nrkt.'1, 3347 E. Coast Hwy, NB. \V/some lube exper. 40 hr 60 w.p.m. typing & 80 ·When killing an ad be , tApply tn person, 501 30th holidays. lkRch Drapery, Coast Hwy., Corona dE:1 MAINTENANCE MAN -Ofc wk. gd pay. 490 E. 17th w.p.m. sh. Tran1fer-~(re u!0 K"Jle N'u=r: 1 ~St;:: .. ,:N,;;ew:=port;;,lle~a~c=h·==~="'!lOO'=::l::;Y.:010;7;:;th;:,::;Clll:::;;.===o;..!-=M::a:::r.=========-I bldg, N'vpt Ctr, Gen'! <Crossroad Irvine,) Ci\f. rabfe secrtt cltarance ·given you by your ad i --knowledge of pJumbing & Real Estate Sale§ desirable, taker es Teeeipt of your • electrical J>><fd. Al.,, Hte OFESSIONAL e cancellation, Thw kill janitorial duties. Pleasant PR Apply In Ptrton number must be pre-''!•" "' • S T"'R GA"E-.:>l<j<~~ working eonds. Pd ;,,. & CAREER Off' scnted by the adverliaer ' I ' i1 • .,..v t m .!"1 .~ .I'-' ~J \V 't ·r. Employment ice tn cue ot • dll::pute. vac. ri e spcci ying ag~. Now hlrinn for exn.a.,.. 3333 Harbor Bl. , .uin ~1CLAY3t. POLLAN 1•xper &: refs to Classified ad • ,..-M CANCELLATION OR h'A~. l ~ !Ol.lr o,oily Adi'fl··•r,Guid. M Sl'T.~~iri-, No. 465 c/o Daily Pilot, •slon-Apll '?t•lpartms •1n1tr'y· Cost• ••• CORRF.c'I'ION OF NEW »). ,, ... ~cor i11g lo I • lori. Y ocr. n@~~ P.O. Box l560, Co.sta 1\.lesa, omt os1 ons a ft.. AD BEFORE RUNNING: fR'imt-3 J!t:,~c~~~~~nu=~ ~,;·;::.,~go; ea 926~ plus Comrrii~•!~ns, ot CE LESCO ~f1lr ~~~isamna! a~ cfyourZodiocbirthsign. ~ ... MAN wanted for retail ers Guarent..u Draw. that has been ordered. ~f61:~=· ii!:~ ~i~= ~f~ oc~~~J·~~. ~~=;~~1a~=i~.8 ~:ts ,:~ ~!~~.i~;, Bo,;:dicaf·~ INDUSTRIES ~t!'do~t!tug\l::d f\.l 'LMW -41.ovtd J~Orig•nof ~..,,...., 1"0I'~-~~ health food or retaU food Life lnsuranc't, If you hlLI .appeared .in t he ~w111' :l)~op 41~Con~vt• 51 ·5f"&6..!.11 rle.rk ex ..... rience. 979-9495. w11nt a Proftsslonal ' ' -vtne~ ... 41H«k J6'fl'.ort uv,,.,,. 6.5"6 ,,... -job A Div. ot The GIMIHI 1roc1oy J1M,,., 67Dev•1«' u.r.trn411us l\TANtCURisr part time. C1retr-not just• C' .. •-·eba.nn3 C.Orp. DJME..A-UNE ADS: Q2.NAYlt :~o;,, ~~l'!it ~:~~ifd 11or.1~.11 . Xlnt loc. Newport Beach --and ar• wlllinq to """"'.. ThMo ads are strictly ,!_ __ -1~'-'-l!(Mtl tor. .cou-i=-70!1.oc.Ut ou:.11 l.2fl area. Call 548-4179. makt a Success Co.,,.. E 1 cash in advan~by ma.U I · ~-" ?ir:t !i~,1ow ~;:~r;01e ,rmj MEDICAL OB GYN otf!ce mltment, I went to talk I ""B<tu""'•,.1 ,.9;,,·ppor..,,..""',.m"p"o"Y"'""'" ~ ~ ·;:;:,:; ~c~ I : CANCta :!~ 2~:;: ?!~ rt'q exp. back office girl & to YOUI Ph. Jack Sty· Stcrtt•ry Ptrsonntl JUll,l2f 1sF-or -45 <m.i 7)8. 0~~~~4'•M front orttee girl mour847·1221/776-2231, Must have...,.good secretarlal 'mE DAILY PILOT rt--• ,.,, .. 21 1,At. A6Y1JK 76 Will , 1. S d serves the right to das-~ 1181"\ ,.,~ 71T"°"Ohll -JAN.11 .,e::, w insurance f!Xp. en • Skills, plea.sant pcnonallty, •ifJ.', adl.t. CtnSOr rn:' re- (i.Hl•SJ """"""" "'""" · """' ~(~ resume to P.O. BOX 3992. SEYMOUR he able to asaumo fU!e any adv...useml'n~ Uo ~~ ;~':!9Mt ~; 1· Long Beach. REAL TY & responslbiliUe11 with little and to chan~ it.a rates 21 OHkklk s1 Set\ 111 °' .AQUAllUS MODE!r. part lime, fitting:. INVESTMENT su.pervliion. Type 65. IBM le n.>gUlatfonl •1tbout Jlll'f lJ I 22s-1t1w szaor...1c: 112 "'°9-JAN, "IO 1 • 9 1 J -·" clec (Exec). Sbrthnd 100. pdor notice. Atlt.11 l ~t"" ~I~ :!¢:,!,-fll. tt , r site • or r 1.1w1mwear DAILY PILOT Starting gaJary $707 mo. 1--··~~ .,, __ • 7.1~1·1 mfg co. 3S\~'4\l-36\0, CLASSIFIED YI= f~~· !E' !!§..,"~· ";., ~;~~~· ~~: ~:~ 642 5678 ~:!~~~~~:~°:.~ MA•;·~·~'=!SS AU~1J :NHoY. SfC'.oNllA• Dl<ftpoli.r.u IU.ft l!)_ Avt, S.A. 543-3043. • S4nd Canyon. E. Irvine, Colla Mesa , SUI'·" J,......, .. ,,_. tOT""""' !IA.I.,.~ AnydaylathoBESTDAYto Cal. 92650. 92621! t:,t:: • ",()\Gold ®.u-«)N~ ~ ::::: ~· ~ ~. • • _W_A_. _N_T __ A_D __ '_i..;~:;;all;;.t ;;.~..;su;::.U_~.;.;~;....;.just"'-1-p_-_ 1~~------.. 1. I • I I Buy a ·Border to -Border Borgai Every cla .. ified want ad in the DAILY PILOT appears in every edition every day • .That means your ad Will be seen in papers delivered to homes and sold from newsracks from border to border all along the Orange Coast ••• all the way from Seal Beach to San Clemente - You Get It All • • • Huntington Beach Fountain Valley Costa Mesa Newport Beach Laguna Beach Irvine Saddlehack San Clemente Capistrano (Plus the daily newsrack edition) For One Price With A t ' • ' • Classified Ad Phone 642 • 5678 ' YOU CAN CHARGE IT, TOO ·• • . ~ or-- • .. J Pll.OT.ADVUTISER DAILY PILOT w~. "'YI' ;a9, it1a ._""_ ...... _____,. J[fl]! .__ _-_-__,llm~! ~-~I~~ I --,, --- \'J•ntO<l. /VI. & F 710 Help Want..i, M & F 710 Appllancu 102 Garage Salo -'-'-------" 3 LI-. 2 Tl.,... S2.00 &oat•, Matnt./ .......... Wonted l20 FREE h .. 1 ... cote kllllet 6 C•mper1, Saltl/ Rent 920 Cycle1, Blkt1, to2 -.:..-.,,.,"'"'"==-·I Scoot•" m 112 Ml1colla.,....1 Tl!llER TRAINl!E Bou~ in A: Balance Out In thla wondertul poalUon In eoraeou.. ofr. It tllkea Pf'r- 1on111cy 6: abllily lo Warn. Pd vac, holiday &. int, Call Mk:bel Benz, 833-2700, Den· nli It Dennls Per»nncl A.a;ency, W Mlcbclso1 Dr., Irvine. TURRET lo.the opera.if. tor lnd operatton, exp ne<>. 'rap. ma.tic Corp,, 845 \V. 16th, Newport Beach 548-3404. * TYPISTS Register for a temporary job lo<Jay Jnler'V\\•1: 9-12 \\'~ Need All Office SkUls * Equal Oppor. Employer l\lalc Ir: Female Westtrn Girl Inc. 4667 MBCArthur Blvd. Newport "Seach M0..(1325 WAJTREs.sES, b U I b 0 y I , Waiten, Kitcht.n ii e l p , Di!hwasb~rs Apply in person alter 12Pl.1, 696 So. Coast Hv.'Y, Lag. Sch. Wll>O\YER w/2 girll qeg l & -4 nttds live-in Nanny. 'lounger woman pref . 54S-rn3. WOMEN, p/lime telephone work from your home. No ~elling, 1,,.•wu'n. hrly rate. Call 979--4870 tor appt. YOUNG man to v.·ork sv.'ap n1eet11 Sat & Sun. ~lust have \'an Qr pick up. Salary + c0n1n1ission. Locnl Rct"s. i-·or appl. ~1674. XLNT Oppor. Nat'I Concern }las openings far route Wesmen in CM. 962.-0416. '-[ ~-_ .. __,·I~ Antiques 100 Appliances 802 KENMORE waaher & \Vesti.ngllouse dryer, good cond. $70. 842--6449 APARTh1 £Ni' ttfrigtrator. Like nrw -~. •• 615--5258 * AMANA Upright Rclrig/ Freei.er. Le ft hand doors. $100. &IB·6'07, WHI Ri.POOL Washc:r/Dryer, $50. * 675-5258 * C1m•r1s & Equipment G a ' ~·~------~ Rent1I Derk Rooms Alr Cone:!. $2 per hr, Daves Camera 474 E. 17th Ct., C~I 646-2136 or &12-1012 KOBENA <121 Super 8 rnovlt caniera. Instant cartridge loading. Powgr telephoto wide angle lens. Al.molt ne11·. $75 or nlake otter. r.il-1734 eves & \\'ettJ:tendi. PETRI F'f camera. Seldom U&ed. C, C. nuto. 1: 1.8 f,.56 mm. No. 300006. \Vlth fiash attaclm1ent. $100 or niake otfer. 5:12-1734 eves & 1vt"(!kends. MAYTAG repa1rmli.n has Furniture 110 washers $35. to $100. Can ..__ . .._._._. _____ _ deliver v.:11 yr. gUarn. i\10VING: Ra!tlUl barstls (4) 839-rns. $7 l'a. J\taple bunk bedl REFRIGERATOR •. freezer, cotnpl. $75. T\vin white 2 dr. Foodarama \lpri"hl, canopy bed. match. dressint 401h" wide. Good cond. $155. tbl $15. 9 Drwr walnut 5."iT-6149. dreuu w/mirror S 7 5. Woodland corner de1k I: 2 match. dressers w/fomtlca top1 $60 group. Kng bed "'/match bxspmgs SS 0. 54&.-3451. WAITRESS. EXPER. ,e BLUE DOLPHIN e 33.55 Via Lido, NB OVER 200 v.•ashen, dryers, refrigerators from $39.95. 5~j....()780. Rent Washers/Dryers $2. \\lk. FUll maint. • 639-1202 * REFRlGERA TOR -N o r g e "Customatic" Runs quietly. $40. 545-38.19. Fast results are._just a pnone call away 612-5678. •••••••••••••••••••• A OOHVOlltNT SHOPPINC ANO S£WINC CUIOf FOJI: THE ~ CAlOHTHl<iO. bi~' For •n H fn Wom•n's World C•ll Mory loth 642-5671, ext UO Slimming Stripes Cheerful Cherubs ~~ I l vfl i<I" "J' ,..,.-;, . , L....1-'lt'i ·~ 9446 SIUS 10~-20Y2 r.., 11f ,,.i .... 11Te. ;r' ... SLIMMING STRIPES - the)' race down the ftcw'e to make )'OU toolt ltall .rid llve- 1)' llli da)'I Smart In IOlk! color too. Zipl 4\llckb' up back. Printed Pattern 9446! NEW H&lf Sizes 10Y.a, 12~t. 14'h, 16~, 1s1,1, 201,s. Siu 14~ (bUrt 371 takrs 2 3/8 yards ~Inch. 7107 ~A<kB~ We!anm bl.by with this happy, easy·to-make coverlet. CheerfUI cherubs k e e p baby company. Embroider 40xti0" crib COWi' in varlat colors, lazy~ies in pink, blue ca' )'tllow. Pattre:n 7101: trtMftr 16JcJC'' dlrectlons. 8EVEN'l:r,nv£ CEN1'8 for each patte.rn -add 25 cer.ts for each pattern tor Air l\1ail and Special Hand!· ttig; othel'Wlse third-clus delivery wU1 take thtte weeks or more. Send to Alice Brooks the DAILY 8EVENTV-nVE QE:N'l'S PILCYI', 105, Needlecraft tor each pettern -add 25 Dept., Box 163, Old Chelsea cents for each pattem for Station, New York, N.Y. Air Mail and Special Han-lOOU. J>rint Name. AdcJ:reu. dling; otherwise thl'i(!-c)UI . IAp Pattfnl Nmnber. c!<livm' will take lhrff N E E D LE CR A FT '721 weeks or more. Send to Cl'ochet knit. etc:. Fret Marian MorUn. tho DAJLll dlrodioM. 50c Ptt.al', 442, Pe.ttem Dept., JMtant Macrarnt1 Boot;. 232 Wt1t 18th St., New Buie, taney knots, pat· York. N.Y. 10011-Print term. fl, NAM'I:, _ ADDllFM with E1q Art er fl • I r p I• ZIP, SIZll and ~ QrecMt•Gm':l6-lo NUMllUL mili. fl, UNBELIEVABLY REASONABLE Thomasville kingslze bdrm .set, 9' velver sofa I: lo vesea t , lu xu rious naugahyde sola & loveseat, 6' cocktail tbl, 2 end com- modes. bunk beds. Spanish gan1e set v.·/matchlng bar, hkie-a·bed. ~~339 BENTWOOD CHAIRS Need at least four fin. or un- fin. Bentv:ood chairs. Ap- pearance not important, but must· be in good cond_ No antiques. Free or reu. pr1ce. 1t1lke, 897·T191 aft, 5 MOVING Sale! 6 yr. crib. n11ttress $30. 2 chair dinette i;ct $20. 6' tt1aple stereo con- sol.e $225. 3 pc. pine bedroom set $250. 2 love: se1lli, ga1d·bl"0\\'11 plaid $60 each. ltfisc. ~ll54. LADDERBACK CH A I R S , Need at least four matchina hilh, ladderback cha1ra. Fln. or unfin. Must be sturdy. No antiques. Free or reasonable price. Ph. Mike at 897-7791 after 5. SURPLUS SALE 6 breakfast tbls &::: 4 chrB. 10 Danish arm ch~. 10 coffee: tbla. 8 end tbls. Can be ii;een be:tv.·een 9 &: 12 wkdays. Unit C. 2941 Grace Ln. Costa Mesa. FRIGIDAIRE 13 Cu. ft., freezer 1op. $90. FruiN-"OOCI finish dbl ~ frame w/box springs & matt. S50. 2 Club chain, ottoman, naug., $150. 546-1735, PECAN coffee & end tables $275. Decorator dinette set S135. 557-3111. 8' SOFA & love seat, never used. Both $150. Se\\•ing mach $25. Pvt Pty 968-7910. MOVING: Househo l d furniture, odds & ends, pov.·cr mower. 831)..9831. 6 Pc. Frultwood br. !let in xln't cond. can 9 am·S 1>fn., 675-5200. 9 PC. BASSETT Fruitwd. din. nn. 11et. 2 Pe. oak br. set. 7' pool tbJ. 557-5855. RUGS, love aeat, TV, cof· fee tbl, end tbls, dbl bed, dressers, lt1isc. 646-16 GARAGE Sale. S.t t; Sun. Household goods • clothlll(. 303 Ealhtr st.. C.M. GAR.AGE toy & game sale. Chrtstmag In July. 7/19- 7/22. 126 Via Lorca (Lido). The .DAILY. fl LOT ORANGE SEE ~f6RE Q u I c k lialtlet Otochet Book .. Fashions and chooee one leun by pictures! Patterns. pattern lr!e' from our $L Sprlng-SUmmer O.tfJor. Ali Q:wnplete Jutut Otft 8-.k llW?•I Only OOc. • more than 100 &1111. -rt. INST Al'!')" ~G BOOK <>ompleto &tpu -• leW todq, W8r tomoft'OW, $1 fl, Jl,IUf)' llolJ.-0-llOo. INSfAHI' F .ASHION -jf 1,1 bbo <~ BOOK • II-OI roe. !uhlon factl, JL --I -18 pottems. COAST'S leading '61 4 DR. Cad. $200. Air wrench $65. Tool chert $35. Chev. 6 Hrad Jn '63 Col'\'11.lr doors $15. 25" RCA color, new tube $16 S. 646-5740 or 646-8313. ' MARINE Mtch&nlc F'rff u.DDERBAO< C II A 1 R S • wits old. mt A any tl~t ntlmatr1 Cood ...tr., Fair NM:!. at leut four me.tch_lna: marklnas. ~aft 5 pm. pdct.t .. ~ )<O\l mont>'· Call hiah. lldderbM:k cha.tn. TO eood homu: Cllte k.illms. Burr Bum&n m,..am. Fin. or untln. Must be can Un· 11.-=.,-.r:-=.,.---- "1 TOI~ 400N ----- '72 GMC long Wide 3!iO HONDA, -point, lot1 oJ chrome, xlnl, Pickup pert! Ste to a.ppredate! 400 V8, turbo, radio, heater, $600. 968-2558.· sturdy. No anUquts. }~ree or 648-UO'i , INtt/Marh,. rt!uon&b!t price. Ph. Mike •quip. at 897-mt. aft s. 4 r~luf(y, 6 wefk old Kltterui.1-------""'- p()\\•er llt~r~. Jlf1Wt'r dlse: an •tt.10 &.1-i.._ t ......... USED l{ydraulic lift. 5-CFM . A.C. Valve CR. l"ll'tr Benches. Sht'tves, counter GX·90 Dist. Coke & Ciga- rette vendors. v.·hsll" price. Deniers welcome. 536-4257. Miscellaneous 811 NE\V clothes sale. 50%-70% discount on all clothes. at Southern Calif Gymnasium. Wed-Sat, 9 ~pm. A truck load ot T-shlrta, rtvtrsjbJes, fiOOtball jeJ'W'yl, muscle shirt.I, tube aock1, jackets, scrimmap ve1ts, 1weata1 gym lhorts, girl.I P .E. suits, etc. Slua 2-ex· tr& lge, for..Jdds A adult&. Some ahirtl plaln, w with collep names, etc.' Sample: . -·• 1 join' trained, 2 boys, 2 1lN. Oiaract•r boat. 21' PILOT u1tere1locu II U\i '44-liill Eutbl1&U. C cyl inboard/Excel cond. Newport Beach Tennb Club. . PU'ICle Favorite 13J.J.445 brakl!S. air cond., Sle1Ta\ '"""' new ""'.1""--~ •. cab Jl.O, springs & shockt,' Ralel&'h Sport, $10. ~ ~6$ & J'lly lires v.•ide &ll-6S2l alw 5 or 642-4321, base with lx'autifUJ 9 foot .;"'=1·.,:233:::::;·~=~=~~-I cab' ovet camper, toilet, 1911 YMfAHA 125 ttt."( c.J1 me t!nrt. 641>-1191. * FEMALE SHEPHERD & i=: p .., ---------1 11USKEY ).fl'X, 8 MOS. TO 1MN1tl, owtr "YW pressure water. stove, retrtg, Lew n1ll~~ and ready to race Can sleep 6. JI.lust iuu:rirlct.. Clean! $500 Mu1lc1l ln1truments l22 GOOD HOME. 96M236. 16' Jnbcl/outbd H)'droswltt-90 !hi.ls ~auritul (_'Qn1bo. 511431 Ask for John ""'"'1742 Free ?UPPIE.S to kwllt& hp )o'ord Cortina, Cl\Uiedral FENDER Stratocaster, }'u:a· home, 7 wkl.. 100 d hull, cu.wtom tarp, 4 life \Yah, Ir: Tei.sco amp/speak· \\'/children. DM281. jackets, -t Wely cu1hlo1\$, er. xtnt cond. $250. Alt. S ==,--,=--==....,.,,,~1 PM Ir: wknds 536-501!. FREE! Ti&er atrtped male tire f'xllnguiaher, M& an- $6995 Motor Homos Salt/Rent 940 or 36 month.11 lt'ftSt'.' for only $165.97 open ('nd. ON DISPLAY ===o--:--..,.--;=-,:1 k' Ith thob clw:ir, horn, compau • all FENDER Jaguar Cullar itten ~Rll ~ app~d by Cout Guard. BILL BARRY Midas Mini S>otts. OOc. T-ahlrtt, 90c. ln- tltl' front door, Southtrn Cali! Gymnulwn, 2 5 2 5 Newport Blvd, C : M • 545-1178. w/tu1torn padded back. Xlnt cond. $2&50. M~ on Hard case. $175. 544-3417. Balboa Is. 67s--6887. 126 [ ....... -][E)-33' (UifRS~'720- FREE Fres.h 11ater cooled Peta, General 150 Chry1ler1 StarUnr \\'eek of August 1 KETTENBURG ORANGE COAST * "Shem'•"· Groomllll lll Dana Point Marina HAMMOND STUDIOS yrs in all b,..odt. !l'rff 496-4020 offers plckup). Boanllng, poodl•1--=~ 4 Adu!• Evon!ng c1.,,., puppies. 54&-28<S. 15' Glass Flat e Be&inners PARROT: Creen wllots of e Secondary character. Plus cages & e Theory Iood. $25. (73-0670 o r Bottom Ski Hull • Workshop 673-2310. I Call for information 152 \Vhlte/melalllakc rf'd, 65 1p 644-l9lO C•ts !.!ere O/B, tilt trailer $1200. Pontiac-GMC-C1mp•r1 Fiat (ll'-1 St, ~ti S.A . Fnvy I '.XXX) t:. l!<-1 St., Sr1.111ri i\nt1 ;,~~~· 100\) --IO'll'H AVASU Coho1·rr ~lf'•'IJ!> fi. ine. kll1'hf'tt wah•r pun111. ~!OVi' & O\'~'n, ~ide d1u1•1tC' \\ 1U1 l(I\ t':-•·:lt & to ih'I L\101n, n ht'(IUl1C11l hntne a\1·ay fro111 honu.·. Sl'rlul -;59,. WAS $2195 NOW $1495 FULL PRICE BILL BARRY 1 Ton OodRr chassis. Sleeps 6. i\!1 U:>w A'° $7199. TIOGA MOTOR HOME DEALER JS'~' 1 Ton l):l(lf:c 1·hn~is.; Sle1'P~ .J. Immediate Delivery STEREO: Unclainted 1972 GalTlU'd System. A u to turntable, air suspension speakers w/crossovf'r I y It e m Al\1/F~f/MPX radio I.: tape dttk. Still bnnd neW &. guar. Sold for $395.85. Pay off baJ. of $195.47 or take over small pymts of $9.00 mo. U.S.A. Stereo F.qulp Wareboule, 119 E. 17th SL, Cotta Mea, 645-2442. 2854 E. Coalll H1vy., Cdl\t BUR1\1ESE Kittens-Adorable -~836-'°"'l°'!l54=.==::-;==~=o -~==~=7'=---1 purebred, 9 \\'ks, S35 ea. 14' RUNABOUT Pf!rfett for PI ANO SALE I 968--3105 earl)' am or evea. Couple or Guy & Gal. ~ hp. PONTIAC-GMC -FIAT i1$1 SI. at S.A. ~·r.11·.1 2(XJ(l E. l ii:I St., Santa Ana 5:-i._i(.\OO) Crevier Motor Homes~ Pi~ used In teachers Englnf', Sl!'f!l Tnlill!r, OJ\'t'r. stu~s; fioor models; dla· Dogs 154 Lifting sting, Nll,.!!l'ahyde- 208 \\". 111!, SMtti An3 ___ 835-3171 '----I continued model~; damagl!d Upholstery. $525.00. 64&-8018 cuts. They're all here Ir: on * Dog Obedience * eve'I. aale at discounts to flOO, Try this proven love method =~--=....,.-=,...,." W•lllch1 Music City Class sttU'lin&' IAIUn&· 16' Bo1ton \Vhaler. ti)) !IP South Coast Plaza San Clemente aru. Johnson. 3 . yr!! .. o.ld. Xlnl 540-'Ml~n oa 4924t01· eves 5t9-393l concl. S257:>-Terr1f 1c Huy· *AUCTION* Fine Furniture ~ ys • Mu~ SC'll? 673·62:.'0 OJ' SPlNET Plano. Like new! John Martin, Prof! Tralntt 673-GS:l2. "Camper Tr11ck" '72 GMC 3/• long WhMI Box, 2 \Oil•'. Oh\'t' k \\hill", 1upt·1· t'11s1n111 lnt('1'1or. air t·ond .. po.,..·rr it!r{•rinc:. po1\•er <hse brakf'S, 950xlW 8 ply & Appliances Auctions Friday. 7:30 p.m. Windy's Auction Barn 2l'llS\I Newport, CM 646-8686 Behind To,,Y1 Bldg Mafl 1V, elee. bed, chain, drpl., cxt'l'C)'cle, bedspreadl, pic- ture frames, vinyl wall paper (6 rolls). Sand titt1. Varloul h.skpg. & collector itenu. 9.121. Smokey Cir. H.B. 968--8763 or 968-9079. FR. Prov. Couch, $35. DI· nette: tet, 4 dirs. $25. Studio bed1 ,·brown fitted covm/bolster $25. 8 ' O'Day boat. 2 oars $50: H.i· chair, $7.50. Misc. items. 833--0742. MOVING! Baby grand piano, ebony, $T;i(I. Twin bed w/headboard, $40. Xti'a Jong twin bed. $50. Corner tabie tor twin bed<, $10. 540-0617 NOW OPEN SARA'S MARINE SALVAGE Yacht junk. Ship stuff. Used MarlM Equipment. 411-JOth St. NB, I~ "Look for the IJabtboUMJ" SUMMER SALE PERSIAN RUGS 20~ off.July 15th t!lnl Slrt Call Kennan's 10:30 to 5:30 Corona del Mar, 675-73t> l\IBMBERSHlP: N e w po r t Bch. Tennis Club. Owner relocating. Oe'slres to sell. 835--3252. P.O. Box 841, Ran- cho Santa Fe., Cal. PO\VER lawn mower, power edger, both S75. Bicycle with motor, as is. $25. 548-5748. ANNUAL Rummage Mle. Haleerest Club, at 3107 Killybrook, Costa Mesa, Sat., July 22, 10 am-3 pm. DIAMONDS, not my style. New engagement r i n g , matching band $28.5/offer. 54~9721. '66 Owens 25' on Cu11tom 4 wh. trlr. Loaded w/extras See to apprec. l\.tust Sac $3500. 531-3374. BRICKS, bricks, bricks! fie each. 31916-Sth Ave., South Laguna. 4~1581. LO\VNMOWER $65. 0 t h er mhc. Garden toools. * 557-3111 * CABIN Furn. Mammoth Lb. Income Tu Ded. sac. $4500. For Quick Sale. 531-3374. CARPET FOR SALE by Cllrpel Layer. c.J1 • 5'16-5745 540-2086 • AVON Sale, lg. stock, very reu. 1().5 Thur/Sat/Sun., oo checks, 2474 Santa Ana, C.M. Wilh bench $400. 1165 Boise AKC Pups-9 wk old German , Way, C.M. 545-6319. shorthair show&: field, 5 ""k 17 flgeri:;las" outboard v11 TV, Radio, HIFI, St•reo Id I d be I ·n twin 20 hp Met~s. big v.·heel o grea anes, 1 1 •AL' ...v::o temperament &. 1 how . trier. SUOO. ~''" 136 M art in c r ~ 1 t Kennels lG' 1911. NEWPORT, 91,J ----------546--0989. Johnmn fully e q u I p p e d , STEREO 1972 Ga rr a rd OBEDIENCE Cius To Start $775. 547-964.5; 675-4808. equipped \vlth full sited pro-Wed. July 26th 7; 30 PM in 9' BOSTON \Vhaler typi' feakmal changer, AM/F111 the Newport-IrvlM are•. dJngh)', nt!W cond. \Vlthout attteo n cei,,·er, &ea1ed air· Open IQ all dog& over 5 mo'1 motor. $295, 645-0904. IUIJ)tnlk>n speakers, tape Id 546--4928 dtck A head phone plug-in ° · · BOm'ON ~Vhaler, elec 1tar1 . jacks. Brand new in box Ir: ST. BERNARD pUp, male, 4 25 hp Ev1nrude. u:Ct'! cond. suaranteed. Originally prlc-months, good home, Ur. 673-2584 . ed 1t $279.95. Balance $87 responsible A loving people·1 .-.~15~.,--,G~la-,-,,.-r-w""100~"'11"P cub or small payments. only. 646-7014. Mere.. Trailer, Ski rope, L a y • a \Y a Y D e P t , PUPPIES AKC po o d 1 e , etc. $825. 494--0395. n4/893-0501. teacup & toya. Xtra tiny te. ZENITH & RCA Color TVs Yorkie. Stud 1 er v Ice . 801ts, Rent/Ch•rt'r 908 at Jess than the discounters. 893·9719. 1 0 M°'I '73 models in stock. OLD EngHsh Sheep Dog. 27 AUX. SLO P '72's at drastic Movings! Beaut. male. 11 mos. AKC. Perfect for weekend cruises Free color antenna installed $350. 5'15-6588, to Catalina. Fully equipped. with all con."iOles thru July FEMALE AKC SS radio, ROF, sleeps six. 31at. 3 yr. picture tube, 1 yr 6'2" headroom, roinplcle parts ~ service. Cash 90 SA."IOYED PUP. $45 1alley. Cub rates. Lot.o; of plan or tern1s. ABC Color • 545-1914 • parking. Call for info. TV,-9071 Atlanl3. Hun-AFGHANS. Champ. llrf:, 557·90t6 &ft. 1:80, tington Beach. 963-3329. pt/sh. Will sell reuonably Boota S.ll 909 LEAR Jet stereo 8 portable to good homes. Mae,1 ___ • ______ _ tape player, sol.ld .state, 5.17-4210. P-Cat, very fut, l!i races, 13 Model P-510. Plug Into A D 0 RAB LE Cock-a.poo lints. Trlr., spinnaker, 2 cl&arette ll&hte?' or uses 6 D pups, 2 female, U weeks. aail1, Extra•. $2470/oUer, batteries. Hardly used. Pa\d $10. Each. 968-la>l. 548-1917 aft 5. SM -•ll $~. 542-1734 e:ves-* * IRISH Setter, female:, 5 Mariner 31. Loeded! weekends. mos. Thenderln AKC rq., WlndValn, Rettig. Ready CUSTOM built spea k er $12.i. ~nn. to &'O anywhere. Owner. enclotUres, 21h 'x3~S' tall AKC Springer Spaniel P'Q>Plet 213/598-2963 with ~12" speakers Jncld. Champ field line. 1 wks. !2• Colwnbla Sabre, s}ps 4• 548--845". sso. 979--2329, aft. 5. X 1 n t r a c e . $<I 9 5 O . 21" COLOR Packard Bell ELEGAf.i"T AFGHANS pet & 21 3 - 7 7 6 - 6 1 7 1 d a y s , Console, xlnt cond, $100. shaw puppies Ir:: all bftedlna 213-3Tl--W72 eveti:. ~740 stock. All colon. tc-6956. 13~ ft. Lone Star aa11boal 3 old •-with trlr. 161!1J. SILKY pups, mot · .,.c. 847-&127 [ 111 Males, $100. Femola~ $125. ''"to You 847...J.498 alt C wkdaya. CORONADO 15 A: trailer. -AKC Keeshond pupe, 7 wks. ~ Immac! Kept . In p!'l.&'f:'. 3 Llnt111, 2 Times, $2.00 M/J F. Sholl. Call M4--0023 Uted very little. 11000. O?' 644-()517. B46-J9SO. -------....----- SHEPHERD puppy Good 32' Columbia Sabre, slPt 4, tires, flual C'an1per n11nt1rs, radio, ll.D. l!Uspension v.·\th leaf springs. Will handle sell contained camper. 503590. $3795 BILL BARRY Fia t-GMC-Pootiac 1\st St, at S.A. f1'\1y.) 2000 E. Jst St., S.'\nln Ana. 5,jX. JOOIJ "DISCOUNT CAMPERS" S fool llAVASU ~lc-eps 4, stol'e, refrigerator!!. rabover in bcn11tiiul gold !rlm. Serial 951. WAS $1195. $795 FULL PRICE BILL BARRY PONTIAC-FIAT-GMC (lit St. al S.A. Fl"'IV)'.) 2000 E, 1st St., Santa Ana 558-lfXXl "Vacation Ready" '72. 8 Ft. Cab Ovtr Camper Sleeps 4, stove, refrlg, Ute "'ood 1viU1 turquoise trim on OPEN ROAD MOTOR HOMES Sllll Garden Grove: Blvd. Ca1·den Grove BSC-4479 *Marvin Pearce* Motor Homes Sales • Rentals 558°3222 1411 S. Vil lBg! \Vay, S.A. Motor Home Rentals Available ror dally, 1veekli• or 1nonthly basis. 21.', Zl', and 25' M>.U conta1ned Mo- tor ltomes, 1\1\ equlpt witk generator. root alr. anil many other Pxtras. All Coaches are 1972 models. We have the all 1tctl Amigo abet. Pleue call 839-9560. '69 DODGE SPORT&,IAN V'AN , , , Penni. to1> wiUf full windows. Make your campel' (P5330). 11188. BEACH CITY DODGE 16555 Be•cb Boulevard lluntlngton· Beacb <n4) 540-7fi60 '72 Chev lj ion custom Rent A Motor Hom• cantper, lt'lJf 8prings, H.D. for your Vac•tlon shncks, rucllo, 350 VB, po"'-er * 8J9""430J * dil!C b1<lke!t, •172022. ·--=------"'--' $3995 e 72 LIFETIME M.H., 23' & 25'. Air, lux. &: safety equlp., BILL B~RRY xlnl ml••. Pvl, pty .. 968-1397 F iat-GMC-Pontiac: flst SL at S.A. r·rwy.) 2000 E. ls! St., Santa Ana 558-1000 CUSTO~I dsl ISLANDERr-32, xtra nice-SL'i 1t1. Trailers, Travel 945 TENT TRAILER Cyclists \Vlfl Al>preciate! '6S Travel Mete SIN'ps 7, kitchen Ir: add on cnbann. Frame completeJY rebuilt to carry l mot~ cycles. Extra Clean. 27' Inbrd cruising sloop $4500. Avt!I')', 675-8990. 6 Wk. old kittens. Weaned I: · xlnt race. $4950. 21 S : trained. (5) Tabby striped. with kids. $l5. 776-61n <lays; 213: S77...ot72 Hydraulic Camper J acka Cll White w/blk tail. Need * can 63-4558 * eve1. $139.50 plug tax. , 540-MSI or . Aft. 9 P.M., 540-3194 ; homes desperately. 837-5003. POODLE: Pediarffd, 1Uver 32, COLUMBIA Sabre. Sletpa e 962-0345 e 1969-17' Nor1hwetrt. Co a 8 t MOVING, murt give up my gray. miniature. Femallf'. 4, $4900. __ _: ___ ....:,___ Travel Trailer. SICt'ps: fi, low female puppy, good with Call 673-6238. * Ms-.3«5 * Cycles, Brkes, Md wide. Self.contained. ~,. "ANER PUP Scoottr1 t15 Brakes. Usal very Jittle children. Call 531-8692 aft WEiiYUU\. 14' HOBIE cat, 4 moa old. _ LJO REASONABLE $1100. 549-1325. ~ . Will -•e ,, ... •""-• Raclng rlgged. $11'.m. 1911 Yamaha IYI'-1. 250 cc -'---------uftCJ '"o-tllU't 22' TRAILER 19TI Roadliner. 11 Mo, Labrador Retriever, Call 64&-1432 Dirt Bike. Rear Knobby Ilk 1 8 11 male. All sholl, licensed. Horses I.st SABOT, ~ condition. Dock ttre, expansion cbambtt, e new, seeps · se con-•""" tained, many e~. h14 Friendly. To ad. home. * APPALOOSA* spoce avall•ble, 1 2 0 0, compr01Slon releaoe, llr<et room nit. !2995. 8_~3163 541-&309. 548-5259 or MS-fi016. equipment $475. Alto 4 cycle .:.:::::.::..:::.::...:==-c::.:..:::::....-1 3 Y •• r Old -ldln111, trailer. ramps, lights, ad-* 24' Airstream, ti.C, cpts, S Mo, ol.d Labrador, male. •'"' • MUST sell Lido 14 with h B ·• brk ranistered. llU.75. justable axle It towbar SS couc , rea.away !I •• Free to good home. can -• YT .. IME trailer, xlnt cond. $875 or or belt offtr owr DlO-ru elt'an. Batpln prlcf' at 6(5..:MO:l. CALL AN but offer. TI4/737--3650. Victoria, CM 548-0'JOi), $1700. 65&-82ll Hemet. FEMALE Slam ... cal. ~ 540 • 3803 HOBIE 1' --~ ..,.. ·-• ~ ,_, •-eo HONDA Chopper 8" i\:1-11' Cil'dlnal "11. Dual tanks, allee6onate Huntln1· GENTLE hone, show trai;. dJUon. $825. tended chrome~·· eobn pa eltc. ftlc., porta-potti. ton Beach. 8'2-8113. ed, id@al for child 6/or Call fi'B..3ST2. 673-4395 1eat, ct111tom p'a i n te d StCSO. ~ 3 TRI~LOR girlA, 1. tiger beginning rider.$$:. Santa Bo•t1, Sllps/Dor.ks 910 fibel'glua Uylk. Jn the 13' Santa Fe, 1lpii 4, male, 9 wks old, looking for Ana Hgts:, 549--3255 NE 1 al A basket now, Will sell cheap. porta-potty. $650 ho .... r. 5362 * ED • Ip ttr ugust , Call .... __ a me. <I'•.,_ · PERFECT western leather lsl 30• Powtlr Cruiser. _64>009;..:.""'_3~=~~~----~ CUTE black. male kitten, aaddl~, $75. 67$-6464 &lter !I * 548--2979 * JIELl.IET hou.ebroken, S mo. old .. pm , U 11 • ., .,.. ,;. ".,., Bell Super' Magnum m 8-6046 ~ 1 p ava • ~.w · 11. .A,),.) PORSCHE engine, 1'1'!D ec. 54 . 19th St., Apt_ C, Newport -.:A::•:::.k,;fo;;r,.;J;;oh,;n"644-""'.:.11:..:4.:.2-chrm &: hand palnt. 1961 Auto S.rvlco, P•rl• '4'I 2 Shepherd pupple!, ~ n-h --LE.\TifERS ~. --..6 I ... '"" I tC ~RC • ··~-. _,, "'..,. _.,. • BRUN. VIP 8' Slate to good homeg only. __ .. D--ts, s--....t .. Ski 911 Moto x Waist 28", length 28 =~c:.;_;;;"="=...::;.::;,-.,..1 pool bl Ex J cond. Call 642-4558. gu. ,__ $45 Aak for John 6#-1742 '58 Ford ~ Ton P. U. I ta e. ce --==,-,=-===-;;:=-1 ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim~~: --------· -· -•· 3 ~ six ""Undt' call 546-1128 FREE PLANT!ffi SOIL 16' GLASS Fanwy, llO HP. * '68 HONDA 450CB. LQW --· .,,.-, ., ·-·---0-0 c I ·~. SHARP. ··~ OR or. • ...... m-4575. CARPET 46 sq, ydt. Gold hi· Brin, CGn\.Ml ... 4• O•ner1t YVV 1. .M .• ena ne, 1un top, l\'U ~ I. Xlnl cond ·~ ·-I ~ ntl big FER. ~15. •eo MERCURY • '63 F0 lo nylon carpe . ~w new sea I, ......... , co ., 968o5335 PUPPIES tmall 1rood SCRAM LETS •·heel trlr., Jut, DI'°"" BSA '50 co. rebll •'1!· Xlnl Country Soulte pert& GIANT lJulgne RaiiedY dertul ~'· Frff U, ~ • tacrlllC<, $995. '114-193-4968. cond. $:125. W.. ~ Ann ;N Andyt,: rt. S15. 14" home w/fncd. yd. 493-1648. ANSWERS 14' Dolphin ski. boat. 45 hp. Call 646-4629 l:IYDRAUlJC ;Jacka. Camper, doll!ll $5. &U-6889. MALE POODLE Mere. Tralltt. Nffda work. •72 Rarity Davidflon 125 band A floor, Sptcial l'\i T. . l(as Papers Carlah -Dtcry -Suite -Canvas top. $250. 962--9645. Rllpldo. Strfft/dirl 77 mt. floor, $105 + tu, 962.(88. Mlscell•neous Wanted 120 -a'!tirw~oo"""o-- cHAIRS Nttd at least four fin. or un- fin. Bentwood chairs. Ap- pearance not tmportant, but must be In good cond. No antiques. Free or rtas. price. Mike, 897·7"191 alt. 5. OLD-BATH· TUB? in fairly good condlUon, with 4 legs, cheap! C.M. ma. Wanted for yanl decorator 64!h'i734 fl 5 $450. 646-:ll56 • VW ENGINE a er Abnlpl -CHEST 2 ~'-·-10 -~ bll<et, Rid· ., ILP.__mri. F'Rt:E to tood home, oite, Tttl<-of n..., record ft'" [ !(•) ~ ~ small mixed breed puppies. tease: "He Had 1. Woodtn Ttmlpert1tle111 dtn twlct.. Both $00. or $50 * 962--0462 '* Leg But She Had a Cedar .•::•::,· ;,541-49:::;7'15:::=aliil...:6.,:pm;.c:..,,.,..,- GENI'LE German Shephenl CH~EST~~::_• ~~-,,,_,-_,II~~~~---~: (2) 3:11 ' Gtrt'1 bie)'cle1. ,. l'll!f!'l:Js good home, male 4 '66 Owens 2!)' on cu.tom 4 Aircraft 915 $15. each. ~iiiijiiiiiiiiijiiiiii~~~ Id 6-.. •• / -~att5. ~an o • 1..:r-v....o. wh. tlr. Loaded w extras. ANTIQUE Bl-plane ridl!'s I~~~~~~~~-,-nmtt Ktttens, 10 wtts old. See to apprec. Mu1t Siie open cock pit. $5. for 1. $3. '67 ltondn JOO. Needl minor Mflqun/Cl•uka Houlebrvk1:n. 1 Male, 2 fem. $.1500. Ml-3374, for l. (714) 675-1372, NP&lr, sell re.uonablft. $12.S. 1!13 !i~ ~m Colla M•ta !' Arthur Marine dl11j1hy c Sal I R t 920 c;l:.,s-827!::..:::;;';;;· c-:;=-=-r;-1 ~!i. sa,:.,red "' ortalna1 Kt'M'ENS. 5 wk1 old, male F/O Lapn:~lm deslined: ~~rlt ..... e .... .a~ ** TWO Bike motorcydt mod. tnlhtr upbobtery and ttmole. °'!'I" iw.1a fl95. 3 HP JollNIOll oulbd., * I'll' CAMPER * tratl<r, ,.st•w.d. btus boaA1 llchll. .;.M "' trldo? 6ir 'nadir'• Pan.dllt tolwn• lt tor JOU! 5!1-5-lorl1Ndao. C.OllH!ll. !00: ' M-QoPl-1 · !Go. q.ue.•-r•u.i.c- 15 buUtllul Piii..,,._ !!O<. , dip pool for ldds. in hl- Mark etplace !" -'"-~'-'!..-'-·-Al .... -'"-.. ~:~-.~~;,.... ... """· 54M4l3 175. 644:6136. D ~ lam~ • tall ll&bt. Dul~ BRINDLE ltmal<! mixed 8' FIBERGLASS dlngf\y 1970 OPl!N ROA WHITE 10.spe<d, i:ood con-llom. 51..,.,..,. C•ndlllon. brHd a .... 1owt anlmala A double bottom un~lnkable lncludf:i Tie-downa, Bounce-dltion, IOO(l bt:•ch crulatr, Call lot &PIJL .....-o( I , ••••••••••••••••••• l • • .. Dolly Pilot Clullfl<d Ad. ac.r,m, I ~.. ' w~a.-Awning, Boot. Ukt 135 Call 546--46U .,_ Mlt:• children. 64&-1'138. $90. 212 33rd. SI., N.B. l!IOO cult trade fo · . 1...:",;.:,_'......,.=;.....--~~~ * FREE KrM'EN. fi•fly, ii'Rubb<r roll with 3 HP =ins b,.1, (~~) ~ '68 TRl\llolPH Cbopptr, bord Lllto ID lrllle? 0.. Tnok<'r' Cul•, 10 llJOd hGmo. CoN engine. Xlnt oondlllan. $135. dayl, or 53J.500T alter 6 PM. tail, IO owr -eod, """ Paradbl ...,_ la lor,.. M,... ~. 96Z-9645. i:ood. $11 • fU-6351 5 U..., 5 do1" lor 5 - ' I j • ~ - l . . . -v v ~ •• ' • • ,. .. ., 6 .... --A. • >-. . ./. .... - UI <C · 0 ~ G) . -1 J '" .... .c I ; .. ' . .c ·I . . ' • -• .,, G) ut ·-• .... '• • .. ... ' I .. G) • • > i .,, . ' c( I ' ' I 1 ut ' • c( ' I . . ' • • • • ' UI • • • =c • • • • • • • • • • 0 • ' 1 · • I I • • • . ' . I. . • I ' . ' ' I '. ' ' Hetfe's How to Make Your Garage Sale a Big ,S1Kc9ss • • ; - . . T"..:.. l .__.J._ • • • • I . I • • j FIRST -Advertise the sale in the DAILY PILOT. Dial the direct line to results, 642-5678, and let a friendly DAILY . . . PILOT Ad-visor help you. '· ' I ' ' l'!IEXT-Clip out the almost-instant GARAGE SALE sign above and paste it or staple it on a piece of. cardboard for display where people will see it. (The DAILY PILOT has s0me ready-made cardboard signs you can • pick up at the office if you place your ad in person. They're free.) ;, ~ST -Gertainiy-n~t least, relax and wait for~the C\lstomers to come. Your_od . in the · DAILY. PIL~T is sure ~ bring results . ,.,_ H ·, Phone 642-5678 /or C.lassi/ied Want Ad Results DAILY ''PILOI ' .. ' j: 1' I I •• r ..,. r -----~..__--------------=--------------------~~----- ' , • • I _.., .. 1§1 I ........ _ l§J [ -·--1§1 I .......... 1§1 ·1 -·-l§JI ........ -.. l§ll -. ...... --l!E]·I _ ..... Mtlqun/Cla11lc1 952 Autos. tniporf90 f7D Avlol, l .. orled i929 Modd A' Roods,;, ALFA IOMEO w/Rumble ... ~ h 11 ' ttstoftd. $MlO/bHI olltr. '64 AUa -· Xlnt mech'I lil!l ••tt•is ~' 11.tm ~69. cond. 16911. °""' 645-8!00; bUilO ........ t5i eVff 64J.-0004. Cpe, 1 owner, 2',000 mile1, Red lln1ah with black, wire wheels, overdrive, Immacu- late, and near new, bkr (164- BQC) 6"-29503:»7:l0pm. VW Baja btJa W•DeW ~ CC ere., '66 trani., wide tirea, etc. Street legal. WJO firm. Aft 5 pm. 8311-9821. Trucks 962 '57 Ford 11z Ton Plck1111 , Immaculate, Muat Sell. dlr 897-G224. . ?O Dodge >/4 Ton V-8, Auto Trans. Yttb arvlce Body, Muri sell, C!lr !8'1-0224 '63 Chtvy'.J/4'Ton Immaculate, Mu.t. siit, dlr BMW . ALL MODELS IMMEDIATE· DELIVERY Law Bank Financi!Pl Up To 48 Mo. Terms on approved credit & SEE US ABOUT MGA '62 MGA. 1600 MK~II, conv. Nu tirl"I. Body ok. eng xln't. $650. 64&-9278. MGB Toyota It J.,.ar Dtolee Authorized Saleo 6 SeMco ilOO s. Coul HJabwa1 Lacuna Beach ~00 '70 Toyota HDux Pickup. 18,<0l mlla. Sharp! Immaculat• car thruout, bkr. C016CQU) $1695. 144.2950 j ,J().7,30 pm. '69 l\1GB-GT. Xlnt oond. •n MARK D Wqon. $2,895 23,000 mi's., am/fm radkl. Auto. trans, 10,<m ml, Best otter. 80--7821 after AM/FM, , air. R a c k , 5,30pM, -· 1967 GB ~>!st'!; To~ ---. TRIUMPH mechanical condition. Low 897-0m. ~.~· attM,,."'; ;,.~ ll.005. ~.--T-ltl_U_M __ P_H_S_*_ •70 MGB-<iT, white; AM/FM '11 ~LOSEOUT ' Overseas Delivery 1968 FORD TruOlt. 'lj; Ton CREVIER MOTORS lTFIRES AS LOW AS 11399 radio, drivinJ: lampe. 1ua GT~ SAVE $500 ·rad<. radial tirft It .?Old ram: WARREN'S RANGER.CallAlr. •• :m IV. 1"1 St .. Santa -* 96U4li'l 't 135-3171 * ·n FORD RAl'fOIERO, -"'v""11t"'t -=-=-=:,.---.,-1 -i=-p6~.r:1:S p!~· . ·e Wb\!"11. TI4' 644-'49T7, OPEL Sport ~r Center '70 FORD EcomJ!l1< .i ton. In.ulated, pan«ed ,crptd. ORA·NGE COUNTY'S '70 OPEL GT -LARGEST no E. lit, S.A. 547-47114 Competition Orange, Black Bucket Seat., 4 spd dlr. Ex-TR6 ·:st~~r cond. eellent condition. Can fi. 673-6414 ...:67:.:.:J..<SOa.:::.:...---964-ROY CARVER, Inc. 234 E. 17th St. Teyouri. ... -.1or Savino • Sati5la<tloll • Sol' -· WE LEASE ALL POPULAR 1!172 MAKES AT COMPErI. TIVE RA TES,. , \ Call Malcolm Refd IDr lllrther d<talla. THEODORE Costa Mesa 546..ffM IORGWARD nance private party (IN{}. 204). Call 494-6811aft10 am. '65 Triumph 1D convt. 546-8736. Oean eng. Gd. transp. car. $.115. 962-9689. 1960 \'OJ"P.'U'd Coupe. l of a PORSCHE kind. Collector" Item. Good --------VOLKSWAGEN '68 VW BUG body, .tires, engine. Sacrifice $250 or best otter. 24412, Osprey, El Toro or call~ after 6PM. ··CITROEN 4. speed, radio, heater, $995 or beat offer 644-4687. ROBINS FORD Citroen Sports M11•r1tl 1965 Porachet model "356 Cabrolet. For sale by orig. owner. l?uper cond. lted. •New top. 52,000 actual ml. Chrome whls., ski rack, AM/FM, leather seats. A clusic! $3500. 6"-1852. '69 VW convert. AM/FM. Xlnt cond. Original owner. A!k $1350 or bert oHer. '66, Immac 9U P<rsc.h@. I ~~;=.,:;:1621="'7"'.,.,--,-~ mack w-blk int. AM-FM, 5 '61 VW. Reblt motcr. New 1pd. Tape deck. $3100. tlrei. Gd body. Needs tnt il!K-8357 work. $475 or best ofter. ---Ora.,.. OJunty -a.ta Mesa IC.oJ10 lor local A: E u r o p e a n Auto. Wantod HI clelWe!y. Jim Sloman• Import• REW ARD ~~· -s.;~.~:.. DATSUN XLNT. cond. 9ll·T Poi'lche, .~--'=""". -----191ll. Fully equipt. Must LEAVING Country ! Must aacrill.ce. Best o If er. SE1l! '64 vw Camper w/'69 675-6850. eng. A interior $1150. Call '68 Porsche 912, a.mJfm, ex~ Mike ~753l. Will PAY IVER. ~1'. _Ke~ BID&~ for l11t1 model, .cJeen, low milHge• clome1- tiC1, imports, trvckl or c11mper1. . 1~ • Call and ult !or Buyer DAVE. PDNTIAt. ·io & .. ;.;.: iioo. Roadster, xln't cood. Belt ofr. Call 494-1690. !· '67 DATSUN STATION WAGON $325. 54IJ..8404 aft. 7 PM '72 DATSUN 240-Z. Brown. 'l,oOO mi. Must sell. $4350. E~l!/Wkndl! 644-0'Hll. eellent condition. $ 3 6 O 0 . VW Baja Bug, 1600 eng. New 83().2254. paint &: tires. High back "n T, gold mtlc, 5-Speed, seats. Many E x t r a 1 , air, mags, am/Im. 19 M ,:543-==::185l::;.,..,..__,.....,...'-~-ll mi. 494-4570, ·213: 391 .. 72(11. 'ii6 VW Convert. I.ow miles. '.66 POR$_CHE, 912 Xlnt mechanlcal cond. New ~ * after 6 PM brakes. $900 or trade for '61 Porsche, Reblt eng. Ndl. larger car. 892-2&24. little body work. $3000 in-1970 VW BUS. Re bu t it vested, $1500. 640-0937 aft 5. engine, Michelln tires. '72 Datsun 240 Z; 5,000 miles. Air. Mags. Radials. $4500. 979-2424 or 675-6540. FIAT 's;J Porsche, conv. Reblt erig. Best ofter over $1500. Dr. * 53fi-2456 * 2480 Harbor Blvd. '72 FIAT Cusldy. 543-9319. Cost• Mo11 '.5'A017 IENAULT ** 'fJ6 and/or '67 VW, $650 I: $750. Both in excellent cond. 646-S495. WE PAY·i1Sp IlnDdnew19121282dr. led, ---------ottW No. 128A~. ·· ·R.;.ault Demo Salo '6l VW bug, rebl.t eng., ~ whll., flare fndn., xtra.s. $450. 548-DlS. CAsu . ' $199 DOWN Semi Annuol IT · Oemonstretor $59.39 PER MO. Cleoronce Sole * DDPERATE! * "69 VW, auto. $950. a.tt 6 pm * 673--3468 ... llMd ..... -. ""' call .. Ice ---GROTH CHEVIOLET . .AMb-St.les..,;.... 11211 Beac:b Blvd. HuntlnstCXI Beacll 111.aJI? Kl II.ml WE buy all makn of clean uised sports can. paid for or not. Please drive m tor -•ppralsal. NEWPORT IMPORTS noo w. eoui H...,., Newport Belcll 642-9405 WE PAY 10P DOILAR FOR 10P USED CARS ll your car 11 extra clean, ... us !lnt. BAUER BUICK 2925 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 979-2500 IMPORTS WANTED ·. -. °""" ... Qowrtioo. 10P $BUYER Bn.t. lllAXEY 10YOTA 11811 Beach Blvd. H. Beach. P!i. 147-1555 ALFA ROt.tEO Alfa Romeo ~72- 2000 NOW IN STOCK For lmlllOdlai. Dellnry Instant Cndlt BANK FINANCING COAST "IMP_0RTS -1211) w. Pldllc Cit. Hwy. N-rt Belcll (7141 - -"!a RomM Yes, tjust $99.00 is the total down" payment and only $59.39 is the total monthly payment including tax, lie· ensf, and all finance charg:e11 for 36 months on approved credit. . The cash price is 12034.45 iljcluding tax and license. Defen"ed payment price; is $2337.64 which ln- cludei an finance charges, sales .•fax and license, An- nual percentage rate 11 9.76. Bill BARRY FIAT-PONTIAC-GMC (lit St. at S.A. Frwy.!J :llOO E, ht St., Santa Ana 558-1000 JAGUAR This WH~tnd Unbeotabl,. Prices ALL lm MODELS IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY INSTANT CREDIT APPROVAL BANK FINANCING COAST IMPORTS * '68 Squareback, new paint. engine. Xtra clean. $1225. ~ or 642-l.2ll. '66 VW Bug, reblt eng., new brake9 A: tires. s 7 5 0 • 646-7606; 557-544L '68 VW Bug. R/H, Sun Roof. $125. 67!Hl513 e MUST SELL Navy blue 1969 VW. Cheap. Call 640-1449 aft 6:30 pm '66 VW front end col· llslon, xlnt for Baja Bug, in xlnt condition $475. 642-2961. '62 VW. Needs work. UXXl-121X> W. Pad!lc Cat. Hwy. $100. N-" Beach (TI4) 642-0406 Call 536-1850 R•n•ult Salos & Service '70 VW Fastback. Beige. for over a decade in 0ranp Xlnt cond, $1600. County Must &ee. 518-5336 JAGUAR 1968, air, auto, Serv. Dept. Open tD I p.m. * '65. NEW BRAKES & stereo, xlnt. $2995. Mr. Monday UP H 0 LS TE RY. GD. Clark, n4: 53&-1421. Jim Slemons Renault COND. $425. 642-4192. JAGUAR Sedan 3-4-0verhaul-2'JJl So. Main, Santa Ana '70 VW Sum'f .. Iota of xtru. . l blk. north at Warner ed. engme, Good upholstery Service Department 546-411« Must sell 645--0222 before 5 ~ or offer ~. Sales Dtpaftment 55i...s242 ,;p;::mc,. ===..,,...-=--..,..... JAG '65 XKE Cpe., auto, SUBARU 1970 VW Westphalia Camper, powered by O>ev. $2250. $2400. Good oond. Low After 6, (213) 55-5926. --------1 ,~m;,:;il::;•"i~'·.,:516-'~1919::::;·,....,,,,....,~ * SUBARU * MOVING-Must sell '63 vw Van, nblt eni. $925. 1550 MAZDA .~ .. ·ROTARTS . :w=s Or&JioeA .. ,AptR.CM. '68 VW Bus, 1 pus, xlnt lii!mo!!lale Delivery · ·$port' Car Center conc1. Vff'Y c1ean. FomU> HUffTINtmlf( ~ eORAN~ •n<;.~!;, NT Y • S I =owned~. -'-,$1~5'5-· 8.oo:J!l~..:..._-11 Miii ~· '63 VW Bug with sunroof. "1 ... '· "1 17331 BEACH BLVD. nUNTING TO N BEflCH ., .. . 8 42 ·66hG 110 E. lit st., 8..A. 5C'f.(1764 Great condition! Aakini TOYOTA $450. S4i>-2'398 • •n VW Camper, xJnt con- '72 TOYOTA dltlon! New tins $3195. Cali 673-'1358 COROLLA '69 VW Bus. Llke new. New $1966 engine. New tltt1. Konl shocks. $ml. 642-5476. C+T.&L.I or $39.30 II. FULL csab prtce $2,1196.SO IJ1. eluding tax Ir licelUle. Down payment 11 1our hundred dollarl. $39.30 total monthl> payment lncludlna Int.rel!, tax A: license. 35 Pill plUI balloon -t ol $300. Total defemd pay price 12,S'J5.50. A.l'.R. ll!I. On lft•UT&nged credit. (JI07!5), • '65 VW w/'70 efWine •. Perfect cond. 847-1906 after e pm '61 vw Body. Damaaed rtaht front. FC'/t pub. Make of. ter, 5C4-Ml.7. VW ENGINE ti H.P. $150. 646-2587 VOLVO 1972 YOLYO LHM Today at Best Rates $11.74 Por Mo. ~W.ltJ»i6 "-NewJMrcec1e W TOYOTA O.A.C. All/FM, Auto. trllll., dlac bnlcn. 36 mo. For LHll"I or buylftt $111.n Munthly 1966 llubor, c.M. 646-9303 . , HOUSE OF IMPOllTS QUICK CASH llOW PN DtSPIAJ ::~ !:"" n!:. Pu1t ~ DAILY PILOT THROUGH A COAST IMPORTS • CLASSIFIED ADS WANT AD l000.12IO w. O>oll Hwy. 642 5678 ~"'"""' Beocll t!GO«J& ' • I l9ICI -· C.111. -lt'a a b:rttM. • • tell ywr Items with tut, UM1 Da.llJt Piiot Ousl!Jod. f42.STI. Step Up To ~uxury. • E~cellent selection of previously Mark Ill's and Continentals. owned • 1970 MARI{ III ltn111aculate Exquisite ebony black \vith burgundy leather interior and black landau roof. Equipped with every luxury feature. Full power, climate control air cond., indi vidual po\ver front seats. power door locks, tilt wheel, cruisomatic , A!\1:/F~1 stereo radio. (644- BFJ) SALE! ' Outstanding Group Of Choice Cars! 1970 Cadillac EL DORADO Immaculate. Emerald mist metallic/ black Landau & matching Leather in· terior. Luxury equipped. Full power 1ncL 6 way seat; tllt--tele wheel, il'I· FM stereo, power door lockl ' much more. (i:ElAKJ). $4975 1970 Firehird CLIAN, 23,GOI MILIS Cool polar white with black bucket seats &. matching Landau roof. V8, automatic, radio, heater, power steer- ing, factory air conditioning. (7Z7· CCL). $2875 1969 Lincoln CONTINENTAL 4 DR. White exterior with black leather and vinyl top. ·Full power, air cond. and vacuum locking group. Near wholesale. (XYZ458). Full price $2975 1971 Cadillac IL DORADO CONVEltTllLI Attractive Ebony Black with White lea ther & matching top, LuXUI')' thru-out, run power, climate control air oond., tilt-t el~ wheel, AM/FM, power door locks, 6 \vay seat. (404-- 001 ) $6775 1966 Volvo THI GOOD KIND Beautiful brla:ht red finish. black bucket seats. Radio, heater, 4 !!peed. Drive to appreciate. {SUY605) $1475 1971 Mercedes 28011 4 DOOR 11,000 milee. Desert beige with brown L&ndau and saddle tone interior. Luxury equipped incl. Automatic, AM-FM rad.lo, air cond., power steer- ing & brakes, power windows. See and drive. (414ELU) $7115 ·'· ·~ . ALWAYS A GRE:AT ' . r. ~ ' SELECTION OF TOP QUALITY CARS · . ,. • 2626 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA • 540-&l30 Home Of The New car .•• "Golden '.l'ouda" ' ' 'I ,I ' ,. ' '· ' 11 [; 'I I, ,, I' 11 I' I FREE DEMO OVERNIGHT TO TEST DRIVI BUY or LEASE '72 ALL MOD£LS IMMED 1Ci OEllVl Ri The Brand N1 ... ' Sport Wa gon i • 164 Models • Wa gon s • Sedans I ~I. ~ lJ972 VOLi« I' ~ ! 2 Dl SEDAN (: " ·. . DEAN LEWIS .. " $78 DWN. 1 ·. $8676 : ··- l: s7900 = ~ T~ I ' '86" .. ,~ ~ M.....,ht wr C11h prlco 11 $3551. plus tax & llctnso. Defer,... payment lncludu bel- loon of $1425 plus 35 pay monlt of $86.76. Total doferrod $4539.Mi ""' nu•I Percent.,. it.ii. . I I I • • DAILY PILOT Wodnndq, JulY 19, 1'72 ~]rd · QUARTER · DEMO ~SALE! BEAUTIFUL LOW MIL.EAGE $TAFF AND EXECOTIVE CARS AT TRULY UNl9UE SAVINGS! .CHOOSE 'FROM CUTLASSES-98s-SSs. WHILE THEY LAST! PILOT -ADVERTISER J 4 5 ~ONLY •.5 IMMACULATE 11971 HONDA . CARS YOUR $ CHOICE WHILE THEY LAST! .. 1- WE HA VE -28 OF THESE SPECIALLY EQUIPPED CUTLASSES FOR YOU TO SELECT FROM . . ·. Example: arand~ew 1972 Cutlass Hardtop Coupe • LOADED: Factory Air Conditioning • Turbo Hydramatlc Trans. • Power Steer· Ing • · Power Disc Brakes • Vinyl Roof • Deluxe Radio • Whitew,alls • Sporty Louvered Hood e Full Wheel Discs e Tinted Glass e . Plus much • much more • . UFl7H2Z135514) COSTA MESA SPECIALLY PRICED AT $ 00 =----· ---. ---· -=-=--=--...:-== ----==-~=--. -=-..... ~ - ~A=-::="-=====*==A~uto~s:,_New:, =-·--=-=---=-'=IO~A~ulol:'::N~ow:::=':;'°lll~\iiiii-iiiiiA:iiiii.,iiiiif,.iiilS.t•~l:;;§J I . ~..... J~ I AutHforSMo J§J I _.,.. I§) I -.,~ J§l 1. 'Auto•for!M I~ Y·EAR-END Autos,u~~CK 990A _u_'"-·-UMe----"°-1 Autos~~;LLAC "° ~H~OLET"° -A-u1o1_._u10c1 ___ "°~1Autos.H';Nn . ' . • • Dlscou N's CADILLAC • · · · ... ¥ • • ----FORD llMERA"l96'1, 28,000 milOI. "BILL IVHm.IDGES" '70 NOVA S.S. Air. Am-Fm. ch ro m. -----SUNSET MOTORS whetll. . Power windoW1, "BILL WHin.IDGES" Coupe, 350 V8. Vinyl top, Now. steering, brakea. ·Trunk SUNSET MOTORS brown wfbel&e vinyl buCket lr•nd Now 1'71 HORNETS lock, tilt-wheel. New tire• • ORANGE COUNTY seat.. Automatic I floor lhlltl · LOCATION . , • ahocks. Xlnt cond. l owner. ORANGE COUNTY 1971 Seel. Dev. $5495 ::'· di~acti:z. =~; '69 WAGON 1972 GREMLIN llAND NEW '1999 FULL PRICE IMMEDIATE DELIVERY SHORT N~::'1:·T~... SHORT OF Crodlt ly Phono OF ld "" try .. ,,,.,,.. , lfle cndlt Inf ttrnw "!'OU """' '° ftltt "'°" (ASH? '0:.:~~·-:.~ ~ CREDIT? MAr<E MONTHLY PAYMENTS Se Habla. Espan I OVERSTOCKED MUST GO! '63 llAMILH CLASSIC A11lo1Y1tlit tr111s., h11ter, wh ik tido NZX22J , $296 r1tl io, w1U1. 'H FAlCON STATION WAGON 4 .. ffft o.to. fr1M;;-r1Ji1, ho1f1r. WXH41l $896 'H IM-ALA '66 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN St.ti•• w.,... Alt, VI , •11to. ft tltt., power 9f11rln9. T52t21 $496 'H IUICK SKYLARK CntoM. 2 .. ,. htNt.,. 111tf1. tr1111., r11l l1, h11t1r, }'OWlf 1t11rl n9 , Ylnyl to,. XIE47• $1496 2 DOOi HARDTOP '70 VOLVO Vt, 1u ... tr11u ., p'ew" ,,,,,. All COIJID. 4.1p1ttl, whlto i119 i hrokes, r•dio, he•+•r, 1!d1 wells, low 1'111111. 256 · white well,, ZZA74l IQI $.1 ~96 $2096 1969 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 646-0261 $2100. 6C5-J.708. LOCATION Beautiful lnsl.de and oul. Hai chrome. TOP SIIAPE! $195(). LTD Country Squire. Full 1970 El Dorado $5195 only_ 14,CO) miles, Has fact. lo.lust Sell! w(U IO quick. pwr. O~ owner. Genuine CADILLAC 1972 COUPE DE VILLE Local low mlleaae car load· air, padded top I: a host of Call 531•1718 24,500 m1. $2,350. 842-1388. ed wllh accea. Including !act. fact. installed acce• Ser. ' 1963 WA"'-ON ' air, Wt I: tele wheel,_ AM A: #683491.Q133li1. · 1970 Chev. Concoun Eltatr, W FM stereo radlo leather in-PhOne '45-6677 8 Pass. Sta. Wen. PM. Vol, auto, air cond, ~H. tertor " 1!'1 prl~ lo •ell 1970 H rbor BIYd Sl""'1ng " brakes, AM-FM mo. Firm, !i<l-3691. If not Full power, factory air, vinyl Uc 768.AEA G • Stel"f!O radio, tilt steer. whl. borne, call back. t?P, cloth le leather interior, Pho~ '45-6677 Costa Mesi Factory Air, lug1aa:e rack, .69 FORD Gal. 500, 2 dr cpe, tilt wheel, AM-FM radio, 1970 H b Bl d 1970 SEDAN .,... llr•• " bralcee. Panel-V-41, PIS. !WI, mu1t oeU, fully equJpped. Extremely ar Or y • Ing, Aaking S3l00, 557-4861. $925. or t-Utr 646-1656 or Now Available wttb low mileage, (234622), Cost• MH• DEVILLE '72 Chevy Ve1L 12,000 mi. 645-8939. AIR CONDITIONING $6888 1963 CADU,LAC Vinyl top, lulh" blterlor, Auto. Radio, heater. Xlnt 1961 GALAXIE, 2 dr. hard . Or Nabers • Cadillac: :ll6IXI HARBOR BL., COSTA MESA 5tJ..9100 Open Sunday ''BIU.. WHITLIDGES" SUNSET MOTORS UMOUSlflE dual comfort se.at1, lull •hapel 813-2957. top. Need• work, first 112' AT NO rY'ftll PffAR6E pcJWer, factory air, Wt CHRYSLER takes. Phone 496-6365. MIM -~ Full power, factory air, tully wheel, AM·FM 1tereo radio, _____ _ equipped, tapuU,. Interior. power door locl<J, 7 to '64 CHRYSLER New Yorktt. JEEPS Spedally equlpt ..,., -,,,,, Prl~ to 1ell today, (KJC· choose from. Al low u Air, many xtru. Xlnt cond. available in 2 Dr, 4 Dt, Cd 102!, 1134129). $900. 64~. '72 JEEP 1portebout Wqon models $999 t'AAAA '70 NY, 2 cir, HT, alr, ofereo, 4 Wheel Drive, V-8, Power IMMEOIAJE ORIY£RY ......... fUll pwr A elec. Prl pty. steering, Radla.ll, Cony Top, $3195. 547-5611 ext E. oU the road tll'!'• (only 11T. a Nabers • Nabers CONTINENT AL 3700 miles) (566EHW) 1359$, ,,ani S.Lee Cacllnac: Cadillac: ~dlro-''=--"-· ___ 1 •· J ,. ORANGE COUNTY 2llOO HARBOR BL., '67 Llncoln Conllnenfal, 2 cir '47 CJ2A. Xlnt cond 511,000 ..n!llWMoeorl LOCATION 2llOO HARBOR BL., COSfA MESA HT, new ttr.s. AM/FM mlleJ. 195(), Private P1U't7 547-5126 lff7 El Dor•do $2295 ... 9100cosrA ~O-• SUnd•• S40-9100 Open Sund1Y "tt""°' alr, •lilt :,nd. B .. t cat1 ... ._ su.ms. 1234 So. Maln St. Full I lh Int . '"t • """" .._. ~ o er. Eve•. &M-: .... 1. •69 F::....::. Bro-, •wo, Sante Ana •• er enor, « "BILL WHITLIDGES" CHEVROLET ~u ·-• tele whee~ tact alr, cruise ''6 Contlnom•I Cpo. air o:>nd .. many mra1. , IMPIRIAL contt;;~!..:''41tu1:684. SUNSET MOTORS '68 Impala Custom 1;:,·~~~~ Must 11975. 83>-00J dy1. '1---:,7:'.0,...,.lmp-e""'rl_al_ 1970c H~rb~r Blvd. oRAN~~-Wo~ COUPE, Faotory Air, cvzu. Ex1: ~~~'>' GREMUN Lelaron °' • "' 1961 C•d Cpo Dov, $m5 549) $1495, dlr. ~ C54S-1128 Brand Now 1972 Immaculate Condition, Sa<tt1· EL DORA DOS Loaded with accei . including 1970 Cbev'. Monte Carlo, Air-'69 Cont'J, Clean, iln•t run-GREMLINS ftce, Must Sell. dlr. 897-<m4. fact. alt, Ult A tele wheel, Auto-Pl~ P/Dlsc B, P . nina cond. $2800 or TOP. MftCURY 6 -1970 El Dora.dos to choow from. As low u (054A.GS). ssm padded top, cruJM control o\ Wlndowl, vinyl top. 24,000, 1 ..:::;197;;_-4~!03.:;;....____ ,, . . ~ etc. Lie. WFIJ783. mi. Best offer. 557-6526 alt 7 . CORVAIR LATE l!ITO Ooupr, Prl?a~ Phono '45-Un ~P-M_. -----1 _______ party. Full ,,.,... • "'" At 1970 Harbar Blvd. '70 Townsman Wagon UN CORVAIR low Blue Book. 8-0U2. Cost• Mos• Good Condition, $2Cl5. '61 Mtrcury 4 cir, M!tp. • Nabers YOUR ONLY VI, A.-tic, Power St"" _ __;*:_NM117:::..;=.:..*~-Under warm. Nu tiru, Call Cacllllac: Ing, («l3BHL) $1995, dlr, 98Ml74. FACl'ORY ~ DODGE 2llOO HARBOR BL., AUTHORIZED '71 Che I la MUSTANG ':M-9100 COSTA ~Sunday C~DILLAC (lHCXV) l'ullvy ~re' dlr; 1961 DODGI ~ .:i.~"':1:0:: = '&! .. ....,,, llt, ll<blt ""· J969 C.dllllC CouJ>< d._ vw.. DEALER Air Oond; Low '"""' Can MONACO 500 abla for ' ""' pain~ "'°° or bill Of. Lealher ieats. ...... all !Arreitlilil!llon of Cl4JJ. '1116-mra1t-nam OM!ll. Rul!top -vHrliiJ, llllKllfA TE DRIVERY -r... '45-1•--•xtra•, .tow-m 1 I e •· r•, l•ca In Oranp eoun~. 1S63 Cm;v w.,on m-vi, 4 v1nyc ---. vi,').nO: ~ 'ii MUMNCI S.d'lllce, MUii s e 11. Saln·LHl!nr. bbl, c;Ub0 Coo.t lnlfrlor matte, -It~ ' llmnlC!llatt. Sacrlll" lllall 53&-36l4. • Nabers needs muinm llllO or !>Hi 1n1< .. windowl-tt11 ~ W-. w1 S Lee sen, cllr, 111-. '67 Cod Eldorldo. ~ Dk• C •Rae: offer._ 6ml88 alttr D. AM·l'lf radii>, <ndll COD• ~{ ....._.,. • '70 wllate -trim .. ' a-'61'1 ala tn>I, spt -. dtrem~ AllilllolftMolols,. PONTIAC gold ltremt1t paint -. I :l800 HARBOR ~ lllp low mlltl(t. Local 1 "'l""'· -• .., I-~. ~---- 673--0526 · COSTA MESA l'mma-te, -· Must (VWJDlO), , 1 ."."I.--e8 -O'l'O, ,fr '69 Cad s'e<lan de Vllle, 39,000 ll40o9100 Open Su"""1 sell dlr, 197-4DI. SALE PRICE I 1234 ao: ;1C St. -., xfnt """'· O!ir ml. Orig. own. Xl&t ..,.i. '69 ELDORADO .• Chev, ·~ .. ~ Sama 'ii "'fliil}'m. ~'Ill AM/FM stereo U49S: FACTOR! Alr, lbl1 t>Ower -. See tO _.taw. AILY PIL Gd~ -<"'4-a>P> p:ia&. Dealer. S1an 1114-M17 Nebers Aft D:JO, ..._ ~67m~~,: ::· !;., .=sci. v. lbl1 ,,._, ~~·:.!·!:; caclllac '"•r ~T lD cws -D~""r='1 sm. 543--0974 stereo tape, .int CMd. 1 Needo pa1n1 llO. 645-m llCIOO HARBOR BL., IJ! 5678 POI ACTION. •• r11cn lfflt:TtVI .... T/Jl/11 For that ttem under"°· tr)' --(n4) -nit ... Se-U ~~old llull. !Illy the ~M-CIJ/1rA JllEM " • CALL '42·" .. 71 I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!=====~~~==!!!!• the Penoj Pincher. (2U) ~ .. ~ ~=---Open=;..:~;;;;;.:..:..!..,_._ _____ _. _______ -"'- • I I I • \ 25 PILOT-ADVERTISER . ' 'f I ' \Vedt'ltSdq, July 19, 1972 WE APPRECIATE YOUR . BUSINESS. ' PINTO ,~- IMMEDIATE DELIVERY $199DOWN$36A MONTH FORJ& MONTHS S 199ii totaldn, prmr. SJ6 is 188 fVU §:~i§l:~F~~ PIKE lic:lllSt. AN«JAl PlRCDITAGE 1RATlll.7tl% ................................ ._... ' . 4 Speed Irons .. ro· dio. heater, bucket seats. full Yinyl inte- rior. 326 Elf. '71 VEGA 2300 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY DAILY PILOT G7 $199 DOWN $36 A MONTH FOR l& llOMIHS Hotthbock, thtom• wf111I ""II'• ro d.a. $1 h1011r, ••11rl bvo:~tt "'°"" 11111 •inyl "'~ erOMCCV '72 DODGE POLARA' . BRANDNIWI BRAND· NEW • ORDER YOURS · • TODAY FACTORY COLOI OF YOUR CMOICll V-8, ·-~ Irons.. cloth & vinyl interior, fu lly foc1ory equipped. '72 DODGE TRUCK Serio!~ Dl41G20253275 $2888 $3188 FULL PRICE $J99 DOWN FOR36 ~2 MONTH MONTHS $199DOWN 5104MONTH. FOR 36 lllOlllltS Sl99 is IDllf .._ ~ $104 i<I 111ta111'11. prm1. ind, !cut fk111s1' oll t01"ryin1J charges cm cwr. cr.r.1 b 36 mM. De- lwrlll pyrwf. prft $394.l Incl tall & li- e en st. ANNUAL PEllCEKTAGE RATE", 10,91% FULL PRICE IMMIDIAU DEUVERT $2288~ s199DOWN 573AMONTH I J" > $1t9illOIDl ... ,.,.1PSllMlll•,,..~.-· ht.,.. I. •""''9<"""5•W ·""* .... -°""""' ...... pri;• 1:1111 lod. •• ' bi.. NlllAl l'llCINT.\Gl IATt 10.D6 BRAND NEW '72DART · DEMON load•d with windshit ld wosh1rs. high botk bvtktl SIOIS, heol«. •irrfl heodlinw, ovhidt Mor, G9Sa14 tir1s + much much mort. Ordt· .......... IACTOIY COlOI Of YOUI CMOICf $2088~~. . $199 DOWN ~.9!::~~~6!::i::.~·:.;;~~-=: 566 MONlH FOR 36 Dwfen.t""''· pritt SU7S incl toll & litlllW. AH-~ MONTHS' ·f<NALl'lR<EMlAGERATE9.9J% • Take Your Choice WAGON SALE! '69 PLYMOUTH STA. WAGON Y·8, pGWlf Slfffl'IO, vinyl interior, radio. hrlatef, CIY'Ome k9Jo9t rock. 6 poss. whittwolls. wheel rovm. 689EOS • '69 PONTIAC STA. WAGON Custom. Y·8, fat!Ofy 01r, power stttmil & brakes. wh1t1wo1l1, NH wheel covers. 063fTZ. • '68 OLDS VISTA CRUISER Full power, factory a r, lu!lgogt rock. \'lnyl inferior, wht-. ttwolls, dtlukt whtel coven. WJ;967. • YOUR $988 CHOICE :.~~; $199 DOWN $30 A MONTH FOi 36 MONTHS · sm111ota1ih.,,.....P11t••,.,...•:tuic.•&•anyint~••· ""'ior 3'"'"" ~ ,.,._ ~ $121' ct. 1p & ~ Aftl.IAl MIWTAGE u.111>.•s~. '64 VWWAGON 4.SP EE D, radio, heater, white-wall tires, deluxe wheel covers. 675FND FULL PRICE '66 CHEV. 2 DOOR Standard Irons. mog wheels ond tires $388 plus much, much more. SHF927 fUllPllCE '71 GREMLIN 2-DOOR Full vinyl interior, rodio, healer, $1088 hi-batk se ot s, fold down rear seat. cus tom exterior. - Al F465E200472. . fUll PllCE '70 PLYMOUTH FURY. 383 V-8, auto, tr•ns., f•ct. air, rad io, hHter. PK~ I LOD22406 I FULL PRICE I • B::JJD . '72 CHARGER loo41111.l11t ,).,1 '~11 .._,-,_. --.(Jh14 1ir9t. .......... '"''litrlo4ireclieft 11f11t1h. l~N ,,,.,1 iflill'ior, Hilu .... co111rol 11'1-l!IUCh~ -· Wl21Cl.ll73'77 s 1ff " total .. """'· $7.) •1 tatal "'°""" ind. le•. toce1111 & oil tarry,.., clltr,11111 llH"" t1edi! ~ 36 111M. Oefttftll Pl""' Pritt $1127 ind. llU & I~. A~AI. PiltCOf. l-.GEV.1110.06•;; 1 '69 FORD Galaxie 500 Hdtp. ~~~~:~j:~Ji~t~:~ :1; $888 'woll tires. ZlA215. I f '69 PLYM. Roadrunner 383 V-8, 4 speed Irons .• ro dio. $988 heater, vinyl interior, mog wheels. ZXX427. '69 CHEVROLET NOVA. 6 cylinder engine, auto. trans., radio and heeler. ZKC407 FULL PRICE '70 MAVERICK 2-Door FULL PRICE Auto. Irons .. radio, heater, whe.~I 5888 covers. Deluxe chrome moldings. 517ARI, llPIKI '69 CHEV. 1/2.TON VAN ~!~~·r.~~;~b,:~o~:d~~~ $1288 . fever! 654120 • FULL P CE '68 DODGE Coronet 440 2-Door Hordtop. V-8, ou)o. Irons ., $7 8 8 power steering. londou lop, full vinyl interior, whitewall tires, deluxe wheel covers, radio. heotej. VZE75S . • FULi PRICE '70 FORD 4 Dr. Sedan VB , automatic, p o 'fl • r steering & brakt s, radio, ho•ter. I 8358EM ) .- FULL PllCE· $988 '67 CHEVY Sport Van Autometk, rod io, hHter, $888 108" W. 8. l964HE I FULL Pl lCI ' ' . ' . , . I • I DAILY PILOT\ • WtdrltSdlY, July lt, 1972 NEW Im PLYMOUTH SATELLITE STATION WAGON $· Seri•I • RP46-M2G-192511 DISCOUNT BEAUTIFULLY EQUIPPED jNC.UDING FACTORY AIR CONDITIONING . BONUS SAVINGS ON TOP.QUALITY USED CARS ••• '70 PLYMOUTH STATION WAGON ~=:· ~j··s74· ,._9'5'"~ ;M"UtoD1JIN21 '72 f\ORD STATION WA~ON C......, ...... YI, ..tomatk, radio, llffter, r-"W't-:... 53895 =, .. ,,, '70 FORD '70 PLYMOUTH · MAVIRICll FURY Ill 6 cyllitdef, radio, heahf, white 1lde wall tlrn. 1770CHT) s119s ;:;;,l~ ·:· :O':=-"s1~·a·· ....... ,. s···· colMlltlo1tht9. CZVNftJ J '67 C'HRYSLER SIDAN YI, ••tollMltk, rodlo, • ...,, power ......... ........ 5795 ::,dltlonl119. ITRJ760J '69 DATSUN STATION WAGON ledlo ORd lteotet, white side wall tlrn. (250AFXJ Alt.-. ..... ltd to prior Hie~ All prlcn .,. ph11 tu aM nc ... -All price•.,. "lid •1111 11:11 P·~·· ,.....,., J•IJ 2JN • I I .ltla• SerVi~e De.: ll•rl•e•& WeJ .. N•e•••• He•ers all c•rY•ler Cer- ·.,era•le• Ve•lelee Req•lrlag Service ••• Warraacy Werk,' llegardJese 01 W•ere Car Wae P•re•a•ed. We Heaer . Mae&er c•arge, •••k· A•erleartl, Carte Blaae•e, A.•erf. eaa ·EJrpreaa Aatl D18eraClar.. •••. I Wedntsdar;', July 19, 1972 PILOT -ADVERTISER H • cyouR WEWLY GAPPOINTED ' INTERNATIONAL'S FABULOUS NEW 19n 1110 1/2-TON PICK UP TRUCK • • • S1rial • llJIOIHJICl4JI " ( 1 1liNii ·N1W '72 L.T.D. 2 DR. .$51 00.r. <.'' , ,,,.. ,a·~ T Over Doalor Cost W Intl. prep, 91t roody, ho ld boc~. frtithf. )Ytfl l4111lppe4 ...... ................ _.. .. IRAND NEW '72 Gran Tori1Jo~Sp•lf· ., I 00 1 +Tll Over ~~ Cost .. • f11cl. tff•I'• t••~1 ,.,4.,, hold ., •• ~. ff1ltht1 Wetl 1111•1,,.ti *1044 •• IRAND NEW '72 GALAXll 2 DR. ~ ~51~TIL O.or~oalor Cost Incl. pr1p, 91t r11cly, holcl l:i1ck-, fr1i9hf. Wtl l111•lppetl *1 Dll MAKE OFFER ; ;. )_. .. ·7·5~ '71 FORD G•lnlli -n.T. · v.1, 1uto., P.S .. RIM. 11t ' .. IMJ., ·12 Yi11yl roof, 9oocl 1T1il11. f07'48UO J '65 RAMBLER WAGON Cl111 ic. RIH, 1utorn•tic, P.S., •ir conclitiening. INNF614l '70 MAVERICK ~tdlo, h11t1r, 4 cyli11cl1r, good rnll••· IISJ211) '67 OLDS DELMONT 4 dr. H.T. Full pow1r, air co11d., yfnyl roof, 1ew 1t1il11. fUOMl401 • I E . . PRIZES! FUN! SUPER SAVINGS! COME IN AND HELP US CELEBRATE 51 YEARS OF SERVICE TO THE GREATER HARBOR AREA UNDER THE SAME OWNERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT. WE PROMISE YOU • • • MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY I Brand New '72 MUSTANG t\024) (1'411t ) SAMPLE ANNIVERSARY DISCOUNT! IDLl'I COIT INC~UDES flll•HT, PllP, GfT lEADY AND FACT. HOLDIACIC ... -~-· ··-~--. . ·oo OVER. DEALER COST+ T&L • ANNIVERSARY LEASE SAVINGS! ~ 'i OVER 300 CARS ANO TRUCKS READY FOR IMMEDIATE LEASE DELIVERY. i6·42-0010 J, Molcom Rold CALL Lease Mgr. $ New" '72 F-100 PICKUP FU~~~~~T~~~IP. (T2291 " OVER DEALER COST ' • . . • 1. Y 011 11.U •11ly • vend drlnr1 llc.0111e '9 .. oll9lblo for thl1 01cl111fvo lhMdoro lolthtt f'rln ilrowln9. You 11eed 1101 be present ~ win! 2. J111t cemo In, flll out your prln ticket 0111f drop It In our drawh19 bor. Nothl1111 to buy. Nothlnt more to do . l . If yo11 win our Pinto 1ro11d prbe, ond yo11 hno 1111rch0Md o NW 1972 'l11to from Th"· doro Robhtt Ford oft or ofter J11119 1, 1972, yo11 lftay talto your prlro or, ot yo11r oprlo11, Tlteodo,. Robin• ford will rolmburte yoo '- tho full '''"ch... price of the Ph1to .,.. bo11tllf, r9t•rdleu of !J!Odol or 9e111l,.._.t. twhtltW 111•Jec.t te te)I" •11tl 11 ....... ,. 111 eltAtw ... llf), . GRAND PRIZE NEW '72 PINTO LOADED WITH • GROCERIES! 50 RUNNER·UP PR'IZESI YOU NEED NOT BE PRESENT TO WIN All Prizes Wiii Bo Drawn For By Sot., Aug. 5, 1972 . REGISTER TODAY ! COURIER PICKUP WITH GEM TOP CAMPER SHELL -5245·11 · (2199) •IT THI THllPTlllT Pl!CI ON THI THllPTY LmLI WOHHOllll SPECIAL PURCHASE! LTD-GALAXIE-WAGONS-fORD Somo with air conditl-=!;~ -H• 'irY9lhlllla. Good miles. Many to c . frelil. 1 , EXAlllPU: '71 FORD CUSTOM 100 4 cir ., Vt, R&H, •ulo., P.S., yJnyf roof. { 1150921 C ity of Co1t1 Mts• L1111 R1tur11 .. ~1651 '68 CHEV. Camaro 2 cir. H.T., fully1q1.1ipp1cl, R&H, slick shift, 4j10ocl mil11, 1poil1r. IVPK7!il l '65 MERCURY COM&'!' S1d111. Full f•ctory 1quipp1cl. Good 1t1fl11. f PIJ37J l '69 MERCURY W~fll Colo11y P1rk. Full p1wM1 air c•11~Jtionln9, · "t•ld rt1ll11. 1422BQE)'· ..... I 1 • PINTO SALi 15 TO CHOOSE FROM r~ .I< '71 & '72 MODELS W-" '• WITH AND WITHOUT AIR, 4 SPEEDS & AUTO· MATICS, SOME WITH VINYL ROOFS, DOOR GUARDS, WSW, DLX. HUB CAPS, PLAID IN· TERIOR. EXAMPLI: '71 PINTO . 2.odct0r. llu• m•t•lllc, radio, hMtw, { s,,...i, ~ftiml , ' trim, 9ood mll••· (6f51L T) · ' tl45·1 '68 AMX HARDTOP YI, 4 1p11cl. r•cllo, h11l•r, P.S .. 1ir concl., ll'l•q wh11l1, IJoocl mil11. 10168FXI '6' TOYOTA CORONA S1d111. 4 1p11cl, r1dio, h11fer, goocl l!'lil11. fZOY19l ) • '69 PLYM. BELVEDERE 4 cir .. R&H, 1utom•fic, pow1r 1t•-iri119, air concl., YI . !YQL117 ) '67 MUSTANG Hardtop F•ctory 1quipp1cl . RIH, 9ood rnil•1. lTYXJi6l '71 DATSUN SIDAN 4 1p11d, ra«l io, h11+•r, 9oocl mi111. IJSICBSI '71 V.W. FASTBACK Air cond., r1cl i•, h•1t•r, 1ppro,.im1t1ly 10,000 1t1!111. (J2lDllJ 1951 . .. ' @!j1 ' --""""'.I/If Ma" ,.._.,.' -• .... IMlllCAID TNIOIOll llOllHS SI. - l,\Ln DIPT. HOUU I .,.. . t P• M••··"' .... ,.. ... 10 ••• ' ""' 11111. I PAm • HlVICI HOUU , ... ,. .... . ,_.,,.., .... ,,.. . s1&51 s1351 • 151 I • l I \ I I I • DAILY PILOT Wednesday, J uty 19, 1972 " Wedntsdlltt. July 19. 1972 PILOT-ADVERTISER %iJ 70MAYERICK ZDSO ""'""'"'-........ "''" '68fORD ITATIOllWAIOM Y-1. auto. nns .. poww stffrint. license Ho. YYD19S '69 CHEY P.U. PKKUP a· Rttts.de, Y-1. cultom cob. !660540} Due to our heavy new car sales we · have many fine quality· used cars & trucks . . $888 '7~ r.a...- l rite lime finish. litsiseN~ 3828SH. • $1 -288 ~~.=~~''"''' $1088 rock. license No. WIB806 4 STAR UNLIMlm> MJLIAG~fNSUR4NlE POLflY ON ENGINE REAR AXLE ASSY •STEERING e f'R 111. eifili(fl; ,.RO'itl stJs'lt •WATER PUMP You will receive• policy with the purchase of any of the above can. Policy will be honored anvwhere in the U.S.A. for 90 ~ays & unlimited mileage frOm date of purchase. · \ t (IBND NEW 72 T-BIRD · BRAND ·NEW 1972 ' , '·ljlil> .!'!'~ N:Rtl seat!.<tonsole, Mkh-~ '-'ieffn raaifl tily'Wfiitewoll ·tires . No. 2J87N187515 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY > ., .,..r • ' , ':j . ,,... -,., ·~\ ,, •. '11:1..,! \ .... ·~j(~ •• l~t $ < ,-.~~~0 ?2 COUNTRY SEDAN · 'NEW , 10 PASSENGER WAGON ~ .. , i . - ._ l• • l .~ · .. Lood!d. with e.11fnls, foctory Air, V-8 Engine. Cruise-o-motic, WSW Tire s, Ro~io Tinled glllss, Power Steering , Oise brakes, Wheel Covers. , ~?f 1 ~ "2J74S15899,9 . • I ' <' IM~EDIATE ' DELIVERY $ ' .< ~ ~ J v ... -· . .. ' . - ORDER YOURS NOW 4 Speed Transmission. l600cc Eng ine, Bucket seats. Emission Control. $1·788FULL ' , .' , · PRICE OM,PLETE CAMPER P.ACKAGE B'tf l91m!1~6~l~lrw.Hei~ DEFROSTER, WEST COAST MIRRORS F25BRN64851 ' BRAND NEW , WITH·A '72 ELDORADO CAMPER. · 8' DELUXE CABcOVIR ' MUSTANG 250 CID ENG . Crui s~~motit. Radio, Heater, Bucket Seats. All Vinyl Interior. 