HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-10-29 - Orange Coast PilotParole (!)ff icer: A Rost-prison By C.\NDACll PEAIUIOl'I Of .. o.llr ..... , ... A man, pelll'lrin& slightly despite 1 !hill In tbe air, approachtt an attractive IOUle 00 I da~ ltreel. He knocks loudly on tbe front door. No one anawers. Tho door la locked and lbe man, dreatd In moot on!Jnary ~othes, attempla a cll!llal stride around lo IJ>e back entry. A careless owner has left that door inlocked; tbe man enten quickly 8IK! takes tbe first valuable object Jn sight - 1 portable color teJevls!on set. He leaves Just aa hurriedly and carries • his llcket to Ill -..,. more flvdoltn tilt alley to a ear parte4 neatby. Tho man In Ibis typical atory haa Just commltlOd a fint-<logne burglary, a lelcllY p.inlwble by a aentence al five yean to 111• In otale prlaan. He la a narcotlcs addiol. He may be caught for hla crime of barglery. Tho odda lean that .,., bk&use hungry addlc1s oftel d o amateurlllt jobs. When he gels to court, his addiclioll may or may not be discovered. ~ If ft is, I\. ma, pt 'may not matt.er ln the mlilds ol lhe ludcO anillor jW')'. • -he Is convicted al tbe lint- SIJNDAY ¥0L 65, NO. 303, 7 SECTIONS. 100 PAGES • clqree burJlary. 11'11 fint arnet and he begills aemng hla aenlenco. With good behaVlor, he gela out early. Wbep any convicted fek>n -male or female, addict or not -Is relened from slate prison, one of tbe most Important pmom In ·his life for 1 detmnlned numbor al yean enters IJ>e picture- ' - (or Jill) -ol all tradea. Each returning ex-felon ll uslgned lime on parole, normaJJy tbe time of his unexpired sentence, whlch could vary from atmo.t oothlng lo IJ>e reJI of bis Ille. The average ii two-and-a-ball years. Parole Is often confi.lled wilh p~ baUon. Lou Camey, boss of one of the Tho parole officer, U..... department of correcllons parole Tho oarole· olllcer la many thlnga lo a olllces in Orange Oowity, said IJ>e "Wnfshed" crfmuW attemPtlng to re--easiest way to remember ~ difference enter IOCielj; a CGDfidan&,-a watch40£J a fa that probation comes before im- Jiollce Offi(:or'11 m.u..r. a mend, Hoar-prisooment llld parole after. rtage ;;;;;,;;i.;:, a financial adviser, a Camey, who refers lo everyone, in- state ~.' a JOI> ...,.. and eluding hlmself ss "Baby,'' joked that a referende ~t.~· ~· j~k ~ person hu to be an ' • I n c i p I e n t , . QRA~GE COl:INTY, CALIFORNIA SUNDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1972 Guide malOChlll" lo bo • perole olflcet'. Technlcal requirements are a blcbelor'• ~ and two yws' ..,.r1ence .In a ... 1ai.ct field (probatiM, criminology, aoclal welf8"'.) Hi.rtorlcally, parole bepn In tlie penal colonlea of Au.tralla and Ireland. Camey calls it the "barometer or the cor- rectional 1ySUm" because the parole of· fleer works onJy with those who are already "criminsllzed." It's a tough job -"Some cases can devour yoo," And although the rewards can be great, the failures are IOIDettmes (See PAROLE OFFICER, Page Afl TWENTY-FIVE CENTS 2 Men Face Murder Rap Aft.er Chase Ar3hs Hi jack German Plane Two Orange. County men were booked on murder charges Saturday in the death of a 27-yeaMld ,man whose body was found In a car parked ·on Oso Parkway near San Juan Capistrano. Palestinians _Fly to Munich , Seek Release of 3 in Oly mp ic S hooting Tho two suspects, MJcbael McNab5;10; of Stanton, and Joseph Rusc\lek. 27, of Garden Grove, were booked after a blgb- speed chase between San J u a n Capistrano 8J1d tagwia Beach. The chase ended when their car spun out of controi and hit a tree near Victor · ""8o'• restaurant in Laguna B ea c l;l. Both men bit tbe windshield of lhe car. They .,.. In guarded <Ollditlon today at Orange County Medical Center. or-PRmty Sheriff's officers lint .-.......... ~ .. Oso ParkwaJ 'near Cabot Rood at 1:31 Liii. SatiidoJ. .... they ·•111 ' lo ...,_ Ille can, tbo -*"-by Ille ~ IOot all, -llld.. From Wire Services NICOSIA, Cyprus -Palesllnian guer- rillas hijacked a German airliner carry- ing 20 persons from Beirut to Istanbul today, forced it to land at Nicosia for re- fueling; then took off again for AfWlich, demanding the release of three tenuists held in connecuon with the Olympics massacre, airport authorities reported. Eight Palestinian guerrillas killed It members of the Israeli Olympic squad in M 'ch. Sepl. 5 during a shootout with Five of the. guerrillas also were , but three were captured and jailed, pending a trial. Autborttlio In NlcOala llld the Luft- hansa Boeing 777 calTled LI pasoengen and a cniw·al RftlL · · ·-~ - The hijackers warned airport authort· ties lhey would blow up the plane If police tried to approach it. The hijackers told the control tower : "We don't want to cause any trouble here. Just refuel the aircraft and we shall continue the jOUrJJey to Ao!unich where we will demand the release of three Arab CQmrades." Runways were closed for almost an hour while the plane took on 1,320 gallons of fuel at the far end of the airport. Gennan Ambassador Alexander Tovak, who watched developments from the air· port lounge, said tbe seven crew mem· bers were Germans but be didn't know the nationality of the 13 pweogers, who included the hijackers. ' The pur!!Ufl, Jn which speeda al 90 mph were clocked, went north oo. Coast Highway. BnWl's body was not found until another sherlll's car returned IQ the re- maining car cm Oso l'llrkway a!ter the chase was over. • ' "t • t Do\I,. y . PJLOT lllff ...... I ' ' ' CAN,PIDATE McGOVERN SHAKES HANDS WITH ORANGE COUNTY ~EL:L'WISHERS • , · · MoN Th1n 1.500 Su-rtora ·Attend Campaign' J1 .. akf11t In AnahOlm Hqtal Eastern Jet Skyjacked Bei'u in tbe·t>ack aeat of tbe car, hla SJ!4ks ·In _Anaheim death apparently caused by a severe - blow lo tbe head, depuliea said. • . I he ur~.:=~~~ Sen. M-cGovern Pus s South Laguna when It bil a wall alter swerving to avoid a van that came onto the highway from a side street. 'Scientists Probe , Un«;f,erground Energ·y ·Source HOUSTON (UPI) -The FAA opera· lions ~nter here said four hijackers early today. shot and killed one inan. wounded another, commandeered an Eastern Airlines jet with 23 passengers aboard and ordered it flown to New Or- leans. The Boeing m landed at Moisant m.. temational Airport at New Orleans Y(here,. the FAA said it was being re- fueled for ~ possible Oight to Havana. The dead man was identified by the FAA as Stan Hubbard, an EAL Ucket agent: The wounded man was Wyatt Wil· kinson. 26. also employed by EAL. Wilkinson, who was working on the ramp, saw the pilot start the engines and 't\o'eDl to tell him the plane's cargo was not loaded. Wilkinson was shot in the right ann by a man crouching in the doorway of the plane. 39-f oot Margin SUS:=~::~:~~=~~ .. :, .. f,,~st~war PrQgrflqJ; · · not seriously injured. -· .:.'f ,. , ~ • , ... · · The Calilomla lllgbway Patrol and ·'111 CAND&Cli::PEARSOl'I If IJ>e cumnt talk of peace agree- Laguila Beach police. also joined the ~ r , ot•• _, ,..., sl9fl' ment between the U.S. and North Viet· chase, which Jasted about' JO minutes. Democratk ~sid~ti~ candidate Sen. nam holds true, McGovern . told the Geo M. ~~ . ·-· ,.. thro h A.nMt?im .. oue tbe cotmlrY win need a rge •~"""' w~•~ ug p~t 'WllO can "beJlli!'to ino•• ·1rom Orange County Salurday morning lo IJ>e U>e waste of war lo tbe ....,ks.~peace." deliRbl al a ien...i crowd of more than t ,500 people and s8ld that if peace comes, 1be South Dakota senator said that the Stµ,.T LAKE CITY (UPI) -Scientists said' ~if~ iiave'tateif.a key step ti>w)'lil ~~underground ~·f.~J· .. ·~l's 'a 'h~gh which m•y help combat·~ wo.rtG•S eit&iY crfl3ls,'' said a spokOsn!M at"the' Unlvets~y of Utah. where' 5'ief}t00 have been ·working on the1poSsibilityr0f •uSing the·earth's heat to run power pUmts. Dr. Roberti B .. tSmitfl, 8.61Qciate pro- fessor of geophysi~, said t h e "breakthrough" ls confirmation of a lihk betw~ earthquake swarms and un- derground thermal lea~. • Reds Increase Attncks; Cong Vow No Reprisal.s lri Air Disaster NOIRETABLE, France (AP) ·-A French Vickers Viscount that .crashed in a storm, killing 59 of ea persons on board, just mlssed a clear llight line Into Clennont·Ferrand airport, lnvtstigalon said Saturday. The plane hit a mountain only about 30 feet below Its IWll!nlt. The Air Inter turbojet struck rocks and trees near the top of the mountain at 3,400 !eel Friday night, wilJ>ln sight of U>e airport, Ulen tumbled without lire or exploaion about 900 feet Into a clearin&- .All escept tbe rear portion of tbe lour, engined eralt broke apart. t All a~ U>e alreraft, lncludlllg tbe five crew members, were French. he .,,.id be a better posl-war.presldenl McGoveml!llrtve• ticket ''.would .be best than Nixon. ' . for tlie ecoDQmf of. this country in the pl te -...t.war ""'riod." • , . McGovern appeared at a ts-a· a .-~ ..- breakfast at the Disneyland • Hole!, His speech wa,a lnlerrupled frequenUy Anaheim, at 8 a.rn. Later he flew to by cbeerinrg. He told• those present that Spoki.ne, Wash., for an afternoon ap-be "caD '1Clllly rejoice" that the war in pearance before retuml{lg to Wasbingtao· Sou~ Asia•may aooo be oYer. D.C. ' · He Pointed out that supporters and He spoke to about 900 people In tbe members 'of the Nlxoo admlnistratiOD Embassy Room of lhe Disneyland holel lcmg ago criticized the McGovern pro- whlle &OO other suppurtera watched his poSA1 to ~ve the Vietnam confilct in speech on clo<ed-cln:uit tel~vtaioll ,,.arby · 90 ·daya aa linttallatfc. in another room. r I 0 We are DOW theo left to wonder how Part of, an. overflow crowd waited · \bese sa .. people think it can be ~ outside for McGovern's reappearance CQmPlished tit lell ·t.1tpe:,' be said. about an hour later. • • MCGofeOI • .,., QI~ It • tbe ~at ~ early-momm. crowd In i\,;aifut· jjf; !\ii>! lllCb!oia ·l!Mo8. (P. U.., Embaasy Room, McGovern lint Cn>rd'J' ~lyman r Ken . Cdy: (P., ~tecl, ''There just bas:io ~·a .new -< j)ra>\ge County' being born." . (See M~VERN, p.,._AJ) Stronge•t Sta~ ·Nixon Vows No Amnesty " I \ ' } ~. ~, .. Smith and fellow sclentilts satd they have found an "intriguing corrtlation" between the swanns and geothermal bot rock activity. Their research has cov(;l'td the Western United States, I n cl u d i n g Yellowstone National Park, an area known for ita geothenpaileetures. Smllh said ab underground· lhennal chamber a mile ~ diameter would pro- bably "be-fU(Oci"1\\ ~ ope~~ a full •ilNin "ieneralin( puinl .. .e\jur<alent in capacll)'-lo·anythii)g we ha've In Utah for · 10 to 20 years-; ahd tt~s polluticmless." Earthquake swarms (~ quakes have been linked in the past with volcanic regions in research"by scientists in Japan. 'l1le swarms can be detected with hlghiy aensiU•• aeismograpbs which can pick: up a per:IOO'S footsteps·from several hw1dred yards. . SAIGON (UPI) -Scaltered Com· mun.isl attacks soared to their highest level in five yea.1'3 today, South Viet· namese military spokesmen said, as both sides intensified their struggle for control of population centera before a cea•fire c<1uld be called. The Saigon oommand said the Com- munists initiated 138 ahefl!ng.s, ground al· tacks and terrorist incldents Jn the %4 hoW'I ending at 6 a.m. today. 14 more than the previous record 124 staged day before ye9t.erday and the highest ...corded since the Tel offensive of 1968. Commuriisl'troops captured at least 12 hamlets within 40 mlles of Saigon Satur- day but South Vletnameae ...captured seven of them by this morning. One of the hamlela still partly In Communist hands is only 10 miles oorthwest of the capilal. Forty miles east of Saigon, South Vie~ nam~ troopa l!J>OrlOd 41 Communists O:\' ·1·11 a·: l :\'!'il ltt: MANTUA CORNER, Ohio (UPI) -Tho Presldenl sioDPed bis limousine In the mainly w1t11e, working class '.Prestd'"t Nixon rnotorcadlllg IJ>rouah when he spotted a. huge aign on the sorburb of North Royalton tbe Preaident COASTAL ISSUE -Will Proposition 20 FALL' FASffiONS -Family Weekly tbe Ohio COWltrYside, said Salunlay lie Lorence ' pickup truck, "Mr. Presldenl . launched an lma1" ooed ~;qi tbe ve ·a..u.Y !ell<! .ca~J111a coaatl!ne? \'IOlll"1 '1 idltor Rosalyn Abrevaya offers wlll "never'' l"Olll amnesty lo dralt-:' please • and <lllale handa. No am-; nation's law of .j-~(~ I ~ 1 '~~~r.:::,.l;i ~" · · JltlniMi, : i14~;111 ~,to organir.e an ln-v"lue d~rs~~~'.nT .. •sst10il! neaty,.We ., ~'!.Y~o:iiram., ·""~t~1"1. e:, ", .-,..,~, • '" - . ~.'l!lt ,1a11 With c<li!lh<s ..Y"" • atalement lo "".'J;.11 ob' !M ™6t1Gnal' •cat' a , ~~~ 'aboUt '.l&kllir· people.'o!iltilH,\m tl"llcemeii aM ~ln>r,....ial •~.itio"'! ~ the< Nov, 1 alrt!odj< ollri:-n'a. this wedt '• cover ~ •amnesty issue In a conversation with a tbal amnesty -never." Nilon gestured calling them plg1., ll 1l'll.Elkts ~ blood. tiiUot"a,rf an1~·by Slaff Writer Tern lll lbe qadoe. f farm family that lost a SQQ tn Vietnam with a clenched fill 1s he talked. boil,'' Nixon said. ... · l Covtl~tn a feafbte"On Page 81. SPoR.'l'S SCORES _ 1n football action j fi~i:::.'ioo who have delerted U>etr....,. ~1:.J!':.!~ a w~ty~~ tha1:': ~.!!'! i:,ar~~= ;Jt tOP'INi:Ws ;_:,:.m,. Cf Pon campus" saturclay, <>rMio Coall College d<leated -tbe drafl dodgcn -aro never In <leveland. ed Ibis week whlle .. •'PP<elimllll. Ii · ~dn NeWpotl' Beodl haa mowd · Oil State Fllllmon IM>7. Golden West '101n& lo I t amnesty wbon boys like On two -· .. rty In tbe tJO.mlle crlmln•l. • • lndoon. Police find lbere is mo,.. rapport beot Cypma O>llege 19-13, and Sid-~" have died," Nl&On told Mr. and trtp tbe P-1 atopped lo deliver hrtel "You can't Pol' U... people enouch," ~"-• .~ ollloen conducts clasaea at dlebad< del•aled Rlvenldo City College Mti. FraalC Lorea<e , in Iron\ pl IJ>elr lmpromplu apeeches · oslng a loud Nlson Id "Yc>u , I .,.-u~ tM. In a high school game, Fountain lann just 'oulSlde IJ>IJ NrBl -munllY of ·speaker lfl(em In his hlack CooUnonlal 11 · can 1 P"Y peep 0 acboo1 Instead of just being avaUable on Valley boal Magnolia l4-f6. The game 100. llmoullQe. (See NP:ON, Pqo AJ) campus. The alory la on l'llge Al. r<portf1ll'9 on pqea C2 and C4. • • . { killed in the recapture of two hamJets. Government losses were put at four klll· ed and 10 wounded. The country's main Highway 1, "'1ich runs from Phnom Penh to Hanoi through Saigon, was cut on both tides of Saigon because of the fighting, spokesmen said. The Viet Cong UberaUon Radio called on the UnJted States to sign a peace lrea· ty, but said Its forces woold fight "fo. complete victory" if an agreement were not signed. It said the so-called Provisional Revolutionary Government {PRG) would carry out "corTeetly" a1J terms of the cease-fire and "The PRG pledgea ~ will be no reprisals, it will forget about haired and will carry oul natlonal harmony and reconcillation." Rockets and mortar slammed tnto U.S. installations in Da Nang and Long Blnh, wounding four Americana. the command . (See VJETNAM, Pqe AS) ln81tle s .. uy ...... ....... ..., ,..,...... At ·-~ . ... --.......,,. ·-hrMMll: ... ~ C .. Mll... 0 •1-0.I• T ........... ~ ... c-i ... ONlll ~ ... ,, .,,...... c...., •.i,.,. .......... -~ .....,.. , ........ ,_... ... kM ...... "'-Cot.._.. .. _ ... ~ .... ,..,.,._ ,. ... ...... .... o..11 ........ ,.,...... ~ILT PILOT lllC'ftONt .. ... ... •• •·• "'"" H C-1-C•lt .. ~. •• ... ... cw c-tc. .. ....., .... ., TV W•1 People /Quotes Tuesday Peace Signing Urged·. Relaiing in her old barn·red, l'llll\bllng farmhouse in Malibu Beach, actrea LH Gront dl.!clL!S<d her hwbaod's rel&Uonshlp to food . "It's utoundlng that Joe Is not u wide as he b tall. My old man geta more turned on by food than women. For example, when be sees eggplant Parmesan or artl· d>okea vinaigrette go by; his eyes glue over and hi• pulse quickens in the same way I've Reds Looking for. Rogers Arrival in Paris ' I seen men look al beautiful women." , I -"' Asked bow she thought she would be received, Ensign RoHm•'"( Noloon, 24 , the !if!! women officer ln the U.S. Navy w be assigned to a ship replled, "l won't have any problems different from any otb~r young offi cer. I'm an officer and I expect my men to follow my orders." George Scott was among tht? Fountain . Valley city councilmen who took a strong · stand against Proposition 14 at their meeting last week. Speaking of the proposition, which would basically reduce property taxes while increasing saJes taxes, Scott said, "Proposi- tion 14 is like cwing a headache with a hammer." Doris O'Brien, who conceived the ldea for a coloring book, "Up or Down With Wo. men's Llberalion," says her husband ha:i: just one hangup. "He really thinks that women have a pretty good deal and that the world of business IS not as glamorous as women think," she said. However, she feels an edu· cated woman could become very bored at home because, "the more you are stimula· ted, the less it is possible for you to be satis- fied cleaning toilet bowls and making peanut ···~ butter sandwiches." An early opponent of the incorporation of th~ City ~( Irvine, Ronald C1spers, Fifth District county Supervisor, pa.J.d a visit to the city's council chambers la st week for the first time and remarked, "[ guess like a typical in-law, I gave you a bad enough time during the courtship, so I left you alone during the honeymoon. As he sat down for a city council meet· r -1~ ing last week, Fountain Valley's Mayor Al Holllnd.n found a last minute note from a city staff member concerning a matter on = i the council a~enda. Amusingly perturbed, the mayor qwpped, "I've heard the Costa Mesa councilmen charge a round or drinks to any staff member who puts a piece of paper in front of them just before a meet· ing. -\Ve're ahead of Costa Mesa in most things but we might just look into that." Politicians have never been known for humility and Assemblyman Robert Burke, (R-Huntington Beach) i. no exception. "Did you know that George McGovern ha& never polled as many votes In a general election u l have?" he asked last week. He explain· ed that the 2· l margin be baa won In a 500.- 0()().resldent district bu actually produced more votes than McGovern has polled in races in a state of over 700,000. "fm not sure of the significance," he said, 11but isn't it interesting?" GOP Chairman Accuses O'Brien of Crime Link By Ualted PrM1 J.atmiatloul Republican NaUonal Chairman Bob Dole charged Saturday that Lawrence F. O'Brien, Sen. George S. McGovern's campaign director. met secretly with the president of a firm allegedly linked to organized crime shortly before a con· gressional bearing on the company was halted. O'Brien called Dole's allegation "a desperate and despicable lie'' and denied he had any !leCrtt meeting with Jeremy Jacobi, bead of Emprise Corp., a race track COflCt;SSlonalre firm. Dole claimed in a 1tatement that O'Brien met with Jacobs and his at- torney in mld-5eptember when a House subcommittee invesUgallng crime llnks with horse racing planned to re-questkln Jacobs, the Emprlse pt'Uldent, and his brother. He clalmed that after that, the hearings b<lng conducted by Rep. Claude Pepper, (0.Fla.,) were "mysterioully c1lled off." "It 1bould be of lll'tat Interest to the American people to find out how the Jaooba1 managed to get the crime Mar-ini• turned off JUll before the presiden- tial election," the GOP chairman com- mented ... It ii alao of great intere•t to !<now ol Larry O'Brien'• role In h<lplng to set thole bearqs turned ott when many questlonl nm.ilDed unan1wered as to the ertent of lbe Emprtse's opera· Uon1." Power, .. ached by UPI at hil Miami Jawo Ulce, aaJd. .Dole's implication that the hearings were called ort because of O'Brien's intervention was "a falsehood fabricated out of the ,whole cloth." He said be had never talked to O'Brien, that the hearings had never been finnly scheduled to resume in September, and that Dole had never talked to him about the allegations before making them. "I resent any lnslnuaUon or lnfertnce that we have done anything what.soever in relation to such a matter," Pepper said. "We have not. This is utterly UD· founded." Pepper said the Jacobs brothers have been "fully 00'.lperatlve," appearing will- ingly without subpoenas, and had agreed to come back in the fall for mon1 ques· Uonlng. Rep. Sam 5telier, CR·Arlt.) grllled the Jacoba brothera hardest at last spring'• hearings about their alleged UeJ to the underworld, But there wu no sworn testimony lmpllcatlng ellher Jeremy Jacoba or his younger brother, Mu, as members of or1anlud crime. While Pepper confirmed It wu Steiger who asked that the Jatobs b111thert be rununoned for more questknllng in the fall, he declined U> suggest that SU.lier had prodded Dole into releaslng h1I state- ment. Dole 11.to said there were .. un- confirmed reports ot large amounta or cash flowing through Eri\prt1e and ltl subsidiaries into the McGovern cam· paiin." .,_,,__u.i 1"rtod> and <lotmmnillt d!olomaUc sources In Paris said Salurday !hat U.S. Secretlly ol State WUllam P. Roeers ls expected to Oy to Parll to tip the .....,. llre 1-t with North Vletoam. 'liie VIM C..,. joined &nol In lnllstlng the ocoor'1 be tlcned Tuesday and prom- ised tlMn would be DO nprlsalt afler the war. In Wubln&too, 0, Slate department said It hid .., .... menl on the Part. report. But diplornaUc soun:es said it would be lo&lcal for Rogers to go since 5UCh an a,...,..,.t would be •toned by an offlclal bl!!low presidential rank. 'Ibo Wllblniton IOUroet Id d t d bowe-thl; tho Uillted Slllal dog IXlt comlder the draft trut;y ready for sip 2 Reporters Freed After ugging Fails Two young, part-tlme reporters for an Artesia weekly newspaper were detained hut oot charged lut week by Loi Alllllllos pollee for an alleged attempted bugglna ol the Loi Allllllios dty council chambers. Pollce said the reporlers for the Arteell West Onnge c.unty Community Ad-..ctlo, Inned with lapo recordent and mlcnipbones, were apparently trying to listen to a closed-door oouncll ....ion. The executive aesslon rtlUlted in the !on:ed resignation ol City Manager Wil· Ham Kraus. Police Chief Roy J. Kunda ldentlfled the 1 ... FridAI' u _Victor Robert Pen- Dllll, 21, aod Xetherlne Alme s.c... 23. '11ley were DOI boobd and w1D oot he p,._,.ted, said tho chlef, adding that the city COUlldl, city attOmey and l<raus agreed with this decltloo. The two reporten were allelfldly aeen last Tueaclsy by pollce Sgt. Richard Ryan attomptlq to llel up recording equJpmenl In the dwnbera. "What we lulve here ""' ,.porten, 21 aod 21, Oil! to mUa ti with I big ttory," KUlldtJ Aid. '"l'bt cue ttopo here from the lecal point o1 view." .Bolh nporten, police said, maintained that tho dec:lll<n about tho city maoapr'1 lulurt lhould hive been msde in pullllc. CllJ' MIDapr Kraus wlD retlcn bl• port U ol llec. 31, but wlD taka I "leaYe ot a1-lce" until then, """°rdlni to the city council'• decJsloo Navy Jetfighter Explodes in Air; 2 Feared Dead SAN DIEGO (AP) -An Fl Phantom jetfighter bunt lnU> fltuMI and exploded as It approached the carrier Constellation Saturday u the ship'• crew was observing an annual !amlly day, the Navy said. "It doe111't appear that any crewmen In the piano KO! out," a Navy 1pokeomsn said. The Fl bas a pilot and radar ln- ton:epl officer. Some of the 2,500 !amlly members aboard the llhlp Aw a bright Duh when the plane exploded 10 mn.. away bul they were unaware there bad been an ac-- cident, the Navy 1poktaman said. Namee of the plane1 crewmen wmi not disclosed Immediately. Not All Snow Chains Meet State Demands Certaln tlre chains oow being marketed do not meet legal requlrementa for use In chain control a re a s , C.Ommiuloner Walter Pudlnskl. California Highway Patrol, hu cautioned driven. Non-metal or e1ble type chains do not meet the le1al requirement. Legal chllns are metal wltb two clrcular metal loo~ on each side ol the tire conne<:lod by a minimum ol nine evtnly apaced chains acrou the Ure trwd. Ttre chains are re- quired on all vehicles In snow 1re1s when appropriate control 11iJ11 are pooled. f;op Loses by a Whisker Honor Patrolman's Mustaclie Quart-er Inch Too Long MIAMI (UPI) -City ol Miami patrolman Donlol ZOU plaN to wall< Into the police moeter thls afternoon Oanl<ed by hil two lllonleYt. and find oul whether •lie wlD continue to be penollsed !or havln.ll a lliustadle ooe-quarter.lnch Ion,... than ...,.iaUon. Zell, . ., wu Mllml'1 officer ol the , .... In I.Ill, ilu --.me. of the month and. the depa11tMnt'1 tpolrdnan, Sgt. K..etb -, told UPI Sltur- dly, ''Wilen !lo wu utlllJled lo me he ahraya lool<ed neatly attl.red." Lui ~ Zell -reUeYed ol duty aod docked his ~ In what Harrison callt, "DOI a llll(J<llSloo, Just what we code as ·w.w.· working but absent wl~ out permilalon and wlthoot pay." Harriton said the deportmenl hu three times reviled lto rulff ... hair and the rules ._ In force, whl<h llarrlaon said he belloveo copy thole ol Oakl1nd. Calli., "Ir that IJCaip hair canlXll be longer than I Tncbes and mustaches can't be more than onHall tnCb below the comer of the mouth. lie said Zell'• mustacbt Is on&lourth llldl too long. Al rnut1<r Wedneldly Zell -onlutd to trim tho mustache, hair end 1idobuml. He did not. Wilen be npcllied for duly 'nwtlday he WU tent home. • Some offittrs who back Zell say he is beinII 11ngled out beclluse ho worked ac· Uvely to hive pwminl rules updated. Opponenla, lncludlni ooo deleotlve who reluaed to be ldent!Oed, said. "II you•,. tn unlfonn wblther lt'a a garbl.cemtn's or 1 pollceman't you thould look neal I don't thlnl< he looka neal I thlnl< he lool<s like a New York City eop llom !Ill." Ran1lorl 11ld, "I don't kmw whit'• goln( to happen. I aee hit point, but 1 "" hit ileUWtallt'I point too -that U there U DO hair rtCU}.aUon at a11, you can have -with hair down to their thoulders who would bo an emborrullnent to the department In fruit of I lar&e eecment of the pubtJc." Ing l"I l¢ uld Ropn WU 11111 In Wublnlton with no bnmedlato' plana to leave. In Paris the diplomatic aourcet also said the United Slata, Ruaslt, Brllaln, France, China and N«th and South Viet· n•rn had agreed to tak! put In an In- ternational con!o,.nce oo Vietnam In the Frencb capltll about 1 month after a ..... !lre. One of the main ~ ol the "'°" ference ·would ·be to sot up an in- ternational control comm1asion to police the cea.efire uoder the terms o! the draft peace agreiment between the United States and North Vietnam. In Sal_.., President Nguyen Van Thieu, who said there wlD be no peace aareemeot without bis accord, was reported ll<lldlng his chief ambusadon on 1 tour of Allan countries tn an effort to convince their leadera he is .. not ao obstacle to peat1e,'' Vietnamese IOUn.'el said. But South Vietnam's Radio Salpl •Id the Comniu.niat peace prop01al was almp. Jy a move to get American troops out o! Vietnam so they could attack tho South again later. In Moacow, the o!llclal Soviet Tess news •gency uld Communist forets would stop up their 1tllcka In South Viet· nam if the Un1ted States does not sJgn the cease-fire aereement Oct. 31. The Paris diplomatic sou=s, quoted by UPI chief diplomatic correspondent Joseph W. Grlgg, said Rogers Was ex- pected to come to Paris fer the ligning even though President Nixon'• security Vegas' Top Entertainers Singers Iba Mlnn•W and Sammy Davis Jr. bold trophies awarded to them at the Second Annual Las Vegas Entertainment Awardl ceremony at the Lu Vegu Hilton Hotel. Both were votedJops)n '<heir field by fellow entertainers, the p,,... and hotel offklais, from 750 other artists who also appeared In Las Vegas night spots Jut year. Allende Cut,s Off Talks SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) -A rapid anymore, well, we'll JUll keep on &OinII," solutloo to Chile's crippling lllrlk!a a1> commented Rafael Cllmlllle, president of peared doomed Saturday alter Pmldent Chile's Small Buslne51 <;on!ederatlon. Salvador Allende cul off !alb with strike The strikes began almoot three weeks leaders becauae their demands, he said, ago when truck owners broke off contained "political overtonea I won't ac-diacu.sslons with Allende's Jeftlat go\fU'll. ctpt." ment over higher cargo rates and the Allende announced on natlonwtde radio protested fonnaUon of a 1tat&-owned and i.levlslon about mldnlibl Friday trucldng finn In 10Uthern Clllle. thll De(Ollltlons'had colllpaed. 1111 an-SmaJJ.bullness men and obopkeepen nouooemenl followed 1 dly of -called 1 sympothy strike and' other vloleoce In the cepltll In wlllcb 10 l!fOUPI, Including -..., dentllta, advlter, Henry A. Kitalnaer, ne&aU•ted the agreement In I seriet of top.<ecrel talka wllh Hanoi leaders. 1be 10Urce1 said North Vietnam'• Fo'""'1 Mlniltor, Nguyen Duy Trinh, would tlgn oo behalf of Hanoi. Communist 101U<e1 denied urller reparts thlt South Vleln•m aod the Viet Coll& also would •Ian· They said tbol'I would be only two slgnatul'OI oo the <1ocumen1 and the! the pre1mblo 111111 speclltcally that the UDlted Stales ls ao- tlng alto on behlll of South Vietnam and ! that Hanoi Is actlng for the Vlft C..,., , too. r Hanoi bas said flatly the blstoric. t agreement to end the fighting must be • signed Oct. 31 and that the United States t_ will "bear responsibility for the con· ~ ~uences" if it is not. From Pagel VIETNAM •.. said. Two other Americans were wound-• ed when Communist ground fire brought •: down their helicopter near Saigon. ·• Communist IO!dlen, carrying the red ;. and blue National Liberation Front flag, ': had taken 12 hamlels near Saigon Satur. ~: day, but South Vietnamese so!Cliers, with :; the Sajgon government's red and gold ;: banner, drove them out of five. •• In the fighting closes to the capltll, ' field -SBid the Communists In-• filtrated Trung Cbanh, 10 miles from ~ Saigon, early SahlNay and held "bun-.; <hda" of the resident! bostaa:e, pr"e'ient-~ -ing a1r ..strikes or artillery by the govern--;: menttroo~. ~ The stepped up drive represented no ~ • • major thrut to Saigon llaell, allhough • government officers said they feared a ~ commando-style attack on the western :: 1Uburb of Phu Lam "soon". They did not ~ say what led them to expect IUCb a push. ~ A South vtetnamese battallon-nca1>;i turing a town. 'A> miles east ot Saigon ::: found 30 Viet Cong Oaga oo the bodles ol~ alaln Communist troops . :: Both the Communist aod govenunent : sktel In the war have begun a "battle of : the naP" in an effort to ptant their stan-~ dard in as many places as po!Slble : before any cease-fire, to show control of~ the area. : .--~~~~~~~~~~; HOUR TO SP A.RE . • ' ' . JI you forgot to eel )'O<r clock : beck .... hour Satunlay nlihl ; bft<n you W'"11 "' bed, do k -· : Doyllght Sovlnl!a 'llme .__ at I : LID. today, marking the return to • per10t11 were orrest.d. engine<nl, lawyers and pr Iv ate • 1~-"~U~Allende~::_~domn~~~~wanl:::::~to:_:lallt~wl:::th~us::.___:"'~hoo:'.::lto~a~che:=:r•~·~BOOll::'.!jo~lned::::_~ln.::.._~~~..!::::======================'j Standard 'llme. llW AT WHITE Fm ... A BBIPI rlW WITH OVER 50,000 HARDCOVBI BOOKS OF . FICTION & NON-FICTION ORIG. P•. AT I' 18 7.95 NOW c EA. 8111111 TITUll FAMOUS AUTllll, lOP NAME PMUlllBll INCUIBI ADVINTm, MYIJIRlfl, COMBllEI, CllBlll'I B•S.All MUCH ml STORI HOU•S1 DAllT & SAT., IOAM le 9PM •SUN. & TUfS., IOAM I• 7PM HURRY! WHILI • QUANTITIES wn 10.Stl ·, - ., ' . .. ·: :· • : . .. ., .. COSTA MESA !~~~~~~~Br~~· ,; .................. ______________________________ _. ( • 0 tai ci de do de re th m le SC ite cil w tu H h c t r I -___ ,..._ ~ Orange Coast Roundup FORWARO PROGRESS: HUNTINGTON BEACH - A special citizeM committe has completed a year-and-half study of the community's goals and objectiv ... Respooses·were ob- tained from more than 2,000 residents, who essentially !<>Id civic leaders they want more parkJ, they want clownl<>wn re- development and Ibey want the oil fields cleaned off, but they don't want more freeways, more block wall8, or more high density apartments. A surprise twist in the answers. sh<>w~d residents willing to pay higher taxes for a better city, said the committee. COPTE RS BACKEO: NEWPORT BEACH -City Council· men Tuesday reaffirmed tlfeir support for the city's police hel· icopters despite a heated argument by former Newport-Mesa school trustee Donald strauss, president of Helicopters Lim· ited, an ainti-llellcopter citizens group. strauss warned coun· cilmen that biB group might resort I<> recall unless !lights were cut to emergencies only. PRESIDENTIA L PLANS: SAN CLEMENTE -Diverse sources reported during the week that President Nixon J?l!llls to wind UJ? his campaign for reelection at La Casa Pacifica, than cast ti.is own vote at-his polling place at Concordia Elem· entary School, within sight or the Western White Bouse. Sources along the South Coast and in L9s Angeles said the President will arrive in San Clemente ·perhaps Friday, stay the weekend, cast his vote, then leave immediately for the White House East, arriving in time I<> catch the election re- turns. The Wayward Bus An irate tour director had words with local police after her charter bus, parked in a red zone and impeding traffic on busy Coast Highway, was towed away, leaving he~ stranded with a7 bewildreed l<>urists following a lunch stop lD Laguna Beach. The lady threatened to cainp out in front of City Hall till her wheels were returned. Towmg service operator Larry Hunt gladly complied. ''That was as big a towing job as we've had in some time," he commented. "I'm glad it's over." COAST PLANS: LAGUNA BEACH -The Coastal Liason Committee, set up I<> establish goals for beachlront property between Laguna Avenue and Sleepy Hollow Lane, has ~en asked by the City Council to continue its efforts to determine the type o! development that will benefit both the community and property owners. Upland Industries, subsidiary of Union Pacific Railroad and principal owner in the area, advised the council it "cannot live with" goals originally proposed by the committee. AIRPORT ZONING: IRVINE -City Councilmen denied the Hark.er-Rinker Development bid to rezone for residential development a 70.acre pa::cel in the new city that lies near EI Toro Marine Corps Air Station. Councllm~n sai~ some ~er use might be made of the property which is subjected to Jet noise up to 100 times a day. The city, too, will look at tax relief measures such as agricultural preserve status for the land which i'i underneath the west runway takeoff pattern of th e military jetport. BILLBOARDS: COSfA MESA -A citizens group is mounting a campaign to rid the city of billboards and un- sightly advertising. The first effort by the Beaulifioation Committee will be to remove nine billboards whose time linu· tations have been exceeded. CHICANO POWER: WESf ORANGE COUNTY -State labor officials rapped on the knuckles o! ,the Huntington Beach Unum High School District for unfair employment prac- tices regarding Mexican-Americans. A Fair Employment Prac- tices Commission report said all 34 district supervisors are Anglo-Saxon, and of the 48 administral<>rs and specialists, only one is Chicano. The district was told to shape up its em· ployment proqedure or face possible sanctions. PEACE OFFICER: FOUNTAIN VALLEY -The police department is oeeking • $17,000 federal grant to close any communication gap between the community and police. The grant will pay for a fulltime community relations officer who will hold regular meetings with local residents in each section o! the city. A three-rught·a·week ride-along program will also be estabbshed. Special emphasis will be placed on friendly contacts with the youth. HELP FOR STORK: NEWPORT BEACH -Dispatched to help a woman in childbirth, Officer Gene Senecal arrived Thursday I<> find the baby had arrived first. Be knocked on a ·locked door, rang the bell and yelled through the mail slot. The brand-new mother with a brand-new son yelled back to climb in through a window. She was st.ill tied to her newborn and talking on the telephone to her obstetrician. SYCAMORE HILLS: LAGUNA BEACH -After a period or quiet, a new, development plan for the 522-acre Laguna Canyon land parcel, sometimes called the key I<> the Laguna Greenbelt, has been presented by Newport Investments Inc. The proposal calls for development' of 28 percent of the ac- re•&• with 2,000 dwelling units over a 10-year period, leaving 78 percent of the land as open space. A cultural center and shopping center would be included if rezoning is approved. SEASIDE CITY?: SAN JUAN CAPlSfRANO -A contro- versial bid I<> annex 800 acres of San Juan Creek lands lead· ing I<> the sea fell' to defeat at midweek before the County Local Agency Formation Commission. Clvtc and utility en· tities in the annexation area batUed strongly against the an- nexation which would have taken the city limits nearly I<> the coast. GENERAL PLAN CRISIS: IRVINE -City officials re· acted quickly I<> a legal opinion from their city attorney that the city will have no zoning come Jan. 1, 1973 if it doesn't come up with at least an interim general plan. Irvine Mayor William Fischbach directed stall I<> let councilmen know Nov . l, how a plan will be drawn in time I<> meet the deadline. Ir- vine offl c1als have felt they would be exempted from meeting sin ce the ctly ls only 10 months new. GARAGE.SALES: COSTA MESA -A new ordinance has been drafted( I<> discourage "prof...,ional" garage sales. lf approved by lthe city council, the new statute will force sell~ ers to obtain permits. The cost! $23 per sale. Only one sale will be permitted every three months. Campaign Attracting Big Money WASHINGTON (AP) -The part owner ol. two sports teams, three com- puter mllllonairu, a Wall Stmt investor and the developer of an oral con- tracepUve have joined the ranks of six- flgure contrtbuton to the pruldential election campaign. New contributors, some giving more lhan !200,000, sbqwed up this week ln the l•test campaign spending reports to the General Accounting Office required by a new federal elections law that went fnto effect April 7, And along with the new money and some new feces among the big con- tributors, there were new over-all spen- ding figures for lhe campaign. But, wllh the bulk ol hundreds of reports processed by the --· the new 6"""' showed litUe d!ange in the year's earlier trends: Republicans well~ heeled, Democrats in debt. Fifty~Seven Nixon commJttees on the state a_nd national level have spent at least $211.S million since April 7. There have been published estimates Nixon forces raised and spent at leas! aMher $10 million before lhe new law we.nt into effect, making the probable over-all spending for the President this year close to $40 millim or more. The same 57 committees have at least $6.4 million on band for the final week of the campaign. The Mt'Govem people are running their finances through an intricate network of committees that so far numbers 296. As best as can be determined by work- ing through the public reports of his labyrinth, roughly no million had been spent by Oct. 16 on the Democratic can- didate's campaign. But the stepped-up pace left the h-tt'Govern camp nearly $3 million in debt. An additional 18 million was reportedly spent before the new campaign finance act became law ~pril 7. Judge Refuses To Recognize Laguna Paper A petition seeking recognition of the Laguna Village Sun as a newspaper of general circulation has been denied in Orange County Superior Collrt. Judge J.E.T. "Ned" ll!1tter rejected the request filed by Sun P\lblisber Denis MaciilOD, 509 South Coast Highway, Laguna Beech, after bearloc arguments against the certification of lawyers for the Laguna Publisblng Company, 855 Laguna canyon Road, It was successfully argued that the Village Sun "dld not pubU.h for dissemination of local or telegraphic news" and that the publication did oot have a bona fide subsccipUon Ust. Viejo Man Dies In Car Accident WATKINS, Colo. (AP) -Joseph E. Johnson, 29, of Miselon Viejo and two other pel'IOQ,t i,ere iDled in a single-car crash on ln~rstate 70 west of be.re Satur- day, the Colorado State Patrol reported. Johnson resided at 25877 Mia Vlento Drive. The Patrol said the car Jolmson was driving skidded in a curve, became airborne for 98 feet and struck an em- bankment. DAILY PllOT ... _ l"R!SIDENT RICHARD NIXON SHAKES HANDS WITH BYSTANDERS IN ot!IO Crowds Line Route of 80-mll• Motorcade Through Nor1t..est Ohio $44 Million Loss? Utilities File Report On Nuclear Reacwrs By JOHN VALTERZA Of .. O.ltr l"llel SJilff Environmental specialists for the two utilities seeking to build twin nuclear re- actors al San Onofre said this week that if lhe plans were denied by the Atomic Energy Comm.Jssion $44 million would go down the drain. The sta tement -one of dozens of answers to queries by AEC en- vironmental aides -is included ln 400 or more pages of amendments to one of the largest environmental Impact reports ever filed in California. The latest supplement, ordered by the AEC last August, brings to more than 1,000 pages the total amount of data filed by Southern California Edison and San Diego Gas and Electric Companies related to environmental impact Tb.us far'-the utilities estimated that $2.2 milll!Jfl has been spent in the en- vironmental research aspect of the nuclear generating issue at San Onofre. Over the 30-year Ol)er8.tlon of the pro-,, posed reactor more than $3 miUJon ad- Newport Police Find Woman Dead in Ditch A 49-yeaN>ld Corona de! Mar woman. was found dead Saturday night in a drainage ditdi. Newport Beacb police said iiie _...tly spent much or the day drinking in the dltdi. Eileen Bemetl, ci l!H9 Port Ramsgate Place in the HartJor View Homes area. was discovered in the ditch on new MacArtllur Boulevanl near her home by police at 6:30 p.m. She apparently became unconscious arw-drinking alcohol, Police said . and fell into a position in whlcb she couldn't breathe. A coroner's autopsy will be held to determine the cause ol death. ditional would be spent to test the effects of two new reactors installed next to the e:ristlng nuclear unit south of the Western While House. The latqt amendment to the Impact report contains specific answen to ques- tons lodged by the AEC's staff which ls compiling a master copy of the massive impact statement. That new version will require formal Bppr'Ovai before entering tile official llst ol evidence which will be used during the beertnp m the bll llon- dollar reactor proposal. The AEC's Nuclear Safety and Licen. ing Board will hold those hearings somewhere along the South O>est · late this year. The latest statement includes sug- gestions for alternatives to the two nuclear plants -fossil fuel generators which could only be installed in the desert near Boron. Utility eogineers told the AEC thal lease restrictions at Camp Pend1eton Md air pollution oontrol laws in the area would forbid any fcxWl-fuel generatora at Onofre. Other rece"llY dl~ data coven the controversial aspecr i>l"li!ilrlded &ac'T! use during the fiv&to-si:J:-yeer con- struction cycle for the two reactors. About 1,000 feet ol beech fronl lying in the centar or the nwl<r-planned San Onofre state Park would be cloaed to the public during the leqtby period because or safety pr.cautions. Engineers said they lnvesllgated the chance that a tunnel could be buJll along the 1,00> feet of allow the public to walk to and from the attas oplit by the clOaed area, bu t venlllatlon anCI floodlng pro- blems would be inlurmountable, they said. Once the plants were built, however. lhe beach would be opened lo the public again. The opposl~ lo the reactors comes from lwo groups which have petitioned to be recognlt.ed u offlclal interveners at the bearinp before the AEC boanl. 'lbe Coastal Protective Alliance, based in Santa Barbara, bu blended with a local group known u Groups United Against Radialloo Daogers (GUARD) which claims a local membership of about 120 dthens. From PORe l NIXON ... enough v.•ho risk their lives to save your life. What you can do is honor them." The crowds stood rour and five deep in some places along the route. Although there was a sprinkling of signs SUI>" porting Nixon's Democratic opponent, Sen. George McGovern, most of the signs were strongly in support of the Presi- dent. Possibly inspired by the announced breakthrough in the Paris talks, many of the sign.~ had a peace theme : "President Nl:J:on Gave Peace a Chance and We Love You For That" and "Let 'Ibere Be Peace in the Ne.1t Four Years." From Page l McGOVERN. • • Garden Grove), whom McGovern said supported him two years ago , also sat at lhe head table. The NLl:on ad.ministration h a s demonstrated a ''fundamental in- competence" in the management of the COWltry, McGovern charged. Part of thls is the attitude that "full employment is a myth except in time of war," he said, and part ia the "unfair" tax loopholes for the rich. "There Is 10D1eth1Dg ftmdamentaJJy un~ fair atiolit a tu: ltructure that alknn-'11 $200,000-a-year e:1ecutive to deduct a $20 martini lunch when working men and women can't deduct the price ci a baloney sandwich," be said. 'lbe crowd, whlcb had just fmi.shed a breakful of rolls, ICrlll?lbled eggs and sau.sage, applauded. McGovern also touched on the need for "moral leadership" and said t h e "American people are emban'assed" about incident. like the Watergate affair. where Reyubllcan funds wen: allegedly used to attempt to bug Democnllic head- quarters. The smiling oenator lhen appeared briefly in penlO!I before the crowd In the cJosed.ctrcult TV room and then walked to his Umousine, rurrounded by Secrel Service agents and press and slowed down by autograph-seekers. One middle-aged woman managed to el-her way to the front ol the .,.,,..f to ICttlam, "I love you," at the candidate before he sped away to his jet at EJ Tbro Marine Corps Air Station. Irvine Gets Flag Honoring MI As "There are those who are for this war, there are those wbo are against it. But there are none who are not ror the men who [ought It and none who do not wish their safe return btme." Paraphnu!ing President L i n co I n ' s words of more than a century ago, Irvine Mayor William Flschbacb thus accepted for the city a Dag reminding all of the American servicemen who are mis&in& 1n action. The presentation from the Irvine Junlot Womeo'1 club ' capped a sunny birthday celebration Saturday •l UC Irvtne for the city's adopted MIA -Lt. James Wayne Herrick Jr. who wu lhot down over Laos three yeara and one day ago. About 75 persons participated in the Freedom Day observance at which Irvlne Jaycee official Patrick Mullaney pledged the continued IUJll>Ort of Irvine clUzenry in a 30-day effort to mall 00,000 letttn to Hanoi urging in- formation about Lt. Heniclt's fate . Mr. and Mrs. J. Wayne Herrick of Panora, Jowa, Lt. Herrick'• parenta. and his sister, Mrs. Barbara Hedrick or Culverdale, were boooJied aueata for the emotional tribute to thttr loved one on the occuloo ol hll Z8tll birthday. The univenltY baked a cab many I.rvtne d· 1y officials and lhel• lamlll .. came to meet the Herrlcka and Oouncllman E. Ray Quigley Jr. dedleli.d 1 large pine treo to be knoWn u "the freedom tree." to Ile planted this -k in the um cam- pus Park. "This tree, this day mean the city of Irvine cares enoogb to take posJUve ac- tion for freedom and to adopt an MIA and seek a full accounting by Hanoi for thls man and all others of the 1,300 who are missing in action," Quigley satd. 11le councilman who fint 1ugested the city adopt an MlA, al30 loot note ol Mayor Don Lyon who was adopted nearly two yean ago by the city ol Laguna Beach. Mrs. Janice Lyon llVH tn UnJvenlty Part. Despite recognition of the nearness of a settlement of the Vietnam War, speakers Saturday said the battle to gain in- formation on aervtcemen wbo are mlu- ing in action iJ not over yet. Ken Massat, chairman of the POW· MIA program at lo! Alamltol Naval Air Station and a veteran of the Vietnam war, said, "We are 1WI very much con- cerned about complete accouottna for men like Capt. Herrick." Since he was shot down, Lt. 1-lerrick has received a promotion. but his family continues to use the lieutenant design•· lion which also appears on MJA brace- leis. Musa! noted the proposed settlemen1 calls for llano! to account for prtaoners in Laos and Clmbodia as well as North Vietnam. He added then: ls ,....., to believe there are msny American piloll being beld by the Pathet Lio in Looi since eveo the Ove who are known captives are not allowed to write lo their famlllet or ....... lette11 ... pac:kaJ<I. ...... ., ................. MAYOR FISCHBACH GITS IRACILIT FltOM "111A MOTHl ll Mn. Ila Herrick of low• Vltlto lrvtnt ,......., ~ Fel9 •t UCI • ~ ~ :. ;.: ~ :-•• < :: -. .. CORPS ......... SOUTM CHINA Sll:A $.VIETNAM 0 100 M ILE& ~ '. UPI Ulu1tration lists cost of war to U.S. In mtn and money P: ~ Proxmire, Pentagon Clash ·• • • ~ . .. . • Seriawr Demands Budget Cut Once War Over WAlil!INGTON (AP) -Sen. William ·-Promllre, (D-Wis.), said Saturday the ;-Pentagon's claim that it could not cut its : budget once the Vietnam war was com- ; pleted was "an insult to the intelligence • of the American people.'' • "'Ibe end of the war in Vietnam should : bring at least a $3-billion cut In the : defense budget this year." Proxmire said ; in a statement, adding "the time to call a . • .baJt to the Pentagon's ravenous appetite and wasteful spending is now." Pentagon spokesman Jerry Friedham !aid Friday a dramatic reduction in the , budget was "just not in the cards" ~ because the U.S. has to pay for the .• wlthdrawa1 of U.S. troops from Vietnam _. and for additional supplies for the South Vietmmese. ! He said the increased cost cf an all- ; volunteer army also would o::mtribute to " keeping the Pentagon's budget near its , I • . • . . • -. . . • British Pound's Downhill Slide Breeding Crisi'! LONDON (AP) -The lirsl signs ap. peare<I Saturday that Britain b likely lo try and steady the pound'• sleep. week- long slide at around $2.35, · just above record lows, before other currencies are weakened and another world mooetary crisis Is threalened. Financial 80Ufces said there" was ltroog evidence that the Bank ol England had dipped Into reserves Friday for the l!nt lime during the recent slide and Jn. tervened with support buying on foreign n:cbange markets to drive the pound back up. Earlier. the bank had been coo- tent to sit on the sideline& and watch the pound sink. One unconfirmed estimale IBld the Bani: ol England had spent more than 12CJO million Friday to 9Upporl lhe pound. Belore that lnl<rventlon, the pound had hit an all4bne low lor•the lourlh straight day, $2.3210. By acting,. the Bank boosted the rale bact up to $2.MIO by tbe market'• close. DAILY PILOT DELIVERY SERVICE TtltPllOMt MNf ()t--• I """'"' AfMI ., .. , • ., t0-4Jt1 HOrll'I .... ,. ' had! ..... ,. "" .............. tm "" '"" ..... 8Ndl. ,... h D9M P911!t, ~!ti • ~--"""" .•.. ..,...,. present level of $7t.5 billion this f1SC8l year. Proxmire, a loogtime critic of Pen- tagon spending, beads the Appropriations Committee's suboommittee on foreign operations. He said be would ask Presi- dent Nixon to "announce immediately that along with the bills he has vetoed ror domestic spending, he will require the Pentagon to take at least a $3--billion cut in order to keep within his proposed $250- billion spending ceiling." Proxmire said the current Pentagon budget contains J4 billion in incremental costs for the Vietnam war this year plus $1.S billion for stepped-up bombing costs. None of the S:f billion, he said, would be spent if the war ended Oct. :it and onJy $500 milJion of the bombing funds would be needed . "Certainly of this $5 billion that would have been e1pended if the war had con- tinued from Nov. 1, 1972, Utltil June 30, 1973, at least $3 billion can be saved. . .eV1!n though. , .allowing generously for the ftmds necessary to withdraw our troops, the Korean troops and provide for replenishment of equipment and supplies for the South Vietnamese," he said. "We have only 3.1,000 troops in Viet· nam," Proxmire said. "If every man was given a first~lass ticket on Pan American or TWA, plus an ac- com panying stewardess, the total cost would be less than $20 million to bring them home." Proxmire said the cost of the Vietnam war already had decreased from its high points of $26 billion a Yea[ to $20 billion and "yet the Americ:an people have not received a dime of the savings from the cutbacks .•.. The Pentagon budget· bas continued to go up as the war costs have come down," he said. Trudeau Heavy Favorite In Canada Vote'Monday TORONTO (AP) -PoliUc.J observers es:pect Canada's electorate, voting in the n&tion'!I 29th general election Monday, to give Pierre Eliott Trudeau and his Liberal party the right to fonn another government -barring what would be an astonishing upset. As the campaign ended, the Liberals were confident of victory by a wide margin, but Prime Minister Trudeau's chief rivals, the Comervatlves, still hoped r.. the upset. Tory campaigners, their own party leader admittedly !acting in crowd-pleas- ing color, waged an upb.ill struggle against the Kennedy-like appeal of n-udeau that produced a stunning Liberal victory four years ago. Under Robert L. Stanfleld, the Tories have borne down hard in two key areas, Onlario and Brilish Columbia. hoping lo take away a substantial number of shaki- ly held Liberal seats in the House of Commons. The Liberals won heavily in Ontario in 1968 but are mindful that· in the provincial election last year the V'Ote went the other way in a Consenalive sweep. At best, the Tories could hope for na· tionaI victory only by the narrowest , of margins. Failing that, they could hope to deprive Trudeau of the luxury he enjoyed for four yean: a substantial ~jority in the House that would respond to bis ~ grams. Four years ago the Liberals shook the Conservative party to ita foundations by taking 64 of the 88 seats at stake in Ontario, ordinarily Conservative ter- ritory. niis year, therefore, Canada's mOl!lt populous province was the major battle arena. Angela Davis Says Nixon, McGovern Sound Alike CIDCAGO (UPI) -Angelll Davis charged Saturday nighl lhat George McGovern and Prelideot Nixon were no dllfmnt because they are In the wne orchestra uplaying the same tune." SpeUlni Bl the !Int Communist party olection rally In llllnoll In 40 yean, Mw Davis IOld a crowded ballroom In a loop hotel, "Nixon ii George Wallaoe'1 bedlellow and McGovern lsn"t loo much beUer because be recenUy came out in -In IUJlPOr\ ol lmlae Day -lhe ..,. vulgar racJ.i that exist.I. "Both Nixon and McGovern are playing in the same orchestra , .. Nixon may be paying the tuba while McGovern, softly playing the flute, is playing the same tune," she said. Miss Davis made ber first appearance since her return from a world tour of 10Ciali!t COUDtries. She was stumping for Communist U.S. presidential candidate 'Gus Hall, vice presidential candidate Jarvis Pyoer and a full Illinois slate. Aiiss Davis cr:iticiied the preSB for its handling ol lhe Mau MBu arrests, calling it "a perfect example where you are con- victed by the press." Morning Clouds Give Way to Sun todlV 91111 Moncl•V l>t tt. ~. Wlrld• btC'Oml.. -n-t " "' is ,.. '°' .... lftttl1or tnod o..t ""'--klrM .cmthlfM ciow. blrf rnw1v ,...,. ,,.,... MollM¥. •-.w.. Wllld• a;, .. -~"·.e ~~A~~ 1'-JN!••C11res .. II ll ll ft .J H ltJNOAV 5«oncl hlOlt •~Of p.m. •·' S«ond ,lo'lf' 11: • ..,.,. t.2 MOH PAY '"" ,.,.., .t;ft -· .... l'lnt '°"" 10111 '·"'· ,,, $t(Orld ,.,... 4tJI Jl,ln. ••• ._,., ""' ll:IP 1.m. .. .. M 11• 1:• .,"" kit t:tt p.m. ~ r'I• Ht• p.m, Ith 11:4' ,,,,,, HUD Bares Cease-fire Hope ' Housing Rises in Ireland Scandal DETROIT (UPI) -The Departmenl ol Housing and Urban De"l'loe!'1<11t \HUD) Saturday fire<l"'tbree llUD eqilOytJ and suspended Z5 ·hoo>lng J:opalr firms and flve management brokers in tbe in- vesllgaUon Into the ·nation's blgest lederal housing scandal. The dlsclpllnary actJon came as the result of a three-month probe of widespread allegations of Wl'Ollgdoing, said WWlam C. Whitbeck, Detroit-area HUD director, at a news conference. The materials gathered by HUD in- vestigators and federal auditors were handed IO the U.S. Altorney !or possible criminal Indictments, Whitbeck said. lie ,.!used IO disclose the names ol lhe three fired employes pending Civil Service dismissal proceedings. But Whitbeck sa.1d they were involved in ap- praisals and payment certification func. lions In the Detroit IWD ollice. Since late 1.969, the federal govem- ment, through HUD, has become the city's biggest slumlord, a c q u Ir 1 n g thousands of homes and losing mll1ions of. dollars through Federal H o u s J n g Administration (FHA) foreclosures. Currenlly HUD holds belwe<n 8,000. 9.000 homes in foreclosure and "80tber 10.000 In lhe process or loreclosure In Detroit. More than 20 percent Of the FHA·loreclosed houses In the natlon are in the Detroit area. Thousands of others previously were tom down at major losses to the govern- ment. FREE BICYCLE BUMPER RACK ~11~:~. ...... When you purch•H two Bicr,cle1 of $100. va ue ••ch GIT •ACK FOR ... 1'11:1CIE WITH ONIE a1KE offef' QO(ld lh'11 Nov. U, 1'12 -Wlffl 111/s M -., •• SERVICE -PARTS ACCESSORIES lllCltflnl ................ tnl HAMILTON, •t •rwklntnl H1111llflWIN ._.. J1,11t m1nvtt1 f..- C.t!t Mn. IM' N...,.,. .. ldl 962-7385 OPEN TODAT KNOW YOUR CANDIDATE VOTE FOR RICHIE HORSE The voting age has again been lowered to give others the ri ght to vote. Cirls and boyi 11.ttendlng any school In the Newport-Mesa area can win a trip to Snetamento via Air Calltomla. Ballot• available In Westcllff Plata shops at 17th .\ Irvine Ave. hue. Deposit one only In the ballot box at Jett's Petting 7.oo, appearing Oct. 31 thru. Nov. 5. Pat Dunn Gets it Done in At Your Service DAllY PILOT BELFAST, Northem Inland (AP) - The men 11 lhe IOp ol lhl Nortllern Ireland powder kf:& believe a cea.fire may be on the way . They belleve the Provis~ guerrillai ol tbe lrtoh RepUblican Arlny -IBA -on being 1orced to change tactics in IJ:eir fight to break the provlnCe's link wltb Brltaln anJ lllJlY wloh IO swllch the batlle to the polltical front. This ls not to say lhat the British are cllllmlng vlclory over lhe IRA. Bui they do claim !bat the IRA baa been con· siderably hurt ln lhe past three f!lOnths. mA contacts them.selves admit this to some utenL Belfast has been free of major born~ ings for two weeks. 1be city u a result i.!I going through one of its "up" periods and people are shopping in a much more relaxed mood. · In July, belore the Brlllsh army moved Into IRA strongholds In Bellast and Lon- dondeny, bombing> were running-at 10 a week. wllh BeUa31 eomelimes geltlng 10 to 20 a day. • Now the weekly average is dcwn to SO and most of those are outside. the capital. Conlllcts cl ... to the official Marxist wing of,the IRA believe the Natfonallst Provisionals at last have got the message that bombing of civilian targets is counterproductlve and merely stiffens reslstance among the North's Protestant major!IY agalnst any talk ol union with the oruwhtlmlngly Roman Catholic Irish republic. Bombing was cosily loo In terms oI manpaftr. At Jeast 20 JRA men are known to have died tn the past two years It.rough the premalUl'e uplosion ol lheir homemade bombs. Tllbter aecudty •round lhe lndu.trlal use ol gellgnlle and other chemlcalJ IL9ed In ~ making b bellnnlng to bite, the Brltisli say. Sl>oollf1C lncldeni., bo\iveen the army and gu&flllaa .,;, down sharp\y too. from JuJy's 1,000 a week. British army cuualUes have faJlen from SO kll~ and wounded a week In July to fewet than _. now. In the same period tl>e Brltisli claim to have picked up more 1hM 70 IRA men, many ol them higher officers. A> a result, they say t two of the IRA's three Bellut l>a,Uallons -the Isl and ilnl - are l!Ullenng real leadulbip problem& and alxlwlng a sharp reduction In ac- livlly. The Official wing bas observed a cease- fire againm the British since May, con- fming itseU to "defensive" activity. The officials remain bitterly opposed to tbe Provisionals on bolh ideological and personalily grounds. Soldier Killed In Londonderry BELFAST, Northern Ireland (Al -A British soldier was shot dead in Lon· dond~rry on Saturday and a IG-year-0ld boy was wounded in the same attack by a 2WlJ11811. . The army said the soldier was sitting in the front seat of a patrolling jeep when a bullet crashed through the windshield and struck him In lhe head. Tbe boy, who was slandlng nearby, was hit In the leg by the same bullet, the anny added. The \Lamps v-Of Stiff el ~· . the biggar way to show your home in a better light. Always among the Biggar names of fine home furnishings, Stiff el continues to provide the patient detailing and superb designs that have, in themselves, become the trademark of lamp exce llence. Take your choice, from one of the largest Sliffel se lections to be found anywhere ... in traditional or co ntemporary. The good things last, we say .•. and Stiffe l-proves it. So can you. Lamps shown 79.00 10 98.00, Other Sliffe/ lamps from 75.00to155.00 ..----Now Featured at All 3 Stores!'--~ PASADENA• 680 E.COLORAOO BLVQ. (ti)) 7'2-ti1J6 ( POMONA• 160LMOLTAVL Qi<) 629-3026 ·SANTA1'NA• i110N.MAINST. (714) S47-1621 .. " •1 -· - . ' ! ' ' l • Irvine Oil Wells? Hard to Imagine . BLACK GOLD COAST DEPT. -You Ukdy noted In !be """' JU>t the other day that the freeliman munici- pality ol Irvine, strong on In the ecoloSY kick early In Ila exlatan<:e, ls cum!DUy dabbllng with oil producen. ')bat'• right, folks, I mean the· people who make boles Into Mother Earth 1..-tbe purpooe of estrocting that black gold. It -that a opokesman f<X' Standard OU Company bu aw,oaclled the Jrvtne city planning comml11im with the -that bla llrm -1d be hippy to have ~ f..-a few teel pomctura. • standard bu appamitly viewed with ....,. lnterelt lbe geologica1 poulbllltlee OUI In the Irvlno lndllllrlal Oompleic, an """' ol tile city which llet m ol JIOl1I>. orly or Orana• County Airport. TUE PROPOSAL, bowever, was pretty much jull a nibble by the pol oil firm In Indicating a poaolble In- terest In drllllng a fO'lf teal bolOI oat there In the In- dustrial tract. All ol this might require some re-writing of munic- ipal zoolng codes and more ImportanUy, the lrvlne Company owna mineral rights to whatever might lurk beneath the surface of the ~ranchlands. TUE ONLY TBING that ls hallway 1U1U12ing ls that the Irvine municipal planners didn't W... the St.andanl chap out on his ear in the name of eovirmmeot. In fairness, It mu.i be reported thatl tbe city people dldn~ exactly jwnp on the oil bandwagon, either. Somehow, however, it is dlfficult to draw a mental plct!IJ'e ol oil ...US O!lt there in the Irvine Jndustrial Complex. You wonder what neighboring Newport Bead! and Ooota M ... would think about that? Some of the -baUlea ..... !ought In the -Area have been gmerated over the spectre ol oil wen. popping up in the region. Campaigners baWed again!! "the stench-and vomit of. oil" when exploration was pro- pooed years ago In Upper Newport Bay. ALL YOU RAVE to do to get veteran Costa Mesa Councilman A. L. "Pink" Pinkley's dander up is to remind him ot the companies which at one time or an- other bave wanted to punch down a llWe experimental well within Olsta Mesa's municipal limits. Elsewhet4; along the Orange Coast, such civic lilhtl as Victor c: Andrews ol Laguna Beach, Mrs. T. Dun. can (Jerry) Stewart of Corona de! Mar, and former Newport Beach vice mayor Hans J. Lorenz have perpet· uated an organJzatlon known as the Coastal Area Pro- tective League (CAPL). 'nle &Ole purpose of CAPL bas been to assure that the slime of petroleum exploration never touches the Orange Coe.st, either ashore er at .... DESPITE ALL THIS, aome oil production bu mp! into our central coa3t area beyond Huntington-Beach and tnto West Newport _,., oll!Jelds have prodoced !or many years under the able guklance of Jim Gnmap. Jimmy, however, bu takeo bla share ol abuse and Newport Beech nevi!' did annex bla _.auoa. It re- mains e9en today a county iil:land. Moot l'<OOIUy, the quettloa ol why. WOii N._t bas a certain air about It waa raised again bY the city's CONlllline-1~ <lMle Zihal. And Zebal, ....... - tailed teclinlcal analyiis, !aid-UW. 6Iama. 'for ----odors out there on petroleum byproducts. This new report on a very old problem no doubt left Jim Gllslrap shaldng his beod a bit It's never been easy to be an oilman along this best ol all pasalble COllJ!(S. No Grass or Plants, Homeowners Sue Finn SANTA ANA - A class ac- tion that oould coot a Newport Beach development company as much as $125 million in damages bas beeo filed by three homeowners who claim they are condemned to live In a lawn-less, plantless en- vironment. Joseph Wenzler, A 1 be rt Stevens end William Holsclaw allege for themMlvM and 247 other realderU of Francltcan Fountains by the See llon1a In Hwitington Beach tbal the development's surface soil will not support any form of gratS or plant Ille. AU tlree plaintll!a name the William Lyon Developmeol Company and Dutoh Haven Homes, 4463 Birch St .. Newport Beach. u defendants in the Orange County Superior Court lawsuit. II ls alleged that the soil conditiom of i:be development, located nortbeat ol Buabard Street and~ AY<!llle, do oot meet federal and Vete...,.. Administratloo loan ttandardl. Potter Named SANTA ANA -Dr. James A. Potter of Santa Ana hai been r...i.cted to the board of directors of the American Cancer Soclriy'• Cellfornla -Olvlslon. COSTA MESA GRAND OPENING ~ OFF ON ALL ••• Carpets and furniture cleaned WALL wALL• CARPET CLEANING * NEW CARPET SHOWROOM * CUSTOM INSTALLATIONS & REPAIRS * FINE UPHOLSTERY CLEANING • * COMMERCIAL & INSURANC~ WORK (7141 645°3708 King's Carpet Co. 225 W, Wlloon St. Sunday, Octobtt' 19, 1972 DAILY PILOT O"H DAltY 10·10 SUHDAY·MONDAY. OCTOAI 2t l lO IUN. 10-7 FINE RIB CAMPUS HOSE Reg. 66' Knee-high, stretch. nylon, fine rib socks. White, 8 colors. 8· 911,10-11. WOMEN'S VELOUR SCUFFS Our Reg. 2. 97 f 83 BQ)'S' FLARED JEA'Ms 277 Brushed cotton, 9;· 18 reg .; 8-16 slim. Jr. Boys' Reg . 3 .. 27 Flar11>4·7·-2.27" - CORDUROY CRAWLER ~OR BOXER f6c Ctrise,'blue or plum :"""'.~ with braid trim. Col· ton with rubber sole. S-M·L·XL Brushed acetate/nylon; nylon or ocetote quilted with Kode!9 polye1ter. Zip, but• ton, snap fron'1. l 0-18. Your Choice Crdwler for 9 to 24 months. Boxer for 1- 4. ~otton' corduroy. S colon. Charge It. er..._...,,1.M. COOKER-FRYER 6'' Handy photo album holds 48 3 }-] x4 ~.Prints. Index. In brown. SYl·qt. automatic ~ocker with fry- balket. Glq11 cover, chrome. . - K mart LIQUID FERTILIZER ~ 68c Qoollty 1().6..5 fomwla with llquld fllh lia». Larve 11101. plaotk bonlo fo<-co"Ylne. FISHERMAN'S CHESTWAOIR 7'' Waterproof nibbor w~h rtlnforced MOms, big In· side pa<ktt, dHp<ltofed sole and hHI. Charge tt. 50 CAN LINERS Reg. 1.97 J58 ltakproof, c:Hsposoble plastic. Fit 20. to 30-gal. cans. With ties. JO eAUON WATER HEATER 4488 HALLOWEEN CANDY 2 :1 00 Old-time favorites include kits, Mory Jones, root beer barrels. Don't b• c•11thf without ~ot w1 .. r thl1 wi11t•rl luv 110"!' '"d ch1r9• It. 30''STE£L FOOT LOCKER Fora cold at niqht. • o..ra.,..e.3• 511 WRITING TABLET 210 .... •• tither "''" .,. pl•f11 ,.,., .. W..1 f•r lt•ll ,.iitt ., tlMr tfp ,. •• • ' Election Choices · Orange County voters wtll be &electing Congreasmen. AaemlJlylDell -and two superrison -when Ibey ca.t ballota a week; from next 'l'Uesclay, Nov. 7. After Intel' Ylewln• cancllda'ta. atudylng their qualillcalionll and campllgDJ and. In the case ol incumbents, studying their records, Ibo DAILY PILOT offers Ibo following endone- meots: · CONGltfiSS • 39ttl c.np.111-1 Olodlll!I. '11l•·heavll1 llepnbli<an diJtrlct takes In the eastem hill cf Orange Coilnty ex· eept for Ibo sooth coastal region up to the center ol · Newport Beacb. Candldates are Republican Andrew J. Hinshaw, now senlng as Orange County Assessor, and John Black, Democrat. a Newport attorney. With a 43,· 000 voter registraUon advantlge, Hinshaw should win handily. Desp1te a somewhat narrow grasp of the office, Hinshaw has proved himself an able admlnlslrator and is the recommended candldate. IDNSHAW. 42nd Congrftllonal District. A coastal strip of the. predominantly San Diego County district reaches up through San Clemente, past Laguna and Corona del Mar Into parts of Newport Beach. Republican State Sen. Claire Burgener of La Mesa is lacing Democrat Bob Lowe, high school teacher from Cardiff. Burgener is a known quantity, a moderate, legislator with a proven record.BURGENER. 32nd Congressional Dlstrld. lt tall.es In the northwest quadrant of Orange County, including Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley as well as the Umg Beach area of Los Angeles County. Veteran representative Craig Ho,. mer, Long Beach Republican, has a formidable oppon· .e.nt in a young college administrator, De~~s MUITay. But give Hosmer the mark for depth reliability and val· uthle seniority. HOSMER. CALIFORNIA ASSEMBLY 7ht ,A.....,bly Ol1lrlct. EncompaaM the entire eut- en> t~ ot Orange County, lncludlng all ol the coa.t from the Santi Ana River to San Clemente. Five- term Assemblyman Robert Badham, Newport Belch, Republican though some-!Ackadalslcal ln attitude, ' otters more than the usual DemocraUc token opponent -Ln this case San Juan Capbtrano ~te Jim=· Badham b .. yet to reach ii& polentt;l. bu and ~ce of becoinlng a key leg' ator. BAD ' 70th AaMmbly Olttrlct. The northwest quarter o the county, I.Deluding Huntingtn Beach Fountain '!aller and about half of Costa Mesa. HWIUMtM BN\lh lllCW!I· bent Bob Burke, Republican, is seekfug Jils. third term agalnst Democrat Terry M06henli:o, a young attorney who lives in Loo Alamiwo. Desplle an almosl"'ruenUul attl: • tude toward some contemporary ]irol>lems, Biii'ke. ls a hand worker & diligent In oervicinf ~ 1X>nstituents. Mosbenko l! worth watching, a polenUal u_p,et tictor In 1974 l! be stays In politics. BURKE. ' ' 69th A1Mmbly District. Central region of• county's west side. Democratic incumbent Kenneth Cory against William Dannemyer, on~time Democrat ·turned Repu~ ·" lican. Cory is aggressive, a good balance for Orange County representation in Sacramento. CORY. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Flrat District. Centered in Santi Ana, It takes In the county's most heavily J>?Pulated area, lntluding parts of · several surrounding crties. Incumbent Robert Battin is · in deep. trouble-· and deservedly so. Opponent· William Wenke. a Santa Ana attorney, offers excellent creden· tials and could add needed prestige and talent to the five-man board governing the county's affairs. WENKE. . - • I ,l • 34th Congreulon1I District. Another two-county dlstrict, It takes in a section of Los Angeles County and the west central portion of Orange County. Veteran leg· islator Richard T. Hanna. Democrat. is an easy choice over Santa Ana businessman John D. Ratterree. HANNA. Third District. With Fullerton as Its home base this district takes in the northern slice of Orange c0:..ty. Eight-term Supervisor William Phillips is, In this elec- tion, up against a formidable opponent, former Fullerton City Councilman Ralph Diedrich. Phillipe' spotty pet' fonnance -though improved ,..cenUy -has left him vulnerable. DIEDRICH. "I 'VE ALREA~Y BEEN iHE~" McGovern Talks : Double Standard Many old-timers who voted for Nonnan Thomas ln one or more of the six presidential campaiBnl In which he ran , as well as innumerable supporters of Franklin Roosevelt in the New Deal )'ffl'I, are today planning to vote for the ....,lectioo of Pruldeot Nixon. What'• going on? Have these ol&.time Uberala gooe cooservaUve? Have they loot tbelr ldeoliam a n d their ooclal vision? I think not. A cue In point Is ~Sidney Hoot, em- eritus professor of JJhlJOBOPhY at New York University, a loog-Ume critic of "What be calls "the •oon -existent free enterprise ii y 1 t e m," a veteran advocate ol t b e teachings ol Jolin Dewey, a aelf ·styled "democratic IOclalbt" and a crusty, argumentative . opponent of tyranny 1n all Its forms. • In a recent "Open ~tter to Senator ·George McGovern," Professor Hook dcluu himself appalled by the .&llator'I views M foreign policy - • espedally the Inconsistency of hit judgm<ots •boot Ccmmunlst and ..... ' Communlst r<gime.s : '"lbus yoo (McGovern ) say that 'il . people want to be organized under a Communlst system, Is this not their ;right?' I heartily agree! But If people doll 't want to be organized UDder a Com- munist system, Is this not also their ·,right? Yet you would impose Com- -m1mlsm on the people ol South Vielnam • de!plle the overwbelmlng evidence tbal ·they do not wish \o live under a Com- \tmunist 'l)'stem." • (s. I. HAYAKAWA) out by the Communists, not merely as a military tactic. as you explain, but as a deliberate poUUcal policy against those who do not accept their system." · McGovern's heart bleeds for North Vietnamese children killed or burned by South Vietnamese or American military action; &ut he seeni.s -to be toW1Y un- moved by the death and injuries tnn.lcted oa South Viecnamese children by calcutatea acts of terrorism on the part of the Viet COng and the North Viet- namese. AT 111E SAME TIME as McGovern preaches this double standard -whether an action Is right or wrong depends oo who does it -he claims to be morally superior to his opponent, Richard N:i.l:on. Indeed, McGovern's whole campaign is couched not in tenns of the wisdom or. folly of certain courses of action, but of their morality or immorality. Robert Abernathy of NBC nailed McGovern neaUy on this moral ar- rogance in a recent interview in Los Angeles as reported In "Natlooal Observer": "Are yoo saying that yoo and the Democrats are more poUUcally moral than President Nixon and t b e Republicans?" "Exactly," McGovern replied. . . . "I tblnlt a McGovern administration would raise the whole moral and political tone of this COWltry ... "Are you morally superior to NLJ:on?" ''I'm just saying that 1 have the sense ol responsibility .. ' ." "But are you convinced that your moral standards are higher?" Dear Gloomy Gus ls the Edison Company that pr&- . diets brown and blackouts the same Edison Compsny that promolel "All·Electric Living?" I find that hard to believe. D. B. Tilh *'-~ ,._.,,. ...... .... ,__rt,., .._. llf no. ~p1r. IMI ,_ ,.. ,...,. .. 9IMmy o.s. " .. ,, l"tMt. "Well, I think I could set a higher moral tone. , .. " .. "In short," said Abernathy," you feel a McGovern administration would be morally -SUperior." "Well," said McGovern, "I don't ·like to put lt that way. It sounds Jd¢ of unctuous to say I'm morally superior to Nixon." . BUT THAT'S EXACTI.V what Senator McGovern has been saying. "At no time in the history of our 1~" he has said, "has corruption been,) so deep, so pervasive as it is today." Gazing with fascinated horror et the crimes of non-Olmmunlst regimes, In- cluding the U.S., but blind to tbe terrorist crirQes of Com m u n t st regimes, M~em maintains that be is a man or s moi-aJ sensitivity, who deserves to '8-~ected tor that reason. No • 1"Xlder Professor Hook write!, .. I am voting for Richard N'W>ll -the f!nt time in my life I have voted for a Republican candidate !or tbe preslden· cy." There are a number of McGovern bum- per suckers on student cars, but almost oone for Nixon. However tbe student enthusiasm for McGovem during the primaries last summer hb dwindled noticeably in the past few weeks. Perhaps many students are wondering, as I am, bow a man with such avowed high moral principles can now count so assiduously the support of lbose whom he used to condemn, such as Richard Daley and Lyndon B. Johnson. :Fallaey of the Dole Welfare Cheaper, Less Trouble Than Employment ' -W ASH!NGTON -So .many .people are running around the , muntry • denouncing .welfare that there W to be something to be said In Its !avor_Tbe Deal' unanimity on the subject is piesumj>t:iVe evidence that the prevailing opinion is at least seriously flawed if not wrong. The !irst snd lDOsl veben)<l!Uy ad- vanced argument against welfare is that it costs "too much." "'l'Qo much" is a1...,. de!lned as .whatever we're pay- ing In wes lo WI> port the -... sys. tan at the moment. The speak.er / then -on to prUl'tr the ~ r::~··~~ . . p ~all be H the people on welfare were off It, working and ""'1rlbttting ti> the lax rolls. -• It sounds convincing unUl yOn start trying to cost out the· price of a-full- employment 90Ciet1. To my tnowledge no one's ever done this -but my guess is that It would· be cheaper I!> keep people on the dole. Take the largest category or welfare recipients -women with children and without husbands. U they go to work, we're going to have to spend hundreds of millloos. of dollars building, maintaining and running every eort of child-care f&cility . 'WE WllL Al.80 have lo spend X rnlllioos-more "moti\lltln(' the' women to want to work. Nobody knows bow to do that becaUse, Women's Liberation or not, there are· sWl a \tast number ol females who prefer staying at home and taking care of kids. . But suppose we say the beck with that motivation business. 'lbat's just pro- fesaor talk anyway. We .just tell 'em: II you wllllt to eat, you work. So who's going to -them!. They're unskilled. Nobody who's trying lo nm-ID ellicient Wi<ks. &..r 'Ctiil >"Ill ilhect us fl) the -r we/'-otrar operation will let that kind of worker in the door. 'Ibat means there's nothing left for them but domestic service. Do you want that kind of worker in your house? Do you want that kind of worker as a low·pald hospital attendant when you're ( VON HOFFMAN ) the patient! 'Ibe time may come when we'll have to declare that unearned income or •elfare is all rlgb~ but that certain categories ol work are benceforth to be treated as a rare, earned pr;ivilege. Under laCb a system people irliuld be hi1'CI fer the belo ter, more interesting jobs oo a two-year probatlonaey period. At the end ol that time, tbo6e who didn't come up to lltlUfl would be called In and told that they are barred from plant or om.:..· but '!bat they will i.ttf'<e their full pa)'d>e<k for the rest of their lives. Then the people In the r<malnlng group, those who showed they were the kind of good workers you wsnt, would be called In and offered a choice; Im- mediate retirement at fuII pay or a %0 percent pay cut for tbc privilege of staying on the job. Should Marijuana Vse Be Personal Decision? To the Editor : Re: your editorial opposing Proposition 19. I have read many articlea for and against legalizing the sale of marijuana, but have yet to find one that corislders Iba question of penonal deciaion. I would like to know yoor stand on this Issue. Should an lndlvidual have the tight to decide what Is iood or bad lo< him? Sbould that decision be made by the state? [ MAILBOX J L~ t!WR ........ ,,_ .,..__ *"'iNll'f Wl11tt't 9'1UN _....., !!Mir mtMlffl M • Mfft "' 1111. TN rftllt te celllMll" hlttrl .. flt 9MC" W INllllM .. IHlel 1$ ........... All 1Mtw1 M11tt • clM tllMfvn Mii -111,. ........_ wt - W MlfnhMte llMI ll ,...._ All __.. "'"' tll ......... '""" Wiii 1'ft .. ~ t McGOVERN DESCRIBES Communism ~ 81 "just another economic system that 1 doeso't happen to fit my view o( bow oodety ought to be organized." But, ttpU.S Hook, "Tbe eoooomlc l)'llem of Communism 11 Ila leaal Important upecL It II Communism SS I ll)'llem of • organlud lmor, of rutblesa suppmslon ol cultural and political freedom that Is 'most objeclloaable to democrlll and . liberals." , McGoYern crltichet freely I h e ohor1<omlno ol democracy In the Thieu regime, bu£ doel be ever utter a word of cr!tldJm ag•lnll the mllJtary and ldeologlcal dlctalOnhlp that Is North VielDlm! Phone Rebate Fight Looms I DOUBT THAT It Is possible to pro. tect our children from the harmful el· fecl9 ol marijuana by restric:tice ... ll"UllBsiVe legtalallon. Legalizing the sale ol alcohol did not curb the disease ol alcobollsm and u would be difficult lo prove that U saved any liYeL However, it did provide much government revenue and pushed orgamed crime Into the drug business. during the hearings that no-fault u pro- posed in the several bills introduced wu an iMlrance Industry hoax wblcb would lncretse premiums from li.9 percart to 57.4 percent and would aever<ly llmll bendila below the level at 1'blcll lhey ""' presently given. MoGovem .. ,. that be "sympatbize! I with the uplnl~ ol the Viet Cong and ~ North Vielname>e tllles for M· r Uooal Independence." However, asks Book, "Why do yoo not sympathize with the 11mllar uplratlons of the South Viet· -! ... You rtghtfull¥ are lhocked by Ml Lal, which violates American t policy Ind conscience, but do oot con· f-demn the hundreda of My Lall canied J, \ .. .. • OUJllOI CO.UT DAILY PI LOT B7 ARllOLD FRIEDMAN and THOMAS D. EUAS Now that Callfomla's largest telephone company bu been forced to refund more than $160 million to Its customen, the state's No. 2 phone finn ls trying to wrlg· gle out of makini slmllar rebateo. If the General Telephone Co. ts sue. cessfUl, moat of the telephone users who lose out will be Southern Call!omians. That's because almost all of General Telepbooe't 1.5 million CU.!Jtomel'I are ln the Soutbland. But It loob ltke the utUlty 0>mpsny has an uphill batUe ahead to avoid doling out mllllono ol dollan In relUnda -.. wtndfall CUltomen of Pacific Telephone I< TeleCrlpb Co. have juot received vii court onler. GENERAL TELEPHONE II irJlnl lo aave 1 ft0.2 mllUon rate lncreale it wu awanled lul yur from belnl declared Illegal on the same grounda -the llate SUpreme Coult applied In rowldnt • boost 1n Poclllc'• cbaraes. As I rotUlt of the court'I rulinl In the Plclllc caoe, the llale Public IJW!Ues ConunWloo ha launclted a rovtew of the inmue lt-tedGetwal Telepbone. At llake In the PUC belrloal la Lot Angclu la a minimum ol llt mlllloo and perhapo the mlira l40 mllllon, cunpany spok...,.. aay. ~ uoen In General's terrliO<Y ... m Ul<ell to~lll the 111 million back, PUC rpooulale. Tbltl SOUTHERN CAIJFORNIA FOCUS would give customers an average rebate of almost $13 per telephooe. If the PUC directs Geoeral to relund the full $4{) million, the average customer in its area can expect a check for about l30 In the mall. Jncluded in the area General Telephone serves are all of Ventura County, perts of Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino ""1Dtit1 and wide portions of Los Angeles County Including Long Beach, Santa MooJca, Whittier and a segment of the San Gabriel and San Fernando vali.,s, u well u aome other portions "Of tbe dty of Los Angeles. THE III MIWON In ro!Wldo appean probable. because Geoent1 Telephone's ...._., tt11ll and long distance r1tea were automatically lncrtued by tJie PUC at the ssme time It raloed PadHc's cbatatt for those servictt. That'• where the 119 milllon from General's customen went. Since both lncroaiel were bared on the rame prlnclples and the high court ruled an Ulegal procedure w11 used In Pacific's case, It would appear that GtneraJ'a customers delerve the tame rebate• 11 Padfic'1 (or UJOle rate hlkes. -lit IDllt and looi dlllattco nlel o! both companies have since been cut to their 1868 levels to oomply with the court order. So the current cllapule Is over money paid to General during the year the hJiber rat .. were In effect. Several pressures may be at, work on the c:ommJ.ssioo encouraging it to order the full refund. First ls the pooslbilltJ, of the PUC 1 ... Ing another major we In court If It doesn't grant the full .!40 million rebale. If the commtsalon sides with Genenl, a lawsuit will wtdouhledly be filed 1n , the Supremo-Court u -·~don• by the llale'r tbn!e llrgert c!Ucs In the Paclllc Case. Your Oct. 23 edltorlal argued that tbe alcobol drinker can lnW the diotiller, presumsbly becauoe alcohol production Is stale supeivfsed. The pot smoker has no such protection. How would such ~ tection "compound the prot:Uem" we have now with alcobollam? I BA VE NO SPECIAL lnleMI In marijuana. In faCt, I am tnnocent of tts 111ppoeedly btneflclal or b a r m f u I quallllel. But I would Uke an edltorlal statement that probes the dlectlveness ol ~1w1 that attempt lo prvtoc:t us from · ounelv<t. Should "" try alcohol pro-wrm A LEGAL P""°""ll almody oet · blhltlon apln! Should we try stricter - and allowed lo stand by the U.S. zoning llws 90 that the crowdlttg that Supn!me Court, It ._,. UDUkely tbe i-iblY leacls to ......ive alcohol and fl .. CIJlllllllsslooett """1d want lo rotlttn drui me 11 ..-i Revenue !nm tu· lo court ~ they tb1n1c the clrctmllt&DCU u oo leg.u..d marijuana might ttplace are the ·rame. the need, or greed, for higll de1tllty hotJt. Second, and perhapo equally lmporlam, In&. Enll&bteo me, pie .... the terma o! two vtteran PUC memben EVELYN C. 11.cNEILLY will _, explrt. In clelermlnlnl wl!tther to ,.appoint Commllilooen Vernon L. Slurlcoa and William Stm.n. for onolltet six ,.On ea<lt1 Gov. Ronald Rea1an II reporlfl!Jy doeely. rtvleWlng their performances wltb· aa eye on the tenslttve telephone me cuet. \ But General ~ls_pultlng up t bani llruflglo ag-the refUridL It-bu brought In top ol!Jclafs of llx P'!f"llt com- pany. Goneral Tel!pfiOne I< i!:lec!ronlcs, from New Yori< and 11'~ lo pied agalnlll the ttpaylDOlttl. , No ~ault Stawtics To the Editor: Your editorial on no-fault auto 1 .. aunnce (Sept. 24.) contalM SflVtt•I mlJleadlOI oontenti .... Firstly, If the mdlt for de!eallnt! no-fault this aesslon Is to be flfven to llll' ooe 1JOUP lt wu the Callfornla c.amumer Federallon and llJ lobb)'iltll who lhould .-Ive the mdlt. The fedentlotl continually pointed out TB E FEDERATION unequivocally proved that the pending nc>f.ault billo - groosly unfair to the elderly, the relired. student., bou!ewivet and children and were Juat barely adequale In the benefits they provided the working man. In addlllon, your edlto<lal npeata Ille statemUll that Musacltuaetll hu ... pertenced a 42 percent premium reduo- tlon. I assume you obtained the statistics from the emmoous Auoclated PleU release of August 29 In Bootcm, lduaao cbusetta. AN ANALYSIS of those llatlstlcl (by the Callfomla Trial Lawyen .--ion) ellabllsbel unequl90CSUy that there bu been • 11 percent overall Increase In "'" sunnce pmnlumr In Mssuchusetta and I 40 percenl reductloo In beneflta paid out. Al the very lealll y00 lhould have beat llUIPldouo when the Massachasetll -Commlsaloner r.ocrled • S7 percent reductioo In the nwnlier of llodlly Injury clalmJ. How could the ~ mtUW"f which 11 Intended to cover both the ttecllient and tho non.neg!""" driver and all "'"""' Involved In .......,. accidenll poeslble caUM a reduction In the n1DJ1ber of clalm1 from • pnvloll IY•lem In which only tho penon not 1t lault ..., to be compensated. Tisi stallstlc alono should have made )'OU 1Ullplclou1. MELVIN J. COBEN Attorney at Law -- ' I~· ... ....... .. ., Ch. . At IW\ .~ . .- f '' I -· U.S., Soviet Union . Through-Science . "Before we leom to undentanCI' each . other in tha cosmos, ':119 nMcl to undentond Heh otfief ~ t1rth,'1 says Russie's chief !~. A &tart has been made by b\:i~ging Soviet and Ameri-·ce. ocleiitim tagefher. But suspicion' and midrun ~nger on both sides. • <'h~ Scf411c• .llfanftor Sm>fcc . At Siar, City, D'!*r M°"""• Ru .. II.In Co 1roon au ts ere learning "~an.111 At Batavia. Ill., Soviet plzyolclN have 'lie1pe<1 In a u g u rat e -·· .... bigb•powsed cyclotron.' For iheoe and many olher Soviet 1cien- t11fs llld tecboologlsts lhetr vision of lhe tulurt. lnclui!es a previously uuknown Ioc<lheiniu with American colleagues. 'Ibo Nl>on visit to Moocow and lhe ~ qr.emenla flowillg from It bold ollltbllproopecl .. We don't have too close contact. We hope. after Nixoo's visit, lhe situation will tmprove and we can buy American equJJllll!!lll," Stanislav FedorOvicb K<Yllov remar*"'1 as be showed ru. lab at the Lebedet' lnstltute to our five-man group ol VilitiDI American slcence writers. IX. Eoilov works with sem!COl'lductors, U., moterta1 of translston and mlrilature cln:ultl. He proudlrzhowecl·us a U.S. pa· &eat granted for oae such device using ~ as the electronic element He llal IJelpecl design equipment with dla· IJloo4 drcultzy thal will search for signs ~ Martian life when Russia, like America, launches unmanned mrface probes toward the red planet In 1975. AMERICAN SPECLUJSTS would feel at home in this, and many another Russi.all labs we visited, except perhaps for the language barrier and the absence of cert.am American equipment. Dr. Kozlov esplalned be doesn't lack for research tools. But some American items are particularly good. He would hke to feel free to deal with Amerlcan suppliers ~ be now does with French or Japanese manufacturers, to aay nothing of having more int.imate contact with American ....archen. Russia laga In computer barl:lwiin!. But It leads in related -mathemaUcal fields. Dr. Michail B. Miliontschlkov said be hopes American computer policy will change '.'because the American tide Is In- terested in learning about o u r mathematics.." Noting ~ wide use ol the moot a<l- vanced. computers in many sciences - physics, envlrmmenlal research, 1pace -he said be oan't "imagine fruitful cooperatioa" in such fields without COD"r puters. "If you have no oPen door on computers, .. be ob!Jerved. ''you have oo .. Bureaucratic Excesses Threaten Free Americans "1Jf the American people I°'"" .their ~ any time In the near fulure , It g,JIOI be as a result of ~muu;,y;1>,¥ , , tbi .bur<aucraUc ~ of~t gcwernment. } 'Hardly a week. goes by that new ex-~ples ol encroach-/ 9J~t upon~ the IiveJ ~ qt the J!<OJ>le from 7 ~ actlona of govem- llieot are oot oboerv· ~•Wlit «I. One week It will be the federal Food and Drug Adminl .. lntlm deciding that all cyclamatos must be bemled -regard- leM Of whether the people might want to QI> the allgbt risk which is envisioned to ttMi.r health. Another week it will be ....,. other regulatory body deciding what ls good or what is not good for the AiQer!can people. Only recently, Eugene P u 11 I a m , = ot newpapers in Phoenix and Us called attention to the fact that if (:ongress does not act soon we will 1ee the entire television indastcy placed under the thumb of government bunaucracy. ,IRONICALLY ENOUG)I, the areas .Where government is acting to reStrlct ~ lndlvldual's freedom of choice are Jiendled by peraona over whom the elec- has no direct control. Olficlals of mA. as well as the members of the ~ CommuoicaUons Comm.lssion, a?e not elected to the powerful poslUona .lfiey bold. Tiley are appointed offlclals Who very often are named for·~ or yean. Nevertheless, their power ls ~ and very often overshadow• lliO authority of many e1ecled om .... The plain truth ii that govern- BARRY ' '·'' GOLDW~TER menl in today's CQIDplicated society has becQnie so !>ig !hat it actually feeds upon itseU. In manj areas, even .the officials involved cannot tell you the. extent ol the government control Bid authority. What we have today is a government superstructure which ha! resulted from long years of playing politics with lhe taxpcyers• money. During the long governmental tenure of the New Deal, the Fair Deal, the New Frontier and the Great Society, admlnistrationa have vied with each other for ways and means to curry more faVQr with ·tlHI voting public by using the pubti0'1 own money. SO MANY government .ttvices, vast numbers of which are nooessential, have grown up that,1 thon>ogb lnveotlgatlon of government~ programs disclos- ed that the federal govermnent aperates more than 1,300 separate programs In tlll! field. To ru. great credit, President Nixon has propoaelj -ganlzatlon plans whlcb would al least proVlde a beginning In a .cam~ to reduce the size of the federal' bureau"acy. In this, h I• Adnilnl.stratton clashes fundamentally wlth the program suggested by his cam- paign op_pooenL, Sen. George McGovern. All the lupayer bu to do Is to read the Democratic Party platlonn for 1972 to lee' bow much additional governmental machinery would be required to carry out lit grandiooe promises. The docu· ment la a virtual catalogue of new ways to use the taxpayers' money to provide for more goverrunent giveaways. ~:· Tesuques on ·warpath "'·' ' · The Te9uque Pueblo ref\Jud to jOin the Ai>acheo and Comanches In their past w411 against the white men. Now some ~are grumbling about ml!ilng ~ they have been enstlMOd In the !JlJe print of a while men's contract rfilcJi ctves up to .400 of their 11,000 ldbal """"· much Pl Olllr precious "81<1' and most of Qiolr dignity to • ~trovenlal . la n d devet.