HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-01-07 - Orange Coast Pilot( I I I I • I • oast • I s ose ne -. ~ u~~Wh'•JtAI --'tt' <.a X \&' -~..'. ., :ZiU .,. ·,... ' ":""'0~:..::t.112t 'J'll'~"'""""'·a•"""'"''"'"' .. n:••llll•m••• ,4 Diedrich to Head Up • I •,, t " County's Supervisors TUES DAY AFT ER N OON , J A N UARY 7, 1975 ------------VOL •I.NO l,/~l=CllON ~,l•PA GE~ -- 0 0 Raw Alcohol Kills 2nd Countian TO W IE LD GAVEL Coun ty Board's Diedrich S 11p e rt·isors Pick C ltie f /11 Di Pdric·/1 Jt, \\1 1.11\'l ""t ll J{l·lltFH 0 11"~ o~''' P.i .. 1 ~1 •• tt Ji .i/j>/I \ Jl/1d1H!i"! I 11li 1'(infl II'" 1'l1·• 11 •I 1 li.111111.ill <>I llio• 11 1.1111 ,. < ... 111i1 r ~ .. .i rd "' :-.O;qn I I I 11 l<>I I'!, 1 l "1l.11 "\I ' ~ 1•1•d 1!1' ,\11.d11·1tll "l'llt·/ I ''"I' 1:.ilph l'l.111, \l hH \Iii \ -.,1•1 \l' ,1..; 1 111·1·/1.tlltll.Jll ll H.l111il li" I" t 11 .1 1111,1 rd n1,.nll11·r :-1n1 ,. 1~1 ;1 1 !lo · 11 .. 11 !lh· ..,,.,\l I ll .I \I• 1111'\ 11\ t'! I Htl~ l llll l' :-;1q11 I I'""' \\ Llh.tll\ f'hillllJ'> I lh·d I H' Ii I .... I I ,, 1111" I •• I 'l'l i.· IH'\\ , ..... , d I ti.111·1n.1n L:-. " s1•ll Il l.Lil •· 111.111 11 ho 1•;1rn1·d h 1-; n1o n 1·v 111 1·1111,lr111·111111 ;ind Lind do·\t ·l1111 1111 ·111 111•f,.r1 • 11n·111n f! 10 p <dl1 1L S. II •• 1-. ;t d, .• .,r.it1·d \1·lL'1.111 11 1 \\u1 \d \\'.1r 11 :i nd \1·,1 .-. \\Hilr1d1·d Ill lh1• :\"! ll)dlld y 111 \;t ~Ultl. ln h1 ..; 1n.1 t11:11 r;o\ 1 •·111:11 h.-, :1 -. c·h:11r111 .111 . 111,•d111 ·h 111111111 -.., .. 1 :1 1n11 g h. l .1-.1 1110\·1111~ .ippr .. ;u·h t11 g111·~·rn 1111· 11 l "In ]11!!!..t!l J.: ,I\ '""Ill'" \\\' \Vd l f;.J<'(' 1h1'i ,\l':1r. plu-. :t11t •n1p11n~ tn prl'd11·t nL·11 d1·11•l11p111 1•nl pr .. - hl1·1n .-.;, 11 ·.., •·11•.11' 1h1 -. 1-. c:11111 ,i.: lu lie a d1f11t·1dl \1•.1r ht· .-..ud J)ll 'd t' I l' ll ) II '·d I t'li ·d l'Oll I 11 l11111 C pr11hlL·n1 -. \\Ith .111 11·1\ll" ll ;dl . ()r;1nj.!l' ('111 1111 1 :'l.l 1·d1c ;il l'1•1ltl·1· and 11n t.:uLll.L: 11•01 j.!,11l11 .. *11un of 1h1· 1·11111111 h11r1:;n1t·rac1 . 1 n I hl' t t•.1 l 111 u f rt'( •ri.:.1ni 1 .. l11un. Dh·tlr1l'h •:-..1111 h1· \\ill p1·cs:-: fur formation 111 .1 p1·upl1· -.L'r\ H't'S H).ll'llt'Y ;dong lht' .-.;.11111· lull'~ as the cou nly':-. fir;.I :-.upera~<'tl('.\' \\'h i<'h \\'111dC;1J\\1l'h l'll\'ll'Ollll1l'll· tnl ~ind pl;,inninl-! !llj1ll1·r:-.. li e ;d.-.n urgi·tl h1 :-. f1·ll111\' hnn r d n11·mhc r s t u dC\l'lop .i lt.·i..:1slat1v(' ;cn;i!ys! pro1.:r·:in1 ~11H I to h:11·k his p l~1 ns 1n rrl·:1l1' :1 fair <':tn1paign pr;11·t1c11.; t•un1rn1...,;.1011 in the t 'Ollll1~' thn1 \\'1\lllfl "t'l'\01.' ,J S ;1 \\<ll ('hd.o .!! 1111 lo1•:il p11l1!11 ·-. '!'ht• nv11 1·h :11rn1.111 11r g 1·d 1·r1·.1 · tion of :1 1·l11:-1·r !t11k 111!h :.\,d..: ISi'!' Dll·:ll ll.1('11 . l'a ~C' 1\2) S .\.'\ f-'H.\,\'l'!Sl'I) I A !,) r:netnlt'" nl 11'-'"'otl rl r ll!ing 1n the S.1nl;1 l ~;1rh;11 :1 l'h:.innt·I ha\'c "nn ;1 rn;1J1H· \ 1t·\nry \l.1lh Supt·r1 .. r ('t•1ir! J111l g 1• l r;1 llr11\1n .Jr · . .., dt• t'l'>lllll ;1 ~.llt1 ~1111! 1·11rnpiJlllV" \\tlh j'l.itf,,r111 " 111 tht't·h.1111tt'I ·1·111· JtH1 J.!•' rul1·d :'11und:1.v 111 ~·f l(·t ! 1/1,11 thv t "n1p.1n11·-. 1nu.-.1 J,!I'! ,1 pp1 <11 .1 I ol t Ill' :-.l :1\ l' ( 't 1:1:-.t :1 I Z(>nt• ( '1 Hl '-t' r \ .1 I !< 111 i '11 111n11:-.:-.11 •!I I Jt'I (, l'l' 1th·~· n1.1 ~ -.1nl.. nt.•1\' 11t·ll-. !run1 l''>; 1 ... l U!J.! p/ .1 ! I• •1'111.'> Ill -.I ;1!1· II .llt'rS 'l'ht• -.u 1! 11 .1-. brought hy lht• ..... Hl!.! /l,11 IJ .11.1 J.!f'Ullfl. "(;t•l ()J! 11 111 ·" !(;4)()1 "J'ht· :-.I.Ill' l.~1nds '"t1n n 11-...,1<•J1 llflvd .1 n11•1·.11111·11un l.1:-.1 :-11n1rn 1·r-. hul lt11i-:alH1n h:.is I !t 'If ll JI Ill' II d I'd Ii ll~ "'llll't' lt1n\1 n ruled th.11 the /\tl:111l1C' Hu·l1f11 ·ld (',, 1·,.ultl not ~u ;1ht·ad 1111h p !.111-. lo drd1 11 111·\\" \\l'11s I 1•1n1 ,1 p l ,1!f.,1·111 1\fl ( ·u .1 IC h! l'u1n!. n1orth r1! <..:,1nt.1 ll.1rh.1 r .1 Hro\I 11 11·11•! l1·d qt( l't 1tl l p,1n~· .1 11•1 111 11•11 1 ... 1h.1 t tH'\\ dr 111111 ~ pro 1•·• t-. 11 <'f•' ,.,,.tnpt f rurn lht• ( 011,1-.1,d Z utl•' i '••ll :>.t'l'\al1nn .'\t'1 If ... t .11·1,·d ,1 -. p.i r l ,~fpl.11f(lr1n,.;t''L :-t ill!.! hl'f• •1 I' I h·· .11 ·1 \\ "" p.1 -.-.1·· I 111• ,d \1\ I l')t'l'l\•d \flt• ( i.lllll \IJ;1\ \ht· ..,t.i1l' ! .. ind-. i '111nn11-.;.10>11 !.!l".i11t t•d ,di 111·«1·-.-.:11·1 ;qipr111 .d IP!' d 1 ill 111 t.: I" (Pt h! p .1-.-..i g t· 111 lhl' ( <1,1-.1.il :u t l '•t'\1 \111 ;..1 1d l lil' t't'{'tll'tl 11f lht• 1·.1 -.1· f.1il1 ·d 111 -.h .. 11 th;1\ lhl' l.:111d ... t 'un1 n11-. ... 111n 1·\1·r 1·1-.1·d "fin .ii , d1-.l·r1·\1nn .1 r ~ .1p1•r11\,d " lro111<·:tll \, lht• (\1:1-.l.d Zon1• l '••111n11:--.1•11111•l1·d l.1~l ~ l':1r lot''· 1·n1pl lht• drdhn:.!. p1·01Pc·t f1 ·1l n1 II ,.; 1·01111·01 \(u\ t;t)()1·h .dlt·n j.!1•d lh ;1t .tl'I 1o1n 111 S.111 t-'ra111·1 .... cn hcr.111St' II 1-. lh<' h1 ·adqllill'\1•r.., {0 1ly fur th1• 1·1 qll Ill 1:-.:-IU!l . llt•pul~ ,,,,~ c;..:11 nodcr ick r:. \\'~,ls tnn callC'd !111• rultng ":J very ~ S rC' llll,, l'a gt• ."-:!I Cha.rge Hits Rock Si11ger f)t :l.1 11 . N .'i·. !.<\I~, R o<·k .'>lll,[!t'I' \\lilson r'iC'kc !t. in - \1il11·d in ;1 d is turh ::111c·L' :J I a rnolt'I. h :1s lit•t•11 indictc.·d by :.1 l h·L111 .11·c ('ount y grand j ury (Ill ch;1r ges slt'ITin1ini;: fr·o m ;in inridt·nt <A'ht•n he a l\C'gcdly f1r1•<l ;1 p 1s l n l 111!0 a roon1 oc- l'llJlh'tl hy the l :.lt'~' l~ro l hf'rs su1j!1ng g 1·oup . ,,,l'.k etl , ~l. of Ing\e\\'OO cl , ~ . .I .. n1 1sscd a h us to New 'i'ork \11 y afl t•r a huntin g I.r ip in lh1· ('a ls k ill :\lo unlai ns "''il.h the 1:-.li>y l\r1ilhcr s Nov 21 ;1nd :1ppart'nlly h t.•ca111c u p sC'I , a c - l'Or clt n g lo p o l1el'. i\fl 1·r h<'i ni,.: lt-ft in a n1ot.C'I p;1r k 111g In t, ht' ftrt•d a p1 s l n l 1n1o th<' d oor 0f t.hC' rno\(•I rnv1n nl'rup1t•d h .1· i{udp lp h ;ind K 1•lly 1:-.lt•v .i nd l\\'O ot her 1 11·r ~n11 s. pt•hl'l' :.:11d . No one ""·" ll\Jlll'l'tl . • ; Sisters of the Gov -·"'-·=1 Man Dies , I ~Of 'Gift ' • \ i "Jht' ."1~·1 ·-.; '.1f{;(l\0 J·;dn1t111d (; !~1 11 \\I\ .J 1 111·tM11 J('f\) h.i11111·t•n ll11·1.,('\11tl11:1 l>\vll ' ,1n il I ~; I r h' I I'; I ('.I ~\',\·. ; J \I ,111 1 11~'1 r Ii I nl 11 v r ., '1 1 I I \ • ii Ill !ht' ._(,Ill' .\-.-,,•11 1 i i]~ I f\,1111111·1 \\ /11•11• IH• \\,I'· '>\l•l l'll !ll '\\1111d.1\ ,1 ... l 0 ,il1l1 1lll l.1 ... ::1111 i "' !'I l\oll' I :-.\tlJ'\ !':I ~\'\.-\ I ----- Coast Cases Tied To 10 Sex Deaths ''·" ,\1.,\., l>lll fi"I ." 01 lr>e O..lly .. no1 \'ohf'\' f r nnl "t'\'t•ral l.111 :11.:!1•11 I'll'" :11·~· 1·un1h1n111g 1·lt11rl.-.; hi p rnht• a s h11i'k111g :-.l'l'lt'" ol n111rdc1·,.; nf \Ollng rn1·11 1n S llul h crn ( · :1l1fni·n1:1 . l'ol l<'l' a r l' 1n\'t•st1g;1\in g thl' h rul ;il dt'a\l1s nf ;ti lt';1s1 11) ni t•n ;1gt•d f r on1 t1 10 2:i 111 thl' \:1 :-! \\\'o y t' ;1 I' S i II \\' IJ i C' h 1 h t' t ·i rcu tllS t a II ('L'S ;H'C S I Ill ti :11-. ··11 ;1]] d c pl.'llds 11·1!0 )'OLI 1:1lk 10 ." l 'o:-.ta l\'l csa i)L'll!l'1l\'t' Stl·11• i':1s h s;n rl . " Sn n1c offi1·1·1·s fi nd ('01·r1·1at1n11s i n 12 or 1:3 dc;1ths . I find ha rd corrc l;11ion:. in a t lcils l 10 .. 'J'h f' m urders i nv0l1·e .\·ou ng n1cn hl'ILCV{'d lo bl' h orno:-.1·xu:1l:-.. l~od i es o f !hf' n111rd cr v1c11n1 s h ;1\'(' h e t'll l'olJnd in l ,:1gun;1 l~e[1 C h , l f\'llll', Sc;1I l~l':1t'h , S un ~et f\('aeh . l ..ong l \eaC'h. J.11.-. /\n~clcs. Sa n llcrn a r·d rn o:rnd 1111 - Ill' p l;111111 ·d I.di..-.!" ,1 ;.!l otlL I' :it th e \ 1111 .1r 1:1 11 <'h u11 ·h 111 .\11,Jh('llll, ,l!ld lo 1 .I J lollp ,d !111• 1;.1 .\· t ',1111n1un1t1 ('1·11tl'I . l 'o:-1.1 :'l lt·:-;11h1-. ·r1111r:-.d:1 .1 l'\t·11111 ..: "I h.i 1 .._. :1 1·•iiq1lt· .. 1 11111ilt·1111f1l'd \'it·11n1:-. :i;1d pt•r'!i:qi-. !hl·~ ';1n ht· Ip ull'nl it~ th1·1n . :-...1 -.h -..11d. 'l'ht• dt•l1•c!11l' :-.11d Ill.ii .d l>llt' tlllll' 1)11· p11i1t·1· \\Ill 1,.,.,i 1111 lh1· t h1·1)1'\' ll\1• 1l.·:1\h~ \ll'l'I' l'l',-.;\ill :-. ul' :.:ulo1i 1as o<'ht:-n1 ('.trin·d 111 l';\· t'1'SS. ,\';1 ~h S <11d pol 1Cl' :ti'\' tlO\I lht·or11.1ni,! thl' killl'r nla~' h1· ;1 CS1·~· ;\ll Jtll l,;l{S , 1'01;.:.1· \~) Bowmen Kill 2 Dairy Cows pc r i-"l Counl y. .l,\('KSl):\'\'11.l.r:. r·1 :1 i i\l') l >el N;1s h said th<'l'l' \\'C l'l' c u r · '!\,11 d;11ry t'<f"'·" l\l'l't' l..1llt•d :ind rela t ions i n t he de a t h ,.; ln suggc:.t lhr1·1· 11\ht·r-. 1vou ncll'd h ,\ :1rro\1·s o n e per son is rl'S llO ns ih lt.• fn1 · ;di fll'L'cl frn 1n :1 cro.-...,bo\\, pol11·c· !ht.' n1ur<IC'r s but he \\'ouhl not givt· ha\'f' rPpnr11·d I hC' s i nl i 1;1 r i t !es . I 111·t·:-1 1 J! at n1·s -.111d '.\ 1 llnd ,1 \ t ht• f)c t . ~a sh suid, h O\\'Cvc r , l.h <it L'O''" f r nni :'l.l l'ad111\l11·p11k l·':1r1n..,, th is \\'t'<'k hr 1s t 1:1 lki11g to g a y ;1 ('Ot11111t·rt·1;il d:u r~ !:1r111 . "'1•1'1· ,i.:ro11ps i n ()rangt• ("(~11 n t y tn \\•a r n :-11(1\ \\'11h ;1rr11\\'s 1n <J p :1:-.!ur1· ;1:-. .1 1hc 1n of t h t' dt"adty p at!cr11 th;I! t h•·1 i-:r.11,,·d Sund.1.1 h ;1s bt~c n l'Sl:.ihll:.h c d a nd ln l '01l1t·1· -.ii1d lhl' Pl'I pt•tr.1lors solicit t heir suppnrl in ht•l ping le i hul«h•·• ··d lhl' !\\n :-1:1111 ('111~s ,ind track do<A'n t h e killt.:r. .1 t.'~t:a pL·d"1t h the ltL'cl . Deatl1 Cati ~.- Of S t ude11l Not S olvetl B.1 "l'•l\11 ~ \lt l ,I ·,· 0 1 '"~0~1ly .... 0. )l~I! \)t,11\).:t' 4"Jllrl1 \ l U)HJl>I.., "I !ltl'l t'Hl!lp!1·!1·d lli1 11 I'" rn o11'•t11 1·,,11 11 1n.1H"!1 1d lho !,,od\ 011 ["Ile'. H1 ·;1 1 !1 <,\11d1·11 1 1 •• 111\ \\lllJ,l lll l ,\•r ;1,-, 111d,1,\ ll!l hoHJ 1 IJ1• !Ile'. .1 hll· 1•\ d 1·!t·t'lllll l\' \ii(' ( .11!"•'1•! do ',Jlh Ill lh1· -.t'.\ Jllillll.11 10111 .,,J.1\ 111.~' '!'h1.,1· ;irt• t'1·1 ·t.11n ll•fl\1·1 , r 111.d .1 \\(1ndt·n ~t 11 ·\1 '\11r" t,•kt f .llll!llt·d !nlo lh1' 1 l('f tlll, li•r1 l1 h\ .111 1111lo.n1n1 n ,1-.-.,1\1.1111 11 ,, .. p l;tt •1•d r hv1·L' :!It 1·1 · d, ·;1111 'l'ht• rul ing tllda.\ 1lll',lll., 111.11 !'IJl'ltllt'I' -'> <111,d\..,[:-, 11dJ tlO\\ h.1\\' tu enndu1·1 11n1t• t·un-.1111111 a! 1"' 11·11l1I J.!ll',tl !t':-.l.-. ~lit !ltt• \11'~'.,Jll'> 1tl lll« 17.)l'.lfnld \lt'll11l l•1 d1 • !t'fllllllt' II h ;1I ir1tt•rn.d 1-:111 -.1·-., II .111\. \1·d 1~1 h 1:-.d t•.11h '1'111·1 :-..11 d II 11dl 111 · ..,,·11·1,d l\t·1·k -. h1•tnr(• 1111•\ h ,111· lh•' It' :-ult -. ·it rh11 .... ~· !t·:-.t -.. 1,1•1.1-.· nud1• bud,,.· \1 ,1-. t"11nd l'lo.1!1 11~ tll !ht• :.111 ! oll Iii\• 1nd Slrt'l'I h.·.11·h 111 S1111 s1·t U1·.11·h l.1:-.l '''t'l'kt•nd . Sht•r 111 ·.., •1tl11·1·r s h,L\'l' l11 ·1·n 1111 .1hlt• 11> l11l',ll t' hi-. 1•f,,1hlll g HI' P•·r·:.011 .1 1 p11-.:-.1•-.-.1l1t1 -. 1Ju1 a r1· s :t11 -.111 ·d 1 .. d .1v 111.!1 Iii· d1t•d 111 :-.(11111· 111h .. r 1 .. 1·.11 11111 ;11\il 11 ;1.., c.1 1 i'lt•d 111 lht• ln ',lt'ii ,11 t',I Ji 1 \'.II fl!-.('11\l'f\ 111 1111' ... 1 .. i..1• lll 111· \l\1111\, 11 •1\lilll li d -.ho •11l l ~ <11 !ltl'I':-Ju 1111111 1•d1,1lt'I\ \1r1Jl,11 \ (Sl:t' 1\()11 \', l'ag1· ,\..!) At P a rty H.111 111d11-.111.d .il1-,.J11il htJ!\lo•d .111d ).d,. ll'il \I l<11, l 1t.;ht1 11 11:•' ;i .... :·1tl·. 1 .. 1 • ii" 1 .... 11 ,j '\1·11 \1·.11 '' J:\•' jr.111\ 111 1;,1 1d1·1\ 1.!co\•'. Ji.•~ 1·1.11111,iJ Ii'> ..,,·1·111ld 1111 \l1•l1 Ill IJ,,11111 ·~·' . I j I' I I ( k di i \ o 'I d io•,J \lo,11d,1I Ill ( ll.lllL'!' I ·irli!il I l ll•iln·.d 1«·111 • 1 lro 11r d.1 \» .ill • I 1\1• \Ill\' I;, I\,.,• ,I ,:I I 11 ,1., lcH ll!d .J, ,111 !I/I 1111 · !l"ui "I l ll l'l l lt"ll\<' ,I\ I )~,1:1 l\,1111, I\ ~I l '11!11t' \\\'/" •l1tlllllt111t •ol J,1 !1 11• h1HI"' l.1-.I ']'11111-.d.11 .ill o·1 ,I J)('l_ 1i/11rf />1•• ,1!1!1" "!I 111• /!\(I..; ll\'l'.lll'>O' -.!i, 1-11<'11 1!11· l 'lllljl l•· l1,1 t\ t1 .. ,·r1 di \011 \,..u.., l ).11 jl/ Ill \'I"-. l"L!tld \I 1 :-11,,11111·:-dt".1 tl .11t1I /1, r 1111 .. 11.1111 1 111 11·1111-.(·1 .. 11-. 1:n1 11, .... ,,, 1th· .t .... 11, ,i1('<1 h"I 11 .. 11· lo1u11.J HI Iii" li••ll:-1· ·:·1i,. ' .. 111d ·· .l1'jl.ll l'i!ll1 d1 t•d 11 .. 111 111 1-.!111~· r1i.1h1I .il1·11h1d u .... .t 111111.Ju-.11\ 1•,i11,, -..11d till' tr.i ~·ol\ li··~.111 1111··11 ll•d11H· ... , 1111 .. \\Oill .... 1111 ·' l.1111.: l'•\',ll'h !1 < 1~·111111111 1 .. 1111.J .1 rll11·i· .;.tl !u n l .. '1:1. "I •I, .11 111111111 1\li11 \1 fit• 111<111 •hi II ,I il1111i,.d,j, 11 .. 1111>· \,,,l\l•·d Iii. ,i •. o.111 li - 'l"id Ill I trtl\.11111'1 .111.f ( d"•lt•d 111· 1•1 \\ l.ito• ! 1 )<11:111 1}11<' " ' I 1 ' I \ ' • I I I I I ' . t I ,j I I . I I' ! I \I 11111 t 11 I 11I1• 'I I" ( ' 11 ''' 111 II• i!111il .. 11\_ Ill• 1111111 l 11;i! I < 1Ji1<>I ii11I ho• 11 .I I\ •'ll llH i!1, . .J .llio•l\11"11 .oiid I'·'' ll ul '11 .. 11 11 .dl····1, .. 1 l'•dlvo \I di 111·.I .. 111. I '"I iilHll'S \\Ji" 11\'1\,-d fo11t\l1 .!I ;!11 p,U \)' I 1 •do -..\ 1 11.1 1111 ti I Horsf'nt an D ii>s 41 \'l'\!iHI 1l 1'11 (;v.,r c:i·.\. \1 ,·ll/t'l', :.'!., 11,1-. Llt!t•d \lund ,1,v 11I11·11 I h t· 11111 """ 111 1\ .1-. 1 1d 11 n! -.ud . d .. 1111 llo!11·d lhl•)\1 111 :.; h1111 1tll<J 1li.·:-.1dt·11 1 .1 l111il d1n;.: \\•••1•l1t•r \l 1•-.l l 1 1 !1111•1 \ tl1r1111 g h \\ 1·d 11._,..,,l,11 \\Jltl '>l',illt•J"t•d d 11111 1·-. 1111.!llt ,ind 111ul'tlLll" ll•,1 1r-. t ',,,,\vr .1.\:-l l1 g h -. 11t·;_i~· loll l.1!11 ... t11 tll).!hl llt'.11' .-111. I'\ SI UI·: 'l'OU.\ \. /· '"'l'f /1'11111110111/ l1as c111 111· /1·11·,/lri•/ "' •'l•jltJ/1(•1/ ~ ,\/1t· r1M1tl /,.,., 1111" Ill /~·If. /11r (l f .0/1(/1!1/ ,,,,.,. .1 111<1•111 .. 1111· -H s/rungt• 'nr•" r '" .i I /•·,11 ',, 1/011:1//tcr. ·'' ·, · / '11i11 · I; ...... ~ :\. • l·•m~/l(lmb~<• RI Movo~• IU L M llO•d P.10 Muto~'""""' ... ,o (.Oltlor <>o ~ JI\ N•"o"•' >I ~"'' ..,_ Cl••"'•~d Oft 11 Or.onq~Counif Al (<H""' RJ P""pl~ 11 1 1 (o a''"'"' cl 0 l ~.,_, .. l'Of 19< ... IQ ll•~1 ~ ,.,,,,(~' /"'I ~r><'<h 04·~ I d,M ".OU "" ' ·• .. 10 11 " 8 1 •• d •""' .Yo•111 ,. ... , .. •• •• ' 'A2 OAILYPILOT s Tuesdav,January7. i975 Navy Task Force Arab Headress Gunman Seizes \ Sails 'Southwest' Sl'Rlf'RAY.PhL11pp1nc-<;t( I'l l -/\ l i S, N ;J \') l:.i sk ful'l'I' l<'rl li.v the n u(•](';ll" l''-ll'r11 •r l SS J<n· terpr ist' s.1111'<1 fr11111 th•· i'hilq" pines lod.1y ;d'tL·r ("•rnrr111111 ,..,t troop~ inll1t'IPd :1 lll.1JOr rnil1t.1ry dt.·fc-:1l un Suuth \'J1 ·l1 1;unL·"" gti \· ernmcnt f•1rt<:s. 'fhi.: l 'L·llt~i gon fl.Illy dt•n il«l thf' nav::i\ for c1• v.·as heading for Souih V1••tnan1 .ind spokes n1<an Wil !1~1m 1 ~ .. 1·ch1·r s .n!I the s:uling of the \t·s-.1·1-. '1., ll<•l 111 a ny wav t·nn· 1Jl·('l vd 11 ith ;:inything going on 111 J11d111·h1P.t ." Ht·•·~·h1·r :-:.iid th1' F.nlt:rprise and J(/ i·s(•flrl vessvls, including the nuclc-..r·pov.•ercd g uided mis· sile cruiser I...ong Beach , were s teaming southy.•est, and not west-, tov.·ard \'il'lnun1. 'l'he direction V.'Ould put the En - ll'rprisc· un a course l ov.•a1·d t he S lr;iit of ~I ;1 l;icca, th£' entrance to the Indian O(·can. On a straight line front S ubie IJay, SO rniles northwest o f Manila , to the Strait o f 1'·1alacc:a , the tusk force \voultl pass aboul 350 n1 1h:s fro m ihe REDS OVERRUNS. VI ET PROVINCE, Page A4 .@ South Vietnamese coa st al the (•!oses l point. HEADS GOP UNIT Bad ham Aide Ward British Plane T.Q'.\:110N (U l )l) ·-/\ m:i.n ,(fres Jt·d as an Ar:ih sv1t.t'li c:11ntrul of :.i liritis h A l!'\\'UYS pl:1111• 011 landing ~tl llL•a1hro\v ,\1rpor! l1>· day :.ind , holding :1 s \l!\\':tl'dt·-.s h osJ ag(', allo\\'l•l\ :ill .11; pass~n gc r s to d1 st•n1bark h1:fo1'<· den1;;nding $2J5,UOO :.ind a flight L" P~1 r i~. S(·ollantl \'ard said l h1.· pilt>t .. f th!! t \Vl n -jet l~AClll l"L'f1Ut'~l1.•t \ :1 !'ti g ht plan for the 1•1·t.'111·h (';1p11.d :111d t Ii.' pl:.i nt• \\ ,1s bv111g r.·fu1·l l1·d for th1· tr1p. Ll h· Jl.\{'JJl 1..; .111111 · ll·rrnvd1:t!l' r:1t1 .l-:1' lt'I -.111111:11 [11 .! i''rt'!l('lt <',1 1 ;1v1•1l.· (11 .111 ,\n1.·r·il'.1n 'i:..!7. t 1tH' ''" n1 n rt· 11:1 nd g 1·t•natle~. too. Clth,~r 1n~·,H11111h ;incl outgoinJ.!' 11 1 h h Is \\" t· 1 " 1It1 t't'led lo altt•rnal1~ t'U tl\\ .t\'" .11td traffic continuc<f. p!11 111.,1.lly ;1s tilt• h1j.1t·k dr:.una un- l 1ol1l t•d. 'l'hl· pnltt'" 1·:.illccl irt llr1t1-.\i ~n·1r1y tro(ips fur c:.:lr;t ~1'{'11! 11 \ . 'l'h1• l \11 1 '.·ll•\1,1rd1•sst•s ahoar<•. th~· ;_11r,,r.11 1 \1·c1·1· 1dt•ntified as 11 1-.ilh :\ 1,J.ird .111 d H arhara 1:1 111d l••\, lio1tt1 l ~r1t1 -.h. but it \\1:ts lltil 1·]",11' \11)1,·IJ H(lt: \\,IS l hl.! t lt 1 ... t ' II·' I ' • ·· 11 ·:-. oi111• nl 1111• 1norl.' ,. \ . t1 :1.11d111111 01 1 .. ·-. ,1 11 <11 rilnt· :-p11h.1•s n1 :111 :-.;nd nf thv dl'Olan<l 1 .. r a l'.1i·1s !light . "l 0 \t' n ever ll<'.1r d 1![ 1111•' I 1 k1· tl11.-. llt•fo1·e.'' Apart fronl ruling out Vi('tn:i.m v.·alcrs, J:)ecch cr refused to say y.·h e rc the s hips V.'('re headed. "As~· normal procedure, \O/l' do nut d iSL'U Ss opl'rational move· n1 e nt s ," he sai d .'"l t 's a lungstanding prn<"tiee not to say \Vhl're ships :ire going until they gvt there." Ed Ward 'l'h1• .111'lt1H·1· had just t111u·hL·d ,\,,.,\rt tlll ;1n 111tl'l'll<d l'l i1:lit frvn1 i\l.111.·h1•sft'I' \\h1'n lht' ~·111111i:u1. '' t':11 111 ;..: :111 1\ ra b h . .1 I 1yt•h li1·:1drv-.-;o>. n1.1d1• li1s 11111\l'. 'l'h.- p!:111t• 11.il!"d ;tt th•· l'lHl or lh" l'lll\\\;1y .111d tht' 11;.ts:,l'll~~l.'l"S gul 0111 'J'llt• r .. 111t·ll1ng ut 1he plant•w:1s ('L01\lp1l.'!t·d, J.:l\'lll)! 11 lll;tXUll\Hll 1 ,1u ~·1· t!I l ,';IJO rntl"·"• but thl'rc \1 .1-. 1111 1nd11·ation lf ur \Vh e n iC \\'•!lilt! l :tht·u1f. UPI TelepllOIO 'l'hl' Navy :=;aid the Enterprise h ue\ been in Subic D3y :-;ince New '\'car's eve ;.ind \\"as scheduled to sail later t his \VC('k. l1ut llcecher s a id the S3 iling dale was n1ovcd for\\'ard "<-it lc:1st ;1 <:ouplc of v.•ccks ago" and son1e crev.•n1en \\'ho had been on v;1e;:1lion leave in the United States were ordered back t o Subic 1:5ay c-arlv. J)J plon1atic sou rccS i n. Saigon initial ly repnrtcd the l:t!'.ik fo r ce h eading lO\\'Urd South \1it•t nan1, but d id no t speci fiea\ly give its dl'S llnation as \'it~tnan1cs1.•· \\'atcr s. A l l .S. E1nt1a ssy ::-pokL'S m <l ll said lhc report\\ a::;·· a f :1 Uric al io n ." CoriJ S1vorn l1i ,\ set'ond U.S. Navy t •isk for ce led by lhe ca rrier Co1-.1I Sea \\'a s r·t•portcd operating in the South China Sea, b ut it w a s not knO\Vn ho1v close it was to Vietnan1 v1 ;1te rs. J•~ormer assen1llly 1n:1n Ke nnC'lh Cor:-r'. :>5. of Garden Crovc 1~1hl'.'i the oath ni' <il'ftce as stute l'Ontroller as his \Vift'. l.ucillc, h old:-, .1 J{11J lc . Cory serve<! jn th e Asscn1bly sin('c ·1 ~J(iG. Cun grf'SS p;issl'd 1 ... ~isl:1l io n .June 30, l:J7:l. banning ;1s of 1\u ~. JJ, l!.l73, U.S. <.trincd forces frorn r<.1rry i ng out a n y n1il itary a c tivity El Toro Mother's •··in, over or from the shOl'('s of" o.u1v of the fo ur s tates of I ndoc h in a -North and South Victnan1 , Laos :ind l'•l rn b«HI 1;1. 'l'ht· la\\' dol'!-i nol prohibit U.S. planes from fl y ing uvcr South \"ictn:im . h ov.•ever, and milit ary flights based in 'f hadand do s o r o uti ncly. Fate Up to Jury Ll.S. planes stopped n ying com· l1at n1issiuns in \1ietnam V.'hen the ccasc·fire \Vas declared Jan. 28, .Jcnrdfi:1· l'.l 11.;dJ1.•t )l [J ;dl!1t·y·:' ,f:1t0 no\\ rc:;I:-111 tilt' h:1 nd'i of :in tJr;.int::c Cuunty Su11t•r11a· t.'11L1rL Jur). 'J'hust· jurors \\'Ct'C askv(l ht·f11r,• l lil'Y 1\1•11t tu 1ht· jur,\ 1'll«nn \;.1tt• i\Jond.iy I •I I tnd t l11· J·:l 'J'nr11 \1·1)n1:1n guil ty of ~l'('Oll(I dl·gi-l'l' rnurdt·r rur lhl' k1ll1n;~ or t.•1g ht ·1nonth -olrl f{ObL'rt i);_1])nry, oucoft\vin sons. 1-:iros1·1·u t111· l ':J! ll r~·;1n 1(111\ the panel lil'furl' .Judi.:c Kv11nl·tll I'.:. r.:!(' d l'll\"t't"l'd his irl:-ll'\l('llOllS lh:it h 1.• h.id 11l"fl'r(•d lht·ITl "<\\'1.'r· \Vh ('!ming ('\ 1dc·nc('" th:11 :-h11uld l ead thl·1n to c.·on\·ict thL· d1·fen· d <.int. Ot•pu t y l'ublic IJ ('f1·ndi·r l\1ich;11.'I i ~(•f·1·hc·r s lr('-.s vd in hi-.. f1n :d arguTlll'll l th:ll ;1 \'VJ'tl1ct <1f volunt.~ry n1;1nsl;iughl1·r s hntild hl' tilt· rnost thl' ju1-_v could in1pos.· if ii do1·s nnt :1c1·.·pl his argurnl'nt iha t l\1 rs. !Jabnt'V. ~-1 , \\·a s ~1 \ lt'· tim ol' "d1rn1ni ~hl'd 1·:1p;ic11~" \l'hl·n ~he 1ntlltled t~t.d 111n1r11·s (lntt1e U1ft1ot. It \\ .1 :-. I l·Sl if 1vd 111 I ht• ! r i .d I h ,1l .::.h 1.· rt·~Jl·:llcdly LL•.it hl·J' Ii.di\ :dJULIL 1111• ht•:id. d 1·upj1cd 111111 !.11· .. d11\\l1 Ill lhl"l'l' 1no ·h1·:'"> of \\,l\l'I° 111 ht·r h :J!h\ul1. ~n1d th~·n lit•;1I )11n1 "~·\Jn ,dt1.·r ~1 thr1·1··101!lulc 1111 ·,' 1n.·rs1r111 'l'h•• i ·!iiltl t!1t·d 1hc·ne~t d;1y 1n ;1 n (Jr:1n f.,!1' l111 s p1 t.tl ~tlt1·r d11c·t111·~ .J1 t ho...· J·;l '1'11111 \l.u·1n1.· (\1rp::; St.1 11011 d 1-,1\l'llS·• I'\ ~ .1 1 Iii\' I r ice! l.O SU Vt.: his ii fl' ORANGE COAST n.,. 0•...,0-(c..i'1 0 •• 1, P,101. wi!n "''"'!>"'pm boned the Ne,..., p, ""• " 1"'111 i\.IW<I by , ... 0< •"QO c.>A~t Pub•' \~mQ C.onw •"• S"'¥1tf <<h!•O"' 8!" pub!•""'~ Ml>M•• tn•ou9n ~rl<!.lly to• (MM Mo><u, Nt·.,PO•I f"""· l'un!H>Ql.on l\<IClllf o\/f\ 11m \/•Ill• lr>•n~. S1<l<llfl>f<~ 11•1''~ l"<I .._.qyna fl••• h S<>ulh (01•! 4 \•<>Qll •~<1(01-.! f'd;l•on I• pub! ""•<I !. •I 11• <II•' Ind !."""'1 "· 1 ~ pri .... illoll P<JDl''"'"Q Ol•n1 ,, •I JO() W.IT tl<lv !,tl,..t (.o1l1 Mt>1, (•l•!o•nOI <n1:~. Robert N. Wero Pr"'•<ltohl Ind Pul>l•""'' Jack R. Curley \lo(~ P1t••"!lt'nl •nd ""'~ .... , ''4,""'11"' Thomae; Kee 11il ld•!M Thomas A. Murphine Mol n•9•nQ E01lor Cha rles H. loo<, Richard P. N.'111 A .. •~l<>nl M.1,,.9,nq Ld•lor~ Off ices ,,,,,. "'' "' '"''II• ,, R~•~I'~"' ,,,..., "'"I ll~~t ~ )<' ' ""• ,..,..,,, 6ov10 ·~•d L•qun• B•f(~ !>~• (;r.Mo~•• ~1rff! t<""io"Qi<l'1 I\, •< h I !~I\ flo•d\h Sol•lf •~' d < S..!l<li.Wt> 11•11•y 1110\ i..o <>•1 Rood ~I S..n o .. ~o • ,.,., .. , Telephone {7141 f.4 2-4321 Classified Advertising"42·S478 S~dl•b.oc -11•11•• Ne....,Oll•t• 511·6310 f rom Sin Cit'.,.,.,,\,. 495·0630 ,,omNO•l"O<•"OO u.~"1• com.-11r, S40·1220 COP'''O!'ol, l ~T _j O••"Ot' C.o•ll P~b1 1\!'olno (Cll"P•">V NO""'"' \IOI•••, o!lu\lr•l•on~. f'<l'l()<•~I m•ll•• o• •O~fl!•!"'m,.nt> "~'"'n ,,,.., ll• ••P•O<l~Ol'(I w •l""~I "''"'''' J)•rm1~•1on O! (Ql)''"'"IOWnc<r. '!ofro"<I 'I••• PO•l•llt P•·d •I '"''' 1.1 ..... t ,1110, n•• ~ur.v • •Pl•on \IT <~' • "' IJ ll'l fl'onlt>I • . ... ,...,j \." Ol)1•1'>1'lll'>l,, m<hl••' <lf"l!•n•ltO<>i JJ,00 """'""'· :\lrs. Dahnl'y's hu :'ib;1nd, .\I .1 r u11: <.:(Jr ps Sgt. D1.•1u1 i::; F:ugl' 111.• J)ahncy, ~I, \\':.IS booked on-· n1;1nsl~iughll'I' c:h<1rgt•s at lhi.!" {_'tH iplt•'s base hon1c :i ft l'r n1urder ch :t rg1._•::; \\'l' rt' 1'1 I l·d :.ig;i inst her . IJ ali11l'y pleaded guilty du rin~ lhl' !r1 ~1l to t•h:1rgt·s of child 11v1.dt'l'l :ind 1vill bl'sentl'ntcd Fri· 1..l.1y hy Jud i:;c Lac. I lis \\"tfc r~ices a :-,l.1tc prison tern1 of five years to li fc . From Pnge Al OIL. • • irn portant, far·rc;:iehing d e · c1 -.i,,n." . J~(lbcrt .t. \'izas, C~OO 's ;it· lt1l'lll'Y. :-ia1d. ··\\\· hnpe thl'.' 111<.itter \1 di hi' r('\"IL'\\'t•d t'r11n1 scr.ttch hy tli t· c·u<.i<;t c·o111 1nis:-;ion to d ('· t1..' r 1111 n(' \I' ht'! hl·r· t ht• rt.: ls envi ron· lllt'lll.il d :Jn~:l'I' rron1 t!us drill· J!l\! .. \1l.1n11(' H1('hf1l·ltl 1\'-:1s ,., .. li"l'l1·dl\ und\'c1d1·d \llH•tllvr 111 J 111· .111 .1 pp(•:1 I t't 11n1 1 hP BrO\\'O de· • 1 11111 1•r :.i1l1n11t Jq lhl' t'orll· 1111 0....,i.•11 fnr th1· l"i"\1\'lls ll t 1•1111 1•, s l.1l1·d !<' ht•,1r' .il'f'!I tl \t'IH :-. l·'l'1d ;1\ 111 ,1 :-1 111 1l.1r (;LH I · 11 11 nJ,'11t:-I. St ;111rl ard ()1! (\f ('.ii 11\11 111.1 . 11 !ill'll 11".111! ~ tn dr1 I I !ii 111·11 \\ 1•11 -. fi«•!ll 1.·\1 s !1ng p l:11- l1H 111 ~ 111 ttu· ("ban11l·l pff t::1rp111 · l1•r1.1 .ind !-..111nn1c1 l;.01d, snuth 11f S.1nla 11-..rh,11•;1 i\I L•a111\'htl1'.it1 f.,o~Ang1·les, lJ S . l>1str11·\ ('n11 rl .Judgl' [l.i\·i d \\'. \\'lili:1ms i\lond;1_1 dl'clin.·d to 1·11 · j111n lhl' lntl'rior J)l'p;1J'l ll1t·nt f rnn1 rontinuint: 11nrk 011 :in c'tl· \ ironn1ent :1 l 1rnpact ;~tudy r t· <11tired IJl'fOl't' t he govl'rnn1ent ~ells OC\\' gas :ind oil lt·:1scs off the !:)c)uthe rn Cal ifo rr'li a toast. "rhe s tat c <-lttorn(•y general·s or. ficL~ and the Const al Con11nission l'Ontendcd that the govl'rnmc nl ;il r('adv m nclc up its mind to grant 1 he lcaSes e ven thoug ll lh<' IC'gal\y 1·1.·quircd i1npacl s tudy h ad nut been complC'ted . 197:1. 'fhe Enterprise is the Navy's only nucleu r-powcred carrier ;ind t he only one of the 14 r~1rricrs yet tn be equipped \\'ilh the Navy's f"l4 Tomc;1l fi g h lc r. The carrier h as ~1 crew o f about 5,000 and c;.ir. ries a bout 90 1varplanes. 'J'he l J nited States ha s periodically Sl'nt c..-irriers to the Vic.tnan1 area since the \'ietn;;im tt.'aSC'·ftre t\1;0 years ago this n1o nth wilh t he l::ist carrier the r e \\ilthin the past few m o nths . Frona Page Al DIEDRICH. • government , lJut \1•arnl'd of en· <·ro;1chm c nts by r egion<t l gove rn· n1 1.•nll'nt1t1es. "If \\'l' <';1n so\1·1· our prnhlem s lnt•,dly \l't• ~h111dd h1· :.rl lu\\l'd to 1l•l:-O(•, tht•n do IJ;1tt !t· \\ ith any prn· g r:int tlL~1t \Vould \\'t'akcn loc~I !,.lJ\ "rn n1~·nt." h1 ·:-:lid. IJ 1l·dr1ch said lit• \,JI[ fii.:ht for \l"fl.i\ J1,~ bt•l!t•\'o'S 1H Ill' !"I J..:h\ 111 \'\ \'l"Y ('.1:-.1· :111d ~au! hL' l''>:Pl'l'tS th1· s.11111• /ron1 t'V 1·r~c s 11p1'r\ l"lll", l\ut !11• :-.;1111 1t 1" .-.til! pn::;s1hl1· tn \l<1rk tugcttlt:r \u\\'Llrd 1n111u.d )~!l.ilS. IJ1cdrich":, first t1vn ye:.irs as a :-11 pl!rVisor ha ve bt•,•n n1::1rkt'd \111 h nun1t•rou::. skir rn1shcs ovet' \';1rious issut'S. BL'Sidt·s his r egular h o:Jrd duli('S, Diedrich has served as ('()ast;1 J <"omn1 1ssio n er, Ln ca l ,\grn cy l·'tn·n1ation Commission C.'hair1n~111 <.ind ;is ;1 n1 c mher of t he exec utive board of the Sou thern California Associalion of (;ovt·rnmli'nts. J)ie d r i ch 's prior experien ce in gov('rnme nt before taking the boa rd scat included a st int as a tnt·mbc r o f the c:ounty G rn n d ,Jury and one tern1 as a F ullerton ('llY CO Ut1C'il m an. $400 Rebate? Chrysler 'Readying Offer,' . NEW '\''ORK (AP) ·-C hrysler Corp. is p r epar in g to o ffer custo1ncrs rebates of $200 to $400 o n s on1 e cars and l ru cks, t h e Wa ll Street Journ a l said today. The n e\\'Spaper said in a s to ry from Detr oit that Chr y s ler pla ns to announce t he pla n in ad vertisement s this w eek e nd o n the n a tion al- ly televised Super Bowl footba ll gan1c. Ch rysler won 't o fficially r educe t h e o fficial •'sticke r'' price s-on cars. the Jou r n al said. b ut will t ell cus t o m e r s tha t th ey will get nlon ey b ack fro m Chrysle r on cars they buy o r o rder during the nC'Xl five weeks or so. The newspaper said it under s tands t h at C hrysler will announce · earh week the models <•li gible fo rt he refund. Chrys ler d ccUncd to confirm or dt•ny the p rice cut pla n, the J ournal s ;.~id . Chrysler, t he nation's No. 3 auto m :1k('r . h as acc umulated s ome "f the largest inventories o f u nsold {';1rs in t he s lump thut has af· fl:'etcd all carsa\('s. (Relat ed story, A 10) · I New GOP Chairma1i Ed\\'ard !•'. \V:ird J 1·., tnp ;iidl• to /\ s s c n1 h 1 v man 11 1) L1 l' r l llaclhan1 ( ll-i\cv.'port Hl·:11·h l V.'HS elc('\Cd J\1onda~· as ch;_11rn1 :in of th(' <>range L'ounty llcpublio.::111 Ccnlr:.il Con1n1ittce. 'fhe 113-vear-old \V:irtl , a l'osla I\1 esa rc.s idvnt ~i nd i'\t•\vpnrt ISea ch i11 s 111·;1n cl' n1;111, :-ta!ft•d l~adhan1 's Or:1nge l 'o:1st 1ill'1l'c for four _,·1.·ars. Iii::; e!1.·ction !() th1· \11p (;()!' post l',lllll' ;1s ;1 :-urpr1s1• h\'l'.!USt' of ea1·l1t•r repo rt~ 111:.it t\v\l'P<>l'l Beach J:11vyl'I' 1\lt·x:111 tli._·r ll0\\'11' had the L'iet:tion sl'Wll up. 1.~ul B O\\"iL' le l it be kno\\'11 J\Ionduy n1orniug he 1vus out of the l'O !l · lt•St. ,\];.;o 1•lt:t'!l·tl ;1t \ht:;• ~.111 1 :1 :\11 :1 nll'l'llll ).! \\"t 'l'l' 1)1', \\'1[[1,1111 'l't•;J).:!ll' pf :\v1\·pn1·t l ~t':i l'f\, \'ll't' ch~nr1n ;1n: J.01:-l .undlJ1·r L! 111' l .:1 l labr:i. \\Ollll'n's vitl' l'h;.11r n1an, ;ind l.):1vid l ~;itcs of I.a J>;dn1;1, trl':l ~Url'r. '['he only C'flll lC'slcd job \\':1s tll:tl of St'l' r1 • l ;1 cy. ,~·111 !'It \\ . t.., t' :q 111 l rvd h.\' ,]!J ;!l111t' (',Hllll/, ,.f t)r;11l).!t', d a u g h LL't' ·1if th e lale :1s· Sl'n1 bl yn1;1 n C..'harl1·s Chapel. Sh,• d!'feul t.'d Connie i{leitk ;ind J.111 Boer. \V ;.ird SUC('l'('dS (;t•or gc Dl'lc1h <.1 nt v of l·'ullerton \\'ho \\'~1 s uus!e cl rr«11n the Jll h l;1t1.• l ;1:-.t yl'a r· fl1l\O\\'i n~ the dis;.1strotis i{l'pu b!ie~1n ('[l'Clion dcft.:<1l in I\OVt.:1llbt~1·. Train Opens ' Stolen Safe F.J,Kll ,\n·r. Ind. (/\I')· - S.1fel·rack1.·rs h;i\"L' tr.1 d1 · tion;d!y u:-;cd L'Ult111g torl'h1.·s ;ind l'Xplosivl'S :ts tool.-; of their tr:idl', b111. ;1 t'OllJJI(• of hurgl;_irs in E.:!kh<irt fuuntl :1 ne\\' 1cchn1q110. P n li ('e s;1y a fa st-f nn d restaurant \\';is t·fltl~l't'd hi·t'1' i\1ondav and a s:ift·, \\'h1C'h l'ont~irit·d S·IOO in c;_i:-,h, \\;1s pushl·d nr dr;t )'.!~l'd to .l 11e<.1rb_v r:11l1·oa d tr;_11·k. 'J'ht! large ntl·l.11 ho'\ r.•..;1l'd t h1·rt• 11ntil :1 l'1·n1 1 ('t•11lr.d fl't'1 g ht tr;1111 (';HJh' 111,1r111g ;dung ;1111[ :-c:1 llt·r1.·t! dchr1 ,. friJ111 tht• s:1fl' ;ibout ~.00(1 l<'t'l do\\ n the right ,,f \1 .1). '/'h1.• n1ont·y, lttl\\t.;\'t'I", \\',J S n1 it f1111 nd. l '1il1(·t' (',11·.,. :1111h1ila11c1": :1 1111 l trl· 1 rlt••h.;; .... 111 1111 111d1·d t l1c 1v1 ,,., 1ud11·1·n1t't1Ir11•d1hr11u,.,:t11.1 d10 -. l11 l :dl-; lh<' )~lllllll,lll llllll j'I\ 111 \t llj>, ]•'1\e l'l'l'\\' 1!11._'lllll<'IS \\t'l 'l' i«ll :1hn:1r d, thi-l't' 11\\·JI ;1od t'''' \\•Hll•'ll Stl'\V;t!'d.·s:-t•s. ·'.\ !';iris flq.~ht pl,111 h <1-. li«t'I\ t·:1ll1·d !'ur and 1.·xtr:1 !ut·l is 1111 !111 · \\;J_\' !O th(' pl;11\1•," ;1 ~1·1i1l.11\d 'i :1rd s pOkl's 1nan s:1id. "'l'ht• 111 ,1n \\;111 1..; lu g'' 111 ()rl~· (ou1 .. 1dt• l '.1r1 :-.) .i nd is Jr\'s:,l'd in ,.\f,dll!' l·lollil''<. ' 'J'll v ~IH )"l"•ITI:!ll s.11.J lt11· \Jl ,1 11 \\.1:-. h old1n ~ ht" l1us l.1;!1' 1n ll\!· 1't·.1 r of I hl' ;11 l'\'r;d I 1\n .111·]1111• "i'"hv-.111,tn ..;;iid .il l Jl.1,..Sl'rl)..:l'l'S !J,td llt"t'11 Sl'l'l'l'llt'd lilt'\\ (',!p .. 11 -. ;111d (''11111-,1\ l'" pl"l'11' ld t.1h1'<>ll 11•1111 \!.1 11t·hl'"!~·r 'I'll" gun n1,111 ".1-.. ... .11d 1<1 ht.' v.11 ry1 1i, .. From Pn~JP .-1 I BODY. • • '"1-.t.1 _\[1•-..1 pnl1r1· "ho ;1 r1· i11 \l'S ll.~U\ltlg \\"l\;tl lht•\' lil·lit•\'1• 11.is .i 11111rd.·r· \11111 1111· sa111c ln/,ll"l't• II\ l't'(<\111'" :->11nil.11·l\'. 1·11111111·1·'-, •il11('l'ls li.11 e lll'l'I; 1111.ilil<' 11\ dl'!l'l'llllll1' lh1' (':lll:-.1' nf d1".illl of ,),lllll',S ll . ll1•t'\'l'S. I~'. 11h1•-.1' ]'.1r\1 :ill1 l"hJ\hl'd hnd.' \t.is 1\111nil 111 l.11111 C"ountry tiff l\.1rr~11«;1 t {tJ.~d 1\t',11·. t·:L '1'01'1 \1 a r1t1L' l 'l>I P'· ,\11· ~t.it 11111 :11111111111 .lh"· '['n\1t•du;:11 ·;d i.•-.1•, .1 11 · 11"!!1 ' !',!T'll<'d tllll II\ th.it v:i-.v 11llh Tl•• 1nd1c·.i!1•1n yt·I ,,f \\h;1t killl'd 1h·· \1\tlll ~ dou;.:.hrHll li :1k1 ·r 11·0111 (·~ p rt ·s::;, t ·o ron1 · r ' :-; nt f I l'vrs s , 11d J~ .. ll1 ~h1 •r1f1 '·; nllit·l'r" .1 11d ('11 -.!:1 \11 ·-..1 pul1c·l' :-«1·111 s.1!1 -.!1< ii tud.ty tlt .1 ! tho·\" .tt•· IPuf-11 11•, f<>1' O !lt' Ill .I ll 111 l"<lll!ll 'l'llllll \l llfr 11\o• (\\(I hlll11\i1-,. .. \nd \\•' .111· s.tt i-,ri.·d t h.ii tli1 •1'1• .1 l"l' :-.I l'<\ll\~ l\olrllH-.l'\ll.i l n1 .. r1n111'" !tl lht'."•' !1\" 1'.1""''·-" :-.hvr1ff 's 1111 .. -.t1 ·'.do1· \\ 111!1.• :-.t.u1 s l•ury ;-.;ud 1od ~1.\. 'v· MURDERS. • ''<l n -1•! q111't·11." 11n" \11th i1u11111 •.1•\11:1I ptt'll'l('lh'( loi1I 111\11 h.1!t'"o !/t t'Sl' ('H111pti! l"/l " Iii /11 111 ... \'lf .1rtd tl1l'1vl l111· k1IJ , horn11-,t· 'u .i I-; j\. ,1 :,fi -.,1111 !" oil!'l' Ji1 ·J11 \ •' ! 11•' I 1' •'••J11 d ... 11h-. nf \"i1!l1s 11hu\." l111dll':-\11•1'1• f111i11d 111 Ir \ 1111· t)I •'I' 'fh;inh -,~·11111 ..: ;111d 111 S1 11 1·-•·t lh'.l\'h l.1-.I \\\'1·k•'tH] \11 !•' [+,11[ 111 l )Jl• p,!1!vr11 pl i-1 I \I ti /.-'' llr1!ls h /\11·11·;1~·s s:iul 1fle gun· 111:111 h .1 d tlo!( l\l~H l l' l'!r '.tr ~lllY I Ii 1 t·.1 1 ... 11r I 111 t 111 ·1· dl'rn;ind:-. nlhcr- l b.111l!1•'11·q11v -.t ll!~~oto l'.1r1s . :-.1 •1 ·111 '11~ f\lf1"<'S .it. 11:1r is' Uri:;· ,\11·p111 ·1 ,, l'1il on .dl·rt 111 rcsponsl! ti! 111.' lt1 l·"·h1n;.:. \ I\,\,\ s pok1·.-.n1;in ~;;1i d the 4 p1\1o1, (',1pl. 11 ~11·1-y l ,t•a, CX• 111'<"·"l"I ('11t •l'1.'rn ;ibout tht! gun· Hi.iii ·· 111•·nt.d st;.)te and \\'.:JS hes i· 1.111! 1u 111.1k~· tli.: trip to Lhc I' rL·11vl1 l'.JIH1.tl. T1v o Holdups Net$2 4 0· /11, H1 t 1itington l'.,1111111 -. -.cnnp1•d $:.'10 from (',1 -.!i 1·1·1·1·.lt•1•. of :1 l \unt1ngton t:, .11·1\ s ht11• s lul'l' :111d :1 l'O ll \'1." n 11•111·1· 111.1rhl·l 1n l\tO sc1>aratc ;1r1111·d ruh\Jvrit'S J\lond...1y and lo- t!.1 \'. ,\-. nn1• rnlilH·r flvd . lu: turne d to ,1p1llP,.,:11.•· t(l t lt1 · 1·ll'rk, observing Jt':-h;1rd t1r1)t'.-.." :-;1 l1ff,.d in his po1 ·ket \\':.JS hi~ I .1k1· :tlioul $10 fro1n thl' Sto p ·H (iu i\l :.irl-.et al 1 ';·1 ~2 llcacti I ll Id . ,\t a q11 :1rh·r past mi dn i ~hl lo· d.1,\, lhl' h:111d1l, \\'1·~1ring no s hirt ,111d ~purt111g ;1 full l"u J\1anC'hu 111111i -.t :11·h1·, st~·ppl'd to thc- 1·1•1t11!1'r uf t ile 111;1rkl'l, 1>0licc rc- 1111rtt·d . 'l'ho • n1 :1 n ;d!Pgl'dly poinlC'd 11 \1.1t t'<l 1dd h ;l\'t' bt~1·11 :1 g un in · -.i d1 · ,1 p .IJl<'t' b:1g :1l :1 clerk :ind !<old h1111 n11lv l\1'11 \\'Ord:-;, "It's "Pt·11 · · t ; rt·v~· then opt'nC'd the <11 .~\\1 't' t1J Lill' \':1:-.h r•·gi~lf'r, ;:ind 1111• 1'••l1l11 •r rv.1<·hed tJVl'i' for the !!l•llh '~. p•i!H't' s.11 d . 'Ill·· l\,1 111l1l :1J\1•).!cd ly r t•fused h:dl d<!ll.ii :. ,ind l'•'lllllt'S the t lcrk ul!1•r1 d !i1111 , :-a,\1111-!. "\'uu kcC'p llh· IH 'lllll\'s," \~11t a:-!he r11;.1n lt.'ft lhl' :.tnl't'. ht· :1d1111tll'd to t:rcve, "JI-. !1;11«1111111•-," \ 11 .i r n11 •rl r \ll 1hL·r of :1 differrnt d·· (·r11"11<111 h1 ·l d up 1ht· K1nnt'Y :--11111• ~!••!'(':it Ii;!~;~ HL•:Jch Blvd . .d h 1·, fl Ill . i\ln11d;1\ . .\ 111.11\ \\llh r111 1ust;1\he ~n<t \i• .1 1 d ii+• \"I iJ1\•d .I ... :-Ol'f':1gg)y .1 ~ .. d 1111• ~.d,•-.n1,11i..J.1nlt'S lfule, 11 .,1.i \ l«\1 ]'"1111 l .. 1111.'. llunt· i11 ~lu 11 1:. "' 11 lur .1 p.11r11f !Joi.ts 111 • i/" HJ \\h1·11 h111n1•\' 1 ·n1pl1ly~· Amy I .1' 1111 .1 11 lt1111t1n ~:1 .. n l\•·a1·h, 1.1111o: 1))1 l•1lut 11p 1)n llH' (';1...,h rt:· l I 11 I, !h1• h.11td1 ! ;i1\1 'j.'t•dlv 11ull1·d .i 1 .. ( ,iltli1.·r 111:-t•il Jrurn 1l1 :-.1il1· hi -. :.1111 t The Carpet Industry Fights Inflation For You! weve Met The Problem Head On. CARPET AT HOME. AT WORK, AT PLAY- '" • • I I ••• •• •• • _r_.,~ •• i..-V' • • ••••• "fl' •• • • .,,,.,.."Ol"" .,,-" .... · ,,---- --~·--.. ._..,._ l·'r,>111l'.1:1011! 1~17:~, \\ l1nl1 '.":dt• f 'l"I\"!''-. l•f- 1\lj ( ·, 1111111••1lit i1", up ,.,-,.,~ ,\,•\\'!';ti'.> •••.• , UI> !i'l, 1 'uri,l·L . , •• , .11011 n 1.:· .. , 'l'hu.,: r ciq"'I i-. a J., 11 •·1· \.!In.· l• •(lay t h:in :.!;, Y•·,1r:. :1,~:1 1, C::1~t i~ :in rnr•pn, / f11"l SdVl'I' . t ':ll'pl'l has r1 lo11~,·r lift" uxpl'tla11ey. Conlrihutcs to s::ifrtv. A cc('nt~ a life sty]('. · Reduces noiSl' pol!utinn, '°1'ovidPs ease of c le;inin~ and mainten ance . f ff eel i vc i ns u lat or against hcat or cold losses. T1n1clt:ss in beauty, comfort ~nd fashion. -. . • • .. With You I" Suppori, Amel"ica Pl"ofits From the U.S. Cal"pet lndustl"y! ALDEN'S CARPETS • DRAPES 1663 Placentia Ave. COSTA MESA 646-4838 HOURS: Mon. Thrv ThuN., 9 to 5:30-fRI., 9 to 9-SAT., 9:30 to 5 . . . . . .F .F ' ..,, I ~I ,.. • .. , 'J"11d ;1\ \\,I .! oi •I ,.f 1111< l<il <1l)11·1 p.1 tl "!II\. 10. .. :i.! \\,,1i_, 1•1 -· •1d 1 111 I lt11t•il I l l' I (It' l 111 • I 11 : Ji 1 I I 11 I' 111 l :-..; :1(110 I 11111, 11 I ' I I ii ii I I , I I I l.11.J 1d I I 11 1 ,1 .... _ •·--- '" I q I• d 1'11 ti . ' 111 I I \ 11 .. 1!· • l l!'l1uil .1 \'. 11 I 1 I I • I 11111) II 111 kt'I l oJ J • I 11; · r "" '"• UP• TelepMll» 1l1·t·11 1:' t1 i.'hl1n g hl't\\1·1·n g u\v1·nn1L'nl \111•>1!~ ,ll1il 1 11 -.(!1 ~',!"li[.., fi t'.ldf"i\ 1111" l·L·J.11 1\t." .ii~ I\ ul l'l111.i r11 l 't'tlli . \\ll1vh ti.i s hc t·n 11,,ud,il \\il!i .it l t·;1:-I :.!!l.OHU l'l\illilll rL' 111 ~'.t \"' .Ill((' lh -'.llllllll;_: D( Ill"\\ .)l'.11" lvesday,January 7. 1 97~, [)All Y PH 0 I ,, :J ---~ Balloons D escend Desert Ra11ge1· Makes Fi11rl I\) Ill Ill ."\ll·:l)ZIEl,S t-.:1 01 IM 0...11 f>ll<t1 S1.01t 1\1;1lc•1ilrn Furh1·-.· h.!11 1)0 11 -. h:J\"l' \nul"h l·d ~\u\\n !!\ th l' L";dd11r111.1 d•."'l'! t. !~·-.-. tll.111 !00 111111 -.-. frnn1 lh1• S:1nt.1 .i\na ,\l ar1nc {'!ll"JI S .\Jr S talton \\'hl"r(' .\1 un d .1.\ ":-. \r;111-.;l!l.Hlll4.' l.1111H 'h \\,IS ;1 ho1 lt•d "l'tle l1,1lh1t11l-., l-\1rb.·-. h<1 pl·d . \\1111ld c.ir r' 111111 ,;,()(JO rndl·..; a \\·a~· ror ;i laru\111g n11lhl'1·0.1:-.l ,,f F r.llLl'l' '1'111·\ ;1rl' nu\\ h ·th1·r1•d t" =-••llll' 1111·k -. 1n lh1rrl·i-:l> Spring-. 111 n11 rlht',1.-.l l'l"ll S;in [)il'go {'nunly "'h1•r t• th1·\" \\l"l"t' found \,\· .1 r ;uq . .:l'I :'11 011-d.1' 111 g ht · ·"rl11 '' .:·an11· do Y.11 tin:-. rn11r11 1n g Ill ll1·11deJ"SOn ('•111;.011 JU-.l north ,,f Jtnrrl'gn Spr111gs , · :-..i 1d F r;111h J).i\ ll'S. Ch1l·f l{.inger .il .\n1a Borr1·gu J)t"::.1·1·1 S l ;1ll' J',1rh ·· 1 !'il'lll :-.0111l' lllt:'ll out tht'l"l' and th ... v t1i.•d lhl·n1 all tu l'ucks to kee1> lhe111 fron1 n .v 1nµ, a\\·ay a g ain . 1:1\"l' of th('tn a1·1.• sl J!I fu!lv in· fl :llf'tl . ·rill" h ;1ll(111ns \\t."fl' C'ut luose froin tht• s c ale d gond11l a by launC'h director .l l·an ·f'>1c rre l'orn 111crc;.1u during ~l on<l<i y's l:1un("h ;1llcn1pt. !'i ;J\'L 11g the ilV('S of F o rhl'S and h is flight con1p;1- n 1•111 . I> r . ·rtu 11 nas I h·i nsh(• i 1111."r . "'J .. ;111 l't•·rrt.: s;1,·t·d our ]1,·cs." l•'11 r b 1•s s aid after lhl' sl<il"k uf 13 balloons broke louse troni moor· 111gs. I g nori n g the d angt..'r of))('. 1ng ("rus hed hy the l .~O pound glohe :1111.l tht> r is k tha t its liquid oxyg1.:11 t :1nks \\Ot1ld cxpludt•, !'0111 llll'r cau le:1pcd o nto the ~on ­ d nl ,1 and pulled the rclc;.isc cord lu tht• b ;.i lloons. 1''01·bcs. nu"1 reportedly bt1ck on lhe E:asl Co;.i:-;t , s ;.iid hl' y,•ould a ttc n1pt a nother tr.ins;.itta nt1<: b;11luo n voyage lll'Xl 1nont h if ht• ('an g et the cqu1pnll'rlt repaired 111 lilllf'. ·r h ~· . ...,. e ;1 l th y n1 :::i g ._.z1 n e p11 hhsht•r s:.1 1d hl' had b1.'en :1s - s url'd h.v H avt:n Balloons. the '.\'c \\I '1·0rk ·ba:-.l"cl n1anuL1ctur1·r. lh.11 t·ll1Hll-!h 111~·l ;1r \\'a:-. on li:ind ltf n1:1kl· ;1nnlhl"r s l"! uf hall11ons f11r hin1 . '·\\'l' ca n rt'pl;il'l' thosl' in JU d;i y~."' he' s;ud lie dl'S("r1bed the n i::1rlv f;1\;il l:1unch :.1s ··n1t•re!y ;irio th C'r pus tponl'nlenl'' and ;:1ddcd thal lhl' \'l•h1rl1":-. )..!nndula looks ;is Jf Lt <·an hf' rrp.ilrt•d . Hut hl·fort· :1110\hcr l;1u nl·h of lhl' '"\\'1ndhur nl'" 1 ~ l'c 111ten1pl.1l C'd . l•'11rhc:-. and his C'rey,· ''ill h a \"t' ti. n1akl· :1 \ 1t·as1 t\1n in1port<Jnt CREWM EN WORK ON OAMAGED 'WIN OBORN E' GO NDOLA Back to the Drawing Board a l Santa Ana A ir Base balh)nn s l"r11n1 1!H· hln11p h,111 ;..:0 11 l 11 the launt:h :-1\t· 'J"h L· 1·.irt:-. 111 •1" lloJI h1•:1 \'.\ ••r1uuµh ln t'01llll11 ·r .1 , I the up11 ;1rd .~ur i..:l·•il 1!1,· li,dl111>11 ~ 1)r ;1\\lllh!-i nl n1·1 ~~lll,1I ·\\"1ndhnr11t··· !:11 11 h ·h 1"•lllcvpl -. .... ho\\' thi• IJ,1lliu 111~ t.,·1n ~~ t .1rr11 ·•I uul "f !ht.• h~1n).!.1r h1 1n,·.111 -. •d f1:_1thl'd !f\Jl'h-. I [11\\t"I 1·r pl.111"" It> \l:-.l' thl'lll \\t"l'I' ;Jl1,11\d11111•d Ill ta\·ur ol l ilt· 1·(·1111·nl 11l1g htt·d pu:-h c.ir!s Doctor Heltl 111 Pill Ca~e \.!·;\\ '111HJ, •\I' llit·1l11v1 f ·h 1 I• I 11 I I, 'I I i • I "" l 11 '' 11 'I 1' I) Ill t'l\,11111'1<'1\ l11p 11 I "I' t lldl" ,ltH I 1, '111 d' •1·1 .. 1 I 1 I\' 1 ...... 1 111• I 11 I , d "1' c·l,,11 , .., .. 1 111· ii! 111 • • t i\1111· I 1 .111q11d11•·! • •lid h • !' Pl pdl~l"l"llll l•I I 1r l ~ llll•·I \l.1111 t ··d1 ' '', ll ,,.·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~n111d111 e;1\1011 :-. Lo thl' ~';°llil,Ot1u -('!;di I l11l' LS lhl' r l·l1·a :-.t• m t_·l·h;.u11:-.n l --· BART Rik.-Bid (),\l-\1.A .\.l> <l '\'1 1 J..!\,,\11\ l '.111, \\t"llll• 1•1'11,111 ... 1 111 11••,11111 ,: !1"11!11 l 1 .... , 1·1· ... 1, d 11: 111" 1•n1 ~1 .. nd.11 111 ;....p,·• 1.il \ ,!! l'<l\ ll' 'o l 0 1 >\IT f 1< I ] '; I ll\l!lf» o •I 1 I lc ~.il )\ I\ r lf1 :1c,'. p1' 1·1111 11,,11 -. I<>!' s (" ,. " II .I I ·i-It II .. I ,I 11 d 1\1 pllt·t .1lH !111' N o More Bus Ousters Ro11 ·(/,· 1'r<111si1 f\,;,J.., N<J1f · Se 11t lo Poli ce \ fr .< I I ' 1 I • I d I ' J, I'-di II• •I' :-1"!1 Iii~· 1.i ,, '"' 1 ti I "II 111 11 1 .. I 111 '. 1 I l I ' " !~ 11 l 1" I" • ol I L \ ' \l .. 11d,1. ! , I• 1d1·1J,. "" 1iol lh•1ll] .. .!1 .. 111 1 ' 1 ' " d• ll' t\ !I I I I •" · td h 1 I' ,1 l\+"•11 ... 1111 ,,i ·' 1111 .,. \ I' ', I I dd "' " " "' " '" ' " Id " ,, ,, ,, !1. I I '• d I I .1 I" 11 11 1 • , I . " I •I I t I • .1.l.111• j\,.,1,,~1 ti• .1 111 111<' • l<11d I I' IH IHI ,j, lol•.iil"ll ,11qlt'I' I• p11t1 .j,:, l"I ,, ' I , '"I I • I I'. ,.j I ( I 11 fi,. I ,111 I 1111 I'\ 111 1,.._,1.j Ii ,,,\.l,1,.i11d .. 1.1 II ' I\ '" "' " ' ii • I' ,i,I<' I• _,, LI 11· " " '" Disabled Couple Rap Bus Service s .. 1111· pl n \ 111 ' I l1..,l1 It I I " " I " 11 1 Ill ,io!ll• d II 11 , "111 111 I 1 ,HI 11 I ' I I• • I ) < I. 111 dll',lf'l'•"d 111,t'. II• lh,1n :-1·t"I• 1!1•111 ll"'i•ll llPI O di I I ll 1 d It 1 1111-. 111·1 1· 1.dd \l .. 11•1.· "["hi•()(' Ill 11,1.11 d \I I <II 111 ).! :-.11 ~, 1• I• d I h.1u "l !'o•'l\IC<" .tl,<i l ,<i''" l"I l•illl d 1I1 ~.LI1 I, ·1 J l '•lltll 1.1 11 II I 1• 11 t'U !1lll\1·11I -> \11.·11• 11 1,1•1 • 1\1 l•ail\1· t'l l\))il• ii \•1.il1, 1111 ii (. ll 1 . ' . "I,· 1 .. 1 .1111 1 I !i.· I \' '' '' ll .111 J:.1il1·1 .. \i .1t.q1I"~ I• I ·•II f ini•d tu .1 1\ht' h 11 111 ,11 d 11' il1s t11 c1 :-.li•111ld , 1.q 1 .ill 1.\.,11 1 .. 1 lr1'f' 1'ldt·-. l111 111,, !l.t1 1d11 .qq •1'd ·"rh1• d1 .,,dd 1·d ,j, I\ I II•" .J ··h.11!!.1. 111· ,11d \\,·\\.ill\ 1 .. feel l 1l..1 · I\,. ,II •" , .. 11 !I\ ... 11 1 II\\ I\ Y,';!\ IJ,1i11 ·\ .11d II I.' "111111• 111l.1hl1• 1h :1t lh1· d 1""1 1I!1 1-. '••1l 1d1•1111..: .,p(•r:i!ltl)..! lll't"LJI 1111 ,. I q 11 q•f•1·d to h :1 1ulh· 1ti -.1l>l1-tl 1 ll'•·t ... rlu:-.... 11 111· ;1 l•\I• .~ 11i. ;d 1\1• h1 ul11 d 1·.111 .1111 11 ,. 11,. •n he s :i1d • 'l'h!·d1-..dd1·d dn11 t 11•, d lol h (' 'o l').!f1 •i._:,t [o 'd ll Pl!I llh' It" 1 "I -.PC I Pf I I ! Ii ,•·· J'"!lt' •'11 1''" lntt. H ;11\1•1 .... 11d 1h1· d 1·,l11• I ll qtild t"!l("(lUl",q . .:1· 11! 111"1 1•• l•',11 ll .iJ1111 d ph,v~i c".d d1 .,;il11h!1 l·-, .111>1 )"'1 ll,q•-. l'\'l'1l lt•,1]'1\ o,j ~I\ l.til''ll,1 •1• Ill I <oll L 11111111!".il l" \11111 lh•\' 111111 .11 • !1 ;11d11f li t·.i l lllf" Jl1• -..1lr\ \110 · d1 -.I! 11 I ll•'•"ol j" "l'l"\., 1111111 !11 ,d lllll II •!'' \1\1 11 ,11 \ 1li r;1ppt·d In h1·ll•'I 1. "I\ )Id\\ 111 -.(·rvc 1h1·111 "'1 1'11111 ·1 tl1111h 1t n•·· 1•o;s;u 1 I. '1 \ " I I , • I ll!IH 111 ! ' · t \ II 1 \\·•'I i"'I I• d• t ,1 1•' 111 111'>11 Ip !..lo1 "1d . '" "' j ,,1,11d I !1.11111>.HI !i.ol1.J1 ('l,11f... .11 d 11 1 ... ,11.11 1\1,11 Ila· d1 ... 1111l j\, ,Il l p l.11\lllH. 11• ,j\, <>ltll\\d1[.1t, 1111 lt.:tldl\ ·'\'1'1.11 11 l .ltl. 11 !"!ii.I f•1 •IJ \)i.-d1\l('I• ll•'l ).,·lll t"<"ll !...!'\ Ill\ ,1 I<>\ l•I ,I l1!l I!' 11'.i"I .ii ..,11 \.,1.J\ I I 11 ' 11 ' \ I I i I \ I! ' ! ' 11 11 1 I · ll•· 1l11lo •d 111.11 11 1·1 ... 1, .1!1+11 11 ..,\ 111'11 p"I 1111 j11,,11ll1l llJ1•1TI 111 lh "•)'''' 1,1\ !11<11 .. 111 1·· 1111-. t h.11 .11d i"""pi1· Ill \\ h,•,•lcli .1 11· 1" h<>,lld t\!,. li\I ,,. IL1 il"\ \1111 '1'1111 .1 \1hn 1" .il -.11 1·t q 1p lo'd \\,1-, lll t\11' lHl l pn!-..1·11 111 h t • 1 1111·1 ... n1 ·•I -.1·•·• 1.il -.1·1•.11.1!• ... ,•111(1· 1"1 Tiu· ll.1nd11·.1p11<·1I .'-.ht• °"•lid ..,!IC"!. -.1·1 \II" l!l\lt;"'-II 1-. lilt I 1•]\ ,I p.1 1 ! ••! I t "t"lil.!1 1111.., t'I \ ll't 1 • ll"lhl11!' tlllH1' ll1.11l dt• 1,11·tn ...,, ~1 1·r.1t11•11 111 th,· d1 -. .I lfJ.·d \lt -. 1:,11111 .. 1, .. 111 ::1•d !lit• h11.11d !1 1 11 .. 1h d11 1·1ll\ 1111h 1ht· ll,11id11 ,1pp1-d J'"'''l\'I•· 111 i'tn11p-. .,j h .111d1t"ll1P• d l"·opl1· 1.11 h,..t 111.111 tl11 · .d1!(• 11 .. di.·d \lh" l''" j ,, .... 1d "111".lh l<11 11\1· 11.111 di· •'l'l't'd ~\i . ~.iiol I 11.•n"•" l \q1111 \ 1·1111\ol !>1 '\""Tll \' \IH· 11 1"d,•l l111 lli1· 11.il1u1\ 1;1 r!1 -.il1111 ' \\ 1111 p 1<!ld· llJ·, ,,1 11\1• 111·,.d•lt·d I\ Iii! .q11'11).ll h I" 1·1 11 t ••I 1)111 •1111 "lil•1•dtl1<11·l.illl<1 1 •>ill •llli< !d 1•11,1111 )' 1ol.111" l•\11 d1· 1 1ol1 d lo 11•-l d ,,11 d• llllll l" dt· 'I 11111 '- '\""llllil.: 11 ••II \II' 111 It·: .ii t.1llJ . .dt·.., 111 111. lll\lll'i" ! •nv .illo·I 11.'111<' p1d1c~ 1 11.111;..:1• •1.'.:..1 ,.(, d l•I d!!t't'lO!"o \\.1:-. I ii 111.11111,11!) lh•· !''1.l ~\J!l ).! poll<·' \ll!h llh Ill ltt1<'lt<111-.Jh,!ldll\1•t-.:_:1\t' 11!• • l1ild 111 .. 111·1 J .. 1 ,t h·h·1·h"ll•' ',dl 1., ti1 ... j•.111'1\1 -. 1;111 t 'J.11 h -..111 ! lhl' !'11l1t l' p.,J11·, ,.;,·.t t •'\\•,rh1n:.: 1•.11t11·11l.1rl~ • 11 l 1 . Ii 1 , •I 1 h· · 1.11 1 1 h, 1 \ ,, 11 , ! 1-.1 ra ·t lq1-.1 "o \I Ii! !1t · I ,Id!" ~'ljlllpp~'d •11 !h1n .1I •11 n 11 1nlh-. :111d d11\1•r." I\ iii .d1i1 !11< .di ltJI 111 if' 111 !II•' !1l 1-.11 1!1tlh dr!\<1-\\ill • l•d I ll••I Ill h 11·h lh!' h1d-. u11 Liil ol (•"ill \'111,lll I., '•Hl !l lll\"11'",j !•1 q 1 1111·111 lltl<> 1·11-.l1n\\ !!II \1 11 l"•i Rock Co11c·erl Li11e E r11.pts l11to Melee \J,11 ,. 1 h ,1 11 -'HO••\ P\lllg l'l""l'lt• \\ ,1111ng !n li!l ,\ l1• 1,,q .., \u .11•1••h1111H'1·r1 1•rup1t·d rl .1 i,,.,·1 di 111!-..111 • h u \111· !111 .. 11 Ill ~ •. "j>l't"t' • ,11 I-. !.>d,!,\" 11\.JI 1·,q1""1·d .!11 1·:-0\llll.ill"d :-;;10.01111 (p ~7 .•. 11111i d.11 tl .1 i:t · -il I \11c.totl (; .1rdl'!1. 1 d!11I.ii~I1"\'ll!"\t•d _ '\111 •11• \I.IS !lll l•.d lll,.11\l'." '.lt<I h••'\ 1>!11<"!' n i.1n.1 ;•1·r S 11·\1 •n !(<1~1·nhl.1 11 '\\'1, Ii .id :-•1 111<• pr!·lt .1 111 1'!">:-<l'd I l l\ kt d :-.. l"lllllllll~ .1 1 11111HI \!1·n1h1:r s of 1 ~11:-.l,,11 ".-. ·r;H'I H·;il 1'111 1,·1• f·'o11'1 't" \\t"l"l' Sl111ltl1il!l("d .1111\ pu! do\\11 th1.· tr1111hll'. l'Pll· 11 ... 1·,11 1ni-: .i n11nl h('rnt 1,11 111 •:-.. :'\•1 ;1rrl':-.ts \\l'I"\' 1 t•p1,r1ed and 1111\lf!•'" \~ !'l't' l"nnf1111·d to ('UIS .111d '-l'l"d ('llt."" 1{<1:-0("Jlld .111 ;-.;11 d 11 l"Olll"l'":-.11111 -.!.111d -. and 11\'o :-oll ll\!'llLr :-.I .ind:-. 111·1 t' hrPhcn 111\11. ;1ho11l :too l':l!'i!'S ··I ht'l'I 1.1h1·11. d1·1· ...... 11lg l"Pl\111" for lhl' !\,,~1111 1 ('l'\11c-. h.1sh•·t \J;1ll ;1nrl fto-.l"ll Hr 11111-. h t>('ht•\ \1 -.11ll:-. l1101k1 ·11 111 !1• rhnir<; hrok1•n, and f1 re 1•' ! 1ngu1-.h <·rs d r a 1 nl'd ,\ f1r1' hos1· fi g ht li·fl ah11u\ ;i l\.dl 1111·11 nl \1 .it.·r in •11ll" {'n rr·Hlor . ;1 p 1,1nn "''" 1l r.q.;g1·d nntn th1· 11 ·~· 1111!-.. .•1111 h :1tU\ d :1 1na)..!1·il. :ind \,111h1·11 i.:1:1!'\"S li!11•rt·d h.dls :ind l•1hilll"i ·rH ·\,1·1-. It• 1hl· i .1'd Z1·ppi'l111 ('on ( c11 ~.-h1•d111t·d l·"t'h l \\l'l"l' tn )..!t) 0111 -..11 1• ,I\ lH .1 ll\ !11c\;1 ~' lf••'t'nhl.1 t1 s:ud !hi• (;.1rdcn flo111 ,o.; .1r1· "l'l"ll"d .ii 11 p n1 tli·· 111 g h1 h1·1•Ht' 111 •1\t•l :-. i.;11 n n s;il\' ..,fl hll \\'I ~ d•1 !\U\ h :11t• to \I.Iii iJUl s 1dt· • '' tul'h hoist s th1: hallou11::. fron1 ;1 h llfl/.Olll ,Jl [IJ .1 \l'l"lll"<tl PllSlllOll !t I\ .1 :-. t "\ Hl1·nt during :'llundav :-. Jaunt·h ;1!lc n1pt that the balh11.1n!'i 11t•r1· 1·u;,h1n...: up into the :or lt1t 1 qu1<·k !y :i nd th:it tht_• f t\f l'L" c:nJ:-.\."d I hr 111011r1ng:-. to let go .·\ntitlit_•r l1f\t_•ly ch;1rn . .:t• i.-. th,• 11 1·1g ht1·d (';1r! ;1pp;ir;1tus \1"h i1·h 1.1.;1:-LJ s t•d !n tran ~pnrt till" ,\rl'a H.1pid ·r r:111-.1t !)1-;t n<"l 1'-1-. ::.u 1n ~ :-\ll"l'l;ll 1>1 ·11n11 .., to 1>1h 1· 1·1 dt"r:-. so th1·~ 1·:111 li r111 g 1lil·1r 1·(·hi l'll's nn !" lh 1· 11·;111\"" !J o\\l"l l'r H ;1 r l 11 ff11 ·1;d !'> -.;11d th1·r1.· 11111 11111\· he ;1 l1rn1!<"d nurnlu·r of 11l·rn.11t s i..,s li('d ;ind ;1 s11r\ ,.,.\Aili 1 ... 1·undt1•"ti •d l;1t1 ·r t" dt•1 1·rf11 1n1· \\h1·th1·r lt11· pru;.,:1":111 1 1:-. {'!Hl1 llllll·d l/\J'JU!Olk') Yl j\Q-l ~l! ''"' '''" '"11 .1lf•or(I (•• ln,ol '''""'If I•• 11.,,1 ::" '' 1!01"' I•' 111,r • .i "' ·'''"!! 11 ... , ..... 11(!• 1.,1 .. I ,.r I 1i .. "· ' '" '"'r I""' • ,,,,1 I t," ,. "I •••It\ f,.hro+ • I h,ol ''" lo1do >PH l1o•ll.<"d ·""I l•h•1"I l\"t:•ll•" ,i.,, 11• \\,· 1•1 Lu••>I !IHI"''' ••111•r.••l1·.ol h '"'( .,i..,1. l•••I ,,f .., 1 'II .u11I -.1 :.1 '"I \ '"' ll 1,,.,. 11,. ., l!n . ,.,1 .i .. uhl1· ~""'· l•·\!uro.•·11 ""''." 1 ~,,,·1'"'"11 ... , ;:11•a1 '·""'!:' ,.i,,1 "'" f•I nd f, I FfH!!\ '"'r ,,,,I"""' t,,,,., ,..;,,1,.,~~'.tJ' l·.of!I•". "'' h.1ffn<>t ,\. ~l<lt\ \llH'•, ]Ill!' ,oil \\o~I, ,HH\ l,h•11<h , ""f.!ularl, l"""d fr .. 111 ~I'.!., It• ':''.!~.ii 'l'hl'("t' pl1.1! 111.1\ I .d " l\t"•' 111d11 ·1,•d 'l!\1• 111d1<ltl l•'lll l\<'I•' l1•c'. \.:l'l "d 11 ,\ <<>llli•l.11111. lt1111l p.111•1\I ' p.it1vt1I -. ,111d t !!Jidt•I • I . ,l('t'!ll·.\111 I<> · 11•'• I ii II.II < 1111•, 111 ''"<'t ut .. 1 1 ·1.1n!-.. Ji ,,.,, 111111 l,·d lilt' (•Hll \l<'t'h Ill\" I I ",dl'>ll 1.ouis Ho l h • Sf'1l l!rY.·~·1·k • ~l1rh :11·l:-S! .. r 11 • Jo:a ~I(' • ll:o rt S1·halh1''r/.· ~1.1rx • 1:111nS;1l1;igg1 • Kupru·nh1:1111•r 1\ ,,,,.,.,RI ~n ·••r ,,r hf'lt••r dr<><~ ,J.,, h-... 11 ", .. ,1 "''"'1,·d :ontl p•ll)t'~l~r-. f<'~ul:trlv pr .. <'d DL .-,HI I•· ..,hU 'Iii•· l"'l'Ul:1r ~1)1<> tha1 n1<>n nf ~H ~~r' lr-..r lo"''~' lh·~nl;irl) .-tl'l!,o ,')we< ![er"., L1ckc t "-'"1hirl>l '25io i>'SO%olr •l "l 'tllHtl!\'-1'--''l!\l• •\1 1-.111( t 11 \H1.1 •l o\'f\ \\II !'h 11.\1 -.11\lll•i!\•l lll'I 1 1 ...,,.,,11, H• " I •· , , • l '"'·' \I, ,, • o111 11 ! I ! ' ' ' J. ~ J..,,t~4,__,D~A~l.:ol~Y~P~l.:ol.:o0~T:_ ________ T~ue~"'~•2Y~· J~•~n~u~•~'Y~7~.~1~9~7~5 I ~ Just !'*"\. Coasting ,~~J ~@ ,,,...,. witb Tom nrphine Precaution In Politics Reds Capture Phuoc Binh Civilia1i Massacres Cited in South Viet1iani ~.\1(;<1'.\ t { I'l l l '1J111rnu111 -..t l!Hl'l'" f1r1ng p o11 1·rful l3iJ1nn1 art ill<'!) ~·11 11..., .11 jJ<•1111 IJJ;inl\ r ,111).!•' d1n1 e dt1:lial'd gu11·rnn11·11t d l·ll'l l d«1 :.. uul 1d l'l1u"1· H11d1 1ut!.i~, l ,q ,1u11ng lh• \\ .ir lt1rn pro1 tJl(l' C'<1 p1t :d dl l/lt• t'!H! ul "Ii\(' d.1~ :..J\•j.lt' 'l'h•· l11 L: ~1 111.., ~n1:1 ... h1·d tlH.'·).(lJ\1·1 n n 11·nt s eon1n1<.1rH I bunkl'r, ll'al 111 g \'it'1 { \•111: ,ind :'urth V1 e t n :1111 t·-..1· tr"u ps 111 t•untr<1l t1f :dl l'ht1oc.: Lung pl'O\ 1ni \·.I lit· 1111!,1 Snt1lh 'v'1t·l11.11ill'"l' pr11\ tnt·e l'l1l1rely lll l'onl !llU/l!-.,l h :1 11d -.. '111 .1'1'.\ I(\' St)l 'J(( 'J·:s SAi 0 ·r111·: r·u1n 1n u n1~1 " haull·d t h1• 1;Jurn rn .ir1tlll·t'~ fJll'L'1·:.. \u \\tlh111 100 Yard::. of thl' CU!l l'l'l'lt.' Lunkt·r tlll!'> n1cu·n - IUI-!. lo11l·r1·J th1· !ting li.irrt~ls a nd up1·11t..•d firl' '!'ht• big gun :.. hJl'l' ,, 1 .Ul ).!l' u! up Hi lK 1111!1•-.. ••'('lie (.'OnlffiUOISl S fired tho u s ands n[ artlill'I ,\' :-oht·ll:-. .>lid 1111·!..1 ! i11t.1 lht: r\..':.Jdential areas !~fore thl' attat'k ," 11 t·on1n1and '>pnl-.1· ... 111 .1 n ~~1td ·"l'h ii l s howed theiri,;l\\igt:r y 111 O\'l'rr l1nn111g !ht• t1 J1111 1'11£ (:OM1'1ANll S.4.ID 10,0UU Nort h \'1ctn~11nt..':,,l' ,111d \'h•t t "llJ.~ :.o!d irrs luok pa rt 1n the five ·day a:.:-.ault •11::a111~1 th1· l'I\\ 1·11111 .1\111 ~ .. 1 I 1,1,·o \\ 1·t·k o ffe n s i ve 111 Phuoc J,ong pro\' 1ne1· . ,\ l•)f't'C of JOO last ·dit c h dcfl'n dl'r"S , :-.urv11·ul' . .., t•f .111 u1·1g111.il I t101) n1~111 forc.:t· gu.1rding the city, holed up in the hunkl•r la ~\ ~.1!111 d ;1,\' 1\ h1·11 t.1nk tcd l'on1 n1unist troops captured the fl'Sl 11f l ht: pro1 11H·e l·;1p1t .LI In L'i1 1nb1Kli:.i , refugees said p ro·Cu1nn1un1:..t rl'IJl·l.., ra1d1·d .1 t.11 111 1ng vill age a bout 20 miles n orth of l'hn1•n1 l'l'11 h i\lu11d.i1 ,111d n1.1S!'\.1Crc.:d 3110 1111·11. 11on1cn ~nd c hildrt·n 'l'ht• :.ur \ 11 Lil ).: d 1·f1·1Hll'rs. CU\'t•rt•d b~ d11t.' hun1!1111 g \I .ir plant·~ ,tl1,111dtJtll'd tht·11 l;.i "t hnhluut und f lt..·d 1h;. pi'u \ liH't' t".qnt:il. 1;1; ntill'..., TllE H •_;t;l (;E•:s S 1\ll) 1·11•: !'l'hl'I:.. l'rL ~;1 ;.:1·d 111 ·' 11.·t·I-. old .. t t111rth tJJ'S.111-:1111 Ft:nSl\'l' around the ('ap11al . kille d lhl· p l':1:..<1 nt -., \\ 1111 i.:u11 -., h.111 h•·t .. ,u1d 111 1 \, frP"""' 'l'I( 'Ii\ l 'I II l'l'I \:: 'l'hl· S:11 i,!u11 1·cu111n .1 nd r1·purte d t hl· l'1l1 111 lldllll'" .ind v.,prt·.-.. ... 1·d pointed barnboo:--t;1kl'!'> ll 11 -.11' f11r till' lll'l'" "t lh1· ~,;_(JOO r C!>L d i·11t-.. .\ :--pnl-.t":-.n1:.in !'>.lld \hl' dt·ft•n · ~l.!Vt:ra l l'l'\.>Ofl ~ uf CLl'ill::in n1;1 :.:.:1 Cl't:~ h :11 l' 1t'.H 11,·d l 'b1111 111 l '111h 11111-..t hl· • 1t11J1' lt• tli• l'"1 11t 111 I · t I I h ff 1J h I 11 I I I I ,.. •\'J'S \\1'l'l' lr~1ni..: !11 t,i.:hl \ 1t·1 r \\.1) )),1l'k to g oll'l'tlllll'l\l [1111·:.. 25 rn i!t.'~ i u r1ng t co l'll!'>ll'l'. ut llt:'\.\.',.,ml'n <ll'l' Jl'l'tl 101.1) 1· 11 ).!•' l 1L111L,; I 111 I tu ... 1·0 11t1t 1 \ 11 h1 ·1 ,. 1f 11111 11•1 1!11 ~1 ··'-"-'"c'-.e-------------------------------------!>Urg e nt line:-. l o t'11nf1rn1 lhl' l·l1.1r ;.:~·:- 111•-..:-. 111 111 .tfl"llio•f p,olf\ \Hll d IJ1 •I\! !' h11111\ 11 Ii.it h1-. i"oli\I(':.. 1-. !<It'll l ilt' !11 ,: <•ol!nl/,dl1111-. lr1·\ idu>Lll 1 I '[')11 :-. lll!t•il1 1 !I•, , 1•1111'" Ill\ \\,I\ lid .l l"llll ltll1i ll/1!111 li.i-. Ill '<'I) I 11 \ •d 11\11 I'• < , r I ,1111 I 111-..1 )Lt':-.:-.l':.. 11~ .\loil11J (l1l I ••llJ•IJ',l!lilll. !llt'J' \/1v :--1~·11.11 11 11• 1d "Ill' ~J ... 111111•1· .J ,"lll',1\1 .Jr 11)\,1 IS 1Hll'1tl .\lul1il •,,111111111 I Ill I I I•' I•• "''" I 1 ko T 11 I" \1nti1 I Kissinger Oil Threat Puzzles ·11· . .., B1a11I:· " I! t 't 11 I ii l ! • I• I .I IH \ 11 I 111 1111• ·I I '" I , 1 1 • ! • !., I I 111 ,< I dll ! h 11J I, I ii I " I \ { . I " 11 ' I I I ' ' I (,II' '\ ' II I '' ' 1 < I 1 • I ! .1 I I ~ I ' " II .I I 11 · ' " 't''1 1' j' " II ' I ,, •" ~l r ,J II :- 11 ... t' • ll1 •. ,. ... I )lit' I '• t lie I 1·1, 111 l'll.H 'l llll'lll 11! lhL' 'l'•dl!n.il B v l1Hlll 1\•'l ol ,J!til' 1 f 'r"l'""ill•lll :11. 1l 1 ... 11v1·v-. ... 11·, 1111 \li1l1il lo ;1-.t·1·rt.11n II hu·h . i! .111 1 of t h~J'>t' ('lllllll'S 'lllli 11hll'li \li ,ful dno •-. 1!11-.1111'"" 111 (',d1l11r111.1 h,1.., l 'l'I l,1111 lllltillt• 11\l'tl\ II 1111 1i11hll!" o>IJ1(·1,d'i [f \!HI ,II\.' 011! 1·l1 t"l llt' ..,\,d<' .,flH I.Ii. .ll';,:1-.L11111• 1>ll111.d .... I.di' .ii-:1·111 ·1 "llJ t·t.il 111" '->Lil• t .111d1d.i11•, 011" 11 111r l•tl'-1111""' t1 ,1 "II'' 1JI lliv ·Egypt Minister [t1iloi1C •>11 111,d ,1 .I i'i0<[lli!'IHI" 11.1 1 111\'I il11• \"I <>1111\·t 111.1 I I .1 : '' I ' ol ~'I (',I\\ I" 111 ,, 11 1, 1 t"•I. \,1 • l11 ·d \l11l1il l'h',I'><' IP I IT I ,1 ,HI "\\II< I 1d ,i ,1 I I " I < · • ' 111 I ll •Hiljol\'1• lill' ,11 ,1 1)d I o·l 11111 II l<I 1-',,ol<>\1111 .iii I ill .1l l.1cl11·ll l l•l 11• 1 .. 1 11:--l 1111lt 'I 11• Iii! ""1 I i 1 ( I I' I , \ Ji< ' 11 11 • '\I\ .i I! I \flt I tho II 11.d ,1!11•111 11.1111< ,1d d1t ... 1'111111• .•11d ,di 111.d. ll .1.,h-> 11\1· 'II 1<11!\t I 1111 11.il lll' cd 111,· p1>1111, .ii 11 111• 111th 11li1rh 111. 1.11-..1111 ' ( . .i1i1 ... 11 ii ·r111 :°' 11' \\\'I '.'-111 \,11011 1111.1 ! llc ii•" 111 llu ~·"1 t·r11 111<•f!l Deterge11t Deterrent l•'ir1·f ii.;h t lng \'e SSL·l s s pr;1y dC'lergent s on Si ng;tporC' oil "Pill 111 l ·ffnrt to h rL•al\ tip guot·Y n1ass befor e it h its the hv:1l'h1·.,.;. 