2F01l 167484 IMMEDIATE . DELIVERY . $· PICKUP . _ . FOR '72 with a PERRIS VALLEY SHELL CAMPER F111lly ins11l1ttd. Dt laze Interior. s299 s599s DOWN PER MO, I - San f;lemenie Capistrano • EDITIO ' ' 1 # -. Today's I'•••• N.Y. Stoeks Y9t:. '-5. NO. 201, 5 SECTIONS, 68 PAGES ' . WEDNESDAY, jULY 19, '1972 ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA • TEN CENTS • County Ol(s $13.9 · Million Building Program By JA,CK BllOBACK Of "" .,.,., ,!Ht ti.tr Orange County aupewtson Tuesday inCbed closer to approval of. a $264.9 million 1912-73 budget which, il finally a<Jopted Thllt!day, would call far a prop- ehcy tu rate oLabout $1.95, down nine cents from the current levy. · TUesday, board members, in un- precedented acUo'1t approved a $13.9 JriUUon bulldlng program without major deletions. In previous years capital pro}- For Development . '°" U!Ually were oubjecled to sharp -to balance lhe budget. '!lmrsday, .board .membert plan lo meet at 2 p.m~ to consider three con- troversial items which could add to the total budget. They are a II million boost in tile county's reserve f'!!'d t2 SI million. a $250,000 hetlcopter-alrplane study and no.ooo for a legislati ve advocate in Washingt.Qn, D.C. Tuesday's action saw·$280,000 added to the building. budget to cover design coats of a new muJll.storied, 125,111»4quare foot administration buUdlng and com-. poler ctnler Oil Santa Ana Boulevard (6th Slrtet) and Roos Slrtet. SUpervl.sor David L. Baker of Garden Gl'OVfl urged Inclusion of tbe lint step loit_ard repla!'ing the present ov~rc-owd­ ed 11%-story adminlstratton building on the southeast comer of Santa Ana Boulevard and Sycamore Street. "Accelerating construction of the new admlni&tration center would save a lot of on' Capo to Demand Ecology Report? San Juan Capistrano planning conr ~ioners Tuesday recommended that an: environmental impact statement be ;iqitlred for a development in the north part of lhe city. II approved by lhe city council, ii would mark thl· flnt time !lJcll a re- qulremelJI )Ip )>em jnipoaed upon a · ..... Ill Ille aiUllllliflly. . 'lbe action came dllrlnf cooalderatlon of a mono ttqoesl of :141 ' a,.oa fl'Olll .. .. ~an Juan CaPo Appeal Delayed On Condominium _Orange County aup<rVlsora today con- ljpqed an appeal by San Juan Capistrano if.'! couoty planning commission decision P.6fnitting construction of a· 332-unit con- doo\inion just outside the city. The oft continued item Was delayed ipln pending application by lhe city of $40 Juan Capistrano to lbe Local A,gency Fo<inatlon Commlsaiolll:ILAFC) for an- nexatton of lhe affeCted area. The development originally won ap- proval or the county planning com· mission Jn February. San Juan Caplltrano has maintained that since lhe area is likely to be aMexed, the city shoJ,ild have some. say in the standards that are 1et. Tlie development lies In line wlth and about 1,500 feet from the end of the e:i· isitng runway of the San Juan Capistrano Airport. · Wbile curreut flight petle!m prescribe that alrcraft tum }eft and avoid oyerfllght of the area, the airport com· fnisslon previously recommended against the 'coodominimum development. The development would be made on 37 .I acres of land currenUy under cultlvat!on. The anneutlon item will likely come up on LAFC's Augll!t agenda. Teamster Gets Post SACRAMENTO (AP) -AcUng Gov. Ed" Reinecke appointed a Sanla Marla Teamsters Union official to the Central Coastal Regional Wiler Quality Control Bolird Tuesday. He la Bart J. CJur\O, a polltlcal independent and aec:retary· treasurer of Teamsters Local 115$. Cllrto wijl fill lhe uneaplred term of Allred W. J:bellng, wbo resJined, I FEW WORD S BUT . MUCH SUCCESS Y<ll can be a peraon of few words and llll1 · 11nc1 success -plenty of It -In *21. Y PILOT claslUled advertising col· UJDlll. Tllke, for tumple, tho few wonla ltt-tljtae two 1nd a bid! Unea ol adnrtll- q~ 3 BR, 2 BA1,llplc, shag crpt, drps, Dlml• hrdWd ! Ooor11 iuo .. nx-n:u. 'llley were enough to ront Ille pl1ce to Ibo lint caller, A few well cl10IM words Jn'ihe rieht place,the DAILY PILOT'1 tlaulfied cohunm, can 1et ....Wis for 1<11, too. Dia! MU17111Dd e•chanp aome ·""'11a with ODI of our ad-vlsora. Covingtcn Brothers Development Com· pany. The commission passed the matter JW1e 6, but the coUDcll at its last meeting rererred the item back to the plaMers, asking that some opeclfic conditions be imposed on the proposed development. Covtngton "bas ·indicated· they wlll develop · the lanJl, ')lendlng family , ~~·lll~hl>Pl.000 '!be .-_·bas been .trongfy opposed by horn.,..•' assoclatlom In the city; each ilaimin!! that more ho~ would in-,c:realli Ille l1irden of proMen!a lacing tho · rapldly "developlng eommunlty. Tlie cornnjJaaldn, In asking for an e"' viromnental impact atatement, alao sug- gested tbe cpuncll place many other COi>' ditions on the development, including: -Screening and .landscaping of lhe areas" around the homes to shield them from neighbors. -Maintalping the present skyline of rolling hiUJ. . -Use ·of a courtyard-concept for park· ing and garages. -Revlewing the traffic circulatiCll patlorn Jar lhe area. 'l'1M!: purpose of the envlromnental lm· pact statement would be to determine the effect of aubl!lantlal cut and fill operatim in the hill• to provide pads for lhe proposed bomell, lhe cormntsslnn in- dicated. The developer had originally proposed shaving off the tops of the hills to make them leV<I for him construction and .filling in the valleys for the same purpose. .The commission's action must still be approved by the council and no date has yet been sot for Its consideration. Zlpp,i.,111 Commander of th·e first Sky· lab ·mission, Charles "Pete" COnrad zip• iljto a vertical sleepiI\g bag on board a Sky- lab workshop mockup during a news media tour iI\ the train· ing facility. Another Hearing· Slat,ed On Golf Road Ac~ess San Clemente city couocllmen tonight will deliberate one more Ume on a major road ateess .J>roblem affecting the Pre1ldenttal Jleiihts Development behind the city golf course. The iaslle, which was resolved last year but reSUtrected. recently when coun- cUmen a~ to take one more look at alternative routes, was the subject of an early ,_rung study ....,101r last week. Councilmen at that meeting dl11CUSsed the alterna\Ive routes which could serve as major acceaseo lo the Inland portions of the city behind lhe links. Tlie specific iaue on tonight's agenda la lhe approval ol a ... ssment district procedura which were a requirement when deveto,>er John Douglass Jr. won Jl<l'ffilsslon for Presidential Heights last year. Aecording-to-the counctJ11-original decision Avenida San Pablo was lo become the major accaa route. Councilmen pre6Umllb)y will decide tonilhl If San P1blo ebould remain the top choice.and il the uawrnent district for It• extenalon ti lhe new development sbould be approved. Other llema on tool1ht'1 relatively routine qeudl Include ; -A "'IJ"el!I bf the San Clemente Arla and Cralla Oub for city permlalon to <OOduct Ille groqp'o amual lai< al Old Plaza Paak Aug. II and 20. -Awll'liq ol contracts on hlcla au]>. milled for lmpro•t!Denl of olgn>ls at El Camino lleaJ ad Calle Bll<e1ona Ill a • ' • project·~ for 'In. part .by ~ f~eral Topics Program, . .-Diacuulon of. ~~lgn phases for the new city Y!"da wblch will be located at the new aanitatlon Jllant. -Filing ot noticis of completion for the city's new fire headquarters building and di!cuaion of dedication ceremonies for lhe $1t0,000 building. . -Consideration of appointing a council committee to study lhe city's advertising and proV"'tion budget. ·Clemente Ma n Hurt in Crash · A 4S-year.ild"811FeJemtnte--man 1U1· fered a severe scalp cut Tuesday night when the car be was Chiving slammed In- to a parked car, _, it JOO feet down the roadway. • Police said Edwjll'd Aucul!I· llooaaler of 107 Sanla Jaei -laloeo to a hospital by bis wife for lllO!ll<al treatment, Tho accident OCCUmd ihottly before I p.m. in tho IOO block o1 Loo Mollnoa lit lhe dty'a Industrial area. Police 11id Bowler'a car olammed In-to lhe rur ol a small car parked at tbe roadalde. ll II owned by Ellen Joan Can- nan of 103 E. Marquita. lloelaler'a car was a total loss, pollca aald. mOlleY In the long nm wblch la now being spent oo alterations, leues, moving and other cooatantJY 1<(1111'1n_g co<tl dicta~ by lack ol needed spa<;e," Baller argued. ClaJr Ennis, space control and planning erecutlve In tile county admlnlstrative offlce, aaJd design of_ !he new hullding could be completed ln one year and lhe $f mfillon project moved up to a 1974 comple.tion date rather than the present projected date of 19'17. Major projects approved in the $13.1 Capistrano Budget Set For Study San JUJD Capistrano clly councilmen Tuesday made a few minor cbanlea in the city's proposed Jm.73 budget, cut.. ling by 115,000 a Chamber of •Commerce allocaUon and addl.ng two inore men to lhe proposed police department. · All of the changes were tentative, as · the blldget Jiu peitber bee!) presented al •l>Ubli<:-by 111' ~ . i_:ttr ~:s~!M . . ...... ~ . '1t. ' In other moff. io -or add ,fli, .... lU , . JllllUoa \ludpt ,..,.M\i,11y qtJ~"" . . Don \feldner, the-~ •a . . . ki lncr<aae their owp .aaJ4iles agreed 1* to .,... )II ·""'"'7 ,_ plannliw am. milllJonlri. ....,.. . • ' • . Tho uicre~ In the, Ille the police department were · made conlr8ty to the recommeodatloo of Weidner, but In keep. Ing with tho wlabes of public safety 1 direCtor JORph M~ Allbough the police department issue mllll be decided' at ao. Aug. 22 special inltlaUve electlon, . Weidner had recommep4ed Iba\ $131,o= be set aside to hire 1J pol1ce •oflicen aod . four dlspatcher.:Ierb. McKeown bad ubd for H nleD, which · would provldt> at •least two officers m patrol at an limes. Undor Weidner'• recommendltlon, only ... olllcer would have been. In lhe field durine tho· "quiet hours" of · lhe early morning aod later alternoon. The vote to go along with McKeown11 · request for 14-man force was approved 4 .. I, with councllmllll Roy Byrnes dJsaen. ting. The Chamber of Commerce had re- quested $22,200 for this "ftscal year to be used for various "programs in the com· munlty. However, the council tentatively cut the request by 115,000, aaying it need- ed more speclfics of the programs before passing oo the allocation. Chamber manager Maggie 01%en agreed to appear at a auboequent study ...,Ion to ouWne In detail lhe suggested Chamber programa. In flacal 19'11-72. lhe organl%8Uon wu allocated .15~ .. '2,000 of which wu earmarked for the prepara- tion Ind printing of commwtlty P'°' motion brocburu. Weidner had recommended !bat lhe councilmen lncreue lhetr mo a th I y salaries from $75 to $150, mtlng that necauae the dty baa reached a popuJa. tlOll of 5,400, the blgber salary la allow· ed by la~I , However, a motion to reduce the salary to Its original $75. lost by a w vote, wlth councilmen· Byrnes and Josh Gammel voling 1n favor. A similar motion , to begin paying the volunteer planning com- missioners 1100 a month, lo6t W, with Brynes and Mayor Jim Thorpe wt1ng with lhe lollng side: milllon buldlng program Include con- struction of a new .Harbor Municipal Cou rt building oo Jamboree Boulevard in Newport Beach, $2.5 million ; completion of the fourth floor of the main county jail , $1.9 million ; purcha!e ol a new refuse disposal si te north ot San Juan Capistrano, $1 .6 million; COnlitruction of the second phase of the North Orange County Municipal Court in Fullerton, $1.5 million ; design of a new Orange County Medical Center. $1.25 million, and ex· pan.slon of the civic center utlUty plant to service a new federal building, $'764,000. A $115,000 item to demoll!h the old HAll of Records and an old church building on 8th Street between Broadway and Sycamore Street was cut to $44,000 when supervisors decided that the city or San4 la Ana should pick up the tab for the removal of the old buildings. The $44,000 is for demolition of the old county jail on (See BUDGET, Page I) overn Union s Free To Make Up Own Minds WASHINGTON (AP ) -An Informed sou rce said today the AFL-CJO Ex.~ ecu tive Council voted to endorse no ca~ didate in this year's presidential election. . !»!ING FOR BOSS loCkerltnueloo The source, a member of the 13.6- million member labor federation's ruling execu tive councll, said the decision was to let ieacb of the AFL-CIO's 117 unions make its own decision whether to en-- dorse DemocraUc presidential nominee George l\1cGO~ ~r ~l ~lxon, ot to make no endot'fmeqt at IB.""' '1'he declaion npOrtedJy wu taken against tha oppoalllon ol lomo mmibers of the 35-man COIUlclfitho wanted ta back ~ · • ' JlcGovem llalnat Nix.Oil. ' .. • . . . ' . Mrs. Ban uel01· ,. . The dedslila to JDdo .. <ll!Mrlilllilll Siip:pPrts Ni xon In Irvine Speech ' ..By· CANDAcE PEARSON Of *t Delh' '"" SNf'f Lalin Am!!"lcans shJluld no longer ''blindly support'' the Democratic Party and be "taken for graoted before the <lection and . Ignored. alter," U.S. Treasurer ' .Romana Banuelnl said in Irvine Tuesday night. Mrs.. llamJelos, tbe. fllll Mezlcan. American to be appointed u-e.iret, spoke before 170 people at a Ilk-plate ~paign. dinner lor President .'Ni.Jon sponsored by the Orange Co u n t y Hispanic Cori>mlttee · to Jle.elect lhe President. "W.e· don;t heed more 1tatiBtlcs or more, prom.ises ~'· the Los 'Arigel~s businesswoman aald. "Help is on the way." · ·she said .her appointment to the treasurer'• post in Sept. 1971 and 33 ptber ''top-level" government appolnlmeo'3 of Spanlsb-apeatlng j>eople since 1969 abow President'• Nl%on support of lhe · LaUn people. "Promises we've bad enough already," abe sald, but then admitted that M lop. level Jobs carrying salaries from ·$31),000 to '41t500 l year .. don't bring c~nge to tbe lives of .lJ million Spanisb-!Jieaking Americana. . "But jobs do llrins ua hope," she coo- tended. ,.. . ~ . · ' She ur10d.att S"pan/afi.'1"'aldng people to register ·to vote and ' then 'lnlllcaled they should vote foi Nl%on; dellpile ·lhelt traditional a ff I JI a t I on with lhe Democratic party, About 160,000 people In Orange County, or ti percent ol Its population, are Mes· lcan-AmerlcllJI and abo~ 100,000 of those will be eligible to vote in November'• (See BANUELOS, Pag~ I) for the flrat q.,,. In lhe 17·year blllc>ry ol the AFlrClO WU a vJctori for ... llbot federation'I ,,.-t, T7·:19ll'Old Goerge Meany, Wbo baa ·crltldzed both Nl%Oll and McGovern on a number of issues and led a labor attempt to hibck McGovern'• nomination at the Democratic National CoQ.venli.on lut week. Earlier, it was reported that Meany was not acceptin g calls from Sen. Thomas F; Eagleton of Missouri, lhe Democratic vice presidential nominee · who b3I been regarded as close to organized labor. The AFLCIO a I w a y s has backed Democratic presidenti al candidates in lbe paBI but Meany ts unhappy with lhe choice of McGovern. "Eagleton said Tuesday be had be<n UDP.ble to reach Meany on the telephone, /though be tried for two days. However, he said he talked with nine olher labor leaders and recelVed en- couragement or .outright endonementa from officials of the Machinists Union, the International Ladles Garment Workers Union, the State, County and Municipal Employes Union and the lntemaUooal Association oI Meat CUt· ters. Leonard Woodcock, -president ol the United Auto Worken Union, met With Eagleton Tue!day and said he would work for the Democratic ticket and ex· peeled lhe union to endorse It. Woodcocl: at one time wu. under conslderaUon fot lhe spot Eagleton baa on the ticket. Eagletoo sai~ be will make no further contacts with other union officialt because he doesn't want to leave'the im- p,...sion he la "intermeddllng In wtlon al• fairs." ....... ..... ~ San Onofre Surfing Ouh Loseslea se..Aft er Season Despite 11-dark ~ In the early morning houri, lhe SUD lbould be s!tlnin& m the Orange Coaat by mid-day, accordJng to the wealher- lady. Highs Thursday, 70 to ao. Lowa tonight 80-65, INSm E TODAY ThrH 11110 prodllciians lighl Mp the local thtatn 1tagt1 oround Orong• C o u" I v this week, a taritu for midsvmmcr, Se• Enttrlaln!!lfn~ Peg• 26. Tlie San Onolr. SUrllng Club -an organl!atim which for years baa offered ·membera erclualve use pl -· of the belt aurflng boacboa In Callforilla -: 'Will • be no more at. the tnd' of the: summer, a top White House offldal aaJd this weei. .Jobn. Ebrllchman, Prt,lldenl Nixon'• domeatlc af!alra advlaer, aald 1h4l lhe club'• luae will no longer be vaDd ali,r this ......,. aa part ,i the pllmiln( for dev~lopment of Ille eqtlto alx...nt patttl of fluchlronl wblclr waa lelll4 lo tha Stale of Calllomla laft year. . Bui altlxiqh tho awfera and • • • beachgoera from the club race a bleak future, Ebrllchman said lhe farmen wbo !0< years have leased lhe lands lq San Mateo CanY\lll (wliere Ille Presldeut declared 2.100 a;m. pu~llc) will be able tQ stay on for several more years. "We undelmnd that large ·~· .. 11.,..i preaervoa wlll be established ID the un- yon, allowing the larmel'l! to continue . worklnc under lease for quite aome time to come/' EhrUchman uld. Ehrlldunan uplalned the fate ol Ille lwo dlvCl'lt Interests durln( a beachfront (Sec CWll, Pip It I I I I ' ' 1 ,t DAILY PILOT SC Wt~1 Jul)' 19, l,'1l -'"• , Allvisers Le-.vit•f Two Stones l • • • Soviet 'Exodus' . ' • A:tTested _ i ' • ·Begins in : Egypt After Brawl l I . ' • . . . By Ualltd 1'r<n lolmUIU.ul • Soviet miJltary advisers poured out of Egypt today in a mass withdrawal which Cairo pollllcal souroes sald President Anwar Sadlll ordered beeauae RUISI& Kissinger In Private N ego_tiations WASHINGTON (UPI) -Prwdentlal advlter Honry A. Kllslnger 11 l>Qldlng prlvare talks Jn Parla today wllh North Vletnanlese negollaton Le Due Tho and Xuan Thuy, the While Hoose announced. In i joint announcement with the North Vietnamese, the White House said that the President's national security affairs adviser ii expected to retW"n to Wasblngton today. He Dew lo Parla Tuesday for the private seWons in an attempt to get the Paris peace talks moving again. This was the first time that Kissinger's private meetings with the Communist negotiators have been announced while the sesalona were under way. He last met in Parla wllh Le Due Tho on May 2. The Uhlltd Stalu and South Vietnam reoumed talk• with lhelr Communiol counterparts Thursday. Tho arrived in the French capital last weekend and said he wu ready to conakier any new U.S. off ... Ten daya ago, Kla1ln1ar lold reporters in Sin Clemente, that there were in- dications Hanoi was ready to resume negoUaUom with a new and responsJ.ve atlltude. Al the lbne, Klaainlet Aid he WAI bope!UI but not optlmiallc. Speculation arose that Ki!singer was on another mlaslon IM NW>n when the Prealdenl arrived ba<k from the Western White HoUM In Calllornla Tuesday without Klslinger The two froquenlly travel logelber. ·i:arller dlaappearan<et by Klssingar preceded Nixon'• trlpo lo China and the SOV!tl Union. He alao made eeveral trips to Parla 1or eecrel talka with the Com· mUQllll over poalble waya to settle the Vletnomwar. Tbe .ioct marltel·IOlred lnltltlly loday on -• of Iba White Houae attampl lo IPlll' lhe llllamated Vlalnam puu talU In Pll'la. F,....P .. el BANUELOS. • • electkln. Al a -conference before the din- ner, Vie Andrewa of Laguna Beach, cbalrthan of the committee to rHleet the proaldent In Orange County, said that up lo to percent ol thoae Mealcan- Amerlcan voters are re g 11 t e r e d Democratt. Mrs. Banuelos said at the press con· ference that "there is a great op- portunity" for Nl•on lo take that vote. AllhoUCb Mra. Banuelos was appointed ln Sept. lt'll, she was not swam In Ill treuurer until Dec. 1971 becaua,e of con- ttoversy 1urroundlnll Iler notn1n4t1011. :Her $5 million ~ yoar Mulcan food proceaalng firm In Los Angeles "81 the 14r1,1 of repealed raids by Immigration o!flclala who aitd many ~lelal allw ~'Cllployld tlleft. A .ltrle 1peaker, Mra. Banuolos Tues· day aald only that •'everytbllll was nol tiue" and that incidents then would not hurt her eUectiveness as a Ni.xW. cam.. palgner. David OrtiJ, a member ol the boird of dlrectora of Banco del Pueblo In Santa A.na, is chairman of the Hispanic Com- ll)lttee. :The nuc1eua or the IS.member com~ mlttee is from Santa Ana. OIAN•I COAST .. DAILY PILOT • TN Orlrltl C•11t DAILY l"ILOT, wllll Miieti It COfl'ltlllNI Ille N•WS·,rtll, 11 pullllllld ,II., tl1ot' Ot•l'llilt (O.•t P11blllfll111 CtmP1ny. StH• • Nte t~lllltN 1r1 -lllltd, MW•'f 111""1!111 l"rM!ty, ,.,. COllf "''''• PltwpOrl lt•cll. H1111ljtlOIOt1 l!le&ell/,fijr!ltlfl V11t1y. L1ovn• ' llt&dl, lf'f'IMISU!llttKk and ·$1n CltmeMt/ $1<1 J11111 C1pi1lr1t11. A tf~Olt1 r191or\fil l!dllltn i. ,.,.lftlttd hllll'dl.,, tP!lll Sllfld•n. t11e prlnclNI Pl<*llVll!!t Ill"' I• et llll ~'' l1y Strttt. c .. i. M"'11, c.1uor11i1, t:ttlt. koMrf N. W114 Pr .. llltfll tnd ,intltflff J11k ft. C11rl1y Vkt ,,_ldtnl ltllll G1t1tttl M•Mftf' Tlitm11 K11Yll """ Tlio1,u11 A. M11tphl11t ~r.101111 aeilor Chtrlta H. l101 1Ucht r4 '· Nill A11ltlt11t Mtl'lll•"'9 Edl10r1 s. c1, ...... omc. JOI N•1th El Ce111fR1 -i:u1. t21-,2 °"" OHi ... Catt Mtw; ~-Welt a.r ltr"t .,...,.,, lffdl! WJ HIWP0'1 leu~,.. Hlffll~ IH<fl: IH1J a.Kii hultvtflll utlll'\t ltldll at "°"'' A....,.. Tt11,•1• t714) .UAJJI Cl•••.,.. ............. '42·••n S.C........41 ... :;lwlh: '•k••·· 491~21 ~ 1m., Oi'.... Cont MflM1"'. ~r. N9 ... tlWi., HMlt•lltfl•• -~ .,.,,., ... .....,, ................. """ iii ......... """""" •111 ..,. ....... •l'l'llM ...,.,.,.. --= ........... -. 0~11. ••~ • ettfitr a.u ~' " ,,..1._ u.11 "*'11'1Prr rnrftj,'r ..,..,,... .... ~. !ailed lo deliver the weapcm II promised. (Related •tory, Psge 4) As the Russians left, they took with them gifts presonted to them by Egyp. tlan comrades. Cu1toms 1genta .search- ed them to make Me they were not car- rying excess gold out of Egypt. Sadat expelled the Soviet military personnel -believed to total some 20,000 -because Mpscow never came up with the war materla1 It pledged. Speclllcally, the sources said, the Sovlett' r<luctance to g I •• e Egypt of. fenslve weapons prompted the decision. which was made after Prime Minister Aziz Sidky went to Moscow last week in an attempt to get Kremlin leaden to change their minds. UPI Ttlt111W1• F11ture Space Tea1n? .. ' ,, BOSTON CAP) -Mick Jagger ahd) Keith Richard, the leader and leadi guitarist of the Rolling Stones, have been ~ arrested in connection with a brawl with: police. But they still made it to Boston ; Garden early today where thousand!! or ~ fans waited 5'11 hours in sweltering heat . to hear the British rock· group. The delay in the concert occurred when ' Jagger, 29, Richard. 29. and three other ', members of their traveling party were : arrested in Warwick, R.I.. Tuesday night '. on charges stemming from a scuffle : when a photographer tried to take a pie· 1 ture of the group. ; Their plane hiuLJ>een diverted to Green · International Airport at Warwick w~n : fog 30Cked in Logan International AirpOrt :· here. : : The pullout by air and sea followed a Teception Monday night with leading Soviet advlsers with EgyJ)tlan War Minister LI. Gen. Mohammed Ahmed Sadek thanking them for the services. As they boarded their planes and s,hips for home, Egyptian military comrades presented the Russians p e r so n a I souvenirs from Cairo bazaars, the sourt• es said. The Russians were then search- ed by custom of!lcials. U.S. and Russian space scientists Tuesday concluded nearly two• weeks of discussions and planning in Houston for the 1975 scheduled rendezvous and docking between an Apollo craft and a Soviet Soyuz module. The docking procedure is shown in artist's conception. "I called and J got them out and :· they're on their way," . Mayor Kevjn :_ White told a capacity crowd of 15,509 :· persons who packed the Garden for 1Qe : scheduled 8 p.m. concert. · Despite-the delay, the crowd generally:,, remained orderly. The RU!Slarui: have been eager patrons of the Cairo gold market and customs procedures were ordered after a recent dispute at an Egyptian airport involving a group of Sovij:t advisers and their families going home on rotation, the sources said. PUC Dismisses Nuclear Power Plant Complaint Dohen y Purchase to Get \Vhite. who appeared before the CfO\\'d • al l I: IO p.m. interceded with authorities. at Warwick .in behalf ol the Stones. ·~ Authorities used many ploys to keep: the crowd occupied, including at one " point passing out small, rubber footballs, ·\ which the fans tossed around the Garden ", for several minutes. ; Supervisors' Attention Earlier, singer Stevie Wonder perform·! ed for more than an hour. : When the Stones arrived on stage at : 12:50 a.m., they were greeted by a long.·. loud ovation. ; The Russians at first refused to be searched but when they did undergo frisking, custom. egeols found I a r g e quantltles of gold on them. The incident led lo tighter regulallons. · There was lltUe vialble evidence of the withdrawal in Cairo where Soviet civilian advl9era In lllCh tieldJ as agriculture, oil. lnduatry and electricity went about their -k unaffecltd by the military pullout. UCI Student, Daught.er Killed In El Toro Crash A 37·year<>ld graduate student In physics al UC Irvine -only months away from his doctorate -waS killed along with his 6-year~ld daughter early today in 1 grinding freeway crash in El Toro. Boyd G. Foster of 405 Verano Place, Irvine, and his daughter, Amanda, were killed instantly llhortly after midnijbl wheni hi! lcar left the transition road !'on the San Die.JO Freeway, soared for 175 feet , then cartwheeled. 1 The death was felt as a maj or tragedy in the university's physics department, where Foster had been a student since the program waa begun in 1965. Highway patrolmen said they had not yet determlned the reasons tor the car suddenly leaving the roG.dway on the long translUon bridge which crosses over the Santa Ana Freeway. Both lather and daughter were thrown from the spl.nnlng vehicle and were pro- nounced dead at the acene_by coroner's investigators. Spokesmen for the physics department said all its members were stuMed by the tragedy. FoJter, a candtda~ £or a doctorate ln solid·state physics, ·was only a tew months away from receiving his degree. .II, would have been, they said, the cUmu to do<ens of years of struggling for a student who worked to support a family while earning the tough degree. "It was always a financial struggle for Boyd," said a spokesman for the depart- ment. "He began as a part-time graduate student while holding down a fUU-time job and later he Unpressed the professors enough to receive assistance from the unlversit1, which hired him as a part-. time teaching and research assistant." Foster cbtalned a degree f r o m Los Angeles Trade Tech College and his bachelor of science degree from UCLA before starting graduate work at UCJ. He was granted a master of arts degree there in 1968. Funeral services were to be arranged somellme loday at Saddleback Chapel in Tustin. From Pagel CLUB .•• LOS ANGELES (AP) -The state Public Utilities Commission has disrniss-- ed a complaint by an environmental group, alleging that the San Onofre nuclear power plant could. endanger its surroundings, including the Western White House at nearby San Clemente. Meeting here Tuesday, the PUC agreed with the argwnents of S o u t h e r n California Edison and the San Diego Gas & Electric Co., joint operators of the power plant, that the PUC lacks jurisdic· tion in the case because of preemption by the Atomic Energy Comm isslo n 's aulborlty over matters cf nuclear safety. But the PUC did add that It fell salety aspects had been thoroughly examined prior to the granting of construction permits in 1964 and 1972 for the plant. "Continued operation does not con- stih.lte a threat of extreme, ot any, harm to llfe or property in california," the commission said. The People's Lobby filed the complaint with the PUC ln November, arguing that operation of the plant "constitutes a threat to life and property within California,•• including that of President Nixon when he is at the Western White House. It said there were flaws ln the emergency cooling syst~ which could result in radiation leab. Transport Study Panel Approved By Supervisors Orange County supervisors Tuesday approved formation or a countywide transportation study conunittet. . The action was a followup of a meeting held with members ol lhe Stale Highway Commission F r i d a y at which supervisorial representative~ agreed. to take steps to improve pl.aMing . and un- plementation of road, · hlghway and transit problems Jn the county. SUpervlaors Ronald W. Gaspers and David L. Baker mel wllb Ille state of. ficlals. Baker urged that the county move "or it would constitute a breach of faith with the highway commission." Supervisor Ralph Clark urged that the matter be referred to bte county ad· rninlstratlve office for a report in three weeks. He mentioned cocrdlnatlon with the Southern California Association of Government!i. County Road Commissioner T e d McConvllle urged immediate action and sald the county's Arterial Highways Financing Program committee could do the spade work and save tlme," Hls remarks were in answer to suggestions that a larger advisory committee be named. Orange county Transit District Direc- tor Gordon °Pete" Fielding disagreed arguing that a broader base was needed for study. "We need to look at all alternatives, not just freeways," he urged. "There is, for example the relocation of the railroad briefing at San Onofl't' Beach State Park tracks in the San Clemente area. the LA.- earlier this week during a pause in San Diego Corridor Study w bl ch en· meetings between the President, state compasses all modes of transportation - parks officials and members of the air, rail, buses, highways." Marine Corps and Navy. • He added Illa! lhere was talk of small The discussions centered on Interim airports surrounded by industrial areas Improvements on the rugged beach to en· with the use of Short Takeoff and Larr ttce more vi sitors. ding (ST~L) planes. . State Parks head William Peno Molt _ . SupervlSOr Caspera said that . the plan- Alann expressed by the Ocean and Shoreline Planning Steering Committee that the State was not going to purchase the entire 1,200.fOot Doheny State Beach Park extension, as planned, did not bring immediate action from the Board of Supervisors Tuesday. Kenneth Sampson, director of harbors, beaches and parks said the state now plans to purchase a 700-foot section of the beach from the present Doheny Park to an easement held by 1.100 properly owners in the Capistrano Palisades area. Sampson said the state did not want to purchase the additional 500 f e e t southward because the easement would preclude full state control of the beach and would not allow erection of fencing. Deputy County Counsel Clayton Parker said the county could buy the additional 500 feet in the future but that monumen· tal legal negotiations would be required to resolve the easement owned by the 1,100 persons. Five Men Seized In Gun ' Slaying LOS ANG,ELES (AP) -A member of an all-Chinese band Who, police said, was shot during an extortion attempt, died Tuesday at County·University o { Southern California Medical Center. CJ' Tony Fung, 20, of New york City, was shot through the head early Monday at the Golden Dragon Restaurant, a Chinatown care where his four·man troupe, the Blue Skies Entertainers, was performing. Police arrested live persons ln con- nection with the shooting. Officers said the attack may be con· nected with 10 slayings involving ex· tortion in the past year in San Fran- cisco's Chinatown. GEM TALK TODAY by J. C. HUMPHRI ES DIAMONDS STAR tN MOVIES For centuries diamond• have been surrounded by romance and intrigue. Although some of the stor· ies told about famous diamonds 'It• pure mythology, most are histori· cally verified truth frequently sur- passing the most lurid fiction . And since history began, gems have retained the interest of most people, this interest being e~ress­ ed through dilforent media .m suc- ceeding generations and m difierent civilizations. during._ that same-lull---.e:ii:plalned.-to.-n1ng department should detenn1ne ~here reporters that the departmenrsccmptete ruture roa& go, nor-the ot~ way t I f !he I. cl · around. n1~s er pan or en ire pare -six The board finally voted unanimously lo miles of beach and 2,300 upland acres -M co viii d v b d with Recent films released from most major studios are featuring dia- monds as the center o! attraction for both crooks and heroes. Al· -though-theae..moll.ies...aaL strai~~t fiction, they are fascinating au :- ences of all ages. will be ready sometime next month and support c n e an mo e a ea added lhal In this year'• budget 11.5 the technical study. million have been set uide tor the park development. About 14 million more will be needed !or ultimate completion o! the plan dur- ing this decade, he added. Motl said that thla far his department ha& spent a 4uarter·mllllon dollar• wor what t!llall' as public faclllUcs •I the pall<. 'l'liUlt lmprovtmonta am.ou.nt lo porlabl• lollela, some fencing, trails lo the beach cul along lho face of blu!/o, plus manpower for p:itro!s. Union Merger Probed VANCOUVER, Wash. (AP) -The po"lbillly of a merger of the Teamster• and Lonphoremen's unions ourfaced •ialn when It was reamed that their leadora "'re mooting here aecretly, A Seottle longahore souroe, whe RSked not to be ldentlliod, said the meeting 'l\J,.. day Wai the flrst of aeveraJ 11e1ploratory talks" on a possible merger. Among such diamond orfented films are "Hot Rock" "The Cool Breeze1•, ''Diamonds Are Forever0 • ••probe" and •1Horrowhouse." Another production by Wamer Brothers, under the direction . of Sidney also centered around the lure of diamonds. Although we have alwa,v• dealt with diamond facts, we enioy these imqinative movies and TV shows. You might find them equaUy In- teresting. The easement in question includes a J(). foot wide pathway across the railroad tracks onto the beach to the mean high tide line and extends along the beach sou thward toward San Clemente. . Sampson said the public was using the beach anyway by utilizing the sand areas oce3.nward from the mean high tideline. The supervisors voted to •·receive and file" the committee's request for .. alternative courses of action which will lead to full acquisition Of the beach." Marine Exercise Turns Realistic As Jet Crashes A desert warfare exercise was ln- Btantly transform·ed into a nightmare scene resembling 'the real thing Wednes- day n i g h t, when an El Toro Marine C.Orps Air Station jet slammed into a troop concentratioo and exploded. The 5:55 p.m. accident near Twen· tynine Palms JtiUed two crewmen -on a lqw-level strafing run over simulated enemy troops -while seven men on the ground were injured, mostly with burns. No estimate' .of the A6A Intruder's a\titude was offered, but the supersonic. fighters often come in below 100 feet. Marine Corps officials sajd many among 3,000 reservists engaged in two- day maneuvers near Camp Wilson witnessed the spectacular crash. Identity of the pilot and navigator and the seven injured Marines engaged in war games during two weeks of active duty were withheld pending notification of next-of-kin. A Ptfarine spokesman did n o t revea1 what Marine reserve unit or units were involved in the tragedy, but said this morning the dead and injured are not local men. After their first number. Jagger told \ the audience that the group was delayed ( because "we tried out the jail ror,.a ·\ \\'hile." t ''Our thanks to the mayor of Boston, ,,t, ·Jagger added. "He helped to get us out : of that jail." · Earlier, Jagger, Richard and the three ~ others arrested appeared before Justice ·, of the Peace Perry Bernstein in a special ' session of Rhode Island District Court at ~. Warwick police headquarters. They were ( arraigned on charges stemming from ~e } airport scuffle. All pleaded innocent,: were released on bail and sent under } police escort for the 60-mlle drive to •. Boston. From Pagel BUDGET •.. . • I \ ' • ' ' Sycamore Street. } Th• other structures stand tn the way l of the future .-ealignment of Civic Center } Drive from Broadway to Main Street in-;, Santa Ana . ~. !' Miscellaneous projects approved Tues-\ day included air conditioning of tbeJ medical center's acute disease center:)- purchase of a second animal shelter site• in the southeastern part of the county: 't updating a master plan for the county's: operation center on Grand Avenue and ~ design of. a new wing for the county ~: bation department headquarters tn : Orange. Total cost of lhe projecla Is 1.u; million. · ' In other action, supervisors boosted the\ pay for deputy voter registrars from is: cents for each person registered up to~t5" cents. This item will cost $17,000, county( Reglstrar of Voters David Hit~.., estimated. In a separate action, supervisors in- creased a Hart>ors, Beaches and Park:f. District tax rate to the full 20-cent llmU allowed by law to add $130,000 for use-ih ' joint community park projects with cities. • " -~ .. the perfect gift • for people who · spend time together ---~yin1U.cl&Ji(y_g!19wotwhlr1 1old·fll1i:d cut andriiliailnl nlt.,.t1ln1 br11C'llet ...... $1.SS.. L l tdits Ovn1mk wrth i.-ic 10fl st1ilnlHt &t6el b~ck. Self.wlnd'-ln~. w1rtfof8bt1nt with d't"" tclllna di.11 •f wv ..... tlU, J.C. fiump~rie!J Jewefer4 1823 ·NEWPORT BlVD., COSTA MESA CONV!NllNT TERMS IANKAMUICJ\RD-!IASTI! CHA!GI 21 VIAU IN lAMI LOCATION ,HONE 541·140 1 ~ ' "• .. "• .. ,, , .. • • - •• •l I · .. " • . " ,, '. • •• .. '·· 24 DAILY PILOT SC Wtdnesday, Juf1 l,, 1972 . ----. ~ --. Finance OVER THE COUNTER . COMPLETE-NEW YORK STOCK UST NlW Y0t1t1t' rut"1._ft1'-1,. ., prlc:tt Oii the Niw YOf\ $tocM IJICM119t: . ' . klftllldi) H~' LOW LUI CJ'lt. Mdtwll Ille NASD Lis\!ng1 for Tu.iday, July 18, 1972 """'" J! ~~~~~~:::!"~~~-"'!'-r:: .... •---.. -----··•-.. 1~m~ t~1 tt·~ z-~ !O~t ~ :rrz \t Briefs ._, ciuotatloM AND UTILITllS Am f"'<:I 1! lF I"' svc111 uo 1» Rldl 1 !~ '1\& T•ft ,.,. 'l~ lilt M"'*'1" 4i ~ l• ffii +~ ,,:;!,, INV,' 1 • S _._, _ "f ... ~ltiJ. • .!'J_ JfltN• T·-··• Am ,,,. ll" -la 1, lf ,. ,,,,!.~I II•'', '"' ''" •.c~ 27 33~ '2v. ~~ +.. • W a:.a..a 1r: erger =11r.-'= ". Ji.oi•lj-1)•~.... ~~ •• _,.. 1~ ..,. 11;,1• "c-~ v,~ "" irv:it' M ~ "~,.,..Hit '°' m-' ,.: ~nri. ·.,. lf 1J'" 11" ;m"+ ~ R~ ~ . .J LOS ANGEL or afld :;!!:!: .. -..,. Y-t ""' ... ,.,. ... 2 ..... ~ E.c •7 ., T•YIOt w • Ac!W"tu 60 1?J .,~ ~ t i .... e.· .... ~s -.OUjclals :~tctd•.,... r.:::1;: ,., ~'rot ~{"' '!31 ~W.: mt :~ 1:= ~l 11~ l:a ,;;rl>O "'"t ll"' l!" r,:c~ t.,~,t. ft A°i'1~~11 ,~ ~1 ll~ ~~ » ++~ .. , .2j' o1 ( two Callf~rni1a savmgs and =''"'on:•ir.m = "i'~1~ 1J~ 11 •."""', .. e2.~ s,,., S'tii Jam w.1 No , 111111e cs N H\" ~11.1n il ntlf _, 1 1 $0V. jO\iO ll"-~ 1. M•• ••~ aJ h ... " --1~ Jtl'l'lftb ll\.l IUl Aowt fl! t.111 YI ',."' 1'1' !1'• :ii ~,1-o Co ' lS'" lm 1l:t:: ~ ""'° 1'· ....... ~ ~i ODS ave an-~. ., ' .,,_ ll'ld ll'h I \\ A.rdn Mrf 6\w, " J~ Ffs 1 , .. 11:\1\1 StQV 11'1 '' YI m .. ~ liJnl Im.. flt -'• Oto !14'V 116 j Arrvw Hr 23~1 1"1111 J' vn M mi 201' 11.ylNt Gr• V. •1Vt ~~· 61Altt A Mii lfl<:o s,11 .,1... ~d Mw"'l;:\I. prt nary qree. Tl~ do 1101 lfl<:IUO. AHltd Eci_ 5\.1 ·i;, ,...~ 11 12\to I<• ..., $1 l~ l)4l ~ltr W 3"-lli'i ..... i "I' Prd ::i1 .,_ Ill Ii: ment on a merger. ~.:~ in:rk"~~~~ :l:=c' ~ 1:i~ 1~~ :t1'°~o1lt m? ft~ ~:i:r, "t H~ :i1• ·~t.c'· im ft~ t ,:roe it: ~~co,~ ?: 1~ 1.:z 1!~.!·a ~ 1\~ c.1 If stockholders approve' :.1~ 'I" oo .... !!!'1 •mm•~' ,. !t. •,','1,' '•'1'0 ",~ "••" •'!!!',','t• "•~ JO • "" 25 lllet1 im .... ,_," \• u '°"' 7tt. iov.+1 II -~ ..... ~ -·-u• p 2• "'" lrf .... -••• , ff"'an Or \S\il lHl T-cl AltO•l I, 0 .11 ,1•~ I ~~-~ hc~d .•1 United . Savings .and . Loan lr•~~~Ur11'•tAls :::;ebl~ J J !!~0 E ~iii. fl ~lwods.r 21 111 ?.~ c4' l.~ Uiit ~ .... f~~e~ 1• ::~1~:l "; ill: &+" i. ,-er•· Association of Clbfonua wlll &n'k"" Bide! 154 Ullo K"'l & e fi11o lI •nllki '~ 41' rn G•~ ''"'° l'Mrttn ~ J ff4: 2"-' 1:m+ \\ er A 8 11 F so m: II' Fb UV. ""' k"-''' II tl Trs:;r 11\'li Ak•n Al ·'° ~ 21'4 2014-"' r1 er IOf merge with Cltiz""" SaviJfgs e:~*" ,,,. .. 2 •• '<.~esl'"U5t lo\\ i ....... ~holl In .u1111 ,s.,.. 1r ro •1 Alco s10 .:k " 101rt 1ov. l~+ ~ i' ·" ""'~ r .,...... .. 1( ,, v. iii;° I CotnP 21'1 2~ Tr •Ir I ~ ~Alcon l.b .2. ,, u~ 0:-f fl}'!+* ... ' and Loan Associa tion, San Secur:ti'es i:~nL;: m: lta '<1Z: Ell~ 1!1tt ~ -inc 1•'4 IW. T'Wn Oltj ~ A~lllll .)l)cj ,, I~ 1214 ';;-"' ... ti Francisco, United Savings is a «r fj~11 ~~ J!t? ::.. ~~ ~~~ ;r: ,.1~ ffi~~~; ~fl~ ~ ~~'°WCUI r1ztt .,.. :\~f .. := fi 1~ ltt 1Jt+·\\ ~ g-..11·::12 . subsidiary of United Financial a,11'!!,"•iJ -1~ .. ~"' ~n,'~ 1,"•' >2•1.. • wr10 J! ?9~ ul Env. 1 \' Al~UJ'~ 1 12 2' 1x. ~\Ii ~ '' 1· ~-u • 0 .... I ...,,. ... Vi ... "' ... •"•* 1:J",1m'I"'.. Pr 3,11; ,~~. '! r''•i'r lj.. \., :/~ )'w 1.J •! =: Cl~ ;o;+ \'I ~ :J J~ '-"'rp• of C8lifornia, 8 1:-<>S n•t pens ==-~ ~o ~ J~ ~:C,!,Sll !~ \i h "-1 .. r U .. .,. '"'A ltn Or" 41 4S 2'l'-n\lt :Q\4-.... n G IE"' • Angeles firm. The holding " 8rirnco • 211\ 7i:i. L•llll ~o :;.,. ti, .m 'if: n .• n~ ~=);<. ~ l<I\.\ w-1™ :::: ~f '.·~ 171 :rt~ ,, 21\11 ••• 1~11,~1·1 Ui be ed ercrwn Ar 13 14 L;,r5 HICI :v. ~\.'I htllr CP lf;i It"'-u, p.,.~· j l" • ··~Miii• .-., 4 '°"" 40\/lo M)\lt ... I w , 20 company w renam 'Bateman E1'chler H i 11 Elru•h WI 2~ 26~ LaWl<'r c 311..,,,. ·~ \'J hoflW 15 151'1 Vance Sn • .,., -.u At li'tOd ·" u n~ 2>\i ,,_. ·~ ltll 1.ild United Ci ...... F ,. nan c i a I Rich rds I rn' ·.~·..... '•"' 1!,11 ~Oil.,,"",', ·.·, -,.,,. •'It mllllt_ l ln~ ll:W. V•n Shck lfll ....... All Pd... • .., ~~ I.~ .. i.,~... ty lnY ,)'J: 1.1_,,.., a OC ~ '" .. "' 1!..':> n•o 0'°p1'' 5_"' 2 .• ~V.Ml~S-"11 ~ ... At I $t "1.e "' iii: ,,""{!. l2ir ·~ IY 11~,, ,•1 lo Corp. and the savings and loan N-.. port 'Beach"ofwft'ce Moopenndaya ~r·~~w ll~ ~~ tr:~1v8~ 1i~ 1~ oce wr ~ W" wldw'!h-1.i fi At lllOll'lk1 " '* -\i; ..-... !!1 ~ ,,f will be called C1"'·-s United ~.. . C•m IJrn 21tt 2'~ Linc 1:14$1 ·~ 1~ ~NE Ttl .... ~ " W•hiilnl , 11 Al I en .lJd '20 ll\4 ll\li 11~ ::: lY la· -· according ·-John L HUI C•non Ml LlncOln T JtV. 21• Indus! ll"M; tu. w ll••dt 1 l AllrAllT• ... 2• 1r,, 11 ll -.. !I! savings and Loan Association. "' . · • 1osVio it1~ Lian c1s. 14\.'J 1~"" di""p,; ?:~ ~ ~:~'t;..G 1Jl'I ,ft::~ P 11~.: 4f .!m .i.:~ y~ = ~c. 11 J· • Branehes Open se~!°hn v~~ t::~t.has been E!:~ 1!: f.,., t=; co ri" ~ Eswst' Jc~ {~ ln? ~~· '' 't: l:tt 'l11~ :~ 1:t: 21: ~~ l~ ~!L·\4 "' ., 1. · Jed C•o Int A 31'1 31,'J Mad G•s JS'Ao J)l,lo W El5v 11 11111 W Rt W. Amer•c 1.20 16 l!l! '1 2m-l't Ce , LOS ANGELES -The three appo1n mana ger. ear.1.a1n 1~ ,,,. M•/ 11.nv •"'-flti .,.,, ~111 ~ W• t wt ~ 3.1 .-.m Hsi .is. l* tt "" -1 t . . branc• hes of what fonnerly . ml! said the Newport Beach ~= :,g; l!~ 1,,1~ .• ~!,',~lll•rt 11'1" 1,·.~. lfp~~~· G '7~ ~~ :' 14" M lm 1~~ :~:r'-'• 3~ ~ l-) 110~ llOU.-"" Wt ,11''~ c ... """ ¥i If" •'"•"i• 3t "° w1ca1 Pl 11\Am A'i~11Mt. 1453 ~~. !!~ ~~+~ NAl'fnfo _ .WB! Beverly Hills Fidelity Staff initially Will number 14, C~, ~ J~t? ff~ ~·~~0:~1 1:~1. (•I.. I "• Hi'4o l~ W•" Mti I 1'-Am.a.it 20 3• 13'4 1;~~ ~14-1%:;: 11,.. Ohl St , " I di I b k ... Ull .~.. tin Hm .Sl'h ~3 W•f Pub t ?i~ A emc1 ,... '' .. "!9-1!1 l ' Bank have opened as outlets u"; U ng severa r o er s 111 er 1~ 40~ ~t~ ~~u~~ 5,14 Jt? 11r11e In y 17\li w111r F Im if\l A ercst 1·20 \{o -4 41 + ;~ · of United States National being transferred from the r11· Sec: 161 173 McQllAIY 22 :n il~~ ~~ 13~ = :!Ut1>'k~ iJ11i :~~Ida 2:M I~ !! ..... ~\! ~:tr+: ~ $w1 "eni:r Bank Bateman Eichler main office c1l1} ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~m':}, a 19 \1''11" .¥ 20i4 2l WlllC PLt 2 ~ 2n1' Am c:~ . 4· ~ l 3r' 3:u '; . . . ~::oln ·U u.s·. National, controlled by in Lo6 Angeles, and othersc::..kr..:, ~ ~l~~:~f: \~ t~~ ~~I~~: ,I~ ,ra~!k~S~~ ~~1~11.l ~, f~: n:: mt+:~ :1'1ii~1iYJ financier C. Arnholt Smith, now in the aimpany's account oc•CsJ-s• ~'h ~v. ~1.~r tr 2~ ~~ subo .Fd ¥.'t t;~ f~Lt1lf. ~ ~ ~c.t:r.11111~ ~ JF? JS I!~ =~1•1Rstf~ completed acquisition of the executfVe lra~~g .program.. c':.4:oc"1t ~~ ~~~!::A 1f 1il'll 2\'! Ao;sll1 .20d .. 5114 .so~ 411.. ~ o1:,is••t 1.60 Beverly Hills bank recently The new fac~lity i:iall~ated in ~~~:"0co ~"' D~ ~:~~llOF.b 1:'1t tf'• Gainers & Losers :o~~~ ·.W. ; 1,~ 1~ ,1~_ ~ ~; I~ ~'.i WI.th approval from the the Avco Fmanc1 Center ,c:r111c11 R N 10 Mpt• G•s 31-\4 38''< Ame1"= 1.1• Sf& 27'1o 27Vt rN+ '4 o1tf. · bu'ld' · N rt Ce t YPtlH 1\1.?0 ""2 Mo A~l'I 1ri. 1i-. Am ElrPOrt 11 4\\. 31• t\to+ \Ii 8 i "11 •Ill • Comptroller of the Currency. 1 mg in ewpo n er. Dtn1 1n11 36"4 3'loli Mot>I GS.,. 17 12\ii w~ York ~'j-Thf 1o11owrnt1 1111 ~1~/:'"1 f~ z~ l~~ 1~;., ~:~+·\~ a SPrif"T i ;;;;;;;;iii;;;;;;..-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;r,--------------2~n1"0M 12 12"' ~Ill CD 30\ll Jl"' lh<IWJ 11\e •toe 5 hi! h•w• ••Intel tM A Flo~ 1"· '" '''" ,,,, , •• _ •• • .. ,. '1,',·n" ..... r rq 23\'o ZI~ Moore Pr 71/• 7'ilo mint "nd 1011 I "'°'' bl1ecl an ptrc.nl AG Id 1 .,.. • " ol Pie Ob• 0•1• OQ 3"11 •V. MooA S• 23\lt UV. of ethne• pn the Over-the-Counter m•rk11 A G"n Ins 14~ » 2'\< 21h 29 -~~ alS oti I M •l.c"§ J@ .. 1 Oel• Gtn 97\lt '9 Morr!1n J2~ 32111 ••quoted Dr tM NASO. A Gn IJf 1:at; 2f J.n~ ,.11,L ~ .~ ornb E 1:•5 LEAVING TOWN? OON'T Ll!AVI YOUJI NOME UNl"fl0T6CT&O ns ~ ~ ~ O•vtM Ir 22"11 23~ Motel! M S'fl 6 M•I •nd percen1111• Ch.111911 •r1 the A "•I .. ,.,. • •~ 1 mE pf 170 ,-~•· • ~ .>., 0.Cor In I~ 11~ MolOI' Cl 2!i'll 241h dll~r.nc• between Y9'1NdlY'I 1111 bkl A~~' i-n ~~I~ 1Ji.~ 10'j,...t1" mmw"'•' .:~ RENT ..... q 0ek1b AR 81V. 1214 N•rOll 0 1~ 1'111 PrlC• •nd tod•V'I llSI bid Pflc•, A Hom, ,f 2 ' 15~ 5,~ 1, ..... ,. g::~.1"t' !~~ lfa ~:lr'd'sol l~~ ~~~ 1 ~mWldte N~AIME'~+ ~ uo 30 o AmHoio .21 .._. •™' 1 •7 1l~ -1~ c~o:io~ A AN ULTIASONIC BURGLAR ALARM SYSTEM NI IMllllllloll CMrtt CAU FOJI INFORMATION SEA COAST ALARM SYSTEMS DMslM Df SM C.t .,., .... Su• 1451 . Pl•c1ntl......Co1t1 M ... 642~J.tto Arte Orientales S,..ielldlt I• Snulf BolllH · Ancient Porcel1in1 Preelo'us Stone Carv1np 3355 Via Lido, Suite "C" N•wpo" l•ocll 675·671 i 11 :3M Dtlly, S~. f.IL CltMd M-.Y CONTINENTAL CUISINE Now Open" For LUNCHEON 11:10 t• 2:10-Mott. tflru ftt. Aak For Our 'Culinary Masterpiece' Complet• $3 95 Dinner • From 6 p.m. ·Mon. thru Thur. l:IORS D'OEWRES AT THE BAR Ha .... You HNnl About CLUB DE PARIS M1mber1 Only Dlncfnt-LI!• Supper 501 lOtlo ST .. NEWPORT IEACH 675.0300 Ott CenT 15\li 1614 N•t Llbtv 2~ 26% j •ltntlm Ill 1'41 \._ Up 11:1 AAmMod1'1',1 ""2 33 lOl-'i fl~ 10 + \\ C EOOf 1·t0 a.tint 8r 29 :U NI P•tenl t.3~ t.S Ila Tecl•l>O 4 'lto Op 10.j .12 'ti .w,• °"" 4P~+ Vt Cw Ed n ' Of•m Crs '~ 16,,.. Nrs.t A• nt 1~ • l(MS ln01111rl• ffi "" OP 9. A M~tcorp 11$ 1m 16-'t9 l~lo-~ w WI• Olckey Cl 17"4 11\':i Ne T Co 23\4 U 5 SemorfMtl El 14\ll lV. UP t.4 AMt>IC• 1.... 111 18'iil ~ 1tV.-Vt ~0"1Ed0 rwt 0!11ltrne 214 2'4 NEnq GE 11 17" 6 Intel CorPOfln 3:S 3 Uo 9.4 AMIC pf 5'.lt S ~ '2'.lt mt+ ~ c:B'T I 1 ~ O!YrJ Sci 31\/a 33Yi NJ Nit G 1~ 1~ 7 Liili• ArthurO \Bi 1 Oo 9.j Amer MolOI' 14 ti• 9*, ""'+ Ya C I pf • Olxon J 11 19 NWDrl Pll I~ 17\'o 8 Protr•mp SY! '"! 'ill I.Jo 8. :mNSGsl ?.3',, .. ,, l!~ :M4io1_, >,.•:ft··~ 1=:rlfl' $':1 OOCutel 31 31 Nlchlin F u "6 ' CorPOrttlon 1~.. ~ UP0 U Am .. •1e · """• ,_ •• ~·-Oon•kk 3-4~\ 3fllo Nkolel ill lllh 7111 10 ADA Fncl .20k ]\{< 'It l.J t .l m;,n' .'°9 tS :36" '' J\... om111.11 .....,, Cow Jans 42\:. •2~ N1elslll A s.i.:iu L•· 11 Tass.tw1 y'lnc 13"• I Uo 8.:i A Smell 1.~ lit 1• ia"il 11\ir.-l.4 Co1111 Mills l Coyle 08 ll ll" "1<0><" ' '"" ss' IO ~om Sl'llrelnc 6\0 YI UP 1.0 "mS Air .XI •t ~ _sw, lli.-2 CnnMI 1.45d ... .. " """ 10 ross ComP 4J l UP 7.5 Am Sino .Cl 2.ft l'2Yt 12\lio ,,.,. ... (Gflrjlc( .~ 0<.1n El 8 :U'h 26'/i NolrlCI Co :U\4 .1o1,,:1_ 1• otchmtn 11\d 29 ! UP 7.• AmftdPI ~ lf 591/o 59 59 -V• Con Ed 1.to Dunkin 0 12'._ 11._. N,,..,t~lr 3:l .,. 15 ~n E<1<.1IP f'l'o 49 tJp j ·l Am ltf"U .52 27 lS'A 3:S'4 :M•.~+ \'/ Co"IEd pl S OurlrOll 14\11 14 ... NOCr NG 101-" IOU 16 l\ce lndi~trles 3"' V. UP .1 AmT&T '·"' 1.511 t3 .Ul't Qt; ... Con1 Fd 1'4 econ L•b 36 361h Nws Eni 7' '1 T c ,. A ,., 1 -'"-''' , ''' "~ ., ,_ 10.._ 17 Auto re 11 o ""tlV. u, 7.11 m P • la 57>:• ~1"'ti S7'h ... ConFdpf "'°"' w~ ,. " ,..,,. -"" !8 Educ•sl11 SYll 1 V. tJp 6.1 AmT&T wl 1527 61/o '''° 61.ljo+ \l4o Con Frtll" El Nucel 12>,I, 13"• N P Crm :IO~> ... 19 Accelet•lor1 4 14 U1> 6.1 AmW1tr .60 ll 11>.-. 11119 IHti+ v. con lMt f'llJ Eltrn111 (l) lz) "'•l'b SY 2Jrt 5>o1~ 10 Tennan!Co .70 3J 2 Uo A.5 AW.irpl 11,~ 110 164<o 1649 l~ \Ill ConsNG 1.tJ El Peso 13'4 41'\o Nw~~• Co ~ .. 21 M1a1ur1x Cp 2'V. I~ Up 4.5 A Wtr pf 1'1.i ilOO l"" 16\'I 16~• •.. Co"5rn Pw 2 EmPS 01124 25 Nvdr R• ·~ .l,~l2Fr11111ronlc In 26 !VJ Uo 6.l AWlrpf 1.0 z100 :iov. 20flo 2'X'o •.• (onP o• "' fneray C IJV• 13'11; Oi!fc l"lllf 33\ .. ...., ... 2l K1!e G......,. Sk 2'.lo ,,._ U1> 5.t ArMron .6.5 xi• IWI 151.4 l~t •S C p I 7 '' Enwirtc A9\._ •9\'o :>cean Dr •IVi •9'./o 14 Fr~Herr .l'.ld 11 I t)p 5.9 Arntllk .~ · on ·p Eq.u/ly 01 10,,._ lH• Olfsll L9s JI.,,, 31'1'1 2S suoreme EQpt ~l 2'/• Up 5.f AMF lncp 1 ~ 1:i? 1,N 1!1.t--1~ Centi Air lrt Erl• Tee 131':1 i_,,,, Ollllw M •S\l:i 46\f> \.OIERS Amfec Jh ft lS'lt l4lh ~+ \\ ~~ l4t;? ESO Com 10\<o 11 oli FerrA 10 10'\0 1 SlrlHm Pl 2 . ..0 1'1>-Vt Ort, 25.4 AMP Inc M 30 t7,,._ NV.. !:.,..._ Vi Con C-< Etll•n A 47'1• 41"1,io OUQtr Co 16 l71h l E•tle Ctv Dtw 5 -1 0t 16.7 "mpeop 36 3l 1t'o ~ ~+ ~ Conti COrp t F 8 Ceco H'lo 2\11 OIYmo 8 2014 2114 ComPlll•r lrnt J:V.-'Ii Off 16.7 Ampex 'cp 200 7.... 7\.. .._ V. cnttCp "'2\.'ii , Fair Lnt 13t. i•llo <>mall• N 24¥1 :ZS\lt • Enlwlslle CO 4.,.,_ ~ tiOtttttf 14.3 Amrep (C)(p 1.s, ~ .. ~ ?!,~+ ~ C c~~I 2,. Fst 80l1n 33 3.lV. Open Rd 3514 34 5 0•11 Tt-ehnQh;i 2~-""' ll.O Am111r 1.IO ...,.,. •• .... ~..-.. "' ..,. hi Comr 37 37\0 Opt Seen 10'11 11 111 6 F,....klCo .lOd _..._ ~ M.6 A.Jlerpf 2.6.5 l 4$\.'I: 451./a 4J'h-\II Con ltl 1.27111 Ill WslF 2'1\ 2'111 Ore PCm 13 13:V. 7 Process Pl•nt • -\II 11.1 Amstr pf 61 5 9 n.. ~YI COflllnVlt 21 Flsco Inc 2'"4 -21V. OrtnOlll U•1" 14~ 9 Shenod OlwSv l\ .. -V. 10.0 Atnsled In . 2 I l1V.. :WOO 31 -% C~11 ~II .sod1,. Fllckor 22\'a 23''" Ottar T P 21V. 12 t 0!111 Corp l lh-1'.I& Off 9., Amtel In .20 t m S14 ~ C ... 01 •~ Fosl Gml JSI/• l6 OYlf'S NA 5\1> 911 10 AIO lncorp 1 -,_ Olf t. Anecond• 117t 1~ 16V. 161/J+ ·~ Cont 011 Ill 1 Frank Cp •"<. 5V. Otlle Cfll 11Vr 12 M CenYlll Comm 2tV:o-3 8fJ 9.5 Ar>el\or Ho 1 3' J3W 3014 33>~ ... Cn Slf<!ll .AO Frank El IO"'ti iP.'o P&bsl 8r 97Y:r i8 12 Siil AY• t'.:•rcls 31'-~ t.c Ancoro 08o l 9>/i. 9%o 91,!, ... Cont Tel .M Friscl'I R 25'4 25:\ioPeccer 42\11: 4:1v,13Detlnt8r 1.5' 29 -3 8"tt 9.4 AndCI 1·20A • 4ffi •S •S -'l>Contrl [)e!e Fro! FdE ~ 21\lo P"c Lum 30 ~ 14 Gllbtrt Robin rn...."' t .2 AngeUea . 18 15 ~ ll~I ~9%.+1% COOk Un .IO Fuller H :ZS 25'\ii PaSo 8rd l:ru llV• 15 0~1oF•rr" .80 10 -1 0D1tt, 9.1 A°"cheC "32 l• 16\tl 16 16 -\lo Cooo llW$ AO G•!brth 28\io 26'1 Pan OcOI 9~ 10'1• 16 L1l,ur1 Group 1'1•-V. 9.1 A~ 011 ·.; '59 21\\. ~ ~ .. , COOPL•b ISi G&rflnk il'• 24+. Peul Rev rv.• lB'lli l7 LMFCDtP .Old \OV.-l Sl:!! 9.0 Apeco 12d 10 lO'h 10 10 -Vi (OOO<"l .260 GAAutm 2~~ 1Slh P1uley p ll4 •'~ 11 CornS!al.Co II J~o-~· au I.• A P L Corp 3S I~ 19~ l•st,+ ~ Cooolof l\(o Gn RIEit 8¥. 9V. P1vel1e I~ t•_lo ~ ~:Ji'::~~nd.~ • 1i:!=1 \4 Otf fj APLpfC i.06 J 171h 17\'a l."'J ... C-tnd .tO Gn Sh11I• :10 ... 211.(. Pvl•5 C11$ 35 ~l;. 21 Lelsur• Oynm 12"'4-l\.'o Olfl I l ADPPlll 7.40 110 97 97 ,, .. ~O&ID RI~ g::~111~1 W ~b~. ~\'/ ~::r~' sw r~~· 14 27 lndu•Trlel Svc .W.-'h Of 1:0 ~~~1f! l'1J ~ 16~ 1&111 1,i-u~2~ ,, .... ,, 011 21.c_ "'d M" J p 0 ,. W ,, ,,., 2~ Ra.tlant 1rl0us 11'>--\io Off j·7 · ,.... ....., l\~ a ' :5;-z )" N•IEnw Contrl l'h--\II Otf .7 Arul•N .l• 2S 1•11 l~>Jo IS"'i-.-V. Coutln 1 .•~ GovE' Fcl 11 21%1 Peosl We 14lol ,.· -;~ :z.s E11Yi1Y Oil .40 10'/o-fl Off 7.• ArctierDnl I 511 2>01)! ,'!!! •"•~ ·;,:Cowin Com Gr•Pl'I n 13'4 u Pel H&H :Ill.ft ,.. Arcl!c Enlp ,... ..... ......--... c ·-" Greol'I Sc 70 ~\~ Pelrol!a 49 '9\lt A I PS I n lt li'MI l~,.._ \'I &:t1o'"11 '1.10 GrnMt P u>oi 1sv. Pertl cro 1m ~~~ T-"fost Aeti-e A~1!r.o ·~ 35 •V. ''" c•i. ·-· crintC:o 16 Gr1y Adv 17~ 17l'o Pl>Qtn Inc lo>A ,.14 "°•• Jt: "" Arlen RllOY SO l•lto I~ 15"-V. ireO!IFI •.rt GroYe Pr l \'l l!'o Plnkrtn UV.. 15,, r...-Sii 1 '1 1('1" 2:0<11 20\'I •. , rOdl., l,66 Gull lnbt 5•~ 61,. P -r W 1~ 17,, ••ew YORK \UP'T"' _ c"':'' ,,. Arm of 2.10 1 2'HI :.• ~ •1. romp IC .m Gyrocrv 4'.lo ·~ POPe T 11 16Vt -~ 11 " -• " ~ '"r Arms Ck 1111 J5t :M'4 ~ 3' -4 rouseH .si '"'"" Fnll: 29y, 3oV• Portr HI( 21"' ...... Yi! $1.....,.J tr ~ on lt>e 0 m•rktl ArmslR 1'"' 2A 3'.''t. :17~ 3J'to-V. rO'M'llC "' H•ll Fnk 791h JO\/o Post Co 23~ 2•V. Tue"5•r •$ SllPPUed by NAU>. AroCorD '90 ~ 2l''t 2:,_ 11'1t>-'I• r-n Corle H•r~r R 10 IOVJ o'°",,..J",,' "o•• "10• R k O AOR V1'!!fme .!.,. Albd CM. Arvin Ind • 1 41 0 14 «™ •1~+ 111 1rwfl ZI 1.20 H~red F 4214 •• ,,. P• " n r:an .,...,400 ..... 21 + \/o Ao"I 001 t -'" ..... ~ Ul'o 2''L+ 6 • ._ .... • -Heu ton 26v. ;;;::; Pr~f Golf 4'h ~ P~nOfh G•s 91.lOO tv. t . .. . . " ere'W ~u.... · ~ "'" ... r.,.... .. , _, H!llH Lm 40 •IV. ~~NS CM,\\ ?~ if~ ~~~,.~·'cp ~MO~ ll\fi ~ 1 Al DrvG 11.lo 1tl ..:~ t9llo ,.m:!: ~ ~!~1,~~ ~ iiiiiiiii~IHllvw Ttl 1SI? 2'\.'i Publshr1r ~ SVt c nG 1111( 49 7~ 74" AIJOSor 110 • ~l :11 21 , ~ummln .ti Han Jndu 21~ Jl"' Pureo•c 221/a ')I 1Ms f1tt1 ° •7 T F." 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IU-1Mt 1 CMI• M .... taltl'. ltdt I I I I I I L-~-~!!-~!~~~!!~~---j Hyder C 49'• .SO•,~ R•tov E11 ~ 91' NA.SO Volume Todt• 7,517,600 AIRC Df :LIO 119 •1 "Yi ..... 1-1....,e SYs 6"• t'ioo Rrrce Co ~ 3514 AdYlnat. ;m l\nltdi ort 1 3 1• 14:\11 tE 2\14i O•mOll C• Inds Nuct 35~~ :!>\ Rftl Vnlw 22~ 2l'l.i Adcllnn 1285 All•s COrp '* 2\6 2\'I 2\4 ~ O•nRlytr M Int Alum 19 20 Revn &R l7* ll'h Unthlf>!IHI l"S ATO Inc .i2 1' 111/o 10l'lo Ui. i4 D•n.tCP I~ Jn 8kW A 11' Ai Rite Fd 11 1U4 Totel 31"1 :~:;::1 'l-J: J 'm ~ tt,:+ ·~ 1~1!::, ..r·; ":z:::-::>:=::::::"""""""""'c:=::::ii111•C:::"'""'"'""•mz "-cC)(.. 1n •·~ 1~ 1M+ YI n;r-1.i.1 1::1:r-Awco Vo wt. ... 4 J r. 3f,_ v. •Y n I ,J• AYCO 3.20 12 ~·~ 4S\"io 4WI .. , I H.~ AYtrV d .24 '2 i7~1o r·~ 31 .. + ~ tYPl;J ~ MUTUAL FUNDS Avntt .1.5d 111 ll\'9 Y.W. k~: ::r,&t.O 2 ::i,.r 1~ 19S 117~ 11•~ 11~+ ~i :f':t'f -1·!~ Atfec: 011 " __!~,~~ 11'.4 l lV. ~ Otn• _,1 :JO •• b&wll •• 121 2'" 21,L ...,.,_ "-b• .c ntn B•cne .10d 33 11l; 11~ tihl a6 ger ~· Cp 0:""&:;cl!Om;a:::..::s:: ... 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Oryt Fd 12.61 13.82 IWY Fund 1.74 9.76 Spec•! .19 37.71 •noor n 39 IS% 15'4 u·~-1,4 e~ j --Oryf Lw 11.40 lt.07 J•nUs Fd 11.75 11.1$ SEC:UJl lTY FDS• B•narP "' 2 4 21\fr 26\'J. 27\!J+ Vi l(lr o , .4 Tllffda1, Jv1r 11, SP 1ncm a.os e.c J1t•n •lit 1.n 9.SJ e 11urt1 439 ·All :~no3~y111 ! ~Vt ·l:.,. ~1+·~ 8\:1,~r l.eo Jtnlld Mk E3Li: C~I 1~::i 11: ~~~\'~DNf,·83 :V.83 lnves 7:.. ,: .. B•nk v •• IO I 311,4 32\4 ll'A+ "' Dl•m Sllm I Abfrctn 2.16 2.lilt EATON' ~u51 81 lt.ll 20.01 Ullr• fl/ l0.2l l .'11 enln Tr 2.U .st S1~ .SW. 51V.+ V. 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""" '>j!"· t;;; ~ \c1•io. ',., ~~'/:: J, ~\ 'l' w;~"" • • ~-,,_ .. om. t ' lmpr1_C. I Gt'W!ll 3 lJ~VJitM.tr ,Jl 11}4'1 :111 A.f " lt! l'i W .. A = ~I .. • ~ .fI·~ l • , 4 ~· Erl ~: , ~·rn: NW l ·* 1':~ 1't , 1::0 ~fl ~:c.or ... :::::: ~ tl; • : ~ ,~ t ': I =~ ~t 'l~ llf:· :·"~tJil' . ~ I,~ ~ 11f."' ~::~ <.lilf: :::l .. ,_ l l · '1:,'l!!' h 1r, 1!. ""'"" ,. ire1« 111"! :f:-·'I s' \: " " -11 !''!lit' .f ""~ .,. ' • nv ~rc "3 ltJl Pt"Wd fft • = jf."tf :t:'"' .» ,~ ~ 1ml1YP ~~ ~··l . ~~~f'·J·~;~.\: .. ~~~~ 'ii· .. '1·1 ~· TI: 1:: :~~~.'tj .. •+5 ~m ~ ;;.;·~~ 11)s~ND '.!~it fr~lll 11 · w\r~ i·1 :& I~' 1'.r: M l(+~ :n: l;JZ ·~~.. ,,: ""'i·~" . .II I~ '1 :. I :: fr:l~I.. nl I ;; .... • ~ ~ .... ;:. :.. = •. .. Viti• , w Gtlt '"" Sov• 1 l tell ,... t I """'~ , j '°"' l£l! W ~ .. , tnl T" '.ti " dPft(I 1.,. I ' ~ itn '}ff I '' .., ! , tt.--1.,.• F zi..1.,1 .• ~ ,. ~"I' . , +r~ ~-s11n ... • ,_ ------~ ....... .-....-.....-.._.., 11, l ·"I "I", ., . 1111n111 io:-t--4.. tr•IM "'~r-.cltt•ts tn "' ~...c;...,.;...y...-,.;......,....,.....,..r4...~-4,.7 ~ ti s.t•n•r ; l·l,IMYllll " ~.\ , " ,td0$1 1"4 -~- • • ) ,, I W1dnud.1tf, J11ly 19, 1972 DAJCV PILOT 2J Jtloney's Wortla P sycliiat ric Help Ford Denies '""'•"•T=,="""LEG""•"'•-::W=N-=.<m= .. "-=CE:;;,;;.,:;;""''TT=-,1!:.~! :':~! H(lf<t lt htRlrr tlwn lMI .i.t ¥11> I.AMI STAl't...-tNT Colfll D h I • k cs.rtlff*I wll6 1111;1 M f""11libl• tor '"' The k!llO""!MI "'"°"" ,,. eat .In ll•tm or ltabUlll• <*!lftcftd bY •n'f"M bu-'6iut ••~ J • 1,.. P"1 Ofl\tf' IMll mrMlf, ....... 1t1•r Ink dtit. FAY'& Fllwloul ..,..!!,. ... , ••• c" O.tfd lhlt 11111 C.t ol J._.1y, ltn. T11111rT PtiKAi. ._ .. ...., ' Otvld O'lr\tn C.IUotnl1 ~. I f>l ... SPtlrioflt!d S!,...I F•v It.,,,.,.,,,, 114 Pott Tto••' .• CMll ff,tU. C.Utor11l1 N...,'°'1 &Mdl, Calllornl• t24o'O-Publ'L.nfd 0.tll'lff Co.ti D•lty Piiot, H•rotcl M, MUrr•r, \Ml Port T;::•I -" To Failures ,_ Joe .. caraway of 14,gunn Hill,...has bt!en named director of public relatiol\, f-0r Atartfn Advtrtfsing-Pabllc Relatloos in Tustin. Phippr Precision Products. Robtn B. Kellogg has been appoin- t eel assistant vice presi- dent in the Orange County Re- gton11 1 head office of Union Baok. He joined the Entails Sl1 opping By SYLVIA l'ORTER reduced amounts tor treat· men! as an out·pati.ent. • July 11, lt. ''· '"' 1126-n Pl•ct. NIWPOPi •• .ui. C.l~IJ"',',,• ,, ·• lhlt 111.o•!ntU it IJt'(l\I (ClrNU( DnROlT, Mlch. (AP)-O-r•I PtrtrNt/llp. d M lo LEGAL Nt'TICE Rtr It. Mur••Y John C. Eckhold, F'or o r Herold 11., Murr•Y Co. auto safety dJfect.or, has ••CTITious 1us1N111 Tiii• •'•tetn•nr 1111d w!lll 1~ 1~;;'"~~ I··• ~ b RI h NAMISTA.TeMENT CLttkofDr•llffCOUl'llyonJ11IY • ,,· ~ den"" \;!larges y a p The loltowr"' "''°" Is 001119 bu•lflfft ik¥•rlY J, MldlJUI(, D•""''Y cwn•r, 1:;,; Nader's .ce~ter for Auto Safe-•1; PLAZA OIL oir CALIFORNIA. (16-W Pllbhlhed Of'&r!M COid o.i1., pn~;· ty that fa.Jlure of a wheel eo1 .. Chic• Hunt1r191on ... ch, c.111. Julr it. 1t. ,. •nd "-1111""' i. 1tn ''°' 2 Caraway was formerly with the Orange Coun1y ~ln.nage­ ment Council as assistant director and public relations CCINU!tanl Previous to Iha!, he served as (I n Air Force publlc information officer. * Newport Beacli r e s i d "-n t MU.Ile Wood has been 1ransf1.:r- red to First Wes1ern Bank 's Orange COunty regional office.'. She previously served as eon· sumer fi na nce officer with the branch's Temple City -0frice. She has been associated wilh FJrst Western since 1959. * Donald Schultz has been ai> pointed ror- porat!' direc- tor of mar- keting f~ A1Jsslon Vie- jo Company. lie will he responsible Io r deslgn criteria and :selection of arehitects for the !Inn's proj· eel&. He resides with his family in Tustin. * Seal Beach resldent R. F. Mansour has been promoted to wist.ant· vice president or United California Bank's Los Angeles heedqulrlers. He joined the bank In 1969 as an indU$1:ri'aJ engineer and was an assistant cashier before his promotion. * Mlcroilata Corporation has promoted Thomas J. Mulder as product manager, responsi- ble for marketing of the Micro 1600 mimj,computer. . He formerly served as senior programming analyst at Microdata. He and his wife and two children live in C<>sta MO!a. * Raymond G. Corkery has been appointed director of the Mission Integration office at Ctlesco Joda1trie1 in Costa Mesa. Corkery was previously an ass<>eiate group director of all Army project!' aod testing with Aerospace Corporation in ,El Segundo. * Corona de! Mar resident Brace Brus&eau, ah industrial salesman with the Coldwell, Banker and Co mp any '• Newport Beach ollice, has been named a senior sales comultant. He joined tbe firm ln 1966, !ollowing s a J es assignments with a large busi ness machine manufacturer. He was among Coldwell Banker's top salesmen between 1969 and !971. * Babcock Electron.Jes Corp. has apPolnted John M. Phipps as vice president of operaUons for C<>ntrol Products, KELLOGG bank in 1968 ;-uld 'vas promoted ti loan of- ficer in J 971. Kellogg resides Jn Laguna Beat h with his wUe 11nd son. * Dick Steloeke, manager or Buffums'. F'ashion Island , has been Clt.'<'led president of the Fashion lslund Merchants' Association. * \\1• H. Naylor has been nam· ed by Pbllips lJu s ine ss Systems Joe. as di s trict manager for Norelco dictation equiprnent in the Southwestern U.S. The Dana Point resident formerly was western regional nunager for !he Mi c ro 'Division of Sharp Electronics. * Robert E. Newberry has been named assistant vice presMent and branch manager of Mason-McDuffie Company, residential loan office in Santa Ana. He is a licensed Californ ia realtor and a member of the Sou{hem California Mortgage Bankers Association. He and his wife reside in Newport Beach. * Lon B. Ru bin, housiog ex- ecutive, has assumed the post -0f executi ve vice president o( the Behring Corporation. He will continue to serve as ex- ecutive vice presi~ent of Leadership Housiog Systems, Inc. ol Santa Ana y.•here he has serv- ed for two ye~~~·in was formerly as- sociated with the National ~ A s sociation " of Hom~ I . Builders in Washington1 D.C. where he served as dii-ectbr of mortgage finance. Prior to joining the Santa Ana firm, he was assistant di vision manager -0f "the Southern California housing division -0f Kaufman and .Qoard, Inc. * Ronald James Perkins has joined the Santa Ana ofpce of Dena Witter and Co. as an ac-- cownt executive. The Htlnting- ton Beach resident was form· erl;Y an engineer for TRW Sys- lems in Red011do Beat:b. * DonaJd G. Durant hes been appointed director or industrial relations at Collins Radio Com· pany's Newport Beach opera- tions. About 20,00(),000 persons in the U.S. wilf at some time develop a fo'rm of mental or emotiooal disorder requiring psychiatric care. according to the Nationa l Association for Mental Jleallh-almost one out of every 10 ol u.'I. On any giv~n day or the year. nearly 500,000 of these are in state, <.-ounty and private mental hospitals. Each year, the American public spends an estimated $4 billion on the t treatment and preven- tion or men- t~I illness: our economy loses anothfr $ 1 7 billion because of the dccreas· cd prpducliv- ity of the menta11y Ill. Overall, this has become a $21 billion probl~m in the U.S. alone. AND TllE problem goes beyond this. For it has also been estimated that there are more lhan 1,000 patients for every available psychia trist and that, of all who need psychiatria care. only 10 to 20 percent ever get it. Here are the ansv.