HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-12-18 - Orange Coast Pilot7 .......... • ' 'Nixon Bentoft!s .Bonibinfl_ Ban Q t ; I I • • • ., .. • .. Nude Han Seized By · Mesa ~Poliee . . On As~a~ll ~harge • . ._ ____________________________ ... MONDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 18, 1972 "*.;.-. llfO.·m. 2 lllCTl!C*S..DHe•S , ~ Two Da.vton'l d~t store Santas-in st . .J;'aul,~ wmi fired from Chris\lbas • .-l<!bi'• for-ad\ll)ing Uil~ ask'ed for .guns that..Santas ~· not g1 .. )hem: Bl!1 ~e·ancl.Dlrre)I Boin!, ,both 24. were dismiBsed..after theAtore· isStted •-~ l@l'ting anti:. gun statements. , Mea.t ·Dealer Sto.red l ~ -. . .. . . . .. . In Cooler by Th~epes . , ' A worker at a Santa Ana meat com· piny, still thawing out from • long nlglit SJltllt in cold stotagt, told police &m<tay he.,... abducted and imprllOned by three biltglars with a ta.to for good steak. Jack Wilantt,,17, said he <jJenl·Salw> djr night locked in the r.....r -of a 'i"mpany truck after be .. ~ bf JI!.' LA Newspaper Folds LOS .ANGELD (API -One of the ~~'• Dl'ftlt wiekly' lftBPll*I, l.A, lilil .... ~Y ~r 1 .. , i.... .m me.. ol ..-!Joi>. 111 aobbblf -i,.. d"!lrr1 in a courlt'OOm. Kiri ....,._ lllC. l -Now••• ~ ..... toltl of· Ha -" on 1be dllao!i ..,i In SUUle, l\'a!h. al • trtaJ of two • mjil ..,. of lillkinl him of _tl0,11111or. • pllolly lnlerVleW. . , .. fil"lll that afternoon and interrupted a burglary in ......... 0n-enterUtc, Wttmtt said he was quick· ly llliloando!d llld ordered II IUDPDlnt to open the eo""*"' llife. When be re!qsed, be was beaten, gaged, and placed in the boc:lt"of a cornpeay nn aloog with f,000 pounda of -....... • 'l'l!e.~ then tllvve to Vemoo, an ~ "91 .hi-.Los Ancfjea. Tbe ~an remo9e<fthe ltellb there, but Jell WIJanll to spond I looc olgllt In the cold. 1111!Ji a dime and a penny, WUantt liiill:tfilll pallOls lrom lnaide the -.. to ""'°"" the lnlulaticlft, wblCh be tllto w1 •illttd around himleU to keep wann. By mornin& be had l'1!tllOffd a Wini fM!l I refrigen!Or and forced It throqh tbe door jam. Atlacbed to the did of lt WU I 1181, wlUcb be Used to attract I poaerby Sitndv morning. w-; of uq Beech, told )>!>llco the mbaloa 1teaka -. worth about $3,500 • . .. ... • u.s~ Planes Bomb Areas Near Hanoi · WASHINGTON (UP) - W h 11 e saying the road to pe.:ce .. ii wide open," the Wbite Hoose aaid today President Nixon had removed restrictions on bomb- till!-North Vletziam. .two days after Nixon's Vietnam nt&9uatori Henry A. ~singer, reported bis • ceaae-fire negotiations with North Vie~m to be at an impasse, Nixon ordmed American planes to resume full OPOrBtions on the North .• Ralds quickly foilowe<f on Hanoi and Haiphong: U.S. warplanes attacked the l!Uburbs of Hanoi l<ll>Jibi, Tw rej>ot!ed -rrom the North Vietnamese capital. lt said a fire raged north of the city. J The account said the attack lasted about 40 nlinutes. The dispatch aaid: .. American a:viation this night made a raid on lllbwt>o of HanoL An air raid waming ..., given in the city durbJi a film.lbow, amonged by r.preoenlatioD oL.. the ~ revolutionary ~vemment of Ifie 'RepublJc of South Vietnam In the hall of the lnttrnatiooal Cub ••. "Eiploskm were· heard a few minutes later. The bombing continued unin- terruptedly for 40 mlnutes. Bombs were dropped 3-5 tuometers from the center ol the city, The red glow of a fire blazed up north of Hanol lkuing the raid." ('l'lne fo Ove kllomelers is about two to ·three mlleo.) · • Ronald L. Zieller, Wblte Bouae preaa ~. aid ihe bmblng .....,ption -an.r a pome of nearty twJ months u a gesture to :itimulate a peace agreement -waa Intended to eope with a buUdup of Clommunilt foteeS "which could lead to another ottemlve in the IOUtb." WhUe the Preoldent was ramovlng bombing -Just one week before Cbristmaa, fJeJler stnssed that 1be United -at111 boped for a peace oettlement. "'!be road to ~ II wide optn," Zlegltr told rep<l'ters. "We want • rapid (flee -.ilG, Pqe I) - • • ·eat Dealer Thaws Following Thiev~s!) ... Cold Treat111ent ·or ~1 J-' " " f • l.1' Hussein Rewed Reponedly Murri.es TV Announcer JERUSALEM (UPI) -King H-U. of Jordan bas left his second wife, Princess Muna,. to marry an announcer on Jordanian television, the Arabic ......_al -aaid today. Quoting vlston: arriving from Amman, the Israel govemment-wpported newspaper aaid Hussein wed Souha Toukan a week ago. _ SHE IS A DESCENDANT o! a prominent family in Bablus oo the Israeli- occupled Weat Bonk o! Jordan. AJ. Anba &aid How.in has not divorced Mp.a, who bore him two Im!, be- cause Moslem law provides that be can have fod'fwives. THE NEWSP-"ER SAID Muna, the daughter of a fonner Briti!h army off1cer, was planning to marry .. a well-known American diplomat." She is liv- ing in Londoo with ~ two aons. . Muna, formerly. Tony Gardiner, became Hus,,ein's second wife in the early 1Jll08 after be diwrced his flrsl, wbo later mmied an Arab guerrilla. Laundromat lllcldent ·-. Nude; Berserk Man Held hi Strangling Attempt • Costa Mesa pofice Sunday arrested a nude, SS-year-oid Los Angeles man on charge• of assauJt with intent to commit nturder after officers alleged he went berserk in a laundromat and attempted to strangle a Fountain Valley' woman. Heid In the· Orange County Medical Center psyciatric ward with charse• R!!lldlng agalllll lllm is Frederick Karl Swnn of Loe Aoaeles. Police said the report of the alleged assault came from Ida Ma Britten, 31, operator of the laundromat at 1'138 Pla-ceritJa Ave., lD Costa Mesa. Sl)e told offk:ers that Sturm was tn the place and became involved in a violent argument wilh a female companion wbllo doing his laundry, The operator a.sserted that stunn then began deatroying property. When she threatened to "call the Jaw." lbe told police sturm lrled lo strangle ber with bis bands. Mn. Brttteo said she managed to fight off the alleged assailant by lllWnit lt!m with ~ brcon: stick and nputildfy clout.Ing h:'\ over the bead with I IOft drink boUJe. PoHce aald sturm undressed hlm'°U durlns the fracas and was totally nude 11 hi attornpled to flee when llC(uad cars ar-mm. He w11 sobdllld and takeo to Costa Meta HosplW where a physician cDH I bie<dlni 2\0-incb gub on •his bead with '"' llltcbes. · Fiom there Slum! WH talrm 14 Cosla M,.. City Jail bul Iller transrerred to Omc• County Medlcal Center after he rtpe1111dlJ llatnmed hi• bead into • con- ' crete wall and tried to rip \llrt bis hair, police said. Mrs. Britten, of 8915 Yuba River Ave., was not seriously Injured but police uid there were red mare on her throat. Damage to the laundromat consisted of a paper towel dispenser wblch tbe enrsged Stunn allegedly ripped off the wall Actress, Others Die in. Air Crash BURLINGTON, Vt. (AP) -Actress and televisk>n penonallty Luba Llsa and three perlOllS from the New York City- New Jersey area died ln a weekend crash of a light plane. Police aald the twln-<ngine alrcrllt disappeared from radar screens at the Burlington fntemalional Al'l'Ofl late Fri· day as lhe Ceasna 411 wu approac.b.ing to land in a snow atorm. Rescuen took nearly foot houri to locate the wreckage In Colchester, three miles from the runway. , The dead Included David Schaplra, 36, of Newark, N.J., identified u the pjlot, and three passe~ers, Ira S. Me!.Rlm•n, 25; of· New York City's Kew Oardelt; Susan SChwager, 23, of West Hempstead, N. Y. and Miu Liu, of New York City. • Ill City Ready To Consider Excess Area By WILLIAM SCllREIBER Of 1fle DllMJ PltM SIMf As.semblyman Robert lladbam (ff... Newport Beach) said laday he will pulb to get execs.<; state land on the mart.et if Newport Beach city cowicllmen ask hlm to. Councilmen tonighi wUl consider a i-. quest by Park!, Beaches and Recrea.Uoo Director Calvin Stewart that the city seek Badham's help in freeing $18 mllUon worth of state land for park use in the cl-. ty. "If I were to receive an official request from the governing body of Newport Beach t.o act on this matter, I wOuld ao act, TT Said Bidbatii.~ -... ,.. "The Calilomla Divi!ion of Highways has moved In an over-cautious manner in disposing of this land," he said. The division made It clear several months ago it is in no hurry to dispose of the land, most of which had been purehased for the now-defunct Paclllc Coast Freeway, State official> say they are still studying traffic patterns In the area and may need the la.ml. "By the st.ate sitting on these parce.ls they are not helping anything," Badham saJd. "Negotiations with the city to sell the land is going to take Jong enou.gb as lt is." In his report lo coonc:Umen, stewart (See LAND, Pqe J) " lt'eUller Variable clouds on Tuesday, but moeUy sonny 1k1es, according to !he weather aervlce. lll&ha in lbe Ills. Lows tonight <S-IO. INSmE TODAY Httmcm e~tatfon u 110C new in thtt covnCJv. To wJaat eztt11t 11ao1dd o" • human be perntitl<d 14 l!ldongtr aoollurr in the ,,.,.. of t<:Umllfio prog· rcu1 See 1torv cm Page t~ ...... ..,. ,, -u "-. .,.. ...... -... ·-. =,... : ............... ,,.. ,.......... . ,... ~-_...,., I ""' .. . • ' ..... ~ ,, ..... - --A OrMlll c..... . """" .... . . -... ............... ·-. -.... -. ............ IHI! --. ' -·I ' • ' Haig Takes Peace Talks Report to SaigOn IV ASHINGTON !AP) -l'r<!ident Nix- on has aent Gen. Aleuoder Haig to Southeast Asia with a somber report of setbacks in the secret negoU&tiODI to end the war. . Haig, who left Sw1day night and b due in Saigon Tuesdn)', will go alao to Caro· bod.ia, Laos and Thailand In his assign- ment "to bring the leaders of those coun· tries nbreast of the sta1us of the Paris neg°'iations." The White llousc announced the . . DIES IN NEWPORT BEACH Textile Executive Rogers Paul M. Rogers, Newport Sport Flsherman, Di-es PaUI M. Rogers, widely known Newport Beach sport nsherman and tex· tile executive, died Saturday at his Lido Js!e home followilig a brief illness. Mr. Rogers was born in Glass, N.C. and had lived in Orange C>unty 48 years. . -He ns a. reaident of !Newport Beach 28 -years" ., H .. tionemd 'Ill!!' teol!le ~·In o,.,..~,'eojal>u!l"q • cot"""""'1 in Orange and later owned and operated •"-<..WO ...,.....,., b> U.. ""'l'A\ the Ume of his death Mr. Rogers Was assistant to the president and a director of Ozite Corp. as well as president of Vista Products, lnc., a subsidiary of Ozitc. A member of St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Mr. Rogers was a Shriner and belonged to El Bekal Temple, Long Beach, Seafaring Lodge 'No. 708, Orange Cowrty Chapter Royal Arch Masc:m, of Calllornia; Santa Ana C.Ommandery No. 36 Knights Templar of California and Long Beach Consistory. He was also a member or Newport Harbor Yacht Club and the Balboa Bay Club. He was a past president of the Tuna Club or Avalon, was a member of UM Balboa Angling Club and the U.S. Bioadbill Club and was a former member of Paciiic Anglers and Light Tackle Club. An ardent angler, Mr. Rogers held several records for theJargest broadbill. He leaves his wife Lee of the Lido Isle home ; a son, Thoma.a M. Rogers of PJIOS Verdes Estates; three daughters, Mr. C. Robert Lupcho of _ Long Beach, Mrs. Rc>Qer K. Laule of Beverly lillls and Mrs. Myles R. Sinnott of Cupertino ; three sisters, Mrs. W. F. Cooper of Decatur, Ga.; Mrs. J. Hugh Park.! and Mrs. J. w. Inaram of KannapoUs, N.C., and five grandchlldren. -· •COAST " DAILY PILOT ,,_°'*"'CM.I DAILY rtLOT, •1th~ .. Qlll'lblnel ,,,. .. .......,,. ..... llUOllW:d .., .. °""'"' com ~""lflf ~ . ._. ,.,. ..ui.:.,. .,. ""'w.:s, ,,.,..,. 1111rws111 Frfll•y, f9r CD11e Mtsa, H""""1 ·~ Hllntl"""" IHC:lll'"-iltirl Vtlr.,., Ufl,lf\I leed'I, lrvlM/IMclltb*;ll ft JM ~Ill Slfl JHll C.plttr-. A 1ifltll• ,......._ m11ten • pubU1llflf Selunf•Y\ w in • .,.. Tiie P'lnciHI Pllbllsh!no Pltnl It el D W•ll lley $1rMI, Cott• Hiett, C.l"""'le, fMK. Rel>ert N. Weed ftrittkltllt •1111 PtAlll.,,.r Jtck It. C11tlty Vkt Pl'llkltnl M'll O..e! M-..r Thom•• Kte .. il ltlllf' TllofllH A. M11tphln• M<lntOll'lf ltllOI' CJ.1rt .. H. Loot Aic:lr1•P'tl '· N•ll No!Mtnl ,.,,.,.. ... 141"'"' """• CN'9 Mf!N: Dt W.f 1-v Strtet H..,.,-t a.tdi: :ws ~ .....,_,.. ~ ~; :rn ,. .... , ... _ ffwl!lllllWI ~: 1)17t ~ ...,.....,,.. ...,. °""""'°' JU HO(lfl Et ti,.,,.,_ kMI mission of Haig, top deputy lo Jll<Siden- tial ad\tiser Henry A. Kisslnctr, followm g Kissinger's dl!closure Slturdl.y o( a series of breakdowns in the ParlJ parley. Contrasting with b.Ls OptlmLsUc "peace is at buod" account Oct. 2e of near· agreement 'A'ith Hanoi, K ' s 1 I o I e r ' s version or the bargaining since then inade it see.n1 certain that no settlement will be reached before next year. ln the news conference Saturday. Kiss· inger accused the North Vietnamese of delaying .tbe oegotlatiool, backlr11SJD1 on pointJ provloualy qroed oo and mak- ing new demands dtnint Iba"' -U of resumld secret la1k.s that ended Dec. J!. C.lllnfl OD the North Vletnlmue lo return to "serious" oe~tlDg, JOa> inger aaid "we are one ~ away" from a aetUemenL But "we have not )'et' reached en agreement th at the President considers fair and just" and Nixon believes ron· linuing the secret .sessions would be "a Sleeps Peaeefallv • • Truman Still 'Very Serious' KANSAS CITY, Mo. (UPI) -Harry S Truman, his heart weak and his kidneys malfunction ing, slept peacefuliy through the night and awoke today to tell doctors lhat he felt "all 'ight." Doctors treating the former President said he was still "very serious.'' "Former President Tnunan is slightly more aJert today after a restful night" Research Hospital spokesman John Dreves said. Dreves said the 88-year-old Truman was stilJ . having problem' Mtb his kidneys, whicll have failed lo responsl to medication for six straight days. "1Gdney output still is inadequate but there is no increase in fluid buildup," Dreves, said. "He is not receiving any medicatioh or nutrition intravenously. It ls being administered via the, na sal gastric tube which he continues to tolerate well." Dreves ·aajd his heart condtHon, which doctoa said Sunday was so weak that it could not support' a kidney machine to cleanse his blood, wa s still unchanged. At 6:15 a.m. Psr, the form er President's blood pressure was 130 over 56, pulse 74, respiration 24 and tem· perature 98.4. The 33rd President's condition was evaluated by a kidney specialist Sunday. "Altboogh a final decision was not made, it was the impression ol tbe specialist· that the cardiac ' and cardiovascular situation prohibited renal dialysis," ~ spokesman said. . Renal dl~sls Is tho use of a machine to1'Br{omo Ille~ 01>~"""8\ti& blood, normally done by healthy kidney•. 1gjlrlan/• :.oif!e(, Ml!lY J_ll!'C,, . &'l,ltwas ~ .......... ~~~llllF-.,.,-·-; ' Nixon Appointee Central Figure In Fraud Probe DAILAS (AP) -WU!iam P. Clements Jr .. President Nlxon's choice lo be No. 2 man at the Pentagon, is a central figure in a bitter legal battle that involves al!egationa of fraud and conspiracy, plus a dispute over income taxes. Clements, several business as..ociates and Southeastern Drilling Co. of Dallas, whlch C!.ements founded in · 1947, are defendant& in a civil suit brought by an Argentine businessman who says they cheated him out of full commlsaions due for his help in obtaining one of the largest oil drilling contracts in history . Repeated elforUI by the Associated Press to reach Clements for comment \Vere unsuccessful. After .the-AP dlsclosed e1iste11ce of the suit Sunday, Clements lold The Dallas News the case would have no effect on his nomlnalion to be deput)6,secretary ol Defense, announced by the WbJte House Tuesday. The multimillionalre Dallas oilman told the newspaper he was not a defendant in the suit, but refused further comment. However~ pal*!'I en file in U.S. District Couct in Dallu clearly name bJm as a defendant. Tbe four-year contract to drill 1-,000 wells in Argentina helped pr o p e 1 Southeastern, now toown as Sedco Inc., from a rt1•tlveJy sma.ll wildcat ouUlt to a worldwide ~ration which .)st year grossed 1!30 million. ( • first time since he entered the hospital Dec. 5. She is bedridden three flights below, suffering injuries from a fall. Dreves said there were no words exchanged between the two. Truman's wHe Bess, 17. and their daughter, Margaret Daniel, 48, spent fi ve hours visiting the fonner President Sun- day and then ~turned to the Truman home in Independence, Mo., just outside Kansas City. Doctors said Truman did not speak during the visit. Fre111 Pafle 1 LAND ••• listed several key park sites which are currently m·umbo because of the state's reluctance to part with the land. These include the Pacific Electric right-of-way ln West Newport, a parcel next to Balboa Coves. a parcel adjacent to the Community Youth Center · in Corona del Mar, the Cliff Drfvr church site and two lots on Kings Road in Newport Heights. Badham said· be has three alternatives open to him should the city ask for legislative action to make the land available. "I would first act by oootactlng the blghways people and if need be tht- govemor to see what tbt delay ls," he said. "These thing! can be donf' sometimes without legislation." - "U tllal doesn't 'WOrk,,I woWd find ou1 what legislatkln is already on the boob that would have a bearing on t,his mat· fer " be said. .:My third alternative ""'1ld . be to in- troduce legislation IJld I think that would move through real fast," Badbam sak:I. The LegisJature lut 1 u m m e r elimin ated the coast freeway leg through Newport Beach. • Bad.ham warned that be can't promise any special deals on the land if it is put on the market. "While I'm sure the city won't have to pay full. market value lor the land, they bad better be · pripared .lo oiler ao equitable price," be said. "1 don't expect the state to get in the business of dump- ing excess land for nothing. Mesa Secretary Raped in Home A 26-year-old c.osta Mesa secretary told police she was raped in her a_part. ment early Sunday by an intruder who attacked her at knifepolnt. The woman said her asaallant cut a hole in a · window screen, forced off the lock, and pried the window open to enter the one-story •Paitment. · AtJ he grabbed her by CIU'Ping one band over her moulh, he warned her, "Don't scream, I've got a knife," she told police. Following the 5: 15 a.m. assault la her bedroom. the man left by the front door, the 5«retary said. Pilot..J)ies ip Crash PACOIMA .(AP) -A Panorama City man waa ltllled In tbe crash of a aingl .. engioe"plane lnlo a dry stream bed near , here, police said. 11te victim In the c:ruh Saturil>y ,.., ldentined as Charle! R. W~vu,5L •come With Man Mistaken for Hijacker Cooper SEA'ITLE (AP) -Last Aprll 22, Gene C. Tbomss wu having dJ.noer wttb hi• wlfe at the Edgewaler Inn. Suddenly, two men appeared at lhe table and bustled .him away. At first, Thomas thought it was a joke. Then the mtn took him to FBl bead· quarters and began ques1lonin1 hlm about the hijacking of a Nonhwest AJrllnet Jet on TMnksglvlng eve, 1971. 'l'bomas testified in fedr:ral court 5aturday that FBI agent~ told him hla fritnd of 2f yean, William Lewis of Seebeck, Wash., fingtred hlm as a man strongly resembling poUce artiJt •ketch- es of the hijacker, known only as D. a. COoptr, who paraclwted lo parts unknown t.rith #()0,000 ransom, Government prosecutors ""1tend Lewil obtained the money from Karl FlemJng of Lot A1111eld Jn uclw>je for Ill Jn-• tervt.w with Mi&rpby, who allegedly po>- ed 11 Cooper .. Trtlll was to resume today In U.S. diarid Court. The 1ovemmeot cont.nds that Lewll set up hil frfeud 11 a decoy to draw at,..· tentlon from Murpby. The -bu conceded tllat Lewl9 .. 1 up 1 phony Jntervt.w with Murphy as an lmpoater. Attorneys !or Lewis and • Murphy contend that Fleming bOclme awano during the Jnluvlew that Ito wu•, not t1ltln1 with the hljacbr but went' ahead with the ttory anyway. cbltlde with the Amer)<ao -lo" by iroDl'Yln& lmmine.nt peace. ..( KlioJn&ec refused lo 1POU put wtiol , "fundameotsl polnt" remains except te say that li was one wbich the North Vlei· name,. ~•d "~pied two l'ecks previously and later withdrawn."' '1 Meanwblle, North V i e t n I m e 1 e negotiator Le Due Tho retu.med to Hanoi • today to report to his goVf!ntment on the secret lndochlna peace talks in Paris. Radio Hanoi said be ~ed with him a Rhode• Seholflt" Wendell L. Willltie II, 20, ot Wayzata, Minn., a Harvard senior who is the grandson of I 940 Republican presidential candidate Wendell L. Willkie, was named one of 32 u.s_ Rhodes scholars. DOGS GET WOOZY ' ON GUTTER WINE CORDOBA, Argentina (UPI) -Wine ran in the gutters and lhe neighborhood dogs who lapped it up were so drunk they couldn't walk straight, said t be newspaper La Raz.on. The canine binge began at -4 :30 a.m. Sunday when the brakes failed on a truck carrying 30,000 bottles of Argentine wine. The truck smubed lnto a wall by tbe railway tracks but the driver managed to eocape with light injuries. "Pledl• of 1Upport ll'lm both ·ihe Soviet Ullki!> and Cbilll.• Ro<Uo 11aoor , Jected l<l!'lnger's charies anll ~d the !Tnlted Stst., must •I«» the , draft 'Cqml IUlllOllllctd 1n October. • ·• Jo1 .A lla:nol radMt til!ildcast motiltored 1n !loq K~ said 1the blamo !or the cle\dloct • 'lies <\JUrely with t h • troache.ro~ atti tude. of the U.S. side Jn teeklng reconsidera1Jon of the Oct. 20 treaty, to which the UnJted States aareed and promised to tip on Oct. SI." A spokesman for the SOUth Vldlla.- P'orelgn Minlstly said • CJOlle.llre wlthoat the guarantees demanded by the Allied side would give North Vietnam an oppartunUy to take over South Vletnam. '!l!e ·mail\ ~nntoc Kissinger !ooaJil ITill!l> llllilol is tbat lt wllr respect ISouth Vietnam as an independent state and not seek tto intervtne ln ill affe:irs. North Vj~tnam bas malnta1ned there is only one VllUlam. * * * ·Mmket Fall BOMBING... · i .... ~ul... .. t .. lb' «iolJ;,et.;. , Due ro S,,ull 'Bill he a...rtei1 °We are not going to • allow the peace talks to he used .. a 1,. Peace Talk cover [or another offensive.'' 1i Ziegler said Nixon's statemen t of May 8, in which he ordered the mining of North Vietnam's harbors and increased bombing, was once again U.S. policy. The pl'i!sidential spokesman said the . bombJng n<irth of the 20th ·i>araues - primarily thd Hanoi-Haiphong area where most of North Vietnam'! popula- tion Is concentrated -had been ordered suspended in October as a move to ltimulite peace efforts. Ziegler's remarks left no doubt that the bomblng resumption was aimed . at pressuring Hanoi into making con. cessions toward a peace agreement. Ziegler said the United States would cootinpe worklpg with l!olh South Viet- nam and North VJetnam in hopes of achieving a settlement, but added: "In the meantime ... our palicy Is as the Presldent1tal<d II pn May 8 and the activities now golng on over North Viet· nam are <Onf•ten~ wl~ tllat policy and are desJrned .,.. deal with an enemy buildup whicb could lead lo aitother of- fensive in the south·." Ziegler added, "The President will con- tinue to order any actioJ.i be deems necessary by air or by sea &o prevent any build-up he sees .ln the south." .11te pollcy c:bajige followed by hvo clays Kissinger's ~ lhli! negotiaUons in Patjs to tt~ I ceale'f\re bad been stalled, and tie blamed delyalng tactics by Hanoi.~ Said Ziegler: "Neither side can gain from prolonging the war and neither side can gain from prolonging peace talks ." In the intenaive bombing from last spriD( lo October, liWe of Nortl. Vietnam was barresf to U.S. plapea, A few 1D011.1Ra ·~ Pentaroo oWdali re)!Ol:ted that !)Cl fix'Nl targets -sUCh-allncfullrtal p!antir aJ1f brldgeil -of military Importance...: mained •tanclil>i ln North Vietnam, with tho, exceplion or electrical plants in d~town Hanoi and downtown Haiphong. It was not known if the U.S. an- n01111<emenl6 ·that Hanoi IJld Haiphong were included · in the new target list ~t that electrical plants would now he attacked. Much of. the bombing in the summer aod fall concentrated on keeping bridges and rallroada cut and on trying to atop tbe movement of goods sooth to the bat· Ue zone. • NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market, after plwnmeting in heavy early trading, recouped some JOMH today but remained dep.....00 becauae of stJll<d peace OOgoUations and the step-up in tbe bombing of North Vietnam. At 9 a.m. {PST) the Dow Jones average of 30 induslrial stocks was down ll.59 points at 1015.65.-Earller, however, the blue chtp indicator was off more thin 17 points. Declines outnumbered advances by a stunning margin of nearly 10 lo 1 among more than 1,~ issues eichanged on the New York stock Exchange. Larry Wachtel, vice president for research at Bache & Co., noted that there had been a heavy buildup In stock prices in anticipation of a peace agree. ment on Vietnam. "Now that it desn't.look like 'peace is at hand,' it's bound lo cause some unraveling," be said. . Wacbtel predicted that declines would penJist throughout the week, but xald the market would resume its upward trend soon because of the basic health of the economy. Other analysts said some investors were taking profit. on stocU which hid risen sharply In the past few inonths ~us•!'of lndicatlom of P"'8l"SS ln the Parts peace talks. Tougher Rul.es Oii Hot Dogs? \Y.\Sllllro:I'ON (UPI) -The · AgriCu!ture Department plans 1o pn>pooe a nationwide ban on the .,. of livestock byproducts sucb u lips and spleen in hot dogs and similar foods, a de~-ent olllclal said \Oitay. ~ "" 11 tho proposal is adopted, It could raise the cost of some bot dogs, Assistant Secretary Richard E. Lyng said. Federal officials and some meat paeters have been waging a legal batUe against Michigan's similar attempt to enforce stiffer bot dog standards than thooe required by current federal rules. --- Ta T•PP•n Eltctrrc .Slll'OOffi"Top ~. witlt · co11fiRuou1 cle11111l1t9 "It M°'•I 17-lllZ , ••••••• ,;;•,j Ttpp•ll 6•• lt•_,o wltfl co11tin11~• ' cl .. nlng O\'elll, MNel Zl1 1002 .. T •••••••••••••••••••••• ''''ti ~ •Pp•• Eltctric lt•llf• ""1tt.-c:ot1ti .. • ~ 11011s cl1~nlnr o.,.11, Modtl Jl·lllZ 1 • ·· •••• ·· • • · · • • ... •• ••• 1m.t1 ~ ' .• ' ~ . ' ,ffJU'J' mu .aan: ' 't ·• ... f. •-'"II " a'DIC.1: I I .,. ... .. , '} . " :;;:ie-.wiec_, a•t:11irr \:""-"r~ . ....,.,,...,.. .. ................. .!"" ... ~ -.:.:: :=· ':: =~~J::=,... ... ~ :!::."'ot"'!'!l.: ~-:!t :· ...................... ,.. ~ :!t '..:t ......c .. 110.... .,. ...... ,....,. • .., ........... ~c... m·. ....... Of' ~LlllOIUflA'll LA••ltf rn coo, ..... ,. ..... IUYIM• ••OU .. 'Wtf'H TJfl VOLUMI IUYINe HW•ll: O" UI ITOltll "1 I ar MllD.A._ .. ..._ ........ l !' • • •• . :; ~· • • . • • ' ' . Lewl1 and Donold Sylvester Murpl\y of Brt!mtrtoo, Wuh. af1! charged with et·. tempting to-derraud a former Newaweek Magullle. edllor of some $!0,000 for an exclllllvo lntervtew wltb the hijacktr- EaJ"Ucr In the trial, teoUmony lndlcaled that an · llrtlele based ' on Flemln1'1 Jn. tervlew wu alated 11 the cover-page 1 fealure !pr New,awoek but was killed •L llo:t __ .;.,.·.,.-.,..,.-tlte l•st mlnulo. -------- 1815. NEWPORT BLVD. Downtm Costa Mesa -Phone 541-7711 ---~---------------· I I -4 -. \ the hi he pol ho Uni cha and p sla and SU clay mot II ap pa fa him a and lay he lou \Va aga our rd Co cal val car wh' air • • ""! .. • ... . ~ ~ . . .... :. t·t.1 • • • Sadness at Christnuu Mk Jack Monroe of .Grand R~pids; Mich., has a Christmas card for a th.ief. The card, shown · on a grave, reads "Merry Christmas to the party who ·stole my lltlle boy's wreath." The gneviog mother placed the sign on the grave of her 9-year-old son, who dltd of cancer Nov. 1. Doctor Hears How Son, 19, Killed Parents Sex for Therapy lfnlieen.sed Analysts Under Attnck PmSBURGH (UPI) -The family physician listened bur could not believe the 19-year-old college student who told him he had killed hill parents the dny before, and for no apparent reason, police said. So the doctor took the youth home -and saw the bodies. As a result. Jack L. COiin Jr., J'J, a University of Pittsburgh sophomore. "'as charged with the murder of nis fath<>r and mother. Police said yoWlg COiin shot, beat and stabbed his father, Jack L. Colin Sr., 44, and his mother, Leona, 4S in the fai:pily 's 51;1rburban Natrona Heights Mme Thurs· day. NEW YORK (UPI) -A housewile bas lesti!ied that on unlicenaal psychologial had sexual intercourse with her and her school-age daughter, and the daughter "took pictures pf us in bed together." An attractive brunette said her therapist on New YMk'1 .wem: Side "socked me in the breasts" and "banged my head on the floor." When she complained, she said the therapist told her, "'I had a problem with healthy play." · A third young woman said that, in her second week of treatment, her mental he_alth thei::apist "stirted fondling ~nd caressing me. I bad nothing to dq With any kind of treatment." She stopped going to lUm after paylng $1,100 in three weeks, the woman said. Those were among the witnesses test.I· fying either in person or througb tape at a public hearing. Into the practices of unliceMed mental health therapists. The witnesses did oot identify themselves at the bearing. "Today iri New York anyone, including looompelenl charlatans, criminals a o d melltallY ill pe"°"" Cllll and do hold themselves out as being able to minister to those seeking help for mental, emo- tional or behavioral disorders," ·said State Attorney Geileral IAluis r.enrowttz. HiS office,· LefkoWitz said, has found "widespread abuses by these unregul'ated pracUtioners in the mental health field-'' There ts a "shockingly widespread pat- terri of sexual therapy,'' said Stephen Mindell, deputy head of Lefkowitz's BlD'eau Of Consumer Frauds and Protec- tion. Police Chief Zigmunt Walkiewicz quoted the fami ly physician, who was not identified. as saying Colin told him.: "I don't know why I did it A1y dad and mother gave me everything." Court Ordered to Rule Walkiewio said Jackie, an only child, apparently h.1d no tl"Ol.lble v.itb his parents. The chief said Jackie "·ent into bis father's seeond-floor bedfOOnl and shot him five times in the bead and chest with a .25 caliber pistol, then went downstairs and shot his mother in the head, as she lay convalescing with a sore back. Then he pistol-whipped her and stabbed her four times in the chest. On AF Pregnancy Case The student weot back upstairs, Walkiewicz said, and shot his father 11gaio with a .22 caliber pistol to make sure his father \\'as dead. E~ecutive's Jewelry, Belongings Stolen A \\'eekenJ Oii::ht proved to be a costly outing for a ~1ission Viejo electronics company president. Fred \VHllam Bell, 28. of 26732 Car- tetas Drive. l\lission Viejo. told Orange Cuunly Sheriffs !>!ficers that jewelry , a calculator .ind other personal possessions valued at about $500 were taken from biJ car in the county airpon parking lo\ while he was airbome in his light aircraft. Waats •o Stag WASlllNGTON' (UPI) -Ii,,. U.S. Supreme COurt today ,directed a lowr.r federal, court io determine whether there is , any longer a 1~ ~ between capt. Susan R. Stru,ek_ and tbe Air Force over her disqharge in lt'IO after she became preiM.Jtl. The justices agreed Oct. 2' to bear the case but the government claims the situation has chang!!d to Such an extent that the case should be disml>sed .. The high court sent bU' appeal bl!ck to the 9th U.S. Circuit Coort of Appeals for a determination of this question. The Justice Deparlment told the Supreme Court that Air Force regula- tions have been changed and officers.., may now request a waiver to alJ'l>it:t"" diecbarge on account or pregnancy. Capt. Struci was granted a waiver on Nov. 29, and "will be permitted '°'"""' tln~ her 5eJVice as a~lssioned of- Qcer jn the Air Force," SoJtc,ltpr General .Lrwin N. Griswold told the court. The American Civil Llbertie~ Union , ·· Mrs. Dolna Vireo!, Romanian who fought international re1i' lape to reach the deathbed of VasU.. Posteuca, her exiled .poet fatl!~r. Jan month, ~Y•. she. la seek log a passport l.h~t will' allow ht!r lDd her 15-morllh.old son to remtln In the.United Slate1. ' (, I which is rep~ting Capt. Struck. rail- ed the pvenfrnmt's move "a flagrantly outrageous effort to remove fro.n this couri's scrutfuy an issue of · overrMting public importance." The ACLU said what is needed is a rul· ing that pregnancy cannot be singled out for "special disadvantaged treatnient rrom among other physical conditioos oc- casioning a period of temporary disgb!li· ty." As of now , the ACLU said, the only chonge is that a· pregnant officer is sub- ject to the "charity of a military com· mander''·lmtead ()(being dismissed sum- marily. ' Capt. Struck has continued in service because Justice William 0. l)Ouglns stayed the effect of a low'!r court decision in filvor of the Air Force. District Hires Appraisal Firm To Ey~ Property_ • San Joaquin School District trustees have hire.d the Industrial Appraisal Com- pany for $MlO to conduct &n appraisal re- quired by the unification elecUon of the district's personal property. InduruiaJ Appraisal, which is also dolDg the appraisal of the Tustin Union High School Distr!Ct, was the low bidder oirthe project which will detennme how much value the district rumHure, typewriters and similar equipment bas. San Joaquin and Tustin Union both will go out of business as of July 1, 1973, at which time Irvine and Saddleback: Valley Unified Dlstrlcts will take over operation in that1a,ea, under terms o[ the unifica- tion eMiction last June. The distrlCt's personal property or its value will be distributed to the new districts, acc;ording to their enrollments. F.qulpment, in I.he schools themselves will itay ln the ICboo1s and thw in the dlstrlctl In which they reside. Superlntendent Richard · Welte said Thursday night be expected the appraisal to begin as mo 11 possible and perhaps be coiltpieted In January. -- Sa1ita's Helper Out of Unifor1n ' CORAL GABLES, Fla. I AP) -When an ll'IWl woman Caller told polWt "ll's twnr11bt ln4ecenl" that a bottomless =~ta~~P1:~ ~u ~u: cl:~:1 dlspatdiod to the scene. Saturday. nigh~ the ofll<:er foqnd that the pant1 'had been puUed off a th....ioot ailltue ol a female helper In this Miami 1ubw1>'1 display. . The policeman re:>laced the pants. But. 11 he turn<d to leave, he ncclden~ly knockf1 off one or t'tle statue's arms. I ft'tl. • s DAil. V PILQT (J Parks Fee Proposed $200 Per Unit Cost for Building Permit A new parks fee ordir.llllce calling for $200 per unit before. a building permit could be issued will come before San Clemenle city councilmen Wednesday. The proposal would $!hange the rules Groom Held l_n_ Wedding Guest's Death MJAMI (AP) -One man was killed and five persons wouoded toc!ay when an argument over a cigarette led to a gun battle during, a Cuban wedding party, police s3id. The wounded bridegroom was charged with second-degree murder. Bridegroom Jorge Llanes, 34, was charged in the death of Jose Rivera, a 34- year-old Puerto Rican, Police Sgt. Ken Harrison sai~. HaJTison said some 30 persons were celebratlng the wedding of Llanes and Alicia Lugo when the argument Oared. The wedding reception was at lhe lux- urious Sheraton Four Ambassadors, a hotel on Biscayne Bay. In addition to Llanes, four others were wounded, including Maria Lugo, 4J, sister of the bride. Police said at least 12 shots were fired and four pistols were found at the hotel , one in a room rented by Llanes. Others injured were Juan Rodriguez, 27 ; Carmen Buzalnz, 30; and Gilberto Pulido, 34, all Cubans. Police said two 9mm pistols and one .38-caliber revolver were round in the ballroom and another 9mm pistol in the room rented by the bridegroorr .. Jim Loshiano. a hotel doorman, said he was sitting In the lobby when he heard "something that sounded like a bunch or firecrackers . All or a sudden I see these people screaming and running out, so I come running down the hall. "And I heard some more shots," tie said. "Then I got to the door and a woman was standing there with a bullet in her left side and she was holding it there and she was speaking Spanish. I saw tbe blood so 1 put he:· on the chair. Then I went back inside and there was this woman, she was trying to pick up this guy because be was choking in his own blood. "She said pick it up (the gun) before somebody else does ar.:J starts shooting," Loshiano Hid. "So 1 picked up the gun and covered tt with :i table cloth and gave It ld the cbief ·of ~t, ..... Tben 1 Stllrte<! gtvlng ll!!s ro. tbe cm~we p!JI oil the table, arUDclal respinltion." Noel Steals Trees? Pl'ITSB URGH (UPI) -,Police '.lave charged Martin Lewis Natl, 23, with larceny tn the Dec. 11 theft of $500 to $600 worth of Christmas trees from a lot in ~uburban. Penn Hilla. 0 set up several years ago tu force developers to carry some of the burden for the purchase and development of parks. The present code -termed inadequate by builders and city official! alike -re· quires fees to be paid under a com· plicated formula only when a project comes up for subdivision. Because most land in San Clemente was subdivided years ago, few deve lopers have ever chipped in. Of late, the only projects required to pay the fees have been c:>ridominiums. If councilmen approve the new ordinance Wednesday, every residential development or mobile home l-tark would Plant Blast Probed WEIRTON. W.Va. (AP ) -A slx·man team has started investigating an ex- plosion at the new Welrto1. Steel Division coke plant that killed 19 men ani:I injured IO. The group-comprising two represen· tatives each from the West Virgbua S(ate Police, the state Department of Labor and the st.ate fire marshal's. office - opened its inquiry Sunday on orders from Gov. Arch A. Moore, Jr. Crowded Bicycle be req uired to pay. J>larullng Director Gene SChuU.e ~d that the present code ls so complex that each project that rails Jnder Its rules re- quires several hours' computation of land values. square.footage and other elements before a dollar amount is established. And often, the developer ~ks somt form of waiver from councilmen, Schulie ~aid. In recent months, one-third disoounts have been granted by the council. ..,,If the new oode goes in." Schulte said, •·then_ there will be no argument. Every urlit will require a fee and tlul~'s that.'' Thus far, the city has amassedi a little more than $04 ,000 in parks fees, but only ha lf that ,amoun t really came ·from developers, . . The rest, said F,inance-Directo r Gerry Teachout. was added to the account from businesS' license revenues. One immediate city objective is the purchase from ti~ state of a parcel along Avenlda San Gorgonio which will be sold as surplus freeway property. Councilmen al so have committed themselves to development of a park somewhere ni tbe northern reaches.of the city where oo public parks now exlst. The Shenyang Acrobatic Troup of China makes its U.S. debut in Chicago today, featuring this group of 10 women sharing a bicycle. It is the first visit by any Chinese live arts group to the United States since the Communist revolution in 1949. 0 O IFlM A.l.\TTLE Ll'TE "T o YOUR HOUSE', IT~ 'ECAUSf l'M "AVING A &l.l\.ST AT MAGGI'S • "ELPIN'& '4ER MARK DOWN OVER 1000 ; 8EAUTtFUL ITEMS FOR YOUS\ X-MAS SHUPING. • FOR EXAMPLE' /· SAVE $50°'--~~-' ON T'41S 8iAUTIC:Ul. SPANISM MAR\NER T,_aLI IG" ~ r7" COCKTllUL . .. TMe NOTO"\OUS PRICf CUTTl!R or: CANNIJ.Y VILL,GI •UDO NM •. WISHING ·YOU. • VOURS A MERRY CHRlSTMAS ' • AGGI coaa's F.U1'N \TU~£ ~o at., tr. 6'1·11aa . Nl!WPORT . U~H , • • ' 4' DAltY l'tlOT Monda~, DKtrnbtr 11, 197? Apollonauts Get Set . for Splashdown We Could Use Disney. Lighter • DECK TllE llALLS DEPT. -All you need W do this Yule season to put your Quistmas decorating efforts i :1 t o perspective is take a little evening visit up to Disneyland in Anaheim. Disneyland has a Christmas tree in the town square that must stand three sb?fies tall. It must nave a thousand lights. Topped by a star that blinks. They put on a CBndelight caroling Ceremony at the park. Each nf tt'te scores of carolers carries a candle. f..ater in the evening they have Fantasy on Parade with all the Disney characters. ,.tany of the parade units carry l;ghts that blink or wink or change colors. SPACE CEl\~ER . Houston (APl - \Vith lhe major space exploits behind them. the Apollo 17 astronauts perforl1\ed la:st·mlnute packing and housek~ing chores today in preparation for the.lr homecoming. Astronauts Eugene A. Ceman. Har- rison II . Schmiu and Ronald E. EvlNI weer ri1-:ht on course for a aplasbdown in the South Paclfk at 11:24 a .m. (PST I 1'uesday. '1'1lelr ship America was operating perfectJy. Apollo 17 was to pal! the halfway mart in its journey frorn the-moon to earth at 11 ,26 p.m. 1rsr1 today. At that time, lhe last planned mission to the moon will be ASTRONAUT RONALD EVANS LEAVES COMMAND MODULE AMERICA RetrieYIRf Fiim C1uettei Last Major Task for Apollo Crew . 1211,131 m11 .. \rCJm both eartll llld Jl»OO. 111IB810N COHTl\OL IWOY lhe atro- naull at 1:&3 1.m. with a recordlq ol "11 Is Ju.t 'Ibo Beli<mllli." .. uh an ...i ... tloo the selection wu !n keeplnc wfth lhe crew's theme. that ,.Apollo 17 la a beein-- nlng Ind not ID end." 'Ibo 1pacocrall -lto,Sll milu from earlh with a ~ IncrUllq opeod o11.•1 mllel Ill hollr. Aheld ol the aotrollauta, 00 their lul !Ull ~y ID iplCt, W• lhe tut ol atowlDI equtpmm\. imewlnC cbeckllltl, anil cleanlog up the command ..,..... America. ~lt.CIPIC OCl!AN . - SPlASMDOWN t1MPMISt 1,..1t-n •• •,.,\HAWAII ~----- UPIT ......... MAP PINPOINTS SPLASHDOWN SITE FOR APOLLO MOON PILOTS USS Tlcondoroea S-T-1rd Amorlcon S-ht Padffc 'l'bo tpactmell alto had to .....,. lbrlr rtconl CltJO of -rockl, °"" .... 11ttn o1 rum and other lldeDce 1reUUtt galbend during the !Way mlssloo·to lhe -. IN THE LAST m1jor exploll qi tbe n\lsDcJo. Evans made a '4-mtoute walk In deep -SUnday lo retrieve the rum Clniltorl from I part of lhe abfp whJch -·1 return lo earth llld brln( them lo tho ule<y of Amer!U'• cabin, With lhe moon beblnd, the earlb ahead aod block, star-<pa118led ._ an>Ul1d hlm, Evans Dolled out of tho ._.rt aod Inched h1i way bock to an outside storage compartment. "Hey~ there's the earlh ri&ht out U.. hatch! " Wei Evalll u be clldld .. Into lpoce at ,lhe end of a 15-lool UleUpe, "Beoutilul. Hey, that lllll. Is bt!PI· That's a beautiful moon down thett"" A full moon." The rum contained dats a n11 pllolographs .fl&thettd by ao orray of electronic Instruments and cameras dur- Jng ...,. than six days of orl>ltlng the mooa. For Evans, thtte of the days were spent out of the limelight while Ceman and Sc'hmltt walked the lunar surface. BUNDl,.ED IN A while space suit and a helmet, Evans moved with hesitant 1race and obvious relish. He laughed and 5'1lg and called out to his family on earth 180,000 mUes away who watched the space Walk by television. "Hi, Jan. Hi, JaiJm. Hi, Jon," he said, waving with one hand while holding to 1 rail with the other. Hi.5 wife. Janet, shouted back to lhe televisk>n set she was watching at home: "Hey, honey, don't fall!" FOR. ALL this, you've got to admire the Disneyland people and the perfection of. YuJetlde technology. You almost envy them, particularly when you can't keep the ain&le little light burning in the star atop )'OW' own tree. · Nat year, maybe we'll hire a Dlllleyland ,.cbnician. Tricycle Safety Study Prompts Federal Action Rail Siding Sabotaged "Hot diggi1y dog. Wow!" Evans Said as he began the space walk. "When you get out there take It nice and slow and easy. You've got all day," said Ceman, the mission commandu and a veteran of a space walk on Gemini I In 1986. "You're a Jong way from home. We don't want to Jose you." AnMmd our house, the tree-decorat:ng bit always starll the same way -un· tangling. wires for the lights. Dog always manages to get in lhe midst of the wires durlni lhe antangUng proceu. You i>egin to wonder whether you're rea11y un. tangling wires or actually tangling Dog. A1iti,war Group Held in Plot to Halt War Shipment NEXT COMES THE happy game call· ed ,.Find the Bumed Out Bulbs." We still have some of those old-fashioned type tree ll&ht strings where when one bulb tums oot, lhey all go dark. You are not playing the game fair if you find the burned out bulb on the first try. Tbe burned out bulb is always sup- posed to be lhe list ooe )'OU test. Nnt, you inatall the lights on the tree. · You"ft tested all tbo!t bulbs, right'? Then t.:meune jt is when you get ~ oo .the tree, several bum out right away! You have noUced, of coUne, that !he bulbs around the bottom or the tree never bum out. 'Ibey run great all season. The ones that keep going poor are up at the top of the tree. Aho that little one in the star. THERE IS SO~tETKING neW this year in the tree-decorating bulinesa. No more cl. that old tradlUcmal lead tinsel that you uaed to sprinkle on the tree. Lead tL'1scl was ruled dangerous by some federal bureau and so they've outlawed it. I guess If the kiddies ate a pound or so of it they'd get sick. Could be. We once had a cat named Topper who sprinted to lhe top of our tree and ate all the angel hair. He didn 't suocumb but he did get so sick he was bearing angels. Anyway, the lead tinsel of yesteryear bas now been replaced by plastic stuff. It is so light that It's like tryi.ng to decorate your tree with cobwebs. WE ARE GOING to have some vislling tots around our tree this year and irs going lo be an experience. We haven't had to cope with little ones at our places tor Jo, these man1 Yuletide seasons. May have to move thingl oot-of-reach loca· tkm. About tbt only Lhing5 J've tMcd to keep hlddtn in recr:nt yt:a~ are the beer supply and my clean 1hir1&. • One thing we can't move out of reach ii the Christmas trtt. ll takes up half of the living room. Wonder how much of that plaslic tinsel the kld8 can eat before they get sick? WASHINGTON (UPI) -An engineer- ing research study which cites more than 100,000 tricycle-related injuries aMually has prompted the federal government to begin drafting mandatory regulatioos for tricycle makers. A PRELIMINARY copy of a study mad~ by the Calspan Corp., of Buffalo. N.Y'.\ sa~· tJtandard ·tricycles are unstable unsafe for children becal.&M! poor design llows them to roll over and pitch backw ds under normal use. ' The studY'I made al the request of the Health, Education and W e I f a r e Department's Bureau of Product Safety, said "unstable perfonnance can occur within the normal operating range" of many of the e;,-tlloated J.5 mllUon tricycles made and sold each year in the United States by domestic manufac- turers. Roy Rice, a Calspan spokesman, said the problems include seats that are too high in relation to the width of the rear axle, steering angles that are too great, excessive speed capability and an un- necessary rear step. THE INVESTIGATION, conducted by studying six popular brands of tricycles, concluded that the government should set safety standards for seats, pedals, han- dle bars. steering, rear axles and speed to reduce injuries. Carl Blechschmldt, HEW deputy direc- tor for children's hazards, said no such standards exist now but pledged to issue proposed regulalions by February that would be put into effect by September. DAILY PILOT DELIVERY SERVICE Otliwry of tl!t D.1i!y Pllol -·'·flrill•': II "" .. "'' ~ .... ,..,.. ••PC• •r Ji lt '·"'·• c•ll •IMI y~u< '"' wm .. .... , I• , ... C•llt ••t 1119'1 -II ,,.~ ~ ....... ., "" ~.,, If .,... ..,,, Ml (tctl•• 1"Mt ..... , by t •.Ill, S•t•f~ly, .... I .I". 'vtW11y, ••ti Ind 1 (t._, win k """'911t M Y••· <•tit••• 11o11: .. 1111tW 11 •·"'· TtltphoMs ' Moll Or•• C.ou!'!tr ""'"" •, . 442·4lJ:I H~I Hllf!llntlOll 1St•tr1 ....i wn1m1n111t ... $40·1221 Saft C.ltfnet'tll, C1pl1lr-lltach, '-" Juen C.1plJ1••no, O..na Point, SOvltl L~. LMJun.1 N ~Ufl 492.4421 YORK. Pa. (AP) -State police ar· rested five antiwar activists today for allegedly sabotaging a railroad siding leadlng into a factory of a major defense contractor. The three men and two v.·omen, all from New Jersey, were idenlifjed as members of the East Coast Qinspiracy to Save Lives, an antiwar group. The group first became known in 1970 when then-FBI director J. Edgar Hoover said il was led by antiwar Roman Catholic priests Daniel and Philip Berrigan. THE FIVE WERE charged wilb malicious injury to railroads, after alleiedlY pouring concrete into a railroad sw1 tch at a point where the main lloe of the PeM Central meets a siding owned by American Machine and Foundry Corp. of York. The company s upplies material needed for the air war in Southeast Asia. A spokesman for AMF, Vi' h i c h manufactures bomb casings, said the alleged sabotage had no effect on shipments. A Penn Central spokesman said the raJlroad was notified shortly alter 12: l!ol a.m., when the arrests were made. "We got there promptly and got the ce-- ment out before it set," the spokesman said. "11lcre were no delays to trains and just minimal damage to the switch." The five alleged saboteurs were com· milted to York County Prison in lieu of $25.000 bail after arraignment before a district justice in Emigsville. Mexican W eatlier Causes 8 Deatlis MEXICO CITY (UPI) -Mexico shivered today in the grip of a three-day cold wave which hu left et lesst eight.- persons dead and caused stonns on land and at sea. Six persons died of exposure in tntense cold in Mexico City, officials ..aid, and two penon.'I died In Veracruz during a wind storm .... -....,. Tbe extreme oold, dipping below rreez. ln& in several cities, was blamed for a storm that whipped up winds as high as 120 miles an hour in Veracruz. Northwest Glazed -in Ice S1io1v, Rciili Hit l11t;ermounwi1i Area, Great Lakes ,, ltM• •-mo-~ ..... ,;~ THE FIVE WERE ldentllled as Eugene Wllllam Daniel Galvin Jr., 23, of Newark; Thomas FA.ward Kortames. 21, of New Brunswick; Rolllo D. Kirt, 25, and bis wile Patricia. %.6, of Princeton. and Monica McKig, 25, of the Princeton Theological Seminary. U. James Regan, the investi~aling of· ficer. said police found a message wrap- ped in plastic and illlerted Into the - crete. It was addressed "Dear Friends" and read in part, according to police: "We can no longer sit back in silence while our government parleys over peoples' lives. You may ask why we peace-seeking people should disrupt tbe passage of a train? We hope that you can see with us that this acUon is a minor distruplion in com~ with the disruption of life in lndochlna caused by the 4,000 bombs made daily in the York, Pa. AMF factory. "We have no illusiOM that this small act will stop -or even delay -the daily rain of death. Why sbould we, tbeo, place our freedom in jeopardy; our lives Missing Motlier Discovered Dead Near Crying Tot BENSON, N.C. (UPI) -The wail of the four-month old boy led farmer David Olen Lee to an old dormitory for migrant farm workers Sunday. \Vhen he looked inside the building ~"it was the wor!t looking sight I've ever ~n,'' Lee said. "A dead mother and a baby lying beside ii." MR& BONNIE-Neighbors, 33, .bowld hand and foot, gagged and bllodfolded, had been shot. twice. Next to her on ooe of three beds in the room wu the baby and a ha1f-empty baby's milk bottle . The child wu taken to Betsy Johnson Memorial Hospital in Dunn and was reported in satisfactory condition. The woman and child bad been missing since Thursday afternoon when they le« home to pick up the family's other clllld al school. A search began immedla,.ly SUOO.y for a blue car "occupied. by three white males," and for "a hippie band" that took up res.ideQCt in an abandoned ·bcJu&e several mU'a from the Nelgbbon home norlb of town. The group dropped oul of sigbl lhe oame day lhe woman and child disappeared. "TllE BLUE AUTO may be tied in v.'ith them, but we're not IW"t," said police officer J. D. Tbomtoo. Kenneth NeJghbor1, • mP""MIJM!lmM .... certified public accowuant with anerat om"'' 1n the el!tem part of lhO ..,., was out of town when hla wife and infant son disappear«! Thursday, but he w., home Sunday when lhey were f<xmd. Aulboritles and friends lllcl the lomlly WU WOJl,reipect<d ln the ..... and lhert was no hint of any in<.'otnpetlbl11ty. in lhe bands of -wbO deal so l0011ely with justice? "BECAUSE IT IS vital that we not allow ounelyes to be mesmertud by lhe magicians who cruelly tease a world with ~alse hopes of peace." The note ended : "Join us soon friends, .. accordinC to polloe. Ofnoers sald they also found a large washtub with wet cement, empty bags of ready rnix cement and empt~ jugs of water in a van the flYe persoris Wert us· ing. A police apokeSman said, a police "surveillance team" was hiding at the Yort factory and watched concrete being poured info the railroed swttch. '"'Ibere were rumors 10metbiag wu IUppo.wd lo happen at AM.F," ofllda1s said. "We had tbe men there." 'Ibe AMF plant was the scene of several demoostratiorui during tbe Har- risburg trial last Winter or Philip Ber· rlgan and six others ac.cuaed of plotting to icidnap prolidenllal naliooal sealrity adviser Henry A. KissllJler and blow up beating tunnels in Washlngtoo. BERRIGAN WAS coovlcted of sending mall out ol tbe federal prism and poe of lilil codefendants ol coovlcted of sending mail in. 'lbere were no otlier oonvictioos in the case. TllE ASTRONAUT moved slowly. hb spacesuit glowing in the bright sunUO.l He hummed and sang and ooted. 11fey, this is great. Talk about being a s~. this is it." He made three trips between the spaceship hatch and the instrument bay, returning each time with a canister which be banded to his crtwmale.!, who wert: also suited against the vacwm ot space. Hope Troupe Set For Seoul Visit YOKOTA AIR BASE, J1pan (AP) - Comedian Bob Hope and hla 75-member tn>ope left fO< Seoul today .rw "'" ,.rtalning ...,. 2,01111 American IO!dlen and their families al this baR ln Tokyo'• west.em suburbs. Hope, who bas been entertaining soldiers overseas during every C'bristmu season since 1945, arrived in Japt.n Saturday from Alaska's Aleutian l&lands, where he gave his first performance ot the tour. The trou,e also is scheduled for shows In Saigon, Bangkok, Guam, lhe Pblllp- pines and Diego Garcia. in the Cbagoif Islands in the Indian Ocean. Nixon Legislation, Television Stations Held Accountable for Shows WASIUNGTON (AP) -The Nixon ad- minlslraJlon boa cli'alled leglslatJon to hold local Wevtsion .. 11om accourilablt at license .....,.al time for lhe balance and taste of all network news and en- that killed 24 men aod Injurld 13 olhers officials said today. ' nte week'9d explosions were In an underground coal mine neor MWlms and at a new steel company cote plant at Weirton. ( ) The llve1 of lhe dead coal miners could IN SHORT... ha•e beeJi l!plnd ij OOlf ulely .. au1." ~ ~ tlons were enfOl'CfJd., United Mine '-----~---~~ W0<unof Amertca(UMWA)""'81dttit-elect Arnold Miller charaed Sund1y. tertaJruneet progrODll they broadcast, I WbJ .. Houle olllclal Aki today. Cay T. Wltltdlead, dJttc:tor of lhe • Dl•toff Aide Wbl.. Houle 0 f fl c e of Tllecom--ARMSl'IWNG, Tu (AP) Anne L. munlcatlonl Policy, dllclosed the action Anllltroog · - .. be,,... ol bias and "ldeologlcol Republican's~~~·iJ: plugola In nelworlt ,_. JOllOl'll!ll· to lhe Nov. 7 geoerol electloo ls reported Wbl,.head Is the ranking WbJ,.. House to be President Nixon'• choice for a olllclal In the broadcASt lleld. His com-cablnet.,.ank preoidenllal counselor ments, made In a ~ pnportd for 111 Sen. Robert Dole ol Kanw the a..... Indianapolis -U.C or lhe prolealonal Ing COP national cl!alrman, iaicI &tnday ~ ~· Slimo !lllla ~ lhe 44-year-old mother of nve -ics ~ ......,. !"" coatroversy bopn w•~ become the higbest.rantJog -ID Vice Praldolil 8plro T. Aplw's, attacl: N-'• leCOlld-tonn adrnlnlslntlon on the net~,.u. 1 Dole lllcl tile Now o..i-niuw, I I I Who bu IU'Ved U cocbl1rman of tbt e Blrtlwtrte 0.Ml• llopubllc:on No-Commillee 11noo WASHillmON (UPI) -AllhoQP· tm/ wlll lllow the -birth nila In lhe ,. tlon'• hlltorri a prl!la,. ......mi group said today .... JMIPllallon llJOWlb will probably ""11lnue well Into tile --tury. The Cenlut Bureau reported &md1y that lhe Milon'• hlrlhrate to the !Int obi monllD ol thls yeor ·I« lhe llnl time drOppetl lo I Ievtl that could leacl lo. ••r.ero population growth." "CUrnnt .eotlmala lndlca .. the total fertlllly nte during the nnt ball or im lo be 1bout 2.1 births per womon:• the OOreaU said. ea1 .. tC.iuu MULLENS, w. va. 'tlwn -A<- cwnul111oN of e.xpiO'llvo sues callled two Weot Virginia lndu..trlal accldcolt "\ J11111t)' lfll, would liave wido but u y.t undllfned -1bllllles. • P .. a s-••e.r WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Wllite H01118 bas decided lo bar the Waablfii(on Pool fl-om covenn& IOCial <V!lllt [n. wlvinl ,_ and Mn. Nlxoa. Donot1tJ McCardla, I reporter for the Poll'• "*"'" llCllon, wu bemed trvm ~ tine IO<lal IVonla ~ the ·-and -ratricted lo tho ..... lobby. White llollse IOdal ..,... ... .,.. • main otaple of the IOclaty ..,.. ..,.red . by cUy's 1wo daily newtpapon. In addJJbi, Mfl. ~ WU told lhat her name Is not on the lilt to ..,.., the Finl Lady'1• IMual Chrlltmu pony for the children· of dlplodts today •llhoulll abe regularly Is u1I1,..... to_: baayrow. ) • m sll pl go fi It n eV • .. c a I ....... Chino Facllltf l' aeaat . • ,<> 0 t I . ' ' , .~ , " ' ,,,, ... .. ...... ,.. • ' • , .... >~ ,, • MO!ld•~. Otttmtwt 18. 1971 DAILY PILOT 5 Bombs Leave Town-Intact Complex Use Set . . HUGflSON (AP) -T1llnp and the seared car wu put on area. were back to nonnal apin In a sidin& to await the anival of Tl\e two specialists fro m 6lh tttls San Joaquin Valley com-bomb experts. Tbe rest of the Army Headquarters in San mlmity tod.eiy wil.b t h e train continued on Ila Wa:J. Franci.!Jco sikl that none of departure of a bomb lad~ Railroad crews r ep I aced the SOO-pound bombs had been GI Fears Mine Duty, Returned CHINO (API -A '7.5 mmlon youth comc:tlonal l!)o 5titutlon, vacant since Its com- pleHoo here two years ago, ts going to be uud tn 1'73, ol· llctals say. • They decline to IBY for what It w1D be'uscd, and have dli· flculty explaining why it was ever built at all. '4Tbe 8nnctUnctmeDt u to its propoocd use w1D be l!llde next month In connedlon with the governor's b u d g e I,'' GeotgeR.Roberls,chlelde~ uty director cl the Calllomta ' Youth Authority, said. Uses und.,. oonslderallon for the Older Boys Reception Oenter are as a trainlng head· quarters for staft employes of several counlles; a medical' • p!)'Chtllrlc Institution !or the Department ol Corrections and the Youth Authority, and "just an ordinary correeUonal institution," he added. UllS, encouraget counties to put olfenden on probation by paying them a sha"' of the savings of prllon e:icpensea, part ol wbtch were to be used on rehabllltetlon prosram1. ln IMI, whfn money for the center was allocated, total commllmenll to the Youth Authority had dropped lrom 3,190 to 5,470. By the time the construc:tion contract w a a awanled In 1163, the previoua year's commitments wen! on- ly 4,998. ·And, when con- struction was completed at tbe end of 1970, commitments were down to 3,748. ltoberU 'said the Y ooth Authority did not wait to see how successful the Probation Subsidy ProgTam would be belore spending the $7 . 5· million because "we had no way of predlcttng thal the rates would go doWl:I as far as they did. The decrease was far beyond anything we could * * * Chino Gang rtUoolbly expect." railroad boxcar which dealt a wheels on tht car during the damaged by names. good 9C&rfl when It caught fJre night while highway patrolmen Silva said he was told that LONG BEACH (AP ) -The BECAUSE of the decttue over the weekend. and Slan.islaus County Sher· the unfused bombs could hav e Pentagon says It is returning in commitmentl, a almllar The seared car loaded wffh !!!) deputies patrolled the been detonated if the blaze lo the United States for drug facility near Stocki.On, tbe 216 of the 500-pound tragmen-had generated enough heat. treatment a Callromla soldier DeWitt Nellon School for talion bombs was moved to a "If lhi.s car would have gone Jn Vietnam who complalrled he Boys, for which the contract siding for repairs, then WU Fair Aide up, it would have left a pretty and others feared of being was awarded m, 1968, stooi:l va-CALIFORNIA taken to a military am-good hole where Hughson is," orde~ on a d a n g e r o u s cant from , the time it was munition du,mp ii.t Port he said. assignment to clear a completed ln 19158 u n t 11 '--------J Ohlcago, Calif. on Sunday. Appointed However, the names did not minefield. December, 1911. M file Sante ye train VriUt penetrate the interior ci the The complaint b e ca m e lt cost about $6 mlllion to D • D • !lx carlooda oi bombs qlme car and the steel underside <lid pobllc when the 90idier, Spec, build but now ls being used. iver ies, through I.Own Saturdaf, a Mrs. Robert Huff of Yorba not generate sufficient heat to 4 Roy Alvarado. 19, Wilm· Roberts said, tor about SS dragging brake lhoe ignited oil Linda has been appointed to ignite the wooden floor inside . ington, telephoned his mother young male offenden who are on the undercalrlaae fl one, the board of directors of the Most of the explosives being and the Long Be a ch receiving conservation and Sur f aced sending Oame.s up the outside. Orange County Fair. shipped to Vietnam go through Independent, Press-Telegram. vocational tralnlng a n d Of f I e i a I 1 t em p orarily Named to the post by Gov. Port Chicago, about 400 miles about two weeks ago. participating in a "work ex-evacuated 50 to 75 persons llv· Rooald Reagan, Mrs. Huff will northeast ol San Francisco. A Pentagon spokesman said i>erience"· program, In which T 00 Quickly ~ on nearby Santa Fe fill the unexpired term of Mrs. While firemen battled the this weekend that an Army in· they handle food , laundry and Avenue from tbf:tr honles 8s Mildred Goldthorp, Santa Ana, flames, authorities blocked all vesiigation had deteremined other services for the facility. firemen gingerly battled the who ~lgned. The term ends road! leading into the town the soldier's f ea rs were LONG BEACH (AP) -A fl J 15 1974 •In addition, .the Youth ame;s. an. • · which his 3,750 residents. without foundation Allthority has cIOR<l two of Its student diver who apparently • Mrs. Huff and her husband.I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii__, lnstltutidns _ the Fricot surfaced too quickly following FIRE QUEF Robert Silva own four acres of orange and Ranch School near San a relatively shallow dive off said the blaze was ex-avocado trees and grow their ·~--, m· 1971 and the p....... Santa Catalina Island has died tinguished after 45 minutes fruits organically. IU~ _,. after suffering the bends, of-1-,_--;;-..iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;;iiiiioiiiiiiii.;oiiiii,,_= Robles SchooJ in Pa50 ~es 11 in NM -~.i 1 1 ficial s say. , J.11'"' -alN pans to c 0 a The Coast Guard said the third, the Los Gullucos SchOol near Santa Rosa in 1973. victim was identified a s The Older Boys Reception Robert Hoffman, 19, of Loma Center, which still is not Linda. ' FLORIST • HOURS Mon.-S1t. ·-· furnished and has had a max-A spokesman said he made imum occupancy of three a free-descent dive in 30 feet maintenance men since It was of water Sunday from the div- completed, has four main ing training boat AUantis and buildings -each built to v.·hen he suffered bends after house l!lO young men -and a surfacing was flown by Coast We HOtlOr Six ROBERTS said . the 400- capaclty inatitutlon WU built because ol projected Increases In the number of convicted youths turned over to the authority. Honver, the year before tbe state .Legislature allocaled $'1.5 mlllioo !or con- struction of the center, the legislature instituted I t s Prob;ation Subsidy Program and the number o£ youths-sent ta Institutions began decreas- ing immediately. swimming pool, basketball Guard helicopter to a decom-M•Jor Credit C•rd• CHINO CAP)_ One inmate court. administration buil4ing pression chamber at the Long 1631 ":.M:!t~:;:-1.;,"~:'::C:::.:4~0•0 2~~:1•::1:~vo. 546-5525 wasstabbedW deathandtwo ...".and""..'t~w~o~sm~all~c~h~ape~ls~. ~~~Be~a~c~h~N~av~ru~Sh~ip~y~anl~.~~~!'!!'!'!!'!'!!'!'!!'!'!!'!'!!'!'!!'!'!!'!'!!'!'!!'!'!!'~.,,,...,,,..!'!!'!'!!'!'!!'!'!!'~!'!!'!'!!'!'!!'!'!!'!'!!'!'!!'!'!!'!'!!'!'!!'!'!!'!'!!'!'!!'!'!!'!'!!'!'!!'!'!!'!'!!'~ Row Injures 2, Kills 1 The state's Probation Subsidy Program, started in others woun d ed when merilben: or one iilmate gang attacked prisoners belonging to a rival group at the California Institution for Men, y out1is Held authorities said. One wounded prisoner was In Kidnap, Robbery critically hurt and the other was in satisractory condition following the incident Sunday as Inmates were being releas- ed from their cells to go to a recreation yard, an institution spokesman said. OAKLAND (AP) -Two Names Of the victims were youths have been arrested ln withheld pending noliflcaflon connection with the kidnaping of rtlatives. and robbery of a prominent Aithough the s t a b b i n g Oakland bw:lnessman an d civic leader, police said. followed a series of racial The boys, ages 18 and 17, fighti between blacks, whites were arrested in George and Mexican-Americans, "it Jacopetti's car 90 minutes was not a racl~ incldent,u the spokesman said. ( J · "It involved two rival fac-RBlEFS tions and was not racial," be p said. "--------· Lall! Ffiday two Mexlcan-Americans were stabbed and a alter the ~pbode began Satur-figbt between blacks and day, oUicia1J reported Sunday. whltes involved 14 inmates Police aald Jacopetti told t~ weeks a.go, officials said. them he was approached by a masked youth carrying a gun and ordered to drive lntct the Oakland hills where his cap- tOrs took 11118 from his wallet and locked him in the trunk. Warned by a witness who had seen the youths outside Jacopetti's insurance office, police stopped the car and freed the unharmed u:ecuUve. e Student Die• SAN GABRIEL (AUP!) - A 25-year-old college chemistry student was found dead at his apartment during the weekend after he accidentally inhaled bomcnade cyanide gas, once lllOCI ' in the •tale's n""tlon chamben. auth'll'ities said. The body oL Terry Stage, a senior at California Sate University at Los Angeles. was found slumped over a chair in the kitchen Saturday near an assortmerit of vials containing three-deadly acids .· CHPSeeks Applicants California Highway Patrol appUcants must submit en- trance applications by Feb. 3 with the State Personnel Board. Candidates must be high school graduates, 21 to 3) years old, at least 68 inches tall and in good physical con- dition. Application forms a re , available from._ apy .Hiib,way Patrol. St.ate Personnel Board of bepartment of Human Resources Development office. • DE MURL FLORIST J4ll Newpwt lt\rtt. .,_, M,.. e """'°""ats Act OAKLAND (AP) -Topi~~ ~79 st.ate Democratic p a r l Y Ir: leaders have taken a move PARTY PLEAZERS which ls being interpreted as an ef f o r .t to blo ck Assemblyman John Burton, a strong McGovern backer, from bkldlng for t h e DemocraUc state C e n t r a I Committee chairmanship. By a vote of ·26-22. memben of the Democratic State Ex· ecuttve Committee. adopted a resolution over the weekend that would make legislators Ineligible ror the post. e G!rl• Enrolled COMPTON (AP ) -A while rather who relu!<d to send hi• children to an all-black school haJ disclosed that be has enrolled them In a white Catholic ocbool in nearby Long Beach. FLOWER 0 SHOP 3013 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA 546-9172 . HUNTINGTON • BEACH FLOWER MARKET 17731 Beach Blvd. 847-9614 The father, George Nelson, had refused lo send daUihters Cheryll, 14, and Martha 3, lo the school aft.r they moved into a district. TM family lives in a trJiler park. Nelson a tot.Ally disabled l~iiiiiiiiiiiiiii Worl~ War It veteran, bad Ii said that to ..,,d the girls to the school In his oomrnunlty near Watts wouJd be "haiardous to their wtUare, safety and lives." • COSTA MESA FLORISTS 117 BROADWAY w.u.. ............ --54M071 A threat hy the Los Angeles superintendent of schools to seek court action to require attendance at the school was noi ~arrled out. Practice ·In public ocbools In the sru 11 to a 1si gn pupils on a nclghbolhood basis, and the family Uvet In a black area. ,,__l"'" _____ _._,1 .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I I I Don't panic. Them one sure way I I to get your gift there by Christmas. I I Just order from your FTD Florist by Sp.m., Friday, December 22. I I , . I I ·chrlstmas Is getting close,butthere' 'L !Tl un· e Christmas presen~!,Ope enjo_y_ed all t~roug}\ 1 . way your gifts will get there on time: throug your the ho ays. omal<eftilngseven easier, mosl'FTD-· FTD" Florist. Florists accept major credit cards, or welcome 1' You can choose from a wide selection of floral your charge account application. This year, see I J,1; gifts to help you make Christmas merry. Over 13,000 how merry Christmas can be without all those last-'!!! I FTD Members will make sure your gifts get almost . minute shopping, wrapping and malling headaches. s; z an)lwhere in the country by Christmas-even if you Just call or visit your nearest FTD Florist for his com-I ~ order as late as 5 p. m. on Friday, December 22nd. lete selection. Then relax and enjoy the holidays. tr s; FTD gifts with flowers are as thoughtful as Send a very sp1cl1I holiday 1rraag1111111t. ~ I they are beautiful.And they make a truly The FTD Snson's Greeter.N lt ~ I .,. Utu.11~ avalla~a $1500 • 1!. I ~-~ . I I I I I I I I I I I I I -1 I The FTD --·• -... A 1peciel FTD 11T1ngemenl de-I signed to usher In the hollday seuon. With a l11g1, JMn1~1cented I candle, created npeclally for FTO by Colonlal Candle, bright I red with a cr•ckle-flnlsh. Container 11 an elegantly crafted, FTD FLORISTS I NEW EXTRA TOUCH~SERVICE Six more be~autlful ways to send fooled bowl In Satin Whlit or Green, designed exclusively ror ~ flowe rs plus an Extra 'Touch . FTD by Httge< Pouery. Boih add• chee<fui, holiday touch to I. ji any room, any table. f • 1 80•14 CllP ond -· SG-15 Pitch« ond -· SQ-17 CUpo •nd COdcly. IQ-20 s..., Scu111e. sa-22 ()yltOI ~·· 80-21 Wotlftng Pit-. I D1lloattly 1h1p1d cup Genuine pottery, rlchly Cheery, footed mugs can Shining scoop to m1tch. Elegantly atyttd with anti-Bright and happy. Hand-~ and 1auc1r of Engl Ith dellgned to captwe the bt beautifully d19P'ayed on Scutlle boas la a r1i1ed mony-11tverbase. Tcpped P1inte<1 In Italy eepeclally ' ii, bone china. A real beauty. wann touch and tradltlon a funeUonal, tet-lhrough floral pallern In heavy, with genuine, hand-pol· !or you. Can be filled with 5': I Certain to be notfcitd Jn of the Old-Wald. An el•· caddy. Has Q(aceful han-twntlh"fltlllant antknony lthed crystal bowl. Brll-''''h tlowtrt, °' with a W your coll1ctlon. gant addition to any home. dla 1or no-1plll 1tJV\ct . tUver. An FTO 1xclustvtl llantly d1tall1d. gr11n and gr~ng plant. ~ II .. ~Jo.a 11'1 lnd~tflt bull,...,.,.1'1, ~oh no Member'*"' .... 111a ow11Pttc ... 01f12, Floflllt.' Ttal\IWOltd Oel'""7 AMocl•tlOfl. _ . WI -~~~~~~tM'M~~~~~~~MWM~~~~~~~~~~~~- ,, I ., • DAU,,. PROT EDITORIAL PA.GE Criticism Is Cheap Andrew J. Hinshaw becomes Orange County's Cong. nossman from the 39tb District two weeks from today and John G. Schmitz returna to teach again al s.nu Ana College in the role of ex-state Senator, ex-Congress- man and ex·Presldential c>ndidate. Schmitz said last week that he hasn't decided his exact role in politics now -but that he will remain ac- tive in promoting the conservative cause. Undoubtedly. he Is assessing whether be can re- main aliY<! politically within the righl·wing American Independent Party or whether be should swallow hlJ pride and try to erase the bitter things be said about the Republican Party when be bolted It to run for Pres!· d011t on the AIP tickel Either way, he's going to have a dilflcult time re- 11\lnding people there is a man named John G. Scli.mitz. Despite personal appearances and a newsletter lie in· tends to continue, Schmitz Is up against lw<> giant prob- lems: the AIP ts ne/ll"ly a nonentity with the departure nf Governor Wallace, and the Republican Party would have an awfully h/ll"d time accepting back Into the fold a man who waged such bitter vendettas against not only the President and Governor Reagan, but the party phi· losophy itself. In two Orange' County press appearances last week, Schmitz seemed softer, less strident and more Inclined to seek middle ground on issues. But be made it clear that America is still facing dire dangers from all direc· tions. Tberein lles the biggest fault .of John G. Schmitz as a politician. He was against open housing legislation, gun registration, equal job opportunity, abortions, sex education, women's rights, the 18-year-old vote, the U.S, .... : foreign policy, Governor Reagan's fiscal policy, turning .Part of the Camp Pendleton beach over to public use, welfare programs and more open sale of prophylactics -among other things. But what -other than a strong milituy -was he ever for? Like the John Birch Society, to which he belongs, Schmitz found a crlliJ a day while be was In o!Jlce. But never did be offer constructive leglllaljon, programa lo go forward Instead o! ·backward, helping hands to the oppressed and needy, and logical and practical meam of resolving issues.· If he does Intend to remaln a political figure, Schmitz should nomemher Iha~ while this country has plenty al room for critics from both the left and rlihl. perpetual soundings o! aJann and a negative approach resolve nothing in the very practical world of local, national or International politics. Wage Fair, Timin g Poor < In m/ll"ked contraat to the fracas that arose the iaal time.. the Orange County Board of SUpervisors tried to ote itself a pay raise, there were hardly any voices heard In opposition to the $7 ,000 raise the board ap- proved laat week. Indeed, by comparison with some other county sal· arles, the 40 percent Increase from $17,500 to $24,500 a year was modest enough. And prior to the board action, both the Grand Jury and the Orange County Chamber of Commerce had recommended increasing supervisors• pay to the level of municipal court judges, now $32,273. Tbe new saluy will place the Orange County super· visors second only to the Loe Angeles supervisors, who get $36,393. Other counties pay their supervisors from $14,000 to the $22,000 paid by San Diego County. But among county oUiCers earning more than the super· visors will be the assessor, who makes $32,000, the sher- iff, with $31,200, and the m/ll"Sbal, with $27,300. However, while the supervisors' new salary is nl>t excessive, It does do violence lo the spirit of the federal wage ceiling under which most of the supervisors' con· st.ituents have to manage. Out of consideration for that, the supervison would have been wiser to schedule the increase In more modest steps over a period of two or tbnoe yem. ·. .. 'Yes, sir, there's virtually nothing this nation cannot do if we set our mind to it!' '· International Capitalism CanEndWars Dear Gloomy Gus Costly Economic Opportunity Office Faces Split Congress May -Junk Poverty Agency (StnNEY J. HARRI~ Our "Jaw and order" President was ready without hesitation to sacrifice the Bureau ol Indian Attain building to avoid a mas- saae of vuters. And then be re-- warded them with free carfare home! WASHINGTON -'111e end appears near for the so-called anti.poverty agen-. cy -th< Office of Ecooomic Op)lO<lunity (OEO). After eight years of stormy and c:on- troversial existence, the expenditure of more than '16 bil· lion ol taxpayers' It may just tum out to be the supreme L. D. money, and the pil· irony of the late 10!.h..JCfllllw:y__ll!i!Ll~-fiaMf.