'l'hl' 1!1-rnile Ion).! :;lick conics f ron1 ;,i cripJ)lc<l .J;ip :ttlL':-.f• s upt·rt<.nlkl'r' that 1\·as grounded on r ot'.k.s and <"1 11';11 r 1·1·!-. f11 l' rntll·,-. nf'f S1 n ).!:t pt1r1.· !'ho r es. Americans Resist ,11 l \ \\ ,I \ I h••JI 11i. ''" tll .1 .. 1--. 11 1t.11 tf1t· s d G ld 1·1-l1)11· .. 1t 1·•»i 1111.·1 tampe e to o ,,,,1 I'"·'"' "I'·''""" "·''""' oil ll\1· 1111 >1111 d1!1I\ 111\ll \l1o• 111l 1 dlT!l 1,L II\ I 11.1 I• II•' ll• >I I• >ll .d 111 IHI\\ !ii.Ill.I •fl Ill""' l ll'I• l!i• ol 111d 111 1111 d 11 I 1 .1 I '•I) 1 1°11-..-..1 · ',1<>11 I Ji I I I I 1 I 111 I 1 I I I t • I 11 I ! 11 11 I I t 11 I Ii I , \ I \ ll!!t 111 1111 \oll II! I '-1111 !•11 <1 tlH 111il11u1 I It.it \]ql1il 1 1111 11\111 ·11 4'.I Ill:( .\l ""'·Ill l'tll.l'l'I('""· ·'"" ilJ,:lll'{' i\ IP> IHl l, •'t ,I -.,lit• It'll 111!'1' 111 1 lq " "Ii\ ,11111 :--vll ,1 111 !111d\ ·' .di"" .. , l\\<I 111 ,e,1-..nl1n1·.111d11 .. 11I" ·''lu11lul ::u ll•l,t.:hl .. d ,,. .. d 11 .. 11.1 l·.ll<f\\ 111 ... 1 .. 1111 d1·,iilll II dlJ lt1 . Hll 'i \Ill j,, II\ 111 ll"J1d1 I II.+ \'"1111 1.1111 lll 1111 , ... 11 111 111 ·d11 ,11 <I !Int ;1 , ,1!1d1i\ II • 1111 \11<' -..t,it•' 1•n ,1\1·l1,11• 1 •• 1111 .. 11•,•11• ••llh• 1 .. 1111 l'I I'll' l!H I olH•ll .1 11• II d.1!ll 11111 11" 1111111 11 · , 1)i·, I 11111n1• .'I l I It I ' •' 11 , ii I :... 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(•r,1'1q1• Cuunty Ari ·~·· '42·4l21 NorthWf''.>I ! '""11nqh'" U•'.il t <1nd W£>s tn•1n<:.tP1 \41). I 220 5;111 (lrmenlr' ( <lOIS!r,tllU 11<•,I! fl San Ju.in C.101<:.l 1ano, Dani! Pn1n1 S<,ulh l riqun.1 Lagun •• N1911PI 4,\.0610 :\'I' ... lll:-iT (;l,:\:'\('I·:. 1he ;t11c tu111 :1ppt.',ll'l..'d <.1 d1:-.n1;1I l:1t lll r l'. ·rr1·:1:..11r~ -"l'l·rv1.1r·~ \\'illL ;,1n 1 1·:. S1n1011. \I h11 :-.pl!n:..01·• • ."d 11 , 1\a-., dt• I 1 g h\t•tl 11 v d 1 d 11 I 1 l' :1 11 .1· .\flll'l lt.-.111 :.. \11 h u.1 rllU<'!i .... 1 ll rt (;1!\d 1 .. lll~I nul a gn1u! 11111·:-.\ llll'lll lur 1nd11 tdu11l:-." he :-..nd L .1 ... t 'l\ie -.d.J~. the gu\·1·rn1n1·n1 l1 f11·d 11 -., 11 ~1·ar J);1n •1!l .\rn1·1"1t·;1n" 111\ntn;..: µ11ld 1Hf1t·1.tls le.ir l'd th;tl 1111h tht..• :--l 11~·k n1 arkl·1 dl'('l111111 ;.: .\nl1'1·1c·.,n.; n11ght ru-...h 111111 1h1· 11lll'l'nal1un;il guld ni.ir\..1•1 in :-.t·.11·l'h o1 "t"l'lll'll\' ,1 )..!,1111 .. t 1nfl.1 11011 l'.111n ~ pr1v1•-. :1rt1f11·1;dl1 lo1d Lil> h 1 s p1·1·11l.d1u :... :..uflt'l'l!lt! \,, ... .._,., ... \.ill'I II ht•tl th1· jlfH'\'-.. l,•J) .111d \\ 1·.11..t•!lLlli..'. !ht• h,il.1111·1• HI 11,I\ 111<'1\l °' 111 lhl' Ill Lll't':.." 'I'll I·: 'l'lt l''..\ . ..;t I{\' !1t·p;1111ni•11! -,Did -;;,11 011(1 !>lllH ~·-.,.ti,! llll!lll!Hllll l"ll" ~d ~\:,:1.11111tllHI ' S1IH 'I' 1111 · ).!11 \d II ,1 -., :-.1)],j 1!1 ·11111 !illlll'l' Ill It h -, ,I I\ l!lll\11 ~ IJ1dd<'I Ii.id !1 1 11,1\ ,II I•'·' -t ~(> \ ;'I ll I \lt·:1n11 lllli • 1 .. 11 •.•111·11111;.: ~ol d p1I(1·.-.. 111 l,u11d"11 .111d '.1.11111 h :1 f' 11 "' \f•d bu ,\ 1•1:-.1ud.1.\ .111d 1·,11 I~ .11 11 ·1110011 l1.1d11 1~· lu"1"1t •d !In· l11illion 1;lll'" [ll•.d1·1 .., -..1 1d 1111· 1!l;1 r'h.1·! 11 .1:.. .1 lt\1lt· 111·11ou-., ,11\.111111g t111th1·1 11 .. rt!Pnlh•· l S . ).!old .illl'\toll Snow Warnings in West • Mid-A tla1ttic Trat,'e l Advisories Posted tit Antn'" ~Qe Atl.1111,1 u.,m.,, 11,1'!0" null"I' ('11< "''' ( '"' ""'"'' r1,.,.-1 .. ,.<J o""•\ °""•'' 0.·•M nor>t'\ l"'lrOol I d"O·"'"' t'1~1•n<1 H0...,1111" J"ne"" K .. ,,,,,, r ''' l. .. , ........... , M •d"'' M•h•••IU'"" M 1,,..edi.ol•' ,.,,, ... 0 ,1 .. "n' "'""' 'io•~ Ql\!1N:1m.:i (1!1 Om.tnA P.t•m SpdnQ' Pn11.w;W1pn1" PnoPn1.- P1tl~l>ul Qr. PQ!'11And,0 ,., ·-S.o<••mPnto St L0<.1•\ SdllL•~ .. r ·•v ')•n FrAllC•"" ...... Il l• W.t,.r,.nqlon Woon•P<'Y ... ' "' " " " " " " " " " •• " " •• " ,., \• ' I •' " ~ " . '" .. ~ •• • ~, II "' <I . . " )j " •,(J •1 ·~ IJ " ' .,\ ~· •u J~ •J •• 70 I~ ('nllfor11la "' '" "' " " '" .. " " "' u A to 1n I , ., n1 '""", '' "'" n< "'"1 JX>• I••"" 9' N11<l'1<•111 I "'''0""" '""I'~' "' '"' WP•lt m 11v•·o 111rovun !;o"''"•·•n c.111orn.,, !U•J" '' ' I'"''"'<! COOi ... I• '" P'ff•luf(· I 1 I I O •tl ! lllO .. l.l!UllS ~n'.'\; .. =.,i=,_:t~'fllill!!~"" ~o J ~ ~ U" Wf ''"ll IOIO<A!l Cl ' .. ,,.11 .... " d rot1IPS wt•e ·~l)O<IPd U•"'"" I"" rnornonq th•0U9l>OU! mucn ol :.oultw•n (dltlo•n"• .. ~I""""""· low 'It>"'" mov~u to 11>~ !.O\Jtn A [)l .. nO.••I O! < l()U(I~ ~1,.,U Md ff Otn """"",.I n nr ~n\ll! Coun!y A '""11 6J ..... ,., rpP<>f'1HI di 1nt Lo• 11nQ!il(!' •·~« c .. .,1 ... , ,.,,~ <1rV1~ .. , • '"'!"' "''"' Mof\<ldY ' m .. "m""' w .. ,.,.,,., lr•nl)e•d1\!t'"' "''" "'P"'(ll'd w .. <1"'""·''1' "'" ·,,,...,.., .,.,., '•'oo•1<>d '""" • l>• 1n1• Ao< 1'"1,,.1 .. 111 l "nl10i l)<•I• •< ! "'·''" "" '"'"'t<l""'" .,..,,1 ol I .... m"""r'''" d•~d' ''"""'°"lo ti dl>th'~ 8 °''"' .. 1. ,.,.,~11 -1 -r5 Gu,1¥ wr<.1e•lv "'•11(1' 10 )~m•lf'• .on MU' l.O,,nPU II><• d•: .. ,.I\ df(' .. \ Of>(lef P"'11~Hy < lo.,dv ~· +r \ 11.s. !-t1•n••••••'11 """"' .. ,,n '~'" t>•ov<1n1 ,,,,...,.1 .. n '/'1-.0""' "' 111~ M«ldlf' Au,.,,,,( Sl•t('• l<)(l.o• ,.ndn" .. ~Y •now"'"'"'nll',..''' l'l(oo .. f'(I <"PA<'' ('I 1"'' W•>l 1,,.,. •nc nP< o r '"""' <o ~~•~d M~'''"'""'<I w v,. rom'"'" ,.t <u«uJl"'"'n' <n .. tP<'.I ""'"• ,,,.,,, rn '°"""''''"""'""(I >"(l>On\ <>! ""'''"'" H,.,n or '"'" m""" .,,1,, .l"°w 'P•>lecl P""""""' oul of It"' •now OP+! •'"" "'e"chPd .. '"'II<'""" O! Ill<' M•<l <HP A!l .. n l « Clld'l I '"•l!I ddvo\or '"' WPrl< 1><1•l<'d '" r • l><'<'ldlion o! up lo~'"""'' ot "'"w on e<t"e' n PPn,,<.y I•""'" ,.,,., "' mu~ll "' J •nch1<<; '" p<>rl<Ol1' QI N~w J"'"'•· Ne w 'for•""" 1nW••01 New tn91.onu In l"e ,....,,,, " oe~••OJ1n><1 ~"''"' orout;1nl war n1nQ' ot hed~V "'<I .. on ll>P mou,,M1n• o! Ut.ot> tl1ijh•W•n" w .. •n· 1ng• to• gu'1• ol S<.l !O bO mole' 11'1'' 1>Qu1 .,..,,e no'''"" "' (oHH~do """ 'outt>~d~tern (dl1!0•'"" lWO·•flC " ,.,0w, t1u.i<'d G••n<I Junt.hOn, Coto , •""o "'.,."""·Ne•. F"'' "'"•Iller dom•n.l1ed ,.,...,..,, ol t.,.. country t>et wet" lf>l' E~"crn dl'><I ,...,.~tern •IO•m •v•ltm~ · Canslal Weal her Cor>,,(le,,.01,. r.1<;1/1 clou<lir>es• tOCMy 1nd W~nPMJ,.y wotn "'9"' ""'" mot"n· 1nq 10 .. c loud~. L<9nl '"•"•Die w1n<h "'9"' •nd ,,_,.1,,q Mu•~. 10 to II ~rooh H1<;1r.\ todav In IN low Ml •· co .. st.1 1 lemper.•lurs wlll ,.n~ be rwe1n •It d"" 61. lnl,.nO tf..IT\ pl!r6tu••~ wdl •llngl' t.-1-n •~ ~nrl t.l. TM w•ter teml>f•"Cu•f' ,..,11,.. '>I> St•••~ /tff)Oll. TidPI< ,,..(()ndh•<;I" F"~l 111" TUESDAY IQ/pm 11 401> n' " " WEOMESO•Y r .. •Lh•!I" 60to •m b l) Fu•l lO"" 11/p m , .j)\ • :;..:om! ti1qn I ;r, P m J ~ s.,,,,,,,..,6 ~Q,, m ,.,..1,~ oon m Moon••~•?/)• m.,,..t~l lJpm. 1:ron1 \\'irt..· St>r \•ic:es E gyp 11:111 1nforn1alion nl inistt."r /\h nll'd !\I a gd !'laid ltXlav he fatlct: lo undl'r~tand the ncCd or the t1m i n );! of St!<·r·cl arv o f St;1le Hen r y 1\. Kissingl'r ·S s t:1tcn1l.'nt thal :111 ;.1rn1ed att.ick on l1 il pr u dUl'lfl g n .:1 \i o n s 11a s a p oss1h 1!1t y 1f -s toppa g t..• of pe troleum l'XJ)orl s threatt.'nt.'d th e t..•xi s t ent·e of thL' 1n - dust rt:t llzt·d 11·u rld . In oth •·r .\l1dt•.1-.,t d,•1t I"!' tllt'lll:... \ht· p t t'')ldl'rl1 otl ~.1 ( 1,1 .111•1 l.l·banon h1·ld 1hl' 111 -..1 :..111 1111\il c unft'l'l'rll't' l!nutvd 1 .. 11l,· \1\" !LI l1<1n s 111 i:, 1v,11 -.. 1 .. d .11 1 .... 1.11 I \1 .!l'lll'd th ,1\ 1\ 111111111 \'\J!; ... 111··1 1111 :-.lalLlllllrl~ ul :-;111.111 T1""l1-"11 Ll•h;1n1·:-.1• -.nil .i !1t."l!1 ~1 ·1,·n t .i1 t s~ r1 :111 l'rt•-.,1 d 1·111 lL1lt·1 \ \\ \ ~ 11 I '-1, \'.1111 I\ !.1 l•UI ,I I'•• 11 .1 I 111, 111 t t II ..,,, 11,I•' I 111 l 1 I I• ,\ \ \ Ii , , I , ph 1 I" ''I' I II ' " I' •I I '" '" "\\'c f;iil t u · und1>r s t a nd \he nt·1·d 11 1· t ht• t1n1ing fur s u c h ;1 :-.t:1ll'rll l..'flt . ll'l alone the n1er1t s or l'ulltt·xt of the s \;Jtcn1ent." he.: :-.a ul. "l·"i r :-.l thert' 1s n o threat nl ,.,·,·n a partial :-.ll•ppag e of the llu\I' uf uil tu the \\lest or other p .1rt::. 11f th1.· \1orld . s:1d pl:1n11 t•d ltl 11\L'l'I 111tl1 1'1, dl•nl Sult_·Jnl.in 1··1.11111(·11 111 111·· l .l·li:111l':--l' 1 ill.q.~l' !11° ('l\11•Ul.L I" d1 :--1·11 -,:.. .\I 1ddh· l·:.1 -.1 111.,lilt'll\ .. ;111d l.-.r;u·I! :lll..1ch.., .it 111 :• 1111 hnrdl'I' 111\1• l.t·b:111111i I \ "-'"J ,,~•'1' .. -..1· :.r •• CIA L eader I\ I I · It is douhtful 111 n1y mind that ;:in} l~IJ l'ld 1)11\lt'f \\UUIJ takl' <tll.\ l '\.ll'l'ill{' llll';t:-.Ufl'S . Will Testify Next Mo11day I "I 111 i>t 1 I• I ol I " \11111! 'l'hl' 1111111 :..ter s;~id · l·:g ypt :--h.1red l h 1.· \Jl'I\' o f Alger1;;n l'rl·:-.1 dcnt lluua1·1 Buun1t"dll'llllL'. \lhu :-.aid f\lond:1 ... · th;1t lhl' only ~olut 1 nn v. ;1 s a dt :t l ugut.' l•l t •:-.t:i hl1:-h r:n r p riet•:-. \\"hil·h \\(luld ht'1h'fll huth SLdL'S 111 l h~ od llis- pull'. I• ! I I \\',\S lll :'\f;'rt•' 11 1'1• \11• \i.\'flll ,., •• ,, t•!>t/ \ \ \ '-i 11 I .... I I ' Ii I• I 1 " i I ( 'I' l ';d1.·:·d 1111 :111 guer rilla i l'Jd£'r 'i'a :--:..L·r 1\raf:1t s a id i\lonJay 1\r:ih t!ll t·ou11tr1l'S \\ould hlol\' up thL·1r \\l•ll ..; r:i tht·r th:in ll·I thl' 1·111ll·d Sl.i!l'S "l'll.l' lhL' in:..\.d1:1t1on:. 111 pr1lll'l'I \\0 l'Sll't'll ('l'~lll~llllL('S r•r··~1d l·nt :\l·l-.1111 \ f<·" h1·I· \1.·1 h.1 ~1'.dlvd t 'L\ [111111 .. r \\11 11.1111 I':. (.\1ll1y .1.-.. 1>11t· "I lhv 111 .. t 1111 11 t':..:..~·-.. (1) tt•,.,I 11 I l11·J• >I I' ! !11 • 111 -.I 111l't'!J!l).! ol 11\1· -.111·11.il \•I• -.1d, 11 l l,d lrl\'t•:-t1 ,t.:.1\1rl ~ I .. 111111 1111'•' 11•·\I '.\l ond.1 .1 . ,1 ... p!•l..1 • -111.111 .1 11 not1n1·t·d \•Hl.11 11 "I '" '!'h t• s p,.l-.1 ·-.11 1.<n .1 .. 111 ... ,.ht' l ·n1tl·tl SLl!l'S 1:.. d.1n g l111g :1 t hr1·,1t !11 1ntt•rvl·n1· 11111!t :1rJI \· tn I U l'\IP.\ 111! \It'll:--." thl' lt..•adci· of th1· 1'.11l':-.1 ttl•' l .1her ;1 t1!ln ()rg,11111:1 111111 !odd lhl' l '.1r1:-. !ll'll:-.p;.1p1·l' l ,t• j\j f~lldl• 111 iJl l Ill 11·r1 ll'll J1Uhl1 ..,hl·d i\lund:1.\ \l1illik1·11. :-..11d l\<t<'h • I• 11. I .Ill tli!Utl('l'd lilt• 11 1,._1 1111'1111 111 ... ' '' I"• l t·l1·t:.rar111111n1 ·1 1d11•1 .. 1 Ill• ld1p r1hhun p.tnt•I :-.t•l up l.1 I 1~1'• 1... 1ic l h\' }1fl':-.ld1•11t 1:,qd l•I 11111 11! ,i, ;1itt•;.:l'd 1111•1!.tl d1>111•' ... 1\1 \fl II ' Ill th1· l'1•11lt ,1l lnl1•l!1 _•t·11< • \ 't II 'I·· I s n 't Guilty Of Exposure, Says Singer ·r1 ·1.s\. t)hl.1 (l 'Pl l ('•llltl 111 \11 •-.,11 ·1 n :-.1n g1·1 \·"1r111t 'i «111n~ ..,,1\:.. IJ,. 1-.. lll!IHl '!'ll! 111 ,!11 ltldt•( \'rlt , \p•1:--u1 ,. t h.irµ1· 'i llllll).! \' .!•'l'll.-.1'd !>I 1'\!HJ ... l!I)'. h1111 -.,t"ll 111 fi11n1 nl f1\1· 11r· .. 1\ p1 •1-.,1111 ... d11r111 1.! .1111ill :--t;1gl· :i ul" l!l',1ph S J J.!11111 ~ "t''>"l!Hl :'\t•\\' ~ 1•;1r ·:--l'I l' .• 11 11h~•r1t1C':.. :..11d 1\l on- d.11 It il.u •-.,n t 1n,1k,. ... ,·n s1 ·." :--.11d 'i 111 1n;.:. 11 h o h.1:-r 1•1 nrdt•d n1ur1• 1h.in ;100 :-.o ngs durtn):! thl' p :1 ... 1 2~ 11·.1r .... th£' b1gi.:1·~1 Sl'licr nf 11 h ii·h 11.ts '(;0111·:· 1·1·rur-dt•d 111 lh1· 1n1d 1!150,.;. \'nung :--:n d lu· left th~· -.1.1g1· .dt 1·r "1\uld Lang Synl'" ;1\ rn1d111 g ht hc.:t :.i U~l' h t• h arl l.1r~ ng1\1 s . .. 'l'ht: i'l'Sl o( thL' hoys p[ay1.·d lhl· 1 ~1 :-,t i'>l'l 1\\thOLll lll t'. thl' :->llli,!l'I :-;1111 "I d11n 't knOI\' nf anyhncly 111 lht• g rnup th~1 l t·cudd h<i\'C done ;1n y ttung likl· th;1 t .'' 1 ·~ 'l'hl' t•nrnn11-., ... 11111 !llll I l•• 11 ... 11nd111 ;.::.. li1 \pr il I ']ht• 11•l1·g1.1111 .... 111! 11i. ' .. 111 n i1-.-.,11HI .._ 111 -.l 11 11•1•\111: 11111 f,, hl•[d ht•I 111·1·1l-; :!o .1 Ill "!id I \ti p !11 J' ;-.., 1' \] "11 d .1 I 11 li11t'h.1"1t'!I ••( !ill" Ill II 1 l'1'Ul111·!lil11< l-;111l•lt11 " 'i t11 l ht '\\!1111·ll1111 ,. ':'llr t 1.lll\ II• .id .. 1 •1,, I\ ,ll ld 11lli •'I ., \I ill 1'<111 II dill di 111• ('HUI -.1• "I l1l1 \1 ,11 ii 1111 '[ht• 11 .1111 •'" •>I 1111 , d Ii• 1 11 ,, llt'""l''> II \'I 1' 1\il! d 1 I 111 •·Ii loi1! 1' II .I ;-. ,l-, '<I 1111 t •d 1 !\• \ I I Iii ! ! \111\iid l!H l11dl' "'''\I• 1.<I "I -.1 '1' \l\'lll'\ \ l ... 1 ... -.111 '•I 1l11 11.11 ii lfcl 11 1-., 111(11 1•'1 il11••l"I "I ;I., ('I.\ n,,11 .111!1"1 ,<111>1 I" I I.Ill .111d pn-. ... ilil\ .J.1111• \11 11 l1.i1 lh1• 1·1\1<"1 11 1 I I\ •Plll1I• I llllt•ll 11.!ttl\t' 11!111 lol l'!di I• :--lj..'.lll'd il11t·k ··ft·ll.·1 tt1t·.11111hil.-'·. JU 'l'1t•d In ;11\l\11Llll11· j .11111111 ... -..1 .. 11 :-.t.dt ;1ppo111111i.·111 1.ll•·! 1111 II t'l'h. ,l\'l'Ol'<illl;' I<' 111!<!1 llH d :--1 Ill I •. ' ..... '!'h t• -.H\11 l'•'" .,,11d lh<" ·'l'f"lll\! 1\11"111 II Ill lll(·[tid l' -.!,di llHI 111d\ !</[' !h1• t'l j.l l i1 l)1t•rlll1!•I I »Ill lll l°':-.L!!!l :..1·1 up h1 l '11 ·-..1 1l1 ·tll l.",1 1 d Sund.i\ hul 11>1 H"!'l-.l't•·ll1•1 p ;n·11c11 l<1r -.,1.1ft .1-.1\1 .id 1111111·111 \'t's\1).!al11 1n Butterfield Asked To Resign by Ford \V /\S 111 NG TON I U Pl )..:..-. Presiclf'nl 1:ord h :1s rt·qill'"l (•d t l11· rc.,1 g n,1 t1o n uf t 'cd c ral Aviatio n Adn1inis tralor /\l('x;indf'r I'. ll u\lt..·rf1l'hl 1111ht· d ri\'<.' to c lcaroul n il Nixon a p pointees in lhl' lo p layer of i.,:011·r1111~t·n1 . ,!C l 1ninis t ration SOll!'t:es said today. . !Juttc rfil•ld \vas info rme d Dec. 18 h.\· ·rran:-.port :1 11nn ~l'('r1·l ;111 C l a ude S. IJrincgar, .... ·ith v.1hom he h a s d 1:..:ii..:r1·ed illl :11·1:11 11111 p11l11·~ t h nt f o rd is s h akin g up the agen cy ;ind \\'ants h1n1 out 1'rh1· l'l'l"'rl app ear e d M o nday in the Evans·Nov;.1k ('olu1nn on till' l )ad~· l 'dul t•dito rial pa~c. I '!'he t'A/\ c hief s till h a s no t hc<.'n inf1Jr n1 ('rl p <·r~onally h y lhl' \\'hilt• llousc. sourCC'S s aid . Bul he 1\·a s ex p ected t o lll l'l'l \\llh Jlnn.ild 11 ll u rn s f cl d . \Vhi le l·lou se c h i(•f of staff, I a t t• r t his \l't't' k 11uttcrfic ld is b<'Sl kno 1,1,·n for havn1g d1s clo:-l'd th:i t \'t 1·-.,1d1•111 llichard i\-1 N ixon had t aped all of h is con l't'r s a l1on:--1n 1h1· \\ 11111· 111111.-..t' inc luding hts c overt discussions aho11l \\'at crga1t• 'l'ht• 1 ap1· .... ,., 1·111 11.il l1 led lo Nixon leaving the preside n c y . 1\s In 1\•h eth c r l•'o1·d \vas gett in g r id of Jt 111 1l·rf1l'ld h i·1·:111 :--l' hl' h :1d 1·, pos£'d the t.·xis tencC' o f thl' \\';11 ('r~;1 \t• t ;q1\'S, :-.u111 ·r":.. .... :11d l!H· 1:.\.\ .iii minisl ralo1·'s record "is tondan1n good 10 p la~ ! ll:ll i.::1111 1· .. Sourt·c s s ;ud that Butterfield hud h('l'll "cun1pl1•\t·l} h11nl':-l .111d ., above b oard -p ulnful as that n)ig ht ha\'c been .·· ' I 1•11 1 I <111 " " '" J I 1 '· I' 1 I' ,1 1111 11 ' I " j I II' II hod •I 1! •I , . •I I• " I I .,~.,th" ,!1!1 !1111 I• " " 1 l.1 I 1 .. I .. I" 'I ' ' ,, Troo 11 ,·; f.'<t<'<' /11 <li<1 11 Site ! ; Ii 1·'-i1 1 \ \ \ '-.d H >11 , I I , ,,,1 " " " I I 'I• •I• I••,\, l•"I ii I 11 ii I lli\\'1'111"H <,11 ,11 lllJIHJ I I\ HIL•ll 1 • " I . t I ' \\ 11 11 11 t 1 .t l.1 1 II '" , 1q11•" I h , I 1u 11 u1 11, l I '\I II 'i t ', I I .._ I I. I I \IHI I ! 1 ,II tll\'lll l1·o1 d• I .111.I 1!11 ... '1'1.11 1•d 1.,,., l 11d 1,11' (I, t 11! 11 \I, ., r 1 .. 1. ~ !ll 'I "I ' I ~ . I I " " I 1 I 11 "1 1Up,1l lPJl "I l\11l!llol1·d l\I)< I ~[I Ill l:~ .. i l\!'l l' 1·11 1111,!1 I" (;1.•-.,li,1111 \I li1'I" 1111 ,1 h ,11 1 d 11z1,•d \lt•'\1,•ll !1 111111• 1 , 11111 111 .11 t I lto1 .i I• 'I ~ , " I I I 1 1 H I < .illo•d Hil l ',111 I I I I) 11 l j ' I t I ' ! I I ~ i I ' 111: hi !1 1 .• 1 k1111..: Ill l,1 I d -. 111' 11 \1<11 11 !.r \ 111 ·I 'I 11• 1,ii !11"1 ,. I"• 11d 11 1 llHll I\ 1111 II 11 .. 11, 1•1 1 i!' I 110,I Ill II hl'd " I 1 11 • ' [ 111I1.I H" (>I '• 1' \ ! I I I < \' ! I 11' 111 I II I 1 I< I I J • 111 1i1 I I I ( .111dl.111 •l llH!! • Robbery R ecalls TV Show S.i\'\"I',\ i\ff)'\[('\ 1,\Pi rn :1 rohhl:1·v l'1•r111111 -.v1·nt \'>t .1 nio\ It' !'>hu\\11 o n lt·l··\l-.,1011 '1111 n10111hs ;1g11 , .I :l!I j!Ll lllld [l11IJl'l'lll ,LI~ 1 '111:-.r h~·I' !n t .1 1111oivl 1·l«1'k ;111d l.1l l't' ;1 pul1 1·•·1t1.111 11hu ,llfP~lt.•1 \ thv hold11p 11 1.in, :\lorida1 pulit:e :-..11d ·r h t-I 1 I .1 c h. :1 11 ti hr u 11· n 1)111> .. ·rn1.\11 , u •• 1111·d ··r .t· ", 11·a:i. sht!l Hl lh1 · h1·c1t1t)y 11H' pO!il•t·man und .J.inlt''-1;rt·;..;111·y <_;uidry . 2u, (~ __ s_1a_1e __ ~J V.'.Ls bookt·d t11r 1n11._•:-.lJi._:1d14111 of rohbl·ry .ind .1:,-.,,ult 1111h ;_i dl·.1dly \l'l';J\)Oll , It 11'.1:-. ltk(· ;( .-.1·vri1· t'run1 '"1'111· l>o1Jcrr11 :111 (;;1ng," :1 l~J7 :1 11101·1.._· 1l1 :1t r;u1 1111 1111• ('l\S l:itt~·111gh1 n1u1·ie N111 . 8 ln th~1t fil1n . and 1l-> s t' q U .._, I . ''I ' ht' I> :1 r 1 ll g [)(l))t•rr11 :n1 s." d1igs \\l'fl· Ll:-1•d lo t·i1n1n111 rtJlJIH·r11 ·~ Brotf."H Pic•ks f ,u r t.•11 : I.OS .i\i\l;J·:Ll·:s \.\1'1 '!'ht• fo>(itldl'l'l!I .i l!l<1!lflll1.1I tr1'•jllt"!ll\\ 1·1.1 ... h,•d \\ ilh lht' H":q .. ~;.i 11 A.I d nun1s lr«tl1111 1 1.1 11 1 i.:1·! .i Ill)' .... t.111• J1il>. (;IJ\ l·:dn111111I 1; 1:roo1111 .Jr. ~~1 1d i\lnnda1. J\1 HI.I II ..,.J ld ho· 1'-)..;<1111 ~ 1tl .Oil IH,llll J1111 l.010 ·111 . l\!lllldi·r uf l'.1l1furn1 :1 H tir .il l.1·~.1l /\s· s 1:-l :111ct'. 1 u Ii<' du .. c1111 oJ I hv '>Lt! t · l·:r11jllo1. 111 L'11 1 IJ ,•11•!,q1111 c 111 I )<'p~i t'l tn \"I I I S uspet•I lli.H urlH•d J,OS 1\:\<;1:::1.r:s 11·1111 ' psvehi:llr1:-I li'"lifil·il :'>ln11d :1v th;1t ~l11h.1r1 ·111 !\11 1 l11 •fc t11 It". lho · <.dlt·_~l·d "'~\lpti.di~·! !1."rn!1t ·r .·· 1,so n11 ·11 t :1 JI v d 1 -.1 u rht«l I 1l' dnvs 1101 rv :d11t· hl' h;is 11,.,.11 i·hari·t'd \''llh \II,• '''Ol'S! 1·11.·11 .1!1'J!•lll !u1n1h1p;..: Ill l I S. h\s\111·1. l\urt,";..:."' 11· !h1 11k-. ht·'" h .. 111 ~ 1r 11•d for l1 •1.1d 1·1i11du r·t 111 ;1 1•1dJl1 (' r1·s1 r11or11 ])1· ,J,,lln I' \\',1ltvr ... test1f1t•(l.. \\';1111·rs 11.1 ..; Ill•· ftrsl 1.1 1\rn•"s 111 :1 ... ;11111 ~ ! r1:d to d1·· tern) int.' 1.1 h1•\hvr l\url11•g111.·i1· 1.-. compt>l1•111 Ju -.1.1nd Irr.ii 1H1 thrl'•' llllll'dt·r t·b.1 1';!('"· .111d !'IHlll\:-of ~1 rson ;1 nd ol h( ·r"t t1·n-.1 ,.., Beoie 11 Hod~1 f 'f11t11d E1\S1' l '1\JJ 1 1\l .'r<) (l lPl1 'l'hL· l11.•;t\l'11 hod1 111 ,1 r1·11r1•d 111 :111 \l."hO had lcil·fillli1 'd [\\11 lllt'll 1.1.111> roblu·d ill Ill ()I :-;i.·,, u1.-, \I ;1 -, !1HHHI l\l11nd;1y in hi:-g .1r;1gt' :1p:111 n11.·11t Jl nn l';_i r 1,,,11 . .1 S,111 ,\J .1! ('II\ '1Hn1 ly s ht'l'Jff'.._ d1•p11t ,v 1.111" 11 :1ntl·d tn 1.1kv lht.· \"H '!1r11 Jt1.1 1 nnlt•rt·ni·(' ;11 tb(' tl1slr1r1 ~111,1r1ivv · .... (•fl1(•v. dis· ~·OVt'rl'd thi• l•od1 ul Fr:1nk ,J S('hl·l'lhL'f' ·,11 Sl"hrt·d1l'r 111 ( lt·lqh1·1 ti.id 1d"n t 1f11,_'d (_; rt•1!11 r'1 \\ \\'tlli.1111 s, IX ;,1nri <)1\:-. .r . l'11,h.·-1 11n. '.!1. a :-. tilt· n11·n \I h11 1 ulil h"<i li11n "1 !lhH11·1 ht• l l·~'('l\'l'd Ill.! l.tl\'-ll ll ... i•l1i l'lllt'lll 3 ,000 !ii••••I< J()l>s I.OS .\ ~ t; J·: !.!-'....; 11' 1' ! 1 .\l 11r1· th.in :l,11()11 l!J\t•1npl•>1.1·d 11.(1rkvr-. J<1n1n1t•d thf'l'!' 1'1<11 11 ... Pl ("II\ h:ill i\londay lu ,1ppl\· f1q· 1nh~ nFft•f1 'd th roui.:h ft•tlo.'r .11 1·1111·rt.:vf\('Y J•1h prog ran1s . 1\\ le.1-.1 ~-~~H \ 1·1h:-r:111 g 1n ~ rrotll -.tro •i•t ;.11l1ir'1•-., r 111 Ii ILillll1 ·1 .., lt1adn11n1 .. t r.tt11. 1' .1 ... ~1 -,J .1111'l' pt1:-1 lhl!l:' r l'q111r1n >', i o ll1 ·g1· d1·~rt·1 ·~ ;+re• t11 :11l.1ldv \h1 1 )11 ~~1i ::-:1:1 :! n11l I ion Jn h.:d ,·r,d 1 urid , Firni Fi11e<l Fo r 'F<i l se' F a t Freer !.(IS 1\;\(;J·'.J.J·:S l !\l'l ·rhr('(' r~·oplL' 1.\·ho ;1d\'l'rl 1 ... 1·d 1 h ;il .i n11x lure nf ni:-i...;h('d h ~111 ,111 ,1 .... gr;1pe..: :ind p1nP;1pp[1• . ..; 1s 1111• 1.1.nrld"s h1•sl "fal dt1.-.1ru,1.·1·r" h t11·1· :1_L:rt'ed In p;iy fint's and to 111ak1· nul,il.-.1· pro· 1n 1scs ;1 bou L t lu:1 r Ii 11·n1 u I :1. ·rhe <1g rct·n11·nt i\lo nda\" t·1Hl1·d :i c ivil (·o n s\1n1t•r prn\o'c·t'111n ~1111 f1l ('d hy lhc r1t.1· !;1:>! ,lid~ ,1 ga1ns t ('onr~u l I .. (;t'rn1;11n , Bnlit.•rl \\'_ l\anc. C a r n1Plla I "r;rs akf', ~111 d I heir () u ! p o~t IJv\·C' lopr11 ('Ill ( 'n. (;C'l'll\;11n ;ind l\::111(• :ils n LH"C' ('r1n1in;d l'h <rr)-!t•:-111 rvdt>1·:d ('11\ll'l on thl' n1 :1 r kL·t1 ng ~;f 1 hl'I r forn111l <1 ~ind t he agrt.'L'll t1·nt Pl'V\'l<il'S t h .ii pl'nall i1·s tlJl l•l $1,t~T \1d l h1· t"t '- d uccd hy SSSO for e;H·h six n11111th s, s hnu ld <:t•rmain and Kane he :-1.'ll· t ('n red 011 t ti c c r1n11 n;1 I l'h .1 rgl's. 'l'hc firrn. d11ing IJ11si1H.>s ~ :1" l.vdi<.1 J·'l•ldn1;111 ;\l l·lhnd~ and S i1;1 r on \Voudn1;111 .\s:-;oc1at1·s , agreed n ol to <ld\'er!i . ..;l' t hat. !\·t iss F'e ldm:.i n o r i\JJ...,s \\'n11cln1a n d is · cove r c 1l lh t• spo;_•r 1al 1o n 1c , Prose c utor s eonL1·11dcd l·'cld n1:-i 11 a nd \V ood1n<.1n \ICr t' 1n1.1g1n :1r y l}l'rsons. The firnl ~1lsn pron1isct.I nut to :1d vcrtis1· -\1·1th1Jt1l ll'f.!<11 pro.lf t hat· a nv t o n1r 1·nn1·f·rl s "un. bur ned ·ca loril'"" 111!0 rnc rgy, ca n pro l1•c t th1· hndy ;1l!a 1n sl w (·ig ht t:(;1in. is ""100 p(•rcc nt safl':· ,ls t he 11•nrld "s f;1 s!P~I. a nd 1n ost. f'ff,•ct i11• · f;.t dv .... !r nyt'r." will p r odurl' 1n11111 ·d1 :it1· ;1 11d l""t\ tinu lng \\'t.·t~ht lnss or lli<r l the \VClG hl lo:.:; 1s pl'r1n:1n1·nl. UPI l •l•JlflGU Tuesday, January 7, 1975 DAILY PILOT A 5 Ref!!l_a11 Beads Dome Brown Goes to Work S :\ l' HA ~It-:'\ I ~ l t :\I ,~ \h'f<'v n! o r .d H•ul :;;:'0'1 \~h ~1·1 11111 !11., C.il1for111.1 's n1:1.1. ;; .. 1.,·1 U(•I IJL·~ui s ut!11·" hud i.;t·\ ll;,1n.: .i 111\·d1111 r'l ltxlay totr~·to!11llillh1 -;111au g ur<.d s 111'<l :-.1'd.111 r .1lh t·r 1h.111 a pro n11ses uf p11ll111 g !1tu ·1nplo~t·d 1!111 11u ... 11t•". .11td 11" ft·-.t1I'~· 111 · e1t 1£ens to \l.'ur I.. \1 hill' h.t't.'lllng ,1 au1·111 ,I\ Ii.ii I l ight r (·in on tlh· ~t :~IC' hudgt·\ \., Hr u11 ri l1~1 h. !ht' rt•ins of '<J::d1 tor10Jlcorn1n~·nt .i\{i l po1.11•J l(o',1 J-.:,Hl :-lq1p1·d h.11·h. into A..;(;!)\/ f:dniuod {; f~roY1't1 Jr_ l hl· ro!v ol .1 p11 1. dll' l'l\1/L'l l \\1th .1 sl<Jrtcd to v. 1·esllt• Y11th th1' .-.t.it<''s t.ir111l1 .1 r .u 111. 1t v lh1 · f111111 , 1· curnpil'X jll'tlhlt•nis , !{nnald l'.id 1u -.pn rl :-1'.ls!t•r :111d actor 11 .1-, 11t•:.ig a n hl'<.l(\t;d for h i.-. S;u ita .1 :..'Ill''>! \lp11d;11 un his tLn H~ht t r Uarb:.a1·a 1·:.int·h !of1x .1 b;_irn rooL ill.u u 1:1'rl '..., J,o s An~l·I••., r,1d1 u pr11· 1'hf' 36-yl·ar ulcl g11vt·rnu1· thl' );1 .t ll l state's ynunt--:i';.l 111 n1or1· th:u1 1t)(1 'l'utl.1 1, llc ·:t~.1n pl.1n11L·d to r1· ye11rs \.11as tun1t·1·t v.·llht'.thint•t p.1 11 1111• IJ ,11·u :1l 111 ... lll'1.1 lv a nd leg1~J:.it 1 vt• ll•;_u ll·rs today !•I pu1 i·ti ,1.-,t'd 1.1nc h ll l'<•r' :..."111.1 "'urk uut how hrs adn11n1~t r ;1 \1011 l\.1 1 IJ.•1.1 \.1 dlbl'd1ffl'rl'lllfrumJ{t'~1 gan '~. J,,1t «r 111 th L' \\',•1 ·k . he 1s l~rU\l.'1 1, sun u! thl' n1;..1n i{L'ill-(illl ,...... -------.....,, dl'fl'alL'd fur tht• governor 111 !~!iii , ~:7~ \.\laS itl<1Ugur;1[1.·d 1\1ond<L\ IJL·fOl"l' "e arf.I' all flOi"fl tht." teg1::i lat un· :ind a s t-:1t1·1v 1d~, lo hnriP fo from lo l1·!-~'\'t~H1n :1ud1,.1u ·1· . fit:P w i th lf'!t!t.,.. I hl' ~urpri :-.11 11 . .:l~ 1Jr11·! Ill · ~ augur:il ,1ddrl':-.:-. IJ1. tlu• li.1l"hl·l1>r 11:1rn•·d !hd\ t'\t'I'} ... t:itP pr11gr:-in1 I , lit· i n~ r1• l';>.Jllllfl L'tl lo rind I)) .l 1'1'S tu l" 1,,JI -.\ <i! e ::.pend 111g , I It• s ignE>d hrs !'tr:-.t eXt·t·utive o r - 1lt't' n1 :111d:il1111o: tll;:it :-.!;_ile de par t - n11•n1 :, qu,d1fy for fedt•ral JOb pro· g l'..1ni:-> that (·n1dJ hring up to $15 111illtu11 111 ft·dt'f<li 1non1•v for !ht• ~I l 11' tll p It I) \'d . . 1\lthough J11·11wn ·..: dct:.1lect Jl)t.·S~.cgL· !1[} a :-!.tit' hu<lg1'l u f .:i.p · pro,1n1:itl·ly $1 \ hill1un for !h t~ l!ll.'P71i f1.~v.d y1 •.1r 1" h> bt.• g 1vl't1 l;1tvr th is \V1·1·k , hi· 1nd1l·atL•d v. hal 1l\\11ull\ l"Ofll .1111 . " I< 1s 111 ).! 1111l·n1pl11y rnt· nl ni t~ ;1 ns rt·1hu·1·tl ~l.tll' r1•\ 1•nu1·:> .1.-. \1 L·ll as l'..,J·;il-it111 g 1·xp('nr1tturL,'> for h1•,1llh ;ind Wt•lf.irt" But I an1 df'- lt•rn11111.:d 10 ;-..1•1.· tti1s Yt'.tr 1hruug h 1.1·1tbu1Jt .1 ~k1ng tlt1• pl'opll' for turth•·r s:1t"rd11·t·s 1n \ht' forn1 11( nt·1.1 ta \i·:-.. ·· 11,_·to ld the p:Jl'k1·d l\s· s1·rnhlv 1·hnn1b,,r· INTERVIEWED BY OAUGHTER -()u t golng (~o''-lln nald J{t'<l).~~1 11 a~)Pl'<-ll'('c\ Oil lhL' K 1\l{c.·r\1 l;dk shO\\' ".l\'.\1 Shc'1\\·" Nlon day \VJl h h is d;1ugh tc r , l\'l aur L'Cll. \V h1 ll' inc1•:-:1ing (;ov . l<.:dn1untl l ~ro\\'ll. J r , \\'<JS hl'tng S\\'OI'" .. n at in· .1ugural (."\'l"L'ITTOlll(.'S in S;.i(·r a n1ento. rv:au r f'en is ro- lio-.,tc . .;s on LhL' ··,.\l\.1 Sh0\\1" this \\'~L'k . ~ind her fatht·r \1.·a :-; h1 ·r firs t gut..>s l _ ch1 tf l'Xt.'l'Ull\'C t't .. lit)t,'d 1n ;111y ,.( h rs cun1p:11 gn lhl'nH_·-.. hul · h1 :-. tll'\l.' ::.p1r1t '' ~tJU11d1•d lv - niarkably l1kt> Bl".1 g:1n 's "c11l, squeeze and t1·in1 .. 1'he 3·\th gov1·rnur ~ds1i 1.1'!·nt 10 ,..,j ·ll1 ·dul~·tl lo :.l.irt LqJ1ng hts i)\I 11 d .11l1· 1·.1<1!0 prug rarn ~1·xt l\lon - d .11. 111-. fir-.1 1.1•'1·kl1 11t·\1 :-11.q11'r 1-.il 11n111 1..: 1o ;1p1h•:t!', :11ld H1 •;q _ _:.1n ..,J.1r\-. hi :-t1rs l vx!1 •111h•d :-.p1•:1k1ng !Oil! S;.1n l·'r;1nc1s c11and l.os :\11gt·h·s tn l ~r1~1\ 11 "r11csc .. 1:.:.1· of f1..,1-.d r~1n deliver n11ni ·1naui.;ur.d ;iddrt•s:--t•:-"("1 \ ,1!1.-.111 1 ··~11tr.1~1t'il \\ 11h .t ;.irld d1.·l1ver thl' niess>igt' that lht• l1·~1 -.l.1l1\'1.' :1;.:1•11d:i ni,tdl' tip tlf rl'C'l'Ss 1u n -prl·~sl·d st.il1· hudi.:t•l p111 g 1·:1n1s 1\h11·h had l11 ·1•C11 1•lot·d "ti( not be tht•snurL'1•nff1nan('Lill ••r oppu-.t·d h.1 Hl·:1g .u1d111·111 f.:11 1:- '"fin :-ni.·:ins 1·1·ery hranC'h ;_incl dPJ 1:1 rt n1 t ' n t 'ii . ..:t:i t 1' gov11r n 01 C' nt 11 1t1 s l rt• l''.\.,11111111 · 1t..,1·lf 1~·1 t h t he vtt·11 !(Jl.\'.trd 1•l1111 u1.1l111 g expcn· 1111111 l'S not .11l:.ulutl·l1. 1·s :-.1.·nt1al to I l\t' \I t'l J 111• I ti)-: oif Olli' i11·uplt'." I 11 I hi· I .tJ" ,\11g1·ll·~ ( 'll .v l'oun1·d I h.J fllht"l'S, hL' 1\1ld :1h1Jll! 3!) \)f• 111 ·1.11 ... ..,,,int' 11th,·1· a s )\t'l'\:-o l' lus liudg t·\ · 2 Suspects Nabbed In 'Check-kiting' ::.a I 1 :1t1011 for loc :.d go\ l'rt'I rnt• ll t :-.. t ''I ~n :1 :-{ · :d I! or111 ;! g11\'t'l' ll1 )r "! th111k all of u.-. h.i1't' tn Ju\\ t'r 'rh.11 1nl"lud,•d rt'fll',il 111' lhl· !id our s ights . ''ou h;.iv 1· \•J look d~·pl1·l11111 .lll111.1.:l!l«<", 11r11•r11pl•11. forv.·:1rd to r!(•c·!in111 )-! :1 :.~i st:..incc llt•·11! 1n .-;11ranv1· ldr l.1r111 frun1 lhl' s tate. \Ve <ll'C• al l going tn l.d1111 t·1 .... :o•'l'l"l"L b:illot-. 1111· f:1r1n h it\'(' to lt':irn to live V.'t\h lC'~s."' ht> l.tbur 1•li•t·t1un:-, 1•xpa11dt•d 1·l11ld told n1;i~·ors. <·oun t y :-.llpt·r·visnr:-. t'.ir~· prog r.1111 -. :ind rvp1·:1I 1•1' ;.n1J oth er::. und l·r the durnl.' o f s.in 1':11.11r1·d trL·;1t111t·11l In lht· s l.1Lt' l1 11•rt•:t:-t'd ~t ;111• an~! county 1·fl1c1t'!ll'V 111 op1•t':1\1ng lhL' $2 l1ill11>11 ,\ll•d 1-L';d priq.:r,1n1 in 11h1 t'h hur g 1·011111 .: co ~t s h ;_ive l 1l·1 ·, >111 l' ;1 n 1 d 111r prtibh ·in . 'l'h1· rt•lt•a:';t, of ;1 s11hs t:lnt1:'1 l .1lll1JUtl1 11f 1nn n l'.V f1·11rn t he g,1s ul1111· lax fund tu finant'C' n1:.iss ti ,11 \''>i t 1·l'!'l'd1"t"h t-:\ t•11 a s hl' f1l'lilL'd q11t~s1 io ns f1 ·11111 n1 :1ydr:-. an d l"Ounty Sl!Pl'l'\"\Stll'S, !St"o\\ll 1~·as q uil'k tt) po int out his luck of ready solu· I inns tq a 11 p rohtcn1s. ;-;,\:\ Jl l/·:1;<) I t I'l l 'l\1.<):<;ll S p1.•cl.-. 1n :1 $! 1nd1Lun (·h(•ck·k1t 1ng s t•hf'll\t' h;J\'l' bt't.'11 a!'J't'SIL·d hl'l'L' ;11t1·1· ])1:-1rH·I 1\tlnl'lll'I" 1-'.d !\l illt•r f Llvd t•r1n1111:1 I ron\pl:1 int:-. :'11 rlll'r ~;nt! l\'l!Jndt1.v thl' gross luss 11l :->l'I. l'ral lo<".d h;inks ~111d ...: .1 \' i tl g.:; :1 11 d ln;t n :1 s SO<'1 :11-!!Jll s \\'as ~I 111l1!1u11 Jlu1.1~·\l'I", \l'hl"ll th(' ... 1·1it•1r1v \\'.I :-uncu\i'rl'd tlit• eight r1n ;1nc1:1l 1n s l1 \utio11s in \'Ol\;l'd frili'l' s:ion.ooo funds ;1nd addi· lh)ll<il t·ff,,1·ts h:11'L' bet•n rn;u!e tn :ill.it'll 1ith1·r :1.'->;1•1>; uf th(' SUS· pi· t"l :-. I·\ ·d t • r ;d 111 . ..;u t' :111ec• ;1 lsn v..· as L'\j/L'l'lt•d lll t•111 vr :-.olllt' of the IHS'.l' ... ."\:1n1t•d 1n lh1.• t'o1nplai11ls 1.\·erc l "l :1ud l'1tts 111 . ~4. ~ind l.ul<.1 L). l 'jir\t•r ,·l~!, hothofSan Ull'J.1!\_ 1'1\t:-. 1n1n1f'd1a!ely e nt t•rcd a ).'.lllll .\ pl1·~1 !11 thl't'h;u·J,;l'S :111d 1.\·;1s l() ht· ~t·ntcnl'l'd l·\•I,_ J I. 1•orl1·r v. :1s lo lit.• :1rr:ugnvd ./;_1n. :.!I in illtlrlt!'1pal l"ourl l~olh \l."t'!"t' r't.'- ll' .1-..,,<1 on I ht• 1 r 01.1·n t"l'cng111 zan ce. :"II 1 l!C' r s :11d I 'o rtt·r bl'gan tiH' k 11 · 1ng sl'IH•mt· 11i :'\n1.1:rnht·r. 1973. us- 111g -.l'l.'vt'.tl IH1:-.inv-.s ;ind pl'rson at ('lh·1·k1n g ;,1r,·11t1tlt s . l it• s~1id !ho npt•r:1t11Hi 1.\'.1s launeh1_•rt \l.'l 1h .ih•Hll $:io.ooo in .iss(·t.-.. of the ::;us· Pl'l"I.:-. ;111d 1.1. :.:-; ;_i1dcd through use nf f1•rg1·d :inti fraudt1l(,n1 dncu· 1n1·n1 ~ u :-.t•d Ip ,.:.nn udd 1t 1on~d l11h·s o1· cr1..·d11 l11!!s b1·1-.1nlo' H1\·,,]1·l'd in a s 111.1L1r 11p1·r:111on 1n J;niu;11·v l~l'i l ,<1c('nrd1ng t1):\l !lh·r _ ·' ''l"llt• ... c!lt•rnvs 1\t'l"l' s ep;iralc but 1·1·lu!t'd in cipcr;n1u11 bC'caust: l 11tls .ind l'nl'!vr V.'l'l'l' p;1rllll'r.-, in -..·v1•r ;d h11 -.1nv.-.s l.'l'll\urt.·s," s uid Ulillt'r , "!~nth s t'hl'nles v..·t·rc :-l'ph1sltC':!t~·d .. ('ht•t·k ·k1l111.t.: i11vol1.·l'S the Jl.Vrorn11d1n g nr funds v.·hich :'I re n1n\t'd c·11n ... 1antl.v frotn hank to h.ink tn !'o\'t'r Lirgt'r .ind larger .u11 c111n!...; of llh)ll\',\·. l\l1lll'r :iaid Li z Tay lor's 'Boy fri e nd' F in e d $1 ,000 f.()S ,\;\"(;!-:L t~.'-' (1\I') llenrv 1· \.\'~nh(·r g. ;1rtr1·ss l·:li7:1ht•!h '1':11."].,I'"~ llu11·h horn hoyfrH'fHl. 11 .1:-ht't'!l pl:tl·ctl on thr1·e vears pl'ohat 1011 .111rl 111)l'd s1.110oori the fl l"h.irgvs II\ t'OllJ\Cl"llOll \~'ilh lh l' ;-,.1lt•t>f11 ,-;1·d l",ll"S. 1\111 \\·;. rlhl'l'g , JO. \l ,IS gl\'l'!\ l't'l' 1111 ... s l• 1 n h .\ ! h~· <·nu rt 1 ( 1 ;1l't nn1 . p:iny :O.l 1s -. 'l'.t_\·lur lo l•:uropt•. Shl' pl:111 . ..; l o clo ;1 nt~w f1l n;, "'llltiL'IJird," in l.t'111 ngr:1d :lftor s pendi n g ~l fe\~· U:iys 111 S11 it1l'rL1nd . I !t· had plead ed no l.'.OnlC'st to four t·nunts of gr:ntd t heft for a l· l1•gt•clly s t•lt ing rhc odo 111f'ter..: h;1 c-k Io ind 1 \ate th ci t fn u r ca rs had l>l't"ll d ri \"l' tl fL'l.\"l"r niilcs. :\or 1\'alk Superior Court J udge J ulius 1\. l_l'('ihan1 1·educed the t hl'f\s to n1isdcn1eanor ch <:1 r ~cs ht'forc sc11 t cnl'1ng \V~·nbt·rg l :.is~ J·'r1 d ay. I le had bt>cn sche d uled to <1ppt•:.ir for :-.entenc1ng l\olond;,iy , h ut \11ent i n to cou r t earlie r , it WilS le arned . .Judg:C' l.c(•tha m g:i vC' \Vy nhc r g per m is sion lo leave the U nited ~\a l es u ni ii .Ju ly 1. t.:hairman Named SAN RE llNAllDI NO <U Pll ·- C'o u n ty S upe rv i sor l)enni " lla n s bc r gcr . J3. was c hosl'll C'hai rm;.1 n of f h L' h o a r d o f superv i so r s M o n da y, th e youn gt•$l h oard c h a1rn1an i'n the l"nu nty 's history. I l a n sb~r gf'r , t·l1·{'1Pd i n 1972, r e p laces !\-j rs. N:-1ncy 5 1n 1lh. t t r<1n .-.ft•rr1·(l during th1..• l'11ul'::>L' pf t hl·sc hl'rue . F r;1 lll'l:-il'u · s l'll} t;~r 11 <"t)l l:--1ii11t11111 1(11" hu:-1 ni· ..... ..; t .1:-..t•s l{ro\\ 11 sn1d lhl' 1.1·:1s t;iking H1·111.111 :1n111iu11l'1•d u1·gcnt iJI" S'.C\'C:l'i.il symliolJ~>st cps ltl v111 · rll'r s to r:r ('at e JOhs f o1· Uri · ph:isize h i ~ au:-tt•rit.v !ht·mv: a 7 1'111plovl'<i l';1lifor11ians , ;ind h1.• · t institution If But as a 1inancta No one li kes to cry wo . 438 millio n dolhtrs we must ··blc for more than respanst Speak out. f , 1-ull of un ce rtainty. f · 0 t., a uturi.: Today we arc act " . 't agree on what ·. us economtsts can k Even the most tamo . . l Inve stors in the stoc . h xt six mont is. W .tll happe n in t e nc . ft . ha s not bee n market face serious Pr oblems. Jn auon . ·1 to checked . nsibility is to your fam1 y ... Your first res po . (cs of tomorrow· . . of th e uncert ain i . . Protec t it against any , d that yo u immediately , recommcn . Thcref ore, we . as yo u can into ur capi tal and savin gs . Put as mu ch of yo . (in account. Jn any . ., .. nd loan il~soc i a I< an insured sav in !;S a 'f ·cl th at Mu tual . red assoc iat io n. N atu rall y. we c . f tn su · · l d·ng a choiceo . tic more to offer in c u I . Savin gs has a ht 7'1 o;, insured up to $20,000- . t· from 5% to ' 0 ' sav in gs p ans call will start yo ur acco un t. But act today . A phone ~~~ We cried wolf and there was a wolf! We ran this acl In 1970. grown fro m fiv e to thi rt een offices. We are ff was timely then.More timely today. If yo u fail ed to take our advice and answered some of the siren calls of speculat ive inves tment s ... yo u probabl y didn 't ea rn as mu ch return on your money and you may have lost your principal too . But a lot of people have taken our adv ice. Sin ce 1970 Mutual Savi ngs has paying a higher rate of in terest now. Accounts are now insured up to $40,000. And most important in these ti me s, in fi ft y years no one has ·ever lost a dime al Mutu al Savings. Free Income tax preparation. For compl ete info rm ation rega rd ing appoi ntment and sav ings acco unt qua lificatio ns, sec Mutua l Savi ng:< ~ r . ' ~ ~ ii THE BIG M MUTUAL SAVINGS C<lrona def Mar 2867 East Coast Highway/675·5010 11\0 IOln UIOCllhOO Fountain Vaney Copislraoo-San C1omente 530 Gamino de Estre lla/493·5651 17942 Magnoha Street /963-8396 \ Santi Ana 7th & North Main/547·974t • DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE Jobs 'and Clean Air S:1n !)1c-g1) lhL· !'.il"l'<I t)f s ome oft hf' mnst vig<>rous no-gro\\'lh <.lllitucl e s in thL• t1ation is having ~c<.·o n(f thoughts ~lhJt_•t how f<tr it s hould go 1n ho lding l)ack f'O!'SI ruc t ton Ir\ thl.' 11~1 t rll' o f prutl'C't ing the t.•n \·iron llll'lll ()ra11gc• ('1111nty \\11;ulrl clo ,,·c·ll lo ~t ud v :-.o n1<.• 11( Lh<' <·h~ck s anti l1alanees that Sl'l'm t n h(• (·~·nl v 1n g in it s T!l'l,l.!h b1)r t n th t' south \\'h L·n th1• flO "'l-!l'O\\·th plulosoph\" !)('g~Jll to t ake hol<t llack in 1~72 . San J)1t•go \\:tS 1 ~ thL' for1·front of tlu~S(· ro rnn~unilil's \\:1n t ing \11 ::.t op th<.• '''ortd in o rdl'r l<J 1m1)rO\'(• it . ()r <.:gon \\1 ~1 :-; t1·lllng c..·~i11fornian:-. to :-.t;iv ~11 hon1~. l11·t :1lu n1:1 '''I~ dl'l'laring th:1t it didn't ''a1it t<~ gr<1\\" a 11y l<.Jrgc1·. 1.a guna J~e;.u·h ,,·as l'h:dleng1ng \ Jl'lu ~llly all forn1~ or build ing. /\.~ thl• llO·f.!.l"t J\\th ;1ttil11d1·!"1 t.ook rn11!. ~;1n f)Jl'j.!fl b<.·g;in to a<lo 1)t nun11·rous r·l'~t rittio n :-. l o "kt'l'P thing ..; :1~ lhC'y ;ire ·· I\~ :\pril of 1 ~J74 , th1· S:1n l>1 l'go ('1t,· ('ouneil h1l upon ;1 ~(·ht·n1t· t o fit th(• no g rO\\'lli philo~c>11h~· and :1t tht· ~:1n1t· tin1e f1n:nlt"l' l'X ll:l!ldL•c..I '' ~1tL·r faci l ities 1\ s t i ff'' all'r ht11>k11p f<'t' "llll nc..I C'd filll' 111 t h e p r e,· ailing atmosp ht•rt' 1'he flu s h 11f \'1ttory O\t.·rthP grO\\'lh ftlrCt'<; hC'g:1n to pal~·· rel'<.'nl I_,. \\'h<.·n l·';nrehlld Can1l:'r:1 . ;1 l'On1 p :1n.v planning ;1 n c•\\' S:111 l)iegt1 pl:1nt \\'h 1ch ultin1at l·I\ \\Otilrl c·m1>lny S.000. <'~tllt'('ll·d it s eons trul'tion pl~ln·~ herauSl' o f 1 h e :-.1 iff <'Ost for \\a l e r and :-.l'\\'l'r hnokup:-.. l';urc:hild <IC'cid c rl to loc~1t<.· in S :1n .IOSl' inslt'a(t It tosl San Oi l'gO S,000 Ill'\\ iobs. ·rhc kt·_,. ll·ss(1n do,,:11 s1111th is I hat 11 .000 nt·\\' .1oh~ :1r1· need ed t·;1c h _\'t':JJ' and t.hosl' only for the l'itv 's 0\1/l :•oung p l'oplL· l'Orning 111111 thC' ·1a bo1· n·1ark.1·t . S:1n I >icgo' s u n t' 11) p I< 1yt..·1 I n1)\\ l'ons t it LILL· ;i hou ! IO pl' rC'e 11 t <1f t he area's l:11Jor fcir<·c· vs . :1h11ut 7.1 pc rcl'lll in ()range l'ount ~·. _'fh L· gno<I lifl' ;1hund;int 1nhs, fr1•t• t•e1~n1>rn~· ;ind ~;1t1s fac t o1·y l1ou .... ing is ~1 \ ~duelcss phr;1sl· in a n t'll 'ironn1t•nt pl <•.l!Ul'd \\·ith dirt~· ;nr. end less tr;1 ffi1· prt> t1lt·n1 .... J)o\lutt·<l \\ ,d1 ·r :1 nd .. c·r1>1·1 •h1n g n<n :i t' l~ut an 1·nv1rnnrra·nt \\Jthuut lht•:..t' p rohlf'Ol 'i tl1 )t"·,n 't n1 ('<.Jn rn uch If .' 11~1 ;i rc t1ut 1 >f u JcJIJ :1 nd tan 't ... r ford to buy gr<)('(·1·1L·:-., 1nakl' hnust· fl<t)·mt•fll!) and !Juy cl,1lh1ng ll trt' 1n ()rang(' ('ount y , lh(' gr11\\lh ;ind 1111·/,!l'owth ''.1r1 ·1·-. :1r1 · t•p1tc1 rni:11·d Ii ,\ !ht· ('1)11nr·d 1111 1··n v1r·nn n1t'11t . l'.111ployn1i·11t . l·:eononiy and IJ1 ·\·1·loprnl'11l !('l·~EE L>) ~111.rl. th~· l".rt\1ru11n1t·nl ;d (\1;tl1ti1111 of (Jr:111 g1· C'ount y 11·.t (J( ) l ~o lh 111 al\t· r1 gul d(•fll<inds on go,·i·rnn1t•nta l :q . .:c111 ·11>s for their vi1·v.p<11nt . :\nd, indt·l·tl . t':l<'li dOl's h;1\1· ,·it•\\ J>oints \\orth.' 11f 1·11n :-.1dt·r:.1l ion '!'he thin !! c>ut' g11\l't'llfl)t·nl:d ;Jgl'lll'11·~ :11 :di le\'t·I ~ fron1 ~t.:Jll' throug h (·ou111' lo n1u11t1'JJ J:.il n1us 1 rt·n1t·rnh1·r as h~llanc·(· 'l'h1· q11:1ti1y (1f t1fi · p , Jnlpl1J·t :111! So ;ire· 1ho11..;~1 ncl !-. ,,f 111/i ..; \\'h:1t g o11d is Olll' '' 11 houl thL• llth•·r ·• S.in f)Jl';.!11 has f11llrHI it t'llllldn 't ~IO\\ dO\\ll 1111 · l '(.'(Hllllll\', 1..,td;I!(' it :-. t·!I\ lllllllllt'l11 ~11\d :-.lllJ )l/"O\'H.l l' l'noug h brl':1d :ind llu\11'1 JUii~ It 1~ ;1 ll·~~on \\orttl r1 • ffil'1nl11._•r111g Gov. Grown's Start So f ;1 r ~o gn<1d . (:o\ t•rnnr JI r11\1 n (."al1forni;1 's n1•\\ chil•f l''\l'Clll l\\' didn 't l'l·:tt'h lur :111\ rht·!o r1c 111h1:-.1n:i u g ur<il :1dd1·t·~s r'\t·ltllt·r did 111 · fill !ht• ...,k \· \\'!lh f;11H 1ft.1l J>il'lll! l''> I It..· o utlint•t: ;1 h r11:1d pr1)~r:1 rn . ~on1t· id \\ lil c h \\ 111 proh;iti:y t'Oflll' 11 1 p;1 ~s . ..,01 n1.· of\\ h1 t'h 11 11\ fin ii ..,t 1 till;..: f o r1 'l 'S 1 ~fo p pns it 111n l ~rO\\ n ~h<1\\ L'<I ;11·u1ty 111 rt.:t'0).!1H1111 1~ .1111 1 :-.1 r't':-.~ 1ng Iha! ft'\\'t'I' th;in oni..'-half 11f (';i11for·111 :1 ':-1•l1 J..!.!lilc \'Ol t·rs C'a s l !)a ll(1ls 1n his l'lc·tl1on 111 · :-.:11<1 th1" qlli!l' <.·le:1rl_,. sh<>'' s ;1 la t·k of 1·11nf1dt·nt<.' 111 g o\1·rnn)l·n1 I It• pll·dged lo do llis p~1r1 lo 11 ·:-.l11t"l' 1 h :ll 1·011 fHll'lll'(' '/'h;d IS \\tir·fh\ ot'1111·high~· ... 1 pr1or1t\ New Vieu' Kissinger Blames Israel in Stalemate Of Priso~'' Sente1ices Tough Ford Line Seen \V . .\SJllNG'r<lN Al a Sl'('J·l't Whit e llous(• briefing. Secretary of State llenr)' K1 s~i nger reel'nl l y 1·on1pl<1inl'd th;i\ ls r;t1·I could llrlp prl·vL•n t ~J M 1lldll' t-.:a:--1 l '.'\" plos ion "'h :'-' b eing rnnr(· n1·xihlf'." lie charged thi· lsra1•\is hari jeopa rdized thl· pC'atl' n t'gotitJ - t1011 s ht•C'at1sC' 1h <':'-' IA"OUld n'! g I \' l' ll p a n o tht·r :-1' kilom;::•tt•r:--i1f 1\rah l;1nd "\\"hat JS .,I\ kLlotnl'ter~. · he d c rnandl'd . ·•;.1g;1in:-.t lht· risk of \\';1r" \\Ip "C'r1· .,t·I ha<"k l)(:('alJ:-e of :-1x lu11.".\ J..rlurnl'lt'r"" KISSll\'.G f:R 'S rl·m:trks "ere ni<.1de to t:11ngre~!'>t on:1l ll·;Hlc rs \\'ho g a!hl'r(:d hl•hind cl'Osl'd \\'hill· I louSL' d oors for a forcign- po li c:i-· hril'fin~~-'I'll(• confid('nf i:.t l n1inutes l"On firn1 <11Jr Ocl'l'n1bcr 17 rl•po1·1 th:1 ! the sc·nt1n1L'nt in the h ile k roonis o f \\':.1shinh1.0n is turning ;1g;11n s t ls rat•I. l.,re~idc•nt l·'ord ht·i.:an the \lid· die !~;1st di ... c u s~inn hy ~trL·s~i ng the gr.:1ve l'ons(•qu<.·ntt's. All his ;id,·iscrs :igrt'l'rl, hr said . ··th at unless ~nnll' prngrt•s s ts 1nad c. lh(' chan cl':-uf \\ :.1r are very great ·· If th1~ ~hould h;1ppcn. h e IA <J rned . "'\\ t ' 1':111 look for ;.inother oil c 1nhar~n " ;ind the "likely poss ihilit \' of t·i111front<1lion IA'ith the Sov11·is .. Then i-:1 :-.~1n1-:t·r tonk o\'t:r I!\ Sf):\11·: of lht• n1ost b lunt langu a,i..:1· h t• h ;1s l'\'f•r used in front 11f 1"ongr1·ss 1on;d l(':1dl.'t'S. he hlan1t•d 1:-.ratl for I.he stalC'm att• 111 nt•goli:-1tion:-1A•1lh S.vr1a . ''lsrar·I h:1d ;1 grt•;1t opportuni· ty fHr :1 \V t•:-! Bank :-.l'ttlcm cnt "''i1.h .Jprd:1n ·~ !K i n ~) llussein ."' K1 s:-.1n gc::r Pspla1ned. Is r ael 's failu r e' to de:il IA'ilh ll uss ein, th(' ~c·c r<'tarv conll·ndcd. led the Ara bs to ·,·t.·1·ogn1zt' the f>a Jestin1• Libe ration ()rganiz;.1 tion. !\ow !he l s r :.J (•]is must d e al with the PLO's h a t C'd Y asst•r A rafat. v.·ho has been <11r C'f t i n g lc r rorist \\1~1rfare ai:;:3inst lhl'm This 1s more than thC" l.s r<1 C'lis <":Jn s ton1ach. ll ut because the~' v.·on"t do bu s iness \Vith Ar:ifat. the S:i-'rians have balk ed in the ir negotiations with Kissinger . 1'his has ··sty n11ed " his step-b y-step approac h to peace. he said. "on the Sy rian front.'· "WE /\RF. le ft \\'ith m ovem e nt ' toward <E gy pt 's r•rt•s idcnt) Sacl t1t ," Kissin ger reported. "in hope we can ke('p up the stcp.by- stcp =.ipproach . '' l·t e :1 rlded hopf.'fu\l\' that there is "s till a · l'hanct.· fu1 · E g,\'pt i~1n negot iation . lion." "Isn't the re danger .'" asked Rep . F:lford Cedcrber_e , I{ •• Mic h ., ··of e ros io n of U.S. s upport of Israel?" Dear Gloomy Gus " I-low a hout : ·'Does She or doesn't ~h e" Only the ('!,\ knolA'S ror sure." .r r.' °'""""'' Gw• , • ...,...,,,,, .... t.,..1 ...... ,. .......... ...,, .. Mt llM•-rlly ~IMI - y .... ef ~ ........ ,_ s...... -"4 .... w .. OIMtRyCOw, O•lly Piiio!. J\ issin gt•r r(•spo11tl1·d 1ni.: lo !ht' «Onfitlcnt1al by ~1:-ki n i:: a quc.,tinn :~c·r·or1I n1i11ulf'~. l>o thl' (JACK ANDERSON) I:-r:u•tis · <'t•nfuse r1·a11in es s of !ht• l'n1tcd St al('S to g[,·e :1id," h.c:: inqui r l'd s ignific;1ntl \', '"ith r(' adin(':-S o f th1· l l n1t1·1I S1:1!('S to gu tn "·ar'' ·· "I dnn ·1 think .c;n, int1·rruptt·d Sen !Jubert l lun1phrt•)'. I) .\1 1nn a :-t;uin1 ·h rr1('nd of l ~rac l ... rhf' Israeli s anrl their fnl'nfl., hcrl'.· s<url K1 s s1n t.:t·r. ··nc.:ed to un d (·r~tand th C' r1 ;.,k of \l.'Orlrl :-;olidarit y <rt!<iins t Israel. .. Ill' l';1refully 1..·scl•pted the Unill'd States frun1 the J!rO\\'lll~ ;inl1 ls ral'li hlo<" ()ll<"t' \'Jt"\ll'(I .1 -. ltll' l\,11 ·d l1 11+· :1p11ru:1L"lr l•' 11•·11111<1)..!1 . 111l' I I\< 11 11·1·111 :Ol'lllt•tlt "L' J-. ~-11111 •1'111;.! ·,1 q• port for 11., fl'Sllf"l"t'VI 1u11 l nd1•1 thl' Jll"l'Sl'11l :-,\...,lt'lll (lj t'l'lllHll:i! 1u-.!11 ·1· 1no .. 1 111 lho...,l' :--1·nt 111 pr1:-11n ;1r1 • ,,1•n11•11c1·d !or 111" lt•1'r11 prt'Sl'l"lht_·d Ii.' 1111\ ·r1i1 ... 1" th.· 1nd••!c rn1111,1l1• "''llil·nl"f' .. 11 tu1·t1 ..,,.1, forth ;.1 11111 1111q 11n :111d rn:1\ lJ!Hllll )11 '1 1ud -.1 11 ·h .! ... 01 11• l o t1'11 ,,.,1r..., \\'hilt• t ilt· 1u d ~1· 11..,11.tll1 11.1,.. thl' uplrotl nl :-l.111 11).! t'\l'• 11 \11 111 o r ;..:1 ;111t 1n ;..: p rnh ;1l11 111 h• U"IJ;rl J.1 4•;1f)rh1l r1\ 1h(' 1!•1Ill 111 Ill! Jil l...,<11\lll1•11I '\'h,11 I" tlh• f ll!lt'IH •tl cit lh1• .\dult ,\ul!hH'll\ 'l'l\d[ 111)1 lllllt' l'Olllllll"o'dlill , ,q 1 1u1111\1·d l\1 tli1 ' i..::1111 ·r1 111r 1111·1 1 ... 1 11·111!1 :-.l i lt· .1\ Ilic 1,11 1 .. 11-.. "I Tt~l.J , lh t•m." r{•spondt·tl Hurn phrt·y, ··~·ou "vC' got to tru~t [ ) us . You ·\'t:.' got to tru~t l >r . Kiss -EARL WATERS ingl'r /\ prC'-cm ptivc· st rike lly l5r;1f'l IA"Ou ld hC' ;1 cnlos sal niis -'--------------~ l ;lk l' ;1s r('g<ird s the l)nitl'rl S tate's . ·rh1·v 111ust trust u.s . " "I"m n1l:ct 1ni:: v.1 ith :ihout \.'> .IC'"·1sh eon1n1unil y l!•!ld(•r;.,,'' President Ford broke in. ··1 ·11 s:1y about \\hat ynu 'v(' ~:ti<!. ·rhcy ~hould tru.s t us. If th('rc's " "":.ir :ind tht· chips ar<" d o lA'n , there·:; fear o f an anti-Is r;.1el 1nn\'l'm('11t in thC' L'n1lrd S t ates. \Ve 'rc here to guar :1n!<.•(• t hei r integ nl). hut thl'rl' n1u.'i t bt• t rust on tht'lr p;1r1 " ·"rhe Ru-;.,1an amha .c;~adnr t l11nk s his l"ountry \4'1ll Ju111 u~ 111 ;1 pul1t1c;d Sl't\l('n)L'nt ;.ind a .1 ~11nt i::uar;1nt1·t· uf pt•af'l.' in th(' :1rt·a .·· rt·portt·d S('n . \Vll!i;1m t-'ulhr1J..:hf. ll 1\rk , the outgnu1~ St•n ;dt' Fnrci~n R1 •l:it1nns tha11·111an This "ould n1t·:1n ;tl1;1ndr,nin).! lhl· slt·p hy ~t ep lll'J.:ot1:1t1on~ :ind t.;n111i:: to (ivnt•\ :r fnr P':p;1nded r~· ;1 l'l' 1 :.d k". w ;1 r n l'd K 1.,~ 111 ):!Pr "'() i\lt,\I\ thcrl' v.·111 n1ake :J cnnces:-ion tn front of the ntht'rs," ht• ft•flrl•d. Hcc(lgn 1tion of thr PJ.C), h<· :ilso w;1rn('d , IA·ould become "the front 1s:-.11C', blocking any olhcrs. "l'or the S0viets to rt•ally help." hC' suggt•st ed . "thev \\1ill need first to hl·lp mo\'(' th(• ~\rahs tov.·a rd reas onable pos1t 1ons. If (the Soviets) take the l'Xlrcn1e Arab positio n :l nd then a sk us to sell that lo the Is raelis, we're in t rou bl e." In cas e the Mid die Eas t ~hou ld go up in flames ag.ain, Senate Armed SC'rvices Chairman John Stennis. 0 -Miss, sug~csti•d that the United S tales m ight furnis h Is rael with arn1 s hut no rnan- power. "Yes," a g ree d Preside nt Ford . ''And "'"'e 've told t h e m that there's a p oint whc 1·c we h<1vc to consider what the Americ an pois ition v.•ould be " ''There's a li mit t o the money," g runipe d Senate J\p· p ropriations C h airman George Mahon, 0 -Tex. "'The Is raelis fee l that monc.v a nd armaments are e asy to come h}·." said the Pres ident. "I agree there's a limit." t'OOTNOTE: Al one point, Re p . William Rr ay, R -lnd., brought up the quest ion of Iran's :ipparenl shift fron1 the Is rae li to the Arab s ide. I-le asked whethe r t.hc fact that lran is a Mos le m na- tion rais ed "aspects or a holy \\'Hr , IA'hich cou ld nlso invo lve Turkey," a lso M o s l('n1 "\Ve :-hould do nothing: to rlri ve 1·ur k <"y into th al positio 11 ," re plied Ki ssinger. \ pr1:-nn..., lnn1.1t1·., .11 , ...,1·l!1·d1il ,·d 1111" h (':tl'!ll;..: .llld 1\,1..;\'ii lll'Dtl .! I l ' '1 .. \1 of 1',1('/l 1111 ... (•111 ·1 .... J1l1· .ind ;1h111Jl <I 1\1 llll/ll1!1• lllll'I \ ll '\\ .I dt<('J.,11!11 l" 111.rdt· ,I.., \H ,1 t 1•1 10.1"" d .111• llf)\\ l•:\'1•:11 . Ill<' dt.•t'l"l"tl" .i11 ~uh,11·1·l 1 1 e .11\d Hldll,\ I.rd t.1 11111 r1 ·1t ·.1~1· d.il!•..., .d lh1·11 111111.rl .q1 J 1t'.1ra11 { 1 · h(· I 1 •rt· 1 111 · (·u tll 111 1 ....... 11 >il ~.11111 • f .11 1 l trrH· :1 1lt·1 l 111 n· l nd•·r 1111• l.1 \1 .1 lt•h•l l 111,11 l•I' i\1 Id 1111 11\o' Jl\,J \lil)lltl) 11'1 f)\ 'II )\j 'I'll t1 ·n 1·1· 11 11. ii.,,. n11t h111• 1·v1ilf'n1·1· 11f r 1·h.dHl1!.diiJ1l t lrlt· nl 1111· !1H'<1"111·1·1111·n!..., 11.1 ... h('t'll ,l ..;)111 11 Il l.! n 1.11 rti, 4 <>II\ II I \".l!l f11 1(1 l 'll1!d!>\l(I <111 1111•h-.1...,1·d 'I Ii.it u ll1·11 Ji.1 ., li.·1·n ,1 l•o11111·1 .11 1d 1n ll .t1il 111111· .... J,,.1•1rn1 lthl(llil .1 l1 l1· '1'11 1• 111 d 1•11 1 rn111.rl1 1 1 1111 1111 ••\u)11•d 11\1 1 i>I 1111 11J1111·pl Iii.I! !JI l "llll ._ .. ho11l ol flp\ 111 11 11 pl l l\l~fi 1111,111 H.1tht·1 1111·\ l\1•11lil 11· l'C •r l"l'C'l I\ I ' l\11ltld \\HI \.; )lfl i!lo • l1"I\• 11\ 101 luoilr lh1· nlrl'nd .. r :111d :-..1•tli'I\ 11 11,+. .d ... u r.1,1111·d h1 ·1·.111"" 11! 111, di., p.irJt _v 111 .. v11t1·n1·t·" ~i \t'll 1,1 t l\1 · ,lllfl !.;t'.'i IOI' lht• :-;i<nl· I I J•t'. .. HI ol f 1·11:-1·:- lllO:\l('.\1 ,1.'\' 11 hti., r:rll1·n 1111" ·d1 :--fa,·ur \\'tlh h·itll 111·· 'hal'clilncr:-". \\l111 h ,1\1· 1ur11 plain«d 111.rl ton rn;1n•1 \11 •r1·111·1111· rclL'<ll'll'<I loo t•;1rl\', ;111 d the "I 1 b<.·r .:rl.," 11•ho ('h;u· g1 • I hat 1n :111y [If(• ht•1n g hf'ld t':11r hc\'nnd lllc :1 1111• Olll' \\'tnlld 1111rn1<1,ll1 ~•·r\'t' f1>r .1 L'.J\"1•11 o llt•n ...,l' t lrLl ,v 1·1·e1·ntl,\. ;It ,, l11•;u·1ng i·cuHluc1l'd ll.1 ~1·11 a1111 .!id1n :\"i· 1cdly, lhl' 1ncle1t·rrn1n:J11· l'l l'll !e11t·1· \\":1:-. 1t ·r1n1'<l a ' rnn:-t 111 - ,1.!t• 111011 s f11rm ol h;11·h ;1r1<.· 111rl11rl' ... \Vitnt•:-.:-1':' told l lrl' l'otn n11tt1•t• th;1 l fru ~lr <tt1nn :1nrl h11 - tl·r11t•ss t <.1uscd h' the u ncertain 11 1if h1)\\' Inn~ ;;n 1nn1:1lt' 11111 ... t "t'l"VC' s p :1rk:o rnu <'h nf llJl' '1ul('ncc hL•h1nd pr1:-.on \1 all.., 1·r111cs of !ht• :-.t:1ll'., pr1.,on..; h,1\P l.111/.! C'Ollll'lldl•d lh;r! th1• l't' h.1h1 li t :1t1on progr;1n1:-. :1r1 ·n·1 1Aork 1n )..! and Clll' thC' nnrnhL·r., of rt·p1><1tc•r s lo prnv1· th1·1r c·a .,1• (.'la1n1111g ii h !1:-. lit·c·nn11· .1 c harade wlrc rc in lhl' ft•l on 11';.ll'llS \\'hill thl' l'Olllllll:0:0-1111\ 11 "1':> ;1:-. ~1 l'rilt'ri:1of1't•h<1hll1t;1t1110 .111d lh<'n pJ ays !ht• J'nlt• 1n 11 11pre :-.~ II StatinJt "you c;i n 'l l r1r(·P r<" h;ihilil:11ion." \\"il lH':-"t'~ :11·J.!111 ·d that ir 1hc· pr1so 111·rs k 11111v 1111\1 long lhl'Y 111 11 :-t ~t·t vt· 1h11.,,• \\lt11 ;.,11lC't'rP I,\" \\';011 hf·lp Ill t'l'h ;ih1[1!<1 ti0 n \\'ill St•(•k LI .111d rt \\()fl.I be [I ga111 c . \ll;'"/\Sl[ll\i (;1'(l1'\' 'fht• lHlt'1·r ta111 t11·:-or lH7~1 ;1ppl'ar to ht• i-:r1·:il t ·r th;1n 111 nin . ..;t pt'i-t("l'ltrnl' \t•:1r:-, hut ont· th11i g 1s surt· 'l'h1· r1r~1 t·111n pl1·t1• l··nrd 11r11gr:tn1 tu 111 • 1•rt'"l'!lll'd 111 (.'ongrt•t•:-IA"dl ht· ;.,ul'h pr(':-Su rt' r111 thr• IC'(lg1•" of !111· g11vt·rnn1c·nt ':-1n1·c1n11• ;u1 d 1111l g11. .111d 11 is nt't't'ss;1r.v to µn h :1(·k t o 1h1· y<•:1r., o f \\'orld 1\':1r II to f1nil p;.u·;i!Jcls ,t :-hnf'kt•r ,--------------- '!"hi' dil<'n1n1;1 rt prPSt·nt:-1-.; [ RICHARD J 011·r \1'ht•l1n1n g ('on:--Hl(•r lh1~ !.1\ 1·111 .... lo ht• _ WILSON _ : ''.: •: ', 1 '~ ~:' ,1 , : ',; ( 1 ~:t;:-'--1-1 -,-,-,,-,,-"_'_"_'_d_c_'_l _h_c_,-,.·,,-.. -.,-.-,-h-';11 nu·.i ... ur.· 1\dl -~ ;:-\ Pr('~1clr11t 1'11rd 1~ t ;rlk1n,i..: \,1g111 · ll ;i1 1• l u 1·11n 111 ~~ l:i-:1bout "h;1rd ;111d tough" pro 11,,. ,,,,,111 t' ~ 1 1 1 1 I I pn~;_i :-. f l':1 1n g \\ 1\ l unc an11•11 hdlinn r ;111~·· 1.tJ ..., 11 1:-. pu:-1t 1un ,., ;d>tiul ;1 ... 1111 "1 :! t n ~:! ~. 1·on1rn rt;1hl1· ;i:-11 t'nt'fltl he n1 lnlltt)n '1 111.... t·onfronting a 111.·v. l'onJ..:i"l'"l'I 111th .1\0111· 'nuld rl 1ffl'rl·nt 1d1·;1..; :tnd pt•rhap~ l!t\11· 1 :111s1• ;1 ..;0:1r1ng ~o,·1·r11n1t·11t dt· f1c1f !'.111 :..'.Jrl j.! frtHll $~() lo $!-,It li1l11Pn lnr ;1 p1•.1 c 1·t1n1t• rl't'111·d llul at1 t1 rt•{'li ..; . .,1of1:1 r1 ll1l'il ~lll t·~ do nnt .,1.1nd :1lon1· 1'11 the· Hip p 1·1,11·1t .\' 1·a11·g1ir~· 1\n 1111 rnt·11 ...,;· 1nrr1•:1 ~1· in llu· th•f1·11.,•· hud i,.:l'!. 11erh:111 ~ :1 ..., 1nueh :1.., 2:. p1•t'l·•·t1I . is h1·1n 1-: d1 ~1 ·11'.'.~1·d 1n ('nl1 ;~11 · .. :-.1t>n:ll i'l!'l"lt·..., 'l'lit· J'v11 I .t g<•ll is r1·portt·d s 1•t·k1n,L! :1n 1n 1·r 1•;1 ... t• of :1., rnul'h <1 s ~!J hlllinn tu r1•.,lurl• \lil' dl'l)lt•t1on,..; nf thl' \'1t·t n,1111 1A;1r :"Ind prOt't'(•d 11·1th th<" IH1{"](':1r .irn1s PS panston upv. :ird:- 10 !ht• hn11l s nf th1• \'lad1voslok ;1µr1 ·t·m1·nt Sidi ;1not h('r pr1n1i.t~· pr(•..;i·nt., 11 ... t•lf. 'lt1pply111,L! [.,r;t(•l 1n :u1nth1·r r1·nt•\\ al of tht· f\l 1d1'.1:-I 1·onrh('t . \\h1 <·h l'r1 ·~1cl1•nt Ford h ;1:- h1n1s f•lf µl,1 t•('d 111 th1.· 111.."I' < .• 1t1·go1·~ pi 1ur1l1f'" 1·11 1n1• 1h1• prog r,1n1~ \\h1t·h ("ong rl':-S \\"ill 111 1t1 ;11•· 1f th1• \\ h111 • ll11U .,l' d111•s 110 1 . .,11 1·!1 .r ..., c11\ t ·r11rnt·11 I f 111 ;111 \'•'rl Ji 1hs f1 •r 1 ht· 1111l·rnplo~'Pfl :ind un11't•r..;;1I ht·:t11h 1n .,11r :11H·1· H.rr1·I\ l11·f11rt · ti .1..; llh•rr ' 1·t·1·n ..;vrnpathy "'1\h gt·nt•r ;d c o111.•1•p1., !hat 1neludt' :111 t"'{pan:-.1n11 11f th1• nu lltary l'~l:ihll~h111t•nt v.lnll' lh1· \u!1·rs :•re pr1n1;1r1ly rr111·1 ·1·:-t\·d in rt'l"\':-O S JIHI ;1rul 1nfl.1!Hll1 ~)Tlll·:n u n 1·" 111rnr1 ;11,l1· 111t':\Sllf"t'S ;11·1• 111 p!'1):-..pt·c·! \11 t'U!'\a1 I tlle t'f1ns11n1ptH1n nf 011 \11th<1ut ;1 d1rl'l'I \;1.-.; \t'\'\ 1111 i:::1 s ol1n1· 'J'h t·.,t· 111l'lud1.,' lh•· po..;s1h1li ty or a \;1, 1111 nil 111\pnr•t:- "h1<'h \\'tnd<I h l' pas..;1•d 1n1 !11 1ht· 1·11nsum('r . or f(11ot;1 s \1hi1·h \1otild r1•:-lr1ct ('on ~un1pt11111 l'\l'll lhn u g h \h1·r1• 1~ 1111 .... hn1l.i; . .:t•1•1 oll 1'he prnhlC'n1 1:-. th;1t rt :-en..;t L~ (th) high ::ind thrcatt•ns tn 1\ 1·1'c·I, tht· "oriel"~ ('('OIHttll y 11111 lht' ('(Jllll !1 ·1·\ ,11l111 g 1111 ·,1:-.ur1·:-.111·11 I i-:··1 !J n ~ to 1h1· h1 '.1rl ol lh1· 111,1l>lt·r11 1'h1..; 1-.; to 111d111 ·e !h1· /\1 .iii t·~,11 t rnller"" 11( lht 1111t 1• n1 "i! l o 11 duC't' 1t 1n tll1·1r n1\ n lun ~1 r :1n :..:t· 11 1 l1•r1•...,I., (\., .,unn .1 ..; !ht•\ d11 11 .. 1 thL' ~PL't 'lt ·r o f .1 n11h1 ,1r:i-111 li'r\'l'll11n11 11 1 lr 1·1ng ;1hnu1 lh1..; ro• S ll1f (',llll\O! ht· (/lJ!l]llt•11 •]\ I'\ t·J11d t•fl fl"lllfl \)il' d1 .,~·111J1':-,1· (If 11\t· prohlv111 'f'li;d dl...,C'11ll1""t' IH I\\ IJH l1 1oio ' Ii 1111 1•, ,. r 1i n 1 1• ;1I1 "1 11 · .i I t \ :11 .. 1d1·n11e pr11p11!:.;d.., fnr a dl'f1·n ~t' .1l h :1tH't' i::uHr.111 1•.,·1ng 1 ... ra1·l 's :-l't't1r1t\' \\11h 1· S l,1'1•01•~ .. 1a- !1on1·d 1111 '°lr;i1 1 1...,1'.1t•h hord1 ·r·~ to dt"I t'!' :1\ t;i 1·1-. ~l "('ll IS the 1.ir 1n1! n:ttur1· ,,r llit' puld11· d1:-.t·11 :-~1on ..; \1 h1l'h haunt l't'l'"1tl1•n1 t•u rtl ;1..; ht· lr11 ·..; tn ;id ;ipt l S p1d11 ·1 to \t'I"\' 111 ., tr1•ss1'd t·o ndtl 111n .... •HI \~ 1111·1! lht'l t' !:-1111 C'Hl l."l 'll"li·" ll1• I ~ <"ll!ll p1°lll·il lo r1•\1'!'"l t· 111111 .... ·lf ur1 \.1 \.1 11011. 111 rt·\'1•;1[ lh1· 1r u11 11npl11·:1 l11111s o f lhl' f11r1·1;.:n pnl1t•\ 1n 11·1 rn..; nt n:1l 11>11.i l d 1•!1 •11..;1• .11 id 11, 1n1 nu~t· lhl' t1•..;\r n ·t1ur1 .... \1h1t·h 111\l l!I 11 11\ hP ,l l'lil!'\t'(! Ill ,j d 1" pl.1\ .. r ,,. 1 :'\ 1111111111., \1111 111· n1u ...,1 d11 lh1 ., tu lh1• .1t1u111p.1111 - 1111·111 111 rnul1d1rl h1J11 d ()ll :11 i1 .. f1 v11 ... h1· .d1h o rr1·d 111 h1~ :.''."1 11 .. 1r t•:1r·1·1·r ;,., a 111111111·11' "l)(•\.;t•:-.111:111 H I ('t1!1 !.!l't'"" \11 1 1il•'"l d 1·11{ hH l\t•\t'I p o p11l.1r lfl' I V\Vl'l 'd . 11111 1ld 11,1\• !11 .1-.h 111111:-.vlt 11 ilv 1'1111ld h'.1d f 'i1!1~1 1t ':O.'r .t11d 1111 ('(llJtilll (Ii !II.ti d11,1·c11111\ 111 .1 pl'1·1 .. i1 <11 d!'ll.1t vd 1''1'• <"l,11 11111 .. 11 1-. .di lh1• rr 1nr1· d1(t'u·1111 f1'I f-'rird 111 do .1:-.. 111 " p1•11u],,r1!\ ...,J1d 1·~ l'f IS ft•r\t'rl! I\ l11ipt'<f ht•rt· tl\.ll !)14 ltll l!.!O t.tll lll! ,I ll tif \"!'I'll ('nlu .1 11 d 1h1• 1lrrdl nr 1111· ..;J..1 :-.lup1•:-h ,1..., 1·l1 ·.1 r 1•d l'r1• ... 11l1 •r11 l'nr rr ., ht·;1d ,\ ,.1, .. 1r ht'.td \\ti! he ru•1•d1 'd to h .1 l,1111'i' e•1nll1i ·\1r11~ d1• 111.1n1t .. of 111fl ;1t 11111 and rt'('l"•"lt•ll , .. r i .• , 1 ·11 1 ~ \1l 11 l1 · d··tt·n...,1· ( .. ...,,., I I"' \\! II d) l!!ll1>ld Il l 11!< 11<"\1 lo'\\ 11 1·1·J....., .1 ... l'1·1· ... 11l1·nt Fu1 d d1 ·l1\1•1 ~ 11 1 .... l1r..;t .,l .11t· 11! 1ht• 111 111111 .rd it rt'"" .i nd pr1·.,1·11 t..; C'11n o:r1·., ... 1\ 1th hi" 1117~> j f; 1•1!!1 1•1•1 ,qp i 1't'OI Hl!tl11· rr11•.,.,:1l!i' '1'111• .,h .q'I' nf lhv )•'n rd p r 1 ·~1d1·n1 •1 \I 111 1 h1 ·n 1'llH'l I''' 111 1111! :ind ;111 ... \11·1 1111 · ij111 •.,t 1,.11 nr h1>\I \\t·ll .11 1.1n l•·.11l tl11 l'r•llll ll\' IJ! .I 1111\1 ' ol "111 '"" Crime Thrives on Mobility I lt11· reas on pt•rh;ip:-:1 l<rl'g1 · r .. ;1...,1111 fnr t hC' grn" ill ~ rat<.· 0 f 1·r1n11• 1n the t i S t ~ tht• 1nrrl.'a~1.·d n1oh1l1l:'-nf th1· population l \t•I \\ 1•1 •11 a f1f1 h and a four\ h of ;1 I I 1\1n1·r1c ;1n ~ 1110\r' l'\'t•r:i-:'-t•.1r .i nd llt':trl,\ h tdl nl n11r pPopl•· h:t\'1· l1t't'll ;ii thL'tJ' prt•:-.t•nl :i ddl"l'!'>::. lc~s ! 11;111 f1 \ l' \ 1•!11':' 'l"h1·rc ·1,. a high 1·or rl'la!ion hcllA'C('n ~t:1hil11 y 11f popul;1l 1on ;1 nd <.' r i rn •· 1· :1 I ,, s ( : 1 · II 1· r :1 1 I \ spt•:1k1nt!. 1h•· ~n1all1 ·r 1 ht• eorn n1 u 11it.v , t ht' lo\\'et' th1• rati· of t'rin11· \A/he n pt•oplt• s tay put.. vou kl\(IW \\'h(I 1h e.v arl' and 1·r11nt• thriv<·s on m;1..;s :1 nnnyn1il v . You c an st•e this ruleopf'r:1t 1ng n1orc elt·arl.v in l('rn1s of traffi c :ind :.111tn1nohiil' 1n :1nncrs . In ;i :-rn;ill town or vi11n g(', n1otorist!> a s a r ul l' l11•hav1• 1A•it.h caul1on :ind t:1n1rl 1.·~y h<.•c:.i u se cvcr - ybo<l y kn olA'S lh C'm :1n<I r e - cogni 'll'S lhf'Jr <"ars IL is in1 1}11s~i ­ hlC' t o J.:l'f a1A•ay IA"ilh had n1an· ners, 1nu<"h IC'ss 1nayhrn1. in ~i t1 gh! l1ltll' rP~t dl•n t1 ;.il is land l!