-ent firm. '"Tbe Tesuques are d d It bowl poor. Their average lr>- come Is $1,000 a yeor. To better their mllttable lot. they uked their suardlans, the Interior Department to help them ..... oome of lhetr land In New Melllco to developera. Having neither lawyers nor real estate P:\t(l In the trlbe, the Teauques depended almost entl~y on the government to ~ake '-Ire they weren't 1C8lped ln the dtll A contract was 1\gned on April 17, liiO. , ,()nly now ara the Indiana learning that \liC CoJonlaa de 3anta Fe project of the • (J~CK ANDERSON) San8rO De Cristo Development Company, will get hundreds of acre feet of their scarce water, not to menUon lhe rlgbt to contaminate the land with aepLlc tanks. The contract al.!o gives the developen an eacalatlng financial bonansa and otber bonellla as part of their 99-year leue. ANGRY OVER the dlacovely that they had been sbort-cllanged again by the whltn, some T..uque CouncU leaden went Id the YOUlli lawYerl of the Nollve American J.eia1 lleltn1e and Education Fund. The lawyers are now cbaralna that none of the Important lerml of thO con- tnlct were translated Into the Teauques' l1J1i118ge and that the Council wasn't even present wben the IJ\terlor Depul- ment acwed up the deal with Sangre on water rights. In lac4 the dissident Council membn clalm the Tesuquea wen told that on!)' 1 golf course was planned on their landJ, not a subdivision with 17,000 palefaces. open door tor anything elae." TIUS EMBARRASSMENT a rt s e s again, albeit In a minor way, In the field of hamesalng ~ lulloc for electric power. Experla on both sides agree that bere, as In space, II one of the ripest op- portun!Uet for closer Soviet-American cooperatlm. Ruma Im groat lldentlflc sln!ngtb bere. Labs In many countries, Including America, are followq up a line of work pioneered under Academl· cian Lev -vlcb at the Kurchatov Institute. Wort on l'ullon haa been nonsecret tor many yeara by -egreemenl a..... joint efforts by Soviet and American ......-.:ben woold o n I y quicken tbe pace ol development to the benefit of '1be whole world. Yet, In what bas become one of the brighter long· range Upecla of that mearcb, America has remnanhl.of Ibo o!d r5ralnt. 'Ibis II wort using lalln to ll1ger the nuclear reactiODI that "lire" a fusion ''furnace.'' Under the c1atm of relevance. to weaponry, aome American wort on this has been clwlfled. In aptte of of· ficial American _,,..... that this won't Impede cooperiotlon, this residual 'Our polls slrt1w we're ~ining, Nixon!' The Unhappy Virgins Seek SeHControl The mood of the U.S. Virgin Islauds is somber u resldenhl prepare to vote Nov. 7 on a constitution that would give the Caribbean territory the same measure of self-government that Puerto Rico now. enjoys. The oonstitution is almost certain to win approval. Moreover. under (_, _:s_1_.~_o_RIAL_CH __ J separate federal legislatton, the Virgin lllands will have a non-voting delegate to eon_. starUng In January 1m. Suboequent pms reporta baft erpoted the tqualor that unclerllel the lllauds' image aa an "kneriam pendlle.'' The condltlona that touf1ltl don't .... or cboooe to Icnor'eo laclode I 11111> crime rate, compounded by an blelfecUve police force: =.;r decent houalng and lcbooll; pollution: lrlfllc fama; llld -race relatlo111. AcnJALLY, the Virgins have been alldlJJc blctward for more than a decade. Their IOdll problems llen llrgety, llld ~lly. Ire_ the tourlll boom that baa doubled -pita -· llld -Iba -tile -prwperou1 territory In an of Letln Amortca. ' The polllleal lmpotmm ol Iba lllmdl hlll bampend ellarta, to -11111 channel -. rorm.r Go¥. John Merwin(~~~~~ ~ 1C1De nclal ltrllltl -CID bl -to OW' uceatve '""'1h In the past decade.'' Lemion Emamiel, -t prole11or of IOCla1 IClence at the Collep of tho Vlrgf:n l&landa, Addi : uAI We' VO developed ICOllOllllcolly over the paat decide, •••. we've been encroached on by all sortt of outalden until we'rl no longer 1111re the llllnda are oun anymot9.00 Tho propolOll CODllltutloo Will bring more ..... Nie and. It Is boped, new delermlnatlon to alleviate the hdands' problema. secrecy nnkles ohYslclsla. Academician Ariaimovlch aald, with mild contempt for the aecrecy, that be "can't aee anythlng here for the g~ als.." ult !ee.Dll to me jt ls impossible to mate eny bomb witb laaers," be said. The devlcee are too big. He doesn't think the aecrecy will be much ul an Impediment to research. •11 know an there ls to kno\Y already," be remarked. But it ls un- necessary. STANDING BEFORE the esperimental setup using nine laser beams at tile Lebedev Instltute, we could see what Aca~ Artslmovlcb meant. Here, tile researcb tool many American 1peclallsts have applauded from afar looked like an uugalnly 11187.e ol mimn and tubing. Just coaxing enough pcnnor'ltom lasers to get a useful fusion proce911 191.Qg re-. maiJll a major obstacle, according to Oleg Krokhln, deputy to Nicbolal Basov, the laboratory head. He laughed at predictions or some American entbuslaala tha t ru. group would "breat through" within a year to a laser-lnduced fusion procesa that would generate more energy than it took to run the laaer. He 88.id it will take at Jeut another three or four years of hard wort to get lasers of the energy and eUlcieucy need- ed. "And," be noted, 0 we don't know what problems will eriSe." Under tbese clrcumliances, be said he couldn't Im· agine military implications now. He con- aidettd ttie secrecy absurd. Even a brief, kaleldoocoplc -ol a small part of the Soviet lcientiflc establlshment leaves the lmp-1on that the lntanglblea of the Sovlet·American relationship are Indeed more lmportanl to succea tn ICientllic cooperation than the subliance of what eocb country now bas to offer. We knew before we left that in field.a such as lulion, higHnergy pb)'llcs, · space, or Weather, the Soviets are among the world leaders. What we aaw and beard ol aich wort confirmed UU, aa sut,equent articles will relate. We presume tbat In many fields we did oot sample, they also have some excellent laboratories. SOVIET SPECIALISTS do Indeed have much to offer in an exchange program. Yet, American science and technology DAA. Y ,!LOT Jl l would not starve for Jack of greater ac- cess to it. Nor would Soviet research falter if it gains no further closeness to American work. 'Ibe real value of the new agreements lies in the possibility to create aomethlng more than merely adding together two natiooal efforts. It Iles In the pooslhlllty of evolving truly joint projecte of • kind and quality that limply don't emt In I mere exchange of data and desl.gm. Tbe rendemlus and docking Involved In the Soviet-American 1pace !ligbt acboduled for 1975 illustratea this. It will lead to a mutual space rescue system. That, In lls very natur., has to be a joint effort groater than the simple aum of what each natioo could do anyway by it,,elf. • To extend tlis kind of cooperation over a broad spectrum of acience and technology means, In the ~ nm, establishing aome form of the free and easy Interchange of wblcb Dr. Pl>Jllp Handler speaks. Russia's · cbJef cos- monaut, Maj. Gen. Vladlmlr Shatalov, put the cballenge lllCcincUy when he aaid: "Before we learn to understand each other in the cosmos, we need to ·Wlderstand each other on earth." Views '7 4 Senate Race McGovern Mending Fences WASHINGTON -Seo. McGovern Is craftlty looking to the future -not In ~.WhlreH....e. Dramatically revealing tbat t.. really has no illusions lhat his churlish and ran- corous 'C&npalgn is getting anywhere, ,the South Dakota radical is foresigbted1y taking steps to hold on to his cushy breacS..and-butter job -the seat in the Senate that pays him $41,IOO, plus an- other $250,000 In DUmerous perquis- ites and fring e bene- fita. . Up for reelection In two years and cer- tain of vigorous op- position, Mc.<;ovem Is already busily mending polltlcal fences in ru. home state. He is running cannily-written Ida in papers there loftily avowing h Is Americanism and denying be is an ex- tremist and radical -as widely and vehemently charged by leaders of his own party. · Carefully not mentioned in these self. glorifying ads are any of the Intensely controversial far-out policies and ~ he Is daily advocaUng In his stwnplng throughout the couutzy -aborlloos, slu· dent busing, amnesty for delerters and draft dodgers, more welfare, etc., etc. THERE 18 good reason for McGovern's grave concern about his political future in South Dakota both this year and in 1974. Two ominous portenhl: (I ) He Is running far behind President Nixon In state po!!a -around 15 percent In the lateal One irurvey, by a McGovern poller, found 40 pen:ent of roglstettd Democrats Intending to vote !or tbe President. Aloo, the latter carried South Dakota handily In both lll!O and 1968, by more than 30,000 votes four years ago. (2) Slate and local Democratic can- dldatea are noticeably ab)'lng away from McGovern. That Includes eftD hit close ally and prot,ge, Rep. Jam., Abourezk, numing for the Senate. His campaign literature Is markedJy devold o f references to McGovern, and the only t.lme he mentions hlm ls when asked about him. A strtklng Illustration of h o w McGovern'• bomwtate folks feel about him Is a big algn on tl'.o blgbway leading Into Avon, the small bam1et that c1aiml to be ru. birthplace. Tbe 111ar111., billboard reads u followa: WELCOME TO AVON tlfRTHPLACE OF GEORGE MCGOVERN AND WHERE EV!>.llt RESIDENT IS V011NO POR. P~ENT NDON No leso slgnlllcant It tba attitude of Democratic Rep. Frank De n h o I m , llrenuously elecUoneertng for llllOtbel' t<nn. While not dl11vowlng McGovern, be Is making It clear he I• running atrlctly on hla own. "The oppoelllon would like nothing bet· t<r tlum to get ua all In lhe McGovern waeon ,and !hon blow llS up togetber," llYB 0.nholm. "But U we keep outside lllfl wegoo and bustle around , we are a ' (ROBER'f S.~J moving target and a lot harder to get." With characteristic glibness, Sen. McGovern is blandly trying to gloss it over, but his: bedraggled credibility gap is glaringly showing again. TIDS LATEST addition to his big ac- cumulation of misstatements, distortions, misrepresentatiotl!!I and Olp.Oops inYOlves his repeated assertion that "other Presldenll have granted llllJleliy In earlier wars." Tile South Dakota leftist made this claim In deleose of ru. widely asaalled advocacy of a general lllUleSty for Viet- nam deserlera and draft dodgers. Hls contention wu vigorously chalWng- ed as · phony and ..U-aervtng. But McGovern atuck to it -until the Ubrary of Congress came out with a report com- pletely discrediting his u n f o u n d e d preachment. Unable to dispute the Library'• detail· ed recital of the lad&, McGo\oetn II typically resorting to evasive rhetoric. He now says "other Prestdentl follow· ed Ute general principle" of amnesty. That II slickly different from what be originally declared, but It's 1tlD untrue. No U.S. President ever advocated or granted a general amnesty -as McGovern really favon and would prac- tice If be attained the White Houae. 'IUERE BAS BEEN no announcement about It, but the tap bas been turned off on McGovern'• blasts or vituperation and defamation of Presklent N I :a: o ~ personally• . 1b1s spell of gutter rhetoric lasted !« several weeks and the South DatoUI radical engaged in it as part or a deliberate policy to try to provob the President to lose his temper and retaliate In kind. When he calmly Ignored the In- temperate mud-1l1nglng, M c G o v e r n wire-pullers had second thoughts and called it off. Importanlly belplng to change their mind WU widespread and ecathlqi crlUcism ol the shabby t a c t 1 c s. Prominent among the shocked critics were leading liberal press tupporlera of McGovern. Credited as the mastermind of the tawdry operaUon Is Frank Manldowicz, "campaign coordinator" and looa-tfme Kennedy zealot. Privately, McGovern admill his below· the-belt harangues were "banh, • but he still contends they were jmllfled in an ef. fort to "bring the President out of the White House." Addendum : Tl1oae dally nurr1.. of highly partllan attacks on t be Admlnlstrattoo by groupa of Democntlc Senators in the closing days of the recent oeaslons were strictly glloot-wrltteu Jobs . The barrages were produced by a team of speechwrlters at the McGovtm head- quarters. It moel lnalaooM, the Senators hadn't even aeen their tpeeehel before delivering them. n-ghost.written baranP8 are,... being sent out in lqe quant~let aa McGovern campaign literature. Loose Gorilla Goes Ape Client asks If a gorilla like King Kong ever actually broke loooe In N.,, York City. No gorilla like King Koog. But the record shows a zoo gorllla did once escape liom Ila cage there. EmorJency squad boys eventually fiuahed tt out of a dark cellar with fire holes. But not before they tried to lure It Into the otJ<ll by throwing bananaa at IL The CoriJll threw the bananas bad::. Fer about an boor. With mnark· able accuracy, too, I'm told. HARDLY an)'tblng drains the paJn out of I bee sting quick· er than • lltUe bit of. tUcben meat teuder- ber. Dillolve a pinch In a teaspoo<>- 1\111 ol water. Rub aald tolutlon Into the •kin -Iba ltlng. Appean to neutrallle tho vtnom In nothing fiat. Or so aayo Honolulu clonnl- tolopt Dr. Hany Arnold, Jr .. In the AmerlcaD Medico! Alaoclatlon Joum1I. THAT municipality In this country with the hlgbeat perctntnge of 11larlod Wlru Is Beverly HUii, CaUI. . WASN'T unUI right an.r the Civil War that readymade clotbet really got ( L M. BOYD ) popular. AU those tallort, who had made umform1 for aoldien, reallzed m01t men hike lllndard al2ea. TAX -Only lour federal taxpayen out of every JOO gel tt rllhl That Is, they owe no mONI than they paid, nor e111 they expect a re!W>d. About 24 oot ol 100 have to PollY up an lddltlonal ~-Ap- proximately 72 out ol 100 ~n claim 1 n- fuud of Pl6 etch. Sucb were the averages at latest report. NO SINGLE girl In the city lbould overlook these statistics: Young lldleo In small towns tend to ft1llTY beloni tbey'ro IO. But the """""' In the 1D1Jor ~polltan areas are apt to JO to tho altar some"11at later. THREE presldenhl since the Civil War have won their elections by more than IQ percent of lhe vote. Warren Hardine, Frsnklln Roosevelt and I.Yndon Johnooii. Thia comes up becsuae 1 cllent aab which president In the lut 100 years drww tho lar1et1 percentage of tile popular ... II was Johnson. Wfth II.I pen:<nt. • DAILY PILOT SuM11, °''""' 211, 19n Cop in Class Builds Rapport With High School Students • By JOANNE REVNOLDll Of .. OlitY "* ,..., Jlrn Gardiner la 1 cop, Bul for two hours, five days :· a week, he is alao a high school teacher for a class call· ed "Why Police?" The class, which ts offered at Corona del Mar High School , was started a year ago because the Newport Beach Polke Department wanted to open some lines of com- municltlona with the kids in the clly. !-' They began In 1970 with ridealongs and a cop on cam· pus program that consisted of one officer who spent one day a week at the two high schools· and the l'i'-'O intermediate schools. He served as a guest lecturer for other teachers and generall} made h i m s e 11 available to the students. '"The problem with that was that there was no continuity, no chance lo follow up ," of- ficer Gudiner explains. "If a student asked a ques- Uon in class that the officer couldn't amwer right away, there was a1most no chance for him to get the answer back to the student." Becaui.e the one-day pro- gram wasn 't reaching the ; ~ students ln the way they had planned, the office rs involved proposed that the cop on cam- pus lake a more formalized · approach to meeting with studenta by teaching a class related to police work and the . criminal justice system. After receiving the approval of the Newport-Mesa school board, the class was first of- fered in November, 1971. The course was started m i d - semester because It lasts only one quarter or nine weeks. According lo the agreement, the only money that the district spends on the program is for use of the classroom and for text bCioka, should the of- ficer decide to use some. His pay stiU comes from the police department. MEETING GOALS It's now in Its second year and the response from the stud ents and polii:i! shows that "Why Police?" is meeting the goalt set for it by the police aodl school admlnistrators. "The whole idea behind the thlni(I• to develop a n1Jlll0ll with !be. kids -to establbh a tWO"Wa)' dialogue ,'' the teaching policeman explained. "I hate to use the word ttl•fi!t because1 it's overwofk· ed, but that's really what It's all about. "t'm learnin g a lot fl'901 tbedr and I think that the clau is belpb1g to alleviate a lot of the tears about police that they've had. "You know a lot or those kid& have never talked to a cop unless they 've been stop- ped1 on ·the street for a ticket or questioning. "They seem to appreciate my openness. They 're becom- ing aware, through this class, of the problems faced by law enforcement -that a police 'Balsam Plus' perm with 'heart o.f balsam' treatment for your hair. Helps condition as it curls. 1 ln,cJudes shampoo, cut .. and ·sel 12.50 . ' . Tinl or color retouch , Specl11I,' 8.86 . ' • Be•uty S•lon Mrvlce la only ev11ll11ble 111 Huntlntton hHh, Newport llNch. Gillette presents purrr··. A revolutionary idea in hair care. AtPenneys. purrrt•, the Power De-tangier that helps eliminate unsightly broken heir strands and frizzy split end1 with vibrating combs that actually slide through tang~s. sweep out snarls, quickly and painlessly. Engineered to do away w ith the two major causes of damage to long · heir: combing end brushing, purrrt•, the Power De-tangler'by Glllelte. Al Penney" 1788 TM Purr 11 only 1val11bl• at: Huntl~ Be•ch, NewR6rt Beach. Penneys .. super separates. Top •n outfit off With thll Dur•n• •cotton short· sleeved pullover top. A colorful llddltlon whether lt"a In YtillOW, belO-, red, purp1• or navy. Biz•• I• M·L ss Low-aluno P•tnut rl••r panta. Hllfil••28" tlarii ~ bottom• and a 3·*1t•P tronL It'• lft1 fui\ky cotton conlUrGJ. ~$to 13. In -"'9-s5 . . A varaattl•,•cryllc v11t, g.-..t ovtr ot~ topt., or alone when th• w•th•r a.it 'tiany.. "l'llntY ot J-c- q ~ar pa'1_1rn1 tO choo•• fr'Cim In filhlon'oolore: " •g For juniors who don't mind taking unfair advantage. Acryflo dOutM knit ftaNd ·ptntt, ll)'ltd wftt'I big brtlt ' IOOPI. fl)' front Lot• of We know what you're looking for.-==::>:f!1:.:•00 H '' 0 "'· Shop Sunday noon tq 5 P.M. at the following stores: FASHION ISLAND, Newport 801ch, (714) 644-2313. HUNTINGTON CENTEJ\, Huntington Beach, (714) 892-7771. HARBOR CENTER, Cost• Mt11, (714j 6'46-5021. \ ' ••• ·- .. . .. : .... r -· I l ~ ~ ~ i f j i .. ' " ' . l ' , ~ ... l i ' . : . .. ,. • i l :· i • ; '·. DAILY PILOT • Now Men •. Serve Tea Parole Officer: Jack-of-all-trades .•. •. .. To Flyers .: ' .. :-.·. Ulllk<I Pren IDtorutloul " .. Last year, Clrltoo TTllylor wu a '1ar1Jng clt!emlve ba:k on the foolboll tum al Morris . ,.,. ilrwn Ciolltle In Allanla. Now j he ii a domestic all'llne ~ llew111d, working kl "' !i'ld ' l'OC<lldy -led almolt en-~ tlrt:ly by wo_men. telephone operators, men are ' t•Mo1tly lt'a the moving into j6bs once coo-~ bua1nessmen who are always sidered as the property of ~ wond<rln& about my job pool· women. '. tioo," Ttaylor, 20, aatd in an United had stewards on its 'I tnlttvlew. "They aak me l! I lilghls to Hawaii for years, enjoy the~ how much fun Qnly recently were tliey added do I have with I~ what did I to domestic runs, a spokesman ~ do before. said. ~ ••When they uk me what I Other airlines also have ad· I~ waa before I tell them 1 was ded stewards. At least part or -playlll(I football at Morris the motivatlon cai.ne from job j . Brown College In Allanla. This and sex dl9crlminatlon suila. l ; · fact aiway1 shoe~ them." Other chaoges have abo ) Sc9ebo\f, Tnxlor a a I d , taken • place in the airilne } -just.don't eapect . service field. StewanlEeses " • • !onner lootbaD player to be once had to ~uil their . l<!llti ii i j eerring meols. and ~on · lhoi!' marrtil er reacliell an •'.. .'iii 'ilrllner. arbitrary aB• limit, but 'no ~~ Traylor, based ln longer, and. more 8nd more S Wuhington, Is one of 65 stewardesles are married. • st'"'""'" wbo now !I y As , a -11 of the changed ~ dor"85tlc routes for United Alr rules oni marriage, Terry ;. Lines. An official of the airline WUliamJ - a Un it e·d NILY-PILOT Mlftlt•HM Traylor, a steward tor two months, said he's had a good reception trom pUsengers. "The lady paasengen really enjoy having a steward on board," he aaid. "They say they can relate better to guys than to stewardesses. I tend to get along quite well with businessmen and other male paioengers. "They are curious. They ask me que.st.ions they wouldn't neceuarily want to ask a stewardess." ' Beach· Man Gets Award ~ ~s there are no records on stewardess since 1966 -is Martln Swanson of 10291 :' hoW many ol the stewards -able to work with her husband , Cutty Sark Drive in Hun- : or stewardesaeSI -are black. Jeny. He became a steward tlngton Beach bu received the ~ But Traylor says he and five in July. Silver Key Award from the • · 'other stewards wbo Dy out of The c:ooP1e •is based In 1-Student Diviaion of the Washington ""' ~lacl:. Waabington and, Teny, with Amorican Bar Asaociatioo for .J'l:ul!lrJL-il!U!L~ity,.llSlllll!y..<M..llid_ service on its Credentials chaoges taking place In the successfully to be on the same Cori1iiilttee. hiring pnctlces of ali-Unes, as fll.ght as her husband, a Also at the association con- well u other t n d u s t r J e s . former elementary s c h o o I vention in San Francisco in Women are starting to move teacher in Miami. Airline of-August. he was appointed vice- into jobs ooce held exclus.ively ficlals believe they are the chalnnan of the committee by men. In a few rare cases ftrSt husband-wife steward-and will preside at the student soch as the airlines biribg stewardess team in domesUc divl.skm'.11 general meeting in st.ewanb or the hiring ol male commercial aviation. Washington D.C. , • (From Pqe Al) heert-breaklng and, mon> ol· ten, woU-publlcbed. The. job tak .. empethy and a ...,.. ol blJance llet....,. aociety'a wants and rlgbta and the poroi<es. !t may take more than that l()r a parole officer who ta worltlng with persooa llke tho one in tho'precedjng story. Angel Ramlm: is llJCh a pa· role officer. He works with a speclall7'd caseload, addicts committed under a statewide program. • The Narcotic Addict Outpa· tient Program (NACP) Is ad- ministered under the state D&. partment C>f Corrections. An addict may be committed to lhb program rather than sent to state prison. lf so, it is un- der civil and not criminal law and the addict is not consid- ered a lelM. The program usually lasts oeven yean although it can be reduced to two-and-a-half years. Not everyone In the program bas committed a. crime. An addict may commit himself to the program, or he can be brought into it by a relative or the police. . From six to 12 months of the sentence is spent in a rehabil- itation center -the closest are at Norco and San Bernar- din() -where the emphasis is· on getting oU drugs through psychiatry, group counseling and medicine. The rest of the time Ls spent in the community under the supervisi()n of a parole officer. This is where Angel Ramir- ez comes in. He eanies a caseload of 32, the average for Officers who handle spe- cialized problems. Convention. al caseloads. where each per- !or !reab Medi• marts. It'• flnd dNp cl escape ir-north ol Santa Ana to Gardea not ono of h~ happiest Jobi. retllllbie. Grove. The third county """"' Ramlra said, but can work u Bui -!ht dYll lddlct tllllt, In Anai>elm, "'"'" nortll a JlO)'CllolocJca cltterrent to J1rOIJ'&lll, the addict b allowed -ly. !wtber use. to be buman. "We try to Ramlm l8id they are II a man haa been using, maintain them In the com-overworl<ed, but C&mey .ip. Ram.lrez doesn't neoeaarffy muntty 11 best we can,'' said ed, "IdealilticaUy, we ~abould act to put him back in prt&oo. the coocei ned Ramim. "II be w:ortinl ounoelves out of a Re, !Ute ail other parole o!-he's jull Ullng (dNp) or job." licers, mual determine that doing petty theft, we try to There ore about 4,000 ad· man's fate at that Ume. It's work with him." dicta in 1tate pr1son1 oow, not a responsibility he tak,. Lui month, one ol Ramire.-Camey estimated. NAOP gela ~Uy. cases waa picked up .as he only a percentage of ~. Ramirez allO 'ta required to wandered 11erratlcally" down Tbe rest get, Into other pro- vls!t each mat1 .al.. hls home a street by a police of'ficer. grams or no progranu at all twfu<! a month. On these visits, Charged with being under the to help their addiction. But the parole ()(fleer notes the influence of drugs, be ad· about all of them, once. they RESOURCES condition of hil room and what milted using a few 4'lG-eent get out of an institution, land A parole officer has to have kJnd of people he Is living papers" (an amount or in a parole officer'• tap. antenoas ..w.11d wide in the wi''" heroin). Ramirez was called in ...,........ wL Each parole agent ~ on u ccmmunity to tap all possible If the man is married, by the diltrict attorney and hour caJI. His or her duties re800rces for his client. Ramirez may counsel the recommended a light -30 to may range ln a day from The agent I.! almoot a aocial wile. ·"We're Jual rapping, but llO day -sentence in the coon-lining up job tntervlewl to catalyst, making things hap. l'msensitivetoeverything." ly Jail and return to NAOP. stopping repoueuion ol the pen positively for 800leone U there's a new color TV set ~I '::ww:i:e ggulveny,"30.,«,!8_!:5.:_ famlly car to just keeping a e!Je and "he's got lO dig what in the room, he11 want to ~'--· .... ed, "and he had'~~ client from breaking down. he's dotng," Camey said. know where it came from. He 0"' "'M ~· Under NAOP, a parole of- Ramlrez opens contacts take.s no notes while there, but cooperative and dooe okay ficer Jlke Ramirez ii assured lal I -viou.sly ... with other soc serv ce agen-does ao on leaving. ,..... of knowing almo&t each man cies in the county such as bot-For those who haven't been he's assigned at least two-.and- lines and drug a~ ~ters. ~e~~ his style "friendly readju!Ung to the community, a-half yean, probably more. U he cant' help solve a prob-Each parole officer must ~ri;ewbe.~e:: i; knoOnwlyi..,tbe. faUures will he 1~. maybe another commu-mate p-s repo•· on nit ··-*A•~ • ""''"' 1 ~ stitution. But there ii some -===========; Y couwicwr can. each case. ,-"You have to tune in with state pressure to keep the the guy," the aoft-spoken If, after two-anti.a-halt "failure" rate low in all parole Ramirez said. "A lot of time years, the addJct has been and probation cases and "re· you have to do 8 bigger selling drugfree and relatively sue-institutionalizing" is lrowned job on him than on the job cessful in the community, he upon for that and other (elllP.loyer)." may be released from parole. reasons. He admitted, "It's difficult What his parole officer has Camey's unit ()f eight agents not to become involved. You to say is crucial to whelher handles ex-felons and ei:-ad· try to be objective but to be I.his happens. diets who UVe in Santa Ana, effecti ve you have to become There are addicts who slip. south to the beaches. They see involved to an extent. You For !lome, the return to old about 300 cues a month. Exclusive Inside the DAlL Y PILOT is another great newspaper - the <fhristian S c l e n c e Monitor. In-depth features and commentaries fr o m Christian Science Monitor News Service are published exclusively in Orange County by the DAILY PILOT. have to develop trust and con-friends still involved in crhne A second Santa Ana-based fi<lence ." 1...:ea=uses=.:•.:ne=".:mlBl=:•::k•:·.:Otbe=::,..:_.:""'::'::t,~se:rv:.::es:.·-'perso'=="':_li::'Vlll!l:.:·~========== As part of bis duties. Ramirez lias to adminster surprise drug tests to the men. more frequently when they first get out. Urine samples are taken in the corrections office end arms are examined 15% 9ff our entire line of cus- ___ !om g raperies and slipcovers, ··tabor·included. Save on turtlenecks for m·en . ~ long alaevefull turtlinecka.100% polyester in assorted fashion color1. Slz11 M,L,XL s5 . . . i "T ana .. women I Men'1t11rllaneclc awa1tar Men'ashort ale9ve turtlenack. 100% cotton In assorted fashion colors. si-s.M.LJXL 311 ' • ' ' Women'1rlbbedturtlaneck aw1at1r1.100%acryllclnassorted fashion colon. SizH S,M,L s5 JC Penney We know what you're looking for. • • 15% Off on custom draperies and slipcovers. Fabric and, 1&bor. Every fabric in our custom collectlon priced at 15% aaving1. Our decorator will bring you aamplH and pro!H11onal suggestions on choosing draperlH and sllpcovera delignad !or your home aioM. Call Penneya near you for our Shop-at-Home Service, now! Cullom O-.alljl .. , , ... ,, Anttablo Al: IWnUng10n 8-h, Newport Beach Salo""°" en.cu.o lllN S•tunlar only! Shop Sunday noon to 5 P .M. at the following stores: FASHION ISLAND, Newport Bo1ch, (7 14) 644-2313. HUNTINGTON CENTER, Huntington BHch, (714) 892-7771. HARBOR CENTER, Costa "'-· (71'4j W..5021 • .. DAl~Y PILOT Policemen Sick of Being Called Pigs UP'I Tt ...... 1• HOODED FALCON MASTERS AERIAL WARFARE Cle1r1 Ski•• of Birds Th1t C1use Aircraft Colli1lon1 Lone Raiders Falcons Save Lives, Money MADRID (UPl l -As Phan- tom F4s take off and land at Torrejon airbase near ?\1adrid, one or nature's own in- terceptors circles 700 feet overhead awaiting the mo- ment to fold its wings and streak earthwards at ove r 200 miles per hour. The lone raider is one of a squadron or six falcons . whose mastery of aerial warfare has earned them a key place alongside the base's jel·age hardware. The birds, nown one at a time are credited with not on- ly saving Ji ves but also hun- dreds or thousands or tax· payers' dollars by clearing the air of other birds. "They're magnificant when they come in for the kill." said T. Sgt. Demacio Herrera of Longmont, Colo.., who is in chart!• ol the blr<ll. '"11ley just fold thelr wings and fall out ol the sky to strike. Gravity just seems to catch bold of them. 'Ibey can reach speeds of up to 230 miles an hour." Since they ...,. introduoed four year! ago the falcons have almost com p I et e I y eliminated the bird..alrcraft collisions which had prevlOU&- ly cost the joinl U.S.-Spanlsh base more than Sl.5 million in repair bills and around the world have caused the death1 of more than 60 pUota. Th.is year 1ix U.S. Air Force bases in Britain followed Tor· rejon'a eumple and took up the ancient and regal sport of falconry to )X'tvent mid-air colli!loru: or "bird"'6trlkes", which at worst can crush a pilot's head or wreck a jet's engine. At Tortt}on the falcons are flown twice dally. More often than not their presence alone is enough to keep well clear I.he Dock!: of bustards, that modem blrd-ecaring device! had failed to deter. The number of b I r d sightings in the year btfore the falcons arrived was 38.829. Last year the number of In· truden had dropped to under 3,000. "At one Ume the bustard5 used to sit materially 'glued' to the cement runway!, eating peacefully under the wings of aircraft spitting fire from their jeHnglnea and ap- parenUy lllldlJturbed by lhe deafening mite," Sp an Is b natunlill Rodriguez de la Fuente aald. "But the falcon is their natural enemy and I knew their presence alone would be enough to scare the bustards away and leave the runway clear in a very few weeks," said the naturalist, who set up the fal con program. He proved right and now four airmen are pem1anently assigned to ''Operation Bihari" -so-called after tbe Arabic word for the peregrine fal con. "We do most ol our hunting off-base within a 40-mile radius," Herrera said. "The falcons act as a deterrent more than anything else. We had a sighting or 27 bustards one da y last week. \Ve took the falcons oul, got I and the other 26 never came back." The success of the CfPeration may be spreading. A full study report on tbe falcons has been sent to the Pentagon urging other bases with "bird-strike" probleme to bring In falcons. Civil airports a1ao are con- sidering the idea. "I believe in the States they are now als6 training a bird which ls probably even more effective at taking care of smaller birds like sparrows," Herrera said. "But for my money they'll never quite compare with falcons. 'l1li.s ls the sport of kings." Traveling Clinic Set Capitol News , Servlct SACRAMENTO - A travel· Ing seminar for school of· ficials and teachers that features two innovative educa· tJon programs will stop in JO Callfornia cities. Sponsored by the California State Department of Educa· tion and the Association of California School Administrators, the program -called ACSA-EXPO '72 - will provide In-depth presen- tations of ways to approach problems in the schools. The day-long program Is schedule d for Qtico, S a c r a mento, Emeryville, Fresno, Millbrae, E n c i n o , Newport B each, San Bernardino, Goleta and San Diego. New Shipment New Variety Of Koi ....... DIAMOND 10 1 • • • .... -. ..... u ..... ...... ......... ~ ...... ... ... NJ. FANCY KOi ALL SIZES POND FILTERS ly DNIUI _, ...,_ ••• fMMr fTtill 1.JM .... • .. _. ~ :::,· " .. '·"' $27500 ........... -. UP Jun ARllRD Pacific Goldfish Farm NfW lOCo\Ttoft 14700 GDLDENWEST, WESTMINSTER OPIH DAILY IO.I •htno '993 7105 DP111 SUMDA Y 12·1 714 • tl'llf1lll "' ........ Dlttt ,,......,) SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - Pollc<meo '"' J111raJJy l•llllt& 1lck ol befllC called "Pla•"- Dr. Martin Q_ Blinder, a poychiatr!Jt, laY1 -e of them ere IUfferlng from ''polk:enJan'• l)'Ddrome,'' caused by the "abrupt change ln the pollceman'1 role." The policeman, he aay1, has become the buffer between "Ul<lertned but powerful IOClal forces," and as a result his police officer patients often suffer accelerated heart beats, sweats and llghtheadedness. An extreme case was that or Arthur Lord Jr., 1 veteran nX>toreycle offtcer once com- mended for the perlormance ol his dutv. Lord, who died recently ln a htalth opa froquentod by aloohollct. had been ~ on full disability pay by !he San Francilco Retirement Boord because ol alooholiam n!latod to tlle 1""'1on of police work. IArd's doctors said he had started drinking heavily to relieve hives caused by the tension of his police work. Blinder says the policeman's problem continues, and the Lord case wu "jl.llt the tip of the lceb«g." Aloobol la DOI a factor In molt cue.a. "I have guys ccme lnto my office that ara '° •ken by their Jobi as polioemen that they won't even wear thtr guns," he uJd lnmi Interview. 'Ibo 1"1llceman'1 job, Blinder 11td, h11 llhlfted from "the 1 tr al g btlorward one of pollll<Jlly •P!l""'ed and heroic opponent or evil." The new role, he saya, ls "unfamiliar, complex and am· bll!UOUS, and polltioaJJy charg- ed." One ol Bliad«'1 po~ WU n!flred when he deftJoped feors rouowq the aolplnc deoth of h11 partner_ 'n1o ol- fi<er would drlvt around his home aeveral Umec, CISing It becauae he thougfit eomoona miaht bl inside with 1 l!Un. "lt'1 the dedlcotod °"" wbo have the problem," t h e poycbialrflt said. Attorney George J_ Engler, a pollcemon for 11 years wbo reached the rank ot lleutenant, Is "fU'ded u an expert In p._,ting IUCb C-lo the board and police deportment -. Enilor .,. he'• - about II the la1t few yeon. MOil ol them Item from the clvll dlaorder ol the ll!Os , he said, and rmr ...., to be tapering off_ !!:net« feeta ll\Olt ot tile lllllety ari-because the of- ficers are required to SUP!ftSS !belt emotJons. "Before a policeman was dealing slrlctly with the cr1mlne.I Ument, but now Ibey are fa<ed on tile cam- -and other pro ... t eltes by the segment ol aoclety they are sworn to protect," be uld. "Thete bulcolly 1a ..... bldq poople oaJJ the police 'pip' and regard them IS a aymbol of the elate and h<ep -on them." . Thomu Cahill was San Froncloco police chief dla1ng the 19!0i Ind alao head Of U... !ntematlonal "-:latlon ot Clllela ol Police, representlni poUoe ol ll ruotlons . Calllll felt that """'""" have increased tremendously on policemen and the l9IOs could indeed have left a legaey- o[ emotional turmoil. Undercover sale. Save 20% on king and queen size sets. Both have jde supports for ~ull-width sl eping comfort. Sale prlcea effective thru Saturday ontJI Saves10 Reg. 269.95. Sale 199.95. 'Ecstasy' queen size set features split foundation to prO'Jide individual choice of firmness; she can have extra firm support while he has super firm support. Mattress with Flexolator wire grid plus Tuflex insulation pad. Rayon damask cover. $9 per month" King size set, reg. 359.95, Sale 269 .95. $11 per month• Savesso Reg. 229.95. Sale 179.95. 'Supertatlve' queen size set. Mattres~ has Flexolator wire grid plus latex sisal pad, two extra thick layers of polyurethane foam. 12 side supports in each mattress and each foundation for full Width sleeping comfort. Rayon sateen pfint cover. $1 pet month• King size set, reg. 339.95, Siii• 241.N. 10.50 per month' Deluxe metal bed frame with heavy duty angle steel conat(UCtlon. Fits twin to king size. $12 Gel • groat bUJ now, pey l•ter. U.. JOW JCPenMJ chorgel 'This amount represents the required monthly payment under Pen~ Time P9yment Ptan for1he PtJrchase of the related Item. No Ananoe Charge will be incurred if tho balance al tho •ccounl in the flrat billing Is paid in full by the closing date ol the next bllllng period When incurred Finance Charges will be detarmlned by epplylng periodic rateo or 1.~ (Annu•I Percentage Rato 14.411) on the ti rat $s0o and 1,. (Annual Percentage Rate 121'4) on the portion over $500 of the prevtoua balance without deducting payments or credits. JCPenney We know what you're looking for. Shop Sunday noon to 5 P.M. at the following stores: FASHION ISLAND, Newport BHch (714) 6#-2313. HUNTINGTON CENTER. Huntington 8Hch (714j 892-7771 . I l CUI un China's 3..Cen1 Disneyland • Canton's Cultural, Cent,er Draws 20,000 Nightly °""""' ..... ...., ....... CANl'ON, China -ClnlOo'I eullurll Port II t he Dloneyland and Tivoli or China. ·On an avenae autumn or 1PMnC evening, IO,llOO Can. -out lor tun pay au.. centa eoch to pus lhroulh Ila 1atos. Their thrte cent1 buya a vut ent.ertaJnment w o r I d : mualcal shows, camlval rldes, bendl, P<1ppet ohow1, nllhtly oportl ezhlbUIOM, and seven aeparate mu..wns. !orelgnera. Tbema lnvarlal>b' conctrn beroi. llarUhlpa and eveniUal trlwnph In I b o Chinese revolullon. Scrtpta are au written cot. loctlvely, not by 1ln1l• emloeat autbora. '!be pro-ductlona tllomaelva, bavo'been tal<en out ol the~ ol pro-r ... 1ona11 and elven 'bver to the hundredl and perbapa thouaanda of amateur Jl'OUPI Canton bU oprouted In recent yurt. lhemel and tuna they hid llroady enjoyed a ball<ioml ar more t&rit.1 1n the movie -· Al one giant outdoor theater a troupe of lranlport workers WU offering I n>Ulin( ~ Im· perfect Interpretation ol "The Red Detachment of Women" billet, about a tervant lirl'• advonturee In a Communllt women'• rllle complrlY during the Civil Wlr aplnlt Chiong Kal-ebek. populu lll<it from I "revo}g. Uon&ry Pekin~opera" w1lh all the exquW •Xlilereted mannerlmla their olden. CUlturll Parit'a oporta are In tune with the amateur theabicall. At the PVk'1 tabl~tenrds arena down a maze of graaoy w;.].a and put the ferril wheel and iocket ride, several hundred spec-. taton were watchin& • cham- pionship compeUUoa between 1 the amateur teams of two suburban dlatrictl. Next door In the buketball lladlum, aquadl of women teachers from two of canton'• school distrlcla ,..... doing ... court battle, cheered on by SUodlr. -29, 1'72 WLV '1LDT But thlt 'II an amuaement world with a bli dlller.nce. For lhta II Mao'• China. Wbat CUitural Park ollera II what the "cultural" ln "cultural revolution" la all about. The authorities have been el\ra careful to approve for national dtatrlbutlon only those ......u that complement Ibo f It d 1 lln I • IUll llbal;y 1 'proletarlan art and literature" mcivemenL The aud.Jence, packed with kkll, roared approval when tbl ballerina heroine IUC. ceufully navl11ted 1everal dJ.tflcutt leaps. 1niere was all the camaraderie of sn en-. joyable amalJ.town theatrical, arid the c!rowd shared acutely the dllcomfort of a bit player who tripped over hll own feet arul !elf il(f the ...... several tboUAnd fans. .. .: 1be follower• ol Mao had cbaried I ha t preoultural revofutlon Chlneae literature and drama were Cbe domain of intellectual• who wrote for other lntj!lle<tuall. Only ball-a-dozen fUll·length plays, balleta, and operu devoted to bluel'lban-life have rece.!,ved Peifn&'• official approval. Bepea,ted excerpts from lhta lllm repertoire com- poee the meat and potatoa of Cultural Park's fare. (To the gr e a i em-~ ~ Molli• s.r.a ,.. bamwment of lhta reporter, LIFE.SIZE CLAY FIGURES DEPICT STORY AND ARE AMONG BEST OF ART ON DISPLAY IN PARK MUSEUM '• It WU claimed that &~C worb bad been attompta to promote the Idea of lndlvldWll "genius": on the one hand tn- duelnl! lntellectuala to feel auperlor to the masses, and on the other divorcing China's modem art forms from the aemlllterate common man. Eveeythl.ng at C a n t o n • 1 CUitural Park today la aaoy to underatand, even for But the crowds seem to love It. The most poPutar ol Cultural Park's muaewnJ is statues or the Iii n e w th e a t rlcals' rewlutlonary heroes, and the crowdl jam CUiturai Park nlgbt1y to aee live performances of. the ume A )'OUDg mechanJc, arms llall1na wildly, next hanled out llOIDe fut-tempoed "rtvolu- UOoary tunes" on a eet of ~ lenloulb' CmlVerkd I U t 0 fendon , w1nnlnl yelps from U'8 youna:atera. Within mlnulel, the kids were fldletlni uncomfortably wlJlle their parent. w1rmly apPlauded a ll'OUP ol cherubic f.)'Ul'<lldl from a ouburban chllclren'a ptlace. Tl>eae YOUll( prod!(foa were performing 1 the game abM>tly baited, the entire aaaemb!ap rftln( tn applauae, when the American guest'• pre1ence was dlacovered. '!be Cantonese may not like the U.S. Govern- ment, but Ibey IO llM>ut to express that they approve of friendship betwaen the two peoples.) The museums at Cultural Park, otrewn through the downtown amuaement grounds, provide C h I n e 1 e visitors with lesaona Jn Moalst values. ,'Salem ' pinch-pleated ·shortY -drapes. The price ... won't pinch your budget. 6.99 48 X 45" I 541t Our pinch pleated 'Salem' shorties will enhance any window setting in your home. They're 100% Fiberglas• that you can dunk, drip dry, and re-hang. Two-tone textUre-..yith cotton knit fringe and matching color plastic . . . . tings. Decorator cblorS, too.· 48x24, 30" 5.49. llllx36" 5.99. " Pinch pleated valance 48x12" 3.ps. Matching tie backs 3x21" 1A9. Available at most J.C. Penney stores One pavillion deplcta the hardahl~ . ~d aucceaes of lrllid Tocblnl oil field, the naUonal _, !0< Chinese induatry. Another Jnllltllm Is delloted elclullvoly to the life 1tory of Dr. Normon Bethune, a Canadian phyllclan who died while t.r e it in g Communist eoldlara durlnl China'• war of real1tance against Japsn in Worlll War u. Hla la~ provided the oub- ject i.. one of Mao'• most. read essay>, '!be ball'a dWll messages are Mao'• own : Forel(nera are )ult aa good as CbW.., and t b e 1reateet good is to ucrifice on others' behal!. Art ba1 been a neglected step-chlld o f post-cultw-al revolution China, with much or the output conlormlng to Russla'1 vapid eoclal·reallsm style. Yet one oI CUltural Park's eeven muaetm11 boasts an exact replica or the masterpiece or C h i n e 1 e revolutionary art: the Rtrit Collection C.Ourtyard tableaux ol 87.echuan Province. Devised during the cultural revolution by a collective cf unnamed art workers, it employs more than 100 lile- slze clay figures in six separate acenes to relate a simple story of the rents levied agalmt the tenants of wealthy landlord Liu Wen-tsai. 'ftle orl.g1nal worb stand in Last big week ! Our feu r--mest popular broadlooms on sale. . R~ 1.75 'Soutan', Rhort loop Pile carpet olatunfYoonVnUOUlfl!ament Antron 11• nylon that II etunfy enough 10 111)1 goo6o )cieloing even In tough wur .,_ - dloorator colora. • ' .Sale4~d. R19. I.DO 'Spartan'. Do-It-yourself snip-to- flt short loop pile carpet of continuous filament Antron 11• nylon. With Brunalon• for antl ... hock. Rubber cllshlon backing IO there's no need for padding. SaleS~~ Reg. 7.31 'Loving Touch', Luah Oacron9-. potyeater 1hag that reflt'Cts today's look In fa1hlon and practlcallty. Easy to clean, retains Its soft and springy texture. Thr ... tone colora. Sale S~~ fte9, I.ii 'Heritage'. Soulptured olfect Dacron• polynter pll1 with at..rwd hlghllghtlng-helpe hide footprinll. E>otllant retlllenco lot long _,, Solid and tweed colora. .. le prteff off .. llv• through Saturday. C1rp1Ung 11onir1v1l11bl11t: HunUngton ll11ch Newport lle1ch We kn~~~~~1~lng for. - Shop ~unday noon to 5 PM at the following stores: · FASHION ISLAND, Newport Beach (714) 6+4-2313. HUNTINGTON CENTER, Huntington 811ch (714j 892-7771 • • I ( the rent courtyard of one of L1u's former mansions. The artlnry, the im- pauioned anger and ery for class justice that infuse the statuary cohere into a surpris- ingly mo\'lng and. for Chlnese visitors, probably a shattering experience. • lt provides a clue, perhap11 , J: to the popularity ol Cultural .:.: Park's fare. For this ii • city where the revoluUon an1ved only 22 years ago. ·' i ' • . • DAILY PILOT 'Sundl)o, 0c.-19, 1972 Airport Bofil"d to Weigh Plan for New Flight Rules Black's Campaign Manager . Conviction Sees .Vicwry Over Hinshaw Appeal Date Set c:ommertcal octiv!tles more specifically, give the -ol avilllon the power to granl P"?!'iil for certain types ot i:ot\ilnerdal operatlonl and ,., slandlrds for flying cluho ~allng OU\ ol the airport. Alt« 1 brief clllcuaslon, the By O. C. HUSTINGS . """""'Uve Schmllz In Ille commlsalonm -the OI ....... -.... June primary. SANTA ANA -Newport -1 which wW be under John Black, candidate ilJ the Aloo, Birkett co n t t,. n d • • ~-~ at•-~--~ ~·~ d1lcuaakm at tho November .. tbeSe people nsped" ~ ._,....,. J:ov~ ~_,.,, m<>etin&, :19th Coognisslooal Dlstricl, ts . Bilek that "'!!tone bu been tp'anild 1 loll!' 'nlll dra(t states th 8 t going to be Orange. County's while !!!!_~le ~ principles, ,...k delay In lbe heerlo& of ORANGE COUNTY =..,.,,. ts wUl!Jia 19. '11-~ County .. __..r l't""ils wVl )>e required for nttl Democratic Coo· &O '1ooll with the majority-;; c.url''tp:;aJ agalnll7hd SANTA ANA -Nov. II bu been tel for the dllCusslon be!... the Orona• County ~at..a ~new orfnance wtucb will more ~ly regulate commerlcal operations at Orange Cowity Airport. Airport commissioners have sought revisions to the ex-... isdng ordi.Mnce because of the assertedly ·u.ncleat... language used to define commercial "ftC. tivitles. . *·. ll!e ""'1ll!lbll0n!ll· •I>' ~'the iihiendO'a OnliOlhce, it will be rorwenlecl to the oaunty supervlsoc$ l<it final Cbarter(f,, (ll>er.atlOOB p i lo t gressman. h i s campolgn ~tever group that may be. condu& convtcUon b 1 n d e d 'tn.mmJi, ·iln:ntft rental and manager Insists. This despite: Jllrkett conceded that Black doWn In Santa Ana m\llllclpal s l g hf a e e I n g , e e r l a l -The fact that Black's op. wUl have to receive all the court • Assistant County Counsel Robert Nuttman said the pro- posed amendments d e f I n e --. Nuttman prepared two dif- ferent drafts of the new ordinance which he presented at the commi!Sion meeting Tuesday. photQll'aphy, crop dusting, B h M pooent, Republlcan Andrew Democratic votes in t be · • aerial advettlslng and survey· e8C 3ll Hinshaw, is better know. •u.c1t ii1tKllTT dlslrk:t ~at ~r.st one out Qf.. Stone, fl, has been ordered ing, air canier operations, -The fact that the distr~t tvery 1ix KepClb@can votes to to appear Nov. 30 before'~ alrcnll sales and services. Sues Pair only recentiy voted Jolm Birch win. three-\\':!i• pone! 1'hlch Will aircraft and sale oC aircraft Society member John Schmitz Beach) and his 21 years of ex-•1J don't tblnk that'• too bear appeal against the parts. SANTA ANA -A Hunt· out or the omce. petielX:e in federal govern-nili'i:'~ ":·;;..~ ~.... ~~P='•by~~ JUry Nuttman not.ed that some of lngton Beach an who claims -The fact that Republican ment want6'' ol these operations are already two Sav-On n....... empio-De · · Rlnahatr bu more money 'and stone was found ., red &.<•'"&" ,,~ voters outnumber mocrats Black was ooce special may --~ --voters lewd -...iuct after a cove by leases. But he ad-fal.<iely arrested him while he · th d. t · 1 b 53 ooo -~ -· ~u ded the teases only apply to was waiting outside 8 in c IS ric Y ' · as.!istant to the late President through tbe media, more Ana pollce officer fued base operations and the telephone booth for 8 friend -The fact that President· John Kennedy and Irr seven voters will approclate that that the lawyer made_,.~· permit ordinance is an al· has sued the company fur IL5 Nixon recently sent a leller to years the -ol the U.S. Black "will not.be obligated to proper advances to him -~ tempt to control the "free million. Hinshaw. saying he would Travel Service, a federal anyme or owe anyone debt!... both men were uslnC the mt Janee" operators. Robert J. McRoberts Jr. welcome the assessor as the agency. Blacl'tQlJDJl8lgn, from. the room in a public park. , By including flying clubs 'in names employes Dwain R. district's congressman. -Hlnshaw's "visibility" a9 sirl.Jnfry ~~day, 'lbe laW)'tr' was later fn. the ordinance, Nuttman said, Cheshire and st.eve Gingrich Pat Birkett, transportation Orange County ~seuor· ts , wtµ cost w~, fl,000, BU'ket,\ dieted by. the Oljange County police departments, I h e the coimty wlll be able to in his Orange County Superior wpervlsor a t Philco-Ford ...,rking against hitn hecaUlle said. Graqd Jl/fT m cbarges U.., be Sheriff and the California regulate the clubs that operate Court action and identlfies Aeronutronlc in N e w Po r t tax assessment causes a lot Of , olff.ftd .~ Wit:aesa• $1,0oo tP .of- Court Clerk. Al.armed By Bike Accidents Orange County officials con- cerned with juvenile pr~ tection have become alarmed over the rapidly moun- ting number of injW'ies and deaths suffered by young peo- ple in bicycle accidents. lligbway Patrol provide m-. for a profit. them as the two men who held Beach srxl. Black's campaign "negative feeJfngs abOut our "'-·__:.: E1 ·-'ll fer fa~ testimony bf.,-~ school training programs on "lf the clubs qtlalify as non-him for two hours at a loca'l manager, says that on the opponent (Hinshaw). 1beY .a. ucper· eCt"ll municipal court trail. t .. proper use of bicycles, "It is profit, then they can continue Sav-On ouUet. surface it may look like an (the voters) ,Nst Joqked at • f _ He Is acheduled to face trlal apparent that parents are not to operate as they always McRoberts states that he easy win for Hinshaw, but their recent tar bill." ORANGE -Dr .. Frederick Nov. 27, three days beton:·bis fully aware of their children's have. But those that are was falsely accused of loiter-other factors will change that. -Black will get n;i ore D. Turiier of .Orange bas been appellate ~· OD tbe per- responsibilitles." operating for profit, will have ing and trespassing. He states According to Birkett, these former Schml.tz-votes than elected president of t. b e jury· Ind bribery counts en- William E. St John , clerk of the juvenile court, said it has become evident that youngsters are not fully aware of their responsibility in the operation of a bicycle. The state motor vehicle code to get a pennit just like the that he was found not guilty of factors include : Hh:whaw wUI because those medical 1staft at St. Joseph doned by the Grand_ Jury. He contains sections regarding other commerical operators at the charges in West Orange -Black's qualifications as voters are lomeWhat 'miffed Hoipital for ·&,one-year term is 'free on lU promJ9e to &I> r tbe proper use of bicycles. _t_he_•lrPort.-'-·-'·-· _he_ex..:p_lained_· __ · __ eou_n1_y:_Ju_d_lc_i•_l_Ili_·,_1r_ict_Coort __ · _.:.an::.....:.'::.'to::.•.:.oe.:.Y:._.:.<::.ln:_N.:.ewpo:.:c:_":.-bec::.::.:::.au:.:se::..:.llinsha::..::_:.:w::..:.def::..:.ee_ted;.:._'the::..:._begimlng...::.._.:.:..J_an::..:.:ii,::..:.im __ . ___ ;.pe_a_•:_· --------"One section states in part1_ "In juvenile court," St John said, "we see more and more citations being written against juvenile offenders." He said Juvenile Court Presiding Judge Samu e I Dreizen and Dr. Robert Peterson, c o u n t y superin- tendent of schools, are work- ing with him on complete distribution of bicycle laws to public and private schools in the county. St John said although local that every person riding a bicy- cle upon a highway, street or roadway has all the rights and is subject to all the duties of a driver of an automobile," St John noted. Bike riders are required to stop at stop signs, grant the right of way to pedestrians. stop for crosswalks and obey stop and go traffic signals, he pointed out. The law also requires that bicycles must be ridden as near to the right side of the roadway as possible. Randano Granted Delay In Bribe Charge Trial SANTA ANA -Ailing Gene Randano has been granted a further delay in his second Orange County Superior Court trial on charges that he at,.. tempted to bribe a Costa Mesa police:nan. Father Sues For $25,000 SANTA ANA -A Hun- ington Beach man w ho blames scbool authorities for injuries suffered by his son in an alleged assault at school has sued tlie Hwitington Beach Union High ScOOol District for 125,000 In damages. Clarence William Fletcher names the district and one of its employes in a lawsuit filed in Orange County Superior Coor!. M•IU:•• Wlltl.tm Mttcw, "4 Cllid91 Dr .. Hunt- 11191on BHdl, c.llf. O•te of dNU1, Oc1ober 27, 1'71 A119 SI. SurVI-b'f wll•. Edllh• '°"'' Bl'\IC9 of the l'IOn'le .-ns, Wllll•m II., Ohloi 0-1111111.,., 0.'I' of tlW hotM 9ddra&. S.l'llk ... T~Y 12:30 p.m.. P.-k F•mny Colonl•I FllMl"ll Home, wn1mln1t1r. Presiding Judge Bruce Sum- ner set the new trial date for Jan. 10 after derense attorney Leonard McBride satisfied him that Randaoo's heart con- dition would oot permit him to undergo trial at this time. Randano, 4:7, of Lu Vegas, was convicted last Nov. f of allegations that be offered patrolman Gary B a r wt g 110,000 to plant drugs ilJ the car of a tey prosecution witness in a liquor hijacking case that closed with Ran- dano's conviction. But a weeping woman juror admitted under polling that she was uncertain about~Ran­ dano's guilt and compelled Judge Claude Owens: to declare a mistrial. •· Randano, a key figure in the operation of entertainer Jose Fellciaoo's first N e w po r t Beach restaurant until a dispute between the pair pro- duced a series of civil actions, has appealed his convictk>n on the liquor hijacking charges. Barwig worked with fellow officers throughout a bribery investigation thht produced the conviction of Samuel Rosman, 21, of Laguna Niguel. Rosman was recently freed from state prison after com· pletlng part or the Imposed term of one to three years .. IN!llOW, ,;;:=========:;;! tel• M. Snldaw, 4oOt2 M9clford Or .. HUll- lht(llon Buch, C•lll . .-.iie SA. D•tto of KNOW YOUR *•th Octooer 211. 1Jn $UO'VIY..:I bV ·w_~""!!...~,,.~~: .. I Blkff, if·~-;...t l"l'liil.-~ •. CANO DATE •-•· •-.. """' "" o.m .• PHll F.mlly Calorll .. F-IJI Homa. w..tmlmtw. MMt. MonUy 11 •. m., •IKUd s.cnm.nt Oli.lrell. Wn!mln- 1tw. ARBUCKLE a. SON WESTCIJFF MORTUARY U7 E. 17111 St, Colli l.te11 -• BALn.BERGJmON FUNERAL DOME Corona del Mar m.t45t Costa Mesa Ml-MU • BEU. BROADWAY MORl\JARY uo BroadWIJ', Collll Men IJ 1-3413 • Mct'ORMICK LAGUNA BEACH MORl\JARY 1705 L11un1 Canyon Rd. -• PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK C<mdery -ry a.,.! 11411 Poclflo Vin Drive Newport llHdo, C111fonll VOTE FOl EDNA CHICKEN -. The .. unr aa-1111 again been lowered to give ol,.herl Stitch in time· for the holidays. Zig-zag sale. SAVE2695 Sa1esaa Reg. 114.95. Lightweight zig-zag sewing mach ine with portable case. Built-in 2 step buttonholer. Built-in bobbin winder. Straight end zig-zag stitching on all fabrics. In two- tone blue and beige backed enamel finish. Portable case of washable vinyl. Foot control. SaleS168 Reg. 209.95. lnsertable cam zig-zag sewing machine with portable case. Lightweight, but designed to handle almost any weight fabric. Make! sewing stretch materials a breeze. Sews serpentines, bllnd stitch, overlock and double overlock. Double action and single action cams. Does twin needle.work. Portable CMe of waahable vlnyL Foot control. Wide choice of cabW.ets with foot controls fl'f!.118~9. S•lt pr1cet eflectl'f'e thru Saturd.Q. PEEK FAMILY the right to vote. Gfrtl and ootONIAL FUN~RAL "°"' attcndlnL ••» ochool In c _ ::.E AV<. ~~~to"':.~ J Penney ,.,., vltl Air Calltomi.. Ballotl ua.. '--whet_, · 1'-lnttt Ill.ml ovall•bt. In w .. tclUl Plua -N-•-•• loof<il9 lor, • shops at 17tb A Jrvtne Ave-Shop Sund1y noon to 5P.M.1t the SMITllS' MORTVARY nuc-:. Deposit 11ne only Jn the following atore1: 117 Mell 8t. 1)1.t.llot box at Jett'• Pettine -l•rtoo Buch Zoq. appeartna Oc• 31 lhru FASHION ISLAND, Newport Beach 17141 644-2313 .,.._ Nov. !5. '-----------''"--------__,HUNTINGTON CENTER. Hunlln9ton S.och 17 141 192-7771 \ Value _priced upholstery fabrics. 54"twaeds. texltlrea, fancies. It's !lo easy to·"ct.o It ~It'\ Aild y,ou'11 love ttte llllV" ' ingsl Ask for our free !Older dn "Row to.Re-upholster.• It gives step-by-siep inatrucilons on re-upholstering chairs, sofas and love seats. 5' .. tapestries, brocades, matelasses, extra heavy tweeds. ' JCPenney • 54" wlWlll In plains, texturee, cruaheo. The values are here every.day. Shop Sunday noon to 5 P .M. at the following stores: FASHION ISLAND, Newport Beoch (714) ""'4-2111. HUNTINGTON .CENTER, Huntington Beach 1714) 892 -7771. HARBOR CENTER, Coste Me1e [714) 1>41>-5021 I ,• • P r op9sition 20: Will It Save .. Or .Destroy State ·Coastline? DAIL V PILOT Ir.ff ...... By TERRY COVILLE Of .. °""' , ....... '!be ocean bu a IO)'lllc, !Ol!lalltk quality. Poets draw 8lrenglh f!Ogl II. Ordloary people wait Its edjjes, l!Jelr baN !eel abullllng thmJgh tho cllrnp -Youn& chlldreo; thou!andl or them In Ille ltllllllll!l'lle, cballengo ltl cutled lips and IClll'1Y !or aa!er ground U It grwls too loud. II baa made Ibo JOU along Ibo vast calllomla couUine teem like gold dust to both private and public lntemts. And In Calllomla, It baa become the eye of the biggest political storm OD the November borir.on. Tbe name of the storm Is Proposition 20, lhe coastline ptt4el'Vatlon lnitiative. • ~,\,~!livid~ the P'!lilical wal<rs worse wan any• measure on the November 7 ballot. Why? "It means possible economic disaster," prodlcts St.ate Senator Dennis Carpenter (!\-Newport Beach). "ll does not build uy public aidewalta on the oceanfront. It won't do anything. It only prevents," adds Phil Bettencourt, assistant city manager of Newport Beach. "It might prevent development In the Back Bay, but it won't acquire the private property Interests of the Irvine Company." WASHINGTON WAITING! "If we don't square Ulls away on the local and state level, federal legWation is waiting in the wings," counters Coun- cilman Jack Green of Huntington Beach. "We've ignored the environment too long. lt we don't slow down development, the federal government will." Opponents and proponents or Propos1. tlon 20 generally agree m two things : canrom1a•1 majeotk ooeanfh>nl bu been developed poorly In pla<os, and what's left c>ugbt 19 be preoorved for the public. Beyond that, there ts, little agreement. Even along tile OraJip coast, leading polltldana ,and major coutal cities are deeply splll over the !uue. Councllmen In Huntlngtoo Beach, Ibo county'• largest oceaIH>riOtJted city, sup. ported the Initiative on a "3 vote. Laguna Beach counc:llmen favored It 4- 1, while Seal Beach counc:llmen were 4-1 against It. San a.meote oooncll ...... ber1 have oppooed the propooJtlon IHI. An Inland city, °""" Mela, bal chip. pod In 11.s Wte against.' Newport Beach went unanimously against it, 7-0, though one ~an . Paul Ryckoff, admlt.s to having _,,d thougbts about bis vote. ~BOARD "I have mixed feelings. 111.ere are a lot of benefits to It, and it is a regional mat.- ter ," Ryckoff says. Of tho state'• lour large port cilie1, l.oog Beech opposes l'ropooltion :ID while San Fnmclsco, San Diego and Los Ang. eles (co (Q 1-7 vote) support the mea. sure. Propooltlbn 2l'I establlihes a It-member state planning board which is given three years to write a master plan for the future development of the California "coastal region." It also creates six regional com- missioos. During the three-year study period, all construction valued at more than $7,500 must have a permit from a regional collUlllSslon. An area described as "1,000 yards in- DaU ~:tfo~nJ~. Bea~hes Pnhli~ .Ji!.. ~ooe~ a ;:fy a1c:t,:i;,,.~ Orange Coas t Blemis hed W itli Private Walls, Fences, -1d II be pleasant? .!t':!!g.=o~l!"U:":'i"~· But Ma ny Areas Acquired a nd Developed for W ide Use near Huntington Beach, Newport Beach \ , , , . , and San Clemente. coastal ~ty,boasting tbe·tbickest coastal City-by-city here's what local agencies Citizens an! still angry over some high It wou.14 pass by Udal p:>0ls along tfM> development. ' are doing to ~e coastal integrity, rise hotels aJready built, such as lhe Irvine CO&St, and craggy cliffs near what Me local agencies doing to and the problems. they have had: nine-story Surf and Sand. Laguna Beach. change the trend! San Clemente has zoned its beach sand, A coastal development liaison com· In lluotington Beach the path wou1d "I see a need to protect the coast as from the water to the Santa Fe mittee was recently formed b modify circJe a posh apartment complex built on it's oommooly known, the beach, but no Railroad right-of.way, OA (open area) plans by Upland lndust!'ies, a subsidiary the aandlJe&l' the citY, pier. , ~. ~ ... _~ ~ ~. ~ mafO!!J!. which allows no developr:penl of Union Pacific Railroad, to build con- rn NeWpori"Harilor It -1d be barred H1mfuigtiin 'Belich atid a foe 0C Propos1· Next to the bluffs and on part of the dominiums cascading down the slopes of by a bup ·w>tethool club, and private tloo 20. , watertroot lbenl Is an •S.1 (shoreline) the bluffs south of the main beach. fences. And there woold be few baylront "I feel we have dooe ...., to-~ zone whlch allows: publi\: parb, business '!be committee and Upland Industries ·~~;!:·~. alqof '·--·.·the cliH our~~ many ~;dllestecl. Wlhee ~ ..,....m., pion, le!U... wborls, are Clll'l'ORll1 ' •t Josgerbeads over how ~w -w -..-do w~tever we •can<to pro "' harbor works and pertiilent accessories, mudl of .tl\11 clill can be developed. paths -.Id nm Into the walla ol printe legrlty of our coul." .. well 81 private c)uba, coounerclal Civic ~ ai.o point ·out ·that communities: Pulage would be dilllcult. BRACH DIBTRICT bath houses, and private and rental several-~ ago• L>guna lei! the tight u-~rl\IAA.~}'~u""11."1~, ·~"11111~ l!Ollltil!itoo~....... cabanas for temporary abelter only. for ' lbe Sbell-Omnlngbam legiBlatlon bethlnll IJl'ailll00i6Df1'~. clJmenilldestaiillihabeacb~tlonal Laguna Beach bal stru<k perhaps tbe wlllclr pniblblts any offshore oil ex· With the. ipacler-ot ~~~· the -(111\ll) Jar all of Its l8Ddy loudest single blow for the enviromnent. plorall!lll. trom the Santa Ana River to Calllomla ooutlll>e pr-,.._ "" strands.' Under tlie Biil> lltlle the Mj!Jjcan border itls.U~ baQlil1&,io.•er. il!elr i...dl,, ~ 1Je.llulll G11 the beach that l!":it orien:/ PROPERTY RAZED · pollliClalll ore uttng,the llllDe q-. toward public recreation. It allecls all ol Three years ago the city IOnned a non-Laguna councilmen ~avored Y-AND NO the laod ....,._,.. from Padlle Qiast profit corporation to raise $S. mllllon for Proposllloo 20 H, with .,,__.,~ PeSantee ~ --·--the pureba!e or private property ad-Oslranljer, .. archllecl,._.. ..... Tbe gmeral answereppearo to be. )'8'1, lllgbway. ' joining the main beach dotmtown. Clemente eouncllmeD are nnanltncl<!'IY Ibo COOJt baa been hurt ID some spots, In '!be city also ba1 lileil 11U1t aplnst Tbls year, bulldor.erl plowed down the opposed lo the measure. others tt bal been well protected. Footer'• COIDJlllllY to Insure pennanent old beachlront shops and cale1 that "It is true that the state and local c:i:. accm to the 2.8 miles of private blocked the view and 8 wl1Ulteer team of NEWPORT LEASES govemmen•· have not pro•-~-• the Ne-Beach is a city wbere the ~ !,C'I,;~ • architects is drawing plans for lifeguard ".,... •• coastline, but It was their <:c>mtituents That suit may never' Jiie settled in facillUes, a gazebo, a public park and 8 leasing Of public property to private in- wbo did not want them to protect It," court because the Callfori>i8' Pm'b and new boardwalk. teresu often bas been criticized. E<- ""Yll Bill Foller, manager of the Hun-Recreatlm Departmenl baa 'llllDOllDCed II It'• the mly point 111 Orange Oounty ample: the lush Balboa Bay Club Is built ttngtoo Beach Company. will buy the %.8 mileo of irifate .....,.. when!, a large .. ~-t of ·a1re~--oo city baylront property and gives no Foster's firm, a subsidiary of standaJd flUll ~ ..., pubUe access to the bay. Oil Company, Is '"'°wner of 2.8 milOI ot When the land cbangeo·bands, there developed property baa been rilJllOd up 'lbere are also the -.S In Beacon private beach In Huntfngton ·Beoch. It will ·be 9.1 ~ milea ol' -and retumed to Its natural state. Bay and tbe trailer1 In Marina Park helped build the apertmeats on tbe aand recreation beach from till)' -lll'""h. , City officials tried to aeoompllsb the which sit on city property. near the city pier. to the Santa Ana Rlvec. '· • · ' • Pl'O~ lllnluih bcmd eJeellms In l950 But a cbange In the tone o( the times His view renecta that ol many loca1 As It stands now, 2U mJle...I Orange· and 19111. Both eJeellom lalled. but each bas been 80Ullded. leaders wbo admit mislikes i!Jve been eopnty i;gosUine are·o~ by the pUbllc, ,time ..,.. than 80 perceot of tbe voter1 Two years ago, In a public election, maenv. ~::-~~:~::.,~,"'= ',~.t&i otJ*,·19.2 milel are ID pri\oa.te ~ ~~ppi!v:'!i e1.::;i1~~ voters by a H margin turned down a ,... 11UU1UCU1> lWUI • ·-quest to extend the Balboa Bay Club's movement mly ID the put'llecade er Jn addlt!On to.buying the H1mtlngtoo ternatlve pur¢ue plan was devised. lease. The lease expires ID 1997. ie.. · · -ll8Dtl, however, the state Is also In a publlc eleellon, Laguna voten This mootb, councilmen 111d they "The poltenls l<r land'UOO In ~ ~ l<r ~of tine milea or recenUy I,,_< a llmlt <II bigJ>rlse "°"' would not eotend the M1rina Trailer Bea<Ji wetO llOl•30 years flll'I• tlDd they 1he Irvine Company's 4:7 mile private atructioo lo block the thnlat ol blgh rise Park lease be)'Wld Ill due date In 11174. ha,ven't Cllanled,slnce,r\•~rJ>blhBet.< 'beach"~ U.rona de! Mar and hotels and what oome calleil a "Miami tencourt, uslslallt .city n!inoltr of"41to I.apna Beach. Beach" ·look. 1be limit Is :16 feet. (See BOW'BEACllF.S, Pqe.B'/) ., . ' . ·At Yo-u ,r --ser·.V1ic·e ...... . .... ' Got a problem? Then umte Pat DUnn. Pat toiU cvt red tape, get the answers and action uou need to 1olVt' in- equities in government and buriness. Md:fl JIOUr ques· tioru to Pat Dunn/At Your Smrlct, Orange Coast Dml11 Pitot, P.O. BO% 1560, Costo Mesa, Ca., 92626. Include ¥OUT Cetephone number. ' !.'\ I' I , . . Refund on• Wa" DEAR PAT: Our two ctiuahtero signed up for a secOod group of oelf· .lmPrPvemeot !eSso.s at Jolin Robert Powers Schools In Orange during Nov- ember, 11171. BelO<e the ciaslel started In January, tha g1r1s ,decfded not to take them • .Jolin .-i J>ower1 told us -•as a lliO lllirVloa lee In this situation, but tbe balance or the $200 we bad paid lowatd the COlll'IO woold be refunded. Alter·t.1cp1tone calls and rislta did not produce a check, we hoped you could help. • 1 •u. P., Ctlll Mela A ellanae II ,......i at ~ Robert Po,,... ented • .-. mlxap, but your llJt It llolo1 malled -· Tbo -'tat-It th lloudll i- tn tbll lrUfl<\doir ~ K1 '"'!'!"' allo ~te .. t botll ol JN' tlnPierl r«elvfd ~llo origlall oeone I« tile lee ••aa!IJ elllrled oae -· Cost at Pool DEAR PAT: Ourfamlly Is tblnltlni about btlylng a luger-and we all enjoy ...Jinming to 1!1Uch, we'd Ute to hi~ 1 pool. Ari there any adv"'ta&es to having a new pool bulh u °""""" to ba11ntJ 1 borne with 1t1 exl1Unl pool! • Could you find out an approximate price l<r a small, "not fancy" farnUy pool? Alao, Is It possible for a homeowner to maintain a pool and what would it cost? \ l.L.,lnloe ' Ron Ron of NtwporC Beach'• Blue llivt.11; Poolt ~ Joa to cllec:k ~I olze and plaster condllloa la u exhtlnl pool. New !Uterlnf eqatp. meol Is 1t least SI per<e11t more powerfld IUo that _.ell _... to 11 years qo. Aho, keep la mind u averqe poet rtqUlrel aa ocld llotll nd ,... pl1sterlng Iller 1b< te elgllt years ue. A new 15 by It II. free form poet would probably cost between $t,tlt to $5,00I. New pools offer good puu&ees to the original owner and malaleDuc:e doae by the homeowner c:osll .-IS • mon~ for clw:mlcall. ne obvloa dludvutqe i1 &oinc tluwP • &on. ap yard darta1 tile c:onstraclioo period. R edud ng Complaint DEAR PAT : Several months alter I se11I a money order for 15.85 to Baslee Producla CorporaUoo, Bayume, N.J., I Onally r<eelved the reducing product wblcb adverlJJed: '"!'be United Statee Deparlmellt or Agriculture bu publiabed all the lntormaUm you need to lose 11 much eocesa flt as you desire! This amazing melbod worked oo 100 peroent ol all cases lelted!" I decided that llnce tho feileral government backed lltls product, ~ mual work 11 clalmed, but I'd lib to know U Ibis guarantee Is OD the level. M. L., Costa Me&1 Tile Ollly Wllg that oooid bo ...,._ "1 1M IJSDA II tut tllll I"' dact 11 DOI hmnlal. No !eden! qeoey lla1 ever (1111'11lked illlt a redocll& prodad will "wwk." Tile Fedenl Dru Admllllttntloo lald pnvioc f.oho or ndlleadiaC llllellal II uulty 1-aie oloce -,.,i. ~ ol ,. .... lated "'"'1llloa ""· •• lo lllo -et --..-i. tile eeotaller aner Ratet &be 1&me "e~t8eldlr d8Jml tr SWMteel IKl.cled la 1•h>11rtlt1"J mlleo'llL Lesa! -la ... -oulJ W I --boo tweea tile edvtrtltlllJ llUn-lid tile ,...i1C1 llleU cu ba lltallllllled. _,..kepttlleadWrU ..... -............ -t-... ,... ....... tllll 14;111• ...... _......, mA,,....,. c. -Jr. wtl1 bo , ... lo.,, .. ..., tl10 •tnlllllt;J II leCUI -lo llllt ·-· r I YOU land from the mean high tJde line" is defined .. the permit area, In addition to anytbing olfabonl Jn the slate'• coastal waters. ... Orange County and Los Angeles County are lumped together under ooe proposed regional commisslon. '!be permit i.one, which ii maller tl;um the ooaata1 plan· ning zone, generally runs in a straJght tine along the county's boacblnlo~ Hcept where it covers a ribbon of land around Anaheim Bay, Huntingtoo Harbour and Newport Harbor. Leaders ol Calllomlanl Against the coastal InltlaUve claim In Cl!Dpolgn llterablre that tbe permit Bnl8 would also eoteod up Ille Santa Ana RiVOl' to Adams Avenue. At the end ol three yean, the state and regional commissions, under what some supporters label "an eloquent" self~ destruct claUIO, are supposed to disap. pear. At that time, the state Legislature is supposed either to accept, amend or re- ject the state couta1 'master plan. Nearly everyone agr.ea the state ought to have a regional guideline !or ....W development, but the bigger beWe ragee about the metmdoqy ol Propositim 20. The primary objecllom fall Into thnle categories: DAILY PILOT SECTION 8 Su"4ay, ll<tobor 2', 1972 e What happens to local CDOtrol under t.he regional system? • Does the permit procedure In effect establish a three-year moratorium on all coastal development? e Will the "(iooal government really aeU-destruct at the end of thtte yean? Nearly all o[ the political opposition is generated becawie of tbe apparent loss of loca1 control "llaa local government dme • bad Job.I Yes," says Carpenter, who 1t'l'l'r:sent; all of the Orange c.oaJt. "But you have to analyu why. The whole phllooopby of the state has been demanding laster growth, more development. "Now, we recognir.e a change in philosophy. Now, the state bas givea local govemnient the power to stop development with the environmental im- pact report. "Local govenunent is responding to a new public attitude. Under local govern- ment, local officials can be replaced, or re-elected. "Local government isn't to blame for the mistakes that were made -society is." Newport Councilman Carl Kymla (See PROP. ztl, Page Bl)· CI T'll OF SEAL BEACH ------·) U.S. NAVY DEPOT & SURFSIDE ----11.~ SUNSET BEACH-------- BOLSA CHICA STAT E BEACH----·· HUNTINGTON BEACH co.-----1 CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH---.. HUNTINGTON STATE BEACH --~1-·• ' ' SAN TA ANA RIVER BEACH ___ ____. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH---.c-...... .. CORONA DEL MAR STATE BEACH,----.::.. I , . • IRVINE COMPANY'--------: • • VARIOUS OW.HERS-------~ CITY OF LAGUNA BEACHi------ VARIOUS OWNERS --------!! SOUTH LAGUNA BEACH ES ----.--·II VARIOUS OWNERS ---',.,_--..._ • Nl~UEL BCH. & CHANDLER SHERMAN---.y. DANA POINT HARBOR ------" DOHENY STATE BEACH------- VARIOUS OWNERS --------i.~ CITY OF SAN CLEMENTE----<::::=---i SAN CLEMENTE STATE BEACH----. ~ M ARINE LIFE SANCTUARY -Puauc BEACHES • •• •• •• DAii. Y I'll.OT ,......._ Mr MMt C... To bacco Ode• DEAR PAT: My dalJlltter'a d.w Ir planning a program to help cmvince young people not to smob. We'vo 'been looking for Ille old poem wblch stalels "Tobacco Is a !Utby weed" ln·oo uncertain termo. Could you quote this poem and give' U1· 10me back.ground on it? L C1,·Sante Ana llctl- 1be original venloa by Amorlcu poel Grallam Lee Bemmlll1er, nnt pahllAed la Ille P ... St.ala Frolii Ill lJll, 1111~ going to llelp Ille -..moltas campaign oae bl&. n 11y11 '"Tobaeel II • dirty weed. I like It. It uUllilH • normal need. I bke It. It mUet ,.. tldlt1 tt matn you leu, JC '8kel tbe Ulr rl1bt off yoar btu. It'• tlte wont din staff I've ever aeen. I Ub It" Yoa'd better '"'"est tbll utkmoltlq _.., ''Toblcco Is a flltlly ...ea. Alld from the devil -proceed. II pkb )'HI' pockell, bural y-elolliet, Alld oiUet • 1moke .Uck 01t tf )'OW 80le." Talent Agenda DEAR PAT: I want to know bow to tell whether a talent agency Is legiti- mate. Our teenage IOll recttved a call for an lntervW!:w after tu.Ung oot a rorm 1nd oupposedly being ...,. OD closed<lrcult TV at Ibo Orange County Fair. Wo filled out more forms, were Interviewed and told by an agency re-ntaUve that oor son could be oaed In tw~ol TV commerelsls and thal be bad the posslbllltlea ol maltlna $1,000 lri days. We bad to provide sis pb®. graphs of bim and 180 !or ,..istry or fees. W• didn't go !or dlll deal and wonder U we .,... r1ibL w. B.,OHla- Wakll .. 1 !tr ay l(<ICJ lltlm ,....., paymeol la ........ !tr sacb ''lervloea" aa l'lll*alloo, -W., lnllnlq, pablle relollooa, ~ .,.p111 tr......., ... -Tiie lepllmte taleot •letlCJ II wtllla1 io Id- ·-Its .... -.. pN'llM ... -.... .,. ..,..... ud It llcftlM la Colllonta II U Artill'I -..... -l<CJllmlte ..-... ...-..i -tile -Adon Coll ....... --'Ill -lllllf, om, ctmH9 au. teleP'•e eem, 'p w ......, tt eeut.J fain. ..... ~ Involved wtl~ •1 ._, dloc:t .. r19otalloo wltll tile Orup ~ llell<r --.... Or-~~ ol Oo• -Allllio. -•lld ....... die c11b'ac;. '"' ""1 .., ttaeelatiea dime _. Ilk Cite = ftr .. ...., ••• Ill ..... ,.SRI 'S'I " .......... ! D~JLY PILOT Sunda1, October 29, 1972 Good Deed People • • --,--FRED De La TORRE TEACHES ENGLISH DA,ILY PILOT Sl•ff....,. He Teaches A migos English When Fred De La Tom came to the Uilit.ed Stat.es from Mexico. he did not speak English. He soon learned though, because "necessity was the mother of invention." Now, he teaches English to fann workers and others who speak only Spanish. This is done in addition to his classes at Orange Coast College, for De La Torre, who admits to be_ing "65 pl.us,'.' is earniilg his second colle~e degree. He is retired and his liri;t college degree in electric power engineering was earned in New York in 1936. , "It's sort of a rewarding eljlOrience to help others, ' the Cost.a Mesa resident says. "And I tell my students that English !s their bread and butter and ·they should learn it as quickly as possible." Help forYou As wet weather arrives on the coast, drivers may be rid- ing a wave. - When tires rotate on wet pavement, -th~y 'Push water ahead which results in hydroplaning and possibl~ lo6S of con· trol. Traction is most important because worn ttres have no grip on wet roads. . A tire manufacturer advises drtters to anticipate stops, avoid sudden swerves and remember these rules for safe driving when roads are slippery: Slow down by taking loot oil the gas. Brake gradually to see ii tires grip or skid. Pump brakes; do not slam them. Too heavy a foot and the brakes w.ill loc~. If thls happens, lilt oll the brake until wheels retain their grip. dulall To come to a comp1ete stop, slow down gra Y on pavement and then pull off road. Take puddle at low speed with left foot hallWay down on brake lllld right loot on gas. AC<elerate enough to ke<1p car moving. Alter yoo clear puddle, and ii no one !s behind you, tap b<akes several times to dry them. . Watch car in CronL U water covers exhaust, car will stop immediately. • Allow extra stopping distance between can and don t overtake ii there are puddles ahead or if the vehicle in front is creating side spray. . Watch out for windshield residue. In light ram, wipers mnear 8"C11111ula~ oil and dirt, obstructing road visibility. Clean wiper blades with tissue before turning on. Keep mter-- ~ windows de-toeged. For nlghtllme driving, double the flltlmate<! daytime rain stopping distance. If lightning strikes nearby, stay in car. You Can Help A variety of positions is waiting to he filled by the Volun· teer Bureaus. Perhaps you are unaware of hidden talents or have for· gotten about some litUe-used still A call to either the south or west Orange County offices is all you need do to volunteer your services. Personnel will &eek out your abililles and match a job with them. Hoors for the south county bureau, 325 N. Newport Blvd., Newport Beach are from 9 Lm. to 3 p.m. weekdays. Phone number is 642-0963. The west county office, 11412. Stanford Ave., Garden Grove is open Mondays through Fndays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Call 530.2370 for opportunities. TUTORS: FOUNTAIN VAIJ..EY -Neighborhood Studies Center in Colonial Juarez Fountain Valley la looking for tutors of math, reading and Englllh ·ror youngster• from kindergar- ten through sixth grade. It Is not necessary to be -blUngull though It would help Volunteers will work on a one-to-one bas.ls. and the hours are from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays. The conW:t is Mn. Gene Lar9oo al SSG-2370. DONORS: ORANGE COUNl'Y -A woman who sews lap robes for wheelchair vtcllma needJ CC101tribull<l11S ·for nannel \ or sheet blanke!J for backlllg. The plecet lhould be 38 or 45 inches wide. c~ Mrs. Gene Lanon al SSG-2370. OFFIC E HELP: FOUNTAIN VALLEY-Mn. Larson also may be contacted by anyone who 'llanta to volunteer for olflce duU .. , such .. typing, rutne, 1J1JWerlng the phone and greet· Ing the public at the Youth Service Center, Fountain Volley. . . . . ~-PLAINCLOTHES POLICEMEN ARREST YOUTH FOR PURSE SNATCHING IN NEW YORK Physieel Tingle With Law Moy LHd to l n.,,.rernent In JUVOflllo Court. System CRY FOR JUSTICE ' • By BERNARD GA VZER CHICAGO (AP) -Manacled like desperadoes, !be children troop through tbe4reaey mrrfdors of juvenile court. "This way, SOMy," a wbJte-balred sheriff's deputy says, jerking a 10.yoar· old boy handcuffed to him. '!be boy stares at ~ mother, his saucer eyes wetting. But he blinks back the tears, and moves on. Twelve boys being sbeepberded to court. Not one has committed an ofleMe against any criminal code. These are truants. runaways, children w h o s e parents can't control them. AJong wtUl boys ancf g1r1s who hav~ committed serious offenses -from mayhem to murder -they are ensnared In a process that in the name of humani· ty bas denied them certain coastitutional rights and almost ritualistically con· signed them to the jail-prison treadmill. For some of those who rebel at in· carceratlon and become known as in· corrigible or troub1emaken, there will be da)" passed In the twilight of heavy sedatioo becau.e of drug lnjectloo> to control them. And so today, the juvmile court system In the Unll<d States - a system which was plone<r<d In Cook County at !be end of tbe 19th century, is \Older bitter assault. ltl critiCJ say It needs overhauling. They say t~ major failings are: e Nearly balf its annual national caseload, about 450,000 cases, involves noncriminal minors such as truants and runaways. e While Its founders promised llOI> prisOD, benign protective custody, on any given 'day at least 13,000 boys and girls are detained in institutions wtrlcb m, in fact , prisons. Another 100,000 are in ooun· ty jails and polioe lockups. e Qlldren forfeit vital cO!lSlitutional rights, such as bail, jury trial and determinate sentencmg, in order to have !be protedlon of !be Juvenile Court, and in the process sometimes risk greater penalties lhan would be possible In a Criminal Court. e '!be Juvenile Court, under tbe parens patrlss doctrine which makes the state a father, bas awesome power to touch tbe lives of ooocriminal cblldren in ways adults would never tolerate. "'lbere ls oo state In !be union which does an adequate job Of serving youngsters in trouble with the law," says Milton G. Rector, du.ctor ol !be Natlooal Coundl on crime and Delinquency, (NCCD), which bad conducted a survey of the nation's juvenile courts and deten- tion facllities. ''11le ~·u.verule court, . . k~~ 'the -···•·at trqlcally, may ....,... •- route to a crtmJnal career.11 The Cook County Chlcago Juvenile J uvenile Court Jails Children, Denies Constitutional Rights in Name of Humanity Court -though the natlon's first such constituted court -is confronted with the same problems which beset many others across the country." The handcuffing of children being brought to court or taken to detention facllitles is the sight which makes the presiding judge, William Sylvester White, wince. "Well, it's necessary,'.' explains a sheriff's deputy. "These htUe ones run, ya know, and tbey cou1d just scoot out in- to traffic there on Roosevelt Road and get killed." That, and much of the depressing quality of the courthouse, is expected to change when a new modem wing is open· ed. But the physical change still does not address itself to grievances against the system. Most of the criticism directs itself to those .children who are swept into the court's machinery even though they've committed no crime!. These a r e youngsters who, by dellnitim cl the Juvenile Court Act, are: e Minor otberwlso In Need of Supervision: minors under 18 years of age who are ,~yond the C(lltrol of parents, guardi&nf or custodJans or who are habitually truant from scbooJ. e Neglected Minor: minors under 18 who are neglected as to property or necessary support, education. . .or who are abandoned by parents, guardians or custodlana. • Dependent Mloor: minon und .. 18 who are without parents, guardians o.r legal custodlan.. In 1'71, these three classifications ac- counl<d for 9,422 of !be 28,740 boys and girls who were named in petitions filed belor9 the Coot <Jounty Juvenile COUrt. 'll1o others -1,311 -lnvol~ delin- quents. Among them were 190 accused of bomlcide, 3,m charged with assault, 3,314 charged with burillary, 1,112 with robbery, and 199 with rape. The label of juvenile delinquent was In· vented along with the development of a new tribWlal which would concentrate on deal!ng with children who break the law. The creation of the juvenile court system came during the era in wtrlch the public school system was being widely e1:· panded and child labor laws were being enacted to end sweatshop evils. It followed logically that, if in this new court there" was a civil rather than a criminal proceeding, time minors who brOk'etbe Jaw could not be considered criminals. Thus, juvenile dellilquent. 1be revised Illinois Juvenile Court Act defines this as "Any boy who prior to his 17th or girl who prior to her 18th birth- day, has vtol.ated or attempted to violate, regardless of where the act occurred, any !eden! or stal<J law, or municipal ordinance; or any minor who has violated a lawful court order made under the Juvenile OJurt Acl" That wt phrase ls me various c:rilic3 view as a trap for children. For example. consider ~ of· the 12 boy1 brolliht lnjo .!be courl ig liandc:ufls. He Was a truant and a runaway and seemed beyond control of his mother. Father? No one knew where be wu. Standing before the judge In llapped- tongue sneakers and dressed in llgbt trousers and only an Ulldenbb:t. be came close to the rail, looking bewildered. 1be public defender was whispering to tbe mother, who also seemed bewildered. The asslsW!t sllile's attorney was going through some papers, counUng up the times the boy may have been brought iJ>. to the precinct police 1tatioo and ,... leased there in a proceu known as "sta- tioo adjustmenl." 1be boy was brought in under a peti· KNOW YOUR CANDIDATE VOTE IF you really want to lose weight ••• FOR VETA L~AMA but you enjoy good food and .. a lot ~fit ; HUDDLES IN CELL Youth Awilts Next Move tion describing him as a Minor in Need of Supervision. He came via the law en- forcement route, which ls the way the majority of children get to court. Within less than lour minutes, the boy waa placed under c<Klrt superviskn f o r 1 l 1: months, which me.ant \bat be was turned over to a probation officer. nu. Is called a dlspooltioo.al bearing at which a decision ii made reprding the peUtion. Having decided on probation, the judge tells the boy: "You go to school, you get home when your mother says, and you do what Ibo tells .you. oO you ~de~" Tbe ""1 "'1... 11o1 :1a h ,conidor ii beromes c1ear that be dido 't really undersW!d that If be skipped acbool, or stayed out late at night, or pve bis motber a lot of lip, be could be broogbt ·back to court -tbls time as a delinquent minor. "It's lncredible, isn't it. that nowhere along the line did anyone discover wbetber the parent or !be adlool may have been at fa ult," says Patrkk Murphy, a lawyer for the Legal Aid SOclety. "That ls one of !be Inherent weaknes.B of the court -ill lack or power, autbority or will to d~ · who is at fault. Almost automatlcally, 1t is always the youth." -Milk Products Get 45 Degrees SACRAMENTO -calilomla milk ~ drinkers, which includes just about '111 everybody today, can be assured of an ... you . ove Wards knows that lovely hair is Important ••• so is dollar saving I extra mea5Ul'e of quality and safety as a W • ht W t h ! result ol 1 new regulatloo adopted by the e1g a c e~ State Department of Agriculture. U.ginnlng nut year, all milk and milk TheWelghtW1tchers I food k t st be program off en you 1n endle)I products sold n mar e s mu variety of delicious foods, shipped and stored at temperatures no including meat, fish, fowl, higher than 4S degrees. The new regula-salads, fruits, vegetables, tlon, which does not affect restaurants or potatoes, pasta and wonder· home dellvtry service, will go into effect ful deMerts! And It really in one year to allow store1 to make The voUng age has again works. ~er_. million happy ul t beeo lowered to give others h changes to their refrigeration eq pmen · the rlght to vote. Glrla and people have lost welg t Previously, milt could be atllpped and boyt attending MY Achool In with Weight Watchen. So .$tored at 50 degrees. But, explains R. L. the Newport·P.fese. area can why waltl Come le1m how Van Buren, Ohief of the Department's win a trip to Sacramento lo slim down wrely, sen11bly, Bureau or Dai'"" Service, a good percen-via Air Calltomla. Ballol<I enjoy1bty. -J 11.valla ble In Westclltt Plaza CLASSES tagf!: of milk and milk product! ls already shop8 !\!. 17th & Irvine Ave- belng stored at 40 degrees or less, and nue. Deposit one only In the NOW OPEN few stores, shippers, and processors will he..Jlot box at Jett'• Petting Cost• Meu Center have any difficulty in meeting the new Zoo. appearing OcL 3J. thru H•rbor •t Wtho11 requirement. Nov. 5. MON. 71JO PM Van Buren added that there l9 more l~=========il TUES. t 1JO AM " 71JO •M good news for ""'" cl dairy producls. 1.: INFORMATION u ........ ••"'-next year, milk and milk STARS F,OR ~•·•-. ~·, AND FREE BROCHURE ~ contafnert wm contain • cleirty Sydney Oman-la one of CALL : 835-SSOS relldlble, uncoded date IO thlt aboppel'I the Wl')rld'• a-reat uttola. can determine for thenuolva the ••"' Hb c:olumn b OM of WEIGHT ® WATCHERS. (~ i{lf the ~ct. Thll came the DAILY PlLOTS rttat Wtltf'llw•t..t_. • .,..,..,_,.,..-',., ~t'beca• ot til.ci'eulnt concern by tt"aturea. WellfllW•ldltfJ•~IM.~~"·'· coosumera and the Lefillawre for auch !~===================! . acUon. \. \ I /1 LaM aur's Organ1core Perm reg. $15 .00-'$7.50 Cut-Shampoo and set 1ncludedl ................... • OFf ANY : REGULAR PRICED• SERVICE : a BRING THIS COUPON • ~················· ' ~ntments not efways needed -but 1pprml111f Use ~ Warda Chlrg-AI Huntl11tton C1ttttr HvollllCJ'°" '"ell H2·6'11 .... 250 --------·--- • Jobs That Buil{I Women Females Prove Wo rth in Con1tructWn Industry By JO.\NNB 11£\'NOLDS .......... ,...,...., In Ille lalt decide, women have been &•tttng IDto )obi that prevlouJ!y ..... the ... clllllve clomaJn ot men. Women .,. now dr!vlni lrucb, cllml>lntl power Polee and drawln& ,.. duty oo Naval lhlpa , They ,,. &llo worldn( ID the ~Uve end of the COi> structJon industry 1 but, aa one wunan ID conotrnctlon points out, they've . been in the bulldln& llullDesa for a lore time, M .. t Jey Bloutlh. Koy C!Ay, Doi-KJna, Wilma Orrick and Pat Rieb. They ~t a .,... -ot Women ID Construction. a national or- ganlzatlon for woaten who Work u construction coat ac- countants, !nluble sb6oten construction !Inn owners ;;;!· job site coordinators. Between t\i',. five of them, they have a comblned total of 83 years in construction, and they agree that there's noWng else they'd ra!her he doing. Mn. Clay, who Ls a past na- tional vice prealdent ol their ·k • organlr.a.Uon and an employe of 20th Omtury Plumbing In Orange, says Jt's a com- bination of l>ay, the variety of work and the cball<nge tho! has ftp! her In -for the past 43 years, COST ACCOUN'JANT Does abe feel s h e ' s partirolarly Ubirated because ehe works In a field -lnated by men? "I'm delighted with whet co-Ion has to ol· fer:· she says. "1 reel no need to be liberated." Mrs. Rich, who ls a cost ac- countant for the Buccola Com· pany of Newport Beacb. describes the distaff side ol the cooitructlon industry aa "the backbone of t h e business, I I ' ••we all do a little or everything. 