-.iC"'INc:"'OrTO•--··-.... -·~---j_ing_upJLooe_olJJle_ capitalism -wb.icb Man saw as MC~ ..._ " .. _'"'· w m 0 st malodorous fqnenting wan to gabl new markets ..,_ .,.. ,_. ,. Olwwf .... D.itJ PIM'. records in federal .and-p<"O(ita-~ -the lnstrumenl hi ·--· --·-·-for the abolition of war. Not fot" any s.;...,. "' 8\;&Al"""'• moral reason, but oorniplion. waste. ..: ... .J . mismanagement and o.:. ...... y tor economJC same comiderations that made: war pro-various other abuses. good sense. filabie in the p8'I -by ecooomic coo-tbe One cl the astm-siderations. U It was mainly the drive grossly misla· ishing tnwitioos in for profits that created national conflicts beJed ()f>eratlon is apparently headed for our teclmocTatic s<> {and here I believe that Man: was dismantlement. ciety is the rapid right), then It will be the same drive for PRESIDENT NIXON Is seriously con-- spread of the "Multi-profits that overrides poUUca1 and na· sidering recornmendJng that in his brJd. nWooal" corpora· tlonalistic factors that strain for war. get message to the new (93rd) Congress tioa -tbe large and WE TEND to forget that capitalism, by that coovmes in January. sprawl.mg company, its very nature, is as "intemalionallstic" As being discussed in inner White with roots in one country and branches as communism is, or pretends to be. ln House councils, the dismemberment of everywhere else. the past, capitalism used the politics of OEO would be accomplished as follows: These companies have found that new its own country to develop and expand ; it Two ol its major programs would be markets can be generattd by economic was to its sbort.tenn interest to wrest retained and lhifted elsewhere -the aggressiveness· with far greater ef· markets from competlng lands. g~y well-~ Head Start, with fectiveneu and less danger than by Now, the new tectmoloa has given a ~t budget of around '400 million, poUtica1 or military aggressiveness. They capitalism the means and _the 8CCE!SI to \W\lld be turned over to the Department have become, or are bf: com I n I , tremendous new markets without firUqj: a of Health, Education and Welfure, which "suprapolitical'' entities ot. an entirely shot or capturing an acre of. land. ls now running it; Manpower, with more (ROBERTS.ALT.EN) than $l billion for training and related activities, moved to the L a ·b o r Department, which is already managing jt, WhJJe both these programs nominally are part o( OEO, operaUonally tbey bave be<n und<T d-.iaJ jurisdiction for several years -for the simple and very good reason OEO was incapable of ad- mlnlstering th<m. THE RESr of OEO, with some $750 millioo in budget fund>, would be junked -almost certalnly to th., lood and vociferous outcries and prod!stations of d<>gooden, refonners, mllilanls and other activist elements, particularly in Populous, inner city areas. 1bese segmeOUi have canccirously made the most of ~ OEO activities, and Wldoubledly will vehemenUy oppooe th<ir axq. Principally they are Community Action • and Legal Services -both intensely ~n­ troversial and the targets of widespread and furious castigation and denunciation by local, state and otber authorities. Comnwnity Action has been assailed in Congress as "revolutionary" and "in· citing revolt"; Legal ServiceJ in equally unsparing tenns. A report by Rep. William Seherle, R· Iowa, member of the powerful Ap- propriations C o m m i I t e e, scathingly branded Community Action as "corrupt and scandal-ridden," and OEO as a whole as "having done little to alleviate the woes of the poor aud. the disadvant· aged or anything of. any consequence in dealing with the problem of unemploy· ment. · ANOTHER .inveJtigalive report, by Rn>. James Gardner, R·N.C., then a member al the Edooalioo and Labor Committee that has jurlsdlctiOll aver OEO, DaUy charged Community. Aclioo with inciting riots end disorders. "There Ls de.finite evtdenoe," declared Gardner, "that OE(). funded agencies are directly tied to the violence, lawlessness and calamitous destruction that bu stricken many of our cities. lnvestikation by myself and staff members of the Education and Laber C.Ommittee un- covered evidence proving conclusively that OEO employes were directly in- volved in agitation and inflammatory statements, which to a great extent sparked the viole001:, looting and bumihg in Newark, Buffalo and Durham. We also found that numerous OEO agencies throughout the country have been in- valved in local political activities." Another OEO function that would be ditched is Research, which bas all the earmarks ol a high-llown boondoggle. It bas long been under flre as a wortbles! waste. UNDER rr, millions of dollars are ex· pended annually for meaningless studies, surveys analyses and other useless evaluations -cbieDy of OEO and lts operations. Most of these projects are clearly for the purpose of providing cer-· taln indMduals, concerns, collegtt end organizations with well-paid "made wort." Following are a few lllustratic:m of a large nu!Dber of such studte. soppooedly dealing with Head start, A $553,256 survey titled "Org__anizaUon and Teach1ng of Orientation Programs for Head Start Child Developmeol Staff"; $58,000 to the University of Wisconsin for "study ot Head 'start Program"; 151,660 to Howard Univenlly for "Evaluation and Study o( J{eJd Start"; $200,378 to tbe University ol. Kentucky for an "Evaluation ol Com- munity Action Program"; $108,S'TG to International Research Assn., . t:O r "Evaluation of Programs for ~nt Farm Workers"; $112,000 to Hwnan Sciences Research for "EvaluaUoo of Community Actioo. Program on American lndlan Reservatiom." new aort. Comider what Japan bu been able to ac· war. oo the nuclear scale with which It complish in the poet-war period, tbougb can now be fought, haa become obsoles-completely demllitarit:ed and impotent in cent, because its consequences can no wona politics. u she had woo the war longer be controlled, and also becall!e wttb the attack on Purl Harbor, she there would be no conceivable "wirmers'' could not r::JSSibly be as well off u she ii left after a nuclear holocaust. The last DC!"• as the "loser." llow ,ilolice Helped Document Theft thing the multinational corporatK>n wants to do is to decimate its potential world· wide markets. Tt SEEMS to me that lf a lrue state of ~ is ever arrived at -and not just the tmeaS)' truces we have had every few years -not religion nor morality nor sentimentality will secure lt. It will be secured, If at all, by the ' MARX predicted the victory ol In- ternational communlam. What we may yet live to see i.a the victory of ln- t.~tional capitallsm -a capitalism that hal grown wile enough and DWbJe enough and long4libtea e1J011gh to learn that people elsewhere can, and mu.A, be raised to the level of buyers, not reduced to the level of be;ggan. The Other Addictiom Addict.ion is e. word that seems naked without the adjective "drug" standing before it. But compulsive behavior takes other fonns, too -ei:cessive drinking, eating, gambling, or even working. The dictionary deflnltioo of the verb "lo ad· diet" coven them all: "to devote or sur· render oneaeU to something habitually or obsessively." Almost tveryone b aware, through penooal experience or pubUc-aervlti! teievilioa ..,.,.,,., of the dangen of -and ctnic ·-· Alcoholism 11 a leading ca""' ol dlvorce and hlgll1Vay -I• whlle drug addlctlon I•· ,_;bl. for much ol the crime that ~ the nation. Other forms of ad- didioD receive 1esl attenUon because lhelr elledl .,. largely confined to the lddldtlhemltl;"es. CON!IDl!ll gambling, for inlllallco. -lodlcoC. that tlglll of every ten -pmble. 'Ille vast majority .,.... mly oec11klnaDy for rtertatioo or dtN..... 11111 -relaUvely lmlll 1m••• ti 111!111Wf ucb year. For others, -··· ......... la a oompu!Jloo. Aa capthnMlm called Gamblen Anaeyw -lound<d In U67 to help ......,.i.m p ...... Mho today may tiumbcr u many u 10 million Amorlalnl. Gaml>len Aaonymous gn!W out al • meelllw ~ 1 ... oddlcted wt>o fomd that tlWng aboot ~~-avoid the..,. lbll ..,.. l'lliDlnl lbtlr li- '11ft -· 11111 -al olhu GA ""'""°· rs, are nomutably ~ aame - EDITORIAL RESEARCH broken homes, lafie debts, lost jobs, at· tempted suicides, and finally lawbreak· lng. One member has estimated that 70 percent of all persoo1 convicted ol grand larceny were oompulltve 1amblen. mE PlJGUT ol tbe compul.live eater may be tbe moot difficult ol all to alleviate. Re!earch indicates that oclwts who wtrt tat as Inlets or adoietoentJ hive from ~e to five tlmel as much adipooe (ial.,loring) tissue u the ave.rage per90n wbo lw never been overwt!Cht. DleUng will reduoe the !11 content ol adlpooe cclls but not their total number. 1biJ helps lo erplaiD why oliese people llnd II so ban! to malntaia welifll loss. >.. -u their caloric intake ex· «eds """" expended, the -}II cooverted into fat and atorM lo the e\fll\' pruenl adlpooe lissoe. • , Some 111ptl'Chobbies havo oood.- thal U you can't fiJltt il flaunt ll A group called to Natfonal Alloclallon lo Aid Fat Ame-(icana WU fonned three yean ago and now has around 'l;«IO memben in nine msjor cltl8 • ..._ other actlvttie1, the NAArA runt I dating service, badgen -oclvtrlJJen who Pol<o fun at r.1 people, and se111 IUCh books •• "Fat Pride" aod ''SU and &hi OVerweil(hl WOIDIUI." I W.ISll!NGTOll -The startling etory can .... be told !low Indian activists used a piilico escort to help RDllQ!e ltolen government d o c u m e n t 1 out of Wubingtoo. With mo1orcyc1e. roarl°JI&, !be police rusbtd a 4<kar Indian caravan throuah the city. 1be cere- monial escort ps eagerly pnwlded by th< harused olli- ctaU at the Boreau of 1 nd I an Affairs, -building bad been occupied and :c'ed by the Jn, _'Illa ]lOiice, u thoy whlstkld traffic to a stop to make way f..-the lndilnl, had M idea that they were unwitting accompllcee in th< big· gest document heist In history. FOR nm INDIANS had discovered in the BIA's files documentary evidence of btlreaucratie bungling, neglect a n d "'!lrighl chiJelillg. Anjrily, Ibey bundled the documents In cardboard boxeS and loaded them on a truck in the d?atl of night; wrapped others ln sleeping Mgs and packed them in car trunks: splriteil still other docwnencs aboard a chartered bus. Not until the Broken Treaties Papers, as the Indians call lbem, were safely out of town did the authorities fully reaJize what bad happened. Then the FBI organiZed a nal.ioowide dragnet to retrieve the incrintinaling document.!.. It's unlikely, however, that the federal bloodhounds will ever be able to track down all the papers, which are no'v Golden Days of Radio One of the moot memorable ndlo shows of all time, Vlo ud Sade, ts about to enjoy a renewed pol)Uiar!I)' llllder bani cover1. The best of the a,OOO«td pro-C appear under the Ullt, ne Sm1U Half.Way Up lo 1M Nm Block, edlled and wllb an IJltrodlK:llon by Mary FtancU Rhymer, FOftwml by l\aJI Bradbury (• Renier and Herder book publilhed by McOro.-Hlll, fl.1111). IN n m WORllll o1 bumorlll Oaden Null, "I thlDk Vie aad --CIOe of the alJ.IJme great pieces ol American i>Jmor, and that ii ii not atrelchlna a point to mention Paw Rhymer (the lim- ny, wlnlome autor and tt•r ot the aerl11) in the ..,.. breath with James 'l1>irl>er and Mark TWaln.'" Launched in the thlJIJ., in compeUllOn with the ear11 .. 1 ,..P operas, lllil onp tnr .... of .... ordinary famlly doing on!lnary lhinp" ""'" ecllpeed Ila rivaia. (THE BOOJ<MAN J, In the fortios, Tlmo rePorted Iha! ....... 7 mlllioo radio fAN WOllld find ii(e harder to bear without Vic and Sode." TUE SBOWS' limelessnw, and their abllll)' to communicato without topical props and Umoty crulcbel, make them u dellghtfUI to read today ., they were to llsten to originally. Tiie Small u ... se Half•Woy Up la IM Nw Block I• 'bathed In -.ilgla, ol coune, but even more Jt efokes an im- age of America whl<h will never be dated -that of plain folks deriving ~t lun, and 1 good measure M vltoiitio, from being tosether and !eliding 1lmple Uves. ~AROLINE HARKLEROAD dispersed around the country ln hidden caches. We are the only outside.rs who have been taken to some ol the biding t>.~= .and. ~"!.~ ~rm\l)ed tux· amine thousands 01: documents. THE STORY of the Broken Tnlties Papers began after some 1,000 pl'O' testors, in the f!l05t .~~acioowmtian uprising since Sitting Bull overw~d Custer's 7th Cavalry at the Little Big Horn, seized lbe BIA building. ?n th< fourth fioor, they found row on row of tll· ing cases. The more curious began to cl>ed< into th< paperwork affecting their tribes. Incensed over wllal they found, they decided that lbe several tribes bad the right to"ttad !low the BIA had miohandl· ed their allalrs. So they began soeaklng documents out of lbe building at night in coats, sleeping bags and !lll~ n.e White House, meanwblle, was preparing to use force to oust the Indians from the bulldlng. RUSI Me11114, I coiiego- educaled Oglala Sioux, the tribe ol the fierco Crazy H°"", got oo the phone lo Indian c.om.mtssioner LoolJ B r u c e • Means hlunUy Informed the C01111J1it. sloner that the Indiana had been nun· maging thnlu(h the files and had found incrtmlnallng data on otncitl>. Wl'l1llN AN HOUR, the White HOW< suddenly changed its un}'iekllng attitude and sent akfes Leo Garment and Frank; Corloccl to ocgotial<! with th< lndlani o•er thelr grlevancu. Thia rea1flnntd \0 the lndlan leaden tho lmporWlce ol-lbe docllmenls. lmmodlalol1, they bqen.the wholesale '!'."'Yll of docUlllents Crom lbe files. The olihl before th<y evacuated the bUildlllg, th<y crammed .. vml can!boanl bole .. f\Jll or documents and ltlcked them into a truck. Bui the trucll returned oi•ill alter cin:llng the block, because · tbe driver htld apolltil two police can behlQd him. A more. audacklu1 driver toot UlC wheel and lumbered past the police off into the nlglll. 1be rerrWnlog documenls " e r e eaeorled Ollt of town th< nert day by the Police. ~I th< b<ad ol the ll><:ar c.-ravan was a green van, which was the com· mand post of the leaders. Aboard were the articulate Russ Means and an eJ· paratrooper named Sid Mills, -..ho had been """'1ded in·Vietnam' After the authorities discovered the documents were missing, the FBI began surveillance of the caravan and wetched It nunble through Cleveland. Then sOme of the cars began to peel o!f. mE FBI WAS also tipped off by an In· dian infonnapt that the "stuff stolen ih>m lhe Bureau or Indian Affair& building" was stashed in tbe van. In St. Paul, tbc FBI finally made ks move. Reinforned by police scout cars and paddy wagons, the 0.men swooped down oo the ~ van. Agent Wlllfam Lala, tough but courteous, ordered the occupants out. The total loot consisted ol ooe BIA typewriter, an Indian scboo1 a~ plication and a notepad. The agents neglected to checlt th< trwW ol. othtr cars, where thousand.! of <jocuments were hidden in sleeping bags. !'Im another vehicle, canylna a major mah, bad lell th< caraV>O a few houri earlier. OU.NOi COAST DAILY PILOT Rob~rt N, Wftd, Publf.31ler Thoma.r Kttull, Editor 8arbo:ru. KrtiOich. Editorial Page Editor Tho t'dl1orlal i-11r of the o..Jly Piiot ~k• to lnfnnn and atJmu• 11110 rttd<H'1 by prht'ntlnc thl.I; ncw•PfiPfl''• optnk>M and com· mtntel')' on tn1ftct of lntttttit •r"1 AlgnlflCll.nce, b)' 1il"f1vkllng a forum fnr ~ho l'Xr>rt11lon nf CJur rc&den.' t:nlona. ,and b)' 1irt..cnllnJ1; ttM! vene vlewpolntt IJ( Informed ob· rvtt1 •nd 1~keim n on-topt<11 of the dsy. Monday, December 18, 107:f '"I """ and bam from .. .. . , . ~· " ,. ~· • •• 4 ... ~ '•'tt"#'ol'J •.-.. , ~ '·" ; ·" ;• ' . .. ... ,. ~· , ' . Hu~an Experi_menting • • • \ f!~µ,efits of Researc , Outweigh Risks? •"I irll/ fpl1019 thal ~•ltm of reg;. fln! «IJl<I ii. Dr. _L '. ry l!. Beecher Tile Delense Department and, lhe """ w~lch, accordiOQ lo· "11/ abllitv fll'Of-pl ' .':.lit: at llluyat.l branches . of Ille anned forces have and 1~tit, J co~ff for ·tile Univ~ty and a champion or medical simil:1r protectiooa tor military personnel ·bentfll qf "Ill pati~!ill Q"i! ablljl(• ~tllicl tod ~ ric~tl, His thesis, and Involved in any type ot research .. I om W1l i h... \ • ' ,. t~t of other rtle&rehett interviewed, is The federal Bureau or p r i s o n s r a~ev1r '"'l"Tl. or anJffStiu, lbat no m11ttor..bow much laboratory and carefuJly restricts research done In its ~ -From the Hipp~iCratk Oath an~al telUng tf done, nei~r c111 ~tiarlet. ln feet, ln federaJ prisons llY J~ up4.p duphc~l• . µ,actly th luncllorung .or dr-ug !<Sting ii being_ pbased out because • . ,,._· 111':''". ~ beings. ~ olftcial1 feel that prasoners C6lnoot make ~1 ~ ~ .~ff , "M~y concepll ~ discovered and a free and open choice on whether to In ~ ~. ,...; last Jeli', a doc-. (efted m aoim&ls: lhei establishment iu participate. lot ~ • "P*rtmtnt• Jritb birth mil! can be elf only by ex· · control pill! ,P.~ Giie ·po.,, o1 women perlmentaUon in men," her l!lOle In TfUi STATES 11GllTLY CONTROL pl~ -ta'*I -wttnout &btir 1910. "Man Is the anlma! or oecessity." e.1perlnientalion in thetr i.nstitution.s -kno..ta.11-'Tm .._ .. me prr e-.1. .. t ' ~ · forbidding it in some Ca.sea -to protect .,....,, ......, ~-· ' ASSUMING Tljl! NEED FOR human tbe rliht.s of subjecti. For ,Jf ~ )1ati ~t ~1.ew Yjll'k ·Slate exi:;· lmcntatlon, the qw>.11tlon becomes =L-•-•1 ~ hil ,~ I In nearly all cases where research is •~ --Y Ive c . dren, 1a ~uard!ng Ille "rlihts and he~I h or delibltatieJy t to Wect new huJ1Lln su~jects. An Associated Press eT· ~. research policies ha ve three arrlvaj! with· ..Um · 11\!pj1iu. ,. thi!y • arnlnatlon of 1Uldelines end pra<!fices Points In common: th.at tbe •ubj.cts gi ve could study the dlse&se. Terr children st,µ:roundlng _ tllman research •bo\f.S; , : their' free and open Informed consent to ~veloP'd l!>e hepatitll.' . -In the U}lited States, t~~ ·are com·. ~ .At y~,iu~ elate t prW>o in 'IHli, ~:%.~terns to 1Uard the' "di belog ol 'Thb • .,,.. .,. ~ue.,pt viol 'experiment subjei!t.9, ~but there ence-prone inrnlles were giveu • abo are reeulatory blind ,spots through bV Otte i11tJe•ti9ater tq drug ""'1ch ~arilf ·po.rl!,}'7.e<f lliem · )Otil<h the unelhlcal researeiJer· or foully tre11•plaHt t he heart of to the eztent'\l\llt ,lbey couldn't br~1the. expertment can sllp. In Pl cho1,.....ital ~x-~ "'" n efa.1npon::ee i 11 t o • ......-....~ pelirrtef)l&tlon, for exa e, there are ' tew T~@tions wmeti wou prevent the ht1t11•1a being.' • • ' 'f~t°'1 h1Jeeted sloppy ''l'"'•rcher from easinJ poten--------..-. H.,. ~r HU. i •to llally darnalling inlorrna ·about his ~IW ·fll ett°lleel' pa. sn~jeels. · ' ti · t .-t1( some areas of re rch, regula· participate, that the benefits of the research outwsigh the risks and that the validity of the eiperiment be determined by an independent groop or committee. -ea • • • •·. Ii~• a:oVJlrning experl.m t\on are so ~ strict lhat pr6gress in d eloping new During the ttnifytna moments when the men _.. IUffOCltlng, they were told to · auoclate their agony with t b e i r mllbel)avlor. But thl8 experiment in psychological conditioning dldn't work, In 1964, doctors in New York injected lfve cancer celli into critically ill cancer paUent.s to determine how long it took ror their bodies to kill the invading cells. The paUents consented to the injections but thty were never told what substance was being injected or for ~·hat purpose. 'l1le question raised with each of these dilclosures is a simple one : To what ex- tent should one human being be permit- ted to endanger another in the name of scientific propeu? There is no HS)' anmer. But the problem· ii a chronic one among s<itnliftc ....-.... II surfactd again this yaa1 lqllowlng d*1osure ell 1 40-year federal 1tlldy in wblch tfeatmeot Yr"&I withheld ftoril black Alabama syphilis 'lictims so the dilease could be studied, Ai LEAST JI MEN died as a direct reailt of untreated syphills and many otllers may ilave been crippled . DisclosUre of this sort of research in- evlta.bly Riles a clarion call for-an end to au human eiperimenta&km. Yet, !Q9St experts qree that without human ex- perimen\IUoo, there ' would be no · flew tbfrapies, treatments or drugs to ease rnm's toeiolocical, ptychological and pi\ys~ ill•. drugs ,and treatment tee ues actually ha1 ,been Impeded. Reseai'ch on some children's diseases, for ei:ample, has been hindered by court decisions that children may not be volunteered ror ex- perimentation that is not of direct benefit to the individuals in the experiment. -There is continuln& controversy, perhaps never to be resolved, over the propriety or using human experlmenl volunteers living in controlled socL.11 eh· As .a rule of thumb, all h1dl.,ldual Is ln.,ol""" fft on experlme11t It ,.,,.., he · Is oh1g ploees .. ,.. •l rlalc. The Na tional Institutes oC1 Health receives about lS,000 research grant ap- plicatlona annually, S.000 of which involve human experimentation . Nearly half of all hwnan experimentation projects In the nation are conducted under NIH auspices. Prior to 1962, NIH kept a hands-off policy in dealin~ with inst itutions whi<'h received federal research grants. ac- cording to Dr. Donald T. Chalkley. chief of thP. institutional relations section, Division of Research Grants. ''THERE \VAS AT TllAT TIME an in- cident which essentially set us off,"_ he said. "This \\'as an attempt by one in- vestigalor to transplant the heart of a chimpanzee into a hwnan being. It was Jt that point that NIH could no longer ~~ tak1t<the attitude that a grant given to an vironments, such as prisons. When these lnstllutfon was aole\y their business. We people are asked to voluiiteer, some wanted asa:urance that proper steps were researchers feel, there may be a form of taken µ> protect the human subjects." inadvertent. invisible coercion involved. Now, a decade lat.er, HEW regulati<Jns ' requlce lnstltiJtlonJ. \.o aet up rev iew con1· AS A GENEl\AL ~ULS of thumb, an mlttees to pveraee luch research. individual is involved In an txperiment If "SomEone more detached from the what he is doing ~ blnt at riJk. Risk research mU5l make the determination Is defined as any pOuUMUty •of hann as a as to wbetier the experimf'.nt is valid and consequence ol .,..ething other th.an worth doing," Cllalkley pld. "A physi· -llSUal-or_acceptecLacttvltiet, Ciln._ or ·v.::hlte'!'_e!. ~arcbe~ ~n't be The Department o/ Health. E<klcat on totally detechOd liom"lila ...,.1iti4. )YIOfe and Welfare wblcb'lncludes tht Nallo.,I thin Jllo!, he can't be to I a I t y flistitutes ;;J "*1Ut and the FOOcl -"' knowlod(H! e about his fleld. -eonc Drug Admlnlltl'lt4oo, hall 'JiCid r111ila· . els'.e mu.st help him ~gh the critica l lions and procedures gov.ernlna: human question of whether the benefit. of the research done In federal institutions or researcfl outweigh the rtaks to the with federal money.. partlcipanUI ." U 11.cont,e,st.ed Divorces G~t Help SAN FRANCISCO (AP) Cot.iples who agree to an un- contested divorce and want to aave attorneys' fees can r e c e I v e a .di>it·yoy.r..U dl)'orce throua\i a n e " ltitewide organllatlon. 'tis the to be a jolly shopper • ·The Wave PfoJect, which opened offices In San Fran- ci1CO, San Rafael a n d iteneley. ls ti)e creation of et· k>rne y Charles E. Sherman who.se book, "How to Do Your Own Dlvorat iJ,J. California,"- bas sold 301~ copies and goes Into Its nnn pri<lllng this month. "I THOUGHT Ot)' b!IOk would solve the problem of el:• pensive divorces," Sbennan aaid In an interview. 11klt I've flilC:Overed a k>t ol people can't do it on their own without the reassurance of another person, Divorce, for most people, is a time of. in- security." lie said in addition to. help- ing with the compleUon of neceasary legal rorma, the centers will employed trained counselors and offer p'OUP discussions "to deal wtU\ the broader emotionaJ lauej Jn- volved In <11vorco. 1'We won't pve lepl advice, but will make ..i.tnll to It· tomeys II a client ~·t •aree on an uncontuttd divon:e, ~• said SlloriMll, who•-hi• Btrteloy law pndJco to work fl!OUmt Oil hie C1l'Hl1t adventure. ' INCLUDl~G FIIJNG and oU.. fen, llie COii ol 1 almpla di-IMMl&h Utt Wan 1'r9' jecl will' -rally run _., fttlil, _,_ said. · sevwll attornoyc 1 o I d reportcn dletr .... f... f<lr an unconlllted divorce range between lllJO and t!OO· "A lol of people who want dlvorct1 can't atfOrd IUCh ftt1," said Sherm~. "In C4Ulornla In 1970 at least $6.1 million was paid to attornoy1 to handle divorc:~. bl!>lftltiJwj~ of mamage actions. to'( tbtnk thlt11 outrlpoUi," ,II,. he oak!. season I , • QPEN NLGHTS ,,__..,.,..-.T--... at · .. Fashiqn lslahtf"~ ·:·. FAStilON j ISLAND _. NllWJ:.OaT OllNTER PaeHIC Co••I Hlgftny-let.Hn Jemtor .. end MKAtlhut I, " . . . . ' ' " ••• ' U"IT ......... Top Poat President Nix:on met at the White Hoµse re- cenUy with Jawel Lal- fontant, black Chicago lawyer, whom he has na~ed to l>e deputy sol1cltor general. Deaf School To Be Built A school for the deal will be ~uUt next tQ Taft Elementary School at 500 W. Keller St. in Santa Ana, for use by ap. proximately 12 school districti In the county, The planned IP,73kquare- foot facility will accommodate 95 students and cost $688 000 officials announced. ' , ' ' ' ,/ I ~· ,. Mond.i~ 0Ktmbff 18, 1972 DAIL V PILOT f Sale of Jail Blocked Pollution Order Set By EPA plans to close the 1t1te'1 i<irgejt priP'!, but .:i U to has *" ~stabU1hed, I SACRAM ENTO tAP J -Th~ stale canaol 1ell San Quentin ui1UI co n.-llon of a Jtudy almtd .. t finding oul lf tfi«e woold be any good public USt' for the prison site. under a bill Closing Hit signed by GQv. llona ld WASHINGTON (AP I -Tht Re<igan. SACRAl\lllNTO (AP) -An E n v I ronn1ental Procection The measure, .authored by association or at.ate prilon Sen. Peter Debt, IR·Til>urooi, guards has protetited Katt Agency has ordered 'i x requires tb.at t h ~ ,General plans to close a minimum aujotn~rs. inc luding the U.S. Services Department pJepare security prllon at Susanville. lodusll')''a Big Four, to a report for the Lei:;islafure by c3Uin& the move ''fa l 1 e rcnlove certain devices from July 1971 on possible public ccooomy.'' The protett came thfir 1973 models that work to uses of the lend and buildings. from !ht 3 , Z 0 0 -m e mber The state C orr e c t Ion a Califomta CorrecUoqal Of• shut o r r pollution-contro! Depanment has announced ficers A880CiaUon . equipment required on all new1-===cc_.cc.c..-=---~--------­ cars. f:PA Administrator \V illiam -y·;ll'I.-:,;;. 'il:'·:i·~·;: .. ;:r ... ~.::;.!:;• .;:· ~"S1S:2--Z::J-.~· -!·":i:,.;tt;;il<:,. .• r;-.!]l,.l<,~-;:s.!?iilz;·~·' D. Ruckelshaus i!!uied the (f orders to Generlll Motors. Ford, Chrysler, Amer I c 11. n MDtors, Nissan and ToYola. And he. gave lhem a week to file wrttloo appeals. " nif; EPA estimate~ 1lhe orde r would arfect two milli«m Jf.73 cars and trucks still to be prbduced next year but said the action would not require recalls of those v e h i c 1 e 1 already off the assembly line. The devices automatically r disable part or ell of a car'• emlsalon-control equipment to enrich the fuel mlrture en- tering the ~ngine. thus ·in- cteasin-g e-nglne performance ~. but increasing the amount or carbon mono1id e allowed to e~npe into the air.' THE EPA SAID some devices are activated when the temperature under the hood is below a certain level to make Uie car start more euily in cold weather. Another common device is a ·:~ time-delay sw itch that cuts ln ' several seconds after the .',' automatic transmission has shifted from low to high. Agency sources said the ·~ · devices were discovered last ~' summer when the manufar> \urers' emission-control equ1p- n1'ent was being tested, and Ruckclshaus notified th e automakers ~t he ~ a a seriously concerned t:iut would lake no actiO(l peq_tUrJg sludy, ' ................. ...... 1111'1"9 c.r... ••MSOICALADIST- AffT.MIDNIALOHICI RICll'TIOHt&T.•DINTAL ~ AISllTANT"'.,:IPTIONUIT Mt ow modtltfl t.-itl..,.,. ............. t~ 1.1n1Mr ttM P:IDIRALL V INIUlllD ITUDINT LOAN PAOQAAM Miii NPllOVIO for VITlllANl Mlf •• ,, ... ,.., Tuideti PAV .. NT PLANS1"9i ..... Llt.tlrM lMPLOYMINT ftlP:IAIU.l SERVICE et no Mdicione' fOlt, ACCl5{>1TED ., ............. c.··a,, ........ N9tle..i A1•ed,..IH et,.._.,_..,......_. ...... Wrlh et,._.,., f,.. lf1d111 . . OUR MAN SIZED CHRISTMAS BONUS! ' ~· i ' .Ji.st in our storn! ~300 •xcitinqly 9ew double-knits from 'the finest makers in America. And . ~~&,mum pr~llflJ' ,iollo{~I· s~ve you • bundi,L So if. you, doo't-miod llflYf"9 • -•lw>lo lr>t. ~ . leu for really fine clothing, relly round the trustworthy. Hoels~~tr Bunch: We hevo the very best new look, at the very least expenditure. Just ask any of our customers! PASADENA HOlLSCHEl 'S • • I . , I LOS AN611.1S HOELSCHEl'I Wll1h;,. & ~111,0• Hilt•ll H1t.1 12111 627-0l19 611 r ••• Colctr •4o ll\'11. Do .. 11tow11 12111 796.026) COST• MISA . HOEIJCHll'S ,llJJ lt'-fol St. 17141 uo . .!nt)"'•. ANAHEIM HOiLSCHfll.'S V•n4•t111•th 4-47 Nort!>.loet• A1u1i,•l111 C•111t•r . 171411""""' DOUBLE KNIT DOUBLE KNIT OUR INCOMPARABLE BLAZERS Here's the ul t imate 9ift for him/you! Our sophisticated, adepftble Bltier. Dre$1 it up, dress it down, it's occe1 ion p9rfect, If thi1 doesn't hand1ome hirn/you up, it may be • lost cause, In red, bur9undy, navy, brown. $75. lkners ... $54. Spt.oelal credi t aceou nts ava ilable, or .BankAi:nerlcard and r-.tas tl'r CharJ:c. $60.00 Coats -\ §75.0Q (jQat~ __ , sso.oo .eoats 44.00 54.00 61.00 7f.OO ... 69.00 77.00 , . $1~.CQits $95.0ll Suits . $100.00 Suits $135.91) Suits $27 .50 Slacks $35.00 Slacks • • 104.00 19.95 24.95 OELSCHER:S • 3333 lrlstol . St. • ~ ..... ..._ ... OllANGI HOll.ICHll'S ll,9.4 H. Or•~• Mill M•ll 1f °'""I'. ·-11141 ffl•t:i.~. • llVIRSIDE Mt&t•flri 0 11011 1111 M1 l11 s ..... t D•-t•w11 1714 1 681-0780 HUNTJNIHON llAC.,. HOEUCHEl 'S Vc!WllWW111h 77 H1111ti1t9to11 C•11tor lt1ch I Ell~'' .. 17 141 H2.U74 • • • DAILY PICOT MOAday, Decembtr 18, l'fn Park Fee 13 Coast No minees Fo1· The Record Increase Studied Jury Requests LAFC Act to End 'Islands' By JACK BROBACK S!>l><lai dlJtrlctl INI a bigger SANT A ANA -Thtrteen Orana:~ Coast residents are amoni the 30 nominees whose nam'es will go into the hat wl)en the 1973 Or1n1e County Grand Jury is pkked Jan. 4. Sli: Huntlngton B e a c h residents, named by four of lhe %9 Superior Court judges )11ho participated In t h e oominatlan, topped the Orange Coa.1t contingent. Newport Beach had three. Fountain Valley bad ooe and 1rvlne was represented at the nomination stage for the (int lime in that community's short history with t w 0 resklents. COSTA Ml'!sa's atrocious luck in terms of Grand Jury service by its residents con- tinued. Ol\ly one ~ta Mesan will have his naine 1n the hal when County Clerk William E. St John draws It names in Judge Jarne.s K. Turner's courtroom. Judge Turner takes over from Judgl'! William Murray as the Superior Court's Ual.sm with lhe Grand Jury lm~ ' mediately aCter Judge ?t.iurray discharges the 1972 panel. The 13 Orange C o a s t residents nominated for the 1973 panel and their sponsor- ing judge& are: HUNTINGTON B EACH : Hilda Naomi Bklunt, 16102 Springdale St.. Apt. S S : Nedree Doree Matney. 17951 Scalia Circle and Ptfarlette Slates, 17tll ~lain St., all oominated by Judge Charles A. Bauer. ALSO, Alice "'M, Barllett, 1718 Pine St., nominated by Judge Walter Charanu.a, Dick YukiD Nuio, 5141 Warner AVe., nominated by Judge Har- mon G. S<oville and Kathryn U>ulse Wallin, 6782 Baker Drive, nominated by Presiding Judge Bruce W. Sumner. Judges Bauer and Charamia hail from tbe same com- munity, Judge Scoville's home Is in Westminster and Judge Sumner resides in Laguna Beach. NEWPORT BEACH : Marcia Mae Bents, 810 W. Bay Avt.., Balboa, nominated by Judge ~E IMPORTANT DIAMOND A time' arrives at last in your advance through/the cflaflonga0,of a career when you· are able to present a magnificent gem, . an importarlt diamond, to the woman you love. And the1pleaStJre it give$ her may equal your joy in the giving. Pnc. from $2000. Do Something Beautiful._ Rings enllrved to show detail. Cl1tr" ~ lll'fM .. -A-rlul Ila_. •.U.lftllrk.tl"ll 111C11 M11'9f" Cftlrtt. tM SLAVICK'S Jewelen Since 1917 II FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT IEA.CH -6~-1110 Cllilt'lo•• MMn• 0,.. ._...... """ S....,..., 1• 1.111. ft t :• •.rn. Wlltl llcllillll 91: Tott'....:•. 0r ...... l• Ct r•llOI, L• H1nw .. AIM: kt!' OltQG 11'1111 L.tt ..,..,..., J.E.T. "Ned" Rutt.er, Ariberl Wl!Jlam Gazlay, SM Evenlnf Canyon Road, Corona del Mar, nominated by Judge Uoyd E. Blanpled and Nora Lehman, 734 Via Lido Saud, nornlanted by Judge WIUiam Spiers. Births ST. JOll'M MOl,ITM. -· Mr. ll'ld MrL FrMll J. l (tvltiln& 3'm. MW..., ~ Vltlo, !Wr, Mr. Ind Ml"t. H~ F . ..,,.,,, Jr .. Ml Cw.tnon~:t. ~· 1 ot ""' c.iiy """ '1-" problem. There are well over SANTA ANA -The Orange 1116 of th<m In the county and County LocaJ Agency Fonna· UJey all .have boards of dlrec· GARDEN GROVE -· Park 1uon Commission has been urg; tors and managers. Many fee ·increases of up to 100 pet· ed to move more aggressJvely In ellmlnatlnl• -·•ty islands whose tuncUon1 have betn cent for new homes, con· • ........... and special· di&tricls. The' sua· taken over by expandlng cities dom1nlums aod apartments gesUon comes rrom the county still resist dWolutlon. and 50 percent for mobile ORANGE COUNTY Grand Jury. Sphetes of inOuen<e dellnt- bome sites are ebing consid· The LAFC ts also the reci· lion. ls a'not.ber task the LAFC ered by planning commission· plent of more power granted bas taken 00 in the past two ers here. by legislative acUon.-But the ALL THREE judges live in eft:· GT!' ~c1..Joif1111~"::-·~ Newport Beach. tJOY. o.c..w 11 Developers -pay-the fees, agency, originally designed to . ~· 'l'bele atuc:Ues are tlml'! £'1-! -· ru)I'! oo aMe:s:ations tQ cities • CQBSUmJng ~ require hours donate a comparable parcel of \..Jllll•Opl'8ClOr and lncorporatioo of new of public htanngs. IRVINE · Alfred FI ores ~. •M Mn. ia••d "· TW111t. •11 . • klvv. u ...... 811 • boy. -,,_ k' S and H ""· 1nc1 ¥n. J ir..lin!wM11. M651 J ,..., ... rwp ins t, arvey P•• Dur-. s.11 J111n c111b1r-. land or provide adequate open citles is short of money and ,._.etically the spheres, •pace i• their projects •• •h•ir Sentenced •t•lf 1o take oo new projeda. when c1e1ined .. 10 boundary .... Williams, 3800 Parkview Lane, '*......, n both mlnated by Jud Mr. •I'd Mfl. Cllolrln L A/IWtafl, IS-D, no ge . 4'1 Lllldltr-Awnut. lrvlrw. DO~. cootrlbution to the city 's Richard Turner LAFC u:-and interest, e~tually should Charamza. ' FOUNTAIN VALLEY : James Walter Dick, 8T14 Nightingale Ave., nominated by Judge Bauer. COSTA MESA: Helene• Louise HoUingsworth, 1790 Pit· cairn Drive, nominated by Judge William S. Lee of Newport Beach. OTHER nominees for the 1973 Grand Jury Included: Alexandra Pauline Banigan. Ernest John Berger, Martba Q. Garrett, William Benjamin Reed, Beatrice Block, Jim Kanoo and Arlene McKerui~, and George Eugene Wasson. au or Santa Ana. Keith Davis and Margaret Ann Smith of Tustin, Joaq Kathryn Riddle of Garden Grove, Wllliam Guy Steele of Brea and Tom Lee Hoag of Anahl'!im. Also, Harry Clyde Barnes, Mari Gwen Ferguson, Sophia Gendel and Evelyn Krakauer, all ot Fullerton. M arrillfle parkland! and open space. ecutive officer, ~s proposed make tbe 1;gency's job easier. an Jn<rease In staff lrom fJIUf Wben"1'1:1ty lllltlght to espand CUrrent fees are $240 to $32S ,5.ANTA ANA -A Santa Ana to six beginning in fiscal 1973. it would be limited to Its for single family hemes, $150 chiropractor has been !le'l· If the county BGard of deti~ted sphere.of' lnnuence. u..s VEGAS _ ,,.,.,,Laci, ll«llMI to $200 on apartments and $75 tenced to 16 days in Orange Supervisors approves the in- Licens es l»lltd Mrt lrtc:IUO.: ""-··:..t J ·1 and f' ed '"' f wilt all f . GOET~-HARJtlSON _ Nov. 1, Thom•• to $170 on mobile home sites. '-'U\111 Y a1 m ...-or crease, it c or 1 JUIDP ~~11.4. .• ~. 0:, ~?.°:l.w~ch. •nd According to the proposal, in-practicing medicine without a In the agency's budg!!a from MCCHES.f!EV-MOELLEll -Nov 2 creases would make r-· com-license. the current $62,000 lo ....,,000. =~r::=: •1. _, Lo11. n. ooih 11/ .. ....., Commenting on J Grand sT~yt~At.JACIC.S~ _ Nov. 1 • parable to other cities in the Municipal COurt J u d g e Jury suggestion tbat'tbe LACF tMilll; ~=1n1ttr~ Ain• L., 11• county. William Thomson ordered the move positively into the field HAllAIS-OATES -Nw. 3, Alcl'terd k f 0.1,,,.,, 2t, ot N~PGrt e1.c:11. 11M1 jail term and levied the fine ol county Islands (poc ets o P1tr1c11 Hlrtilt, 21. Of s.1111 ....... f Dr E ·1· b' . 50 led I d a~e1ter!11~1c~u _ NG.,. J. a ter . m110 A 1t1a, , unincorpora an· sur-2~.c~11 o1'91J:;; M4n:.fld N¥" K•Y· 126 Seek Post pleaded guilty to charges µtat rounded on at least three sides C~N20T~9M~H liin~cw. J, JK• were reduced to misdemeanor by cities), Comrilisslooer Oif-o.tmi1." S. 0w.Hof ~'•Ml~· •n<I !eve' i· ton Miller,-••-mayo--of ZALE·Fll:OSf -Nov.J: Altai! Etr>QI, · • Ute 1 :iG. enc1 caoro1 AMI. , t1otr1 o1 '°''' SANT A ANA - A new assis· A bi ti a was arrested last Tustin, has urged an even P1~N-HEN011:1x -Nw • .l;. o.w11. tanl city manager will be ~fay 31 after being accused by larger staff than Turner re-:,~!'11..;':.. J~IC.• Vfl. 37· named in early 1973 from Santa Ana police and state in-quested. 8AAOLEY·NELSON -NO¥. J, Georoe esti to f ....... , __ th ----are --··t·' 15· lands L, v. ot Atta1111, c. .. •f'llf H111!Mlor• among the 126 app1i·caUons v ga rs o ex .. =u.u16 1 e .1.1~E oo ............ 1 r..,21.otHYn111'1CJfon8udt.. 1· ·1s r his f · · h' · I 18000 G-.V .. ft!CH. _ Nooo. 3, FrW!k w .. 4 • 1m1 o pro ess1on in IS covering near Y , acres. ~r"'°"w 1 .. a.. boftl of H1111t1nor°" received since last summer treatment of a rwmbet of Since 1968, only 19 such e.11:AOLEY-HOLOEN -NOY. J. M1r1on for the $23,884 to $28,968 per Mexican-American women pa-pockets have been annexed to .On. Jrj 2', of _J.OlllO Brltd'I. .rid Orange Gets Sister City ORANGE Queretaro, Mex ., a city where California ~ioJu founder F a t h e r Juhlpero Serra ooce served as frtar, has been adopted as a sister city here. 'lbe city js W miles north of Mexloo City and has a PoPUla· tion of 1.0,000 person.s. The linking wu made possibll'! by the People-to-Pl'!Ople program ot the Natk>oal ~ague or Cities. ~r1w~~~;:...\\6r_1u~: 3, year position. tients. cities. CIVtNft L., ]J, of Ste11ton. tnd Osi.!1-'--'--'-------'--'--------------------------------°"· u! of i<ount•ln V111fto. FA HR NKlltUG-FAHll:ENKll:UG -Nov. •r Johti c .. 41, of Torr111C:r. t:Ci"~~y~• JGA.1111 • .0, of FOi.in. SCHNEIOEllt-HAAAIS -NOY, •, Ron1ld R•YmDNI. 11, •1111 c.ro1.,,, Mir, 2!, bolh of Founl•c11 V•ll'!i, KEll:llt·OI: 8REE -Nov. 4, ll:oWn II: .• 30, of N-" 8...:11, tlld C•rolt Svt. :t:'J, ot Cos• '-'"'· COW\E-8Al>:ER .ri.~ •. ~av. l , Clltf'I .. Ml colrn, :w .,.,. ...... oort Be1d\, 1nd P1trlrja &11!,.., 27. "'CVPrt'SI. STAFFOll:NUNl EY -Nov. • Dor.ti!, 41, ol W.st"ll111t1r, 11111 o.tDtii11t O~ olt of S111l1 A111. ll:OTT"ACH·MOlNAR -NQV. '! Rodatt DwlM', n, •rid e ..... 1in. chr1, ,,,,., 31, bOltl o1 w .. 1rn11111 .. . T'f'll:REL-GAUAWAY -NGY. 'i E~rd J., 71, of An~i.lm, 1no Marie, '3, of Huntl~on 8-.ch. Dea th 1\'otitt• Put a little luxury in his life with VELOUR STRIPEO ROBE 100% plush ootton ve'°'6.,. bddly ltri"pad In '8d and ,,....-y. Two big poek&ts, notch collar. ...._ ex~for ua tn West Germany. 41.00 JUMP St.MT A good~~ kl relax ... short Skle'te, zip trori Jiwrip IUil:Ja Arnef9 t~aou\ato velour. Burgundy or mrvy. i1.11 TAILORED COLLAR SHIRT Ulimlte luxury In knit spon shlrls .•. for indoor emertelning or outdoor drama. Deep "l·bu1ton ~Green, brown. blue, burgundy21.00 ZIP.FRONT SHIRT CorHel1ible coller that can be tipped into a ~ 19 a~ faahk>n Idea Iha! enhances l'li8 washable oonoo velour kl'Wt shirt. Elurgl.w'Of, bkie. grwn. btonze. 17.IO I sUvenioodsl " ,'J'BI O·BIT'' . " -· . BUSUNE All IT NEEDS IS YOU I T ••• all you need Is a quarter! For lnlormldlon or bu• tchedulea call "The Two-1111 lua Line" at 147-°'W!lle to ua at 1126 E. Waahlngton Ave., Santa Ana. 92701 I AIIBVCKLl(6 SON WESTIUFF MORTUARY U'1 E. !lib 81., Colla Mesa H•4111 • BAL'l'Z-BEllGERON FVNEltAL HOME Coroaa dd Mar f'7l.tt5I Collailleaa llf.UU • BEU. BROADWAY MORTUARY llt -ay, Costa Mesa LI W4IS • MeCORMICK LAGUNA BEACH MORTUARY 17'1 I.qua Clayoa Rd. -ts • PACIFIC VIEW Ml!MOlllAL PARR C.memy Mtn111ry QJljld -hctllc Vl<w °""' ' Newport -· •Cllll ... 11 NC-171t • PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FVNERAL HOME . '1111 &lu Ave. Wettmlater tlWUI SMJ'nlS'~RTUARY frl Mala St. Batittrta1Beac• Dia• USE "rat.m SILYERWOOOS CHARGE. Mf.Sl'ER CHARGE, BANICAMERICARO, OA AMfiRICAN EXPRE'SS ' -. ~5 FASHION ISLAND e NEWPORT CENTER '\ • NEWPORT BEACH 1 I ' . ' .. , . ' I . .. --f .. t 'l""t ' . :· :· .. ,. ·' . ,, . .,,,. ' ..... ' .. • ~~Peace'' ' ' • -\, " ' ' \ ' . . •' .. · .. \; • .' 'L'\ (·'. ' • i ., . ' '\ ! :· ' ; ' I \ ! I \ . • . . . .. • • .. 'f •. ' ' •' I ' . . F•ra fn• 11,4" s 11" hori&ooa.I color print of our •P•c•" •09M 1uit.blo ror framin1, ••~7-r nun• •"41 a4)1n11 (lndi.dina alp code) and t.25 to co•er maillq and hand.Lins lo .. P ... ce", Bo.& t828, St. Pa•l. Miaa. Hlt& • . I l \ l . Warning : The •Surgron General Has Oeterrluned That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to You.r Health. . ' • •• 1' " ' • IS r I • • I(,• ' f' I • . ,, • ' " I •• • ' < • ' • Oll~t ll J,11 .. ltt~•' !Ot,llCCO CO, 21 mg."taf, 1.4. mg; nic6tine 1JV. par cigarettt. FTC Repoit AUG.'n. ~ ' . ' • t ..;J~O,,__o~~-'v~•l_LD_T~~~~~~-M-""'---'''~·-D"""~-""~'~~~1_'17_2 !- Nuclear Locatio11 Favored e Fef'f'll ll•f'l•tl SAN Dl~OQ (APJ -Tile keel has I'"'" ltld fl!f 1111 flr11 or three ltlrbl~~lfb. speed ., 1,r,I•• tp operate bflWHf' .-.0 flft' 6sco and lollrln lltrllllf Ill 1974. Cere11XH11ff Wirf ~' wilh San l'rtllllfll'O "~Ill attendanct, a~ C 'fn Jt b JI 11 Industrie1 lhiD1~4. The '5'1·foot~onc 1h!mlntif11 boats w111 •••f'J· wp ~ 11 pa sscngeP1 a' II ljt@t1, f(t- cording to a •P.OkMmlln far Ihe Go14en Q-j. • r 141 • District. PHA.MAC.Y ' • 2700· l Coast H~wav. at FP.rn'P.'f. c.r. .. • 't .. • . ( ANAHEIM 444 H. E11c.ll4 17141 llt-1121 ' " .• " • ' ' ' . 1,' I. • ' . ' . ' • ,•tt.; ,_J,: ... It.(' • • . " I I ·l«!•tery ol ~. •halimar ,: by gotfrlaln . Yes, Shol;moff~-.'th,{t •rarity omen~ .lrogronces, a clossic in iJs o ri time. Subtle yet ever the sorceress~ POetic and pofenf aU at Once. this time, thi's ye6r ... sur round her with SholiQ'lor .. ' the gi ft !hot soys 1 it oll. Perfume, 8.00-27.50 Both Q;I, holl ounce , 5.00 Dusting Powder, 8 ounces, 5.00 Cologne Spr6y , 21/i ounces, 6.50 Cologne, 3 ounces, 6.50; b ounces, 10.00 Telephone and mail orders invited. Cosmetics, 1 f ' -~· ... • ' • • ~ Mo</' • • • • ' NEW,ORT HUNTINQTON IEACH PAA°NGE, -,.. i: Of • .ORAiiltl 47 ~.,hro" l1l1nd 1'77 E1fint•r ""'""' ~rJOO 'fl. vlfl1 St,.1t 1714') 644-1'212 ' ~ '171 4 ~ lt2.]J]I->. ,,..,~7141 :991.'1111 CUOITOS ' SOO• lat C1rrlt11 Mell f21)) 1•0·0411 I SHO' t1; A.M. to 10:00 ,,M. MONDAY THRO~GH SAJURDAY. SUHDA"t' ,J A.M. to M. . .. ' • r I , • I I I • .~~-v ... ' r-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.....i -.. L Jfl. BOfld Life Expectancy 35 in Vietnafu Sue, Elilabeth and Unda. ~ tine are the 111111e1 which <Ollege men reran! u the moot lenlnlne '!be -names which the coeds reran! as the moot masCWine are Dave, Kirk and Michael. Or -be the.:illl!lcatlolli! ID a recent sucvey of l,liG freobman and ~ •• • • NOT JUST A FEW but nmneroua -.U t11in1: the • dolphin Is the moot illlelllgent animal next to man ... NOW, FOit EVERY four new houses built, one's demOl-. iJheji ••• IF ASKED to mune the 111>!1 vegetable that retains Its texture """" frozen and cooRd, ""!the wat.r cbool- nut ... A CllEETAll Clll't sheath 111 claws, remenibEr ••• PSYCllOLOGJ. · CAL ezperimenla have lbown - like """ bella" I b a D _,,.,. like ....:.:., :~:r ,, ,_,.. , I _-I ' '"""""• but I don't -"wll;y. GRAY OVERNIGRJ' -Another famous pa•• ap -hair aJ!eledlf lumed gray OYtmlgbl -Ki!>I Lud-wig of Bavaria. TIJls pbeoom<mori ii said to.have °"""red lmnwliately ofter tbe · ldng c:onilemoed his wife lo deoth. · A moot disturbing ptonouDoemellt, oo doubt. So dblml>liig, In fact, the -ugh! ldng wldently lalled lo -up bis hair with dye .. ....i. ,,. Is Ille customary ••q>la•. lion of such -.gray ,...,..u. - Q. ''CAN I dol illll the -T" • A. So·ll'• ..lei. Caa.<*l·ll-a )'OOllCller ..... same. Q. ~T'S the life .,....-, cl.tbe ·-~ DlmeR !DID!'' • • . A. Al last ""°"It -oge3$. From hlnb. · Q. "ASK YOOR Luguage man where we gel tbe.e:o. prtlSioo '~1fUll. t II A. &!1l Ir_. from the AlrikaaM"word "ljolmJI" s-Not· ---•1n· 'DUUly • ' up the Elle lanpage. Trot Is anoll>er. LOvE AND WAii -Probably seven oat of e-..ry•!O hwibands are iicolllaW. wllo'd 'lllep out'cm·tbelr ~ at any opportunity. So eootends a ll<i!-proclaimed aulla- ily oo matrinmllll i..uble In general, and oo infidelity In particull\r •. Our· Love and War man retards ll)is ~· view as too harsh. Probably only five <ltl1 «!10 lmtMnOr 1would jump the tn>ces at the finl chance, be ""11· !Ml lhe generous teodency of our L. and W. man to g; ... 11ie -of the doubt, please bear In mind. OOACH, PI.BASE note Ibis. A man In a hlue-filpllilll jmey appeArS lo be smaller and sligblly far1ber · away than ·lie actually is. A man In • red jersey _,.. clooor, bigger. It's an cptical Wusl<in caused by the colors. ONLY about 15 perceol of airtbe people Iii thls.coan- try qn be expected lo own · televlsioo sels clurlng ,!l!elr lives. But 92 percent can be especled to get married. 'Iba! proves matrimony Js more, popular than television, tbe1'6- fore Jess •et lo be replaced by some other ~ obe«veJ our Love and War man.-i ·-- OOLOM -It Is a peculiar optical Ulusloo of colon tbal makes a white boo'• egg appoar lo be just a liUle bit larger than a brown boo'• egg of .,.c11y the same lize. IF YOU think aboot K, this wm't wort. Bui If jM• -don't think abool It, you'll probably swallow just llM\UI ev· ery 70 seconds and take M .. ceptionally deep ~ breath every 115 seconds. Or so sci«11J1ic teal& lodlcalo. I , NEXT TIME you find your..U In a less than· .... i debale, keep an eye oo yl>Ur _.,.t•s fln(m. 11•- of the mine! say if Hid party clasps same. that's I , sip a lol of WlOOll-'Ck>us ae11 ... stra1nt appe8l1J nee ry. to 1<eep 'lr<lm aetlloi p11ys1caL Addre" mail to L. M. Boyd, P. 0. Boa; 1815,~- port Beach, Calif. 92660. · • • ' • ' e ' IJ • • .. , .A , ·- .. •f ' •• ,. . .. • ANAHllll'' ... N.1'""4 C114 >"1J s::;1111 • . ' • I .... • ,, . . . • . • . ' • l • • • • •• • •l J - . . '. "'. ~ . " ' ' ' -..-.18,19n O.ULV l'JLOT J J . .. I e!'s nut_s about Knits • Satisfy his passion for great knits with a w.hole flock of dashing . gift tops. A. Zippy turtle, vertical striping, by Hartog in cotton velour, 23.00. B. Collared stripe cotton velour by Hartog, 23.00. C. Knit Skinny rib from Europecraft, iust one from a great group, l+.00 -to 19.00. D. Cable knit wool fisherman ••• just one from a group, 16.00. U'niversif'f Shop. 51 • • • ' ·. · . ORANGE, MALL OF ORANGE • . ~ CIUITOl 10!> ~.e.~ 11-!l l!UI Nit"t I • • .. • " •• ; JI DAILY PILOT ANIMALogk¥~~--Drug Movies Under Attack ~A11 ~ College Signups Scheduled !Ji(), Council Says AH seven films targeted at minority mercials, said many of the: drug educa· Reglstratlon wlll be held Films More Harm Than G(;od Do • -""'-"" __ ,_ "'" ;o""'°'"""~'I 1\·J< ''CA\ GOT yeu~ T01'4Gu£?~ WASHINGTON (AP) - A bespectacled stern-looking middle-aged man in a white medical frock peers out at his audience· and says in grave to11es : "Let's not be fooled by the phrase less- dangerous drugs." Sniffing glue, he says. leads to liver disease. bone ('ancer and eventual death. The film, a popular one, is shown to students throughout the country to discourage them from drug abuse. groups are "totally unacceptable," the tion rum tDakers have "joined a Jan. 3 through Feb. 2 for new council says. multimillion-dollar drug hustle." and cootinuing Orange C.oaA CoUege students b y a~ He saJd well·meaning foundations po1'ntment only A REVIEW PANZL. incuding col· see!< out independent producers who · · umnist WUJiam Buckley, movie critic 1 ..... the' I 1 1 1 1 h New students mu.St schedule ass'&'. ll' eas compe en peop e w o. an interview with a counselor Judith Crist, actor Peter Fonda and in turn, produee inaccurate films which before 0 b ta in i n g ap- Jerome H. Jaffee of the While House create an atmosphere of fear or hysteria. pointments. Cont In u In I S,_.la1 Action Office for Drug Abuse Of 95 new films in the latest isSue of students will be mailed nolieff !""" "Drug Abtise Films," tbe council's com-Prevention, bas published critiques on of times and dates to register. pilatk>n of film critiques, only a few are R · t t" ·11 be h Id the 220 film8 for use by educators and nded. egis ra ion WI e · recomme fro.m 9 a.m, to 8 p.m. Mondays A PRIVATE GROUP seeking to others selecting drug abuse films. through Thursdays and from 9 upgrade the quality of drug abuse educa· Earle, himself a producer of TV com-DESPITE 11IE ISSUANCE of two a.m. to :t p.m. Fridays in the Old Goat lion says the film is typical of most and a earlier editions of "Drug Abuse Films," admissions office. big reason why young people don't said the council's executlv.e director. Late registration )Yill 'be believe what they are told about mari· Di•ive-in Ordered Peter G. Hammond, "1be films are get-beld from Feb. s to 16 during juana, amphetamin._es and other drugs. Jing more and mo~ mediocre.'' the same hours on the same • I See by Today's Want Ads * KNO\V ANY GOOD SAND DUNES? Then you might have f\ln in this ~fflllX fiberglass ctune bua>'· It has a 1600 cc VW englnt ·and a lull cage rollbar. * T ll I S MOTORCYCLE TRAILER for 2 bikes with 8" whttls rould come In handy sometime. Might make a good pttsent. too. *PUREBRED German Short Hair pups for sale, \Vill keep 'til Christmas. Escapes Captors Richard Earle, president of the Na-T H } X R f!l--This year's critique is for the first time schedule, and no appointments bona! Coordinating Council on Drug 0 a t ' lllllll sponsored and financ:<d by private foun-will be neeessary. Education. told a news conference here dations instead of the National Institute =~F~o~r~m~or~e=i~nf~o~rm~at~io~n~, ~ca~U~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~; that most drug abuse films ''We doing VISTA (UPJ) -The City Council has of Mental Health, be said. 834-5~. · more hann than good." ' voted unanimously to order the Vista Or the 95 ·films appearing tn the new The council said that of 220 films it bas Drive-In Theater to stop showing X and listing, the council said 20 percent reviewed over three years, on1y Mor 16 R rated movies, under threat of being should not be shown at all. Another 6S N ·1 E L" L .d · percent have been recommended for use closed .. a public nul!ance. pereent should not be shown withoul ear y veryone 1stens to an . ers GREAT F~U.S, Mo.nt; (AP) in schools, churches or other wall-mean· There have been complaints rrom clearing up in a later discussion -:-An old ~h1te g?at, hv1ngout 1~1n~g~or~g=an=l1.a:Uo:os:_:bo:p:ing:_:'°~·:curb:_dru:g:__pa§re~n~ls~Ut~at~c~hi~·1<1ren~~can~see~oe~ss~pp~1icc~ya:cli:o:n_!nus~·~co~nc~eptC!ons:_::or~~i n~a~c:c:•:•:•:c:i:•:'_::::=:=~·===============:;::=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=. h~ears in self-imposed exile abuse. from outside the theater's grodnds. presented. \..-. oh a small island in the middle of the Missouri River near thi9 northern Montana City, ap- parently prefers his solitary cxisJence to the company of man. The goat was one of 20 in- troduced to the small Wand 10 ( ANLVALS ) years ago to eat underbrush to provide campsites tor Boy Scout troops. But the animals stripped the 10-acre island, known unof- ficially·as G<lat Island, of the undergrow th used by migratory birds that sought refuge on their way south. The old goat eluded the clutches of the Montana Fish and Game Department in a roundup ()f the animals. He daily avoids capture by am· bitious youngsters. e 1 ... e~t• AWed MONTEREY (UPI) - A pair of tardy Mon.arch bt.lt- terflies who needed a Uttte help from their friends and two airlines joined the rest of the Cock at their breeding grounds here. The colorful insects, named Bingo and Banjo by tl\e first grade students in Kent, Wash., who raised them as a science project, were flown south by Western Airlines and Hughes Air West. The school chi!~ hoped lo release the buttert1ies, which they raised from cocoons, in lime for them to join the an- nual Monarch migraupn 1o the Monterey PenJn:ru!a. But they didn1 grow fut enough and rrtmed the mass exodus. e DotJgle H•"en MIAMI (AP) -'11lere's a littJe COrner of Doggie Heaven in Coral Gable~. And it's of· ficlaL The southeast comer of Red Road and Tamiami Trail has gone to the dogs. It was recorded in l h e Dade County Courthouse. The site "is reserved for perpetual use as a comfort slation for canines. All dogs reg~~s ~ d. I !ex, size.. a.s.eJ . pedigree. or ownerShip may relieve at will." The SO-foot circle on the cor· ner, which doglover Lee Lin- coln owns, may even be decorated with a welcome sign -if the zoning board will permit it. . e 'Gators Mo"e EVERGLADES NATIONAL PARK, Fla. (AP) -Twenty. one alliga\on fto~ ftte Bf'91i 7.oo are adJ~ting to life in the wild in tbe Evergl.ldes Na- tional· Park. The alligators were shipped here recently from New York and released · in two small ponds in the park. "! think they'll do all right," said John Oaden. a mearch biologlst. ' ' The Bronx ZoCI donated the al1igators to make room for a breeding program centered on several rare and endangered species such as the Cuban crocodile and the Chinese alligator. eme• Fooled WASHINGTON (API -The Air Force has successfully carried out' lts intssion of dropping sexually sterile Oles to eliminate screwworms from the Virgin Islands. t h c Agriculture Department said. Sterile screwwonn f I i e s were dropped tn w e e 'k 1 y 90rtles by Air Force ptane!I for more than a year until tht practice wa1 dllconUnued last month. The It.rile male filef ll)ate with •the !ertllt !emal .. 'l!l>l<h theo lay -wlllCh do DOI halcS I J · ~wwomu, ff.om ftrtlllJ.ed <ti• laid In open wounds of ll•eslook, can. criP!>le and ••tn k!!I anlma!J. 'lil!tTOC<:Oll<Jnllly \infest humans. f 0 • • • 0 BtJILDE:RS EMPORIUM ""ll!YIMOIOI 04' YOll,._OO INC:., .... f CO<llltOIYlllOff • ! SALi PRICIS IPPimYI THRU HC ... IR 24. 1972 ....... AILY 9 A.IL TO 10 P.M., SUllDAY 9 A.M, TO 6 P,M. , I-o OPm CllRISTMAS IYl•nL 6 P.M. -CLOllD -·i~S DAY -----------.. COLICO ~------------------, SUPnLICTlllC IO·IPEED T.M. PORTABLE ELECTRIC SPORTS GAMES RACING BIKE HEATER features automatic thermostat control, deluxe fan for instant heat, safety tipqiver switch, chrome safety guard and hide-away handle. UL approved. 01n••• Tiii fAMILY 999 "MINN SOTA PATS" 6' POOLTABLI wn'llUJIO•nTW · Double panel wood grained legs. Use wal.nut grained top as o mini table tennis table 0( as a dining top far.extra guests. \ ' • . , Pro Stars Football, Command ~ntrol.Football, Deci~on Football, Pro Stars Hockey, Stanley Cup Hockey, Pro % OFF Stars BoslcetbaU, Pro Stars. Baseball, Pool 'n Pins, Sandbag Throw, 101 Games Board. CLEARANCE! WHILE QUANTITIES LAST ...__•_-_'"_•_•_-_"_"""' _ __, (ALL ITEMS NOT AVAILABLE IN All STORES! BOY'S 3·SPllD . Hl·RISE BIKE Front and'back hand brakes, chrome ::;;;:~,fenders, kickstand and olo seat. Flamboyant ~~) yellow color. Shift levers on top tube, hooded lever caliper brakes and deluxe podded black saddle. 26" model. 'I CLOllOU1 llAllUf •c1u•:: All111111 . L11111••1· 1uanc1 BIKI C41!1RIEll 7"' IALI ll Oil 1tAllD 10 110' 99 \ MIN'S 0, LADlll' 26'' 3~SPllD BIKE 3 speed touring bike with enameled fenders, chain guard and kickstand. Complete with California Hig hway Patrol approved reflector pedals. 0 99 4499 • 8"x24" otlT FO• MOM oa .DAO GAS LOG 511" WALNUT SHELYINO ••xai COLONIAL OAK PANELING • auuiffvL OAKLOD•f luxury in fireplace living. '. The finest quality in logs. Easy to install. No expe.nsive rilaintenonce. CUAUIKll - WNKI IUAMmlll UST Approximately 8 lncht1· deep by 24" wide. Elegant 5/8" solid core with walrwt·finl1h. 149 IA. ' _..._ --- I~'' PADLOCK #301 lomlnated steel case with bra11 cylinder and hardened sie91 shackle. Complete with tw.o keys. Extra strong and extra safe. Cover those walls now with this econ9micol panel. Its deep 9' brown color Wih '•nfich any room. Apply over~ftY solid surface with · nel adhesive. T,M, 1•• u.1... IA. (SIMULATED" wooO G~A1Nf ::::, ________ ..-/ IUILDIRI Best 'SNAIL BAIT 2'12 LBS. These clean, dry pellets ore easy to scatter into shrubs, ground covers and where-snails and slugs hide. ....... -- RYllMllllBI · AMERICA'S GREATEST HARDWARE-SJORES SAYE 5.00 24'' llYEGRASS 10 LBS. Turn that brown lawn into o lush, green carpet for the holidays. 10 pounds cover l 000 square feet. --~~~~~--~......, r~~~~~~~~-. 121211YINllLYD. WISTMlllSTIR '711WR1MINITH ••• BUINA PARK "'YAu.r\'YllWST. .... TORO M>HIOCtlfllU> TUSTIN OMlllOCILDrNIWPOITAYL ATOOLDINWISTST. ,.TUllCOLNAYL s1. ATILTOloao. ORA .. 01 IM>LIATIUAAYL LAH•••' A nnw.lANAHAILYD. FULURTOll 24'51.CNAPMA••••· .. ntLJnuT. ~-------,;.•.;.T.;,TV;.;;1.0Tl.01'-AY.L,_ __ _. .-... ATllACMILYD. · ATSTATICOLUSllLYD. COalAMll~ AllANTAAMAA,YL LONG BEACH • VAN N!JYS. RIVEllSIDE. CQYINA.• IA CRESCEN'filt: OUSANQ 'OAKS. SIMI• IANCASTER. CHA TSWOl!TH •TARZANA. UPIAND • SAUi;us • CHUIA VISTA e GOLETA e VISALIA e VICTO!IVILLE • GRANAD~ ',HILLS·• SAN BER~ARDINO o CAMARILLO • BAKE.RSFIELD"•.HACIENOA HEIGHTS•SANTA MARIA " e SANTA CIARA• e CORONA •ESCONDIDO • SP.RING. YALLEY • IADERA HEIGHTS • RES EDA •EAST LOS ANGELES e DEL AMO ' . . . • 0 ( • c d H • c ' y ti J a $ s a c t I a f I • "• . . . ""· .. •. < •. .. •t i-'J •,• ............. . Flllale'ln Newport I Light Winds for Regatta· • • r • • l • ~ ••• .. ' . . . . ' DAILY PILOT J:J Golden West Offers Courses in Sailing 1 Light to non-e1lstent wioda grttted the lZ'I boats In 14 Club's SUnk1at Serles will mark the opening of acttvltios for 1!173 on the weekend of Frtd Maollonald, NBYC, and Rany MacLaren, MBYC; (3) Drumbeat Doo ~AYTH Jr., No. 2%1, Tom Riley, MBYC. Golden West College is the latest school to take on lhe sailing program as part of its athletic activity, bright yellow IJdo-141 from the W.D. Schock Coa>pany, manufacturers of tbe l,J4. I classes that turned out Satur- d&¥ and SUnday for NewpMt lial'bor Yacht Club 's ChriJtmu regatta. Jan. g.7. Olristmas Regatta reaults: OCEAN RACING (It) -(I) Antarea, Alan Andrews, 1 BYC: (I) Outrage, • John Calley, CYC; (3) tie belween Tribute, NHYC. Ll00-14A (II) -(I) Little MORF (5) -(I) Ile Core, Twitch, Chad TwlcheU, LIYC; l\al Preslon, NHYC. (Z) Balas, Guion Ortiz, BYC ; PHRF' (IS) _ (I) Grilfln, (3) Old Pokey Vll, M.,.ty • The program got under way with the delivery of lhree The fully equipped 1loops were accepted by Fred 'Owen, athletic director for Golden West. It was the last regatta of the ' year in the Newport area. The l second race of Balboa Yacht 1 lnflnting Craft Sales Booming • el NllY Lockney, LIYC. Jeff Farw I, C; (2) Lwnaraw, Bill Rohrs, VYC; LJD0.14B (13) -(I) Gol (3) Big Maggie, Mike Harvey, ~Pio~n~0J~n ~~~;~ p':iiiws (IS) -I I ) BYC; (3) Marsaldh; Doris h Kirst, BYC. Tomino, Howard Wrlg t and KITE (6) -Vortex, Bruce Bill Marlln, NllYC; (Z) No. 1811, Jooepb O'Hara, LYC; (3) TwicheU , VYC. Patience, John Homm e, -SABOT A (14) -(I) No. NHYC. 7571, William Moore, ABYC; •EXCALIBUR (II) _ (I) (Z) No. 7400, Jack Franco, Pahi Ka Da Id Ann t LIYC; (~ Racing Machine, .• • ua, v s rong, k IDIYC; (2) CQmmotlon, Butler Mar Ga <tio, NHYC. and Alcumbrae, NHYC. SABOT B (I) -(I) Cherry , ''"""° ,,,.,. By LEROY POPE poonds but will support 3SS TllIS'l'LE (g) ( I ) Bomb, Sieve Rado•, NJIYC; NEW YORK (llPll -lnfla-pounds. • Rhinegold, Bernie · Gerstein, (Z) Puff O'Wlnd, Ste ve: MAlDEfl VOYAG E -Three conse<:Utive!y number- tion ls' a word lo make ~ American Safety's two-man SI'SA. • • Bloemeke, OYC. ed Lid~l4s shove off from the Coast Community bu!lnessmen swear, bllt in~ pack mt welgbs only six SOUNG (7) -(I) Tempete, SAB<n' C (13) -(I) .No. boating industey It's welcom--pounds with ears and folds tn.. Anlly Zimbaldi, NHYC; (2) 7:>76, Suzanne Sp angler , Sailing Base after they were presented to Golden SELJ.llfG YOUR BOME ... FBA-VA? U you are paying more "polnta" than Homecharqe1, you are·over-poyinq. Call the I.ling lmder Seller•. find out today hOw much you can aave by call- inq Q.ne of Home's neighbor.- hood Loan Consultant• . You'lllMwhyHomeSavinqa makes more real estate locuia than any other aaaociation in the nation. Ppcm• anr olfice of Home Scninqi: ed. to an eight by 20-lncb cylinder. Jude, MarUn Beek, NHYC. NHYC; (ll) Blasl; Tom West College to implement the school's sailing pro· Am A boom In the ,manufacture n ... nservetbehlkerasabed FINN (16) -(I) No. 96, Halderman, B<;YC; (3) Lil erica's Largest and saJe of inflatable craft of _a~nd~ba~t~ht~u~b~as"._.":well'."'._:·a~s'._'a'..'boa~I::_. ~R~ay~Boolh~~·:;_B'.'.Y~G:_; ~(Z:tl_:cN~o.:._1~51'.:_,__:Sunshin"."_'.'".""~e,..'.Liaa'.':. ~G'.'.:ru::nd~.Y~·~N~H'.'.Y.'::C:.... _"gr~am=·:_ _______________ ...'..'.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;="='="=~~ aU . sizes is sweeping the boating worl~. The TieW Jn. flat.ables m very ·different form the surplus Navy rubber rafts sold in such quantities rf,gbt after World War.,. U; although that type slill sells ... u. Even if you have no interest in boating or fiJhing, there could be a'n iofiatable craft in your ruture. 1£ you ever are unlucky enough to be aboard an airliner that makes a forc- ed landing on water, a modem inflatable raft will be your best hope of rescue, according to William Miller, manager of recreation products f o r American Safety Equipment Corp., of Encino. THE NEW circular life raft for aircran can be thrown overboard aOO inflated io 14 seconds. Allbougb it Is rated to hold 30 persons, Eastern Air Lines found In tests at the Air Force's Survival Station at T\lrkey Poiot, F1a., that it will hold 49 persons, even if un- derinfJated .cJ Eastern has ordered 700 of the rafts. But the big boom in in- flatables is for recrealloo. The craft comes in all sizes from a one-man water walker for trout fishermen to one that can carry efll>t _.,.. md • 7"p. outboard molor. n.e alao are v....ioc., _co_~ ~.~~~wtll run rapids no canoe or P:tff ctMild navigate. "Saleo an probably around $50 mllllon a year at retail now with the big volume io the lower price end ol tbe marke~ tbe l:bid of rubber or vteyl -fabric craft sold io di>-oount . lllOreS, iiiii'llDr ~ stores ed. everi guofine sta- tions," Miller said. "Many~ of thele are made to Taiwan, Japim -and Korea, but l(llDt a~ made In the United stales. 1bee' ae11 for frolll 129 lo fl5." MILLER SAID the demand now is for much better and more rugged crart to sell for flOO to fl,000. The French and Brittm pioneered hlgb quallty Inflatable boats made of high strength fabrics i~ted with neoprene and other im· permeable materials. they are experUy designed and easy to navigate, yet far lighter and easier to innate than the clumsier cheap craft. "Even a big craft of this type can be handled easily by oae per.;on and carried lo the tiunk of a car," Miller sakl. The French 1.odlac a n d B<mbard and the British Avon .... -the better -mates. • p American firms are g~ttlng into the higher grade Jn. flatables because the retallen, especlaUy tbe big cba1n oot• > fits . are demanding It, Miller said. -"MY COAll'ANY will be oot Soon with a line of bigger Jn. flatables, including a sailboat," be added. ~ear Tire &;· Rubl>er Is reported lo be readying a line of higher performance crafl American Safety Equipment has devoted itseU up to now in high quality Inflatables ao light Ibey can be carried In a biker's backpack. 'lbe water walker, for example, folds· into a cyfinder .eiah_t by 12 ln- clles aod weJgllf ollly U UT'S BEnDlY If. you hive new nc!:llhbotl M knOW ot 1n)'one moYlnl \o our .,..., p1te.te tell ua .o thlt "'e mar extend a frletldlY '"~ •rid help them to ~ acquainted. In thelr MW t~lnp. SI. Ceast Ylsltlr -..sn ~"" HOr Visitor '46-4114 0 . ' • • 0 BUILDERS EM.PORIUM SAU PRICH lffH'.l'IVI TllllU DICIMBIR 24 OPlll DAILY, 9 A.M. TO 10 P.M,, SUNDAY 9 A.M. TO 6 P,lilL. · ' ·OPD CllllllTMAS IYI 'TIL 6 P.M.-CLOUD CHRISTMAS DAY OUIDOo• ARTIFICIAL REPLACEMENT BULBS CHRISTMAS TREES ' ., - ----{' 111111• ....... -.1 #C-7 -ACK 45c , C-9 2MT. HIAYY DUTY IXJ.IUION CORD 59.c ' , 22"x21" ' FRAMID-PICYURll'- cu•-a11D IYD Pllllln These reproductions will decorate walls in almost any room of your home. Complete with decorator lastic molded frame. --.-: 26'' SIN•u aOLL CHRIS'l'MAS PAPIR This 26" paper will decorate ony hi-style package. 50 square feet to · , make your job easier on large packages. IO''TIFLON II FRY PAN -OR 10" SYAINUS.l...TlllL lllAMIL COARD FRY P Aii .. Select from a Teflon II coated Fry Pon or an enamel coated sfoinle1s ste'el fry pan. Both provide even heat for better cooking. YO.,R CHOICI 99 FLOOR IAMPLU ONLY Most of these beautiful ortificlal frees hove been decorated by professional display experts. Your cost is just one half .the regular retail price of the tree and all decorations used. CUARAllCll WHILI QUANTITIES LAST SPRAY SNOW 13•0Z:. SISI Just push the top ond spray on winferl Give your tree, mantle or windows that freshly fallen snow look. CLE ARANClf WHLLI QUAMTITllS LAST! 7·111C. lllOaCILAIN INAMIL COOKWARE SIT Porcelain enamel cookware set with white enamel inside. Ideal for oil your c:Ooking needs. In decorator solid colors. ··! ----'---'>-- WASHIRLISS • • pc._ YIU-- . FRONT CAR MAT ROSCO 7·111C • SCRl*DRIYIR SET 'llCk & Decker· ' , .,.,, CIRCULAR SAW FAUCIT hlJ"telntwlll No compression washer to start dripping. Complete with insfruction booklet., 149 . ' 11'•308 il'ICI AL PUICMAlll WMILI UAllTITllS LAST name mots ore mode of boovy duty, see-fhru, vinyl for rugged weor. I •4"'1 They flt most cars. Jn a1sort1d color1. #7V 1PICIAL , ·PUaCMASll WMIU QUAMTITllS LAST AMERICA'S GREATEST HARDWARE STOR ES 1111-•v.. .... L ... •M'T Aft. - BUINAP~K . ll .. YAWl'V11WST. . At lUKOll A YI. · The bigQest bUy on a husky sow. Full one honepower, burnout protected motor. .~ Calibrated bevel I L TORO to 45°. Depth ....adjustment to 2%" .. 24"1 IOCIPllLD ATnTOHn. JULLIRTOll 24'SLCMAtMAllAYL COSTAMISA 1ttL1n11n. At STA ti COUIGI llYO. ATSAITAAUA,YL 1-0-.--.-.. --.--"';';I A ml W, LA IAIU llft. I ,_.... LA MABRA ATIW••~· LONG BEACH •VAN NIJYS •RI ERSLDE • CQVINA-• LA CRESCE_NTA·• THOUSAND 'OAKS •SIMI •LANCASTER • CHATSWORTH • TARZAN A e UPLAND e SAU.GUS •CHULA VISTA· e GOLETA •VISALIA •yLCTOR_VILLE • 9RANA!» ·.HILLS·• S~N BERl'.IARDINO ~CAMARILLO • BAKE.RSFIELD •.HACIENDA HEIGHTS, SANTA MARIA •SANTA CLA~ e CORONA •ESCONDIDO • SPRING. VALLEY • LADERA HEIGHTS e RES EDA •EAST LOS ANGELES o DEL AMO 0 • , I l I I. 0 0 • • I , • DA ILY PILOT No Hiring Expected At Collins Collins Rn<lio Con1pany's Nev.•port Beach plant \Yon·1 be hiring even though ,the rirn1 has been awarded a $1.8- mOlion con1 rac1 by the Boeing Aircraft Company, officials say. The C'Onlract. v.·hich call s for de\·rlopinent and production of a high speed early·\varning conununication system called A\\'ACS for the Air Force. v.·as a~·arded by Boeing last week. COLJ.lNS \\'ILL r e c e 1 v e $200,000 immediately to get the program started and of- ficials of the Newport Beach branch say the contract virtually assures all current employes their jobs are stable -at least as loflg as the con- tract runs. Monday, Dtctrnbtr 18, 1'72 Editorial Speaks To Cabot BOSTON !UPl)-The old dit- ty goes: "And this is good old Boston. the home of the bean and the cod ; where the Lowells talk on1y to the Cabots and the Cabots talk only to GOO." Someone e!S<' talks to the Cabols. the Boston Globe not- ed in an editorial on the tum· ing away of Pov.·ell Cabot from Boston's Ritz-Carltoo bar. THE CA.BOTS are one of the well-known, old New England families referred to a s ··arahmins.'' Cabot had on a turtleneck sweater and a scarf. He was told the Ritz required all male patrons to wear a tie and . there were no exceptions. "LESSER l.IGHTS, · who cannot talk to the Lowells, let alone the Cabals in this home town of the bean and the cod , \l'i!I applaud the Ritz.Carlton's evenhanded justice," the l;Jobc editorial said . Early Education Studied r·---:-·-1 By JOHN ZALLER Of "'-u.llY """ ,,.,. The Fountain Valley and Ocean View school distric\S are moving swiftly to get in on the ground floor or the state's new Early Childhood Educa· lion prograni.. Valley Eyes Progran:i Although the $25-million bill was signed into law just three \Yeeks ago. both dislricls ha ve begun to study its benefits to their schools. to reduce the a,du lt·to-student ratio In tbe primary grades from tb.e slate-funded level of 3().tcrone to at least 10.to-one. THE PRlMARV t b r u s t would be to Individualize in- structlon f o r primary-age. children in an effort. to. guarantee that every child leaving the third grade has mastered basic readings and math skills. In addition, it would require extensive parent involvement; both as classroom aides and in the decision-making·proces.s. j "The program gives us a Tl:IE MONEY is allocated' ctlance to compete [or funds from the . state level on a we haven't had before," said percenlage fonnula. assistant superintendent Bob s8'nchis or Fo.untain Valley. The Huntingotn Beach City ,-• .-;;;;,;-..,m;;m;;;;;;;;;;;;..,;;;;;;;;;ll Preliminary estimates in· dicate that Fountain Valley could receive as much as $1-W.OOO to spend pn kin· dcrgartm through third grade students at two or its 17 schools. Ocean View might receive as much as $200,000 for three Qf its 24 campuses. 87 % OF YOUR RNANCIAL SUCCESS (elementary) School D!Strict1• wiU probably not consider entering the ·program, ac- cording to Supreintendent S. A. 'loffctt. Cl"PMCI•.., yo11r •bUI,., tt c1 .. 1 wit~ n pe9pl.i llltplre tttemi will llle111 N If . d II ro11r ''"Y et 11111111111g. it oes not. it wi be the 0.111 tt111 1kL11. J•"' tnt only West Oi::ange County Cele Cerne9ie Ccur5e "We abould ha\'e an excellent chance • for funding ~!If the PtQgram stressea thin~ like indiVklualizatlon ot ln- struetiQn that this district has beefl 'korking at since 1967." ~chis added that the district is pleased to have the state ''validatine" Fountain Va'lley's program by making it required for the statewide Early Childhood program. "l'RE EARL V Childhood program IOOkS like a chance to further our educat.Jon program and have the state pay for it," CANOLESI CANDLES! pre-holldoy lf'IVENTORY CLEARAN~E! lftollt.Mcl1 I• dtMM lnrnt ~; 50% OFF MISSION CANDLE CO. 1l7J L ... 11 (111111 Al C•ll• IJI""' c-r ••., & H•rtlll•I said Woodis C))addick, Oceon I { \ View'sasslstantsuperin·I c 6 Jendent. ! .• M"" ' He said the basic goals of ! Cl!ftlt,_ f the ·uew state program are the ~ . .<'l.a\!)..,.J' same as district goals adopted Ii '-' ... "" In 1970. • CJAL HOURS '~ "We'll have nQ problem I SPE meeUng the criteria of the I FOR CHRISTMAS ~ progran1 if our trustees ap-1 Wt:l!I NIGHTS -YIL I ~ prove it," Chaddick said. SUNDAYS 11.J ~ Moffett, or H u n t i n g t o n Af,~ii Beach elemen.tary, said he ti r?J ... ff. ~ hasn't studied the possibilities i P.utWfMJ ; n offered by the program~ 11~ because the district is too« J467 YI• Ude New,.rt hoc M m ,.._: 67J""4S 10 overcrowded to accommQdate '!a,.~,....••••? any new programs. NATALIE SCHUCKMELL M.D., F.A .A.P. Wishes To A,.nounce The OP.enin9 Of Her Office For The Pre ctlce Of Peclietrics. 18124 CulVer Or., Suite ''G" Irvine, Calif. 926b4 By Appointment Only Phone 552·8 I 1 I A spokesman for the com· pany said the contract will run about 18 months with an op- tion al the end of that time period to contract for $2 million more work on pro- duction of the system, wh il'h 1vill be installed aboard 3~ Boeing 707 jets. He's 1'to. J Pre s ident Nixon cl utcbes inaugural lie· ense plate No. 1 pre- .!iented to hin1 for his presidentia1 limousine by the chairman of the i1laugural co1n1nittee. ''The pedestrian trade will argue with unassailable logic that. if they cannot be served while wearing turtlenecks1• the limousine and sports car c\ientele should be turned away also." elementary district not in-c•11 w .4191 ttr lllfofm•tlM l!~·~-~~::::;··;.,..;··;;·;"'~·~·;~::;;·~·"~..ll'.:=::=::==:::=::=::==::=:=::11~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ valved at least in giving the program study, aocording to a -- survey of local school o((icials. ~ The Early Childh~ Educa-ft -- lion program provides money '"Busy!> Signal Ma Bell Braces for Yule What do doctors recommend The only busier body than Santa Claus on Christm~s Day will be ~1a Bell and her elec- trook elves. Orange County's crew of 410 Paciric Telephone Company n1en and women 11·il\ h11ndle an anticipated record 256.300 cal!s, with 380 operators on duty. OPERATORS EXPECT to assist with 81 ,300 ca 11 !' customers can't -or won't - dial direct, while the re· maining 175,000 v.•ill be nuide without their aid. "Weil have every available operator on duty. but callers may still encounter some delays.' warns di1 islon traffic for patients in pain? manager Gail Duffey. Docto' all' th t d. SO OOO He ootcs that Christmas rs OVer e CODD ry ISpeDse OVef. , ,000 Day '""' serond only to Of these tablets to their patients each year ~1other's D.:iy in the volume of 1•1 . . • . 1cre are man~ mechcabons a torE recon1mcnd most than any long·dlstnncc lclept1?ne calls phyaicitln. or dentist can pre-other leading tablet. ;ind all the yulct1dc 11·cll-8Cribc for pain. Some are-nar-1-leadache and dental JXlin is 1vishcrs seem to be calling lov-colic, lllll!'Y. 8.re availahlc. only relieved incredibly fast: minor cd ones at the same time. on_prHC~Ption. B~t \here.is one pains of arthritis are depend- pn1n rohever, avn1lable without ably eased for houn1: even the "USUAL CALLING patterns preiicription, doctors dispense achl'!i! and pains of colds and flu , t h · d , ,, I · again and again ... Anacin. · respond to Anacin. So the ten-go OU t C WUl ow, exp ains Each year, doctoni give over sion and depression that can be Duffey. 50,000,000 Anacin tablets to caused by such pain will be re- Duffcy says the best thing t~ir patients in pain. If d~rs lieved too. And millions take he could [ind in his stocking l~tnk enough about Anacin to Anacin without atomactl upset.. . d1apenAe all lbeae tablets, what When you're in pain, why De<:. 25 IS th_ousands of better reconunendation can you don't you follow the pnlctioe or telephone calls being made on aak when you are in pain? so many doctors and take the the day before or after You aee, Anacin contains tablet a doctor mi&ht give you Christmas. more of the pain reliever doc- in his own office. 'Jake Anacin•. You're not dreaming. These frilly, fu ·ssy nyJon nighti.es are I for But hurry in. They won't last long under the ~uiggly" Roof. Set your alarm !or early. All the sl.eepyheads on your gift list want these nylon tricot short y gowns wi.l:h sheer nylon overlays and trimmings. Delicious pastels, stzes small, medium, large, and extra-larQe. F'Pee Ph.oto ~th Sa.n:t:a.! de veloped while you wa it! Boca.use Santa likes to know how his young friends are growing. he 'd like 10 have a picture taken wlfh rhem. You11 ge1 a FREE copy. beauflfullv mounted for a Christmas sulllrlse for Oad1 ALL THIS AND FREE CANDY FOR THE CHILDREN TOO! Jo:ln. ~:fun. December 19, 2!J and 21, 1·4 PM KEYSTONE SAV,INGS ·-AaD LOAli AUfll(IATICNI RonaJd VJ. Caspers , Chainnan of the Board · W•tllUuttr 14011 Beach Blvd~ 89S.?491 A.nel\elm orna SS5 N. tuclld, ?7Z-74.W . A.lf"POC'1 l:e1ter 4301 M1~Ar1l1ur Blvd. !ll-0367 e•UIDA "IW 13000 ~St • WOODU.lllD Milli tl500 Ylt!Ol'Y Sltf. • llVllSIDI 3~ TylJ e SANTA ANA J900 Sovth Bristol SI. e TOllANCI 5;pulvedl llld HhtMirr111 • LAllWOOD C1r1011 St. tnd Pat~llt &lvll.' e IUINA ,All Htltfl ttld Oflflptlllil(ll 'otAtull ~lleA CIM M lfld tc...-w OpM Wt•ll"•r• t 1JO t• 101001 Chrht•,• ••• f 1,JO t• 7't0 > -. . . I I ' • ' l ' " • alid w " t: '(: * f. n t ' llOaul ' . Jn r!nt plain ere& viabili labor . . • • • I "'I ~ • \ ... . ' • .-v ~ -... ~ ... •• • .. ~ ..... ., ..... ' f rea Pluntaing · School, Ecology ' l : Groups to Unite • By JOANNE REYNOLDS 'Educators and envirorunentallsts from West Orange County have decided to ba/1d toge!ber to help their <:Qmm\mlUeo plan the best use of thelr natural areas. Dr. Richard Altim&ri, director of •l"CiallY !unded pr0f!l'8JD8 foe the Hunt· blilon Beach Unloo High School District sl.id the group, Is In the pllllllMg stage + will meet in January to complete a ~rter and proj>osaJJ for HunUngtoo Beach's Central Park. '~AU.Ell 11IE WEST OR).NGE County '1yironmeotal Education Association, it !I i:mhrace all the school districts thin the high school district as well as t , Huntington JSeach ,bvironmental ~cil and the ~estmlni st cr Beautification Association. ~ In a letter sent prior to the group's dnt meeting in November, Allimart ex- plained that "the main purpose for creating th1a group was to assure the viability ol the community science · laboratory concepl" )n an effort to · .. enhance the toll,! llC!eoce program, and in partjcular envimunentat education within the greater Huntington Beach l!OL "Although the city of Huntington !leach has rectlved fund! for much of the Cen- tral Park's development, there exists a need to coordinate the desires of all local educational qeoc1es in order to max- imize the educatlooal benefits foe our total com"J"•lty." . AL11MARI NOTED mAT in addition to recommeftclatm for Central Park, the group allo will probably consider . devJ!lOpment ii a marine laboratory or station at the Huntington Beach pier and the uae of the Bolaa Chica marshes, the Seal Beach Wildlife Preserve. and Sunset Aquatic Park as Qltural laboratory sites. He ·said that Ute organizational S;truc- ture d. the ptiUP will not be set unW the January meetln&, but noted that the assciation probably will ask several organizations such as the Southern California Edison Company, Cal State univenlties at Long Beach and Fullerton, the cities and the Orange County Sanita- tion District to participate as advllers . . \ DAILY PILOT Stefl "'9 .. Eagle Seout Brad Pierce, 18, a Golden West freshman, has been awarded the rank of Eagle. He is the ol Mr. and Mrs. Albert R. Pierce, 16988 Edgewater Lane, Huntington Beach. Try Travel Next best thing to taking a trip is reading about one in the travel col· umns of the Sunday DAU.. Y PILOT. Physician Convicted For Drug BERKELEY (Al') -A mwtlclpal judge bas flned an Albany physician and his two nurses for dispensing the ban- ned drug laetrile as a cure for cancer. The defense served notice of appeal. J U D G E GEORGE BruM found them guilty after re- jecting a defense pie.a that an exception 1n federal I a w pennlta the drug to be used. Dr. John A. Richardson WI! handed a $2,500 fine, a SU!pended s.lx-month j a i I sentence and probation for three years. . NURSE CHARLOTTE Andersen received a $250 fine -and-a suspended 9Ckfay jail sentence, and nurse Margaret Grosch a $600 flne and a suspended 90-day sentence. The defendant! sUpulated tha they had !Old laetrile to state undercover agents pos-- ing as cancer patients, but ·argued that a "grandfather clause" in a federal drug law made no off~nse or the transaction. Yes. vve~ll·deliver your · Golor " ' . . . ,t .......... :::: ' ;;,......