\J Tii i·: hig f'il ,V . or urhan <'<1n1 pl t.' x , 111ott11·1,..;1,., go 111 :1<! \VJ t h :1 ~l'll:Ol' Hf pt)\ll'f", ha:-.t'd Hll a ('Ill r<"s p11nd1n g loss of1de11t1l y If you v.·ill ll t'\'t'I' ~1·1 · lh(• ft·llo"' again , v.'hy holh1·r t.11i .. c1\'it ·1 llt· 1s only p.irl o1 ,1 n1;1:-.'. 1111\ ,1 1..no1111 nt•1J!.hhnl'. ;ind _\1111 f1•1·I nu fC'S pun~ l h 1I1 I\ I U\1 ;i rt I Ill Ill "\s: ;1 ('01''1Jl ;11·\. llHJ..;I c'1!1t·~ (SYDNEY HARRIS ) h:J\(' f :1r inure• rt•n1t•r..; th ~1n hnn1('0"nt'rs, Jf (·r1 n11 • :-tal1.,lit"S \\('I"(' hrokf'll d11\11l I 111 SUI'!' \\t' "'·u1 Jld find th11t ~ls perc'(•n1 <•r llH• [ll'Op!1· 111 1\\ H<'t'Ull l 1 11~ u n i\ 10 p1·11·l'nl 11l 1 ht· L111d t hir prohlt·cn 1:-.. lt'...,~ · 1n11r;i1 ·· th ~rll If I S l 't'!lllnn)I !' dtld "il('IOloj:!11•:1l 'l"h l· ... ;tnlt' P\'illlll' \\Ill h(•ha\'t' 1h(ft•r1·11\I\ Ill d1f l1 ·11 •nt n1ll11·11-; urut 111uh•r 1hf fl'rt•nl sl1n1uli <J ur cr,mt• 1:-:1 ~yn1plnn1 nf !ht• \\·a v \\1· 1n1·r .. :1..., 111gl,v 11\'t' and you (';1n 't dt•;rl \1·!1 h t hi· :-,\' 111 pt 0111 ll n l1 '":-·'nu go to lh\· c;1u :-e 'l'he n11·11;1f"nl J.! t r 11111· t :rlt:.' in th<' :-lun1 1:-an attr1hutc nf 1 lh · :-. I 11111 , not q j th1 · pt ·opll' I\' ho a r·c 11·;q1pl·d lht'l'l' n1ort' of offendt'rs do not !llA n ~---------------· thC'ir n"·11 hon11·s. llnnlt' 011·nc·r~h 1p ;dnn(' j..; a J)OIA't•rfttl rnrc(· to ,1 arrl l;11A ;:i hidingnC'sS . l'\"f'n in .c;on1cth1ng :ts lr1 viH I a s littrr1ng t-~xami n(' any hlock l\"hcrc y0u hav(' ;i Jon ~ r nw of 11111i v 11J11:d h0meo1A•n1•r s tt ntl :1 11 ;1p;1rtn11·n t building 1n\':triahly !ht• hnml'S h ~1\'t• nt.·at i..:1·ound :-., while· lhl' apr1rln1l'nl lluil<lin~ is th1._· foi:u:- o f liltt•r :incl dl·hris Ir it"s nnl yours, .vnu don't C'arl' 11hout it I.rt lh<" lan<l lord '-''t1rr,-1f he v.'a nts to -' ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT Unh1•rr N Weerl. Puh/1.~lrf'r Tliomn.~ l\ccu1I ~"'rlill)r flnrf>arn l\rr1tnrh f:rl1/or1a/ 1-'ngP f:d1/nr ThC' 1•1l1lflnal JHtl!:f' or lhf' l!.11lv 'f'tlot ""''k!\ to 1nfurm ;ind 'it1n1ulalr rt-.11lrr!. In prC'si•nlln.I( "" lhl?> p,1g1• d111•rsc• rrimm~·nl:Jr\ •1n lt•Plt':-of 111 . lt'tl')'.f h~ ·"~nd1t·;,l t•d 1•11lurnn1"r' i1nd < .1 r1•">nn1~t ... h\ pro' 1d1tlj.! :1 lon1111 ltu 11·.11lt•f':> I H'"'S ;1n1l Ill fll"l''''tll1111( th1' 111 ·"'1':1p••r .... ••p1n1•111' .. nil 1d1·a~ on 1•11 r r1•nr \op11·s Tht• rdrlnn,11 np11Ht1l l' .,f \h{' f)a1I.\ l'1l•11 ,1111•1•:1r nnly in th1• 1•il1tnn.1I 1·t1l11rnn :it Uk' lop qf \ht• pill((' IJ111n1 (•tlS l'\ln't'SSP!I hy the ('nlurnni~!' ;ind 1'.11·1non1~lb anti 11•\tl'r l.'F1t1·1' :•ti' th1•11 1>11,n :in1! 1111t·nd•ft '('ll\l'll1 •1 ftt11 •1 r 111 · ... ,'111 lht• f"l:11l1 f'1lol shou!tJ ill' l!lft'I Tt'tl • f'R l iltt~ h a s incrC'a.,t·d nnl hcc;1us1• or a n y "brc:ikdu\'1111 in mor;ilil ~'." hul s in1ply as a func l ion of n11n1h{'rs, ('f11li p r1~ssion and mohil1l y 'rh,, I/ S popula 11011 has d ouhll'd sint'f' I was ;r hoy, and h:1 s 1r:1ns ro1·1n1•d it ~l'l( fron1 a hasi<;111l v rur:d In a l:1 r~f· ly urban nation, v.·1lh fJU pcl'l'l'nt of L----------------' ' ' Device May Last For Year f '.\!\JBJ!ll>!;J·'. \t,1..,.., 11\]'l '-:r·11·n t 1'.t · ..,,1\ 1110·, 11.1\1· d·· 11·lup1•d ;1 -.,,•It di '>'>Oh 1111~ liirlh ,. .. n1rul 1·.q1-.11l1· 111'.d ,.., •''<P"' tc·d f<i 11 n rk f11r ~1 \t•.11111·1•111g1·r 11 111•11 lllli ol .illl l'd tlll tl<•j ,I \\(lltJ;n\'•,-.h,ill !\\;1-...,;1('h u . ..,,.,(., l11 •.\1tu11· of I v1·h 110111.i.: 1· r1·'>1'.1rrh• · r-. lii·ri· ..,,j 1 1l1l' t·.ip:-.ul1·.., dt·-.11.'.nt·d l;i • illllll\:1!1· th1· llt•t•d \u ft'lllU\'{_' <J. pJ.1..,111 · -.li1·ll :1 1!1•1 tht• ('l!t1tract·p ! 111· 1-. 1•\ h.iu•.t t·d 11.11 , . ..,11 t :1r pro 11·d ltlO 1H 'I t't'lll ··111·1·1111• 1n ro.i! ... .1 11d do).!'> 'J'h1·1 1''>11111.ll•· t hat l•·-.11111-: 111 hu111.1n .. 1 ... ll111·1· 11·:1r.., .011.11. ;1rlt·r 111111 ,. h•..,1.., 111 ° dui:.., .11 1111 1•-..t.,-. 11 llh 111u11h1•1 -. '' .\lll)l'l'llt'\ 1" 1·l1rn111.1!1 r1 i,.: tli1· 1H•1•1I to l ;1k1· .i Jllll d.111\ 1h1· 1'1t'11l1 .,t..; .,;,\ lh1·1r .,\-.,tL·n1 rna\ 11.1\t' f1 •\11·r 11111111".1-,.1111 .,l(h· 1·f lt•('IS 111;111 d.111\ l'Oll\r.11·1·pl111·-, 1!1·1·;111~.· 111 1' 11>!.il horrl\11111 • d,,..,,. !J\t'I' <I l!HH' p1·11ud ol 11111\' \\\Hiid I 1<" 11\ 11 •'h It·-..-, ! Hd<"r ... 111.-pl;1 -,t11 c.1p.,11lo·-, ~I· ',l).,:th•d loJ lull)' t 1•! Ill ~·l!llT l .11 l'Jl l1t lll lll\l..,I 111· 11·!11H11·d .1f11·r 1111 •11 1111 1t1·11t -. :1r1• ,.,h.111 -.t1·d ;,nd 11 rnt•l11111·., 1·;111..,,· 11 r1L11uu111111ll·r tt11• -,kin llr f',1ul \I "\1•11 l1t·rnt· .1 pr11 !1· ...... (lf' 1d !11 11 11t11ll1.d p:dh11!111..:1 .il \I l'J' II ho l1·;1d.., 1 h,· d1 •1 1"lopn11·11\ h·.1111 f,,,. 1)11• 1 .q1-.1d1· ~;ud r! 1-. ,,h-.u1 ht·d lt 1 th•• hod\ 1n n11H·h th1· ,,11111· v.·:1.1 :1 ... ntt•·rn.d "tl!uri·-. 11-..1·d Ill 'Ill L:t'I \ Ill·'. \l .S() S \111 lht·r" 1-. n" 1\ldt"IH't• "" l;ir !h.JI 1111· .\IJ'I • .q•..,tllt• 1":111 -.1·.., 1rr11.d101n 'I ht.' t·.rp :-.u l1 • 1-. IH.tdi• of jJlll\ llll'I'" !'hl'tlll(',dl\ ]'1' ... tllll' t1111·d \;1r1.1t11111 ... ti! t1\t1 11.it11r.1ll ,\ 111·1 ·11rr111)..! h1•d.1 -.;1111 '-f.lltt"I'" ·r1i, . ._,. 11<111 lll!"f -. ,I/ I' Ill tu ·d dt'!I II 1111 ll!ll'j..'l'~1 r•·I .! ... 1 .. c111d l11H·r1l"J!t • .... 1f1 ·l1 u-.1•d (111· 1(''-11-. 111 i'I .iJ \'Hill 1· ,I ('t' i •1II 1·-. '\1'11 l•l'I Jl!' -...1ld !111 ' 11·-.0·;11'!'/it•!" ll't' .! d1'llL't' lb.it 11.,11.,..., ltkt' ;1 :.I.or\( h\p11dv1·1111t ... 1r1n~~·· IH pl.it'(' lli1· 1·.q1..,1tl1· ll!Hlt·1 lh1· ._h lll Ill !lit" /"\lt'I' h a 1·h (f1111· 1n pl.H't' 111" 11•.•1d 1-.q1-.ul1· .,t ,!1 1·11.., ;ind l'- l1 .11dt~ 111•!1<"1-,d,/,· lltHJ.·1 lh1' ._1-,,,, "'f'lll·:l<I·: I " '\(I 11.1111 .1 f.11 ·'' II ' {",Ill dt•l !'I 1111/lt• \\Ith .11\llll.d._ "11 ('(' !ht· <':I P "lllt· L'-ltl '\1·\1h1·rn1· .... 11rl 'I ht• onl1 d1 • nr nfnr1 l" .1t thr !11111· 11( 11\l"' 111111. and tli.d 1";111 h•· .illt•11,.t1 •d 1111h :1 lnc.d .1tH ''-lh1·111· 'l'h1· 1 ;1p-.;1d1•-, !l11\\ u-.1·d .ii•· ,d•"ll( Oil!' '-l'\11 •1•1\l/i Hf ,HJ \IH h 111 <11.11111·!,·r .ind 1111.r1· lh.1111110 in •flt·-. 11111 :· l•\11 11,df ,1.., 1h1!'h I' In 111~· : , .... tt·d . 'l'IH'l't' I'· 1111 11111·-.t1on lh.11 ;1-. \\<' I• 1111,.. !ht• 1•rt>I'""'-\\•' 1'.ltl 111.11..•· tl1<' t .1p-...111 ........ n1.111 .. 1 '\ .. 11 l11·r111· • ,11d "'l'h!'f'(' ,II!' ;1 1111 •o f p1•11plo• \P ll-.111 ).! !Ill "IJ\.d1•)lli,d !•di ll,1t'1'l'll\l' l•UI !l111,t l1 <>II lfto• l1"!1dl""nl1 Ill" <1i lt , fl(· ~.11•1 \\1• :1!'1' II ,I\ ,dll'.Jd HI ,l!l \O Pl11 ' , I ,. 1\t1rk1rq . .: (ill 1lii· d1·-·1il1111~ 1111·.., Clnrl \lhil•· I\•' h,11 1 ,1 In: ••1 "th \1'f\ 1o' dt1 \II' I.Ill '' 1Jo l•ffl!lll"l·lll 1111 ... 111 11 ' ' ' :: . ...... .. f f U Pl T<'l~Pholo BEDROOM REPORTER Fiona Richmond Traffic Maps Bei11~ Sol<l .4t St<1tio11s l> J·: ! H Cl l r l I' I "l 't'\ li \' -.t:i! IO!ll llH\\ ,1 11' \'11 ... l 1!1>.: n 1ol1q1-.1 111 "'1" .111 .· "" 111 111•1• ;1 .1 q1 l.1 I I, I lnt1·11·11I 11 .. 1.1 1 "1.11,d.i1d~~1I "! ( ,iflf1,t lll.t l.,1 lu 1·)1 ._1·11111_: 111,l)'' I •>! 1 I 1 l'l\I" ' "I\ .ii 'l!ltl (Hflll',lfll OJ\\f1('if'>lllltl '\"II Ill•' ! l<l!lp.1111 :1 'ltltl J'll\,11" d1-.il1·I .II!' !'l!'h.111" llfl !/it• 1d1·.1 11( lill\ IP• '['1!1 11·11dt11 ~· n1,1r hiill''-.111d !lotl lhi· 111 .l[l" ,, >I .,., 1 ' 11t ' ! ,H Ji ·r1 I r-: '' 11 . ( 4 I 'I ,. \ '\ \ C111111:' !ll,11 111111• ,, !ll:il Ill I h1· !· .. 1 ... 1 ;111d t lif· lhl' I t'lltlil\;_' !h1· l{!J«klt'· !-.t•ill h1'.1 ~ t 11 1•t1il .+ !11.111\ I Pl 1111](' '" l"/I "\111 l Pd ( Hllli>.illll" fodl<>ll ._111 1 /Ill < 1j 11 !'I ,I! I 'I 1'1 Iii'! <'d t "·rrq .111\ 111111·1,ol. 1,l,11t1 •·tl 111 (P ,l._,,d flJ,lj> I 11...,J-. ,1J1ol ;tl11J',\' nf l'I \ ll'o l•I !'II !1•1111'1-. Joi 1ht• ll!•\\' I" ,J 11 I i" .. pl1· •1.d, 1 •• ., .. l11il• ... t rn<1J'" 111 !,•1• ·''I'll 11H' l,il•I" IOI< I '-. .!tld "\t I I h1d \\llltld l.1k+" ()fl1• tn pl.1\ \111h .1nrl rti1•\ rt 111nd lip 11n th;• hu.!hl\.11 (JI II! 1111· lr.1 ... 11 C".lll .. -...;11tl .1:1< 1-\\ .11 r" .1 "l.ind.ird uf t .i11!••l 1ll.1'''t'l'!ll11 ,. \\ \ H Ht "'\ 11• d1•,il1·1, p;1\ 111111 · '· 1.1 ,, 111.q• .111d l1n.ill1 h,1d !<> -.t.111 1111111 11 th•'!ll t•\11 f!!I' (\I \•'111•·1" Ii \\ 1' .. 1-.1.·1 11, t11•1l 11·:..:11111,11 .ii•'• l1i,11l,1 I I !loi ~1111 (111 ~.11rl ..,llllfH'll "1'('111 !11"1 t 111.111 :';,",Ill) (lift.\ 1., ... 1 I•'·" 1111<111 11 "ii•'' Ill 111dli..r\ !lld)'" \'. lill ii II 1'1 •' .J1 ..,l 1 ii1t1l1·d r1 1'1 !111·11•J.,1111 1 Ill.: .. ·l.d• 1'1.·opl,, t 1kL· 111.1.I 111.11•-.. 11h"n lf11 •\ I t-.dl\ ~boll f t11•t•d fl\1 !1 1 l'I ( 11 1\li1•11 tli•·1 \t' !.!••t 1hrt·• ••lh• I' 1n !ht• t.:10\ l' !"'" "J'hP 111111111· 111"1 d111·..,n ·1 rt".il111· tli1· 1·:\p1·11-.1·. he ~.ud ~l '\'t•r;d l)<"{l !•I! h ;1-.1·d 1111 f''I\ ('('\I l l\.('" :-.:t1d lh1·r1· \\l'f<' IHI 1n1 - n1t•(IJ'-llC" pl:1n" \n ..,, ;1rl ..,,.11iu~ rn;ul n1;1p'-. t.11! ..,,.1111 • ... ;11d 1hl' "<dt'" 1dr'.1 1\ ;i .., h .. 1ng !'Pll ... uh·rl'd Bali Changes Only the Toztrists Topless lli':N PASS1\ II . J\;il1 ( l) I'\ I ·rhc· h;1rl' hr1.·:1-...1 ('ti rn.11d1·11.., o f Bal i ;1rl' all tourist s !hos<' d;1y:-. A sign <ti k.t1t<1 /{t•;1t·h th rl'<ll1·11" unclad vis1tnrs \\'ilh up to four ~·ea rs in Jai l J\ut the thoug h! nf :.in uns ig h t ly :>!ra11 n1 :1 rk :1crns;; ;u1 othcrY• l!Sl' fl a\\' lt•ss ty tannt·tl I •;u·k 0 111 \\ ei J.! h" t ht· I a i1 t h rl'<i ! a rnon~ m any o f thr /'\n1C'rie.in. 1\us tralian :ind l·:urnpcan \\1 11111·11 \\ ho'\·c conll' a long'' ay for .January s unsh1n1.· TO 1~1 . •:SSN" .. :~s T /\ K ,.:s OV I·: fl .1 f C'" n111111! 1" 11 :1 ! h f rnn1 I hr cro\\·dcd 1n ;11n hf'.1Ch A fC\1 n11 11utcs furlhl!r ancl yuu • ,,n "'l'l' nudt..' couples go for Iol a I t;1ns F ift een vC"ar ... a go. I he h ;1r(' hrC'a ~I ., that art· 1111\\ \\or1h a 1ad t crn1 1\'0tiic!0·1 ha\'f' h('l'n \V o1·1h iJ s tar1· BahnPst• v ll l:q.,:t• v.11n1f•n did a\l lhc1r "Ork unh am pcrl'd l)y bras, hlnuSl'!S o r othl'r 1·n1·un1 bra nccs Tll .. : 1.1\TI·: IN l)f)i\l·:Sl/\N l'r t•..,Htl'lllSukarno. \\h11 ... ~· n1n1h!'r wHS l'l:dint'Sf'. df'crc·cd that n1rnlC"rni7.ntion and 1n11rh·<;t~ th·· m:indcd th:il ll:ilinf'Sl' "'oTncn ('OVl'f up. F:xc1·p! for !h1· \t·!'.\' young ;ind 1 he v t•r y old. tht..') did so. (;U'\'l'l'llnlt'!l\ lfiinkin_g ()11 lhC' SUbj l'l'\ grt'\\ ~It -,\l'H'1 111 rt'l'l'tlt y('ars lhal authorilit's applied a <·ovl'rup hlo h nf 111k 1111·11p1t•:-. t•f ;in Ame ri c;1n 111 ·v.·~ n1:.i,l!a1.ine th al rcproduC'f'tl a llaln11·s1• p .11 11\111 ~ of a t.oplt':->S vi llai::t' girl. • Tu~ay . January_ 7 197~5f======--~n:A~'L~Y:_:P~'l~O~T'.__'.:1''..;7 She Road· tests Men C1111-p<1cki11g Cleric's Daughter Tells It Like It ls C/s Hc11·p11'1 l ,()'\I)()'\ 11 ·1•11 \\ 1thuut h.111 1ng :1n 1•;-.1·l;i:.h uJ d.nl.,•11111~ h1•1" l 'hl't').,,-.; \I 1\h <t lilll._h \h1• (·lt·rM_\01 ,1n'-. d :1 11ght"1tli·..,111 1.H'd hl·1· 1o b ·J ro~1 d \(•:-.t n•t·n ''So111t' pt•opl!· ro,1d !l'"! t':n-.. J udg ing thC'1r pt·rF1H'tn;in1 ·1· and 1·\ 1·1 ,\thing •·I..,; ;ind 11 rilr' :1 1·(1J un111 .ihutd 1t .' 1"1u11a i{1eh1nu11d ;-,;ud ··11·-,,·\;,i1·t)\ \1li.11 l d111111h n1<·n 1\l'ff('H .'\1 -11 .\11(,.;I) 1"11111 .i tt·:-.t::. n1t.•11 111 !>t•dr(lo1n.., .iround the \t Or!rl 111·1 111c111thl;-. ll'po11 .. 111 '-' !{1·1t 1:-.h 1ni•11 '~ n1~1g;1z1nt• <irt· g1·:1phit· 111 th1•1r d«t:nl '!'h(' 2tt ;-.1·.1r old ;H'11 1·--. . ...,!HLL: g llng 111 ;1 \I h1t1· le~lh(•f a1 lll<'h.111 111 bt·r h1'\u1·1 pt·nthou-.t·. 1n-.1-.h·d hl'r rt'\H1r1 .... 11·i· 11 u1• ··1 h<.1\1·11 ·1 th.I\ 11 1\lt'h 1111:11.'111.1 11011 ··~ht· ~.nd ··11 · ... r.11 ·111.d 11· port 1 ng '''l'h1· flt•\ "Ill' "\1 1 1-. \\';t..,hlfl)',1U/J \\l111·1f \\ ll!'l \1111\\'. -,ttt• ".lid '"f'l\,1{ \I.I" ,l II' ally v.tld \111Jt· I II 11111li . .l1\\ t,l. going 1t1 '.\v1\ i "I h 111·'\l , .ind '-'.111 l-'r ;1 nt"1-.(·u •· l\l·:'l'\\'1·:1·:'\ 'l'H .\\'1·:1 .~ \11:-.-... ll11 ·hrnond -.;1.ir-. 1n :1 h.1\1d1 Li·n don ~l ;i>.:1· l'1>t1lt'd\ 1n \\h11 ·li -.h1· rul.-... :1 lin1·-,v I .. J(t.< (;nd1\ ;1 -..t 1 !1.• Slit' g:1 \ 1· 11p ;1 "pluifl<' 111 ,,., -.11<111 .. 11!1 a !.otHl1111 ('11111n1 1·r 1·1.il rad1o ~t.dl••ll \\hl'!l ;1ll th.1l l;1lh 1n g ga\t.' rne l<1n~il1t1:-. Siu ·.., ... 1111 ,.,.n1:1lt•:-.c111g frnn1 !ht· 1•p1·1·:1t1r1n :'11~ rt .. d n.11n" 1-. .r1tl1.1 11.11 Reaga11 Ho111e Put on Sale S .\(' H \ ,\\ J·: ..... '!'() (.'\I' I !·'1 1r1111•r (;11\ jj,,11,1ld Ht';1g;1n..., hnn1t' !ht· pa-.! 7 1 1·1·.1r-. 11d! soo11 J..'11 1111 .-.:d1 · f.,r $:!:!."i.1)1.11 J. ~a.is tht• I 1".d !'._\;111· ,lj.!!'lll II !111 I._ h,111d llllL! " \Jr-. c;~·1'l! 11d1· \l1lit1ll oil .1 .. 111·-. ,'\ Hr.ind,\ /!1ill1n !11« .Jd1J.·d 111 ,111 lllll'I'\ 11·\1 1h.l\ lliv hu11"'" i.-. ,1 Ju·~1 h11\ ··Ill liod.11 ·...,111;1rl-..1"I ·r 1i,, 'I' ht•dt'l>qlTI ln1u ... 1· Ill f.t '>lr111ri:1hlr• l<:•'-I '-'.11·r:1r111•1110 11.1 ... bnu :.,:h! h \ :1 ,t:roup or H1 ·.1L::u1 ' ... !r1 ··nit ... 111 l'll i( lnr .1 11 • p111"1t·d SJ.-111 0110 ... tu· -..1111 1n 1rl 11111·1"\!•'\\ h.nl :->t'I ~ ! .d 11.llll< \ t'I \ 1·011f11:.111g r 1-.tll \ Sht· sa id ht·r· l.ilh1•1 \,,,.., .111 1\n~hl·;111 \'IC;J.f ..ind Ill'! 11\Plht•J ,I t1~.1!'h1•r S ill' d1·-.1 11lit•d ho J llJ!IH viginr ,1.., 1 ··lig1011 ... !>111 11111 l1\t·1 I\ -.1r11·1 "l '\'I·: ~l·;\'l·'.H ILtd .t!J\ fl'H' 11111\ II 1\)i 111\ p:Jtt•fl\', :it .i\] 1·'11111:1 .... 11d · ·rht•\ 1 v ... tood 1.1 rn1· 1110 )Jt't't·1•11t .. "hi· -..1HI 11·p1•/tt·r:-. 11 .. nt 11ff Jtl 1·.111·h 11f .11 1 11.i!t• l;1 \li•·1 1t.ht•ll -.h1· J1r:-.! .1ppl'.1r1·d 111 tht• uudt'. 11111\ht•\11",JJ' 1·l'pl11•d \\1·11 \lh,1 111•t " Sht· 101111--. 1t·1;-. ~·,,.11J 1\llh,,111 ht·z t·lolht'" on I 1111uld 1i1111h . ii 1u11 .i.,hcd lht'lll 1\-. not th1· i·.1111·r !h1·\ 111111ld h.111• 1·ho..,v11 1111 l!1t•11 d.1UJ.:li\1·t.' :-/Lt• '>;11.J 'hut th<: !.H'! tl1.tl lht•1 "l'l' th.it I ni t·t1jt1_\ ' HIV Ol\ "t'!f ;111d I Ill h .tl'J'' .1111\ J 111 nut d1>111i.: .1111 Jc .ii IJ"t 11, that 't·IHtllg h " Shi· ..... 1tl ,.,tJ1· l11·011ght up t!11· uh·,1 (of d llldt\ lt·:.!1tl/,! 1·011111111 lhrt'L' _\1':1r .... q.:o 111 ,1 t•h.d 111lh ,1t1 t.•1\11111 of ... \\1·11 ~!Ill\ .. 1u.q . .!.11.1n1· "I S.\11') llC)\\ .1bu11t ,1 li11d )'11 JJ\g ;ifl JlJ/)<f !bl• \11!/"]/I \f.\1/1/,! .ii/ lht•:.c llll'rl nut " '>lit' .-.:!Id 'll1• -.;ud 'I Jnri 'r ht· hl1),1</y -.1111 1,ut phoni'<I Ifie nt•'\l d.1\ .1111 t 11l v.·orl-..t•d 1! .dl uu! F 11a1:1 .... :11d ~hl' h;1.., r.1• pr11hl1·111 p11·h !ll)..: Up .t /ll .11! Ill «:11·/i «II I "! 1·h.1ti;•1· !h1·11 l\.11111-.. Hl 1111· 1•11lun1n id 111u1 ,,. liul n11ll1111 i..: l·J -.,· "ht• ..,,t1d I in t't'1!.11nl1 1101 .11/1111.dtng th.ii .u1.\ nth•·r lo1r11 -.ti .. uld h\.- lht• 11 .. 1 1'\,• !11 cd -.h1 · .... 111I 11 h:1p1•1·11 -. t11 h1• r 1:..:ht l11r 1111· It 111 -.1·'I1111!11111 ~: .. Dic k R1 c h,1rd. one of 1hc banks founding dircclors, is no1v dL·11011ng his talents <1nd energies to H'3rbo1 arc.'.l banhtrllJ. Dtck knows Harbor arc.:i bus1npss. having spen1 ?5 wonr!t:rlu/ yea1s <tt lhe heln1 o f R1 c h;ud s M;irkct bclo1e 101n1ng !he bank os v1ce-prcs1dLnt. His rcpu!L1t1on for helping people 1s unexcelled 1n the Hnrbor area. Dick's genuine interest 1n people is one o f the reasons you ·11find1he Bank of Newport d1ffe1ent from ordinary bdnks You can !ind Dick 1n our Corona del M ar office. Co<1st f-l1ghw;iy near MacArthur Boulcva1 d ....... ;-.;. Bank ....::i of Ne\vport ~J!\lt. \ii I I(\ 1111\"'I i' , •l1 •1•'l\f1 • 1,:JI, '• i.( \ dl<1r,(\lill lvlf\1·:\i'll( I I,,,,, lll•'l''"°'"'lll 11 M.ic./\111»11 • t•·l, .L 1) /f II y l ' /1 (I//('(:> ! l'l 1 ]!"I' [., ..... \ •Piil )J \\ 1· I ..... ,., 11 · ... t•;1:-.11·1' \11 ~t'I .dl! .ul 11) ltlt' \11n1 Ii\ ,n1,h11 H' •<t pl.1\1111.! 1l1vl1t1n11•\'l ll1.111 l11 •.1111111>: .I I I l I .- "I I I I' l'1·11t.1~·,,11 ~,1\ 1\1,il (1q tho · l lltlt· h•·111 1• o ,,,,i., .111d llllll\jH!j>l,l\11 .ll•li,11.l,ll•t I 111d \ p111 · .11d lit· .L!l.d1J,.1i ill•' .\111 1\ '\<J\•!1\!,.1 IH11fl1" 11•111·-!11 F . 1,111~ .• ';1;11.il1 Iii \OI ,1 "•"l~1·.11it l •I T 'l.1 \111111 I ·~•)t~)!! ~.11\dldd• 11•11 •'Hl "ld1I1 d .111.f Ii 111111 II• I• >)I 1'!<11,·d \-.p 111 .111! ! , I" 1' · n1 ii 11 11 ,.11,1ltl1·1«u1h •. 1tt1l l1p111111! !•! 1111· o·l10 1!d1 l,,111d H1t I\ 111 !• pr1•111• •I,., I If it weren't true, we couldn't say it on television. \\,.'11111.1k1ll :_:.1n1111J'•itl 111! ... 1.1tv111vn1 ,!u1111t.:1•tl! \ lll IVlll tL''L'\ i"I< lfl L ,llllJ l,ll~tl. "fher1.· I._ <'Ill' Ill.ti< Ii -.,1\ Ill!.:" .1 1i.l ].,,Ill .1 ...... ,ILLlll•ll1 th .11 h,1 .. ,i), ... ,.i11tv l\ 1),1 j 'il'I 1, .... l,l l '!")'l f'f\ 1•1l ll .... 1n1111.d -.t,llL'lllL'tll' .. l·1r-.1 I l• il't.d ...... 11 Ill~" ,1f ~.~1\t,1 1\11 •!ll1..1 \\ ! l \ 1-. th 1-. ..., 1 11n p 11rf .1 nt 11' ... 1\·1 n g" dl·p1 ''d f1 q·..,: f lH l.l< 1 1-. tl1,ll ,di 11tl,(11Ll.d 11\"lllll!lll l)' J,·111.l t•lll.tln· t1h 1n1.·) .lv1'•1 .. 11l·1l 1,~ ... 1vt·r-. ... 11 ... u,dlv 1111 rl'.if t· ... t.1fl'. -r\11· ,,u.d 111 '.r t 111 ·,1· 11 •.1 11-. 1 ... ,. rl·lll·l 11• 111, ,f rl11· .... ift'I \ ,,, tht• 111 -111u11.1n I hl· .... u111· 1..i1-..:hd 111dt:111l·111 1''L'r1 l..,l·,f I'\ I 11 .. 1I1·1lt·r.tl .'.">,1\ 111;..:-. 111 r11.1k1n~ l1•,1n-. 1·\11 n, J .. r 1 • . d) 1'I1. 1 ""' , 11 , •111 l't1" 11 It .... \ 11, I 1 Iii' f ,, 11 1 \\t' 111111'.u1 l•u-.int'""· rltv b\·1tl 1 (11! \•'ll1 11H 1n1·\ 1-.. \\I\, 111•1'1' \•iu'll 11•11 ... hll·r tli 1 ... Lill .1n,l ,'l't·11.111 , 11. L 1 •u n t .11 1 u ... , ! 1·\l1 r. d ~.11 111 ..:" .. , ,, Hl. . ' • • Cll lllll~NT llA~rE S: SlJ.i</r fil,1..., ... \l,1,1k ·'L'·,111111." ( Eff. l\11 nt1al )'il·ld 5. )9r,) f1 1 7 •..ir; :--i, l 't·ar Ct·rtilit:all':-.'1' ( l~if. :\11nua f ):i1.·l1I K.L1t1 1 ; ). .., I .l'l\l\ 1n1n1111111\I l'.il.1 111' ·\ ~1il1-.1.1:11 1 .1 l 11\t1 IL I l't't\,dl\ 1, l'!'.jlllt1.·1l !·11 L 111 111111, lr.i\\.il ,.j l1\1-.l 1vrtn lt'l[\!lt ,!!\',ll1•>lllll-. ;\L\<lllllf' ll\.,IJfl-.i l,1'-4 1' \\l\.lf'\' ,Ill .l!.,!l'l)1. \ 1•1 I hl· I (',lt·t.il !..!••I,·: l1lll1.'lll A 1npll' frt'l' rarl-.ini.: .11 .1ll1 1fli ..,t·:-.. ()pen Sa tur1.I01 ) (l',ll'J'I ~.1irl,1,.) Costa Mesa Office Baker nea r Harbor I 1---. DAILY PllOl !uesda ,Janua 7. 1975 Schmit, Clark Seated Supervisors Take Oatli of Office S.\N'l'A A NJ\ ll l·f1Hl'<11\u\'t·r n o\\." <tUcJLt'll('I ' lhat Hlt J1tdP(J 5() o f hi" fortnl'r p:1roel11 :1I !.ch0<1I slu d l·nts, L:.111r1•n<·•· S 1·hmi t of 1:;1rde11 <;rove l ook nlfH'l' f\<t nn d ;1y ;Js 111 :1 11.i.:t· l "o Lu\ly''i Sct·ond J)1s lr1t'I s upt·• \"Jsor. SA /\''rl\ Al'\." Orange County Suµ<:rvisor Ralvh f:lark took lh1~ oath of o ffi <·~ Monday rron1 Superior ('o ur! .Judge Hru<>e Surn npr· for h1!-; ~l·cond tcrn1 011 ttlt' 1io:•rc1. . ORANGE COUNTY 15 Cited at UCI Fiheen UC Irvine stu· dents will be included in the 1974 -75 edition or ''Who's Wh o Amo ng Amt•rican Univeriiit1es and Colleges ." They are Roland W a ll ace Jr ., Lo s Ani::eles: D av id Ba ke r tt nd David Garibaldi, Oowney ; Michael A . Cane, Encino; F'rank E . r.1ayer, Laguna Bcac::h ; J _ S!'ot t Millikan, La !\t1 ra da ; G l e nn F . Margaret J~ya n . Manhattan 11t•11<·h Daniel She rman . GJt·n dale, Duff IJ , Zwald , Vun Nuys 1 J)onald 1''ra1n ba c h , 1.on~ ll l'<~t·h , r'h1il1p II c;out1n1;i n , Thous and Oaks, K1·v1n A. Linkus , Santa Ana, and Gregory S 'l'ho mas . Northridte. Don 't buy a burglar or fire alarm! 1'ht• 15 n1u1ut t.• t'l'rcrn<inv 10.1k JlllH't' in the liu ;1rd of :-.upt·r:,.1sr1r::; IH·;1r1ng rn1 1n1 h1·r1• l·'ull11 \~H 1J.! :1dn11 n1 ... 1r:1t1 011 nr · lht• 1111lh It ~· l\lun 11·1p;d ('nur t .lu<li::1..· l<1<·h.1ril llt•;11'<)1l1 , Sl·h nlil i::avP a hru·f :1<1d rt•s..,, pr1m:.inly th:1nk1ni.: fr11 ·n ds :1111t f;:unlly \1:ho ;:u<ll.'d h 1" t·;1r'up:1i, . .:n (_"lark , a fnrmer Anahe11n ma) or "'ho w;..is first c]('<:tL'd in a (·lo::.e ratt• in 1~7 0 . "'as rt"elcctcd in ,Jun e in :i lands l id e o ver l'hall t·ngl'f G :i.rry l\c llc:-.011. D h Oelkt·r, Fullerton ; John ogcatC er • A. Rccsman. Ca rlsbad ; "\\'ho 's Who i\n1on ~ Am('ri('an Univc1·!>itic:-. and Coll eges" c;..i!'h y1•;n· !'Onta1n s biographies of rn (11·1· th :in :.!5,U!JO :-.tu dt..'nts. (';.di u:-. rirst or call 1.1:-. la :-.t l ~Ut c;ill us l !J~l·'()Jt f>: ~t)U l1uy ;111 ;il ~1rrn s y ~tcnl . \Vt.•'11 sho"' you \\1h Y th t· !'ev o lut iona ry, lo\\ 1·11sl l<'Ja ~h g u ;1r(I llrt•:1kthrough g ive s perh:1 p s I ht· best \';J l\l t' JJl Ljtlll )ity )\Olll t' i>U S illt.'SS :-,(•(·11r1t y l 11day . You 111;1\' ~~1vt· hu ndrl'd~ <Jr ·t huus ;1n<l s ~ Call tor ;1 110-ohli g atinn t.l\'lllOllSI r:1l lf)l1 ;:111!1 prt>J>os:d_ n'''' ' S('ll1'11'r \I.St) p:ud ;1 short t r·11111t1• 1111 h t· 01.11 1II~·1l cl1 •:1!1·1l 1n 1111• !\'o,1·111ht·r t·l 1·1·!1011 . lnngt 1rn1· ~11 p1•f \1 -;or [l,1vul 1!:1k1•r . \\hlJ 1l1d11 '1 .t1t1·11d lht• t't·1·1·rnun\ Mesa. Leads V11itecl Way Contrib11tions 'fh{' larg e , :..ilvcr h a i r ('d :-.t•rv1<'.._, station owner, "'ho has ht•t•n l'h;i irm a n or th<· board for lhf' p:1:..t )'t:ar. s a id his fi1·st tt·rn1 h;i-. '"hr uug ht ~1 llL'V.' dimens ion lo 4"t1u11t .v g O\'L'l'llml'nl ~ a frt•!o.h 11(•-,:-; ;11ld boldnPss that has n1adc lh1 s rounty a n1ode l " ('LA It t< POI NTt:t> l o fnur Boos ting Approved S Al'j1'A ,\NA () r a n g e C o u n t y !'(Upc r vis o rs have agreed to d ouble the number o f <'Ounty ani n1al t·ontrolof. ficer s on duty at night, On a motion by ~'ifth l)istrirt S upcr'>'is or ._.. s-.;:ty s.,,,_ 250 L I 7Hi St .. S.lt. I Co1t111 M .. •o, C•Uf. 714-642-9791 "I th11 1k \.lit• -.hnuld p;iv 1r·1J,11 t.· l1>Supt·1·v 1s11r ll.1 h1 •r ,1r u1 h1-. .-.laf1. \l.h11 ~t·r·,t·d th1• t·<iunly "'1•tl (t1r 12 \t•:1r:-.," Sl'h n11t ..... :11t!. .. \\'~· \\1:-.h th1·n1 go t id forl 11nv "' St'hn 111 ·-, \ 1t·l or v ov!'r Ba kt·r t :11 111 · ,1ft ('' H.1 ht·r ·r:11 lt•d to \1111 .i ('!1•.1f' n1 .1 1•11'11y 111 l liv .J un" pr1111 :11·1. 'l'ht• u1.:1v :-.upf•r 11:-.ur \l'<I°' t hi· h1ggt'SI \'lllt· J.,lt •lt ~·f 1•f f{:1k1·1":-. !110 l'h ;1llt·n gl'rs :.ind \1(•11 Lh 1> 1-1g hl lo ;1 runot f ;,rt•a s ht" con s iders lops in :1r h1t•\ l'nll'nl fo r !ht· count .. · o ver lhf' pa:-.t four Vf'ars t•riviron· n 1t•nl , P<•opJ 4• ui·11·ntt•d prograrns, n i;1n:i i.:t·rt1l'lll nf cn11 11\y gO\t·rn· nit·nt ;,ind publ i c lransport ~1tiun . 'l'homas lli lt•y . the bo ard"lflliilliii911iiii vott'<I un;_1n1n1ou s l y to I v rn p]o\1·:-. 1-. ;:...1;1 :!:.!, 1111· l <1r~:1·-.1 1•1·1· t'.Jl!ll:e gi ll 111 1111• 11;1 l11Jo fqr l'll l!''> 11:-. :-.11t' II~· s:..i td tilt· <•1111 11t1· has n1c1rc !han d!111hll·tl 11 -. p;;rk :icrcage :-.1n('1 · 1970 :ind h ;1:-. brought e\'C'ry !o.lati<•n :iry :1ir polluticJn sourr(• under t•ontrol B <•c:1IJ 111i..: l 'r1·:-.1 d(•11l ll:1r rv Trun1:1n . Sl"hrn it lold Tht• 1·ro11 ;t lh:1! "'th1· IJ111·k -.,top" hl'r1•" 11hf'n fh('rt' .1rL' prohl l·n1 ~ Iii Iii · d·'~dt "'' 1111 1\n n 1111r1l·1ng 1/11 :-.. ;uul plr dgC's frun1 l"lliplr1)1·:-. qJ o)lht'r i)rangc c:11un!) 1•!111·:-.. ltlt• l "n1!1:d \\'a) of l)r;u 1;.:t· ("1•lllll) r 1·pol'IL'<J th:it t '11:-.t ;1 i\lt·:-.,1 ·:. lol ;JJ i.:ifl eurnc:-. to $2\ .~7;, "Anti in a s piril of coopcr.:i t io n l\'l' are w1·1l on our v.•ay \f)'A'ard s aving the finc.."t w ildlife estunry on the coast of Califor nia Upper Ne.,••port !lay." Cl ark said '"I \\'A ~T TO m ;1kt· !ht..• .;ys t1:n1 \11ork and g <:t thf' m o:-.1 fnr yuur l:.ix dollars," h t· ,-.,;ud ··Jlei!ard Jess of v.'ha t the r est of ti11· \Vorld w o.1nts. 11•c "·~int ·tion0:-.t y ;..ind frugalit y in gov<.·rnrn1•o t " 'l'he l't'rl·n1ot1\' \\a:-"itnC'SS<'d 11.v !he t·1J.!hth i.:r ad t· <·I.is:. f ron1 St . Pul yt:;..irp S1·h o ol 111 C;itrd t"n (;rovC', \1 hl'l"l' S<·hn11t laughl for thrct· y l'~1r:-.. S1'1 l·r:1 I 1·1 t u•s r:1 n t.·mployC' r:i n q1:11g n-., for lht• f1 r:.t 11n1 (' L ;..i g u 11 :1 I\ l' a C' h l e d t h (' lll'\\(·o n1cr :-. v.·1th ;i f1rs l ·lln1c t•f fort of $2.! 11 (ll hl'r t•1ty li)1:d :-. 1n cludt•d S I .77H h) lr11 111· $lli.27:1 by !\eY.'purt llt•;u·h. S! .ott:i h~ ~.tn t 'IC'n1entt'. ;111d S(i~i:1 11) S .111 .l!l .11! C;ipistr;1nH 11•: NOTf:D thC' countv's us e of revenue sharing has ·hecn 111 novative ;ind unique in the SC'nsc that Or:tnge ('ounly is lhC' onlv onC' in the nation s haring its fun!ls with the ('ili('S In the arl«.1 o( <'Ounty n1.:in.:i gt" m t'nl . l.'L1rk \\ ;os ,·:-.pecially prn· ud of the f:1l·I that ()rangt· ('ounty ha~ !he Juv.t·st ta x ratC' of :inv u1 th e:.t:ite · Beotia N••tirPs LEKA~ '•'r '" '"• '"''" I>« '"'hi,), 17 00 ,_\On W• " J,1m1•' f' L'""' """ll'"I ol (""" '"'""' P"t •••< ..,,~ .. '-'"'""°' fnt~'"" ~"''" (" !),.,., OI <lo·,,tn J d""'"' 1. m~"t P<>t U>t "'""" M,,o>>0""' p,,,, I/'> !°>"'"'""(I l>y '""" ""1\. ~ J"'""' N'"""l><>•t t<<),1tM. f;d P.O<•I•< Ii •<''"' 1 •.,d> "''Cl l'o·l<)r U L'"''" -:,.,rv•«'> MU•h•dryll,,e<lor\ woll 00:' l'ICl!I .ot I WPM , W•'<l,...,,lldY $H0 ..... 0EH ln>•.o M~'" Ch"P>'I 1nt,•1rn..·ot, (,o •"'"" Con•t.•n< ,, E '>M<>WO<•n •r'""'"' ot lldl\ Mo•rno•••I "'•"' '""'' 11<"'11'"0" '"''""'l>U'I "'"''"· (:,, l.J,\h· 04 <J••.,on (..o't~M"'"MOtl""'''"""'o" '''"U·"• ~ !41> ........... <! '" 1n .... . IC LC IH '"""'"' '· l<u~'' •I 1 /,,.,,,,, ·"l!t l ,.,1,., !:.l""""I o;1 ... , '''"d'"'"'Co'l"M"·" <l '""'"I "' N• .. r•><• ......... l·' ·'"'' (.~ tJ.11" uo U·,Jlt> J,.,,,,,,., .I l•I> .v., • .,, M /•ll•l•ll "~>h•'"'"'~' '" '" ::><Jf••••·'11••""'"'"""1(1""' l<ut,oo·<ll•• I~·• l.1"1 1' \,)""''"'"'(II l<owJ>o•< 111""'"'"' '" ,,., "" • ' ,.,., "'' •~· "1 "''" lh ,,. n MHnon.11 ··• • "'' ,.~ ... ,n h 1~•111 l~•"l~y IU iJIJ f\M ', ... 1.1 M"'" (.o,,.a·1 ,,1 1\ lllJ AM I""''°''" t',1, •!•< ..,,~ .. '"I'"'"""'"'"'" I"'""''" '"''" 1 n.1p.·1 Lntomt>•n~nt . U<'llt v"t l!"'"'"Utl to>I" M"·" Mo•lu . .,y \lol•< M''"""'"um, Ot\l,Hoo, (.o f>,o(oto( Vot# 11>• Mu~!""''o1rr<I<>•' O EA"' GliOS.S M.11 "'r ""n !lo "" "'""" nl o• 8dltl<"' Al«"" C C• "'' • ,."O..·•H o! '-'" Anq<""' '·'"'"' 1 ., 11 •• i. 01 "' .. 1,, J""""'' ~. (,• ,..,,.,.,.U ll• ,,,.,.,..,,. J ,,,~,. c,.0,,· I •I' >01' ••••ti I>> ,.,., U.n1<.1hh'.:r JoAnn ~"'''' ~' .. ,,. o~ P•••<ll9 •nle"'"'"I •'"''"I '""'" ot t<Jll>••! °''""II, '"" ''"ll•"'"'"d M••fnO,.dO >'«t> ""'": "''""' "' !"""' ~• w"'""' "'"" t••·•~rcm Co'''' M""' """''"·"V ,,,.~( II'•'"'!-l»UI!," ,, IY"''' ""'" 1)0• I• l;f IUJ• w •. ,: ... ,,1 ... ! ........ ,.~In ... rn <JO AM. I'""'" "" w, tl,1flcl !t\1<'1t"<'•ll ~'.ot •lif •• .. . . ..,,..,. M •. ,,,n, '·'' l'il•~. ,.., • ..,""'' U<·<1c n ''"' "" u .. ., M r1•t""'"t1"r'""' HAMILL l'on'"'' I\ 11,,,,,.11, "'"(l"nt <>I S..io (.!"'"""I" C ,, 0dl~ OI <IC"lh J""""'V 11/~ ~'" V0¥•"<1 Oy I\""'"" ldd l·l"rt\>h (l ,,.,,1111 •. , .. '""'"" W•01"1t·r o• ,,,., L"mt••h• "''l'I J~"" ["'""' ot :,.,..,1., M'"'" [ll"I""'• &.,o<go• "'"'""' '" '"''"'''" ( ,, '"!"''• M,UQuo•"I" \/~n,. lih· '·'"Jo·.. !n re~ fl"'"'"o"' d'><'I <ti"· 'l'"'"l"••U'o"I•·• M"'<''"' 'I'"~"'°"'' ,,., ...... "'"" "" 11r·ld We"""'UJ V >,mu,,. r "1'' "' 1 llU PM. v ... ''" ,..,. ... M·"""'''I ...... N"'"'""'I u~dt n I',,. •I« ""' .. Mo•IU·"' <)oh·( to•~ WINGERTER t.1n"'' '4 W on\jt'JH'r . """tlr n! o t "'~"""'' ( ll"""'" C <I 5<-•v•<f'~ ''"' 1-''l>(f ,.,., ""' ''" I/Ir,.. M1qno1 '"' >'d•• M•"tu.u t ti•""""'' 6ri0<'> C•• HEHDE111!>0H o .. "" "'""t~'~""· ... ,.0 ... 11 "' s. ...... ""''· L,t (J.1lt• ot d<'"IM J"""'°' v b. tV/) ,,.,.,., .I•" Cll!'l\<l•t\O I'•!(•••< \/,.•., M• '""'"" ""'" Mo"u••v. N1·""""'' •"·"'' l ' JANOS. '""" .,,.Y,. \• J,u 1to\, "'''°""' o! CorotM ·~·• ""''" C" 1> .. 1~ o• {11·.o!n J-'"""' t ' I•/, f" '""ft ,..,,."' /""; .. no~ •<>••"•/ "'"'Ir"' "' I tl"'dl<I J Joi"''"•"' •>~1 '·"·'" fl•"''""· """<l"I', l..lo1 otny " I "'"•·11 Of (b'",ol< I\,. ""'"" f\ "' •U• • '" 11 L>• ,,.., ·"I''' ~h·H" •~'"'"' o! I'" l'••·I• I• •1"'1 '" '"'"'<J' "''''"'" Other Deaths /I() I. I,/\'.\ I). l1\l"1 O r J aC"oh Prin-;, 1ti, fornit·r pr"t·sJilt·n t of t ht: c;1·ncr;d Svnud ul lhL' l {t..'f~1rn1c d l'h 11r(·h 111 1\nll'fJr,1. d1t•(I :'ll11111!.1y. 'l af';t" l.'rank. !¥.l. 11·1<tu1\· nf ;i forn1t•r L rl l\'l'r :-.1l 1 nf \\.'1:-1..·u n :-.t n p r L':-.1 d 1;nt . d 11•d :'ll ond;1v :1flt·r .1 !1"11g t h'" 11!n1• ... ~ lh•r l.1t1· h11 .. l1:1111!. I; l1•rHl l•'r:111k . II.! ... p ! 1 •-.,1d~·1iJ fl'41!l\ !:l:.!:1 1o l'.,:!O Fielding Hired As Consultant f<~ieldin i::-. v.·ho v.·i ll soon start lea<·hinl! duties at UC lrvinC'·s in s titute of trans portation a nd traf- fic enginC'C ring , will C'arn a minimum of $400 a nlonlh from OCTO . '!'he retainer covers his se rvices u p to 20 hours a 111onth ;ind any time he s pC'ncl s be yond that is \1'ort h $25 pe r h our F"ic lding 's w o rk wl ll co n s is t o f loni::·ran,i.!c policy 1}lanning. work on dis t ri c t proj ecl s and lcg1s lativl' polic y advice . L:--nn. a NC'\\•port 11c:1!'h :Jt!OJ"n(•\' \l"ho 00\V St•r\'l'S on !hC' 1f.:ins 1t ho;1rd :1dd four offi<·ers nn the ]:30 p.n1 to m idni ~ht ~hifl , seven days a we.,.•k . Currently , only thrc·e 11ffil'<.•rs ar(' on <:a ll dur· ing lhe eveni ng ho urs for ;Ill the unincorporated lerrito ry and cities that t·ontract with the county fo r anim:il control '"l{('('CIU SC of the limit · l'd nun1bt·r of offict~r s presently on duty. only <Jhso lute emerge nc ie s l'an he handit"'d during thl' evenin g," Rile y s aid. The increase in personnf'I "''11 c ost about S23 ,500 through the e nd of the fi~ca l year in June. The funds v.·il l !'ome from already-budge ted :1ccounls in th e county Veterinary llcallh Division '"Thro u ghout m y dis· cu ss ions with homeowners :.in d <·ity of. fiC'ial s in m y d istrict. animal co ntrol has hecn ~ poi ot of concern." Jlil<•y s~lid ""In my re\'iC'W o f the '.<.itu ~1l io n . I camC' In the e ont•l11s 1on lhat the bas ic leve l of s cr\'ice nn \lo pro· v ult•d L-. 111 ;1dC'q11a!, · ( . BALTZ-BERGERON FUNERAL HOME '. 1'11 ! \ IELL llRO.t..DWA Y MOR TUAR Y . . ' '11 •.. llt• ;ind t h1·1·01q i11··:-.nn l\ -.un , (ilvn11 .Jr, d h·d ~t·l'I 1.., ]~!Ill I ll <Ill ;ultn .It'{ 1d ··11[ !1•'.11 1:1·1•1'!1 H.i;. \~ 1-. \1)111\· 1··r.1n h \\.1 ·· 1·.111 1 1 1.11~n1n g ft1r l !"'! :-Ot•!Ld"t \I!)~<'()\\' ! 1\ I ') 'l'.1:-.:. rt·1•11r!1•d lod;o\' thl~ d t' .1 I h "I .'\/a I :1 I i :1 l)1•11i .. o\ na l~r1•1hn1·\'. Ol1ilhl'l nl St!\lt•t ll';ldl'I" l.t'•1n1 d H1't•1hr11·., llt•r .t~t · \\ "" nn! ;.,:1v1•11 ;\t1 ch·- 1.111 ... ut rli,• 1l1 •.11h l\t'T'\' 1t~!··d1 ·111i. I" We show you how lo care 10< lhem step by step. Our curl carohng SCISSOR S TYLES are all fuss-fr ee and fund1onat and are easy lo do as 1ust shampoo! Included are lamp Clils, linger tumble cuts, curling iro n cuts. blower cuts, wash towel dry. brush 'n !lull cuts or simple wash and wear cuts. They are all SCISSORED. take-care--01-yoursclt styles. Good tor any age. any half, NO teasing, n o rollers. no pins. NO POLLUTING HAIR SPRAYS. ALSO NO S ET PERMANENT WAVES. YOU MAY NEVER WANl TO SET YOUR HAIR AGAIN . ,., MtCORMI CM MORTUARY .. < PA CIFIC 'f'IEW MEMORIAL PARk (, ,,. ,. ,. ' "' -·- PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME ,'-. ' ~MITHS ' MORTUARY ' radio pager ---·---Sl7.00 a month total cost d •. no eposot on credit approval ORANG! COUNTY RADIO'f!LEPHONf SERVICE '"' 835-3305 J r:t Iii )il,._ .I!:} -< it i --1 ~ -: JOSEPH 'S SCISSOR STYLING Huntington Beach ,564 H-'tt011 A•~. 968-3535 Fullerton 105 "'· H~ ll•d. 879-3863 C>,_Doity. A.M. to 10 l'.M.-5af~ 5'111. ttoS l'.M. OUR COLLECTION OF FURNITURE AND ACCESSORIES OFFERED AT SUBSTANTIAL SAVINGS C•D PLUMMER'S :t6 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH Also in Pasadena and Los Angeles fill SAL f:S CA!--1! CH(CKS. MAST EH CHARGE. BANKAMEA!C ARD ACCEPTED enttY Ltd. 0 South Coast Plaza BRISTOL AT SAN DIEGO FREEWAY ·COSTA MESA. CA. PH. 540-1502 WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY-WEONESDAY TO PREPARE FOR OUR MOST SPECTACULAR ANNUAL OPEN .SATURDAY Jan. 4 10 to 2 LE Dec. 30 thru Jan. 10 ONLY To help you start the New Year right, we're holding OPEN f-IOUSE a l all Great Western offices th roughout California, December 30 thru January 10. We have a FREE G IFf for you with best wishes for 1975, from our house to your house' Ifs Sunset Magazine's new, revised edition of their best·seller book "How to Grow House Plants". 100 pages, over 200 illustrations. It's yours free for the asking at any Great Western o ffice I.Adults only, one per family, please.] Our Savings Counselors will be pleased to help you open your savings account while you· re here. HlliNlST INT[l(ST wn1t N[W µi]_OOQ INSURANCE • COlllPDUNOlO DAILY ... ~ ..... ,.. 7.75% -6 .98% 2 V.V1!4All • S10000A-• 6.50"' =.-6.72"' ---'-Vll'.Aft • St OOO on ~ 5 .75% --5.92"' 90D,..Ytl • $1000Dft-t! 5 .25% 5 "'i9% AEQUl..Jlp •CCa...tNf .... I() I'-DAV IN TO 0 4V-Ol h~ ,..,.1 '''"'1or .. 1 .-""'fS 11 too\' ...., "' .._ """''"' ........ ·~1111 " ,_~ ,.,..1.1-.... IJ • M"'~' !•Ola I""' ocr ... tl Free with accoonts of SlOCIO or more. Free Safe Deposit Boxes (at most offices) Free American Express Travelers Cheques • Free American Express Money Orders • Free Nola!\ Service • Free Trust Deed and Note Collectk>n •Free Check-A-Month Pl"ns • rree Save·by- Mall SeTVice for a)I • We pay the customary co~ts of these services fC11 you G\N. GREAT WESTERN SAVINGS ASSETS OYER $4YJ BILLION • STRENGTH THATS IEEN GROWING SINCE 1117 80 Fashion la/and, Newport Center • Santa Ana • Buena Park • Lagun11 Hlfll j Tuesday, January 7 . 1975 DAIL y PILO T A 9 ~~~~~-'='-'.'.:.~--"!2' Tilt FAMILY ClllCl 'S fi y n il Keane ~ritish Treasure Ship Discovery Reported I.I '·~~){J~ i.\l'I A Ur1l1sh d1v1nt-: !\t u rr1 ,,, .1 l 't·11£,10("l' rc!>t.n11 <1 nt in\ 11P• l'olu-.,,u!) but it" t•ol 11.1,,11o frth ·i-.1 · I 11111 , · lt'.1111 .1 :. annuunct>d 1L loc all"d tht· J l1 d :-..J l\JJ..:•: ;,p1..'l'i ,.Ji..,\ ,,111 , li.i ., .,\S,i nip-..un uith•·"•·ilht•..., '-<.1 11 1 11 ,. """ .d-.n lh1• hll'>hand or \111•t•h llf a ll rttlsh rn an of ,,·ar carr.v· hrnu"hl 111, .tr lilatts .ind ..,,·,,,,,,,,h 1,,,,, I ,11 11 10:111 111.1 ll.111 111!•111 1111 ... tri--...., uf I , ,... ln1u ... 1r11.d,1•111l1•.11 1h.it,1.-d .. 1h•I ]111..,:1 1ng \lf ll 'l' ,.~.., hont~1n :-.tat uc1ry 11ho~1· lru rnolht•r ..,hlt>'>l\l'l't'k"<l»lr ll >il.•••• •. ' ' 1 •' '" 11 ... , nu111·\.11·tl 1 \\h.111 ... tl111111i l<">' II I< Ill t i 1t·co11..·r y cuulll ''~1..·l lhc art 1101ld b) t:oa;,t lui c ~ ~ "' 11 1 1><·• h: rn.u 1t• ... t1 • i-.:nJ:!l :.i nd lhl't"trs " '.\! I .\luiri-, ..,,+id l\111 t••td•·r11p••1.11 ' 11· ••tl t ho• l .h\Ololl 1·0 111..,..,u.., \\hlt'h u n , < ·• • o rr1ssaid l\lonl ;1\ht..,tl'.i!ll h H111d 1·nrd-.1!ll11 .1 ~l11>1t~p11 111.1 t.1 1·1 .. 1·,,..,,. I > -1-"" l'he s hi p , HMS.Colo ... s us, r a n into a lhi· \\l"l'<'k la sl At<"tl .... ·1 ,,r1 .. ,. 1 -,11,,,,,,~ • 1 · 1 · '· 1 \.>" a nl·hur .. _.d 11•'.tr Sa111pso u I d k ,... .. , 1111 "lll'1'11:.1Hg nu· I l,11 1111 1011 111a111 1,., I I , 11 · I 111 s n rn.1 a n s.·a n 1n lht'.! Is les of Sc111 l' uf dt\'lll '' 11,,,c •. ,,1 k•·t>I ,1 ., ... ,.,.1 ''''''' ".ir 1 o t 11 l'Ull h·:.tor111 r ., • u ., ... \11ll-.•·llh1·.11 l1111 1ld l1\ !l11•t•.1 1.., 'l'I hi I h ot .. E .. n~la nd SSOtlth\\l'Sl ltp ill 1798. tlO\\ lO [l rl'Vl'll l "[Jtl .i\t• dllt 'I " · f>'>>>I> · !ft"t' I ll ~ :. ;1t1·r . I l' l 'oln:.Sll '> "':IS I I II I _ 'l"li·· 111.1r h l1·.., 11t•11• 1•n lll"tlt·d t.1· s.·,,. '''''''''' <>1<>11< ,. k th I . HS is poll:n l 1<.1 y I l l' rno::-.t l'~C'1t -111t crfc r in" w ith t h l· t••·oi<.·•·I l li·<l<<l •><•I 0 1 ' Ol' ·:-;.inc er cornp l'- 1 r ,... \\1:11.1111 I L 11nlll1>11 111111..,h 1•1111 11 111 111 ·I r 1'10 I 111 ~ in d o n 1y l ift'." .;,-11<1 l{n l:.in cl r·e \·C'3 1 t h e prc<-·isi· lol'atio n ,,1 11,.. 111 11 •· c· ung to l ht.• 1·1~g 1n )..\ unt il t,[ ;~(~0 II ' c.J I = ~ lh" rult:r'\ been lo\I lor u long time, b ut I finally lound 11 •ll rn y de~i.. d rawer " Lawyer Says Client Dead 1 1\'i"l'~l'\ \ 111·:.\t'l l. 1·1.t 1.\1'! "l'lil'dr11g s n1ug '\111 1'. 11 1.d 11t :1 F lorirt:1 1·h :1rll·r hn<il l'<lfll;n n t•ndl~d d1 ;1 n1.111c:dl\ 11 h t•11lh1·11t·f1•11..,t• al1nr111·v :1n n o u nct•d Iii..,' !i1•11t h:1d d11111 111·d off ;i -..111:111 1 lnn;lura n i:-.land "" '\:1 ·11 'i 1',ll -.. 1·:1 I' l/;1\1111111d {:,111 :-;1:111.._,.1_ :1R h a d hl·1·n rr t ·t· on -..·,0111100 1·.,..,h -..1111·1· h1.., 1nd1<"t n11·11\ la-.,\ .J 1111l' h v a t.111111d1· l'l .ind 1ur 1 1111 ;1 1·h :11·J,!;1' uf t·nn..,p1r:i1·~ to 11npo1! rn.it1111.111.1 · . f.'1 ,1111' !1 II I" d o nnt IJ1·l11'\'l' \1 r St:1n..,1·l IS dt·· ... t ~1.i\" \1 11 I-'. .1 '-'.1l c·1 1lt '" told lll'11 ... n1l'n fo 11011 111 · :111 :il1h11·11.it1·d ..,, . ..,..,11111 li1 ·fqft' ("1 r t·u1 \ C..'ourt l 11t l;~" 11 1·1 h• •I h H 1 d 1·r '"1'1 11: .. ,.r \'l"I: II,:-; 1\I.\\ \\·s 111 ·\d !ht· lu ·IH•f th;d 11 lit \1;1 -. :l \l \I tJi 1• l!i \l\lllllllll "f'fl0!"\\11\l !I :".Jr .... :.111 1·1 II (lllld (!I 1<) f1 1'1" J ll ... llt'I'.-· S:ti("llll'" ... ~111 1 I i.'f•·n ·,1· .i!H 1r n1·1 lt1"rn:1rd \1 r !)c·n1pSt'Y ~:d<l ...;1 .1 11 ~1 ·\ I•• t 111 111 1· 11 l1il 1·•.1·11h ,1d11111 )..! ,,ff1 ht• is la nd I·! H' 1.11.1 I\ 111 l1ud1 h.1 ., not li··1'Jl 11 ·1 ·1t1 1 ·r~·d H .1d11• ... 1,,11.111 \\l .<·'i · 111 ·r .1n11'" "l'"k(' h v t1·lo )'hi.111• 111 \\ .11 r 1·11 llu llnek . an ,l\n11'r1<·an c111 7.l'i1 ,1f1•• •1p1·i ,1 !1'" ,1d11111 :._: -.h1 fp on Ho,!lan and 11 a s on tli1·d "I. 11 !11 ·11 :...1.111 -.,·1·.., hn;d r'l·t11r1H·d llul!Ol"k ..,;11d .. 1111 11111 11Pt:11·11 11 ho li ;1d lic1·11 d 11 1ng 1111h St:1n ~1·\ T< \111 t1•-ol .1lo1•.t!d 1h1 '! r .1ft ·1111· 11111111 ·11 · ,111t :...1 .• 11 .. 1·l n i,1d •· :1 d111 • a nd f1 l·1rr 111n· lll• ltul!o! I. luld \\ 1 ("'I '' 1,·r 1:'\ ..... I \ 1: ~l·:\ll.("11 h;, .. t.1d1·d I <> I urn up th,. h"d\ lltdl111·h. .H td th•· \11)1·111·.111 l"flll"ll il 111 I• "11 ('1 ·:,1 lp.1l•dd 1ti .... t .il 1••n l ~11 \l••1·h. l"\11 \\ 1 c·'l· 111 · h.1d llll HI P;id 1\hn l ht• ''"II I• ·11 11 "'" .1 nd t II.it !Ill '' h .11 ,. o..1 1H·t· d1-.. :q1p•·:1 rt·rl \\hl'!! l\l1·lh·1n p-..e 1 11 ,1 .. ,...,h.t'd b,1; 111•11 -.rn1•n tf Tl :• I•' \I.I" .111\ l'"'"1htl 1\1• t h :t! ~1a n ... 1·1. :1 ('O rll 1111 111.il1 1-.11.-1 111.111 d 1· ... 1·11 lit"d ;1 " ,1n 1"'1.Jlt•rt d11 i·r . ;+r · 1111 1·d 1 .. 1,1h.•· IJ 1.., d t·.11h. t hi· 1:1111•·r r i·pl11·d, '"J d· 111 I k l H•ll l11d !'' H1 d "1 ,1L'1t••·d tu ,1 rt·qu'l'-.1 II\ lht• ..,l :1l•' ;1!- 1,,1110 1 111 1t1q><11 111d tl u· .::;~,1 H 1.1w~\ \\~ind p 1·111!1n g a Lt!Pr 11• .11 111 ~' 'II !1\1• l<'l"''·t •·d d":tth 'l"h<• ]tid )..!t' ..,;11d hf' 11•>11ld ,1 ~1 th" l '-. :-;1.11 1· l h •p ;1rlrH •'l\I \o \"1•r1f1 t h f' I H 1., nl 11!1 ' 1 , . .11HI t<111r1rn1tlH·11 1 .. ith or 1\1· 1~i1l1ld ll•' .i 11 .111.1111 1 .. 1 '-.1.111..,1·1"-., :1rr•·"t Ooh-Ia-Ia D 'Es tai11!{ S1tpported 1'\11 \S •I 11 !1 \lot ,,f r1•pnrl.., .in d 1111 1·on f11 n 1•·d 1t111tn1.., h;11 1' 4 111 1il.d··d .il••lll\ 1'11 • ... 1 do ti! \ .l)l'I I (;\"l(",ll"d d I· ... :.11n1· .. 1111•ht ld1• h;i.; a rig h t \11 ha 1·C' a p r1 1·:1tf' lift' 111· h :1 h1·1·11 ,., 1t u·11ed 1 I 1 :--!I I 1 l t • I 1 " t I I I (' ; 1 l •pl.1 1 11'1 • 11111 ;1 JIPll 1>1 il•l1·.h1·c1 111 !ht• ll!'lt t•rh 111\ll (If l',11 1-., \l .11{"h 111 ;1l_'.l/llll" o..111111 .... th .it !·r"n"h rn ~·n 111·1•r11'ht'l rr1 l!!)"h :-..+• 1h1· 1·1 .. -.1d1•11\ ·r111· qur:-\inn T h r r e ,Ill' ru rn11 r.., th :1\ hC' 1(;1-..1 :.ir d d ·1·:--1:11ng 1 i.:11,..., 0 11! Inn o f l l'n al 11 1~ht 'l'h1· 1·:1;. :-.t·t· pre· .o..11-ll'lll1 ~d p :1l :1('l' ... ;!\""' )l(• h.1-. the rq.:ht tn :t p r1Y ;1ll' llfv l)o(·.; ht'" Ei ght ,· thrrc p1•rc1'n \ Pf thn:-1· qut•s t1on1·d -..:ud 1 1·:-.. H p r r f'f'lll :-.;11d no :ind 9 µt'rl't:'fl l h arl no upi 11 11111 ·······-·····---_........... sword fi sh , shr 11n p steaks, abalone, e t al ~~]![ 3901 E. Coast Hwy . Coro na Del Mar Ac" 675 0900 .................. ~ .......... i ED ISON S A ID 'J"horn;1'-Fr1Jo:.nn 1-.. 11ft 1'n qunlt'(I a .., h:tl'•Tll: said . '"'!'h t• d lll"1()r nr i h f' fu lu r 1· v. ill )..! I \' !' tl fl 1n 1·d1 e i nr. h ut ,,.1\l J!l l'{' hi s attl'nl1on 1o 1111• 1·:111s1• ;ind pr l'ven t 1011 of rl 1s cn s l' 1hrou~'.h 11!1'\ and {';_1re of th<' hodv fr:nn1· work " l'\1oclcrn s 1·1t;n\1f1 r C'h1rnpral'111' ra rf' 1:-. 111111:-o prov I Tl I! M r . 'l'hon1as l':cl t "l o ll ro rr1•1·t 1n his pr c d1 r l1 o n Wr h avt• sp eC'ia\i1rd for )'f'ars in J!il'l ll ~ lh <• s tru l'lura l framl'work of th" hO(I~', thnl 1s tht' s pin al t·olu mn anti nrr v o u s s y s tc tn . o ur 1n1l i,·11tl'lt ;illt•nlion ;inti th" p r nf"ss 1on 's f1n <lin )!s !'ll (l !lOr l ;i nd pro \'I' his 1·0111 .. n t1o n . 1\1 1111 (';1n Ji ve l on l!~r '~n th p r "v l'nlal1Vt' ('hi ropr art it· a 11j u s t mf'nls. II<' c;Jn m a 1nta 1n a v 11-:oro11s st ~1t 1• of ht•a lth . v.'11h lc:iS 1nt('rrupl 1on s fr onl si1·knf'sS and q 111('k l'r rt•cov1•ry wilh p ('r1 01l 11• ;il l c ntion l o h is !1 p1na l f'fl l un1 n a s rt·1·nn1n11•n <l etl h v your do1:l nr of Ch1ropr:u·t1". Dr. Partain, O.C. M .. oiln Offk•s 111 n.. Eastbluff ViOage Center HEWPORT BEACH 640-6410 (ANNIJAl YIClO -1.1•%) on PASSBOOKS plus DA fl Y INTERE ST ·Any J\rnnu<il I ur11I~ r.l•!I l1P1'1 d •I~ of !P\l'>IJI 1u 1\.1\,• f)! w<ihd r ,,,.~I In l ••e~t p~o d Qu a11etly ACCOUNTS PROTECTED up to A MAXIMUM of $10,000.00 by !hull Gu11anll Co1pon1 0011 ol Calo1o•n•a only i s p10~1d'll 111 1h• t~hfo1n1a l1nanc . .1I C:Ode A copy ol Ch~plet 8 (GuAranly of The.ti Actounh) n! 1)1v1~1on I ot \he C1h1c11n1a !1ndl1t•al Code may be ob· 1 ~111td upan reoueit THRiil GUARANT'f' CORPORATI ON or C1'UIOR NIA LS NOl f\N iN\IRU Ml NlAl llY Of 1Hl ~!All Of l'.All tOR NIA. lb 011 ,,.e~ -Resou•ce~ owe• 1 1 2~.000.000 oo FIRESI DE Thrift @'""'-"'1 ] 2J28HARBORBLVD. 645-1000 '•• ", ·~'"' ~«>•DIMl • OML• • As I hif" yield WllJ to lllRSl. This Bank of America Investment Certificate is the negotiable type. Available only at full -service banks. It lets you get a high 7 Y,% interest as well as flexibility. Federal law prohibits redemption prior to maturity. But if an emergency comes up and you need your money you can sell your negotiable Investment Certificate without losing interest. However, the price that you get will depend on the money market at the time of the sale. To be realistic, if you want to sell your $1,000 Investment Certificate before the 6 to 10 years are up, you could wind up with less than $1,000. Or more. Depending upon the prevailing money market. Of course, if you hold the certificate to maturity, you'll receive the full principal plus the guaranteed interest. That adds up to a lot of money- $2,102 in10 year s. m BANKOFAMERICA I .. '\,q d1•" .ind llnl vd :11"1 ..,p1•1·1:tl1-..1 uf tu... h•1.1t"l l'l':.1·11ed l ht·n 1 -· ~~ .. !. ...... .,, • .,,~ As a hilh iaderest way to save. This Bank of Ameri ca Investment Cert ificate is the non-negotiable type. It guarantees you 7Y2 % for anywhere from 6 to 10 years. No matter what happens to other interest rat es you don't have to worry about this savings rate changing. Even if the rates drop. Federal law requires a substantial penalty for early wi thdra wal on a non-negotiable Investment Certificate. So deci de how much you can spare and for how long. Then put at least $1,000 in a high interest, non- negoliable Bank of America Investment Certificate. Like the negotiabl e type, the non-negotiable Inves tment Certificate is guaranteed up to $40,000 by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Pick the Investment Certificate that suits you best. Then ask for it at any of the more than 1,000 Bank of America offices thro ughout California. You'll like what you get. One way or th e other. Depend on us. More Californians do. m BANKO FAMERICA . - • , !\ J 0 DAILY PILOT QU EEN IE lue~~a.,. Ja~ary 7 1975 By Phil lnterlandi Jobless \\ h,d !!I ,i..,, I"" h I '1 11 I"' ,,,,ti g, • .,f111g uft Jn th1· 11 3 Full Service locations in Hunlington Beach PRESCRIPTIONS e £~.·rqo•ccou"" O D•ll.,r.11 LrP ~• ·~"1 1our r10u n! pre><:r •~"G"I ~1 :!~·]· lj., l'I II~ llr•tl IU •I'l l I ~ ~ f1un1on9!0tl fi••bctu• IW (M.l;I I Ii 8rMknw•1t .I. f1•m1l10~ ,01111 'l , ·.•-.~ i1 ' ---__ ..-.,__ ___ .,..:::lllZ..._r ... radio pager ·---S17.00 a month tota l cost mobi le phone ·-place l3 r eceive tel epho n e calls i1• you r car --·--no I icense ·--/lo ':.•r• ••I 1 .... ,,i,,,,,,, M ~~·~ 1" M o• •n ~-~l•l 8,,,, O n F a1·m Gt·t P ay • 'Ii .in;:l' I "ill)I\ •n1 riopl.,\o·d .1 ·1111!11111,1! 1\ •it lo,, I !J, , 111 di d 11 I ti; llll,l'!i< l>I"\ 111•'111 '11111 1•1·n-.,i1,,q1 1111 Iii•' !11 11111! \l<>ritl,11 ,II! IHilfll \ .. ,,I.II• "llHI I ,1 •11 1 1 ,. 1 ••• i1J,11 .. 1 11 "11 Ill I II I 1 I 11 I 1 ,111 1"1 +11.0 I 11qil" 11 , 11 I I ! , \ I " I' , I, • I J1, 1•,111111 • 111 I 1111 .1d II' t h.it .! l+oHll1u.il ,\HI f.1 I d lltlll Ill iJld " I "\' l!ilfH d• I!; ,.J,,j Ill 1!11 "'l"'iil ,,, 1111·1 .. 1111. Ill \ l.11\! L' p.11.J llllqll, II ,Hl t o '' 11 I '' I I l I I•' I II ' t 11 .il1t,.1111.o 111.I lhv ....... 1,l,+I\ ·d .. t~·l ••I lt1t· r111vd "I .!It I I I I~ I I It , 1111 I '. 111 if'i'!H .IJll 11111 .t \,\' 1+11 , 11 'i •111,I 1•d 11111"1 1)1• \ll\.i h\• 1 .. I ii" .t 1 1.11111 1111.!1·1 ,Ill\ "IJio I ;.\,ii• 111 lo'.i!'l,il I. I 11 , o 11 ii I 1 I 11 .., I I 1. 1 \ " I 1• • 'I I P«lol ,1 ! 11 .. 1 ... 1 ... ,11 I ll II 1 11111 Ill I !11• • 1 11 1 .1, 111•11<1.I 1'11'•11 .. 111 111 :.: 'l"ht· v !:111n :1111 r11u ... 1 .ii'" H11•1•t .di 1111· 11111111,LI , 11 •d1il1I I lt'!jllll t 'ILh'll\.., 1111 ro·;..ul.11' l1v 11\'llt ... d • · I I no e pos1t on t1•'"' 1·• :">1tl1 t' ! IJv .. 1' \1111 I<,; I :0. 11,LI ,. llo'I l'I l1t•loH I' [o\'t'll l'!>\\!t'd 1111 11111 ·1111•lt11 l\\('lii 111,llJ .Ult'\' :0..JI .. 1;t1dl111 , . 1h1·~ 11dl l\t'\'d I" ht 11ti.: 111 ~11'1' 1ntur111,1 llllll !IL.Ill \Ii' ll._L1,dl1 I< •1l1Lt1· l\1 ll'1llllg 1"'"1!1l' h11ol11 Ill .!dl,111•'1' \lli.11 I' II •' ! II 'I ". ! " '' \ I 1 ' 11 I I" ' .. ' ORANGE COUNTY RADIO'tELEPHONI SERVICE '" . credit approva l 11 1 ii 11.· •. ,111h'lll1.1I 1111 40~.,';,~o;~:''· :::,',·:,,':,:':.,,,:~::'.'•:I::':'::~':'.,!:• FINANCE Drop /11 A u.to .Sales Se t 11 I·. I 1; 11 1 I I \ I' \1111•11• •111· 111111~·111 "I I 't I ' t I ' \ J I II I · I • , 11 . l ll l~f;\ t li.tO 111 l <f'::I ,1'> th1· 1\;tl 1011'-. 11·r111 h l,"I .illln ltl 11 11,11 \ J <'!'V ld t'o! 1l -. '> I' I ' II II d II tl ! 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I !I I 1, 11 ·h." ~<1 1 11<' ~K!I 11\~I 11 •11 h.1·t':- 835-3305 835-3305 1' '• ,, ,,_, "' "·""'' ·""' ·"' , ____ ;;,;;,;,;;,;~----·'·------------.. d I I '\"• 11 I .I 11 I ti~· • · 111 i ' Io • 1 '• 1 ' I• 11· \\ I 11 111 I I 11 • lil I'<' I 1 t'lil ul 1 ll o' I II d I! l I I S I\ d l! I I I 11'" k 11111 L' .. r 1;;s (11111 l.1L'l' l.il•df:-. !)11:-. 111<1111!1 .l ~ thL' 'l'0>1lli1.lllll'" I !<1..,, 1>l,111!s lo r1•d11< t' ~'.1'1111111~ lll\'l'llllll'lt•:-. lil 1111 .. 1.ld !11'1\ ('.Ir" '). I 111•1 h1•il dt11111;.: Ill•' l.1:-I .i:.! 11~···h.:-. ;11\d :\) \t'l'!l.\11\g II .11.!L' IJllOI! lll.il lllll .... 111 h .1-. \·h i 1·1-1 ul1-. \\ '.! ! o>I 111" '·I ' \ 1).,)111· 111· -.• .i ..... 111 11i .. lollll !ll.11111 l S !"Ill II I( 1. 1'.tlll•'.., Il l l~1";J \\\'I!' '; llX'r:.'t t••tllp,01'1•d 1111 11 ,I l<'l'll'd 'I"; t1!1lli1>1I 111 1·11:! 11 \I ,1-, lilt' IH\l t'"l 101,d lur tlh' 1111tu .. t11 -.11\l'\' ]'.!1;:1. 111lh lh·· •. , \1'pll01l "t )~!';'II, \\lll'll ,I 11.1t1µl\\11dl· :-.lr 1h.1.·.1;.:.1111-.t j ;\J h1•ld ~,di':-. Iii '7 1·, ,. i\II SS IO:\: \'I E .J O 1.\1 POB TS 1n•.11.\'t""' ,,."'"" -ME RCEDES BENZ-I/I.ti 11111111·1 •'lllpl11\•'I ... 11r1l1 t·,1111111: ... 11\d Iii<' .\11/1•'\ • ,''l (/ ,( !' • / .t l/'>/l 1/ I •'•' "11 loll l.1 .••It \II II\ II 28701 MARGUERITE PARKWAY 111 ".q•1ol11 ,1111 , .1n ,., 495-1700 MI SSIONVIEJO 831 -17<10 1"'"1 .1 d1·l.11 .. 1 ,d111u\ San Diego Fw'f' to Ave•'f' Pkw'f' e11.1 L roght on M.11guer,\e 11hi 1 1, \\I '\'~, lu·l<•ri· p,11 ................................ ~ 1111'111 ·"' 1 .. 111.1d·· '"' ~,.PASSBOOK certificate Now, you can earn our new higher inte rest rate on a small original investment with desi1able passbook llexiblli1Y. lnves! $2,000 in our 8~. Passbook Tlu11t Cenihcare lh~n you may add 10 ~ou1 aetount, .11 ~100 amounts ii! an~ lime eilrl\lng s•t. dily m diiy out /Passbook! 1n!ert~! T1l1s plao combines the bes! features or ine Passbook and the Jong term Cert1hca!e Accounls Certificates al $2,000 held for 3 years. Compounded quarterly 'Funds rete1ved by lhc 12tll o! any mol'\ln fdrn !ro<n 1~e lust 'Penalty ror ~arly ·1111hi:1a>1~I After 1he lsr & ll"'nl~s tm ~ll/ reason you w1lhdraw ea11y. ~Oil ne \er earn less lhan 6' •. Higher Ra te/Short Term certificate I,~. -on Cert ilicate s of $10,000 or more held for 90 to 180 days or more Funds received by lhe 12th ol any mon1n,earn from the first. THAI~ T ~NO li;)~H AS50Gl•TION Higher lntere•I p1ld con1l1tently 1lnee 1927 IEVf~LY 111\lS, •ji N t 1n011 Ot llCllQ SAii fE~NAllOO, \01$ fl"I SI , J!)'O .. $ANIA AMA, 1211 $0 lho~ SI , tl111T wrwooo. 4114 r s.iu1~ s1 . '°111 (ttJ12n1111 , " QUI X~·JU1 (1U) S~/"6jU (2!l) 6)G·~l:Q [l T~C. 2JUI $ f• Toit ~~ 91~lt:I !/14) ~.t(o50 LA JOll.I, 170 ''Y AYI tl'e)f (111) 4S. O•~ l stOl!OIC'O. COi 111 1 f.•1fld '" J,'r)IS (714! HI.Oii~ Nl~T ~EACM 1111 \Otlitl•I! I), t1Mll 1114) ~ Jlll CAL"O!'NIA "El !DfNTt ONLY 1111!I10 11\ 11 '' ,j) I II ,I \. I!, .1 1 1111pl1•\1 I• '"''l'!'1,ol1• 11\ I •'"'!'"1111111~ .1 ... •1111 1 hl1 "' 1•11 .. -1111" 1•• Ii. 1i.1111111·n1 11111 11111! 11111' .. ti.ii It IL ill ~ l h•' il1•l,11 l)l:('l·:,ll ~l·:H 1 -..\1 1·.., 1>1 -1 ~~1 .l~~K . d<1\\ll lto1111 ,i-;-:i -;:n1111 \J~···v11il11·r l'.l'::i \\l'l l' the ]1111,·"l 1·,1r lh.11 111unth 1n l ~' .ll'.ir~ I .. ltt. B•tv•I •• Killer Bees Moving Up 111" lii•l lL'\lil't·~ li<'!'l'.1 !•0\ll'::> ;11t' ll"l 1••1l1t11l.1rl.\ d.irq.!l'l "U" \-'.'>:l'•·pt n1,1 .1h1· lo 1h•· , 111/t'tl.-, l'"Pt't'lOd il ;dh•r;.:11· \11 lhL· -.111 \,I!.~ ••I ,01111· l\111 lhl'l'l' .111· hont·\hl'•'-. 111 \tr1 1.1 \!i.11 .II• llldt'l 'd d,111 ,.'l'!(>ll .. ! \lt't'dltl;.'I\ ,1,,•1 '•'l••I• S.1 .11 nl:-, .. ,1tl(•\11nt•;:o. at1 :1l'I-. 1•1·0J!l" I 1iif11 1!10 1!1 \.l\t'"t111 I-_ 11111 l "11h>t'\\1!1.1l~j _1 "Ill( I,. •·1 l1ill llllp .. rlf'il 11tt•ll1 1nl!i 111'.l 'il ,I "ilt•I ' 0<I I< 11" .1 ;.:n :<11d 111•1\ [fi"I f'I' ~plt'.111 111 '' •,.q1\l1 \111•'1'1l ,1 \I.., ''\Pt" lt•d lilt ll ·.11< 11 "I' lh•I'•' Ill 1111· Jlt'\I It'll ,I l'.11" \1 1 \1110111,111 111"1' 1•r•1d1'.lil1'• ,111d 1111<10' 11•.l'I .111 1 1<\li1'I f ... .i)1,il) ~· ... 11 )l 111 • 11 I 1< 111 \llHHCtll" ·1 Ii• j,,.d11•.., l>i ,I I 1·!1!,11 h,,11>1_1 l.11 'I 11\111\lll'I l'I l"'l '1d1• \\Ii•• j,11 1 llit•Hl ~t'l\1'"> .11'1 l••l!ild 111 11110! 11t 11111 I Ill 11 1'\J '\Cl. ll Si l~ 111 "Iii 1,1, .1tld \\',ir n 1.n1 I ll•· l.,l11•l t'!l 1~111).,.0 l·.O!.'.I' 1 1111 111 I !'.Ill'. I h.11• \I Ill\ ;.:1rll1 11111 I .ind I 111 •11· .ill 11 .1·.h• d 11p \1!11·11 ... 11 .. p111 1111 phnt<Ji.:t .il'h 1n !lh h01l 1 .. 111 !ii ht·1 htl d 1 ·;1 ~· I ~.••\\ 11 1: ft I '.'~ t !i1· IOI\\ 11 o•I ;-,111 I Ill"" \ '1°11;11 II.IS l"lli..' JiH ' l!10d1 I11«1 ld ll ,11)\1' l1H ll ........ 111111 1· '\ \' '>II •· 1>1 :-in1).! 1•rl:->1>tl ll nlSp11111:.., \1·1<. 11.1 ... h.11 .. \1 11 ,1-. hi• H11·l1111tind . \ ;1 .1 ... <;1 '.111!-.1 ill\' c '1\11 .q,!11 .i :-. !lt1 · \'111.<,t.;<' 1111 1:1\1 .. dd ('111 )1 ' l·:'.\'.-1 .. \1 !>I an).! Sing ll 11 h ;ui<I 11,. .1 1n.11t1·1 .. r ,,.1· .. 1d th:11 !>1 111•11 11 J,1, .. <;- 111"•·1 :-.<'\1•1·.il .\1·,1r .... 1).!c • .1:-.k 1·d i h 1>ll l·:n \;11 lo lh\'tolt/t' "11 \\'hat 1n1g hl 11.1\1' h.1pp1•11o·d 11' "\1l-.1t.1J,h 111:-hctu·1· h.1d 1!1.,•11 .1'> ... 1:-...,111.11,..i in '>ll'.1d o l ,l 1•hn I•' l'•'lllll'd.\ (·hn11 ! c•p1n·t1•11l:; n11illfd 11 .1 n 1n1tl1•rll .111d -..11d , "I dnn l h1•l11·1e \Ir ()fl,1:-. .. 1.., 1\1lllld ho111· 11i.1rt11·d :\lr -. l\ht'll .. h! lit•\ 1'111·:tt l: \lt l< ;1 1;011 kind:-. ul n i.1111111.d'> 111 ;-..111\h 1\n11·r1c:1 .\nd ~' l:l•lol 1li\'tll .11«· 1n d1·111 '> llt•p11 · ...... 111 c •"II I 1l · '.\'.ol to 1ht' 11111 '> .111d ..,n.i~\'" .1 11d f .. <>;1·~. 11 1:-.ri 'l , \\ 11.11 1 .111u111111U.., ('I \1l •'I :-. 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"rrH• fln1>r '" 11ur 1•ldl'rly h!inil .1111! c\1~;d1l•·d .,.,,.. htkt''> ..,ho'At'd 111• 111 th1• ch1·1·\.. ... ;u1d g1•111•rall:- 1, .. r•· "Pl'lil .ii oil• l' r11u11 1·y \h:tl h<.111 hee11 rl'turn•'d . Sl>('l .\I. ~t-:<'l lt l 'J'\' th1·11 ..... nt ••JI H·l1·~1 :1111 .., 111Fo1·111Jn:.: th1· rt·1·1 p1 .. 111 .. lh :1t 1h1· r ,11 ... 1•.., \1c·r1· ;i 1111 -. t.1k1· ;111rl 1·1·qu1· ... 11 ·d that 1h1· :ittH1unt:-. r ;111 g1 11g frntn a f1·\\ lloll ;1r ~ Ill SI:!~ h1• r1•l ur1it·d \\any :-.(•nt b:..11·h. 11111 uril.\ lh1·1r SSJ t:ht·c·ks hut ;1 1..,u tht·1r Sot·i.d ..;,.1·urit:-<'h•·• lo,.., .ind t'IL'" ca~h !1'011ll tli<' l!l!'.li,!l'f :-.;t \l ll).i~ ;1L' ('ol\11\1'> 1111·1 ,111· :d\,.\\1·d t11 h;il l' 1:r1clt'I' th •· ,...,SI pr'uj.!l'<Hn. ht'l'<lll!->t' lhv\ 11~·1·· • .rr.11d 1)f g1·n111g 111 111 11 dd" II 11 11 \ht' J..:H\ 1·r11nH·l\t." 111· ln-,11i;• !ht·1r t11 ·rH 'f1t s 'J'hi:-. i.~ 111:-.t 11ne hor1·or ~to r::-un 1·11\1'rl'd b,\· rny a ssuc.-1;1\1•, l.~Ui;1 Ha11·liff \1 tnc·h 1l:.1s t:nn11· out of tht· )<·;1r old federal Su p p lt•n1en· t.d SL'L'lll'•IY ln t·un1e progr:in1 o r1 g 1n:tlly ht·raldt·d a:-. bcln ~ ";p; 1n1p1H·ta11t tu nld...-1· .o\n1eri<.:ans "" tli.· p;1..,~:1g 1· 11f ~1 .. du·are ··So 1n ;ul1•q11a!1• ha'> the s.o..;1 prngran1 ht•1•n th.it t·r1ltl'S h:t\'L' tluhUt•d ll th\· ··supplt·n1t•nt:d l n~t·eu1·1ty 0 ' p1'<•gr;.11n T it t-~ K •: \\' •: K •~ 3 rn11\1on in I h t• prngrarn. al lalL'!>t l'OUtll . l't"l't•i' 111g a n1 ;1x1rr1u111 of S1·11i a rnonlh 111 r1•dt·r;tl IH·nt·f1 t :-. pt•r p .. ·rs<1n f1ir $'..!I~pt'f <'nup lC') plu~Sl:Jtc :-.up plt•rnvn\:-. 111 n1:1nv s1:1 t1•.., 'l'otal SS! h1•r11·f11 ~ nu1\ 'tie111g p:titl are ,1hou\ S~1t•O n1illn1n ;i n1on1th '!'lh·IJ (11 1"1' ll , \1'1\(•fl tht' !Hilt' I .!Ill•' !on 1 ll" 1\1·\t tll<Hl\h'.., ({)\' \11 11!'1 ... I !1t•Jl1·l 1l t'ht•~·k ... !11 ht• ll\11 t h' ... h o 111 • ... t '' pl '1 •JllL' II ho h:td r1·1ur111·d tlH•1r 1·h1·1·ks i l1•:1v1ni.: th1·r11 ..,1•l11·.., 111·\u <ill1 p1•n 11i!i"'-"' f.,,. ;1 f1ill '.ltl 1L1.1 ..,' \l<'i'l' inf11rn11•d 1h1·t•' 1111uld h1· no SSI rht't'k'> :1\ .tll d11r111 g !Ii.it rno111h ·r111· 11un1hi>r l'11rol\1-d I" only ;dlo111 ll ;ilf 1h1· tot;1\ t·..,tin1at ~·d tu hP l'lig1hl1• ';' n1lll1011 a1 ·eurd111i..; t o 1ht' So\'1~11 SL·curil.' /\ti . 111in1:-.l rati••TL . ;ind x to 9 n11ll1n11 ;1t·1·11rd1ni..: tn thL' l turl'.lll of S.11·1;d Sr1t·11e·1· Hf>..,1•:1r(·h 1n \\'<ishingtun . \l ;illc•rs li1·1·;1tllt ' :-.11 1l1 ·:-p1·r:1t f.' that lu1::tl :Jnl1p11\t•rt) group~ <.ind s t:.it1· ;.igi ng ;igcnt1cs "'t'rl! for1:ed to :-.ct up t•n1t•rge n ey ser vices to prt1vidC' th e t'ldcrly \\'ith C"nough nionl'v to huv foOd until lhc snafu t·nulcl. IH' s t i·a ig htC'nerl o ut 1'he ... 1.111"~ l ,l'gal 1\11 1 got ;111 inJllllt'· 11 .. 11 :1ga1 n ~t Sot·1;il St'<'Uri t y , !nl'li1dd1ng SS fron1 :1t·t·t•ptiug ,111 1 n l t>f'l· nion1·.1· hl'lng l'l'turn1•d ,\:-. n1an:-:1s 5 n1i ll1on of our 1 ·lclL·rl~, blind and d1s:ih\('d rt·- 111:1111 111 C'\ t'r .. morc ch•:-.p('r<itf' f1n;1n tial eireun1~lanet'!'i "h1le the program 1t~1·lf ~·ont1 nut•s t u be r icldled \1tith 11nt~xpl.11ncd dt·l :Jy~ <tnll benefit tutoffs .111d L•·i.:~d ,\i d !