'I1>ere were times when I was ·a partner In Patco Construction that I'd drive a water truck on a Saturday because of !Orne kind of emergency," she says. There ere some hazards-to -king with men, they point out. "You have to act like a lady, think like a man and ' "' DArLY PILOT Steff PMft MRS. PAT RICH WORKS AS COST ACCOUNTANT FOR BUCCOi.A CO. , She FHl1 Women Form Backbone of Construction Bu1lne11 work like a dog,'' Mrs. King its own facilities,'' she laughs. ewtains. Mrs. Oni.c.k, who works foc Mrs. Blough, who is the Center GlaM in L a g u n a local -chapter president of-Beach, My. her biggest. prt>!> WIC, works as a job stte Iena have not been with tbe coordinator for PCP Construe-men she works for and with, tion of La Mirada. but with an o c c a s i o n a I "Oh. sure there're nne lit-customer. tie problems. One of the guys "I've had them say 'who are will get a splinter in his rear you to tell me?' " she ex- so be comes to me, because plains. ''Tho.<le are usually the I've got the flI"St aid training. men who are trying to give I get the tweeters and get the you a wi-OOow measurement in splinter arxl then do a stitch tenru of hands or the size of a job on the pants," she says. newspaper page." FLYING LATRINE _ Mrs. King, -has worked Mrs. Blough also tells of the as the s e c re t e r y to time, when she first began Thennodyne Corp. in Los working on job sites, that she Alamitos for eight years, says fouod she woold be sharing the "one of the most satisying lone portable latrine with the things about this work is to get an irate whatever on the ~They'd wait all day for me line and calm 'em down and to go use it," she recalls, then get the problem fixed ." they'd get the forklift and lift Mrs. 01Tick adds, "My boss the thing around 10 feet off the stands behind me, if they cuss ground. They all thought it at me on the phone, I'll hang was real furmy. up. It saves having to cuss "Fortunate1y lhe job I have back." now, the trailer Lhat I use for All the women acknowledge an offk:e comes equipped with that more and more women are beirut attracted struction work. "The pay ts good, even if the hours are 8Cmletime! long. And once you've proved yourself you can take what you've learned into other fields," Mrs. Blough notes. A prequisite for work in con· structlon, according to these women, 13 a sense of humor and a degree of flexibility. "You have to know where of you speak," Mrs. Rich says. "And you ·have to know when to be firm. If you know you're 1'ight;-tlten hold your ground: In this business, If you're a woman. you're wrong until you're proven right." · Mrs. Blough says women are a great'' untapped '' resource for the construction industry. "It's really not that bard to get into," she says of ber work. "Just hang in ~e like one of the boys, ignon some ol. the language and the guys that think they're God's gift to women, and you've got it made." One Tamed Shrew Lauds Criti,tism By COUNT MARCO One remarkable woman who 'rights," while our poor, con· agrees with me w r o t e fused fathers, too stunned to If 1 considered you, the ..-.> recenUy: react positively, taught their American woman, 8 hopeless B•AUTY "Dear Count Marco: I love sons the unmanly strategy of case, I'd resign right now. I d h don't think you're hopeless at an t 8 you! So do all your other defenslve,relreat.) all. BEAST feminine re'aders -though · "We are a generation that On the whole, you ' r e some will never admit it. We gropes, in many areas of surprisingly competent, in-'know that underneath that human relation,,hip, for the telllgent, beautiful anct: at 'straJght-faCed ridicule, those real meaning of 'equality' - tllJ\el. humorous, but un-try. Dilapid&ted agd rundown blistering diatribes, that and we're discovering that it femlnine and stubborn to a though they are, the p:>tential ,mercilessattire yo~directour doesn't mean 'sameness.' fault. is sWl there. When restored, way, you're genwnely con. "Keep up the criticism! If stubborn becaute you resist they're as dignified and at-cuned about us and in love you can prod us lnto wanting me and my attempts to help tracUve as many a palazw in with us all. We know you to learn how to be women you become the world's most Europe. speak for our men more clear· again, our h u s b a n d s , excttini woman. You may be So it is with you. As with the ly than they can or perhaps daughters and sons will also the most educated women in Victorian houses, tho u g b , tbJnt they dare. benefit -and you may save the world, but that doelo't repaln must be made both in-0 You are helping us to America! Adoringly, One mean you can't a1lo be lg-aide and outside. understuxl that woman 's Tamed Shrew." norant. With my help you'll make e{fl8.!ldpaUon, like progressive Now. isn't that beautiful? So Another great g e o I U 11 • the it•de if you will only stop education, IJas been sadly you others stop whining and George Bernard Shaw, collld figbtliig and rtslsting me. misinterpreted. (Our mothers, complaining. Do as I say and re,,jst a woman's C91'.1\¥!tC)', but Without my help, you 'll wind steaming with new power, you'll be so ~ loving and rlever ~ ignoranCe. 'Me, too. up a ruin, a monument to taught us to think or marriage being loVed that you'll have no Naturally, because of my ex~ neglect. as a battleground for our time for complaints. perlence In the beauty field, f,........:.. ____________ .::_ ________ -"---- go hlm one better. My advice to"yoU ii practical. When I loot ·at many of you American women. I think of the wonderful. old Victorian houseslseeacrouthlscou~ 'Y' Maid ens Set Nov. 8 Ceremonies Two Indian Malden tribes affiliated with the Orange Coast YMCA will welcome new members in their Annual Fialllng Leaf Induction Ceremony on Nov. 8 and 15. Winona Nation maidens will hold their, cereDlODY Nov. 8 at the YMCA Ceremol1!al Fl,.. ring, 2.100 UnlversltY Drive, Newport Beach, Joyce Gtiswo!d, Rainbor R&nbow Ptlncess of the na- tion, will be ..,lated by Bren- da Scbabarum, Betty Dietz, Linda Arnold, Joon Berry and Betty Spellmoh. The Tom Tom Beaten and Bell Ringen' Band w 111 perform. Kahnee Ta National members ..in bave their In- duction Nov. a at Martnen School, 2100 Mariners Drive, Newport Beach. Olrol1D JamllOll, Pr! ..... Sumhlne, and Karen Jamison, !Jttle SUnshlne, will b • ontsted by Jo Ann Sultu, LI.ta Suiter, Marilyn Tyler, Jan Murar and Mandy MW'lr. For more Information, call Alice Fox at &42-9990. FREE! Far West Servi~es , Inc. ihvites you to bring the kids to our HALLOWEEN COSTUME PARTY aboard the REUBEN E. LEE Tuesday , pct. 31, 4 p.m . PRIZES • GAMES • SPOOKS • BALLOONS Drink some witches brew from the Bubbling Cauldron See the Scary Monsters up close ! Sing and laugh with music & songs by the Wilsh ire Blvd . Buffal o Hunt ers Wear you r best costu me and win a super prize *THE REUBEN E. LEE 1151 E. Coast Highway, Newport Beach \ 5-.-2'1, 1971 ONLY PILOT ft 3 The Treasury is here to save you. Prove it yoursen. Save 15°/o on 100°/o polyester area rugs. ,. 4 days only, Sunday through Wednesday. Polyester shag rug or polyester sculptured-pilerrug. 9' x 12' Reg. ~.99 Now 25A9 Save 4.50· 6' x 9' Reg. 15.99 Now 13.99 Save $2 Our best-selling polyester rugs have a built-in toughness that,withstands wear: Waffled latex foam backing eliminates need for further padding. Serged all around. In assorted room-complementing colors. Flat packed for easy carrying home. ~ ~IV91H arid tt-wltlOJ.w l.AQWOOD Cetton St. •nd'Patlfl'IO&lnt IM. ~IMK 8tlelh-.c!Oftnget~ OMNQI Gardfn GtoV't 11...0, l!WJ ..-ndleillir OAIL '• PILOT Ma gic T ouc h Added By J-0 OIM>N Of .. De.W p ... ,, .. ,, When the cate~ of Disneyland optned 10 llM, nearly 20 years of dreaming and scheming were clbnaxed for Walt Di&ney, the father and creator of the fan~ tasyland. Several years of hard work also "'ere ended for lhe many Disney artists and designers who helped bring the ambitious plans to frultlon, lnclllding a Newport Beach artlst, G<orge Goepper. For Goepper, U all started oo the r...t day of June tn 1933, whlch wu a hot day m Los Angele .. Wearing a berringbooe suil , the artist climbed into his Model A Ford and drove to Disney's studios for his first day in the world of animation. It wu a golden opportunity for an artist during the depreuk>n, even though it meant sta11ing out "at the bottom" in !he Disney organlzaUoo, and the Santa Ana native considered himself very fortunala to be on the payroll NEAR DISNEY He was eventually put in charge of training artists to do anhnaUon, working out of a amall office near Disney's. 1n his spare time Goepper built model trains, and one day Disney's secretary suggested Goepper show them to her boss. "He got excited," Goepper said, "and told me bis plans for a parlt." The park, Disney explained, would in- clude a train and would be geared to children because be felt they were curious. "Disney judged by the reactioM of his daughter, whose picture was on his dMk," Goepper said. Goepper's jobs dW'ing the years before the park opened included modeling characters for Disney's feature films, making insignias for planes, tanks and boolo duriJIC World War n and working on films wh.lda eombined ll ve actors and animation. LAST DETAIL When work started on Disneyland in the early 508, he was asslgned to WU"k on models of some of the rldes and animated llpr8. all of which ...,.. plan- ned to the Jul detail In mlntature bdore being blowu up to sb:e. Cllrlosity about lhe park ..... gr<at l!Jloac the aeveral lhousand Disney employee, Goepper remlnla<od. MIDI' did oot know Ille locaUon of the park. and there WU a lot of poking around Ille warehouse where wort was in progress during lunch hours and oe>ffee breab. Goepper worked on the submarine ride, maldll&·llCale models of !1'h and diver> In clay, and oo the wild animals for the JUJ!Cle ride, making c:arloool for the englneerl to follo!r .. lbelr -""•lcal movements would be lifelike. "Walt liked wwtlng OD the park better than making cartoou," Goepper said. "He oooJd cliange lhlnp"""" eully. He had the knacl: to -what waa good and would sell. He seemed to know what the public would like." RIGHr MATl!lllAL Problems such aa gelling the right materials for the WKlenea scenes in the submarine ride had to be oolved before lbe ride could open. The treasure chests, for e1&D1ple, bad to be able to withstand the water without be1ng taken out for cleaning periodlcally, and the waler had to have the appearance ol the sea -not too mwty and not too clear. Each lumlng of • bird'• head and each move of an animal bad to be drawn out and programmed oo JI wouldhe rean.tle, which meant that tbousands of sketches had to be drawn. At last the Dlmey employes recei ved wont that the park """Id be openlnf, tlcketa were issued and p1..., utlped !or the !Int day. "You could tell on opening day It would be • aucttss," said Goepper'1 wife Phil, abo a former Disney employe. "It was ao d!Rerent. People respooded wtll." PRISl!3 DISNEY Aller almost a lltel.bne of worktna: for Wall Dlaney, Goepper Is quick to praise the father of anlmallon and c:reJllor of IUIL ' "He eave a chance to everyone. One of the pulest lhlnp Walt did WU lo P .... vJde employmenl for artlsta all thoot years. I WU au=unded by the beat talent available. You were among corn-- pelitloo, but 11 taught me to become bet· ter." Now retired, he has lumed to ocul1>llna on a larger scale. He has completed some dolpblm and a head of Disney wbJcb portrays the cartoon pioneer dur- ing hia IOI. Disney was seloclad as a model , Goep- per ezplalned, becaU!e i•1 always wanted to do a bead of pneone I knew and had worked with." Goepper bas "sculpted" a fish pond in hia backyard, b lrying to pick up golf lo keep up with hia wife and woold like to anbnate educational films on the anat<Xny of Ille human body. And does he ever visit Disneyland? Most certainly, but with an ex- ceptionally criUcal eye. "The water in the submarine ride was quite clear lhe last time I saw it." he lamented. "lt's too bad." Everything else .... fine, though. 'll1e fish and divers were still healthy, the jungle animals l!till fieree and the birds sUU singing. With the help ol George Goepper and other artists, Disney's kingdom had its magic built in to stay. . ·. . : I I . I I. . t o Artist's Career - I ' • . . . ' <~' '. ... · .. · .. · ~ . . . . . '; ... . I . . -' ~ ... •. • George Goepper has turned from modeling miniatures t o makin g full-sized busts. He displays a portrait of Walt Disney, wh o was his boss for meny years. Tickets to Disneyland's opening day now are a collector's item. During his fi rst visit , Goepper looked at the park wi th an espedally c ritical eye because of his wo rk on the various attractions . Scale models of Disnevland ri des started out with sketches (left) then progressed t o actual moc k-ups only inches high. Here the "bugs" were rem.oved. A Message From Home for · All Traveling Youths DEAR ANN LANDERS : I know )'Oii are not nmnlnc a Bureau for Missing Penonl or a Bulletin Board for BroH:n Famllle1, bul I do hope you will print lhll leUer for the benefit ol the -of YoUl1I -le who Id! home and whole pareotl do not blow whett they .... P!eue, Ann, lalJ the .. kids Iha! u they woald just drop • postcard .,. 1<od a ool· ltct te!qnm or place a coJJect phooe call, or have • friend who Is -Ing lbroqb loWll &lve us a tw .. _d mea- .sqe, i1•m OK.'' .tt would make alt lhe dlffenoce In Ille -Id. To <Nor/ Nill">' boy or l)rl who left wlthou~ ~Inc pidbya, I uy lhll: We would not lmlll thal 1"11 come back, or even 8* you to lf JOU didn't want to. • . I All we need lo -• that )'Oii are •live and well. 11 would be Uh a ton ol llloae lifted from oar beartL Please let us hear fiun y00.1 10011. -MOTllEI\ AND DAD llere'l llle _.... -ud I hope and .,.., lt pee.WM tlNI llttle above tbat 11meo1-lddl-. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I 1m a WOOW1 of liO with I verjo ll'OW>Jed mind and an unhappy husband. Tm yean •to I had • complete ~1· After tho ltlrJ!OIJI I took honnooe lflota arid tile doctor said I would be fine. Well, Ann, I Josi all desire for aex alt<!r thal operalloo and iey Ille baa been Ill' from One. My huaband bH done nothlns but oe>m- ptain. He ll)'J Jl'1 all In ll1J' head. He went to my doctor and had a talk with him about my lack of interest in seiual inlen..'O!Jne. . When my husband came home he said, "Well, Jhe doctor backed me up, He says yoor pllyalcal coodlllon la ....Uail and thePe la no nuoo why 100 Clll'I ba u good 8 bed pll'lllet U JOU Wert Iii )'Nl'I ago.!' . I doll'l !mow wbose neck I'd like to wring !lnl, my ~·s or tba doctor'•· Please tell that so maniac I am married to that It JS normal for a woman to lose \ , interest in sex aftf!r this klnd of opera· lion -WINSTON.SALEM DEAR WIN: I'm alnlld yoa're l"lng to wut &o wring my neck, too. l can't teJI yov bu.aband u y 11JCb thlng. I hope you wUI co bac:k to your doctor and talk "f'flh bJtq. It may be that yoa iieed 1 Hiiie """"ldlng to llelp 10• gel back on Ibo tnct. TIM PQ'C1o1oc1<11 elfocl of 1 ~my m11 be ,..ponilllle for your lac:k or lllterte&, bat there 11 no pbyskal reason for IL DEAR ANN LANDERS: I had lo laugh when J read that letter from the woman in Tucson who said cai.-haters are not to be trusted -that there lt something sneaky and under-harlded about them. The writer a.lao went on lo say a eat- lover should never mal'T)' a peraon who does not 11bare hls love for cats. She ad- ded, "Cat lovers should marry each other and they will have a &ood life toaether." Th(! reaton I found thlJ so funny ts because my aunt and uncle were both eat-10\lera. They never had any children, but they had 11 cats ln the house. When they traveled they hired a person to stay In thelr house and look. after the cnts. After 15 years of m1rrlaae they separated. The result wn!I the bitterest I divorce on record ... 8J1d the biggest problem was 1CtU!ng Jl1e custody ol the cats. If one had been a cat-lover and the other a cat-hater it would have been easy. SO It appea~ the advice from Tucson wu wrong. At least It cfidn't work in O.y!Dn. -W!TNESs TO TIIE MESS DEAR WIT: n...k1 lor my Jaap for lbe da_y, I'm wll.ll yon. ts an upcoming wedding drivtng you bananas? Ann I.anders' comprehensive booklet, "The Bride's Qulde, '' gl\lt1 >'°" the facta from the Initial announcement to the last bill and who lhoold pa_y It. To receive your eopy, write to Ann Landera, In care of the DAILY PILOT, enclo11lng a long, stamped, aelf-add rtsaed envelope and 35 cents 1n coln. games Cos games enter, wlU Bl yell has I have . ... •• ,.: eet J~ Henry~ Candy Mao Life T astel Sweet for the Clwcolat,e Tester ·~ YQRK (AP) -.lt!I ...,. .. lot Ibo -eel Job In Now Yor\: CtiJ. Ht'I Ille ~ Min ud The Cindy ~ °"'' 1:11 1 qllllttr pound of can· IJt I .i.y; GI"! 1WQ <100 pounds a -: . Bne1tlut on coffee and -le. " 1.¥ tell you everything you ~"1• wanted to know about ~-~xample let's look lnto ' te-covued cherries. '!:lfoldlng the Cindy firmly In tlii Wt hand, one pul1a out a sharp knlfe and cull a small trlangle In It. Looi! al the watch. In p,..llely one minute, the goo shoold have covered the piece ol cut chocolate and proceeded al1other hall Inch. Too llhort or too far would be deficient. Then there's the cherry itseU. Hold under hot water untll everyth1ng but the cherry melts. The trusty ruler should1 still be handy. At a quarter of ao inch ln diameter, Henry ' to dlat:nltor. bl -It top quollly. Tbat'I whit ""1 buy ,.. tho-w11t. TEST OF TASTE. Joe Henry at Work' would call It commerclal. '11lat meana cheap to you. Add another eighth of an Inch and It has moved into good quality. '11lat lihowa !ts prtce just went up . At thre .. fourths of an Inch Md aow tor a won! about )>Maut~n ... Joe Henry can till you about them all. He'1 been lo the can- dy btlsineM virtually all of his 50 Y""'· Hil lather, a l.ebanete, told hhn he was going to learn two thing• .In Ille: how to read and Jlld write Arabk: and how to make candy. By 15, he was a qualified candymaker, a designation the Industry understands a n d .. spec1 •. He's also the most popular man In the entire J.C. Penney skylcraper ln m I d t o w n Manhattan where be worka as a Cindy buyer. Henry says he doesn't ever recall throwing any candy away. And for more good news, he claims candy isn't fattelilng, altliough he downs about f,1loo calories worth dal· ly. . "It curbs your appetite and takes away the desire to eat tbo big fa«enht& -., .. he maintains. Henry ii S.loot-9 and weighs 190. Henry's detective wart can toll him tho' alZ& of a candy plant. the type of equipment, whether It's new, gentra)Jy the number of people who work there and a very close idea of the formula that's being uaed. He is one of the few all around qualified c a n d y makers In the business today. Specialb.ation, It seems, bas crept into the world of Easter bunnies and Halloween com. Now they're either l n t o chocolate, or creme. or hard candy or chewies or grained. Grained is fudge. "1bere are only leVf.D basic types of candy, but with all the combinations, there are about 1.000 different pieces," Henry says. "The seventh was in· vented 75 years ago." Henry says the only new gimmicks are In packaging, the big thing for the trick and treat market this year being monster packages. Cities Plan Halloween Festivities TUesday will be Halloween. the eve ol All Hallows or All Saints' Day when wltcbe& and gbootly belnp roam Ille !Ind ~ trlcb or treats. To celebrate, cities along the Orange Coast have plan- ned parades, carnivals and games. costume competHions will be held for kindergarten through second grades and fO< thlrd through filtll grades. Some schools have already held their celebratk>ns, so checks should be made with local schools for the day and time of the festivities . Irvine: Parties with best· costume contests, prizes and refreshments will be &sted at the clubhouses of community as90Ciations. · Laguna Beach: A parade from 4 to 5: 15 p.m. wlil'blarch on the La1una Road Scbiol playpmd 300 w. Laguna Ro ad. Popsiclea will be served end ewards for best costumes will be presented by p a r a d e six>nsors, the city recreation department and the PTA. Newport Beacll: City police patrol cars will again be deck· cd with black and orange decorations and passing out bags of candy under their motto: "Don't Trick -We'll 'Dreet." lh Sal'! Clemente no city- sponaored Halloween events are planned. Seal Beach: A carnival sponsored by the schools and the Lk>ns' Club will be held at 7 p.m. e.t McGaugh Intermedlate Schciol at the comer of Bolsa Avenue and Sea1 Beach Boulevard . Costmne parades will be held at area schools. ,, Costa Mesa: A carnival with games costing a peMy to enter, rides ard candy prizes will be held beginning at 4 p.n,. Monday at Costa Mesa C.lb' Park. At 5 p.m., there will be a chlldren's oos tume coolest. Each playground will have "'"11val booths with seed· .ptttlng, lace-pelntlng or ap- p!Hlobblng competitions. Be Careful, Firemen Warn "Halloween Hysteria" will be the title of this year's CO!- tume party at the Harbor Area Girts Club. Bobbing for apples and a spool< house will he open Monday from 7 to 8:30 p.m . and at 7:30 p.m. the.re will be a costume parade at the clubhouse, 1815 Anaheim St. BUDtiDltOD Beacb : Parades, rebabmetU and awards tor best Costumes are to he held Mooday and Tuesday i n various i!ICbool playgrounds throughout the city. Separate .. Before t a k i n g children trlck--or--treatlng T u e s d a y , Orange Coast and flre official& recommend pattnts take some safety precautions. e Make sure all Halloween costumes are made of flame proof material -check the labels on ready.made ones before buying them. • Select costumes U.t are llght-oolorod .. that chlldren wearing them ·are 88 visible as possible to motodsta. This is especially Important lf there Is foggy weather. e Choose fire.proof decora- tioM for the home and do not le.ave pumpkins lit up with an open name outside on porches or windowsills. Light them with fiashllghts Instead. e Do not allow candles or candle-Ut ~pltins to he car- ried by tr1ck-or·treaters. e Arrange for cbUdren to go door-to-door in g r o up s superviled by adults. Older children, if not accom~. should he lnllructed to remain in their immedia t e neilidlborhoods and away from. tha major, arterial• streets. • Instruct all tricll:-or- tr<aters to ring only doorbells ol homes having porchllghts oa. e Plan for all children to return home by 10 p.m. e Look over all the toya, !ruit, gum and candy the children bru.! home end throw away an unwrapped, unsanitary u.ms. e DriYe carefully through the streets ... Tueaday n!ghl Watch for ei:cited children crossltli carelesaly. Mom Attacks Gym Oothes Pollution By ERMA DOMBECK J 'don't care how many beer caM are plucked f r o m streams. Or how many bottles are gathertd from our parks. Or bow many cars are elimlnatod from oor big!tways. Eooiogy will never be taken seriously until something II done about "Gym Clothes Pollutioo." My aon's gym clothes walk· ed Into the utility room last Wedoeeday and J e a n e d cuually agalll!I lite wall I stood there helple,,s while t watched a pol of Ivy shrivel and die before my eyea. Blinking back the tears, I yelled to my 90n1 "How long ha.I It been since these clothes have been washed?" "Since the beginning of the school year," he shouted back. "What 9Chool year?" "1~70," he said. "f thought ao. You know, f dco't know how your phys. ed. teacher stands it." AT WIT'S END "He said we we.ren't tOo bad until yesterday." ''What happened yesterday!" "It rained en.t. we came ~ aide." "Don't you have rules ·about laundering these things?" ~ "Yeah. We have to bave them wehed every four months whether they need ii or not." C.refully, I unfolded the muddy short.s, the brittle T· llhlrt and tho llOCU that were already in the final 118.ges of rigor mortis. M. I scraped a frencb fry entangled in a gym shoestring, I oouldn't help but rtDect that Develop your powers of concentra- tion, your )ntuitlon (ESP) Jeam to meditate, learn mind control. . ' •' •• ~ Only Yoga Center offers you the great combination of Raja Yoga for developing mind-control, end Hatha YOOI for bUildinO a healthier body. Break old hlbits, ftel energy wrging throughout your body . Be successful. Be happy. Ba healthy. You will be amazed at what our eight week course will do tor you, Don't min · Free demonstntlon tomorrow at SPM YOG~ CENTER AA5 E. l~th St., Cotta M1t1 ·Ph, 84841281 • this was a child who had been reared in an antlseptlc world. As be grew older, we avoid· ed public clrlnklng fountains, public magazines and public cbildren. I washed and ironed his little lllll!Ults until the ducbiaded. Where ball I failed! Under bis bed were dirty clotllel lhat .. .,. harboring ·wild life. In bis draw .... were aolled underwear ao old that ..... had plutlc lln<n In them. His closet had overallll and jeans that hung suspended without the need of hangers. Opening the lid of the washer, I felt around trying to find the gym clothes that I had just washed. I retrieved a shoestring, two lahel.s and a ct.an trench fry. "What happened to my gym clothes? asked my son. "AfteT the awe.at and dirt went, this was all that waa lert!" The Page is Back! Go tau1IH or sleek, curly or strat9ht, ca1u1I or 1ophi1tic•+•d. Our h•ir •xp•rts will cre1te iu't for you the p•g• style you love. Pag e Cut and Style from $8.00 Fill l• 01• ,.rf,•t tffl!M •• 41ccri11•l11t y•11rMlf -"tfi •w l1111wv ••""•• ••• •114 •t 1,.cl•I J,.. prieet .,.. , .. ·t '"''"' ......... ,1 M ... ,. •• ,. S1.M ••• ..,,.,,,. 11M lr•w Amt , • , , 11.M I , • 10 BEAUTY SALONS ~ AND WIG BOUTIQUE SOUTH COAST PLAZA 1100 at•,. fr• tlte M•t C..J APPOINTMENTS NOT AL AYS NECESSARY ' DAll y l'ILOT B II ' 1.88pr. 24", 30'' x 36" lengths 1.20vaJance 50"/o potyester/S0°/11 cotton. Assorted colors with contrast embroidery trim. 3.48 pr. 24" length 3.98 pr.30 ',36" lengths 2.48 valanr.e 50'.-Kodefl' polyestef/50% Avril° rayon. White with orange, blue or pink mushroom motif. 2.69 pr. 24",30"Jengths 2.85 pr. 36" length 1.89 valance 100°/o rayon sharkskin in go-with- everything solid colors. 3.16 pr. 24" Jong 3.19 pr. 30" Jong 3.34 pr. 31!" long 2.75vaJance 50'/o KodeP polyester/SO% Avril" rayon. Gold/tangerine cx green/blue kitchen prints.. The Treasury is here to save you on our big9est ass.ortment of tier curtains ever. P.rove it yourself. ALL EASY-CARE. MACHINE-WASH, NO-IRON. Come see our ~e line cl deco ab window shades. .,..,, ( . ., • • C DAILY PILOT 5-. Ot.-2', 19n Prop. 20: Pros and Cons ( ........... , tdloeo C'Mpeoter'1 view: "14 SoOd ... bod .. local govern- ment ii. ~ the -le .... not ~-... 7 ........ __ a1tlallod with local dedslons, . tbef can certainly remove ol-!!? ·· }i'. fidala from office." ~ Two Propooitloo 20 sup- porten, Gnoen and Laguna Beach Olunclbnan Roy Holm, aren't ao llll'e local control does the job, or that local cru- trol ii toeally loot with region- al comrnl!slons. ,,': ''There are a lot tl cities which have dooe fine jobs, like Newport Beacb." says Holm. "But I'd like to have their su~ port because cl so many bla· tont exampl,. ol bad jobs." He and Green point the finger or criticism at Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, areas north of Santa Monica and sections south of Laguna Beach along the cliffs. "Carving up the oceanside cliffs in Laguna Niguel was a poor job," Holm C1:1mplains. "And we had to go to the courts to get access to Salt Creek." Green feels the makeup of the regional commission could retain enough local navor for local protection. As written tn tbe pro- position, the regional com- mission for Orange-Los Angeles counties would oonsist of: "One superoisOT from each county. One ctty cou1t· cilman from the city of Los A ngele1. Om councilman from Los Angele• County from a cit11 oth.e1'" than Los Angeles. One ,city council· man from Orange County. Om ~legate to the South· ern Ca lifo"tia Association of Governme11b (SCAG ). Six representatives of the public." 'lbe six public members are chO!en two each by the governor, the Senate Ru1es Committee and the speaker of the Assembly. Green, who Is the current president ol SCAG, says: "I'd like t.o see a majority or the commission controlled locally, but that's unrealistic. "The commission does have equal representation. Also, the governor's two a'ppoinbnen~ could swing tt to local control. '"nris does not take away loca,J determln.&tlon. '!be slate boards won't tell us what we can put ID, but they will tell us what Is not acceptable." Critics of the coastal in- ttlatlve complain the loudest at the three-year permit pro- cedure which they consider a sure bet to become a three- year moratorium on a 11 coastal development. Prop<>Sltlon 20 says: "On OT aftef" Feb. 1, 1973, any person wishing to per- form any <tewlopment with· in the permit area shall ob- tain a permit authorizing such development from the regio-nol commission, and, if required bt1 law, from any city, county, state, re- gional or local agency." It also requires two-thirds approval of the regional com- mission for : "Dredging, filling or otherwise altering any bay, e1tuary, salt marsh, river mouth, slough or lagoon. •Any developmertt which would reduce the size of any beach O'f other area useable /or public recreation. "Any development which would reduce or impose Te- strictimu upon public ac- ces1 to tidal and 1ubmtrged lands, beache1 and the mean high ti<Ulfne where thn'e is no beach. "Any dewl~t whfch would substantially inkr· Jere with or detnu:t from tlie line of sight to1DaTd the sea from the 1tate htah- way 1teare1t th.t coait." "It's cut and dry, ~ will ef- rectJvely halt any substantial or significant comtruction, pub Uc or private," says Bet- tencourt. "It won't be possible to assemble such a new state agency without such moratorium." Ray Watson, executive vice president of the Irvine Com· pany, the biggest private COAST ZONES -This map was prepared by Californians Against the Coastal Initiative who claim t.hat the permit zones (d~tted) ~d ~tanning areas (lines) as proposed. in Proposition 20 would go as far inland m I.:os Angeles and Orange Counties as the map indicates. These areas would be subject to control or study by regional commissions proposed in the initiative. / beachfront owner in the coun- ty, adds: "U passed, it will have a very severe impact on hundreds ol thousands ol P"'P" erty owners, private and public, who are undeserving of the cumbersome, restrictive controls it inflicts." Watson says the Irvine Company can survive a three- year moratorium, but he ques. tions what will happen to small property owners. The Huntington Beach Com- pany bas donated 15,000 to the anti-20 campaign, and com- pany manager Bill Foster says, "I suspect this ls the forerunner of a really radical change In our way of viewing private property. . "There is a lack of definition of compensation for private property owners i m p l i e d throughout this." He and other private owners fear Pnlpositloll 20 will lead to tight controls and a clamp on private building, without slate purchase of the land. Supporters of the Initiative simply say, it will not establish a moratorium, and nowhere in the wording of the ,Proposition is a moratorium recommeoded. They point to a similar system already operating around the San Francisco Bay, and note that 90 percent of the permits requested have been granted. The self-destruct clause of the lnitlative simply states: "This sectiun shall re· main in effect only until the 91st day after the final adjournment of the 1976 Regular Session of the Leg- islature, and as of that date is repealed." "I've never seen anything eliminated yet," g r u m b I es Huntington Councilman Jerry Matney, one or lhe Huntington Beach councilmen opposing the measure. "The regional board concept will stay; it happens more and more." Oppc>nents believe they have the answer to coastline preservation i n legislation sponsored by S e n a t o r Carpenter, ·which is still alive -the only bill still alive. Carpenter's bill establishes a state board to develop state criteria for coastal develoir ment. There are no reg~! commissions and the pemii; power remains in current local hands. "My bill also calls for a $200 million bond issue to buy tbe private beaches," Carpenter declares. "Something Propo6i- tion 20 does not do (it provides oruy IS million, just le< study)." O n c e Carpenter's com- mission developed c o a s t a I criteria, local a g e n c i e s , primarlly coooUes, would be expected to follow the ~ dards, The bill would place an al> sollde prohibition on permits which would dilute natural beaches (but not all water· front property). It ;tves the state 10 Y<8J'S to buy property and exempts unused coastal land from property taxes dut'- ing that time. Carpenter says the current rate of coastal development is only one percent per year, which be doesn't believe to be. significant enough for a moratorium. Green calls the Carpenter bill "a sop, and tmable to do anything.! I However voters aloog the Orange Coast may feel on he issue itself, nearly ID agree It Is going to be a -election and that Proposition 20 might Win. Fabric Boutique 3402 VIA UDO NEWPORT BEACH 673-7718 On Lido -Across From Richard's Lido Mkt. GIANT MONTH· END FABRIC SALE 2 Days Only-Mon. & Tues., Oct. 30-31 Doors Open Monday, 8:30 A.M. MANY . FABRICS REDUCED 50 TO 75% ALL FABRICS, ·NOTIONS, TRIMS, IUTIONS, PATTERNS NOT OTHERWISE REDUCED-WILL BE! 25%'0FF • 'EVERYTHING . IN STOCK THEa5 IHTERIDRS. PRICED TO SELL - MUST' RAISE CASH Ii I" Speclal Hours For This EYent i Mondoy 8:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Tuesday 9:30 a.m. -6 p.m. .. ~ CWSE THE MORE YOU BUY • • • OUTS f THE MORE YOU SAVE. EXTRA QUANTITY DISCOUt,iT! [ greg ; Fabric Boutique In .. ~ .. DoDy 1-1 3402 Vlo Udo, Newport Beach -673-7718 · The Treasury is here to save you en top bra11d appliances~~ -Prove it yourself. .. -· ._, " .. ... ... ' ' . 4 D~VS ONLY, SUNDAY THROUGH WEDNESDAY. • ;' ' • • ' 1 .·' Remington men's ' M isl hot comb Use dry or with fine spray mist for styling. lnCludes brush and 2 combs. (Model IHW4) 13.99 Toni Purr'" power deta.ngler T-akes out tangles, prevents haft damage. 2 sets of combs. Can be used On Wigs. (Model I AC2) 13.99 • Schick men's _. hot comb SCHICK '._, 1 lflYff,~,l ,, Dry, wave, straighten. Manages ~., any hair texture. (Model 1336) jljlllllljAlll IAl ll ... 13.99 111VMVM1111WMVflM1VNMYn . :'. q.E. lighted make·up mirror Four settings: day, office, home and evening. Dual swivel mlrrors. (Model •IM-1) 13.77 G.E. soft bonnet hair dryer Adjustable bonn&r, waist'and shoulder carrying strep. Spot. curt auachment. (Model 'HD-2A) 13.99 Qmmmmmmm1111111001~111v~.; r , .. ,. ~. ' ' ... '' '•' GliNERALEi}Et.ECTRIC. ·, .· :.·:· .!' •• .. Schick Mist hair curler No hot metal to dry or split hair. Includes 20 rollers, clips and measuring cup. (Model #70) 13.77 .·. ·,•, " " ~'W>A MIU.I ttooo cn.tlWOfth St. W000t.AND HfU.111500 Yiclory Blvd. lllVEll-3520 ~ ~·· IANTA ANA 3900 louth Brlt10! :::1 . •; ~1111111111 JZ/)Ja'"'Ul!U@M . •. :·. Toni Super Max . ·' 2 speed blowlng~wer. 4 drying heads. ra handJt attachment {Model "HOS) " 13.99 .~ . ": •. . ----~ I flt10NI I T09'AANCI Stpul¥tdl and H1w\horne .. ; U.!(IWOOD c~raon St. •nd P1r1mounl 81Yd. •urNA '""K Btach 1nd OrangtlhorPt ORANOI Gardin Crovt Btvd, tnd Mancht11tr o,._...,.,:aooot:ao -.,.1t1o1. •. " . ' .. I com old othe tion, ul"' Be po vot cit a me mi pu .. . ' .... •• . . . ow Beaches Have l • • (l"nta P,tlo· B/) ' pcilt Propoiilion 10. '• <• .; ' The eoq1llJ nd!iihtea ......, "'1 !0ue axptrer ·nearly Ill or11s..rf.rt llOutli or ,..,.., ~Beach, becauae SUnset llleJ6id.1160't, voters also BtJc;tl Is lhe only county-own-1111,~, r to ed 1ltlp In the nlirth. 1!!e ~ lea,. ol County offlclals h a v e ' ., . without developed a recreational zone • ol the people. ror county beacbea whlch also men have also hn-Um.Ill private or p u b 11 c a !>-loot high rlae llmlt development. the waterfront. The <ounty restrlcllon ·•P- all is not waler 1illles in plies to nearly all ot lts beach rt'• recent path toward land except Dana Harbor le Pl'Oll™I· where mar!ne<ll'lenttd ... council last )'tar a~ terpriaesce ano,.ed. .~ · ed the Ji!().foot high J,ldo One of the county's ~ef ments - a burr that problems has been illegal en- 'f..;um.i the high-rise limit croachments on its beaches, later. orbeacbeiwitlfnoacCess. 1 ;,,'.!'he Lido project was a~ OOe part1cu1ar cue the proved with little control, and county ~' flghtiog· is the during dredging for the loon-hillside edge ol the swimming datlon, work crews pumped pool at the l.ag\Jna Royale the muck and sludge dug ,up Apartment which '1<>Pel~WD right into Newport Harbor. OlllO Coast Royale Beach, · · The public outrage tasted ())unty authoHties believe several months. there are senral smaller, Councilmen have declined to ~rivate encroachments . o \l extend the beachfrom public their beaches from' neighbor-- sidewalks and bicycle paths to ing homes, but they haven't Wtst Ne1'Jl0rl. Beachfront thoroughly surveyed the prop- bofneowners . _hav.e; rn.ade it erty lines. •. , clear Uley. dtln't want them. The ""!'1'17' ·~;owns a · u+n.E PARKING public b4Cli .j,l \'Wee' 'A.oh ~'' Bay which "'bas no jUbJ(c acJ ' .\nd much of the city's fine cess through the private com· pul>Jic beach is difficult IO munity. A C<tWl!y report says re4ch because there is Uttle the summer guard at Three puhllc parking. Arch Bay 1iill a II o w ?w o e<mtroverslal con-pedestrians to enter if they do11rlnlum p~j<ct.I were also sey they are going to the a(>JR'Oved w!thln' the last two public beach. years for the B a 1 b o a County officlals are now Peninsula. One is now nearly researching methods to open completed on the site of the access to the !1Dall public old Rendezvous Ballroom. The beach. other plan, which is in Utiga-The coun.ty.. abo, OWQI. ._two < tiou, .would replace the pop-small perceli or undeveloped ulllr FU0 7.ooe. ridge land In Three Arch Bay ~wport Beach councilmen which are Olanned u .· ~lie opPQSed Proposition 20. parb. An adjac.;{<hin~ ~ addition to developments er built 1 driveW&Y to his ga· a~ rilenUoned, HunUngton rage across one of them. Be,lch Is studying the land use of 'ts ooastal area In!""'! from PARK SITES Petclfle Coast !Ilghway. One The two biggest private possible restriction WW be a-bOachfront ·O\Vllel'S In Orange gulrantee of "view Con1dors" County are the Irvine Qnn- so re:Sfdtnls or inland devtlop-pany and the Huntington rnents can see the oceanfront. Beach Company. ~'(;ouncllmen are also eyeing Huntington Beach Company ~tion of the old planners have worted 011 dewntown under a "Top of the several proposals to cover the Pltr" plan which might area.le Bolsa Chica bluffs w i t h a butst attracUoo and reaort apartments, but have never aru oat of it. formally presented any of E%cep1 !or the Huntlnglon them. Pal;iflc Apartments near the Now, with state plans IO buy pier, 10 of the beaohlront Is their beacjl, It will a-tly clear and' the 2.S miles of remain • lotally cpen . to the ' prtrite ~ !ODD Is expected public!. One qoestlon ts what to be In iltate bands. will happen to .tl!a,.IDUll\c Further north, In Bolsa Bay, million dollar Ihm~ P~ the state Department of P'lsh cine Apartmenls. Sqme offic- and Game flans to create a t&Ts · do not conceal their de- 400-acre S8fl water marsh and sires to see them ripped off a 130-acre iJJUblic marina. the beach. The •Pl"ll«I shoold be made The ~ Company is the posslbie 1by a land swap with heaviest contributor, SS0,000, Signal Gu and Oil, which to the anti-Proposition 20 cam-could'~' 1,500 acres in the palgn, yet lt:s own plans 'for Bolsa lowlands for a reslden-oceanfront development have tial-harbor development by been widely praiaed. Signal. Included in the private Stlte authorities say their lrvine master plan is a pro. proposal would be the llnt posal IO sell 1,451 acres o! tbe recreational development or a coastal sector to public agen- dead salt marsh anywhere In cies, including three ~ of the world. The plan afso in-beachfroot and two reijonaJ eludes cutting a channel to the park sites slighUy lnlaQfj, to. ocean. which has some Sunset gether totaling more thln 900 Beach residents worried about acres. beach erosion. The Bob.a marsh and the Signal development are ex· pected to annex to Huntington Beach in the future. ON HILLTOPS Huntington councilmen sutr ported Proposition 20 on a 4-3 vote. The Irvine plan geni!tally calls for a shift of ~tc Coast Highway bigher §:: slopes. and development f Its coastal ridge in . .ld . 1 ranean fashion. • 1 The northernmost c6astal city, Seal Beach, has not adopt.ed spe<;i.fic controls for coastal or beachfront develop- ment. The city does own a mile or beach which is totally public. Plans call fOi sr:i:!t»liiglU:tst ' construction, but on top of the hills, not long the coastal. edge. : Irvine officials s.ay they want to retain control of some 2.7 miles of oceanfront for development. Another 1.4 m i I es o t beachfront in Seal Beach is owned by the Naval Weapoos Station and the private, closed community of Surfside, whk:h was private before tt annei:tid to the city. Seal Beach oouocilmen o~ WOM•WIWIAR ...... '511 •• °"'' ....,, c-. ·~ M•r U> ... When lt comes to the que&- tioo , "ls Orange County poorly developed along the olast?" most political leaders nod, sa "Yes, in some areas," but point out that most ol tbe prob- tema occurred 30 yean ago when no one cared. Now, people care, they aay. "Tlte store with IA!if1' of . Distinction" .. Month End · Spedol OUR ENTl~E STOCK 'oF PANT SUITS MONDA And TUESDAY ONLY Select From: 20«ro · Kimberly, +ienro, Nerdis of D1U.s, T 1nnel, Am11fi, OFF Donovan • G11v1vi • <:· Mandel & Tu1sd1y Only Durl119 Our nd Of Month Cl11r1nc1 Your Ch1r9• rAcc,unt Wtfcom• Mllltr Chotg• Av1ll1~l1 i .. froo Porklo9 lahl,... Stor• • ·' • • ' ' .. . ~ . . . •!'~,.....,., .. • . .. .. '\. ' ,, CIZ. GIAN t SIZE . Drive DETERGENT . The Stain Fi&httr! ~59c ~ 32 OZ. KING SIZE Palmolive Dl$HWASHING LIQUID \ 28 0 :Slt E Minute Rice htlche• ' & Pre.coo ked ... Delicious nery ti me! 9 OZ. SIZ JP NNSQN Sun Country AIR, FRlSHENElt . . .. ' ' ' , • Sund11, Ottobtt 2'1, 1972 DAil Y 'ILOT 9 l A lfil1IiII Place To Shop ! MINIATURE 7gc Wcapped Nut Rolls 8111! 125 ' ' UquiP!!," .... ~ -.; I p;-., :. ·- • ' 13 OZ. SIZE GILUTlE Ri ght Guard DIODORANT 1 .29 ~ BOTTLE OF 200 Anaci n TABLETS For Fast Pain Reliel ! ..... ' r ,. -. .... .... r ·. #t~·R:w 'fo:'. ~ ,., ·',~ ·-' ·"'·---...... I yr , 13.5 OZ. BONUS SIZE Lady Esther 4·Purpose Face Crum or Ory Skin Cream 1.09 11. Dr. West 's TOOTHBRUSHES For Adults ... Regular or Medium! , PACK OF 3 SYLVA NIA F·lash' Cubesr:t -' For 12 Flas~·Sbots , PACK OF 3 SYLVANIA BLUE DOT . Magicubes . 12~4 OZ. SIZE Fanspray AEllOSOl P~HT Fer l••••r1/0ul•ttr1 r1110111111 79c An't CtltN ' I ' ' l .. .'• ' .... #.: 1 ~ I ' • ' ; • • • - . . •• :; •• .. ••. ... -· ::~ ·~ • • '~ .. . DAILY PILOT Sooday, Oct.Ober ?9, 1~72 Altogether Now The Beatles Oeft to right) Ringo Starr, George Harrison, Paul McCartney and John Lennon, peiiorm more than a dozen of their hit songs in the full-length animated film special, "Yellow Submarine" on Sunday at 8 p.m. on Channel 2. Crossword Puzzle .&.CROSS 73 CoH)es•f 75 s1111p d•HIH 1 r.ny 77 Pell. 10 7 A!teH>OOfl 1oun11 78 Prong 1how 79 Judg• 14 lO"!herner.k 80 Casaba 20 Sr111l lu1lm11 82 College degrtt 21 Dabbler 22 Sandy 83 J1p1ne11 Jtate1m1n 24 Rtg1g11r11d 84 Otspo~ nur51 85 ll1rmoniz1tr 25 8e1t 87 Aggr11g111 215 Bick of n•ck 27 R11lroad: abbr. 8B Chone~ m1l1 28 Co!umbu1 th•p 83 OlallNU9 29 Pa11n1 90 Reproved 30 C1re1I gr111 92 8 011111 drug 32 Mak9 UHOI 93 king ol ls11a1 34 Circum~t 95 Scotch CIO 36 Fuel 97 Br1111two1k '.f1 P11nicll iB .A.m8'11Clln 39 Sh11p jou1n11lilt o44 Cllrgvm•n 99 Wing-footed 41 Civil""'°"' 101 YOU"'iJ h1111 42 l"op11lite1 103 Mgvie 1ct0t 44 Tttut1r M(ln 105 Collfl'il• d1nc1 4!i G1nli. it11nd olfl M1n'1n1Me 107 M1k1 lflc1 47 Mu11 of 108 Fibarclu1t1r 110 Rockfi1h ~trv 48 M11ur1d 111 Rivtl SO H111d nlbber 115 Sp11nish tit111 53 Bonv 118 S111t1 lr1m.....alt 122 Kind ol Mi 811ln pa1Ng1 01ang1 !:>7 Wlla t23 Shon drink !:>B C1ud1 125 Sp11 60 Ti1 126 Como1111 point 61 Poat 128 Grade 65 In"""'' only 129 Rank 68 Ene<gltic 130 Ntlr\11 72 Phil1ppln1 132 H11bitu11t• t•lilh 134 Prim• dormt ;"• .. . .. Nl·;\VPORT < ··-~ •• I \> '>•I • 13'5 G••"-19 Sp•nith gr111 mouniain :ro Wom1n: ~1ng 136 Added 2J Pennsylv1ni• 137 Wild '''el C•IV 139 Man·1 nick111m1 JI l1r~ book 140 Sc1lt not• 1<11 A;,crafl: coll. 33 Dtcov 142 Ru1sien river 34 Ptri.10 i•J Algerian city 11omJch 144 Moderat• 35 Ex-w•lt•r· 146 Right:tt>br. w11ght chimp 147 Stn1tor 36 Ruminant 149 Neptun•'• 38 Or11am1k•t 1pe•• 40 la•O p1111 151 lnaftectual 41 NltW J1r1ev 153 Newsp101r1 capi!ll 154 Bfc~clt 51a1s 43 Bout :co~. 155 Arab 4!i Chant DOWN 47 IJO\lof 49 Ge1m1n 1 s .. tn1mm1I 11r1icll 2 E.J.-i• ~1 Adomld " Lomb 3 Kobold 54 -Gab« • TwO•IOld 56 R1fu!il """ "Joi<• Ii S1ed eo1t1ng 61 FeminW..iwme 6 Mor11l1 62 Inc~ 7 C11n11di9n 63 Boy: Sp. provine1 BB~r &4 Prof\J11 9 M1•tu11 66 Au11iln 10 N•1iv1: auffi• villlgl 11 N.on1ymbol 67 Conllnld 12 Sou1hMtt 69 Corn•r 70 Stupid wind 71 Component 13 Printing 74 Twitching mk1t1k11 76 Gre•k 'i10dd•11 14 May 1ppl1 79 Wholly 15 Zodi11c 1ign 61 Cond11ct1d 16 Wr11t Boil ••••••• 1g1nt 17 Actr .. Cl9ir1 !!(i Volcano 18 R1fuMI ou1l1t I I • tM IH;flATUll HAROl..Dand f .. -MAUlE !ll'J RUTH GORDON 111.DCORT ...... 86 Ch•nc• 87 Wild plun1 89 DNnk1rd 90 E11cJudt I I H1r111oto•t 12 Clothed 9' Si11 96 Encountefed 97 E~htu1ted 98 Trit1 100 Dowry 102 Duct 104 Honey 10!! L11rg1 li1111d1 109 Bilnn1111 11 I lnt11c1 112 lil ... ieS 113 Pa1tof11v1 114 Miu Hayworlh 116 N"'i11tiv1 preli• 117 N111t 119 P11noc10UI 120 Annul 121 SLop411 124 Helmsm1" 127 Place of n1th11 darkn111 130 French p1inllf 131 Equln1•nim11! 112 Silly 133 E•pung• 136 H11d: Fr. 137 Ru1lilln ci!y 138 Stelk 141 Eapert 143 Sir1nga 145 Vall 148 E:lcclam11tion 150 Sm11tll1h 16.2 And: L1tin • • • Jazz Singers Meet Rock Music By REX REED In the darkened gloom of the night chlbl wbett they appear, lhey blossom under t h e artificial Ugbt like IUl\flowers nourished by neon: Jackie Kral with ber tong weeping· willow hair bouncing off her OJuture dresses and husband Roy in his k>ng sideburns and English Mod sults, singing iwo-part vocal harmonies that would defeat most trumpet players and looking like the nice young couple next door on a pretty dippy block. Jackie and Roy K<al could have been movie stars if they wanted to. They a r e n ' t . (Although Roy's d au g h le r from an earlier mamage, Tif· faAy Bolling is well on her way to becoming one.) Tbey could make hit records if they wanted to. 'Ibey don't. (Although for the first time in 20 years singing together, their new album, "Time and Love" bas hit the top.eelling record cbarts. "I think they're pulling our legs," g r i n s Jackie.) years lhoad ol their Ume. "Jm became too lo- tellectual," NYS Jackie. "ll wu ..U.Jndulgeft and tedious to the 1verage llltener. 'n'1e term jau: still turns aome peo.. pie off. "It eocompasses rut, fran- tic and sometimes chaotic Im· provisatlon, but It can also be soft, melodic, aoothlng and beauUlul, too. One o! the rea90ns we always confused --TIMES--.. 'UM" -6:45 a 10:05 '"omtoy" -1:15 ONLY The big mooey and the big·-== stardom bas always eluded them up to now because they have stubbornly preferred to ALSO l "M*A*S*H" eo.t. Sert. & s ••. ,, .... 2 THI GIEAT COMEDY COMllNATION WOODY ALLIN "PLAY IT AGAIN SAM" ALSO PG "THE LAST OF THE RED HOT LOVERS" C.M. 51111. fro11t J p.111. JOE DAUESANORO AND SYLVIA MILES IN "HEAT" RATEDX .. ,...:. ....... ~ . "JOHN KNOWLD' CLASSIC TI-IE . .. ___ .., fOK A111helm 535-3&0l FOK Pomona 622·1353 G01DUt STATl RIV1nidl81W611 .. m. .... ~ .. "°""" ' Ill C:ln' C:IM[MA #t Odnt~ Ill Dll AMO #3 Temnc:1 G6 UA TWIM I Cerritos 924-1019 llDADYl'AY Slnta Ana 542-4737 "All EJC111AOllDlllAlll& Y JOYFUL ADAPFA no11 OF IOHll KllOWUS' BlllWAtn 110.,Kl BOUND 10 snMUUfE AllD MORI" _ _, ~ ..,._, w .. s.,.., ~ ---..... -... -.. FFEIJ SEGtl. ..oH< K1'0M.£S FalERT A. GOUlSTON ---· __ r:AI lAfl'f PEIJICE" OM.BR* lllm..all "'IJWGl.lft"~ Ha;;A'#I •TART•nlDAT OCTOBER 27. AT BOTll TllUTRES 1111 MAlt&M $K0""'2 Jt IUT41LL1l llCOMD A CLAISIC MOTION PICTUll" "A SEPARATE PEACE" ~~:.: "****" ·N•• Yorlt Dallv N•w1I ALSO SIAM IUllY "FRIENDS" ·-.... ..... ....., -· '"" _ .... ... --Poler Sellers · ' .. WhereDoes · .. It Hurt1 · ' .... I -........ HhNewtttHU•"'- c:o-dy "WHERE DOES IT HURT?" ---CtNFOO/rlf 20 ;;. .. .,.".'.J.;:.~:::..,-·::r""'.'.; ... --· CtNFOOMF 21 ' ..... ~r::-;~ ---:.17.t• $TAO/UM -I i/.' -~~ ---.. $1110/UM ·3 • "' -_, ""C::..-~ ----.. Sf//O/UM 0 ! · · "'--· .. -=·-- llOM 111 MAlnt Of lllOCIJ ASHOCllNG MASnlPtlCI ALFRED .) HITCHCOCX'S : "FRENZY"-..... ..,··.··.~:;;::~ 7:00 Md 10:40 ALSO CLINT WTWOOO 'Pl.AY MISTY POI Ml" --,,,,,,.,,,. • llEQW..:, • l!I -·-----~·---t :OO Collt. S11•. Mot. J:OO 11M ''J"UT IT AGAIN, SAM" E•thn1¥1 Eq ... IMftl HIW HI ltn.,..,.. "'" WI..,.. ef J Ac1ttunv Aw.nit "l"IDDLl!lt ON TMI ltOOI'"' M•r..., ar..-.. "THE OODl"ATHElt" (ltl • HJ>OIHT au.NK" 111:1 "FltlTZ Tt!E CATH ()C) • "THE SECltETAltY" (It) "THE Hf.W CEHTUltlONS" (It) w\111 o .. ,... c. k•ft .... .... LAV MISTY L"Olt ME" tit) Ctllrilf ar111- "THE YAU.CHI l"Al'EltS" (It) • "X l' & ll:E" (It) Ti. IJl!lf!VN "X"I "OM, CALCUTTA!" "Slldl Giid L"rililft'' (ltl ....... c:.llfl DIANA ROSS IS BIWE HOLIDAY ••• •. .. .. .. . • COAST HWY. AT MACARTHUR BLVD, NlWPOllT BEACH • 6'4·0760 AlSO SHOWING AT ·~r:-sBUENA PARK DRIVE'-IN URCOUt AW.. • 7 ILOCkl WllT OI' 81ACK ILYO. (MJotnlnl lie LINCOLN OAfYl·IH) CNll.DRIM UNDll 12 Jllfl Tlll,ttONf: 714/121-4070 . .. :: . ~ . :; .. . • .. ' .• Sto . a ·• th " Ob • . ·• pr ' • do • • s . . : An . • • " • • • • . .. . • :~ .. .. ~ ~ -· • • • not a w • .. . .. • • • i • ~ • • S"1dl7, o..-2'1, 1912 DAILY "LOT 8 9 Rancho La Puerta Opens Doorway to Health By 30 OLIJOl'I Of .. .,.,,,, fttlet ,,,., . ,. ·: ,. 'l'hln'I 'I mllconceplion .-about Rancho La Puerta that should be 1tt straight : It Is not Juat a place where fat p<ople ; '·go to lo1e weight. , '-. It's alao 1 ll.aven for tlml ' ' e .. cutlves who ~ a change ; ~Jot pace, houJeWlvu who are , feeling frumpy, folkJ who like · .. '. vegatarlan food, couples wllo want to have some fun a~ p0ople who want to beglo ·becoming physically flt. 11. ' Rancho La Puerta, o r "Ranch of the door", is aptly named because d e p a r t in g ~ guests truly feel they're at the t door of a new, hea1Utier life. .•·. Nestled in the barren ~ : "foothllll of Baja California ' } ~miles nutlide the city of i Tecate on a 47-acre site, I Rancho La Puerta is an oasis ftlled wlth flowers, trees, •.. quaint easas, smiling Mex· 1 • • .tcans. bright sunshine and blue -··akles. "-• Fuclnating people from all •.· .. liver the United Stat~s con- gre,ate at the ranch to ex~ ercJ.Se, lose weight or get back · on a regular schedule of doing ,both. ·!~ Pl\Ylical fitness is stressed ·~ ralher !bin dlat, but ffl!rY el· fort It mode to help thole who wish )0 loee weight. GUMll ore encouraged to be "~gramrned" for am '° eight claNes per day, but Im· r.le time lhould be Jen for etaur<ly U'plorlna U...neoUy manicured grounds, walldng loto the turroUnding coun- tryside and rta\fu>8 by ... ol the two awlmmlng pools, Signing up !or too many clulles mattt dnidgery oUt of the ex,erclses end' defeats the ....,_ ol go!Jig, j"Find your rcaUty ," the enrctse director says.) For the mO!t ambitious guests, a &:~ a.m. mountain hike se~ the pace for a busy day that may incl\lde wake-up exercisea, body conditioning, Golden Door exercises . Jazaex, a px>l class, ballet bar class, stretch and posture and yoga. The 7 a.m. two-mile hike through the ranch's vineyards is recommended for the not· so-ambitious. This gets back just In time for the dailf .we~h-in and. breakfast. All food Js vegelarian ~.is served under watchful eyes 80 there are no opportunities for dietera to cheat. Prepared by Carico Bodlllo, a lleJJeon chef tralnecf in a aourmet nptarlan restaurant lo Mex.- lco City, tlle food la !Ullng and 'dellctou& Dieters gf!t one or each item «t Ute menu and others may have aa much as they wish, Fresh lrulll are ffl'Ved at every meal, as ii the Ranch's own whole gra1n bread baited in an outdoor oven. On warm daya, dloera mny eat tn the colorfUl Vinyard patio beslde the dining room, and in the evenings, mariachis eotertalo and white tablecloths and red napkins create a festive 'l tmospher e . Sweatsuits are put away and Jong •klrts and colorful outfits are wom by many of the women. Slocc bQredotri Is a dieter's downfall, evenings are never dull at Rancho La Puerta. There is a cwnprehensive library with a Britlsb librarian who Rives Spanish lessons several evenings a week, and the recreation room is always open with pots of coffee, tea and a special "lax" tea brew· !Jig, · A different majpr activity is scheduled etteb evening, such as a ·discussion, movie, crafts ci .. .,-iecture or folk dancing. Most fascinating though, II to sit in the recreation room 1od talk with the gue,ts who come Crom all acroas the United Stalt'S. For those not dieting, a trip to Tecate for dinner la ~ mended at leaat ooce during a •lay at the ranch. Suagested by Peter Warner, ex.ere.lie director, is Los C&ndile1, a Tecate favorite whlcll offers delicious fish entrees. Extra services are available for a small charge, including herbal wraps. facials and massages, and not t,o be miss- ed is the Aztec vapor :~-.rn, which soothes sore musClea aod is free. Getting to Tecate is part of the fun of going to the Ranch. Guests may drive from San Diego through Tijuana, or take the Rancho La Puerta limousine from the San Diego Greyhound Bus depot. Sug. gested is a train ride to San Diego then the remalnder of the journey on t h e ranch limousine. A Mexican tourist card will be needed it you're going to stay more than 72 hours. Shopping is expensive in Tecate, but a day's excursion ·}~Spokane Exhibit "-' l ;Eco Theme of Expo .~ ~·. ~· ,.; If you've got the travel bug, ~~.00.~. not the budget, you can ~("ti" see a good part of the •t wa-ld by attending Expo '74. ! the environmentally themed ~.World Exposition , which opens ;:(in Spokane lo May, 1974. ;I IntemaUonal participation ~-for the four-moot}}.(ong '"World's Fair Ls mounUng. Japan, a naUon wilh an ac· .-, .celerating interest in the en- -;~ent, bas just became ~ne I ~ l>lllon, behind' lf.''i ' , Iran and the Soviet nill\l, to announce perlidpa· f•· ·tlon b\ Expo '74. \ ,'' Japanese Prime Minister r • Kakuei Tanaka made the an· I·: nooneemen\ in Tokyo, in-~· ; dtcating that h1s country's 1 ~ -display might include a model ~. ,POllutioooftee iOOustrial com-~:: · p1ex or a new t~ of city ,tra!- ~: : fie system. Definite plans \ : 'have been drawn for the con· ~ : struction of a formal Japanese ;--, garden within the exhibit. t · l<ey contacts were made l. ; with varioua Japaneee offlcialJ t · during the recent Unimarl ~ · · Trade Fair in Seattle, Expo l " ,. Board Chairman R .. A. Lindsay U.S. Pavilion, is expected lo reported. be the standout attraction of TRAVEL Officials in Canada, the first the exposition. The pavilion foreign government to a1>-Will include two cone-shaped nounce-. participation in Erpo buildings containing t h r e e '74, have said their country's theaters, a s o I id. s h e e t exh}t)lt will probably include. waterfall ca9Cading o(f the an ecology center designed roof of one building, and a one-- especially for children. acre landscaped garden for a , Patrick Reid, representing foyer, Entry will be through '---------' Canada's Department of E'I-gr8My earth baaki and into ternal Affairs in Ottawa , the terraced garden. Qn ~ visited the Spokane Expo.jition aides the structures will soar site and eijllained, ."We hope Ill: "'I mto tlie eit, 'while' to in one part of Cinada's the.~ the v)ew will open ~atallon, to be ab!~ to out !oijard the Spokane River edUcatlon children fn a mean. and.,. the . bubbling Spokane ingfui way to safeguard their Fall5 environment." 'lbeme or the f e d e r a 1 The Soviet Union, too, has participation will be·"Man ~ aligned itself with the West in l'(ature, Qne and Iridivisible," its concern for the en. Whi~ .. wru be portrayed io a vironment. Vladimir N. rM~ f.ihn oti ''the 'en·. Pavlqv, dejlUty chief of the vl\l\lugent. 'There .will also be Department of Exhibitions uve· tlieater sceoarios dealing Abroad, told a Spokane press with mah's needs and the conference that his country natural world, exhibits and .tn- b&d alreody begun plann1ng its lp<matioo. centers, a resource exhibit !or Expo '71. , librarY.,f"'d a cootlouous pro- The United states ezhibit. t gram Of ltn.l(\tur.es and events. an $11.5 million project which The E'lposltion will be an includes construction of the .envk>rnmental event in itself ' by its very construction. The · area_, 'once e tangle -of railroad traCkl and dereflct buildings, will become ·8 · massive redevelopment and rehabilita- tion .pr.oject which will restore the river and surrounding ter- rain lo its former natural beauty. Bridg~~are being removed, blll!hted ' buildings delnol~ and rniUIOOS\,f feet Of\railroad trlick ~ ~our duribg the first steps (If site behutifica· tion .. 'lben. thousands :of trees wij.l be pJanted, and many areas of ~ walkways and quiet )loOltJ!'stalled. The ~itloo will be open from May to October, 1974. · .. ·: Misty Lakes of Scotland £' · By Stan Delaplane iiii:1idlnir11\ . lands Development Board -N. C, Chumley, top man. Helpful -AND they'll give anyone a 10 per cent discount card which works on a lot of shops, guest houses, casUes., Just write and a!ik: 27 Bank Street, Inverness. ·.>..:: •· IJliBURGH ...: 'ileep tall now in · ScoUand. ' Edin gh is a happy sight on a morning. Shop- :"··keepers out bright and early sudsing down side· ~ walks. A nice smell of soapy stones early in the day_ • Clean, clean city. · • Landscape all purple heaUter. Flaming red and ;: gold in Ute bills. Misty lakes. No Utter anywhere in ;; ScoUand. Not a lleer can or piece of paper. No bill· ~: boards. .. •• * * * :: Farmhouse accomod.ations turned out great. ~ Stony buildings Utat look like Utey'd been lifted oH • a fruit cake tin. Hotels are a maybe. We ran :; Utrouah Utree hotels before finding a good one at .. Oban on Ute West Coast. . ·: The ones turned down were costly enough but ·; pretty dreadful. Musty halls, BaUtroom way WAY ·! down Ute hall. Front window full of grim old ladles • staring grimly out to sea. . , • • • . * * * ' For checking your S~9ttish ancestors: Scots Ancestry Research Society, York Place, Edinburgh. * * * ' What's wrong with it?. Hotel service poor ' . throughout Utough rooms ran about $22. Tourist ~ Board near Daniel Stewart's . CoUege may or may : not be a help. They are working in "Flextime" .-.- : a system where you choose your own hours for : working, (Some so. fleJible we couldn't find them.) : Beside River Ness we found Highlands and Is· . . .. .. :: •' •' .. , .. ~ • ~ r • • ,, • • ... ' • ,• s " ~ * * * " .•. if you were choosing 1 two wffks cruiM? Wt are two secretaries ... " Though there are more new ships cruising the West Coast -Alaska-Mexico -I have a feeling shore excursions won't be as crowded as the over- cruised Caribbean islands. Now which ship? There's no way I know to screen ·Ute passengers BEFORE you get on. So you'll just have to chanCll it P and O's new "Spirit of Landon" SAYS it will be a piece swinging London. Aiming for some of the under.50 travelers. * * * Ports: (different combination of stops for di!· ferent ships): Mazauan: Good Mexican seaside town wiUt good hotels. Puerto Vallarta: Jumping since Liz and Dick lifted it out ol Ute burro class. Manzanillo: New stop. Very Mexican. * * * Zihuatanejo: Beautilul bay. FEW hotels, Bein~ developed, Acapulco: Modern , gay, lots of hote!S and restaurants. High priced. * * * Reader comment worth the detour: "Hotel help in Virgin Islands most rude." (Becoming a problem all over the Caribbean, You are paying $50 a day for Ute room ; Ute mald is getting $3. She doesn't adore you .) to 'lljuana, ROllrito l!eacb or ,....._. Ensensda where ptkel are better ls fun after which you leave the ranch. A boutique also is open almost every day at the ranch offering llletlean bondcralta and dnsaes, Roncb rates are ldlld to the pock1tbook, JU1ily oernlnl! the ranch Ito Utle ol "Tbe Poor Man'• Golden Door". W1ntar ratee are allgbUy lower than summer, and ofl meala are In- cluded !Ji the price. Duplex cablna are available for u ll~ tie as l20 per dly per parson (for two in a room) lo the summer, and the most lux- urious rates in Lbe winter are $30 (two lo a room) for a small borne with a llreplllce, living room, bedr,om and kltclienette, <lllldmt may ac- company their parents It necessary. For a "vacation that lasts a lifetime", Rancho La Puerta is well worth considering. It makes good conversation at parties, too, especially if one Is alread)' thin and has just spent a week getting thinner. A note of caution however, is in order for anyone con- slderlog going to Rancho La Puerta: It's habit forming. You'll be going baek again. BEHIND HIKERS IS VINEYARD AND GUEST RANCH OF LA PUERTA Lure of Old World Char111 3 Million Tourists Visit New Orlea1is Annually NEW ORLEANS -This is a city of fun, gaiety, vitality, ex· citement, graeiousness, and Old World charm,. with serious emphasis on Cultural and educational activities a n d career opportuniUes. These are the major con· tributing attributes which Jure nearly three million visitors. annually lo New Oiieans seelc- ing diversified entertainment ranging from a j!z:z concert to an art elhibit. One of the city1s maiu ~w­ ing attractions ts its annual Mardi Gras in February with many day and night parades and masquerade balls. Some 120,000 visitors join in the fun and hilarity that is the Mardi Gras. First thing the newcomer hears about w~en arriving here is the building of its Super-Dome, ''out-supering" anything Texas has to boast about. Ground was broken in July of 1970 witb compleUop hoped for by the end of 1'73. The Super • Dome w i 11 aC· commodate ll>,000 fans at a football Pm.e and wilH>e the home of the New Orleans Saints, Tbe faclliiles will be used for a number of other varied events IJicludlog ex· bibits, concerts, and other sporla. 'Mlere's a number of ac-tf"1tlea tn whicli the '{isitor can -and should -become involved: e A leisurely stroll through the French Quarter or "Vieux Carre," site of tbe original settlement of New Orleans, enables the walker to browse ill the l"any antique shops abounding in the area, view the worb of artists who make their homes here, and dine in some of New Orleans' superb restautants scattered through the Quarter. The stroller will eventually wind up ln Jackson Square, considered one of the most historic sites in America. For it was here Gen. Andrew Jackson became the hero of the Batlle of New Orleans. At the square are the Pon- talba BWldings, said to be America's first apartments; st, Louis Cathedral, built in 1'794; the Presbytere; and the Cablldo, tbe Spanish Court where LouWana was transfer- red from Spam to France and thence to tbe United States . By all means step into the quaint Jazz Museum -New Orleans was the birthplace of jazz in about 1900 -and listen to the "beat" of some of the great jazz kings -Buddy Bolden, Bunk John.son, "Jelly Roll" Morton, "King" Oliver, "Kid" Ory, Sydney Becket, Fate Maroble, .. and Louis Armstrong. The Jazz Muse~ also features displays or early homemade instruments. The annual New Orleans Interna- tional Jazz and Heritage Festival is held in late May or early June. The pedestrian malls on Royal and Bourbon Streets are closed t,o vehicle traffic on weekends from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. The week day closing hours remain from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Royal and from 7 p.m. to 3 a.m. on Bourbon. It Is recommended that dur- ing the winter months visitors have heavy sweaters or top coats as temperatures can be chilly even during a vigorous stroll . e Cruises on the Mississippi and around the Port of New Orleans include a sailing from the heart of old New Orleans d~p ·lnto tbe Bayou of Jein Lalitte, the pirate, The trip is made aboard the modem cruise boat Voyageur which leaves the dock at the foot of Canal Street at 10 a.m. and retums around 3 p.m. The Voyageur then departs for the harbor cruise at 3:30 p.m. returning at 5:30 p,m. The SS President, claimed to be the largest sidewheel steamboat afloat, operates a 21> hour sightseeing trip daily at 2:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. off the Port Of New Orleans. On Sat- urday night the. vessel sails on a "dance cruise'' with an eight· piece orchestra providing the music. Louisiana plantation homes, many of them -·a century or more old, speak or an era of elegance. Some of these are open to th~ public and are only a 3" to 4-hour journey by tour bus from New Orleans. These are located on the River Road and Include tbe ~Houmas House, once one of the great plantations of LOu J s i an a Riverton, a cenbiry old plan- tation. and the San Francisco P1anlatlon House built in 1849 of hind-made: brick at a cost of $100,000. e Three sightseeing bus lines -D~el!ind i:ours, Gray Llne, and Southern Tours - offer daily trips covering all of New OFleans, including a ride along Lake Pontchartrain. These tours are the best method for a Sti'ange!r' U> the dty to see all that should be ..... · lt is the wise visitor here who parks hiB car and either uses shank's mare, taxis, tour buses, or street ears to get around. The rush hours from 4 to 6 p.m. can be exasperating for the stranger, and are for the naUves. On~way streets, too, get complicated for the visiting motorist. A n in· expensive way to see the up- to-Wn district ls to take the St. Charles Street car -only 15 cents! New Orleans is somev.'hat unusual in that It can be reached by so many forms of transportation. H l g h w a y s leading to the city are ex- cellent; more than 300 flights in and out of the international Alrpart bere come from and go to all metropolitan centers of the country; buses enter in and depart in all directions; and there still is lin1ited passenger train and ship service. Perhaps nowhere In America Is dining at Its best than in New Orleans . There appears to be a restaurant for every taste and pocketbook. Antoine's continues to serve superlative dinners which it has been doing since 1840. An unpretentious place is tbe Bon Ton but tops for i t s "crawfish'' (Southern lobster ) served from early November through mid.July, Visitors are urged to dmt into the newly renovaml quarters of the Greater New Orleans Tourist and C.on- vention Commission at 334 Royal Street for orientation and information on what to do. see, and where lo go and when. New Orleans, easy for any visitor to see, is a city on the move. Electric Carts Foil Pollution NEW ORI.j:ANS (UPI) - One of the chronic problems in the quaint Vieux Carre French Quarter is, frankly, aching feet. Mlddt~aged matrons from Memphis, schoolteachers from Stillwater, farmen f r o m Fresno -they walk up and down the !treet.s, shopping, seeing the old courtyards, pok- IJig around. They get awfully tired. But this year. they're walk· Ing less end seeing more . New types of vehicles are zipping around the French Quarter, giving sightseers an altemaUve to blisters and fallen arches. B a t t e r y-powered carts decorated lo 'look like fancilul carnival floats and three- wheeled pedicabs have joined taxis, hone carriages and buses in giving tourists some respite from those blocks and blocks of h4nt pavement . Advocates of the electric carts and l eg-powered pedicab$ soy they fit !Ji with thd Old World almoephere and don't pollute tbe environment. "They are quiet, odorless ai'ld completely without any cauae to disturb peilple;· Max HUI says of the carta he rents. "They cut down on pollution and help preserve the old bulldings belJig &baUn up by buses," Thomas Baumler Jr., says of bis pedicabs. The noise, fumes and con. gestion ca~ by motor vehicles has become ao intense lo the French QuarW that t)le city bu turned its leading tourist attractiOns -Jacbon Square and Bourbon Street - into pedestrian malls. Vehicles are entirely barred from Jackson Square and !Is environs. Bourbon Street is open to pedesuiam only between 7 p.m. and 3 a.m. Official Rates Safe, Sound Don't meddle with block market money when traveling. The Air Transport Associa- tion advised U.S. citizens traveling abroad to stick to the olllclal rate on fore lRJI money exchange. The asaoci:i.. lion warns that tradlng money on the black market ls a aerlous ofrense tn many coun- tries -and there abo Is a danger of being stuck wllh counterfeit. ~ • • ~ • FROM Fashion Island • Newport Beach STEREO SOUNDS OF· T ·flE HARBOR • • • . • • w,,. f I ' ' I I ' . I • ' . I I • • I • l • • • 1 • • • . . JO O~LV PILOT Taurus: ' Perceive Meanings MONDAY OCTOBER 30 By SYDNEY OMARR Gemini Is fun, puziling, scintillating and can get in- volved in unbelievable situa- tions. Geminl makes wise ~ vestments with Capricorn, can work well with Scorpio, is physically attracted to Libra and bolds stimulating disc1lssions with Leo. The two leading "horror film" stars are born under this zodiacal ~t'.!e Price and ARIES (March 21-April 11): A1oderate pace. Avoid ex- tremes, especially where work and diet are concerned. Adhere to resolutions made during tlme when you decide to help yourself to better health. Taurus and Libra persons may be involved in your affairs. TAURUS (April 20-May 20 1: Perceive actual meanings. Eschew wishful thinlling. Af- fair of heart dominates. Emo- tions tend to "take over." Key is to strive for balance. Rela- tions with children improve. Your creative endeavors rlng bell of success. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Practical matters dominate. Build, plan and evaluate. Older individual plays prom- inent role. Accent security. Heed voice of experience. Capricorn Is likely to be in picture. Take inventory. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Finish rather than begin - look beyond the obvious. Ideas click. Key Is to be en- thusiastic. C.Onfidence w i 11 follow. Special dealings in- dicated with close relatives. neighbors. Aries p e r s o n figures prominently. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Spotlight is on m o n e y , payments and collections. New approach is likely to achieve best results. Imprint your own style. Originate rather than imitate. Your sense or showmanship s u r g e a to forefront. VIRGO (Aug. ~pt. 22): You get what you want through personal effort, direct approach. Don't de leg a~ e duties. Cooperate with Aquarial. Follow through on inner feelings. Share koowledge and Impart en- thusiasm. You will win lJBRA (Sept. 23-0c\. 22): What appeared to be a deep, dark secret could tum out to be laughable. Saglttarlan is in pkture. Maintain balance and sense of humor. Accede to re- quest to wor~ behind ~nes in special, charitable proJect. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Frl""11y persuasion wins the day. Avokl being too insistent. What you want is likely to drop out of the blue. Minor obs tacles are due to evaporate. Key is to exude op- timism. Professional associate apens previoUsly locked doors. SAGrrrARIUS (Nov. 22- Dec. 21): Be ready for change, opportunity for travel and a variety of experiences. Offer is upcoming. It could lead to bigger, better things. Be receptive. Gemini and Virgo play instrumental roles. CAPRICORN (Dee. 22--Jan. 19)1 Good lunar aspect now coincides with travel plaM, penonal beliefs, religlous con- victions, publlshlng a·n d advertising JX'Ojecls. Domestic situation is accented. 'Ibere is talk about remCMtellng or change ol residence. AQUARlllS (Jao. ZO.Feb. 18): Someone may be trying to sell you proverbial bill of goods. Bring . powen o f per<:<ptlon Into play. Take nothing f0< granted. Dig beneath surface lndlcatlons. You have right to know com- plete Story. PISCES (Feb. ltl-Mareh 20): Obtain valid hlnt I r o m Aquartu message. Tate time to examine legal aspects of any propogltlon. Accenl b on relatlohl with public, special ogr.emenls and partnenblpo. Patlence now Is your ally. IF TODAY Ill YOUR 811\TBDAY you bave !1oe lel1" or humor. You are creative, -peo«rallna oeme of percepllon. U lingle, marrtqe" coold be .., bort.on. Way ls beln1 cleared for men pmluc:tlve, l'ft'ltdinl octlvlty oo ]OUT part. Married or alngle. you wlll be more oecure ll>orUy In your own home. , AND * SHOP MONtH END 9 AM TO 9 PN\..±.MASIELCHARGE OR BANKAMERICARD • . · • --·~ · Reg, SAU · ,. , Plald Cus.tt.1 Leather String Tiet. Turquoise, lrokr' Sizes ••• , , .1.4.50 $4.17 Wool Checked Sleoclcs. Grffn, Xe9, SALi fomoua Maker Wool Tw••d Pants Ncivy, Burgundy, Green. Broken Siier •••••••• , ••••••• $16.00 $12.17 famous Moker Polyester & Acrylic llend Check, Flares Burgundy and Green. Broken Sizes •••• $17.99 $13,17 Famous Molter Polyester & Acrylic Knit Slacb Burgundy, Orange, Green & Novy, Broken Slze1 •• $13.99 $9,17 famous Maker 1 OO•/. Acrylic Knit Slacks Raspberry, Grttn, Novy & Beige. Broken Sizes •.•• $15.99 $11.17 Matching C.P.O. Knit Tops Beig e, Green and Novy. Broken Sizes ............. $17.99 $13.17 'famous Mak•r Popcorn Vesh . Rust, Blue, Green. and Purple, S-M-l .. ~. $10.99 $6.17 famous Maker Long Sleeve 1 OO•/e Polyester Swecrtws. Attarted Colors. S-M.L , , •• S 1 0.00 $6.17 -R ... F...,... Maker Poly, Acrylic IMnd .Knit Si....t · Assorted Styles, Ros•, Tangerine, GoJd, La~der; White, leige, TurquoiM, Blue. traken Sit.et $17.$0 $ti.47 Velvet Shorts Arsorted Colors. Sizes 6-16 ••...•••••.••••••••.••• $13.50 Poly-wool Ilene! Hot Ptants Burgundy, Navy. Broken Sizes , •••••• $15.50 Crushed Velvet Hot Pants Brown, Navy and Orange. Broken Sizes $15.50 Famous Maket Wool Checked Culottes Navy, Orange and Gr•n. lroken.Siza $17.50 Wool Checked '~rt, Loothot-•Bolt • Navy, 0..."9<1 ond GR... -.Siza.$19.00 Plaid Skim l.eolttet String Tie. $3.17 ~.17 $3.17 · $6.17 $6.17 Orange, NQvy, lroUn Sixes ••• $21..SO $9.17 ,._ -... 100"1. Cotton ,_ """ Tie ............ $12.00 $3.17 famous Mole:• SIS· Sweaters Solids and~toner. Broken Sizes $9.00 s 11.00 Sl•.OO "'-' Maker-•-h!t- #7530 A1sorted Colon ••••• , , •• , • , •• $7 . .50 Suecfe hit #751·.t Gold luclde, Blue Gr.., , ,, ••••• $7.50 Our Mott famoUs Namel Plokf Cotd f1aret Brown, &1119, Gr""· Broken Sizes •••• $12.00 Uncut Cords Mls1e1 Siz91. AssOrted Colo11 , • · •• , ••• $13.00 ~ Polyester laYendtr. Broken Sizes $16.00 EJcutk Waisted Pelyesters ltown, Novy & Gfnn. Broken Sir:•• ••• S 1-4.00 F-1•1 Meaker S/S Twtl•eck Sw.atw 100')'. Polyestor. Auortod Colo'1. s.;.o..L $10.W ~07' '$f.17 $9.17 ' $3.47 $3.47 . $1.17 $6.17 $10.17 $5.17 $5.17 .. ••• .. Makw 100% CotNn Knits ...... 7 u.. ~---.... vr..n, Purple, Orange , , , ••••• 1.5.00 ,.._.,Maker Velvet Skirts \. A110rted ·eo1on. Siut 6-16 •••••••.•• $17.50 $3.8~ Turquth•. Broken Siz" ••• ; , •. ••,, .$1-4.50 $6.17 WESTERN BELTS .. · Broken Sizes • Limited Stock Relf~ $4.50 to $7.00 with . s2so yout choice of any western buckle $9.00.Value NOW , lromley &. Stonclard , Reg. SALE $4.49 V-Neck Sweater Lim ited Stock ...••. $13.00 $6.49 S~ Oro" Shirt ............ $5.00 & $6.00 All SPort Socks 1009/e Lambswool Solid Placket Sweater Style 1103. Limited Stock •• $16.00 $-1.00 (Skier's Special} "led, Blua, Block , , • , •• S3.00 famous Maker l>Nss Shirts Nylon Sholl (30501 S-M-L .............. $7.SO Shirt ,.,1c_ .. 10162•19) .............. $1'.00 $1.97 $5.99 $12.00 $9.00 Great Selectio", All Sl1.e1 ••••••• , ••• , •••••••• '/1 Price famous Maker Crew N.ck Shirts Sport Shirt (0043)'Li,,.ited Stock ..•.•••. SI 8.00 Solid Co&oB Only. All Siza1 • , • , ••• , • , • $7 .00 $4.17 AHAHllM Ololl.V AND MUCH MOHi famous Maker Tank Tops GreOt Setec:t}on • , •• , • 25 % Off AND MUCH MOHi AND FAMOUS MAKER BOOTS FAMOUS MAKER·•OOTS IOY'S Reg. SAU MEN'S • Reg. Style 1152 Rough Out Cowboy ••••••••• $8.95 $S.17 Style il71 8" 1ida 1ip dret1 boot ,,, .$14.95 Style 1809 Stirrup Soot .••...•.••.•••. $9.95 $6.17 Styl •152 I " ··-" · boot $26 95 S '-2 e,. l....ve J.1p •••••••• . ty .. 444 (Small Boy's) Two Tone Cowboy $14.95 $9.17 lloy's) •••..•..•.•.••.• , ••••••.•• $16.95 $10.87 Style 3191.11" 1.ip buckle dre•• boot •• $26.95 Style 2994 !Small Boy's! ••••• , •••••• $14.95 $9.17 Style 919S 12" buckle dra11 , ••.•••• $24 .95 llay'•l Rough Out Cowboy .•...••.•• $16.95 $10.17 MIN'S Style 9501 (Small Boy'•I ••••••••••• ,$14.95 $9,17 Style 2110 M_,,•1 cowboy boot •••••• $24.9.S ~~s) Strap Boot •· ••• · · · · · ·' •• •• .Sltt.95 $l0.87 Style 2227 ~ock cowfllda ham911 •••• $Al.DO .~'Y~!~'!.T , ........ 1~~r.--·-'" \r ·S~'4.g~-.1 ,~fi14irf.l .c.:tJlll 12225 Ha"'••• boat •••••••••.••• $43.00 Rag, HI '°' Tw. -Nylon lock Pock Tent $2•. 95 :&od« Hldn9 ......... -........... $20.95 Opttmus ledc,.ck., Stove 10 •••••••. $9.95 Col..,,_ Dehuce PMk & frame •••••• $A'4.ll c.i.-a1 •· coo1 ............... $12.99 Col..,... ,.,._ OrWdte fot Co11p Stow-$1.99 c,1.,..._ ,..,., le 11em, DouMe ...._ • .-. , • • •••••••••••••• S' '4 .I I SALi $19.11 $13.11' $6.11 $21.97 $9.11 $6.11 $12.11 AND ColenMin 3000 to SOOO ••o. Catdlyttc Ho-................ $29.95 loat CusMon • , ••• , • , ••• , • , •••••••. $3.98 •. ' $6 9 Army; llanket1 • • •. • ••• , , , , • , , , , • • • • .9 Dunk 11ag •...•••••••••••••.•••••••• s1 .. A9 , .. , ... , ••• ••••••••••••• •••••••••• $1 .99 ~Zip,...""""' ... 30'22 ...... $6.99 T~ T-i..t-.... :: ......... $9.9S f ~ ~ V.C.,....I •••••••• $10;95 --• SAU $16.17 $11.17 $11.17 $16.17 $16.17 $29.17' $29.17 SAii $26.11 $2.61 $4.11 $1.21 $4.11 $6.11 $1.11 , SRlc Screen T·Shlrt1 • , •••• , •• , •••••• , .$5.50 famous Maker Socks , •• , ••• , •••••••• S 1.50 $1.75 famous Maker Cord Shirts $3.U 17c 97c (Costd Mua Only) ••.••••• , •••••• , •• $9.00 $4.47 Famous Maker Straw Hats Up To , ••••••••••• so•;. Off Famous Maker Crew Neck Shirts W/Applique , .••••....•. , , , ,, •• , ,, • $7.99 $.3.17 Crew Neck hoollall Shim ..... , ..... SS.•9 $3.17 l.oftg Sl-e Wolhoce loory .......... SS.•9 $3.11 Mufti c;.tor l.oftg -· Crew Shirt .... $•. 99 $3.11 locly Shirts Special SatKtio--Up to ••••••••••• so91. Off •AND MUCH Mi>llll FAMOUS MAKER SHOES 1 ... Style 1144 Sueda and ltathar dress shoes $25.95 Style 1146 Su.de a"d ltather dress shoe. $25.95 Style 714&.cifOlin'".t"lelJ •••••••••••• $21 .95 . ., Style 429 Leather high top 'dms shoe •• $32:9.S Style 430 D~tt 1-«n l ... thor shoo , , , ,$32.9S OOR •ESJ BOOTS Style 1240 Pull on' boOt ............. $3.j,9$ Style 4640 Chukka boot .•••••• , ••• , • $24.95 . ' Ladles Style 1040 Chukka boot •••••• $20.95 Sunshine Sanftls (Gros1 Moh) , ••••• , • $4.50 · IOCRATH SANDALS . . Style 401 •.••••• ,, ,, ••••••••••••• $15.95 Style 414 ••••••••••· ••••••• , ••• ,,$16.95 Style 421 • ,, •••• •••••• , •• ,, • , •••• $16.9S Style 432 • ,, •••• ,, ••••• .-. .... , ••••• $17.95 Style 447 , • , ••••••••••••••••••••• $18.95 SAU · $17.17 $17.17. $15.17 $22.17 $22'.11 •$24.17 St7.17 $14.17 $2.17. $10.17 $Tl.17 $11 .17 $13.17 $14.17 HARYARll'-TOU llllllll HT Ro9; $1.49 •6 .. AllOllAllH NllTIOAllD '3 .. TIN IS RACms ' 1 ... Rod Laver World Ace ••• , •• , •••• , • , , • , .$9,95 Chemold Margaret Court, Alumlnu11 •• , • • ,$26.95 Rod Lav9r Au1traUo • , •••••••• , , •• , , •• $10,95 Wil1on t ill'e Jeon ~,. ••• , ••••••••••• ,$1S.9S Spalding Pondlo GoMaltt ............ $19.95 WU.on Cllff l kh.., 1Mni ..... , : ....... $26.U _, Rellw llc-loy'o a. Girlo.,.,.,, ••• ,. ~ .... ,.. ...... ht •.••...... $17.99 . ------·-- SAii $5.11 $11.U $6.11 $10.11 $14.JI $19.11 $5.n $15,11 • .. •• ' . ' f J 'I • DAILY PILOT Sundq, Oe.-2', 1972 -'------ ·Rams Face Tough Test ·At Oakland Trojans Sputter Past Oregon, 18·0 ' * * . : OAKLAND (AP) -The io. ~ Rams ... ()lllllM'Roldon, -trying lo liolllll' .............. u.r bold In 11e1r,,., :1 w~~. _._....,. ...... __ Brllins BUtz Haple·ss Cougars, 35-2Q qortm wllaf to espocl fn1111 their ailing quu1erbldcl, Dor71e IArnaolca wlll be throwlna for {tie Raiden alttr mlMlng out Oil a llRable cbwlk ·of practice becall!e of a ""1fle In bf& back sustained against Denver Jut Sunday. Roman Gabriel ol tbe Rams lou,a aore j>USlng elbow that two bollta with ilur(ecm and 1n acupuncture tteatmeit ljave lltlped bUt not cured, but coach ,,_m• Prothro aaya It seems to be Jm. ~ 1' Oakland, S-2-1 In tbe American Con-lerence West, IJ a 1Ugbt favorite to get tbe victory It' needs to be auym1 or re- lalning Ila division lead over Kanuo Clly, ty, S-3-0. Los Angelea, f. H In tbe Natlooal Coolerence West, Is lrylng to keep ahtad of AUanta, 444: • ' , ' ' The Ralderit tieat tilt Rama 34-9 In aJi .exhibition game last Aucuil and bold a S: ' ., ·use,. Rallies'· , . For Three 'IDs In Second Half · _ EUGENE, Ore. (AP) -Top<:anked Southern Ca!Uornla, Its offense stalled by !line fumbles lhoot looN aopbonitft Aolllony Davis twice on long touchdown l'UllJ In Ille thtrd period Sl_turday an'cl 1he unbeaten Trojano llavped Oregon, 11-0, ~. Paciflc.8 Conlerea football pme., Davis went 43 yants for Ibo TrOjane' first -willl 8:06 left In the tltird period;. A.bout •two mlnut.. lalet, .tbe ... fool.f lallbeck from Sen """8n<fo, ou!nicecl Ille Ongon def-for a 115- yaid"sccring run. • " ' -Ott TV TlNfa,· . fl 'll!e two qulci; """""· 1lflkl> boooted ! &>llbern Cal to I'! µth atral"1I victory ~ Cll•••el·2-et J •""1!iast-~Juxtalt«Oregon ' . qu~ Dm! F--belpe'd from ji~e In. three prese-meetings. _ the &Id With ., !DJured left - , Ookland COiie!> Johll Madden said the'' Until' Davis, wllo lecl --with "llai<len were wwttng m their poising 206 yards In' rwhlllg, plcted up two quJct game primarily when lhey •. played the touchdowns, It had bem a llOlll'elesa tie Hamil in Mlpll. but ldiil; "Sanday ... 'II for aJniool 40 l)llnutel. run quite a lilt more." • A ralJHoated artlllctal turf eopeclally :,Tiie Rains, -beat ClnclnnaU a-12 In ~ the USC olleme, whk:l! losl alJ: IIie lasl couple of llCOllCls 1as1 --of Ille fumbl ... )'hlle the Raiden were htJnc upset by Southem OaJ, 5--0 Jn Iha mnl......,. and ~-Denver !lnlllCOO, 30-23, have bad an 9--0 overall, lost three ol Ille m fUmbles ~roll;.:". Geddes la sidelined In the first ball, C>08llJV the Trojans two WUh a brotm left leg and olfemlve posslble toud>dowm. UCLA Notch~ Seventh Win; .. Harmon Stars UJS ANGELES (AP) -Quarterback Mark Harmon threw two touchdown passes, James McAJister ran for two other scores end the ninth-ranked UCLA Bruins romped w a 35-20 victory Satur-- day over Washington State iD a Paclfi61 football game, • The Bruins, who entered tbe game !II the nation's No. 1 rushing team, averag. Ing :111.7 yanls per game, ran up DI yanla and upped their record to 7-1, Jn. eluding 4-0 In the Pac:ll, The Cougars' attempt at a ball contrOI off~e was marred by four fumbles On the sunny afternoon as they fell to 2-Z lfl.. the conference and 5-3 overall. ' McAlister's two.yard smash off riibt tackle on fourth down produced .. game'• r.-.t touchdown 4:53 Into the .OC. ood quartu and UCLA ne...-trailed .• 'M1e 205-poond junior raced :ZZ yarda for another touchdown and Harmon capped a 21·polnt second-quarter surge with aJJ. yard pass to Bobby Ferrell. Washington State, coming out_ in a power-I oUerurive formation, waded through the Bruins for eight first clowDo on the ground In the flnt period but a fumble by Steve Hamilton at the UC'lJA. 19 baited the Cougars' first opportunity. lP!lld Joe Scibellt bad a hlp bnilse wbJcb Quarleltact Mike Roe, nailed for, 29 fuMe him a fioubtlul llar1er b1Jt the mt yanll In i-. In the half, luni>led four ol !lie Rams /'le ready. ' times and o..g.. recover"!! lhl'l'O of . ' U,IT ........ UCLA QUARTERBACK>MARK 'HARMONiROLLS OUT AGAINST WASHrNGTON STATE. Quarterback Ty Paine went to the air to get the Cougars on the ~ completing siJ: ol nine posses to beat the balltime clock, 1be lasl wu a 17·yard screen pass with Ken Grandberry CU· rying over for the tnuehdown. Prntbro hlis predi<ted lils oomewbat them. -~d!!b w.!!Lbe _up lor,_the ~Oll~~on! IHI last .!Wiien because they can "get uo for the -weelo, · foe a first 8<!dd teams," ' , • ~ toudiilowD. ' 'r.,.. Raiders veterans, quarterback But ofter readllng the USC six, Oregon George Blanda who IJ· In bf& Zlrd aeaaon aophomore ballbeck Oreaaer Brown '""1 ~ter Jim Otto who ts In bf& 13th, fUmbled the ball Into Ille end zooe and each will have played in 175 coosecutive Southern Cara Eddie J<Jh:Json recovered. ~if they see action today. Southern Cal,-.only two ooolerence vic- Tl>ia -id move them Into lourtb l<ries away from a Rooe Bowl invitation, f>I-on the NFL all-time list In the t!reat"""1 to """"' twice In the seco"1 Qltelory, a game ahead o1 former San quarta-bot both drtvee were baited by l"l'aDc:bco 49er Leo NomelllnL fumbles. .. Chargers Clash Sodbern Cal-moved to the Oregon 17 early in Ille aecmd quarter on a drive featuring Rae's poss to tight end <barlos young covering '!/ yonla. However, a boldinl penalty plli1ed the W'th K Ci~ Trojans back, and cme ol Rae'a five IPJ1Saf , > 1flllnblp ill.Ille game -USC nlno more I • Cm-l .!; "T,~1r "".:l~' ~ c\i drive mded on ll Clal ut 11rstcdilwn'ar t11e 0regon one -.11en Rae's $\N j)lf:GO (AP) -'!be Bah Diego Chargeia, 8bd Klmsas .City O!le!J bave each lost three ol;lheir !lrsl alx games, mid In the Amer!Can Football Oooference 'A;eol, tliat llSllOllY means, "wall till next ~." !l\11 tilt two struggling leama.are stW In Ille conference race going fnto tlltlr meeting here today. The Chiefs, 3--3, are a baH game bel>nd llnli>lace Oekland, S.!-1, while the Chargers are another half game behind at U-1. ' , 0 I can't explain tt," uys Chargers c!oach Harland Svare ... Maybe the com~ pelWoo ta getting tougher ... A. ie... charitable explanation might be made In llgllt ol last -'>'• games. • wtaCh the Chargers were overwbebned ,by, Detroit, :!f.20, the ChiW stimned by fbiladelphia 21·20, and' the I Ralllefs <!\lllped 30-23 by the last-place Denver t~· who trail San Diego by ooly a game. ' llushies R~t Cal fumllle waa recn....ect by UO defomlve taclde Art Wel>b. '!be Trojam bad taken over 'al the Duelm' :II alter a pm! by Oregon's Bob Palm went ooly 19 yards, 1be Trojans bad another -to scoce just before the ball. Fouls, passing from the Ongoo' two, bad Ille throw Jn. terceplod by USC's delellllve back Chick Hinton at the UO 12, Rae, attempting In 11lrow oo third down, fumbled and ~·· Greg Jlroo. ter!Jnus r<COVered al the Zt, ..... .... " ' • ,. ' --,ff "i?i-,!, Ex-L~a Beach Star ' Intercepts Three Passes · SEA1TLE -Fonner Laguna Beach Washington had drtveo to the Cal 18- l!igb star Steve w1 .. bowskl Intercepted yard line al the end ol the ftnl period lbi<e passes Saturday and Glen Bonner but gave up the hall when Wlezbowlld'• ~ for 106 yarda as the Washington 4S-yard field goal attempt wu wide. Huskies defeated ~~ornla, 35-21, In ~ Deon arterbact Steve Barllowskl l'ac\fi0:8 ,Conference foolbell game, bit= Jor 10 Y""'8 but a play later, ,Bo'nner, rushing total was Ibo highest was lnterc<pted by ex-Oolden West for any Huakie this aeuon. College"star Tony BomrelL On the• ...!rt Cal's Sieve Sweeney caughl three , . play Collins teained With Scott Loolrils toaChdown passea to tie a achool record,.. 1 for ~ 3'1-yard touclXloWb. Jor a game. That al&0 gave him a sea5011 Min lat punt by the Bean' Bill record of eJght touchdowns. utts er a · Greg Collins. capltallzed on a pass In-Annstr<ibi! was blocked by MmiibY tercepUon and a b1ocked punt for McFarland and .the Huskies took over on Wublngton'• first two acore1. But the '.Ille Cal 10. ,Collil>I next hit IAlther Sllgb aehlor replacement for SON1Y Slxklller, .for the touChdown. who missed the game with an injured Cal · came right back w be n 1tnee hurt bf& left shoulder lale in the W'U!Obloksld'• kick squibbed oat on the tjrst 'half and played no more. Bear 36 and Bartkowski connected with , Sweeney for a Sf.yard touchdown. Top Collegiate 'Football Scores U()lj,\ S5, Wublnglon State 20 USC 11, 0recon O ~17, ()rep .... 11 Wlllllllc!on 35, ClllfotDla 21, Olllo Staie .. w-. ~ Dama 11, Texat Qrlitlao 0 ~ io Colon•lol7 !letwuta ii, Oklaboml Sllte t' ' 1A1r Force 39, Arlmna Stlte 31 Alnblma 48, SOuthem MIMlulppl IL With four minutes lett, Wiezbowaki io- lercepled a Bartkowski pass on the Cal 12. Dennis Fitzpatrick, reploclng Collins, catrled over from the three ftiur' piay1 laler. Early In the low-th quarter, klcl<ei"Sklp Boyd tumbled the center 1111)> ud CallfOll'll ~ .. the Ti'llfUllClaO tight. Qurterllodl Jay CnDe f"""1 8""'"'1 open ror the touchdown poa. The Hmtles, with -plctlns up g~ ,....., and Pola,.._..-· tnl'away fOl''ll yardl, -~~ in tettn ~r the next They ~~ ~..!...~ later -Gor<l\r """"' w--""'11, Cnae -00 tbe Cal ti and nn Jn for the acore. Utah Hunting- lt's'Like Being In California Hunting deer In utah bas long captured the lmaginatliJo of . the frustrated California nimrod who more often than not bas come home with sore feet, pol.son oak or mosquito bites alttr vainly seek· Ing bis prey in our ~ utab olftra·"""' f!"I., poiaon ~111111 mooqulto biles, too. But fl a1ao • falrj,y good cbance Ol>!lll(ging a d...-- a goOd ilr.ed one, at that. Qiances ol even seeing a bUck in Qilifomla are more r& WHITE WASH mote .. each -...... and g<>e!. inaklng bunting bore 1... p1ees1ng and eurel1 Jess rewarding. • - h "'"'1s .tllal-ulah ha .i.oGigb1 11Pelo Qdlfornla .. bein&"• l<llllWhll ,rlal:y .... for lmntm. ~Is, °"" has tieeD sbcit lo death, five, haft been ......ied, three have died,lrom heart at· taclm a'nd, OIJO was tilled wben· his jeep , rollOd 700 feet-down.a _,,,taln In the first week-of the season. And, i:esJ4enls are having p-oblems with l')lnl'. complaining that hunters were shooting at their homes, catUe, ilflP, ~le. Ah. yea. California bunting atmosphere ts Indeed catching on In Utah. · 'l1ile mystery of Geol'ge Felletl la al Jan IOlvecl -we llope. Follell II IL defemtve f-player al tbe ~ 1Y of ~ ~ ud la llllecl ID the SC 1ft81 plde u bavlq played 11 Hanllopll Beadl mp. The pWo f1lrtfler •11 IUI. Dave Hollud wu Folldl'1 JftP coadl, Addhlg ta -• Saeta Ana poper taW , FttlleCt ,.... a ttar at Newpon Jlartlw llJA. AD ~ since Bollalld baa 'Ti!r. '*""·•I CGnoa dd ~ llJ&b. . 1 l'llet repen.n olleck\ld,>11 "'' •~4'aJ folldl playecl al Oraep <J.a ODllOge ud did INK perftnn ltr ""' ·of lbe ~1· Coast -bl&ll -. -lie lhiDll<necl la from~­ Nivy -y ID Clrhbad. ~ ~ ~ Granl Gelker has returned to the areo. 'M1e lonner All-OF (ootball .star at Newport Harbo!' lllcb baa enrolled at Golden West College. A baclt Injury pret· ty well lbeJv,c( Cltlket'I lootl>oll eoreer at tll! University of Colorado ao be'I lmuckllnc down to sllldles ud wort1n1 Oil bis future, I Pamhele Wins Title PANAMA. PallllDI -&jd ,,.,..... ol Colombia _,,i I IOllMli\lnd - over AllOlllO Fruer of "-• .i '""1 lbe '""" Janl!lr weltmNlfllt l>Qxlng eha1ll(Jlonlbll> Saturday ntpl. PamM!e welglled 138\t and Frazer 119. ' • Knudson Leads It Trevino Plays 9 Holes, Then Qui"8 Tournament LAS VEGAS (AP) -Streaking Cana· dian George Knudaoo, seeking bis second victory in as many weeks, !b>rmed into a threl><hot lead In the thtrd round of the • f!35,llOO Sahara Invltatlcn .gp!! touma- menl -Y bot ""' ~ by the, . •tn;al>t _and unaplalne4depar111te ol,L<e ~. ihe British Opeo cbamplon 'ar.d deltndlng UUe bolder here, stomped off · the· Sahara·Nevoda Country -Club course after playing cmly nine holes· of the third round and report.clly left town without a won! to tournament officials, It Is possible that he will face dl8dpllnary action from the tournament players division ol the PGA. "111 make a report to the com- missioner Joe Dey or New York-and then the matttt will be In bis bands," said TPD tournament supervisor Wade Cagle. 1be IRlljrlaing Knuclsoo, meanwhile, flashed over the 8,IOO-yard desert layout in a aiJ:-<mder par 6S to aweep put Arnold Palmer and Into the leld with a 201 total Just M In the Kaiser 0peo 8 week ago tn NaJl&i Calli., PaL-ner led Knudson for f/le ltrst two ~ before the Clnadian Invader swanned IJilo the 1eac1.