·ers to rour of the most basic moncyiqucs- tions you might ask about psychiatric care. How do you go about finding a psychiatrist? First, if you believe you need such help, cansuli y.our primary personal physician. He knows what kind or person you are and which psychlatrist might be of most benefit to you. He probably also will know if any pa r t i cu l ar psychiatrist is regarded with any suSPicion bv any of his own medical colleagues. AND TlllS is a benefit that is being written into an in· creasing number or group policielJ. Is it possible to shop for lhe-se services? Yes, It U possible to shop for psychiatric services. Start by che<-king the Department of Health to see what guidance you can get on your particular problem. A health officer will be able to refer you to services available through the department or private agencies and also will be able to help you find the names of pSychiatrlsts in private practice. ChecK with your I o c a 1 religious leaders and other community leaders to see what free services might be open to you. Don't overlook such govern- ment programs as t h e V e t e r a n s Administration which conducts a large-scale national program or medical care and rehabilitation services. LOOK IN THE telephone directories to see how wide a range of low -cost psychlatric services might be available al great money-saving value to you. Of course, ask your friends for help and find out if your own com pany has any sources or assistaoce. And by all means. discuss the psychiatrist's fees with him or her at the very start t.o see what adjustments might be made. FINANCE I nventory Control Meet Set TI1e Orange County chapter of !he American Production and Inventory Control Society is scheduling a dinner for 5:30 p.m .. Thursday, at the Carter Bowl in Fullerton. All persons, especially those interested in advancing their knowledge of production nnd inventory · manage1nent, are invited to attend. Tickels are $5 for members, $5.50 for non- men1bcrs. Richard B. Tho mas, systems engineer with JBl\1, will present a workshop on "Basic }"orccasting Tech- niques." Social hour is set for 5:30 p.m .. dinne r at 6:30 p.m. and the program at 7:30 p.m. Carter Bowl is located at 1501 So. Lemon Ave., Fullerton. For reservations call John Newman at (714) 621-2501. Deadline: July 31st liOkage in 1965-1~9 full.-sized ~oc1tric c~ cat"' 1"4t lloltt 'C111c•. LEGAL NOTICE Fords r~ltc<! tn occ1dents Hunti1191on BMch. c.111. causing six deaths and 29 in-I T~toburlllfft 11 °'1"° condllclircl.,., en MUNICIPAL COURT OJI CALIJIORNtA, juries nd., u:oo c. CAI N COUNTY OJ< OlltAHOI. OlltANG!' • Tll1$ •l•ltmllfll 111«1 w!lll ttlt CounlY COUNTY N A R 8 0 It JUDICIAL CltrM of Oru'IOI County Oii• July 11, 1912 OllTlltlCT, .M7 WHI ltnl Stret1, (Hll • NADER HAS been badger-BY ,:,•v•rly J. M.cldox, OfP\lt)' cou11h Mttt. 'l~~"';uMBl'llt IJilt mg the auto company for two C1• ,1"'' suMMoHs Years urging a recall or all Put>l!1llnl 0••• Cotti 0•11)" Pllol, Pl•lnllffl AME A:!CAN ACCE PTANCE h f• 1111 nge Jvly ,,, 26 •lld Av;ult J. f, ltn 1J19-n CORP, OF COSTA MESA, • COtPOl'lllo11. I e our m on passe r "'· Deltllll11111: JACK o. SESSIONS, cars to replace the lower , ~GAL NOTICE ao11av J. sess10Ns, ooes 1-x. b "' d h ~ l11Clu1h•f. arms, ut r or as To""' 0tren11tnh: . tently asserted there is FICTITIOUS IUSINESS A CIVIi (On'IPlt!nl II•• bHn Iliad bv the persLS HAMI! STATEMl!NT pl1l11ftfl1 •. ,1911191 VQU. II you wl,11 IO <;te- 110 problen1. The follow1111 P11r&an 11 c1o1n11 bullneu ltnd 1ht1 l1W111Jt, YOU mutt t[lt In ttlls h N d 11· court t wrllttn pltlCllllll In rtlOONI lo Jn a letter Monday, i e a er . COAST HOME MAINTE NANCE. lW tho cOIJ'lt)l1l11t lot • wrfllen or OfBI 1•roup urged Ford President Labritd!ll', Costa~ .. c1111. P!•ICll111, If • Jinllce Court) w1111t11 30 o I A:obert v. 8rluon, 1644 L1brtc1or, davs 11ttr th11 "-lll'IMOnl If HrVtd Oii rou. Henry Ford 11 to personal Y Co•te Me1a, Calif. Ott1arwl1t, Your dtlau!I wUI bt •nl•fed ~~ "act now to prevent additional T111, bu1l11ou 11 tiel119 carodvc1&11 by '" •OPllctllon bv the p1111111tt1 •rid tht cou . h'ldlvldual. mar enler a ludQmont •11al11•I you tor !I ' human and economic losses ROBERT v. 8R ISSO N moMr er 0111tt r•ll•f rf<!1.111sted In 1~~ from Ford lCl'ver control arm ci~~~· of11~~~~~1~!:i1:'Y ::'.11J~~ 1f°\'9"7~ c~~:!11:W1m h '"' ttM NvL« ,, '" , •. failures." BY B1ver1y J, Maddolc, DePUty Cou11rr torMY 1" this rntlttf', Yf"J lhO\lllf do • ClerM. pr-Pll'I 111 t1111 rour 111t1dln.11 If tn .. In his reply to the center ,1Hn in•Y " Httd 011 llmt. harges Ech'·"·ld branded 3S PvtlllsMO Orange C~!I 011ly P!lol, Olltd Morell 1,, l'n. l' • JUru July 19, 26 •~ Au11v.t 2, '• 19n ltu-n M, Hamn11, Clerk absurd the center's report that ' &'I J. comas, D•Putr Ford has spent "hundreds <>f LEGAL NOTICE ~~~~i~o a. HEWELL thousands or dollars" covering Anorney 11 l•w f ts FICTITIOUS SIJSI N•n "' 1:1111 11'1t1 SlrHI up the alleged de ec . NAM£ STATl!MINT Cotti M"•· C1Ulor11I• nttl Tiie lllllowlng persons Is cloll'll buslntst {1141 '40-o800, 541-tOU ts: AllOtllfY tor Pitllllllft TIIE LOWER control arms JEM co. LEASING & SALES, sou w. PullllSl'!«I Or1n11t Co1st 01111y Pllol. are not def-ti've, Eck.hold Ke111. St11ta Ana, c1111. 9'l10t. Julv 12. 19, 26 •1111 Awust t, ,,,2 11'5·72 "~ James F. Owen. .5013 W. Kent, Stnt•1------------said, adding, "\Ve have con· Ana, C•. 921cw. d Tllis bu1lr1tSS Is "Ing co~uctecl by '" ducted scores of lab tests an 1n<11v1du11. fie ld investigation handNtu1med1 Tiil' ~~~!!11f·n:'E:i111 "" Couflt'! •AR 4'tt II Its t t e a Iona NOTICE TO CREOITOll:S over a resu 0 Clerk or OrAfllll CounlY 1111 • June 2,, 1971, SUPEA:IOlt COU RT OF TH1! Highway Safety Tr a f fthi c e,' •• ,:.•vtrJy J. Millkkl•, Depvty Countv STATE OF Cl\l.I FOA:NtA FOA: THE COUNTY 0, ORANGI Administration to prove e " 1uSt NrJ. A·nttt b nee of defects in the lower Publ!Shftf Or•n9t COiii! [)illy Pllol, Ettltt of ANNA LOUISE PELLETIE~ a SC " June 28, and Julr S. 12, lt, 1972 1't0·7l Oece~sed. control arms. NOTICE IS HEA:EBY GIVEN 10 ''- The center cited a letter to LEGAL NOTICE r;::1!rr'p.~~Z'ti1~=·d;~111":r:1e;cii~! Nader from Marie Shepack of FtCTITIOU~ au~INESS wld 11ectde11t •r• r9q\ll-.d to tit• 111em, LEGALN<mCE . NJ . h' h he ~ME STATIMI NT wl!ll Ille flleff"O' 'IOUdllrs, "'ll!e o!flc• Summit, .. , in W IC s The 1011ew l11v petllOl\i art doing of 1111 clerk of 1111 •IXlv• 1111r1t1e<1 murt, or said her son felt a bump and a btnlntss es: to Prts1n1 tMrn, w1111 Ille necei11rv thump before their 1968 Ford N~~~r11~1~~. c~~'~ ;~;,Lf:i~,n~ ;,~=·~:;0!~1;:: ~~:r~i:~~~'R';~,f~':: fastback went out of control Marian A, Titus, l'611 Mount Todd ' SARNES tav , E~EST J. SCHAG. . Slr!!<e!. Fo~nltlt1 V1Ue-t, C1llf. JR.I, ~52$ MlcArtnur 8lvcl., P.O. Bo1e and hit a tree four years ago, 1<1 1c111rd J. Titus. 1u21 Mount Todd 17116, Newpar1 aeacn, c1111orn11 '26'3, k·11·ng ,.,.0 passengers Street. Fou111a111 V•llfy, c1n1. wllldt r, th• place of bustneu or Ille l I ., · This bu'lntts Jt be1110 COndLICfed bl' • un<ler•lo111d Jn •II mellrn pertt!lllMI 10 P1rln~rsllJp, ttl• e•tate ol 1elcl cle<ed1111t, wlttlln lou r JN ANO'lilED 1 et t er MARIAH A. TIT US monlfll lfltr Ill• llr•I PVtlllCllillfl of tt11' "~ ' Tiiis il1teml!lll Ille<! '1""11 ttll County nolla . William J, McCormack of Clerk a1 Or1rrn cou111y'on: J~rr 1. 1,n. Cited Ju1v 1, 1m. Se NJ told Nader his e~ eevtrlY J, Mecldox, Oeguty Cou11!~ LEONAA:D J, PELLETIE• CaUCUS, · <> Clerk. Adm!nl,lralor Wilh tilt July 31 is the deadline for father died of a ruptured "1'*" w111 AnMJ>:.O, filing a contribution return d aft b"s Publls htd Or•1111e Co.st Oo!lr Piiot, °'Ill• E11t11 o' tl\1 •txwt n1me<1 spleen seven ays er 1 Ju1v 11, 1~, 26 •nd A1111vsr t, 1912 1803-n cleced.,,.1 and report of disability in-l965 Mercury f\.Jontego veered LEGAL NOTICE outtYEA. cARPll!NTEtt • BAR NES surance wages and Report of into a telephone control five !:~: J.~~~,'~~~~a. Jl.J OR YOU l\11GHT turn to the Personal Income Tax Withhe ld years ago for no apparent F1cT1T1ous aus1NE11 P.O. •ox 11u (opti nal) fonn DE7003 for NAME sTATEMt:NT NIWPOrt B••<ll. c.111. nus local menta l health association UCB N ° ' ' reason. The 1011ow1n9 per1°" Is 11o1111 b•nlntss T•I: W·not I Otes the second quarter of 1972, A. I f GI · ai· Publl1/>td Or•llO• Co.11 011ty Pnot, or the state menta health Another etter ron:i ona · u~iTEO DYNAMICS. tff03 Pe,-,im-July 12. 1•. 2• •1111 1.1111u,1 :t. 1912 un.12 au thority for the names of P. Spittler, Tax Administrator Gooding said she noticed her mon s1rttr, Fwn1a111 Volley, c1111. n1oe ------------qualified ps,vcbiatrisls in your E • u for the State Department of J"""'o Ford pulling to the left tioward 1 .... 111 Sm!ln, 2623 Mllche u LEGAL NOTICE armngs P Human Resources Develop-:rtHJ Orlve, woodrklee. 1111"°'' 60515 ------------neighborhood. od i'ust before it swerved out of T11~ busi111is ls btl1>11 <0Muc1eo-br tn NOTICI!! TO CRI OITORs ment in Santa Ana t ay s· · v II 1fld1v1dua1. How much time and money control near 1m1 a ey, Howirc1 lrvln smun suPe1t1011t c:ou11tT o• THW is invol.ved in treatment? United California B.anlt has reminded em p Io y e rs of Cali! tv.·o years ago, resulting This $1ateme111 tHed w11h the' Counly STATE OP C.t.L.1FORN1A ""o" agricultural employes. . ., 'ch killed her 6-Cltrk 01 Or1no1 County Oii; J111y 1, nn. TH E COUHT'I' o" OY,NG& How much you can expect to reported that second quarter Penalty and interest will be in a crash whi arer Beverly J ~ •• Otputy County estate of lti:T'H A_tWt~HO£PP.E 1111. Pay and how Jong your-. treat-earnings Uicreased 16 percent ch if 1 year-old son. c 1<.. ,1.., RUTH SCHOEPPE, Dtc••sld. the nd' 'od arged . the report is iled Publlshed Or•lll!* Coast Deny Piiot, NOTICE 15 HE~EBY GIVEN .. IN ment will last will depen'd on over correspo mg peri after the deadlines, Spittler LEGAL NOTICE Ju1r 12 19 26 •rid Augvst 2 1n2 1m-n crtdllors of ltlif •bov• ntmt0 ~"' your condition and the treat-last year. ---===o:-:c:;-;;;;;;---i --·-,·~;;-:-;-;:;:;::;.:::;:---l tMt 1111 PINOll$ 111v1ne d•lms ff•lntt tilt A bank spokesman said that said. 1'1CTIT1ous aus1Nll!SI LEGAL NOI'ICE ttld cl«edt11t ''' reoul~ to 1111 ttl1m, ment chosen for you. Employers who need help in NAME STATEMENT w1111111o necessa,., YOU<ll•"-111 111e 0111ce Th t t · I h ( the improvement was related T"• 1011_.1,, ~r~on 15 aolne t>uslntu 01 fhl cltrk of lllt •tiov. entflltd C011rt, or e mos yp1ca c arge or preparing their returns and " .... ..~ F1cr1t 1ous 1us1N11:ss to present tl'ltm. .. 1tt1 '"'' M«1wrv a psychiatrist's time toda y, to "the groWth of loans and wage reports may contact The 11= "'' MARkETING co .. 2114 cardlna1 NAMe STATEMINT voucntrs, to 1111 uncltrt!tintd 11 111e ottk• deposits and an increase in 9'76U Tiie 1011ow1111 per-.s ''' doino of fils 1ttorntr•· c. M, CASTRUCCIO, ,..D. according to the American Employment Tax Field Office prove, Co~a 't.': 271' C1rd1116I Orlve, buSIN'» IS.. 81»; 1115, Sin Marino, C1Ufor"J1, .... 111c11 11 Psychiatric Assn.'s Hospital capital. Average loans and at 1619 West 17th Street. Santa Geor~"' '91 2&, AMERICAN KENNEL CRAFT. co .. '"" Pltce °' l>ll•!n'u of tl'le und4'rsl!ilnflCI In deposits increased 20 and 12 ~~f:• D~s~•s ~~ btlne cor'ldutted bY a 1993 l'losem1rv Pl., Coslt Mau, Cet. •II malltrJ Ptr1alnl11g lo the tl!1!1 of a&ld and Community Psychiatry Ana , or telephone 543-0111. S"U11 c1tac1Mt. wu11rn tour mo111~s •lt•r t11e percent, respectively, since ~ol• Proprleiorsllip. wu11arn Gra"vlllt G1l11f'!, 1tt3 nr11 PUbJkatlon of 11111 llO!lc•. Service, is about $35 an hour. he £ GEORGE W. MOE RO'IMJ1rY Pl .. Costa M111, C.!. '2627 Otfed July 10, ltn The fee for your initial t second quarter 0 1971, Tiils statement t;i~ wltll tllt CounlY J,,.n CKflll GalJlt'I, lfH ltoiemirv FRANK SC:HOEPPE while e<juity capital increased Clerk ol Orafl9e courrty on.,.· Jui~ 1 ~ 19:1~ Pt., C!l•I• Mesi. c11. 91627 Exec;utor psychiatric consultation would Beechcraft BY 11ever1y J. MaddQl(, ?II ou T1111 bu11r"'ss 1, t1t1119 conc1uc1&11 bY • 0, 111e wm of depend on the time involved by $60,7-17,350 through the Clerk. Flftn Partoorshh1. 111o 1bov• n1rntc1 deced111t issuance ' of l 214 947 ad D '1 PU ! WILLIAM G. GAINEY c M CASTRUCCIO and might be slightly more ' ' • -Put>l!tll!d Oranoe Ce1st '' Y 1 ~2 Tiiis staiement flltd with lllt C011n1Y p' o' Box tllS h I h ditional shares during January F JVIV 19, 26 aoo Av;usl 2. f, 1972 82'° Clerk ot Orange County on • Jury 7, 1m. si11 M.r11111, C•Hlwlli• than the our y t er a p y 1972. Sa les lym' o"' 8Y Btvtrly J, Maddox. D•PUtr Counfy Tt{, 121]) lU-14M charge. . "" LEGAL NOTICE Clerk. Attor1111r for Execu1or l---===::-:=;::;c;;----1 PlUtl PubJl5'1ft! orango COlll Dtlly Pllor. F1CT1TIOUS BUSINESS Pvt>thlled Or•noe COis! Di!1y Piiot, July lL 19 26 11\d A119u1t 2 1972 11lt.72 THE TYPICAL number of Beec'h Aircraft Cory. has NAME STATEMENT l ·'~"~'~'~"~'~'·~·~·~·"'~'~""~'~':":·~"~n:_~"~u.:n~l·---;'-;;:;:;·~:;;;;;:;:';;;;---sessions in . psychoanalysis New n:v:s:on The lo1\ow1nll per5on l• dotn1 buslne,,]-LEGAL NOTICE range S 1-m . 300 lo " " " reported a 19 percent increase as· LEGAL NOTICE ,, • u • SVN·TROL OF SAN CLEME NTE.I ----===~:.:==----i--Nom~..-HUiiu;;cw:;--500-aJthougb thi s depends on in sales and a 50 percent gain 25181 Pil<t Roed, t.o~ura Hiiis, ca. t?6S3I· NOTICE Oii' TllUITEE'S SALE A I l John Bord. 25711 Pike Road, Laoun• 111'1 Lotn. No. •1.ctt2.)11t the Patient and the progress. t nte com jn earnings for the third C _ .. , ,ICTITIOUS &USINlll J<Jll Nt. 19Dtf Hlll5, "· , ... ,, NAME STATll!M ll!NT On Wedrrtscl•r. August '· 1m llt 11:00 The span for you obviously quarter of its 1972 fiscal year. 1:11i• butlneu 1' being <olldutlrd b't an The toJkn¥1n8 person 11 dol11• builneis o'clock 1.m. on th• Pulll1< s!O.W.!k 1n Jd 'd bl f lfld•vldual. at: front ef .ltle tnlrenc• 10 1111 bufldllltl t1 cou vary consi era Y rom Intelcom 1 n dust r i e s, Total consolidated sales for This ~~7!,!,~v•~iea w1111 the county coLCWELL 8ANkER EscRow, sso 1111 sou111 aroo1t11urs1 s''"'' 1n tilt cltv these to tals. , t h e q u a r t e r r e a c h e d Clerk 01 0,1~ countr 011: JulY 11, 1912. Newoort center or1~ •• NewJOOrt 8Md'I, of An1ht1m C•Htor11r1, It • 1 1 t y (These are typical and Newport Beach, has an-$43.257.176, a ga in of more av Beverly J, Maddox, Dept.1tv county ct1!':~!r~':'~row servlcn, Inc. c1 ~~0:,~,!'111~ ;"~;r:~:s 11J~~~";: average charges as reported nounced fonnation or a new than $6 9 million above the clerk. F 1'°41 c11ilor1111 cor~rf!lonJ, l31~s v1c1orv FerM1rt end CharJollt J. Ferr.11 .. r1, hu._ • y division, } n t e} C 0 ffi Com-. . he Published Orartae Co.3$1 Oally Pilol. 8o_ulf'Vtrd, VIII Nuy1, Ct!lf. fl.IOI. b.ond Ind Wiit, Ind rtc:Orded Febru"ry 11'.1, The Newport Beach ex- ecutive joined Babcock in 1971 as direct.or of the industrial relays operation for the Costa Mesa plant. Prior to that, he founded and was president of He replaces Al Sioan who resigned recenUy. Durant has served in a number -0f similar positions with B e c k m a n Servomechanisms, 1 Northrop Corp. and Bertca Corp. by national associattons. our munications, to pr 0 duce same period last year w n July 19 26 and AU111At 2, 9, 19n 1889.72 Tl'I·~ bu1Jl'lfS1 rt c011c1uc1«1 b1 • Cor· itl'O, 111 Boot •:121 p,,, 101 of 0111c1~1 Own S''tuat 1'on 1vill depend sales were "6 276 686 ' POr•l1011. A:teord• of oronti• county, c1n1orn1a, , mobile s a t e l I i t e com-,. 'PU ' ' • Ltrrdm•rlr EM:row Srvlces, Inc. !,l!Wn to Ml<:llft en lndetlledfll$S 111 lavor 'Bank Secrecy Act' Hit By ACLU La wyer a g a i n, on Yo ur -O\Vfl mwu'calJ-O' ns equi'pment whi'ch After-tax earnings Sho\Ved a LEGAL NOTICE Ch•rlts A:. Hlllon, Prtsld1111 of TM co1we11 Comp1nv, 11tJW ownea '"" I · d bl · 1· lo Tl'll1 s!altmenl was llled with Ille Coun· Mid b'y Sclltnecl.O~ S1vlno1 and Loen circumstances. ocat1on an will tie ships at sea into land compara e gain amoun ing FtcTiTious euslNESS ty citrk ot or'"" county Oii Ju111 ''· .1.1soc1tt1on, by reeton of 111, brtld! o1 problems.) ef,..,.i..,....,. $1 891 508 or 41 cents per NAME STATEMENT 1912. ctr11tn obllgauorii HcurfJd ttttrf'by, llOlla Will health insurance handle t ""..,.""'"" networks. ~ ' ~ compared with Tiit toHowt11t per$on is doiflll bl,)s!11ess CHAA:lES 11t. MILTON of wtild'I w11 (ICOf'6td ,...,,di :io, 1tn 111 1be new generation of s e, ,,. n1~l v1<torY 11vd. Book 10060 Pt1• m of Slid 0t11c111 anv part of the costs? $1 256 845 or 28 cents per . SEA STAA: APARTMENTS, L1MtTEC. Vtn Ni.rrs. C•llt. ,,., 11.fCflfdl, wlH .. M ., O\lbtlc •ucf10fl lo Ill• The dal'ly c 0 st, of equipment is an outgrowth of h' ' I• th bl m Eist Balboe-Boulevard, Newport T•ltPll01'10 11111 *4o11. tlloh••t bidder few us11, oey1bl1 in 1awtu1 th , t S are or e compara e Beic11 caHlor nla ,. lMn mont'f of 1111 unn1c1 statts .i 1111 tlm• a1 noychlatric hospitalization are e company s Pres en period last year. Jotin' p. snraer !General Part11trl Published ora1111• C0tlf c111y Pllot, Mlt, wnl'IDut warranty •• to title, r-satellite systems which pro--============'! 1130 A:ossmorne G!enclele, C1Hfornt• Jul'lf :n encl Julys, 12, ''' 1972 16'7-n P01S1Ulon ~ errcumbronces. fl'I• lnltr•st roughly com p a r ab I e to 'd . • . . t r 91;ia1 ' Clll'lv~ed 10 end llOW' lltld by utd Truslff SAN FRANCISCO (UP! I - An attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union argued in federal court th at the "Bank Secrecy Act'' would mean "4wholesale violations or the rights of millions of in- dividuals." analogy to the situation ')f Congress passing a law order- ing all telephone conversations monltored by the utility. "No doubt there would be malcraclors caught but the Jaw \VGuld 'Surely be ruled un· constitutioUaI." he roid. hospitalization lo; any other VI e precISJon navtgaUon ° T111, oosrr1tu lt betrm coodutltd bv a LEGAL NOTICE ultd•r uld Dffd or Tf'V!t, In •1111 t• 111o ha t shi od •• b THE BEST . p "'' folloWh'll dHUlbecl p(OPfrlY: reason. mere n ps, pr uc~ y L•mlledJo~~"P' s':ivoi:it Lot S02 of TrKt Ho. 1112. tn Ill• c1tv f th t · h lntelcom 's s u b s i d i a r Y , Readership p o l ls prove Th!s sta!emenl tllfcl wl!I! !he 'countv 1 21u7 o1 cost• Meu, County of Or•""· S1t1e n e pas ' insurers ave Auto1nated Mari ne Interna-"Peanuts" is one o[ the ciar~ el orange cw11tv oo· JulY 11 1917 NOTICI TO CltlDITOlltS °' C•lltornlt, •• shown on • map tend ed to shy away from D ty C 1 · SUPl!RIO't cou11T o" THe tMrlK'lf reurded 111 bock 50. ~•11s :n, tlooaJ. I n t e 1 CO m Com· \VOrld's most popular comic er llevertv J, M~lklox, ew Ollll y STATI 0' CALl,OlltNIA 'O" :U, 3', 35 tlld 36 Mfsctlltrlt0\15 M1p,, coverage for nervous and munications will be a division strips. Read lt daily in the c erk. ,1"'1 THt: COUNTY 0, OR.ANG• ;•cord' of 1';1; oran"' 20 cov111v. mental conditions because of DAILY PILOT. Publls~ or•llOO ce1.1 01;1y Piiot, H• A·7Z7U rOJ)frty • r•w: 79 ContlM11te1 h h l.~o~f~A~u~to~m:a:t:od::_:M:•:r:ine:::.· ___ .':::===========~''~"'...':"~· ~"~':""~·~"'~'~"~·~·~··~':"~'_'.'~' .. :'..'.'.,,! E!ltle of A:UTH.E. 8fARO. Otct•ttd. SlrHI, Cost• Mew. C•llf0r11l1, tor lhe the jg tot.al COSt inVOJVed. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE N lo 1111 PVfPOM of NYlllV abllt•tlons MC:urtcl by H t ' ->· I credllors of ff11 tbove n1mtd clludf!ll Mid Dffcl Qf Trull, l11CIUdln9 fHs. owever. mos major mi:u1ca that •II person. hlvlnt cl•tmt •g•ln1t "'' c:Mrt11•nd1x1111'11tt of Ille Tru1tee. •cl· plans tod ay will pay 75 to 80 said d«tdfrlt •r• rtqUff'tllf '° flit """"· vaf'IClt. 11 '"'· uncltr 11111 t•rms of ••Id ACLU attorney Neil Horton S'aid only a smoll percentage of bank records would be useful to the government . The challenge to the ne\V regulations w~s taken under submission by a p;inel of lhree judges. They also extended a ttmp0rary order holding up enforcement of the reportinJ!: portion or the act until a decision was reached. THE TEMPORARY order was issued June 30 and said banks shou ld mainlain lht' l>!C»nd! but need not report them to the government pend- ing determination of t h e Issue. 11 was sign«' by U.S. District Judge \Villiam T. SW<igert. Danker Fortney stark and the ACLU filed suit against the act June 7, 'Ille California Banktrs Associatior. I a t e r joined the action. llorlOn argued Monday that the gov~mnx:nt doesn 't have the unlimited right lo obtain fnlonnatlon. He said It must prove a reasonable relation between the inf or mat loo AOUght aod the govemmcnt"'s ptJll'Q ... 1l1E A'l'I'ORNEV drew an Another ACLU attorney, Charles Marson, said that con- troversial organizations are entitled to prote~~ their members. ffe said this could nol be d-0n& ir their checking accounts 'were open to surveillance. D a n k er s Association at- torney John Anderson ar&'Ued Iha! the "assurance of privacy" wn s an essential ele- ment of customer service. ll E ALSO sa'ld lhe cost to California bankers would he $50,000 a 1nonth to mlcrofilm !he front .'.Ind back of each or the estimated 250 million in checks. th3t pass the tellers cages each n1011th . "\Ve don't v.·ant to ~ diarists of our customers' financial lies, 0 sa.id Anderson. A government attorney, John J. McCarthy of the Oeparttnent of Justice Tax Di vision, said the banktn and the ACLU had 'JlO standing to bring suit. "Depositors have no in- herent interest1 in b :i n ~­ rerords.11 ""1cCm1.hy argued, "and tOO'e Is JJO rlgbt of privM'y for bank ~omers. '1 f h I Wllll tl\t MCHStt'I' VW<hon. '" ,,,. oHICI o..ct of Tru.t. lnhr•11 lhll'ton "~ percent O I e cost o treat-01111, clerk o1 th• •boY• lfttlli.d eiourt, 0#" 121.561.01 In ltl!IP•ld prlflC P•I of 1111 note ment for such conditions while to •rese11t tMm wJfl'I "" '*""l'Y MC1.1rtct bv 11ld OHcl et Tru•t, w1111 11t-voue11er1, · to t~ ulldtr1lllllld •t S50 hrt,1 lhttton ff'Ol'l'I AllfUll 1, 1'71 11 ll'I the patient is confined to the NewPOrt centet Dt1vt. Suitt m """"'°" nkl noi. •ltd b't r•w ~ld9d. h 'laf M !ans w1'll pa B•Kt'i. coutoml• ""°' Attn: lruct £. Pfttld Julys. 1m osp1 , any p y H1rrlneto11, EM .. Wflld'I " "" PIK• of a .. 11y lncorw•ttd. Tn"'" U1ri on Bank Tells Gains Unionatnerica, Inc., bank holding company for Union Bank, reported second quarter income per share, before securities gains or losses. in- creased 14.6 percent to 6.1 cents from the 55 cents earned in the second quarter or 1971 . J ncoqi~ bclo_re securities gains or losses to ta l ed $5.911 ,000 compared with $4,780.000 in the sec ond quarter or 1971, an increase of 23. 7 percent. Net income for the quarter, after securities gains or losse.,-, amounted to $5,841,000 compared with 14,795.000 In the same quarter of 1971. an ~ncroose of 21.8 percent. On a per shart basis, net ill'~ome nmounl.ed to 62 cents, an in- crease or 12. 7 percent, over Iha iS eents rtported fn the 1971 quarlt!r. I 14· FASHION SQUARE SANTA ANA, CALIF. " . 547-6345 bu•h\t$1 OI Ill• vn9t•l•fltCI !11 •II mlltlfl IY A:lchtrd F. R~· pert1ln!nt to t11t 1tt111 ol' Mid dKtdtnt, hc:rtt•rr w1!lll11 lour mOl'llflt '""' fhl tlr11 PUbliCll• Ufll tlofl o1 tlllt nolle1. Publlsl'lecl Ort119• Cotst O•llY Piiot, O•lld Jllfll 22, 1m Julv 1%. It, 76. 1972 11n.n CAlltOL YN RUTH. STAlllt Extculrlx ol lllt Ett•lt of LEGAL NOTICE • "" ilbovt qmtd t!tttdtl'll IC•tmbHI!, 0.Mtrc:e, K'•• A 7llt$ CllilllllfWO'lfl lKf'tW .... t2.tU Ui) Newpert Cllllll" °'" Sit"•... NOTICI! TO Clll!OtTO•I "'*"" ••tell· CIQfttllil ""' 0 .. •uuc T•ANS••1t Atr"I BMll •. "'"'""""' .... (SK .. 61t141l7 u.c.c.J An.lllfn ftr •rw.trtx ... ,. I ' " I I Publllllltd Ort1111 COl.t Oolly Piiot, • • ... v • V.fl to (ttd ,.,, of JVntt ft •fld Juiy j 11 '' 1m 1St4-12 Ille •lttlln fllt'Mcl Hrfltt that • bu!lr ' • • trj!nsftr 11 lnltnd~ to b9 tNdt 011 IN'flOl'l•I l!f'OPfrty Mr1ln.fttr det.erlbcd, LEGAL NOTICE Tf,e, nam. incl 1111.rnm oclclttu Qf the • lf'IMrdfd trtn1t•ror I•: 1------:--:::::-----OOHALO N, MOON. ions Plkt SI., I tlf16 Fwnl.11111 Vllltv, C.111. FICTITIOUS 8USIN•SI ,/' 'fti. llllftf Ind IM!flffl adclttM If fl\t tn-NAMa STAl.Jt.\I HT tenc11ct frlltff'H It : , Tl'>t f0Uowl11t ""°"' .,. dolnti PliTIJt A. lOltR.e, 1U'h '5tfl St busl~ess ''! NtwPOrt IMffh, CtlJI. " It 0 0 E F F E llt•I p It t "" .E L. " Tnot *"" ""*"'"' ·wHllfl'lt tlmto ,. -"£tpl11111c1t II", 3001 ltlcll'llll Avt., $I.lilt clncl'ltltd 111 ...._,,, .. : Mlltrlats, iw- )06, cos11 Mlw, C•tll, »II .. , m~1-., IClulltfl'lfnt, iOtl Ind rs E. o. Roclttllr. m1 Pldllc OrlY•· loui.t •I! CONCV fSLAHD, 106 Mt~Pd· Col'O!ll dtl Mar. CtHI. '262$, cltft PllClt HN'llOrt IHCll, (•lllol'l'lto W1rr1n ltffd SHlnktt, (P.O. kW IC71, Tlltt Mid Wk trt1Uttr 11 ln'-"dld t0 Oe 141.56 Arr,,.. 11\fllf,. Ftil\llM. ttllfloml1 contvmmelfld •t 1111 otfl~ ot Orll'llll't' nus. aw.w c.m.•'IY• •11 w .. t lbltl ft .. Llllli IUclltl"d W. Sprlllttfo. sm l\ICtlYPM Anni... '81/!Wftlt ~on or'"*'·'-' Hiii Rotd, Varbt Lindt. c .. Hfomlt. ,, 1m, ' • lilaT~ C. Sprl,.tl, 53U E11t•lytllf.lll S. fir 11 It 1'11Wn II) .._ld ft'lltnftd MIU 1toa11, Yorba llnda, c111,..rl'll•. 'fl'•MttrM •.nd fnlltldtd Tc1111ftl'Or' uWd 1'1111 bullnat 11 COMuctircl bV Llm!IH If:• ftll~ltto llcldl1rorr111 1Nslf!ttt nimn P1r1J1Cr::-t" end Mdr-.e• wlfl'llll 1M tilt• ~ iut ! . 0 . ltodtfftr f*tr Thlt 1!airmfllt wu flltll wtlh lllt C1111n-MOLO OU!ONI, 'Of Mcf'tddtl'I Pl ... (ltr'lt Clf Or•ftft COlillltr °" JUM ''· Ntww : '·*"''·Ci.If~ .. 191,, ,..,., A. l.,.,. IROWN • SllOWN 111:c111Hd Tr~"''*'" XI$ V>ll;' lf9 W t 'tll"f 01tild: JvlY 10. Int, lit Allftflt.. C:lllttnllt "'1t 011:.lMl'llltCY ISC 'OW C0¥PA,,., ftlt CUii •sttt »" W"' tllO!I S"-" At1111 SMlfoll H. JINa I.el A...:tkr, Call,.,flfl Ml8 , IUD OUfltlttl NS11 P\lllfllllild Or1111,_ tout Dally Pllet, Pllbll-'"td Ol'tftOt Cfiht Dttly f"!lll. .1ill1 " tt. ''· tt. 1m 1ne.n JIA'f ''· 1m til+n ) I ' 1 < SC DAILY PILOT Q W ednesday'e Closing: Prices-Complete New York Stoek Exchange List • .. ·Kissinger Talks Touch Off Rally NEW YORK (AP) -Stock market prices re· ceded somewhat from earlier gains but re l1)lll ned broadly_ higher ii> moderately active trading Wednes- day. Kenneth Ward, an analyst al Reynolds Securl· _ties, Inc , attributed the gain to the report pres•· dential ~dvlser Henry Ki ssinger was holding secret J)eace talks with North Vietnam in Parts and to the trend toward favorable second·quarter earnings re- ports. N1tl>!slll to ~""'""' , ,. •It Gen 20 II GV• 1 M Nt1Mom !Id •llnd•f 60 ,, 11118 1\4 Pr11 1 101 If~ 6' ~111 lndu91 ' l''nd ,s I I l1r 64~ NII le.I 2'11 NII Tri 10 tj1Un£1 .SO NllDmll jS !i::t·~ 1 ~ ~r...W lr! ;:itwt11U )) ~;= '&: N~il~ 2J: Nl1111'11o I 10 ,..11Mllf 3., Nl1Mt>f J 6J Nl1Ml>f j ts '"j Sii told NL ndu1I I NlTCP lOd NortolkW1 S NOl!lnC >od NQl'rl1I 1 o.i NA C:o.I .0 NA Ml 120d N Am Pllll 1 NOARk 160 NGA.A: pt ' NAllkPf 1 lS N~I UI ti P<t0Cn!G1 to 'flllGs 111 N IG111r I fO N 11)..t-!o 1 l l NofllfG1 2 60 NCNGPI l f,U NoNGilf J IO NoN~ IAa Nol>IPW 1 11 Ne1<1Ppt 1 10 N~,.,, I S6 No~Ppt l.iO Norlfl'Oltt E 1<1or11!rOPC 1 NIMrpflf 1 d Nw1t,1t,lrl IJ Nw 8111 1 .0 t.:wsl 1n '!) Nw111" w Nwsl n pf Nwdlpf I 20 Nw111ncifC s NwMu 1 17d ""':ij'' " Norr o l'h Hort i m 2!1 Nr t$1 pf 1 '4 NoJ(lll' Coro NVF Co UI Oet llld 16 8"~1Pr .IO «-!.' 1111 ~~:Pl J 8='111~ ~d"l' 1" ~~~i sa~r 1 ' 8iii1rt: 1'1'& ~lk1 M I Rtti:I 1.20 • 1 Et Co f Ove~!M .ti ·~"'"' ,. "II "" enl 111 ' 1'111 '" ,u, 11h'dlnd 6D "''tl' 1 il Ptc 11 1 a P1cPC11rl PacPwr 1 44 P1cSw!t A-Ir Pt f a. i.2o Pt~ fh1 ."11! ·P1lne Wtibb Plll'ltWllJ1 P1tm 111 P111 Arn P1/ll'Nll ~ Pt~t p,,,., • P1rl(.H11 I G4 P1r%Pll!'I Al P1tQ1 . IN: P•YLNw 21 Pttb Glllo!I Pll'lll Cll'llr Pin""" 1 lW PtMIDlll II P~ ... il'rvlt ~"PL'il l.l! P Pl pf •.AO ~.~~JO~ ' Ptlf11Wpf t P~lrY I "'"" r ,., Peril~ 1.» ~~~,n PtPSIC~ I Pet"kll'IEI jJ ''h'~ I " r.1 110 P• r t SI~~ Ptroln -H "'''ll' "' Petr l l&d Pflitr 60e Plltr. D 2 10 "!"E l la. PM Elpf 8\li ~~11~ ',,e ,.,. :\!i or 7 ~~ 1'= ~~ Ph Cff '" Pll lfllf '" PllUSvti l 10 PlllUl'M I U PllllMOrl>I ' Pllllf111ln 20 "'II ''"' P• l Ph ,_, l,lO PM \l~H _, PldlWlll: l~tl PledNG I !• PlltMN 1 •• ~""':'! 5 ~\mf~ ~I Pnl:ton .a. Pillll ll11rcfl ~, .. , 12 ,.:r.;:r, ii Portie IO -~'f.15. \;'\ ,.;'{l1' P'wr I "'"I~ '" Pol!: Pf 'Ool • .... flltt ------------·1 lllft.) Nltll l• C.M O., Dot0Jonu Average• THE BEST Rrudtrs.hlp po I I• prove '"Peanuts" Is one ot the \\Orl3's most popular comic strips R!'ad It dally ln the DAILY PILOT. Complete Closing Prices-American Stocli Exchange List s11" ""'' 1111111 I Hit/I L•• c 10..-c~ .. S1IH Hit Chilli) Hltll Ltw Clo•• Chi -. ...-~------- s11n Net tl14h ) Hlth Low Clo•• Chi "t.. Ntl IMI J Mltfl low Clo1• Chi St Its Ntf fhcll ) Hitll LOW Cle•• cn1 6424321 For Weekender Advertising • • I D.iLV PILOT Wtdnrsd11, July 19, 1972 Theater Notes TONIGHT'S Three Shows Make Debuts TV lllGHLlGHTS ' • : KTTV m 6:00 -"The Emperor's New Clothes." nie children's cll!!ic about a vain old emperor who It sold some invisible clothes. ' ; ABC O 6:30 -"A Raisin In the Sun." Part I. of ;a two-part showing or the drama based on Lorraine j{ansberry'• novel. Sidney Poitier, Ruby Dee, Diana )Sands head an all·black cast. . : NBC O 7:30 -Tbe Mouse Factory. Orange :~out cOmics Skiles and Henderson join the Disney ::characters for a half hour of comedy in sound. ,• ·~ CBS II 8:00 -The David Steinberg Show. The ~remiere of a new summer variety seri~s features !Ed McMahon and Leslie Uggams as special guests. · KCET Elil 8:30 -"I-otemkin." Sergei Eisenstein's 1925 classic movie based on the actual mutiny of Russian sailors aboard a ship of the czar during the 1905 revolution. • . ~TV DAILY LOG • • ' . ' Wednesday Evening host111, tnd Chief Clifford U. D. C.nnon) refuses to trade 1 hospittl· lzed priSOl'llf tfi UYI his lift, 0 (I)@ &J T•t Corner ltr "Cook's Ni1ht Out" JULY 19 ;;____ ND81!1DIJa!!.laJN1., :; CIJ lll- m Mtl'V. litrftn Sllow et) tlll '1111 Oi)'blf "Potemkin" (Russitn, ·1925) Se11el Dsenstein's classic b1sed on tht 1ctu11 mutiny of s1ilors 1bo1rd t ship of the Citt durln1 tht 1905 Re'o'Olution. :. • ""' 111 '~"' :· (i)cw.tf :: CD i IHC!AI Tiii lllperor't .... ·~ Cllhl F1ed Grades, WI.II B. Ablt, Vkitort1· Mtllory, M1rtlt Strln111 and ;_ Robert Da111ay 1111 In tht It"' slotY ~ of 1 va in old 1mpero1 who is aold tol'!ll"lnvhibl1 clothes! ti Dultf loon• Qi)""'·-'"' •• T111Uo11 glltdp .. I.Mp llll -ny .,. fE)Tth AMounced ·-- 9:00 II Cl) lfftlcal Ce11t11 (R) A hos· pll1I 1dmlnlstrllor (Monlt Mar-· him) lr11t1 1n tccident victim (Clu -Gu1t1er), In 1 community wher• there Is no doctor 1nd 11 tempted lo return le 1ctlvt m~lc1I p1actic1. 0 ())Cl) ED M•ftJ' Ftlcl111t1 Co11t- ld7 Mtchh11 Spttl•I auest Is Orson Wtlles. m"'"" f.E U• V1~no JUI Record•r l!lJ•- l :JO D Movlt: "A Raisin Ill th• -$111" Part I (dr•) '61 -Sidney Poitier, Cl1udlt McHtU, Ruby Dtt, DJ1n1 Stnds. 1:30 (]) r>r1antt 0""''"'' 0 (I) CIJ I!) AIC '°'""' Ho~ "Tht Kopy Kits Wllh Host Robtrt '• ([)CU Ntft at Mm 81fffi• »ow iDl""• u.. 1li:7:'wor11 a--ID......_ d• 11 c.111111141114 m---19 M__, Ptut SIRd, of "The Hot Roek. .. auests. Elliot Mlnb: Is ""' Ye11ng" om•-ua ANnllll'I ~ hd1111 f rt111 Hollyweol Piil 10:00 IJi (I) M1nnlJ Plpp1 Smtt jiiest1 as 1 run1w11 1lrl whoie ftther hirea M1nni1 to find her 1nd then trits lo P•J him to Clnctl !ht surth, !:Oii II CIJ 0 ID "'"' II '"""' fer Dellln (I) Trvtfl " ~Ulftctt CIJ 11<...,t Cl ~ m NiiM GtlltfJ "P1mt11'1 Voice" •1111 Phyms Dll\11 1nd John Astin; "Lon• Survi'IOI"'' •Jars Jolin Colieos; ''lht boll" 1\1r1 John Wll· ll1ms. am• ... D M<v•: CC> Cl'n "Tho Mn•· turts of Htjjl llbt" (1th) '54-.lohR Oertl:, Elaine Stewirt. 8 net's MJ lint? mlLMIJKy qt I °'91111 of Junnlt fBC.fMlllat 11!1 "'" .. '"' . """ llll""""' ,.. ·-" 7:30 8 11111 Z.. Ruth Ashton T1)'1ot fl· ports on currant 1t1d prolKtH ocean nsurch projtcls. OJ C111dl1n '" ftolblll Toronto Arl(IS vs. 0t1aw1 Rouah Rldt11 IDJ So~ fE Su eo.tdl1 FtYOritt flD -ploa ""'rr-Tbo Spoftl of ,.,..ton (RJ QI FottNll Ftlllts a!) Tt II An•u•e:td EJ) La LIJtnda ff llft •ll D n. .,. fldtlJ Comtdi1ns Bi11 SkJlts tnd P1t1 H1nd1110n 1111st 1 r1n1 show about 1aulldt tnd mu· sit. 10:30 (}} n. 1tlddla1n e lllwlt: (2ht) "Datrl1 All Pltn· 11 T•lk Itek eb" (xi·fi) '69 -Kurl Crent, Petti @ Spt111 CMlltlllt Wllll1ms. D Th11 l1 Your Ult Richard Crenn1 (I) Tt Ttl 1M Trvtll ls surprised 1ueat. ([) I Drtl• tf fullnll III La S.tanlca 1J MINlo11 $ Mftte: (2hr) "'Wtf 9 Movie: (C) "The 111 Trtts" LMr" (dra) '62 -Stm MeQu1rn, (ii) •2 Plus ......_ Robtrt W11ner. &) Collclenda Cul111bl1 m ""'''' •·-11:00 a o o aim ai .... m CIJ "'"'d Oil ChlClllOI t11 the Mowe (l) ()) ®J News II Lee Pollwcu II Ont sttp llyond m Dr. Sl11on LIUI (!) Mtnlltl Dlllen t By TOM TITUS Of tM O.Hy 1"111t Sltlt A Thursday evening in midsummer isn't exact I y ''prime time'' for local theater openi ngs, but tomorrow night will see three new productions taking wing on Orange County --·· --·---•11·1"'2 CIA• TH llUTOll •vm1JM1M1111 "SIYJl(llD" (PG) 'lUl/J.t.MU (01111 "(AllY RlATMEMT" (Pl) l-..... -t--N1·:'11l -·-,,_, -·--551·7022 ""' ..... , __ ., ..... , ........ . S-.1.to!I SWAP' Al•OlllRT •II.All SI -··T Alllll/SAllY IRUllM.U '"''' s,.1. "UIT OF TMI 1~• s~11. llD MOT LOYllS" (Pl) ,,.,,•-t"'+"lt•eK OfAht"{PIJ -·-·-M .. Q IJ stages, one of which will in· augurate a new community theater. The political musical "Or Thee l Sing" introduces the Placentia Playhouse Thurs· day, wh.ile 1he San Clemente Community Theater unveils ils summer comedy "Tom Jones ." Meanwhile at Hunt- ington Beach's Golden West College, the first increment of a three-pronged s u mm er season opens with a collection of one-act plays entitled "Games." George Gershwin's "Of Thee I Sing" goes back more than 40 years, but is being revived in this election year as the premiere production "' the n-e w. -Flacentia Playhouse. Robert Wimbefly is directing the musical. Heading the Placentia cast are ·Pat Warner, Ji m L'Angelle, Donna Colliard, Hank Sorkin, Bob Busch, Margo Upham, Nick Furticelli, Art Sherman, Bruce Ta!Cnto,.. Bob Rasmussen, Norman Helm and Gary Bassin. Pe_rformanc-es are scheduled for Thursday through Satur- day of this week and Firday and Saturday of next week, all at 8:30, with a 2:30 maJ.inee on July 30 at Valencia liigh School, 500 N. Bradford St., Placentia. Reservations 826- 7091. * ''Tom Jones," a costumed romp from the centuries-past novel by Henry F}elding, buws in for a four-weekend run at the San Clemente Community Theater Thursday under the direction of Richard Andersen. Tom Taliaferro takes the ti- tle role in the con1edv, 'vilh Bobbi Marshal and Richard Cosbad also cast. in principal assignment s. Round ing out the cast are Ray Judson, Stan Weissberg, Jan Gordon. Glen- na Weissberg, f\.1ary Modiano, Mark Razor, Bonnie Judson, Doris Donka , Doris Decker, Ann Keenan. Neri l.ucit1s, Louise Maroc, Danna Talia.fer· ro. Ren Hutchings, flerb Johns. Jerrv Lucius. Richard 1.1elsner, Chuck sen·ge, Cliff Waters, 'Valter Orange and Sharon Heusinkveld. Four .week·ends of performances, Th u r s da y throu.~ih Saturday at 8:30. are scheduled at the Cabrillo Playhouse. 202 Ave n i d a Cabrillo in San Clemente . Reservations 492-0465. * An evening of nine original one--acts launches the am- bitious summer theater pro- gram at Golden West College Thursda y , with three performances only throug h Saturday. Mike Leddy directs· 1LIKE WOODSTOCK " ONA WAVE' -flOPl-fOIM,f 'SPECTACULAR' --""'"""'""'-·""' 'GORGEOUS' Pacific Y-lbtalio.v !ID• ·111 ,...,..,JOHNSEVERSON·C0..0R !f'-.. .... ---.....-• SURF THEATRE-121 5th St.-Huntington BHch J P'erforMGllC" 1:00 & 10:00-Adm. $1 .75-Ph. 536-9396 Now -Exclusive Harbor Area ShoWing At Regular Pricesl Sho~ Nlf)htly 7:00 & 9:JO m Ttvt• Ir CtnMqUlllCll m N1s11YJH• Mu1le TillUfOll ,llllfTI UJ Movlt: (2tlr) "tltll'I Klttllen" fE limet Tld Anllstron( 1."9'llot.t.HJMllT11unr1•l EJ) Heldshop (R) 1. "Tiff~ IHI (dr•) '39 -Ronald R111an, Dead a.'"C1un111sW011.tf01Hr ••1 & Oscar Winner "SENTINELS OF SILENCE'' (PG) Clld Kids. 11:15@11Fasli'l8' fllmic. 1-=~~~~~~~~~~~===================='I 1!001J (() PMMIERE Tht Dtvld stein· ll·lCI II ([l CBS Litt Movit· ''Frtnken· 1::: betl Shtw Ed McM1hon •Mi Lt1lif · ttein Musi It Datroftd',, (tlor) '70 Uaams 1uest In the openln1 show -f'eter CushlnL Simon W1rd VI· 1t1rrtn1 nlchtdub 1ctor-comedl1n ttJnic• Carl..n. ' Stelnbera. In t ont·hou~ comedy· -RA1 -. loM Co T ¥•rietr" form•t. w \Uill w ~ non Ol'IJ D dim Adt•·l Z "B•d«Up One Randall, Ctss EHiOI 1uest. L·.20" (R) fGur witnts\es conlr•· 0 Mtvl1: "W1lct1M Strtnflf" diet Otticet Milloy wtien ht lives (tom) ·•1-Bln1 Crostir, Join C.ul· ey1Witnm 'tutlmon1 th1t Set. Mtc· field. Donald (Wrtlllm Boyett) did not fJ (])Cl) a) Dick Cnttt striU 1 pedtstrl1n •lth his potlce m Tt Till ttlt Tnrth "" 0 C1J Ci) aJ 110 '"°' . .,.., l~DO m llofio: "lth•'I -Llk r," Schtm•" Jot lll'ttSts ' hundred dol· (dra ) '•l -Jamu C.ane,. Gract 1111 In a fHt·bllc:•, Khtme llut ra. Georp. da. 12:30 Ill Colllby Miiiie TIM IBllll·-·Llw • ..., -1:00 CIJ 0 fJ CIJ ®> "'"' e ....,._ Cnit 1:30 11 Movlt: "TH N••ed l rlpdt" • 1J1 Otca11 72 (dr1) '~Ken SCOtt, Shirlty EllOlt. • !-. LIM l:DO m Nl·NlaM -: "l"' ""'' CID Dtldtl Ctllrll 1t111"; "lam sitc11"; "Chee Ill' l:!t D II &I NIC -....,,._ McaM "A Llttlt Plot at Trtnqull VtU., (JO Sll'lualt11 llold McCk111d S:OO II Ml'l'l1: "M1t1 II IN Dirt:" (dr1) '65 -Willl1m s,Jvesier, B1rb1r1 Shelley. Thursday m cci """'' """" c .. ,, "' -Dali Rob•rhofli Vlralnle M•ro. St99hen McNallr. 1:30 0 "Topptr htunts" (COll'I) ••1-0AYTIME MOVIES Rol1nd Younc. Jofln Blondell, 0.nnls HO m .,,....,.. ..,. .. (com) '42-O'Keelt. Htt11J fondt, l)'flfl 811'1. J:OO C1J "l1ti.111 Mlll1111lrl" (lllUI) ''1 t:JO D ......_ .. (drt) 'M -Glenn -Jlm"1J Q1nton, Oil:• Jurtf,"" ford, Donnt Rltd, Lnlit Nlt111n. ®l '1111 Upt r .. 11 (1dY) 51- lfl:tl ..,._ T_,. ( ) '$0-Jocl Stn1rt Gtlfllt'f, Ctot11 Stndtn. • ..., • .,... ... 1:30 IJ (C) """' -,_,.. IC-. Wt• Htndril. (mm) _r.., Curtlt, l•"' t.f"' IUO 8 CCI --ti S>t• ...... CIJ s. .. n IOAM 11111~ <'*·> ._ "''"'· 811 c..•. l:OO D "lMt "'' "' .... t1 -1* • .,, 111 Jlllt'" (comJ ·~ (411) 'to -lltnt ~ bl ff«· IM -· Qitn. ao,w, riML II rou'H lookla1 for tl'01111lo ----11e'I JOE JtlJMl. -~·~mr ~lN~ll JO~N ~MON D:X1 srocw SfillA~!A WIES WAl~h~;Q-11 .,ML~c ~!AO SOllR.~ W·::.n ~!l!(I( 1!11!1.'IJJ Ei«!Ar< PoOicer 001 Cl!IY · llorl.<fd ~ Slll'ltY B!i:r.tR~'l. ~"'111 ~ r."~ sr~· A 1t-w/M.!1><~ eooi.~ llorlidlol l[Ol<WJll •· 11.'IAISC,•ipGJ -~~-··•l • • . -e:!" .... ~ ...... .,.,.C,& - ~= ~~~~~~::"Sometimes A Great Notlon~.c..:::==="-'''-'====""' ... , the collection, under the title of "Games." ... Three of the plays - "Camera Obscura ," "Jew'' and "Momma as She Became, Not as She Was" -v.•ere first performed at Los Angeles' Mark Taper Forum. They are billed as "nine shorties to make you think," and revolve a r o u n d psychological in· teraction, using people as pawns. Curtain time is 8 o'clock in the Actor's Playbox in the GWC comm uni cations building. with seating limited to 75 persons. Admission is free. * South Coast Repertory is back on the boards tonight, running through Sunday 'vith it s West Coast pre miere of-~ ''Happy Birthday. \Vanda June" by Kurt Vonne~ut Jr. David Emmes directs the black comedy . \Vi\liam Brady and Mimi Smith heads the cast of tl1e SCR production, suppor ted by H. J. Parks, James dePriest, SCR production, supported by Pat Brumbaugh and R9ginald Parks. Performances of "\Vanda June" are staj!cd nightly at 8 o'clock in SCR's Third Step Theater, 1827 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Reservations 646- 136.1. ' ' " DAILY PILOT___!!•tf I'll"' READY, AIM ... -Joe Reiser aims his trusty pop-. gun at the balloon carrying Matt Gordon skyward· in this scene from "Winnie the Pooh," closing this·. \Yeekend at the Huntington Beach Playhouse. with Joe Rei ser, Joel Strauss, Jona Bergland , Steve Richards. Cathy Car I son , Mona Zirkes and ?(lark Hoist. "Winnie the Pooh" will be staged Thursday and Friday at 7:30 'vith matinees Satur- day and Sunday a\ 2 o'clock in the playhouse, 21 0 Main St ., Ralph Richmond heading the cast of the Jay Allen comedy. Performances are b e I n g presented F r i d a y s a,nd Saturdays at 8:30 at Qte playhouse, 5021 E. ~ah~m St.. Long Beach. Reservations (213) 438-0536. Hunlinglon Boach. Reserva-Dr. Burl Ives tions 536-4446. * HOLLYWOOD (UPI) ,-* ''Forty Carats" continue~ its Actor-troubador Burl Ive s By popular demand, a six-weekend run at the Long received an honorary OOCior special Thursday performance Beach Communi ty Playhouse of Fine Arts honorary deg-tee has been added to the third this weekend with B!lrbara from Western I I I i n O:i I and final weekend of the Hunt-Crooker, Scott Williams and University. ington B ea ch Playhouse r-::.::=:::...:::::::...c:.:==-==--====------ children's production , ''Winnie the Pooh," which closes out its successful run. Directed by Carol Faulstick, the children's fantasy stars Matt Gordon in the title role ~ DYS N[V[ll SANG 7 0C Olll Y NJCWS Al.EJJ.llDRJ. 8:!i0 O~l Y SAT. I SU~. NICllOLl.S Z.Js. J,lS N[VlllSl.I(; S:ll-J0,25 !~ Best Costume Design ' ' ... (:.~~:~;:: . . ~. / .. , _ -.,d , I 1 AWA sM!;J,_4~:w j llWIKllNJ. S(;MAflllt~ rflO!llJCTIOH Nicholas ••• Alexandra A llDMltlN FlM lnwn tOlUMBl.l PICTUR!S lfJ .. IHoll .... , .......... ,.,_ ... uu IOtJIJQ -'tll-•VllW. ... "'-W GP "1 NIVll Miit '°' Mf fAlNlt" m'" G!NIHACOV.N Mnv•N llOUGlAs •• ." .. ~ .• , .... -~'.-'._~r:;.r.. SAT.SUn. l:~S -~- ' '• ' I Tiit L.A. Tlmts ""'' "A fllm for non-111rttrs. •• •t41 •• ••""""'·" WEDNESDAY "'"' SUNDAY .-JULY 1•. tt. If, n, is LAGUNA IEACH HIGH SCHOOL AUD ITOllUM '" Plrtl AVtnllt t :» 1.m. Adml••loll·n .se Barney wanted women in the worst way. And that's the way he got them. Pa#TWll PQres ~,. HowardW ICocfl-... Meil Simon ..,_ Alan.Arkin .. .. , '1.astof ;. the Reel l'lot Lovers" . •' '"° lt#ti'Q, .... d ..... SaJllJ Kellef!118R Paula Preribss Renee Tavlor . _.,Mii ••• _,, ...... dvtll.clo _.,._ .... __ .,....,Helli ... .,_.,.·-- E I . . OIANGE E ... ~ t p ~7~';':~·;i.·,;:~:~~.. xc ll·SlVe COUNTY De;-ee•en • • . • i c 0 I d t a w I I v " Lag1111a Beaeh ·' Today's F l•a l t •. voi:. ~s. NO. 20r, 5 SECTIONS, 68 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CAUFORNIA WEDNESDAY,. JULY 19, 1972 TEN CENTS - Accountant's -. Backgro-und, P rocedures Hit ·· By FREDER!Clt SCBOEMEBL Of tM Deity ,.... ... ., Charles Hess, buslneu manager of the 1.a&una Beach Unilled · SChool District, resi>onded sharply and in delall Tueaday nl&]>t to-earlier-crlUclsms-of~fflce. · ln re!ponse to a 15-page criticism of accounting procedures by Co.ta Mesa tax consultant Robert T. Pugh, Hess atates: . -Pugh, by his own admlsslon, had oev.er been in a school district busines.s Qfilce before being hired for 1150 a day ~Y a split board vote in June. ·~Most of the· ts. hours Pugh spent In tbe business office were used to become aCQualnled with opeclal termlnoloiY and accOllntlng requlremenb 'of Cllilornia sdlool dlslricb. ..:.Pugh branded the accounting system inaccurate and inefficient based .90lely on one----Wdget recap-report; an "in hQuSe" document, and· made no effort to ex· amine the total accounting system of the district. 0 Tbe preu.nt system," Heu writes, ••has reduced the time needed to com- plete the many stat'e and county required reports by at least 50 percent. The monthly financal report has been e:r· lremely useful to principals and deparlo ment beads. Tho total budget and ac- counting aystem has generated an at· titUde of trust between the business of· flee and the emplnyes of the school district as to the financial condition of the distrlct:1' ~ . To the charge of Pugh that the syxt.m ls "unneces.sarily costly," "inefficient" and "unresponsive to the needs of the lay owners (taxpayers) or to the ad· ministration or staff ••• " Hess respo~s : "The same person Is doing the book· keeping now that was doing that job before the expansion of the accounting system. There have been oo additioDal on' Co,unty Budget Mulled $13.9 Million Building Program Okayed By J ACK BROBACK Of, .... DelfW ..,...., ..... • ,Orange County oupervisors Tuesday lqched closer to approval ol a 12&U lnOllm 1912-73 budget which, il finally adopted 'lbursday, woold call for a prop. dlty tu rate <i" about 11.95, down nine cents from the current levy. Tuesday, .board members, in un- ~ action, AP,f>l'OVed a $13.9 m1111an buiidlac ........ WUbbnl' major d>lttlonl. In Jimlou• ,.... cap!taJ proJ- eels usually were subjected to sharp cuta to balance the budget. Thursday, board members plan to meet ,t 2 p.m. to consider three con- trovenial items which could add to the total budget. Tbey are a $1 million boosl in the ~ty·s re,,erve fund to $2 million. a $250,000 heflcopter-'\i'Plane study and flO,IM/O for a lellslalive advocate in Wuhlngtoa, D.C. ~· -..... ooo odded to the bulldln& budget to \'Over c1e&sn coota • (:i~ Oerk, Treasurer· ~ay (!et Pay Increases :pay raise may be In the offing for LAguna Beach City Clerk Dorothy . ' Husfelt and City Treasurer Margaret Morreale as the result of job evaluation anaJysis undertaken for the city by the Slate Personnel Board. ')be survey Included a study of detalied wr:Uten ,descriptions of their duties writ· ten by the two officials, personal 1J>. lervtews atd comparative studies of $nilar positions in other · Southern California cities in the population range of 11,000 to 19,000. On the basis Of his analysis, survey director Warren Schwegel concludes that the two positions, both el<Clive In Laguna Beach, are "comparable in their l~vel of duties and respomlbilities" and recom- mehda that botli be paid 187' a month. The· clerk pos!Uon currently ii 'paid al the rate of $7$4 a. month while the city treasurer receives $650. These rates were established by the council on a temporary basis, pending com°pleUon of the job evaluation, follow~ Ing a legal dispute that erupted wben the council voted to cut the clerk position to a ;Part Ume job, paylnf l3lO a mooth, w!lfle the "lreasurer received $250. :fonnerly, both elective positions had Ileen · allglJlented by appolntmenta as 11principal clerk," to augment'tbe basic pay rate. These appointments were' removed by the c:ouncll follo!rinl the April' electloo, but tbt Jobi were deemed lull time and the lllarin r.stored after Mrs. Musfelt brculbl Jepfactlon agalnlt the city and WIXI a favorable court verdicl The state survey of 10 comparable clttea revealed a wide •ariatlon In both <Niles and pay of dty c1erb and treasureis. Six clertis were elected ud four appointed. Sev• dt1 tr-.rera FE W WORDS BUT MUCH SUCCES.S You can be a pel'ICll of few 'llOlill and IUU find succesa -plenty of lt -In DAJL Y PILOT cJasallled advertlJlnll col· wnno. Tal:e, for example, the few -U In these two and a ball lines ol acl...U.. 1'lg: . : , 3 BR, 2 BA, lrplc~ '. crpt, drpo, bltns, floors, '31). Dl-UD. 'l'bo7 wm enoulh to rt11t the place to the first calltr, A Jew YID el-. -.!1 Iii the t1PI place, the DAIL y PILOT'• daolffed e<rllannl, <111 ,.i reaulta for )'oa, too: Dial tG-6111 and exehanle ...,. Worell w1tb C11e of our acHl!ol'I. • were elected,. three appointed. Jn many lnsla!>Cel, <>!her ctty duti~ were assigned to the elected or appointed officials. Clerk aalaries ranged from $125 for an· elected, part-tlme clerk In Brawley, to $1,411 a month in San Marino where an appofuted fullUme clerk also serves as assistant city manager and purchasing agent. · · Cooi~tiOn for the city treasurers surveyed ranged from nothing In Los Alamit.oa, where an appointed treasurer Is rtQUlred only to sign cbeck.s, to $1,597 a month In Brea, where an elected ·treasurer also' serves as finance director and pUrcbuing agent. . .However, pay for most of the full time clerk! and treasure.rs .surveyed wa.s in the l80tl range. Kissinger H ol.ds Top Secret Talks With N. Vietnam WASHINGTON (UPI) -Presidential adviler Henry A. Kissinger Is holding • private lalb In Paris today with North Vietnamese neflOliakq Le Due Tho and Xuan '!buy, the White Houae announced. Jn .a joint annpuncemeni with the North Vletnameae, the White House said that the Prealdent'o national security affairs adviler II expected to return to Wublncloo today. He flew to Pails Tuesday for the private -in an attempt to get the l'aril p.a.. tafta moving again. . 'l'bll -the !Int time that Kissinger'• private -1np with the Communllt negolialen have been annollJ\Ctd while tbt l''P-1n• were under way. He last met In Paris with Le Due Tho on May 2, 'l1le Ulllted Slalel and South Vietnam resumed -wilh -tbelr Communist c0unterparta -'l'bunday. Tho llrl'ived in the F,..,ch capital last weekend and said he -read)' to coaalder any new U.S. offer. Ten da71· .... K1ssinger toia reporters I• San Clemente, that there were In- . dicationl Hanoi waa ready to reslllt\e negotlatlona with a new and responsive -~~tbe um., Klsi!nctr' aald he was hopeflll but aol opllmfstlc. ~ ..... tbal Klloinger, Wll cn IDOlhor mJaloa for tJl1on wben the PrealdMI -bldt lrOm the Western Wbita Uouoe In California Tuelday wit.bout Kial,... The two lrequentljr vavel lotl:lk. I • of a new mulli-storied, 125,llOIHquare fool adminlstrallqn building and com- . puter· ceoter m Santa Ana Boillevard (6th Street) and l_loss..Slreet. Supervl!or David L. Baker of Garden Grove urged inclusion of the first step toward replacing the present overcrowd .. ed 1ix-ston! ~<!mblistraUon ~!,illding oo the "llOUtbeast eorner of S8nta Ana Boulevard }nd Sy~ Street. · "locceleratlq ...... "t '!1<1 ol :IM - (flee B~, l'l&e I) , Irvine Drrects Aid~ to becrease. Acreage Sought l'rvlne City CoWlcilmenTuesday night" pre-wned tj>e inifultrlal portioos of t1ie p_ropo9ed "FrasJer anneutlon" and tolcl City Manager William ·wooilett Jr. to redra\l the l!CJUndaries reducing the city's first anneul!oo from 9,llOO to 8,700 acres. . The separate council actions reflect concerns of Irvine's ne1gbb(n over the. e1panslOn south aDd easl of the present 18,200-acre city. tbe pre7.0ning . satisfies concerns: of former San Jdaquin Elementary' School Diatrict Board President Gratian Bidart. When the ·annexation was filed, Bidart said he was concerned the 1,400-acre in· dustrlal park planned by the Irvine Com· pany near El Toro Marine Corps Air Sia· tion might be Ulned for some oijler use. after a,nneution. By pre-zoning the parcel, . the city assures the new Saddleback Valley Unilled Sdlool District the tai:-rlch,lndustrial parcel will remain. The voter.approved boundaries for the new unified districts serving Irvine and Saddieback Valley communities split up -the lututt industrial park,·thus dividing the tu wealth between the two districts. II the Local Ag..,eyJFormatlon Com· mission (I.AFG) next · Wednesday ap- proves the Irvine anneution the.city also would benefit from 'tu tevenues from the in<luslrlal park.. . ' The counciH!pproved reductions In the annexatkm cut MIO acres from the soutbeutero corner near the Sycamore (See ANNEX, Pap I) Laguna -Council · Hopefuls Slate 2 More Forums "Candldateo for the tuuna BeaCh City Council aeat to he vaca!id by Edward C. LOrr wUI !\ave two tlnal opJiortunltiei to air their vlews in public forum! scbedul· ed ror 'lbllJ'i9Y iM Friday night& 'lbunday at a · p.m. ln' t h • Nelg!>bdrllood °"'S"l•tlooal Church, 340 SL Ann'o Drift, the League ol Women Voters ol Orlnge Caul will• aponoor a Candldatea' N!Cb~ wtlb forp>er COUJ>o cllwoman He1'ft Keelex u moderator, Friday at a p.m. In City Hall councl! chamben, the • Spirjl ol Laguna wUI spomor a mock city ._ii session for the candidates, with ..., apnda of itema pertalnlna to n!evant comnt questionl. Ballotlnl In the .-0.......,U e1ectioo Tueaday wm llnd CIDdldateo Wayne Jlqlin, Larry Campboll, Carl Johnso• ancl Beth Leeds vying for' the counc~ poeltloa. ' personnel costs and only $150 material ·costs for the system. "It is my understanding that ~tr. Pugh has ~t discussed our accounting system with anyone !_Xcept three members of t~e board 'of education and the business office staff. It is bard to understand bow he can include lay owners and administration as stall in his statement.'' Remarks by Pugh that the budget reports by the business office are "sloP'" ' py" and "c~reless" were replied to by Hess in the following manner ; "I would like very much to be able to turn out an accounting report each month which has a neat form and orderly appearance. I informed the board in October that I would not be able to turn out a neat aand orderly report without additional clerical time for typing the reports. The board indicated a handwrit- ten report was appropriate to its needs." Hess notes that Pugh, who sharply criticized errors in the budget recap, made a number of errors of his own ln a report delivered to the board July 11. Prefacing his statement to the 1board, Hess said: "l had been under the Im- pressi on that the operation of the business office was satisfactory to the members of lhc board and that theer . were no problems lnvolvlnr ccm. municatlon between the business office and the board of educatol n. "I had this impression because all but two of the recommendations I have made to the board in the past tw_tlvt months have been approved ," Hess added . Hess rloted that during the past 20 months four audits have been made of the school dfstrict by indepeodent firms. "From the audits there were no criticisms, but several complimentary comments abQut the district's financial operation!," the business manager. holder of a doctorate in school financing, stated. overn I ' ' 1 { • \ ' DAILY Ph.OT 11~ ..... REFUSE QOL1'ECTOR TOSSES °CITY,PROYIOEP B~GS INTO , Tl,tUCIC , Offici1l1 Elllmole 75 -Peicenl of H1l11ide :Hoineownen UN<Mlitla · . 1 ' It~s I:it the .Bag Top Of W orl.d Experiment Working ' ' In l.al!Ul)a Beach's Top of the World, trash was in the bag this week. Well,, almost. Roughly three out ol every four homes used plastic or paper trash bags Instead of unwieldy trash barrels, as part of a. citj-sponsored ~petim~nt to ~prove. trash collection. The idea is that ba~s can, be collected In less time and .unslghtly bamls can become a thing of th< past. - City ' parks superintendent CI y d e Sweetser said he was "encourqged" by the participation of the hilltop· residents during the first week ot the two-month experiment. "I'm surt many more will start.using the bags as tune goes on," Sweetser .!laid. The city provided 24 bags to each of 400 homes In Top of the World las! week, theorizing that would be a sufflcle.nt number for the eight-week trial run. Based on' Dbs:cravtlons made Tuesday and this morning, Sweetser said it may be necessary to provide more bags to' heavy trash producers. In, front of One borne sat 10 bags - nearly -half the allocation for the entire tWo-month period. Sorpe ,re~ldents ~sed th.e bags to , coi;n-- plement their bwn trash cans. others us .. td the 1 bags • as· a liner for their 'con.- tainers.. . . One . homeowner shunned the ex· • periment and placed 13 cans out on the. Street. The city I~ recording the trash . col· lecllon on video 'tipe, 1Sweest~r Doted, io tbst ·time and piollon studies may •be· made to see if tile hags really do nlake •· dif f ereoce. ' . Council Con siders Lease ~ub~titu~e. on Playhou se SUbstUutlon or a ntW' ' 1 l l c en 1 e agreement" for the Lagana Beach Com. munity Players• lease with the-city fo11 use of the. Laguna Moulton Playhouse will be consldared tonight 'by tbt City CouJ1clL In a memo to the . counctl, Clly Manaio!r Lawrtnce Rose polnb out thst terms of the Wstlng lease have not been carried out be<:auae of paot financial dlf· lkultles of the playhouse, 90 the •sree- ment II e/lectiV•IY In default . The lease requires paymont of five per- cent ot g10: receipts Id the city and that tile corporatloo he r e s p o n s l b l e !or maintenance of the premises and llablllty lnsurll.QCe, both of which were taken over by the city Iii' 1m, He !"ggesb oubstltullng a .., .. year license agreement,-under which the COi'· poration would.be partially funded by the- cily through lis cultural grants unUI such time as It can alford to pay for the pdvUcge of using the playbouse. Such •n agreement, says Rote. would not oubstanUBUy change the right of the' plaws to make use of the prtmlaes u !hey have been · doing, and could be replaced wilb a new 1eue 1t an ap- (See PLA YDOU!E, Page I) Unions Free To Make Up Own Minds WASHINGTON (AP) -AFL-CIO President George Meany announced to- day that the . politically po!l'er!ul labor group will 'not endorse eilher Democratic nominee Gedrge S. McGovern or PrW. dent Nixon ln lhe November election.. The exe.eutive council. ol tbe 13.6-mll· lion mfutber labor· leder1t.k>n1 whicQ bai supported all'·put Dom!leraltc presiden- tial candidates, lhil lime will _.tzata on ele¢1n& , ita fr1'odl 1n Q>pcrw, MOllD1~ . 'l'bt -~ labor ..,.1Dc!J, by • ""' ol 27-3, ldoDlod !Iii, ilatenleDI: • "Uiidoi tbe drcumata.-, tbe AFJ.. CIO 'will refrale from fndnralni either candidate loi tbe· office •of Pr<Sldent of the United Slates. "'lbele clrcumstance! call, rather, for the maxlmum concentration of eUort on the election of senators, and represen- tatives whole records commend them to the working people of America. "Affililtes are, or course, free to en- dor .. e and support any candidate of tbelJt choice." Le4derl of several of the AFL-CI011 117~ ~vidual unions have endorsed or said " would endorse McGovern. One -tpe ;lilarine Englneeis Beneficial &socl•tlon -has endorsed Nixon. Five members of the labor eotmcit reportedly leiuling 'to McGovern did no1 at.ond the meeting, One 'of ·them, Pxesldenl Joeeph A. Belme of the Commurileationll Worbn1, sent a lefter to M~ urgjng en- dorsement or McGovern, iho Alloclated Press learned. . "Endorsement or the DemocraUc c~ dldates 11 the only way to keep AFLCIO uniom tn·their political activity," Bejme wrote Meany. Near Custer. S.D., where McGovern It vacatloDi"g, the Democratlc presidenUal candld1te learned of the AFt,cl011 council'' action as he concluded a horseback ride through the woods around Sylvan :Lake. 4'l'm disappointed In the action of the council.'' McGovern said. "I frankly, don't want a feud with President Meany," McGovern .said. But, he odded, "I'm confident tho leaders and the nnk-and-rtle of maoy !JI. divldual unions will go ahead and -us.u 81'.aafe lfe•C.'!1' Despite those dart cloudl In tho eatJy morning houri, tbt 11111 ohoUid be altlnlng on the ~ Coast by mid-day, B<COrdlng to 'tbe w•ather· lady. Highs ~. 70 to Ill. Low1 tolllght -· INSWE TODAY Thrte """ producUOftl light up the 1~ .tllnkr 11Ggcs oround Oninge C o • n I ¥ llW week, o roritv for ,.fdl...,..r. See ll!ltert4lilmcn4 Poi/• Jf. ,,. .. ,.,.. n -... ---..... , .. --. -c.-, 11 """ -n --11-tt Dt. •••a• • ---,.,... . -... =-...: --. ' • .. ' • DAILY PJLOT Lt Alfvlfer• Leaving ·S-oviet -'Exodus' Begins in Egypt By Uelted Pnss InlenuiUonal Soviet mllltery advls<rs poured out of ECY)J\ today in a mus withdrawal which cairo poUtlcal toUreeS said President Anwat S!od!il ordered because R!Wi& failed lo dtilver lht weapons It prom!Hd. (Rela~ lllory, Paa• 4) As the RusllllM left, they look with them gifts pmented to lhem by Egyir tian comrades. Customs agenUI search· ed them to make sure they were not car- ryfn& excesa (old out of El)'pl. Sadal expelled the Soviet mlllfory peraonnel -believed lo tolal 1nme 20,000 -becauae Moacow never came up with the wer material II pled&ed. Spoclllcally, Ult IOUrcU eald, tht Sovlell' reluclanct to 11 ' e EiYPi . of. fe111iv1 weapon1 prompted lht declllon, which· w11 made 1fter Prime Mlntater Aila Sldky wenl to Moacow' iul wee): in Planners Nix Park Avenue Vse Proposal ClllJll poulble future wldenin( of Park Avenue. the Laauna Beach Planning Commission has disapproved a request for use 'of part of the road's undeveloped rlghl of way. Architect lb Christian Abel bad pro. pottd an.apartment bulldtn& at Mii Pork Avenue, with .,try acroa a bridle built oo the city-owned right of way, now un- paved. · Abel uked lhal the bridle be accepted u the Ol>flle turn 1rowia required by the cfly to thal can would nol back out 00 P.ark Avenue. Planners disagreed, asking what would happen to the blrHround area if lhe road were to be widened, a1 dty eagioeertn1 Ila!! saya is a probable future city undertaking. In othtr action, the commission: -Appointed Comm!HiODer L a r r y Campbell u an alternate to lhe AlllO Water. Mana1emenl A&ency. -~111td oppoaHlon t o con.- 11dtra n of a Chllcfren'• TberapeuUc Canter emtn( tho menlally Ul in a naldtnllal IOlll alco& Bluebird Cell)'Oll DriVe, . -set a public hearing for Aupt 21 for propoted amendments to lot dlmenalon nqutremenll in the R-1 zone. 'Lengiliy Closed, Open Sessions Faced by Council Laguna Beach city councllmen lace a Iona aeoalon tonilbt, with an execuUvo (cloaed) diacusslon of peraonnel malter• achlduled lo follow a 34-ltem aeenda. Amona the llelUI up for action or fn. formation are: -Extallllon of the Arch Beach Hellhll buildlna moratorium aQ!I ' Initiation of Al1111111ent Dlltrict lt-}·!Qr COM.truCtion of aewers in thal .8"!1: .I • :--Secur1J11 ballt/IOlllJ to mael dty Ojltr1tlng -.•. -R,Yialon die playhou11 leaa .. -Permit· a .Volunteer Poat fire sale on city • to revlllon of lhe City of Irvtne!a prOpoled 1nne11Uon. -Bettin& a bt1rlag date for the Open Space El.,.enl of the Gtneral Plan pro. )iOltd 1or Aue; 11. , -llecalpt of avaluatlon report on cl17 qlerk and treaaurer Jobi. . -Propooed purchaee of the Llsun• Canyon eucalyplu.! pe. : -Report on glftJ lo the city by the jjubllc. OIANtl COAIT LI DAILY PILOT Tiit Orar!M C.tt ~IL Y PILOT, .ii.. WI~ ll comb!l'ltl'I tfll '4twt-Prtta, It PMUallcd 11-, Ille Onin11t C"•t PublWllng QrnJllnv. $tjlf• rate .ctuion.. •r• pu11Ud1edt #llOf!Ny 111roug" Prld1y, for' COs11 Mua, H...,.,. ltldt, HtMll"f'*' ee1cti/l'ovn111r1 v11i.y, l.efun. 91tcti. lrtlM/$11~1 .. CI& ~ S11t Clemtnt.f Salt J""'n C1pltftt110. A 11ng1-rtOlontl -.dlllon h p.ibflahlf lllllNI~ ll'ld llll'ld1ys. Tiie ptlnel,,_1 "'411ltlt11'11 pltlll h ti D:i W.SI .. 1 Stl'Mt, C.te M .. 1, C1!110rnlt, 92'21. ••h't N. W 11d ,.l'tllchnt •M Pllblllllt< J•c\ R. C11rl1v vie. Pnllffnt .,.. 0"""1 Mllllttr . 'ftl•lll•I k••Yll lclttw 'TI!t111t1 A. M11rphl11t MtMtllll idl'W Ch•tlH H. l•o• · lfth1r4 ,, Nill AulltW "'"'"'"' ••11or1 ............. Offfc• llt f•r11t ""'"'' Mt!ll111 A44r•111,,o .101 •46. tJlll --Wt M .. t * Wlllt hY ,,,.... ·=· ct11 WS Ntwport '°"""rf tl11111 llfffilt 1"'1 ... di ........,.,. .._ C ft: #I Nor"' El c.unlllt Altl , .. ,,_ 17141 ... J-4121 c--....w ... ,. '--An h!'