~ .. _..;:: .. , --xPltt.,.,,_~ .. ·~ II 'S~'eOlor "J)V. 'The pie-~ l,l•j!\, oJi!irp and bright and y .... ~l~lt'111bout .. cloteto .-. 1Mfli(&I01 ~con gel. And ii'• bol1' to 1Ut; qmeered to per· form beautlfU!ly for years. Buy one now and we promise to have it in your home for Christmas (even if we have to hire a little chubby deliYuy man to help ua~ 25" dlag. SYUIAttA COUJR . Sytnn.-.,.lo~odel CL130-2WR with~giant 25" diagonal Color Bright 85'111 picture tube and Gibraltar 90 cha1ait for aolid state reliability. Plus S function Remote control. Matching 1tand optional extra. Only s499ts • Contempqruy style Sylvan ia color TV model CL2«1 with new 25" .ditpll-Qtf9Matrix™pictur.-Wb&., 'lbuch·Tune'niTuntnr brings In the desired channel immediately with· out a<>lnl through the ones In be- tween. PIUI the OT-lOOTM chassis ror ~· ultlmate jll IOlld·statereliabWty. \ Only $64995 \ - / SYLVANIA COLOR TV / GhiJdrelf!i big colorful ,Sy~'.JVPuzzle .-. %5 l!e .... of IKCe!Jl'lttr·A Dep~4111ttr ~ COSTA MESA EL TORO HUNTINGTON BEACH H bo A S.d<lloback Valley Fountiin V1ll1y .. 1 ' r r•• II t ... 14. • ,. •• .,. ............ 1 ..,..w . ii 411 l...,S.uwlMililtft St. c_, .. ..._, (llfllt .. ~·Miit.i hftrt t.f. ht, t-6 ~ 10:-to ht. 1M hlty lM, ht. 10·9 646-168!1 837-383Q 962-5528 .• IADIP ...QISPATCHEQ ,.Uc.tORY . AILT.HO.lt!ZED TV Iii ,APP~IANCE _ ~ER~CE P!l.9NE 5_4 8·34~7 ~ - ·:i~::g::Ht:~.3':H!.':H!.';Hf.~';Hf.~·~~::nr:n .. -:g:,~~':Ht.':H!."n':H!.':H!.~ .. ............ 1, • for women and girls. Every style in stock reduced for a sell-out. WOMENS BOOTS Originally 5.98-19.99 NOW3.88 TO 12.88 Girls Boots Orig. 4.98 to 7.98 NOW 3.44to4.88 ... ,; ........ ~~ •Lace.fronts •Zip fronts -.·side;zips ; Suede · 1ooks. • Crinkle vinyls Fashion colors Boot up. High stepping , fashion at prices that will stop you cold. Make tracks to the Squiggly!! Roof for first choice. GllAMAOA Hllll l~P11i.-i11 &1 I TOfUIANC( ~~p..r••d• '""' "•"'1"0•"9 WOOOLAMOHllll . tow-,t"-1 LAK!WOOD ta<\o"S! •"ll "•·•-ll olt IUVEllSIO! 3~;t0 ltk'•.., llU[HA PAlll( I°'•~'" ..... ~ 0•••Q~11lCI<~ SA!(l,A AMA l'l(\('I ~·~~!~ ll•!\!!)j :;1 OllAMGE ,,., ,-,..,,. ~1 rll •"""' "'-lwt19f . 9••11 wttkC11rJt130 It 10100 CllrhfflllJ lvt t:30 tt 7 """" • •• ~ ' .' Jfi DAILY PILOT MondQ, Dt<tmbtr 18, l 9n . . :. ' . . " ' ,. . " . - ' . . ., .. :• Discover a Treas,ury filled with Christmas gifits.: REVLON lt-ITIMATE PERFUMED DUSTING POWDER 8 oz. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. ' SKINNY DiP COLOGNE . -. . 4oz. : . ' '· .. ' . . . -.. . . " ' .•. . ... .. . l 'ZIPP() I CIGARETIE .LIGHTER ' . -"° ~. ~ •. ' KINGS F==; • , MEN ~ • 'l I (,ijtJ',...,l ............ ··-l.(,:.•· ·.' , AQUA VELVA ··GIFT SET .: Att.rShawe-l;otion-• •nd Cok>gl'MI -~SMART , :· GIFfSET· . ., I • • • ' t .. .. . • . ~ . ;. ·.: 6. .C After ShlYes: Ice Blue, Menthol '1-Mist, Redwood and Frost Lime: FABERGE COLOGNE THREESOME SET OF THREE 3')i OL bottles !'. •• :. Bubble Bath, Cotogne Ind Hal\d & Body Lotion •· ... HAI KARATE . 3-PIECE SAMPLER GIFT SET R.-lar,, Oriental Lin and Oriental S!>ico After Shrff . (· $179 .. ..,. . .. GILLETIE'S .. . TRAC 11 RAZOR with 5 Cartridges : . . ' •239 ~ •• :. ' ' ' ·$t99 • ON THE · Wl·ND · ."DOUBLE DAJE"· GIFT SET • '· " ' $625 ' • •• . . . :. ' ' . " ' BRUT 33 .. DANA COLOGNE TRIO 4-PIECE GIFT SET JlSS0RT't1ENT 1eL~SJ:t-ON _,. · . MAX FACTOR S-PRAY - COLOGNE ..,.iW...ln Hypnotlque ond l'TlmhW 2oz. s3so I -' English lalthtr • British Stwlint, C1rtoe lf'Cf Brut APRIL- .. $HOWIRS 'FRAGRANCE TRIO • Hond Lotion, Co ..... """ - 77~ : . ? .. ~ . . ·. WHITEHALL ' . SPECTAtOR PIPE. ' Gift- :. $177 Our PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT 11 open to 1erve you 7 clays a week · 9:30 A.M. to 10.00 P.M. dally, 10100 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. Su•llay1. Have your prescrlptlon1 ffllecl while you shop all of TrH1ury'1 wonderful valu ... •2s• KENTUCKY . CLUB , PIPE TOBACCO 14oz. an • e llAllADA MIW !~-SI. e ~-111111 2151111 i<twJ m,;, e llYllSIDl 3llO l)llr e SAllTA AU Jlllll Id lrillll St• TOHAllCI s.f ... --e UllW-ClroOlo St ... p,,_1 m,; • llllllA PAH IMl ..i 0-illoJO • OIA .. l-'1M •.r:11111 _,_ lat-4~ 0.rlttMtt Stere HHn ... ,,_,. ftM Tt 10 P.M..'""-f 11A.M.te11 P.M. . .. • I LOTION . 7oz~ : ' .. : ., • --r ·· . - • • ' • ' ·-' . . . ~ ~ ' . • I To make lumin11 rias, several simple steps are required .. <:?et brown 'P!I P'~ s,11cks (lunch size I. fold · back the t ops, put several inches ot sand in ·eech end nestle votive candles in the sand. Light them about 5 p.r\i. Ch ristmas Eve. A bove, lumina ri es. li ght Albuquerq ue. .. • 'Familles .. Remember ,,,,,. . ...... . ... -. Ii>-J ' .. • rr he little Thin :gs· Traditims are the framework of lif~ morn.Ing, "Santa" drops the gifts on the Without them, a belteNkelter world doorsteps cl the fortunate family. Would fall a'part at the seams. Two area families observe the Danlsh '-Without special traditions., Christmas custom.of hiding an almond in tapioca or .,.,,Wd be ·a bleak season repeated year rice pudding which is eaten on Christmas after year, driving families apart instead Eve. of brlncing them together. Gaylord and Karen Inge of Laguna Every family has preciowl holiday Niguel serve ri<e pudding with the al· ~tioos. U you think yours doesn't, give mood inside and the prize is a marzipan . if some thought after reading what a few pig decked with a bright red bow. Mrs. orange Coast families do during the Inge Is Donl!h and her -Is hOlidays. American, so they follow ane customs fwr ~ ago, Mrl. L. J . from each.eol!Dtry. Jad<son's grandmother started a custom The James Ackleys cl Foontaln Valley called "your guess ,what." Each family . give the first gilt cl the season '4 ·!he ~mber receives a package with a clue person finding the alpiond. Ackley'a ' to its contents on the ootll.de which must grandfather brought the custom from be deciphered by the recipient before it !Jeiu'nark and ii hU ~ changed, )\lie ht· ~-be o~~ '-"-_· . .,. 1 ~JL~~ ~din&.isrsen:ed._wltti ·~·..:; The Newport Beach resident says a !Og>r'lnstead of .vaJie.fru~ Juice. typical clue might be "lime on your · 1Angela ~ JnbWna~ trans'N>rn\ the ·· hands," which indicates a watch is in-·Newport Beach home of Mr. and.Mn. R. side. H. Clucas into a gU.tenlJlg w1 n t e r 'Ibis family also has a "homemade" C2uistmas each year. Every gift ls made with loving care. wooderland each Christmal. For:the past two decades, Mrs. Clucas '.t-apd her children have been making snowflakes and angels together to Each person who visits the William deo:>rate their home, starting with easy Wood family of Newport Beach mnst sign cut"l"ts when the cbi]dren "fore; .1191"1i. tbe wood or cardboard tree made As they FleNI older, they IeUnietfto· make eopecially !or signatures eecq yroundear. ~Is omamenls of J>read .dough and paplcr- guest draws an ornameiit a • madie. • signature, SO the. famil)', haS'8 ~t ·~. . _ _ , n!COl'd of who came to vbit that ye•r. ~.-and .tlsa L;\J>dsay, daugblerrof 1Mr.. and Mrs. Jim Lindsay of Huntington Beach, • bo,w the Olrisjmas story well . ' . beCauSe itileir parents read It to 1tbem 1· . . . . • it ion .. : !/ \ • • • ....... \,,,1 , • .,,. New t o .... _ .. ..... -... ; .... . . . . . ........... .. . . .............. ·~-'::·L.; For the fourth year, lumlnfrlas will glow aofUy on Galuy Drive, Newport Beach on Christmas Eve, providing an unusual touch for the holiday ......_ • The custom of lighting lwninarlaa Is borrowed from Albuquerque where hun- dreds of realdenls and buslneasea line their rooftopa and sidewalks with luml.narias, wtuch are votive candles nestled on And In paper bap. Lumlnarlas have been Ugbted ea<) year in Albuquerque for many yan as-a carry~er from an old Spanish religious custom ol placing llUle bonfires along the • BEA ANDERSON, Editor IMM•'I· o.c.mw , .. tm ..... 11 ---.... ~. . :-.... _ .... . • .. ·:· :·.:.. : .... --. .. ... ..... .. Coas t path to the church on Crtatmas Eve to light the way for the Quist child. Candles wUt be U,bted -'<>ng Galaxy Drive tD Newport about 5 p.m. CD Christmas Eve, and they wUI bum unW they extinguish themaelves in the sand. According to Mrs. J .R. Betson, who brought the lumlnaria Idea from Albu- querque and haa organized tbe Galaxy Drive display, the candles bum well alter midnight ao those who attend Christmas eve services can atill see them after services end. "I got up one year at 4 a.m. and found them still burning," Mrs. Bet.Son said. The Betsons put out their luminarias alone the first year, surrounding their Spanish-style borne with 500 sackl filled with 400 pounds of sand . and 500 votive candl ... 'I1:le second year there were stx homes participating, the thin! year 12 Joined them, and Iast·year it wa;s.ralned OOt. • "One borne in Albuquerque puts out 10,000," Mrs. Betson added. "We would like to do the whole street up ft» Galaxy Park." Why go to all the trouble or buying sacks, sand and candles and placing the Juminarias, all of which takes several weeks of preparation? "It btinga the religiou> aspecl into focus," said Mn. Betson. "And it ls a gf?Od way to meet neighbors." Sbe added that her three children en}oy spending their Christmas vacation hel~ ing prepare the lanterns. The Bet.sous and their neighbors invite all Orange Coast residents to drive to Galaxy Drive on Christmas Eve and share the custom of viewing the luminarias. They suggest that car lights be turned off as they are approached. I. f..--:.:-.... D· --.. -.... -.... -___ ... .. .-J r~ . .. -... . .L. .... -.. ....... " . , -.... ' ,.;, . ---_,, ... .... ...... -- Erika, Scott and Ca m Woods lau gh at the humo rou s ve rse a s cousin Bill Me cGowen opens-his /'funny.!' Sc ott holds some taco sauce for which he was kidded during previous verse. \ When the Fred A. Barkers cl Hun-. tlngton Beach ftJll rnamed 38 yean ago they began a Christmas custom cl saving all their Qlristmas .cards to be read after gills are opened on Christmas Eve. This way tbey feel they are sharing the Cuiltmu spirit wIUi friends and relatives ·across the United States they cannol ... during the bolidaya. . • each Christnias Eve. The ?. and S·year-- old girls participate by • b 0 w r n • Vle,wmaster reels of the story as their' father reads it from the Bible. <llrlstmas momlna breaklaat around tbe tree ~ al.so ii a trldiUoo for the lamlly ,.llld -!llrl receives a tpOClal ' --t eadl )'Olr tbal will be bera forever. 1 Gifts Wrapp~d Wifh Humor When the two teenage da~ o' Mi'.· and Mn. Samual Cole ~ r. ol Huntlilg(On Beach move away from home or maliy, their lint Chrtalmaa trees wm not be bar• as are _, )'OUl1( ;l"!'Ple'• durtnl their first jlean of tnde~ileiice. • I • Oosl8 Mesans Alfn!d and Fnncle Palnfer gatlier on the lJtb day of C!wtltmM wllh • _,., couplk who were ~,111:0,,. Wtltwood Meibodll\ Churtb wben Painter wu mlnllter of the church. ' Mn. COle maka an ornament each year for each girl to take with her when obe leoveo bome. The nm ornamenli They prepoce special foods and break w.,. simple~ Mn. Cote said, bot Ibey off btanch<IJ from the Cbtlstmas tree '4 now are more elaborate. This year's art, ·be ~thrown into the fi~ace whfle,mak- muslcal. . Ing a ..ish for jhe New Year. · A ~ Mesa famtly. which wishes to remain nameleas, finds a large fAmily eech ~ar to ba the reclptenl of filled ~-o!OCktnp, . .C.. Cbrtstmaa ' I) 'l1lese kinds of customa a re tha In- gredient.I of Cbrls&naa. Take 1 few, m11 in your owo and hav' a detldouo holiday .............. I If )'Oii 1!tnl to make Christmas l!1el' rter; alt lt> on the Mactlowan-Woods faliilly "fuiml8" or-better yet, write the ~'.°' your own grandparenls and by her widowed great-grandmother and •tour daughters to stretch their few presenls. The gilts remain small bot It s the though! that COWl!s. FtM1rteen relatives, aged teVen to A "funny" Is a verse and l•I prosent almoot 911, shared the laughter and · that rec:a1!J • personal triumph or near ;aninlloences u. they ubwrapped a col· mlaa, ambition or idlcioyncraay that hap-CJrinl book, packqe of gelatin, fulhing peoed during the year. lfne, lloll IMlase toaster, world map, key "Some ol the poen\s a.O reslf1 c:leWr dlotn, Sponlsb dlcttooary, ganlen gloves. and othell ....... n ••• " aald Mn. d!vlnlly,. miniature ..,. IOlp, !bank you Wiiliam MacGowan of Newporl Beach. notea, combs, weed killer and a ocylng But tile sentl-t.s mean IO much to U.. lowel patterned with the trademork ,..m. family that •J:OOSin eollecv.Jlllch year'• ,_A pac:kage of fruit gelatln we111 to a bold! for an albUm. ' eompetttive swimmer becluae:. • 'l'lla custDm WU llarlod fO -... . "Erika .thtn"-· Marie Spits ii pa~ • ·- A wizard in the water. SOmethlng l)ie thinks will speed her up Ia what t wt!.nt and got her," Seven-yeal'Old Scoc.t WM reminded of tbe dq he wandered all over Disneyland asking IOI' !11uk:an food : "But when,.. won! to the taco ltand. He, aaia, 1rtl ·~'!' a wlentr, that'• grand!'" . . /,Funnlff" ace a recorcl cl dellefoptng tnltrests and changing times. Each 1*111" bu bfa laV<rie Jfalla lhlou&h Ille 1'0fl. . ••• Onoo .. -.... IOI! bfa temper aDd aald., ••OIJ, blloD17.11 Oraodmotber • I recalled the rare occa.sibn in her rhyme and c&ve him a stick of sausage. • . • Bud&et-minded newlyweds wtre kidded "about that car you attempted to paint: the color you thought 's the color It ain't." ••• AA aunt" who frequently Aid that "two belds ~ better lhan one" got IM.-r spare.Jn the fonn of a wig holder. Mn. MacGowan <redlls her molbet, Mn. G<Ol)le Woods of Balboe, u the catalyst !or the lradftlC111l project. Y-r chtldren Uke to _. who's the bnml of ,.... llld -rtlollva tljoJ recalflna Ille yeor that ..... ' • , • I • Monday, Otc.tmbfr lS. l'J72 Vanity Fair? Painful PRAGUE (AP) -A number of W,.,.,.. ....,... -above all AmericanJ -,are oot getting red-!aoecl about obtaining a !-lilt Jn' ,Communist c.ecboalovakla, trwiUng this can be done there more dl..,...tly than at home. Newspaper arliclet 1 n d word-of-mouth have made the Pr-Coometle Institute a much ICJllCbt !ace-ll!UJ18, clinic for _,,.., from lhe DOD-O>m- muolsl world. Tbe waiting period at lhe Institute is alJ: months or longer. __ '"Ibey are really brlve phen you come to think of It," . f)r, Karel l"ahoun, «. bead of •• Price inf Dr. Faholm bu become a favorite with lhe ladles. He hlmseU IJ not quite enthUJlaatic about ' ' t he Americao JnyaaJon,'' The Jn. 1tltute had to double the number of poat-operatiYe care bedl, and it IJ booked out until alter the encl of lhe year, Dr. Fahoun bu been operaUng on at leut ooe American 1 day, mostly WOmen. "We cannot expand any more." be sighed. Be.fore his new fame, Or. Faboun had been operating on a limited number of foreigners for years. They we re dlpiomals or their lrtencls and relatives, Americans, West Germans and A'ustriam, main- ly. ~ tlle Institute, said about lhe women.. who come to see bim. "They are Ira veling to a foreign country, and ~ Com- munist ., one at that, with a ', strange language lmowlnl: they will face a dlfficufi -operation." 1be handsome, boyish-look- ibe main at-of fa<e-illt Jn Qoocholiovakla for a Westerner iJ the grice and th• anonymity of the opera· tion. :... Know Little Things Shared Mean a OCC's Volunteer Bureau and Associated Women Students macte a Christmas party for Fairview State Hospital and providing a more homelike environment for a ward their seasonal project. Showing off some of the contributions are (left to right) Nadine Thompson, Annette MacDonald, Bob Kirkeby, Maureen Milmuk and Judy Mole. Coast Clubs Spread Holiday Cheer Five Ws sponsvred by Xi Eta Xi Chapter, Beta Sigma Phi sorority is scheduled for Thurs- day, Dec. 21 m the Huntington Beach home of Mrs. Harlan La~'son. Law enforcement tours. refreshments and gifts from Santa will be featured. New Officers Mrs. Robert Smith has been re-elected chairman of the Huntington Beach-Fountain Valley District of Orange County Council, Camp Fire Girls. Inc. Assisting her will ONE-WEEK SPECIALSc! DIC. 11 to DIC. 23 ONDS -1 Lio (16 n.) "* ............. ..... ....,, . ..., ..... Speclal_· LICITHIN POWDf,ll ·--1 U. n' OLJ .,..1 .. su• Special Try 11111 M C-.1 ff In "" lllrlnbl ADELi DAVIS RICIPI GRANOLA ChlQ; P.n Of ..... 4 N .. 1 U. 114 Ol.I ....... ,.. iSpeclal 69c Coastline Health Foods lion to end Abuse of Drugs, is scheduled to begin at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 21, in the home oI Mrs. J a m e s Birkshire. 'Ille group now bu four films in their library which are being shown to Orange County children. meeting of the American Association of R e t i r e d Persons, Newport B e a c h Chapter will begin at 1 p.m 'I1lursday, Dec. 28, in the Newport Harbor Lutheran Church. Christmas songs will be sung by members following be Mrs. Kirk Boman, vice TUSTIN COSTA MESA DECEMBER health needs ........... -11...,. 11 Or. MTLANTA uqu1D .... ,,. 1.11 It .... usn11N1 ANTISIPTIC .... -. 1.6t 'Jiii"~ ,,,, .... _ .. HOMO. $11.TDl ~1; .,, 100 c.,o. .111 1.u. NATURAL VITAMIN E .... , .. .... MUllNI FOi THI ITIS ... 57c ... ' F.D.S. SPIAT I 0... ~l' 84C ALL RECALL VITAMINS & SUNDRIES 50% OFF! w. , ... ," ,.c ... ,,,. °"' ..... I: s-wlce Pelletier's PHARMACY The Five Ws of Investing - \Vho. What, Why, Where and \Vhen? will be the topic discussed by Charlene E. Vance, account executive of the La guna Beach branch of ?ilitchum, Jones & Templeton, during the Wall Str ee t \Vorkshop at 11 a.m. ,._1onday. Dec. 18. on the Royal Savings and Loan mez:r.anine. BCYC Sanra will arrive by boat at the Bahia Corinthian Y a c h t Club after 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 21. to take last minute orders foe Christmas. He will }oin club members watching the boat parade at a buffet and dance. chairman and Mrs. Wendell JOM lrvlM IMI. Hlllt,.., ~,. Library Party Schubert, secretary. N•r lav-CM , 271 ~St. MEWPOIT MIDfCAL PLAZA With the help of Girl Scout, -------------------~~~~~-~71~ .. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~='="=-=~;~~;~~ .. ~~4~"15~"°'~7 ~==''="=''J the business. Secretaries New officers will be elected during the annual business meeting of the Orange County Chapter of the Executives' Secretaries at 6:30 p.m. Tues· day. Dec. 19. in the ViDa Nova restaurant, Newport Beach. Santa Shootout The Santa Shoo t out PLEAD A lloliday Fun Fest, sponEored by P L E A D , Promote Learning and Educa· Troopo 1868 'Ind 613 and thej- Balbca Improvement Associa· tion, a Christmas party will be offtred in the children's room of the Balboa Ubrary from 2 to 4 p.m. Friday, Dec. 22. Dieters Diet Workshop members will enjoy a OOliday potluck at noon, Saturday, Dec. 23, in the Garden Grove Workshop. '' \, ANAHEIM Anaheim Center NEWPORT BEACH Fa1h!on l1lond ORT '!be Fullerton Civic Light Opera C9D1pany will entertaln memben o[ Women 's American OrganizaUon for R eh ab ii It atlon Through 'l'rllnJng, Orange County West Oiapter at 8 p,m. Thursday, Dec, 28, In Peek's Family Colonial Terrace R o o m , \Vestrninster. ~ AARP The regular monlhiy the new footwear in casual Wtth fofl of Savolr faire , .. mode In Grff<t' by Shoe Strings. The .... nee of comfort In whltt, blu1, belfile, or win• •*• teamed with whltt. l.ather 1ole ·& rubber hffl. ' - fi1e ."PATtil'V/ORK.. ~epskit\.fOt'" hi~ mt:tde iTo~ ('Q~~s of ~Yd.I S'1ttp"Skii-\ a "tous h J C01.-t-R>rtaldc. cecxt ~ "tt\e Mt~tai~s ' OrG\ chllly Cctlifov11it\ evenir1~. 44 fashion Island, newport center 644-5070 I • I • • ... .. . ' . , •..-. . ' .... ... . . . . . . . . . -• Gift Horses Rec~ive a 'Nay' DEAR ANN I.ANDERS: ll's prelty late lo tell people what to do about Chrislmas gifts, but maybe lf you print thla letter, they'll remember next year. I liked your suggestion that the members of a coogregation or parish get together and contribute toward a sum· mer vacation for their minister and bis famll,y, rather than give him fruit cakes, cookies and candy equivalent to 30,000 calories for each member of the family. How sensible! As a former schOot teacher, may I sug- gest that the Homeroom Mother ask the other mothers to pitch in for one nice silk scarf rather than allow the teacher to beeome the helpless victim of 28 bottles of cheap cologne. The teachers of America will love you ·forever, AM. - ON!! WHO KNOWS DEAR ONE: Here's your letter. too late for this year, but worth printing, I wonder hew many mothen who are readl.ng It gave tlielr cblld's teacher co- logne? · DEAR ANN LANDERS : Your uncanny mechanism for sniffing Out the trutfi fail-. ed you. J hoped you'd clobber Ole idiot who said, "It's the wife's fault if her hus- band cheats." She then went on to describe her neighbors and to justify the fact that ~A · ~'I---' every one ol their husband> bad prop- ositioned her. Weil, let her r<ad this' I am wife nwnber One, Two, Three and Four. I wear curlers to the rupennarket like Emily. I am fat like BerT.Jce. I do my housework at night like Marge and Lemre, to avoid sleeping with my husband. But there are reasons for everything. I stopped spending 40 minutes a day getting glamorous . when I notlced my husband wouldn't spend five minutes shaving for m,e on the days he didn't have to go to work. . .He gcit fat firs\. I didn't start to do housework at night until I found out he was getting sex somewhere else. J figured he didn't need - two sollrCes. That woman who roasted the wives seemed very proud of herself. May I say that any dame who bas a 100..percent record for getting invited to bed with the neighborhood tomcaia tells oomelbing abOut herself. The gal':; signature was "Huntington Station" but I'U call her ''Hunting" for short. Tell ber to get her nose out or ot~ people's· marriages and f i n d something better to do than listen io four swingers run their wives down. If she's not careful she migt.t wind up with one of tbooe losers. -EX-PEER-EEO DEAR EX: Tbere are at least two sides to every ttory and you told youn very well, bldeed. Thanks for soWJding off. DEAR ANN LANDERS: What's wrong with my romance? Hal and I argue all the time. He gets mad if I beat him at tennis or_ Scrabble.Jfe._contradicts me in front of friends. He'd rather die than give me a compliment. Hal expects me to do small favon for him, but when I ask him to do something be says he's no errand boy. He wants to get married in April. \vbat do you think? -T. DEAR T.: fte mott vita.I Ingredient In any marrlqe II friendsbfpi. You 8'ld Hal don't IOUltd lib friellds ·~ me. Unless you can botll get Clll the same team, lorget about marriage. You'd be fighting coostantly. Collect this weeks: pack of lO new''Picture Petfect'' April Date Selected Mr. and Mrs. William Lentz of Orange have announced the engagement of their daughter, Bobbi Lentz to David Nichols, son of Mrs. Joe Pryor of Santa Ana. Menu-Recipe Cards Mexican Chili Shish Kebab Con Came Stuffed Breast of Veal The future bridegroom is a graduate of Costa Mesa High School and now is a student at Or.ange Coast College. Turkey Scalloppine (or lamb) Paella (Seafood & Shrimp Creole Chtcken on Rice) Hamburger Pie Umb Curry Sukiyaki New England Clam Cllowder WITH ANY GASOLINE PURCHASE Oww ., STANDARD STATIONS :..~""'CHEVRON DEALERS === His fiancee is a graduate of Villa Park High School and occ. They are planning to marry April 13 in the Garden Grove Community Church. First Light Martin Luther Is believed to be the first person to "light" a Christmas tree. He placed cand1es on one for his children -"to bring lhe stars in- doors." . . . . a~d ~tcki~~ tect.~a .... -fov-lt\ev- • +i.e PATCHWO'RK sh~p;;klt'l to'f hey-- V)lade fro~ Pltche5 · of ~atur-a l skee~KiV\ f)?rfect-COM pat\~O~ tor ~~i'erV\ -tr~vel) Slerra. ~\-h-ip~,, Of cold t2V€Vli~~ IA)(l.l k:~ Winter · Nuptials Observed PRELESN'IK-BACKLUND Carin Elisabet Backlund and Roger Louis Prelesnik, both ol Huntington Beach, exclianged vows before I.be Rev. Dr. Charles Dierenfield and the Rev. Don Maddox in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Newport Beach. Their parents are Mrs. Oscar F. Backlund of Hun· tlngton Beach, the late Mr. Backlund ancj MJ'. Bild Mrs. Louis J. Prelesnik of Grand Haven, Mich. Mrs. Sven Bacliltind was the- matron of honor, and bridesmaids were the Mmes. Douglas Amerman, L a r r y PreleS:nik and Wesley Smith and Miss Inger Jonsson. Wry Prele!nik was the best man and usher.s were David al)d Robert Prelesnik and Hails and Ronald Backlund. Following a honeymoon in Hawaii , the newlyweds will reside in Huntington Beach. She is a graduate o f Southwestern High School, N.Y. and attended Southern California College. He is a graduate of Grand Haven High School, earned a BA from the University of Michigan and an MA from Chapman College. BoWMAN-PAULAS Christ Presbyterian Church, Huntington Beach was the set· ling for the wedding of Debbie Kaffie Paulas and Dale Alan Bowman, both of Huntington Beach. The Rev. Dr. Donald Roberts performed the cerefuony for the daughter or Mrs. stella Paulas of Balboa and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Bowman of Newport Beach. Attendants were Miss Carol Gemes, Mrs. Earl Owen, Miss Cynthia Paulas, Ian Bowman, Philip Gemes and Glenn Bowman. Valarie Bowman was the flower girl and Christopher Wyatt, r i .. n g bearer. The bride attended Newport Harbor High School where her husband graduated. They will reside in Huntington Beach. r 44 fashion Island, newport center. 644·5070 /, '• • - . . . . . ••••••••• = • DAILY PlLDT MRS. BACKLUND MRS . BOWMAN MRS. LONG LONG.RUST.ENBACH • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • Betty Jean. Rustenbach • ''INCHES A WAY'' • became the bride of Jo.'ln • • a EvereU Long during double • '---------------ring cerell)Oflies conducted by • -· the Rev. Dr. Charles Dieren· • field in St. Andrew 's • Preabyterian Church, Newport Beach. • Par!fJlls ·of the bridal couple • are Mn. Emily Rustenbacb of • Newport Beach and Mr. and • Mrs. Roy I.Ang Sr. of Bell e Gardens. Honor attendants were Mrs. • Artland Kaai and G a r y • Ackerstrum. Other attendanU • were Mrs. Ron Coleman, Pete • Loog, .Bob B ar n es, Robert Rustenbac~, Bill Blue and Ed· • die Barbie. • MINERAL WRAP METHOD HOLIDAY SPECIAL $10 OFF With Thi• Ad 5 INCH LOSS Fl,RST VISIT tGUAlANTEEDI JEANS INCHES-A·WAY 1799 New~rt Blvd., Costa Mesa PHONE 645-8890 • • • • • The bride, executive direc-,.. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • II ._ tor of the Harbor Area Girls -- Club, is a graduate of Newport Harbor Htgb ScbOOI a n d CalifQrnJa state ·University, Long Beach. Her husband is a graduate of Bell Gardens High Schqol and UCLA. HAMMER-HENLEY I Judith Ann Henley, daughter or Mr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Henley of Fountain Valley, became the b r I d e of Mark Edward Hammer, son or Mr. and. Mrs. William Hammer of Huntington Beach. The ceremony was con. ducted in the Community United Methodist Church . Huntington Beach with the Rev . William Cowdry of- ficiating. Miss Susan Henley was the maid of honor, arid bridesmaids were Miss Lori Clogs ••• Clogs • • • Clogs NEW SHIPMENT Just Arrived TREMENDOUS SELECTION LADIES CLOGS Keefe, Miss Liz Herte and WESTCLIFF PLAZA Mrs . Robin Wilson. 17th & IRVlNE e NEWPORT BEACH Eric Hammer servetl as OPIH RENIN4iS "TIL CHRIS1MAS best mitn, and ushers were'tJ:::=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=~========= Tom Carty, Dave Whaley anc1r Scott Wll,son. ·' The newlyweds are students at the University of California, Davis and they will reside in .,. Davis . SOLID COLOR VELVETEEN Vivid holiday colors, win· t•r darks to choose. Twill back cotton. 1.,. $3. 98 yd. ' 29! Nearly Everyone Listens to Landers HIGH PILE VELVET Spice your holidays with th.ese lush party velv•ti acetate pile r1y-on back. lt" )YI• 398 -... .HOLIDAY BROCADES Sparkle brocades in a wide·, wide range of colors one! c!Higns for (ostive holiday wearing. . ~ . . 45" wid• mtt1llic/r1yon/nylon/acryfic bltnds NEW FOR '73 PASTEL PLAID SUITINGS • Beautiful winter pastels for wearing now encl ell through spring . MACHINE WASH * TUMBLE DRY these per....,nent-press .polyester/ acrylic ell purpose suitings! 54''/56" wide I ilUOtlSE OF FllBRICS · · always first quality fabrie& ...... CMlf Pl--lrl1tol ot 5011 Dftto Fwy, HHM ,,_/-11th .at l tltt.I .. C... .._. -145-llH s.t. AM -14).ISll Oja :ushll Mtllf-Or.ant•tt.:;c'<tl.-1 Hotbor lllW P..tl c..ttf-Lo P'olM• •t St.at1tot1 ,_.,._ -116-. 1 ... ,_. -IJl.UtJ ..,...,..__ lfltl lroo~h11r1t f11e11 to Vo11'tl -110·1&42 ........ ~ ~C....-~11190,.-....,-*"h 11¥tl., H11ntlntto11 leo'h -lt7 .. 01J I • ' I . . -' ff Olll~ PILOr ....... -18, 1912 Your Horoscope Tomorrow Scorpio: Check Sources, Take Inventory Extra $~50 mllllon dollar Income ta x refund for Callfomla taxpayeri. 8.A:CRAMENTO -Financial leave borne bau . Key 11 will-would not be _xoducUve. See ui>ertl are now P~ll a 1...,... lo expand borlzona. wllh Ugh! or r<allly. Avoid '260,000,000 1tata lncomo lu much moner from CllJ!orala tupoyeno ht 1172. M101 ol lhe 1amt tupayt ra Ire 1.110 •*· pec:tad to -Ive Fedenl h>- come'I'U rtfundJ for the aame TUESDAY DECEMBER 19 By SYDNEY OMARR Ac1or For rest Tucker, an Aquarian, tells me he wu akt· ed. Immensely. early in bis camr, by the la le Nella Webb's astrological counsel. She also w1s Marie Dreasler's astrol.,.. ARIES (March 31-Aprll It ): Close relatives, neighbors may create problems. Key la to be Muscles In on Morke.f The probability of dates ma y be endless on this pinup calendar designed by Evelyn Carter, a tifichigan housewife and former model herself. She shows one example of how her product -Eve's 12 -gives women equal time in an arena that males have had to themselves. Wedding Rites Set · During a Christmas cocktail party in their Corona del Mar home fl.fr. and Mrs. Craig Kin- dig announced the engagement -0f their daughter, Catharine Ayers Kindig to Ronald Dennis I Ne\~rell of Laguna Beach . I A wedding is being planned 1 for March 3 in St. James Episcopal Olurch, Newport 1 B<acb. I Miss Kind ig is a graduate or Pasadena High School and the , Univenlty « California, Santa Barbara where she affiliated with Delta Gamma. Her fiance, son of ~1r. and l Mrs. Robert Newell of Balboa is a graduate ot La Habra j High School and California • Western University, Sa nl Diego. It's Not Sex ANN ARBOR, Mlcb. !UPI ) -Women executives do not need-and should not want- 1 p e c l a I .ccmideration in bandl1ng their )Obs. says a, Unlveraity <A Michigan re-1 oeareher. B. SUsan Bishop, of the univenlty'1 B u r e a u of In- dustrial Relal iorul, says that mqst diff~ ln u:ecutive performance between men and . "'omen are not due to sex. "Any differences ... are re- lated to personal and indi vid· uaI style," sbe S8 )'S. How to . make Money (look beautiful) M•h it took '*-tih.l lty wNrin& it i• line j,..1,,., Yoor coin. or ours, cimn be Ml i1 14 bn.t &ol• fnimff, and won • nomber of , dill1ftnt "'Y•; . ..di.I•_., pU1d1ntt, brle4ilet1, etc.. Coin je-lrp to11thmet to ti. teen 1ndWom-eve,.,..,,,.,., 1nd mU11 n:w.,.. cial &ih1, Com1in,1od IM oar Ulmplete HIMtioa, today. '"f lt( Slo<ei Conficlt~• Builf ' , HUNTIN•TON CINTll • _ ... ..... " ............. .. l1J.i,HI Collecttbisweeli pickof lO new''Picture Perfect'' Menu-Recipe Ca1ds Mexie1n Chm Shl1h K.O.b Con Carne Stuffed Br-t of Y11I Turkey Scalloppine J:l,,,Lapm~!_.;. PHii• (Seafood !. ().,.. Ch~ktn o~ Rice) Htmburatr Pit lamb Curry Sukiyaki New En1l1nd Clam Chowder · ... f!t •• ' WITH ANY GASOLINE PURCHASE • " STANbARD STATIONS ::'°"°'' .. ,CHEVRON DEAIERS , I • diplomatic without becoming inextricably Involved . T•.,.t, Ubr1 persons col.lid be much in picture. Hold off on visits, short trips. TAURUS (April !!>-May 20 ): You have right lo be coo-netdless broodlng. :.:".!~~~';Jl0;:!i::d" fldent. Shake oll groundless • PlllCES (Feb. !~Mardi 20): flomlheStatawltbholdlnst<>o fean . You do have Ute of your Friend who vlsl~ your home own to live. Live lt l coofldea problem. Don't castl J ... •••••••••••••••-Burden exists in connection with finances , p e r 1 o n a 1 posaesslons. Retuse to be 1 Po!"'saed PY wllal yw own. Key now Ls to perceive what ls of real va lue, what shou1d be discarded. Pisces ls in plctl{re. GEMINI (May II-June 20 ): You will be asked to assume more responsibility. ,Response shoukl De in affinnative. Cycle is high and your judgment will be on target. Older individual is involved. You can promote personal securtty by handllng aS!igmntnt. CANCER (June II.July 22\: Finish what you Start. Arie' .t~ttd_d be involved. Seek better ways of distributing product. Get message to m~ persons. Ro8dblock is removed if you check behind scenes. Visit one confined to home, hospital. · LEO (July 13-Aug. 22): Friend can get you what you ask for -and this could mean work. Know it and be cautious. One who accompanies you to social affair CQUld be pr-.:r verblal "wet blanket." Be prepared -and patient . VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Opportunity exists to advance, to achieve goal. Stick to pr!LC- tical , steady course. Utilite creative resources. Do wh at you do best -don'I altempt to play another person's game. You will understand. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22 1: It may be necessary tor you to SCORPIO (Ol;t. 23 • Nov. nm stone. Base acUom nn 11 11 l: Relative coold offer SO<md logic. Promota lllCllrity. Bwld !inane.lat advice. ltty MW is lll on aolld base. You are called review detaila. Check soun:e1. upon to make imporiant Refuse to be victim of wishful declalon. pa 1 t f:Jperlence thinking. Take inventory. One should be utlliud. who handles investments may IF TODAY is y o u R be gettlflg cartle!S. . BIRTHDAY )'Oii at< frank, ID- SAGmARIUS . (Nov. 22-. de~ent, creaUve. You Dec. 21 ): B< ready for chanie· make significant gains before travel, variety. There will be month is over -In 1973, there more spice to your We. will be change in way yo11'Uve. Gemlnl, Virgo p<nooa could If· single yw · coold marry. · riguro prominently. If sio!;le, Married 'or sin&le, domestic qUe!li<>n or marriage may adjustment Is featurod, with arise. Married or ·single, you Se'pteritber spoWghted. get new lease. .CAPRICORN (Dec. 2a ·Jan. 19): Adjustment In domestlc!----------1 ar<a Is lndlcaled. Keep ~­ medical, deiltal appal-,., SPECIAL Don't neglect basic matters, HOURS I including health. Problem con- nected with employment can be settled. Key is 10 state case ii in diplomatic manner. I AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 •Feb. 181: Affair of heart dominates. I Secret coul~ be exposed. Ac- cept responaibillly !or put ac-W ~ ~ tions. Trying lo .oover up I \. DTE!\Y ,f,111 STlP-IEllN,f,1100 -VIN lll IDWA•OS -GEll8llllCH -PF FLVEllS--U.S. IC.EOS a.nee w ... r bt O.mkln (:apu io 0.llCI SPIOes c-tlwlSJIMlfv~ 215 L 17 .. $t. c.n ...... 141-2771 We will close at 4 PM on Ch ristmas Eve Closed Christmas Day When you're tired of pushing crowds and rude clerks, come to Richard' ~ur specialty is happy service. • Especially at Christmas you'll love our lavish selection and Holiday values. I MEAT Bar·M Boneless. h•llv cooked TAVERN HAM ChrislrTMs speci•l I Center cut PRIME RIB ROAST Joni s Qairy farm LINK SAUSAGE BAKERY Our own !pecia1 FRUITCAKE For the fel tive dinntr •• ; _RICHArlo'S -YOUR CHRISTMAS STORE GROCERY Dolt aliced, Chunks, Crushed, Tidbitt lb. $J.8q ,lb;$J.59 I I~ $).09 PINEAPPLE 20 ... 3 ... $1 Octan Spray wholt Of itl1ied CRANBERRY SAUCE 1• ... 25' ltl!Y Crocker CAKE MIX~S Hunrs whole SPICm PEACHES $1 95. 11ont"' Ory Roos1od 1 lb. • PEANUTS 3 ... $1 3-0 or.·29' 12 oz.69' PARKERHOUSE ROUS lov•lt DINNER NAPKINS 50 ct. 25' PRODUCE Bio. sweet Sunkls t·N1vtl ORANGES FROZEN FOODS t lrdl be 4 ,.._ '1 PEAS with Onions 10 ... 4 ,,. '1 Birds £ye Ad prices good thro Dec. 24 COOL WHIP ' "· 49< , GIFT PROBl!MS? Solve them all.of Richord's-r-GIFT SHOP SPORTSWEAR SHOP and FlOWER SHOP. LIDO CENTER 3433 Vta lido, N•wport S.Och 673 -6360 HARBOR VIEW CENTER 1660 MocArthur, Newport Beach 673 ·2155 ..-..rincome •prepared free at Wutual Savings. M1kei.fourappoint.....-t nowl The earlier you file the sooner you will receive your refund. Your income taX will be prepared by c:>nr. "Jax of cAmerica•, one of the nation's leading income taX preparation firm s. All . retuma 1ttictly confidential. You CAO saw the normal cost of an individually prepArcd µicomc tu. return; as much as $50 or more. . · The FRE.E personal income tax prepAration at Mutual Savings is avail· · able if you add to or open a Certificate Account for $4,000 or morc~You will cam the highest interest in the nation on insured savings. (Sorry-we cannot provide this service for corporations, pa.rt· nerships, businessfums, estates or trusts.) Mile your appointment now and receive free, an INCOME TAX ORGANIZER. Helps you in collecting the information you· need to get your proper tax deductions and refunds. *Certificate Acoounu eam ~for 1 )'Clf or more. 6% for 2 to JO yun with SS,OOJ milllmum. eo.-dolMtr .. MUTUAL SAVINGS and Loan Association 2807 E. Cout HIQhwly 3 blocl<aWeltof MacArthur Blvd. Pllone:975-6010 Mon.-TbUt'. 9AM~PM; Frl. 9AM·9PM .. ~ .. j • • . . . \ ... .-• • I . ~·"' • • Mond1y Drttmbtr 18, 1972 DAILY PILOT 21 Goodbye Tommy, Sa y Fans: Are They Right? THE RAMS' BOB KLINE REACHES IN VAIN FOR A PASS AGA INST PAUL NAUMOFF (50), LEM BARNEY. Fans As sist Weeping Gal After Theft MIAMI (AP) -Mrs. and l\.frs. C~arles Bidd1ecom wound up $50 poorer from their all-night vigil tG buy Dolphin playoff Uckets Sunday but thanks to two policemen and another fan they got back #00 ol the 1150 slolen during the· long . ~ wait. 1be lllaleah ooople had lucked the week's household money into Rld- dlecom's jacket before they• went to the orange Bowl to spend a chilly Satur<lay nigat with ,...ra1 hundred other 'f8M . Everyone was in line to buy playoff tickets when the windows opened at 9: 30 a.oi.. Sunday. The tickets were for the Dolphins, ,first · Amtttcan F o o t b a 11 c.onference playoff game Christmas Eve. But .aomebow as the boun slipped toward dawn Biddlecom took o[! his jacket for a m~. When be turned around, it had disappeared. A seardt revealed the coat several hundred feet away, but Biddlccom ·s wallet and the $150 It contained were mtaing. When Mrs. Biddlecom burst into tears, aMtber waiting fan, Fred d' Abbraeclo of Miami prompUy got up a cellection among other shivering fans who bad braved 50-<iegree temperatures to make sure they got one of. the 4,000 seats going on sale. With the help of Miami pOllceman Mlfrk Sc.anlmr and Bernie Sc@ldbach, who kicked in $33 ~ween lhern. d' Ab- braccio managed lo ·collect about SlOO for the young couple. Fint in line when the wlndows opened was Fort Lauderdale yachtsman John l!uard, who abowed up at 4 p.m. Satur· day afternoon with a chaise bmge, seven blankets, a battery-operated television set and a case of beer. 'lbroughout the long, cold night • caterer handed"8\it steaming cups ol cof· fee and passed al'OW1d heaping plata of pastry, courtesy ol the Dolphins front of- fice . The last Ucket was aold at 12:41 to 'an unidentlfled man who spent 45 seconds buying a ! .. I Just like the ODe John Huard.walled 17)1.,boun to get. St. Louis-Coach Fired . ' ST. LOUIS. -The St. Louil Cardinals fired eoach Bob Holl~ today after the team flnilbe4 U.. '.Ruon wllh a 4-t-l mark, equaulng 0 lhe .Nallonal Footbell League team 'I wont ft.cord al.nee mov· ing to SL l'.ouil to UW. Chargers Ripped, 24·2 Statted Low as Could: Pitt Works Way to Title SAN DIEGO (AP) -"We started about a,s low as you can go," said Ron Shanklin, recalling the P i t t s b u r g 11 Steelers: of two ~rs aeo. 1 Bat &Di!~ tbtre were cheers in the · pt~ locker room as the regular sell'l!on ended. Owner Art Rooney, 71, snilltd and handed out cigars. After 40 years His team hid won a division tlUe, wrapping lt up with a one- slded 24-2 victorJ over the .San Diego Cb8rgers. · · "I'm not jumping up and down because that's aot the way I am," said Roc:JMy after. the players awarded him the game I>all;-"Bot inside I'm bubliUng like a volcano." The Sleelen, 11~. oeeded the victory to finish a game abeacf·ol Ceveland in the American Conference C e. n t r a I Division . and earn the home-treld ad- vantage in tbe playoffs. "We bad a lot of injuries," said coach Chuck Noll, wbo made his debut in 1969 with a 1-13 record. "We had a makeshift line without two starting guards. There were a lot of guys who gutted It out today because we bad no one to put in." He said it was "nip and tuck" whether the guards, 'Sam Davis and Bruce. Van Dyke, could play agalnsi Oakland this week. Noll's troops were depleted even further Sqnday wheo starUng wide receiver Frank Lewis Droke a collarbone in the tblrd quarter, sidelining him until next season. That meant Sha:oklin, who was sup- pooed to spend tilt day on the hendt resting a brut..ed knee, had to play. S6 he caugbt a pass from Terry Brad.shaw tor 74 yards and a touchdown that was nullified by a penalty, then ca~t another for 17 yards and a touclidown that counted. "Yes, the knee bothered me," the slender receiver said. ''But we had to have it." "Two years ago we stt.rted working togelber 8Dd now we've won tt. Tbere'1 a areat sense of togetbemess here. We'll , &<I It.together nut week," S/lanldin said. 0 A good deCeruie makes things hap- pen," &aid linebacker Jack Ham. "San . Diego has a good offense, but they inab mistakes," Ham said. Htrn m..;ae,.. tbl.ngs happen to the Cb>l'l'W'! fllalday, recovtrlng a fumble and in~·• pus for two of the ..... San ~turnovers. '1be Slftlm ,clapl~ on Chargers miltaku for all their 'poinil, while San Diego, playing in its own territory most of the game, scored only on Dave Costa's first quarter sack of Bradshaw in the Pitlfbwih end "!'""--. . -. The ~en finished the season in last place iq the AFC West with a 4·9-1 re<U'd. "We will enmine everything about our football team during. the off season," said San Diego cooch ltv)and svare. "I've never been oo a team that turned lbe ball over so much." The Chargers contained Bradshaw, wbo played despite a dislocated finger, and rookie sensation Franco Harris, who gajned only 31 yards. Bui they couldn't cootaln tbe ·Steelers' overwhelming def"""ve·charge that held Mike Garrett to five yards net and hurried John Hadl into four intereeptions. "~ ''!'-U $.rl 20 0 -2 ( l." -•"'• i ""' !G.ni• t kkl Y, -5JlllY. rid~ IKklM In tl'lfl i!'nd l-ln = F~lJ.'"l...u*.i• t1c111 Pitt -~rrri· rt o1PU 1rom er.i111-1Gtre11 kkk) A -UJl73 f lr11 down• Jtu11'1n-v1rd1 i11llnci Vl rds mm v1rds :~ ~~ay~r, Spectator Brawl , ... PlllLADELPIIlA (Al') -Boston Bruin delen,.man . Qarol VadllW and a spectator at !be llru!Jl.Fl18fl Nallona1 H0<ke7 Lea1119 b o c l t y game sunday each tried to bave lhe other arrested after an lncldenl in lhe game'• oec:ond period. '1 didn't toucb him wllh my ..Uck," Vadnw cootended. "Bui he gTabbed my sUck and P!f.<bed me In I.be face. I jUJt bad my stick ovot !he ~ I was jut trying to Ue up the puck."• Unitas' Final Appearance Brings Tears MIAMI (AP) -No. 19 beard the cheers the last lime as he trotted into the Baltimore Co lt huddle where be had been the No. I man for 16 years. "It brought back tears and memories," admitted Miami coach Don Shula while watching ·hl! · f9~er star line up the Colt dftense ~•galnBt the Dolphins Satur· day in the Oran8:e Bowl. But the Cinal moment of glory for quarterback John Unitas was short-lived. Unltas' second pass was intercepted and he went back to the sidelines and watched dejec~edJy as the Dolphins wttirr ped the ooce-mlg~ty Colts 16--0. With the victoey, Miami ended its season at 14--0, best e\'.er in the Naliooal Football League. For the quarterback known to millions of fans as Johnny U, it was a sour finale to a career in whk:b he passed for more touchdowns -287 -and more distance -nearly 22 miles -tban any quarterback in NFL history. "This probably bas been the wont year I've ever spent in pro football,'' said Unitas as he stripped off his Colts uniform for the last time. "I don 't plan to spend any others like it." Unltas told newsmen he wa s keeping a promise made earlier this season to end his career as a Colts player. }le said he would take his time deciding where to go. He didn't rule out the possibilities of joining another NFL team or staying \Vithin the C.Olts organization, where he has a 10-year standing contraj:t..,.. Lio ns Mow Do wn Rams; Prothro' s Futur e a ? LOS ANGELES (AP I -Coach Tommv Prothro admits "I really don 't know" if he'll be back for next year after his 1972 club became the first Los Angeles Rams squad i.n se9en Years posting a losing season. His quarterback , Roman Gabriel, wants to come back for at least one more season but he doesn't want to be hampered by the arm problems that plagued him this time around. Detroit coach Joe Sc.hmtdt, under fire at home, appeared on more solid ground today alter his LiOl)s,posted a convincing 34-17 victory over the Rams in their Na- tional Football League 1972 finale. The 52-year-Old Pro~ came to the Rams last year after successes at Oregon State and UCLA, Hi.s 3-S-I record was better than most expected. This time he finished at 6-7·1 and there was a "Good Bye Tommy'' sign in the seats behind th.e end wne. Asked if he expected to be the coach again next year, his third season on a contract ca11ing for five, Prothro repUed that he didn't know, adding, "That's up tO management -and a lot of other things ." Scbmidt wished all his players "Merry Christmas," and commented, "the abuse that has been heaped upon us ln Detroit is part of the game. What can l say? We feel 90me of it was uncalled for." Schmidt said. "We weren't able to do everything we wanted to against the Rams. We used Bill Triplett as a running back fOr the first lime and Bob Kowalkowski played tackle for the first Um " e. Greg Landry threw two second half passes to Charlie Sanders breaking a 17- 1'1 deadlock. Earlier Rudy Redmond had dashed 88 yards to score with an in- tercepted pa.u. Altic Taylor scored on a two-yard run and Errol Mann kicked field goals of 48 and 37 yards. Landry hit 18 of 24 passes for 250 yards despite being sacked fi ve times and he led the Lions in rushing with 56 yards - much of it on scramble::i. Gabriel hit 21 of 3S passes for 221 yards and two touchdowns -the scores coming on throws of 14 yards to Lance Rentz.el and three to Larry Smllh. David Ray ad- ded a :JO.yarn field goal. Commenting on the bOos from many in tbe crowd of 71,671 when t he Rams were introduced, Gabriel commerited, "We ex· peeled It. The fans were taking their· frustrations of a J~ season out on us and abo their anxieties after the San Franci.sco victory Saturday." Asked why be railed .bis bandl-.eboff his bead when be was jewed, ~ tall quarterback answered, "I wanted fPem to know I beard them and that I sym- pathized with· them." Gabriel acknowledged th.ii as ·his most fruslrating season and said be bad arr pointments coming up soon w l t b specialists to study hts elbow problem. Gabriel said his arm "was completely without pain this we~k for the fir!l time this season." Prothro was most unhappy after the Detroit kl6s. "We played bad, unaggressive football and that just about covers It as far as I am concerned. That's all I'll say about the game, but I'll answer questions." I 'J 1 'i =tt .,,.,......... Asked about motivation for two teanis which each had been eliminated from the !'Ji;-', olavoffs, the coach rep 11 e d • "Neither team had much motlvaUon as far as the playoffs are concerned, but tough people hit and people who aren't tough don't." Asked if he implied the Rams weren't tough, he answered, ''I Implied what I said." On the Detroit !ide of the locker room area, Schmidt commented, ;'maybe we wanted the game more than they did. When there '! nothing to gain, it's bard to generate gutty performance1. Sometimes· the pfayers give up and I am glad we got on top and stayed there." Looking back on. a aeason when the Rams beat division champion San Fran- cisco twice but lost to such also-rans as Denver, New Orleans and St. Louis, Prothro commented: "Yes, I'm disappointed. I expected a little more effort out of our players. I know every one feels they are giving their best, buf they've got to get con- -d!Jioned to playing tougher football. "I've got some ideas about what's wrong. but I'm not going to talk about tbem," And Prothro wouldn't discuss present personnel ·or what he tbought the Rams oeed for their Um campaign. He acknowledged the rumora that be might be fired, but JO far owner Carroll Rosenbloom wbo took over the club last spring, bas 'not indicated wbat will .hap- pen for 1973 u far as the coaching s1tua· lion ls concerned. Iowa State, Georgia Tech · In Bowl Clash MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) -Two teams with rather mediocre records, Iowa State, 5-5-1, and Georgia Tech, &;+1 . scrap tonight in the nationa11y televised Liberty Bowl amid threats by blacks to picket the college football postseason event. Leaders of the National Associatloo for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) are vowing to picket Memphis On T1' Tonight Claaanel7at6 Memorial Stadium over the suspension of Tech senior quarterback Eddie McAahan, the first black quarterback at a major college in the deep South. The suspension of McAshan ,.a'passing whiz., has helped vault Iowa State into the favorite's role. McAsban was suspended by coach Bill Fulcher for missing pradlce befort Tech's regular season fmale wit.b Georgia, which Tech lost r1·7. Mc.Uban, wbo holds 17 Tech passing ncords, says be missed practice becaust Fu1cher would not give blm six tickets to the Georgia game. local NAACP leaders say the picket will be "of the most effective Md disrup- tive sort" at the 14th aMual posbeasoo classic. They say four busloads ot NAACP representatives from A.Uanti may travel to Memphis to demonstrate. Tech has five other black players, two of them starters, but they have tok Fulcher they plan to play. McAshan's suspension has propellet junior college transfer Jim Stevens into i starting role. His favortte targets like!) will ... be tight Clld Mike~ Oven am sophomore Jim Robinson. "Jim has been throwing the ball rea well and looking sharp," says Oven, whr caught 2S passes for 3S5 yards lhlt seasoo. Robinson caught 48 for 812 yards. Iowa State, meanwhfle, wlll seek U snap a five game winless 1tring. Thf Cyclooes have not won stnce 6lltz\nt KansU 34-8 at mid.season, but dl:I blttlf· defending national champion Nebraska k a 23-23 draw. Iowa State Is led by quarterbacl George Amundson, who w1s fourth nB· tionally in total ofrense with more thar 2,300 yards. The Cyclones' attack also in· eludes Mike Sltachao, who bad 1,260 yards tbis year for Uie Big 8 COoferenn: rushing tiUe. Defensively, the Cyclone! get thei1 muscle from middle linebacker Tl!t Jomov, who had 79 unassisted and & assi1ted tackles this sea.s<m. Olsen Selected To,P Ram . of '72 Lm' ANGELF.S (AP) -Eleven-year veleren defensive tackle M~lln Olsen ,... nll!led the Loi Angelel Ilana' most valuatXe pta·yer'""Sunday by Ve Olde Ram1, 1 group of former players for the NaUooal FOQtball w,.. tum. 01"", alto ....ived the 1wanf In Jim> and thr,. thna wu named by the or1anizlUon u tM Rams' top dtlenalve lineman. Runntng back Jim Bertel!m wu pick· od as the ~ma· rookie ol the yeor, Coy Bacon wa1 D&med delenalve llntma.n, l:nt.backer Ma ritn McKeever der1n1tve ba<k of the year and WllUa Elllaoo of· !enslve back. Ryerson 'Mauser!, 57, of Ham- monton. N.J., !old police Vadnw struck him on lhe lefl lhllmb wllh a 11o<;key stick, causing a broken blood vesoel. Police aald bolh men w e r e brought to a dlst,rlct police lllUon and advllled !hat they would have to appear In munldpal court If Ibey wanted lo oeek • "l'lfTADU aglinst eacb other. PfTTSBURGH COACH CHUCK NO LL, PLAYERS, WHOOP IT UP WITH FIRST-EVER TITLE CL INCHEO. Joe Sclbelll won Interior oll-vo Unoman honors and Jack Snow wu pim. ed u the tum's belt o1renotve end. • ' i , I . • • I ' • • • I I • • • . ' JJ DAILY PILOT MOllOI~. Dtcftnlatt 18, 1972 -NFL Wrapup otfidati.,, Clfl•• Dallas, Redskins Laguna Youths· Upset in Finales Get New Slant George Allen's WRshlnnton Redskins and the Dallas Cowboys, both playoff bound before the final week of regular season action on the pro football front, lost whiie all other teams in the annual post-season comoetition were winners this weekend. llere's a capsule rundowrl on Sunday's games : CLEVELAND AT N E W YORK JETS -Mike Phipps fired a pair of second half touchdown wisses to Frank Pitts, one of them an 80-yard tie -brea ker , to lead Cleveland's Browns to a 26--10. victory over the New York Jets Phipps dropped back from his own 20 and heaved the ball into the teeth of a ~mile-an­ hour wind to letid Cleveland to victory a1thooghi the Browns still wound up as the AFC Central divisio n runnerup and wild card playoff entrant. Pitts, racing down the right sideline. beat COmetback Steve Tannen to the ball at the New York 40. eluded a desperation tackle attempt by safety Chris Farasopoulos and went unhindered the rest of the way. BUFFALO AT WASlllNG- TON -0 . J. Simpson sparked the B_uffalo Bills to a 24-17 up- set victory over the \Vashing- ton ~Redskins 10 hand George Allen's playoff-bound tea m to its second straight defeat. Simpson captured the NFL rushing title by gaining 101 yards in 26 carries. giving him l,251 yards for the season. Washington's Larry Brown, sitting on the bench for the second straight week, finished with t.216. With the sco re 17-17 and the Redskins attempting to ~et in- to field goal range. Buffalo linebacker Dale Farley in- tercepted a Billy Kilmer pass and returned it to t h e Washington three. With 43 seconds left, Jim Braxton bull- ed his way into the end zone to give Buffalo the victory. GREEN BAY AT NEW ORLEANS -The Green Bay Packers, obviously more in- tent on preserving the health of "key men for the playoffs !han running up a big score, 1umped to a 17-0 lead over the New Orleans Saints a n d coasted to a 30-20 victory. Packer quarterback Scott Hunter and leading runner John Brockington did not play Esposito Blanks LA Again, 2-0 in the Sec(lnd half as the Pact geared up for this Sunday's playoff ga me with Washington. The first half was a cotnedy or error.i in which five kicks were blocked -two of them ~ resulting in touchdowns. NEW YORK GIANTS AT DALLAS -Pete Oogolak kicked three £ield goals and quarterback Norm Snead rifl- ed two touchdown pas.ses to give the New York Giants a 23-3 victory over lifeless Dallas. The Cowboys, who meet San Francisco Saturday in the first round of the playo!fs, Q.umbled and fumbled their way through the day. CINCINNATI AT HOUSTON -Cincinnati co rner back Lemar Parrish tied a National Football League record by returning two interceptions for touchdowns and Neil Craig returned another 63 yards for a score as the Bengals routed IT'S LIKE THIS _:·Thurston Junior High School ' teacher Norm Borucki gives sports officiating tips to students (frolJI left) Mark Kirsten, Curtis Aitchi- Houston, 61-17. Horst Muhlmann k i c k e d field goals of 46, 24, 51 and 32 yards to keep Cincinnati in command until the late scor- Mater Dei, Oilers ing splurge. CHICAGO AT OAKLAND _ In To'"• .. ney Second stringer CI are n c e 'UI. it Davis led Oakland's powerful t running attack through the The Huntington Beach and * 1nud and sloshed 46 yards to a l\tater Dei High basketball fourth quarter touchdown as teams will open play in the the Raiders beat the Chicago Bears, 28-21~ to take a six-Holiday Basketball Festival game winning streak into the hosted by Magnolia High playolfs. tonight at the A n a h e i m KANSAS CITY AT An.AN-Convention center. TA -Veteran Len Dawson A fow;game slate ls on tap tossed two scoring passes in tonight at the C',onvenlion peppering Atlanta's Pa 5 s Center with Huntington· Beach 'defense with amazing ac-curacy, guiding the Kansas Ci-facing Los Alamitos at 5:30 ty Chiefs to a 17-14 win over and Mater Dei challenging the Falcons. Anaheim at 7 in the middle Dawson fired a seven·yard two contests. Foothill and winning touchdown pass to Ed Kennedy opened play at 4, and Pod I k ·1h 2 19 le! la Glenn Hi&h and Katella will 0 a wi : t to P y. square off in the finale at 8:30. "" AUanta's Dave Hampton. Katella ranks as the favorite "' honored at halftime as the Falcons' MVP, rel! five yards in the tournament. short of reaching the l,000-Tonight's games are the see-d ond round of opening games, yar rushing plateau . eight teams kicked off the PHILADELPHIA AT ST. tournament Saturday night, LOUIS -Quarterback Jim with Loara besting Rancho Hart connected on two long Alamitos, Orange e d g i n g scoring passes in leading the Savanna, Servile defeating St. Louis Cardinals lo a 2'4-23 Western and Magnolia lri~ victory over the Philadelphia ping Sunny Hills in upper Eagles. brp.cket games. llart hit wide receivers Bob-The tournament will con- by Moore and Walker Gillette tinue through Thursday's for touchdowns and connected finals. Eight winners bracket with running back Donny games will be hefd Tuesday Anderson on a 56-yard play for evenly divided between the another touchdown. C.Onvention C e n t e r and NEW ENG LAND AT Magnolia High. • ' MU.}' P'l&.OT .............. son, Nonnan Anderson, Bev· Go'ble and Laura Nis- wander. .... By Dl'!NNIS C .. '1'R"lLL Of ... OfllJy ...... lttff A clus In sparts ollldallng Is giving youn~sters a t TbUT11lon Junior Hlgh School in Laguna Beach a new perspective on athlellcs. Tile lnstrllctor • Is Norm Borucki, an usJstant football coach at Laguna Beach Hlgh School and a part.time teacher at Thurston. Be originated the Idea. "We've trying to give the kids another slant on athleU.cs In addition to being spectadfrs and partJclpant.s," be says~ A.secobdlty objective of the program is to give athletes a new loot at officials. 111 don'rlike to say we make them mort sy'mpathe tic toward offJCials becalllt I don' think they need sym- pathy," says Borucki, himself a basketball and football of- ficial. "We want to give them a bit more understanding of the referee's poalUon. We want them to pertelve the !act o!- flcials are hum.in and doing the best job they can and that it's ~ble they can make mistakes." Borucki doesn't confine the officiating c I a s s to boys alone. "We had 43 students in our last class, and about 14 of them were girls," he notes. "The ifrls do very well." Borucki's students take part In what he describes as Thurston's high-powered in· tramural sports program. "We assign students to of· nciate girls' and boys' basket- ball and soccer and boys' foot· ball," be says. "Last year the school's coaches had to officiate at games and this year the kids have.taken over. They're of- ficiating at their own peer lev~l and they do an extremely god! job." Borucki's class emphasizes the mechan1cs of officiating - heiilg In the right spot at the right time, working ha.rd and being consistonl "You can't ask for more than that," he says. Borucki also requires that studef'lts evaluate officials and when he recently worked a televised high scliool basket· ball game they critiqued his wort. "They enjoyed It and kMw what to watch for/' be ,aya. "There was no b\atant replay. though, .. tbelr Judgment ..... as good as mine." _ Borucki bo.seS his grading ~stem on the number of games each student _.ks, written assignment.I -In- cluding evaluation of other of- nclals and discusaion of "- ficiating pbllooophy -and t<$1 scores. At the end of the 11!V Thurston has It! own Super Bowl between the schdol's two best football teams. The· belt ofiicials ln Borucki's claSs are assigned to the g&me and their perf9rmance is evalu.ated ~Y their classmates. · The program ·is an electln class and Borucki claims its popularity transcends that ol any other course. "It's on ' a trimester basis apd the kids are really disturbed that we aren't offering it th ls time around," he says. Tars Test Sea Kings Unbeaten Corona del lefar lays its 8-0 record on the line tonight when the Sea Kings in- vade Newport Harbor IUgh for an 8 o'clock non-league basketball test. It's a rematch for the sec- ond round of the 44th annual Huntington Beach Invilational tournament, or which the Sea Kings eventually claimed the championship. On a neutral coort coach Dale Hagey's Sailors had Corona del Mar on the ropes with a 52--Sl lead, the ball and less than a minute to go. ~ But J\.fatt Keough, one of Corona's big three, stole the ball and the Sea Kings ...,.. eventually to win, S>-52. Newport's lactics included a fierce man-to-man defense and emphasiz.ed the good shot from in close from the front Hne or Jim Swick', Jaime Holfnes and Curt Spreen. Another who figures in that area is 6-7 Rick Woodward. • Cor:ona 's major talent Ls the trio of Keough, Jeff Wharton and Casey Jones. .-GRAND PRIX $122~ MO. Air ceM., ,..... winmw., till ..... .....,. ... , AM-,M 1tww, nllW ...... -· "-Ill .,. ""°' .. -ta. 24 -. .,. -...... -....,.,. ,....._ ..... T & L o.Wr _ ... .. rtlltU ... 1¥t ry, U .... •It.• ....... llllCL.UDIN9 J Yll!Alt/50,MO Ml. WAlll:.AfllT"r JENVER V e t e r a n Huntington Beach enters quatterback Charley Johnson tournament play with a 6-2 threw three touchdown passes record and fresh from a run- and Denver scored on its first nerup effort in Its own tourney five possessions en route to a last week. The Oilers are led 45-21 victory over the New by 6-4: jWlior center Jim Weir. DAVE ROSS PONTIAC England Patriots. who sports a 14 _7 scoring WHISTL'E MAN -Norman Anderson (center} practices his technique as a .. 2411 ~MM. • ,_ Dr .. Celt. ..... Jim Turner, who had a field average through eight games sports referee with classmates Curtis Aitchison and Mark Kirsten. The students U-:: !~let -FACTOIT AUTHOllZl:D DU.UI goal and si1 extra points. and junior guard Raul C',on-· 11•" sr• • Sat. & e-11111• •w ... ..,.. moved into eighth place on the treras, who has been SCQring 1 __:are~_:in"'._:a'._'.spo~rt~s_'offi~·:ci".·a'.':tin~g~cl':'.'.'.a"'.ss~at~Th.'.'..".urs'..:'to~n~J~uru~·o"'r:_:Hi~·g~h'.:Sc~h'.'.oo~l.:_ ____ ,.-.+_!~~~~~~~·,,11,,•~DO~IA"N~-~·,,46-~IO~l~7~~~~~~~ ClllCAGO (API _ "tt,_,.•.,l.,1-tii;miie ... NioFi;L;iisci;io;i;riiingii.iiliiistio. iiiiiiiioiaiot .,•.,1.,2 . .,o;ic;;;ilip;i.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-j • wasn't exactly a classy hockey II r;:===============================================::;, game," said coach B o b PuUord after his Los Angeles Kings were blanked 2~ by the Chicago Black Hawks Sunday night. "But defensive game s seldom are." Introducing AIR CALIFORNIA'S OWN, VERY SPECIAL She worf<a Air Calijomla'o new SKI DESK. Attractive she ls, person- able ~he -ls. tool But.Unlike other "bunnies", she's an expert at get- ting you to the Tahoe/High Sierra okl slopes from Orange County. Specially trained, Jill Edwards, has a wide assortment of convenient, econ0mlc:al Air Callfomla Ski Packages to offer you. The victory put Chicago three points ahead of Min- nesota in the race !or first place in the National Hockey League'a< Wes~ Diviiion._ Detroit beat Minnesota S-4 Sunday. It was the second shutout this aeason -both against Los Angelefl'!... for Hawks goalie Tony Esposito. "I thought Los Angeles skated and worked awfully hard," Chicago coach Bi Uy Reay said. '"I'bat's why we .had to get the big plays from COME INTO "BIG MONEY" I' . Air Calllomla's SKI OU~VAlLEYS packag!!S (for as many days as you want) to BEAR,.HEAVENLY AND SOUflW. SPECIAL CONVEN- ' IENCE PLUS charter pa~kages lrom Orange County Airport to South ' Lake Tahoe Airport. Or, If It's J~t lnlormallon you went on the • , -easiest and most econolill~-waf to got from Socramenlo Airport, ...n.I the galeway to your favorite Tahoell'ligh Sierra ski resort. JIU knows and will be glad to make . • your arrangemenis. Call hor. _ Telephone •• Esposito." Tbe Hawks goalie was tested only 22 times, but he had to make a big save on a breara...,a·y by Ralph Backstrom in the third period to pre.erv. the shutout. "We had to play It tight because we had iQyed Satur- day night and the Black Hawb hadn't," PuUord said. "We had to check close and hope to get a goal and make it bold up." The Hawks got the goals, one by Olfr Koroll midway ln the Ont period and another by Pit Martin at 11:40 o! tbe aec- ood period. Fish Report BORROWING U P T 0 $1 0,000 l1ecured by reel • n d personal propierty) c ould be the 10Ui\de1t 1. C. HICKI money management deci- sion you meke this year. Property velues continue to increase end t hanF•S are that your home is valued at • lot more tfl1n your pres- ent mortgege. HOMEMAKERS can show'you how to convert this difference lwhich is you r "eqJlty"l into BIG MONEY right now. NO POINTS NO COMMISSIONS• Just think what you can do with up to $1 0,000. Add on an eirtra room or patiO. Group your debts and cleen them up ell 1t once, prthich may la1ve you with ONE...smeller monthly payment that your budget can more easily handle I almost li~a getting a ralst In your paycheck). Take care of other "816 MONEY" needs 1t Iha seme time. Please telephone me or visit our office now. HOMIMAKIU LOAN l CONSUMIR ,... l'ID'l:O -M ....,.1 121 l'Kk DISCOUNT CO. Gt "'l·····~• -n .. ..,,-;;; ~ lo.I ~~'9clic81f, '. ,. ,1~; ... -::f, A Sub1ldlary of --"&i1.m~'.~l • General _., -~-~: ~ ' ~~ffic C°"'°""'''°"' • ~llllllSlll; LINDEii 17,12I.ch11~. HuntfnftM a.ch, C.llf. "'47 .. , .• , .. '1 17141 979.9700 AIR CALIFORNIA Serving Sacramento, San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose, Ontario, P.alm Springs, San Diego and Orange County;" • • I ./ ! r • t 1 ' , I· I• ' • • ' • " , . b '· " I J~ .. r i I - I. • ~ c • • • • • .. c H • ' ·-' • ' • c ' A ' ..... • • TheA.wl.rtPalmerMethod · CdM Retains Top Rankip,g \ I I' l .. • FlaM LUI' WRIST KEUS SHOTS ON PROPER TRAJECTORY '· ,2,., ' ...... __ _ If you flnd you 111 hltllna your drl.ea too hllh, ' .,.-if you are llriklna the .,....s beblnd the boll 0n ~. :rour lion lhols, lhc probkm may be a -kll!ll in , your left wrlil. · • If the bock of thi• wrill !>owl inward, eilhlr ..... ' fore or durlna llllpl<I, the dulJ(aao will turn upward arid ll'fl abruptly· (!lhutnlion 11). This i,.,....... tho • loll of tho lhot and may cause the dublad. to PIM • -tho lop of tho boll. ~ , IWy, the blck of your left wrist should ~ r tllm lbtoup Im!** and C011tln11t moviq low to tl\11 ! .,OU... IOWlrd the larl'I (IUU11ntlon ll) 1111111 tbe ,, bJ1I J1 W.U away. •• , .-... ... _, 1 ' • ' ' I 1~ Pro <;:age, Hockey Pro Grid • ~ Standings ... J PtMI R ..... rS- A-rkH C•hrMCit .. ,, * t T Pct. l'tL Of" JC-Ml•ml l' 1 1.ooo ., 111 H..., Vert J•b 1 1 t .500 )67 32' I, ll•tllmore s ' o .l57 :m 'H1 lluff•lo ' t 1 ..321 2!1 :m ...... Eng/Ind l 11 II ,21( 192 4"' Ceo1tr1I 11 l 0 .716 :M3 11$ 10 ' 0 .71( 261 ''' I f 0 .571 29t nt I Tl 0 .011 1'4 31t *"' x-Oaltland 10 I I .1'0 ~ "' ICtnusCllY I t .571 25' °""..... $ 0 .357 )5(1 Sin Olega ' t ,1 .l:ll 26' :Mo! N•li.ui. C'fflNIK'e I L T ,d, .. ,. o .. x·W•illlnglon 11 3 I .716 l36 211 "''l, 10 ' ,71, l!l' ., M •• 1..,n 'I .m u SL ' 4 .m XI) ~lladelphf• 1 11 I .17' 1 l$2 ...... 'I • • .,,. Ji "' s 1 .11>7 * 1 1 0 .SOG 2'2 ••1.32122:51/'J -,.s." Fr.ndi.o. 1 J 1 .w m 241' "" ... '' 1 1 0 .JOO Hf ,,. U.. """91H ' 1 1 ..... 291 211 H"" Oile-2 11 I .17' 2\S 3'1 x-won d1vlllon unii. •-AFC Wiid C•rct tHm In playofb. "-NFC 'Mid C•nl lffm In pl1yofl1. I ... .,.. ....... ClriclnNlll 6\, HOUSICWI 17 lluff•lll 24, W•neton 17 O.tl1nd 21, ChlcfOO 21 Clotwl•nd 216, NM York .Hb 10 o..trdl )I, ~ ...... " 11 G'"" S.y Nf'll' ~ 20 K•nMI City , All..,!• 14 Denwr '5, ...., E •nd 21 ,.._. York ''.\l' $!. t.ouls t•, 1 P'llhf)Urat\ ,... 2· .=a'l. 0.-IMd~tflbuf'Dll M•tt.ul~ 0..11•1 11 5'11 frtfldM'O .::::v·=.:.. G,_n ll•Y 1t W°•sllllllitOll Amtl'IUll _ ~ll!Wffc9 CltYtl•ncl •I IWn Sports Calendar Lease It,. Y.-U*lovel* 1t ·haa air conditioning , tinted glass, ractlal. W""N tires, "deluxe seat belts, radio, di luxe side ""!kl~ 01!>9r IAO"'fY !"!"~ ' •• ,< • lltllla Clrlt. COIJlll " No Down ,._nt Abooluto ....... '"'""'"""" 0ta119" CounlJ ·-~ OWMd -1111 - 531-0IO' Mac HoioaRl> AUTO AND TRUCK LIMING -.., ........ ,.,,., ........ -..... --""'"'I-- • 1. • .. Upde!eotod Cor<4ia d•I Illar .Jiii!!'• loa KlllJ1 rema in the No. 1 prep basketball team in Orat1ge Co\µlty Jn the official Ullln( of Iha county'• top to J!011 u aele<ted by the. DAILY PJLOJ', Tho Be1 KJijp,.champlonl of Iha recent j4!h 1nnu1l Hun· lh>i1cO lleaell lnvltallonll, 1irepl 111 of the Ont place vote• amone the v o t I n r ocrtl>oJ. Tho Sea KIJ>p are back In 1cllon tonllbt at Newport -(i) fo their final non· leiiU• t,.i P!ior to January. 1 La Ha bra HJ .sh'• VOIT Highlanders moved Into tho No. I IPOl follo"lng their triumph over Lowell in the L1 Habra tourney, while Marina 1tumbled to fourth with a H mark, two '°"" coming to out.<>f-<OUDl)' Ion Puaden• and Cenllnnl1I. Other Orq e Cout area leam1 111nlni •poll In the top 10 loclude Founllin Volley (third), llwllinClon B e a c b (filllt), ud Mallr Del (IOthJ. fountain v.u.y 1rabbed th! Santa Marla tou rna men champlooal1)p with a triumph over lfanta Barbara Saturday nJ,ht !or Ill 1bth otralfhl win. Huntington Beach rolled to six in a row beCore NDIJin& ill· to Corona del Mar and Mattr Dei's $-3 mark includes a 1·1 record againlt Orange Couf'tY compeUtlop. 'l11e Monardl• lost lo El Modena tjy three and whipped Loi >JalJ\ltOI, !Ht. P'.a. "J':•• i;.Ui'fl'Y TOP" 11Pp11111 J·C-~ ... I M l: ~&' ft.I• :{ 4. Mv1119~( f2 ··~ (Mii • ' . ' 1•·U i. . ~ It !>. ey..[t,l.tl' 1141 , Ii ~' f:"tt1n rf}l ,...,. VI•\"• ~•J;r'"H:re 1a}: "•Mnc:•• "'1· C K1llll• Htoh khool llOf t!lol1\I '°' '""""'/Ion 1n Ml -M Jt i 41•r 11111• • •ltilll "...,.,,,,._ "9MfWI. GREAT GIFT IDEAS , FQR FAM.IL Y FUN •••. · GREA l SAVINGS WITH l ·& G'S~LOW PRICES!' , INTlllMEDIA TE FOOTIAll "PRO" GOlF BAllS y..,, <"-i<• •f Int.vs Ll7l offlcW lil1 wtllo ....,..<n•r.orto. "91111•<•· 7" WIATHllllT lllAlll XIII 1 AUTOMATIC RIFLE· 22 <.liffr i111...-K rUI• ll'l'ilh .w .. ,., 41 .. ,...,. '"I"· 9995 O.t, M•xfli,.,. T'P-flite! IOlURDIRll SHOE SKATES CWldr•'s "Strfff l /Rp" kt si4tw• na. ,\qij • .... ;. W.Ck" wMt•. -lADllS' IM" 3-SPEED BlkE ,......., ........ .. ...... ,.,,.~ ....... ! trftter sWll'r••il •"'"'" "'! ...... Mrs. 54'5 OPFICIAl RA S FOOT8All KITS IY RAllll!IGS COMiststf Ml .... ,.., ,...n, i•MY· 1 t• 11 yrs. DOWN JACKETS DODOIRIDGI SKI PACKAGE , .... ,..., Gln1 Skh, Gttdm ISi li...,s""' Ah., Pote.I 12~';; 9995 PM PlASTIC SKI BOOTS f M M lillff f• .. , ......... "" Sizes 7 f• ll. 2995 , STORE HOURI: MON. THRU Flil, •O A.M. TO I P.lil. SAT. •IUN. 10A.M. TOIP.lil. TUSTIN IANTAANA JritlWP'OlllT A\11.. 1)151 •• l ltll 10L er. •I ,lllllT ITllll~f •I MtcAf'Tt4Ulll ,h_.:'t32·S· PtlOl'!t: M7·31fT NOW, 4 STORU IN ORANG E COU!f'IV !mbtr, 18, 1972 DAJL V PILOT %:J Mauldin's Own ·Favorite • • • "•\ . • • • • ·Still · Relevant Two w1rs liter. Bill Mauldin'• cartoons stm say it aH for the guys who .,. "up front" doin<J the dirty worlc. Mauldin once selected t he cartoon above as one of his own favorites from World Wu !l 's "Up Front" series. Ho ,.Id: "One• I thought I did a very funny cartoon (about) en old-time . covelryman shooting his i••P .. , It hos simplicity; it tens a story; it doesn't need words. It is, I believe, the very best kind of cartoon." Mauldift is still cloing some of the wo rld 's "very best kind of c1rtoons." , ~ f!~ strokes o.f his tol1ntecf .P:'~ .,~.,,,eke some of the most biting editorial co~menh to be found on toCl1y's issues. If you 're loeliiig for relevancy, look al Mauldin two we" liter (fr"'luently featured in the Daily Pilolj~ -. -.-• Look at the !dltorial Page of the DAILY PILOT • • I -··· --- r ; I -. • " ~ ' " ' " I " ' • .. • .. " • " ' .. • • .. ' ' ' ' • .. • ,. ' .. :i. < .. • • %4 DAJLV PILOT . -- s. • Mond11y, OtcMlbrr 18, 1972 ' . • . -. ) Auto Research Data Told W a·II Street • • • V.S. Census Burec1u Releases Wealth of Information. By CARL CARSTENSEN A wealth or infonnutlon on auto.mobiles and their use wns gathered by the U.S. Census Burt>au during !he lasl tv.·o years and afler the govern- 1nent digested the data they released the information in a typical SC\tra\ \'Olume re port. A few highlights -son1e in· teres ting, son1e expected - follCf\I•: _:. A\'ERAGE CAR OC· cupancy for all trips-is t.9, ranging from a high of 3.3 oc- cupants for "vacation trips" to a tow of 1.4 occupants fo:- "10 and from v.·ork " trips. -Averajl:e car occuoancy in creases with trio 1enath. -Automobile oo;upancy is higher on weekends. -One occupant tr i p s represent 50.2 percent of all trips. -As 1he annual income nf a household increases. so does the average annual mileage FINANCE per \•ehicle. -As the average age of an automobile increases. t h e average annual in i I ea g e decreases. -New car purchases represent about one-half of all car sales. -Automobiles in two and three-or-more car families average more miles per vehi- cle annually than automobiles operated in one-car households. .. Finance Briefs -Passenger automobiles avera~e 11',600 miles annually. -'I'he greatest perce.ntage R of vehicle miles are driven during the summer month!; the lowest percentage during the winter. -The largest seasonal e!- fect on vehicle trips Is in the "social" and "recreational" trip purpose calegnries. -TRIPS FOR "earning a living" and "family business" show no significant seasonal variation in average length. -The average automobile trip length is 8.9 miles and 30 percent of all trips are less than 2 miles. Ford Division wW back up record 1972 car and truck sales with an even better performance in 1973. Gordon MacKen2ie, division general sales manager, h~ prediqed, MacKell'Zi~ made his pred ic- tion during an interVtew and said, "Ford Division will sell about 2,300,000 cars and 1.000,000 trucks this year set- ting another new record for the division." "FOR 1973 every sign points to another great year for business in general and the automobile b u s I n e .s s in particular," MacKenlie said. He said that 1972 b the first year in which Ford Division's combined car and truck total e Boat Scrap Your Money's Worth sales will exceed 3,QOO,QOO. I "We 've had sorpe prtlty bot items going for us ln 1972, '' be said. "The small car market Is the first thing that comes to I mind. The market, which in- cludes compact.a aod sub-com- pacts, has grown ftom 15 per- cent of the Industry In the 1965 model year to 35 peiunt In 1972. And leading the ~k now in that market is the Pin- to. "TillS-WILL mark the fint time an American car has led the subcompact se(ment. Pin- to hai *1 a ,ter:rific little car for us, and s1nce we in- troduced t1'e Pinto WllilOn earlier this year, Pinto sales have gone out o( sight." MacKenzie said combined Pinto and Maverick sales ac- count for 18 . wi;ent of the small ca: market, the biggest share for any 1di\1iJion in the industry. · He also noted that.. this year the imported car~ share of in· du s·tr y sale s·t hcou g h November is down fi'Om 15.7 percent last year to 14.9 per· cenl He said that Ford Division is beaded for lta fifth consecutlYe year of trock sales leadership and added, "We don 't expect It to end here. LOS ANGELES -The freighter Liberty Manufac- turer, damaged after going aground in October outside U:is Angeles Harbor. will be sold for scrap, owners say. '72 Yule Gifts Less Useful, A spokesman for ~1anurac· lurer and Navigation Co. of Hong Kong said Thursday a San Francisco nrm ls taking bids on the ~year-014 vessel which finally was jarred fro1n its two-week seabound perch Oct. 26 after several unsuc· cessful attempts. Safer, Costlier, Effortless • ,, ~ ' ~ • ~ • • • .. \ • .. . I ' e .S1111kist SAN FRAKCISCO -Eight San Francisco export firn1s v.