· Krwdson won the Kaiser for hlJ !lrsl tooir .victory In nearly two yeal'L Rookie Lanny Wadklnt was-alOIJO in aecond after a 70 for 20!. The 43-ye&Mld Palmer, who shared the lead the !lrsl two roonds, coold do no better than match par 71 and .Upped back to third place with a 205 total, four strokes away. 1be obvlOUlly disturbed Palmer, In the mfdst of • 1knooth victory c1rought, bogeged the 17th hole and had to acram- ble to salvage par live oo the final hole after driving Into a lake. At 2.06, seven wlder par and very much in contention, were veteran Art Wall, ' LEE TREVINO Hale Irwin aod Lee Elder, Wall bad a 71 while Elder and Irwin matched 67s. Jack Nlcklaas, ""-of'lU Utles this season and the J>f'Ml>w'ney favorite, cookln't get lll)'thlng going. 'M1e U.S. Open and Maste(I ch4mplon blew to a 73 and was well back at 208. Trevino, woo was efgbt ahota off the pace when the day's play started, went four over par on the first !lb: holes, finished out the -and left. "He just said, 'I'll see you guys tater•," said Chuck Q>urtney, one of Trevino's playing porlnent. "He'd said earlier In the day tbat he just hadn't ~ for this tourna- ment." "I've had it," was 'l'revinG's only com- ment be/ore he left the coune, muttering to no ooe 1n parUcular. After Paine bit Hamilton for aeven yarda and another touchdown early In tha third quarter, making the score 21-12, Harmon faked the option nm and tract star Brad Lyman ran 10 yards be~ Cougar defenders, He hauled In Harmon's pass for a 53-yard touchdown play and a 18-IZ edge alttr three periodt Reserve fullboc:k Cbarlle Scbulimonn scored on a !:I-yard run for UCLA eidY In the fourth quarter alter Hamll~'I third fumble of the game gave the baD kt the Bruins at the WSU 40. Harmon ran"tt yards to set up Sctu1hmami'1 ICOl'e. The Cougars came back foe eight points oo Granberry's tlree-yard nm and a conversion run by Paine. Harmoo, namod olfeo.slve player of Iba game, completed five of. eight P8S9el for 145 yanls and ran 55 yanla In 7 carrlel. McAllster added llO yarda on the ground and ball-back Kermit Jobnoon bad 81, In- cluding a 46-yard rim jllst before McAlister ran for his 9eCOnd touchdown. 1be Cougars gained 235 yarda on Ille ground, getting l%Z from Hamll too on Z8 carries and 116 from Granbeny In H trips, Wasblngtoll State's Paine kept bis team on ' the ground until the &eCOlld quarter and be wound up completing 17 of 28 ~ for 22S yards. Altboogb Wasblngtoo State bad the bell most of the first quarter, they cooldn~ score and UCLA'• Effren Herrera ns short on 54 and SZ.yard field goal at.. tempts, '. Tackle Rieb Gunther, named def= player ol the game, recovered biJ: fumble ol the game from Hamilton .., the llrst play ol the """""" period. no Bruin.! then marched 52 yanla In It plays, Harmon gaining a key first "°"'1 with a nlne-yanl option nm, be!~ McAllster collected the touchdown, . _ ,- -~ Dul111e Gains Front Row Fined ·Race of Can-A m Se ries Set Today HIVERSIDE (AP) -Old pro Denla • Hwme guJdi.r his Cbevrolet:-powen!d Team McLaren M20 over Riverside's S.3-mlle road course at 129:130 miles an ·hour Saturday to join' ·Gtorge Follmer In the front row for today'• Tlmea Grand Prllr, final race of thlt year's can-Am aerie!. Follmer, ol Arcadia, grabbed the pale In bf& Roger penu._,..i turbocharged Poncbe 917 with • lnlck n!COn1 12UM 'm.p,h. FrldoJ that llood throuP twO lnore quallfylna -salurday. Foltmor baa alftady -the Clnadlar>Amdlcall l'ball-CUp dAvJac Ullo, Wlonlni lour ~ oat of the eJPI nm '° far In tho -for lbe Gniap 7 oporta nclng maclllnel. , Illa teammate, -i>olll !GO 1'fD. ner Mark -of-· 9q-. Penn., qulJllled bf& Porocbe 917 third, good for tbe Inside opot oo the IOCOOd ""', with a clocking of 118,683 Friday. Team McLaren wound up sbartng the !Int two ""'s with the P<>nebes aa Peter ReVIOft of Redondo Beach pogted the fourth laJtell opeed wllh a run of 118.551, Althouah England'• Jackie Oliver WU IUlh f-In the bockup UOP --121 ... m.1>h., be elected to llart the,_ at Iha back ol the Skar field In bf& -Shadow, ... pow,ered by • I~ Qemlel'mg!ne that ... -- nm ID Q!llli6lu. ~~ MUI ~blttt Of-took flftll opoi ,,!'I IJ5.154 m.p.b. la PondlrJ17. ' , The It 111.knllo ha 17',GOll In -· • I i f ' ' ' • ' ' • • I ; • ' t t • i l • ' ' • i • • ? .. .... ~ -· - DAILY PILOT SUftdQ, °"'""' 29, 1972 Pirates Humble Hornets, 30-7 ourth Win . Row, 5-2 :t.QS ANGELES -Los Angel" '1· ~ for four goals In the first period • rookie Don Kozak drilling two of as the Kings made it four victories row with a S.2 National Hockey e victory over Pittsburgh Saturday win, which equaUed. a club record i: years. ago, moved Los Angeles 't second place tie with Pittsburgh in Western Di vision, each with 10 ..-int&. • Kauk. a 2G-year-0ld right winger. got -be Kings off to a 1-G lead at 8:48 of the ant period with his second goal of the teason. Less than seven minutes later he Ffiled his third marker of the campaign .-a rebound past Cam Newton who had ~ been called up from Hen.bey of the O\merican Hockey League. FiUsburgh Lied it 1-1 et 9:20 on Ken hinkel's seventh goal of the season but ph Backstrom boosted the Kings into ~ on a power play goal, h1s fifth or :G~son. t--: • """ "!{$§EN, Germany -Bob Lutz of Los ~ used a powerful service in beating Ismael El Sh&lei of Ule United Arab Republic, 7~. IH In a semifinal match ol the West German pro le.mis tou'rnament Saturday. Lutt' opponent in today's final will be Nikki Pille ol Yllgtl6!avta, a ~ 6-3 ,emifmal wlnner over Cliff Richey of San Arcelo, Te1:. . . "" PARlS -Americans Jim >.toManll! of Berteley and Brian Gottfried of lt1iami Beach were eliminated during the second round of the French indoor t e n n i s tounMnnent Saturday. 1t~us was beaten by France's Jean Me)'9', :H, IH, 7-5, wl1ile Gottlrled forfeited his match to Jen-Claude Barclay, BJ10ther Frenchman. "" .• ~ OETROrr -Earl Lloyd was released Saturday night as Detroit Pl!t-Ons' coach and replaced by hl.s former assistant Ray Scott. Pistons general manager Ed Coil an- "'nounced the change. • "Something had to be done," Coil said. •mungs have not been going the way they should for us." LloYd, himself a former Pistons player and. coach, became head coach last November after Bill van Breda. Kolff's 'i'ellgnation. He Jogged an w'limpre.s.sive ,. "°"50 record for the season's balance, '...td'Uoyd teed the team to a 7·1 emibilion ~ thb fall, but hadn't been able to > Wet UDtracked for the regular season. •• S.Ott will be tbe loth Plaloo beads .. coacb since the team came to Detroit in 04967. By DENNIS CAMPBELL Of .. .,.., ......... Orang• Cout Cdlego used a glant-slz. ed delenslv• eHort and oome bl( plays both ollensively and defensively to bumble Fullerton. 30-7, Satul<lay nl&bl. Tbe host Pirata bpi --in contention for tbe South Cout Coo· rcrence football Ut!e with a l·l record while once-miahty Fullerton Is virtually eliminated from the race with M 6-2 lllBJ'L FUiierton's cnunbllng foolbail dyoallly apparenUy bas reached rock bottom and it was a 111mblin8, bwnbllng team that proved loeffective agalnsl Orange COUt. Steve Monahan started things off with a 40-yard punt rtlum for a flnt quarter Stanford Bags 17-11 Victory Over Beavers STANFORD ('°'P) -Stanfon! rallied quickly from a 3-0 halftJme deficit and held on to defeat Oregon State 17-tl Saturoay in a game highlighted by 11 punts. After a sloppy first half in wtrl.ch there were 10 punts and eight pmia!Ues, Stan- ford scored early in the thlrd period on an ll·yard pas& from Mike lloryla to split end Miles Moore. Tbe Cards ocored egaln less than three minute! later on a 10-yard run by John \Vlnesbmy Wbkb WU oe! up wllen Stanford recovered an Oregon State fumble at the BM.vet 23. Stanfml finished Its acocing late in the thin! quarter on a 37-yard field goel by Rod Garcia. Garcia, .mo led the nalioo in field goals last year es a IOpbomore, set a Stanford career reoofd cl 22 field goals with that kick. Midway throogb the final period freshman quart.ert>8ck Steve Gervais scored the Beavers' only touchdown on a 17-yard run in which he broke numerous tackles. In lhe last fw.e minut.es Oregon State started drives at its own 40 and 48 but lack of an effective pass~ game crip- pled the ollease. On the Beavers' final drive Stanford safety Randy PolU intercepted a Gervais pass at mid.field am returned it to the Oregon Slate II. Stanford easily ran oot the l.ast minute and hall, using up time instead of trying seriously to score. For more than baU the game it looked .. though Stanford might be In kl< Ule biggest upoet of its P~ Conlerence ..... •. touchdown and Benoy Rlcmlo llnllhed It up for the Pirates with bis Jl'fard field goal In tbe thin! period. In betweeo Onnge Coast eamed points on a ff.yard touchdown -from Alvin While lo Monahan, a scbool-.-rd 44- yanl field goal by Ricardo, I 31-ylnl Ri<Ardo '1cl: and a th,...)'llrd plungo by Rici: Hartsfield. Ricardo's 44-yard effort ecllpaed Bob Ryder'• 43-yarder set in 1969 and hla tm.e f!eld goal5 In tbe game brob his own rec:ord of two set last aeuon. Oran&• Coast broke early and f..-ced the jlomels Into a passing gama and then held Fullertoo passers to nine com- pletions In 32 attempts. Quarterbacl: Mike <llwdtnrd, •ho kept tbe Plral'8 off belance with bis - o<>d half running, completed Just one pasa In the first hall. Fnllbman Steve DeBerg moved the Horneta to an appon!lli _. In the ...,. and quarter, but a boldlng penalty nullified Eric Luginbill'• touchdown nm and DeBerg's next pasa was lntercefXed in the end zooe by linebacker Bob deLancellottl. DeBerg bad his first i..., -on the finl two Fuller10n pla,I ol the aecond hall lnten:epled bf Ken Wamn and Ken Sblbata, leadinr to Rleanfo'a 44-yarder and Hart.sfield's touclxlown. WhJte, meanwhile, picked FUllerton's dd-&port with IS mmpletlona In 24 pasa alltmptl for 111 yards. l"lvo of bis -"""t to Monahan for '15 Yards u both men cmllmwl tbe.1t assaUlt OD the °'""'" Qmt -book. It WU the Plrala' defenae, thoqh, whldl Iocled lite pme up. 'Ibo team'• ...at polnl In prevloua games, the defensive unit atq>ped <llllldlward and DeBerg !or -alz llmea. Once tbe ..,at feand Junior coll'i' football t..111 In the stale, Fullerton Is M oo the """""'· !All :r-the Hornets manaie<I to end the .....,. with a ao-ao rH rocord. Saturday ni(lll'• heating was the worst See Buct Page C4 Rustlers Move Into First After Easy 29-13 Triumph By BOWARD L. HANDY Of tH Dllllr Plttt Slfiff Golden West College moved Into a tie fW' f!rlll place In the Southern calllomla Conference, football flag chas• Saturday nlgbl by pummeling cros.o-county rtval Cypres.., 29-U, ln a rugged contest played on the Buena Park High field. The Rustlers' victory coupled with an IS-13 win for Santa Monica over Los Angelea City College and a victory for Rio Hondo over East LA, 28-13, left the top spot in a three-way tie. Golden West, LACC and Rio Hondo are all S.1 In Ule standings with the Ru!tlers moving to Santa Monica (2·2) Saturday night for a crucial game with the C.Onairs. In the struggle for the top spot before .season's end, Rio Hondo must face both LACC and Golden West wblle LACC and the Rustlers have already met with tbe Cubs posting a victory. In Saturday night's struggle at Buena Park, Golden West went about victory In a methodical fashion in the first half. scoring a pair of touchdowns in each of tne first two quarters, then resting on a 37-yanl field goal by Brett Whlte In the """"1dhalf. It was a rough game from beginning to end with the Chargers assessed 147 yards on pena]Ues and the Rustlers 84:. Rick Rice, Golden West's potent tailback, exploded for 90 yards on the ground ta move into second place in the all-time GWC rushing record book. He also acored two touchdowns on runs oC one and 10 yards to give him four suc· cesslve games with a score. The record is sil straighL Randy Cobb also moved ahead In the record Btats by nabblna a touchdown pass of 42 yards from B!II Cornelius and another aerial for 15. He moved ahead of Mike Shaughnessy and Is """"1d to Ran· dy Valsba on Ule all·lime receiving list. Bob Kaiser set up Iha flrst GWC score Saturday night when he returned I punl 31 yards to Ule Cypresa 29. Tbnle plays later Rice went over from the one with WhJte's conversion attempt was ~· Aller Dick Ferryman lntttoepled a pass al tbe Cbargers' 28, Cornelius hll Gary Hernande< for a IZ·yard tc0rfng strike and threw to Pat Thorpe for a twir point coovenloo with 4:22 left in Ule first period. The third GWC score came aft.er Hernandez was tackled while auempUng to catch a pass before the ball arrived, Titans Win, 27-13 Quarterback Rod Graves nm for two touchdowns -and passed for another to spark Cal State (Fullerton) to a 27-13 California Collegiate Athletic As!ocia· lion football victory ov~ Cal Poly Pomona Satur1fay night Graves ran in scoreboard markers from Ule 13 and 4>-yard lines. The victory leaves the ntans with a S-2 season mark and 2-0 in CCAA ac· tion . Cal Poly Pomona is 4-3 and 0-Z. COilini Cypresa 47 yards In penalty yardage to the 10, Rice circled left end (or the score on the neat play. Kai.tier intercepted another wayward Cypreb..,er!al lo set up Ule final score with Comellua burling the bomb lo Cobb for 42 yards and a touchdown with 47 aeconda left In the hall. "~ ,_ 1"11T•ro ...... Ml'\lnltr Hll'IOfOM Ht•11•ndel Tottl1 Vtnd•v•r Hiiimen ··-Htrnm9i"loll M-y Ctl'IMn-111 om Tot1l1 CorMllVI HIM IOM llllflM• Hl11!Nll Ct~l"llll .,, TD11l1 ~· •TATllTIC• ,,. .... " • " • ' I I ., PAlllNG W....Wnt .. .. " • ' ' " • ,,,_ • ' " " I I " " •w " • • .. ... "' .. ... ~ l/O " " ,,. " " " • "' ' • • • .. "' "' v "' "~ ll.11'1 '" ..... 1~1J ,., ""ti . .. • •• 0 o.o IJ :S.I 0 5.0 ' .. ,, 4.3 ' ... " .1 •• • ... • • •• • ... l ... • •• " u ... ,. .... l " .... • .. .... ' "' .... I " ... ' •n ... • " .... ' "' .... DAVE MARRINER Laguna Star Out for Season With Injury Laguna Beach High'• A 11 ·Or an c e League candidate Dave Marriner has been Jost ror the seuon followlnl the Arllals' 23-1& loss to Valencia ritday night. The naihy 5-9, 157-pound aenkr run. ning back suffered e broken collar bone on tile third play of the game and ended up with four yard.I net ·In three carries for coach Hal Akins' Artists. • Thus, MaJTinei's one.year stlnt ·with ltle'Artlsts netted I08 yards In n oarr1ff for a 1.~~ per carry avenip and fourtoucbdO-· Ills touchdown 1uns ~ for 75, 14 and 75 yards and be WU alioOQ the reCefl!ng end of I 0-yard touchdown -ftom Kelly Akins. The talented running beet's best pme as an· Artist ·waa In the 34-32 triumph over El Dorado. ID that one·lle corrled 10 lim.. fof 217 yards and I hr e e touchdowns, , Id~ Is 1 tronsler itudent fn>m Heritage High In Anaheim wbent be prepped as a freshman and 90pbomott. Ile was required to ~t out varlllty ccm- peliUoo last year due lo a ClF el!glblllty ruling. It's not the end of Marrlner'1 atb!ede career at Laguna 8eoch, however. J!(•o expected lo see action durtnr the ~ in both baseball and -k and Oeld. A> a baseball proopect he'• a rlgbt-l>an- ded pitcher and In track and Oeld ho'o ezpected to compete In the aprfnls and the long jump. Future coUepte athlettc aetion IJ n- pected to take place at either Southern Oregon College or Saddleback. •:Southwest Football :.~ . Texas Throttles .Rice; Razorbacks Win Big HOUSTON (AP) -Texas fullback Roosevelt Leaks ripped Rice's porous detense for IM yards and t w o touchdowns in the first half and then retlrM for the evening, as the 10th rank· od:~ms bwnbled the Rioe Owls, 4>- 9/' fn a Southwest Cooterence football glnie Saturoay night · 'Uab, wbo romped for 154 yards in 54 ·• CllJ'l'les last week In four quarten against • Arkansas, got his yards in only 15 carries th1s "eet and scored touchdowns on pl)ops ol 39 and 'l1 yanls, as Tena rom- ped to a 31-9 halftime lead. The Longhorns eiploded for 21 points , lft the first quarter, scoring tw1ce within f' I $6 seconds. , D!>nald Ealey capped Texas' first possession with a ooe--yard touchdown 1.0l&ma:e, Randy Braband returned an in- lefcep<ion 54 yanls lo paydlrt and Leaks _ ll!l""led his 39-yard scamper, all in tbe tint period. • ~ scored all of Its points early in Ule ~ quarter when lbe Owls' Richard • •. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~. • Today's Sports On Television · 10 a.m. (f) CL -PRO FOOT· 1 BAU. -The New England c Patriots meet the Jetl in New Y ort. New England !Ull former ; '(',olden West and Stanford st.ar ~ ~ Randy Vatafia amona with Jlm , Plunkett In the lineup agalolt the ,~· Joe Namath. , ., I p.m. (2) CL -PRO FOOT· ' ·BALL -TM Loi Angel,. Ram> ' OJeet the Raldtr1 at Oakland. (4) ' CL -PRO FOOTBALL -Tbe • Mlaml Dolphins meet the Coils In Baltimore. 4 p.m. (7) CL -COILEGE pOOl1IALL 'Ii -Game l!Jgbllgbls lodude 0 b I o Stalt-ll'liCcinlln. , -.i-Mlchlpn. Prnn Slste- West Vir.ln!L (I) CL-COILEGE l'OOTBA1.L -The Wllhlniton "tlate Oou(an vs. the UCLA Bruins ' '1n a PocllJc.l 1ame taped Salurday • ' • Jll Loi An&ela. ' J p.m. (7) CL -CELEBIUTY llOWLING (I) CL -No4H , pame Hlfhllrbts -Teus Cbrtlllten ll*lf the Flghllna lrlab 111 a pme Ttjled Saturday af Notte .t; Dame. Hollas and Steve Pruitt tackled Te:cas quarterback Alan Lowry in the end zone for a safety and Bruce Gadd hit Gary Ferguson for a one-yard toochdown pass. Texas came back with Leaks' 27-yard dash. To complete the second quarter scoring, UT's Mike Dean kicked a 50- yard field gila! with thre. seconds re- maining. Arkam .. Routs Foe LITl'LE ROCK (AP) -Arkansas quarterback Joe Ferguson completed 80 percent of his passes for 184 yards and two touchdowns and Jon Richard.son scored twice as the 18th-ranked Razorbacks breezed past wln1eu North Tex:as State, 42-16, in college football Saturday night. Fel'fUJOD bit nine of his fint 10 passis and wound up with 12 of 15 before leaving the game with four minutes left ln the third period. He booked up with Mike Reppond on a SS.yard scoring plJy and then caught Nort.b Texas in an 11-man line and lobbed a six-yard TD pass lo tigbt end Steve Hedgepeth. Bo11lor Detense Shines WACO, Tu. (AP)-Baylor'1 dol..,. set up three scores Saturilay night and the Bean held on to edge Texas A&M, lS-.13, delplte two long-range bursts by Aggies !reshmeo Carl lloaches and Er· nest Bean . Baylor led 1~ when Roaches, a 9.6- second gprlnter,~broke a punt Gt yards for the Agglea' first touchdown. Bean sprinted 54 yard• to th.e Baylor 15 as the bl.I ga!Mr ln A&M's second touchdown drlve. Brad Duaek ICOred on • ..,..yard plunge. It was the first tlme the A&M offtnse had moved lMlde Baylor'• 37-yard line. T..,_ Tula Saeli• SMIJ DALLAS (AP) -Teus Tech noseguard Donald Rlve1 led a savage defeme that 1motbtttd S o u t h e r n Methodist Saturday u quarterback Joe Bamea ll!ckty m111Uevered the Red Raldera to a 174 Southwest Conference Vlcl"'7 OV«' the Muatenco. Rl•M optariloaded In uaault that a'*"<I SMU quartertoclt Keith Bobo ... 'II -behind ll>e u... ol ICTlm-map ""1 meltod ll>e ~· heanld- ed 141.M boys -Alvin Mwon and , tr....,... Wayne M'"'.la· ..i. •• _ 8amei Id up ... """*"""' and hit nant.r Calvin JOllM with a C-yml acor- 11&.-~I pul <be pll)e; oul of mcb wflh 1:14 to l>ilY· . STATION WAGONS e Montego MX Villager ' e Marquis Colony Park e Monterey Station Wagon ..---LEASE--- Specialist In Full Meintenence Leasing ! SEE ONE • • • TRY ONE • • • BUY ONE ••• TODAY! Rome Of Tito Nrw Car • , , ''fi•We• r .. e,... 21121 HARIOR ILW~ COCTA MEIA • ll40 lldll • ' ....._ Dome Of The Nrw CU • ·, • ''fi•ltlellTMdl'" ~­/,, f a p 1 f .. Missouri Upsets Buffs; Huskers, Sooners Win COLUMBIA, Mo. (AP) -Greg Hill klcl!ell a ~yard lleld goal wlth alx ~· nmalnlnc u glant-klller ~ ~ed lta IOCOlld co.....tlve 1lplel by edging oeventb·nnked Coldl'ado, 20-17, Saturday. Ifill had missed a 27-yanler only moments earlier. A week ago, Missouri had knocked off Notre Dame. Colorado's defeat just about eliminates the Buffaloes, who cooqueced then leCOOd-ranked Oklahoma last week, from Big Eiglll title contention. Colonido, al..,. spotting Missouri a 10. point halftime advantage, came from behind twice, oeodlng Injured running back Cliarlle Davis into the second-half In. an effort to overhaul the Tigen. Davis ran three yards for Colorado's first touchdown and had a big hand in the second, ICOnld by Bo Matthews on a one- yard nm. Fred Lima's 22-yanl lleld 8081 put Colorado even the fint time, end his con- version after Matthew'• 1lx-polnter squared the game at 17·17. The Tigers piled 10 potnta Into one minute, and four secoodt of tbo second quarter. Nebraska Roi&, :U-0 LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) -Mercurial J~ R4dgers ocorod twice and · Nebnska't brulltng defense did \be ... 1 as tbe thinkanked Coniluskers whipped Oklahoma State, 34-0, tn a Big East foot- ball game Saturda,y. Rodgen took a 19-yard pass from Dave Humm for the first tc0re and ran 17 yards on a fourth..-period revf!l'Se for another toud>down against a atilf Cowboys defense which bad COl<!istently ... - INCOMPLETE PASS -Oklahoma State's Mll<e Terry (right) watches Nebraska's JO?T)' List as the football sails toward Llst The pass was incomplete but It didn't matter as Nebraska posted a 34-0 victory over the Cowboys. The Rookies Air Force Rally Clips Arizona Stare, 39-31 TEMPE, Ariz. (AP) -The Air Force Academy came out on top ol a fiercely fought aerial battle Saturday afternoon, defeating 16tb ranked Arizooa state Uni- versity, 39-11. Air Force q~ct Rich Haynie led tho Falcons olf..WVO effort, puring for four IOUchdowna. Flanker Frank MUllJhy was Baynie's favorite receiver of the day as be figured on three of tbe scoring plays: 29, 81 and 2&-yanla 'lbe defeat was ASU'1 lint at home since 1969 and broke a wlnnlng streak of 18 al home. Alt Forte, trailing 23-21 at halftime, scored its fiftb touchdown of the coolest midway tbrough tbe last period after a p6S8 interference call in the end zone Area Runners Sparkle in Meet WALNUT -<lroq• Coast area 8Chool8 . fared well In Ibo l1llllTVOOth Mt. San AJltonlo InvttaUonal ·.._ country run at Mt. San Antooio Colle(e Satunlay. The meet Involved 157 ochools. Mission 11eJo placed oecond In !ta ctvloion n·. Miter Del flrat In Ila, while Unlversity failed to place tn !ta varsity dlvlalon, but took loortb In the ooptiomore category. 'l'be top lodlvlduel runners -• tbe H ...... bn>tl>er> al M!Mlon Viejo. Mark, • Junior, ftntabed !lftb In 10:45 Wblle Ken, • aeitlor, lln1$1ted 112th tn IO:tG. Mater Del rlnilhed flrat tn 111 dlvlllon behind Ille running ol Joe Dowlinf! and Mark Terry. DoVIUng finished teClOlld In the nKlt in 10:68 while Tin')' wu fourtb In 10:5'. 0-.1a Long added I -onlh place In 11: 18. • against A.State gave the Falcons first and ~ oo tbe ASU one. On the nei:t play, tailbact Joel cartson plunged in for the score to pUt the Falcons ")lead for good. Adtmu Trifnre~s Atrries LARAMlE, wyo. (AP) -Tmy Adams fired a pair of IOCOlld-hall touchdown passes and ran for another score to lead Utah State to a M-23 .ictory over Wyom- ing Saturday in college football. Adams bit Tom Forzanl on a •ii-yard scoring strike in the lhlnf quarter and connected with Buch Sawyer on a 2&- yarder later in the period to give the Ag· gles a 28-9 ,qdvantage. Sawyer also took a pltcbout and ram· bled 44 yards for another Utah state score. Adams capped the Aggie 900r1ng wHh an elghl-yaid run Ill die final po. riod. BYIJ Cocut•, 44-8 FORT COWNS, Colo. (AP) - Brigham Young scored three quick touchdown.a and couted to a 44-8 Western Athletic Conference vk:tory over win!.,. Colorado state tn a flnlllled homeccming game~. The (aine .... ' ~~ flgbta aevenl -· -emptied witb IS'-loll, •Prior lo Ille flgbt, BYU'a Dave 'AlklDDI bod nlun>ed an tntmopted . -56 ~ for a toudidown which wu millllled by a peroooal lout pena11y: Vt•Ja T'*'"P• RI-' SALT LAKl!l CITY (AP) -Utah cot>- verted tbne N•w Mexloo !Umbf .. Into iCl>rin& drtm tn tbt l!nt quorter Satur- day ind went on to • 09·1• WMCem AthleUc Coolerenc:e football victor)'. beld tbe high·scortng Comhuskfn In check. But it was the Cornbwikers "Black Stirt" defense which dominated tM game as it registered a foortb.atraight shutout before a crowd al 76,432, tbe first time a Nebraska team bad accompli3bed the feat in 35 years. 1t was Neiraska's smh straight vic- rory after an opening Joos to UCLA and !ell the Cormusken alone atop tbe Big Eight at ~-Oktsboma State Is now 4'1 and 2-1 in league play. The Huskers defenders stopped tbe grourxl.eating Cowboy wishbone offense by forcing quarterback Brent Blackman to turn inside where be was unable to run effectively. Oklaho1t111 Bree:::es, 52..0 NORMAN, Okla. (AP) -Flashy Greg Pruitt scored three touchdowns and gain- ed 121 yards to become the second leading rusher in Oklahoma history as the eighth--ranked Sooners stormed back from last week's loss to Colorado by bombing Kansas State 52-0 Saturday. ., UPI Te- Pruitt, 185-pound senior speedster from Houston, scored on a pair of three-yard runs to help OU take a 17.0 halftime lead, then got off a beautiful 22-yard scoring run in the third period. His 121 yards for the day gave him 2.396 career yards, put· ting him ahead of Jim Grisham's 2,339. 0Hl0 STATE'S HAROLD HENSON (38) RUNS FOR SHORT GAIN AGAINST WISCONSIN . Quarterback Dave Robertson passed 19 yards to Joe Wylie for one touchdown and ran seven yards for another as OU widened the lead to 31-0 in the third quarter. Wolverines Bury Gophers·; l: r Leoo Crosswhite dasbed 17 yards and Tinker Owens, a freshman and brother of Heisman Trophy winner Steve Owens, romped in on a l~yard end around to wrap up the scoring. Buckeyes Hold On, 28-20 . loma Stau Romps LAWRENCE, Kan. (AP) -George Amundson and Mike Strachan punished Kansas for 452 yards total offense between them as Iowa State pounded the Jayhawks 34-8 in Big Eight Conference college football Saturday. The Cyclones, $-1 overall and %-1 in the Big Eight, spoiled Homecoming for Kansas, which now stands 2-!i for the year and o..3 in the conference. Amundsoo, the Cyclones' burly senior quarterback, completed 13 of 7:1 passes foe 178 yards and thnie loucbdowns and tacked ori 110 yards rushing on nine car- ries, including a 71-yard scoring scamper. Two of bis scoring passes went to Willie Jones. Strachan, a hard-running sophomore, powered bis way 164 yards on 29 carries. Kicker Tom Goedjen booted 41 and 48- yanl field goals for tbe Cyclone.1 and tacked oo. four extra points to run h1I 1 conversion tot.al IOI' the season to 27, a school season record. Irish Rebound To Defeat TCU ANN ARBOR, Mich. (AP) -Junio! fJllback Ed Shuttlesworth bulled his wa) for four touchdowns Saturday to lead filth-ranked Michigan to a 42-0 crunch- ing d Big Ten football rival Minnesota in the battle for the Llttle Brown Jug. The Wolverines ran their record to 7-0 while it was the Gophers' sixth loss in seven games. Michigan is now 4-0 in the conference and Minnesota 1-3. Shuttlesworth rushed for only 86 yards but was called on four straight times when Michigan was close to paydirt. He churned his way on touchdown runs of one, four, four and one yards -two in each of the first two quarter.J. MUmesota quarterback Bob Morgan bad four passes intercepled, including three in the first half which resulted in Michigan touchdowns. Two ol. the interceptions were by hallback Dave Brown, who returned one of tbem 88 y8'do ,., • lbJrd.quarter touchdown. QB Stars for Burkeyes MADISON, Wis. (AP) -Qoarteri>ac:k Greg Hare amassed 238 yards total of- fense and ""!ll><>rnore fullback Harold Henson ran for 122 yards end two touchdowns Saturday, powering fourth· ranked Ohio State to a 28-20 Big Ten foot- ball victory over Wi9coo.sin. conference starts, came from behind twire for the victory that left 1Miana 2-2 in the Big Ten. · Roo~e Rod Harris, replacing injured veteran Ted McNulty e.s starting quarterback, smashed two yards for a touchdown and gave Indiana a 7-0 lead midway in the first quarter. Northwestern's Andel'BOI\ fired a 27- yard touchdown pass to Steve Craing in the second quarter for a 7·7 tie before reserve Wildcats Fullback Harold Smith ripped 37 yards on eight straight plays to set up a 37-yard field goal by Dave Starin for a 10-7 Wildcat lead at haUtime. P11rd11e Stops Jlllni WEST LAFAYE'ITE, Ind. (AP) Purdue held oil a determined fourth- quarter bid by winJess Illinois Saturday and escaped with a 20-14 Big Ten football victory. Senior Illinois quarterback Mike Wells passed for a pair of touchdown,, in the second half and had the Illini deep in Purdue territory again before juniof' safety Carl Capria made a game-saving interception inside the Purdue 10.yard Uoe with 5:09 remaining. Eastern Football Wells, muffled most of the game. bit junior split end Garvin Roberson on touchdown plays covering 25 anf1 40 yards to come back from a 17•9 d~ MSV, lottJn Derulloei. ;.~. ' JOWA CITY, Iowa (AP) -A !S-~ar<I field goal by Harry Kokolus midw8, in • ' ' the final quarter Saturday earned Jowa a n • 6-6 tie with Mlchlgan State in a Blf Ten • Conference football game of fumbl~ of-~ ' ' . renses. / 1 Michigan State, 2.+l, fumbled tight ~ times and lost the ball on five of them. A Spartans fumble set up Kokolus' fteld goal which came with 7 :14 remaining.. Michigan Slate man:hed 82 yanfo ln--12 pl.sys to score the second time it had. the ball. Reserve quarterback George Mibaiu scooted around left end for the final. nine !: yards but Marv Roberts' extra .eoant , kick was wide. Iowa, z+l also, scored in the ~ quarter on Kokolus' 20-yard field ~· The Hawkeyes setUed for lhe tJiree. pointer after having a first and goal at the two. Iowa lost three yards on the : next two plays before K.okolus made his successful boot. • • • I ' ' ' • SOUTII BEND, Ind. (AP) -Notre Dame's football Irish rebounded from their first de!eel of tbe season and bfani<. ed Texas Oristian's Horned Frogs Sab!rday 21-<l oo a slippery field. Rain slopped miwtes before tbe kickoU, but boll! loams bad ball-llandllng trouble all afternoon. The Buckeyes marched 77, 50, 86 and 70 yards for touchdowns tbe first four times tbey bad tbe ball, twice after w........m !Umbles, tn "".ling 1o a 23-7 halftlme lead on route to their sixth vic- tory in 8S many starts. Penn State Triumphs; ~-· i •• l • . ,~- No. 13-ranked Noire Dame, upool a _.earlier by Mis.ww1, managed a 7-0 lead at tbe ball tn spite al -Iootng !umbfes tn tho first two periods. TCU fumbled only once before the in- tennls&ion but Perry Senn bad three passes tnt....,.,,ted. Wtacoosin, capitalizing oo ~ w o Buckeyes fumbles, ..,.,.r tn tbe tbird period OD a 15-yanf toudJdown pass from Rudy -.... to Jaclt Novak. steiner passed lhe Badg!l'8 on a 68-yanl man:h and acored himself from a yard out with 1:52 to play, but a pes:s for a two-point conv..-sioo fell inoomplete. Harvard, Dartmouth Tie '· One ci the lnlereeptlom set up an II· yard lrlsh sc:ttlng pass from Tom Clements to Jim Roolf. Freshman Art ll<st sprinted 57 yonfs for another Notre Dame touchdown in lhe tbinf quarto<, and Eric Peolck gut \be tbinf score tn tbe flnaJ period. A M-yanl encHround gain by Rooll set up Penick's score from the 11. Texas Ouistian never was able to mocmt a sustained drive. 1be Irisb out- ..-the Frogs 432 yardo to 70 ond outgained tbem 88 yanfs to tl2 In lbe air. Wildeats Win No. l EV ANS'l'ON, ID. (AP)-A lucky bounce. pass from Mllcb Anderson to end Jim LMh f~ an !I-yard aooring play rallied Nortlnftslern lo i1B first Big Tm victay, a 23-14 triumph over Indiana in a regiooally televised college football game Salllnfay. II was the Big Ten's ~ """1rC toss ol Ille ....... and • -record pass. Nortbweotem, wlniesl In foor previous MORGANTOWN, W. Va. (AP) - Alberto Vitiello, a left-footed soccer-style kicker, booted a 25-yard field goal with less than four minute.. left, and Penn State's defense capitalized on early West Virginia errors for a 28-19 college football victory Saturday. Vitiello's field goal capped a time-con- swtting fourth-quarter drive by PeM State after West Virginia had rallied to within six points of the eleventh-ranked Nittany Lions who haven't lost to West Virginia since 1955. , Kerry Marbury opened tbe reglooally· televised contest with a S61l18Uooal 100- Soutli Football Roundup Alabama Riddles Foe, 48-11 BIRMINGHAM, Ala. CAP) -FuUbacl:~ Tom Gossam . Steve Bboeg.l.1a bulled for t w o Oefmslve back Dave Beck picked orf touchdowns to obake Alabama from lta two of Huff's Jl&"H'I tn tbe opening lethargy and tbe aecond-ranked Cr1maon quarter and ltnebackec BW N-gral>- Tide ownrheJmed Sootbem Mlsoisofppl bed anotller. 48-11 S.turday night. 'l'be Soolhemers trailed only 7-3 at halftime but Bt.ceglla'a U.yanf run early tn the third period opened the fiood gates and Alabama came to Ille for Ill seventh ~ victory. Beoceglla bad aoored '""" two yvd.o !ale ID 1be flnl period alter a tl-yanf drive feoturlng blo •rant nm to Ille five. Aub1u•11 Defet11e To11fh AUBURN, AJA. CAP -Tl:rr1 B<Oley acond three toocbdowm, Randy Walls pul on • surprising puolnf all1bltlon ancl Allbllrn'• delenoe' tMercepled lour of Gacy Hufl'1 ~SeJutda.1 M II» 1J1h ranked 'llgen wall~ Flo<ida State, 27-14. \Villi, the ..,,.,..,,..., quorUrlleclt who throwa moelly whon Auburn <lll1 maJte " 00 the~ Ht. up &WO ~DI '!Ith -of II Ind 311 yanfl, Ind !hen burltd 1 »1Vd acortnc -lo Tennessee Belts Foe KNOXVILLE. Tenn. 1AP) -Collnd Graham Intercepted a pus and returned II 25 yards for a louclJdown on Ille firll play ol tho game and llllK"anbd T..,. -""'' 00 Co whtp prevlcully Ill> beaten !11wall, SH, Saturday tn a llaUeaa ~--T-scored the flt1lt two tlmeo H got the ball and It eppeared a rout was in Beal Sets Record One Beel ott a ldlool neon! !or five mild ond UC Irvine's c:roa country team !lnl!hed af2th al the Chapman Jnvltadonal meet Saturday. Beil nn 2$:11l ro nnl•l> t2th. Other UC! n1nntn were Ollck Abeam ~S.Stb), Jturt caupey (tllll). Bob Filit t.int>. Nkk RAIH (tlth), Wayne Leeds (lllh), R .. J!urroolllll (57th) and Hank Klein (flit). the making. Bui the RainboW3, who had won live straJ~, stiffened and played fine defensive football the reet of the way. Bulldog• Win, 13·7 LEXINGTON, Ky. (AP) -A opeo- tacular Georgia def...,., capped by a pt11 JrurcepUon by comori>aclt Geoo Swinford, p ve the Bu.lldoGa a l.S-7 vk> tory over Kentucky Saturday in a Southea.mm Conference Football game. The llulklop held Kentucky to only 40 yards total cihme ID lhe oecood llalf and allowed the Wildcata ooly llx !Int downs tn the entlH (IDIO. Kim Bruw•ll llleked neld goals of 11 and S4 yanfo In eodJ ol !bi lul \'llo quarten to five Geori!ta Its marstn. Ttt1a ao...... T•r.M ATLANTA (AP) -F.ddle McAshan COMeded •Ith Mike Ouen on a '7·yanf ki.Jchdown posa play ond Randy Rl!lno ·need 40 yardl with an lnter<eptlon for another _... Salurday .. Oeoata Tech trimmed 'l\dano, ll-7, In a football bottle of llOUtbem lndeper<ltnta. ..,, · ... yard klctoff return which gave -.Q>e Mountaineers, ranked 18th, a H 1Wad with only 13 seconds gone. ,.. '• • 1 Dart1n0nth Tied, 2l~if. l CAMBRIDGE, Ma8". CAP) ~ Underdog Harvanf offset a rU\I n! g penallies and capitalized oo f um~~ e reoovertea foe a polr of r.u~·111 ~ holding tmbMlen Dartmouth Co a Zl·~.lle r Saturday Jn an Ivy League ~ w ~Cron.on eanied the~-~ : Mike Mcllucl> -a fumble wbldt 11\t t.• re<overed by Bob Krtatofl af Jbe Dartmouth tine lata In tbe tblnf Ji<dcjd. ' • Haruanf captain Ted DeMan tool<, a pltdloul and IWepl bis lei\ ~ • .. ; BruC<! Tellrlct booting Ille I~ : coo..mooa. C'onseR Vpseu Y..r.. m!ACA, N. Y. (AP) - unleashed its b<utaing IJ'OOnd gnme a side-wbeel!ni Canadian field kicker in Bill Murray to upset andefu*1 Yale 24-13 Saturday In an Ivy Leade football game. , ~ Murray, a IOCCeNtyle kicker , tn:p Toronlo, kicked tbree neJd goals to ~ a twc>goal 'Cornell single.tame = held by, among others, Pete Go1ol now ol the Nallonal Football Lt 1 New York Giant& :• Tallbacka Rich RUAO and Hora io Bradshaw added toochdowns to del!PI the bomeoomlng crowd ot 21,eoo. ' Artn11 Be..tet1, 28-7 j West Point. N.Y. IAP I -Gil')' Streicher need 116 yards with an -., t<rtepted pass and the Unlvenll.y of 1\11.aml turned two moro glaring """"' Into nnt half touchdowns tn route to l• 23-7 loolball victory over Anny Saturdaj. The team from Florida lgnorsi{ ~ drlV-lna. pow1ng nin to r<COn! illr tbllll stn!iht triumph and •ven Its ~ al I- S, the ant 11 Anny't. ~ Thanks to Army mbtakes, Ibo """ ricanel -I l&.0 !old after lllt -period althoo(h they hadn't plcloll-up • firll down aod ran oru, ll• ~ ~ ac:rtmma11 to Ibo loaort' lit. J • • ., • • • r ' DAILY PILOT~ 11r U. l'IYtll •• ' . . '" OCC'S STEVE MONAHAN EVADES TACKLER ON THE WAY TO A TOUCHDOWN. ~-·.:sues • • • For Colle ges, Jaycees Continued From Page 0 ~ a Fullerton JC t e a m since Bakersfield took the flomets apart 51..0 in 1961- 0 range Coast ls now '1·2 for Football Scores , the season and a game behind f, •CQJference-leading Santa Ana W. tbe South Coast standings. GA.Mii ST'ATISTIC! "" . Fl"' downt l'Wlll119 · 6 7 Fl(tltdllwn1 pe111no • • Flrtt dowrll pen1ULH 1 i Tm.I ltr!1 down• 1J lJ '1'11r<1i rushino 10 1•9 Y1rd1 1'911ln1 17] 131 "" v ... a 1011 3d ~' _.,"';JOot,-,.e1d1 otJMd 27' t:lO "' Jfvtift/1..er1oe 01,11nce l •:it S/)I. -~"~Jfl11/y1rd1 ~lllHd S/" 6154 '~tumblef loll 21 1 112 '."<. SC«9 11'1 Qvart.-. ~ -~bi.""" Co.JI 1 10 TJ ~ ~'~ • 0 0 1-1 ~··••. •· •UjHIHG ., • • Ori ... CM.t ,1;_,. , ICI 'I Tl 1"1· l}L='M8tsl<I l S I 0.] flM.~tld lt 7S O J.t '-"'-' 1S '° 11 tA '#hlflli I 0 6 ..i.o S""'9dlr ! , • 1.5' ,._ 1000.0 ~ 1 lll"'-' ~" 1101.0 Tot.ii 45 lG :N 1.l s n e ... ' ,. • J,I ,, 14 :io r.1 1 M I 1.1 J 0 17 .. .5 ' 0 .... o Je "' S1 1.• PASSINO Orlfllol CNtl w~ ': b '1"' 1'/: P I 0 0 0 ·~•l1Ullll7J "l'jh_~. • ""'""""' "" ~ ··~ , .. "tT't:i.ihtiw1rd 21 ' O 11 . l l n • • .m "' College WEST San Jose St. 35, Cal State (LB) 8 San Di~o St. 21, Fresno St. H C1i Still fulltrton) 11. C1I Poty CP~ C1I Polr C LO! 14. Nf'111ct. CRtnQ) 12 S•n Franc ..:o Sf. 20, Chico St. 10 l/SIV 21, C1I Sfli1t (LA,) 20 Cal Luthf.ran 30, L1 Vern. ) St. Mll'\l'I d', ~ PIC_ll'lc 21 Norlllen1 Arl-W. 151, \11IMv St• 14 UC R!wnidt_ U1 Wnilller 16 POllMINI 14. QCC16t(ll1I f . lJC 01vl• 11, Heyw•td St. 1• H411nbl>ldl SI, 20. $M:r"lllT-4e SI. 14 C.-itr1l W11ll $1 '6, E•ll Wl$fl St lt Llnlltld Cot 30. lawf1 " Off'll 15 OfWOll Col .... Sl. Ellt9m 0.--f P:1u130rt. 21, wu1 ..... n. o • Wlllrwortll COi 21,. Or9DClll Tadt 6 ll.tdllfld1 11, ci.remont-MUCkl 11 EAST Dartmouth 21, Harvard 21 Cornell 34. Yale 13 Miami (Fla.) 2~ Army 7 Penn 15, Princeton 10 Peon St. 28, West Virginia 19 Syracuse 10, Pittsburgh 6 Holy Q-06I 28; Vlllal!ova 9 Rulgers 6, Columbia s llrockDOrf St•I• 26, llrldotW1I, Miu 21 ~· ¥J, Wtlfllnatn .. hf O > SU~ Roel< )0, Wa~ t Albrlcflt l=tvliill 0 "llrtodjl 2'• '"" Stitt P Cotvt • n 22 °"'1f2'2*• T~ D~• :W." s. m o N"' 1Y f N~1i.rn 1 Pllltlbur'w t, 21, 'p11 51111 ' SI, L.lwreiiot. 26, HI 14 WIQMI" 21_._ KJa!ll Po nf All'll'llnll ~. w.....,.n 12 ~mi~=-~f ~~G'~ l111t f P11m11111 01ciw. ... ~.n a ~~~~ 1121 t.=r. ... if. P1. 14, Wl!kn D vcamlno 16, S1i:itt: U MllM 16. t..l1vt ' M1suc11u1ttts ., --=tfcut 16 -1he11!trn t, OJ..:; Ktll'IPtlllrt 1 N-lcll :17, B1tf:il SI Pttrl ll, West Conn SI f Tr11111y Coll~•! Jtor;tmtw ' v,rmonl 16'" 1 r1 TO Alba!W SI, "' 26. Pac• 0 Al'Wrkln lnrl ~j1fl1kl 26 "R"' .. I Sl•lol 1 81' 21, Cli ~·!'!!m!·t{]J·i:11·~~"r.::~1,~"·o ~ l. w1r111mo~-1 N~~. "'ft ~olw\'I NY 9 ~t:=1t>Ur11 14.~1Jlnbor(I SI•'! I UPllll Coll-6, IWlt'li VI Wfff Chnttr '1. utz1own O Wllll1m1 Col 42, T\1111 Aril•,,..• A.MA.N 40:,_1e.,.1uckv s1a11 34 &lutfllld~l11-14. wewl \11 Wntav 1 ~oncard 1 Wnt llbtrlv 1 •11 Car f,.. ?J r,11rm1n 21 1V91'ttvl i. 15, t:1 r1bllh CllV IA Gl.-ivll11 Stilt 10, Wn l VI Stitt I MA~ Hiii 11, G1.--W1btl 17 Tllllr.-17 Florkl• A&M I CCll•f Guard ll. WorctSllr tell 12 Jl!"'ffl=, GroYI Cltv 6 MIOOI 2t RlnlMlffl' 21 MllttnY 11t S fi;r-1 IE StraudJbllnl 0 ~m"'~ Cot\11 Manlcl1lr I• n Col At11111M<IV 1 MIDWEST Iowa St. 34, Kansas 8 Purdue ZO, Dlinols 14 Northwestern 23, Indiana 14 lowa 6, Michigan St. 6 Drake 18, New Mexico St. 10 Dayton 141 VMI 10 C1r1tlon 20, LIWP'tnU U"tv 14 ~111<1ron $1111 io"Jo Dakoll Tl(ll 16 e=~r·J'·w111111c!:'r''· Ml""· 21 Gr1ct1111d 1j, C9nl Metllodl1t 14 °"'Sv Adolollu1 20. H1mUn11 7 1111~ 1 SI. ,0, $ou11'11r11 1111nol1 t 1111 t WtlllY •• ltr.111111111"'· Ill. 20 Mll11kln ff, Culwr-Slockloro 10 "I''°" lO. conc~t1 T, 111. 1 M nn Dulutll Jll Mlc:Atttter o M MHO!t-Morr I 21t SW Mln-11 19 Monmouth 1'·n ,,, M111kllll!llm )5, 10ll 2' Nortll D1kol1 , orthe~ low• t "'~1koi. SI M. So oer,o e St111 16 11. ICIUd st1i. 2•, lltm=St1t1 1 f. ohn'lj MllWl. ~1. A ~ O r Pl'O(:O!l 111 Col 51, tll 1 otltoe 0 SOlllh O\kolli fl, AuaV1lane, .0 . 14 Winona rate I'· Slollf $1111! n Adrl1n 12.. K11 em•~ Col a ~~~J·~ '7t;;!:~1t1W.!i°.v 14 Tarkio C~llOI 2', l1k1r Univ 0 Prep Pow Results M1rln11 O 1 2 1---6 l!'dl-(I l 1 0-<I ..... -~: BllClr.lltl' { ~ ) , l!cttfllllrdl 121, J" 1n (1 ). Edl-..arr· lnt:~•l. J!Mlr VanJIY Mlrll\I • l 1 0-4 EdllOfl O O 1 1-2 M11'1ne llCOl'lno: HOf'l'llllt t•I· ll'ane11 OJ. Edfton 1eodno: Sllflon (1 . -l!dl$011 ·--! I I 1:::,1 EdllOll KOrltlrm : Lllldtnll1nl ((J, °"""" Cll, Wiilkfl' (2f, lrVIM Ill, 3' '!:l l S I 1 Mu•olW \21, ~ 11), N1w1!11 \'\• &Ull! (1: lo+-(1), McOOUol• 2 . Woocl1 (li, StTIW Ill. Varsity "'~111 I 4 O i-•1 L• ulnl1 1 a -1 El 1ric11 l(orlno: L" (l), ~10tl9r fl!• fl:w I (4)( DllRUll'lli (lj, C1ll1h111 ' mPIOl'I J~ V1nlfy E111::sl• J ~ f t.:1~ '-\5'-'a:f. KW1119: 11.~I r11, A.-01· loll• (2), Gllr'VY ''I· o . Ottotl1 I,), Mvrt.uall (21, ltllav !). flMll"Sffft E11ii!!Cll 0 l 0 ~_. LI Qulntr, l 2 2 2-t E1!1nc 1 l(Ol'lllCll Maddock Cl ), Wv11t (l ), C011tl111d Ill, 111rn1r (1 ). Concord, MoorM 32, SI. Tl'lo!NI 22 MIMOUrl Valley 10, Wllllam J....-1 ' N«lf"~, Omaha 2,, Fl. >Myi. IC:aM U SI! OtlMorNI St, 13, C.mlm'I St&1-0 SW MIUOIW'I 41, fHfltm llHl'IOl1 31 &etMny, h{IL 20, Kanu1 W....., 0 H .. flJ'lllS 215, 041N1 Coll• I N~1'..JIW...S.lli_otlfi·7 SW Olr.lahoma n, t..nPtml 11 Sltf"llnr,110, lell'otl, Kana. 1 Wntmer 14, Yankton lJ Quantico ~M 20, ~~-MlchlQln ' w9'1:"'ill.v"t~~~~~'faoo o 111111 Gl'ftn ... ~l"lhall 1 lou 1vlllt ~1 Chiclnnttl ll 'v°'"'° a. IWll•ml IOhloJ 21 °"'""''-!0Xa'tler7 Ev1r11v11i-~ 5'iii't1er 6 \11li:Yra .o = "titP1vw O SOUTll Auburn 'J:I, Florida St. 14 O.Orgia Tech ZI, Tulane 7 T~ S4, Hawaii Z Mississippi St. 'J:I, Houston 13 North Carolina St. 42, South Carolina 24 Duke 17, Navy 16 Clemson 31, Wake Forest o O.Orgia 13, Kentucky 7 Mississippi 3~ Vanderbilt 7 Maryland 24, Virginia 2S William & Mary 17, Virginia Tedi 11 Colgate 28, Citadel 19 lllltfll \lld1 27. Sll'llPtGn I CMlfrll COi I-31, UPPtr lo:rw1 1 C1n1 Mluourl SI 35, Ml.-irl, 1toll1 24 H•-"'wE•rlti•rn ' ~r: ~·'Grrn~1,1 W1ba1ll ~. ROM PolvtKllnk 21 Howard 211 H1rfll»on Inst 1 J .C. Sml!n lS\W'°(lOl'I Stlitm 6 Pett<'Slltwv St :t \I ,-.lnl1 Unlqn 6 •-IKl!tan st ~bent T9nn Sf1tt ~ P.-..bVttl'l1n ~oT,r,~' •-C~ ll ~c:;:.':1"1.s~lot1 Co1 -o'"" Un v o Austin P•IY 17, A 111111 11.1.M 0 """'1Pt111 5..,. .ft, TlllH 21 Loullllf'll Tld'l 11 SE Lou1tlllll 0 McN-St 11, Trw Stat. 1 W•I KenlYcilv :SS. ~ Slllt • ROCKIES BYU 44, Colorado St. ! utah St. 35, Wyoming 23 Utah >I. New M"lco 11 Idaho St. 20. Mootana St. 16 Pactflc 22, Idaho 7 Arizona 45, Texas (El Paso) 22 Adl mt St11t !f, $01.11Mrn Ul1ll U Manl•lll 42, DOOM s111i.• .• P.clllc Lutlftrln "6, Ullo follt!M 1t ~~~::_ 2fA. 'i.,~s~~(.PiT 1 C•rTOll Monf. 313, Wftt Mol'lt1111 13 Web« $111t 313, Ntvldl (Ut \111a11l 0 SOUTHWESf Arkantas 42 North Texas St. 16 Baylor 15, Texas A&M 13 Texas 4.5, Rice 9 Te1as Tech 17, SMU 3 Wnl Tt1111 Stai. 21, Wk:tlltl Sl1t1 1• Grtmbit"'9 21, T1K1I lolllhlm IS ~·= ~· ... ~~~!''~ ••• ,. 1 T1a1s. Arllnoron 7. W -0 AKOl'TI Al.No M. lllllop 1trto;111M1 ,.tdl .. A"Ctf!MI .,St. 11 ,.,.,1r11 vi-. t, MIM191ppi ~11 ' Tn11 Col .UI lJ. Tlf"lltOfl Sii .. 1 Tr1 Pllty 39, E11! Clnlnl Sf, a AtllJ.-,._ £111 N-MtlC 11 L•""r Ttdl 1'. 1trt1;111At si.r. u E11t Ttlfll SI 31, SW Tt•u S1!11 :If How..,.O PIYl't :t, $.llm Hovlton SI 0 •.,.'"'"' "''• """' l •, l '4 Pro R~ults J unior Coll• "n.. t-1 Mt11.-itM ~ l.;:."Wi; ~!:i.0 r~~"'rn:°\~ ~~~111.'(:: ~ cc 11 1n. Mrtlff (I), Can"lllbllU 11), Mllw1111i:: .. ~lf!!.Dfll• 92 81WIMWI n. LA \lelley' J11111W Vll'llty ICIMll Ctty-C \t'lli, llltt1lo 102 -~.'!-Vl.+o JO 1, ' 1-.t N-York '4 81111t1!!A fl W..,,.,,. Sllte C -~ ,,._,, Gol6tn St111-122. Atlll'ltt 107 ~rt; M. ComP'totl t .J'l~'Tl)~~J:.:rm.: J. AubWfl Ill, C1fO!ln1 l~J.i \llnitn,:lot ~::""~ 'l;, 'i!r.~,, 'l1 r"'~"~,r.~or:." Ml111ot1 VIili ,,........ 1 S 6 )-11 u lit it Dt 110 1~11 V~1~ k nllloo O O 0 6-ltt'I 111 :f:'L Mlr1 COlf1 17, \/kt« \11llty 1 Mlnklrl Vliilo 1'COl'lno: OU11kl (A), ClllCl90 4, Ntw Yortl 1lllfldtr1 P1lo \11rdt 21. Ml, S•n JK!nlo 1) ;:=='=====================.I GOLFERS! Now: :: Unlimited play for only $30.00 monthly '-;; (Single: $30.00 Fomily: $<45.00j ... -:·:Green fee and ca rt specia l ,.. ' •, • ..,. $6.00 per player (Minimum two ployers) w .. kdtys-•nytime Weol:ond1 -after 2 PM Tourna ments W elcome w.,k.nd• ..... n.bt. Rancho San Joaquin Golf Cou rse 18021 Culver Drive, Irvin• 552-9153 • v. ml. South of S•• Dl•go Fwy. -Culver oll-<emp ~!~sP.~+ ~ .... ~llbyS' ~~@@~@ lle 11lt11111trl••r4 • f11111tw ... ,.. J ft.t.fo• ltl•11l1 ffWl"li Ct lltlf '44ol070 J(;, Prep Football Standings · Bar ons Notch 24-1 5 Irvine_ Loop Victory By ROGER CARUION CM ... ci.!fr PU91 IMff Focmtain Valley Hlah'• weU- olled football machine cnmch- ed Magnolle, 24-15, Saturdoy night with the aid ol an •-e -ball ground attack before 4.200 fans at MagnoU.'1 Sentinels bad held • 7-3 halltlmo lead and 1taved on One Barona' march etlho me loolllne In the third period. yard drive with Dod1bn punching oxer trom elibl yardl out for his *°"''tallf. Trelller, who kl-• 0. yanl field goal In tho' lllil hall, toed his third PAT mid ti was 24-7 with 1 :21 to fO. l!iu111ngton Beacb Ill&h- SOUTMIUI CAL'CONN•~ / Coach Bruce Pickford's .. \. •• A, 'tl.:._ ___ _..~'--the'• eecond ......_ ..., I I SI 4 Pfll.Vle UIAUJCU • lilt ""'°'""',CC :t I 1 U 1:S Irvine League victor)' with But tt was like the ocean'• tide -another Blue Wave waa • certainty. Dodson pounded over from two yards out to cap 1 S7-yanl ,...-ch and Den- nll 'l'NA!or'I PAT with 9:32 ...,.,a1n1ng ~ tt 11>-7. Then Joe -Burts J>OWtCed on At that point the Baroni had cootrolled the ball on II plays to Magr.iolia'a seven in the Bec- ond ball and had COfllUDled 19:21 bl playing llmt lo Mqnoll1'1 S: II . ~ ~;" !: ,tbtte fourth-quarter --· Morlk• 2 ' n " . touchdowns. • &... baD Oil the . aulnl tlckolf and ave \111Y• and two --calla later it wu quarterback Bill Uatlield Defensive otan for the wlo- nen Included 11411 Stone, Mike Goodson, Mike Finklea. Jay u. ... ~' ~ : .. • The &rons' bnJJJlng nm-f: ....... "-r. ....,: • fl ,f, rung game took ti. toll in the racing around end for eight yanll and a TD. Krutslnger and ~.Maloey ~"'ll'• .. ':"1'1'•'i' leCOlld hall, with running lf.!.."n C.Jf • hacb Bill Ogden, M I k e Motnents 1ater Dale Peter- ,.. lntom!pted a Magnolia aerial end Pickford's crew was off on another 57- among othm. ,Bui """""' half defense was · best of all -that steamrolllni of· fense . LACC ti LA .._ -'Malcolm, Ben Dodlon and Lea ~ vt..*:Y-~:~ Becher taking turns at stair Lr'~?:'i'Tio .._,. bing the Magnolia interior. The Sentinel•' only Uuuts were at the outsei on a. 42.-yard TD pass from John Kindred to Merk Miiier encl a Klnclred Tl> run from five yards out In the waning seconds whe:i ~ lssue was stqhed away by the Barons:. K1ndred ran for the two-point conversion. Cll.ISTVllW LU.DUI W L l"fl ,,. Mlulon ~ s 1 Ml .a °'"'""' 3 1 8' 32 '"~ '.127169 FoothlH J 2 Ml .- tr:1llll1 2 2 2' 17 \1111• 1"1rll; 2 2 1J 7'I) Tlllll" 1 3' a " S.n Cl-11 1 3 S1 50 ,_..,..._. Vln1 1""11; 1,, Twtl11 I ,_,.._ Mlulon"• .. 1110 YI. Pootllln •• TUl!l" Tustin vs. °'"'"" 11 El MO!Mn• S1twr.11Y't .. "'" El ModtN If 5111 C""""'9 K•Tell• YI. VIII• P•rk •' El Moden• tll:VINI LIAOUe Wl T,,flA S.nt. Ana \11lltY 4 I • • W e111tcin 31on'2 Et1111el1 3 l 0 T1 U Founl•1n V•lll'f' 2 2 o 1t 11 LOI Al1..,llos l 2 1 711 70 COl'Olll dtl Mlir 1 2 1 Jt '1 Magnoll1 , 3 o n 7t Cost1 Mel o 4 0 U 122 ......,..,_ S1nt1 AN V1llW 27, La. All!Tlltol 21 F-tlln \llllt'I' U. Miignolll 15 . .....,...,_ Conlnl dtl Mlir VI ~•I" V1lllly 11 N""'°"' HIRor C•ll Miii vt L• IJ1mltol 11 W•twn Edlf!CM w Mlilll'lolit• et Lt '•l-edl90rl YI hntl Ane VtlliiY ot SA ""' flll:l.WAY llAOUI '#l H PA ,01121) l1 H1br1 ,..,,.,,, Sun..., Hlll1 ,.., ·-'•rll ,_, Fuiitrtoll ... _ ) 1 " " 2 26697 '.I 2 ~ '1 JtJISf l :I %1 • I :IV 4 I :I <IA 101 ""'""1'• • ...,. .. l • H•br'll a . S.v1nn1 o fll'MIY'I .. _ !utl'lll ,,r11; If Full«ton K•nnldy 11 Lii H1br11 Tr1r1 VL Sull!IY Hll11 1t 111111111 O•rk , •• .,,., • .,,. 01!1111 lowtll ¥1. SIV•llf'll 11 U P1lm1 011.ll:D•N Gll:OVI l eAOUI! '#l,l"PA l oll.II Gr•ncl• l O "8 l'1 P1cll1c1 3 1 100 '4 Senll..OO 2 I 4' 21 U Qulnll 2 I • 7' Raner.o Al1mlt111 1 2 >t. 56 Loe AmlOOI 1 l $1 60 Gerdln Grov1 o l S4 • ,,..,....,... Score Lii Q\rlnl• 2t. R1neho A11mll01 14 Gauclws Sputt,er , But Win, 12-6 GAMI STATISTICS f'V M fllnl 0-. rv1hli.o 11 I Flr1t ~ ,_11'19 • I By llANJt WESCH Of Ille Dlftr NII Sl9ff Saddleback College's offense sputtered for moot of the game but came up with a late toocl)down to give the Gauchos a 1%-& football victory over Riverside Saturday at Mission Viejo High. A. qulel homecoming crowd estimatt:d at 3,000 watched the Gauchos miss chance after chance in the game, then rally lo<.the winning score with I: 04 left to play. Aundre Holmes got the win- ning touchdown, cracking over left gwm1 for atx yards to cap a 32-yard drive. Saddlebact was intent on establishing its rushing attack from the start egatost the Tigers and moved the ball well throughout the game. But the Gauchos couldn't move the ball ln close to the goal line and gave it up on three fumbles, two lnside the ' ooe-yerd line after a 38-yerd drive. Jones bad his bollest niaht es a GauclM>, lwTylng tne ball 28 times and picking up 128 yards in the game. Saddleback totaled 301 yards rushing - nearly thtt<! times t h e !Uverslde output. UMI STATISTICS • • fllrtl dllWlll """""" 16 :t ll'lnil ~ ,...t!IQ 2 ' "'"" ..,,.. ""'Ill• 2 t Tot.I !Int downl 10 II Ytnll rwhlllQ 301 110 Yards """"" IO 109 Y•rdl to.t 17 16 Ntt ytrd• g1lnld ,... 205 Pullts/I YWIOf clftllntl !/:It 'l!t l"l!llilttHIYl nll p1n1Hltd •Ito 1151 Flr1f0ownl pen11llln 1 I Tol9' flnt 9owr11 20 1 Y1rda rvtfllnt HI 11 Y1rdl DM91N 11 111 Y1rdt Iott . 14 17 N.t ~ ....,., :W 161 '""ta/_ ... dtdlMt :ti» .,,, ~~11• "'L't ~~ _,,_ pm. Vtlll'f I ! 0 21-M ""'9n0il1 1 • 0 1-11 ·-~ _. Melctlrn ,, .. _ H1tfttld , .... _ ,_ Tot1l1 ··-...... 11ull1rllllck smtttitr Llnlk!Ul1t Tol1lt ,.::.:\'....., . .... ~ ... u .... '-' MqllOlll '"I" u " ... • 10 ·!.5 1 • •. l.J I 4 I A.2 1 • 1..a.o 1 10 t 10.00 S2 ZS'I ~4 LJ ' ,. . ,, 11 XI 11 o. :tlli!J 51•0J.2 1 o au U1!17LS flumbln/fvmblH kltl 4'J 1/1 kWI llJ Giii""" PASSIM• ""'""'""°' o o ' 6-, l'-.tll11 v.11.., $lddlllblck • 0 • &-12 ,. llC .... '! 11.USMIMG H•lfllld 22 • 1 ., .... "'' ,_ Holmn ""''"' .. _ ... ,~..., Tol1l1 C1!iirw:lltf" T1lbtr1 -~., .. -Tol1t1 SMllllMd: ~ Tello YI YI •YI KJnclr9d 13 6 1 .,_ '" » 1n s '.Ji------------2, 111 J s 11 '1 • 1,1 :I s • 1.6 • 21 I S..t n 301 :u 1A IWN YOUI nUPHOlll •LL " " 3 ••• Qop ... .... • • • u 3 s s ••• .... -' ' . ... .. ' • • ... "' 110 16 ... .. • ..... -Riverside •yard line. PASSINO And the Gauchos bad two ~ ~ • ...._ • • • passel intercept.ed to boot. Diii~ ,. 11 ""1 f'lll, i ~ ... TOLL CONTIOL ITort Tbe Saddleback d e f e n 1 e ~::i. ,: : ~ .: !: CAW .. ....w. -~ cove.red up on all of the 1t1VW1Wt off ... -...._ 1 1 mJstakes except one, towever, 111r9 a 1 s 109 .m ~ "4 au .. chiefly by picking o f fl-=w=r~:i'='="==i,:::;='=' ===='~='==!:~1---... TOU COtnlOL Riverside passes. Ir ............ f• cem.t) • Gauchos llnebacken and ODOID CUSTOM ~ """"'· ..... c.. ,.,. .. defensive backs picked oH five TAILOI port ., ,.. ............. Riverside throws with ~·:;H;i; ;i::1r- linebacker Bill M a d d e n 11.11-nw le.a.i; ... n the way with two •1• •••• CN•t Hwr. ....,'6 Ct,_ 11tt M•r thefts. '4Mn1 Saddlebacj< opened the scor-l ~;~:i:iiii:iiiiiii;~~ ing in the firet period as Joe Ii Jones cracked over from the .. ....-19UIPMINt COIP. .... ,", ., • • Washington Captures Douglas Cup Regatta GRAND PRIX.: 5113~!~ MO. • By ALMON LOCKABEY Of ... Dallr Plklt I t.ff Univenlty of Washlagton won the Douglas CUp Saturday in one of the tighest in- tercollegiate match racing series in the history of the event. 'The seve~series event, co"'" sisUng of 28 individ u al matches for the seven schools involved, WU llalled Jn light lo non-e:rl.stent wind! on Friday and a 15-18 knot duster on Satlmlay. Wllhlngtot), skippered by Mark J.maa ol SeetUe, clinch- ed the series Saturday hy han- ding the U.S. Naval Academy, skippered by Bill Campbell of Puadene, Md., It. first del .. t in the sixth reries as the winds whi!tled op to 15 knots. But the Huskies almost lost the match on tbe first downwind leg when their spin- naker went aWry and bad to ========"" H:ST AllY'n W~!!.'1.1 • . ~;.1-ww1 · SAILING BOAT SHOW 'SPECIAL ' .. NOW IS THE TIME TO GET A HOBIE AND SAVE UP TO $200. ..... 11111 -• .,._ ............ ,._ HMle C.. 0.... -.,._ l•s• •••o• ......_ .. • 14' • 16' HeWo c.t 9f ,.. .... -4 ...... '"• FREE 10 HOUR SAIL I NG~RSE ., ... ~ ........... Ctt....... , ....... ......,, ._,,.ii • hlWwi •w..,.. '"*· "....._. ._... _. ..... C••••l••a ,._., ...._ H.W. ..,... ....... . ....... ,..ftt..___.,.. .. .....,. ...... c .. .., ........ fl .................. er 9Wt ... H.W. Cat~ ....................... HOlll NIWPOIT ••• , ••••••• , ••••• , , , •••• , , • , , • 641o2MI HOlll ftlT C:INTll. hM hi.t • , , • , •• , , , • , , , 4t .. IJl1 IUNllf w m CIHTll, Hntllttt ......... (Jiit lt2·2JU • .. I I The Columbl1, known H the Goodyoor blimp, Is one of only -nm1lnln9 llghl•r·lh11>- ' Iii" lhlp1 oporltlng In th1 world todoy. The · J1Hmp,""""" visited tho Morino 1t1tlon loll ,_,.1for r.,_irs, is exptd'M to return In N• _,,bor. Tho t.' .. rm. ~'""'"• built for 200. filo!t bl!Jnpo-like tho Columbl1, now hO<IH hollcoptor1, below. Hangars Defy Progress Marine HelicoptersCall Blimp Base Home Thousands of Newport Freeway fighters PW daily an ~· County landmark that for more than 30 yeara bas been dedicated to the pro- pcl6ttion that you don't need wlnp to Dy. Tile Santa Ana Marine · Corps Air Station -with Its two huge hangars w a s com- m!Mlorwl 'Sept. 1, 1942 as a U.S. Naval Lighter-Than-Air Bue !or heJhun.Oiled airships con ducting anti-submarine patrola off the So u t h e r n ·• CalllomW coest. Tile site ..... ved IS I blhnp base mttil U was decommissioned in 1949. WUh the passing of the llghter-tlwHlr Nayy, lbe base nmalned Idle until the Korean War. In 1951 the &lte was reoommlsslooed as the na- ~ tion'a first military in- :;, llallltlon -pnly to :! .. ·l ,_, .· ·~ . '. • . . helicopters. Today, even though most people still call It the LTA Base, its proper name is the -Corps Air Station (Helicopter). But the freeway fighter prob- ably doesn't notice the more than 100 helicopters that are stationed at the nearly ~600- acre fadlity. Tile large Marine birds are dwarfed by the Ila· tioo's twin hangars wblcb, ac- cording to Colonel Eocene R. Brady, commander of the air station. are considered to be the world's largest wooden unsupported structures. Boilt In l!H2 at a cost of '211 mllJlon each, Ibey measure 1,080 feet long, 200 feet high and 300 feet wide. Tile tall hangars are large enough to have prowked an odd etory. Tile story bas it that a cloud once became en- trapped In one of the hangars and burst, with rain falling in- side while outside was dry. Most people at the air sta· tion believe the story except the weather officer who says that if such an event did occur It happened at an LTA Base on the East Coast. Orlginally built to house the Navy's su~hunUng blimps, the Identical hangars now headquarter the maintenance units of the air station. And Colonel Brady believes 1be ·massive structures are here to stay. "They are ideal for what we are using them for, and it wouldn't be economically feasible to tear them down and build new ones, .. be said. Asked u the buildings present a ftre hazard, Colonel Brady said they were con- structed of specially treated wood and are fire safe. ••A few years ago when there was a small remodellng job done on port of a hangar and the old wood was taken to the cozn. mander's home for fireplace. "It · didn't work out very well; U took b1m three hours to start a ftre, '' the Colonel noted. Even though the hangars are used today as a home for helicopters the "good old days" are occasionalJy remembered when the Goodyear bllmp vtslta the Marine twe. Tile Columbta, one of only three rematnlng ligbter-tban- alr ahlpo operating In the world today, visits the base when It Is on the West Coast It will return to the air station in Noverpber. The government rents space to the Goodyear company for ma!IUnance of the air ahlp. Tile Marine hangars are the only buildings In the Western Unlteil States that are large eoough to bold the Columbia which Is almost 200 feet long. . . The photo below is a hlinger under construc- tion In 1942. liuHt 11 1 coll of $21'. million Heh, the twin h1npn. ire considered to be the worlcfs largnt unsupported structures, occordlng to Colot\ol Eugene R. Brady, com- mander of the air station. TIM site Mrved 11 1 blimp bno until 1949 when it w11 docom- mlalonod. In 1951 It become tho n1tlon'1 flrll mlllt1ry lmt1ll1tlon devoted purely to helicopton. I Daily Pilot Photos and Story by Patrick O'Donnell I ..... -2'1.1972 DAllY rll.GT ( \C PllllLIC NOTICZ The Week's Market Highlights NASD Quotations on Mutual Funds TlaeReview 0.t.IMIAI Liff Net Pet. ~~~~:I r:S ~ lii 1:: 11% •~ B. t IV. 1Vi U11 ·f l\ .... UP 2G, 1V. <1\'ll Up l ;.1 1~ l~ ~= 11'~ 6 ~ Up .7 'll'N 3 UD t·l 1 ~1!l1 Up .t.I Up 4.1 H: lff Up 1L U11 ts. Uo "' tl' i u: ~-Uo 23. tl: ™l!:' tl: Uo Uo . Uo 11 "· 1·· UD ! & , u: 1tJ UP Tl., U• II.I 2J.O ~., 11: !l~ 10.0 H .., '·' I .• ' ()ff 7.1 Otf 7.7 {)ff 7.7 7.1 ~ '·' '·' '·' Words of Wall Street What's in Your Name? Coat of Arms, Profit,s For Mesa HeraWry Firm kotltirt towyW, """'...,.,. ---h"W In o...,.... -"" w• lir.t bto11:"'89" flmt H. H9nft Wld ta.. wlll -.....,... ~ nowdno atodr. Wmlnaiogy ....... OUtt'*'ll fo lll:Obtrt .,..,.,...., cl• Delly '"''°" ~ .o. ._ IUO. c.t9 Mii.ii t2dl.. Q.lla-wtsbeslo trade the martet, II h !Jet1er oll baylag low priced stocks over tbe coater, high priced 11.ocb over the coanter, low prtc<d llooks .. the ... cbanges, or blP prtc<d llooks on the uchanges? J.J. Newport Beach A. Your CJllf'llon left out tbe most important aspect for a lloc:b that are l1!UO!l8bly ..iawe. 11u1 lllgb prt~ stocks have another faction ln their favor. Due io the rather odd c:ommlsdon let up, it costs a lower percentage of your investment to buy a higher priced stock. So don' trade lih an amateur. SUck with the blgber priced Items even U you must Wy and sell odd Jots. You can afford It. lt is usually better lo stay with atocU traded on the American and New York when your trading oojecllve ls 15 lo 30 percent gains. Q. u ... -!lie montla ol October na1t campond to --r.r ""1tog llocb? J.B. Newport Beadt A. October outranks all other months as a buying Ume for 1, 2, 3, and 6 month.'! buying periods. It should be the favorite month f o r purchasers or call option con- tract and writers of put o~ Uom. 'lbOll&b the average gain (Blnoe 1919) between lllY day tn October and ninety daya later tn January baa been .. , percent, buying at the begin- ning nl October and aelltng 00 the aeoood trading day tn Jmuary baa produced. pin 0( 5.4 percent 00 ·-Only two years -• km, 1167 -1.5 percen~ and 1957 -4.4 percent. M a bargain monlll, October has bad the good fortune nl falling in ll'Olll nl lbe most bullish three month span of the year -Novembec, December & January. M a 11bear-killer'', October b a 1 tumed the tide tn live major bear market.s; !Me, 1957, !KO, 1ltll end 1111&. By EARL WILSON "and heralds """ hired by governments trader, wblcll ls the volallllty·------------------------~v----"All our wcrk is done in Europe where ()f these stock!. When yoo buy'r.=============================~ heraldry was born and where the art and a non-volatile stock, t breel I °' • .., ""' 1r.tt to go from door to door asking for coats Wbo was the ftrst to wear your coat of of arms and logging them in books.." 111D11 Richard the Lion Hearted? Or Many ol these original reconls are sllll records have been jealously guarded and things can happen and two of maintained," Sharpless said. them .,. bad. '!be stock c:an What is the cost for a coat ot arms? go up which 1s good. It can go Accordlng lo Sharpless, It varies with the down or remain at tile aame size and lbe malerials uaed. iru:e. both ol wbldl are bad. Inn the Tenible! Or perhaps one of the in lbe College of Annll in London. -knigbtl ol King Artlmr's Court? How did the Heraldic Coal ol Arms In any event, tt•1 po8Sible that yoor Company tn Costa Mesa come into -nf arms ccuJd date back lo the f<U being? HOO A.D. and ts an reccnl, ll'a also "In 1967, I decided lo do a history on poaible that lbe ll«aldlo Coat nl Anm my lamlly," Sharpless said, "and when I Co., ol Colla M ... has that record. found out the cost of genealogy, I thought Roland Sbalplesa, director nl tbe small this was the bnstneas for me." Tracing "Since tbe cost of ruearcb Is included On the other band, U you buy with the price,'' he said, "it then depends a swinger, only two things can on the individual's selectioD. of item and happen and one of them is materlal." good. Hlgll priced stocks tend For lmtance, an authentic coat d. arms to be more volatile than low can be oil painted on a 9 by 12 pa.f'Ch.. priced stocks. However, you ment for $15 unframed, or do n e in can fllld some low priced brilliant enamels on delw:e parchment ,---,---------11 compony, bu made It his bullnen lo lamlly bistories led lo his -In blve lll<h rocanls. heraldry and soon be gave up genealogy Serving .. oeem for beraldlc llnru in to devote all nl his time lo hlll new found Europe, the compoey IUpp!lel coats or business. arms for all IUl'D&IDt.8, regardlea of na· "Last year alooe, we filled 1,175 orden tlonality. for coats ot arms," Sharpless said. •rwe have on file reoordl of. more than "We tell customers that we research IOl),000 aurmmes from S2 countries,'' each individual order in our private stmplea ta!d, "Alli Vf!ll'Y rarely do we library of rare heraldic reference books, oome acroa a name that canoot be found some ol wbJcb are hundreds of yean old. tn .,... lllnry." "ll there should be...,, tban aoe coat He explained that the belle aumame is of arms for the same name, we will use the aama despite earlier spdllngs or the oldeot on reccnl," Sharp!.., cro- vntanll. In other words, the name tinued. "That way we can uncondiUona.Uy "Smith" oauld bave been Smyth, Smithe, guarantee the aulbentlclty or all ooatl ol S8l1tbe, Smithy, and ao on. arms we sell" "A coat of arms wu originally a Sharpless said that the Heraldic Co~ 11m1J1e picture or emblenn polD1od oo the pany does not do genealogy and tbat lbe battle lhleld ti. fllhdDI men to make 1 customer receives onJy a coat ol mns dMm ...., eully ncotlDizll>le tn tbe and Its deacrtption and not a family fnl! nl bancl-IC>baDd oombat," Sbarpl... blstory. aid. sbarpl ... ls a member of the Heraldry Soldlen olteo adopted tbe colon or Society aod ls a public lecturer, ln- <Oll ol anm ol their leader oo ~t tbey structor, end columnist In heraldry and oould tell ooe !mn anolbe< in bottle. >.. genealOi)'. tlme ~ th1I same means of iden--"So far as I know, we are the only tu;..don waa adopted by lamllles end beraldry company In Ca 111 or n I a , ' • cRen denoted the p!'(liculon of the Sharpless sald. He revealed that he bet.rer. bought out the stock of a firm 111 Beverly "Jn the }'!ar 1300 many countries HUI! a coople of year1 ago, paying '50 to IJoclll teeiMc r.oonls," Sharpless said, l60 apiece !or oul-ol-print heraldry book>. for $21. '!here is even a 15 by 12 double parchment containing a husband and wife's coot of arms Bide by side for $37. A coat of anns can be mounted on door knockers !or $22, on car bodgea !or '20, on adhesive insignia f<r $18, or even em· broldered in gold end allver wire baulllon and colored silk into blazer patcbcl for $20. However, according to Sharpless, the moot popular Item ls the large plaque made of aoltd oak band-potnted la lllD color. 'lbese range tn llize and ttclce f1'am a 8 by 11-incb plaque !or $11 lo the 11 by 22-inch large cleJuR plaque for lit>. Moat or the work ls done tn England He aald tllat American artlsta ,...,. ''no good al heraldry ..,,.k al all" and U- thal thought Ibey could do the detailed wock also thoogbt Ibey were Rombrandt or Mlcbaelangelo and wanted to charge accordingly. lie said the work done by Engl~h artisans waa superb tn every detail. '"This ls wby it -lllloger lo IUI an order," Sharpless explained. The average time of delivery ii from five to eight weeks, Including sblpping. County Report,s Mobile Home Boom l..eod<rl or the Southern c.ntom1a fln1nctal oom- mw>lty blve been told by nve members of the Trailer Coacb -atlon (TCA) ol Anallelm 61t oallooal lr"eadl point lo the oooUnued ~ or the lwwn!ng mobile home and nc:realtoo vehicle lndultry. 'nlo "Slate nl tbe Industry" "'l!"rl wu made lo 100 nnan-""'dal ,...._!Im at a liloeUnC held ncenUy at the Bil!niore Hole) ID Loo Angel ... lndultr1 """ ..... ·-"" rep e1en&•llw. r r om edministraUve asststant: Ex· ecutive lndu~ I n c . , Thomas E. Frank, -presi-dent and director and the Trailer Coacb Aaaoolation, Lot.Ill C. BeU, executive vlce- pmldent, and Riobard MoSI, Wuhtngton D.C., a ff al r 1 dlrtclor. B.U s<I the teoor or the me<tq when be declared that +iaeverel trends point to an eveo larger growth In the recrt.ation vehicle lnduatry. '' pl'uure time and more people turnlng to recreation vehicles to enjoy tbelr utn tJ:me." Bell alao ooted tb6t with this 1ddJUOn11l time "r«naUonel vehicle owner• will be able to trivel farther and enjoy mon> of the country.'' "By working with t h e regulatory agencies we can help develop a betltt product wblch In tum leads to a sausned customer w h I c b spells success for the in· dustry." Frank told or EzecuUve Industries succ:eaa In the motor home field. This wa1 pointed out ln tevenl way11 one of which wu .. iu. "Executive 1ndu1trle1 entered the motor home market In April ltfi," Frank saJd. "By the.end of that year we were showing a profit. 1 v.. .......... ... ..................... ................ -. 2 ..... _.. ... .............. ,.. ............... ....... _.. .... _ 3 .... -..... .. ,.._.... ...•. . _... ........... --lfWl ........... h ..... W., flt' tM eye a••• tlOI) of Moir M...W ~·1 "FGllf Aeldblt '1IM far QM111", Y1111 Wfl .... ,,,.. __ T•l•t.•• 648-0650 ltl 1113 t• Alli.,.,,.,,_... •••••• HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 301 -11oui......r Ntwpotl 8eocl!, CAll:lll80 .fl'leetwood l!llletprlM, !no., Jact II. Dllll, preoldeat aod ~, and MellOlt Potter, •1More lban 500 major cor- porallona In lbe United st.lei bave swtt<bed lo the looNlay work week. Tbt!o throe-day WMktncls tn tum mean more Mosa outlined the Wathht11lon side ol the pic-ture, aaytng that u'I'be pr'l.,.111· lng environment In WMblngton Is CODIUID.~rllm backed by ttgulatory legisla- lion .. Two of reA.'1 Important jolJo are lo prov1de feedback to the regu!Jltot")' agencies and determine leglalaUve Impact OD tbe Jndnatry. Sal" In 1970 alllOllllled lo $2.11 ~=======~ mllUon I · -- OtilY Coast Qffei'S • 63Guaranteed Certificates ·Saturday Service ·The Insiders Club ElfectMt Annual IWMomcD Eemlngs 9tti 6. Hiii. Loi °"9M•tz:WIS1 5.00%-5.13% 011 ... •-wt&.IHtM ....... , Pl.AClt Pasll>ool< No Minimum. 1933 Wlllhh IMS.. LA. • -.i2118 5.75%-5.92% ._._...,._ One v-Certif1cate tnd 6. l"*""Y. -.uol: $1,000 Minimum. HUN11f1Nn'ON MAatl 'l"" .. ·~-· 6.00%-6.18% ( 14) ti7· 047 TwoloFMY,.C.-Ml<TA- $5.000 Minimum. 711 Wlllhlt91Slvd.• mG14I Up lo 90 dayS tosa of --lntereat en amounts 10tt1 ._ PKlffe: • mesa withdrawn before maturity WUTCOVI ... 'on all certlfk:ate accounts. r.utland Shopplns Cit •• SS14201 PANOMllA.ctm ......... _ also provides big dis· er.. 6. V.n N~ 81Wd.•m.t171 ··-111e ·-Club: A rmv counts on tickets to •Port· 187&1 Ventura Blwl. • 3611114 way to beet lnllatlon. lta Ing and entertainment ............ memllel'lhlp card pennl!S events •• , plus a whole 3td. la;ult. 431.7411 you to buy nearly fNflry-list of f""' services: safe ......... ...._ thing you need from the dePoSlt boxes, money or· Ith • &olO • 2'Ml10 flnest-rshoWo ders, trevelers checks, --rooms at subslantlal sav-and notary services. ""\'tr'.d" e .... (714 1 Inp -appllenca, furn~ Membership require- ture, llereo equlpmen~ ment tor •••er•-$2,500 DlllJ--9 AM to4 I'll sportlns aoocn. dreperles minimum balance. c-t Al--°"° and much. mucl1 more. borrowers now receive as--· °""'........,. You can even b\j)' cars socl8te membenhlPo en-9AMto1Pll et the "f1eet" price and titling them to ell outside Opening Soon: mobllo homes end motor· referral services. Ask cycles at IUbltenttal sav· about joining at any Coest Offices In San Gabriel, Ings. The Insiders Club office. Tustin & La Mirada. Altm O'IQI Oii& llWOll DOI Lt.Ill becom Wow re1r wonde c1n be may h Th plexes conditi I' the · and ex that re Va rise co pears declln.il tion B ing th ougges during stalled s· la ti on the va year. I from movin larly In a the s y on tile Also w Co I Of "S' April, pe tbe sold. have third "F move .. .. -.~ .. .. .. "' " Real Estate Questions/Comment By Realtor Randall Mccardle How doo1 tho ""''"' morktt look for 1973 . Wiii II btcom• -re difficult to kHp our unit• fully occvplod. Wt wore plonnl"9 on bvlldl"9 1ddltlonal unlll on tho rt•r of our prennt apartment complex; now we ere wondtrlr19 If the! 11 wl10 . Whet IOrl of v1cency re to ctn bt prolected. We would epprRltte any d1t1 you mty hive. J. G., Coste Mttt The vacancy factor of different apartment com- plexes .vary greatiy depending mostiy upon location condition, age .and the attitude of management. ' I'm sure you have observed a lot of new lumber in the air in the pest year. There have been many new and exciting apartments constructed; all competing for that rental income. Vacancy rates rose rather sharply during 1971 the rise continuing into 1972. The overall vacancy rat~ ap- pears to have reached a plateau but shows no signs of declining. Furthermore, the bulge In housing produc- tion statistics, most of which was In multiple units, dur- ing the last part of '71 and the first part of '72 would suggest that new housing units delivered to ma?ket during the second half of 1972 .(new electrtc meters in· stalled) will accelerate rather rapidly. Since \we have no reason to expect a spurt in popu-- lation growth, one would guess that this will Increase the vacancy rates again during the latter part of the year. It is possible to assume -and some do assume - from the data taken at face value, that we are again moving into a worrisome overbuilt condition, particu- larly In the apartme11t house sector. This cculd result in a sharp curtailment of production in early 1973 while the surplus Is absorbed. Thia in turn could generate considerable distress to those whose fortunes depend upon the rental of va· cant units. . ln view of all this statistical data, many bright and seasoned investors are atraininJI at the bit to buy or build new rental units : •• and have you ever no- ticed that the Investor earns many more dollars than the statistician. Are there 1ny ,..., tax 1dv1nte;1t to buying, rathtr then rtnll"9 a home . S. M., Hunt1"91on Bnch _~es. li )l'.OJ!._OWD your home, all of l!IJlJnt.er.es.t p.aid on the loan and real property taxes· are tax deductible. Also when you sell, the cost of improvements made just prior to selling your home are tax deductible. These factors, along with the rising cost of land, material, ~d money, make a home purchase an excellent · "in- flation" shelter. Randall R. McCardle is an inwstment analyst. college lecturn-, and author of .. Real Estate in California/' Send your com1Mfttl and questiom. to Randall R. McCardle cto the Dailt1 Pilot, Box 1560, Costa Mesa 92626. ' Countryside Homes Offering Third Unit Countryside, a popula¢>- "Priced development being built In Lake Forest by M. J. Brock and Sons, Inc., an INA Corp. subsidiary. ls ollerlng !ls 5.1- bome third unit Norm Stern, sales manager, announced. "Since the models opened in April,'' said Stem, "nearly 90 percent of the 118 homes in the flrsl two units have been sold. And, a ntUDber of buyers have been waiting for the third unit to open. "For families who want to move into a new home im· mediately or before school starts, we do have 15 two, three and four..ixdroom homes available, either right away or within a month," Stern added. "For example, the Marigold model ls perfect for families who have always wamed a two-story home. This plan, p'riced from $26,'50, has two bedrooms upstairs and one downstairs where it can be converted to a den o r guestroom. OUr four other plans, ranging in p r 1 c e from $22,950 Include on .. and twi> story models." Countryside is only one block from the new Lakeside Village Shoppijlg Center. A regional shopping center with two major department atortS is now Wlder construction across the freeway . Countryside ii also close to major business and employ. ment areas in the rapidly growing I r v i n e Industrial Complex, in the beach cities, and in central Orange County. The Countryside m o d e I s may be reached by taking the El Toro offramp from the San· ta Ana-8an.. Diego Freeway, going norlh on El Toro Road to Rockfield Boulevard, then left on Rockfield to Ridge Route Drive and north on Ridge Route ooe block. REAL ESTATE µ-ealwrs Hit Reagan On Prop.14 LOS ANGELES -The president of the 6 3 , o o o • member califomla R ea I Estate Association h8I at· tacked Governor Re a g a n 1 Speaker of the Assembly Bob Moretti, and USC CllanceJlor Dr. Norman Topping 'for "deliberately misreprll500tlng the effect of Propos!Uon 14, the tax limltttlon lnlUaUve, to the people of Ca!Uorola." Joseph B. Carnahan of Mission Hills charged: "All three men are more in- terested, apparently, In scar· Ing the people away from tax reform than In tellllig the truth. They have conslstenUy quoted discredlted fl g u res from the Post report, which the legialatlve analyst's office Itsell bas repudlsted, to create a mythloal reveoue gap. '"11ley have wsggled the ghost of underfW1ded schools, II be declared, ''knowing Proposition 14 does ss good a job of fwldlng ss the defeated -Reag.,,.Morett\-bill w o u ~d have, and as the governor's own proposal, announced Oct. 10." Carnahan pointed out that the ultimatum Governor Reagan gave the legislature to approve a tax reform in- IUaUve fa< the ballot by January 30 "provides the ..,.. money pa" pupil -1828 pa-day co_,-ec! to 182$ In Propoeltlon 14." The governor's tax ~ ltiaUve, which be threatened to qualify himself lf the legislature does not act, pr<> vldes $955 per pupil In high schools and f/65 per J>UPi1 In elementary schools. The nlie of thumb puts twice IS many pupils In elelll<lllaJ7 scboots, so twice fllli, plu5 '* tolall $2,480, which divided by three to mive at an average, amount. to 1828. "'Ibo property taxpayers In this state deserve a better break than to have their elect- ed Jeaders fWtting dirty to keep their opdons open." the Realtor president &aid. "They just don 1 want to looe their power to tu -and the ability to keep prom1sing tax reform year after year, which never happens ." Carnahan quoted an analyais by the California Taxpayers Association, wlllch bad taken no position on Propos!Uon 14, as saying the measure bad as good a chance of being In balance as the state budget and may well create a surplus. On the sdJool issue, be said Proposition 14 irovides a fun- ding base from which the legislature <an ,....k. • . ... . ".. .. . ' . , ., .. • Sundoy, O<-l'I, 1971 OAIL V l'ILCT C 7 • Housing Decline by 1973 Seen BEYOND ALL Ibis, he said, In the past three years alone "we have }ll'<ldu<ed, mainly by private enterirlse builden, more housing 10< low and moderate income f a m i 1 i e s than we have produced In all the years put togetber since 1939 -. tbe Federal Govern- ment first began In build boo> Ing In esroest for low Income famllles. Rogg emphaslzed th.at mud! of this was accomplished through a cooperative rela- tionship between pr i v a t e enterprise and government. Rogg told the leaders of Spain's housing indullrY that the~ "probable" production of 2.25 to %.! mlllloo housing units this year would exceed the previous reccrd o f 2,1184,500 unila built In 1971. He based his forecl!I on the preoent SIUlUal building rate of 2.5 million units - a pace, be said, "that cannot be sus- tained, however, and the an- ticipation is that we'll be entering 1973 et a declining level." Rogg attributed thia in part to less .available fund& for 80 Percent Occupancy At Meadows 'Ibe Meadows mob.Ile home community at Irvine is nearly llO percent occupied and ts rapidly approaching capacity according to Jay Carty o f Azlmuth Equities, I n c . , developen and managers of the community. "This community ts the only one of its kind in Irvine," Car- ty said. "At the present rate the spaces are being leased we expected to be completely full before the end of this year..'' Last year the Meadows at Irvine was chosen as Southern California's "Mobile Home Park of the Year." morfiare lending because of demands for money from other ooctcr1 of tbe economy than housing, Merg1ref Coombs ind P1te Coleman (right) receive congratu- lations from brok•r Gery Lawson efter they wer• present•d with th• top production •w•rd1 for S•ptember. Mergtr•t won • poc:k•t-1ir•d c1lculator for top 1ele1. Pete won • micro wave oven for winning • 3 month 11le1 <ontest, end he was 1!10 top lister for October. Go with the winners I" PHONE 842.+474 17910 MAGNOLIA, FOUNTAIN VALLEY , ti()~U-S 13,,_, Tti~ VAVI\ -N tiU~Tl~f7T()~ 13~4.Cti , GRAND OPENING! 30 acres of luxury homes-40 acres of park! Elegant 3-and 4-hedroom homes designed around eirtra-large famHy centers. Step-up and step-down living and dining rooms. Spacious master suites with large, compartmented baths, walls of wardrobes. Activities rooms. Wet bars. Cathedral ceilings. Second-floor lofts that overlook the living areas below. Gracious living at its finest! ~ From "EOUALHOUSING ~L!!J $.)'J,00() Ponderosa Homes 832-5631 ·-• ' --· • • • I • • . ':: , ~. Oct.obw 291 ltn GOOD SIZED LIVING ROOM AVAIL ABLE AT RANCHO VIEJO HOMES Rancho Viejo Tract Homes Offer Courtyards Individual courtyards with palios add a private dimension to outdoor living at Rancho Vlejo Townhomes. a 192-unit Levitt and Sons of California, Inc. deve1opment apening to- day in El Toro. Arranged in groups of four, the townhomes ring a large landscaped lawn, centered with a swimming po o I , covered deck and wading pool. ' ' T h e n o -maintenance reatures of landscaped openspace areas a n d at- tractive pool facilities continue to appeal strongly to our townhome buyers. But, not at the expense or ~ private out- door area thaC's more than just a deck, or a slab," noted Fred Dayan, vice president and general manager. The Rancho Viejo Townhome9 are under con- struciton at El Toro Road and Pino Lane between Lake Forest and Mission Viejo and across the San Diego Freeway from Laguna Hills. Three plans, ranging in price from $18,900 to $25,400, offer a choice of two and three bedrooms and one and two stories. Models, with interior design by Donna Summers of Sum- mer House Design, Inc., are oo display daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. With five percent downpay- ment, complete mo n t h 1 y payments start at $219. Pay- ment includes principal, in- terest, inmlranee, property taxes, and homeowner association fees. Move ins are schedu1ed for early December. All structures will reflect. an Early California architectural theme executed with mission tile roofs, hand-finished stucco exterior walls , and dark-stain- Mesa Parcel Lease Told Walker & Lee, Inc. ' s reoently formed Industrial Properties Department has negotiated a s>year, $536,250 ground lease on a 103,950 square foot industrial parcel in Coeta Mesa, Richard Scudamore, Investment Division vice president, an- nounced this week. The property, at I 7 2 5 Monrovia Ave ., was leased from Thomas Ingman of Newport !!<&ch by Howard Cummingham, principal in H. A. Cunningham & Associates of Newport Beach. Qmningham's plans call for the construction of industrial warehouse units on the prop- erty. A former developer client of Walker & Lee, Oln- ningham is a brother of David Cunningham, principal of well- k no w n Stanton-based Cun- ningluim Co. ed wood doors and trim. Every townbome will in- clude shag carpeting, sliding glass patio doors and screens, interior space for washer and dryer, gas range and oven, automatic dishwasher a n d disposal. Also, enclosed garage, dou- ble insulated wall CQnstruction for sound and privacy, cultured marble bathroom counter, and thermostatically rontrolled £orced air heating. According to Philip E. Yasskin, director of marketing operations, early buyers have included single and married adults who live in apartments, mobile homes, or single family homes in the immediate vicinity. Virtually all have noted lack of maintenance, location, and price as in- Ci!Oli ves to purchase . "This is the first time we have received considerable in- terest from mobile borne owners. Those in lbe market tell us they are concerned about increased space rental fees and concurrent deprecia- tion of the mobile homes themselves," Yasskin said. Rancho Viejo Townhomes is Levitt and Sons of C&lifornia, lnc.'s second deve1opment in El Toro. It's first project. call- ed Rancho Viejo, consists of 98 single family homes and is located within a block of the new project. It sold out within five months of the grand open- ing. "'°" Mdlat In • llW! '*""' ...• #rufy ._.,,,I ~ flNfM#rfg llfo mo1p/'r1r1. B11c/'rw1Hc oh1rt1 th• COUfll IOf I lfflflfMt./ Clltlal lwtUl'f. Theft hH l'lllY9"bMfl anything quit• • Nlmhl!Mil M SMChwatk. Dr.wnati- c•ly-conc1tved, on• 1rtd twCHlory Townl'lomn, with two toftv. bedroomt. two a.ctl tto.. fol' toefll ~ ••• DtyMpkl •I•• •wlmmlng pool•, ~ ll'ln91 pool, cabana1, ~ ~~n eot1rt, bl~ue 1reu, and IMQftiflc.nt t.ndiciplng. Juel ICtOU th• 1tr11tt 11 tt'MI bl•Utllul S11cllff Country Club and Golf OoorM. H1r1 la ll'llng which la totally maJnt.n1nce-fNe, 1t.1rftQldld tty 1n- comP11rabltl NCfldonlt '*>lllU• ••• •• 8et 1611fot8HchWllllk,,, I port to .......... • - $4.5 Milli on Sales New Milestone for Niguel Laguna Niguel set a new marketing n1ilestone I a a t month with 102 new home and custom home lot reservations recorded for a volume or more than $4.5 million. The community's be s t previous month was May 1971 with 78 reservations recorded. D o n McMiJlen, marketing director for Laguna Niguel, said, "All of our products moved well bot the greatest activity Wi.!I in oor ocean oriented neighborhoods." He said that 60 of the Sea Terrace units were taken ofr the market by home buyers. The Sea TezTace with its private road to the beach of- fers single family homes, garden h o me s and townhouses. Both the single family homes and townhouses have sea views from the roll- ing hills of their gate guarded and patrolled neighborhoods. Dubbed "California's newest coast town" by the deve1oper1, the Sea Terrace has a three- acre private recreation center scheduled for completion Christmas Day. Two of the center's four tennis courts are already in use. THE $35Cl,IJOO.<enter w i 11 contain a junior-<>lympic size swimming pool, separate therapy pool, 420kquare-foot clubhouse, two h a n d b a 11 court!, sand volleyball court, playground area, parking lot, landscaped park and a play field. All except the tennis courts will be lighted ror even- ing ""· "We've made selection of the most suitable h o m e particularl y easy f o r in- terested families by having 16 full y furnished and decorated models for them to inspect," said McMullen. Five floor plans and 15 elevations are offered in the one and two-story Sea Terrace Homes, designed by B. A. Berkus. 'The three and four bedroom homes are priced from $54,900 to $71,900 with conventional financing available. The garden homes ronge in price from $4.'l,900 to $55,900. CLUSTERED IN groups of two or three units, Sea Ter- race Townhomes,.designed by Daniel N. Salerno & Associates, offer maintenance- free living at prices ranging from $35, 750 to $50,550 with up to four bedrooms and two and one-half baths. Offered in one and two-story pl8lll, tile -have General Electric ran&e-ovem wt ib exhaust hoods , disbwuhers, and food waste d I s p o 1 e r s , wood-burning fireplacea with gas outlet., wall-to-wall carpeting, forced air heating and large walk-in closets. In a competition open to builders tJu·oughout t h e Western United States this year, Sea Terrace Townhomes was selected by the National Association of Home Builders judges for its Gold Nuggest Grand Award for excellence of design and construction of townhouses. are underground to prevent poles and w~es from marring the views ol. ocean and hills from all residential areas." he added. Less than two and one-ball miles from the Sea Terrace is Dana Point Harbor, which McMullen refers to as "home port" for Laguna Niguel. This marina provides moorage for 2200 boats and has facilities to launch an additional 1,000 l<"ans.JIOrled by trailer. Mf>llf!S (Jp AU of Laguna N'iguel's model complexes are open for Bruce W. Mo o r e of inspectlon daily from 9:3G Irvine has been named to6 --be vice president a.m. p.m. luo::y may f reached from the Los Angeles in charge o production area by driving south on the and an associatein Wal- San Diego Freeway to the ter Richardson Associ- "TIERED FENCING is pro-Crown Valley Parkway exit ates, a Costa Mesa vided so that both privacy and'p;;an;d;;;;n;i:·gilbt;;;;a;;bou;;;;l;;t;iw;;io;;;;nu;;;·1;;;es;;;.;;;;;;;;ar;;;;c;;hi;;'tec;;;;;;tur;;;;al;;;;f;;irm;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;, views are e.ccommodated,"11 ~id ~:.1t"· ~· 00.J:l °;"~ PRIME R· 1 SUBDIVISION LAND townbomes In Sequence Ill 4.6 Acres have sea views, "All utilities Mesa Complex Robert Greig & Associates of Newport Beach, has been selected to design a $300,000 industrial complex to be con- structed in Costa 11esa on Morv'Ovia Street. Established High Quality Huntington Beach Area Bushard/Hamilton Struts Close to Beach -·Schools -Shops SEALED BID SALE $130,000 Minimum Builders Info. incl. Soils Report -$10 Philip F. Bettencourt, Newport Beach City Hall 3300 Newport Blvd . -(7141 673·2110, oxt. 205 A Lakeside Community bythesea! Graceful, sweeping lines blend beautifully into the natural terriil ns of rolling hills and gentle valleys. Village San Juan presents luxurious maintenance-free, Townhomes, and Country Court Homes, in a park~ Uke setting around a private, 31h ·acre lake. Private, fe nced patios and courtyards, General Electric appliances. and landscaped luxury are just part of the story, as Village San Juan creates an unparalleled lifestyle of comfort and elegance for modern families. The fishing is good, the air is crisp and cool, and the living superb in this most unique, re freshingly different, "good life" community. from $22,990 • gEQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITIES" Take San Diego Fwy. IOUth to JuniperoSerra exit Take Frontage Road to Village San -!uan entry. Furnished Modela on Ois~ay Phone: (71-4) 831-1381 A Commuo;ty by U.S. DEVELO PM ENT CORPORATION A Subs;d;u y of FIRST BU ILDERS BANCOR P GE SAN UAN ' • \ H R and ,tent ford ""' the 30 y told ' . UA!l V PILOT f 8 ~,Romney's Housi~g 'Breakthroug~' Hasn't Broken Ice ., l'RANll llOSKE!j managing director of the Na· The -.1IJel """Ice tllat buUt by ~Uvely smoll local ''Tho IOVtl'lll!jellt hopn to -for -Of~ )Irma engineer and the pr"ldent of arcbJ1«CI ltnlCWral d.,tp. ---"" -tlooal Building Agency, there bas beeft re-by the Na· housing COtllldla. However, the attract moro private ... that . part I c Ip at 1 d IO hll own building system firm. ''We 11 ,' ' he 1a I d 1 ~ wu 11111 moat lrl eeveral lmponant factara 111tfulneu of sucll an agency terprlle into bulldln(, by pr<> BreatlllrCllCb cmpetltort' Under Ill he.adlng h e "8....i.tl>roui!> made o·n t publlelzed ~ e v e r Involved. Ono Is the In-Uanal llulld"1f AceocY tostlng II not limited to Brltaln. For vldh>c direct rent subsldleo. B r e aldtftual> compelltara' dmloped a 11 g h t w e I g h t mlltake tbel proved to bt !IWIChed by tho Deportment troductlon ol a now kind of bulld"1f '1llemo and anolyz. inotance, l'rlnoe and the lnllaad of 1Upporiin( the wotlt bu been prodlJoed cln celluJor "°""'ete fr a m Ing fatal : It put bigness befon of Housing ucl Urban building codo baled on Inc lholr eflldency and tho Netherlands have 1tmllar bulldl~olbouaJnc,;'Barrto!d any major IClle to date. flor l)'llom. One venion of thil quality, Devol-ent. performance !ttndanlt !he durohlllty of bu 11 d Ing orsantzatlons; but though very me. "lnst...i of 1110 90vem-hu tt produced any real In-wu wed for a self-help squat· "HUD atlemptod lo get tbe When George Romney Natlonal Building Agency materials does not even e.ilst much needed to protect con-ment grant, NBA wU1 eerve novatlom In buJldlng method! ter settlement in Venezuela. largell firm.I and to set up bi& beceroe Secretary of H!Xlltng worked out. The other lt the ln tht U.S. suma, there la nothing of the prlva16 flrma much Ukt we or l)'lltelril or Inf, new ideas Another il'Klustraliz.e<I versJon Important COllglomerates, bUt and Urban Developmeo~ there conllnuo"" '"P!JOl'I of sy.tema kind Jn the U.S. IOl'Ved hoUJlng oounclll ln tho In bow to doll wllll the .,,.. was designed for U.S. use. It turned out they simply could """' U-who predlcttd tllat by the British Movement. This A NATIONAL lndep81dent '1l>e Natlooal Bulldln( AgeD-post. arowllll· ....... J)<Oblems. MitcheU alBO headed up the not perform. For one thinf, ra man ol 1118 lnduatrial and dai.. beck to the years after agency lo t..I and Oll'llfy ey, I found when vlattlng Lon-"We shalt also -to "Row mn llliit bt, alter so structures workshop of the Ibey can't take the chance to managerial experlepc6 ln the World War ll when speed of buildi!li 1)'11.,.. !w the pro-don, II at p_.t undergoing do resean:ll and conailtl!lltlr llllldl publicity and .., much Graduate Scllool of Design at be Innovative and to try auto workl would lrwtanUy production was Hsential al'KI a tection of the pubUc and the ·IOMI change111 which follow buUdJng material .S com-.,..,..,, by manuraoturers Harvard University during the ;omething really different end Wcceed Jn ma---'uct~ great shortage of labor made public mone)'I Involved wa1 the changet In housing legi>-por1«11 ~" -Breakthrough was first t960's, which was one of the new, be<ause they can't ailord "°'"'~ Aller all~ m meclwli>ailon of building a .....,tial in a....t Britain, !atlon by the Cooaervailve ~!" most lmaglnttive enterprtaee to !all. So nothing thll 90fnucbmorecompUcated. •::"=atlo::::::nal::::';prl:;::o:;::rl~ty~.:;:::::::;:::::::;:::::=;:::whe=re==m=oot===o=f=the==hous:=:::lng=~ts~gove==rnmen==~t:::. ::::==:::==::::=:=::=llAIU\=·~~BIMS~=E~r~l'~te~rv<d~~a=•==I=:.,:::;::ked=:N=:eal==:Mi:;:'tche!==l,::;an==:e=:VJS=:=:de=:viaed=:=:::;to=::t=e=:a=:c::;h:::;re~pmen:='=;;t1;:a;:::risk:::::g;:e::ts::done==·"I Project Breakthrough -the Ir ~~§~~ IT'S HAPPENING IN OUR WN! ... ~;.