••-1 ,,,,, •••• 4t4-t4'6 °""'1W~ ''"' °"'"'' Ctt11 ""'"-"" ~,. "'' ....... •lttitt, "'"''"NMlf .....,.ltl Nttw fl' "'-'~ '*""' :.,".,~ wlf!ltlll Ul(llll ..... ""'-.,.,,..,, . ....... •~M':r" NM "' C.lf M-. QMlwlt,. "'"" " ftrrltr WiM: ~1 llr l'Mll U .U. rr111rdllfr' .,,nlhity ' •Ntlfftf #M tnMllllr. an attempt to get Kremlln leaders to cha11ge their mlnds. The pullout by alr and sea followed a reception Mon·day night with leading Sovie! advllen with Egyptian War Minister Lt. Gen. Mohammed Ahmed Sadek thanking them for the 1ervlce.1. As they boarded thtlr planes and ships for home, Egyptian military comrades presented the Russians p e r so n a l souvenirs from Cairo buaan. the aourc· es said. Tbe Ru111w. were then aean:h. ed by CUiiom offlclaJI, The Ruaalanl have been eager patrons of the C.,lro gold market and cu1lom1 procedure. were ordered after a recent di1pute al an El)'Ptlen airport involvlni 1 group or Soviet advisers and the:lr famlUes going home on rotation, the IOUroel said. :Tho RuHlant at flr1f reluHd lo be $Hrched but when lhty did undergo frllkln(, cuotoma 1gen11 found I a r 1 e · quanlllle1 of gold on them. '!'be tncldenl Jed to lighter rt(Ulatlona. There waa lltUe vlllble evidence: of the withdrawal in Cairo where Soviet civilian advisers in such fields as agriculture1._oil, industry and electricity went about weir work unaffected by the military pullout. Surfing Sounds New Innovation In Laguna Film A waterproofed transm!Uer a n d microphone, hlroeued to a 1urfer to record the actual u90und1" of surfing, is one of the technicaJ iMovaUon1 in "Five Summer Storles,11 last in a 1erlu ot award·wlnnlng f!lmJ about aurflag to be made by the Laauna Beach team of a ... , McGU!lvray and Jim Freeman. Tho !Um, already viewed bY. more than 50,000 people in a series of ' test" ahow· inga in Calllmla, wilt be llhown in the Laauna Bach Hlih School auditorium at 8:30 p.m. tonllhl throlllh Sunday. Completed for only 131,000 by tho youne fllm maken, who work out of LaflWUI'• llO-yeaN>ld Pyne Collie, "Five Summer Slorl••" II a aurlfn&«ean documentary dealing with the threat of pollution and coutllne development to the popular water aport. It II expected to gro111 more than $S00,000 over tbe next two yeara, according to the producen, who now are turning their attention to other documwary tople1 alter wlnnlnl aword1 ntu~ly and lntemat-1li for their unl~ue lllfflns movlel. ' I FrotnPflfel PLAYHOUSE •• proprtate time. "That day," he notes, 11may be rapidly approach!ag according lo the moat recent financial atatementJ of tho corporation, but unlll II doea, IOffil new type of air ... ment baa to 11tat so thal the corporation does not contlnue to operate under an aareemanl which ta 1ubltanllalty in de!ault." The llcenae arreement, propoaed to be kept on a year.to-year basil, 1lve1 the players use of the playbouse,wlth the understanding lhal local organiiatlonx may also have ecce,,s to the facility; pro- vides thet the city will undertake maintenance and pay all utlllly bU!s; that the playen wm cmy !iablllty ln- surancet, whlle the city provides fire in- surance; and that the Players will bear the coat of improvements to the building, which muat have city approval. . VCI Student, Daught.er Killed In El Toro Crash A 37.year .. ld araduale aludenl In phyalcs al UC Irvine -only montbl away from his doctorate -was klllld alona wllh bis f.year<>ld dau(hter ear:y today In a grinding freeway cr .. b In El Toro. Boyd q. Foater of 405 Verano Place, Irvine, and hiJ daughter, Amanda, were kllled tnmnily shortly alter mldnflhl ~·hen his car left the transition road on the San Diego Freeway, soared for 175 feel. then cartwheeled. The death wu fel l •• a major trl(edy in the university's physics department, where Foster had been a student since the program was be(un In 1965. Highway patrolmen said they btd not yet determined the reasons for the car suddenly leaving the roadway on the Jong tr1n1Ulon brld&• which croases over the Santa Ana Freeway. Both lather and daughter were thrown from the opinnilll vehfcle and were pro- nounced d11d at lbe scene by coroner'• lnveatlaators. Sl)ok11men for Iha ph)'aico depar\ment said all Iii members were Slunned by the tragedy. Foaltt, 1 candidate for a doctorate In "'11d1lalt phya!CI, WBI only • few ml>nthl away from recelvtna hta dtll"t. , !t . WOUid have been, they llld, the ~llmu tii doana of years Of ltrtll(lfna for • 11udanl Who worked lo 'J!IPporl a famil y whllo ••mine the IOllgh derree. I , I ........ °"" .. - -1 Two Stones t: Arr . d .. este ' l ' > • \ After Brawl ; ' ' • !. BOSTON (AP) -Mick Janer I ft cf· Keith Rlchord, the leader and lead! guitarist of the Rolling Stones, have been\ arrested in connec~ion with a brawl with;f police. Dut they still made it to Bo1ton , Garden early today where thouaandl ol{ fana walled 511 boura tn awelterlnl heat : to hear lhe British rock group. ~ The delay in the concert occurred when - Jagger. 29, Richard, 29, and three other< members of their traveling party were : arrested In War,lc~. R.I., Tueaday night~ on charges stemming from a aCUllle : when a photographer tried lo take a pie-'. ture of the group. . Their plane bad been diverted to ar .. n: lnternatlonal Airport at Warwick when,: fog eocked In Logan Internaljonal AlrJl9rl . here. ; ; "I called and I go! them out and : they're on their way," Mayor Kevin : White tol d a capacity crowd of 1$,S09 : persons who ·packed the Garden for the.;. scheduled 8 p.m. concert. · !' IR INE Despite the delay, the crowd 1onerally~ remained orderly. ' Wblle, who appeared before the crowd\ at 11 :10 p.m. interceded with authorities ~ at Warwick in behalf of the Stones. t ,..,Authorities used many ploys to keep: the crowd occupied, Including at one'.. point passing out small, rubber footballs.; which the fa ns lo1Sed around the Gorden' for several minutes. \ Earlier, 1inger Stevie Wonder perfonn~ • ed ror more than an hour. · { When the Stones arrived on atage at • 12:50 a.m., they were greeted by a long, r Joud ovation. : After their first number, Jagger told~ the audience that the group was delayed ; because 1'we tried out the jail for a '. while." • FromPqel BUDGET ••• ' • , . • • ANNIX l!D ftlDUCID-Map Indicates reductions In Irvin•'• Intended annuatlon from 9,600 acres to 8,700 acre1. Slrlped portion near Laguna Beach's Sycamore Hilla 1re1 In Laiuna Canyon Is 800 acres no longer eought In the Fruler Annexation. Strtped area near El Toro Marine Corps Air Station, about DAii. Y PILOT N1.,. MN H' Tlfn ,...,.._ 100 acres, was deleted several weeks ago. Check· ered areas -south of UC Irvine and al the north· ernmost tip of the city -are reductions in the 53,000.acre sphere of Influence claimed by Irvine. Cuts were approved Tuesday night. administration cente r would save a lot of :· money 'in the Joni run which Is now being '; spent on alterations, leaaea, inovlng a'ild1 other constantly recurring cost.& dictated ; by lack of needed space," Baker argued. { Clair EMla: e:pace control and planning l executive in the county adminJatratJ.vei. office, said deslin of the n<W but!dln( : could be -pleted in one year and the '. Fl'fflP.,eJ ANNEX ••• Hiiia ar1a of Ll(llllO Buch and naU!rm an earlier cut of 100 acres near El Toro MCAS. . ~DJ.Jllfd> In~ have ·wre....i "'""""' ov., the pi:olecUon of Iha coalll dty'• walerlbed area of about 1,000 acres, the tlll'tal Iha! Irvine ml&hl annex Ll(tllll Cll1)'0p llailanda IU!tablt for achoo! lllN · tnd mt(bt evenlually allow dovalopmeol which would threaten th• La(UDJ Oreanbell plan. Woollett nld Tueaday tlte amta boun- dary cbanie bopelulty wtl1 satllly the ,Lquna Beach City Counctl which 11 to conaldar the cbanae tonllbt The El Toro MCAS .,... reduction allow• lhe coun17 to pn>ceed with road conatructlon plw al no COii to the city. Two minor adjumnenll made Jn the Irvine sphere of influence map by coun- cllmen Tuesday rellecl concema of Newport Beach tnd Orans• ovar areas they hope to reserve for upansion. One parcel, aboul 50 acroa eouth or UC Irvine in the 5an Joaquin Hills. was trim· med from lrvtne's sphere 1tnco Newport someday hopa to UM a hlll·lop for a gravity flow water storage f1clllty, Woollell said. The ober sphere ..,duellon ls at 11\e norlhtrnntolll Up of tho city where 311 aetts bsa been lopped !Mm Irvlne'a map lq deference to the ~~ Orengo which pl11W exponalon Incl 11111 parcel of the Irvine Ranch. Countersuit Filed In Laguna Case; Tapping Alleged Two Laguna Beach execuUv11 sued on s!tndar allegaUona llled by a former employe have accuaed him In a new leWIUlt of tappbtg tnd record inc telephone convenatlons detailed in the action. Donald J. Barda and Barbera Wade, prestdenl and industrial r e l a 11 o n 1 manager .._ilvely of Te f on t c Industries Ltd., 21282 Laauna Clnyoo Road, demand a total ol $i06,000 in damages from dtfandants Donald E. Burrows, Edword r. Mullen and Fran1: Jayne. . Bum>ws is Identified u a former sales manager tor Telonic. He sued Barda end Miss Wade for 18116,000 two years ago in a civil acUon llClitduled to go lo trial Aug. ,311. • B•rda and MUI Wede claim that tome of the statemenls Included by Burrows In his action were ill'lalJY oblatned by his recordlag of cerlain 141epbooa con- veraaUON. Union Merger Probed VANCOWER, Wsab. (AP ) -The posalblllty of a meraer of Ibo Twnller1 and Lonphoremen'• unton1 1Wf1c<d Win when ft WU I.med lhtl tlleit ftider'I were meeUnc here MC.::!:I'• A Sallie lonpbcn llOttl'et, who nol 1o be Identified, llid· Iha maellnl 'llMlo day wa1 Iha l1nl of HVlfll "qp!orator7 talkl" on a pou!ble m.t1U. • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ San .Onofre Surfing Ouh Loses Lease After Season $4 mU!ion project moved up to a me : compleUon dale rather than the prellllt • projected date of 1977. · \• Major projecls approved In the '13.t ' million buidtne proaram Include -~i strucllon of a new Harbor Munldgal • Court bulldin( on Jamboree BoulevlJ<f in: Newport Beach, $2.5 million ; completWn ': of the fourth floor of the main county \· jail" $1.9 million: purchue ol a ne:w : refUse dlapoaal site north of San Juan( Captalrano, IU million; construction of ; The San Onofre Surfing Club -an declared 2,300 acres public) will be able the second phase of the North Orange~ organlzaUon which for years hu offered to stay on for ~veral more years. County Municipal Court in Fullerton, •t.5: members exclusive use of some or the "We understand that large agricultural million; dulgn of a new Orange County~ bes!~·""•• beaches in California -wUI ll be bllahed in Medical' Center, •1.2& m!Ulon, and U•.: ·-··,. preserves w I eata the can-panslon of the civic center utility planl It• be no more at the end of the summer, a yon, allowing the farmers to continue .servJce"a new federal buildin~1 f164 ,000 .• '~ top White House official said Ulla week. working under lease ror quite som e time A $145,000 item to demolish tne old Hall \. John Ehrllcbman, Pre1ldent Nixon's to come," Ebrllcbman aald. of Record• and an old church bulldiJI& 0n 1' domesUc affalra advlser, sald that the Ehrllchm 8th Street between Broadway ahd "l; club's leue wlll no longer be valid alter an explained lht !ale 01 the Sycamore Slroet was cut to f«,000 wl)on.' thl1 summer " part of the plannlag for lwo diverse lnlerellls durlag a beachlront supervisors decided thal the dty of son.~ development ol lhe entire sll·mlle parcel brlellag at San tlnolre Beach Sule Park ta Ana 1hould pick up lbe tab for the~ of btachfront which was leased to the earlier this week during a pause Jn removal of the old buUdinp. The $44;009" Stale of C.llfornla la•t year. m"tlnP between the President, state is for demolition of the old county Jill on Bui althou(b lho 1urlen a n d parks offlclalo and membera of the Sycamore Street. . bucb(oen from the club lace a bleak Marine Corpa and Navy. The other •tructurea stand In the wal· fUlure , Ehrllcbman 1ald tho farmer• who The dllcuall0nt centered on interim ol lhe future .~allanment of Civic Ctltt<t · for years have Jelled the landll in San lmprcvemenll on the ru11ed beach to en· Drive from BroadWll)' to Main Slreet fn. Mateo canyon (where the Prufdent Uce more vllltora. Santa Ana. .--~--.... [iiiliili-------iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijj--~~ GEM TALK ' TODAY by :l..C. NUMJllllllll DIAMONDS STA!t IN MDVllS For centuries .U.mond1 have been 1urrounded by romance and intrigue. Although 10me of the alo!' lea told about famous diamonds are pure mythology, mo.st are hblori· cally verified truth frequently &ur· passing the most lurid fictiou. And sine• history began, 1em1 have retained the Interest of most people, this Interest being expres .. ed through dlllerent Jiledla IA sue> ceedlng generations and In different civilizations. Recent mms relea.sed from most major 1tudlo1 are featurillg dia- mond• 11 Ill• ~nter of attraction !or both crookl and htroet. Al· thotish these movies are 1tralsht flcUon, they are fasclnat1111 audf. ences ol all· aaes. Amons 1uch diamond orlanted fllml Aft 11H0t Rock'' "The Cool Breen" "Diamonds An Forevtt". '1Probe11 an.cl "Horrowbou11. '' · Anothu .productton by WUlltl' Brother1, undtr the dl~on of Sidney also cenllrtd around !ht lure of tllamondl. -. ' r' Allhot11b we hive llw!'W, dealt wllh diamond facll, we y tbeH lm•Cln•tlve movies and altoYa, You mllht Ond tbem equaJ11 bJ.. llrtatlni· OMEGAO the perfect gift for people who spend time together. J.C. .J.lumphrie& Jeweler& ,1123 NEWPORT BLVD., "cOSTA ~ESA CONVINllNT TOMI JI VIAU IN IAMI IOCATION MN/CAMUICARll-MAml CHAltllf PHONE 141.uo1 I • .. •• ..:;.. " . ~.~ ~ -· ' . : .. , " ·~·· !11 'J·. .. • .... \. -·1! .., "'"' ' . ·I , '" -• !1 •\,\; . .. ... .. .. ·: .j) ,_ ' I ' f ~ I I 1 j' l : ( y B I J mlt bee b 8JlY llllil q· :u w $3:6 the m Irv' 2 . I dax F ' • • • ·S-ddlehaek Teday's F l•al . '' N.Y . Steeb yo~. ~s. NO. 20f, 5 SECTIONS, 68 PAGE$.,_ ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 1972 TEN ·CENTS Joaquin-Schools T o Restore Cuts in Program The l)uge increase in Income from prop. erty taxes in the San Joaquin Elemen- tary School District will enable officials to resto,. mall)' originally delete_d pre> grams and positions and still have an $801,1169 surplus at the end of the sohool year. Details of the new fund allocatlons were made public Tue:Sday during a bodgit study session of tt11slees. ·Due to a recently reported increase of ffO mUJion 1n assessed valua.tion of real HQJne · At ~st J)l'Operiy In the dlslrlct Income In the 1972-73 fiscal year will increase $435,040 over what bad been anUcipate<t, ac- cording to l!U$iness SuperintCndent Relc J\lerisoo. The new monies w.lll enable officials to make several additions to the proposed budget, including: -Hlring a new assistant pl$Ming director for the understaffed Facilities Planning Department. -Installing air conditioning at Gates, Olivewood and Irvine e I em en tar y sohools, be ooly facilities in the dlBtrlcl without the cooling units. -Moving the noisy district printing shop · out of office spaces and into a trailer. -Having more fWlds on hand to hire the 90 teachers required for the an· ticipated growth of the district during the fiscal year. -Restoring $75,000 to the operations . and maintenance department budget to .. ... ,,: .. :: . . ' Irvlne:Councilmen·Tuesday night met fol"the first ~In their Irvin~ Town Ceni,r council·cbambers. ~ incorporati<in lastJ December, the nomadic CoJ111clJ has conclu~ted ·ifs business in rooms at UC Itv!Qe, University Park Elementary &boo!, and.two other rooms In Town-center, lna!udilrwjULabandon· ed dry cleaners..J!aised dais,whlch = nlnei · sons is removable and buffers BQt•afi~­box in the downstairs student 'lieer 'g'irileiL staff and p~ess sit at table in fore&round. -.l • J~aquin .Change 01\.'d . -_ .... · By State Education Unit The State Assembly Education Com· mittee Tuesday approved a bill ,that, if it becomes.. law, woUJd maipain the buJldlnC:program itl the $.>It Joaquin ~le~ School District during the con:ili\f yiar. . ~~P Is In the fonn of an amend-meDC::lo~ Senate Bill 728, sponsored by • Sen .. • • .Dennis Carpenter (R-Newport Beach). The amenctnient would exempt the Tustin Unified ·School District from apy 1fablllty incurred through state building aid loans sought by the San Joa· ql4n district. :under present law, the Tustin district Would be responsible for $76,851 of the $3:6 million in loans now pending before the atate Office or Local Assistance. 1be money Js to be used to build schools in Irvine and Mission Viejo, neilher of 2 .:Countians Die hi -.Gara ge Blaze Tw0 men were burned to death Tues-da~ night when the garage converted to a bedrQOJ!t In which they were· sleeping at lA082 11011 St. in the Tustin ~ea was destroyed by lie, the Orange County Cor9Der'110Uice reported. oea~ a,. Frank A. Lascano, 24, of 316 s,Halbor Blvd., Santa Ana and Bernardo CjOqzalel, 17, of the 'l'llslin addreas. which would ever benefit Tu s t i n residents. The Tustin district Is responsible for the loans under a fonnula that would take effect upon unification in July 1973. Because the Tustin district would get 2.11 percent of San Joaquin's assessed valua~ lion, it would be responsible for a like percentage of liabilities incWTed. Tu~tin will receive only land and no fa cilities under wtiflcation. With passage of the bill by the ASsembly Educatlon Committee, it now goes to the noor of the Assembly for con- sideration. A spokeswoman for Sen. , Carpenter is office in Sacramento said to- day the measure would probably come up for a vote Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. The bill, as amended, has already been approved by the Senate. ~tees of the Tustin district In- dicated July lJ that they would not ap- prove the San Joaquin loan ippllcations because of the liabiliUea involved. After an appeal hy San Joaquin facilities planning Director Dave King, the trustees voted to table the request tmtil their nelt meeting, which is sch<!duled for Tuesday. King has indicated that the board would probably pass on the applications if the members could be mured that the district could Incur no liabilities !or the loans.. , The loan applications have already received the 8pproval of the Irvine and Seddiebacl<'Valley Unilied School District boards. . --: Ki ssinger .Holµs Top· Secret Talks • With N. Vi.et nam WASHINGTON {.uPI) -Presidential adviser HeNy A. K'iisingeJ'l .iS holding - private talks in pari_s'~today with North Vietnamese negoti,,ators Le Due Tho and Xuan Thuy, the White' Hoose announced. ·In a joint announcement With the North Vietnamese, the WJUte House 'said that the President's lll!ti'!"!ll security alfalrs adviser is expected. to return to Washington today. He fiew to Paris Tuesday -for the private sessions in .an attempt to get the Paris peace talks moving again. This was the first time that Kissinger's private meetings with the ,O>mmunist negotiators have been announced while the sessions were .Under way. He lut met in Paris wilh Le Due 'Tho on May 2. The United States and South Vietnam rtsumed talks ·with their Communist counterparts Thursda1. Tho JUived in the French capital last weekend and said he was ready to consider 11.ny new U.S. offer. Ten days ago, ~inger told reporters in San Clemente, ._that ·there were Ur dicatlons Hanoi wai ready to resume negotiations with a bew and rtisponsive attitude. • • At the time, KisSinger said be was hopeful but not optimistic. Speculation arose ihat Kissmg<r was on another mission for. Nh:on whe n the Pl:esldent arrived back' from the Western White House in 'Calllomia Tlluday without · Kissinger The two lrequenUy travel together. · hire five more custodians and four new gardenera which had been cut. These and other additions to the budget will cause no new increase in the pro- posed district property tu rate, although two trustees lndiC9ted Tuesday they would lil<e to cut back the suggested l5 cent tax increase. 1be rate in fiscal 1971·'12 was $2.57 per $100 of assessed valuation, but -when the ,12.6 mllllon budget for 1972-73 was first introduced in Jwie, o[ficlals indicated the rat• would have to be Increased to $2.72 to support the progrmrus. This was ln keeping with the board's promise to not raise taxes more than 2S cents. Hbwever, the new income increased the anticipated year-end rese~s of the district from $450,633 to $801 ,869. The ad· diUonal $351,236 amounts to about 12~ ·cents on the tax rate. Nerison told the board that nine cents of the 25-<:ent increase will go toward the teachers' retirement fund, in keeping with new state requirements that school districts contribute more toward retire- ment programs of employes. Trustees Dennis Smith and Jo.sepb Peterson indicated that even if the · tueS were not increased by the recommended 2$ cents, property owners in the district would in effect be paying more taxes. This is due, they noted, to the tncrease In property assessments for homes-In the (See llUl'ORE, Page Z) Irvine Cuts Annex Boundaries on Parcel T1ig.htened Irvine City Councilmen Tuesday night pre-zoned the Industrial portions of the proposed "Frasier annexation" and told City Manager William Woollett Jr. to redraw the boundaries reducing the city's first annention from 9,600 to 8,700 acres. The separate council actions reflect coocems of Irvine's neighbors over the expansion south and east of the present 18,200-acre city. , · The prezoning satisfies ccncerns of former San Joaquin Elementary School District Boan! President Gratl1n Bldart. When the annexation was filed, Bidart said he was concerned the 1,40().acre in- dustrial park planned by the Irvine Com- pany near El Toro Marine Corps Air Sta· tion might be zoned for some other use, after anne.xation, By pre-zoning the parcel, the city assures the new Saddleback Valley Unilied School District lhe tax-rich industrial parcel will remain . The voter-approved boundaries for the new unified districts serving Irvine and Saddieback Valley communiUes split up the lutu.. Industrial park, thus d!viillna the tu wealth' between the two dlllrlets. If the Local Agency Formation Como mission (LAFC) next Wednesday aJ>- proves the Irvine annexation the city also would benefit from tax revenues from the industrial park. The rouncil-approved reductions tn the annexation cut 800 acres from the (See ANNEX, Page I) 'AFLCIO Won't Endorse UCI Stu de 1it, Daugh te r Kilwd I 11 El Toro C.l'ash McGovern for President .. • ' ~. <iPI . AF!JCIO,. President George Meany-announced t... day .tllal: the Pou~d,.,;orful.Jabor group will not endorH either Democrailc nomiliee George 8. McQ<ml:D <r .Presi- dent Nuon lo the N~ electl9n. '!Tie execuUve couocil of Ille '13.fl.mll- lii>n member labof federation; which hu supported all put Democnllc .preslden- 1101 candidates, this tlm~ will concentrate on electing its friends in Congr ... , Meany said. The S>man labor council', bY a vote of 27-3, adopted this statem!J1l: . "Under the circwDsl.ri<;es, the AFt. . Clo will' refrain from endorsing either candiilate for the office of .Ptesldent of the United Slates. "These CkC\IDl~ call, rather, for the m~mum conCentraUon of effort on the election of aenatan, and 1 represen- tatives whose records' commeod tbem to the -king people of America. "Affiliates are, of course, free to en- dorse and support any candidate of their choice." Leaders of several of the AFL-CIO's 117 individual unions have endorsed or· said they would endorse McGovern . One -the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association -has endorsed ·Nixon. Five members of the labor council reportedly leaDtng to McGovern did not attend the meeting. One of them; Prealdent Joseph A. Beirne of the Comm.unicatlona Workert, sent a letter to Meany urging e1r dor~nt .of M~vern, the Associated Prest learn~d. "Endorsement of the Democratic can- didates is the only way to keep AFL-CIO unions ln thelr poliUcal activity," Be.frne wrote Meany. Near CUster, S.D.1 where McGovern ls vacationing, the Democratic presideotial candidate learned of the AFJ,C!0'1 rouncil'• actfoD as he concluded a • horseback ride through the woods around Sylvan Lake. "I'm disaopointed In the acUco of the cotmcil," McGovern said. "I -1rank!y don't want a !eud With President Meany," McGovern aald. But, he added, 11I'm confident the leadera and the rank-and-file of many Jn. "1fvtbl\lMilit ,.m Id lflead and tlldorie A 37.year...id l'lduata ltMe.t In us." . / · physic:& 1t' UC lrYine -pnb-mon\hs ' M:~ aid hi. <\'lee ~ n.,' from his doclorOte -w11 llllled running 'inile;-sen: TliOliliJT.Eajlef~Wltli !iii J")'Oll'Old dqbter ·-1y of Mlllourf, bad been meellng wltb today in 1 srlodlal ,,._., crah bl El l!ldert of Individual unions a,nd llnlng up Toro. · · =cil'":;:(tnf.°' to today s eucutlve Boyd er. .Fotter of 405• venno . Place, '•8atufally we Would have liked to have Irvme, and tibi daughter, Amanda, were had the ·cauncil's e 0 d·~r 1 em e 0 t •' killed fnltan:Uy ahortiy after midnight McGovern sa14· 1 when his 'car Je!t the transition road on The three unioa cblefa who w1nted to the San'Dieco Freeway, soared for 175 endorte McGovern IUl<l voted agallllt the !eel, tben e1rtwheeled. neutral policy were Jerry Wurf of lhe The death was felt as a major tragedy American , Federation of State, County In the uriiverslty's physics department, and Municipal Workm; Al Gl'OIJ)lron <lf where Foster had been a student since the OU, Atomic and Chemical Workers the program was begun in 1965, . and Paul Je~ pf the ln\ernllinal Highway patrolmen said they.bad not Union of Elec;ll'.IC>I Workers. Bu! Meany overrode tbe oppoottloo and yet deteimlned the reasons for the car lgnolOd a perso~ plea from McGovern suddenly leaving the roadway on the long for labor support. transillon bridge which crosses ·over the "I believe that 111 become ptel]dent, Santa Ana F,.eway. you will be proud of my admln11tratlol). Both lather and daugllter were thrown Both my campaign and my ad-from the 1plrinlng vehicle and were proo ministraUon,·bowever, need your advlce, nounced dead at the -acene by coroner'• e~ence and strength/' McGovern investlgaton. wrote to all members ol tbe ALF.CID Spokesm111 for the physics department coWJCU plus a number of other union said all Its members were stunned by the chiefsr · traFgedty, candid t f d to I "I will not endorse, I will not llJPport os er, a a e or a· oc rate n and I will not vote for Richard Nixon for solid·state physics, was only' a few President of the United Sta tea:," Meany months away from receiving his degree. aald 'in answer to a question at 1 news It woµld have been, they said, the conference. climax.to dozens of yeani of. struggling "I will not endorse, I will not support !or a-student who worked to support a and J will not vote 1for George McGovern family while earning the tough degree. for President of the United States.'' 01~ was always a financial strpggle for Meany said. Boyd,"-said a apokesman for the depart- The acUon of the labor council waa menf. "He began as a part.time graduate more a reflection of support for ' Meany student while holding down a fud·tlme than opposiUon to McGovern among Job and later he Impressed the'jlrofwor1 many o! the tabor leadera, sources o'a!d. enough to ?<Ctive uliltance from the SF Hotel 'Chef Faces Toughest Cooking Feat university, whlcb bir9I biln as a pan. time teac:hbc and rauroh Ulistlnl" Footer olltllned 1 c1e.,.. from Lot (~ CRA811, Pl(e I) ·en.,. · iiange County firemen said $19.000 dmoage was done to the garage and the adjoining residence. Cause of the blaze II llQknoWD and is.under illvesllgatioo. Feminist Raps Feminists SAN FRANCISCO CAP) -In the baae- ment of a big San Fnncisco hotel, ex· ecutl .. chef Guerrlne Ca!sano II C<\<)king up the· loujhest challenge In his 12-yea. career. .......... Despite thole dark clod In Ille early momJna boul'I, the tun~ be shlltlltg m the Oranir. ~ b)' mld<iay, according to thO weathet• lady •. Highs Thurldly, 1'. to IO. FEW WORDS BlJT MUC H SUCCESS You ..,, be a person of few words and sun find SUC...I -plenty of It -In DAILY PDm classified advertising col· uTw._ Take, for uamplt, the few words Ill tbeae two and a ball lines of ad,.rti,. in1: S BR, 2 BA1 frplc, shag Crpl, drps, oltns, hrdwd floor>, ~. Dl(.l<DX • TMy 1'ere enou&b to rent the ploce ta the !list caller. A. lew well cholon words In the rl&hl place, the DAILY PILOT'• claalll«I columns, can (el t<sulll !or )'Oii, too, Dial IGtm •lid nchanie .,.,e """'" with one of our ad-•llon. ' Ms. Fr ieda 1i Spea ks Against Female Chauv inis~ NEW YORK (AP) -Betty Friedan has accused sister feminlsls Gloria Steinem and Rep. Bella Ab<ug (0.N.Y.). of promoting 1 female chauvlltist Ideology that II allenaling men and cor- rupting the movement for equality, "I have always objected to a rhetoric that treats the •-omen's movement as class warfare aa:alnst men ," Mrs. Friedan, founder of the N a t I o n a I Organizatton for Women, said Tuei;day. "U ,.. mate men the enemy they wru suroly lash back Ill 111," Mn. Friedan, a pillar of the women'• liberation rnove- menl said. "Men CID and must be With us U we are to change IOCiety," lbe c:on-- linued. Her rein.arks were an elaboration of an article written by ber for the All/!lllt Issue of McCalls maptlne and enUUed "Beyond Women11 Liberation.'' "When Gloria Steinem dlsrnJsses mar- riage as 'prootltutloo,' the 118.\lllllt>lkn ts that no woman1would ever want to go to bed with a man If she dldn't need to sell her body for a mink coat," Mn. Ftiedao said. Miss Sltinem. editot or Ms. Macazint, ,.pUed to the charge thal her attitude mates a woman "•pologhe for loving her husband or cbildteri'' wllh a one oentence 1tatement: "Havln( been falsely ICCtlsed by the male Establlsbmenl jotlmllilts of llklns ' men too mw:b, I llll DOif being fal!ely accuaed by a wom111 Estlblialuneol journalilt of not llkln& them enough." or Rep. Abzug, wbo U!IS\ICC<ISfully challenged Rep. WUllalTr Ryan 'lil 'the ~ cent Dtmocratlc primary alter her own congressional district was eUmlnated, Mrf. Friedan said: "Only, 1 female ebauvlnist would say Iha\ no matter how aood a IDlll's record -(I\ peoce ... ---m~t support a lemale ~t jUst becauae lhe la a woman.• Mra. Ab;u1 repHed that Mn. Friedan waa "'!Ill( and thol she never uked for votes am,-. ... Ibo -a T • He was preparing a flve-course gourmet diml<I tonight for 200 of the Unlled States' belt chefs. They are membert of the American CUllllll)l ll'ederatlon, holding their 1miua! convention here at the Jock Tlr Hotel The menu Includes · vol·1u·venl df crtvattes Co!ttimp In pastry 1heh), Celery Vidor, Medallion de Bo<U! - !Wolin!, atrawberrles Romano!! and pellll fours. "At lint I was just going to do lily · bes~" said the ltlllan-born cl>el, "lhy I think men and men about the 200 deft -now I'm going to do belier lhaq my bal f '"lbese are very 1peclal. people. :We•r1 go"1C to pull oot all U.. ttope." I . ( i • Laws tonig!lt -· " INSIDE TODkY~~1 • Thr" 11tlD productlonl Ughl up the local lhtoltr •lollU G71>Und Orangt C o u n I W lhfs "''~"' a nuitv for midaum...,.. Ste En1trtoln,,..n~ Page 26, ...... 11 -.... --'l ----~ n IYM•..... • IMf"tt ,,.,, or.'I~ " ---~ . ---. -----. , ' I l 1 ! • , , ! DAJLY PILOT IS ~•••t11 Talk ' WtdMtday, July 1•, 1472 Frot11PageJ ., .... -.. • • • Mr s. Banu elos ANNEX ••. ~ 80lllheastern corner near the Sycarnort" Hills atea of Laguna Beach and realflr~ an earlier cu_t of 100 acres near .. ~ f""'- MCAS. • , ; ' Boost ing Nixon Laguna Beach interests have ~~e-!lsed. concern O\'er the protection of the coast.- city's watershed area of about 1,000 acres, the threat thaL Irvine nlig}\t ·1aMeX.: Lagwia Canyon flaUands sull.~le for'. school sites and mig'tit eventUl~ .allow: development which \\'OU!d threaten tht: By CANDACE PEARSON Of n.e Dtflt Plltf Sl1fl Latin .Americans should no longer "blindly support" tbe Democratic Party and be "taken for granttd before the election and Ignored after," U.S. Tru.surer ll<Jmana BJnuelos 1Ald in Irvine Tuesday night. Mrs. Banuel0:9, the first Mexican· American to be appointed treasurer, spoke before 170 people at a $1$-a·pfate campaign dinner for Presld<l\l Nuon •PorUOred by the Orange Co u n t y Hispanic Committee to Jle.elecl the Prtlldent. "We don't need more stati_stlcs or more promises.'' the Los Angeles businesswoman said. 11Help is on the way." She said her appointment to the treasum'• po1t 1n Sept. 1971 and 33 o111er 1't.op.level" government appointments of Spanish-speaking people since 1969 show Preaident's Ni.Jon support of the Latin people. " _,.. "Promise! we've had enough already," she said, but then admitted that 31 top- level jobs carrying salaries from $30,000 to '42,SOO a year "don't bring change to the Uves of 12 million Spanish·opeaking Americans. "But jobs do bring us hope," she con· tended. She urged all Spanish-speaking people Harbor Resident I Charged in Death Of Beach Boy From Wire Services SAN BERNARDINO -Following weeb ot _preparing proaecutjon paperwork, a Newport Beach marine firm owner baa been formally charged with manslaughter in a Memorial Day weekend boat colli.sion that kllied a Hun- tington Beach boy. Donald E. Payse, operator of Payse Marine Inc., 4229 Birch St., was iden· !Wed In an arrest warrant accusing him of being' at fault in 'the Colorado River accident. Payoe alr~dy bas been charged in a $1,8$0,000 wrongful death and personal injury suit flied jointly by the parents of Chris O.rt, 7, of 310 Second St., and a pal who survived. The Dart boy, his grandfather Fletcher Dari, and Donald Thornton, 9, of 60Z Dana Circle, Huntington Beach, were ll'lhlng May 26 when their al\llninwn boat ._WA! JUt. 'llle Dari boy was killed almost fn- otantiy tn the colllsion with Ille speed· boat, which, prosecutors allege, slowed momentarily then roared off toward Parker on the Arizona side. "nle TbOrnton boy was injured, while the dead child's grandfather managed to escape the collision without harm. Payse was named Tuesday in a San Bemirdino County Municipal Court ar· nist wal'T3J1t signed by Judae G<orge Krumm, who dispatched two deputies to pick up the suspect. Paysa was eopected to be arraigned to- day. ~FiUng of charges was delayed for weeks pending completion of an ln· vesUgaUon into which side of the river the fatal Cl'ash oeturred on and aub- misslon of evidence. From Page 1 CRASH ••• Angeles Trade Tech College and bis bachelor of science dtg)'l!e from UCLA lief ore .tarting graduate work at \!CI. He was granted a master of arts degree there In 1 !le8. · Funeral services were to be arranged sometime today at Saddleback Chapel in Tustin. DAILY PILOT T~ Of'•ntt Coast DAILY PILOT+ Wlltl .,._,~ 11 comblt'lfll tt19 N.....,.~ I• l!Wtltlled bY "'t Or•11'11 Cot1I PVblltl'!lllSI Coml)fllY. Sep.!lo r•I• ecli!lort$ •re DUOllsllfd. MoirwUy ftlrwgll Frkl•t, fw Cotti Me.a, ,......,.,. lttcti, Hun1JrigtM 8t1ch/Fount1lrl Vlllty, Llli!IVflt 8t<t<h, lrY!MIS.ddltbldl •nd S.1t c"9~1e/ Sa11 J1,1a11 C•plllrtno. A tlrllffl regloMI tdllion ii J:ll,lbll511td S.hlrd•YI and 5Wld1ys. ll\i: prll'l<il)91 Plllllbftlnt pllnl h 11 »:! Wet 81r $1rtet, '°''' Ma.. C.Ufomll, n.». Rob1rt N. Wtod Prt1idtn1 tnd Pvtill.llltr J1ck II:. C111l1y Vkt Pmldtrlt snd 0tnn"tl MIN~r Tltom11 IC11Yil Edltw Tho11111 A. Mvrph in• M•flttlria touor Ch1rltt H. Loos rtich1rd P, Nill l.hlt1H1 MIN91rio EOll«t Offk .. CO.It Mtu: J» Wnl tty Sll"MI Htwpen ltttll: => Ntwpert IOl!Nwro Uotvni lllldl: In FOl'flf A¥ftlt Hlfl'ltlflf!On lffdl: IHJS IUCh IOvlntr• SM '""'"'"I as Nwtll II C.f!1N. .... Toi.,._ tn41 '42.4J21 a..Hlo\I ""*"'•lot '4Ml71 $n CltMI .. , Al h,•rtMIWS! T1l11••• 4n.+410 (9"fftlll. 1m, 0.....,. CeMt ~ ~"'· ... '"'" ·-·· ftlulttftltM, ""hwi.4 ..,...., er edl4'11*'-'I, ._... .. ...., ... ,.. ................ ..,.. ..... ........ --~ ...... . --= ... ·--c. ........ IS "' -~~-SUI ==:..•=...:=, ....... , ~ • to register to vote and then indicated they should vote for Nixon, despite their tradlUonal a ( t i l j a t i o n with the Democratic party. About 160,000 people In Orange County, or 11 percent ot Us populatton, are Mex· ican-Amerlcan and about 100,000 of those will be eligible to vottt in November'• election. At a press conference before the din- ner, Vic Anarews of Laguna Beach, chairman of the committee to rHlect the president in Orange County, said that up to 90 percent of those Mexican· Ameriean voters, are r e g i s t er e d Democrat$. Mrs. Banuelos said at the press con· ference that "ttiere is a great op-. portunity" for Nixon to take that vote. ·Although Mrs. Banuelos was appointed In Sept. 1971, she was not sworn in as treasurer until Dec. 1971 because of con· troversy surrounding her nomination. Her $5 million a year Mexican food processing firm jn Los Angeles was the target of repeated raids by immigraUon officials who said many illegal aliens were employed there. A terse speaker, Mrs. Banuelos Tues·· day said only that "everything was not true" and that incidents then would not hurt her effectiveness as a .Nixon cam· paigner. David Ortiz, a member of the board of directors of Banco del Pueblo in Santa Ana, is chairman of the Hispanic Com· mittee. The nucleus or the IS-member com· mittee is !rom Santa Ana. Marine Exercise Turns Realistic As J et Cra shes A desert warfare exercise was In- stantly transformed into a nightmare scene resembling tbe real thing Wednes- day n i g h t, when an El Toro Marine Corps Air Station jet slammed into a troop concentration and exploded. The 5:55 p.m. accident near Twen- tynine Palms killed two Orange County crewmen -on a Jow.Jevet strafing run ovtt simulated enemy troops -while seven men on the ground were injured. mostly with burns. Shortly after nom today, the Marine Corps identified tbe A!A navigator ldlled in the crash as Capt. Harry M. Thornley, 26, cl 853 Sea GuU Lane, Newport !leach. Hli!loDle addreis was n<l inunedlately available, but the dead pilot was ldenti· fied as Capt. Lloyd E. Kenney, 28, of Tustin. No estimate of the A6A Intruder's altitude was offered, but the supersonic fighters often come in below 100 feet. Marine Corps officials said many among 3,000 rese<visls engaged In tw .. day maneuvers near Camp Wilson witnessed the spectacular crash. Poultry Disease Isolation See n - ' ' J In Southland MCAI ... b 11 ....... c.,. .. - IR INE ANNEX BID REDUCED-Map indicates reductions in Irvine's intended annexation from 9,600 acres to 8,700 acres. Striped portion near Laguna Beach's Sycamore Hills area in Laguna Canyon is 800 acres no longer sought in the Frasier Annexation. Striped area near El Toro Marine Corps Air Station, about DAIL V PILOT N ... Map '1 Tlm Ptltrwll 100 acres, was deleted several weeks agn, Check· ered areas -south of UC Irvine and at the north· emmost tip of the city -are reductions in the 53,000-acre sphere of infl uence claimed by Irvine. Cuts were approved Tuesday night. From Page l RESTORE ••. Seddleback Valley arid Irvine. One budget area that did receive close trustee scrutiny Tuesday involved the allocation of different numbers of teooher ald.s to ochoois wt\!! similar enrollments. It was noted that Cordillera Elementary School, with an expected fall enrollment of 932 students, wu being pi-ovlded with six aids, while De Portola Elementary was gettiilg nine aids, despite an enrollment of only 600 youngsters. "I would like to see that each child has a fair share," Trustee Preston Bowel told edmlnistrators, "and that noe one child bas a higher quality education !bah another cbcild." Nerison said that at tonight's regular board meeting, he would provide trustees with information about the teacher aid allocations and the formula used to decide how many are needed at each school. He said the difference in funds for each faclllty could be due to special program offered tbere. · Doheny Purchase to Get Superv~ors' Attention Alarm expressed by the Ocean and Shoreline Planning Steerin& Committee that the State was not going to-purchase the entire 1,200-foot Doheny State Beach Park extension, as planned, did not bring immediate action from the Board of Supervisors Tuesday. Kenneth Sampson, director of harbors, beaches and paiks said the state now plans to purchase a 700-foot section of the beach from the present Doheoy Park to an easement held by 1,100 property owners 1n the Capistrano Palisades area. Sampson said the state did not want to purchase the additional 500 f e e t """'1ward bec<luse the oosement would preclude full state control of the beach and would not allow ereclion of fencing. Deputy Counly Counsel Clayton Parker said the county could buy the additional 500 feel in the future but that monumen· tal legal negotiations would be required to resolve the easement owned by the 1,100 persons. The easement in question includes a 10. foot wide pathway across the railroad tracks onto the beach to the mean high tide line and eitends along the beach southward toward San Clemente. Sampson said the public was using the beach anyway by utilizing the sand area& oceanward from the mean bigb tideline. The supervisors voted to "receive and file'' the committee's request for "alternative courses of action which will lead to full acquisition of the beach." Laguna Greenbelt plan. • Woolletl said Tuesday the annex boult"'· dary change hopefully will satisfy the- Laguna Beach City Council which is to: l'Onslder the change tonight. . , · : The El Toro MCAS area reduction:: allows the county to proceed "liLb road: construction plans at no cost to.-.tlfttjty . : Two minor adjustments mad!." JU: the: Irvine sphere or influence map br .. i,un·, cllmen Tuesday reflect co~nS· of: Newport Beach and Orange o~er ~eaa; they hope to reserve for ~xpansjOl)o : . • One pareel, about 50 ~er~ SC!lft!(4f uc; Jrvine in the San Joaqum Hills, w~s trlln·. med from Irvine's sphere sinct:Newport ; someday hopes to use a hill.fop Col: ,a· gravity flow water storage fa~ilit:y,: Woolletl said. . • · The other sphere reduction is , at the: northernmost tip ·of the city wber.e 30 ; acres has been lopped from Irvine'a, ~8P·. In deference to the city of Orange .which · plans expansion including that parcel of : the Irvine Ranch. Transport StuJ.y " Panel Appro'f~ By SupervisorS.:' Orange County supervisors ,'.J.'Yesday: approved formation of a coulltywide: transportation study committee: . The action was a followup of a meeting · held with members of the State Highway Commission F r i d a y at · .which : supervisorial representatives agfUd to : take steps to improve planning ·~ im· . plementation of road, high'l\'aY ., and : transit problems in the county. . -• Supervisor! Ronald W. Caspe\'I and : David L. Baker met with the allltt of·· ficiais. Baker urged that the, .. j;o\jnty : move "or It would constitute a bteach ot · faith with the highway conunJssj,~" ~ Supervisor Ralph Clark urged ·!Ji•t the . matter be referred to hie counl)I. ad-: ministrative office for a report m: three • weeks. He mentioned coordinailori wJth · the Southern California Associalion of Governments. · ~ · County Road Commissioner · T e d • McConville urged immediate actk>,n and said the county's Arterial H~~ways Financing Program committee tOuld do the spade work and aave tJih,e: · Hi.J . remarks were in answer to sugg,s,Uons : that a larger advisory conun11tee be . named. -• Orange County Transit District' 'Direc· :_ tor Gordon "Pete" Fielding <iji.Qgreed : arguing that a broader base was."~ded . for study. · : "We need to look at all aJteMuitlves,: not just freeways," he urged. "~~e is, · for example the relocation of the 'rantoad : tracks in the San Clemente areaJ ibe LA· San Diego Corridor Study w h tC;b en.~ compasses all modes of transpofta"liOn -~ air, rail , buses, highways." . , ' : He added that there was talk' of small . airports surrounded by industrt&l 'ateat with the use of Short Takeoff and Lan- ding (STOL) planes. • -·· Supervisor Caspers said thnt the plan- ning deparbnent should determine wher~ future roads go, not the other WaJ d • • ..... .. aroun • -. ... . The board finally voted unanilnollsly to support McConville and move ahead with the technical study. -. ... Newcastle disease, the flu-like virus blamed· for the deaths of 3.5 million chickens and other poultry birds, has been contained in Orange County and seven other Southern Cilifornia counties. Union Merger Probed VANCOUVER, Wash. (APi -The posalbility of a merger of tbe Teamsters arid :Longsboremen's unions surfaced again when it was learned that their leaders were meeting here secretly. A Seattle longshore source, who asked not to be identified, said the meeting Tue!· day was the ftrSt of several "exploratory talks" on a possible merger. GEM TALK OMEGAO " . • Dr. Gene Omohuvdro, director of emergency diseue programs for the U.S. Depattmenl of Agriculture, told poultry ranchers in Escondido Tuesday that the government·imposed quarantine could be lifted in some areas by August. A quarantine was placed on Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, Ventura, Santa Barbara, San Diego and Imperial counties last February. A state of emergency was declared in March. A special government report also recommends the release of all of Orange and San Diego Counties from quarantine "aa soon as possible." Meeting Canceled The regularly ocbeduled meellng of the Saddleback Area Coordinating Council for tonight has been canceled. The nut meeting will be August 17. Irvine Council Action Here are the major actions taken Tuesday night by the Irvine Cily Coull· ci1: BIKE TRAILS: Approved city bike safety laws which allow for two.way use of bikeways along Culver Drive and Michelson Avenue, and returned campus Drive blkeway to south side of street for safety reasons. PAY RIKE: Approved a raise for Irvine planning commissioners from $10 per meeting to $50 a mon PINK BUS: Approved additional bus to serve city l'!Cl' .. tion program on regular schedllle through Aug, I7 ond okayed Monday, Wedne1day and Friday evening service to University High School teen center. FRASIER: Formally recognized the passing of Lion CounUy Salarl'1 aensu- OUJ King of the Beasts. TRAFFIC: )\pprovcd 25 mile-per-hour speed limit Iii 'l\irtle Roct Drive, Set 30-mile Umlt along Camptll Drive near the counly fire station as a pre- cautionary move again.st possible C'liil!lons with emergency vehicles. UNIVERSITY PAllK: Gove final approval to Irvine Company's revisions of the remainder ot 'the ~ere planned re1ldtnllal community changes. Allow a rlmtni. end a new shopping center, and rellect new achoo! and park plonl. ANNEXA'l10N: Aulborlzed the city manager to redraw the Frt1ler .,.. ,111ap to reduce parctl from UOO acre• to 1,100 ,..,U rellecttag <M> of Laguna Beech, Neivport Beach and Oranp. ' f ~OOi;& DEYELorMBNT1 DelaYtd ..um on a ...,. l<!i&nl• ·lhlt would ' hamOI to h bollli wilhln a mile or El Toro Madne c:.ri,; Air Stalklo. TODAY :I. C. HUMl'HRIU DIAMONDS STAR IN MOVIES For centuries diamonds have been surrounded by· romance and intrigue. Although some of the stor· ies told aoout famous diamonds are pure mythology, most are bistorl· cally vertfied truth fre9uently sur- passing the most lurid fiction. And since history began, gems have retained the interest of most people, this interest being express- ed through different media In suc- ceeding geoeratlons and in different ctvillzalloos. Recent films released from most major atud!os are featuring dia· monds as the center of attraction -for both -crooks and heroes. Al· though these movies are. straight fiction, they are fascinating audl· ences of all ages. Among such diamond orient.cl films are ,.Hot Rock0 41Tbo Cool Bree1.101 1 110iamond! Are Forever'•, 11Probe1 and 1'Horrowhoua·e. •• Another production by Warner Brothers, under the direction of Sidney also centered aro14Dd the lure of diamonds. Although we have alwl)'I dealt with diamond factt, we entoY tJlese Imaginative movies and TV 1bows. YQU mlgbt find them equa!IY Jn. lueslln(. the perfect gift for people who spend time together Lld\imttk rn 141C yeffowol'"IWfiiT• gohl-lllled QM ind N~ln1 Hlfolizlf'lf bnoelet ••• ,.,$1$5.. I.Mii" OVMmlc wtlh 1« top •t•lnltn 11eef back. Stlr0wtnd- 1n-. water·ml1t1n1 "1th d1te- t1/Un1 di.I ltid •llt.P•••••$1U. ' J.C. JJumphrie6 Jewefer6 I 823 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA CONVlNIOO TUMS 21 YfAlS IN SAM! LOCATION IAN/IAMUtcAlD -MAUii OHAl&I PHONE 141·3401 . --. ... . . " , " " .... " .. " ... . . .. "•'"· '' .... • ..• -. ... ;:. ' • • ·1-* ... 1-1 ... ·.: ";.-· ... : < • ,.• " • . •' . I I • QAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE Arousing When Is It right an d when Is it wrong !or public olllclals to meet In private with big developers to dis· <US! land use zoning, high rise structures and the like? rt i• a difficult line to draw at times. And the bounds of propriety may be being overstepped In some developments proposed across MacArthur Boulevard f rom Orange County Airport. One piece of properly, owned by McDonnell Douglu, Is in tbe city ol Irvine. The other, owned by Collins Radio, is in the city of New· port Beach. Irvine Mayor William Fischbach and Councilman Henry Quigley acknowledge having met with Douglas officials nearly two months ago to discuss what kind of development Irvine would like to see built on the 50- acre, former industrial parcel across MacArthur Boule- vard from Orange County Airport. Irvine Planning Commission Chairman Wayne Clark al so acknowledges sitting in on a morning coffee meeting with the mayor and Donald Douglas Jr. and Donald E. Thomas, president and secretary of the newly formed Douglas Development Company. Later, Clark sa t at lunch with Douglas and Thomas, more than two weeks after the firm filed for city approval of a use permit to legalize several nonconforming businesses. On Newport's part, Councilman Howard Rogers had dinner with at least one Collins Radio representative just before his city council was scheduled to vote on tbe future of that parcel of land. And it is easy to surmise that councilmen and planning commissioners from both cities have met with officials of the Irvine Company on many instances r~ garding potential usage of property on the Irvine Ranch. Su spicions • It is understandable that the land owners and potential deve lopers \\'ould want to have a feel of a city's policy direction before investlng thousands of dollars In planning and programming. Still, we must wonder l! it would not be better i! these queries \\'ere carried out more in public than in private. Citizens• views certainly have a higher priority than do those ol the developers themselves. In both of these instances-Newport land and Irvine land-a great deal is at stake. In Newport's case, the burning question of building pressure for higher use of Orange County Airport is at stake. In Irvine's case, a wide range o{ views already has been expressed on the Douglas parcel develop- ment-ranging {ram Councilman John Burton's belief that the land should be retained for Industrial use to Councilman Henry Quigley's contention that it should be zoned {or a high-rjse "Skyport City." Irvine would have done well to seek some support from its own citizen advisory committees working on the city's policy plan to secure some viewpoints. And with increasing air traffic suc h a crucial iss ue in Ne,v· port, there is . little reason to keep Collins' proposals under wraps. In these instances so far, there is little reason to doubt that the city o!licials acted honorably. The ques- tion is why such discussions should be private when the public's rights are the real issues at slake. We do not doubt the sincerity nor the honesty of those mvolved; we do strongly question the wisdom of clandestine sessions at which such crucial matters are discussed-and perhaps even to some degree decided. SB Distinct Difference Between Cntuli dntes It's Hard to A Real Choice This Year WASHINGTON -The new cateclllsrn of the McGovern Democrattc party ls an endless intonement of the creed ; youth, \\'Omen, blacks and ChlC&DOI. 'lbe ULany ran through four days of the natlooal convention with a final benediction by presidential nominee George s . 1i1cGovem. This new politk:al creed is, of oour••" supplemented by a more general appeal to cwtral elements cl the voling public desiring change, but a1 a political exer· cise it promises to be something new. Youth, women, blacks and Chicano.. do not in themselves make a political par- ty. The McGovern appeal extends to everyone eve:ry- w here tht Wallaceltes, the hard-pressed h o m e o w n e r, the op- pressed taxpayer -or anyone else who thinks that something has gone wrong with the system. THE HARD CORE of McGovern's sup- port and the reason be recognizes as the cause of his nomination is bis all-out, un- conditlc>ml, end-Jt-now opposition to the Vietnam War. This is a cause uniting Rll the different elementa making up McGovern's support. An interesting test II thus In the rnak· !ng on how to win a presidential elect!oo. 11le McGovern managers thlnt they are in possess.Ion of a new fonnula out.dating older Ideas about direct appeals to tradi- tional voting blocs -labor, the farmers, Jews, Catbollcs, and so on, which have been accepted as gospel In the old Democratic party. THE NEW REVELATION cooceive3 of (rucHARD WILSO~ a vast mass of fed-up voters more ,~n. cerned with a general sense that the country bas gotten off the tracks than traditional ideas about where their political allegiances lie. . Youth, women, blacks and Chicanos happen to be a large element i!J the ocean of discontent, and thus can be the object of intensive campaign eUorts. Beyond that, the McGovern managers tend to leave the old Democratic methods in the bands of President Ni:<on wttb his ability as the maker of policy and dispenser of benefits. to appeal direcUy to the estabJished voting blocs. McGovern's managers are contemptuous of the Nixon take-over of traditional Democratic methods. They think he \1oes not unde rstand the new political force 1oose in America. THEY MAY BE deluding themselves by thinking that the methods used in win- ning the nom.inalioo are valid in the elec- tion. The McGovemites knew the new rules and exploited them in the pre-con· vention period, winning in some places. like New York, by default, and in other places without a majority of even a (rac- tion of the total Democrat ic vote. It is debatable whether or not the kind of national convention the McGoven1 campaign for delegates created is representative of the Democratic party as a whole. But the McGovern managers are asswning that it is and are pulling together their new coalition based on the same principles of organization which proved so effective in gettiJ:Jg the nomination. THIS CONSISTS largely of intensive organization of voters who do not feel an over-powering alignment with eiiber of the two major political parties, or are actively distrustful of both .. The Nixon campaigners, on the other hand, are setting up a traditional organization to marshal all Republican support and reap the fall-out from a 1'.icGovem campaign which has alienated the traditional elementa:. There b room for this kind of effort even among fbe blacks, certainly in the ranks of labor. surely among women who do not llke the new militancy and among Catholin and Jews who are greatly disturbed by McGovern. THE l\fcGOVERN managers have come to realize that there may be so1ne serious gaps in their new conceptions. Thus McGovern picks a Cathollc for Vice President. wavers on Vietnam, rev!ses his weUare plan, pledges to maintain the nation 's military security and reassure.i the Jews on Israel. When it all shakes down, the new Ideas and the old Ideas about pollUcal organization may prove to lte similar. Nixon's appeal is to middle Am~rica and the moderate man. So i! McGovern s. Both sides are preoccupied by grass- roots or.ganizaUon. That is what the ·.vork of the committee to reelect President Ni.t:on is all about. It is also what McGovern's volunteer organization is 1-·IJ about. IN THE END, McGovern will make an intensive appeal to the labor vote, Y.'hich Nixon will try to subvert. But OD one poil1t there is no doubt. This year there is a distinct, definable, and generally understood difference between the two contenders for President. It is a real choice which will probably cut across party lines. Balhoa_ Author.'s New Novel A perplellng story of material wealth and success combined with a glossy il· luslon of Jove masking a lack of persooal fulfillment unfolds in a new novel by a Balboa writer. r 1'Tomorrow-Tomorrow," is the fourth work by attomey·tumed-author Philip Louis Gabriel, much of it set in the Harbor Area. Protagonist Adam PeM is t h e stereotype playboy and Gabriella Dulce -as his love missed, then won , theoJost forever -is a 1930s genre swing singer. Or singing swinger. ONE SUSPECTS tbet either Adam and Gabriella are completely paradoxical tiumans or that author Gabriel's view of ORA.NOi COAST DAILY PILOT l!ol>m ~· l'{•ed, l'llblisllu Thom<u K~et>ll, Editor AU>m W. Bate• E<litor!al Page Editor TN fdltorlat page or lhe Dally Jlllot lffki to tntonn and aUmu- Jl\te ttAdttn by prescnUnr thts newapo,pe!"1 oplnlonl and com~ menuuy on toplc:s ot lntfftlt and a1-nlfieanc.'1!', by provtdlnr a forum fOf' the e~ o( our nadera' Ot>lnlota. end by .......,u., Ille dlwne Wwpointl or lntormed ob- ~ and spoktsmen on topb: ot tbcd&J. Wednesday, July 19, 1972 (THE BOOKMAN J This sandy seDsuallty would bave generated enough heat to bum down the old Rendezvous Ballroom 30 years before It llld, but ooly kindles Gabriella'• aJ. leged Jatenl QYrnphomanla. Rejected eventually by A d a m , human beings 11 paradoxical. Read and Gabriella decides she ls all washed up in decide for yourself. 1ife, jumps off the jetty and gets washed Gabriella beg Ins as a beauliful , up in death too -a1most to Adam's virginal girl who marries a family-ap· doorstep, in fact. proved riance. She pities the handsome AUTHOR GABRIEL hasn't produced 8 youth, who Is dying, unaware of his heart bad book, but a saleable one whose now condition. She also pint! for 8 Penn-pal of clear and at-times cla:rJ prose aufrcrs namely Adam. from SfJ/..e nagging incollsi.atency almost Heartbroken when Gabriella marries a imP.l)".1ble to define. rival, Adam buries his re j e ct e d ~M! can imagine saying: Yea, I read masculinity In e.n endless succession of .ne book, but I liked the movie better. willin& wenches, man's solace since the,/ "Tomorrow-Tomorrow/' by phi 1 t p dawn of time. Louis Gabriel, Whitmore Publi>hlng AND ALL ms buddies keep teTiing thi• Company, <m pp.) 15.95. A.R.V suave, capable commandeering executive ho• mberable be Is. Most men would envy him. SUddenly and almost too-con veniently, however, Gabriella turns up lrom New Yotit at a Balboa •rt show, wearing fresh widow's weeds and no panties. SUddenly Adam'• fanla!y of Idealistic love II within his grasp, no pwt Intended. The tender-hearted tyC0011 I h e n nsponds to Gabriella's confession of ber own lrue love duriQg a walk on the beach. He doesn1 ...iuce her, or at least tbot lsn1 the word liated In Section 261.1 of the c.JUomla Penal Code. RE llDTOWS ALL the tendemw of a delegallon of Hell'• Angels upon the oJ>. j<ct of bis alfectlont on the Newport Beach llrand In a chaplet, Including 8 delau.d description of the ripping and rending of Gabrlella'• every garment and her every gasp. Dear Gloomy Gus Irvine's new bike trail• along Cul- ver Drive and Mkbtlson Avenue would work lull lfeat If all those camper vans and clellvery trucu · would just park oomewhere elJel -B.K.R. Tiilt katllr9 mtwt. ,.....,... ww.. "" "'KttNtlty' !MM .. ... NlllW lfl•T, ....... .-"' ....... 0-.W o .... o.~ ...... • ,. • Get a Shine Nowadays ~YDNEY J. HARRI~ Outside of a few large cities, it's almost impossible to get your shoes shi~ ed. anywhere ; what's 5U11lrising is that our innovative technology has not yet come up with a shoe-shining ma chine that does more than a mediocre job. • • • Next lo engineers, doctors as a class seem to know Jess about the world outside their field than any ot.her group or preswnably educated people. • • • The two most dangerous people in the world are the man who knows exacUy what be wants, and the woman who doesn'I know. • • • Although !be Sherlocl: Holmes stories are venerated by the connoi.sseUJ'I of de-- tective fiction, my own preference ts for the Father Brown stories by Cbeste,... ton, which are not only ingenious puz· zles, brilliantly writ· ten, but also .provide rare insights into hu- man motivation lacking in the Holmes stories. • • • The nJcest bookplate I ever saw belonged to a man. who Inscribed every book In his librazy with !be simple plirase: ''This book belongs to ..... and his friends." • • • 'Ibo few Jecturen and professors have ablorbed the wry observation of the late Billy Pbelpo ol Vile, tbat "No man, no matter bow sell<rltlcal, can stand up before 'a class and rdrain from saying more than be knows." • • • One ol tbe most frustrating and em· barrassq feelings In the world Is that of being a reasonably rtrong man and yet not being able to tear open a fragile-look· Ing little cellophane bag. • • • The best relatkmships between men and women usually begin with a little aversion; romance without conflict as a seasoning goos flat before it can flower. (This is why Shakespeare's Jove affairs, with few exceptions, open in acrJmony and end In ardor.) . . . ' . Playing the game of which period beside ow-own we would most prefer lo have lived in, my choices were : first, Jerusalem during tbe ministry of Jesu s: second, France in the 13th century: and third, England in the Elizabelban period. • • • A fine play marred by bad acting I< never so repellant to me as a rotten play cosrneticlzed by sµperb acllng. • • • The oledlon Cllllpaignlng months al>cad might be a good time for recalllng John Oalswortlly '1 11ge advice to can- didates : "There Is jlJ.!t one rule foe poUUclans all over the world -Don't 11y fn power what you rtay In opposition, or you'll hav• to carry out tbe Impossible." Quotes Dr. Gtrald Wall<er Smllll, lklmont famlly therapist -"Conflict Ja bulll Into 1111y nlatlonshlp that mallen: it ls .....,. ll•I to lnUrnacy. So ll beoomts a question cl bow creatively tbe C<'llllict ls bandied.'' • . . .. . ,. • .. -· • . .. • . -· -. :: .