·on $723 ,000 in antitrust damages from Sunk i s t Growers, Inc . By SYLVIA PORTER There are only seven shop- ping days left till Christmas - and by now, the trends, themes and directions in the array of gifts being offered during this biggest spending year of history are clearly evi· dent. ed from the marketplace by the Food & Drug Administration under t h e C'hild Protection and Toy Safe- ty Act of 1969. Among other indications or the mounting war again.sl lo y-r e I at ed trageWes are: an increasing use of age group labels to The export firms charged that Sunkist froze them out of marketing California oranges in Hong Kong through a 1966 agreement for direct ship- ments to Reliance Com- mercial Enterprise~ in the Asian port. o f show you what toys are al>' economic expansion is un-propriate for what age mistakahle. The underlying groups; better instructions to optimism and the national increase the safety or the toy yearning for prosperity in when it's actually being used . peace could be denied only by a Scrooge. The overall trend e Debits Up LOS ANGELES -Bank debits for November and the first 11 months ,of 1972 have st a record. says th e Los Angeles Clearing tl o use Association. The association said th;i.t bank debits. the tota1 of all check transactions. rose 20 percent during November to $35.9 billion compared to $29.3 billion during the same month a year ago. PERSONAL RADIO PAGER TONE or VOICE Mtw C_,.ad hcll;el Ul'lt LOW COST MONTH to MONTH REHIAL IASIS ORANG£ COUNTY RADl01ELEPHONf SEBVICE. '"' Personalized • Stylish • Efficient Order For Yourself or • Friend Mey be used on envelop•• es return eddre11 le.bell. Also very hendy •1 identificetion lebel1 for m.,kin9 personel items ·such •1 boo~1, record1, photos, etc. Lebels stick on 9\a11 end mey be used for marking home cenned focd items. All labels era printed 'With stylish Voque type on fin• qu•lity whit .. gummtd p•p•r. AS FOR HfGH price tags, a home bowling alley is o(fered in one catalog for $2,859; a fibcrglas "Swimobt1e·• which tows the child (or you) through the water is on sale for $329.50. • No effort items are everywhere, underlying a trend which goes on and on. As illustrations, there are: remote control switches to tum on and off home ap- pliances, TV sets, e t c . ; switches which are activated when you blow a whistle: automalic dice shakers, card shufflers and poker playing machines are bringing us ever closer to the day when you'll hardly mo\'e when ~·ou play; children 's mugs which say "we love you" are making it possible to avoid havina to say this yourself; piston-ooerated nutcrackers are eliminating the fun of failure in cracking a shell . • sr-1ALLER AND smaller is a trend as clear as bhu~er and bi'1:Rer. You can "'buv a onP-ounCe 1"'4 Inch trAnsii.tor rRdio which runs on hel\rln1t aid battA.rles: a mini-torch with a 5.CIOG.deln'ee pinooint f111me for the home workshoo: ll folrt-uo 7-lnch Ttali~n model "world'!! sm111lest phone' ' which olUJ!:S into anv jack. • You call' 'M>lo clean uo the plo.net with how-to-do books and paperbacks and ter- rariums, faucet water purifiers. natural f o o d s Americans Really Like Cold 'OJ' LAKELAND, Fla. (AP) - Americans drank 108,431,000 gallons of rrozen concentrate orange juice during the year ending December tt the f1or- lda Citrua Department said. - The total was 7 percent greater than the 1971 season . ~· . The department's execu1lve director, Edward A. Taylor, noted that the s a I es performance of chilled orange juice "has been even more spectaci;lar a s consumer.a have reported purchasing an estimated 13,741,000 go.lions of the product since that season opened On October 1." ~ ~ .. • . ' I • l lh! said this was a gain of 28 percent over purchases of last year. Taylor said the 1 a t e s t average retail price for A six ounce container of co~ntrate was 20.S cents and 38.1 cenl.IJ for a quart of Cllllled jui(f, • cookbooks, e<:o-action kits, etc., etc. • Do-it·yourse\£, as you might expect, is another hardyl trend. Big sellers thi! year are home breadmakers, w i n e making kits, sourdough bread starting kits, cheese makers, pasta machines, y o g u r t makers, cand.1e making sets, home-made sausage k I t s . Steady sellers are the old standbys for tbe h o m e worksrop, sewing room (man and-or woman), garage. •Nostalgia continues strong too, with the range now broadened to Include electric barber poles, .gumball lamps, home ice cream makers, old milk stools, a replica of tbe gramophone, antique c a r models, anything from the at- tic more than 25 years old. • "ELEC'JRIC everything" is being pushed as hard as ever -in the face o( wamlngs from every side that we are entering a period of major poWer shortages and we must cut down our use of electricity in particular. Yet, being vro- moted as never before are home electric engravers, elec- tric paint removers, home lle- detec.tors, automatic f I s b feeders, electric soup tureens and cracker crispers. eleclrle eyebrow tweezers and pepper mills (battery or plug-in). \Vho's talking to and who's listening to whom? • Thoughtful gifts, I n - expensive and refreshing I ad· mit, are also on the market - so you won't nominate me for Scrooge. Memberstups t n organizations ranging from the National Wildlife' Federa- Uon to Zero Population Growth; subscriptions to con-, servaUon journals, large-type newspaper editions, low-cost but !requently mo s t in· fonnatlve government publications in such fields as automat\ve safety, f o o d preparaUon, prom Ising careers , education ; enrollments in adult course; etc. A HODGEPODGE, yes -It couldn't be anything else ln the U.S. at this time of con- tinuing economic expansion and transition Into a new era of uneasy peace but still peace. Mesa Firm Distributes ~1arCU! Motors, of" Costa Mm, has been appointed a dJstrlbutor for C h e m I c a I Dynamics CorporaUon. According to Wiiiiam E. Marcus, the finn will be fesponsible for AAle a f Chemical Dynamics producta throughut the area. Chemica l Dynamics Corporation, headquartered In Chicago, produc~ ga8011ne and oil additives, radiator end transmlsaton sealera and a carburetor cleaner under tht "CbemGua,rd" name. • • 7' ... 1 · ·,. ·~ • . . ;;.,-'J'. .I ., •• ··:&ppllf ·S;;i'!~~lflll ~;ru; ~~,.Of!f!¥:);~. ' • •• • • • • •• • •••• stock. likely the Or- Fifteen out of every 100 Americans today own We couldn't prove it, of course, but it seems that th~· percentage is even greater here in . 1 • . arige · toast · area ... and it's growing every day. That'~ why the DAILY PILOT was proud, years ago, to be the first newspaper in Orange County to bring its ~eaders "today's final stocks today" via super high speed wire services. We're still doing it in every home- delivered edition and the service gets better all the time. ' Wall 'Street's computers "talk to" computers in the DAILY ·. PILOT plant every trading day at the rate of more than 1,000 words per minute. It takes only 12 minutes to •move .. the entire. New York ?-nd Amer.icon StO(!k Exchange reports from th~ 'ca n y (,'~ s of Wall Street to the typesetting machines of the DAILY PILOT right . here ·qn the . Orange Coast. . t . And when ·technology finds a way to beat that speed . ' ' -·record, the DAILY PILOT, no doubt, will be among the first to use it to bring readers "today's action today." When · it comes to financial news, the one that means busi n&ss is the DAILY PILOT ' , ' , . \ ' I I .- r i I l • I I l I I • • • • . ' l ; I I ! I I :· I I I i t f ! • I I . ~ . • t • t ' I . • • • I ' . • . • ' • . • I I ! • .. • I I ' f. I ! I I I • • t l .. ' • • l I l • I l • • • • • • • I ' I ' • • ' t ; I I I 1 • i I I ' i I • • • • I ' l ~ I t ' t l • • ' ! . • • I . ! l • • , I • ' ' . --· • 'Tis The Season -;J • 11 I • • • But What's The "' Reas -on? . -. In fact, here are 5 good reasons for shopping early: 1. S.tretching _ out the Christmas shopping season gives refailers a ch'!nce to function more efficiently. When clerks-are less harried, shopping is more pleasant for everyone. 2. Many retailers offer their really special "specials" early in the season to enco~ the public to shop early and to help alleviate the last-minute "panic" buying. 3. JuJt in case your favorite Christmas gift merchant has underestimated your enthusiasrry for the season, .a longer period of shopping gives him a chance to re-orde-, popular items so ·he doesn't have to disappoint shopp~ts late~ in th~ season. 4. When you ta,ke more days to shop you can do the iob more thoroughly, visit more stores, ' compdre prices and quality'tmd be 11JOre satisfied with the gifts you finally decide to ·buy . 5. And there's no secret about it, the Christmas shopping season is the biggest sales period of the year . for most retailers. Support local merchants now and you'll help make them . enough profit to keep their prices reasonable all year long. (And prices will never be more reasonable than they are now.) Thia meamge preaented as a public 'service on behalf of our friends and yours, the retail merchiinta of the Orange Coast Area, by the DAILY PILOT Watch For Special Sections Filled With Early Chrisbnas Goodies in the . . . . . DAILY. PILOT .. _,,.. .......... ~~· ~-~· .... ... ' . • I l .. I I I • ! I ! ! I I I I I I I i ------------------------------.~----------...... ----~-~Wt)llliW,~wv:t:jl:;l.~~-1-.. ..... _.,.. .. I " " I · . I ' • -· f •' I '' ' I ,. - • Z DAJLV PILOT MondJy, Ottrntber 18, 1972 AMBLER A ~•VY Nl6KT RAIN IJ.A'i ABATED, AND /l(f ----· FN..LS' LAW FOR'CE5_ .51R£NS SLEN{ Sl"EED • DOWN TI-IE MIGM\oVAV ...... I _ _.-.;e TUMBLEWEEDS HERE'S M'f ANNLJA/.. POCREI: PROCLAIMIN& ~ECOM~ER 25th AS CHl\ISTMAS PAY IN 6-1\IMY 6-ULCH! SE~ ™r l1'S A:>ST'EI' Pl\OMINENT!.Y! ,,.~.-.,,._,....,...._..., ,,.,, MUTI AND JEFF ~~ SINAI by At'Sinlth M NOT! 'YOU KNOW l-loWTllEY DO EVERYTHING BY COMPUTER MPCHINES INOURCOM~Y- . FIGMENTS NANCY -- TODAY'S CIDSSIDID PVZZLB • ACROSS 51 Noise 1 Pilot'• 52 "Al · -of necessity 15 Thin crisp cooky 10 California valley 14 "It'.~ only· tact" 5'4 Spllltd the ...... 58 European 59 Pro ---- et Moslem religious 15 G1meon leader horseback 62 Ro1d of old 16 C1lm 63 A~ any 1im1 17 Menu itei;n 64 Kidney _ 1! Uuered •!9Ud 66 ~"',..• 1 19 AetOUnded """!"" O 20 Tailor's 1 A.pi. employee 68 A-'v• 22 Set of dllh.. 67 Har9ngu• 24 F!Jres f1tmly In DOWN piece 25 Wtndii,g mtctiine 'Z1 Prectk:e 30 MatUte 31 GrMk goddess 32 lmperloYI 37 Bllill 38 Drie1t Ml Where Salem 11: Abbr. .4 I Prepared for dilhtrtnl wmk ·,,.3 Theater 1ection 1 Hand tool 2 Japanese gelatin• 3 Valley 4 Gathers togethtr . ·~ ...... bocly:2 we«!• ··-7 N1g1'1v• word 8 SOff'OWful word 9 C1mtvorou• m1mtn1JI 10 Htvlnig rnwa 44 Umpire'• br111 decision 11 81 of UH I S Buslneurn1n 12'Colnf 48 Consequ1nc1 13 Emotion S1turday's Puzzle Solved: 21 H91t feature 42 Certain 23 Min of many racehorn& words 43 Gollef Gene 25 Canner's equipment 46 -• tee: 27 Back Perfect 28 North 47 ·- ArMricm T~ Indian 48 l(ind of 29 W••pq" pan uantk D Not Al Owl'Kt migratOfV eo City ot 34 Court flgur1 Oregon of old 53 Spo1k wildly 35 Egg on 3l'I Uni>'eallnt 65 Rivero! loOk -Ru~ 31 _ Ill Giw off Sainte Marie '38 Laughed, in 1 way 80 Deeade by Dale Hale by Emie Bushmiller Tkrs ONE IS PEftFECT·-- LOOK AT ALL THE ROOM J J ! UNDER ·IT FOR PACKAGES PEANUTS JUDGE PARKER furu~E SURG!ctJS of A l'iERlc.A DICK TRACY ' .. SHI ,IMAL.1.Y PK\.L ASLEEP, SAM! I AATE TO WAAE .wt! llASV, u .. TMIAI! I ' TAKI! IT SLOW -SLOW. ' ' DOOLiY'5 WORLD SALLY BANANAS " GORDO MOON MUWNS DOC, I DoN'r DARI' ,;, <;o7o SLJEP.AT , Nr<OHT.-1 'THINK;~!../)'~ COOT GALLOPIN' BRAIN DRAIN, Oil SOMl'THIN'. " '" ANIMAL CRACKERS ·: •' , ... ~ ® by Chqrtes M. Schulz 1"7"'--.....,....-._....; ~~AA\1! A OIRl'1TMAS TREE • EVEN W<lCl05lUCK. . • I • • by Chester Gould TMAT DID !Tl NOW, TO PULL OUT TMIS PLANK, I WlfU., WllY Nor? / • by Ro9er Bradfl•ld by Gus Arriola by ~rd Johnson 0 Tlte thing 11 •be'• married and once you're married .. there's nothing to write about" DENNIS THE MENACE ... .. .. • 'J'DOH'r "llllNK HE ~EM5E~Et> ME .... HE J(~PT CAU.llf.¥t '811SrPl.'. • .. • \ I f J • I \ -- \ TOMGllT'S '(V IDGHiJGHTS ., K'1:LA II 7:00 -Getting_ 'there First. A look at t!ie competlllve spirit that. has led Amertca 14 Its current world pos!Uon. E;'V. Marshall nutates. K~ET Ill 8:00 -Opera Theater. Jacques Of!en- bach f fantuy opera ''Tales bf Hoffman" is pre-eentecl. NBC D 9:00 -"The Snoop Sliter&• Two.quaint sisters who write murder mysteries become per- sollally inyolved In the murder of a glamorous movie !!tar. Helen Hayes, Mildred Natwick Art Carney, Paulette Goddard. ' ABC Q 9:00 -the Rookies. Earl Holliman gueaLs u a retiring poUce officer who bolds off buJlaozera at gunpoint after bis ranch has been coqdemned for a freeway. CBS B 9:30 -Doris Day Show. Doria replaces Cy Bennett u editor In chief of Today's World. " . . ) Movie By BOB THOllµS HOLLYWOOD (AP) -"A· gen68tion a'go, c o 11 e g e students •weTe Writing novels. Now they want to make movies." Tbis comment by a mm. educator reOects, the growing trend of movie studies in the naUon's colleges and universities. The growth has been recorded by t h e American F·l l m Institute, whlcli annually surveys the nwnber of film schools. Mondly, DfCM\bef' 18, 1972 Schools ,on ENTERTAINMENT universities streu history and appreclaUoo coun;u, but there is a growing trend toward mat e-.your-own· movies. ••'J'here is also a new developmeat In the use of television and tape,'' be added. "Tbis year we've.,added TV to the cinema department at use. ll's lmporLant for young film makers to be able to use all visual mediums." This year, the Institute reJlOIU, mm ....;... and The big question is: How well can universities prepare students for film making careers? training programs are being ..._ ________ ,, offered at 427 ' schools of THIS BAS been a sourc! of higher education, an increase disillusionment for many film of t.2S from last >:ear· remarked Arthur K n l g h t , students a f t er graduation. Students cah major in f.tlm criti~ and longtime teacher of Some of them ·complain that at 96 universities, a 40 percent " t te ch te d 'ilm. "As a result, most of the ama eurs a ama urs t rise within a year. 'Forty-aeven: "' i..~ " UCLA nd SC school!: offer adv an c e d film departments I've known ~amateurs. a U DAILV PILOT Rise Vidor and the late J...t. V~ Stomberg .. visiting 'PfO', fesson . A recent gradul!le ol USC grumbled that "teaming art In a unlver~ty is a. bad begln- n i n g .'' The real disillusk>nment comes when the students try to mate it in the movie world. They are faced with an industry that is 1 depressed and unions that are restrictive. "But there's always hope that you'll be another Cop- pola," said a UCLA studenL He referred to Francis Ford Coppola who-won bis masters' degree at UCLA with his ftrlf feature, "You're a Big Boy J'l()w." He directed another film called "The Godfather." Paramount rettntly sent him a check for $1."4 million as part payment for his interest in the film. .TV 'DAltY tOG degrees in fiim, Including have been located in the most have tried to cure that by hav-ing auch film greats as King Ph.D.s. Some 2,392 courses, ramshackle and remote ofl ----------'----------- Monday Evening DECIMIU ll -.a.I 17 CGftW .................. .......... ,., ............ ....... _ .. ,...17, ..... 80111Cl&l-iJ ,..._. .. Brttd Df Ylolla Q (J)(j)llJ,,_ .... W Jowl Stat' \'4, Geor1i1 Ttdl. £) r:.:~ \I.Id WH1 .... -__ ,,.._ ..... hen• en ii&•••...._. ·--111-- Bah, Hum-,.,.·-ranging from mo. 1. •P-buildings." v-u preciation· to how to make use and UCLA are the most your own, are being taught Bill Cosby Oeft) as the fastidious roommate of a popular schoois with film glum slob (George Kir~y), tries to pe~age his un-"WE RAVE about 400 ap-students, because both are -ffltwlci, Art C.Mr, hulett• God· lid f · d to · t Santa Cl f pUcations from students each well equipped and have strong , we. T• ..-i sisten w11a .mt• y nen unpe~a e , aus or some . .th the . industry llWdlr ~ -.. P..,11-orphans .on "The N_ew IJill Cosby Show" tonight at year,'' reports Hugh Grauel, tie.! wi movie · . a1tJ ~ 1 1 Iii ........ of 1 head.of the UCLA film scMoL A1sQ popµlar is the ~! ~ mlrld _.star. 10' on CBS, Channel 2. ''We can only accept so to 'ltl, California Institute of Arts, D , .. ...., depending oo bow many of our endowed by the Disneys. students have graduated." (J) T'il Mi•tmtr The film school at the 1'WE THREE schools have B CIJ m .... -..... 'Johnny''Film w1·nner 'Univ~ty of Souther n thebest·equipmen~but ·weby SPldal 1'11D1 of G.tound" Elrt Hol· Califomia, oldest in I.he nation. no means have a monopoly,'' 11111111 fuesb as a retlrina policl also has a long waiting list. It said UCLA's Grauel. '"niere offlc:er who llOlds Otf butklm:US at 1unpo1nt after his ranch Ills bltn TOKYO (AP) -"Johnny functions as a human being in was founded in 1929, when are also excellent film schools tondemllld tor a 1,.....,. Got His Gun," an American an attack during World War movies were c o n s i d e re d at Temple University:, Bf». Ill ·~~ -anti' war mov'ie has been 1." unwoJ1hy of academic study. too University, Northwestern, .,...., .. - ' "I· .1.;:_k fllm study is still North Carolina .and New Y~ •-----• ••-G and n..i-• Timothy Bottoms plays the wm u•• -nc1.11n:u we r T"1 i..a. winner --R1.1--.1 the parvenu of the Uni'versi'h•," 1111-I the f · f'I lion f main charaeter. llUl131U!;"n::u ~3' n ore1gn· I ms,. sec o r~=~~J;~;=~~l~a~carde~m~yicioimimiuin~i t~yi,~'~'iiKni~'~gh~tioiboervi~ed~~tha~I ~moat, the 1972 Japanese A r t •.JO•-"' -l)ollS RPll<" Festival. 'YOU Se·-t'1on' Cy Bennett a Edllor.J11.Qlllf at To-The jury said the movie, ... dlJ'• Wor14. written and directed by Dalton There's something for YOU @ 'he f.IJ. (R) Trumbo and produced by in the "YOU Section" of the (I) Sil "'"' tf ....., Wiii Bruce Campbell, "displays DAILY PILOT every Sunday. 0 m lltWt man's dignity in 8 touching Check its personal appeal for ""ICll._WllttrCMklll lt:IOfJllll .... 11 c...i, ltllllf manner through the main you and yours. = = .._ C..W. lllf'J llltsb. _c~ha~ra~c~te::r~w~ho~l~ost~~all~~hi~s-==========='ll ........ ..... {}) ....... &!---··- Peter ~hia aJid James OToole. l.Oren f.oco dream lhe Impossible Dream in an Arthur Hiller film m--.c..... Oleµb:it11I s "The 1o1111 o1 Q)..... ....... 111'1111 ltalll'" Thi o.rtment s .. LJ111 a.ab otllralorl lll'ltt.Mf SOlllt Slrlnll , ..... -............ _ .... . D ~Inc There First: :;;':;... -"""" .... • * l)to-. ~Iola ..... h-,_, ~ .... . -==.:...~ ::win: Man:aticl 1M Dltpr· A _., at tlll CllM,.citM .. !Mt"-1111 ~ tt lb car-••c.r._ mt worW pcllltloll, LQ, 111tW11 • ......_ • .. CWt ntmta. •... tt r..-. Mathlell Cl) .... ,.... qw1mls with Man:tllt, flnallJ a Wlllr'• .,. u.r admltti111 IMt lie Ill) lonpr kNll ID I tM tay "'" m I 1191• tf JN.. e lldt s.br1 • • ' I :-1 "Manof* bMancha ,. • J~ . <Dli'QI ,.. "•A ';,'1'..il ~~ um.11-.- ·sra:1AL MATINEES DAil Vi BOX OFFICE OPfN 12 to 91 "' 2nd AT BOTH CINEMAS · !· JOHN WAYNE -MAX VON SYDOW Rl TON HESTON -SIDNEY POITB SHELLEY w ... TERS ... :!W t imux 'ACADlllY 'AWAD .... "STA<Tae. -----w '°' fU.ntll ..... --f.Q-..... "" -·-. en __ ... .,...., m-- BURT REYNOLDS "FUZZ'' RAC~UEL WELCH ~==== ................... ================~; NOW AT IOTN CINfMAS j m ... ..,_ •-"•"' m--CIJ ' 10:30 Alli: ..... 7:31 9,..., .......... " ... DTalll ... Qell' Jalln Fora,thl 1U111:L @ T..._. ....... -k... ·--(1)71o--mu,,. a -1 _, C2IWl..., m-- w. Llwf9 (dn:) '52-stM Ilk· lt.45 fl-.u Qutta, ltoblrt Wap11, _ iii .. _ 1 .... fJ.Qllllll!!l- 11""' ... (IJ (I) iliil- 1-., ....... -'Q14I... (j)Mlrlllll .... 1' .. QIQ'-QMwll: (C) .......... c.6. ,n. Mii••• (i,ot) '64-ChristoplM,t Lii. ....... ,....,... GITNtllwC....-1ct1 .... -.. -·-.... __ _ •••ti>••• •. ,. "MllN" ;-~~~"· ~ Ktnsn f1nMT druM If ~ It rlcll wfftl his "'nr 11:15 E ............. holK . 0 111 ID~~ -Co-ll:Jt. Cll llS ..... _, (CJ ... , ..n, All. KMnt. Yll Sf:!lllJ' Mir· di.a ......., (dre) Dlvid War· ............ ~· --...,_.,,~ ~·"· ·:.. (IJ ---·-· .• • , ......... tf.. -..., Id DoeullllfQrJ' 1111 lit (dta) '61-:;-lradford 'Dillman. ICOlofltal state " our pl1111l. hv-a· •• t.•••J """ Joty dllClll ., tfll Unlltd MatioM Coll-BISll09 Is Mbst!MI host. flftlltl 01 tlM HUlllH ~l'Oflllllilt. CIJ ... : . .,_, M $M1 ., _. -...... ,.,., . ., __ ...... •. ...,_ u--•~«•> GJ ...,_ Clrlfi '66-Raf bilMt. Tom Bell •iffWl .... ...._"T.. ·T-·~·=-of Hofflull" l8C 111c49ttiol " • Jactf1111 on.n111c11·a ,.., .,.,. m ~ 1bollt thl avtllof ttoffw'a • 12:t1811111tt; .,.;...., ,...,. ltfvttlblm wtti row Cflrnl (CCMll) '44-Caadlttf Colkrt, frtcl ..... &Ill MdllrflY. c......,. .. ,...._,~~ . ._,.._ ... rmll:lJIWU."-IDl'illlWll _, .... ·Ill llrllll · Cllllomlf · lllll'H:mll SlllASIOOI. !Nlfl'--·-JCIU1!9<-.!!ll--~ llt!IUoolUUIB!Bl•llo:..·1 ... -• -··--·~-___ ..,.. ___ -~-··-·----·-·-..- If you steal $300\000 from the mob, it's not ·robbery. It's suicide. SHOWING NOWI ANTHONY.QUINN • YAPHO KOi 10 "ACROSS no"STREET" ... AllTllOllY FRAllCIOSA : lhllll ..... m-•---m-: C21W! --IZ:JllGI-._ .. -l ~======::'.:::::.:::'.'.~~======-1 (lira) '3'-KIJ rlMCb,. Id Hunter. hit Iii .._.. {com) '49, I-I:• Ill-- GI MERV SALUTES 1:00 0 Cll -* IRVING BERLIN 1:10 (IJ -at l:lm lrtffl• ... t:ttBCIJ """•"" ''""' ""'' 10tt-st1fllll11t ft.., lllCY and Hm'!Y IP to attt.. • II*" IMOlilflltr Mlllotl. D llllll• - - (Cl (2lw) .... --(Ill~ ?Hto ........ .... " . l:>OfJ-: (C) .... 110 Ila! ...,.. (com) '$3-0all DllllJ, JUl'll """· a- J:to ..... : (C) ........ CiNmll" ('M) 'S2-Ja ltllttl, Mala Pow-·n -L C ltn IMftllilfMtln SJ*"'~IJIC. Tl:OIMICCll,,°"•U- W.TIONM.GIHPAl.~S tm'E McOUIUl/MJ kOAAW ~"TM( GVAWAY"A M$I' ARTISTS Pflf.SENTATION CO.$TARRI«> llH JOHtf10fil • Ali LCTTIPll ANO Uil.U' S1'llJrMP$ AS"ffUH" SCRf[NfllAY 8¥ WALTER HU• rfQ,I Tl-( NOVEl. 8Y .tM ll«JMP$0N• >.f\ISIC 111' Ql,INCT J0NtS •A SOl..M/fO!jTlR-IWDWI ~· P1QJJCtO BY 0N.tJ fOSltR N«l MIT04EU 9AO'M'!I • OIRCCTm 8T SAM ~4 ~'°':~ss~~~&trol~ STARTS TUES. DEC.19 • NEWPOllT CENTE~ ••• 2tlD AT CW I 2 CHARLES BRONSON ~ "THE MECHANIC :jjaa£•';.:;'"•-·· ·~: • • EDWARDS Ll\l ll\11'.'IHR HA~~~ .. ~ "T ADAM\ )'IA ~f >A • ;.7'#4141 • • • 'GOtDIE HAWN EILEEN HECKART EDWARO AllEllT , .... ~~~-.... ~~ ··'i0.•11 ... ~·········"··-.-d· ~········-·················~ .. ~.'!!······ llUftlUWll .b AIU! '1ID . l!!ll -JJ<$ 1r.c-- '" MllOlt~"'"· WCOllT Charles Bronson in ''RED SUM'' (PG) t!O WAADS I l\f\1\( f\HR 9CIOll ...... ---,.,. j I M.1.l ~f•f _.. l ('l lU \ lA ""'~A • 9 l9 t l •I "----~-·~W~lt~·~SllV.:!!l~M<~OU:::::tt~N~'·~.......,..,:::::;.:_. ____ , \ ' • • JI ·-...... , • • I ./ • _za DAILY PILOT Mondaf. 0o<..-18, nn The Twelve PUBUC NOTICll l'UBLIO N0111ll! of Days TV ··=.~.:=r l'ICTIOUI---Tllt ....... ,..._ ...... .....,_ ,_ -n•-... . .,._ ........... 0 Au 1 T ke he . T """'"' ...... , ••. ., w. _,,, -MUIOC _,..,,. r, tie ur ys Not on t Dinner abl,es ·~..:::·e<ooif ...... M.":'=.-·--: Kt,... ,..,. .. ~ Calf. .... ,. 0. ... -· -·-~ By JAY SHARBl/M' NEW YORK (AP) -The tra ditional Twelve Days or Christmas USU1 lly atart on Christmas Eve and extend through I.he Epiphany . Tele\'lslon reviewers probably would report the period's events this way: On the first day o f Otrlstmas, my TV gave to me a Partridge family ln a pear tree. 'Ibey looked silty up there, but that's television. On the second day of Christmas, my TV gave to me two turtle doves -Bridget and Bernie -and t h e Partridges in a pear tree. On the third day o f Christmas, my TV gave to me three French hens -they said "hon jouri' and did barref rolls on the Wide World of Sports - two turtle doves and"' the Tlllttlil.ltl-a.lllMI~ ... ~nwl.._,.,. _,., he awam toward another com-Chrlstmas. my 1V gave to me '*'"'''!:"-,_ c. n.rw. n • 1i '': ,::..-;-..::._. ~ Panridgos In a pear tree. merc'·J A ~• sma '·d 11 ladl danc' g My w"e Im Tiii• •'•""'*" ,. .. w1w. IM c-n-..._•• "". s....-e n l~ no es 1n . u • ei..11 .. °'""" c-tJ •: "'•••l'llMr-. l1lll ....._" ...... 1111 ~~.,. ON THE FOURnt day o( explanation for it. mediately gave them the 1m w11.L1A.M ~ •f JOHN, couMTY ..... ._,.,_ 911 Christmas. my TV gave to me bum's rush. e&.&ltl(. IY .._..., J. MIOltOIC. DfifMltY. e . ., ... u ... "'"' """ ............. .,"' ... c.wv foor calling birds , aU on Dial· ON Tl1E EIGHTH day of ~~. °',,";"', -"rmt Oii,., .!?"!: CIWtl: ot or.. C.untr' •n DMI•• 1. ing ror Dollars. three French Chrlslmrui, my 1'V gave to me ON THE TWElFI11 day ol -·-"' · · .... _... ~l't11:r~~ ~! J.:::. =~v hens , two turtle doves and the eight maids a-milking. They Christmas, my TV gave to me PUBUC NOTICE Publtllltd ' eoo 1 Oii 'fi:' Partridges in a pear tree. all said they were pulling for 12 lords a -1 e a p t n g • ,A ~ t\. o;rn ttn' w .,1:...,., 1: On the fifth day 0 f the Waltons. spokesman identified them as ~~~~0~,s.::A~"'tf:S 'Im )111-12 Christmas, my TV gave to me On the ninth day 0 f network vice presidents ·who TM 1o11aw1"" .--t• 11o1no bv11 .... 1------------I five golden rings. It appeared Christmas, my TV gave to me backed shows that wer e ••1 c AP 1 TA L 1 N v es TM E"' T PUBUC NOTICE neither Maude's fourth nor nine drummers drumming. canceled in midseason. MANAGERS, 21s ArMlhYJt, a.ibM ...., "1'"°• ctr11. ""2 ,w:nrtcMll •ust ... ss fifth marriage had worked out They were Identified as Buddy It was a messy Christmas, -'--H~ 215 i\nleftl'rlt, a.MIN NAU STATSM•n and she had sworn off wedding Rich. what witil tile Partridges two ~·~';"'~~ ~r?..,. COftdOO«I iw 911 .,T}M flllowfnl ,..,.... " clolne i:-i- band I II.A t 1..01~1 ' --s or u~ season. On the 10th day of turtle doves, three French JO..-Hickok "'"' ... """' '"u:1c SHOWCAS•, 2121 On the sixth day of Christmas, my TV gave to me hen• foor calling birds five Tiii• 11.i-1 111911 ""'"" "" C-'V ~=-=--Newport •• • "11 ' Christ TV • ...., ' Cl«k of Or"°" c-tv on: ~ 30.. mas, my gave to me 10 pipers piping. A spokesman golden rings, six geese a· 1m w1uLAM e. s1 JOHN, COUNTY :n::*~~ 1~= six geese a-laying. The Y said this was because the klytng-seven swans a-swim· c1..f:RK. By a.-iy J. ~ °= ~ '*' ' labored m i g h t i I Y , but F e d e r a I Communications mlng 'eight maids a·mllklng, Putll!.-t Or9fllN! coest ~11'1 .....,, ~ ...... 1s CllllMtM "" • cer- telev ision still produced more Commission had b a n n e d nlne drummers drumming, IO o.c...., 4' 11• 11' ts. ltn 331i.n ~a..lj11 eggs than they "'ere able to cigarette advertising. pipers piping, 11 ladies danc· PUBUC NOTICE TN•.'*-""*"•• 111111 ""'"'"" c_. emit. On h h d f · and 2 •-~· I pin 1y C1erti; • o.-..., c-ty ........... " im -____ , _. __ 1_11 ___ .~Y __ , __ U!&.::__::_:_1_~_= __ .. _._•.:_~g~.-1 ~ICTtTIOUS IUSHt•ss Mwtt, "'""" .......... . On the seventh day o[ MAME STATEMENT ........ ,. ~ ~ .......... .. Christmas, my TV ga~ to me ii!i':.. ':.~11111 ,,_,... •r• '°'"' %9' ,_,,,, ci::::=.""" seven s w ~.n 5 a-swimming. CAP& ·AIRE ca.. uo w wi1-. ,,..,.. Th tta ked M • S ·1 COit• M9M, CAll!arllY nU1 ,..,.,_, Or ... Clhl 0.Uy .-11ot. ey a c ara. p~ :r; 35 WH11.m T. 11.0dlelle, 2'Dt2 C9Pktrono N----27 ... DICI ,.., ... n. "· L•,.., Hlilltlnlll1111 hldl. C .. lloNll• Im '2SSo71 U"9 C. Mllltr, tta ~ Clrde. -------------I C..I• MIN. Calllonll• TN•-·-11·11e11111 ~by I PUBUC NOl'ICE J»rtMf'INri· 1----~~-----1 Tlllt =~~,~~tll IM ,. _ _._ lllCTITtoUS •UllMISS ......,,,, MAM• tTATM•lft Ct.rt 01 0.-•• County on Dec. 1, 1tn. TM flllOW'log Pl'l'MM •r• Oo1119 Ano·ther Version WILLIAM E. St JOHN, COlll!ty Cl9t'k, by bl.lsineM 11. Of Ray Charws Bewrly J. M.odox. Otputy P·Htll I. coioilldo Ski lllWd!Mnfsl 2. Ski P\lbllt.l\od Or•:it COllfl Dt11Y Pltot, Wnt lnftltmtftltl 3. PO'lfrffltlr Crfflc lnYfthNntl and 4. CDtor.clo S*'°"91 Dlcltnb9t n. 11. 1972 Mid J._.., I, ln-tment1" P.O. 9Gll 1115. N..,..,,, lt7l U:l2·n 14Kl'I. C.tlfwnl• '*11 Sii 9..,uril•, PUBLIC N<mCE C-dlil #¥, CtHfroml• t2W Afl:ltrt A. ••In, Jll a..,..a.,. ConiM 1111 MM, C.llfonll• '*5 By VERNON SC01T HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -A rose by any other name just doesn 't cut It in show business. There's James Brown and Jim Brown, Joe Louis and the late Joe E. ~wis. Don't rorget Jack Leonard and Jack E. Leonard. Think of ~y Charles. Do you come up wilb the magnif- icent black, s!ghtles.1 soul sing- er'? Or Ray Clmies of the Ray Charles Singers'? Ray Charles of the Ray Charles Singers is a Caucasian with a pt'Ofess!onal look about him who is confounded by the confusion caused by sharing his name with aoother prom- inent man in music. ''TRERE'S a third Ray Charles, '1 said the composer· conductor-arranger. "His real name is Charley Carpenter. He 's also In the business, writes lyriCll. But back in the 19409 he wrote nigs under our name." In truth, all three musical Ray Charles are somebody .i.e. Olarley Carpenter isn't the only one who changed his name. nie blind singer's real name is Ray Robinson. Obviously he didn't want to be confused with the in- comparable S u g a r Ray Robin.son of the Jrize ring. For whatever reason be chose to go with the Ray Charles monicker. TllE <m!ER Ray O>arles, a native of Chicago, changed hiJ name from Owl.es Ray· mood Offenberg which is more comprehensible. When this man started his career be was a singer. That was during t he dep«Sston. long before Englebert NATIONAL GENERAL THEATRES ANTHONY QUINN I YAPllET llDn 0 '"'\ Humperdinck and such other names became the mode. ~ Who in his right mind in the l ~~ 1930s would have paid money WM t to listen to a crooner named . Charles Offenberg'? · "Not many," said Ray Charles. "So I made the change. "MY PROBLEM oow is that it 's taken for granted anything musical belongs to the other Ray Charles. It doesn't bother me when the publie makes that mistake. But it irks me when peop}e in the industry don't know one from the other." Charles, the Offenberg, bas .a point. Their Comnents P ICTITIOUS IVSIMftS MlcllMI Q. "49m1, 2"'\'i (;(Pd On91, MA.Ml ITAHM1Eln lklltlM lllM!d, c.ll!Onil• t2660. TM flllow1119 Pft'IOll II clollllll tou51MM Thll -a-11 11111111 ~ 11\1' I •-= Umltild ~p. DAVID STEWART ASSOCIATES, A1b9rl A. B1l11 21551 BRIOllhunl No. 145. Huntington T/111 11•1-I fll9d wtlh IM County Bffdl. C1llfornl• ,,.... Clerk of Or•llM c-ty ... Dec '· 1tn 04ovld si.w.11, 21151 BrGOllhuf1t No. WILLIAM E. SI JOHN, CDll!lty Clml, Dy 1'5, H1tnll11C1lm1 kKh. C•tlfornll ~ .._ly J. M9ddoll. o.puiy Thlt 11us1M51 11 bei11e conduct" by at1 ,_tlffl 1nd!Yldul;I P\lbll$htld OrMPI C"'1t o.lly Pllo!, o.wid Sfotw•rl ~ n. 11. JS. tm •nd J-"' 1, Tl'll1 11•-I ftl<ld wllh tM Covnty lt73 MI0-11 Cl«k of 0r-. County on o.tc;. 1, 19n WILLIAM E. 51 JOt4N, C-ty Clertl. by l-------------1 a.-,., J. Maddox, Dlputy. PUBIJC N<mCE P•IT'51 Publl.n.d 0r""ll9 c ... 11 O.lly Pllol,1------------1 D«:embw 11. 11, u. 1m llnd J•-r;Y 1, 1M71 197.) 3.111·72 ,ICTfTIOUI SUllMISI •AM• ITATllMllllT TM followlng pw--.. .,.. dokio PUBLIC N<mCE bin!-• ., 1------------1 CATALINA ISLAND CLUB. 1221 Wftl 1 ~ICTITIOUS IUSl•ISS ~°",,',!_",,-. ay, N--1 B t•tl'I , MAM• STATIEMENT ,_ """ TM foti-1'"11 pirson II doing bu'llnn1 S.lbcwi ..... l&l...0 Club, 1....:., 1221 11: Witt C:0.1! klgl'lw1y, Newport Inc.II, LANCE MFTCAl..F I. ASSOCIATES. ClllfOnll• IA C•llfor11I• c__..tlo!I). Im So, H1rtlor Bl'ld., COii• ,....... '2626 lnt ... 11,111-l .. ., Clut.. IMoryi«llod, LlllCelof G. ~IClll. 7'021 Wllltti.r 1617 Wntdlff Dl'lw, Svlt9 JllS, ~ Aw., Wl'llttler 90602 8-.el'I, C1Hfornl1 (A C • 11tor11 I• This nw.1-II tlel""'~ by 9fl Corpw•llon), lf'ldlvldu•I. Tl'lls but!-I• ~ by • """"'I LlllCllol G. Mttulf p.rtfllrlhlp. Tlllf 11•'-1 Ill«! with flll County 8ALBOA IAY ISLANO c"" nf Orange c-ty on: NoY, lO, lt7.I CLUB, IMC. WILLIAM E. ST JOHN, COUNTY By: T"°"* J, O'Kw!I, CLERIC, By 81.....-ly J, ~ =:x '111'5 Tiii• ... 1111111 wtltl .... c-Putlll.-t 0r9"VI c .. 11 O.Uy Piiot, ,., cwt of Ora1* ~ M Now. I. lt7l. o.cem11er 4 11, 1a. :zs. wn a:i12.n '"11:i. 1-----'--'---'---'ll'W ~ Ttlll ~ PUBIJC N011CE 1• ...,. Mllll StNll ........ ~.,. 1------------1 Pvtlfllhlcl OrMDt C..11 0.lly Piiot, P1CT1T.::-ius11i11ss N-*'t 21 Miii DeumW-" 11. lL MAMI STATaM1"1" Im nu.n ,..,. lallow+111 CGrl'0"•1'1on 11 dOilllll------------1 twll""I •1: TRll>N·T'AU ToY Co., 1115 EHi Tnlllow AYI., FJJl!aorton, C•lllOl'lll•,1------------t'l'31. IA C•Hfonll• corporllio!ll ST..._ Tllfl btnl-11 tol'llNc+.d bY • cor-WOTKI OP T•U~l'I SALi pw•llon. T .S ..... 11W1 PUBUC NOTICE He's been the music man behind all the Perry Como specials. "The Julie Andrews Special." three Bing Crosby specials, and scores or others. C'barles did two sea!Ofls of "Hollywood Palace," "The Glen Campbell Good time Hour." "The John Wayne Special... and, m o s t im- portantly 1 bis Ray Charles Singen have bad' 30 albums hi! the top<>f·ll>e-<hartS. T1'tlo.M·TllU TO'f CO. Oft o.otmt>er 27, 1'72. •I II :~ A.M. • Walrer Math a u and carol Burnett when asked G•rll'I G. G•n1r1otr TITLE 1NsuRA..cE AHD nusT cOMo Tltil ~=· T'":"'°wllt'I tl'lt C PANV, .. IM'f •ppol11Nd Tl'VllM UN1er "I'VE EVEN worked with to comment on their new movie ''Pete and ty c_,.; ~ 0r~"t....,.,~ on'*-":;:~=-~.~.~ ::..T1~,.~ the other Ray ~-·les," said Tillie" as Lee Montgomery, who portraV'll their son, •1· itn. -na. Pott" :m.. of omc111 .. _.. in ..,. '-'I.WU J ., offlc:• ot lbe Covnty ll ICDrcllr ol Or•ll99 ~ .. 1-~1e i.-... """"• first breaks up in laughter-after the-show~s premiere in Publl&lled °""" cont c111r Puo1, eoun1y c.,11om1.. wtLL SELL AT \,,U.ar ~1 nug!i· JU DettmW 11, II,"· ttn alld J•""9rY ... PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST 1110. time was on the Perry Como Hollywood, 197l :sowz OER r:o11; CASH tp11y~ '' 11 ... of a.i. Show 10 years ago. We 1·ust sat ------------1·~==========:,=; In lrNM rMMY of m. u1111ec1 5t•lt•l •• ii PUBLIC NOTICE !hi Soutti "'°"' 11111r•nc1 to !ht Oki on the piano beni::b and taJked so much more attention and j Or•nu-caunty caur111ouY klc•tl'll '" ,,_ .... -•it th Ch I .. ~r be ~ • 1,---~----·-----I 200 Block of w .. 1 s.n11 An• e1wl., mu;w\;. crcu an ar e::oovl en rg. • 6Jlo6ZHf PICTITIOUS IUllMllSS (lorm«ly WH! 6111 SI.) S.nll A .... "We ..... -k~ t~ether "Like George Gershwin once [ t~r titAMI sTATIM•wt c111fomN, 1111 rtoM. ""••I'd 1n1ern1 ~ IWIU ....... l;;U "'& "' lollowlng PM'-.. Ool!lll bl.lllMSS YIVl'll lo •nd -Mid by 11 IH'ldef' .. 111 00 8 Glen Campbell show. I told Oscar Levant," he said. • •s: DMd of Tr1,1111n 111e property 111u.te11 1n "lhat'S the d'>fference be""een ,.;.. , ... <••" •WJ. THE GREENHOUSE. :)IG GI..-.,.,., wld County w4 Sl•ll ctntrllled 1111 played out a medley of his ..... ~ _, ..... 01~ ...... L9911'11 hkll, C1Utornl• "'51 PARCEL A: -•s." genius and talent.'' __, P•ITWI• 1.ou1 .. Burl, 137 HIOlt Drift, LOii l:N o1 TrlCI No. 30S. In w. Ctty o1 """'e La.g\IM BN<ll, C.lllomi• 92651 Coll• Miu, c~ of Or1n91, SMte of Wh ~--1 k-A Tllf1 butlllftl 11 Ming ton6uctlld by ... C•lllorfll•, •f pir ll'l9P ,._.. !ft looll y, '-'Ud.I. es . was as cu, lndlridUlt. 111 P-oes •· " 1nc1 so of M~ •-the other Ray Charles get P1mtl1 1.oo1u Burt ,,,,.ps, "' "" olfla ot ttw c°"""" ~ Thl1 llllll'Nftl 1'111'11 wllll t1w Co.In,., R__. of Mid C-ty. Burton Cast As Mussolini WORLD PREMIERE ENGAGEMENT I FOR A JOLLY G000 CHRISTMAS I The Future is '1ere. 11tX 'll38 • BALBOA • 't.0.1 '''· , •• ,. ' ~···-,r><· (,,_ :,11:1 o~,,·n /) .;\ 2 GREAT INTtUAINMENTSI .Mnnlfw O'N.tl Chry OrlrMI "SUMMIR OP '42" -Alto - Warren laatty JuJI• Chrl1tl• "McCAii & MRS. MIWR" (R) ---Ctt fOOMf 10 ' •. -:.·...:~t. , ..... ~ :.i .... ---Ctlt/OOMF 11 '.:-.:.:.-.Y·T ,:-t-.,.;, -.. -.. STADIUM I .. -· .... . ----.. ST40/U.tf l Clri ol 0r""ll9 County on: oec-it>er I, PARCEL 8: ltn. WILLIAM E. ST JOHN, COUNTY A non-advllw HMmllnl '°' lngirn5 kl CLERK. 8y a-ty J , Maddox, Deputy. Mid a.gAU trom .. Id parc1I A ~ P·tltM Lob 16.S MCI '" of TrKI No. 3Gl. In lhe 'llbllll'l<td Ormi19 Collrt O.lly Pllel, City of C<*ll M9W. County of Or•rooe. O.Ctmbw 11. 1•. is. _.., Jwiuwy 1, stm of C.llfonll• ... _. ""' l'9COrded 1m ;M1~n 111 &oolit 111 P"'" a. " Mil so o1 PUBLIC N<mCE MISClll-~ In tlw lfnce of tl'lt County Rteel'Mf of Mkl County. PAA:CEL C: Alt utlwlw -' to plKI Ind llM7l rNlllt.tn utlllty llnH k"°" Loli 16.S •nd ITATIM•wr OP ••AMDOlllMIUfT OP 16' ol Trld No. un. In lhe Clfy ol COii• MM9, County ol Orlf'IM', Sl•le of us• o~ ,ICTtTIOUS IUSINllSS •AM• C•llforlll• ., Pll' ll'l9P recorded In 8oolt TM lolloWln; pM"IOl'I• llllW 1119ndoMd 011 • ' " ~ Ml >> IM UH of 1119 l'k"ll0\11 tw11M11 119rM 906 •• M •nd "' ICI ·-CATALINA ISLAND CLUB ., 1m w.i M911f, In !hi oll!c. of IM Coo.i"'f'V C'o.t1! Hlg~Wly N-9 e Ii; II ll«ordr of Nici Cvunty, to Pf'oYlcll C llfor I ' ·~-· ',,,.!er, tlKfrldty, pi, ,....,._ •nd I II I. -... .....ict tor 1intr. fMllly l'ftJdln• ' ' Crul C~ny, 1 P•!..._ Sir!!!_, ~ I.lei, .,..,Jo NldJ.' .... cel~A, Mid ••klMlll i<r•Mltt'O.-C•llfomlt ,. lie' llonO 1lle tllor1ftt -..,. "'°'' con--:::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::::o:=::'I 8•1bM ••Y 1.a.nd Cluo. lllC.. lttl >llftltlll routt' ~ ttw .. 1d P•rc11 A -WHI COllll H}Otlw1y, N9WJIOrt &tktt. Ind rtw N9tftl _...,le vtltl,., .. M!Mnl C1!llornl1. ,..... kt Tlll1 bufkles1 wtif anc1vctt4 by • =.;r ~ IMP of Mid fr • HELD OVER The Nownt Of Tho Ski Epla - Worron Mlllor't "THIS IS SKIING" "SNOW JOB" gtner•I part...,.ll<tlp.. A -..itclutlw .. Mn'llllt .....,. Loi• 115 B1lbM B•'I' lllNlll Club, Inc. Ind 111 of Trkt No. Mn. Ill ... Cll'I ol T"-MI ,I, O'K..... Costa #rMM, c_.., of Or ........... of kntiry ~l MM C•Ufllml•, 1'1 Pl!' 1M11 rtc0!'$d In Book Pllbll&l'lld Or•ll09 Co11t Dally Piiot 171 P"GH a . .cf _,,. !IO Of Ml1Clll'1ll'O\ll NDWmbef' 21 •n0 Dlc.M!'ltllr 4. 11 , 11: :::.;..!." :-.. -::c-c,.."!tv":'9 ..;~.'! 1m m...n m1r11~ of ,.,.., ...., • • ..... PUBLIC N\1f!CE It'll boUrlcllirln bel-..,kl lols 11~ ..... 121 lllld Mid P•l'Cll A. f'ARCIL Et -~ICTITIOU1 •us1•n1 M vM......., .a ,.... cent 1n1 ... a1 •• llAMll STATllJllaNT ttMnl ~ c-Ill 91'111 10 loll 1'S.•"'<I TlN followl!!I ,....... W. 4"1111 1" f/f TrKt ,.._ 3C)I Ill tlw City ol CMI• blnlne1i •1: ,,.,..., County ., Or.noe. Slalt o! Ll!:O'l RESTAURANT, 1f02 HolFW, C.Ufor""-', n I*' ""'II ,,_..., In look COii• Me.-, C911!, n627 1711 P .... •• M llfld .II ol Mhceil•neou1 Joftn H, W M'" 1.fNlll Pry, .. ~. I'°' lht ofllm of tl'll Covnty Victor'!•, A&it. o .... COii• /NI.I, C.llf. ltecord91' of Mid Gounty. tu77 ExotPI from • flOl'1$0n ol Nici l..Gt 16' This MIMM 11 1111111 Ql!ldlldl'CI by lfl> •II oll, Mt, """'°"""" lflCI ollllr '"""II lllvklllotlt. , or llydtoui11Nn llUtllll!IClrl In ll'ld loMdff JllM H. Fry .,.. wllk ll mty t1i1 pniduud fr9lft Mid 111111, 11111 11.i.m.nt .fl11'11 wtlll tM e~ ~"*' w1111"" rltlM to uu tNI pwtlon c1 ... k o1 Or•11111 County on : Nov. 30, 1"1 oniv of ••Id l.nd willcl'I lllld ... n .. • p11nt WILLIAM Ir. ST JOHN, COUNTY CLl!:lllC.. Plfel ... to Mid $00 ffll below 1111 111'-I By l1Y1rly J. MH!loli. Dlpvty. 1urlk"I ol a.Id ltnd tor ti. .,._. _, "111'1 ~1111 for, clev•lfllllnt Md/w •x Publfll'lld Or11199 Coitl D•Uy P!lol, trKll!lll Nici oil, .... ~ W ottltt lli-~~'i'""~'~"~· ~·•i"~'~"'~.~-~nil "'1 1111' 91 .,,. ~,_"""" MHMltf'CM fr9lft Mid ltfld by ll'IMlll of W911t dr!U911 l11to CMf, 199, ,..... 2 Nici MWl't'tc9 of• Hkl l•lld fl'om lltll --'-----'-----louil'ld on OfMf' kind, II Mino U.P"WllY •~thn .... ,,,..,......., ,,... ............ .S..h Wl-f .. J ACHl"'Y A•I .... '?lOOL•a OH TH• 11.00''' -·-"IUTTl•PLlllS Altl ,R.I" & "'fMlltll'1 A OlltL -•a•11c.ICOI I mnD¥11. l._,G I Vlllf ..... ...,.lllal.CW 'Y~ AIMO.. ...... c .... s.t ......... ,.,... J: "THE BURGLARS" uinclllrltood Ind ..,....S tr\11' llllMM'I S«llrlfl• CotnPftl!V, Ill tllC<"QOl'I lf'ld ••tl'OM. .... II ....... llO r'9111 IO ... 1w UflO!I !I'll avrftu of Mh:I 1•ncl or IO UH Mkl 1•1111 W •11'1' porllon thorW to Mid 111¢1'1 ol toO'"' '°' OllY pur!lllff wll.lllMwr. IS ......,.,.. In Ille DMd fr..,. Edlton s.twlllll Cll'f\Hll'I" ~ October O, 1• "' look +dll '"' 01, ornc••I ........ T!ll """' ""'*-.,... ........ _,..... ....... "-K .,,.,, .. 11'11 l"Mr:E1'" ~ .._,. It Pll'llO'!M ~ l tm MIWM W..,, (let• M9M, Citl •· TM w .. 1i111Ad TrvttM 11\tdllrP!t lf"f llMl!Hty frol' .,,., l~tnlM M tM tlf9'I ...... lll'ld ~ Clfl'lll'IOll clell9fllllon, If 1ny, .,,,_ '*""'· llld llfl ~ "" """'· """ wffhlll' <OWll\otlOI w wwrtftl'I". ,.,,,.... or !n'IPll911, ·r.....-no Miit. "°"tu.I""· er -cvn'lllf~. 10 119'1' llM ..-1111,. ,,-i.n. (!pal M1i11 .. lt'9 Ml9(1I llCVl'ld t'f' MN Oeeiil of Trvtt, i..tt: U,,..,. liflfl Ill· "'"'' llltr'Mrl. •• ..,...... In llld Mitt ti• .,_..,II lll'l'J ""*"' N term1 of Mid D1111111 el Tl'Vlt, ,.._ ~ 9tld ,.,_.. • "" ''·"'"" Mid ., "" ""'" crwtW"" MU 0... tt Trvt+. ... __ • TM IMMOO.,., Ultdlf wld ._ ot r,,,.. ........... U9J.Vflld IM .... 1-.cl .. _.., ..... -IN MY SOUP'' ---~~~~· "THIE TIEN COllYilAMOMIMn" llW UllOll'll9"M • wrltttll Oltt•r1tlooll I Defllllt 9114 Defnl"4 W lllO. 9llCI Ii ttten Nolltf llf Dttoutt 9lld lltrilefl ~ ';fll. TM ~Ill(! Cl\IMf •\f frtlltkf .. --.. SMDIUM •:J .. -· "" .. -----.. ,f 14011/'rl ! .. -..... - ... "THI lllLll" Cl!erlft •'9Mlft ''Tifl \11\LACMI PAPllt.I" /.) ... "THI HAM#l\lllt" (Good Deed Peopk!, mal<e t"" acene Sundays Dlt•~I •1111 1 llc:llon ta ••U l'1 " ~ 111 "" ~ty """" "" rMI .,,..,.,., II loctll'CI, 0at11 Howmlllr 17, 1m TITLI 11i1su1t.-.NCI! AND Tll:VST COMPANY .. Mtd """'"' •Y Ill.Miit: '!¥. HlltHll• L--~1n:,:tt.:::J!'l~l;J~l~·1~y~1~1·~1·~1 .::::::S"""""*' tltNIWI' • ••••••••• •• JtuMf..-Orllltt C..11 0.llY ,1101, DwM•• .. u..,v. 1'n 2111).1'1 DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED _ ..... Oenor1l IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 5%DOWN Don't touch a thlnf, move riaht ln! Sparkling 4 bedroom. family room, 10' x 18' e~ patio, all bulltin kitchen with new vinyl Door, CI09e to scboolA an<l a.11 major shopping. $.l),750. F<ir details call 540-1141 Open Eves. -. HERITAGE REALTORS OCEAN-HARBOR -DUPLEl( Brand New Surfside 0 Duplex · .e.eniniUJa location! Plush 2 bed., 2 baUI; custom units -belt carpeting, drapes, bretlk1ast + bar, beam cell· ing . spectacular view! Builder asking S91,000 -10':~ down or try a trade!! Macnab -Irvine · RnJty C.mJ'&l\V HARBOR VIEW CARMEL 3 BR., 2 bathl; step-down t.R. elevated formal DR, separate FR, 1arden kit· chen. Fee land. Joyce Edlund &Q..8235. (T 15). Macnab-Irvine~ 642-1235 VERY SCARCE. HONEST TO GOSH . TRI· P L E X FIXER·UPPER. P r I m e location. ~fake money here! $43.000. ~ CUTE CONDO $23,500 Beautiful 3 bedrm 2 bath townhouse, built-ins Ftreplace, forced air heat. Best terms avail. Sl.125.00 moves you in, immediate occupancy. Ca I I R~ Cazi>et ,Realton ~. 4 PLEX-HURRY!! Good Location. OM • 3 Br. • Two • 2 Br. '& one 1 Br. Good occupancy o n I y $64,000. Low down. Hurry! BRAND NEW 2 +DEN ONLY 1 year old-now vacant, owner must aell has step down living r m , vaulted cathedral b e a m ceilings, spack>ul modem kitchen, delux shag carpet, separate laundry r o o m , beautilul home, priced ID sell Call Red Carpet, Realtors 546-8640. NEAR MARINERS SCHOOL SQUEAKY CLEAN remodel· ed Harbor Hlghlanda borne. $39,950. SUbmlt all otters. BKR. !67-4130. BUSINESS IS GOOD, NEED SUPER SA~ESMENI ~ * 4 UNITS .* Near Town le Count& in °"""'" 8'" 3 BR, 2 ba. owner's W/frpl ,+ 3 Z.BR. --GEiMMl--- 1s1d W. c0ut Hwy., NB. REALTORS 642-4623 LA COSTA VIEW LOT -$17,500 BeauUful ~ lot overlook· Ing LaCoste Counri, Oub. For further Wonna.tioo call !itary Lou Marion COLDWELL, ol!ANKER Realtors 644-2430 833--0700 550 Newport Center Dr. &z±±_ ~ BUILDERS DELIGHT $21,500 Fantastic eutslde «irner k>catlon near back bay. Zoned R-2 possible Jt-c varience, exigting 2 bednn house can be rented for $150-.$175 per mo. Submit reaaonable offer! Call Red Carpet, Realtors 546-8640. Custom Duplex On large lot • with room to expand 'A: Blk. to C'.'ICean. $75,00I), Georg• Wllll•m- RHltor * 541-6570* 2 FOR 1 : INCOME $36,00I One 3 btdrm and OM 2 btdrm, u«Ueat t e n t e I k>cation, OWOd'I ~ amtiou!1 Red CarJMlt, Realtor •. -· HUGE EASTSIDE CORNER $21 ,500 Oul31&1l(!_lne: back tm.v oon-2 Be<\fM '.'IOl•~r lived In or re ·le·' t' 7.011(' often M"\ .. 1 f:XL'flllt'nt Vflh•t'. ,..o H.l'il {;upe', Rc .. 1 -· A~ dJY \11 thc TIF.~ llf\Y t n1n iw..ad! On•1't l"tl'l:H . .cnll 10oln,z 042·5678'..... -. _"' .. I~ Gener1I -WANTED - ••• CHILDREN ••• 'J'hls hOme Ill A f.tother's Helper! 6 BOOrnis, 3 bll.tM, ltg !Rm J1ll, tn<.'d yant. Close to echOOla, just rlghl lor lar2il r.amily. llUJT)'.! Thill k1nd of hOme 11 ha.rd-to-find! CALL ANYT~fE 6'6-3921 646 4543 ~ is a reaaon 18 Y"-" aame location Lachenmyer Rt .. 1lto1 FIVE UNITS EASTSIDE COSTA MESA INVESTOR'S PARADISE. 6 Separate homes l\C!ltled ln on this huge Jot. Great tax sheltPC and potential growlh. Each unit wlth separate gani.gc, yard nnd lallndry area. Lots Qf privacy, convenience and at· n10sphere. (.:ALL us for full dt'taUs. Alking $76,500. CALL 540-USI Open Eves. _,, .• HERITAGE ' . REALTORS BACK BAY BEAUTY Eltgant 3 BR & family borne on quiet cuJ«-sac in area of fine homes, features dou· hie flttpl, DW, bltlns. flagstone ent;r. lush ldscpg and much tnore. $39,950. 2290 Redlands Dr., N.8 . CALL &12-lffi 9='21 Christmas Splash Move into this beauty before Chri.'ltmas. 3 bedroom• o v e rlooking Meadov.·lartc Gou Coune. Heated pool v.•ith jacuzi. So clean you can just move in loday and hll.ve a party tonight. A year round gift for the whole family. Just $39,T;::O. 10$'. dov.·n. Call 842-~ OPEN nL •• IT'S RJN ro 8f WICE/ lijl•lttl YOU CAN SEE FOREVER! FANTASTIC • SPECTACU· I.AR • SUPER. There are not enough words to de· scribe the view thi1 home otters. 3 bedra., 2 hl:ths, large living room, dining room, large lot. Presented at $69,950. ~ Macnab·lrvme Realty C.Ompany BIO CANYON Elegant new Ivan Well11 custom home overlooking 18th fairway. Dramatic sunken LR, illt'ge F R v;/wct bar It outstanding VIEW . SlBS,500 CT 171. Macnab-Irvine 642-1235 644 12GO THE VERY BEST! CAMEO SHORES OCEANFRONT ''"~ \I " Diii""lfl•· Vk!N -~k~ ~ Jrtiv. EJeaant .•. '1~.. tlf ·1 'lnfll '"M''" "'('I\ r h . sm.noo: "'"I" 'Tl ...., ...... ,,, "'flN~t "e·t11or11 644·2430 ~ ·,;-11 "ir\.\ . ..,,, C"I' tl·~r !)r. -- • -- ' -JI • ·' -. ! H tr w g wi at A po ,yo y -~ yo ed one in t Wao ' I . . . . . . . •• • • MondoJ, -· Ill, 1972 DAJLV Pll 0 D•_,ll Everyone H•• Something Thet Someone Elie We nt& DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS You 'Can Sell It, Find It , Trade It ·With a Want Ad ·The Biggest Marke~place ofi the Orange Coast -Dial 642-5678 for Fast Results I~~~ I _,,,_ !~[~,,,.. lij I _,,,_ _,,, .. General General , Chner1I Gonen l DUPLEX INVESTMENT .. Here's a duplex investment amid the tall trees of old Coron.a del Mar. The re's a 2.bed· room, 2 bath home with fireplace and hatd-· wood fioor s and a cute 2 bedroom over-the- garage rear unit with beam ceilings . Owner Will consider 15 -;. down payment. Now priced at .$69,900. UNl9UI HOM IS O' CORONA DIL MAI, 67MOOO A lht& .. ef ..._Cole u·~l(,)U~ tt()Ml:S REALTORS ---------------·---~--"""""' '* * * * * * TAYLOR CO. llA-YCREST BEAUTY -POOL A fiDe home in a fine area, center of New- port beautiful. Bebfnd wrought iron gates, ,_you enter an.Italian marble entry, bringing you to a sunken living room & a cozy fire- . place area, just the thing for these oool niglits. ManY anlenities that we can sho w you when you make an app't. to view. Oller· ed at $81,000. 'ArMtu.-$M/d, tp""411 •DmRS REALTORS 2129 l!AST COMT H1G1MM COllONA oa.·MAR.CAUF. 644·TZ70 " * ltoom to Roam , twQ ,Story 4 BEDROOM, 3 bath home. HUGI! rum;ius '/ room that will take your pool table. 2 brick • fireplaces, 'built-in kitchen, large yat~. &.' room to store your boat. VA NO DOWN. .......... , .................. ' . . . . . . . . . . $89,950. J AUSTIN-SMITH, GORMAN & ASSOCIATES '44-n10 0onor.1 HARBOR ISLAND Lovely 5 BR,. 51o> baths, waterfront borne. Lge. living rm. & family rm., just redecor- ated. Pier, fl oat and· sandy beach. Beautiful yard w/lge. shade tree & swimming pool. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Bayoido Dr., Sulle 1, N.B. 67~161 RECENTLY REMODELED • °"" 2 -1 Bath Komo. e· Maslfve Brk:k l'lreplatt, e County Size 811 Gu Kitchen and Loll o f °""""'-• Detra ~ Front Yard. • Poul.bly Build Additional Units. • Offend !« 128.000. •CaUAn>t!me.-. . CDM TRIPLEX two UnUa are 2 Bedrooms, 1 Balh. The Third b 2 Bed· rooms, !'ii Baths, Fireplace. Community~. Very good Condidon. ~ed and Painted wi thin the Jut l~ year1. Call e 646-tti.55. TAKE A TRIP TO SAN JUAN We rMlly mean ,san Juan Lane In the lovely MESA DEL MAR section close·to all achools and shopping. This bjg 2 story home hu 4 bt:dl00t1lS, eeparate den. kitchen/eating area, PLUS FORMAL DINING ROOM. Excell~nt terms Including no down payment to vets. Prlced to sell at S4D,500. l=Geniiiiiioiiroiiliiiiiiii!iiiiiiijiiiiiii l :Go;:;no:;;r~al:;:;;;;~:;:;;;;;;;;;;IWow! Quiet tree lined street. REALTORS 644-7662 I' P<>rt1oo entry. ' ""..,, "" '"!"""""l"'""""""""""""""'!!"""""'!~"'"'l!!l!!!"""'""'L 10 UNITS • Fixer u-bedroom•. Separoto fam. CORBIN -MARTIN I:; rr-· ily room hosta cra.ckllni; Gononl General EASTSIDE • Four Units swo<1w. """•,.""· 1.arp I;;..=.;..;.;______ located on large Eutsid<> yard with &iant child'• play. Builders Loss! 4. u -IDEAL $145,000. Coota M•u lot with room ....... ONLY 1295 BUYS Y Ga• I COSTA MESA Consistent lnrome of Slfi60. for 3 more units. ln~or's for qualified buyer. Act °"' In • AU Individual houses with delight with IOada of poten· fast. Full price $29,500. can 2 • Story LOCATION garag,., on 1 """'· Call fo. ttal. Homo """' ,..,,_,_ · 6'>-0303. details on how lo buy. ina, !IO bring YoUJ' hammer O.OSEOUT . ONE H 0 ~I E T1 ,IQJ FP -Near South Coast and paint brush. Call us for ONLY! VACANT! Gorgeoua Plaza. Almost new only 31,i comP.-ete details, but hurry, 2-S'TORY B A R G A I N ! yrs. old. Gros.s income 9540 N..,.,. won t last Iona:. CrackUnc fireplace. Step ~ upon 3 bedroom 546-5880 (0J;>V1 Eves.) down living room and FAM· ($250), 2 bedroom ($185). It D..Y ROOM. 4 queen al.le After fixed expenaea and Falrv&.w bedroom.. Laundry. Builder loan payments S 12 2 3. 0 O. Scheduled CUh spendable 6464111 ~a ' '36,500 • BUT YOU which Is 13.82 cash plus OFFER WHAT Y 0 U $4.98 equity buildup. Total (inrtlmeJ TH.INK. Hurry · il's the last return 18.80. All this and the one _,.call 645--0303. appearance of a single fam·l"!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!I l Oi;i 'I I OI \II\ . . . MESA VERDE Vl£W One ol the best kept homes in the area. 4 Bedrooms, ~ with a beauutul c view or Meu erde Country c l u b • Baa"""'1 dra ... ...,,., huh carpe'tl. Fainily room paneled with rough cut ridwood. blending w I t h perfectly coordinated floor· illg. Comer Jot with ample room for Camper Ol' boat. ~ this today S36,9CO. 54&-2313. CJll€N TJl •• rrs Fl.IN 10 BE NICEI Bluffs Condo They Called From Portland Wf t'tduce the price of thts 4 bedroorn, 3 bath home $2,oo&. 1111 vacant and rt&dy for auJcl< ........... Speolal nnl.!ihed 6onua room with exlt3 ~ bath and wet ~r-perfect borne office, Mwln& room or atukio. LArae tonnal dlnlrig area and up&nlSve flll1\ily room. Now -" $'9.900. C, F. Colo1..r!hy & Co. '40.0020 _ $2.31000 2 IR, 1 BA SWllNJ'le cl..n • ready tor ~. juit rtaht tor )'Oil "'" .... lb ............. carpets ' drapot thruout. Huie Jrltcllf:n with 11;1l1 ran«e. eountJY a-h•re. Call now. =··''lit -.1\1 Want aO ruult• .•. 64Y.i61I . -,. lly residen(.<e. Contact Rich-I? ard Van Wt'rt. Omtu REAL ESTATE DIV.. .,, .. ..... E ... lM_O._R_E_C_O_. --1 ) ~--. IV -CORONA DEL MAR 2-S!My family bome on ocean side of Coast Highway. Only 3 Years old, with 3 bedrooms, farnlly room, din.Ina; room, aha& carpet &: wen beam celling&. 112,>DO. HARBOR CHRISTMAS ON THE IAY - 4 Bdnn . Beauty NEAR BEACH -. ~~ HERITAGE REALTORS -I • WSK EASTSIDE -$29,950 Country size yard, deep Shag crpte, corner atone firepl, beaut dee. Spa.rid.Ing blUns & double detached prage. Hard·to-find. 3 BR. 2 BA, home at this price. Call 545-8424, SOUTH COAST REALTORS. 2·Houao1 Both only $32,000 Xln't rental.I or live in 1. (Rent the other) 2 BR ea.ch. Private yards, see first-at 4211 Hamilton St., then call: 642-1060 if interested. " HERITAGE REALTORS ---== HONIYMOON CQnAGE 2 ~nn + tamJly rm + 2 fl...,..,.,_ °""'' -.:. Lra corntr loc on deMI end ·----·- Newport Buch Pre-Grand Opening Sale! 'fJorf 1wt pONDOMINIUMS ·-$51,495 lxctllMI c-u ..... PllUl!ldnl Lo!ty living awai1s you! Act swittty to select your own Newport Beach condominium. Vlsil the temporary offices ol the Newpor\ Crest Information Center, conveniently located at 2400 Wesl Coast Highway Suite B. Newport Beach. Open Daily 10 a.m. lo suru;et. 17 141 645-6 141 associated · BR O~ E ~S· ~EA! TORS !0]1, IA Onlb<>o 61l·J,,]I Irvine Cove -View Thia lmmac. 3 bdrm., 3 J.la, A den hOmt ovtrlookl thlll flnett prtv. beach In the al'ff. QtWlty thruout it shown by many f I n e felturtt. f195.0CO. !: d I ~ Oloon COLDWELL, BANT<ER • Real-......,._ 550 ~ Omler Dr. OC::n Vt:w .. $9,M Lara< ~. 4 BR A den on 114 Iola. Slldlnf doota trom den to IW'dtdt. Bltn., laland t y p e_ kUdl. Carpetlrig, drlP.H-No belltr buy In all the "Yillap." MISSION REALTY 494-0731 l ido 11i. -- Lido Isle associated BROKERS-REAL TORS lOZ~ W BoLboo 67l·l66l ot .. t« boot or can\per * CHOICI ~ "'""'·Hurry 126 ,900 . • u--• r-• .,. I L EADERSHIP REAL .-... -r O £STATE. ~. ~ Bdnna., S~ be.Iha plu1 din BY O#ntr • Francl.sean rm. pl us '1;· =ndec:k· rountalno, Igo, 4BR, 2 BA, LIDO Rl!A L TY ~ ':i w-eathedr~. 331'1' Via Lido, N'pt, Beach 10 .. ....;, ~-. * 671,-7300 * • • 4 BEDllOOMS FAMILY ROOM POOL O!a..rming custom b u i I t home, dlninc rm., 1.arE;e family rm., 2Ya baths. Modem bltn Island kttchen, bltn. deep (reeze. Bca•tiful· ly decorated &: landscaped & a covered rtio beside a sparkling poo . $52.500 . CALL G> 646·1414 ~A~ N••r Newpe rt P••I Offlt• TRIPLEX JUST LISTED: • Newport Heig ht&, All 2 BR 60x12:2 lot, "Green Belt,'1 Won'! last $48,500 Bkr, 613·6756. Newport Height• * * $32,950 * * 4 BR + Maid's or iuest nn. Pecky paneling, .!ihag carp. Aloat oui.tanding bu.Y ln N'pt Hts. Better hll!'I}'! BALBOA BAY PROP. * 641-7491 * • I ~~ -:::.::-:-~I~_., Mobile HonMs For Sale 125 Motor Home Rentals SALES & LEASING lull !o;l'rvice-fac1llt~ Oanmar Motor Homes 531-6800 4 STORES In Alpha Beta Center - $104.,COJ -SllOO a month. Owner will carry 1st T.D. at 8% for 30 yean. ~nt - 675-7225. Commercial -~roporty FIRST TIME OFFERED 151 .. 11 J I I • ' J .. " 30 DAIL~ PILOT ........... ....... ) I~ I -·--I~;;;[ _;;;;; ..... ~!;;;;~ l --·-~ I ~ [ ......... _ J[t][ --·tt•M-1~ ( ~ ....... -]~ [ -·.w·~~·-]~ Duplexes/Units Houws Furnhhed 300 HouH-1 Unfurn. 305 HouSM Unfum. JDS Aptt. Furn. 360 Apt. Unfum. 36.SApt. Ut\furn. 3'S • Unfurn. 365 Apt. Unfurn. , __ •_•_1• _______ 16_2 , Huntington 8e•ch ---------San Clemente Cott• #MA oe'rienl Gener1I Newport 6Hah 1 • Cott• Mes.. iiiiiiiiiiii\~C~o~sl~•~-~~iiiiiiiiimi SrV\•l"l\l clll11ci:· n1iar1n1•'111 \\'nlk 10 wairr, 5t1ils • t\urh ---------BEAUTl f'UL 3 BR. 2 BA WEEKLY·MONTHLY nd unll11 -all on th" OC'\'','H ,;iti<' 1 $~. AL.o $110 sugh~. Util ~I. ·SHARP 3 BDRM. 2 fornial din .. rarn rm, encl.id Executive Sultea VIL' • u•R'SEILLES OCEAN G 01 El Can11rio H1'11L 1\\t•n!) Rent-A-Hou1t 91'-8430 Hath Me s a Verde 11.11·h.un, on Sllon•t·li.& Golf .LA~ BOR VIEW t•lght ll lfrt•r1•nr rt•nlal~. CtJJI I hotne. Close to schools Coun;i·. lM s:ni Ill{). 2080 Newport Blvd. SPACIOUS 1 & 2 BEDROOM APT. HARBOR snrrus HAR 67~Tm. Laguna Bea ch 492-4lm. Cotta Mesa FumllhM & Unfvmlthtd II.Ult ''Where c~· lallty ~ & pa rk. $265. per mo. 142-2'11 Ad I LI I • • • • s1 :JO-UTlt. PD. LiJ::. Buch. 1 including gardener. Ho"\lttl Fur n. o r u t ""I Fumlthecf & Preval •" 1 l ~ l~ hlk ht>u<'h. I-'ull kitt·hl·n. c 11 LARRY S46-5880 Unfurn 310 STUDIOS & 1 BR'S Dis hwasher color coordinated :zgitances • Unfumlshed El;-nc 0partment" de&lvied v.t: .'~ s:,._~.':~\;,;'~~';;.,~. B' >:•~rsm>: ' Be. 2 &, frpJ.1 _B_•.;.lbo-.-1.-;.-nd-----: ~~ :ft1 :s 1:3~~~~~fg~tir,~ ':erg!:'-b~eakf~tdgc>~': F $130 to $215 mo ;!~ ~~:·~~t~c~XJ~: _[_ -·-· $27S-OCEANI-"RONT, N.B. 3 bllns, dshwhr. oew crpt & 1--..;... _______ • Full Kitchen h ri le 1 ced ti 1 b I d rom sive vanallleti dub and Br. 2 Ba. frplc. \Vintt•r. =int. Encl dbl ~· r. Clo.te to * WINTER * e Healed Pool uge g va en pa 0 -P us an scar. l it" ·quc •-·••·r ~U85tOO'ltW Of 11•1 COl.WIU (0, THREE s e p a r• t • homes on • lot. Liv e in one, r•nt the others to pay your rent. Only 10•/. down -owner w ill carry a s econd T.D. Older couple heading for dese rt, must Hll. 962-5511 BKR. Income Property T1\X SHELTER SO UNITS $639 M 32 UNITS $395 !'11 166 lj ':( dOV.'n. "'t'Stslde C.l\1. FOR INVESTOR GOOD MGMENT Sale/Exchan~e-Up. 673-5221, 67'.l-7670, 645-2379 Ownr/Brk INVESTORS T\VO 4-PLEXES, :-:Jnt l't'!urn, only $17.500. !'lh'h, $4750. do'11n. Call 1142-l<US. -.::m. -..... Wl.U1A!t ..... 171 Tl lit'ach Blvd., 11.B. NEW BEACH DUPLEXES Deluxe 4 bdrm up, 3 bdrm dcM·n. Various Ne w p o r t Beach locations. P r i c e d from $77 ,000 . Don Thompson, Bkr. ~741'1 or 6.W--0532. ,_. ' · k Ba 0 ·Q I h led Bacholor1 • I Bdrm• poo "'' " uni ,..., ......... • NU-VIEW RENTALS i«:hls. No pc1~. • 3 Bil 11 , .. ~-· F 111.1 mg -nc r-17 ues - arge ea poo s lountaln• and tonnal '"'"' , ause •••••...••• $$15 • ..... u ....... ,, ac ue:. & l . A' d 'tio l 8d •-67340:W or '19-l<{Z48 Fountain Valley 3 BR. Jlawie ........... S24iJ • TV &. nlaid .erv 1&viltJ ana1. tr con I n ng. 2 8drm1 e J ""' derus. All part of the-SOuth Newport lkach ;...;;.;;.;..;.;.;.;.;.......;..._:. ___ 2 BJt. tlouse ............ s:lOO •Phone Service 3101 So. Brl1tol St., Santa Anll 557-12.00 1Yi or 2 Full Baths eo~u1t's finest apartment 4 BR, 2 1.~ bath.!, tam 1·m., 3 BK. Apt · · ···· ...... $225 ---------COLDWELL, BANKER & CO. community. \\'ATERFRC)!'l.'T . PIER & trp!c., bllns, Incl dllhwshr. * YEARLY * NE\\' aplll for Bdulll only. MANAGING AGENT Master size bedrooms \V/ l Bedroom/studios from $195 FLOAT -3 BR. formaJ din-S2Ki 1no. 96&-36.15. 3 Rlt. Houiie ............ $415 Balconlt'S, fireplaces, beam-high bearn ceilings, large 2 Bedroom front ~ ing nn. 2 Oaths. 14•/w crpl., Huntlnvton 8Mc:h <I BR, Bayl1'0nt .....••••• $600 ed L'l'iling:s, wood paneling, living room w1gas or Models 01ien 9 A.!'11.. til duak Urepl., dbl garage. Yearly !;;;:;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;.;;;;;;;;:;; I I Br. Apt -............... $1!ll carpeting, drapes. Recrea-.A ·::;P.;;h."-'F..;u;;m...:.·---...:.*;:.: Apt. Unfum.. 365 ,.'OOd bunting rireplaL-e. ~ l<'!W! only. tUrnished $500 2 Br. Apt ....... "·· •··· .$250 lion building with pool. -Convenient laundry area mo. Unfurn. $450 mo. No IMMED. OCCUPANCY name:z ReallorS 6Th-2S66 Furn & unfurn. Bachelor &: Newport Belch Gotta Mn.I oU kitchen. Enclosed pa· pc!s. Pe1e ~rt Realty. Nt>W 3 Br $250. mo. 50.1 P Ave, Balboa Island i,~ms(J~mw$17'. f~ W, Uos. 2 S\\'irnming pool.!, 642-43:!1't Ohl garage, dshv.'shr Coron• del Mar 1 n WI es 0 CW· 4 BR, 2 ba., 2 car end DELUXE sauna, recreation taclll· ON THE BLUFFS AT NEWPORT NE\VPORT Heights area, 2 334 Portland Circlt', 11 .B. port Blvd. I park'g. w'llndry. Avail. now. APARTMENTS tica. Security guard. No bcilroom. 1 bath. go.nien ~188 2 BR. 3210 Seaview. 1 blk *30 WEEK & UP 3 BR, 2 ba·funtisbed Step11 to Air C.ond. l''l'plc's . 3 Swim· pets. lurn1>lll•'\I lt>as.e only sm.1 ~ ........................ ~I from big Corona. Adull.ll. • Sludlo & I BR Apts Ck.'e!l.1\ ........... '" ••• $275 ming Pools Health Spa Mod I n-1 'I 7 no sn1atl children, or pets. 3 BR, 1 bath, $215. ino i>Um or Unfurn. $350 or $..m • 1'\I le. Maid Servict Avail 3 BR. 2 Ba ····: ••••• , • $285 Tennis eourls -Game and t I _,...n 0 t1 pm f'rom Newpot1 Blvd., tum at t-iospita l Rood ( 1 block above Paclllc Coast Hwyl to entrunce. 900 Cagney Lane, Ncwpc111 B"ach, Ca. 92660., Telephone: (714) &1.>0060 Bltl\. 6-10-0020. Vacant, C111l Arlene at per mo. on 1 yr lease. • Phone Service-Hid Pool 2 Bf;t. 1 Ba, P~nm • ••••• S250 Billihd Room. 2700 P ... non Way, CM . 11 i•-•-Rll >'9''-4~77 Possession Jan. l. Owner, e Children & Pet section we Have Wmter Rentals 1 BR >'rom $16!1 \\'alk 10 \\"ater, S\10. Al.5-0 -ome un.n:r,s Y &. eves 2lJ: 282-5:>.52. ill ~" Stude H rbo D• d & C.:\I. i\tob, SUJ. Alse> Beach ,t, eve11"847-5.198. ~==~~='---2376 Newport Blvd., CA-t W 'iuo.e nts . 1 BR. &.'Den Jo"'roin USS nr • r u.iY $125. ALL UTI L PO. 2 BR, shag, drps, bltn rangt'. Condominiums 548 1,20-9755 orlhG1&5-3967 Also ~~~vail. MEDITERRANEAN Adams Rent-A-House 979-8430 4.-e tencec! yd, dbl garai;:e. Unfurn. 320 mon up. ' VILLAGE c .. e n37Q Hou•es Unfurn. 305 ""'1" matllre opl. 1210· Costa Mesa El Puerto Mesa iJ'ffrU PARK NEWPORT mo. 67""18; 962-+171. I BR's -$130 & UP 2400 H(arn•""> '55B7i~ C.M. APARTMENTS General 4 Br. Cando. Crpts. drps, MONTICELLO Unfurn, & Fum. ...,....~ hllns, Mrig, pool & clubhse. CONDO RENTAL OFFICE "THE GABLES" fh ba LANDLORDS! \Ve Spec!allze in NE'l\'pGrt !:~each e Corona del lt11J' e & Laguna. Our Rental Ser· vice is !-"REE to You! Try JIOU=VlC'.Y' NU-VIEW RENTALS 6i3-4000 or 494-3m $225. 548-1405. • All Utilities Paid OPEN 9:30 AM to 5:30 Pt\t 2 Br, l\' Ba w/ ~•. Adltll. Oft e Y ADULT SECTION o-• & 0 -ca11·on NEW 2 BEDROOMS ' ·-t Ii I " 3 BR I-louse, 2\!t Blks. Ck.'t'an. 2 8 RM SPLIT LEVEL •......, "·'"'-'' • • • Time To Step Up Crpts, drps, bltns, fn<x1 yrd Luxu1·y apartmcn v ll.lf o..-· Just redec, Couples only ~Eo ocCuP 1959 Maple Ave., CM 2 baths, double g&rage w/ patio. Wtr pd. 63&-4l2o. erlooki.ng tile \Valer. Enjoy $23.i. nt0. 968--1802 aft 3:30 $225 PER MO · Also garages for rent Yearly Lease, $300. Your apartment In a French 2437 ~Ave No. n.$160. $750.COO heaUh spa, T swim· 3 BR, 2 BA, bltns. $2'29. ~r 644-7270 R~ TR. BACHELOR apt, $135/mo. 1Z7 E. Bay Ave., Balboa Countiy Garden -yet near ming poolii 7 11~ hied ten- mo. Qiildren & pets OK. + dep. Utll pd, New &hag 645-1460 shopping and activities. Huntington BMch nis couru.' plwi mlles o ACT. !l62-44TI/546-8:1Dl. Irvine cr1>t'g. Nr. frwy & shop'g. $29.SO _per \Veek & Up. 1 BR, Inipe<"Cably ma n aged , • bicycle trolls. putting. shuf· 998 El Camino, Apt 1, CM. 2 BR & bachelors. Color TV. personal private. T w a NEW Am I Deboard croquet. Junior 1·1 2BR, bltins. $200/Per n10. NEW \\'alnut Square To111n-M&-0451. bed_rooll1:s, den, 2 baths, •• from $174.50 monthly; also l ~~n 0: ~gK. AGT. house.J00Br. & tn, 2 Ba~ ~•""'•'°"'•:::,,,•_•~.~.~.~.~. ~11;i~.St';~tBT!! .• ~~: ~~ p1c~OO: kitchen. HUNTINGTON and 2·bedroom plans and . Oh\·,,.r,. & ,.,A.IC J.,Wc~~tr I THIS Coupon Good For SlO 646-9681. ..--. a11"'95 adulot er ,o,.1uses. BEACH 2-story town houses. E1ec· Irvine ea 1ng . a,. .. er OFfo' MoteJ-APt Rent. 2376 -'"•um • sec n. tric kllchens, private pa.'?1 dryer tum k ov.n laund rm. Newport BI v d , CM. 2 BR lower dupla • 1 blk to THE VENDOME 2 Bedroom, $14-4 or balconie-s, carpeting, dra· 2 BR 'Ba Alr/_.. ....,"' paid cable TV & pool. Avail 645-3967. .~•Sc~ Ymorl~1.10"" ~thterSt. S'!:: 1845 Anaheim Aven•-All Ut'llt't P 'd peries. SUbtemmean park- , • u.n ... •• ~ 1 un. $245 mo. 14683 Gold-• • • • • • • • • • • ~ ..., .x-.: ._ 1 es ai ing 14·ith elevators. Optional 3 BR. 2Ba. air/oond •• S285 t.."fl Glen, 551-2406. . UNIQUE opportunity for ma· Nov 24-:Ji or p hone Cail l'itrs. Philllps M0-0781 OVER 62 ??? rrutid service. J u..51 north of 3 BR. 2 Ba. alr/Ct'.lnd ..• S310 bed/ 213/285-421.S. $135 RETIRED ??? s1 d J Ix> 433W.~lthCOSTAMESA 3 BR. 2 ba. Atrium •••. $.'WO SHARP,13 BR, 2BA condo t~~ i,:en!lem:."· ~u -"==-='------. Ca and Drn !":hion ~an ·''111~~ NEAR SOUTH COAST 3 BR. 2 Ba. Atrium .... $365 nr :~ tenn~~s. s t:1ng rr·· i~, Sl~· pvt :A:i:p~t.:....;U;;n;;f;;.u;.;rn;;;·c....--;;.365.:;: GIGANTIC 1 BDR~I. aurfus & J«>,r5 ISa~ oa1~~ .644-1900 , NE\V Plullh Spunish Triplex. PLAZA 4 b d & 6 BR. 3 Ba. fo.m. rm ... $475 or a.. u'"ui'·pdccE' ldl'l'<I ,:"~o-"'Ko: nw. • You Bet It's underpriced ~ C1 t-_ _. p-..i..: 1g. Tee ane1 Inf I ,. Ea. unit 2 BR. 2 BA , forced . , e rm Townhouse Unfurn. 335 . -s e . ..,~. Capistrano Beach That's why this apt won't ove.o:u ...... ng for renta -0rm11 1011 air, priv. rmtios. 714-0601 or {am, bltins, e nc losed * $25 PER WEEK * last long. Cpls, drps, stove G~rden lltti!'V. Con-* 2 WEEKS FREE * 826-9Vtl Bkr. patio. $255. per mo. Huntington Buch & Up. Pool & n1ald service. sr.1ALL house, adults, no & refng. Lbts of rreen lawn. ven11nt to large shop-Vista. del Mesa HI UNITS, Bcll!lov.·cr. $185 M. Buy, rent or lease w/ Kitchens avail. i\ofoteJ Tahiti pets. SllO. has stove no Cover'd garagea, Adults, no ping center. Sa've $15,IXXJ. Owner moveJ. NICE clean 2 BDRM t."On1er Harbor &: Victoria. garage, 3456.'l Via Verde, pets, 2020 Fullerton Ave, (1 No Pets. ADULT GARDEN f!OMES 6.4 x gross. 714/842-3670. option. Heritage, R eal· townhouse. 1 1,~ ba, bltns, CORNER TRIPLEX. 2 Br. 4!!6-0091 PaJisades. Blk E. of Newport Blvd. & the VILLA YORBA IRVINE AVE. AT !'llESA Industrial Property 168 tors. 540-1151 W/D, wlw crpts &: drps. Corona del Mir 1 Blk So. of Bay, C.M.) Move in w/deposita only EASTBLUFF "SINCE l!MEI" $180. To see call! 9S2-878t rrinf'~rn.Ps:: 24rr isJ1~: 642-8690. ._.2 9622 1 DBr. l1~1ght Secu;i:-·~ * SAN DI EGO * ~pa.rate house, u nu 5 u a 1 1st Western Bank ffidg. Duplex•• Un urn. 350 1 _,6T.H07lc.::..=o:.·------Park-Like Surroundln9 (Off San ~ -F~t~s. Rec. Bid&. wi Industrial bldg. Sl25.000 On. large 4 bedroon1 or 3 & den. University Park, lrvllnhe C ,_1 NEW I & 2 BR's from $190 to ,.a.:!., QUIET DELUXE ego Fcwy, So. "' exm;;,. nn, bUli...U, roi-Total $506,000. Prime loc. Family room plus large for-Days 552-7000 N g t1 orona u. Mar S2lO, Nr. beach & shop'g, 1, 2 & 3 BR APTS Beach Blvd., 1 blk. beyond d'-' >'.J.800 Sq, 1'"1. TriplP net I d' . C Edinger to Ste4k E lo or TV. Ea. Apt. has -·-ma 1n1ng room. omplete SPAC 3 B 2 Ba 2L. 114 E. 20th St., CM. Pvt Patios * Htd Pool ' ' · \Vasher, re.frig, shag cpl, &. lease. Prine. onl y. Owners privacy \Vith enclos«i rear -r., " '1 car 548--0137. Nr. Shop'g * Adults oJib' Malaga, tum right\. prt .... lio or deck. 56-4855 640-03.'\0 p 0 Box 409 and iront yards lD I 2 BR. 1 ~ ba .•••• $2251$265 gar. Ocean VU, priv bch Al Furn Bach Apt • 1...lC 1 b I ..... Corona de! M~. Cal, 92625.' garden, Available Decer:~ 2 BR. 2 Ba. •••••••••••• S300 6J>li;'.!J~ mo. Wkdys aft 7, ~UTpd. ~tdRNpoo2 l~~Ji1i!5. •00P ON TEN ~CRES Ma"'rlfnlq•-·Apts.s e Ad~u:i' rap · NEW ••• 2 BEDROOMS 114 15 No -·-u7· -mooth 3 BR. 2 ba .... •· ••·••• · $325 1""'"°'-=Co-------Apts. turn./unfum. Lease -e o•·•w,.h•-l ,,. .... double g&n1g•, RealE1tateWanNd · ,,.. ..... .,..a,....r · 4Blt 2ba B d •"'0" pets. Also 1 unfurn . · '""'' ...,,..;, uuo Call GTJ-6568 or 546-36&1. . . roa moor""""" Costa Mesa S42--95:a'.l. Fireplace I priv. patlOS. tm Santa Ana Ave., CJ.1 e Qoice of 2 color $.'hC"mcs \'early Leue S26a. * Cf>uick Cash * _S._lboo __ ls_l_•n_d____ 4 i 00~' ledam nn h···. 1 · - 11 1 1 ·LA~:R:G:E::,::BR::Du::p:le~x~:~,~pl~s, PLEA.SANT lov.-er 1 Br, JXIOI, :01sc!~. ~~t·~~ ~fgr Apt Ul &16-554? : ;~~= carpeting. 427 E. Ba~~~· Balboa \Vill buy your propert;y. All FOR lease channing Balboa drapes, blt·i,ns. wa s her. adullll, no pets. UUI pd. 1884 (i'i1acArthur nr Coast Hwy) UleSliB.AU ZI e Heated pool ~·-\LBOA Penin Pt. 1 blk --• ·ih· 72 h Call d""' .. , yard & g<>r<>a.., No 1 _M_o_nrov~-"'-·~548--0336-~~--e ~ d bol •--~ c...,.., w1 m rs. • Island house, many ei.:tras -~---.~ 'IWO • 2 Bdrm ........ $.1&5. .....,a · t l(Jl;ks from bch. Beaut. mod ·~ $325 mo. 6Tr1574 pets. $17S. 646-2J85. 1 BR. Furn. Apt. $140/mo. ROOMY 3 Bedroom, 2 batb, Beautiful B.pts. w/ptivate • Only __ $140 per mo. 2 BR S210, l BR $175, yr\.y, Corona 'del Mar REALTY i ;;H;;";;";'i;ngt;;on;;;;Bu;;;;;;•;;;h;;;;;;~ I No pets or children. 83'.l ground floor. $350 pr. month patios, p.rqe, pool, spa. BAHIA PUERTO adlts. Eves 6-9 pm or wlrnds, P T--' Center St., C.M. 642-58411. plus spaciow;, l bedroom Luah garden setting. Adults, 2810 17th St., H.B. 673-ll!M. Univ. nrk Center, uvine up!itain with private e~ ~ ~---~~~-~-! 2 BR, lrplc, Ad.ul~ m pet!<;. Call Anytime, ~ IMMED. OCCUPANCY Huntington 8Mch .J trsnce. $200 pr month. Both no pet.II. 151 E. 21st. C.M. 5 or ~9535 WESTCL..n~1--, 2 bdrm., t~ $250/mo. 417 Pointettia. Sc>e Office hours S At.1 to 6 Pl\1 .Neiv 3 Br apts $250. mo. 't.s next to .... ..a. & tennis * 646-8666 * * MOVE IN TODAY * ba .. townhouse, blt·lns, pvt. Sun . lo-5. Wkdys call Dbl garage, dshwshr $145 • $165 urn .-..n ' New Villa Paula $13' A MO. patios. adults only, no pets. 610-0899. SHARP 3 B'R. 2 BA, almost Bachelor &-1 BR. patios, call Bailey 6'73-ft550 ~-2 B A ·1 Jan l s--mo CJIAR'!JNG 1arg· d. G I -334 Portland Circle, H.B. frple's-, priv. garag£1S • BRAND NEW 2BR 2BA apt. 2 Br., 2 Full Ba. Spae. &: 3 r. in 4-plex V81. • • ~ ...-• · · i• e stu 10 new. real oc. near . 536-1188 Divided bath &. Jots of Families Welcome Several B.vail. ALL EX-548-7533. 962-18.51 hon1e, Bayside Dr., dble $2W/Mo. Call Larry or 1 1 Firepl, sell clean oven. Shag cpt/drpS, patio, TRAS. Pl:>ol, rec bldg. Kidsl'w°'E!'=STC='°L""'1F">"·"'2'""°'B°'R'",-,.1 ""'s°'"A'".I ar •?M mo 673-U97 Doroth 546-5880 closets. Rec hal, poo & s:JXl/mo. lease. No pets or be ~-PRIVATE party wants small g • ~ ' · y, · pool tables, sauna baths. children. Eves: 644--0--125 am cell., garages. 1\•elL'Ome. raum $139. See carpt, nu crpt, flrepl. home w/lncome units In M BRAND nu 3BR, 2BA, See for yourself. 17301 AGT. From $180 A1gr. 173n Kcelson "B". 1 Adl!.8"-no pets. Avai l Corona de!: Mar. Jn area Costa e111 Townhouse, a lot of xtras! 11¥1 Keelson Ln. (1 blk w. of 622 Hrunilton, C.l'if. hlk W. o1: Beach Blvd. off 1/I-$190tmo 642-9848. Dec. 23-30. Write R.B .Scott.Tl __ iR_E_E_bed_roo_m-,-.-2-00-u-is, ~ly lease ca!' Ron.1 ,,:;;;....,iiiiiii""""iiiiiiiil«iiiiR""iiii~,:;;;~~ 1 Beach. 1 ~!'73.t°s' Slater I. 2c~~& d:-~s. ~:!11! Stt Mgr. ~~~· Hoban Slater. 968-7510 or 847-4~. VERY nice 2 Br, Apt. Yl.'ar!y GA•,,""al c Oel~v_;,ry,,. L,.!'1 double garage, new shag ='-"=-------k>ca.tion. Lease SM> pr. • NEWPORT. * FRESH AIR sm. Private party. Days Oii, a. ~ ; .,.,., carpet& & drapes. $225 pa-HUNTINGTON Beach month. Call 673.$550 RLTR. Walle 3 blocks to Beach 642-6667 or e v f! n Ing s 738-4871. month. Free rental eervlce. L•gun• Buch Apts. Furn. 360 <Sunset Beach areaJ, t e APARTMENTS e Lrg 2 • 3 BR. A~ New!• _675-064~~'~·--=~-~1 P • P 2 BDRM. 2 car Covered park-• ...-1 =-r1vate arly $16G-SO. LAGUNA 1 Br. BalbcM lsl•nd Bedroom, furnished, new, ng. Pool. $210 incld'g 2450 Newport Blvd., CM ,decorated w/w crpta drP8. 2 BR. Yearly. UXl/too. ~ R-1 lot. 546-00ffi ocean vie\\'. Priv patio. on beach $190 mo. (714) v.·ater. Ph. 675-l?27 1 & 2 BR. Furn & Unf. bl.tns, eJtOept roefrig, $J.6f ,rt blk to Ocean. patio , S19a..-2 Br. apt. Be<tut. ocean I ~. master bedrOOm, ulll _'3>-":!"::!7~422~· ------1 :C.;;;'7.;'-2:-;;7'=:':::-= Children's Sectk>ns. $235. No ai.Qgles, no pets. Garage. Adults, no pets. lleWtors 646-1111 view. Lfi clcck. pd. SUndeck. Washrm. l car MEN -Small beach hotel. 3BR, l~i ba, 2 car gar, frplc, MUST SEE! Fr. $128 53&-171.L 673--8{Jl8. F"'""" I[.} ml Westcliff Drive $300 _ 2 Br. + den 2 Bn. gar. ipace. Nearly new. Apts S85/n10. R oo ms nu crpt & drps, no pets, ALL UTILITI&'i PAID DUPl...EX-Iromac. 2 Br. cov =a=RAND~~ncw--oce--an-fron--t-co_n-_, '~------=~o'Ope"='On~'t'OUl7"0-0P~M7-~ ocean view. Frplc. Yearly lease. $ 2 O O Im a, $21 .50/wk. 536-7tli6 !148-8909 eves le \\'kencis. _ Call 64&-I038 po.lio, new «itrps, crpt, blW, do, . 2 BR, 2 BA, blt11.1, $110-EASTSIDE Ollie .. 1 NU·VIEW RENTALS 673-9659. 2 BR. & t BR. Furn or NEW, quiet 2 Br., cpl, drps, $1.Sj per mo. 1.ea8e. 2 BR, 1 priv. dbl gar. Lovel y refng. Wllsher/dryer, yrly 1---------Br. furn Cottagt". Ideal for 67l-4030 or 49-1-32"8 B Ibo p Unfurn. Pool. 1 blk lrom fr>ed rear yrd, gar. $185. BA Townhouse. Attached ~ .. ~ •. \•a•--& g-~-ner lease. $425 monlhl". 675-7694 sngls • • eninsul• PH ., .... ·-204&-B Garden Ln. s.18-3763.. 5-'""-'""" u=i llrlll' J Business BEACON * 64S.0111 3 BR. 2 BA. 2 Story. 180 ooea.n : ~. gar+ park'g stall. Sw~·g pakt Reap, married cpl. NEW 3 BR, 2 bath Duplex. Opportunity 200 _ degrtt view. $335 mo. 1st • $25 Wk & Up On Ocean $135 l\1o. 2 BR. wtw crptg, pool & grounds m&ln-(adults}. $165. No pe!JI. Ground Door. 217 33rd St. !--'-'"'----'-----.-.ui PAINT & Save! 2 'Br. and last. 545-M91. 673-1641. LDvely Bach • 1 BR·Rooms L ~;.;"ll°""U.;.•;;;•_;:;llu.;.;..c;.;hc____ ~~t,i,u;;,.!1°:.· dren or pets., tcCh,,.il~n· wce"'ioome"' .''MP.,.•· ,s<>-"";i;im;"'.::::;;.:-:,:;-;;;::::o.c=;;::!l,1775~'!/'.::""'~·c..!.Y!'ear!O'!iyc_. _!673-"558~~-~ I NEWPORT BEACH .,_,.. Maid S!!rvice -Poot -Util Pd --==cc~==="'-----= ,, Ml north f H Back Bay. Yard Jar tot .r.. Laguna Nlgwl • Call 675-8740 • BACH nr bearh SlJS-Sl.55. Col Verde North area ot c M n ° unrtngton San Clemente • l'i-1arine Contracting Finn Finest e quipmen t & v.·aterfront location. 35 Yr. old company. Space , avail. for boal sales & rel>ftirs. BILL GRUNDY RLTR. pet. !--"~-~~----, tv. 143.i N. Coast -Open C --•-•l_•_Me_ .. _____ 557-2678 or 838-1790 . , Beach. Sl40. 2 BR. BlblS,,l----..;...-'-----1 BEACON * 64S.01l1 YEARLY lease. NEW 2 Br. 2 IBR furn, winter, % blk to Eves. 675-4367, 4 9 4 _ 2 5 o g -"''-"""-"'-"""---"""-' --crpts, drps, pool. pla,y-yard. 1 &: 2 BR, near bt?ach & Ba. on Golf Coone. $300 bc.'ach to 7/1/73. $150 mo. eves DELUX extra lrg 1 BR. apt MoN Room-lff1 Miney lndry facil & carports. Cpl town, garage lndry, cable • CHRISTMAS all year! 1 mo. Call 67r2(XI). 2L'Hi95-479l. 1 c='--------ln 4-pll!X, Close to South COME !lee a real &arden & 2 Rm.I children ok. No TV, $150.--$175. 493.-1319. 310 BR. sep. Cottage. Furn. "5. N a. h Corona del Mar STUDIO, near bell.ch couple Coast Center, Adlts, no pets. apt! Like living In a home pet5. Call 842-4664. Del Mar. ALA Rentals • 64S.3900 ewport ac OK. $130. Util furn. $155. 557-$29 for $140/mo. 2 BR, 1% BA, NEW 2 BR. 2 BA. Plush Apts • NE\V YEAR'S Bonus! 1 Jff£ BLUFFS 2 BR., 1 BA. Ulil Pd. $200 ___ *:_4"94-:,:..:7413:::;*::...--NEW l & 2 BR's from $170 to 2 prkg places, priv patios & Spanish Unit. AU bltnii, F " U I 370 · mo. Yearlv, Married Cpl. Newport Beach $190. Nr. bcAch & shop'g, rec ~rea..s. Wilson Gardens, forced air, crpt'd thnH>ut, um. or n um. Br. Stove, refrig. Sin! pet. ~ 114 E 20th S CM WI St W I H ~ bar ncI • Af• Ul'.1 •'ncl $\25. Ref11. Avl now. 6T.">-3613. . I., • on 1 son .. . o arU\11 \\'l't , e •. gar. 77...-uoul C 1 M l'ifusic store, growing CAREFREE LIVING \\'INTER "-tal 1822 W 540~37 ., • .,_,,.,... ...,., fV"1T °' • esa Coffee shop, tt•nns . . . ALA Rentals • 64S.l900 Costa M•u ,,..,n · · orv• · .....,_,., or,,_....""''-· Dress shop, dance stuclJo S H A R p CLEAN 3 , .. IN NEWPORT'S ~boa Bltvild.J l Br1·5 2 w°"11· 2 BR. Adults, no pets. BAY ** 3 Br., 1~ be.** WALK TO BEACH THE EXCITING fo,umilure 1110~.._last sale , • A\VARD·\VINNING Furn. Bach. & 1 Br. Ex-~ ':idents.~h: 'mar~ MEADOWS APTS. 387 W. Laq::~. newly decor. encl New 1 & 2 Br, cpUdrps, PALM MESA APTS. HOLLAND DUI, Sales BEDROOM . L a r g e COAtMUNlT\' ceptlonelly nice. 2110 ingll, 543-0279, • Bay SI., CM. 64&0073. po,lia, bllnl, Cfi?t, d~ dwh.r, frpl. 316 16 th. MINUTES TO NPT. BCH. 1716 Orang•, CM 64&-fl7D yard, chil4ren o.k . • 3 BR, 2 Ba. lri-.levcl S350 N•*porl 91.......1--c M ' ''""""" I -·::rn 2:-BR"-tlnfumr Crpts, drps, ~ to evcr;vthtn«. $1.70 847--3957. ~ ' FURN. OR UNFURN. ""'10 f * ~nn. din. 2-sly .... $400 • ·-.. • • "~" 3 8'. •P . ...,. '"""'' I M-N •• mo 880 Centec St CM CaU 11 "'" bly I CATILE Inv es Im en t ""' • per mo .• no ee. * 4 BR, 21Ai ba. vaclllll $425 LRG. Clean 1 BR. Pool. For Private party. Day s range oven, re .. ...,. o peuo. ' " ' NEW d1x 2 br dplx. Cpl, n eva aree apts , I All lnco Heritage, Realtors. d '" 35 l\25 UI pd S42-6667 or even In• a $140/mo. 968-1455. aft 5:30 pm wkdys, all day drps. O/W, bltns. $175. 218 hUge pool, Jacuc1 elN't bit-Co n s u I an I-me .c.11\1151 *• .33 BBRR., 22,':'baV.ic;_wN.::.;.: ssoo15..., a u over : u . GT:r-0641. SPACIOUS _2 Br, 2 Ba, nr. v.·knds, 642-8340. Kn 0 xv 111 e . s 3 6-7G33, ins, shag crpts, drps, sauna levels. Good profit potential ornr 11 .. ~ ""' ~-2407 or 645-3394. llCtK>o1s shop'&: & frwys. No VERY CLEAN 11partment 536-2652. etc. Adults, no pets. :~ advantage-Phone Nl-=CE="'~'°"'Bc=-.~c:rp"'""t-. "'•"rove'""'", I • 3 BR, 2~iilbal "~~ S5is LRG. clean Bach. Pool.. For TR.AIJ..Ed ~LRl BSJRDOOM mo., ... ·~ pets. $i.65Jmo. 91'9--0134. w/2 spacious J>edrooms 2 2 BR Townhou ash I SINGLES From -ll50 garage &. large yanl. $175. Furn, ava • to.....-M"4. adults over 35. suo. Util pd. ,,.•,~ •• •. Cat• 0 ·,•. ,,,;_:_:r. 2 BR. 1,, B ' stud~. baths. Has built.ins ' & d p · se, "'.bl ~r 1 >BEDRM. From. S160 $1250. !ta.sci bt.'t!.r Bar Ir; 1st Ir. last plus deposit. Short or long term 548.-2407 64.S-3394 c.'"'" n ~ "' LOVELY SHAG CARPETS. ryer. atio, frplc, tins, 2 BEORP.1 . From SJ.fl> Cate. fully equ.ipt & ready Resp. maITied couple, Set! ' · !J79.-9755. $100/mo. 651'n: W. 18th St, Vacant now at $170 per mo. Sl8S mo. 96U846. Unfum Apts Avail From $10 to go. San Clemente area. at 428~~ Hamilton S 1. .~~ N~;i~~sd~lAd~tle~~~· WINTER: Bach. $123; 2 BR. CM. 675-0048 aft 5 pm. Call agent. 