\ no\1 prl·p;1r 1nJC; ;1 ('1 :1:-." ;1tt 1rin :-11i t 1!1 rl't'O\'t'r .<\pplicant:-. fr(•fpl('ntty arc una· hit• to tr;11 el tn t he distriL·t office or t ht·\ art· rli-.eour;;q.~('d by ;'1\- d :iy 11.;n \s in tht' SS 11ffit•t•. i\n 1·..,t1n1 a 1l'd '.Hil .000 SS! :.1ppli(':1- 11on.., art' IHI\\ µcncling. a nd thl' 11;i1ttnh pt·1·H1d bcfnrL' c.n :1p· (),1·r 'l'lte Cou11l1·r NA SD Listi"9s 1,.....,.. Q"Otdloon\ 8•0-"' I'· J 1E••lu In .'· •upphf'<l I>~ t~ rl~ Buc•OI' l>., <'o\(>1f8(P " 11onal A•"'<>fthOn C! Buc•e• ]' • Faor Lnt :• S..'<uflhf'' °"'"'"''· 8Uff>P ':.I l ]•·, f•f>Ofl ll I, • "'t l>•<I• •nd o!I••' 5.,,,~, M ,q,, 20 Fam1 A• ! QUOtt<1 I>• O•t• '""' C.IW'I ~· 7l'• 1• • 1 farm (.1 •. l CU'11tr <ltalf'f\ Ill Carn l•Of> f•no;r•nt 1·. f'at h oll'\tf ~-ol IHi 11~ F-i flO\IR \I <kl"" !Ea'1""' c .. m t.a9 • I! ''' c .. p1t1 2t :::: 100 ',,";, 1!"1°.:;;e ~:;: .. ,,Ml 1"'· 1: ·1~~: f.'}~~ ,~.._ •ti"'' ""''~"II."'"'" Ct>MIQ Al I o h 1 Unlnc 2q <I<>,.,, O< <<>mmh-Coon VtP~ ~ ~ • FOOd '* 11 ''°"· "'"" I.I<> nol C,,,nttn l• I ' Fo•o:•t (ll 11•. \I '''"'"""! "'<lual C''> (f>tl • ~ F•an• El ~ ~· llan\.lll•Ot" Ct""" ;; :,., ., '',',•,.~'M'O' ,',·'· • INOUST AIALS (IWtll (o ,. •NO UTILITIES? O>tn1 Cp ~·-'• Frr,1 f<IE • '" ·' M VONOAY g:;.~·s.:; ~~' !~'"'i ~~~· l:'J • • ; .,, 1' ' .. ~ ~ h"' I' \J •-•• . " ... Ja11u••> ~. >011 (f\yt>!> (p 11 r•.(,.,,~ .. It l\1<1 ••• (.n FrCl'l• I' ~ c;..1co (p ... ~·""' AO•n<e II A<I M1(•0 Mvn• Cp A"'• /\lo ""' Oal Alo<o Inc /\llqn Ph< "•"'<! flt>( ~·"~ 1.1 Am llp'>I •m r,1,. Am F1 nrl Am • 1 .. !h Am f ""' •m "''" Amin! (" .. M<'O>Y Am T~lt• Am W1 IO Anl'ltu" AJ>r•Co AP5 1"<1> •rdn M'1 Afro .... Au ••~la• 1<5,.. Co• .. •11 G• l l All ~leel •twa Oc• 6""0 A10 8.llfCl "' 8•••• B• l'Wo"-tt F• &.1-n L 8.a.lly M!I B••m All 8.tr<WI Fl 6a•Se11 ~ 6"'~141~• -•n Co S.n11y ~' &tu L•n 61bD (.o 81tO Son> Bl •HI f>• ~l~~,,o~ 6""" C11 [loc Evns Bon•m• floo!~ Np 6•en~o I flr<n•1 In !l•.,.d• F 11 I)'> C11l ~{,.-•. , (.n Au1m l 1'• (111"' Ut 17 1:; Gt> •v\of> '" 7"" C•U UIA 77>. 7J ~" Bon<! 11 ,. c1.-.. "'' 101 l " G<i en""~ 1<"• ll'• C!'""'"' /\. a•,G E""'9• 11 .. 'I' 11 -. 11'• (I•~ Ttl¥ l' l C,.,n R<otl ~~ ~:: ~";; ::~~ :. , ~ ,'c;.,1 S"·'~ •lll-. .1;,. 11\. \~\, CoDu•n O II 11 l&o•~r1 .. e q cox.oC , d 8'o " , 1 c.o1<1 '>fn IJ l ' • l 1' Cntwo P.o • ', G•""' INt 1 11 11•1 Comm c 1 •'•I• C,.~pn <,, ~ " ,. •• ~'• ~'•1 Cml ~1«11 lo ,/ IC,, .. y Too •1• :r.: :r:1~~:i~ ;1; J:l-~~i i~ r l\ 7<,1 . Co•<I•\ (p 7Q•• )-0< "'-..th Fl !;' • I> II" \hl. CoU\ln\ l'• l Hltnred F ,qo. ,O •• ' IC10\~ Co I i ..... c•I C I I 1··· 11• Cu•I "'"'' ~·· ~·:HlOlllt Co 1a• .. I' " n·, r>.ot11 1n11 n > ·~ Hlrw~ EL l• . <. • •1 0..•1 O•Q ~ ~··-' • •, •'• Oiol" 100 • s•.\Ho-1 Cp .s >0 • 10' °"'"'" ""' .~ ~1 Hunt • "'IQ I• 11·. n o.c., o~ } •1_ ><r•H c 7 , . • .. • ~'. 10 O.•lb ,.,, .... , 1H~·tf' ( ~ I l Dolin• Intl , tM!I j,\\tlt •' • • I ~'· (.o:1.,,~ ( 1• • •.•II..,.. Wal ,/•1 ,6 I<. l'• Ooam C•\ I • I. h""'5 N\lt;I • • I/' 18 O•d"' 110 ' llt>lor•• I•• l '""'ll>'•fl•q"o" ,, ,, tnslr U tt l '1 l •· • 0q., cmo '· "<Ire""•'" • l I f>o<vl~• ',.lnlol (ti> 13 l• Hl 10 (.col" r ... ,, Inlet"(. En i"" • 10·· 11 Lo<>n•tn' •! ln•mt Gi ~;': ~:·.~:,.cn,o',;~ .~ ol " ,I.lo••• l,I> ~ 1•>. )(! o ... ""'" • 6 o ......... 0 21•-11 •. rdnh ""' 76 71 .,., (,"!mt 6' I ·(rvn L~~ ~·. " ll(JS "'"' I 9 (I P~"' \~' 11•., E• t<v••I 9•. ~~. Em''"" .. i<~. En~"lY ' 1J><; l•~·1E<1u•t, Qt •1' 1 E<Lu 511.1 l '" J>, ,Euwn ~ " '· 1,,,, A1 .. m in IHW A ont~•lll 1n\•1I Co I• So Utol '""' &Co 1 .. me>I> J••n [ m ,,.,,,,,, f_ ~ 1:,0.'.':;', :-; ll<d•••' c •"""'"'" ( •'e~rn T' No•n\!• ,..,,,~ ~q .,.,\ N t0 .. ., .. 11 (p r.-1'"" O• ,......, •A~ [ ' pile ,1l10 11 t'> d•·<·1 iJ t>d 11p1 111 1 .in ..,Jrt·l1 ·h 1<1 JU 111\llllll'> l .. ICll l liC 1·l1·:irl} t•1Lj!1ltlt: 111<1) t~ .. rnrt:t•d lu "ail rnonth:-. bt·furt· thc1 :H·\u;,1lly rt•ct·11·1· h1·nvr11.., '\'t-'.T . :\~ \1>1·:1.1·: l\lo11g .1 la1\\L'I' tu1 !ht· t't•11\••r •HI ~1t;t . .I Wclfart' P oll1'\ <111d I.:n\' in t't•1v • f I ' I ')(•t'k , ... :\)S "t'\t'll :1 l'I\ I".°'~! I'· l.1\' r;111 1!1· :1 p 1·f '>on:1I d1:-..1~1 .. r 1f ~(;11 'r1 • t r1 tr!).! lo 111" 1111 lL·"~ 1h:ul SI f,OiJ ;1 yL•ar In fa et. the g,q• h••l1\1 ·1·11 !lu· S:-0:1 inenn1e fluur ;1r 1d 1h .. poit·r() 11111· is even g rt·at,·r th.111 ii ";1.., "ht·n thr la~' ".1:-. i·n.11 t•·d 111 1 ~.·t11t .. ·r \!:li2 L'1111tr1but111 g \•1 hi" ..,,,1ru!:1!11t1'> SS! :-.1tuat1011 art· 111n 111.iJ"r r.11 tors 1\lthough SS h.nt d f pll 11 n1on ths t o l;1unt·h \ht' prnJ.!• .iru 11t didn 't llt·t·11111 1• 1·f(1·l·t 111• 1111111 J;in_ I. 197·1), 1111· p1ng r:1n1 l1"i..;;111 lll'fore n1:1nv l,.,t•) rllll'~ ;u1d 11· ).!til;1lltJl l" \\!'f l ' t'I <'11 1-. .. 1u·d 'l"hu!:l . the SS ~t.1ff 1!:1-. l11·v11 ill· t•qu1ppe<l to 111akc h•·~ d1 •(·1:-.1,.11-. ~1•11 rv1·11l:i11 .. 11 -. ,!di .1r1· t .. · 1ng LS~!lt'd .il1n .. -.1 I 'll I I \\(·~·!-. lt>al'ill~ bnth p11t~·1111.1I h1 ·n e fi ci:1rit·~ ;i n d .1!11111111 ..,tr ;d111i.: off1eial:-. lt:1fflt·d SS 11ff11 ·1•-. h ,1 11• ht•t•n St·riu11'>l~· u11d1•r,lafft••t a111l t!lllp l O~f·:-. :-.11\•pn:-t•d ti> lh· 1111 plt'lllt'11t 1n g tht• SS! pr11;..:r:1rll h:i1't' hl't'll puorl,v tr:1u1L'•I SS ZL" CjUl' .... 1:-; fur rnnr1· :-.t;1ff h.i\1' '1t·1'1l r1·jet·!t•d .1 l !ht· \\11111· l h•U .. l' 1..:,·t·I I'.'\ SL.'\1.'\1 :\Rl': tll" ~~\ pn1 g r;un t v d•1t1· ha., lit•t•n :1111n11i-:, the biggest hrnkt·n prorn1'>1· ... ,., 1•r n1;Hh· h " a ('un).'.rt·":-. ;ind :111 .11! n1111i~tr;.1!io n . !11:-.t1•.ut uf .1 i,:1:.11t :-.\t'P !1111 :1rd rt•f1>rt11 11f 1111r 1111 \lf11'k :tblt• l\'t•lf.l!"l' :-~..,!t'IJ I . ti 1:-. .l'i of no\\ a d1 :-g r :11·t• ... " " ' • ,, ,, -ll' ,., ' I-''" ~. • Y«•<I"' " Y•U(i + • o .; . .,,., ~ ,, ' (JT<: II) fft oil ·~r1i1·1• !Ma "''""' C"'I ,. '• ·' ,, . i ' ••. I/~ !Al ' ' ' '"" , .. , ,_,,/if'r'1! ,, ., 0 '' I L• •• ' ~ ; ti "' '-.... L '1 <I ~ ' I• l' U ' , 7~ n '" " "' " "" c., '"' " '"' '" '., "" ... '. ,,., '" ' " "' (\" • •It ... "' ,, " " . '·' ~. ~ .. , " ' ' 1 .. ! .. .. '' ' "' ' '' I MUTUAL FlJNDS I ~i ... Yor• ro1.1 10,.•nQ ;, • 1;,, o l !>>Cl ... ,, ••kt<l "" t•• on Mulu•f r.,m, ., ou<>lt<I Dy 11'\t t<ll ~D IM. 1 ' • • 0 " • " 0 " , " • '° " ' ' , " " I DoVourPart What's Your 'Energy IQ?' 8\' S\'l~VIA l'(lRT~R tr you are n hon1eov.n~r Weather st1pped the door:-; 1 hu\c )OU insula ted your home., Do you now ~ervc your f~mlly n1or1 one dish dinners lhan ~ou served in 7'1 be fo rt the cnc1 gv t r1 ~1s exploded? Do yoo think .1bo ut en( rgy u ~c \Vl11.·n l>u)' 1ng appliances? WllA.T ARI-VOlJ, the 1ndi\ulu 11 cons um1 r doing to help curb ll !iC <>f t nt r i:ty ind thcr..:hy tu: Ip foresta ll a new round of ~I S a nd fth I :-.111111 1g l ... e:h (ti It I ty hl <1c:kou1 :-. oth1r 111 ~1 ~' synlptonls \\C fe:l t l ;_i ~I y( 11 I <.1nd qu1l c po:;:s1l>l y, 111;..ind.1t 111y tuntrol::o ' :.A.Money's l~.,Worth l'roh ;..ibl y nothi ng of 1 111 port 1ntc -.1cco1d111g to 1 11.; 11 rit st ud v b y i{o v1 11;_i Kilk1 11 \ I 22 Yl.:dl old i.:r;.HJU;_il(' ~1Udl lll .11 lltrbcrl II CtJl!t gc of the ( t I) l hll \ l 1 s 1 t.> of i\; l w l 111 k 1.-c hma n A. few ml)nlhs .lhCl I It :.t it\ of llncf\ 1 ~r ttlU:llC studenL<; hc nlcd byl\l1 s J,1fkt.:n y qut rltd 1tr1,.,~sett1on o ffarn11Jt,., Ill ll' ... ldt n11 il lrt Is ( f Nl \\/ l I i k ll,.,lfl,! I !;i i I 500 N 1llu ll ii St H n CL" I u und t11un gr.int <.1nrl t11n1pu1• r" to l.1bul<1lc th..: I t.: ~ul t s f l1c q1h ..,llllll~ \\tit 111 :;l..,lltil In dt~C lusC h o w lllli<.:h I ht~Y h 1d It .11 Ell d d_)(llJl l llt I J.:Y ll~l. how I hcu It Vt s h ad bee fl 1fftl lC'd ho\\ 111• 11 \\trt l t1 p1n ,..., 1A 1t h ~hort:ii:;c.s and :-.o:.1r1ng UIJ!ll\ hill ~ /\Olullj tl11 tt s uJI ,_, \V1111 c 11most 111n1 out 01 t cn "' r1 we H 1v..11 e tl1 1t th('1r ut1!1t y hi lls had zooint.:d onlv 11Jou1 r111c.: uut of ll n rtpnrttd !he\ h.id bCC'n pc rson.11l y ,1ff11 ltd I>\ lilt: ene rgy 1.:r1s1s In s hort f(" tr I h tn half were doing an) lh111.; on their own to <Om bat thtc c r 1:s 1s ••J\ ltl-:i\I J Y lllSMl\I ... s c Orl s un1mJr1zed Mrs t\:1l ke 1r', p<1rl1t ul;.1r ly 1n '1c ~.,, of the fact that m ost A1ncr1c ins l ive in o.1 rC';JS wher C' ~percent of energy waste 1s concc n Ir J led Yes n1c1ny of us are taking lhc> easv steps to cut e nergy <onsumpt1on using ou1 nr <ond1\1one rs less, d11v1ng v..1th1n the 55 mile per hour ~pc1.:ct h n1 1l pl 1nn1ng our c ir use more c.1rt'fully etc llc ri.: .is ,111 1llu~t r;.1t1on , ar c the crue!il ion by quest ion results -7'1 J>c rcc nt a r c using a ir co11d1t 1uners l ess -7'1 percent dr1\c .it 55 mph rt pl'rcl'nt ;_ire pl 1nn1ng t 11 u ~e: 8 pc rtc.:ol ct re tu1 rung out th~ II hts pc1<:cnt tit lurn1ngnffth1 1r l\s -l ~u l only O:J pi.:1ti;nt tJunk .11Jout tntrgy \I.hen they buy apph:.incc:-; -A n1c re 30 pe r cent have ;idded 1nsulat1on -An 1ns1g n1f1t ant 23 percent scr\c one dis h dinner!: TllE Nl-... 1\Rl.Y 1ncrcd1bl c f 1ct 1s that only 30 fam 1h es out o r 600 -only one 111 20 -could ;:inswl r Yes I am doing th1:s to a ll n ine or the quC'stions two out of five could ans we r yes to only four or fewer of the questions This 1s the first study underta ke n to da te of this ty pe and t magnitude t o rny knowledge 1 hus 1t unde rlines how poor -how dreadfully 1nadc<1uat e -h a\C been the res ults of Lh1s p 1s t ve;..ir s edu< 1!1on:.1I C<Jn1p.ugns sponsored both by t!:O\ crnn1t nl and pr1\ ;..i tc org<Jn1za t1on~ lo con\'1ncc the pubhc to c ut the use o f cne rg ~ The 1mpltcat1 ons for 1975 -1f we d on t sh ape up con· ~1der.1bl y bell e r I han ttus -arc p<11nful E 'en n1 ori.: s h i rn cful JS \\h 1.t \Ol! sec \\hen you look b£ h1ntl the ;..ivcr<J ,gcs tumc<l out by the compute rs a nd ask "ho 1s making the s acnrscc .ind who 1sn l TllOSF. "llf) llAVI tlonC' thl! le.1st to shift lhl•1 r li fe s tyles -ire famd1 r s 111 lhc h1g he redutat1on h1g ht:r income br itkcts pr<:ctst Jy those v.ho ;..ire bt s t informed on the d1n1cns1ons ind 1n1phc;..il1 uns or the e ner gy cha ll e nge .. fho'>c \\ho h.111e changed the ir life sl }'lcs -in many 1n s l 1n 1..:1., d 1 1st1l illy -<ire po.;1rcr f 1m11Les trv 1ng to :-.c rape IJ} 111 i"\t \v lurk ( 1ty on 1n com('s o r less th 111 SG 000 .inrl 111 n 1t1on r j\ ;_iged r.1m 1l1 e:s \\llh 1.:h1 ltlren t rying to gct hy o n 1 c.:s-. I h I 11 S 15 000 <J VC 11 I or 111 -.t<.1nt1 111 1n ~\11er to lhi.: q u(".;t1nn on pl 1nn 111 ~ use of 1 c;..ir n1ore carcfultv a rull 1'1~ Jltrccnl 1n the under S6 000 tJr,1 (kct said \l :'i but onlv f,~. pc_rccnt 1n lhc O\Cr$1SOOO (I is.., 10 pc rc en l with a hi.c h S< honl educ: 1t 1on s ::i1d yes but on l} I!) pt rt ..:n l o f the t.:ol lcg1.: t:; r .td LI ;..itc s •II~ VOU'VF. GOT it n n1nt it • sTlll seems to be the It s a repreh<'ns1 an1ong our most :-;Joi;;.in nf thC' !\m rr1c 111 C'nC'rgv consumC'r hit pc r 1Jou !> .1tt1tudc 1n \\ h;.il n1 1y ht.! ti 11 1g1 ruusyc;..i r s MARKET HIGHLIGHTS INDEXES j\;'\ ~P. Ind. x 1\S I I ndc;.; lltt\\ font•-.. Ind s ,'<:_ I) 500 Sloe k s f,;,,;,,,.rs nttd l ... osf"r,,. N w VGr • tU ~ I 1,.... t<l °"' "'> I" ~n"*' " 1or•S 11\,t l'>"w" Q.1 ~ mo\I ""(! t tlw! "'"" 0.0""0 on I>"' ""' o! ~I'> na<' on '"" N~.,. YOl'k Sl<><.k f f\~n(J N<'I "d IW'f(ll!nl.,,. <n It"~~ ~·~ ..... d !I •encr ~twrr" '"" I"" .. ous elm. nQ p.,,., •nd ll>e <urrtnl uos l>Q P• ct GA!,.E ltS 1(:1 Ml~ 1•"'•VP 600 7C.li\Mt l t/d 1 !• _..,Up •l• J tlpMqe!"" 1""+ -l'oup•oa • Au rt-'' 1n" 7;v, • ~ UP J I J ~ •<>l,..~U M!9 7'-•• \, ~I' JI\ ti 4! tQ 1 J_ld • , + I .. Up 3f> 0 I FslMIQll! In " 1\0 1 Jt6 \JP JJ) 8 Wl-MQ I ll)(J ·~• ,.,._ Up JOO 9 S<JlfO M !Qe ~..-, <~ VP 11 t 10 U"•n<'ll Ml1 1'•' ..,, Up 111 11 llr!en~ Cur 1 , + ..,. Up 11 1 11TtS..:.llld •t.••UP ltq 1) B~n s1 lJ()d 6 I• Up 1~J 1• c r1r1, Cr ,11 J , • Up 16 l 1~ F,P,..! I •Id )\\i • "'• Up 7• I 17 r.2 I 3 h:i h 17 20 71 07 I IJ) up ll 11 lJ J) ~ 27 o xi ~ Gfi 0 Jb !\'PW 'York I.> /fl o•t A <·t I,.,. '' Mosr ACTIVE STOCKS N E W vu~< (UPI) r...., IS •<1 ve ~t<><t\• 1,.tdo>d on '""' New !>roo;-E •t n•n9'l' """"""•' f'•m.td.1 '""' w~1nvn~ £•c ()((<!nU P el ln1 ro A. l l lf•ato Sou•l><'rn <:o C.nl ,,..,,lor ~ Genl Tel f:!C Arn Tl & Tl wl~ II• f1aPw fl• I sn Pel .,,..,.. P•><I PQl.oro a De.'~•~ & Co w .. ~te Mo .,t S.l•s c ..... ·~~ .. ~ 111 'I(!() 116 lOO lb; 'IOO 1~; 100 l JI 100 ,~ ... Ill l!UI) tlq 000 Ill 100 109 1()0 "'""' 101 700 H~ , ' "' . ll "'• ,,,, ,,. '" ,,. .. ,. .,, .. l ~·· ... ... " • • lt. C•v <:nm Cp \0, .i. 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MDnd"Y • I l~··~ !nU I l ltu• Cflem I l tlov~lon 0 I 11 M(:Cull 0 1 1 1 lml>f'• "' (flm I I !,y11le• I~ l•nOtn O I 6 I WeSltoJn\ tn bl ('! 0,115 f'' b ~ Imo! 011 I\ ,.. ... ..... n 100 '""' "J.i":i "~ JJ 10'.l I~ 100 """ 1J 100 c.~ "' ... ,. ' 1 !S..16 ,.. "' ,, ,. ,,~ • c"?, :~!-------------~ t l ~··•rkPI 'l'rPtld " " "' TltEHO -.clay l"riolar Ad'l"n<•• 12,J I \JI -----------------0.<I nt"' .......... Jlf l8J --11>4 7q] u "'l'>"llQl!d lo!~I NMc y nrl.: Sul .. s """'"'" eyu'' l AMEX MAIUt:Ef \ Ad,.l!nre~ 0.<11 ..... u St;OOOOI I) 16• 100 Ii ~?1 000 U...;,..,,qeod Tole• lf'tetlm 1nary lll ' 1811 TltENO -·• l"riibr »1 516 ,.. 111 16'1 710 '" -1• Ml 310 l-----~--7-7-----:: ~ m s,, .. ,,,,,," ,, alt tSO ,, Ml l!IO .... 116 O'IO Am .. ric:on Sol('• \/tJfllttfP AMEX SALES ' Monday's C losing Prices I NEW • YORK STOCK '· 1975 DAILY PILOT' EXCHANGE " • P.oo: &(; l flO 711 J.4' ,, • P'>"O<)Nr\ )Cl • ) ... ~ ' . ~"II" v.1 ~ " 'ii Jt., Ml<J~ • ~ .. ~ .. ~ •d • Pro•• I,, 1) I PS A Inc ~ Pl,,'JiCOl 110 I P'SE .. G 1 'l • P"iEVpl' 1 •O PSEGl>I • OI P!.£C.pl • 11 P"i[Gpt)O~ PSFGC>f I fO PSEC.P' I 11 PSEC.111 t •2 l'\oS ln<ll~ I P~lnd pl 1-. P$Nt<~lt>4 • P"iN""'I '°• Pul>I ,~.,,) J ~!>IOI :JO• • P.,~ HI( 10 . " " . ]]\ ll .. 0 Syt>r n I I • ,., I" . 0. ''' ""' ] ' I ~.11ronWt>J I P~o;l~P 1 l1lil • • l • llD l• ,7 1•lo0 j.& I I 10 •1 /f()(I t ! 1100 6\ 1110 Mo )<; 11 ~ l\0 .)II J6<t 'J 10 l l 11 "J•· .. " , , ' '' 7\1 > 161 • ! ,, . l)t ' , " '· , " " Pum•'11 IO 1 J'~•~•Cp II • I'\> t•" ~ ,,, l"l.o•Ol•lf 'It. • ,, 1e o~-1 1)1 1 C>.H~01t IO 0....•0••pl J 0....1 ~0! "" !O °"'"" °"' O,.t,ID pt J > •O I~ It ' ' , " _, r .. uu " w f• •OU N<11 1 • , " ov • t .. •1 J>I I !•mp•L ~ .. r,.11<11 LO•P • I J l)(Wf\( •O '~'"" ""' J r '"fin '" I r O! un• 10 I I• ~ I> I r~uhn J lclr(J,n I"~ r ~ <lif I • In I' 1" ' " l " ~ 1 "' 4,,\ : ~.:: ti ) '<I 1~•-<<> /,. I lr•ll• fl Ill II I • l I I I I"' ,r ft ~ 1 N I I JV ft 1 I J • ' '• ' ' • -' . r II •' "' ,, 1 ..... • 11 • o '• )Ill•-• I 2Q o o M 10 j ... " • " • '" .. .. .. . . , ... • . • • v .. \U~' I< " ·~ • '• .. , I> ld , ' , ., )II> 1 1,.. ' .. ,,, M " . /IV I , .. I ' !6)• '" "' ,,. • " • ' . • • l\ ,. , " ~ , .. , M ' " )/ ... ._ "• I• U ' I• t> .1 .... ' ' " • " . , ' , . •• • ' 0 '" ' " ' 0 • , "' ,., " " .. , .. ' " ' ' " ' • .. ' ~ / t ~. ~ ' " .,. ,_ " u "' " ,. ~ ~ ' " " • '' • • • 11 t . lr<o ,, " ' .. " • "I t .Vo ' '. ~ • " " , '" '" , 11 , ti• 1" ~ • "' "• " ' 11 • 1 ... ' . " II II " , • • ' • " 0 • .. ' ' ' '. . .. • I•••"" l l ... , ' .. " ,, '" ' , .. " ' 1 • ~ v. ' • '• •• ,, • .. ' "' " . ' . ' " '• ,, . •• .. ~ " '' • A,, DAIL y PILOT P UBLIC 1<0TICE FICTITIOUS aUllHl!SS NAM E STATEMl!lolT ni.. tou-•no "''o" 1, -no ........ ,,., ). ASHTON GEAR ANO 160L W.. W 11t"SI,. Co•i. Mt'•· C•lll<i•nl• 97•11 ,,., ... ~ "' ~t-0.1••. ••1•1 '°"""'"''' Or"-... HW1U•1111..,, 6•4<n, 1.•hl<><n•• -Thi\ bu\lr>e'l\ I~ ((1!.,<h•t l..:I o, en ............ F1 •n• H ...... ~•••• Tl'll\ M•l•Al•nl we\ 1,1,.<1 ..-1111 !l>I' C-.nty Cltri.. o r Orengo. Co.."tl {>(I Tuesd•y. January 7. 1975 Pl,!8 1.IC ~OTICE .,,.,. su ... 1:•10• cou•TO,.THE STATE 0,. CALI FOllllllA l"Olt THE COUNTY 0,-Oa.t.NGI" MO.A011 .. J (ITATIOlli (AOOPTl()f.IJ P UBLIC NOTICE I MOTIC• Of' SAL• Of' •UL •llO~t:•T Y AT f'• IVATI: I.ALE .... ",.,. 1n ,,.. s,...io.-co .. r1 of ,.,.. ~..t• • CAf-nl•, lw 1r. Co""'' Qf 0<-. !" Ir. 111'9 11er ot II•• .£-!•le Of M'r'PTll:E HE IMER.O..ce• ..... -Ke ll M •el:tr tl"•fl '"'"' llw c;.rn ... .,,_ Jl .. pllefl Ne. A .. IJMJ ..-.,1grw0 will \.ell •t P r l•t llr wit. Ml I., 1 ... 111'911et Of (:HJID JllllEN "'"'..iQlh9tt -..I be•f blOckr. -1«1 _, sc .. c t<A(H ....... "'°"'Cl r>. .... IM <I t•~ conll•tnallOn °' U !d S.,,pooflOf Cou'1, .... lf9"' ! .... CvilO<lt end 10<Hfoi ol "'' flt •krlf'le IOI!'> "-Y of,..,,...,,._ •TIS. el P.••nl Ir. office Of CHARLES W 5E.al'l5 lHi-PEOPlE OF THE STAft: Of 4itEAlT'I". !lUI Pe -0. Vel-... ..IMl"•'YJ. 1t1S. CAl!FORNIA ~k 211, l eg...,. Hiii>. """'""'' of ~ 10 '>IEPHENMCO-ONALO Or.,., Sl•le 01 C•lllornl•. •II 1r. Pt.tll1"'9CI 0••"91 c .... 1 0 •• 1. Polo<. Br ""'°"' of ..... ,....,,'"" .... --•'9"1. hll.e-inl••••I of w lddKHWO ~.I, 14,21,21.1q/\ 11\ '"~ 1<1 •PP'•• IH IOf'• , ..... j....,.,,. •• , ... 11 .... ol "-'"•no ... OWi rlQh\, •------pnr~l<llt>Ct Jn 0tp.1rtmen1 11Of11'>••<....,.I 1111• ....., lnl.,HI 111•11"' t•1-'• of wl<I ----------!" A.pt1J l , lt/S, e t 9 00 •·"' . 11--Ot<NwG IWI\ e<qulrec:I tit ~r->Qn ol l'l .l!Ll C !'-.;OT I('•: '"••• 10 •how <•u ~. 1f ;anr '""tit~•. lew or oU...rwl,,.. ot""'r t .... n or In ""• '"'" P1llt1on or DONJll o _,,_, "'11'>•1 01 ••"' .,..,.,......,, .. , ,,.. -------RICHAAD •t0LLA.N0 •n<I KATHRYN II"" of ... v.. in •r><I 10 •II,..., (,ri.ln 8 ~).(I/ JUN£ ~tOl.L"N O IOI 1no MIOPI_, o1 rNI pr-tl r ~llv.ole<I In l,.e 5i.-cr <>I NOTICI! 01' l"llENDIED (HAO Al ~E N ~C >1£NJl(I! rouo C.lllOfnl•, CoUfllf ot 0r•n91", .....:! " TltA.NSl'f: R UN OE II ~E CT IONS 1407) '"'""' '°"'· iMul(I ,.01 ~ \I' •nt.J. mw:r1tlo!C1 ;a\ toll°""'_ ANP Itel"· c .a L IFORNIA aUSINESS OAl EO J ...... ,, 1 1•11 ... n: .. I : o-u•ng Unll 3-G In ANO P'lll 0 F ESSl0NSCOOE ¥11LllAM E ~I JOHN &..11<11119 No. 1~t. •• >••"""''Ii.,.,_ N•m. "' '"'"••~.""'>«•ill <,ecu"h (l,•k ' ""'° defined on ,1\41 <«l••n nun11>e•, fnO •ll<l•'s' DI io(t',.."'1 J O Je..,ni<>Q• Condominium Pl•n e tl4<he<I to ......, Pl"'"''..,'• 1ncll4(!1nu l•p C<>th•. 0..(11.<tr Cl••• ,....,. • p.o•t ol lhAI ''"'•'" ~cl«otllon R08ERT 0 BAii.EV. )11-1111'11. of co .... n .... 1.. Cond•llM• ....., ~I W•>I l~ll> ~11 e rt, C<1>t• ""'"'''"· •r.oN G \TAPlETDN IA••lrl(li-recotOf:<I JluQu>tl•.1 .. tln l•lo•n••'l761/ •IH 1 l•w1fto Bowlt•tr• S-.. tO~I, ~II'! 11• or Olloc••• R'"""'"'· CECtLVJ BA I L(Y ,~1 11•'1 1~1,,...1 "''-lll9 onl ... oflk eofl""Cownly R.,c<><<11.,ol W r•I 1•11> '>••eet . C<1•!• M"'"· wuin.C;alil•r~••'I... 0.-•"'ll'! Counlv. C•lilo•n••. oln<I ..on C..lolO•n•• '1611 41141431·-l und1wk!ofcl l l lt.a!Pt •nit•••! •n -10 •II N•"'"'· :.<i<.••1 ~rcu'''' •H•ml.o!'r •"~ ..,,.,..._ytorP•l•tlon•r• "'"lpor-Uonofr.01101 T•e<TNo •9'il.•> .eOll•''i' "' ""~noeu '"'"•fr'<..... Put>I""'" 0,.,,.~ '""" 0,.,,1 Pll<Jt, "'°*"on .a ...,..P reco•O•(l •n ooo~ 1)9. ""-luc:lno;ilit>l <>(le J•n / l j,ll .?l,1'11~ ~11' ~V"••l "n(l .. ol M lotell.on"""'',,,..,"'· JOSEPH M 0UIN0 t<f '>, t:JO..l().....oll •e<o•CI• of OtdnQ<' County. C•hl<H•H•, tlS r , •nldO•t SI• e~I . ~•unln1yl<>f1 1-----------------l•huwn ••><I do;l1ned •• ""Comn"IOn .att•" rv ILIC N011Ct: $& .. ,_,,, ttOTl(l TO<•I OITC*S "'"1•1o•tou•To'T"1 SlATl 0' (ALl,OllllllA fOlt !Ml (OUMT'r o.-o•A~ Me A·IMU (•ltl• ... 11 ... r ... rL (INT ARO \l[C.A ... ll"f Atl V((.Jl,0.1••,..<I NOT1(t I\ f<f~flll (,IVfN 10 ,,.. Ur<h\001 OI IN""""'"'°"'"' 0..:-AI m.1 ... ""''-...... ..., """'" _ .......... """' o..:-.it ••• ,.,q..,,~o 10 r,., u.n·n ... ,.,, ,,.,. ~tlW•T •_ ... ,\. "' ,.,. olht,IJll ... <M-tO .. ltw-HiO.-•"hl~O '°"" Of lo P''""'' -. •II",,... ~Cf•\••' ·--I. t.e .... _,, ....... el <roli ..... l<IN P.-t.1011 E ... 1 1-•n \hrrl. '>vol• 111, '>¥11• A,.. CtlilOf,.,4 "11'11, "'"""" u .. •i..c• 01 ~ ,.,, of I,.,.""'°"'"-<! in •II"'""'" II"' ,.,..,nQ 10 1,.., '''"'' o• , •• a Or•,.,,.,,~ .... 1"''" '-,,_._..,•II'' ltlf 1ot ltp"l>''>•1tllflol '"" ~ ...... 0..1...i n"'"'"°"' 11 !014 R{I UC.1uvi ..... 1--'''""" 011"~ w.1101""' ""'°"~"~""n<l< ''"' .. 1 .-ONAlDN ''l"NI• A11ow ... , ...... .. lOI E•>I F ... '1• ~l•ttl ,,.. .. Ill ,.. .......... c .. 111 ...... tll91 1 .......... 4/1411 ... Mli An... ... , .... E ..... i.. P"'"'"""<I 0.~·~••· t"J" D••'• ..-,~ t.-1• 11 ltl••"<I J,.,, I " 1111 •ri.o I' P U Hi.IC N <Jl 'J(·1-: !k~rh. Cellto •n•d <n&•~ I' l H l. I(' /\'. ( )l"I{ •I·: °" ,,.,,. •bOwe '"'"'"•d tu Conuoo11111.....,·1 K1"<J Ill h<~n•~ "'1 ~n<1ecl to t..• P••n 1----- '""''""ec:I· On S..•e llr~c """ W""' -------------j E •CepHng t""'••l•om •nr po<tfon <11 NOT IC.E TOC.AEOITOA~ '"°'"~t NO •1·1 10~1 L<1I Aollf.f<I No 6Ml 4.•l l ""wn""" SUP EAIOA COUATOFfHE lo1~1 <Ofl\•Ot""''"n to Pe flilo(l lo< I'"' NOTICE OF If<[ TIM£ ANO .. LACE M..opre-o:<1r(le<l 1n 0ooo 1~~. l><t9"' l),,,>d STAlEOF CALlfORNIA FOR "'"n~\' •nd '°'""'~''~I • JIO(ll. Pl•'I OF H[AH ING OF l tlE LOCAL llGEN ll of Ml~tll•nO'<I<'• M4P\, •ecor(I> of THl!(:OUNTV OFOAANGE ow:nto<v APP•O•"".O" 1, 100 CV FOHMA I •ON COMMISSIOl'I Of Of•"'ll'! Cw nty, C••ltofn1•. Ad1<>1n""I No A.·l llt) 'leocrlptlOfl Amounl :)l'fA.r.C.£ COUN TY CJll!FOllNIA. .. ,dLOll. E \ldteol MAA'I' ~Et>AL ... • .. MAAV :,.. •• , 'MAJOO WN[N .. P NOf>O'>t.0 ANNEJIATION Al'W> ••<epl1nv !tom'·"" I OI 1 411 MUEl L E ~. 4•,) MARV • ')i;:(..AL, :;,.n\d<><lnotr.t<'br JO T>1£ CITY OF COSTA MEiA OF Q.11>. oil, nro•o~dftlon•. m•"'••h •f'd a ~J M ... R'r' f""RANC::E 'f '>£C.A.L ·~·pld(<'dbya\'"'"''1 '"" O RANGE COU NTY. ANO 0 8JEC 0Uwr>ub~l•nc.,,1,,ngbf10 .. •""P'"OI 0.,("''"·<I ol<'•l"1ngobl1Qdh<tn llJQOO !IONS. OH PRDIESTS THE RE TO. SCIO l•tl, Do.ot ""!IMul !h• ••Qhl l<1 '1nl .. r N011C£ IS H £RtllY G1VE N lot<"' ...... ••l<I Sec ... ··~ ...... I LL 6 E p fl-£ s E N T E D F 0 I( "POn I ... , .. ,14<• "' ~ .. ti'<••'•'' ... '"" ""'"''0'. or lh<' .. oo • ., ""'"''d ,,,,,.,,,.. .. 1 ~ll•~•mrnl <00000 H E ARING -P<-••v .. bO•• ;a !lfplh ol '>00 lttl '"' lhdl .oll p<'<<;O"' n.o••"'I ''·""" '"""""' O.,nwn<1 No1elO• NO l l<..l l~HI l<LuYG1~£NU"'!~n MIJP..•po,..,wll4!'""""''·;u•~"'-·f'W<l m !llf >d•ll ll<«<•<I<""' "'~ '"'l"""<I to 11•~ rn.,...n lo•v 31.llJOO •Ii'!"''"''"'' ""' ""''" ,,,,.<J "''" ,,.,,. trw O.e-11 l•om .-1r,1 We'1rrn "-~ dnd tntUl, w•th In<' n<'<"'""' vUut.no•>. •" !ht' P•~·· .. h.,•• I"~'""'"'"'""""'"' l .• ~I A<1•·••/ y ; 0•""''""' (llt!lUH•l•Oll l•u~t (Ort\pdn~. tf(ll•<l<'d Dr<embl:• 4, in-· nllor • ot '"" ... , •• ,.,, ··~· rl!JO•~ M" I,,. ,,,,,,,,.., o• '"" u .. ,,,,.,., .,fl()"" ,,1 "" Cvul•I• "' o""'<I". "'""' 01 191.! In -k ~ffl. P"o;t<' lol6 o1 Offko41 I lled (ourl. "' 10 P'"''"' 1n.,,1. wo th l<ef"'' Ot loCl!'n >•'" to~ 11a•~" ""'" ( '''"'" "'·' , '"'l"•·'ll<>(I '"·ll '"'(! Corn Reco•d>, •n<l '~"rf(Or<lell 0.<tml:ter Ill~ r>~(•"•'"' • •O"<l>o>•>. lu l'1<' un •fir• 1/W l/H\(ld1!Jt Jd!!~d•Y. 1q1s """·""" "''"!~-~ """ '""""''.'(! «flf><·•.o 11, 1'11.1 lnl>OOI\ S'Jt, palje Sl•ol0ttid 41 (l"'"lt""ll d1 ..... Oil•<<'~ O! MV llA, 0 . C,ROV E fl t ~(HOW ''"" •lo "'l"·'l••<l "' p,,ula••t>O IJ•·~< Au Rlt<O•d~, dnc:I '" 0.0~<1 l<on1 Ro>>n-r M U£ LL L f.I ·' od MA fl :.H ALL C C<JllPOR ... llO N, 111 1 Ld>! ''"'uon, '" •·"'~" lu 11.,. c;,i.1oi ~(hi•• M<'~·• <>I (otpotdtlon •e<ot<lf<l July Jl. !'if>q on '> ... NOEl'I'>. Jll111fne~\ "' ld.,. ~110 An <1t~•m , (.i1,lo•n•~ ~~1111" w.,,,,11. '"""', (""H"""' ''"" r ... un book 9031, Pil<I• 109 ol 0 !1 1C1•I Re<o•"'· W>I>""" lll•" Suole 111 . ! o' A"'1'"'"'· '"t p,1tl•~• .,.,,,.,. '""' u .... 1.1~,,, .. ,01,..,,., .. ,~1)1), .. 1 ,,,~,"10110..,,10 P •r(fl 2: Non·t •Cf"''~• .,.,,,..,.,..,,.,~ C•11to•tl•" quO•S. wn1<n •~tr.• 1-1•.oc~ ot •on"d''"''"" IO• "'" ,. .. ,"t~r "' II•' "'" tot •nv•••~ •nd e9'"''· public ullllt"" llu"""'' 111 1n1· ""°"""~"''"on 41< m.11 ""''""'' •11<1 ,,,.. l«rn>~ or lo<~n'"'"'" "''" ·'"""'"''un '""'""" ·•IXl•<I~ w-r\ •n<I IOI •II purpo~e\ in< i(lrnl<1( '~'' Pf'<l<1•n•nq 10 !n., "''""" ol ...,,Cl <It' be p;>•<I •ttt• 11\e Delldflnv•n t \~ ""·'" o; I • 1~ "''"' dfll'l ,, I0.-<1hod ,..,,, l""reto. lnc luclongtlul nol lomol..O!ott• <e<l~n1 ... ,u.,n IO<'f mont11S dtl<'• """ Al<.ohOhc Bt~"'""" C ontro! "-'~ n "'"" '>t• ,.,.1 """ ""''" "'"' ""''" <>! '"'"'' "' t•OI\, '"" •"""""· •o:P• "< e t"\l pul>h(dh O" 111 <h" noh<•. •Pll•O~r<I th'1 P•OP<>.....0 lf <1<·'.lrt '"""·""'II A '""u" in '"" lluf llH'J •I '"""l. '"P"" • "'-"""~•. OP.,t•hon D•1ed 0.·<~·•tlll<'• J I, 1~1• '"•""' •nc:I •<l<I• ~~· Ol """ ft'>t .a.. ' "'1" M •.. ,,. ... .... dnd U"-' 0 1 dll <>e(e....,, ... y "' <J<•""'"'" M '(~AD MUElLC A. h(ll<jo., At '"" '"n' ul ""' ..., .. ,,,,q noliu:<I •O•l dw,or•, ••Cle-..dl••. """ ~On!lu•h A.<1m1n""'""•Oll"°"("At~ GRDVEP £SC ll0 W COr:F PDllA ,., ,, •A '"'" OOufldilfl<'\ "'"' I>" O•L•t l"e l.in(l de~(r>lle<l on P•rcel lol 0101e~l>Ovel\.tf.....,I Ol"<.-UO.r>- 1 10 N. 1111 Ed•! l •n•oln. ,.,......, .. n .... w.101·<1 llt tne • .Hld•!U>ll 01 Oil•"' h:r 1na1 <•'•Id•" D""d '"o..~ ........ Ho<n<H. MVRA O.MUElllE ll .u>d C•lltorn ... '1&0\ •110<, '" '""' ~lc!nl ty ol ti>• propo ... 1 lr>e ... (dllfO•tl•d C<l<l><Hd!•<ln. rf"COfd"d MA.AS HALL(_ '>A.NDEN!> Rube•! 0 Bd+ler NV f •Clo 1 <,, ' UR fH!; R GI v EN 1 ..... 11 Ju!y JI . I~•~'" boo" 'IOJI. P<l9" l(l';l>f 0t A.t1orneT• 41 L•-.. C'' oly J . Eld>ifJ .,1,a Co""""''"" 11.>s 1,A.,<l w ... 1neW.•v '«•JI Re cor<I,. M1>re '°"'mon1r ~no .. n •11 0 Wol•l'lue 81w<I. Su•tell t Tf4'1\lf f0f\ In•· /Ind ,,,,, o! J""""'''· ·~'-'"'It~' • l:l!t'iV• .. M.t••pOWEd .. ,Ap.>•1m(!nl l•~A.11qt1 .. ,,c .. h •o""4 -' Jo•~ph M Ou1noo~~ ""'" 01 / 00" (IO<" p M ol ...,1<1 <1.ty 0, • C.. LdQ<'<>d lt<ll~. (_4io!o•n•d~l~}J '"'' 11131 'll·lOlJ I• "'"'ere.-,,, -.11v,. '" ..,,,,() mdll~r """ llC """' (l "' LAO""'° HIU~. C•!lfor n1;a 9'6SJ Ano"'"' !Ot Admono\lf41r.• G llOVE fl ESCRO W CO A PORA f !ON ll <N•l' )UJ '" 1.,,, 0•••"91' Count1 ,o.o Term1 ol '"le <•>Pt In lawlul "'"'"" OI f'ubl•>fte<l 0• "nQe Co.a" Dd•IJ Po101. PootOtUt e ao•6111 """'"·"•"'"" uu1111,,.q, SI> ,.0 , 1,, '""" Unl!ecl Sla\e~ on <ontir m;otlon ol Dt·<em~r Jl, l ~I• '""' JdOuJ•J f, >4, An;aM!m ,C•Ulornl•'1.0. ~•f ·''""'" "'''""!, S.in i .1 A "a .wl•.T~""'"rc ~nt ol .. m <1untbl<Jto be 71 ,!~I~ ---4()()J~ E><nfW 4.:NQ~.OI ' ,u.101 ""' ... !lie 1 .. n.• dncl pl.IC•· IOI llW Oep01hffi wllPt b•d. Pubh~tt(I Orao'l!' (Oil\! Od•I• P•l<1!, "' J<u•u 01' ..,,,,(! IHl>P<>'•"' l<>Q<·l!~·r '"'"' Oi<l•ot oll•r> lo tie •n wriliAQ....., will .J4n.1.1~1s 4&·1'i ~11 u,01 .. ,,_ .ind nl>o•«l•l>f1'> int•r,10 tie rr<•!w:d ~I tl>e ~lo•e~ul olh<e •I ----------wllo(I< lf•d• ,,_, 111<'(1 dJlll .,, .. 11orn "'"" ..onJ timt •llt• I~ to••I p..blKolllCln I' l II I .I' · .'"l)"rl(. •.. .•n(l pl.ou• ''" ""'' "'"' 1n1l>re~1.,u """""' l>t•..OI •nd .tlo!lo•e d41• ol ••••. · ~ ·" ,,..,,,.1,11, • .,,d,..<ltl~"'-"dt<J_ 0.ledlh"JOlhO"Yof0.(f mtler 1ql• -------1 ll •1•:0<1l••<'d~Cldldl""'"~~ti0....-np•r WAllR£NH >1£1 ME N. NOTICE 01' TH£ TIM E ANO PLACE 1>,.•f <I !O• in•• ,ou1<'<I prOJ>(r>dl """ '""' A<lminl,lrato• ol IM OF HEA ltlN(. OF Ttl E LOCAL AGEN• ,,.. ,.,~ ... ,.,.,, ~' SI\ No<!n "''"'""'" ••t•lt OI '"'II Oecell<'nt CV FOPMA.TION COMMl!>!>ION Of' '>1••.,•I ll <>o n1 1<,1 1 5 dn!d An" WJIRPE NH.N E IME JF: ORAN G E (OUN TY, (Jlll FORNI A, (.llo!o• n°1,1 W• oth•d (Q;.,m""" ••"l••h•~ 27011 f•NPof'I Ad. Wl'I EN A P POPO\E 0 A NNEXA fl O N 1ri In•• '"""'''' •<" O•·< ''""loon '"""I(! ti..• Pt .. 1 Ve rO.• h11in•ul ... C A '1'.114 TO COUNTY SE RVICE JIREA NO. 11 '""! w 11w ~tlO••' .. oor"""" •·•I•·• tn.on lll pr•-OF ORANGE cou NT..,. AN D OBJEC· ;,,.,,.,.,' 'I , . ., ' r"" Pul>h( "'"d"nu "" Pl.tbll•l>td o ... ~9<' (Od>I o .. ;1 , P>IO!, TIONS O lt PROTESTS THERETO, H\O· n••<i,•"v" "~' •~"'1,.;,n ""1" ,,.. r~·.H<! Otc.ll. ,,l,an<I Jatl.1.1, 1~1S .eo. '' W ill B E PAES£NlED FOR •ll i vQ l'M onMuqm-.l>)o1tncO•·""". H£JIA I NG CQun!r A<l1nt<H,!•n!•l>f1 f'lu,ld•"'I. \I\ N NOTICE 1$ HE llEBV GI VEf\1 111d1 an 'i~<''"'or., '>lr«el ~""Id ll11 a, (,,1,.orno~ at)lil•<alu:in Pta\ Ot•tn f•l~CI w•th lhr 0"J"""ilry 1i I~/)_ Loc•I ,O.Q~ncr Fo••na!•on Comrnll\lon D"kO J <111u,.11 1.1q1~ <1! '""County di O•an11•. '>1 .. 1e ot /l ~OAOI H t)F r~t:LO(Al,AC.(NC V c ........ "'"· ••Que•'•"ll ltidl '~'" C1>m FORMA TION COMM l'>S i O N QI m"\oon I PC•Ove lht proPO~<I an,.,..,d OAA.t<VE COUN T V. CALI FO ANIA ''°".,...,,"""";a\ Ann•-aT•on No I) I J.>l(HA.ROT, TUllNEI! 10 C°"'nlr So-• VI Cf A••a No llof O<dn<Ji L ••'<IJl•w" Of!•<~< Counly. C•l1t11rn1a T"e P•Ol'Ol'""I en '<><di Ao~n<:• F<1<m.11 oon Com <Omfl••~"' th• f1>llow•n11 9'""'~11. ""'''"n o f OranQe Co.,n1t. d••<••b•d ••f" wn1 c '1 •~•no r~ C:<1lotorn1a P4•1i<u!trly <l•>(r1l>~<I O• ~ le9<>I f"ulll•·.lh·ll tJrdn.,C (."">I n, .. 1, P1!ol ""''"P!•On And '""P Q<\ tole ... tn the ),,.,.,,.,.I. I~/~ J'I I> -----·------- Pl 'Hl,I(' ~\'tlT l f t·: 5lP ·ICl\l HOTIC( TOCllEOITO•~ SUP( 1110 11 COUii 1 Of THE ST .. TE OJ C.lll lf OllNI.& f OP 1HEC0UHTY OJ 0 11 AHGE ....... , .. , f\l~l~ol(UC.lN [ l"Wl,.ltl •tNS(lPI °"' """ d 1<0 1+C£ •S t•E"ft~ C.•vf" •o '"' < <f'<l•I<"' OI In~ "IJ<>•• ft.,m, d <~ <•"'·~! In«! (o"'"'''"on ')a,(l •""~'°"''on <O<>laon' df>flrO• lmdTel~ J 4.i • "''"' aud '' 101 .1!<'<1 <><>•tho< .. 11..,ly ot Mu1r1 .. ,,11~ [J.Oul~y,-,,11 00'1-rn AI O< •• P11r ~WilJ un(l l.OS hll~IJ' ----------------1 .. 11 1.1"•'0'" "~''"" '·~"'" ~"~'"'' !' .. \.•<{) Boul~Wd<d 1n tn~ ,O.e(jedn H1ll\ a•col ot Sou•~a'1 (I lo•o Alt"" !omc "'!he n>a,.no nat1<'-" '1f'•t•n '"1(1 boun(l~,,~, tnaY I>• ,,...,d+lle(I by 11\t a<ldll1on ot OllW'• le• t•IO<J lnt,....v•< '"''' ol u-.., 1t•QllOS"I PUBllC H E AR INGS WILL (I( l<l:LO av THE CO STA ME5 A PLANNI NG COMMI SSION al !he C1ly H•I!. f'e i• O•l,.e. Co•l4 ""'""· Ca••IO•<>••. di ~ JO fl m "' ... won "' P«•,lb+• lhf•t•11 •~ on """"""'· J an ... •y ll, IQIS 11~11a•<l•no;t I~ l0Howin11 apph<.a- ~t•tl< "I""' <e(),,•l•d !O IOIP '"'""' •<11' .,._. l~('""'l ·~"'"'"'' 10 In• Off «•·(<!'"'< let• (II 11\t ''"°"' •nHll<·~ (~~II <>< M ~""""10! '"'"m . .,11n '"' n•<•'""'' •<:>"'"''' !u '."I' """"'''<lfl"d •11n• l"., Olhfr o• "Ill N. ,,. ... NF llEOO •"!'!Mill l'f(,I ... "'. fh OON ... l.0 F M•NFllEOQ. •;'t C.U ""'""''(f ~IN ... N(IAl cr1<1r11 lllt r A'>T '>H ... W l>V( FiolfSl'<O. ( ... llFOllN!A •lllD. •f<+<n "tr--pl"'-f o4 nu.wn 01 Ir--'"'"""qoHI "'.•II ,..,,. ...... , 1>f•l•on1"11 !O ,,,.. '""'' Ol \,\od __ ... t NOTIC E IS F U P1t<£fl G>VEll 111<11 """' (omn,,\!.10n n.,s f••ed Wt d,,..,,..., 1rre ?1n<I of J•"""''· 191\ .o! '"" "°"' ot 1 OOo'cloc:~ P M ol , .. ,., 0<1yo• a~"""' a; ~••11 m•ll<'• can h~ he"'"'" "''"-"'' %13 on the Or•"ll"' County A<l'1"n'"'" loon 6u1IC11n1>, \I~ Sr <amo"• Stt~~I. S..nlll Ana. Cil1tO<n•d. a~ 111•• !••no: dn<I 11ll><.~ lot t,.,,. n•<ir 1nQ o• , .. ,., P'°"'1"'l toq.iner wo!n •II 1!fole~t ' ~n<J 01>1et !•On\ !~•e1o wnocn may lJ~ l1le-<1.om ,,, .,..,;,,.. l lr~ 11ntl pldce all per>(>n' '" '"'"It<! the•e•n mdy appe"r dOCI ll(' "'''"'" 10\0• me"""' •11•• ,,,.. '" \1 puOI~ "''°' l•on• I BLOG. MOV l"IG PEIAMl.f'NO 61.6. lo• HoJW Hattn S( rroo• '"' ''laf<IMI <h1l(lr~n. 1001 w. Che•ln<'I St. !>.tnta An~. C.llt.. lo• po:rm••~lon 1o rekl<:.o1' , 14'0 ~. U b!dQ. ltom \671 Montow1a SI , Coil• Mt>d, C•l1!., IO ll~ Ea\l 111n S1 . CO\I• MtW, Cd lll .. •nan 1&11 •~. o41fo•'"°'"' D•INI O•<Pmb<"t '" 1011 t•fl[NO ,.l<IN'>IJN f •f<u11" OJ l~P l\'•I!• I, .... ~to">••"•'"''"~ <)t't><l•nl N[ LON, M"N f 11 E 00 ... NO Ctll£L,((;l ... N t'o!'Md A l•nl l Enwiro nmrnlal lml)at ! l!fp!trl, •• llPl)•Ove<I by tne (oun!y ot 0< """"·ha> !>een \ubn'll!f'd lo• !"" '""- t~ct p•O!>O~"I and may I>• ,~.,~w•"<l .01 \1i NO•IM Sv<amo•• S1•e"'· fl0<>n1 101. S..n1" An•. C11hlo•n•" Wq!I.., tom ,...,,nl\ H"llll i•t lo ll)f' L n vo<onn••nlal 1m"""<1 llepon 1t>0vlo b<-'~n1 '" U>e ..OOtt d!l<lrt•• no lat~r l"an Ja"""'' I/. 1t1S Tr.t l)Ublic """"nu on lh• Ln "''"""oental ln•lld<I lle 1><>rt woll l;4' ..., .. ,., ,.1 1 oo P .M '" Poo•n 'IQJ ol '"'" OrtnQt COufltJ A<l11n<>•"t•••1•<W> fl«<ld tng, ;1s Nofln Sr~.om.:;re St•1'~1. 'i.lnl• ;.""· C•l•lofh•don J.onua•y 17. 19/;. 0..1~(1 Jllnuar)l ?.19/'i f\V0110£1)Q f THE lOCllLA(,f"NC'I' F OPMA llON COMM! S ~IDt< Of ORA,N(,E COUNT V. CAL I FORNI A• l<l (HAll O l TUJ<NlR E <tCUl iVf 01!1<•• l<><•I ..,0•"<• r ot m .o!•On (om· "'''~'°"'or O••nQ• co~n1 '· C•l1ro1n•• Pi.01"""" o""'Qt" to.o~t L>""' 1 ·,~r. J11nu.t•1 1.1~.1~/~ W I~ 1 ENCROACHMENT PEl!Mlf NO 1~. l<>f H~ll1!'' E n!~•P< '"''· lfONo•h• L" l!rl'd A•en~o·, LO~ AnQ<'I'-''· (Ali!, '"' ~1mh•ion !o <-on'1•ud a G-!Ol>I nogn (l~CO•~llv• m a.....,,, wall aero•• ...._. .. nd.,tin9 ,,,..wal>. •il•fm~nh ad1•<enl lo p.,.,,.,,.n<I Av~nue •n(I ioul""• ly Si tePt ol LU(!ln<;tlon STttfl, Ct»I• .v.t ..... C••olo•nla l [NCllOACHMENT PEl!Mll NO 1•. 10< J •me• 1 .. ,.., Non• GalllK~r . 1111 a .. k•• SI.. (O•la Mt\•, CaltlO•<>••l, tot i>r•m .. slion 10 "'~ 10 00 fffl ol Cily "<;1111-0f·W~Y, Wh•{h oS tle•OQ """lc.11.,., fOI !<'lure w!.,..nin9 OI Ba~•t Str.,..I. 10< t f<lU"'" ldnd •cape pl.inH·r !. '" ton1u~l•on w•lh P•<>l>O•f<l Pdr••llQ lot, un1o1 1\Kh hme "" B•k~r S!f~t I• w1<1•n.,.,. •. £NCAO.aCHM E Nl PC:llMIT NO 90, to• Jdm~• I a<1d Nona G .. 11 .. cn••. 1171 f\~•er SI . Co'1d M•••. Callt1>rnia, to• '"''mi'""" la u'>t 10 00 left ol <II~ t!Qtll-ot ,.. .. ,. wh«h" ""'"" <lo!<l•<"l!'<I tOt lutoft ,..,.,..n1n1> ot Ba ~•• '>Ir~!. I<!< •rou1••d 14n1l><'"pe fll•<>1••• '" conjunct;on w1lh propo•fod oa•>111<1 IOI. until •<Kh t""" "~ 8 4>.t• S1rttl I\ -----------.,.,Otne(I Pl·1~1 .1c· ~ G£N[RAL PLAN AM[NDMENf GP /~ IA . 1or Co~e .. M••• P1.1nn1"<1 ------Commh"on to t <Wl,•<l•• • P<Ol>O'>•'<l 8sJi!J lmtn<lmfn! 111 l ho o;iene•al p14n on l'>t' 51JP[PIOll COURT OF THE P~v!<1 1""•1~• p•<1Pt"rly IO<i>!..O 01 ,...,. 5TAlE Of (ALIFO llNIA FOJI nQ<1h-•I co•n•'f o! P •Uldflnn Aven._.- THE COUHTV OF ORANGE d"(I Nt•w!><l" BouleV~•d lfom I""" No A.11t8.l a•n\1!r re11<>~nl•dl (j I<> I q d_,11,nu NO TICE 01' INTE NT IO N TO SEl L unot•, I>'"' .oc ••I 10 11•<!11 Oo"n"lt ll(AL PROP£RT'I' .al PRIVATE '"\•<kn!•,)I II} to JO <1wpj1on9 un1h p.-., 5.AlE • .,._., In Ir>~ M d!l'r OI tt\o f'1d!~ a •'<l 6 C.fti£NALPlA NAM(N()M{tll G...,•<llen\h •p o r tJA •'>V ( LOVfU """G P /\ 10 lor (o~la M,.,,. PIAnn1nq OA !~V l £1 C L(JV( I• ""' ()AISY., ·Col"m•~'<On . II '"'' O•. Co"•,..., ..... I r f>eft•lt f . M•"I•••• 111 (;••••"1" ,,..,.,.,,,! (oftlfr 11"(•\I~~··"··· , ....... (•lit .. ,.I• •ll1' , .......... 12"!11~ .. ,. "" .. "'"''l<><f•O<WI.,, l'ul>'"""~ °'"""' (n."f O~o!r PolOI !'<-< !•, l •. 101'~nd J•" t. '"!OH •I)~ I• Pl "BJ.If' :\f lTl('t-; fl(Ttl 10Ui IUilNES~ NAMEiTATEMENI l ... loll0••"9 ~· '"" '' dOH>Q l>.n•'"''I "' l'OP"~ l'f.IOOU(E. 1/lt l t\l'M:h f11•" H~n1•<><1l<HI llt·•• "· Cahlorno~ "I"'/ 11•<"••<1 "'"" 1>01>1~•. ~,., '""'''"' O• llun!•"'JIMll•~<" (11l<lo•n••'f1(>0t. HH\ b<rl•N:'" o~ lOft<)~<l<<I ltJ <Ill "' dl••Oi.•I (\t " <>! 0•~"'1P '"""'• "" {'lo~~ml .. 1 IJ l~I• rva"""'" °'"""~ co.111 D~''' p,....., '"" II 1• \I ,.,. •<>;] J,.n I ,./\ -1' 5LP "'lot NOTIC( TO Clt EOtTOlt\ \UPf 11 10• c:ou Ill o r TH[ \TAT f Of CA~ IF QllH!A fON IH( (OUNlV Of OllAN(.l ... ,.. '"~ r '1d!~ ol NAN (.., JO[ f I ( ~ °""•·1'.Nl i-.01" I ,, .. r "' llV 1,1vf N '" ,,,.. Pl' Bl.IC '."OTll 'I;: .,,..,, NOTICE OF INTENT IOM TOC•EATE SECU RITY l NTE•ESl !S...:s. t10 1-~1tl U.C.C.J NOTICE •I tlt<fl>y gov'n 10 '"" C•oM•IO•• ol J o1rpn M . Quino~. ~l>lo• . .,....,,, l>u'"'"'' .O<l<lre•' "aJI Fr•nk!ot'l Slr•e!. Hunl•oglon 6e.Kh, Cou"'' or Or•o...,, s1a1• o r c .,,,..,.,.!a. t""' • ~tur i1J lnl•<tlt ;, •l>OUI 10 ~ t ft ale<i l>y Otl>IO< anti <1••nlffi lo Rol>e<t O. B;aflfy and Cecoly J B.>lltr Stc vreo P;arliel, who•• b<r•I""'' -·•~" >i1 Wei l 1qtn St•ffl. Co.14 Mf ,,... Coun11 01 O•ange. 5141• "' C•l•lo•ni•. l .... P<or>erly on "''"'" !""' !i.KurilJ lntt<••I .. 1111>e <•••tt<I ".In .,..,.,..,41 au lurlur<"I •n<I eQuopmeni (.,,,..-,,.,..,. i"'<I lurn""'"<;I' ol Do!ritor covinnQ pr-rty nQW IO<,.lt(I .OI }•1 .,.,..,, !'I'!" St•ffl. Conla _,,., co .. ntr ol ~­ Stal' of (dll!orni•. •n(I bu"""'' Moo"'" ;a•'>C:A fl11£EZE r n .. ••or••";" .,.,., .. ,.,, 114,..,.....hor\ .. ,11 ""° CO<l>ummatf(I on Of •II'"' ll>t 1/1n 0.:.J of Ji1nua •). 1~1~. 41 10 ooa m ;a !-~C II 0 V E II E S ( II 0 W CORPOllJlliON. 1111 E Lincoln Aveo ue , ,O.nahrom , :... far "'' kn<1wn to tne :X<u•t<J "•rtv. fll 1><.o>ln•»' """''' .on(I Ad<h e'"'~ u""' by t"" °"btor ''" t.,t t.,ree .,....,, '"''' IW''· ••e _ NO NE OA.l £0 O.cembf• 16, 1•7• SE CURED Pl<RT V Rober! o . e.,,,., c..:11rJ . ea11er GltOVElt ESCROW (OA~O•ATIOH ~. o .... "191 Alt-tm , CallMnM• t 2tM £KAWNe.4·J.o14W1 Publllhe<:I O••n9" Co.a,1 0..oly P.IO,. J_...,,, r. 191• •~-IS P UBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS N ... ME STJITEME NT Tl'I• 10110 ..... ., .......... , ""' """" bu~l....,,M; t,\~;~N i:~~t~ 0 ~ul~ SS~~ I~ :!t~~~ 8e«h . C•lil1>rn;;a <n""I E"•-' G. Noia. 7JS2 Ha'""'· Co<.I• """'"'· C;alilornid "162t .John A. 0 •"''· 1101 S..n °'""''· 8uen.o P•rt. C•lolo•nl4 ~ '"h 1><,o,;,....,, " conduct.,., b y ~ ~~<fl IW'l""tSl'lip. Et-'I G.No iA Tr.i~ •l•lemcnt ••• loled ""'" '"" County Clfrk ot O<•n~ Cou"'• on ~C•mber 21. 191•. Fnlllll Publ•i""" O•d""" Coa•I OA•lr Pilot D•H.J1,1q1•.an0Jan 7.l •.11, ltlS 4603·1~ Pl HI.I( .. \"(11·1r1-: Fit TH 10U s "Su"ii Nc~s --- NAM [~T A TlM (Nf '""'"""'"''~o r•""""""~'~'' t""'~''·'· fl rA" t "N "''°t'<l t NANf l (0 ""4t l~n•nn••~ A~I • (O,l•M•''A (,1"10<n•~ '7fol• O.•I• (~•"•n(I WQ•I•• 11" l .-.:"', A~I A (O"•"'•'·• ( •'"O•n•~ t]~/~ T ~. "",.,.,; "•On<1~1h 1> by...,"' d"•duAI l'•I• C W~t lt• ""' "~l•"'•·nt '""' '""" ~,f~ ,,.. (,,.,.,,. fl•••• 1>! O•~""" (1>,.nlt nn (.-·<•mt,.., lJ, l'1j, F1">UO f't,~''""'n 0••nQ• {n .• ,. n •. 1, ""'"' (W... tr 1• llll '~" 'n11J.,n r "II '"' lj l'l "l~l .IC ' 'flT l ('t-: l Ol llM>.P,!n<o•n 11•le M C•l•l ,1o •n .. nd G P /l011o on<•\JOPI,.,. 1•"(l•IO• ollfto•I>< .. ••"'""''"°'"''"°'"''""' NO 11 c: r 15 Hl "Ee v (_,I V[ N I HAT ..... n,,.,(I d .. v•IOll"""' •on•~ ( POA Lo. ...1 "''""' "• ''"'' ' ......... ,..,,,.,, u .... .., , ____ _ •ub1tCI 10 conlofrndl•on "' lhr POA MD. POR HD, PDC. POI I anti "'"'""""' "'" ···~,,"~" 1<> .... , .. '" ·•lh !... P UBLIC s.ar.E .ol:t<>.,... tn1•1"0 Co"''· on J.o"""'V 11. 1.-.. <omm••<••I llm•lffi 1one 1(1 1 '" ntl•''-"'"'""'""'·'~'"' oll«•ol l"'<'''' A pubhc •••t 1>! '"" IGlloW>"'I l~l } . .01 2 PM o t ll><••p,.!1P• wolftonl"" 111., 14oi. eUebl!\tlon9 1on\t'1••n<y uo ltir •00"' •"l•lh·n <ourl t)! IO """"t w:t!tle<ll <Ollolle••l ,..lllt>o-,.,.l(l""J..on ''""' allowe<l I>;'""" tn., """P"•9'"'"'\I .,......., on •PPtOQto•lf '""'ng '"'n' .,,lh !"" ,,..1 r-.~~'' '°"'"""·IO ,,_. 13, 191}. •! 10.00 A M . Al I ... ''°"' a~ G"'"'"'•" <>It""~'""" and e•t;atPot cl••>1llc•l1ons ~""'"'"'""'" "' < 0 A••n ("''"· """'-• •t 1••r<• "' •loO Norin Po•l>tH"J 0.-1 ...... OJllSV Cl 0 V£R d•a OAl ~V LC-I._ I GC:NEl!AL PL.at< AME NDM [NT 1,.,. 011 (<>•( l •nl•t O"•" w•i1. :...n•• Be""'rl'r Hll". (11 !~ bf I~ Wt:urt<I CI OVER.••110AtSVS L 011TMAll.(.Pl~·l8, tor Co•t11 Mt~• Plann•ng •n•.l••it"'n••'1IOl."""~","""'"'='ol P11rty· •n•on•poet~<>I. w•!I ~•II"' 0"""(e "'l••lo Cnmniusi<>n, /I "'°" Or. <-o•I" -'"· """'"'"" 01 11,.. und•"•Qll•<I •n •ll m.\llP•~ 11) Nolt w1!Pt an unp;al(I Do!--e ol tr.t ti•Qht11 an<>'"''! ne l l>ldd~• on !!lo! (Ahl , 1o con>l<le• a proi>OYd SOJl,106 00, wd11 •nt••r,1 ,,, 8 ', '· ll'•m' •nC con(l1loOn\ rt(on••n/tllPf .omtndmenl to the 11",,.,,.,I pl"" on the P•-"•1••""''1 '<>IM '''"1~ ol lol•d <lt"<Hlenl, 5ECUR£0 B"f ll WNAP ARDlJ NO ' "'' •o '''' ~1 11 ••of _., ""~'""'"'""1n,a••••lhf ft<\lpu0i•(•Uon £ Hll!n<OnfuA r1u,., oe11nu •~re p•opt-•!Jl<><elf(l•1 116(o,!MQ,dndl...,, OE OOFTlllJSTONCOMMEllCI A,L OAl'>V C"l0VEA, ,,,.., Oll l'>V lft WPtl11ier A.vfnUf', from ~•Qh <lfn~o1y oll"""""'" PROP£R lV IN Q r,.n9e Cou<>l 1 (lOV[R, 11 •;a Olll~Y S. l DI fl MAR, ,,lldentiill 1o llQl1t l<><l<'•lty. A.n 0<1!tU[l•t•mb., 0 , T'lf S..c~rf<I Ptr1J •S ad•IY(I lh~I I""' un· lncClmP<'lt"1. on th~ '~"'I prOpf'rty t<>•ltonmtnlal lm...-:t reO<I<! ~'"' betn ,,.~•qM•! ~II.,.. I O•Q•"" ~Id twilan<• ol lhf otillq a llon""'l"" !""' IOO:•l•d •n ,,,.. (o,.01tr <11 OranQI'. Stdlt P'•Pil•ffi lot ttie p•opo•ed ac1oon •· A<lo '"'"'~'"' o• IM l"dltOI .....,lo, en<:umb••nt• 15 '10fo,Olll 9l, en o•C••ilornl4.d••<••l>edd•tou.,.., e. P£RMIS'>10N TO AM£"1D TH£ lllr •b<l••n4m1•00•<f""'nl N<1le wi l~ •n vnPil•d oa••nct ol L0T6.BLOCK A OF TRA.Cl No 117. MASTER PlAN l ot I""' F ir st 6.-pll\I Al "N(Ullll\ ~136 .I}/ J ~ w.tn '"'''~'' di i "> . A!> PER MJ>.P , RECOPO( 0 IN OOOK (hu•<Pt. J!O (;a•I lltn S1 rffl Cmt• Aft .. M y•ll•w SECURED 8V I> WRAP·AROUNO 1.l. PAGE Jl of M tSC ElLANEOll'!o Mri ;a, C;alllo•ni;a. for P<"rm1\!0on lo ot\t••1<C...,l•rDtiv~W<•I DEEOOF l llU\T ON COMMERCIAL MAPS. RECORDS OF SAI O Or:FJ<NGC f""'ncl I"" m tt\ter Pl•n lot 1ht f"\I \Mol.o•~Uhl.,,.,.,U/11 P ROPEAlY lN LA Co un1y ~cure-cl COUNTY. 8 •pll1!C,.u•cllto a 11ow11ddilion<>I IUO Pe •IJ i\ ;a<lw•,ed lh•I Inf unpald fl>• p•ope•tw ·~commonly ••leHeO wt.IOOIP••·K r.001 andd;ar <•re <en1"'· A_ .... ,..,..,""''"""•'"' bill!Oll<H ol tho otlh<)llllon• "'""''!tie lo •s 11• E••I £(11n9er, !Mlnl4 """'· Q f:IEZONE PETIT JON NO R·IS-01, Pullli""'d Ot•nQ• (o••1 ()••I r P•IOI. OK ""'lor enc"mb•;anc r~ ••• '111.'IO<t l7 CAlllornl•. 1<1< (°"la Mew P1•nnlnQ Comm<\\lon, J•.ll, ltlf•""J•~ I, 1•.191} o •l4 -'216.6,... lo!; !31 N01• woll'>in....,;a"' ll>e 1~•· h \<'br•<I lo ........... '"'"''· II r ... Od¥t, Cos t;a """'"· C.Ut .• '"' boll¥><• o l llll,lllO ..... , Wllh ,,,,, •• ,1.1 (oven•nl•. LOr>clo l1on9, r•~t,..H•<W>~. l>'l'f mlu lon lo •t1one p•OPl!<IY l0<•tl'<l 1------------------1' -v, P , S £ C U R £ D 0 '1 fl r~\.l·rv1toon1 . toQnl,1r!O"U ol w•y,"""' .oT /BJ Prt,1Cl>O Ot1"e, JIO'I dnd 111~ ""R AP • AROU ND OEE D 0 1' l AUST ••..,mtnU ol reco•d Or!sto1 !at •• Co•t• -S•, C1111 .. '"''" R1 Pt; f!f.I(' '."OTICJ:: ON COMMEPCIJIL PllOPEllTv IN Aids or olle•I d•~ •n•ilH1 '"' th!• t<> Cl lcommer<i•I l lmll"<IJ l"ta ----L.A. COU..,1J. Sec.,red PA•lr I• ao;Jvl>«! proi-•IW 1nd mu•' tie "' wri1<ng '""" ,onlotment e w llhllw oe,....•ftl 1>11'11 a »41J tn•1 !he unpal<t ""'"""' or t,.. ob•lo;t.>· will be rf~e·~•~ •I !hf otll<t' Of 10 COSTA M ESA. P LANNING f lCTIT IOUS aUSINESS lion"'""'"''""' wnlor t n(umb r#\Co I• HJIROLO r H[INlV,,0.11ornoy""I""' COM MISSION, 71 l'•lr Or., C:O.te NAMEST.aTEMEMT SUl .Sl"61: I•) Nolt "'11n en """'"lcl C.IH•cll•o, "' YOC No, B•oitdw•r. No -Ml.C•lolornl •h•••t<l~•ted •••• ... ! Thi' loUowlfWJ Pl!••oni •re doing oala nce o f \JJ,lbt>l5. -..otn •nlf•••I .OS, 5.lnt• Jl nA. C111t(lrd•I, I>< IT"1J tie ,..,... <""<>oe of TwefllY·S.Cor>d Slrffl bui!neUe>. di /''"· SECUR ED t\V A OEED OF l+le<I wo111 TIM! Cle••. ol !Pt• Sucr• IOf l"'m N•""l>Otl Bovltv;ard ea•to•ly lo l!IELVEAL A NO H E(;N ESS, tOI TA US 1 0 N R E S I DE N t I .a L COU•! or ooliwerffi I& HARO LO [ S.nl.f ....... A .... nue. in tht Ci!J o l Co»I• Oottr Ori"'", Suite 110, Nt wl)0'1 &tKll. PAOJ'EPTY ! N L . .a. (°"'ntv, ISi Nole HE I Nl 'I'. perwne111, at eny !•me a ttt• ,....,., 10 Vt< loti• Slr .. t. C..llto"'I• '2MO wl l~ •" """"'" bollence of \l!.l,en Ot, h <•I putlllt tl1on ol lhh "OllCe end 11. l 0 N£ EXCEPTION PEAMll DONALO N, BELVEAL, 10SJ2 M lll ln lettU•l lO%,,..,t 11redby;aoe<!d tlo'loroMe~lngl/W 1ale NO ZE 1S ll'1. tor Wllll1m T~• Cctn.~wl L•.w, Hu~l lnglon Be.cert. lll_l•inlon..,tn'IJ>•Ovtd1>•<11>1"1JlnS-- llW pr-•tv '"'" bf: \.Old on t~ Rocr.11t, 1'90 W. Wol.on St'", Cl>'I• C•llfornla in.... 0-Counlv, Soe<v•f<I ""'"' 11.crvlsed followl1191••m• ("~~orp••l t.sh;an<I Mr ... (;all!, lot Pl!rml,•!On IO._ P A.UL C. HEGNESS. 1BS7' Pllwo tft.l1NOte i11vt>je<llOI J>O"$l-of-~rt c.....i•t. IPt• lt•m1 of (rPdlt to bl! •~Ille concrele r1t t.er lrr.n <-fl! Phirro lrvlne c e1Uor,.I• """" twt In ,,.. •rn0<.1<>! ol S:W.IO!o.I}. _.,.,p11ble to lh• 1.1n<lf'<llQned •nd lo under rl'Qulre11 coverecl c•r~ino I" A•, Tllll 'ri.i-i.1n..i1 h conthKi.d ~'r a Thll col1;at ere1 w ill 1M! I.Old lo 11\.t tlW 5._,'°' Cou•t, ''" 4111"'1.I ~cenl R4·C P ..ond f!J.(P '"""· IO<Aled M 1tlt. oeMr•I ",1,,.,-,.1110 l'llQIWll bidOtr or bldd•rS, !or c•\h or c.t ,,_ en,.unt b•d to •ccom"""1r '"'" ltl'I W;allAc• Aven.,., Co1.,. ,....).I. OonaldN.8elve ;al certlllecl or blln•c'"'",."'crwc kd••- otlt• by c••lll1td cl'l.,ct , ....d ll>t (Allhlrnl•. T"ll il•1em..,t WiH tile(I wllt> 1r., _. or i\lutd br • bant In l , A ~l•n<• lo tie pe!O 1>n <<W>ll•mltlon OI ,,, ZO NE EXCEPTION PEAMll (.ounly Cff<k ol Oran9'1' Countr on <ounly, -for A tlld by S.c urf<I Perly ""ltbylrr.SuP<'"OrCo.,•I. Ta•t1,renl, NO. ZE·IS·Ol, tor 1nst•·TUfW, Lid ., DK•mbfr lil ltl• ol _.1 °" all ol I""' lnOfblf'CI...,•• OPll•.i•nv tnd m•lnlen~n(f! ••llO'n1e•. 1,,11 !o k ypl t k Ci r '''· l rv!ne , ' · '"'1* >«<'•ltd br 1•ld collt!t••I. S-ucn ..,d 11<tmlvnii on ln\v•ance •<cept•t>te Cilllornli. ror ~rmltllon to pecrform ""bl!,_,..d O•ange CN ll Oaoly Pllol. (Oll• .. ••11 w!ll bo 1>lle•td l 0< WWI DOln -..1"' putth•~• •h•ll bf pror et..O ••"' elter•lloni lo e•lltlftQ 1ervlce11.i1on10 J.,. 1 1• 21 21 191) Sl·ll ... ii.~ •I one 101. and wit! I» IOld tr.. Cl•" Of re(l>r<Jlno ol c<W1rey..,(~ ptOv l"'" ;auto lune·UP 1..:Ulll-6 In ;a Cl · ' ' • · oll...., lfl ""11' ot •• °"" !of tor It. Ex1mln•hon of 1111• re-o:1>rG•"9 ot ,_, IO<•ted •I toO w. ,,.,. Street. Pt19hit1t ~0<•"reg.al1 ol blds. con"r~t. lr.an\lt• I'"••«.,.... •nr (o!.1•Mofw .C•lllOf'nl•. OTICE Ourl"9 l t>e ..., .. ,,,..,,..,•:JO A M . 11-. IM...,enc• POhtr 1h.oll t>t ..t tM P UBLIC '." 1Pvllll'9fl S·OC P .M ., Ofl ••<h bu1,jflft1 •JIPl"I... ol ,,.. ow•<"'""'' l>f ll ABANOONM£MToltrwrior1 .... rty 1-----------\Sey prior IO UKPt lfle, ""'' wUI"" ,,.,..<. ... ..,,, 110 11 anO we,1er1y XI II. of Ludlrw,Jlon f'ICTITIOUS •U SIN ESS •••h•t>te IO< ln•Pl!<llCln 0" ""' llPt floor Yr.. u,..,,,.,, .... (I rt•-•"~'!"" ••Qhlto St•HI ay '"" (°"II Mlw Pldnl'h"'ll NAM• STATEME NT ol 4~ Nor1h R&•b<'ry Orlve, &e ... rly ,.jto<I """,,.,,.au tl•dl """' l<1 rntrr of l.Of''..;,,,;on. 11 F ;aor Oro.,.,CO!ilA NMIW . Thi lotlowln(t po:rs<>n h dDIAQ Hill•. C.t.. <OC>••I o• '"'" ll0<.urntn1~ .,..,,.., C<W1l 1tmo"Q I..., Mil" C:•hlo•"•A ...,,1 1 •s <OMpri!lng 1i.<h (ollt t•r•I. S.ld ()A.TEO Jen..,.ty l. 1~1~ f "' tut I Ml 1nlofnwlim>ton 1t"" et>a.,. Kri' R EAL TO!lt!i ))6 11111 SI CM,t;a '"lorm•llOfl will IA m4d• •va•IAlllt '°' GlfNN CLOV ER •PPIK •l•on~.tti..-.S~i14Sor (•ll -CAlllOrlll•"1•i1 ·• IMOO'(lion w ilM vl Any f•P<"HS or Gu••d•"'>"' IM P1r\on el 1-a llot• ol Ihle "'""" de,,.r1,....n•. •~h.fd Oellnli ..., ... w,.., llol LO<Jrm • lmcllt<I !"eP•ewnl•HOfl or wtrr;anlr r. •nd £1t1l1 cf 0 At!IYCL,('VER, '""'" 100, 11 F elf Or• ... , (OSI•""'""· '-'-,.. COILllMeU (•lllOrft i•m71 tolhl<(vr.,;v o<(omplellqn •kl 0 AISVLE£CL0\1£11 Al'!! I " ' "1 nd I d 0 Pl•-le~ (11l),14·10l • • , · C•"0'n'co·•• M o•• poonnJ""" C1><n · 1"1' l:tUt.t nei• 'co uc • 'r on s.i11sa1e..,...nt1e·,..1 11><1v1~e1vd1c~10 OJllS'r'!llDITo MJ>., • ,..., lf'l!lvl ... I. • •· ~ l nc.,...i-twn! "'"\•Oii JU M•d 0 HAnwn ..,, r hi• <>I .,.c.,ritd Pertr. All '" M_,l•OL.O l .MlllMl'r' ( C Cliltke,(Nt•r"""" Thll it•~tm•nl ·-;a~ ,!!led with tlv' "lltoch r ig~!\ art nerf br PRl><r•-'r • ...,_ .., 0 ... N IH Woll<<I'" L [)vtv\,!,e(•~l•ry•ll<I O C -·~ .:=.t ..... •••r,s.un•") Cnut>IY Cle•k of ••n oor ounty on O!llM·'J •n l ltlS .at OtW'•I~ Hiii• ,.... a..., CaU .. "'111 '1711 OlftCIO•ol Plonn•<><> )«lueryl. !ti~. ,.:r-C.I . • ' , • 1 .. 11U 1 .,._ .'.,. Pub!I-Or;a11gc Co••1 0.tty P'llol. T.t: 171' ' 1~ Or o-Co••• o.i•r AIOl'j Plltl41!11td Of•nte Co••• ,...111 ... 1o1. J..,....r 1 ltJS 41.rs .._..f....-0<Hfl"CN•l 0.•ly"11ol . Pvl:ll t> .,, ... , ~.7,lt,tl ,Jt,l t)S 19-IS r • ~ 1,, M. 1911 lO II JM>. 1. I ) P UBLIC NOT1<·1-: 'fCTlflOVt IUl.INIS' Ol-1 SlA1£ .. fNT P L BLI(' ~f)1'1(·1-: , !(fl 110\JS IU~IHI_ \~ ""ME\T~ll -NI Pl RI.I(' '.''o ·r 1c 1-: Fl(TITIOU\ IU~l"f \\ NA"'i \l "flMf HI PVBLIC NOTICE f1CllTI04,IS I UUlllltl °'A•f 'lAllMlN1 TIW ... _lntpo•""'''""''~C.,,0,1r.•I •• ( 6 II GlAI!"(, Ill 0..."I WA• ll'IA-Wi,(•11 ...... ,,, .. ,/.IG T"" ......... 'II.,.,_,,,"°'""' w ...... '"' (•f:tlf~l\IOlt ))I)) t<Otb<)o HI>~ ·,,.,,, C. J t v•I• Mo w.'•'•'~'"'" tl•i. !"" !No '""'"'"""'""~n• {,, ... , ..... (•Ori(lr"•• <O•i>0•.011<1<> JlOJ l•f""" '""I ~"' '' (. l (,..1. "'' •w, I •hlo< ,,,. ~I.it ! '" " '""'"'"II'' ''" r>du><·~ '"'"""•I •f I \ I I !) !•!<<I•,, • .,.,....,,., 11 • "'''J(' ' • I '' M.o»·•t I IJO I u-.h• 1,.,. !f,ll°"IJNj !»t >Oii < • 00•"9 t>ulinr\\ ii• 11'[ l'OOl (OVf M (0 MPAl'l'r. >-10 -'i ....,.,.._ No >< 1. '),onl• An• (tlo~l'li•f1/(IJ C.orQ[l '>null Jollll'S "'•tn Mo N I '"'"Id "''" ,.,,,..,,.,.,uu1 INW!Nl (,~"~'> A ~.oHh>'•~• { ... -....... 11~ o u ........... P'I .. ~""' "''" '"' I C '"' j HI "".O!I•"' I•! , ............. ,. T,,,, °"'"""" " .~ ....... t.11 b1 .... . ............ ~,.,. 1111\ t"'"""" '' (f",<lv<l\U "' •11 ·~ '"" .......... " .... .i ... i.<1 ~, '°'l'<><•h"" " .. ~ .. ,, .• , "'''·l~•li<I ~. "' ... _ .. _ 11,. TM ''"""'W"" .olo<lu'{''~"""'" > ~.~, l I ~-n ,,. ' ""'" o .......... h w...,..GI'"'' (•·-~"'·"· Prtt-1 '>n •• , •• ' "'"'""' ' ... ('.,rt<jQ r '>~v• '""II.oh n .. n1 ·~' l•••O "''In \J'lo'"'f..,..,O, ( "'" o• O••• 9' {wn1, ~" 0...•·11•!.«• •l. '"'' ,,.1......, .. , ••• ••l«I .. 11,, ,,.. roun11 C .. ,. OI C)t-(_,, on tlo• ...... t;o,< " '~" •••!•""'"' .... "'•d "'''" ! ..... {""' '· '"'" o• O•.on~~ l"""'' on ~\'"'L•• •• ,.,, 'l'Mol l ~,. •·•'~"''""'·• "1r<1 .. 1r n ''• 1 1~1 1 vi i'l.tl""' (L1mlO i.n U.••l•·I~' IJ ',,. I ""II '·'' '""'''""''ta~••l• ,1 . .,.1f•• II" 11 1"1•~"•'1'"" / 1•1• -11° fl"Mlt t'~J "'"'"'""""' 1 .... 11,,.1,t'o! .. 1 t• "'' 14 II "'' "'"' l •I I 1'1) 'Wo " l>\!Dlh-Ot..-Or Co••t Oe•lr ~"IOI u,., "'1• ,.,, •"", • ..,I 14 "I\ '1111• v..c. • ....,o °'-C••" n.,11, f'olai /, 1- 1• 11.,. • ·'"";~"' I•"'' 4)J~ ,, '1 JANUARY Phone 548 -5131 Dur to extra heovy ift- ve-ntory & shipme nts of eastttn merchandise, we are forced to drasticaf-. ty reduce ot.1r p ric.es f« th i ~ c.lea r a ncr. Shop eoriy for best selection. SEE OU R NEW LINES OF: A NTIQUE PINE. COUNTRY FRENCH, COUNTRY ENGLISH, COUNTRY CONTEM- PORARY. AND MEDITERRANEAN ALL AT SA LE PRICES All LAM PS. PAINTS and ACCESSORIES up t o 50 % OFF 1865 HARBOR BlVD . UP TO 30% 10 40% Off Our Requlor Low Price• FEATURING: • THOMASVILLE, • SEALY , • SIMMON S, • REMBRANDT, • CAVALIER. • LA-Z-BOY. • SIGHT LIGHT . • ROYAL COACH , • HECXMAN CABINET, • BRANDT TABLES, • HAMMARY TABLES, AND A HOST OF OTHERS EQUALLY FAMOUS . AU .U SAU ... ICfS. O...Ow• ..... o1 ... -, C'-? • DOWNTOWN COSTA MESA • ree I • The C:hurr:h ill Pdintin t:s. 'l'\vn excl usive pri nts rcpro<lucf'd in full color. lanuary Is l to lOlh. 'l\\q rr1n!•. r.111 l d11ll ~. 11p1··d 11 .. 111 nrig111.1I ( li 1111111111•1111 1111"" .1 111 1 • hu•;pn "P''' 1111 .1lh t .. 1 11" \o\ 111•· d l~!l!li:!Ul ~l io•d •.! 1l o'•;111.i11 ·, 1•1.i11!l - '•"ll l.1lli11µr.q ih··d ··~pr1"'.:.lv tr•!' 1111 '; i 1Jlll OI\' "'I d'd""· \\"1• !o ff, I' \(Ill 11 11 •, i 11illlll!'ll1flf<il!\ I' :;1•t 111 1"111,.r ool "•II \\ 11\·,1"1\ ··I'~~! (, 11l "u,11 \' f '..11 h 'I\\.! fll !Ill .,111! .ii.J i· (11 1 It 1111111" 1· '"" 111 • 1!1" "I ;}fl lfl"J'lf• d !!•'11 11 1'• ·' "'·1!11 .111111111~ m1·11 ... 111• 1d th•• fo·\\ \,It,, 11• !""fl·tllv .tff,., l•·d lh··. "Iii'··· .. 1 h l'.1<11 . ln 1h••'!t" 1rouhl1•d 1 1111•'~ pl.\•,. \IHI!" f1111·I . II 11!1 Sn11ll111· .. s t S.t 1111~s11 ii .. ,,, 1•.11111 11g•. ,1 1 ,. 11 1 I" 11 il ,,]iJ, .. 111d :~.1 \11 1~(·; .0 111p lv 111.•.1111,J lll' 1o1 S•l'1,0fln lo;-"11 .11!"11o ~ ••t lb·· I ''.; g111.• 1111111 •1o! 1\dol Slh h <.,o•r lll"!I\ I" "i.:11,1 1,,11!1•.-,/· • ,11·11111!"· •Ill all 1.1·r 11ri1·.111•-, 111 Id to 111.i111r1 t v ,, -; ' 111 7}4 ",,, iF .. d l,t\\' r 1•q 11111·., ~1i1 1 .. 1 111 1t.d •til1 '11 · .. 1 I \ \ 11" !1111 111 .. l1·ll 11··+I\""·• 11, ..... 11 1111 111 1y " , I 11 , •. hi ill 1 11d I' I 'I' '11 •I I 11 11'11'1• •, -1 1111 .. ,,~ h·· ' 'I"' 'I 11 .. 'I •I I I '1 \ 1 11 .. 111<1 ~ ! u I ,. I ', , " I I • ~ • I!, 0!•1 • ·I i IH 1 If , I 1 11 !I 1 I I I 111 h' ll Ii I I•' ., ,, ••ti ,. Ill Ill ! ftqJ 111 ,,i. 111> '• 1 • ,,1 1u.I It le !11 'I' 110,I "ii 111111 - ·Id ·•t .I ., 111 11 di\ fin 1·.n h \\11hdr +1•.1l I \11•1 111 • 11• ~­ iJ,,1111oil11 l '.1"··l•1"1\...14 1n11n l1•·1\111i:·,•," 111•r 1\11!1 111 11 1111! ol I\ oil d1 •p11•d l 111 1J.1\' lllll !·11 •1• ,;,,, 1 11 1 , I" 111 II' 1 111 r•,11• n·i 1··, '~l .i rl -;, rr "hl 1 ( li " 11 \ 1111r So 11!111I\1 ·~1 ~.l \ 1 ll;.:'< ,11 1 111111 1 110\\ 1 ,1 1 11 1~11 11111!iv111.id 1·\111d" 11111\ th" 1n1 h ,.,,rn !rt 1111 th • j ,.j 1,l1•·~\ !fi·ltl 1111•11•] o~f lj!l.trlf'I INGLf.\\'000 : '.?-<~J \\' '·L1nrhf'~1"t Al hlh -.. I CORO .... J\! ;.01" !-> 4 •>rn na \!Hil -1- 11.111 T C>RR/\/l.'C f 1 l hott l 1 >1\•·n~ ~! \h>r•rlin" 12A·fl111 '(>....,TAR!f)·1<1S'-\1"""'·"t1 \11· ,,,. "" ·~tANUATTAN Mr.ACll (NI I \l.in h .111.•n ,,, I '• ,'I .. SOUTll PAS/\UE:N/\: t 0J 1 l l11t1l1n11t<1n Ur -,,,, -1111 GIC A.N/\OA 1111.1.S. 1111·,n "•ti ··-llli <;1"'11~•1 .. lr-~.I(, ' mun. l hru lhur~ 9 •111 In ·I f'm. fri. to 6 pm ; •sat h nur\. I 1.lOol Those Who Care Find Time Volunteers Recruited Sturit'S by A l~l .I S()N D•~t:RR Of U.e D~•ly Pll<Ot S.Wtf "If you t·are, vou 'll f111rl lht· 11mt·. •· s::ntl L111 :-. n·an1011t n1~ l\\O ~ons !ind I 11ri· ~<1111 1-: lo 1111·k up ;.1nd d eli \'l'r ;.1 s1ovt• " As a \"Oluntl•or t·oord1n<1tor shl' 'P1.<nds n1;1ny h ours on tht• phOOl', lry1ng to n1t1tch needs ;uid !:>kill~ T t;•:N 1-'Rl l-:!'llll S "\\'e need you n g mt·n. ro!lcg1· ;1ge or married nlcn, to v.urk \\1th t{•('n<igl' bnys, d1(! chang e the w ay I buy und plan " "!'he rewards of ht•r v.·ork arc n1any, she said. "I have gainl•d an ;ippret·it1tion for \\•hat I havt•, for the situ;.ition s th;lt OC'('Ur \\'ith peoplt". :ind a rt• :li1zution that it could easily htip · pt..·n lo n1e, too. gularly and ht·r gr ;1dl'~ ha\'l' 11n proved. The pair h;.l\'l' d one m an y ''free" t hings llk t· lht• bcac·h and the p.irk <:1nd gonl' pL1ecs h(·r youn~ friend savt'(I up for. "We did ,go to Dis nl'.vl <1nd because l u:sl•cl to work lht•rt'." ~he ;.idded. 1\l first rt.•luctant. lht• little girl nO"' enjoys lht.·ir v1 s 1t:-1 !\ rnotht•r hf :-oe\'{'11 children, ~1x ..,\Jll ill hPllll', Sill• tll'\'!1tl·~ 1:1g !Jt IH 10 hours c,at·h \l.'t'l'k a~ ;111 :1d - 1ninistr<1tivt· voluntt·1·r for th" ()range County Ul·p.:11·tn1t•nt (•f Social St.!rvit'l'S. lier job is l o 1n a t c-h t•hents ¥.'1th I hose whu 1,_·:.in help "'llh ;1 :-.pec-1:.i l proble m . l ~u l . :-.ht..• ~i1 ~11 docs <Ii reel t·ont;-i1·t \\ urk ··\Ve t'<in ttSl.' fril'ndl v vi:-.1tors fOI the• elderly, JU~t to di-op Ill .and shO\'/ they <:arc or t ;1kl' lht>nl shopping . ··\\'c'vc g ai n ed be t ter un- derstandin_g or all pcoµle ." Su s an Smith , ll untin ~t o n Be <tch. 1s a socia l work n1<Jjor :ii Lnn g Be a c h St:Jl(' Un1vt·rs ity. Sh<' h('_t:an hc-r Just l"r1l'nd:-. r1 ·J;i. tion:-.hip \\ith :.i 12 yl'.<.1 1' old i.:irl a s <I l'l<JSS ;1S:-O JJ.!l11lll'llt !Jut ('Ofl\l/lUl'iJ :1ftt•1· !ht• C'OUrSl'S endt·tL ·· r·or rn c , it 's ;1 <'hant.•1· to \\Ork in n1 y fiC'ld and hl'lp ~o n1t·on c ...,•ho need s the ht·lp ." B E A AND ERSON, E d i tor T .. ~1. J.1"""'' I, 19 1~ "I l'OU11 ~1 ·I :1 young r.11 ht•r nr thrl'<• <·h ildr·t·n on n11tr1t1ur1 n11 ·;d planning ;1nd :-.ho\lp1ng /I. 1nan r;1i!.111g .s n1 ~ill thJ!tl rl'n ni•t·d:-. ;i Jul ofht·lp.'' In her 1h ird \'f':l r \~tlh thC' dt·- partml'nl . :-.h1· <i l:-.o h:1s a sst.'>ll'cl ;1 ~Jn).:IC' V.olll <1n \I 1t h a ll'L'n:1i..:e d;n1ghtt·r 1n \\ f1rk1n g out <1 bucl ).!ct for lhl~ir n1utlt·-.t n11·:111.'> ''/l.n(!. 11l' 1ak1· nu :1ny 1•1nl'rgl'll(')' 1nn\•111g Joh:-.. 'l'od<iy, "1-lelp ¥.'ith rn ovini:: and people ¥.ho t·un r t'pa1r l t'lt.'vi:-.1nn :-.l't~ and appliantcs ilrc urgently in tlt•rnancl.'' 1'hl!rc n1usl he :-.omeont.• oul there v.·ith t11111..