· A Difference • Ill Radio O p erators To the Editor: You published an article July 14 head- ed, "Radio Operators Plan Convention At Falrgrollllds." The first line states that "About 25 .000 amalcur radio operators.'' etc. I wou1d like to point out that these people are not amateur radio operators. These people arc citizens ·band radio operators. Amateur radio operators are licensro by the FCC after an extensive test in person at the local FCC office (Los Angeles) involving a high de.,.e of elec· tronlc knowledge plu s a radiO-telegraph code test of 13 words per minute .. The amateur operator is allowed to contac.l anyone in the world and It is legal to operate with a power of up to 2000 watts. THE ClTlZENS band radio operator has only to write to the FCC asking !;;r a license and one will be returned in rhc mall. He is allowed to contact lther citizens band operators only in 3 very sma11 radius and with a maximum power of 5 watta. I believe that both parties would me the record cleared up. I have been rin amateur radio operator for the ;ast 33 years with the same California call sign. KEITH FLANAGAN Amateur Radio Operator W6RI R G•ide Dog Terms To the Editor: The headline of an article from your if. sue of June 21 incorrectly refers to a dog as "Seeing Eye Dog." Our oame Is registered in the palent J\1AILBOX Letters from readerJ are welcome. Normalli,t toritera should con vey thttr fJl~SSOQ't'S tn soo toorcb or les;;; •Xht J'ight to conde1ue letters to !it space or eliminate libel fs reserved, All let-- ters must •nc:tudt 1lonaiure1 and mail- ing addreH, bul't1G111e1 mcu; ~ tDltll- h<ld on requ•ll if 1uffidiilt 're ... on is opparen~ PO<lrt/ ·tcl!I no! be pub- !ishtd. : offices of the United States and C&nad.11 and refers ooly to those dogs trained and turn ed over to quali!Jed blind per.oaa here at our sok> headquarten in Morriltown. N. J. The Seeing Eye does not UM Doberman pinschers. SINCE THE article states the dog was obtained at Pilot Dogs, Inc., in Colum- bus, Ohio, it is properly referred to "as a Pilot Dog. Doizs obtained from Guide Dogs for the Blind, Inc. in San Rataet. CalifomJa, are prop~rly termed GUide Dop. When the source of such dogi!snol known. the recommended term ls dog guide. We thought you might like to;ave this !nlorrnalion for YOll! future m.... Many thanks for your ~pe~ra . ·~ 1' 1 1 GEORGE W . ,JR. The Seeing ,Jnc. Morrlsloll>ij;' 1"-J, l w ms From the Ma il'.· Things a columnist might oeyer know If he didn't open bis mail : If people really ate like wolves, a hungry ZOO.pound man would be able to consume nearly one-Ufth his own weight in food at one meal. 'lbafs almost 40 pounds. ScientlstJ are certain now that the planet Mars cannot sustain human life beca1111 of the lack of oxygen there. The atm05phere of Mars Is about nine-tenths car bon dloxlde, which makes it far worse for breathing even than the air at a national poUtica l convention on this planet. Earth's at· mosphere ls 10 tholl!and time! richer In oxygen than that on Mars. DOES IMPRISONMENT In jall or prison have any re.al deterrent effect whatever on criminals? Some: ooclologlsls doubt t~ bat the statistics say otherwise. Confinement may not af· feet tbe hardened professional criminal, but the facts are that from a half to two- lhlrtls of all persons wbo "'"' a first prison term never have to strve: another. The three most expensive cities to drive a car In America are now Boston. New York: and San Francisco, according to en Auto and Travel Club study. The two where driving ls cheapest a"' Portland, Ore., and Richmond, Va., where costs are nearly three cent.a ptr mile cheaP« than the top cost of 14.!13 cenls a mile chalked up In Booton. Wbltb city he lived In could make a dllfmnce of 10me W'5 to a buslnosmnan driving 1$,000 mlln a )'ell'. QUOTAJIL! NOTAllL&'I: "l baYI learned a l'""l lnlth wlliclt I llhaJl ( HAL BOYLg ) always cherish -tbat people are lf"llY much the same the world over •• you get down to fundamentals, and that lt does not much matter what is thelr (ICC, a-eed or color." -Louis Brom1Je1d. Our rising CO!lt of govemrneilt; The payrolls o! U.S. •tale and !Peal governments went up 4oo: ; >'fcent between 195.l and 1971. Nature notes: Mountain lion 'ilttena 'veigh only about a pound each 'at•birth. The fawns ot' whitetail deer are IUCh homebodies lhat they rarely stray. mo~ than 10 yards !rom lh<ir birth rj>ol for the llrst month of their lives. Raclng pigeons have been clocked at alf'lteragt speed or 93 to 9S miles an hour. om an SO.mile courH. 'lbe common fie. can leap 100 limes ils own belghl. •· • • OBSTACLE' Despite the mlnimtloos march of medicine, many ancient allmenls that could be all but endicated renaln a problem. For example, tetan\I!, commonly lcnown as loc,kjaw, llUl !Akes about 1511,000 lives a year tbrouiboul· the world. ll was Oscar Wilde who -.Ved. "If one tells the truth, one b sure, IDCIW or later, to be found ouL '' ,,~ , ,. ~--B11 Georp --,--. Dear <l<orge: Tbanu for taklog up roe ., -. aien the way you do. " SIX KlllS Dear Kids: • •j Foritt It -aner that loiter~ Ing 31 old I'm oll ,... rotleft l- a1t11 roe life. - • • ' l ~~rg€1aitn ~ ... ~ " iSecreTs ' . . ' . ' Hidden i From President? • • • • ~ ... op • ; FMn Wire Servlctt . Ws ~GELES -A> a specially ~ ri*archer In Wuhington, Daniel Bhberg! .. ,., he found the Pentagon t.tlil>e-~ar war secrets· from tbe Piealderc: 'and be was. shocked at the ..:.u.i 11>1nner. in which Henry Kis· ......... ,~aice handles lecret documents. • ~berf1118de the 1tatementa In a 12-Jioie ti!~t submitted Tuesday In the Nitagon J>apers trial, 'I1le affidavit wu -ld"wlth efforta by attorneys for Eillberl · and codefendant Aathony J, RUBIO to bar from the jury persoos who have security clearances. ~ • · 'EllaMrg and RuslO, fontlft' analysta at the JUind.Corp. thinlt topk, are on trial on dlari,. "°' theft, conspiracy and es-~r their adn\ltted rvle Jn making · publlc~,Pentagon Papen. EilshOra said In the affidavit that he ·had been Involved with classified l)'ltem alnce he left tbe Harvard Q'Qe,~'1 Mary Objects To Be Auctioned Off I LONG BEACH (AP) -Need an old ..U. PVIplt ua<d for Jewish religious een1cea ~ftnlltlantic voyages? Or a llOlle UloC" m....,,.. In otcoes (one stone equall lf poundB)? ~ .. lltma are among 2,000 from the !Gtm!i'' Bntilb paaenger liner Queen Msy·'illlt ·have been declared 111rplus MCI 1'iit lip for auction by the city of Long ~. which purchased the liner In 1161 .!Of>'IU million. The lhlp bas been lunxld hllo a loorlll attraction. The auction will begin Friday at t a.m. ~ ~· Saturday and Sunday and ~big weekends untU all the item• ~,.0111-, .... .. University graduate Jchool for the Marine Co'!ll In 1954. Ellsherg said that In 195!HO, working for Rand, he became "perhaps the Cljliy person" to have studied pJam for fctlont in the Paclfk In the case of a gener~ nuclear war. In 1981 he drafted a 11Basic National Security Plan," described as the basic U.S. rnllltary policy for actions lo he taken in· a worldwide nuclear war. Until then, he said, such a plan bad never been submitted to the President or secretafy of defense -"Indeed its ex-· istence and natilre bad been concealed from these civilian authorities," Ells berg aald. · Later, he said, he was authorized uolimited acceoa lo the super ...,.et "eyes only" vauU in the State Depart- ment and to a aerie.a of crisis ·studies in material and the aecurJty clearance the Penagon based on the rues of the Joint Chiefs of Staff war room. He said these were kept secret even from the aecretary ol defense, Ellsherg said that after a decade of such experiences dealing with classified lll8terial, he was shocked when he was assigned as a consultant cf Kissinger, President Nixon's chief fcreign policy ad- viser, to find the treatment given secret documents in bis cffice. · aiance. are runn!ng .OIJt for the fl'IV· eminent and defense lo dismiss potential jurors In the case without giving a reason. With the excuaal of 13 potential jw:ors Tuesday en peremptcry challenges, the government was left only one more such cbaUenge before a jury is selected. • The defendants have two more joint challenges, an4 Russo haJ one alone. At· torneys have estimated a jury may be -led by the E1ld of this week. UP'IT~ Prltiate Person:> Percy Fellwock, 26, tile au· thor who wrote, under the pseudonym Winslow Peck in ~ Ramparts Magazine, that secret Soviet codes have been broken by· U.S. intelligence, said he made the statement because the military is a "dangerous lllreat to me (and) my family ." He said he will retire to pri- vate life now. Hotel Considered For Long Beacli LONG BEACH (AP) -Officials here are consideruig a· proposal to build a $10 million replica of the Imperial Hotel, the Frank Lloyd Wright creation Which survived the disastrous 1923 earthquake that destroyed most of Tokyo. Under the proposal, the 300-room hotel would be constructed on a 2G-acre site ·ne1t to the Queensway Bridge on the waterfront within view of the Queen Mary, officials said Tuesday. A representative of the New Imperial Hotel bas discussed the prOject with American investors, but a spokesman for the port of Long Beach said confirmation might not come for several months. . :skyjacking Defense Insanity ...... >, LOS ANGELES (AP) - .-'.lawyers for Ricardo "-i-:111i:.: ,;.._. ._""'~·T.~J ~1z, accused of com-.. ~ an airplane from "N<lf'l.lelko to Los Angeles, • .. i. ~ will argue that he • wii'temporarDy Insane during ~~king. ~ ··~··· U.S. District Cowt Judge Charles H. Carr ruled Tuesday that Cllavez-Ortiz was men- tally compet,nt lo stand trial after putting him on the stand briefly. Chavez.Ortiz 36, a Mexican national, told ~ judge he suf. fered a "nervous breakdown" in 1967 due to overwork and a death in bis family. "I think I'm in good shape now," Chavez-Ortiz 1 aid, answering 'Judge Carr's ques- tions In baiting English as a translator stood by. ... -.------------------~ . OUR GREATEST VALUES ! ' ~ . . • ' EVER IN CHILDREN'S SHOES ( • • . . ... : ! . • . ) I • • • ' ' ' • • . . • ~ ·. ' CHilDREN'S SHOES VALUES .•• OUR GREATEST EVER BUSTER BROWN BOB WOLF KEDS ORTHOPEDIC SHOES School 1Tax Bill Going . To 1st Tiest SACRAMENTO (AP) -'I1le com- promise fl.2 'blllloo acbool finance ~ and tax refonn bW beaded for Its first legislative test .., today with opinions polariz.ing both for and against it. The compromise bill was agreed UJ>Oll by two major C&pjtol opponenls, Republican Gov. Ronald Reagan and Democratic Assembly • Speaker Bob Morelli. Testimony at the bill's first hearing, before the Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee late Wednesday, should reveal where many of Reagan's and Moretti's supporters stand. The bill would ra1se the state's share of school support from about 36 percent to between 41 percent and 43 percent, say the backers. This ·would mean $515 million more state money io local schools, part of a $740 million package to relieve property owners of ·their local school tax- es. The tax relief would benefit ~tly homeowners in districts with the hlgbest school tax rates. The bill would concentrate the new support in poorer districts. This would in- clude $25 million for a plan by Wilson Riles, state superintendent of public in· struction, to lower the school age to 4 years. It would also mean a new $3 million program to help districts with large numbers of what educators call •'disadvantaged" children. Assemblyman Robert H. Burke (R· Huntington Beach), has criticized the bill because, be said, it puls Riles' "con- troversial and experimental E a r I y Childhood Education Plan" into "this year's tax reform package.'' Burke, in a statement, called the com· bining ot both provisions "nonsense" and said it is "definitely not in response to the wishes of the taxpayers, who are demanding tax relief -not more ex- pensiye programs." W-. July 19, 1972 D,IJLY PILOT If Rock Group To Go Free LOS ANGELES (AP) -Silt memhe1' cl Sly and the Family StMe rock group have been relell.!- ed after a district attorney ruled there was lnsufficient evidence to prosecute them-on · charges~ of-· possessing m a 'f I j u a o a and dangerous drugs. Sberiff's officers arrested the singers early Tuesday after slop. ping and searching their motor borne on Santa Monica Boulevard. Among those taken Into custody was the group's leader, Sylvester Stewart, :/$, of San Francisco, who is known.as Sly • Nursing Mothers Respond to Call LONG !!EACH (UPI) -Nilrslng mothers responded in overwhelming numbers to a plea for help on behalf of an infant who needs human milk to survive. The telephones "never s t o p p e d ringing" after word got out, said a spokesman for the La ~che ~ague, which coordinated the effort. More than 100 nursing women have been signed "'p, said a spokesman for Lorraine MM.er Children's Hospital, and no more volunteers are needed. Tbree-month~1d John Joseph Shults, son of Mr·. and Mrs. Joseph Shults of Huntington Beach, was hospitalized two weeks ago weighing ooly 6\1 pounds, ju.st ounces more than he weighed at birth. Doctors 4iagnosed his problem as a digestive ailment an~ he was i!l!ced .ill the intensive care unit. The baby would Jive only if he could get enough human milk, physicians said, and they called fnr help from tbe La Leche League, an oc- ganization which promotes breast feeding. Within hours after the appeal Tuesday , the hospital had more volunteers than it could use. Stronger Obscenity ·Law Okayed SACRAMENTO (AP) -The California Sen.ate bas voted to reinove the "redeem· ing social importance" clause from the obscenity law in order to make it easier to prosecute smut peddlers. The· measure won 13-10 approval Tues-- day despite a warning that it could en· danger the sale of thf onee-baMed boOks by Henry Miller and others. Death Penalty OK'! SACRAMENTO (AP) -Tbe man· datory death penalty for a life-term con· vict murderirig a prisol) guard would be reinstated in California if voters approve an amendment to the state Constitution (..__N_E_w:_s_B_RI_E_F's ____ J in November, says Atty. Gen. Evelle J. Younger. The state's 'chief Jaw enforcement of· ficer said Tuesday be bas studied lhe re· cent ·U.S. Supreme court ruling on capital punishment and Concludes it bans the death penalty only where a jury is given discretion on executions. Bridge BUI Passes SACRAMENTO (AP) - A measure to name a San Diego area bridge after state Sen. Jack Schrade (D-San Diego) has zipped through the Senate with a col- lection of bills labeled a s non- controversial. The rileasures, called the "consent caltmdar," woo :U.v«e-approval Tuesday. Schrade will be gunning for a third term this November. ' • Outstanding School Shoe Selection Naturally, All From Our Regular Stock. (Earn $61.80 on each $1,000) • ' .. . -.. . ~ i --, ( :n · • • ·• "" REGULARLY TO $18 • SJ90 TO s790 : l~,.._ I ~; : 'Sale Starts Thursday. D,oors Open 10 a.m. I ! • I ' . f I • • •• ~ : I • f :" i'll s.r.. i l , Fln<il ! No Exc!Nng11 Or Rofund1 30 FASHION ISLAND • NEWPORT IEACH • 644.2464 - You can earn this high interest on $5,CXXl minimum two year certificates. The first year your $5,00> certificate will earn $309.15, and more for each consecutive year that interest is added to the account. You can earn $5917.on $1,CXXl minimumoneyearcertificates,and as much as $51.26 on aregu]ar passbook savings account of $1,CXXl. \ More interest than banks ... more certain than stocks . Plus free sexvices ... safedepositboxes,notary Plus pel'BOnal sef vice ... experie;nced and --service, travelers cheques, trust-deed-and note-competent savings eounselQrs jn ~~office collections,andmanymorefreeserviccsareavail· to as8ist you in planning your savings program, able when youhavetherequircdminimnm You will find a warm, friendly attituoe 011 balance in your account at THE BIG M. the part of everyone at Mutual Savings. ./ ' • . .. :: -: • . " - ' VO[ l Vol fSce a mtitd are lions · The tary) trust. r~ign Top l w .. .ti boat, rnqme Part .t;fhe "1" ,d .... Pay Be re!!, Krum pick ·Pay cra:fu waeb Veltig ~f nllssi 1Yu a\ .fi Coast t<r fgd . .. :You Bia wile F T °' ' I . . " • • . . ·aunting1on BeaC!h /Fo11ntain Vall~y • Today's Fina) N.Y. StHks VOL · 65, NO. 201, 5 SECTIONS, 68 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESQA Y, JULY 19, 1972 TEN CENTS • • Voters Offered Reform, Status Quo Hopefuls By JORN ZALLER Of lie Dlll'r '1lef Ill" Voten in central Huntington Beach will fact a choice Aug. 1 between two reform- mlnded candldat .. and two who say they art baslcal!Y satisfied with the open- lloos of their IChools. - The Huntington Beach City (elemen- tary) School District bas been ahorl one trust~ slnce AprU when Ivan Llggett resigned over.a dispute with teachers. Top issues in the ·race seem to be .. Man Held In -Death Of Boy, 7 From Win Servlceo SAN BEl\NA!tDINO -Following •eeks of preporing p r o s e c u Ii o n paperwork, a Newport Beach marine flrm owner has been fonnally charged with manslaughl<r in a Memorial Day --boat colll.slon that tilled a Hun-tington Beach hoy. Donald E. Payse, operator of Payse Marine Inc., 4229 Birch SL, was ideD-- IUl{d in an arr..t warrant aCCUJ!ng him ol \>ting al fault in the Colorado River accident. • Payse alnady bu been charged in a $1;650,00D wrongltil cleall and petsonal injury suit ftled jointly by the parents of Cllria Dart, 7, of 310 Second St., and a pal ..00 survived. 1'lie Dari hoy, his p-IDdlather .Flelcller l)Or!, and Donald Thornlon, I, of eoz Dana Circle, · Hwitlngtan Beach, were fishing May II when thOlr aluminum boat .... bit. .,,,. Dari boy WU killed llmolt !zt. .C.nlly bi the colllslon with the ..,...S. boat, which, _..tors aJJep, llowed mqmenlarily then romd oil Iowan! P~ker on the Arizona side. /!be Thornton hoy was injured, while ~ dead chlld's grandfather maJ>"ied to escape the collision without harm. Payse was named Tuetdaf in I San Bernardlno County Municipal Court ar- 1'1'$ warrant sijned by Judie G<orge Krumm, wl>o dispatched two deputies to pick up the llllpeCl. · Payae was expec\ed to be arraigned to- day: . llchool board aecrecy, teacher 1nllltancy, specW programs f0< students with learn- ing problems, and harassment of students by thelr fellows whlle at sdlool: The candidates are: K. Dale Bu.sh, 39._ an attorney; Eduardo DaSllva, 45, an ao- countant; Roger Garceau, 33, a teacher; and Lewis Kidder, 51, a buslnesoman and former teacher. The district Includes moat of coastal Huntington Beach. The winner of the Aug. I election will Summer Fun sit on tbe boanl until next year when Llg- x•\l's term upires. . Here is a caP,W]e of whit each .can· didale "'!id in interviews about the achoo! district : .K .. Dale Basll says he la "basically satlsfled with the educational procw as I bav'e seen it. 't'fbere are 10me areas that Dl$Y need atrengtbenlng, but «I wouldn't ;want to take a poslUon unUJ ·l'm elected and have a chance to look at the district clooely." ' • DAILY PR.OT """W-T.,,., Cft1ltt ' · Filing of charges was delayed for .,..ks pending completion of an io- Vettigation into wbicb side of the river ll)e fatal crash occurred on and IUl>- mbsion of evidence. (Yuma County, Ariz., authorities were at fll'St involved along with the U.S. C4list Guard, then turned the cue over to-San BernardJno prosecutors ail< weeks tgl>. Kids of all ages enjoy the facilities at Huntington Beach's Lake Park. In ilie top photo, the ·Boucher children, Mark inci Craig, both 12, and Kathry!!, 9, ·joiii their nephew, Bill Jamar, 5,'.on a jungle· gym, while Linda Osburn, 15' (below), proves quite a swinger. . -Young Dart was the son of Newport Biach Fireman Richard Dart and his •ife Nancy. Future of Los Al Station • • To Be Studied at Meeting '!be controveny over the future use of LOB Alamitoa Naval Air Station will shift io ·an Army-sponsored public bearing fqnlght at Golden Wen College in Hun- IJ\lilon Beach. '<iovemment officials aod local agen- clu, as well as resldenJs, have been ask· -4,to speak at 7:30 o'clock in Forum I, on the.campus. . Tonight's hearing will center on a Pen- tagon propooaJ that the naval air station be turned into an Armed Forces Reserve tralnlng center. . . Under the Pentaaon plan, Los Alamitos W.Wd he home -for 100 helloopters, two flied-wing aJrcraf! and up to S,000 -rvlata. ·Los Alamitos WU cleactlv•ted u • ~val Air Station In ll70, and aow eervea ~ • FEW WORDS BUT ., ·'MUCH SUCCESS You can be 1 penon of few wordl and n find ....... , -pleatJ of 11 -in DAILY PILOT claalfled 1dvut11lng col· ,,inns. Take, for example, the few word! In theae two and a haU lints ol advertil- Giily for occulonal !llghts. Following deactivation, one propos" after liiother hU stirred controversy 1· Los Alamitos and surrounding com- munities over Its potential use. At one Ume, the city· had hoped t• cerve the air base into an lndll5lrial tract and. park. The Novy abo pllmled lo uae lt f0< the CCtlllnlctlanol~toeerveLoog BeaclH>laecl Novy fl!llilles. Los Alamitos City Manager William Knus says the councll lears that use of the bue 11 a re1erve center will even- tually laad to Its ... for civilian alrcraf4 or hlch-performaooo military alrcrafl llelldeatl padrod • Los Alamitos City O>uncll meeting Monday ni&ht to either OlllJOIO or aupport .,. of the air hue for Arm:t ruervilla. . Many of the -la. felt the rapid -of the orea took precedent- over mlllt.-y needs, wl6! olben aald it. --yllal to the •tlotl's ck!ense. ToDJ&hl'• be1rlng ..... ICheduled by Sl>th Azm1' HeadqUarten to obtain clvlllm reactloll to the ~ pro- pooal. R. B. Fosdick Dead icl: S BR, I BA, frplc, shll , crpt, cl,,.; bltna, hrdwd NEflTOWN, Conn. (UPI) -Raymond ' floors, '31t, DX-DD. II: Filldlct, fom>er president of the • They were ~ to nnt the place to RockdeUtf l"aundltlon wl>o aace oened "Ille first callor. A few ....u .-"""11 u flnt --OWJ of the League of In.the right place, the DAILY PILOT'I Nalilllt, died 1\Jtsday at the op ol 81. A Olulllled ...,,.., can pt 1'llUltl lot pduate cl Plilcoton Unlmslty and 1G"• 10o. Dial ICMlll and Udlanfe-1'llW Yon Ll'lll Sclloo~ F...Uct came """"wlth-ol.111rJCl-tllan. -...... a .... line o1 Buffalo, N.Y., ' ,....,,_ " Bush, city attorney for Huntington Beocll from 1968 to 1968, said a main prob- lem lacing the district is the need to switch over to the new system ol finan- cial support the. state Js expected to adopt in coming ye.an . ''In a period of change, I want to see that things are 1witcbed properly.'' Bush, 1220 Main Street, abo •IJlressed concern "about candidates running in this election who are supported by teacher groups, which would like to get a chance to control the board and negotiate with themselves about salary increases ." He would not say which candidates he was referring to. Edurdo DaSllv1 says there are .. some serious things wrong. with thls district." U elected, he promises to accomplish the following three things in his eighl- mooth term : -Foree officials to write down district policies concerning protection of students while on school grounds. He says there are cases when children are harassed in the presence of teachers "but no one will take responsibility because nothing b in writing... ,.. -Rewrite dlalrict budget policies in °a Conn the public can understand. There are big inc.ruses in the budget, but nobody knows where lhe money ii going." -Improve communication between the board of trustees, teachers, community. (Seo CANDIDATES, Page !) Acreage Rezoned • • Valley Farm Land to Be Industrial By ~UCHAEL GOODRICH Of "" Dallf Plllt ,,,,, DesJ>;te pleas that their action would create an unfair tax burden for farmers, Fountain Valley city councilmen Tuesday night rezoned 300 acres of land from agricultural to industrial usage. · The property, bounded by the Santa Ana River. Warner Avenue, Talbert Avenue and Euclid Street, has since 1961 been master-planned for industrial use. 'lbe rezoning was done to comply with Labor Group Won~t Back . . . . . · · MeGovern ,Bid WASHING'roN (AP) -AFL-CIO . President Giorge -Meaiijr ~~ day that" the Poli!!caU1 -ful labor group will not eadorae either DemocraUc nominee George S. McGovern er Pns~ dent Nlxon in the November election. The executive counclt of the U.6-mll· lion member labor federation, which hu 111Pported-all past Democratic pr,.;delf Ual candidates, this' time will coocentrote on electing its friends in Congress, Meaey ·sald., The 35-man labor council, by a vote.of %7-3, adopted this' statemeni: "Under the dn:imutances the AJ'L. . . CIO will refrain from endol'llng eithe!- candldate for the office of President of the Unlted States. uTheSe circumstances call, r1ther, for the maximwn coocentration of effort on the election of aenaton, and represen- talives whose records conunend them to the working people of America. "Affiliates are, of course, free to en- dorse and 1Upporl any candidate of their choice." Leaders of \several of the AFL-CIO's 117 ibdlvidual unions have endoaed or eaid they would endorse McGovern. One -the Marine Engineen Beneficial Associ8Uon -has endorsed Nixon. Five members of the labor COl.Dlcil reportedly leaning to McGovern did not attend the meeting. One of them, President Joseph A. Beirne of the CommunJcatlona Workers, sent a Jetter to Meany urging en- dorsanent ol McGovern, the AJaoclated Press learned. uEndorsement of the Democratic can- didates ill the only way to keep AFUIO unions In thelr'political acttvtty,11 Beirne wrote Meany. Near Cust.r, S.D., where McGovern la vacationing, the DemocraUc presidential candidate learned of the AFUIO's council's adlon as he concluded a (See LABOR, Pa1t !) School Mothers Find New Home In Huntington A new !tome hos hem found for file Hunllngtoo Beadr Union llJcll School District's School Age Mothers' program. 'l'he. llJJtclal p~am fer pregnant high school girll wlll be beld in twi> large '°°' ilected roornt at the Ocoan View School Diltnct warehoule complex on Warner Avenue just eut of Beacb Boul......S. The new ·locatlon 'wlll have facillties for home economics c1 ........ w•H u chUd care ln!tructloo, business education and otbu cl...,. offered to the girll in the put. The El-age mothen program, 'f<'hich .,.. IU!l Wt fill., .... housed 1t the H n Beach Convaleocenl Holpltal year. The Ocean 'v~w lliltrld WU1 fUrnlsh the new quartn at no coot, except for '~=";.,~ ~ the hliJ/ • Calilomla Slate law which rtqulres the city to have Ila master plan and IOnlng in conformance by next J~uary. But before the councilmen adopted the zoning alteration, it met with opposition from a land developer representing some of the affected farmers and an incensed homeowner. Speaking for nine farmers in the rezorr ed area, Ko Watanabe, a Costa Mesa real estate broker, said the council's action would Price the farmers out of business. "It la the concem of all the irrooerty owners that the advent of indusfr1af ICID' tng will lncerue tues •bout ltl' ~ This, together with an II percent U.. crease this yetlr. is going to eliminate any possible interim use," 11 I d Watanabe. "The farmers want an equestrian development or to enter into the Williamson Act,'' added Watanabe . Watanabe has long promoted the (See REZONE , Page !) Valley Council Action Here In capsule form are the major actions taken Thursday night by the Fountain Valley City .Council: INDUSTRIAL: Rezoned about 300 acres of land in the vlclnltr of the Santa lna !\Mi> and Warner Avenue trom agricultural lo lndllllr1al . PAllKS: Approved $t2,t21 bid !0< landacaplng of cordata 1114. Utbaln Plavan Parlll. . -IMPROVEMENT: Ordered dnolape..C. propedy at lnte-tlon of La Ala- meda and Brookhurst Streets to make aireet ~II prior lo Jul)• tm, ot occupancy of any building on the commerclel JlrOPlriy. · • : APPOIN11llENl'S: Appointed Jam" Neal u city derll and Eft!J'D Grippo u city ~asurer and deputy city clerk. Stare Beach Purchase In Huntington 'Priority' By TERRY COVILLE Of tlle ~ Plllt SttN Purchase of 2.5 mllea of private ocean front in Huittington Beach haa been """ fu'llied 81 a top priority item by the llate director of parks and recreation. And It la possible the private beach will he in public handa by the 8IJJllmer of 1173. "Acquiring that beach completes a very Important link between ti>• clly beach and Bolu Chica," William Penn Molt, sla!e-parks director, l&i!j today, Mott met Tuesday In Sacramenlo with City Administrator David Rnwlands, Assemblyman Rnbert Burlie (11-Hun- tington Beach), and Wllllam Foster, -er of the Hmttjngton . Pacific Corporation, to dlscuu purc1ui,. of Hun- tington Pacific'• private beach. Mott aald in an interview today that a lack of state funda mak" the purchase Impossible lhll fiscal year (1972-73) and queslionable for 1173-71. Burke, however, laid this morning that, U the · llale parks deportment and other llate agencl• aupport th 1 purchaae, ho believes the Lecislaturo would appropriate funds for It in July · 1173 • "The tone of the Legislature la to ... quln lhll type of lite," the aasemblyman aald. Both Mott and Burke aa1d the fint 1lep pending is to appralte the land and det.rmlne "hat Ill real value is. Mott 1ald there Lm't even money available for the 1ppralul at this tlme, but Burke aald he would tfy to'pusli« bill througll the Legialature. to release the 1111aU,1um ~eeded for the 1ppraiSil. "We also need to establish the eud priorijy of this beach • ..,. the hundreds; ol other possible parlt sites," Burke ad· dcd. "I am very encouraged by all of UWi," he said. "This is all somethln• that has Just broken open!' \-----.... Mott credited a new 1Wtude on the part of the city coundl, and he credited Rowlands, for ncent deYelopmenta whidl have turned lla4' al~ toward the private beach. '1t looks like we can "°"' topther for a change," he uld. "We'vt ~problems in the put." Rowlanda, who toolt ov.r lbe dty ad- mlnlatrator's post In Pebl'Uuy, bu been pushlQs Ice llall, ot <Olllty, pll'Chuo o1 the list remaining private beach 11 1 solution to a tangled legnl battle. The city la suing the Hunllz!gton Pacific Corporation to 1 u a r a n t e • permanent J!Ubllc ICCOll lo the beacb. Jn turn, Huntington Pa<lflc hu filed a counterllllt a 1 k I n g •too million Ill damaces. Both sides agree the suit Is expensive, and could stretch over several yean. Mott also said that all aides apparenUy agree tl\e beach should he in public hands and the primary questioo will he the price. "Of COllfle, we always have the power of eminent domain, but if we condemn It then~· have to have the full price in ,.;; budget/1 Mott said. The perks director Indicated he would prefer lo negotiate for purchase of the beach. l!'wo week• ago, 11tOther high llato parka official uld the stab would eel' tainly consider the parchue ii a '2IO million parb md nc:rution bmcl Issue were approv1d by voters ID J1111 lflC. ........ llespitO !hoae dart clouds In the early morning hours, !ht 1111 abould he ahintng on the <>ranao Coat by mld-day, •ccordlnc to tl\e weether- tady. Highs 'llan'tclaJ>. 71 le Ill. Lows tonll!!l_IM5, INSWE TODAY Thrtt ,..,, produttiO!ll lfllht vp the locol lhcatcr 11og., around Orange C o •" tr ,.fa .,.,._ o toritv for mids14m!ll01". Set fntertcfnmcn~ Pagt M, =.:-..= --.. --. --" trMI ..... ..... ,,.,, Df. ,.......,.. ,. ---·-. """"' -r-• -----. • • • .. f DAILY Pl~OT " 2MenDie As Jet Hits Exercise A desert warfare u erclse wss ln- atantty tranarom1'd . Into a n!g!ltme"' l'lCtM resembling the real lhtng W~ day 0 I I b t, when an El Toro Marme Carpi Air statJon jet alammed Into a .,..., ...,.._ 4nd up)oded. '!'be S:lli p.m. accident near Twen- tynine Palms 1c!l1ed two Dnlnge County crewmen -on a low-leve1 st rafing ~ over timulated enemy troops -while aeven men on the g:rcuod were injured moetly 1'11l> bUms. Shonly a11or noon today. Ibo Marlne Corps identified tbe AtA navigator killed In the cruh 11 Capt. Hany M. Thornley, :111 ol Ml Sta Cull Lane, Newport Beach. Hts home address was not bnmedlately available, but the deOd pUot wa1 ldenll· fled u capt. Lloyd E. Kenney, 28, of 'l\litln. trud • No estimate or Ille MA Jn or s 1ltltudt wu oHt:red, but Ille superaonlc fighters often come In below 100 feet. Marine Corps officials said many amooc $,000 r.-vlsls engaged In two- day maneuvers near Camp Wilson wltntoled Ille spectacular cras h. UCI Stl¢ent, Daught,er Killed In El Toro Crash A S7·ye&N>ld puate student In phys!CI al UC Irvine -only months away from hit doctorate -was kllled aJqng with h11 1-year-old daughter early today In a grinding freeway crtah In El Toro. Boyd G. Foster of 405 Verano Place. Irvine, and hll daughter~ Amanda, were killed Inola.Uy ahortly alttr midnight when hit car left Ille transition road on 1114,San D!lgo Freeway; soared for 175 feet, tllen cartwheeled. Tlje death was felt u a major tragedy In the urllverslty's physics department, where Foster bad been a student •Inc• the program wu bqun In 1116ii. Highway patrolmen said they had not )'t!t detennlned. the reuona for the car auddenly leaving Ille roadway on the Jong transltloo bridge which croms over the Santa Ana Freewar.. Both lather aiict asughter were thrown from the spinning vehicle and were pro- 110Ulll!ed dead at the scene by coroner'• lnve1Ugators. lipok .. men for the physics department aaid all Ill meml>era wen &tunned by the traiedt. Foster, a candidate for a doctorate In aolld"tAtAI ph11!cl, wu only a few monll>s awsy from receiving hia degree. It would have been, tlley said, ll>e cllmar lo dozen• of yetr1 of atruggllng for a 'atudent who worked to support a !amlly whtle earning the touah degree. "It was alwa)ll a ftnanclal~atruggle for Boyd," said a spokesman for the depart· ment. ''He began as a part-ti.me graduate sludalt while holding down a fuU·Ume job and laler hO impressed ll>e proleuor1 enough to receive assistance: from the university, which hired him ... a part,. time ttachlng end research assi.stant." Footer oiltalned a degree I r om Los Angeles Trade Tech College and his bachelor of ~ degne from UCLA before starting graduate work at UC!. He wu granted a master of arll (egree there In 11168. . Funeral 1ervlces wm lo be arranged eometim~ today at Slddleback Chapel In 'l\Jatln. Union.Merger Probed VANCOUVER, Wub. (AP) -The possibility of a merger of the Teamsters and Lonphoremen•a unions IUrfaced again when it was learned lhat their Jeaders were meetln( here secretly. A StatUe longshore aource, wbo asked not to be Identified, said the meeting Tues. day wu the fnt of several "uploratory talks" oo a possible merger. DAILY PILOT 1'111 ~ Qlltt DAILY PILOT wtfll -~ .. c:ombltln ... NfWM',... .. Ml"'* " the OrMOe CD:ttrt P\blbMnrl Qmptny. 5fl»o r•ll cdUllN •rt ""11111«1. Mondty ~ Frldty, fW CW.I• MfM. ,...,.,, tlldlo Hwrtln8'-' ·~,.,.. 'l•llfY· u.-. 8-JI, lrvlnl/$1dl111Mca _. Sir! CIMlttM/ S.111 JV-.. c:.klf',,,., A •lnlltl reglonll e<llllM h """""" llturdtya .,,. S\ltlch)'I. TM !lf'llW:IMI Mflltllnl ,Wiit 't. •I SM! Wt$1 ltY ltmt, C..i. M-. O lltwmla, ,,.,._ ~•b•rt N. W1.ci ,., .. !dent .... f'Ubllllltr J.Ut a. c .... 1 • ., Ykt>""'IMflt.,.., °"""'91 ~ Thom•• K•nU ..... '"''"''' A. Murp1ii"• _ ...... Cla.1rl•t H. '-•• · ~, .... ~ P. Han AMt&l1t11 Mtlllt"ie 1.1111r1 -,.,.-,., Co¥1lli WMI Of-.. '-"IY •4'W " ......... -Oflioo 11171 l11ch l1.l1¥1t4 • M•ll'-t AU,..111 ,,0. I•• 1tt. t2'41• --""""' ... a .. m ,..,.., ,...,.,.. C..•• ,.,,_, "' w.tt .. , .,,..,-::.~ ... -irt.U:W':..Tc.~s.w::, T11' "11t (7141 64JAln C'' ............... 642""" '""" ...,. .,..,.. c...., ea""'• •• 111 .. , .. Jf lft -COW Nf"< .-..................... frid:~:·~~: "iiiiOiO..... _. .... , • .,...., .-..w . .... ..... . W""""1, July lf, lf71 Tliese Eagles Not Relawd? WASHINGTON (AP) -Alr ,.,.,. Socretary Robrrt c . 5aawll Jr. taYI Ille •1111\Da cl tho .... Alr 1"orco tadlcal ,,_. .. Eqle .,... onl1 colocldentally related to tbe Democratic party'• choice or Sen. TbollW F. Eagleton 11 Its vtce pretldentJal cand1date. Eagleton and McDonnell DouaJu Corp., manuracturer of Eagle, the twin-Jet aingle-seat Fl$, both come from Mlasourl. Seamans spoke TutMay at an ~ero Club of Wuhlngton luncheon. Kans(l,S Booze Battle Looms; Train Halted OKLAHOMA CITY (UPI) -Law of·. ficers in Oklahoma and Kansas have stopped Amtrak trains and arrested crewmen for running open saJoons. The battle over booze will be take n to court to determine which is stronge r - federal or 1tate law. Amtrak, the federal railroad system created and subsidized by Congress, con- l<l>ds that K Ojlenlt es under federal law and therefore cannot be regulated by the antUlquor statutes of the states through whfch its trains travel. · But Oklahoma and Kansas officials dbagree. "It is our position that the serving of mixed drihks on Amtrak is against Oklahoma law," said state Attorney General Larry Derryberry, who led a raid on a train Tuesday night in Oklahoma City. ,.-. DerT)'berry and agents of ~ t .~ e Oklahoma Aloohollc Beverage Control Board boarded the train at Ardmore, OkJa., and aald they bought cocktails as the traln rolled through three "dry" counties -areas where the sale of liquor ta prohibited by law. ln Oklahoma City, agents confiscated eight cases of beer and seven bags of one-ounce bottlet of liquor aboard the train and arrested the conductor and a steward. At Newton, Kan ., state Attorney General Vem Miller stopped another Amtrak train and arrested three crtwmen for violating Kansas liquor laws. The men were charged with main~ taining an open saloon, operating without poaesslon of a otate tax atamp, selling Jlquor without a license and allowing the consumption of liquor in an unauthorized place. Council Okays Valley Pal'ks' Landscaping A $92,~7.8 contract to landsca pe two neighborhood parks in Fountain Valle y wl! approved 'l\lesday Dight by city councilmen. The development of Urbain Plavan and the expansion of Cordata Park will begin within two wee.ks, according to Park.s Director Wayne Osborne. Both projects will be clone by Valley Creel Landacaping Inc •. 91 San\o An4. The Urbain Plavan ParS. located on the north side of Warner Avenue between Brookh\D'st and Bushard streets, is scheduled to be a iw(>.acre development of school property adjacent to the newl7 ~ulll Urbain Plavan elementary school. The park will be a grassy field with large aand areas and picnic facllitle1, with playground equlpment for the children. Since Urbain ·Plavan School wlll have faclllUes for handicapped children, the Parks and Recrestion Commi.sslon is tOtudylng the pooiblllty of ..ctlng up ope- Cial ....,,...uoo facilltl.., in ll>e perk foe them. The city wiD al3o be conatrucUng a pedestrian bri.dge across the Warner Flood C.Ontrol CbanneJ for residents ot nearby homes to reach the park more eaaily, according to Osborne. Plans for the Cordata Park call for the construction of basketball courts atop the ne,.ty.finishod Jrater reservoir lacllfty iint to the present park. CordatAI Park, located fn the Century Homes tract aouth of Ellis A venue and """ cl llushard Slreel, Will al!o have • N!w concrele walkway leading to the basketball courts and more trees in the park area, accortling lo Osborne. Upon rompletion of Urbain Plavan and Cordata parks, Fountain Valley will have 11 nelaJ>borhood parks. The city's master plan calll for Ht/en more neighborhood parks to be completed by 1977. Road Work Set In Huntington The Sully Miller Company hU won a $2811,000 conlract !tom Huntlncton Beach for aumrner wort on fo\11' streeti in lhe eoutheost aector or the city. The work, which includes some street wldtn1n1, """' murlaclng and some curl» and IU!lera, will be done on: -&mlltoa Avenue front Newland StrMt to Brookhursl Street. ~ 81"e~ aoutll ol lllmUton. _,....,.,. str.i -!Nllwpolil A-to Yortdowll Aveoue. • N= ~ aorlll al Hamllloa ..; •• ""'hid al "11.•11 ..... "'.. undof Ibo cil1 ... for the work. •• Viet Ji'!fl•t•111 Fortress Battle Raging in · City SAIGON (AP) -Sooth Vletnam<se forces battled their way tow.a.rd the wall- ed Citadel in the heart or Quang Tri City today and reported 163 North Vietnamese killed in ho111<-to-housa flgbUng Tuesday. One government paratrooper unit was reported 100 yards from tilt !IOUtheastem corner of the 19th century fortress, and another was closing in from the northeast side. From Pqe l REZONE ••. equestrian development on the property, but has.been opposed by cOuncllmen who want to see the land developed in- dustrially. The Williamson Act Js a JO.year con- tract between a city and a farmer which allows agricultural land to be assessed on the basis of its income rather than its market value. "Many of the tanners grow celery and beans. You can't pay these ta1es with those crops," said Watanabe. "And what interim uses can you find for such a large area of land?" the real estate broker questioned. Paul savarino, an aerospace ad- ministrator, heatedly criticized the coun· ell's action in an emotional speech. 0 The master plan isn 't a Bible, it's only a set of pape1'3,'' declared Savarino. "lf you want to make thi5 a drab city with industrial developments-then carry on ." "U it is a question of $40 more a year in ta1es, then that's peanuts compared to Ille Increased apprsi5al or home property in the city," added Savarino. Councilmen, however, disagreed with Savarino. "The question ls, do we or don't we want the property master planned in-- du.stria!," said Councilman George SCOtt. "! thlnk for the well-being of the city we should do Jt." "Maybe $40 doesn't mean anything to him but it does to a lot of other people in this city," added Scott. "I believe in Industrial development," said C.Ouncilman Bernie Svalstad. "If property ·owners will work with the city, we can get out and attract industry and get some action." . · .. ! reel tllat notlllng could be worse than wall to wall homes in this city/' aaid Mayor Al Hollinden. "People caUS<I pollution and our air and water are get- ing worse. We need a balance between residential and industrial development." Councilman Marvin Adler made a novel suggeslioo for In Interim use of Ille property. "I think a commercial venture of shops along the greenbelt area which is parallel to the property would be a good Interim use," said Adler. Kissinger H o"lds Top Secret Tai.ks With N. Vietnam WASHINGTON (UPI) -PresidenUal adviser Henry A. K!Jslnger i! holding private taJU In Parll today with North Vielnamese negoUal<n Le Due Tho and Xwm Thuy, the Wbite Houae announced. In a joint announcement with the North Vietnamese, the White House said that ll>e President'• national _..ity affairs adviser is e1pected to return to Walhln!!lon today. Ile Oew to Paria Tuesday !or ll>e private sessions in an attempt to eet the Paria peace talkl moving again. This wu the first Ume that Kissinger's private meetings with the c.cimm.unJst negotlator1 hive been announced whtle the sessions were under way. He List met in Paris with Le Due 1bo on May 2. The United Slates and Sooll> Vleinam reswned talks witll their Communtat counlerplrta Thursday. Tho arrived In ll>e French capital last weekend and 11id be wa.s ready to consider any new U.S. oiler. Ten days ago. K!Jslnger told reporters in San Clemente, that there were in- dications Hanoi was ready to resume negotiations wilh a new and responalve attitude. From Pqe l LABOR .•. horseback ride through ll>e woods around Sylvan Lalce. 'T m disappointed in the action or Ille council," McGovern aald. "l frankly don't want a feud with President Meany," McGovern aald . But, be added, "J'm confident the leadera and the rank-and-Ille of many in- dividual unloOJ will go ahead and endorle ua." McGovern said his Vice pmidentlal running mate, Sen. Tbomu F. !;ag!etoo ol Missouri, had .betn -u., with leaders o! !ndlvtdual unloill and lining up their suppor\ prior lo today's uecuUve council m .. ung. "Naturally we would have liked to have had the council'• 1ndo r 1em1 n t, '• McGovern said. 1'IO three union chief• who wanted to endorse McGovern and vvted qalnlt the 11ectn1 ~ wen Jerry Worf al 1M ~$"ltloa ot Sjatt, CMl1 Cid lfoctell; It.I Onlnllon "" 1M A1om1c Clll 9MJmleal "- and Piii! J""1111o d Ibo lbllrDlllllll Unlon or Elect&&! wor11er1. The Sllgon troops had to flgbt for every tnch or ground in South V letnam 's northernmost provincial capital, which the North Vietnamese captur~ 1ut May. Initial reporta aa.ld the North Viet· namese killed 5 government soldiers and Wounded 20 in Ille figbllng 'l\lesday. The U.S. Command, meanwhtle, uld three American Phantom Jets bombed a Sou th Vietnamese posit.ion six miles southeast or Quang Tri City by mistake, killing one government aoldler and ......,_ ding II. It w11 the third such U.S.· bombing ml!take "'ported In two days and the low:th In two weeks near Quang Tri; A total of Jl Sooll> Vietnam.,. killed and 51 wounded have been reported. • Field officers blame the close-quarter fighting, the often confu&ed maoeuverlng of South Vietnamese u n I ts and th e presence of hundreds of U.S. planes in the air while almost all ground unlta are calling for support. The U.S. Command also reported a Cobra helicopter gunship was shot down Tuesday 14 miles southeast of Quang Tri, but .said the crewmen were rescued. The Viet Cong radln clalmed today tllat 2: U.S. warplanes have been shot do~ tn the Quang Tri aree since JuJ7 1 and .. many ptloU:" have been captured. The U.S Command has reported the lOBS of IWI> planes and alz hellcoptm in the prov· ince in that period, with four crewmea missing. U.S. Air Force F4 Phantom plJots eacorling bombt:rs raldlng North Viet· nam reported downing another MJG21 in a dogfight Tuesday west of Hanoi. It wa.s tho 43rd MIG kUJ reported Ibis year and the 154th of the war. Hanoi claimed three American planes were shot down during Tuesday's raids, but the losses announced by the U.S. Command were a Navy A7 13 miles northeast of Vinh on Monday night and a Navy A4 40 miles southwe!t of Hanoi on July 11. Two crewmen were reported m1 .. 1ng. Thi.s raised to 63 the number of American planes the U.S. Command reported lost over North VJetnam since the resumpUon of full-scale bombing on April 6. A total of 72 airmen are lilted as missing in these crashes. Hanoi bu reported a number of them captured. U.S. spokesmen aaid American planes new more than 320 atrikes again.st North Vietnam Tuesday, and the pilots wt'ecked warehouses, cut runways end taxiways at MIG bues, dropped bridges, and left fuel depots exploding and In flames, withlfireballs sbootlng !,000 feet into ll>e air. DA Cecil Hicks Will Not Speak District Attorney Cecil Hicks Will not be speaking to the Huntington-Valley ;v oung Republicans tonight Instead ll>e speaker wlll be Deputy Dlslricl Attorney Richard Beacom. A previous announcement stating Hicks would speak on the death penalty at 7:30 p.m. in the Whistling Oyster Restaurant was in error. Beacom will speak on Uie death penalty. Beacom beads the District Attorney's branch office in· West Orange C.Ounty and is currently seeking the post of judge in tho West Orange County Municipal Court in the November election . GEM TALK TODA'V'. :I. C. HUMPHllU DIAMONDS STAR IN MOVIES For centuries diamonds have been surrounded by romance and intrigue. Although some of the stor- ies told about famous diamonds are pure m,ythology, most are bhtorl· caDy verllied truth frequently ..,.. passing the most lurid fiction. And since history began, gems have retained Ille Interest of most people, this interest beln~ express- ed through cliHerent media In auc- ceedlng generallon1 and In different dvlllzaUons. Recent rums releued"from most major >1tuclio1 are featurlng dta- monch as the center of atlrlcUon for both crooks end heroo•~ AI· thOugh these movies are atrllfht flcUon, they are fascinating 1u4J. ences of all aees. Among such ell amond orient«! flllns are "Hot Rock" "The Cool Breeze" ''Dtamonch Are Forever"~ ''Probe'' and 0 HorrowbotlH.'' Another production by Warntt Brothen, under tile direcUon of Sidney llco centered anlW1d the lure of dlll1lOlldL Althouch •re hive llwa,JJ dealt with dWnolld tacu, we 111,IOy 111- lt1111ptlve movlet ml TV lhow1. Yoe mlp! .llDol them oquallJr lao i.re,un;. • ' . • ·. • From P09e .l • • CANDIDATES •. and the press. "All controversial items should be opened up to p u b I i c discussion." DaSllva, 9852 Star Drive, made several other criticisms, including attacks on the quality of .s<;bool libraries. "There are books that haven't been checked out in years. There 's something wrong here, but it would take me more than elg~t month3 to find out what." Rofet Garceau, a teacher in the Cypress School District, says he is basically satisfied With the quality of education in the district, but he h.sted several areas which he felt ought to be "looked into." "MY first priority would be to attend to the individual needs of children," he said_ !n particular, be said the district should look into using so-called lower disab ility grouping teachers for children wit h basically high abilities in most areas, bu t who are now placed in educationally ban· dlcapped cluaes because of one or two weaknesses. He also favors looking Into the possibility of getting more state and federal funds. In particular, he wants the district to develop a comprehensive drug prevention program. "We should get mo ving in this area," he said. 1'My • • . . school distri ct has had a program for a.. year." : Garceau, 9612 Hiil\tide Drive, a1s4\ favors more parent Involvement, th~ development of curricul~ plans at eacf\ school. and • • m o r e communlcaUo!J between the board, tbe commlJDlb', the,. dist rict adm inistration, and the classiliecl and certificated employer." ' Lewis Kidder, former ·president of~ teachers association in the di.strict an~ now president of Coast Music Compan_y:, in Costa Mesa, said he believes ther4" must be changes in the district. :. "Communications are at the lowts~ poin t in the JS years I have been in !~i\ district." he said. ''There is namecall}nq' whe re one side is militant and the othe'. is conservative, and this ia no good foj educatlon at all." ~ He proposed to i m p r o v e comt mun.ication by holding more discussions~ including saJary negotiations, in the opellf "All other public officials must discus~ their feelings in public, why not acltool' trustees too?" ~ "Jn business we bring everything lntf; the open and it works.•• he added. ; Kidder, 1842 Pine Street, taught ln t~ city school district for six years in tbfj late J950's. ~ • County Slaying Recounte~ ' , • As Accused Man Listens ~ Harold Emil Oswald o! Huntington Beach, described in court as the jilted lover of Colene Conary, looked on in court today while two Garden Grove patrolmen reconstructed the scene of her death. Officer Steven Berger told Judge Ken· neth WWlams as the Orange County Superior Court murder trail went into its second day that Mrs. Conary, 38, of Stan- ton, lay bleeding outside a room when be arrived at the Tropic Motel. He testified that he kept a crowd of spectators back whlle a fellow officer tried to comfort the wounded woman. He said be checked the crime scene wblle Mrs. Conary was lHted onto a stretcher and rushed to Ille hoopita!. Mrs. Conary later died ln Orange County Medical Center. Oswald, 55, of 18132 Hartlund St., Is charged with her murder. Prosecutor Ed Freeman stated in hia opening argument that Oswald was present at tbe motel last Feb. 2B to ll>warl the alleged 1S1ign· ment she bad made with another man. Mrs. C.Onary's date, John McFarland. testified that he flad registered at the motel office and was inserting his key kl the room door when he heard arguing and a shot from the area where his date had parked her car. McFarland said Oswalkd, gun In hand, came over to him and told him : "Get your -out of here." "( proceeded to do just that." McFarland said. 0 1 left and I never look· ed back." ; Freeman said tn his opening argument that Oswald was stUI ln love with ?.frsJ" Conary, despite the breakup last year c( a four-year association. .~ He said the accused IN.n made It hit business to con1tantly see his !ormq girlfriend and check on her acti vities. ... "That's why be followed this womrut and her date to the Tropic Motel on thll.. particular night," Freeman charged. ; Freeman said that Oswald was parkeit across the street from the bar wherf. Mrs. Conary worked on the night that ~ made the date with McFarland. • He claims that Oswald followed ,hi~ fonner lover and McFarland to the mote{: and shot her In ll>e back of ll>e bead·ali: she got out. : Last Rites Set For Eal'l Lamb .. • •, ' ·. .. ·. Funeral·servJces for one of the pionict· farmers of Huntington Beach, Earl Af. Lamb, 80, are set for 10:30 a.m., Th~ day, in Brown's Colonial Chapel, Sant.: Ana, with burial to follow in Falrbayea. ~femorial Park, Santa Ana. .. - Mr. Lamb, of 18752 Gregory Lane, Huntington Beach, died Sunday. i< He is survived. by his wile, Etta, of tq11 home ; two aona, W11liam of Bllss, Jdaqi; and Alvln of Garden Grove; a daughter, and IO great-grandchildren. •• • • OMEGAO the perfect gift for people who spend time together . ladles Dyniimlc whh 14( .., 111inln1 1t&of btelt. $t:1l0wlnd- tn~ W1lcr-rttlst1nt With dlte- ttllln.s di.I Md Strl,P •• •• ,$1f&. , • J.C. .JJumphried Jewelerd 1823 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA CONVINIENT TUMS IANXAMUICAlD-MAITU CHAIH II YIAlS IN SAM! LOCATION • f'HONE Ml·J411 ... . .. ·: •• .. , ..• ... .. ·. ··.~ ,., • •• .,: .. • ; • ·, ' • • • • . , • .. ·. ' • -• .Nixon Doles Out Power, j Cuts Down Bureaucr·acy By JOHN VALTERZA Of M 0.lb' rlllf Sltff TALES OF BUREAUCRACY stifling the best of government projects have filled books for generations in the United States. , Evnybody knows bow little energy Is spent rtally COO• sum.mate the Jdeas themselves. The real bulk of the work is in the red tape. But Monday at the Presidential compound in San Cle- mente, a few of _us were on band to see how one rnan--a President-ean dole out a little of his power. THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE liad been simm<ring for 1llOl'9 than a week o~r·a drive he toOt to Saa Onofre Beach Sta,te Park-a part ol the six-mile strand be declared publlc last year. . --•• On the Fourth of July-a day when most people clog the sands of Southern cautornia~ly a hundred or ao persorui had made It down to San Onofre. Chagrined, President Nixon called state parks officials, Marine Corps brass .. . and other federal representatives to a lengthy meetJng in the Prealdentlal : .Dffice complex. He wanted to find out why. The lack of drinking water, toilets and other facilities on tbe beachfront was the reason, he was told by plaintive state parks people. So the President gave everybody a little time to wort out some temporary aolutions. · Very Little time . TWO HOURS, to be esact. The gang went to the phones during those 120 minutes. And in that lime they rounded up enough oopblstlcated equipment, prl- "marily from the military, to provide real fiusbing toilets and drinkable water . 11t the base of tbe bluffs. And that meant that camping could be permitted ' on that same beachfront. They aJ.90 came up with '350,000 for water mains. So the temporary problems are over. How about some of the longer-range ones? ACCESS Is the lougbest. Unless the state wants to carve away scenic bluffs to allow cars to drive to the skinny strip of sand, ru~ed trails are about the best they can offer. • And the best way to negotiate those bot, dry routes is on top of a stout -: burro. • Now there's an idea ••• They do it at the Grand Canyon, don't they! When the entire six-mile project is completed sometime 1n the 1970s "peoplemovers" are planned to shuttle throngs oC beachgoer1 to and from the sands, state parks spokesmen aay. Bui, getting back to b88ics, wbere Is their sewage going to go! While officials don't like to admit II, the MJrine Corps Is still out of joint about the land gut, and until Monday's meeting bad not lifted a finger to help eoCOW'age anyone on the new public beaches. WHY DIDN'T the military help! "We never asked them," wss the reply by state parks bead Wllliam Penn "Mott. Instead, the department has asked the cily of San Clemente for help in furnishing water and sewage treabnent. . The stete would probably pay a 50-percent surcl>arge !or water oold oul!lde the city. ,-SEWAGE, however, Is a more complex bassle. · The city's only north-south sewage collector is an antique and at times ·~at peak capacity. A new stete park'• IUllUllet output Is out of the question for Ille old · beachfront sewage maln. ' San Clemente asked the Stale of Ca1ifomia for a Clean Water grant to .. beJp pay the million dollars or more needed for a new main. THAT WOULD EASil.Y handle the new stale park. But the State of cautomla moves in mysterious ways. One stete agency has begged san Clemente for help. But another stete agency responsible for parceling out the grants which could give San Clemente the cbance to assist. tblnb otherwise. It turned the grant appUcatlon do"!' after two years ol delays. And until government can find a 90Jution to a set of unique and espensive problems, President Niion migbt very well find. the beach ooutb ol Im estate ·•"quite secluded for many years to come. · Unless those vesing Issues aro llOlved, San Onofre might make history_,, gorgeous, siI-mile public beach. ... With hard1y anyone on iL !:f .S. Treasur'!r Urging Chicanos to Back Nixon By CANDACE PEARSON Of ~ Dtllf l'llol Stiff llltin Americans should no longer "blindly support" the Democratic Party and • be ~'laken for granted before tbe ele41on and Ignored after," U.S. Treasurer Romana Banuelos said in lrvl!le Tuesday night. Mt.. Banuelos, the first Mulca .. American to be appointed trtaaurer, s~e before 170 people at a fl»plate campaign dinner for President Mxon '-"red by the Orange Co u n I y HJspanlc Committee to Re-elect the President. •(We don't need more statistics or more p r·o m I s e 1 1 ' ' tile Loi Angeles buSinesswoman said. "Help ii on the way ." She said her appointment to the treasurer's post hrSept.11'11and3S other "top-level" gov61Uhent 1ppolntments of Spanish-speaking people since 19119 show Pmideot'1 Niion support of the Letin peaple. "Prombes: we've had enough already," 11"1 said, but then admitted that M top- lcvel jobs ca!T)'in&.salart• from '30,000 to f42,li00 a year "don~ 1rln( dwlge to the Uvea of U milllbn SpanlslHpeatin( AnlerJcans, '\BUI jobs do brlnf us hope," sht eon- tended. 5,he urged Ill Sl)lJl!slHpeal!n J>tOP)e to register to vole and ·then lildiceted they should vote for Niioo, despite their tradltlonal a If 111 at Ion with the Democratic party, About 160,000 people In Orange County, or 11 percent ol its population, an Mex· lean.American and about 100,000 of thole wt~ be ellglbte to ..ce in November'• eleCtlon. · At a prus conference before the 111 .. Ml', Vic AndreWI ol Leguna Be:lcb, dlainnan ol the committee to re-elect the presldeal In Orangt CoU!llY, said that up to IO perooit ol -Mulcan-Amertcan voters art r 1 & I 1 t er e cl lltmocr'alL ' CAMPAIGNING FOR llOSS Nixon Badctr 81nuelo1 Mn. Banutkle •aid at the press con- lerenct that "there Is a great op- portunity" for NlJon to take that vote. Althouch Mn. Banuc]()O wH 1ppolnted Ill Sept. 1'11, b WIS not norn In 11 trea"'""' 111tll Dec. 11171 beca ... of con- troversy M1<JUlldlng ber nomlnaUon. Ber '5 million a yur M..ii:an food processing firm ln Loa Angeles was the target of repeated raids by lmmll!'•Uon o!liclala 10bo said lllllU' Wepl alieoa were tl))ployed there. A terae speaker, Mn. Banueloo Tu .. • d&1 laid ooly that "everything wu not true" and that Incidents then would not burl ber tfleetlveoea u a Niion cam- paigner. David Orti%, a member of the board of dlrectora et Banco del Pueblo In Santa Alla, la chairman ol tbe lllil*nlc Com- mittee. 11le nucleus ol the ts.member ...,.. IDlilel II from Santa Aoa. • Zippi.,rn Commander of the first Sky.' lab mission, Charles .. Pete" Conrad zips into a vertical sleeping bag on board a Sky· lab 1VOrbh<>p mockup during a news media tour In the train· ing faclllty. Wallace Office Has No Comment On Schmitz Story BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) - A press aide to AJabatna Gov. George Wallace said Tuesday there will be no cmmient on a Memphis oewspeper report that a califomia congressman b the leading_ contender for a third party vice presiden- tial nomination. The Memphis Commercial Appeal reported that Rep. John G. Sclunltz (!\- Tustin), confirmed that his name wtll come up for vice president at Ute American Party convenUon neit month. Wallace will make no comment on the newspaper's report, according to Elvin Stanton, a Wallace press aide. The article, by the newspaper's Utile Rock, Ark., cornspondent, John Bennett, quoted Sclunitz as saying he wouldn't muse the nomination if It were ottered. Sclunltz said in Wub!ngton he un- derstood that be has ••a lot of 1Upport'' for third party vice presidential can· didate, and "I'm keeping all my. options open." This did not mean, be llid,. that be had ~ selected by Wallace, or that Wallscehas decided to be a candidate. "It's"up to Wailace. If be choo6e! me, J'd be inclioed to accept," the article quoted Schmitz as aaying. Arkan!ss only Jut week legalized a third party listing for the November ballot, and there was a widespread reporl that a prominent RepubUcan would get tfle vice pres;ldential nod. Sc~tz, the newspaper said, indicated. he ' might even take the presidential norhlnation if Will8ce cfoean't take I~ 0 We'U croes that' bridge When we come to It, n the article quoted him as saying. The 41-year-old Schmitz was a pro- fessor at Santa Ana College and wa1 elected to Congress in llrnl after 11< years as a state senator. However, be was defeated by Republican Andrew H!nllha10, Orange Counly assesoor, in the June I California primary. Transptlrt Study Panel Approved By Supervisors Orange Counly supervllon Tuosday approved formation of a couotywlde transportation ~ committee. The action wu a lollowup of a meeting held ll'fth memberl ol tile State lll&bw•1 Commilaion F r l d a y at , wblcb aupervilorlal npreaentatives agreed to take st.po to lmprove planning and Jm. plementalion of r,oad, highway and transit problmll in \he counly, Supervllon Rcaold w. CUpert and David L. Baker met with the otata of· Octals. Babr ursed that the <Dmiy move 0 cr it would COOltibM: • bnedl of faith with the blgbway commlaaton." Supervioor Ralph Clad< urged that the matter-be re!erR<f to ht• counly acl- mlni>trailve office for a rrport in three weets. lie mentioned coordination with the Soulh<rn Calllnla Auoclation ol Governments. Counly Road Commissioner To d McConville 1Jl'8ed lmmadlate action and aald the county' a ·Arterial lll&hwaya Financing Program committee could do the opade work and •ve pme. Hla rtmarkl were ln anner io tQUUUoras that a larger edviaory COIDlliillet be named. Wtdnt S«S;:lf, July 1,, 197 2 H OAILY PILOT ;J County Budget Mulled $13 .9 Million Building Program Okayed By JACK BROBACK ot .... Dllt1 ..... f1•ft Orange County aupervtsors 7\Jesday Inched closer to approval ol a flM .9 mlWon 1972·73 budget which, If finally adopted Thursday, would call for a prop- ehty tax rate of about 11.95, down nine cents from the cur~t levy. Tuesday, board members, in on-- precedented action, approved a fl3.9 mfillon building program wit.bout major dei<tfoM. Jn previous years capita] proj- ..U usually wero subjected to sbarp cWi to balance the bu<lget. removal or the old buildings. The 141,000 le for demolltl"'1 of the old county Jail on Sycamore Street. Tho other lllructlll'U stand in the way of the future .