546-414L BEAUT. 2 Br. 2 Ba, db: to $15 LES$. 492-22'.li or !186-2420. 642-1000. Gt !~~(' No pet&. s4:8-lO'lL ' $2'75: 4 BR fl15, Nr. beach ME.SA Verde Condo, 2 Br, 1 EXTRA LARGE l BR $155. ~ nr beb. $155 low You're right, they're under- EDUCATOR supply atore-2 BR. Range, crpt'd Uv rm & (<!I ABBEY REALTY &12-3850 Ba, dshwhr, shag crpt. pool.. UtiiB pd Rettig range cpt dep. 2320 Florida. SJ6...3976, priced! JSb'l l'ifesa Dr. Own. Ill, So. C51 Pl!l7.a area.. hall. Drps in llv rm. Shades :S ij)' U Have 90methlng yoo want to BEAOf apt. Newly rcdec. Pref .. adlts. $100, 546-0281. drpi!, Htd POOL Mfttur.i KING-SIZE Attractive 1 Br. <5 blks fro54&.r;,:;port Blvd.) $5,000/btit ofr. 557-1246. on all window11. Car. fncd t··: ~ _ b rcu ly sell? Classified ads do it Yearly rental, prefer older Sell the old stutt buy the new Adultl. Infant ok, no pets. Bit-Ins. Drapes, Carpets. NEAT BEER BAR. OOSTA area.. UCl bus r o u 1 c . ~ well -call NOW 642-5678. people. $100, 673--2906. 11tuH. Walk to shops. 18 8 7 $130. 847-5384. PINECREEK , • MESA. STEAL lTI CAU. _&1&-6961="=:'-'o~r,C64G-""1241l""'~·;o.,.-,.,. Monrovia, 645-4267. NlCE 2 Br. r--. .. , d-, over 500 tall treea ~ 10 -:: 2414 Vl1ht dcl Oro ..... .,.., • ..., bould bo nd 646-8811 CVn.n) Ajcent. $275. Clean 3 BR, 2 BA. hid NC"Wport Beach 1 BR. Olrport, prlv. patio, range, oven, gar. No pets. er-u streams witb Mo-to 'Loan 240 pool. Lrg. game rm. Frplc. &44-lt:l.'l ANYTIA1E $@\l~}i\-{lf,ifS9 new crpts, drpa. AU elec. $140/mo. 962-4522. tumbllngwatel"fa1J.11createa .... , B1tns. w/w carpet. drapea. --''=~=,..,-=---. • Resp. adults only, n o 2 BR Studio Patio yani relaxing setUng for your 1st 'TD Loans College P.rk. 54:1«18. EASTBLUFF children oc """· $1'5 ........ Sl50/mo Infant ok ..,..1o... l-<>r 2-bedOJom MESA del Mar," Br., fa.m SC?parBte hOUllC. unusual The Pu2zl& with the Built-In Chuckle 25411-8 1322' Ir b bl no peu°. Avl Jan.l. SC-4549'. ~~1~htt. ~la ~~~~ 8~\i INTEREST rm, C'f'J>I#, drp11, 111 c large 4 bedroom or 3 It den. R. upsta *• Ml lrui, 2 BR bltln stove pcl patio Ph· u • ~~ '1 • tfo fo'amlly l'(W'lm plu1 large crpts 1165/mo Utl Paid ' • ' · .,...,......,.,, $ ;J / m 0 • w / 0 p n. formal rHnlnJot 1oom. Con1-0 R:.orra11g9 a.tu cf th• 135 Albert Pi. Call Mr: crpts &: drapes. $l40. ISQ.1 Fountain Valley 2nd TD Loans S194'.186T. plete privacy °"•Ith enclosed lour acrornbs.d .-onts be-White (213) 595-4436 or aft 6 Alabama, Apt. C. 536-3684. 1------'----I 3 Br home. $235. Eastiilde. rear and front ynrclJI. Lnvely low to fOl'ln four *1mp$9 words. pm, 962--3172. Lido Isle Huntington Buch IAwHt ratea Oran«t Co. New crpta: & fresWy J>Qinted. ganlen. Av11llable DecCTnl>l•r I D I F R 0 8 I Sl05 • 2 BR. Gar. Stove. 'WE IUY m•sll Frplc. Ohle gar. &t&-2768 15. No Pt"la. $475 per month. . . f t ;J..!.'V! R.efrlg. Couple 1 child ok. or UPSTAIRS 2BR., 2BJ\, crptg, BRANO NEW % of home, 1 BR. apt, crptA, call 673-6568 or MG-3688. 1 j j j j j ".-~(.,.-' older penon. No pet.1. S50 ~~r1 trplc~~b, no pets, QUO VADIS Ill Satt'er Mtg. Co. dl'Pt, kltcb tumillb«I, yrd It -• • . • 'i clean dcp. ~r1 ~·d. ""'" ea.e,_ ,,.,.,..3824, Luxury Garden Aptt. 142-2171 54U611 , ,.:pao;:tlo.:::,:240=Ftower~=·---, VIEW 2 Bedroo I 518-723'1. Moaa Vordo Bach<lor I & 2 Blt't. "2 ~ Iba. N'--M • • • ms, I S Y H U B I , 1 • AVAll. Now·2 Br. 1'o Ba, SW ID $1&; ~ llarbor area 21 >'": ™-.. "-"l' hOUR. ~-... 2 Bath, d en, yearly . . 1 retrlg, bltns, new sha(I: cnit. DELUXE 2 i\ 3 Br, 2 Ba. lltd Pool.Jacuui·Saimu 2nd TRUST DEED LOANS ~~t::k r/C'Jlf-.m 0 · lease of $375. Realtor. j I j' j 1o·~ paint. Poot No pets. Eocl.Ofc ~ $160M .. ~· ReA vnWe Re reatlon Room a: Morel _Wtu8'tyTrustI>eec11 ~ •• , 644-7270 .• _ _ &6-4220 ·• .-....... · AlfuJtsOnly.NoPetl • BROKEJI 60-7491 * 3 Br. 2 ba. ""4 yd. lam Of\11'. ** BEAUTlFUL 1 A 2 BR. 5411-IOM. BRING IN THIS AD & Mort1111i, . $8'> mo/no rte. Aaent, Don, Harbor View Home I T E B R E I ~ ContP.mpon.ry ~n Apis. Yearly-Btyfront ASK ABOUT FREE Trust°""' 260 2~NewlY ml<conted, 4 BEDROOM -yoar ly I ,. I I IO!<hen ... .,., There WQS a Patfoo. frplc.,upool. $].56. 3 lovely new """'"" •P"· DECEMBER RENTI HAY!! 1t· VERY MER.RY ~ qpt, frplc. Nice yd. lease $475. mo. Avail-lotofexcltemeni rn th4t kltchen 2U:n:-a~~~. bttns: :~;~~!'~~~!d~ ~bf~0~tc::: , ,XMAS Im mo. Avail 1/11. 642-9996 a ble Decf:mber 15th. lost night. A stole loot got lndry room on l)ftm.ltet occupancy. and Beach B1vd.) ~=-.\".,~~; QUICK CASH REALTOR, 644-7270. I L" AT S U E 1-· l1•f8 f:j~· 646 -6~61 or Call: m.366.1mal86EV ... 1 BR .. I blk 10 beach. SM< with "-"""' Trl'9t Doed. OCEANFRONT. Lao new • j j j j I' 0 "-• 111""'1,_ ."'•1."""",!o quolodd crptJr. ..,,., Ind,., l>e. l l3!r. c..J1 ~~ 8kr ftimlly 4 B<tnn. Din-rm, _ . _ . _ . Y '"ll m .,. m :o.. :f "'°' $140 up 1pac 2 br/3 br 1% ba 202 f41h St. 531H1352. 'W""' u • ~p" THROUGH A Yrly. D•ve 67'-1972 . v~ """""''°"'""'No. bolow. pool, cpl/drp, l!IU>, plYII'nd· Nowport BHch 49HG15 . .1,. 8 PRINT Nt.IMBE•EO lEll~RS IN 1996 MAJ!le, No. J •• ,64i:31U Front tr.ans to trutl NEWPOnf $hore112 Br, dtn, THESE so AR'S 22J2 Co ege, No. 5,.,646-03 . OCEANFRONT 28R., mu~ WANT AD 2 ila. pool" clubrlvl. Nr. ' ' 21lR. ''""'· ... rn,, cepbi, Newport Bt••h re!Tlg, dcl<, • .,..,,. ..... ,: tum thfttn inm ~ bch. $)00. 640-tn . 111.w t) u~~R~8~N~~~e LETTlRS I I I I I I tl!'P..f & uUl'1. Adlt pk. s.l2S yrly $250 to J uly 15 • .CALL DAU.Y PILOT 642-5678 3 BR, l bli.., pvt c:oorte view. , , · -. -· · $lj0/mo. 5~7·G 13 ~ or OCF.:.AN VIEW y., a r_ I ":t M.';.8008. ' s.. IO 'Pl'""'· AVl)l -· SCRAM·LETS ANSWERS IN CLASS. IFICATION 70~ -· Dupl••· 2 BR. l BA. 12'!1l w ... "'"'1" .... lull.•"'""' ~ ~ •••••• ..,..,. ~,~15="'°=· ._ss~;1--~~·---~ _...=_.::_:.::.._-'...=:..:..::.._.::.._.::.._.::.._.::.._c...._.::.._ __ .::.._.::.._ ______ ~--'Want ad rwllh1 , .. 642-5678 644-<678(). or 64).3639. call ·a~ • 642.-li6.78. 675-6161 ' ' I .• • • -· 2 s ( l ''Al ·, lo • • . ' . • • .. . ' . I M ...... -· 18, 1972 ~[ -;;;;;;; .. ;;;-;;l~~I -....-"" ..... ~H~~l :l~ ...... ~l~~.1-·-ll5l I ---1~ I Aph., Apia., lnduJtrlll Ront>I 450 kbyslttlng ' Plumblnf Holp Wanted, M A F no Holp W•ntod, MA F 719'4olp W•ntod, M & F 710 Holp W•nlod, M A P' nt ll lJ [ J[Il] I ][ij Jl lJ Ii: ... , 1 ..... , .• P'um. er Unfum. 370 Furn.or Urtfurn. 370 1.M..;·.;;,).;.;.;.1 .... ""'....;..w.;;/_--oftl<o~. *.LlconMd DRAINS W1Cioa¥od. $7.50 et.di! Unloo A11lotant SELL hn~l t!shJaa Earn l•H,....un_t_ln_gt_oc_n_.;.Bo_Kl_h....;...;.;.;_H..;u..;n;;;tl.:.;n!;..l;;;on_.::;8-::.:;;;;;h::;.....::.:. largt! ..., .-. U00 ., tt . Boby-Slttor * S.-*l~~oo~. f15 Tftu, daya. E><p. ""°""""1 OPENING JANUARY 197l S500 j .,t~· F1111 °' -Sl°lOf mo. 1"7 Whittier St. Da,y care lor t Child. Want 1---:...:==-=---Dept, Hooa: &Ip, NB. • · part t me. · 1850 ~tt l'l'lT \\'bittier St, · 4 yn. Full Ume. Prefer , PL~o~?oo ~AIR OELlVERY ol DAILY GOOD SAMARI TAN HOSPI TAL SERVICE Station Attcndanl HUNTINGTON BEACH'S flNEST Spanish Country E~te Living 2 Acres. Beaullful park-like surroundings . Sunken Pool. Sparkling Spanish Fountains. • Spacious Rooms • Separate Dilling • • Walk in Closets • Hom&-Uke Kitcherui & C&bine t& 1 BDRM. Unlurn. $165. Furn. ,185. 2 BDRM. Unfurn. ,185. Furn. $215. TOWNHOUSE 2 BR, l Y.i Ba., 1400 sq. ft. ' Unfurnished $200. ALL UTILITIES FREE Walk to Huntington Center Adults, No pets LA QUINTA HERMOSA 16211 Por~sldo Lano, H.B. 7.14:• 847-5441 Costa (l'U.. De.y1 64)-1485, work In a for teacbcn. * Mj..3.128 * PILOT, SUNDAY ONLY, to Orange County w/exp, Top WJPl/comm. ask fGr l.yman. Fenood yard & 2 pl.aymatea. I ---'-=="-"'---newspaper carriers. Re-AppJy Chevron SU.Uon, 1>4 R9ntala Wanted 460 Hot h1nc:h,·.1nacn. Vim Sewing/Alter•ti'>n• qutre. the U6C ot a Station Now accepting Applications a t So. Cout Hwy, Lag. Bch. ----------1 View &:hool Olstri1..'t. FV.1 ---'~-;....;.;....;.;;__ Wagon or Van. Contact Mr. 1120 South Lemon PROF womu egt, nu pett, 2 Just aouth of F..dinger otf Alter•tlons-642.sl4$ lfarry Seeley, 330 West &y Anaheim, C•lif. 91805 BR ~~ ~/ootld, not over Mag:nOlla. Nr. San Diego Neat, accurate. 20 yean exp. St., Costa Meaa. Phone 956-4080 • yrs. mo .floor. Must l\ave Frwy. 557-4861. · Dreumaklng & A1teraHona ~~pie close~; n(~a6 GRANDMOTHER can give De5igned to cult you. DENTAL ASSISTANT R.N. L.V.N. an"!.. low & playmates anytime Laguna Hlll1 586-5888 Energ e tic , enthusiastic, Nurse Attendants -Unlt Clerks pm) day/nitc. Meals & gd care. Televlslon Repel r dependable girl needed as All Services -All Shift• SEXTANT RESTAURANT Now I nt1rvl1wlng For Exper .. ncM SM house or duplex In Hntgn Exper &: refa. 645-5469. prevenUve control nurse. Bea<:h. 2 BR, for 1tt1 cple LlC'O mother for 2-4 yr. COLOR 1V Ca1-Tn>n1cl Must have X-R.e.)' exp. Full An Equal Opportunity Employer Deli Peraonnel • f'ry Cook• n;.~~ January. plda. Meals, fenced yd. 769 W. m, Costa Meta or part Ume. Call 552--8339. J!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... !!!!!!,;,,;,..,..,..;..,..,;,,,..,..,!!!!"""'jWaitrl's.11 hfgr .. WaJfl'eues . • Heller Pk/Npt Hg ht 5. Service eau·s10. 646-002 ti•lp W•nted, M & F 710 Help Wanted, M & F 110 Hostl'Sst'!i . . BUA Boys 641H;547. DENTAL ASSISTANT -Counter Girls -Dis.bwuben I I~ WilJ.. babysit hourly while [ l[jJ Cba.lrskl.e, 1it down. 5'4 or NURSEi Aides. All shills. ;-------~:.;~ .yo_"_ .. _ ... _'""_Ing_. _M_o_n-_Frl_·. ~·-11 over. Experienced. 5 da,y!, 8 J. C. Penney Exp'd. Personnel Dept., Phone or apply !tlo11. thru . . -=Nr Harbor Hi. 646-0092. <-------.J. f to 5. Salary open. 640-0.nl C Hoa.a: Hospital, N.B. Sat. bctv.'ttll 9 Ir :> C•rpenter. ·--------· Newport c.enter. ompany PAJNTING ln exchange for --'---------DENTAlr-Ortho chair assist, motel apt. 237fi Newpon 630 Newport Center Dr. Person•I• 530 All Type1 of Carpentry Job W•nted, Ml.. 700 2 openings, 2 day• a week 24 Fashion Island. NB Blvd., C.M. 548-975.S. Newport Beach 644-7804 ~H~U ::~~:r ~11°~~ =-M~~~' a week l~u Openings J-~or PRECISION !ITATISTICAL analyzt Ir whOle outlook on llie for the C•rpot Sorvico SCRAM-LETS DENTAL Aaabtont. El<p'd In Coffee Sbop typ~I. m•Ut orlent"1, exp'd better Pi;ofe.ssk>nal advice --'--------ANSWERS X-rays I: oral :evacuaHon, Ar~rUBL£R in statJstical typing and 10 on Ute. Uc. R.ea.ding:s daU,y. JOHN'S Cars>let" Upholstery 548-8844. Cook ~ key aildlng machine. Light 10 AM-ID PM. 492-9136. Ori-Shampoo fr e e Scot-secretarial Y.'Ol'k. 4 Girl of- 492-9034, 312 No. El Camino chiuard {Soil Retardanta). DE:E.:1E!8J..E8 adlady tOddo Work lnc:lw:ies assembly ol fice. 3020 Newport Blvd., Rea1, San Clemente. Degrea.Rn I: all color ~fu~~::: ~fu{-Beret -•NW>Cwv.a. te Y one ay electro-mechanlcal devices. N.B. 675-35.51. (4 blks. So. of San Diego Frwy. on Beach , brl&:hteners & 10 minute per week. Own trans. Good mamia.I dexterity & ====~~~-~ 1 blk. W. on Holt to 16211 Parkside. Lane). PREGNAN'P?' Think In e bleach tor wb.lte carpets. Kitchen scene: There was &12-2314. F'ull & P/lime basic electronics req'd. Will w~. Full & Abortion? Know all the Save your nloney by aavlng a Jot of excitement in lhc DINNER COOK Xln't working conditions teach mech. skills. p/time. apply, Co 1 on Y ''!'!!!!II!!!!_,.,..,...,.,.,..~..,,...,...,.,!!!! ·.., .... ..,,j facts first! Call Life Linc, me extra tripe. Will clean kitchen last night. A stale Experienced Oul'ltandlng benefits Gulton Industries Ki t c h e n , San Juan "AptJ., Apti., 24 hrl, 541-5.S22 living rm., dining nn. & loaf got FRESH. e BLUE DOLPHIN • Apply in peraon 10am-4pm 1644 Whittier Ave., C.M. Capistl'ano, 77142 Ortega Fum. Or Unlurn. 370 Furn. Or U"furn. 370 'PROBLEM ·Pn!gnaney. Con-hall f15. Any nn. $7.50, Job Wint.d, Femel• 702 ~~"" V>'a Lido NB Equal Oppor. Employer m/f , 642--2400 IC,H"wy=. =~~-.,-_,- fldent, a y mp" t h e t l c couch $10. Chair $5. 15 yrs. ->.NJ • F.qual Oppor. Employer WAITR~Dlnner house ex· H 1 •---h H pregnancy rounsetlng. Abor-exp. ls what counts, not NEED help at home'! We Director-Recr••tion JOBS perienre pref. Must be over Unt ngton u.-untlngton Buch tion & =ns ref. AP-method. I do work myself. have Aidn, Nu r 1 e 8 • Life of the party type sought URGENTLY NEEDED PRODUCTION 2L Apply in penon only, i43 CARE. . Good ref. 531--0lOL House.keepen, Companions, -for t.his super position.: ~sOperaton CONTROL LEADMAN \V. 191h St., C.M . BRAND NEW QUO VADIS Ill SWINGING SINGLES Cement, Concretti Homemaken, Up job n' ~ parties & ac-e Indiistrtal Required to setup original WAITRESS Call Jim, 2 to 8 p.m. 547..fi681. uv1ties. 21 t!r'= • Billing Clerk ·Typist planning, prod. schedules, & Food and cocktail, Blue ~3122 PATIOS-PLANTERS-EXP. practical nurse avail, person n · Irvine 54G-4450 status reports, relatl~ to Beet, 673-9904. "· B havo re•--1-··. $2.75 833-7100, Derutis & Dennis manufacture. ot small el.e<· WANTED, reliable mald. CO~ PARTIES All Concrete wo..... rick, '""'''"-";> .. ..,'°' I f ~--'--Anaheim 533-2322 slumpstone wk. 894-3533. per hr .• 50-4549 or 847-8315. Penonne Agency 0 ... -vun::, ~ mecharucal a.asembl~ Sm! hotel. Xlnt working Luxury Garden Apts. in Huntington Beach Bacltelor. 1 & 2 BR's. $135 • $185 Call Phil, 2 to 8 PM 2(8'l Michelson Dr. NEVER A FEE AT TEMPO Mm. o! 3 yrs ~~ cond'•"··· ,~1557 ..,_3344 PATIOS, walks.""""'· Saw, Help Wanlod, MA F 710 ISHWASHER Tempo Tempmary Help oonb'ol OXJ""· m I • 1 ••1-7.'=~"="=:· ,o~=--=~== PALM & CARD READINGS break, remove &: replace _ , D JUNioR Salesmen: 10-15. manufacturing or electro WHO WANTS TO WORK? Tells Put, Present & Future concrete. 548-8668 for est. ACCOUNTING CLERK Earn $20-S«I per week &et· mechanical anembly. Re-DRIVE A CAB! • Heated Pool • Saunas • Rec. Room • Jacuzzi • Pool Tables • Volleyball • Gym & more! Furn. & Unfurn. (213) 6S4-1350 Fully lie. CUSTOM CEMENT WORK Local furn needs agile gal for AM hours. Apply in per-ting new customers for the ply to OiWWed ad DO. 55 CHOOSE your houri, work ALCOHOLICS AnonymowJ. Drlves, WALKS, patios. for AIR & A/P. Only ll.te l!Oll, Snack Shop No. 9, 3444 DAil..Y PILOT. This b aot a c/o Daily Pilot, P. 0. Box ftir younell, be ~ own Adults Only, No Pets BRING IN THIS AD A Phone 542--7217 or write Pool C~~~W· 06!2-051RK 4. zru1ng~ ~~tin:; !2:u!i°85oppot =ty" =k,y::. =~OOe rouc!ill~ng ®: :02G. C.Osta Mesa, Calif. !i':S!en ~~~~~:= P.O. Box 122S. Costa l\.tesa. c..mL,, • portunity. CalJ Helen Hayes, ~-. delivering, Transportation ls retired. Age 21 to 70, sup- ASK ABOUT FREE DECEMBER R!'NTI 18992 Florida St. 714: 847·9448 Social Ctubl SlS Rsnbl rates. 540-6<li.5, Coastal Peraonnel D OM ES T IC provided. We work tour PRODUCTION plement your Income. Drive * 516-3141 * Agency, 2'l'!K) Harbor Blvd., Couple-Thoroughly exper. hours alter achool and 8 on HELPER a cab 6 hn or more a day. ( Y.i blk. W. ol Garfield & Beacli) F~~~e~o~~:;.! Contrector '"' C.M. :l!ry M:~~m~~~ t,~ia~e\r~y0E'~~ F 0 o1'....troprodm. ~h. ~~~.of sm. ~lyJ; ~&nth Y~~~ DISCOVER ACCT. CLERK -Interesting w/t:Nn &: ability. Send H tlngt Beech -., ~-M JACK Taulane -Repair position In Trust Audit sec· ~n,, un on areas on-Appl y l;~'~"'-~~~~~~~~I Discovery od dd' 20 tion ol Financial O...,.aniza. resume to P. O. Box 278• ~:; __ Y1°" bymwrt3 bePMout or Gulton Industries 714-835-6885 213-387-339.J rem .. a it. yrs. exp. tl Min 3 .::::_,_ Corona de l Mar, Ca. 92625. -..1UU to CM Llc'd. My Way Co. 547--0036. on. . yrs. 111.anneas participate. ExperienceJ 1&14 Whittier Ave., I 11~ l Trovol 540 exp. Muot have good •kills ELECTRONIC hoys Riven p" 0 '1 t y . 64>-2400 -V Orlveweys in fi,gure work & typing. '96$.-9641. Equal Oppor. Employer . . l~ .: I -I~ I ·-I~ PH:. 644-4360. Reel Estate Sale• HA VE driveway repaired ASSEMBLERS Keypuncher $4fiO FREE •Rooms 400 Office Rent1I 440 SET SAIL before eo&ts ~ too ex-Accounting Clerical Assistant Bookkeeper S500 Anllquos 800 ,_.._ _______ --------TAlilTI t1enstve. Average sea1e> Legal Secretary $650 'DELald:VX __!~ en~! •. ha, CORO~ DEL MAR Graiid 3 Muted Schooner, U4.50. 63H380 or 6"13-3Z4. RUTH RYAN AGENCY b 1 d d Writer!PR $3 hr License Tr•lnfng ~.u!~~esk~~~~n rm~·. m .,,-v.ee, no ..--.JUAen, Approx, .........,, sq. ft. office crew & gUeflt sh. cosu. F 1 1792 Newport, CM 646-4854 Ass e1dem . er s nee.,_ e Tax Secretary . $575 LI I _, T' Onl ._, Costa Meu, 67 5-0 310' space tailored lo ycur (213) 378-1239 .:'.:;".:<;;.119:.:_ ______ 17931 Beach, HB 847-9617 w/~ nng . ~xper. .:iume Advertising Sec'y $1)5(} m t.u lml y 6 chn, hutch &: table, 548-7197 design. Full security bldg. -trainee positions op e n . Typist $425 Famous ll~nse CO\ll'5e now mahog & an~ue white. Dry • LG. Bedroom in prl honte, v.•/amrle parking. REPAIR redv.1ood fences & Perm. employment. Maintenance man to • .,"" available thru Tarbell Com· sink cu.at m e, Gone with •·k I Chri "·· tos 20 -·-•x-n· ANCIENT --"Y· Applicant.a fully re-the Wind lamp, an""'" .. oe..k ' ..... ,,.. Niguel. Queen ia. iu. or Sw"' l1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil ga ' ..-~~;> ,..... ence, Bek Of<: Medical $400 r-~----BOYD REAL~RS ~ ••~ 537 ~ r ~-~76 -•-5 C·" tor Annt lmburscd upon qualification. chest, small. 6 Pc ti.Iver ' bed, ..... ent., ba. $85 ""r .1v ..,,.,....,;:.,.... _......., o .....,,--,,.,. cuu::~-..... "" · F/C Bookk"-r •~ .... · ,..... pm Industrial Relations ,..... .,..,..... New or experienced sales cuter set, a11tique china, : mo. 495-4729. New Waterfront Ottices I llr)l1----"-----MARINER Exec. Sec'y/land dev $700 people. Openings available. silver&: bric·B·brac. 548-91$) ' $80 ·MONTHLY, l blk. to In the Islander Bldg. . L..c_.,... _L:1j G1rd1nlng (714) 494-9401 =~a.ry tol: Complete training program. RESTORED antiques. oak Beach. Call 67:Hi210 or $150 Arid s.;oo Mon.th ';mmmmmm;;;~ I BOB'S GARnENING _ Acrounting Trne $31:i Future management oppor-lamp table $95. Oer')'-IJW'-673-0'40 uk for Bud Prim!! Location • & LANDSCAPl:NG TELONIC Operations Supervilor tunlUes. Call Mr. Sloan at b1e top serving tbl $125. Call • PRIV. rm. & both; .. lri •. 341 l!ayl;de Dr •• N'pt Beach _Fo_u_nc1_.;..11_ ... _IMf_• .. r __ sso_ I Rooidentiat & Commoreial T•klng Af>pllcoHons '\ , .. DUSTRIES S&L, La Jolla $700+ 832-t""'a· RBELl "" appt. -· ~ !;alt ca.ta Mesa S8S MO. Bill_ Grundy Rltr. ~61 Jiv1n9 IDltutrlal For All Rettaur•nt ~ Med Bkkpr/Sec'y S5SO ,_A_,ee...._ll_•_ncoo _____ 802_ : 615--M88 Hrl837 EYea.. SML. black & tan female Complexes. Personnel .__ LegUrt• Beedt Free a Fee PosttJons , - : ROOMS '18 wk~ w/klt $30 DESK M8-ce av...Uable $50 dos w/tap. Area Michigan 5.57-4299 after Spm. NEWPORT REALTORS ~~ w~ °'?': ~m~~ 1 ;rvd;,PcM~~Newport :Ois:O. ~c! ~~omi~nwt'f:1!er 1~ F~NT i:ck la;ds R~is~ro 301 :~¥u:~p~!!°'1sA Equal Oppr. Employer 13P:'0o"'"""IDAgonNcy REAL ESTATE. Auto \Vuher $35. Whirlpool H~ls, ..... 1, 410 avallabl..?. 17875 Bea~ Blvd. anyone catch her. ·• yd 1 • · ·• ' · TV ~ ver r., 1.8, SALESMEN --Why not v.u-k Auto Washer $65. Recond. ••• ~ If tl•rl Be ch "~" -weeding, c n up, tree EXPER. cable un-64• -70 In t•· hottost •re• f{on-and Guar. 546-8672 -·------------:--:--:--1.,;:•:n,,,, •• ,,,,.one..::::;•:::;:,;,· "~""'~~". VOLu= of En·-"Jo-···· I I ( haulin ~ AUTOMOBILE L I de d I t 11 -·~ ,1 "'"" .... _. .... ..-.~• rmm ng, g . .r1-=:e111. ea• n g rgroun n 1 a e r s t i n g to n Beach/Fountain R47-81 15. WEEKLYrates-Wat.erbeds, DESK apace uailable $50 Americana vie corner of 96)-8Gl2 Sal esman Expe!Vnced d s1red Trainee considered •--~------\ Color TV, Kitchens. 1 block mo. Will provide fumi.ture Newport & Victoria, C.M.E -~XP"-'.=H~·,-w-ai-lan--G-ard_e_n-er. Managem~t Opp_ Guaran: 6 ~ 2-J2so. Teleprompter: LEGAL SECRETARY Valley, and let us train you! OVER 3'.X> washers, dryers, ; to beach. N~ Beach at $5 mo. Answering service =6<6-='="7650=·c...,-~~-~ Complete garden s er v. ty, Car, Medical lrul. Ralph ,EquaJ==.O;:;p!:!poro::,;·c,:Em;::::P.:lo;:,yor=.'--c.C.Orp. office needs your s~~I ~N ~Art: ~ton from $39.95. • TraW!Lod&e, available. 222 F~st Ave .. FND grey-& n11t colored fn1 I Ka m a 1 an I , 6'4 6-4676, Wllli.a.ms Leasing, Inc. <nC> ./ FRY COOK, exper. w/ secf"e!arlal akllls. 2 Yn ex· 962-4411. •an. 1 YR. ~··~. de! ., In-: Lquna Beach; ..,..,91i6, kitten 'iii Persian?' Vic. "~"1337 631HW10 (213) 748-84ll per tn corp law could land .,.,.... ·-·· 41s '"v-• ' ref.!. th': ono. MT. ST exrs· a RECEPTlONISI': M.ature _.~,, La•-~. all -1. .. : Guest Home $71 &: UP. Incl utll. Some lrvjne A' 19th St .. ·N.B. ~~RO=B-l,-EM--SO-L_VER__ BARTENDER BLUE • WA.....,"''-''-' ex""" w/ ~ r d ,._ .. ..,..... "" "'.,.. '"""""' -vai1 2333 MS-881"1 P · "' ''~· ... ~·· plus. Start $625. Cal Sally woman pre UK uu1. ofc, Kenmore wuber. 839-l m . \ ~~wy~ OOl~E.FND -~"Bk~·-.-re!-,.-lm!--kl-tt-en Prothlntnln. ·-. ~~·i;!!ttshwoa '1nk. ~ S35 per shift. Call aen"to~;. Coffee Shop, 133 s. Hart, 541Hi0!55, co a at a I mutln&:D .. ~ JJDaa.·~p&':i.Ul,1;,-_.,~ • DISHWASHERS. wuben.. • sw· H Ph • • ,.--~·a. P g. -"~=·------Lag Bch. Peraonnel "'-·, 2 790 8:J ... ..,, ..._.roo ... .,, ~n. rebl• ~.O * P Iv t R * te . · or vie Westclltt a, ~1129. Cl an r--•-~•-• c•~o Ing h It t ~-~ Hwy _ .. ~, .,_ Ev _, ' r • e oom e ups.~,;..-,.....,...-""""". ._. •• Lo>.., aw s • ..,._,,., ·• Harbor Blvd., C.M. wage. ........ ans, 1:111'1. 'd m-762o· : for 675-6444. FND ladles wrist watC"h on Gener•I Services F/time. Penonnel Dept, FULL charge bookkeeper LVN ' ' Ambulatory Lady or ~Ian Buslneu R•nt•1 445 Via Lido. N.B. 675-86CMI alt ---------::"::"':.<,_H:,:°'=P::ital=, .:;N:::.Bo::·=~ Newport Beach area. Write RA!staurant KENMORE aut o mat I t Good, nutritious Food. 6· IT need!: to be done, don't CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Classified ad No. 497 Daily 3•11 Chat'ie Shift. Employee TONIO'S wuber, 3 speed, 3 temp. • Nice, cheerful atmosphere. Store or Off'loe in H.B. avail Lost 555 wait until Jan. Get It done Executive Manager -San Ptlot. P. 0. Box 1560; C.OSta benefits lnciuding group & Near new $125. 642-0022. * Call 548-4753 .. J an. l, 500 sq ft will now, call H a ndy man Clemente, SU.000., ~<pense Mesa, Call( 926211. i;te ins, vac ~yviY. ho~aya An •xcit in9 new L•wry's KENMORE elec. 1tow -renovate. Bldg be in ( D-1 B kl ~top wages oa ew \..Unv d R I remodeled. CUstomer p..i..., D09' t UC I 546-9723 accoUnt, auto mileage: aend GEL COAT TOUCH-UP · · Associ•t• •~f•urant Two ovens. Hu Rotbtlerie Acrou from Oty Hall':, Silver, crest shaped with ~ENT WILL oo resume D. J, Philippbar, Experienced ~~:.Poo~. Thurln Ave ., OPENING SOON and grill. No ckl. 646-6267. , G•r-vet for Rent 435 bu.v corner. 53&-6666 large, black initials · large ANYTHING, anytime (good ~ 338, San Clemente, Boat Manufacturer LVN 1 1 lief 2 1 O N•wport C•nter Or. REFRIGERATOR. Admiral ' .,OFFICE STORE "Y' • croaaed with a "T" at repairs), reas .. honest, 1..;'~~·'0··==~=====~. 642-0512 ' em a e ' re F•shion lsl•nd, N'pt Bch dbl door, runs wcll, ad cood.. 'GARAGE for rent $35. pet' plus amall "B". Low in sate driver 67&-1701. CHIEF ACCOUNTANT F.qual oppornmity employer supervisor. 3 days/wk, 3 ._.___,,. $111. 9'79--7234. · month. Eut ru St., Costa Newport & Ba,y Center 2052 value, xtra .. 1 ..... In aenti-o7=c==='-"=--pm-U pm Cail C!M-8075 lor ~ """--~~-=--! ·-· Haulln• A yooog • "'pldly oxpanding GENEn·•L OFFICE appt. . e WAITRESSES Ront Woshon/D-n Mesa. ~UM. Nev.·pcrt Blvd., CM. Util. mental value. One of a1c:.:;.;:.:.;.:;"'"'------NB al tat d--•-~ ·•• • I pd ~--"6-1252 matching ··•-. "an not .:_ · · re es e ~!>'" Great van'oty -t Good LVN • Hosn;&C;ES S2. Wk. FUii malnt. EAST 'Costa Mesa. Singe · .--... o,g. ~ • ......., ... oe GE'T RID OF THAT ment co. lftds you to fUl \ti li·~ e BARTENDER * ·-•-* ' ·~ M "·" E IDEAL ~-1 M... loc replaced. Re\Vanl. call UNSIG~Y TRASH • phone voi~ &: te accurate 3-11. 11.7 ""J061 -~~ , garage . ..., o. '-""" ves. ....,,. a . n,.. « no. 2 accounting I-flnan· ....... Ing. Sala,.., to $400. Call _.. e BUS BOYS 675-6488 640-1837 Ofc/1tore. 1200 aq. ft Days, ~2142 aft S p.m. or DEBRIS. FREE EST . cia1 position. Advancement J:ri Pago, S.0.-, CoastalqMAID:..:;'-"..:cwo:..:,rk-ln_ox_c_han..::.:go:..::t:::or e IOTCHEN PERSONNEL C1mer11 & i Office Rent1I 440 ~7• 543-7398 eves & ~i~8 t1;'J."1323' (S to I2:30 COLL. STUDENT 548-6428. %:i:~~jjtyexi:c~~~r! Peraonnel Agency, 2790 Har-apt 2376 NWpOrt Blvd. C.M. Apply In Person Equipment IOI P.RESTIGE omcES·, Air-BALBOA Island conunerc. REWARD, Lott ColJie, 1 yr, YD~o. g~e dclrtleanu,ps. \Vill cover the whole s......... bor Blvd., CM. Pb. 548-9755. Mon thru Sat. 10 am to 3 pm C-A·N-~N~O~N-~--,=---.-tan-1 Tri I blk hit t ..... rnoYe u=S, • vy. ...~~ ~ .. nerol Ole $57S MANAGER TRAINEE An_eq~ .. ~'!_rtunity .. ID oAJ mm • port, cpta, drps, air <:0nd, space. $150 Mo. to $415 Mo. co or, • w e. an, Drlvewy1, grading. &17-2666. trum of corp. financial ef-...,. .... ._..,.... dard 1.4 lens) with doubler daily main!. Exec bldg. Hardesty Realtors ~2866 answ Ringo, •Vic. Stach !a1~. 2-4 yra real estate ac-Stat typing, figure ap. Local firm needs clean-eut !!!!!!!"'!!'o'!i~~~~..,I & 80mm to 21Ctmm S>Om , m-8350 503 Parle Ave. Balboa Island Blvd. & Glencoe, HB. HAULING &: dcleanufg!>y exp counting I partnenhlp tax-c·a11 U>rralne man to learn re I a 11 R. E. TRAINEE Jens. M 8 n non electronic STORE · __ ... ~ .,...,,...RE 1 1 ' on 17th St 842-4435, ask for Victor. ~!l~r' .... •tu.,!~n!:. .. ~ trk. ation exper. req'd along WESTCUFF bus In e • s . Right man nw unit w/access. M'11· ' -uuut w.uee, ,,w tq ~·v or ease, " LOST Reward Bl ck: Fe ....,.............., or <»'f"..._..,..., with business / accounting Penonnel Agency could advance to manarer R. E. Broker A Developer, 1 lpod , 1 alwnJ ?11ti'>~=.n-~fllf '.'OAi"-~~~~_,, A.. ~bpOO. i.a&un: ~; SKIPOOrk.' A£~_&t dtlm!~al -~cation.· Salary commen-2)43"'We1tClltf·0t;;lfB • t:tf own-store tn 1 yr. Start' will train A apomor ·for ::,. rcUf'. ·he,~ clean: 1 cbild's pet 831-2224-or wo ........-~ e, ...,l"' t, surate w/E"xper. Send 64>2nG $502 + comm. Call Jean llcente. Call betwn 10 am I: tng kit, tripod aCttS&. l!lide 4 or 5 office IUltes. $350 lnduttrl1I R1nt1I 450 644-7575. sawing, breaking. 846-7110. resume Classllled ad no. GIRL FRIDAY Brown, 540-mSS, c.outal 3 prn, 545-1124. viewer & slide projector, I Admin/Pro! W/kltch/bath ,__ REWAR l..ost Sa ll-2-72 Housecl1anln9 5.S4 c/o Daily Pilot, P.O. PertOl'llll!'l A&ency 2790 RN ptl al nu P.l t SeUI ltll Rol:b81ter, CM, ~3988. tl/U Sq. Ft. 3 phase f)\'T. $95. D, I, '--..,-..,---".,.,.--:,,..L· Box 1500, Cxta Mesa, CaJ-Beautiful modem 0 f f ice. Harbor mvd .. C.M.' 3 t u M • ·~-· r..· .... ~o c LU> • ..:::·· WI !Bl =ft. no & %1J pwr. Lrg ra:J male Irish Se"er.1 · .11 • ..........., C"-' need B .... _ -1 for o • on uuw ..-,1 ....,, • '"°"........,. ... 1 tOO SQ .FT NtwpOrt Blvd, Pvt , plenty parking. Needs medlcation. 549-3612 Prof. C•l'pet CtM·nirllf' .yomta .. ~. thlaesm~ "'1j;; 6 .,.Dlc-MANAGEMENT tralnM • Dtr lbitl. Sanfit Ana -Bns. Gus Super 3 p,1ovfe Cam- ' center Costa Mesa. Carpet C. RO RT NATI'RESS. aft 5. Aho windows &: floor care. c tapbone exper. a plUA. St!lrl College arad. ambltloul, ag-tol Conv Hospital 546-1966. era wl zoom lens &: proJtt· f A A/C. "2-4230. Rltr., C.M. 60--1.SS. 7 MO Gra,y/Wbite Pentan C..U Dutch 537·1508. o'co's $450. Fee Paid/Also Fee gmiai\.'e. Startina: ~to RN 3-11 It. 11·7, f/time ICU. !or, $100. for both. Ca.ti -I Vacanciel cost money! Rent WANTED: M·l 500 to 700 sq Tabby Cat· Ami Jenny, Lost HOUSE OF CLEAN Jobs. Call ~ Hart, $l !XM) a mo-. Call Don as-Pacltlc& Hoap., 18 7 9 2 49'l·7242 btfore 2 PM. f ti: .. e~ :fi'uy ~O: ft unit ln ea.ta Mesa area. Vic: ~ia St, 557-9367 F't:>Or, Windows, crpt, walls, ~. O>utal Peraonnel ~. 54HQOO. Del.awatt, HB. 342-<1611. YASHICA SUper 40 movM 1 ChwUled Ad. Seli Idle Items Call 642-6424.. alt 4 Rew 1 f YT&· in are!l. 642'-6824. LAGUNA HILLS Agency, 2190 Harbor Blvd., ~SES ,£.~ • t SALES Oerkl le Cashiers, camera w/cll!T)1na ca1e, now! call 642"'56'78 Now! CJassWed Ada .•. 642-5678 LOST broWn I: white Brit-'MEsA Cieanlna, carpets, C.M. ~~s Ca~l 642-filSIJ ~ some exper. APJllY In Nl!'W, never u.11ed. ~. tany Spaniel, vie. or Beach w'-"-·-.,~ •I" "-•·di Hos lmm·,Joto HOTEL • DESK CLERK/ · pe1'80h. Checker Auto P&rta. F It 810 &: lndlanapoll H B .,....., ... ,,, UlAJl:t, ... nll':t 911 CASIUER. Ex-r. Must 10-5. ll1 E. 19th St., CM '_u .. m_ .. u;..r.;•-----'-" "·w·~ .~1-... r · · · oomm'J, 557-6742, 5CM111 . Opening For ,..... r· '"' .., ___ .......,.... ,..., know NCR 4200. Apply in MEDICAL Au\ltant • Exp'd, 6'5-82&1. GLOVE leather-like mt. A Trader 's Parad·1se LQST, 6 Ladi<o Blng11, 0.c. By D:1.i~~;:~:::~.t1on WAITRESS pereon only. Alrporttt lnn Primarily -t o ((lc.. SALESLADY Love .... Formal din rm. 13th, VIC. Ali• Beach area, * 83&-0648 * Hotel, Irvine. Salary open, NB area, Send i:--..... unnece......... The 1 e t , A m tr I c a n O f Laguna. Reward BSl--0118 -~7.-'-"'~"='-"'..,...-. resume It. refcren<:H to ~!IC' -..-viii -~ Dedlcited Cleanlnn HOUSEKEEPER, live in. 5 O!lsa:itled Ad No. !5'72, c/o Show-Ot_t1 22 Fash ton MaJ1j111 f! ~es. .,. .... h I BLK Satin purse ln viC. of .... day wk, 1'fon-Frl. OWn D ily Pll t p B Box N laland, N.B. velvt-l .olll It lovneat. 11• nes Th P vlillo Bal~-F"" * \VE DO EVERYTll!NG * E Ing Shi Lido I·' G-8248 a o · . . o. 1--.... t ·~-11 e a n, '-· ... · vttn rt tranl., ... e. •a-· 1560, Costa Meas. caut SALESMAN. m~ic 1dgn11. l&ITI,_ • c. --· j eve. Notify !!61·314.9 fl'VM . Rt·fs. 1''ree est. IW().:!839. ~ 92626 Terrific comm It bonus STORE fb:tl.ft1 for u~. I t• P•lntlnt A Apply In Pe1Mlon ncnC"r'\h.lto..IC1 MEDICAL Sftcn!t.a.ry·Re-<.'ept. achtdule. 979-4~ wall fixtures, IDftdolu, 4 . I mes Paporh•ngln' 24001 ~:.': M:i.Cal'llOta IRV1NE r<JVV>" ·~ lor radiology ottlc<. ''xp'"· SECRET ARIES ..... , ....... •tore tlxt ...... ; I .. ,_ · 111•] CUSTOM PAINTING (Al Ute Et Toro ott ramp. SBM:fSa>ACENCY 7.::a bt~r'."~P~~ * 1000/o FREE * ~ E~1~\"';';~P~; : dollars 1nter1Ex1er. unturn. inter. s.p. ~ayJ ._._, IA~~• .. 1 to «M MTST • rd •-tt'd in ~ l ...,..,,.. __ ,...,._.,l:;tt:yf uva-u..a!lg ....,., re . """"" Ui Reinder'1 Aenv-v WHITE ~1*1 dln"M: : apec. price. Free color con. MTST/Gen'I Oftkt' to $600 N.B. ~for appt. 4500 c.a 1 fi-' ~.._,... ' • Schools & suiting '-eat. Lie. Ins. COOK I: kitchen Helper. Girl ~, ... /aA ta $550 OTEL -·•• M • I ntl>U' , w/f rwtwl -dded c ,,, ______________ .. ___ _, Won 't beunde.rbid.60-«05. MesaVerdeQ)nv.Holp,00 AJP.r~Control $400M ,......,, on-rr . 546·2'1.l.8 Newport Beach $135. 714' tu.Xec1o m(a SG: ' ln1lrueflon1 575 No Wuttil\, c.n"' St, CM. 64Hfill>, Clttk T\'Plst!Purch.,. I"" Preis mature po non. SECURITY GUAlllD I" rnd aoJd ohq Sl5. ~ IRISH Setter fem Show C-2 LOT, 25'x173' on Newpt Belvin 7am • '"m trol ·~ Laguna Beach .fM.-8521. "-----1·~ l tralrwd. trophy ....nntr. 3..q Blvd, C.M. cttar. Tnld' for GUITAR & 13all lnstrct.. by * WALLPAP R * .,, . Pro<l. Con Clerk ......,.,. . MU1t be lhoroua:hlY f.l'P'd. ..,...,... ......., • chUdr improved property LEON Profnaional Mu ale (an . When )'CU call "Mee" COUNTER ~ Fry cooks O\cta~ r;ypi"t , to t425 h!ULTIUTH operator, run CN•n unUonn. Apt + Salar,y, co=UNTB'="="'y~no.~-nch~~d~ln.-rm-1 cMmps. Lovell en. VIBERT REALTOR. $3.!!0. per leD;m, M'1-108I. S«S-1'44 646-1711 -P/Jlme or } /Ume. o.y. or f1rure Qttkfi'ypc sm tJme. 2 yn eQ>er. Small M6-0370 ltt a· c:hn S1!5Q. can : $300 value/Trade for ~ano. ~or 613-6534 ~~~~~~~~~I ~t1, Jack ln the Box, S85 d8 E . 111h (at lrvil'JC'I CM abop.1~36'70 aft 6 pm. SECRE'I'ARY-'T'ypitt recep. ~ • -1 ea.rort96).4788,F.V. ;. P:S_PainJ._na:·:.:,=: F.eat17lhM.,o.t&Mesa. Ml-1470 NEED t e l ephone In-tk>nlstnOP.llenttypiJll(""'BUJE broc9de r..._ 2- f =~N:\:1 :_:.· :~ r=:.~~~~!U!11h~~ [ ~_....,.. IG1:9 Ltc/I 'f'ftlt tt 6'0-fil.91 -----------------------1~ work from ([U.lred. orthodondc omce cushion quDted PL Qaod vw cam-•. ,,.1 1mo. ·n 1yro1d Ins.A. r.rabt1rm.1 :mmmmm;;·~D;;~[-."'.:....~·~·· °"".....: CREDrT UNION JAN1'I'ORIAL help -1"'· ~""':;' io 11f1< ~ rn1no. 5*-5110. c&ltl. 5$'nn . ~ hm ll.B ~obi u"' "" ~~ . ._ experlenct nee. Part-lime, IC e. o It re. ~ -"-pt. A---· Whlto Vln~I • Ford van, $800 eq. For prop, In • area. ,. n sprayed. nrurn 1pcc. nlte work only. can btwn 988-QH bttwn 9 -4. .,.......,, • .-~-..-.. -...; .. ......, ,1 photo eq, rum or? B73'1'1 ,Realty, Inc:. M6-33n gr 2. Ansnri"I Service/ price. Mf.-7887 att 8. 8 a:.~~.Y:! 1Jie;: Fri a-1 ar t::IM, ~3642. NrN~PM' CaJTierJ . ~ r'e¢YW:'p'~ In:~ Cwch, 7 t. SPEED * Claulc Joop + ./Mo INT • El<'T pointing, paper JAN.m>R. moture. MeBA BOYS A GIRLS • · · l50. • 60«ll2 ·~ GIRLS 3 . a Top( n.t bed. "tln· __}qule;/ bllo Pho~ hanging, natural w. 0 d ,.. ...... """"'· m1 .. t hove Vardo Conv. Hoop, !61 10 [i .. oldel' IWl>-388'!. lowolry llS ' All pro bike Ulto new. Trad< '•ya 'catchlllf. jJ)lO *DIVERT~TIC fln!Ohlog. 54&-111D5 l"'•ni,l t:l'Odit union .. ,.,, C.ntfto SI, CM. Sll!-65llS ftll y PILOT FOR ACTION -" 1 tor 10 speed. lt1• W/ trl.d' fdr boat. LA UN1S ONLY 1551.,_10 APl'. Intttlor Painting. cu. be.twn f am A 3pm. UN r' , • • • D 1V0 RC E 0-~fust 11n1. 1t 968-3!64 * 64811&32. SAVE 'OVER tt!iOO/Y'tAR pet 1ham_poo, cleuitna. ~f.I. (•II Mr. '1tompt0n JANI'rofttAL Ptn ~ It P1atJum diamond ""-Ill. BEAt.rl'IFIJL trl·level exec. Llloi to ttadet Our Tradtr'• Dlwrt Callo Alll!r Hours Ins: ""1W. (714) 640-3410 per wed!. Laru•lA~':On a:. Routot Opon DAILY ,P,ILOT W/O.wld•1.~• A ... 1~ __ ! •· H Beh to<o To AJlY Pl>one-IZ.50/Mo m-•-...... Cali 961J.22•<. Sall <1>11·111 .. nll ""'"1 ~·w-· • ...,._ =L ..:;;:~~ J:, W. ..,; Paradbe ~I:'! lo lcr yout • MOBtµ; TELEPHONES Plo •fo r, P•I~, Rep.Ir PAC9'1C MUTUAL --•-.. CLASSIFl"D ADS 11!!00. s.u ll50 llll-IS41 F_.i<> Valley or Man· • I d... 11.Zl/DoYI 4/12 Clvinnel • PATCH PLABTElllNG 100 ~= = Dr. Any doy II tht Bl:S'I' DAY lo can Mr. lnby ,.. . FOR !Ill" Diamond •):,t •: ••• Beh. -ft>r5bueks. 1'11.CommSptm!d 97iHm Alltypoo.ea1L~-1n eq11a1opporfuolly11m-""'call~~~I.~...'.!..""1BY· ·• • 492·4420 • • 642-5678 =.!r.':ao."11 011.uUled A I ••• 542-'618 , ~ _..., _......., .. I• I • . I - • I ' • • I , I .. I , I ' I . I c • DAILY PILOT • ....... l~I ._ _ •. _, __,I~ ;;;I ;;;; ..... ,;;;;. ~l§J;1 ~1 ............ ~~ _ ..... J~ I _ .... !§JI -·-l~I _ ....... l§l (~M~o~dl~""~'°'~-,~==::.!"~' Milull-Plo-/°'9oftl ft6 Dop· 154 CyclM, ...... r W•ntocl no --925 R-llonal VehldM. .... ,.,., 970 ~ Used 956 Autot, IWlf 1 ... CllRJSTMAS Spedali 1l5V ______ ....;.;;,; Are llobl!erl Do SIUCY Terrie' _pup, male, H ALL --ilollda Al'C'ftldcr $79.!Jo. Complete IS ther@ a trum~ gatberina like~~. llClle ~ ~'. lboU. llnd by No. . l a w/4 llPffd dbc brtu I Pl I dUll ln your closei! Youna Will .i.-i ..... .a 1~..:. ~ in naUon. FantuUC und -• motor' DUNE s. 11" ,....1 _A_L'fl,......,A_R_o.,.ME_o_1.:c.ME;;;· ;;.:.1c;;.;1;;;:D;.;:ES~IE=NI;;:1 ___ ,_ui_c_K_,..._1 fibor,ilUo -· lSXI ce VW .a.._ •-tm ~ &--'69 ~· lllx. 4 dr, lad air, w acceu. ug nto ~ fllilherless &irl ll e e d 8 tht ~. ~.~ _-.,.:-~, ~ ~·~ tttJ Ou1stmas bu)', aim ~ mr mr11cn: C\ll'ftnl. No need /or spe-. trumpet to pill)! ln achool !'-' Uld"""-, _ _:•-1-u t..~ UUll _,...,_ tiolL -oi ~.1-~ cial ~ wt,tna. Abo Victor orchestra. Price must be u.., 0 p ....... T •111vt I.ti AKC miniature baChihund-6 • r"""' '-'"-· · Cuttinlt It Weldlni Outf!.t, vrry low. Help a dese.rvtna ~':mf>non llf Bolton. l8SO +, lnOI:.. Jhota, ~ h am P 1 0 n 72 SJ.,10 HoMa Molocro81. ~.!IC) complete. Oxycm girl haw a nlCt" Chrilltmas 6 CJClave Cn.Dd plaoo. Ml' bloodllnes MU hold tll Xlnt ahaot. many utru, .... P\JIJ, cqo rolJtJor, ......... -·0 -~~ ---~ H-67Hl21 IE 11)1 pvt ·Pl>· Au\D, all po/ xt.. ~-~- True,1 962 ~. air, AM/nt ateftO. "5-ot75l. 639-211'0. Service Co., 2>T2 Placentia, and have new doors opened baby needs care. low, and a Chri.ltmu". SlOO ~ Call Trophy Wlnner. Bt-1t buy ln O.t 'Em Roll int Cocsla Mesa. fi6.S870 to her. M!l--2'l79 after 5 p.m. warm, ,....,h home~ he can aft 4 pm, 96IH332 ~ Co. $325 euh. thil .. ~--. , .hen: ii a fan.. SHOP Smith Mark Vil oon\· preuor &:. jointer. C.ost $610. Sac $385. 54&-n'JS. 818 creo. e armorcy ... serene -644-7:t61 ... .., \VALNUT Contemp china Jovt' again. Pll!'aSe call S C JI NAlJZER.. Miniature. .:;;.'-""'""---'-' ----tutlc QPPO~ to get Oll(I l'ahlf'lf'I &: n1aich'g buUet. 5'18-34IM u yoU have true 1n. AKC n>I ~pples, u wits '69, H·O Sp()rttlter -extended of thoae bW'd w t~ 1955 Con10lidated/!10ld by Sean tettst ln this rare and old, Reuonable. Aft 6, tront end, mme custom Mtema-tfovnal ... S ~th. 18them 6,~ "'ithin last yr. Wtll pay "grand" piano. It will abo 49f..4881. wort. Best after over St:IOO. ,,... • cash. call aft 6, 54&-93!KI__:__ help u )'OU have $300 .. a RESERVE ·'--ble c."in.... Flnancina a~. may take &Od can WJllc the lenath ol ll auuna ~ trade. 89f.52'10 thla van upri.ght, and 1~ * AUCTION * PRJVATF: PART'' WA,NTS sma consideration to ahow Puppy tor Chrlitmaa . -· too! It cornea with apart TO BUY PlANO F'OR your true deM and .,.. Cllamp. bl. line, $156-$175. *TRAllf.RO ... T 0 RI cb"'y'c~ Ls; tires • rube$; xtra ..... tank, Fine Furniture CASH precialion tor poaHlkin ~78 .Ill .:.. ,"' ·-' •-&: Appliances 835-22?! this prl~. Ask for MJcbaeL ---------'MlAJLER f/Jr 2 bl.kM, 8" aome ... .,.,.t equip and a lot A·-llon• ~Id••. 7 .. •• p.m. M . I I l ""'"!~~!"!l~'!!!!"" .. DACHSHUND female ~ wheel&. S50. CtlJ ~-or ~. Call 548-MOf and ..... r • -v oo us1ca nst ruments 822 pies, standard black & tan, uk Cor ''Cbe•r'' Windy's Auction Born ORGAN HOBBY AK540--0344C .... 5.nsl4S5: ews. llUSKYall ...,-:;· ~ '1w"mt '°""'take' ~~~"l!r!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!• I ROGER'S DRUM SET. doo-· -.-..~"" '"' bed •-• 20751,9 Newport, CM ft46.8696 . 1500 VW enc. part tnde. ~· 1 ' p..,..-up, l)ehind Toey'g BldR Mat'I ~ii=~~~=~::: ~~:t,, buy .. ,,.,'y": 'No·· .. p1.""y HJ AKSabs._ cx:_~blt'"e p~~-~~'.! oll94-=.;,c251M=c:..· -· -----~~tri'r.' ~:· ~.: \!:.: HENREOON complete twin & 5 Zyilghin cymbals. $1200. "~"' " ' ,.. ers IC" "' .. • "-"'-... u....,. * MUST tell 1970 Honda CL $32S cub. 644--7468 ~m ~ -.. ._ __ _._ Call 213. "°' """"'" att 6 11·elcome to attend free 'A-"OJ'k DeUwry 530--0'J87 1-, _,, .1 ·-Call ......uuu .... ., .... ui:au . ~"""' . -L-F Inf tlo oJ . ...._ m1 eage. -· ....... ,.._ __ ,~ lcku PIS board (Yellow) box' spring KUSI'OM tlll Ai-np. padded ~uups. or orma n F E M A L E Dobennan anytime SU-2107. .&.-i ...-:¥,.....,, p p, • m•--·. ••••ty ·-... G Contact~ Torn Dieterich .,,,_ ___ Ler 14 -old. .!!!'-""""'""'!"'-"--"---I Radio, nu eng, ·xint cond. • •u..,... ......... '"'" Naugahyde. reen sparkle, 64"·""'1 .... __.. ' ~.,.,::;., '70 Honda S50 ltrftt/dtrt. ,,___...., matclllng chest, $375. Lady Beaut. Mwit see $DJ. ""..,_ .,,,,.,.,,)OJ, 5-cpd lee start Pvt ty =18"'=·,-'~7.'=· ""'==,....,.,.. Schwinn 3 sp. bicycle nearly 54H994. Coast Mu1lc Service SHERRY'S POODLES lk'a~ ~ S.WAP • O!EV. ~UMP TRUCK, 14' new. 150, Ampex stereo, JUST in time for Christmas! Nev.·port BlvtI. al Harbor LaJire variety, all colon I HOND' · 90,' ·-·. ' bed, 4' hlO aides, new eng. $100. 645-m.4 • Costa Mesa slzea -I up. 546---. A, S .w<JD• Ex-A t:lrea. $1400:. 6«2-9005. sac. accordion, like new. ......, _.._. cellent condldon. Sacrlflce, V' ~• A'JTEN'I:ION: B e a u t t f u I 120 bass. Contello. Asking CASH & CARRY LHASA Apso puppies. Dar-$175. 968--1802 aft 3:30. ant '""" grandmM & loving mom-$150. Paid $300. 540-252.6. \\'urlitzer Organ , •• , . , . $345 ling. Champ sired. Rancho 1970 SUZUKI SO. mies. Swinging Annie doll 7 P iece Lud .. ..i~ Drum Set. Playpr Plano .•.•.••.• $260 Santa Fe, Callt. 1S6-3232. , -.. U r~ --• ~-1 'Em Rolll"I needs love from little •lrl .. lb Scho•-o · •"""' u...w m eage. uvuu '-"Ulll..I• -S 11 v ersparkle. Excellent ""r rgan • •• ·• ·• · ,,.,..,., Sheltles -CHRtSTMAS! * Call 842-3046 * his spring here ls fa (only) 10 Annie' lelt. $10.95 t"Ondlt\Qn S300 548 2152 Sceburg Organ ....•. $210 "L"ttl Las i ,, $50 -,,..;.,7;;....:::;.:T'-;'--1 t .. ...:..;.:..:,, 8 n-ea. Hurry! Hurry! 644-2465. ""':=:::=,=:::·:...:co:-="·-Altec 15" Spkrs w/cab., horn 1 e 5 es. up. 2 Folding Blcyclff tastlc oJ'l"" ...... ty to &et one ROYAL porla ble typewriter BESSON Bb"'Studcnt Trump-& xover pr $375 AKC Pups, Shots. 545-0171. like new $65 ea. 642-023l of thoee hard to find 1955 sso. EMy elec Ironer $45. eL Very good cond. $150. Sale ends Dec. 22nd AIREDALE Puppi., AKC, Metro Vans with the in· Lamp & shade ss. Foldi.,... • 833-3659 e NEWPORT ORGANS cha.mp. sire &: di6n.-Motor Homes temaUonal 6 cyl. Um 6'2" ·~ F 1 "'A" """"' and can walk the lemrth of ironing board S6. 402 Costa Offi ce urnlture/ 846 Production P ace J'I0'"1NOo) S•le/Rent MO this van upright. and 1rwde Mesa St., 548-739'l. Equip. 824 Newport Beach 645-1530 AFGHAN Pups, City says too! It comes with spare FLUORESCENT Fixtures, *PIANOS*ORGANS* sell. No reas. otr. ,refused. $67. 95 tirea & tubes. xtra pa tank. Complete w/lamp from SEC. chn $8-$23. wood desks Hammond WurllUcr many AKC pedigree, 962-9805. • some 12 wlt equip. and a lot $4.95. Genl Surplus, 1658 Sl"1-509th CM. •top;r· cab ~;, 8673408W. others. Ptt-season ;pe-clals, Hor ses 156 '73 Pace Arrow of love. Call 548-MM and Superior, Costa Mesa. • erce. <Hr • model close.outs. Piano I: ask for "Chester" HEIRUXM Gl'l.~ Boxes Pianos/Organs 826 Organ rentals. ~foney sav· REGISI'ERED & ~s-18'h ft. Motor Home mfg to you. Made to order. Ing bargains are here right tered q u a rt e r horses, OI: Lowest Prices. We!lt Coast UPRlGHT Piano & Bench. now at: 12 yr old ma.re, llOl'Rl, 2 yr '73 Tj..- wood l B<>autiful mahogany. E.-c· W II' L _ ~' • C'ly old gelding, dark bay, 1% yr -.,-Specill ties, 893-15l2. cellmt rond. Must be seen a ICm MUSIC 1 old filly, black. 6 yr old 181/t ft. 'Motor Home 'b4 FORD WINDOW VAN 6 cyJ, stk. Eng I ti.res gd $595. 53Ul91 GE MUSA.phonic AM/FM to be ap,,rt>CiRted. Sacrifice South Coast P laza 540-2830 mare. sorrel, 9 yr old mare, Off SIASON SALi PlfCI ndio $2{1. Portable 17" ms. Call 64H.631. ' *PIANOS.ORGANS sorrel. Ser at Lake Forest ORDER NOW '66 CHEV. Van. Cberry black and white TV s,ro. Saddle Oub, 25Ml Trabuco nd Cpt'd, ---•~ bl 646-0818 BUY a Player Piano for Going Out For Business Rd El To & SAVE co ·• ~K;OC\,I, re t $250 below Kelly Bl .. Book. 'n'tlro-don cv. I 9 61 675-4070 while Skyla.rt: Wr oompnd. '72 ~ 250 Qlt. Auto, P/1. $U5. 54t-O'f09. "" ~ 6•000 .u· •. moo. . CADILLAC --· MG YOUR ONLY 1 ....... -1---....;....;;:... ___ I ·~~~~bit, '""' AJT~~gED 5!&-13911 c · -PORSCHE C~~ PORSCm:' '1962. Model 60, t:.uaest Rlectlon o! Codi~ AM/FM lleM>, all m.alnt laca tn Orange Qounry. ~ orir pOlnt lmmac SaJ,.t...uing. In &: out Must .eU. $17?i0, -~. _ Naben 1:.,&' all~blt.~ Cadillac point l250QIGI>. 673-3045 :1600 HARBOR BL. Keep trying. . COSTA e NOW Otj.l,)ISPLAY 1970 Poncho 911-T 5'1-9100 pen Sunday Sales Service S.1pd. '4700. ~1.MO r1 'Ii&. EI Dorado. Blk vinyl top, Parts · . Body Shop '&8 ~ tu-15,000 rn.lo tea.I blue body, blk lnt. fii . Konl'&., AM/FM, chrome Loaded ... All xtru. Need a l-~~] ·i~~~~;,:;~ .~;;,:::: ~ -· 516-8133. Ca\1646-3793. '69 Spyder Oonv Xlll't cond PORSCl!E '111 91U eyl. Low C EVROLET Neat Chris~ gift! $2350: miles. $465(1. Priv&te Party. H Call for appt. 64&-0742 or Ph;~ ---------1 642-1331. PORSCllE '66, 912, Good '65 Chevy Impala &lpa' Sprt, .MW condtllon.· Kool -Belt p/b, p/1 ...... ...,. -. offer, 54.1"°120. Aft 6, 557~ --V-"'1---..,.--bom-.-,-1 SUNBEAM • '69 Chev. Chevetle.VI, '"'" 1---------1 tran.sm .• Rl.H. Best otter. G 260 Tiger, 3 l@s, AM/FM 644-?m. w radio good cobditicm. lD-11 ·n Chev. '1'9wnaman a.g. ' Full T air cond Xln't , p.m. 673-8220. cond.~ ml'•· m--1010. ROY CARVER, Inc . TOYOTA '67 El Comlm '"'· Sll95. eai1 Niles 54&-5484. D a )I • <:oola :4 ... E. !'1th St "'8--TOYOTA'S *~ !MPALAsJOn( oond. "':!."'s~~"' '73's ='."Y ..,.,,.... '14 00. · Christmas. n av 1 d T. Best quality -prices -SCN. ·• ro. S37-o701. CreVl'er Motors ~~1.! 1 radiator, Stereo SLEIGH (1 horse open) an-Dupree. 2940 D r-nce La., Rawa!·Steinway-BaldwiniJ etc. SORREL gelding, bu been <>'1\1'" -G t:ique. Sell, trade or rent. CM 545-4650 P layer Pianos & Ro a trained for C)'m Khana, BMW '70 Ford Super Van, windows 531-3374 or 645-7554 eves. KRELL Upright Piano v.·ith Rentals ...... We Buy-Sell $300. incl. saddle &: 208 \\'.1st, Santa. Ana ~llTI all around, conversion IDJI, CANOPY single bed. like nu bench, $125. G 0 0 d cone!. Daily 10·6 Sun 12-5 ~~~at I r vi n e 27, TRA VCO hvy duty equip, Eve8 or $40. Furnace $.15. Must sell! Phone 646-3632 or FIELD'S PIANOS et · · 2S' DISCOVERER early AM. 1/TI.41331-5435 - * • 1970 El CAMINO. +-tpd, Now at '72 Prices! ~U:f."1 '°""· ;tSOO. c.u MANY MODELS c 'oRVIE1TE I. COLORS Immediate Delivery AT 1960 eoMtte: • Mint cond. New '1:hlte paint. Rad uphol. 2 tDpg. 3-spd. 283 eng. Never raced. $950. 615·3912 anytime; 644--46Z df,ys Mr. 833-3437 645-1791. Cosla Mesa fTI 4l 645-3250 PALOMINO, Gentle Quaner 20'·2'l' CONTINFNTALS '* '66 Dodge SpoJ"ts Van-\.'8, . CREVl•R'IMW USED BICYCLES Ba ldw in Spinet Piarto Sporting Goods 830 Horse. Recent vet check. 20' PRIDE & JOYS stick. Near-new Paint · Sales. Service . Leasing All types 642-1272 S650 * 642-2490 ~1!75~~· 6'1>-+11~~7~a1t~.~S,~3'l~.~~ VAN CONVERSIONS Sharp! 646-4045 208 W. ~ Sanla Ana SKIS B 11? 'l! a rd flberglass ~ales e Service e Rentals '61 Ford Econo 6 cyl 3 spd, 171 MINK -Like new · n11tural X-66 Hammond pre mie r "'"--Marke• Bind'"" •~ * til ranch mink 10-skin stole. onran. xlnt rond. Pvt pty 2'~h-s Children ;idas ~ [ jr:JPl Danmar Inc. * Xlnt u truck. runs good TSU Sacrifice $400. 552-8764 will sac. $4.750. 673-6234 boots $5. pair 545-2779. ~.;·~.::; ... ;";?;: ;:•;•;;~~;tC~!I 13801 Hatbo531r~vd., c .G. ::o.~.=· 96I ___ D_A ___ N __ _ See It . You'll Bey It """"'· . DESIGNER Raggedy Ann N' \VURLITZER M a hoga n y HART Javelln XXL's 210 ._,.,.... Andy's GlMt size. 4' tall Spinet. BeRutlful fini s h . cm, Nevad11. Gran Prix bin-Next to C.G. Dataun $15. 642-68119. $375. Call 548-4338. din.,, """ 1 •hort oeaoon. llooh, Po-906 BEAUTIFUL 35' Oexibl• c;. REWARD NEWPORT t............. .. . . • . 675--0291 ty B>la, 1!J56, xlnt !er molol' POOL table 7· w/accessories 31' CHRIS Cabin Cruiser, top home. Partially converted. DATSUN a.hlf.IN WJ JDJOTA ·ss Corvette SHftRl'8.Y Cpe, .t spd, full pwr. SDlO GI' bit otr. 494-8&15. COUGAR ,L"f3a Harbor, C.M. 646-9:113 '69 COUGAR. ExeeUent con- & lamp. Xlnl cond. ~. ahape, twin eng. radio, Engine out. Sae r 111 e e , ..... stereo, depth finder, full ...... ?'0.0.1.... la -714 WILL PAY OVER 642-73TI alt" 6 pm galley, many xtras, "1eeps 6 ~'.!;.!!....:, -· ~•' 70 Toyota Sta Wag., ,$950. dltion. E:xtru $1900/bnt of· Bob 642-4810 fer 615-1929 ' LANGE pro&. sz 12, $100. K-2 . rnfort. $9975 675-8511 u-•-'6•: or •.w: Kadv ..... look Elite skls, GeJe bindings, ll1 co · · 593-5257 eVH, uk for Louis ..... r $70. Mullt &ell. &K-5474 Boats, S.il 909 ""':;:"°'=•c:..· ------For l•h model, clNn. Bumper Pool T•ble 42' Cn>sa Tri .Mar an Rent A Motor Home tow ml'9age · clomes-A CONVDftNT ~AHO BEWIHG CUlOE FOR THE GALON TttE GO. $50 .................. 64&-&272 Sacrtfltt. p,.ooo or offer. for your Vecation tics, Imparts, trucks or TV Radio HIFI SG-tm. * -l * _....Call and -·• ~ ~- For an ad In Woman'• Wo rld Call Mory Bath 642-5671, u l 330 Stereo ' ., ' 836 Boah, Sllps/Dock• 918 Tran .... ;Tr•'* 945 OAY£-liiiss~ srEREO, deluxe 1973 Gill'-BIG Bay Slips. $2.50 ft. Xlnt 22' Kit trlr w/lull kit. aep rard model , large pro-location & prkng. call bath.&: BR. SJ.pa 4.. $750. 2450 fessional changer, Jensen 1 1~"'11-~"'2~~~~~~~ 1 N'pt Blvd., Apt. 21, C.M. air suspension spe~. 220 Watt AM/FM MP X ij] ------~ ,....;,.,, tape deck. Brand [ T-1-I _.,.., II '""I Terrific Trio New Cover Cape 2408 Harbor a!vd. PONTIAC new & guaranteed, waa left . .. ..._ unclaimed. Now $ 1 7 5 • I ;;;;;;;~~~;;,I ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~-;.; Coste Met• .f46.ol017 WE PAY tOP Tenns. Credit de p t • l'I 893-0501. C•mpon. SOi.tRont 920 Antiquos{Clanlct RE-CO~.:IONED Camper Shalls $119 *JMp,SurreyTop+ 'CASH 9SS Color, Stereo, Blk &: White. Over 5P new lbell& In stock For Guy/Gal of your·lfle. F-m S39 26 _ ,--•cing Some used, 30me factory Mint cond. $12)0. 5ti-8532. • .... · .1•• '""'v• · rejects, 6' beds, All imports. fbr Uled C4t'I 6 trudta.. just call us far free estlmatea. GROTH CHEYROIIT Frank Schroth, TV Service F i n a n c i n g avail. Call Recrut._.1 831 W. 19th, C.M. 548--3386 894-52lO. V\hlcles 956 PERFECT Christmas pres--,oSlld,,-. ,-,-,18,-~--.... -,.~---.-I ·-..L..c;."----_;,,;,.: ent -Pnckard·Bell stereo INSULA --~ '73 consol~. AM I FM I Phono. TED. Mk for Sales Manager 18211 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach ""' ou". ea11 •• ' pm, sf'5'-MOTOR HOME 551-5070. 847.f.067 KI 9-3331 *** 21" TV $25. *** 23" TV $35, both xlnt oond. **USED 36" w/a!eepin&: facilities. BM-5210. CyclM, Blkft Shell $129. ..... ...... TV a t e r e 0 comblnaHon, 1 _,,s,;,coo,;..;_l.;;ar:cs ___ _;925= Packard Bell, Blk & White, 1970 llONDA 'ltl. New nm $100. 548-3289 c. "''• ) ..... ...... ....... ~~~~~~~=~I tin!. 3 apeed. Xlnt cond. ~ $175. Call li52-1m5. L. _____ _,I{' '72 Honda CL 350, Ab!tolutely ·~ ... .. f l'ff to You must aell. Need cash. ., .... . , ..... . t .... . ·4 ••• ••• .... 3 L In••, 2 Times, $2.00 AF=IQl>ATE part l\lanx cat &: kittens. Look wlthc>ut obligation. 645--0137. 644-7222 . 'Tl KAWASAKI 100 Trail. X1nt cond. Low mileage:. l>JO, Call 6#-0968 SUZUKI 90,-Built fOt dirt. Very fast. Beat otter. 67J.3512 LOVABLE gray-white yr old male kitty. Shot.1 altered. e '70 HONDA CL-115. Rwll f .. ~ 13....a. (~hox~t,.i~ned~·644~;J~l39~al~t8~.-•=c!liw.=. A "'"- 9128 SIZfS 8-18 r.., 11f,..;_ 11T .... "'T'~ VI/ I: '61 KAWASAKI Enduro [ 11'-'I 175CC Xlnt CODd., Must tell G~at for campus, 1Uburbfl ~;;-;;""';;;-;;;;~-~~;;; far $295.. Huny. MHl238 -lopl!l pants, skiru, dresaes. GIRLS ~ bicycle 3 Dash everywhere In the --ii .. _ _... .._........._ most dashing style of all -·~ ......... _...._, very the fri~ cape. Knit of Pe t1,.Gener•I l50 good condition $3). 541--3859. worsted with cable panels in GROOMING &; IJou'dl .... , 10 AMER. Ee.gte 10 apd. Alum. SUPER TERRIFIC TRIO shOrt or loog length. Pattern .. ~ racing bike. Cost ~ -6 -ll!'W shirt tw1ic, pants, 7481: one size fi~ 1().18. ri!~~ ~~~ca.re. mo. Belt 4'.mer~ sportJve <Itta in care1rtt polyeater or cotton knits to SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS Dogs 854 Uve,, work, trav<.1 In! Note for each pattern -add 25 I;:;;;,,,;:..,_ ____ ...,:::;: dl.awnal neck. cente for each pattern for CHRISTMAS Pups, 2 male, 1 Printed P•ttern 9128: NEW Air Mail and Special Handl· fcntale, 7 wks old, Gennan Mlsse•' Sliet ~.I. 10, 12, 14, Ing; otherwise thlrd-cla&I Shepherd ~. 9'1'9-80l. 16. 18. Size u (bUlt 341 dellvcry wlll take three GERMAN Short Hair pul\1 tunic, -ntt 4 3/8 yard1 JS. weekl or mott. Send lo Pure'"--' w!.11 keep t \l Inch. ..-~ All.ce Brookl, the DAILY u•~· Slln.'PfTY·PTVE CENTS PILOT, lO:i, Needlecraft Chrlttmaa. ~2166 tor eadl pa~m _ ldd 2S Dept .. Box 163, Old Chelaea ENC. Springer P'!Jll M/F, centl tot each pattern for Statlon, New York, N.Y. AKC, 8 wka,. $75/100 . All' Mall and Special Handl· lOOU. Prtnl Nam&. AddteP, Hunt/Show/Pet. 496-4536 lnr; otMMINe thtrd-claa Zip, Patten: l'f11mbw. GOLDEN Retriever, AKC dr.lf""'7 wt11 Wee thrff • N E E..D L £.CRA.Ji."1' '7'1! ped,. T" wka, Male • F91n. ~ or m<n. Send to ~· knlt. etc. free Beautiful dop. 646--4593. ~-~·· Martin the DAR. y directions, 50c. SILKY TERn~ --· I llllilaal ftbCratne a.olc.. IULn PnDT, ~ Patt.rm Dept., Buie fancy knott,. pat BtauHful AKC female, 'I' 112 Wnt Uth st., New tema.' $LOO. • moa. $1SI. m-5745. ~r.i.. ,N.~ i::::i: ,_,,, ...--· BRIARD Pupo, AKC. Wi· ZIP snz and 8'J'Yl,E Le.,. by plctuttt! Pat-gy, Fn!n<h oheep dop. 1fllla.a. ttrns. Stl)J. . cm> 698o--1'J9l ar 198-4438. SEE NORE Q u I ck Complete JlllllUC Olft Book DACHSHUND Pupp9 -FuhioM and .,._ ON! iJ ~ than 100 Clfta -AKC, Mlnlature.. M/J". Red ~ lrom our ~plletci Afc'U Book _ or blk &; tan Sholl. ~. r&. C.lalog. All $LOO. 'l'ORKIE l'loppltl, A KC , ll<'!f'tz:!/ .sEWING BOOK ll 111'1 """ ,,_ . 50c. .,.,. tloY l adonblL 3 Lbt. .., floday wnr-lorooriow. .-: of u P111t Af&'bus. Slud eerv. 893--mt. $L • . li)c, POO DLE PUPPIES. wm INIT.AN'll FASHION a:m11oett-l6Dattem1. hold for Chrt1tma1. 8QOK • Huocndt o 1 M;....., QllDt lteeli 1 _ ChocolW A Sliver. 60-7317. fUtdat. led9. $1. 50c MINIATURE 8 eh ?J.• fl r. et Need • ''hd''T Place an ad! ~ ...... Tedll'• lh1nc -AKC 'M'lorouahbftd, male, 3 ............ u bntJ1ilul -50c. !"'!old ltOO. l!HJllT. Want ad rett1lla •.• M2o5878 ' • Brand new 1973 Pride &: Joy motor home, fully factory """"""' lnclodlng twin beds, power ateertna, power brakes, automatic trans., AM/FM radio, duAl whc.'els, plus much much more. Ser- ial no. 577494. $395 DOWN Cash For Clean Used Can & Trucks Howard Chevrolet Newport Beach MacArthur Blvd &: Jamboree 83U555 $132.49 per mo. ~:~p"8~~ , If your car ls extra clean, Y J see us first. ea. ust S395 down i1 the BAUER BUICK total down payment and 'l"!Y 1132.49 pu, ""°"UL ~ ~.J"'bor lll~;siiQ total monthly pa,yment ln-t -~~~~----eluding tax &: lice:nee. Over IMPOU,TS WANTED all finance charges for 84 Orange County's months oo a.pprovd<eredlt. TOP $ BUYER The ca.ah price ii $8544.75. BILL MAXEY TOYOTA including tax & llcellle. De.. l888l Beach Blv.:. feJTed pe.ymfltt price ls H. Beach Pb. 847-85M SU,994..16 which includes all TOP $ ftr junk or ~ finance charll:e1n::' tax. cars. Eves. 6 wkeftds BILL BA11111 -" PONTIAC-GMC·l'IAT (tat St. at S.A. Frwy) 2000 E. lat St., Santa Ana ' 55'8-lOOll I Vacandes coct moneyt Re.nt ............. apt, ---bldg., etc. thru a Da.U.v PDot Cluaitled Ad. Sell idle Items nowt Call 6t2-6818 Nowt -Opon In NEWPORT IEACH 1000 W. C..11 Hwy. 645·6400 WE HAVE TliE NEWEST OF DATSUN$ IN INVENTORY FOR YOUR SELECTION VOLKSWAGEN '71 Collgu, 1:xce1 """"--I ------.... ;.;:_;;.:.;_I tire&, air cond o r I c . '70 VW Bua. Unbe!le"11ble owner, &»-Ziii. 6'IHllO oond. New point '(l'llnclle DQDGE brn), tape, new map '-1----'-----1 :i,m~ ~. ~tm ·n Dactce Q:alt, 2 dr, t llpd, vw 135bp, ...,. .... ""' ... '°""· Low mllel, 51SOO, mi'1 on •llS· Mult ltll this Irvine, &G67 ""'· TUo -o lhr. FALCON 6J>-36U. . 1970 V:W ~back. Blau. 1969 Falcon Future wen • radio, Sempi:il tirs, runs VS, auto, P l •, P/b, llir. excellent. fJ.100. Muat Sell. New brka A bat1~nre1 536--1096. ok. 1 owner. $1150. tilJ-1875. '68 VW..... Kombi ' Bua. new '84 Fatcon1.J dr, 6 cyl auto, tirea. *-id e o nd . r/h. 56,wi orlg mi. v. Desperate! $1«X>. Otter. depend. runs beaut $275. 833-:DJO,. 536-MOO. VW '67-Bug, Ri1f. new1,y '65 -FALCON WAGON cond, brks. tires, tn..t\S, Fair condition OIP green stkr, $175. SD). &n-&1.15 979-4291 FIREBIRD '69 Bus-Very good cond. Bed 1---------I & middle seat. AM/FM, '68 Pirebtrd MB vinyl top. newly worked eng. $1850. 350 eftg. Hate k> tell, but 837-3081 or MH.195. must. n.rm. 96)-15.1). '60 vw Rl:H. Good tires. body • Int Rum xlnt. $325, FORD cash, $36-8400. 1966 Ford Falrlane, eood 1966 VW, reblt. aood cond. engine, Wll!S m oil, radio. l9Tl DATSUN 31)..Z. New $625. * 640-(645 * heater. Great tranlporta.tlon tires, aoo<l oond. Extras. car. JlSO. 837-1153 or $4,000.· 546-7524 or 968-9386. '69 VW SQU.areback -49f-m6 after 6. 'QI Dataun 510 with air & SUnroof, A-l cond. Pvt pty. 'TI Ford Cntry Seel, e..,,.. many extnu. $995. 544-7$13, "121USOVW-Callv 846-679 64· sta wag., full pwr, air, rlh. pvt pty. ... -· Tape tlk, xlnt oond. Mwrt ..rl! $2295. R AM/FM, 500) nu. Make of. 993--0993· aft 5 673-7824. JAGUA !er. MH91l3 '67 LTD 'r.a..ia'u 4 d< !act '69 VW Bug ·= Goixl. cond. inltkl stereo tp: r/h, 1air i 1970 JAGUAR XJ6. Perfect. 36.000 mJ. Ori& owner. Ask· owner $900 833--07so ~ 24,{0J miles. Red. $.iSOO. Ing $U95. 644-8081 N.S. · 493-794& eve~ Call 642-4391 or 642-2789. '69 VW .Bua .. Cuatom inter. I"°'""='=-=-'"--~~- '• 'MAZDA -newty n>blt •"-· ~ 1:. ~ :' = cond. Sl880. 49&-lln8 alt ~ $3Zi0. Days -· .... * '69 vw bug, """' ..... ""'° 63'l-1004 &tick shilt. $950. 1970 Ford Mawrtck. Auto 8311-7363 tra111: l family car, l500 dn, •'e< vw -Good running "8Crilk:e <f83..0I07, *AT LAST ._ 0 cond. SG or best otter. e •69 FORD LTD-Auto air 673-022T an Spm vtny1 top. 'np-top ai..pe'. • •• • AUTOMATIC ROTARYS IMMEDIATI! DELIVERY 1971 54.l.per Beet.le. • $JS50 131-1400 Daya: 838-74m; ··~72="'=y"0rt1'""'0ourie~--w-1c.m--..,.-I EYea: 49'.Ml.67 shell, at1ll under 12,000 mi • 1962 VW BUG, t e'b u 11 t Warr. $U45. 551~ ~eD-1~ pd. "';f;: $3$. MUST ANG< SUPER - ' 69 vw BUG. 1.967 Mutana GT J"utbk SUNROOF. 11100. 390,_ f .00. ndlal -· can S73-T133 Shelby whla. Extru. Lo m1' HUNTINGTON BEACH 1 __ ..:,V_::0:,:L:,:V_::O:__ l iSaiif"i.icr1lleoiiYU:,~$875.'G'i4&4--':P;2800.~· MAZDA 1~ '66 Mut&ng GT, pis. disc VOLVO bm, s'ld1o. "'"'"'" ' .,. Al.llOM. $800. ~. OLDSMOBILE '73's FIX'ER UP'ER' HERE NOW! ~~Oltla 88. Factory ""· nw..,,, ht'ater. New tiret. C-In felt Drive Doc• ttot run. Body • Muy,I engine '" good cond • .....,, """ Cflrbmft:Mo.,-Tradt lor IOOd. QUallty aoouaUe or electric See It • Yoa'll Buy It guitar. c.JJ 541-96$1. ft...-I • ..! • 1988 Old~ 442 eon-. - lUUA u.911 ""· PS/PS. Olla owner, --lllllO. -Still ,..,,. PLYMOUTH \ MB 'Iii! $ Sldan •• Ir. atno AM!l'M, ... nu n.al&ll8. XJ.nt 1968 flarbor, C.M. M&tJOO '10 P1Ym Fury m c.omi-auto cood. Best offtt. Prl pty. VOLVO '71 1Jta wp _ Air, trana, rac l1r PIS, nu tfres, &t&-8311. radio, auto, top can1tt, Delpen.te, Must stU ~I nME FOR $.1100. Alt 5 pm, !14S-3710. For below wblt!ale blu book. '88 stAT 122.. nu tlrn $l4!15. ~- QUICK CASH ,,.,....,., o:r.!_ tt. You'll w.. · VEGA It l900, 8'IHl21 THROUGH A * 1970 Vol\'O oltllloo .._1 '72 VEGA GT lltltcbbatk , DAIL y PILOT '~ .. ,..,,...,, !1600· Cll Bnmt. lt1ht cond, Lo '"'· 64:1-3171. H~ily 9'lll-t633 or \1'15.1187. WANT AD '71 Volw, HS S Stallon woo. Aey..,. la tho BES!' Q,l.Y to CALL 642·567B xln't """'-B<1t otru. run an adt Don'l ....... , <9f..m8 """ ,call tody 61U478. • v de be la to th ble ca w m be IO Ce by "' d "" • San Clemente Today's FIUI ~. isiraoo EQITION . N.Y. Steeks • VOL. 65, NO. 353, 2 SECTIONS, 32 PAGES Supervisors to iJo1;onl of Capistrano Beach Pallsadel residents are e1pected to .resume thetr battle Wednesday to teep county supervbors from abandoning a stretch of roadway through scenic 'acreage that has become the focal point of a bitter development dispute .. The residents, among them persons being ·sued by a group . of investors, launched the campaign earlier th.ii year to seek what they termed,clattfication of the chain of UUe of the property. old-maps recorded In Los Angeles before the tum of the cmtury, said the homeowners, show the property at the upcoast-edge of the . Palls.des was dedicated as a public park. ~ Wedneoday's actions will be a report from .County Counael Allrian Kuyper, who was asked. by supervisors early last month to launch J search ror possible preacrlptlve rights to. the IS acres along Camino Capiltrano. Kun>er'• staff reeelved llOll'ly 300 ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1972 TEN CENTS Get Pali·sades Controversy sworn statements from residtntr ln the colony atteatlni.to their unreatrlcted use of the land for i>Ufll0&!8 of recreation. Through the lM'I reconl monthlr of the lwsle the ,Orange County Grand Jury has conducted a probe of Its own Into the complaints of the residents, and the jury ~eral weeks ago beard testimony from several citl1.eM who have figured in the baUJe. . No concluding state1J'lelll baa yet come from the jury on lbe results of the probe, howeVti". In the middlo of that ·1nvest1gailon, the group of residents set up a. public meetJnc arPalllades SCbool to lntorm neighbors of the Via Verde matter as ~ several anneulion issues al· fecilng the commw1ity. · Several daya later la~ for the in- vestorS in the coDdomlniam property launched a IU ll)illlm -of tiUe suit against nearly a &nm citizens. whose Dames appeared . an a handbill which asked residents to oontact their legiJlators and relate their feelings about current land-use issues, Among the defendants In the unusual action are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rainey and lo!r. and lo!rs. Henry McCarthy. McCarthy is outgoing president of the Capistrano Beach Cbamber ol Com- merce. All lhe defendants bave claimed that • the suit ·was "pure harassment and. in-.. timidation" and said they plan to fight the action in court . The specific action which ~ the entire matter was the proposal ~y the Dana Bluffs lJmited development firm for the abandonment of a graded. but unimproved, stretch of road leadillll seaward from Camino Capistrano. · Technically, the dirt road .IJ kDown 11 Via Verde'. - The development plans call for substituting that road with anotheftn the parcel. • om anoi Dog Hanged Jn, Clemente ._ black mongrel dog was strung up by a rope near the San Clemente pier through the night and left to strangle, lileguanls reported today. '1be prds arrived for work this morning and found the dead animal banging by its neck among the swings near I i f e g u ·a r d head- quarters. 1be med.iWJHized animal ap- ,parenUy had been banged Blier dart SUntlay. · 1be unusual incident was being investigated by police thi,s momlng. Ll/eguard Capt. Phil Stubbs said the incident was the first in memory on city beaches. Several months ago a shepherd was mutilated and banged on a strand In Newport Beach. .. Some Stud~ts ~ . - Waive Vacation At Dana Hills 'lbi llalf ind 90me .iudents at !lie new Dana lflllJ High Sc&iol forooolr: their tradillooal CbrlstmaS vacation today to stsrt the awesome taJk of movJni Into the $4 million campus that opens for classes in two weeks. Band instruments and tons of other items were the first pieces to arrive on the campus today. The job will probably last the entire holiday vacation period.. Spokesmen for the music department · of the high achoo! said that dozens of students -many using their O}!D can - be.can the two -day job -'Of moving instruments and other gear early this morning. Since September, the , Dana Hills pupils have shared space and dou- ble ses.tions on the San Clemente Htgh campus. Mrs. Toni Wood said the youths all were excited about the projed. "It's U.ke moving into a new bome,11 she said. "Do they have spirit?" "SUre they have,'~ lle added. Woman Attacked By Nude Parron - In Laundry l_{oom Olsta Mesa poJJce 'Sunday arrested a nude, 38-)'W'<>ld Los Anselel man on dtarges of assaUJt wttll mtenr tO OOnunlt murder after officers ~ed he went be......r In a laondromat and attempted to str1ngle a Fountsln"Valley woman. Held In the Orange County Medical Center poyctatrlc ward with clw'les '"""""' 11.m.t blm la Frederick l(8rl Sturm of.Lcie AQides. · Police aald the report of tho alJoged U11ult came from Ida Ma Btitten, 31, Attendance At Chapels Thrown Out WASHINGTON (UPI) -The U.S. Supreme court upheld today a lower court decisioo that it ts unconstitutional for the Anny, Air Force and Naval Academies to require chapel attendance. • The court, without comment, rejected the government's appeal from a 2-1 rul- ing of June ao by the U.S. Court of AJ>- peola In the District of Columbia that such regulaUoas were a Tiolalion of ,......., tnodjwn:; '!'he appeala com1 onmiled I d(clslon by • leclefoI -jallp ...... found nothlN --·-mandatory cliavel-·' T6e acttm strttes · down the com- pU!aory requirements hi. forw. at the three service academies. The service academy chapel case was lnUlated by two Wet! Point cadets aod nine Naval Academy mldsblpmen. _ Since cadets at Wet! Point are not cloee to outside clmcbes, they are ~ quired to attend Protestan~ Catholic nr Jewish services at the academy cbapiel on Sllodays. The Navy his a aimilar re- quiremErlt. At the Air Force Academy, attendance at an established church service on or off base ls mandatory for freshmen, sophomores, and juniors. The appeola court found these rules constitute .. an estabHlbment of religion,'" wblch ls banned by First Amendment. Tbe academies have exemptions for conscientious objectors but the opinion found that only three midshJpmen have been excused at Annapolis in 40 years and no one bas been et:cused at West Point. U.S. District Judge Howard F . Corcoran had held there is a distinction between "attendance" at. re Ii g i o us servJces and "worship" on such oc- • casions • It-its appeal, -the Jllltlce Depltlnl<nt said the UO-)'W'<>ld tndlilon ls a necessary Jngredleot of officer training and restricts c:oostltutlonally protected rights "on)y to the ment necessary to viLdicate legitimate military need." "No cadet or mJdsl\lpman ls required to believe what be hears," Solicitor Gen- eral Erwin N. Griswold argued. "In the COlllidered juclJzment of the -ible officials the values found in chapel aer- vloes would be lost U a<ademlc classea in morals and comparative religion were •ututed, .. be added. ' Winners Named . . In San Clemente ' · Yuletide Contest operator of the laWldromat at 1731 Pla-A btme an San Clemente's Avenlda oentia Ave., in Costa Mesa. , Ban:eJona. IDd a ,tbJeh rile apartment She told offloen that Sturm wu In the bulldl!ig 1n the Bowl 1rea were named placo and boclme-lnvolved lo ..... 1o1en1-wbmen ol the immal Qlrlatmas argwnent with a temaf'e compaolon decontinl -contat 1Pomofed over t&e while doing, hla laundry. . • --by, the cblmber of comnieroe. The operalor asserted that Sturm then 'llie top wlnne'r in the resldent181 begah destroying property. category ii Victor DeRemla, U 7 When she threatened to 11call the law/' Barcelona. alle told polko Sturm tried to llr1ngle The wtaner In tile oommerclal cstecorY her witll bll llando. Mn. Britten said she Is the Panorama ~ii, 00 m.,,....t to lllbl oil tho allqed 11oallant l!<Jnterey Lon<. by blttln( him with 1 bn>qlJ' .Uct and V-...0 1rorn the Jllnlor· Woman's ._tedl:r cloutlni blm Q'(er the 1-1 Club tlel'Ved u judges. with 1 aoft drink botlk. ' Other w1Mer1 1n· the camptiltloo: Pollca 11k1 Slurm undrllled hlmsdf -Resldenilsl -D. P. Wllooo. JIB durinK tho -fracu .... WU totaUy ...-.. Prlncesa, ~. $11) DtCUon, GIT be attomplot,IOJI .. wlren 1<11fed oars '"' cliille (-brll, third. rived. He •llilr ,Rbd!Jed •(Id• IU8I to " ~erclll '-"Er C.nilno Travel Colla MMa Hospital •here a physician S.rvlce, lll S. £1 Camino Roll1 -; (Soe A88AlJLT, .... I) J.ad11>udte Shoppe, 147 Del liar, third. . . Two Dayton's ilepartment store Santas-incSt.-Paul, Minn.· 1'tre>firecl from Chrlstmas season jobs for advi$ing children who asked for guns that Santa does not give them. Bill· Devine and Darrell Baird, both 24 .. were disll)i&sed alter -the store·issuecl a memo barring anti· gun statementl. . ' Cost of Downtown Lot? $3,000 a Parking Space . . By JOHN VALTERzA °' .. ~ ........... How much would a_cfowntown parking lot coM> in San Clemente? -• Up to $3,000 a space, says City Manager Kenneth Carr .. And the bill could go even higher if business buildings were razed to make way for a· parking lot or building, he maintains:-• """ ' .. The CJollars, a,ad othei parking matters affecting the central bullness di!trlct, ""' expected to .becomo·part of a study which subCommlttees of San Clemente merchants will conduct soon after amstma.s. Chairmen already are busy recruiting members for their groups in an et:fort to uamlne downtown parking from the merchant'• polnt of view. Although few guldeUnes came out of the informal session last Tuesday, a~ P.O~ were m~ io the first three merc!iant groupo which will study their respective Portions of the bulllness area- LOcal realtor E. L. Risley wilf- coordinate the. entire effort, serving as geqeral •Chairman. • .., .Tile legwork will come from ·com· mittees beaded by these individuals : ' ' ~ Realtor Bill Grunkemeyer . who will head t1'e study oo the lll?'lh end of El Camin<i., . . -Tony DJGlovshnl, a locksmith, who 'fill looi. at tJle central area. ...2. Rataurateur John Landell .who will IS.. PAIUUNG, Pqe !) Impasse Sparks Renewed Attacks WASHING TON (UP) -W h 11 e saying the road to pe .ce "is wide open," the White House said today President Nixon bad removed restrictions on bomb- ing North Vletn.am. Two days after Nixon's Vietnam negotiator, Heery A. Kissinger, reported his cease-fire negotiations with North Vietnam to be at an impasse, Nli:on ordered American planes to resume full operaUons on the North. Raids quickly followed · on Hanoi and Haiphong. U.S. warplanes attacked the suburbs of Hanoi tonight, Tass reported from the North Vietnamese capitaL It said· a fire ' ..... ""'°'., the dfjl. ., Tiie -aald the atlacl; listed , about.to mm.utes. · · '!'lie dllpotch aald: "American aviation . thi.9 nlabt made a raid oo auburbs of Hanoi. An air raid warning was given in the city ~ a film sbow, arranged t>y repreaentfltion ol the provblonaJ revolutionary ,Jovemment of the Republic of South Vietnam in the hall of the InternaUooal Cub ... "Explosions were beard-a few minutes later. The bombing continued w1in- terrupted1y for 40 minutes. Bomhl were dropped :1-5 kilometers from the center ol tbe city. 11>e red glow of a fire blazed up north of Hanoi during the raid." (Three to five kilometers is about two to three miles.) Hanoi Radio reported devastating at· tacks qainst the Saigon-Halpo111 area in which "many"' U.S. planes were shot down and some pilots captured. Ronald L. Ziegler, Wbite House press secretary, said the bombing resumption -after a pause of nearly tw 1 months as a gesture to :Jtimulate a peace agreement -was intended to cope with a bui]dup ti{ Communist forces "which .. 'OUld lead to aoother oUensive in the south." While the President was removing bombing restrictions just one week 'befo~ Christmas, Ziegler stressed that the United States sUll hoped for a peace setUement. _ ''Tbe road ·to peace ts wide open," Ziegler told reporters. "We want a rapid settlement to lhll conflict." But be a;c·rwe are not going to aliow the to be med as a cover for · ensive ... Ziegler said NlxOn's statement o! May 8, In which be ordered the minin~ North Vietnam's harbors and lbcre'Wil bombing, was once again U.S. policy. The presidential spokesman aaJd the bombing north of the 20th Parallel - primarily the Hanoi-Haiphong area where most of North Vietnam's popula· tion b concentrated -bad been ordered suspended in October as a move to stimulate ·peace efforts. Ziegler's remarks left no doubt that the bombing resumption was aimed at pressurlng Hanoi Into -con-cessions toward a peace agreement. * * * Market Fall Due to Stall In Peace Talk NEW you; (Al') -. '!hi! - mart<!, Iller plummeting In heavy eertr tradflW, ..... peel --today but remained ctepo.-1 because of stalled peaco negotlatlom and the stet>UP In the bombing of North Vietnam. . At 11 a.m. (PST) the D o w Jones average of 30 industriaJ stocks was down I0.83 points at 1016.41. Earlier, however, the blue chip Indicator was off more than 17 points. Declinell outnumbered advances by a stunning margin ol llffrly tO to t among more lban 1,500 Issues exchanged on·the New York Stock Elchange at. one point. Larry Wachtel, vice president for research at Bache & Co., noted that there bad been a heavy buildup In stock prices in anticipation of a peace a~ ment on Vietnam. "Now that it desn't look like 'peace ii at hand.' it'• bound to cause some unravelipg ," be said, Wachtel predicted that decllnet ·would persist throughout the week, but said tbe market would resume Its -ard Jrend aoon because. of the basic health of the economy. other analysts said some investon , were taidnK proflls .., stocks .wblcb had rlseo sbalply In the past few llllllltba because of incUcaUons of progres:a in the Pari! pea<e lall<s. 1be commlttee1 structure wu the ....uit oi a meelln( attended bY do<ens of bu1inessmen who have succeeded in atalling the implementalion of a maater pi.n (or traffic Improvement tbrougb the . central part of the city. DECK YOUR HA.LL WITH f ILOT ADS San Clemente Perjury TJ"ial Jnry Being Picked 0r .. ,. 1'..alter Variable clouds on Tlletday, but mostly RIM1 lldff, l«Onling to the. 1'Utber aervlce. HICho In the IOI. Lon liloilJi! ~. .... ..._ ... ------' - Jury aelectlon ns achedoled to begin later . 'today In the Orlri(e County Superior Court trial of a Sin Clemente labonltory technician charpd wltb por· jury. ~ldlng Judge Bruce SWnner ....,._ eel the trial of Louis Anlboay tvangeli>to to Judge Herbert H rlandl' courtroom tblt momlng. ' ' • Judie .Herlands del11" jllry ~°" \<! • llloW him to exiridnO a ions ••¥ the ' t4-yeaMld ~ and m-.-'dlartfm -16-11W1"fS. ~ ... eCcuiecJ Gl ,ifertng per· Jlft<l tOitllnony fCl< • -atmted for dtiinken dilving In te!U'll f« dat" Wltli the attractive def"1WI{,_ . 8lln Clemente police, m used ................ -• • • Evangelilto to administer blood alcohol test. In alleged drunken driving altua- Uons, arrestod.lbe tecbolcian July 3, just three days 1rter he offered tesUmony In the South Orange County Mw1iclpal Coort action against the woman defendant San Clemente pollce claimed that EvangeUsto Hed undt;r oath on Uve oc-ca~ ®:'/ ulf,."'=-cou~~ ststomenla relating 'to thto phjomcat """ dlHon 'ol•tbe ·42-ye&Ml4 San Qemente woman It tbriliM of~ U'l'ell. ·Police said Eva.~'1 testimony WU In conlllct. to the tact. lboul tbe womllli' .. ~al _,.,.,.. ind behavior aod waa an l"-1 to lbow that lbe WU not lnlollCoted. • I INSIDE TGDA ..... Human t'2.'f)e""'1t11tdtiml ii nOt new In thfl COJ'•tfll. To "''"'' e:rtent 1hould q n t humcm bir pcrmfltcd to mdong<r <m0lhtr i• tho ..... of' sdenlt/fo f/f'<Jg• reu1 Set 1torJ1 mt Page 1. ...... .... --~ 11 ..... '--"""' " .. --......... ..,.. ..... .. ..,....,,,.~.,,, --" ............. _..., eo+;:ta• • .....,. .,... ~ ................. ......... ,,_ ' T'9914l... " ......... ii ,,.. ~ ... ,.._. ..-WMl:lr • ~-....................... ..... ..... I ........ 4 • • • ' ( I • • • " DAl~V PILOT SC n ·ealer .Put In Storage For Night A worker at a Santa Ana meat ro1n- pany, still thaw ing out from a long night spent in cold storage. told police Sun<lay he was abducted and imprisoned by threl' burglars with a tute for good •teak. Jack Wllantt, ~7. said he spent Satur- day night locked In the freer.tr section of a company truck after he stopped by his firm thDt afternoon ond interrupted a burglary in progress. On enterin11 Wll1tnlt saJd he was quick· Jy surrounded and ordered at gunpoint to open lhe company safe. When be relused, he was beaten, gagged, and placed in the back of a company van aloog with 4.000 pounds of choice steaks. The burglars then drove to Vernon, an industrial area in eiist Los Angeles. The burglars removed the steaks there, but left Wilantt to spend a Jong nigl!t in the cold. Using a dime .and a penny, \\'i!<in!t unscrewed panels from inside the freezer to remove the insulation, whi.ch he then wrapped around himself to keep warm. By morning he bad removed a wire from a refrigerator and forte<! it through the door jant. Attached to the end of it v.•as a Dag, which he used to <11tract a pas.serby Sunday morning. Wilanll, of Long Beach, told police the missing steaks were worth about SJ,500. Truman Remains 'Very Serious' But He's Alert KANSAS CITY, Mo. (UPJ) -Harry S Truman, his heart weak and his kidneys malfundio•in&, slept peacefully through the night and awoke today to tell doctors that he fell "&Il right." Doctors treating the former President said he was still "very serious." "Former President Truman Is sllghUy more alert today_attu a restful nigh~" Research Hospital· spokesman John Dreves laid. Drevea sakl the 81-yw-old Truman was sutl having · pn>l>lems with his kidneys, which have failid. to respond to mediclUonJor ... 1ix straight days. "Kidney outp.ir 1tm 11·=i. but thert tJ lio ·--d bllil4llp,'' DreVeS aaid. 11He ls ~-' ivibg any meclltatkm" or nutrition intravenoU!\y. It Js being administered vta the nasal gastric tube which he continues to tolerate well." Dreves said his heart condition, which doctors said Sunday was 50 weak that it could not support a kidney machine to cleanse bis blood, was a:WI unchanged. At 6:15 a.m. PST, the former President's blood pressure was 130 over 56, pulse 74, respiration 24 and tan- perature 98. 4. The 33rd President's condition WIUI evaluated by a kidney speclallat Sunday. "Although a final declJion was not made, lt was tbe lmpruslon of the s~llst that the cardiac a n d cardiovascular situation prohibited renal dialysis," a spokesman said. Renal dlalygls iJ the use of a machine to perform the function of cleaning· the blood, nonnally done by healthy kidneys . Truman's sister, Mary Jane, 13, was permitted to vlsit her brother for the Ont time since he entered the. hospital Dec. 5. She ia bedridden three IDghta below, suffering injuries from a fall . Dreves sal~ there were no words exchanaed between the tW<J . Truman's . wife. Ben .. 87, and I.heir daughter, t.1argaret Daniel, 48, spent five boun 'vlslllng the fonr.er Pnaldent ~ day and tbe.n relumed to tbe Truman home in Independence, Mo., just outside Kan!as City. Doctors said Truman did not speak during the visit. DAILY PILOT lllti Or ..... CN11t DAILY 11'11.0T, wlln wtik11 b d!Mlnd l"e H._.il'rfl1, 11 lllllt!IVIM.., .... Ore.to• C•t1! "llfl.IWllnt C-l!Y. S..,.. ,.. tllllliom ••• M+I ...... Mll'lllt'I' #lf"Olltll r<tNty, +or c"'' Mau, Htwwt Mtcta. l'IWlfllllMn 8MdV,"-"l•ln Vttlt'f. l..ltilmll. '9*cfl. lrvlnotls..lllMU. M'lll ·IM~~ JM! .J-C111i.1r1ne. A 1ln11t l'llllNI ldltlon .. ..Wllt.llld $al11td•y1o ...... '""""" Tiie prll'K111'11 llUbllllhlnt 1111111 11 11 »G Wftl NY llrMI, Coe11 M111, Ullltmll, ,.._ ltob•rf N. W•td l"rn 111..tt 9M l"t,tt;!I...,... J•c~ It. cu,1 • ., Vitt ,.,_...,., ..... 