· ;111d t•1lcnl!:> rc- quirt·d. she a s:-.t.·rtt.•rl . !\·l rs . R:1n10 11t \\'as :1mong: t·nun - ly "'11mt.·n t;.ikin g the \\'omen \Vho {';ire l"our:-.c l <1u,::ht thruu.i::h !ht• l '(' AJ.:ricultur al t:xt 1•ns 11Jn S1:rv ice "'hJl'h t r ains Hl budi..:t·t - 1 n~. ''I t h t.·lp e d '''i lh Ill\' hou:-.l'hold ,'0 she o.uln11ts, ··and I 1:1RST ASSl(;,"1'1 F.:!'111' ··1 providl·d a supple1nt·nt tu hl·r rt•l;1ti11n s hio ~vith hl'r n1uthcr. .1 ltlll !11111• ,·.,llt•g1· :-.tud1·11t . Sh1· d1dn'1 IJa\'t• ;1 s n1 ut·h tin1!' fiir hl'r <1S!>h1..· v.nuld ha,·t· ll kc·tl " 1'hc l1ttlc girl. \Vho 11idn'l 11!-e :-.('boo\ c.11111 ofll'll found t•...: ('ll!>l'S IJIJ{ lu ;1lll'lld. JlO\\' /::OC.'> r1·- Susan S mith. Huntington Beach, (above) vo lunteers tim e with youngster whose mothe r is full-time s tu d ent. J anet Townsend (right) is a pla yroom aide in a g ency offic e. S..11TH'\1n1P s . th1• h;·lnnf :i \fili1n- lt•L'I IJkc SU ~~Hl l',l!l lll ~':ttl the \\II fert•ncc ln s tay ing on Y.Clfart· ;111tl be1'fln11nt;! ind<:l)t•nd vnl. 'l'hv 1110\ht.·r. a d11or1·1•t• in ht•r n11<1 -30s y, 1th t -.••o d aughtc1·s, nf- fc.·red hl.'r feelings on lht' v;.ilut• or \'cil un let.· r s . '"l'hc main lh in ~ s ht• offe r s is l inl t'. I ).!o to :-.r hnrl l 1n thl' daytin1l' and l \\1) night -; t·:1t·h \\'t.:t•k an<l I nm fl\'(' 111onths aw:1\· rronl n1y dC'g rt•t• • "'i\.l .v oldt•st 1s h:1ndir:1ppl'd :i nd. of eour:-.1..·. t ~1 k1..·s up n1uc·h uf n1y t1mt•, \\hi c h n1e<.1 n'-\/l'ry little timl· fur 1n y y 11ung1..•J" d:1ughtl'r," :-.ht• 1·xpl:1in\.'d . T IM•: G l\1 1-:N ".<\!firs t , :-.ht•\\ a:. h(•:-1tant. but 110¥.' s he and Su :-.;_1n (th1• volun· ll'Cr) art• good fri e nds , Sht· c·a n dt•vole t1111c· .1u s t lo n1~· d:.iughtcr. t:.iht• h t·r pla <.:C's I t'(Jultln't v.'ith her ::.i:-.11..·r 111 th"'' hCl'lt·hair.·· ll avi11g a friend for hc·r daug htt•r 111::-i rle it possihle for hl'r lo Stay in collt'ge, "l•'or ;.1\\hilt•, f thought I ¥.'ould ha ve to drop out. l\·l y daug htt·1· ,,·a s demanding ti me I d idn't havP And, I have to get m y dC"~ree s o I can ¥.'Ork o.ind s upport them. "I "'ant to get off "'elfare and he o n nly O\l.'n ;1s s oon a s pos:-.1· ble ·• Anothe r volunll'l'r instaltt'd :1 ro1>cway to th1: second floor of her home so the oldt·r girl could be mor(' indepc ndent , s h<• :J.cl dcd. "Nn\\' th;1t s he t·an climb the st ~iirs. s he's try ing to do n1 ur1". ~i nd I h:tt frees me <• little rnnrt· ... Soon . s he added , :1nothcr ¥.'orkt·r is J.!Oing to do some minor body V.'ork on hC'r C<Jr. 0 'T h1.•re's no \l.'<IY I cnn <Jffnrd insur a nce. c~1r re11a 1rs. const~1nl babysitlC'r. \Vithout the volun- teers. I don't knlJ\'o v.h<·rt• I'd bt·:· JIF.TTf:R \\'f)RJ .J) Jud y Olson . Co!-.t,'l t'ol t•:-0 <1. hec<i rn(• o.i s nt·i;tl S{•rvices volun- lC"t'r ··bec·;iust· I was tired of sit - t in,i:: in v.•on1en's C'lub meC'ting" and listening anrl nnt do in ~ anything t o m <JI.: c I ht· world a llCI tcr pince. ··1 believe it m ak rs you :1 bt·l- lcr p<'rson to h elp someone t·I ~{_" ., She has C'S t ablis h<'d rt·la- tions hips wilh seve r.ii young pcn- plC'. "'l'he first one I \~·orked v.·ith has hct·n o ut. of I he :1rc:1 . I ¥.';1 ~ nne nf th(_• p cop](_• she rcmt·n1 · hl:!r('d ;1nd r:-il l~d v.·hen she ca n1e h:t('k .. A long -stanrling rclntions hip \\'ifh ;1 lrltlc J.!irl v.·:is bui lt on ;1 shared IO\'L' of n111!'l i<'. She g <1 v1.: thl' child hl'I" firs t musrcal insl rl•- m1·nt . '·Sht· .it1'-l pC'rfnrrnt.·cl /11·1 f1r:-1 <,.fJ!11''':-.\1·rrl;11 :·1\lr:-0. (J\:-.q11 :-,;11d pl"IHH!J.\ . .l'ht· pair ;i\-.n h:i\'t· )!0111' 11111 f,.I It'(' ('J'c:1n1 , g or11• !n l 'Ollci •rt-.. J(l"l \'1:-.ll t:d fr1.•nd:-.. l:1kt·n ;i dr111.· ;nu! t;llkt•d. ··,\ :-o n{·1:tl :-O f'r·1·i1·c· \·ol11nlt•1 •r n1:1.\' tal.,(• lh1·n1 111 t/11• ~lur1· h1·lp pl;tn n11•:d .... , :1h1 1u1 .111;-.·th1 n.L: .11111 can 1n1<1 g 1n(·. Opportunities Are Unlimited ~h;1r on !\11 hf'r sold 's f'll · lhu sia -.n1 1s inf1·ct1ous ... fhC'r(• art• :t lol (•( r:1nt .l~l lt' pC'nplc ou1 !hl'rt· ... !'>;1y:-. th1· soei;t! \\Orkcr "hn he :1d:-. \o lunlf't•r rPrru1t n1 t·nt f11r 1 IH• flr;inJ.:t' ("1111nt\ 01·11,1rlnl('rll 1•f Sor i,d S t·r\ I("<'" llC'r Jr1h fnr lh1 · p.1 -.I f1 ·v. n1onth-. h :1 ~ hf'Pn In 1·nlt ... ! \Oll1111~·C'rs of :Il l age ~. s kills and 1ntcrl·s ts l11 v.·ork d1rt-t•lly :.ind 1n<l1r~·etl~' "'1t h ('I ll'll1 s .. R1i.:ht no"· "'1•'rl' lr1ok1nl! for ~ilnl ('Ollt' l\hi1 c·an hl'lp \\ilh rt·· pairing a lC';1k1ng roof."" sht' :-.aicl. offrrinJ,! ;111 c·x;1n1plc· of the cliv('rsity . "!\los t of ou r r c-quC's ls arc for one-to-on£> luto rin t! .. lus l f.'r1<·nds for youngs tt·r" .'l nrl hn1nc :inri auto repair!'. \\le urgt·ntly nct•d v.·orkcrs fo r olavr ooms at our of- fr11·:-0 nncl hilrn c u :ll hC'lpt•rc, ·· There' <1rC' 105 ~1('f1 vt• \'Ol1 1nlf•('r' t·11rrl'nt l'" c1nd ~oc1al ::.1..·rVH'l'·" coulrl usC ninny nlt1r1· ''\10\unt:1ry p ;i rt1cipa11on 1n puhhc he;:ilth an rl v.rt•lfar1· pro 1.:ra n1 s offC'rs ;in o pport11n1t y fC/r nnt· to o n f' 111IC'r r1elinn ht•f\\l't'll !nc\l\'ld ll :tl s O( d1ffer1•nl SIH'll~­ ('C'OOOm 11• haC'kgrc111nds v.h0 n11ght ncvt•r h ave this ('ont;u·t . - s he exp\;:uncd . "This 1s ;in oppnrlun1t:-o f11r p1'rsons v.·hn ha\'C' o nl ~· hc;ird t ht.• nt·~ative s 1dl' o f t he puhl ir· v.·c\fare s t o r v t o Sl'C' f o r them.sC'l\·cs ho·". the 3,l!<'llt"Y ~C'r\·es thC" <·om m unity and "·ho it helps, as v.·eJI as wher1: th1• f.!:i ps in ser\'icc ~nd valid criticis m l i (' " Sl 'PERVISION VoluntcC'rs "-'Ork und er l he :-.up('rv1s 1on ;ind guidanrl' of th1' :-.oc1:d :-.t·rvit'(' v.1nrk<'r and hct\11 nlany rl'sourccs u1>on v.·!11<·h tn dr:l\\', sh(' sfiirl . (lpportunitit•s arc cndlf's:-. \'ulunlf'er s n1:1.'t h('\JJ clients v.. 1th ;ippJ 1a nc C's, c loth1n c. f11rn1turt·. hud g t·t1nc and n1t·:1I pl:1nn1 ng. o r rC'spond to en1f'rf,!t·n- t'\ nC'eds o f food , clothing or bcd- chng. 'i"hC"y accompa ny the aduH or <·h1hl to s on1etimes bev.ilrlcring' first appointments, with doC'tors orsrhools , for excimplc . Others o ffer counsc-ling in homemaking. cco non1ics, nutri- tion. child care. grooming and hyi::ienc and ho"' to use food :-;tam ps . Jl anrlym;1n tas ks arc :1bun- rl <1nt. "ThC'Sl' people jusl don'l have the money for C'xpensive re· Party Guests Uninvited D EAR ANN LANDERS : P IC'asc trll "Very Anonymous" that s he 1 ~ "Ve ry !\l i:-.taken ." along .... ·ith other Catholics v.•ho l>Cliev<' it is a s in lo use con- lracC'plivcs. 1 am a Catholic and sever al year s ;)go, :i fl C"r h a ving five childr£>n . m y hus bnnd nnd I vistl· ed a cousin v. ho haci jus t gotlC"n his n1a slc r s degree fron1 l\o::.ton College. lie tole! u s thnl l 1!'i n~ a rtifiri:il birth control was nol 1·onsiclerC'd ~I sin -t hat non-u~c v.'as a "sug- gC'slion ," and not given hy 1.hc J'>opc f rom I he st· at. of infallih iH tv. I w ;1s ~hotk1·d to h t'ar \hi:. and ":1s sure h(· \\·a s v.·r oni.; I then "·ro1(• l o :1 priPst \\'ho a n swe r ed <1.uc s l 1on s in a Ca\holt(' rnag azin('. ll is r{'ply came (a Ion/,! \\•ith a lctlC'r ) s.::1ying ··1t i:-; NOT a s in ." lie said the Church preferred t hat Catholics not interfe r e w ith birth , but th;il it was "a personal decision.'' I've had doctors tell n1 e th:it the r h ythm s ystem fa ils about 15 per cent of the time. For coupll•S v.·ho feel t h ei r rt1miliC's are large ennugh . t his !'ystcm is not very safe T hC' "'om an h as no pcarc o r mind fron1 onf' mont h to the next . I t's <1 nt~r\•c -wr acki ng "-':I Y tu Ii\'('. So plt'a!'C', Ann. p rint this le lt(•r :ind liberal<' tl large nun1hf'r nf v.•omc·n whn don't know Uie facts. It could !)(• a j:!rcat service FHO~t MASSACll USE"rrs DE1\R M1\SS.: I consulted o ne or th e mos t knowle d gc abl1: J esuits in the counlr)>' to gel m y an s wt'r. R e v e rend Ric h ard McCormick. Profe ssor at the Kf'nnedy Ins titute of Georgetown l !ni\'t""Ts ity in Was hington, D .C .. a nd rorm t""r President of ThE" Catholic Theological Socie ty of Americ a s aid : ··vour Boston cousin's statem ent Is incorrect . "Pf'lpe Paul 's E ncyclic al on llumane Vitae, issued on Jul)> Z9, 19GR, authoritall\'e ly re as."llerted the traditional C atholic position on birth c ontrol, the basic con- ('t'pl being tha t the use of con - lract>pllves is i nherently evil and should b e shunned. ''The tf'action to the F:n - cy c l i c a l amon g C atholic 1>airs, "she s a 1rl . !\trs .. !\c h{·rsolrl hopes lo c1r- ganize frt•r <:las s'l's for clients on home repair and hnvc then1 prac· 1 ice '.'i kills a t lht•i r home a nd thos e or other (']icnls . F Rl-:F: ('OtJ R SF.S She nnt1 c ipatcs ::i <;imi\:'lr pro- ,i<'<'I for auto n1 :nntC'n:1nct• 1'hc :-.oe1:'1l v.'o rk cr v.·oulcl :dsn 1Jkt• to :-o (•e :i ~r oon11ng a nd :-.f•Jf . <·o nfidcnC'1' cours e for won1en bC'forc lhl'y SCC'k work 1-'or !ht• e lde r!\·. 011!1ngs ;ind l'O ll1 p;1 lll•Hl .'>hlp:-:11 I' dt''>IJ't•tJ. ",Ju:-.! f.'riend s can give a hrt.·ak to a h.a rrie d n1otht•r and v.·iden the horizons of the child. \Ve c-m - phasizC" inexpens ive ncti\'itJC'S. onrs that the family can dn logelhcr late r .·· she said . Tutors "'ork "'ith all :.gt":-. 1n1 acaden11c class"•ork, brus hup \'nc·;t!10 1i;tl ~ki\1 ... pr1 ·p;1r;1t i11 11 fi1 1 tht• Ci l':I) ll·-.t ;111d l :1 n~1 1 ;n.,:1 · ..,1-,1 11,_ ;\nd . tht·.v rt•:-.pn n d 1 11 ''n1 ~l\'C'r 1 r-k '' ri•q11t•:-.I'> "'rh a1 n11 gh1 011·:10 laking a client p r :11·\tt'1· dr1\'1n1.: on h1 ...: lv;_1rnt·r's ~ll'l"rtl 11 nr hl·lp1ni.: \\ 1! h thi· laundr1 "hi·n th~· ;idull 111 Ill•' f:1n1il ,\ I'> 1111 '.l/'dl'll.dt•d " <>tht·r·, n11g ht g 1\'t' tirnt· 111 l!11 • T':tl'P!ll .., A nnn y n111!l " llflthnt '. v.·h1 c h pro\'lril'" .-.upp11r1 fol' ~thlJ S J\'f' p arl'n !-. !hro11 g h u n <lersl;_1nd1ng , !'nc·uu r :1g1,n11 ·nt .ind reft>rr<il 10 ;1 prop1·r agl'n"·'. Church c roups and nth1·1· t•r g:iniz;rtion" h.11·t· 1·11rttrihut1·d I•> :-.p<'C'lfi l' proJ('l'I " ..... ht• ,,:11d . Sl11 - dents t'an oft1•11 1•:1r111·l.1 :-.:-o l 'll'1!11 ... through d nn:i\t•d J11~11rs. lrilt'I ~·-.!l·d ll!dll ldll,d '-l 111 1 "II 1 ... ·1 :'ll r -. \, !1t•1 .. ,1 11 1 ,11 )(::1 r:1r: l n 1· 111 !• 1r r1 1.1t11 <11 , Ann Landers theologia n s c r C'aled a jCrr at de al of disse n sion. Many theolog ia ns and s ome bis hops fE"ll that Pope Paul ha d not race d up the connlc- tive c h arac t e r of the \'alues of married lire, and that birth c on- trol· techniques should be left to thei ndivldual couples.·· Fathe r f\o1cCormick made it c lear that a bortions are not in· e luded among thf' "lf"c hnlque s." In ans "A·c r to your question, "Is It a sin?" -somt· priests and .even some blshoos who did nol a grr e with Popr P a ul 's l·:n- c ycll cal hav(' g\vf'n the grcf'n light lo C ath olic couples who ask that qui:-st inn. Many others take the t radi- tional vlf'w. AccordinJ?; to two ri>- ('enl studies, almost as many Catholics u sl' <"on tracf•p!l \•1·s a .. those of other fa ith'i. OE!\R /l.N:"J' l .A~OF:!lS · I am kicki n ~ m yself h('caus1• I think r·ve bC'cn o utfoxt•d 1\ v.•on1an I US C'd to ht· fri cntllv v.·itt. telephonC'd l:1st n1 ght to ·!';1~-sh1· ;ind h f!r hus b;ind hl':n·tl \\ t' arc ~ivin g a p 01 r1 y ;ind tht•1r tll \'1l<1 · lion n1us l h ave bct·n lost in thc mail bccaus<' sn ·1nHny o( our m ut ual fr1t·nrls h:t \'I' rc'('f'i\•1•cl theirs . ~he addt•tl. "I knov.. you ,,·o uldn'1lt·av1·11.s oul •'' f \\"<lS SO S!ll!ltll'd. I 1 Ppli1·d.' llf c·ourst• v.•t• ..,,,111 \'fJ U :in 1nvit;1l11111 J'rn J!\;id ;.11u t·;illt•d " The-~· ¥.'t•r1• :--.;4 r r o n nur 11 -.1 ;ind nov.· 1'111 :111110\f'd v.·11h rny'i (•l f tin the otht•r hand, !\ n n . v. h<•t could I I',.,,. II I '\'•HI 1-!t•! r·.dl -. 11/i (•t/ !h1•\' .t l'I' .,.11 h ;ind n1·1·d h1·lp ."-'h(• .-.1111·k 111111 h .. r \\1•rk ""c•\1·r1 lh1'0l1g h f\i!' h:1d lllll•''> li1 ·~·:1U '>P ... tic ('l+tdcl .'>I'(' ·· 11 li :d .1 l(·rrlld•· .. \rugglc 1\. 1:-; f111' I l\1·111 t11 111 :1h 1· • t •• :-;lit· hel11·\·t.·.., · 11h .. 11 1u11 do '>IHIH'lh1n ;_! to 1n ;d,1· .1 ho ·lh·r l1fi• fnr 11111• Pl'r'>n 11, 1•111 1p,d,1· !!it· 1\·orld .1 lll·t!1 ·r pl.1(·1· 'This is an opportunity for those who have only seen the negative side of th e w elfare s tory.·-Sharon A eb ersold h:1\'(' !'ai d to h•·r 7 -T\\'{) TOO ~t ,\'.'\'r Of:,\R T .: Y o u C'Ould ha \·t· said . "~o . "'r d idn't send \•Ou an in,·itation , but \lt'C hope tO invilt• you anothe r limt"." Th f' b est "ay t o prolf'C t y oursC'lr ag ainst Pl.'Ople \\'ilh t.'hulzp a h is to combat It w it h SU01C o r ,\'OUr O"-'O, 1\rl' ~'our fl;irt•nl s 11\0 ~tr1 f't " ll:11·d to rt';1r h '' /\1111 l .antlt•r:-.·.., ht>Ok!t •I , "liuggf'd B,\' i'art•fll"" I [i •V.' In (; t'I f\I 11ri" l-'r11t•dotn . '' t'(l ll[d h(•\p ~IHI br1d~~· !ht• j!f'flf'r .1- !Jnn 1.::I P S(•1Ht ~,o t'1•111 ... 111 t·oin \\l(h \'nur l't'f!Ul'~\ und ;1 ltu1g . "' :in1 pt·d . :-.t•lf a d drl':-..,1•1J t·11 1·l•l11p1• \q 1\1111 1 .a n d•·r ~. I' Cl. \\o>. 1100. C:lg111, Ill . fj0J20. B Z' DAILY PILOT Couples Repeat Pledges • MAS. NICHOLS Hanson-Coe ll ••hert ?\i('hol:.l·-: ur ~\·\1J•'•rl Dianna I.yon Coe and ·niom:ts llearh. F.astmo1n Jla nson Wl're murricd ll nnnr ;itten<l<.1nl '1 \1••r1• in rile s at St . AndrC'W '!> J)c horah Sh1·rr1IJ, '.\lrs B ~I.irk Pres byterian l'hurcli, Nc\4•port llannu :ind J ~ond ! .. ~11·1lols. ,\l:.H I.leach conducted hv th1._• ltev. in the 11·i·dd1ng party l\'l·r<.· i'\1 1111·.1 Dr. C h~rlcs Diercnric.ld. l~erg, /i.1 rs. J(ay l'uqueltt·. 1\l1 •'7· 'fheir ptJr1._•nts ;ire the l\1crel andria IJrirlgcs and J\lr. :111d J\\r:.. Coes of Costa l\.1t'sa and tlu:.· l\.lack J o seph ltol.>1nson . L. •l a nsons of Corun~1 dcl 1\.1 ar. Others l\'l'rc \\'j Iii 3 10 Tlo11 l', •lonor ;:1ttc ndants were Sharon Jan 1.!erg, liary l .ayn1;.in. l'hd1p V i rtue a nd \Vi!liam ll. llanson. \\'als h, Gregory and t~d v•.i rd Others in th1._• wedding party were !~ridge s , Nicole and 1'nelle Annie tte ci nd Gloria Ha nson, Diedcr ic:h a nd Kevin K i-nn~u d . 1\farli Usab, Chris (iobstc r . Greg 'fhe brid1._•, a g radua\1· u!' J.nni.: ::ind Ton1 Coe, John ~tnd J eff Beal·h M illikan lligh S("hn•d :i nd Jlanson . · !he lJnivc1·sity of ('~1lif11r111 .1 :LI 'fhe bride \\'as graduated from ·Santa Jlarhura, :1 lt 1·1ul1·d l C Cos ta M esa lligh Sc.:hool cind al· I rvine and ('al St:tt<: Long Ht·acJ1. t end ed ()range Co;:ist College. lier hus band is an alurnnu:. ••f He r h us band is a ~radu<.i t e of 14ong Bc<.ich Poly l li g h :-;l'h11ul, P asaden a lligh School and at· Long Beach Cit .v Collc).!e. LiCS I ~ tended l.,asadena City College. and the Univcr:-.it;. uf Suuthern N ichols-Berg Cora Ellen Berg and Robe rt Lee Nichols Jr. exch anged vows .and rin gs in the Bay Shore Congregational Church, Belmont Shore. 1'he bride is the daughter o f J\1r. and l\1rs. Leon<.ird R c nholt Ucrg of Long lleac h . He r hu:-;band 's parents are the senior Program Potpourri California. B lack-Garmon NeY.'port IIarbu r l..11lher~1n Church was the selling for nup· tials uniting in n1arr 1;q.,:1.: 1\nn Garmon of Coron<.1 d el !\l ;.ir and Bob Black o f Santa .-\n:1. Parents of t he n~;\·Jy1\·(•d:-; li1'1.' l\1r. :i nd !\trs. \\lilli:1n11··. (;..1r111 .. 11 of Corona dcl !\tar a11d i\l J":-._ • MR S. BLACK . J <11b~·rt JI t'.J.u·k1Jf!-\.q)l,1 \n,t . 1)11 11 ·1.t!IH).'. \11 f\' lhl· Ho·\', 1\11 ~·.1·1 111·1~: .u1d th1· H1·;·. ('l,,11h· . "'ll"\\,l]\<'I . \111.·11d.1111 -. \11 •11· \11:-.. 1·r.inl.. (:011\h\1 .1111·. l '.1111 l'.1rl..111:.1111, :-.h.1r1·n ;\l 1h lh·r 1 ~11111111• l ~l.11·1.., ,\11111 · S:1\1\1·1·, Hoh1•1l <;,u·1n••ll, 1 ~r.id\ Bl.H'h., .101!11 ("i\l:d1.111. • 'J"utl\ l '.1l b1•~11l.1 ll.111.1 I·'.1 !lni. <:'r~1du.1t1•:-.. 1o] J·\1111hdl Jl 1,t.•ll Sclt1111l, !h1· ~ 11upl 1· 111!1 l11t.• 111 :-..1111.1 .\1 1.1 . ·rh1• Ju 1d" a11,·ndvd 1111· l 11111•1 -.111 ol' H1 ·dl.1nd-. . .111d , , .1 ·-v111111 ' ~it l'.d St,itv l.-111.i.: Jtt.•;1!'h ll1·1· liu -.h.ind :1ttt.•11d1·d C'h:ip. 1n:u1 t•oll1 ·;..:\' .ind ·"'t.'l\1·d in 11 11.· l S. C.'11.1 :-..l L;u:1rd. Moats-Peck !\l ari11(•r;-; C'h11rc·h \\.i:-. 1h1· -.1•!- ting fo r th1• 11t1pl1.t!s 1111111ng l',\n- 1111:1 l >l'll l'1._·\h. ~uul l).11111·[ .J11h11 :\Tu:tts. ·r 1 n.~ (t•\'. lldt ,\,·tnn ol· J1 r1atl•cl. l'a1·1_•nt s nf the n c-11·1~·\\l'<I:-:1r l' 'f\l rs. \\'ii 11 :i rn \'augh1_•n , .':1_•1\ p1>rl J~l'.1ch: t·rndr .. l:1t·k l'l'<.·k. l 'osta !\IC's~1 : ;1n(I '.\Jr. ~ind i\lr:-;. Kl'nni·t h J Pil n i\l n.11 !>. llunling ton l~l'~1 1_·h l'orHlJt.' l lod t,'.1_'S ;1n<I l':11d :\lorn :-.1.·r \"1..:Ll :1s h•ll1PI' :1!tt'nd.111t :.. 1\1,,) 111 tllc l\\.'Lhl u ig p:1rty \10..:r1_· Jud;.. Club Tempo Picking Up M esa Harbor Bring a Guest w ill the me i\fesa llarbor Club's luncheon m eeting in th e T ale o f the Whal e restaurant. Newport Beach, at 10:30 a .m . 'fhurs day, Jan. 9, The program, Your Horoscope in l',ashion and Song, 1vill be pre• . !;Cntcd by i\liss Lcnno \Veils. It in· e ludes go1v n .s by 1'.1r. l~lack\.\•ell. Dance Theater Auditions for m ale and female dancers will be he ld by Dance "fheatc r of Orange County ·rhur s - clay, Jan _ 9. in the An<.iheirn Cultural Arts Center. The cen ter is located at II a r bor and La P::i\1na in Anaheim. Audi· t1 un tin1es :.ire 6 ::10 p.m . for cont· p<.iny mcn1bc1·shi p and 5 p .m. for apprentice d anct.·rs. Pi Phi T..ci.surc \Vorld Pi l"'his will host the Thurs day, J :.1 n. 9, n1cctin g of the South Cnnst Al11n1n<.1<' Club in Clubhouse 3. Lag una 1111\s. S peaking clurin~ th1._· IO::~o a n1. mc (•l 1n g \\'111 b1.: J\1axtnc C.o\dhack of PtJs a<IC'na , Southern Californ1:1 president. GOP Forum A f0rum on ler,islation and .schools will hi ~hlighl. thC' 10 :1.n1. ·r1u1rs day, Jan. 9, mcl'tinA or t~u: (J ra ngc County F'cd('rJt i1ir1 1,f J !c puhl i c~•n Wo men 1n lll c· \\'C's lC'rn l''t'dcral Suving-. ;111J I .0:111 hullding, C)ro.1nge. Spl'~•k c rs \\'ill h(..' tht' :'lln11·s. Jan Averill. Shirley lJc<ich, i\lary Pr,·cr a nd Elizabeth l?oht:rtson. Ne\V officers arc the !>.1 mt's. Sisterhood The S is terhood of Shir Ila ?\·1a'<.1 lo t l larbor f{eforn1 'l'ernplc \.\'ill s ponsor a Dt1n cerci!iC class or exercise to music beg inning at 9 ;30 a .m. \\'ednes<l:i y. J;.1n. 8 . f)e bbic llo~c \\'ill in:-.truct !hi· class in Godde!! Ila!! ;1t (·hr1:.t Churt:h by th1.: :::ic~L, .'.'\e1vpurt Beach. GOP Women Ann Spencer , corrc.spondin~ !'ecr el.<ir.v of the Cnunci 1 <•f J{cpublican \Vomr.:n . \\ill !1l' g lll'Sl s peakc1· for the ~1 ·:10 a .nl. 'l"hu1·:-.- l.lay, Jan. 9, rn1.•t.•t111 J.! of La ~LHl:l Nig u el R(•f!u hh l"<IH \\'nmcn·s CJ u b, Ni g uc I O; 1111 rn u rll 1.v C C'n tt'r. Kim i)l•ll. µ:i s l pr1·:.1dt·11t or the• J.<igun3 Nigu1_•I c luh. Ii.is hl'l'IJ t-'IC('lcd prcs idt•nt 11f th1.: Count·il of Repubilc:.111 \\'Hrlll'll. Alpha Chi Omega Alph a Chi Omega alunlna •· "ill lt arn :::iboul acupunC'lurt· ;1t !hi 1r 'l'hursday, J :.1n . !I. tnt·<·t1ng :11 7 :in p n1 . 1n till' (.'har!1·-. "1"111 r1L·1· 11 •- s1d(·nce, :'ll C\\'[)111 t l ~t·.1 ( h. Health Fai r \Ve Care A hout Your l!P:il!h 11,:jJI thcn1c :i h('nl\h friirtn Iii' prf'· scnt('d throughout Orange L"oun· ty bC'ginning Saturday, .J;ul. 11, at Park Newport. Apartn1('nts. ft will continue thc•r(' .J :in I:'.:, then move to South Cn:1<;! 1.,1:11:1 Jan. 16·18. L ag11na llL!ts '.\tall 1s scheduled for l'~C'h. f>·R. Jewish W omen llr<in.t.:\' t ·o.1-.I {·1111, '.\.1t11111.1l ('uuntil nf .11·\\ 1:-;h \\'onlt'IL 11 il l rn1.:cl ,1t 10 .1.1n. 'l'hur:.d.i;. .. J.in ~I. 111 tile \'L'l":.~nllL'S l'lt1l11·uon1, ~l'\\'p111·t \)1.•;.Jl'h. (; U•·-.t :-.pl';1h.1•!' \I di !Jt • J·:JJ1·n \\ dt:o.'\ fronl thv ~ 1 1.111,~1· t "•1tl11t 1 l'r!ih.ition ])1_·p.11trnv11l . ~Ii,• 1\dl f[1~1._·u:-...; lh1.· n1·1\ .1-.-.1·:-;~1\H'lll U't".ll 1uc n l:.er\"111."ll"l\\e1 l'\Jlll l'Pl El Camino 'lr..;. l 'l'J't"Y l'.r•1th1·1·1o1n. 11.i •l prv:.1d1·nt .. 1 tll·· :-..u1 1 'lt.•1nt.·11t1· \\'or11~n1's <'l11 h . \\ill ~t\•' :1 )u)nl,, r'1_•1 ll'IV !or the ·rhur:-.d:11 .. !.1n :1 1n1•1.•t1nJ,! of Ille !·:! l "111111111 l{o·,J! \\'oin1,1n'-; 1·tuli. 'l°IH• l11111•h1·<111 I\ lit 1,th.l' 1'1.1• 1· 1!1 th1· ('ornr11t1n1t~ l!.•11 -.1•, [>.11i.1 1>111 nt . .\Ir-;. H1•ilh1_·ll•ll1 , 111111 ho.Id~ 1 111 ,1:-..[1'1':. d1_•\.!l't'l" Ill 4•of(H ',l\lnl\ l r1•rn 1111' 1 11111•1 ·-.1t1 Hf Sn111h,.111 ( ';,ilt forn1,1 , "-111 fti~c-11"" l1\1111.,..h,.,, 111 ;1 prngJ".1n1 1·,ilfecf (',1n11n ·.ind <}01ng. LB AAUW f,,·L1n f ·,,..j,·1 .111tli••1· ·11 11~1· ht·-.1 -.1·ll1•1 ( ·.1lii11J 111.1 .ttld 1110· llp l'Ollllll ~ .,.rh1• \11 ( '.ilqfll , 'II d i .1dd r 1·:-.-: th,• "l'IH1r .. d.1\ •. l.111 •, lllt'l'\111\.! 1'1 !ht' J.:q'l;!l.I fl<',H !1 nr ,lfll'il .• \ 111! II< .In .\-.:-;111 l.i11q)l ,,f l 'n1\•·r-.1t\ \\.,1111·11, ttl l!11• 1 '!lr\'{' Arr·h 11.oy 1l11hl11111 ;o,1'. l.t·1l!ll1• :-0 I ;f1·1-. , 1 l :1 . :fil .i I il Art W orkshop MAS. MOATS 'l'ir1:1 and 7'1 0\~ni•• l'•'<·k, J)c nni~ 1'.•1t H k. l(H·h.1r ll 1\l r aulc ~ud 'l'un1 llu1.-.•·1•1.111. 'I h1· h r1 d • ., .111 :1lun111;1 o f i '•n11n.1 dt•I ,\!,11• 111).!h Sl·hool. 1-.: :1 l "llfll l:1LHl1• 1·r.1dlLtll'11fl'.d1\or1 H..1 .:-.1,111• I n11 1·r:-1!v, l .nng l h>;H·h. l h·1 l111 .. h~1 nd . .t ~r·;1d11:1\1._•0I llu11t · lllt.!!H!l l ~1·:11·h lligh Sl·h1ud, 11111 i'l',lltu.1!<' 111 \l.1\ tr .. 111 i '.d1lorn1c1 Sl.1!1• 1 ·1111 •'t -.11.\, t·'uJ!<'r1"n. Madden-McComb :\J,1d,-.1111. \\1<., 1111 1 hl'iiOl"lll' f,or .Ji>hl) J'.1111,·i.. \1.1ild.·n ;ind h1" hrHI!", til1· 1111 !llt'I ,](litv {'1.1lJd1 •l :'llt•{"1>r1lh , l\liof l''\L'hall~l·d \\(·d· d 111~: p!1·d .t.:1'" Ill SL. !';111 1~·h. ~ l ·llurt'h , H:11 ·1111'. ·r11v11· p .1r1_·nt.-. Hrf' !\ti·. and :\l 1·..;. <·l.111d '.\\\'L"o rnh 1.f l \•:-.1.i ,\lv-..i .ind 1)1·. :111d .\l rs. \\'tl liain .I \1,i dd l•not' H ~11 ·1n1._·. I lunor ;1 t t1•nd..1nts \~er<' Sh1·\l1_•.v ('ur11n :11ul l)l'nn1s ll. :'lladd<.•n; ;\l .it1r1_'l'll '.\lacldcn 1\"a s thc hr1dt·:.n1 ;1id :ind u s he:r \\'as J o:.e pli t:e1)rgt•:.on. 'l"h1._• 111•\\' \!rs. '.\1 addcn at · tcntlt·d ()ran)..!L' l'oast ('ollcgc and hl'r hu:.band 1s ;111 ~durnnus nf St. "l'ho n1as l.Jn1\'Pr:-.1t:·•. St. l~aul , .\J inn. II•• e:irnl·d !us r11:1'>tt·rs t!C'g"fl'l• ;1l !\J ;ull:-.~Hl l 'lll\l'l':.ity .uld is :.lud~· 1 ng fnr ~l l'h I I. Betroth al \]1· .1nil \l 1 \1·1h1 11 I•' i·1,1u -. ..... '\. II 1·· ti I I:' ·" I 1 Ii .• I'' .11111• >l)ll• ··d 111•' t 11 ~·.1 :,1'/ll•'!ll 111 111··•1' d.111 1'.ll!• I . I 'Ji11 · 11111• I.\ 1111 I "l.11 1 .. ~ 11• "'h·fd!"!I \\ l'1·1 h.111 .. I Ji,.' 1111 11 1·· p!.111111 Pl.ti.I"\ \1 •1 II , 11! <.,,1 \lldl t'\I -. 1'1 1·-.h\ \1 J'l,111 t"lu11• Ii. l11d1.111.quol1 -.. \11:-..!'> t'l.tll"''-I .I "''nHI/' .lf n1·l',111·.1 I 111, .. t 11 1 <.,,1·hq11I 11f \ur -1n · ll,·1 11.1111" "••11 ••! \11·. .1 111t \!!' 11 ,,1., r t !'· 1 \,11 1~ .. t In rf1.1rl 1p1.\1 , I ' t.1d11.il1· td flo ·!'.nl\1 \\ li.•r•' Jo,• .1ilil1.d1d111ltl 1'111l~1 ·l1 h .11•1·• .11ld ]J,11 .. "],Ill ll1•l1 ,1 111· 11"\\ 1 ~ .1 '111dr•))! .11 lildl.lll.! 1 1111 I I .~1! I \!1 •dlt ,i! :-.,, lu .. il. -~ FRANCIS- '\,, ORR J' W i nter To urist 's Reception Chi I ly Rv E R'.\1 1\ ll0'.\1111:'.('l( l)o You have any idl'a lht• numbt·r of ll\ .. "opll'' ~·ho did not ,, ant tu h1 ·:11-<ibout our v:1Cl.lt1u11 lo ,\frit'<.1 l~t st vear'! Counting 1nir 0\1·n ('hildrcn. the 11un11Jl'1" would lill i\latJ1::.uo SCI 11 ;:1 re (;a rdcn th rec ti n1es. \\'ith the p1 1ss 1blc t:Xccption of a n1;1n 1\·bu 1s anti·cr.:ulogy ;1 1H.J tlu.:sn't s lant! up and :-;a lute \.\'he n John \\'a yn1_· walks into <t roont, nu one is h 1.·ld in contcrnpt more I h a n the 1v1ntcr vacationer, IJ1s po s tt·arJ :-.howini? 3: t'l'O\.\'tlt.·t.l bC'at h in i\l1 ;1n11 is ncv1._·r ft.•a d .. , lus box of grapefruit frun1 Arizona is n1ct \\ ith l"l'Sl'lll· lll l'lll ... :ind 1f he h:1:. <iny d t.'· lu-.11111 of :.h .11111g an ·';11llllSllll? 111 - 1·tdl'nt lll:tt hapJll'l1••d 111 .1 1·:1:.1nu :Jl 1··1·l'\'Jl01·t , ,, f11 1"gl·t J!: 11 ca v l• n k no\\·s, 11 c art' nol your us ual line 11f Jct .Sl'llL'r \\'ho s hips o tf e\'1.•ry 11·111tcr to g1._•t :1~·;1 _v frorn t h1.: l1ttl1.· p1.•opl1_•. 'J"h1• Ol't'asiou 1v:1s our :!.'1 11t 1v1·dd i n ~ ;111· i1i1 L·r :.arv :111tl J s;ud lo n1y hu :-.b:1nd, ''I 11·.o n t t u g 11 ::ilHHl'I\' ht.' r1.: I h1_•y h.1\'l'11 •t seen Ill y t1\'0 d1·c sscs." Afte1· thrcl' \\'el'ks, \1't' r(·tnrn1..:d 1·eady t11 r·egalc o ui· host nf fr1L"nd s \\•ith our ex· J•erienet'S. 1\t I 1rst, I \v nited polite ly until the opportunit.v scC'med 10 be 11 1.!hl. \\'hi::n son1eonc con1plained ;11>out the lines :.it the banh:. I s n1iled ;1nd s aid. ''Speaking of hncs, I have a ta n line l got in Africa in the most amusing place." 1'he crowd dispersed. Or v.1h i;-.11 the C<?nvers ation Libra in Conflict ! AT WIT'S .END ..._ __ _,, turned to diets, I said lo udly, "A~ t ,, as sn\'in,g to a l\t a s ai c hief ju:-.t 1u1tsldc Of K1._·nya, how <lo you s ur. vive on a dicl11fbl0\KI a nd n11lk '!" (l'hat night t wo ~ot ('rus hed to death in n1y doorway t rying tu t:scape.) Afte1· a\vhil<'. it didn 't 1n:1ttcr. t •d \Valk up lo a w:Jitcr I had fll'\'t>r :-.c 1·u before ;111d s ay, "Sp1·.1k111g of Zl'hr.1 1·un1p .•• " or f'd :idtl1'l''>S :t :.111all group of chlldrt.•n playing ball in lhl .. :-.lre1._•t , ••J\.1\'l' l 1•\t.·1· tnld )'Ull ;,1 bo ut th.-. night in Sh:1h11nda \\'ht·n J forgo! to 11p thl' l1_•nt '!'' ·r 11111 ·.s "'h\" thL' othl'r ni i.:ht T ,·ouldn 'l h1.·li~•v1 • !llV ~·1od furtunl' 11'ht.'n a C"orl)p:1 n11>1~ lurnl·d to nu! :ind s aul. "')'nu 111'\"l'I° \old 11\l~ ;1 hout vuu r t r1 p t• 1 1\ l"ru·. i." (;nd .h.id :-.1·nt 1111· ;, 111 L'llth'. l•'or ;111 hnur ;ind a h;tlf I \1·:1s the t"l'• galcr and s h..: \\':1s lll1_• \Vill1nj.! rl·· gal1._•('. She laugh1·d :1t niy IU J.:· "a ~c \\'ith tt1c IJ1·u kt:n h ;1 nd ll! . . . :-;tory, Jis lcnt.·d I!> ni.v s t:.it1 sl1l'.s, nl~•dc guttural sounds over niy pil'\Urt•S. 'fhcn s h e said to me, "Tnlk ;.ibout coin('idcnCl'. l•'rnnk and ( jus l gol b::ich: fron1 Japan •.. in 19116. '' I know it \\'35 ('ruet, but J !old her I was huving labor p:.1111s three minutes ap:irt. Teach and Learn WE ll"ES DAY, JANUARY 8 J\y s \·o;-..;E \' 01'1ARlt 1\HIJ.:s {!\l arc h 21·1\pril 19): i\CCl'll l IS t)ll philosophy, COnl· 1nunic at1ons, languagl! and Ion~ juurnt•ys. Kl'y is rno\·cment, t a k· 1n g a l'h::i nce on the future. T .\l'Rl'S (.\prtl :!0·'.\-1a y 20l: C)u1.:s tions a1·i s l· c on t:cr n1n ~ 11n:1nccs, blhlg\·t, partnl'r, n1atc :ind ho1v bc:.t to utili ze ;1ssl·ts. 1··an1dy eoopt.'ration is essential. Kn111v it :ind a cl ilh:c you arc a\\'arcofit . C.l~.'\11:\'I 1:-.l .1y 2 1·.lunr 2n 1: ,\('l't'llt. JS •'II \\hat thL' "'n\h1·r f1_•[J.111 ·• 1..; duin~-i\fe an <; pl;1y vour P\\'11 (';n·ds clos'' to c ht.·st. ·l,1.•L oppo-.it 11Jn r1..:vca\ lh1._•1r hands .u1tl plans. C.•\:'\"('f~lt Lh1lll' :?1·.luly 22J:· !'r,1t•l1c '.il :1ff,11r~ d11 1111n:ilf', in · t ' \ ud 1 n ~ ... e ,. \"I Ct.' and 1.· n1 pln,1· n1 f'11 I . ·r.ok1· no! h111 ~ f1u· :,.:r:in!l'd. I fandl1• r,-..;p(ln~1b!lity. Don "t d clC'gatl.' du\ 1,·s. l ,l·'.IJ 1J11lv '..!:i .,\u~. '..!2):" c·1,•,t11\11\'. h1\1', u1\·nl\t·n1ent th1 •-.1• !ll"l' .lpl 111 lll' !'ij}I Jl lii.:hlt.'d , \."un:.h \1h;c1t \•lll :.!;•rt -rind \\ .1~:. df d1 s l11bu t1ng p rodul'.l. \.lll:f;() (.\11L!. 2:1 S1_•p1 :!21 ,\\ l1•nd ltl !he 11:1-.1 1'.,, 1"111 •1 !ht• nunnr p1q11t s ,111d tli.· 111 '.! 1 .. -.u, ... \\Ill 1.111 111(<1 )1111• ll t~hl1 i.:h1 !!1· 111dt 1' L', nr •g 1n.t!11 y, c·rl·al l \"II ..,. 1 .11~1{ \ (~o ·pl ~:l (!1·t :!:!\'Al'· ('I !I I 1:-; nrt fl':."11111}! l Vllf!lt t 1vhic h pulls yo11 in l\\'O (tirC'ctions. Kev is to share knowledge. You \\'ifl learn by tcac h111i;. SCORPIO (Oct. 23·N'o\'. 2ll'.' fltonl'y and ho1\' you can diversify --thos e ;1 rcas ~ire spotl1g hlf'd. '\'our desire lo expand, lo mc1_•l lll'\V people. to ll':.t, r end and v.·r ilc \\'Lli be fulfilled to g rcat1..:r cxl1..:nt. S1\GITT1\Rlt·s (i":nv. 22-Dcc. 21 l :· 1-t ighlight intl1_·pl'ndcnce, nc\v s t;.1rt s. rrcn ti\'c :1r t ion s . i\l enns adhere to :.cur 01\ll style <.ind s tick to princ iple~. Ci\P Rl \OR:" cn ... r. 2~-.f .i n. l!l ):· (.'hl'ch. hchi11d lb(' :-.1·,•r1t'"· \'isit on~ eonf1n1.:d !(1 lh11111·. hos pital. {'nnpt'r.l!t· 111 rhar11;1h lt.: proJ l'C't . (·ha n !.!l' p;11._·c. I) 1 tll.! tHI l - att e nd th1·Jt,·1., 1\Ql ",\l(fl '~ (,J,111 ~II l·\·h l;.\I; 1\C'Cl'l1l on l'••lll,1111 11· 111«1in.il 11111s. f.1111:i:-;1f':'. n1·1·tt l••r .!ll••c-11nn :111•l ~l'l'Ur1ly. )'ou gl't 1111.tt 1u11 v..111l lhruug h di1~lun1.11 ·y, nul 1h11·,11:-.. 1·1~<·1·:s 11.-1·il 1~1 :\1 .irth ~ni: ()nf' 1n p1•:-1!1 011 of ;111thnr1!1 1n;1y 1n:1 k l' pri111~·-.1·.;, ·-IH1!hhl' :.urc 1111._•J'~· 1 .. :-.<1t111·th1ng In ll.11_k tll1•.n. !\lt:ans bv 011yuur1111_•;;;. 1£ (odav is \our birlhtla'' '"II :1r1• .in 01·g~11 11l1._·1-. :1 h.tr:-.h tr;t" :111.t ~ol!r.1;..:1._•nu:-; .ill\ '1(011 dt .11\ tu .\111 1 \'t'I :-O •Hl-. j,.,1 ll i111d,.1· I '.11l11·1· ,11!.\ l ",1p r11·u1 n \toll :-;•·ld1•111 d11 .111 ~ thin. h.df\\·a;. it 11 -.11.ll!y l" :di .. r 11nth 1n~ \pri1 111·.1l•.1hl' \1111 lot· ;.oiu· ul•>;o,l 1n1 1"ll't.11111111>11t h111 1u ;~ •. C.£>orge M ousel, pres ident: l>:1vid J•'i rth. Ilich ard Suess and San1ucl Stnnc, vice pr<'sidents: Ro ht.·rt •Ielander, secr etary, ~·nd Robe rt , Thomas, treas urer. Free tests \Viii be g ivt•n includ- ing lung capacity. pulmon:1r y screening, flcxihility. gri p stren gt h and hci g ht ·w~i g hl analysis. · Also. eyes , feel and pulse will be checked. ,.it:U•·I ,\r ! ,\,.SO( i:tlinn j ~pon .. nr111!! :1 1·opp1·1· 1"11.11111·!111 :.: \\Ork .. hop fr11n1 !l :1 rn. l•1 noon 1·1iur ... da \', .J.111. !l. 111 L a~11n.1 i'n.:ut•l ('11n11n11n1 t\ ( '1•11IPr ·r (';1ch1n}! \viii Ill' •\1!·111 .i i\'nllpy lt ('-.(' rv ;it 1 nns rn .!,\' h1._· oht ,11n1 •d hy call1n),! ,Jo:u 1 Chunh:.1. 7 Fashion l~ond NEWPORT SOP£ti\NO F.l,J,t E Davirl l~c·rlincr \~·i l l s ing a t Te mple l~ct h Sholon1 ·s installatinni:.tinner Sun· d ay, J a n . 12. in the Anchor rc.s taurant, llcmct. ffUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY WN.Y-W-t ........ l t 22 Harbor l l•d. C-to Mn-541-02St DAILY PILOT ,. ··u·,, ~,':_oh~~ ~".:Pd 10 l ************************* : The Carden School : D<.> tr YO UR'l llf C l\llf O RMll\ 01W 0 RC.f r. O UN\l L "'"'~ w,nr 1, .. , ..... * ~ : of Corona del Mar : ~~~C~~~= * . JS NOW ACCEPTING ENROLLMENT ~ ( II It llo•la, ·: . APPLICATIONS FOR FALL 1975 : - DAILY PILOT ch•ncei 8 ,. * • 3 & 4 Year old progran1 i( . ~ you 'll read * • Kind crg a.r1cn through Eight h Grade i( •bout II : • Extended day care ~ ~__J lnth• : 640-41 81 : :***********************: • 1 --HALf N ICE SALi: /Ill f CO•ll 11111111 111 1111 r111u IH Iii CU¥tll!U ''Hlli NEEDLEPOINT CLASSES WIHTIEI: SERIES -J_._., I l "'""'9h Febniary I 0 Mottday' • J_,. I l 10:00 a.m. -12:00 noon lnsh Lace Sampler 12:30a.m.· 2.30 p.m Bunny's Maze ;. TondoJ, J_., 14 12:30 a.m. -2:30 pm. Ribbon Sampler W1•1M1ay, J__., 15 12·30 am.· 2 :30 pm "Aran ·· Sampler 7 30 p.m. -9:30 p .m. Iri sh Lace •• •• Classes run live weekl'l Fee: S35,00 -includino materials e a N EEDL EPO INT DESIGN 7628 f . Coo•I Hwy.· Corotto ct.I MOI'". 644·7904 YEAR-END SALE Sportswear Dresses, Coats, Pants, Jackets, Skirts Misses and Junior Sizes UP TO 75% OFF Masterch1rge Bankamencard Amerrcan EkpreS! Mon thru Fri. till 9 p.m. Soturdoy 'til 6 ~=================~~>S•un., 12 to 5 • • MIXED SINGLES IJ( WCNf ro TM!. 6ULJ~MH (OC~INb Cl u6'? MNuA L(, DINNEe "- LAO! NIG>il! ' 1 AN O l-0~ Ot~lll l>IE</ >I AO A JjjG CAl(t AtJD A PAM.E ibl'l't V Ov 1 ,or 1r ! r:'J.> ~l \ by Wm. F. Brown and Mel Casson JUWA CM ll.OS ! i I DOOLEY'S WORLD ' . I I I ' r ' ·~ DR. SMOCK T!Md'l, January ?. 1975 DAILY PILOT 83 JUM P.. ROPE: E:L00 W IS /HE WORST "mlNG 'fHAl' CAN >W'PLN TO A $LR10u S JuMP'fR B Rodger Bradfield ~r's A .JOINT L.ll(E YOU OOING ON ,.,_ NICf GIRL. l.l~E ME ? by George Lemont TUMBLEWEEDS WllA1'SA •16 IPl!l!R, FEU.A t l'U"f Ml!! ll'OWN !! . OH.HO ! I HAVE Pltl ANOWER NAUGiflY! by Tam K. Ryan 'l llWLVSi I HAD A i'AARSHMAUlJ('/ 10 SOO'm MY FoVEREt1 11J/'A-1W! HMM, SO Yo u P!PN'i'° 60 HO "-"S: t...A S'f' NIGH"f; ESH , sue.? You ·~~ weAR- IN6 "f'He' S A"-"6 Our'Fl"f YOU HAP ON Y6S1'eRPAY' .' (,~ Jrntl'T'.. HeH-HeH ·' • -~ FUNKY WIMKERBEAN by Tom Batiuck GORDO by Gus Arriola HEY, IYl155 UJRl&HlON HA5 1HE 5Ca?E5 PO:;lE) 6REITT, DEREK I HOW DID 1HE CEJ.. TIC5 DO " FIGMENTS -'"·---""·~-·-1-J NANCY I DON'T LIKE TO BE N A NCY--· ARE. YOU TAKING YOUR YES --- 8 UT I'D LIKE MORE PR IVACY BATH? I---~ _:__rA~{~:T J ~:/~ , , -' TDDAT'S CIDSSWDID PUZZLE ACROSS I Fem"1m• 47 Bini'• betk 49 F11m•l1 Y11111rdi1{s Pultle Sollled: rn1me tior.s11 " A ~ ~ VAL fHAI 5 lo\ A"g11IM SO Seed vessel lllP~ 51 T•ouble \() l .. r~tSll pfH5"111"tlY g11ne14I !<) D1~aole 14 College e•tm 55 HuHV 1~ M od11rat11 Yi A~•l'l~ric or1ng~ '(!!!lo ... (,1 S 11.me••can 16 s • .,~ ln<l•i n 1•11"1-<1'''u" 62 ~''""'"men1ary ~millJHfml~~lffilHfilJ I I P.e!ated ~ !"c!•ne 19 M.ila~an 65 One sw11rl) thvus1ndth ~ I 10 Ttlt! 11ntv P111r" ii 118Vfdonner (,6 ln!orrf\ £II T ~ (S T '1J lnd•an C•f~ 61 Nocturnal 2J P>e!ure bu(!s 12 Co•fteurs 40 [nd.ng "'1'h t:ar>~ler 68 Cor>!em()Tuous conce•" rNl ;irid rev :?5 M• l•e9leld so1Jr>d 1] Lahfl h.tn<tle ~1 VJate• bau.er ~Co"' 69 frenct> 18 E•t•em,11 46 Ne"" Testa )(J 5 5 v••d' se1sons 1~ LanJ b~ !~e se.i ment l><Jt>\ 31 Artil•ces DOWN 2!> A11tO caorvong 48 Anu~e J.t ··icantead 1 Mad Slang sh•p 51 flcr~m vou hke . 2 O•e ol 16" ~!irmer B11t•sh property II J6 Combarci"g 1 tah•~do• r olo"y a\/ctoon 2 words J N .. uow wav 27 S1 eel 11••de• words 38 fem•n.ne 4 Aquauc pl.irit 18 Uricorlte•"po 52 A~•&fl na11ve name 5 Ml•"el '"'Y ?words ~Venus de ·- J'} Revf!1fone"1 6 li oghcar'1 29 Al~ 54 Overagam 1nne•u1t 4 1 Chold•e"'' 31 Alflone lot !>!'>Poor actors· w ords uaml! r11rhan~~ lnto•m~I 41 To! !or·--3 words J1 Loom 57 Elecroon 4J Doner 8 An etton 33 S111n1hcanc11 re1u11 4C TN H.tfV•rd1 11 01nam.n11ion JS Preis w•lh tht 58 Dill herb 11'\d the ···--10 Soluble hl"d' 59 S11orig wind 45 L•cking 1lhlc1f mint rat sell J"l Article• of 60 8 u~ding .. •ng1 judgm«i! 11 Chee" commerce 6J ···de F"nce by Dale Hale ® ' it ANIMAL CRACKERS by Ernie Bushmiller QEJ.H, IT l<IAJ<:ES ...iOLDNEST SE.EM 1>116Hr<,l sHABB<// I WISH YOU'D GET THESE CRACKS IN THE WALL r--y >'IXED / L PEANUTS , , .JUDGE PARKER MISS PEACH --- , ' . ,... "·. -··. '-""" I l 00N'1 M.4VE THAr /(!NO OF e1G, I.AGL. V P'o!OSi ! DICK TRACY BRAIN ANO HIS BOYS ~E EP MOBIL.E. NEVER SPENDTWO 0 NIGH'TS 1NTHE SAME Pl.ACE. WHERI! DOES S'T\JBBY l<E&P MIS CAR? by Charles M. Schulz by Harold Le Doux 1.R'.A , VOIA'VE Hi"A,;:'D 0 1= A 1HING CALL ED ,-----LLL-''--".All'T 1~r1c, LtC&N-SE ? DONT RUSH ME, MR.TRACY, PU-L..EEZE! by Mell WELL. 1 IN VOL.Ag CA$E , I D10N'1" H.A\lf" TO T .Ail<E .AN Y. by Ferd Johnson ,ALL RIGH T, PLUSH· f;'OTTOM--WHAT 'D YA Po WITH EMM Y? WHAT HAPP£NED -,~ .. 10 HoR ?{$-..;--' r?h..AJ( -r~ ~ - by Rodger Bollen THE GIRLS II , ..... ~7.f~,,,, "I he holu.lay ... arc ilv~·r. t1n1e 111 '>t:u1 )tt1ir diet-hu! wh;1 t ;1h1.1u t V .1lcnt1nc \ l)ay. W:1'>h1n1H11n ·., B1r1h1t:1.v ,,nJ l:..1'>!CT -'uu "re nghl. I guc'' r u h.tVC 111 wail ~· fell. m11tc f!Hln\h \ .• DENNIS THE MENACE • r.==== \• • " '· B4 DAtlYPJLOT Tueaday.January7, 1975 Notre Dame Gave Mesa's Klees the Call in Miam· ll\ ("H ,.\J(; S ll•:1:t• 001 .... D•llW ,.Ool \Utt /\ yea.r ai.:u tod ily \'llll'l' hll·1·-;. \\'-!~ nol 111 a \t"I") h.ippy f1 ..ittL•· ol n1ind . lfe h arl just <'Ompl€·l<'rl h1 -; fre:.hmiln fuu\11.ilJ <'Jt11 p ;11 J.:n for ."\otre J);1m1· l 'rn\ l 'l"!'>ll)'. hut it \\;1:. .1 fru :.(r,1t11 1go11t· llL" h.11l 11ul. µl <:1ycd . d11!11 '! lt.•t•l he ti.id 1•n11 - l r1tJutcd iln)lh1ni-: :111d f1;1nkl y llatl'd 11 :d South li1·nll ··1 "as j u::.l ::i hout r(«ld_,. to quit and con1c· hon1t•. I d1dn 'I kno\V anybody bac k lht.·r1.·. I hatt·d Jl :1s a fr(•:-.hrnan." ~;1ys l\lt.·1•-,, \\ho 1·arnt'<f iu.sl about l'\l'r\' football honor pos:-.1hlc Y.'hih: 1)!:.i\ 111g ;1t E :-.tant'ia ll i~h two y e:1r:-; ;;go "£\ut I thought I n1ighl .:.a:. \\t·ll U.S. Cup Squad Chosen Sl:!n Smith \\'ill ll·;1d ~1 l '11 1tl·d St:.il es D o.1\ 1..; l'up ll·;u11 ag:111\"l t\l l'Xit:o 111 ;_1 Sl'l'l)/Hl -round 1natl·h in l-'aln1 SprinJ..!s ./:111 . :Jl 1.-l'!J :! 11cnn1..., H ;d ;..t11n . l·o;u·h ()f the l '.S. trarn . ;..;11d :\londav th <1l S1nith v. Lil hi: JUlllt.'d h\ ilO'>l'lll' ·r a n nl'r . 'r on1 (;orn1a11, Bub l~utz and ll1t·k Stu<·kt<111 1'hc .\I L"xican 1l·;1111. il'd Ii~ H .iul rl:;in11rez. Joaquin t.oyo·!\l a:-u ;ind \'ict•ntc l.aro.11.ua. ''di arrive 1n l)alm Springs J u n. 2li fur \\urkouts. Ba1111ist.er o Sir J.()'.\'f)().'\J 'l'he rn;in \\h11 broke l hc four nunult."lllilc b.11·· riC'r is llO\\' Sir llngl'r J~;1nni "tl·r. B ;111111 ;..\t·1· on1d (;;,1 r v SolJL'r,-,, idul or t ht.• C':tr1hlll·:1n ':uid r :i tl'd b v. n1anv \ht: g1·l';1lt'"l cr1ckt·I pl;,iyer of ;ill t1 rnt.•. \\t•rc kn1i-:h t l·d \lhL'll (~lll'C ll i•:Ji1:1hl·lh [!';.. '.'\1,.'\I' 'i'v;,u··s honor:-. list \\'.1:-d1 ... \·l<1;..1·i!. It is lh L· q uit•\. tr:ul1t1u11:il \1:1.\' in •1.ohit·h the l~r1t1...,h ilt't'l<11n1 thl'ir old S p!U'\S hl'l'O{' .... . l l is nt>:1rly ~I YL';1r .... s1 1JC'l' J{an- nis tcr , tht.•n ;_1 ;.<11 111 ~ doc1 vr. 111.H.IL· tra<•k :111d l1L·ltl h1;..lu1-,· :1L l fflry. ()'\f11rd. It.'· ru.n11111;.; · lltt• nlll(' 111 :l ."1!J I \·01t11g Dies RO l'h: \'I J .1.r:. ,\ld l 'oung ,Jr .. ;..oil 11! lul'rlll'f \,1· t ional l'oulh.1ll l.t·.1i.:u1· :-.tar liud· cl;.· 'i'uunJ,!. d1L·ll c.1rl~ :\lond:1.\ ol I} n1phun1;t \'ollllg, '.!~1. 1 .... :,(II \ II t•d Ji~ It!-., ,,ifL'. [11 ;11\l', l\1" childrt·n. IJa\11\t'. h .• ind i'Ltlldl' 111 . ·I. t11t1 brolhf·r~: ;1 ;..1..,!t•r, hi..., lll1•lll1•r :ind hi;, f:r(ht'r. 1\hu 1;, .111 ;11 d c tu '.'\1,.1~ Cu n 11n1""1unl·r 1-'L'lc Bozl'llt" ltllllPr llo11or<•d Jnhn11y ~l iill'r. gull's lt•;1d1ng nl!)llt•.v \lllllll'l' ol 1!!'71. ... ;11 d :\lnnll:iy ht· \1uuld r.dt' h inl;..L·lf only .'\11 I ;unung 1111• lf1 u r11 .1m1 · n t pt ;1.\ l'l'" ll (111urt.•d ;is lht• {'al1l11rn1.1 Gulft•r of !ht• 'i 0·;1r. :\l llll'r pl.1.11"1\ a rt1u nd \\ 1 l h nL'\\ ;.. irH • n :1 t I .;1 L'o" t .i :.ind then so.11d lh' \\ollld r .ilt' .l.i<·k :X1ck:la11s ;1,.., Tht• t11p pl.1 ~1·r . {;,11·y l'l<.1y(.•r ul South \fr1l':1 ,in d l.t•1• '1'1't'\'lr\l1 \\IHild ht• hi.., 1\1'\{ 111!! ('h• •1('1•;.. M1on1t•11 UP -"'~' 11<1L·s·r()'.'\ ·rh1· p 1•·..,1dl·n1 11r th e 1\:-..~ot·1,1111111 lor· In · I ('J'Col l1·g I ;11 (' ,\l hl1·I h "l•>r \\'1 fll)t'll s;1y s !hl• Nod1on;d i 'ullt•.)!1.1\L' 1\1hlt>!i1• J\;..:--!1t ·1;1l1111i I" \1 \Ill).( \o 1nf1·1ng <' upon ll)'Jli•1·tu111111·..., v. un1 l'll h <J \'t• pro\ 11 lt·d 14 or \1 'ir11•·11 I .l't' :\ l 1•rr1 "on l'O! 11111t•n11 •d :\ 1 un d ~1y night 1•n ;in :11111ot1n(·1·nlt·n1 th.it 1h1· \'l' \,\ 11ill h1·g1n .1 pdqt progra111 . pi1..,..,11ll~ lh1-, "pr1n.i.:. 10 .c](~\·t.·101• 11at11•11.tl "1•111\-., <"h,1n1 - p10n!'>l11p.'> f0r \\utllt'll t'tllnpar;dilt: to lhu:--c 1111\\ ..,;t 111·\111nl'd f111· lllL'Jl , ·rhr ."\('1\.\ <.'t111nt·LI . lhl' ''". J!o1n 11.a11on ·:-; pol1t·~ 111,tl..111.i.: h11d1 . <.1 1reL'\t•<l the :\l'1\1\:... {·11n1n11!1t'l' o n \\l111llL'll l nt1·rt·ol l f·gi.11t· Ath letic-.; lo 1·r11h;11·k 1111 tl11· pro · gr ~1 rn Lakers Vie With Braves B U F l·'A l~IJ L<\I'> 'I'll!' J.os Angelt:.'s J.;1k:l'r ..... 11ntu1" c·11;1t·h li d I Shurman. llll'CI Buff.110 toni g ht ;1l the s t a r l o f a four g:irnt• t rip_ ThC' J_,a kt•r:-n1t•t·\ l 'h1Lul1·lp hia \\'ednesd;J\', l~1Jst 11n Fr1rl:1v ;_ind W a s h ingt o'n Saturda:-Buff<ih) '" On T'1 ToHlght Claa11Hel 5 at 6 second i n lhl' 1\t l~n l ir J)J,·isiun behind lio:-;ton \\',1sh1 ngto n leads thcCentral D1\·1s1~111 Sh<i rm :111 is 1n l '1 :1h l(•s1 i (y ing in a la ws uit. The l 'tah S t ;_1r s of the ABA. "'ho n1' Sh.1r1no1 n «oache<l b e fo l'C' j o ining 1111· l.:.1k1..:rs in 1!17 1·72, have sut•d Sl1arn1an for b reach of ('Onlr~1l'I 'J'hc l .akc r s filed H cou nter s u it. :il!1·gi11 g tha t the S t <ir s intcr!1·rl'd in t ill' pc rforn1ance of S h .1 r111 ;Jn ·~ I ,~1k 1 ·r dulll'S. John llurnhill, Sh :1rn1 ;1ri '~ ;,., s1stant. "·i ll be in ch,11 gL' nl \hv team. lie has a n 8·5 r 1·1·11r d pinch h ittinj! for Sharman t h1• l.1 ... 1 tv.o se <1 soni:.. 11 1;n,1 · !ht· 1110-.,t 1,f 1\ 111..,lt·.ut ,,/ 1·0 1npl .i1 nt11 g I l11.:u11•d •nll 111y;..1•lf ;ind rn\ pt.'fl'>Onal1t.\ .uut t g11l to kno\\ :t l•Jt of otlu·r pt·t1 1"1l· IJ\ JUl'>l lu·10 ~ 111 y-,1·lf I pruh.d1!.1 l..110\1 111111 ,. p 1•opl1· IJ;11·!,. lh1 11· th1·11 t du lir·11· 1111\\ .. f.\]1·1·..; "Pl'll! 1110-.1 ot lhl" p ;P.I ;,t·a:-on ;1.., lh•· lr1 ~11 ·.., J\o ~ t'<'111Pr h l'h1nd r.t;11I.. l ~1 ·t·11 nt>rn<u1 . "1·•·1ng dtll.\ 111 h:tlf of l ht• g an11·~ :\1141 v.111 ·11 l ll't'lllll'lll <lll \1,1.., fo r rt•tl out 1\11h ;111 1n110·~ I.tit• 1n !ht• fir..,1 h.ilf of ~n1r1· J).11111··.., J:l 11 ( )1 .1ng1· 1\1;11 I \It'!(•/'\ "\ ··t' 1\l;d1,1111.• l.i..,t \\ cdnl·..,Lla1 . hlt •t•.., J!O\ !ht' l'.i!J "I ... 1 .. r11·d 1ht· g:11111· \11th !ht· ktl'k•>ff 11·;1111 arid I \\'(•Ill 111 lru j\1 :ir I.. un !ht.• la..,l :-;1•11t.•-., 11f !ht• f11..,I 1t.i11 r pJ.1,1·d .111 "' t11t· ·>1·1-011d !i . .Jf .tlld I\ \I·'' I• lth1>U\ ,I d1111)J\\ 1111 IHi-;~t·-.,t 1111 ill ..,o f.u " "·''"' h.I•'""· a 1; ·1. :.!:!O pou1Hl1·1 ··1 i.:ot ;1 cl\lHlt'•• lo cnnt1·1!iu\1· for ,1 ('tl;ingC' Jn f;i<'I .t 111\ nt gu1 .., pl;11 o•d \\'1· h.1d a I"\ oJ J111111 I•'" ..,1, ;1 l"t of g11.\-., got 111 'l'h1· \11n 11;1.., :i lt·~Hll t•llu1 I l.:.l1't'" ...,<!J d \ht• jilll.\t'I'" \l!Hlfo•d t<111111 rh1· g~11tl t· for '.'\1)tre JJ ;1111•' <'f1,11"h Ara l);1r:-.vg h 1;111 11 llu .111 'li>Utll't·d hl' '' ;1-. q111!t1n~: t 11 .. \\l'~'k!'l l':1rll1·r ·''1'1111 1nght:-. h1•f11rt• 1ht· 111 ;1111 '1· Jto11 ! g.1nll' th1· t1·.irn i.:ot 11 J~'t ·lt11·1 ,11l(t \\'~' r!C't'ldt•d \\ t•'d hl..1· !n I• Ill 111 111,11..t· ;i1111•rH!..; for 1h1· ~i ' g.1n11· /\nd '' 1· \\ .uHt·d !11 i•u .. 111 \I 1th .1 \I Ill ;..Hll'l' 11 \\ .1 .., \J .i :--J.1 -.\ t .., .• .......... ~·.1rn1~ n 11t 1ht·r~· !'> n11 r:.iil f<Jh I I Pt' ..,tnff .11 ."'\<1! l't' [);1!11l' ;"\u 11111· ..,,,\, .1 111\. \11· 1u..,l l..nnY. 111 the li.1l·I.. 11( our h1 •.1d.., 11h.1t ha.-, to be d11n1• "..,.1 ,.., Kl1·1·-., "I \\':l~ s11 rpr1st·d at Arn's quit l111g, hut I t':1n !-.~l' \1h;it 111· rnt•;111:. :d 1nul pl'L'!'i"ur·1· J\ l11l of th•· lll,ll'g111id l l•;1111..., \\1' jJl.lV <Ht' :1l1tays up f111· u-.;, 11hllt• Jt '~ h ;u·d Jnr u;.. ..,0111t•l11nvs t11 i-.:t•l up fn1· :1 111.1 r g1n;d tt•;1111 Ynu g('t t''\t'J\vd 1•ta~111g agatn'>I a l1 ·:1111 lik1· S( or 1\lab;1n1a . bul 1l '!'> 1 .. ugl1o•r .1g ;i 111:-l :;0111 t' ot h l',. 1 t.·:.1111 :- KI 1•1' '>, 11·1!0 f 1gu1 t'" t0 ht• tho· ..,!,11·11ng 1·,.11t1·r fur th" 11·1;..h 111·xt -.1•;1 "1111 ".I\.., ht• \t ;1" h11ock1•d 1·r11..,.., t'\ o·il 111 1 hl' first -"t'r ,, • .., .1g.1111 ... 1 .\l.111.1111,1 I"' ;i-, ..,,·:..red I \\•>ll1tl du .1 Ii.id Joli ;1ntl I hL'll I .... ;1 ~ l..11111,,·k1·d ('II•..,.., c1f'd in !ht.• f 1r!'>t :'\f'!'H·s l \\;1:-; 111 But I didn 't "':int to l('t the -.t·nior s do11·11 ..,Jflt'l' it v.•:1!'> their h1-;t J::<11n;• I th ink J fl la)cd \\'l'll ;1t llrlll'!'>, and ol bt•r t i1111·s I didn't . ['n1 :1n.x10ll'> to :-;t•1· lht• filn1..,.'' ·rht· Cu:.l.t tl\l':-..i rcsidl'nl s:1\'; h1· i.lll l 1·;1n 't t·xpl;.1111 v.·h :1t h:.ip 111·1H•d 111 the SC J.:;11111•. '''.'\011111· kr1111\ :-; 11 h ;1t happl'IJt•d '.'\!) Ulll' kl11'\\' \I t\;11 fu lhlllk 1·:1 t•rvun1· \\ :1:-; ;1 t :t lu . ..,..., fn1· v.ords :ind ·d urnhfuu11dl'd ;1 f\t.·r t h at i,:.1n1l' It \\ ;1" 1 ·n1h;1 rr;i-,s1 n~ to !u..,t· lu L'Sl" !h:1t \\'ay. hut t!u·rt•s ,d11;11 .., IH'Xt s t•:1!'ll11l . ,\111! ~ lt•t•;, ""*.\';.. 111· t'a11·1 \\ :11t f"r \ht• '75 :-.t·<•!'>Otl . . • ' ~ . · .. LATE CHRISTMAS l·'ornll'I' l·::-.t~1nt·1:t lli gh fuo1li:ill ... 1.ir \'1nt'l' h:lt·t•s !holding :->\\L":l1 1·r 1 \11lo pL1\t•d 1n till' 11r.111" /~111\l !;1..,I \\1·1·k 1011' '\1111·1 · l):inll' np1·n1·d {.'ilr1-.1r11.i-. ~·1 H -. l,1 ... ( \\t'l'k1·11.t .ttlvr .1rr1\ ing h•1n11· 111 <'•• .... Id .\\.__•,..;i \\"1th h1 1n 110111 l1 ·Jt • .1rl' hr!11h~·r i '.111!. t.ttllvr l ~1il1 ..,1-.,\l·r .f!IL ln·11tht·r l\1)hvr1,111t!111 ... n111ll11·r l\t•lt\ 1-:lt·1· .. Stahler, Police Investigator Says Gree11e Nab Deaths were Accidental Top Honors ll(H 'S'l'IJ'\l\J', .\p1il11·1·111 \ .. ..,11g.i101r ".i.1:--h1· ln·l1 .. 1v.., tl1L· 1l1 '.1th:-; 1•f llnu .... !••ll \ ... 111\,.., J•lli'h"r )1\ltl \\ d"•l!I ,1nd 111-.. l"H!l ;.: ;.."!\. ;\lo ''\0111111 • I II \'I I' .!l't'ldl'!lt;d .l·1~1·ph .!.11 !i11Jt'11 .1 I... !Lu r1 ... ('u1111l ,\ 111cd11·;1l 1•\.11l11111·1 111l1·d ~Jo1nl;1 .1 111.rl \\ \l-.q1J. ..::1 .111d ,\lt•\;1nd1•r .1 ol1o ·d .. 1 1·,11 tu1n n1nnn,,.ldl' puL:--"tlHlJ..! 11 lio•11 !ht· :.,:.i.., f1ll1·d lht•11 liulllt' :-.und.11 Ill I h•u:--\C111 !'> "'Hl1h11 l'"l .1 r1·.1 \\'d;..un ':--d.tu:-:htt·1. 11<'111 ... 1· ~I ~111d 111" \I uli111 . lh·1 1111 ·1· :!7 \\ 1·1 t· h11"p1t.1l111«t 11,•111-.,• 11·1n.11n··d 111 1r1l1<·.1I 1111 1di1 1 .. 11 •• 11d \Ii ~ \\ li"llll \\ .1 ... il..,!i·d 111 I.Ill !-1 1!1d1 111111 I dun l 'l'l' hon1 11 ,·.,1ild 11.11 • i)Vt'll ,1111\h 1 11~: 1·J..,1· ..,,11d IJ\111111.'.ldl' do •l t't'll\t' .)1111 1'11•111 • Ill ~·\]>! !'~"Jii t! !11 ... "i'llll<!ll l!it· d1·.11 l1 -.. l\\'l't' ,H < ldo•rll.ii .iJtlJ,,\1 1.'IJ 11!1 Id 111·1:il 11•rd1, I h,1,I 1i .. ,•11 11 ·111r111·d \lo11d~1 .1 11!~'111 l'll'l!'t' 111,., 111 \l"'t1i-:.it1·d llll 11,,,1111 .. .1111111•'1•' II o'l 1' ll" 'o'l!..:11" 11( I 11\lt•I\( •· ,),io 1!1111111 I.. ~.11d .111 .11110111 .. \ -.fi,,111"1 l1111li \\1l..,•o11 .111d 111 .., ""11 h.1d .int,,, . ..,, •ii Iii! p1·1t,·11 l •d t di 1 ... 11 lll"Jl(\\ldt• 111 !li•'ll bl1111d ... 111·,1111 ... 1'1111\'t' t 1'fl"1'11 ·d th;1 1 \\'ii ""!\ 11;1:-. 1uund I" h.i'" 11;-; .d1tohol11· co111!1 ·11t '/'ho • leg.ii p1·t11'!1\,q.!l' ni drunl..1·11111·..,.., ,.., Hi'll \\'11 :--1111 11,t-. hn111d ..,Ju n1p1•d H\t'I' II\ hi" l'dl ltl..,ldt• Ill" ,L:,11.1!.!l' 1\lt'\:111d1·f \t ,I.., l!llll!d Ill .l I Hiit!\ ;JhH\I' thl' g,Jl ,1).!1' P1t·r1·1· ".11d 1ht· 1•;1r ;ippl·.irt•d l11 h.1\'l' h<·t·n I lH1n1ng f11r .1 li.1ul t11l' h11ur:-;d 1t·r \\'11 ... 1111 ,q1p.111•111l.\ t';lnlt' honlv ~t1r11v llHll' :ilt1·r n11d 111ght S.i111rd;1\· 111i.:lit 'l'ht.·Y ;..;ud !ht• 1g111 l1 <ltl \\,1.., 11!1 lllll llil' g ;1..,o l1nl' g.111).'.l' r1·;.:1:-;ll'ft•d t,•rnpt 1 l'•1lit'l' ~;11d holh 1ht· .·utq11i.i111· g;1r;1).!t' door .i n d tht· d11111· t r11111 th1• ).!;1f:l)..:•· \o ltlt' l11Hl;..l' \ll'lt' cln:--t•d l".\h.111;..! ltHl!t'" ll':t1l1ng 1p!n1hl' 1\ .. 11:--•· \I uuld ll'nd tu r1"t' tn !ht· "t 't'1•11tl !loor' \\hl'l't' :\lr!'I. \\'11..,011, h 1·r .... 1111 ;ind h('r d:111ghlt.•r \11•r1· :-;]l't'Plll).!. i'lt'l'Ct!S<Jitl. \I 1 .. o •\I 1 t 111• \ \ iil-.<11;.!.IT ll/• d :--.1111<! 11 .I \1111111 l lCl tl ('1!11\i"'llild, ii Ii\ ··111.,\1 .. 11 .d "h"ci\ 111 .. u hl •11 1 I•\ 11• \1,., od 1fi, l \\oo d1 •,11h.., lll•·~11••k o •~11l.lll ,11<1 \•,[I U " ~t'lll'I . .! 111.111,1 ~•'1 :">i'' • li ll 11.tl d -.oll .111.J "ul11• ld1 I !11 I li,1 t•!l l,Hl H<olJ \\ .. 1 ..... 11 I \11 .. \\ 11 ...... n \l,,11d.1 , \\ 11 .. 1 I" il1ol i>"I I ' ' !11 " I II oi \lv111 .. 11,1I • 1 11 • 1 .. 1 \\ii .. 11 ,•! .1 111 "ii 11,li 1,. 111 •111 11 lh1• 1:1 .1• .,,,,,,,1 \ • 111hl\ •d (,,,d \/i11 1ol1 J,.11 ll1t11..,d.11 lldh IHil t.il .1 I ,<1+· ... ! l .. 11111 \lt11t"ll,d ' '. 111' • Gr;111t's C•tn1111••11ts Vikes Must Control Pitt Ground Attack 111.cJ1)\\l _\.j,111'\ \111111 \I' 111·· \l 11 11\• 111.1 \ d,111 .. "" 11), Ill ,JtJi•!lllh 1111' l 'ill •l •li lj ii :">lo '1'l•I• Ill ._,1111"1 l\1>111 1\ :">1111 d,1\ \1111 I"• In hip 1111 •11 _10 11111d \C,lflll' ..,,11 -, \ 1!..1 10 ; ( ''.!• 11 11.1.j I .J .111 l \\'1• I'•' l-."1 11~ t11 !1 \ 1 .. 111;• l·'1.111c ·11 tl.1r11 .. n1~1hc th• 111 ll11 .. \1 th1; h.ill '\''\l'l;tll\t 'd 4i t,11ll '\<11 lh,i! 1hc\ th111 l 1111"11 \lit· h,ill 11l'll. hut I ht· p1•1 t'l'll1.i g1· ut r1 ... h 1 ... I ;11").: I l',!lt'!' S!o1pp1n!.! Lilt· l '1tt-.h111gh 111u 11111~· .l!l.1t·I.. \1;1 ........ !!\t•tl111l/ lh1• llo1l..l.t11d H.11d1·1.., '"11ld 11"! do \1l1t·1l 11\t·I \lt'I!' 11!'"1'1 Ji 1 1fit • ~lt•t•lt'I" ~11 :\ Ill 1ht' \l!\•'1 11,1!1 l'tfll1 h;dl ( '!ltdt't't'll! \' \1 t l1• g,l!llt' I\\ !'111111';1-.I , 1t11· \,111111!·d 111 .:.:" d1·tvn .... t' \1:1~ l'.iirl~ ('l';..;..t 11 l Ill ..,l1111 !!ti;! •ii! ,\11 :.,:t•\1·-. l.!10\IJld ,,\f.ol'k Ill \' 11.. " \I l ' I ·"..., ~l 111 lll'"lll.!' \I l!l 111·!•>1 \ "ll'I' ll\• IL1n1;.. lo!' lh1• '\;1\11111.11 l.-11+1lh.dl ('oil ( t' l't' n (' (' ch;ull p I< lf 1;,h Ip [.,1\l'l'l'rll'•' ;\l1•('t1!l'ht•o!l \\ho g a1111·<I (111·r l .l ()ll 1ard;.. t11r lht' Jtan1:-cl11r1n~ lhv rl'µ11l:1r :-1·.1 ... 011. \\ :1~ ht"ld lt• 27 _1 art!" 111 l l 1'.1rr11·.., ·rht· St .... !('r!'I 1 11:;.hC'd tot ~o~ y~1rd :--. 11u·l11 d 1ng 111 hy llarr1,.,, 111 • . I I I \ I 11 ,.! 1111 ii I 11 :--! ~ll\\• 'I l\11 II I I 11 I I It \I \II• .LJ~I•' 111111 !.t,,111 Ill d11.1l,d lht• \1!..111 'l\•n iid •<>ll L 1 ' I 1 I I , I t • • I , 11 11111 \ I I \ 1 I\ t ' I 1, ii I I 11 I l\i• IHlltl.i .I ,illl"\ ilio O.,l<'o •l 1 I' I Ill•\ If-Ille.," 'lllll!ld ),!Ill!' I lt •d 101 h1 1~1! 1 1·11p1 11~· ('!1111·1-. I ••t't'fl\,111 11\iu 1\.1.., 1odl1 ·d 1q1 1:1.1 .1 .11 d.., 111 I ht• [\\<I pl.1.1o(f :.,:.lllll':O. 'i "ti \'t• e11t lo 1!1• .1hlo· ln 1111\ 1>1 ·~ .lll"l ' 11 .., ,I Int t'.t"l\'I' 111p.i..,._,1\tl ··I'• 1111C I .irld 11\t' t h.111 tl I.., Oii ···t'\lrld ,l lHI Ill .. (;r.1111 ~.11d ' 11 11.., ..,,.,· .. nd ,111d thrt·t'. ~1111 '1t· liPld111:.,: lill' lll\l']),11·1..1·1" ,\Ill! It' lh>I l1·!l1ni..: lh1·:11 d1up hacl-. 111lt! I'""" t .. 1 t'l'.1 i,.:1·th.11 qu11·kl1 You·\ l' ;.:111111 h1• .1hl1· to 1·1 111 l•' 11 ,1 1 rn11 lh,d 1h1ng du\\ll , to l..L·1•p 111111• p t•l>plv \11 th1•rt• ''1111 !Inn t !1.111· ln g .1111 :!OO \,!id,.., :1 )..'.llllll' I lll\11111 ).! IJ11 t ,\1111 °\ 1· gut t" Iii' .1h lo• l1,ho•,1l\i1t',t1lt11llll ~1111\~! p( fl' l't•d ~1t•t•lt ·I'" 1111 11\1· ~l1 •1•h ·r ·..,, 1111 ~ .111.11,1 ... 1 ~ ;11·1· 11"1 \11ll1k1• lht• ( ; I', I !11 . '[ht• n .1111 " '!'h t·.1· ILl\ l' ;i lo1l !!I 1ht· ..,,11111 · 111 gt1'd11•11 1.., ,1 do •lt'll"t' tl1.1\ ;..[:1rt .., 1111h thv !10111 li111 r ;111d :1 "t•I ol 1:r1'.1t n1nl1il1· J11h·li:1l'l-.l·1 ..... i )f. h·11:-1\l'I\. th1• ho ·~\ 1il1n.: lilt·~ du 1 .. 11111 th1• luoth.ill. hu1 th;11 ':-. lh>l lH :-;,(,\ th1•\ l'.111 °! p:i""" ''I) 11 h ' \I' I ljlJ II lo •1 l1,11 1-. \I \' 111 ,J,,c i;r,···nv. do ·\1·11,1\t· l.11·1-.11· 111 1111 · l'lll ..,!1111 1..:11 :-.t1•t'll'I", \\l'l o· tl,tll\l"\ lflo• '\.111••11 ,l l l'o•tll It.di l.t·.1..;111·..,l"l'Pl.11 ,1..,h\ 'lh•· \ ..... , 1.il1·d 1'1 1· ...... 1 .. ,l.11 \ 11,i\ 1"1\\11.I!' !'.lllC! "I :--p"I I.., II 111 •'1.., ,111d l11P.1d1 ,1;,11'1' < !l<l"t ' '1 ,dil··r lilt· !l!t.·11,1\l' l'l.111•1 ul lltt 'l'.11 ,tllfl ;'.,Ill' t!1 •lt•l\,lll' ho111"r"' !o 1;11·t'!1•' h.1..,1·d "ll lh• 11 l"·1 l111t11;11l•<' d11111\t! th·· !'.ti\ '\I! 1•·•:1d.11 .. , ....... 11 -..,1.1hl1•!' ,I !t ft h,Uldl't h •d lh1· IL11 d 0 ·1, 1 .. Iii•· \1111 ·1 H'.tll t'0111 J ,11·111• \\,~t ll l\1~!'11! ih.1111 J'IP!l !J11 1 JI,• p,1..,..,1,d lnl' :!.41i!I 1.1 1d -.011d .1 l1·.1~llt' lt'.1d1n;.: :._:,; 1.1111·liolt•1111 t•1111pl t·!111g:17 l IJl'I t "I!! "I !JI".+ I io 'l 11\)I..., I 1 I\ 1-. '-.I. 1 I ii'' I .., I .i ~ ( 111111111 o' '.,, 111i.: p.1 -.. .. 111.11 :.:.110 · 1l:1f.L111d 11 • 111 ... 1l•llllldjiL111dl111·1"1 .1 ,011.I 1'lilll lll,ll1·<i dl'lt 11d111 ~: 1 lL1!ll(11oH1 \lt.i1111 \ 111 ·t'k l.Ll•·1 1111 · H .11dv1·., 11 0•11 l,11'" \,,ii odt t.1 c;1+'"llt' .11111 11!1•:">!1·1!0 r ... 1111l1t \111•·111.111{'<>11 I· 11 '!11 ··i l1.111q11o111·.li11':'.1tr1" 4 11 \!'Ill' 1"11~ Iii<' 1111'11.I!'!' "I •ill IH1:,111 -..: qt1.1t\1·1 l1,1• 1-.-. 1h 1t•11 i'·'""t';, f111 Jp";..1·-. t'Lglil 1111lt'" dt11 111 :: 1 hi• r 1·;.:ul.11 "t"1..,u11 . lv.idtllh !lH• :-.11•t•lt'I'" I" .I lt',t ;.!Ut' h1 ;_:\J ~1:! ....11·k ... I It· h1·lpt•d l'11t;..lit11').!b ('\llll pth· I ht• h1•:-;t dt'l l'll"I \ l' ..,(,11i..,l11 '" ltl lht• .\l,.l' ,1 .111•ld .,1 uni~ :!!~I 1o 1 .1rd ... p1 •t' ;.:,11111· 111 -. ;-.1·l1•c·t11111 rn;11l..t•d lht• :-.t•1·1111d l1111t' <;rt'l'llt' ho1s ht•cn lld!flt•d llil' lu11 dt•f1•H;,)IL' jH•rtur111l'r 11 .c .d~n \\ :1" r l1ost•n lly lh1·.\ \' p,11\t'l ltl 1~17:!. ;-;1.dd1·r 11 :1.., ;i he;11·;. p11·k 11\ the ll•llllh \\ l!h ~!) \llh':>, l';.i;.il,1' (\tll · d1 ..,1,111t·111g ll 1•!1\'1·r"s (lti s \1111 .. 11 ·(111;.:. tlH· i\Fl. rus hi ng 1·h.1n1p1011. 11ho1 li:1d 11 \'o(t•:-. :111d r11n111ng l1i11 'k ·1·1·rr.1 i\l1 •t1·;dl o f1 hc ~1 Louis l':1rd1nals, \1 h11 hat! l ~. \·(,\in;.: f11r d t•ft·nsivt· hon11r s \\·:i s nHu·h c·lo~··r <irt.•t•lle \\'Oil it 11ilh 1 :1 \ ot c;... h ;1 1't.•l .v topp i n g \'h1lad~·l11 h1 ;1 l1n1·h.tl'kl'r Uill Ht'l'gl'y, \I ho had 11 . "l'\'1' h1•ard !liat 0.111!)1•\111~·1-. ,I \ l'I'\ fl/lt' ('(l:l ('h \\f t• \fl..,(' (jllllo • .I It'\\ ~t 'l\lOl'S, !Jul \\l•'l l \\Ill :inv .... ·:1\'. \\'1·'11 ha1·(· a v.hn\c 11c\v tc;;n1, ~o ii ~huuld bt· a lolof ft1n .'' Klees \\UUld likt• tu 11u·r1·a~t.· lus Y.t·i ~ht t u ~ 10 ~50 p11u11ds anti pl;in:-; t o 1\nrk dL11 g1·11tly \\'llh \\'t•1ght:-fo\!o\I Lil!.: ,1 11111 IAt'L'k \'L-. it v.·1th h is p :1rt•1il s, hrolhL'l'!'> :u1tl :-IS(l'I' 1\:-;k:t·d ;1hout his i:!<J:tls for lll'Xl ...,l':1...,n n . Kll'l's' chil'f o hJt't'I is lit lit· the I r1 s h ·:; !'>I ~· rt 111 g t 't.•11! cr. ''I 'd !1kt.• t o lit' ;1n /\lt - 1\n1er1e;111 , hut uf 1·uors1•., L'\'t•r- ~ Ulll' .cl ;,l' d t1l'"· t oo And (I f 1·our~1·, \\t.•'d l1kt· to he Nu I al !\o\l'L' [)~J llll' " Bradshaw Revived Steelers 1\1·:\\I {)!{1./-'.,\\:S (.\l'I 1 (·rrv B r;1d:-.h;111 i..11 .. 1\.., thl· sue· l't'...,S ;1r f.111!1rl' ••l Lhl· Sll'1·h·r:-; 11•111 r1•"l \11th 111111 \\h<'ll hL· dut·k;, 111 11tldt.'J' thL· l't'llll'l' tu tal..1• tilt• "n :.1p .111d :-.tar1 ... run111nh l'1tt;..liurgh's u1ft·n~t.· 111 Sutula.1 ';.. S t1Pl'I' 1101\ l g;trlll' a;.:.1111;..\ :\i11111l':-.Ul.1 11·,.. a lit'\\ ll'l'l111 g fur l hl' Ing hlt111d frutn l.oui ... 1.111;1 ·r l·1·h .111d ollL' he t'llJ11~s :\l i 1 llll'"ot;1 ·~ l.-r.111 ·r.1 rkt•Jl\•!ll u ntll'f"\~HHIS I ll· s. hl·1·11 in th:1l ptl!'i1\1un for l·l .\t".tr:-- "}:1 l'f\ t h 111i.: r1·\·11I\ 1•s arnund \ h l' q l; a I' l t' 1' h .1 t' I., :"< ;1 I d Hr:1d-.h:1\t' :\\1~111L1\ a :-. hoth l1•;11n .., U1·g.111 11rl·11,1r111;.: ·f,1r Su1ll'I' 11!1\\'I IX. "I f a q t1.1r ll'l'lJ;it·I.. h:t" ;1 !:!t111d i--'.·l!il t', th.ii 1·:111 hl' (1i1• d111l'l't'IH'l' lil'\\\l'l'll ll!lllll!\:.: .11111 !11;..111 :-:. Surv, !ht• l'l'"' of thv 1, .. u11 ,.., Ill · \ ul\ l'd :111tl t hl'.\ p l.1.\' ;1 I rt·1111·11 - d11u .... p;irt llul it ;111 1'!11111·, du11 n l11 ll11· q11 :1rt,.rh.11·k l 'rn lilt• l1·;1dt·!' 11 I p l:1l' ;.:1u1d. lit' \I l!l II I pL1y h.1d . \\,.Ii•:-,·" 1:11r niut·h ul !hi· "v.1..,,111, l\r;1d~h :111 II .l~!I t pl.1.I lll,L; ,11 ,ill lit• 11·;1s lhn·d :--l 11n;.: ;111d 111 1 the ht•n1·h !or thv t1r;..\ ;..1\ g.11111·:-- '1'1\:11 ·:-.1 ;..1tu.1t1011 ·r.1rl..1·11 1011 llt'\t'f' li,1;, l.H'l'd 1:1.111 ;il\t.1.\.., ILi!'> hl'L'll l1r. ... 1 :-.ll'lll).! !111 ! I\ l' :O.t'.l~Otl:> Ill '.'\l'\I \ O! I., .l!ld rlllll' Ill \I 111111·"1 ii .t [ lh111I.. lh1• O'\j•l'llt'I\! 1' l\t'lp-. .. ,nd ·r.1rht·nlt111 .. l 1!11111.. ht·111i.: .dil1• lu 1·,dl Hfl 11 lt'.11.., od t''\ llt'l'll'lll'(' 1 .. .1!1 ,1d1 .ul1.t).!t' 1<11' lilt! Ill I ht·~·· I Ip+''" ul g,11111·:--[ \ t' l.11 L"d 111 ... 