·tn!l>~~1a~ai:: CASTA DEL SOL, MISSION VlfJO'S NEW ADULT COMMUNITY publicity HUD bu eve r ' ltunched, the United statee bu just tbal: a lot of puhltclty but no boualng. Lately even the publldty bas dled down, per!lapo because many ol th• -consklmerates that partlctpeted Jn B....i:through have separated and some participating flrms have en- tln!ly failed. THE BUILDING unions that Romney was going to con- vert have shown h1m the door. Bulldlng codes tllat r.qulre dlllerent standards and eomettmes even d 1 ff ere n t ocnws, wtree. or pipes from -·cily-to ...,thor have hard-11 dlqed. All lhll while mtn bousbl( 5tarta than ever before have been recorded by "HUD Jn the put two years and a how.in1 bOom is oo. ' PractlCally all of the housing ts till! being built by tradJ.. tloooJ methocb at enormously incl"eaalng ~·· Besides that, the mobUHRime lnduatry b ficuriablng, but ~p It e !J>. ~enl of Breaktlrough or ~ of its goat.,, ~Wliiifliis...,.e wrong!-why can~ the U.S. mass-produce hQustn( much 1lke cara at e r111l)Qlble,.price IO that many powle can have a decent V betptte the build!ng , only l famlly in 5 can "afford a new house, according to HUD 1118UsUce, and the hc!Jllng llhorlag• -Dilcl- dlHncl --people b ~ than ever before. ON A l\ECENI' Yb" to Lon- clon I -meny of the publicly built bouaJnc projects, moot bojllt with the help of !J>. Utrial l)'llftn5 that have • been found to produce OOUsJnc ol pd quality faeltt, more elllclently, llllll at lower coot. ' ,Aecordlng to Clteve Barr, 1 * * * Huge Funds Required In Housing SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - 'nle na.Uon'a housing program Is be¥t with problems and will r.qulre massive funding in coming decades, says Hous- ing and Urban Development Secretary Georg• Romney. "We discovered in early 1970 tllat housing ll'O(l'aml In the central cWes were a s bankrupt as the Pem Central llllll we don~ yet know the ex· tent of the waste. We can't af- ICX1! such coolly mistakes and we must teem to antk:lpate the Impact of our actions 10 lo 30 years in advance," Romney told the Morlpie Bankers Alloclatioo of A m e r l c a meeting here. Romney ea1d both public and private housing agencies shoufd consider new atrategles. He ouiltned five alternate plarui for study • whlcll tncluded : -ENDING THE di rec l federal role tn housing, tn- cludlng suWy program1, maldng the Federal Houalng Authortt!Y a private agency and granting a combination houstng-tncom• subsidy for the poor; -Radlcally decentrallztng the federal housing role and r.vlng tt to tile 1tatee, with the ederal govenunent granting the states "no strtngs" funda . States would take over ez. tstlng HUD and FHA ln!urq om.., and be responsible !w fundlng, Romney said ; -Partially decentralizing tile federal role to the statee, with HUD requiring the statee to wbmlt ho11fnl plaQI; -PartJa!l1 decentrali.zlnR Ibo federal role lo .tales .00 metropoll~ """"hw areas, 'with the 1oyen\niint ..... jrolllng · na-1 housing Gl ·~Ul\AG~ slate Ind , , • local Involvement lo .Jiml>J!fr Ca1ta Del Sol ls a brand new Idea·~., adult com· munltlea ••• a grown-up lllestyte that a perfect for people over 45-actlve and retired alike -with no children under 21. "A world of difference, becauM' It's not a world apart." In your communlly eleg111t homes on view 11tea overlooking the 18-hble (pub- lic) C11ta Del Sol Executive Golf Course, An exclu.' sjve Recreation center of your own with bllllardl, swimming, Boccie bowling, 11un11 and hobby shops. Both now under con1tructlon. The "other world" at your doorstep la the 20,000-..--------------, resident community of Mla1lon Vlefo, California, America's most succ111ful new town. All their sctlvltle1 are still open to you. Recreation Centers, championship golf course, schools, churches, 1ho11plng, a h9•pllal, theater ••• all In an Ideal .. ttlng of rolllng hlll1 and mountains, only minutes from the sea. $26 995 ·1 From 1 ol and 'lmpro\Oe the fecfer8f'ad· "EQUAi. HOUSING mlnlltratloq, with t..re...ci Of'POATUNITIES" • -Ir., 1Ubtld1t1 to,.llle states with Ml.SSI~ vaan CALIFORNIA ~aStadet p<lorlly ~ ~ metropoUtan • ....,_ • arau ,&t' w,, ou1 their "AMERICA'S MOSTSUC:c:e5SFUL NEW TOWN!' (714) A1-790o pllM. l_~~~~..:..:..~~~~~~~::__~~__;~~~~~~~.!_!~~~~~:.!.::!:~~~C!,!:~~~~---..;:.,:_;_; __ ::..;_::!.,;:;::;.,:.::C::.....~~-~~~~-~1 , I C )0 OlllV PILOT • • • l • . • ~ • • F·REE RIAL IESTAD LICENSING couas•. Femous licen1in9 course now ev•il· able thru Tarbell. Applicants fully reimbursed upon qualification. For details cell Al Sloan, 812~5440 in Orange County. BEAUTY AND A POOLI $37,5001 NO DOWN Pres•9e FOU<!l•ln I/alley Jac1tlonl 2100 1q., ft. home on • x 120 ft. IDl-IOitds of priv1cyl Onlgn for hllPP'I' t1ml1y livlr11r 9nd tlflellllve enterlel"" 11>11 ! 't>edroorns, 2 ~th1, tar11e Hohl a. 1lry klldltn with huge Mllnv area. <1e!11~• bulllln teelurn. Ol~walhet", Family room tdJllCe'll I PLUS hvoa bonus room. Load~ i;rl dl."Ckll'IQ, bMufitul patio and 1 contour lll&led & lolteted POOi! Ho clown (;.I. lermt.. Low down non.vets. 961·1313. " LAGUNA HILLS · BEST BUYI $2 , t monltls nciw and """"" rlglll in condition. All ~ lwrd ~ l'Mtt b9eft done llMI for voul 3 bednionu. 'l bath. bullt-ln dream k!tdttn, dt.stl· w~. Cloud .-oft exi>er>SIVI carpeting, drlPM. S"-11 like I '"°'"11 -' ' 4 BEDROOM :•TAHITIAN POOL" $42,0001 Pnls11" L.aU Forest '11ddrtM. 4 ~ t.dnlom1, 2 be .... • tlirrMI dining rwm ·ror thDM SCl'Cl•I ~ • .._.,"' flrl!PI~. oetuu bulll·ln· kitchen. 2 pallos 1'5 aq. 11. erw:io.111 patio, l.Qldl ol (ledll1111,.Mld •~I' flDIJI 111111 POOi. IO'JI. c:lownl aM030 ~·''' ~ . : \ LIKE NEW· SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO· $37,5901 e.~1 11ome wttti dlenn unllmlltd. Klrm $Utd bOCI s:blltlJAt l&rge famllY raom • .,...,., 11,..11e11. Del11X1 bullt.Jn kit~· llC ri p&nfO', Welle In w•nlhlbt ~IOMR. LO.cl• of •lor .... ~ lo ..... 'I I ,,_ SWIM POOi.i .,,_l:Ml • I 1 • f • Since 1926 EN lftf"i•IREPL $33,5001 Wild\ Mofnll """ light UP wtlen sh• -1111. dlftrful kltehM! wllh hind'( bullt-ln fNllUrff, dlshw1$her. Tiii" 11ntlr1 family wltl love th• l•mllv ,, .. of! m1 k!lthen wlm Inviting tlreplK1. J ipaclous bOClrooms. 2 baths. Hand-'°"" red filed .roof ~utr! Piiio, Sp.lnl<l1"" Gor'lllOUs lan0tc1p!ng. LI· guna Hiiis loc1llon. 830-elO .· ~,,.,~.,. ;i·~.. :,; AINS & VILLA:GE LIGHTS! $35,75411 . 8re11thteklnll view from this lovetv Mlulon Viejo home llf'11Y ont; ~r MW. 3 aJ*(;ious bOClr'OD"!I, 2 bBlhS, lari;i• lamuv room gr&ced:b'('lllnil'~, llr• piece. Gourmets pride boJlll·in ranwe, oven and dlshweshlr. Custom drapes. Ankle de9$1 carpeting. H1,1111 51 ti, covered pario -what P'rfl" VoU'll l'llVI hertl ~ MESA VERDE • EXECUTIVE • $65,0001 Few sf9ps to Goll Coul'MI fl'l)ITI this 2«l0 ·.C.:.--tt. beeuty wltti ~ i.:lf'O!lml, 3 HH••le bllm1, !VII lllnlnl room for dndlttleht lilr'lnll'S. •II lled1k "Awer6" built In kltchtn. megntflcent flre11l9-•P"1o. $prlnklers, '"'¥'"' built ~-Room for' boeit or trelllr. s,.1111~ . , ' Motl ctalrtbll "'Glln Mer". Cool OCNn brftt~ In !hi IOWIY Pl!llO, ~ be<lrooms, 2 baths, ltl'NI tamlly 11vlng In · Ille famlly room ott fhf c:1.iwce bulll·ln klldlln, dlsllwaslltt' trld a ;Gr;eoin tlrtlllact. TMc~ Plddec:I ~ carpellng, no wax Jlnoleunt In kllel\lli •lfd baths. Ell~Jy llft(ls(Bpff grounds. Nt~r l'lllllot tlloppl"" ~nd •II SCj?!Ols. ..~ Tarbell R~aches 81°/o Of The Home · Buyers * 10 FULL PAGE ADS EACH WEEK. * TARBELL'S EXCLUSIVE MU LTI PLE LISTING BOOK ' • . * GUARANTEED SALES. * COMPLETE FINANCING ' . * TELETYPE SERVICE · ''LIST YOUR .HOME . ) . WITH NOMBER l'~ ENTERTAINING PARADISE! $34,SOO Added · custom COCk.t•ll r..:.ptlon room. A ~Illus bed~ 2 blllll,, !'leeent flr.i.ce, en eledrlc "Awflrd" builMn •PP!lancft,_1nc1udine' dlsri. w.Wr. Excltliw Piiio. 2000 Ill. n. llo!na loldec:I wl!h cMrm end cotn-fortl HMIU 1 ' ----HUNT'N BEACH . MOST CONVENIENT. $30,000 NMr ~t Cotle(ie, lt'MWOV1 arid molor "sllopiJfrlo. 11>1'4 doWfl arid 111rt Plidcln8. ~ rlellt 'Into Thi• IH<kws ' bedrooon, .2 betl'I r.omo. t.mllY room Wlftl •IH~nl llrePIKe off ttle cteli.nte bultt-111 kfldlen, 11re1t for all ttle te!lonl Prlc:l9 ol OWrlef'shlp r1flclll lnsic:I• t. out. e°"'1 S BIG BDRMS::.:.No DOWNI $36,9541 l.ofttY OM ~I '*"19 In prl~ '"' of Huntlngklft had! -lusr • t.w, ilell' to be&ch -1!,ll"fel; llelll•I Floor Plan c:lalgMd for Klhle 1•11'111)' llVliig '"& M!llrtllnlnQ. 21SO fq. fl. Of. IUl)Orb QV!lllty .. df!Sltn. No qpwri ,6.1.<jt'.~-•~W .1i:9w~~\f~l4'46t\ ' Dtleor•lor't drMm como true. GarMO!lt e11..entlve WIHPllPIW l«tflh, t oveM1l1ec:t blidrooml. 2 be~ claluK• bultt-in klldlen, llllhwlther. De· lklhttul P911t. sure to ple1se !fie mott Hrllcular -lel Htfl' !ff khoolt and "-11'11111. aeau111u11y 11nd1C11Pld. H2-1m · • \ SOUTH COAST OFFICES *COSTA MESA 2955 Harbor lltd. *HUNTINGTON BEACH 16111 laoch ...... * HUNTINGTON BEACH 9017 Adams * HUNTINGTON BEACH 1124 ldl ..... * HUNTINGTON BEACH ftl1 H.Wlto• * FOllNTAIN VALLEY . . , ............. mt *FOUNTAIN VALLEY 17945 M ...... * MISSION VIEJO J:3331 II T.,. IOCHI * LAGUNA HILLS LMI"" ff'* Pfmi. 24J70 IKlllW• *SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO 31771 °"' o..,. • SAN CLEMENTE •. ' 4ttq.•- 540.lf D 842-6691 962-5566 846-0604 962-8865 962-1373 842-2561 830-6060 ·~~ 493-1341 492-7210 ----- ' \ ' " '· ·r ' Home ' Every p2t Mlaut .. 1 ., VALLEY! $35.450 Dremtlk: Clftlellrtl c101;..., J SPKlolll bid~ 2 belltl, plus din and l•mllY room, fllO lilfil!W ~ '°' those ..-clll bln®ett. EJ11111nt fl,... piece, c:leluQ lllHlt-ln klldltn. c:llstiw.wr, INld1 to pello, lc:leel for Indoor· outdoor enttn1ln1nt. M-Wl ' NEW ORLEANS CUSTOM.-$62,SCCll POOLf C111tom hOn'le wlttl 2'00 1q. fl, ol fll'll$f Qllllllty, l!mlry Ind t'Oll'llortl •. Dtdroon'lt pM din, :t tablll(lw bit~ llllnC!Ulf dining "'°"'' all electric "A-nl" bu!lt-'n kltchln, c:lllhw!llM!tr, Lll'f'l COWl'id ptllo, txPtrflY lendo 1c•lllc:I grounds, looc:ls of lltcki111ri •llli • f1111n11c: lleoltd Ind tillered POOi. $1\11rpest m.ne In cua!Wn homl ernl "2-1561 Since 1926 • . . · C'IARANCI PRICED . . '72 PINTO 2000 cc engine, Auto. truns...; ftipperwindow~·nidiO.'heoter, $ •inyl interior. Like New. (883-. · ONW) ' IMMEDIATE DRIVERY CLIARANCE PRICED . ' . ~72 LTD FORMAL • ' . FACTOITAIR v.e, auto. p. steering & disc brakes, dlx. interior, whitewoll tires, heater, radio. like New (948DTW) IMMEDIATE DlllVERY '68 . OPEL RALLYE .... ~ 4111eed. dll!ln tlCGnCl'llical car No, XIJ..541 · P.LYM.FURY Ill . . . ' '68 MAIDTOP 5988 v:a, oi1.110. tr1ns .. foctory 1lr condltionir11, ,..., . . •tltfint.. YG6'11:t,! ....... lhMI No. YQV7·1t . .• • ·' I '70 ... .,_~,:~~I' . . .. • • • ::ND FORD COUill~R witli .PERRIS· VALLEY' SHELL Wt1PER 4 speed .. .._ 411 Reor end 3910 GVW 60 Amp battery 35 Amp olt. 1800 CC Er<!. VinVI Seot 600 a 14 6 pr. ~res •. Reor.Leof Springs Ind. ff. Su!!>. #SGTAMG17871 s299 ro1111 ·s599s .COMPLETE PACKAGE s~•~ • ~·:: ~; .. :· $ . tax ·& lic.,se..Dtf.Jrnd,~ p.ft' · . • -$31-76.60 inWdirlg lliic"&-'itaim ... al -- ccrryilg'c!Dvn 'tor''41 ii6nth's. .. . JlfDYOI of cr9dit. ANNUAliPERCDITAGE · • · RAlt 12.78~· .. · ' _, ·' ' ' . CLIARANCl.PRl.,:ED '72. GRAN T.ORINO FAcTORTAll v.e, auto .• p. steering, vinyl interior, radio, 'he0t1r, white- woll tiru. Uke New (014ElD) IMMEDIATE DELIVERY CLIAAA .. CE PlilCED '72 COUNTRY SEDAN lO·PASSENGER WAGON FACTORTAIR V-8, auto. Irons. pow .. ,__ ing, IU!J!loge rock. duoHocing, rear seats. like new. (968· EBE) . I IMMEDIATE DELIVERY DAllY PILOT DJ '72 ECONO VAN ·E-100, 250 C.1.0. Engine 3 $ _speed tnw...105" wheel base. . Order Youn T odoy. CLIARANCI PRICED '72MUSTANG .CLIARANCE PRICID '12 GALAXIE 500 FACTORY All v..a. auto. trans.. power steer'· ing, radio, heater, lJKe New. (158-DKWl IMMEDIATE DELIVERY '69 ........... ?:~~l~•.lk ....... 51288 ·'70 ... ~~~~~~t:.~~;~ 51688 1t451D , powet •tnring. licertW No. 6 ll·AEU. ~ ' . . . ' '70 ...... ,, .... J~~~ ... ,~."" 514 ,........., ,..,., hNl«". lictMI 7611NX" ' • ., ~ .1 . ' ' I I ' j ' I ' I • • ! ' . -. II: 110 -• . • • •• \ ~ ;t , ~ If ' -.• '· j I I ,,. ""'' !:...J OAILY PILQT Everyone Hes Something Thal Someone Else Wants DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS You Can Sell It Find It, Trade With • Want Ad ·The Biggest Marketplace on the Orange Coast -Dial 642·5678 for Fast Results I --~~I ---I~ I--.. I~.--.. I~ I _ .... I~ -·· I~ I.-·-I~ I ---I~(_,. .. I. REALTORS 644-7662 General Gener1I Open .J.Jow.6 Swuia'I 1-Sp.m. CORONA DEL MAR 221 Orchid Ave. $66,500. 3726 Ocean Blvd. U35,000. SPYGLASS HILL 8801 Ocean Birch $122,000. HARBOR VIEW HOMES 1972 Port Seabouroe $69,500. LINDA ISLE #54 Llnda Isle Drive $289,500. WESTCLIFF 1215 Somerset Lane (New) $98,500. ' BALBOA PENINSULA 114-0 West Bay Ave. $189,000. CHARM GALORE -OPEN SUNDAY 1·5 221 ORCHID -CdM. See thla cozy cottage with 2 BR. & sep. guest qtrs. All In lmmac., move-in cond. Prof. Decorated. $66,500. Triana Bergin EXCLUSIVE -$98,500 1215 SOMERSET LANE -OPEN SUN. 1·5. New CUJtom designed for exec. buyer. Valllt- ed celling, S BR's., each w/bath, cpts. & drapes. Lots of extru. Mary Lou Marion SPYGLASS SPECTACULAR See the forever view from this 5 BR., fami- ly home. Best schools, churches, shops. Wallt to Corona d.el Mar Beach. Fee land •122,000. Lavera Burns GREAT LIVING BY THE SEA Spacious, ocean view home in beautiful Shorecllffs. 5 Bdrma., den, family rm., work- shop. Love I y patio. Must sell! $110,000. Mary Harvey LIDO ISLE -BEST BUY OWNER MUST SELL this immaculate 3 BR., S bath, lam. rm. home on 2 )ge. lots. Pool- olze patio. Steps to private lieaches & club. •1211,500. Kathryn Raulston VIA WAZIERS -LIDO ISLE We are proud to offer this well built & malnlllned 4 BR., den home with charm; line kltch. & lovely South patio. $85,000. Eugene Vreeland OVIRLOOKING FINEST BEACH Thl1 8 BR .. S bath & conv. den home is de- lliJmed to like full advantage of one of the most beaut. views in the area. '195,000. Edie Olson OCIANSIDI -3 ARCH BAY Ocean Y!ew from dreamy home -3 bed· rooms &:: family rm. -wood, brick, Mexican Ule. Short walk to beach entrance. U85,000. r... Carol Tatum 110 DIGltEI Vl&W-CORONA DEL MAR lleaullfull1 decorated 8 BR., 2\li ba. home. romal dlnin& plu1 cozy den w/frplc. Court- yard entnnce -S Car garage. $87 ,500. Jlarrlelt Davtea --ColdrJll, ... •r ... ~ 1M NIW..ORT CINTl!R DR., N.B. for lotion ••• Call 842-5178 Daily Pilot Classified Ads I ) - HITCH A RIDE! ... on a boat passing the front door ol thls custom built home. This lovely 4 bdrm. & den home was built approx. 5 yrs. ago &: ofien many distinctive features for your en- joyment. The basic plan was designed for a duplex. $280,000. BALBOA PENINSULA Popular locaUon, handy to beaches & shops. 8 Bdrm. home, priced for quick sale al $62,llOO. Convenient p&rklna -tuy to be 671: ll)Mft • "DROP·IN'' at Bay It Beach Realty ir\1WU -----------1 ,m BAY ~ .. ~~.~~.~.'"' :·, , ... ~ ~~ ------------ General Gtplerel * OPEN DAILY 1-5 * Sl16 K'IY BAY, CORONA DEL MAR LAltOI POOL -YOUR OWN LAND 4 lledroo~ family room, 3 Car 11ara11e. Fest move-In ..... 850 * ADOBI! CLASSIC BY CLIFF MAY * (·Bdrm. 4,000 sq. ft. home. P"'!~ paddoclc, citrus, ICteajle. TRUE LUXUR y . ~.ooo. ttOM! S~OW S I/ 1 t. I 1 , l 1 I ' , l1/., .:0110 2H5 E. COAST HWY. (The Mutuel 1"'9.J CORONA OIL MAR ARE YOU A TURTLE? Majestic home located in the most developed SO<tion of Turtlerock. Spacious four bedrooms surround an airy atrium full of fems. Trees and Jandscaplng are mature and manicured. Shag carpets thru-out a large formal dining room and a fireplace are Included. Stroll 2001 to the olymplc size swimming pool and tennis coum. This one Is a winner. DOWN TO THE SEA IN A DUPLEX Beautiful oceanfront duplex right on the sand. A delightful quieter stretch of beach. Large sun deck a neat dwelling for beach living. UNITS -NEWPORT 6 beaullful deluxe apartments with one over the garage with a peek· a·boo view of the ocean and large sun deck. Only 1 abort block to the bay. $175,000 with terms and owner will consider trades -sub- mit all otters. Great tax shelter. BEST NEIGHBORHOOD I Well appointed S bedroom home, 2 bath In the very best neighbor- hood. Nlcely arranged around a private pool for outside living. A corner lot. "REALTORS" SERVING GRIATIR NEWPORT HARBOR AREA MIMllR MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICI ·, .------------------.LA.Ll4lLWLV.aLZVOl: ., BeauUful family home In exclusive Baycr;,jt. 4 Bdrms., family room with lots of sheWOi & storage. 3 Baths, formal dining room, ~ ly landscaped yard with kid's play area. U ·t & cheerful gourmet kitchen, service _ po· & a covered patio. Just listed! f79,500 ·'' CAMEO HIGHLANDS Delightful home among many trees, with a tip-toe ocean view. 4 Bedrooms, large kit· chen with breaklasVdininR area. Lots of privac\ A super value at $69,500 BACK BAY VIEW Traditionally styled 2-story home with POOL, 4 bedrooms, large family room with stand- up wet bar, & "Gel Away" paneled den, shakes, wood siding, Jeaded glass -the works! $72,500 HARBOR COMPANY REALTORS 2'41 E. Coe1t Hwy., Corone del Mer "Selling RMI Estate In Newport Htrbor Since 1944" 673-4400 for Action •.. Call 642-5'18 IJ • t• . A It's ment out!) room new, m UNl9 .. Have about baths with mode meD.t Very 2713 u UNI IJ 5'!Nl11. °''°"" 29, 1972 DAILY PILOT D -..... ~ ---I~ I ---11~1 -..... l~ I ---I~ I -·-l~ I -·-I~ I : ---!~! -·-I~ 0.nerll U~IC>UI: li()Ml:S ·-OPEN TODAY - .. ' .. ' ••• · .. • • • ,, . r ~ '" 1-1 HIGH ON THE HILL Prance tbru a private gateway Into a se- cluded J:::.'Jry then orr to a wandering 4 bed-room, room home with a rim of the ocean view. Mirrored fireplace In living room and another fireplace In the master bedroom makes this a very Unique home In cameo HIQblands. It's roomy and loaded with poten!lal. Offered al $67,!IOO. 716 CAMEO HIGHLANDS OR., CdM UNtfUI tt0MIS OP COIOHA Ill MAI -67MOOO A POOL OVER MORNING CANYON lt'I all here In a very Unique home environ- ment (fortunate for you this Is an escrow fall- out!) Cul-dH&C location, tmmaculate 4 bed-room home, a heated and filtered pool, with "nine canyon view. This property could be pufect for you! It's one of the belt we've seen -and the price Is a realiJUc $69,!IOO. S ROCKFORD PLACE, CORONA DEL MAR UMl9UI MOMD o• CdlONA Dn MAI -an.aooo AMID THE EUCALYPTUS Ever been out on E . 20th Street In the Back Bay area? You know where those la1I state- ly eucalyptus trees surround the hoard and batten ~ style homes. Well, anyway1 UJ!lque has 1lsteil one of those homOI and lt'a 1111perl Three bedrooms, honest to pine paneling, real tile In th' titdlen and baths a fabuloua game ,room wtth a hlg bar 8Dd pot belly stove and out back there's an in-=~ted and filtered pool. Preaented at EAST 20TH .STREET, NEWPORT BEACH .U,N19UI HOMD 0' NllWPOIT llACH -641 ... 0I SOUTH OF THE HIGHWAY IN OLD COM The best of two worlds; Brand new construc- lioQ l"ith old world charm. Three bedrooms, a den and three baths, plus heavy shake •hllllt• roof, quaint mulU-pane windows, tots of uaed brick and dramaUc high ceilings. You can hardly believe that evef}'thlnR Is brand new, but 11 ls, In Old Corona ilei Mar $88,500 322 POINSETTIA. CORONA OIL MAR UNl9UI HOMIS Of COIONA D1L MAI-67MOOO I •• THIS ONE rs A MODEL Have you ever dated a former model! How about one that's 2 stories, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, & a very, very warm family room witb walk-behind wet bar. This is a former model In the best selling Buccota develop- ment in Mesa Verde. You ought to see II. Very willing for a price of $61,000. 1713 WAXWING CIRCLE, MESA VERDE UN19UI HOMD o• MISA YRDI -MWttl U~IC>UI: li()Ml:S • Goftonl c.>re9'9~-~ ~-ASSOClmS REALTORS -l!AITCIOo\ST-Y COftONA Dl1. MAR.CAUi'. 644-7270 ROOM TO ROAM ..... •••• IN THIS ONE All wral>l>ed up In this 2-STORY 4 bedroom, 3 bath fiOme. HUGE rumpus room that will take your pool table, 2 brick tlreptaces, bullt- in kitchen, large yard & room to store your boat. VA NO DOWN ................. $39,950. VALUE CONSCIOUS?? .. . •••• WITH THIS CONDO. IN BACK BAY A,REA -3 Bedroom, 2~ bath, bulltln kitchen, stone tlreplace. FAMI- LY ROOM, community pool & REC . ROOMS Including bllliards. Fee land close to every- thing .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. $34,500. CHARM, CHARM ••••• • • • • AND SHOWS LIKE A MODEL You m114t ~ee this mov&-!n condition PORTI- FINO MODEL to believe II. CUSTOM DEC.. ORATED 3 bedroom, 3 bath, panelled family room, fireplace, built-in klldlen, Deep, deep shag lhruout. On FEE land. Harbor View Homes .............................. $66,400. FOR THE "00-IT-YOURSELFERS" ••.•. •••• SOUTH OF THE HIGHWAY, CdM DOLLHOUSE with new STRESSED garage walling for a unit! 2 bedroom house com- fie:1J'an=~ed. ~ J>erfect C()n~uo$J'.~: FOR THE SMART •••• • • ••• INVESTORS TRIPLEX In Huntington Beach. Always rent- ed because of the location. This triplex has 1-2 Bedroom and Z.l Bedroom. For the smart Investor at .......................... $38,950. °"""'"' VA COLLEGE PARK No down. 3 bedroom. 2 bath borne with bic yard A a BOMB SHELTER. $.11,900 OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY noon 'Ul du.sk 2332 Cmnell Or. N-rt ., , .. " .... 646-1111 ·(lnyllmol HAPPY HILLCREST This gcqeouJ 3 bedroom beauty bu jUlt Men mm· pletely redecorated lnlide & out and it's located cloee to 11Cbool1 & ebopplng. lt'11 VA- CANT &:: IMl\JACULATE at only $29,950. Easy terms•· VA, FHA, 5% down con- ventional. HWT)', call now! co:11 WALLACE REALTORS -~514<41M4141- (0pon E .... 1.,..1 +DUPLEXES+ ~'NEW LISTINGS 2 BR up, 2 BR down: oceanair w/att.an view ln beaut. cond. Newly deeor. iDskte Ir out. f Car partdnc. $65,000. EveJ. 6'f5.-6886. - OCEANAIR. 4 'lit-up, 3 Bit. down; 2 be.lbs ea. unit. Carpoted, draped, newly painted inside I: out: OCMn view. $69,llX>. E v e a • 64>-225.1. ON BAY AVE.; 2 BR., 2 Ba. ea. unit. Frplcs., elec. bltnl. Blk to bay. $79,500. Eves. 615-5085. CAL[,, m-!683 associated SROK £RS-REAL TORS Z02S W Balbaa 611·1661 -OPEN HOUSES -SPYGLASS PLAlf74 e 13 BEDROOM.) -723 Cameo Highlands, 3600 plus "'· tt. In uu. 5 Corona del Mar. Sat. 1-5. hobdrm., 4 ba, J>l1"'p "?'.'~tionn me on a V.l .. -.... n. e (1 BEDROOMI -427 Heliotrope, CtlM. Central air rond., lnt""'m &: bulltin ~ player. No-Sun. 1-5. wax Yin>!. ""8g carpetJna, walnut cabinets in kitchen, AUSTIN-SMITH, GORMAN & ASSOCIATES pool..ized lot A lreath-tak· .....,7270 in&: view of ocean I: '----------------' coutllne. You can celebrate Goner1I Goner1I the bolldaya In your new ;..;;;==-----==;:;... _____ ; home. Call now $145,000 in- Wt ·ltc i11 C&Cc >ll1fJ c:t nv . ' Corano de! Mor -Dupl1x 2 & 1 BR. duplex on rear of extra wide, 45' lot. Tree tined, dead end street. Lots of room to build. '59,!IOO Specious Coron1 del Mor 2 Story, 4li(}() sq. ft. home with spectacular view of ocean & jetty. 5 BR, lg. living room, formal dining w /frptc. Separete guest or maid quarters over garage. Roo!ll for pool plus large parking area includlng paddle ten- nis court. $185,000 Big C1nyon Fantestic view overlooking perfect "pulling green" setting. custom home nearing com- pletion, 5 BR., 5 BA., great family rm. & huge game room. Tho Bluffs-1 SIO<)' Franciscan model, newly painted & draped, 3 BR, 2~ BA. End unlt, prime location. Magnificent view of Back Bay from several rooms. $621500 For L1o1.......Coron. d1I M.tr Offices Up to 2500 sq. ft. of deluxe space air cond., ample parklrig, janitorial service, 'urn. inctd., 45c aq. ft. cluding land. 8redhill REALTY Univ. Parle Center. Irv1ne Call Anytime, 833-0820 Ottlce boun 8.AM to 6 PM ~~) VIEW-POOL GOLF-DEN GOLF COURSE HOME WITH VIEW! Iron gate and 1145 E. Coast Hlghwiy slate entry. Calh<dral cell- Coron• d1l Mo1r 675-6900 ~rorg::r ~~b Goner1I Goftorol SPARKLING 30' ROMAN 1--------l·="'-'-'-------1 POOL! Extra large bed· · HERITAGE . REALTORS rooms. Laundry. Boat trail· er aton.(e. Call ta.st · 6<'>0303. I Ol:I 'I I Ill \II\ . . REAL ESTATE NEW BUPG§( ...... $48,9!!0 1 1·2Bll 6: UQR apt. 151 E. ----------1 Bq.Ooola--· I DIRECTORY KMp .... .....,. .,..,.,., whit YM rt.II al ..... • YM 11 •••• ........ All Hte IOMrieM lhfre4 '91ww ....... Mf'l'"4 ht.....-.._.,~..,,,, ............ a.,...,.. DAILY PILOT WANT ADS. hfirMI ....... .,.. i..- fw ...... ,.... ... -tH .. ""MU~ ...... &llllM ... ..,...,, ~ .. h ... . HOUSES FOR SALE 219 Via Nice (Lido Isle) NB 675--1562 (Sun 1-5) (2 Bedroom•) 125 Monte Vista (E. Side ) CM 646-8226 $21,500 (Sat & Sun 1.2-5) 427 Heliotrope, Corona de! Mar 644-7270 (Sun 1·5) (1 Br ind F•mlly Rm or Don) 1714 Nwpl. Hills Dr. W. (HVUHomes) NB 64U200 $53,500 (Sun 1·5) 1106 Somerset (Westctifi) NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 13 Bedroom) 221 Orchid, Corona del Mar 644-2480 $66,500 (Sun 1·5) 2823 Private Road, Newport Beach 642-5200 · $56,000 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 1700 Paloma, Newport Beach 642-5200 $58,500 510 Lido Soud (Lido Isle) NB (Sun 1-5) 644-4910 $74,900 (Sat & Sun 1-5 :30) 2620 Riverside (Corridor) CM 557-4130 (Sal & Sun 1-5) 204 Wake Forest (College Pk) CM 5(()..ll51 (Sal & Sun 1-5) tt•106 Linda Isle, Newport Beach 673-8663 $120,000 (by appt. only) 723 Cameo Hilds Dr. (Cameo ffids) CtlM 644-7270 (Sat 1-5) 1419 Irvine (Np't. Heights) NB 673-1658 $88,500 (Sun 1-4) 419 Irvine (Nj>'L Heights) NB 678-1658 $38,500 (Sun 1·5) 664 Surf, Costa Mesa 673-6642 675-6459 (Sun 1·5} 7622 Alhambra. Huntington Beach 646--0555 $38,750 (Sun 1·5} *404 Superior, Newport Beach 675-7225 (Sun 1·5} 82771 Seven Seas Dr., Laguns Niguel 499-2237 $74,500 (Sun 1-5) (3 Bedroom ind F1mlly Room Or Oen) 19201 Edgehill Dr., Irvine 833-2901 $95,000 (Fri/Sal/Sun) 2030 Galaxy Dr. (Dover Shores) NB 646-1550 $110,200 (Dally} 1215 Somerset Ui. (Westcliff} NB 644-2430 $98,500 (Sun 1·5} 498 E . 20th St., Costa Mesa 642-8235 $53,000 (Sun 1-5) 1842 Port Stanhope (HVuHomes) NB 642-8235 $55,900 • . tSun 1-5) *517 Garrett (cameo Highlands) CdM 642-8235 (Sal & Sun 1-5) 2011 Paloma, Coste Mesa 642-8235 $49,500 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 2558 Carnegie Ave. (College Part) CM 546-4141 $32,900 (Sun 11-5) 1000 White Salls Way, Corona de! Mar 673-= $69,500 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 1645 Samar Pt. (Mesa Verde) CM 644-4910 $37,!IOO (Sun 1-5:30) *3163 College, Coste Mesa 557-4130 (Sat & Sun 1-5) *20281 Bancroft Cir (Dean Gar.) H .Bell. 96U847 (Sat "' Sun 1-5) 2149 Anniversary Lane, Newport Beach 645--0303 $36;950 (Sun 1-5) 25841 Jamon La&•, Mission Viejo 586-0222 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 223 Rochester, Costa Mesa 675-7225 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 322 Poinsettia, Old Corona del Mar 671MiOOO $88,500 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 18107 Firestone, Fountsln Valley 968-4405 (Sun 1-4) 20611 Chau~er. Huntington Beach 675-6000 $34,900 (Sun 1·5} 683 Alla Vista, LaJIW!a Beach 499-2237 $69,500 (Sun 1·5) 14 Bodroomsl 106 Via Dijon (Lido Isle) NB 644-4910 $79,500 (Sat & Sun Hl:SO) *616 Rockford Rd. (Cameo Hlds) CdM 673-6510 (SUa 1-5) 804 Narcissus, Corona det Mar 644-7662 (Sat & SUa 1-5) 20262 S.W. Birch (Back Bay) NB 642-5200 $59,500 (Sun 1-5) **1140 W. Bay Ave., Balboa Penln. . ·1144-2430 $189,000 (Sun 1-5) *706 K-Tbanga (Irvine Terr) CdM 675-5726 (Sun 1-5) ltl002 Providence, Huntington Beach 646--0655 $31,850 (Sat & Sun HS} 3116 Kerry Lane, Costa Mesa 54ll-1907 '34,950 (Sun 1-5) 2602 Crestview (Bayshores) NB 675-3331 (Sun 1-5) 14 Bedroom ind Family Room Or Don) 3816 Key Bay, Corona del Mar 678-8060 (Dally 1·5) ttl653 Bayside Dr. (Yachtsman'• Cove) CdM 67S.W5 (Daily) *4521 Brighton Rd. (Cameo Shores) CdM 642-8235 (Sal & Sun 1-5) 2104 Miramar, Balboa Peninsula MU200 . (Sun 1-5) 908 Almond Pl. (Ea1tblufi) NB 644-0591 '62,000 (Sat & Sun M l 1978 Port Laurent Pl (H Vu HomOI) NB ~ $62,!IOO (Sat & Sun M ) 833 MIUord (Cameo Sbores} CdM M&-3928 $75,000 (Dally 1-1) 836 Via Lido Nord (Udo Iale} NB 640-7787 61M060 (Sat " liwl 1-1) 2415 Tustin, Costa Mesa 64U235 $51,500 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 1019 Dolphin Terr. (Irvine Terr.) CdM 642-8235 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 21 Hermitage Ln (Big Canyon .C.C.) NB 644-4910 $119,000 (Sat & Sun 1-5:30) **•50 Linda Isle Dr. (Linda Isle) NB 644-1910 $245,000 (Sat & Sun 1-5 :30) 2000 Kornat Dr. (Mesa Verde) CM 549-1501 $53,000 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 1755 New Hampshire (N. Mesa Verde) CM 546-4141 $42,950 (Sun 1·5) 1972 Pl Seabourne (llVUHomes) NB 644-2480 $69,500 (Sun 1-5) 18011 Aspen Tree Ln (Univ. Park) Irvine 540-11561 $55,000 (Sat & Sun 1·5) *4689 Fairfield (Cameo Sb ores) CdM 67~ $125,000 (Sun 1-5) 2861 Baysbore Drive, Newport Beach 645-0303 (Sun 1-5) 20 Royal St. George, Big Canyon 675-7225 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 1029 Parkhill Dr., Costa Mesa 645--0303 (Sat & Sun 12-5) 866 Seville, Costa Mesa 962-4471 $35,500 (Sun IZ.5) 1179 Gtenesgte, Costa Mesa 968-4405 (Sunday) 9026 La Crescenta, Fountain Valley 968-4405 (Sunday} *18261 Santa Lauretta, Fountsln Valley 842-2535 (Sun 2·5) 329 Alva Lane, Costa Mesa 646-3255 $32,500 (Sun Z.5) 718 cameo Highlands Dr., CdM 675-6000 187,500 (Sun 1·5) +515 Rockford Place (Cameo ffids) CdM 675-6000 $69,500 (Sun 1·5} 2831 Orehid Hill (Back Bay) NB 640-0020 (Sun 1-5) 38691 Windjammer (Sea Terr) I. Niguel 499-2237 $63 ,950 (S un 1-5) 15 Bedrooms) 3801 Ocean Birch (Spyglass Hill) NB 644-2430 $122,000 (Sun 1-5) (5 Bedroom end Femlly Room Or 0.n) tt#46 Linda Isle (Linda Isle) NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun 1·5) tt#54 Linda Isle Dr. (Linda Isle) NB 644-243-0 $289,500 (Sun 1-5) *2401 Francisco Dr., Newport Beach 543-7729 $105,000 i5at & Sun 1-4) **•3 Linda Isle Dr. (Linda Isle) NB 67~161 (Sunday) 2201 Aralla SI. (Eastblufi) NB ~ (Sun 1-5) 2818 Arbutus (EaslbluH) NB 64U235 (Sun 1-5) **•16 Linda Isle Dr. (Linda Isle) NB 644-4910 $167,000 (Sat & Sun 1-5:30) 40115th SI. (Cor. SI. Jame1 Pt.) NB 646--0228 $64,!IOO (Sal & Sun 1-5) 3728 Ocean Blvd., Corona de! Mar 644-2430 $1.'15. 000 (Sun 1-5} *11169 Port Dunteigh, Newport Beach 67&-7225 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 10852 El Centro, Fountsln Valley 842-2535 $40,900 (Sun IZ.5) 28642 Aracena. Mission Viejo 586--0222 (Sun 1-5) 1858 Port Stanhope (llVuHomes) NB 644-5807 '67,500 (Sun lU) 2 HOUSES ON LOT (2 & I Bedroom) 259 Walnut, Costa Mesa 645-7344 $37,900 (Sun 1-1) HOME AND APARTMENT (4 Br ond Studio Apt.) *~ So. Bayfront, Balboa Island 673-6900 (Sat & Sun IUJ CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE ( 3 Bod,._,,., 2459 Marseilles (Npt Riviera) CM 545-8424 $32,900 (Sat & Sun 1-5) DUPLEXES FOR SALE (2 Br and 1 Br) 711 Goldenrod, CoronJ det Mar 67&-7225 (Sat & Sun 1-5) (3Br1Br) !IOO Or<bld, Corona det Mar 613-8S99 $86,!IOO (Sun 1-5) (I Br 1 Br I Br) **3412 Marcus Ave., Newport Beach 67&-2124 $119,900 (Sat & Sun 1-5) TRIPLEX FOR SALE (1 Br 2 Br 2 Br and Pooll 488 Saaward, Corona det Mar 87&-7225 (Sal "' Sun 1-5) UNITS FOR SALE 1338 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Peninsula M2-5200 (Sun 1-5) LOTS FOR SALE **1853 Bayside Dr. (Yachllman'• Cove} . CdM. r/5-11135 (OaUy) ·- DAILY PILOT Classifled for Action ! ! f l . • I I ' i • ! I . S • f , • ' l ::l ·' ' . ,. i f :! -• -• ol .. • . -- l' • ' 11 "'1 I """ L ' I) .f UAILY PILOl Sundlt, October 291 l•7Z I -..... 1~1 _..... I~ I _..... I~( _,,,.. I~ I _,,,.. I~ I _..... ~I -·-I~ I -..... I~!" -·-I e Gen.ral 0.-tl Pelil Barrell Reaft'I fH6~n/6 COAST IS CLEAR ON POINT NEW DECOR with lots of used brick "stain· ed glass windows, den, family room with view, roomy master bedroom, can be 5, 4 or 3 bed· 1"90ms + 2 patios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $74,500 2104 Mirtm•r. Bolboo Penln. Open Sun 1..5 GREENHOUSES FOR GREENTHUMBERS ON 'h ACRE & ZONED FOR HORSES - House in top condition with 4 bMrooms. 3 baths . . .. .. . . ................. $59,500 20362 Birch, Back Boy Open Sun 1..S ALMOST NEW COTTAGE NEAR NEWPORT HEIGHTS with 4 bed· rooms, large famil y room + 3 car garage. Excellent terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $43,000 RUSTIC INDIVIDUALITY NONE TO COMPARE IN NEWPORT BEACH with our near-new redwood home. The 5 garages could serve many needs -probably yours. Offered at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $58,500 1900 Paloma, N.B. Open Sun 1-5 General General PREFERRED LIDO LOCATION 3 & DEN & GARDEN ROOM $295,000 DAVIDSON REALTY 510l W. c .. st Hwy., N.B. 3116 Newport Blvd., N.B. 6 IS ROCKFORD ROAD 646-7767 67S-9060 CAMEO HIGHLANDS, CORONA DEL MAR You will find your dream home. Not a dark corner in this sunny1 4 bdrm., pool home. From the entry to the canyon patio, it's a home to be proud of. PREVIEW SHOWING SUNDAY 1 TO S UNIVERSITY REALTY 3001 E. COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR 673-6510 I Ol!I \I I Ol \O\ • ~ l .. TIRED OF YOUR GARDEN APT. WITH NO ,, , S Lindo 1111 Ori .. -Open S ....... y BeauUful new 5 BR., 4~ Ba. home. Water- front Jiving rm. & formal dlning. Handsome oak paneled lam. rm., frplc, wet bar. Large master suite has frplc. & cozy lounge area. View of Bay & the mountains .... $179,500. For Complete Information On All Homes & Lots, Please Call: BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 BtyslM Dr., Sul .. l, N.8. 675-6161 Brand new, exclusive listing. Extra large, immaculate 4 bdrm.. completely furnished waterfront home plus apt. $180,000. Excellent terms. Put your confidence In our 49 yea.rs of er 1.lity custom borne building. • 642-2511 • I Oil!\ I I Ill \IJ\ ,.. t-"' • <' , Vll:W of new GOLF <X>URSE alte! Wlndlnl 1eone walk· way to CIMTed Portico enlt)', All brick froo1 en.ck· ling brlck llrel)lact. FOR.-MA~ DINE. ! bedroom.I, Larit-, secluded P&rk·llke y..-d. NO 00\VN BUYS or S3695 you chOOse! Act fut - CaU se-0.103. TARBELL ORAPUR I 1'1111* I RYTAIR I' I I I I BOANIL I i-r.:-1' 'T'-1 ;.;.;.I ..;,.I ;;..,.l--1 ....__.....___....._.... I I A mother, concerned about · : R U E A S 0 the strange actions of her lit. I I I I I tlo boy, took him ta a psydilo ;::;~:;'._;::;;'.::~~ atrl&t, and said, "Ho k- I-· -TL'""'iA,..C~I..;M.;.,;;E-.--l· Tho psyd>K>trl1t a1ked, "What l I eating gropes oil the time.• ._._I _,_l'_,_I _,_I _l1.-1~•P~~~ ~;(" .. 1: r,-=-....,....,.,.,,.~,......,I theO c;;;;!,';. th• """"" .-t:-T:P ,_Arll'-i:N ..;O,_;E;.,--l ..., 11111.,."'..,. ....,.,. _... : I' I I' I I . ,.. ~!:."'..:::~;,:~ I' r I' I' I' I' I I I I I I I 1. f SCRAM·LETS ANSWERS IN CLASSIFICATION too . ' b<, ~ ' ,_ • ' .. • . ' • ~. ' ... .-. ''1 ' I ' I 0 --- New-Ready in early 1m Only one of each wo,.derful 'money makers IS THE TIME Six· unlt (4-1 Br: 2-2 Br., 2 Ba.) The besl Ill· ~~~•n.l.~e.ha.~·.ha.d .I'."'..~ lo'$J~~. • Four-unit (2-2 Br., 2 Ba: 2-1 Br.) Deluxe con- atrucUon, top location. A winner. '84,950. Three -unU (2-1 Br: 1-2 Br., 2 Ba.) View, Ll>- caUon & spendable .............. $62,500. Dana Harbor Realty 24671 Lo Pl• .. Dana Polnt Hunti'1rton &.edt MUST BE SOLD •• ' .. 96lll l~arnllton Ave.L. 1-m OPEN 9 A?t1 to 9 t'M REPOSSESSIONS rnr lllklmWton ard IW:&llnn of thew ntA a V 4 bum.., rontac1 - KASABIAN Rool E&toto Nt-4644 N°"et'd a "Pad"? Place a.n ad! ------ CONDOMINIUMS Lotty living awahs you! Act swiftly to select your own Newport Beach condominium. Visit the temporary offices of the Newport Crest lntormalion Center, convenlenlly located at 2400 West Coast Highway Suite 8, Nel";j)On Beach. Open Dally ~ 0 a.m. to sunset • $695 Move in New Condot. 3 BR, 1~11 BA , Sh&i crptfni thruoot. (t'itcep« kllc~n I Drapes thruoul. Prl pal\ol:. 2 car iarqe.1.. From ~ per mo. !net matn. or lie Oftlon. 2 park1, 2 noola. Call John Ste-.ienton 919-163.1 Unlv•r1lty Park OPEN HOUSE Mountain, 0.Mrt, BUILDER SlilJ.lNC NOW. Ruort 11f $45,tsll ...:.==---...;.;..;1 S-.C lh of Ad&ru.t ()() tfuntln&:-LOT ln t~ Lake Kava.ii lo.n Strfft, H.B. home> ol the world ~ SJ6.l I II l.oodon Br\dco. Loca ... BEACH DUPl.EX Gd tnoome. Returbl&bed. See Sat/Sun by appt. Owntr, !67-1431. doee to au achoola A dt7, $90A> or will tn.do k.or ~ t.te11. or Newport &acll ~ come prop. ~- MT. Cabin, comp, furn., ii Income Property 166 U1c pine•. overlook• Yot.11' own beaut. mt'&dow. Loe. Oil HOME N 7 1/3 full acn..•1 of FEI • • •••• ,.,. .. , doodl. $16,9e0 - INCOME T~:;:,:, .,,.,, ... 64&-1414 Sat & Sun 1·5 PM. 18011 !lard to find Income Unit.I in Aspen Tree L&ne Unlversl S Ask tor Bruc:e Hallln.: j ty Parll:, Irvine. ff.EDUCED fd~~~Tow~~ ~i:...cy POPPE'IT FI at 1 nr. TO SEU... Wu $58,500, now and you own w land. very Jdlewild. Mobll Mme ~ SM.<XX>. Be au t If u I VAN· Sharp Condltlon. All 2 50x100 h. villw lot. Sl,l'lf DERBU.T MODEL -4 Bedroom, 1 Bath. Front Ttmui bedroom dream ho me Unit ha• Firep!Aee. Wood Broker 551-3169 64&-741,f d~ tor •rsdout tlving sid~. Shake Root. Offered Real !state • • 1.1ril'tltf5'· '°' SS8.500."' 64&--055:!. Exchongo lG :;;:.oRsj ~ IWAtil }~s~~§.:i~~~ . ~ •u&SlDIAll Of fMl COl.W!U co. of multl-millh:>n ahoppJ TRIPLEX-CUSTOM "'"1"· """ """"' J BUILT "'""'""· l500 Do"'" S50 BeautUul owner unit • 3 n10. Full price $4995. Selled bedroomsr 2 full baths "1th need tax break, wUI !n·law suite: a 2 bedroom, for local Income propert;y,1 l" bath unit: and 1 McNASH REAL TY bedroom, 1 bath unit. Built· 641..8400 • ins + dishwasher. FA heat, ~ w/w carpets, 6 enclosed R•al Estate Wanted 1~ f:r~.· & laundl'y room. * ·9-;;icli""ca5ii '~ P•te Barrett Realty WU! buy your pf'OJlt'rt)'. ZJ 642-t3.;3 cash w1lhln 72 hn, ~ N~~~~frni~1 l:111!1:wj~ . landscaped. Laundry room. ii j w/w carpet.I A drapes. "'"" S1SO per unit. Pool BROKERS INC. :' prlvilegeg. Good location. -:,. 962.a8SI > ll WANrED' Condo. °' -'62.4471 ( :J MMlOJ tor ,.,.., perfect dlamo'1il . and <."Uh. Wnte Claallrifio4 __ LEE Ad $5{6, Daily Pilot, 3J) ~ * INVESTORS * eay, CM~ · Ftnt user depreciation • 6 WANT TO BUY 1 or 2 uni new, 2 BR, 2 bath unlta; In on Balboa Isla.00 fro Laguna Beach. Spa.dowl & owner. (213) 793--0427 beautifuJ, with ocean & white water views. Terrtfic ~ ·=~N REALTY ......... I 67U642 675-6459 'liiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;· iiiill INVESTORS -5 Hnuse1, One • A ~ 3 BR. Thn!e 2 BR & 1 BR. Bu1ln"1 lee trees, freshly painted . Opportunity Inc. $805. mo. $75.00'.l. I TETms available. Will trade Aillliatc 1 for Houae in Newport N•w Refrlg•rat«I -Heights area. 0 w n e r VITMflN ENRICHED ~84. Welch's Drinks NEED CASH? $1 ,000, OR UP TO $3,ooi, $10,000 ANO MORE.' See Avco Thrift ror A rt1'I Estale IM.n, Upon ap~ ttl, u~ the monry hO'weYW you llke. Alto W about 016' u~ penon&I k».na. ~ NNPOl"t Cir, Dr. SUik 101 Newponll«ch Ph. l 1st TD Loant &'14 !Ii INTEREST 2nd TD Loan ~y PILOT S""""', lkloW 29, lf7l ,.. .. i~M~,.,!?!!!!!:Jlo~l:_e-~_!1411!! HauHo Unfurn. • MONEY lo kMln oa ttaJ Genertl 30S HouMt Unfurft. J0$ Condomlnlum1 H I •---h Unfwn. • l!Apt~·~·_:F~u'.!;m.~--....:::::160:l:A:i:P:::IL::..t.f::•m:.:::.· __ _:UO=ll.:Ai>:i::,:1·.,:U::n:;:tu:::m.::·:,__....;3'5:::.,.:;A:.::pt;;.•..;U:.;n;;.l•;;;rn..:.:.. __ .;;36.;;;.65 Apt. Unfurn. 320 Costt -Hunhnt''"' ~ Gen«1I Ge-11 Coote - flble. RMtont'blt ratta, or 1--UNIVERSITY-----P-AIU<-- *wlllBRO~ T.D&o.-7491 '* PRIVATE HOUSE n&:.n QIANCEu.OR HOME Mo"'9a9M Near llWD btlt l pool. 2 Trutt ~I 260 bdrm., 2 batlu pl\.11 dt:n or r-=;;.;..==--'= libnU'y. Enclooed Yatd and covered pado. All latest ft1ture1. Adults prefm'ed. Lease. $310 per month. Call 673-65611 or 54&-3688. S:SSOO. ht TD, $.~. Per mo. Ittcludlog 9% dU< ! yn. Cbwrs $10,000 Laguna Bea~h ocean vtew lot. $2800 bond paid off. 10% dlscoonl. (714) 493-tlSt. NEW 3 BR Lak-e Arrowhead home. Rent or lease. Unturn. 11,i Bath. Fl'plc. BIUns. $28.S/mo. 673-n!M. I I~ J Balboa P~tnsul• i'iiiiiiiiiiiiii·lii;;;i BAYVIEW 2 br. formal din, II trpl~. plush sh8.g, painted In --- Houses Furnished 300 & out. ~ blk to bay. 1 blk to ,_;.;_.;.;..._;...;.,;___ bdL l300 yrly. - 8.alboa Penlnsul1 Coda Meil uni~~ FOR 1.EASlr-3 ,.,,._ 1._, ba., Huntington llffch utUlty nn., 2 car K~·1_ tcn-2 BR Condo. Adull Uvuc. c«I yd., ~ly pamte.:I, llunlillaton Bay, nvtmmfni, clean, 2 btlu:. h'Om park ,. pool, rec:tMtlon, I r p J c , ml. trorn beach, ~ wtshtt/dr)'er, 1tove. Leue DELUXE 4 Br •• 2 be., hup $200/rno. 968-ml. pool. JW everyth.lne, choice 2 Br Condo, Bn>okhunt A area. Pvt. pty. S 3 9 O. Ada.ma, Child/peta ok. $200 963-2536. ,:;"'°~· .::-~=:,,..-~~=-! BR, tmf'Urn. Re£rla . 1: bttns. Alone on lot 11ngl$ or fan1-Crpll, drpt. pa.do. $155/mo. Bl,'$. $145. ~·111·d. Kld11/P41ts. Les l.11.1ymet, Bkr, ~115L Rent·A~Hous• 9794430 IMMED. Oc:t· Oean 4 BR, 3 Br, blue shiijj:, <1uit•t str. 1."' Ba., NtXhl 1-shoppln&, $180 & $100 depos. \\'tr pald sm 842.38841962.~ Joan. Nr Beach Blvd & Slater, gar. l')uoltxts Furn. SU 171i62 Va.nBuren, key <fi 17660. 3 BR, 2 BA. bit-ins. Balbo• Penln1ula Fe~. Chlldren OK. NEW 3 BDRM, 2 BA, $250/mo. 8U-4827 duplex, Balboa I s I a n d . 3 BR, 2% beth. All new I"· tenor. Winter rental. 305 Afontttro. 1~1. Irvine Y.'intl!:r. $m. ~1(63. e SPACIOUS-1 Br. Stow, l ~f:~::;;;:::~~:IN~owpo~-~rt~Bo~o~c~h~== rdrig, ehlld. UtU incl $90. YES ..,,.e have renlal!I . ti.tay ALA Rentals • 64>3900 v.·e 'tie ol S<'tvice 10 YOU in $135. 1 BR tum. 1 ~ blk to Corona d•I Mar 2 Br. 2 Ba. \Veil furn. home. Quiet &: ocean cloee. BOYD REALTY liTh-5930 e 1.0NED for Kids! 2 Br. Nr. schlL Fncd yrd, encl ..... $140. ALA Rontalo e 64>3900 your housing nff<!s'!' ~ch. 1 or couple pref. Wt.mer lse. ~rater & trdsti pd. "" .16th St. 'll11h''l 1i·lld. San Cl•mente LIVE Lll(E A KING Al Budget PrlcM! FURNISHED- Ul'lf'URNISllED L1QUINTA HERMOSA Sl)anlsb o..n1r7 !lnate !Jv. lo& A Sj>oclooo Ap... 1'ef' noced pool; aunkeft ... BBQ. Unbelievable 1Jvlna ~ On(y * POOLS I BR. FURN. $175 * ENCLOSED 2 BR. FURN. $210 GAR.AGES 2 BR. STUQIO $195 * CONVENIENT AU. UT!UTIES PAID TO AU. BEACHES Adults No peU: FROM $135 MONTH " blk> s. 01 San otego ~ ADULTS PLEASE on Bead>, I blk W. on Holl VILLA POMONA '0 1~~::-":.~:·> EL CORDOVA .Al!JS, From $145 1 .. 2 --Dishwasher • Sh1g Carpeting • Wallt·lll ClOfo eta, Forced Air Heat • Extra Large RoomJ • Beautilul Game Room • Heated Pool • BBQ'• Enclosed Garages. Quiet sun:oundlngs and close to shopping. (Nr Harbor & Hamilton st) Adult Living· No Pet., 20n Ch•rl1 St., Co1t1 /Mu 642-4470 HACIENDA HARBOR F""" $154' DELUXE I & 2 BEDROOMS FurnloMd I. Urifurnlohed PHONE ~201S 1145 . 1165 Heated Pool -Garages -Shag CarpeUng •... <,.11.,"'.,Pomcma!!!!!!!!!!!!!!O!A"'v"'e."'l!!!!'!! &cl>el« " 1 BR. patloa. Dishwasher -All Utilities Paid. ~ • pri Adulto Only • No Pots ,. __ .. _ Oro c s, v. garage8 • ...._ -vided belh • lo" Qf 241 A-ldo St., Coote /Mu 644-1204 AIL tJTILlTIES PAID closets. Rec hall, pool & Compare before you rent pool tablec., aauna batha. VILLA MARSEILLES Cus1om designed, featuring: See for )'Ollnlell! 1'1301 SPACIOUS 1 & 2 BEDROOM APT. e Specious kitchen with in-Kee!90n Ln. n blk W. of furnfaMd & UnfvmlatMcl d. l Beach, 1 blk N. of Sta~):-r 1rect lghting 842,-'lMS Adult Living : ~=l~e ~~S:Ca · MEN, small beach hotel. Dishwasher color coordinated appliances • • Private patios Rooms $2'Z.50 week, a.pts $95 Plush shag carpet • mirrored Wardrobe doors. * * * EASI'SIDE * * * 1 BEJ>ROOti.f Furnished • Closed garage w/11oro.ge per mo. 53&-1056'. ' indirect Ugh ting iii kitchen -breakfast bar • 3 br, 2 ba, trplc. cpts, d,rps, Duplex near Beach • Jl.farble pulln1an 2 BR, upgtalrJ,. crpts. drps huge ~rJvate fenced patio -plush landscar. L19una BHch ---,-ll.1•1illo r $125 • UTIL PD. Bacl\ nr bltins. Fncd yd. $ 2 9 5. $115 ** * 492-&t66 • King·sz Bclnns, bltins, no pell. 1 ~"•, ~=.' in I k B •·" 1 h ted beach&: town. Avail Yearly. • ~i Barbequ •••lllU ........ g -r c ar-~ues • arge ea poo 1 Couple ok. --=-""''=--~---. "SINCE 1946" Ouplexe• Unfurn. 350 ruu • es . sur-&Mr1S37 att't. ' & lanai. Air conditioning. $135 -UTIL PO. Srnn.ll, but * •2 BJ\ coort, n l' w 1 Y lst \Vei.Lern Bank Bldg. roun?ed with plush land· BACHELOR Apt Cloee to 3l01 So. Brl•tol St., Santa Alt• 5574200 nice 1 BR. Nr. ceater of decorated. 1 blk to Harbor Univl!rK\ly Pllll"k, Irvine Caplstr•no BMch f:1~f:n~~ng at 1111 best beach' & sboppuig, 100/mo. COLDWELL, BANKER & CO. town. ~~~ ~iu~xk~l Days s52-7ooo Nights BRANO new 2 -BR, 2 BA LARGE 1 BR $180. Gas & water pd, Sl1"""5667. MANAGING AGENT sm -UTIL PO. Private 1 1 ,,:::::_:=--=--==-=~c-duplex. Shag cptg, drpa, No Pets i;L~a~g~u:::no:;:Bo~•:dl:;:--;;:;;:;;;;;-l,!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!IJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~I Br. Cottage w/pool. No. 3 Br. corner house -Mesa stove, d!lhwshr, pr l vat e 365 \\'. \\'llson 642-1.911 end. Verde. Newly redec. Nev/ 3 BR. 2 baths ·· .. · •· ·· • s.125 BACH nr beach. $135415.5 A U u• NU-VIEW RENTALS palnt/crpt. S350 mo. Oct. zr 4 BR. 2 hn!hs ......... $.~ pa1Jo. closed ga.ra~e. "'lk. to WEEKLY-MONTHLY C 1 "rv 1 N · pt. nfurn. 36$ ·Apt. Unfurn. · - 673-4030 or 494-3248 thru 29 call 545-2781. After '.!BR .. bonus rm ....... $400 ~$~~~~~~~ Executtve Suites O~n e..:es.~75.:4i'6r; Costa Meu Coste Mull Lido 1111 that 714/346-8'!80. i eel h·11 Sch. 496-'675. 208I Newport Blvd. 1,'~94-~2508~._!!:alt~<.c.,.. ___ jj::;:;:;;'::;:;"7,::::-::-;;;;-;-;::·j·=;;;_=;..;;...-:---_ Bike to bch, sngls or !am· r I Costa Me•• Newport Buell ATTRACT, New 1 BR. 1 BA ....... ll:iBllB ... FURN. 4 Br., den, 4 Bo & 2 Iii'" $135. 2 B•. Cru-. Kid>/ Co'°"" dol Mor 642·2611 Apt Adul .. , no re ti, ~ ~ Br .. 2 Ba. Winter. 675-7667 pets. ROOMY 3 Bedroom, 2 bath., STUDIOS &. l BR'S \Ve have Winter Renlals $1~/mo. 1970 W a I ace. 2 Bedroom, 1 bath •••• $100 or 213: 449-4464.. Rent-A-HouM 979-8430 REALTY ground Ooor. $350 pr. month e FREE Linens Will Take Students 548-0804. l Bedroom 2 bath ••••• S205 Newport BNch 3 Bedrooms, 2 batM. Very Univ. Park Center, Irvine plus spacious 1 bedroom • FREE Utilities Also oceanfronts ava.Il , Spae. l Ir: 3 Br apt. $140 up 3 Bedroom: 2 bath • .. •• $25.5 sharp. ~ fe~ yard. Call Anytime, 83J.-082D upstairs wtth private en--• Full Kitchen 3 Bdmu., 2 baths, frplc Pool cpt/drp bltns, kids ok Beautiful new apts. w/pvt WATERFRONT $ 2 3 5 /mo t n c I u d Ing Office hours 8 AM to 6 Pti.I trance. $225 pr month. Both Unfurn., yearly • ·· · $275 1996 ~taple NO. J .• 642-3.!13 patios, &:&.rage, pool, spa. garde Call o av e untts next t~ &: tennis, • Heated Pool 4 BR. l BA ·••••••· $325/350 2206 College No. 5 .. Mz.7035 Lush garden setting. Adults, PIER & FLOAT 54G-ll~T."Agt. ' 4 BR. 2 Baths, fenced yard, ca ll &lley -8550 Alt!. • ~u;:ry ~acilltles il ~ =~ f :f ··········· ~ 2 BR. 2 BA. dbl gar, cpb, ~· 151 E. ::1st, c.M. 3 bedrooms, fOrmal dining e 1 Man'S Domaln-Spac, recreation Pr i _'! i I ' i I · l BR. 1 Bath. Swedish frplc, • ma serv ava • ·' • • '· ·' • • • drpa bJtlns, d s h w 1 hr room, 2 baths, w I w Bachelor. utU incl. $85. Gardener· ;:.50 I mo. ell'c bit-ins, d sh \V hr , • Phone Service 2 BR. ~:P~. · $250 riooimo. Avail. 1O/25 '. Park·Llke Surrounding carpt'tl, tlttplace. double Nice! 552-7263 aft 6 pm or wknd.1 washer & dryer. Close NEW apts for adults only. ~ QUIET DELUXE prqe. Yearly leue only. ALA R.ntals e 64~900 TURTIE Rodi:, 2 sty, 4BR, garage w/~ o Pen er· Ba.loonlet., fireplaces, beam-2BR,. IBA, Townhse w/pool, 2 A 3 BR APTS. Furn i 1 he d e o mplete JBA, crpts, drps, $425, View deck. $250 incld'J:" util. ed ceilings, wood paneling, A1esa Verde, bltinl, crpts, Pvt. Patios * fftd. Pools $500/mo; Unfun'Ushed $450. e HARO to Bellew! Older 3 swim/teflnb. Avail Jan 1 1 year lease. Eves 675-5404. ca.rpeti~. drapes. Reaea· drps, fenc'd patio, gar, nr Nr Shop'i * Adults Only No "'"'· "'· Nr. ,,...,h, Util incl 833--m'l. ' Cosio MeN uon building wlth pool. """"· m> • 54!>-l\009 Martinique A-Pete S.rrett Realty $150. L n -h Furn Ir: unfurn. Bachelor k -LARGE 2 Bedroom lBr lm Sa ..,.C,M- 642-4353 ALA R•ntals e 645-3900 agUft• u.•c NEw 2 ~ '.i ba,, mature 1 ~ Irom $135. 140 W. * Balboa Penln. 3 BR. 2 BA -ear-; drps I blttns rchnd~ nla Ana Ave.~ $97.50 Util pd. Bnlboa Ba{'h. SHARP r.,ms.\ VERDE $165. UtlJ pd, Oceantroht! adlts 6hlf. _tlq chldn, 'or Wd~n (Just West of over ~. On bay ren OK I pets?! CJS Real Mgr. Apl. l13 - HARBOR GOS Pumhhool & Unfurnl-1 F..-$1:11 to $215 mo ' lkcholln e I Bdrftll 2 Bdrm• • ~ 8dnfts I \AJ or 1 Po1U Botha ' ' Muler size bedrooms w/ hii;:h Jlicfro ceUiJta•, lara:e livfnJ 'roon\ W/aal Ql' .,,.,. """""' f!!op!lco. O:invenlent ~ ott kitchen. Enclosed Pl• ttos. 2 ""lmmln1 pools, sauna., recreation tacUI· lies. Security euans. No ..... Models 0pon 10 111 1 ,... 2700 Pih,..,, W1y:'CM nr Jl1rbor Bhd & Ad•mt t 546-0370 ---=-==--- NEW NEW NEW VILLA PAW . ' Jlllffl'INI91JJ;!l NEAR ~OOLS Pomllleo W11coinel (2 BR •• 2 FULL BA.) ONLY 2 LEFT! Entertatnlna will be • pleasure. t>eoorttlna W1ll be : ~ Cfblnet ~ , •t.oct-·11&-• Brn cell .-Lndry ii: Palb e DIW·Olll><»lal • ~ • Deep 2 color -Cpl> • Soecial .............. e Nr. San Olqo,F'kwy, Harbor Blvd. GAS Heat, Gas Cook:in& and WATER • All PakL l.<lwer Apt $190 Month lo Monlb . 622 H1mllto.n;·C~' See Mar-Mr. A Mn. Hoban . 541o2N2 ----·-1 blk beach. Clean. Full PACESETTER -3 BR, 1~ Lrg, studio. Avail. yearly. pets. 1190 mo. 12-8 pm, Newport Blvd.). w/beach, Util pa1d. $350/mo. Estate, Chris 548-U68 ** 3 Br., 1"~ be. ** ~itchen. BA. fireplace. gold sha2 $175 -Util pd. Victoria 646--0370 * $27.50 WEEK & UP 213: 63).7233 collect. 1 A: 2 BR. Adults, no pets. Large, newly decor. en..:I DELUXE $275 • 3 Br., 2 Ba. Ocean-apt, covered Pati o, Beach .. Lrg redec 1 Br. 2 BR. in triplex; refrig., bit· • Studio &: 1 DR Apts BEACHFRONT _ 3 Br, 2 Ba. BAY MEADOWS APTS. patio, bltns, crpt, drpa:, APARTMENTS front. Frplc, Dbl gar. separate dog yard. Ocean View. Ins, carp, drps, S160 A1o. e TV&. Maid Service Avail 1508 w. Oceanfront. Call 387 w. Bay St., C.M. 646--0m Close to everything. $170 Air C.ond. Frplc'a. 3 Swlm· $350 . 3 Br., 2 Ba, 'ti blk Bay. PosseMk>n Nov. "7, 2108 S200 -2 BR. 2 k!lks beach. $100 Dwosif. AduJts. e P~ne Service-Hid Pool SU.. da;ys 838-l"91, eve.a E·SIDE • BR $ISO mo. 8lkJ Center St, CM. Call ming Pools . He&lth Spa • t'hik:l/pet. Winter. Tab&Ro Pl, C.M. $350. ~ut view. Quiet.' Private Graham Realty 646-2414 e Children & Pet seetlon ~2919. "' . • aft 3 pm wkdys, all da,y Tennia Courtl . Game and NU-VIEW RENTALS s-16-2759. peNUoo.·VIEW RENTALS Huntington BNch 2376 Newport Blvd., cr.t Bltns, w/w, retrig. Pool. v.·knds, 642-8340. Billiard Room. 673-m) or 494-3243 e QUIET Retreat! 1 Br. 543-9755 or 645-3967 3 or 4 BR. W'mter or yearly AduJts, no pet8. 642-9520 * SHADY EL.MS. POOL *· "l I 1 ~~ ~ ~-~ -·0 • lease. Open Sat I: Sun. 4831 1 1 BR. From $100 ON THE BEACH. Lovely 3 Ya.rd for JX'f. Uu nc ~.u;.i. ,,............., or ~ $1.00 month up. River st NB or call $150. 1 Br., utils, Frp c., e Adults Poolside. $140 up BR. 2 BA. Completely turn. ALA Rentals e 645-3900 OCEANVIEW 3 Br .. 2. Ba. IMMED. OCCUPANCY HOLIDAY PLAZA wkdays 213: 33()-4588, bee.ms, patio, &lilts, no pees, e Childttn ~t block 1 BR. I: Oen From Sl.115 $350 mo. Avail. 2 or 3 mos. EASTSIOE I.ave 3 Br dbl a:araae. References. N'ew 2 & 3 Br apts DELUXE Spacious 1 BR * 3 BR. 2 BA * 2652 Orange. Alt 5. 548-1674. FrH Fumltur9 Pl•n MEDITERRANEAN ~7017. • for ldds,..... ~ · Leue $325. ~ or Dbl garage, dshwshr tum apt. $135. Heated Poot OVERLOOKING BEAQI 11: 2 BR. Garden Apts. Pool. 171 E. 22nd St •• CM 642-lMS VIUAG~ S95 Bach utll pd. $145 Ba)' Fnce '"""" 6e-3too 4fi..l331. Cor Huntim?tonl~ftams, HB. Ample parkina. Adulll, no $325/mo 675-fi015 • Oshwshr. Utpl Pd. JIM up. NEWLY DECORATED front Ba.I. Utll pd. ALA Rentals • $1fi5 MO. 1 BR. (bttage. 536-1118 fl!!!:. CM FURN. 3 ~ l ba., ateps to 324 E. :l)th St., 645--4761. 2 Br w/gar, New crpt'g, 24ClO Harbor Blvd., C.M. Rent.A-House 9'79-M30 NEAR town. 3 BR lm!M. . Carpels I: Drapes Ciro Pomona Ave., , . beach Ocean V Aa t 3 BR, 2 BA, shag crpt, drps, Fncd yrd w/patio. Wtr pd. <n4) 557-3020 2 STORY, llv., dln, 2 br, Cpt,, range, dble g a:, Place Realty m-9729 Lido Isle l Br. Lee nns. Conven loc. 6'15-463J. u, en, carport nr. OC!C. Upstaln. Call btwn l a: 5, 6J6..U20. RENTAI. om.CE Q•~ sz. 1a1 ba.. Ste-to ga.rd nr &: water pd. Oiria-Mew V•rcle Brick planter &: snack bar. $169/mo. 552-9786. 2224-A Placentia Ave .. -$145 OPEN 10 AM to II PM. v£.M.L~ .,. .... t1an tamily, no pets. S250 Lido Isle Bayfront WATERFRONT Ll'g 2 BR. ='~""'""'"""=--.,.,..~ bch. restaurants. shops. $395 mo, 1st & last. 500-5148, be. Be . d I 3 Pvt. balcony. ch Id n $3iO winter il:io y~ SPAC. bachl apt. nr schl• I: 1 BR, carport, ptiv. patio. n""' To Step .Up leue. 6'13--0072. 5t8-TI4S NEW Ira: 3 hr, 2 • faJn rm.. auti!uJ up~ up eJt, •'l'IL"Ome. Only 1st mo. rent. *'Call :::~ • ...,. • ., * · shoppl.ng. No pets. $130 mo. New crpts, drps.' All elec. H Unfu frpli;~ Iha& Cl'Pts. drps, Br, 2 Ba. LrJt sundeclc. Free rent unttl Nov. l . $100. ~ Util pd, Call 979-g134. Resp. adults • oozy, No Your apartm,_ent in a ~ ouses rn. 30S NEAR So. Csl Plaza. Beaut. patios, ' fncd $325 mo . Lease>, $651>. 645--8917. 35.1 Victoria, Apt 4 1 BR tuna. apt. No ehildren SPACIOUS Townhse, 2 br, 2 children or pets, $US. Countcy Garden • yet Dear General 3 Br., tam rm., 1%. ba. MS-filTT, 5G-14fl. *SHADY ELMS . POOL* nor pets. 2400% E. lfilh St. ha, vaulted celltn&, gar, "54S-:;::;tl22::;:.=-,--,-==::-shopplna:. and actttities. Crpts, drps, bltns, sprinkln, Newport h•ch e Adults Poolside S:l40 up NB 6f&.«l&l. pools. $210. 54()--079. * '2 A: 3 BR Apls. w-frp]cs., lrnpeccably_ m 8 n • \ed • .. fenced;_ U: ~ 1£.~..: ~ 1[9 1 •Children next block. OCEAN FRONT Bachelor, 1 BR crpt/drps, g~ $1Jl in new Tri-ntex. Close,in but ~ pr1vate2 bat'hao p. "' re • .,............. Ap~rtments tor Rent FrH FurnltVre Plan (no kitchen). Ga.rage. SU). per, --E. lllth. St. like home. Cpts,. drpt, Blt· ms, den, . , Dr., 54&-'1325. 642-3443. .. _ ••• Ina A dllhwshr ... .._ $195 A ~· pl..,....loook kitchen. RENT w/oplion, to buy. 3 171 E. 22nd St., OM 642-3645 mo. M8-15ll. $210. MS-2381; Owner. nm:1ii9s~w~~·· &., 2 &, Hlli~'il"•· Realty Com__pany <\oto. Fum. 361 1135/"\o ~ "°i:~ "°""i· 8:-'~ 1 ~;;,.; ~~ 3 BR. 2 BA.-PATlO 1 a, 2 & Garden Apll. $135 THE VENDOME ~Wiar~S:~. 3099 M~: * BAYFRONT ·* CHARMING 1 Br. furn du-~rs:~ adli:s, no :°ts'. Incl. 64&-UM. Ron. ' $170. Mesa de! Mar. 6.f.S.ln ~~ Pvt.allpatiOl5' 3'1 °"""sso"s' ray Ln. To see • phone HOME FOR LEAS'E plex, new crpts1 drps &: Quiet, 9l!CUl"e. 2359 Npt 4 BR, 2 BA, On beach! • 2 BR Apt-$140 • uu·u. av · -' b~ ~~~nue 60-2824 l~•ISW.1tthCOITAMllA 546-G387 Bkr. On beautiful HARBOR paint. Lovely garden sur-Blvd. 4 Seaaon11 Mob Eat. S350/mo. Avail. thru June, New sbq & drpa.. No pets. ,o548-8992=c-.oo=''===-"°""""'=--•~ 2 ty --•· I BR 3 ISLAND. Charm' ..... 6 BR -·-.. ,. ..... $135. Ma 1 u re 548-6332. '73. 645--0245 or S47-9'r.ll Nr. Harbor Center. 540-4484 * * BEAUTIFUL 1 & 2 BR. 1 & 2 BR w/turn. an.D . ..,...,, I • \.vuuo. • .. ,. •VU111.1 --Bob. Contemporaey Garden Apts. Heated pool. $100 A u~. These Are Just A Fmv or BA. Fam Rm., frplc, bJtlM, home. Larxe Pi~r I: slip. adult§ only. S4Sii920 2 BR. UTIL PD $175 Fast results are just a phone p f frpl pool. $J$. Adults. 853 Center St. Our MANY *RENT A.LS. . • crpls, drps;· patk>, Nd bl garrt. =n. ~~ ~°: • z ~ ~ e' Ba I boa lsiand Attrac. tum. litd pool. Adi ts. ~ rentals. Winter & call av.·s,y . 64Z-.5678. $1~~Can st&:516.1 , _64 -~5-1965~~· ----~= r pool, rec area. ewpo 642-8235 (l..36). No pets (Infant ok) ~>s· No fee to renters. 365 -$85 • GOBBLIN'S or SirlR:lts. Riviera. 54B1317. NEARLY new 3 BR, 2 BA, 642-95ro . ABBEY REALTY 642-3850 Apt. Unfum. Apt. Unfurn. 36S Apt. Unturn. J65 1 Br. nr sto*. Partly furn. o~ J%. ~ta Sa.!.! :;:,1 ~~~ ~.t ~!; '{ u~ ~EIR m~;~c~ ~~t ~~ !'Pe~icGe:.;;;n~•::.r•::;l:._ ______ Ge=n.:.;•;;.r;;.•l:._ ______ o.n.;..;;....;.;.";.cl;__ ____ _ $140 -SPOOKY! 2 Br. Stove>, Ave. 2 BR, 1 ba..crpts, drpl, 642..&23$ 67$.3210 th r U JU n e.. K.itehen• avail. Motel Tahlti, Harding. 547-11$ fanced yrd for kids. m awl. Ow'd patlo, Pl5. 638--&470/539-8831. corner Harbor & Victoria.. Sin Ci.m.nte * Or call 5i5-64l2 LUFFS NEARLY new apL 1 Lrg. $165 ·'MUCK or Treat! 3 Br. 4 BR. 2 BA. fr p Jc. -RARE 8 master bedroom. Utilities f/SIDE Attrac. turn 2 Br. 1 BR. apt. incl linens, walk End gar. Kids ok. Vacant. redecorated $325 mo. Nr. E·MODEL LEASE pe.ld. Sundeck o1t wash room. 1% ~-Pool. Nr. schl.I & to bcb., 332 Victor;,,, s.c. * San Die&O Freeway.Lr&.2story3BR,famnn.1Cargarageapace.Yearly. ~I· No pets, $115.ByOwner.~. $175 · OLDER 2 Br. Houae! 546-1698 or 54fr7045. 2~ ba, frplc, ON BLUFF $200/mo. 673-9659. ~&l"'....W~~· -~=~~~l;f.;t:";if,;j~;;"-="--su.sBI Front porch. Kidl/pet. 4 Br, !Y ba. Convehient to w/fUll Upper Bay view. In 2 Br nr new Bltins garage * STUNNING 1 BR. Garden Apt. Unfum. * "' original area on quiet cul· ·• ' ' .. ...., '' A t 2 BR. 2 BA uni Pool -• BALBOA Tlland! 2 Bt. schools &: 11hopping. $275. de-sac. White crpt's thru· no pets. $200 mo. .u.or% n~: 7IO W i8fu st' BalbN Penlnsul1 -Call 673-8550 -ll' bl Amethyst. For I n to """" atta. · • Frp!c. Bltns. Av11.!l Yrly. • out, , app •., tn gar oo..5766. ' CM. e OCEANFRONT T 0 w n _ LANDLORDS I 2 BR. unturn. $165. No atorage. Deck/ patio, o .... se .... "". "R 1 •-2 B -· hou t tasti view 3 BR children, no pets. 388 w. to pool. $600 monthly ·incl BALBOA Island. turn. 1 Br BA~ . "' r. a.,.... se, an c • • FRBEqCRONENTRALEsNF~TRAVLICE$ Bar Sh 66-1311 .. -u!IOC dues Call Mrs Stein· apt. $160 per mo. Utll tncld. Encl. carporU, htd pool. fam rm., 3 frplcs , 4 Ba. "' ~ er 644.om Or 6f.4.C)Qj_ <n4) 675-5837 or (213) Adlta/no pets, $120 &:: up. ~400 sq. ft. $750/mo. Yrly, * '45-4111 * ~ 28~ ~t ·~·pf:• $175 • BaU>08. Penln 1 BR. 287-4411. 853 Center St. 645-8965. 673-6087. LANDLORDS! drape•, $250. e S..,.7730 ' BltM. new.,,,,.., 01iJd ok. 3 BR, 2 BA. lrpk. $295/mo. VERY nloo 1 BR, dplx. DLX 3 Br, 2 Bo. 1?75 yrl,y. • -=o="-;?-"7=::--1=ood:::; $225 2 BR, 2 BA Redec Would rent u n furn Quiet. Sep. by Pl'llK'f!s. Nr. bch & shop g. New W• Speclallie tn Nl'"WJ!lrrt 2BR: crpt.ing, draTIM en251• Newiion 91are1. ~ami $275/mo. ll7% Diamond: Adlta over 30. No pets. D/W drp/~t, trpl . 'Je&ch . Coron• del Po.far . tl~n rw.pe~. ' :J Pet. 675-3288. 549-1021. ~'~""~2281~~· ~-~~~-· A l.agunL Our Rental Ser-$27S. Lease, 2 Story, 4 Br, 2 ~ deck3 BR.,2. ~n ... Frplc, WA;~ONT. 2 BR. . all BACHELOR Apts. $115 Ir: up. STEPS TO BEACH. 2 Br., trice it FREE to You! Try ha. Owner 557_n09: 1323 ... N .. U-.-VIEW' •-RE. ~N~T./petS utihtlei .l 1~ garagf! in· No ehlldren or pets. 21J5 yearly. Adl:ta, no peta. $200. Nu-V\f!w! Stonefield St., N. of Baker. ~LS duded. $325/mo. Yearly Elden Ave .• See ?di:r· Apt 6, 613-1990; 67fr.7603. NU.VIEW RENTALS 6'l3jCXll 0< "'4-3248 ''""'· ....... ....-. C.M. c......,a dol Mor 673-«m « ~ ** 3 Br .. 2 Ba., fncd yd. BLUFFS _ Vb 4 BR. ~ OEWXE 4 BR. ~ All BACHELOR. util pDL Sl501 'ijjiijjiijjiijjiijjiijjiijiiiiml ~~ 131~ $250 mo. Ba. Twnhle, tam area. elec. kitch., wshr/dryer, mb. Neat. Parkinc· Over Xiii 2 BR. unfum. Inquire at m ~ cu.tom. i 3 9 s. ~. ~~ thru :&!M~ Meta Dr., CM. ~- No. 4 E. 18th. Children-' WINTER· 2 BR. $200 TO e TROPICAL POOL e abeolutely no pets, ~2451. WALK to beach; 1 BR. conv. $225.. 1 BR $165. ' t Br. F\lnl $145.' Cu: A Wtr 3 BR. 1 BA. stove, large lot. den, 1% ba., blbis, patio. No Marshai1 ~alt)' 67S--4&XI Pd. 145 E. 18th 548-1168. ON TEN ACRES $1.15 mooth water paid Jlfll. S275 Yrly 548-1290. •s.i&-TI90• · Ni-~ Shor.o Balboa Peninsul• *•Nice 1 & 2 &R Trailers. Apta. Qlm.IUnlurn. Leue ===-'"""""",..._,,..,..,.....,,,_ !!!!-!e:,....!!!. •,?.!!~~---I:::;:::::;::;--:::;::".;;::-::;:=:-S8.5 I: up, Mature adults, Fiftplace1 / pl'lv, patios. NEWLY dee 3 br, 2 ba, lge l BR l BA SWfdlsh frpl e $25 Wk A Up On Ocean. child ok. 642-12& Pools Tennis Contnt'l Bkfat. yd, ~ patio. $225 mo. 711 #iO Mo., yeUt, leue . Lovely Bach-1 Br-Rooms 2 BR, utU pakt, $170 mo. no 900 Sea Lane, CdM 644-lliU Wllpi St. 548-3;49 By apnt ~ Maki Service · Pool -Util pd pets. 22T7 Maple St. MacArthur nr Coast ff 1 D•na Point ecaJl 675--87409 * 548--5913 * wy Ho-F~.ar 2 BR, 11> BA, patio. bal~ 1 BR. FumiJlhcd ....... •pt 3 BR. 2 BA, rrpl & dbl pr. Unfum. 310 315 E. Ba)!, $250 mo, on· y No pell 275 Bl'OadwQ" 2 bedrooms each. Blllns, ea.r- Just redec Pi& Ptr mo. No i.e. Inq., !-,t Apt C ~ C.M. $141'.i/mo. ' pets .l drapes, choice loca- pelll. 1)4:639-3f1Sl, Newport Beacti or 548-7771. $US a UP Nicely turn. 1 &: l Hon. Lease $200 pr month. Hunll-hod> l'Yl!AR.LY a, WINTER* OCEANFRONT 2 Bl'. 1225 l3R l'raUen Adu! .. oo1,y Call 6~ RLTR. ti.Mr Home• Jn Beech Aft• utll lncl. 'Ml JuJ,y. 132 w~ wu.ml, CM. 66-C5.l>: a BR I: den .duplex, 2% be, * 3 & CONDO, crpt1, -From $300 Malth * Call 67H'll4. * *GMo A1'r 2 BR. adulla. .., pe1a, $325. Leue. pool. -/drye, RfO, Bill Gnuld)' Rltr. 6?.H1613 BR, convm dtn, 2 'ba. *1!1'! r-~ Multo. No Jnq, 617 Iru, apt A, CdM. relrir. pX), 548-1105. !rplc pord\. $300 .,,_ • ~-•· Avail. Nov. 1st 614-7558 3 BR. crpta. drpt., bltlna. dbl Cond•ntfnlvms Ann~ avatt ~ • pet•. 1111 n.t St. 548-212'7. 2 BR. stow reftta., f:rplc, nu g•"'l!• 1225. M4-9e08 "' Fum. JU C dOl Ml !Br.$13061140.Adul"ool,y. de<or. w"/W "1>t'a. Vn. 832-i'Si. , Ol'Oftl r S!Pool. Jde&I far Bache.kn. Adult-. no eetL $24<1. 10 10 4. 3 BR.-1.<o! Fam rm. °""' -··· LARGJ:: 3 bedroom, 2 bath. 1993 °""'h SL, 54186113· 322 UellotJ<ipo, Apt B, OIM. drt»: bltlnL 8rt.nil 'hll'IP, PALM Sprinp ~ daJ' I er-eat loCltlon on a qutet Immaculate l Br $12). UtU S V N N y 2 BR E!!.ett mo. &,c'l..tm.. A£t. ttJald lf!'t'V , '1nine.n W street, wtlk to beach. U75 Od• Sn&1 st>'. cpt/drp, pr1. b 1 t Dl/ret/g.v ~ LEASE· new 4 BR, s BA. eomm,. oUb. ....._ a month. but 1U.bmil oftttsl patto. QWet adult1. 673-i>56 Walk beach. ' Adult-. No crptl, dr>o. !rplc, -· C idot loll Iller, m.ftZ. UTIL 'S PD. BAchelO<. Qul<t peta. $190. Loe 1'15-4775. $300. mo. '531~ -· onu,;:, UIM J20 OCEAN View. J Blks to bla 1 adult onlf~~ $120. 2 BR apt 1vall Nov J.st, wal1c BR -Wfl' private ""' t'bn>oo, 2 Br. ID> util. pit 5*-G5l O< ~ • .. bftcb, adult>, 13)5. potlt, 2 ~ _ --Coote -Yeat17. AdultJ. no -I er. lrlr tum. $UO mo. Incl 1133-lm or -. 90-0102 or t3t-t8M 66-104. utilt. 1 br trtr, "° mo.. iDcl Cott• MIN l!S0.2 Br J'rplc blins 2.Bo 3 BR, 2 Bo, crpll, drapeo, El<lra nice Bech. P\Jrn. 1110 ,!UW..!!!!!;:-'14'!:!!:;:!;!ll09~; ~6CW3'15-~~~-l':"'""."""'.::"'--~":'.'"--I cord) '· 19142' ~· bldna. chlld:rew ok. ml pet w/ul il. Non-KmOktt. Matuft!, J BEDJUit turn. UWJUet 'Del. $140. CLEAN 2 Br. Carpea. I de mniu ~a. 548-9754 ~ ok. $m mo. S.!llo. Bualncmn11n. _ tmmacuh1.te StSS/mo. Adul~ only, Ltl c1ra.pet. Water pd. No pe-ta 'rt at THIS SUNDAY! . BE AMAZEDIAtlhemadcap MAGIC. Scintillating SORCE Ry. And, comedy CONJURING. At Tara Hill from 1 :00 to <4 :00 PM on Sunday! BUnkan eye and you'll miss• trlck! An array of magiclana. A dellghtfuUy deceptive display of ale lg ht-of-hand , right before your very eyes. BE A WINNER! Register for lhe Hlg Tara Hill drawing. You may win one of the 'ten.speed' bikes or other great . ' prizes! SEE BEAUTIFUL MODELS! Beeullful model apartmel)ta. that la. And, beautiful Larwln Hostesses. They'11 gfva you the •grand tou r' ot Tara Hlll'a 'family-size' apartments. You'll get excellent Interior decorating kleu- and -you'JI discove r what great family llvlng Is all about. See the on ... lt& accredited Child Care Center, tool FREE REFRESHMENTS & TllEATSI THINGS ARE ALWAYS HAPPEl'llNO AT TARA HILLI Exciting thlngo.F1mlty fun things. And, Great Larwln llvlngl Built by Larwln. one of th• nation'• reading produ<er1 ot Gr .. 1 Uvlng. ea Ing Huntlntton 6J5.4859 "E" Cantor St. -161 Sholmar, C:M. ~7-U!IO 3~: 2~~· =. i=. 2 Rlk111n Dig Coronn.. Bach. BACl 1£LOR apt· Utll pa)d, STI.1010 2 Br, 2 Ba. CID. Aft 5 9B2---3137 3 BR. condo-~~· dbl SJSO uttl. pd, Yf'arlY. 1 Male Adult only. SMl/mo. Bltm. N.r. OCC A SD Frwy. C111tC111r Creacent & Brookhurst, Anaheim M ketpl ' gv, ~-· 1fl50-Adult, t10 pet,, &G-1624. 532Centtt. 54l-40T8 Encl patio. $lfl). ~ .,..,._ •LsrwlnGrouplnc,1912 ar ace Don't ctve up the lhJp! 531r.31T1 or.... BAOfELOR ganl~ apt. J..lte HAvt 1Dmethti:i.c )'OU want tD ll~I a bnear '80. )10\D' Item~ A 1>1rtCf CHA fll!W!ciat C0f1'0rlltloa , • "Lilt" It In ,...., .... Sttlp !><U. Pilot w.... NII -cooking. °"''" view. SJJ), ..U! O...ulid odo do It wllb ........ Dally Pll••L_..:::~====~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--IO Shore R.mlll•! 642-5678. hArpln. p.Jore, mo. Ind utU, 673-3982. 'Mtll -call NOW ~ CIUllOed. MMii8'7B. "'·--~~ ..... " • 'f • ' ~ .... -•••••• .. - - j . . .... ~ ... . . . . .. ' .. '. ' .. ' ' . • ' . Yoo'N IHking for•• .,.rt•11•t. -'l'ou know how much yqu want 10 pay. AAd just about where you want to live. Your problem Is picki'ng from among dozens .. , hundreds .... of availabl~ apartments. Li ke the ones on these pages. ' •• YHr solution? eo .. ,.,.. ' Make a \ist1 (Or use ours ... it's very complete.) 0PtnR~re price. Locatio~. Featu·res . Everything. Then make a smart decision. f.lent where you get the mosMor your.money. (After all, why accept hamburger when yo,u can have steak· for the same price ?) f ............. 11o11 ••• -tart your comparisoh by visiting our place. P.irk W~st .A.partments in Irvin(!. Ollr'apartmenls rent for $160 to $270 a month. We hllve a great to91ltion. And all lhe features an1one has ever thought of putting in.an apartment development. · P•rlr west. la lrwlH. ' Compare everyplace else with.our place. . ~ . CHECKLIST ' . 1. Tennis courts (with lights) ' -~ Handball courts . ~ Championship Goll Course , . tecross the Sll'eet) . , 8. foutswlmmjng pools 1 .. ' Plu_s~r. Olymply pool 8' Plus chlldrens wading nnnJ 9. Three theraPeutlc ., whlrlbath pools 1Q. Health SP.S 11. ·. walghtlifting room 12. B~l)ard room 14. Card room 15: SOclal room (catering available) 18,' Flreatde lounge Teen room 18. Art classes ' Bridge lassons Yoga classes Stitching lessons . ~ (all praCllcally free) ..!!:· All-electric built-Ins 20. wall-to-wall c'1Pets U. FiUhHy secilons i with "Tot Lots" Sepatata·Adult sactlons i . Lliulldry seMces n. I so. 31. L:awnl' and OnAn ..... ,..,. Neighborhood shopping (2 minute walk) ' Unl~rslty (5 minute drive) Eleme.ntllf)' and High schools (5 minutes) fret)Vaya (1 minute) I t .,. ·.' x " )C x ')(. )!(' x x 'll )C x >< )(. )( ... " x x x x )( x '· ' . • ,. - . ' ' • I. . • Su...,, Oct-:iq,,1972 VOLTAIRE APTS NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT A Live big NEW EXPERIENCE IN LIVING ......... FROM $120. 811 South Santa Ana I • ' ' Fairview Road 17141 . 547.7495 1 .A_p~·'-·_u_""'~-'"-·---365-~"";;.;.'·~u_nt_u_rn.-'---~365-I c .. 10 Mo.. L•1uno Niguel ,• e NEWPORT e •• APARTMENTS e 2450 r:Jewport Blvd .. CM CHILDREN OJ( 1 BR. "F\t.mlshed Sl38 2 BR.·1 BA Unf. $138 .ALL UTILITIES PAID Call !)46-1038 DELUXE 2 Br., l~~ Ba. studio on d,ead..end st:reef. Crpts, drps, pool, bltns, priv. patios. $155. 1 child ok. .... NOW .4VA/1Allf • , • 1 & 2 t.d<M"' •pe-•o, 1~111 .. ,"Nd & ..... ln•••··i.~ '"" _ ..... -fl"I,,.<_._ .... cllJMo,.......,,,.; •• •1•11-L, ......... -· ltdtM.,l ... .... No pet111. 548-7154. ' ;:::._,;::::::..:=="-----2 ldno., l .... Dana Potnt $22J for just a lltHe ... $1401 Li ving at Oakwood ls S1 ml111on In recreation. Swimming pools. Hea'lth·e1Ubs. Saunas. Ten~ • nls courts. Billiards. Indoor golf driving range. :! Sand Vo11e)'.ba11. Whlrlpool Baths. And lots Di more. There's a resident terinls pro and an CC activities director who plans free Sunday brunches and barbecues. · _. Starting as. low as $140. Slngles;-one and two-~ bedrooms, furnished and urifumlshed. &>rry 1~ · no children or pets. Models ope'n dally 10 to ~ 7. Live big ... at Oakwood. "THE .FACI'OR.Y" has 2 openings in the Mfi,ll rang- ing from $80. mo. Ideal for small retail shops. Antique shop, Candy shop wanted . 425 30th St., Newport Beach. 673-9ilOS. , Z 0 d G de A rt I FOR Lease 13l 1500 sq rt NE\V luxury , ·/upstairs), 1 lkWOO If n pa men I 11tores. C-4 Zone. Cor Hunt· Bit 2 BA. };ab. view o( ington & Adams, I !B oc:ean & harbor· entr, comp! ,.cl h '°'l .. " Z..., Newport Beac ·~-"""~~· ~-~~= blln kit, yr round rate, $225., ·~ 33881 Pequi!o Dr .. 686-4105. Irvine and 16th 350' office/store. $95. ~ti· NEw· 2 Br .. overlooks ocean f4U', :». 645-0550. 642-8170 ~64~~=.Blvd. t11:~~~ ;~~1i!~=: _4H-Un i Apt. U"furn. · 365 Ap;~;,,. or Unfum. 370 lndustriaa Rental cso l!:'ufl°"' w;ih 0"° " 1 "'· 495"5274 ,.;i Newport llooch JUST COMPLETED DAILY PILOT D 7 OCEAN view. S>a•-21 ~~=::zm·c·= .. ~i---WJ:t.ERE~ HuilllngtOI' !leach 1600 to 3300 Sq. Ft. br., 2 ba.;-din. area, bltns, 11 CQNqENIALITY DELUXE, Apt-priv. patio. IN SANTA ANA ~. ~~~~:..siiwoony. PREVAILS music.6poolasa'.una. tennis, New tilt-up bldg w/sharp, DISCOVER I 'I LAG UNA ,NIGUEL Oceon view, 24 "°"' """"' ruo. Spaclous Po o 11 1 de "'1>td. peneled-ottices & DISCOVERY East Bluff · .. .:-n.1ty, a P 8 rt men 1 5 Bungalow $150. M6-i)259, at or .age me z z an I n e TI4!835-6885 213/387·3.193 . 1 ••ART•lllTI ""'>"""' 8 overhead toadtng doors, 11~ l ~~~~~~~~~I WELL designed 2 BR. 2 Ba. ~ 1 designed with a MMter's NtWPQrt each 221).3 phase 2 Car gar. Avail. Immed. LAGUNA: NIGUEL ~h. exclusive club with HUNSAKER'DEV. CO. I l[S) ";' $300 Jlito. Yrly l ease, 29041 ALOMA A.VI. ~u;~~ntaiAii BAY' Ave~ E-..erythlng newt 5465460 455 ~_,,_. 644-7423. t ~ part ot the South cOast•a Carp, ~· retrig. 1 BR. · ~, .~ • ~ m.unity. BAY View. Close to all. FENCED atorage area % A. Found (frM •ds) 550 LR_G .. 2 ·BR 1n quiet 4-J!Jex. ~ . ....-~~ 8 ~ ='~ ~m $195. Room w/%. .ba. $fiO Mo. yrly Watchdog p a t r o l 1 e d . Sl50i rntant ":;.i ~ts. ,., ""'°' 4 ·~ Del 3 ~ . • Ne.._ Bead! Rlly 61>-1642 SWlable for boats, trailers, PART O>llle, female cJor. Hu"tineton ~~h ~ .~ · _finest aparf ment com· f:1:~ift.:~· ihcl. park-1;5;;.to:;;r:.=-~-----:::: Enc gar. fncd • 549· ~ PAMA tolll'I' < ~ MJ:i!.0p;;;;TM. to 6 P.M. *LA PARISIENNE* heavy equipment, etc. C.M. Vic &Side, Cotlta Mesa, NEW 2br,vtew .ap~111 ha. Dl'IN'-1 0---•-6-p.m. -'--"""RS·A·H-1,1!1• 2BR.-;-TBACFUm•-V-llfiim."""'"----:--(Nowport mYd.), Call ~• 4 bib to bch. No pets; $195 . •,so . ·~ "$195 to $2.10. Fireplace Htd. STORAGE Buildmg tor rent 5'&-4752 8c leave message on li mo. 538-4455 art 6 pm. Me.-Vero on tM BLUFFS Pool Adults • S30 mo. 275 F1ower St, Costa recorder. r ** NEW, 1 BR n45. at NEWPORT . ~UIS Mesa. 64&-9136 FOUND: Vic. Vllla Sweden. 4 mocks trom ocean. DELUXE 2 ,6' 3 Br., 2 ~·i From Newport Blvd .. turn at Act'OB'I trom Golf Course Rentals Wanted 460 CdM, lite gray Outty cat !!I ?:Jo.pets. 53&-1678 encl ~. $100 up. Rental Hospital 'Road {1 block 2(M32 Santa Ana Ave. wearing white Dea collar. 2 BR Ga.rage apt, u~alrs, Ofc., 3005 Mace Ave.1. above Pacific~ Hwy. at WANT to rent Garage in 494-7346. ·: lndlj rm, open-patio. Wab!r 548-1034: Lido Isle) to entrance. Newport Beach, Costa Mesa FEMALE puppy, black A: ' paid. $160. 539-0106 · Newport Beadl 900 Caaney Lane, J'.lewpol't I 1~ or Comna del M.ar Uft. for grey w/wbfte m.arklnp. • ':'.f11 'B.. ~~. ="~.J l-P.A_,R._K_N_EW--PO-..... _R_T_1 ~.t,~, ~i ~o -_ . !I""""~ ~ i~: ,.,.,,,..,. ~ ~~. ~ . Talbort, ·: ..,., no pebf. $195. 962-IOSO APARTMENTS ALLB~_!!?.;..'t_tEWPAID R'oom.1 ' 400 MATURE empl"""1 woman 7:}'.:t:: ~'::i. t.;::, ~~ 2 BRt Duplex. D:>wuluwn. AL-bay u l.u..Ll~ who works nights needs BW!hard le Toucar, F.V. gJjtB5.1&..~~tove. $145/rpo. · Oft U1W Furnished AVa.Dable FQR rent in private home-!leeplne room, Wed-'ntura-968-2'288 Luxury apartment living ov· $00-0fl 1st Mo'!l Rent, on fumlshed room wlth or Fri-Sa.L WW ex ch a n g e IFM ,=.::. ::'.Blk'0-~&-...,-1-pu---~pt. Huntfntton ~· erlookin& the water •. Enjoy ~lyln ~'id when •• )'OU without ldteben privileges aervicea for Couple or pay wb-e ba.l:red Terrtert'" Vlc ;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;I $750,000 health spa, 7 swim· :lllO'l Birch St: (nr O.C. ~itirlg lady preferred, $10 wk. STl-4361. Diana UI &: Lella Lu.:, N.S: ON BEACHf mini. poo1', 7, Uebted ten· airport, S. ot Palisades Rd). Miu~ Vie):>, ~2918. WANTED lady alone desires 646-0137 aft 6. . ·• nla court., plua mile't of Priv. Patio, billiard rm., 2 ROOMS, own entrance, $10. house for rent W/optlon to FNO. B1k mtten w/flea col· bicycle tralla.· puttlna, abuf,. jactml. Nr UC· Irvine:•' 8c $60: monthly, reliable purehaai!, must be nell' lar vie. Pomona Scbool, For rtnl tuni aia ,Oft 'SNch. s...,w -..,~. ADULTS OM. :Y: , Furmtui'e• A villih1e - Carpet$-:dJ'apes-dishWa.sher heated pool..aauna.tennis rec l'OOll'H)Cellll views- patios-ample parking Socurlty' Guards. HUNTINGTON PACIFIC TI1 OCEAN 'Ave., H.B. (714) 536:-1487 Ole open 10 am·6 pm Daily WI1HA:M WALTERS CO. n-...i, -,..,..,l'a Mar. -' .men, 225 Flower·St, C.... shopping• up to QlO per C.M. 54&-043'7 fl14 ~ --· al I $ c•-· Mesa. 64&.QU6 mo. Will· redecorate. Call . • from~ ....., .. .., ....... .,.; 80 .,, -men... ROOMS $15 wk. up w/ldt. eYel 54&-8531 FND: Wht male Salvld and !-bedroom plans· and _. "ai!u: ··~ UxUnOw $27.50 wk up Apts. 2376 RESPONSIBLE Professlona1 Capuitrano Bch. 2-l!ltory' town, houses. Elec--FOR lease, ~ts, J Newport Blvd., CM, woman needs Studio or 1 644-8l60 bic kitchens private'. patios 2 ·BR, 2 BA, b 1 t .in 548-9735. BR apt. in Corona del Mar. EXPENSIVE cat. $peclty Orbal--~,·,.111~..i .... , .. dra. ra·ng e/oven, refrtg., "''-·"· ..... •El ,_ """ 0 _, -rr-'"'"• dshwshr Encl~ prage · Deluxe Pvt. entr & ba. Non-smoker, norHtrinker, breed. ~..., ....... .., nr . ~e!J, .$U.~t~an pcyic· with ~. pQtto 6:· laun-: Maid aefvtce. No ~ References. 644-8«94. royo, Fntn Vy. St'7-5122. tnc with elevatort. Optlollal dry fac. $3)). plW1 ~eaning 675--0310 or 548-7197 lNDUSTRIAL apace wanted; FND. Mesa del .Mar area. maid service. Just no!11' of fee. &-'7$1. GENTLEMAN, ma• t er 4,IX0-5,000 sq. ft. warehouse Gray/Black Kltttn wearin& Fashion Ialand At Jamboree ARtt.,, bedroom, refrig, TV. Beach storage area. Month to mo. collar. M0-8191. and.San Joaquin Hilla Road. fum. or Unfum. m &: Pac. Coast Hwy. ~18. or 6 mo. leue. &0-96113. SML. female Mixed Tenier • Telephone <714) &M-llm BALBOA Peninsula S80 mo. COTTAGE &Side, middle-vie. Corona de1 Mar, tor rental lnfonna~ -Bllboa lslan;d PrtYate ent. use ot TV and aged couple · or 11 t e ~m.815'-"''!:07.:..· ------1 BREATHTAKING Fam. rm.· 673-4419. malnt. for part '< n t. HALF-grown "'"'° "' whl"' VIEW 2 BR. Adult.·onl)r, No BALBOA Ial~Men $17.50 66-9640. cat. Friendly, Pemba Dr., . BE ONE OF THE FlRSI' "JSet.8. ~ locatktn. 2 8R unturnlahed houw Mesa Verde. 919-1614. . TO LIVE JN THIS $2ro. Huge 1 Br, Apt. Hi oo 1M Ruby, Be.lboe. Wand. per "'k. TV nn., kitchen. T _.:. __ N-~-· by Nov 3' FND male mack ca• M Back Be.y Bluff w/2 private 127 Agate. 675-3613. ~. ~ . . ., JUST COMPLETED b8.lconles. Frptc. l:leated B•lboa P9ntnaule PVT ftlOID, nice Oleta Mesa C.M. area. 724-0063 aft 6 aHectionate Vic Briatol • Luxury 1 br apt .t--.1_._ 'Alt I BR, I ,__ Ad Warner, S.A. 979-4436. • pool."·Loa...., ot ~ .... 1..., DELUX 2 BR. furn. or un-home. $65 mo. . &ty ._... nr ams or FND Young fml Ca.Uoo cat •. Ad01shulwt --L.,_ Domingo Dr. 96, '19-ia3:8 « turn, % blk-ocean/~. Call 546--9346 Mesa ~erde schl, 1 child. . M-~--u~-· N.11 ~-· 64&-!260.. '""~ ~ ·-. G ~ ~ 415 cau 213. 6.13-1850. ~~·~."~ n ··-•· . e Cboice·of, 2 oolor schemes f ~ .... ., ui~ ue.... ........... R -:~.:: ...,,.ting 2:;:'211~~ f>pla.~ C: c .. 1. Mou Misc. ""'•1• 465 QUICK CASH • Heated. -Wshr/Dryor, Now paint and • Wanted· 2 car garage tor THROUGH A ·, •· Dead-bOft locks carpets. Adults $ 2 9 5 . * Prtv•t• Room * storage, Newport Bch or • • Only 11411 per mo. 64>-2346 or 645-010. * * * NEW * * * !or f!'.","751. M.... &lS.3130 I DAILY PILOT BAHIA PUERTO OCEANFRONT nr pier Ambulatory Lady or ri.tan '1'IQ' 2810 171h St . .' HJ!. 536-<815 ~ 3 BR.c12 Ba._':'i1gangnde: LA COSTA, APJS. Nl~h!':-i~"';.~-phore. PWARKINl9thGStspscecsMava11u0• ~ WANT AD , * MOVE IN 'lUOAY * =Q W~~ine~'6r. . * Call 548-415.l * ~. 6C-9107. . . ,,... 642•5678 . $139 A MD, 1rw!n Co. ru.... &l4-6lll Bod ~!r!i & a!au~ ~f..p~ 2 Bdrm.t-1;, Ba., frplC, e a1t!.2 e Shag "°::ets TRAS. Pool, rec bldg. l{jda patio, 01~· new w/w • Drapes • Walk tn cloeets welCome. From $139. Ste crpt&, end pr. ~ to e SW1nimin& Pool Mgr. 17371 Keebon "B". 1 ocean. :rl,y he. 7591, e Bar-l>Ques btk W. of Beach Blvd. off tm-3908. • EQeloeed Gara&e Slate.. 968-"10 or 847-4260. "Jit" 2 H~G ~lT~ AA Utilities Paid 3 BQRM., 2 BA, frplc., Crpt.s drpl!I bJ°tna: datnnhr· * * * * Trader's Paradise *1 I dshwsbr. bltns, erpta & $175 ~ Aduita. 6o..f.387 .,; Mature adults. no peta =· ':e°~ La~l°"'&lJ-~ITIL~==-=-:=I w=-.,.dtstan<eto Rentals to Share 430 l"tnes welcome, no pef& S185. * BEAUTIFUL 3 Bl". 2 Ba. ~center. 17092 Em....,, ""'16:!J. ~11 block to ooean. Un!Qrn. 354 A St., C.M. APT. to shr .. ~ Zh15, l1rt t"• mes Vacation Rentals 425 EXTRA LRG 2 BR 2 BA mt-Ina. Crpta. drps. Garage. ..2-onc. rm I: ba, pool, other • • SCS-1204. fa c llttle1 . $95. Eves "'1>ta. c1rpo, blttns, pool, Q,;,uffimf!ir"-'· '2'·-s;:""-';· iS-iiiidO-~-Ck.··l1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.;,-...,!!!!!!!!!!!!!• I 97H966 $165. Nr1b8iach %Q) Florida, Qt .. w awua;JL. -""-"'~' ------11 5*'39'16 0r'1rJS-tm. Crpl, c1rpo, poo1, aar. adlta. LA MANCHA FEMALE 23oroverto111are dOflars · · no pell. $1fiO 60-8001 nice 3 Br boo9e w/2 others. WALK TO ·BEACH 2 BDRM c10oo to beach 0BEWXERAND NEWUNITS ~CdM6jijijarej;'cia.:..;6751096';;;;;;;;;-'eve'.:;,;.;ui<iil\.---------------.JI New l & 2 BR, cpt/drpa 1 .. -~ ' dawshr. 316 JSth. 536--7465 « -ye,arv, *615. * Rent Now far fOUl' con-WORKING woman would 847-3957. structlon allowance of 1 like to share 2 Bdr. Apt. 2 BR. $250 yearly. month's Free Rent. with same. 837·5620 2-3BR, 28.K, I: 2-IBR, 2BA 1 Blk ttr beach, 1 BR unfum One block from beach.· 1 BEDROOM Offl R t I .. .,. houses in Orange-Co. Will apt_ <:l'J)td, ~· stow, util * 6'l5-83l.5 * 1 BEDROOM A DEN' ce en 1 ..._ trd any or all for com'l ot r5 ~ts. 847-3351 * ..-: ·-1.. 3 Br 2 m ~ 2 BEDROOM h1C0rne. Eqty $24,000. qt. ._...401\I ... , .,..., .T"'Y· " Del • 3 BEDROOM !138-8320, 646--1896 evea. " BLOCK TO OCEAN Near Bch. Crol>, drpo, From fla N W ~t Ott! ni 675-197216.11'~. ._..bl ew a<"'n""' C6 700 acres, Ocean VU. Rec 2 Br apt. Crpta, drps, new Peta Accept& e From $210 Month 1...1 4 ml. ~--· 1 ml d-. fl~/mo. ll5 13th st YEARLY. -A: Up. No let Dlahwuber. Enc Io a• d ......, uv.u ..... cai., • """""' •iuo,I -~ Loca~ trom lra Jake ln MorTO Bay 846-i955 or 536-9959. to renten. g~. Swinunq Pool. S41 ~idit Dr .• N pt. Beach uea. Trd (or com'I unlta, -o N I _ .. 2 BR C.ondo. ABBEY REALTY ·80-3850 Bar-8-QueL BW Grundy JUtr. 675of16l et•. --;·-,_ ..... 'Sj,ig:;.: ~all bit Ina. SPAC!ot1$ 2.111'.•2 Bo, 1 b1k Mi-:ml ml Scott Pl, CM ' --- D b I e gar. Po o 1 • to 1-t, 1. blk to ocean. WF.Sl'8A Y 21, J. I: 2 BR, 1 .. !!!!!! ... !1!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .... 11 UNITS Costa M6:7 7% 213/831--<rlOO, n4~ Yearijo. d)O Bkr. 615-49U. ~W1,!!;.'IO.. FonlolyGu, n · r>£g{ space aYIJLable S1iO VA loan, 1*lance '4 ,DI. ....-11.1-. .... mo Wlll ,..ovidt turnlturt J5000 eql1. Will trade for 1 BR. w/rerrtg. $.130. Crpts. NEW dlt S er., '2 B&. fl'plc., Ad!ta. no pet11. llC E-aa i,'$ mo...Anfttr'l"I lll"Wot X>WJe or !t Broker 537.fl'fl) drps. dshwhr, ~~' 6.!:!_o gar, great view. Adjolnlnc st., 543--0137. -•vaU1blt. 118'15 8eAch BIYd.•'"';.,;-:;::~i=--::==,,,-&lj· ~Emac-.. ....,..,., bay, 613-281M. 0.he" Point Hunttnrton Beach ea-.ml 'iIAVE ltT2 O>nttnenta) ' OCEAN JrftONT, 2 BR, UP-' Town Sedln. Fully equlp. 2 BR, 1135. Lo lovtlY a .. 2. t><r. sbar ................ ctEAN, I SpacJout Apt a, pESK -avaJlablo ISO ,..i. Only JD,!100 ml. WW Wuher 1' dr;9er hookup. $300. mo. t-...U. Ooeanllde O>u1 Hwy., op.. mo. WW pt'OYide tumlhn trade 1c>r Good W truat chlldr,en ok• 536-30T5. 1323 DELUX 1 .BR .... °"" "°"'"Dana Point -at 15 mo.~ ........ -. Ill' 8*"710. Huntficton St., H.B. ~nt· W.-cwt Loe. $110 Center: Prtme txpOllft for 11'1.Uab1e. m ~ AV't, N. ~·Whiskey. BEACHBLUFI' Apt1, per mo. sct-'111T. ~ bu•'-+ Uvl!<l""""l'· i.q,,,,. Beach, -IM6ll ....,. Artt Near _, 2 " S BR. "'1olL.11".!l'> BEAUT.--'2 Br 211 Leue • l'lf'i. ~ BAY VIEW Ol'l'ICES IZ .._ PIO/te $24,000 D-whr. 8231 Elli• ......,,,.. Ba li'rple, -blWns, ='""' ullll , Dmx• AIM:l>ndttloned J'rlde lor 8. Onnao CO. Laguna ~•ell i29il N>WS • H I ~led. Lido Artt Owner (714) -e VIEW e , TIME FOR uni ""°!' ~lco, Blot. 87M1tlO 32' OObnbla Sain. •lifPi QCEM<Fl\ONT ""UICK CASH lllJNTJNGTON Gu don 1 A1TRAC?IVE 3 ,_. o!c '-'l\'adt ''""'<111.IJ, Ill Mam- 2 8.R, 2 BA. Ltue. Mature ~ ~-Heil ,t~ Bolla ~ tulle, •I• erpt, dr1». pvt mOtb ~-om '61 CltRYSLER IMPERIAL runs good. Will trade for b'Uck or long bed trailer. Call 847·1480 TRADE $4400 eqty 28' Dal> "" -hull saltboa~ .... mb'; for self coat mtr ~_,__, l&nd .,. ' °"""· "'"'''" - ' ' I I Adults, no pet•. Elevator THROUCIH A !tr· ~-='•· . ~;il!fl": Al'!..-21J.T1M!n I l'.Jso ~~· P\IQI. Socurli,. WANT AD PROfEsmoNAL aiii. -* * ~·~·~!·~l~J!~!~li~J~:':'m:•:'":-==='°"=""'==:•~~~~~~~~~~-J:!l:'M:_Coa:, :at:!&!;B~!@!_=:S.~).qlmo=:: CALL '42-5'71 S:.:: ..\':"' -I :r=.: =-:,g-* \ ... - SulldAy, ~ l'I, 1971 -~-1~1~~~1~1~~-1~1 ~1 ~~~~~~~~!~;~·~·-·~·--~;'~;J;l ~l~···~4 ~~~1~~Jl~a~~~,·~l~~J~l~~-~~~~l~~J~l~·~,·4~,~~~f l'ound (froo odtl 550 Child C.ro Polntl~ Holp Wontod, M & I' no Holp Won!M, M & F 710 Holp w ........ M A I' 710Hole Wonted, M a I' 710 Holp Wonted, M & I' 710 Htl M & I' n 1'r ____ ..;..Fml...;;..8-l.....;...;..·_m_IX_? COSTA MESA PR!:SCHOOL. P•pt !!1 1"' Rankine H Oct. 17th .., Edunh si .. 18th l Moorovla. NEW c ... i.m Extor. ACCOUNTING SECY TELLER Dtlt .. r TtltfihoM Dlrocto<loo -,::"'::!:.""'~"'~~ MAINTENANCE ~ 846-Zle oc HOURS 6::.> a.m-3:XI pm. P•lnting The TM Cornmunk":lllo111 Commtr'Ck&l banldAa npcr. Men oc Wooien 18 or over with can, 1t.Uon to P•raoa , Lo•••• MAN I 193-6251 Muak:. 1torin. an. Reu. No job 100 Ira. 100 llmau. Owf'U\>'.f ~ bu ~ CENTINELA BANK wagons, or Ugbt true.ks. Pleasant outdoor Reetaurant: Brooktlunt a Cll'Y OF P'nd. ,Appcax l yr old Pf-la· Raws. Uc'd. ~. Eves. r""' color consu.lt11t1t It est. openme °'" a aiecrcrary 'Iii·~ Newport BMch Atta work. Your available daylight hours. Callf. Ad.Ima. H.B. NEWPORT BEACH .._ '°""r ol !Mne • Unl· &!Wm. Uo'd, bond<'d. lnL Won' bo ~ !:,!~ "::: Call ~J".n-license plale1 required. Apply for job de• HOUS!Xl EANING, Wantodo $4234757 Por Mo. 1.,.:;•ertl="'"-'NB;;;:..919-=""'=--=,., 1.C:;•::."::.''::.•;.:ct.:.:•:.:.'-----o"""=.,:;·•:::1•°". -=:::;::=---! .......,.._. !icld. ADdY Mon Equal Oppor, Empioyer crlpUon & training. 3:30, 10 :30 or 1:30 P.AL !\ellable """"'" "'""" -1 yr ol- Lott ~ Additions * Reinodelln& PAINTING: lnt/Ex1er. Neat. ~· ~ to~:._~ B•rtMCler•W•I .. ,. at lhe location neares t you, daily beglnnlnc Irani, fa' ~. 3 wail __.. In h :c!7 Is ORANGE al kit' 5 Cf'rA'ick &: Son. Uc'd (']('an, last, courteouJU'!"d. n• u7 -~· TM ......_ ~-1·-...... ,_ ... ,._ 5 Wed., Nov. 1st et -= "'·N·'""""'··-BchPlented mab:Omnct O( .... f& m e en, 6T:J..4i041 * S49-2l70 vil"'t'. Re-Iii: on req. c : ..., "'VWV<'· • VJ11111· • ..... ,,.._...,, ., ... ,_., ".,,, >'"'· call Ml en_.. Ut llNler S)'llltema. ~ Jr.tt n>09, old, striped lep, .... ·hitC! 1ree Nt. Eii:tab. since UM. ~. 1375 &uttbwer Pmn 4 p/time. Apply aft S 1'90 No. Gletnll Av•~ _ Or•w Mn. f(rt.mer, f44.:83lf. Nov. 9'h, 1972 fD ~ibd chest 4 P&W'I, Uea colhtr, JACK Taulane · Repair 847-tl28. Aw,. CtJMa MHU.. pn. ··•-HOUSEKEEP£R ~anted. l otaic., mt Newpct't ~ child'• pet. Nr 700 block w. ....mod . Ml<til 21 yn. •xp . .:o:c=::::..,N_W ____ Equal Opportunlty Emt<o>er Don The Beod>conlbor 6441 C.bolloeo -Buono Porlc d•• _ •• -hr ~ --~· ~ S "--M • •~'d. My Way,..._ ''1..ani. 0 uting_ 3901. E. Cbaat H""' ,.,,,,"6 "-• W F l t St S t •-""" .,... ..."l. " PM' • ""'""'...., -. 18th t., ....,.ta esa, ..-.: ....... .,,. *WALLPAPER* ACCX>UNTING b:lokkeeptng ~,,., .._. _, • r1 • -•n •"""a Jt@ftttnce1. uwn trans. 645--53fil, Or•ftlng When YoU call "Mac" Secn!tary. why drive to LA *BEAtmCIAN WINEAT II F•lr Drh,•, -Co1te Men ~ .NPI, can evet, LOST; FEMAL.E P.rsian L>H•tru or LB! Challenglna. in-App EAR AN c E. FOR (Orange Co. Fairgrounds -o.M...,,.,._ Calico cat, tuU gro....'ll, lnst PLAN~l{OU11eS. Re mod s, S48-l·$.l4 ~ tere1ti.na:. position, female. BUSY SHOP. SC&-t919. E ..een Wed. 25 0 11 l>en1ba Or. Room Additions. S50 up. PArNTING & PAPER.ING, ~!.• Mns~~·te CPA ottlce 0 n BOAT BUILDERS nter from Nwpt. Blvd.) ~~. q~lrtlmed · in fl.iesa Verde. RE\VARD. 557-0628. Eves. 5.57-9695. 19 yn. In Harbor AftL Lie unuu1 ....... .nooa~".,.."""' • .. e · bonded ·-· •·--• . • "" 0-4 ~ •·-·· Storti, Tuttday tho 31st. N..,'port Belch are a. 9~1614. Gerdenlnn !' . .,_~~. . ,...,., I '"""-"' .. ,,,.ucatiOn • exp.. MS-887 .._.,_.., uwiuer A tiNtb car-t l _ O _ • 1 p M. , &II-UC. , n~ famil 1 1•-i T •• ., .,... ~ for appoint. pentera needed for "'1~"' • :-, •-• • • • • • 1 ::~;;;'====~-I ~·: Y "' · "' oy Ph ph uaJJ llall ·~· ,. HOUSl!Kl!EPER NEWPORT BE,\OI poodle wear Ing yc-llo\\' * LANDSCAPING * otogr• Y Ad *~ Corpoo., t1Di ~;!,~ 14056 Willow Ln., Wutmln1ter Ful-Thne. "-_., F1nancial inldtution bu tr& sweater & blk jt"Yo't'I CO.liar New lawna, Sp r In II: I er• v.rtlilnt S.Cretery d , ~ ... mediate open In I Nr H.B. Hi School. IO/Z7. deeks, cleanup. State Ue'd. IS your child flOSUli a prob-Grest oppor. for amblrious, a Av.., Costa Mesa. Equel Oppor. Employer HOU~ strong, tull er management tra.lnee. 536-8192 536-12'25. lem'!' I speclalite In action ~ ak:illed rirl. Bra.lns, ,_6'U961~=·------I ~~'!!'!"'"!9!!,..!"'l''!!!!~ ...... ,.;,..;,;,;..,..,..,..,.,.1 ~time, clean Ing ~: ~.A!~~~ldv~: ~. Hav.'&ilan Gardener. ;::::.f ~~1:~. ~~ 1 ........ " .. •e .. • .. ; .. ,."",,,,1.,67"0""'"" ... ·~ .. · .. ~=r one Automotive Help Wanted, M & F 710 Help Wented,, M & F 710 wll tnm. Exp·~. r-i·lu cJU~~T10NS C .! Complete &ardt'n •er v . .....-n-i.a..--with OMV ex-CLERK TYPIST Stevn.~. * ... ~ Orange A 18th, · · Kam a I an I, 6 4 &-4676, ~...,.....,, E Off ..,..... ... 645'-i)987. 6-12-l33'7. * PATCH PLAsrERING Advertist.naSo DisplQ ~ fl: n~ ~ n.~:U: $501-$609 • 1crow .u!_cer Trne INSURANCE: P/time, ex· * M1,:t11y ~-'· ~ RE\l.'ARD, gray Cockatet'I, BOB'S GARDEh'ING All types. Free estimate. me exp. neceaaey. ...._,,. • To perform rtncral typJna I: .,,_ pc·, CdM lns. apncy. Gd * ,. n . ui-.. ___.. w/)'t'Uow face/red chet'ks, ING Call ~ &&5-:5150, 9 am-5 pm 330 West Bay Street. O>st& varied clerical work An 9..,, lndtvkt!.ml w/t/IJ/mt. salary. Send fftllme P. 0 . Laddie, San Juan Capo, &~O~~ Plumblrtg e APARTMENT MOTEL e Mesa. Calif. 92626. immed, openini w~ City aK:r"OW exper. to tnJn b' Box S. ~ del Mu, ca Only time wttb the I e 493-3524. Complex!S. I ;_;;;.c.;;;c=-----EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Bookkeeper ot Irvine plannlnr dept. NCnJW otticl!:r. 92625. qu&Wlcatlonl need appQ>. e MALF. Golden Retrlev;:-r. 557-4299 after Spm. Drains uncioaed -$'1.50 Orange County & Vlcinlty We need one Awtomot1ve Hi&h ICbool IJ'ldUa.tlon or PRIORITY INSURANCE girl, exp'd, Submit noaume w/uhr/ n-5.,,.. oHt. needs medlcaUon. Sewer line to 100' - $15 MGRS, MA.INT. CLEAN Bookkeeper with ma.clllne equivalent, A 1 yr. exper. PERSONNEL For busy Doctor'• olc •A _ .... _ to ~-R.E\\'ARO, No Ques-AMERICAN gardener. Tired * SG-1502 * Cpts -ean work Single Cn4) experience. Send resume to Typing f5 w.p.m. Apply, ' quirement "' COlWUll:DOI' : or "Grass cutters'' dolfl!I 639-5l51 ANYTIME Annex Box 501 ~/o Delly PtJot. l:ll Irvtne,Cl.ty Hall 'AGENCY Newport Be&ch. _..3903 Clu&lfted ad no. 532 c/o lions. 544-6354. half a job'!' For est1mate COLE PLUMBING Prop ~Agency 1046 N, West Bay Street. Cost& 421'1 Campus Dr. m E. 17th,. C.M. ~179> ~ Da..Uy Pilot, P.O. Box ~. LOST Teacup Poodle, white call CUstom Gardener, John 24 hr. ae?Vice. 6e-U61 -··tt Mesa n..u• _..., ......... ........, Colt& Mesa, ca. 9'l626. :dd~~a ti:ia~.enL·ri:~~: 1..::M:::0:ora:::"'°"""' .o:&<S-=..:>;:::58:::...· ---PLUMBING REPAIR AP"'"'-P'°w°'"AN°'' C'CE~"TEDIN=· ==1=CIAN"" I Bookk~=· -0 • Jl'Vine~Cafil."' 91Ji64 FACTORY · F.ql1&l 0ppor. Employer S9'J-6560 Wettrninstf'r. EXPERT Japanese No job too 11tnall Exp in Frigidaitt appl'a. We need one automotiw On or before 5 PM MF.CHANJCAL ENGINEER: REV.' ARO. ml. drk. br. F cat g~ d ." n ;:rVi ~~P~ ~~-*::,.::64:;:2:..:-3"128=:..*=---Work from radio dispatch Bookkeeper. Send resume No(ven~)~~~3840l972 Recent arad B.S.N.E ., 2--3 gold eyes. Vlc. Nl'WJ)rt. entng ce. • Sewlng/Alteretlon1 trucks. Gd co. fr in re to Box 501, c/o Dally Pilot, " o.>.T" Anno i * * * yn exper. Ptd'd. Xlnt Pl81· HKT3-Rivt-rslde & Clitt Or. area 546-lS94. I ::.:.::.~~:.;::.;.::.;:::.:;::.._ btneftts. Davill Brown. Call S30 West Ba.Y Street, Costa CLERK • TYPIST unc ng Hon. De 11 g n prodlletlon 410 Riverside 675--6522 AL'S Landscaping, Tree re-e Drt-Mmaking -Alterationa Jack Webster, Service Depl M~. Calif, 9U. For General otOce work. equlpment. Fine co., lood GREY tiger Bbiped M Cl\L ~~·ha~~. kt~~: __ ne.:::~=..;:;Jo:_.,::!'_64&"""6oo.W::.t=YoU"--Mgr .. 5'8-3430. BUSBOY. ftpel'. pref"d. Ap. Typing, filin&, Re«ptlon ~~~ QJ =n~ =·~ Sm. build. mi. white marlt prtnkJ 673--llfi6 _ ARTIST, Pute-11p. expel'. ply ln penon.. Alley West duties, etc., Real Eata.te or • Pel'90nnel Age~, 2 7 9 o 00 neck, 10,~ very much. Repair 1 en, · CUSTOMS DESIGNS Ad agency moving at O.c. 1 &2t•08;;;;;;W •.• Oceonlron ... i;iiiiiii;LioiiNii.Bii.-.' Construction background de-e U I 6 '°'-.._Ir bc'DC'."r\l.. .._.., H-~ Blvd C 640-1402. GARDENING SERVICE Mod to Hl tuhkm alterations call 8U-Q64 aft 5pm. C213) airable. lnunedl.a.te opening. ti "'"",..;; r-U\,.7V'l~'lile&. ... ...,r " . Re""'""ble -Reliable also 5'8-9168 . 8 ..... ,30 pm. -= thru Tues rom. BUYER Call Mn. Lloyd for Appoint-~~ LOST: 6 mo. old lri.~ Setter. * 64&-6852 * ment. 833-8722. Fem'1•. No. !Aguna. Faml· ~X-P.._:Eo,R.:cT:::..:=-=---Altorotlono-442-SMS '--EAm"""'RN MORE Now Lll• tndumlal .~~ ~~ PooOtlonoto H •u ly desperate, 491-a>98. Egard •-~=-a P • !.!!_e Neat. accuratf. 20 yean up. Newport Beach ftnandal 1J>. Day & Nlte Division For Women "'--Jl:lWVI:' ....:mi -.un * IRISH Setter fem pup, 11 ener, iu......-'u_"t'• WITH US I stl.tution h •• lmmedlah! otc Oer1c/M8ie $m.33 wks. Vil": 19th A: Oce11.n-plant, PH'., trim, cleanup. _r_n_o_______ • opentna for a profeulona.1 DISHWASHER$ • Many a.ssiinmenll In the ~ Oel"k/MaJe to l:iCXI front. NB R"'Vl\nl. 6'75--'i895. P:-::sioNAL Ja~se CERAMIC tile new A w/•trorll experience. You Newport Beach, Irvine, ~ ~):YT?'eaurer ~ = Gardener. Reliable. Free remodel. Free est. Small ELECTRONIC ;:1.,, ~~ffl,1:' 0;;tg; & BUSBOYS ta Ana & Colla Meaa areu Sec'~M• "" 1f<JO -Apply In Perton 11tl0Ils. cellent earnings. ~ Clerk $500 l ~ "'-Call 963-4974. jobo welcome. 536-2426. ASSEMBLY equlpmenL •. Experl~ed & trainee Po-Glri Ftidoy 10 152; ,.......--JAPANESE Ga rde n el'. Never a Fee wfll \Vt"ekly peychecks Pit Recept/Typi&t $2.00 hr l;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiii~m;; Complete Yardwork and l!IJLI 1--rm ~canta =~~mlleco~ :J.5 p.m. Mon. thrv Fri. 488 E. lTth Cirot Irvine) 01 Cleanup. Free est. 60-lllt2. [.wM11mt llTWl""I ... -.... -642 1'70 W ti Sohool1 & • EXP. Japonese Gardoner. j ;~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~ Personnel Service ;'!..tt;, ~ ~~!.'1n ! NO FEE ~ .;Jl:.11:'. :,::! "' instructions 575 By monthly job. NB, CM, -. W 20th c M confidence & admiration ol /';JO 1,. T .. iA ..... applications I;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;; La ••• ••19 11• • , • • ...L.-L,.oc; fil ....... '6 JUNIOR Salesmen: 10-15. guna area.~ . Job Wented, Male 700 642-7523 546-2592 management & veuuw~. 9Afl.J-12 noon Only Eam ~ per week get. GARDENING. Hau Ii n r. --' · tt.... -·J f th Garage cleanup. Call &ft EXPER. Ski E Elec Inte1-v1ewmg ~11 A 1-4 Send resume .t: I al a r Y 1555 W. Ad•ms 2061 8u1in.11 Ctr, Dr, '-I" .. new ..,....,_omers or e AIRLINE & 4:30 tree Estimate. 638-9933. M-~ MapperL . A~~ ...... -·. AIHmbly to $180 hi.-tory tn confklence to: Cost• Mes• DAILY PILOT. This ii oot a IC\,:llo ainl """'"'""""'"" Oual.tl.ed ad no. 528, c/o Irvine 133-1441 newspaper route and does Gen•r•I Services (213) 378-8686. Weelrenda. Trainee n.n .. Pilot not include coll_.....,. or All Sh!ltl ~ ' P.O. Box lsa>, DEUVERY o! D A ! L Y .... .. HANDYMAN • All """"of P.P.S. NO FEES ~M~p..Calilfm: PILOT, SUl<DAY ONLY, to Fee Ptld ~~· ~::;: ... ~ BE,0•1P",''!'