0-11 M.IMOW fu1111a K•••il ••1iw TlteMat A. M11,,1t;111 IMMelftt M lltr Glri1~" H. l.eos ltlch1'4 P. Nill I .t.Mlttt"' MMlltllftl '"'°'"' ... c ...... Offke )05 Ntrtti IJ C11t1l" A11I. 91671 --c.te #MM1!l!te ... ltrtlt -~hid!! ......,. M!!!'" 8"Cfll ' J llllldl .......... ..,.._. INdll 2lt .....,... Aw.- Tll1pb 111 C714J MMJl1 c._... ..,...,, t 1 +u4tn •• S. Cl I ala Al l~I Jitu Ttftpbl II 411 " M ,.,.. or..,. ~·· ,.,.,......, • ... -..... llkillt1'91 ..... .,........ ., .............. 11 .... . ,...,...._.. wlllelrt ..... ..... ,........ ., '*"'ill'll """'· ::--....:.~~ .. = '!!'!I ....,...., "' u .1t """"'"' ;...,;:; ...... , ....... ~ ' Ul"IT ...... Don't Blame Him €odete11••t ,., •• , ... \ Trash Executive Alone on Trial ... ~ ' •· . South Laguna trash executi•e Thoma;s Trulis went on trial alone today in Orarige Cou91Y 8u,perior Court When' his codefendant on rape and ~x perversion • cbarfes failed to ma!te,an apl'fara_JlfO. Prto!dtng Judge Bluce llilmner !Uued ' a ,10,~'bench warrant J9r the arrest of. Eugene Imondi Jr., 35. ol Anaheim and sent Trulls, 38.. to Judge -Claude M. Owens' courtroom for lrla1. Diacussiolll between tbe jurist and la'l)'tra for both men de!~ the start of what-ls Usted as a jury, ttlal No mov<I bad beeo made toward Jiiry ·se1ect1on al preu time. TruUs, who Js the owner of the South Laguna Disposal Company, and lm.oodi~ "°ow~ .tn ~to aales cu:cies ~ Gene Mon· day, are accused of sexual offenses ag.inst a Fountain Valley girl who told J>Clft.te 11\1 pair told her thoy were movie producers. The 17-year-old blo~ told qlll"!"' ah< was persuaded by Tni.Ut and ImOndl to join them In the back of 1 car parked at Fashion Island tn N""JlO'I Beacb for ao interview alleffdly desigJled to wess her lllmjDr pole•~· . sbt Police llld' the girl told tflem "as -by l!Otb -U>at her .. -to their 1U11ll overtures were vital if abt wished to obtain a contract for movle and mod~in& roles . Aaron Anderson of Leslie, Mich., didn't want any of his nei~hbors. or even casual passersby, to get the wrong idea when they saw that someone's car had executed a sideways skid into tbe .driveway. So be etched a me.s&age in the snow covered window of his "wife's ear." Hussein Rewed •co111e With Us' From Page 1 PARKING •.. Reportedly Marries TV An.1iou11cer JERUSALEM (UPI) -Klng Hussein of Jordan bas left his second wllo, Princess Muna , to marry an announcer on Jordanian televisicm, the Arabk newspaper al Anba aald today. cover the southerly area o( Ai Carnloo. Two other chairmen will be appointed Man Mistaken for Hijacker Cooper Quoting vlllors arriving from Amman, the Israel gov.mmen~supported newspaper said Hussein wed Souha Toukan a week ago. SEA'M'LE (APl -Last April 22, Gene C. TOOmas was having dinner with his wife at the Edgewater Inn. Suddenly, two men appeared 1t the table and huStlad him away. At first, Thomas thought it was a joke. Then the men took him to FBI hea<l- Quarters and began questionlrig him about the hijacking of a Northwest Atrlioes jet on Thantagivingeve,.IS7.1. Thomas testified in federal court Saturday that · FBI agents lold blm his friend of 26 years, William Lewis of Seebeck, Wash ., fingered him as a man stroogly resembling police artl!t sketcb- es of the hijacker, known only as D. B. Cooper, who parachuted to parts unknown with $200,IXM) ransom. Lewis and Donald Sylvester Murphy or Bremerton, Waab. are charged with it- tempting to defraud a former Newsweet Maguine editor of some $30,000 for an exclusive lnterv\ew with the hijacker. Government proeecutora contend Lewta· obtained the money from Karl P1emlng o( Los Angeles · 1n ezchange .for an In- terview with Murphy, who allegedly pos.. ed as Cooper. Trial wu to re.mme today in U.S. diatri<t Court. • . • Nixon Appoinle~ Central Figure In Fraud Probe DALLAS (AP) -WilUam P. Clements Jr., President Nixon's choice to be No. 2 man at the Pentagon, is a central figure ~ a bitter legal bttUe that lnvotve1 al!.egaUons of fraud and conspiracy, plua a dispute over ir.oome tu.es. Cleznentl, several bualness associates and Southeastern Drilling Co. of Dallas, which Clements founded in 1947, are defendants ln a civil suit brought by an Argentine businessman who says they cheated him out of full commissions due for his help ln obtalnlng one of the largest oil drilling contracts in biatory. Repeated effona by the Associated Press to reach Clements for comment were unsucc:euful. After the AP disclosed existence of the suit Sunday, Clements told The Dallas News the case would have no effect on lils nomination to., be deputy ,ecretary of Defense, announced by the White House Tuesday. The multimillionaire Dallas oilman told the newspaper he was not a defendant In the suit, but refused further comment. The government contends that Lewis sel up his £riend as a decoy to draw at- ten tion from Murphy. The defense bas conceded that Lewis set up a phony interview with Murphy u an bnposter. At1orne7a for Lewis and Murpb)I contend that Fleming became aware during the lilterview that be was not talklng with the hijacker but went ahead with the story anyway. EarUer in the lr!al, testimony Indicated that an article based on Fleming's In- terview was slated as the cover-page feature for Newsweek but was tllled at .the last minute. Badham Will Aid Pla1i f-0 Fr ee Land for Parks labor. "This is the first time that the business community bas pulled together so en- thusiastically to approach a common pro- blem,' said Risley. Attempta two years ago to form a parting district, be upWned, ltim!d lit- tle or no Interest .among buslDe&!men. "The Topics program may be un- popular among the bullnessmen, but Its done more to rally them than anything else that has come along,•• he added. Within a few weeks Risley plans to call together the subcommittee cbalnnen and work out a deflnlUve set of goal! and guldel~s. "When th1a entire project is finished, we hope to produce 1 written report of our own to the parking and traffic com· mission, and then to tile .city council," he said. Pn!sumably, the panels -ii Jhey decide parking facilities are necessary By WILLIAM SCllREIBER would ,..k spotJ where the lot. coold be Of .. Dell'!' Phlt ltefl installed. A>semblyman Robert lladbam (R· But in the central area of the city- Newport Beacb) said today he will push where the the accident rai.s are highest to &et exCUI Ital< land 00 the martel u and •the oongestlon most 1evere -land for IUcb Iota la scan:e.'·1 Newport Beacb city COl!Dcllmen et htm Merchants conl.nmtb!g the city cooncil to. last -ln!bted tbiit ii 81\l' lots are , SHE IS A DESCENDANT of a prominent family in Bablus on I.ht lsraeli- occupied West Bank of Jordan. Al Anba sa.id Hussein has not divorced Muna, who bore him two 9C'N"' be- cause Moslem law prov~ that he can have four wives. THE NEWSPAPER SAID Muna, the daughter of a ronner Brlllsh army officer, wu planning to marry "a well-known American diplomat." She 18 llv· ing in London with her two sons. Muna, formerly Tony Gardiner, became Hussein's second wife in the early 1960s after he divorced h11 first, who late.c married an Arab guerrilla. Buildi11g Permit V aluatio1i Told In San Clemente The total building permit valuation for 1m in San Clemente I;.. expectec'. to reach $20 mW ion by the end or the year' surpassing the previous all -time record. Director of Building and Planning Richard Ahlman said today the previous record of about $16 mlllion sel In 1963 already has been surpassed. Major -condominium projects have fonned the bulk of the residential permit values,.he sald. , .. ~ Thief Gets $140 ' At Oemente Inn The occupants of a room at the San Clemenw Inn told police Sunday a man entered their room early ln the morning and stole $140 in cash and a woman's purse. Officers said the incident OCCWTtd as the persons were asleep. Raymond Shivery, 50, and Jerri Marie Canfield, 42,. both of Oceanskle, were the vicUms, pfficers ssid. The burglar took tho cub tn Canfield'• wallet. Re al9o stole the womaq'1 purse, containihg identlhcatlon and credit cards. Councilmen tonight will consider 1 n--buUt, they would have to be ,extremely quest by ParkJ, Beaches and llecreatlon close to the bwlnea _,.., or. else Bis; Sur 'Disaster' Dtrector Calvin Ste1'art thii( the <City business would be aUected. ~ M W'f C • d seek Badllam's help tn freoJng f!S million The ooly other alternative to lots was WASHINGTON (AP) -The Small an, l e OllVlCte worth of state land for part use in the cl· sugested by the consulUng finn of Business Administration has declared the ty. Lampman and Auoclatel, hired to draft Big Sur area or MQllterey County a SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -A man and "H I were to rtcelve an official request the master plan to comply with disaster area because of mud!lldes due wile were convicted in the ala)'llll of the from the governing body of Newport guidelines of a federal grant program. to heavy ralnfall on Oct. lf and Nov. 15 husbaod'a. father, whose body wu fOW>d. Beach to act on this matter, I would 50 The Urm suageated that most of Applications for long-term, low-interest noaung off a pier la.st July. A jury of act," said Bad.ham. the curbing between Avenida Cibrlllo and loans to rep1lr or replace damaged eight women and four men convkted "The Callfomia Division of lllgbways the Greyhound bus station be painted red homea, personal property, bualnesses, Calvin McCriahl, 24. and h1I wUe Rar- has moved in an over-cauUous manner in to allow for the lnatallaUon of modern churches and schools will be accepted at rlet, 23, of 1lrst-degree murder after disposing of this land." be said. signals and left-tum pockets. tho SBA San Francl!co regional office. more than eight houn o1 dellberallolll. The ~Vision made It clear oeveral1~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~iii;;i;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 months ago it is In no hurry to dispose of •••---•••••--••Jlll_...._.,....,.. .. _,..~JlfiJIHM••• the land, most of which had been purchased for the now-defunct Pacific Coast Freeway. State officials say they are still studying traffic patterns in the area and may need the land. . "By lbe atlte sitting on these patl'e11 they are not helping anytblng,,. Badham said. "Negotiations with the city to sell the land is going to take long enough as it is." In bis report to councDmen, Slewart listed several lc.ey part sites which are currently In limbo because of the state's reluctance to part with the land. However, papers on file ln U.S. District Court in Dallas clearly name him as a defendant. The four-year contract to drill 1,000 ..w• in Argentlna helped p r o p e I Soumeastern, now known as Sedco Inc., from a relatively small wildcat outfit to a worldwide operation whlch last year grosHd fl30 million. These Include the Pacific Electric right-of.way tn West Newport, a parcel next to Balboa Oovea, a parcel adjacent to the Community Youth c.ni.r In Con>oa del Mar, the CUI! Drive churcb. slte Ind two lots on Kings Road ln Newport Heights. • " ' From Page l Badham said be has thn!e alternatives open to !aim sbotild the city Uk for legislative aotlon lb make the land .avaUabJe. "I would n..t ad by contactlng the hlghwa11 people and U need be the governor to see what tbe delay ls," be, said. "These tJUngs can be dont- sometlnies wttbout legis!atloo." r.,,.11 El1ctric Stno.+ti Te, 1t1.,. witli co11ti11110111 cl•111l11g O••lt. Mod1I J7-1Jl2 , .••••• , tnt.tl t.,,.ft s •• lt•nt• •Ith ••11fl1111•vt cle111l111 0H11, MM.t ZlZ 1002 1 f1pp111 ll11df'lc ,ltc1190 wJtlf to11H111o'4 1011..1, fl••-t•t •";•11, Mo41I ~f.2111 l f • l . • I ASSAULT ... closed a bleeding 21h-incb gash on his head with six stitches. From there Sturm was taken to Costa Mesa City Jail but later transferred to Orange County Medica l Center after he repeatedly slammed his head Into a con- crete wall and tried to rip .>Ut his hair, police said. , "ff that .~'t work, I would find out what lcli!a!atlon I• already on tho books that would have a bearing on this mat- ter." he said. "My third alternative would be to In- troduce legialation and I think that would move t.brou&h real fut," Badbam said. e ······················ "'''·" ......................... ' fll'·•• ous.C._'*'9 .i R·~··· Mrs, Britten, of 8915 Yuba River Ave .. was not seriously injured but police said there were red mark~ on her throat. Damage to the laundromat consllted of a paper towel dlapenaer which the enraa:cd Stunn allegedly ripped off tile woU. Jet Pulled From Mud MIAMI, Fla . (AP) -A busy runway •t Miami International Alrport w1s reopen- ed Sunday •ftt'r workmen 111naerl)' towed a crippled iJ80.ton jumbo jet out of the mud whtre ll had been mired since m1k· inl an emergency landln& nearly 48 hoUrs earller.· 11ie jet, deslgnsted nt1ht 7S3 bound for Mlnneapoll•St. Paul via Chicago Friday night, slithered Into the mud when Its tllllne• tallltd to reverse properly. • The Legislature .. last 1 u m m e r eliminated the coast freeway leg through Newport Beach. Badham warned that he ca11't promllo any special deall on the land JI It lo put on the markel Thieves Get. Heavy Machine in Dana Point Buralart who muat have used heavy equipment to ·haul away thelr loot nmov- ed a plaster machine durtnr tllt.woekend • from the prmiaet of a Dana Point Pluterlnfl Company. Oran10 Coonly Sllerfff'I olllcers uld the Intruders apparently clrove a truck lhto the ftont yard of Dulce Bot Ptaat,tr: lnl Company, M411 s-1 o! tbt Anl .... Lantern, and boltted. Ule buvy pluter machine onto their .,.hlcle. Ofllcl1l1 o1 tba San Clemeoi.-baied c<1111pany vallled the macblne at '3!0. ' . • """ T• • .-• t..u:i11• Caz I • o.... a. aar.,W... .,."""' ,-·.., --~· __ .., _____ ,.,..._ .. _ ltf•••r .... .._ • c.. ... ,. Cltt•llil ~ dMirt...., ... .,_ ....... ,.. ............................... ,._ ...... ....., -·Of--T-._ '"" ,..--... __ C-...._ CJ' .... Chw. ~lflllll OP CA&,IPOIJ41.\'I 1..\ll8•1T rn f;OQitl•ATl"l'I lftl'fllll• ••01111' WITM TH• VOL.llMI IU"f1M8 P>DW•1' 0-" IM tTOlll . .............. ... .,.... .. , ... ... l815 NEWPl!Rl' BtVll. Downtown Costa ~-~ "'-· 541:1709 -------------------------- "1 • • • •• • . . I I - • " • . : : : ' '· ' The AWllt Palmer Method FIRM LEl'T WllJST KEEPS Sl;IOTS ON PROPU TlAJEClOIY • I. 2. . u you rm you arc bittia& r-d-too hlP. ot if you arc strikin1 the grouod bchilld the boll on 10'!' iron shots, the iwoltleaa may be a 'ft I • ...., ill your 1en wrist. II the bt1ck of \his wri!I bows inward, either be- . !on: or during impact, the dub(ace wiD tlim upwud and lift abruptly . (lllll!lrltloo f l), This incn:ues tho ' loll of the shot and may cause the dllblad lo ,... -the top 'of the ball. • Ideally; the back 61' 'J<Nt ICf\ ...rut obould bald firm lhrougb impa<:t and continue moWis low to the · around toward the taraet (lllulllalion .f1) uAlii the ball is well away. e.o '*"',._,..., ·"Pro Cage, Horkey " Pro Grid • t.a .. 1,,: you'U· love It · ... . . . . ' ' ..... . , )t 11'8' air .co~dltlonlng, tlnttd 011io9i· - ,...ijal W"W tlr.., clef1"'9·-·""lto, rldi,. cleluxe aid• melding, -~ oqu~ : l • • ' • • 'i. ,, ' . -No_ ... ,-~ .. .._..,.. .. ._t11f1kcll 12 0-Cotnllr-~ ~ ..... ,..".• ~ • t -t 531-o607 MacHowaRl> AUTO AND TRUCK 11'11N8 __ ............... -· ...... --........ -- CdM ReUtins Top Ranking Undtf..W Corona de! Mar ffllb'I S.. Kloil• remain the No. I -lluketb<ll team In • Oroage County In the official lllUog of the 'county's top 10 poll u selected.J>y the DAILY PILOT. Tbe 11 .. Klnp, cbampiool or the rpnt '4lb annu.al Hun- tington Belch Invitational, 1w•pl pll of the first placa votes ~ the voting ICribes. ·' The !\<•· ipngs are back In adlon fonlihl at Ntwport Harbor (I) In their final oon· league test prior to January. LI ·Habra· High '• • YOIT. HllJ>W>dtts rno•ld Into the Ho. I •spot followinc their 'lrlumpb over Lowell In the La Habra tourney, while Marini slumbled to fourth with a 1-4 mark, two lou!I COl!\lng 14 O\lt.<>f'(Olll1ty lod Pllladena lllld Oenleonlal. other 0r..,. Cout· irea · teain1 gallilng 1poti In ~ !OP 10 Include Fountain . v&µey (third), liuntinllt<Jll B 11 c b <flfthl, and 1o1aterDel (1otbJ. Fountain v •flw grabbed the Santa Maril tourh1znent championship with a triumph over Santa Barbara Slt_turday nliJ!l for Iii 1istb stralgbl win. ·. Huntina:ton Beach rolled to 1ix In a row before 1'\IOl!ilnC lD- to eoro .. det lolar and Mattr Del's 6-3 m~rk Wc!udel a 1·1 record againll onm,e County competl\ion. '!l\O Mono~chJ loll to El .Mod!'."1' b.Y lbree and whipped l.os /;l&lnl1411 IHI. ..._ "J:'• 'COfHITY TOP 1•,_11 1.~-M#(H) 41 i; ~=:~· (1-1) ~ 4.MvlM( 41 L~.tl•... l'4J • ' . ' (W) 2• . "' ,, t -.. " .. -=,' ·11 (.M) ': """"' T'""' 1~2" -• .,, <> Vew~:,c lali v.--:1. iw>. «••••i tJ """"f. ""'1\1 "' «1111ld«• IOI! I\_-tiol. .tp, I .. 1 ... •l•lut Ob.," TllrOl.VI '-""· GR~T GIFT· IDfAS . FOR FAMILY FUN • !r. . . GREAT SAV.INGS WITH L & G'S LOW PRICES! INTERMEDIATE .FOOTIAll WLUlllllJ MAIKDil ~111'0Mlll( RIRF .:. ·. . ' ' 22 ,._ • de rile widi •• .,a ...... ...,.. 9995 IClllll DOil SHQE SKATES CWWt•'s "StrHI lhlp" -....... -..... ............ ·595 LADllS' HUFFY 3-SPEED BIKE ......... , ....... ' ........ -...... . tr ..... sWlt'c:,.trel .. '9l!fllil ....... 5495 . omCIALIAMS FOOTBALL KITS IY ltAWLIMGS ,_ .. """"'· .... ,..,,, I~· 7 hi 11 yrs. DOWN 'JACKETS ..,,.,...,.,. . "· ....., .... ~ ........ 2 .......... bit,.,,, . 1'9 ""4. 1,11,dt. 95 . ' . DOKE RIDGE SKI PACKAGE fbclior lhw -Wt, Gord• SS! IWop .... A .... Point II~. 99·'' 124.IS PM PUSTIC -SKI BOOTS f ....... .. Mf ......... fttf Sbn71t 11 . 2995 '10lll NOURI: MOii. TNllU Fiii. 10 A.M. TO t 1'.M. ' IAT, & IUll. 10A.11!. TO i l'.M. ' LA MIRADA ORANG I TUSTl8" SANTA ANA IHOltPUllO CIJtTr" 1HI NfW~"T Avt,. 33111. IRllTOl.IT . ...... '-~--c-1 fill. TUITI,. •trtllllf'ITfllltt 9t._.AJITMlM ....... ; 111 .. 111 ~; 117·1110 ,hofte:Ul·llll '"'°": tl7-J311 llOW, 4 ITOllU Ill OllAlllll COUNTY • . • • . -. . . .... . . . . . . . . . . ..~ ... ~ .. • MondaJ, Dtcrmbtr, 18, 1'972 DAILY PILOT l!S - Mauldin's Own Favorite • • • ' • . . ' • •• Still Relevant Two wars later, Bill Mauldin'• cartoons still say it all for tho 'guy• who aro "up front" doing the dirty work. Mouldin once selected the cartoon above as one of his own favorites from World War ll's "Up Front" series. He 11id: "Ooce I thought I did a very funny cartoon (about) an old-time cav1lryman 1hooting his jHp ••. It has •im plicity; it teH1 a dory; it doe•n't need word•. It i1, I bel:eve, the very bed kind of cartoon." Mauldin i• still doing some of the· world'• "very 1;esflinCFof cartoon•.'; A few strokn of hi• talooted pen can make some of tho most biting editorial comments to bo found on to$1ay'• i•sue•: If you're looking for' r relevancy, look at Mauldin two WITS later (frequently featured in the Doily Pilot). -. Look at the Editorial Page of the ·DAILY PILOT . .. ' I • I • " " . • I ' 2-f OAILV PIL01 SC Auto Research Data Told e Boot Srr11p LOS ANGELES -The freighter Liberty Manu(ae- lurer. damaged after going a1?round in October outside Los Angeles Harbor;-will be sold for scrap. owners say. A spokesman (or Manufac· turer and Navigation Co. of I-long Kong said Thursday a San Francisco firm is takin~ bids on the »year-old vessel which finallv was jarred rro1n its two-week seabound· perch Oct. 26 after several unsuc- cessful attempts. tt S1111ldst ' SAN FRANCI SCO -Eight San Francisco expOrl firms won $72.1,000 in antitrust damages from S·u n k is t Growers , Inc. The export firms charged that Sunkist froze them out or marketing California oran~e!I in Hong Kong through a 1966 agreement fo1 direct ship- ments to Reliance Com- mercial Enterprise~ In the Aslan port. e De'#Jlls lfp LOS ANGELES -Ban!i debits ror November and the first 11 months of 1972: have st. a record, says the Los Angeles Clearing ll o u s c Association. The association said lhat bank debits, tile total of all check transactions. rose 20 percent during November to $35.9 bi!Bon compared to $29.3 billion during the same month a year ago. PERSONAL RADIO PAGER lONE or VOICE LOW COST MONTH to MONTH IEN'I AL IASIS ORANGf COUN'T\' RAl>IOll I l l'~ONl SlllVltf 1"t Yo11r Money's Wortli '72 Yule Gifts Less Useful, Safer, Costlier, Effortless By SYLVIA PORTER There are only sev~n shop- ping days left till Christmas - and by now , the trends, themes and directions in the array of gifts being offered during this biggest spendhig year of history are clearly evi- dent. The overall trend of economic expansion is un- mistakable. The underlying optimism and the national yearning for prosperity in peace could be denied only by a Scrooge. BUT OVER tl'!ese economic there are themese in l972"s record spending for non -neces- sities -just ls there have been themes in Christmas >pending in and beyond generaUties. past booms l"O•TE• and recessions. periods o£ peace and w2r . Het'e's a rundo\\'TI of several I've spot- ted which you might use as a background against which to compare your own shopping list: ed from the marketplace by the Food & Dru g Administration under t h e Child Protection and Toy Safe- ty Act of 1969. Among other indications of the mountini:;: war against toy-r elated tragedies are: an increasing use of age group labels to show you what toys are ap- propriate fnr what a g e groups : better instructions to increase the safety of the toy when It's actually being used. AS FOR liIGU price lags, a home bowling alley is offered in one catalog for $2,859: a fiberglas "Swimobile" which tows the child (or you) through the water is on sale for $329.50. " No effort items are everywhere. underlying a trend which goes on and on. As illustrations, there are: remote control switches to turn on and off borne ap- pliances, TV sets, e t c . ; switches which are activated when you blow a whistle; automatic dice shakers. card shufflers and poker playing machines are bringing us ever closer to the day when you'll hardly move when ~ou play: children's mugs which say "we love you" are making it possible to avoid having to say this yourself; piston-operated nutcrackers are eliminating the fun of failure in cracking a shell . " Nonsense. sheer non- sense. This is so pervasive that I'm researching a column jusl on this and its meaning. Nonsense is the only way to classify such items as a sterl- ing silver frying pan for $415 : the "rare, uncirculated $2 • Sl\-fALLER AND smaller blll " for $9:'5:-a ·stlf-stirring Is a trend as clear as bigger saucepan for about $30. and bigger. You can btly a " Safety and costliness onP.-OUnce lo/, Inch transistor 411 "'· s-111• ,.., IMT• Ant. seem to be th e two themes in radio which runs on hearin~ ~~~~~IJ~S.~J~J~O~~~~~~kto~y~s~.~l~lu~n~dr~ed~s~o~f~da~n~g~e~ro~us aid balt.eries; a mini-torch toys have at last been remov-with a 5,00(klegree plnooint ' flame for the home worksboo: ,,,_ a fold-up 7-inch JtallAn model ~ 1 o o o J "w..-ld's smallest phone" which olugs· lnto any jack. ORDER 7'~ • You ean help clean un 't)j f the pb .. net with how·to-do . ')-• !leautiful books and paoerback> and ter-' Stick-on rariums. fau cet water YOURS '.' \ LABELS purifiers, natural foods TODAY! Personalized • Stylish • Efficient Ord•r For Yourself or • Friend Mey be u1..d on envelop•• ., rtturn •ddrtss la.b•b.. A110 vtry handy •• idtntificatlon labels for marking p•r•on•I items such •• books, re,orcl$, photos, ate. Labal1 1tic:k on 9le1s and mty be usecl for merking home canned Jotd item•. All lebel1 are printed with stylish Vogut type on fine qu•lity whit•- gumm•d p•p•r. - Americans Really Like .Cold 'OJ' LAKELAND, Fla. (AP) Am<irlcans drank 106,431.000 gallons of froien concentrate orange juice during the yea r ending ~ember I, the Flor· Ida CitruJ Department said. The total w11.1 7 percent greuter than the 1971 season. The department's executive director. F.dward A. Taylor, nottd that the 1 a 1 e s performance o( chlTitd orange. Juice "hat bctn even more iipeclaa.lnr as consumtrs have reported purchazlng an estimated 13,741.000 gallons ot the product since that season opencd <in October I." tre &flld this wa s a gain of 28 percent over purchases of la.st )'ear. Taylor sa.ld the I fl l e 11 t ever"ge retail priee for a stx ounce contaQier of concentrate was 20'.5 cent1 and '8.1 cents lor •quirt of ahllled juice. • COMPI .F:l'E NEW YQRK STOCK UST p p : p p p : p p p p p p p p p p p p p p : p • p p p p p p " p p p E p p p p p p p p p • .. • • Mo11Clay's Closing • Prices-Complete New Yori{ Stoel{ Exchange Li t Bombing D1~ops Stocl\:s Shar ply NEW YOHK (AP I -Tho stoc k marl et 11h•ch had leaped up11ard on ::in lll founded peace runlor Friday, shot dow·nward Mon day on ne1vs of stale mated p eace talks a1ld rc po1 ts th:i.t the Vn1tl'd States resumed bo1nb1ng north of the .lOth paJ allt:L in North V1etnan1 The While ~lou~c s~11d ::idd1 Uonul bon lJH'I:: 1va<> necessary to prevent a ne1v North \1ctna~esc of fens1vc Jn the 1v;ike of the WaJ devclo1 n1c i's 111ost Wall Street analysts JJre d1c ted a ble<lk rl1n1atc fo 1 the st~k n1arkct fo1 seve1a l d:l)'S j \Ve m1ghl sec a good ~h ak( oul he1 l! Bradbury K lhu1lo1v of Ludl rl\v & Co I .Said ''"''"'"""'r-.... ~~~~-~~::..>:"::::r,,- ~.,., Hf P E 0'11hJ Hl9b LOW LU I Cl!q str.. ,.., • • OMll) liltll LOW U 'I C~• Next best thing to takin~ a trip 1s re~d1ng-1bout one 111 the Ir-ave! columns of the Sunday DAIL V. PILOT " • ' '• " " ' • ' ' ' ' ' .. ' ' ~4 : ' ' 19 ' ' 1 • 1' ' ' ' . ' • t l)O ' ' . " ' " ~ ! '\ 9 , •• " ' " ' , ?2_ l I " . " " ' . " .. ' . ~ ;i t 'l " " ' ~a ~ ~) " ' • • I • ' ' ' • ' " ~ ... , ""' f'l Wt•L•Lt .,CM\ ' • ' .. • ' " '" • ' • "' . .. _,. r. : " •• () I '11f J•t t•ffl<"f 1f,Jl I ' J!fl ( l~O fl " , , , ' \\ 1 l\ ( I UTJli )C I ' 1 "' I ' I ' ' ' t Jll. .r Co1nplete Closii1g Prices-A1nerican Stoel{ Exchange List ecAB IHOllC WASHINGTON -The Civil Aoronnutlcs Board has given Weatem Air Lines permission to provtde nonstop ser\ ice betweeJ1 Oreat Falls Mont. and Los Angl'les ror a ont- mohlh perlOd starting ~cc 15 Western has scheduled 10 extra sections durtng tho perilkt, primarily to serve cana.atans end othtr holid ay seaM>n paS!engers traveling to and from Calf{ary Alla , by Wl'/ of Great Falls ' e ()Id Jtlonopolu SAii FRANCISCO -s .. nd ard Oil Co of C111Jfom1a h:t8 conJpired to monopo\i7.e the petroleum r.oduct.s market m Ameri can amoa !ltnco 19~ in vlol11:tlon or anUttU8t lnws a federal judp has ruled , 1 1 ,i ~ • 27 •6 31 • ''"' 21 I ~ _,,_ 32 2 • ' . •• ,. ,. ' . • • ·~ " " " .. •• "" "' ' ' ' " ' ' .. " ' " . • .. _,,_ 11 I !l " ' " " • " " ' " " • ' • n ' " " ' " • " " ' • " • " " .. • " • • " 1f 1? 21 2• • ,, 5,, 10il '° • " . " ' •; l • 22 8 .... ' .. 29 9'lo •5 '"' ll '"'" . " n 4i " . 17 31 . '" " . BJ 14 • 'I ' ' . " ' : 1~ ' 11 1' : ' " 9 •Vo •7 9U ~" I ~ 6 ?I 1J ' 1 1~ • 33 9 l1 25 ' ' " " ' . " .,. l'. fJ • 2J~· " .. • '" ' . • • .. .. ... ,,. '" "' .. " '" " ,, . .. • • ' ' " ' .. " " • 'I ' . '" " ... ' . " " " ' ' ' • lJ t I n nu 2l " . 9 n ' • ' ' ' ' . . ' :lr~~, ~ 16 I • _,,_ • • ' ' . • ' ) :i '" ' -· • ' . ,,,_ ' ' " . ? -\o ' ' . 42 ,_ t ' . ~l 26 • 1 21 .t 1~'4 1, ' .. Ci.. I •• ' ' _, • ' ,, 1~ . ' " • 26 • •1 ,,6 ·~ .. . ' 21 Sl • • l~ •• ' ' \ ' ' ' . " 5 i • , 60 f'• ' ' ' ' . • " ' ,! d • ' J ~t • " ' , . " • ' . ' . " ' ' • ' . ,, ' ' " ' ' ' '" ' ' " '" •• ' l~ . ' . .. l • ' " • .. . -] .,_ "' 11 -• lt ·-~. i~i-·-I -• ! -" ' . ' . . • • !• -.... lOJ it~ GI..-h " ' -. . -. , / -I• '" ' I ' " ' . • • • 1 )f 1~ • • 1 ' • f • ·~ ~ • • " ' I~ l l, , ~ !S\~ • 4 .. ~.:0-1 · 3',o .. , .. • ' . • " ~ ' . " . ·~ ' ... ~ ' • • • •• .. • • • . - " . " .. " ' • .. 1411-'" ,._ ,,, " • ,_ ' " .. ~ " " I -s • ~ • ' ' " " " ' ' ' " • ' • u ·-' " • ' • l • ' ' • ,. I ,~ I • • ' ' ' ' " . ' • -Xl'1~ ' " , ' ' ("J l~r~ ,.•l l c· l<J~ .\\(,!LI :'i -r" uinl" ( t fl I ~ n., 1«f'd 11 f n 1nc-1 I N''i h<. ~ f I .; l!I 2 f ~r.11 .... ar I 1 n ! ~ ~...,4 I h r ,1 rt 1111 I 1•1 Jj 1t r r\ 11/~ vi * ! ,, I lrrl m nBorl1ric !, ~t I ~ 1J 11 tll t nt'~!d 11~ r t I lfrt. I 111 r rl rr \ fl' ~U\ 2 9 , I Hll lf1 l nl el tr ., din \ ill'' It fr r lJY' \ 1 r c 1 , I .. 11\ ll tu $2.fl! I'll!/ II • ) ,, I • J ,! DAILY PILOT AMIL& m..---,...,.-.....,, .. A..,.,., ~AIWilMAS AIATlO. NCI Kr --E f;IU.S LAW , RlACl!,S ... NS $LIN'{ 5"££D DOWN-M~Y ....•. TUMILEWEEDS ' -' HeRl:'S IJr( ANNOA!.11ECREE Pl\OCl.AIMI~ 11!!CeM~Rl!5!h AS· CHRISTMAS PAY IN ~IMY 6UJ.Ol! SEE: 1HAT rPS Fl'.lSTEJ7 • PF.OMINE:Nll.Yl MUTI AND JEFF RGMENTS NANCY - WHAT YA 60Tn!ERE:1 SHl3'.IFF1 PEANUTS b Doug • by. Al Smith by Dale Hale by Emie llllsllllllUer DOOLEY'S WORLD SAU Y IANANAS MOON MUWNS ,. pac, 1 DON'T PARE <00 'TO SllSPAT NIGHT ... I 'THIN!< I COOT G,Al.LOPIN' -"~ llRAIN !>RAIN, Cit SOME THIN'. !!. •• ~~~ LReW~­-~ ... ¥ :t-~#l AAfo;c~oo~! TDDAT'S CIDSSIDID PUZZLE ACROSS 1 Pilot'• n11ceuitv I Thin crilp cooky 10 Ca~lomia Vlllfly 14 "lt's only - " 51 No!M 52 "Al --of ftct" 54 Spinedlh• ... "' 58 European 69 ''°-11 M"'9m r1llglol.i1 ,..,. 15 G•m1on 62 Roedoloki h0fub9ck 16 Calm 83 At anytime 17 Menu Item 64 Kldn.y 18 Utt.red 1lot1d &6 eftZVfMOp-•• of 19 "MDunded ""' .... 20 T•r'• Repl. *tnployaa 86 Refute 22 Sat of dilhn 67 H•r•nou• 24 Fi1:n flrmly In '>DOWN place 1 Hand tool 21. Will<l!"O 2 -m1ctMn1 gelatine 1J PracUce 3 I/alley 30 M1turt1 4 Gather• 31 Greek togethet' goddeu 5 8lblloMWIW 32. Jmptriou• bOdy· 2 37 81 WI wordi 38 Ori.st 8 Hunt• 40 Whert Selem 7 Negative h:Abbr. WOfd 41 Pr191!'9d for 1 Sonowfuf different word ~ I Citmlvol'OUI 43 ThHtet m.mmall MCtlon 10 Having more 44 Umplr•'• l?r-11 ctecltlon 11 Ba of UM 15 Bullnntn'lln 12 Coin1 48 Con.equ1nc1 13 Emotion • • S1tu1dly'1 Putztl Solved: 21 Heat fe1ture 42 Cert1ln :z3 Min of m1ny raceh~ word1 .\3 Gott« GeM 25 C1nner'1 - equipment 48 -··tee: 27 Back Perfect 28 Nonh 47 ·-Amenc.n T~1nl lndlan ·.q Kind of 29 WHpon Plrt tr1n11t 33 Not 49 Over.ct ml;r•IOfV 50 City of 34 Coun figure Oregon otold 53 Spe1kwlldty 35 Eooon 65 Riwrof 38 Unt>letunt Ruaall loot 38 __ fie Give off S1ln11 57 ''Thi 1 M1tie MUnOholy '39 Laughed, in a " WIY 60 Dec•d• ~ JIJDGE PARKER I SHE FtN~LY "!LL tS LYNN llP? l WANT ASLEEP, SAM! I I TO l'ALK TO HER1. HAT& TO WAKE HER! MISS PEACH furv11:E I i SUR&EON5 J ~ I' A1<1£R1CA !. Ci&~ =::x Oo DICK TRACY I • by Harolcl Le Don M~EY, l'V! 60T TO ic;NOW EXACTLY ~IL!. ... TKAT'5·Rio~. OPWTOlt!' WHAT THE PRODLEM IS e~'WEEN KER t WANT TO M,t.KE n f'lMOH-TO >.HD MER HU$&AHO ! FOR SOME l'ERSOH TO Se.R6!AHT REASON, $"'E'S tK>T T£Ll.INC: MS.! FAAlrr(K MARTIN!. ·' • by M.tl by Chester Golllcl -n!AT DID IT! NOW, 'TO PULL OJT Tl\15 • ~K. • JUST REL>J(,,, :-::::1 • by Roger Bradfield by Gus Arriola by Ferd Johnson wn~-')bU'"e Nor<OONNA ltilJiVE THIS, BUT l,l<TeLY AS 500N AS I CLOSE MY eys,s AT NIGHT ·-BfHfO! J <06.T ,,_,Se VISIONS OF SU<iARPLUMS ! - by Roger lolen ~ .. . ''Ille War ls ..... awrled ud ,... yoo~e m~ ~'• .w.c '°.write abeut." .. DENNIS THE MENACE . . .. . . . '1 ~'r lHINK UE ~EM5Eri£tJ Nt6 •••• HE KePT CALLIH' ME '~', • --.., ..... • • . . 17 G I! ~ I ,I , ' I ' .J , ..... 7 , ' .Lag1111a Beaeh • E.DITION Today's Final N.Y. Steeb VOL. 65, NO. 353, 2 SECTIONS, 32 PAGES 01\ANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1972 TEN CENTS Nixon-Removes/Bombing Curbs in N. Vietnam W A5111NGTON (UP) -W h 11 e saying the road to pe .ce "ls \1ide open," the While Hoose said today l'nlident Nixon had removed restrictions oo bomb- ing North Vietnam. · Two days after Nixon 's Vietnam negotiator, Henry ~· Kbalnger, reported his cease-fire negotiations . with North Vietnam to be at. an impasse, Nixon ordered American planes to """""' filll operatiool on the North. RaJd> quickly followed on Hanoi and * * * Haiplmg. U.S. warplanes attacked the suburbs of Hanoi tonight, Tass reported from the North Viet~ capital. II Ja1d a fire raeed north of the ~·ty. The account said attack lasted aboyt 40•rninU\eS. • • . Thil dispatch said: • '!American aviation ·thlJ night made a rald,oo 111~.Jll Hanoi. An •air raid warnliig WU (llfiil In the city during a fllm. llhnw, a.....,..i by tOjNesel!talioo of the provisional revolutionary iovenunent ol the Republic o~ South Vietnam In the ball ol the lnternaUooll Cub ••• "Explpskm were beard a leW minutes lat... The bombing continued unin- terruptedly for ,40 minutes. Bombs were 'dropped ~ kilometers from the center of the city. 'Ille red glow of a fire blazed up north ol Hano\ during the rlld." • (Three to five tikmeten ii about two to·three miles.) Hanoi Radio reported devutatlng a~ tacb against lhe Safgoo-Haipong area in 1'blcb ·~y"' U.S. planes were shot dowil and llOJ1le pilot> captured. ROoaid L. Ziegler, White House prw aeeretary, llllld the bombing resumption -alter a pause of nearly tw .> months as a gesture to IDmulate a peace agreement -was Uitmded to cope with a buildup t11 c.oou:nun11t forces "which -..'OUld lead to -1iOr oll.mfve In jbe !OU!h." Wllile the Preaidenr wu nomoving bombing reatriclions just one -t before Christmas, Ziegler stressed th at the United States still hoped for a peace settlement. ''The road to peace is wide open," Ziegler told reporters. "We want a rapid settlement to this conflict." _ But he asserted, "We are not going to allow the ~ce talks to be used as a cover for anotbet offensive." Ziegler said Nlmn's statement of May a, 1n which be ordered the mining of North Vietnam's harbors and increased bombing, was once again U.S. policy. The presidential spokesman said, the bombing north of the 20th Parallel - primarily the Hanoi-Haiphong area where most or North Vietnam's popula· tion l$ concentrated -had been ordered suspended in October as a moye to stimulate peace effortl. Ziegler's remarks left no doubt that the bombing resumptlon Was aiined at pressuring Hanoi into' making con- cessions toward a peace agreement. Stocks Off 17 Points Dog Hanged In Cle.menw A bJac1: mongrel dog was strung up by a rope near the San Clemente pier through the night and left to strangle, llfegumfs reported today. ' 'Ibe guards arrived for work tlli5 morning and -the dead anJmal hanging by its neck among the swm,a near llfeeuard head- quarters. Two Laguna Trustees Initially Hint . at Ullom Ouster NEW YORK (AP) -Tba sloek market, after plmnmetlng tn·beevy eorly trading, reeouped ..... -. today but remained depreaol!d became ol ataped peace negoUatlonl-and U.. sle!HIP ~ bombing of North Vietnam. At 11 a.m. (PST) the Dow Jones average of 30 lndustrlal st~ was down 10.113 polnis at IOlUI. Earlier, however, the blue chip lndicator was off more than '!be med!UDH!Rd anlmal ap- parently bad hem bonged alter dark SUllday. 'Ille 1IDU3U8l Incident WU being lnvestlgaled by police, this morning, Lifeguanl capt: PbD Stubbe said the incident waa the first In memory on city.be.mes. Several month!! ago a shepherd was mutilated and hanged on a strand in Newport Beach. Special Meeting Slated Tonight 17 points. Declines outnumbered advllllCeS by a Forced Cha' pel By FREDERICK SCHOEMEllL for school districts. stumlng mar11n ol nearly 10 to I among °' .,. - - -Since llUp¢ntendents and asaistant than ... •-~ changed the Laguna Beach ~ o f superlnlenderit.I are not teachers, they do more I.--ex 00 Schools Wllllam Ullom today conllmed not rate lellure and 11181' he terminated New Yorlt Sjock Ezchange at..,. polnL Attendance repoits that two m-ol the llCbool at .&b)' time, .. iDnll u their contracta Larry Wachie~ vice pmldent for board tut woel: ln!<Km..: hlm·he may he are paid oil. research at· .Bache & Co., noted that lired·at tonlghl's spoclal medlng. . ..._ Jo.. ..._ there bad been1a heavy buildup In stocl: R led. llJ.e l -meolllg, which ts expect..i to .,... H H priceo In antldpatloo cl a --· u . · ~a . t::'ti.:.: ~---.... :.cl,. ·-pOn!ata, B · mentm'Vie-.. L , dQl.W~pp"~• -.-·~· ~-'-,e . uun' "New that 11-1 ~lib ....... la J • ' • · Ecm.ollaii °""""''~!a,'": _, .,.. Fl!!'.'fr"""" . .,.- at hand,' ft'• boliad. to ema aome . WASHINGTON (UP!) -Tba U.S. ~--,-~-~(),, ··E· 'Uc_.· ~··' . ~ . • .. unra"'11aw" llo .w, -1!!4P-oaurt .. Qlilli*I lod"1 a lowtr ....,. ..,..... t'lllotee Nllllii w-.r'ift'ldad 1111 ...,~ .. -eQ:t deelllon Dial 11111 ~ Gllislla tllil lalMI ftlhda1 tllll·"l'd ~ tmJaPaul 111a-, liit.W Ille fdt tho Army, Air ror.e and Raval probotil:; ba nlla111• market -.Id ......,. !ta """an! er.ad AeademietJ to require chapel at~ OD .ftldor; aid Ullam, lftl. Gillette F p • • aoon beca..., cl the -hellth o1 the The coor1, without comment. rejected teteplloqpd llfln an1csald the...,_, .or ·OSltwn economy. out oltliO ttptipOf-14 he·ta-Other anllysts said aome lnveston the governmenl'1 appeal from a S-1 rot-"I ha1e 1""""'1 my enluatlam lrom were taking proliis oo llocb which had "-o1 June 30 by the U.S. Court.cl Ap-each boerd memher·an<l'I will be In a risea llbarply In the put few monlha peals in the Dlalrlcl cl Columbia the! pooltim to tait to them about it· In ex· hecauae ol lndlcatlom of_..,. in the lllch regulatlonl -. a violation of ecuUu,--ioa, • j)llom,aald. Paris peace talks. • ttllgious freedo · Accordlnl· to IJ]lom, tbere WU no men- E. W. Fairchild Of Laguna Beach Succumbs at 73 Edmund W. Faircllild, son of the founder of Fairchild Pub I lea t ion 1, publisher of Women's Wear Daily and other trade journals, died Thursday In Hoag Memorlai Hospital in Newport Beach. Mr. FalrchlJd, a Laguna Beach resident, was 73. Private family funeral senii<ts and burial were acheduled at Pacific View Mortuary, Corolla de! Mar. Mr. Fall'Cblld lived at 451 PoplB St. In LqUna and first came to the Qrea 10 }'ears ago: Mr. Fairchild rett,,,.i from company openitloas la 1967. He !lad been. mldwest director a.'KI executive of Fa.lrcbUd Publications, and wu a corporaUon vice president. He is aurvfved by bis wife, Ellr.aheth ol Laguna Beach; a brother, Louis w. Fairdilld, chairman ol the boerd ol Fairchild Publloatfool In New York; a sister, Mrs. Harry T. Martindale of Newport Beach; two dauehte'r11 Mn. Peter Dudan of New Xork and.Mrs. Ben- neU IlCMllen of Marxland. a aoo, E. Wade ol Arizona ; 11 grandcbildren and three great,grmlcl!ildren. Anonymous Tip Leads to Arrest Of Laguna Man . One oonce ol cocaine vllued at • wai oeiud and a :io.~ Lquna Beach ..aklent ~ after· cllY narcollct otflctn acted on anonymous tips Fliday. MJchael SChw-of 21111 Ban 3-Jn was booked on tuSp&ck>n of JIDll!lllllft of cocaine with Intent to tell, •nd agplclon o/ poooeaaion of llllrlJ\llna. lie WU held in Jail ~ In lieu ol fl0,000 ball. Dee. SCI· Nell Purcell aid It allf)emd that hefon olllcen arrlftd al ifa San Joaquin addma. cocalna wu befnl! blended with a wblte powdor. A ama0 amount ol marij1lana wu npartedly aelzed alao. • Amlpmelll -..-led for Toeo-day In Lquna Nljijel Mualdi!.ll'tlourt. . .. ~ .· 'lbe appeals .:..i overruled a declaion lion of tile late ol Dr .. Robert Reev,., usistaot ·IUt*• iidmt rl iDltNction by a federal district judge who found and peraamel mil Dr. Cbarles Ilea, ootbing uncomtilntlooal about mandatory assi9tant --cl lallf"S•. chapel attendance. ContaotOd tlis wmng. '1'11cMnaa aald The actkm strikes down. the com-Ulkm'a rmmU were aabstutlally cor-rict, b\11 that be ..... not aware ol 11111' pul90ry requirements In foree at tbe ~ far Ullam'• reatgnaUon. tllr:ee service academies. Asked bow be aad Mn. Gillette arrived The oervlce academy chapel case wu at the -to terminate Ullom'! ...,.. initialed alby two Weat-~~.t cadeta and =~ = our'ai~'J!': a:::~ nine Niv Academy ·-·-• but I didn't reach my decision until late." Since cadets at West Point are not The decision, he satd, "waa by mutual clooe to outside clurchea, they are .,,. agreement" with Mra. GilleUe, but that quired to at18111 Protestan~ Cathollc er he had not discusaed the matter with 81J1 Jewish aervices al the academy chapel other lnlltee> on the hoanL . Action ... Ille renewal ol the cootracll on SUnclays. '1be Navy has a similar re-muat be made by Jan. 1 'Ille --of quirement. the tlireO top admlnistrat«s .,. aet to At the Air Force Academy, attendance expire June "1, 19'13. . at an establlsl!ed church aervtce on or olf Ullam joined the Lquna Beach Unllled base is ~\Qn' for ~en, school Diltrtct in liM and hM been IQPliomon!I, iii! lf!nlci's, ·-•• n -ccredi~ wtth-helpiol>bolld a ldl!lly in- Tbe appeals court found these rules novatlve Jl('Olfam. He wu formerly constitute "an establishment of rellgion." employed ln the Lompoc Unified SchoQI wbich is banllllil J>y Finl Amendment Dlstrl<t. · Tbe academiel have ei.:emptions for Hesl Jolned the-staff ln t•. ·forntt1l7 comcienUous objectcn but tbe opinion ol the Santa Ana Unified School District. found that only three midshipmen have Reeves aerved as prlncif!'!l ol Laguna . been .,..-at AnnapOus In 40 years Beacb High School lhroulb !l'lll, then and no one bar been excused al Well aasumed dutlea In the new administrative Point. job. . . U.S. D1a1r1c1 Ju.r,. Bowaid F • Ilea. today .. prowd disappiiritment Corcoran bad hdd there la a dlalindloe that the, boerd bu not evalualed his between "attendance" at re 11 g lo u • performance or conaidered an evalualkln. terYices and ''wonblp" m such oo-o( his duties. caalonl. · • The._ recent evaluallon of Hess and - fl Ill appell, the JUlllce f)epettnlent Reevea wu conducted by U11am in April. said the 150-yeaNl!d tradilloo u . a AcllOD by the -tonight -to -ry ingredleet ol olflcer training he legll under ~ o1 the S1u11 Bill and retlrlcis conslltutiOnally ~ -a piece o1 legfllatiOn dealgned to aet righ{I "only to the eztent ......U,. to up eva!UatiOn and performance ,iandardl viLdicate legitimate military need." Jingling Bells Summon POliCe Ah, Jolly Cbristmaa ti me: Goodwill anc1 peoce town 1e11ow men, Banta Claus is Comlq, Jln&le Bella, Jingle Bella. And Illa plplnc voicu of young caroUoc -fill the llr. • . Someone along Skyline Drive -the j1ngle "' bells and ""'"' canlerl "dllturbtnl" and ealled Lquna Beacb police to complain abollt •tnclnc chllclren J'tlday nJClll. °""""' mpooded, and adVlled the alngen llO( lo dlllWrb occupanta by riJlg!nc -belll. I Carpet Store Burns OAKLAND (AP)-Flre swept throqh a earpetlnc *"' bin, ealllinC a • estimated'--la --bal .. m. juries, aulhorllloo Al'· '!be fin -out _, nIPt In Ille Collina Floor COV<llng Co. ... Gran4 AVOlllO and .....-to an adlacent b>- aunnce ottke and a travef qency, ·-Aid. - I •• -drculaled today .about who m1ghl nplace' Dr. William Ullom as Laguna --superintendent ol IChoois if bis COllb act is not renewed at tonight's meeUng of the hoanl ol educatlon. A nwnber ol ......,.. binted -y that Dr. Don!el J. Fischer, ouperintendent ol the w ....... Unioo>SChool Illllrtct, In the Imperial Valley <>JIDlllUlllly ol Warner Spriqp, may be·UDom'11oCCeS10r, William Tboinu, president of the boerd, Mid today-that he bad heard of F-.. bal that he bu not met or talked wltb blm. . 0 I'Ve seen a couple of letters to the edltor from bfm and ·heanl he sent aome clippirigs down here ·&ut that's all " said Thomas. • -coold not be readied for com- ment today .. bis -~ prospects In Laguna Beach. . According to a soorce familiar with the Santa Ana Unified School Di!llrlct, Fiacher -"""' there In l9IK u director of tbe dlltrkt'1 wort experimce prosram. • •• ID ua, the aource said, ll'i8cher was' asked to ... 1gn. . Alter his reslpatfon, Placher -to · the ·Warnei-Unioo Schaol DiatriCI. The • elementary -distrlet encompaues 400. oquare mn... bu 1111 lludents in grades kindergarten through tight .and employs nine teachers. . n..i... ,__ bis -.ie from ~ Galirlel College -a achoo! whlell fw alnce dltcontlnued et..... while merslnc with a small language aris co~ lege In tho Monterey area. Ill a lellor to the"editor that appeared ill a Laguna newspaper in late Sep- tember,, FiJCber wrote, "I have for 20 yeara maintained that the NEA (National Education AMoclalion ) is a pofltical organisation with Mandst pbiiosophy and they are IUpporting the most left wing candidate for president that we have ever bid for the Democratic nomhlet," referring to Sen. George McGovern. Sally J. Deane ~rvices Tuesday l'lmenl ..mce. for Sally J. Deali?.-w\fe ol noted bUUder Ben Doane. will he ~ at aooo TueldaY al Padfie View ci.peJ in Corona del Mar. Mn. Deane, 1 resident oJ 2431 Riviera Drl9e, tasuna Beach, died SUnday in Hoac Me-al Hospital. Sbe WU 57. She bad beeD a resident ol the ""'' for 17 years. 8umvon mn )lasband, Ben; ton, La"" ry ol El Toro; daughter, Janel Alton of !\'"!" Launp: alaler, llr1. WUUam ....... ol Costa _ -; and 1 ... cr•lilrNldrtn. E~·Santa Claues Two Dayton's department store Santas in St. Paul, Minn. were fired from Christmas .season jobs for advising children who asked for guns that Santa does not give. them. Bill Devine and DaITell Baird, both 24, were dismissed after the store issued a memo barring anti-gun statements. Rape Defendant Fails ., To Show Up for Trial , South Laguna trash executive Thomas 1luUa went. on trial alone today tn Orange County Superior Court when his codefendant on rape and se:s: perversion charges failed to make an apptarance. Presiding Judge Bruce SUmner issued a •10,000 bench warrant for the arrest of Eugene Imondi Jr., 35, of Anaheim and aent 'lnlls, 38, Io Judge Claude M. Owena:' courtroom for trial. DiJCUS&ions--between the jurist and lawyers for both men delayed the start o( what Is U1ted as a jury trial. No move had been made toward jury selection at press time. Tru1ls, who ts the owner of the South Laguna Dlsposa.1 Company, and Imondi, known in auto sale1 clrclu It Gene Mon· day/ are accused o f sexual offenses against a Fountain Valley girl •ho told DECK YOUR HA.LL WITH PILOT A.DS Deck your halls with something unique. Look •t this: DECO RA TORS peraooaJ furn I. t' wbt Damask JOfa , I, 7' Herculoo 10f&-nu, 2 Drexel tyPO end lblea, 113Ml50, 129! AUanta Ave, HB. Twen~ -le ..aponded to that ad and a11 the furniture la decorating .new hills. Read the DAILY PILOT classlDed want ada. 'l'ba brlitcilOod' Udlnp. Phone - .+ police the pair told her they were movie producers. The 17-year..old blonde told officers she was persuaded by Trulla and Imondi to join them in t~ back or a car parked at Fashion l&land tn Newport Beach for an Interview allegedly deaigned to assess her filmlng potenU.I. Police said the girl told them obe was asaured by both men that her reactions to thel.r sexual overtures were vltaJ ll she wilbed to obtain a c«1tract for movi.e · and modeling ·rolea. Orange -w..-.er ' Variable clouds on Tuetday, but moolfy sunny sties, according to the .,,alher oervk:e. !lips In the !Os. 1.oWI ttlilght 4WO. INSIDE TODAY llumon tZJ)ef"imtflfatiO'l't f.I not new in t.llU covntf1'. To what ezttnt ahould o " c human be pcrmirl.d to ..W.nQ<r 0t1olher In I/I< ,.,,.. of .motiJic prog. rt111 See •torr cm Page 7. L..M. ...,. 11 -" ......... . _ ... --. ·--. --. .......... , ... awMtalic::#NI 1NI ·--.... ........ 111111$$1 • • ' """' l.MlMfl '' --.. .,...... ...... . --. ,,..,.. ,... .. -., .. 11'd ,.,.... 1MI ·-" -.... ·-. -----. ( • \\ l& Z DAIL V PllOl Dealer Put In Storare For Night ~'!,el• Peacef~1 .. ,Truman 'Very Serious' j ' j 'l'! KANSAS CITY. Mo. (UPI) -II•~ s nrst ttmt slnoe ho onlered tho hooplt•I Trun\an, h.ll heart weak and h1a kidQieJ'I Dec. &. malfuntllo6lng, slept peacefully thn\lgh \She l.s bedridden three Olghts below, the night and awoke today to tell doctor• sutferin& injuries from a fall. Dreves A worker at a Santa Ana me at c<im- pany, still thawing out from a long night spent ln cold storage , told police Sunrlay he was abducted and imprisoned by three burglars with a taste for good steak. that he foll "aU fi&bl" • • uld there wero no word• escballged ,. llOclOri "treaUnlI Ille forllllr"Preoiileol l>etweiD the two. aaid he WAI still nM asioai. •1 i Truman'• wife ·Bea, '1, a l'I d their Jack Wllantt, S7, said he spent Satur- day night locked in the freezer section of a company truck after be stopptd by his firm that afternoon and interrupted a burglary in progress. . UPIT ....... "l!'ormet" Presklent-Tnllban .ij .Uihtly daughter, Margaret• Daniel~48-, spen.t five n\ore alert today arte.r a resUul ntgbt, '' hburs visiting the ronr.er President Sun· Research Hospital .epok.esman John day and then returned to the Truman Dreves sald. · home in Inde~eoce, Mo-, jusl OU~~ Dreve1 said the a.year-old Truinan Kan.su Cit)'. ,tioctbn said TnimaD dtd wu still having problem• Ytlth bis oot s'pealodurliig Ille visit. kidneys; w)llcb have failed to respond to medlcstion for st~ straight days. On entering, Wiliilltl said he was quick· ly sum>W'lded and ordered at gwipoint to open the c:ompany safe. When he refused. be was beaten, gagged, 41nd placed in the back of a company van along with 4.000 pounds of choice steaks. The burglars then drove to Vernon, an industrial area in east Los Angeles. Dmi't Blanie Hitn Aaron Anderson of Leslie, Mich., didn't want any of his neighbors. or even casual passersby, to get the wrong idea when they saw that someone's car had ~xecuted a sideways skid into Q>.e driveway. So he etched a message in the snow cOvered window of hi& "wife's car." "Kidney output still is inadequate but there Is no. increase In []uJd buildup," Dreves said. "He is not receiving any medicatk>n or nutriUon intravenously. It · is belng adminiltered via the nasal gastric tube which be continues to tolerate well." Dreves said bis heart condition, which doctors sald Sunday was so weak that 1t could not_..support a kidney machiDe to cleanse !ti tilood, was sUU unchanged. General Haig ·sent to Saigon For Parley The burglars removed the steaks there, but left Wilantt to spend a long night in the cold. Using a dime and a penny. \Vilantt unscrewed panels from inside the freezer to remove the insulation, which he then wrapped around himself to keep warm. By morning be had removed a wire from a refrigerator and forced it through the door jam. Attached to the end of it was a .nag, which he used to attract a passerby Sunday morning. Wilantt, of Long Beach . told policf: the mis.Uog steaks were worth about &.1,500. Nixon Appointee Central Figure In .Fraud Probe DALLAS (AP) -William P. Clements Jr .. President Nixon's cbolce to be No.~ man at tbe Pentagon, is a central figure in a bitter legal battle..-tbat Involves alleptiom of fraud and conspiracy, plus a d1sPute OYf!t i.icome ta,xes. CJaneutl, several business 8S90Ciates: and Soatl!wtern Drilling Co. of Dallas, -aements. louodld In 1917, are del.Dclaots In a dvl) ouil br<>oibt by an •con1e With Man Mistciken for Hijacker Cooper SEAITLE {AP) -Last April 22, Gene C. Thomas was having diru)er with his wife at the Edgewater Inn, Suddenly, two men appeared at the table and bustled him away. At first, Thomas thought It was a joke. Then the men took him to FBI head· quarters and began questioning him about the hijacking of a Northwest Airlines jet on Thanksgiving eve, 1971. Thomas testified in federal court S&lurday that FBI agenls told blm his friend of 28 years, William Lewis of Seabeck, Wash., fingered hlm as a man stroogly membllng police artist stretch- es of the hijacker, known only u D. B. Cooper, who parachuted 'to parts unknown with $200,000 ransom. Lewis and Donald Sylvester Murphy of Bremerton, Wash. are charged with at· tempting to defraud a former Newsweek Magazine editor of some $30,000 for an exclusive interview with the bijtckt.r. set up a phony interview with Murphy as an imposter. Attorneys for Lewis and Murphy cootend that Flemine became av.·an during the interview that be was nol lalldng with the hijacker but -t ahead with the story anyway. Earlier in the trial, testimony indicated that an article based on Fleniing's ir terview was slated as the cov~ reature for Newawftk but wu killed at the last minute. Tougher Rules On Hot Dogs? Woman Attacked By Nude Patron In Laundry Room Costa Meaa police Sunday arrested a nude, 38-year-old Los Angeles man on charges of assault with intent to commit murder arter officers alleged he ·went berserk in a laundromat and attempted to strangle a Fountain Valley woman. Held In the Orange Counly Medical Center psyciatric ward with charps pending against him 1s Frederick Karl Slurm of Los Angelet. PoJice said the report of the alleged assault came from , ida Ma Brlt~n, 31, operator of the laundromat at 1738 Pla- centia Ave., in Costa Mesa. She told officers that Sturm was in the place and became Involved In a violent argument with a female companion while doing his laundry. The operator asserted that Sturm then began destroying property. Government prosecutors contend Lewis obtained the money from Karl Fleining of Loi Angeles In exchange for on In-~ i.1m""'!"'" wbo 1&ys they lervlew with Murphy, who allegedly pos- -~ him out« fUJI commJaslOm due ed u Cool'!'f. WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Agriculture Department plans to propose a nationwide ban on the use of livestock byproducts such as Ufl'I and spleen In bol dogs and similar foods, a department otDciaJ said today. U the proposal is adopted, ii could l'al!e the cost of 80fOe bot dogS, Militant Secretary Richard Wbea she threatened to "call the law," she told poUee Sturm tried to strangle her with hi.I hands. Mrs. Britten said she managed to lighl off the alleged assailant by hlttlni him with a broon: stick and repeatedly .clouting him over the bead with a soft drink bottle. lor/1111 ~~ one of the Trial wu to rellDll< today 1n U.S. ~oil . '"= . -~ ' lllJ -~ Atoildi.i ,,,.,.~~·tlit ' Pnm to "8di Qemenb for comment 1 set up bis friend a decoy to draJF at· E. LJlll BIN. Federal officials and some meat packers have been wagin& a legal batlle apQI Micldlfg'~ similar attempt to idora! srut'er' bot dog standards than those required by current federal rules. wtte unlQCC!llful. ~ , · from -• Alta the AP dlaclooed emtenC. ii dlia 'l1lo .,_ bU ~""'4 suit Sunday, Clements told The Dallas News the cue would have no effect on hll nomination to be deputy secretary of Defense, announced by the White House Tuetclay •. The multlmlillooalr~ Dallas oilman told the newspaper be WU not a defendant In the ault, but rtfuled further comment. llowover, papers on !Ue In U.S. Dlltrict c:oOrt-ln Dallas clearly name blm u a delftlllant. The lour-year contract to drill 1,000 welll In ArJentlna helped pro p e l SOUibeutem. DOW known as Sedco Inc., from a relatively small wildcat outfit to a v.'Orldwlde operation which last year groased Sl30 million. Vatican Newspaper Discusses the Devil VATICAN CITY (UPI) -The Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Rom an o devoted two of its eight pages Stmday to a subject I.he Vatican rarely discusses at length .,-the devil. Seven theologians agreed Satan exists. Thefr findings supported a speech Pope Paul ·VI made last month which said the evil eilsls -the flI'st tlme'IM-'5-yeat- old pontiff dedicated an entire speech to the ~bjecl. / LI DAILY PILOT 1'11 Or9N1 c...t C».11. Y 'II.OT, "* tllM$ h COl'lltllMd "'-"-'",... ......... ..,. ,. 00...... c.... ............ ~ ...... ,... •n..,. -IMllllNd. #Mflll,l,y ........, .,...,,, fW O..te Mat, NllWPWI ~ f *"'9ltWIM 9"d\/,_lelll V•lf"f, U,.. ~ lr"Mlls.ddltll»ck .,... .... ClltJMftttl te1t Jwn C"9h.tr1no. A tlfllille .... IOMI -'""" .. Mllthtd Selvnlt"' encl Sund..,._ TM ~I putilbhlll(I ~r>t b •I »O Wftf 9-Y S!f'Mf, c:o.11 Mewi, Olllfotl\lfl, f2!13'. Schmitz to Talk About Future Qn TV Tonight Congressman Jolm G. Scbmltz will discll!s bis pl&nll for the Immediate future in a taped interview to be aired for the first time at 6:30 o'clock tonia:bt on KOCE, Channel 50. The program will.be aired again at 8 p.m. Dec. 21 and 8 p.m. Dec. 28. Schmitz was defeated In his primary bid for renomination as the Republican can· didate. ln the 3Sth District by Orange County Assessor Andrew J . Hinsha". He was later the unsuccessful presidential candidate of the American Independent Party. Three Orange County newsmen will in· terview Schmitz on the "Focus Orange County" program hosted by Jim Cooper, KOCE communications director. They are: Jim Dean. eiecutive editor of tbe Register, Thomas Keevil, editor of the !LY mwr. and How.ard.. .lleelye, Political writer for the Los Angeles Times. ·-.Paintings, Shotgun Taken by Burglars Paintings and a aholljlD jointly valued by their owner at "90 were stolen during lhe wetkend from • S<Mll l.eguna home, Orange County Sbertf1'1 'ofllm said . Deputies said tntrudCn. fOrCfi:I Ol)en the rear garage doer at the home of engineer Bruce Kennedy, 49, 2416 Via Taj<n. The owner was away ftom hit home at the time of the burglary. Wedding Noted After the Fact SELATl'YN, England (AP) -.Lonl Harlecb, friend of the late Pmjdenl John F. Kennedy and a former BnUsb ambassador to Washington, wmt to a wedding here canylng the monll>-Old baby of the bride and groom. The bride wu Harlecb's daughter, Vk!- toria, 26, and the groom wu Julian Lloyd, 25, son of an English landowner. They lived together for 10me time in a commune and said tbe idea of gettin1 married never occurred to them unW their daughter, Poppy, was born. Then, Victoria said, marriage "seemed like a good Idea. We would not Ute to d9 anything which could be a band.leap to Poppy later ln life." Right to Bind Bad Boys Uphehl ST. LOUIS, Mo. (UPI) -A St. Louil Coonly ctrcull Coult jury has upheld a f11th-giade lellcbe~s rigbl to · bind ·together th,.! lnkld of two boys who misbehaved In class. Miss Donna CAile, 28, a filth-crade leacher at Frootfie\d School In suburban Bei:keley, testWed 'at the two<lar 1nal thal' she tied the ankles with rubber cut from a lli'e tube for more tban four bourS to leach them to gel along together. llA>llert H. Terhullo Jr., one of the boys, had rued suit C'Ol'ltending the punishment was unreasonable, exceulve a n d malicious. Hussein Rewed Reportedly Marries TV An1iouncer JEllOSALEM (UPI) -King l!Usseln ol Jordan bas left his lleC<lOd wife, Princess Mwia, to marry an announcer on Jordanlan televtaton, the Arable newspaper al Anba said t..i.y. Quoting vlslors arrMDi from Amman, the lsraol govemmcnwupported newspaper said Husseln wed Sou.ha Toukan a week 1.iO· SHE IS A DESCENDANr of a -~romlneot family In BablUI on lbe l•ael~ octupied West Bank of Jordan. Al Anba 1aid ltusseln ha• not divorced Muna, who bore him two IOl'IS, be- ca use MMlem law provkle5 that he con have four wives. THE NEWSPAPER SAW Munn, lhe daughter of a former Brilish army officer, was plannln1 to marry "a well-known Ameri can d.Jplomat." She 11 Uv· lng In London with her two IOlll· Police said Sturm -himself d\lrill&,l\lo !racu and wao talally n~de as he attempted to tJee when equad cars ar· rived. He was 1ubdued and taken to COIJa· Mesa Hospital w~ ti Jihyiic!iin closed a bleedin( 21>-inch gUh on his head with six stitches. · From there Sturm was taken to Costa Mesa City Jail but later traiisferred to Orange Counly Medical Cenler afler he repeatedly slammed his bead lnto a con· crete wall and tried to rip JUt bis hair, police aakl. Mrs. Britten, of 8915 Yuba RIVer Ave., was not seriously injured but police said there were red mark: on Mr throat. Damage to the laundromat coosilted of a paper towel di5pe.nser which the enraged Sturm allegedly ripped off the wllll. At &:td a.m. PST; the former President's blood pressure was 130 over 56, pulse 74, respiration 24 and tern· perature 98.4. . The 33rd President's condition was evaluated by a kJdney specialist SUnday. "Although a final decision was not made ·it was the lmpresslon of the . speci~llst that lhe cardiac a n d cardiovascular situation prohibited renal dialysis," a spokesman said. . Renal dialysis is the ~ of a ma~ to perfonn the function of cleaolng the blood, normally done by healthy kidney•. Truman's sister, Mary Jane, 113, was permllted to visit her brother 10< the Some Students Waive Vacation At Dana Hills The staff and some students at the new Dana Hills High School forsook their traditional Christmas vacation today to start the awesome task of moving into the $4 million campJS that opens for classes in two weeks. 'Band instruments and tons of other items were tbe first pieces to anivt on tbe campus todv.. , The job will probably last Ille eoli'< hnliday vpc;ation ~ , 11i!i>ok-en' for' \lie' music departiil~nt of the high sehool said that dozens of students -many UiiDl!theit own cars·- began the two • day job of movin.g instruments and other gear early t)l1s morning. Since September, the Dana Hills pupils have shared space and dou- ble se:Mions on the San Clemente Hlgb campus. ~ Mrs. Toni Wood said the youths all were excited about the project. "It's like moving into a new bome,'1 she said. "Do they have spirit?" "SUre they have," he added. W ASIUNGTON (AP) -President Nis· on ba's sent Gen . Alexander Haig to Southeast Asia with a somber report or setbacks in the secret negotiatiom to end the war. Haig, .who left Sunday night and is due in Saigon Tuesday. will go also to Cam· bodia, Laos and Thailand in his a53ign· ment "lo bring the leaders of those coun· tries abreast or the status of the Paris negotiations." The White House announced the mission or Haig, top deputy ~ presiden- tial adviser Henry A. KisSiDger, following Kissinger's disclooure saturday of a series of brealldowns In the Paris ~ley. Contrasting with his optlmisllc 'peace ls at band" aco>Wlt Oct. 7.1 of near-- agreement with Hanoi, K i s s I n g er ' s version or the bargaining ,sloce then made it 1eem certain that no settlement will be reached before next year. In the news conference Saturday, Kiss- inger accused the North Vietnamese of delaying the negotiations, bac'-.-tractlng on points previously agreed on and mak· ing new demands during the 31Ai: weeks of resumed secret talks that ended Dec. 13. calling on the North Vietnamese to return to "serious" negotiating, Kiss- inger said "we are one decision away" from a settlement. 'But "we have not yet reached an agreement tbal the President considers lair and just" ipld Ni.son bolleves coo- tinuing the secret sessloos would be "a cbara~ with the An>er!can people" by hiiplyirig imminent peace: . Kissl!lger ref\1sed to spell out what "fUndatnenias' polllt" remain. 6cept to say that Jt was One wblcb the North Viet· namese bad ••accepted two weeks previ.U.ly and laler wilhdrawn." Meanwhile, North V i e t n a me s e negotiator Le Due Tho return.ed to Hanoi today to report to his government OD the secret Indochina peace talb 1n Paris. Radio Hanoi said be earried with blm a pledge Of ·Support from both the Soviet Union and China. Radio Hanoi rejected KlsslDger's charges and said the United St.ates muat sign the draft acoxd announced in October. ---1 .• ' T •J!INlll Eltctrlc S1111efft 1., R•1199 wifli c1..+l11uo11• cl1111l111 o••ll. Modtf J1.1s1t ••••••• ~ sm.t• T1pp1• Gn R•11t• 1rf'ltfi c111tl111v1n 1l11•ifl9 , ...... 4'1.I., Zl2 I 001 •••••••••r ·••••••••T"" Sl6t.fl flPP:'" El1ctrl1 ~''11' "Ifft cet1tl"6 Mt11:~1Mt111h1i °"""• ,Med1I Jl·211J t •••••• ~ •••••••••••••••• ~: .. . . . . ' -. -.s· ... ei!!!OJ Ra~n ,.;.~.m -b... --, .. , . - "9wt t•-~· c " •• cc:110_ii11n .. , L -~~"'•*'"' .... ,_ ..... _ .... ~ ... _____ , __ .. ..., pc•• •:Mt ...... ...._ .• Ccafl 1111 t:lan>i o..i 'ls' 'I :A•t...,, M ........ ~'"~ ................................. ,.. ....... ... ...... Of.--.. ..... ,.,,.. ........... ,...., ................. c:.. ....._'!Qa I so.... 1815 NEWPllRT BLVD. Downtown Costa Mesa· -Phone 548-7788 • ' ' • • ' •• ' ~. Muna, formerly Tony Gardiner, became Huuein'• second wife In the re11tly 19005 after he d.lVoreedith~ ftnt, Who later inarried an Arab a:uetftllL ... , . Di...-. ........ a.11 ............... , ........................................................ ..a ' • • ----------- \ Saddlehaek VOL. 65, NO. 353, ~ SECTIONS, 32 PAGES EDITION .. . ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Today's Final - MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1972 TEN CENTS No Jeffrey Road Work Set Despite Fatality By GEORGE LEIDA!. ot .. 0.IJr ~lltt ,..., The .5anta Fe railroad crossing at Jef- frey Road where an Ea.st lrvlne man died Friday, will not be improved before 1974 and, improvements · expected tben Win involve ooly Widening and •pgraded signalizatlog. lrvine Councilman Henry Quigley ~d he has considered the upgrading Of Jef- frey Road the highest priority whether or not the cooncU approves aJ1C)lher ,.. pensive road project Tu~y night - the ~loo of Cempils Drl-.e .• Councilmen recently placed tJte wJdcn. ing ot Jeffrey Rolid north of tbe San ·Diego Freeway ... Its Uat of highway proiec\S for funding in the tm-71 ;Mter- ial HIRbW.y Financing PioJram '(Al!FP) blidgel. . .. li· apPloved by tbe city repreeentatlves wbo screen such 8ppUcatkm for ;tbe county piogram, Irvine could receive up to 50 pement ol tbe cost. '111e·mn•tnder would be allocated from the dty'• state gaa taa funds -""' committed to road bulldlllg proje<U. Jeffrey ts ooe ol loUr major oortJ>. · llOUth routes ill Irvine which cross · the Santa-Fe mainline from Loi Afla:eles to San Diego. The-Jeffrey c.rossing ts equipped with a waJlllnc slgnal Which was said to tave been -.;orking peiperly when Charles L. Schoonover, 46, owner of the Irvine Geaual Store, was llruck by a train dointl IO mJles .. hour early Friday monilJJC. The breed tnicl(-.U was driv- ing d111wcntoc1 .., 1mpac1 and baked goods -11Catter<d with truck parts for 11!!1 yanls alo!i& the track. Nooe of the 125 -en Ill the Los Angdes-bound train Wal Jnjured. . The lqd4ent was the city's first car· train fatallty since Incorporation, hut COw!cllnian llemy Quigley said he bas for some time been concerned about the city's arteries which cross railroad tracts,.at grade level. "Few realize how many people in north Irvine use Jeffrey Road to get to University Park, UC Irvine or city hall," Quigley said . , Jeffrey becomes University Drive South of lhe San Diego Freeway. North of that point it is a two-lane highway. Quigley .contends that when it la bullt to four lanes, the Santa Fe company will be required to put a crossing signal with drop gates to block through tralflc. "The city can 't force the railroad to in- stall a drop gate before then," be said. Irvine police reported that Schoonover must have .ignored the signal at the side or tbe road. Irvine Mayor William Fischbaclt uid the city should seek grade separations of all city streets which inlersect with the (Se< TRAINS, Page Z) Nixon Resumes Bombing Impasse in Talks Prompts Renewed Attncks WASlllNGToN (UP) -W 1>11 e aaying the nad to pe .. ce "is wide opfn," tbe Wblte House said today President Nlaon bad<h!moVed resti'lcllons oo bomb-Ina Norlh Vietnam. ' two dayi after Niml's ViebWn neJIOllator,. Henry A. Klallnger, reported his -negotlatlops with North Vietnam In IJ!! at '° Impasse, Nlaon ordered Amerlcao planes'to reaulne lull operatiom oa the North. Raids quickly followed on Hanoi and ' Forced Chapel Attendance 1 Ruled~(l1£gal ~; Halpboug. U.S. warplanes attacked the suburbs of Hanoi tolllgbt, Tua ttported from tbe North Vletnamne capital. It said a fire raged north of tbe city. The ac<:oUiit said the attack lasted about «I minutes. The dlspatcll sald: "American aviation this night made a raid on · 1Ublds of Hanoi. An air raid warning waa glveo in tbe city during a film show, arranged by representation of Hussein the provisional revolutionary aovernment of the Republic of South Vietnam in the ball of the International Cub .•. "Ezplosiooa: werr beard a few minutes later. The bombing cootinued unJn. temJptedly for 40 minutes. Bombs were dropped s.5 tuometers from the center of the city. The red glow of a fire b}azed up north of Hanof durlng the raid." (Three to five kilometers la about two to three miles.) Hanoi Radio reported devastating at· Rewed· RefK>nedly Marries TV Announcer . •'llA'.RI (Im)-Kin& Humeln ol =)las lelt. his aecond wife 'Pt;li: i!ii.,.. lo i!itm:' a 1 11Iit1r~1111 zj1¥; telelUI., e.·---· ·.•as.-•• , .. • , •• •tt::;:llrl4ha-·1be -gov~ ·uew4• 111!ld ,ndSoahaTauku•--· ' . Two Da11<>n'i d~t store Santu 1n St. i>au1, J11nn. _.. flred- rrom Christmas HUOn Jobi for advjllng cbildren who. aaed for gillls that Santa does no! ,give them .• llill Deviile and Darrell Baird, both 24, were diJmllsed afler< the store· issued a memo barring anti- gun statements. . ......... -;, ~ -·..-today • """' court de' l• tbla· It Is_~ for the ·AzmJ, Alr Jl'orce and !lava! AcademlM to "!IUlft! chapel.at-. ThO CQUrt, wltl1out cmunent, rejected tbe ,....,.,..,1'i appear from a S.1 ruJ. ing ol June 30 by the U:S. Court of Ap. peats In tbe Dtmlcl of Columbia that ~ recuJatlol!s-were a vlolitlon of religious lreedom. .. ,. •~of a,..,,._ Wllll)> m Bablua oe tlti irieu- «icapW w.l.tonko!Jcirdan. Al ~ aid Husaeln bas not dlvorcod Mu°', who bore hlm two IOlll, Jle. ~ .._,m llw provJdel that be can have four wives. ' · 11111: NBWUAPEll SAID Muna, the daughter of a former British army officer t:!'•"ing to marry .. a Welf-known American diplomat." She Ls liv- Nude, Berserk Man Held In Strangling Attempt The appeals court overruled a decisloo by a ·fediral dlstrlct judge who found nothing lincooltituttooal about mandatory chapel attendance. Tbe actkm slriRs down the com- pulaory requlremlmta In fen:e at the three service academies. ing·il! wtth her two ..... Muna, formerly Tony Gardiner, became Hussein's second wife In the early 00 after· Ile dlvoroed hts first, wbo later married an Arab guerrilla. Valwy Board to Stwly S-ratus of NeuiSchool O>sta Mesa police Stmday arrested a nude, 38-year-old lA>S Ani;-eles man on charges of assault with intent to commit murder after ofncers alleged be ,went berserk in 1 laundromat and 1ttempted to strangle a Fountain Valley wonian. Held In the Orange County Medical Center peyciatric ward with charges pending •gains! him ls Frederick Karl Sturm 'of Los Angeles. Police said the re.P?rt of the alleged assault came from 1da Ma Britten,,' 31, operator of the laundromat al-1738 Pla-centia Ave,, in,._Costa)#?.._ _,._ •. 800 told offi"'1flliit sturm was In the place and became Involved tn a violent argument with a female companion while doing his laundry. The operator asaerled that sturm )hen hegao destroying properly. When she threatened to "call the Jaw," she told police sturm tried to strangle her with his hands . Mrs. Britten said she managed to fight off the alleged a•llant by ,h!Ul\lg him with a broorr suck and repeatedly clouUng him over the .bead with a soft drink bottle. Police said Sturm undressed himself durtng the fra'Cas and wa1 totally nude as he att.emp~ ,to, flee wh~ !Ru.ad c.ars ar- 0r .... Wudiier Variable clouds oo T\lesda)', but mostly sunny skit1, according to the weather aervk:e. Hight in the sos. Lowa tonight 640. INSWE TODAY H umcm t%p8""'1ltft talion ii noc new m. thil countrv. To whot amn' 1hould o" e human bt pennltkd to """"""" anoth<r Ii< th• ..... l1f adcntlffc t>'oO' reu7 S«• 1torv °"" Page 7~ rived. He was subdued and taken to Costa Mesa Hospilal where a pbysidan closed a bleedlbg 2.,._inch gash on his head With six alitches. From there sturm ..... taken to Costa Mesa City-Jail but lat.r translemd to Oraoge Councy Medical Ceat.r allet1ie repeatedly slammed his head into a con- crete wall and tried to rip .JUt his hair, police said. · Mrs. Britten, of 8915 Yuba River Ave., was not seriously injured but police' said there were red mark:: on her throat .. Damage to the laundromat consisted of a papeictowd.dls~ser which the enniged Sturm iiUegedly ripped off the wa!L Police ..Assault Hearing Slated l.eslie Peters, ti, has been ordered to appear in Harl>or Judlclal Dlatrfct Court Thursday for a preliminary. hearing on a charge ol al1mlptlnc to murder lrvlne police officer Stepbm Naab. ·Peters,.a Canadl1n dtlzen who· police say Is the oewly eleded president ol the Onna• County Heaalans cycle ll"li• Is being held In Oranie· County Jail In llau of $100,0GO ball. It is alleged that Petera-eet up an am- bml> for' the 24-,_..icl olflcer oo a deserted Iryine·road Oct. 2'. ~a Wu ~ at his apertm~nt in orange-lot weet.1 DECK YOUR HA.LL WITH PILOT A.DS Tbe aervlce ........., chapel caae was Initiated by two West Point cadets and nine Naval Academy mldshlimen. Since cacleta at West Point are not close to outside chur<het, they are re- quired to attend Protestant, Catholic or Jewish oervfces at the academy chapel on 8undays. The Navy bas a similar re- quirement. At the Air Force Academy, att.ndance (S..,CR.U'EL, Pqe I)' Nixon Appoin~ Central Figure . In Fraud Probe Dill.AS (AP) -Willlam P. Clements Jr., President NiJ.on's cbolce to be No. ! mu at tbe Pentagon, is a central figure In a bitter legal battle that 1n .. 1ves al!egatlonl of fl:lud~llJ!I complracy, pi... a dispute over Lioome taus. How to get a new high school as qWCk- ty as possible wU1 again top the agenda ol tbe Saddleback Valley Unified School District meetlng tonight at 7:30 in the music room i t Los Aliaos Intermediate School, 25171 )foor Ave ., El Toro. Trustees tonight will continue their dhlcussion on pupil b o u s i n g , con~ centrltin1 on receiving reacljoos from -n and cltlmls to tine dillerent lilgh -plans .... Jasl wed<. ,,,.._ will he no dlstrlct ,....,.,. mendaJlon .. any of Ille ready·made ~. ,.,_,.,. not apected lo !aka 1ctkm cm appnrrlng one ol tbe plans, allllovlh thoy coolct • . Liit _.. lnlslees, district Superin- te-WllJlam 1AQ, otaff and students from Mlloion Viejo High School and memben of tbe cltllem Pupil Housing Committee 1'iewed an:bitects' plans for a hlgbldlool. The 4111rlct'I plan is to choose an UP' !&dale bil~alreldy -ed, dellgn for a high lcllool, modify u.wbon..needed ,aiid he ready to go on CllDlltUCtloo after tbe Dog Hanged In C~mente a.....ts, --lllOClalel and Southouteni DrilliDr Co. of Dallal, wbldl Cl-foaDded In 1M7, are llefmdants In • ·clvll .11111 brought by .. Argentine buslnttlman who 11y1 they cheated him out ol lull commtss10111 due for his help in obtalnlng one ol tbe largest oil drilling CCII-In history. A black IDOlllrel dog waa strung Repeated eff«ta hY· tbe A.uoclated Ill> bf • rvpe oear the San Clemente Preis to rMcb a.n.nts for comment pier u..wp Ille nJc)lt aod left to were UlllUCCellful. lltqle, lllqulnll reoorted today. Allot the AP dllclooed eslllence of the The pardt arrived lor worl< lhis lllit Sunday, a.-.111 told The Dallal _,_ ~ -tbe -. al • Nen the cue -have no <ffect on ....,... -arum Deck your halts with ....,thin( unique. bis -lo he depaty -.iary ol hMwti.. hY 111 neck "-the Look at 1hls: Del-• .....-b1 tbe Wbl~-nlop uear llh1•1Td bead- DECORATORS_.,.,.. rum ~~Dollu-told ~~ mlmal ap. 1. t' ,wht Damm IOI.a, J, 7' the:=· bt _ aat • -111 , (IN'llil1y bad been baosed afier Herc111on aofa.nu, I ~ol Ille 11111, n!Ald --. darlt 8"11day. type end U>Jes, illMllil, • r: -•Ille la U.S. Dlltr1ct • 1ltt -1 Incident" was be•ng 8:1111 Atllllta Ave, DB; " Cour( In Dollu -IJ ...,. hllll 81 a ln"'1!Pted by poll"' this momlng. -defendut. W.....,S Cop!. PbU Stul>bo ,.Id Twtnty.m -le reoponiled to that ad • The 1..,..1"1• ~ll'lct lo drlll l,l!I> tbe lnddent was tbe lint In and all the furniture 11 decontln( new -In Arl«Jl!no belpad pr 0 p e-1 memory Oii clly helchel. .balls. Read the DAILY PILOT clalalfted Sout11oa.-ooW mown u Sedoo tat Stvoril moalhs ago I ~ want ads. The brine goo4 tldlnp. Phone f1"'1'1 a ntatift17 llllall wildcat IOll\I i0 was muilla!Od ind ~-on • '~ • -_.u.n. wblrJi laal,,. .lllntlil,Jzl New;.rt Beocb. ----------· II""Od fllO·mllllon. • i ' . . ' •( Feb. 6 bond election. Tbe goal is to have another high ~l open by September of 1974. The new district's only high school, Mission Viejo, is housing 3,000 students. It was built for 1,800. The only high school site in the district which wlll he relinquished lo It when the Tusllo UniOll High School Distr!Ct goes ouf ol IMlliness as of JUiy 1, 1973, is Jocpted west of El Toro Road on Toledo Way tn El Toro. It Js known as the Baker site and l! 4.0 ...... Saddleback Valley Unified District will .beeome oe>e>atlooal Jllil'-Funder terms ·of a unif1caUon electkm last June but trustees have identified a new &igh school as the most pressing Deed. Trusteea lonlght wm also take actioU on. a San Joaquin School District declslGn to fiSe a state school building aid ap- plication on two acbool 1ltes, one in Irvine and c:ne ln Laguna Hills. ~y . §an -!