1 ,dlu\11 t'\ 1·1 \ ... 11u.t11110 ,l!JU \,Ill J ;.!lll'"'" t inl· :--1111.111,,11 th.ii ·r .11 l..l·nt111 1 tlt'\O'I l '.11lll' lip .1;.:.1\11:-I 11.1 :-. lht' 1111...,1r.1\101111! .... 1tt111g1111 lhv h1 •111·h 111111·1\ 11v1:..:l11•d ht.,11111 o!\ l\1'.11\-.h,11\ llll<>U :-!h lhl' lit "! li,i\I .. 1 ~lit• ...... l ... \lll 111 tl1« l11·g11111111 g. I !o·lt l h .1 d 1.i \',Ll'I'\ th1 ... l\',!!11 , Hi .id:--h.111 ;..,<Ld '1'\Jo'l1 j t.·11 J II,\.., l\<l ).!t)"d \q tlh·r11 1h.1l I 11.1.., 1 11·111 ~· \1 ,1-.t1·d 'l'll1• 111r11111 ).! p.i111t t11r 1\1 .id-.h.i\t o .1111•' .1110 I tho• "'"'""II" 1'..:th ~.111\1' 111· Ii.id ..... 1l ol\I! \ht• 111·_..,1 ..,I\ \l)l!i1• ,)OI\' (;dl1,111l 1p1.11 lt.•rl1.n·l..,·d lilt· t•luh I h1·11 .llll'f l\r.1d..,h.1\1 pl.t\o•d lh1 ,.,. ).;dlll t'" '<1,1\IJ \'fi111•I., \H[I :--\tll«h1·d t.1 '1'1•1t\ ll.1111.d!\ t111· .. 11t' 1\1 ,1d ... t1.1\1 11l.1\t·d Iii.· 11t 'I !1\n 11111 1·.111Jt · lll' 111111,l1 hnl..1·r , 1.1~111 :.:, 1<111 .. 11 ... 1 .. 11 ' [1 \\ ""' ,illo•t lh.!l L~d!lh' l\1 .1d-.h.1\1 -..11d lvll 11 r r iii\,· li :._:lll t'd h,11J hlH\111 !Ito• 11111 ;1i,:,11n \\ut • '"11 h '\,,\I, .dl,·ol 11ll' 11)111 Ill .., •>I I 11·1· .11\d ..,,11d h1· II,,..,)~" 111·~ l•1 ~:110· 1111• .111 .. tho·1 ..,111>1 I I•· loo\d 1\I!' \11 I! l.i\., )..!" 1111\ ,I lid d1, " '1']11· \ t>I •· "I I 1>1il 1do ·111 o• I <il'llo •d ll\lll).:" ,1 l<Hl!i1l li'1 !\1,1d._l1.111 \\ ho•11 Ii •• ..,,11d lh.ol 11 .., IJo •1'1l .dl :· ..... d \'\\'I -.1111 •'. I 111.11'1 l' I I 1;11· I.. ... Ill I \1 ',!I 1ht• ! 11,d II ,I.., h>lll' g,!1111•, .JC:ll .11ld 1li1· ~l1'•·l1·r.., h.1\•· h.1d f1111r "!1.11 hh1 \It lnlU'" '\'ht•\ 110111 ( !.!t•l .i t 11 t )1 If 'I' ,I I I., \'111011 lt.1,., !H.., \\ d \ "\~·,. 1 l' \\11rl..1·d 11.trd to ·i.:1·t h1·r1· ,ind \\1.'1·1· 1'l.1\1·d \\l·ll." 'l':11l..l·t1Ton ;...11 d "\\1• \l' dillll' \\ hd1 II t' l\,Jd to tl11111 ~l'! ht'l'l' " Cage Ratings I tnao,>nd IJ1>\ 1 UClAI U I 3 lOu"v+lle 01 • NorU> (.d•<>h<> .. '.>( .. IP } M"<VlilnO b ~o.Cdl•fo•n•d I O:"ntu<~y 8 Al,•b""'" q O<eqon Hl A•llOl"l 11 Mo<n•13dn 1/ A"1on•!>t"te 1} M"'<IU"tt" u L .. s .. 11r I~ No<!nCaH•""~ lb '.>llutn c,.,01,.-.a II Mon,,..~OI" 18 lo;-n""~""' !~ Pr<>Y•<l••nt r hl'Wof~E Fo<e~I " " '"" "" "' '" '" ' .. " •• '" ' "' '" " '"' ,, " " " " " 1,U10 ON ,,, "' "' "' .,. '" "' '" '"' "' •• " '" M " " " " 1\ h n"p11.d s pokes111:.1n s;iid i\lunda y !\I rs . \\lllson did nnl s uf- rC'r :I hr11kt•n J:ll\' ;is lhC' ho;..p1t al h ;td 11r11.!1nally rcportt«I. ·r hl·~· said lhl' J.11\' 1\·as 1Jr111sctl ;i nd S\\'OJJl'O. UCI Uses Defense for 83-67 Win P ollet• :...:11<1 !ht' scquf'nrc (lf l'\'l' nts s ! i 1l \\ :1s not <'I(· ;1 r .tu1d I h :1 t ~l rs. \\'1ls1111 1\,1;.. 11nalile to j!l\l' invesliga tor:-. :1 1·0 111pll'1l' a1·t·1n111I of1h(• 111c1dvnt .l uv1·nilt· t1ff1 ('1'r ·r 1,. ·r rinkl1· qu0 1l'd l)r 1: 1\1. H1v1·r·s .I r "·" s aying i\lr;.. \\'Jl ..,1111 g,1\c \ar.v111g aC('OlltlL.., of h111\ ;-.ht• l't't'l'l\t'd lht• inj ured ,1 ;1 1\ '!'ht• hl1 .... p1l.il "P"l-.1 •..,111.in ...,;11d :\l r s . \~'1 1 ;..nn 11 .1 -.1 t•1·1•1\HlJ.: f:und,\ lll l'lllht•I':-. 01 11d ,\..,!111.., ;t;.. . ..,111'l,ll 1'S oj h t·i· h11 :-h,1nd lr11l 110 ulht•r \ 1:-. 1lot'S l. 11,· llfl \\'1\l{ll I •. 11 .\:\ll\. . Ol ll1EO~•lyP11ot!.ta!I 1)~1\'t' l\:1k1•r ,ind .l~·r1·y ;\l.11 .1;. l'Olll1'lhlt!1·d :il p111J1\;, h1·l\\1't'1l tht•n1 a nd till' L l' l r11111· 1\11 l l'at e1·;, pu"lt•d ~1 1·1111v1111'111g ~fl 1;7 h;i ;,kl1 lhall \l!'tory Ol\\'I lh1 · .l '11 1 1·1·r:.;1t~ of l'ui.:vl ~111111d :\l ol\ d :!,\' tll).!lll .tl l '(•t l\akl'I' hit :!fi :111d \l :1r.is ·• .. pu1111:-; ,,._ tile 1\11lt•;11t ·1·-, 11""1,,d 11\1·11· 11111\h 11111 a ,L:.tlll"! .1 fl.Ill 111 dt•ll'.tl'°' d1•..,p1l1• .I ..,lllJ..!)..;l:,h "I .ii\ 11 \il 111 Ilic end, r1l,1ch 'IJnl 'l'dt {'l't•ditc·d _, \t'nac1ous dt.'ft'n sc i11 !h\' f'1n:d ~I' n1i1111tt'S tif thl' f11's f h.tlt f11r lur11111g 111 .. t1dt:.• in f.1vor 11f I . <'I l thought \11· pl.1 ~t·tl fl\(' ht•;..1 ilt'l•·ll"'' 1111h1· l.1..,! Ill 111111111l'." :uut 1•,..,p1 •1·1:1ll.\ Ill lht' f111:d SlX nf fh1 · l1r ... 1 h :1ll of :1 11\' ('(' lr\'111 (' t1 ·an1 :-.11l('t' I · 1 1· l11·1·n h(·1·1·. · · hl' "<1 ut · \l :1r.1 :-; pl.1yt'd 1h1• !Jes t l,!.11n1· nf l11s 1·:1r1•t·r l o11ight, fon. 1 ll' did . :111•tll s 1;1nd111j:! 1oh nn otft•ll:-\' ;ind h1 · hoi :i 1 <l ('t I I\ t•ll I Ii' t nok 1 ht· good ... 11 • .i ~ \\li•'I\ lilt•\ 111'1'1 ' lht'll' :1 11d hl'.l\,Hlt· lflt•lll .. i\l .1r:1s hit 1·1g ht ri clc! go;ds and 111nt• I l'l'C t hl'O\\'!'i, can ning s ix o f "l'\'Cn altcn1pls. fron1 tht.• floor 111 1 he S('('O!ld h;df 11(' al;..11 g r;_ibhl'd 11 r 1•htllllldS IL tkl'r :11 :-n dl'L'\\. p r:1is l' f !'Olll ·r 11'1 and ;il nllP p oint 111 lhl' firsl h.1lf . ..:111·g 1'. "t1 1l1 • lhc h ;il l at n1i<l- 1·u11r1 ;1nrt \\'t•nt 11 1 alone f10· a l.i.1 up Il l' h.id 111Hl' l'l·hound :-; \101'l..1r1g ;ig.dn:--1 (.'!11'! 1>1'11·r son, 1h1· l.11ggvrs.' ~c·1t·11 l1u11 t·1·n11·r M1 .ou•l' ""'"'"' U( hwoN Ill) .. ' • " ' • • • ' .. ' " 6it•-~r 'D"v" ,~, Clfv~l6nd l •v'"~" Jr<>l<on~ H6•f IO\ .. I\ ll!'tn!ll f-ol lmOH•~ Ffd{"klon Wal-Or> "'''"""' J~"'''"" Fu• lon<i ri~o•i>• St~""'" lo!"I' • ' • • ' ' " ,, u r ,, .. ,,.. "'"" uti ' .. ' ' • " ' ' ' ,, 1~~"""'" ucorro,n,31 )'1 l'-t"" UC. l'hwcr\10fJll, IO-•~ '" ' " ' ' ' " " , ' " ' " ' ' " , • ' , ' ' .. ~ • • ' " ' , , ' 0 " ,. ' • • • ' " " " ' ' ' " " " • 0 • .. " " ' • • • ' ' " .. ' " " ,, • Coast Loftp Tiffs Tuesd11 , Janua'Y._~ ~7cS:_ ___ _ ---DAii '1 PILOT B.i Tritons Tackle Uni in Opener Sn111h ('0<1 -.l l,t•:1i.:ut• lJ<t!>k t:lli;:1Jl :1cl1C111 ht·1":1r1:. I C1 111 J..;h1 ,1 "' ,. I I \' U t I f a\'or11t• S;111 ('[1•r11t·11l1• IH1:.!;.; l Jn1 1t·r·-.1(1· 111 lf\v f c al ured ~1 111 ;i 1·11011 !'>L'hf•du]p afl<I 1~ ~ni:dlt·r .f11hr1 fl r1:-.c·oll '~ 'l'r•11;.u1 .., Ii 11t· l1\11 pJ:1~1·:··: rn dou Iii +· ll J!l!I'('~. lt·d h :v Ii :i 1·1·111 ,·r l{1vh :1rtl Hrov.11 (I I l I In OI ht:r· g ;1 IJH"•" 1.;1 T orn t1·:1vt·I:-. tu ll:u1 :1 I lills <ind I .olj.:on;i llL·;_u•h t1ost:. J\1 i:.-.uJn \'1t•Ju All 1;:<1n ·1<!:. Sl;1rt <it 7 . !·;1 S :1 n l' 1 t· 111 l' n t t' • s 1'rit on ... ;_ind Un1vt·r:-.1lv's ·rroj;:1ns ln·111 :.: ;1 c·1)0111 b ined 15 ~1 rt·1·11rd 11110 t onight 's 1·ont1·'il . St.in f)e/'i·l ~• g f! 10 '.-. 'l'rt loll'> .11·1· f ;1 vorl'd ht•t·~1u:.e nf 1h1 •1r hi:1ght :1tlv;_1nt.1 g 1• ;111d l"l'!>f)c("l;iblt• 7 ·2 rt•c·urd ;ig;.un s l c1u:.i}1t .Y 11ppu-.1 litin. '/'Ill' 'l'rilon:. ha\'t· 10 ... 1 only lo c::1rdt·11 1;rr111· ~111<1 I .ong l!1•;1{'h \\l il:-011 \\hilt' d t•fl'ating l\;il l·lla :H1t1 F o11n!;t1n V:d!1·1. ~;t n {"f{•l'l1t•fl!l" I ll·"'" !II r~·~' li1·t·;1k and ha c. tlirt•t• :-l;.1rl1·rs a\'1'r:1 ~JllJ-! 111 d ou ble f1i.:urt·s. ·rl1d h::dota. th(• fi ·7 1 ·~ centl'r·, is avt•r:11.;_1 11g 15 7. t ' t • n It• r (/;·I I ('ould ''.!Vt· Iii·· :-.nlcillt•r l>ulph1ns trou 11!1· '!" 11 n _V ~ I J [ I s n II • S J)olphlns fini s ~C!d llie ]H"t'·Sl';,ISOO v.·ith 0 Ii 1 rn :irk :ind held th(•ir t1\1f1 ;i~;1n i.s t t a ll er t ec1n1-.:. 'fht>y 1t nly lost hy 11 lo ;i 1\lira lt•ste tt•t1 1n ll\;1! fe:1tu r erl 6 -8 a 11d i; 1; pl:1~1·rs :ind <'aml' \\Jtlun :-.t•\'l'll of Corona <l<'I '.\1 :11· J·'111·\1·ard Stl'vc J(1pplt• 11:1.51 1s thei r l1.·ad111i,.: ~corer. l 1nivt•rsitv is 8·:1 hut h as p l1.1y1 ·CI a "'t'ak<:r . CIF Hoop Rankings . . ... p_.s., ffff71, rtc••d .,..lnh I, ¥••bum O.,, 111·0) ~00 1.L8Poly (llll 1~1 l l8 Jo•O.n 19 JI ll~ "· S..nt. e .. n,., .. ! to 01 111 'lo.P•lo•Vt«k,1911 <lfl 6 16W•l...,..,!ll ll 81 1 lf>Ql•wooc:i 111).lJ R7 t 'lo>•H • 110.\I -,. ,_ Cr•,111 It 11 J8 10 t .. ~.-1 110 n J6 au..,,~ C••«en!" V~ll•y ~~ 111~. P•...o•na i10.11 1~. a.,.,,,, 111 l! 1". F°"l"ll.t !8 71 10, S•n Md'"" <9 l• ~. Con>pl.,n 0 -1! \. !it Jolln lio"-<O (I.)) !I. """""'f>Q".,.. !10 •1 }. ,.. p.._ l••m. rtt .,d P.,inh 1 G•'Pt !lll) IN llo,.0.1!0•11<11 16! J. P•lmSJit1nQ> It 0) !JJ •C•m..-i11o11111 1n1 !I. P•r•movnt I 10 11 '" 4 s..nc.oorlp1!11 ll '" I A•mon• 11011 !~ 41 G•nP\I>• !!G J) IJ 9 to•.0.mlQo•ll07! >.e 10.Mir•(<>U• 111).,J 10 Ol'Wr• C•D•lllo 011J 11 ViCIO<' V•li.y t9J! I}. "'t .. DtJly I'"•• (41 ll I'. We•I lott•n~e 18 &1 a Nodn Rl.,..<>IOe !t·J I 8. f:le '"P "• tto!h !B II 4, P•l"'<Mlt !i-41 6 '. "'-~· Tt~m, •t<Md "9 ..... 1 I S.."M.t""<>!1101 •"1 2.Mir•l•\lt (ll l J !Cl 3.£10ct•O<>U11 1 ... • W•lnut 19·41 1(;<1 ~.Onl••..,(l'""'·-110 '1 •) 6 l .O. B•pl>\l !!O.n 81 }"'°ftcl•I) /0 1.s.. .. c .. ,...n•U·ll ·~ •. Ct tttlo> 18 ]J <II Ml.Cl>••Tt• 0~~ {9 41 la Otn~,, .O.(l o"'~ !9 •l Jl. Uni•~''''' II Jj t• Ml'""" \t',•10 tl·ll I• ""°'""" v.11 .. , '~ 11 '· .O.••d 1-. !6'61 I . L•wnOdle 0 ·6) ~. °""~ .,_Ill~ I~·•)}. :Socet>r at NB NC'\\'pnrt ll arhnr lrigh 's sf1rrc·r tc·:1111 open s F.mpirt• (."enturv f.1·:1gu1· pl:tv toniJ..:hl ;ti 7 :10 ••ht·n i! h ost<; \\'f'.'.!Ollrl '-!1•r JJ1 gh tit D:1\ id~r1n Fu.· Iii. ·rti1" is thr firs t ~rason rnr "nt·t·('r .1t Nr~rorf , hut the S:tilors pn<>tt'<I :1 4.0 pre' l(':.igu(' 1·t'<·ord "1th \\·111" n\'1•r ('C'rnlo'i, f.:1 l'u \·1111·. <; .1 r d 1·n (; r r1 \' t' a n d ·'-' :.i n t."11 · n1 ('Ill f". Oel\l agµio still ino.;is l s th.Lt Lagunc1 BC:tl'h h:ts I he· lf'agut· ·s hrs! t .dt•11r . hut l\l iss1on Vi1·111 1-., f ;ivnrl'rl l!Onl'tht•lt·'"' lonrghl l '.11 Rohe r!..,' i\I\' l>iahlos :irt· 7 ·2. h;111· -.,u ltd g u;1rcl s 1n /J;1\t• ('oop('t" (9.~ I :1nd r>l':1 11 FJ.?.Prtson llJ .ti1 :111d ;1 quJ('k t·1•nlt·r in S1t•\ \' .S;11\\('fl ll :i> J.;;g u 11 :1 fll':ll'h ;.., 01111 :t.fi ;ind ,J{·rry 1··:11r ~ t\rti~t s art• nnr ~1·11111J.! hal:inccd SC'nri ng, ·rti .. y ctn h:1\"t' J i.:uod <111l ..,HIP shuuh·r in J·'ranl-. \\'rq.:ht ( l ·I '.l l Oilers Hos l 1'h1· ll unl111gtnn H•·.11·h I !1 ,::h ()1 lt ·r s Op(·n 1·:1111111•· 1.\·;11.:111• li ~t :-Okl·\li:1 ll .1l·l11 11 i 1!)tlt~hl . ho ~\111J.! tt11• t>r :u1 g 1· /'.n1fh•'I" '1'1p,.ifr 1-.. Oil 7 Bo !h !ht· fl1lvr.., :ind f':u1t/J1·rc. 1·o r11p!lt·d :ii; n11n l<•;ii.;Lu· l"t'l'.1H d s :111d ll11nt1ng!on llt·:1<"h h.i-., df<1pp(·r! I/JI 1•1· '-,\f':11i.:h1 J<ln11·r ('nn1 li-.,' l l1l«1•. :tr1· .1t11u1 g :ind "rn .di 11111 f1~1Jl"f' ft! \rlljlt'll\ t' '!"h1 ·1 ;11v l•·d h.~ Jll nior i,.:11:1rd l 't·t·r1 llarhin ( 10 Ht '/'111~ l':1n rhc·r" :1r • p :1t·11d h\ fj '.! fur\\,1 Jd l'l't c·r f\or•hnk\' ( J:! ~.i and :. ro J.:t1,1rd 1\lh1 ·r1 /\n1h11J.: 11:17J Pro Scort>s N•t.on•l lt•••~•b.>IJ 4•'o0':•11oon Pn,.•<1e111n1• 101. Bult.i!ot~ .._.,..~.,, •n B~•••IO.OI! A\...,<o•l•On S•M 11nton•o 119 Ut•n t1 N•t•Dn•! ,..oc••v L••q.,. ',10 <>\ C11 v ~ M1nfl<'"°'•' l Race Results .-111~1 P ll CE .,,, ,.,,.1 l •' " '"". ,\ "'' {.1.0, '""'" I 'I"·· l l '"' l!•'•h• I '"'" 11 qd•.• in I I' 1\n > 1 '·'' "'·"1'1, 'o •'ll•" ,M ,o><~.o~o<h·• .j \.) ' I M • .,,.J, •Mnt"i II•~ < J" '" I 1 ttl< 11 I<) "'"' <.•n , "·"", n1 ..,,,, .,..,,,., p ,,., I!.·<•. l "II•· (""I"" 1o ••n>•·1t.1, t>"<I "·'"'"·I '"'" ·., ,,,., ,,,.'1 rnm 1 n... n.•"•tv "'·11•·( t, loluy.i! l•"'!LJO",I, l.O\f! ,,. )!"' "" \I £••t•~ -( o~ .... Uno& I"""""'" \ltq•\, P••d \SJ 10 SECOHO AACE J\(11,017' JY"·" (1!11 M ill/IP/I\ Cl,,,•n•nO Pu,...,\1100 ,..,t !.nc 1 Lutr UJ11 l('""°"ll fnpM"'ln Jo l..,,vdt Ptat •·lou\• ~W.J••••I Ot!"lll•m" 111J ~141) J fO J6<.) J 00 1"" "" .._,.,., '"" -.VII''"'"'· LAITY N.a~~. M..•<;1•"'''' 0PC~ L•I """'°" "'°"'d. M l\, Hum fl"'"• No 01<P'1', LOI"''""· S<r<itcn<'d -Aov .. 1 fl,., ""· tn•y R·nlu~, H""'' K ,.,1.,.,, Go fro•1e Go. THtRO RACE &;o , ... d< 3 v~.,~ (11<1• IL up.Ct"'"''"0 Pur•• S1TOO Mo•<rwllt.:nu~n 11 7•MI 84!1 •·70 (111f'o•llCP\I O.in~•J .+JO J M l"rtlYl"ll<><'t!Ct~"<lf''I ~1\l t)rt e II T 1m<' •O ~? q, r .1 I I '" • O I fl,ln• ! 11 11 f, !•, » M,io· I " • I !\ " I '' 0 """ cl+t ',,, / ,.n, 1~ ~) /'", • "' ''·"'" • .,,, >!•I I f"•·'·'"I "''"•'"· l"ldlt.+hv M ' .•l•'! . .,~·" f,,11, <~~\•«<!<JN"' :,. '·"' l\•·fl ... , .. ~·n ; 11' •" I ·It Jumu1 1 1"1 A,'"""' Ln« ~·"~" FIFTH AJl.CE '-'', "rl ,, •r 010• A."'" ~1·"""' .iuo ... ,,,.,. ""' .~ \1100 """"v 0~•'" !W,.r<1 ! 1110 0 •(/ ~ ••l f'<'<l"""Moo.,1P.,<lf"I >IJO ,.,, '""'d~j\11.i<• 1 ...... 11 '"° 011~1~1.m., 11a1 "'"''"" -(Ou•"9"'0U~ lo:1p, Mr • •v f\M MOO<~. Am"""" IJ"' M• Wto• 11, 11'"' Jov. Sur• A~ Al. t. .. t lo) !>nttaDv No.,.•.Hc h~· SIJf.ltt RACE •ol v.irtt•. lv•Jf <:>ltt•.o.vn t•d•"""" r,1,,~··1.J<A) (""'"'"' ll<>• ... 1 !AU~u I I 4G ~ (() '00Nd!y N"!r cn. .. ned Rocke I <A<t,,,,' I •O \ 71! • <1'! N1t1yNot.• (N+<od+•mo.-) II •IO ~ 10 Rn<•••l •.f:l;trll~<·d1M<>"'"'"' '' h! m,,.,, I »n I w<>, F!lf•nq [),,.," "'"" l!IODDY Qun, J .. < .. S•rnon. A,'"' CHUCK VANLIEW El Toro CRAIG FULLAOOSA Dana Hills RON FREED Mission Viejo 3 South Coast Gridders Garner All-CIF Honors ·r1i1 ••·· ~·•111111 <"n:1sl l.(·~11~ut~ ~t •• r., 1,1 "I 1111• l!1 g h ·, ('liut·I-. \· .• 1t r 1•·\1 1>;111 ;1 1111 1-.; l l1 ~~tl 's ( ·r.11 i..: J."ull.1<J.1..,,1 .ind ,\11s!>1011 \'ie. 111 11 1; /1" lt n n !•'t·ct·d h;..ivc t';11·11\·d 111 ... 1 l l-.1 rn /\II Cl!·' ~·A fo.,!h;lll 1i1J1J11r'> ;1-., St•ll'('(1«I 11.~· s 11 11 1 11 1· r n 1 · .1 I 1 r ~· r 11 1 a s p11r!s\1 r1!•·r-.; 1111 till· ('i!i1t•ns S;111ng:, .-\1l1J 1·t1(' J·'ou11<1:1 t1un lio:11 d \ .111 l,1•'\\ •~ .1 r•·p<·:Jtc·r. having r:11·111 ·11•d I \ IP1nur-., "" <1 junior \11i~·1 1 J·:J 'I 0111 \\ .1 ~ f1 t't' lance Nt•f('s Lurt Oppedahl v.·as n;1n11·d )Jl:1y1.:r of lhc yl:'ar. in 2·/\. \'an Lit'W "·as again honored a<. <1 lint•ba ckl'r, althnul!h much of hi~ l'X p]u1t:-. ;JS :i St'n1or \\0l'l"t' ;JS a fullback in the C h ;1rg \·rs' gr11u nd ., , r Jt•nlcd J. /01· ni :1 t1011 . Van l.1l'W co.1rricd for 9GI y:.irds in 179 trit•s and !>ix touc hdowns ~•nd "'as his team 's niosl valua- blt• player. As <J li nebacker he h<Jd 63 ;,i ssistl'.d l i!C kles an<{ 1:}7 unassisted l:1C"kl<'s a nd w as the tram capt;.iJn for two years. S(•ran1ltl_t' f«tr2ntl Vi kings Tabbed In Sunset Race \l .1rin:1 J!1J'l1 ':-. SchooJ"s Vik· HI!!" ,I('• '-,Ol 1d l'hOH'(''-, {Cl l'<iplure th•· St1tl \t·\ L\':LJ'Ut' li:1s kC'thal l , ILJ1l!J•J11rJ-..lllp .1 ., pr1·<l1<"ll'd by 1h•' l1.1i! .. l'dHt \.11! !he \'1k1·s 11111-.,1 11.11111· .11 lo ·;,..,t four olhl·r '1•11!• 1id•·1 111 !hc·1 1 qt11· .... t lo l"t'· l<t' 11 .I ( h;lllljl; ·1111 · 1~1. I 1 ,tJ11 p.11 t.:n !!t·I~ under \\.I\ \\ o·dllt -.,},,_\ 111 1.:h! I\ l(h ;1 1••111 j',1111< .111 0 :111d ht·rt•'!>. IHI\\' 11 11 l• .• 111 l'1!nt .._,,, . .,1ht•r,u·t• 'l .11111.1 ('r•:1 1·h .J1n1 :...l•pl,111 \1!111 1,1l.,t"o11 l\•.1ll l; I (I •I!" 11/1( !1uJ111;.: lh11 !' l(irfc1! IP-.. .1 .. • 11!!11 l+·,11;111 · pl~1y . but 1h1'\ 1• •11.111\ tl11•!v;,111\<1hl'at \11 l !!-' 1t·ltlf"/lt't• .. Hoh f,(JSfH•r 11 , ·, • 11111 I\" h I\> :111n1r'lJ~ 11>-:1 ;'.11.11, I 1 •• 1 \ c I ht • \' 1 l..1 •s .1 c.nlill Vlll'· /II'> jl•llir/i \•ld1t,..,11I l1ri·1"•ll•'I' \'. :1\:nl:i I d \I 1llt 1 1 1.i1111•r \l.11! C'ool-, :ind 1. 1 h• \111 I o111d~'1.d 111 1111· f'rnnt 11111· 1 >.111 l ~1dd t .illd 'l'o1n L1J..:Luul 11•,1 \1 \ 11..• tour Jllt1H1r :; .1111 .. , 1f1i '"l'' 1~·/i 1 pl.11i·r .. '.!. I di-.,1111 ·1 h1· ( 'h,1rg 1•1''> ha\'~· "'111 ·' I • r, 1 •H d J..:t!ll1 J.: Jtl\O It •~111 l•l.11 l1ul rnn..,t t•f !h(' ~('\ 1 •. 11 • \1111• t I •!1ff t'(!Ol P•·ti11nn 1 I" \1111 " ;111rt Long H<·:1rh \\II ••H .11t1"'11!' 111h1•r-..1 .1ntl n .. 1\• I! d 111.1111 1111" \J 11h\ h:t._, tu-., 111 /111 • Utl!I 1nr:1cr :1f1cr :1 lf,·1 • rH i" r l1ll•·d .. ,,111 illn1·"·" :ind Ill Iii I di !•!I.'' Ill'. th\" hf'c.t hl't IHT •1 Ir \!,11111 t 1··111 I l,,1 •t. .• 1,111d'l"ofldZ1rl1t'I , 11 I fii• I> till.. nf l·'.d1 -.,on 's !1<>n1 I 11 . 111.J l"11• 1111 · <"h:ir;•(•r'• l•ill I' if l11•11:•!IJ 111 .iddilHHl !11 1)1, 11 l,,111!1t1 \(I'll ~11 11 I· 1111) H:l(1h11; :?.l, "ltT \I 11! '""lllollll• I· ""I" \, ,. 11 porf II .1 rlu11·, 'I h1 • S;11 !nrs 1, 1· 1,111· 11<1 'Ill•·'" r 1·pl;H·r· '11.ll ii t:1 I +II I I I I i!11•t'I\ IJ11t in.11 Ii 11 Ii· lf .t '1 • ·r .11-.. hd\'t' a 1d1d•I 1111111.' 1111 \1.!!I 'to.111J.:l1 •r I" ,! "ll':ldy HI fllH II( 1 ,ii f"I I\ .ti ti 01 !"l'Tlll'f :ttld g11.11d-.. f\lnl l "11 t1l-.f', l\J;1rty l-'~·d1111.1.111 d [)"\1• Hl·1·kc·r /).0\1' S,., fllHIL I' lfi HI ('tJUld h1• ;i '111: f.111 .. r !1111 11.i ~n t c.hn\11l /11 '> 1"11 1 !111.d ltl 11u11 ll'.IJ.:llc pl;1y ·I. I ounl ain \'a lh•\·. Coac h l),11,• 1:11111 n .., l\;1rpn-.; finis hed as third pl;:acr, consnla!ion <·h:.imps <1nd runnersup 1n th rt·t• 111urnL"ys in 1·{·cording ~1 fl· 1 prt· !l·aguc rt·· t:ord. !):.iv<.• Rohd e (r, JOJ 1:-. lht• kry to the offense and ha:-; IJt:cn in dou · ble fi gures 11 ti nil'~. Gu:1rd .John Lod1·sle1n, ;in f\11 - fr\'ine I.cague st·IC'C:tion as :1 iun1or, is tht• lt1arli11 g SC'orer from OutsidC' the kt•y. ('liC"kJng for ;1 9 .5 ;1\·er:.igr. <>lhl'rs in t he F'\' ;1rs<'n:tl ;ire ~l ;ilt K ::1 l ~os tfi·3) <1nd J(u."IY Saunrlt•rs. 1.1.·ho ;.it 6·!"1 1:-. ;.i f<ielor 11n the ho:1rd :-.. 5. Westmin s lrr. S::i nlin go Tournt'Y m1·p I.inn \Vilson, v.•ht·n hl··s not in foul troulilt· or h:1ving prnblcn1s \\'ilh his :1nkll', kt·ys thl' ~!ll:_irk . \\'1•:-.l rnins fl'f (5 fi/ knockC'd off l,.n11nt;11n \';dl1·y fnr the S;,inliago l i!lt· :ind l hC' kt·v lo the s ut·ct·ss 1\ :1~ I.ht• nut...,idt• ~hooting of 1'ony t-:ni.:f'd~tl !:1-101 ,\lso big 111 \\l l'~tm in s ter's g:in11· ;irt· JUn1or.c; ltrian 11o~ers ~r; 51 ;111<1 r):1\·e St ril'klin 16-l l, in :uld111on to ~ophomorc forv.·ard 1f.·3) 1·1m J';1g1·. r,. I .os ;\\amitos. 1,ike fnntball, 11 ·=-ltiuJ.:h lo pick Loi; 1\J.1rnitos '1·5) sn fnroffthep;1 cf'. ('oa1·h 1\1ike (l1hson"s attack ft':1!1Jrf'." ,::onrl si:'('. hut la('ks qui f'kn<' .... !>.. .Ji n1 lll'tker!C' (6·3 l 1.,11·es l.os f\ I v. ith :1 14 2 a,·er:_ii::c .lnd J!U;1rds Grei'.,! f)r;1k(• nnd !lilt ln gr;1n1 have the potential. •. \\"r s t<'rn . ('11:1{''1 /llarv !llt•tnkt•r's Jlinneer.'i a1·p 2 ;, 1n j)!'l' lt':l )-:\lt' :l ('ILO!l 'l'h t• l'IOllt'('t'>,; J;11 ·k h11;1rd ~lr('ll l'..!l h :ind :1rC' l1 ·1I 1,, :; 9 J.[11ard .J1n1 i\1t.\<tkt·. :1 ~··11101· \\ho is r:1lt •d. along \\ilh 11ir11or 'likr-('ronk :uid i;rninr J{o).:t•r C':1r!son :is hl'llf'r than ;i \ t•r <• l:L' ~ ho11tc· r s. R. I.oar a , CoaC'h Tom \'nigt 's S;i:xon-., ( 1-7 ) could h<' !hf' !OUJ,!hl·\I l<i st pl:t<'f' ri('k Ill ()rangl' (_'ounty \\•ht·n lhcv·rf' ~l hon1f' \ · .l11111or Eric l·'C'nnem:1 1~1 l r ~ l1•:1rls the• S a xons, \\'ho ,11 ..,n fe:Hurc Dave Krutcik, i\lark flochc, Dan St<inton :.ind h:in1 l·'rnh lin g . Prep Basketball In ;:1ddilion to llt ·i ng namt'd fh1rd !C<10l f\Jl.()r;ingc• ("01111!y, 'l<1n l .JL'\\' \Vas ttll! ()range Co<.10.t :.irt•;:•'s b:.ick nf lht• year . \'an l.it'W \\':1s the lcai::ul''s h:.ick nf lhe year and lint•n1 an or tht• \'t•;1r '':is 1:'ullad0Sa, who \\'as ;.ll sO honored :is first tean1 t\H - C'J 1-' t'ulladn~a \\'ent both v.•ays at tackle a nd pal'ked 2 10 pounds on ~ 6·1 frame. Ile was Dana llills' leading tack ler \vith 91 ;.iss1stcd t:iC'k lcs and 48 unassisted tac kl l'S :.ind "·as responsible for t wo safeties anti rcc.·ovcred fi ve rum bl cs. t~rccd , ;:a bluC'-rhip pros pect :imong several out standing re· ('eivC'.r s in thl' Sout h Coast J.eague. C'a ug ht :JO pa:;Sl'S for ;145 vards :::ind ~('\ 1•11 touehdown~ fo r ·Mission \'H·Jn· . .., !)1;d1lus :!·1\ J-'irs t ()ffensc M-Qu;intock, /{10 Mesa S r. I ~ l>1·ak1..'. l~onit:.i :-Jr. II Sn1ith. B urroughs (Rill) S1·, It Co\1'an. Nt•ff S r . l·:-J.'rt·ed , i\li:-.~ion \'icju Sr. f: !\1uss~1<"k. Agour:.i Sr. 'I' 11:.irt. 1\goura Sr. T Sorbo, Bu1·rnuJ::hS (Rid) Sr. (~ P .ackl'r. \\'a l11ut Sr. (; \\'arr{'n. 11 t·dondo Sr. C -Dutton. Royal O;:tk Sr. K -Donk. Br(':.i Sr. ~ .. t\ F'irst Df'fcnse R \'('<'ino. R oyal 0 :1k Sr. I\ '.\l o lina. Nrff Sr. F1 f''arr~L El Onr:ido Sr_ l.H '.\l.1llck1. l10.\·;Jl()ak Sr_ J,B f)pp('rl;ih\, Nl'ff Sr. l.H /t fO\\'ll, Nor co Jr_ l~l~-\'a n l~it'\4·,J.:J 'rnro ."\r. I.inc I.ar s on, Cajon .Jr. l .int·-J:ulladosa, l>ana llills Sr. l..i nP-Osen~a. ()u;11tz !Jill!:> :-;r. l .inC'-Gi gena , E l Segundo Sr. 2·t\ S('cond Tcan1 R-T oll i\'er . Ant clop<' Valley Sr. t\-Cuicllt·ttc. l\1t. Carmel S1· ll -f~ucsad;:a . 1\rlington Sr 11-J.;ike, Lennox Sr. E F.ropk in. !{0\1 land Sr E -Singlctnn. J,('nno:.. Sr. T -Duran. Rio l\1rs;1 Sr. ·r-\o'ranesh . /\ rlington Sr. (; -Thon1pson. l3on ita Sr. (i-S1dcs, l.awndall· Sr. C Pickering, F.l IJnrado Sr. l .R \1o n Eps, !\l:1 yfair Sr. f,B Stroh. El S«gu11do Sr. K -J1o('rmeC'Sll'r, l.l'nnox Sr. Redlands Invades SoCal Tonight f{r-d!:lnds Univrr~ity l\'111 :ti · tC'mpl to stop th1· :-1x -gam<' >'Ill nine str 1·ak nf Snuthi·rn l ·.d1f11rn1:..1 ('1ill1•gt· of ('os1:t .\1£· . ..,.t tnn1gh1 \\'h••n I h<• Bulldoi::s inv;1d1• thC' SCC gynl \I 11 h I 1JX1ff :t! X o'clnrk Coa r h P:-.111 f'e :1k '-; scr Vanguards .ha\ 1· m,u!e ;1 t·on1 pl<'l(' rC'versa l of fnrn1 :1 flf'r lo ..... 1ng four straight on the road :.tnd h;1\'C' brou ght thl' ~(·ason rl'Cord to6 '1 /\1 Carlson , ;i transfer from lhC' l lni\•ersit\' o f (Jrcgon, and Kt·n h:ilr. a ·form e r (;olde n \V c~l College ~ta r, P3CC the Vani::u~rd attack a Ion~ with letterma n 'red lk'rgcrson . II ""'"" -Gn "•nun<l. N~ .• , Tim••<, ...... ;,nn .. n, C,1l>t(Hn1'" ~H>(J\, l'l~IO<> J<)<1y. SI E• .. t l.> -•·C .... +ned Aoc•Pt & l ·N•llY Not .. , P1lll SlU.00 . SEVEN T.,_ RACE 3)(i If""'' B1+·11111 ... '-,C'lll"('d ~::! p111nl :-. lo 11 -.ul 1l1v .\Ja1~·r ~i TONIGl-IT'S TV HIGHLIGJITS IL1i•1• ! 111 ''I I 11 I! 1 I \ I ! 11' Ii! 4"<1n11 ·s!.111r .., "I.I,\ 111 ~· •111 f<1lk ..; .ii I' .I\\ ,I\ 1•.1 ' \\ ti 1 I· '.\'I ~ (. I 1 1 1-i :11 1 ,l.11111·•; 1·'1.111< l',('ll -l .1 1 .... • '1.ll1 '• IH ti I ''I t 11 t ! 111 ' • \ It' ...... (//" II 1111 l 11"("(1fll\' t'!'!l\l\1· )\t i 11\ ,I )ld\"I,' ll;1k1·r .!1d1r1 .t\-,\u 1 ,111.J l(P:.:t·1-,.i 11 11·.ilur••d I llHJ.il ) \1 l/lt .II 'I l 1\ !Ill\ 1'11.'-i ! ·1 J J io I :. r r 1.i1 • !l.1 11111\ i1o1illr·d I,.[ i1• \ t'l '.'>l(•!I td 1 l11• l.d1 • '\'\' 1 TI• "l .1·1 • 1!1·.1 1· It !1q· .1 I 1,111 <;~·1111'1 ·l '1!,P.it 1I l .11 TV DAILY LOG Tue sda y Evening JANUARY 7 600 00 a 1offi~G1N••' (J 0 11 ) 13 6 (~9 li ~Nt•• I 0 Li~'n Bnk!lb•ll Io•• 11 ol ~ol ldlO Br11r\ ( 6 Bon1011 m R1~mond Bun Shu• Pirlndfr f1m1r1 It l1kn A lhi.I Mu11c1I Comrdr Sho,. ilb S!,H Tr!~ ffi [Jecl!IC Comp.Inf Ill R0tky & furndi 6:l0 ~o Mrri Gri!l1n Sho• (1) Andr Cufl•th a;J Zoom'. t 2'9 (8 ) llrilet'~ Choocr ffi Thr Pooneir\ ffi U!tlt R1u1I< 7:00 f) J 00 1l 6 mm Nr•n [ 6 I Mod SQui d l a Tru!ll or Con1tqu~ncr< O wturs My Lme' CD I Loy, Luer @!ht FBI f17 IJ IHogan'$ litrOI!\ fi'l L' Mui" P1oh1b1d• nt. r~r B1e ~'lltr fl) film ('XI LI J) Bon,n1' Et! Dr1m1 ,, ,. I • I' .. ID Mr<V Gnll>n \~''" m rnr A.~(f1t! "! "'"' I f, , I• I • ' ' ,, '•' '" ' .,, , .. ,, ... I"'• I " ' " ' . ' " "' '' 11 I »·I Ii.•! ' ' ' ,1 I"' I ' '~ ' II "' ~' I' "' " 11' p ' ! t ..... '"! •o ,. •' ' ' I f•1 ·1 I• t ·I '•\I••< J l <y I/I "• I " . l'I I ' ,. I' " ' ' ~~O E 11 J an, .. ,,, f,y, a !i"I I I r' '11 ~'.(,'II<·'( ~,, ,,.. ' .1 ·1 , 1 •11 n•r~teiy .,. ,,., h~ 1 .... , ~ !(, 1. •ulu ni.Jrdrr Io J r• , .. ·""•? Jf•I!· •P• "~" 1\ly •dlO· 4:•,. l•u~· ... ~ ! "'"I !hJ1 tJ ~·•PP!d!rd ,., c~ ·u ~.1 ,,•y i~11.,e 1 ~•11 11~1- I •" o I s111 ID S1IJ11 !11 A1hr nt1u~ aJ Lu~ Gt•ndt• -n.:.-11r1 lloi k ~ 4 :00 turnorr11w on AB C Alt er Sthool S p ~r 1,1I PSSST! HAMM[RMAN "S A~ 1"£R YOU 1 9 JO 0 Ntw' ID Wan11or!L1<! ra u ciub d,11 )p!ttJdo1 ffi Aho., CD Dr.mi Ill Thiet Stooge1 10 00 O 11 J 8 Bo•n•by lantJ ··rr~(I 7:l0 O New T1r1~11rt ttunl ! h ., [;"'" ,1,y .1o1e1~ 111~ •·101e11! 0 10 "73 (I t1oll1•DOd SqullM 1 .,. "11 1 I'' I'"" n~I (polb•ll to un· O Ro1nOO• Sulld.it .>t!m~nl) m 1 .• 1 ' t', 'Ur' llJlr ,. irt .1 .~ .. 11~ <140t a loo~ ~! lamb~ Pe! r·.1 ~ '" I , ~ '• ... ~, "d' .. hl ''"" '" tr·~ I •br11,....1ll• r• '1e•v spet1i1I ,,,m 1 • 1 , r .1 1.11 k •l,J 1•1 ·1•' ht"'"'" 1ne yo11ng Dtople "l>\I "''I ~ h , ,\ .'•. ~t··• 1.,.,., .nu 1.1J1c U·eit ~"' "''nl.•l1y ''!J1d~d \·~r" r t (R 17 J ToTtlllhtTrulh Q 2J 6 1offiPDl1C,Sto11 'ln Q M1lhon S MOY!t " (C) (2h1) "So < ,1e•11 ·~II•;,. . .' .. no 1,.,,,,~ l .11· lh11lsP1nf'fr•m1~!i--lon1C4r '" •' 11.'rl•t\,nr•ol·I•• t•s. Glo11~ (lelOyrn, Cc1m11e l:dl•rl •1 :··• ···•1 .. 1 1 tlo!•,1,,c .. ~o·G m B••1l[h~d r• .... t ,,,,'. •. , for ~rnmol1~n •I C1tyw,lth•ii ' ·t• .. n~ 1' l••<~\ to ~e•e•t ··~I f li¥fl film I r I• '1 <"'"IS .1nd {IV1'·,n~. An1m1I WPrld 0 ffi (!} N•"'I (ff UU/t .li11c•b 16 Hun /Qr You• Lil• 8.00 O 17 (3 1 'e_• <:Ol>d T 1me1 ~ m ., !al 1mpA~1e orcui~ -..nen l •OP~1··, cHt.1m nl l•n1111 r.el!on~ hN ll•rhl ~rhor,1d•ploml1\ r11,ude<I by IJm•;. 1mr1p~c1rd ne£;,1.,e 11µ~01,h~n 1~ lh• 1d~" ' 0 13 6''1omAddm J7 ''Ii ,i lone f1~1101 110 !ou• 1uu11,1 ~i•··1 ~ [~I l• .. 1rl•1 ~·,In r,.1•1 ~nd ·I"'"'" toon ;oo ':" "" , 1n\ol1cr, ~n,1 1n 1 1 0 A RAPE THREATENS * DR. KIL[V'S CAREER WATCH TONIGHT'S MARCU S WfLBY. M.O. 1n;i, ~r.1rr 16' M1•e Dougln Show 0 I )9 8 ) J CD M.i1tu1 Wrlhr MD. 1,,, I" 1·~n IL'I .•,r,,e ~.11 1 ! • •·111, 1.,,~•ll 1 1n•ol,cd "II> ,1 ~ !), ' ;,,,,.1,1•:,nl p;il,~nt "':0 '. I IH; "'I y •I AIT~O,ed tJ1 lt•r "on,11,•n·I "lll Thr Untauth•Llr~ 0 (~'<1 8 I J CDt11ppy Oiy\ ffiSound1l•&t ··nv~n tl-ot•Se l}.et the p1<1lc>t1 1)1 10:30 O lour nty to Ad•~nl111' H•ch>". "'o~t P1•tnl\ ~re ·'"~' , lD Prtt1tv11 Ju•1ction f'ot1or my,•e~ lh<~t ~t1ondt~ hff><1lv fi} LI C1ud1d <:riu P•F~Jnl t•·n!r~.in1~ tn ~~~~d II·~ €IJ S1!u1hon Comrdr n1~M a1 !ht Cunmng~am hou...~. m TuDu!' 1o lit~ B•nny 10·45 0 Bob Boyd Sh<>W Both S.d,1 Now 11 ·oo tJ 0 f) tIJ ID CD /llr1rt Pohrt 11,.~11 I 1 J 8 10 ff} 'll' 6 "'"'' '16 MoY1e· (CJ (2br) "The ££)'D· 0 8e1t ol G1011</IQ t11n1" (dn) ~4-ldmu11d ~urdJm b PrH'• M1 <,0n mAmt11n O lhr luq Show to1 [spt<i1h de S\'hi• P1n1l I tD M11~•on lm~9111blt Mo~ie: '1ht G11 S<Jlftl" (OIJ!' (FJ OU fhl,1ntr -8~1011• S!1nw-;t i.. 17 J P~lri G•mn 46 Vf1Td Wild ¥1111 ffi ~O~J lor Health l :J.0 0 11 fl 8 M'A'S'H ThP '' '1, 1n() Ur tGUl~f.f M ft.• 401/lh .. , l•",lrd und.r 1ue-••tN<1ily J' n,., f•nd lhrm1•'vt1 I'! ~~ lo }.1-.·e I •"' w~·t• an(.r·n~ ~0..,~1 ( 29 B ) \ljanlrd. ~Id or Alil't O 23 o IO t!)N6C l ursdoy Ma••t: 1c, <90) '1hr Cl1t•m M1i.. rn" (dr~J /4 1 .• m~ ''·'""''" tl·Jn~ lJ~~., J1·l1~ A 'n ~·no, l<or.•11 A rollt1•• ~r<>fe·,.,,,, hP>r' ~ 11,u 1,c"rd,n~ ~omn' , i ,. ... '. pnl~ tn h• 1•rr·! ""1 "' • 1 •'• 1111< .. ,~r nl ~ PW•·l1 .,, 'I JI JO tJ 11 1 8 CBS I 1t• Maw•,.: IC\ lhn .. r ~ l•t'I H,., II IO! A ''''"~ !r.~n~" '""' I. (,e"'be I, ,, ' '• '·~ ' !'··~"r'- 0 ll o 10 £r! luhnn1 C111nn O ~hl•I"''" ttnuv 01 fn,111'""''" €):(~•1 BI :l (ElW1~r Wu1l1! ~I"' 'JI '· I " ·· !.i1~ I• I r 0 lr'u• P (C) "Mid,'!'• Bo••!')~ 2 ~;:·~us~~-n·!~~,,:·M~11r;r ~· ,_. IJM•", I ,,, Ar.,1i; 1 i , \'/r.>v ffi Go111r1 1•11• O (:;29 8 ) 3 GJ -8C lut•~JI l.' 00 O ~· "" 'B"h•' •·I f•fr" I'< •l •' Moyie· (() (90) "I~!\ Sworch· 1., ·~-1 w, > 11 .. ,.11 ( flt'l) }4 £l 1•1 ,,~ ) ,1r~ 1.,1<: ·' <'> ~ilord flrtt~1n1 1 '' u1 l•ldnn Slu.111 M1•1n°n 1'11 II t ffi ~ovor ABr!lto•~1J1n"··1•11) J1n~t(>n R·r1'p1I •;rni» I 1r1 I I I t· I • I•'" I• 'V hr11. l hom•"ll•• •. ~n,I ~ •!•• f ""' I OD Q iO !<)mn"~" 'ng, tJ IN ot \~,. MJ, '1'"'· "" •" J 4~ O Mov1t ((I • 1,g21r1" \~·'I ci~ ii A IQyr.ll tflll•~P /f.''OD ·•"1 (i,1 1 ,1 lnoy fo.,n~ !hmURl'I tonv!r~··hnn rrl' It I~ '1 1 00 ID Ml Ni h Sbo.. "Cnm• !o lht lht11 I Vt\ J•e 11"'"" ~: 1',. ,. .. I .. llou~~•!! ~.11 ~•••I 1 I 110 r.~ Sl•~lt. fo1h1clden Slttr! ~nflun•ly IQ 1,.J1'1~ + • 1 t h•·P! ~"' J JO O M~,,t 'Mt 611nd•D~\ Buold1 b•lion~ ,1nd !~t •.M••• w· in''" II•~ 01 r'm Hou1•"' I'"" 4~ I "I nc,.tr !1ttd t~e d~P·• • ,.-•ne f.1 •t 1,1,,, • • ·~~ .vn J1nu1:·.t~. Wednesday DAYTIM[ MOVIES K:JO O "Comr WtlhoUl P~'"""·• (m)'· ·34 -Cl~•1dr Ho1n1. M,1r~~ I LI 10 ID "~tunian 1n Ht"o" 1"""1 ~I '.! ,,. • 1 .. ,,.,,., f•rrv !'"" 12:00 tD "ln1•1tt ll•l!o1!'" 111! 1\ ·,1; l1•nn' 11 ~•,d~ l.1• 1111r ... 11 l 00 )1" "ltir C•nx11.i" ('"' f 41 - 11 ·><y ',qll•1 ,, !Ii,; J,, l )0 0 "lh• lh1nrn1i."'"' f'1rl I (rl• 11 ~'"'c "'"d -C<lfl>Ponnn<<, Eariey Charge, JIXl''~M.1n. ~"°""''Sport. • ,.OUATHRACE -JJ,OyM<h.l ve~r bl~ "''"den<. Ll•l""'f>Q p.,,..., SI 100 Basketball V'"•" oHll\ If, vp. (! .. \\olrPrl '"ll(IY'""'''I' "'" ,,. 16000 i.; ..... ~"" n,11 IH .. nl b.60 J ~n ? •(I ~"'. v De"u"'clo I T•P•W••I J !kl } !»• Rdr •OnM,.n(SrOOkil Jlil ()fl 10 11 THt1P II 9! "1"", "" (·•"Y D.Jncer, """""" c~.r G<>, AmflP• Out' NII 'Cl"'!"lP ~. v.,,,,Y ~UtM.•• 130) IJJI M1<\iQnl/lt10 ~I ~n~le"~" (Ml/Id•< l1t oo•fn' I?~. 10~ Cv• ••n ICM JO~• M•ll "•·111 0 Vll'lnrv nvt'r host llassct t lli gh -!Vl onda:v nigh! in 11011-leaguc b as kctb;:a ll ;1\'l1on he re. 1':11 lli ll contributer\ 10 l't"lio1u1ds for the \'iCtors 111lil\' .Ji n1 llill :incl Jim l·:lt•nz each ba d t·ight a!>- s 1s ts. lll.00 0 "1h~ Min I loft" !~IA)'~(, M.t I 11p1nn. H11!.,·1I Al1t.1 "N1~hl R>drts'" (W!I) '!'I fnho w,1yn~ "M1~ttrr ~t• 1!11dt1" (111.1 ~() Uemi W•lr~1on. (~l·•lc I "'"J'~ l61"fodi"" ld•1) •,~ ltll Ch.1~d I It•. ]MN' R~s1rll, n.1n flurlt~ '" u .. 11 I .nr \ .i. I l\Jlh-11.ne. l I< I ~ ' ' I " 1J 6 IC) 'Ch.11h, B•1~!i1"" (,1, 1l 't < ~.1 . .,1 I 1nnr1 I"" ),O .nn,.1 .. l 00 0 ~Cl "O•,tin1 c! A Sp1" !111•1 1 I !"•ne !,1P1·n~ H.1,+irl k.,I, Pt!' ~n'I' ••IV P11y1~ 10 "Cl•11 ~!. W•ne ind 1!0.1••~ r~ 1) t1J }.)ck Lrmmu~, l•e ! •tot>! k Ouq.,..<ne IM. Canl•iu\ 14 !'>t eon .. ventu•• 9'J. lh<l.,...,Mive61 S Carounn ••. Fouln .. m •1 Jac•sonvoll• 9•. V.. S.OUl"-!f"n 11 V•....0.•ll•I! %, Ml\\ SI IS ,.1 .. 1><1m'" S1, T•n,,.~-lilo Aubu•n I~. M l\\ Ml H•w•1i 106, G1.,mtw1no<U K•nt.,ck, •t, G"l)<0t.i II Ll>Utl, F1orlll•" A1nt11• "'""ts. w c.ra. H Motnio•nSI 11.0•uo.s.i ... Minn, IS, lh>r•<>•••I Pur-41, low• )ol tn<11•n'" "O, M+tn•O'lfl I' N1.-;:t•••••. O•P...,l t..l Te••• I rt ti 11. O•i. St 61 l<>w• S! ! 10. W /\ 0"'1~a<h tM C'.r•OQ!Uon 14, N n .. •OI• .!ii. /9,0 r K•n••• I•, St lr>u" 11 .,..,...1t1n I•, D•vl6n Bi; Tul•ne k , SM U 90 M••Q~~I!~ }I , S•n Dl•OO ~I '><I Portl~nd St •9, PorllMKl•I Fr•tnn SI 45, UC o .... ~,J P1t<11!~ ~6 .MO••""""SI II l'tPl"'•tl•ne ''· G•~CI, IM 11 Ill•" St 81, NE LOUl\1..,.a b n1110t'!• II, N .t.rl1. 11 UC S•n1• fl ••"~'•~. ()Ill•. 11 , ••• ,.1,1. •. 1'"'"" E+GHT N RllCE -lS0¥1!rd1. l 1•"' 01<1'11.~111 c1 .. 1m1n<;1 Pu, ... ,,~ u~"J"l''B"' roo<'"''"'u " .. N<>nSt~r rw.,,.,.,, W•1cnC•te• Cn1c tD•tye• 1 01110~1T'm" 1H i'< Al\.O ,,,n -Mr. MYtnd, 88rone~' In· t" a'"'· F 1y ....... y Cf'Uncn, 8etttn1y, Ga sc.1 ..... ~ •. ""'"°·,-. M"'""' ::.<-rdle""cl -Belle ~~w. Y~ll ar 51><-••, l'ld f lto Rot •e1, Now,11• Sun~I. • '' E••t l• -)·8" Jay's B.>r TOP & 1·Non Slop•r, P••dU'lt.SO. HINfH AACE -400 v~•<!\ 1 Y""' 01<1' (!d•FT>lnu Pu•1'f'~JQW Sl>t'<m (tl~ftl 11.00 '<ill) I 00 Pro"''~' !Mo•rl~l IJ •O Jll !lli M"' o: .. 1n•~ .,,., (Coir dot"I 11 W O n ll.1YT1mt -Xl9'/ i\!\n r.in Mdc lt.:"Y T<:!P C."I, ,,P.,,u,~ Se••e<. C••P"{~ ,,,1D. J"'· Moon Too Im" ~loi•I R.tt. '"''" • '"' c.o, Ro''""s~ •. ~1r,11 r n··.,1 "P""'tv • ... , (n1c >.11nQQ1 , L~!P C"tUO. l")I "< lJ<11\<1 f. '' £::••<•• -l ·S-m & •-Pro•!••, P•fdlll' loO. 114 "'°lrwr;i...,dlCM l <lct n .. ,,,..11.,q11. li1 Mo,.ow !MV) <If< i::~ .. ~'"' •·1. l?'i Ov•!'" If M i <!tr """'"',."'~ fl~ Stcw•tl l(MI pu1ned Ore<~m."" '~ I~{) 0•1lP<tlM Vl<l{-</)U0<Jf!<l(ll't>-J. ., l•I Mp""~ !(Ml D•nntd lhll'\h~w '~ 1Y, tll~ntt 111°1/) pJnne<I lt~NU'f,lh "' 161 Mvmm•fl !MV\Wflnt>y~t•ull, 111-M••wln !MV) !Irr !.n~ll 160 l~J MtC<iv iCN.) Cir< Cl1f\r1k• \~ •. tfto'l Ntl1'folo•r ICM I IHnntd Rukil•h• "' ........ , Co~LIMt»ll0!!34)H unl 8'1-.;I> Q/ l!•OO• .. ,,. IC J clet Mt Co .. n l·7 10} lu>00dr!(<1'••nl 0 11' Qt,vt>n 1111 a•c N~w~1 .. ,,111i..o. I)) FdwA••l•lll l1~tlltultyjJ ,,~ l<n...,n!hAI l fll ti<'< Oti~!• 11 •, ll~ ~lf,..;ul((J <l•CAnQ••b• 160 i..tlfO<,jQ IMl PH•n"l Oo<lm•dQ" "' U / W•Olt"" lf/1 P•n~<"(t Mr'"''~ ... 151> <,""'"I+•\, '~"·•t !o~"'""JOh '~ Ml 11,.IO•n 1r I ~~' '.h"'"' 11 10 111 01n"n~ !!11 n•r '"'"I \1 I 1Q.l M<((>ylt l1l"t J.l.,tl1Q) "'"'' N•""~"' ((I p •nnr (ll D11Y•I • J}, f\rP•tlU~i {)f·~n l.C. ,,,, .,.,n x .... 111 f t~n1 K•v•m~n Sl~mm.-r """" rlPl(!W~ M.tt.r-t»I till It 11 " ' . ' , ' l! ' , . !o J • lJ l 0 1 • J 0 J • ~ 0 1 10 I 0 0 1 I 0 0 1 Mo•n•u<•'"' 7 0 0 • f <>l•l5 J8 I 11 IJ See,.. by °""'"''' M·•'"' Dt1 18 I~ JO ?4 -•l l).i~'P11 M 1• /(I 11 M FRE SHMA~ M•I•• D•• (Iii 14SJ 11.-..wn <;tl'N•• I tOI F ! 10 I ADeJ•r M"A<""m II!) I-\181C•nt•OlHY Nr,1....,n I}/ C !6fJ1mntr>Q\ ,.,,~11011•1 c, 1111.ouo ,.,.,.,,,1,.. ·~I \, 171 !lumDl\t1·y -.,, '"'"U ""'"' M.'1ft P,.1 N"i••A ~ lvm ... c111 s,i1 11~nJ, IDl)t J,Jon.,1, 1•~<l"''v • +'~1111mt Moiil~•D<!•.•Gll. FASCINATING! DAR£D[YIL The Worhfs..- Japan·s Unbtlie~able HEJflll Gleatest female Scllball I· fishing Birds laMOTHE -Pitcher. $2~ to Anyone "THE CORMORANTS" OivinR 40 Feet Getting A Hit. See ~/le I rained to ulch Into lb Inches Oueen And He1 Maids-fi~h on Command! of Water u1,nique 4·Gnl Sot1baH •m. llill F1nt•n• & Lo1 Rolllnt Do1 • llas•1U1al1 Fr11 T11rtw Cll1mpit1 Boal Flsllint Demi • Tiit llvmpr family• RV's All Sil•s & Types Trntl film Festiwal • Backp1e•int:, Boats. Ccmpiq Gell", Guns, flshlnr T JCkle, Rts1rt s 1 Vacation lde•s NOW thru SUNDAY, JAN. 12 An1t1rlm C111Y1ntiot1 Ctnltr Ad11!t,$2.25 Juniors 112·1 BJ SI .75 Doors oprR W11•tnds 12 Noon -Wttkdt)'s 2 ''" Kids ('&.11 ) SJ.DD • ' Q) !C) "Du11111 1~ lht l>ttp Soulh" (.tdv) ~l-fame1 Ct'1i . TU£SOI Y,Jl"'lJIA'f11h lP M I lJ:OO Scho•I o .. ttl<I N•W1 1(1 llCOC(I IJ:ll Flri,..lln• tel ll'flSl 1;11 C.mm .. nny •l L•~+nq fr.1"'1'1· "' 1:• Tl-le Draw (() !;4S M•lll Fec:rorf fCI t:• l!•«lri< C•mJl•ll'I' IC! !IT.V\ 1:• C.•••t<•l•nd.f1 t() lf'fl~l J:OO (°"'nl•'l(lmlllln,cornt• ICI l.• Dl-n.ion1 ho Cwllur•• ((f • oo f"rrrh .. na SktUllin' tel (!'OCF I • )0 EIM:l•I{ (Ol'P'll•nr fCI IC IWI S 00 SPW""f \l tnl tCI !(lWI • DO e1,e1 ... M.IHbl .. IC! ("'f'I I )0 o,,...""on• In c,.11,.,., !Cl I 00 Fr1•h•nd S-•ltll1n' IC I IKOCf > l ·)O Prc•Hlt Womt" iCI !"'0Cf) • 00 D"""">IQ1'1 '" (ul!u•n !Ct I .10 ~PECIAL 1CI l l'IO~t 'JO SP,..1•1 !C) •l•fl<,J DON'T DISCARD THOSE . LD TENNIS SHOES ! ! . Wt ltorpeit & 11!'-loff-All Tf~I of A rlu~o• I lrtlo<11 ~11011 . ANTHONY 'S SHOE S£RVI C£ •Wlil(llJJ 'lA.lA •LIOO •IA~.,_ION l~l AND •COI QNA Dl l MAI . FASHION SQUARI (S.t.p,ifA AH.A l SOU TH COAST VILlAVl ... ' ....... . . . . --. BG DA ILY PIL OT "M.HlFIHG flLM FISTIVAL • ''ACA~ULCO GOLD .. ,.,.._"'" of ..... Hot MW Doc.-fttory • M11,tc by S...t-o · Tiottl.e • 1..rito lro• lily lotilt'f" & mc"'Y o~ . P1i.• • 1 Hot Oi!.l!f''( C lo,,icl & C>rO'W~ f~ Robf'rt AliOIJlld l""rlt>-da · 1 Show• 7:30 & ':JO OU STll'< HOFfMAI'< "LEl'<NY" nn A,. .. THl GROOYf TUIE" ,., V ''f O RT ... OYS COMPLAIMT" '" "SAY AGES l OOSE'' ''THE LAST OF THE REO HOT lOYER'>" "FLASH GOROO N" IXI .. 1ARDOI" !Rl ,,,"). "GROOVE TUBE" IRt ~ "l'ORTl-IOY'S COMrLAlt-11'" I:\ "BU.UTIFUL PEOPLE" ~ -7 Wooid -r' of Hit w.,~r· A '"THE STll<C." V "Pl.A Y IT AC.A l .... SA M" !r Gl Sp.c;••I P"c• 12.30 10 2.00 p.rn. le•c:.,t !'!.a. I. Holtdoyll ll .2§ ****** , ...... , 91 •I l•"'"" $! \]~ ·~~· Ot.ll 'r ARIA OllYI IH •UN~ ...,.,.,,(._.,,_. TOWER ING INfllNO ,..._, ..., ....... Nl(; .. Tll l!>-•l A 10-00 , Jiii ......... ,.,., TH£ LONG(ST YARD 1" ""'"-UM CtNDERflLA ll8£1TY 111 ~ ...... , .. .... ·•d•• \" '~" ~ ... ~·" ... ., ......... " u • l ~•· fRONT PAGE "''G• 1 , ... 1•• A GREAT NOTION 001 ,,. "I •• ' -· ". "'. ,, . ., ....... •. " .. ~ ,' ~,....u, ,...., ,,_ '"" MAN WITH T~I' WLJEN GU'' "'-111 THUND£•1•'H1 & l ~fl'OOT ..... 1oo, .. ""'"'"'-~·~ ll•l ,llCIO V .... v .. C••IO l.-.0 • co~o••~ ""'IJU.lO" '"lU .. CO .. AClO~I" ~ .......... -···· ,.~ O.•t• '., (•••"'' ... Ofl ,,_, ••l ·•~·~ I0'-111 HDfOIO t iii TH E STING ,,.i PIUI t '#OOOY "!Ifft PLJ Y IT AGAIN. SAM "" DAILY PILOT I .. . . ' ruesday,January7, 1975 Hope to Emcee Oscar Telecas t ll<•l .1,\'\\'(J(IJ> 1L'l 'll li111J II o p p \\ 111 b1 • 11111.-.11•1 ol r·1 •t't•1110111t·~ f,.r I 111 1•111 dllfl!l.d \\.!I'd ... 1•11 · ... 1•111 .+111111 '\l-ll d I\, ll 11 :1 ... a n11t1u11t'l'd i\1<1nd;_i \ ll•lPl' h.i ~ purl1r1pail·tl Ill llh · t)~t"q· J!l'OJ.'1"1111 :.!:! IJOll'~ ~1nJ ~l'l.\l'J .1:> n1:.t!->ll't: uf t'l'rl'll)11 111<.·~ 15 ' -- "CALIFORNIA SPLIT" ... Aod "THE LAST DETAIL .. MESA 548·1552 IHI TU Slllln' Ir A MA• WllOBl tAMf A llGD(l Yllllt llVIM f()RQ t ". Challe~e ·· tobe _.. Free [£] l·•'Jt ~ .......... "' /II · •. , LAST DAY FA Mil Y TWI N 962-10 58 l'ir! f KOA 'I'S 'J 00 J 00 'l IJO SA I & SUN I 00 J 00 <_, 00 I OU :I 00 Beach EHDS TUESDAY "THE STING" .... ROI T. REDFORD PAUL NEWMAN ALSO "THE PRODUCERS " w .. ZERO MOSTEL EYES FROM 7 CONT. SUH . FROM 2 A f ILM i\V GIN~ ENl'011<;1t ><t ·• l. •!, I l ·:ltW "-llltS (:INl<:M"-S ·•:.~:: .. , ' (. • .· •• • .. . °' • Arkin Caan ! Freebie EOWAROS I IA R JJOl1. '"'.:. 2 (.. th Bean .... o •• •0 •' ~···· •• ,,. ""' "' '·"' t ) i t ·-;; .... _,,.,.,..,, .. ,,, .. , &O lllfUI l lltll1'llMlllll lllllT REYIDJJS uTHE LONGEST YARD" ...... ~, .. ~· ··~., JAM(S CAAN "SLITHER" ' ·iliiii< ; .;r:,~:i 8llSTOL CINfMA I\' BRISTOL at Ma<AITHUR COSTA ...... ,<Hd<Y N O l'A ~' l Freebie and the Bean ... and look who 's playing Consue lo. " Orortqe l Co-Hit "THE GANG THAT COULDH'T SHOOT STRAIGHT'' "~ "TN( OWl & IHl l'USSY CAT" 8AISTOl CINIMA IV IRISTOl AT MocAlTHUI COSTA M(5A 540-7444 / . "YOUNG flAMKEMSTllM" l y Mt'I lroob Burt Reynol<ls. "THE LONGEST YARD" (R) " .. THE L AUGHING POLICEMAN" "AllPOlT •75• 1,,_.1 ~wy HAMI IS M<*>OY"" '-ntUHDHIOLT & lJG.t4TFOOr ll4I LOHGfST YA.ID'" Ill -SUUTifUl PfOP'lr ICil -C.t.HllL U.S. MAISHAU." IKI "DR.ZHIVAGO" l:SOS;IOl :lS "ODESSA FILE" 4:•S·9:2S Pl V~ JACI( LfMMON e WAll(Q MAnHAU "THE ODD COUPLE " IRI • £0WAA0.. ... HUNTINGTON CINEMA .. .JAMES BOND 001~ MTHE MAN WITH THE GOLDEN GUN ft B•""'"'"''"•"f'IO ,g1i-1J -N V 0.~1t.,l.ul.a Lou;ht "HOT L BALTIMORE" .,. .._._. w•-" """" .. ™ __ , .... ,,.,1, n.t>•lalo,IO<-Qe!•ijl>lf!Jll~ "'""',.''""9 .+ ....... .. '""' •o..,..., ci .... El••~"· N v tm .. • SPIC&Al. SUHDAY MA Tit&.$ • )100 P .M. " ... the fun , suspense and nostalgia of 'THE STING ' ... a lusty. zesty entert ainment:' (PG) , .. CAAOLMR~ITT P1ir~ L"""'°• 1111d Maf'Him1 i. Poc:ific C o-Hlt ''Sometime\ .. THE ODD COUPLE" A Great Notion" SOU TH COAST PL AZA THEATRE S SAN DIEGO FWY. AT BRISTOL SO.COAST PLAZA II '"THfWAYWIWERf" O""' 101 1 •1 10 >1 '"-"""" 0 ..,1 JO '"~R PETE S SAKE~ 041 1 11 1 001.u ...... 1 ... 1GI 10.14 S49.JJ 51 CINEMALAND THREE 1414 So. H.1rb Gr An.1he1m 63~ 7601 'THE WAY WE WERE" 0...,. l<l·llG •G-M ..... ,, ..... Ml "THE MIGHT ~RTER" D~: I :30 . 3:10. §:10 -7:)0 . t:JO M-. IT-7:10 & t:lO l ·:lt\\'1,llltS ( ·1 ~1·:~1 ,,s · .••• 1 • : .... . I •n•,p.cr<1 t>v t!•P no~rl AIRPORT hv A r~~"' >t ... •rv •. 1n ~c~•5~r.~:;t::~~ ... (PG ) •• ·.• I W0<l"'m"•' ... Cir>Mo~ W.,! ................ ..:.·.-•.•.•..• ,, . .,, •..•..•.•.•. , •.•.•. ,~.· Plus "\\'l:\,\IE Tll E 1'0011 & Tl(:rn : TOO " " ·' \ ' II I I 1 I ,_ Ex-Solon Slice of Life Cleaning On SCR Stage Garage \! fll -,1 1 l.1111'•' l\,dlLf!lUI!" l!J,I,\ ,q q 11 •.1 11 1•l!l'\!·\ .ol!lt!l.1·1 I di l,d111t1 1111 !Ii!' \ f/,..,-, "t'("t 11111 ul li1Jt11.1111!\ f111n111l.1 \I t1H·h ha'> '>t •t \ i•d Joi .1 I \1'11 j')ll -, j, q • 0 11.., But 1111 ·11 · I'\ 1 -.1 i1,-.,t.111\1:d 1 ! I ff l ·r l'!l l'l ' L:1r1rurd \\ JJ ..,1111" ""llll·\11 111 .. , c1 !ll1J ('. ''1•1111'1 llllt''. f Hll~'ll,1111 < IJ,JI ,1!·!1•1 -.\lHll C1f t!it • llili,d11 1,1 nl .., uf :1d1 •1·~1 1 111i.: hui. I d .. l'., 111 11 \It' 11 p If.., ..,l!IJ.1111111 . Ill :t t\1 •,!I 111111· l'·u·k aµ1• 111 \1·1 'l'lir1·1· ·'" dni·-. 1110:-.t pl.11 ., u l I/it, V•'ltl•· !'1 1._, . .., .1 r1· n 1•! 11·.d111·d 111 ,, d.11 111 11 ·,il llf1' 11 nr a1• !h• \ .d ·r1i1· 11 <•1 1. It.di llllHI ,. '-'nut h ('11;1-.1 ll• 1.i·11 .. 11 h.i-. 111Pllllll'd .1 t ,1..,1 111 i11Jl~' .IJUI 1ol t1 ·t1 \1'!''!-' f u 11r11 j•t•••l 111111111 ••I \\ d.,1111 °:-> tlllJ-,! -.111 \ , . ..,..,1111 \\UI I., .l ·' ··1Hf IHI! l llJl.L!IMOIH /. pl"y D1 I '" I, " Wd· •· ''"''< I• !! 1 , ,,...,{!,., h<-<>Wn, ~ul "'"'"I ~, \ 1.,1lh '• ''""''"'·<·• ''''''""" l>v Re (/ 1'1><1> c•;· 11"'" 1•1 """'"" .,,.,,,,) 1., I•" C" •-~"'' !!•'"'•''"I'''' ! •i!' 11., I 11.1 ""''' '''·'"'I"' .• t 11 11••(){• d"<l s .. ., .... , ~"''"""'' ··'. ,, '"' .. 1 '.;;.vth tod'! f.11•1• '"'', "'II'" ..... T II••" l ~· 1,, MY fl~"'''"'".'" ,., 1 ·• IUll .... 1 >'<tul (;, "'"l~' 111 M ill•" ,,.,, ll~li<>ll• "'"''" (.•"•" "' """''" '"''"' l•m•c "'" . '"" ~ .. ,~ -,.,,, ~ •on" "'' o .~"'""" { d!Hlf "" Lo ·!•·~·~ oo, IH I (I&~ I 1, Y• <·I ' N.1\JI ""''"'"''' 11,, 1,,,.<1 [ o,, I• '"'"' ... ''" ''"'" ,, "'"' "''"''""' ""''''''M'l<1''·""J '''"' 11.,,,,,,,.,,,, "" ' ............ u. ,, ,,, ... ',•11"1 ,. u 1 .... 10,..,,, I• "" " "·•I' I '1 I P•tl·o' ' I '"'I•'' I I " " oht"• I • ,.,. I' •. ,, ,, " . ..... H •lt•\l"Hlll -.1·111• ln !h.d 111.·d1on1 1! t'ul1ld 11111 11111•\1•1 1111 1111 · 1111 -.•.i!J1l1!11•.., 111 ( 1!,11,11 l•·f' 11 ·· \1·lopt1\1•11! 111 111 1 lr.111 111111. ,,.[ ll!lj.'.111 '\1!11!.1111 11111 .... \\ 11 ,:->ll' !'-I· ·r-.. 111... 1o.i \ " ' ··iii It·• t 1011 ;ii 1 .. 1 I•"' 111 ·' il!!\llllill\ll l'.,.ftll!l••!l•!i11lo•l o1\\,1I! Ill)..! th~· II I t•t·l-.1•1 !i,111 .1 '"'"t'!it' "11p1 ·rlil y r••1 11 .it1 ·d 11\ .,, t d1· -..1gr11·r ( 'h.11 1 ..... 'I <H11 l111-.<l!I 111·11 Ill d 1·p!h .ind d1 •1 11 'l'ln l1Ht1•I.., ;11<·-.I" ,Ill" 1'"11,111 11d 1011 !ho• 111"1 p.111 ·ol 111.11 111>1 \111., ... ,. ]I\!'" ,11·1 11111111< 111111' .111 11•• lllHh !1n11" 1/11 11 11 d•1!.1t •>Ill 1n1·11 1.11\l!U' dtt ,11111 I 11.111; t I 1111 ,111t! \\ !1111 j '' '\u1 1111 <11 111 th• Lil h ·t I .11 •'1'0! I !11 "1 id< 1111 '1!1111 Ill 1+ l••-.111 1~ t•d 1 1111 I• .ti• !hi•• !.1d11·"" 1111 '"'I.I I" 11•· 1d• IJ• 1· +II 111ft•'1 +'tll .Jtld 11 .. 11·· p.dl• 1 11~ d ill1•1 .Ill\ l.111111 1,11 ft 111111p1"- ·11i1•\ ,111 th•'"tl• "11,,1 •• 1.1111 1d,11 l1 1i!i!>l 1t1. II 11h I• t ,11id l1 Hlll! •! ! If I ll• tl11 ~ ,. t111•·h•·I'., Iii• 1110 l 111 !1•r1•..,11r11' d 1111! 1111 t11 •,1 111 t11p1 ··11,I 1 1!11 i•l•tl;1u1111,•~·11I 11\"llll\ ll dJ1 \lliH li.111~ dll!l!!id Iii•· t11111I ii•··~ 11 "111111 111 .., r .11 1111.iot 1 I" il1il1 ,1 11d •'i11u1 ', ld,.••!lh"T '•lll111llli \l111t·1·1111 \i'fllPofl,.) .11«11 111 111111ilt ''"'t !if11· !II 1111• '!Ill\\ I 111! 1111ddl•· ,n'••d ,i .. ,1 1\l.11111. \l1l ... 11l.1nd1 11hq•.i• I" l 1.1lt1 I l1111-..t111i,; "lllo I li,ollH"ll" \1 iJ!J •I ' Id l lJl!••·<J, h+it lq . .:lilii•".I+ 11'+1 !>hi ,...,, .. ·1 !11· I! 1d 111\ I <.H I, ,If!'~ 1•1 11.11 .. ·111 lldl• IH ,1L1~11,1: .i .. 11111, 111 ()('ad h4t If 1'~· t•t• ~ Intermission Tom Titus lt,·r' "'"l'll•'" l\(•tul,•111111 1 !Ill-'. .It! ,111 11.l!ll!'t•I 1111;1;, t l1>-,•· HI tll1• I 11 ..,I .tt't 111t·l11d· .1\ the ·r111-: S II o \\' · s p r1·n1 1t.·r pt•ffql'lllil nl'C:"> l'l)fll t' rro1n John· ll.1 11d Kt·lll·r :1.-:; an ;u:t·rliu· ol<I 111.111 :-.tuhhornly t·linh1 ng to lht• ..,hr1·11.., of h i" tdl'u11t1 1111d .Jun1• \\'1n.s lo11 tn ;1 lor1;•f hu! 1·"1;· 1 t ~11.rd 1 n" rJ! ~· .., k 11 lt·d 1 ntt.•1 prt•I •• 111i11 ot :u1 old l;1d y ..,c tthng the <.1r f.111 -. i•f h1·r .1 l1't1!lt1bc :-.on Al"u r i 1·h 111 d1·p1 ll ,.., 1\nn Stt·na Si'h\1 :11 11 • 11orl r ;1 \' .1 I of an 1·1dt·rly .u1d k11Hll1 \1•n ;111 ! 110! qutlt· into h1·r cl11t ;1i.:•· 11 ho-.4• l'haract cr 1 . .., ln·.111t 1(ull ,1. dr.1\1 n "11t'l l'll 11,. :\:1u! and i\111·h;11_•t (l11v11 pl :1 \ !Iii• h ;1rr1t«I dt·..,k !'lvrk-; 1111li :1drr111 ;1hl\· 1·1·1·dih11! 11 B1cll ;ird IJn_vl1· :ind l(u:->t•n1:1r y \l .11 1<'11 h r>!h t'111nt· uff ov1·rlv -.t1·u11)..! 111 1fp·11-"l',.llUllJ.: 1·/i;11•;t(:· t1•1·11:1t1•111 -; 11f \outhful r·l'bcllion S11 • 1 t' I' :1 t te r..,1in is <·x eruei ut in J.: 1.Y p ~1 t l1t·!1c .. ., r.ti ss i\l :1 l tclt •s \t•).!1 ·1:1bl1· of ;_i b)·other. \Vhilc l\·i.:i.:\' ()'J l :i ra c:ihblt: is properly "'h(•l't f11...,~·d ;1 :-. ;'.Jn 11nsvmpathctic l1<fl t•l 1·111plo\1• - (ht• 1>1:1 \ lit•a r -. a l"lt•:-.t· rc- ..,~·nd1 J;1111·l·· 1u S;.11 11\an's ·•1'hf' 'I 1 !Ill' or 'l' u11 r I .1 rt•," ;;nd is direct •·d Ii.\· '.\I art in Bc n:-.on "'ith the -..1 fll(• 1•:1r t·ful :1 lt c ntion t 1J 111".1111:1111· dt"t ail u·1th u:hi ch he ""IJ-.!L'd th~it pl :1~ <;cvC'ral yt•ars ,1 l.!11 Bi ·n ..,11111·un1 r 1butPS rit:h. full d"l!!Jllll>!l to the• <.'Oll l'Clion ur 111 .. ·~ l11llL· lost"rs \\IH1 rnakc up 1t11· h•1l1•I :-. elu·ntt"h· 1'11l:ltt: TS ;1n l1 \1•rridin,[!"p1r1t 11! d1..,("nn1 fnrt1n g r!':ll1t~· 1n "1'ht• lint I. B :lll1n1orL·." d es pite its oil\1·11 hll:.ir1ou.., rnunll'lll!> An in - 1\L' r dt•:->p1·r :Jt1on st•t•n1s lo !"'!I .id\' l '\"!'ll tht· li g h!t· ... t d1.d!Jg11t' ;ind hurst s to thl' :-.ur· !.1c1· 111 the p!a.v':-. n1(1re :igor11z1ng "' ''"t '" ,\nd al th1· t'ntt life <"Oil · 111111•·-... drt·:1n1.., u 11rt·:d11ed . li\l'" h·tt 111 l11nho · 'l'tll· !Iii ! I, Bulttn1or 1._• · cun l11111t·-. through n11d Ft•hr·u ;,r y . 111i.:hl l.\ t•,1·1·p! !\l iind :i~ :uul 1n- 1·lud1n).! :1 o"cln1·k n1:1 \1nt'l':-. on "1111cl.1\:-., .11 S ('I{'-, ·rhird Ste p I lii•.1!1·r IH:!7 '."t·11·pol'l Blvd t 011-.\,j 1\1 1· .... 1 ( \11.l~(),\f{I) \[\'"d ('l\I(' l ');t\l\ll\l "'I' 1111 1 ht 1ld .111d11H•li'-\\'f'tln1·..,d.t\ .11K11 c·lo1 ·k ,,,, Tl11 · tn u-..u·tW t·l")nH ·d 1 ··:i.·11 11 Il l• .~ ]\,,\-. !h(" ;.l"i) 11f lht• 1111111~ \l.11·, n1•011l1 •r.., ]':1t 1 I .11111 1\·!11111 ,.., d1r1•1•l11 1l.:. 11 1th \1111,1 l1r11-...;;11 i.111 ... ~ 111 L1-.1t-,d 111 1' t I 1H 1 lit• t';1-,I i·,dl:-. l <>I" I 1\ t' '111111.:. 111,.11 lor 1111.• \!.1rxe" 1ht'ir 1111>1li1'1 1,.1h1·; 1111c•lt· .i n d .1 \,q11 \\ "I tnl1·-. 111 \',llJdt•\'Lllo• p11l11t!ll t'I"... 1t\!)\J!.., \\ill hl' Ii. !d !II the ("11rn1t\lll\ll\ ('t•1l!1·r .t11 dll••I !!1!11 ,111 lht• ()1 ,1n g1· (',.1111t~ J .<II ~·111tlJ1tl ~ Police Recommend Burglarproof Lock 1 ~1 l'\11 , 1:1 J\'\I 11 <)I II" I '"' • I "" I [ 1 '• " , , " I 11 I I'" .1 11111 I" 1 1111 1 fl, HI !i I ' o II 1 \\Ii.ii 11 I"" .1111 1,11,. 1111 111.· 1 ... h "111 h 'II I!' 11 ll • t !i' 1"11 •!,11 111 Ill \HI! 1111 l"\l'l"!I .ii i· . .J11Hlt .lo 1!11• !1 •d Ill·' ;.·,.,1d II•· 1dl11d! l·•t \ '1 I\•· II• ,111 ilut' ,j, ,.11111:1 1111 h I \lh.d hut : l.1J' IHll 11 ,ilHI' nl !h" l!t1t11111 1111! !;, I• Ii 111+! 1·!11111 l,iltl \ .111 .. 1 1~·!111• di l>.•11111• "'" 1 '111 !!ll d I Ii•• d""I 1 d ! h• 11 Oii II lln1111'-. \nd 11 111!.11 \\, -.l ()1 .1nh•" l ulll\\I l'1 •Jl l lJ!t 'IH I t1•l h1•11 1111 h Hlllh-. I • \ 11 I " 11 14 'I ._ ]•'1111111.llll \ ,1 111·\ d1 •1' I Ill.•' \!.11· !1. !·:n>!Ul"1;111d 1111 111111:•!11111'.1 ·,.,·!1 clv1t•1"11\l' l·<11ll' I l ~·111.., l'' pl.lllH'il 1h1• r•1ol l('•' IOI \\l ">ilil Ill! 11h1111l·dl'o!dlJ1f]l 1 ... l11 I 1.1· h.1d li11ri.;l.11, 11·11111•' Ill.ii 11h1·11 l!i l'\ "l'I' d1 •.1ilh<dl-.. lfi•·\ ~" "•fllll'\\ lit'! I' 1·1 ..... • l·.l\<11!•-d ... 11d ··r11 1"11·.111·t11111 • .1"n11 ... Fn t rhcv f1 "111·1· i1 1111 · "" 111·1 , ... ~ni.11 t ~·th;Ug)~ l\I h;11 1· .i 1\t•.1d h11]l h1 • n1.1) Ill· -.1n .1t I 1·11 .. 111:1! 111 h.i\t' ,dl !ht· \.1lu,1hlt· ... 1t•.-111.l1·d .ind 11l;1rh1«I Sr1·1111d llh·re .... .il11.1.\-.. 'lhl' J_'.ll\ lll''I dnnl \I hn r\nl 11t1l1 dnt'"n 't.h:11l' ,1 d 1'.ulhnl1 11111 ll),1\ !i:l\"1,,' ('l't'tl lt•!l 111-. IJ 11t1..,l' Ull lo1•kt•d ' 'rht· 1·11 n 1n11>11 ln1·h 111 lht .. ·1·11t1•r of thi· \11101· hnnh i" .111 •'·'"'·\ 1.1r,C t'1 Jor the hu rgl;11 \\'11h .i p•Pl' '' ri·n t·h u1 1·h ;111n 1·I lnt·k p!1t'1'~ .. I \\U .._,•1·111\!l-... ullt' lvc k :-rn 1111 .... ,11 d 'l'ht• 1111•1\ind t'.ol lt·d 'lh1· don1' \,:n(1h I\\ 1..,1 · 111 IMol1 ° v 1.+ r J.!• 111, ,.., I hl' 1 n n ~t 1·<1111n1111 \ 11.1 .\ li11rg l ;1r.., l•r1·;,1k 111t11 li"ll '"" 111 ll 1111111iJ.:tn11 llt·.u ·h , Lt'\\ 1-.-...11d i\.ta11 y pnl1t•t•olh1·1·1-.1 11 !ha! r111 111• l,11 .. 11 ,ill ,il11111I llh d11111 k11!•h Ill I .I 111 ~,1 111 ,II I' ht11 lll i..'. .I flt'\\ (11(\.. II"" I 1l1 •,1•[l>11\I 111111d 11111)1' \.,111d1 l1vl,,11 11 111i11 ·h -..pill!-> lt1·1· 1.1 t11·11 Inc\, t'd It ":-. n••\ .in 1n••,p1•11-,11.1 • llh\(lt·I I h1>ll\ .. h pl l!'t'd .1 ! "*OR .ind u p 'IJ.} 111\t· I 11 fll I u1 ·h-..u111h-.. ,q1• 11111 un.11n n101 • .., 111 1h1·11 1·1·1·1111llllt•1Ul.i!Hlll" ••ti tht.' hr,111d nl 1111·1.--..111111· .... 1.1 :-..1 h l,1_i.:t• ..... u111· \\v1-..1·r. ,11H1lh1 ·1· f\\11h:-1•I l1t111h 11-..1·1·onl,1l·h •d 111 \\'t• . ..,1 (I t ,11\g\· l '11u11l ,1 ;111 .1).!f t't' tlll ll11 ·l .1 pc !11•.11.·ydu1ydl•adhc1I\ ( 1.., ••• 11 S1•r1 :1 n l ( 1 .... <'.1 r ':-. Lori.-.n1d l\t '\, !IH8~ 1\da1n -. A\ 1•, :ind ,,..;,r~1· \'1cl'l11<'1ll c;1'1)r >-!1•'s J.ot·k .ind Kt',I'. :;11 12 1·:n11·rpr1 .... ·• ('osl :1 ~l l'S~I . •llllilllt"d 1ht• r{'.l\llt'l'S of ;1 do•;ulhull ln1 \\hl<"h lht• pl't\S \H'l' t' I I" hu \ l'I' ... 110111,\ 1.1oh. '1'111· l.1 ~ 111•.1\.\ d11l ~ ·· 1.., l1r-.11111 1h .. 1r 11 -..1 '\,·,t. 1111 · lt•nglh of lht• 1l11•1I\ h11l t ,.., 1n1porlu11 1 11 .. 11 .. tild IH · tit l1'.1"t 011t· 1nell ln:-.1d•· !h•· hnlt , Ille• lol'k "h<>uld ha\'l' a r11l;l1 1n ~ ... 11·1·1 p1n . tht"' hca,·1cr thP hv !t1·r . 10 pr1•\t•n1 h111·g,lars lrorn 1·1111111 ).! lh ro11g h , S1·r1;1 <ind \ · 11·1·11 { L" :-<ii id lth-.lllv , thi..· r im nf lht• lo<·.i.. -..l\1111hl rolatt• ... c1 ;,i hurglar ca n I 11 \' :i d1 frt•rcnt \'1._•r·:-1<1n of tl11 • t0 111st'' on t h1· 111•\\' lot·k, tht·Y s:11 d ijoth locks1n1th:;; pt•1·so11 ;dl_v pr1·ft·1· th1· \\r('l!>l'I' h1·a nd l<lck .., IJ1·t·au"l' lhc scrC\VS 11 h1ch hold the l11t:k to 1111· 1lix >1' ;,11·1· th11·ker <.ind ~t t'ull i.:1'1' Iha n Ill OSI Hui \Jon 1\1 ;irin;.1ruf U<i:-.t• :-; 1.ock ;1 fl d S ;t t t' (.' n Il l pH n ,\I . !'! 1 K :I \\11 ·.;;1111111:->tt•t' 1\1·c , \\lt•:->lm1n:->ll"r. l/t•licvt·s in K\\•1k:-:ct. ;.1n<I C.ury llc a lt' or 1\n,1.."r i<·On /\l ;1r1n ~1 -,t t• 111 .... H_;:11 Ed inger A vc., San- 1a1\na. f;1vorsSchlai:£e _ 1:r o1n Wirt' Services R1·lirt·n1C'nt fr o n1 the U .S S•·nJll· r~· George I). i\.lken o r \'1 ·rn1orit has11 't rncant putting out tht· ··<";on(· J<'is hin " s ign . lnstl'ad . tht.• H2-vcar-old Aiken ha:-.''( ;0111:' (,; ;1r<.1 gc Clt·an11l '.'' i\ik t·n . "'ho left \\1as hington !:ts! "'t•i•k after S l0 rv1ng 3'1 yt•a rs 111 lht· St·11 ;1te. h;.i ~ bet•n -.pe nding -.on1l' of his ret1rt-1ncnt cleuning /11 :-. g;.1r;1g1· ... rht.•rl''s stuff pill'd in there that gut·s huck 20 ~cars,'' he said. • 'l'hf' lormcr home or the We ls h poet Dy lan Thomas ha~ been sold liy his widow and 1s to l>ccomc a nlllS('Um 'l'hc h omC'. the IJoat !louse on the edge o f Curmarthe n Bay, ('armarthcns hi rc . was sold for :SS'l ,050 hy ('aillin Thon1as, who h vcs in !tom 1·. H was pur<.·hased joinlly by lhe \Valt.·s ·rour·ist Board and the· Fyf- 110111.' !Jous t· S chool ·rrust o f S\\'<Jn st::i. <I p ri vale cdUC<JtionaJ g roup • I .I t;ov J ohn ltarml'r will Join ii I.os Angeles law firm this week . but will h ave offices in both l..o s Ange l es und Sacr<:im ento. The Rcpubliean former state s enator said h e will bccon1c a mt•rnbe r of the firm that will he c ull ed Jtoberts. Curmuck, Johnson <t nd ll armt·r . l larmer lerl office Monday. v.•he n l..t. Gov.-c lect 1'1 e r vvn Dymall~·. the man who defeul(.d him in the ruce for a full term as the No. 2 man in s tate govern- ment . wa s s w orn in Capitol cere monie s • Ont·limt.· movie s tur Reltv llut- ton hus ~lven up h er JO b us-cook - ('--_P_EO_P_L_E ~) houst•kcepcr ~1t a Ports mouth , H I , rectory for an upp<:i renl lry ~11 a s ho w bus iness comeback . says the priest w ho befriended the actress ""hen she "'as on the ~kids. "Shl'·s only 53. S he's s till }Oung S he's not readvtorctirc,'' r~;.1th1·r l'eter Magui rC s;tid. ('ailed the ··s1onde Hon1bshell,' in h1.•r heyday in the 19-10s and 1950s. f\-1 iss Jlutlon took 1111 the rectory jnh "'hen she was do"'n o n h('r luck. She eonverted toCutholi(·is m last February • 1'h!' .Japanese government S<:iid S ll .700 wil l be scnl t o the Tai .... •.anese soldier who fought for Japan in World W ur II and tht·n hid for 30 years in th<.· jungles of lndnnes 1<1 1\ s pok1.."S n1an -.<.J 1d Teruo Nak amura, \\.'ho turned up la st n1ont h on an island in the southt•rn f-'hilippines, will get 2 million yen $6 .700 fron1 the gO\'l'rn rnt•nt and 1.5 million yen SS.700 1n p('rsonal awards from cabinet ministe rs and lheir de put 1es . Tht• s pok(•s m a n said the a 11o·urd to Nuka mura in is line V.'ilh pa _v . nlt'nls to t .... ·o other s tragglers S hoic hi ''o koi, found in 1972 hid 111{! 1n a Guan1 jungle. and lliroo ()nod a. \\•ho rL"turn r d in 1973 fron1 the J)hJlippllll'S • \'oung (';difo rnia !\1 l'rit .1\.\·arrls h ;11 t' hrt·n prt'Sl'lll('d tu th rel' .\Ollths \\hO v;,1i nly tried tu :-,;,1vl' :111 8 yl'ar·old from drn\\•n1ng 1n !hl' J.n ... A ll J,!\'ll'S CltllU'dUl'.l Ill (H<1 n c h ;11n S1.'Pl<'m her 1~17:! llutg11 in ~ (~O\' Ronald Rf'agan rn;ti lt·d th1' ;.1\.\·ards to 1'on1 Stf'wart , 1:"1. und h is hrothf'r , RoJ{cr. 1~. of I.akt·"·ood. and to Jof' l 'unnin g h a rn , \:"\, nf ()[;_1ncha. 1"hc th r(•i' un s uect·ss rullv s l r ui::-g lerl to s a,·e M icha CI Ste"·arl, "'ho had fallen into lhc :ic1ut•d11l'I \~1 hil0t' thro"'ing r0<·ks . • l'l ~1ns for a fo res! in Is rael tn m emory of tht• lute Jack Benny have hcen unnounced by his fcllo"' comedians. George Burns a nd (ieorj?;c J essel. f'ri1•nds of Benny. who died Del' 26 , will donate lrt>es lo the .Jac k Be nnv Me morial f'orest, Burns and .iessc l said. The forest is lo be locat ed on the outskirts or Jerusalem ANIMALogic1$b, Noi.;1 .. 11)4. • '"~ow PO Ult •etc A800T FLUO~IDATfO WATE~ DfAli:? •· luesday.January 7, 1975 OAJL'l'PUtif ff7 AdJDirers Hurting Evel-doers Get Banged Up WASlllNGTON fl l P I ) -f""'iv e· year ·old llicky, in l~alaviu, Ill tried an Evcl Knif"Vcl ·type Jump with his bic ~c l c and fro..cturcd the roorofhis rnouth. Ten -ye .:1r ·o ld K1•nneth of C~hieago tried In ride l11s b ikt.• up a run1p, a ·la ·Sk y (·yl"le I I, <And suf· fere d u knc(' 1111ury thut cos t his pare nts S2 .!">UO. TtlESE ARI-'. son1t• l'xan11)lt':-, Rep. J ohn i\1 f\-1u rphy. <ll-N Y ). s uid he has fnund or elultlrl•n 1n - jur('d tryin g t n emulate thl' ... tunt n1otorl'yt.·li ~t . lit< \l.'arnt·d purt•nls. ··1r \OU g ave y our yo ung:.tc r s fo~vcl Kni ev ~l i.:1ft s for ('hr1 s tmas, v.•atch the m elost·ly 'rhere have been millions of t-:vl·I K111t'Vl'I toys sold. \\'ith lh1• Kn11·vel e<in\·on JUn1pfres h in their 1111ndi. I w~uld An9t»r Risi1ig like to prev(•nt a s n1any u11ur1t•:- as pos:-.1hlt-' whu·h 1n1ghl r1'~u !I ( ron , 1111 ;:1 g1 n at i ,.,. young:.te r:-. whu attcrnpt lo 1r11 1t ;ilt• their hl·111 ':-. dart•d evll exploit ~ " /\·1urphy i.aid ht.' h :1d a survt·\ dont• that round :17 hU!>lllt:d 1·a-.l'-. Ill \1-'hll'h llljlll'lt'!'i "Wl'l"t' J~\'c·I 1ns p1rt•d " 1'1t:1t1--11'' T ltll·:lj Utt :-O lll' 1·e..,sfull.v lo bl1Jt'k bruadc;1~t 11f Kn1 cvt•I':-. S ept 8 uttc n1pt 111 1·ol'kt·t ;.i ~t y ll 1.1·d n1oto rt·yc ll" across the Snake R 1\'CT c·nny(ln ~1urph y s aid he .,.,·ii.hl·:-. nt·1\-. media had 1gnort·d the 1u1 np \o\'hich fallt·d Sin e·(' tht•n , 111· :-.a1tl . )Otu)g..,tt•r .., n 1.1d1· Kn11•\1·I .1 pl:1,Yllt1ll' 111•10 /\II fl\'l'r lht• !'Otllllr)' !h~·y \It'll' trying lo m ~1te h th1· JU1np 111 Lllt"1r O\.\rl IA.ii )'. n11 l l'll" c 11·:i. ;111d Rape Victims Fighting Back I'~ y t ·nit l'd I' r<'s" I nl<' rn;a I ion a I The llOle ntial r a µe \'ictin1 1s be<'om i n g in<'r('<i s ini.::ly less pass ive. \V omcn arc fi ghting off attackers with li ghted ("lgaretlf'S. s harp Yt'ca p on s ;inti police whistl es, and ;.i r e int·rc:ising ly willing to J)roset'Ulc lhcn1 "'\V 1i n1l·n arc fe~·l1n g ang1•r a rter an incident rather thun a rcelini? or s hum t· ~•nd i.:uilt. _ ., sa id J>u t Niehnlsun . <"Oordinator ror Won1cn ()1·ganizt.