-'p_ v."Ork, small jobs a newspaper carriers. Re-Adhesive Sales Rt'P $UK hours after school and 8 on lei • • ... r Job Went9d. femele 702 TRA YEL AGENCY specialty. 956--9374: 546--9723. GOOD TYPIST P•ciflc ,. .. -n w--'" em p 10 Yee 1 quires the use of a Station Industrial Enclneer $14K Saturday. We have openings Wiii do your typi"I at PersonMI S.rvlces ~led 'i.ittme. Apply to Wqon or Van. Contact Mr. Exec. Sec'y-Real E. to ~ for Fountain V&lley A South Daya Full Time CAREER TRAINING H•ullng her hcwM, Wiil rlckup ll2 No. Tower Foon In Valley Harry Seeley, 330 Weit Ba,y General Ledger Attt S'71Xl HWJtinlton Beach areas on- HAULING-beavy or llte •nd deliver loca H.B., Vnkm Ballk&ruar. ~ 10035taEllia Ave St., Costa Mes&. F/C Bkkpr/Sec'y $700 ly. You must be out of 8"1.eaaeu Aw,~ .. , d l u~--· Orange, ca1if. F V ., DENTAL --Sec'y, Santa Ana $6Sb school by l PPtf to Betwn • am p:n. ~m:n o~ IC '3 41:"36 .. /i F.V,, WMt, 75c (Mr Pl• 547 6446 . . u;vut ofc, prior ex· P/time Gen'! Ofc $2.25 ht putidpate. Experlence..J ll!T)'tlme. or will work by hour • CAR Wuh e mp 1 o ye e 1 per lftf'd. Appt. maldng, Secretaries to $700 boys: £ivtn pr 1 or I t y . 18542 MacArthur .Airline YARD &: Garage Oeanup. ;.co~ll~l47~.30f~5~.'-=~'7 'I ••"""iiiii~fo~r~RW>~;;el;;M;;;*";;;..,. wanted f/ttrM. Apply to fl.Ung~, ~inc. etc. Aho Fee Posltionl 968-864!. (Acrou from O.C. AirpOrt) Free ..t. 7 dayo. Call HI ICh. Sr. desires offlce Job ASSISTANT ~th':.'.~ r::~ ~ opeo .,tobrly. &.&.~ NEWPORT KEYPUNCHERS ~= ~ Sckoo£ anytime, ......-.o:n. 1--' dally. 2 yn exp. gift PLANNER CA dayo. 540-2485 alt 6. Porsonnol ~ Needed tmmedla1"y. All · GEN. Hauling. Tree/thrub =-dlspia,y, ..i.a 4 offlce. 1'nllh !':!!:!.ER!/boat DONUT Shop. .U nlte obllt. 133 Dowr Dr., N. • ~ bave ""I"<· MOTHliR trim. Gar I: yd cleenup. Eat do .orttna. atumng, P.E.P. fw Vietnam en. wtll building -d '_.. Woman &Je 25-45. No exper 642-3170 APP&v In Person Need ~ tar Chriltmu'P 839-nlJ, 557~· billifle, typl.ng, m1mro at onl.y. Mlltt be inrn~ rinee ~~~ntln';'i: nee. Apply 1n pt't'lorl.. Mr. , ic~ZLY GIRL ' lt'• waitil'I& f<r )'OU at SKIPLOADER & dump truck home. Type 65 wpm. or under emdo:Yed & reside employment. Top wages & Donut. 135 E. 11th St., C.M. FEMALE belp Jlftt' d, day It TEMPO. work. Concrete, uiibalt. 962-6VELINl82. G in cnnp Co. ·Aalst plan-bendile:. * DENTAL secretary-bkkp.r. ~ whlttel. Lig'ht pre• 2061 Bu111no111 Ctr. Dr. e C .. rlcal 610 E. 17th St. sawlnr, breaking. ~mo. TRA • Are you rq directlr in JMann1na WILLARD BOAT YlORKS 2850 E. Meaa. Verde Dr., on ectronk: pam. rv ne e K;r. Hauling: & cleanup by exp B01,1lanndg 1 o'°r Southeth £-rlaa?bboCanan ~ & z on t n g 86 1100 UJran Ave. Suite A, CM. 54&-~. Xln't condl w/exp&ndina: Betnen 9 ~12 nocn • T It U -d lg trk. ""'A """ ministration. St art t n r Costa M~ DRILL •-'d & Co. Will !rain. 642--lSTl. K nch co ere ••U ent, e ...,... cook. bu1.end., etc. For C! .. 1 .. _, •o-r ....._ opera..,.., exp AVftll e St.no Santa Ana t846 or 534-21114. amaJJ salary. Love to ='~n!"'°A~.._+ ~: CASHll!R-traineeo: tooperoteNCdrlll FIBERGLASS -,,.-e A bly .. .,.., .... VPt.Y ..... <¥ ATTENDANT macb tor printed circuit Exper. lamlnator needed, All SbUts. Full &: p/ttme. '""' YARD. prage cleanups. travel. Call 64&-3632. Hall, 500 Foreat Ave., bo&rdL Days & .nitel avaU. piece work, Helmet manut Temporary. Tb S3 hr. And Many 0th~ 543-6655 ReDrl:....~!f-d.lrt.847.,,!,'2;·_ NEED help at home? We Laguna Beach. 494-ll.24. We will 1ndn mature at· Apply 11?95 SkyPark Cir, Ai;ply lm Placentia, CM. ~-~ ~•-.,...., -YC~Je 5•.....,.<a -have Aldea, Nurae1, Applicatioo deadline Nov. tractive well a roomed uhlt"K. Irvine ....,'°"""....,. -.-r_ ""_,~.. ..,,__. HouHCIHnlng Houaekeepen, Compankln1, 15th. woman fD wark as cuhl.e.r r. Flb.rgl•ll Tooling NEVER A FEE AT TEMPO NEVER A FEE AT TEMPO For Qualification Info Homemakers, UpJohn,l '"""'~'!!"'!!!!!!!!!!!""!"!!!!l!!!!I attendant tn oor new DRlvER-HELP.ER Exper. Marqer Tempo Tempot'U7' Help TempoTemporaryHelp1 547...Qi81. ASSIST. MGR TRNE cohMJp .ervice '"11.tion ln To drive co. preaident to LA -...ni ~Em .. i--LAUNDRY worker, p/tlmt' NEWCOMER WEL<X>MIN(!: J AP ANEfil: lady desires Gold & Sliver houaeowork. Need• transportation. EXP'D ...,....t typ ist PART-TIME C<"1a Mea. 2PM-lOPM Aworltlnplontd-day. -.-v·~· ~, .. " .... hr.""' o/1'. F<r HOlpltallly -• desires v.'Ork tn HB. 3 .. 9.-EVES· 8hlft. open. Good Sal. " Must have been lic'd 20 yrs. Gel Frkley $416 eves. bn & days adjustable. To Call LOCALLY on new Jewelry c1.,, • 540-1332 • ..1 ... _,wk Lea:al CPA. adv ,.. ·-• benrfttl. (cant. Uc. R.eq'd). Must F--~ ----~ -• to H•••"-· Beach ,..,.,._ rsident famiUet brinctw .....,.., · ' ., DMSION ot manuf. co. baa Apply ln penon between live in Newport area. With ""' ..... ~ •~ .... ............... ....,,,... ~ I: dvic info Good PR, 536-0283. immed. -tor .....,,.... 10 am .\ 2 pm at 295 E. 17th overtime can earn more do ~ral office llrttk. Lite valeeoent Hospital. 18831 /"--Must ha. ha H I W •-• M & F 710 ·--• St CM .uk •-n ... _ than ~ Call >t --.,.,...,. ""'"'8-Florida. 84)-'11911 uk ... ~~· ve nawio e p an.-, men over 21 who need a ., . w~ ......-. • .......... per >T· . r. PRIORfTY Mr. Small. ~7J:me&l', b'Pinl abillCy, Starttna 1st wk. In Nov. Dedicated Cleenlng Leam 1<>1,t wax method. * WE 00 EVERY"nDNG * Guaran. proft'ask>nal results Refll. Free esl &46-2S39 from the beginning. Make )'OUl' own ch r I• t ma• HOUSE OF CLEAN .......... 5'!H191.'"!!!!iiiiii "°""· -L~.walJ&, !!!!!! 6 yrs. in &l"eL ~. I luc=l Xlnt HOUlt'cleantna ....... ~~ ByDay ... ~~&n -~D~A;;Y~CLEAN1o-=c;.,o,N~G-- Bobytltll"9 EXPERIENCED. REFERENCES 531-1845 YOUNG, rellable Ii v e -I n HOUSECLEANING bab~~~i:_r/Mother'• r""',,.vir Experlenctd. $2.50 hr. In u;·vuc area. pre -c Please call eves, 642-5359 Walnut Rd. 551-3118 ·•• wknd k d Janltorl•I an,. .. me, , w y s , ;;.;:.;.;;...;..c....;.. ____ _ """· ho! ~= I ., "' WINDOWS, carpets, up , Mv, '""""'" care ot .,..., yr ...__....... L.o..-~ 1-~- ld I I --· ard \U"<ll""' ,t'f, IJUWl'C C o;oa..oUlt>• o 11, ml!'!!. 11, en ... ~ Y • Detuxe Cleaning Se r v , Nwpt Hts/Heller P k , 536--7732 64~7. -='-"=-~----- DAY Nunery, bablet to 3 L•ndsceplng e e e e • e A Better Temporary Poottlon URGENTLY NEEDED SECRETARIES TYP1m MCST OPRS KEYPUNCH OPRS PBX OPRS ASSEMBLERS NEVER A FEE ~H~. per wk. 646-5~ or OFF ·SEASJN SPECIAL! Patio COVl!:l'll & gprinklen. Interview Hours \\'EEKENOS, holldays, day Compl lndscpg avail. Sad· 9 am-11amI:1 pm-4 pm or nittht. Low r11.le1l ca.II dleback Valley landscape. Work when A where; 536--1297, H.B. 837-3856. you want! Cerpenter "co"'MP,.:LE;::=.,=.E,-,iand~-..,.~,1n-c~a: Interim Installation State" licensed. p I "'-rvf lnduo/Comm'l/Rotid ~~-h>dustrial, Apt. enonne .-Ce All type!I wor1c. Remodel, ~ 779 W, 20th, C.M. alteration, finish, frame, Palntinn & '42-7523 546-2592 panel, elc. 962-1961. Pepo··;h•-i-Cerpet Service .. ., ··• A Better Tempon.ry Position • PAINTING • PAPERING Uf9ently Needed JOHN'S Carpt't & U1,hol1tery Interior Exterior UrW:IDed Ori-Shampoo t r e e Sco!ch-U c. Jnsured Guaranteed e Cl-..LI guard (Soil Relllrdan!sJ. Call Harris 642-4551 STA Degreaaen & "" "°'°' e Assemblen brlghtenen &: 10 minute PROF. Painting, a1M> l"OO(s. b 1 each f o r w h I t e a~111. CeU. I nter/exter. WUl Train carpet&. Save your money hy Uc/Ina:. F?ff est. ~91. Never A Fee avtns me extra trips. WUI EXTER.. Complete 2 coals, 1 Interim clean IMni nn., dlnina: nn. story $200, 2 •tory $DI. I • hall S15. Aoy rm. 11.so. Neot work. !toy,-· Personnel S.rv ce couch l10. Chair 15. tlS yn. HOUSE ··•·t•-. Int/ext. 771 W 20th C.M exp. ii what countt;, not 8.CCOUI. Jlii'r:.;'.6 reu. Free ' ' ' mt!thod. t do "°"' '""""· "t n</53&-5857. 642-7523 "46-2592 ~~ ,.f "I ~OJ. lntervtew\nv S..11 I 1-4 ~ . ~ ~· PAINTING · Honeot, clean. ;;;iiiijiiiziiiiiiii·~-.. .......... C1m.nt, Concrete 1r?Uaranteed y,'Ql"k, l.Jornaed CUSTOM CD1"CNT WORK A: insured. ST":>-5740. Drlvea WAU<S, . polX., If'· & Ex~ Accouo. "''~ (IOl?l deckt.. Don. 642-9514 l'Jll .qrra,~. t.ic.. Ins. PATIOS-PLANTERS LoeAI "''· 645-a!09, Chuck. All ~--t ~ B" ·k FOR clean l neet palndn<, ,,,_""'"'I! ...,.~ nc • lnlerlor, ms. nle1. Can Accountln9 Cleric perm. Second Job to "'"° CHARGE NURSE Pritt dtyo at !21ll ~7-tro> ~ plement prement inoome. RN • 3-U Shilt. Full time. next week. PERSONNEL LAUNDRE$. F/time. Me• NQn: CLERK $4.75 HR. Starting, Nov. 13. DRUGSl'ORE """' girl. AGENCY v ...... Conv. H ..... '61 With -exp Good tn>- For lnt.rvw: 547..o913 Huntlftiffon lkech Must be experienced in ZIJ E. 11th 0.1 64.S-Ti'SO Center St., C.11". 5-18-$85. lst Accurate & Neat Mlilli Conval•JCent Ho-Itel drugltt'ft work. Good pay, GENERAL Ofc. Educational LEGAL SECRET AR y: like woridnr wlth f1lures, A11t, BookkNptr $500 -r benefits &: bourl. AppQo In corp. t1eeks tntellJ&rent. fn. LtpJ Beagle need • Pleuant workin& cmditioas Grea.t co. to work far bu l88ll Florida SL , H.B. per a on, Bu 1 hard '• dlvld w/sd typing akillJ. vuu.tile penon for gen1 & excellent benefita. can openi1V ftr eqer a:aJ OQXXER.AUTO PARTS Pharmacy, 244 Forest, Cona"enlalolc. Nr. Cal Sta~ ~. Plush office ln Mr.Newlandlorappolnt:m.mt w/a:ne booldree¢.ng exper. SALES CLERKS & PARTS Laguna Beach. Lo~ Bch. Stnd resume & local vea.. Good ak:ll.11 a &'J&.M89 PRIORITY MEN. SOME SALES EXP. uJ requirements to: must. Start $600. Fee Paid. Bank of Ame!ica PERSONNEL 111 E. l!ltb ST. C.M. OauWed Ad No. 536, Dally A.I.lo Fee Positions. Call Jan 500 Newport Center Dr., NB AGl!Ncy * CHRISTMAS Electronic Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, C<"1a Paae.-. Coa•tal An Equal Opportunity Em· 0 Mesa, Calll9ll526. Pv9c>Mel Agency, 2190 Nm.oer :mE.11111.CM 6.1$-71'50 M NEY * Assemblers H.-B!Yd cM l'""'""''="'=~==--1 ASSISTANT Chef W&llted, Start earn4nr """· Full <r Gonorol Ole. $47' UCENSED ~ . t0rl ! · NURSES AIDES, expo\". Aho, Fly O>ok. ex· pert time. Sellfrg °""""°9 Growl .. co. need• ohan> pl d"" wk. VI~ Sl~on Exp pftl. Day shill Beverly P e r. Ne w s e a fo o d Kitti fur Vlviane Woodard ~ll~en~ Jo~~f1: ~:':d t<r variety ~b. Great Balboa Bay Club Beauty Manor Conval Hosp, 2'452 L beach O:anetlcs, a. sub5ldlary of -J oareer opportumty. c.-A""-.. 642-®92 Via Estrada. Lq Hil1L ~~~ Oaaslfleda!:S,% General Foodll. For m-. Circuit s. 6 Mo'1 to 1 PRIORITY l.---., p . $IOO NURSES Ai!kla. 11-T lhlft C/o ~u •. Pilot P .O. Box tervlew appMtmert call ~ .. experb dtsirable._ Should PERSONNEL oen roc.1tor Full A p/Ume Meta vente ..,._,. f93-l'l'08.. I"Till,I lueprints a: have G P"e.ntude boss needs llhar1> Conv~ 861· "--~ St 1560, Costa Mesa.. Ca. 9&\6. knowledge ot color coding, A ENCY gs1 tor bus)' desk. Phmh of. ·: ~· ·• ATI'RACTJVE girl, good CHRISTMAS MOM')' • Start IOlderl~L-IChem&dcs, etc. DI E. 11th CM 6t5-7750 fiice. GrN.t opportunity. CM. _. fl;utt, model bik:lnh:, etc. 1 :e~~~ Gi~~ Appcy In Penon GIRL FRIDAY. Exec. setk· PRIORITY OVERWEIGHT men &: aftemoon per week. Terrtflc pre•tiae nat'I firm. No in-ina Rood off!.ce orpnber. PIRSONNEL women •ant• d to rt;· strictly private. Write Wit. tD potendal. earnlnp. Kell G" Is Neat ar,peaa.nce w/fut typ. AGENCY participate 1n a ttVOlu-- 921ll Box lll5lB, Sania Ans .... "'"'"""' calJ a .. ,... Y Ir ::."SlM.u•e .......... :m E. n111. C.M. 66-'lr» = ... ":ti...~~ AVON -CHRISTMAS EARN· CHURCll549-0019. ~~•-· U"'--GRANDMOTHER needed to LVNS liXl'IR. the oounby. BecorM llln>• lNGS can help make the "'"'""""..,' -Uflft: NO FEE Babylft dally tn m,y home. Ir NUl'Mll .AldH. 549-.1061 ~. ~at the ame holida,n happier for your JanJtorial/*>me re Pa Ir' 7:30 to •:30. Cblldrtn 61: 'f. MACHINIST l,wiii•~~ ... ~ ...... ~-of entire family! It'1 easy aell· =-3727 IL Bch. M2-W61. ~~l2a~= Mother tea.che1. Vuy l\rht General 6 yrs exper. Apply, 1• PART-TIME ing, fine Avon products for · housekffplng. Must ha\llt' Advanced K.lnetlc. Inc .. our lrTeliatible (.'hrhrtmu CLEANING penon, J.5 eve1 2061 Bu 1 C D own tnn.<ip. Call after 5 or 1231 Victoria, CM. 6ts.n6$, Catalogue. Call Now $40.'7tMl per wk. Ofc. In Npt Center, 1 Mii tr, r. wkndl. 548--8459. equal oppor, employer. RABYsrTI'ER. Lakeview Send rewme to: Claulrll!:d Irvin. IU-1+tt l"'iiiiiiiziiii;iiiij ... ._,....,j,;;~'::':'::\:':,:,._:~2:::C.:: Sehl. Oisl, Hntirn. Bch. Ad No. '83. Dally Pilot. HELEN SCHAFFER MAID 'lllOl'k in exchange for 11 ,30 am to 5:30 pm. P.O. Box lsa>, ea.ta M..._ Electronics PERSONNEL motel ·~-2376 Newport 84T-ms. Calif., 92626· lmmod. Of>"'lnp AGENCY ~AN~~ for P-G&E INDUSTRIES BABYSIITER I: houJektep-CLEANING LADY. Sm l ln1fMCfor1 *Sec'y·L99al to $625 motel, in exchan~ for 'pt. er 5 d~ wk. 8 to 5:30, own ~ ~ ~ °:"" AIHmblert Corp. or aer'l'I exper. 2376 Newport mvd., c .M. Due to expanakln to Oranae trans., Costa Mesa area. MUlt be hon!~ re~bl~'. Lite Experience Top Frm. 54H'f55. County we need l5 men t 64~21 or 546-9630. Ref. !'!q. &l).U23. t.orw or abort term *Cu1t. Serv. $450 * Manager * start work immediately. N B A 8 Y S l TT ER : Lt Cl.J!:.ANING woman f 0 r aaatcnment1 Fun, fa&t tnOllinl job. Large Ota Cnty Clll' wash. experienee neoeuary, u HoU1eWOrk, 2 am. chlldftln. Newport Cent~ oftlCt!I bldfc tPVine 540-44.50 *Steno SK'y $4$0 Exp not req, Must have train. Mon thru Wed. 8 hr dQ. Nlte wotic, bondable, pd: AiWtelm 5.13-2322 Llte 1111 &: typq ~hanlcal aptitude It Irvine area. 544-9138. Y&Cttion A Ina. 40 Hts. wk. NEVEll A FEE AT TEMPO *Fii• Clerk $a40 auperviBory ability. Xlnt Top Stertlng Pey Benklnt 6*«1t. Tempo Temporvy Help Ute~·~ ~~~~:5 6~ For Interview C•ll aericel ~I~N~7~~~ ~k 'so.'"liso thereafter. st:..irt ~ Mondey 10 e.m.-5 p.m. ~~ girl gram provldet crut chance A°"". typq/.......... ~ J?" )Ar~ See, 'I TYPISTS to earn whll<! """ l•am. *Secretory $JOO:J;~!21l;';;l~94T~·~ltJU.'t.;;.-ij!iil!'!'~7!i7~6o;.,;;l,;55;.1~~ Fon A: P/tlme pog1t\om NEEDED NOW Available St.ltu')' to Sl 80 Liie ~ aood Jll)elltng. --M.n•r Tme $500 Call 11.,;cy ...,, 540-60iis. *F/C Bftkpr to$6!0 ,....,.pldlyrrowt"'""'_..,p1-omoec1oanln1 Eve1 6:30-9:30 PM HELP WANTED llumpmtone wk. 894·3533. Dll"k, ~ PATIOS. Walla, drl\o'ft, Saw. INT • £XT pai.ntins. paper break, remove I: replace ha.na"lng, naturw.I. w o o d Needt Glrtt CoutaJ Apnc:y, 2 7 9 O ~ to P&L -~ity w!11 Plush amall bon1t. !< ........ With Blnldna E>cper. Good Sklllo N-o••· Htrbor Blvd c.i.i. ~ aparit "~· ~· 2 hrl nlte4'. Jlxt>lr e Eocrow -" +Secretory $500 P I RITY only. Jlno dota A~bla. A/Recetvable, e Loan Proce110r1 l:f'=n~i:r.1'" heJpfUI, but Exec. S.Cf'9tarytoS650 "Brok1ra,.•1fP81'. '*'.. ,IRSONNIL 211/t2'T..Ji? pe.y. C.•1 PIYn>ll J.ny or .U exper. e Now Aceto. Cltrlo Good lb • typ1no ""''& •:m CAMPIJS ll!1w AGENCY ~. 5tH668 (or ~t. finlAhtni. 5Q..~ SIDEWALKS-PATIOS PROF. pa.Inter, honelt \\'Ork, A DRIVEWAYS I lJc'd/Bonded &iT'WJO 1'1"88. IC/Ins. tnvext. tree ('II, Rtlb. 54&-2759, Child Coro WALLPAPER HUNG . CHJLD Cart' My t.-11nt. Uoctnted. l klt meal1. Good 11. 988-0811, nr hunt A AdamL Call Rebc.-o 646-2449 WAlJ.PAPE'RINO Quallly ..n. Rcu. pr1cet ·~* CONldored. Somo ""'"" e Tolloro At>\)ly In ... ,,.....,.,., d<J>'. --t!Ye JiimoruUI· Suite B-4 Nm" S-h 2lO E. l'llt>, CM. ~1150 PBX """"""' -prel'd. Xlnt eomlnp. Short be....,.n 0 .,. " 12 ,_, ty will Jud ,..,. thll &<m· 557-2 GER, Good .E:venlnp • ll'&YO yanj term tt'l'nporary ua11n-M rrt Se&utiflll co benttlt.s. MANA OWi' SS. ductlnt wtrflcendl. menl lmmedlate pl&oe-rmmod. ~p. AtaJinmenta oo • . Clerk Typlit $450 H£I..P v.-antOO for ceble mgml A dreu/SptW'r 1tlH Meta .,,.,_ SU-U&L· men!. Ablohrlel,y not~. Apply In P1rlOl'I PAOnC mJTUAL Uruual ())~ televlslon Rllot1. Good ~· ;i: ~ 1 =CM H.tU PBX exper. Lit• typing Apply In Per.an 2061 'lvaln.11 Ctr. Dr. 'lOONt-wportCen!f'rDl'. Call&rbaraKlnL !4()..-0636 Flexlbl11 h o uri . p. req'd, Ptaooct 1.nMD'anetl 1061.Builness Ctr. Dr. Irvine Newport Stach NSWPORT Teleprompter An Eqm.l Don't stw up the thlpl M·n , Bradley, 49t-i1091'. lrvlno -· 9 am·l2 ""°" !"!!!!!1!!!!!!1!!!"""!!!!!!!1!'!11"!1• Pl!RSONNEL AGl!NCY 0pportuntty ~ Coll "I.1st" 1t ln cluoi!led, Ship ooo't ltlve Ii~ °"' l!llp Beotwtien 9 am--lJ l'll)Ol"I 1 ~!!1111!!''""'!!!!B""'!'!'!!!! Sell ttw old ltv.ft Bu,y the HOim Dr NB A1ln tJbdl 6G-OI>. toShoNRetullel 142-5618, "U•t"lt In CIUl!f\ed 9'Jg !!!!lmm ... ..!iiiziiiiiiiii! ... 11 Want ad rHUJl1 , •. 6GM7I MW stuff. -lJU8 '' Need a "i>fld"f ~ce an ad! 8.mt1ed Ad• .. , ibJi1irit to 8hm'e Rttultsl ~ t , ' ·-. . .. . ' . . . . . . .. ' . ' ' . • " ... • .SundaJ. Octobl'r ~. 1'72 DAILY nLOl ·~~~-=--=~~l~~~~~~~I~~~~~::~ ·~--...... ~_.. .... l[l]]I ..__ '_Do ... _, .... __,][ilJ I ' ..... ,... ' I •• I ..... ,,, .. ' 'J[ll] I ., I I~ ~, -.. 1-. I .-1~ I .. d •• I~ I ........ ll§l ___ I _, .... _."""_Ill .;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiili' ~;. l Lines, 2 Tlmot, $1.• t ,. a 1 p Weftlfid, M & P 710 Help-Wonted, M & F 710 Swltc:hloOord o,... Holp W.Oted, M &-P•71D l'urnlM. . 110 •umltv... 110 Mlscollo.,_,s 111 Plonot/°'1fmt 126 -------i P ·--· N Kelly Girl WHO WANTS,,, WORKt a.us CHAIR --SPEX?. """"' .... -• r..t..., """ N<ocll ~ r,,, -torm DRIVE A CAB! JIJSl 1" time"" the 1ootboI1 vinyl m_ Booo vinyi Couch. LOOKING FOR PIANOS • ORGANS pm;on. 5 mo. Mlnla. Wblp- 1\11 ~ :.~ dUty or SECRETARY l.r."oot"""iZ. ~~~~be~-= =~~ 1 ~ r;:.~ chair ~Ir-= EXT~1:.~~IOAY l~:O:'.":!~::."r:~:·~;..:'.\~; &:'.'~~ ~yd. co .,.,. Door at pvt duty we,aes. No • WOri*W condt eam--win or wmnen. Can bt ........ $l50 new, CUlhJorul $25 ~ly Am We will take on ro1alanm~nl modtl cloae-out•. Piano & CAT-dtk brown w / 1 o Id wait tor pa,y. Mt nectu. tnp. Ylttld¥p'aycbeck . =handicapped, Vt., u.ed 2 yean.. SSO. 543--3038 Collet 'I'bl. i.Jo. Exec. Ma: unlquc,well·madel:wiU.IUal 0rt8J'I tt:ntala. ~toney qv nl)Cks, tUce manners. ~~~~~ Ch•!~'"!,~~ for ~I no1tee.Pe olomtnt ~ ~1'.1·~ ~30 wkdy' anyttme ,_,,,, DHk 10" x M" 115. lteni. for our Chri>tmu Ina batgalna are hett nghl ...,,_, Lowly pet tor "'l'lilnu · , 3 51 I ..,.rp, ,.... . .-.. MC> y n non • cab 6 hn or more a dl,y. , .. 64J..4627. &ullque store. (No ui;ed naw at : adult. Ml~. ' '-1&1 M, .e. Call rota~. 'Ille 1UCC•11ful 1061 slno11 Ctr. Or. A~ .. In ......,i6i!.y.uow Cab 0!!1E=~ ~ cf1:3'wi·!:':: 1""''1 eg. tlol!Ung, pillow>, W II' h " I C'ty ADORABLE pupplot, muat ilMlmlm• 2 nd 11 L-ecr'""'186 E. 16t ~ ui::.. "'"' _ .... o,, ... ,... 112 linens, place mat•, ap:ons. a IC s MUI c I lee to ·-1 .. ~ ..,.... dart· ~· 8 4 .. 9955 or C• atewl. ~ve•x· lrvlM • St., Cotta ri Reception room couch, pot holders, Chriltmas de<.:-South Coast Plaza 54().mJ tngthey~'!i4s..3501. RROJECT ENGINEi!R :~:ktrr.";T.: = T-EC-H9Nll>ll·CU •"""'AN w~:m ' ~~ :oCc... ~ ~~ .... ~;; ::::':"C':u ~·.~\~·~ PWAf0vP"/.'JJioWANTSFOR • l Gmnan Shepherd pup, :._wU.ntofoUlblft'de.IRl to handle routine... PROMOTION andtable~ cbelt. m.... feDdtt & ~or &th C.rn~. G1S-786(1 CASH t!~~-8~·Nfed!acd. r.z,. 00.:1.,.~ c:"~ ~ct· I(":"'~.,"' con-bid TRAINEES ':m~\!..':".1:.~~~ WOVEN .....nlble k Ing ::"ti.I..~~ ~::," 0:3~:6 pm, or aft 1 Se 1 . •M&JS.2mh ' • fibersll ..,..,. boat ,,,..t•m• re s • I Work lndudff uoomblY 01 .l exciting lel-wort<. ~ad, au.. aoJ4 • Ian<>. lge eolclron, Booton * AUCTION * w ng oc Ines 128 ~ et11lneerin&. Good drawln& highly dealrable. A• electro-mechaniCal device• Guaranteed saiarY + Bonua iVOI')' $S5. wooden bkbatr mdolr, Pine desk. misc Pits -' s...-. j >L. capabi\fty neeeta. q u I re 1 Independent Good manual dexterity it_ A commiakm. Werle from SU,, uprtcbt piano $150., ltsrm. 2lO't Francieco, Npt Fine Fumittitt SINGER mod. 603-E touch n ~ Contact 1•ui...f'Mf'lt I good com-baalc electronics rtq'd. WW our ottlce Ol' your borne. wal.out Ooilternp. tbt p). Bdt. 60-1138. & AppUan<.'ft !le'W, all acceq, A"ltiq'd eab. J ~;;;;;;;;;;~~~· Merfdan DMl1on of ......_ ilcllls. teach mecb. skills. Call 897·7481 or apply at 673-'l(M. ESl"ATE SALE· Sat & Sun A "rd 7 30 $250. aft 5• ~.~·-~ . eo!umbla \'achtt munlc1t&on s Ills. Sat. lnttrvwt. Avell. 15091 Bea.ch mvd., West. MAHOO Qlina Cab: Cheat 11J to 5. ~ trom Wi~nay'•l' ~~~ti~n ~·~ Sportlns Goods 830 Pats, General ISO ,. 2'1.5 MeCorm.lclt Ave. Culton Industriel minster. An equal Opportun-$35. Hk!H.-bed, $45. Old mink ltole & kitchen ap-" 1-;::~~~;:;;;;;:;~~ 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;~ O>ita·Mesa. Ca. 92626 Excellent btneftt1 & top 164f Whittier Ave., c.M. ity Employer. pewMr/copper tn.ra $45. pUancet to elec. razors & :a::l7!i'1t Newport CM 646-868818'0" Prophet SUrfboA.rd, alr (711J 540-'11170 worklnt conditions. 642-2400 WOMEN. Drive.In H ... desk 4 chair' lleaYY hair dryers. M"51 ..n all. Be~od Tony'; Bid& Mat'I ~.!IO<XI, condition. WI. GRAND OPENING al Oppor. Employer m/f Equal Opper. Employer Foster'a-f'redt pµ,e table 8 chain, 546-9358. 2015 O>mmodore Rd. N.S. ~ Public Ral•tlons Apply To TECHNICIAN wantm b)' 899 W. 19th St, C.M. 380 Mira tmna, C.M. Nr. ll'Ylne & 2:lat. 5t8-1m7 G~~:ed;~ :1~'t. ~t:1~ rv, Radio, HIF•. flnn teeka ")Ql:'lg PR>-Donno Lo-rett eat.ab. co. for inspection on YARD MAN -drive truck & Ux.15 new wool carpet, off GAR.AGE S&le-Refrlg, bar oven below, broiler A: rotes. Ster-ea 136 lesskmal writer w/newa-...... Pulse trJ,nsformert & de_lay work In yard, Apply In wflite. 2 bookoasel, bead· reft'V, Baby item 1, Above $150. Bink.i:, 1 horse paper or magazine HYLAND -· : lines. {E>q>er only) 540-9261. pel'90n, ABC LUMBER. 140 boards 1 db!!... 1. fll. sofa, &Jt1boe.rd dothes, bookls, paint compressor, like new 1973 ZENmt & RCA TVs on \WI~ exper. to aerve "8 E, 17th St., Costa Mesa. desk, chair, tsest offer. Mtac. A leather jaclret and $150. La wnmower sale at Oranpe Countv's ;.OOOQnt .. ..,. Send reoume LABORATORJES TRAINEE W-1113. ........._ 6192 s,.tney fu., sharpeoer, like new $200. !.._,dealer. Cuh 00 .,·.., to Robert ~ P.R. 11'71 FORJ4AL dinl.Dg tet. vanity H.B. 893-15Tl Sa.t &: .sun. Twin mahogany bed com-charge or terms to 36 • IrWne Blvd.. -9Jite ll4, 3300 Hyland Ave. . lll'!rr.. I bed.a, drewn. queen me GAR. Sale: Wht lamp, cedar plete $20, 548-7263. montlul. 3 yr picture tube, 1 ,.,_, Ca ""'10. Cosio Mo .. , C•. 92626 ASSEMBLERS •d• , ' . V matt. " box ~ odd che•~ em redlner ""°· gas * FIREWOOD * yr part• & "'""ce wor- . PUMP OPERATOR tbta.. ~ ch1na. ~ irinde mattr, sJOrt Compare quality, quantity, 4 =~: ~ca~or ~~19oii Equal Oppor Em 1oyer dishes, etc. fl68..1230. viwtit;y, ~ d:le.st. Danish price. t loc to serve you. Atlanta H H.....t.-CITY OF • P AntlqaMs 100 s FT. 90fa. ebeet ol draw.rrs. du' et.c. 21ID Doekside, Sand Canyon &: S.A. Frwy; 968-3329 ~3i"'Qct. Beach, NEWPORT BEACH F•male arm01ro mt wive! twtn Hunt. B. Mylard Rrl al Irvine Blvd. ""'""'""'=""°'°"'~~ FANTASTIC SAU!! 3 DAYS ONLY! Frldoy, Oct. 27th Saiurdoy, Oct. 21th Sunday, Oct. 29th NEVER BEFORE • ANYTHING LIKE THIS! ·~~ ~57 Per Mo. S£CllnARY No Exper. Necessary AAUW PR.ESDfl'S ~blond wtPt pecan SAT & Sun. Antique tb!s & Both eucalyptus & orange. AM/F¥ Turner with nice 8 le SALE ilt'qUjriio 'l yr of ~e "'' VOLT ANTIQUE SHOW coffee tbl., bot pbjk lamps, fJeurines, L&e 5UroP pump. Open Sat & Sun, u. ~Onfu~ '::if'ittMJ 9t· 11 on 144 fish tanks. Buy me "xper .., a. pimp opera.O' ~ , Instant. Por'--1 Nov. 2 & 3 * 1to10 PM etc. 615-«lfX). 64f.Q1l. Scuba reguiahln. 2 casti BING ~ $45, wooden ~9657 Joe. . a at our regular low price and pr related medwUoa1 WOl'k SUmm Time _.,.,. E. Whittier ESTATE CLOSE OUT! regtst.en. Misc show ca&es teacher II delk $3:5, leather for le receive an add.Jtion&I ~. Apply by Nov. ~ All O: Tlme, ~~pay' Temporary Service ~~-Olurch Color TV, gate leg table & 6 ~380Ra1 Chbunt, We 1 t m. bar & stooSIOOls $125, radial 4Ta~l__!_.~~~11 • ~1 one? '.Jm to -~ Office J~-3848 Campus Dr., SUite 106 ww So. u.>le Road chrs. Comp! twin bednn set, o;:ro-• arm saw , compres90r pe """'-"''IO;!r, ncuu Yu,..,..., ;m N~ Blvd.'. the Kelly Girl Way: Newport Beach 5464741 (So. of Whittier Blvd.) antlqUe desk, sewing mach. GAR n!e Sat & Sun. Dinette $40, stereo and speaker SSO. $450. ~. Al:'IO . NE!\v Imported line "' fNewport Beech. 'Ca. wm. Just S.. Equal Oppor. Emplwer Adults Sl.00 Studentl SOe misc 1tems. 644--4493. aet, rt!frig, eofa, chn. baby ~o enlarger $1 39, ~food. 1 SALE ~ . ' Free Parkirw * ~ Bu NEED to sell fut! White ltem.s, golf clubs, clothing, '1329. 111 c , // A,r, q;J TRAVE1--looldns tor sharp ROBBIE'S ANTIQUES naugh hldlbed, W, 4 misc. 384 c..ta Mesa St, PERSIAN RUG SALE ,,.. to You MANY TANKS Rul Estet. Sales -A.Ci , • yng woman or man with Dealirlg ln American An-etuUn, S'l ~ vacunm $15, C.M. SAVE 30o/o . ON SALE FRn min. 1 yr, tr a Ve l exp. tiqueB only. High quality, bookcue, 3 lbelvet. $20, DEM 0 LI T I 0 N Sa.le! OCT 27 thru NOV 4 3 Lines 2 Timas $2 00 Example: 15 Gallon all glul Choice location, salary low prlcea! 642-4504 Ceramic Aztec frp lc ', CALL KERMAN'S ' ' ' w/hood. Cuarantffl! 5 yn. open. Rep~. Classified ad 54l Center St, C.M. (Take DECORATOR Lemp, 56" <AI'ptlrc. Corner group, IN CORONA DEL MAR ............... $12.99 LI-Trolnlng Llml!.d Tim• Only amous license course now available thru Tarbell C<>m· pany. AppUc&nts fully re- imbursed upon qualWeat.lorL New or experienced saJes people. Openinp available. Qnnplete training program. Future m~ment oppor- tunitiec. Call Mr. Sloan at ~· Then Pick The Hours, Days. Length Of Employment That nt. ¥our Needs You'll Work For UJ On °"' Po)>roll 507 e/o Daily Pil« P.O. 19th to Park, located on cor· hlgh, blue ceramic base; M1e i llX>d, 633 L1do Parle 10:30 to 5:30 * 675-7340 KITTENS, weaned 6: trained Bax 1560 Cotta Mesa. ner or Park & Center.) beige shade w/ blue trim. Dr, N'B Apt, 21.. TO BE MOVED ~ 12xl8 7 wkB old, 3 btk/wht, 1 Many tanks & filters to bt 642-&13. Xhl't. or,c. $3)); teil $50. SUN ONLY lil to 3, As new bldg., 2 rm.1, wood const. Tiger. 545-353> GIVEN AWAY? ..• VICI'ORIAN Etagere •. 968-7298. drapes A rods. Some ~. Dlvd. 10 mi. or trade FREE pa«o gravel. :l'.16 II)-ComelnforFREEDraw1ftl! Engllab oak hall tree. New LO~T. newly uphola., tumtture. OU 'Boe. Vista, tor? 546-6858 dianapoUs, Hunt In g ton In Our. ,CUstnmers• Offloe11 Apply In Person 2061 llutbJOll Ctr. Or. lrvlno REP RO 77 + oq, ydl multi-color $200. 4 hlgbbatk whit• 1992 Kornat Dr., Mosa HELP a noo<1y family. Any ;c;Be'°a~th"'.~-~---THE TROPIC ZONI! &hag crpt. Jrvtna area, up!ds din cha1n. $35 ea. Verde. repairable fll:miture. Will CUTE Gennan Sheoherd mix 2064 S. Mein, Santi Ane 833-0086. Screen door, 80x36 ~. SUPER garage sale -SUrf· pick up. Pleue c a 11 puppies. 5 femh. 4 males. 7 Call 979-Flsh COIJ.ECTOR must sell 10 64+-5t79 boerds, tape recorders, 963-4062. ~>eeks old. SJS-1796 J!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,.J antlque German & Amer· 8' Quilted I01a and 1oYe .eat. turnltul'fl', 'clothes &: much,· SAL ES·M AN samp!.e1. 40 GAU.ON American Stan-Cats: 152 Be~ 9 _am-12 ~ • TYPISTS lean wall clocks, $70.-$185., blue and green fknL much more. 3Xl7 Highland Leather & Fur Coots. Below dard Ges Water heater. ---------Secretary 493-1079. Contemporary mode r n , .Dr .. N.B. cost. •646-9169* TARBELL PartaT1maS.Cratery . WehaveMwrelopan-WANTED. Large china ~-recovertna'· $50 . 16" Padre t:~ 2>c ea. •551-.3836 • FREE-RedRock.YouDig. Major N'~ Beach tlnn 1,.. In our Pvblk• cabinet. Re a a on ab t e , ;J;j, .. ._..... Beige drapes. oo. U> /!:' GE'M'ING new carpet t~ay, 2100 CoWege, Costa Mesa, REALTORS Seeks secreit ary for tfonl Dept. for ~•II &M-4687. DAVENPORT w/'l matching ~. 1792 Q1oie , old carpet good condition, Apt. 7. 66-1337 ESTATE SALES • permanent part..time work. ,..pro typists. Must be ROUND Oak table w/ = ~ ~ ~RT Harbor Zonta :. =-Ju.~· light beige All American Campaign kit· WhY not leU in tbe "boom· hldlvtdlal we hire wll be experienced with the wicker base & 4 wicker ebatn $98. All very neat Oub Boutique • New and RATTAN Family rm., furn. tens Plclc the candidate of tngii;t'' ciUes in the U.S.· ~ rn: ~ C::a I B M ·proportional eha.h'I. $150. 64&-l446. ~31J67. Lagwl& Niguet Nearly New! f'rl.Sat Nov. Couch. barTel chair, 4 bar yoor dl01ce1 $45-20:l>. PERSIANS and HimAla,ya:n hyb<eeds1 CFA reg., lhoU, many COJOl'I, S35 and up. * 892-2970 * WANTED: Fml white Manx cat. 919-1616. ----- Ru_Call _Phil~cNountain week, er a week ar more al speel"if_ typewriter & Appliances 802 RE'I'IRING to trawl Velvet 34, 10 to 4. Senior Citizena stools, SlSO. MH274. ~E REALw~ a-· Houri 8 om-5 pm. tho IBM com-r. G.E, Washor with mini aota S185. 1-eeat 195. Bid< .. 15th• Jrv!ne, N.B. MENS sulfa & olacka, "42, Exquisite l...wted De.i..w Fabrics.· ~-~ 70 w.p.m. 9:JorttJimd Typlnt 1 p o 0 d 60 '-"·et d t-"'~ coektal1 tbls $50 ea, GARAGE Sale -9.1.nday &. taUored by Sy o..,.. per! "'I"" "'&'"" ~·~ ~ .P ~~n1-~ -......,... an ma ....... .., &a• book--~ lamp s. M~·· ··~10~. 10 •-5 -•. •••t600. • · ESTA't'E Two ex-~~~.,l;.M.~ """~....,.. w.p.m. WHkencl & dryer, coppertooe wied 2 -~ :;::::::' •• ..., "'-v311 w1:::;_:,,,-Sl ~-• '"""u .,........ per;enced ~n ""'100. ·~~'Coil H4 3389 evening ovolloblllty. yrs. $200. !or holh. 2324 ~~QUE OAK SECRE-f:. ....--' -* 2 Cl1<VY btkt ,..,., new Larger commission split, Noon Elden, No. 1, C.M. 833-2480. blk uphot $50. Gaa lawn bonus .plan. Call Ginny, llotwwl 9 o.m. lo Apply In Person Roni Washers/Dryers J.:Yiabt.:"'°!:i.... Hool,.l:: = 8=. 80~ mower, ns. 557·2869. 567""413). $2. 'Wk. Full maint. 830-6499. mile. Hn Vi.ta Hogar, Miscellaneous Rocopllanlst $500 SECURITY PERSON 3333 Harbor Blvd. * 63$-1'°2 * w. J. Sloane 811' ....-. N.B. Wonted 120 1<1",....,.pl~W:·: ~.'° G':.': 1mm1,m ~orapte-'~!\'e..~~. Coll• Mou, C1llf. OVER 200 -dr>en. velvet -. 111an•1 o1r&to-GARAGE Sale, Fri. Sa~ Sun. ** WANTED ** 105 Santa Isabel, Costa Mesa ,.__ <I:' :;,:_·f.!-, .... __. ... -refrigerators from $39.95. bJn&er. 9' da. Motel Furn., dishes. Misc. 4835 0d.lent& Some t;yplng. tty penons. Xln i bendttJ ~ 56-C180. 6*-0ISf. Jtiver Ave .• Newport Beach. Friendly, Jovifl&' hOnte !or PRIORITY A pay. ( CikiH~ CHEST Fn!e2er l115. BIRDSEYE Mop!• Bdrm,.~ SUNDAY * ANYTilllE adorable Silky Tomer r .. Mon. thrv Sot. CUSTOM 646 4573 P'i~:L Apply P<m•"' owee • ~ ~ ;~ EJec f]..olgb ,:t· ::;..= ~ &o::;.sc:p;,~ g'~' pup:: lhota. ll!e-10 Lm. to 5 p.m. DRESSMAKING" E. 1111>. C.111. 615-7150 BUFFUM$ w e DISHWASHERS, wasben. mirrors. Mw;t "'11! 557:6983. SUNDAY 10 to 4, 100 E. ~... • ••••••••••••••••••• RECEPl'lONis:I'/typltt, 60 No. 1 Fuhlon lol&nd, NB dryen. ftbl~ ....... k CRUSHED velvet "'""'-O>ota M ... St, C.M. Furn, WANT lo ~ French Prov w.p:m. Must be attractive. l~~!!'!'~"!!'!!!!!!'.'!!!!l!!! I .. '11•,,.,, delv'd: ~?m. 54tH218. shag '..\jf• dinette set & decwative iteml!!I, mi&c.. style,., eotaCan to f'l!Upho~ ., •• -Statlo --•~ _,__ in ..-~ cond. ~u. pay approx _. IC.M. area.~· SERVICE n ~man $80. 1 YR....,..., dol • tn. "-· ~·~ Hovtohold Goods 114 81H318 AURANT appUcantt and lubeman, full and part CA Div. ot The stall Late mod. all cycle IQ W. Balboa Blvd., N.B. 1 .,"~;=::c.,.-----1 ,-1-·--for ntte A time ava. Top pa)'~d "C'!~~= EmCorp.) r Kemnore wubfr. 839-1T18. 5' SPANISH coddail ti $70., MOVING abroad . must CHINA ca~t or butch, an-1~"""7dtta. Mature, ~::~tsshe?i and £Al._. • :mpfoye Refrigerator occ. tbls $25. I: $35., Sacrlf. Refl'ig. $150; Blue dque or new. Lar1e • ....,..., 1~~:= .. ~.0Nt;; Irvlne, N.B. TYPIST Cood cxmd. * S7S. =~~Fu?· antique ~Co=· sr:r/' WRAlalonaANTEDbl .. e~-~-· ,_ St, ea.ta Mesa.-. SERVICE Stadon Salesman-675-0111 MAHOGm Frend, card Haviland China fur 22. Mlac'. ~t IOU>. 1.:='=~""'~'=-=="'"° I Mechanle, exper. on I y. ** ~ Electric dryer, table $50 Mahop.ny ltefto bargains. 644-6875. hide-a-bed~ &f>.ll33 ln appearance. Apply AM, • * * !119-nTS Musfc•l Instruments 822 For 1n ad Jn WOft"llMt's Workf liiarREl'dwaAILre SALES ~ F/-. Uc. Pr<rcl Neat JG/4r, ~ !IOOd ~ cabinet silo lowolry 815 '-' --=;iim"i7,.r--' J .2590~!.,Newport~~~BI~.,_, !,;CM~._,. M9VING. Near new family TABLES. 901ld dark walnut. Wedding rlng; mans & wo-Cell Mary Beth "°'5671, ext sal Rff..LVN SERVICE Station mechanle size F.F. Re~-Chcktall (30x«lxl6) SCO mans set"' K diamond.Pd. MUST Sell! Ludwig drum ~~ . i8:t ~~sie~ tor Arco station at 17th &: Typist tem~. All exper. 557 Corner l30x48x22> StO. 2 ~ P20 ~u $125. MS-1383. ~Bl:' 2 C ~ fntemaflonaJ ..ftgist:ratlon S-5 daily, except Irvine, CM Full ttm.e I t t>! considered. Top eernlnp for ~Washer ':: style cbn: P> ea. 6KoO'l50 Machinery 816 Xln't caod. $350 or mt oft. . n. Lescoulie Nu r s e I Island Salesmen w u top &1dlla Let Kelly Glrf .. ~ HOTPO!NT ~ te Call Ttm $7Ut. Rd experience. st.a.rt you Wttb your best foot ............... • aepara Registry, 351 Hospital ·• SERVICE ttation middle forward on the work ustgn. REF. 2 door. aut.o defrost, freezer comp.$ . OU palnt· BENCH MASTER WILL :rai Bua Contello accordion. 1.N.B. Call anytime, 642-9956 age/l'l'!tln!d prefei-red. A~ ment of your choke. Start like new $65. 113 0 ings, FI owe r~~J Beaut $1SO. 548-0091 like new. Beet otter. -~SAND WI C lt ply SS3l Newport Blvd., work immediately. Westminster Aw., West. framed, $50 ee., tJ'K-2069. Mlscelleneeus 111 * ~ * Maker • Mature woman Newport Beach. Apply In Person REF. 5 years old bla ~ COUNTRY J're!l)ch din set. 9 Office Furnff'vre/ wanted to work at lunch SHOE Selesm&n. f/tlme, e'Jt'-2061 '8v1ines1 Ctr. Dr. clean. ....., ......,..,_ ~:1.1!::t ;:,,*i:' ~ 450 Geoar;aphjcs, patlent Utt, Equip. 824 , klounte1' preparing salads a: pn. prefd. Xlnt oppor for Irvine o:N/"~ daySUn «a1t~6CS-6378 ·steamer trunk. -sandwiches. 40 hr. wk. no advanoemenl Apply S&A Between 9 am-12 noon Fumltura 110 546-9358 LIKE new Gestetntr No. 366 ·Sat nlte or SUn. work. No Shoes, 33.1 E. 11th St., Costa MOVING. Refrtdge, table 6 POOL TABLE b9 Adler, 11M machine. Aaldng $600 or -1put shlfta. Clean modem Mesa. ORIENTAL 1'Jrniture, Bar. chn., Beds. e h e •ts. ·elate, Prot.emionaJ. ·type. best otter. Western Busineu lunch """"'''" App I y SHOP FOREMAN TYPIST CLERK """'" & carved chain, """"'"' Color TV Desk. -2725. -· tne. !63 W. 19th SL. "1JndberX Nutrition, in rear sal Wemntnster, 213-431·2660. 557--0282. ENCYCLOP~IA 1971, Die-C.M. 60-0212. ot the Toy World Store, on ':rn:n=· bu~; l,l 'Ilme Positi«I GREEN French Pmvindal REFRlG $!50. Desk $2}. tiomry, ddldren's Book1 EXEC IWVI cbr SlS • 23 Sec. .. .Jowe.Shop'p1~~1ce~·er°f: ~= tndtlltry. ~ workl n g (3) Hoor9 ~ Wkl davenpor t w/trultwood ~A!~ m $85. 1968 Set $4.5. 83S-3&C. chr $8 • 18 dellka: tilfl ltls ...., knowledge of woodworking. trim. $125. 548-25ll =2995 . COl.LECTORS • 1 pa Ir !167 W. 19th CM 64>3408 .Mesa. graphics, designing, ad· P.E.P. far Vietnam era vet! BEATJI'. 4 poster, plneaflple • l)ralJden 1anpa. Bf!11t offer MODEL 200 MASTER Al). SALESMAN minlstratkm. Present loca· ~Must be UB'~~ bedrm set, antler. white KING size,~= over $400. ea. 893-1465. D~ $358 new, U9ed 3 Good Pbtt'ntial don, Cap1etran0 Be a e h • 1! n....-~ Var t e d beveled. Xln't cood. 64&-9'J'.l6 ~ial SC.~ REMING'IUol' e 1 e ctr I e times, uJdne $200. 97!Hl.13. Cal! -. Schmldt Locating "'" near Oranse v•-· · ---· * COUCH g• • hair ,. · .. ~. · ·--15" Pl1not/"-·ns 126 WF.STCLIFF Co Atrport. Send reswne t.o clerical dlltie• in ._,tu... • c • TWIN bdrm 9tl. 6 pc +new ~ .. ~ • ...,.., retum ear-:..::::;.:.::.:-:.:.!!'""c:;.::;__..;;:: Pel:SOlmel Agency 0~ ad No. 508, Dally Servleet-Type 45 w.p.m. Contfmpora~e, ox IPrlnn I: mait:resw, riaae. SA ft13..Cl62, ? 2M3 Wertclitt Or., NB Piiot, P.O. 80Jc ~, Qllta S~ S::et~:;i' ~· ~ $125. • SDJ. 5'8-2991. ** Portab1e wbeelc:ha1r, t; 645-2710 Metlll, ~ 92626. ~ Hall, 505 Forest lve.: ~~ bed~t~ ***Sofa A matchtna love like nrw. ~ ; SALESWOMAN SPRAY l\ll1 opetstor t.aiuna8eadl.494-ID4. trame.Llkenew.640-0249 Mlllt,neveruaed.Botb$150. GOODtoya.prnes.redwood Don'tbuyanyorganunW)'OU ior fine Otlldren'a store. :~=~: ~ .,:>1:'% FOR sale, 'Mted V't!lvet aofa. Private. 968-1910. aet, st-ware. waxer, m19c, ~~:~' .~°:;f1;::';: Hu~~ =~e & 5, Mon-Sat. T.,,tst ttllfrl 1 ~ Medlterrane&n style. $100. KINGSIZE bed, Yelvet llOfa 440 Lenwood Dr, CM. ahopt. For tnlonnatkm Newport Beach. 1 STUDENT 17 I: over, 1)&rt Ready :ie .:'r;reat. ~; 640-ll99. A: iove.aat. pertect CM-TWO lXX>Ft mrigerator $50. Contact: Tom Dieterich tlme job. Eve 4 bn. M-F ~·expel'. ~. • HOUSE Huqtlnet Watch the dltlonl 541-tU'f. 131 E. 13th st., C.M. 642.-2151 ~EMONSTRATOR and 4 hrL Sal a.m. Saiarr PRIORITY OPEN HOUSE O>lumn. Sell Idle llems . , . 642-561! -Coast Muoio S.rvlco ~ orutmos Toy. Local + bonus. Apply IS056 Jack· PERSONNEL Newport Blvd. at 11atbor ma!«' l!epl """"· Hrly or """ MldwlY City. AGENCY ~ CO.ta lllesa °""---SYSTE••s 230 E. 11th. c .M. ~mo STAR GAZBK11 ~ *PIANOS*ORGANS* SEAMSfRESS: Exp'd. to IYi TYPIST G t ;ppo-1~ "~~;;_;_;!IJ ~ •':rJ. Going Ou For B '--- a 1sI1 t Dres smaker ANALYST ror~~°!J.o~ ~ M .,_'W-,....,..-M Bestquall~-~:~11=. ORGAN HOBBY · Patt em 721111 £&1qdll Jng/~~~veA :~ an~ cio:r:~ w/toa -r A•Ml"I t.,,.. ~~ KawaJ-StelnWl)'·&ldwln, ett Corona del Mar. 675--1735. NEWPORT BEAOI Ftnan-IU~IU 00. '1\1 ..... op W'll1C9' ""'"___,., Player P1anoA 6: Rolls el ted ~;ii;;;ii;;;;;i;;i~;ii;;;;o I ~~la~=• b:, f=: ~':811~ ~i =-~·==::•,.._ RA!ntala ......... we Bey-Sell :::e, ~ ::t' 0:io a1c:f~:1i.=n!ld°!l" ~fi"teb- •Sec'y, many $5004650 ANALYS?'. Must t\aft min. ~. 2790 Hatbor Blvd:. lA 11 ........., ''" Dally I~ SUn 12-5 1nJ trim both akiet of the team It U>e ht and : ~rc ~ Conltr = of 5 Y"-heavy CICP!"· wllra '!C.;:M~·:,,..--':,..=,-,=,.-1 if:. c=-~~ eoet!1i'!S c~~~ =t J':!k~~ = ~ ~ ~Ni::oi: ~·~ _Com computer ryseems A abWty Waltre11 f.:n>er. !)a.ya 4 ,..,, ,.."""' .,.,.._ ,....... _, &_.. t 1.-uar that make 100%Feer.ou..-, P8J>Y to anaty;i:ie use·r re-OlckChtirdte. 1 Rost IV-..tl .,,.._. ero *PLAYER PIANOS* -.. narrow .. ecivea •. uutot_. ... co Liz~:..~~ Fln!~nis~ ~~~ 218 Newport Blvd., CM J=-~~ ~= tven & Pond OJna ...•. $980 ~Jo::J:~~ ~i:= =~~ 546-2118 Newport Beach ~G~ JNSiJRANCE WAJ'I'RESSES -Food A: SOff II.._ _.,,...._ Story & Ouk uprt ••••• $108S n1uu'lel gabud!M. '72511 Ls cut ln tte.d.f·to-wea!' """'"_,:._--=-~ &/or PERSON· OodCtatl ~·Sid'• tAl••e 1•:::-•1=. ~~.U''i''PfaS: ~11Ac1Slzt1S..18.Sl7Jt l2~uire121'Yardaol.5'" • ECRETARY.aECEPTJON· NEl./PAYROLL ap-~ue~ . ne: 41Y• I ~ rcstoml.DavidT.Dupree. ~~brl~AndTo~o'lrdOOtt7'Z5~~,,ve _.A~..:_~~ lST: Feel>md.Localcorp pllcatlonsmoatdelh'able. -12s.111 .a.=:;:-"'-2!MODGraeet..a.C.M.. ~,,..,., -post_... or-..,..-•u•..._ _ _, ....,. contldont pmion who WANTED I'"" .., ~ -* 541HI08 for tint clus and 1peclal bandliog. -......... -... groovy P<>dllon hwol ... -1lt"' :z ,rn: SPADEA. Box N, Dep'l CX·IS. Milford, N. J,-. co-WCl'ken. Start $550. Alao 1.aUon, 1pecltlcadon • co-J'°'*-"''"" ''fwl PIANO -Eehoplcx Echo SPECIAL: World Famowi Dttiftner Sewina: 'nPI ·~PO<ltlonl, Call Hel•n ordination at pl'OIO'.MUnlna BURGlAR ALARM 7T-'"" ,, _ ~~w"'~--Good, ">lcond. ,J:lonr 3· eompllod by Spab 41...i rtom "" workrooml ol • .,.....__-. O>utal & Installation of them ls"""' •Y• ,....,. f.o.N ..... ._ '-'"" l:i te..di:;, deslin-ra. Vol 1 -regular prlct 75ei .,..,...,,..,.. fNr4 ......... 1'Yf//llt ...... L.P.1Jarbormi"!itv<1':W' 2190 ""''""-SALESMEN' f,~ :1~ IT::... Used Orgon1 NHdod ='t3' "'eUs'r "'"wAISr Hll'S •LENGTll @.ij#ARY pltbne for Top bmefttt A unique worts 22..,_. DllWI l21t HIA'hest $$ Paid In Cash 6 31 2:2 33 16 CPA l!nn. Slot typinc, \1m :=n\,,~or wi:/i FULL OR PART TIME ~=-~=:' == cAB°'~~~!_O<t~~ ~~YER-,g ~ ~ ~ ::~ ~cl ~~· neceaa. re!l\lmCI, lnclUdlna: aalary r.. THIS AREA 26 flf 5'~ MOll'ld ~1"~" r~ 12 34 25 36 !6" f~"~"'"=-'ii?''::::;-::=;:-; qutmnents ln oonftdfnct to 177, V'IUO 2'.1"' \ S1To .,'/:::" PIANO ()-)J1ector Item. Mint 14 :\5 2&ij, 37~ 17 §ECRETARY, part ~~ • .! Ous!llod ad oo. 534, c/o !1!!!'!!"!!!!'1497!!!!!1.!!l"'!!""'!'"!""'I ;uo.o "I:;-:=-.. •:-oond. 64S-M!ll ·aft"' 4 pm. 1B 38 28 39 IT~ lO 1. Mon thnJ J'rf,. ~J De.Uy Pik>t, P. O. Box 1500. __ _1 2' • Mio-iJ3 11SCllER n,~. Grand 18 " 30 41 IT ask for M:r. 'Mlomu. Co!t11 Mrea, Clllf. W°ANTED: Gall! Part time ;".,3)..( 1 ' ~ w»p.'"":_.__.1 ~ P\ano, Exc:cl.'~ S£O> at •From ~Qt :f' Ntck to Waht. ARY. 3 Jin. ptt An Equal <»Por· Employor $1 ptt br. Training • ,..\$)-\81-L.!!Sco~I otter~~· .!•~3168!!:, __ ,_..,.;.;.,,;,;;,,;.,;,c.:_;_;.,, ______ -:;::I A Sd t\\-ee.k mat,CrlalJ furn is h e d , "!!~~~!'!::=~!:!:!!.li••••••••••••••••-."ll Gr~-'Y1I pe Call: 64~400 ~ "Pad"T Pta.ceanadl "l!!;i"P!Erle!!:.: • .!m.~1900~,_;615-~.::'1811:!!:.'.'------------------~--------·'"!ant lid multi •.• Kl-5878 .. • • .. ' • .., .. t DAILY PILOl • I~! --· ---~JlB~1 ~' __ ... _ ........ ~J~~."I [ -~ ........ JlBI ...==-J~ I lla s t l''n • ]liJ I 11 :' 1 ~-· )[il l.__-_· ... _ .. __,J§] [' Wllr.. J§] AfTEI •u L>oit• &Sf lffts/Marlno Cammn,Sale/Rlftl'2G"'"'°' -u •r,•u•c•k,•l!!l•••u•. """'° w.-"' 28 J ~AU -Equip. t04 -"" --Servi"" ' •• w ANTED: Friendly --Salo/Rent . 940 .... ' •/ OLD Enalllb Sheep Doi. 15 * !RISH Sett•"· 6 wks old. '"-~>< home !or rt..-11na 18'x8' lkro::nltt -t. 33 A :is Cl!EVY Van. '61 C-BILL MAXEY REWARD , Orange Countyil • mos. AKC reg. Loves ~3004~· ~ nw.lc, 1 teml. temale Silky Trrrter pups. t., Johntlorw. $450. Sell IJeP. Bdt.r 76,cm orig miles. Matl' 111111 Rentals cblldren, $1ll0. 1!!3-9512. Honsebroken. All •ho 11 . 6l>-0807. adlo, Radio & heater. HAS THE MOST ,, . f FRITZ. WARRlN SCHNAUZER pupo, ,,,.brl<n, Ru .... Woll Hounda, Too Must sell lmmed. ~-5 H.P. Evlm>d< wlboanl, Bet~ .. ~~ * SALES " Ll!ASINO POWERFUL NEW ' Y 0 SP •hots. Stud ...,,.,., groom· ~ '"'"!""":'."~~ SILKY Terrier pupa, AKC ""'"good. IS). ~" lull .er.ice taci!ltt:Y MINI PICK UP ;W,IU. ,A YER ORT CAD tna. '"""" (71() m-8366. cltamP lloe•, 1 ma1.. 3 645-8747 '85 p u a... all air 11a1-. ......_ Home K...... .... look "' SAMOYED-Shepherd m»<ed AK~mel~-'""'· !~ Terms. (714lCAT boot traller, $7&. Nuii.i>.tt..s Gab"':Ji.u..':lllal' AMW s TOYPTA .. , . ce•""'R puppies, 9 weeks old • e . ......-.....,.>lint. wcr--. Seupray JDUt +tail. $30 Sdl twftka. .,.;_.; ,..,,_...,' • F '-' ~....._, "'~ Reasonable! Ph. 96S-3041. · • 561.-4no * WIRS fax ·ienia ~pplea. 83H7lS ' CLO.~amd.-~tot;'6~ 531 --.1.800 . 1 1 •r,,1at9 ...,,,_,ct.en, Vaeandea ""'t money: Rent ~lf, ... Jl[;pe; AKC, 3 AKC. chanW 1tr..t. HULL GllARD-t Baih, car, or#l50 'Coah. -· . , "" .N,EW HALl'·TON ··:..' ml,_ ....... Yout house, apt., store ~pet~·~ 'Adora.tile. fteal beauties;' :u. Excellent cond. 'TO Ford• EeonolJne •NEW ·~ e No Down Payment f&ct~ lmportt,fTuckaor bld.i •• etc. tbru a Daily Pilot "' • 547"'3517. flS, • 832-0396 wi re.big bed crpt llfaUi!M P"ftl9 mi It-IMUr.; AU option ' •nd only elm,. •• Classlfted Ad. Sell ldJe il.en\s ••. 612-5678 ** AKC RED ** Boat s, Power 906 am/Im 'atereO. Xint tlfta'. ~P.. 1'JflS. Wk.: Pvt. pty · ~ and uk for Buye;t 970 Autos .. lmpo\')od MINIATIJRE OOXIES MlO. 534-4090. ext~ ' ~\ $69.'> ,_ ... ' DAYE ROSS * Call 968-8)5? * FANTASY 27' FJG Slide in Camper Sleeper. Trailers, .Tr•v•I M5 '64 VOLKSWAGEN 2 Dr. S•d. A roil ah11rp 01'11. lie-. •77SINP '68 TOYOTA CORONA 4 Dr. Sed. Stl. •hift, R & H. lie:. ;VHNl91 LABRADOR PUPS Sponfuher w!V,,,.,,n dual INSULATED. ~-~·,,,. • 6 Wka, AKC, Ch., yellow .l axle trier. -Twn Mer c $295. Auo.g,•·~ '81, Tub , on approved credit PONTIAC bk;k, 1st shot 645-4782 alt 5. cruiser 160'a, lo boul'B, 5'2--17311: 531-DC sMio\"1"-. -~ eXtraa A:-{\l e q.c Mln ~te Poodles. ~j! :; 'io; c ~0 •1~ Cyscle1, Bikes, _.r ::1788~ _liitCb. $3600. Total price inc:. tax It lie. ·200 ,Harbor Blvd. $50 I: up! 5.1>'1365 or evet & curtai ns. By Dino. cooter:1 7-Trailert Utility M7 $2512.60. only 48 mo's. .an-Cotti Me .. · 546-I017 Wknds. SU-:JT59. _, 213-442-0695. n4-.299-3331. •n HONDA SL-70 Runs bet ' n1~ . .'% rate ls 15.01. De-WE -bu)i ~aD mlkn ot clean KEESHOND Pupo, AK C ,_ SKIPJACK .• , · . tJTiLrrY lrlllJar Box 4Jc7 en= pyml. prlco of uaed sport> --••'d tor ,..1 all -~•-7 i.... tra ""''" ~ ter than new & Obiy 337 __ ,... • · $3356 64 Ser #"""'l'U. 1 ' • ~::· .-. ., ..,~ w ... Go x OPEN CRUISER miles. 1'1mt sell, DR's Factoey ·b~ . . . ~...... or. not,. Please dM\tt ln tor cute. $125. ~· 225 OMC, tandem trailer, orders! 2558 Fairway Dr. C.M. e tree~ 2 Darling mix puppys 8 wks, chemical bead Bimini top .-. CeJl: 640-1447 Auto S.ryice, Pttrtl Mf $7 each, Also a darling complete cove~, compass: PEUGEOT 10 speeds PX and . Gock·a-poo $10 5.14-3885 VHF S.S. radio. Low hours, PA Less than 100 miles VW ~ fM. Stereo; HqrMS 856 '38~e = $=~~-~e~n. Both b' ~~ ~ BAY Qrtr Horse. Af. ·Twin &erew. 11y bridge, 2-. 1.DWHt IretaUed Prices BILL .MAXEY TOYbTA $995 tectionate Green broke HP SI 6 '71. Yamaha 300 Enituro. Hear an In-Oar A-..--., · · 225 · .,...., eepa · Looks ~. runs ~-$5'15. -"'' ""' • ""·-···· J8181 ' BEACH· BLVD. $.235. wHh new tack· SIS. Extras. Must aell by 6 .,. &"""' ...,..._'""1"""~ •"''·-. 11-----------t-------""'i[I J.-~~·-,,,;·,.,....-----~IN°". 1. MAKE OFFER! ~days; G4.S-0 263 RE-BLT ~tulon '60 nvnt. 8Mch 847~55 642-..S · '68 MERCURY '71 TOYOTA ~iv~~';""".,;.!'£ ~ N'~. '';,. 281~ho~ 5 SPEED .SHWINN ~·lw~.$100..~3650 DAVE'S YAN AutM, lmportocl $695 COUGAR COROLLA S:J50. wUh tacl< llGUm. 673-8715. STINGRAY FASTBACK. That's right "I'hil ·12=M XR7 Cp•. Aunt. tran,, Al Auto. tra111., R & H. ~ PONY all . ..-SEA RAY" $35. . ·•. custo-•.-...1 van ,. .... --ALFA ROMEO C. V'··vl •oof, R l H. A and taok $100 ' ~,. """ •-· ' '~ -~ • • · • .. .. 111~1 Money ia"1r. Ue. fl · · , * v•--· * I I~ bullt for MJ. Dave rea l daitdy eir SllCTA Phone 642-9~80. 455 Olds, Pack-a-jet, 20, nl .69 Honda !M) •ttan 4: street. AulolferS. J"".:l. Wttli trailer· bltch, electric ALPHA ''r.I Spider, new,. Ask for l tz. Series. Equipped for Water Xlnt Coad si89 . .. . 9W butane l'efJ'lorator dual must .U:.. pVt, Jmty. )lest $1895 $1595_ Livestock . . .858 Sldlna & llshlng, tandem sa&-8247 aft Gpm f'<hilust. tire n~. ·~lal -•·":::.·.;:~:::.,'=:..:548'a9'18.==-·ll . trailer. Call alt•• u,oo . . . . . . . ·wormwood ll)t •with -•usn"' HEALEY ESCONDlDO noon <n4l 830-6482· MUST n SUZUki Mint Bike, Trail Antlqo.t/Cl•l 1k:s f$J to match, vihYl mp·up bUnk. Mi n . '69 DATSUN STA. WAGON 4 Jpd. R & H. A I~ Ue.:: XTH924 72 DATSUN 1200 Fast 81u:k. 4 1~ ... R & H. Liii:• 11•w. Lie. 1t 551 FFH LIVESTOCK AUCTION'S ' · . Hopper, Lic'd for-e~t.-·350t :V.S powtif. brakes, · . . ' MID WINTER. SEIL! S3X>. ~7482 ~ RARE, 1938 Plymouth wo¢y au,tomatict and ~ mag '&i •· tAUSTiN , Healey 30QO.. .AU.:BREEDS. MEXIOO Crulslng-40' Dlt· YAMAJIA..Mini Enduro, MX, wapt, one Of six oriall'UlUY whee~. With lafke; esc:ape N9'i<DWit' cond .. 42,000 orig REGlSTERED Mar Dona1d110n Ost trawler-~qe ready runs great, built~ for the U.S. Bord8r ~~ on roof. Thats right. mk112®,ttrm. ~ • HORSE AUCTION Aug. survey . $19,500/ofter. $225/best offS.. 675-.fS95 Patrol. still baa dashboard m.Utsi:et ~that Dave 1 • "B' l fta• .. - Open consignment. Plan to Bkr,831-1888. , •7i'yAMAl{J(-'258l)T[$400 switch panel tor ugbts; Vings.~ wltb ·blg MW I it Closi~g Its Faci os GIGANTtt : SAVINGS on an New & Used Cara s.v.-' NEW CARS -Save '72, TRIUMP,11 SPITl'lftES· f.·,itl·? 4 ...... redl~ -noo ...... $2599 .. ' N" wttlt f•ct ••ff•ldJ '12 PEll:EltT: 5ii siiii"Ns. 6·shr·6 t. choo•• ffCMft $3199 New ~itt-h.~ wW.lftty ·.'7t 111ARllS' 21 4 ·~•'W•r•cllot .,. .if:ur-4 t• cH0.1 frOfft ',$1899 ' attend thls .quallly sale Sun 16, Bolton Whal 00 HP ~ '0r · saen, radio, etc. Oriatnal ... ILL 252tl51l3!1. l -----·'-~--11 Oct. 29th, at 10:30 am. N. er. xtrH. &lit offer • engine' runs like a top. \\'tr-BARRY vtalt our ~ bomel Frwy No. 78, Escondido, Johnllon. ~er. Good 5tO-~. 833--3694 . Ing 11 redooe, .--&..1 .... 1• . , caw. Call Rick BeIT)', cond. $11)75. 644-0210. '72 SUZUKI 185 transmis&lon is ~....-..and . •. ·o 745-69ll or 724-4491 * MINT CONDmON * Xlnt cond. $485. original Wood needs re-GMC-PONTIAC-Fl~T Niw with f•ctorv w.itr••tr ~~~~~~~~131' Uniflite CC • ·m. New * 83:f.8278 * dolns •. 4 . treasure-for ap. Clst St. at S.A. FrwYl Saft 1 $995 $2095 7 1 VW BUS t P•11.,-l o ,,,a.1. v," el•tl'I. Lie. #77 l BUK. A ,, .. , ·.t ;. · ~-.TIS. $15.000. 96>-5117 '72 Yamaha 125 Enduro -~ilollector 'with lllOO >;,1st $)., Santa Ana EXEC: CARS ' Aoto. '""'" .o & H. Roof I """&:.'-J :-Jt' lloah, Ront/Chart'r 90I Must ..u. $275. '91-S1111. timeN .to_,_ the.job ,tgbl. 558-iOOO ROY,. A•YER Inc r•ck. A r•al fhie c•r. Ue. ...... _ 1C.. ~ O~ -,p.s one~ it, '71 L•~ CNJier i JI.!"'""" I • ~ ....... #97JBXV · . _ ~ _ L.EASEi ·40 d~s yrly....:.S«K>. 19?0 ~ZUKJ 90. ~ up tor slid:. ~ are ~ to 4 wheel drive. Lock lmbs, • • ' ·114 E.1l'l'tb St. .JGIV 70 DATSUN STA. WAGON . $l995 _ . . , __ !iS'_Sail._lOHP, a1.,.r.s to :I:! 0nlY _ :um ml. $230. have bee•·-. li'onner radlii. n;ooo -m11es. Flwtt"Ooota=;_;·M;:.:eso::;:_',..· _..:546=":.::" 'J'2 SUBARU.· Bolts General 900 S. Pvt pty. 5U-0020. · 446. . owner drove tt ouf from mounted Warn l ton e1ec 1-11--------+-------....t I ' '72 Honda. 'ISO, K·1 Connecticut i!ome ...,. ""1Ch 'l'hll 11 lJke • 0 OL SPORT CPI!. "" DATSUN '66 M. USTANG SCRAM LETS Boats, Sall 909 ~aculate oond. M~ .. ~ puU..11000 •Callvaila,!tl!·7 .. ~-rat6 ~<917Ei.x) car: new. . 4 i,J., rffio. ,,ooo .ynn ~ -a Meter Sloop, ,,..,,,,_ for :-· . ~·-' '"' . .. ..r ---WILL TRADE .. '. ' . ..._99 STA. WAGON COUPE -.. _, Xlnt ahape . 1'l BSA 650. Xlnt cond. P co " · ' · ' .... A11to, treri1., R & t-1. Rtel Auto. iT•n1., air, R I H, AN SWEIS: ~ce at $15, o o o. w/matchlng behnet. Dune Bun.ie~ 956 NNELL2823 ... ~81 d1$1' $2345 niu cer. ;Uc. >#WfB-490 vi.,yl roof. A · r•al ef••il · 642-5146. can 963-5159 aft 5. . rnu:uuc• v ., +. SALES-SERVICE-LEASING e e u<. L;,, •S~1' '71 Ysmel>o, Mlnl Enduro, 'I' H.P. Spoiler.Body To~ C..ta Meaa 54&-1203 OveraoH Dtllvery '72 PEUGEOT $129~ ,Y::;:~/;';:_Al~::,:0.;;; ~T~ "-'1ent oond!-$225. ~~~M • .?Jl>...o. 73,Chovrolot r · "CREVIER MOTORS ~ SEDA.N 1 · · · .,1<4' .... ,.l -wAILPAPER 0ana P<>1n1 • 49Hl'.» -·-~· · · · -Pickups & Yaas lll8 w. 1st st, Santa Ana ~ $1395 r .. . ' .. • :.~ ,. ~ • '• ~ut mother,~ abput .. ~~~ Sabot, YAMAHA DT 1. 'ENDUR.A. p~trideBuggy~ erig~ Blg Stock r; : 13>3171 Aut;,:;c;..1j:·h ue ~-=~~er.!';: , ~671!'· iooe.~~ .~ 837-003 . . L-~rlcoa " . USED BMW's $3399 I drlattist. and said, "He SACR.IF1CE 2'l' Albdroos Motor Homot Corvalr Duno 11U99Y HOWARD Chovrolot •69 1600 ~I kee"'.. eating grapes all the mllbooL 2..,. ot Bails. Xlnt Sele/Rent 940 * 9llH949 * Nawport lloach· · '70 20n • · • ' ~ ·~t'• =:-:J~ Sip. l500. 673-3817. Truckt Mt MacArthur & Jamboree Blvd !-:: ?1 aoi SEDAN . 72 SUBA I that?-' The mother' replied ••25' CORONADO Jn. • 1331515 CREVIEltJMOTORS • ...,.,.,... on th•· wAJ.L'. bd/outbd. Anchor, siove. N 0 w !· '73 CHEY . 70 Cliov. ~ Ton 'DI w. ht i;s.,Santa Ana 4 DR. se~ : : .. . ' .. ' . . ' . • ' . . . ]~ l • I ' ; " . . . . . ' ' . . . ' . ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' I . . ' ' '; • • PAPER.'' ""111pua8, alpa s. 64>-"'28 . "CA ... ER YAN'" Pickup, V-8, &uti>, l'!ldlo. • 171 ...... '"''0"''°" 1"' r,; fWBBER D~; floor :I)" Glaspar sloop, new pa:lnt. lftF , · P.S., P.B., air eon d .--t ~OEN S1• boards. foot pump used 4 cyl. inbrd, gu eng, great Contempo ~ w 1 J h (35456H), , 1 t' ; _ 1 : tw!ce $ISO. ss:><;ll7 ' -boot 4"'""834. IN ORANG E COUNTY carpet>, pancl lidel. dtiaJ $2299 · . \ , a e Motor Homn 2.9' Fiber Glaas aux. Sloop. :0 ~akerswat~ = · CONNELi.; CHEVROLET C1~ Maseratl All 11•w •• ,. ;,.,,., 12.000 940 Sale/Rent 940 M5 ~A~71·.~~l\siffps PURCHASE LEASE 350 V-s, disc hTakes, radk>, 2828 Harbor Blvd., . mil• or I ,-.1r warr•_11ty-==============:-::::-:::::~~==-::.:=======\ · . ..,,;,N.J. ~. , . heater, ~green metallic CoKta Mesa.. ~1203 AWARD WINNING Aft.r our j••in9 YMI '"•Y &o.ts, Sllp1/Dock1 910 RENTAL with " r1.~ J>!ops" .belt '71 DODGE VAN .,,~tiXURY CAR . ~:j•~!11~\i~.T'd:!1:r: lo· ~ euuipPea-wlde ovai ia ooo mn . . -'!" , AR ri.:ed Ca I This seU -contain!d ..otor home is lir COl'OtlOnra & Deautifl.ly ~ 'll'llll aua1 stn~s ano an UH! comforts 01 a SUite ot room~ at ttit Hilton. useo '71, low "*ace speelll {881aM> llEW'JJ PA~E-AlllW M 1108 nUI 11 IClll • IAlllll .... ,.TU a11Mo0l -llltl·MU -SCOUl - TUYCl -ltD [ UlllP-CYPSY- TIOCA-'ACl.UIDW - COllTilllPO -TU'fnTE-HDLIDAY- SUllDIAl-PllDE'lt JOY -OC . Sleeps 4 '#illf <loutlle Sit'oll. fully appointed kitchen, batll, v.a, auto. !rans, power steer & Drakes, heater. 1uw1 carpeted. Stock-31127. FOR n.n•llock; Power bOat DISCOVERER '25' ,......... .. U.S ......... A tires , .~. ...... ~ew • . u~ rs· ~~~:·~;~· elec. w. =.i"'?m'¥.ii.the-kende<: ta~ n ...;':"'Bl& t Road & Rallyo Motora WHOLESALE BDAT 'Slp t.. rent. Avail. BALBOA '18' $4295 _ .. =:~ .otm MJµil· Orange County's Oklelt Dir. . • ~July'-Up"' • BILL~ 1.ADRJ · ··~~.t~ C.:M':"~~"isoe to the •Sl>lP .ft>I' 25'·28'-..... ·~ ~ ~~ -Main bay. AMERICA'S FINEST GMC-PONTIAC.FIAT =·· 'Wiil 11 750: DATSUN PUBLIC'.'· * 67'5-8900 * (1st St. at S.A, Frwy.) + Autos W ..._..a -, MOTOR HOMES 2000 E .. 111 Stllliio Santa Ana an~ 964 -'70 t'Rl'iililii~·6 563-WE PAY lOP . ' · ' . · Ulll"ll IK ·~.;·~ 1' ~~ ~~: CASH . NEWPORT ........ ~i ........ I) ft Sea Ray ilOO --1 . ~new. 455 CI Oldsmobile pack-a-jet engine. ~l?J>ed far tlahlhg & Wata' skllng. FUily : e(JWpped tan do m traDer. Thil outfit ii ·like new. Orliinal cost $9200. Sacrlfice $5000. P hone SPECIAL YEAR END ERICES AND LOW OFF SEASOI' RATES ASK FOR JIM -NJX C0:1ii.~I~ ~e:.~paln~-· . . DATSUN S!4l9 '56 Ford. dlerTy body, new ...... ~ ..... 0 --~ • .;.i . paint, aea.'8, bett., gen., -............ ·-~ ·~ '-... ,...,Open brks., R&H., ete. Like new, eaJ1 Ill lw tree esilptatel; "! tn .:;:_ Delllxe .... -... GROTH CH,EYROLET NEWPORT CENTURY Coronado. U71 BOB LONGPRE Van. -wheel -· &111X> • ·BEACH . ll30-6l82. • Nr new. 21', trier, landau trans., alt cond., mag whli. Aalc is: ~ ~- $9850top. =., boa71) ...!.~ ·PONTIAC . 11f1!6. 64&-m!.. . • • 1000 W. Coast Hwy. · · ~·~~ ' '67 eh<!v. 2 'fOll Tnlck, 12' Runllnotnn Beoeb 645-6400 MUST .ell 14' Ski boat I: alum. body Wllift e&tie. Call MT.eon ,,. "'K! Nm Ttall~-21.&t, 548-8995 l:?i&OO BEAOt Bf'~· 4~. r WE PAY TOP OOLLAR 16' Ski Boat Buick motor. WESTMINSTER e '69 CHEV. ~·'ton, 6 cyl. FOR TOP.tJS'BD CARS • Good cond 11-Call U .,....,. car Is ex'tra clean, w-Traller, Needs work, 192"'651 · .......,. ,v_ Ask. $450. 54&-300). Q6.25'0 : 66 6"'3109 alt 6. ~ oee U1 !1rs1. , .,. Ton Ford ;,u, w/shell BAUER BUICK • AU.. offers considered. 1970 camper. S Cyl stk lhtft. 2925 Harbor Blvd. l[i] self • contained Traveleze. $850. 548-0117. Costa Mesa 979-2500 T.....,.UU. Ill Excel. cond. Ford econollne '55 CHE VY P .U. IMPORTS WANTED ~;;;;;;;;;;~· ~~ 1-2 air cond., -. 6 -· • 6, lge halhnn. Qnly 16,100. ,,., • apoed $350. Oranae Coulttlo• Low dOwr\. c8ll 'owner e 50'3691 e TOP I BUYER Campers, S.lt/R•!"l '20 anytime, 494--0141. '66 Dodef Van B-100 Jo miles, 8ILL MAXEY TOYOTA '70 ~.Ford Deluxe Ctub.V-an. Rent A Motor Home J)fthel.1 37 .... • veey ad cond, tt4: 18881 Beach Blvd. for -w v-·-,M ·:,:.:_T--r=~'------H -·· p • 81! -crpt, fact air, auto, huge r-·· _. 1'"' u. '" ~ 1n1. -otter over -* 139-UOI * '':h~* r:"J:; AUTOS BOUGHT .67?>-=7900=•c;675'::::c_,,TI1e;T1::_. ---I * '72 PACE . ARROW, "'' '-"·-= -~~-~--FO~ 71 -. 1 -~ We Pl'Y top dollars for RD van ' Omwrted to ~-gen. $20 .day .t:_5C mi. '56 Chevy Truck late model, clean cars mini home. Xlnt co.J)d. Many s: • .,..,. Insurance 644-4239 -6. .. r r -x-· "''"" 8l6-5Z72 alt 6 ' -E-. $300. ~-... ~ • .-nuv· :::"f:::: · Mohr home fw rent. * &U-4165 "* 443 W. BayrStreet Sell kile ttelillftOWt Call '72 WINNEBAGO, 21'. 1967 "-Ton GMC Pick up. ~~-"""=":::..;M::esa=---642-5678 Now! Sleeps ~ 6tl>-Ot82 · V • n~. ~ A t -v •-A good want ad 111 a ROOll m. WBEHfto,Vr;. THE ~A~~s~: INVENTORY FOR YOUR SELECTION utos, lmporfed . 970 Autos,. Imported 970 ==54;;5-;,:.2491~~al=L:5:P:M:·==~vestm"==en:t.::~~~'::::: ~ml VOLV O-TOYOTA · -SALE! SALE! . SALE! CLEARANCE ON ALL 1972'1 SELECT FROM OYER 200 t NEW AND USED CARS IN SToCK .. ··-·-O.A.C. MONTHLY PAYMENTS AS LONG AS 48 MONTHs • ' J • . CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS ., '69 TRIUMPH Spitflrt, "I"'• r&dlo. s1• '67 PEUGEOT 4 cir. w•9on, r.dl .. f•ct. •Ir. l $899 '66 ALFA ROMEO 160.9cpe. '69· FIAT 850 Rchtr., rH lo, $999 '70 OPEL RAU, YE Spt. cpe. am-fin, f1ot. 1!r, $1399 166 SllffBEAM Alplne rclttr. • · '69 TRIUMPH TR.S R.cftti: Sl• '66 MG RDSTR. R.rriov•bk H.T., wfN1, r•dio. $999 Thank You - l'or Tho M~ Yffrt llf Loya ty 1FRITZ ~ARllDl'S SPOR CAR . { CElfTER 710 l 1st st, S.A. 547-0764 I . I " ' ., ' '• DAILY PILOI 0 JJ A~~::~ ~:1;~~-;""~:~ .. "';,~~~IM~J:lj:1~~~)1 ;~_;""~~~lm;:; .. ;rted;::"5:~! :_-.:.. J~ :_-.:.. \~!_:~: 11: :_-~: ·-.---oA"""TSU--N----~DATSUN DATSUN ' MEICIDES •NZ , _ _:T.::O.:.YO::.T.:::A.:__ l-"'"".Y:::OLKSW-::-:::-:-A-G_E_N_ ,_...:v~o:.:LK:.::S:.:W.:.:A:.G:::E::N:.. ___ ._u_1c_K __ , __ c_A_Dl_LLA_c __ I on Do~ lllOO -'1t ~~II :MG! ?I DATSUN WAGON '60 311 SL RDSTR SAYINGS '" V.W. Camper "11 -u., "'••UM '15 llWdt -'°"""'· '73 Cadlloe fl/.Ol ml!'l. -~• , ..., All'Olxl, Mop .\JP Olod., c llDd. ua ..., AM/FM RodJo Real CoUect--· stick, -.,,... llaht blue ftnllO , • Spd Cleon. Pvt. p1y, C D .,,._ Radial tln! .. 19110. ~~ ...... • -. v.,., 1aw m11ee. .,., 11..q. •mo llnnlaCIJ. dlUon. m<T862l. Trw. -· 11:;eo. ean * -* pe • ·-i!r..~~ ~ ' NEWPORT ~981BTG). $1"5 late. $AVE !'.JI"~!; CONNJ~ou:r ·:::' bwl, RIH. xlnt en-CADILLAC ';\'!f.°'1:;a ~=" ~ SllGO *'* 4113-3618 DATSUN NEWPORT NEWPORT TOYOTAS 282811ArborBlvd., ""'11•50081•e/Wblte,calll--YO-UR-O-N-LY--I Beaat!M Flrallat FINalo, ·111 Da!ltJn P.u . a.c••"'· 1000 w. ol.1 Hwy DATSUN D•TSUN C..lll Mesa 546-12l! 54HZ3'1 r·~aY ~ .:".!:i ....... - taJ>e, wide tires and rear N\l'PI Deb 64M4()0 " , '" VW llUS $1595 VOLVO -•v $176 map. --'67 o.·~-~ D I lOtlO w. Cout Hwy UlllO w. c..st lfyy. n .... ~ l•llli.t ]j) """' ....... Excellent -'IUTHORIZED • ·n DATSUN 240-Z. Xlnt ' ....., • '"" Nwpt Bch -Nwpt, Bch •. --l~ _,. cond .. Low mU.1. '71 Volvo C •DILLAC per month , cond. Alr,~Pvt p\y. i:fi\J:. HiiftrM :.r.f. ,'i)'~ ·•72 DATSUN . TOYOTA NEWPORT IMPORTS 11800 C ;'EALER lm~i.~0Eif.1'i:ary 1!119 DATSUN, 2 door, low mut, -h•bl. ·~· • PICKUP 3JOO w. C..St Hwy., N..._ oupe l.M(eat sele<tloo ol Cldlt· LEASING Olil ..... v.-clean. Make $1999 1986 Harbor, C.M. twe-&303 Beach, S4:HH05. , Immaculate COll<HUon, auto-lacs ln Oranae County. A'LL MODELS ....,er. ~ ~ 1 CllEVRO'.,.... 4 Jpeed, radio, heat.er:, like ,69 Toyota Corona ~ VW. Ox>colate: Brown. .matic trana., AM / FM Sales-' .... .-.... ~ ......... ~.,.,....... .....,,... brand deW (246FLZ) $1995 · Rebuilt engine. Hur 1 t 11tert!0, radial ttre1, snow __..... ANO MAKES 'i· e t>ttaun rastr19XI. $395, or 2828 Harbor Blvd., dlr. 836-8635. 4 Door. 4 Speed, air, ndlo. shifter. Craiar mags. Pos-a-white utetior, ~ tntmor. • N L--'73's btltl offer. Gd. tranlp. 'Costa.Mesit,, 546-llDl FIAT (YER228). traction tires. Torque 648CAL. au.n m.~ -· '7\ DATSUN l:nl, .....,, $1199 Muter. 1825. 64&-2862. s.. 11 • You'U Buy 11 CadlUac Soatllern California , ,_, £,.White blue/int, 1o stick. R/H, 4 new tires, xlnt LEAVING town. 'tl9 nat 8'I) OONNELL CHEVROLET 1700 CC VW, clole raUo 1\ I .-...-!.. J 2600 HARBOR BL. fl uilleaee. autQ trans, pri ~ cond,_,p.e. PhJne Cpe. $100. or beat otter. 2828 Harbor Blvd., tram. Fifteens 1M ml. 100 -fll U1111 " COSTA MESA ' 1 st llatililal Bank l'easi II ...... 5411-1941" 536-3684 z;:,,,.. 1 · SST~ alt 5,30, 71 MERCEDES 2SOC c..ta M.,. 546-12l3 HP. Eng.'& trans. 6,000 ml., -Vft -9100 Open Sund&> A-. Imported fTO Autos, lmpot led '10 '68 Flat..,-· Loaded, Silver, Auto 'l'ral!I, MUST Sacrtll<e '69 -~Invested. $99}/olfer. IU~IU iii" ep. De Ville WhlJ )Ont cond .AM/FM radio. AM/FM Radio, Power~ Corona. 1 owner. Oxnplete · w/black vinyl to · AM/~ $1rol. 6C-4ITll Steering, Power Windows. motor overhaul. New '70' VW Campa Weatfalla 1966 Harbor, C.M. &16-nB radio Full pwr p.air coo:::I $7295 tnuwn ..m.auJ. !lew ....,. l'l>p Top. Oean. n e w SAYINGS Sl5GO ' 816-2936. ' · :on Michelson Drive F::.,T~'68,. ~ ~ .!:!l',; NEWPORT .,..rem. New tires, -Mlchel1!' radlah. 13 O O O · * '63. Cadillac, 4 dr ...,an, (Corner ot MacArthur) nice ~ _ paint. Same u a brand new 497~ eves. full . . DATSUN CIJ', Mull ... $00)/blt olr· 1970 Bus, 1 ..... Perlect Al Novar llofor• pwr. mo. or "'" ofter. n41~ c.w~-HONDA 1000 W Coast Hwy B:D-ri650 aft 6. cond. il,000 miles. Sun roof, On AU Remainina: '72 ;;<1144:,;:-.:1'"688;::·-===-,..,.- Nwpt Sch &<><;400 '70 Toyota Corolla ' expeos!ve ""'· $2.100. Call YOLYOS '68 EL DORADO, lully CAMARO I, •n ,Honda car. 1972, ~ ""'. , -. ,,,.~-. Coupe. 4 speed. alr, radio. owner anytime, 6'-0lct. equip., mwit see to ap----~----el GREAT! $900. . arn1tr:' 6.800 .. ~ ~ (2648RL), 1970 vw Bug. Good lhape. preclate. 548-5155. ·n <;amaro. "z.28, 330 HP .... PRICE A D 0 l 'DA:rs U'N . ' I BEFORE YOU' :l~Y! .. · 1,., ' * 6T5-0jiS3 * $6,750. '491.1132 " $1399 • "":if:' e. Now tltts .. AM/FM ~ WN 'Tl Cad Cpe De VUle. Load-Spd, Low miles, --JAGUAR ra -·· ~ ••·-U f.OI. ed. 350 actual ml. $1500 Excel cond. "-. m--' MG 1"n"' $950 or best oHer. 497-2795. , inn, Pvt. pty. ~l8l. 1970 Camaro air, auto, P~ . . 8 co--~IL CllEVROLE.T ' -· ~._ "'~' oe ' -t ~ ,_ '70. JicuAR XKE coupe , . , • • ·= ~ l:'~ . '64 VW Sunroof. Cocoa YOLYD 68 Coupe de Ville, Vinyl top, V root. Excel corid. $2500J i ' c ' I - I . 1J !r !I I! • 1, w/wtre wheell, Hpeed. iJ4GB9f·. ~ shape, brown. Nu tires, shocks. . full pwr, fac air, am/fm 842-41~ or 847-3871. I' """"""''red. Xlnt cond. ·~_; u~J ..... ~ Nw,. TRIUMPH $485. Ben HID' Gas. -1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 ........ $2300. 6'73-<191 CHEVROLET i:J899, call'54J.-Ol55. , lid{\ ...... ..,..., o>u.> .., P & Bay, C.M. VOLVO 1971. l42S AM/FM '63 Cad, clean, full pcm-er.1 ________ 1 * Jaouar\1911, red, vu en#· '63 M. GB Reblt ng Good '70 Triumph GT , '70 vw ·SuJx!lal camper, good Excel cond, en., wired Good cond. $4tl0. ca I I '71 Camero Coupe 2 + 2 sealing, air cond, auto _ · · e • · body, ~ eng. Financina: int. cau n41497-~. "919-<858-=''=-"·-~-~-trans. 83-3841 coll(l _ tbi:'qout. Grejlt trans. 4 speed, AM, stereo tape, avail. $2'DI. or ·T.O.P. U 990 '71 Cpe. O.V. WADED! V-8, radkl, 11tlck, IUpericr ,59 Jag 3.4 New paint. $525 OI" otftt. ~ extra clean. 232BSH. "645-rra:I. . Autot, Md MICHELIN TIRE.S, W MI. car. New tirel. (313CQS). up1m, ,,.,. """'· $GOO. '69. ,MGB-OT,,*1nt cond. 1o $2066 °62 vw eug, sunroor, IJOOd BUICK 15700 ** --S2599 ~7216 or 54'1-&.il& rills . .RAH..make offer, Call, See It • You.'ll Buy It oond. $t95. Call after 6 pm. * 'TI El Dorado, klw <DNNELL CHEVROLET BLACJC '66 XKE 4.2; wire -613=4052~ 673-1567. mileage. Fully equipped. 2828 Harbor Blvd., rima. . new Mich X tires. OPEL fl••• I ..:..!~ FOR Sale, 1969 . VW Van. ain::u~1ulc~:l'tc11~ s $6695. Call 675-3.lJ9 Costa Mesa 546-llm 1AW mt fDXI. 6t6-2(9) • wn. 111111 Good cond. $1,600. PB. el; ~ ~ '59 CAD -Air C:Ond. um atEVY 6 pa•• . · '66 Jaguar, XKE cpe, new ~OPEL ~:£'1'$99.5,lltidr: YOLYQ 499-fOO't .eab, 47,i48 miles. One P~ PIB:il~at ~ ~ar, P/S, l ·~·radlah:a57:l ml 1 • RIB~. '63 vw. ~. Great owner. New top. Sharp. . .n._ I I ' . ' NEW DATSUN-~200· . . ·owner. $1995. • 1966 Harbor CM. 646-9303 transportation. • (VSD354). 'a5 Cadillac Flee~'OOd • Full mpa 11 s.,,,.,, ,.,1, •• ,. i .. 1 ... ""'"· .w ....... ~•... mo ,....,, 2+2. tow '70 Opel :J: 10!~~ YOLKS, WAGE.. * m.:ms * $1599 ~~ ~ "°""· m;. ' Dr. H.T. V"1Ylao~:.~..._ mlleap, atr. IDluied, $4399. New, . ,~.,.........,., . • . ,. 1968 ~ WHtphalia, empt"., . ~""4'""a61 P.B., air, auto. UGJ un-w.1 tW1, bM.ptr ,,,,., loc~lllf.J:•• t.J1k. ._,,.14, 111 ., evet. 6G-6T.1.0. ~ $1900. 551...._ "" . p:i~top ten~ stereo im-CONNELJ.. OlEVROLET * l9TI C,dillac ~ de oonditional Guarantee. Nice. ;t~!lj..!'S:~.r;;;;;,~~~,, T'"'··~,Jo ~i~·· KARM~NN GHIA ::fORSCHE ·~.~~~~·JJ.~t.~.tfuss~53&-~~-_ =~~~f2oo ~~cond.$4 .ean (l46CCE>$34H · $ ' ·$5~' · · • M5'7351 • 68 VW Bug, auto;• ndlo, '70 BUlck CUilom Slcylark . .::=;:::e;;...-,,-,,,,--,-' 58 TotAL. , ' 1!71 !WmaM Gbla Coupe 71'POUCHE•tl1T 1969 vw &Undlal Camper 32,0tltl ml.* Sharp!· Wlit Blk •lnyl top p,s '69 ~1lla~£-tlonVllle,..~ CO~ELL ~I OLET iow-... xtnt condl!Jon s sbd, RadlO:~ AJ!<>i< Sacrtll $1995. • • • • M&-.15311' * P.S:11411. 1act a1r. ·under ..,. ~·' ~~ · -·--Har-B vd .. · DOWN _ Mq,~ ' p.950_' eee · ~ ~e!e!!:.<Jo... · . : Call ~ · '6C VV:1 Bug1 ~· D1gttJe SOM. A25 under · book .• or 833-0044 eo.ta Mesa 546-llJl ....... :i· • • • MAZDA .. ~ <' ~J · : t 'OO'VWBUS --'65,relilt,bi'.'11._Goodcond. 64&o!212, 641-2228. 66CadSedanw/Landautop. 'TlCwh.dr.<;J!ev.Pw,-. ~ "' ..,.... I ..NEWPORT ., ~~ . BEST OFFER $475. Pyl 557-78%'1 BUI~ '65 RJviera, all pwr, Xlnt cond. All Xtru. Pri air, •pare ta:nk1, prtv. lJUI' .2026 FULll _., -.. . * 54tHi827 * Fast relults are just a phone air cond. Eic:cel oond $UOO. pty, $1~ 673-7690 ty, $49(1>. 551-8699. . . PllCll • ~EASE SPECIAL .DATSUN_,_. * '69 vw. 31,0tltl actual ml. call • ...,-.. Prl PQI 613-tm2 ouarned Arl• •.• 642-5678 Claaaltied Ad• .•. ea.sm ,. N-'72 RX3 1000., iv.. eo.>t·H~" ' Rod!O gd. tlNL Xlnt cOJx!. Autos, U-• 990 Autol, UMtl t90 Autos, UMtl 990 Autos, UMtl , '90 •-Nwpt·Bch 645-6iJO ~. ,~ PUlltAX&UC. ~ ) "ftr. -.. ~ ...... """""CNl<*ill:iol,,.,. WM"Jl,.-Tiltlll ,...,. llldlllflnl ... Itel., ....... ._ uau.. . I ............................................. ~.!.:._ ·i, , • *' USED C~ SPEt:iAU * · I ~ I • -• ,.,_,., ~····················.········:~··········· .. ''8 DAnUN 510 s 11~99· • f.DOOI WAec>N , t'.... ,,_, ,,.,,. """°' W$W. \·-... Romn fw h fomll\'. r ASM ..... or...................... . •. '. ~~~~u~~u;~~S,1 ~~99 ~ ................................................. . • • ! ASK AIOU'I: .OUI 5 YIAI . · ! ! INSURED WARRANTY PROGRAM '1. ! ON NEW AND USED CAD !, ; ............................. ( ..................... .: t. ' $5'7.56 '65 Por&Clle, SC, c;Iean, "#nev ".=w-'. -",61"'.-eug-. -Good--con--1 1'W1lllng cond. JltrU. F-• dllton, $350. or Beat oiler, Loaded. ROTARY powend. 38 mo. + T il L. For resp. pty. Trades COIS. to aelL fUOO or best ott". 675-8642. J .:-i:-RSCHE. 914, App. .. Good..::::::o;,80:.;trano::;'lll"_"'LKSW:::. =A°"GO°'N"'$350-.· I. ·------------ Group. Cirome r l m s , * 613-0680 * • 72 ROTARY'$ "Demo Sale" radlall, lo miles. Xlnt cond. '59 vw _.... h-$2995.. 673--Bl'I. • .,.,._ ' •p• '69 -9JlT. 5 ¢ PXI 6'2-914' Maes. Beautiful. $4600. vw '64 CAMPER. New eng, 5C7-1B; 521-6196 bri'9, tires. clutch, etc 10 TO CHOOSE '64 """""" sc. Very clean! Pn.. sn-.. "lll~EST SAVINC?S" Rob1t ...,. Jllua aeU! $2400. 'Stl. VW BUS . "Service is tbe ~ Dfe" Cail 66-1446 reblt engine. 1421 So. HUNTINGTON BEACH SAAi ""'!l"ltt· -Am. MAZDA --------1 vw a ... ""'' .. u. 1'13Sl Beach Blvd. '67 Saab V4. S.CXX> mi on new * ~ * 8IU666 Leaae Mar. Mr. Fr> -v:i-S<HllBS * __ '61.:.VW..=Bug=.=c$350.;,,..-- --T.::..;"'""':::::,..::...--1 RebW!t engine. OYOTA ug1y, but strong • ...,._ '69 VW BUS< SNRF, ·n Toyota w....,, air, Bed 11625 AM/FM. radio, $1595 or of· ' • fer. . * 673-8293 * * 993-1518 * '68 VW bug. AM-FM, 4 .l 8 ·n ecm.J xlnt ~ 29 700 track mreo. Reblt enc. actual !., 1 ownr, ~ New tires.; $1000. 646-8559 tires, $1-40Cl., 4 9 2 • 0 6 2 8, VWxl'68 ~ ~:ier 492-8736 nt , ~ . * 675-63.54 * ·~. ~ ~~ ~TOYOTA MARK$~. l9Si VW Bug, MH. vinyl apt. 571XX) mi, Supttb c:ond. or Best Offer 493-1784 • int., very clean. 1 own?r. p Prt Ply, -'68 °"""" 2 dr. New ...... Prl. .... -5*-2'15e •sf Metcedes DJ s. Recent Reblt 1nlza $&l), 6G-686C '10 VW, wry deas. minor tuneup. needs motor or 648-3545. $12$. Private ~ woric. &id otter. 615-1079 '69 O:ll'ona delaxe. Clean. 2 * 67S-8U8 WE HAVE THE FINEST SELECTION OF PREVIOUSLY OWNED CADILLACS IN ORANSI' COUNTY • IO EL DORADOS • 20 COUPE DE VILLES • 13 SEDAN DE VILLES • 2 BROUGHAMS • 2 CONVE~TIBLES PLUS MANY OTHER FINE AUTOMOBILES. '72 CONTINENTAL SEDAN STEREO MULTlPU:X FACrORY AIR CON· ViT!ONJNG. VJni.1 """ leather bitmor, tun poWer, tit steering wheel. PC>Wft' door locks, cruiR control, and all the extru. (666ESH ). Only '71 CONTINENTAL SEDAN VINYL ToP, Ltethf!i. interior, full power, fac- tory air oondltioninz, tilt steertna wheel, AM/FM stereo mWtlplex, cruile control Very low mlleqe! (880EOJ). Sale priced thll week- end. '70 CADILIAC CalaII Hardtop Cpe. -air, !ult ........ A'&-t·nt: plua other extras. nm car ii excep- tionally clH.n. (475BHJ') $3555 '72 MARK IV With elec. sunroot. Vinyl top. leather inter~ dual comfort ll'&ts. full power, fact. air, AM- FM stereo, powet' door locks and more. ('°'402) A good want ad ill a aood 1n-Or. auto. Afr/con:i. R/H. 1970 VW vestment. Prtv. pty. Sll95 ~2!M7. aean $1,195. 613-42311 Autos, U-9'0 Autos,, Us«I '90 Al-, UHcl t90 I• 1~, AUIOI, UHd I, . . . GREAT ·U:S·ED---CARS ...... "71 ELDORADO Vinyl top. leather inter., fUl1 power, factor)' air" tilt wheel, AM·FM 1ttteo radJo, power door locks, outstandJna: care. C226CJS) '71 COUPE DE VU,1,E 5 to choose from. VJ.nyl ~ leather Interior, tun power, factory alr, tilt whee~ AM·FM, power door lock&, WSW, leM than 19,000 miles. (211GBX). Norn :. II ' I 1i " ,I •I 1~ !~ Ii ' !~ ' ' '6"~ PICK-UP ................ . $1095 '69 DATSUN 510 SEDAN . '. ........ $895 0111_, Or111119. Rlbullt E1t11lne. {T"6IOH '•'67 KARMANl\f t G~ , ...........• $1095 ltldllt, Wllfttw•lll, • 5"WJ ~ Gr1tcltt' °'"'"' Tllnld T1 A Tll. {TOM ltt) '· •I.. ' •• '71 CHEVY VEG~ ... ,.,,. ......... $1495 RIOio, brJOl!I y-ellow ll'lawlwm cOiWiJfliin. (M$CT0)' ;held tt ttll .,..:r .-... • '69 WI BUG ...... · ... , ............ $1295 RIOio.. N1910f", Trim """"i' ~ (WVI 1172) ' ' .. ~ . . . . , ' '71 LOVEBUG CLEMINTINE ........ $1895 " lil:ICl/1 lllCI 111N1or. lll'llDl ' ' . ~ ' 162 VW SEDAN . . . .. .. . . . . . .. . . .. . $595 1 .-lit 91191M 11111 tr.Nmlulon. !POU 310) 16J ,-GTO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1495 I ~I~!, t Dr. l\lrdl09o VlriVI F11111', CM EXW) • '68 CORTINA GT . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . $795 4 ~ R,tdlo, H11t1r. IXLY4tl • 1 1 :!t. T~ T~~~'!,X~" !~S ... , ....•. , . $1050 '7~ VW 411 WAGON -..•• "·::· • .'. $2795 ..,._. Nc11WY W.mrit\' • """°" ---MkNtlrl X ........ U.. ~I ' • Door, llldio.'CXWH 2tll '67 VW SQUAREIACK ............. $995', Ntw lllll P11nt, fNl'Pl 'ss.-L-IVDX "9J '68 VW FAmACK .............. $1195 ll rl;llt Yellow, ~ '9\li.. 'WlllW T~ IYEV 1111 '67 FOltD ¥.AN , ., ................ $1295 Cornplet1 roauHt trtna a. ....... c-OO>Mt Ind ... , CJ712U.I '70 VVi BUS ................... $2395 DllllXI a.111, hello, .,.,. lt.m ~I IN CASI '69 VW SQUAltEIACK ............ $1795 AulonMtlc, Air Condltllflllll, Low U. MJia. IZOY NI '66 VW, KARMANN GHIA, . .. • . . . . . . $995 Rllllo. >Mlltt •IN wtll 'ttra Drll!MI 1'1tGUllMVt. l•KX t»I 'U VW SUPER BUG .......•..... $1995 0,.,.... t'M-.. 1"1111' ..,..,,., •t\19 lllhfWt, flctory w1rr111ty. (fl.t 'SY) '67 CHEVY 3/4 • TON PICK·UP ...... '69 vW ..chuAaEIACK •.......... #tt!l"lc lf1Jll!lft, ~lfWll ,0004 ,..,, '72 BUICK ELECl'RA 225 CUlltom. Vinyl top. 1 vt"'I Interior, tull power, factory air oondJt19nlng. fJlt 1teertna wheel, AM/FM steno radio, •bite l"lk1e wall tires, etc. Very low mlleare. Immaculate condition. (641-DZZ). ' '72 OLDSMOBILE 98 4 door H.T. Vinyl to~ tapeltry interior, full ~r, factory air, tilt wbleL radio, heater, WIW, Less than 9,000 miles, (588EAD) "'"" '70 COUPE DE VILLE 7 to choose from. Vinyl top. leather lntertor, full power, fsctory alr, Ult wheel, power door l~lta, AM·FM 1tereo. f913BEJI. '3999 '5111 '18 CUILIA() C.OnverUble. Full power, bclory alr, lather Interior, tilt steering Wheel, AM·FM stereo. power door locks. C19'7N6) f22Z2 '72 MMlK IV With elec. sunroof. Vinyl top. leather tnt« .. dual comfort Rats, fUll power, facL air, AM· FM 1tereo, power door lockl and more. (404402) '71 TORONADO Dual comfort seats, full power, factory air, Ult 1~ng wheel, 1terto AM-fl.I mulllplex. Ctl60CXU) f'.'777 Hours: 8:30 AM to 9:00 PM Mon. thru Fri . 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Sat. and Sun. 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 540-9100 ' I Sundor, Oc.-29, 1912 7l OLDSMOBILES HERE NOW! •! ); ~ WHAT'S NEW? IMMEDIATE DELIVERY OMEGA! 1: .· .............................................................................................. .., OLDSMOBILE'S ALL N~ LOW PRICED cqM~ACT CAR •. • • • 'I •• '• Ii :~ Final Clearance • Remaining 1972 • ' -ORANGE COUNTY'S SERVICE• Nulhber :1 HONDA DLR • fi · Demonstrators Must Be Cleared Out Now! ii ii Example: 1972 CUTLASS SUPREME ·' PARTS-BODY SHOP OPEN EVERY 11 " 11 11 l lj 2 door herdtop. Turbo hydrametic, SATU R 1 AY power s+•erin9 1.bod~ si de mouldin91 , dolu" rodio, hHf,., oi• <ondiHonin9, $ 3 5 89 ' We han The Laf9e1t S.lectlon of SEDANS and COUPES • 1972 HONDA CAR FuRy equipped including Stereo AM/FM Radio and Tape Player. Demo. #AN6001051525 $ : ~~~i;~z¥~5i},:k::i.:~::.·· vinyl 7:30 'TIL 5:30 i:.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ ........................................................................ .::::::::::::;::::::::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:;:::;::;::;;::::::: : '69 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS '68 OLDSMOBILE DELTA 88 '70 MERCURY MONTEREY '68 CADILLAC SEDAN DE. YIW • ' . VI, .. t1•111k. ,.._, ........ ,...., ....n.,. • ceM., 'llllyt ,.,. A rMI Mr ....,, WIR ftAuce. fZAl1541 51899 ,..... ........................ ...,. 2 D•. H.T. YI..,,. ..... --· 51399 t9p. 0.. ......... , lilary. IWILA7tJ WIH ti_.. VI, •N••lk, recll•, .....,, ,..., 51899 ....n .......... . A rwl alee ur. WIU ....... l4ZSAZPI .............. luwy. Alt a1a*I ...... WUI flltwe. fW91UJ) 51599 '70 FORD MAVERICK ........ _ s, ew ffhey're Hot! • • • • • . . . • . . . , • . . . New Pickups and Vans! • d ' t ' ' • • • • • an we ve go em . Brand New '73 Chevrolet Pickup ONLY 25215 •2295 -With big 110.8 Cl eniine, four speed trans., auxiliary springs, brake booster, side nurror, oil filter, spare tire, etc. r Brand Ne w '73 Chevrolet Suburban .-., , With V8 engine, automatic trans., power steer· ' ing, radio, extra seat, HD radiator. m.l.rrors, extra chrome, aide moldings, etc. #110096 ONLY $4,295 '69 FORD MUSTANG '69 PLYMOUTH STATION WAGON '68 OLDSMOBILE 98 .......... l§l I ..... ..... Autoo, UMCI CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CONTINENTAL '73 lmpola NEED GOOD CONT '67, 4 cir, b1k leath mt. 4 Dr.""""· 800 miles. Like TRANSPORTATION ™ "'•""' -· lull por. new. Full fact. warranty. ,60 C I ~~ cood. $16~0 • Hu olr, P.8., P.B., auto. O"a r oOtL~~--,~~-·11 VB. Uae reg. pa. (l!M504). 4 door. One of the cleanest C'!ifi) 4 Door, good cond., new Unuaual value. in town. F\YP289 tires. Must lell S8'l5. $3999 $466. * 1168--0290 aft 6 PM * CO NELL CHEVROLE LINCOlR Cont:inenbd, 1965. N T See It -You'll Buy It Full pow~ & air. $6f10. QUI 2828 Harbor Blvd., "°''" M""' 546-1.2113 1\aAii l••,,:I .,,.....CORYAIR '65 Malibu, 2 dr., hdtp, V-8, _,_.. WllD auto trans., R.lH Runs very TOYOTA &OOd-$5511. 8'&-3956. l961 Corvalr. Can be "'°" for '67 C C dune buaY. N...ta -. amaro oupe 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 $75. e 6'75=l.098. • ~· .ttci<, radio. '70 1 mpol• custom CORYAIR $1499 Coope. V-8, air, auto., P.S., P.B., radio. (170ASI). ,65 Monza. Xlnt c o nd. CONNEU. CHEVROLET $1999 2828 HarOOr Blvd., ' thruout. Mech. • o u n d • Costa Mesa 546-1203 CONNELL CHEVROLET $350/best offer: or trade. '67 Malii.... 2 dr, Black • .;-·I 2828 Harbor Blvd.. 557-1181. 5M'-72'72. uu. """ Cb.ta J\.1esa MG-1%13 '60 Corvatr 180 HP, Turbo roof, 327, air, PS. Excel -,;;-;;;:::;-;;::::::::;-,;:=.;: ....____. _...._ ··--"-· _..._ -~ o..., ~""" 1970 QMw. 0oDO)Ql'I E1tatl, ... _..-.. ~~ .......,.,, u..u::i co,..,, ~. 8 Pua. sta. ~p. Pwr. offl!T. 66-T.£: er ~. ''8 lmpalo Coupo -& -. AM-FM CORYE 11 E V-8. auto., air cond., vinyl Stel'eo radio. tut st.er, wbL roof, P.S., power 1eat1, F·---· Alr I '8Ck ndio, s up er Io r car. .... .... ,, ' ugpge • • '70 CORYEI IE CWXG502). oew titts & bralce1. Panel· 350 V-8 wheel&, road $1699 Ing. Asking 12'7'5. '57-41161. hugger ~~ AM I FM CX>NNELL CHEVROLET '70 Chev. 4 Door Sedan radio, tape d@ciL Power --H bor Bl d V • vi I t Ir _.. steering, 4 speed, Im· "°"° ar v ., -o, ny roo' a co...... maculate mndltlon Uc No. Costa Mesa 546-1~ P.S., P.B. auto mat I c. 960AZE 11,,,68~l~m"'pa-i-1a'-'-'eu...m'""'"""'.~P/"'S, (196ACS). vinyl upMI, aulo, nu brakes, $2199 Xtra nice cond, S 9 S 0 , -''8 Nova Coupe CONNELL CHEVROLET 2828 lfarbor Blvd., Costa ~tesa 546-UJJ '70 MALIBU $4195 HARBOUR YW 18711 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach .......,. '66 Corvette 6 cyllnda, radio, P.S., 1tick. Real aood buy. (WYG<61). $1199 2 Door hardtop V-8, auto. 32'1 cu. in. V-8, power tteer- trans., factory air, power tn&. radio. Nice. (TER642). CONNELL CHEVROLET steering and brakes, radio, $2199 2.828 llarbor Blvd., htr, white wall tlrC9. {311- Costa Mesa 546-1~ AGF)-$.2195 dlr. 1136-6.\'lS. CONNELL CHEVROLET 1970 A'IONTE Carlo, ~IH. '71 C11prlc• Coupe C: ~:: :.~ • ' I .J .. WE'U.. Go cw:or1r @W CQJl]j'JE, ~ TOPUTVOU .. A BETTER CAR I So yo u need a better car but just don 't think you can swing it right now. You1re our ~ind of people! We will go out of our w•y to put you in • better car .•• not nex t week ... but RIGHT NOW! atr, radial1, low miles. Ute rea. caa. V-8, auto., ===-.~~~-11 $2950. or offer. ~ P.S., P.8., vinyl roof, elec. CORVETI'E 72, Red, Auto, l"",...0:-~,..._.,...,..._.-.... __ .... _,_.,...,...,...,...,...,..._ '55 CHEVY, 2 DR. windows. Remaining fact. ""· P.W., Tilt wht. Best of· All Cars Listed Here We Back Up -lOOO'o New Urea. Needt mlnor work warranty. (129396). l -"fer'-'.-"833o-1123~~·=..,.,,~-I< 11.IO Firm 01>-3691. $3299 COUGAR 30 Days or 1,000 Miles Whichever Comes Flntl '66 Chev. Bel Air. 4 dr. V-8, a:>NNEU. CHEVROLET 283 eng. Wht. A/C. $895. 2828 1-larbor Blvd., •n COUGAR, Like ...., oond. .4..C, RAH, Mich. X tiret, Orig own. $2675. nf-l30.al6. Xlnt. 548-!l(Mll, m-o891 Colla 1'1esa 546-lXl.1 '71 V09• Hat<hbaok 0>up@. Jladk>. automatic, 1harp. (526CXU). $1699 CHEVY VAN '64 GREEN BRIER •n CO\lpl' X·R 7, Mint oond. 76 Owner will am.nae finance. ~'!'Jdlo o~. h m1!!;s, Bealutedto. SJ.1»5. 49+-093. CONNELL C1-IJ-:VROLET .i\AI °" ea'"' 211211 lla<ho< Blvd.. ·'~'""~· ~14~75!!'. ~·.,•.,1133-'!""'671""!"."" l--..;D;_O.;..;D;_G.:..;;E __ .ll C081:a Mesa 546-taJ3 •1-;_, CHEVY '""' Greenbrier Van '61 Ch::;P,r tr Cpt 1!'11 VEGA Wagon, 15.CXX> for sale. Motor re<."enUy ' mlln P/S, auto trans, air, rebuilt, In good running con-V~. vtnyt • •uto .. P.S., AM'ii'M. 968-4700 dllion. Body good, does need ~· Superior car. Good '72 V .. a GT ~Int. Call 557~ to 11et miles. (033£'TEl, Hat<hback. 4 •oeed, radio. rroo.oo or bell oUer. $2099 • &!per cl•om. (3!8F:l'W). CHRYSLER OONNELL CHEVROLET $2399 21111 llarbor Bl"&! CONNEU. CJfEVROLET PER.I' Henrl ere., sso. 12 Coltl MIN ~ 2828 Harbor Blvd """ battery, llO. • 58 '65 Co<onet !!00. ci..n. 2 Dr. Co.ta Meaa S46-iia Ou)Wer put) or Wholt car v-a auto. AJt/cood. P/a. 1111i. N-u.r. ba1x1L Riii. !'rt. pty, $UI. 'E& lmpe.la $495 • .Aulo, Pwr. 6tG--G64 ~. MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM 1970 YW 1969 YW 1969 YW 1966 YW IUS IUI> PAmACI S9UAIOACI New f•&tory "•iH•d,Ewt r • A11to'"1tlc tr1nt. b11ll1nt condition, ... S11per 91o4 co11t1r. built e11t i11e. cl1e11. tlo11. $]888 $888 $]388 $]588 Steer " brakes. New ttm .• 82 910, WK". air, P/S. Pill. '87;;i';DJdiOfii:':ttvan,:: 141 ,.-!ll;;:r'"'v=·-:au=10.I Prlv. Ply 67H1!07 UH, Dmnac. A -· 1385. Ale, pll!Oillcl A Xlnl -..-. .. -.-.-.-.,...,_.-,_.,_.,...,_. __ ,... .. ,...,...,... .. ,...l'~Need!!!!!.~'~"P~M2'~'1~M~..,!!:!.;U!!!,!M~I IMMWtl;963"l'IJ2 ~cond.==~U~T25:::i..•.:::;;:::::::...._,j; ( I ·• .. t, j j , • " , • e VINTURA e VENTURA CUSTOM e l'lllllllRD e ESPRIT e l'ORMULA • TRANS AM e LI MANS e LI MANS SPOllT COUPI e LUXURY LI MANS e GRAND AM e CATALINA e llONNEVILLI e GRAND VILLE e GllAND PRIX e SAFARI e GRAND SAl'ARI e LE MANS SAFARI ' s-. Octobfo' 2'1, 1972 OAll. Y PILOT BRAND NEW 1973 LIMANI C01.0NNADI J Dl. H.T. Coupe. lllfl'I,., 1trlp•, pewer 1leerl~, turbohydramellc tr111uMl•1lo11, 1111!.d 9le11, !2Dl7Dll10011ll $3262 I WIDE TRACI •. ... BRAND NEW 1973 CATAUNA 4 DOOi HAUTOP Vt, eut-•tlc, pawer 1teeri11t, pewer cllic br11ke1, white wall tlre1, Jelwe wheal co••••· ltU9RJCl00225) ' ' • 1972 GRAND PRIX DEMDNSTRA TOR JUST 15 REMAINING ~72 DEMOS 1972. BDNNEYILU 2 DOOR COUPE • • • VI, a11to"ltflc, power 1te1rln9 -br1ke1·wlM9J.•• elr c9141tjo11!111, AM: FM tt•r•o radl•, tilt wh••I, wh••I 11ov•n, •k. 1·21CtnJAllOJOJI LEFT TO CLEAR ALL ARE DRASTICALLY REDUCED TO SELL! '64 GRAND PRIX • Ab1olut.ly lo1d11d with full power, f1.c:tory air condltio11h19, AM·FM " redio, Yinyl top. i 2N57Y2CJl751il Dt'!'01utret.r. $4995 00 . • • • • . ";::::::-;::~::;:;::--~~----:: '64 IMPALA CPE. . . . ' . . . ' . . . . . . ' :,; ~~~~~~~~--ii·: '67 MUSTANG ~ t • • • • I J ~ ~ ' . ~ " ~= ' ,. • ~ • { ~ ~. i . . ~ i 1 l i ' • • l ' ~ ' ' ~ • ' . ' . .. ' " . .. .. .. . .. .. . ' ' .. ' ' · VI, •11t-•tl1, -redio, heit.r, power 1teerln9,, 10514061 .,, elr s.ondltionlnf. (0UUtJ91 YI, ee ... aHs., ,,. .. ,..ti .. 1., , ... fire, haat.r. t7NIOlt6716l -: • : . '70 PONTIAC WAGON 70 PlllTIAC LE' llAllS • • : . . : That's lust what you'D ~ at Dave •-Pontiac. And everyone IS talking about it _ ••• The great selection, the q!IClllty of our used can and especially about the low, low prices. Talk many. ~ CM• l!ut wait 1ntll you SH the nal action dart when we offer you the deol you C4!11'tft'd to turn ~w1d s,.p by and let's •.• well, let's talk -it over. lonna.,.ltl• 9 P•••· Fvll power, fetto,., •Ir, h19919e r•tk. 12ti. 24'0RIJOOl7) PJM T\ile ••r he• ,.,.,, $2000 !ft +tia mot.r &: t rtMlftlJtle11. 4 1paad. re41o, lttetw, M .. •t '"' lt41· OOKI '117 Sport H.T. ,,.,,, VI, P.S., a111t. ., meH•, elr, vl11yt .. ,. AM..,. • 1teNe. (2t JIEVI PJtl : GRAND PRIX '69 CHEY. CAMARD YI, •ll'tolftatlc, pow•r Jtffr/119, fa1torv air, ... 111yl top. 127617· tP12194tl P400 w,. ......... ....,, $2700 '71 JEEP 4 WHEEL DRIVE '1tk.,p. V6. power 1teer!119, e!r co11clttlo11l119. [441Clll P424 ... ., ................ , .. , $2699 6 cvlind•r, evtOlfteH11 111•-r 1t .. rll19, relflo, ha1ter IYYH- 102) P40J -.., 1111 .. M ....,, SI tll '68 FIREBIRD YI, •vtoMatlc, power 1teetl119, •Ir coMlltlonli.v, ¥l11yl '"'· IVIVltJI P421 .................... $1tll '68 JAGUAR XKE Alltom•tlc, elr r:o11clltlo11lt19, wire wh•tl1, low lft!lttt•· IIAYl521 P401 lelly ,.,, ......... $4100 '69 ALFA ROMEO Q.T 1750 .,,. Ori9, J7,000 lftll••· I tpeed, racllo, h1et1r. IZIVJ221 ,421 WJ 11110 1• ..._h SJ2t0 ~ ....... ~~~~ t pa11, VI, e11tolft~tlc, recllo, heeter, power 1teerl1191 air coM. 13,000 milts. IYOY077) P410 &.tly 111111 ... ....SI 12100 '69 U MANS COUPE · VI, e11folftatlr:, pow1r 1t1arl119, eir conclltlonli.v, vinyl top. IXS E7461 P427 I.tty Su111ilt\i4 lllllNll $2161 ..,., • SUI us• ...... $3110 Autolft•flr:. power 1taeri119, cir coltdltfo11l119, racl1o, hee+.r. IXOAl621 414A ...,, ............... $1671 $1299 '69 VOL YD WAGON A11to111etlr:, air coitdltlonl1191 r•· cl lo, h•af.r, 11,000 lftll••• IYWl1431 P4ll ... ., ••11•te4 ....... 12111 '69 FIREBIRD YI, •r.itolftctla, racllo, he•+.r, pow1r , ... rl119, 1ir r:•Mlltf•n· 1119. Jt,000 lftllet. IXXJ62tl P422 &.lly ••• ,, .......... 11461 $1999 '69 PlWllAC 810 ' YI, avtomatlt, f'O'lltlr 1t..rf119, air co11cl ltf911fllf,' vlayf t.p1 l662FYYI tl60A ' ltlly •••• 110 ...... tlllO ...... 111 114 ..... tlln • --------·· '70 PONTIAC GTO . H.T. Cpe. VI, e11+.Matlc, ,ow- '' •'-li.t. fe•torv •Ir, \'f~ tap, lo Mlle•t•• l 242 J70ll46- t I 21 P421 .., lua,11tMI ...... IH11 $2399 I '68 FIAT 124$ e .. ,.. 6014. laclla. h ••• .,, 11191 .. • rack, 2J,000 11111.., 1021,,..) IJ24C ..., ............... "'" All Sole Prices Effective thru Mond1y, October 30th, 1972 DAVE ROSS 2480 Harbor Blvd. at Fair Drive COST A MESA Ph. 546 8017 1'12 MILE SOUTH OF THI SAN DllGO PRIEWAY OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 8:30 A.M. to 10:00 P.t.j. SUN. 11 A.M. to 9 P.M. ;-= -----·· -=-=-=-=-~---==-~-- [ l§l I Autos, New 980 Autos, New ·"Q~j 1 ~' ;;-;;"'; .. ;;;;.:]IQ~)llll;==W=IT=H=T=H=IS=A=D===w=IT=H::::::::TH=IS=AD===.i -·-AutNfror .. Autot, Usocl 990 Autot, Usocl 990 Autos. UNO 990 Autos, Used '90 Auto1, Used 990 1------FORD DODGE '70 Dodge Swinger '71 Ford LTD Wagon Cpe, V-8, vinyl r o o !, air 10 P~.s.~.~~ oood., P.S., aulO, radlu. :f CmW) ~£~ ... Superior car. $3399 $2499 a>NNEU. CHEVROLEI' CONMELL OiEVROLET 2828 Hartxr Blvd., 2828 Harbor Blvd.. Costa Mesa. 546-llll.1 eo.ta Mesa 546-Uo.1 '61 FORD van camptt out· FALCON titted. Gd. motor, gd. ttre., etc. Sacrifice $5511, prvt. pty., ~1552 FORD NEED GOOD TRANSPORTATION '61 Falcon 4 Dr. A trub' clean car. 4!5T· GIP. JAVl!LIN MERCURY OLDSMOBILE PONTIAC "' '70 J&velln. Still urx:ler major '70 Mercury '67 Toronado, all pwr, load-'70 LE MANS Sp!. c p e . i warran. u.dfd wtxtras ed, $7000 new, be11t oUer teaturea. 1 owner. Low PfS A.JC 83T-29'B · Monterey 2 Dr HT, V-8, Aul over $UXI. 6 7 5. 7 9 O O, price S2,095, Prlvat~ party, ~ ' · · Tram, power a I e e r I n 1 , 875--7177, 98Ull6. :J: JEEP Radio, Heater, white w&lla, '70 Didi Cutl.ul Supreme. '69 Pont eta wgn BonnevUJe t: w!(=·~vez ~ NI ~. Ur, Michelin Alr, all pwr. Xlfttcond. Orfi :I '68 Jffp ~ . ...... low -.... -·1-""""=,,r;..,. -=""'"==-0-.,,.--$466 4 wheel drive, automatic •n Me~ Col. Pk wq. 8 .69~V ~-•-W PS '65 Pont. PS, ndJo. See It • You'll Buy It tranamlsslon a!r condition· run A lo b:ks. 1lta ..... ,._, :::: • Gd. oond. ~ ownrr. l ar..:i in&. radio, Whitewall• .... wry ~ Wh1 pwrAir u am/f:m ~~~-Xlnt * ~. • 0 '1Ull• clean and 1ow mue~ lt@reO, ~:rm nii·L J"act. "'"""'· · ........_ '60 Grand Prtx, SJ model. c TOYOTA CXEX3lil 11895 dlr. malllto1nec1. 54&-:1399. PLYMOUTH •~ eon.s .. ™ ""'°· ITW>)I !!! S3M5!5. '7 0 MER C M r-xtru. JmO. 673-3331. ·~...,.yan~ ~":: JS66 Harbor c.M 64&9303 '1;'/~.!:""4 Cruiser -aule/MU'l\lder, 2 c1r.'v1ny1 '72 PhmlOUth 1966 Lo Mw, 1 "'""" xhlt ~ M6--C838 days uk ho I • ......,,.. ..,,.. mllealce'. Derf 6an:rtop ale. PIS, PIB, r cond., nl'W battery, radio .. Richard • '69 Mu1t•ng Coupe cond. ~. I 4-S • T ~ 8 2 Xlnt coiid nu ttrn 8Acrtf. Gr1 n Sport, 2 Or, Hardtop. thw, SfSO, ....... i . Air, P.S., auto. ndio, V4, 645-6280 at •24:96. ii.~4• a: Aulo Trani, hctlOry Alr 'fl5, 2 di' HT AultO PS, air FIREllRD 1965 ='"~ttrr~ Good mlla. .....,. oharp. Im 1EEP, V-1, 4 WHL • '6' J.krcouy wqon, Alr Oond, -•r Stffrioa, Pow· New tlroL ·Gd tOncl • .m; eyL, (YWT813). DRlVE P/S, 8 RA II D A-l mecto .12915 ' or ~~-_Alollnl St - 'U FIRDlllD OonY loeded. Best otter, T. $21ff ~'EWll . Radio, • .,,.1 Root. '=~-~-~-~ YOU CAN NOW IUY ~~ ANY NIW '71 CHIYIOo - UT IM,AU.. CAPllCI, CHlnUI. NOYA. •A 01 UfY ftUCI POI ONLY: OYER DEALERS IMllC( COST. (Wiii 1'MI M) Sale Price Applln Only To Cort In Stock And Dott Not Include Fectory 23 HoldNck. es ct pl Ion al , con d . '67 LTD, 2 <Jr, Ml pwr, air * 60-41.TS * 531-S191. HK! mDn, (302FYA) $3391 '14 Pont. Grantl Prbc. Cd. Ewrythl~~ht Thll car cone!, Landau. Good oond, OONNEU. CHEVROLET '611 J .. p W . 60,000 ml. MUSTANG dlr. 13MS311. body A Int. AulO;,,jQ.'" bod won't d"F""'te. 11T0 ~ mUll oell. f/!iO. MM43I ~ ':,.-::' :."firo 4WD. OH~. ' 11'11 PLYMOU"ll Cricket JI!!!!!!!: p!O, 8G' ' -· '811""" Eoono~ 'al • '10 GAl.JJCIE IOO'a. * MHl185. '68 M\18TANQ, "'alllt cond, &~ ~~"":/:; RAMIUI ~ ~~~I 535•1143 =. ~RD ~· ~SI. c M Re-OouJ)le b•rlna LINCOLN a..""""' Station, 21• 11. -neio. • 111 .,, ~"' 1 ___ .;..... ____ ~~"-"" Oiey<=if-:;"';-' ~· ,.,. -:-Camper 8otll excel «fl(!'. El Camino Rffl, San Qem. * 'a Jta.mbk!r. Waaon, *· Vern CHEVROLET V.... Ull5 !'oi:d Falrlane, powr '70 Fun! van II T. AulO, V}, Undtt '$2.000 OL O a Ii 'IS Oll!t. AM/JM, elr, ente. 48Um , PONTIAC -• -"· 1215. Trider Trider , .tftrin&, powr bc'k1, Jood windows, ba.c:ic 11at. oa ~19. ltlthu trltfrts. S\lfD'OOf. 'G Oonvattblt. Muat wll . * 53lo41.91 * ;t CDPd. U85., f:93.01'4 cond. 4lW22t, -...«>&. T-Blrd '81 Ltke new. *'-Muell restor.Uoa don t. l650 or m&kt offtr.'55>-'1113 NUn .U •• l">ntt-.c nr. 'M 1\ambltr Sta w.,. Xiii1t t: .a. il6RD 'II VAN1 Body • 19118 FORD ... wqon. -............ U,000 ml. Wbt M .. t IOll. l9llO. _, alt • pm or -btnl, • ood. oon-'lble. COOi!. PIO firm. :s tll Ne. ......... II ........ el-I -·a eM:lne In aood oondltlon. ...... bat"'7, Ill., ZIT Do w/blu O>P-1UOO or bast GI· e!-Z171. '8T ~bck, llO 4 Belt oiler, lUtt 531-lCI 1 Ooll -• 16!SO· !ll!T-n1i. Lo Gnllla, Sin Clemmtte. lw WPJllG. rar 11111 •-""""Pl. "" ll>d, ,.. I0,000 iot. KOUlllC ""-Watdl die ror tllat 11em -liO "" WITH THIS AD W1Tif 'IMll /ID " Sell tdl• ttems • . . ~ Need 1 "Pad"T Place an IMS! "'4111. dw Pfr9' Plnch9r. 8nt cdllr. OPEN llOtJS't'" a>lumn. .i!!ihl~!!!St:l'l~!!!lllC:!!NI!•:.....:.' ~l!==============:::;i . , • • . • • • • • . ' ' . . . . . • . . . . . • • . • • . • . • • • . • • . . . • . . . . l . . . . • . . . . . • . • • • • . . 11tt!tl0t.i4n ''""-11111 --........... ~ , ... ..,.. ........... .... "'d'' I•• l• ,..,. Otlt<••4 ,,.,, ''"" $21!' '""!. , ••• •~-. AIMIAl "flCIHl'MI •Alf 11.JJ._, ~:!0 '73 DODGE -. . . CHALLENG R 2 DOOi HAIDTO ,full Factory Equ ipped Order Yours Now ·'72CHEVY- MALIBU 2 DR. H.T • V•l,auto. tra111., power 1t11tln9, factory 1lr, radio, htator, (t22EIL) I I '71 V'AN DODGE SPORTSMAN • '69 PLYM WAGON Fully equipped including luggage rack-and radio . • •, '6~ .CORTINA ~ '" ' ·ijli~ON . I , .1 W SpMoh raH., 'nMlio oater. lXBR819) • WE APPRECIATE YOUR llJSINESS . ' jl .. (689EOS) $ '70 -.:DODGE . ·POlARA v.a, auto. trans., air co11d.,. power steering, pow· tr brakes. (DL41GOD1016) . f, '71 ·EOLT 1~DDOR-HARDTOP Automatic tran1mi114ion, radio and hatt r. (1S1DLF) . 2·DOO• . ~-·· _ . DODGE . Nico.' 3 1poed·tnnu .. ra.dia. ho.iior. j0936~Kl 1 $988 I WEEK Ric/Mn/ TIHi•n of 'THE WALTO/IS' •• • mit to Lio• C••try S.,.ti •I UgllN Hi/1$, C•lifonlia. -·--· COSTA MESA SADDLEBACK LAGUNA BEACH HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH FOUNTAIN VALLEY IRVINE SAN CLEMENTE WEEK Of. OCTOBER 29 • NOVEMBER 4 1 \ 1 ALL MODELS NOW ON DISPLAY! All REMAINING 1972 GARS AT LOW CLEARANCE PRICES ! JUST 2 MILES SOUTH OF THE SAN DllC'K> FIWY. ON llACH &YD .. 18255 BEACH BOUCEVA · HUNTINGTON BEACH . 842-6611 t !!.L,·l~P:~M. TMi ... s::~~: .~:I,•· 592· 11 -.,. MON. 7:JI •·•· f9 1:11 p.a. TV !PORT! H/tJH//(J/IT! SUNDAY, OCTOBER 29 lO:OOAM B Pro Football 72 Ooubleheeder -New England Patr1ots vs. N ew York Jets and Miami Dolphins vs. Baltimore Colts. 12:301 Pro FoottMll Pre-Game Show 1:00 Pro FoottMll Los Angeles at Oakland. Pro Football Miami Dolphins vs. Baltimore Colts at Baltimore. 3:4.!5 Pro Football Post-Game Show 4:00 UCLA FoottMll Tape delay of Bruins vs. Washington State u~rs game played earlier. I CoUese Football '72 5:00 • · Notre Dame FoottMll Texas Christian University vs. the t:.!Bhtlng Irish. 5:30 D The John McKay Show Highlights and analysis of Oct. 28 · eme between USC and Oregon, played in Eugene. 8:00 U Roller Games MONDAY, OCTOBER 30 6:00PM fJ (1) Cl) (!!) Monday Night Pro Football Detroit Lions vs. Dallas ~oWboys at Dallas. 9:00 0 Forum Boxing 11:15 ti) Roller Gamn Oetn>lt Lion quarterba<* Gree Landry (No. 11) hands off to power runner Steve Owens (No. 36). Landry was not only the ~ rated paner In the National Conference last year (behind RoSer StautMch) but he was one of the leawe'• top rush•rt. avera1lnc 7 .o yarcts per carry for 530 yards. Owens was th• second bat runner In the NFC (behind John Brockinaton), plnlna more than 1,000 yards on 246 carries. TIMI Uons will talt• on th• Della• Cowboys at Texts Stadium on ABC's Monday Night Pro Footbell at 6PM. . TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31 9:30PM &1 Pepper Rodaen Show Film highlights of Oct. 28 UCLA vs. WaShington State game. 11:00 Q) Gramblln1 Coll91e FoottMll Texas Southern at the Houston Astrodome. • WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1 9:30PM O Tommy Prothro Show Coach Prothro selects the Ram of the Week and discusses the Oct. 29 game wit h the Raiders. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2 8:00PM d) Boxln& From the otymplc Pedro Lovell and Terry Hinke In a 10.round heavyweight contest. 9;30 &1 Rems Action Host Tom Kelly shows highlights from the Rams/Ra iders game played Oct. 29. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3 7:00PM (El Roller Det1>y sATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4 12:30PM Cf) Cl) 0> Collep Footblll 1:00 lfoller ~me9 L.A. T·Birds vs. New York Bombers. Coltec• Football Teams to be announced. 