_oaqu!n actioi)s IJlUSl be ratified by tbe new districts 110CO un- flcallon. Jet Pulled From Mud MIAMI, Fla. (AP) -A busy runway at Miami lnternatl01131 Airport waa reopen- ed Sunday Wter workmen a:lnaerly towed a crlppled 311).lon Jumbo jel out of the mud where it had been mired 11.nct mak· Ing an emergency landing nearly 48 hours e111'11"r. The-jet, d<signaled Olghl 723 bound 10< MlnneapolJ..st. Poul via ChJcaao Friday nlibt, 1Utbered , Into tbe mud when Its englneS laUed to revme properly. •• ti ~ .... tacks against the Hanoi-Haiphong .... in wbicb "many"' U.S. planes were sho' down and some r,uots captured. ROllald L. Zieg er, Wblte HOU90 press secretary, llRid tbe bombing resumption -after a pause of nearJy tw > months as a gesture to :rtimulate a peace agreement -was intended to cope with a buildup cf Communist forces "which ... "OU1d lead to arJ()ther offensive In the south." While the President was removing (See BOMBING, Pq~ ZI * * * Market Fall Due t0 Stall ln Peace Ta'lk . ' NEW YORK (AP) -The atock -~ afkr J>lu!n!nellog, In 11ea"11 aarly ' tradlor, recouped """"' loaes today but remained depressed because of stalled peace negotiations and the atep-up in the bombing of North Vietnam. At 11 a.m. (PST) the D ow Jones average of 30 lndustrla1 atocka was down 10.83 points at 1018.41. Earll~. however, the blue ctup indicator was off more than 17 points. . Declines outnumbered advances by a stunning margin ol nearly 10 to 1 llrpong more than 1,500 ilsuel m:hanged iln tbe New York Stock Elcb.ange at one Point. Larry Wachtel, vice presidelll for research at Bache & co.. noted tlaat there bad been a beavy buildup in stock prices In anUcipatioo of a peace - ment on Vietnam. "Now that It desn'L look lib "peace II at hand,' It's bound to cause amne unraveling," be said. Wachtel predicted that declines would persist throughout tbe week, hut aald the market would resume Its upward trend soon because of the basic health of the economy. Other analysts said some tnveston: were taking profits on stocb wbldl had risen shlll'ply In the put-few l(IOlltbs because of indlcatlooa of p-In the Paris peace talks. Mission Viejo School Design To Be Displayed The design of Del Cerro Scllio1 In Mlsalon Vlejo will he-dtsplal"d at the tm Elhlbillon of School At'Cbliecture. be(l:innlnl In January in AUantic City and moving to San P'ranciBCO In April. Del Cerro School, al 11312 Realna st., was -designed by the Los Angeles m:hltectural rtnn , FiewelUng • n d Moody. The same plans with minor ttad- justments W'ere then ued In the new de Portola School al l7011 Preclldos Drive In MlaJon Viejo. The oelectton of Del Cerro wu l1llde by the American lmtltute 'of Architacll an<l tbe --"-!allon ol Sdlool Admllliltralon aller IUbmistloo by Flewelling' and Moody. · t Del Cerro, opened In Septemhef, 1971; Michael Delaney Is Ille principal. A San J-1n School DloCrlct ollJclal said tod1y that other district - have JOCtlved honon for thdr • ol malJOGlY,' lncluclln& Del Cerro. An annl for electrJcal worl< waa .r-by Valencia School in ~na Dlllt. Thts.lf.,the flrli lline one ol Sao,,_ quln'• scl>oola has been lincled oot ... overall ~n 'llOrl<, ho said' , I • 2 DAil Y PILOT IS Dea"ler Put In S_torage For Night A worker at a Santa Ana meat com· p11ny, still thawing out from a lon g n\ght spenl in L'Old storage . told police Sunrlay he was abducted and imprisoned by three burgl ars wHh a taste for good steak. Jack Wtlantt, 57, said he Spent Satur- day night focked ln the freezer section of a company 11"\Jck after he stopped by his fir1n that aflemoon and interrupted a burglary in progress . On entering , \ViJi.ntt said he was quick· Jy surTolUlded and ordered at gunpoint to open the company 5lile. When ht refused. he Was beaten, 11:agged, and placed tn the back of a company van along with 4,00J poundJ of choice stew. UPIT ....... " -@ups Pellet!f ... I \ ·' . Truman Still 'Very $e iious' KANSAS CITY, Mo. (UPI) -Hol)1 S da• htor, Margaret Daniel, 13, spent rive Truman, his heart weak and hls k~ys bouts vlslung the for~er President Sun· maltuncUonlng. .slept peacefully t~ugb di>.yij:anCJ lben returned to the Truman the night Ind awoke today to tell doctors ho in fudepe'ndenct, Mo., ju1i: outside that be telt 11.U right." , ·' · -Ka . ~ Ct{y. Doctors said Truman did -Doctoro lreJting the former Pr.ildenl not IP<•~durlrig the vi•ll. · aald be was st.lit "very serioua . ., · "F~nner President Trumlt\ ls slightly more alert today alter a resftuI night," ~arch Hospital spokesman John Drov., aald. Dn!v'" aal4 t1te &g.year-old Xrwnan ."81' still haVltti problem&• with his kidneys, which have failed. 10 rt1pon<I to medicaUon for slx straight dayt. . General Haig . . Sent f-0 Saigon . The burglars then drove to Vernon, an 1ndu!ltrlal area in east Los Angeles. The burglars removed the steaks there . but left Wllantt to spend a long night in the cold. Don't Blame Dim "Kidney ootput still Is Inadequate but there Is no Increase 1n fiuld buildup," Dreves said. "He is not receiving any medlcalk>n or nutrition intravenously. It is belng adm.inJstered via the nasal gastric tube which he continues to tolerate well." For Parley Ualng a dime and a penny, Wilantl unscrewed panels from inside the free~.cr to remove the insulation, which he then wrapped around himself to keep Warm. Aaron Anderson of Leslie, Mich., didn't want any of his neighbors. or even casual passersby, to get the nrrong idea when they saw that so1neone's ca r had executed a sideways skld into the driveway. So he etched a message in the snow covered window of his "wife's car." WASHINGTON (AP) -Presld<nt Ni" on has sent Geo: Alexander Haig to Soutbesst Asia with a somber report of setbacks in the secret negotiations to end the war. By momlng he had removed a \vire from a refrigerator and forced it through the door jam. Attached to the end of it was • flag, which he used to attract a paMerby Sunday mornln11:. With Us" E. W. Fairchild Of Laguna Beach Succumbs at 73 Oreves said his heart condltlon, which doctors said sunqay was so weak that it could not llUPporl a kidney inachlne to eleanJe hi. blood, was still unchanged. At &:15 a.m. PST, the former President'• blood pressure wu ~ over M, pulse 71, respiration :It and tem- iHaig, wlto left Stmday nlg)tt and Is due In sa1gon Tuetday, wlll go ~ .. to cam- bodla, Laos and Tballand 1n bl.I 1sslp- ment "to bring the leaden of thole ooun- tries abreast of the status of the Paris negotiations." ' Wllantt, of Long Bea-Oh, told police the misalng steaks were worth about $3,500. Man, Mistciken for Hijacker Cooper peralure 18.1.-_ The S3rd President'• condltlon was evaluated. by 1 kid.Dey spec.lallst Sunday. The White Howe anDOllll<ed the mission of Haig, top deputy to presldel>- lial advlser Henry A. Kl.vbtger, following Kis1tnger'1 disclosure Saturday of a .sen ... of breaidoW!ll In the Paris ~rley. Schmitz to Talk , About Future O~ TV Tonight Cpqressman Jolua G. Schmitz will dlsctm his plans for the immediate future In 1 taped Interview to be aired for the first time at 6:30 o'clock tonight on ~ Channel 50. SEATI'LE (AP) -Lasl April 22. Gene C. Tboln85 was having dinper with his wife at the Edgewater Inn. Sudde~y, two men appeared at the table and hus;Ued him away. .At first, Thomas thought it was: a joke. Then the men took him to FBI head- quarter& and began questk>nlng him about the hijacking of a Nort~est Airlines jet on Thanksgiving eve, 1971. Thomas testified In federal court Saturday that FBI agents told him his friend of 26 years, William Lewis of. Seebeck, Wash., finger~ him as a man strongly resembling police artilt ak.etch- .Tougher Rules On Hot Dogs? The FQll'IJD will be aired agaJn at 8 p.m. Dec. 21 and 8 p.m. Dec. 28. Schmitz was• defeated in hl.s primary bid for renomlaat!on a.s the. Republican can- didate Jn,the :15th l)lstrlct by Orange County Assessor Andrew J . Hinshaw. He was later the . unsuccessful presidential canc119"le of the Amef:t""'l ll>ilependent W ASllJNGTDN (UPI) -'Ille Part/, Agriculture Department plans to '1)rf!I Oran&• County newsmen.will in-propo&e a.. .nationwide ban cm ~ =-=-~= Ut:~~~flf!'~~.> KOCE eommuni=. director, They similar foods, a department offlctll ;t:U:, =;., . ._~~"ft t-~ ~~au is ~'Jti DAILY PILOT and Howard 1iu1ye ' 1, ~d ra~cost -OI oome !"!\ polJlical wrJter for the Los AngtJt~ ·· ~ dogs, Assistant Secretary RlCbaid Times. E. Lyng said. Fro ... Pagel CHAPEL •.. at an established church servict on or off base · ls mlliditory for frelbmen, sophomores, and jl!llion:. The appeals court found these rules constitute "an e1t1bliahment of religion ," whleb 11 banned by Fir!lt Amt.ndment. The academies have e1.emptlons for Ctlllleientlous objectors but the opinion found that only three mldJlrlpmen have beeo e1.cused at Annapolis ID 40 years aM no one has been e1.cused at West Point. U~S. Diltrict Judge Howard F . Corcoran had held there is a dl.ttlnction between "attendance" at re 11 g Io u • servlcts and "wol"!lhip" on such oc- casions. ' It. l\s apJ><al, the Justice Department said , the l~year..old tradlUon it 1 necessary lncredlent ot officer training and restricts constitutionally protected righta "only to the extent necessary to vir.dicate legitimate military need." OU.N&I COAIT IS DAILY PILOT n. °"""9 C.. 04.ll"I' P1LOl, Wllft ._... .. ~ lllf Jll_,l'ft .. Is DvbUlfltd by .~or.._ CO.at 111111111111111 ~I'. kle- ,.W ...... .,, 11Ub111Md, MofldW th~ .,...,, fir C.t1 M-, ............ ~ ~ IHc:IVl'l-11111 .... ,...,. ~ ..... fl'YtMl~ w .. " (...,,_.,,, ""' ,..... c.,a.w._ "' ""'le AtlClrlll Wltfln r. JU!tf.._, .. hint•~ ""' kl'Mf•r .. flit lll"lrM:"91 ,_li.t\1111 Jiii!! 11 •I S» Yfftl .... '""· c... .... C.llfwlilll. .... . Jtelt1rt N. WHd ,.,.i. ..... 111 ~~ J•ck R. Cvrl1y \'lea f'ruld.,t Ind Gt!lttal ~ lh•fll•t K,..,11 lfltor lheM•I A. Mwrphi11• ...... fltltor Q.,fei H. L'" •l&h•nl P. N•ll ~·-MMltllll E41 ..... -C..11 MIM1 IJI Welt lty I""" .......,, l&ldl1 am "~ """"""' L...-lteMfirl1 nt hi'ftt A¥tlMI tw•••· llftdl~ ,,.,, ..... 11111011• 1Ma.-t.1 JO:S ..... ~ ... 1J1f1,t I I (J,41 '4J.41n d 1sm.. Mvlfff ••• '4W71 .. c ............... , ....... .,, '414••• 4f'l..4QI .......... """' OrMlt """' "'*"'""'• I ................. l'IM"= '"'"*' fl' .. _,~ ....... ...,..,. .......... ~"--· ._. ___ ,... .. eoo.- c.• .. -................ ==' ~ """ G.1' .......,, Miili.., ............... ~. I. Federal officials and some meat packers have been waging a legal battle against Michigan's similar attempt to enlorce stiffer bot dog standards than those required by .:urtent federal rules. From Pagel TRAINS ... ra ilroad "as soon as we can." Gordon Jones, director of engineering planning for the Irvfne O:>mpe.ny, noted such grade separations roquire approval of the slate Public Utilities Commission before state funds become available tor such bridge or underpas!!I serpa1atlon of hlghway and rail traffic. "W~ aslUrtle there will be grade separations at every crossing. Nobody plans it. They just should be placed there . along wi1b urbanlzation," Jones said. "It's reasonable to say we (the Irvine COmpany) would cooperate to provide rlghts of way at each crossing," Janes added. For any new street crossing a railroad right of way, developers are required to provide land to accommodate lbe width needed to bridge or tunnel under the tracks. Y·ele Awnue, whi ch will bridge the Santa Fe tracks neaf"the Bren Company's Greentree Homes tract, is one example. Although not required to do so, the Bren Company and S and S Construction Company have also aet aside land to be used to build a brkfac tor Culver Drive over the tracka, Jones noted. Funds for grade separation are available from t~ stale, the counly AHFP funds and cities may !pend gas tax funds. Jones said. Although the county has committed $70,000 from ill bridge fund and about another $100,000 from the AHFP 1972-73 budget to complete the Campus Drive ex· tension from Unlveriilty Orl\ft to Carlson Avenue, city 1taff note the fUnda must go for this project. If councilmen do not ap- prove the project before the end of the year, the city wlll lose the ttivtnuc1. Clly Manager William Woollett Jr. has I'll.Id . DOGS GET WOOZY ON . GUTTER WINE CORDOBA. Al'lenllna (UPI) -Wine ran tn the guttera and the nel&hborhood dog,; wbo lapped It up were to dnJnk thfly couldn't walk stnl&ht, said t he ntv.•spaper La Razon. 'fhc canine blnge began at ~:30 a.m. Sundlly when the brakes failed on a truck carrying 30.000 OOttlea of Argentine wine . The truck smtash6d Into 11 wall by the railway tncks but tho dMver manaiied to escape with llg)tl injuriea. es of the hijacker, known only as D. B. Cooper, wbo parachuted to parts unknown with $200,000 ransom. Lewis and Donald Sylvester Murphy of Bremerton . Wash. are charged with at· tempting to defraud a fonner Newsweek Magazine editor of. some $30,000 for an exclusive interview with the hijacker. Government pl"OSeCUton contend Lewis obtained the money from Karl F1eming of Lo! Angeles in e1.change for an in-111 terview with Murphy, who allegedly pos. ed as Cooper. Trlal was to resume today in U.S. district Court. The government contends that Lewis set up his friend as a decoy to draw at- tention from Murphy. The defense has conceded that Lewis · set up a phony interview wttb Murphy as an imposter. Attorneys for Lewis and Murphy contend that Fleming became aware during the interview that he was not talking whb the hjjacker but went ahead with the story anyway. Earlier in ~ trial, testimony indicated that an article based on Fleming's m- tervie• wu llated u the cover-page feature for Newsweek but was tilled at the last minute. Edmund W. Fairchild, son or the founder or Fairchild Pub I ica t ion s , publ isher of Women 's Wear Daily and other trade journals, died Thursday in Hoag Memorlal Hospital in Newport Beach. Mr. Fairchild, a Laguna Beach resident, was 73. Private family funeral services and burlal were scheduled at Pacific View Mortuary, Corona del Mar. Mr. FaJrchlld lived at "51 Poplar St. 1n Laguna and first came to the area 10 years ago. Mr. Fairchild retired from company operations 1n 1957. He hatl been mldwest director a.1d executive of Fairchild Publications, and was a corporation vice president . He la survived by his wife, Elizabeth of Laguna Beach : a brother, Louis W. Fairchild, chairman or the board of Fairchild Pu~tiom in New York; a sister, Mrs. Harry T. Martindale of Newport Beach ; two daughters, Mrs. Peter Dudan of New .York and'Mra. Ben- nelt llOlllen of Maryland, 'ooo, E. Wad< of Arizona; 12 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren "IJthouib a llnal dl!dslon WIS not made, It was the tmpruslon 9' the specialist that the cardiac 1 n d cardiovascular situation prohibited renal dialysis," a spokesman said. Renal dialysi.I ls the uae of • machine lo perform the function or cleaning the blood, normally done by hea!Uly kidney" Tniman's sister, Mary Jane, &:!, was permitted to visit her brother for the first Ume since he enlered the hospital Dec. 5. She Is bedridden three nights below. suffering injuries from a fall. Dreves said there were no words escbanged between the two. Truman's wife Bess, rT, and their l't'otll Page I BOMBING .•• Contrasting with hJs optlmlstlc 'peace is at band" account Oct. 28 of near- ageement wttb H~I. K i s 11 l n g e r ' s venion or the bargaining since then made It aeem certain that oo setUcment will be reached before next year. In the newa coolerenoe S8turday, Kiss- inger accused the North Vietnamese of d<laylng the n<goilatiOlll, baotlracklng on patnts pnvtously agreed an and mat- ing new demandJ during the !II weeks of relllllled ...,,.t talks that ended Dec. 13. CalJlng cm the North Vietnamese lo retum to "terlOU8" negotiating, KJ11- inger said "we are one decision away'' from a aetUe.ment. But 0 we have not yet reached an agreement that the Pn!aldent conald<rs !air and jult" and Nim! belle ... con- tinuing the secr.t ...moos would be "a bombing restrictions just one week charade with the American people" by before Christmas, Zle&ler stressed that implying immlnent peace. the Unlled States still !toped for ~ peace Kissinger refmed to spell out wbot tu m ''fundamental point" remalm u-to se eme . , --r• "The road to peace ls wide opOn," "'JI that It wu one which the North Viet- Ziegler told reporten. "We want a rapid namese. had "accepted two weeb settlement to um conllict... ' previously a.od later wttbdr1wn." But he asserted, "We are not going lo Ne.anwbUe, North V I e t 111 me 1 • ' allow the peace talks to be used u a ~gotiator W Due Tho returned to Hanoi Rape DeLendant v atican Newspaper cover for another offensive." today lo report lo hi• government Oil the 1' Ziegler said Nixon's statement.or fdaY seem Indochina J><ace talu In Pam. Discusses the Devil a, In which he ordered the mining 01 Radio Hanoi said he carried with him a Fal'ls to Appear No~ Vietnam'• harbors and Increased pledlluni·ooeanofd 11Uchppolnart. rrom both the Soviet bombing , was once again U.S. policy. VATICAN CITY (UPl) -The Vatican The presidential spokemuin ·said the Radio Hanoi rejected KJ1slnger's A T • } 0 newspaper L'0asuvatore R o m a n o bombing north of the 20th Parallel -charges and said the United St!ltes must S na pens devoted two of lls elgbt pages Sunday to primarily lhe Hanoi-Haiphong area sign the drafl accord aMOUllced in a subject tbe'VaUcan rarely dlscusses at Where tnost of North Vtetnam•1-popu1a-October. South Laguna trash executive Thomas length -the devil. lion ls concentrated -had been Ordered A Hano! radio broadcut monitored In Trulis Seven theologians agreed Satan exists. suspended in October as a move to Hong Kong saJd the blame for the went on trial alone today in Their fl~gs supported a speteb Pope stimulate peace eCrorta. deadlock "ties entirely with .t be Orange County Superior Court when his Paul Vl made lut month which said the Ziegler's remarks left no doubt thalthe treacherous attitude of the U.S. side irl cod efendant on rape and sex perverslori devil exlsta -the first time the 75-year-bombing resumption was limed at seeking reconsideration of the Oct. 20 cbarge1 failed to make an appearance. old pontiff dedicated an entire speech to pressuring Haool tnto making con-trtaly, to whlcb the United Stlte5 SIJ'eed PreslcUng Judge Bruce Sumner ls.sued the subject. cessions toward a peace agreement. and promised to sign on Oct. 31." a Sl0,000 bench warrant for the arrest of 1----'------------------'----'--------'-----_: ______ _ Eugene Imondi Jr., 35, of Anaheim and -..,..__..,.._,....,.... •• llnJlltF"\JDlMJIG ...... ~lllBJllJ'~~••IM•--'I! sent Trulis, 38, to Judge Claude M. Owens' courtroom for trial Discussions between the jurist and· lawyers for both meII delayed the start of what is listed as a jury trial. No move had been made toward jury selection at press time. Tru1is1 who is tbe owner of the South Laguna Disposal Company, and lmondl, known ln auto 1ale1 clttle1 as Gene Mon- day, are accused o l sexual offenses agaln!lt a Fountain Valley girt who told pullce .the pair told lier they were IDW!e producerr. ' The 17-year .. ld blllnd< lold officora 11te was persuaded b)' Trulli" and Imondi to joln them in the back of 1 car parked at Fashion Island In Newport Beach for an Interview allegedly , designed to asae11 her !Urning potentl.l. " Police said the glrl'lold them alte wu ssrured'bJ' bOtb· men that her reactJorus to their Hmll overtures wert vital lf 1he wished to obtain, a cootract for movie and modeling roles. Wedding Nored After the Fact SELATl'VN, England (AP) -Lord Harlech, friend of the late Pmldent. John F. Kennedy and a former British ambassador to Washington, went to a wedding here carrying the mooth-old ba by of the bride and groom. The bride was Harlech'• daughter, Vle- lorla, 28, and the ~. wu Jullan Lloyd, 25, ton ol 111 _Engl.lib landowner., They lived together tcr aome Ume 1n a commune 111d aa.ld U\e tdta of ptttng1 nia rrled never occurred lo them unUI thelr d1qbter, Poppy, wu born. 1 Then, Victoria said, marrlap "M<med. Uke a good Idea. We would not lite to do 1nyth1ttg which could be a bll!dlClp to Poppy liter In Ute." ' Man, Wife Convicted SAN FRA NCISCO (AP) -A m•n and wife were convicted In the lll.Ylrta of the husband 's father, whose body wu found. floaUng off a plor Jut Jui,. A. jury o( eight women and tout men oonvlctM · Calvin McCrlllltt. U, and bll wire H•r· riet, 23. .of tnt-degree. murder actet' more than elgbt houn of dellberatkm1. . . I I . "-"" ., ..... "" .-e..n ••··~ oi. .. ..,......,.,,...,.. •=• -........ t': ...... .., .................. '"' .... ,..,.. ,...,. .. .... ..... w&r ...... ..._ • c ....... c ..... ow. ..... ......, ... ... .,_..... ..... .,_ llMh. AN ..._ .,... , ...... ,, ...... ,..••ult Mt fttf11t ..... Of ........... ,..,. ........ , .. Miiy ............... c.. -C-0- MIMltll Oft CALlllO.,.IA'I LAll••tT m COOllllllATIV• •U"l'IHO OUUP WITH THI VOLUMI llJ'l"IHO ~ l'OWlll: Ofll Ht ITO•ll . '• .......... 'HUIMIMY'IU,M.. 181.5 NEWPORT BLVD. Cowntown Costa Mesa -Phone 548·7788 ' " I 1 --\ I " ' • • Huntington Beaeh Fountain Valle -• VOL. 65, NO. 353, 2 SECTIONS 32 PAGES I ' • ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA • Teday's Final N.Y. St.eeks MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1972 TEN CENTS Huntington Plan Calls for .16% Open Space By TERRY COVILLE ot IM Dllty Piiot lltH About 3,000 ac,:es -II percent of lhe land in Huntington Beach -will be re- tained for some type of open space ·~er proposals from the city planning depart· ment. PlaMers are wofking on a· com- prehensive open space program aa re- ,quired by a new state law. By Jun..., 30, t.m, the city must· 'adopt an official "Local Open Space Plan." • Tax Shift Bill Signed By Reagan LOS ANGELES (AP) -Gov. Ronald Reagan signed Into law today a landn>arl: II.I billlc>n property tax relief and school finance bill that affects virtually eveey Californian. The measure was maneuvered through the 1!'12 legislalive session by the Republican governor and Democratic Assembly Speaker Bob Moretti. For Reagan, it culminated six years in which bis elforts to win approval .of ma- jor property tu relief for California homeowners was frustrated, largely in the state Senate. For More~ it is another major legialative acblevement be can take to the voters 1f be runs for governor in 1974 -as be bu Indicated be plans to do. For the tupoyers, the first big impact will be • 1 pereeot -ln the stat• aales tu -JW>e -from 5 pen:<DI to ob: percent sla~ - llenlera and homeowners will begiJI aettina Ibo --. bow11a , la u.e !Orm;oi ~ tar -mi niiter rtllef"next fall. -• ·~ ,,,._~ ......... --~ rucbed !lie Govemor't ... ad t>Oc. I -t111! final day of the l!nr-lm lil!"s!lon. )n general, here b what the plan - generally nicknamed by Hs legislative bill nmnber, SB 90 -envisions for Callfomla lupayers: SALES TAX-'nle state sales tu C~ "Pone cmt per dollar June 1, making the eO'mbined state and local rate sh: cents per d9llar In most of tlie state. It goes to Ill cents ln San Franclsco, Alameda and Contra O>St.a eotmties. SCHOOLS -'lbere will be 1 net In- ....,. of '5111 mlDkm In state aid to local llCbools, brtnglng the total to SU blllton. Of the increase, $332 million ls ''new" mooey and the remainder will be U9ed to "'11 back local property taxes med for ICbooj, support in "low wealtb-bi.gb tu" ~ESS TAXES -State bank and corporation taus go up by U percent oext July t, raislng them to t percent on corporations and u pereent oo banks. 'l'l!e !O per<ent uclusion In the business tu goes to 45 percent next year and levels oU at 50 percent the year after that. .. ,. Tougher Rules On Hot Dogs? WASlllNGTON ,(UPI) -The Agr!clilture Departn\ent plana to prepoee 1 nationwide bon oo the uae of llvestol!t byproducts auch u lrpoi and 'l'leen In hot dQP and ' liml)ar foods, a department official said today. II the proposal Is adopted, it ' •coold-ral9e-tl••"-' ol· '""""' hot dogo, Aeststant Secretary Richard E. Lyng said. ~ederal officials and some meat paclren have ~, 1lfllllnl a legal battle agalft:ri ·1ttiChlpn11 almitar attempt to enloree atlff_!._~do& standard• than -""'~~ by -federal rules. DECK YOUR HA.LL WITH PIWT A.DS De<:k )'llur halls with 11<>methlng unique. Look at this: ' . OEXXJRATOllS pel'IOlll lllm I, t' wbt Ilomaal: IOI~ I, r Herailon aofHMJ, a urexel type end thlet, llMllO, 181 Alllota Ave, HB. ., Twen1)'tlX ....... ~ .. a.I Iii and au the fumiture 1a ---halls. Read tho DAILY PILOT cluaifled want ads. The brq pod lidtlWL Phone - • • The city already has adopted an in· terim plan which lists current city parks and sets policy. but Tueaday night, the planning commissiob will rt"lew pro- posaJs for an additional 735 acres of pote,ntial open sapce: · Fred Ritter, an a_ssJstant city planner, hes prepared a report 'for the com- mlssi90 ouUining five spetjfiC areas which appear likely· to become open space or ought to become open space. Ritter says exact locations have not UPtT......a ~•Srltolar Wendell L. Willkie II. 20, of Wayzata, Minn., a llarvri senior who is the. grandson of 1940 Republican presidential candidate Wendell L. Will.Irie, was named one of 32 U.S. Rhodes scholars. Truman Remains 'V ~ry Setious' But He's A"lert \ KANSAS CITY, Mo. (UPI) -U.rry S Trwnan, his heart weak and hfs kidneys malfuncllonlng, slept peeoefully through tbe night and awoke today to tell dodors thit-be felt .. 'all right." . ' Doctors treatina; the former Pres1dent said he was still .. ~·serious." "Fonner Ins\denl TMiman ls sllghUy more alert today after a restful night," Rese!"d> lloopital. spokesman John Dreves said. Drnet siid f\le><lf.ytll'-old -Truman- wu .still haying Piol>lem• with bis kklnllY.. ·which have .failed to· respond ro medica loo fOr SIJ: straigbl· dafs, .. ltfdneio output sun la Inadequate but there 'b: no lncr~ in fluid · buildup,•• • Dreves said. "He Ja not reoel!!i!c: any medicatfoo or-nutrftiOD liitraviOOUsly. It Is being administored via the nasal gastric tube which be continues to toter.ate well." 1' •lletr'• IAlst ' been fixed in some cases, but the five ad- ditions to_ the oPeD space plan include: -Thirty acres a& the northeast comer of Adams A venue and 'Beach Boulevard, known as the Newland estate. -Fifteen acre, of bluff acrea -it In- cludes an archeology site and a stand of eucalyptul 'trees ~ ne8! EIPa A venue and Newland StreeL . · --Sixty acres of bluff area · around the -Glllca'Bay tne$11. --Nlnety acres ol bluff area mi the west side of the Huntington Beach mesa, extending from the central park to the ocean. -The .s.:JG.aett Bolsa Chica marsh proj· ect propoged by the state Department or Fish and Game. !litter's report is concerned primarily · with updating the open space interim plan, and conunisaloners will ·not be ask· ed lo adopt any specllic areu ·Tuesday, . be said. II all the acreage proposed is held for open space it will add up lo about 12.5 acres or open space !or each 1,000 residerlts in the city, Ritter said. '!bat figure is based on an e!tJmated ultimate population of 230,000, and it in· eludes the Bolsa Chica area not yet an- nexed to the city. Orange O:iunty recommends a minimum of 10 acres of. open space for each 1,000 residents. Ritter said most cities are having tfou. ble reaching even the minimum figure . Huntington Beach open space in<?ludes parks, beaches, school sites used for golf courses, the &Uson rtghl~f·way, flood control channels and water chan- nels in Huntington Harbour. "Relatively speaking, we're in very good sh11:pe for open space," Ritter said. "We also have access to Sunset Aquatic Park and MJ!c Square, even though we c!on't count them in our open space," Nixon Resumes Bombing Impasse in Talks Prompts Renewed Attacks W ASIUNGTON (UP) -W h i I e saying the road to pe .ce 1'ls wide open,'' the White, &use said, today President Nixon bad removed restrictions on bomb- ing No. Vietnam. (Related story, Page 3.) Two days after Nixon's Vietnam negotiator, Henry A. Kissinger, reported his ~fire negotiations with North Vietnam to be at an impasse, Nlxon ordered American planes to resume full operations on the North. RaJdlJ quickly followed on Hanoi and Building Ban Extension On Agenda A ll).da1 estemla--Gf 1be T-·IAI bUilding moratorium will be eonntered by l!Je Homtlnlton Beach City Council lonflbl . '!be cumml to-day building ban expires today, bu! city staff ,members 1ey they have not been able to complete a study of the Town Lots requested by the council. Two weeks ago, City Admlnlstrator David l!Owlands told councilmen ii would take another two to three-months before planners could fiilish the Town Lot study. The Town Lot section which falls under the moratorium Is bounded by 17th and Golden West streets, Palm Avenue and Pacific Coast HJghway . Much of the Towu Lot sector Is vacant Jaod, though pockmarked with r:usty wells, tanks a n d other equipment left over from the cle)'S ol the oU boom. '!be city would like to plan the area to take 1 advantage of its ocean orientatkm. It is zoned moStly for apartments now. Some planners suggest allowing higher density apartments in the area to ell- courage consolidation of the smaller parcels ol land. The Town Lot section is also considered a prime candidate for high rise residential construction, Councilmen will hold a public b .. ring on tbe proposed moratorium at tonight's 7 o'clock council moetlng. · Several builders already have objected to an extension of tbe moratorium and some councilmen have lndkated_' they may have second thoughts about it. It will take six votes from the seven.- man council to continue the moratorium as an emergency m~ure. -The Town Lot bearing beads a list of three scheduled bearings for tonight's meeting. . The other two involve zontng regula· llons. One proposed change would switoh tho city zoning code to allow planned residential development in an R..f (high ~ensitY.} a_partment 1.011e. Under an R-4, PRO zone, a builder ~d conatruct S5 units per acre with a limit of 35 -.U. A standard apart- (See TOWN'LOT, Page Zl Haiphong. U.S. warplanes attacked the su~urbs of Hanoi tonight, Tau reported from the North Vietnamese capital. It said a fire raged north. ol the city. The account said the attack lasted about 40 minutes. The dispatch said: "American aviation this night made a raid on suburbs of Hanoi. An air raid w8rning was given in the city during a film show, arranged by representation of the provisional revolutionary ~ovemment of the Republic of South Vietnam in the ball of the International Cub , •. "Explosions were heard a few minutes later. 11le bombing continued unin. terruptedly for 40 minutes. Bombs were dropped J..5 kilometers from the center of the city. Tbe red glow of a fire blazed up north of Hanoi during the raid." (Three to five kilometers is about two to three miles.) Hanoi Radio reported devastating at· Market Falls Stncks Off 17 Points Initially NEW YORK (AP) -The stock marl:e~ alter plununetlng ln heavy early ~. """""°" --today hul ',1fiiiM:•••· ,i,.. .... ..,. .... -~llcma and the olep<lp ln the bomhlns al,Jfort\I Yleloam. , Al noon" (PSI') the Do w Joo" average ol IO lnillD!rill lltocb was down 13.92 point. al'IOIUI. Earlier, however, the blue chip Indicator was off more than 17 Points. Decllnu outnwnbered advances by a stunning margin of nearly JO to I among more than 1,500 l!suea exchanged on the New York Stock Ei.change at one point. Larry Wachtel, vice president for research at Bache & Co., noted that there had been a heavy buildup ln lllo<:t fe\it'i!"v'e.tioq·~J l'ft'ril!W , "Now that It desn'l look IJke 'praCe 11 at band.' Jt's bound to ecua llOIDe unraveljng," he said. Wachtel pn!dicted that decllnes would persist throughout the •k, but aald the market would resume Its ,upward trend soon because of the basic health of the economy. Other analysts said 90me lnveaton were taking profits on stocks which had risen sharply in the past few months because of indications of progress in the Paris peace talks. Valley Residents to Have Fluoridated Water in '73 I Fountain Valley residents can expect to have fluoride in tbe1r drinking water in January. City officials have announced the first well to be fh•idated will be in Colonia Juan?z. It isthe city's main source of water with a pumping capacity of 2,800 gallons: The Colonia Juarei. site is the first of five water sources which eventually will be fluoridated by the city. The first we'll will be in operation for three months prior to beginning the fluoridation of the second well. The city will evaluate the efficiency of the fluoridation equipment during that time. Four of the wells will be fluoridated by October 1973 with the fifth connection at Warner Avenue and the Santa Ana River being hooked up upon completk>n of that well in July 1974. Fluoridation of Fountain Valley drink· ing water was approved by voter1 in June, but has been hotly contested by fluoride opponent George Llndegren. Llndegren currently is trylng to get ac· lion on the matter by the Orange County Graoli Jury because ol what be claims were misleading statements on the sam· pie ballot. Lindegren's previous appealJ to Orange County District Attorney CecU Hicks and State Attorney General Evelle J. Younger were denied. Uig Sur 'Disaster' tacks against the llaool-Haipbonc area in which "many"' U.S. planes were shot down and some pUots captured Ronald L. Zlegier, White llouse press secretary, .aid the bombing resumption -after a pause of nearly twJ months as a gesture to 3limulate a peace &greement -was intended to cope with a buildup ri Communi!t forces "which .. 'OUld lead to ar.other oUerWve in the south." While the President was removing (See BOMBING, Page%) Mesa Police Nab Nude Man On Assault Rap Costa Mesa police Sunday am>llOd a nude , 38--year~ld Los Angeles man on charges of assault with intent to commit munlor alter olJker( alletwd hi went berserk ln a l1wldromat and attempted to strangle a Fountain Valley woman. Held In the Orange County Medical Center psyciatric ward wlth charges pending against bim Is Frederick Karl Stunn of Loo Angeles. Police said the report of the alleged assault came from Ida Ma Britten, Jl, operator of the laundromat at 17311 Pla- centia Ave., In Costa Mesa. She told officet1 that Stunn was in the place and became involved in a vJolent argument with a female companion while dOlng his laundry. The operator asserted that Stunn then began destroying property. When she threatened to "call the law," she told police Sturm tried to strangle her with his hands. Mrs. Britten said she managed to fight off the alleged assailant by bitting him with a b"""" stick and repeatedly clouting hJm over the bead with a soft drink bottle. Police said Sturm undressed himself during the fracas and was tota:llyttade as he attempted to flee when squad can Br· rived. He was subdued and taken to Costa Mesa Hospital where a physician closed 1 bleeding 311-inch gash ·on bis htad with si.J sUtches. From there Sturm was taten to Costa Mesa City Jali but later transferred to Orange Counfj!,iledical Center alter ht repeatedly slammed 'hla head Into a con- crete wall and tried to rip 1A1t his hair, police aaid. Mts. Britten , ol 891$ Yuba River Ave., was not seriously injured but poUce kald there were red mare on 00 throlt. Damage to the laundromat consisted o( 1 paper towel dispenser which the enraged Stunn allegedly ripped off the wall. · .Dairy. Gives Way to Homes WASHINGTON (AP) -The Small Businesit Administration has declared the Big Sur area of Monterey County • disaster area because of mudslides due to heavy rainfall on Oct. 14 and Nov. 15 ApplicatloM for long·term, lo•lntt:rest loans to repair or replace damaged home•. personal property, businesses, churches nnd schools will be accepted at the SBA San Francisco regional oUice. w Variable clouds on 'l'ue<day, but mostly IUllDY ak..,, l«Ol'dlnl. to the weather aervice. •Jllgha In the 11111. Lows lonfgbt 4,Wt. The last or about 17 dalrlet whlch ooce flourished In Fountain Valley Is llCbedul- ed to be leveled to mab room ror • lllS- home townboure development. '!be Environmental llevelopmem CGm· l1*"I' o( Irvine .~:..the William Lyona l!ullc!trs ol NewlN'' lleach eipect to bollD COllBlructlon OD the dairy Ille, al the ~-al Eudld -lld U,,.... Awoue, -tllle Iller llll flrll of the ;rear, according to citJ PJm. ninl! l>lrector Clint Sllmod. · The dairy, operated by XI v I er Apbesoetobe, has beon tbe target of com-~ •bout' flit!> mi f<M -. by nellhborin1 resident. for ,.veral years. tn June 1970, resldent1 of nearby Lehnhantt Avenue In Santa Ana com- plalned about the odora and Olea from the dairy. The ..... t,y health department .,_ ducted an lrupoc:tJon and aald the dairy WU okay. ' • ,AllDllllr petition canipalp WU about lb lie -by n.ta.nta ~ the --..-.rortheto"tmbollse ~---'lbo r-i.1n v alief·HimtlnC!on Beich .... la -red by•Ciollry· -to be •• .Ideal locotion lot milk productloo t.e<w tribe mlld-r. '- COws produce more milk Ill the mild climate!,. according to the local dairy --Joe Courreies, head of a plooecring farm.-lamlly · ln Fountain Valley, sa ys bigb pnipeny tuea have fatted the delrymen and other fanner1 In the area to -the~ en~. '!'be Jut remolnb1& dall")I ln the Hun-lln&ton Bead>FNltaln Valley II F.d'• Dolt7 on the comer al Bolsa C1llca Street and .ijell Avenue Ill Homtlngton• Bea.:h. nil. ~ tUUibu 1.1evcn-"ar lease, •cooM!i\f" to• .llaby, llllllllpr Ed· ~~ • DOGS GET WOOZY ON GUTTER WINE CORDOBA, Araentln• (UPI) -Wine rnn in the guttera and the neighborhood dogs who lapped It up !'•re so drunk thay couldn't walk 1tral1ht, 1aid the newspaper La Razon. The canine binp bepn 11 4:30 a.m. Sunday when the &ru.S failed on a !ruck carrying ao,ooo battles ol Arpntlne wine. The lnH!k l!ll8Sbed Into 1 wall by tha ralfway tracks lluf U. driver ....... ed to e!!Cape with light InJarlel, • INSIDfl TODA>Y f Hvmon •%J>frimcnktffon fl nor ...., fn this cou~trv. To what iztefte 1h.ould o • • huma.n be pmftltt<d to ~" aoo!Mr m the .. .,. of lld4nUflc prog- rtu1 Sit •tot'\' °" Paoe 1. L.M, ltN ,, Mill u...n tt ..... ~ .... .. c........ ,. ............ . ~ .. ~c..w • ~ » .......... . °"""""' • .... ... :::'it..... : . =-·~-: ......... 1 ,,,. ,...._ -..... ... _. . ,.., ......... I -~-... # .. ... . . .. ... ..._ .~ ·- I . ' ., I • " • I ' r-:.Z::..DAl.=L:Y=-Pll::O:-T:-:-:-:-::-:.._".===~M·oftdly,.-. 18, 1972 Sex Classes Unchanged Harbour Totii Ban Proposed HunUn1to1i 8eodl Councilmen wtll .. -tootct>t lo ptObllllt Ille ~ of m•tee.Nft r1ft1 . !UWboards or any other objects Jn ltunlington Harbour. A short towing law -restricting all towing except of other boats - Is Jl!'Ol)OOe<l. A spokesman for tn'.e harbors and beaches department said the.re has been a problem with boateni towing you ngsters a round the Harbour channels on surrt>oa.rds a n d bomemade rafts. Tbe towers tend to go too fast, ~reating too much wake. and the channels are often too crowded, the spokesman said . There are about 3,500 boats in HunUngton Harbour. Water ::.;.... is already proh.lblted there. • ""' Doctor Hears How . Son, 19, Killed Parents PITTSBURGH (UPI) -The family physician listened but could not believe the 19-year-old college student who told him he bad killed bis parents the day before, and for no apparent reason, police said. So the doctor took the youth home -and saw the bodies. As a result . Jack L. Colin Jr., 19. a Uni versity of Pittsburgh sophomore, \\'as charged with tbe murder of bis rathe r and mother. Police said young Colin shot. beat and stabbed his father, Jack L. Colin Sr., 44, and his mother, Leona, 43 in the family's surburban Natrona Heights home Thurs· day. Police Chief Zigmunt Walkiewicz quoted the family physician, who was no t identified, as saying Colin told him : "I don't know why 1 did it. My dad and mother gave me everything.'' WalkiewiC'l said Jackie, an only child , apparently had no troubl e with his parents. The chief said JackJe went into his fath er's second-floor bedroom and shot him rive times in the head and chest with a .25 caliber pistol, then weot downstairs and abot his mother in the bead, as she lay convalescing with a sore back. Then he pistol-whipped her and stabbed her iour timt$ in the chest. The student went back upstairs, Walklewicz: said, and abot bis father again with a .22 caliber pistol to make sure bis father wu d<ad ... Countian Held On Murder Rap A Westminster man was in Orange C.ounty jaU on a homicide charge today after a Sunday afternoon domestic quar- rel apparenUy triggered 1 bamlOlll fighl llead Is ·Alejanclro Lorma-s.linu, -s; o( 5.1191 Sun.swept Ave., Garden Grove. He was working as a bartender at Kings Inn Bar, 3535 W. Fifth St., Santa Ana , when he was allegedly shot in th.i cbest. ·lsooked on suspicion of murder is Richard Edward Ruvalcava, 35, of 14861 Stengal. Bail ha! not been set. Police aaid the alleged shooting ap- parently stemmed from an argument betwem the two men ovtr Ruvalcava's ..-11e. f'remPqel TOWN LOT. •• ment project In R-4 zoning can provide up to 43.S units per acre. -The thlrd public bearing involves a re- quest for c-4. ( oommercial) zoning on asr!cullural land behind Huntln&ton Ceoter. Additional commercial stores are planned there . DAILY PILOT Bo • se1n Rewed LCoast S chool Chiefs Comment on New Hula Reportedly Marries TV An1iou1icer JERUSALEM (UPI) -IOllC lluaeelti of JOl)!M hN Jell blJ .....,.i wllt, Princtu Muna1 to marty an annouocer on Jotdaolan televJ.aioo. the Arable newspaper al Anba aid today. BJ ()BORGE LEIDAL cw .............. New state gufdellnes regulattng 1e1 education in California scboohi are ex- pected to hav~ Uole bnpact on lh'! W>Y such classes art conducted now , Orahge Coast school chiefs agreed today. Dr. John W. Nicoll , superintendent of tbc Newport-Mesa Unified S c b o o I District.. cited ODIY one difference he had noted in news accounts of the board.a['- proved new guldelloes. 'Mle requirement for superintendents to review the use ol "outside resource people" -guest lectures, "puts the monkey on my hack," Dr. Nicoll said. Except that it limits decentralization of ~ f!lr ....... al ..... tptaken, Dr. Nicoll -.., ptrtic:'Jlar problem in the new requirement. Jaci. Roper, superintendent of the Hun- tington Beach Union High School District, sees oo ·problem or algnUlcant chnnge in the new rules. •·we infonn parents and send them a list of all classes in which any family llfe. or sex education unit is laoght," be aakl "All of oor materials and prograzm are open to parents for review," Roper said, adding, "I wish a few more would take advantage of the opportunity to r<!view them so they'd know what we are doing." I With Man Mis taken for Hijacker-.Cooper SEATILE (AP) -Last Apr!l 21, G<ne C. Thomas was having dinner with his wife at the Edgewater Inn. Suddenly, two men appeared at the table and hustled him aWay. Valley to Ac t On, Parks Bid For 55 Acres Fountain Valley City Councilmen are expected Tuesday night to seek federal he.Ip to acquire 55 acres in Mlle Square Park for the development of a recrea- tional complex. An application will be submitted by the ci ty to the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation to ask for transfer or the land to the city, if councilmen approve. If the application is approved, the city plans to construct a $1 .3 million recrea- tional fa:ility which will include baseball diamonds, lighted softball fields and ten· nis courts. Other facilities will include basketball courts, outdoor handball courts and shuf· fie board coorta. City planners originally proposed to develop two recreation sites, orie on 13.1 acres adjacent to Fountain Valley lligh ScMoI and the other a 41 .5 acre site at Mile Square Park. Following talks with the Bureau of OUt· door Recreation, however, councilmtn said the acquisition of a larger site at Mlle Square might be more ad· vantsgeom. The cost for the two site development was expected to run about $1.S million because the city would have had to buy the site next to the high school for $375,000. Estimates by the cily Parks Depart- ment also show«! that the rnalnlellance of one site would be less expensive. C!ly fOWlcllmen will meel al 8, p.m, In the ·eommunlty Services BuUding. Victim Comes Home As Burgl ar Leaves When Oe:nnis Hooton returned to his Huntington Beach home lrom a holiday outing Sunday evening, he thought he heard one of the windows at the back of the house being shut. In checking ,the house al 6842 Rook Drive, Hooton discovered. that an assort- ment or ~elry worth about ,1,400 and $200 in cub was missing. Police saJd the thief a ppar<ntly broke Into the home t~ the ruf window and left the same way when he heard Hooton return. At first, Thomas thought it was a joke. Then the men took him to FBI head- quarters and began questioning him about the hijacking of a Northwest Airline.s jet on Thanksgiving eve, 1971. Thomas testified In federal uurt Saturday that FBI agents told. him bis friend of 26 years, William Lewis of Seabeck, \Vash .. fingered him as a man strongly resembling politi! artist sketch- es of the hijacker, known onJy as D. B. Cooper. who parachuted to parts unknown with $200,000 ransom. Lewis and Donald Sylvester Murphy or Bremerton, Wash. are charged wit.h at- tempting to defraud a former Newsweek Magazine editor of some $30,000 for an exclusive interview with the hijacker. Government prosecutort contend Lewis obtained the money from Karl Fleming ()[ Los Angeles in exchange for an in- terview with Murphy, who allegedly pos- ed as COoper. Trial was to resume today in U.S. district C.ourt. The government contends that Lewis set up his friend as a decoy to draw at- tention from Murphy. The defense has conceded that Lewis set up a phony interview with Murphy as an imposter. Attorneys for Lewis and Murphy conteod that Fleming became aware during the interview that be was not talking with the hijacker but went ahead with the story anyway. Earlier in the trial, testimony indicated that an article based on F'Jeming's In- terview wu slated u the cover-page feature for Newsweek but was killed at the lut minute. Prom Pagel BOMBING .•. bombing restricti,ons just one week .before Christmas, Ziegler stressed that the UnHed States still hoped for a peace settlement. "Tbe, road to pea.oe ts. wide open," Ziegler told reporters. '*We want a rapid settlement to this conflict." But he asserted, "We are not going to allow the peace talks to be used as a cover for another offensive." Ziegler said NW>n's statemtnt Qf May 8, in which be ordered the mining of North Vietnam's harbon and increased bombing, was ooce again U.S. policy. The presidential spokesman oald the bombing oorth al the ltlth Paralld - primarily the Hanoi-Haiphong area where most of North V~tnam's pop$).a· tioo is concentrated -had been ordered suspended in October as a move to stimulate peace efforts. Ziegler's remarks l~t no doubt that the bomblllJ n;Rl!!IPUDIL was aimed .• al pressurmg Hanoi into making ooo- cessions toward a peace agreement. Meeting for Ocean View Year-roilnd Foes Planned An lnlonna!lon-1 meeting for parent. wlto arr opposed to )'Ur-round ochools In the Ocean View School District wtll be held at 7:30 ~·Ill· Wednesday at the Murdy Park Community Center. Joe Milano, ip0"8mtn .for the Com- mittee of Parents Opposed to 45-15 (Con· tinuoua: Year Ed\Jcatlon ), said the meeting ts being -called to "do something about lnformin& parents a.bout 45-15 before they vote on It In February." Under a plan approved earlier this month by the Ocean Vlew trustees, teacben in 21 or thci district's schools Police Assault Hearing Slated Lolle Peten, %!. hat boon ordered to appear in Harbor JudJclal District Court Thunday for a preliminary hurtna on a chatJe ot attemptln; to murder lrvlne police olficer Stephen Nosh. Peters, • Canad.Ian citizen who police say ls the newly elected pre1kfent of the Orange County Hessians cycle gang , Is being held In Orange County Jell In lleu ol $100,000 ball. It lt alleged that Petus 1et up 10 am-il<t911 lor the 24-yur-o!d olflcor on 1 d...n.d Irvine rood OcL 2.l. Peten was arrested at h1s apartment In Oron;e Inst ....it. ' .. "',, , • wl!I vole on the YW'niund plan In January and in acboois where teachers approve U, parents will be polled a month later. Two of the district's schools -West· mont and Crest View -already are operntlng on a continuous year plan. Parents from those two schools will vote on continuing the plan later th~ l!lprlng. The Glen View School will also be ex- cluded from consideration in the upcom· ing voting because parents did not ap- prove the plan last year and school trustees said it would be unreasonable to make them vote on it again. Mila= said !be mett!ng fl being held lo oraanllo parents on • nelel@rbaod baals 0 for an lnformaUooll campaign." . "Every study I've M.111'1 hU recom- mended one to two yean be UJed to Mt up a cootlnuous education procram., \n· volvlng the pannls, co111111unllf' Cd buslnes1t11. "The Oc<en View School Boord hat not given sulllcient lime to dlaemlnate b\- formatioo to the publlc and to allow them to make lnlell lgent decisions,~• he said. The pion currenUy Uled In the pilot program 11t Westmont and Crt!t Vltw 11 called 1;.11 beca.,. students attend cl"" for 45 days (nln<! weekl) and 'then.hive a vacation for 15 dayt (three wetkl) coo- Unuously through the Y'&f· Miiam'• tn>uJ> Is not ·alflllar.4 wllb anoth<~o ltlon 01111\lzatlon led ·by Henry L y. That ·group lt called Cone Partnts of Huntington -h. Stanley Com, ~tell\leflt of the new !nine Ulli&d 8dlOol District agreed on Ibis polnl "I don't anUclpate any problems with the new auidellnes whattoever," he ·said, ,adding ·(bat his knowledge of the rules was ba,ect on news accounts. "We haven't recdved the new guidelines yet," be noted. Aa b true with nearly every other pro- cram to be offered tn the new district next year, Corey said be will llave to fNiluale the procrams beJng off~ by the emt!ng districts -Tustin Union High and San Joaquin Elementary -to be able to comment oo what changes the n•w ruiel might require, Dr. Nicoll said bis adminlstraUon would not oilln.gle this one subject out ind let Jt become a bugaboo in the Newport-Mesa dlstrict. "We are not violating the earlier (John G.) Scbtni~ bW requiring noUficatton of parents of the coo.ten\ of our cqufleS," be said. District policies provldo lor parents to ~ve tb'elr chil<l ftm\1-the program, he added. The new rules re(ltlil'.F' iea~rs. o'f ·sex eduCatloo l6 have undergtme 'tr&lnlng for their field. Dr. Nicoll suggests district procedures already provide for this. William Zogg, superintendent of the new Saddleback Valley Unified District, similarly said be Mctn't seen the new guideline~ When be does review lhem, 7.ogg said he would hope the superintendents' ap- proval or denial of outside classroom speakers does not "take the onus of responsibility off the person who might do amnethina: unethical o r un- proresslonal." 1.ogg wonders if there is to be legal liability for the actions of those a superintendent might approve for a classroom appearance. Search for Lost Dory Fisl1erman Continues Toda y Authorities today continued the search for the bodies of a Newport Beach dory fisherman and bis daughter believed lost at sea last week off Huntington Beach. ltuntingtoo Beach lifeguards, aided by the city's police helicopter, still have -found no trace of Allen Knight and three- year~ld Patricia, discovered missing from their small boat last Wednesday . The helicopter has been making regular sweeps off the ocean off the state beach but so far there have only been false alarms. The copter spotted objects under water twice over U!e_ tveek~d but wbAl ~~rs go< to them, l!hey lotind on!Y !ullrnel'ged junk and part of a sunken boat. Huntington Beach Llfeguard Captain Doug D'Amall aald the patrols ~ and dives U needed -wiU continue daily tm- lil some trace of the bodies is found. He speculated todiy Ibey will probflbly appear somewhere off northern Newport Beach because of the direction of prevailing currents. Authorities speculated Patricia fell overboard and Knight went in after her, only to be dragged down by his heavy fishing boots. Quoting vl&lton i.rrlvlng ftom Amman, the I.sraeJ govemment-supportc:d newspaper said Hussein wed Souha Toukan a week ago. SllE JS A DESCENDANT of • prominent lam!ly In Bahhl! 00 the laraell· occupied West Bank of Jordan. ' Al A.nba said Husse:tn has not dlVOtted Muna, who bore him two sons, b&- cause Moslem law provides that he can have four wives. THE NEWSPAPER SAID Muna, the·dallll1!er of I former BriUah .army officer, wu planning to ·marrr "a well-koovm 4i0erican diplomat." She ii liv· !Ilg In London with her two IOOS. Muna , fonnerly Tony Gardiner, became Huaseln's 9eCOnd wife ln the early 1960s after be divocced first. who later married an Arab guerrilla. Court Ordered to Rule • ' On.AF Pregnancy Case WASHING TON (UPl) -The U.S. Supreme Court today directed a lower federal cobrt. to determine whether there is any 1nG1er a legal dlsplte between Cap!. Susan R. Struck and the Air Force over her discharge in 1970 after she became pregnant. '!be Justices agreed Oct. 24 to hear the case but the &ovemment claims the situation hu changed to a:ucb an extellt that the cue should be dismls!ed. The high court sent her appeal hick to U.. 9th U.S. Clr<ul! Court of Appeals for a d<lerm!natloo of this question. The Justice llepartment . told the Supreme Cowt !bat Air Fo,,,. r.gul•· tions hive been changed and oll!cers may now request a waJver to avoid discharge on aecount of pregnancy. Capt. Struck was granted a waiver on Nov. 29, and "will he permitted to con· tinue her service as a commissioned of- ficer in lbe Air Force," SoUcltor General · Erwin N. Griswold told the court. The American Civil Liberties Union, which 15 representing Cap!. Struck, call· ed the government's move "a flagrantly outrageous effort to remove fro.n this court's scrutiny an issue of overnding Max Shlaf er's Last Rites Held Funeral services were held Sunday for Max Sblafer, a ret.lred Auoclated Press teletype operator who died of cancer ·at his Sea1 Beach hotne Friday. H'! wu 65. Shlafer had· lived at 11100 Alderwood Lane with hls wlle1 Ramah. • • Shlater was born in Lodz, Poland, on May 2S, 1907. He jOt\ed the AP in Newark, N.J ., in 19.11 arid worked in New York. Boston, Salt Late City, and Lo6 Angeles. Services were held at the Sinai Memorial Park, Hollywood. Surviving are his wife; daughters, Barbara Irene Wagner of Salt Lake City, Dorothy Judith Friedman of Beverly Hills and Frances Arlene Baron of Northridge; a aon, Stuart of Salt Lake City ; and four grandchildren. pubUc importance." - The .ACLU said what is needed in a rul- ihg that pre~ cannot be singled. out for "special .,'illsadvantaged treatment from among oftler phya!cal t'OOdltions ~ casioning a period of temporary dlsablh· ty." As ol now, !be ACLU said, the only ctu.nge is that a pregnant officer Is sub- ject to the "charity of a military· com- mander" instead ol. belng d1smls!ed sum- marily. Capt. Struck has continued in service because Justice William O. DouaJas stayed the effect of a lower court decision ln favor of the Air Force. Council to Get Building Laws In Huntington Two new Jaws affecting construction in HunUngton Beach wU !be brought to the city council tonight f.,. preliminary ap. proval One law doubles the amount of perk land a developer must give to the city, the other tlghlens the rules for planned residential developments. Under the new park dedication rules. developers wlll be asked to give five acres of park land to the city for each estimated 1,000 residents their project would attract. A developer ctn give money instead of land. The planned residential development Jaw lowers the number of homes-per-acre allowed in each type of r.oning and,. a1ao restricts the total number of bedrooms In each planned community. -.._, Boys Held in Murder BAKERSFIELD (AP ) Two juveniles, aged 15 and 17, have been booked for investigation of murder ln the fetal shooUng of a Bakl!l'lfldd men, police say. Authorities &aid Antonio Soto, 24, was found Saturday with two bullet wounds In hi> che.t. • . • I 1815 NEWPORT BLVD. Downtown Cosb Mesa -PDe 548-7781 . -' ,, • ' S ervice AcademiN Court .Rejects Rule on Chapels WASHINGTON IUPIJ -The U.S. Supremf' court upheld today a k>wer court sfeclslon that It is unconstitutional for the Army, Air Force and Naval Academles to require chapel attendance. The court, .,.,lthout comment, rejected the government's appeal from a 2-l nil· ing of June 30 by the U.S. Court of Ap- peals In the District of Columbia that such regulatio.ns were a violation of Rape Tritil Beg ins Minus 1 Defendant South Laguna trash execu tive Thomas Trulis went oo trial alone today . in Orange County Superior Court wben his codefendant on rape and sex perversion charges failed to make an appearance. Presidlng Judge Bruce Sumner issued -SI0,000 bench warrant for the arrest of Eugene Imondi Jr., 35, of Anaheim and sent Trulis, 38, to Judge Claude M. Owens' courtroom for trial. Discussions between the jurist and 1.nwyers for both men delayed the •tart of what is listed as a jury trial. No move had been made toward jury selection at press time. Trulis, who i~ the owner of the South Laguna Disposal Company, and Imondi. known In auto sales circles as Gene Mon- day, are accused of sexual off~ against a Fountain VaUey girl who told police the pair told her they were movie producers. The 17-year-old blonde told officers she was persuaded by TruJls and Imondi to join them in the back of a · car parked at Fashion Island in Newport Beach for an intervie)V a1Jegedly designed to assess lier filming potenU.al. Police said the girl told them she was assured by both men that her reactions to their sexual overtures were vital If she wishecj. to obtain a contract for mqvie and, modeling roles. Dog Ha11 ged In Clemente A black mongrel dog was strung up by a rope near the San Clemente pier through the night and left to strangle, lifeguards reported today. The guards arrived for work lhis morning and found the dead animal hanging by its neck among the swings nea r I i f e g u a rd head· quarters. The medium·sized animal at- parently hod been hanged aflar dark Sunday. • • The unusual incident was bein1 investigated by police this morning. religious freedom. The appeals court overruled a decision by a federal district judge who found nothing unconsUtutlonaJ about mandatory chapelatlelldanee, The acliOn strikes down the com- pulsory r<quiremmta in force at the thtee service· academies. · The service academy chapel case was Initiated by two W.est Point cadets and n~ Naval Academy midlhlpmen. Since cadets at ·west Point are not Close to outside churchea, they are re-- quired to attend Protestant, Catholic or Jewish services at the academy chapel on. Sundays. The Navy has ~ slmllar re- qurremen1. At the Air Force Academy, attendance at an established cburch•service on or off base is mandatory for freshmen, .sophomores, and jL>niors. The appeals court ·foond these rules constitute "an establishment of religion," which is banued by First Amendment. The academies have exemptions ror conscientious objectors but the opinion found that Mly three mldmipmen have been ei:cused at Ann1polb in 40 years and no one bas been em.uied at West Point. U.S. District Judge Howard F . Corcoran bad held there Is a distinction betweeq "attendance" at re I i g i o u s servicd and "worship" on such oc- casions. lt its appeal, the Justice Department said the l~year-old tradition Is a necessary ingredient or officer training and restricts constitutionally protected rights "only to the extent necessary to vir.dlcate leglUmate military need." E. W. Fairchild Of Laguna Beach Succumbs at 73 Edmund W. Fairchild. .son of the founder of Fairchild Pu blica tlons . publisher ol Women's Wear Daily and other !Tade journals, died Thunda,y In Hoag Memorial Hospital In Newport Beach. Mr. Flllrcllild, • La1111Jl8 Bead> resident. wu 73. Private family fuheral services and burial were scheduled at Pacific View Mortuary. Corona del Mar. Mr. Fairchild lived at 451 Poplar St. In Laguna and first came w the area IO years ago. ~ir. Fairchild retired from company operations in 1957. He had been midwest dlrectot a'ld executive of Fairchild Publications, and was a corporation vice presiClenL He is survived by his wife, Eliz.abe.th or Laguna Beach ; a brother, Louis W. Fairchild, chairman of the board of F~d ~tb!a~ns in ~w York; a s1Ster, Mrs. Harry T. Martindale of Newport Beach; two daughters, ~1rs. P~ Dudb.n of New York and Mrs. Ben- nett Doulen ol Maryland, a son, E. Wade pf .Arizona;; 12 tr*ndchlldren aDd three great·grandthildren. Noel Steals Tree11? Ll/eguard Capt. Phil Stubbs said the Incident was the first in memory on city beache s. Several months ago a shepherd was mutilated and hanged on a st.tand· in '"Newport Beach: ... PITI'SBURGH (UPI) -Police !iave charged Martin Lewis Noel, 23, with larceny in the Dec. 11 theft of $500 to $600 .. \\lot&h of ... CJJristJ:naa. trees from a lot in suburban Pertn Hiils. . . . Sadness at Cltristmas Montt.y, Otctmbtr, 18, 1972 H O~JLV PI LOT 3 to Saigon UPIT ......... Also Going To 3 Other Cou n tries \VAS HlNGTON lAP) -President NiJ· on has sent Gen. Alexander Haig to Southeast Asia with a somber report of setbacks in the seeret negotiations to end the war. Haig, who left Sunday night and is due in Saigon Tuesday, will go also to Can.· bodia. Laos and Thailand in his asslgn· ment "to bring the leaders of those coun- tries abreastJ of the status of the PRris negotiations." · The White ~louse announced the mission of Haig. top depqty to pre.sii:len· tial adviser Henry A. Kissinger. follow1ng Kissinger's d,iscJosure Saturday of a series of breakdowns in the Paris parley. Mrs. Jack Monroe of G rand Ra pids, Mic h .. has a Christmas card for a thief. The card, shov.1n on a grave, reads "~e:ry Chri~tmas to the party \"ho stole my little boy's wreath." The grieving mother plac~ the sign on the grave of her 9-year-old son, who died of cancer Nov. I. Contrasting with his optimistic "peace is at hand" account Oct. 26 of near· agreement with Hanoi, K i s s i n g e r ' s version of the bargaining since then made it seem certain that no settlement will be reached before next year. In the news conference Saturday, Kiss- inger accused the North Vietnamese of delaying the negotiations, bacl..1raclong on points previously agreed on and mak · ing new demands during the 3'f.i: weeks of resumed secret talks that ended Dec. 13. Record Crowd Expected For Decisio11 on llllom By FREDERICK SCROE!\1EHL Of ltrlt 0.llY Piiot SI.ti l4guna Beach Superintendent o f Schools William Ullom today confimed reports that two members or the school board la.st week informed him he may be fired at tonight's special 1neeting. The meeting. which is expected to draw a record number of parents. teachers and other interested persons, will be held at 7:30 p.m. at the Education Center, 5.50 Blumon: St. Ullom said today that Board Presidenl William Thomas and Trustee Patricia GiUette told him last Thursday that ··I'd probably be released." On Friday, said Ullom, Mrs. Gillette telephoned him and said the easy way out of the tight spot would be to resign. ... .. 1 have received my evaluations from Nixon Appointee Central Figur e In Fraud Probe DALLAS (AP) -\Villiam P. Clements Jr., President Nixon's choi ce to be No. 2 man at the Pentagon. is a central fi~ure in a bitter legal battle that involves al~egations of fraud and conspi racy. plus a dispute over i;;.,.--ome taxes. Clements, several business associates and Southeastern Drilling Co. of Dall as. which Clement..s founded in J947. are defendants in a civil suit brought by an Argentine businessman who says they cheated him out of full commissions due for his help in obtain ing one of the b.rgest oU drilling contracts in history. Repeated efforts by the Associated Press to reach Clements for comment were unsuccessful. After the AP di.sclosed existence or the suit Sunday, Cl~ments told The Dallas News the case would have no effect on his nomination to be deputy secretary of Defense, announced by the White Hou,e Tuesday. The multimillionaire Dall as oilman told the newspaper he \.\"as not a defendant in the suit, but refused furLlier comment. Hcwever, papers on file in U.S. Di.strict Court in Dallas clearly name him as ~ deleodanl. The four.year eontracl to drill 1.000 wells In Argentina helped p r o p e I Southeastern, now known as Sedco Inc., from a relatively small wildcat outfit to a worldwide operation which last year grossed $130 million. Schmitz to Talk ' each board member and r will be in a position to talk to them about it in e>.:· cculive session ," Ullom said. According to Ullom, there was no n1cn- tion of the fate of Dr. Robert Reeves, assistant superintendent of instruction and person: :ii and Dr. Charles Hess, .assistant superintendent of business. Contacted thi s morning, Thomas said Ullom's remarks were sulx;tantially cor- rect, but that he was not aware of any request for Ullom's resignation. Asked how he and M1 s. Gillette arrived at the decision to terminate Ullom's eon· ~~~~ ~':soursa~~·~~·: a ~~ge~~; but I didn't reach my decision until late." The decision, he said, "was by mutual agreement" with Mrs. Gillette, but that h" bad not discussed the matter with any other trustees on the board. Action on the renewal of the contracts mi..st be .Jta_qe py Jan. l Tb;e contracts .:if th e lhree top administrators are set to expire J une 30, 1973; Ullom joined the Laguna Beach Unified School District in 1964 arid has been crediled \vith helping build a highly in· novalive program. He was formerly employed in the Lompoc Unified Sch6ol District. 0 'Th ree B urglcirs Lock Worker In Meo t Fr eeze r A \VOrker at a Santa Ana meat eo1n· p<>ny, still thawing out from a Ion!( night spe.nt in C9ld storage. told police Sunrlay he was abducted and imprisoned by Ulree burglars v•ith a taste for good steak. Jack \Vilant t. 57. said he SPf!nl Satur- day night locked in the freezer section of a company lruck after he stopped by hi s firm that afternoon and interrupted a burglary in progress. On entering, Wil<intt said he 'A"as quick- !y surrounded and ordered at gunpoint to open the company safe. When be refused. he was beaten, gagged. and placed in the back of a company van along with 4,000 pounds of choice steaks. The burglars then drove to Vemon, an indµstrial area in east l<ls Angeles. The burglars removed the steaks there; but left Wilantt to spend a long night in lhe cold. Using a dime and a penny, Wllantt unscrewed panels ,from inside the freezer to remove the insuJaUon, which be then wrapped around himself to keep warm. By morning M had removed a wire from a refrigerator and forced it through the door jam. Attached to !he end of it wa s a a ag, which he used to attract a passerby Sunday morning. Wilantt, of Long Beach, told poU ce tt.e missing Steaks were worth about 53,500. Calling on the North Vietnamese to return to "serious" negotiating, Kiss· inger said "we are one decision away" from a settlement. But "we have not yet reached an agreement that the President considers fair and just" and Nixon believes con- tlnuing the secret sessions would be "a charade with the American people" by implying imminent peace. Kissinger refused tO' spcU out what "fundamental point" remains except to say that it was one which the North Viet· namose had "accepted two v.·eeks previously and later withdrawn." Meanwhile. North V i e t n a m e s e negotiator Le Due Tho returned to Hanoi today to report to his government on tbe secret Indochina peace talks in Paris. 1 Radio Hanoi said he carried with him a pledge of support from both the Sovie: Union and Cllina. Radl.Q_ Hanoi rejected Kissinger's clr.frgeSMd said the United States must sign tbe draft accord announced in October. A Hanoi radio broadcast moni\ored in Hong Kong said the blame for the deadlock "lies intlrely with the treacherous attitude of tbt U.S. Ude in seek.in& reconsideration of the Oct. %0 treaty, to which the United States .1greed and promised to sign on Oct. 31." A spokesman for the South Vietnamese Foreign MinJstry said a cease-fire v.·ithout the guarantees demanded by the Allied side would give North Vietnam an opportunity to take over South Vietnam. o. IF IM A LITTLE U\TE AT 0 o YOUR HOUSE", IT'S 'fCRUSr l'M HAVING A alQST ' QT MAGGI'S • HELPIN6 "ER MARK DOWN OVER 1000 ; BEAUTl FUL ITEMS FOR \'OU" X-MAS SHOPING • FOR ·exAMPL! / , . Abo~t, Futv.re ' " l;roicded Ble,,ele, • The Shooyang Acrobatic Troup of Chioa makes Its U.S. debut fn • Chicago today, featuring this group of 10 women sharing • blcycle. ' 11 is the C1nt vlslt by any Chln,se live arts group to the Unlled States •.si nce the Communist revoluUon fn 1949. __ , .. on· TV Tonight Congresamao John G. Schmitz will discuss his plans for the immediate futW'e ln a taped interview ·to be 3ircd for the lint time at 8:30 o'clock tonight on KOCE, Channel 50. The pr"MJ'lm will be aired again at 8 p.m. J)ec: 21 and 8-p.m. Dec. 28. Schmitz was defeated in his primary bid ror renom.lnaUon as the Republican can- didate in the 35tb District by Orange County Ane.ssor Andrew J. klrishaw. He was laltr the Ullsuecessful presidential c&ndkllte of the American Independent Party, 'l'htee Oranae County newsmen wil l in- terview Schmit! on lhe "l,.ocus Orange County" program hosted by ~im Cooper. KOCE communications director. They ere: Jlm Dean, executive editor of the Register, Thomas Keevll, editor of the · DAILY PILOT and Howard SeelY'!, political writer for the Lo! Ange les Times. , .• SAVE $ 50 QI> ~~. ·-- ON T\tlS 8iRUTIFUL SPANISM MARINER COCKT"IL T"IM.I IC" 1' 1'7" .. T"'e NOTO"\OUS PRICf CUTTfR OF CANNlkY VILLaGI •UDO NM. WISM lNG . YOU • vouas A MERRY . CHRISTMAS AGGI coaa's NkNlTU•• ~o a1 "tr. 6't1·1,aa . Ne\UPORT U~H I I • .. 4 DAILY l'ILOT ..... Apollonauts Get Set for Splashdown with Tom arphine .... , .. l~t •• We Could Use Disney Lighter DECK THE HAUS DEPT. -All you need to do th.is Yllle season to put your Quistmas decoHtlng effort! i :\ t o penpectlve is take a little evening visit up 10 Ol!lleyland in Ana¥m. Dtsoefland has a Christmas tree in the town' square that mll!t stand three stories tall. It must have a thousand llghta. Topped by a slar that blinl!!. They put on a Candellght caroling Ceremony at the park. Each of the scores of carolers carries a candle, l..ater in the evening they have Fantasy on Parade with all the Disney characters. Many of the parade units carry lights that b1fuk or wink or change colors. SPACE CE!>"l'ER, Houston fAPI - With the major :ipace e1plolts behind them, the Apollo 17 astronauts perfonned lut-minule packing a!U houaek<C>lr>i chores today in preparation for thetr homecoming. Astronauts Eugene A. Ceman, Har- ri... H. Schmitt and Ronald E. Evans weer right ou course for a splashdown in the Sou1h PaciCic at 11:24 a.m. (PST) Tuesday. Their ship America was operallnfl perfectly. · Apollo 17 was to pus the halllfay marl< In ill journey from the moon IO earth at 12:28 p.m. (PST) today. At that Ume, the last planned mission to the moon wlll be ASTRONAUT RONALD EVANS LEAVES COMMAND MODULE AMERICA Retrieving Film Cas.ettes last Major Task for Apollo Crew • 120,138 miles trom both earth and moon. ~OSSION CONTROL awoke the utro- 111Ull at 1:13 a.m. wttb a rteontmc of u11 11 Ju>j The eea•mlnc," wilh an apian•· lion the selectloo -In beolnc wllh the crew's theme that .. Apollo 17 U a blcln- nlni and not an end." • .. .. 11>e 1peeter1ft wa1 140,MS miles from earth with a sradually lncreulng speed of 2,951 miles an hour. Ahead of the astrooautJ, Oii their laat lull day In apace, WU the talk of ttowlnlf equipment, revlewlna cbeckl lata:, aoa cleanlng · up the collUlllnd module America. ' ,. ' . ··.: t .. • '.•.\HAWAII .------. ·---. ·--'-' _:.-_ :it u,., ........ MAP PINPOINTS SPLASHDOWN SITE FOR APOLLO MOON PILOTS USS Tlcondtrota SIMIM Tow1rd Amerlcen -hi Pldffc Tbt ,_en alJo had to aecure their record cargo of mooo rock•. tbne c1D- lstera of film and olhtr IClence tteoaure pthertd durlni the !Wty mluloo ·to the lllOOll. . ' INJ'llE LAST major. oxplo~ al the mJtaion, EYlllll made a 14-mlnule wait In detp ·-Ql!lda!' lo rtlrieve the fllm canlsten from a part of the tlllp "hlch won't ,.turn to earth and bring them to the safety of America'• cabln. With the 1110011 belllnd, Iba earth lllead and hlad<, .._..io11. "'""' aroo.uid him, E\'lJIS floaiod out ol the tp&COCl'lfl and Inched his way btct lo an oulllide storage compartment. "Hey; there'• lhe earth rfchl out the hatch!" aald Evans u be llldod 1Dlo spoce at the end al a 15-foct llfellnt. "Beautllul. Hey, that IUll ls brtihJ. That's a beautiful moon down there. A fUll moon." The fllm · ooOlained ' dal.l • n·d pllo!olr&pht ptherod by .. array al •leclnlolc lnslrumellll end can.a dllr-illl mere than m dayt ol orllfllnc lht mOixl. For Evana, thr<O of \he dayw were spent out of the Umell1ht while· Ceman and Schmitt walked ·tho lunar IUl'face, BUNDLl!D IN A white spece llUit Ind a helmet, Evans moved with hesitant grace and obvious relish. He laughed and -and called oot ·to his famlJy: oa earth 180,GOll miles eway who wetehed \he space walk by television. · "Hi, Jan. Hi, Jaime. m, Jon," be said, wavtnc .wlth one hand wltlle boldlng to._1 rail wllh the other. His Wile, Janet, shouted back to the television aet she wu wltchlni at home: "Hey, honey, don't fill!" FOR ALL this, you've got to admire the Disneyland people and the perfection of Yuletldt technology. You almost envy them. particularly when you can't keep the single lltUe light burning in the star atop your own tree. Next year, maybe v•e'll hire a Dlllleyland f<dmician. Tricycle Safety Study Prompts Federal Action Rail Siding Sabotaged "Hat dlullY doc· w ... 1" Evans Aid 111 be bepn ·t&t· -walk. "When you Bot Olll there lake ti nice and alow and eaay. You'Ye cot ail day," sale! Ceman, the .ml-~ and avet.nnofa-walk·on-lln lNt "You're a kiag way from bome. We don't want to loae you." Around our house, the tree-decorating bit always starts the same way -un- tanglilli wires for lhe light&. Dog always manages to get in the mlmt of the wires durlni the untangling process. You begin to wonder whether you're really un- tqllnc wires or actually tangling Dog. A1itiwar Group Held in Pwt to Halt War Shipment NEXT COMES mE happy game call- ed "Find the Burned Out Bulbs." We s~ill have 80D1e of those old-rashiooed tYJ>e tree ll&ht strings where when one bulb hlmll wt, they all go dark. You are not playing the game fair if you find the burned out bulb 00 the first try. The burned out bulb is always su~ pooed IO be the Ian ooe you test. Nez!, you Install the ligbt& on the tree . You,. teoled all those bulbe, right? Then t.>wcorne it is when You get them on the tree. leVeral bum out right away? You have noticed, of course, that lhe bulbll around the bottom of the tree never bum out They run great all sealOQ. 1be ooes that keep going poof are up at the IOp of the tree. Al.lo that little one in the star. THERE IS SO'ME111iNG new tbis year in tbe tree-decoratlna business. No more al lhlt old tndltlGoal lead Unael that you UIOd lo spr!Mle on the tree. Lead tinsel was ruled dangerous by tome federal bureau and so they've outlawed it. I pa if the kiddies ate a pound or·so of It they'd get sick. c.ouid be. We once had a cat named Topper wbo sprinted to the top ol our tn:e and ate all the angel hair. He didn't IUCcumb but he did get so sick be was lleoring angel~ Anyway, lbe lead tinsel of yesteryear bis now been replaced by plastic stuff. Jt ls so llgbt lhal ii '1 Ilk<! lrylng IO decorate JOUI' tree with cobwebs. WE ARE GOING to have some visiting ··tota around our tree thl.a year and It's aoine to be an e•rience. We haven't hid to cope w\th litUe ones at our places for lo, tbele many Yuletide sea90lls. ?Ytay baVe to move things out.of-reach Joca-tlool~' the only thlngi I've trled ·to 4'oep in .-it yean-m the beer aippI, my clean ahlrU. One thing we can't move out of reach ls .tho Clrlltmu tne. It Jake& up ball of the ll9lnr room. Wonder bo!f moch of that pla.tic linsel the lddl can eat be! ... they get llcj<,? WASHINGTON (UPI) -An engineer- ing research study which cites more than 100.000 tricycle.related injuries annually has prompted the federal government to begin drafUng mandatory regulations for tricycle makers. A PRELIMINARY copy of a study made by the Calspan Corp., ot Buffalo, N.V., said standard tricycles are unstable and unsafe for children because poor design allows them to ·roll over and pitch backwards under nonnal use. The study, made at the request of the Health., Education and We I f a r e Department's Bureau of Product Safety, said "unstable performance can occur within the nonnal ope.rating range" oC many ol the estimated 1.5 million tricycles made and sold each year in the United States by domestic manufac- turers. Roy Rfce, a Calspan .spokesman, said the problems include seats that are too high in relation to the width of the rear axle, steering angles that are too great, excessive speed capability and an Un· necessary rear step. THE INVESTIGATION, conducted by studying siJ. popular brands of tricycles, concluded that the a:overnment sbould set safety standards for seats, pedals, han- dle bars, steering, rear axles and speed to reduce injuries. · Carl Blechschmld4 HEW deP.JtY direc- tor for children's haiards, wd no such standards exist now but pledged to issue propo6ed regulations by February that would be put Into effect by Sep<.mber. DAILY PILOT DELIVERY SERVICE Dtli'tr'Y of tht Daily Piiot Mot•Y·l',lllJ: II ,.... ..... "'" YMlr ,..,... .,. J1:at •·"'·• C•ll •flf ,..., ,.,... will k ......,., '* '"· Ctli. 1r1 l•k• IO\tif ""'·"'· . Stlwlll'I' #f 5 ....... : H YM .. l!lf ,_I"" YWr ,,,,. ., ' 1.111. SllM1y, er I •.111. ~I)', CIM •fllll I ..., will .. .,.,,..,.. '9 yt•. C•I~ lfl 1911 ...... It 1• t .M. T t ltpl'IOMS Most Or1noe County ..,,.., · ·• 641"4)21 lilonll-1 H1.1nllnll!Ol'I lltKll llnd WBtmlMMI' .... , •.