·d Ag;1inst Rape , s ai<I tn Phil ;id 1·lpt)i ;_1. "'More womt•n want to l ;.ikc re vengc throug h pros l.'cution "I DON'T TlllNK women :ire· us inc cuns and knives s o rnuch." -.he !':i;t1d Bul lht•y 're hl•cnn11ng smart cnouj'.!h to carry ;.1 shurp object in the ir hands ··A ti 1 cigart'tlc has ht•cn, ~1:-, f:Jr a s I 've h e ard . lhl' bt.·st thre;.il 1n d isf'ouragi n g ;1n att;:ick A woman I knO\I.' \.\'ho was g rabb('d lold hl'r· ;1 ss ailant , ·1oul'h me a~uin and this i:-. going to go in your ey e.' fie rlt•d A s urvc y u f a number of American con1 mun1t1cs by U PI 1ndicatl'S un incre a s in,:t ;.iw::ire ness of the pro bl em , and u varic· ty o r Steps lo l'Onl bat it In Carbonda ll'. Ill , P o liL'l' Chief Geor~c Kennedy said sclf- dC'fe n sC' l"Ours (•S g iv<'n t o won1('n do not inc lude karalt• und j udo in · st ruc tion ··1 l'l<HS().,_\l .I.\' l l'<'I 1h.t1 kar<.1tc and JUdu g 1\'e 11·on11._·n a false s cns l:' or s ecurity.·· said K('nncdy ··1 lh1nk :i "'·on1an·s bcs t defc n"t' is a good Sl'l of luni.:s and being a hlt• tn givl' a propt•r ,.:ougc or kick if nt·ed be " The C:trhondale cours1·s 1n· , elude tip-. on hO\Y to adn11nt:>ll'r kic ks tn tht• j!rnir1. tread on 111· steps o r gout!C C'Yt'" Poli ce in :-.pt·ctor .Jami•.., Cro"•lcy. of San r·ranc1sl"o ·s s ex crin1\' detail . s aid th(•rl' "':1s no record o f a rapt• \·icti m using n1art1al arts ;1g a1nst ;i rapt.,\, or of a "·01n:tn (';Jrr~·1ng a kn1f\' vr gun to \.\·a rd off ;1n ,itl:tc ki·r "WOl\<tt>:r-.· llA\i't : Ut•en !>Old a hill <1r good :-. on n1art1al ;1rts course s," C r o \.\·lt·y :-,ui d '"l 'ou r;1n 't lak<" ii flO d :1v co11r.o.;p und hi' J.!1111d ,ii 11 H11I tt11q·, •• •rl' n1.1111. 11\t•r1 \1 1111 1111111111 Ii .I llo>ltl.lt\ He LPaps lo Death S:\j\; l·'U 1,"\"('JS('I) cl 'Pl 1 .J ;tnlt':-> II B,Hlt•I ,1 n1;1r kl'ltng r1' prf•:-.1• n I a 11 \'l ' f11r· St .i nda rd th I of {'a l1for n1a . app.1r1·11t l ~· enrn - 1n1 \!1·d :-.u11·11lt• hy l1•;tp1n~ rron1 th\' :-t.•\'t•n lh f1011t' of :1 du1~nlo\\rl hotel , p11l1r1• -..1 1d Sund,1 ~1 lt:Hlt·r , 30. d1 1..·1l Saturd.1,1· lron1 1111ur1t•.., -.uffe red 111 ;1 f ,1 11 fr 't1 n1 the St l·'ranc 1s I lo lt•l "><'rt•:1n1 ~ 'l'h1· 111 ·..,1 llnr1 :.: 1-, lu r un if p11:-.:-.1hl1· o r t!r.1\1 tl11 • .l\l•"!l t1<1n nr \1 ttnl'-""l'"ll.1 'l'l t'.1111111 ~ ' P oli1·c thcn1sclvc:-. arc 1ncrc;1s ing anti-rape prog r;uns, includ· in g the use o f dt•eov:-. and lhc formation or sclf-dcfC'n..,e cl assc~ Rut at leas t one San l)ie~o police"·on1an on a special 1 ask force had problen1s Sttf.: CAIJ (;fl'r llt:I' ... us p1 ·1·1 "Rut ." s:1id hon1 it1dl' LI J<:.t Stt•vC'ns. '"s he could h;1ve bc•t•n ·r ar7.<Hl of !ht• ,\pC's ;i nd sh e s till 1vould have h l'l'll knof'ke<l on hl•r hutt and had ht•r neck st retched J\eeau~t· lh<1l 's ..... ·ti at h;ippc n t•d. S h e wa s knol'k t'd d o wn un1I s tomped de s pili· s f'v c r a l 1>0licemcn rus hing lo her :.iid ." St evens re!'o mmcndL'd potl'n- li;.1) vittims s hould "screum like hell." o r "hid l' their ti rne ti II lht•v find an opening tn escape and lhl'n split ·· In l.ns Ange les. the scrca rn ;ind-run thcn1c "'a s t'l"hoed hy No ni f'runl7., a s t·rgeanl "'ith lhl' Los Angeles Count y s her1rr·s de partn1t·nl i\·liss F'rantz ;1!:-.n ~u g,(!e:-.!t•d \lo'On1e n s hould rc~ist :111 a ll<1el.-in C'very "<IY st·re;nn . k1<·k, hilt• . c:la\.\' !he c_vt•:-. and lak<.· o ff :.it a run lf poss1hlr S lit: S1\ YS S ii i ': lt·IJ:-; "'•nne11 t1 1 ust• ;1ny \.\·e ;1pon ;1v ;1d ;d 1l1·. in r luding :1 knife o r g u 11 if tht·y ft•c l th('ir life is thrcatt•ned. Serge;1nt r·ru111 z warns, :1liol'e ;;ll. don 't l'r~-' or pl <'ad ··11 n1ak1 ·s lht· 1·;,qnst ft•1·l hh·· King Ko n g." ..,ht• s ard J{cport:-. frnm othL•r ari·:i~ Jn l !t;ih , \.\"O m1~n :1rc lJ1 •ing o fft>red scn1in;.ir!> 111 pr1:\'Cntiu11 and s elf d t·fc n s t' but nothing a s sophis ticated a" k <1r all' 1t•s:-.ons are unde r" :1y In Sa<'r :.tmt•nlu. thc count ~ s ht•riff·:-; dt>p:1rl n1c·nl for !>l'V('ral Yl·:i rs has ht•t·n sending "nn1t•n offict•r s in!11 \ht· 1·0111rnur11ty t1 1 r!isc u"" r :1pt· and 11•11.1 \\11rnt.•n ca11 1)rott·ct tht•n1 :-.1·lv1·.., In t111e <·;1..,1•, a \.\on1an .,.,·;1s ;~tt:.l'k cd 111 !ht ht·droqn1 of hf·r hnn11· a nd th"O\"l' off a~:-.a d a nt \\'hl'n s ht• eul h11n \\'llh :1 kn1f1' In l.;1z, \"e 1.:.1s 11o1th 1hv lll1rtl h1 ).!h1·-..1 r;1\e .. r r;'l po · 111 tlu· n :1t1on hon111·!d1• tlt·11·r1I\1• l);1r1·n (;n1M 1 "'lid sh1· ht•l1 t·\'l':O. u1trt'il"t'd r" pnrtin~ 1:-. 1·1·..,p1 ,n-.1hil' for llH higher numhcr of 1n1 ·1<11 ·nl :-. Shi s aid nnnt· 11f ht•r 1·;1..,!' vu·! 11n -. rt• ("{'nll~ :-.uid I h<·~· :1ttl·n1ple{t t 11 fight hac k S1n1il;ir f(•pQrt" with \·~1 ria11o n ~ 1·an1c frorn C hi {':IJ!O, ·rulsa Kan sa s City. !\1n , i\11nnca11oli s St l"';1u1. Sa len1 , (}rt· .. an<I 111 dianapolLs. a n1on i:! other:-.. Replaei11g Lennons? bi t'Vl'lt·:-.. !\l11rv 1i 1 -...11<1 f\t• :-.;1 111 !ht' -.Ul\t 'I 1111(\l'd Up l\1111·.1:-.t'" 111 l1h11!i c!illd1 .. !l\ll'l't' 111 1hl' h11 -..p1t ,1I ·o1\ \\t'Pk'l 1\n1• 111!11 <1h111h1•nl1·111u1 .. 11dlt11 u\ht·t \\1 t h .1 ! llPI Ufl•• I Ii I. 'I .\ll'lll'll\ :O.\llt 111~· '\i1 1111n:1! ,\-.-..ll!'ld111J!I "I lill\l l •'11 ' 1\o..,p\1,i\'1 flld ll\1 Hl\o \ .11\d !\•lllHI lh,d HI 111 1\Jll• \\lib lll!I\ 11 11h 111th1•4L1t «d t'I ti 11 I'• 11L11 '!'ht• 1 ·0~1 id hH !JJl,i\11.d1q11 1'.i!lg .. dl !'(•!ll":'.'!l<l '.• 11"' \l 1J:-,! 111 l)\t l!llllt•'<I \ t111d11 •11 1\1·r1· II••\" ,,..,..,111 1111111 , tu 1·1 11·.1r ..,1 old \\l'I ll'f' ·I 1\ 111111• h•• !•!I.ii \\.l'l"l t'hl d,11-. l'ht 11111 ,,j 1111\iltl Ill i ·l11d1·d ,illl ·~""' l"!i\ll'l"ll"•, l !.U"!lLf•·-.. l,11·11.1!1011~ [•t .1111 .., ht•lli,d lll!l,1'> 111,1d11 .tlltll.I FALSE SECURITY') Karate for Wome n Tax R e f erees Test Set For F e h. 15 ,\ ..,1,11 4•\11dl' ,.,,1111111.111,•ll tn 1u.tl1f\ ~·.1111 l1d .ll··-.. t.11 l"'""'hlt• fut u r1· .i p po 111 t111•·111-.. ,..., l nh1·1·1 t:111 • ,. ·r~1' H1·h·11·1 ·-.. \1ill h!' 1-!l ll'll l'"h 1:, li 1 tli1· Sl.111• l'"r..,011111·1 H11,1 rd ·\pplH'<lll\l!l" !11 1.1k1 11 11• t ',.1111 1nu-.t h1 · 1·1·1 ·t'l\ t d 1\IJ !.!!1·1 t h.111 .J.1 11 21 .H"I •Hll1'.1 t11•·~I 11\ ,1-..l '.i ,1 p p[H',1\ 11 Ill ! l••• <Ju;ilt f11·.it11111 1111 »1r11n1t1\!ll •'fl( .I'> !'t•ft•lt'\' !0(11 11111• fl\1 \O',lf :1ftt•r l1i1• (",,lt!i I• \II••·~ 1\111\ 1 •:J:-,~1·d •111 .. ,( \\Iii».!' 1f\l.llil I• .I !1<111 11., .. '\l•ll• .. ! !11 ,, 1.i1 •• 11 .. · Ill'\\ ~·,,.r11 1<11 11·1111.ol1l11 .il l,,11 'I'll<' j'\,1!11\\1111 II\ I I 111111 ,ol I' I~ .1p1•t,11..,.i l o! I• ,d p!l•!·~·ll\ •I\' )11,11..,.!I rd !,trli,_'lld1 • ol !id 1111.lllL 1ld1• p1•r-..nn:1I p1np1•1'\ .111.d\l11.d ;111d r .. ;,..,1111111 c• .dolllt,1 .11\d Ill h1 ,r1t,1111·1· r.1, l,1\1 .111d 11111 ('t·durt•.., ·'ppl11·;d11111 !I ll Ill Ill.I\ 111· "h t:11n1·d fr11n1 ,111\ -.1.111 · pt·r..,111111•·1 bo:1rd o 1f1t'(' !ii rr11111 1/11 · -..t.i1e c·<1n1rotlt•1. /~''' 1111!1 ~.11·1 .11111•11!0 ~~1HO.'i Escondido Sisters OwnChoir ESCONDIDO (A P) -Tho:->e darlini::-dau g h lers o f JoC' Semonski arc pullin g orr thoughts of nlarriagc a nd settl- in g d own. Instead. they m ay b<.•com e t he 1!175 \'c rsion o f the Le nnon Sis t ers on the lnn g- running l.a w rcncc Welk Show . But it seem s u lifclime s ince they "''e r e the cn tir t> (_'hoir at St. Pet er a nd Paul Roman Catho ht Church in Great l\.1 eado"'s. N.J . TllE FATll E R , who owned a mus ic store and gave lessons. recalled in an interview that '"the girls a ll seemed somewhat t a le ntc rl in the ir own wuys.'0 but he never noticed really until he heard then1 singing together one ct ay fi ve yea r s a~o In between su <.·h act ivities as school . lhey s tart ed a p1>earing at \ora l wedd in gs and club meet ings. but ''the girls wc r <' ~etti ng older a nd thinking abo11t getting marri e d ," their d ;1c1 s a.\"S. 'rhat all c h anµcd t"·o n1onths ago. Dona ld Q '('onnor :"potted 7· \1c ar -old M ic h l'llf' rn thc nu - dienl'C at W :1 ll Disney Wo rld in O rlando. f'"l:t., and asked her lo join him o n lht· stag1· •·1 S I NG ." the b l onde youngster blurted out. In a re;.Y minutes her fivc s is - t ers wl"re p('rrorn1ing with he r. 841ndleadcr T·larry West was so impressed that ht.' set up an app oi n tment wit h Lawre n ce We lk and . r ecalls Semons ki, '"Mr. We lk j us t (lipped nul OV(•r !hem." The ~i ris Oinae . 18 ; llonna , t fl : J oAnn . 1'1 ; V;d crie, 12. Audrey , 11 , and M ic hc llc - J)C rformed on Wc lk's Christmas I and J\it•\1• Y t•a r ·.~ 1el1•11 -.\!Jn ShO\\'S t)N Tiii·: \h r1s tn1a-. ..,hn\1 , :tt W t.•l k ':-. t t•q111 ·..,1. !h1•\ -.:i n l: "'lie." wh1t·h lhl.' l.t•n 11on S 1:-,l t•r:-. sung nn his sho\\ h:u·h 1n 1 ~1~{1 the aC'I \1h1(·h s t.trli-d th.it ).!r11Ull on !ht• \\·av lo .;1 .n"<lorn Welk . 11h11 0 \\'11:-. a IH111-.111 ~ d1·- velop1n1._•11t 111 r:-.1·t1n1l1t111 n11rth of San 0\('go anti -..p1·11ds lin11· he r£'. :-.a .\S he pl:111.., '" n1ak e lh1 • ~iri s rc-gul :1r p1·rft1rn1i·r:-n n h is syndica11'd S;1lt1rd a 1 nig ht '•rv Sh O\\' 'f'hc fa1n d ~· nn\\ l!\t':-. 111 \ht• Vallev ('1•nl t·r :1r1•:t 1·:1..,t u( ES('Oll~l1d i1 1'he ori~ina l ro ur :-:1ng111g \,en · non Sist e r" \\'t•I'\' rei.:1 1l ar:-nil lh..; \\'t·lk s ho\.\', 11 01.\ 1n it.o.; 1h1 rd di• C'a(lt• 1\11 arl' tln\\ n1a1't01l'd and <.In lt n1it1·d IH'rfo1'n1 .1111·t· .. n1 L.ns Vc ~a :-and olh1·r ~t·\a d,1 r e · SO l'IS . . ' ' ' .. . ' ' DAILY PILOT Haan For Sale 1 !Ho.Ms For Sale ' H<Mllff For Sal• ltto.Ms For Sale ~!.~~~.• ....... I ~~~!.~.~~~•••••••• ~~:=:.~~-:-:••••••• . •••••••7:_•~~••••••• ~.~.~'!':•••••••• ~~··••••••••;;~~;;;:;~··••••••••,•002 ;::.::.·;;·••••••••;~·;;~;~~;:;·••••••••·;~~·~ G:e•ral I 00~,Gen«ol I 002 .. G .... ral 100 Gf'Mraf I002G"4od foo2 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••···•·••••• ••••••••••••••••·•···•• •••••••••••············ •·•••••••••••••••••••• ...................... ... ..... Tuesd•y.J1nuary7.1975 •••••••••••••••••••••• Five Bedrooms Mesa Verde ·rr u1· p r 1·:.t11i:t• Gr"ndt> {·111r)'. 1>o~h l).irttJr .Jlld hu~t· for1n :i l d111111g roorn :-0\'f'\'t•tJ h v t'hL't"I')' i:1H'(lt:n v1e11o• kit c hen 11o•1th i::enerous e allni! area S tep down to fa1nlly room. toa:.ty flrcpl;1 ct· iind wt:l b:.i r . ?10tJ !lq ft 1n ;111 ~1ud 1norc! Morl'' rnor f'' S8l,5UU C;1l l !'"1•1>-~31 3 a nd :.cc lhl whole thing . ()>1"" 111 Y • H ~ fUN ft•~! N·C I' l•llMH1d , VA Rrpossnslon •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• LIDO ISLE l .arge 8 BR , 6 ba. home on s andy bc uch : or use ~s 6 f\ll . hon1c with 2 1~1{. apt ; 50 ft. lot, ~hore mooring. $295,000 firJnd nc\\' 5 Bdr111 . 4 bath, on JO ft . lot. J->1l'r & ::.l!J). ~J5,000 Attral'tivC' 3 Brl., 2 ba. singl e s tory home on 60 ft . .str eet to s treet lot . $152.500 WA TERFROHT LOTS 40x90 Fl. $250,000 30x105 $165,000 Bill GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Boy\•d<· Drive N 6 b75 blbl Ab1olut~ly F...tastic Duplex S.>m t· n1onf'y m a k<·r al o nl y $72,000. Sh;1r1), n<''A1ly <.l e c·c)ralf'<i 2 brlrn1 units w/r1rl·plates. hllrts, l·pt:-.. J.::1 r ,1 ~~·s . ;ind gt_•l lh1s• With ju:-.l '-' nor111.d tlo"n . ~cl lt1 r y.·111 fin;int·e the llala nt·t· ;,d ;1 low interest r;1t l'. Step:-; l o !Jay! SM ALL LJLlPLEX on v,i /pil'r & :;tip. Easy 583 ,500 llw \\' i\ 'I' I·: It r1 1on1 ·.v h e rt•. ONt:I·: /\ l )U PL.J~X , noY."a2-st cir·.v fixt:r- uppcr hume. f!Jy Y.'/p1t·r &: s lip. S~J:~.~)(J()_ JACOBS REAL TY 675-6670 2919 Nrwporl Btvd. <ot""Mr 30th * Balboa Bay Properties * Costa Mtta Sl2,400 :1 l ~l l . \\tlh !I l l'\.' fan11 t ' r111 . l '.\l !';l t g 1· · h ~1 1 ·k .v;1rtl l)V.'lll'I · \ l'r .\' ;1fl \_ IOliS li/:1 7lHi!J LIDO SANDS l)l·lightful honlt' Ill :O-.l 't'ludtd ;Jt'i':i , :1 I ~!{,~ h ;1 ltkt• th·\\' 11· i I I "n '"' (\" r I r~ulc.• ... li7S 71 1(~) V.A. REPO :i IJ d 1111s . :! 11.i l h ~. frplt , hu~lt -1n s. S J4 ,UOO . $J S l•IJ /)O\\t1 . s:~I :! l 'ITJ. ::i.'.iti ~?iOU . DUPLEX 3 & 2 l ~drn1 t1nit s . (;<.)(><! rC'nl;,1J :t r l';1, ('ost:1 J\·l esJ . (;111KI f1n:1n cin ~. $'1~J .500. t.:1IO·H4 1'YI REALTORS VIS FOR VACANT E IS FOR EXCELLENT 1\nd ll1is I< Jii.'111111!llt·1 Jtd lllulfs i ~ ,1ust Lh ;1t : t '\.i't·ll1 •11t ;111d \';1!';11 1t . It ·s <tl:-.o 1·n lo rtu l. :il i~olt1l l'I~' 1·l1.1r111111g \v1th :tll add~·d t11·1·a k t:1...,\ ;1rt•.1 ..,h,' l1g l\ts. l'Lltt·- :1:-. th1·-d1 c kt·n s \l.·;1 llp:tpL'r ~ a n<I :l h1 •d i-00111.,, :!:lt"1o ~q 11 ()\\111·r -. .1rt' n1:1k - 111g 1 ,,,1 11011 . ..,t ' p.1 _\ llll'lll:-. .uni \\':1 nl lo :-.1•1· ,·011 1 St·1·1t 1 ;1t ::-.":.! .. ioo Wh<ot a hou~e · :I 1~'11rm ,.\!'..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,~~~~~~,,.,~~ 1\cn , 3 bath, bllns, ne"" ll:Jlllt 10 & nut Full pr1co: 1002 ····················•·· ······················· 5 ()ff Jl'l':-. 'l'o St ·r\ l' 'c ·nu UNIQUE HOMES Realtor\ -67S·6000 2443 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mor S:~l .(kJtJ. with unly $1500 1town pymnl to anyone ('<11 1540 11 51 ~HERITAGE REALTORS NEWPORT LOCATION Pr('s t1 ge location just :1 block frorn the blue l 'ac1f1c. lll·:.tm (·c1l1n~s. 11r1vate front t·ourty:.ird. r-.tcxica n tile fl ours. $51,950 is a barg;un! C.a!I H-i7-60IO to see. Agt. Assume 7°/o Loan Beaut iful 1>001 hon1e has lieen newly dct·orated ex tra lar ge rooms. f'arty room CJ/f k it chen has pool ;it·eess. 1-'ull prict• IS JUSt $17,SOO. C :ill .agt. lo see cull 847-6010 agt. NEARLY HEW •I + fa mily room. Cov l'rcd p atio with brick BBQ . C)pen spacious look lloor plan. t:lci.:ant de· cor. pr1mt! loc:il1011. Only S•I S,000! C a ll now x.17---6010. A g\. ---- Only the O.ily Pfkll ~•l!J lel .. )'OU wt\111 '1 new "1 J0<.1< loe•I community ... ..-.ry 0.y l·fll\IJ!i·ll CLASSIFIED HOURS /\<IYC'rt lM'fl< m ;oy 1•h1tr- 111<·1r ;1lb hv l••lt·pll11n1· M llO;i m !"~' :1Q 1• 111 ,l.l1•n•l.1v lhru Frida,¥ · lltnnnon S.1tur11 .. y l"CISTA M~: .. A en· Fll"F ;~-.i ..,.., 11,,, 1'4i :;.6711 NEWl'(JHT 111-:Al'll JD.l NC",.·1••rl 111\•d 642 ~M.711 fnfNTINGTllN llEAl.11 1 7M7.~H<·ar-h l!l•ll ~ .. to ll".!1 • 1.A(ilJNA ll F Af"ll J 1'46 1;1rnnC'~·ro· 1 .. guna He;u·h 494 ~fo(; SA J)J)L": l!A Ct\ !:)20 L;. l 'ilJ llu.1rt Lai:un;i llilb ~I 1,311) N(ll!TI l t "t 11 ·NTY 1\1<1l l n·1·540 l!!:!ll CLASSIFIED OUDLIHES t'-:«Hllino· fnr ""I'' ~ lo.,111~ '°' ~> J() ll Hl !ht• d ,J\' h:f11rr puhl1<·:11 0""· f'~ ''"\" lnr :-.un•t;1v A ,l.!rn1 •t ;+Y ~'.1t 1 l1 o n .~ who•n 1lo·11dllnt ·~ S:oturil:o . t:~ '~- CLASSIFIED IEGULATIOHS 1-:11 HOllS /\r1 Yt·rl l~t·r-. ~hnuld 1·hrrk lh••1r ,.,t, <1:111•• & r.--1~•rl >'rrur" 1mmrd 1at 1·ly . T HE DAILY 1'11.tIT ;1~sumc~ 1111l1<ht Y fr:>r th1· rir~r 1n «lrr<'t'i 1nsrn 1011 onl) CANCt:l .1.1\TJON~ WhC'fl k1tllnJ1. an nd h;• sure ht mak" ;, r1•1·nrd of !ht• Kil.I. Nl l M llt:li ~IV('ll y u11 hv \'OUT ;id l;iker a~ rt'<'•'l)'I uf •·nur ("<lllf'C'll :1t1un Thi' kill numtJOO.>r n1u•I hl' 11rr-~en· lffi hv th1• ;uh·rr1L't'r ln r;isc Or ~ '"~rut 1· CANCt:l.LATl <)N Of\ CO JlHt:~·T I ON 01" l'/t:W All ~Jo:t·o "t; RUNNIJll(; t:Y('TV o•ffnrt 1, 1n;ul•• In kill Or 1•11rrrl'! " n•·-.. ad Uiat has ll!'en or1h·rrd, but wr rannn1 )!uar:•n ltt lo do ~n until lhr Rrl hn" 11ppt•ared •n lhe J><ll)Ct. 01,\lt: A I.INF. A!)~ ~ &ds ;.,,.. ,1r1r-lh• rash 1n adv;inr1• hY mat I rr al "'"" Oflf' ol our ul· fin!S. NO phono• nrrl•·r ~ 0 f'1trll 1n r : ] 1• m . Friday, Ccr.;11 MC'sll nf· fl<'I" & 12 noon al all lranc'h offire~ Tllf. !1A ll.Y I'l l.OT rrse r Yr& lhl' r•l!hl ~" r!all.~i(v, rtl1I. t '""·'"r nr refu s t' 11ny ad •rr ti~rnent . and l•l rh:111 1!•• 1lji rateti &o rr1iulat1nn~ WllhooJ1 Jlf"IOf n(J( 11"1'. CLASSIFIED M.t.IUHG ADO•ESS p f..I l:4o 11 I Sf'() , Cm;t11 Mr"" ,,.,. f rnrral I 002 Grnrral R.E. 1002 ...................... Costa Mesa Pool $28, 900 Wa r rn :-.ludH1 l1v1n i.: f(JOO)!l\, l)l1Wdt'r r()l)tll , dt• 111-:htful k1lc h••n ""'Ith c:it u1g area openn1i.: 111 Vt·ry pr1v:1lc 1-:lrtl••n p ;1LH1 l>rc:1t bed roon1s with :J(\ J01n1ng baths. t)utstand 1ni.: a rn cn1t1t·,., 011 f 1nl' lveal1on. C;11J ~tli 231.1. 011 N r119 ·11~1uril ('1•1r-., 1•' TERRific TERRiplex Hedrooms, l 'o: bath owner's unit. l \':icantl, + 2-2 bcdro11111 unlls I Each 2 bcdr1JOOJm rent eel for $195 . J S67 ,5110. HESTER-BROWN & Associatrs, Inc. Rraltors 1401 l)ovc St. SLt'l2H B33-9781 b:ith. ........•.............. BACK BAY DOLL HOUSE $~~.SUI! C ulll·r th ;u1 1·utt• 3 Br. hnr:.l·:.hoc :.trl·ct & 111 mo~'l' 111 (•01uht1vn . ill'! lt•r hurry 1111 th1.~ Olll' WALKER&LEE ll E AL ES1'A'r J•: 545-9491 A HEW WAY TO SELL Y 0 UR HOME Our un ique program pro- vides cash for the se llers t·•1Lut y, rc1pures only a nom1n;1I 1!11u.•n pay n1ent from lhc huyi-r. ;1 vo11ls the need for n1·w fin anr · 1ni:: & pres erves the exist · 1ng loan . J)cl;u ls hy app't. unl y A nothl·r <'Xl"lus1vc l'rogr:1m fru rn COMPANY l!t-:A l.'l'()JlS S I NCJ.: 19-1·1 673-4400 3-2 1-3 FOURPLEX B e droom . I He droo1n. 2 hali1. f•----------A 1r (·ond11Jr,nt·d . nc;.ir frccw:iy. Pr1t t•d rq::ht ! ~·or $ti7 ,500. 644-7270 OCEAHFROHT BALBOA HEW LISTING fleach dupll'X . 3 Bil & 2 BR . xlnt l'ond . Steps 10 lx·al·h . Upper 11n1l rented tfurn1 shcd J, lowe r unit avad . for ne w owne r . S87 .900 673-J6GJ 673 ~;I::\ cs associated 8ROl<ERS-AEAL TOll:S l02~ V. Bolboo 61l-]66l l BH hnmt'. c uslo1n bu1IL l•----------t '.! HH .q 1t 1.1,·1th h;,y & nee.an \ "'"" SI \~1 .soo ()Wrlt'I' \.\oil /!fl/Ill ('(' ('tli\S"J" l 'l{l>l'~:Jt"l'IES , 1;1;1 5·110 BLUFFS CUSTOM l'rol"css111n :•ily dl's ti,:ned & rh·l·ur;ilcd hn 1111· with a l:1rJ.:f' J:u11 1 rn l>ff.._·rcd al s;x7 .~1!!ll S hown Uy ,qJp '1 ll!\ly. CORBIH-MARTIH Realtors • 644-7662. Owner's 801.19ht Another Ver y lieaut1ful :"! l>edrnom pool hn1nc "'1\h lo w ;1 s:.urna ble 7'), VA lo<trl l'a y rn•·nL<; S<*W; l'l'I' rnrinth llurry 11 V.'l>H 'l lasl.C;1ll ~~i;:i ti7!i7. L'•"f" /jj I) • jf '· /LJ/.J le o i<I "'\ I ' WESLF,Y N TAYLOR CO. REALTORS sinc e 1946 BIG CYH. CUSTOM HOME-S325,000 Sup('rb N F:W split-lcvc:I ran1hl1n g Ot•auly w ith Country ('!uh & 1·1ty lig hts view . S p<.ini s h dC'Sig n . ;i l.~I{, d1 1n . huge rrc·. rn1 .. forn1J! 1)1{. Cornc r s itt•. 21 I I San Jooq.min Hills Road NEWPORT CENTER, H.B. 644-4910 Grnrral 1002 I 002 ....................... ······················~ View View View Newport lo Catalina $42,950 Spanish Mansion Assume $39,000 Pool-Beach G ...... ol I 002 Grnrral I 002 ............................................. FINANCE PROBLEMS! \VL· \VIII ht· ha ppy . '' 11 lluut :111) olil 1i.:a - t 1nn 0 11 y1 111r pa 1·1. lo sho '" y 11u 1i ~1'.\' l1t11111..·s n1a\' IJv so ld nr lJtiug tit ''1th f111 "r11 ·1n g u·, y11ur rL·q11 1rt'n 1t ·n(-;_ l•'IJ r :.!Ii \'t •ar:-1 1111/ns ;1rL':I , ,,,. h ;1\l~ :-.p l•t·1ali 1.L·d ;n pro!t·1·11n g ho t Ii lht• hu y L'r :-. ,'\.· :-.t·ll1 ·r 's 111t1·r1•sts 111 t '\t•r y trans:1t·l11111 , \\'1• :1 r 1· g 1·n11int•ly 1J1tl'rl'...,tt'<i 111 •::11·1t ,'\· 1•\t·r.v n 11v oi' Oll l' r l11·11t:-; l ,l 'I ll:-. \Vork lo r y ou ! -~ YEAR BAY AND BEACH 675-3000 2407 E COAST MWY CORONA D E L MAR Genrrol 1002 100 . ...........•.••....... ~····················· :"! bcdroon1s, p1:iul \'EHY l 'H I VA 'I'~: with wide o!)i!n Sj)('Cl aeul:ir \IC""' l!ellf'r hurry 1L" vat·:u1L Call646 -7171. ;\'l a n11·urcd y ard s. F:lt.:~·atcd vc,..11hule. Sll'P l·----------50 Steps To Sand Custom Home + Units Ho Ol1N 11! 9 •II~ ILJN If)! I"'" I' l•IE~Hil Assumr GI Loan 3 ll('drm , l ha hou~l' in 'l"u s t1r1 $1 ::!.500 (triwn. $;1;,~) 11t•r1110 llJ 4~1:! 010:![, or ~>·l-1 Ho!:! •IU""'" l1v111 i.: roorn F•)r m al thn1ng served liy I ll ' J:alle y Enorn111u :. wond l'd f1t•sta roo111 1'win l;11Hl1ni.: st;11r1·;.is<..· C1ri.:ul.ir hall"uuy . !°"> hugt· s t•para(P '>l 1·o•p 1ni..: qu;1rlt·r s K111 i..::. 1na~l1·r ~ultl' till wr~q~ ar~·und danc•· p :1v 1ltu11 A~~uu u· 7 '. \'A s;1:-10 po.·r inorilh p:1y.\ :di ().,.,·r,.•r· rn11 sl i:u -t;tk"' ;1ilV;o1l.IJ.!t', C.tll X-12 ;!5:1.~. 0""'''1"'' '111.•·J iJ""' INCOME PROPERTY ff)Ult l l N l'l'S. E:1sl~1tlt• t "o~l:J 1\1,•,;;i. 3 Ye;.irs uld . l ,o\\o' dn ... •11 As~urnl·7·~·. lo.in f\ l ~"it ) I .AB ti E ' ~ /\t.:ll E lot " /·I uni t,._ :ind nM1111 Jor (\\u rn111·L'. \)..,111·r "lll 1·.1rr·y ~"·· Al .SI) tllrl•e 1n(1r1· Qualifying I f11ht'l 1c \' :i hit• op pi >rt uni 11· t o :1 ''ll f\ltll "I'll ~··1,"'1 1 1 · 111•1·~1n1._•1ll Nll N 1': E IJ l"tlH N /o:\V L1l,\N!-.. 4)WNt-:H Y..'lLI. l•'lN/\N('I·: lllt\-1S El.V <1L x•,•;, IJr:i111;11tt· ('11.-.ton1 1,. hornt' l :1v1~/\Jy dt·.,Lj.:ned + 2 hdrm apt + ... 1ud1n 'r :1k1• .'iu i-:1a111 s1t·1r.-tu lll".1<"h Y11 u nanu· ttu· lf'rm" NC) Clll1\l.I FYJNt; N J-:c .. :SS /\HY. t)""•n1•r rn u~t lc:i • 1· th~· st:ll •' l ~okt• a 11 \ a n l a J.! t' • t · ,, J I H-t! :!!"1:1.1 Corner Duplex 1-------1 ("'tNl'l'I•" H•°'lllM':~I ' 2 lll•<lnH1n1 l11>u~t· "''/tpl1· & d hl l' J.!,1r;1g•· 1 l;n·i..:L· Ulll' l.eJ r oon1 I l"lll.tl C)wnt·r "11 1 l1 n.1 ll t'l' COZY COTTAGE SUPERLATIVE VIEW HOME I ) l .-. I I 11 1· t I \ l ' • [lllfla;UI BEAUTIFUL EASTSIDE I ,4 l'l'S ( J F '\'II l·:~:S l.1>1\ I)~ I J l'<J \,\HM '1"111:-. l>1·.uJt1fl1I ho rt t(' IS lo;1cl e1l ""'1lh c harm '1 /Ir. hu i..:1· !am i l \ l"<H•m . t•1•:i ml>d e1·1l1n i:. t'1 "'"r1•1 I Jld(IO /I.: OH a trt'l' ~h<tdi·d ,lf1•1•t i iftl'r l·1I ~·L onlv ~-1 1.!">oo w ith l;t l.errns .I\ a il WALKER &LEE it E/\I. ~;S'l'1\'l't: 545-9491 Genrral I 002 Grnerol I 002 ························•····················· :="~ Center-Dr ~ Fashion l ~land EXQUISITE LIVING OH ''THE ISLAND" l\l.1 ~~11111c r·n tl,\' lo(';1t e d i\Jn rtll l ~ayfr(lnl t; h 1•dr1111111 . .'"1 /1:1llt , \'Jt'\V IJ(ll!lt' "'llh prl\':lll' pH ·r . rn:1 1ds ql r .-. plu!' apt . /\ trul,v out s t ~111d111 g pr111>1.·rl ,\' \\llh Lil c111111• p11tc11t1 ;d . ~:1:1~J .O\IO. NEWPORT BEACH Line: 640-1120 SANTA AHA Line:BJJ.J IS8 Grnrral I 002 G eneral 1002 ....................... l 'nunt ry l'luh 11 1 1111· ·"1J.• 1·1•u1 t" 1111· 1:.,11 ''""''\" l'f\'"(ij.!IU<I ~ •\ !o"1Ji\KJ!\l .' l1.1lh !111111 .. l••lh .~11111-..-11 Ji Yl!\J.: l'!HHll , .! !11,1-.,111' 11·plr "· \\'• l h.1r . 1 .. r111.1I d111111 1~ :11111 !"•itlllll'I' '>lll'll k1t r•h• 11 :'11 .1r111·11 11·d 1·,,1· r1<•r l111·;1t 1u 11 :nod P•~d i.11o.· l<1l. Ii.\' .q •p•n111rn,·rll 1•11 I \ ~X;1,lll l ll . 1".1 11 m Associated LJ.::!SOUTH COAST "'~ '°" Brokers Splish Splash Special! Low '"""' d o\\"11 nn t h 1~ n1;1r 1 l•l o11~ :1 IMlr tn pc"1I llolll•' N 1·w l,v p.1int1•d & ;111 s pr111·1·d up In S<'ll' lnrl ud 1·~ k 111 h1·11 ll udt 111~ l'l.l".tf n•·w c-.1rp1·t1n1-: ('10111pl1 l1·lv r .. 1,iod•·l1·d ktt1·/\1·11 /11•,111l1lul 111101 \\Ith l ul ~ 11( d•·•·lo..111~ /\11d 11nl y ~:1.1 :1JU. l '.t l l !).10 1 7~0 I TAABEll. 1 REAn'ORS Tax Sheller 1974 Thrr1"1 ~ ~t d ! lllTI•• lo t.1 k" ············•·••······ VACANT NEAR WESTCLIFF o\lu ve IH• .. ' """l'.11 Ill\() l.11t·r 11 11 ll•l' largc pnv:ile p i1lH1 I0:11terta1n1ng 1s ;1 ("111 t"h I ll th is i.:r<l t"LOUS (l.1 11v~; IN r1•;11ly adolM'. i\1 ;1 r \' ,. I a I I h c !'>l'A\'J(ll JSNF .. 'l.~ of the 1na s t1·r :.111Le . 1'ho• ~'.•111rn10 •\ lo..tll·hcn . F1111l out rnorl' <·:t!l li4ti 7171. 1~11>1 Irr o;. n ·, h JN IU t•l Nol.I'. [lllfitdtN SPACIOUS SUPERLATIVE 1"h1s '-'l l·c,1ut 5 h dr111 h11 nh· h.1s ,111 ttw la•·1sh 1·\lr.1~ fro1n ~h.tkt·roofto tor1n;d tl\n11 1i.: rno&n. t\trl.<; ru111 p 111 lhc 40° J)(UI whde .1dul1 -. 1·n 1•1~· the Jat'U7.:U ,1 11cl Lo.u1lt in bar hquc f•r<..' r1n i.: u nd f1n ·pl:H·1• J.1r kt·t•p 111 i.: w a r111 loo. S.JN.!')1)1) .. l:.,~i:.~~ ~ Prap•rli•• 7Sl-1920 1400 QUAil ~I NTW"Olll •tA(H VIEW LOT 111 l.;11~u11 :1 an. 11uL-.tand· !Ilg 'I ,!\ !t' ll"l<ll-:ll lf1t·1•11t. •11'"' 1 .. 1 l'l;ut-. tor l!l(ltl ~q fl hont•· hi1 ve loo.·t•n .1ppl11\1·d liy Cn.1:.t;il I "lllfll!'>-.1!111 i\11 t"IL 1·1·JJ1·11t huv at S.:J.S.ooo. ( ';,!l t."l:I 11.-1.ill EXECUTIVE HOME IRVIME-ALL TERMS As:.um l'7 •~·, lu;1n ur hu~· V \ ~'Iii\ J \"C,1r u!d 3 ll•••lr1H1rn ~ ·h:i!h. dt•n, frpl1·, h i! 111~ ~13 11t•r n1 o nl h Vu l l p r 1et· S4 2.!'.00 t ".di l'r~·~1 11:1 · JloOl l'S. l•·lfi 1;t,1fj p;1y lo.in 1 .. , .... 1•11 \"•u 1•• purr h:ist' hi.-. iM·,1ut1 tul 'I lx•1ln>11rn t.J riul1 luuno· 111 Jllst ;1110111 ;111• 11 11·11uMl )"UU l'hUll."!' v '· 1•1 I,\, or •·nnvc·n1101n,1I llr:1111I "''""'on lh•· r11:1ri-1•1 J\1 1·~:1 Vt•rd1· lfJr 01111 S.:l'J.:-..o-) 111"1 11-'r l :1loo 1· ·' l ouk W ;dk•·r A I.<'" ltt'.tl l•:,1:111• 1;1 1, 7! I I 11,.·n t•VL'' n o:1 1nt a 1n ;·d . ru~t o>m hu1l l , '.I HI( pltl~ llL"I\ E v1·r \•tt11 ni.: 1n •"\"<'t•:lent 1•0111(111 1111, rn;1n 11·u r1 ·1I IJnflsr«11111 i.: "''lh s p.1rkl I ll~ ht'.llt•d llllL'f!'d I"'"" ~·11 ,t11n1 •I r:ip1•:-. To p i.:r,11!.• «arp1·l1ni.: 1t 1:. uo" \'<1 1·;1 nt .i nd r t•J1t\' lu 11\ol(.' 11110 (;;ill 1.1:.i x:,:;u ----------•I adv;i nt.q_~,-ot tlu~ ~·(1111 r11C"r1·1a l 1.1'\ ~h•·ltt·r ;_.,~~l l1lclg for s n1.1U h1L-.1n"s" p lu:. 2 Ill! .•pl "\c•r .I e.1r i.:.•r·•L!• 1'"111 d•·lJd~ •.di Xii 1;111 11 ,\gt , .... ,1.111 ,···~•,, ... 101111'.rt Aswmablr Loan '.l l\dr1ns . .; hunus room , A Fr,1m<..'. li.:1· t·ornt•r lot. con vt_.11 1{'111 lo s hop· ping l';ill fur ;q 1p ·t $.'hl. (j(l(I C. F. Colesworthv Rroltors 640--0026 -t famil y rourn Fl<~1r to 1'l•1 il nJ.! f1rl•pla r1• Su.tr 1n g \t1 Ultt•d c t·1 hn g-. l'r1\'att· patio off m;i:-.\l'r :-.111lf' 1·n tC"rt:11nt·r ·-. d r1-.1n1 } .1r1t h .1 ~ b it.: :.par kl1ng p ool M11 1·h m 0 r f' :-..t•(• n n v.· t'«11 K-17-Golll /\J.:L VETERANS OK it B1•d riou m < to··. r > 11 •: • THE REAL ESTATERS Retirrmrnt Home St.1rll•r ho•m•• ••r 1n\1·-.t rn1•11I r1•111al :~ lllt. I 11.i h lln-.. 1tlol o· J.:"I "' hn "l 1li1"r n"" 1 ,1rp.-! .1111! l 1 Ii• l 0 lo'.1 o .1 11< I Ill •.it "l '• l•• •'l'l•fl"c l.1ll'' i\sl..1111: 1•11 I;.$ ~t; '.~u1 1 '.111 :.111 1 l ·I Grnrral 1002G al IOO h pau1 1t 11I 11\ruui.:.houl mer ~ lti·~t I"' ,111n11 ._h1 ·~I ho1yot OCEAH VIEW- CATALIHAISLAND l·',,rmt·r L.1 J•dl .1 mt)(ll·l in 11.orb"r \01(·" Hilh " :! Bdro1 ,utdtt11•11 ~, l!H .., 111 ·I I •h•n l 'l••f\ .. ,,.,,, 1•r1•d p:1 l 1u' .I c·;ir [ill ! ~HERITAGE REALTORS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • lh•· rno11 !ti [(1 ~,.,. JU~t I'" I .1 I' t ' (I Ill p I MEW COZY l BR RARE E. BAY AVE. BAYFROHT l·~xception;il l .v WC'll construr ll'd home f'(>rll plC'lt· "'1th butler 's pantry. \;1n<11 . snnd.v bl':it"h , pi er & s lip on 4;,', l<1t . ScJ):Jl"•1lc :1partn1cnt &· g;1r:ig (•. s :l75,000. l1>t <1I 1>r1t·e . f-'1n :1n c.:1n g available. BA YSHORES-JUST LISTED i\f'wlj.1 rcn1oclcl r d v.•1th hard\\'OOcl pegged fl oors. l;_i r gc master .suite "'ilh sitting r oon1 a nd luxury llath. l,riv:1tr heachcs. lls king S7·1.500 . 1·:Lll !"l:J 1;1101. [II 11 '''' r• "· THE REAL _ESTATERS l :n1d~1·:i p1·rl c;r•·.1! f.1Ji\l :~ /Ja , J:.![1iJ s(1 t1 ll0un1• 1n I' ,'\. +·11\•·rl,1•111nt·n1 S;11 1 l 'lt·111,.11t•· ll rp:-., Think Positive ~ h lHl l<' l.:1111! UP lud<'•l l1 n • P*'· frpl1 d 1~h.,.,;1sh1•1 . Sll'.l,.11111 (J"r"r "11111\g -.1'"'' l lo·1 ·.1n\110 ·"" Yl".111-. Sl.or t lh•• N•·u. '''·•r 111 !1<'j.!Ull.d1• l•'llll'> t ,!II lo :-01111p" lUi (~.Hiil 11 1:111 lot'I•'., \"lir J:l o".!I I u r ,, p I' 111 II I 111•·11 T , ·1~1'.! 1:1.!ol 11r l't.! 'I!-• l.111111•' h"11l1• 111 V1nu11 :1111 iii l 1!111! \ .i i I 1· 1 I 01".I ! 1 "ll BEST BUY EASTSIOE CHARMER llo·drtM•m' :.:' l1.11h~.1 ot ~ Or.·n,·nal 81uffs .·c le-'''''''''''''·" ' :1 ,,.,.,,., I Ill .1 p l"l\ ;1!1· ;1r1•;1 "':II ' ·' r -' ot ::iMu l1\1n1: .u1•;1, :q + \.\ prl\,L[l' hP;i!h. 4 fl](, Sp:1tUlll'> ti.· PJM'll ;1 Ill{, UO ll.~ () U ll•I Stft•1•! W.-1! jll"H\ ;!.\HU -.q lt °\;o •v. l' · Iii\. f:1n1 rn1 w1~·h:1r lh:t, fi.rnd 11111 lrg'-1 ki•pl 1'1"1'"1l' \l,.nH1I• 11 .1111t r .. 1.,·n t l' 1;.,.,d I I I' '' ' .... 11,lOrll•· >.>:HI l'fllH 1111.... I I ,,,,, hf(•d,•r, Sl't"l<r• 1·tl p.1 \10. 1:r1••'U 11· . !'II Ill >: I"•'-"'''•· Sl/1'1 r1-.1r v.tn W J I :-.p<'l'l:il'Ul;1r Ol't';Jn \'Le \\o'. ll a1·k H .1 \ I U /\JI loUI\ 1\~k1 ng$!'Mi .~1!',i1 ht•sl s urfin g_ t>-..,·ni •r v.·il l t·u ~l <1 m1 :r 1 •d t '.dl lot ~ l'A H :.;~.j~,·;.,.;H EAL COATS 1·.1rr y l nd., or lt•.1sr 1011· :. h o w 1 11 1-: Cl ~1 11 •· 1 ~ t 1on $115.uOO (;HUBU & li4•1 olr.lli H.l'.I :l"~~ & ~'.LL l !"i H c;_il 1•:.-.tat1" G --W.4.LLACE 1.7~ 7080 enrral 1002Grnrral I 002 RE.4.LTORS ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• --546-4141- IOpen Evrnincp) [lltn!iltl Bolboo Prnins.ula 1007 ~----------1 ······················· 1 ·~:;.;1 :-.;:-.l'LA IJl'l•t.EX LAKESIDE LUXURY 'l'h1" ~t•lt•rt l'r111><'!l' ,., h '°'' t h .Ill 0111' ''';ii nlil :ind f1·.1l llf•'' .' HH I 1o ·11 ll 1q:•· H1.r111" llrn ,,. \~'•·l IL1r 11 .._ lo1·.111•d 1111 ,1 j•1"1V.1l(• (.1h.1• (<\!' 1,._li lrlL' h 11,ll 1111: .•nd r1·l.o\111 ~ j:.,1, 'll)H (.,ti! ,,,1, ._:1,<.i> c;::: SELEC T l PROPERTIES WESTSIDE GOOD BUY! 1 ·11.'>1.1 i\l 1•,.1, .( IM'l lro11n1 holrlt' ""'Ith l.11 1!1· f,.111·,.11 y.1r il S1·11 .1r.•t·· w u rks h o 11. ,\~-.u111.1hl• 7':"• h111n &· ""'n1•r u.111 t•;1rr y £1H I 'I'll ):ll .~1;,c1 1;..1 ~ ·1:i:-1:1 PETE BARRETT -REALTY- 1·~11"\!1' •l!H 1·ott a ~•· !'111111p,d , oOI\ 1•\\IH . 1.1,, ,,11 .. k 1 11t-.or1•\o·~ C apistrano Beach I 0 18 .............•••••••.•. (ll'I-''\, f!1ll 'S V $.':! •11111 ·Ill rd I'd \01>ll ,,.., I~ l\Prr1 r 1-11 1n.111I•· 11., I·' I II ' I ol ! I Y. ll I' r f111 .11H I ' .!I !!I.I l '.1 l•,I 1'\1i,ltn• • Corona del Mc.-1022 ....................... ll Y 1iW\l l·:H ~·h .1rrn 1n i:, l 111pr•·l1·r1\1t•us Gilr . .!h.1 ll1'.11·h ll111n " l.J.: HI l~•t F1r1•11la1·1., 11<!""'' firs, dhl )!.1r Sh ou.·n hy appt only. h7.! i 1011 Vi sio" few '75 1.1 !-.'I' 1\1\/I) S ELi. IJll RICH IH DETAIL MESA VERDE VIEW HOME This heaut1ful t\-1e!>:.i Vl•rdr hom e 1 ~ Jll~t v.·all 1ni.: for s nrn<' lu<·ky fami - ly. 1 hui.:t.: bdrn1s, f:im1ly nH"lm , \"L{'w& n1<1ny ntlu•r XI r-.1..., ( lfft•red ;1t $7~l.500. macnab / irvine realty ~ ........................ ~~ &41 -1100 .. ~------------------------- 67S · 4060 H ~;N'I' .v•1ur hotne with l h c lttsl l'SI i.:row 10~ t'ulll· p.1n y u1 l 'vrona del t\-,:ir. ·Inspiri ng ('Oastli ne views from this ncv.1 4 bf'd f <)()m home v.·ith 1nai(t's quarte r s, s it clown Lia r & .stul pturcd swi111n)i11 g t>onJ , Truly a cl is l in ctive J10 111c planned for gracious I iving. $250,000. INDULGE YOURSELF Sep this li g ht ~nd airy 4 bedroom, 211:! ba lh If arbor Vie w ho m e . l·fi ghl y up- g raded P a lermo mode l. Corner lol with la r ge p ri vate 1>atio. $85,900. UNUSUAL AHD EXCmHG F'caturcd on home tour 1974, this im· . m aculatc 4 bedroom home has famil y room, form a l dining r oom , hardwood noors, decorator louc hcs every whe r e you look . A perfect fa mily home. At- tractive ly pricecJ $189,500. LUSK HARIOR VIEW Res t buy in popula r Sandpiper mode l. 4 bedroom s, fa mily room, 211:! baths, built-in ha r . 2 fire placc>s. Sec il today . $99.500. DIAL 64+1766 2161 San Jo ..... Hiiis Rd., H.I . A COLDWELL IANllER CO. WALKER & LEE H E1\L ES'l'ATJ·: 54S-9491 BEACH COM DO $20,750. Sharp a dult occupied bedroom Condo . Conve- n 1cn l to shopping & bi.inks . 2 M ilcs to ocean . ldt.:a l fur retired roupll.' or youn g m arrieds. ~ co:Ts ~WALLACE REALTORS 640-6161 VACANT MlJST S 1':LL' Like lll'W 1n&out 3 l:JH ,2 11f\. l-'llA r1ppra1.c;cd $.'l l/100 IAw d own p;1ymcnl VllA /V1\ term~. SCOTT REALTY 536-7533 EXQUISITE APPOIHTMEHTS. l ~l'autifull .v upg r ;1d(•tl :1 h <'drnorn J)ran1· h11n11· 1n ll1 g (:an.von . i\hsolute t·lt·g :1nc1 • w/ti,t;tl p r 1v :1cy . $1:15.00U JVI :1r1h:i 1\1 :1cn~ili (Yl ~-tt2:1s. < l·'liO) PRICED TO SELL! Ol•li g hl ful ('h :1n cc>llnr bui lt t i n iv('r s 1- 1.y P a rk :J l1eclroon1. :::! bath <I L·lach\•d hornc . !lrofess1on a /ly l :.a nds1'aped <l('f'('SS l1• J);~rk s. 1>01)IS & t1 •nn1 s . $5!1.!'"100. l·:n1n1e 1 McKun1• fi.14 -(i200 . t l•'l-i I ) BEAUTIFUL DOVER SHORES. S ilc<-lroorn -f;1111iJ y -potl l -vi ew . 5000 S </. ft. 111 t·usto111i zcd liv ing . Pn1ll S 1<f(• t•n l t•rta1 nn1 cn1 cenLc r . J\1~1 J,!111l1 <·c·11~ l ~a .v /()('(';1 n \1 11-~\V St'('lurl1·d ,'\· 11r1 v:d e . \\1 ;1lt c r ~111 g t;.1.1.1:200 . ( J•'1;2 J • • • W .M.Sl....,y 180 I lrviM Avr. ""ewport Beach 92660 ''0 11 ;1 re t hl' w1nnf:r of :!L11·kcl:-.tolhe Sports, Vocation & Recrratianal Vehicle Show ;it the ANAll ~:l ~1 ('on v1'nl inn Cf'nl1'r .l;1n 4thru 12 Call 642 .'i67K, c xl l3J IH·lwC'cn 9 & 1 1)m le cla1rn y our t1 c ki'l :. (North t 'ounly lull -frf't> number 1s 5110 IZ!OJ. ••• MEW LISTING Corona 1)1'1 M:tr, l)uplcx . 1'.,.•o ~1ni.:lc unils c-.<'h hltS ;i f1rt'pl~r1• roor 2 yr:o: old ;1 l1ltlc jl'.em lhret: hln1·k :-1 front beach F•1r only $73.500 ca ll 67:1 Kf)So . l ~'IN fll 'J •/I ~ l lJN 11)~1 N1r l ' [lllHMHil Try it! You might hate it. K r c A B G 0 '""'-"""----·--c--.... ·---···--.Mc•• ....... -·-....,....., ................... w., _.__. .... o...,, ... """ ---'"' . ,_ ......... ... _1o1, .. -.. ,--, .... M --· A d<IU~ f•oh"• of 1h,. Clnnlll~ Ad "'"0" &I th• DAILY PILOT 675;-8600 ... ,,;. •• •VISION• REALTY 27•13 I·: t :~l llwy I '•1r .. na df•I Mar Duplex On 47RLot 1 • . .ii u:--:1 hnut th1s charm- 111 1.: ... ,.II lo1·at1.'tl """'nl'r IJ!'CUPH'll hnmc With s 1or yhnuk j..!a rdC"n a nrl S225/n111 r1·nlal unit So. or ll wy only $/lJ,SOO Call t".rl•I 7211 f\J:cnt. 11 1\lliH>H Vlt-:\Y llll.l.S, h v (}u.·n1•r P<1noramrc v;e""'· '.!Bl< .• 1UA, study, f;unr n1 , d 111 rm, fpl's. Wt't IJ11r, t.'U:O:lm dcl'or. lm - n1 11culul c . $105 ,9!)0. tii5 2 17H LUXURY +PRIVACY ll:irbor Vu.·w llrnatlmoor <lllH. Ol"l.:Hll + hay view. p1111l r J;l!"U/.ZI, 1mpt'C'l'il· hlr •lf'ror A~t. &16·711\it j·:r1J"·'· nH•rt' r ln~ct s p;l('r lo\ ,,.1 1111 ~: '"tlon'I n1•crl~ .. -....11h a l)a1 l y 111101 C L1s,1f1f'd Ad. f>'l2·567H. ' I HoasesForSal• H-Ms For Sal• ous~s Furnisht-d Tuesday January7.1975 DAILY PILOT B! H...,...ForSal• •••••••••••••••••• ••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••• •••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• htcom~ P.-oprriy 2000 ······················• • •••• • •••• • ••••••••••· Houses Unfu.-nished Hou~e1 Unfvrni$h.ed Houses Unt&wtlished 1076 ~~~~~:. ~:~ -~~ ... ~ ?.:~ Huntinqton Beoc,, I 040 loquno leach I 048 San C lem e n te ······ ..... ········· ... ········· ....... ······· ...................... . TRIPLEX /•r1dt.• uf u "" nt•r :.h1p S7 1..iOIJ (lnl· , ..... r ne .... Wdl \'-'\·h..iH~!,. lur &•·II 1·u11t r:u·1 or 1 Of!\ t·ul u1n:sJ l1110ldt'Ul"lL'])' l.1t.'i.UlHUl 111111' 1d,·,tJ fut""''"'''" 'UIJ.U\•} !.tlY. ll••""t\ H•wport Be och J 169 ....................... ··········•············ •••••••••••••••• •••••• ••••••••••••••••••3•2••4•4• N ewp o.-t Beoch 3269 Co,ta Me'a 3224 lr..-iM ••••••••••• •••••••••••• (l"'Nl·:u 1 1!'1'1.~:x '" • O PEN HOUS E . 1·l•:t 11 ~uh· 111 !! .... , 1 •l"I. l1ci.:on1:i (l11t·n Sun I!. I .1 )7!i,5 UtJ 1'\ o·~ !711 .t 11 I !J!l~J Es tate Bui~ International 1:-. prc:-.t;'/llly t.1ku1i.; r1• :-.t'l"\li.lllt111:-. 1~11 tlu·1r 11ey, l'tlllllOtl\llllUlll!), l 0,lll)VH ( 're:-.t t-::-.t;1\1· .... h.11 .olt••I .1! tlH· <'/JI Ht'I" <II l '.11 Ill\" \'11._•y,• [)JI\\•"' Ill'"' r-.1 .. 1·f\rthu1• ll l1d 111 l.'oro11 .1 d~·I i\1...ir, :-.t.111111 ~ :.l ~1.i;,;,011 l 'HClt'.10: 1>"10 G.\01! ENJOY PRIVACY S p:n ·111u . ., I Iii( h:1· 1~•"/ ~l.iyard N1•1•1t ... ' l'J .I but a J.!l"l'J\ IHI} •• 1 :-'Q,1.)1) -GEM- 11:!:1 M .. n1Slr•· .. ·t f>Pr;N 1)1\11.Y I !i /'1\1 Nt-:w ru~11n 1111 <JllH & f.uu rrn .J, .11 '~"'ult .. I/I. .,., Ir i.: :.p,,., •' lvr trlr ur hu:.Ot /\II di~ lc.1t ur1':. r .... u t.lk:-111 l.Ji..e )'.irk ,11,, w,1 lk111~ ,11-.1 I•• t>..•.u·h ~j" KXll 1;,·rald:... 'l'hc.n1;1:-. llltr L( IVE HS \"<iun~ ,._ (Jld "'IJI >.il!JH ,., l ~o [t• thv .-.l yl1• t1!fcr1·d 111 1111:. eh,u·r11111g l.i111 11111111· lot' 1·111:.L· l1• "''hi:-, :-.lh1p 'g, t rwy~. l11r •••Ur <"ll ll\'1·111t·t1t·•· You \.\II! l'llj0\ th•· l>fl•"" ton ""I' ;:..1:1,onu VllA \'1\ li\I\"! ~ "''lt'U !Jll' :-.Jl;\1(1' J)1,d>1-11 •. LJill111 I' I-. It l·'tl I< ... 1 f\.~l ' to'. LI. S,\ V to: .\II I"'~-Y WOODS COVE ltust11·, 1·v1111:111JlU I ,11' holflt'. ..., Ith ft.'tf..,111lfl t•>: ter1or , 1·1·tl.ir 1ntt!r111r 111 -..111)1•11 t <·ii I Bdi II!" lLL'll l 11.1111'> t !. j1<1 .... d.-1 fUUIJl,'> .~.1 11/].J !-lfli.H'IUIJ'> i'Jtlo, li.:1· 11 t·c:. Sl:!\!,l)llJ TURNER ASSOC. l!ll.o N l ':-tll wy,J.J guna 494-1177 HOME & INCOME Jt :. a ""II !"l".Jtt•t1 duplt•\ \l,'llh IH'1·:1!1 \It'\\ <' lulr111" t'.r!·h Sl1<•""lllJ.! 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BIG O CEAN VIEW l'oul '>ltt' Int ...., " \ u {',""" '1Br .!.' ~IJ,., J 1 ul i.:.1r {lnl) ~,''1.~.'.llt t>IU Ouu d11 (h~nr ,,/'.) 7 111 Mi~rotin9 South? ,. l ' s I' () ,\l :-\ 1\ N t "LE:O.I ~;N'l'E h 11 n1 t' d O 11 h I t' /1 r1·p!.il.!c:>,-2JS/', bui,:._· lot "' lv<'Jtll (01 li1uld t. uu11 ~ ti ... ·r11•1• \\ 1!! tr:itlt• 2 7 1n1 1l~ 11r ~' ,, I I 7 l,\ KI!. '\' l 1 .I "lli 11 " w ! .1; 11' Son Juan Capistrano 1078 ··••····•·•·•·········· 1\ L i , 1\ Ill ' I .'I':-. ~I'·" uiu'" 01 11· ,l111·\ , .,ndo Ii.oil -.11 n ,.Sl\lt ~HA .lrgl1\/Nd1tl .11 1·"· i.:nu1·111 .. t k1t1·h :! p .itlO'> J\t.',tU\ dL't l!l\ I 1 11 t " ti V. I n ti " "" -. ( 'l u'>lt'l'l'd ,1r(nuul ptl\tu1).! ).!t1 •1 !I~ ll••td, ,Hl\,t<',.111 11• IX /1ul1· )'"It< Hlll ,..,,. \•Ill!' loir ;:.,-,, •1,,11 l 'i\l'IS J'll ,\"(>\ \I I.I·.\ Ii 1•:1\ I. l'Y 1:1,1 1 l:! l Mo bile Mo m ei. For S ale 11 0 0 .................•..... 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Prap~-~!~ LANDLORDS! !t OO Q\.l•lt SI NlWl'O•T l l •Cl'I W c S pt• t" J ..t I 1 I'-' I II 13 UNITS I 11 ( "o:.I :. ,\111·:-.1 "" pool lil'11'' $:!:J.illl) Yt·arJv Xlnt l 1n.11it·111~ S l"i:J,~M I :0..1·.1'>1iu1 L' lt1·.1I i<,t,1!1• h7:\ :>liUO BALBOA PEHIH u111l -. 011 .! 1<1t -. :-Oll'P" tu 1,.·"1·J1 1;r1·:1t '>llrllr1u•1 1,. 11 1 ,, I '" S l 7 '.I .!; utl !->1·,1.,f1•11l' l tt".11 t ,,1,,11· 1;/.1 ]'\\iJ ..t urlll ,1pt l1lol1: Htl d!·J 1•1111 ... 11 u1·11on 1or ,,,1\" t 'lo~•· to u\.1j••I ... tu1p1.rr11• <l'lllo•r [,I 11 11rll,.<1ll ~I I \I ."..l•i .! .. 711 ·•!•'.! ,,jllil :'\J·'.W '1 t111+l. :! lilo1.i.., I•• 111·.1!11 (;1t·.1l bu\. ~·~ .. 1 I .1\ " I 11 •' '111 111• !1111<' ••• Kenne th Scamdcr s 17083 Roi.rndhill D r. Huntinq ton Be o c h ' ••ll .1 r1.· t tr .. ,11n11L r •" :! l11·kt·I'-1.,1),, S ports, Vac ation & R e cre ational Ve h icle Show ""l'"'l"l!I H1•,n ·h • l'orou.1 d<"I .\1.11 • ,.;. l •• 1i.:ti1i.1 (lut H•111.1I :...,r\h"<" I'> FllEI-'. tu '<iu ' l'r1 .~u \'1l'"' NU-VIEW RENTALS 6 7 3 --4030or494-3248 •l'1 1olt"•'>IO U.1J :-0..•r \I<'" *LANDLORDS • H o mefi ndeo * 6 42-9900 4',dilul'lll., ~ l .. 11").!•"">1 • H1·r11 .. 1·"•'I\1C"<'1 • .! II I( IH>U~" ~l:'i.1 2 It l( 1\1 l1u1 ''' hid ... 111·1 ... :17'.I Ii I.Ill t '\I S!.o1.1 .:Il l< JI ll ::Olill .uul .: r .1111 h ::.:':'..> oh. :\J.:t Ft:•· VIEW POOL TEMMIS ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• l'HIVA J'~: ilvu,,._., lc.11! .. ''ll's· 1, •. ,, -.1u••t.~ (lh ·•:'-.I·\\ I 111 "! 11,, {'ull,·i.:,· I _, "" ' "' j•<'I ~ '>1 11 1-: ··~, .;.Jt.1~1 Ill( ln•d )1I )/XI I .. i··· l'.11k l1 l 1•r1~•I ,, I s.r.1...1 Ill( ~.lt)l•t•t· 1 ·~;1 tit... 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Suhn11l \'our cl.1"11 \l"' 1n1•rrl s't·ll1·1 Y.1tl h<'lp l!lt . l..1 11•lr11,1rk plu'> ;1 ;:,JU,!"~' :.."1111 1·11lr·rl:1111 lllt'll1 <"<"1111'1 llH hi~: :\.'l \J:, 1;1't'lld!I jHJOj f. )•It"ll/II' ~:!:..I:, F.1111 & J.!,1rnt• rn1 hr11 i.. I plt' .• nil.I,· d1•1·11 l'l"l•I l°ll '>!otrl d1 p " s:,H.~1HH "11 h t1·r111,, t11 ~u11 ' lll..1 ~Hi:! .'>.'•I I l.1r gt' 1 .. 1 l'ho11't'1\\'l)t ' \11 11 I . Ai\ I I ,t( !111· 'J"lu• \ l•"W I'> l11"1•,1t!olo1I.._ in1~ S 1111y, 1".1p1><·d 111,,1111 t.1111 .... 111 dd\. 1 .... 111!..\111~· 11 i..:tr1 " hv n1 1•ht ·r i1 .. l'I !I al<' IJU'>! ,o;., (l"lllll ... \"!•Ill"( •UIO' Jll'-l '-(•I'~ ll'u!ll 1111~ -1 l1edroo11\111·~ 1 dt•11 1J.1rb11r \-'1~·1' lli•ll1<" 1,111., 111·.1r 111" lu>:ur\ h11111o · 11.t'> 1 .11 pt·I ~ ch .1i11·~. 111 '" liv..1,ht·r 1'l(" :).\511 p1·r 11111nlh i\1 .111.tllll' 1 .. r \llUf lll'>Pt"'\Loll 110 11-< \\,1!l,1hl<" r)1<>1l' Ill ;1IJ10Ul 1't•h \.>lh l'hulll" ·~11 .1f;!'I";' , !. . I i_,11 ..., I! l\, .1111111111\ 11,·,·ur.it •"l .I 1\1 ' IL1 I t pl. . !1<><>1 , .,I·•• t•l•·t ~'..11 .1 •:1· "\" 111·r. S11 11 Ill t'l\1 1 .. ,1·d p.1t1<1 •d'"' \\,,,/11·1 ,, •!111·1 t ·1,,,,elt 111 ,1< l1 ~.!0.1 1,7.1 "i'lX I Nc"'lltll"l lll".Uhlu<,1l lull ~1 ;,ou ·'' In t<.i11 <"hn i\'~···11:. ,,u1n1• ·r1.1· ~h•rlt•1 t .1l 1!i11'111.1 111ll'n•,.,11o11I\, (\ :...: 1\ 11 1·:1,\1 ("011\t•11t1uut .. 111 ,·r Huntinqton Be ach 324 0 1 Hit Ill I llV!l·.J II 1 ••• "1'" !1"1 l l "rt•-.l 1 ·th ·1•rful lu :•• 11.1 \\ t'! 11 .. 11 , tr pl, u ,1,,h , 1>1t1p.u lor lt•n1 11 " \~><>I \\.ilh [,,t.._.,,,h S.IJ.i i.7,1 7 11' I ,IJ!\l<Jli'> ,\J :tkt,•(lllt"f l1 ).!hl 11111110'\ l tll l't'~ ,.,,Ii\' J.111 1 thru I:! t '.dl hi:! ~.4;111. l ''l :1:1:i lit'lv.1·1•11 :1 .~ 1 pn1 lt1 1·L,11rll \11Uf t1·t·l..1·l " 1N.,rlh i ·ouuly toll f1 ·l'l' ;······················ 1fi.\NH 111·" ,J..\u :..1· I "11 CALL 552-7500 Sparlinq Real Es tate ! J11111·r I l·l +.:1:1 11~1.J tlu :1 llt•tln><Hll. ":11111.1 pool t 'u "1"111 :-.lr.1r 1·.1r111•1,, ,\ dr,1 pl'r11 ·" \'1·ry 1h·,11 .ilJl1· .11·l·.i 2' t '";1r i.::1 r ;1J.!•· ~ \',.r\ 11r1\;11!' 1•111·!.1.,<'tl p"l"'" H·ll• ,;.1;17 .II r 1; l':\I. •VISION• ltr\Jl\l"'' Hacienda Real Estate 963-8316 HAPPY HOU~S F irst s h owing u l tl11 '" sp;u ·1uu.' .~11 ·,,1 \'t·rd1· I l1t••lrtJ<llll , l.1rtl 1"111, 110 ,1! Keyed to Harmonite Pe rfect thf"\IOUt In lh1" l.;d .. 'u1·,,t.1 •1 llilrn1 :i i h.1 t urru·r ll•l gardt•u p.ifad1 .. 1· on •11111•1 1·orn1·r lot "'"'u" ··l1•g;n1l 11·r111~ "' <1d;.td1· S 1·1· «"l.1\. l'.d! .1J.!\ !.li;K 11 }4; l"d /ll>OJ. J frp h '· flll"llH 1·i·------------· p1·r11·1 ·t f.rn111, h<1111" $.'lK,.'>UU 1'11 ... :-1ld" 1-"ll.\ tl·rrn .... SHARP! 833-3544 OCEANFRONT Barqain!! SI 12,000 l 'u\1• h1•,11·h 1·nH ;1µt· !.I', ,,.~,.,u1n ;1!Jlt· Lu,111 LIDO REALTY :1:177 \ iu I .i1lo. :'I . I,. *673-7300* FANTASTIC VIEW Condominiums For s ale 1700 nu111ht.·r1))::0 1U !'.!211 1 F(JH S1\LI·: or 10•;1~1" :1 llr, l••••••·-·-·--••••I ;! li,1. s-1•1,;>1 111 "'"~~hr '"" I·: .1 ~ t Ii I u I J ~J I" 1 •• 1 I .,:J..! 1:,.1:1 Income Property 2000 ······················· Five-4 Plexes Great Investment 7 X GROSS! ·I S~·p ;1r.lll" t1r11t s I·:.\ 1·1·11 1·11 t ... t .. 1 rll·t :-. \V•·l I '.\1111\\',\Y (."J'f\'. t\ul 11!\. ;!BH.lr11·d .1d ;:,1~1 l·"t.·t· llHl. .... \i k'.11\s ~\, l'l·l:-. 2 UH . 1n1·d .\'d $:!:!.5 l'et· Home finders * 642-9900 ALA RENTALS lfl111mlmltj!1G 962 -4471 (:':1~)54 6-810? Fl Ii l·:l'! ,,\{" /·'. REALTY 1\ H1ol ll 1ll l '<11 11p.1n\ I 111 \ I . .I I' I.. ( .. 'I \l": I r1 111< · 1rown,,ouse / Unfurn 1525 ................•...... Ea:1.t s ide L~ J B.-. llf \\'1· ... 11•l1tf 171h. Loq una B ~ach 324 8 l'•Hll r"l'\ 1, .... ~· s:soo. ,\~1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 .. 11 •. \._'.>.• !>,'Jl .\'. ·i J.Ef·"J'. ,-.;,,1, :".\·.! 360Q n r. d ,. I u , , 1 "11 Duplexes Unf""' 6 75-8600 Anytime •VISION• .I l\1·d1·,,,,m , )1 U /fl I' I II 11 I t' t' llt'IJ.:hl•or h ood l.arj.!1• [.uxur1011:. •I Hdrn1 , :! 1\:1 ho ml' I" '>P.J lJuu' f,1111 r1n Ill l l:irhor \1l·11· l)111 1ng rn1 . 1•:1ll ••. 1; /, lll:lllll . 11 •• uu· • .i ~lU"l"OUI\ d ing~ <11H •11 :-..rt !.·Sun l"' i'l\·1 .~l.1H rn . I I !H " i I It' (I h _\ () .... IH. I" 1 -.::::·:·::'·:;<·~·~"~"5'"~";'~":';· Covington V.r i·.11H·y 1111 111 'i•I "'ill I .~i ·l l \' 1\ i\ 1nu~t 1., ~\'l" f tit HOUSE$ v,·,.11 lo!' .. t.•d rn,011 :11:1 d .._,.n, li1y, l11·.1d.!!'li•''-Ill i'f<>l 1!' S:.:f.'.l.iH ~ ) OU~lS. J,, .... ~ l11.111 :J ~··.rr ~ !!Id I ~ COATS NfWPORTi l AT,C M 6 •l -I J I J li.d h , «rp1 g ,'I. t11·.1p1·:-.. 1)\\1 , hi! 11 -.. ('u\ t'I \ iJ p.d/(! 1111·1· la11d,.,11:.: ::;.:n~. r11n do!llllllll!I\'-:0..)""! (,H "lii.11" ••••••••••••••••••••••• 01·1.Jn '111•1;,, 11<".'1 \"11 .! 1111 . 1H·1\· !Ip!, 1l rps JI t11rr.1 l\1·"' 11. !n1111 :>,J,,:,, -.Jn\•' .\l ,or l"!<"d o·pl~ ~It.I( ·l:J l l"i:1.. 1111• hi:.'. :11 211 REALTY :!7 1:1 r. (",t 11v.1 t 'oror1a 1h·l :'11.i r 217 Total Payments f\..,_..,11111t· i' ,·. Fll1\ Ln 4HI!. ~II\ \~'1·..,t :-.1111·('\l ::.:11,;~,o Ch.,11 ll1kr ·"'' fo:,,s·r s 111t·: 11Y1n\":'\I· H l.rj! l llr lluu-.1· v. trn1I IJI!. hrtlv.·d Iii '-Il g tru d \d" 1·.,•1·11·d p.ill" .l 'r111 "Ill\ "\:.' l'..'17 v. l..rul'" i,r .111 ·' p:1l10. lio,.1 J.:.dt' t 'Jo.~1 · tu ~!·hool ,.,, ~hPp p1n g '"'I lfL"1' .... ;I\ l/lil\":>..l.:i.l~~I lf l!1flJ iJ i1EI ti!n kl 962-4471 (i:':~)546-8103 Irvine 1044 ....................... 11 I ' T,1yl"r 1 ',. 'i~•"t 4~h~i BIG CANYON tl"111·r fllU '>t '"·"·1!111•· 1>1·.'I hu)· 111 ;1n·;1, I lu .L BA YSHORES h,•, F ;1rn r111 Fur111l •tr11 1111. bt·,n1lllt11i' Ind .... pd CONDO l'ool ,.,111 • lot v. \ ro·v. :...t1.1r11 .! Hr .di ti lln-.. ,\\.nlVt'\lr.1, 1-l.1 •d••.I 1 111:-.1· I•• p1.,iJ . ti!iq t.·1·••••••••••••'° 1 l11hh11u,o• t '"rpl ~ f..· drp'> ~ 1. .. 1 .... .,l p111.ir\ :-.1'.\Hl.l\:i; B~:At. ~: ..... ·r,, r1 .. N e wport Shores t ·,.11t,· rn n11r,1r1 fl<•!H h TOWERING TREES 1!011.,1·, ".ilk ru ,.,.,·,111 pool ~, 1•·11111 ,., \ ,o( -rtll ...: ' l·------------·1 di'll 1\,l..JU ).! ~l.1.:•~I t ".1j/ 2•< 1<'01 1nt 1111·111 1 pro1t<•11 I h1,., .I I\ I!. 1111111!1: lu111H • "1lh 11\0"l "l/!"d 111.1 -.(\"I" "lllft• ,!',,/ l'IP1'"<l\d I 11d ln pr1111t· t·;,, ... t ~u!t • .. 11't•.1 1>111 \' ~li'i,:.1111 HA.L PINC HIN 461 E. 2 0fh I ·"''•Ir ll I 1111 ' 1\ It" ' HAL PINC HIN, Rltr. :!i<!7 ~: t "11..1 ... 1 11 .... ' 4i7.') 1.r.1~ 1•1.! :17:r• Irvine Townhouse NEWPORT SHORES s1·1·1:1' J.\;\ 1·:.-..r:-.1E:\I"' .1 liH A Fr.111"· 111..l Fountain Valley 10 34 .......•..........•.... ]',, \-1\ l,tl\;\I ~j.~"I 1'1 :.,, ... u rn•·. ::.:;l'I•• 11.1 tnl L h1 . l•, ti.1 . t.1111 !111 f\t'~ ~"·:! ·I .1:1 I G I N O DO WN '""" ,t.,r1 1 Ill!. l.1' ,111 I ' ,1 I ! I rt '· I '•,11 ~ti , rr1an v 1!1 ·J11\1· lt·.11111'1·, i ".di ;,;11. K.'1.!I t .•·r.dr\S Tho1n.1 ~ lll11 1 .. 1r~1• .I h1·tlt!~•n1 .! l•,11h IHHlll'> l"<"Hn ,\pp<~ll11 1·1! u 1th 'c1lh•·ih,d 1·1•d lot in.ii 1IH111~).!. /1! I! k /Ut'j'/...1o•1• 111 i:-.. Lo !.!!' p111al~· .1 lr1u1n ••fllr,•ll•"•• ! /1/ HI• ,! ..... 1.I (ho • I.ti' II 111 11" t• 1 ,1 11 d t' n 11• ,\ \' ,1 I t•l 1 ,,,. [1 \ I p i_: 111 I 0111 to1rl ,<!Id "''t'lll 111 t ".ill lor I 11 I I d ,. l .i 1 I ' (' .! I l -HERITAGE .-. REALTORS ~~~~i:,.1~~ ~:.~~~. ~ ?.~~1 .:::::====---· 1 HARD TO RND Laguna Beach I 048 S h;1rp I h1•lln"•nl. l li:nh ••••••••••••••••••••••• h OITit' 111 1·~1't>ll1•tl1 tt1111! I II J! t I~ ll fl " ,1 \' h l1(·1i.:hl111r h .. n d r .. r 11111\ S:J7.500'' 'l';iki-0\1'1" ,,, :-.urnahh• 7·, 1;1 lo.in 1111 Iv il:IO n11•nthl\. 1Jr \r\ ri<·w (;I o r Viii\ ll"r1n ... 5.)l;i 70:1~1 ur ~lt~I ~•7 1 WALKER & LEE I( ~:A L ~:s·r1\"l'E Cl>N I)() ll 11n1 'l"n \\-n l/nrn\'s, 2 br. l t.a f.H·rr1g 1:r1•1•11li1·lL . \\"•h d ry1·1·. r c frJ ).!, rPdee"1J, l"'t.il. nr ll unl 11 lir ~:ii.:-.ou x.u; ;1'.1·IXorl'\L!• :ll~1.'"1 MAJESTIC .A61an REAL ESTATE 900 Gt••nncy"' SI a9.i 9473 )~9 !'11e. SCG 1l4t\1A-/Gf-~~· Thal Intriguing W ord Gome wi lh a Ch uckle --------(d,,ttl by Ct•l' • POU.lot 0 Recu•O"Q" le!le" of r~t IOul l':•OMbled ""Old• h~ low 10 IOO"m '°''" ,,..,.,1, "'°"d' I H A RBO l 1---..;:....:;,I ,r-r-1 ,I'' : . ~_:r_A_v_E_L-<I ~ I I r I Aller lhe party I 1ook her home Gee, ii w a1 romantic. Hr" h~<'!d-w~5 on my 5houlder 111'1\ .: l'·•ll!I'. ~:.:.111~! l111rn,11 1 lllt ''" 1 ti.111 111·1 . $.1.'.I !100 \\"1· ll.11t· H1·11L1 h C AYWOOD REALT Y • 548-1290 * \' 4)\\'."t·:H \\'l'~t,·1111 /ult 111 .. ! b.dli l.1nlll1 .\ :-.IU!h Sl'l'l,1101) i.\.' ·Ld'I Live o n the Ocean L J11•d1 ti\ ~1or1 tl""ll•"I ' 11111! h1·1lrn1 . l h.1111 1•·111 .11 I '1ul1•r ~llH ,IK~l 6 7 5 -8600anytime •VISION• REALTY 2;<1:1 E l':-.1 ''".I l'(1ron:1 dt·l l\l.11· Ocean View Dupte• t:n J OY fl r:-.1 (I\\ lll'f IJt'.ncf1ts .. v.1th th1.~ 111·"' N1.•v.·port lll'ac·h l)uplt!:>.. J l\c1tr (101n. <! h.1lh O\\-'tH'r 's unit. lh1!~la11d 111g "'Oi1d ••xt1·rror· v.11h qu :1l1t y runs tru c l11ir1 !hruuut /'.1 r k111g no pro lllcrn hl'1'1• "'11h :1 t·u r i.:;1r<1J.!t :in d wttlt• s lrt•l.'I l'rtct:d righ t "''un 't l<.1~t' Ca ll 5'16 -5Mko .. ,,s,.. HERITAGE • • REALTORS To Sub1cribe To YOUR Community New1poper 'l"'H'!' y,·1\I c.ur1 'l"L'i'. & ~ S 'l"lJ l)t:~'l"S $~•0 I:!.) l'',''1H 1,,., ltt·nt.d'" fr11r11 W, WALLACE " il ac·ll l l n1!:., J l\r· ~1 .. , 111(• ::>xs 11 nH> 11111.1 REALTORS · 11 I S\'=!5 lti:, ,,, u11. a ,,klllJ.: $l'\'.l ~IJ!l ( ,t ltH o.L\ --546-4141 -,.,,·r11J 2 Hr . l/'it''-~1;o11 !7! 11 l .1:! I it~t [ I Open Eveninns l tilln:., i·h 11<111K, g,,r [(fl ··-:1 .\l~:SA \'~:Hl>E 2hr. 'J'n : ' SI!!!/ F r pt I<'. • l1rld t..· .. •· -. "°GRE°AT iNVEsTM EHT pl't ,_g.ir -fNVtSTM tNT DIVISION :111 unrl,., 1\JI ~ ilr 1 •, 11.1 l.11'1-r,\ 'l'rt·1·, ~ IJr lt•111:-•· 6 MEW UNITS \\,1ll.1nJ.: 111 :-.1.1111·1• l11 \•i1•.,lc l1ll ,.,lr••1•111n l!. ttl•·~·· pr1d1• 11! ,,.,., Ill'! ~hip llllll '> .di h,,,,. pr11 ,oli· 11·'''",., h111lt 111~ ,111d I 1rL"pl." '''" , u"Lo11i d1 .111t·-.. c·,,rpo·I in;: .. 111d "l'r111kll"r" I"" /'.\l h.ttl).!1' {"OtllJ""ll. "r \'<11)11·nl11111.1l l1n,on1 Ill;' 5 UNITS I I I "" 1 ·~·1 ~"· ··h1ltl ::;,lZ;\ :! lrph· 1:! 'r-. "~ ""' \ ,11·.111(•.1· \l.'111 :-.vii on 1·nn .•·d :. lf,H"I l'r11H qi.d, 11111~ 111!1:'>.(; ~·.1111rl• ;111r , F H '·"l!llJ .... 111••h•:-. l)t\, Ill).! ~11. :! S.1·t0,(X}I) "' Sparlinq Real Es lote 11:1:1 :l'>ll • l'l.'\Jo:ll t l l'P ~:H • 1 .· A1 ·r1• "'1l h '.I h11u't'' Nl'i'd., t11·.t1y "ork ::.:J t .Ll !")ll 1;1:! :J!iH I or ,;7., IS.' I Lots fo r sole 2200 1·ar ~·' r I ..... Vl'H ~ ~Jt••. '>!\ ~.1r.1;.:1• llllll'-1' ,\; j•t•\ ,\jlt'I•: llfl:'lll". :1 br. :..' [,,. ;:,:Jl:'i. !rpl . ;q1pl '· IH J.! J.:.tra).!(" 11H1\N l1 l ,111 .1l1·d 111 ()J'dll)~'. lhi ......................... . Nl l :i $. •1 hr /1<,1111 •:-. 111 I r1111t• t ';ill ll'> for 1n1!\ 1\1/\;\:\'. ,\1.\1""\' :\H1JlE ' ALA RENTALS 642-8383 I 11pl1 •\ :111d dt11il 1•\' ,lfl 1 ~.· l~1u ~l1I lof 11111) ::..'i:l,l.11111 S\•llvr \\ill t•\(1\,1!1).!l' t•'• l"t 'l'l > 1~ ,1 ... ,.,u111abl. I•:\ 1 "ll(•11t ~1;1r!c'f" tHHI -. "/ 1'.\ \U , 110.,., ll 12 UNITS 1\( 11111lt'r S llll~l llL'r 111111 lilt•\ n · \Iii\ 11•11-.I~ 1111·,1\o·d 1n L ung l\1 •.11·h l.11" 11.,.,.,n \\'1ll l'\!'lr .. 111g1· 20 UNITS ~1 l tM"-1 l'"I' 1u11I ·"""I\ 1 .1 r 11 ,. t ,. d ,, n d r ,. !111 l11 .... t11·d "l'dl !'.! ! 01"1 • ,ind l111t u ... ll'1.ol l \1r~ \\di ~I'll 1uo1r.1 <'I t"rl\1·11 1 L< Ill.ii tlf \"\l'h.trt)!I' Comme rcial Lots BEACH BLVD. l'r1n1t·t " l1·1u n .. rli1t11·11h 1:i:.11 rron1.i i.:•·. onll" 1.•BalbooPe ninsulo 3207 n11l1· '-i•Hlh ,.f S.111 ll1ei,.:11 ••••••••••••••••••••••• l"r•1 1· I 1" i'l<t>\" ~: ..... ,.~.,\]{[.\' ,I f\H 2 ha 1\H~'..\ ~:.1.,, t1·r1n-. ,\ :'\i• .. •r t.1 .. 11 ·h s;1~1;, :-1" )•fH vd lur qu11 I. .... .i\" 2 1:1 h'l.I '..'1,1: •. "1 •«k~·t1d~ •COSTA MESA 1:111 Ft lro1H.1J..:t· 11n hH,\' "it•·t·t fl1·Xl 110 ,,ht•J•lllll).! 1 1•Hl1•r Ci11ud ru ·1i.:hl1111 l1ood .l'.L ,l~KI :-.q ll •·•oruvr :...uh11111 \••ur 1t·rr11.~ i )" 111·r ,u\\l1•ll'- R.C . T A YLOR CO. 7 5 2-0 460 O CEAHVIEW t. ;:, ('11\1(\11 .... !i l"()'l~l',\«;J·~ l.11..t' 111•1>.' )'rl ' :! llr. 1 1\,1, ft'f '> l"l '<I d l tll Ill , lrt ~.•:t1 1110 1~11 0:-:1, .., l''- h.11h ;:.l/.1 !tlll 1110 "····l.d .•. \",., I u I >I l', I l I t>'i·1 1·q 1 No let·~. :u,:! '1:il1/ !~).\ 1 7X~. ~!.11."i Ii /"II , p1l 111<·1· ,1:-k 1.,r 11,., ••r l >.1h· " g;11 :'-01 t'11d l!d1· Apartme nts Furn •BRAND MEW ;:.l:!I) J l\d1 iJ1•t /. P\'l'.111 \I•'", fl!',lf lu -,11•h s;!..:°1,", .! Hdr .:: 11.1, j,. ,1111 ....................... Balboa Island 3701 ······················• \II II l"hrld l'<'t l HH . FROM $200/mo. :s:1110 ;1 111tr :-.11·11, to I , 2 & J Br 4~Plexes '·h i!.. tr11111 ""a t,·r HI!'] "d . :'175 1110 IJ-.h "h r. 11pvn Ii r ;uni 01·1·.111 \'1e\,,11.1 llt·,n·h 1 IJ.:". '"ll"i..: 1·rp1 i..: thru uui NU-VIEW RENTALS !'11111pl tlfl' •l. J•tl\,dt' ljjJ •IU;to or ·l '!I '.!~Iii p.1t10". 1•111·1 d ;..:.11·.1:.:l'" 1 11t1l Kl! l '..' }.-, t' I 1 ''> :-,,\J ,.\l .i, t1.11•h1 ·l••C . Ul 1I pd 11p .. 11 i.:.11 .11-:•· p.1rk111i: ~1 ;.~,' rl1 •·•·• 1 ~)::·1 i\111""\'" I 11 11 10 ~•1·0 ·.111 V '!"A .... J" \!JO:\\' ..... l '\ 20 1·219 0 swe90 A ve l 11~:.1 ·h:... ·• S1'1 IHY :t Li lli!..:-\\' 111 111·.uhlll\d.l II I•. II 11 ,\ I'll Balbo a P e ninsula ····················••1 1 hlk :...oul .\d:1111'1 1:11 :!11:1" 1'1 'l,H ll "I .~" ',u}11 IH . ."l·:,\Nl·'H(l,\/'I" \ llr·. :S:~I 3701 ·' Lag una Niguel 3252 ulrl 1111·1 1\tll!<'r n ·ut;1! t•I ;,:11; M:J.'l:f l\)•;\l 'I' 1 .... 1.,1,1.•;1 1ir .!h.1 1\\111 h"1111• i 'u.~1 .. 111 d v 1·11r. !ull1 t"J11 d hr 11 I.. l1pl1•, \\' ,111\,11\( .. 1).!I''-lol ,I ""I' 1io1111 t• 1·oinqolt'l 1· 1u1u l" 111 -i1n1 ld1·al lor ""' k ).! p111H·:.i-1 qn.d -. :... h ,, r p ' ~ :1 :; IJ 111 " '.)!;:._> o \;1.'I l·'.1 , ..... "l..1)0\:. DANA POINT ••••••••••••••••••••••• j ',1111.1 .I ·Ii:.!\ lllLl.'f(JI' \'ll·11 , l\,1 , Ir~ l.11n1h I ',I! Io t'\ l"'- Mission Viejo .! Hr 3267 ••.••••••............•• BALBOA INN l\t' ,J pl ~ 1 •q111pp1·~ k11 1·h1•1\" l 'l\1qUL' !01• \\'111i•·r r.t1 1·" liv ""k 111 k j \II /\J l·:W f l,\/ 'f'[[f-'. (;(Jl.jo'\Jl'f-'.<\,\/ \11 ('(1\IH ..... t·: t·'•ol' l\•,1:.1•, :1 ~~IJ 11·1nlt'I HH , ;,i H.1 . l·'.11n rn1 . 4;7;.x:1.il 1-"1•pl~·. \\l,•1 h;ir, t ·.1i l l''·, . ., " uul 111• I }All"\'(\';:! l\r ·\I .id I l[1 Ham. W'.lh lncam• ,;,, •vkn1ls. x:1.1 :nil 1 1/2 BR, 2 BA S2:.!t1111 0 ti7J -!l~!I lJ l !l'L l<:X l·:s Ff!11'.\l N e wporl Be ach 3 269 ~1;Jo1 :•.-~> •••• •••••••••• ••••••••• Corono d e l Mar l.t•l 11-. "hov. ho" 1't1t1 l'.111 ll\t' Ill ,1 '>Jl•lt"IOH" .! 01 .! ltr 110111 ,· " l1t.·.1 ut u1 ... 1n \ll'" "hli1• \iUJl" \o•H,1111 p.1\,.,!l\•'I ·•1C !hc•1·o~I ~ l\1·.11 11111.11 11111. h\t• 1ud" lu'•' ~ur 1 .. 11ud1111.•, ,..; h••t <•lllt ' .oU 11111•-.toll 111 .111 .1rt·.1 rlr.11 1, '""1dh .q• l72l p I •• < I ,It l 11 1.! II\ \ . .111~· Fr••11 1 "'1 .. 1111 do"11 ll.111.1 lf.111">1 l ll • "Ill•" !1111111·"· ,\i.:1•111 ,;.!'!.!I ,\l.11.i g.i Iii II!' !'111 .I I ll VIEW POOL TEMMIS ....................... jll(, 1 • hi!.. 111 lll"C:l ll S 1;;, ,\1" I Iii pl\ ""1 pi·I ~ :!.=.ou:-,,.,,,1,.v.'. <.."1J.\I C osta M esa l72j ...................... ••• Lee S e vr a 2 909 ChestNA A•e . Cos ta Mesa \ cn1 .irt· tlu· 11u1111.•rot 42-54-96 UNITS l,o n :11• d IH ( 'o.,l .t '.\11 •~.1 lll'.I !' ! /IO• I It'.!( !I '] 111''>1' 111111 "' "111 µ" I lllll f ,H I llll!\~·11111111.d !II'••\ I 11.l!ll-:!' 2 Adjacent Lo t s I + 50' F.-ontaqel A rch Be a c h H gts. C o mbine d price $19 ,BOO Cole o f H ewPort 675-5511 C apist .-ano Be ach 3218 ,...,'/•.\\', ,.1, ~· 1111 'Hr.'..' IL• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 111" nl1<111 '1 1··1 pJ1 pl11 ~!1 (Jt "h \N \)!"U , llt'I\' :l l\t t .ll'l•t'!il!j~ 1111\.ol" l.Jlrl 1·und" \K.IV '-!( ti i'o"ll d"11bl<· i'.•I .ii:• Fro11ll Ull 11·11111 ' 1·t 1 l1d1h"il'-•" 11 I 11-.11 t .. 111l-.1.rp111 1.: \ ::..1IHI {:di ,111< f b fllll 1<1"1 i,., (" !.,·,1• I\ ~I.I,. 1'1 "1 I'•.! 3,11 rnu Vo.r .q1pl tl•~t·•'•,dl lhl' •II'\\ I" hre,1tht.1k !!I J.: :0..1111 .... (',!\IJIL'd lllOUI\· 1.1111 ' lo1 d;11 t"1nkl111c h i,:ht -. Ii\ n1 g t11 '1'11 1· p1·11 ,1)1• i'O"J 1'\ l1•JHI!' '111111 lllit' J<I'! ... 1 .. p:. !111111 ltio-. .I l11•d011"IJl OI/' _! I dl'll ll.11 liu1 \'11·" l\.,11 1t 'l"h1 ~ l\•".or 11 "" IU\111".\ hn111•· Ir, ... !"I! 1'•'1 ~ d!".ll\l'' cl1 ~ hi\ .1:.lll I \'l• :0-.>.>11 l't'f 111111,111 1\1.id.d•lt· lur IO•ll! 111 -,p, '\11111 no" .\1 .111.dd<' rrl•n1· 1r1 .d«•!I! v I h I ' ( !