~alignment ol Civic Center Drive from Broadway le Main Slreet tn- Santa Ana. Miscellaneous projects approved Tues· day included air condlllonlng of the medlcal center'• tcute diseue ctnter; purchase of a second enimal shelter site in the 30Utheastcrn part of the <OU11ly : updating a muter plan for the county's operation center on Grand Avenue and design ol a new Iring few the county pro- hatlon department headquarters in Orange. Totsl cost of the projects ii '3,1 million. In other acUon, supervias booSted the pay for deputy voter registrars from 15 cents for each person reaistered up to 2S cenls, This Item will cost fl7,0tltl, county Registrar of Voters David HJlchcocil estim.ed. In a separate action, supervi90l'S m. creesed a Hal1lors, Beaclieo and Park.t District tu rate to the full 20-cent limit allowed by law to add $130,000 for use in joint conununlty park projects with cities. 'Ibursday, board members plan to meet at 2 p.m. to consider thi'et con- troversial items which could add to the total bwlget. 'Ibey are a It million boost in the eounly's reserve fund to $2 JDJllfon. a $250,000 belicopter-airplane study and fT0,000 for a legislative advocate in Washington, D.C. Stones Leader Arrested TUesday's a'ctlon !aw $280,000 added to the building budget to cover design costs of a new muJU·storied, 125,~uare foot admlnlstratlon building and com· puter center on Santa Ana Boulevard (6th Street) and Ross Street. In Brawl With. Officers Supervisor David L. Baker of Garden Grove Jttied inclusion of the first step toward replacing the present overcrowd- ed sll·story adminL!tration building on the southeast comer of Santa Ana Boulevard and Sycamore Street. "Accelerating construction of the new administration center would save 1 lot of money In the long run which b now being spent on alteratioos, leases, movln"g add other constanUy recurring costs dlctaled by laek ol needed space," Baker argued. Clair Ennis, spa_ce control and planning executive in the county admini5tratlve office, said design of the new buliding could be completed in one year and the $4 million project moved up to a 1974 completion date rather than the present projected date of 1977. Major projects approved in the S13.9 million buiding program include con.. .11truction of a new Harbor Municipal Court building on Jamboree Boulevard in Newport Beach, $2.5 million: completion of the fourth floor of the main county jail, fl.9 million: purchase of a new refuse disposal site north of San Juan Capistrano, $1 .I m.llllcm; construction of the' second phase of the North Orange Counly Municipal Court in FuUerton, fl.5 million; design of a new Orange County Medical Center, fl.ZS million, and ex- pansion of the civic center utility plant to service a new federal bullding, f764,llOO. A fl45 ,000 Item to demolish the old Hall ol· llecords and an old church building on 8th Street between Broadway and Sycamore Street was cut to $44,CKKI when aupervlson1 decided that the city' of San- ta Ana should pick up the tab for the Joe Del .Rosso Services Friday Funeral services for com m u n I t y theater actor and playwright Joe Del Rosso will be held al 2 o'clock Friday afternoon in the chapel of Hllgenleld Mortuary, 120 E. Broadway, Anaheim. Mr. Del Rosso, 46, a well·known performtr with many Orange Counly theater groups, was found dead in his trailer SUnday night. Visitation will be held tonlgbt and Thursday after 5 o'clock. Interment will follow the funeral Friday in Anaheim Cemetery. BOSTON (AP) -Mick Jagger on d Keith Richard , the leader and lead guitarist of the Roll ing Stones, have been arrested In connection with a brawl with police. But they sti ll made it to Boston Garden early today where thousands of fans waited Slh hours in sweltering beat to hear the British rock group. The delay in the concert occurred when Jagger, 2', Richard. 29. and three other members of their traveling party were arrested in Warwick, R.1., Tuesday night on charges stemming rrom a scuCfle when a photographer tried to take 1 pie· ture of the group. Their plane had betn diverted to Green Inlematlonal Airport at Warwick when log aocked in !At!sn Jnternalional Alrpol'I bere. .. I called and 1 got them out and they're on their way," Mayor Kevin White told a capacity crowd of 15,509 persons who packed tht Garden for the scheduled 8 p.m. concert Despite the delay, the crowd generaUy remained orderly. White, who appeared before the crowd •t 11:10 p.m. interceded with authorities at Warwick in behalf of the Stones. Authorities used many ploys to keep the crowd occupied, including at one point passing out small, rubber footballs, which the fa?U tossed around the Garden for several minutes. Earlier, ainger Stevie Wonder perform- ed for more than an hour Wllen the Stones arri~ on stage at 12: 50 a.m., they were greeted by a long, loud ovation. After their first number, Jagger told the audience that the group was delayed because .. we tried out tbe jail for t while." "Our thanks to the mayor of Boston," Jagger added. "He helped le get us out of that Jill." . EarUer, J1uer, Richard and the three others arrested appeared before Justice of the Peace Perry Bernstein in 1 special session of Rhode Island District Court at Warwick police headquarters. They were arraigned on charges Jtemming from the airport ocuffle. All pleaded . innocent, were released on ball and aent under police escort !or the ~mil• drive le Boston. They were ordered to appear Aug. 23 in District Court !or a hearlni;. · Police were sent to the Warwick airport after Andy Dlekerman, a pbolographer !or the Providence Journa~ called and complained that be had been assaulted by a member ol the group in a fire shed where they were awaiting their baggage. ·Sgt. Frank Ricci, who led a police detail to the fire abed, said that when of· ficers arrived he saw a Richard punctl Dickerman with a belt he had wrapped around his hand. Ricci sa id the first assault on Dickerman wa1 carried out by another member of the traveling party, StanleY. A. Moore, 40, of San Francisco. \Yhen police attempted to put Richard: ln a police car, Ri cci said, Jagger and two other melnb&s of the party. Marshall Chess, 30, of Beverly Kills, and Robert Frank, 4G, of Zurich, became ~ volved in a scuffle with polic~. Chess was identified 11 president of RolUng Stones Records, for which Iha group records. · • sgt. Ricci said he was hit on the left arm by a large movie camera held by frank. · Jagger and Oiess were charged witti obstruction of a police officer. Moore and Richard were charged with usault. Those charges are misdemeanon. Frank was charged with assault oa a wllformed poUce officer, a felony. Poultry Disease Isolation Seen In Southland Newcastle dileate. the flu-like '1n11 blamed , for the deaths ol 3.5 mlWoa chlckeni and other poultry blnla. bu been contained in 0r..,. County and seven other Sc>ulhlrn C.Ufornla eoomtlea • Dr. Gene Omolnlvdto, dJrector of emergency dlaeaae prosrams lot the U.S. Department of Agriculture, lold poultry ranchera in Eloondfdo Tue!day that the govemment.-imposed quarantine could bl Jilted jn some aress by August. A quarantine was placed on Lot Angeles, Orange, Riverside, Sa 11 Bernardino, Ventura, Santa Barbara, San Diego and Imperial counUt..t last February. A state of emergtncy wu declared in March. A special govmonent report olao recommend! tbe release of all of Orange and San Di<go Counties from quaraotlne .. as &00n as possible." 90~!, ~~'!trg MID SUMMER OUTDOOR FURNITU.RE SALE Buy Now and Save on These FAMOUS BRANDS ALL STOln U.LI PllCD HOD THIU JULY 21 S•tftMf'I o...cl catW T _ _.,cw,. -.,. Sltl. SllYIN6 CAIT •••• $50. LOUN61 CHAii R•t• $40. OlTOMAN •••· s20. lOCKll R•t· $41. SIDI TAILI Re9, $JO. CHAISI LOUN•I • ... S70. LOYISU.T ~•t• S•O. $169'5 s4r• s32n s16u $37'' $24" s59u 549'' CNll-1110/l@ MOllLUASE All ... '" ff ""' Yollr trlN ... •f ....... WhHfftlllW.. SUNSET 11 By SAMSONITE Her•'• 011Moor #11r11lt11r1 +hit M•k•• •"Y p•tle po•h. lt'1 th1 fllNt 411r•bJ., th•11h to S•m••fl·6•r4, • 11•w polv·•itlvl •••ti119 . Comfort'• lt11llt frolft th1 lt•ttoM up wi"' fl1•ible tl•t• 111 • verlety of •olor to1r1bi11e0 f/01u. Te .. le top• ef.h•n4t r•ftM "Merbelle." GAS COOKERS POST MOUNT ft•Yt ,............, ,. .... ...-. 10" ''"' ~·' h ..... P"f.J. "''" , •. 1.w.. s,7274 "·~· ... ··"·"'" ............... ,...,..... -toto!M ....... -... .. ...... ,_=-. ......... ...... ... ....,_ w::a I U el .. ..... .. 119. PATIO MOUNT °"''"" ,., w.n .. ti•• "' ..S.tl .. ,.ff ... 11,. .... l SANTA ANA ORANGE COSTA MESA l l? •1 ''°'""' • '.;l\J.R:'l) J.)78 ~~ Orn.•q" ~-~nil • -;ii./ 1 ' I •r.r. ~J ... r10rt f\t .. d • '~ ." · · '• • 1.,. '""1hS• \Uf ~c! t•·• ·' ·"' •-. ,. t•t1 • Orange CountJ Tranllt Dlatrlct Dino. tor Gordon "Pele" Fleldlnc dlJqrted arpin( that a broader baM WU nioded ~ltud1. ...iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim--~--------------;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;!iiiiiiiiiiii.I • t : I ! . • • -• ' • 4 DAILY PILOT Arson Tofd Vietna111 Terror Tale In Inferno Girl Tell,s of VC Impressment, Air Raid On Qiieeh HONG KONG (AP) -The fire that ~ the former luxury liner Qu ... Elbabeth Jan. I WU probably deUberale- ly cauaed by pel'IOOI unknown, I marine court " lnqulty said today. "Tllert ,..... at !tall Ihm major ,;i.. of fltt, all ol them occurring within minulet ol eoch otbu, and there moy (..__1_N_s_n_oR_r._ .. _ ....... ) have been other independent sites as well," the court said after a two-month inquJry orckred by the Hong Koor government. Ul'I T ..... Quits Post British· Home Secretary Regin- ald MaudlinJ. number two man in the Bntish Conservative Party government, has resigned after being named in a con- troversial bankruptcy case. DA NANG, Vietnam (UPI) -The ll- year-old girl In the blood-spattered pa. jamas said, "What can I do? 'Ibey have the goddamned guns." Do Thi Uy told of belnc abducted by Viet Cong, forced to carry CommunlJI rockets, and of being one of five surviv· Ing prisonen ,.,..,, American and -Vietnamese aircraft caught the group of porters In the open, kUUng 29 penona, 19 o! them women. After. her father died four yean ago, the little girl went to work doing odd jobs. She finally aet up a soft drink 1tand outside a South Vietnamese anny tralnlrlg center at Boa Cam, near Da Nang. Her mother and younger listers remalned ih the famil}(I natJve hamlet In tt>e Dien Ben d$\ct, 1% miles oooth of Da Nang. Last week Do Thi Uy decided to visit her mother. She arrived early In the "While there 11 no direct' and coo- clustve e'V1dence on the matter, the court is allo aaU.lled that by far tbe most like· I~ cluse of the ftm was a series of deliberate actl by a person or perao111 unknown ." ---r-"f. :e PoU•tion W•rnell NEW YOJIK (AP) -MetrvpoUtan New Yori< atta mldents, lllr<ltering thTOugh a beat wave aegravat.ed by a serious powet blackout In Bnli>klyn, have been ad'llled that a otqnant air mua en- veloping the area may rault In heavy air pollution l<vela. Spassky, Fischer Draw In ·Hard-Fought Match '!'be National Weather ;;erv\ce wd the air lllgnatlon' adv!JOry, lslaed· TUesday for New York Ctty, Long JJland, WesldleateJ: andJlockland oountles and ,.....,;,, Ooonedlcut, 'll'Ollld remain In d - fect for le boul>. REYKJAVIK, Iceland (AP) -Boris Speaaky wu stony-laced and Bobby Fischer omllad and waved alter their fourth game In the world chesa cham· pioosbip ended In a draw Tuesday night. The Riandoll came alter live !mun cl what many in the crowd of about I,200 felt was the moet exciting match thus !ar. Al !he '5th move Fischer extended his hind to Spwky and the Russian ac-e Attic!• on Alert cepted. AT!CA, N, Y. (UPI) - A t..npol'ary With each player picking up hall a state of.1eJDergency wu put in effect pointon.thedraw,theacoreis2'2·l'kin M. ~. K-83 35. K-Ktl, BxP 36. B-K2, B-KI 37. K-Bl, R.QBI :ia. B-115, R-B2 39. IWI, BxR 40. P-R4, K-K2 11. K-K2, P·B4 42. K-Q3, B-KI 43. P-ll4, K-Q3 44. B-B7, B-Kt6 45. P-Bl<h draw. aflernoon and U the famllJ' WU finlalllng aupper that n!gbt three armed Com- --the bouae. They ordered Uy and lier mother to leave with tbem 'to attend a polJllcal ,_ting. Uy'a mother ~ and °"" ol the men knocked her to the .,..,nd with I ri- fle butt. Uy feared they would till bei:. mother and agreed to accompany the men. They walked to a nearby area where nearly 40 other women waited. They were told they would have to any rockets fnm the area the Americana call "CharUe Ridge" to a site where the Soviel-huilt 12Zmm rockefa would be - launched against De Nang. Al the l!OlllOO carried the rockela - two women per m-loot projectile - a<n1111 an _, &Id, a U.S. Army \1111 Huey nigbthawk beUcopter gunship flew ' .. Jlllthtr:white --- over. Uy and two women bid in a amaU clump of brush. As the helicopter was flying away, one of the Viet Cong opened lire <11 it with bis AK47 rllle. The helicopter returned and opened fire with lta 1,000 rounds-a-minute 7.12 mi.1 minlgun, The crew of the helicopt.,. called for usistance and an Air Force AClll Stinger IUJIShip wa.s dispatclled. Fire from the Nlgbthawk detonated one ol. the m mm rockets. Fire from the two 20mm cannon and two miniauns aboard Ille mr "'l!ine~ delmllled 10 more rockets . Frqments of the bursting rockets added to t~ bail of f11e from the aircraCL When the air 1trike1 ended, an armored cavalry troop of the 16th ARVN Regiment arrived and captqred five survivors, among them Uy. Ten rockets were found intact •• llocumebts on the bodies of the 29 dead Indicated that at kul aome ol them were Viet Cong. Some of tbe others may hav. been forced lnln ...-.ice, as Uy was. , Uy, unharmed but wearing clothing spattered with bJood, to1d interrogat0r1 with teara In Iler eyes ol how she drag- ged the dead bodies of her two women companions across her own body to pro- tect ii from the hail of bullet&. Now;"Uy &aid, she ooly waoted to see her motber to teU Iler she had survived. Aller that, she said 3he wooJd jual "Doat with the stream." She laid she consider the Viel Coog no better than selfish murderers and tldeve's. . U they try to impress Iler again Into doing their work, she said: "I would try to resist and protest. But what can I do! They have the goddamned guns." Site Sougllt .. 1A•ltt0 ...... ...... 01111 ? CIOll CONNll*I \- . . South ana North Korea , agreed"'l today to OP'!n their full sc>,I,,. Red Cross talks on ·~• retlllilo-''" ing of a million families sepa,?,.,. rated by the war. Tlle_two na_ tions are in conflict over wbert.-hl to hold the meetings. ·'"" I ,:-: ·Maryland Polic~ ' .. Put on Alert As Cons Rebel .::~ J•1~ "' UPPER MALBORO, Md; (AP) · - -i .. -Pollce end stale troopers were put .• !!\ standby alert after an inmate rebelq~ erupted agaln early today at J>riR8• Georges County Jail loUowin( ,,J'4 disturb8.nce Tuesday night In which ~· guards were taken hostage and . U!tn reteased. :,._..? TUesday at Attica State Prison where the Rusllan'• favor. 1be fifth match in bundredl of protet:Ung inmates have the 24-game series 11 Thursday at JO a.m. reluaed ta leave their celb lo eat or (PDT). WOllt..-• • . · Fischer had the wbita piecel Tueaday • ' " ' · ~ with ~ Ille !Int move lltd led off azg•iloo41t~· F.meol L. ~' Wltfl lili(tevorite Sozln attack, 1''1(1. :' ... ' ~ :io:":..i~ '!be Russian pulled a rurprlse by •flUl'lt the aafety ind IOClirlty of the ooun!er-attacking •B&ressively a n d ~ , -and lacfiJty _. s'acrlllclng a pawn to open up useful lines ·u.s~ Keeping Oose .Watch On Russ Action in ~gypt Ireland Leader Meets for Peace The outbreakll were the tbird smoe Saturday at a Maryland penal lnstltutioo:> Inmates became involved in the disturbance about 2:30 a.m. but nc> outside forees w~e called in, coupty police ~d. The illllll!tes returned to \!\cir BELFAST (UPI) -William Whitelaw, cells about an hour later and no outside secretary of state for Northern Irtland, force was needed. flew to London today to try to work out a Officials said there was some damage, per!J.'' -"' al1acl<. lie ' uld tbt altuallon ~ be . · "Spuaty'1 (of a lot of guta," said U.S. e..m..ted <II • claJ*day'baail and the grandmaster Robert Byrne. "He may be led going for a win." onler )Rl1k! be ceee! when, 'In bia · •All.,. quickly making the first few l·"c I W~''IM. atlllllllll baa reached its moves, the two oettled down to a dogged 02Fhlkla ! peee Md the neon 1'8ilence" sign flashed , ~ ~ repeateCDy aa the audience fidgeted. .4l Jllet .It•• etl • • ~ appeared to have the edge NEW YOIUt (AP) -; Stunned by !he aftet •bout four hours, t11en Pilcher pin· death of Goeran Gentele, the new general ned the Russian's queen against hi11 king ' er of the Metrvpolllln Opera, tbe and forced a Sllap of queen:. board of ~rs meets today to Lef~ with a game of rooks and bishops .the compa111·t1 future. . -Qf dlfferent colors, Spas.skY, was running ~· M, 11111 hlo 'al hla daughters, · out or lime, and ooon allot U.. hro called Anne, 21, llld Beltrlce; 15, were It e draw. ' ldllld: Tuelday when •ear the conductor Here ls the play move-by-move in the was~ colll~ Jitad.on with a truck, fourth game. m lll'illlila, wbert the family WU VI'!" I. P-Kf, P-QB4 ~., wile, Mint, suffered brulaes ; 2. Ki-KB3, P-QI 11111 lllock, and t¥r da111hler Janette. 3. J>-Q4, PxP :zr, mlfered a lrae!ared arm. They ~~re 4. KtxP, Kt-KB3 iaan to a holpltal' In Olbla, Sardima. 5 Kl-QB3 Kt-B3 wblN olfilcala said today that neitber 6' ~ft• 'p K3 ... ~--· aiadlllan. . ~~. • WM ...-;-, • 7. Ji-Kt3, B-KZ :e Pau 11 II• Wl.-l 011t s. B-K3, 0-0 !RVlllGTON; N.J. (UPI) -A former 9 0-0 P-QJU pol--•·aucc:tmul dry cleoninc . • I>•· .. • 11111 a ---• pile JO, P-BI, Kt.Kt of -tltln; tilled bia wile, t"° II. BxKI, P-QKU cfauCbtera and bimlOlf 'l'lleldaJ, 12. P-QJU, B-Kt2 'Ibo bodlel ol 1'lxlmla ti. Shalfery, 39, 13. Q-Q3, P-QJll hla wife Eatelle, 31, 11111 dauibtera Laura, 14 P·KS PxP Ji, and Allison, 11, -!ouDd Ill the -• farnity'1 ----1D*L All died 15. PxP, Kt.QI ttun hullel -fo 1he ' head. The ' 16. Ktxl', Kt-Bl sboll had been fired from I .38-<:aliber 17. BxKt, BxBch plalol. , 18. K-RJ, Q-Ktl DAILY PILOT DELIVERY SERVICE Dtllwry ti tho Dal~ Plltl ,, It llUll'Mtillll 19. Q-1<2, QR-QI 10. QR-QI, RxR 11. RxR, P-RI 22. Kt-Qf, B-Rl 21. B-B4, P-KR5 21, P-R3, B-K6 25. 0-Ktl, QxP 26. QxRP, P-Ktl rt. Q-Ktl, B-BI 28. Kt-Kt5, K-Kt2 29. Kt-QI, R·Rl 30. Kt-113, BxKt 31. ~;B-Q3 33. Q-QB3, QxQ 33. PxQ, B-K4 • :WAS!DNGTON (AP) -U.S. oflldall are keeping close watch oo Soviet deploy- me~ in Egypt amid some skepticism here OVe? how many Russians 11ctually will pull out.· President Anwar Sadat's surprise art' nouncement of an end to "the miulon of soviet military advisers and~" un- derlined the most serious Moscow-Cairo dispute since Russian military personnel were invited into Egypt two years ago. Sadat also said that "all the military equipment and inltallations sef up within Egyptian territory ••. are to be the ex· elusive property of the Arab Republic or Egypt and uOO,r · tbe administration of our armed forces." ( NEWS ANALYSIS ) But the Cairo announcement gave no figurea, on how many of an estimated 15,llllO Russians who have been training and adVising Egyptian forces and man- ning -unils in Egypt...,. supposed tn leeve.- Whlle Satf.at was quotea as saying the inove was .. actually implemented in full" Monday, there was no Independent word here yet' of any large scale Russian . wllllilrawP. The aUtboritative C4lrp newspaper Al 'Ahram said today that 'the pull-out will not •~.Y to Soviet military men who are training Egyptian forces. Of tbe 15,000, approlimately hall are rated .here as "advisers ·anc1 nperts" and the root.ere believed tn he in Sovlet unlta assigned to the Mediterranean and to Egypt's air defense. cairo's wording about "mmilitary equipment and Jnstallationa," some ex~ pert& ruggest, m., !1e ambiguous eoough to be carried out by only a . symbolic Egyptian takeover while c:ontinuing to permit Russian use of bases. · Nonetheless, Sadat made plain Egypt's disagreement with the Soviot· Union, Iler big power supporter and supplier of billioM of dollars worth of arms aid. He said tbe two remoln friends. But he complained of Soviet failure to deliver promised arms in 1971, the year he said Showers Linger Over U.S. Many Stat.es Saturat.ed; Fog Blanket Shroudin.g East Temperatures NAllOMA.I WIA1ttll SllYKI IOfl(ASt I• 7AM li1 f -Je-71 ' new peace move with British opposition but · · · ported. was to have been 11decisive" agatnSt leader Harold Wilson. DO IDJW'le.! were re · .., JJrael. And be Indicated Moscow turned Wilson met aecreUy with leaden from Olficiili earlier blamed hot, mu(IY tom clown further lhls year on weaponry tlie !rult RepOOlican Army (!RA) for five weatber and prevlou• pri>on disturban<ea for an offensive agaiml IJrael. hours Tuesday In London. Delalla· of the in the state for the Tuesday night upl'is- After the Soviet'• explanation of Presl-meeting were not disclosed but ·poliUcal Inf, which ended when Inmates relealed dent N,tXon'a summit stSSion in Moscow, sources said it may give a new thrust to their hostages unharmed 1JOme 3% hoftrs he aald in ~:his decision1 ''I felt, a cease-fire movement. after taking over the second f!oor of~ in light of all this, the need for a pause Despite the cease-fire attempts, police !~prisoner facility. · · _ with the friend ••• during W1llcb we draw said one civilian was killed and a soldier Rhoads and other county official! We:JI. up together a method for the new stage was wounded in aeparate shooting m. unable to say exactly what sparked ~ of our friendship." cidenls in Belfast. disturbance. ;. ~~~-'--~-'--~,.--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---l : " ,. .. " . '. ·: . ' . •• " ,. ' . . ,. I _ 01, •• 1 , , • . ! . THI t.VOR••».11 ._8T.'WHISICIY ~: PRESIRTSTHE:.WORUnl OLDIST MAN..:· ·YOU PEOPLE :ARE LUCKY.: A GLASS FULL OF ICE c~ses, A COUPLE OF FINGERS OF LIGliT.'SMOOTH BUSHMILLS, A SPLASH £.;..-----~-----...._ OF COOL WATER .: ..• • • ITS THE_SEST SUMMER REFRESHMENT SINCE THE ICE AGE. )OU SHOULD TRY A 8U9HMILLS AT YOUR LOCAL INN, OR DO YOU 'CAll:THEM COCKTAIL; LOUNGES ·THESE DAYSj> • ·-~t1r•WJM11U.•NOW. "'1\ftM-.-W•'-.... ~Jl,, ... ,,. • • 1 . I ...... 1 • " " .. .. .. .. .. ;· ' ' ; ' ~· .. ., ., .. .. ., .. .. " .. ., .. " ., .. .. ., ~ .. .. };~ .. .. :- :· • ! t • ' • t t I I \ s f • -· ' DARY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE Line Must Huntington Beach Parks and Recreation Com· missioners nave a dillicult problem: Should the Boys Club and the YMCA be allowed to build head- quarters facilities in public parks? It would not be such a problem ii the commission had said "no" a year ago when the Boys Club asked for the privilege. But commissioners. declared an acre o( Chris Carr Park surplus and said the Boys Club could bu;' and build on it. The club is now raising money for a gymnasium. Recently, the YMCA has asked to lea se a two-acre site in the ceotral park for its headquarters, using the Boys Club action as a preceilent. No one doubts the worth of either organization. They are two of the finest youth-<>riented groups in Huntington Beach. " The problem is where the line can be drawn. If the YMCA and Boys Club can build in a park, why not the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Little League, Senior Citizens' League, etc? It's unfair to allow one and not an9ther. While all groups can use the park and its facilities, it seems unfair to allow any one.special interest gr~uP to dominate a section of a public park by constructing a prlvate (entry through fee) building on it . It's a tough decision to make. but it '"ill be easier jn the long run if parks eommissioners develop a tough Hno" policy to,vard building private facilities on public park land. Mary Cole Retires Fountain Valley administrators, councilmen and friends said good-bye Friday to Mary Cole, "'.ho retired as city clerk after 101> years of service to the city. Mrs. Cole who began her affiliation with Fountain Valley in 1962 as secretary to the city manager became city clerk In 1965- She bas seen the city grow from a population of Be Drawn approximately 5,000 in 1962 to the present level of about 47,000 residents. As the clty grew so did her re- sponsi bilities of maintaining the city's records. When referendum petitions recently were present- ed to the city to block construction of the controversial drive·in theater, lt1rs. Cole verified an the valid signa .. lures. And like,vise during the recall election in 1969. We wish Mrs. Cole a full and happy retirement after a job \ve11 done. Continuous Learning Year Well scrubbed and smiling, about 625 children answered school bells Jast week for the start of the Ocean View School District's two pilot programs in all-year. education. Opening day at_both Crest View and Westmont schools went without a bitch, and school of· ficials believe the "Contlriuous Learning Year" \\.ill catch on throughout Calilornia by the end of the 1970's. Whether. their prediction is right or not depends on the outcome o! experiments like their own. Educators believe that most children now "forget" about two months \Vorth of school \vork over the three-month summer, and that this "learning loss" will be eliminated on the all-year calendar of four short vacations instead of one long one. After two years on the all-year program, Ocean View will be in a position to test this theory by com· parin; test scores of students who remained on the traditwnal calendar with those of students who left it. At this point, officials are giving heavy odds that the all-year students will have made measurably ~eater progress. They have so much confidence in their pr~ gram, in fact, that they even plan to circulate a ques· tionna.ire that \Viii dare to ask students: ''What do you think of all.year schools?" Those ans\vers should be very intere::;ting -and possibly history making. H Distinct Difference Between Candidates It's Get Hard to A Real Choice This Year W ASllINGTON -The new ealeehlsm of the McGovern Democratic party is an endless lntonement or Ille creed: youth, women, blacks and Ch1tanos. The litany ran through four da)'I of Ille naUonal convention with .a final benediction by presidential nominee George S . McGovern. This new political creed is, of cour&e, supplemented by a more general appeal to central elements of the voting public desiring change, but as a political exer- cise it promises to be something new. Youth, °""·omen, ~ blacks and Chicanos do not in themselves make a political par- ty. The McGovern appeal extends to everyone every- ''' be re the Wallaceites, the hard-pressed h o m e o w n e r, the op- pressed taxpayer -or anyone else who thinks that something has gone wronf with the system. THE HARD CORE of Mt'Govern's sup- port and the reason he recognizes as the cause of his nomination· is bis all-out, un- conditional, end-it.-now opposition to the Vietnam War. This Ls a cause uniting all the different elementa making up McGovern's supportJ An Interesting test is thus in the mak· ing on bow to win a presidential election. The McGovern managers think they are in po!Se!Slon of a new formula out-dating older ideas about direct appeals to tradi- tional voting blocs -labor, the farmers, Jews, catholics, and so on, which have been accepted as gospel in the old Democratic party. THE NEW REVELATION conceives of (mcHARD WILSO~ a vast mass of fed·up voters more r.on- cemed with a general sense that the cowitry has gotten off the tracks than traditional ideas about where their political allegiances lie. Youth, women, blacks and Chicanos happen to be a large element i!l the ocean of discontent, and thus can be the object of intensive campaign efforts. Beyond that, the McGovern managers tend to leave the old Democratic melho& ht the hands of President Nixon wlth his ability as the maker of policy and dispenser of benefits, to appeal directly to the established voting blocs. McGovern's managers are contemptuous o'f the Nixon take-over of traditional Democratic methods. They think he does not understand the new political force loose in America. THEY tt1AY BE deluding themselves by thinking that the methods used in win- ning the nomination are valid in the ele~ lion. The McGovemites knew the new rules and exploited them in the pre-con· vention period, winning in some places, like New York, by default, and in other places without a majority or even a frac- tion of the total Democratic vote. It is debatable whether or not !he kind of national convention the McGovern campaign for delegates created is representative of the Democratic party as a v.·hole. But the McGovern managers are assuming that it is and are putting together their new coalition based on the same principles of organization which proved so effectlVe in getting the nomination . TIDS CONSISTS largely of intensive organization or voters who do not feel an over-powering alignment with either of the two major political partJes, or are actively distrustful of both. The Nixon campaigners, on the ot.btr hand , are setting up a traditional organization to marshal all Republican support and reap the fall~t frnm a McGovern campaign which has alienated the traditiOnal elements. There ls room for this kind of effort even among the blacks, certainly in the ranks of labor, suffly among women who do not like the new militancy and among CatholiC'S and Jews who are greatly disturbed by McGovern . THE McGOVERN managers have come to realize that there may be some serious gaps in their new conceptions. Thus McGovern picks a Catholic for 'v'ice President, wavers on Vietnam, rev!ses his welfare plan, pledges to maintain the natioo's military security and r,eassure.; the Jews on Israel. When it all shakes down, the new id~as and tbe old ideas about JJ<!litical organization may prove to he similar. Nixon's appeal is to middle Amer1c..'1 and the moderate man. So is McGovern s. B9th sitfes are preoccupied by grass· rqots organization. That.Ls what the .,York of the committee to reelect President Nixori is · all about. It is also what McGovern's volunteer organization is ii!J aboUt. IN THE END, McGovern will make an inten~lve appeal to the labor vote, \•1hich Niton will try to subvert. But on one point there is no :'loubt. lit.~ year there is a distinct, definable, and generally Wlderstood difference between the two contenders.for President. It is a real choice which will probably cut across party Jines. Balboa Author's New Novel A perplexing story of material wealth and success combined with a glossy il- lusion of love masking 8 lack or personal fulfillment unfolds in a new novel by a Balboa writer. "Tomormw-Tomorrow/1 Is the fourth 'vork by attorney·tumed-author Philip Louis Gabriel, much of It set in the Harbor Area. Protagonist Adam Penn is t h e stereotype playboy and Gabriella Dulce -as his Jove missed, then won, then lost forever -is a 1930s genre swing singer. Or singing swinger. ONE SUSPECl'S 111111 tither Adam and Gabriella are completely paradoxical hum.ans or that author Gabriel's view of ORAHOI COAST DAILY PILOT &but N. W •eel, Publi.!h<r T"°'""' KctfJ!I, Editor Alb1rt W. Bates Editorial Page Edilm' Tho edltoriAI 1'1-@ of the D&tt, Pilot aeeb io inform. and aUmu- J&te readers by presenting th.ls nawapaper'a opinlonc aod com· n1entAry on topics oC Interest and alplliealK't, by providing a forum for tht: e.x]':f't'!Mlon of 'our l'ftden' optnlona, a..nd by Prtttn Ung the dlYmSe viewpoinbl or tnform.ll'id ob- ~ and IJ)Oktsmtll on toP'Ct -of theda1. ' Wednesday, July 19, 1972 (THE BOO~) human beings is paradoxical. Read and decide for yourself. Gabriella begin s as a beautiful, virginal girl who marries a family·ap- proved fiance. She pit.ies the handsome youth, who is dying, unaware of his heart condlti~. She also pines for a Penn-pal. namely Adam. fleartbroken when Gabriella marries a rival, Adam buries his rejected masculinity in an endless succession of willing wenches, man's solace since the dawn of time. • AND AIJ, BIS buddies keep telling thi• suave, capable commandeering executive bow mllerable he Is. · Most men would envy him. Suddenly and almost too-conveniently. howe~, Gabriella turns up from New York at a Balboa art show, wearing fresh widow's weeds Md no panties. SUddenly Adam's fantasy of Idealistic love is within bis grasp, no pun intended. The tende~hearted tycoon t b e n respond.! to Gabriella's eon!esslon of her own true love during a walk on the beach. He doesn't seduce her1 or at least that im i Ille word listed In Section 26 I.I of Ille Callforaia Penal Code. ' HE BESTOWS AU the tenderness o! a delegaUoo of Hell's Angeb upon the ob- ject ol blJ alfcctlons on the Newport Beach ltrond in a chapter. Including a dtlalled delerlpllon 61 Ille rippin1 and tondinl of G1briella'1 •'"'l' cannent aod her every gasp. This . sandy sensuality would ha\'e generated enough heal to bum down the old Rendezvous Ballroom 30 years before It did, but only kindles Gabriella's aJ. leged latent nymphomania_ Rejected eventuaJJy by A d a m • Gabriella decides she is all wuhed up in life , jump• o!! the jetty and gets washed up in dealh too -almost to Adam'! doorstCp, in fact. AUTHOR GABRIEL hasn, produced 1 bad book, but a saleable one whose flow of clear and at·times classy prose suffers from some nagging inoonsistency almost impossible to define. One can imagine saying: Yes, r read the book, but I liked the movie better. "Tomorrow·Tomormw," by Ph i 11 p t.ouis Gabrlel, Whitmore Publishing Company, (273 PP-) 15.95. Dear Gloomy Gus A.R.V What'• this about Huntington ll-Oach police helicopter aervlca merging with the county 11air force"? We need more, not less, local chopper protection for our crime-weary realdcnt.s. -L.U.V. Tfllt ... ,.,,.. l'tfllctl ,.,..tdt,... ¥1ewt. ,,.. ~rll't' ,,.,_•I lht ~. ltM TM lllt Nrt't i.r CloornY Cut; 0..lf Piiot. ' a Shine Nowadays ~YDNEY ~.HARRI~ OUtslde of a few large cities, it's almoot Impooslble to get your shoes shin- ed anywhere; what's surprising is that our innova~ve technology ha& not yet come up with a shoie-shining machine that does more than a mediocre job. • • • Next to engineers, doctors a& a claM seem to know less about the world outside their field than any other group of presumably educated people, • • • The two most dangerous people in the world are the man Who knows exacUy what he wants, and the woman who doesn't know. • • • Although the Sherlock Holmes stories are venerated by the connoisseurs of de- tective fiction, my own preference IS for the Father Brown stories by Chester- ton, which are not only Ingenious puz- zles, brilliantly writ- ten, but alao provide rare lnsight1 Into hu- man motivation lacking in the Holmes stories. • • • The nicest bookplate I ever saw belonged to a man who Inscribed every book In his library with the simple Jill'ase: "This book belongs to ..... and his friends." • • • Too low lecturers and professors have abaorbed tile wry oboervauon of Ille late Billy Phelps of Yale, that "No man, no matter mw seU-critica!, can stiand up before a clus and refrain frcm saying more than he Jcnaws.'1 • • • One of Iha most frustrating and em- borr"5Sing r .. llngs In the world" lhat of being a rta$0ll0bly strong man and yet not being able to tear open a fragile-look- ing litUe eellophane bag. • • • The best relationships between men and women usually begin with a little aversion; romance without conflict as a seasoning goes flat before it can flower. (This is why Shakespeare's love affairs, with few excepUons, open in acrimony and end in ardor.) • • • Playing the game of which peMod beside our own we would most prefer to have lived in, my choices were: first, Jerusalem during the ministry of. Jesus: second, France in the 13th ce.ntury; and third, England in the Elizobelhan period. • • • A fine play marred by bad acting ls never so repeUant to me as a rotten play cosmeUclzed by superb acting. • • • The election campaigning monlhs ahead might be a good lime for recalllni John Galsworthy'• sage advice to can-· dldat..: "There Is Just ooe rule for poliUc!ans all over ti1e world -Don't say in power what you say in opposltloo, or you'll have to carry oot the Impossible ." Quotes Ur. Gerald Walker Smith, 'Relmoal famDy tbcraplst -"ConOlet Is built Into 111)' relallonship thal matters; It 11 essen- Ua I Io Intimacy_ So It becomea a question ol how cna'llvely the conruct I• bandied." A Diff ere nee • Ill Radio Operators 10 the Edllor: You published an article July 14 head- ed, "Radio Operators Plan Convention At Fairgrounds." The first line states that "About 25.000 amateur radio operators." etc. I would like to point out that these people are not amateur radio operalors. These people are citizens band radio operators. Amateur radio ()perators are licensed by the FCC after an extensive test in person at the local FCC office (Los Angeles) involving a high degree of elec· tronic knowledge plus a radio-telegraph code test of 13 words per minute. The amateur operator is allowed to contac.t anyone in the world and it is legal to operate wltb a power of up to 2000 watts. THE CITIZENS band radio operator has only to write to the FCC asking f 1: a license and one will be returned in rhc mail. He la allowed to contact ither citizens band operators only in 3 very small radius and with a maximum power of 5 watts. I believe that both parties would lilie the record cleared up. I have been 11n amateur radio operator for the .>a:it 33 years with the same California call sign. KEITH FLANAGAN Amateur fladio Operator W6RIR Guide Dog Term• To the Editor: The headline or an article from your ls.. sue of June 21 incorrectly refers to a dog as "Seeing Eye Dog.11 Our name ls regtster<d In Ille patent ·MAILBOX Letters from rtadtra art welcome. No rmalit1 writera ahoul.d convey thtir mesaaget tn 300 wordt or less. Tht right to condeme ltttera to fit apoct or eliminate libel is reserved. All let-- ters must include signatures and ma1£. i1ig address, b1't names ma11 be: with· held 011 ,.quest If iufficimt reason is apparml. Po<trv wm not be pub· lished. offices of the United States and Canada and refers only to those dogs trained and turned over to qualified blind persons here at our solo headquarters·in: Morriatown, N. J. The Seeing Eye dots not use Doberman pinschers. SINCE THE article states the dog wa5 obtained at Pilot Dogs, Inc., Jn CoJum· bus, Ohio, it is properly referred to as a Pilot Dog. Do.t?s obtained from Guide Dogs for U1e Blind, Inc. in San Rafael, California, are properly termed Guide Dogs. Wben the source of such dogs is not known, the recommended term is dos guide. We thought you might like to have tJli,I lnfonnation for your future referenCe. Many thanks for your cooperation. ,. GEORGE WERNTZ. JR. The Seeing Eye, Inc. Morristown, N. ,J. Items From the Mail Things a column~! might never know if he didn't open his mail: If people really ate like wolve!:, a hungry 200-pound man would be able to consume nearly one-fifth his own weight in food at one meal. 'lbat's almost 40 pounds. Scientists are certain now that the planet Mars cannot sustain human life because of the lack of oxygen there. The atmosphere of Mars is about nine-tentM carbon dioxide, which makes it far worse for breathing even than the air at a national political convention on this planet. Earth's at- mosphere is 10 thousand times richer in oxygen than that on Mars. DOES IMPRISONMENT In jail or prison have 11ny real deterrent efftct whattlvtr on criminals? Some sociologists doubt It, but the statilltic• say otherwise. Confinement may not af- fect the· bardeDed pro£ess.iona.l criminal, but Ille laeta are that from a half to 1- thi.rds of all persons wbo serve 1 first prison term never have to 1trve anothfr. The three most expensive cities to . drive a car In America art\ now Boston, New York, and San Francloco, aecordtnc to an Auto and Travel Club study. The l]<o where driving I.! ebeapetl an Portland , Ore.,_ and Richmond, Va., where coots are owly lhr .. ceni. per mile cheaper than the top COii o! IU3 eenl3 a mile cballted up In Bo&1on. Whl<h city he lived In could male 1 dif!mnce of oome 14'15 to a buslneMman driving lS,000 miles I )'Ur. QupTABLE NOTABLF.S, "I Jeml!f I IJ'OI\ truth whidl I lllff ahaII ( HAL BOYLE ._ J always cherish -that people are pretty much the same the world over when you get down to fundamertals, and that it does not much ID6tter what Is their race, ore«I or color." -Louis Bromfield. Our rising cost of govemment: The payrolls of U.S. state and local governments went up 400 percent between I9.13 and 1971. Nature notes: Mountain lion kittens tvei~h only about a pound each st blrt)\. The fawns or whltetall deer are sucll homebodies that they rarely atray mote then IO yards from their birth spot r.. the first month or their lives. Rl.clng pigeons have been clocked at an averate speed or 93 to 95 miles an hour over an 80-mlle l"Ollne. nie common flea can leap 100 times its own height. OBSTACLE: Despite the mlraculOOI tn11rch or medicine, nw;y ancient allmenl.! Ihat could he all but enidlcated remain a problem. For example, tttanu._,. commonly known as tocltja1" stlD iatea about 150,000 lives a yeor throughout the world . II was Oscar Wilde who obserwd, "II one teUs the truth, one ts sure, IOOnet" or later, to be found oot." Bg Geol'fe ---.. Dur G<orge: Thonu !or taking up lot us t .... aa•rs the way you do. ' Silt !ODS Dear KJd>: Forge.I It -alter that !diet eall· Ina 3' old I'm oil )'OU n>tlm ....,. , •rm11ir nre. • • ~l11te1·1-€lal• • ~--Secrets Hidden • :· : From President? Fnm Wirt Services : LOS ANGELES -/u a specialty cleared member in Wuldngton, Daniel Slfsberi Aya, he found the Pentagoo ll!eePI nuclear war aedets from the Jlrllidmt, and be WU lbocked at the dlsual manner ·in which Henry Kls- tlr}aer'1 office handles eecret documents. ~ made the ltattmenU i.o 1 1%-1*11• affidavit aubmllted TUeaday tn the PAlltagon Papen trial. The affidavit was connected with efforts by attorneys for EllSborf and codefendant Anthony J. Rtlsso to bar from lbe jury persons who have security clearances. Ellsberg and Ruuo, former. analysts at the Rand Corp. think lank, a,.. on trl•I on eharges of theft, conspiracy and es- pionage for their admitted role Jn making piblic tbe Pentagon Pa~. Ell.shell said In tbe atfldavil that he had been Involved with cla,.lfled 1ystem since he Jeft the Harvard • Queen Mary Objects • To Be Auctioned Off LONG BEACH (AP) -Need an old oalcen pulpit uaed for Jewish reliifowi tervices m tranaltlantic voyages? Or a 1e11e !1111......,,... ln -(ooe st<Jne aquata 14 pounds)! • Tl-. items are among 2,000 from the i,er British pasaenger liner Queen that have be<n declared 1urplua llUI up for auction by the dty of fi!ilc Belch, wblch pun:based the liner In ftl7 for IU million. The sblp bas been titned Into a tourist attraction. ""!'be auction will bqln Friday at 9 1.m. end continue Saturday and SUnday and ~ weeltenda until an the Items -aofd. ,,, Unlvenlty flTadu&te ochool for tlle Mame Corps In 1964. Ellsberf said that In 195MO, wortJni !or Rand, be became "perbapo tbe anlr persnn" 10 have atudled pla"' for actlonJ in the PacHJc in the cue of 1 general nuclear war. ln 1Ml be drafted a ''Basic National Security Plan," described u the basic U.S. military policy for actions to be taken in a worldwide nuclear war. Until then, he said, 11t1ch a plan had never been submitted to the President or secretary .of defense -11Indeed Its ex- istence aod natuno bad beerl concealed from tbese dvillan autborities," Ellsberg said:' Later, he aald, be was authorized unlimited acceos to the super secret "eyes only" vault in the State Depart- ment and to a aeries of crisis studies in material and the security clearance the Penagcm based on the flles of the Joint-O:liel1 of Staff -war room . He said these were kept secret even lrom the aecretary of defense . Ellsberg said that after a decade of auch experiences dealing with clasaified material, he was shocked when he was allligned as a consultant of Kis3inger, President Nixon'1 chief foreign policy ad. viler, to find the treatment given secret documents Jn bls offi«.' <l>anc.. are running out for the gav· ermnent and defense to dismiss potenllal j1U'Ql"s in the case without giving a reason. With the escus>I of 13 potential jurors Tuesday on peremptory challenges, the government wu left on1y one more such challenge before a jury ts selected. The defendanµ: have two more joint cballenges, and Russo hu one alone. At- torneys have estilJ18ted a jury may be seated by the end of this w..k. Prh,ate Person? Percy Fellwock, 26, the au- thor who wrote, under the pseudonym \Vinslow Peck in Ramparts Magazine, that secret Soviet codes have been broken by U.S. intelligence, said he made the stalement because the military is a "dangerous threat to me (and) my family." He said he will retire to pri- vate life now. Hotel Considered For Long Beach LONG BEACH (AP) -Officials here are considering a proposal to build a $10 million replica of the Imperial Hotel, the Frank Lloyd Wright creation which survived the disastrous 1923 earthquake that deslroyed most of Tokyo. Under the proposal, the m.room hotel would be ronstructed on a 20-acre site next to the Queensway Bridge on the waterfront within view of the Queen Mary, officials said Tuesday. A representative of the New Imperial Hotel has discussed the project with American investors, but a spokesman for the port of Long Beach said confimiation might not come fo r several months. c ~iSkyjacking Defense Insanity '•·LOS ANGELES (AP) - Defense lawyers ior Ricardo ,,...:i'2iavez..ort.iz, accused of com· .. ~ an airplane from ;-::flew Mexico to Los Angele&, ~!IY they will argue that he ~\vu temporarily Insane during (he hijacking, r• U.S. Dislrict Court Judge Ollrles H. Carr ruled Tuesday that Olavez.-Ortiz was men- tally competent to stand trial after putting him on the stand brielly. Chavez-Ortiz, 36, a Mexican national, told lbe judge he suf. fered a "nervous breakdown" in 1967 due to overwork and a death Jn fib family. "I think l'm in good shape now," Chavez-Ortiz s a I d , answering Judge C&rr's ques-- tions Jn baiting English as a translator stood by. OUR GREATEST VALUES EVER IN CHILDREN'S SHOES I • CIDIDREN'S SHOES VALUES ..• OUR GREATEST EVER BUSTER BROWN BOB WOLF KEDS ORTHOPEDIC SHOES Sc1wol~Tax "' Bill Going To 1st Test SACRAMENTO (AP) -The com- promise $1.Z blllloo scbool finance and tax reform bill headed for its first legislaUW: test today with opinions polarizing both for and against it. The compromise bill was agreed upon by two major Capitol oppon ents, Republican Gov. l!Dnald Reagan and Democratic Assembly Speaker Bob Moretti. Testimony at the bill's first hearing, before the Senate Revenue and Taxation Q>nuniltee late Wednesday, should reveal where many of Reagan's and Moretti's supporters stand. The bill -would raise the state's share of school support from about 36 percent to between 41 percent and 43 percent, say the backers. This would mean $515 • million more state money to local schools, part of a $740 million package to relieve property owners ol their local school tu- es. The tu relief would benefit moSllY homeowners in districts with the highest school tax rate.s. The bill would concentrate the new support in poorer districts. 'Ibis would in- clude $25 million for a plan by Wilson Riles, state superinlendent of public in- struction, to lower the school age to 4 years. It would also mean a new $3 million program to help districts with large numbers of what educators call .. disadvantaged" children! Assemblyman l!Dbert H. Burke (R· Huntington Beacb), has Criticized the bill because, he said, it puts Riles' "con- troversial and experimental E a r 1 y Childhood Education Plan" into "this year's_tax--refonn package." Burke, in a statement, called the com· bining of both provisions ''nonsense" and said it is "definitely not in response to the wishes of the taxpayers, who are demanding tax relief -not more ex- pensive prog_rams." . . ' ' Wtclntldlr, July 19, 1972 • Rock Group To Go Free LOS ANGELES (AP) -SIJ; members of Sly and the Funlly Slone rock IJ'OUP have be<n releu- ed after a dlltrict attolnty ruled there was insufficient evldenoe to prosecute them on charges of possessing marijuana and dangerous drugs. Sheriff'• officers arrtsted the singers early Tuesday afler stop- ping and .. an:llinJ their motor home on Santa Moruca Boulevard. Arnone those taken Into custody was the group's 1eader, Sylvester Stewart, 26, of san Francisco, who is known as Sly. DAILY PILOT '= Stronger Obscenity Law . O.kayed SACRAMENTO (AP) -The Califomla Senate bas votecrto remove the "redeem· Ing social Importance" clause from the obscenity law iil order to make it easier to prosecute smut ~en. The meas~. won 23-10 approval Tues- day despite a warning that it oouJd en- danger the sale of the once-banned books • by Henry Miller and othm. Nursing Mothers Respond t.O Call LONG BEACH (UPI) -Nursing mothers: responded in overwhelming nwnbers to a plea for help on behalf of an in£ant wbo needs human milk to survive. The telephones "never a t o p p e d ringing" after word got out, said a spokesman for the La Leche League, which coordinated the effort. More than 100 nursing women have been signed up, said a spokesman for Lorraine Miller Children's Hospital, and no more volunteers are needed. Three-mont~ld John Joseph Shults, son of Mr. aod Mrs. Joseph Shults of Huntington Beach, was hospitalized two weeks ago weighing ooly 611 pounds, just ounces more than he weighed at birth. DQctors diagnqsed his problem as a digestive alhnent and be was placed in the intensive care unit. The baby would live only if he cou1d get· enough human milk, physicians said, and they called fur help from the La Leche League, an or· gaoizatioo which promoles breast feeding. Within hours after the appeal Tuesday, the hospital bad more volunteers than it could use. Death P-U11 OK1' SACJlAMENTO (AP) -The man· datory death peoll,ty for a life-term con- vid murdering a prison guard would be reinstated in califomia if voters approve an amendment to the state Constitution. ( NEWS BRIEFS J in November, say"s Atty. Gen. Evelle J. Younger. The state's chief law enforcement of- ficer said Tuesday he has studied the re- cent U.S. Supreme Court ruling on cap~al ~bment and coocludes it bans the death penally ooly where a jury is given discretion oo e1ecuUons. . Bridge Bill P .. ses SACRAMENTO (AP) -A measure to name a San Diego area bridge after state Sen. Jack Schrade {().San Diego) bas zipped through the Senate with a col~ Jection of bills labeled a 1 noo- rontroversial. The measures, called the "consent calendar," won 33-v<te-approval Tuesday. Schrade will be gunning for a third term this November. Outstanding School Shoe Selection Naturally, All From Our Regular Stock. (Eam $61.80 on each ti.,000) \ REGULARLY TO $18. ... SJ90 TO Sale Starts Thursday. Doors Open 10 a.m. All W.. Flnal No lxch•ntt• Or Rtfvnd1 JO FASHION ISLAND • NEWPORT IEACH • 644-2464 • You can earn this high.interest on $5,CXXJ minimum two year certificates. The first year your $5,cm- certificatewilleam $309JS, a.nd more for each consecutive year that interest is added to the accoruit. You can earn $5917 on $1,CXXJ mitnmumoneyearcertificates,and as much as $5L26 on a regu)ar passbook savings account of $1,CXXJ • More interest than 'banks ... more certain than stocka Plus free services._safedeposit boxes, notary ' service, travelers c eques, trust eed and note collections, and many more free services are avail· able when youbavetherequiredminimum balance in your account at THE BIG M. Plus personal ae.rrice ... cxperienccd and competent savlilgs-CO'i'iil.Sclors in each ofiice to assist you in planning your savings program: You will find a warm, friendly attitude on the part of everyone at Mutual SaviDgs. • Corona delMar: s8,7Eaat Coutlllah'n1/6'7JojOIO Othao!kalACo'rizll,WcstAloadll,l'1AolC111,C!Glolo!eandC-.Pak.a..-dr. ¥ I I ,. ' ' ;. •• • . VO • Tb Gov of.a • • wbo -2'. In • . M ·'y sllJI ' . • • • . . Teday'• Fleal • N.Y. Sfeek• ~L 45,. NO. 201, 6 SECTIONS, 72 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, JULY 19,' '1972 N TEN CENTS ' Sollthland Airport Study Unveiled by SCAG The Southern C.llfornla Alooclatlon of Governments today wiveiled the multa of. a t,..:.year study by cOosultanl firms recomm~ a far reachlnc compre- henslye plan fnr futur, development of atr)iorts in Southern C.llfprnla. The plan prepared by Will)am L. Pere- lra-Asooclates and 5,ystem Pevelopment Corporatlott was revealed to a meeting of. elected officials, transportation lead· era · and reprmntatiVes · ot concerned ciijuna &r9UJ"_at the Ambaaaador Hotel· ln Los Angeles. The consultant& emphasized that they do not recommend the ., .. lion of addi- t~onal majOr airpoft& in the ten-eolDlty study area--irith the exception of P.alm· dale which they consider to be an already established part of !lie 1llrport oystem. . '.lbeY do re<\lllllllend that eveolull)ty . there be one or more major globil air-. ports establlsbed in Southeni C.llfomla after -1985 ·to meet the1added demands of public air service.· They ·suggested that s u c h !aclliUes ln Southern Calllnrnla could be developed. by exj>anding Palm- dale and by creating a oew facility al Camp Pendleton. ' In claslifying all eaistilig airporta the consultants said that lhrough 1985 inlef. coctlnental service would .be ~tral· ed at Loo Angelee, International, Palm- dale and Miramar Naval Air Station In San Diego. . CpnUnen!41 airp<>rl!. such as Lo n g Beath, Ontario aild the El Toro Marino . ' Corj>s Air ol!tatlon ~'OUJd offer medluro haul, 2,500-mile commercial service. Metroports such as 'Orange County, San Dle10 and Burbank would provide service within the 500 mile ranee which. accounts for almoM half of today's total commercial air traffic volwne. The consultants emphaslzecl that .futur& activity should be coccentrated In "tun- ing up" existing airport! to muimize their efficiency within certain environ- mental constraints, and encoutagement should be given to joint use by acheduled within high density areas: eventual sep. air carriers of existing military airports. aratioo of cargo facilities from passenger They abo proposed the estatrushment tenninals to anticipate increases in alr of new tenninal facillUes removed trQm cargo, and a network of "air" parks" airports where passengers and baggage well removed .from urban areu and con- could be proceS1ed and transported by trolled air space for flight training and ground vehJclea directly to the aircraft. recreational OyilJ&. Other recommendations of the report • The secUona fJI the report dealing d~ Include emphasis on ·continued develop-rectly with Orange Cotulty did hOt differ me.nt of quiet aircraft engines and new _ greaUy from the Pereira report of 1961 operating procedures designed to reduce done for the Board of Supervisors. noise problems; control of all air traffic (See SCAG, Pa;e 2) Pollution Probed U.S. May Sue Bay Boatyard Owners By L. PETER KRIEG 01 tM Dally Plllt Stiff The· federal government is: investigating wUution in both Upper and Lower New~ pQrt Bay -and it may file lawsuits against the polluters, a spokesman for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) aald today • . 'Ille EPA has been sampling sedimen- tation throughout the Upper Bay and .ts tnv..itgaUng potential pollution caused by boatyanla on _the Lower Bay; Jerry l,LUS1ell, assistant director of the agerr cy's enforcement division, s a i d this momlng. He said it will be about a month J>e. tore the EPA decides whether or not tO r.le!' the matter lo the U.S. Attorney's Office for legal action. in and of Itself, bring an Immediate end· lo all pollution in·N.Y. Harbor and its adjacent water, but I do believe that this Is the proper place to at least be- gin," U.S. Allomey Herbert J. Stern &aid. "In this suit. for the first time, all of those responsible for controlling the . pol- Airport Area lutinn of this major body of water will be dnwn together, in one courtroom, where, under the aupervllioD of the t.deral jl>- dlclary. it ii 1111 hope that eflectl .. measures will be lmpJemen&ecl." "New York City offlclata called I he charges against them 'absurd, frivolous and political,'" be concluded. Collins to Sell Lease If Zone Change OK'd . Russell's comments came after the EPA, In Its first attempt to bring into one courtroom "Ill those respOnsible ... F. t1t11re . Space Team? for allegedly ppUut.ini .• major, \M>dY ~ . \:Ollins Rad» Company will eell the water, Tuesday filed suit against New lease on tta entire 177-acre: parcel near ~.. .. -.. Ing hinges ... 1he -cUnp nqueot. Koll aajd; , · : • ~' · ' Prom Wire -. • .:~!i;~!U!=~~·==.:.~~~:~~d~ ::.ri::~~~t~~-~t~.:. ~-~and-~~:· ,~.,.~~~'!:..~~ • Hpuston tor the· 1975 acheduled rendetvnus and conception. .....!. . _ _ . 'Ille governmen! Jll charging_ the lesser -r.ooe-change'O>llins wants it was learned ...__:_ __ '"------.-~--...--~.,.-Ai-----"°,------~--:,'""'""'=,;....;;...;..___ governmental agencies w ft h polluting today ' -• New York··!!¢>or liom botl11tdes of the · • Hud.ton River. . . . <»Dint wUI lease back the 240,0CJO. N t M 'ArreS*"'d Mariii:e .Exercise Ruaaell did iiol aay "1iether acti(llS ~foot .buiJdlng H Ix -using but ' ·ewpo· r . an : u:::. • would or wou1'1 ll!'i be taken against any Koll .will teep the two others, Including • ' . T R -1! -Inca! governments here. Ibo lJ0,000.foot lllucture which now urris . CiHll!ltiC "We Jll't concerned with the sedimen-houses . the . lemporar)' Harbor Judidal In Boat Crash. Incide· nt talion -the slit, that ts what ·we .,. District court. Koll said .this morning. A J Cr h investigating. . · The property ls now Jn an Wlclasslfled S et aS e8 "We ~t to determine the source of IX>lle, 'but It-ii muterplanned for lndus- lbe deposits ln the Upper Bay," Russell trial building>. Q>Jllm w1i1 p bef<re New· '!lid. lie said the EPA "has been lnvolv-port Beach councilmen ullng that It be ed ratJier heavily in the ""1 three lo zoned to allow high rlae oflJce buildings tour :weekl" In taking its teo11.: and a botel. . "'lllere does appear to be a problem,M The prilpe'1jo ts'ln -,·but the cJos. he '8id. ''l'he extent of the problem and· ~-ID , . aotbe reacl>ed to coumlm! 41 I its new parent company, North ~ -J!Ocltftlt~~ ..... the Newpod Be.a. operation to~ Dlllu or Cedar l!ss*ll, JowL Koll ·11111 QJIUnl '1!111 IMlt 1*k tbe main llulldlq tor Ille -of. the ground lease wttlJ the Irvine Olmpany, through 2065. but would have the 01J11oo lo suJ>. lease the buDCUng if the electronlc1 firm moves out. "But nobody would buy Jt," KoD •id. There are too maoy empty eledruolcs buildings in the county rjpt now." Colllm o!fldals sJmllartly were un- available to comment on the reuon it has decided In recent mooll>s to aell off its holdlnp. '.SAN BERNi\RDlNO -Following ~ of preporing prosecution piperwort, a Newport Beach marine mm owner has been formally, charged wl!h . manslaughter In a Memorial Dey weekend boat collision ·that killed a Hun- tliiglon Beach boy. The Dart bOy, his grandfather Fletcher Dart, -and Donald TbOrnton, 9, o[ 602 Dana Clrcle, Huntington Beach, were fishing May 26 when their aluminum boat was hit. 'Ille Dart boy was killed almost 1 .. slantly in the CoQision with the speed· boat, which, prosecutors allege, slowed momentarily. then roared off toward Parker on the Arizona side. A desert war!~ ea~ was In- stantly traniforme!f Into a nightmare scene resembling the real thing Wedoes- day night, wben 'an·El Toro Marine Corps Air ,Station jet· llammed into a troop concentration and exploded. · The 5:55. p.m. ~<;eldent near Twen- tynine Pa)ms killed two Orange County creWmen -oo a low-1evet strafing nm over simulated enemy troops -while seven men on the cround were.injured mostly with burns. whal type of controls can be ·achieved Js wJiat we are trying to determine." · While saying that the Upper Bay ts the focal point of Its cuirent lnvestlga- tlnn, Russell d,ld confirm that Inspectors AFLCIO Won't Endorse Donald E. Payse, operator of Payse ~tarlne lnc.1 4229 Birch St., was iden- tlfttd in an arrest warrant accusing him of being al laull in the Colorado River lltcillenL · Payse already has been charged In a s1:&so,ooo wrongful dealt and perannal injury 11111 filed joinUy'by the parents of ciB-!S Dorl, 7, ol 310 Second SI., and a pal wbo survived. 2'. Countians Die ~ Garage Blaze .: Two men were burned lo death Tueo- -<lay night when the garage converted to a bedroom In w)llch they were sltej>lng at im "C" SL in the Tustin area was ~oyed by flre, .. the Orange County Coroner's om~ reported. · · 1)ead are Frlllk A. ·1.acano, 24, of 311 ~Harbor-Blvd., Sanla Alla and Bernardo Qsmalea, 17, of the TulllD lddresL • Orange Comity fJnmoD Aid $11,000 dllnace waa done to the garap 1111c1 the ~ realdenct. Cluae of the blau ls mibown and ls under -,at1on. FEW WORDS BUT ' ' MUCH SUCCESS • 0Y011 can be a ptl'IOll of· low _,is. and S\lll find 1UCCtS1 -plenty of II -ln DAILY PILOT clsllllled advertl•lrll col· ainni. Take, for example, the few wordJ ID lbese two and a haU liMI ol admllJ. 'Iii&: ., S BR, S BA, frplc, lhag crpt, dl'Jll, bttn1, hnlwd :; ~ floon, SZ30, DX•DD, ~ 'llley were <DOUCI> to 1'1!111 Ibo place to Iba lint caller. A &'If well c'-> wonl1 ·ID'111e rtcht place. Iba DAILY PILOT'• cluslfled colUmns, can le! ~ 1..