• 4 . J ... 12JI S.n Cltintnl•. Clof1tn 1no 11 .. dl. S.11 Ju.ii Cll*llf'-, 0.M Point, lollttl L~. U9VNI Hlgutl 492·4421 YORK. Pa. (AP) -State police ar- rested five antiwar activists today for allegedly sabotaging a railroad siding leading into a factory of a major defense contractor. The three men and two women , all from New Jersey, were identiOed as members of the Ea.st Coast_ Conspiracy to Save .Lives, an antiwar group. The group fU'St became known in 1970 when then·FBI director J. Edgar Hoover said it was led by antiwar Roman Catholic priest& Daniel and Philip Berrigan. TRE FIVE WERE charged with maliciolls injury to railroads, after allegedly pouring concrete into a railroad switch at a point where tbe main line of the Penn Qntral meets a siding owned by ~erican Machine and Foundry Corp. of York. The company stlppues material needed for the air war in Southeast Asia. A spokesman for AMF, w h i c h manufactures bomb casings, said the alleged sabotage had· no effect on :shipments. A Penn Central spokesman said the railroad was notified shortly after 12 :HI a.m., when the iµ-rests were made. "We got there promptly and got the c:e- ment out ~ it set," the spokesman said . "There were no delays to trains and just minimal damage to the switch." The five alleged saboteurs were com· milted to York County Prison in lieu of $25,000 bail after arraignment before a district justice in Emigsville. .Mexican Weather Causes 8 Deaths MEXICO CITY (UPI) -Mexico shivered today in the grip of a three-day cold wave whleh has left at least eight ~rsons dead and caused storms on land and at sea. Six pel'SOl}S died of eqiosure in tntense cold in M<ilco Clty; officials :iaJ4, and two penoos died in Veracrui during .~ wind stonn. The mr..e cold, dli>l>Inl below !rtez. log in aeve?al cities, was blamed for a atom> that whipped up winds as high as 120 miles an hour ln Veracruz. Northwe.st Glazed • Ill Ice S1iow, Rain Hit lntermounUJ.i1i Area, Great Lakes •• • 1.1) -- ......... fOIOCMt• •-m-~·'·ti.' ' i.:=:....---..1 Grow, Grow ••• How does your gardm grow? You. can aet hlntJ Oii' how to make tt srow • .., helter by readlna the Home and Gan!en Page every Salurday In the DAILY PILOT. .. ··-..... ~ ·l THE FIVE WERE ldenUlled as Eugene Wllllam Daniel Galvin Jr., 23, of Newark ; Thomas Edward Kork.ames, 21, of New Brunswick; Rollin D. Kirt, 25, and hlJ wife Patricia, 26, of Princeton, and Monica MelGg, 25, of the PrincetM 1beological seminary. Lt. James Regan, the investigal.in( of- ficer, said police found a message wrap- ped in plastic and Inserted lnlo the con- crete. It wa.s addressed "Dear Friends" and read In part, accoroing to police: "We can no longer sit back in siltnce while our government parleys over peoples' lives. You may ask why-we peace-,..king people should dlJrupt thi! passage of a train? We hope that you can see with us that ·this actkm. I.a a minor dlJtruptloo in comparison wllh the disruption o! life In Indochina caused by the 4,000 bombs made dally in !he Yort, Pa. AMF factory. . "We have no illusions that lhil small act will stop -or even delay -the dally rain of death. Why abould We, tben, place our freedom in jeopardy; our lives Missing Mother Discovered Dead Near Crying Tot BENSON, N.C. (UPI) -The wail of the four-month old boy led farmer David Olen i..ee·m an old dormitory for miarant farm worken Sunday. When he looked inside the building "it wa s the wont looking sight I've ever seen," Lee said. "A dead mother and a baby lying beside II." ?tfRS. BONNIE Neighbors, 331 bound hand and loot, gagged and blindfolded, had been shot twice. Next to her on one of three beda in the room was the baby and a half-empty baby's milk bottle. The child was talten to Betty Johnson Memorial Hospital in Dunn and was reported in satisfactory condltion. in the hands ol those who deal ao loolely with justice? "BECAUSE IT IS vital tblt we not allow ounelves lo be .......med by the magiclaMwbo cruelly tease a -Id wllh false hopes of peace." The note ended : '1Join us soon friends,'' according to police. Officers sald they also found a large waahtub wllh wtt cement, -Jy blp of ready mi2 cement and empty jup of water in a van the fivt penoos were us- ing. A police opoktsmln aaid a police "surveillance team'* was bidlog at the Yoe!< f&dCry and watobod coocrete being poured illlO the nllroad l'lrildl. ''There were rumon -.etbiol wu tu_.i to ba'ppen at AMF,'' ofticfa1s ia1d. 1'We bad the men there." The AMF planl was the aceoe of several -lr&IJOlll durinl the Hal' risburg lrtal 1aat winter al l'lllliJ.> .su. rigan and Ills othen -al plOtllnc lo kidnap prtSldentlal naUooal aecurily adviser Henry A. KllllnCer and blow up heating tunnel< In WaahJnctoa. BEJllUGAN 11' AS cmvicted o! aendina maU wt al the federal prison and ... cl. his codefendanll al CCll1'icted of aendin& mail in. There were no other coovic:Uons in the cue. TD ASTllO!IAVT moved alowly, his ~ llowinc in the brliht sunlight. He llummed and aang and ·DOl.ld, "lley, this .Js great. Talk about beln& a sptteeman, this ii it. .. He made -lrlpo -the speceshlp halcb and the lllalnmient bay. rolumlng .. ch time wilh • - -he handed lo his ............. who ..... alao suited qalntl the .....,,, al space. Hope Troupe Set For Seoul Visit • YOKOTA AIR BASE, Japon (AP) - Comedian Bob 'Hope and bis 75-moinber lflJUPO left """ Seoal lodQ -.... teftain!ng -l,IOll ---.. and their famillel at lhla -In Tolcyo'1 --· Hope, who Iuu been eotenalnlnl soldiers oveneu dwinc every Cbriltmll aeaoon since 1145, arrlvo4 , In Japon Satun!ay from Alaaka's A1eullan Illlndf, where he pve bis !Int performanoe of Ille tour. The troop. alao ls scheduled for shows In SaJgm, Bangtot, Guam. lilt Plllllp, plnea' and Dlqo Gareia, In the ~ lalands In lhe lndian Ocean. Nbon Legislation. , Television Stations Held Accountable for Shows WASHINGTON (AP) -The Nixon ad· minl11r&Uon has dralted kllslatloa lo hold local televl.sion llatlons accountable at license renewal time for the balance and taste of all network news and en- lhat kUled Z4 men and injured 13 others, offiolals said today. •• The woman and cQlllli>ad been missing = =~p":r.:1;.~~' ("'·.,...,--..... ·---.. !..='":w--_ ... ) at tchool. · IN SBO'RT ••• A aeardt began Imnwllll!ly SUndey '----------- 1be weekend erploalons wer"fl lrr an underground coal mine near Mulleos and at a new steel company coke plant at Weirton., ~"::'==~: ~--.... ~ w .,.,. Wortfn al -(UMWA) "'Pr __ .._ for a blue car "occupied by thr<O white males," and for "a h1DPie band" that tookJIP midence in an lbudooed houle several mllea from the N~ home north of ...... The -dropped out o! sight the same day the wmnan and child disappeared. "111E BLUE AUTO may be lied in with them, but we're not sure/' said pollCO' olllcer 3. D. Thom!...: Kenneth Neighbors, a prosperous certified public accountant With several · ofDces In the eastern part of the it.ate, was out of town when his wife and infant son disappeared Thursday, bul he was home Sunday when they were found. Authorities and friends Uld the family was well·rtspected ln the area aM there waa n0 hint of any inoompoUblllJy. WAIBING'l'ON CUPll -AlllloaP 1111 will obow Illa -lllrlll nil In Illa .,.. -Amold -cllartod lllmday. .• IHmltl .... ="~~=--~ ..... , ..... " protrMy ... , .. ...U Imo::=... WAIRINOl'ON (UPt) -Tiit 'llldle turf. • ' --dloldod 10 bar Illa,........... 'l1la c.a.a -,.,_ amdr7 Potl -·ea,.,.. rocial -ID- 111&1 Illa -·· 1111$• II ea llnl Ills 911ift11C ,,_ md 111rr. Nlral. , -al lldr ,_ lor .. In& -DorlOOJJ lloCordla, • ,_.., llir tilt dloppod lo • 11..i tli&t ... ltad 10 ...... ''llrll" -· ---...... ~"'°"""" • __ ..... __ ..,.. .. ''Olrnnl -indlcail lilt tel&J weeteai and WU~ !O'lllr - fertlllly nil~ lilt llnl lialf al 1111 lol!llJ. 1l'bht --occarbw IN a to be about 1.1 births por woman," the main 11.lple of Iba aocl<t1 _, coYeltd bulou aald. by cll)''i two dally !llWIPfpon. In addlllor!, Mrr. McC&ldk Wll told that i. name ts no1 on the !lot to cover the Flnt t.ad1'• l1llllW Chrislmu party for the chlJdreo ol dlplomals todry, althouab 11be ....,iar1y II rulllled lo ..,. baay row. ea1 .. tCoue• • MULLENS, W. Va. (UPI) -A .. cumulations of esplollvo •-caused lwo West Vlr!llnla 1ndurlrlal actl-c A w Jo d -• Ora Coast EDITION ... VOL. 65, NO. 353, 2 SECTIONS, 32 PAGES' • • oµNGt; COUNrY, CALIFORNIA .. ' Today's Final • N. Y. Stoek.s MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, 19n N TEN CENTS Badham Offers Push for ·State Sale ·of Land 8Y WlLLlM! SCBREUIER Of .. n.llY ,..., ..... Assemblyman Robert .iadllam 'ca. . Newport Beach) said today he wW push to let exces8 state land on the market il Newport Bea.ch city COUDcilmen ul: him to. CounctJmen tonight will comlder. a re- queat by Paru,.&achet and Recreation Director CaWln Stewlll'I that the city ·Tax Shift ·Bill Signed By Reagan LOS ANGELES (AP) -Gov. Ronald Reagan lllJIOd Into law today a landmark $1.l billion property tu rellel and llcbool finance bill that affects viriually ewry CaUfornian. 'Ibe measure was maneuvered through the Im legtslaUve sessioo by the Republican governor and Democratic Assembly Speaker Bob Moreitl. For Reagab, It culm.lnaled sis years In which his efforts to win approval of ma- jor property tax relief tor California homeowners was lruslrated, largely In the stole Senate. For Morelli, It Is another major leeblatlve aehlevemenl he cm take to the voters H he nms fur governor In 1974 - u he bu Indicated be plans 19 do. For the tupoyen, the first big lmpoet will be 1 I percent tnereue In the state oales tu next June -from ~ percmt to six percent -· . • -and _,,_, will begin 1ettlrW·the --. ......... ,':;it form "' pr-11 --11111 relief nezt fall. · . · ,,. ,.,. . .......... -ta 11111 llnally rtaebed .. a. ... _ .. ~ Dec. I -Ille ftnaJ dlf al ·!'l!i ..,. -In general, here Is what Ille 1'1111·.- _.-ally•nfctnamed by Ila logiolatlve bln numtier, SB ID -enviliool for Callfumla --: SALES TA1-111e stale sales lax goex up one c:ehl pet' dollar June I, matl!ig the combined stale llllCI local rate six cents per dollar 111 most o1 the state. n goex to fll ~II In Jan Franclloo, Alameda and Cootn Costa oomlles. SCHOOLS -There will be a net in- .,..... of $511 mWlon In state ild to loCal schooll, bringing the total to IU blllioo. Of the Increase, $332 million i. "new" mooey and the remainder wW be used to roll back local property tan1 U8ed /or ochool lllJIPort In "low weal1l>blll> tu" diltricll. Search for Lost Dory Fisherman Continues Tod ay seek Badham'1 help in freeing 116 mWioo worth of s~e land for park uae ln the ci- ty. "U 1 '11ere"to ~ve an offlcia.I request fn>m Ibo lll!vemlng body ol Newport Beach tc> ad on this matter, I would so act,,. sUI Aedham. "Tbe ~ Dlvlslon ol lllghwaya llU-llli>ved la an o-nwmer In' dJ.spooing ol;iJm land," he aald. . The divi!loll made It clear several Weqdell i.· Willkle n, :w, of WayJata, )lion., a Harvard senior W~ is the .grandson• of . 1940'.·Repuhli<:an presidential candidate Wendell L Willkle, was namec! one of 32 U.S. Rhodes scholars. Truma n Remains 'Very Se rious' But He's A."lert KANSAS CITY, Mo. (UPI) -Harry S TMnan, bis helll'I weak-and bis kidneys malfunctioning. sltpt peaeel\llly through the nigh\ and awoke today io tell doctors that be !ell "all right." Doctors treating .the former President 1aid he was stlll~"Vffr aerk>us." "Former President Truman is slightly Authorities today continued the search more alert today after a restful night," for the bodies of a Newport Beach dory /!Research ~ta! spokeoman John ._._,_~rman .. and -his daughter beUeYed 10st· .DreYes .aaiL' ... al sea last wee1: oll Hlflllil!gton Belch. llreve~ said Ille _.yeaM>Ld Truman Huntington Beac:b-llfeguards, aided by was . rtill ha9lu. )Jl'oblem1 with bis tbe city's pol!Ce helicopter, 'ltOl have ~y1, whicb ~e filled to respond to found no trace of Allen Knight and three-medicaUon for llX f.i~Y•· yeaI'Old Patricia, dJicovered missing "Kiclney oulprlt •till inadequate "'!! Crom their small boat last Wednesday. there 11 no iDd'use fluid buildup, The helicopter has been making Oreves said. "lie ls receiving any regular sweeps off the ocean off the state !fledicailon or oatriUon ln~afeDCUSly. It beach but so far there have only been· IS being admlnbtered V1I the nual false aJarms. gutrlc-tube,, wbicb f!f coounuea to The copter spotted objects under water tolerate Well. - twice over the wee.kend but when divers '· monlbs ago ;I is In no l to dispose ol the i,nct. most of which bad been purebQed for the now.,unct Pacific Coast Freeway. State offlcialo say they are stllJ studying traffic patterns in the area and may need the land. "By the stale sitting oo these parcels they are not helpiiig anything," Badham said. :'Negotiations with the city to sell the land i. going to take long enough aa It Js." . ., In bJa report to councilmen, Stewart listed several key park sites wbkb are currenUy ln Umbo because of the state's reluctance to part with the land. These include the Pacific Electric right-of-way Jn Weat 1 Newport, a parcel next to Bal6oa Coves, a parcel adjacent to the CoJvmunlty Yooth <;enter in Corona del Mar, the Clllf• llrlve church site and fW.o lots on Kings Road in Newport Helghto. ' Badham sakl be has three altemaU ves open lo him should the city uk for legislative action to make the land available. "I would first act by contacting the hlghwaya people and 11 -be lhe . governor lo see what tbt dela1 Is," he said. "These thinp • can he <ion> sometimes without leglllation." · "II that doesn't wqrt. I wooJd find out what leglslatlon i. already on ~ bookl that would have a bearing on this mat· ter," be said. "My third alternative would be to In- troduce legislation and I lbink that would move throogh real rast," Badham saJd.. The Legislature last s u m m e r eliminated the coast freeway leg ~ Newport Beach. Badbam warned that he cani J'"'mlle any special deals on the land 11 U lo put on the market.. Nixon Resumes Bombing I-,,ipiisse in Tal!cs Prompts Renewed Attacks W ASIDNGTON (UP) -W b 11 e Haiphong. saying the road fo.pe .ce "II wide 'open," U.S. warplanes attacked Ibo suburbo of the provisional revolutionary ,:ovemment ol the Republic ol South Vietnam In the hall of the lntematlonal Cub ... the Wblte -said today President Hanoi tonight, Tass reported from the Nlzon bid removed restrictions on bom~ North Vietnamese capital. It said a fire ing No. Vletuam. (Related story, Pap 3.) raged north of the city. "Explosions were heard .a few minutes later. The bombing continued unin- terruptedly for 40 minutes. Boll)bs were dropped 3-5 kilometers from the center of the city. 'Qle red glow of a nre blazed up north of Hanoi during the raid." Two. days attei-Nilon's Vietnam -..!fbe account said the attack lasted negoUator, Henry A. Kissinger, reported about 40 mJuutes. bis .,._lire ~ with Norlb The diapatcb said: Vietdam to be at' ·aD bnpasse, Nixon "American aviation lhis night made a ordered American planes to resume full raid on suburbs of. Hanoi. An air raid operaUons on the North. · • warning waa giveu in the city during a (Three to five kilometers Is about two to three miles.) Ralda quickly followed on Hanoi and film show, arranged by representation of Hanoi Radk> reported devastating at- Mesan Fill~· 2nd Hot Item " At Swap Meet Paul GWapie raplcl1)' . Is -lnf- Oolla -·· llll!'!li\!l''~ ....... ' '!lit l!ilf-llagf(..r;.imlut "'~ 1111 ,""l! ~"I ~ "" -... ,...."' .... •Ila llo6d. ma<se 1~ .... 111 a ""' 11111 ..r:...t 'by loeallDJ hi. i>llf1n' 'l'a....,;;cilaiiar -· alao at a ..... -l "GG!eopie, 14, ol 1442 lleauvllle Place, said be lound the Eureka upright cleaner for sale oa someone's table at the Orange Swap Meet. . "I .tnew It was mine because It bad a bole In the bag and because I had just repalted it and put some 1ttatCbes on one of the fltUngs," be said. • Gllltspie, w~ vacuum cleaner wu stolen' along witb the car, said the ..Uer wu not amsted by, Orange police beca111e he c!Aimed be bad bought the vacuum cleaner at another swap meet. A week ago~ Gillespie was snooping around the Harbor Drive-in Swap Meet in Santa Ana when be spotted a car that fit- ted the delM::ription of one stolen from bis drive...,. Altbougb it bad different license plates, GWeople said be could identify it by the cat tracks. A feline which accidentally wanderetl through some fresh tar deposited the imprints permanently on \ ~ car abortly before It was stolen. The lad thet a key GWeople carried in his· pocket Ill the Ignition convinced ol· ficen that they ahould arreot the two 17· year-old boys in the car on auto theft chargeo. .!! .. I! JI ~f /. ol ...v --;..;... Market Falls .Stocks Off 17 Points In itiall y NEW YORK . (AP) -The otoek Larry Wachtel, vice pruident !or market, alter plummeting In heavy early re<iearch at Bache & Co., noted tbat trading, recouped some io-. today but there bad been ·a heavy buildup in stock ~ , """'"" .ol alalled Prices: In anticlpiµlon ol a ~ ..,... '."'.:, ..... ;i~•-~i@i;..l'J"'""'~!'ll-~· . . ~ ... ' ....... "'... tliiltlides!A'.lll•l•1 .......... wNaiel -~·-1.· .. ·. 11J1!1ftd.' Ho'I bcMld to cause ""'° -· .. _!!'ft). llfe . I!~· J-. .. .......... -· . . a-'-J:.l of• lnllaatrlal, , -WU dOwn ·'Wadlie[ !ftdlded _..., ... ~ ....... peraJtt tln\JIJgliout Illa -. bu! aid Illa ~II pohi!O al !OLIA Eatller, however, market would reowne lta upward trend the blue cbJp in(Ucator '!U oH mOre than soon because of the basic health of the 17 polnta. economy. IJecUn tmlmbe d d by other analysts aaid some investors e1 OU re 8 vances 8 were taking profits on atock.9 which had stunnln1 margin of nearly 10 to 1 among risen sharply in the past few months more than 1,500 issues exchanged on the because of indications of progress in the New York Stock Exchange at one point. Paris peace talks. Sex Education Guidelines Have Little Effect on Coast By GEORGE LEIDAL Of .. DllUY Plllt ll_., New state guidelines regulating sex education in California schools are ex· pected to have Uttle impact on the way such classes are conducted now, Orange Coast school chiefs agreed today. Dr. John W. Nicoll, superintendent of the Newport-Mesa Unified S c boo I District, cited only one difference be had noted in news act.'Ounls of the board-arr proved new guidelines. 1be requirement for superintenden~ to review the use of "outside resource people"· .....: gul!-st lect~, '<puts ~e monkey on my bactt" Dr. Nicoll' said. • Elcept that It limlll decentralizatlon of autbortty for such choice! of class speaken, Dr. Nicoll sees oo partiCJ.lar problem in tbe new requirement. Jack Roper, superintendent of lhe Hun- tingtoo Beacb Union High School District, 1ee.s oo problem or significant change Jn tbe new rules. "We inform parents and send them a list.of all classes in which any family life or sex education tmit is taught,'' be said. "All of our materials and programs are open to parents for review," Roper said, adding. "rwlsh a few more would take advantage of the opportmilty to r~view them so they 'd know what we are doing." Stanley Corey, superintendent of the new Irvine Unified School District agreed on this point. "I don't antiClpate any problems with the new guidelines whatsoever," be said, adding that his knowledge of the rules wu hued on newa accounts. "We haven't recetved the new guid~ yet," he noted. ~· Is true with nearly every other pro- gram t.o be offered in the new district next year, Corey said hf: will have to evaluate the programs being offered by lhe ezifllng dlstrlell -Tuotln Union High and San Joaquin Elementary -to be able to comment oo what changes the new rules m1gbt require. 1 Dr. Nicoll taid his administration tacks against the llano!-Halpbong area in which "many"' U.S. •planes were shot down and some pilots captured. Ronald L Ziegler, White House press secretary, llald the bombing resumption -after a pause of nearly tw> month.! u a gesture to .nimulate a peace agreement. -was lntended to cope with a buildup of Communist forces "which -.'Ould lead to another offensive in the south." While the ~ident was removing (See BOMBING, Page %) Air Cal Head Won't Talk About Charge The president of Air Califomta today reluaed comment on federal cl!ar&es Qiat Pacific Southwest Alrllres Is 11bnUng the intrastate ru&l!t market ~·'J ~ ba,ve no,lhln• to say about It al>d I don •t really kni>lfii PSA b lloodlng the -ia.t," .. Id Air Cal President RobM CIJ!foni The Justice Department Is attempting to stop PSA from acquiring jlJewport Beach-based Air California becatl9e of what they call a poaslble monopoly on California air transportation. In government affidavits, former ~~­ ecutives or Air Cal allege PSA bas overloaded several key routes in the state and is making a concerted eUort to push other carriers out of the market. Justice Department reports allege PSA carries 70 percent of the passengers travelling inside the state and Air Cal carries another 11 percent. A merger of the two airlines would re move PSA's "only effective ccmpetitor and cripple competition for passengers," the government contends. The new documents were filed last week in U.S. Dislrlcl Court In Los Angeles to support the government's anti-trust suit against PSA, filed Dec. $. Former Air Cal treasurer Robert Soulerin and former president Carl Benscoter said In the government papers that PSA forced Air Cal to withdraw from its Burbank-Oakland and Burbank· San Jose routes by overloading those routes with Rights . They claim Air cal suffered a loss of 11 million by elimlnaUng the two tenices. After Air Cal withdrewJ" they AY1 PSA cut it! flights baci again trom 12 to seven. Other charges include allegalk>N that PSA eliminated United !run the Los Angeles-Oakland route by 1 t a r t I n g service between the two cltle! 9011 after United announced ita plans to do so. The government says PSA again flood.. ed the rootc with nlghta until united withdrew in 1970 and tben cut back ltl !See Ailt CAL. Pap II got to them, they lound only 8\lbmerged junk 8nd part of a aunken boat. HUllUQcton Beach Lifeguard CaP!Aln .• Ooug o• Arnall said the petroll -and dives H needed -win continue daily ..,. tll some trace ol'the bodleo i. IOlllld. Deve lopments on Agenda would not "1hlgle this one subject out and let It l:itCOme a bugaboo bl: tbe Newport-Mesa cUstrtct. "We are not violating the earlier 1Johl'I G.) Schmitt bin requlrlng:noUllcatlon of parenta of the content of our couraer," he said. District pollcjo provide fur parents to remove their child from the program, Oraage Talk to Sa nta Tuesday Night 11Je Corona del Mar Clmnher ol Commerce and Santa Claus wlll book up a apeelal telephone con- nedlon lor Newport B o a • b younpten TueadaJr evenlll(. C2llldrtn win be able lo dial a local IOIDlber beteen I p.m. and t p.m. that wlll 11111 rllht Into l!ao- t1'1 Worbbep at tlie North Pole. Younp-who '""°' to write lhelr loiter to Sanla or who might want to tn1ke 1 t.• lut mtnute icl- dlllo'11 or cteletlOOI from their )isl, 111a1 talk to him by <alllna l'IMOIO, • Co u.,,cil tO Consider J asmi ne Creek, Fu n Zone Ite ms ; . Deci.slons on oontrove'8hjl proposals for de~ll in Balboa,,a°"' Corol)a del Mat. wtll 'be lllllOflil' ~al major tltml before Newport --tonight. Moot att<nllon wW likely be loc:uaod on the Fun Zooe In Balboa. A Colla Meaa developer wanll to knock ~ -to JD8ke way for 47 coodomlrlluma. 'l1le propoaal has drawn ml>ad .._iton from area businessmen and ..-..U wbo are at odds over 1tCempq to prwsve and rejuvenate the comrner<:lal ...... . Coonellmen abo are exp<cted to oct on an !rv!Jie Company propoul Ml develop 379 condomlnlum1 1n an area known as JasmlM Creek1 localed at the corner of San J-"' HUia Rood and 11arauertti Avenue. • Councllmea .,. expected to postpone a declalon on the proposed Versailles on the Blul& apartment expanstoo until Jm I. other lleml ~1 w11100ll!lder: -Waya to spend Ille clty'1 1114,000 federal~ grout -A ~ by mklellll that con- 1truetlon "' a • motel addition to the Balboa ~ Club be tloi>Ped· . -A PBll Comlnlaloo recommendation that Oranp County be aaked lo 1pend $L!ll,lllO to aoqulra ab addltlooal Loll on ClUI Drive lor an expansion of the plan- ned -part. . -AaJar Orance County SUpervtson to place ....inc oontrolt on the Air 'WOii terminal i.... at Orana• County Alrport: -A 11111 ._i asklna leg!Jlatlon lorc- lng the llate Olvltloo of !tiahwaya lo • • ' aell excess freeway rtght-ol·way land: The Fun Zone public hearing i. schedulld early CNt loalgbt'• agenda llllCI Allan Beek, cbalrman of Newport Residenll United (NllU) this morning urged a large turnout of residenll to allow oPl'Olillon to Ille proposed housing project. lleek'I laml\y OW1ll Ind 01,1trates the Balboa Ferry. • Beek was the plaintiff ln recent Orange County Superior Coult actioo on the mat· ter. He ruc:ceeded m ge{Uor the court to force councilmen to review tbe project aaaln. • . They bOil pproved the condominiums in a contfOversJ1l decWon that overturn-~ a li!!!mlng commlallon reoom- m<:ndat191li • Plll!Jl'l'I u ld the hlglKlcnslty housing ;"~_:FUN zo~. Pace II ,. . . (See CLASSES, Page I) DECK YOUR HA.LL WITH PILOT A.DS Deck }'OW' halls with IOIDOthlng unique. Look at this: DECORATORS peraoaal l\lm I, 9' wht Damuk IO(a, 1, 7' tltrculon IOf•nu, 2 Drextl 1ype •nd tbl<1, 53MllO, 1291 AUanta Ave, RB. Twenty-six people respond<d to tbat ad and all the furniture ll decoratln8 new hall!. Read the DAILY PILOT clallllled want ads. The brln& lood lldlnp. Phone 642-6e111. We~er Variable cloudo .., TueldaY, but mostly ounoy 1klts. aecordln& to the weether oervtc:e. lll&t>o lll the 80s. Lows IGlilCbt 15-SO. INSl8B 'l'OD~Y Human erptrlmtntatloft tr not M W in t"f.r co1n1trv. To wlkit , e:r:knt should o tt a hvmon be pe""ltted 10 ~ cmotllf' i• ui. .....,. of rcintilic _. reu7 See •torv on Paa• 7. l..M...... 11 -II C•'"'""' I ·-.... ·-" ,,_. M -' ·~ ..... \__. llttwitlMMlll' 11·• ,...,. ».ff ....... ..n • lt\Nlll!I I W ........... lt -,,. ............. --. IYMti....... ._ : ....... &: -.. -.... =-...: --. • • ' ! 2 DAILY PILOT N Dine1· Tells Of Quizzing ' In Hijack SEA'ITLE (AP I -Last April Zl, G<ne C. Tt)omas was having dinner with his wife at the Edge water lnn. Suddenly. two men appeared nt the table and hustled him aw ay. At first, Thomas Ux>ught it was a joke. Then the men took him to FBI head- quarten and began questioning hi:n about the hijacking of a Northwest Airlines jet on Thaoksgiving eve. 1971. Thomas testified in federal court Saturday that FBI agents told lllm his friend of 26 years. William Lewis of Seabeck/Wash., fingered him a.s a man strongty resembling ·police artist sketch- es af the hijacker, known only as D. B. Cooper, who parachuted to parts unknown With $200.000 raosom. Lewis and Donald Sylvester f\.1urphy of Bremerton, Wash. are charged wlth at· tempting to defraud a former Newsweek Magazine editor of some $30,000 for an exclusive interview wilh the hijacker. G9venunent prosecutors contend Le\\>ls obtilined the money from Karl Fleming of Los Angeles in exchange for an in· terview with Murphy, who allegedly pos- ed as Cooper. I • ' • It Starts Tonight • Reportedly Marries TV A1i1iouncer ~ ' ' JERUSALEM (UPI) -Klng'H-llJ ol Jordan has te!i his _..i wile Pri~ Muna, to DllJTY an aMOUDQer on Jordanian televlaion, the Arabi~ newspaper al A.Dbl aaid today. ' Quoting visitors arriving from Amman, the Israel government·~upported newspaper said Hussein wed Sol.lhi Toukan a week ago. SHE IS A DESCENDANT of a p~l ramilY In Bablus on '\he !1radi· occupied West Bank of Jordan. ~ A1 Anba said H\Wdn..has not divorced Muna, who bore him two sons, be- cause Moslem law prov"Mlea that he can have rour wives. THE NEWSPAPER SAlll Muna, the diU!il>ler of a fon1J<>r Britlall army officer,,.._ pljlnnllij io ~ "a ,..11.11nown Am.rican diplomat." Silt' Is llv· ing in London with her two !i10ll.S. • A1una, rormerly Tony Gardiner, became Hu•in's second wife in the early 1000.S after he dJvorced his flrsl, who _later married an ,Arab gue1Tilla. Laundromat lnei~t Nude, Berserk Man .Held I In Strangling Attempt Sturm of Los Angeles. Trial was to resume today in U.S. district Court. The government contends that Lewis set up his friend as a decoy to draw at· tention from Murphy. The defense has conceded that Lewis set up a phony Interview with Murphy as .an imposter. Atlorneys for Lewis and Murphy contend that Fleming became aware during the interview that he was not talking with the hijacker but went ahead with the story anyway. · The annual Ne\vport f-larbor Christmas Boat Parade gets under way this evening. Map indicates parade route through h~rbor and approximate times color- fully lighted yachts will pass specific locations. Pa- rade will run each night through Satur~ay. Start· ing time each night is 6:30 p.m. Parade is spon- sored by Newport Harbor Chamber oi Commerce and Newport Beach City Employes Association. Costa Mesa police Sunday ._ted a nude, 33-year-old Los Angeles man on chargu of assault with intent to commit murder aner officers alleged he we1it berserk in a laundromat and attempted to strangle a Fountaiii Valley-woman. Held In lhe Orange Coullty Medical Center psyclatric ward with charges pending agalnst him is Frederick Kart Police said the report of the alleged assault came from ida Ma Britten, 31 , operator of the laundromat at 1731 Pla- centia Ave.J in Calta Mesa, She told officers 'that Sturm was in the place and became involved in a violent argument with a female companion while doing bis laundry. • Court Ordered w Rule Doctor Hears How Son, 19, Killed Parents Chamber w Hear Former Astronaut The operator asserted that Stunn then began deslroytng properly. When ahe threateried to "call the law," she !old police stunn tried lo strangle her with bis bands. Mrs. Britten said she managed lo fight oJf the all<ged asaallant by hilting him with a broon: tllcl: and repeatedly clouting him over the head with a soft drink botUe. EarUer in the trial testimony indicated that an article based on Fleming's in- terview was slated as the cover-page feature for Newsweek but was killed at the last minute. On AF Pregnancy Case Former utronaut Walter M. Schirra Jr., will be the lealur<d speaker at the NeWport Harlior Chamber of Com· merce's annual dinner Jan. 16 at the Newporter Inn. /From Pagel BOMBING ... bombing restrictions just one week before Oiristmas, Ziegler stressed that the United Slates still hoped for a peace settlement. "The road to peace is wide opl!:n," Ziegler· told reporters. "We want a rapid settlement to tbi.s conflict.'' WASIIlNGTON (UPI) -The U.S. Supreme Court today directed a lower federal court to detennine whether there _is any longer a legal displ!te between Paul M. Rogers, Newport Sport Fisherman, Dies But be asserted, "We are oot going to F,allow lhe peaoe talks to be used as a cover for another offensive." Ziegler said Nison's statement of May Paul M. Rogers, widely knOwn I , 1n,,wblcb he ord...cI the mining of Newport Beach sport fisherman and ie.- Norur Viet!la'm'1 harbors mid increased tile e1.ecutive, died Saturday at his Lido bombing, was once again U.S. policy. Isle home following a brief illness. The presidential spokesman said the Mr. Rogers was born in Glass, N.C. bombing north of the 2Dth Parallel -and had lived in Orange County 48 years.· primarUr. the Hanoi-Haiphong ana He was a resident of Newport Beach 28 ~her~ most of Nortll Vietnam's popula-years. tion 1S co~ntrated -had been orde~ . , He pioneered the textile industry in sl!spended tn October as a move to · Orange County, establishing a cotton mill stimulate .peace efforts. in Orange and later owned and operated Ziegler's remartts left no doubt that the other textile businesses in the area. At bombin.g resum~ was aimed at the time" or his death Mr. Rogers was pres~mg Hanoi into making con-assistant to the president and a director cesa10ns toward a ~ agreement. or Q'lit~ Corp. as well as president of Vista Productsj Inc., a subsidiary of /From Pqe I CLASSES ... he added. 'Ibe new rules require teachers of sex education to have undergone training for t~tr field . Dr. Nicoll suggests district procedures already provide for this. William Zogg, superin,tendent of the new Saddleback Valley Unified District, similarly said he hadn't seen the new g\Jldelines. . When he does review them, Zogg said he would hope the superintendents' aJ> proval or denial of outside classroom speaken does not "take the onus of responsibility off the -perSon who might do S001elhing unethical o r un- professK>nal. '' Zogg wonders if there is to be legal liatiiJity for .the actions .of those \a superintendent might approve for a eJmroom appearance. OU.NGtl COAST • DAILY PILOT Ozite. A member of St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Mr. Rogers was a Shriner and belonged to El Bekal Temple1 Long Beach, Seafaring Lodge No. 708, Orange County Chapter Royal Arch Masons, of California: Santa Ana Commiµxiery No. 36 Knighli Templar of California and Long Beach Consistory. He was also a member or Newport Harbor Yacht Club and the Balboa Bay Club. He was a past president of Ole Tuna Club of Avalon, was a member of the Balboa Angling Clµb and the U.S. Broadbill Club and was a fonner member or Pacific Anglers and Light Tackle Club. An ardent angler, Mr. Rogers held several records for the largest broadbill. He leaves his wlle Lee of the Lido Isle home ; a son, 1bomas M. Rogers of Palos Verdes Estates; three daughters. Mr. C. Robert Lupcho of Long Beach, Mrs. Roger K. Lliule of Beverly Hllls And Mrs. ~fyles R. Sinnott of Cupertino; lhree ' sisters, Mrs. W. F. Cooper or Decatur, Ga.; Mn. J. Hugh Parks and Mrs. J. W. Ingram or Kannapclls, N.C., and live grandcblldren. F\toeral services will be held Tuesday at 10 a.m. at Pacillc View Memorial Park. The family suggests memorial contributions to the Shririera Crippled Children's llo!pltal In care of El Bekal Temple, !Kil Elm Ave., Long Beach, or to the St. Andre~ Presbyterian Church Memorial Fund. ~.O. BO'I 1.$36, Newport Beach. Capt. SUSan R. Struck and the Air Force over her discharge in 1970 after she Pl'M'SBURGH (UPI) -The family became pregnant. physician listened but could not believe The justices agreed Oct. 24 lo bear the the 19-year-old coUege student who told case but . the government claims the him ~ had killed his parents the day situation bas chanj:ed to such an extent before, and ror no apparent reasan, that the ease sbodld be dismissed. police said. So the doctor took the youth The high court sent her apPeal back to home -and saw the bodies. the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ror As a result, Jack L. Colin Jr., 19, a a determination of this question. University of Pittsburgh sophomore, 'A'as The Justice Department lold the charged with the murder of bis rather Schlrra was one of the original seven Mercury astronauts and was command pilot of Gemini g and Apollo 7. He ls now an advisor to several cor- porations abd is a vice president of an alrllnes con:ipany. The loplc of Schlrras talk bas not been armowx:ed. The dinner will begin with a social hour at 6:30 p.m. Tlckeb.,,. 17.75 per per.!Oll. supreme Court that Air Force regula-and mother. tions have been changed and .mcers Poilce said Young Colin-· beat and Police A"""'U; It may now request a waiver to avoid stabbed bis father, Jack L. Conn Sr., 44, eq;&.& disdulrge on accoont of pregnancy. and bis mother, Leoni, '3 In lhe famlly 's Capl. struck was granted a waiver Oil surburban Natrona Heigllb borne Thurs-Hearing Sia ted Nov. 29, and "will be permitted lo con-day. tinue her service as a commissioned or-Police Chief Zigmunt Walti.ewicz fi In th Air quoted the family physician, f!'ho was l}Ot ~lie Peters; 21, has 'been ordered to •cer • Force," Sollcitor Gtnenil ldentilitd, as ••·•·· eoJJn told blm:l''I a-'"·· In Harllor Judicial Distrlcl court Erwin N. Griswold told tbe court. _,,..... l'J'<'A' The American Civil Uberties Unlcn, don't know why I did it. My dad and Thursday for a preliminiry ~big on a hicb mother gave me ever)tthtng." ch&rge of attempting to fnurdet irvfne w · is represeoµng Capt. Stn.ick, cal.I-Walliewicz said Jackie, an only child. police offiti!r Stephen Nash. Police said sturm undressed hJmsetr during the fracas and was totally nude as be attempted to Dee when squad cars ar- rived. He was subdued and taken to Costa Mesa Hospital where a phyBician closed a bleeding 2\.2-inch gash on bis head with six stitches. From there Sturm was taken to Coeta Mesa City Jail but later transferred to Orange County Medical Cenler altei he repeatedly slammed bis bead into a oon· crete wall and tried to rip .>Ut his hair, police said. Mrs. Britten, of 8915 Yuba River Ave., was not aeriously injured but police said there were red mare on her throat. Damage to the laundromat consisted of a paper towel dispenser which the enraged Slurm allegedly ripped off the wall. From Page I AIR-CAL ••• ed the govemmerit's move "a Oagraruly outrageous er fort to remove rro;n this apparently bad no trouble wilh his Peters, a Canadian 6t(fen who police own rupt; Jo a reasonable level. court's scrutiny an issue of overnding P~~hi·ef said Jackie went lnlo his say is the newly elected president of the 'The government also suggests that public importance." -Orange County llessiaDL_C')':cle _g.ang, is PSA only expressed an interest In buying The ACLU said what Is needed is a ntl-father's second-floor bedroom and shot belng held ID Orarige County Jaif in lieu Air Cil wbenU\e N~ Beach airline Ing Iha! pregnancy C8llll!'t· be silJiled out hini five times ID lhe bead and cbest wllh of IJ00,000 ball. bl\gan showing sips of making a profit ror "special disadvantaged treatment a .25 caliber pistol, then went downstairs tt is alleged that Pelerf,set up an am-ne1.t year. rrom among other physical conditions cc--and shot bis mother in the bead, as she bush ror the 24-year~ld officer on a PSA lawyers have asked Ulat action in · casioning a period of temporary disabW• i!IY convalescing with a sore baCk. 'Iben deserted Irvine road Ocl 23. the antitrua:t case be haltea unW the ty." he pislol4wblpped ber and stabbed her Peters was arrested at his apartment Calilomia Public UWiUes Commisaim :our times in the cbesl in Orange last week. (PUC) -"es •n the merger ·•··· As of now, the ACLU sajd, the only -------------------''-------~-~----'--'-~------"--.,.....--'-0 _ _, chc.nge is that a pregnant Officer is sub- ject to the "charity of a military com- mander" instead of being dismiftd sum- marily. l'rot11 Pqe I FUN ZONE ... project would be out of character with the area. Beek's attorney, Richard Newell, thl!: morning al.!IO released a copy ol. tbe Certificate of Llmited Partnership for Edgewater Assoclate5, Inc., the finn be said that existing Fun Zone tenanta are paying rent to. The coodomlnlu1111; lo be mown u the Edgewater Condominiums, will ·be built by the JAK QimtrJl<l1on Company. John A. Konwiaa' Is pr...tdent of JAK whidl tJ !fsted u a general perm« In Edgewater Auoc1ates. The llmiled pa-.; an!: Joseph Kommer Of Marina del Rey; Thomas D. Peckenpaugh of Newport Beach; Dr. Robert Rosenberg of Newport Beech: lllchanl Brown of Salli& Ana; Barney G. Corbie of Loa Angel .. : Richard Renz of Norwalk; Robert Howe of Culver City and Seymour Levy of Scottsdale, Ariz. nte ~ CM1t °"'LY PILOT, wfl'I lllfltdl It. c:emlllftd the .._.,.,.... ii ,.,.. ...... ., t11e er__,. ea.it P'llOllMiflll c°""*" . ..,_. ,... •ltlllr4 .,. Pllllllllled. ~., ....... P::r*'I'. ftrr em.. NI"'· N-wt liMcfl. NvntlnflDn 8MC.tl/,.,..i.1t1 v1ti.t, U10iM1 a.di. ll'Ylnal"""leNa: and * c........, IMI JIHll C1phtr1no A 1'"9'9 r19i..1 •lllM k Pllb!lt!Md S.lulli.v-.,,.. .SUlldiys. flit ,,. ..... pubtlllliftl P4Mtl h •• I» wtsf a.r $1rwt, C0111 !Mu, C111twr1i., taK. Rob.rt N. Weird i-r.s;a.w -.tlll PuOli.tltr Jtck II.. C1trle1 Yk9 ,.... ... , •!Id Gtotrel ~ Sex for Therapy n-·· x .. .,a E•ltw ""'°"''' A. M11rplti11• ...... 1111 E•llw L Pet« Kri-. • ~ a_,. Cit' E:dflllr ....,.,. ... Office llJl N1wft011 lo11le.,1rd I t Unlice1ised Analyst,s Under Attack NEW YORK (uPI) -A houoewtre has testified lhlt 811 unllcenoed fl'!l'cho!Olllst had suual Intercourse With her and lier school-age daughter, and the da~ter "took pictures or us In btd together.' An attractive brunclte saJd htr therapist on Neiw York's West Side "!IOCked me In the breasU" and "banged my bead on the floor." When abe complained. silt said the therapi.tl told her, .. l had a problem with healthy play ." A third young woman aaJd lhat, in her second week of lreAtment, her ment.al health therapist "started fondllng and careulng me. J had oothlng lo do wit.II any kind of treatment." She Btopped aoJnc to him arter paying $1,100 In three weeks, the woman said. Those were among the wilnesse11 tostl· lying either In -or throuah tape al a public belrlng lnlo the practlce1 of unlicensed m«ltal heallh therapists. The wllnesses did not ld<ntlfY themlelves et the hearing. ''Today In N.,. York anyone, Including incompetent charlatans, crtminala a n d . mentally 'Ill pel'IOIJI can and do hold themJclves out as being able to minister to those seektng help for mental, emo- llonaJ or beMvtonl diJordtta/' aakl State Attorney General Louis U:Ckowltz. H~ offie<, Ltfkowltz flld, NI found "wid<opttld abuoel by U-ilftrogulaled pr1ctltlonen In the mental heat th field." There ii I "ihecklllCIY !lldelpread pol> tern of teXUal therapy," 1ald Stephen Mindell, deputy head of LelkDwl!s't Bureau of Cootumer Fraudl and ~ lion. 1815 NEWPORT BLVD. Downtown Costa Mesa -:-Phone 548-7781 ;., _______ """ _______ ... ____________ c-".ri • A ~------ I, • \ I l I .. ! ' : ' • • -~ange ~oa8t Today's Final EDITION N.Y. St.eek vor.:. 6S, 'No. 353, 2 SECTIONS. 32: P.,GEs, ; ORAN6i, cputm. CAUFORN~ ' MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, 19n c TEN CENTS l . • ' 'fax Shift Bill Signed N~xQll Resumes Bombing . .. ~~~~g:::d lte•P• oll!D<d Into law .today a landmarlt •r.t ·bllllon 1>"11l""Y tax ...Uol •nd ocllool · an-bill that affects vtrtuaUy e\oery CalllOnllall~ . - The measure was maneuvered tbroulb the 1'12 Jeglllatlve sesslOti by tlle llel"'bllcan g.......,. and liemOcratic Ammbly Speaker Bob Moretti. • For Reagan, it culminated s.iJ: years In Which his -:fforts to win approvaJ of ma- jor property tax relief for California bomeownera was frustr:ited, largely in the stole Senate. : For Moretti, it la another major logislaUve acbi.,.ement be can take to Ille voters H be runs for governor In 1974 ~ .. be bos·indlcatod be plant to do. ' ' For tbe lmqloyen, tbe Ont bf& lmplCI lilJI be a 1 percent ·-In lbe lllate ~tax next Jup&-from J.perceni to. six perceal slltewlde. ' . 11emu. anil boineownm will begin getllnc ·tbe -bact, 1mrever, /n lbe tO'rm ' of property tu cuts and renter . relief next fall. Tbe measure PWecl lbe Senate and finally reached the Governor's desk on · Doc. I -tbe Ona! day ol tbe long 1972 sesaion. .. In gentral, bere 15 wbat Ille plan - gtntrally nicknamed by ill legislative bill nwnber, SB 90 -envisions for Callfomla taxpayers: SALES TAX-The state sales tu g"oes up one cent per dollar June 1, making the coqJbined state and 1ocal nte !iJ. centa per dollar In moot ol tbe -· It -to •~ cents in San Francisco, AJameda and Contra Costa counties. SCHOO~ -1bere will · be a net in- .,..... of •1m1111ca1n .... aid to local -·· brtnPll tllo, ~ .. IJ.J )lllllia. (JI tbe -. '311 millloa Iii .... ,. .. -llld tbe rwuhwler will be med lo roll_._. -".::;,;r~ IChool.._ilil .... '1 -eu~--~ TADS ~ 11ote a= ::I corporotloa taao ,. up by U · . next July I, rolslnl tbem lo I,.._., !'O<POl'ltiollS and IJ penielll .. -Tbe IO percent m:lusion In tba .....,.._ tas goes lo ct ~ next :rear lhd ~velli oil at 50 pereent tbe· :rear Iller tbat. . 'HOMEOWNERS -Tbe p._,l fllO -wnen pR>perty las ezempllon goea up to fl,'l!O .during fiscal ll!S-14. Depeliding ell tbe local property tu rate, that -..... • net tax 11.)'inll ol •bout l90 to lllO per -· Such tax rellel woold be on top of' tha school property las rollbo'ck I« bomeownen In ..ibe -"low wealtb-bigh tu" school J!iatrlcts: Business property would get tbe same brUk. _Suspect Sought ln BrawIKnifing At Mesa Tavern Costa· Mesa police are looting for a ''biker·type tt man in his early 20's they say sWbed tbe tbrolt of a Pier II night club patroa dul:log • brlwl early today. • Tbe P111na victim, K.-ds Mock, 25, ·*'4 E. Li. Palma Ave .. Aubelm. was :a.scribed in satll£octoey condition today <1i Orange Colmty Medlcal Center. : Moct, who also ouflerecl lllilh wOunds On his lnD ind lbouldeJ'I duriDll 'tbe "'U:JO a.m. attact. wu initially rushed to Costa Mesa Memorial llolpltal wbere '.pbyaldana said his life olp were "stable," , ' 1'. PoUce lald witnesses told. them Mock ' became inwl...i in 1 flchl with Ille \mldeotlfled peraoa ,aod that be WflS being pushed. out ol tbe south door .of tbe "Ne!J>Orl' Bou1evard club . ' The 1ttaoker lllen 1'"8ed out a knife dos l>elM eutlial tbe victim. lie fitd bcl .... polloe llrrived. , Police dMertbed tbe fqitl.. II bet ..... 11.and • yeaa ol. aae, s !ett a lilcbes tall, and •ellblnt oppl'Ollimately 150 pouodi. ' ld<><k'I pnlf-Wll llott<f II eowicer but be Iii believed not IO be a l'ler 11 emeloye. Police lnvtatlgaton 11id tbey do qot lmo1r who! ilirted Ille !Jabl. _ . ' SANT A. HOTLINE SET UP IN MESA. ' ) Impasse in Talks Prompts Renewed Attncks Rllocles Scltolar Wendell !. Wllllde II, 20, o! Wayzata, Minn., a Harvard s-enior who is the grandson of 1940 Republican presidential candidate Wendell L. Willkle, was name<! one o! 32 U.S. ·Rhodes scholars. Truman. Remains .. ~~ 'seriod . ~ - lltU He's A1.ert KANSAS CITY, Mo. (UPI) -1!arrY S 1'hqpln, Ws tieart weak and hls kidneys mallimctionlng, slept peacdully through tbe nlgbt and awoke today lo tell doctors that be !ell "all rlgbl" Doctors treating the · former President said be was atill 0 very serious." ''Former President Truman Is slightly mcire alert today Iller a restlbl nlgbt," lte~·arcb Hospital spokesman. John Dreves said. . Dreves said the IPr-year-old Truman was atilJ havinc · problems with hi5 kjdneys, which have !alled to respond lo medication !or six_slrai&ht cfoJ>. "Kidney output still ii lnadequste but there is DO 1ncreue In ftuid buildup," Dreves said. "He Js not receiving any medication or nutrition intravenously. It 15 ~ adminl5tered viii tbe nasal gastric tube which ·he continues to tolerate ·well." Dreves said his heart condition, which doctors aaid Sunday WU a0 weak that it could not support 1 kldiley Dllcbine to ~eanae bis bloOd, wu 'still uncha.nged. .' • II •• Ii II I' ,( --- WASHINGTON (Ue) -w hi I e saying tbe road to P< .ce "15 wlde open," the WbHe House said today President N1-hld ... moved restrictions oo boml>- in( ljo. Vielnal1>i (Relottd •l\>ry, Page 3.) Two days after Nixon's Vietnam negotiator.-Hemy-A. Kissinger, reported his cease-fire negotiations with North Vietnam to be at an impasse, Nixon ordered &ne[k,an· piaJIOI to mume lull operations on the North. Raids quickly followed on Hanoi and Me8a Police • Nab Nude Man On Assault Rap Costa Mesa police Sunday arrested a nude, 38-~-old ~ Aligeles man on charges of assault with intent to commit murder after officers alleged he went berserk 1n a laundromat and attempted to strangle a Fountain Valley woman. Held Jn the Orange County Medical Center psyciattic ward with charges pending against him is Frederick Karl Sturm ot Los Angeles. Police said the 'rtport of the alleged assault came from Ida Ma Britten, 31, operator of the laundromat at 1738 Pla· centia Ave., in. Costa Mesa. She told offlCel"S that Sturm was in the place and became involved in a violent argument with a female companion while doing his laundry. Tbe operator aslerted tbal Sturm then be(all deitMiio iinlllirb» ....... ~!lie ;, ... , . she told polloe _.... -" ........ her-llll laoptls;~ lrillenllld sbe muogecl lo flgbt o4 tho oDoled itlalllnt by liitting him wltll • .....,, -and r-tedly cloutin( him over the heed with a soil drink boll1o. · Ptlice said sturin undressed himself · durilg the fracas qd was totally nude as be alltempted to fiee 1'ben squad cara ar-ri..._ He waa subdued and taken to eo.ea Mesa Hospital where a physician closed a bleeding Ill-inch gash on bl5 head with six stitches. """" Ibero Stunn .... taken to Costa Mesa City Jall but . !liter transferred to Orange-,,COUnty Medical Center after he repeatedly slammed his· bead into a con- crete wall and tried to rip .JUt his hair, police said. • iMrs. Britten, of8915 Yuba River Ave.t Wll not seriously injured but police saia ~ ftl'e red matt~ on her throal Damage to the laundromat consisted of a paper towel dispenser which the enraged sturm allegedly ripped off the wall -DECK YOUR HA.LL WITH PILOT ADS Deck your balls with something unique. Look II this: DECORATORS P<rsooal !\":!? i, t' wht Damut sofa, 1, r Hercalon sofa-nu, 2 Driixel type end tbl~. 536-4150, . 1291 Atlanta A\>li, HB. I -Twenty-six people responded to that ad and all · the furniture is decorating new balii. Read the DAILY PILOT clqSllfied want ads. They bring good Udlngs. Pbone MM678. , Haiphong. U.S. warplanes attacked the suburbs of Hanoi tonight, Tass reported from the North Vietnamese capital. It said a fire r&ge<j north of the city. ' The account salcf the attack lasted about 40 minutes. The dl5palch said: "American aviation this night made a raid on suburbs of Hanoi. An •,air raid warning was glve11 in the city during a film show, arranged by representation of the provisional reyotutlonary ;iovernment o{ tlie Rep1Jbllc of South Vietnam in lhe bill ol the lnlernltlotlal Olb • ' • "Explosions were beard 1 few minutes . later .. Tbe hmnbing. eontinued unln- terrupteCDy for 40 minutes. Bombs were dropped 3-5 kilometers from the center of the city. The red ,;low of a fire blaud up north of Hanoi during the raid." (Three to five kilometers Is about two to three miles.) Hanoi Radio reported devastating at· Dot lte111 Found Mesan Reclaims 2nd Object at Meet Paul Gillespie rapidly is becoming C.OSta Mesa's number 'one crime stopper. The sell-taught~ sleuqi, who last week . uncoyered hill otm stolen car from cat footprtnt1=lues on its hood, made it two in a row-fbis weekend by locating his pilfered vacuum cleaner -also at a swap meet. . Gillespie, 44, of 1442 Deauville Place, said be found the Eureka upright cleaner for sale on someone's table at the Orange Swap Meet. "J knew it was mine because it had a hole in the bag and because I had just repaired it and put some scratches on one of the fittings," he said. Gillespie, whose vaQJum cleaner was stolen along with the car, said the seller was not arrested by Orange police because he claimed ha had bougbt the vacuum cleaner at another swap meet. A week ago, Gillespie was snooping around the Harbor Drive-in Swap Meet in Santa Alla when be spotted a car that fit· led the description of one stolen from his driveway. · Although it had dil!erent license plates, Gillespie said he could identify it by the cat tracks. A feHne which accidentally wandered through some fresh tar deposited the bnprints permanently on lht car sOOrtly before it was stolen. The fact that a key Gille~ple carried in hiS pocket Ut the ignition convinced of· ficers that they should arrest the two 17· yeari>ld boys in the car on auto theft charges. Dow Down 14 Points es Ot'3r Paris Stiikmate NEW YORK (AP) -Tbe stock market fell sharply today alter government o!- ficlals reported a atalemate In tbe Pam peace talks and said the United States widened tbe bombing of North Vleinam. Trading was heavy. The Dow Jone. average of 30 iJ>. dustrials plWlged more than 17 points in Ille fU'SI boil-hour ol trading, but then recovered a bit and cloeed down 13.99 points at 1013.15. , Tbe brood~ New York Stock. Exchange index of JDOfe than 11400 com-- moo stocks dropped .71 points to 63.92. r>e<;lines swamped advances by a wide marg111 on the New Yorlt Stock Ex· change. Larry Wachtel, vice president for research at Bache Ir Co., noted that there had been a heavy buildup in stock prices in anticipation of a peace agree- ment on Vietnam. . "Now that it desn't look like 'peace is at band, 1 it's bound to cause some unraveling," be iald. Wachtel predicted that declines would peraist throughout Ille week, but said lbe market would resume its upward trend soon becaUl!e of the basic health of the economy. Other ana1ysta said some investon were taking-profits on stocks which had risen sharply in the past few months because of indications of progress in the Paris peace talktl. Sex Educatio_n Guidelines Have Little Eff eel on Coast By GEORGE LEIDAL Of .. Dal~ """ '"" New state guidelines regulating 1e1 educatkln 1n California schools are ex· pected to have little impact on the way such classes are conducted now, Orange Coast ocllool c!hle!s agreed today. Dr. John W. Nicoll, superintendent of . the Newport·Meaa Unified S c b o o I District, cited only one difference he had noted in news accounts of the board-arr proved new guidelines. The reqqirement for superintendents to review the use of ••ootside resource people" ...:. guest lectures, 0 puta the monkey m my back," Dr. Nicoll said. Except tbat U.11.Wts decentraliutioo of authority for such choices of class speaken, Dr. Nicoll sees no partic-Jlar problem tn the new requlremenl Jack Roper, superintendent of the. Hun- tington Beach Union High School District, sees no problem or significant change in the new nites. Mesa· Winds Up Busy Year "We inform parent.s and send them a Ust of all_classes in whicb any famDy life or sex educali9n unit Is taught," be said. "All of our materials and programs are open to parents for review," Roper said, adding, "1 wish a few more. would take. advantage of the opportunity to r .. -view them 90 they'd know what we are doing." ,Animal Co.ntrol Ordinance · Heads Council Agenda Member! or tbe Co&ll\ ¥•.,~((i\~Coun-1 !Jeers IO pick up strays, to llc.nse doc•. di wtn'wlod llP a buay.y~.. t wllh and IO control wlld 'anlmais. their ftnal council ....ion It'll; Duggan 11id !be ordin ..... 1pecllle1 a hlghllchted by•"' •merc<11<Y lltllnai -llcen1t fee ol fl per year, llP It from the ... trot ordtnance. ,r ' • ' ' · curmrt fee to help finance th!i acllvltle1 Tbe agenda to 'ladllid by u;.· ft•• ' of tbe °"' deportment. mao coundl •I l :!t p.m. iii ......U lloet ol !be prov!SIOOI of the ordinance chlmben, 7' Pp Drive, 1ppeon l'OUlll\e • hove ~ In e!feet In the past, but there i>tbenriae. t ore oo";;;' details .,.._.Ing 'the koeplng ~nt CllY Manager Robel1 K. Due· of anlmalli or which Q.111 Mesano should IM Mf1 )lo '!Iii atll !or opproval of the be ,,....., _,,, to allow the city lo btcln -It wlU he unlawful to keep mo!)! than ol>er•tlnf the new 1.nlmal Colltrol ~ an1m111 over !be oge of three 8enlces DeporlmfJ1t Dec. 2'1. -!ht bl • irlv.•ta bome. Thret pnlfe111ooal onjJnal. ~ _,,_ ........ IOCh u .,.,.., plgl, warciem will take over ptllol of <ltloil' pols or -wtll nol be permllted ei· Meaa '• streets from .tbe ~ange Couoty cept In tpeclfic11ly permit ltd onlmal Aolinal llboltarihat dly. IOtles. Tbe ordinance wlil ..,_ the of--VllCcinallotl will be required ol all • • dop four months or older and must be repeated eveey two years. -It will be unlawful to keep no~ domesticated animals such as large memliel'I of tbe cat fomlly, rtpUles, and wild b~do u!llea a apeclal permit h11 been oblab1cd !;om the police chief. -All doc' using plJbllc slreell, alleys, paru and other P'Jbllc pl'""'• wm be re- qldred to be leuhed or ...trained by 1 cblin. -Any impounded dos not claimed within aevcn dayo wlil become property of !be dty •nd 1UbJecl lo poalble deltnlctioo. -It will be unlawful to ketp an 1nlmal which Is IO noily . 11111 It 'disturbs the peace or the oe~bood . Stanley Corey, superintendent o! the new lrVlne Uni.fled School District agreed on this point. "l don 't 111tlclpate any problems with the new guidelines what.toevq," he said, lddJna tbai hlJ knowled&• o! !be rule! waa baJed on news accounts. "We haven't received lhe new guidelinel yet," be noted. As 11 true lritb nearly ever)"'otber pro- gram to be offer«( 1n the new district next yw, Corey raid be wm have io evaluate lbe programs being offered by the exlstin& district.a -TusUn Union High and SUI JOllqll!o Elementary -to be able to comment on whit chan«t• the new rulet might requlnl. Or. Nicoll aald hit admlnlstratkin would not "slnale thls one subject out and let It be<ome I: bugaboo in !be Newport-Mesa dlottlct. ·~e are not vlolatlna the earlier (John G.) SChmits blil r.qulrlng notlllcat!or. of ISM CLASSES, Po(• I) :J tacks against the Hanoi·HaJphong area in which "many"' U.S. plaoes were shot down and some pilots captured. Ronald L. Ziegler, White Hoose press secretary, iald the botnblng resumption -.. after a pause Of nearly twJ months.as a gesture to :llimulate a peace agreement -was intended to cope with a buildup f'f Communist forces "which .:ould lead to ar.other offensive In the south." While the President was removing IS.. BOMBING, Page Ii Air Cal Head Won't Talk About Charge The president of Air California today refused comment on federal charges that Pacific Southwest Airlir.es is saturating the intrastate flight market. "I really bave nothing to say about it . and I don't really know if PSA i.s flooding the market," said Air Cal President Robert Clifford. The Justice Department is attempting to stop PSA from acquirifli, Newport Beach-based Air California because of what they call a possible monopaly on California air transportation. Jn government alfidavlts, former ei:- ecutives of Air Cal ~e PSA' has overloaded several key routes In the state and is making a concerted effort to push other carriers out of the market. Justice Department reports allege PSA carries 70 percent of the pa.nengers travelling inside the state and Air Cil carries another 11 percent. A merger ol tba ~ •-,...W remove PSA's "only eft'ecttve com])etitor and cripple cotptltkm for pauengers," the gonrnrneat contends. , Tbe new -•ts were llled Jut -In u:s. District Court In Los An&elei to support the government's anti.trust suit against PSA, filed Dec. 5. Former Air Cal treasurer Robe.rt Soulerin and former presldmt Carl Benscoter said In the government papers that PSA forced Air cal to withdraw from its Burbank-Oakland and Burttank- San Jose routes by overloading those routes with filgbts. 'Mley claim Air cal surrered a -. of fl million by ellmlnaUng the two *'1ces. After Air Cal withdrew, they aay, PSA cut Its filg~ts back agaln from 12 to seven. Other cbarges include 11legatlom that PSA ellmina.t,ed Uni~ from the Los Angdes-Oakland route by s t a r t i n g service between the two cities only after Unlttd announced Its plans to do so. The aovernment says PS.A again Oood· ed Ille route With fiigbll unW united withdrew in 1rro and then cut back its own llighl:i to a reuonable level. The government also suggests that PSA only expressed an intemt In buyin( Air Cal when the Newport Beach airline: began showing al&ns or making a profit next year. PSA lawyers have asked that action in !See Alli CAL. hp I>°' Jet Pulled From Mud MIAMI, Fla. (AP) -A btlly runway at MlamL lnternaUonal Airport wu reopen· eel Sunday .iter -kinen lincerll' towed a crippled -jumbo jet out ol tbe ' mud wbere It hid been mired since mak· me an emergeocy llindlng nearly 41 • hours earlier. nie jet, clesi&noted lllght I 'l2S bound for Mlnneapoilt-Sl Paa! via Chicago Friday nlfht, illtbered Into tbe mud wbeo its engines !alled to revme properly. Oraqe . 1t'eadaer V1rllible clol.m on 1\lelday, but mottly llWlt1Y 1tlel, ICOOl'dlng to UIO weatbet-oervtce. lllglll 1" a.. jo,,, Lowa tmtsht -· INSiaB TODAY HumM& lqHir""-t4UOn fa Mot neta hi uw c:otmtrv. To tohat eztnt sholcld a n f lluma" be pcrmitud to ~ ""'""" in lh• ,,.,.. of 1cfe•IJfic JJTOQ- r1u1 Sec 1t:orv cm Page 7. LA...,. n -.. ~:::.,.":: ~ ~' .. -.. -I ·~ .... . ......... ' .... . ·-.... ·p .... ltetW • llilftac .. , • -' ... .......,.. 11 ----. _,_ I . ..... '"""" "' -.... ............. -" -· --. ---.......... .. I 1~ OAJL.V PILOT Youth I\.ills Pai·ents, Tells Docto1· Pl'M'SBURGH (UPI) -11., family physician listened but could not believe the 19-year.old college stu'dent who told him be had killed his parents the day before, and for no app::i -.:nt reason. police said. So the doctor took the youth home -and saw the bodies. As a fl!Sult. Jack L. Colin Jr., !~, a University of Pittsburgh sophomore, ,1·as charged \l.ith the murder (If his fntlx>r and nl(lther. Police said young Colin shot, be1u an.1 stabbed his father. Jack L. Colin Sr .. 44, and bis mother, Leona. 43 in the farni~'s surburban Natrona Heig1lls home flii - day. Police Cbiet Zigmunt Walkiewi quoted the family physician, who was not idebtilied, as saying Colin told him: "f doo't lmow l\'by I did il~~My dad and mother gave me everything." · Walkle\lilcz said Jackie, an only cl1ild. apparently had no trouble with his parents. The chiel said Jackie went into his father's second-floor bedroom and shot him five times in the head nnd chest lvith a .25 caliber pistol, then went downstairs and shot his mother in the head, as she lay convalescing with a sore back. Then he pistol-whipped her and stabbed her :our times in the chest. The student went bac k upstairs, \Valkiewlcz said, and shot bis father again with a .22 caliber pistol to make sure bis father was dead. TONIGHT CITY COUNCIL -Regular meeting, City Hall 6:~ p.m. BASKETBALL -Corona del Mar v. Newport Harbor at Harbor, 8 p.m. TUESDAY,.DEC. 19 B~KETBALL -UCI v. Central Iowa, eraw1on1 Hall, a p.m. Police Assault Hearing Shited Leslie Peters, 21, bas &Oen order<d I<> appear in Harbor JudlclaJ District' Court Thunday tor a preliminary bearing on a charge of allemptlng to murder Irvine police officer Stephen Nash.· Peters, a Canadian citizen who police say ls lbe newly elected president of the Orange County Hessians cycle gang, is being held in Orange C.Ounty Jail in Ueu of $100,000 bail. lt JJ alleged that Peters aet up an am· bush for the 24-year--0ld officer on a deeerted lrvine road Oct. 23. Peters was arrested at bis apartment in Orange last week. Singer Oaims Booing Planned LONDON (UPI) -Diva Amy Shuard, booed by the audience at a performance of Puccini's opera "Turandot'' In Naples, returned ho~e clutching a bouquet of nowenl' -and some nasty .suspicions. "l still stick by my theory that nll this was a put-up job," she said (If the booing. Someone asked if lt was perhaps possi- ble her" voice was oot up to its usual high Standard. 1 "1 beg yoor pardQn," she said. "I was ~ superbly." OIWlet COAST °' ' DAILY PILOT 'TM or.._. C-. DAILY P'IL.OT, .... wMtt1 .. .,...,,.. ......... """" It ........ w ... °"""' c:.et l"wlllllhlrlg ~ ........ ""' .. ,.... -Plltlllllwd, ~ ......,... tllttUy, fW e-t• MtM, H""l*f hMft,, HIMll,.ton 8-dlf~llln Y•llf<r, ~ ·~ l~!Odi; 111111 s..n c..,.,,.., .... ..... c.,tl.tl'-A. .-... .......... , •IOOft It .-tltMd S.h1nl1vs, INI Sl.ll'ld1y-. TIW llriM."'91 PVtllltltlnl pl1nl 11 11 J:IO W~I I ..., ''""'· C•I• Mu., au,.,,,,..., """' Roli11t H. We..I ,.,..ldtnt ..... ,...,,lttlw J ...... C.tf.., vu ........... ..,.0..-.,._.. n.,,,,. Ke.ml . ~ ... lhM•• A. M11rpltln1 _.__ a-t. H. LMt 1J1h1"4 P'. N1lt ...,.,..,....._ ...... c.... .... OHlu JJI W•st 1 • .,. Stf••t ...._, A,44,.tt: P.O. le• I Ito, t2626 --- It Starts Tonight The annuaJ Newport Harbor Christmas Boat Parade gets under way this evening. Map indicates parade route through harbor and 'approximate times color· fully lighted yachts will pass specific locations. Pa· rade will run each night through Saturday. Start~ ing time each night is 6:30 p.m. ParJil~ Is spon· sored by Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce and Newport Beach City Employes Associati-On. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Search for Lost Dory Fisherman Continues Today . Authorities today continued the search for the bodies of a Newport Beach dory fisherman and bis daughter believed lost at sea last week off Huntington Beach. Huntington Beach li!eguards, aided by the city's police helicopter, still have found no trace of Allen Knight and three. year-Old Patricia, discovered missing from their small boat last Wednesday. The helicopter has been making regular sweeps off the ocean off the state beach but so far there have only been false alanns. The copter spotted objects under water twice over the weekend but when divers got to them, they found only submerged junk and part of a sunken boat. Huntingfon Beach Lifeguard Captain Doug D' Aman .said the patrols -and dives If needed -will continue dally un- til some traee of the bodies Is found. Sexual Abuses Told at Hearing On Therapists NEW YORK (UPI) -A housewife bas testified that an unlicensed psychologist had sexual intercourse with her and her school-age daughter, and the daughter "took pictures of us in bed toget.her." An attractive brunette said ber therapist on New York's West Side "socked me in the breasts" and "banged my head on the Door." When she complained, she said the therapist told her, "l had a problem with healthy play." A third young woman said that, in her second week of treatment, her mental health therapist "started fondling and caressing me. I had nothing to do with any kind of treatment." She stopped going {o him after payfng $1 ,100 In three weeks, the woman said . 'MlOSe were among the witnesaes testi- fying ellher In person or iJu:ougb tape at a public hearing lnl<> the practlcel of unlici!nsed menta.t health tberaplsts. The witnesses did not Identify themselves 1t the hearing. ''Today in New Ycrk anyone, including incompetent charlataN11 ttiminals a n d mentally ill persons can and do bold themselves out as being able to minl!ter to those seeking help for mental, eJJ». lional or behavtoraJ disorder!," said State Attorney General Louis Lefkowitz. His office, LefkoWltz said, has found "widespread abuses by these unregulated practJtioncrs in the mental heaJth field ." There is a "shockingly wldespread pat- tern of aexual therapy," said Stephen Mindell, deputy head of Leflcowltz's Bureau of Conswner F'rauds and Protec- tion . Mesa Secretary Raped in Home Court Ordered w Rule On AF Pregnancy Case WASHINGTON (UPI) -The U.S. Supreme Court today directed a JowP.r federal court to detennine whether there is any longer a legaJ diaptlte between Capt. Susan R. Struck and the Air Force over her discharge in 1970 'Biter she became pregnant. E'rotll Pqe 1 BOMBING ••. bombing mtrictloll! just one week before Christmas, Ziegler stressed that the United Stat.. sliU hoped for a peaco selUEllM!llt. "'Ibe road to peace 19 wide optn," Zieg]er told reyorters. "We want a rapid settlement to this confllct." But he asserted, "We are not ro~ to allow the peace talks to be used as a cover for another offensive." Ziegler said Nixon's statem~nt of May 8, in which he ordered the mlning or North Vietnam's harbors and increased bombing, was once again ,U.S. policy. The presidential spokesman aakl the bombing north of the 20th Partalel ~ primarily the Hanoi-Haiphong area where most ot Nortli Vjetnam's popula· tion Is concentrated -liad been ordered suspended in October as a move to stimulate peace efforts. Ziegler's remarks left no doubt that the bombing resumption was aimed at pressuring Hanoi into making con- cessions toward a peace agreement. Frot1t P9fle 1 CLASSES ... parents of the content of our courses," be said. District pollcfe1 provide for parenta to remove'their child from the program, he added. The new rules require teachers of sex education to have undergone tra.ining tor !heir fiel<I. Dr. ljiCQll suggell& tll>trlct prncedures almody provide-for thi>. William :Wgg, superintendent of the new Saddleback Valley Unified Dlslrfct, s.imilarly said be hadn't seen the new guidelines. · When be does review them, 1.ogg said be would bope the oupetln-· •I> provol or tk!nfal of Otllalde clwruom speaken does oot ''take the onus ol re.!pOll&ibillty off Ibo penoq Who mljJbt do something unethical o r ~ profenional." 'Ibe justices agreed Oct. 2' to bear the case but the government claims the situation has changed to such an extent that the case sbou1d be dismissed. The high court sent her appeal back to tlie 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for a detenninatioo of this question. The Justice Department told the Supreme Court that AJr Force reguJa. tions have been changed and officers may now request a waiver to avoid discharge on acoount of preQ:DSDCY. Capt. Struck was granted a waiver on Nov. 29, and "will be pennitted to cm- tinue her service as a commlasiooed of- ficer in the Air Force," Solicitor General Erwin N. Griswold !<>Id the oourl The American Civil Liberties Union, which la repmentlng Capt. Struck, rall· ed the government's move "a flagrantly outraa~ effAr1 to ~ov~ fro?t tM:s court's 8CMJthft 'an iisae of ovemdfng public importance." The ACLU said what is needed is a ruJ. ing that pregnancy cannot be singled out for "special disadvantaged treatment fro m among other physical conditions oc- c;asloning a period of temPorary dlsal>Ui- ty." As of now, the ACLU 114id, the only change ls that a pregnant officer is: sub- Joct I<> the "charity of a n\llltary com- mander" Instead 'of being dflm!Med SUID· marily. 1MJ wonden if there ii I<> be legal I linblllty lor the action.t of those a superintendent might approve for a ~ classroom appearance, • Frot11 Page I AIR CAL ..• the antitrust case be , halted until the Callfoml1 Public UUlltJes Commlulon (PtlC) rules Clll the merger plans. PSA ls offering $10 mUlloo for oon- trolll"I Interest In Air Cal, whlcb ii CUl'- renUy owned by tile Westcat..Calllornla Corporation. ~ ,,,..,.,, -..01 JUI N..,,ett ... Jtwfd L.....-llldl1 "' ,_, "'-Him""*' hfell: l"1S ·~ ~"' S-C..,._..l aJ N9r!11 II ~ ll ... t ....... (7141 642-411\ A 28-~..okt Coltl Mesa secretary told police 1he was raped In htr apart· ment early Sunday by an Intruder who . attacked her at knifepoiot. 'I'be woman Mkf her &18allant cut a hole In a 'Nindow scrttn, forced off the lock, and pried the window open lo enter the onwtory apartmtnL Vatican News paper Discusses the Devil VATICAN CITY (UPI ) -The Vatloln new1paper L'Osservatore Rom an o detoted two Of Its eight pages Sunday to a aub,lect the VatJcan rarely dilcuue& at I C'111rna:i A•isiftels1 MJ.f671 ~. '"' ONfttl cM.t ..... lttl .... ~. "' _, ....,...,,. ,.,...,,........ ..................... "'*'".'" '*'9111 ,,.,. .. ·-----WKflWt ~ ,.. .... ,,~-· Al be grabbed her by cupplna: one Mnd over her mouth. he warned her, "Don't scream, J've got a knltt, ''she told police. ICl\fllb -tile devil. ·' ' Man Nabbed as D. B. Cooper SEA'!'!'LE (AP) -Last April Z!, Geno c. Tbomas was bavin& dinner with his wile at the Edgewater lnn. Suddenly\ two meo appeared at tbe table and hustled him away. At first, Thomas thought it WJI lfiaJte, Then the men took him to FBJ :-h\ad· quarters and began questioning him Groom Held In Wedding Guest's Death MIAMI (AP) -One man was klUed and live persons wounde<t !Oday wbeq an argwnent over a cigarette led to a' gun balUe durfng a CUbao wedding party, police aaid. The wounded , bridegroom was charged wJtb second-degree murder. Bridegroom Jorge Llanes, 34, was charged in the death of Jose Rivera, a 34- year-old Puerto Rican, Po!Jce Sgt. Ken Harrison said. Harrison said some 30 persons were celebrating the wedding of Llanes and Alicia Lugo when the argument Oared. The wedding reception was at the lux- urious Shgratoo Four Ambassadors, a hotel on Biscayne. Bay. In addltib'n to .IJanes, four others were wounded , including Maria lAlgo, 41, Sisler of the bride. Police said at least lJ shots were fll'td and four pJstou were found 1t the hotel, one In a room rented by IJanes. Othen Injured were Juan Rodriguez, 27 ; Carmen Buzaim, IO; and GUbetl<> PuUdo, 34, all CUbans. Police aald two 9mm pistols and one .J8.caliber revolver were found in the ballroom and another 9lrun plslol In the room rented by the brldegroorr .. Jim Loshlano, a hotel dootman, said be was sitting in the lobby when he heard "something that sounded like a bunch of firecrackers. All of a sudden I see these people screaming and TUMing out, so I come running down the hall. ''And I heard some more shots," he said. "Then I got to the door and a woman was slanding there with a bullet in her left side and &he was holding it there and she was speaking Spanish. J saw the blood so J put be: (ID the chair. Then I went back inside and there was this woman. she wa s_trying to pick up this guy because he was choking in bis own blood. "She aaid pick It up (the gun) before somebOdy else does ttJ. slarta shooting," Losbiano said. "So l ,pioRcl up, Ille flUll and cover<d it wlib a table cloth and gave it to the chief or s~y. Then l started &i,l'ing tlils guy, tJie <>lit 1H pOt !!Ii the table, arliflclal respiration." ~. Man, Wife Convicted • SAN FRANCISCO CAP I -A man and wife were convicted in the alaying of the husband's father, whose body WM found floating off a pier last July. A JurY of eight women and four men convicted Calvin McCrlgbt, 2~ and his wile Har· riet, 23, of first-degree murder after more than eight hours of deliberation!. about the hijackln& of a Northwost ~ Airlines ;et on Ttianlclaivtng eve, 1971. ·Tbomaa testified In federal court Saturdny that FBI agents tn ld him his friend of 26 )'ears, Wllllatn Lewi! of · Se4j>eck, W'9h., Jlnger<!l NJI! >as a· mao strongly resembling Police 1rlist sketch, es of the hljAcker. known only as D. B. Cooper, who parachuted to part s unknown with $200.000 ranaom. l..ewis and Donald Sylvester M\ltphy of Breme:rtoo, Wash. ar~ charged with at· lerQpting to defraud a f.ormcr Newsweek f\.tagazine edi tor of some $30.000 for an exclusive interview with lhe hijacker. Coveroment prosecutors contend Lew l:s obta ined the money from Karl Fleming of Los Angeles in u chnnge for an in- terview with Pi-1urphy, who allegedly pos- ed as Cooper . Trial was lo resume today ln U.S. district Court. The government contends that LewU se t up hls friend as a decoy to draw at- tention from Murphy. 1'be defense has conceded that Lewtit set up a -phony interview. with Murphy as an imposter. Attorneys for Lewla and Murphy contend that Fleming became aware during the interview that he was not talking with the hijacker but wen! ahead with the story anyway. Earlier in the triaJ, te~timony indicated that an article based on Fleming's Ii· terview was slated as tile cover-page ; feature for Newsweek but was killed at lhe last minute. .. Wedding Nored Aft.er the Fact SELATl'YN, England (AP) -Loni Harlecb, friend of Ibo late l'relldenl JobnF. Kennedy and a former Britllh ambassador to Washington, went to a wedding here carrying the month.old baby of IbO brtde and groom. The bride was Harlech's daughter, Vic- toria, 26, and the groom was Julian Uoyd, 25, son of an English landowner. They lived together . for some time in a commune and said the idea of getting married never occurred to them untll their daughter, Poppy, was born. Then, Victoria said, marriage "seemed like a good idea. We would not like to do anything whlch could be 1 ltandfcop to Poppy later In We." Right to Bind Bad Boys Upheld I . ~ Ntwt y .... "' •, c• =• c ....... o... "'.., .w.,..,. ~--,.. --::·-.. _. ..... ___ ,_..,.. .. ..., ,. .............. c •••• c ........ o... ..... --r.AWt .... ............ ,.. . ....., .............................. "'" ~ .--.-,...,. -·Of--....... -....... -·---.,_ ...._,~ t 1.0--1 , . . , MIM•I• Of' CA1...t'°•Mt4'1 LA•l•IT QOOf'llATN• •UV!Me HO\lf' Wint THI VOl..UMI IUYING f'OW•l CW Ut •TOl•I .... Dt!lt(af' , '' " F·;. I~ , ... ·,.-. ~· ... . . ... . '' ... ..... &m ,..... NW al Cllif9 ....._ t.l:Ms '""' ......... _. .arrltr UM ,,_,.t .., ,.... a.ts "*''Mr' flllllrtw _____ ............ ,..... Following the S: 15 1.m. usault ln her bedroom, the man left by the front door, tbe secr~tary said. Seven lheologlans agreed Satan Hlall . Their n.,dlngs supported a 1~ Pope PauJ Vl made last month which Mid the devil e1lata -the Ont time the n.year- old pontiff dedicated ID entire ~ to the subject. 1815 NEWPORT BLVb. Downtown Costa Mesa -Phone 548·7788 . ------~------.. ·---------kif---------, .. -..,..,· ' ' ( • I ( I I I J