1 :30 Champk>Mhlp Bowtlng 3:00 RarM Action Futbot·Soccer 4:30 • NFL Game of the Week 5:00 (1) Ci) m ABC's Wide World of Sports 1"Jt-W~ In Pro Football 6:00 Grambltnc CoHece Football 6:30 Sports Wtth Ber1ka Soorts Chall•"I• 8:00 Championship Wrestlln1 10:00 Box de Mexk:o 10:3() SPot'tl Challenc• 11:00 liSC FoottMll Tape delay of USC/Washington State Coupre game played earlier. THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. OCTOBER 29, 1972 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Jt Sa t:M ttllllts comt ltl tkctlouicfll Walch as t:M votes come In. 41 • 8)· vlllara towns.~-cities and stata The tensions. The excitenenL ii Jt With Cable TV you11 have a rint udueat with t:M cie.rest view. 41 If-That'• betau. our utra diaMels brinr )"OU t:M widest !)C*ible election cov~ -tr If-Sharp. C\t9r. And without annoyin( intttf~ • • They UC> brinr you t:M widest c~ of oews, eporU and apedals. 41 ,. More movlft. and epectac'lllan than )'OU can stay up to tee. -ti If-Sothlaynrdon'tmiuoutonwhat 'f j ,. happenuftft' )'OU vote.· · ~ Jt CallyourCableTV it If-lftltalltftoday.Youwont 41 If-beeony you votfd for Jt CableTV. • • • :~~ If-Stt all II.,,. ie lo IWf' : Newport : Beach : 642-3260 • • • • .. • • .. • ·• • • • • • .. • • • • • • • FAA • Jt You OIY only I lllClnCM _._on~ °""' ... 1111~ .,.et-,. • * * ••••• * ••.• ** ....................... * * * *. 'IUllDAY LADIES DAY WAIN& Jn .wax W•. eAI DAY FREE .:i':. ... 1 ..... fll .. * * * ~16 with this Beautiful DIAMOND LOVE RING PNLY '2500 • in 14K t wh11• o r yellow gold '1THE STORES CONFIDENCE BUILT" ..... I n.n.. Fn. tll t E1t1bllahecl 43 Yeanl HUNTIN•TON CINTH ........... , "•........ .... ltJ·H01 HAllOI SHOPPtN• CINTll Jlot HerMr lhcl • c ......... 14S.t411 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, OCTOBER 29. 1972 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2t 6:00 3 (C) "The Thrill ol It All" (com) '63-Doris D•y1 J•m• G•r.ntr 5 (C) "Monatw ZffO'' (SCl·fi) '66--Nlck Adams. Aldra T•karada 7;30 9 (C) "Welk Don't R\ln" (com) '6<-Cary Gr•nt. Sllm•ntha E&aar 8.-00 11 "On the W•twfront" (dra) '54-M•r1on B,.ndo, Eva Mane Saint 9:00 7 3 6 (C) ~tevw H•ppened to Aunt Allce7" (aua) '72--Gerald•ne Pal•· 11:00 9 "T'he Bank Dkk" (com) '40-W.C. Flalds, Un• Merkel 11 "The Third Man" (mys) '5().-Joseph Cotten. Orson Welles 11:30 6 "History la Mack at Hlgtit" (dra) '37-J"n Artt\ur. Charles Boyer 7 "Hush. Hush Sweet Char1ott•" (hor) '65 -Bette 01v11. Ohv 1 de Havllland. 13 (C) "l>Mttnatlon M0«i" (sci·fi) '5().-John Archer. ·W•mer Anderson MOHOAY,OCTOBER30 7:00 5 (C) "Flv. Mllllon Y"ra to Earth" (scl·fi) '68--Barbara Shelley An· dr-Keir. 7:30 9 "About Mrs. L.ealle'' (dra) 'M--Shlrtey Booth. Robert Ryan. 9:00 4 ict "Chane-of Habit" (dra) '69--Elvfs Presley, Mary Tyler Moore 10 C ''Klaaln' Cousins" (mus) '64-Elvis Presley, Pem Austin. U :OO 9 C "Viv• Las Veca•" (mus) '64-Elvis Presley, Ann·M•'lret. 13 "The C,..pinc Untnown" (sci·f l) '56-Brlan Ootllwy, M1rgl11 Dean 11:30 2 I (C) "Penelope" (com) '66--Natalle Wood, Olck Shawn. 6 "In Old Chlcap" (dra) '3S--Tyrone Power, Allee Faye 7 "llMt the Oeollll" (adv) '54-Humphrey Bogart. Jennlfer JooH. TUESDAY, OCTOllER 31 6:30 7 (C) '-S-We>m«1" (dra) '66 -Anne Bancroft, Sue Lyon 7:30 5 (C) "Flw Mllllon y .. ,.. to Earth" (scl·fl) '68-Andr-t<elr. 9 (C) ''The Prize" (dra) '63-Paul Newman. Edward G. Robinson. Elke Sommer. 8:30 9:30 11:00 11:30 7 3 6 (C) ''The Bounty Man" (wes) '72-Cllnt Walker, Richard Buehart 2 I (C) '"Tl'te OOnwlch Horror" (sus) '70-Sand,. Dee, Dean Stockwell 9 (C) u24 Houn to Kiii" (dr1) '6>-Mlckey Rooney, Lex Barker. 2 I "The Mummy" (hor) '59--Christopher Lee. Peter Cushlna. W£0NESDAY, NOVEMBER 1 6:30 7 (C) "Th• 0..dty B"s" (dra) '67-Suzanna Lelah, Guy Doleman 7:30 5 (C) .. Flv• MUllon YNra to Eartti" (scl·fll '68-Andrew l<elr, Barbani Shelley. 9 (C) "Th ... Thousand Hiiis" (wes) '59'--Don Murray, Richard Egan 1:30 1 3 6 \C> '"Tl'tat C.Uln lkimme~• (dra) '72-Hal Holbrook. Hope Lana• 11:00 I (C) 'The O..dly Analr" (dra) '67-James Mnoo Simone S11noret 13 "The Purple Gane'' (mys) '60-aany Sullivan. Robert Blake. 11:30 2 I (C) "The lmpMsJble Y"ra" (com) '68--0avld Niven. Lola Albriahl ntURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2 &30 7 ''The Man With the Goklen Arm" Part I Cdra) '56-Frank Sinatra Kim Novak. 7:30 5 (C) "Five Mllllon Years to Earth" (scl·fi) '6&-Mdrew Keir, Barbara Shelley. 9 '"GeorilrY Girt" (com) '66-James Mason, Lynn RedCHYe. 9 :00 2 I (C) ''The Dirty Dozen" Part I (d,.) '67-Lee Marvin, Ernest Boranine 11:00 9 "A Nice Uttte llank T'hllt Should Be Robbed" (com) '58-Tom Ewell Mickey Rooney. 13 .. Screemlnc East•" (dra) '56-Tom Tryon, Jan Merlin. 11:30 2 I ''The Uqufdator" (sus) '66-Rod Tayfor, Trevor Howard. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3 6:30 7 "The M•n With the Golden Arm" Concl. (dra) '56-Frank Sinatra. Kim Novak. 7:30 5 (C) "Flv• Mlllton YNrs to Eartti" (sc1·fl) '68-Andr-Keir. Barbara Shelley. 0 (C) "The Gran Is Greene!'" (com) '61-Cary Grant , JHn Slmmon5. 9:00 2 I (C) "The Dirty Doren" Concl (dra) '67-Lee Marvin, Ernest 8or11· "'"• 11:00 13 (C) ''Whft9 Snap" (dra) '43-Maria Montez. Jon Hall. 11:30 2 (C) "The Valley of Gwantrl'' (sci·fi)-James Fr11nclacus. 5 (C) "f"tcture MomlTly DMiJ'' (mys) '66-0on Ameche. 2H Z.sa Gabor SATURDAY, HOVEM8£R 4 7:30 9 "Hottman" (sus) '71-Peter Sellers SlnHd Cueack. 1.-00 11 (C) "Dlvon:•, American Style" (com) '67-0lck Van Dyke. Oebb•~ Reynolds. 9:00 4 10 (C) "The Way West" <wes) '67-Kirk Ooualas Robert Mitchum Richard Widmark. · 5 "One Mllllon LC.'' (sci·fl) '•O.-Lon Chaney, Victor Mature 11:00 11 (C) "Three Goc#•thera" (wes) '49-John W•yne. Ward Bond. 11:15 S (C) "Say On. Few Me'' (mus) '59'--Bina Crosby, Debbie Reynolds. 11:20 2 (C') "A •edttme Sto..Y' (com) '64-Mar1on Brando, Shlr1ey Jones 11:30 6 .. O.kob LI" (wes) '50--Geofge Montcomery, Marie Windsor 7 (C> "P.J." Cius) '68--Geor1te Peopard. Raymond Burr I :rn. Servant'' (dra) '63-0irk Boearde, Sarah Mii•. 9 '91ood -Sat.n's Claw" (hor>-Patrick Wymark. Linda Hayden 13 "My Man Godfrey" (com) '57-Davld Niven, June Allyson. I I I 1· I 6:4 . 7: 7: a. I: I : I: 9: 9 10 1 MORNING 11:001J Cl) Wbert the Heart 11 CJ ®l m Jeopardy 00 Galloplnf Gourmet 1:00 IJ Cl) S...rilt ,._ .. , Q) Crafts With Katy Mon.; BUI 6:15 CJ Knowtedae "Working For You" Cosby Tues.·Thurs.; lee Beyer Fri. 6:30 tJ Sut Y11n1 Yln1 YM Mon., Wed., EJ1) Tht Electric Company Fri.; OcfysstJ "Prescription for Liv· G) Yoces dtl Deslerto In&'' Tues., Thurs. 11:15 m Ben Hunter Interviews (j) EducatlCMtal ft1tures 11 :30 tJ (J) Seardt for Tomorrow D SUMyln1 tltt Untwne Mon., CJ (lg) m Who, What, Whert C1m1 Wed., Fri.; Pa,.nt Youth Forum 0 Beat the Cloclr Tues.; Y...U. and tllt ISSlllS Thurs. D (])Cl) m Bewitched (lg TIM w.td TolltOf'l'OW m let's Rap m f.duutlonal F11turu Q) News (jj) CAE Colllat Crtdlt Course (jj) Sesa1we Street 6:45 El> Com•oditJ Report m features 7:00 tJ (I) News CJ a:Ql m Todar Show 11 The Gallery AFTERNOON O History of Art Mon., Wed., Fri.; 12:00 IJ Noonti .. The Great Consumer Contest Tues., 0 ~ mlllret on a M1tdl Thurs. O Movlr. See Daytime Movies. D Cl) Banana Splfts 0 (])ct) m Pl~ m Buas and His Buddies Cl) ~ m News Q) Bozo's Iii Top Sltof Q) G1llopin1 Gourmet El) Martel Openlna EJ1) featum EJ1) ~Sesame Strfft Qj Tennessee Tu1edo 7;30 e TIM World TOlltOrTOW 12:15 D Dr. Jorce Brothers/Tempo ct) Bozo'a Bl& Top Show 12:25 m Tennessee Tuxedo 0 News 12:30 tJ Cl) As the World Tuma m Cartoons CJ @) m DaJI of Our Uvts m Hobo Ken, D (]) CiJ m Split Second fl) JI• AdaMS Sbow/M1rttt Update O Youth and the Issues Wed 1:00 IJ Captain "'"""° m Dialln1 for Dollan 1J Jofln Wayne Theltrt (jj) Educational featu"'- . (I) Cttftl ll"lll/a.lldrtfl'I Teacher EJ1) Featurts Mon., Fri. fJ Ralph Story'1 A.M. a New loo Review Cl) Sunup Mel Knoepp 1:00 tJ Cl) The Guldhtl Upt m Dennis the Menace CJ @) m The Dodon EJ1) Q1) features (6) It's Your let 1:30 00 JaQ la Lann• D (]) m All MJ Qlkfren D Cour1pous Cat D News m Yolf and friends m Movie: See Daytime Movies. Q) Gumby EJ1) Features EJ1) features 9 FYI 1:50 CI) News 1:20 Q) fashions in Sewln& 1:55 D Sports Club 1 :30 IJ (1) Edg'I r r Nipt 9:00 tJ Cl) The Joker's Wlld CJ @) m Anotfltr Wor1d CJ (1j m Dinah's Place 11 Movie: See Daytime Movies D '-" Auby 0 rn (j) m let's Make a De•I (]) Pblt Donehue Show D Movie: See Daytime Movies. 0 Jaclr la Linne Ii) Joanne Carson sttow m Movie: See Daytime Movies. EE Commodity Report m Uncle W11do QJ Movie m (]) Sesa1111 Street 2:00 II Cl) love Is I Manr Splendored 9:30 tJ ([) Tiit New Prtc. la Ript Thln1 CJ (1j @E Concentration CJ @) m Rttum to Perton Place 0 Broken Arrow 0 CI) @ G) The Newlywed Game 0 Movie: See Deytlme Movies. Q) Not For Women Only 0 News EE features Except Wed. m -mper ROOM 2:30 tJ Seeret Storm EE Jim Newman Show CJ @) m Sem•net 10:00 IJ Cl) Gambit D 00 00 m The D1tlnc G1me (I) Movie: See D1Y1ime Movie5. Q) Every Woman Wents to Know 0 ®) m Sale of the Century EJ1) F11turts IJ Mov61: Set Daytime Movies. 2:55 Pnlltlcal An nouncement Thurs. @ Stump the Stars 3:00 tJ flmlly Affafr D Tempo O Tiie Me Too Show G) ~ Kids Sendra Esc1mllla IJ Hlpway Patrol fii) featum 0 (I) 00 m Central Hoso'tal 10:30 1J (() Lo" of Ufe CI> (JO) Movie; See Daytime Movies 0 (10l m Holl~ood Squares 0 The Lone Ranaer (j) Joanne C.rson Show m New Zoo Rtvitw G) fll) Fe.turts I!) Rody ind Friends THE; DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. OCTOBER 29, 1972 (jj) Maul• .nd the Beautiful Ma· thine Thurs.; Masterp*-Thutre Fri. g) LI Comunlded al Dia m fuhions in Sewinc J:1om Movie 3:30 tJ Ira Your Bet IJ Cil Mika Doustaa Show 1J Oz:zle and Harriet D CI) mo. Ufe to uve D Banan1 Splits m Quick Dfl• Mdirn m Nannl and Hit Pnlfluor •QJ) Succeu Practices ind Schools Wltflout failure Tues .• Thurs. EJ1) History of A.rt Mon., Wed; Class Mtttin11 Tues.; Teacher In Service Thurs. g) Cine en la Tarde a Addams family 3:45 EE Una Avtntura Espanola 4:00 tJ Movie: See Daytime Movies. 0 The Rlfteman 0 00 tll l.ovt American Style m 8u1s and His Buddies 6J Gentle Ben Ei)Nlno m (jj) Sesame Street 9 My favortte M1rtlan m Felli the cat 4:30 (])University Dlato1ue Mon.; Movlt; SH Daytime Movlu Tun .. fri. 11 Fathtf Knows Best O News Ben ti, Schubeck I Sflc!lL I follow the North Star Wed. only. 0 f Tn>e>p m Yoat and ~rlends 6J ~ Gilli&1n's blend m 0ot um m Klmba 5:00 @ News Mon. only. CJ 1J (j) (Jg) News (I) Dra1net 0 Get Smert m The Flintstones 6J Petticoat Junction EE la Fabrica EJ1) (ii) Mister Ro1ers' Nelahbortlood m Trails West 9 Dick Ven Dyke m Three Stooges 5:15 ml Panoram1 Mundl1I 5:30 @ News Mon. only, IJ Maybeny RFD 00 m Dtnnl1 tht Mtuce OtllNews . D Btver1y Hlllbllllts (j9J Ass11nment Carl Sisskind hosts. Fri. only. m Courtship of Eddie'• father m (ii) The EJedrlc Co11pany g) Lis Gemelas m Don Wilson's Town Tel~ a That Gir1 m features m Speed Ricer GecallU. ..... otniPt•lllt~TV """'" U-doat Wh!Mlut shoota 0< ... .., 11_ lalorl-.f-~UOll II Oftl)o '*'of u. pkt.,.. .... "°" ... .., ~TV Yoo11aloopt a ~ ,.~ ot um <Ila,,... lllat .... ,.... prolmlonai. ................ and ..... Utdt t._. ,._ So lrldi olf a call lo 1"f Cablt TV IMlalln .... , and~ u....--looc.ball-,.... .... --~~ s.r "'' '"'" ,. ,. -Nevvport Beach 642-3260 ,., SPOOKY FUN ON KABC'S HALLOWEEN SPECIAL "From ghoulies and ghosties and long-leggety beasties and things that go bump in the night, Good Lord. deliver us! .. This Scottish prayer, steeped in antiquity, serves to typify the spirit of Halloween, but no Southern California viewer will want to be delivered from the fun of the KABC-;lV Halloween special, "Jack O' Lantern," airing Sunday night (Oct. 29) from 7-7:30 on Channel 7. The delicious spookiness of hobgoblin time is captured in this ani- mated fantasy of the leprechaun Jack O'Lantern and bis runnin11 The spooky spirit of Hallowun is captured in the animated fantasy of a /epruliaun pumpkin. battle with Zelda, the infamous witch, and her henpecked warlock husband, Archibald. The story is recounted to young Michael and his sister, Colleen, by their grandfather, who, with his sister, was involved as a boy in the scenes which unfold as he recalls them. The present-day youngsters watch as our indomitable and unflap- pable orange-beaded. triangle-eyed friend checkmates Zelda at every tum llhlil be is forced to relinquish his magic pot of gold when the original Michael and Colleen (the youngsters' counterparts of two generations earlier) arc captured by Archibald. But the day is saved when theil: grandfather's goat, Billy, butts the warlock, Archibald into one of the barn stalls, enabling Jack to recover his pot of gold and cancel out nasty old Zelda's evil spirits. "Jack O' Lantern" is the second in a series of monthly first-run animated specials to be seen this season on Channel 7. "Cinderella" led off the series by the producers of "Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer" and "Frosty The Snowman." The programs will be all-time family classics including folk.lore, fantasy and fiction favorites rang- ing from enduring folk legends such as those airing oo the first two specials to a treasure chest of adventure favorites such as "20,000 Leagues Under The Sea" and "Around The World Io 80 Days." Comic overtones will be added to the specials by a gallery of animated characters including a fairy godmother (seen in "Cinder- ella") with a penchant for misplacing ber magic wand and forgetting the words ol her spells, a bored and cynical town crier and a fumbling Prince's aide in "Sleeping Beauty," the Mad Hatter and the March Hare in "Alice In Wonderland.'' and the Jester in "Snow White." All are caiicatu~ of familiar sbowbusiness types. The series of family classics will be seen approximately every founh Sunday on Channel 7. And youngsters of all ages beware! "Jack O' Lantern" will be spooking your way this Sunday. Happy shivers! ...... 6 SUNDAY THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. OCTOBER 29. 1972 (iJ Movie: (C) '111underbints" (dra) '42-Gene Tierney, Preston Foster. fl) Frtnte 1 la YJd1 OCTOBER 29 MORNING 6:15 m The Ctlristop!Mrs 6:30 m Tht Bible Answers 6:45 (J)'Ctlrtstophtr etose-Up 7:00 IJ Ardllt's TV fuanlts O Stru•s of filth (j) Dlrtetions (j) Rt1 Hu111bard e Hoar of Dtllwl'lnct @)Tht Jebons m Unit Oft• m Public Affain /Sodal Sacurity 7:30 f) Har1am Globttrot:ttn D Titt QnstoplMn O M~Oft Taber111dt atolr 00 C41r1o5"y Shop (iJ Dr. lilly J. Hlflb @) Pink Panther m EltlDtntary News m Samd Hurt/Tht CMstophen 1:00 f) Cl) lAmp Unto MJ fttt D This Is the life O Ru Humbard 0 It Is Written fJ Herald of Truth @) Old Tiu Qospel Hour m Woncler111a m Revival Flrts 9 Cbaplain of Bourbon St. 1:30 IJ Look Up 1nd Uvt 0 Challenge Mr Sermon 00 Rul Estate Open House O C.111pus Profile (]) Y OUf Oodof Answers (iJ DIJ of Discovery m KATHRYN KUHLMAN * (IN COLOR) m Kathryn Kuhlman a Graiwblinc Collt&t football 9:00 IJ t.mera Three 0 g:, Meet the Preu D Day of Discovery 0 Kincdom of C.realot (iJ Oral Roberti (10) It Is Writttn IE Brother Al fI) Musiel J P1labr11 9:15 (]) filiw Feature "Our Active Earth" 9:SO 1J Todq's Rtnlion (]) Symphony In StteJ D AIMzin1 P'ro9htdts Ci) Mowtt: '11le a.antic Act,. (rom) ·so -Hugh Wllllams, Mal Zettertlna. 0 Anfie's Garaie (j) Let Thert .. Light (iJ Kattlryn Kuhlr111n ®) Mttt tllt P'ress m Old Timt C.0Sc>el H04ir m Esta Es 11 v-• Qt "Fl '""' of die Wttl 9:45 CV Acdon de II Comunldad 0:00 f) Hurt AtDet -Rllctpltioft wl Respon• A public sefVlct fllm. D Pro football 72 Doubleheader New [naland Patriots at New York Jets and Miami Dolphins at Bal1i· more Colts. 0 Hour of Power fJ Curiosity Sftop CJ) TV I Loob at Leaming g:, Pro Footblh ~TIM West.mm lO:JO 1J Fie. tM Ndoft (I) MoYll: (C) "lridps 1t T•o·Ri'' (dr1) '54 -Wllli1m Holden, Grace Kelly. ®) Sin Dle10 Happenlna m falttt for Today 0) Vocu dtl S.•ln11io 9 Movie: "Hall tht Conquerine Hero" 11:00 IJ NtWllltlktB 0 Wonlllp of tht Wtst Cl) Flta FMtun O CD m 1u1tw1nktt t1j Mowlt: '1lelliod tllt Hip Wall" (dra) '56-Tom Tully, Sylvia Sydney. m Movie: "lript EJts" (com) '34 -Shirley Temple, James Dunn m Churdl In tllt Home fI) Pant.Ila Oo1nlnlcal 11:30 e Coftlmitnt .. t 0 Old Tl•t Cu,el Hour Ci) Seem Actnt 0 alMake1 Wish (iJ Mnfe: "Slbrl Jet" (adv) '53- Robert Stack, Coleen Grey AFTERNOON 12:00 IJ Dr. ,,.... Kassorla CV Consultatioll osur Ti• m lnttJll11nt P'1re11t al This Wttl 11 Pre Football 12:30 1J ())Pre FoetbaR Prt-'amt Show CD Unlvenlty Dillelut OCood News Cl) Domr In UM Hoaa (19) Hilll s,eed LMn1 m Jot DtSllv1'1 Open forum 9 The Blf V1lley a>stt ~"' 1:00 IJ ()) Pro football Los Anaeles at Oakland. 0 The CM•plon Cil Mftie: ''Sn Catdler" (mys) '64 -Frederick O'Brldy, Collette Duval. 0 CD Issues 111d Answtrl G Movie: .. A Kini Day's Nl&ht'' (mus) '63-The Beatles. (Jg P'ro Foetblll Miami Dolphins at Baltimore Colts. 18 Dalrtlrl m,.... @I) Tribana Pubtka m "'"'°"" 42 1:30 II) Yoke ef Ca1nrJ QI Mowtt: (C) "T~ of th• Cat" al Roller C11nts 2:00 Cl) C.llforRll fJtdien ProposltioflS O Mowit: (C) .. A llotl Is in tlle StNtts,. (dra) '53-Jlmes Cagney. 0 Movie: ''Ril C11ndt" (wes) '50 -John Wayne, Maureen O'Hara m o.tar U•lts m .,., .. Dlawery 0) Futiwal flllllco 2:30 (}) AaMiably Candldltlt Cl) W•IN Trtln G) Toitl M11ont Incl Annie 3:00 (])Youth I• ~ 70s B Mowtt: (C) "tlood Allty'' (adv) 'SS-John Wayne, Lauren Bacall m ctiltltr 3 972 ra) r. I Ri" I ace ne all" ney '34 3- Show es al ) '64 Duval. i&frt'' ins al • (adv) call llJ TM YlraCnlan mated version of tht chlldrtn's clu- J:JO CJ) ca.,.. PnfHt sic. a... ..... CJ) s,....,. &> It la Wrttttn Cl) C.•blt 3:"4511 Prt FNtball Jttst-Ca .. SlltW D CeltbftlJ lowtln1 4:00. I tplc!AC I N!Pt of October • (I) AltN Ind .... 1()111 A specl1I Introduction by Mayo fJ GD Notre 0.11t Football Tws Rich.rd J. Daley hl1hlllht1 the his-ChrtstJan Univenlty vs. F1ahtin1 tory of Chlcaao, tht dty that had Irish. to pick itself up from tht ash a ..... after th• October 8, 1871 flrt which m Dlnlel loon• bumtd for two days and dtvastated (1j) YM lllCI Alc:.llol the downtown area of that city's fl) bmer ltd An11stron1 North Side. fll) ltpcy D Suna, m Fanfarria Falcon 11 UClA Fottblll T• delay of m Mantovanl Bruins vs. Wuhlnaton Stitt. ES IOllbl {I) Tiit Roolles 5:30 Cl) Draptt D CJ) Celltp FoetMll 72 D TM ..... McK11 Sllow Cl) TtWlfd the Yw 2000 D Erwwlbltsi ,.._ t1i Natltn.i '""""ic Cl) NIWS (1j) I~ PlrfnlltK't (1j Morie: (C) .. .,. Condlos" (wes) fll) CensultltlM '64-Richard Boone, Stuart Whit· II) TMOS cit ElpaM man. m his la the Ufe (1j) folt 51itlr GI!) Panon111 lltlno 111 Doml1110 fl) Kortan Variety Hour m Rn Hllllllerd m WISlllll&tott Week ilt Rtvltw Ef) C.•pus Prtftle 0) O.Rt·MI 4:30 8 Tltl Wtftd of S111•11 m C:O.sultltien Cl) Fee. UN Natioft QI Usslt m Movlt: MCullatrt" (mys) '44-'1) Speed R'aar Chartes Boyer, ln&rid Beraman. 5:55 CJ) Pllltkal All11CH1nce•nt llJ latMan fB Yo1 Md Alallol fll) Wtftd Press m £.dct ot a.mttJ a Prince Stnet Special meor... "°" 5:00. I IHclA I Trwurt , ...... Anl· I \ I ~J I ~ (, 6:00 8 Cl) SbtJ Mlnuta Cl) MM: (C) "'TIM Tltrlll of It All" (com) '63-Dorls Day. {Continued) THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, OCTOBER 29, 1972 TV Special for Halloween ~®'~ All-new! All-animated! Sunday, Oct. 29 7pm ell BREAK THE PAINT .HABIT! CALL NOW FOR Free Estimates No Obligation BEFORE YOU PAINT •• CAll US ABOUT ••• FINANCING AVAILABLE! PACIFICOTE The Amazing New Outside TEXTURED COATING Enioy 1 S-Y rs. •Guaranteed Outside Protedionl • DISTIMCTIVI NIW llAUTY ••• CHCMCI MOOftN COlOIS • DKlfASIS MAINTDWtCI COSTS • WIAn&noofS IN YOUR AREA, CALL THIS NUMBER • INSUtATlS AGAINST HEAT & COlD • IHCllASIS IUILDtNGS V AWi •MAflltALS GUAIANTtlD 1 S-YRS. AGAINST CHl,,'ING, HIUNG CAll 836-1878 NOW! DlllCT Oil COUICT OFFICES: 407 No. La Clene ,.,. 7 AMERICAN MOTORS Ward S. Lee Inc. 123 .. S. Main St., Santa Ana 547-5826 Harbor American 1969 ~arbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 646-0261 Roy Carver Inc. 23_. E. I 7th St. Costa Mesa 546-~44 Crevier Motors 208 W . I st St., Santa Ana 835-3171 BUICK Bauer Buick -2925 Harbor Costa Mesa 979-2500 CADILLAC Nabers Cadillac 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 5 .. 0-9100 CHEVROLET Connell Chevrolet 2828 Harbor Blvd., Ct'sta Mesa 546-1200 CHRYSLER • PLYMOUTH Huntington Be~ch Chrysler-Plymouth 16661 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach S_.0-5164 DATSUN Costa Mesa Datsun 2845 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 5..0-MIO Dot Datsun 18835 Beach Blvd . Huntin9ton Beach 8-42-7781 DODGE Courtesy Dodge 2888 Harbor Blvd , Costa Mesa 557-9220 FORD Dunton Ford 2240 So. Main St., Santa Ana 546-7070 Theodore Robins Ford 2060 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mes• 6-42-0010 Wilson Ford 18255 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach 842-661 I University Oldsmobile 2850 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 540-9MO JAGUAR .J Bauer Buick -2925 Harbor Costa Mesa 979-2500 LINCOLN -MERCURY Santa Ana Lincoln-Mercury '30 I No. Tustin, Santa Ana 547-9183 Connell Chevrolet 2828 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 546-1200 MERCEDES-BENZ Jim Slemons Imports Warner & Main St .. Sent• Ana 546-411• THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, OCTOBER 29, 1972 OPEL Bauer Buick -2925 Harbor Costa Mesa 979-2500 PONTIA C D•v• Ross Pontiac 2480 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesti 5'46-8017 +45 E. Coast Hwv. . ChlCk Iverson '~::r• Newport Beach 67j TOYOTA Dean Lewis Imports 1966 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 6-46-9303 VOLKSWAGEN Herbour Volswa«Jeft I 871 I 8"oh Blvd. Huntington Beach 842-4435 ~ lvenott Voiswaten 445 E.Co.st Hwy. N l673-0900 VOLVO ..... ' rM•:.r • -.--, .'~•1··.~.·~· . .• ~~ ......... ~--4_1•~---JI ~­.'i~ ~ .. .llJ;~\· . ' ~· '· "HEC AAMSE!I:' BIC: AND TOUCH. AND SMART. Tonight, he'd better be Because on innocent v1ct1m will be killed for every day Hec's prisoner spends 1n 1otl Watch Richard Boone tackle tlli.s one Steve Forrest and Stello Stevens ore quests. TONIGHT 8:IO NIC~ ,.,. 10 ...... THE DAILY PILOT. TV WEEK, OCTOBER 29. 1972 SUNDAY (Continued) D Primus "Bearer of Li&h~" Carter Primus must recover canisters of deadly phosphorus, which, if they surface, could destroy an entire harbor. 0 M•vt: (C) (2hr) ..,.onsttr Zero" (sci·fi) '66-Hick Adams. (1) Rollift' D I Am Solllebocly O The Explorers * bring law & order to remote Eskimo village fJ The Elplortrs m To111 Jones Show Qj) The Advocates fE Korun News Hlallli&flts tI1) 81Kk Joumal E!) Notkiero 34 g:, Travelocue a lucll Owens Show c:Il) Teatro del Dominao Cl) Mobile Wortcl Ell Three Stooan 6:25 D Political Announcement 6:30 O Thrillseekers (I) Blad Beauty D E,ewibless fJ Beverty Hillbillia m PRINCE STREET'S * Special "CINDER-ELLA" m I IJlcilll Ci11duell1 Billie Hayes, Indira Danks, Jeanne Arnold, Hal Smith and Danny Lockin star in this maaical musical special. EE Drama m Election 72 m lucedta g:, Call of U-. West a The Counby Place Ef) Uttle Rase11s 7:00 f) News D MUTUAL OF OMAHA'S * WILD KINGDOM stars Marlin Perkins O Wild llnlde• ''Trail of the Bia Cats" Durina the dry season in Af· 1ica, waterholes become scarce and are a focal point for much wildlife. The bia cats come reaular1y to the waterhole not only to drink, but to prey upon the other animals which come there. 00 Worid of Survival D I lf1Cil1 I Jacl O'lantem An animated fantasy of a leprechaun pumpkin. The story IS recounted to yoona Michael •nd his sister, Col· leen. by their arandfather Cl) O Crtto de Aztlln O This Is Your Life Surprised auest is Peart Bairey. II) Passport to Trani EE JajMnew flmlly Drama m (Jj) loom! m Wild Kinptom 9Hff Hlw Cl) Lawrence Welk Ef)Spetd Raar 7:30 fJ Cf) 1 sflc!MJ You'" EJected, Cflartle Brown Charlie Brown is hurled into the race for class presl· dency by his little sister. Sally. 0 fl:) Witt Disney "Hi&ti fly· in& Spy" Part 2 of three parts. The story of two rival atronauts who perfect the uu of 1i1nt hydrogen. filled balloons to spr on Confederate troop empl1e.ements fOf the Un~ Almy. Stuart Whitm1n, Darren Mc Gavin. Vincent Van Patten. Andrtw Prine and Jim Davis star (1) The "9ttden D Half U-. 5"f&e Kirby Comedy Hour Hines. Hines and Dad auest G .. WALK, DON'T RUN" *IS WHAT CARY GRANT DOES AT THE OLYMPICS O Million $ Mowit: (C) (2hr) "Wal• Don't Run• (com) '6f>.-Cary Grant Samantha Eapr, Jim Hutton mttopn's ... ,... m Three Pastp1ftl to ~enture EE Qj) Just Ceneratlon "Family Law" Marriaae and divorce laws, an· nulment proceedlnas, separation and support and custody of children ue reviewed. m la Criada lien Criada Ef) The AddalllS F1mlly 8:00 f) I Sflc!A( I The Yellow Sub· Nrint This animated film starrine the Beatles, Ind "oo·starrine" Ser aeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, takes place in the mythal kinadom of Pepperland. 0 ROLLER GAMES DIRECT * T -Birds vs NY Bombers live Next Sunday 2PM O Rotter 81-.s D (}) Cl) m n. Fii ''Tile Ena• neer'' Ed Nelson 1ue"s as Walter Swenson, an unemployed space en· 1ineer, whQ puts his talents to work 1n plannin& a ttwee-mlllion dollar robbery. m Movfe: (2hr) "'On Ule W1ter- front" (dra) '54 -Marlon Brando, Eva Marie Saint, lee J. Cobb. m David Frost Siio• EE Nippon no Uta tI1) (Jj) f1•llJ C11ne "The Old Guard" Tony, 1 mlddle·a1ed llS st•· tion manaaer, talks about his set of values, which includes the work ethic S1credness of family and dedi~tion to country. m El Canuje 9 .,..: <C> "hrrtsll" m ane dtl Dolllltp Ell Dtvid s.asallnd Show 8:30 0 ®) g:, NIC Sunday Mptery- Hec R•111., "Hanaman's Waaes". A killer threatens a life a day with Hee Ramsey's airlfriend es his third victim unless 1 comricted murderer is released from Jail. Stella Stevens and Steve Forrest cuest. tI1) (JJ) TIM frtncfl Chef "VIP Cake" 9:00 D SUNDAY NIGHT MOVIE * "Whatever Happened To Aunt Alice?" Geraldine Pa1e Stars D CV Cl) GI> AIC SuncllJ Movie: (C) (211r) "W111t.wr Hlppened to Aunt Alicer• (sus) '72 -Geraldine P11e. Robert Fuller, Ruth Gordan Suspense chiller 1bout a clever mur deress with a style of her own who "seeds" her prden with the bodies of her victims. b 0 1972 gen· erate n1on Mt· drew med) ~I re amity • an· a lion ldren Sub- rring Ser· Club hical ater· ando. Old sta· I of work and ry- s" A with third derer vens ake E ovte: d to I dine rdon. mur who odies THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. OCTOBER 29, 1972 fl) Slmurai Revotutlon fil) (1j) Masttrplece Th11tre "V1nity F1ir" Conclusion. Amelia tums down a former suitor bec1use of loyllty to Geor1e's memory. m y Atlore Silvie 9:30 D (]) Mannix Martin Sheen 1uests as a soldier believed killed in Viet· nam who suddenly returns home carryina 1 for1ed passport under a new name and suffering from am· nesi1. ONews llQ) Sin Diep P1noram1 Q)News m Bon1nz1 9 Bo1in1 From the Fon11n 11:00 D Cil 0 U CiJ (lg) News 0 Rtx Humbard fJ Movie: "TIM llnll Dick" (com) '40-W.C. Aefds, Una Merkel. m Movie: "The Third Men" (mys) 'SG-Joseph Cotten, Orson Welles. m KatJuyn talhh111n fil) David Sussllnd Show (!)Movie m Ttle Bit Question 11:15 Cl) PollUeaJ Announcement 10:00 0 (lg) m Nipt G1llery "Spectre 11 :30 I) N1me of Utt Game In Tip Shoes" A woman 1:9ntlnues O (lg) Sunday To11llftt Show to be haunted by the seemina pres· (j) Mme: "History 11 tbde It ence of her twin sister. who died Ni(llt" (dra) '37 -Jean Arthur, under mysterious circumstances. Charles Boyer. Sandra Dee, Dane Clark and CMs· U Movie: "Hush, Hush SWtet Char· topher Connelly guest. tottt'' (hor) '65-Bette Davis, Olivia oroes the Vaughn bee ence 0 m tE News de Havilland, Joseph Cotten. O Community FNdbldl (j) Telepulse (iJ) Flrfn1 Une m Movie: (C) '.'Destination Moon" Rob~rt { a bi'Larre veng r London. vict1rn o . the skY ove p\ot high in fil) Los Anceles Collective (R) (sci-fl) ·~John Archer. Em P1ndor1ma Qt Roller Glnlts Ef) Lou Gordon Show THE PROTECTORS 10:30PM SUNDAY CBS~t • 1:00 D Movie: (C) "The List D1y of 10:15 tE This la J1p1n the W11" (dra) '70-Georae Mah•· 10:30 iJ The Protectors "Talkdown" Har· ry Rule is left to pilot a plane without knowing how to do so. O The Issue Is Lew Irwin hosts this procram that looks into cur· rent Issues. 0 The Wor1d Tomorrow Cl) Ttlt Evil To1.1eh ris, Maria Perschy. O Spealllnc Freely Cl) News 1:30 m Movie: .. Jun&lt Fl&hltrs" (dra) '61-Richard Todd, Laurence Har· vey. Z:OOONews THE BEATLES TAKE OFF ANEW Why, down under the sea In an ani- mated film, of course. There was never anything earthbound bout the Beatles. After soaring as high o fame as any stars of stage, screen, re- The BNtl .. (left to right), Ringo Starr, John Lennon. cordings and televlslon have done, where else could the provocative musical group go? George Harrl80n, Paul McCartney and "Yellow Submarine," starring the Bea- tles in a full-length animated musical fan- tasy critically acclaimed for Its brilliant Innovation airs as a special presentation Sunday (Oct. 29) at 8PM on CBS. The motion picture has a cast of Im- pressionistic figures and features the mu- sic of the Beatles, who perform over a dozen of their melodies, in their entirety or in part. Verve and originality have key- noted the Beatles ever since the group's Inception some years ago in Liverpool, England. Dozens of Imitative groups which quickly sprung up around them just as quickly learned that It required more than mere proficiency of Instrumentation and voice to succeed. A certain joie de vlvre, a distinctive stage presence, a definitive style with rhythm and rhyme and excellent music sparked a Beatles performance. In such "live-action" motion pictures as "Help!" and "A Hard Day's Night," the Beatles manifested an ingenuous quality of naturalness as actors, and as p"ersona. So did they, too, In their press Interviews, often conducted on the run at airports en route to engagements, such as when they made their American debut on Ed Sullivan's Sunday evening variety program on CBS. The Beatles' talent shines In about a dozen numbers they do In "Yellow Sub- marine." Among them are songs especial- ly written for the film and reprraes of such Beatles classics as "Michelle," "Yester- day," "Eleanor Rigby," "Help!" and "Ser· geant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band." Paae 11 l THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, OCTOBER 29, 1972 MONDAY OCTOBER 30 For momln1 •nd •fternoon llstlnp, please see DAYTIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, • the d•y's movies. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 m (C) "The lost Wor1d of SinbMI" (adv) '6&--Toshiro Mifune, Makoao Saleh. 9:30 D ''Winter Carnival" (rom) ·3~ Ann Sheridan, Richard Carlson. 10:00 Cil "Quantaz" (wes) '57-Fred Mac. Murr&y, Dorothy Malone. 0 "81& Deadly Game" (mys) '54- lloyd Bridaes, Simone Sliva. 12:00 0 "Balls of Sin fem1ndo" (adv) '47-Donald Woods, Gloria Warren. 1:00 m "P.nnlts from Huven" (mus) ·36-8ln1 Crosby, Madre Evans. 1:30 O "Tht Black Clove" (mys) '54- Alex Nicol, Eleanor Summerfield. fJ ... M1combet Affair" (dr1) '47- Greaory Peele, Robert Preslon. Joan Bennett. l:OO Cl) (C) "A fun11y lltini Happened on UM Way to U.. Foni•" (com) '66 -Zero Mostel. @) (C) '1.ady Godiva" (adv) 'SS- Maureen O'Hara, Geor11e Nader. rvrNING --------------__:::..=:======---4 4:00 IJ Mcwit: (C) (Zllr) "8act street'' RAY CHARLES, pest..aar m°* man Jo1m bOlt BID Cosby la "Lool Wb•t 111ey•n Done to My Sons, M-.;: on Tiie New BUI Colby Sbow Mooday at JO PM OQ CBS. . ' HEARING IS BELIEVING Heer fOf )'OUraelf what YoU may be mrssrng ! See the ell -new Swiss PHONAK hearing aids with ceramic microphone. eight transistors end lowMt distortion known ! Stop rn or phone today '°' • ftff hearing test and demonstration. No obligation . of course ! HEARING AID CENTER lOINGlR 111 8£ACH HUNJINGlON Bf ACH PHONE 892 • 6611 Page 12 (dra) '61 -Susan Hayward, John Gavin, Vera Miles. Lifelong love at· fair between a married man and a woman content to stay in the back· around. Based on Fannie Hurst's novel. 0 The Rifleman fJ (]) aJ love Amerlc.an Style m lup and His Buddies IE Qentle Ben fl) Nino m (ij) Se111111 Street 9 Mr flYOfttt Martian 0) Felix the Cat •:30 @ Yovttl In the 70's 9 father Knows lest U Nns Benti, Schubeck 0 F Troop m Yo&i and friends ID a Cllll11n'1 Island a)Dot 42 PM alKi111bl •:55 ~ Politic.al Announcement 5:00 @ Nan B 0 Cil@) News CJ) Dnanet 0 Ctt Smart m Tiit FllntstDnes IE Ptttl~at Junction &> LI Fabrica Ell) (jj) Mister Rortrs' Nel&hbor· hood m Trails West 9 Olck Van Dyke fl!) ThrH stooaes 5:15 a!) Panorama tieundl1I 5:30 News 0 Mayberry Rf'D m De!lnis Ult Menace D (J)&JNtws fJ BewrtJ Hlltbilllea 'II) Tht Cotirtshlp tf E:Me'& fltlttr f1D (Jj) Thi Etctrk CMpallJ mus, ....... m Don Wlbeft's T .. n Tallll 9 That Qlr1 £t.) LI Hora f1111lliar CH CoMuek> m Speed 1acer 6!00 tJ o ®)mm News 0 Pondtrosa ·The Storm" Little Jot plans lo many 1 sea captain's d1uahter, but there's an obstacle In their path. D CJ) CI> a> MondlJ Nlcflt Pro footblll Detroit Lions vs. Dallas Cowboys at Dallas. fJ Wild Wild Wut m Tht Flintstones II) Comer P1tt USMC ()j) Camscoltndu fl) Mi Dulce Ena111orad1 Eii) Hod1epodae Lodp 9 Mayberry RFD £t.) LI Staunda Esposa m Three stooa-s 6:30 Cl) CBS News ~ Mert Criffln Sbow m Andy Criffith IE Cllli1an's lslaftd Qj) CAI: Colltp Credit ColH'M EI!) Makin& Thlop &rn "Questions and Answers" m Joanne Cano• a ·cmn Actes £t.) Procram '9tidal 0) Uttle Ra.uls 7:00 80a;)Nns 0 Movie: (C) (Zhr) "FJwt MJta.. Yean to Earth" (scl·fi) '63-larbl· ra Shelly, And11w Keir. Exuv1tors in London unt1rth a spaoe capsule that holds the secret of a Martian invasion of Earth. {)) Wiidiife Tbeetrt fJ What's My lint? m I love Lucy IE I Of11m of Jeannie (ij) 'allot 72 fl) frlJ Di1bUllo Ell) Wheels, Kilns and Clay "Clay Forms in Ancient Cultures" @m El Amor lltnt Cara De Mlfer 9 .. ovit: (C) "Oft UM Thl"llWd of~" a!) Rev. Ray P\u.arro &)Speed beer 7:30 1J Jeflnny Mann's St.Ind Up nd CIMer Carol Lawrence 11utsts. 0 TM Ntw Price ts Rlatrt Cl) The Partnt C11M fJ Miiiion $ Movie: (2l1r) .. Abeut Mrs. l.Wit" (dra) '54 -stMr1ey Booth, Robert Ryan. @) Wild Kln1dom "Sw1mpwater Sa· fari" m MARLO THOMAS IS * .. THAT GIRL" m That Glr1 IE Dr11net (ij) In the Spottlpt fl)Quphito . @) Ta'I Ctll Ctl'uan m The Advtntur• Ci) Mlauellto Valdez Show m Addaiu fn111y 1:00 IJ (j) GunS!Mllle Susan Oliver plays a youn11 mother whose two 9 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. OCTOBER 29, 1972 children try to keep Festus from Sister Irene and Jane Elliot is Ct Crime Fl&trttra Host J1cll Rourke issue of polltle1I advertisina on TV dellverina an eleven dollu inheri· Sister B1rbar1. welcomes auests City Attorney Roier are Edward Ney, president of tance to its riahtful owner. D Fonu" 8oxln1 Ameberah, lawyer; retired Los An· Youna & Rubican Advertislna Aaency 0 llj m laup-ln Mike Connors (I) The Adventurer 1eles Police oftlcer and City Council-and Bruu felknot, executive director 1uests as a dentist, a near-siahted 0 CD m The Rookies "Dirae for man Thomas Bradley; and special of Fair Camp1ign and Practices bank robber and a dancina Rudolph Sunday" Roddy McDowall guests as ruest Art linkletter, as they discuss Committee. Valentino. Cameo guests are Totle a paid killer hired by the syndicate coping with crime In the L.A. area. 11:15 g) Roller Qamq Fields and Charles Nelson Reilly. to aet rid of a dyin& convict ready OJ 8111 Cosby 11:3011 C1J C8S Latt Movie: (C) "hnt-m Hopn's HttHS to talk for his last days of freedom. (1j) Ballot 72 lot>t" (com) '66 _ Natalie Wood, OJ Ptny M11on ()) Political Program EID Flrinc Ufte Dick Shawn. EE Htmanos Coraje ~ Movie: (C) (2hr) "Klssin' Coua.. @m lud1 Sombra (I) Political Announc:Htent EID tUl I lflCIA t Tiii the Butcher insH (mus) '64-f]vis Presley, Pam ~ ~~·11 0 ®) m Jollnny Carson Lorne Cuti HIM Don A visit to Preserv1· Austin. ~ ..,.... _ _. •nae tion Hall, New Orleans. where fan OJ Telefun m IDn(dont of tM Sea Greene is ~bstitute host. . t • t I th I . ~ U y ...... R d 10:"" nn ._ .. T .. -"P f ,. 0 RoC>ert It Domin Sllow ri•n s oontinue o p ay e r unique a. n enno .-.ra.. ecor ·~ ·-l..llJ l\M ... • • • ro essor Cl) Novte: "In Old aiic.ao" (dr•) music In 1 museum established to EID ~ Boboqulvari Llghtnln Hop-D Tall! lad '3&-Tyrone Power, Allee Fiye. preserve it, kins Cl) Tl'Kkdown 0 Movie: "leat u.. Devil" (adv) @m Noelle de Q1l1 9 The Ylralnlan II) True Mwuture •54 _ Humphrey Bogart Jennifer e la lnolvld1ble e Orama ell Me¥1t: "lattle Hell" . I ' el) Movie: .(2hr) HBlaU.ell's Is· 9:30 11 (j) Doris Day Siio• Doris Mar· m 42 Plus a;:~ ~:i: ~1;i;: da. land" (dra) '39 -John Garfield, tin becomes the prey of an East m Outdoor Sporbln1n (!) Movie Rosemary lane. European wolf, General Nikolai 11:00 110 0 ti) m (!) News • 1:30 m Merv Qrlffln Show Smaltzott when she tries to inves-(I)()) Qj Nns 11:3~ (j) Movtt: "Tiie Deep . Bfue Sea" 9:00 11 He,.•s Luer Lucy lands the job tieate th~ truth of a report that he IJ o.. step Ba,oncl (dra) '55 -Vivien Leigh, Kenneth herself when sln1er Petula Clark secretly plans to defect to the Wesl Cl) M1B111I Dillon More. eo11tacts the agency for a secreta,y (I) Joltn Wayne ThHtre fJ Movte: (C) 'VIVI las Yt&as" 12:00 m Movie: "Plllst Ballevt Mt" who e1n also act IS her companion. fJ OJ NtWI (mus) '64-Uvis Presley, Ann -Mar· (rom) '50 ........ Deborah Kerr, Robert 0 m NBC M0ttd1y Movie: (C) ~ 8ooll Baat 1ret. A SPorts car enthusiast and Wilker. (2hr) "C111n1e of Habit" (dra) '6~ EID Thirty Minutes With • • • his friend the Italian Champion 10 12:301J Hl&flway P1trol Elvis Presley, Mary Tyler Moore, 9:45 EE Sv Comtdia fnorita to Las Vegas for the Grand Prix OJ Ctuntry Musfc Barbar• McNalr. Three nuns return 10:0011 ~ Tiit New 1111 Cosby Show where both fall in love with a l :OO D CIJ News to eve,yday dress In a social work Music man Ray Charles guests. youna swimming Instructor. 1 10 nn N experiment and are asslined to • CI> Drapet m Truth or ConMqut1tces I l.:LJ ... ghetto clinic to assist a youn& doc· IJ m News OJ Movie: "TIM Crttpin1 Unknown" 1:15 0 News tor. Presley portrays Dr. John Car· U Department S "The Man from (sci·fi) '5&-Brian Donlevy, Margie 1:3011 Movie: ''The Stent Man" (dra) penter, head of the clinic; Miss X" A man, clad in a sp1cesult who Dean. '5&-M1rsh1ll Thompson, Ann Au- Moore is Sister Michelle, 1 speech is found wandering dazedly in Lon-(1j) Hathayop brey. therapist who becomes the doctor's don. dies before he can be ques-EE Q1mer Ted Armstron& 3:00 11 Movie: (C) "Lucy Qallant" (dra) asslst1nt. Barbara McNair portrays tioned. Eii) All About TV Examining the '55-Cflarfton Heston, Jane Wym1n. JOHNNY MANN'S STAND UP AND CHEER. 10NIGHT, 7:30PM. CBSa . CURE~EMI Plwlt!J. ~ a cloctor, aad Mary l)ltt Moon, u a ..,. thenpillt, take Lortaa IUl1lt •U~~~deat ther llave cund of a mental cllorder, f~ .. o.tt. .. tlte '*" .. "C1Wlp of lhbU," OD Nae'• MO-, NIP• Momlltf fM. !< Paa• 13 CLINT WALKER EYES SE(OND CAREER Clint Walker is embarking on a second career, one that is compatible with his profession as an actor. The robust per- former has taken up writing. Walker reve~his new career plans on the set of his latest m-atlventure, "The Boun- ty Man," which airs on th C Tuesday Movie of the Week at 8:30PM. He is work' on a script to star himself. "It's about a modern -day private eye. The only thing I'm not su re of at the moment is whether it'll be a movie-made-for· television or a theatrical motion picture," the actor explained. "The Bounty Man" is Walker's first film since "Hardcase" was aired on ABC's Movie of the Week last season, although Ctfnt Wilker (f) Is a stem man trytna to awld emotion1I lnvolv• ment H he bffnp In outlaw John Erfcson (r) ind the latter'• llrf· friend, Mareot Kidder. .. a theatrical motion picture, "Pancho Villa," is awaiting re - lease. The rugged star also has made some changes in his personal life. While filming "The Bounty Man," he was in the process of selling his house in Beverly Hills. "It's getting too crowded in ttle city,'' Walker stated. "I'll move into an apartment while I hunt for a motor home. Then I'm going looking. I plan to travel throughout Nevada, north· ern California and Oregon. I'll find myself some land, settle down and build a ranch . I'll commute to Hollywood when I'm doing a film.'' In general, Clint would rather do his movie work in the Hollywood area, as opposed to distant locations, and then re· turn to his diggings. "I don 't know why so many studios film on location. Sure, ~ometlmes it's mor~ economical. But the Simi Valley, which rs only some 50 miles north of Los Angeles, has been ideal for 'The Bounty Man.' It could be anywhere in the Southwest. You have the feeling of being away from it all, but are close enough to go home at night." In "The Bounty Man ," Walker sports a mustache which gives him a completely· different look. He's also got a happy e~ding for a change in the film which co-stars Margot Kidder, Richard Basehart and John Ericson. "The horse sits down and bawls, and I get the girl," Wal~r concluded with a smile. P•8e 14 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. OCTOBER 29, 1972 TU E SDAY OCTOBER 31 For mornln1 Ind 1fternoon listings, please see DAYTIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, ue the d•y's movies. DAYTl~E MOVIES 9:00 m "Cun1 Ho" (dra) '43-Randolph Scott, Noah Beery Jr. 9:30 0 "Julie" (sus) '56 -Dor~ Day, Louis Jourdan, Barry Sullivan. 10:00 (}) (C) "City Beneath the Sea" (sci· fl) '52-Robert Ryan, Mala Powers. IJ "RKe for Life" (adv) '55-Rich- ard Conte. Mari Alden 12:00 9 ''The Basketball Fil" (dra) '51 -John Ireland, Vanessa Brown. EV E N ING 4:001J Movie: (C) (2hr) "TIM Rare lrHd" (dra) '66-.bmes Stewart, Maureen O'Har1. Orama of the West in the 1880's deals with the Intro duction of the Hereford cattle 11110 the United States. e The Rifleman 0 CV a> love A•rican Styte m Buis and His Buddies msentle Ben &)Nino Em ()j) Sesa mt Street 9 My flvortt. Mtrtian ·m Felix the Cat 4:30 CI> Movie: (C) "City Btnuth the Sea" (sci·li) '52 -Robert Ryan Mela Powers. 9 father Knows Best 0 News Benli, Schubeck 0 F Troop m Yoal and Friends m ~ 'lfllpn's llland m0ot 42 PM l !OO m "Run, Psycho Run" (dra) '66-• m klmba Gary Merrill, El2a Anderson. 5:00 0 g @ dQ) News 1:30 9 "follow the Hunttr" (mys) '54- Charles Chaplin Jr.. Onslow Ste· wns. G "l.Jfhtnine striku Twice" (dra) '51 -Ruth Roman, Richard Todd, Mercedes McCambridee. 3:00 ()) "Tllt Visit" (susp) '6'-tn2rid Bercman, Anthony Quinn. (1g "Meet Dinny Wilson" (dra) '52 -Frenk Sinatra, Shelley Winte1S. (iJGet Smart m 11't Flintstones m Ptttkoat Ju11ction fB La F1brica Ell) Q:1J Mister Rocers' Ntl&flbor- hood m Trails West 9 Didi Van Ork• m nree Stoota 5:15 m> Panoraaa Mundl1I 5:30 9 MIJbtr?J RfD ' and special . Governor A bnde, a Hal\ challenge guest Mo~ty l britY panel. his week s ce e t A.\\en hosts· steve ~ I I-VE GOT A SECRET. TOMIGift 7:JOPM. casa Cl) m Dennis tbe Menace fJO)NIWI (;J lmf1Y Hiiibiilies ID Tiit Courtship of Eddie's F1ther m (1j) Thi Eltctrtc Comp1ny @I) Las 8t111&a1 m Don WilSOtl's Town T1lll a That",, a!) Usttd y 11 Pollcla m Speed Racer 6:00 IJ D fJ @I) m m News (l)(ij News IJ PHdtnm "The Ride" (I) Qtt S11111rt (;J Wild Wild Wat m Thi Flintstones Q) Somtr Pytt USMC lii) C.rrucotendas EE Ml Dulce Enamorada m Hod11poda1 Lodi' 9 M1Jt>tny RFD a;> ta Seaunda Es9osa m Three Stooces 6:30 00 Hoaan's Heroes fJ Movie: (C) (90) "Sevin Wom· en" (dra) '66-Anne Bancroft, Sue Lyon, Eddie Albert. The members of an isolated American mission find themselves in jeopardy when the land along the Chlnese·Mongollan border Is lnv1ded by the murderous bandit Tunga Kihn. ([) C8S News Walter Cronkite ®) Merv Qriffln Show m Andy Griffith ID Gilllpn's Island (lj) ScNols Without Failure Ell) Astronomy I "The Eerth, I" m Joanne C.rson Show CijGr"" Acru a;) Caela Qub 0) Dot 42 PM m little Rlscals 7:00 IJ @ D m News e Bowlin& for Dolllf1 (j) Tnrtll or Consequtncts Cl) Slfari to Adventure (;J Whafs My lint? m I love Lucy ID I Dream of Jeannie (ij) Ballot '72 El) la Pareja Sin Plr Eil) The Frendl Chef 61) El Amor Tlene Cara de Mujer 9 Movie: (C) "Jubal" a;) Teatro del Aire m Spetd Racer 7:30 IJ I've Get a Stent Monty Hall (UesfS. 0 Police Sur11on "Confined Pan· le" Nina Foch guests in this soory about stolen vials containin11 deadly irerms that could start a public emergency. U Movie: (C) (2hr) "flvt Miiiion Yeers to Earth" (sci-fi) '68-Andrew Keir, Barbara Shelley. Ci) To Tell tht Truth (j) family Classics fJ PAUL NEWMAN, ELKE * SOMMER TONIGHT IN "THE PRIZE" ..• (;J Mlllloa $ Movie: (C) <Zhr) "Thi Prize" (dra) '63-P1ul Newman, Ed· ward G. Robinson, Elke Sommer. (Continued) ..... 15 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, OCTOBER 29, 1972 When it happens, the Eyewitness News Team is involved. Page 16 Eyewitness in-depth reporting means more than just watching other people make things happen . It means getting involved yourself, on a warm , person- to-person level . Then rushing the facts back to the Channel 7 newsroom . Fresh , up-to-the-minute facts and fi lm with that extra measure of under- standing and insight that comes from really caring . T TUESDAY (Continued) 9:00 0 @1 a;,11le a.&d Ont1 "A Very di Holt,._, Squm Str1n1e Tri1n1le" Intern Dr. Cohen m MARLO THOMAS IS renews I romance with his former * "THAT GIRL" alr1trlend only to diseoVer she 1s m TUt tilrt Hvln& with another women in a les· m CJ) Dnlptt bl1n rel1tionship. Donna Mills fl) LI Media OdlM ruests. f1ll Cftrw•tdMll ''Slntl Susan• II) Ttlehll Mount1lns'' Ch1r1es Ch1mplln ind fl) Ut1 YM.... hn lecionlu Art Seidenbaum lnwstl11te dispute m (fj) ltlllad u.. u .. 1mon1 residents, landowners ind 9 Tiie Yqhtlln various citizens' assocl1tlons ""'' ~ Draaa proposed p1rtl development In the 9:30 6 Cl) CIS Tuaday MM: (C) north San Fernando V1lley. (90) '11M DuMlld Honer" (sus) m SU Wives ef Hetlry VIII "Cath· '7~ndr1 Dee, Dt1n stockwell, erine Howud" Ed Sealey. A demon in hulT'lln form El!) Prl&Until Usttcl lures a 10un1 Kiri Into his ter· EE tt la Writtln rifyina attempt to fevtve the splrttt &) Atlct.•1 fanlity ol the dead. 1:00 .:ti. Cl) M1ude Arthur Hermon 1$ U h,,er Rodttra Sllew Alm hllh· ~ ll&hts of October 28 UCLA vs. watchln1 the national election rt· Wuhlnaton state aame. suits on television with M1ude and B &J News W11ter ind reminds them of their fil) ~ lllct Jeurul stonny courtship d1ys four years 1 @I) Rewbt1 Mlllical durln1 1 previous election c1mpal1J1. In 1 flashbtck sequence, 1uest star t:45 fl) Ytwilna Her11pen Vin Johnson appears as Henry, one 10:00 0 @) a;, lllC R.,..U Ho lnfor· of M1ude's sultOfS. mation 1vail1ble from the netwofk 0 @) leftatm 'ihe Twenty-Sixth at press time. Gme" Ken Howerd auests 11 8 m ..... youna Samuel Oemens, who tem· U (})Cl) EE MMCUI Wtftly, M.D. por1rily becomes the editor of the "Don and Denise" The dll&nosis of T errltorlal Enterprise In Vir1lnl1 multiple sclerosis thre1tens the fu· City ind rev11ls 1 town scandal. ture of • youna pi1nist-compoier U CJ) Cl) EE Te.,.r1blfa .. and his lttractlve wife. 1111 "Tenor lovlnc C.rt" Carnp1nel-B leris Ktrtefl Pmellts TltrfHer II ls sued tor rNlprectlce wtlen he m IOI CesbJ shouts at 1 tamper1ment1I tenor. (ij) f1riq U.. causin1 him to lo$e his voice. m ....,... ....... '"' "Thront of m Hepn'1 Henn Blood" (R) m""' ...,... m Luda s-bnl fl) HenNft• Conje ~ feltiwal MaiCHO f1ll (Ill fa•lly C1•e "The Old &) lltt&deM of tlle Sea Guard" Emphasis on such estlb· 10:30 U T1lk lacl llshed v1lues IS work, family and m Trtll AdvHtv" country. a .... : "Juftne h ...... m Ai1&1 ctn PlpetTO m Outdeof Sptftliaa11 ' GI!> LI ,...,..,.. 10:55 U hlitlcal Allnoncelllttlt m McMI: (Ztlr) '"Castle on tM Hlldte11" (dra) '4G-John Gartleld ll:OO 8 0 0 @I) m E!J ..._. ' (}) (J)@) NIWS Ann Sherid1n. U Oat Stetl leJllMI 1:30 fJ Cl) H.tnll fM-0 KHnln Wynn (j) Marshll Dillofl IU!Sts IS th• trusted friend of e fJ MM: (C) .. Z4 HMrs .. ION" Clunese diplomat who Is the ob· (dra) '65-Mick91 Rooney Lel Btr· lect of 1n as.s.tsslnation plan. Dan· ker. ' ny Willl1ms stumbles upon the plot 0) Truitt or CoAMCllMitat but becomes inlured and cennot re-Q) Crn1blla1 Cellt19 feetblK member the details. fl) 5arMf Teel Armtrot11 0 (})Cl) El) AIC T111sa, Mttle: ft\ (C) (90) "l'he .. untJ Miii,. (wes) 11:15 U01 cm. .. 34 '72 -Clint Walker Richard Base· 11:30 fJ Cl) CIS Lat11 Mme: ~ M•• hart, Jotln Ericson, 0Mar1ot Kidder. Wff' (hor) '59-CMstopher let, P•· A bounty hunter, obseued with find· ter Cushinr. ln1 the man who caused the death 0 (1j m Jeflnny Canotl of his wife. tracks down 1 10un1 U ()) Cll EE Did Ctwtt out11w, but hla venpance Is tem· m To Tell tile Tnitll pered when he fills In lovt with hls 12:00 U Movk: -of .. Ice and ,..,." captlvt's innocent airtfrlend. (dra) '39 -Buraess Meredith, LOf'I 0) Men 8fffft11 Show Chaney. (JI) ....... : AMdcl m MM: (C) "trtt1 Flrt" (rom) fll) I lpic!ALI s.tMbocly Wlfttn1 '50-Stewart Grenier. Gr1ee Kelly. James Daly narrates this story of m CouRtry Mak how 1n Interested hospital staff rt· 1 :00 (I) 0 U Cl) ,..... vitalized its "severely handicapped" l :JO a .... : .. Ealy llwfnl" (dra) ·~ ch•raes. children completely unable ~iz1beth Scott, V-ictor Mature. to walk, talk, 0< take cere of them· 3:00 &\Movie: "l'he Sky's tM U•lt" selves. (mus) '0--fred Astaire, •n Lei· &!) LI 'Maldfdotl de ll llond1 lie. Jt ~ J}' ~ * ~ * ~Allied BaildersAild·A·IOOID J} {( For • • • J} : Remdeling-Nowl : {l * {( * {l * ! ROOM ADDITIONS/BATHS/ : {I KITCHENS/REMODELING/ * {l EXTERIOR COATINGS! * {l * {I W£ DESIGN fT/IUILD fTIGUMMTll m J} {l FREE ESTIMATES-NO OBLIGATION * {l fHWICHIG AVMWlE J} {l ~u * -ex NOW! 836-1878 * •01 No. Le c1en ..... .h DmlCT OI ..._ wl.. ~ COWl:f Loa Angelff ~ hp 17 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, OCTOBER 29, 1972 WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 1 For momtn1 and afternoon llstfnp, please see DAYTIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 m (C) "DnllWS Alone ttlt Mohlwt" (1dv) '39-Henry Fonda, Claudette Colbert. 9:30 0 (C) "Demetrius and the Cl.cfl· ltofs" (dr1) 'S4 -Victor Mature, Susan Hayward. 10:00 CD "Wild Htritaft" (dra) '58 - Will Roaers Jr., Maureen O'Sullivan. IJ "Woman Chases Man" (com) '37-Joel McCrea, Miriam Hopkins. 12:00 IJ "Weddlna Nipf' (dra) '35 - Gary Cooper, Anna Sten. 1:00 m "The Rttum of Monte Cristo" (adv) '46-louis Hayward, Barbara Britton. 1:30 IJ "Raffles" (com) '40 -David Niven, Olivia de Havilland. 0 (C) "lullaby of Broadway" (mus) '51-Doris Day, Gene Nelson. 3:00 ()) (C) "To• Jona" Part I (com) '63-Albert Anney, Susannah York. ®J ""Grttn Dofphln stmf' Part I (dra) '47-lana Turner, Van Hef· lin. EVENING 4:00 IJ Movie: (C) (2hr) ,.Ro•an Holl· daJ'' (com) '53--Greaory Peck, Au- drey Hepburn. A newspaperman in Rome meets and falls for a lonely princess traveling incognito. 1J The Rifleman 0 (1) al Lon American Style m Bup and His Buddies ID5entle Ben fi)Nlno 5:30 (1) Hl&h Sdw>ol Hllftll&ltts 0 Maybeny RFD (j) m Dennis tllt M1nae41 O CIJ Q)Ntws O S.Verfr Hlllbllllu ID Tht Courtship tf Eddie's Fathei fil) (lj) The Eledric Companr tl)Las ,, .... , m Don Wilson's Town Talk 9 Tllat "rf a!) La Hora Familiar con Consuelo {f) Speed Rac.r 6:00 IJ Q 0 ti) m al News (])@)News IJ Pondtrosa "Gift of We ter" Ci) Get Smart B .. NIGHT OF THE HANG-* MAN" WITH AGENTS WEST AND GORDON! 0 Wiid Wild West m The Flintstones I!) 5omer Pyle USMC (iJ) Carrascoltndas fJ) Ml Dulce E.namorada fil) Hodppod,. Lodee 9 MIJl>eny RFD . a!) La Seeuncla Esposa lE Three Stoo(es 6:30 00 Hopn's Heroes fJ Movie: (C) (90) ''The Deadly lea" (dra) '67 -Suz1nna leiah. Guy Doleman, Catherine Finn. When an Enalish pop slnaer a.oes to a desolate British Island for 1 rest and meets two beekeepers, one of them turns out to be a mad sc1en tist. Cl) C8S News Welter Cronkite (1j Merv Griffin Show m Andy Griffltb ID 5111i1an's Island (jj) CA£: Uslnc Tests lntellleently fil) Schools Without Failure "Role of the T e1cher" . m Joanne Canon Show 95rMn Acres a!) Afidonados de la Comunidad al Dot 42 PM m lJttle lbsals m (iJ) Seume Stntt Cit MJ Favorite Martian lE Felil the Cat 1:ooe cv amN•n 4:30 IJ Fattier Knows Best O (]) I lflcllt f Follow the Nortlr Star The story of a 10ung Northern boy. Benjy Dudley, •ho deddts tc nsk his life to free a 10ung South ern slave, David. The boys' adven- tures draw them together in a bond of stron1 mutual respect and gen- tle love. 0 F Troop m Yo&I and Friends ID 9 Gilligan's Island m 0ot 42 "" lE IUmba 5:00 Q 1J (])@)News Cl) Dra&net 0Get Smart m The Flintstones I!) Petticoat Junction fi) La Fabrica fil) (lj) Milter Ro&ers' Nel&flbor· hood mTralts Wat QI DI~ Van o,tle m Three Stootu 5:15 a!) Panoram1 Mundlal a lowtlna for Dollars (j) Truth or Consaquences ()) Ulltlmld World 0 Mlfs My Unt? m I Love Lucy I!) I Drum of Jeannie (jJ) Ballot 72 fJ) Fr.y Diabtlllo fil) Wheels, Kiins and ctar "Kilns for Firing" @!) El AMor T1tnt C.ra de Muier Qt Movie: (C) "fantastic Voyaae" Q) Speed Racer 7:30 IJ Tht Golddluers Vincent Price guests. B Walt Till Your Fatlltt Gets Home "Chet's Fi1ncee" Chet finds a wonderful young lady to share his life without the old-fashioned ritual of marriaae. Unaware of Chet's in tent, Harry and Irma plan a wed· ding and a11ee to let the younr couple live In their home. Q Movie: (C) (2hr) "f'lvt Million Yaan to Earth" (sci-fl) '68-Andrew Keir, Barbara Shelley. @ To Ttll tht Trvttt (}) You Aslltd for It THE GOLDDIGGERS. TONIGHT, 7:JOPM. CBSSI THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, OCTOBER 29, 1972 Q MlllJ" $ Movlt: (C) (2hr) fE Un YtrHo Pini Recordar urtiese Tiloaaftd Hiiis" (wes) '5~ CJj The Vlrafnl1n Don Murray, Richard Eaan. • Gii) Dnln11 O I've Cot 1 Secttt 9:30 D T•1111 Prtttlni Show m "''' c1rt o m " ... m ff) Dnpet fil) I IPlc!AL I Vent. ''Point of Or· tE CIMsplrtto der" Hlahllahts of the historic 1954 fll) 0£IUT Doln' It at tllt Storefront Army-McCarthy hurlnas. compiled An open forum at KCEl's br1nd-new from 188 hours of TV klnetcopes by News Bureau in the black commu· Emile de Antonio and Daniel Talbot. nity on the question: ''Why Can't fJ) Nodlu Tapatias Our Chlldren Rudf' Sue Booker 10:00 fJ Ci) CanllOll Georfe M1h1ris moderates, with discussion led by .auests as warehouse owner Paul Leslie Benson, chairman of the Stubber, who uses hls le&ltlmate L.A. Black Education Commission, business to camoufl11e a computer· and Maraaret Wrlaht, Head of Unit· ized hl-jacklnr racket. ed Parents. 0 ®) m SEARCH "The Bullet" A m Yo11111 Dr. Kiidare heavily auarded scientist Is aided tl) Tilb Is Your Ufe by loc:Qood after maklna an abor· &) Add1M1 Family tlve attempt ta defect from an Iron 1:00 II CJ) Carol Burnett Miss Pe1m Curtain country. • Lee makes 1 rare auest appe1r1nce m IT'S A WHOLE NEW 1long with the comedy team of * NEWS--11Metr0News" Jerry Stiller and Anne Mem. II m News 0 ®! m Ad1111-12 Pete's apa~-0 Cl)(j) tiD Julie AndrlWI Hour ment house manqer (Lillian Bron· Din Dalley, who hun't suna or son) pickets precinct headquarters danced much In recent years, re· to protest the police's failure to turns to his old torte as Julie's spe- c1pture a purse snatcher. cial auest. Jolnin& them are Cass O CI> (j) CiE Thi Paul Lynde Elliott, Rich little and Allee Ghost· Sltow "To Wed or Not to Wed " Paul ley as they re-create a movie musl- Simms learns that the marriaae of cal in sonr. dance and comedy. his dau&hter Barbara to Howie O loris Karfoff Pments Tllfller Dickerson is invalid. due lo a tech· I!) Ski Scent nlcallty. fB Cosa Juzract-m Hopn's Heroes m ludl So•bra OJ ,."1 Muon Gii) Dflllll tE Hlraanos Coraje m '°"' .... of tlM Sea <Bl Ame Hllltes 10:30 D Talk Bad! fl1) (lj) Election 7Z "Who will Con· I!) True Advtaturt trol Conaress" (Jj) Soul! I!) ludl Ubra Qt lhvit: "On tbt Wrtarfroat" Gii) La lnolvlcl1ble CiE 4Z Pin &) Movie: (2hr) ,.Oust Be My De5-&) Outdo« Sportutan tl•J" {dra) 'J~John Garfield, Pris· 11:00 II D 0 mm CiE News cilia Lane. (])Ci) l1I News 1:30 D ®) m NIC Wednesday Mystery D OH step lqond --lanac:tk "A Miiiion the Hard (j) Marshal Diiion Way'' A million dollars in u sh van· Q Movie: (C) "The Deadly Affair" ished whlll on display In 1 las {dra) '67 -James Mason, Simone Veaas culno and Banacek flies Slanoret. there to find out how it happened. m Truth or Consequtitees Georae Peppard stars. OJ Movie: "T1le Purple llaq" O C:l )(l)tl)AIC Wednesday (mys) '60-Btny Sullivan, Robert Movt.: (C) (90) "'flllt Ca!Uln Sum· Bl1k1, Elaine Edwuds . .. ,.. {dra) '72-Mal Holbrook, Hope fJ) Qlmer Tad An .. trona Lanae. Scott Jacoby, Martin Sheen, 11:15 fij) I IHc!A I Public Edtatloll 11141 Jot Don Baker, Marlyn Mason. The the llack School atlld Discussion story of a divorced man whow flil· that started at 7:30 PM continues. ure to discuss his homosexuality Sue Booker Is moderator. with his family makes It necessa m CIHllll 34 for him to explain his life-style to 11:30 fJ Ci) CIS Utt Mtvlt: (C) "Tiie his 14-y11r-old son. l•posslble Yean" (com) '68-0avkf m MlfY Crtffift Shw Niven, 'Lola Albri&ht. Chad Everett. (jj) PllyllouM .... '°'' D Qi) m """"' CaflOn fE I 18c!At I MuddJ Waters {R) A 0 CJ) (j) tl) Didi Cavttt freewhetllna performance-profile of m To Ttll U.. Trutlt the famed blues sinaer followln& (Jj) Hatttayop him from rehearsal ta informal con· lZ:OO II Movie: "stria Mt Pl1tk" (mus) versation backst•&• to final per· '31>-Eddit Cantor, Ethel Merman. formance in LA's Ash Grove. m Mewlt: 6711 OcNn Dl1w" (dra) 9:00 fJ CJ) Madlcal Cltttar When a flam· '50--Edmund O'Brien, Joanne Dru. boyant alobt-tn>ttlna J)flotoarapher, 12:30 OJ CHfttry Music played by auest Peter Haskell, prom· 1:00 CI> DO CJ) News lses a critically ill air1 ht wlll take 1:30 II Movte: (C) "'Ort&On Tnill" {wts) her on his next trip, she wants to '59 -Fred Mac:Murray, Gloria Tai· delay badly needed suraery to 10 bot. with him. lee Purcell also 1uests. 3:00 f) Mowtt: (C) .,JalNkl lbl1t" {adv) OJ Ttlefun '~R1y Miiiand, Arlene D1hl, ~ ••• 19 ~ (Jadl KJupnu, center) cannot bile Rriouf7 Pdk'1 (l'oa7 RudaD) .__don for a TV c:ommuchll he's dolD& wltll pro football llar l>e11CO• ~ O:-~Iii'• Ffrst Commttelal" oa 1'ite Odd Coop~ FrtdaJ at 9:30 Page 20 THE DAILY 'llOT, TV WEEK, OCTOBER 29. 1972 T HURSDA Y NOVEMBER 2 For momf1111nd afternoon lfstfnp, ptelse see DAYTIME PROGRAM$. Below, for your convenience, a the day's movies. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 m '1lM Lon( Hlul" (adv) '57 - Vidor Meture, Di1n1 Oors. 9!30 fJ ".JO." (dre) '59-Jltl Webb, William Conrad. 10:00 CI) (C) "Joum11 to Ult Center of tht Earth" Part I (sci-fl) '59-Pat Boone, James Mason. D "Masqundtt" (dra) '33-Ron- ald Colman, Elissa Landi. 12:00 D "Exduslve" (dra) '36 -Fred MacMurray, Francis Farmer. 1:00 m "Dlisy lef11011" (rom) '47 - Joan Crawford, Dana Andrews. 1:3011 ~II• fatml" A collection of tcenes from Chlr1ey Cll1plln's areat· est comedies. fJ (C) "Hurrleene SMlth" (adll) '52 -John Ireland, Yvonne DeCar1o. 3:00 Cl) "Tt• JtlMS" Concl. (com) '63- Albert Finney, Susannah York. di "Srpe11 Delptln S1rffr Concl. (dra) '47-llni Turner, Van Heflin. (C) "S... C..t lh1t1nl111" Part I (dra) '59 -Frank Sln1tr1, Dean Martin, Shlr1ej Mad.line. fV[NING 4:00 B Mowlt: (C) (2tu) "Shlclow Ovtf ElveM" (dra) '68-James francis· cus, Shirley Kni1ht, Leslie Nielson. Dram1 about 1 co<rupt l1w officer in • sm1ll town and a dedicated young doctor who faces up to him. 0 Tht Riffe111n fJ Cl) m love Amtrletn Style m lup Ind His Buddies QJ Ctntle Ben fBNlno m (U) s. ..... Stntt 9 My fewritt M1rtia11 m ftlfJ tfle Cit 4:30 Cl) Mowlt: (C) i90) .. JounMJ to tM C.nttl' of Ult Eerth" Pert I (scl·fi) '59-Pat Boone, James Maten. 0 f1Hltr Knows lest fJ NtWI Senti, Schubeck fJ F Troop m Yotf Ind friends m a cr11111n's lslend aJ Dot 42 PM E!)Klmba 5:00 CJ e (j) ®J News ()) Oraptt D&>Newi "ltftr1J HllMha Q) De Coul'bflt, ti EMl'1 F1Ultr m !Ill n.. EJedrlc c.,..., Et.as &e•.._ m Dea Wllstft'a. Town Tell QI l1'lt Clrt - ai)Altfb! m Speed 111cer &:0011 au mm m ..... Cf) <IQ) News D Pooderosa "Jack Knife" Cil Ctt Slurt D Wild Wild West m 1lle FllntstoHs -m--...~USMC Qj) 1.oom! fl) Ml Dulce EM110r1d1 m Hodaepoct11 Loda• ft MIJberTJ RFD m LI S11111td1 &,loll Ef) lllrte stooett &:JO CI> Hoc•n's Heroes fJ Mtvfe: (90) '1lM Man With the Col• Arm" Part I (dra) '56-Frink Sinatra, Kim Novak, Elt1nor Part· er. A dramatic Indictment of the drur tr1ffic, spotllfhlina the torture$ and torments of an addict trying to kick the habit. (I) News Walter Cronkite ®)Merv Criffll s ... m A#J Crttfltlt m Ciffipe's ...... 0 CAE: Open U!WmltJ Math fD Ashoo1111 I "£1rth, 2" m.._~,. .. ftCreu Aerts m Ttlt-Revlstl Mlllkll U)Del 42 PM aJ tJalt R1sc.1ls 1:00 B (]) om""" a lowlina for Doli.rs (J) Trva or CoAsequencts (I) Meriu11 Adventure 0 Wltet'a MJ Unt1 m 1 Ltvt luCJ II) I lkelat ti JtHnlt (1j) AH Abowt TV Ttltvlslon's role in political eampalans Is examined In this four·p1rt •ties. P1rt I focusH on the Democratic N1tion1I Committee. Host Sttvtn Scheuer and auests consider how end why televised political commtrtlals are m1de and used. Guests: John Ste· wart of the McGovern/Shriver head quarters; Bartle Bull, Citizens for McGovern of Hew Yortt City; ind Robert Abrams. Bronx borou1h president. &> Jutwes Elpectaeullres fE T~ C.I Cll'uaft @I) El A9r Tttne Cira dt MuJtr 8 Movie: (C) "Che" &) Speed Rtctr fJ Ctt Sm1rt m Tiit fllnbtones QJ Petticoat Junction fl) LI F1brlea Eil) (JJ) Mister Ro(trs' Ntlaflboor· llood e;,rraHs West 9 Diet Van Dyle E!)Thrtt Stootu 7:30 B Younr Doctor IUlda,. "Riot" Kil· dare's Emer1ency Room Is filled with camp\13 riot victims. lncludln1 Or. Giiiespie and 1 student 1ccused of kllllna a pollclm1n. Wllll1m DIVane and Kevin Couahlln auest. 5:15 m hnoram1 Mundlal 5:30 a lilJbeny RfD (I) m Dennis the Menace B Tite Adventurer "H11rly the End of the Picture" A stolen Rem· brandt takes 111nt Gent Bradley on a tour of London to surd\ for • glamorous robber. \ 11uake of · t \eaves a" A carnP~s no ding Dr. Gillespie victims 1ndu ted cop killer. and a sust>E:c d GarY Merrill Mark Jen kins an star. YOUNG DR.KILDARE TONIGHT, 7:JOPM. msa THE DAILY PILDT, TV WEEK. OCTOBER 29, 1972 and blowina up a ehateau housln1 U lhwle: (C) (2Jlr) "fht MIRioft top-11nldn1 German offlctrs.. , .. n .. Earth" (SCl·fl) ·~dre B (1j m lniuide "Riddle Me 'Keir, Barbara Shelley. Excav1tors In Death" A Japanese ldqr1ph, 1 London unearth a spice capsule larae picture made up of smell which holds the secret to • M1rti1n symbols, prcwldes Chief Ironside the invasion of earth. key to 1 mysterious theft followina (j) To Tell the Tnitll the accidental death of a construe· ()) .-.Nee su,.... tion wor11er. Slan Barbare Allen and IJ LYNN REDGRAVE IS Wllllam Bryant iuest. * "GEORGY GIRL" fJ (I) C1J &l n. '1tft -Ji&llW ON THE MILLION $ MOVIE "The B11dley Affair" Dlln searches 8 Miiiion $ Movie: <2"r) WCeoro for 1n endaniered widow ind her alrt" (com) '6f-J1mes Meson, ~nn baby, runaways from her wt1lthy Red&rave, Alan Bates. A alrl n1med f1ther.1n.l1w. Geor&Y mimes I wealthy older min m Ull Ytnino ,., • ...,..., so th1t she ean-&)ve her niommate' f!l)@ l_1ternetleul ~ 1bandoned, ille1itim1t1 b1by, whom "Lis Briaands" Ofrtnbach'a comic she loves, a home. operett1 deals with 1 h1pless aroup (1j) Let's Make 1 Deal of 19th·century Italian b1ndlts who m MARLO THOMAS IS wind up belna robbed thtmselvea. * "THAT GIRL" 9 TIM Vlrit11l11t ID n.t 1trt m .,....., m (]) Dn,,..t 9:30 11 Ra•s ActioC1 m feast of LHlaa,t "As You like D ..... It" Sh1ke~1rt explores love and 10:00 II a m TIM Oun Mutla Aft lust In this romantic comedy replete De1n welcomes auests Dennls Hop- with dukes, wrestlers and shepherd· per, Chartey Pride ind Ch1r1es Nel· •sses. son Reilly. m Rollin' II ...... EE Profesor Sqltario fJ (]) Cl) m Owen Manhall "Who &) AdcllMI F1•llJ S.w Him Dier' The father of 1 1:00 II Cl) Tiit Waltons A homeless murder victim is ch1r1ed with the youn1 min the W1ltons have t1ken murder of the man 1cquitted of his In unexpectedly betrays their trust. son's deatl\. Mich1tl Rupert and Joe Conley fJ lot1s Kart.ff Pruellb DtUler auest. John.Boy, Mary Ellen and m m News Elizabeth find the youn1 min. Gino, fB Cou Juzaada lost in the woods and about to kill m ludl Somltrl an Injured racooon for food. John· m lucM Ubn Boy saves the r1ccoon. which Eli· m IOqdell •• .,.. s. zabeth takes home to care for, 10:30 B Td lack and Gino is 1iven food ind shelter QJ True Adwtl11.1n until his real p1ture is revealed. Ill w.rtd Prla 0 @) m The flip Wilson Show EJl) Thirty Mlltuta WIUI . C1rol Ch1nnin1. Edw1nl Asner and 8 Movie: WC .. 11 My W1y" slnaer Donny H1th1w1y are Alp's 6) ~ !ptfts•t 1uests. 10:55 fJ r.lltlal AH•act•nt fJ (])(I) m Mod Squed "Cor· 11:00 IJ D fJ., m &l Inn bey'' C.pt. Greer Is f11med by a (I) ()) 9) News 11naleader trylna to ftnd the son of B 0.. sa., leytlld his brother who WIS .killed by Greer Cl) ManMI Diiion ' in a shootout. After 1rranain1 the D MM: "A Nim Uttle latk TMt adcption of the orphaned boy, Greer SMtlld le Robbed" (com) '58-Tom be11n buifdin1 up 1 bank 1ccount Ewell, Mickey Rooney. so Corbey could hlVt en operation m Tl"lltll ot Ceuequt11a1 to cure a hip Injury sust1lned In ID Mowlt: "Scru•lnt Eqlts" (dra) the shootout. '56-Tom Tryon, J1n ,._rtln. ID Hoc•n's Heroes t1ll ~ Mlnutlll Wltll ••• m lotlna Frotn the OIJlftplC m Cini« ltd Antstro11 fl) HtnultOI Conlt flD f1rt111 UM fD crJ) Advoclta "The President: 11:15 Cl) CiMMI J4 McGovern or Nixon?" last of five· 11:30 II ()) CIS Lite Movie: "The Uq- p1rt pre·election deb1te series. llldttof" (sus) '66 -Rod T1ylor, g) Premier Mowte TrtYOf How1rd, Jiii St. John. m u tnolvkllbtt D ~ m JM1111y c..... m Movie: (211f) "'ttobody Uvu rot-D (]) Cl) &l Did c.wtt ewr" (dra) '4f-John G1rfield, Faye ID Tt T.a tM Tnltlt Emeoon. 12:00 II Mwit: .. ._,n ScHdals" (com) 1:30 ID M•rv 6rtffln Show '33-Eddle Clntor, ludllt 8111. 1:0011 ()) cas 111un11ay Movie: tc> m Movie: "Jack saac1e" <wes> '59- CZllr> "TM Dirt, Dolla" Plrt I (dra) Merk Steven:s, John lltel, DorothY '67-lee Mervin, Ernest Borinlne, Malone. Cher1es Bronson, Jim Brown. Durln1 12:30 G) CounbJ Musk World W1r II, 12 soldiers convlc:ted 1:00 (]) D D ())News of murder, 1mon1 other melo 1:30 II tffwte: .. Acrla tltt lrt4llt" (sua) crimes, are offered possible p1rdons '58-Rod sttlatr, David Knl&hl it they complete 1 sulcld1I mi55ion 3:00 fl Movie: "Asalp.....t ..,.......,. of perachutin1 Into Occupied fr1nce (dr1) '57 -Paul Clrpenter • ..... 21 .... ~ .... 1 M··'~ ',... . .~. j "Meet the Press," the pio· neer press conference of the air and record holder as the longest-running network 1V program in the world, will celebrate its 25th anniversary this month on NBC. The pro· gram which has set the pace and maintained a standard of excellence in television news reporting has played a signif· icant role in important events over the years, and is credit· ed with making more front· page news than any program in the history of radio and television. "Meet the Press.'' which began on radio in 1945, made its television debut Nov. 6, 1947. Currently, the program is colorcast live each Sunday on NBC, from the NBC-lV studios in Washing· ton, D.C. The program's for· mat has remained uncom· plicated and virtually un· changed: it is conducted as a press conference with four newsmen questioning an im· portant guest of national or international prominence. Known to millions for his challenging and provocative questions of the right people at the right t ime, Lawrence E. Spivak, producer and regular panelist of ''Meet the Press," has won recognition through- out the years for his many contributions to the series. Maqy of the program's news breaks, which have become a part of our recorded history, are the result of his tenacity in pursuing answers. "Something happens," Mr. Spivak says, "when a guest is being watched and listened to by millions of TV viewers. Somehow he realizes quickly that an evasion is an answer, that there can be no off-the-record reply, and that rt is almost impossible to say 'no comment' on the air. Also the voice, the inflection, and the facial expression combine to give an interview an ex· tra dimension that produces news." During this election year, "Meet the Press," in keeping with past practice, presented special expanded programs on the eve ol the Democratic and Republican National Con· ventions from Miami Beach. ,.,. 22 THE DAILY "LOT, TY WEEK. OCTolER 29, 1972 A BACKWARD LOOK The COver photoa were taken when Richard, an amateur pho- tographer, mllde a recent vlatt to Lion Country Safari to "a hoot" the anlmala tor hla own photo m ... The Waltons, new one-hour family drama seriea depicting the struggles and troublea but most of all the tenderness and love of a family living In the Blue Ridge Mountain area of Virginia during the difficult years of the depression, airs Thursdays at BPM on CBS. Richard Thomae, highly praised for his performances In the film "Red Sky at Morn- ing" and "Last Summer," stars as John-Boy Walton, the old- est son of John and Ollva Wal· ton, played by Ralph Waite and Michael Learned, resp~ tively. Other members of the Walton family Include Wlll Geer as Grandpa and Ellen Corby as Grandma. Portraying John and Ollvia'a younger children are Jon Walmsley as Jason, Judy Norton as Mary Ellen, Mary Elizabeth McDon- ough as Erin, David S. Harper as Jlm·Bob, Eric Scott as Ben, and Kami Cotler as Elizabeth. The series Is based on Earl Hamner Jr.'s "The Homecom- ing-A Christmas Story," a two-hour special which re- ceived wide audience and crtt- lcal acclaim when It waa pre- sented on the Network laat season. The episodes recount the sensitive and homey ac- tivities of the close-knit Wal- ton famlly, their hopes and troubles, their relationships with each other and with the other people who make up their small world. Earl Hamner Jr., whose own childhood memories provide the basis for the warm, nostalgic chron- icles, .will write many of the scripts for the series. Lee Rich Is executive producer of The Waltons, Robert L. Jacka la producer, with Hamner aa executive story consultant. lt'a standard procedure for an au- thor to edit and re-edit hla writing-but novelfat·scrlpter Hamner has gone a step far- ther. He ia editing his own llfe. He freely admits that "The Homecoming" was autoblo- graphlcal, baaed on actual In- cidents from his youth and on the real charactera of his par· enta, grandparents, alx broth- ers and slaters, their friends and neighbors. These same M1cue1 L•med a Richard Thomae principals appear Jn The Wal- tons. "In essence, we are deal- ing with two audiences," says Hamner, "the general viewing audience and my famlly who wlll be tuning In to see them- selves! I am concerned In a very apeclal way with that aec- ond audience.'' The "editing" of his life has to do with Hamner's desire that these people like what they see. ''The children dealt with In the orlglnal story are now grown men and women with youngaters of their own. They are reaponalbfe adult members of their communities, and I have no wtah to embar- rass them or to hold them up to rldJcule, no matter how gen- tle," says the writer. · "The Innocent mlaadven- tu rea the dreams and fantasies of youth have always been an amusing baa la for storlea--but moet of us, I think, might be apprehenalve If we knew our childhood capera would be shared with millions of strang- ers. It's one thing for me to alt around with my f amlly and remlnlace--lt'a quite another to broadcast thoae memorfea on a publlc medium," Ham- ner commenta. "On the other hand,•· Hamner continues, "one of my problems It to be sure nobody Is left out. Even my grow~up brothers and sis- ters are Inclined to be slightly hurt If they don't see them· aelvea in a atory. So aome- tfmes I have to Include people that didn't actually take part In the real episode." As for '1heavlea"--charac· ters that are In any way unaym· pathetic-they are, In Ham· ner's worda, "entirely fiction- al." "The only, vlllaln we had In our valley,' aays the quiet Virginian, "was poverty-or, as we called It, 'hard times.' " The brllllant Richard Thomas says he might have been a bal- let dancer Instead of an actor "but I didn't have any talent. I was born Into dancing and I apent my childhood back- stage watching my parents dance all around the world. Today they own a large ballet school In New Yc 1 k City. But I'm Just plaln awkward. I fall over or Into thlnga all the time. My kid alster, who Is some years younger than I am, use?, to help me tie my ahoe laces. It may be juat as well that Thomas didn't become a dan· cer because he might have been loat to the acting world. Since age 7 when heflayed In stock companies o "Damn Yankees" and "Anything Goea," critics have noted his ability and natural atage pres· ence, some even called him a star. "Actually there'• no such thing as a 7-year--old atar.'' he says, "because the next year you're 8 an" want to be a fire- man. As for stage presence, when you're born In a trunk you think nothing of walking on stage from the wlnga.'' The articulate young Thom- as speaks Spanish, French and Chinese, which I learned be- cause It was the mo.t fer out language I could think of. An actor's conaclou1nea la In hla mouth muaclea," he aaya. "Many wrltera are unaware that eome worda won't pesa the oral barrier. You can do Shakeapeare running up and down a ladder. lt'a like a mu - sical ecore. No ltage dlrec- tlona are nMded.'' The 21-year--old Thomas's next goal la to play Richard Ill by the time he'• 24. "It's either played u a horror story or aa a farce,'' he aaya. "It's neither. I've never aeen It done well." Another Thomas goal Is to be a writer. "I want to write some nice parta for myself." he explalna. F p FRIDAY NOVEMBER 3 zom1n1 and aft9moon Hstlnp, pie se see DAYTIME PROGRAMS. ' for rour conveNence, a the day's movies. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 m ...., .., law" (dra) '48 Claudette Colbert, Don Amedlt. t:JO D (C) .. A SU•_, ,._... (dra) '59 -Richanl Eiu. Ootvttiy McGuire, Sandrs Dee. 10:00 (]) (C) .. ......, ...... c:.e.r tf .... Ed" Coftd. (ld·fi) '59 -Pat Boone, James Muon. U ..,,... C....,. (hor) '4S-ton Ctlaney, belyn Ankers. 12:00 ... , ....... Aatlrl" (mys) '42 - Ilona Massey, Jon Hiii. 1:00 GI..,,..,,_ HlP ScMel" (dra) ·~1ck11 Rooney, Terry Moore. l:JO • ..,. .. tf DNdl'" (mys) '45 - Lon Cti1ne1, Brend• Jo1ce. a """' ..... la ............ (dra) '52 -Joan Crawford, Dennis Morain. 3:00 (I) .,,.IN ......,. (dra) ·~wu. liam Holden, Nancy OllOlt. g (C) ..,_. CHM lltahll" Concl. (dra) '59 -Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Shlr1ey Maclalne. FVFNING fiJlewtftJ HIAbiHla a Alllpllfft C.r1 Slssklnd hosts. m Cowtllllf tf EM9'1 ,....., fJl) ~,.. EJedlk CollpllJ tl)Lalt ..... m DH WllNll'• r ... Tiit 9111.t llrt EE la Hen Faalllar CM C.Allo &JSllJIH ... &:00eaaa>mm11en (J)djNen .,. ...... Cl) let Slllft fiJWiWWIW*-GITIMnmtt ... • .... ,,..USMC @Alllc-........ ~ fllMMll•••~ HM"""1 llfD EE la 11.-.. f.lpeu mn.r..._. 6:30(1) ...... aHet'MI D .... : (90) "DI run Wlttl S.W.. Anl" Cond. (dr1) '56-fran Sinatra, Kim Novak, Eleanor Partier, Darren MtGavin. ~ Indictment o tt1t drua traffic, sc>0tllahtlna t loftum and torments of an addl tfJln1 to kick the habit. (l)CISNen di MtrY Crfffta SMw GI W, Crtfftal .., Uliptt'• lllHd (Jj) t.U: Cellep c.tdtt C.Urae Ii) ....... ., I "Earth, 3" @DJelMeCll'MnSM as ..... Aerts am._. 9)Dlt 42,.. 4:00 a .... : <C> (2Jw) .,..., ,,.. m Ut11e 1aca1s ltl 5-t" (com) ·~ock Hudson. 7:00 B Cl) D CD Nen Paula Prentiss. A flshlni expert, wtlo II ......, r.r Dlftars hu never fished In hla life, has to Cl) Trvu. ., c-q111nces become the real ttiin1 In a hurry to (I) amm save his job and reputation. fiJ WIYt'a 1i1J Unel • "' ...... • • lMlt llKJ D (I) m lMlt a..rican S1yll • I .... of Junflie ID hp _. Ill bU1a aJl Al A1119t 1Y ma...-.. m1n1e ..... 8LMIJMI fJ.l) aJJ S.S... S1rMt e Q M« Tlene Cln de Miiier a.., fndt Mutian a MMe: (C) ~ &)Feftl tlle c.t ~Mir Dlrt.r •:JO (]) .... : (C) .. ...., • • ee.. m s..s 11e111 tlf tf tile IMtlt" Concl. (scl·fl) '59-J :JO II Circa! "Circus of the Bia BeaB" Pat Boone, James Muon. D...., u• 141 .... 8 fltller ..._ lest Ulltwlt: (C) (at) "'FM Mltll• D ,.._ Bentl, Sdlubeck v ..... EMtll" (sd·fi) '68-Andrew a , T..., lleif, Barbara Shelley. GI Yeaf IM ,..._.. Ci) Te Tiii tM Trutlt • a,.,.. .. lllMd (I) T1N1111lll1ra m Dlt 42 ,.. , a GRANT, KERR, MITCHUM m 11• * MOVE INTO A CASTLE 4:55 a......, 111111•c•.ant AND INTO LOVE ••• 5:00 a a ())a..... 0 -.. , .... = <C> (at) """ ~ :':.t lraa la C.....,.. (com) '61--(aiy ID 11le n...... Grant, Jun Slmmons, Deborah Kerr, II) MlicNt JlllH:tlen Robert Mltdlum. m la ,.... a• .... Price ,, 11a1tt fD (JI) II_, ........ Ntl~ m TW llrt IDT .... Welt -~=ller.nMn. 8 Diet Vtt1 o,111 .._ Wll lltMt Week El)nr.t..... VII 5:15 em,....... ••1a1 m um.d w..w S·JO 8 .,.,._., llfD EB 1'e _..,... . CJ) ID DHlll tt1t Metta &> n. MM• f••llJ D 1!11\ ..._ 7:55 D r.Htkll r..111111~nt WI ~~nued) THE DAILY PIU>T, TV WEEK, OCTOBER 29, 1972 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, OCTOBER 29, 1972 1:00 IJ Cl) Senny ind Cher Lorne Greene and The Wltli1ms Brothen are spedel auttts. ousy and sets out to nip the romenc:e In the bud. star Felix needs-with Oscar's help -to do a TV commercial. om" ... Q) Movie: (C) ~ Slntt" (1cM '43-M•r1• Montez, Jon Hell. tJ) 5t1Mr Ted Anlllnla1 0 (II m Slefenl -.id Son "Hive Gun, Will Sell" l1mont 1nd his friend, Rollo, come home late and find a buralar in the Sanford house. They scare him off, but he leaves somtthina behind-I aun! m lie.IV Cltflln Show (lj) The Just Cetimtion f.1i) atywitdMrs 9:45 fi) Viviani Hortlauera 11:15 &I) Chttnt1 3' 9:001J CIJ CIS Friday MM: (C) (Ztlr) 10:00 ~ ~ m l1nyon "Dead End" ?f 11:30 fJ C8S l.111 Movie: (C) ''Th. Valley "Tiie DirtJ Dozen" Cffd. (dre) '67 f1Cl1lly ordered off t.he case, Police of hlnai" A sdtnee·flction western LH Ml<Yin, Ernut Bortnlne. '-!· Pete McNeil (Richard Jaeckel) starrini James FrancisM. Charle$ Bronson, Jim Brown. Ourina hires Banyan to solve a suspeded 0 ®) m MhellJ CanM D CD CJ) El> lllCIJ lftd "Tiie Show Must Go On'' Aortnct Hen· deBOn end Maureen McCormick duet '1'oeether" for 1 hlah school show. m Hep11'1 Heroes 11)'9nyMUOft World Wu II twelve soldiers con· murder that hes bothered him for IJ Movie: (C) '"Pkbtrt Me•llfJ victed of murder,. •mon1 other ma· nearty seven years .. Jack cassldy end ............... ( ) •t.ll! "--"-·-h Zsa · .1. 'bl Diane Muldeur auesl --mys vv-uvn "''HI\; e, )or cnmes, are onered po~ • m IT'S A WHOLE NEW ZSI Gabor, Susan Gordon, Mirtha pardons If they complete a su1cld1I .. " Hyer. mission. * NEWS--MetroNews fJ (]) Cil m Diel c.wtt fl) ... ,. ... Ceralt 0 @) @D &bolt StlHy "Hilt • 0 GI News . Cl) Nlpburt Death" A mySterioos bond between D (1J CI> EE Ltve Alfttrlcan 5tJlt m To Tell tM Trutll Identical twins reaches back from "love and the Return of Raymond," fm (Jj) WalltfttcliN w .. , In Review fl) &1MSfD AIMto ,,. .... m u tllOMdablt the arave to torture the survivlna "Love and the President," and "love 12:00 m 1Movif: "Portrllt In Ttrrot' (hor) twin dau1hter and their mother. and the Clinic." '65-William campbell, Anne Pa· m ..... : (2ht) "Sltur.S.y'a Cltll- drtll'" (dra) '40-John Garfleld, Anne Shlr1ey. Eleanor Parter end Pamela Franklin fJ llol'fs Ka'1off Presents Thrllltr vane. star. II) Nasltvlllt Miiiie D CD (j) m Room 222 "You (fj) EJecdon '72 a:30 o a m TM Uttlt r.op1t "And Then They Wrote" A little boy Is un· happy es ht watches his p11ents be· come nf\urallzed, but the reeson Is not wtt.t Dr. Jimison and his staff assume. Don't Know Me, He Said" When Pete EJl) Soul Dixon prods Carey lee Whitteker fD lud• Sombre into 1pplyin1 himself more In his EE rr..Jer 40 studies, the former "A" student con· EE IOnidOM of the SI• tides to his teacher that he hes l0:30 II Talk tact leukemia. Q) Trve Actwtnbn a Cil oo m TM rartrW,. r1111 "A likely tandidete" Romance blooms between Shir1ey Partridae and Rldlard Lawrence, en 1ttomey ninnlna for Coninss. Keith Pw · tr1dtt la tnthusl1stlc •bout Lewrence end helps with hb campalfn. But when he realizes that his mother and Lawrence are becomlna serious about one 1nother. Keith suffers jeal· ID Ttfffvn (fj) Spt•I f,..,, m Un Vttano hra Rfc:onSar ~ u~1e·"'(C) MU--, --···" fl!) QjJ Masterpiece TMetn I07""" • ._,or o ..,._,. m LI eos..rRe 10:55 D Politial Annou11e1mnt a TIM V1r0mn 11:00 a o am mm ...., EE Dnu CIJ CIJ (1g News t:JO D luct o..i Ralldl Show O 0ttt Step ltJHd D (])Ci)&>Tlll Odd Couple (])M1raM1Dmoa "Felix's First Commmlll" Deacon O 5'\trtodl Ho1111t1 Tbeltre Jones guasts as himself, 1 footbell GI Truth or Consequencaa 'BOONE PRANKS' Richard Boone starring in the title role of Hee Ramsey, the new entry on the NBC Sunday Mystery Movie, is os rich o procticol prankster os the fi lm industry has ever known. A recent example was o joke he ployed on veteran di- rector George Marshall, who at age 81 is the dean of film makers of the western genre and helmed the "Hangman's Wages" episode of Hee Ramsey which airs Sunday, Octo- ber 29, on NBC at 8 :30PM. Boone hod participated in several pre-production meet- ings with Marshall and noted that at 11 a .m ., "just like you could set your watch by it," the director noted the time and helped himself to a refreshing beverage. "The first day on ·the show," Boon~ recalls, "we were on location in the desert and I was going to make sure that George hod his 11 o'clock drink-right on time.'' Boone went so far as to deliver the beverage in style: At the stroke of I I, a large cannon shot was heard and around the corner of a butte came Boone, aboard o rolling Morine Corps tonk! Another cannon shot and Boone dismounted, bearing a giant brandy snifter appropriately inscribed with the legend: "George Marshall's 11 o'clock Special." Boone laid off for o few days thereafter, but once bock on the sourydstoge where the Universal Television and Mark VI I Ltd. features ore headquartered, Boone again hod a "special," this ti.me differently delivered. Exotrc dancer Jennie Lee arrived on the stage at the appointed hour and, in a minimum costume, handed Marshall his "special." "If nothing else," ..said Boone afterword, "George won't forget It when 11 o'clock rolls around " •• 12:30 O Movlt: ''"'"' ott Swchy" (com) '60-Mtlln1 Mercouri, Jules Oassin. O)Country Mlltk 1 :00 (]) 0 0 """ 1:1s D Mftit: .,...,...,ect Lady" (dr•> '47 -Ray Mill1nd. Teresa Wrl&ht, Anthony Quinn. 1:30 IJ Mowit: "Tender C..flde" (dra) '43 -Ginaer Ro11rs, Robert Ryan, Kim Hunter. Cl)Ntws 3:001Jlltwlt: .,.. , .... Caury" (dra) '44 -Richard Gl"ltflt, Anna Neqlt. m ...,.. Slnaiq l11bf1M t1J) TM £Jectric Collpany Cf) lntem1tfon1l Hour 11)) Driller THE DAILY PILOT. TV WEEK, OCTOBER 29, 1972 Qi) Tiie f1mlly tame SATURDAY fJi) Mist. Rt&tra' Ne{~ 11 :00 fJ Cf) TM f1l.tstoMa D a m Artutd the WOftd In 80 ... NOVEMBER 4 MORNIN G 6!00 Cf) S.nrbe s...mr 1:30 0 lllck (Jpertt.c:e (f)TYIClaltotla mltl'sa., 7:00 11 Sunme S.•eet• D d9 m U•derdot D (I) Cl) Q> H. R. Pufnatuf Cl) S..nrbl s.nter ........ llU al) TM Dect11c CtfRPIRY 7:30 II Dusty's TrtellouM D m n. 1ttstns U CllftpUI Profile IJ (]) (j) m lacboft flvt Cf) TV I Clmroom di Undt Rust C1J Colltl• Footblff D CIJ F•_, rttantom mM-tA fill (fj) Z..O.! g)l.VUl>re QI Tiiis WMll 111 Pro Football 11:30 D (Ii @'D T8'kl111 WIUI a Clint "Belon1Jn1" Two 15-ye1r-olds, Reuel Ash and Heather Thomu, welcome auest Bill Bixby and talk With him about "belonalna." D CD Lk1sviUe m Untallfd World Ii) Movie: "111t Fabuloal Wol1d of lulft Yemt" (SCl·fl) '61-lou Tock, Er11ie Havant. fJi) Qi) The Electric C-PIRJ AFT E RNOON m ..... : ..,,.. Houston SIDfJ" (dr1) '56 -Gene Bany, B1tb1111z:0011 ()) ArcW.'s TY FaMies Hile. "Tiie Cln Monstef" (bor) '66 D Strandipitr "Japanese Vlll11e -Phyllis Coates, Myron Healy. and Deer Part" (iJ) Mister R'ltrs' NeJ~ U JolMI WIJDt lllatrt 8:00 11 Cf) sup '"'"' fJ Cf) n.. t1onaa a m ""' hntllef 9 lad&trt D """ w.,.. ThNtrt m Tiie Ci-t ·"' Mr1. Muir fJ (]) Cl) aJ TM OslMftCts (1J) CAE Collea-crfflt C.UrM 0) C.UntJJ Musk fl!) Mistff Rqan' Net~ Ell) ID) s..a. .. Street m TrMl11rt 8:30 fJ Cf) Sabrfna 9 Tiie bplertn D a§ ID Tiie Houndats 12:301J (j) I lficlg I Wllll's An E1ee- m Combat! Qj) Auto Mtdlanla ms. ..... Str..t ID TV Hour of Stars 2:30 U Steps tD uarntna 0 Inquiry "School Integration Whit Do We Wantf' CI> Mobile Home Sllow II) McHalt's Navy Qj) foll! Guitar 3:00 ti Tiie Sltsll Is Over Bob Navarro hosts. D Wiidiife Theatre "Sea, Ice and Flre" U Rams Action 00 Rim Fetturt (j) Far Out Rieb O Movie: ''Sltvtr River" (wes) '48 -Errol Ry}ln, Ann Sheridan. @) Movte: (C) "It Ca• Fro11 Outer Splct'' (sci·fl) '53-Rlchard Carlson, Barbara Rush. m Movie: (C) "Amerfan Cuentlla In th• Philippines" (dra) ·s~TY· rone Power. Tom Ewelf. OJ TIM Vlratnlen Qi) HathlNI fl!) MIS'ttf Roatrs' NelPbortlood m rirt11ot..soccer m Movie: "The flbulous Do..,..- 3:30 IJ Just ftltural D °" Caiapus e Hopa1on1 CmidJ (])Movie: "Barrier of the Lnf' (dr•) '50-R0$$1no Brazzi, Lea Pa· dovani. fll)Zoom! 8 Time Tunnel (:OOtJMtdlx 00 Con,resslon1I Candldltu 0 lmpado Wltfl Manuel Ar1ion (ii) You. Food ind t.IM Sta Ei) Nino Qi) fim Advtntum In lmprovblq a!) Panorama latlno m Vol~ of A,Jf culblr9 4:30 IJ Movie: (C) ''Qualltaz'' (wes) '52 -Fred MacMurray, Dorothy Milone, John Gavin. 00 Clndldltes for Marsh1I O focus U Movie: "Th• Astoundln1 Silt Monsttf' • (hor) '57-Robert Clarke . Ken Duncan. ' D To Be Announced (j) This Is Your Uft • iJ NFL G1mt of the W•• ~ Harlan SVare Show m11tman (lil Zoom! 9 Lost In Space EE Coron• Now 4:55 (]) Pollticll Announcement 5:00 0 What's Goin& On With WHlie oms fJ CI) 00 aJ ABC'1 Wide WotW of $9orts (j)®)News O Tiiis WHk In Pro football m Movie: (C) "111rte Qodflttlen" (adv) ·4~John Wayne, W1rd Bond. m land of the Gltnts (iJ) The Electric Company (Continued) EVENING PREVIEWER...;;.Sh•ron Obeck opens NBC's evenlnl of Pl"Olrlmmln1 nch nllfht by lnformlna viewers H to ''Whet'• On T'onlatrt." Miss Obeck Is seen In 30-second segments et IPM Monitays thru Sllturd.ays and •t 7:30PM Sund•ys. fJ (]) Cl) a> AIC Supentar M.. tioll All Aboutt The first of 1 new vie: (C) ''Robin Hoodnlt" An anl· series of Information broadcasts tor ------------------------ mated com.dy adventure in which children. Walter Cronkite ls reporter Robin Hound Is framed for stulln1 fo< this first one that will explain the Widow Weed's cow. When to children why an election Is Robin learns th•t he Is no lonaer held, who may vote and how they a hero to the peesants, he sets out may do it-and how one vote be· to find the cow and re1urn It to the comes a part of the electofal pro· Widow Weed. cess of selecting a president. t :OO tJ ()) 111• Amaz:tn1 Cllan 0 Movie: ,.Dtcof' (dra) '46-Jean D ®) m Roman Holldayt Gillie, Edward "orris. U Movie: •Secrtts of the Ctaltllll" fJ Anierleall Bandstand (mys) '34-Jack LaRue, Claire Dodd. di Mowt.: (C) ''law and Ot'der" 0 Movie: "Unurttlly stnnatl" (wes) '53-Ronald Rea11n. {sci·fl) 'St -John Neville, Philip OJ E1t1Hntliy News Stone. m Sesl•• stftlt m Movie: "11le Youna Gun" (wes) @m Sabados Ale&m '57-Ruu T1mblyn, Glort1 T1lbot. m Sportscope Qj) Tiie Oldrk Co•PlllY 9 Tiie Bl( Valley Ell) Mtstar Rorm' Nefpbortlood 1:00 ti (I) CIS Clllldrtn's F11m FutMI fl) Clae tn 541 Cul A Unique trilo11, "Carole, I lo¥e 9:30 U Jeste ind tM hUJUb You," "Thunderstorm" ind "Clown" D Qi m ne llrt1trs -three stones without words- @ TI1uan1: Wind .. to ~· Souttl •re beautifully photoiraphed films D CJ) Tiie 1""1 Kids that present stories llluS1r1tln1 love, (I) Cartoon Carnival n a child ex!*"iences it. fl1) (Ill SesllM Street U Roller Camn 9 Sea Hunt fJ Colle&t f~ll Teams to bl an· 10:00 U ScoobJ·Doo nounced. 0 di m Sullb ZOZO m Souf Train a Cil Cl> 1twttchtd m ...., 9 Roller C111t1 fm Cine en la Tardt 10:30 0 di &:m Runaround ID C.naclilft AcMnturt 0 Movie: "Hold That Blonde" l :30 0 W.,.n Trai1t {com) '4>-Eddle Br1cllen, Veronlct 0) Qe•plonshicl ._,Ina Like. &) Mfsar Roprt' Nel .. bofttolcl fJ CI) Cl) Kid Power m H1111an DlllMflSJou CIJ JotM 111d ttt. Pilsqcata QI Movie: (C) "M°"""' Ptp" 0 Mowte: •Ji• ~l AMtn-2:00 II Dtas1y'1 Trtelleuse • cett" {sports) '51-6urt Lancaster, D Alrfallblrt USA "Ecoloay and Ptlyllls Thaxter. the Fanner" • SATURDAY (Continued) m eosa 11111ldl @) Map and h halltfful Ma· dtiM @I) SUI* Slaow m Country "'~ g)IOMba 5:300(f)Nan • a§ Mowte: (C) (~I') """'" ..._,. (dra) '57-lana Turner, l .. flfllllll' Hope Lanp, Lloyd Holen. @c.mc.INw fil)ThtAMcatn m Aarlcultm USA an.wt.,._,, 6) Speed bc:tr fVfNING . s:oo1111mm..._ 1J ...a.., fM Dollars Ci) Hiatt CNpan.I fJ The Rul Don Stttlt 5'ow m Tht l'trsuadtn (Jj) WasJtlnctMi W•l la Rewltw m 1.os eo.tc111ftt11 Qt stand Up and Clletr Ci1D Teatro del 40 g) CrHlblln& Colltat football t :lOIJDNtws (]) Spotts W1Ut lt'1b llDICNtwi~ 1J lllt Manc.1111 Ctnntle1 Pitt! Pap and Biii Dina 1uest (j) Sports Qellufe (Jj) W1U Stntt WM fZl) ftut ef Llnpara "As You Like It" (R) @&El Sllow dt Ltdlll11 1 s.im. m ell Mandni CHIRUM 7:00 1J CJ) UFO "Sub-Smash" Com. Straker learns that the perils of tllt deep are even worse thin tht hu· ards from outer space when a new menace appears. (}) Wiid IOltl'lfo• 0 m Lmlt "The Golden Eaatt" Tra1edy strikes a pair of nestln1 Golden Eagles and Lassie must make a valiant attempt to see that the rare and pretious earles are hatched. U Htt H• Jud Strunk and Jamey Rr.n guest. Cl) Tr..U. or CoftMtlutnee1 U THE PARENT GAME *Parents Are So Funny fJ Tiie Parent Ca• G Dutfl ValleJ o.,. m 9 Llwrtnce Wt .. Sllow I!) It likes I Jhltf (Jj) All About 1V fl) EJ TomJllo fZl) Till U.. Butcher Cub HI• Dowll See Mon., 8PM llstlni. @I) Nodle de Sabadt EE)Hte Kn m '"' Sti...t 7 :30 Cil Tht Adwtftt8nf II 11tt Mo .. fldery Comedienne Shut Lewis is hostess for a show aboot cats. She IWfl ctves Hush Puppy a lenon In tolef'Jnc:t. (I)To Ttfl tllt rrva U Let's Mate a Diii THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, OCTOBER 29, 1972 !IOOiU:~ THE pm~ SATURDAY NIGHT MOVIE~ 11:3opm\LI D AFFAIRS, BLACKMAIL, *AND PETER SELLERS IN .. HOFFMAN" ••• fJ MHllolt $ Mtvlt: (2tw) "'IWf. *«11" (sus) '71-Peter Stllers, Sl- nead Cu11ek. m11aa ... ..., 1:00 II Cl) All I• the Family When Mike inherits • few hundred doll1rs end donates most of it to 1 presidential campaian. 1 f1mlly f1ud ensues. D m E•trftlCJ "fun Lady" John111 Ga1e has women tJoubles and Rampart Emtriencr Is btsieced bJ a rnh of buraJaries. II RflH1' Tommy Rot and Cnlwt>a 1uest. D (I) (I) ED Niu S.ldl & Jola "What H1ppentd to the XST7'' m .....,: <e> car> "OMrcl.-... lcaw stytt" (com) '67 -Dick Yan ~k•, Debbie Reynolds, J1son Re>- barda, Jun Sonmons, Van JohnJOn. d) ca.t•pltaMp Wmt1n1 (Ill Tiii tht htdltr Cuti "• Don fBlttdlaUbtt fli) lo'*!ulvlrl "llrhtnln' Hopkins" 9 Movtt: (C) ""fin Dtn .....,. &> .._.: {2M) ...,,.,... t11 A Ml1dl" (dra) ·~umphr9J Bo· i•rt. Bette Davis, Joan Blondell. Guests •re Huati O'Brfan and John D1vldson. lfij I #Hew; I Clllano A mm ex· plor1tlon of ttie bias and oppr1S$lon which 1ffect Chicanos. @hotltat fJ) ... fldU.. UHi EYVMllSlcll 1:55 0 ,_,lticaf MIMNIMl9.t 9:00 8 ()) MllY ~ y..,. Sllow Comedian Jerry Van Dyke auests u a comedy writer who quits his job and, with 1 lot of 1ncoura11ment from Mary Richards. tries to mike it blc as 1 nl1htc:lub comic. D dim NIC SltufdlJ NIOt ..._ (wes) '67 -Kirt Oourl•s. Robert Mitchum, Rlchsrd Wldm1r1'. Lola Albri11\t, Sally Field. D 1W« (90) "Ollt Mhllel l .C.'' (sd·fl) '40 -Lon Chanty. U THE STREETS OF SAN * FRANCISC<>-NEW HIT! u w (j) m Stn.ta et , .. Fran· me. "Hall of Mlrron" When Mike discovers 1)10un1dtttc:ttw11Slstln1 In a murder lnwstfaatlon Is of Mex- letn htrftaa•, ht rscea to prevent the klllln1 of a Chicano ~sptct. fB Ua Yttaftt Pan lilcenlar U.F.Q 1:30 IJ CJ) lrWpt Lowa lemJe fD QI,..,._.. ,._ Ytfl ''The Rlmers of EJdrttch" A murdtr trial fofcea the ~· ot • pi.Jt(f-out coal town to assess their wfuts and llvu. TONIGHT, 7:00PM. CISSI Brld11t and Bernie are reluctant to Keept tht Attrerald's bel1ttd wed- dinr prtsent-one yt1r's frM rent In 1 plush uptown apartment, II WactJ Wtttd tf Joutt. WI 9JQ--•L.c.Y.W. 9:30 IJ Cl) lob Ntwtuirt ~ Howard Borden, whost divorce settlement Includes two weekends 1 month with his son Howle, ls sure that the boy really doesn't like him when Howie end JerTY Robinson hit It off Ilka old pals . ...... m "''*"' ~·.., 9:45 tE s. c.tdll fftllftl 10:00 II()) Mission: hnpossible Phelps 1 poses as the head of 1 Hollywood movie studio intent on m1kln1 1 motion picture that parallels ex- actly the unsol.J.d murder com· mitted by one of the studio's ext· cutive 1s part of the IMF plan to prmnt 1 crime syndlute's take· over of the studio\ D CJ) (I) m Tilt Slat• SHH "Throuah a A~m• Dar1dy'' A beautl· fut youna woman risks her llf1 to answer 1 call from the dead. IJ The Unknown Reals Phllbln GJNnl Im lo1 de Mulct Gm CllfHM Vartetr Hour m Lou a.n1oa .. .. 