- J'i!.I, too. Diii MMlll and dchanfe -~ 'filrdl wltll ... of ""f ld.Yllor1. .,. -.J The Thornton hoy waa Injured, while the dea~ cbild'a grandfather managed to escape the· collision without harm. Payse was named Tuesday in a San Bernardino County Municipal Court ar- rest warrant signed by Judge George Krumm, who dispatched two deputies lo pie.I: up the suspect. Payse was expected tO be arraigned to- day . Filing~of charge1...was delayed for weeks pending completion of an in- vestigation into which aide of the river tjie fatal crash occurred on and sub- · lllission of evidence. Yuma County, Ariz., .authoritie.s were ~ first Involved al9nc with the U .s. CA>ast Guard, then ttirned the case over to San .Bernardino prosecutors six weeks ago. Young Dart was the aon of Newport Beach Fireman Richard Dart and bls wife Nancy. Shortly after llOClll !Oday, the Marine Corps identified the A6A navigator killed in the crash as Capt. Harry M, Thornley, 26, ol 853 Sea Gun' Lane, Newport Beach. His home address was DOI Immediately available, but' the dead pilot was Identi- fied as Capt, Lloyd E. K..,,.y, 28, of Tustin. No esllmate ol the A6A Jnlruder'1 altitude was offered, but the 1Uper10nic /fighters oft~n cOme \n be!OW 100. feet. Marine Corps of!lclals laid many . . . . . . among 3,000 ,....~ enca1ed ln two- d11Y maneuverJ near ~P . Wllaon witnessed the spectacular crasl!. New Location Favored have been testing s:edimentation· in the · vl~inlty ·of every boatyard ln Newport Harbor. · He declined to speculate on the r .. sults. · "We are looking Into possible referral (to the U.S. Attorney for .prosecution) but I don't want to prejudge that," be said. In the New York case, suits wei'e flled In •ix u.s: District Courts charging that Pusaic Valley Sewerage C.Ommission and New Jersey's state ~ion of environmental protedlon as well as New York City and New Jersey themselves were polluting the harbor . The govenm;ient asked for a permanent lnjunctlon to force those sued lo strict· ly eofnrce their existing regulations and lo uJJl!!'lde their lacllltiel. 'Ille EPA af30 ordered N.Y. and the PVSC to provide a plan within 180 days to 1dequale\y treat municipal wastes. "I do not regard tblt thta fawol&it wlll, Newport Sch.o.Ql Site Cut , By JOANNE JIEYNOLD6 Of ... D9ltJ ...... ,..,, An elementary ldloOi site which had be<n pr..,..ed for the oew Spy Clap Hill development in N"'JIOTt Beach has been dele<ed from Newport.Mesa Unllted School District plans. Lorry Moore, auoclale planning admln- lstral« lor the IJ'Yine Company, 1ald to- day the site was ellmlnated from the tentative ' tract map by dlstrk:t admlnl .. trators following 1 joint Irvine Company. ocbool dislljcl 1tudy' of the area east Ill Newport Bay. Moore aald the dlJtrlct dtcldld to drop one of the two -orilinalJy ldenJlli«I In the .... eut of the -allpneat of MacArtlllr IJOalenrd In kvor of aelect· !11f anolbor olle dowDcoUt above the ea.-JllChlamlo tract. Dr. Nwuu LoaU, -1a1e arperlll- teodent fer --opontlonl, uld I - the site waa ellmliiated $rl!le a June 2t meet1n1 with the 1rvlne Company. 1ie said tilt old lite WU JJOnlalJy in the San-Joiquln School Dilltlct ~wlli<h--wttl become the Irvine ·UnifJod ScboOI DIJ. tr!ct) and wu relocat..i to the' cto.m- co111Jt areo to •satisfy Ille two achoo! dis. trlcls wlllle tiklng alleldance projectlOol 1no consideration/' Loau noted that there 1tD1alnl an ele- mentary acbool llte In the pnp>l<d add!· tlons to Harbor vie.. runs u wen u the planned Roy 0. Andenon · £lemtmtary achoo! In llarllor ~ Homts.· Oonstrucllon ... Ande1111 SdJooi ls stated to begin lhil lill with• o&npancy tenlatively 11cheduled for tba ll'IJ.71 -year. Loals laid • mlddle scboQl alte and • high llChooi lite -....re alao dbcuaed II Uitl meetlnf. ''The mkldle llCbool lite ii -blo depending OD tile Irvine Compaey'1 pllnl " he said "but I imagine ii will be ' ' -aboul midway -.i Crystal Coye.(the district'• oouthem-howldary)..,.00 Spy Glass Hill up toward the cnst 41 the hill. LoaUI aald the middle achoo(wllt prof>. ably be built In five to 10 yeafl. The hijll acbool Is DOI stated. for at !east an<Jther 10 In ll yeara, be said, ao site aelectlon bes not really gotten underway for It. The IChnol administrator described the Irvlne Olmpony'1 part In lite 1Clecllon has not reon1 gotten underway for ti. The achoo! administrator deacribed the Irvine Company'• part In sift S<!ecllon 1tudiet u "very aympathtdc." A com- J>IDY lpol<esman nld the firm prtrtlcl· patea with the district In kleotifying lite•. then boldl the land unlll the dlllrlct ls o buJ II. '"111q cJyt Ill quite • lnal: ... the Hidy to buy l~ --• McGovern for President WASHINGTON (AP) -AFlrCIO President George Meany announced to- day that the polltlcally powerful labor grnUp wlll not endorae either Jlembcrallc nominee George s. McGovern or Presi- dent Nixon in the November election. 'Ibe e:iecutive council of the 13.s-rilll- llon member labor federation, which bu supported all put Jlemocralic presldell- Ual candidatea, this lime w\ll cwcentrate OD electing its friends Jn Congr•, Meany said. 'Ille 35-man labor counctl, by a vote of 27-3, adopted this statement: "Under the clrcurnlfancel, the ·A!'I. CIO wlll refrain from endorsing either candidate for the office of President of the .united Stales, "These circumstances call,. rather, for the maximum concentration of effort on the •tec\lon of senators, and .. in- taUves whose reconla commend them to the working people of America. "Afflllatea are, of ~R, free to e• done and aupport any candidlte of their choice." · Leiden of aeveral of the AFLClO'I IJ7 Individual unions have endoraed or aaid they would-endorse McGovern. One -the Marine E~ Benelicial Asaoclal.iiif=llD endoraed NIJOD. - Five members of the labor council reportedly leaning lo McGovero did DOI attend the meeUng. -One of them, President JOIOpil A. Beirne of tho Communlc1U0111 Worken, lent a ktter to Meany ul'[llng e,.. dorsement ol McGovero, the All'lclaled Press learned. "Endorstmenl of the JlemocraU. can- didatea ls the only way to keep AFlrCIO unlona In their pollUcal activity," lleJrne \fr'Ote Meanf. Near Culler, S.D., wbece McGotern ii vacatlonin(, the .llemdcraU. prtsldenUal candidata learned of the AFLCIO'a cooncll'1 acilcx\ u be concluded a -ride thioll8h the woada arouod Sylvan LU.. • "I'm dlaappoinled In the action of the councU," McGovern &aid. "!' frankly don 't Wini I feud with President Meany," McGovern Aid. But, M added, "I'm confident tbl leadera and the rank-and-file of many J&. dividual -wUI go ahead and endone us." McGovern said hit vice pmlden!W ~ mate, Sen. Tbomu F. Eqletnn of Mlilourl, bad beea mettln( with leadera of Individual llllionl and llnln( up lhtll-au-1 prior to today's execuUva councU --"Naturally we woald have Uled to haft (lee~l'lpl) c:. ... ....... DespJle 11-darl: douck ID the earl1 lllOl'lllnl-.. lllt.,. ~ be lhiniDI ... the Onlip c.. " mid.Uy acconlln& to tho -u.er. lady, i'!liha 'Dlliridq, ,. to •. Lo!rl bllPt -· INSmrTGD..t.Y Thrtt ,,... prociuelioM Ughl up Ilic local tlleoter llllgc1 around Ora!IQf C o • " 1, !Als week. a roritv for ~. Ste Enlcrlai!llll<!lt, l'aflc :ze. ...... -, .... .. ,.,, ... _ . c ..... '--,, ( .......... 41 ... -.. ae••1• • ... ....... II --. .... ,,, I tw:r -..... ........ ,, .... r • ~ ': .. ,. ..... 11 -.... ..... ,.... ... --. or ... e:...-,, ... ...., " -.... ........ ~ ---------.__ ______ , • • , .. ' J D.\l,LY PllOI " UCI G1ml; ChildDw In Cr ash A J'l·yat .. ld graduate stlldent In pbyslct at UC Irvine -only months away from bil doctont.e -w1;1 killed along with hla S.year .. ld daugbler earl y today in a crlndlng tr .. way crash in El Toro. Boyd "G. Fosler OI 405 Verano Place, Irvine, and his daughter, Amanda, were killed instantly shortly after midnight when blJ car left the transition road oo the San Diego Freeway, soartd for 175 feet, tlleli cMtwboeled. The death wu felt as a major tra(edy ln the unlvenlty'1 physics department. where Foster had been • student since the prosram WU bqun lll 1M5. Highway patrolmeu ulcl they bad not yet detennlned the rtaaona for the car suddenly Jeevtn1 the roodway .m the long transit.Ion bridge which crossa ovrr the Sa!l!a_Ana Freeway. Both 1'1her and daughter were thrown from tbe spbming vehicle and were p~ nounced dead at the sctne by coroner'& lnvestlptors. Spokem>en !or tho phyofct department Rid ID its membm were -by the tragedy. Foater, a candidate for a doctorate in ioli<HIP t>bYalcl. WU ooly • few ~ away lrom iectlving hla degrte. II would have been, they sald, the cllmu to d-l ol yeara or strullfing for a lllldtm wbo -ked to support a lamlly while wn1nl the tough degree. . Tliese Eagles Not Relawd? WASlllNG10N (AP) -Air Force Secrelar)' Robert C • Seomanl Jr. 11)'1 the naming Qf the -Air Force -fliM .. Eagle wu only colnclclen'laliY related to the Democratic party's choice of Sen. 'Mlorpas F. Eagleton u lt11 vice prealdentlal candldatr. EaglelOn and McDonnell Douglas Corp., manufacturer of Elgle, the twin-jet single-seat FIS, both come from Missoiirl. Seamans spoke Tuesday at an Aero Club of Wub.Ington luncheon. DAILY PILOT St.rt '1Mte CITED BY BOYS CLUB Realtor Roy McCardlt I n Ne!VJ!!rt Betseh 2 Men Accused Of Kidnap, Rape Court arraignment was set today for a patr of men accused of ktdn•plng a petite blonde in Nev.'J>O(t Beach, then taking turns at forcible rape and perversion wllh her in a parked van while the olher stood lookout. One was arrested on a warrant luued a week after the Jtme 19 abductton, whUe tbe second was picked up Tuesday morn- ing at his Sylmar home. Larry C. Trostle, 30, a computer tecltnician, was booked on an arrest war· rant charging him with k.idna,p, plus two counts each of forcible rape and perversion. He was SllbsequenUy released <11 $6,250 bail, the same set in the cue of his alleg. Kis si nge r In Pri va te Negotiations . WASlilNGTON (UPI) -Presidential adviser Henry A. Kissinger met for 61h hours in Paris today with North Vietna.- mese negotiators k Due Tho and Xuan Thuy, the Wbite House announced. In a joint announcement with the North Vietnamese, the White House said that the President'• national security affairs adviser i.s el'peeted to return to .Washington today. He flew to Paris Tuesday for the private sessions in an attempt to get the Paris peace talks moving agaln. td companion and codefendant. James J. Batrenttne, 25~ or 2124 '11lurin Ave., Costa i\1esa, has been free on OOH since hiJ own June 30 arrest, according to Newport Beach Detective Sgt. Ken Thompson. . lolormaUon developed after the 24'- year-old victim went to pollct led iJJ.. vestigators to begin hunting Barrentine and TrosUe. Barnntine's Harbor JudiC:ial District Court date was already set for today and Sgt. Thompson said Trostle would be lonnalty advised of charges in the war- rant issued bJ Judge Donald Dun&an at tbe same time. Detectivea said the Santa Ana woman who reported the assault after being released by her abductors had met them through mutual acquaintancts. She reportedly played pool with the en· tire groop at a West Coast Highway tavern, after which the group left and ate dinner. The victim said Ute pair, known only by first names, talked her into returning to play pool again, but i..Mtead drove to a sechtded spot in West Newport where the ordeal begen. She said that "hile terrified ahe w ... afraid lO fight the two men, claiming they threatened serious consequences il she fatled to follow orden. Planners Focus On 2 Ordinance Bids in Ses&ion HJt wu aJwl)'l a flnancial atruule lor Boyd,• utd a spokesman !or U., -depart,. ment. 11He ~an aa a pert.time lfldUate iotudeal while holding down a full·Ume job and later he lmpreued the prolesaors ~ to receive aulslanct from the university, which hired him as a part. t!me teaching and research assistant." Footer obtained a degree fro m Loa Angeles 1)-ade Tech €ollege and his bachelor ol eclenct degree from UCLA before starting graduate work at UCI. He WU granted I muter ol aria degree Realtor Honored For Long Service . By Boys O uh This was the frrst Ume that K!ssinger's private meetings with the Communist negotiators have been announced while the Bessions were under way. He last met in Paris with Le Due 'Tho on May 2. The United States and South Vietnam resumed taIP with their Communist counterparts Thursday. Tho arrived in the French capital last weekend and said be was ready to consider any new U.S. offer. Two proposed ordinances, one dealing lvith truth in real estate and the other regulating storefront signs, will be the focus or discussion at Thursday's study session of the Newport Beacn Planning Commission. The session wiU be held at 3 p.m. in cl~ ty hall prior to the regular 7:30 p.m. business meeting of the commission. there Ill 11118. • FUneral st"k:es were to be arranged eometlme today at Saddleback Chapel in Tustin. t\CLP R~ests D~th Penalty Vote Removal SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -l1lo Ameri· eon civil Liberties llDIClll Foundation ~ the OBlllllrnla Sui>reme Oourt f<>. iJoy ·i0 remove from !he November bo1lol !lie Initiative destpd lo restore the -penalty In the stat<. . The wrtl of mandate lull contended that voting on the inoPur• ,1ftl'lld be '"a wasteful expenditure of -publlc lllOlliel ~-the 11.S. ~e Coort a!rtady pa. nilt<I n W1C01111ttu11ona1." The InlUaUve C2lb !er mtortng all capital p(Jnlshment st•tutes Ill effect in callfornla _.. last Febru111Y'I Callfor. nln Supreme Olurt decision that gas dlimber encution violates the stale COO· sl!Wjoo'a Jll')hlbtJon of '"cruel and unusual p.intabment ... ' The suit contends that the .death pen- alty bas been helcl unconstltulloOO by tbe U.S. Supreme Court ~ a decision handed down after the petltlais !or the inltlattve ....... ~ Ind ~led. Specill&tty, the Jilj!Uon asks the court for • writ of mandlte dlrecllng that Seo- 1<\1')' ,ell , Slate F.cimund G. Brown Jr. llWld ,......., the death penally initiative from the November ballot. Brown lndlc9ted he plans to lndllde It, acting on the adVlce of Atty. Gel. Evelle l. v.._, a penonaJ eupport.r of death penalty restcrlatlon oo the lf'lll!ld that the stat< SUpmne a.at invaded legt.sta. tive responsibility in its &-1 February de- claion. , DAILY PILOT Tiie ONllt Clett MILY ,ILOT, Mir. wflkb 11 ~ fllt N-.rr.., If ll'!Oli.JIM ~ ihe ar...,.. C .. d MlbllJng (.ompel\f. llClt- ,. .. 41111"f't .,. ~IWG. Mond.-, ttll'OUlft ,, .... , .... (otlt M..... ....,.,.,.. .. tel\, ... ,.... 141Cft1F011nltln Valley, u.._ hKtt. ,,.,.., ... .._. ft S.n C:.._,,le/ &Mt AIM a,illlrtflll A .i1191t tttlllMI «IHIM • ~ 61~ _. Swlcl1rs. n. ~ --Ire ..., ..... 3Jf Wftl .. , ..,..,,, c:.i. MIN, C.llfOmlll, nut. tl:eNrt N. Wee4 l'r11i.nt •1111 P111111111tr Jae~ a. Curley wm ,_..._...,_.,...,., .,.. ..... k•eTil -'TNMtt A. M..,,Jil11t IMMlllll IE4l1W L ,...,., ... .......,.._Clty~41111" .... """ .... OMsit 2Jll Ntw,•rt .. •l•Y•r4' ...... -~. ,.o ...... , .. ,,1'6J -- A decade or service ln multiple capacities has won the Boys Club Medallion (or Harbor Area Realtor and civic leadtr Roy McCardle. A Conner president of the Boys Oub of the Harbor Area, McCardle w a s presented the medal during recent ceremonies attended by Raymond E. Bogden, club regional director. McCardle was cited for a rt(:Ord of service dating back lo 1961 and including his per!OD81 tlme and professional ei:- pertie in realty and business manage... menL He handled realty transactions on land, savtng the club $4,000, serving as secretary from 1962 to 19153 and on the penonnel committee in 1963 and 1964, becoming president the next year. During bis term in office, plans were drawn and construction began on the Up- per Bay Branch at 2131 Tustin Ave., in. eluding a gym used jointly by Kaiser Jntermediale School Girl, 7, Killed By Car in Tustin ... A 7·year-old Tustin g~I was killed Tuesday alternoon when the bicycle she wu riding was struck by a car at Walnut Street and Browning Avenue in Tustin, the coroner 's office said. Dead at the scene was Janel La Rosa, daughttr of Mr. and Mrs. John La Rosa of 1702 Summerville Ave. TwUn police Jdentlfled the driver of the car as Mr1. Helen D. Marinis, 60, of ;ustln. She was not cited pending an in- veati.galion. Ten days ago, Kissinger told reporters Jn San Clemente, that there were Jn.. dicaUons Hanoi was ready to resume negotiations with a new and responsive attitude. Newport Builder Found Guilty Of Sex Charges • Newport Beach builder Henry Ware Sprague wu found guilty Monday of pimping and conspiracy to commlt pnl6- titutioo charges stemming from his operation oI the Irvine-based E:recuUve Escort Service . Orange County Superior Court Judge KeMeth Williams closed the two-week no~jury trial by ordering Sprague, 51, of 64 Beacon Bay, lo return to his courtroom Sept. 15 for sentencing. Sprague facea a state prison term ol one to 10 years on each oI the two con- victions. Deputy Public Defender Ron Butler's motion for a new trial will be beard on tbe same date. Seven prosecution witnesses called by Deputy District Attorney Leusebrinck testilled that Sprague directed the opera- tions of a "sex for sale" service with headquarters .at 2192 Dupont st., lrvine. Sprague and eight of the women linked to his dating bureau were arrerted Feb. 27, 1971. Two of the women were' fined and charges agaimt. eight otber.1 were dismissed. Butler said an investigation by his of- fice supported. Sprague'• declaration that bis financial situation merited the ap- pointment ol a public defender. Irvine Annex Area Cut In Council Pre-zone Move Irvine City Countll.men Tuesday night pre.zoned the Jndustr:lal portions of the proposed ~Frasier aMexation" and told City Manager \Vllliam Woollett Jr. to redraw the boundaries red1t1clng the clty's first ennexallon from 9,600 to B,700 acres. The separate council ectlon! renect cmcems of Irvine's neighbors over the expansion south and east of the present 18,200oacre city. The prezonlng satisfies concerns of former San Joaqu in Elementary School District Board President Gratian Bidart. When lhe annexation was filed, Bldart said he was concerned the 1.t00-acre in. dustrial park pl&Med by the Irvine COm- P!Y!Y near._EJ Toro Morine COrpo Air St .. tion might be .r.oned for eome other wie, after annexation. By pre-zrining the parcel, the city usures the new Saddlebeck Valley llnUied School Dl&trlct the tax-rich industrial parcel wlll remain. The voter-.approved boundaries for the new unified districts serving Irvine and Saddleback Valley communltles opllt up lhe fliture lndustrl1l park, thus dMdlng !he tu "'alth betw .. n the two districts. II. the 1-1 Ag-ency Formation Com- mlalbn (LAFC) neat Wednesday •!>' proves the Irvine ennexallon lhe city also, lOClllld belldlt 11-om 1u "'venuei from tllo fndlulrtal )>Irk. 'Ibo councll .. ppro....i reducllons lo tM -....UO. cut ltlO acrt1 from the """tl>wtttn corner near the S)'talll(lrO Hills area of Laguna Beach and rearfirm "n earlier cut of 100 acres near El Toro MCAS. Laguna Beach interests have expressed concern over the protection of the coast city's watershed 'area of about 1,000 acres, the threat that Irvine might annex Laguna Canyon flatlands suJtable for school sites and mi&ht eventually allow development tvhich would threaten the Laguna Greenbelt plan. Woollett said Tuesday the anne:r boun- dary cbenge hopefully will satisfy the Laguna Beach Cily Councll which Is lO consider the change tonight. The El Toro MCAS ares rocluction allows the &iunty to proceed with road constructJon plans al no cost to the city. Two minor adjustments made In the Irvine sp/lore or Influence map by co111> d lmen Tuesday reflect concerns of Newport Beach and Oran&e over areas they hope to r080Mle !or espanslon. One pe,..1, alml IO acres toUth ol UC Irvine In the Sen Joaquin Hiila, was trim· med from Irvine'• IJ)here line• Newport aomeday ho~ to use a hlll·top !or a gravity now water 1tor1ge laclll\y, Wooilett ~aid. The «her sphere reduc\loo la at the nortbemmost Up ol the city when !O aom hu beeo lopped from Jrvlne'• map In "'4ereaco to Ille city of ~ 1llllch Jll*"' eJ)IOllSlon fncludlng !bat poroeJ "' !be lnlne Rm:ll. I At that business meeting, com. missioners will take up 14 items ranging from a subdivisioo application for tbe soutbeaat comer of the Balboa Island en- trance to modification of their notifica· lion procedures for commission bearings. Several items involving Irvine Com· pany developments in the North Ford in- dustrial area and the Planned Com- munity District for Harbor View Hills have been continued. Both proposed ordinances are being brought to planning commissionen for their sUggestions;according to a planning department spokesman. The sign ordiilance, which has been re-- quested by the city coun~il, ls in its first draft stage, says Bill Foley of the plan. nlng department. "\Ve want to hear from the planning commission as to what they'd like to see in it," he explained. "We're bringing it up to poll them for their comments." The truth in real estate ordinance was proposed in June by l\1ayor Donald Mcin- nis. He proposed an ordinance which would force sellers to provide buyers with the zoning. regulations and variances that apply to the property in que!lion. Mclnnls said this would be a means of curbing some local land deals in which the buyer thinks he is getting a piece of high density property when. in fact, the seller has used his land as high density in violation of zoning regulations. GEM TALK TODAY by J. C. HUMPHRIH DIAMONDS STAR IN MOVIES F1>t centuries diamonds have been surrounded by romance and intrigue. Although some of the stor- ies told about famous diamonds are pure mythology, most are histori .. cally verified truth frequenUy sur- passing the most lurid fiction. And since ltistory began, gems have retained the interest of most people. this interest being express· ed through different media In suc- ceeding generatioM and in dlfferent civilizations. Recent films released from most major studios are featuring dia· monds as the center of attraction for both crooks and heroes. Al- though these .movies are straight ticUon , they are fascinating audl· ences of all a&••· Among such diamond oriented tilm.s are "Hot Rock" 11Tbe Cool Breeze"' 11Dlamonds Are Forever" t 1'Probe1' and "Horrowhowe.11 Another production by Warner Brothers, under the direction of Sidney also centered a?<lund the lure of dJamonds. Although we have alwaya dealt with diamond facts, we enjoy theta imaginative movies and TV shows. You might find them equally m. tereallna. .· HE'LL STAY NEUTRAL AFL·CIO Chio! Meony From Pagel LABOR •.. had the council's en dor 1ement ,'1 McGovern said. The three union chiefs who wanted to endorse McGovern and voted against the neutral policy \\'ere Jerry Wurl of the American Federation of State, County and Mtmlcipal Workers; Al Grospiron ol the OU, Atomic and Chemical Workers and Paul Jennings of the Intematinal Union 'of Electrical Workers. But Meany ove?TOde the opposition and Ignored a per&a1a! plea from McGovern for labor support. · " "I believe that if I become president, you will be proud of my administration. Both my campaign and my ad. ministration, however, need your advicr, eq>erience and strength," McGovern wrote to all the memben ol the AFL-CIO council plus a number of other union chiefs. "I will not endorse, I will not support and I will not vote for Richard Nixon for President of the United States," Meany said in answer to a question at a news conference. '"I will not endorse. I will not support and I will not vote for George McGovern for President of the United States,'' Meany said. The action of the labor council was more a reflecllon of support for Meany than opposition to McGovern among many of the labor leaders, sources said. F rom Pagel SCAG •.. Significant :is the Inclusion of Pendle- ton for a major airport which Pereira said today has not yet been given the blessing or military authorities. He emphasized that Orange County Airport should continue to exist a n d should become more compatible with the certain reductions in jet noise and iffi .. proved operating procedures. Union Merger Probed VANCOUVER. Wash. (APi -The possibility of a merger of the Teamsters and Longs.horemen's unions surfaced again when it was learned that their leaders were meeting here secretly. A Seattle longshore source, who asked not to be identified, said the meeting Tues- day was the first of several "exploratory talks" on a possible merger. CofC Set,s Initiative I ' • ' ' • ~ • • C • I ampaign t • The Newport Harbor Cham'* ol Co~· merce will begin planning an opposit~n program to the Coastline Initiative wh1'1t will appear on the November ballot. ~ Members of lbe u.ecutive commit'1t were· directed to prepare an opposltl~ resoluUon as pa.rt of the campaign duriig a meeting of tbe chamber's board ~r directors f.!onday afternoon, : Ricbani Stevens, ezecutlve vice pr~· denl of lbe Balboe Bay Club, wm\ed l§e passage of the initiative would freeie ~ developml!:nt along Cali(ornia'a coutl* and "would iead to complete chaoe." J ' He was backed by City Maftagcr Robert Wynn who likened the inlttatlve to "destroying the whole house because ~ roof leaks." ·: The coastal initiative on the Novemblr ballot is patterned after tough coastli~ management legislation authored ~ Assemblyman Alan Sieroty (0-BeverfY. llllls). • Sieroty's bill, which died In the stal;. Legislature, woWd have created a stale agency and six regional commissioll.'!I Jo cversee all building within l,000 feet 4l the state's coast. ( Milder legislation, sponsored by sta~ Sen. Dennis Carpenter (R-Newp<>tt. Beach), is still alive in Sacramento. f It would allow local government to1 tain author1ty to 1ipprove developm , but give a·single state boant the rtgbt review and reject building plans. The initiative also· would force a halt all construction pendlng creation of 1t new state maater plan, whlch would talte ebout three years lo prepare. .; Carpenter's bill would only prohibit~ Infringement on public access or use ff shoreline pending adoption of a new plab that would be dratted by each locali~ and forwarded to lbe state for review. : • • ~ Supervisors Nix } • • Bacteria Lah; ~ • Alternative OK'~ • A proposal for a $200,00J Orange Coui- ty Health Department bacteriolo* laboratory for chemical analysis 41 Newport Bay waters was rejected Tue\- day by county Supervisors. : Board members instead accepted ja recommendation by Robert Thomaa, county administrative officer, that bl¢'1 be sought from commercial and pu~ agency laboratories. : 'Ibomas also recommended that ti, county Health Department use the sta~ Health Laboratory as a quality contrlJI agent and that federal funds be soua¥ for future establbbment of a: county~mt ed lab. · l Dr. John Philp. county health officer, argued for the county lab, but bowed t9 the board's detennlnallon thel feder'1 funds could nol be acqu~ed il the Id laboratory was first activated. . .i Thomas said the stale Health Depart. ment, Cal State Fullerton and the county Sanitation Districts had been quest.io~ ,regarding the proposal end that ·•greed tbet costs would be much le"" I private laboratories are used for the present. OMEGAO the perfect gift for people who spend time together, ~c1n1.-.:,..noworwtttt. aold-fllltd C11• tnd n11tdi1n1 Mlf·1Lil111 br.alfl •••••• s1ss. lldl• O)'n•mle with 141C io, •tllnlts• 1tffl bttk. 5•11-wll'ld-- ltla. w1t.r-m111ant ~uh du ... tclUnt dl1J 1nd tCllp,.,.,$165.. JC. fiump~l'ie6 J ewefer6 1823 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA COIMHIENr TIRMS " YEAls IN SAMI LOCATION IANICJ.MlllC41lD-MASTU CHAI~( •HONE 1<1.1411 ' ·: •'. , • ' DAD.Y PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE Arousing When is It right and when is It \!'l"Ong for public officials to meet tn private with big developers to dis- cuss land ""e zoning, high rise structures and the like? It is a dlf!l<;ult line to draw at Umes. And the bounds of propriety may be being overstepped in some developments proposed across MacArthur Boulevard from Orange County Airport. One piece of property, owned by McDonnell Douglas, is in the city of Irvine. The other, owned by Collins Radio, is in the city of New· port Beach. Irvine Mayor William Fischbach and Councilman Henry Quigley acknowledge having met with Douglas officials nearly two months ago to discuss what kind of • <levelopment Irvine would like to see built on the 50- acre, former industrial parcel across MacArthur Boule· vard from Orange County Airport. Irvine Planning Commission Chairman Wayne Clark also acknowledges sitting in on a morning coffee tneeting with the mayor and Donald Douglas Jr. and Donald E. Thomas, president and secretary of the newly !armed Douglas Development Company. Later, Clark sat at lunch with Douglas and Thomas, more than two weeks after the firm filed for city approval of a use permit to legalize several nonconforming businesses. On Newpo_rt's part, Councilman Howard Rogers had dinner with at least one Collins Radio representative just before his city council was scheduled to vote on the future of that parcel of land. And it is easy to surmise that councilmen and planning commissioners from both cities have met with officials of the Irvine Company on many instances re- garding potential usage of property on the Irvine Ranch. Suspicions It Is understandable that the land owners and potenUal developers would want to have a feel of a city's policy direction before investing thou sands of dollars in planning and progr•mmlng. Still, \\'e must wonder if it would not be better if these querie s were carried out more in public than in private. Citizens' views certainly have a higher priority than do those of the developers themselves. In both of these instances-Ne\vport land and Irvine land-a great deal is at stake. In Newport's case, the burning question of building pressure for higher use of Orange County Airport is at stake. In Irvine's case, a wide range of viev.•s already has been expressed on tbe Douglas parcel develop- n1ent-ranging from Councilman John Burton's belief that the land should be retained for industrial use to Council.man Henry Quigley's contention that it should be zoned for a high-rise "Skypcrt City." Irvine would have done well to seek some support from its own citizen advisory committees working on the city's policy plan to secure some vie\11points. And with increasing air traffic such a crucial issue in New· port, there is little reason to keep 'Collins' proposals under wraps. In these instances so far, there is little reason to doubt that the city officials acted honorably. The ques· lion is why such discussions should be private when the public's rights are the real issues at stake. We do not doubt the sincerity nor the honesty of those involved; we do strongly question the wisdom of clandestine sessions at which such crucial matters are discussed-and perhaps even to some degree decided. N Distinct Difference Between Candidates It's Hard to Get a Shine A Real Choice This Year W "8HINGTON ~ 'Ille new catechism of the McGovern Dem,pcratlc party is an endless intonement of the creed: youth, women, blacks and Chicanos. The litany rao t)>rouab four days of the national convention with a flnaJ benediction by presidential nominee Gwrge S • McGovern. nus new polltlcal creed ia, of count, supplemenled by a more general appeaJ. to C61tral element! of the voting public desiring change, but as a Political e.zer· cise it promises to be aomethlng new. Youth, women, blacka and Chicanos do not in themselves mate a political par· ty. The McGovern appeal extends to everyone every- where the Wallaceites, the hard·pressed h o m e o w n e r, the op- pressed taxpayer -or anyone else who thinks that something bas gone wrong with the system. THE HARD CORE of McGovern's sup- Port and the reason be recognizes as the cause of hL9 nomination ia bis all~ut, un· condltlooal, end-it-oow oppositioo to the Vietnam War. This is a cause uniting an the different elements making up McGovern's support. An Int.resting test is thus in the mak· ing on bow to win a presidenUal electJon. The McGovern managers think they are in possession of a new formula Out-dating older Ideas about direct appeals to tradi- tional voting blocs -labor, the tanners, Jews, Clt.bollcs, and so on, wblch have beer. acctpt«I u gospel in the old DemocraUc party. THE NEW REVELATION concei""' of a vast mass of fed-up voters more •.'OR· cemed with a general sen se that the country has gotten of( the tracks than traditional ideas about where lhe1r political allegiances tie. Youth, women, blacks and Chicanos happen to be a large element i!l the ocean of discontent, and thus can be tbe object of intensive campaign effort s. Beyond that, the h1cGovern managers tend to leave the old Democratic methods in the hands of President Nixon with his ability .as the maker of policy and dispenser of benefits, to appeal directly to the established voting blocs. McGovern's managers are contemptuous of the Nixon take--0ver of traditional Democratic methods. They think he <k>es not understand the new political force loose in America. TllEY MAY BE deluding themselves by thinking that the methods used in \Vin- ning the nomination are valid in the elec- tion. 1be McGovemites knew the new rules and exploited them in the pre-con- ventlon peMod, winning in some places, like New York, by default, and in ·Jlhe r plai;es without a majority of even a frac- tion of the total Democratic vote. It is debatable whether or not the kind of national convention the McGovern campaign for delegates creited is representative of the Democratic party as a whole. But the McGovern managers are assuming that it is and are putting together their new coalition based on the same principle!: or organization which proved so effective in getting lhe nomination. THIS CONSISTS largely of intensive organization of voters who do not feel an over-powering alignment with either of the two major )Xllitical parties, or are actively distrusUul of both. The Nixon campaigners, on the other hand, are setting up a traditional org81lization to marshal all Republican support and reap the fall~t .from a McGovern campaign which has alienated the traditional elements. There 1s room for this kind of effort even among rhe: blacks, certainly in the ranks of l.abor. surely among women who do Mt like the new militancy and among Catholics and Jev.'S who are greatly disturbed by ?.1cGovem. THE ft1cGOVERN managers have come to realize that the~ may be so1ne serious gaps in their new concep!K>ns. Thus McGovern picks a Catholic for "Vice President, wavers on Vietnam, rev!ses his welfare plan, pledges to maintain the nation's military security and ?e&ss-Jre~ the Jews on Israel. When it all shakes down, the new ideas and the · old ideas about political organization may prove to he similar. Nixon's appeal is to middle America and the moderate man. So is McGovern s. Both sides are preoccupied by grass- rool.s organization. That is what tt:e ·1rork of the committee to reelect President Nixon is all about. It is also what McGovern's volun teer organization is rll about. IN THE END, McGovern will make an intensive appeal to the labor vote, which Nixon will try to subver1. But on one JXli.1t there is no doubt. Tbls year there is a di.JUnct, definable, and generally understood difference t :::tween the two contenders for President. It Ls a real choice which will probably cut across party lines. Balboa Author's New Novel A perplexing story of mat.rial wealth and success combined with a e:lossy ii· luslo11 of love masking a lack of personal fulfillment unfolds ln a new novel by a Balboa writer. "Tomorrow-Tomorrow," la the fourth work by attomey-tumed·author Philip Louis Gabriel, much of it set in .the Harbor Area. Protagonist Adam Penn is t h e stereotype playboy and Gabriella Dulce -as hi.s love mlssed, then won, then lost forever -is a J930s genr Ing singer. Or singing swinger. 'ONE SUSPECTS t either Adam and Gabriella are co pletely paradoxical humans or that tbor Gabriel's view of (lillllll Robert N. Wtecl, Mlirhcr nom.s K«vi!, Edltqr libm W. B.Us Edilmoi Page Edit.or 'nle editorial P"l<" cf tho Dolly Piiot stt:lcl to Inform and 1Umu~ late ""den by prcse.ntfnr thil newst*Pt"''• opnlorc and ~ mtnlar}' on topSca of lnln'ftt llnd 11lgnl6cancr, by providinr • forum few-the exprepmn or ·oor readen' oplnlons. and by prt1tnthur the dtvene vltwpOlnU of lnfonnrd ob- fff'Vft1: and spokesmen oa tQip&cs of the ""'· Wednesday, July 19, 1972 (THE BOOKMAN J human beings Is paradoxical. Read and decide for yourself. Gabriella be g I n s as a beautifu\. virginal girl who marries a family-ap- proved fiance . She pities the handsome youth, who is dying, unaware of his heart condition. She alao pines for a Peon-pal namely Adam. Heartbroken whtn Gabriellft marries a rival, Adam buries his rejected masculinity in an endless succession o( willing wencbe!, man's solace since the dawn of lime. . AND ALL !US buddies keep telling this suave, ca~bte commandeering executive how miserable he ii. Most men would envy him. Suddenly and almost foo.<OnvcnionUy. however, Gabriella turns up Crom New York at-a BaJboa an show, Wearing fresb widow's weed.I and no panties. ' Suddenly Adam's fantasy of Idealistic love II within his grasp, no ~Intended. The tender-hearted ty""'!JI t b • n responds to Gabriella's confesilon of ber own true love during a walk on the beach. He doean't aeduco her, or at leAst thll isn~ tile word Usted in Section :au ol the Calllornla Ptnal Code. RE BESTOWS ALL the tendemeu of a deleg1lion of Hell's Angels upon the ob- ject ol bis alfectlons on the Newport Beach atrand In a cbapt<r, includlna 1 detailed dffc:rlptlon of the ripping and rending of Gabriella's ~very garmeot and her every psp. I This sandy sensuality would have generated enough heat to burn down the old Rendezvous Ballroom 30 years before it did, but only kindles Gabriella's al· Jeged latent nymphomania . Rejected eventually by A d a m 1 Gabriella dee.Ides she is all washed up in life, jumps off the jetty and gel.s washed up in death too -almost to Adam's doorstep, in fact. AUTllOR GABRIEL hasn't produoed a bad book, but a saleable one whose flow of clear and at-times classy prose suffers from some nagglng lnoonsistency almost Impossible to deline. One can imagine saying : Yea, 1 read the book, but I liked the movte better. "Tomorrow-Tomorrow,'' by P h I I I p Louis Gabriel, Whitmore Publishing Company, (273 pp.) $5.95. Dear Gloomy Go A.R.V Are there any forecasts of the date when aU traffic in Newport Beach will come in 1 halt wtlh all streets eloaged with cars like logs Jn an tln(on logjam? -D.B. ""'' ... ,.,,.... rttlt'dt rtlldttl' 'f\twt. .... ~u., M1oM ., "" _,., .. ,, ~ W'M' ~ __.. ti G'-11' GIN. 01t1V '°''°'· I Nowadays ~YDNEY J. HARRI~ Outside of a few large cities, lt'a almost impossibJe to get your shoes shin- ed anywhere; what's surprising is that our innovative technology has not yet come up with a shoe-shining machine that does more than a mediocre job. • • • Next to engineers, doctors as a class seem to know Jess about the world out.side their field than any other group of preswnably educated people. • • • The l\\'O most dangel'OU! people in the world are tile mc.n who knows exactly what he want.s, and the woman who doesn't know. • • • Although the Sherlock Holme!: stories are venerated by the connoisseurs of de- tective fiction, my own prefermce b for th• Father Brown stories by Chester- ton, which are not only ingenious puz.. zles, brilliantly writ· ten, but alao provide rare Wights Into hu- man motivaUon lacking in the Holmes stories. • • • The nlctsl bookplate t ever saw belonged to a man Who inscribed every boolt in his library with the simple phrase: '"Ibis book belongs to ..... and his friends." • • • Too In lecturers and professors have absorbed the wry observation of the late Billy Pbelpa of Yale, tllat "No man. no matter bow self..crilical , can stand up before a cl11s and refrain from saying more than he lcnows." • • • One of the most frustrating and em- barrauing feelings in the world is that of being a reasonably strong man and yet not being able to tear open a fragile-look- ing Little cellophane bag. • • • The best relationships between men and women usually begin with a little aversion ; romance without conflict as a seasoning goes Oat before it can flower. (This Js why Shakespeare's Jove affairs, with few exceptions, Open in acrimony and eod in ardor.) • • • Playing the game ol which period beside our own we would most prefer to have lived in, my choices we.re : first, Jerusalem d\D"lng the minlstry of Jesus; secood, France In the 13th century; and third. England In the Elizabethan period . • • • A line play marred by bad acting is never so repellant to me as a rotten play oosmellclzed by superb actlni. • • • The election campaigning months ahead might be a iood time for recalling John Gallwortlly'a sage advice to CID· didatts: "There Is just one rule for polltJclant alt over the world -Don't say, Ip power what you say in ~slUon, or y&i•u have to carry out the (mposslble." Quotes Dr. Genld Walker Smith, Belmo11t famDy tlltt1plst -"ConOlct ta built lnlo an)' relallonshlp that matters ; tt Ls....,.. tlal to inttinaey. So it becomes a qu !Ion or how crU.Uvtly the conflict la handled." "I • A Good Word f ori Irvine Company To the Editor : During the course of niy daily life in the hotel business I ant contacted by many people , socially and otherwise. and It surprises me how man y times people have made the "big bad v.•olf" out of the Irvine Company. This shocks me, and l think it is about time someone raised a hand and a voice in favor of this com- pany. I have no axe to grind other than to state what I believe to be the truth. As a maUer of fact, we pay big rents to Irvine and often I have come up against a situa- tion which r felt was perhaps not quite fair, But upon a reevaluation of the situa· lion, I have found that they haveo more ofteo been right than wrong alihough there were times when 1 found it e little annoying to have to do certain things for them. HOWEVER, IN the overall picture and on reexamination I have found Irvine closer to being justified in their thinking than otherwise. And I think that il mO!t people would reevaluate what they have done here in this area and for this com· munity, they would say to themselves, "Yes, I have been wrong in condemning this company as be1n.g self-lntereaUd, a company which hu gobbled up hall the landscape and which owns as far as the eye can see -the great land barons.'' I do lldt see Irvine this way. Without them, we would not have had this delightful community developed with planning and order and control. I AM ONLY raising my voice for no other reason than I get tired of people condemning Irvine when I know if It were not for them , this would be another t.remendoos area of. a thousand different unattractive developments -unat- tractive little streets with unattractive Jittle houses all lookinit alike from one street to another. filled with cheap shops, billboards and telephone poles. We could have become a product of this kind of environment for we are all a product of our surroundings. Fortunately, we escaped. If they did not own all this territory and acreage and control it, this could have happened to this community. I say a "Salute to Irvine" for once and not a slap in the face as it la 90 eaay for people to give ! DOUGLAS A. ROSS General Manager Nowporte< IM Throughway I• Needed To the Edlioro I have watched with growing ap- prehension the local an"lr not so loqal move to ban Lbe freeways along the Pacific Coast Highway, particulallly Newport Beach and C.0.ta Mesa. Some of lhese "freeway fighters" are moilvated by more or leS! selfish business int~ -others by n·atural desire not to have tJieir homes overlook- ing the bay destroyed. l would have you turn your thoughts in another direction -safety or yourselves and your loved ones. THIS WRITER arrived In Lot Angeles In 1923 after one year at the Univtr= I y of Iowa. His family had purch;ued a sizeable apartm<nt building ln'tho Lot AnReles Vernon, Vmnont azea. Tho !lrat night at home he was bounced fnJm his bed by a violent earthquake. I lived In Vrnlct at the time of the Japanfse tarth- quake which wncked Tokyo. I stood on the beech at Venice and watched In a"' 11 bur .'°"'bm, 110111e over 20 r..i high, am.,.. at the Santa Monica betlchol. ~d those monsters start.i In J1pan. MAILBOX A l~ti• liter came ooe that wrecked Santa Barbara.Jn !NI came the shocker of the Inalewood • San Andreu Implosion which UtenU, destroyed Huntington Park, Inglewood, Bell, South Gato and Lona Beach. Hundred• were killed, thousanda Injured and property damages v.-·ere in uncounted millions. "wirAT,'' YOU ASK, 1'does this have to do •With a freeway." Pleoty. Jn 1930, California's pcpulation waa about four million. In 1940 Orange Coun· l)''s populalion v.'as just over one hundred thousand. Today it is almost two milllon. "So what ?" you say. Slniple, everyone living in t be lowen harbor area is In a literal trap. In the event of a tidal wave , \var or other disaster, few if any would SW'Vive. l ~" it happen tn the quake of '33, and liter •t the lime of Pearl Harbor -al1eer I>Mi!:f People were not allowed in or OUC of critical areas. Military convoys had prioritiet on the highways. John Doe citizen and his family didn 'L count. Stay where you are or get shot. LOOK AT CRESCENT CITY. Yes. quite a way from here. Yet it wt1s smashed by a tidal wave triggered by a quake In Alaska. Whal if the Inglewood fault Jet go again. Who of us wiU survive? PerbaJ» a dozen years ago I started 10 drive up to Long Beach . I immedlateJy notJctd a huge tide bad Inundated all of the swamp area north o( the highway . ll turned out that this was a spent tidal wave which originated through an earth- quake aome 3,000 miles away in South America! I consider myself a fairly practirat person. I don't enjoy the thought of freeways here any more than anyone eJse. But even boatt are equipped with "escepe batches'' in their fore-tect.ion.s. TllAT'S WHAT TIDS letter Is 1n about. I had an Idea and put it lnto a drawt111. I ohowed my plan to Mr. Bal~ Inger, eenlor engineer ol the cowuy department or Harbora and Parks. He told me it Is much helter than the state plan. Here it Is In aimple language: At Jomboree Road, or sllghlly back ol it, an elevated throughway would start, taldog advantage of the slope ol the hilt to and over tbe upper bay bridae,' crossing Cl\let ana con1inulng over and itiOve the present highway which would be vlrtuallJ untouobed for locaHrafflc. It would not, repeat would no~ wipe out the homes on the bluffs or the coolilu<><ii buslneaa """ tJvitlcs. The pr<!l<llt highway bri~ """1d be replaced by 1 I.lit bridle to ~t. euy boat passage. The overhead portion should be cmled 1t leaat lo aome point wat ol the Santa Ana River. In the aum up or my tallls wtlh Mr. Ballinger, it amounll to lbia: Wo mw have _,. protection lrvm lldaJ •* by the of(-cbore lslaodl; but u they .- Irmn Olhor dl....u.u, ltld they-, fiwn Meilco Cl' r...n the North, a lot el peoplo .... IOinl to perllh -needlelll1. ' ' M. A. S'l'UlllllCS • • ' Elbkrg ClaiM ; Secrets Hidden : From President? • • 1 ~ From Win 5ervlcft University iraduate tcl1ool for the !""' ANGELES -Al a lpedally Marine corpa In 1954. <Jtared researcher In Wublngton, Daniel Elllberg said that In 1llMI) working Efsberg •)Is, he found the Pentagon " 1 biopo oU<lear war aetrm from the for Rand, he be<aJne perbapo the only PJleildeot, aod he ,.., ahocted at !be • person" to have studied plan6 lot actions cMuaI manner in which Henry ,Kis.. in the Pacific in the cue of a general liiger'• off1ce babdle1 aecret documents. nuclear war. · Prlvat4! Person'! BliJberg made !be llatemeot.s In a 1:. In IN! he drafted a "Basic National peie allldavlt submitted 'Ille.day In the Security Plan," deteribed u the ba•ic Pmtaroo Papen tr1al. The affidavit was U.S. 11lllitary policy for actions to be eoonected with elloru by attorneys for taken In a worldwide OU<ltar war. Ell!berg aod codeleodant Anthony J. Until tbeo, he 31ld, IUCb a plan had Ul"IT ....... School ,Tax Bill Going To 1st Test - SACRAMENTO (AP) -The com- promlae $1.% bWloo school finance and tu relonn bW headed for tis lint leglslative tut today with opinions polari.z.ing bolh for and against it. The compromise bill was agreed upon by two major capitol opponent•. Republican Gov. Ronald Reagan and Democratic A.uembly Speaker Bob Moretll. Testimony at the bill's first hearing, before the Senate Revenue and Rock Group To Go Free LOS ANGELES (AP) -Six llllllDben .d. Sly .and Ibo Family stooe, root '""'1' have been releas- ed alter a dl5lrlct attorney ruled there was 1nsufficlent evidence to prosecute them on charges of possessing m a r 1 j u a n a and dangerous d):up • Sberllf'1 olftcen arrested the 1lngen early 'l\lesday alter stop- ping and aearcbing their motor borne on Santa Monica Boulevard. . Among thoae taken Into custody was the group's Jeader, SJlvester Stewart, 26, of San Francisco, who b known as Sly. • DAILY PILOT 5 Stronger Obscenity Law Okayed SACRAMENTO (AP) -The Callfomla Senate has voted to remove the "redeem· ing social importance." clause from the obscenity law In order to make it easier to prosecute smut peddlers. The measure won 25-10 approval Tues- day despite a warning that it could en- danger the sale of !be ~ books by Henry Miller aod others. Death Penidt11 OK'! Taxation Committee late Wednesday, N • M h should reveal whet< many of Reagan's llrSIDg . Ot CfS and Moretti'• supporters stand. . SACRAMENTO (AP) -1be man· iw-to bar !rom the Jwy penons who never been 111bmltted to !be President or .....---lii:ve aecurl.tj cleafancet. --secret»y or-cserae~ "Indeed Its et- Percy Fellwock , 26, the au· thor Who wrote, under lhe pseudonym Winslow Peck in Ramparts Magazine, that secret Soviet codes have been bioken by U.S. intelligence, said be made the statemertt because the milltar_y is a *'dangerous threat to me (and ) my.family." He said he will retire to pri· vate life now. The....bilLwould...r•lse the state's share ~ -ii ~n datory death ~ for a life-term con- of 11ehool support from a~ut 36 percent -il.CSDOllu ,,f.O"-'i:llip..,..J.J.---'v'C'ic"'t "m"'urd'7'enn-;.. g a prison guard would be ... -Elllberg and Russo, ldrmtr·analy•ll at i!tenoe-and oatun bad been concealed the Rand Corp. think tank, are on tr1aJ on from these civilian authorities," Ellsberg charges of theft, eonsplracy and es-aaid. plooage lor their admitted role In making Later, he aald, he wu autboriied public the Pentagon Papen. unlimited a«ese to the super secut Ellaberg said In the affidavit that he "eyes only" vault in the State Depart· had been involved with classified ment and to a Hl'iet of crbi.s studies in 1yatem 1lnce he left the Harvard material and the security clearance Queen Mary Objects To Be Auctioned Off the Penagoo based on the files of the Joint Cbie!J of Stall war room. He said these were kept secret even from the aecretary of defense. Elbberg aald that alter a decade of IUCb uperlencea dealing with cJ ... ified LONG BEACH (AP). -Need la old mat"1al, be waa shotted when he .,., oaken pulpit med for Jewish rtllglous assigned aa a COll3ultant ol K!S3inger. wvtca oo tramratlantJc voyages? Or a President Nixon'1 chief foreign poUcy ad- llOale Ihle _... In ...,., (one llme Viser, to find the treatment given >ecret equall If pounda)T documenta In hlJ office. ~Items 11'~000 ~ _ a.nee. are nmnlog out !or the P· form« Brll!Jb pasaenger liner Queen i!tl!!n!Dl·and·defeme to dlsmiao potential Mft)I that have been declared lllfPlus Junn In the <ue wi1houl riving a reuoo. aad i;:!~ I« auction by the city of With the escusal of 13 j)Olential jurors Liolg , which purcbued the liner In Tuesday on peremptory challenges, the Hotel Considered ' For Long Beach LONG BEACH (AP) -Official• here are considering a proposal to build a $10 million replica of the Imperial Hotel, the Frank Lloyd Wright creation which survived the disastrous 1923 earthquake that destroyed most or Tokyo. Under the pro__posal,.Jhe 3(X)-room hotel would be constructed on a 20-acre site next to the Queensway Bridge on the waterfront within view of the Queen Mary, officials said Tuesday. to between-4l-percent.aruU3..perceot,oMY. -I . --reinstated tn-ealifomia-H voters approve the , backers. Tltls would rileao $5lS LONG BEACH (UPI) -Nursing an amendment to the state Constitution million more stole money to local schools, . . part of a $740 million package to relieve mothe~s responded m pverwhelming · property owners of their local schOol tax4 -numbers to a plea for help on behalf of ·( es. . an Infant who needs human milk to The tax relief would benefit m~tly survive. NEWS BRIEFS . J homeowners in districts with the highest The telephDnes "never s t o p p e d school tax rates. ringing" after word got out, said a The bill would concentrate the new spokesman for the La Leche League, support in poorer districts. This would in· which coordinated the effort. · elude $25 million for a plan by Wilson More than 100 nursing women have Riles, state superintendent of public iJl.. been signed up, said a spokesman for struction, to lower the school age to 4 Lorraine Miller Children's Hospital, and years. It would also mean a new $3 no more volunteers are needed. million program to help districts with Three-month--Old John Joseph Shults, large numbers of what educators call son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shults of . "disadvantaged" children. Huntington Beach, was hospitalized two A.uemblyman Rober! H. Burke (R· weeks a~ wei""'•g m!y 612 --'· .• i'ust Huntington Beach), has criticized the bill ounces ;.~re tC;;;'he weighed7hiitb. because, be. said, ll..,pul5 Jlilos' "con-Docton diagnosed .hlJ problem as a troversial and erperimenlal E a r I Y digestive ailment and be was placed in Childhood Education Plan" into "this the intensive care unit. The baby would year's tu reform package." live only if be could get enough human in November, ~ys Atty. Gen. Evelle J. Younger. nie state's chief law enforcement of- ficer said Tuesday he has studied the re- cent U.S. supreme Court ruling on capital punishment and concludes it bans the death penalty only where a jury is given discretion on executions. Bridge BUI Pcuaea 1117 for '3.4 million. The ship bas been government wu left only one more such • lll1led Into a tourlsl attraction. challenge before a jury 15 selected. A representative of the New Imperial Hotel has discussed the project with American investors, but a spokesman for the port of Long Beach said conflnnation might not come for several months. Burke, in a statement, called the com· milk, physicians said, and they called for bining of both provisions "nonsense" and help from the La Leche League, an «""' said it is "definitely not in response to ganir.atioo which promotes breast feeding. SACRAMENTO (AP) -A measur.. to name a San Diego area bridge after state Sen. Jack Scbrade ([).San Diego) has zipped through the Senate with a col· lection of bills labeled a a non- controversial. 'lbe measures, called the "consent calendar," wm 33.-vote-approYal Tuesday. Schrade will be gunning for a third term this ~ovember. ' ,. auction will begin Friday at 9 a.m. The defendants have two more joint and mntlnue Saturday and SUnday and challenges, and RuS30 has one alone. At- "'P""lng .weekends until all the Items torneys have e>llmated a jwy may be 8" oold. oeated by the end of thlJ week. 1Skyjacking Defense Insanity ·' LOS ANGELES (AP) -U.S. District Court Judge Defense !awym lcr Ricardo Charles H. C8rr ruled 'Ille.day ~Oaavez.Ortlz, accused of com-that Cllavez.Ortiz wu men- 'inandeerlng_an airp!Jlne Imm tally competent to stand trial ;New Mmco to Los Angeles, alter putting him on the slaod ;'UY Ibey will argue that he brlelly. wu temporarily lmlne dUrlng Cbavei-Ortii, 36, a Mexican 'the bljactlng. . national, told the judge be suf. fered a "nervOU! breakdown" in 1967 due to overwork and a death In his family. "I think I'm In good shape now,". Chavez-Ortiz said, answering Judge Carr's ques-- tions In hailing Engll5b as a translator stood by. ·"' OUR GREATEST VALUES EVER IN CHILDREN'S SHOES CIIlIDREN'S SHOES VALUES ••. OUR GREATEST EVER BUSTER BROWN BOB WOLF KEDS ORTHOPEDIC SHOES Out.standing School Shoe Selection . Narurally, All From Our Regular Stock. REGULARLY TO $11. Sf90 TO s790 Sale Starts Thursday. Doors Open 10 a.m. I No Exch1ntt1 Or Rofuncl1 JO FASHION ISLAND • NIWPORT IEACH • 644-2464 ' • the wishes of the taxpayers, who are Within hours after the appeal Tuesday, demanding tax relief -. not more ex· the hospital had more volunteers than it pensive programs." could use. (Earn $61.80 on each $1,000) . You can earn this high interest on $5,CXXl minimum two year certificates. The first yeaiyour$5,(D) certificatewilleam $309.1.5, and more for each consecutiveyearihatinterestis added ta the account. You can earn $5917 on $1,CXXl minimum oileyearccrtificates,and as much as$5l26 on a regular passbook savings account of $1,CXXl. More interest than banks ... more certain than stocks Plus&ee serrices ... safedepos1t oxes,no service, travelers chequ~, trust d~d and note collections,andmanymorefreeservicesareavail· ablewhenyouhavctheicquircdminlmnm balance in your account at 1lIE BIG M. Plus personal aex vice .. ;cxperienced and competent savings counselors in each office to assist you in planning your savii:igs program. You will find a wann, friendly attitude on the part of everyone at Mutual Savings. • Corooaclel.Mu:2.l,7EutC4utBJ.P;war/'1H0%0 QlhlrolfkalA C'.oYlAa, Wat.AJcadia,l'audcm,ckildaltw C>'CllJI ~ l • ,, I • •• . . . ·. • I • .. @range Coast-.. N.Y. Stee•• -. Yt>L ~s. NO. 2or. 7 SECTIOt:!S, 76 PAGES .. • ' T ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA . . c TEN CE"frS WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 1972 "' ~outhland Airport Study Unveiled by SCAG -· .. Th• Southeni C.Jilornla AJaoclatlon of ln I.os Angeles. • s u c h !1cllllles In· 'SOutbem caU!ornla carps Alt Station wouJd oiler medium should be given lo joint use by tcheduJed air carriers of exlating military airports. within high density areas: eventual sep. araUon of cara:o facilities from passenger terminals to antJciplte incream in air cargo, and a network of "air parks'' we 11 removed from urban areas and con- trolled air s~act for fiight tralnln1 and. recreaUonal flying. GOl!emmenla today unveiled the results The consultaots emphasized that they cooJd be developed by expanding Palm· blul, J,500-mile commercial service. of a two-year Study by consul~l firms do not recommend the creation ()f addi-dale and by crutm, a MW· facllily_ at Metroport.s such u Orange COUnty, re<oinm~a ar-naclilng-comp,.. tlonal-major' alrportl In the t"1><0llllty -Comp Pendleton;--San Diego and Burbank would provide he~ve plan for future derelopment o! sjudy area with the exception of Palm-In cl..,tlyfng •I\ existing 'airports the service within the 500 mile. range wl\lch They also proposed the establishment of new terminal faclliUes removed from airports wliere passengers and baggage could be processed and lj'.1WPOrted ·by ground vehicles directly to the aircraft. "litDOrts In SoutbenrCallfornla. · -dal,,.whiclrtbey-conslder·to be-an already consnltantrsald~l985 lnt:eier---.oaccounts-for--'llmost. ball .of today's .total The plan prepared by William L. Pere-establisbed part o! the airport syslem. conllnental service W1>Ukl .lit concemrat-commercial air traffic volume. Ira ~tales and System Development They do recommend that eventually ed at IM. Angeles lnteniatlonal, Palm-The consul tao la emphasized that future <;orporallon was revealed to a meeting tbere be ooe or more major global air-dale and Miramar Naval Alr Statioa in act.iVlty llhould be concentrated In "tun- Other recommendations of the report. Include empha!ls on continued develop- ment of quiet aircraft engines and new operating procedures designed to reduce noise problems; control of all a1r traffic The sections ol tbe report dealing di .. rtctly with Orange County did not dllfer greatly from the Ptrtira report of 19M done for the Board ·of Supervisors. o1: ~tcted officials, tran.sporlatton lead· ports establiahed ln Southern caUlomia San Diego. . • Ing up" eristlng airports to muimize ~. a n d representitivea. of cmcerned after l~ to meet the, ,added demands of Contine.ntJ!l a.irport.s/ such u L o.n· g their efficiency within certain envlrou. ~ groups at the Ambaasador Hotel public a& 11erVict. They •uggested that ·~ch, On~ and tile El_ Toro lllarlne mental constraints, and encouragement (See SCAG, Pa1<1 1). • •. ... . ' \ . Density Cut Urged New Mesa Land Use Plan Submitwd By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI Of bite DeUr "~ Sfl ff A land-OSt plan calling !or the reduc- tion of densities and commercial use in The plan, which ·outlines the proposed usage of about 300 acres, is the first. ever submitted to the city by a home- owners group, according to planning commissioners. · ,It alao stand! in direct oppositbon to aiJ: other city-initiated plans for the area. increase in single-family residential (Rl) usage, , The ab: studies Initiated by tile city propose increased commercial and hlgb· density acreage, with no increases In R-1 acreage. Much of the land is currently used for agriculture. The homeowners have proposed that 15 a~res fronting Fairview Road be changed from the CUITent commercial zoning to &1 U9e. Also proposed Is an R-1 tag for the II acres In the northeast corner of the arta under study. The six city plallll propose to reserve the 1cru1e for commercial or hlgl><!enalty residential uae. The homeowner• alao have ubcl for a medium-density residential use for about 19 acres which front on Bear Street west of South Coast Plaia. Diehl said the property would serve 11 a "buffer" between one of the state's largest shopping centers" and R·l homes now under construction. ·Land covered under the homeowners propoaal ts bordered by the San Diego Freeway on the south, Fairview Road on the .... t, Suofiower Avenue on the north, A.lrport Area and Bear Street on the east. - Paul ·Diehl, piuldent of the asooclaUon comprised i--tmarily of Mesa Woods tract reslden!s, Aid today that the 300 acre ·area is surrounded by commercial~ apartment and 111111ulacturing property. • Jle salil 111$ gfoup ii concerned that Collins to Sell Lease t;•~~~-Tftlm1 ~ . f:/, -.. 1-:.. • dockipg !\etween an. Apano crlft ali,Cl: i'~t SoYnz module. The docking procedure i.s sbolVJl.in artist's · ~~,~~.=~ ~ .J.t.'rz · Cha ... AJZ,..i.. and oOilin\etclal.•-·" . . f . .LJOne nge un. u i .. U.S. and Russian space scientists Tuesday concluded nearly two weeb of dllCUJ$Jns and plannil!i In Hou.Mn for the 1975 scheduled rendezvOUll and • conception. · •Dlel11 addedlllat1>la 'U110Clatfon'1 plan ' .-ts 1n answer to Iii iltemative p1ans cur-· ' · ' ' reritly under study by.tile Ci!)' Plannliig Collins Radii> Company will sell tho Ing hlnlOI '1P Che •.,.. cbqo ,i:iqaal • ' . • • .. fy ifWport Man Arreswd . . ln Boat Crash lncment ".; From Wire Servicts l$lN BERmRDINO -Following ~ ol pre~ring prosecution ..... ork, a.· Newport Beach !""rine ·rll'J!I owner has been formally ~rged ,jiai· manslaughter In a Memorial . Day wiSend boat colli!lon that tilled a Hun- li;ifun Beach boy. vestigatlon into which side of the river the fatal crash occurred 011 and sub- mission of evidence. Yuma County, Ariz., authorities were at first Involved along with the U.S. coast Guard, then turned the case over to San Bernardino prosecutors !ix weeks ago. Youog Dart was the aon of Newport Beach Fireman Richard Dart and his wife Nancy. 'Donald &. Payse, operator o! Payse ~1 fnc.~·~ Birch -st., ·was ideu. tnlid Iii an artest warrinj aceuslng him ~~at fault 1n the Colorado Jliver ·Mjshap Blamed -l'ayse aiready 'ba, been charged in a ' O B d V. • $1)50,ooo wrongful deatt. and peraonal • ll a I SIOll inJUry lllllt filed jointly by the parents o! • q;rJs Dort, 7, of 310 Second SI., aql a pal A. woman driver who blamed suddenly -wbb .survived. blurred vision for e reat"-tnd car colllsk>n The Dart boy, his grandfather Fletcher was taken to' C:OSta Mesa Memorial ~ and ·Donald Thornton, 9, of 602 Hospital Tuesday, where examining doc- Dlira Circle, Huntliigton Beach, were ton said she probably was right. flabing May 26 when their alwninum boat Judith A. Asher, 26, of 2511 Sunflower wu hit. Ave., Santa Ana wu discovered to have the Dart -boY was kll_led almost 1~ an inflamed optic nervet. which was ~Uy In the collision with the speed· treat.a In adi!lllon to forebead con- ~ which, prosecutors allege, slowed lu~n11, i&1bentarUy then roared oU toward Police said ber car crashed Into 1he Pirker on the. Arizona side. rear of one driven northbound on ijarbor :!!'he Thornton boy was injured, while Boulevard at the San l)lego Freeway by tm:dead child's grandfather managed lo Felton GulUor Hadoo~ II, !Aog Beach. etitpe the collision wlthoUt hann. Hadnot had no injuries, wlliJe damage • ..fayse was named Tuesday in a San to the two cars wasn't major, police said. ll<!rna<dino County Mllniclpai Court II' . . ' • i •• ' . Marine Exercise . Turns Realistic . . ' As Jet Crashes -. A desert witrfare eierclse was in-· stanUy transformed lnto a nightmare acene re5emblln1 the real 'thing Wtdnts- -' day nigh I, '9!le!I an 'El Toro ~ Corps Air station jet s)amined into a troop COD<.'t!lltration and exploded. The 5:55 p.m. accident near · Twen- tynine Palm! tilled two Oran'lt County crewmen -on· a low-Jevet. strafing run over simulated en~y 1rQops' -while seven men on the groun(J were injured mootly with bunis. Shortly after nooo today, the Marine c...,. identilied the AIA navl1ator tilled in the cruh as caiit. limy M, Thornley, 26, ol 853 Sea Gull Lane, Newport Beach. His borne address was DOI immediately available, bUt the dead pilot war identi- fied as Capt. Lloyd E. Kenney, 28, of Tustin. t -' No estimate of the AIA llilruder's attll\lde was ofltrlil; 1N! '!bil: 8uptraoolc fJghters often· i:oine In ~; fetf leet. Marhlt · Corp& -~1flelali aid • many among a:ooo ......vtsis eop1ocl ln two- daf ~aneuvers ~ Mar~-camp ·Wilson wilnesaed the apectacular crash. Department.-·~ pl~ staU is Jeeae on Ill entire 1774cre parcel near Koll safd. achedulell. to develop a llall Wad UM plan· n...~ ............ .._.. lo tile llm Koll Coffins of11r1a1f la ~ emlld. nol )e for the area this week. ---·· rw.... reached lo-· •'. _.. flllt tts A publi.c be4flng on thaf JrOP98al Is Company 11 Newport Beach approves the new perent ....,_,, Mtrtll "-lean sdleduled before the plannlng com-zone chance Olilln8 wants, it was lwned Rockwell earp. la ~ moving the mi,.lon at f:30 p.m. MoDday In city hall. today. Newport lleocb operation to either Dallu Primary dUference between the Olllina Will ' laase back the 240,tlt)t). or Cedar Rapids lowa. bomeownen" plan, uooUlcfaliy dubbed square-fool building it Is now using but Koll said Co~s wlil lease back the '1Plan 7", and the other siJ:. pl&ns ls an main toilidin& for the term of the ground Koll will, keep the two, others, Including lease with the Irvine Company, tbrough ' · 'Office Hours ' In Costa Mesa If .you have a problem; you mlgbt just want to see the top man at city hall about It, suggest& Costa Mt!a Mayor Jack Hammett. He bold& office hours.from I a.m. to 9 a.m. daUy but since be was elected last April, the people · hayen't exactly worn a path in the carpet leading to Hammett's door. "I'll) very interested in the citizen's ability to get to the mayor ·'.and we've thrown city ball wide open. Bui nobody aeems wUUng to come,'' said· Hammett. Since lie opened hll office on Ille fifth Door o! city hall, 77 Fair Drive, Hammett says be has hJd only two vialton. "Ont was a atrlctly personal matter and the other was fairly hiconsequ~tial," according to the mayor n.ise people wishing lo aee Hammell ahould call 134-6325 for an · appointment. '1l'll t a 1 t to anybody,'' he 1ald. the 120,tlt)t).fool a1ruc1ure which now 2055, but would have the ,option to Sllb- lloosts the tempcrary· Harbor Judicial lease the building If the electronics firm District court, Koll said thlf-morning. moves out. The proporiy ts now ln an unclaulfled "But n<ibody woo id buy It," Koll ~. rooe, but It la mllltrplaoned for Jndus. There are loo many empty electnm!cl trial balldlnp. Collins will,. belcn New· buildings Iii lbe county right now." port Beach oouncilmen ukln1 that It be CoUlns olflelats simllartly were ..,. "°"ed to allow hlgb rlat office buildlnp available to comment on the roason it and a hotel. · haa decided In recent IllOlltlls to ..U off The property Is In escrow, but the ,cloa-Its bOidlngs. AFL-CIO Won't Endorse. McGovern for President WASHINGTON (AP) -AF!rCIO President George Meany announced to- day that the politically powerfuJ lihor group will not endorae eithe.r Democratic nominee George S. McGovern or Presi- dent Nixon tn the November election. The executive ,:01111cll o[ the IS.<knil- lion member labor federation, which has supported .all part Democratic preslcltn- Ual candldatea, thia Ume will concentrate on eltcllng Its friends lo Coogrus, Meany IBld. The SO.man labor council, by 1 volt of 27-3, adopted this statement : vacationing, tile Democratic presldtntial candidate learned o! the AFlrCIO's council's action as he concluded '8 horseback ride thtougb the woods around Sylvan Lake. "I'm dlaaPIJOlnted In the acUon al Iha council," McGovern aald. ' . ' , "I lr1nklJ" don't want a feud with Pre11ldent Mluy," McGovern aid. But, be ldded. "I'm aiolldenl the leaders and Che r1nt-and-llle ol IDIDY ln- (loo~ l'afl II . ·c:.ua " • warranl sliJlld by Judge C.0.ge 1J1o who dispatched two depuliea to uptbellllflOC~ Plan for .Future Sought "UDd.er the circumstancel, the AFL- CIO will refrain from tndoraln1 either candidate for the office o! Preslcltnt of the Uolted Stetes. ..Payse was ~ to be arraigned to- ~ ol char(eo wu delayed for ~ pending "'"'Pelion ol an fD. ."' ... .. ·.,. ' .1fl;w WORDS BUT ·MIJCH SUCCESS .. i . -You can be a ponoo .u ... wonll and 11111 !Ind ...,..., -plent1 ol tt -In bAILY PIWI' c1a .. ~led aclYOrtiJtng col· lllilis. Take, for exampte, the f.,. ,..,.da lit !heat two and a ball lines ol edvfr!Ll- ln;r . i BR, ·2 BA. frpl~g • -crpt, drpo, bltn1, d :· floors, 1230. J:ll.DD. ·.-.:They were tDOlilh to rent the J>iace lo llle-flrrt caU.r. A few well ¢booen worda la;tlle ri&hl place, tile DAILY Pll.OT'I dlislfled colunn, can get .-tis for ,.., loo. Dial Mid and ex.cha.,. aome ""'."'° wltll °"" Of rm ld-vtson. .. Mesa Citizen Unit Forms "These Cittumltances cant rather I for the muimum concentration of eUort on Iha eltc!lon of senators, and repruen- taUves whose records com.mend them to A !fl.member clltzeos commlltte ta being established by Mayor Jack Ram· melt to chart-the future of Costa Mesa. To be ltnOwn u the Goals and Ob- jectives Q)mmittee, ll WID ICt in ID Id· visory capacity to the cllrcouncil. It ia expected to hold Ila first meeting late .this month or ift ..,.cy Augqat, Ja<t Lincoln,· 1 4f.yur-old attorney named chalnnaJi pro.tern of the com· mlttee, l8ld today Ill members would mah recommendations in 1 variety of areoa of need. 111 can't speak for anyone el&e, but l'm Interested In improving our cultural ac· Uv!U... I would like to 1tt us utabllsh a cultural center for music and the arta," he IBld. "We alao have probltmo with crime Od I belllVt we can do thlnp to T • ~ the working people of America. lessen the gap between the JJOOPlt who rnltlte which a year ago investigated the "Alllllatea art, of courae, lrtt lo tn- get In trouble and Oli rest of lliO com---dea1rablttty of-providing-the ...., with-a dorse and support 80)" tandldatut_tbeir ~., chol-." munlty. And ctrtalnlr housing Is also a charter form ol government. .. major concern." Although the committee .....,,,mended Leaden of several of tile AFL-010'1 Others na~ to tile 09mmlttet, along against ~-charter, It did SUUHt to the. 117 Individual unions have tncloraed or with Lincoln-;-melude former city council city COOllCU ·that a goalS and objectives •sld they would endorse McGOllem. One candidates James •-· .. Sam Ekov'... .....111ee be formed as soon eo --•blc. -the Marine Enr1nttra Benellelal .......... _, ....-ADociatlon ~ has tndOraed lilJon. Mary Nolan, Myra Klraditohaum and Al To dalo oaly Lincoln, A&ruaa. Hall, Five mernberlo o1 the. labor council Pointer. • Mrt, lloUlapworth, Mn. Klrlcbtnhaum, ported! .,..,,,_ Inclhdtd on the llJt ol: -who aad Dra,·Moore and Toto have accepted re Y leaninr to .,,~,em diet DOI ~ --1ttend tho meeting. have alao received letters ol apPolotmtnt their 1ppolntments. whlch 'are mbjtcl to One of them, Presldtot Joatph A, from Hammett are Jad; ·lfaU, Mrs. conllrmatlan by the city councl1. Belrnt of the Communications Workers, Helene Holllnp-1li, Donald Rout, W. Hammett ukl Tuesday that be •XJIOCla sent a letter to Meany urging en- E. Langstot1, Mn. Belly Llll1, Edward moat of the others to rtlpOOd positively darsernenl of McGovern, the Asaoelated McFarland, Joseph Metcalf, Robert "and I hope thal many worthwhlie plans Press learned. Moore, Tom Nelaon, Henry Panlan, M.vy · and projeela wlU be forthcoming." "Endorstmenl ol the Denlocl'ltlc cao- Smtllwood, Dr. Alithony Ttilo, and It E. The flnt meeting, accordlng to Lb>-dldalea ii the only way to keep AFLOO Young. coin, wUI be bold !or tile~ of el... uo1ona In their political ICtlvl!J," Be1mo Many ol the appo9-....., "*'1berl U., a ~ cbalrmao and ~ wrote Meany, ol Costa Mesa'• Olor1er-SluclJ Con> chairmen. ~.., CUater, 5.D., when lkGlftn la .• • I w ....... Despite thole dirk c:loudl In tho ••rly IMl1linl -., the ... - be lblnlng Oil the Oranle C-t by mid-day, aCCOl'dJn& to t6e -ther· lady. Highs '"""11day, 'II to Ill. Lows ""'Jibt .-. · IN$J;DE 'l'QD.,. Y • Throe ,..,. prod~iont llghl 111' lh< local lhffllr •IGOU CT011M Orang• c 0 M ft 1, llUs toulc, a rarilll for ...-. Srr E•ttr-.,,,,.11 Ppgt M. LA ,.,. J • INIJ• 9ft CMi,.,_ I (I,... '*'-" , • (-... -. ·-. '"''* ...... 11 .... ...,... .... . httl'ltl n r or r ..., ---,., ....... ,, .... .. . ... ..-. -• ' ....... "· =-·"-:1 --. ....... ( .... 11 --.. .... ... .. .... ... -,. ---"*".'' ..: = . ---........ , ...... • I DlolLY ~1!.llT c Quang Tri Fort Figl1t Raging On SA!OO!f (AP) -Soulh Vlelna...,. f......, bellied their way toward the wall- ed Citadel in the heart of Qunn1 Tri City lod>y and repomd 1111 N«lh Vlebwnese kllltd 1n ..,.._hou,. nghtl., Tuescl>y. One £0\lermntnt paratrooper ualt was reported 100 yardl from the ooutheutem corutr or the 19th century fortress, and another was closing in from the hOl"lbeasl 1i~. The Saigon troops had to fllht for every inch or ground ln Sooth Vietnam's northernmoat provincial capital, wbidl the Noc1b v1e1nan1-.. caplunda..t MoJ. IDitW reports aald the Noitll Viet- .....,. till<d $ government aoldlen and wounded 20 In tbe fi&bl!n& Tuaday. Tile U.S. Co1JU11and!111U11wblle, ••"' tlvto ~rlcan Pbuloln jela biimi;;T; : South Vietnam... poollloo a1x milea soutbeut ol Quan1 Tri City by mls1Ue, killing oae 10Vemmeol aoldJer and ......,. ding 11.- lt was the third such U.S. bombing mi.stake reported in two day1 and the f~ in two weeks near Quang Tri; A total ol 11 South Vle1J1ameseJdllld and 51 w-ed have been reported. l"leld offlcera bWne the ~Brier llPllns. the ollelr conflllled maneuverln( o(South Vltlnlmele unit• and the prtlltllCt of hundreds of -U.S. pla .. s In the .alr while almoat all lfOUDd units are cilllrc for support. 'nit. U.S. ('ipu1>1nd aloo reported a Cobra .......... ~ WU Dot ·doft 'NeodlJ H mll11 IOUIJio'ut of Quang Tri, bClt. aaJd the aewIDen were resCued. Tbe Viet Cone radio claimed today that z: U.S. warpl..U have been abol down In tho Quan1 Tri -·alnce July I and ·~ pilols" have been capllued. Tht U.5 O>mmand. baa reported the loss of two planes and llx helicopters In the irov- ince in tblt perkld, with four crewmen mlaain(. . !(,S, Air Foree Fl Phantom pilots ~"8 bombers raldlnl NoJ1h Vlel- !ilib.._uc! downln& another MJGU In a dogtlght Tu-y weal of Hanoi. II was the Crd MIG kill reported lhla year aod the 154lh of the war. Hanoi claimed three American planes were-§lx>t down during Tuesday'• raids, but the ·iosses announced by the U.S. Command were a Navy A7 13 mil~ northe..t of VIQh on l)londay ni&hl and a Navy A4 40 rnlla eouthwelt of Hanoi on July 11. Two mwmen were reported miuilJa. NeWJ>ort Builder lfound Guilt y Of .Sex Charges Newport Beach builder Henry Ware Sprague "" found guilty Monday of pjmplna and complnlcy to commit pnio- tllutlon cbarl'I atemmlng from his operation of Ille Irvine-baaed ExecuUve EacririService. Orao1• County superior Court Judge Kenneth WWl1m1 closed the two-week n0n-J.ury 1rW by ordering Sprague, 51, of 61 Beacon Bay, to rttum lo bis courtroom Sept. 1$ for sentencing. Sprague fices a llalo )X'ilOn term of one to 10 years on each of the two con· •lcllons. Deputy Public Delender Ron Butler's motk>n for a new trial will be ~eard on the same daie. Seven pl'OltcUUon witne•es called by Deputy Dlstrlc\ ~ttomey Leusebrinck t.aUl!ed that sprague directed the opera- tiorw of J '1!tl: for ule" service with headquarters II 1192 Dupont SI., Irvine. ; Sprague and eight ot the women linked to his dating bureau were arrested Feb. 27, 1171. Two of the women were fined and cbar1es against eight others were -· Butler aaid an investigation by bis of- ~ supported Sprague's declaration that bit financial situation merited the ap- pol.Ptment or a publi c defender . DAILY PILOT n. ~ Clll&t DAILY l'ILOT, ~ "'*" h C*nbll'ltll t1W HM~ h putil"'*' 1tf M19 Of9llVe CO.If ..._...,."" ClmtMnY. s.,..: r1M MIHier. •re PWlllW!ld, 'Nlld•r ni....,.l'I 1'..W1y, tlH' Cetll Mn.I, fil.,wport hlcll,.. ~ •Hd!W-11111 'Vetlfr, ~ ltMdl. IN~IMll!..a: ft Sift CllfM!lfe/ SM J.-CAN.,.,,._ A alfltlt rt1111Mt , •llltft 511 '*91WIM .S.MW.,. W 5'1rid•Yt. TI!9 ,.rlnc ..... ,_,.., ... 1111 ~ 11 •tlDI W"'t .., ..,., 0.tt ·-· C.lltwnlt, ,,... Rolitrf N. w.,, PfwiMIW•M~ Jatl II:. C•rtn Vb ""' ....... ~ """"" · n •••• t • ..u llllMr 1\•l'l•I A. Mwrtt~i11t --°'•"'" H. Uot •11h1t4 r. H11J ___MtllteM MIMliw a.Ntren C....M ... OM. lJt W•1t l ty Streit • "'3AMren1 P.O. 111 1160• t l&U --I _,,_~, IUJ frt....,.n ....... -...... ~liKfU In "--1 A..._,,. ...,....,._ .._, 11171 ••11 1...,_NI IM'C19 'tJ -.S Nor1' 1:1 ~ .... , ........ 17141 '4J-4Jl1 = tw MN-1 111 6U"'+N ~..... """ ~ C-.t ..-... ~-...... '"'*· lltwfnllMi. = tt .. ...,. ............ . car WllMwt ...._.,... -~ ..... "'-!~ ,.-:.~ ...... --. DAILY 'llOT l ll H '"It -CITED BY BOYS CLUB R11ltor Roy McC1rdl1 • Realtor Honored For Long Service By Boys Club A decade of service ln multiple capaciUes has won the Boys Club J.fedallion ftr Harbor Area Jleal tor and civic leader Roy McCardle. A former president or the Boys Club of the Harbor Area, MeCardle w a s preserited the medal during recent ceremooies attended by Raymond E. &gdcn, club regional director. Mccardle was cited for a record of service dating back to 1961 aod including his personal time and proressional ex· pertise in realty and bwiness manage- ment. He handled realty transactions on land, UViJli the club $4,000, serving as secretary from 1962 to 1963 and on the personnel comtnlttee in 1963 and 1964, becominif president the next year. During bis term In offict, plans were drawn and construction began on the Up- per Bay Branch at 2131 Tmtin Ave., m. eluding a gym used jointly by Kaiser Intermediate School. He worked with Newport-Mesa Unified School Dlitrict afUcials In negotiating a nominal fee for use or the gym and sav- ing taxpayen the cost of duplicating such a ·facility, club leaders note. Since completing his term as Boys Club president , McCardle has served as chairman or the Growth and Develop- ment C'.ommittee, plus in 1967 and 1968 holding chalnnamhip of the Orange County Council of the Boys Clubs o! America. Surfing Sounds New Innovation In Lag una Film A waterproofed transmitter a n d mic rophone , harnessed ~Qll a surfer to record the actual "'sounds" of surfing, is one of the technical innovations in "Five Summer Stories," last in a series of award-winning films about surfing to be made by the Laguna Beach team or Greg McGiUivray and Jim Freeman. The film , already viewed by more than 50,000 people in a series or "test" show- ings in C8li!rnia, will be shown in the Laguna Bach High School audltoriwn at 8:30 p.m. tonight throu gh Sunday. C-Ompleted for only $31 ,000 by the young film makers, who work out of Laguna's SO-year-old Pyne Castle, "Five Summer Stories" is a surfing-ocean documentary dealing with the threat of pollution and coastline development to the popular water sport. It is e1pccted to gross more than $500,000 over the next twJ years, according to the producers, who now are turning their attention lo other documentary topics after winning awards nationally and intemationally for their unique surfing movies. .... - 2 Men Accused Of 'Kidnap, Rape Court arraignment wu set today !or a pair of men accuaed of kJdnaplng a petite blonde in Newport Beach, then takJng turns at forcible rape aiid perver1lon with her in a parked van while the other stood lookout. . One was arrested on a warrant luoed a week after the June 19 abduction, while the second was picked up Tuesday morn· ing at his Sylmar home. Larry C. Trostle, 30, a computer technician, was booked on an arrest war. Kiss~n ger I n Private Negotiations \V ASHINGTON (UPI) -Presidential adviser Henry A. Kissinger met for 61h hours in Paris today with North Vietna· mese negotiators Le Due 'Ibo and Xuan Thuy, the White House announced. In a joint announcement with the North Vietnamese, the White House said that the President's national security affairs adviser is u:pected to return to Washington today. He new to Paris Tuesday for the private sessions in an attempt to get the Paris peace talks moving agaln. This was the first time that Ki11singer's private meeting3 with the Communist negotiators have been announced while the sessions were under way. He last met in Paris with Le Due Tho on May 2. The United States and South Vietnam resumed talks with their C.Ommunist counterparts Thursday. Tho arrived in the French capital last weekend and saJd he was ready to consider any new U.S. affer. Ten days ago, Kissinger told "l'Oflers in San Clemente, that there were in- dications Hanoi was rtady to reslDJle negotiatiom with a new and responsive altitude. At the time, Kissinger said he was hope£ul but not opllmlsUc. Speculation arose that Kissinger was on another mission for Nixon when the President arrived baclt from the Western White House In Calllornia Tuesday without Kissinger '!'be two frequently travel together. Earlier disappearances by Kisalnger preceded Nixon's trips to China and the Soviet Union. He also made several trips to Paris for secret lall<s wit h the Com- munists over poslibte ways to settle the Vietnam war. Thieves 'Wire' Fork Lift, Take 4 Tons of Wood Thieves returned lo the scene of a crime again five days later and this time hot-wired a fork lift, using it to make off with four tons of lumber from a Costa Mesa construction site.· The $2.100 grand thert of G and S Construction C:Ompany supplies stacked at 1839 Tanager Ave., was reported by Man'Uel D. Sosa. an employe of the Garden Grove firm. 1 rant char&Jns him with Wnap, plUI two count.. each of forcible rape and perversion. 1 He wu.auboequently released on '6,250 ball, the wne set In the cue of his allea- ed companion ancl codefe.ndant. • . James J . Barrepllne, 25, or 2121 Ti\iirin Ave., Coeta Mesa, has been rr<., on bail slnce his own June 30 arrut, according to Newport Bead1 Deto<Uve Sgt, Keo Thompson. Information developed alter the 24-year~fd victlm went to police led ;,,_ vestlgaton to be&ln bunUng Barrentine and TrosUe. · BarrenUne's Harbor Judicial Dlslrld C0\11'1 dale waa already iet for todly and Sgt. Thompaon 1aid Troalle would be formally adviseCI ol charges In the W/!T· rant laaued by Ju~e Donald Dungan al the same time. DetecUves. said the Santa. Ana woman who reported the assault after being released by her abductor3 had met them through mutual acquaintances. She report.e<lly played pool with the en- tire tll'OUP at • West Coal l!Jcllway tavern, al)er ll'hich the group Ifft Ind ate dinner. Tho vlctlrn 11ld the pair, known only by first namet,'lalUd her Into retUMl!ng to playt:J again, but ln!tead drove to a seclud IP'!I Ill Weal Newport where the ordeal gan. She said that wblle terrllled lhe was afraid to fight-lhe two men, clalrnlng they thmtell<d oerlouJ consequences ii she filled to follo" ~ Cotirt Branch In Fullerton Nixed by Pan.el From Win Services A bill calling for the creation of • permpnenl Fullerton branch of the Orange County Superior Court was defeated Tuesday at a meeting of the Senate Judiciary C om m i t t e e in Sacramento. Ila defeat al the hands' of !be 13- member committee came just 24 hours after presiding Judge Bruce Suml]er con· demned the Fullerton proposal as a "point.less boondoggle" that wouJd cost county taxpayers at least $250,000 in 1973. Defeat at the committee stage of the measure brought the comment from its author, Assemb1Yf11,an John V. Briggs (R- Fullerton), that the bill is "only dead for the moment." Briggs said alter the meeting that he will ask Senator James Wbetmore (R- Garden Grove) to revive discussion of the bill before the senate committee. Briggs was reported ill today and unable to comment on the reject.ion of a measure that went through the assembly on a 56 to nothing vote of approval. Passage of the measure in the senate would mean the setting up of a full time Fullerton court with a resident superior court judge and branch offices of several county departments. Judge Sumner has pointed out that the present court calendar occupies a judge sent out to Fullertoo for a·00t 90 minutes a week. The presiding judge said the Fullerton branch is opposed by the Orange County Grand Jury, the Orange County Bar Association, county supervisors. and the State Judicial council. He told police thieves apparently [ffiliiimniiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiR~~-iiiil started the fork lift and uaed it to move a GEM TALK lumber pile barricading the unpaved street so they could get at what they really wanted. Last week, presumably the same gang made off with $1,060 worth of plywood sheets in much the 3ame m&Mer, in- vestigators noted. Loss In the latest theft included melal- bound stacks of II and IS.fool limbers used in home construction. TODAY by Newport School Location Dumped; New Site Studied J, C. HUMl'llllES DIAMONDS STAR IN MOVIES For centuries diamonds have been surrounded by romance and intrigue. Although some of the star· ie s told about famous diamonds are pure mythology, most are histori- cally verified truth fre quently sur- passing the most lurid fiction. By JOANNE REYNOLDS or ffle 0.11,. l"Het St•ll ' ~ An elementary school site which had been proposed for the new Spy Gla ss Hill development in Newport Beach has be-en deleted from Newport·Mesa Unilled School District plans. Larry t.1oore, associate planning admin. istrator for the Irvine Company, said 1 .. day the site wu eliminated from the tenlatlve tract map by district adminis- trators foUowing a joint Irvine Company- schoot district study or the area east of Newport S.y. _ Moore said the district decided lo drop ooe of the two sit<s orlglnallr ldenuntd In the area oost QI the new aUgnment or MacArthur Boulevard in ravm-of select- ing another site downcoast above the cameo Highlands tract. Dr. Norman Loa!>, associate ,..perln- lend•nt for lnslructlonal operations aald tho site was ellinlnated during a June 29 meet1n1 with the Irvine Company. He 11ld the old slle WU partlaliJI In the San Joaquin Scf\001 l>btrlct (which will •become the Irvine Unified School Dia- ~) .and wu relocated to the down- -Ifft •to 'llUS!y the two school dla-, lrl<ts."11ile !akin& attendance projecltom !no constdtraUon." i.oata llClled that lheN remains' an clo- m<lllaly "'6ool site In the proposed addJ- tlons to Harbor View Hills 'BS well as the pianned Roy 0. Anderson Elementary school in Harbor View Homes. Construction on Anderson School ts slated to begin this fall with occupancy tentatively scheduled for the 1913-7• school year. Loala A id a middle school sl and a high school stte were atso dlsculoed at that meeting. . "The middle school site is moveable depending oo the Irvine Company's plans," be said, "but l lmulpe ti Will be •bout mlclway between Cr)'llll Cova (tho district's IOUthem boundary) 4nd Spy Glau Hiii up toward the crett it lilt hill. Loats said the middle achoo! 'tlli prob- ably be built In five to 10 )'eara. 'l'!ie hlah l!Obool Is not 1laled for at least another 10'11> 12 yesrs, he uld, eo sit. selectlon has not reaUy IOllell ~ay for It. The scbool administrator described the Irvine Companj'1 part In site "lectlon hH not Mlly gouen underw;y for II. The school admlnllllrator deacrlbed the Irvine Company'• part In •lte selectlon studies as "vtry *1111P1thetk. • A com- pany spokeaman laid the firm partJcl. pets w1th the dlllrlct In~:"" then holdo tho land 1111111 U. II 1"141 to buy J~ "They live us qulle a bri!ak • 1111 prke,11 Loi.La ~- ' And since history began, gems have retained the interest of most people, this interest bein~ express- ed through difierent metlia in suc- .;eedlng generations and in d!Herent civlllzations. Recent films released from most major siudios are featuring dia- monds as the center of attraction for both crooks and heroes. Al- thou gh these movies are straight fiction , they are fascinating audi- ences of all ages. Among such diamond oriented lllms are "Hot Rock" "The Cool Bree~e" ''Dlnmonds Are Forever1 ' 11Probe•1 and 11HortoWhouse. •• Another production by Warner Brothers, under the direction of Sldnay also centered around the lure of diamonds. Althou&h we have always dealt with diamond lacl.s, we 111Joy1bese imqtnaiJve movies-and 1'\I sllows. YOll might llntl them equally 11>- lerullna. • • . Ultl , ......... HE'LL STAY NEUTRAL AFL-CIO Chief Mo1ny F rom P agel LA BOR ... dividual unioits will gQ ahead and endorse us." McGovern said his vice presidential running mate, Sen. Thomas F. Eagleton of Mi.ssourl, had been meeting with leaders o! individual unions and lining up their support prior to today's executive council meetinr. "Naturally we would have liked to have bad the council's endorsement,'' McGovern aald. The three uni.on chiefs wbo wanted to endone McGovern and voted against the neutral policy were Jerry Wurl of the American FederaUon of State, County and Munldpal Workers; Al Groopin>n of the Oil, Atomic and Chemical Workers and Paul Jennings of the Internatinal Union of Electrical Workers. But Meany ovemxle the oppoeition anct Ignored a personal plea from McGovern for labOr support. "I believe that If I become president, you will be proud of my administration. Both my campaign ' and my ad· mbrlstratlon, Jiowever, need your advice, experience and · stlength," McGovern wn>le 11> all the members of the AFL-C!O council plm a number oI other union chiefs. · "I will not endorse, l will not !Upport and I will not vote for Richard Nilon for President of the United Stales," Meaoy said in answer to a question at a newa conference. "I will not endorse, I will not support and I will not vote for George McGovern for President ol the United States,'" Meany said. F rom Pagel SCAG ••. Significant ts the lnclll!ion of Pendle- ton for a major airport \Yhicb Pereira said today has not yet been given tbe blessing of military aulhortUes. He emphasized that Orange County Airport should continue to u:ist a n d should become more C<lmpatible with the certain reductions in jet noise and im- proved operating procedures. Union Merger Probed VANCOUVER. Wash. (AP j -The possibility of a merger of the Teamsters and IAngshoremen's unions surfaced again when it was learned that their leaden were meeting here secretly. A SeatUe longshore source, who asked not to be identllied, said the meeting Tues.- day was the first of several "exploratory talks" on a possible merger. ' ., l _VCI Grad, • 3 • 1 I } Cnita Dre In Crash A 37-year~ld graduate student ~ physics at UC lrvine -only mont' away from his doctorate -was kill along with his 6-year-old daughter ~ar today in 1 grinding freeway crash In Toro. 1.. Boyd G. Foster of 405 Vtrano Pbict Irvine, and his daughter, Amanda. we~ killed instantly shorUy after midriig~ "'hen bis car left the transition road the San Diego Freeway, soared for J feet, then cartwhee led . The dealh was felt as a .maJor lraaed} In the university's physics departinen\, where Foster had been a student slruj the program was begun In 1965. t Highway patrolmen said they had fKI( yet determined the reasons for the c~ suddenly leaviqg the roadway on the lo~S tralUlltion bridge which crows over thp Santa Ana Freeway. 1 Both father and daughter were throw~ from the spinning vehicle and were pr .. nounced dead at the scene by coroner1 investigators. ~ Spokesmen for the phyiics department said all its members were stunned by ttf4 tr11gedy. • Foster, a candidate for a doctorate 11' solid-state physics, was only a fet; months away from receiving his degree.!: II would have been, they said, tit climax to dozens of yean or struggilni for a student who worked to support J family while earning the tough degree. i "It was alwa)'3 a financial struggle (~ Boyd," said a 3pokesman for the de~ ment. "He began as a part-time graduate. student wblle boldlng down a luil·IUnl job and later he impressed the profwoMI enough to receive assistance from the university, which hired him as a pafi! time teaching and research assistant.~' ; Footer obtained a deeree from Lot Angeles. Trade Tech College and "" bachelor of science degree from UCL• before slartlng lflduate work al UC!. Hli WU granted a muter Of arts de" there In 111'8. ' Funeral services were to be arrang~ sometime today at Saddltback Chapel " Tu.stln.' # ' ' • Dance Classes Extended in Mes4 For Four WeekS ~ ' • ' ' . f The ~n1ng i dult dance c 1 a s I sponsor by the Costa Mesa Depart ment <1f isure Services has been '4 tended another four weeks. • Jnstruction in "Modern Jan Rhythmsf beglrns July 27 and continues throuif Aug. 22. Classes are held at the Colle~ Park Elementary School multipur~ room, 2380 Notre Dame Road. Hours-arj from 7:30 p.m. lo 8:30 p.m. Tueadays anG Tbur3days. ! The COU<se la de!lgned lo lea<h aduilJ various dance routines and how to 1(- terprel and project til_emselvet lhroui,l movement. 'I1le instructor is Mri. Barbara Gaylord who is currently wotil ing for a master's degree In dance at UC Irvine. . :r Registration ls open from I 1.m. t~I p,m. weekdaya lhroufh July 27 in ~ 305 of the Costa Mesa Civic Center. Regi!tration will also be held from 7 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. prior to the first session. the perfect gift for people who _ spend time together ltdymatlcl1114Kt'100Worwhi1e 1old0 fl1ltd aie and ma ictilns ..u .. h:lns bracelet •••• , .$1SS. ltdln Dynamic: w11h 1•K top 1talnlm steel bact.. Se/f.wfl'M$.o kl•, water•m lst1n1 Wfth dat .. celllna dW •nd •tr11>·····$165. J.C. J.lump~rit?6 Jt!wt?fer6 1823 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA COllV~llHT TUMS II YIAlS IN SAME LOCATION IANltAMHICAlD-MASlU CHAl&E IHONE 141·1401 -. I . ·- .. • •• -· > ·-, •• ., • • " . • -----~~~~~~~--'~~~~~~~~--==-~~~~~~-'-~~~~~~~~~-"-~~~~~~-'-'~~~ • DAU,y Ptto'f }JlllTOBllL PRE Apartment Parking Costa Mesa's cruclal apartment parking problem may not yet be solved, but encouraging steps are being taken by city officlals to insure that all tenants will soon have a place to park their cars. young adults who room together to reduce the rent, or to the increasing number of young marrieds, where both arc employed and require cars. The new apartment parklng ordinance, adopted last month, takes care of the problem in the yet·to-be·built units. It require~ developers to adhere to a strict for· mula which computes the number of parking spaces ac- cording to the num!>Or of bedrooms in each unit. The cily council's new policy of reducing on-street parking by red-curbing several busy streets should help shift the burden back where it belongs-to the landlord. If apartment owners cannot begin solving their own problems, the city should ultimately require them to quit renting when the spaces run out. ,.. With adequate parking for future tenants ap· parenUy assured, the planning department's energies are now Ji!>ing turned toward amelioration pf the park· ing problem al units built before Lhe ordinance was changed. Where to Get Good Help • One of these is prohibition of rentini;!, sel_ling or leasing of parking spaces by the landlords. Practiced all too widely, this allows landlords to capitalize on short- ages they theniselveit·bave created. No matter how far ahead you plan, summertime always seems to get away before you do half those things you were going to do, at least if you're Mr. or Mrs. Average Citizen. The tenant who owns only one car but later buys a boat and a motorcycle, often is Qffered an additional space 0 at charge." But his convenience may be paid for by the hapless new renter who has to park his car a block away and expose it to damage by vandalism and other automobiles. And while your time is flying, it may be dragging for others. specifically the young and unemployed. The Harbor Area Youth Employment Service (YES) offers a satisfying solution to both parties and both prob- blems people encounter in the summertime. Enforeement of the prohibition, beginning Aug. 15, probably will not solve the problem completely. But. it 1s certain that unscrupulous landlords will think tWice about making that extra buck when ~etting caught could mean a $500 fine or six months in Jail. Hundreds of eager, energetic teenagers are on file in the YES orfice, capable or handling literally thousands of tasks. Baby-sitting and lawn-mowing come to mind, but many of today's young people are qualified for much more professional work. Call 642-0474 and you may find a file clerk to fill in for your vacationing office girls. Perhaps Costa Mesa is partly to blame for the prob- lem of parking shortages since the older parking for· mula did not generate the required number of spaces in the larger units. But codes set forth only minimum requirements and developers are encouraged to exceed them. This should hold true especially for builders of expensive units, some of which are to be rented out to Call 642·0474 and you can find a craftsman's capabilities to lovingly refinish that old antique chest in the garage. Call &42·0474 and you can find virtually any kind of help for the job at hand, plus the satisfaction of helping someone else. Distinct Difference Between Candidates A Real Choice This Year W ASHING'OON -Tbe new cale<hlslll of the McGovern DernocraUc party is an endless intonement of the creed: )'9Uth, WOllleJt, blacks and Cbicanol. Tbe lillnY ran through r..ralys of the nattoaol convention with a final benediction by presldentlal nominee George S . McGovem. This new polltical creed is, of course, supplemented by a more general appeal to central elements cl the voling public desiring change. but as a political e1er· cise it promises t~ be something new. Youth. women, blacks and Chic8DOI do not in themselves make a political par-. ty. The McGovern appeal extends to everyone every- where --the Wallaceites, the bard·pressed homeowner, the op- pressed taxpayer -or anyone else who thinks that something bas gone wrong with the system. THE HARD CORE of McGovern 's sup- port and the reasoo. be recognizes as the cause of his nomination is his all-out, un-- cond!Uonal, end·ll·now opposltlon to the VietDam War. This is a cause Uniting all the dUferent elements making up McGovem's support. An Interesting test la thus In the malt· ing on how to wbl a presidential election. The McGovern managers think they are in possession of a new formula out-dating older ideas about direct appeals to tradi- tional voting blocs -labor, the farmers, Jews, catholics, and so on, which have been accepted as gospel In the old Democratic party. THE NEW REVELATION coocei<es of ' a vast mass of fed·up voters more •:on- cemed with a general sense that the COWJ,try has gotten of! the tracks than traditional ideas .about where their political allegiances lie. Youlb, women, blacks and Chicanos .....happtJI to be a large element i!l the ocean of discontent, and thus can be the object of intensive campaign efforts. Beyond that, the fl.fcGovern managers tend to leave the old Democratic metbo& in the hands of President Nixon with his ability as the maker of policy and dispenser of benefits, to appeal directly to the established voting blocs. McGovern's managers are contemptuous . of the Nixon take-over of traditional Democratic methods. They think he ,toes not understand the new Political force loose in America. THEY MAY BE deluding themselves by thinking that the methods used in win· ning the nomination are valid in the elec- tion. The McGovemites knew the ne\v rules and exploited them in the pre-<:on· vention period, winning in some places, like .New York, by default. and in ·Jther places without a majority of even a frac- tion of the total Democratic vote. It ls debatable whether or not the kind of national convention the McGovern campaign ror delegates created is representative of the Democratic party · as a whole. But the McGovern managers are assuming that it is and are putting together their new coalition bBsed on the same principles of organization which proved ~ effective in getting the nominatidn . nDS CONSISTS largely of intensive organization of voters who do not feel an over-pcwerlng alignment with either of the two major political parties, or are actively distrustful of both. The Nixon campaigners, -on the other band. are setting up a traditiomal organization to marshal all ~publican support and reap the fall-out ,from a McGovern campaign whic~ haS alienated the traditional elements .. There iJ 100m for this kind or eff~ eVen among tbe blacks, certainly in the ranks of labor. surely among women who do not lilte the new militancy and among Cathol!C's and Jews who are greatly disturbed by McGovern. THE J\fcGOVERN managers h&ve come to realize that there may be so1ne serious gaps in tJ>eir new concep11ons. Thus McGovern picks a Catholic for Vice President, wavers on Vietnam, rev:ses his welfare plan, plj!dges to maiqtain the D!ltion's military security and ?eassure;; the Jews on Israel. When it all shakes down, the new id~as and the old ideas about political organization may prove to be similar. Nixon's appeal is to middle America and the moderate man. So is McGovern s. Both Sides are preoccupied by grass· roots organization. That is what tr.e ·Nork of the committee to reelect President Nixon is all about. It is also what McGoverµ's volunteer organization is 1-ll abou~. IN THE END, McGovern will make an intensive· appeal to the labor vote, which Nixon will try to subvert. But on one point there is no doubt. 111is year there is a distinct, definable, and generally understood difference between the two contenden for President. it is a real choice which will probably cut across party lines. Balboa Author's New Novel A perplexing story of mattrlsl wealth and success combined with a glossy ii· luslon of love masking a lack of personal ful!Ulment unfolds In a new novel by a Balboa writer. "Tomorrow·Tomorrow," is the fourth work by attomey-tumed-autbor Philip Louis Gabriel, much of It set in the Harbor Area. Protagonist Adam Penn is t h e stereotype playboy and Gabriella Dulce -as bis love missed, then won, then lost forever -is a 1930s genre swing singer. Or singing swinger. ONE SUSPECl'S that ellher Adam and GabrieUa are completely paradoxical humans or that ault}or Gabriel's view of OJIANOa COAIT l1MlijijH111 Robert N. Weed, PubU.h<r Thomol Keel>il, Editor Albert W. Bot .. Editorl4l PIJ(lt Editor The l'ditoo1•1 pate of tho Dally Pilot seeks to tnrorm and tUmu- late rei\ders by prescnUnc this ncwsplpet't opinions and com· mcntary on topla of tntertsl and slgnlfJCl.ftel?. bf provklinr a forum for th~ expreulon of ·our mdtrl' opinlOnllt And by prtttn Ung the d1ver1e vltwpoinU of Informed ob- •C:l'Vtrt and apoka:~ on copJcs of thed"1. Wedne5day, July 19, 1972 (THE BOOKMAN J ) human beings is paradoxical. Read and decide for yourself., Gabriella begins as a beautiful, virginal girl who marries a family-ap- ptoved fiance . She pities the handsome youth, who is dying, unaware of his heart condltloo. She also pines for a Penn-pal namely Adam. Heartbroken when Gabriella marries a rival, Adam buries his r e j e c t e d masculinity in an endless succession of willing wenches, man's solace since the dawn of time. AND ALL !US buddies keep telling this suave, capable commandeering executive bow miserable he ts. Most men would envy him. Suddenly and-almost too-conveniently , however, Gabriella turns up lrom New York at a Balboa art show, wearing frtsb widow's weeds and no panties. Sudd<n!y Adam's fantasy or ld<allstic love is within bls grasp, no pun intended. The tender-hearted tycoon t h • n responds to Gabriella's confession of her own true love durtng a walk on the beach. lie doesn't seduce her, or at least that Isn't tile word listed In Section 261.1 of the California Penal Code. HE BESTOWS ALL !ht tendem"s or a delegation of Hell's Angels upon the ot.- Je<I of his affections on the Newport Btach strand Jn a chapter, including a d<ta!led d<lcrlptino of the rippln& and ttnding of Gabrlella'a every garment and ber e\•ery gflllp, This sandy sensuality would have generated enough heat to bum down the old Rendezvous Ballroom 30 years before It did, but only kindles Gsbrietia's al· leged latent nymphomania. Rejected eventually by A d a m • Gabriella decides.she i! all washed up in life, jumps off the jetty and gets washed up in death too -almost to Adam's doorstep, in fact. AUTHOR GABRIEL hasn't produced a bad book, but a saleable one whose flow of clear and at-times classy prose suffers from some nagging inoonsistency almost impossible to define. One can Imagine saying: Yes, I read the book, but I liked the movie better. "Tomorrow·Tomorrow," by Phi 11 p Louis Gabriel , Whitmore Publishing Company, (273 pp.) 1$.96. Dear Gloomy Gus A.R.V All that beautilul landscaping can't bide the feet that Costa Mesa is getting aome more instant tene- menla. -K.T. Tllll fMtvi. rtfltdl rttffrt' vltwa. llOt f!Ktt.ilrll'r thoM et Jiit """"'"11tf. !tt!ld """ "' .,.... It Glclornr ()vs. Dtll'r l'llOI. c It's Hard to Get a Shine Nowadays ~YDNEY J.HARlU~ out.side of a few large cities, it's almost impossible to get your shoes shin- ed anywhere; what's surprising is that our innovative technology -has not yet come up with a shoe-shining machine that does more than a mediocre job. • • • Next to -engineers, doctors as a class seem to know less about the world outside their field than any ottler group of presumabJY educated people. • • • The two most dangerous people in the world are the man who knows exactly what he wants, and the woman who doesn1t know. • • • Although the Sherlock Holmes stories are venerated by the connolsseW'S of de- tective fiction, my own preference is for the Father Brown stories by Chester- ton, wbicb are not only lngeniOUJ puz· zles, brilliantly writ· ten, bu.t also provide rare insights into hu- man motivation lacking in the Holmes stories. • • • The nicest bookplate I --ever sa\v belonged to a man who inscribed every book in hil Ubrary with the simple phrase: ''This book belongs to .. , .. and his friends." • • • Too few lecturers and professors have absorbed the wry observation of the late Billy Phelps cl Y.it, that "No man, no matt.r i..,. selr-crlllcsl , can st.nd up before a class and refrain from saying more than he knows." • • • One ol the most frustrating and l'm- barrasslng feelings In llie world is that of being a reasonably strong man and yet nol being able to tear open a fragile-look- ing little cellophane bag. • • • The best relationships between men and women usually begin with a little aversion; romance without confllct 'as a seasoning goes flat before it can flower. Jl.{This is why Shakespeare's love affairs, with fe'W exceptions, open in acrimony Md end in ardor.) • • • PlayJng the game or which period beside our own we would most prefer to have lived in, my choices were : first, Jerusalem_ during the mini stry Of Jesus : second, France in the 13th et!ntuty; and third, England in the Elizabethan period. • • • A fine play marred by bad acting is never so repellant to me a! a rotten play cosmeticized by superb acting. • • • The tltctlon campaigning montbs ahead might be a 'good time for rtealllng John Galrworthy'a sage advice to can· didates: "Thtre is ju.st one rul~ for pallticlans all over the world -Don't say 1n power what you &a)' in opposition. or you'll have to carry out the impossible." Quotes Dr. Gerald Walker Smllb, Belmont family tberapl1t -''C.Ol)(Jict I! built into any rtlatlOD!hlp that thatten; U Is tssen- Ual 14 lnttniacy. So it be&tilei 1 question of how outi11tly the Cllnfilct Is handled."' . . . A Diff ere nee • 1 Ill Radio Operators To the Editor: You published an article July 14 head· ed, "Radio Operators Plan Convention At Fairgrounds." The first tine states that "About 25,000 amateur radio operators," etc. I would like to point out that these people are not amateur radio operato rs . These people are citizens band radio operators. Amateur radio operators are l\censt>d by the FCC after an extensive test in person at the local FCC office { l.-Os Angeles) Involving a high degree of elec· tronic knowledge plus a radio-telegraph: code test of 13 words per minute. The amateur operator Is allowed to contac.t anyone in the world and it is legal to operate with a power of up to 2000 \\'atts. THE CITIZENS band radio operator has only to wrJte to the FCC nsldng f )r :1 Jicense and one will be returned in the mail. He is allowed to contact 1thcr citizens band operators. only in 3 very small radius and with a ma1lmum power or 5 watts. t believe that both parties would file the record cleared up. I have been 11n amateur radio operator for the .:iast 33 years with the same California call sign. KEITH FLA."lAGAN Amateur Radio Operator W6RtR Gulde Dog Terms To the Editor : The headline of an article from your iJ.. sue of June 21 incorrectly refers to a dog as "Seeing Eye Dog." ()Jr name is registered in the patent MAILBOX Le&£er1 from readers are wtlcontt. N ormollu writtra ahould convey their messagt1 in 800 words or ltss. The right to condense letters to fit spac• or eitmfnat• lfbel f.t reserv•d. All !•~ ters muit include 1ignature1 and mcriJ. ing ~'"" hi """'" ""'¥ be witho lleld oft" •fflU'JI If ruffki•nl rea.!on is appoml. Po•l'r!I will not be pulr Jished. offices of tbe United Stales and Csnada and re!en only to those <lop trained and tui:ned over to quillified blind peraona here st our solo headquarterl In Morristown, N. J. The Seeing Eye dbes not use Dobennan pinschers. SINCE THE article sta tes the dog was obtained at Pilot Dogs, Inc .• in Colllm· bus, Ohio, it is properly referred to a'S a Pilot Dog. Dop.s obtained from Guide Dogs for the Blind, Inc. Jn San Rafael, Californll, are properly termed GUide Dogs. Wiien the source ol such dogs ts '10I knowD, the recommended term lJ 'dog guide. We thought you might like to have Chis Information for your future reft~ Many thanM for your cooperation. • GEORGE WERNTZ, JR. The Seeing Eye, ln c. Morristown, N. J. Items From the Mail Things a columnist might never know If he didn't open his mail : 1r people really ate like wolves, a hungry 200-pound man would be able to consume nearly one-fifth his own weight in food at one meal. That's attJ"mt 40 pounds. Scientists are certain now that the planet Mars cannot sustain human lite because of the lack of oxygen there. The atmosphere of Mars i9 about nine-tenths c a r b o n dioxide, which makes it far worse for breathing even th:an the air nt a national political convention on thb planet. Earth's at· mosphere is JO thousand limes richer in oxygen than that on Mars. DOES IMPRISONMENT in Jail or prison have any rt.al deterrent effect whatever on criminals ? SOme sociologists doubt it, but the statistics say otherwise~ Confinement may ...not af. feet the hardened professional criminal, but the facla are that from a half to tW<> thirds or all persons who serve a first prison term never have to serve another. The thrff most expensive clltts co drive a car in America are now Boston, New York, and San Francisco, ICOOl'ding to an Auto and Travtl Club study. The two where driving Is cheapest are Portland, Ore.. and RlcbmoM, Va., w:1ere costs are nearly three centa J>'-r mile cheape< than Ille top (Cit of 14.93 cents a mile cb1lked up in Boston. Wblch city be lived in eould make a dlffeN?nce al som e 1475 to a buslvessman driving 15JOOO miles 1 yw. QVOTAllLE Ncn'ABL.ES: "I have learned a great truth which f shall • ( HAL BOYLE ) always cherlab -that peOple are pretty much the same1 tht! world over when you gel clown to fundamenlals, and that It does not much .matter what Is thelr race, cned or color." -Wt Bromfield. Our rising cost of government: The payrolls of U.S. st.ta and local governments went up 400 percent between 195.l and 1971. Nature notes: Mountain Uon kittens weigh only about a pound en.ch at birth. The .fawns of whitetail deer are SJCb home bodi .. that Ibey rarely slray m,ore than 10 yards from their birth spot lot the first month of their lives. Rac:ing pigeons have been clocked at an average , speed of 93 to 95 miles an hour over an 81).mtle course. The common fies can leap IOI> timea Ill own heigh~ OBSTACLE: Despite the miraculous IT!8rcl\ of medicine, many antjent ailmenll lhst could be-all but erldlcated rcmaii;ii a problem. For u:amplt, tttanus, COfllmllnlY known u lockjaw. still t&ku about \tl0,000 lives a year throughout the world; It WI!• Oscar Wilde who obserVed, "II one tells the truth, one is sure, IOOlllS' or later, flo be round out.'' ..----B11 George ----. °"" Georp: Thanks for taking Ill' lor 111 J- agcra tbe way you do. SIX KIDS Dear Kids : Forget It -otter that lett., csJI. Ing 31 old I'm off ~ rottt11 -agers for !Ke. • • • 1 I I I I l 1 ' • · .. Ellilierg cta•m " ; 'Secrets Hidden ' . . · i From President? From Win S.rvlca ' LOIS ANGELES -Ila a sp<cially c!' ared researehe< in Waabington, Daniel E sberi raya, be found the Pentagon t ps nuclear war secreti from the J'rFSldent, and be was shocked at the cafual manner in which Henry Ki.9-liF'• office bandies secret documents. ~ made the statenienll in a 12- ~ alfidavlt submitted Tuesday in the =, Papers trial The affidavit WU led with effortt by attoriieys for , and codefendant Anthony J. Russo to bar from the jury pel'!OllS who bave security clearaoce1. Elllberg and RIWO, former anali'st!I at the Rand Corp. thinlt lank, are on trial on chlrg., of thelt, cooapiracy and es- pionage for their admitted role In making "'bile the Pentagon Papers. Elllberg aald In the alfidavll that' be had been Involved with classified ll'!lem 1lnce he left the Harvar<I Queen Mary Objects To Be Auctioned Off LONG BEACH (AP) -Need an old oaken pulpit used for Jewish religious ...me.a on lransotlantlc voyages? Or a ocaJe tlllC _.,..ID -(one •-equala II pounds)! c 'nlele Ilana are aqing 2,000 from the ~er BrltlJh pa11enger liner Queen that have been declared 1Urplua put up ·for auctJon by the clty1of Beacb, which purcbaled the liner in llir 13.4 million. The ship bas been into a tourist attraction. auction will begin Friday at 9 a.m. ml continue Saturday and Sunday and -.edlilg weekenda unill all the Items anl aold.' , .. •l'" • Univeralty craduate school for the Marine Corps ID 1954. Elllberg said that ID 195MO, working for Rand, be became "perhaps the only person" ta have studied p~ for acliON ID 'the Pacific In the caae of • general nuclear war. In 11111 be drafted a "Basic National Security Plan," described as the buic U.S. military policy for actions to be taken In a worldwide nuclear war. UnUf then, be said, such a plan had never been submitted to the President or secretary of defense -Hlndeed Its ex- istence and nature had been concealed from these civilian authorities," Ellsberg said. Later, he sald, be was authorized unlimited access to the ~ secret "eyes only" vault in the state Depart- ment and to a aeries of crisis atudies In materlal and the security clearance the Penagon based on the files of the Joint Qlleft of Staff war room. He said these were kept secret even lrom the eecretary cl def ...... EU.berg said that alter a decade of such esperiences dealing with classified material, he was shocmt when he was auigned as a consultant of. Kissinger, President Nixon's chief foreign policy a<1- viser, to find the treatment given secret documents Jn bis office. Oiances ore running out for the P · emmcnt and defense ta dlsmbs potential ;funin:·tn the case without giving a reason. With tbt-excusal of 13 potential jurors Tuesday on peremptory challenges, the government was left only one more such challenge before a jury is selected. The defendants have two more joint challenges, and Russo has one alone. At- torneys have estimated a jury may be aeated by the end cl this week. Prh•atff Person? Percy Fell wock, 26, the au· thor who wrote, under the pseudonym Winslow Peck in Ramparts Magazine, that secret Soviet codes have been broken by U.S. Intelligence, said he made the statement because . the military is a ''dangerous thr~at to me (an d) my family." He said he will retire to pri- vate life now. Hotel Considered For Long Beat:h LONG BEACH (AP) -Officials here are considering a proposal to build a $10 million replica of the Imperial Horel, the Frank Lloyd Wright creation which survived the disastrous 1~ earthquake that destroyed most of Tokyo. Under the proposal, the 300-room hotel would be constructed on a 20-acre site ne:a:t to the Queensway Bridge on the waterfront within view of the Queen Mary, offitj_als said Tuesday, A representative of the New Imperial Hotel has discussed the project with American investors, but a spokesman for the port of Long Beach said confinnation might not come for severaJ months. ···· ~Skyjaclrlng Defense Insanity ''LOS ANGELES (AP). - \IJef.eoae lawyers for Ricardo ',jlbaves-Orllz, accused of com· ....seertng an airplane from tljew Mexico ta Los · Angeles , .., Ibey will argue that be .WU temporarily Insane during Ibo hijacking. ,,~ ' • U.S. District Court Judge Charles H. Carr ruled Tuesday that Qiavez-Ortiz was men- tally compettnt ta stand trial after putting him on the stand briefly . Chavez-Ortiz, 36, a Mexican national, told the judge be 11111· fered a "nervous breakdown" in 1967 due to overwork and a death in his family. "I think I'm in good shape now," Chavez-Ortiz said, answering Judge Carr's ques- tions in halting English as a translator stood by. OUR GREATEST VALUES EVER IN CHILDREN'S SHOES " . CHilDREN'S SHOES VALUES •.• OUR GREATEST EVER • BUSTER BROWN BOB WOLF KEDS ORTHOPEDIC SHOES Sc1wol 1Tax Bill Going To 1st Test SACRAldENTO (AP) -The com- promise $1.2 billion schonl finance and tax reform bill beaded for fb first legislative test today with opinions polarizing both for and against it. 1be compromise bill W!lS agreed upon by. two major Capitol opponents·, Republican Gov. Ronald Reagan and Democratic Assembly Speaker Bob Moretti Testimony at the bill's first hearing, be.fore the Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee fate Wednesday, should reveal where many of Reagan's and Moretti'• supporters stand. The bill would raise the state's share or school suPQOrt from about 36 percent to bet~ 41 percent and 43 percent, say the backers. This would----10ean $515 million more state money to local schools, part of a $'140 million package to relieve property·owners of their local school tax· ... The tax relief would benefit lllO!'llY homeown~Lin districts with the highest schOOI tax rates. The bill would conceqtrate the new support in poorer districts. This would Jn. elude $25 milliori for a plan by Wilson Riles, state superintendent of public in- struction, to lower ~ school age to 4 years. It would also mean a new $3 million prog'ram to help djstricts with large numbers of w~t educators call "'disadvantaged" children. Assemblyman Robert H. Burke <R· Huntington Beach), bas critici1.ed the bill because, be said, it puts Riles' ·"con- troversial and experimental E a r I y Childhood Education Plan" into "this year's tax refonn package.'' Burke, in a stateffient, called the com· bining of both provisions "nonsense" and said it is "definitely not in response to the wishes of the taxpayers, who are demanding tax relief -not more ex· pensive programs." . . ~--- Rock Group To Go Free LOIS. ANGELES VJ') -Six members of Sly ond the Family stooe rocl: group have been rele ... ed alttr a district . attomey ruled there was insufficient evidence to p...,....te them on chlrges of possessing m~xijo1na and dangerous drugs. Sheriff's officers arrested the singers eatly Tuesday after stop- ping and "arching. their mqtor home on 8aota Monica Boulevard. Among those taken Into custody was the group's leader, Sylvester Stewart, 26, of San Francisa>, wbo ii' known u Sly. . Nursing Mothers Respond to Call LONG BEACH (UPI) -..Nursing mothers responded in overwhelming ·nwnbers to a plea for help on behalf of an infant who needs bwnan milk tO survive. The telephones "never s t o p p e d ringing" after word got out, said a spokesman for the La Leche League, which coordinated the effort: More than 100 nursing women have been signed up 1 said a spokesman fo r Lorraine Miller Children's Hospital, and no more volunteers are needed. Three-month-Old John Joseph Shults, son of Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Shults of Huntington Beach, was hospit'a.lized two weel<s ago weighing only 611 pounds, just ounces more than he weighed at birth. Doctors dlagoosed his problem as a digesUve aihnent and he· was placed in the intensive care unit. The baby would Jive only if he could get enough human milk, physicians said, and they called for help from the La Leche League, an or- ganlzatioo which promotes breest feeding. Within hours after the appeal Tuesday, the hospital bad more volunteers than it .could use. OattrPllOT 5 S~onger. ·· Obscenity Law Okay~d SACRAMENTO (AP) -The Calilomia Se1;1ate has voted to remove the "redeem- ing socjal import,ance" clause from the obscenity law in order to make it easier to prosecute smut peddlers. The measure won 23·10 approval Tues· day despite a waJ1ling that it could en- danger the sale of the once-banned books by Henry Miller and others. Death Penalt" OK? SACHA~ (AP) -The man· datory death penalty for a life-tenn con- vict ·murdering a prison. guard would be reinstatM in califomia if voters approve an amendment to the state Constitution ( NEWS BRIEFS ) in November, says Atty. Gen. Evelle J. Younger. ·· The state's chief law enforcement of- ficer said Tuesday he has studied the re- cent U.S. Supreme Court ruling on capital punishment and concludes it bans the death penalty only where a jury is given discretion on executions. Bridge Bill Passes SACRAMENTO (AP) - A measure to name a San Diego area bridge after state Sen. Jack Schrade (D-San Diego) ha s zipped througb the Senate with 1 col· lection of bills labeled a s non- controversial. The measures, called the "consent calendar," wm 33-vote-approval Tuesday. Scbrade will be gunning for a third term this Kovember. Outstanding School Shoe Selection Naturally, All From Our Regul,ar Stock. (Earn $$1.80 on each '1,0oo)' REGULARLY TO $18. ' SJ90 TO s790 Sale Starts ThursCiay. Doors Open 10 a.m. All"''" """' ' No Exchanvu Or Refund a JO FASHION ISLAND • NEWPORT IEACH • 644·24'4 • ' .. • . You can earn this high interest on $5,CXXl minimum two year certificates. The first year your $5;m'> certificate will earn $309J5,and more for eachconsecutiveyearibat interest is added to the account. You can earn $59J7 on $1,CXXl minimum oneyearcertifieates, and as much as $5126 on a regular 1 passbook savings account of $1,CXXl. More interest "than banb ... mo,re cerlaio than stocks Plus free services ... safedeposit boxes, notary Plus personal' sh vice ... experieliced and service, ravelers eheques;trust deed and nnte ompetent savings counselors -in-each office""--r'- collectiops, andmanyin.orefree setvicesarcawil· to assist you~ planning your savings program. able when you have the required minimum You will fi.nd a warm, friendly attitude on bal3nce in your a~~ount at THE BIG M. the part 0£ everyone at Mutual Savings. • .. MU I UAL SMNGS . eo.ou clellllar. :alf7 Eaet eo...t ~/f1s•JOIO O!Mroli<alaColfDl,WatMoldla,1'..,dw,Clcndale&lld"-~ • ·. , , • l 7 • ' . p c s said the lio Ihle :;· mat .. •