10:!0 11 Sperts Qalletl" (iJ 11..ts "8ftetl Pmlftts Tllr1111 CD""' t1l) aJ) l1teraatl1111I Parfor•Hct "Les Brt1ands" (R) 9 Mtwle: .. All tltt I01(s 11•" 11:00 B Cl) D ()),.... II USC feetbaft Tape delay of USC/ Washlnrton state Couprs pme played earlier. (j) Ma,,ul Dfflel GJ Mtwlt: (C) "T1tr'M Ctdfltllln" (WU) ··~John Waynt, Ward Bond. ID Katflrya Kulllua 11:15 CJ) Mowle: (C) ,., Ont for ..... (mus) '59 -Bini Crosby, Debbie Reynolds. 11:2.0 f) Mcwte: (C) "A l1dtl111 Story" (com) '64-Mar1on Brando, Shirley Jones, David Niven. An ex-Army cor- poral, who Is extremely successful with the ladles. bets that he can win the affections of a youna lady before a bosus prince does. • u :JO a a """ Cl) Mowie: "Dakota UI" (wes) '50- Marle Windsor, Georae Montaomery. 0 Movie: (C) "Co1111 Blow Yt1r Horn" (com) '63-Frank Sinatra, Le• J. Cob'->. Tony Bill. S.rbara Rush, Jiii St. John. Molly Picon, Dan Blocker, Phyllis McGuire. ()) MMie: "Thi S.nant" (dra) '63 -nirt Boilfdt, Sarah Miies. IJ frt&M Ntillt: "l'9ocl ta Satalt'a CS.W" (horH•trick Wymart. m Mowie: "llJ M111 Codfray" (com) '57-Davfd Niven, June Allyson. g)CHllaS4 12:00 II Tt II AIMM•c" a§T•Jtftn._ 1:00 U Mewte: "If I Were Klftl" (dra) '38-ROMld Colman, Ellen Drew. ()) Cl) News 0 Mtwlt: (C) .. lata11bUI" (actl) '57 -Errol Flynn, Cornell Borchers. m tieov1•: .. " .... "" 0raper (dr1> '54--Richard Conte, Joan Bennett 1:20 II Movie: ''Hoodt• £11ptn" (dl'I) '51-Brl•n Donlevy, Claire Tmor. t:JODNtws 2:45 fl Mowle: "TI!llt Endeall111 ,..,.., CMras" (rom) ·•~oblrt Younc. THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, OCTOlf!R 2t, lt12 ,... 27 END OF MONTII STEREO CLEARANCE Prices Slashed up to 600/o During Sale ALL UNITS GUARANTEED IECEIYERS-AMPS-TUNERS-OECODERS COST NKW A1her X-202-1 10 wet+ erw1pllfler w/W•lnut C•se (tr•cl•-i11l A-sh•r FM.10 .. 1 Tufter ••••••• • •••• ~ •••••••••• w/Wal11ut Ce .. (tude-h1l '°'" "" H•'ftl•ll·~r4on tJO to watt lMS • • • • • • • • • • S4'f AM~FM Receiver !demo-new 9uere11t .. l . lo9e1t AP-JO JO w•tt Stereo · ••••• ,,, •••• , •• , Amplifier ( tr•de·fn I .... Herme.11-Karclo. Arie FM Solid Stete ••••• , • , •• $2t0 R•c•iver ( tr•cle-in) Hermen-Karclon AJOO Stereo •••••••••••••••• t1 JI Amplififf ( tracl•·in) lo9en TAISO 50 w•tt Solid State ........... , SI .. Amolifier ( tr•cfe.in) So11y TA I 0 I 0 JO w•tf RMS IOTlt Ampllfl•r f tr•de-in) So11y ST5600 AM-FM Ster" •••••••••••••••• SJ46 Tun•r ( tr•d•·i11 I H•rm-.i•1Cartlo11 Feath-al ••••••••••••••• , • • • • JN AM/FM Receiver Hr•cfe-inl $o~y PFM 90t0 Ster .. FM ltectiver ••••••• , •• Slit wJtlt l.uilt-1~-•p .. ka" (11ewl I Hl McD011alcf 20A AM/FM •••••••••••••••• SUI Receiver ldemo·n-9uu•11•••> ~cott J57 50 watt RMS AM/FM ••••••••••• : Utl ltoceivor (cfemo·11ew 9uar•11teol So11y SQD tOOO 4-chunel SQ •••••••••••••• SHI Do coder ( clelfto-now 9uar•11tee) COMPACTS PenH01tlc SC·HOO 60 watt AM/FM 6.ne~cl •• $411 Che119or ( 21 I " Air Su1po111io11 Sp .. kers ( cle1110-11ew 91ter•11ioo I Pet1••onlc SE-20JO 60 watt AM/FM •••••••••• Slit _..,,.r4, C 1) 6 Vt" Air Su1p•11slo11 s .... k .... ( .. lft0•1101' 91terant .. 1 SAl.S IOTH $125 $299 $10 $75 $10· $35 IOTH $175 $50 $59 $75 $144 $76 $250 $199 SPEAKEIS COST NIW KLH' U " 2-wey StstoM ht ................. S141 •il.d w•ln11t (11ewll " Que'r•ff•• Q. I 4-wey X 12" ...... , ....... $Ut S.,.t.wi C tracle·i11) A~•• 601·C 12-.0..,lew .................... SllJ Speeltor (cfoMol JI&. l•itc., 44 I l•u X I " ,usfvo l•cUet., ( clemo·tt•w tuarutM) ••••.••• 11JI Alt.c 174A S09ovia 12"-J.w•y • • • • • • • • • • • • Ult syatoM (Jo1110-1tew a11er•fttM) Roctllf11 .. , X • J•way 10" Ian, •••••••••••••• St ff S" 1t11d, 2" lltf'i Cfredo-i1t) AR 2H J·w•y I 0 IHa, 2 Y, Mi4, 1'" hi9h • • • • SI J4 Sylt.lft 'f 4e"'P•'l•W 9VUHtoei TAPE RECORDD.S-DECIS TEAC A.1200 U, ) 911otor, ) h .. cf ............ SUt fepo cfocli (clomo~11ow flleralltM) 011y ·540 20 watt, PCNteblo Recorcler • • • • $4lt 2 mikes, $9111Mf-011-1ou"4 <traclo-ht I Pu.,011ic ltQ-2HS AM/FM • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • SH CeueH• 'ot+•We (cfeMO•llew uaruteol Wollo111als 6too lool l•p• Ded: ............ Sl7t I '""•·new 911•r•11toe) • Sony TC-Hi'b l••I T .,_ Oocls •••••••••••••• $161 (clemo-11ow 911era11t.o) Sony TC-160 Cutotte Doc\j Duel Cap1ta11, .... SJJt fortlh H .. cl ldattto-uw 9uerutee) TURNTAILES-CHANGERS Lo11c• 155 Me11uel Turnt•blo •••• , ••••••••••• Stl w/w•l11ut l.aH ''•"'•·11ew 9uerHtH) Dual I 219 ''T•,~•t.4" •ufo ••• , •••••••••••• $111 tvr11tel.lo ( 11owl I wrrer4' JO Che1t9er wi ......... , ••••••••••••• $41 Di•moitcl Stylus (new!) JVC SRC·700U Chen9er w/lese, •••••••• , ••• S1M C•rtrlcl90, C-.er4 I ttecfe-i11) Gerrard Z.ro 100. Zoro Trackl119 •••••••••••• $211 Error Turntable fde1110-11ew 9u•r•11tee) r"!!!!M ADC e Altec e Al e lenla.y e D ... • DyMco •...w • .............. •Jn e -.. .. • IOM e ILH e Lw. e Ma•ta e Mc.._. • N .. .__. Ctt41tl ............... ,, • rid .......... .... Sc.rt e 5'1rw11-' e S111 .. &ref1w" e a.re e SAU 87 $50 $75 $96 $~75 99 $85 179 129 65 $79 $135 $139 so $130 $29 $50 $140 • B~ S.., • =• e SAi • TIAC e Y ... • Whrf· NCIPIC COAH ••••W&Y .... W .. e T•nA.... . 445 I. ''"· c ...... .,. 0,.... 1J .. o.llw. t-6 let. 1N Sw11 DAILY PILOT ORANG£ COUNTY, CALIFORNIA OCTOBER 29, 1972 ' ~Dear Caiididate": Nixon and McGovern And Their Zany Mail TV" s Jack Lord: ,,. ve Seen It All, I've Done It All" Fun for Kids: Help Mom Make Our }lalloween Cookies FOR EV A GABOR I undendand you OWft a Roll.Royce. Do you drit>e it yOtWself ?-L. Freeman, Los Angeles, Cal.if. • Y ~. anc:I I am a menace to the highways. I have an old Rolls-Royc.-e, an<l I drive it like a trUck. I don't drive very fast. Once I collided with a little Vollcswagen. 11>tte was barely a scr.At(;h on jt-thc Volkswagen, I mean. And the woman who drove it jumped out and screamed at me in a FOR JAMES A, MICllENEIC, autl1or la -im Driftas, .. you talbd about the nmning ol the bulls in Pamplona. Spain. Did yoa ever .ctuaJly nm witla the bulls?-Mrs. Daphne Mcwgan, Shedd, Ore. e r vc nm with th<· bulls at Pampkma as many as two do7.en times. At age 66, 1 do11't run as far as I used to, but last time I tried it two meu were )cille<.I right next to me. It's a crazy occ:upation, but men of all natioru e ngage in it. I have never been able to explain why satisfactorily, except that the thrill of being in the streets in the early moming with the bulls thuoderinj! pasl is~ by nooe other I know. FOR DALE EV ANS I bow that you and your husband have lost children in tragedies. What is the size of your family, and what are you dolng now?-M. J. Downey, Canton, Ohio •We have four adopted children and ooe foster child. We do about ten state fairs a year together, and we just made a rcligjous record album. Also, I make many appearaooes at -Youth for Christ., get·toget.he:rs. FOR VICTOR SEN YOUNG, ooolc on ~Bonanza Did being wounded in the recent hijaddn.g of a jetliner a1me you to give up air travel?-M.rs. Laurene MiU., Hobart, Ind. •No. I have made several flights since the hija<Sing. But I do look to sec that the airline is enforcing security measures, and if they are not. I wiD·avoid that particular Bight FOR EIUIA BOAi.BECK, colU1'1lnU1 As a c::bild yoa were a singer and clanca in Dayton, Ohio. What made you switda to joomalism?-Betty Joiner. Yarb. Linda, Calif. • When I sat down ~t the typewriter, people laughed. When I stood up to sing, people cried. ON OUR COVER: It's a plaid worid this fall-from traditional clan plaids to those with a pastel beat. This plaJd shirtdress, by Jack Wasserman, of woven Acrilan acrylic sizzles with the chok:e of bright accessories. is warmed by a sunshine-yellow sheared-rabbtt coat. designed by Hy Ashman for Fur Funtaslic, Ltd, of N.Y. Makeup by Ger- maine Mooteil. For more of what's new this fall, see our "Aepart to the FW Woman." VC.Tf hea"'Y aC(."Cnt. I don't like at.-centsl I told her so and she screamed bade, ~Loolc who's talking!., And tbeo she sued me for $40,000! I am a lady or principle. and I thought she was unjustified. The insuranc.-c company 6nally settled f<>l' $100, or something likt" thaL But I had to go to court f<w it, and I remember that somronc came to me a.nc.I said ~ thing about a court stenographer and I said, -~no picturesi-Then it turned out that thl' stenographer a:sn't a court pholof!OPher-so I guess my English isn't perfect yet. FOR CW.RlS LEACHMAN, Gdrea In the "'Mar)· Ty\er Moore Show" you play Mary's neurotic neighbor Phyllis Lindstrom. ls there any similarity between Phyllis and yourself in real life?-R. B., Beatrice, Neb. • I don't know if neurotic is the right word for Phyllis, at least the way I am playing her now. She can be both irritat- ing an<l lovable, but bod1 of u.<> arc busybodies, opinionated, enthusiastic, energetic, positiV<'. hossy-and we expect everyooc to agree with us. FOR DICK CAVEIT, 1V &ttu How did }'GU get into tdeorisicia? -~ SmznP}', Trenton, N .J. • While working as a copyboy at lime• magazine I heard that Jade Paar was oontinually worried about his opening monologue. I wrote a two-page moooJogoe, and while on my way to deliver it to Jack's oftioe, I ran into him in the cocridor. He was receptive and used sm:ne ol the malD'ial that night. After J wrote a second mooologue, I was ap- pointed a comedy wrikT oo the Paar staff. FOB MONTY HALL, ~ut's Mah 0 Deal'" MC Oar family noticed that you make deab with ftlr}' few bt.d people. Does their colcw or nee cause them to be denied:> -David B. Smith, <luipel Hill, N.C. • Never. Coot~ants are chosen by our writers because they appear to be gooJ traders for our trading 8oor. If you watched the show regularly. you would know that there is DO color barrier. FOR JAMES WHITMORE, star of ·rem1>eroture'$ RUin{( What's moR iinponant in a television series, the people or the stories?-M. Allen, \'entura, Calif. • I say it's the people, lhc charac.1ers. If you like Lucy, you1J watd1 Iler, 110 m:.ittcr what the story is. So I eooourage ~·ers to tune in to each new program at least onoe. The stones may get bettt-r or worse. but if you li\e the characters, you·n enjoy watching them no matter what. ~ 29. 1'12 --.....,, n. liMWif ¢ J ... +e. LEOllARD S.. DAYIDOW, aa.irw llORTO.. RlANK, Pfoatl'1 ...... P; , 7 , I DONALD M. MURQRO, V.P .. AcMlrtlslng Dlree1or llORT PER.S«Y, VP~ Editor"' Ctilef Anoe. Ad¥9ftislng Mgr.: Rollett -'· Cl&' Mr; MarbUl'IQ Di1'9Clor: SW U.,ahltJ, New Volte S.lea Mgr.: 8arllld L .._; Chicago SaJea Mgr.:,,_ Fra.r, 4'r.; Detroit Sates Mgr.: Rk:tmdT. Arnn Publlshef Relations: 11-.rt D. c.ma, and Lee EIMa. V.P.s and Co-Directors; Aotlert tt. ~ n-o-tt. O'Nell, Managers A.sst. to Publisher, "-t* Q. All '°"" Newspape1' Senlices: Promotion, Rot.rt llmlker; Merchandlsl09, 11MJ Snlyte Dish ibutlon Manager: LOIM t..ala AEVNOU>S DODSON. Manaolng Editor RfCHARD YALOATI, Art Director Women's Editor: 9'QSALY9 ,.._., .. ., .. Food Editor: llM1Lnl ..-S Assoc.ate Editors:~~'-­.......__ .._., ... ; p_, -'· 011111• I w, West Coat Art. Helen H_,.M. Layout: Gtoria Briw, Pictures Production: lletbourftll ~ct\ Director; Richard Wendt, Man11ger Transportation Coordinator: Eunic» Rk:h .. r Advertising Makeup: R~ Cotlfna Edhlorial A Ad~ HMdquarten· 141 LeaJngton A Ne C 1172 FAMILY WEEK.LY, INC. All right!~~· N.Y.10022 You ~re Invited lo mall your q~esllons or comments about any material in Family Weekly. Wnte to Service Editor. Family Weekly, 641 Lexington A11Cnue. New York. N.Y. 10022 • ALL 1000/o MACHINE VJ ASHABLE-POL VESTER AND COTTON I 4 Care, Casual Wear ts Smart girls on the go, save with our Low, Direct-by-Mall Prices' loMI Polye&ter &.Cottom ss• SIZES 10.11 141n·221n Sllloct'lbp PantSults PGlye8ter &.Ceft• ..,. SIZES 10.11 141n.221n STYLE 40252 -RIBBED *N' TUCKED SHAPER with Princess lines does Incredible things for your figure. Nicely fitted Jewel neckline and bracelet length sleeves, beck zippered. It's all crisped out In machine washable Kodel9 polyester and cotton for no-Iron days. Color: Green and'Oenlm Blue. Sins: 10 to 18, 1411.a to 2211.a. Only $6.98. STYLE 40262 -SASSY SMOCK PANT SUIT is smartly checked In machine weshable, no-iron Kodel polyester and cotton. White cuffs for spice, pocketed twice, slightly gathered front and back for f11hlon fun. En· tire outfit perfect for hobbles, loungins. Button front top. elutlclzed waist on pants. Denim Blue with Red and White checks. Sizes: 10 to 18, 141/.a to 2211.a. Only $8.98. STYLE 40213 -SUMMER wmt SIMPlJC. ITY. Long sleeve classic t.kes on the n.w lonaer look in machine-washable polyester and cotton. Top stitching on cuffs and col· ler accent the tailored lines, tie waist be- gins a flattering flair. Never needs Ironing. Colors: Plum or Navy. Slza: 10 to 20, 1411.a to 241/.a. Only $6.98. STilE 40261-HERE'S GLAD PLAID NEWS In e machine washable, polyester & cotton 2-plece pantsuit that needs no Ironing. Zip front smock top has 2 larse patch pockets, pants htllVe elasticized waist for comfy flt. Solid black pants contrast with your choice of Red or Blue plaid top. Sizes: 10 to 18, 1411.a to 22~. Only $7.98. . r -/'let ?t.-1 3 W4YS TO ORDER: PREPAID. c.o .D .• USE YOUR CHARGE CARD! -.. greenla1d fashions, Dept. 1"t I I 4800 N.W. lJIMh ~ Ml8rnl, Florida U054 0 ~~t ·~.:~ .. ~~ ~~ I I (Send me the followlnc. on a 10-day money beck 1uarantM) O SEMO c.o.o. 1 ENCU>H 11.00 I I DEPOSIT for each Item end wtll I pey postmen belance plus all I pomt ctie,.... I YOU MAY CHAJlGE YOU" ORDat I 0 BANKAMERICARO I I Acct. Ho. I I ~~ I I .... 0 MASTER CHAAGE I I ~~ I ...,._ INTERBANK No. ____ _ I (find •bcw• your name) I L~-----~----~-----°==~------J 1 Y 011 should avoid exercise d11ring JOllT period. FICtioo! The siinple roles of good beaJth arc always im- portant, especially during your period. Exercise. a proper diet and a good night's sleep go a long way toward relieving menstrual cramps or preventing them alto- gether. And remember. you're not "sick." So tbece•s no reason not to follow your normal routine. 2 There's no odor when 'JOU~ Tampax tampons. Fact. Wrtb Tampax tampons.. cxlor can't form. Odor is no- ticeable only when the ftuid is exposed to air. With Tampax tam~ ftuid is a~ sorbed before it comes in contact with air; therefore, odor cannot form. 3 You should not bathe during your period. Fiction! Contrary to super- sti~ water can't hurt you. Daily baths or showers a.re a must throughout your period. Shampoo your hair, too. And don•t deny yourself the chance to go swimming. Tampax tampons are worn intcmaily, so you can swim anytime. 4 Single girls can use Tampax tampons. Fact. Any girl of mcostrua1 age who can insert them easily and without discom- fort, can use Tampax tampons with comp1dc con- fidence. Follow the easy di- rections in every package. --near Candidate": Zany Letters from the AmerW11n \beer PusUknt Richard Nixon T~ While Houu WtUlaington, D.C. Dear President: £eapDetl •Y ~llliet Lewell Behold the authentic Voice of the People! This is Juliet Lowell's golden treasury of cockeyed correspondence to the 1972 candidates. Miss Lowell, whose compilations of daffy letters from the American public have for years been best setters, is also editor of .. Juliet Lowell's Celebrity Letters," which appears regularly in fAMILYWWQY. Her aJl-time best-selling book. "Dear Sir," has long beeri considered a classic of American humor. Mnalor George McGo'Urn South Dalcota Dear Senator: Sar~nl Sltrivt'1 Washington Dear Sir: Vu't' Presidt'fll Spiro AgnL"'' Shuaron Park Holt'/ Washington, D.C . I have a suggestioo to raise revenue and benefit the people -why not lax every political I am writing a composition for school. Would you ten me how are North Dakota and South Dakota related? At what age is it a good idea lo begin to think about startiog lo decide to want to get to be Vice President of the U.S.? Dear Mr. Vice President: Is it more fun to be a Gover- nor or a Vice President as I may not be able to g:JyW up to be both Frt'ddit'. --speech? Gracie o ___ _ 4 • FAMILY WEEKJ..Y, October 29, 1972 Marcia JrdGrade Andy • President Nixon Washington DearSir: I am 13 and I have 2 broth- ers, one is 3 and one is 2. We would each vote for you if we. could. 13 3 2 18 Could the 3 of us cast one vote to help you through the election? John Sargent Shriver Hyannis Port, Mass. Dear Sargent Shriver: I hear that you have to in- crease your staff and that you are looking for a male or female secretary or stenographer. Be- ing both, I offer· you my serv- ices. Francis T President Nixon T~ White House Washington, D .C. Dear President Nixon: Tell your income tax people to leave me alone. If you can't balance your budget with all those uperts to help you, bow do you expect me to balance mine? Mrs. Annoyed Senator George McGovern U.S. Senate Dear Senator: I know I can vote for one Candidate, but how many can I vote against? Kar/V ___ _ Presitknt Richard M. Nixon The Whitt House. Wtuhington, D.C. Dear President Nixon: I am leaving my dog $5,000 in my will. Someone said that he would have to pay an in- heritance tax. I wish to point out that this would be utterly unfair. Ameri- ca was founded on the theory "No taxation without represen- tation." Unless he is given a vote he should not have to pay. DougltU D---- Vice President Spiro AgMw Wtuhington, D.C. Dear Sir: My uncle died without pay- ing his income tax. Could I get out of paying mine without g~ ing to such an extreme? Frank L ___ _ Warning: The Surgeon Gtne11I Hes Oetennintd That Cigarene Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. KING. SUPER KING: 20 mg.·111".1.4 mo, nicotine, rv. per cigareue. FTC Repon AUG. ·n. President Nixon (very personal) TM Capitol U.S.A . Dear P~ideot : I hear that your wife is a good dancer. Now I can dance real good. If I come to Wash- ington, would you let your wife dance with me? White rm dancing with Mrs. Nixon, I wouldn't mind if my girl friend had a dance with you. Donalds ___ _ Senator McGovern The Senate W aJhJngton Dear Senator: I want to invite you and your wife for dinner. J'm doing it now so that when you gel to be President you won't think that I want to be friends with you just because of your improved position. 0.fwald D ____ _ Honorable Sargent Shriver Hyannis Port, Mass. Dear Sargent Shriver: You·rc so tall, something like 6 foot 6 or something, aren't you? Well, people might think that when you speak to them, you're looking down on them, but I think that you're not looking down on us, we're just looking up at you. An Admirer V.P. Spiro Agnew ThtSena1e Washington, D .C. Make Congress stop Juvenile Delinquency! Make them do something. Oren V ___ _ Dear President Nixon: When President Johnson was in the \Vhile House, he married off both his daughters, and now that you've married off yours, you don't need to be President anymore either. Aware Citizen Honorable Richard Nixon President U .S.A. Dear Sir, Mr. President: Please send me all the infor- mation you can, I love foreign affairs. Hilda M ___ _ Dear President Nixon: Why don't you tell your Daughters to hav~ babies now. Then they could stay in pink rooms in the pink of condition in the White House and that would tickle us all pink. Fredtrilca T ____ _ Editors Note: Julie's &: Tricia's favorite cowr is pin/c. Senator George McGovern Washington, D.C. Dear Senator McGovern: Our tax laws should be amended fast so that those Texas oil millionaires pay their fair share of taxes. There's so much oil in that state that the people there have "Well to Well" carpeting. Randall F ___ _ President Dick Nixon White House Wtuhington, D.C. Dear Mr. President: My name too is Dick and my play group is divided into two teams. The bunch voted me Presidenl of the Blues, which mostly loses. Should J refwe? Dlc/cR ___ _ An unsigMd letter sent to both candidates: ALL CANDIDATES TAKE NOTICE Stop sending me your campaign literature as there's no sence my going to the poles this Fall. I've just got one friend running for office and I hate him. FAMILY WEEl<l Y, October 29, 1972 • I once you learn how to de-sensitize them, this doctor's ingenious new way ••• n You Sutler From A Single One Of 11- Torturous s,n"*"'9 Of .... ues. T•..aon °' awo11ic Amdely, ntEN 11fE FACTS BELOW MAY BE ntE MOST IMPORTANT YOU HAVE EVER READ IN YOUR UFE WHAT OTHERS SAY: In Fact, C.. ll1l1»1J Aftlr Cw~ Prou• 11'111 CUN.., Be So Dt•:allcilltf Quid[ ThM Your F.-... Md~ .. Beg You To T .. ,.,_Yours.a .. ! o.cie ...-. ii ~ .....,, ...... ~ cw c•clo..i a; c -,..,.. __ ......_C.-... -. ~...........,..dleywe ... lillow ._. ,_ ~ bem Ill-' by ~ ••• ..,_ ...... cw ..__ .. or .. Olll~~ ,_-.y'-J~ R_ls..,_,..~ ""~ ..,.,,, """' .. ( ... .., ..... 6'0dJy (.-Ck .._.) ......... ..,.,,,, -wdcw ---",......,,..,,"',,...-" "°"'"! Few~; 1k '~ ..... ~ paf--.• ·-Udk ...... ,_. dlcal) .., .......... ~ ldDfts -,., ..,.._ m-1 • 1 all 1kir si* doc:a _. • •n • plm md ...... J. ~ •• , a of o. ......_ ......, • ----. ..,. • dlit lftl.. ,,.. .,... fa ....... _ .... ...,...~ ....... ,, .. ..-...in ... ~ _,., ...... 9f7 t-tl ,_ .,,,. '° -..-1 Plr)"liical _,, pert P' die --~ of .. ., ~ •• ... {wpif · .,,.) ..,,.... dw ,_,,. ol .. ,. 6-blt! How to ck:ml .,... IM lwta ---... ol. bli$lle _, pill! AM latie ............,_. ... .... ~ .. --~ . ....__ --~ CWWW.~ -H -• .... •---..WWW ... •-....,...... ~ -r1ICIDd ..,... _.. ..... ill ,_. . ......_ h•! (AM k:8ft a.. • ' t I t ,_ ...,t!} ~ 90 ..., ...... --tried dime 8-lc &«$ ·.-ec:twtD, ~ ... ., tltdT __ .,,,.. ___ -,_ ..... --' ~ ,,_,. fAo. ,.,, "'" -btrfon! How '° -,_ ctin.ic --c..-d b7 -hna' 't* ,rob-km! n. Glib -~ to ---il! How to ...... _, .......... badl ,,_.., ... CIOlnl A.I. pc:rluipa, ~ ·-,_--'*#HI .... ~-' Tlaw..S ... pcrW.._y to~('I -..~ How 1a u.p die rorcea o1 Nat9ft. C'la7 ...-... ,..., -tMst WW11111t1 -~,,..! Ho• lo~'"' f n ._. i.... ,_ ~*11 a#! Not., .-.11-. few -pue ~ or ~ ... ._ *""' ., 4'r<•P""c •lw ~· ,. -,., .. tlw ...., £Mi.p ., ~ ,..! "°"' to bcae lee h! Apia...-.. ..-0-......,.ccp iMlrw:· tiom! T-..._ ..._ ..._ _, M-.c J1011 ....... 111p 1o11m1 1ow _.. ... a rtali • A .....,., wittl diltC ..... ..,... crf .....,. .,. I 1• t ... nayc:dimr-~! A8d-dlr .... .-: How IO~ dlr Did of --_,.,. dYl ..... ,....,.., --.-c. -....... ii-! TiliM ,_ ,_ ..._ front .._,w-autdliu" mcll • ~ Oii akollol! 1lllal kb'°" pick up ,_ life ..... from ........... wfllcft -....... --fon:ed - ABOUT11fE AUTHOR IMPROVEMENT BOOKS CO., Dept. 1892, 13490 N.W, 45th Ave.., Opa LocU, Fla. 33054 ,-----MAILNO-RISKCOUPONTODAY -----, IMPROVDIENT BOOKS 00,, o.pt. JB2 134to N.W. 45at Aw... ap. '--M, FIL UC1M eoc...._: Plew rash me a a>e7 ol ROPE AND HELP FOR YOUa NERVES, llOOl5, '!'l Oaire w--... M.D.I I «9-c:loK $ ,. ill fldl .,.,._.. la llddilil-., I _...... 1Mt I .ay aamim lhil boot for a full JO days ~ r ,_ rial. tr a1 Ilic e8d ol lMI ~ I -_. ..-idlr.id, I will ~ rctWll dllc book IO ,_ r« tw:fT cmt ol ~ ~ bKk_ £-*'-I• dlec* • M..O.. '------------- YOU MAY C1lAllOB MY: 0 MASTEa ~ A«"t f _________________ _ .._But '--------<RM.-...,_.....,.) ~dale ot ..., car.t._ __________ _ <>a YOU MAY atAllOE MY: 0 .aANltAlllB&.lC Ace''-----------------~ Eqliutioe 4-ol IQY car-------------...._ ~------------~--~-----~ By Rosalyn Abrevaya ._What Do I Wear This Fall?"' sweater dresses mean cling. But the loot is worth it. A simple seamless bra and long-line panty gjrdle alleviate any excess curves .... ~ an: setting an- other trend. This pale-blue sweater dress (sec picture) has detachable satin collar an<l cuffi.. It adds nighttime glamour with a glittery tank top, a rope or pearls an<l fur boa. [Dress by Brenner Bees in AcriJan acrylic. Tank top by Bobbie Brooks.) ... Short-sleeve jacketa are not meant to expose arms. "FUJ-in" is the password, either with a print shirt or turtleneck. The newer jacket comes in two lengths-cropped at the waist or stopping at the hip. There is no prob- l~m with skirt kngtlu-they gravitate around the knee. Note that l>elh are ~ttinR skinnier, bracelets are back. And the perfect suit is ~It and wutructurm. (See picture.) After five, a slinky black turtleneck, mint hat and clunky brace- lets set the tune. (Three-piece ememble by Fm: blander in Monsanto's Wear- Oat~ Acrilao doubleknit. Shirt by Lady Manhattan. Shoes by Famolare.] ... ~ furs in a vest or boa can add dimen- sion to your wardrobe. They are not taboo as long as they are oot on the "mdan~red S(Jt!cies" list. (And it's against the law to sd1 those.) RllbbM, ........., mink are examples of fun that are all right to Mar. Here. a fur vest is worn with a two-piece dress (see P,cture) in a wispy print knit, underly- ing the trend toward wft-/itri11g clothes. When the layers come off, the look is romantic with pearl-and-gold strands, suede accessories and a fabulous red-fox chubby jacket. [Dress by Kn A.M. 0..-Oeft): u,w ... .... ...... • two piK• .... for • .., ........... ,". •(......,: .......................... •er .... to~.._ wd c~ flllatf. .Jobmanshlp .-----~ HowmdWMnto Ask for a Ra• Should you or shouldn't you ask for a raise? Yes, go ahead If you think you've earned It. but do It the right way. Dr. Ernest Dic.hter, a recognized expert whose latest book ls "Motivating Human Behavior," suggests that you: 1) Be C8l'eful not to put ... bw In ........ po9ition. Telling the boss that you realize he might have given you a raise anyway but with his busy schedule It's possible he hasn't gotten around to It, would be an appropriate opening. 2) Then be ready to .,. through actual facts that JOU haw contributed to..._......,.._ 3) However, says Dr. Dichter, you have to loOk the ettuatlon over first from ..._ point of wlew of timing.. If busi- ness ls off or the boss la under pressure. he's not going to feel generous.-By S. R. Redford T he key this fall is not to discard wardrobes but to ·weed out, add new touches. And it•a learning to stretch clothes from a.m. to after-five. What do we mean? Plaids make points by spiking wardrobes with color and pattern. You might add pWd in a shirt- dress, like the one oo our cover, or make it punctuate in a topper or wrap coat .... Angorll is coming into promi- nence. Since its fuzzy yam tends to add weigh~ iltSt~ad of buying a pullover or a dias. Bet a saucy baa or a fiogerti~ ·length cardigan, to wear open or tied o~r the shouJdCrs. .•. ar E le unlined 1n Acrilan acrylic knit.] Jewelry by Richelieu Jig) W (lift): A llll*J bl8dl ...... I c•, ... ....................................... .... Dz,. I (WllM): ... a ,_.., pltlll 9l*t. Mwy ........ 111 ef I ,..:Jiii by Med~ ~by 8ur11ftvton Fun by Fw FuMlltlc, Ud. of NY Beftaby~ f'tloto. tty Onkl Nonnan <9f>et Corner UrtnerJ lnlKllon: Thelllllec.t'• Nam11 .. Sudden changes of temperature often trigger urinary lnfec- tJons in male cats. altered or unaltered. If your cat starts to strain In his litter pan, urinate on the rug or other unsuitable spots, cry while attempting to void, or spend a lot of time licking hls hind quarters, he is probably suffering from some form of urinary obstruction or bladder innammation. It'*' be•..,,_... ...._.l Don't watt. hoping..._ condition wll go...,. It is much more likely to get worse. Take Puss to the veterinarian immediately. Antibiotics are of great help. Distilled water is sometimes recommended. Since this pesky disease Is caused by a virus, It can reoccur. Surgerylaeometlmeenec:HHTJ, but prompt medication can usually prevent this ·drastic remedy .-By Fetlcla Amea ~andlOu Do You PUlh People Into Competing With You? When your friends add something to their home, do they show it to you in a relaxed way? Or do you have the feeling that they're competing with you and your home? How about when they discuss clothes, cans and children? If you often feel that you and your friends are competing, then either JOU f# they are lllMiftg INnp competitift. A recent investigation supported by National Institute of Child Health and Human Development funds rev~aled that when one person is very competitive, he causes those around him to dig In and compete with him. h ....... that people who.,. balcelly coopera. llwe, rwt to competitive behntor around them bJ 8Ctlng Ilk• .... competftM ,..... It ... not work the other way.-By Shirley Sloan Fadet FAMll Y WEEKLY, October 29. 1972 a 1 Halloween Cookies This week, Food Editor Marilyn Hansen helps her daughter make Halloween treats because: "When Ava asked if she could have a Halloween party this year, I said, 'If you promise you'll do most of the work!' So Ava did the work-and I supervised!" llegln here with everything you need to make thle handy0 8TITCH aTAND" What a delightful way to spend a few ftower cart. Another, a rich-Jootingjew- hours of your time -making lovely cl box. Or perhaps a centerpiece to handcrafts you1J be proud to display to grace your table. Whatever you make, your friends ... or to give as gifts! Just it will always be something useful ... imagine this bandy ''Stitch Stand" beautiful ... and diftcrcnt. brightening up your sewing comer or You1J find similar items sell in stores bedside chest. It's so much fun to make for $2.98, $3.98, even as high as $4.98. ... so pretty and practical, too ... and But tbeac exclusive Kit$ arc available to we'd like you to have it u a PREE gift members only for just $1.2S plus 2S¢ to introduce you to the uneflts of mcm-postage and handling each month. bership in the National Handcraft Where else can you have so much fun Society. for $1.257 As a Society member, you'll receive Assembling your Handcraft Kits i• a marvelous surprise package every easy, too. Each Kit contains everything month -an exciting, new Handcraft you need, fromageoeroussupplyofma- Kit with cverythins you11 need to make terials to simple-t~follow instructions. a charming keepsake for youraelf, or to So why wait? Join the fun of mem- givc as a gift. benbip -share the thrill of openin1 Every Handcraft Kit you get will be each month's surprise package. Expe- dcHgbtfuJJy different. Sometimes it will riencc the pride of making contain rich fabrics or pieces of sweet-beautiful useful things with smelling roeewood, already cut to size. your own bands. Mail the There may be &lowing mosaic tiles in Certificate today! · fucinatiog colors, or flne-arained Jeath-N..oo..I 8-dcraft 8odd.y er, supple and luxurious to the touch. K-.S 128 Randcroft Bldg., One month you may craft an artistic Des Moines, Iowa .S0.'17 Similar items sell in stores for up to $4.98-all you pay is $1 .25 rn.;FUN sfurt;he-;.;;-1 I NATIOIW. HANDCRAFT SOCIETY I I K.f111t ........... ltMg •• Des ....... iow• ICW7 I Y •· ,.._ enroll ... • a dub llllllftlber few 6 .-111 and lend I 1117 ,,.. ''Sdtcb Stuer' &Jt at --Al8o -" .., 8nc Handaaft I kJt few whk:b I actc.e $12' plua ~fat~ lhlppl.na and I lumdl..._ I apee to eeQd you tbla --. Adi moatb. I I tlDdlnlMd dUlt U my club pe}'lnellD do aot reedl )'OU ta dme I MCh moetl\ l wUl recelw my Kit C.O.D. I UDdentand dlat JOU I ....,_.. llOt to drOfl -fftllll U. !lat of -.ibaw uaba I I DOC1I>' )'OU ot m1 rwfp.MJon md cbat YoU wW '--u.tely I rell.md my $l.2S fa. aay Kit lhlt doll DOt aaddy-. : NllD8 I ,...._Prta,> I I ... _. I ~~"--~~~~~~~~~~ I Lc~----.!::----~-.mWl._J MOLASSES CUTOUT COOKIES 1 Y, cupe butter Of' IM'1fatine, eofteMd 1cupeuger 1 cup tight Of' dart mo1 ..... y, cup bolling •• .., 1 teaspoon .. n 1 tableepoon ground cinnamon 2 tenpoone gf'OUftCI ginger I cupe unaHted ~ ftour or enriched unbleec:Md flour 1 can (11Y, on..) prepared vanilla troetlng 1 can (11Y, on.) prepe'" chocolate fro.Ung Red and Y•llow food coloring Candy com, licorice ltringa, multicolored chocolate candy 1. Jn large bowl with electric mixer at medium speed, beat butter until smooth; gradually add sugar, beating until light. 2. At low speed add molasses and boiling water. Beat until smooth, scraping side of bowl with rubber scraper. 3. At low speed add salt, cinnamon and ginger. Add flour, 2 cups at a time, stir- ring with spoon until blended. 4. Turn dough onto sheet of heavy~uty foil. Wrap securely and ref rigeratc for at least 2 hours. (Or you can make dough I day and bake cookies a few days later.) 5. Make cardboard patterns for cookies. Draw jack-o'-lantem, owl, ghost, witch's hat and cat, each about 5 inches tall by 3-4 inches wide.• 6. Roll out Y.J of dough at a time, V..-inch thick, on a Lightly floured board. A pastry cloth for the board and a stockinette cover for the rolling pin make rolling very easy. 7. Preheat oven to 375°F. Lay patterns on dough and cut out cookies. Reroll any remaining dough. If dough gets too soft, refrigerate. Place cookies on ungrcased cookie sheets. Bake IQ..12 minutes, or until done. Cool 1 minute, then remove from cookie sheets with spatula to wire rack; cool completely. 8. Decorate cookies with frosting. Color vanilla frosting orange with a few drops of red and yellow food coloring if desired for jack-o'-laotern. Make faces with candy com . licorice and chocolate candy . Makt!s J doun cookies •To make Halloween letters and the fen ce, roll dough between hands to about the ·width of a pencil and make desired shape<1. • • FAMIL y WEEKLY. October 29, 1972 ,, , 0 0 " '< ,.. • :: 0 "SNOWY THE BUNNY" K.cbtn':'Enchanted Forest"Set First Edition· Limited Run We are proud to introduce the first edition -limited run of K. Chin•s "The Enchanted Forest" set. The artist commissioned to create these sensitive, heart warming origi- nal paintings is recognized as one of Arner- ica •s leading painters of animal life. This first printing is certain to be sold out quick- ly because we have priced these lithographs at the amazing low price of one dollar for the set of four, plus K. Chin•s alluring .. Snowy the Bunny., absolutely FREE of extra charge. Each fine art print is a large 12•• wide and 9"' deep and is reproduced in glowing full color. The Enchanted Forest Set will add new beauty and excitement to your home. Please rush $1.00 plus 25c postage and handling to avoid disappoint- ment, or send only $2.00 for 2 Sets· and 2 Free .. Snowy•s••. ' 6 ~~~~· 760 Summer Street, Stamford. Conn. omG4 · Dept. EF-6 $1.00 p"" 25c postage end ti.netting @1972 A.C.I. INCLUDING ''SNOWY THE BUNNY'' I FREE! I r ---· MAIL NO RISK COUPON TODAY---., I AMERICAN CONSUMER. INC. DEPT. Ef-49 : 760 Surnrmr Strwt. SWnford. Conn. 068CM Please send me first edition 4 fine Art Prints of K. Olin's "Enchanted Forest" set plus my fTee bunny print. I enctose $1 plus 25c postage and handling. Enclosed is $_ Name .........................................•............................. Address. ............................................. .Apt. No ........ . City ................................. State .............. Zip ............ . OSAVEI Special Offer-I enclose $2 for 2 Sets plus 2 FREE murals. '------·Connecticut Residents Add s.les Tax ----' Stat"' Cl\flt By Peer J. Oppenheimer Jaek Lord: 99J've Seen It All, I've Done It All" "I saw only one so-called 'dirty' picture, and that was 'Carnal Knowledge.' I hated it with a vengeance. I co nsidered it exploitation garbage .... I don't believe such things should titillate the audience in the theater. I felt nothing but revulsion toward it.'' The hero of "H•w811 Fl....0" embrKeS hi• wife Marte. Family Weekly: Like so many actors, you dabble in painting. Do you do it for your own sat- isfaction or do you make any money on them? LORD: I don't think "dabble" is the right word. I'm very seri- ous about it, as rm very serious about everything rm doing. As for malling money, I've sold $42,000 worth of paintings in the last three months. FW: Most television actors who do a series are anxious to make films during their summer break. Why haven't you made any? LORD: I don't believe in kill ing myself. There is so much work involved in the "Hawaii Five- 0 " show that I have very little time for my wife Marie. CBS offered me a "Movie of the Week," but I turned it down. What I really want to do next is direct a picture. FW: You've become the biggest Hawaii booster sinoe the Hula- Hoop. Do you get paid for this? LORD: I get paid by the privi- lege of living in the Hawaiian Islands. My enthusiasm is gen- uine to the point where I re- cently gave up my Los Angeles home and now consider Hawaii my only place of residence. As for being a salesman for Hawaii. it is absolutely true. I recently did a by-line story for FAMILY WEE KL v called "Let Me Show You the Hawaii I Love.·· I got a bigger response ro this article than to any interview I have ever given. More than 5.000 let- ters! And you know what was interesting? Not just that peo- ple had read it, but that they thanked me for introducing them to the islands. One girl said she was filing the article away for her honeymoon. Scores of soldiers told. me that after reading the article they now pl<inncd to spend their 10 • FAMtl Y WEE Kl Y, Oc10IHl1 29, 11172 S.ya Jiiek. "A child would onlJ bring PfC)bletM. •• Meet the reliable Kem• latex paints from Sherwin .. Williams: Super Kem .. Tone• Iatex wall paint, America's favorite wall paint. It goes on easily with brush or roller. Tools clean up quickly in soap and water. r\nd Kem .. Namel• latex enamel. It gives you the durability ot enamel, the application and cleanup ease of latex. Come to your nearby Sherwin.Williams store for decorating ideas, and the paints and wallcoverings to make them h~p~n. Check the Yellow Pages for the store in vour neighborhood. Sherwin-Williams. . , Men than a paintsten. leaves with their families in Hawaii. I got one le tter from an 87-year-old man who said he would fty for the first rime be- cause he wants to see the islands. And innumerable requests that J perwnally show them the islands-which, unfortunately, time wouldn't permit. FW: "Hawaii Five-0'' is going into its fifth year. Aren't you ,. getting tired of playing the same character? LORD: If J thought it would be boring, fd quit tomorrow. As for doing the part: 1 believe in an old Oriental philosophy-the NOW. The past is gone, the fu- ture never happened. The only important thing is what hap- pens NOW. You savor the mo- ment. That bolds true for every- thing 1 do. I tell this to Marie all the time: .. Let's savor what we have-the sunrises, the sun- sets, the meals we have to- gether." And that's the way J feel about my work. Whal I do today is important. Not what I did yesterday, not what I will do tomorrow. That's the way it is with my relationship with peo- ple, loo. Not what J hope to do, not what J did-but what J jffi doing. FW: You and Mane have been married for 20 years but have no children. Don't you feel u void in your lives? , LORD: On the contrary, it brought us closer together. Some couples need a family, but we're such self-sufficient people, so involved with one another, that a child would only bring problems. If there is anything I regret about my career it is the time it keeps me away from my wife. I often see more of the cast and crew than her. As '' result, the time we have together means that much more to both of us. FW: Have you ever though~ of adopting children? " LORD: Even if I felt differently, "Professionally tpeaklng, tt'• pretty hard to"do •police show without wlolence ••.• But, person•ttr, I hate It." I wouldn't want children to be brought up under the pressures we live with today. The world is too chaotic, too full of so many evils : horrible drugs, run-down mo rality, kids having sex too early. A world where the Pill has become supreme. No. I don't want children of my own or adopted children. FW: Talking about morality, what do you think of permis- siveness in films? LORD: I saw only one so-calkd "dirty" picture, and that was .. Carnal Knowledge." I hated it with a vengeance. I consid- ered it exploitation garbage. I am not a moralist. I've seen it all. l've done it alt;. I was a sailo r for years. But I don't believe such things should titillate the audience in the theater. I felt Co111J11u~tl u11 pt,11Jt' I J This neat little spice ~t Is made from baby food jars. The covers are cut with a hole cutter using l'l" thick cork wall tiles, and decorated with ceramic cabinet knobs. Make as many pieces as you need. A great gift idea A half gallon apple Juice Jar easily converts into a beaut/;./ hanging planter. Just hang it with some lea er shoe laces or rope, decorate with plants a a toy bird and presto ... Ws sensational. Oisp(ay family treasures under a glass <*Jme made from the bottom half of aplckle Jar. We used a cork base ... you can also use a wood base and turn It into a cheese board. CRACKERBARREL What do you do with those no-deposit, no-return bottles? Simple! Turn them into a great beverage service set, and help the ecology too. We used 10 oz. green glass soda bottles to make this group. With a little experience, you could even use fluted or embossed bottles for a real pop art effect. Here's a bookend with a startling effect ... made from a large sods bottle that appears to pass through the books. The bottle parts are mounted to stacks of cork or wood with epoxy cement. AH the beautiful ecceuories shown here were made et the Creckerberrel with our Super Bottle Cutter. Don't Just use the bottoms and discard the tops! Look at the lovely vases and bowls you can make. The fruit bowl is made by cementing ·the top of a large salad oil Jar to the bottom of a small jar. We painted the Inside of our candlestick with spray enamel in bright orange color. EncloMCI 11 •--------(Check or M O ) PnntNeme _____________ _ AddreM--------Apt. NO.---- City _______________ _ 8t.te ZIP-------- 0 SAYE '1.60. Buy 2 cutters for only '5.~ 001tpeld Extre cutter m•k•• e fine gift. 0 JUST RELEASED! 101 Projects For Bottle Cutters. ,;;;•i?~· by Walter Flahmen. Hard cover, 132 PP•. 8"X e:· II Full of grtt11I Ideas and easy-to-follow project• 1 M .98 plus 50¢ Shipping and Handling L--------NY Stet• Residents Add Tax --------- Eat your Fill Of ·Tasfy Foods -yet lose 10PQundsin10 days with Newest Grape it Diet What a crazy way to diet ... but it works! By Eliz.abet.h Louise New, Special WayU> Catabolize Fats out of your body-without unsafe drugs, annoying exercises or strict dieting. FOAT LAUDeRDALE, R.OAIDA (Special Report) -A new. dilf.,ent Grapefruit Diet, that really works. is sweeping the country. Overweight persons every- where are losing excess poundage faster and easier than ever before, with this unique diet. Now they can eat all the foods they love -including thick steaks. potatoes. bacon. scrambled eggs, fried chicken, eoten alcoholic drinks. This special, high speed grape- fruit diet begin.s to work within 24 hours -even -"'le lleepiog. Absolutely no medicines. No muscie twitching exercises and no strict starva- tion diets. either! Instead. dieters can fill up on scrumptious. satisfying meals. N~ertheless they shed excess pound- age fast-op to to pounds. or more. in 10 days. This is the reason why: this diet combination wakes up your lazy body CATABOUSM and nushes excess fat out of the body. quickly and safely. MELT OFF UGLY FAT WITHOUT STRICT DIETING This improved Grapefruit Super "C" diet requires no foul tasting medicines or boring exercises that wear you out You don·t cut out the foods you've al- ways liked. You never suffer from s1arv- ation pangs. Faddlllh. strict dieting ia not neceaary. You feast on hundreds of delicious, satisfying dishes -meats. poultry, sea food. You enjoy soups. vegetables, salads with scrumptious dressings and fresh or canned grape- fruit. You get breads. muffins. cereals. cheeses. and scores of heavenly des- sefts. You may also drink c.ocktails. wines, beer. And between meats. you can munch on scrumptious snacks and tidbits. Eat aJI you want day or night- without guilt feelings. Yet. unbe1ievable as it may seem. you'll lose excess weight faster than you dreamed possi- ble! Up to to full pounds (or more) in only 10 days. And remember, this new. fast-acting Super "C" Grapefruit Diet is super-charged with NATURAL VITAMIN "C'. This vitamin has been acciaimed by dieticians. doctors. even Nobel Prize scientists both in America and abroad. Bes1 of all. this diet wakes up yow na- tural CATABOUSM to flush out excess fats--not the old fashioned. strict diets that half starve you to death. RESHAPES YOUR BODY This Grapefruit Super ''C" plan actually transforms your figure, day after day. One morning you'll wake up to a won- derful surprise! Your mirror will reveal a glamorous new you-a slim, alluring body. Suddenly you're more limber and lithe. aglow with youthful sex appeal. Thousands of persons have already tried this safe. natural, CATABOUSM way to dislodge fat. Why don't you try it also? Simply follow the deficious satisfying diet and special private in- structions. That's alH You will be re- warded with thrilling resufts. This diet gives you the right COMBINATION of foods that wake up lazy CATABOUSM. As ugly fat is catabolized out of your body, it also helps you conquer that tired, sluggish. "old age" feeling so often caused by a fat-burdened body. DOCTORS WARN AGAINST STRICT DIETING The United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare ,,.us many doc- tors warn against restricted diets de- ficient in vitamins, mineraJs. proteins, fats. and starches. You need all these efements for abundant health. If you efiminate any of them. you get only temporary weight loss. Eventually, your body fights back and ttgly fat returns. pound after pound. Super "C" Grape- fruit Diet ts diffet ••l It works with you. not against you. No hunger pangs, ever. No skipped meals. You feast on hearty breakfasts. lunches, dinners. You enjoy a rich w•iety of good eating -foods you've always aawed for. Just imagine. you can partake of formerty "prohibit- ed" foods. such as ham. bacon, stews, rich casseroles, creamy desserts. etc. You certainly fill up on many delicious foods. Yet by following this fast and easy 10 day plan, you can catabolize pounds and pounds of accumulated fat out of your body. Right up to 10 pounds (or more) in 10 days! HOW DOES IT WORK? Your body bums up fat very much like a car bums gas. This natural process is called CATABOLISM. After years of faulty dieting, excess fats become hard- ened and lazy-locked up in body tis- sues. Meantime your body catabolism may also slow down. Result: cholesterol fats may clog up arteries, placing lifp itself in jeopardy. Fats become lodged in turns, thighs. buttocks, belly, etc. You look older. You also act older. NOW there is an easy way to wake up that lazy, sleepy catabollsm! Within 24 hours, the Super "C" Diet starts to ca- tabolize this dangerous fat out of your body. The unsightly bulges and awk- ward pot belly vanish. You eat your fill without regrets, yet strange but true. you lose pound after pound-il'/en if you gorge yoursett oo scrumptious foods. This great diet hetps you f~ younger . . . act younger . . . and regain that sparkling, youthful took of long ago. KEEP IT OFF-ALL YEAR! This newest g rapefrull diet will be mailed to aJI interested readers. Write today and atso receive Full Year Main- tenance Plan -at no extra cost. Tells you how to reduce down to your ideal weight and keep it down! How to win that siim, attractive took not for iu.st 10 days-but for year after year. REDUCE OR PAY NOTHING To obtain your copy of this complete diet and the Full Year Maintenance Plan, mail handy order fomt below with $2.00. They are fully guaranteed. Try them 10 days at our risk. If you should not lose weight, simply return diets and get your $2.00 back at one~ ques.. lions 811k9d. Address: Safe Diet Div. 1230-K 1233 E. Las Oles Boulevard A . Lauderdale, FL 33301 Brochures rushed by First Class Mail. Do it now. before you forget. Win that trim, slim figure of years ago-without ever going hungry! Remember: it's not how much or how little you eat. but the right combination of foods ttiat catabo- 1 izes dangerous fat out of your bodyf --Fonn kw AeeclM" .. Cot1t•Menc:e ---.... Safe Diet Div. 1230-K I 1233 E. las Olas Blvd. I A. Lauderdale, A. 33301 O Enclosed $2 for I set of diets I O Enclosed only $3 1f you wint 2 sets -I one fOf self, another to a aood trllftd. You I save SI •hen sent to one adlftss.. Print"~ I ------, Address------------I Town _____________ I State CIP I ---1m_s._1c_Oi_et_ow. I ______________ .) I I I I I I I I I I I J nolhing but revulsion loward it. FW: How do you feel about vio- lence? LORD: Well, professionally speaking, it's pretty hard to do a police show without violence. After all, if there weren't vio- lence we wouldn't need the po- lice. But, personally, l hate it. Jt never solved anything on either a personal or an inter- national level. Violence simply begets more violence. FW: Have you ever committed any violence of your own? LORD: Never. T he greatest vio- knce I committed was in col- lege football. But that was part of growing up-an initiation into manhood. FW: Are there any traits in yourself that you don't like? LORD: Bluntness. I have a habit of saying what's on my mind. Sometimes I am not very diplo- matic about it. Yet I know that to exist io a world like ours, I must practice diplomacy. I must show concern for how other people feel. FW: Has this trait backfired on you? LORD: There are a lot of dircc- "She aaked If I would klu her •..• I told her that my wife wouldn't like It." tors who won't work with me any more. FW: What impressed you most about your childhood? LORD: My relationship with my father, which was very ex- ceptional. He worked for a steamship company, and let me go to sea when I was only four- teen. He turned me over to a friend, a sea captain, who took me to South America. My father wanted me to sec things, to experience life. But he also inspired me to love art-paint- ing. writing, poetry. He would pay me a penny a line to learn poetry. I still have hundreds of poems tucked away in the back of my mind. The penny was motivation at first, and I did it mostly to please him. But grad- ually I learned to like it. And every night he would read Dickens to me and gradually I JamLord: .. I"" Sem It All- I've Done It All" Co111i1111t-tl /rum pllge JO King, 19 mg. "car," 1.3 1119. nicoune. Super (Ing: 19MQ."tll,N1.4 mg. nicotiw IY. per cigamte. FTC Alport llfr. 721. Big tension going ~-·only freedom ca111i~ down. And l1CM' you an relax with the ful.bodied fmu only one cigarette deiYers... This ... isthe l!iMmoment Rl<R RIOi 1!M Warning: The Surgeon General Has Oetennined That Cigarene Smoking Is Oangemus to Your Health. teamed to like the classics. FW: Did you always want to become an actor? LORD: All of my life I wanted to become a painter, and that's why I wanted to go to sea -to get material for painting. FW: Some people think you take yourself too seriously. Do you? LORD: If I don't, no one else will. I can't see myself going through Life ftighty. I take mar- riage seriously. I take relation- ships with people seriously. I take business seriously. I take life seriously. I am serious by nature. I'm also tenacious, and Joyal. I am a Capricorn. FW: That means you believe in astrology? LORD: If I did, I wouldn't have married a Leo! Let's say I nm amused by it. • . ...... .. , Jack, Who Is a Capricorn, claims not to belleft In .... trology. "H I dJd, I wouldn't have married a Leo!" lonfa first love wu never act- ing. "All of my Ute," he aan, "I wanted to become • painter." FW: What has been your most embarrassing moment on your television show? LORD: I worked on "Hotel Street" one day. When l came back to my dressing room for lunch, I found a naked girl on my bed. And just what do you say to a naked lady? FW: What did you say? LORD: "What arc you doing here!?" FW: And what did she say? LOAD: "l wanted to sec you." FW: And what did you say then? LORD: I don't remembcn-9ut then she asked if I would kiss her, and I told her that my wife wouldn't like it. So she got up, put her clothes on, asked if she could have my picture, and left. FW: You have to do a lot of flying to get to the mainland. and in helicopters for the 'ihow. Are you ever worried? LORD: I am not concerned with negatives. I like to think posi- tive. You can say your glass is half-empty, or you can say it is half-full. To me. it i'i always half-full. FAMILY WEEKLY, Oc1obe1 29. 1972 • ,. .... SAVl:S UP TO 2 GALLONS OF GAS EVERY HOUR! And Gives You Up To 25°0 More Horsepower Doing It! How? By eliminating "Fuel-Pump Slop-Over "! And thus feeding your car up to 253 ~gas (aa much as two gallons an hour in heavy stop-and-go driving) ••• at the same exact time that it titles you up to 253 MORE Honepow•r doifft it / Like this ... WHAT DOES THIS MEAN TO YOU? .lat tllls-• ............. ........-srum.Y! ........ It ltlrts-mTAlfllY! • S.jiidat ...... .....,-mrAllllJ! ..... , ................ ~ .... "11$1• 1,..lllilp.,... ~ lils ..._ laSTAllTLY ..... fs • 1111• ,_*ill *lar! ~ docs it COit "°"' a..-dam • -at ol .-tc ~I 1-Lbela l"ot CZlllS tot C"CI}' doGar JOI! CM .. ~ -.. biDI THIS YEA.a ALONE! ....... bow dDca it_.., All ...... -.....__ Stops Your Fufi.Puntp Frem Ove r-Fndint Your Efttine One llinuta ••• Ami Stam1111t n. Nat! y_, car. lib nay CMMi car. wxa Its psoti.ae la a pa tallk •.. Ulld tbc1l d,. ... lbal ... oet ot dial tanl and ~ it 10 ,_ ...... .,;n. • ,_, s--P· nm ,_, ,... -ilna*ld OftW lft:J yan ..,, It Is• pw=bmicel Idiot! It Ila., btlliD-jmt • ,,,_.,! A.ad tlladon., it .i....,. fecdl JIO'lr ..... THE SAME EXACT AMOUNT OF GASOLINE. wbtt.lau ~·re 11C111PC4 clitad la tralk ... °' ..,.rtilla pall 8110tkr cat at ci.tity m.IJc an houri Tilillk aa-.t fC few a __.., n. WQ .-ii feel illlD ,_ aisi. today, .-n you•rc ~ o..'3, tor a llatlt ,_,. ensimc a bcillS 8ooded wll)>.....ps that it Cllll l bani! (Tblit'a •br llOl>__. IO driYills b It> lncttdlbfy cxpc:wi-~ _,.. ol JOUI' Pl 8DCa rishl Olllt the lallpipc.) 1'hell wbm ,_ pklt 11111 ..-ct ...-to hl.nl OI*> a blP- .,., . your Clllinc b adD w.daa a little ._. aas at lO iniks -bout ... wait1n1 • little lea pt •t 30 mllca an hoar .. •and ftnal1y aiettlnl jult Ille rtabt _. of ... fof top pcdOi • M abcNt 40 Of SO mlln ... how'! And then. ti you 10 01'1n' SO miJea • !lour ..• U J011 reaJJy .... to -••llY •t 60. 70 Of 90 ... Of' u you need ........ _cir .. to flash &W11Y from lllX>thcr car OD • °'"" . . . then yoar .. Idiot flld .,._.,., STTLL shoes J'OO die -C1IKI ._,_. ol .-It cr.5 wheft )'OG -rt: .,:>IJla «> miln u a-" LE.SS-aad --J011 mnd pvftins whh )"OUf' neck ltuck out, • ~ dliM car -,an old &Del carryiaa a toa of~! IT COULD COST YOU YOUR LIFE ON A BAD CURVE! rTDOES COSTYOU UPT0$100A YEAR ON WASTED GAS ALONE! AND IT CAN All BE CORRECTED-IN JUST FIVE MINUTES WITH A SCREWDRIYER-llKETHIS ••• N011', Jmt picQal'C die dmtJillS clf4cr.-ic 1"dl Ulia ED ALMQUIST MINI-INJECTOR oo yoo.r caaiDe- As can 1ee bJ tbe I**> abow. die WINJ-INIEC'IOll ii -0 IO bold It! poor Mad. II llism rilflt -to ,0. ctl!Simc. ~ pamp and the~. A l~-dd boy -.. il oe pcrfecdy, tnilla aodlhle -tilmm • IC:l'~h'Ct'. -ti lie .WS oprmcd ,,. hood bdoft ..... --·· ._ ...... -JOU awtldt on the& c._;. apia ... ,_.,.. _.. to HEAR tbe ~ FEEL the ditfcttn«-f'rvm die ftTJ lfnt lftOftd thet ftlSinc ltOAllS to life uaia. Ya! 'kOARS to life apllll 8cc:aaM thil ii • NEW TYPB OP ENGINE you•rc driY!Da wit11 from -on! An C1111ia dltlt opc1"81H ~~o:? otV"oi'Or c;:p o~rr ~~E~~ AND DOESN'T WASTE ONE OUNCE OP POWEil THAT rr CAN DELJVll TO YOUR WHEELS! And thb faa llho-up f« you the lnstaut }"OU atart your cart Beca_.ftD oo fnoe:zl.na moT'1ll:np-you1 ltcy 11 herdly In &be midi bcfoft niac nPie 111 p11rrltt9 wtdl ..,._,,, WlrJ? ~.,. therc'I 110 p..nooct • •D. Tbc -n• of U.t cold eftline arn"l betlls chobct .,, wHh ,..... ....... Uqla die ...,it from c:at.c:Mlla ...... and 1'Nt llMll ctnl... Ollt itllo 7our tailpipe. uactJy as Olousb you pou"4 It rWit -thc .-ftdl Now et lhls time-YOUR ENOIN'B rT'SEl..F SlONALS TO 11'1! MINI-INJECTOR EXActt. Y HOW MUCH OAS 1T NEEDS TO ST ART! AIMJj ... MINJ.JNJECTOa teDa .. ,.. ~ to dllhoer JUST THAT AMOUNT OP GAS, AND NOT ONE oaor MOREi vou•re oft In kw U-tbn It takca • aec:oed ~' so cio. tbc door! AINI '°"'re .-.out to take tbc _,.. thrUlillS nde of ,_, C1lli.tt drlYinc ut. I You Would Nner Have Belined That You r Enline Could Delinr PGW9r Ub This! AND AU AT A SAVING OF ONE GALLON OUT OF EVERY FIYEl Now SNll Into lbe ll:reet ud ltllf1 crv~ or,;tlle Int tnftlc liatit. vou·u nodce lat&.Mtty thllt ~ f«lt sita · r on the pedeJ . thM yoar ~ --silk~ • . . It'• pndican, lloellna vp to tMI li.M. •-tllouP It -ltOllO<Old ooty a '-shon aeooada •JtO. lllrrc._ no ~ Of' lllallms « badr',. e-la U-Ara hrw cold minutes. And wfica you ,r:O up to Ille llPt. .act pue ,_, foot on tbc bnh. )'C*r cftClne wt ..,_ ridM dowa to • 00fttlenl411 purr. II •ill be qu;ctCT thaa ,ou•ft nfr "lieanl It bcfoft. YithOut tbe ....,........_ ... ,..o1*9car......_~--.....-• NOi' tryt.e to 9Pk Olll -.. 1 Not ll7ils to ~ 8W111 from ,_ bnk.e! NOT kllills ,_ k-. nery ........ _... dael ,_.,. PDW-111111 _, Diii of i. .......,., Now lbs tilM diiM9n to .,_., Wail a --.I. ... .._ carc"91ly place J'OUr foot b9d: oa tbc p.s pedal. Mab aue to _.,.. It LESS ~THlS T IME-thM JOll""' did bdon! a ECAUSE THAT FOOT IS OOINO TO OIVE YOU MOllE 8 LAST-OFP POWE.a FROM 'TlfAT CAil THAN YOU'VE EVE& ltNOWN llEFOREI AND n>l1'llB GOING TO HAVE TO SPEND A DAY OR TWO OETTING USED ro rrt '""8 tt At The IJ&Ms! Prft'8 tt On TM Hills! PROVE rT ON THE HISHWAY- BY FlOATING RIGHT PAST OTHER CARS WHEN YOU WANT TO! Froe .._. --oa.. 4lhfms ....._.a tDCeQr.,., aiia._ b you! ka-,_.. car t " ~ acu lib a d*IL ins.tad of a f.i Ofttfed fool! Now '°"•re eot fouBms a. cm' wi6 IDO _. .-• pu Cl9ll of dlle .-.1 Now 5·re llClt~-J"W ,.... •.. ~ ·~ 1'IMW ..-_ ••• COIHI -JQW ••• « ....... pc>Wa' Otll ol Jll)C -.iec ror &WfJ '°" ft! Now • .lmtcad. for .,.,..._ d9e Int time la ,_, life.. fCM1 ate lltdna bchlad tbe klDIS o< ac...: ---. im.-t~ ~ that oatJ AGENTS, DEA• FRS, AND DISTRIBUTORS INQUIRIES WELCOME! MINJ.INJECTOR, 1044 Northern 8 1'11., Roel~ N. Y. 11576 Prove Ewery Word Of It At Our Risk! Far More Power On Far Leis Gas From TM Very First Second-Or We Send Ewery Cent Of Your MeMy Baell! Alld wt.at'• the cost ror an dlits pa!Ol'IUMlC ..cr an tkM .....t .... '! ()Illy $11.9t -.--a. than this MINl-fNIECTOR C&D -~ '°" la J'OGI" WIPY 6nt ..-di! Aed J'OO h'J h HldmJ M os ni..:t J..a llip It oe. •ed _. Iha results! El~ JOU·ra tbriDed from die 'lal' er. ~--« nery CC9t ol )"OUr _,, i:.d:! . No Ifs • .,,. or buts! It worb for YOU. « 11 coats JOU nodU1! WhJ noc aead In the No-llht CouPolt •.. eoclaJt ,.----MAIL NO-RISK COUPON TODAY!----, MINI-INJECTOR, Dept. 16334 1044 Northern Blvd., Roslyn, N. V. 11576 Ya, I want to trJ J'O'K rnolutioeary -mhli_.11.)«tor nmn:ty ., JOVr mll. 0 I am c11eiolilt1 onty Sll.91 to C09C1' r.n cotts •t thia litwc. I wil Uy it oa my cw f« oec ~ u ,ow mil. If It doa nol do """''"'"6 JOU say. I will lllca ttlUl"ll It to yo.a for e~ry CC'llt of my n_, bticlt •' tnta. MODEL ________ YEA.ll __ # CYL_ H------------------~ (PlcMc htM) AM~u-----------~~--~ cu,_~~-~------~~~~~~ r Arelbu Aware of '°8r True Self? People Qui:. True or False: Your sense of personal identity is easy to measure. (See number 2.) lly ..... £. Gt•se• At. ooe &eading psydi.i.atrist obaervea: ''The most myaterious and ob9am thing in the uni- verse is 1hat which is cloee:st to us.-the Self." It goes without saying that the.better a man knows himself. the better be can develop his innate talentl and abilities. In this quiz.. we take a loot at the situation. TRUE OR FALSE? 1. 1t•1 banl to tell to what e:ncnt you arc realiring your taleots and abiljfin and a- prcssing them fully. 2. Your seme of penooaJ identity is easy to measure. 3. lntroveits know~ better and have better imiJbt into tbemsdYa than ex:tro- Yerts do. • 1. F~. Psychologist Abraham H. Maslow's studies provide an excellent yardstick: for self-measurement in this department. He found that truly ~lf~izing people - those who baYe developed their abilities and capacibc:s and are upraising them-.. have a feeling of belOQ8ingoca and rootedness. they are satia&d with their love needs. they have status and place in life and rapect from other people, and they have a re.ason.abie feeling of uJJ respea,: To the utc:ot you have ~ this., you are realizing your run potential. 2. True -according to the findings of psy- chologists James F. T . Bugental and Seymour L. Zden. which focm the baaia for an estab- lished technique io exploring buman penoo- ality. Briefty,. in simpli6r.d form. this is bow it WOlb. JUllt -yoocw:lf Olil qt ...... : #'Who am IT'. ancl write down the fint thing that occurs to you -anything you wish. If your answer to the question is .. Why. rm me, ... or .. Myaclf. .. or .. John Jooc:a." this indicates that you do have a stroog 9CDSe of personal iden- tity. However, if you answer ·-rm a lawyer," or .. A banker," or .. A housewife." this strong- ly sugests that your pen100ality is being sub- merged by your occupation-that you think of yourself as wltal you do, not who you are. If you answer with a nonpenonaJ description of yourself. such as "rm a man," or 'Tm a girl," or .. rm just a human being." etc., this indicates that you an: lacting in a strong SCOSIC ol identity. 3. True. 1be introYert bas the edge hue. He is mo~ self-awarc-bccaUte his thoughts tend to focus inward. on hirrw:lf -than the eUro- vcrt, who is moR interalcd in other people and in things oobide tmmdf. Howeva, the introvert does not always make oonstructive U9C of hia sdf-tnowtedgc, for he lacb the cx- lroYert's capacity for trambting his thoughts into action. And thought without action is tikefy to be unproductiYe' ,.. and lead nowhere. 11111 FAMILY WEEKLY, Octobef 29, 1112 • 11 NEW/ Powerful Organic Face Mask DRAWS BLACKHEADS RIGHT OUT OF YOUR PORES! SEE PORES UNCLOGI SEE BLACKHEADS. HARDENED OILS. IMBEDDED DIRT AND TINY FACIAL HAIRS PEEL AWAY RIGHT BEFORE YOUR EV-ES! . •Tiie--•. I --Cl '* .. ' ' I , .. JIUIS! Aa iocrc:dible new oapnic face mast that really weds ... duia rally draws bid heads. barde1ICd oils. tiny fllCiaJ hairs and imbedded dirt right out of your pua safely, quickly. easily. a.c once. rigbc before your eyes! And best ol an. ifs OfP.Dic! Contains no harsh chemicals.. can't bun even the ccndcrest skin because it's made witb pare, organic materials! It's called Olpmlc M....-and ..• IERE'S HOW IT WORKS No ~Uttring, DO pidjft8 aod tbet'Cfore no ~ scars Oi' daagtt of spreading infection! Yoo simply apply Olp.Ir M t to your r.ae. Then go about your business. Do ~ you bawe IO do ... your baic, you.r Mils. your bomewort. reading ... in about 6heea minuaes « a> Ors-le Ma ' becomes f'rrm aed lhy to tile touch. Then simply peel it off! It sticks m tigblJy ic actaally bwts a bi1 cioming olf. but with il comes such an ammng array of matta. youll baldly bdieve your eyes! Look closely aod you 11 see black.beads, bits of hardened oiJ, imbcddcd dirt. old make-up. even facial hairs glued firmJy to chat mask! Safely, surely, without squeezing, with- out popping, you have eased away tbe dirt, chc grime, chc fildl dm baa been blocking your pores and maling your face susceptible to imcct.iool lllil._ .... __.,.....-Cea zt'r ,. , .. cc,_ ft9 __. • ,.._ • •kweca- ,_ w II __. ._ • , IJ"! If you are bothered with black.heads, you a.w co u.e~· a bee 1e il bdps to get rid of them the safe. easier W11J! U JOll U¥e • oily n•t• +d, JOl'l need Orpalc M...-because it helps co remove hardened oils and ocher maua which is blocking your pores. Even if you have a lovely complexion. you need OlpMlle M a 1 becm* ii cleanses your skin lite nothing in this world pouibly can, and tbafs a positive f8Ct becked by a firm, Moa.J08-:ll (;..- .-ct tw.llOST.-....a flHO~'IOUIMW eva -• YOWi ure ... ....... ,.. ... ttt11' 3 ,, Olw ••• ........ ~ .............. Ir ••arltled. '11 • .... llCtioft "'OrpnC Masque whldl llM juat been 1e•owiecl .__._._."'•_,_ .... an-....,. ca ;'1 lofl. Tili9 -'*9 no *'* blac*hMda. "° llcill ,... I t 11 not ..., olr ........ ,.. ... llw:w .... .,.,..,. "'dlbrtia ~ .... ~of -- qua C8M9 "°"' hlf .... Thole~ ~-N-tp $ COfetofNfdlesed ol. bb ol dllt Ind ...,_ m, ... ..... ................... ..,...,... ... ..... -.... ... ol Olgmic ....... "...., tac1al ........ c-w ..... .. have this dee91 .,_ c ...... acUOllt ltiey'd ...,.. '°" .,.... .. ltMa too. The fact tfWI it., lb\'\ Is an wldlcalb1 tfWI they Cllli 't perto111t the •l't 019anlc w.q.,. dole! NO RISK OFFER! Send fOI' ~ M...-now. When it ..mes. try it immediately! u Orpmlc M...-doesn't leiOlrie bbckback, hard- AN lllPOR rANT NOTE ••• 1llis is an en ol ~ .t¥ertis• imig. YOU t.&¥e rad IO aay promiK:s.. 10 ...., eugea...S cbims b 11> many product5-aad beea diuppointed so .-y times-tMI JOU ca't hdp but be •cp«icel, wt certainly we doll 't blame you! The 5bmne ol it is lbm when a ~ chlct diml raly wads comes .., ... • produd .... rally does ~ you waat it co. tbet'e i5 just DO way to rellly coevince you. lt'5 like die boy who cried wolf IO may times tM when a real wolf~ up. DO ODC beliewld him. U we could dcmomtrate dais proded b you •.• U we could .,_ )IC*. witb yow OW9 eyes, wt idc.Dy OD ,,_,. o .. face. die ieacdible thilp Orpmic M....- doe&. we bow you would be ;.. • im- pressed u we are. a.. bow can we do it .... lllla'C words! Wiim. dla. dt.aD we do!lk '8irat lllils we mm lllillk GI ii IO.-..,..,, meet• luill wmy. TIJ it im your oin IMme Ctltire- ty at oar ri&. Thea JOU be die judge. If Orp8ic ~worts tlllie way we my it does. JOU will be man: Ihm ddi&btcd ad JOU will 8Cw:r ... to be~ it •• , 0. d9e odlU ....... if ""' an: cftsappOinl· ed. yoa ICmd die pad ... beck to Ill nd we ._. you • i1lllmlt ret.d. ao ~ --8*ed! Wllat could be flliftr Ihm tlimc! ened oils and Olbel' pore-cJoainl. com-a============~ pleDoe-nain.ing filth the very fan.t time you .. - - - - - - - - - - - -.. you me~ c1oe•a keep ii! Retum tbe uo-I .......... Dt... .. FW-9 I ~~~q=!~: m•a idllla..Cu .,C... ... ,,\I pmlc M...-._ .. 11e ~WI • .... I ~ nu• .., °""'1W "'.,..-••'"*"'i· I 4ert.I .. we cl.... II Is, W y.. pay "'"' wit4 ,,.. ,...,s,."111111111t ,,,., if ;1 4-n 't I 1 • ' 1! Wby llCit seed aow! I _. -.rp 6it .. _. .. ,_ ,..._ " wiM. I 1 -··-1 ....... _ ............. __ ................. •o a 2 .......... ............. _ ............ _ .. -*-.......... . ...... J I will rMllw dw ~ '°"'°" lo, • ,,_.. I ... ,,.,.__, -...-~~ I 0 I acbt l.l.91 casa.. cMcl "' __, I I °"*'._a_..,.....,.. v-,., • ,.,.. I I mcew1._... I 1 a 1 _._ su1 C111111t.. dilllld. "' ~ 1 order b a r.a 60-d87 ~. Yoe PQ an 1~_. .. _.. I I I , ._ I I..._ I I I I a.. s.... r.. I I o ~OrplC--•c..1t11 I .. .;.. ___________ _ ) Tl£ llUVIUT MUMU Oii llCOD W'tf.illO l ,Ol9 LBS.UDWASIUllO llAPWIOCASEI ,/, ~ -11M H._.. A....., E•erhWW .. 111,559 ..... A Ww '11lllllC ....... ll MIL A W-Wiie ....... aMna. n. lM9ttll ._. ..•• "'Co- U•llt 9"11«." T1M Wwtla Moel IEspHUH wi..A11lM ~G ..... Th• bignl! The inullnl! The richest! The hiahffll 1be oldnll The lon4!'1! The fastn1! The &rQtatl n.. G....._ '°'* Of W..W R~ cont•iM 011er 3.000 record1 of xicn«, nature. 1he .chie.nnmll of ln8n, 1he world of sporu, 1ht arts, 'nt,rtainmeat and litllc known fmnwtlc phmomcaa. PKked with unbclinab~ fllCU and OYCf )$0 pboCOL Sc.108 any upnnc•ll Amoe your frirncbl You will not be able to pul 11 down. This~ r. .. hard co11ered volume is a mu" for any brary._ ~r 1,000,000 copes ~ worldwide. Only SS.K (rnoneyblck auaranlee). ···-··-·-·· ,.._ ,.,... ............. . ._Of _.1£cms IEPT-GS& ltMllOMWAY,OYiii;l.Y.llm Plate r~ me ~ ..... Of W..W ._. 11 SS.9S each (plus '°' posui.,e •nd haodlin1). Encloted iJ my check Of~ orckr for -· If l am not completely sa1UMd. I will mum 1hc booll w11hin U daY' fOt" 1 full refund. EAT ANYTHING WITH DENTURES ~~ Do your loose dentures slip or cause sor e ~ums·r BRIMM'S PLASTl·Ll N ER relines den lures snugly without powder, paste or pods. Gives tight.comfortable fit for monlh11. YOU C AN EAT ANYTHING. Simply lay soft. strip o f PL A STl -LINE R on denture. Bite and it molds per· fectly. Eosy to use, harmless to Jenture11 ond gum~. M om·y -back g ·11Hanlcc from mfg. At u lt drul( l'llUnH •r<l ~- Thischild has a good home, nice clothes, a loving mother- and Pin-Worms! A tormenting Itch In the rectal area, nose-picking and fidgeting are often telltale algna of Pln- Worma. It can happen to anyone In any family-young or old, rich or poor. It'• ao common, medlcal authorities aay that 1 out of 3 chil- dren examined, and many pal'9nta, have Pin-Worms without knowing It. And because Pin-Worms bring on Itching and ftdgetlng, they can distract chlldren and affect their aehool work! What'• more, Pin-Worms are highly contegloua, to they can spread from pel'9on to per90n, un_til the whole family la Infected. What can you do about It? For- tunately there la an eaay-to-take medication that gell rid of Pln- Worma. It'• called Jayne'•• P-W• tablets. Ask your pharmacist. He'll tellyouthatJayne'aP-Wtabletaare epeelally formulated with an effec- tive medical Ingredient that gets Pin-Worms out of your ayatem. For a free Informative pamphlet giving medical lacta about Pln- Worma, eend name and address to Jayne's P-W, Dept A3, Box 400, New York. N.Y. 10018. 5 foreign coins, free We will actually ·send you, free, seldom seen coins from Turkey, Spain, Austria, F'lnland and SOmalla. Just to get your name for our mallin1 list. And we'll include our bl& free cata101 of coins, paper money, collector's supplies. Send name. address and zip to: Uttleton Coin Co. Dept. S.l, Uttleton, N. H. 03561 BUY BONDS earitis MAKING YOUR EARS HURT AND ITCH? "E•rltls" -•nnoylng p•ln and Itch In your ears -la brought on by accumulation of excess wax. But when you try to re- move wax with hairpins. tooth- picks or other pointed objects, you may Injure your ears l There's • better, safer way to remove excess wax-with AURO Ear Drops. AURO Is euy to use -just a few drops loosen and dissolve ear wax, lets wax remove Itself. When excess wax Is gone. the pain and Itch of "Earltls" Is gone. Get AURO at all drug counters. ~lllons rely on AURO to help atop "Earltls." The Day I Met • " • ii 0.. ~ 0 u cL Perry Como ·•1 can atlll remember the lake people com- menHng, 'Thi• fellow wlll give Bing a run for his money-If he ha• the gumption to stick with It.',. Back. in 1931-1 was only a small child at the time -my family rented a summer cottage at Conneaut Lake, Pa. We frequently ate at the Conneaut Lake Park Hotel because, according to my par- ents, the food was excellent, and they enjoyed the dinner- hour dance music of Freddy Carlone's orchestra. One of the band's chief at- tractions was a young singer who specialized in "crooning." Bing Crosby was then the top crooner, and l can still re- member many of the lake peo- ple listening to the youngster sing (he couldn't have been more than 18) and comment- ing, ''Thia fellow will give Bing a run for his money-if be bas the gumption to stick with it." The reason they might have had doubts was that the boy had a likable, easygoing poise that made him seem a bit, well, lethargic. Often the young man would visit our table and talk with my parents. After dinner, be usually invited me to the edge of the bandstand, where I sat on bis ice-cream-parlor chair (it was sort of a trademark of his act) while he sang. As the summer wore oo, 1 developed a regular "crush" on the young singer. Was I the envy of the sandbox set on those days ~ us at the beach and romp with me l The years passed, and 1 soon forgot all about that summer at Conneaut Lake. Then, one day in the early l 940's, I turned our radio up to "teenage" volume to bear a new smash hit called "P~ oner of Love." It was being sung by a bobby-sox sensation named Perry Como. I bad never seen his picture, but just the sound of his voice made me swoon all over. My mother came in, turned the loudness down, and said, "Norma, just because he used to be your boyfriend, you needn't bring down the walls!" Boyfriend? Me? Perry Como? And then it all came back. The young man who sang to me on the ice-cream- parlor chair ... those days we spent on the beach ... that re- laxed, boy-next-door manner. Although lhe sand castles we buQt together qujckJy dis.- solved into the lake, and many of the songs have faded, my childhood memories of that likable young man, who the adults said seemed to lack "gumption," will remain till the day I die. -Mrs. Norma uary Jamestown, Pa. ,. • FAMILY WEEKLY, October 29. 1972 Try tt. H Works. To reserve comfort and value at more than 400 Ramada Inns worldwide, all you do is phone your nearest Ramada Inn. It works because It's so simple. Try it. "-• ~~ p 0 . Boll 590. Ptloenbc. Atu:one 85001 MORI DAUUN8 THAN DIAMONDS ••. yet 1/30 the coat! A l-caret unMt di• mood costs et>out $1,GOO; a hend·set. t1and-90llshed CAPRA GEM 11 only $21.00. Wrltil for ,,.. booklet and ee.sy payment plan. Send no rnoneyl CAPRA· GEM co .. Oeot FW-29. P.O. Box nu, Phlla .• Pa. 19\50. ::::.::-.: HEMOllHOIDS You can now let poattJw relief b'OIJI the ernbur-1n&. INldden.lna ltchlnC of pllel or hemonhoJda. DJ).D. Cretim II a pnUe medicated emollient that a.eta promptly to relieve thl1 condition . QWeta ltchlne • .-peln. eoothea 1en- aitJve t.i.ue.. It can he:f. you. Aak tor D.D.D. Cream at your ruuta&. .. t, ly <8fhe Diet '1i*ll Rua. for Dtellngon AulD Ttlps "Ravenously .. tulgry la the way Iota of people get on an automobile trip, and by the time they get to a roadside diner or other possible eating ptace, they're ready to dewur 1he greasleet. highest calorie whatever-i&-available, just to quell hunger pangs.. Some~ rules eo help the dJeter on an auto trip: Finst. cloft, 9tlWt out....,... bni .. lf ... ....... , .... ,.... ............. ... between JOtlf lo• blood411...., fatigue Md row LEN DAWSON. Quarterback: The Scmldll 11111 ...... •• .,. ..... Ula Len 08W80n, the 37-ye&r"'()fd field general of the Kmisas City Chiefs. la proving that pro quarterbacka, like old wine, improve with age. He had one of his best aeasons last year, his 151h •a pro, when• led the a... tD .. c:llAA .... llNpof .. w1111mcl'tllloftof._A1Mrlcml~ CoftleNlloe Md COllllllllad p I I I II far ...... of 2.504,.... eecDlld ......... in the AFC.. He's hoping to brtng Kansas City anolhef Super Bowl chmmpionahlp this year• he did In 1970, wt.ft he directed his team to a startling upeet of the Minnesota Vikings. ••. 0awaon. known as the ''Iceman'' for his coolneaa, was troubled by tendonit:la earty last season, and some said his arm was dead. It wasn"t -he threw one cruciat touchdown pass aft.et anolhef. Hia mo.t 98Y8l8 ordeal came during the Chiefs' Soper Bowl year. He injured his knee earty in the M 19Dft. Surgery was acMaed. But he gambled that he could just rest ttle knee for several games and come bade for the homestretch driva The gamble paid oft. But then. five days before the Super Bowl game, big headlines linked him to • gambling investigation. '1 ,.. .. a crlllllnal.'• .. f8Clllls, ...... though ......... .., ini1ocenl The tDe91ntw unb1a....._ I couktit't....., .... Mdl didn't.._ I I'd be allowed to.,.., In the biggeet game of my l•e." As It turned out, the Investiga- tion concerned a man named Oonakt Dawson. Len was completely cleared before the big game. and then went on to win it ... A native of Alliance, Ohio, Dawson was an All-Amerk:a quarterback at Purdue and led the Big Ten in total offense three straight years. His coach, Hank Stram. calls him "the __. llCClftle pauer in pro loollNlll." Although he's cool and taciturn on the field, he's much more expansive off it and conducts a popular sports show on Kansas City lV and radio. Dawson is married and the father of two. -Br &any Abtaaw FAMILY WEEKLY, Odober 21. 1972 • 11 ......... ,....,. ....... 2 ..... p' ···-.......... ;and if a pizza stand la all that's in sight after 100 miles. you may end up eating guee&-What tor breakfast (at 185 calories or more a slice). It's also Smart tD lrellP ..... Dllw:r •lllldm In._ cs, to take the edge off your appetite before other wayside meals, too. A plastic container of crackers la ideal; so is non-drip fruit like apples (70 calories). Good, too. ls a Thermos or jug of iced or hot tea or coffee (with fake sweetener). A couple of ;;:::::::""""",.w......___., cracleeu sand a few 9ips of tee wortt near magic at tempering hunger pangs.-BJ Harrtet.....,. A.mazing# Scientilid Doctor-Discovered, Docfo,,.pnwecf Regimen Safely, Pleamlly, Easly• YOU PAY NOTHING! • I SATISFACTION GUARANTEED .--~----~------~, T"~''€ ...... :i .. _,... .. .... ,.. ,... ......... .,,. ........ Ziil ~ ... "" ... ..... " ,.. ..., ......... ......... "=1t ... ..... ,,,.. ... i. ... -.r... ..... ................. -. :. :e:t..te ,J:. ....... "' ... --..--..... c. •.'t '7:i :.r:. c.,.,..., llllsW t. _, .... ,.. ........... &IW .. =F•t • I 2113 •au. ...... ·-':+, c-.. -- 01..-. ............ ,._...., a,...,..._.,.,,........,......,...., <'W ................. ~ 1 I I I I I I I How to make the freshest filter cigarettes ever for less than apacK 1~he Laredo Filter Blend Kit con- tains a can of fresh vacuum-packed tobacco, a cigarette-making ma- chinb ;ind the makings for your first five packs. Cost: less than $2. • 3. Next, fill the large slot with Laredo tobacco, then drop a filter in the small slot. Now you're all ready to rr\ike the freshest tasting filter ciga- re1te you've ever smoked. 2. Place one of the paper tubes over the spout of the cigarette-making machine. It's simple and easy to use. Yet, so sturdy, it's guaranteed in writ- ing for two years. 4. Push the lever forward, pull back, push again and there you have a fil- ter cigarette that looks factory-made, tastes factory-fresh ... in just sec- onds. Easy , wasn't it? Refills contain filters. paper tubes. carry- around packs ... and enough vacuum-fresh Laredo tobacco to make five more packs. The cost: under $1 . • Less than 20¢ a pack!• •In most areas ot the country-based on manutacturer·s suggested retail price LaR0DO FILTeR BL0ND Regular Menthol I C9Whai in the World! \ "FLIRTER" NICOLETTE AnewMff•t ... Why would anyone want to cross the Atlantic alone, nonstop, in a small boat? The first woman who did it says: "l was going to flirt with death, with insanity, with physical suffering. I was going to be careless with my body and mind. And I was going to be ruth- le~ with the emotions of those who cared about me. Why? ... 1 wanted to do something that would not only give me intrinsic pleasure but would also impress people, and so bring in its wake further opportunities to change my whole way of life. When I set sail from Milford Haven for America l took along with me the hope that when I had crossed the ocean I would also have crossed the threshold of a new world for myself which would bold the fulfillment of my dreams of fame." From "When I Put Out to Sea," by Nicolette Milnes Walker (Stein and Day, $6.9S). MR. MOORE, TV'a "SAINT' Palm Nading by mall Hawe your palm read without show• ing anybody your band? Roger Moo~. the "Saint," inked his palms and aent the prints to the Society for the Study of Physiological Patterns in London. The society, whose "readers" had no idea whose prints they were looking at, amazed Moore with the accuracy of their report. ''There are some things that they just couldn't have guessed- it's almost uncanny," he said. Moore didn't say whether the report told hjm 11 • FAMILY WEEKLY, October 211. 1972 he would be playing James Bond in the next Bond movie. He will be. Donate blood to yourHff: It beats getting blood from other people, says a team of swgoons in Denver. For non- emergency operations they begin taking blood from the patient ten days before he's scheduled for an operation, and then give the same blood back to him during surgery. Reason? It cuts down on the spread of blood diseases from donors to recipients. Unused blood is donated to the community blood bank and stored for surgical cases that can't be put off for ten days. A rock worth S3 mllllon, and maybe as much as $14 million: Picked up by a workman last Valentine's Day in an African mine, the .. rock" io question is a half-pound, 968.8-carat, big-as-a- ben's-egg diamond called the Star of Sierra Leone. It's the world's largest uncut diamond . and the third big- gest ever . Sierra Leone High Com- Egg-Dlmnond missioner Dr. Davidson Nichol is busy showing the gem to bidders in London. Experts say the Star could easily double in value after it's cut and made into fabulous jewelry. Are you listening, Liz and Jackie? DATES: Areas on Daylight Time re- turn to Standard Time on Sunday, turning clocks back one hour. Tueaday is Halloween and National UNICEF Day. ANNIVERSARIES: The Great Stock Market Crash took place 43 years ago Sunday, beginning the Depression. President Ngo Dinh Diem of Vietnam was deposed nine years ago Wednes- day. 1be Eisenhower-Nixon ticket won for the first time 20 years ago S•tur· day. BIRTHDAYS: Monday-Ted Williams S4; Charles Atlas 80. Tueed•y-Dale Evans 60; Michael Landon 3S. Wednescl•y-Gary Player 37. Thu,... day -Burt Lancaster 59. Frldlly - Charles Bronson SO. S•lurday-Walter Cronkite 56; Gig Young SS; Art Car- ney S4. BIRTHDAY PEOPLE: Charles AUH a Chartea Bronson ats ys n- ng is n.k n't be by an is a- nd of It's ous and Qutps&Q~ I ARMOUR'S AAllOURY 8JR1c:Mnl~ 0 8 WAIJ Off MY lllND Weft«• z ii, tlrie dodm's waiting ,..,..., Where it. tlae ,......,. rate To wait .................. wait And dim ... wllit ud wait. \Vhere is .. clodm? Where is he Who aid to«:.-. M r..t The,__ ....... waits ... wails And thee lie wails--.-e. The doc::lm's paid for pecioas time, He gets bis weJHwned fee. What ol tlae ........ patient, though? The peti' t'• time is free. Two young volunteers were being interviewed for the Navy and wer-e asked, "'Do you know bow to swUnr They both loobd pu::aJed and one of them replied, "What's the matter? Areo•t there eoougb sbipl7' -Lud/le}.~ THROUGH A CHILD'S EYES Kidllw ... -..enay. &.-caatrbt- Uona '° .. Child." Fllftlly w.eldy, 141 LaJngton A• .. N.. Y., N. Y. 10022. 110 if U99Cf.-.tlOI• fWtumed. Mt. oouviadag tlieil-&Ide hoylh.t. brad.er• ........ be nice ID U.e mouad, my brodw ... his wife abd him ... ...., for -. T • . ~ eewwwrw•WWWfWdll, ,. .... ..- were bona a boy and a girl When .......... die twins, the hoy pianed .... said ... his fatlatr, .. Ann't yoa gl.d I apped pnying ""*' I flidP" -Wilfred .s..ocr s,,.,,., w ia. Our relajives u-e visiting. It is aot that we doo•t lib to see them; rather, they like to see us looger. -Leehrga' Did !JIOt' hear ""'*' ~ w eig1ll Watcher who got mod at aodtet We~ht Watcher and c.alled her the dimat four-lett~ word alts could UaiM of? Cokel-Rohen Orbe" Secrebuy of State Rogers is right when he Qys he has bis wed cut out for him. Henry Kissinger'• got most of it. -Pranl Tyger To Lia Minnefli De.Liza: I saw yoa in your .,... picture ...., nipt .... wow. WM that dft9 cut low. "--111111 !De, WU that a lbapiese e¥eDing gown you were ....mg GI' a go.. less evening .....,, Alfral w ___ _ To Malon Brando Dear .w.loai £a;-L...d is ., pic:tme, bat in Cale ,.. ............. ~·. ~I : . ,.-#• pme to me don't-rm aJreedy mar- ried. Jin. E..a uC.__ __ _ urn.£ ElllLY 0 0 ....... ""......, ..... ""f:llhW• .,.., .... ., .. 0 ... ,.. .... ,,,, .. FAMILY WEEKLY, OctoMr 29, 1172 • 1e Bring instant relief to tired, aching feet, weak ankles WITH M'1t! AMAIMG ORTHO· HEALTH! "Every pair of shoes should have the•!" PERFECT FOR SLIPPERS AND 8001S! .,.,. .... _ .... "°--"° ................ ... *'-! ........ • .... ... a "'""..... a " -fllOl mmlort ...aiOllTll<Ma?ALTB ...... ..... ............. 11 ....... .,.. ......... ~ Ill!•·~-• .., ......... ,.. .. .. .................. . , ., .... . • ..,.._._., .. ~v_ .. ._.._......,..._~ ____ ..... _, ...... ,..llllc..~ DALTH..ts .........., 10 .... ...__ ..,_. ..... -nellr ......... ...., ......... -.... .. ,..,_,,, , ....... .,.. .... n-c·a • ~ _, Wiii IO --..llCllM ............ ~ .. ----l!did,.. .a.CSlllCNllMUll. ... .., .... ,_ __ ... -.... ,,...,...., ,_ -....... ..s.rr .. __._......, ..., ... ... ._.-S,~ ....... a ~---8\! 0 .. 11110BEAU11 -..orb ,_, ,_ • J , , •• ....__......~-•e1.,er.c1~ .,.Zf .....,._.._.. ... _, ........... .... -~_.... .. tllllft.~ ....... EASILY TRANSFERS FROll PAIR TO PAIRf Miu#. C .. llJ. a ,.._w u,.. .................... -.. -..c ... il ,.. ... .-.... _. ..... _~,_ ..... .... . ., -~·· ,.,... ... ..... '-'-"" ....-i,.. ----.... ,_ ~.,omBOaEAl..21Hw-....... Yed .. __.y_,__. ... ....,,_...., OU ~. •• ~•Wll...,...~v ........ ~ .... ... ..._v_._._.. .... ._... ..... .._,.. _, ___ ._...___~-~ ~ ........... . Ollfr ..... a ..... G CW·lWD-llr ... v-... --*r ... ,_ ~ ............... .._, 6• •• m,z,.t-zt>-................. L-84 ................. ·- ,------t M ... CllDWl......-lb m.l-ua Clll0 IU }------, at -.... C.... 21 W. -•II* M. .,._ L-141 • Ff11111rt, k Y. 1 .. ..... ,_. -.: 0 1 PAii OUHO-HfAlnt@ ..._,. ,a-JOc 111 s ;1 ~ t ¢• .. ~ Sllee S-: a.... O .,.., O w-4• O C'WW'• 0 SAVE MDIII 2 'AllSOllfHO.fffATHllt ff.GO ,,,._ 5Ck .. t 1. ~ • II ... ledaud ii: 0 o..dl • O ..., ~ ._ $_ N.T. ,.-.-.t» _.. ..... ..._ Gty ___________ s.a.. _______ llp ____ _ .. --------------0 .»y """""'• c-,. 1wn---~----------J Tll CAT AM Tll "llUI by Jacky Jet~~; by U~! Kalish. c.tllell& WllN1 ... tn• Joylble .•• " PW. price $3.95 "'91111 .... IY by Roaer Du-Wlllsln. ,........,., -..u,i " ... one of Mr. DwolllA's best •.. " Pub. prtce $3 • .,- ACMIUI-~ by CMr1ts M. SclWJz. atarllt BrOWft attla "-lllUllllll of Chrlrt!Us. NI. Pflct $2.95 .... nuc•• •• urc•11 by Wtndt 11td 1tatt1 DeYlh1. ~ .,., ....... : •• ... l'ntl• llu- inor • • • " Pub. price $3.95 11111Mnby11110. YOlllll, IU. !7. Anlold Cobel ... ,. ~ • 11co111•t11ded." P•b. 11rlct $3.95 Alll ...... by • .., .thlr11J. Endlea llOll9S. rllldlts 11111 llllr· ror llllllff. •.Y. '11Ma1 "ltc· _.....,, .. ,., Pfke P.95 •'I Ylll Ill, CllMUI .... by CUit• IL ScllllfL Clllf11e ...... dlldffl ....... ....,. NI. price '2,95 lHI' 1"AL~ 01" PETER RitBBIT •• QUTRJX POTTFll II V -'llNH' N o b===~ Tll TALI If PITll IAlllT leltltx Potter's f1mous llttl1 •tof'J. cofortully llh11tmed. Pub. Pfke .1.95 CIMIHIT TIWmlllvtM by w. a H. Devlin. ;r111C1tu•1 recipe Is l10lt111 ................ . Titl ..... ......, ... by A. A. Milne, Ill. by £. H. IMJllnl. Tllr" lfnt Storltl ........ I tun • • ." he>. price $3.M .. ... 111\ittlflc ••• " .... pflce $3.95 Moat mothers and fathers frankly acknowl- ~ge that they haven't either the time or the perspective to choose precisely the right books for children not yet ready to read or who are just beginning to read. That is why parents are happily turning this problem over to the highly qualified editors of Parents' Magazine, who unreservedly ap- prove all the books shown on this page, from which you can now safely choose any five for your child with complete confi- dence. At the same time we send the five books of your choice, we will enroll your child in the Read Aloud and Easy Reading Program and arrange to send to your home each month another outstanding, carefully selected book which you may read to or along with your little one. Each book wlll charm $nd captivate your child-from Its bright, color- ful cover through Its gaily Illustrated pages, with a story appealtng and understandable to even the youngest mind. SAVE UP TO 50%-AND MOREi Besides the assurance of good entertain- ment, and the wonderful read-together ses- sions each selection provides for you and your child, you will be pleased by the sav- ings on every book. Member's price Is only $1 .59 each (plus small mailing charge) for books regularly priced up to $3.95 and even more. MAIL THE COUPON TO RECEIVE YOUR 5 INTRODUCTORY BOOKS FOR ONLY $1.59 • •• PLUS THE FREE BOOK RACKI If your child is of "beginning reader'' or "read to me" age, enroll your youngster now-and receive an Introductory package of the 5 books of your choice-all ~ for only $1 .59, plus small mailing charge. You must be convinced of the pleasure and benefits this highly praised Program offers your child-or you may return the books In 10 days and owe nothing. The book rack is free In any event. ( . Yu, this enclllntln1, c ..... ~t BOOK RACK Is lbsol ut•IJ tree for ycMlr clllld Witfl t1'11I enroll· ment In Ult Prov am. It's belutlfully made, sturdy, prlCtlt.i, lllCI hold• "' to 20 llooU I I t'a lllso- lutaly fru, IVtft In the event you cllooM not to eontl nue your dllld as • MtfllMfl • l'M NOT TAKIN6 l(OUT07ME MOVIES I'M BUILDING A BIG DOLL. HOUSE .. ... • I -AND SE'fTLE DOWN IN A LITTLE WHITE Coi1'AGE' AND RAISE A FAMILY ..• I 'r '·' f ~;:· •_p , . ! .... ,,. . . _, ' • (!',. ' F'~AN C INe, . :t HAVE SOME,-HING-,-o A~K · You ... MAKE IT ~RIEF. I AM READING UP ON 1"He L.AiEST IN WEDDING- . GOWNS. -AND LIVE WAPPIL.'/ I EVE~ ,t\FTElt? . ( • • ' > • • ·-i , . . ... WIL.L. YOU J..IAVE A SODA WITH ME. AFTEff SC:MOOL '10PAY? I FtlANCINE; ... • ALI. r · , IN WMICM · A~Kl:O YOU " CA~E, MY WAS A6ot.tr ~SWEI<:. A SOOA rs NO. "fOPAY ... • ' • I> I> I> ~IJDG.E PARKER · rT--H~E-F--IR_.5:-'"T-T_.H--IN-G~W-E"."'.'D~6-ET-T-E-R--..: SHAl.L I TAKE IT OUT IN CASH? DO IS STOP 8Y THE SANK! WITH- DRAW EVERYTHING . IN OUR ACCOUNT! WE'VE GOT ABOUT SIX Tl'\OUSAND ! I • • ' • -WIL.L. VOCA PROMIS! 10 iJecoME. ENG.MEI> AND MArt.ftY ME it.1 F'IFTeeN YEA~? . . • • • ,_._..~~_;_---~.~~-.ir-.....,: ::t GU&~S A SEftl~· . : MINPE.D G-IRL. LIKE FRANCINE CAN'f 8, EXPEC.TED iO ' WAS'l"E MER TIMe WITH A {;/6H) ~'(~Y. · I.II<' ~Ml. , ... -.......-r ·· F\.'"l:"IPI • . . .. • ·( ( <1 <J<J OKAY ... % woN'TBE BUT,.. FEW MINUT!9, L;!I!! ' • • • • • • • • • • • • ' • • • • ' MU'1·1·and JEFF• • • ~~ AN OWL? • ·~- .. • lF'"IUAT CLOCK tlAO 'FALL.EN .· ASE'COND SOONER rr WOUlDHAVE -HITME! ,., By Al Smith' ' by Charles Barsotti . 1 • - • • - .. . . • , • ' . GORDO ----=--..,.,,_. ......... ,.... ...... ' • • '• ; I • • .. , , • 1-J11,,~ ' I ' ./ ' .. ~ ' , · F !-SA4:E::E:J:)S ~_TQ~ K.Ryan ~ • ' I-. . ~ ... , ·-·--·-. ' • • . . . ' • ' By Gus Arriola -~ -- •• -< • • • • ......... -·--= =" .. ' .. ·ARCHIE .·. NOT AFTSR. J: TOLD MIM · · IT WAS · GOODF~f REDUCINC!t, .. ' . . .. ---IULLETIN IOARD~-­ • 'l'IUCS oa n&ATl _ lrleii_ ... W"°IJq ........ 'l'ldltirA--... . -hro:oa--fool,,.. ...... hro:.,..1 ,.,., ·-...... Ltol I-------Qlrif . ' ' ................ ... • • • • J'eol Jaebt .... odcl --.,. ldde4 lo 1o1a1 11,. 1oa1 I& tai.. -Io.t lo 1114 --C... ,..,... __ _, . -'I""'_"" ___ .... , ... -- • • •• . .,..--.. --'··--la .. w11a tW a waedT dtllt .,... -•a .... snat'w& N ... , wW ~ W, ~ .......... .... ·.;: . ;:.-:.=:,·,. ~ 1N111D111oa1 mo..---... _.... ... t••·pl• --..'fttn MMDV· 'I'• ... o•t, co•~t dots with lln• froa 1 to lS ·la Mder. (0111'1 I.ins Fliaturt• S)'diubt,lAc.) 10,,.Z. 'if ) . I . r P$SST. ,,,COACH. , a.OOK WHP'.S Gq1NG . &Nr/ ' JUST "n4a f!RIWCll'Al.! . " ' ' .. ' . ARK \ I ' • Wm:JWill HOtw. To ja la ... ....-la"'°"!..' air otpl:r. "" foll•wlal oolen: 1-.... z.;Dll:. •IM. 1-'feuw. 4.- .,_ ~1-l.L-f·lll-----, :t 8ANE. • USEPTO --.... IT • .:_' A~ ...... ....,, I . . ·Yk're m Mother Natures side but we haven't helped a bit. -- c I •<><>L~~,~ THE I.AW Or GRAVllY? KNOW AU ABOiff n; D<XJJ.SYI • I • . . · -ARG6(}llfR E/NSTE,IN/ • • •• That's why we have theSe fitter~. GrartJps. · ' ' Well, lfthi5 ·1s· w.!J!" territ;Qry, 'l I'll !;le glad to · share with yru . • I I ~ I