\' I' h" 11 ,. •d l lhX1 '..' 111·!..t·t-.10 lht' Spo r ts. Vocation & R ecreational Ve h icle S how .ii lhl' ,\,\l ,\llt·:f,\1 "11 11I t'11 l I< •11 I \•1111•1 J" I! 1 1111 11 l .! Mobile Home Park Site 11 • .: 11111~ ]ldl'i..,1,:•·d ,111· l l".ldl l!l;.'.1> 16 Ac Business Industrial Park R e ol E st ate EJ1c han9e 2800 ..•...•.....••......... I'll \II~: ;:.11!.t~l\I 11 ....... 111 t'<•nd11 Hu:-•1rH~: 1;11; 1·:q1111 ,\ l!l r .. r 1i" .11 .. :~:; 'I' Hi\ J>I·: to llu1ld1n ).!:-. ll\'t""I" :-11<irC ~ l'.1('k.11!\'. :! hr. .i:.11.'Mlll ~q ll ot 01111·1• .ind 1 rpl . ;'11 .1n1111 0 1 h :'111 1nd11,,t r1;d "l'·l•'t" 1'.111 llonlP l.11\ un ll1\1·r ~lfUl'lUr1• f11r ,111 ~to 10' • l'arki•r . 1\r11 l';1rnpt•1·1! 'Pl'lldali!\• Sk i 1 'r111 ... ;·r [.,r dupli•\ P •d 1r1plt•X, nr 1-<h :1l1 •\"!, yram1 111 •• 11•11 :1r ... 1 ,,1r 111·.111. Fight Inflation '·'.:i ·s 7u22 C\t's, hl!I ~,.,.,1 ],(•1 ou r ltlVl'Sl1H1·11t ,.,1..1Cf d .i.\ . 1•v:1lu;tlv y 1111r prl'~l'n1 Rentals prupt•rl_y l11r \'oLI Ul' .t11d ••••••••••••••••••••••• [,!'< 1lo•t1•rrt·tl ~·x1·h ;1r1 ).!1' J""~~1 htlll1t''" 'l'rn 1n\1'.'t Houses Furnished tlll'C\\ :.p1'f•llrl1-.t ... ltl h1 •l p ••••••••••••••••••••••• C o .-o na del Mar 3222 .••.......••....•.•..•. l llr I ,,./I J 1-. S.~:,.1 .!/\r .! /l \ J!""' ~L~I ,11\I{ 1'"111 Hin l'•1<>l $l .>1l "Hr \ l\'11 lt'!HJJ'> ~i.~., 11111 q111l·t h1~111\ Si:.ti .\fir 1'11111 Furn ::-1:..~•1 .!ltf .. l'oul 11·11111 ,., ::,.\'.!.~ :1 llr· 'l'r1't''-l,rl1 S.l1M1 I .di llruk1•r +ii.l 12:!:0 1-:Xl 'l l'll'\4;'1'n l.t.·1,•I ,l llr, L Ba •ll.i-l l•\•r11 l1·.1I 1;7~, 1~1;1:, !•or ,tl'l'l s1 •.• 1r r1r , pd 1111·l' 1 lldr t lpl >;, p ;1 I IP , ,1 I ,11 I Ill\\\' $;!IHI l i l"Jl. J•d , hui.:1• h,11 ·h, 111\1 krtr h . trph'.t"P!"k :5-0MI l /l l }!I, ~ /1:1, lt'I Y p1•1 rl':•r dpl~. 1:a1 li-!l' L , I I I i'I I, •I ! 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BJO DAILY PILOT Tuesday January 7. 1975 Ape» hnwnts UnfunL Casa de Oro ...................... ···············•······· ~~0e0n.'~.~ ....... 1 ~=::.•:.~:!~~~ .. ~.~~.e::+.s.~~!~.r:': •• ~-~~!?:.~~~-~~~~ ~~~'~."::~!~ ..... !~.~~ Costa Mesa 3724 ewporl •~och 3769 Casto Me~o 3824 l ltlt " .u l'UH v1 1 ·~ NPw Bk. 1·1t .. ,,. 111 ho•a1 '' & ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• $:t~u 11111 l 111 p .. id :.hu1,r1ui.: ,:11:. 111u 1.1\S llHIS \S 1\l"'J°}; l •~;p:: l'L.11 'l't'.U 4!fl Ml.X..'n! '1~f..' <'l;J;.! !'J."ll:i H1•t·r ,,1 1• 1.4::' ;!~.i,; . ' ental1 to share 4300 Office Rwntal 4400 Aanouncemrnh/ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Personols/ M ;.ih• J (11unun;11t• lo ~hoirc Lost & FoW.d l h1 lu10 dpl ••••••••••••••••••••••• WESTCLIFF BLDG. NEWPORT BEACH w .... 11111 11::.ll'! l'nol & ~.1un ,1 K.l'.J ~.1014 Ii I :I .'.t-lil l•l\J\J t'\I 11 <-lit J l'lll J\,lo, 1111 ll.111 eo .... , .,...,,.,.,1 o,.,. ... o """" •·• ••••••I><• no• 0.1 .. ,, •••c""'• Oii•<• •11 omon"••• .... .,.., .. ,, 51 00 ........................ Personals SJSO ••••••••••••••••••••••• l'ltl-:t;NAN'I'" l 'UrlO R. ('l.lllfld1·nt111I r{JUl\1>t'llt1S: & rt•f1 ·1·r:.iJ /\,lu•rllr>/1 , adupl1on & k1•1 IJHlJ.; A l'l'A Ut-:t;.12 «:ll.. ALI. l "f'J LI r1 t-:s I' A I lJ t.:ou1p.111: her 01 l:' > uu 1 •·nt t \1.,lur11 dt>-.1;,:ril·•I 1··, . .,1i.n 11~ •S1>ar1uu~ 1..11, h~·u 'li!h 111 d1rt•t•l llghllHj.! •Sepurtttt• din'..: Jf•'.I •llomt• hl..,l.:i-t<11,•~t· •Pr1v.1!t• p.111"' t-.11·1 .. 1111 hide"" r ..... 1 I• I,(.,! 1\1 t•I l h,d, ulll"'> /11<1 l~•'oi "'• l U!lll ,\dull ' I..! 6 u .. J lit <-ll/l:> l .: J ! ]' J I .' lo! .I I . . .. . .. ~P 1,l' "1·ll 1·tu1 11 :!Ill <!Ii" 1 u lpl IJ ~ "II. tt• bt 11 & W f\ N I' F II 111" t !1 r •' """I'" '1\uH-., 1111 1•1·t~ '>ll .11,•hl 111.1lo lo ... 11.111· \'I.! 11.IU l j I' l1lll11<' 1111 :;.JJ., Call Mr. Howard 646· 6101 ~~.w 1•lu-.t1 011 .. ·1· 1il1t1:. ·· 1" " H111 "u1t1·,., ('•111 11·1 I'll<,. lt111 ~•'I •I\ 't1p1t·r Nt'.11' t~ l' 1\11p.,1\Xl.I 11~1~~ l'u111>t·t ;,how,., l11r l\1r1h o.j .. y 1• .. 111<(1> Mur1v11~·11 .. ~ .old h .. ntl 1JUltP•.'I" l'1•11n1 :»1 J f"1ttll DIVORCE OMLY $65. Apartment Unfumis~d ....................... tlNECREEK Bolboa Island 3806 IVES UP ' ll1 I' :-I u1h11 I I ii P•1 ~u 4:!:! ::!lit II :--t ;..,, l'l'l' 11.1 ;..1-.w 11 l(j l 1>1!1 U I 11 Pllt'l \y !\1 Kil II 1'1 11. J ,JI I No f'"l' P•"•l , 1 •• h hu.:•' hi frph l 'lo:t•IU'>ll'l'. Ufl'J Ill :i>2 :!11 11\l'I Ulll '111.' X•1hK .111 '• WAN l'~:t> I 111 1t1.1l l', II( h> :!>"fl l\.1llH1.1 1,!J!lll t.i7', '.J .!t ':O,l·.E \VII 1' 'I' ~1/\ llY k.1\' 1'11S f\.11·:'1'1l !"i t 'AN Ill! ~'t)J( \'t>U 'Hul/1 l'thl ""' t 11111plc·l1·ly i.:u.1ran1r1·d 1.7J .• 7'.J:.J ••• •l'lu.,t'd J,!.11 .it.:•·"' -.L11f ,1h• •/\l:.i rh!c 1lulln1.1n •K1 r1g:.L/l' 1\11 r r!l-. •••••••••••·••••••••••• 0 ITS NAME HH/\Nl> Nt·" 1 111 ! h.i ~11 ,.1 ·~~I I.di tr•'I''-,11111 !t frpl1 111! d• l•"'ll 1\1.1111\ l !H "''" 1·.iu '!!'" Santo Ano l\t'W olt )880 i(C)l).\Jl\l i\'l'l·'"i \\.1nl1d \1 . ! \)l(IJ.'ll :\ ~I " di .111 li)f 11111'1 I)•, !•~I t11 l.~011 "'I ti ·~, '>•I II 1\JI ,,., v "111l' IL11 l"u 111 I I''>\ Ill! !I l I ',, H 11 I " 1., .I I 11H! lost & Found 5300 ....................... F.G .Sk"'JC}' 323 Poinwttio Corono <Id Mar •l 'ool 11.irln•qut·-. -.111 roundl·d"' plu-.b l11d•.< Pt-: 1\tl11Jl., No 111 ·1 ., I tt!\11'11 ~\1111 ~J " ~ l\[lf(!\1 1'!1111 s;:1, Jti.'i W \\'1l.,011h l~ l'fj t SlO WEEK & UP •SfitiON11.:ht~lp •Stud10& I Ill! ,\pt-. •'l'V & 1\I J1d :--.·r\ ,\\,1!1 • l'hu111· :-0 •'1 I H <' JJLd Pot 1t' I •t 'l11 l1!rt·n NI', t ,...,, 1 li<•I! • ~ 1111 \\ 1'<'1..'> I l'Hl \\ .11J :!.111, ;-., . .,., ,,.,r1 111,iJ • \1 '.,IX •11:1J IJf '"I~ ,!'11•7 * • •GAROE,...APTS lll II .1dul1 !:: I 111 ltll *••POOL I,\·~ 1\1 ,1p!, Ill .. t't'I )1 Ill :\1 I !><'I -, Ii ,I I 11t'11 1\ p ! '> .J1,\'> •Tropical Poe»• llr. 4 pl'> rlrp'>, 1i1111~ p ;.it1u 1;,1 ,., ,\· ..... 1t"r p 11d '• lli l 11;>1 lfl!Hl•'d 1o, ! H!I+, <ol '>fl•.111 1-. "'dt1 "·il•·r!.dl 1.:1, l'!.11.'I 'll 1\1· ·' ,, 1,1\llli' ... 111111· hH I •Ill I '>l o,1t IHll ', Ill" \\,11 r1!11t "' Hl1l1!111 !.11.il "'''I.. I !<'!Ip "II l;I •lld ( .11l,1I '\u l hdd!>'ll )!• l 11!1 un11 ::.!110 1ti"1111 l1ld 11.'11/ 1 • I ., I• ' d I' " " I• ,qo,orlll•• 111 I to'IH ~l'•I I• II r n1 Ill r' ,, ' .• 11 .• 1111 · I 'll•l• '.k•H J "I" II " '•I I" ' '~' ,Ill I II'" J(d °'1• '" !'li••llt ', 1'• :'.H M> 3B07 l ............... ~~~"""'-I Balboa Peninsula \\\J.M. lttll\' .<.bt .. ~o ·1 I 11 I ' l1,1 f ,1 I 11" I 1 \ l 111 :..,.•\, 1111 11 I llh II 1HI I!'' \ 11· \\ ,, .• r11 h.1 l1pl1 p.111•11111 lu•• I t I I I J'. ti " "·'"I" J di I• I ... Ill, "11 11 :::0.." I ' I" ! 1 1 , . ._ I 11.. I .!:'. ..... ' "f' ;,, Ll1.'U !I \I. ,., . ' 1\1 11,1 I r p I p,1\j!! ~-J j I ' I ''.., -..l<'I • I 11 I ' 111 to\ I ,Lii !•[I t.(~ ,_! Copi~trono Beach 38 1 8 .....•.....•........... l'i\;"..!IH \,\JI( ( h't Ill "''" l 'd j>l~lf.J!ll! p.il111 !i jol !11!out1lil 2 -1 BDRM ILOFT ONLY! 1'11 j1ollu ll1'l lo!IH1••ld HAYLOFT APTS. 283 AYocodo. C M 645--0143 \11· ... \ \0 1•!. 11 q•l• ' I I• 1 d I I• , 1, , I.I ""° '-', 'l, • ! I!' ,, . 1111 11 .. '" \pl I" I Marino Pacific VILLAS ,,!HP rn •• t l1I 1'1.11 't'l'ilJ I. "' &. .! I\ J I HI\ H 1."11 S \ I I lfl 1!111\I H l 't·t~ .1111J 1 l11ldlt'I! ,n l•'lllt'd ~!).;,, , 11""'111 .111 11 up No l••1• I ,ill The Real Estate Fair \-t. lo r \ .q• 11 k.it!l1 B 3 9-6133 ...•......•.•..•••••... t 'lll{J..,TIAN I 111111 '. 1\p1 -.. I Iii . I lo.<, ~I.I 1 IHt• 11\• I tHd:. Ill M111 111c·,1,,,,., t 'h.q1t·l i\,1 'l1dd l'•.'l ~ 1:.'111 ,\ I.! It S l'.11 ·1111 /\I <',!-.·\ 1\1 )',I', I..!! L. 1\pl ' to7 l 3 B9B ••·············•·•·•··· ..!HI( fl!•l ~IH.1 1\\,111.1111 1• "''" ~.11111·11ur11!ur1· 1;i1 It .. • 11! Jo't < 1'\\,11' ,.;_ ht tJ :"' ! l)~l,f !11 Ill ·1~'1 l "'.!I\ 'l l.111!.1 parlme nt s F\rnished !,\.!HI< l't1\ g,u I"~·! or Unfurnished )900 "J'-h"r d111·r l 'J,,.,,. 1"••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 ... l<'h .1:11, !!'~~· I \(~I; t ! H r 'll.i -.Cu•IP• • II• I ~'.JI l '11 lid I "" 1111• l.'I '• ,ollu ~• d ,'\01 !~ [-., ''\H 11 "1 )',I• 111'1 WALK TO BEACH ,•,I(,, ,I Hr <I l•I " d11° I ol \ ll-. ! • " 1 ,' I , I 1 ,1 II :.... t "1 ll'+l1ll1:-,1 ,lll<K ll 1:>'7 2 W ee .. s Free Rent WALK TO BEACH I'll I· I· \t I 11 '\1. PALM MESAAPTS. \1 ! \. I I' 1..-.. f!• II I I ;\ ! ' I' 1 •• 1<)1 1,, ·1:1111 .. 111::-1. \i11dl '\o l 't !'> • l l"U' '\, 11p.,1I 1111 d 0 11, 'I,';< o\ NEW• YOU'LL BE GLAD -.1 •.• , .. 111\11! '""" l ... 1111' llo ·" h I l1r h11111l' "1\1! \ I l' " :0-17'• !/Oil 1'11 (,(HI tu 'hi· 11 1th ,,1111l·.:. 111 ,q,t 1111 \\.ill I I I ""I ..... ,l't,11 Bus inel>l> R e ntal L t ):-,'! i '"t'k,1 llil'i l""l I .'...'~ 111.•lt :-.11.11!1-:Y ltt•11,1• "n ltk 1·.11 :-. 11•4J t'l1l111 Vn l 1d" l'h· 1,i,! .!.!l'I 44501.1):-t l' :-.111 d( l!lk llhd1· \q1i..1l'l :-til l..11 '. \11 'lur '••ll .111· tl11· wu1n1•r11I <!ll!kl't ,lulln• Sports, Vocation & Recreational Ve hicle Show I! l 14 1,\1 :\I \ ·r ~: 111 .,•dt'•I 1.,·•••••••••••••••••••••• 111 Holl.. i\11"1" r.1.,, .1 t t la_· 1\N1\lll·:IM 011\l'llllOll l l'lllt l ,J .111 •I !hi u I .: ,j\I .! 111 4' J.,1 )\,,.,._, II\ (°.~[ W .'1 l'I old '>11.<l/'lll ltu'> 111,111 ,,,;1, , ill\ "'h .il• 1,·. l',11k "'"l~•ll hr .ll'l \\ •l h ,111<•llll'I )',11 1 ·,"•I c ··•1111 .., , <111rt • .,, q111 •[ l!.1 JI '"lll(,, J.-\lll ,\ pl.111111·•1 .... )(1,11 ,41 (1\ llll '- ltd r111 ,11t 1111• 1111 I.:• drt '>'.Ill ' I !I) ,\. o lu,.,,•( ll\1 l1.1lh " ... 1 ..... ,., :-1 ... 1 11111 t .ill •I 11 , >.>I hL . ...: "I ' I•"•'' L 1 '' ., ' ll11i),\1 \l \ l /· <111 t I 1 .. 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Ill! .. r;' !·tJl'\Jt \\1 1.l"·•i•l1 .. io \111,0111 .11 Iii 11 .• 11"0" ( ii I 101 1d ,•1l\ 111 ''' , , I 1 C'.dt j,I,! J1.>/H, t \l ;1,1:t 111·1"''" 'I,\, 1 jlll! lu I I .1 < I It \ ll 11 r I I l I.. t ' t " 1.'\u1th l 'uunl'y toll fl<'•' 1 ~111 ... J, .\ t, I ,'\ . \ ,i.: 1 I ·'I l 1' .1 1 ..:,, \H ""1.t 11.1 .i .•• l.,., ~u. t,,.h 11 11 .. 1,.,'\.,\ lu1i.· "'II \I \\!II t'\l h llllo 111<111 • .11, II\ 1>11 I .111 • \ 1 !1 ! ol111l • o , . ''' luJ" •'Vt'I ~.1111 lo rlH 111<' 1'1X .L'l.X'! SerYICe Directory ........................ Bobys 1tt1n9 6008 ........................ !'j,J\11• 11•t.1.I 1 01,.11.t d1 I \1.or I 'L1<1 q II .'1 <Hll od 11,. .. 111 .. ni ... , ,1 , p.111-. •Ill.! '" 11 .. t.1 , 4J\\1\11 l< ... 111 ... i .. ! 11.'ll ;"...1ll"ll•d llll ll' l II \\!I.I 1 "I u I''• .., ,o t ii .i I I 1 H" ( '11 I It J lt,il11 •,11 t1!11~ 111 1\1\ 11 .. 111• J 'll•"·d 1d ,\ I o•I ~ I • ,.,t I il\1•,,1 .U <'I <lo l!o I 111" I, 1.!/ ~.ou l 1 I· lvn , I 'I. L \:-,I ' t l I I. 2 l!H IJlll'l.l.X 1•< ,.,/1,11' erpt:-. & d r l'' "''"" 1,;.1n I,,: i\tJ!t ,., 11nl1'. 11" l'K'tS 'jiJK:. w ,Nl-:\\1 lu1 II 5l3 H ("rn;ird St f'h !>'8 OK'JH f' 111 -.. H11·-.. 1\1•\\ ...! Ill(. 11 II\ 1lrp-. tll'td 1>11111~ -.;.'~)H fll" .!Ill.! \i o {;01111'/ J'.1 11111 '\o•\\ l '11-.l10lll 1\11I , I! \1 I! I Hlr 11\I( J11 111 I" 11111\111011.1 \11111 ,...t t o Jl11r11111;.:l1111 H· ·" t1 •lt!'l''\;·..,,\J :-.l .'• llt•.11111lu( ru ·~· l 111111 111 .,..11/1.,11 ·1•, HJ,'\I '" Ht Y I 111 pl"'·,, lolln' l..1l1•ho •11 .!' • 11 ;_!,11 1;.!t" ..:.\.I lh'<!1011r11 ... YOU WAITE01 \1 \I I· 1"11111111.111• ,, ·" 11 1111 •1 I II'\\ ~\O!!t HI 1'111lt I " 11 1 '-!' I 1> I l!M ~) "l 11 ! \I.I I·' \'\l\l\I i \I'\ I H11l. l:J,I .!l'llJ I I! !J.,,) l 11t1 .. dt11!11I ;'. l\1'" li11 h t•d :-.1\,lll ·I I\/{ ,111d I lid! 111 ,q>I " \lo II f\!011 ''' \\ IH"il ,\ Now leasinq Offices & Stores I lu11l 1\1·.1• 11 :O.lu·1t1·1 1'.1~1t,11,.,11 \\1 \ '\1, .. :~11 \ J I"\ \\ 1'1 i..111~ !!lt1lllt'I" I \\d i "·ol• 11 \•Hll l-.1!1, Ill Ill\ l 'd\1 1101111· dt•p \111t11n1·1u,1 _•i....!I \\••fl il '-<l lll).! l\1•l1 1J<d ••\II II•'•'• ••••••••••••••1:.1 llH .! H,1 lil1r;-.. d -..hY.l1t ".1:-.h•·c llr11 r l•t•'.lfl I HH Fur n ~ 11. ' \'.,di. Ill I 11,,, :-..1 .. \\' 1111 1· 1 .. 11 \ivrs l ,)!•· lt.11·h ·•l •l•IO:-ul11 tur11 I• 111 I i•,1t ,1).!1' l '•kll J.111.1111 I .1dull 1.1;, 1111 I'\ \''-t. I..! I '1•·11 .1.1 \ .... J BLOCKS BEACH .: llr :-.h.1 ;.: , rpt ... , dr1"'· l).!1• l..1ll h1·11 \I -..t•lll' L•ol" "I ,,[pf,11:1• \ .. 11'.1)'4' 1'\u ju•[, ••I t h i Id rt 11 l.!.l t\ 1111 l.'lh ... t \•'L .•llor.i1l,d1l1· •(,1,.,1( ,- Hl. \l'H 11l\llt1!lrll•11l .~•}I 1 111 II I" It l' if ,I IHI ll II 1\ i 1ol<1 1n.1l1• lu ,h,111 .! l\,1 ,1pt 1111 Ill\> t'..tl S.1 0 HUi i 336 ft&up 1\,11 t., .. 1lluu1111l·:-..01<'1< 11 \,'\l\\.'L \~'-..1:-.1 1\;"..\'I· 1.1 .. ,\tol 'J< \1 l I ! I ! l : j( "Jal" \IHI .11 .. p . 1'1< 11\ I ' .>'••• "di h,d,.., ... 11 .1tt1·1ul 't'IH~il I . 11ll 1 •J.:t: I 'I. 111 U,l•lo Lo~ of hltn'. pool l o shopp111 )..!. '· t.ic.u:h :.131 Y.' J!JthSt orono del Mor 3822 ••••••••............... ~·lX 0-l'J<:! ·~ llH. I II.•. •••••••••••••~ ! '•1ro I .11!11 ra ,11 ht".11 Ii ::>;;I~ 1\dlil1-.. li .11 1·0111 llH 1\1'\JJ1 ,'\ l·:\V I, -.1d1· •l11plt·\ !\,•" ,11 , Hr . .: Loquno Beach 38 48 FUR N ~pt;; li.:1· I l\r Slf.'i l dl':JI fur h.1(hl'lor -. f\dlt :-. 1:1•1,1 l'h11r1 h ~ !)f,;i;i f\ !)lJ 1. rs 0111.v 1 ;"ri.:L· .. 11:-. l y r 11ru. g.1r4tl'n .q1t sl rc.t rn. f!11w1•r :-. fL't I !>IJlll, pu LI l IJ )..'. )!ft:< I\, I "'' c red i.:<•r·•hl' :i>l:JU 111" t tM l(l f',11·s1HIS 1;.ll lllo7U Uf\l 111.J.tJH /\pt l ltll pd laundry. 1111l p:1l1n 11r <,hOJJj)llll-! );Ill UHi IC'"1!) V.1 l!:llh~l !1L! J.-1:1l I HR u11fur11 1\dull:-. uni.' No jlt'lS SJ:l:i • ulil 5-lli :1111, or .'~»i 511:,.1 1 l\H Furn. l'lt·.in. 1n11t·l. <tdUll<, llOJ>!'l-. Sil7tJ (ll d pa <;;.i r a l!l' :1H:1 \V ll!l pt·l ,,, l(,l; I 11,.'1.l .... 1-.1-:·1 ~1J1Fl.ll<\I-.' .! lu, I /J.1 ~..!7tJ S!°JI! .I llr :.!b.1 ~.L!'• f\llr~t·l'nll\ 1e d .. t "' ,11 .. d ·"' \\ J..'..I! .1i.:1 · 1 :~.! L 1rl..-.pu.1 . 1,11 l./i.lllJ Pl ~. 11 1.1,!1, I\]{,\,-.,:[) !H ~ '! I\! :.! Ii 1 :-;h.ii: l rpt", di P" 1111 11 1p pin " :j;l(lll JI\" •II'> J .. 11k ,p11r 11,11:-.1.1111•1111. \'\l'" t.7.J ]1f'j'1; 1.1<:1rr & c·ti .. ,•1!td .! Br ..1pt Cpl ., drf'" hlin-. fl •lrig ~" pt•I:-. ~,p 'I" (',di ,,,,•1 l:IX/, ,'\t-.f\B I.' .'\1·~ :! llH, .! l ',1r i.:.11 .•i.:• 1•.,1n,t·ll1 ,1 :O.t ~:1J.;, Ill!• S~l !.!.If, \l,l'll~on beh1r11I t\ :\1 :1rt 1 llH . ! ll.1 I urri <>r unl :;..i11 l hX'I l ''"'I l•·rnu-. '""1 1, n ... 11 .!.!l lo I hr. ltd :-ih.t)', 111•1' lil'dlll'-••••••••••••••••••••••• 111111 -.. t.g•· p.110!1\ 1•:111 • •lll'I·'./\~ VII·.\\• dl1l i.,u ~.!~'• i 1.! 1 ;1~ I HU ,\dull" ~111 lh·rt. or I .t '" ,'tiul s .. 1.,n , \\ ,,, . t .. 11:on.1 Jo't)t 'H SE ·\S~li\;..,,\l''I''-.. Sp.i( l!!U ~ ..! -.\<of' .! Hr 11 l\.i !'I I 1•.0llH l~"ll I "J\I ]Ht , IHI pe'I• ~li'l.o 'i ,I:> ,J \!,II 11 \ .... ( t •I , I H, j, !,'. .:! JI( (,j'. lltt l/<~1111'> :-0\ljl<'I It U ,, 1 H >I I f It'. I 111 l 'l 1 I L ! II' '\ 1 I ('•'('-SJiil lllo •·I• l.\dll Xln! :! hr , 1·p1 ,,, thp-.. tol111-., 11.illl> ,\ 111\1/l' ~1 .. , Id > 1.,'lo!o 111 Ill 11 u! ' I I -.. I Ill( ! l'I , tl1 I' '>t,.11•, ~ 11•lf1;! i\1• I'\'\', "I' t.. ' I 1" 1 fl ' I " I • I • 'I 11 .1 I•, ,J,11111·-. :-..t. 1\pl I> MEAR BEACH :..1 11d1<1 r•·11t.1I, J<1-.l .! iii\.,-. 11 .. 111 h " "h N1 .. 1r J',.t ltrv !-.IJ,Hh ,'(. \1 11,,,.:1 1-'.11r ~1 :,u J\lonih 111 'llldl':-O .1!111t1l1tll'' :\11 ,.,,,>11 l {<'.I II I 1•1 I 11;.n DI• l.llX 1: !. Sturv I nrurn 1\pl 111 •l11 plt..'< .!HI<, 2h;i I p " I .1 I I " r\ l ! ti "~ !'o t 11 .. rn lH ,111 '"'1' llt'.i1h \ l 1 ' ! r I.! d o "" 111 I t.1 \' 1 rn. J11• lrplt I ,i\llt'llt,11 \t'IJ 111 i.:~ '1 odd • "n\1·1up lild 1· "" p .. 1:-.. 11\! 1 luldr 1•r1 \1,1!Ul<' .ulult ... "Ill\ Ht 1-. ~1~ .. I 1 I\ l"l' 1•1, [l.J' "I t.\_! ·~· 11. fH r\IJ.EH ror rcnl adult p,1rk nn p•:t .~ -t ul1J 54H hi 1:1 :i,l..!11 Cos to Mesa 3 824 :.... It 'N ,"1 l '\lo 1 l•r I, 11 ol1·11 f\p1 1't1u! !!'< 1111 ~111 710 \\' l:-t1h~t !ii! ( Hlurn::..:.!I "' Ill\ I 111111-.h~•tN.!" .!II !'lilt l)J I.II S •\N'1'1\ 1\Nf\ t 'tJl lNl'HY C l .UH /\H t-:/\ 1 llr. ltut1 li,!e encl 11r1v.it1• p,11111 Nev .. lv 1IL'L 1•r.1lt'<t $IX.', C~tll J.1 1. ~'.•'.HI S .• in:-. .,crv hlfi 4K71 Huntin9ton Beach )740 .. , ................... . ll EAlJ r 1 Hr furn i111t:- j;ll,~1 & $17:1 SJ1.tn1,t1 :-.1' I<' bo1ll1111 J.!, ji\I l'llll<l"l'll g~r, pool. :-.,11u1a, l.11111 dry, adhs 17.tlJI k.cll:.1111 Lane . 1 hlk w,.,1 01 Jjc<.ieh OJ r :'">l,1l 1•1 Ml 71141-1 fl.1 1-:N . ~n1all l.>Cat·h hu!c•I Hoo111 " $l1 50 ~"c•k f\pt" :ii95 n1u 5:1h 71(11; UI' )~~' "k h.11h l..1t li1l1 ltd I'll '"I I\ l.'.1Ul1, 1 <1:~, :-.; l u.1,t I' 1111· ('OOI. f<i r out for -.1ni:I• .. ;o!'fo<,:-. fron1 1111•;111 :'\ ! .. q.;un,1 ~!'1'1in1 ul 1I-. J '.iul St 11.1/'\ !( I· 1'J \ LtlWl':H llpl" .: lir 11111 > <'Pl 'd , I' .111 tu·.11 p11 r1 r 1 .. .,11 !1 ~J.7:) \\'1 11 p .1110. ,.:.ir ,'\11rlh 1•114! ~ewpori Beach 3769 ······················· S'l I:.: I'S ·r<1 {I< 'I·:,\:-.; :1 Hdr1n ;! l!.1 , ;:....!.:i.'l rn11 \I/inter h';'"'-' h7;, K\~JX I 1YN/\ 1\l JC Ire ot '"111111>11! 3Ur . t ha , ~ rly, ~\llff 111" d<.i v 1,4fi 7 IU.L n1 c l1t fl7:1 258ti s Uf{. l u ... " d1'h"·'~ht'I 1.gc p ,11111 \ rl.v Gl:l 1;(~•• ~th SL i\I ;.ir111.1 f2:.195WI\ l 11' 1 H1lr .~ll1 & Bllrh. ('11101 l'V. 1n.11d scrv, puol 'I 11 t·: 1\1 l':S.\ <115 N l\L'"l"1r1 Ill, N il &16 !.n;Kt OCEAM & BAY VU S l cps f1 0111 tu"'''li tli•lu~l' J Br, 2 0;.i , Ill'"' 1111' r111r & rurn1s h1 11 g, ! J11 .th•tl ! 1 blocks (r11nl N1 •" 1111rt Pier at ~J\.1 W /l.dt"1a Blvd. 675 5.!111 S.M~I 1n11 ! .\ I ltl' Apl "'I'·",,,,, 1•1, I I I'+ .1/1\ I lllh' 111\1 'J ~;.-..:I I,\ IJJ~ ;\\ J:~1\ 1~.11\\' \\d ,011,l ':'ll Ill ,JUI 1 I ul I •I 01111d <, Adul1-. ,-.;., l't 1" I pl lllP" J'.111" I !llld tlh i\,, 111·1 .. ~11~1 ,\ ~IK.• Laqono Niquel 3852 It/•,•\,) 1111.;, ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ill 1111 11111• .... l<I U!'l'.111 l .. 11 ).!1 ! ,\ .: 111 I HI< ~11:1 ..! HI\ ~1:~1 111111 l'.dl!t -..1:1,) (,,1:-, ,\ \\'.1111 1111 . l)r ,, p!•1 "'"· t .1 r p1 ·I <,, i-!·'" IH',ll . ~·"" ,t. I\ ( ,1 II 1'<u1d1t101 1111 g "" L1nrn111 ..: 111~•1 ! •'I l'U(•!!I II ,1,h!'I" .'i.idf'\\f' MEDITERRANEAN VILLAGE l\,.1lr11t11n l H1•dr .. on1 ,\ 1"•11 :.! I lt'l l r t 11 tr t1-. ..! l\11lr•11nn '1'1111.nll-..•· .!UMlll.111>111 lll1d ( 'u <,( ,i .\11'"•1 I ;1 11 ,.,,'j' :-111...!tl lt·d··· '1 t' ..... I tti!· •1vl f·'.1111d11 .... p I t' .1 ' 1• ,,;,, ;,KllH ' 11.. 111 -.1 ,j, I"' I ol I 11 ' ,\1 ,1 I "! 1 .1 1111 !''I 111 'I '\" I· 1 • • CASA VICTORIA 1\dult:-. I _! .J HI(" p .111"' l•t1>lll :1.11.'J -,11 ,'\., P<'i , l'11ul lr'I r111 1·111.il••I '> !'>t•t ,.:.dt• 1,.,, ,\"·•hi I" I :J.!,1 \ ll I 1> I I ! ( '\1 Id.! 8'170 -,j'\\'jtJ('-·, 11•" .q11 " 'hi '11.1 lill IH, <I 11 ' ! I>\ dtp t1p lt p .111 .. l'.11 .IJ.!•' 1 .. ,.,. (11 '>h\'j•!ll' ., '7, ! I! I .. 1· I lllth !'ol hi•· 111"'' I l \L II! \I tl11pl1 ' \\.ill.. lu ;:.1 1 , \l 11 111111 " ' l "I ' 4.111 \ " 1 .. , ... :'\ I \\ • t ·II H <1 I" I ~, o r ... 1 ••• 11 I I • I\ j1.•l•11 '\ pl 111 ... ti ,\ I 11 .111' \olul!" I •~I \ " d 1 .• ·"" Ii " I di 11 ,\ I I \\ o Ill l•o •di 1'11 ·,1 l,c;1 :) ,\; J li!l ~)l~I '11'1 \I ,111 IO"I' , , •ii I • 1r .'I :--. " ' II"' I 1•1 ... Ad1 l•• -./1<1p ~· 1"~'1 11 .. Ht Ill p1·I -. IX1'i \]<llll •>'•l ·I dlllll 1·11' 1, 11 Porlt-L1ke Surroundinqs JlFI l XV I ::.>;. il\1 ,\pl Al-.11 !'L11 n 1\.11 lu lu1 1111 ll I' l.11 ' i i I{ ',11 ,, .... 1 ( ' I I ~ I 1 • t ii I "t 1 r , 111 .! 1'.I! 'II\ l.t1111l1 ,, ,111 1 .. '' I ,,,, I f'1 ! l'.1 t1n-.. llld p,~,1 '\I,\\ .' l\H 1\1 Shup i.: AdJ1-..11111, '!o.,!t.t1 1,1,1 \pl " '.ii•! '\1 \\o -.11 ld t I I '.I '\!'\\' I Il l " f I I t I Ill\ J 11 I )1 1' '11 \ I!'" , .~ ) I p l1 : .. "< ( lo.1 1 :0-[1!111 111'1 "' 1 .... , lJl•l 11\\I K I'+ Id .1 I .., N ewport Be a c h 3 869 ····················•·· OCEAMFROMT ~]\I{ .!ti.i "'nt"r~J.l ~l BA YFROMT ! llH .! 11.1 . uni s.1;;, 1'11) STEPS TO BEACH ! HI! !. l.1 .1 -:.;1~ unl ~ r!,1- CHAMMELFROMT _!Ill( rt .. 11 , .!'. "·' !11',ll h 11< •" .! /• I I' I , 1 11 I d I I ti" [ lltl ).!.It •l).!4 . 1,..,,l -.lip ~ ... uu1 111\ CORONA DEL MAR ! II I! lltd 11•>11"" ! Ill ' 11,11 h ~~ll [ t I I 111 I• '"" •tiolH•ll ' II ll I !"' 11111 ~ '7 •' r l\ NEWPORT CREST ..:I\]{ .!Ii< ... 11,J, ....... .: •• COMMERCIAL I 11 I 11 • · '> 111 It· '\ 111 :....!.1H associated IROKERS-REALTORS JOZ5 W la/boa 671-3661 l '\l·'I H'\ \pi-. !. lit .' 1· .. , \\,·-.11 t111 .<1•,1 ~111 .• 11 l••I !Jh t.ifl Id.' 'I•..' t.\' '"/'·" Martinique Apts 1 .. 11 , 1.1. 1717 S.111!.1 i\n,1 •\it ( '."11 , l\H J , •\1).!I ,,)'!I I.I t~lh "1'>-1:.! -( ! f.! I!· ::0 I 'II I J.iti ,\ ! HH :.! lt.i" d1 ... 11.,..,1:-hl1 \•lul1 , l. 1• ,. I',, I 1" ' r· I\ l&l !Ill unlurn (;.i11ll•n '\"I" 1 ... 1,11, IKl!o /\pl:-. F rpl!, ll \\' 1nt p.1llo, Sl75 '" S.:t ~J 1 b.;t11 Dono Point 3826 ok N1 lrv1n1 l11•h1,rn.il ••••••••••••••••••••••• Off The Beaten Path f\dult ~ • Lu1<u111111" -..h;1g r .n p(•1 1 ';\ll1! I•: IJpl\. -!HH . .!h" Jrpl 1 IJt <'.Ill\ U 111·• k II\ I p.111•• <.;:"111 11101 /\1lul1 -. 1•11 , 1·1•,1 .1tl !'t I 111t1 untin9ton Be oc.h 3840 ....................... .!llH d11pl1•\ 11.1 ,la1 dr V•'I hk1.1p 111!1 i.:.ir. •l " k1<I., <1k $2/'llJ:~hti •·111 '' 1 \ 1, h Ill• ..; KI 11 :0.1 ,\1 ,11 Ill.I PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS H 11 h1 ·lor I or :: l\1 ·1ln ,.11n-.. .u1d ·1 !ll\'llh .. 11:-.1 ... Fr s:..'.!l ',0111\11 1:11;1).iil\• ;-.p .. 1'1111(-. !'1•1111!'- ,\ 4 '":'>'-l!Plll /•',1,llllfll l-.l.11111 :d .J.unh<1r 1·!' 1111 :...111 J 11,1t 1u1n llilt-.. ll o.HI 17141644-1900 • llllin" 1111 I JJ1-.h""1:-.IH•r •l .1g l'oul & 1:.1~ /llH1 :-. <!l\Hl'!~IH lllfltr~l7U 1:.1:-..& \V.111 r pd t,,1r.1gl' . LA MAM CHA APTS 1'\1 1':\V l1t·l11.;1· '.~ llr. f'rpl1 1\ Ii hlt11-.. llln ·\IJ ulil 1111 :~,II :~ 11~1 ! llll . ...! h.1 :: d1l!ll ' l1on1 ~:,;!;,(! 111 t•.ir1 Vt".1f(\' ~~I 1n1i ll)l:l:J +.'/,\ ;!K<!:1 77H 071~1 i7f!S4·ut1 l'l.111',l' .\1 . +.I t <!tl'l•7 or 1.1.s h.IU:I ~· I H E I' L 1\ l ' 1': + ('alhL·<lr.tl 1·1•1l 1ng I-1 Hr, 2 H.1. ~.1r , p.1110 Sl'J5 No Jl('I s fi·lti '111 1 "r H<lh \'.111'1 :itlr, :!li.1 j.!,.1r.1 i.:•·. IJ W , :i..11:1 n11 1 't'l'1 p :1110 t',11 I 1 1111 unfurn ~1 l, ! ulil 1'\l l'.\\I du11lt•X :.!Ut. W , 1t.dl111.• lllvd a l'.1 l u .• l r11J1• loltn:-., i.:.1r.11.:1 • I hU; t•• b.1 v ur 1!1•,11 h $:1.'ioll !110 VI 1.1' 1,7 ~, ;,.Jl'lf • $1 8 5 to $2 I 5 646 -8453 ~~d~ ,..,.;:;e ~' "'" .l,1) ... \}\.1. p. .o 14 J l Superior AYeiwe Newport Beach Vl'.lii llf'l.·I TI(~I · llCIJlllC 11 £1'1 CGNC(,I' &OOH IA~(SIO{ U~INC i '"''"" •11'.0((f•!ID ) • Bochelor1 •ISR ,2SR j •28R &Den F1 om $175 • S485 Me~a Verde Ea11 & Adam~ 5 4 0-1800 S \\:'I \ fl~\ • l\r. :! n .• I pper SIXU li.1"11 ::Ol!Jll l Hr l!p\n•r ::;11, d11"n ::-1:•,, ,\II~ 1•·ru I rl J'.1r ,, .11 r 1undit1011 ;.: \~'111 .11 t<'pl h11I -. <\ pct " ;.1.!. 1;;,.17 MESA GARDEN APTS "' .'i. llil1 tll~' '1 pl d11•'-11!1\1111 ... 10,11.i Hll1t1-. l.111ndr\ t .11111111 ·~ I(,.,· !• .. till " 1••01 l.•!Jlt• J: 1 111 I •" 1111 -.,1 1111,1 I"• •I \d1il\' <1111\ 11111,.·1, .!X.'11 1:1 1,,t\JJ. I "'-l.1 .\11 •-.,1 751 -141 5 • 'H,(J '\ \Ill I \I \It I 1 I"" 11lt"""' !11•1• 11 "II! ~~ ,(I I I :1 11'11 II .:o) 't 1 I 't '"I I • 11 I 11 < "I LI I IO• 111 ol I ol ' ti, I ' ( -.,, 1111• '" 1 d H ,\ ( ,ii .ti 111.0 'I' II ..... p,1 1,11• I 111 11 I I "' ' I '" 11 '" tn•i•\01!1: ,., 1 ·1,i I ·' IL11• ht'" II 'Ill. i' II I I" I ,, ' (/HH ' I"" 11 111 ,\ 1.11 \olilll t•lj I I'• o11" •H • ''. " 4000 ·····················•· lt lH1\1 ~ '-.!11 "" 1111 111111 l.111 h•·11 ~.l<t V.~ lll•·•PI ·" .,,-,, 11ri.1, 1'11,7 l.J\ l'.1\'I' 111·.•\l 'lfl 111•.\I' ll.11 l\ •If "l.11 1 .. '.t 01111 l'l"l" k.'\!11\lfl11·:1. :$1!1H pr11 l•,t l..111 111 •11 1111\I , "·'"h1 ·1 , d1 V•I p111d , loll. (11 1>1·h .~IK ;,•1x I r"'11 ro11m s Ii 11 t1 I I' J1 I pl1111p · '•I > Ir• 1 t ·n( , 111 l .lfl•l SL1':1•:1•1,'\11; 1\,\1 $>10 1110 IH'11 :-,1111.:r f'll 1:11 Ir ,1IH 'I', ll.1lho.1 ''•'11111 f,7 t ~'11'1 J•vt 1101111• V11rri rnorn w 11r v,1\h1111\ k111·h pr1\! \Vurl.1n j! J.:l•11 tll•n1.1n M1~'l'IU Vl<'JO ;,...,..: Cl~.X11 <!Sl .i':l·:l'I N{; l!nl<,,~1·111fu 1·1t1tl'fl , l.1d11·s only ll11n1(• prvl,.::-612 5~1U::! aft t.i (Jn) J100/PEll A1 U lJ11 llc.ich, U t1I pd, ktlf'h A· II .1th 673-1241 orli7f1 ;,om l'H/V/\(''' I :! llr, )..!.ir, p:tlln & \,1rd No I"''" +;11r; ·1·114 h lk [U'.H'h l'1H1I No 1 1!1!, 2 B.t , I Iii!. lotlK•!I( h . i·hildr•·n i i1L'l"!1t~t .!7 1" 1rpl1·. l1t·.1n111111.:,, s.:t.~l Room&Boord 4050 ON Cll/\Ni\l':L 2Br, Yearl~ S:.'h.i. ti7J -;l.l [l'I t BR apt, 1 hl k frun1 beach . $240 m o . ti45 -(J,2&1 • • •GARDEN APTS •••POOL l lnfl.1rn 2 l\r ;1 1)t 1n fam1 ly ~,., 11011 No pt·t:-. li4l '11,4;, t 1-IOUSE t o ocean 2 llr 1 V:r Ba, furn. Gar.11!•' ·$2S(l.winler 673-24~.! 1t-:XTfl/\ Ir~ 2 Hr , l -----I l'rpt.,, 1trp:-., llltn:-, "" 11') " IBR. Steps lo bch, J..:.1r . 1.11·1-. IClU i t•nte1 $180 m() . .544 -68 99 & li4ji 1 IHI 675-7598. U.EAN lor 2Rr$150$175 Adult.a, no peLs. 2421 f_: tl&h NPT. JITS. 646~1801 ' >flKHl!l(;1., \.111.1,JllH,;! ll .1 lll lu" J h1l1lr111 W('l lH!!lt' );!;!,'} X.'lll I ll LIJt..'K 11 11111 IK '.14 h. /Ir , S l RU . 11111 \\'l.,4J,1.1-. lll.l 1'11if, (<!l:l 1XK'I i."l~,7 ur "kiul" Ii i•~I J 1\1 11.t. I· l(lll\l lll.1\l 'H 1 llt·l11 :o<P I l'.t .! Ill! 1\11t ~ llo.•I •"-t .1rnpt•r'p,11l.1111· Sorll1• tr p( •-. )I 1.1 :.-..<!X., l 'hot11 K\1 , 1.1 .1•1 J·:X l'I!/\ 11•1· 'ltr . .! l\:1 di\ ]"101,llh .1!>1 )II h••,1< h ,1(!}!~ S ,.11 I 11<11~·1.-. }If.'> .•. 110 c )( I ' 1\ '\I h.<!lt o7 ! I I •I " Iii , ] I 1!', Iii t n ~, n111 y rl v 1 .. 1:. 711~.1 ............. ••••••••••• \V ~:s·rc· 1. 1 v v AB 1·:i\ i' l1r, l li,1 , IHM>I , 111tulti-. quu•l , 11·<11•1· •·l.! 411'1 H E'l'I H 1: I) I f\ n1huJ.11nry, hont<·hke atmt•S ,,;Int m•·al-. ;1 111·1"'"1" nr m a 11 fl.. will' ;:.4K •l•\l~I <l l 'E/\NVl EW llornt'. rcl1rcd ll!·111 '1' 1·v·r lit 'H 114'W i lindn. :1 hr. :1 h:1 .; or /\nlhul.1lor _I' Kint r1•trt•,1l l'n•il' & 1'1•1111 ( rt-. .$."l:i!J •\).!I l~l.'l 757.1 n11•,1I ' /I.I .1111111:; :1 p(•r -.ons or n1:1n & "'1ft• !'>411 •1<1f.4 11 1·:,\t! I' :1 hr. :1 h.•. :idult Vocation Rentms 4250 :q•1 111 hnn11•hk1• :-tlt•nj! ••••••••••••••••••••••• 111 N~·wpt l li.:1-. t pt-. drp:-. !rplr l<i nHu·t1 '""''' """',1v.11 J :1•IH Hfi7 N t·:Y.1J'l1R'f' l:-l11nd :.! tir lrg j.!.tr.1 g(' :opt Nr p ;trk , b.11• Vrlv Sll~' t,73 <1 7~;1 Polm Oesrri Condo S p" 1nu., l><·dro1 11n1t , 11'1<•1 , j :tt Il l/I, :-,!Jqpplllj..! ,tl'l'·I 1\11111 V.'f'••kll' UI .Lon l\101lllilv 111 l·\·h ••l.'O'i'lli t1'1 ~ 177 1 t -..] HI oroqes for Rent 4350 . .•••••.•.............. GARAGE FOR REMT $;\II 1110 ' -'I " 11 111. 1;,,J< \I!_!; ln11111r1 .11 l i'I•·' . I! Ill 111•,[('! 4 '1>'ld \\1·-. ' Office R ental 4400 .•....•..•.••••..•..... [11·~1.. :-.p.111 • .iv,ul,d•I•• :i',~1 111" W 1 I I I' r 11 ' I 11 ,. f11ru1!1•t •' ,d ::,, 111o1 1\ II ~" 1• I I II ).! "I' I'\ I l' t ' .11,1d.d1lt l iK~, He." h Bl~•I H l1nt111i.:tun lit 11·h l'.1.111d II•" ''"lllllh 11 1,d '••!llplv\' !-.p.1111-..h -.1111· 1'11•11\\ ol l'.11l..1tH! 1•111111 ,!.\41 '-'I It In l·\!~1 -.q II "I 11101" 1-'11 11 L1<1t1 I "' 111 op I 1•11111 ;!<, ll1 •1 , . .., ... , ol l l~'.h \11\,' \ii <UJldiJh>ll\tl f'l'llll" l11t',1l11111 Jll,,[ t1ll fll'I'"·''' (ttt<M1 It oLl\11 111' ~'!'t>Hl"S ~\ l>Vl·'ll'i':. 1'1(11)1 ~' ~l l H t '.111 lu pr1·1u~ til l •i~1:.: l71 Nl •\lit •1'111 •1!. ....... I, 1111; ,\: ,'\1·1111·111l f' 1utnrn1,1(1<1n . ".o • 1\ ti 1111,1 I-. l 11!j• 011111!0 •d • J !-.111 p l .. 1t. 1111' F<'1ll 11!1.. I \1 Carpenter 6015 •...•..........•....... H /· :\1t)11 ~.I 1\ I 111 4 I'\, j!,11 <Ulll .. 11-..1&11•"'''" I ! " i \l .!I(' :-1 .:;, I I~ l''>P ,\l,(J I I 1•1• "'l llr \\'/q ( '111111• \11\ ,\1.do• 1\11. 1\1• 1·.,, J'1·rr 11 ... 1:,:!« :-Oh " \I ilo • l.111 \\.11 I IPI a •r 111.1 11 1111' 1°11 1' p 11 "• 111 ii 1 • .' 1!1·.q~l·· l\tn 1111 1•1•11 I 1•1•1 I lf\«1 Ill ,11• 1!1!>1111• 1'11111!1'1 1111\ l•o'/!I 1\11, I \\ Ill Ill IL!I lt1·1n1>•l1l ,.r l{t'p,l II \)11.1 I 11 .•tll'~ll\,111 Ill .iii pl\.I"'" I Utl"t l\lil 'I, • ,,:!K'I CARPEt<TRY t. I.! I !...! l ll I· I .l ,'\I·:..! 111"111ul1 H 1• t o ro11 :11lt·l 1\l"t ~l.!.1 \111 l<l·.•l"n"rnH ... l\h1 " _!,'illO '.-ol/ l"I' Ii,!"\ ltl"llt '1111111!1•\. .,1 < lu!u• .. 1111 11! 111 t·~ <\ ',\U!'.H'I' !'lll'- \dj lo ,\l ,11 111,1 1•11 ('1"''' ..,l1t•1f !I.I ii" 'I ,111 1!11. 1~•1\ll' ,\1.!11• llrH\•rt ('••l'k .I \10" F• 111 /\II.. lr1:-.h :-..1•l l••1 l•,•111 u, d .1h1111t \\o>1k 1;l'll•'r.1I llo ·p.<11 -.. IHll\,ill Y.,.r[.. 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I· HI '\ I • ,'\o1lt.l"I'11·q 11[\ ulln• .idl \1rp .. r tl'f ll"l~·l I ,\\' 11111 ~1 ·11111 ·" 1·1 .. 111 ~l I' Ill" 'Iii lh1l'"u1 I.' ..''I ' I ii Ill~ 111 • :-. \ '\, ,I u .! 11 l ' ,1 ! • 1 I· li'I. ~l',\l 't : llh l11d1nL l',tl ,II'•' :0-'..:.1 lt'.t,-.<' l!ll 1 t~l l 1.1.1 ..'.(\! !:'•' ,\ "l..1 11d-. t. I \ ' Industrial Re ntal 4500 .•...•................. • C OST A MESA • I \ l ' :-.11 .. 11 t1 ,1 l! h\1-. \\'h i ~lll •!I 11.111· "I \\ !1 ( I !i Ill' l .til! It u l llo ! -. ll.111 l 1 .. !11 11, >111 11.1111 ~ I ( I ' '11 j, 111 • II I •'tll '*CARPENTRY'* t "" • , I 1 ! 11 , 1 I 1 • ,, S111.d! Ft", "\J 11 .'ot! .dl I l(MI "'I 1 l I ltf .' 'd p .111..111 1 i. ,11,.,q II p I I "j' I 't l\ ''\ I I l.1111;~ l•.11! " t It • ·' t 111.11• Carpe t SerYice 6016 "I ·" I '~ I pl1 •11I \ ,,j I I I ,{ 11 1 t I'. t • !t 11 • , 1, .. 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"1 " I!, " ( " • OELU XE OFFICES \l)/f'tfHI l•K \lll l'\ LINK STORAGE UNITS I" I iii\ 1 I loll 111 •' " 111 ll !I• Jl1"11•il l"I•"" I 1 "Ill '"' ,I ,1111lu>1' 1 ,\ ... ,1 11 ( f I o I' " j " \ '•i'• 1 it ,11 1 .... 1 '" "' 1'1°111 11·.I 1.11-. 1•11111 . " 111" \,, :-,, .. 1( l'I I I t' Ill I' d I ! 'I II 1,1, Rentals Wanted 4600 I 1 I'-.. I I ", 11 I I ' Oii II I , "" j, ! ~ I I '•I• I•! I I• I II , . < '\1 II ....................•.• \<I( '\/, ( "'•i/1' '' Ill 1 111ld I• 1111 'l:H J,.111 \pi<I"' '" ' •I ,j I I \,I.. l<•I 1!111 !! " I I .I•· ,. \I 1,1 ,.., I \ " \1 .• ol! 1d "" \ "1 .. 1 ! ' :-, C'I• 0 1 l!1 ·d ! ull.11 I I·\\ I \.I ,\ Ill•" I. ~1"" I. \\ 111 I• i11 .. -. -.111 .. ~ 111,, l\1 Joi nr j<1h 1,\1, I.'!\,. Oraperie\ 6027 ....................... !Jh ,\l'I !ill·.:-.. \\h,.l1•-..1I" \I I ,., hi 11' "'I'-I", , I I •<I 11\ l1<oll'• •i l<l•l '· 11 \'""' Electrical 6032 ...............•••••••• I J.l.l' t I! It I\'\! l'.i!UI ,11111 11<111\ ~l'•I 111" I 111 I \ ( · , 1 p1 Bu~1"e"'<;.( drp'> .di 11111 ,\ )•!!l<ln11,1I ln'f'elio /FinmKe 1<1 " ,, r •I \'II( I'"' ' I !JS I :-,,,, Ir\> 1·1·111 :0.1 11, rn.ud ', H1 •".11 1I t .di .,, ,,, .ii l •1p111 ~ .! l 1111~. 1 !I , ' I I 111.11111 ,\ 11•p .• 1r , lit' )'"' :.':.' yr, t I\ • '\11 I ,.,,..,4 ll1'q ••••••••• •• •••••••••••• .. .:u \ l\111ntt1 l"r"1' l!1·nl .~llXl!'> I'. l\11-.tul.i\ll ;,;,1 ';Ohl OFFICES 400 SQ FT & UP MISSIOH VIEJO BEST PRICE IN/\Ht-:A 1 'r pl", t!rp ... ""l li.1r x 11 lf~-1 ()l'Fl{"I". ,11r •ond , ""·'"• rent ~100 \\' 1·-.1 II"~ -,,11 t 1 •"~ 1111111 :..1uf1 S h 11t 1 !'><'I~ K!i7li ••• EYelyn Sherwood P.O. Box I 077 Newport 8eoch 't'ou :1ri: tl1e w1nnt·rof <!t1(·kel:-.to 1h,. Sports, Vacation & Recreational Vehicle Show .11 th1• f\N 1\llt-_:J i\t l '• •n 1 1•nt 1011 Cl'nt"r .J .111 ·1 lhru 12 l'.tll h4l 5ti7H, t•i.t .1:t> h(•1 WPl'll ~I fv l pnl It r l .111n y our l11·k1•t., INorlh Cou111y loll fit•t• nun1h1·r 1.,:,40 l<!l111 ••• J.Ef\S I·: 111{ Sllll 1.J·:t\SI· :1.'ll ·'fl It Uoun1 U.1nk l!ld i.:. r;10 Nt·~'l"lr1 1·11 l)r . NII $2•1;, 111n 'f'1 n.1nl tr,t n ,,f t:rr~·d, 1111 m e d . OC'1'up;.111e1 Crin tael .I. /•; f\.'l1w>1l v. 'I!~ S h•'r wootl lld S hrcvcpnrl , l.,1 71 lll(i ;11 K-KfiK H7fl3 Business Opportunity 5005 ~\\I. 'I' \l'I' \\'111<'\ \l!I\ I'\!, Ii\ \\1 .1 pp111,.. 111 .11<., .11111 ull1t·i 11 ,11:11, ................••.••.• l ,1 lti·rpr":<'> .\ llll '>!'l p11nl ... 1 ... p f·•r' ..... 1. J ,., .ti • .t 111 ,'\<1Jlhl'lll 411,11\).!t' t '•OUtl I' ,\1,-)!l+l , "11 ~1 il1·1 p.1r!1111 ,h1p t '.ill i;/ci 1••,\111 ~,.·1 •\Tit llltl\'1·:111 l!1 •.t.111r.in1 011 111.1111 1 <lfl\t 1 " .! Iii . l H.1 11 ''I II ' "' lq>I• I-. .111d .. 11 •• I \1111 ,. ... ~ 1l11 I' ' I It 11 >I I' '-I '· II " 111 1111' 1~.11 •II''' .111d • l""''I • !11 >llil1q_ 1d lo • !lo Ill • 111111 ,, l>.1d\ l 'd11t 1 ·1.,,~1l1l'd \•I 1 · .• 111. I..! ,,,.7.., Gordeninq 604S ....................... Porodise-Gardet.inq :-..p .. 1·1.1111<' lt1-:-,l1>r.1l11111 .\:I .antlo.;1·:q u· Monthl.v ,\1.11nl1'11:1111'1' K.· Spr1nk l•·r f{ t' p ,1 1 r t, >I ;~ K ''II 'I 1;7:i :r.11n °''II 11111• 1l1·1n-. Wtlh .t IJ,11 !1 l'1lol l 1.~ ... ~lllt'll/\d 1 rp1 d hnr111· 1111 :-,,1n1t<~-------------~----------~ 11rup1 ·111· 1·11011·· 1111 .• SEEK & FIND' 11<111 , l \1·.1111no1lt ·r,,1r.11lt 1111' ' " 1,7 ! 1 .. 1 ~11 1"'-" 111 11111p1•11 1 NI'"' I' 0 I I 11 I' :1 17'1.'l . it t 1, I' i\1 Busine~s Wanted 5010 ....................... l,l(/1 1111! :-;inn· ()ft S.111· II•',! I' t1 ,1 I ,. ,1 \1,1 r I l t l 'l11 -. ... 1f1"d f\cl N" GG>I ll.111) l 'll .. t, 1° (~ l\o.; l:.1.11, t u -.1 ,1 !l.11·-..t, ( '.1 :1.!0<!1.t Money Wanted SOJ ....................... Nt:t-:IJ SJt:Ji'lll) for Ii 1no., S1·1 b11 rl1'.1r '1 l lnll nr llL'at•h l'h11ni' J\1 r l '.1d r11 •k '1.'1<! 77;,..1 Mori9oges, Trvst Deeds 5035 ······················· LOANS up to 80% I s t TO Loans-91/1°/o 2nd TO Loans I .. w.-:-;t r.11 .... ()1'.111g1• l 'o Sottl~r Mtq. Co. !"12 l l71 ."'..&51Mi1 I :0.1·r\ 1n!! Jl :1rhur area Z4 ) r~ 1.1\v FRmilv II M H i\ S P 1' R E f; r11 1.<1P ' T II T S fl N II RM 00 11/\SNl.All~' s ~ ,\ I. :-.. II I I lJ l l I. A <' T P II 11 " () N T II t: I' 11 ,. s I.(; M i\ A I' Y tt M A (' f ' U \' H M I ll ~ 0 A ti TAN H AT Y ti() S (I A R NASTO KHM TA(,ff llT U UAPM ~ 0 C) c: t: R f: 11 S II T 0 c: fl T ~ S \J ON T It 4 A I. 0 t: II(; 4 G S H fl A I I. H S T R r R Y T (I c: R T 0 0 I I' II l 0 4 E A t:IJl'R U T H T S i\ Cl I fl I' I. N I, i\ Y G N I' A F. G W I I. 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"" CJ S6!.l.I F11111.nc1ul firm CLfo:JtK p;.r l ll mt', lo hon ie l lp rn 7a rn :.hilt l1and Work t"l!rm f/tJ m(' S.l5 -J75<1 AK(" WANTED •H/\Kfo:H'.S ['l()'l.fo:N GA RlJF.N EH :.t>~k :. intli Y. to u:.:.i:.t work 1n<l l 1:1x arco1.111ung 646 (i11ii unly.Uill.919 ~-·--t •t:Kl ~t;t;st:PUl-S T OP C i\S ll 0 ()LL AR IJl•1 <1l)tJZ l·:N• ·!·=~~s1r1:a !:''n ~1·1·1:~t· ;&r.t·:v;:nl~uJ~~~~ysl~~l off1c-t•.CallMY-l35!.6 JUNIOR SALESMEN S Al .t-:S WAtTRESSE.S ·~.! 1liti • l '/l.lll l"()U Y ()U ll f.lr l >o11u1t:c:.r;~ 642·53l'J/f~ 14~ y \I u r ... t" I" 0 II n l L n.. G ALS OVER 25 Jo'/lllni• r:xµt!r'd. ()\'l'f J t~W t;LH 'I . wA·r t._'llE .. 'i, • l'I 11s 11 ----k I ~ C OOK EX,ER'O A"i: IU 15. £11rn $W~I 21 Apply In l'cr::.on ~:N 1 ; ::,pr 1n~i>r S l)J n tt·I A lrr ()J~J t:C'"l'S. GOLO. d , llUW l'IJJ;t' lo ""urk for • . "' l 'AH'I' ·rttit E work al :-.urf&Sirluin A l\C, 7 .,.,.k ,, l1•n111!1 I I , l l 'All l't-:1'1N(:• ~ n ~I:.: .i 111t ' l.r~l~1·p } uu t1K1J y $$ Good ~JJ a ry & O.:ncf1l~. Jll' r .,., t'I' k .:l'll • ni.; n1·"" homl' I l lu :W hr' " wk 5tJJO W Coa't I lwy. NU I .1 v•·r ,,. h I :-Oho w u1 I 1cl1l S , V t-. It S ~: I V l C t: . J AN :-,p .. 1 'ul H 1·~11larl3 ~· • !!iprnkl r~. 1·l1·nnt1p., AA.MES 1000/o fREE S4·e t!1r' ll<•le, lkvt'rly 1·u ,to n11•r ' lu1 thv toi~M .1 inu t·:11J UA M Alt Ci~.>! M7 11 t'I N t: t 'U l<N & AN SIJ:.i:i lli "r ,d irt:.taltr-d Soil c nll . n-i:: :JJJI , Hurt•iniof Ma nor t:onv llOSJHlal, l~A1LY l'ILlJ I ,1f\1·r toJPU1 ,K4t:. ~ "'Al l'ltt;s:-. Cockt.ul & ·r1Ql l t-:s 645 :Qliu nuw $!l!t.i :!l lk't'Or.ilOI &\6-4908cc.___ 1• 1 <!•1·152 V1 ,1 t:'stcada L.a n i.ch oul a nd S;1 1 urd J ~::. ---I' . ' 1.,,1 ''"'" • II"••-M . II 8080 I" ,. ·101nat-. -.rnp oyn1 t•11L Agrnc,· ~ • " IJ f 1 1 . 1 • y 'd uuu u .. ""' M Frtt To You 8045 f$C C' ClflC'OUS t'ti .,r, rt·•· 1-:-; ._.,., Mt::X ICAN M ike:. 1 .. 1-.·n l10t>i1 1:1rl>u1·Ul .Ste2U7 1111 1:. Yuun1 u~t •·oul u S'-'•<-iu SA .l-.!)LAU • c xp ec quct Sh ;1rk l:.l.1nJYJ<-'hl ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~hv rv-. l 11 11•r1ur~. 2'64( & yard n1a iot. Cl"'''' ·'I'' <;o.,ta Mc:.;1 !lSti I JW COft•', •·ull 1'tn•. M ... ,, hy '.! oo I' rn . aruJ h1· ablt• Son1t' huyt'.rS ex per. pre t 'lub ti7!1 U(i.J:.I ••••••••••••••••••••••• WA'"'TED 1\\or1 :-.1 N II r~1<! ~ ·" " "' ·-1 .. .... 10 .,., . .,rk <i t lt."a:;t J d .. y:-. t 'tl. Fu ll o r p/t Jmt" Senti l'Hl-:t; 11 1,u·I., p11rt 'olll1· f"'ll 1~r un1 n ~ .. F r 1.·c E ~L I"'"""";....,,..-.,....,.,.,..~ Vt·rd1.· C onv. tlu::.p1l;1I . p1.•r w ~·i·k. No J 1:l1\'1•r11·:-r1 ·:-.11 n 11.· & p11·tur1• ti W ll ~)l/1.'f\N.l'S't'1)\l.'1)HK ! pup,,'J~j..,,.Jd ""'•J llt.,I , 1't )i' l 'AS ll l)(lLl.An Mls cc-llane ous 54fl ·Z04!i Ar(·11uulJnt.' to $JJK li(;I Ccnlt'.r St,C'f\1 ___ nr c\l[it'l'l1 11,i.:. 1 1·t·t ·, l ti011 E. Cuu:-.t llHJVt•:,\C,\B! 111.d " ,\: l\·111.il•· l.u\1· l'A l l) l'l )lt \'C)U H Wanted I.,.,,,._ \ '' , ·1·, .. .,,,1,n1•1;ot10111 11 r11 · llw·.N. •·Wl•••tl•·,·of'h.f'a ('lf(HIS J·: .11 u11 r h 1111 r..; rtulllr'1•n . 111.1 k.--. L!uo<l 8081 G~ral Sc-rvicc-s 6 046 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• Gc-o. Slac.lc 707 Poppy Corona def Mer )'nu :i re thi; w11H1t•r11f 2 ll<'k1·L<; \o th1· Sport5, V oc:ation & Rc-creotional Vc-hiclc-Show ;1l th1• /\NA!l t-;11\1 Con Vl'Ul1 011 L't·r11t·r J .1n . <I thr11 I:! C ;lll 1;42 51i1X. t•)(t :1:1:! h l'l WCl'll !I &· l pnl to ,-1a 1m yo u r t11 ~t·t :-. t Nvrth t.:oulll) tull·lft'l' numlJcr 1:-. ~·Il l l'.!.!111 ••• Hauling 6051 ······················· M{)V I N <;, ll.1 ul1 11g , /I.. c;;11·a.:l' l 'll ·;n 1 01>. J{1•ha h I i:•, f :1 :-. I , :-.1· 1 \' 1«1' ~1.;;3 Gilj.! t \/\lll.IN <t ~ ll 1ru1\111i· I 1n rn1•d, t!Pp1·1i<J,, 111 1• ,. • ..iu t p1 l•l S'lfll.!Ct )UK , Ht•!1 l'f <..:ook.•1ll llr "' ' ' Jl·:Y.'l·:Ll<''I', \\'1\TCJ!f:.<.;,••••••••••••••••••••••• ~l'rr~·1,u·1 , .. , to$7tl0 wk . Work wknds. C;.ill \'ll1\l d t'.i ll!.kiii-41<1::! ~•:~1ot.o.Atl 11 'l"i'i l (>l 111•r. wo 1'k l"r your~t·ll , Ii•· "'.i1,·t1d11~~.:.-rt J\i./ A l!'I' tll\Jt-'.t "l'S. c;tJLll. USEDORIEHTRUGS Ht'l"ll l l'J 1 l-:qu ,11 tJ p portu n 1ty Y1•ur' 11~t1 tJ.u.~·'· f\1t·n or ~~ .11 V S 1 V I .,. '' Y PI ~ ¥.SO 1>42 -""""· ._."-I I'S 1• t' ()I' I I' I I I I S >··1·1·1•11 l•·too·ol>' I '''''' S . l·:Jt , I·: l l ,, "•t l•W '"IO.>I ,.,,,, ow<\, llkk1Hi1-:t'l')pui~: ~~ -.>-11.J... 1·:n1p ln,:,'1'r •"'"••· • ··wo rn"u .1 ·.1 n :ie~111 1t y·' ·· '· "rl N El-'t l l<N &i\N " N1·t·jJt·J : S1:1rt lhP Nt•v. hand it·;•l•Jlt•d . Nt•al S p.iy1·d . Nt'1•ds l u \1fl~ h ,1\'•' rt·put ;1hl1• 11£:1":.on 11\VINE PERSO NNEL COUHTERHELP K r rt.:11 1'.:N Jlt•lper, r t1rn1.• y , .. .,. wt a f.1c·c l1 fl ('J ll <.'lt·,ui Appi·ar<.llH't'-\t~ .. hornl' t '.lllli4!> -1.i:c, 'l'llll rl-'.S 4 ~·\~, ~•1 .1 11 111 .1 1 ~•· \.our r11~:i.. W1U SE R.VICESG-AGENCY l)<1y & N1~ht s hift. t-'ull l'. f\l I'!'> .1 V 1· r d1 • 1'1111 \' n<Jw for your a ppoun ,·,,tn •·d Ag<' 2:,to 1o :-.up ti :\ U ,\ (; I·: 1, l} (J H I"'' 1•.1,h !1 1,,xu11 ·l""I'. 17t lo 1At lc•••"<') p /l1rn l'. Apply a t l)c! JJ0,1)1l.1l , f,hl ('cl\ll"rSl, llll'f\l,y1u1'll 11e\'l'rrei,:r\'l llil'lllt'll l yo11r-lfl('oll1•' ll<·:11J f\1 1111:-.h1•plu•r1L 24 ' () f I M . I <><:> •" ·r al·u, :!'JOO S . !\1ain Sant:i ('f\1 ~Pl 551'1' t t l" '> 1-1 .\,, lh!'>. ~1 1n ":-. All :-.hoL-. 1>t·ne1 s , i nl'~l QUJ u ~1c a Sul!L·ll·l t._'~ta l'o-l l'~a Ana tlt.'twnl &'1 pn1. · ·'' ·• "'· 1 "-...... l l~~YC'a ~·;ilJ 1t:ll rsvrnior~· 1 .. 1\1•,k11l.-. l't:n 1:+.l!i. 1 .• Jl l'. 1<1·1-:. $21!t 4•11 ln~truments 8 0 8 1 Call612-1470 1-.. I'. & 11µt·r;1tun1!>. ~lti JO, ·' u a\. J\pp Y 111 l'":r.:>o n, S1)t·r1.d now , Sl l'.J.){) 111 ••••••••••••••••••••••• C ()U NT t:n G l ltl.'S , ,. 1 'tt·!luw (';t11 t 'o, 114h t: 1:t-:~'l't .1·: 1\ffl'1'l1o n:l l t' :.l.1ll1·d :,11 -a:~1 l·:t'l l 'IH l">:t-: ;-.1,.,.1 Stnnc ~~~,...._.,..._.,...,.., .. ,..j 1 k f ~l'.11• !'->)' :i ""11..._·i-. "11 y SALES 11;1h :-.1 ,t· ... ,1.1;\l«s.1. l.111t·ri . :1 1110·, oltl t•'r'l'i' --fa L•r y :.alt•s, :ip1>ly or l'l ltf\ll',>'\<"'-;,.u; ~~s;H '!'hf' t-:rp Ht<.dllt· L.ifl' /\"-Ve,t•f P t "i.io r-.toi11:•I, ltl.t• ~;u1t.1r v. 1l.1rdo ·;J'.+• & •Acc ounting clc-rk .~ Bookkeepers I 1'111 I"" ,,1-,· 1\:-.-.1i.:nm•'nl ' l'or l·'.\pt"r. Al·1·otul11111: l 't'r':-.onn•·I 1'11•;1,1• 1·:111 Al1·\:1 Vrt'dt'111·k l\1 gr 714 /835 -4103 1nter v1t'.w ·rue:. & W1·•t (".!II ,1,i ;1;11.·1 ,,, .•.. ','.·•.'•''. 111 ,1 ''·'' ""'1 11111 •11. 11 11 .,i.,,.. :-.!i•ll . I I.• 1 · 1 I 'ur.1n1·c SnC'11·ty wil l I 11 \I 1111.1.t:'\t; (;1rl t o ~ _, h~:l-.'n 10 & 31'!\1 2.'i2f . '.C ·" • S1'1'rt•!;1ry nt•t•• l'I 11 -j I' IJ','I "II" l.•I'.·,, I(·' lra111 _\'t>U LO rtlark1·t ~I 1>pl'r.1tj•lJlJulaL1ng1•(jUlfl VH l•.lo'. 1'11101110•·, 1,. 1·1,ud t .olllt•, s:1;;, tj.\:!7:!:,'I; 4:1,., l> 1-·• .. " Jur :'\1'"P•>rl H1·.,.1(h J.av. 1·01npu tt'.r1 1t·d f1 n<111t·1at uu•nt 1:t11Mhr,1\;11lv.\\1• l111111 t• 11111\ "\\,•1·1.' t 'ollunNll I 1g llllls l·1r111, f.!•Jod ~kill,, r1•11 l-'/· . ...,111•'.I( I! :-..1 1111~ " · ·· 1 I I I'>'.,,, 1-,,11 ;1n,d\'l'l'il'l"\ll"l' ('t illt·j.!t' "•II lr'a111 . $:!50 hr l•t !\111ll11 ·rp11r.·l l.11•h,hund ,,,.,,,1,1,,. ,,,,,1_,,. Slot CCJU l't.t: for H•"ilJur.111\ ~:.1;r\ll~,:;1 u :~;;~~·-"'· 1Jt•vr~·l' 1>r h11:.111t•~;. t '\ ,1,,rl, f\l lrl<•r l}plflJ.! L,.I .~~I .. l'!•o.I 1-',\l.L 1'1r1·v.'ood S.11'• ' J ;in i t o ri a J Sc r ,11•1· l"'r . 1•r t·f 'd , :J 't'1 •ar ~ p<'r n11n rl•ql Sm;il l i ~ri.:, Eu1·. ,1,·t '!>7;, 1·u1•I ... ud \l .otl tu ·l!tll~!i, SI:.'.• 011 •Ill ,"1'1. ~, 1..,~una ll <'h :irt·.• L\'.'\J 11 .$:1.'i pi•r ;.lul! ;.alarv p lu" t·11rt1n1 tr1t•noll v<..:" 11r~J ('u;J:.1 f,,,miturt" SO SO ~I J '• ~nrd !>1"1 l!~',' (;r.ivt·y.ird ~luft. ;q1pru.\ 1'.,11\,di·:-.e1·nt i lo:-.pit.d 1'u11·t·r 1111nd1·d 111·nplt· l 'l.11;1, 1';1!\ .1 11111 • ••••·•••••••••••••••••• l ·o.1:-.Ll-'11t'\.\•J<1d Su11plv ;!1,hr .... ·k , Wr1l<•(·la:-:-.1f11·1 I ('\l i;.1,• {).'lo:, "olv (',oil l\l r , l i 1l l , ~>4!1 1101 hpf.,l'<"!l<l<lll , :1d P::!u:1 11a1ly 1•111.1 1·c 1 x.1., 15 \~, ~·,t :!t...; Box 151.iO Co:. t a J\1 t':.J , MAIHTENAHCE SUPV. 1 .. 1t1.1I 11p1~··r. En111lr 111 /t IHl \'l ll ' CREDIT CHECKER ( '0 11\:11·t c;rl·J.! Nt•Wlan•I 71 4 /8 3 6-3505 fur ;111 a ppo1nt111t •1.i J\i1't'•I 111011e~· l\JI' tho'' 11 .. 1i11.1 y hill'' J· .. 1ftl ::;1.,;.: t1r' pl•·:1 .... 11I V.••l"k !rur11 \'OHl f' hcirl\1' 1-'H r l!l Nt·•·d r•·:-.p . 1nd11 h11 r;1 p1dly gro\\.'111g :-.•1 1 1 l~i.)1 rrltg lo h•· f\'l>P t"r :111 ]d.111 l til ~ll lll !\l 11~t IH· 1:1rn il1,1r w /(}SJI A re ~,\l ,E=--\ll•;N ,•"'•'l>il '.:!f.,r ;1 U·r111t·-.'.li \I: ;,;1'·-"'---- g1 1l :1t1 on:-., l'lt·(•1r 1r:d , i·.r""lh ('al1lo• T V l "" Me r c handise p lu 1n l,111g, lorl.:1111 ti. '-"oil l1·:1d:., g1~)11 l•LIY & ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1·t•h1clL' 111;unt , "'cld11lJ..: )'."<"I oppur. I 'a ll l'r;111 K .1. 1·iquos 8005 (' I' 1 'l'I'' 6.::t.' ~ "'n & 4·a l'l)t•nt ry. ~i ll •r),111 ... " ••••••••••••••••••••••• MATTRESSES ... ... MATTRESSES {)1 i.·,•11 , 1'11IJ /(.. ·r-.·111 S.·t.' l'llli "l-'.l t "J"(l f\!()V i·: Nt l\V I' x:1:1 111~::5 & 1>11; i:u»11; C OMPUTER GOOF E't'l"""11e s l1111rn t•n\ lro111 t•;a :-.l 4·,1nnu l !Jc I BUY!! j'\t-,,\\11 '\: 1:1.1t.u· .:.,!liO, l\r,111 11.111 ll""''"'"'"'I t ',11l .• \l'I ·11 .:17 1;'""1· 11'~·d h u·ni!ur•· ,'(,O ffice Fur n iture & ;1pp!1.11 11·1·, "r ... 111 :-•·II f"r Equipm e n t 8 085 )<111 ••••••••••••••••••••••• MASTERS AUCTION 1>-11i Kt:i-u , 1.r K:'-"< !JI :;!;", ;di t: or ~t11ul.1y l" .. t J u~17~ .\lt•:i\1HJ·:HS Hl l' 11 1 lt"\11l1• t 'o .1s t t 'o u111 ry l 'lul• ~l a kt•o lh •t t.4<1 Olli). :...1·:1·~· ~·111., ~'.'I, C.11.!'C "''\I • 111 :-. ~t,, ,:·, d rt ,.,,,,·II ~1 .. ,, 1·1,•n'l' ttti7 " 1 ~I l '~I i, \., i 11 I :-1·f Vll't' . ::OI O luad llJ> A("("['(; ('l1·rk ,:1t11!l,:'..rl a,\' ~ 2K(.i8 V. 1'\'k ( i 1111d l"O Jl)\"J rl \' BAHK OF AMERICA ~liJ New port t:<·ntl·r J )r Ncwporl t~ .. ~·h An t:qual Cl1.T!f l•:1npl 1\-l t .. h.·!I', li4~ !"1Afi. Manage r Opportunity l 'c r ~o n :.!5 '1 !"! 1;1k•· !' h ;1 r g l' l\· ~I :.:-. U Ill 1• ~···111 ·1-.11 rnanaJ!l.'1:-. r..::-.p l••r'outul lown uv.nt·1· t-,,, :-.1·l li11 g o r -.el·r1.·t,1r1 al \\'111 lr .url 5'~ tl;1):-. s;J;!~, .!111d.,,1J .111•1\1' ,1 \1•rJ~C t1p1 ,(, 1n11-.1 li e .1 1 r-1•.111,·1• ~.1•lf -.1;1rlt•r, 111 .~ur.1111·1· 1·\p 111·,1r1•1\. but 11111 r~«t . :-..d.iry 11t•g11 llP!!.dJlt•. ~,\\I -!;7.i7 i1t.'l ~ l:l>L Lt:c ·rultS Chess Set, s h 11>p 1.:d lla l'k. J way I of a kind. Anllq ul'. 111 1't)1n bn g;1111l' t;.1 hlt'"· l.l1n tr1c al£:ly l'arvcd . ivory 111g. l'okl'f' "'' l'•M>I Wdl :.cl jJur1·t1a:.1·d in India tn In• :-.:1<-r if11·1·d 1n1 nit•d1.1te 1!110 fnr SlOtJO. \\'di sell ly to :,;1l 1s f;.-l"ft'i\1lur,, V1 hr;!l1' y<1ur aeh1·s ;1 v.•:i y 111 a l11•;i t1 •cl r 1:!'!111 t•r «h;ur, l•l.c n1'\Y. (jc1~C'n \ 111yl. $5u. ~u -227'.l alL ~•Jllll ,\1 I S I ' • I l I ' I' I t' ll l•'.\1 \ I I' \I I.:'\ 1' l'tl II ;-.,\I .I·: 1 ... 11 ~·1'1 ·h•~~ h1·nt·f1t'. l r \'lnt· ~.r,·;c M OVIN<; ~J1~1 '.ll'!OO, t'XI 1~; J}l·:LIVt:R't' .. Xlra 1n - 1·o rnt· Work 10-1. C.111 t..o<-al & Lon~ J)1:-.l;1n1·1· i\llLl l.'I'. IJ1.•µ<.·nd0t lllt• tu Mr, Ol •I:.. N('('tl part lu:itl lh S.111 op1·r;11t• pov.·cr SWCl'IX'I". t 'r anc1;.c•o.&15 M.l!J~1 Wk11 ds, p1·rm;1n l·n t. LJ t: N 'I' i\ l. /\ S !-1 ·r ()r t hudont ic c h rs11l 1· $.;I·-$!> p~·r hr. rlt•1x·n1hnµ Housecleaning 6054 ........................ l lOUSt:CL t :Ai"IN(; 1 ~ our hus tnt•ss. l ';lll JarHl't•'s ltagg1·dy Ann:,tj7'.i 1;:;.:,:1 t :XPH 'J) ll 1·p~·nd :1hl l' l a d y wi lt 1·11.•a n you r ho u;.e . Work p1•r d.1y Heas. li:IB U:.174. l tl c.11 fur Cl·t 1r£:d . =~15 <!6 l 1. ------1 nn cxp1.•r & o.h1l1ty. 4 ll.1 .1 Al.t-:1t ·r M;l u for :-.h1pp1n1-: dt·pt . lu p iek o rder,... 1l rl\'l' f u rkhfl . <:o od w1rn ;dh . $2.50 per hr lo :-.tarl 111u.~ l_>t.>n1~f11:.. S rnall frit·ndly t•o nc;ir s _ l 'i.K1:-.t l'l;_,1,a (_':di 1'11.'lore noon, ~1;, 7101 a,,k for 'l'on1_ "'k . Writ e Cla;.~1f1ed ,,.1 no 2'.Jli e /o Oa1ly 1'1lot. I' (I_ Bo x 1560, t.:osl:i. J\l c~a . (_';1 !12f.2G. ----- o t-:Nl 'AI .. u n ·r 11 <>l)()i\i 'l'IC /1.:-.sl. pl. time, lr v1nt· a rea a.'"12 7800 ----1 Landsc aping 6066 Al\1 11 1.l'I OUS (';irl•1·r l)t•n\;1l As~1 slant F /t1 mc. t :xpcr'd only r 111 nd1.·~I girl to :1 .~;.1 :-1 l-~x pa ndcd d ullt's. <.;null ........................ rn;u1;1gcr 1n high f;1s h 11111 he ncfn s & working 1.:on :-pe1'1J ilY slurc. Sa les c >.p LANDS CAP-r11·t·de d SPl' 1na n;1i.:•·r d s. II II. X·16 -(Jt~7. A pro po :-. G!J F a :-h111 11 lJ I H E l"J'Q l"t tif h o U"l' ING l.-.!an11.or ca ll &1·1 -~2 m.11nl 1 ·n;1n ~·•' & 1·h lld .F or a U n 1 ,1 11 l' &·!·-----------~ ..:u1d an1·e \l.':J lllt.:d by ~ well m;1nn crOO ch1tdr(•n l't•rson a li z.1•11 Style· 111 Apt Mmtaqer l,a nd~c a pi n ..:, Sprui!-.li•r':-!\l us t help kt'.Cl)OU I" hou:-.t ('011pll· 4U + to rnanai:.e n ca t & c It' ;1 n . !-. 1 s ~ & Cus tom !)1•:.1)<11. {"on lo\1•1\' w1 •1l m a1nla1ncd4U I & I tact Ji m t :Jm t·r · s kinner k n1.·1.·' p a)' lu7U u111t;11lult:qJL1·on1 g:imt's. ~·<1 !", !"1·:1u , ~ G~nha•c-nGardc-ns 1d,•x, l)r;1ngc & I, A . d ay.,/v.•k , 0 .,.,.n tran'I' 2123 N ewport Blvd. l 'ount1l':-. .• Xlnt tc n;inL"-1;..1!", -12ri;1aft ti CM. Sala r\ + ho11u:-.. C;dl 64li -J927 tl l :J l ~ii6·44fl7 w1•ckd:iys. l.l H I V l-; H S, <.' r o :-...; --- Ma~onry !•----............ ---~ t·ounlr ;.-. N1) sr....:1·1:11 lie 607 0 ---~ r~q . Apply ·ru..-:-. J :u1. 7. ••••••••••••••••••••••• • U ll !C !\WC)Ht-;, p,1\1ni.:. plante r ' & 1 ·11 t r~~·;1y:-. ;,31 ·1!i7:1 l.ir :i2;.'7 1:~1J );1 \'l' Painfinq/Paperinq607 3 ....................... • 10': l)IS('(lliN"I"• W;!llp;q1cr1ni: ,'(,: l':11nt1ni..: t 'rl'C' 1·s1. L':1 I I 1~1z.1;.;11 :, l 'Jl ()I-" l'.1111l o'I" ll ol\L•~I wor k, r1•ti:-., Int t·:~t. lrt'l' f':-.t . r e l :-., :,.1i-; ::~:1!!, &12·3~1 3 1t!Wallµapt·r ll:1 ni:.1n~• lly formC'r 1 n~t ru<'tnr. <:arl He hko i~11; 2-1•19 Plaster /Repair 6077 ......................... PA"l'('ll l'l.A.STl-:HI N<; All ty pf's. F r eccst1 m;1h•:-. t ·a JI 540 fi/Q.'"1 Roofing 6082 ••••••••••••••••••••••• J C...:HUf>F :;.1:1 ·111tit, Hoof1111.: J,irf'n.-.1.•11 k l11,t1n·d Frf't' t;<;I Hn:t1~'' Auto Baokkec-per E1q.11·r1encl'LI 111 Of\!\' and p;1y rol l v.•1th O\c r al l I.nu -. lt•l.IJ!t' or :1et"ounl u 1i.: l"L•e d ;1 :-.harp fi'f'r.~on I <I l .1 k l' '' \' I: I" r1'~l>tJ11~1t.1 l1 l l!'S of a s~1~l - 1ng ni;1n;1i.1•rnt•ut wit h pl1.-.1:-.a rll ol I ll'l' :-l:1ff C:1 I l 1':1\ <:1·rk ~·. \1l("J'()J{\' IH ll)(;j>'.;,'.,1; ·1•'.:.~1 .1.UTO SALES S:1l1•:-. pe1)jll1: rl\'l'dL'~I for \'olvo IJl'a l1·rstup. il-111::.t he a g1:re:-.s l\'C and ex· pl'r1t'nr1•1L Sct· l ;l'Or f!I' o r l:hu{'k <1l !JEAN J,t-:WIS Vll LVIJ l~hli fl ;1rbo r lllvil , ("u,t;1 i'tl ~·~;1 AVON Make-Extra SSS JO 2 P .r-.1. t-1 a e<.:r1•i.:or Yac ht:-., JtiJI 1'!;1cent1a . 1· M . EAH1\; SIM lu $.:JI 1n 1-:vt ""'1tl1011t t•xpi·r 1<·n(·1:. St·ll lh ·1·l1nc t '.1:-.h1ons. :1t 111 ho nlP st y le s hows. llse 111 c;ir &.-pho n1· Wkly prof11 r h k s. S3 UI! :-a n111 l i ,..,,rrl r n hc :il no t·u:.L ~lti:I 7 •17 fl t-:NEHt;t-:'['J(" 11.ird~ork 1n g n1 :1n "1l h :-.01!ll' kno~·lf'd g1.• u! h111hl 1n~ C'n n s lru {'t1 0 11 tor lil:-. 111;1ntlu1g nff1 c1•:-. f\1inor c ar 1)e n lry, 111a tt'.fla l movin g , cleanup ett' Sl•\·cr;i J w ee ks -.·o rk Could he J>t'.rman('nt fur r1g hl n1;in. Appl)' bJO Y.'. 17th Sl Cost;1 f\1e:-.a 1<1·prt•-.P nlln1.: tht• w"rld'.s E X P l-: It I E N C E D 1,1 r~l·:-..t c ·n~t1lt·l 11'' & SAl .E S LAIJ \' t)v1·r 3.'i 1n1ll't r1t·:-. 1·on1p;in~ ~ho\.\' f\111 ::.t h;1ve 1•x pcr1c1u·e 1n & :-.cll l1t·._iul1fu! ,.:111~ ..... ~ bl•tlcr ltt·ady to W1.,1r n1t·t1l''· J~'wt•l ry t'.l•' in Xl nl "ork111,i.: t.:tJn1l1t1nn.s \'Ollf ~.Jl :tl'P lJlllt' l\lt•l'I t)i,1 :!!l'Jll j1<:upl1·. h:J\'+' 1111111.0' l";d l 5411 it~i l FAR OUT E-ZMOHEY l t t-:l'/\J ll .S, ;Il l typt.'" 1!1-.1' t-'rcc t·~t. l1i "d, ;1 :-~ fu r W;dt R~() !"i(J~l 11nYlHTh' ;.ell/Md "h'' ~11·1.,, I Ju l" Tt-le•isian Repair 6 090 ~, :lo l'h >1.1:1 !K:i7 I'(! r \' u u r 1 t' r h ;1 l e:1p:i ti1 i1t 11•:-1-:arn $111(1 1Jl11:-1-ie r v.'f't·k llH' 11 t1rn<: '.I:; Ill !I :1o p 1n Ill ('{1 111 ri1r1;1hl t'. :-put·1p11~ 11ff1<·•· ;11·1•ro'' 1h1• :-.lrl•t•I lrorn 1lr;111 1-(t• ('ou ntv 1\1rpor! For p~·r.!>nn .11 11111•r\ 11'"' t: .1 l I ~1 r , I\ l' }' :-. t' r . HA 11 \'.S l 'l''f' l·'.H ~·a nl1·d . 1n". l nL1·r~·v.':-evi.•-. 1; :1, !1•1" 2 1:~1J , J •lOO Jrv 1nl' A\t". N H. f\! I•: Jl I(',\ I. S l·:C H ~; '!',\H't' 'l'HANSC HlB l•:I! N1·l·d 1•d l n11ned1 a!ely t1•r l!;1d1n!ogy otfic·1· h11".1l1:d 111 N B. t-'.x p nt·•·. t ',1!1 4..J:! J;4,;.1 fur ;111p1 r-.1 1•;JJ1 (.'.1\L Frunl of<·. 1.•.\ pt·r ·d. fu r lJusy ped 1at n · c 1;1n . J\l ~1 n ;.i~1.·zncnl 1·;i p ;1 c 1t y p rc f '1l . A ge: 2.'l '.i.'i. ('a!l tJ.10-lfi.'JO_ f\t 1;H 'l'rnl', L';J rt'.t'I' op1> $150 ~u.1rn plus car. Age 2:1 --1 1;_ Mr . J.c•\·1 :'lj Ul{Sl-:S \l.'1· :\r1· l lll'l"(';!Slrl).! our :.t;, fl 1 n..: 1 •at.l1·r11.~: LVH'S C'll 1\H l;1.; l't)S IT IUKS, fu ll t 1111t'. & rt'.!1t·f. :ill ~h1fts. \ ·.dl ll1r1·( lO I' ul N ur ~1 ni.: :O-.t'l'\"11·1·s, 5.12 -t.X41'1. Foun1,11n l'lln· v.1 IC!!>C"t'.nl ltOi'1'!t;1I. Jg;).5 l.:i Vet a A Vt'. ( Jr;1ngl'. OPEHIHG SOOH M r . Munchies Rrst~ COOKS WAITRESSES BUS BOYS (_';Il l 1i'1.l·101U bt\.\'ll II! As k f[)r f\1r. Nag.It·!' I .Ill f',\I N 'r o r l t\t\ l 'L>tl1· l'<)IJN l)l·:H "'1lh :1 l't!ll:. m ill 1•x p1•r. & l.now l1·d g1• uf IYll).t•r 11rur•·durc·~ w ;1n t ed for l-:p11xy . Ad hc:-.1v1•s & Co11 l1 ni:: !\1 f~. 1n Nev.•porl Bt•ach ,Joh pot1·nl1al for r1glH n1 .:1 n ·~ w nr k 1 n 1.: l-·nren1;1n. S;1J .11·v 11\k'll !'all :-1-1>1 51 ~;, PBX Answrrinq Se r ,. All !-.h1fts. Vu!J.,r 11 ! S11rnc "·k 11d, 1:111·: P.B.X E x p1•r11·11('C Jl l"•'l"r 1 ••d l\11·ohe;1I hn;inl ~ I'd 111 :-ur:111r1• V•/;ig(·-. ,\,•!'t .• 1 ~·:>.'.)h r llr ~v.1r• I''"' d,11 ~: V.'k lld~ I ,,JI 1111 ;1p)11 bl v.11 i!J1l ,\. l .111 "'l·I '.l·I :! I X.:1.3 Ml\:1>1 Tile-6 091 'l ut·., &· 'l't1u r ~ .iftn!-., REAL ES TATE ••····················· <;t:AAf\11<· '!"II.I·: New & 1•2•·•30_'_:11.'·.'.'•.'·'·P-"'•~-"."•'•I GIRLS 118-2 81 SALES It e rn n d (·I t" r 1' ,.1• ·r r:11n for h·gilirnall' full 11pcn1ng 1n l':-.L1hli ,hl'd I I S I' I f1rn1 lt('lt.1blc t.rnl.1•r a., fo r $150. 5-'>X C:Wl wkdy:-. 1'1:1:1 ~1;2,, or 1,u; lil>xf> o r 586 -5299 n itcs & U-S .1 .. 1 •. 1• ·~ . I I) --••• <n•'t· t{'l•: l'l 'HNl 'l'U HI·: 111 Xlul 1·1u1 d >1;1:1 tJj,jl 1~1 .>) ,\,I._ fur j\t rs l\,1 k•·r &·I .... ·knds. ,\, S :· r.or1n;1 1n1ng ----------11--lt1n St·ls. Ku1g, ()Ul'Cn . [> Hele n Smith SI 051/2 Ri•t"f' Newport Beoc:h Pe ts 8081 S EC I! 1·:1'/\ H \'Ill F:C r:p . 'l'l<l:'\IS"I'. l girl ofl1<·~., Sornc linokkecp1n i;:. ~I I. X·17 X507. '------ SECRET.I.RY 'l'y pu114, f1l1ni,:, lite bk l..pn g. S·l l::O to :-l a rl 'l';i kat .:1 N ur:-._.ry. 71'10 f\;_1 kl'r , C!'lt No ph\1111.; *ESTATE SALE* C r ystal c h <1 ndcl i L'r , ('a n dc lalJr a s, lus t re s. l'hes t -o n -ches t , sctry d esk , silvC'r te:i ~erv1ct's. t r ;1ys . 1-:l;1ss, jc wf'lry, nurrnrs, ell'. Sta rL.., !\I nn· d ay 11 Af\1. llACK DOOH IMPO H'l'S. 1 >1~ lla rbor. t,;M. (l'<1 rk in rcacJ. hdr 1n sc·ts. llc rl'ul on naugahyfl e Snl;i:-. & l .• u v ese a ls, ('off._ . ._. '!"hi s£:ts, w /m:t l l'h lJook e a s t•s. J.;1 m ps & !\I 1 rror.;. Ust..'<I fo r 1h :-.p l ~1 y 1n m od e l h1,n11.·s. \V i-:s·t' CO.\S"J' C <J NS'\' ll U<..:1'1 ON , r.:ix 7~1·1 1 You ;1 r« I ht' winncr (I( 2 tie kets to lhe Sports, Vocation & Recreational Vc-hiclr Show ;I( lhl· AN 1\ll l-~l!\1 Con v£:nt11.1n l:c ntcr .......................... \IJ,\1'\J .l'l-:I): ,\ F1·\Y N11·t P ;1ra kct·ls fur n1y out tloor ;1 v ta r y . .'i5ti--ll7l0..:..._ Pianos & Organs 8090 ••••••••••••••••••••••• YEAR EHD 1·<11 1:._. ________ 1Appliancc-s ........................ 8010 .. s u l'A & l.()V l·:.<;l-:A'I' •(•:,tn1 m ;1d t• never used us u11ll y hon"l.t'!Jti8 -7910 .1 ;01. •I thru ll Cod i 10·12 ~ili7K, c:-.t 33:! ht•l WCl'll !J & I 11m to ('l ;11n1 y ou r lil·kf>l :.. {North ('o unlv totl free nun11Jc r is 5·111 · 1::0.IJ. L'L t-:A HA Nt " I•: SALF: ON ALL ORGAHS f'onn , l;u l h r ans c n, 'J"horn;1s ~ot: Y;u 11 ;1h;1. CO.I.ST MUSIC f'<)SI a r\-1 l'~;t 4 ~12 -l&'il l"ount ;11 n \';,i l l C J ~Hi:I li7:1:1 1'I s ~c 'ys. Bookkttpers l .11. ltc1ndcrs A~e/l l"Y 41/20 ll1rt·hSt.Sle 104 Ne"·port llo:ach >G:J -X190 No Charge To You Esta blished 19ti..l W ll lRJ.POOI. W a s h e r IJ1 n1:11 t' 1'a ble , S wivel $40. Whir lpool t:a s dryer C h ~11 r s . Nt•w cu nd .. $J.5.5-'lfi-Xti7~. W;1l r1u t & Ldk. l•:\'C. 4!).1 -'.J9,1G $f;o. ______ 1 •· • * Bicyclt"s --~ ---Sportinq Goods 8094 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ll(.ll.l.'J'O P Ul-:..:.;K 1-1 1-:N K t: S ki h o ot s,••••••••••••••••••••••• 8020 /l.n 1.•l c ct ri fyi n K ex -f'd.S'.JOO St:IJ U'iO leather. c xl'cll1·nt c1lnd1· 30.:io W in che,li•r , 30-IM IM.'r 1c nl'e ! <..:onv1.•r t your <:al1 G1~1 R:Mi2 t1o n . Si ze X $:15. 10· ~t au s i•r , Hi'U1. '1 1t 1l1 kt~ to a Ht·a rcat Eh._•e---.-.. -.. --.-f1bcr g l:i~s & "'Ood l•oat. s hot g un. ~-A n1 rno r t r1eyc·le. P o we r w hcn !\l U!'lT H A l ~I" CAfS ll. t .n-t d V h I f lK t .. ,, ...... ,,011,, ... ,.,1 ... ,,,,0 ,.,,,, tir e: h o 1n c ul l ol s ur Y -a u . un ia m 1:-.1·. s porting ~ood s, • u.. u .. " $85. !J '" hp E \1·nrudc I<<';~_,, x:~ 1 1:~i l SEWIHG MACH OPR ;lun 't 15 rt1l'I L15 m1 "11cr furnilur<.' /I.II !np<1uahty. 1968. r u n., f.:111ld SJ~O . l le :i vy dut;.>11.'alhcr scw· t'h;.i rg t·. J\u y f:.t l'l fl f ) Nothing tJldo •r th<i n afcw 6 73 2:1t;~ or (:!JJ 1 TV,Rodia, 1 n g "11 I u l" k :. li t ch 1ilrl'l'L Limned time unh· nlonlh!>. I.iv. rm . fu rn. ~3 72'.!5 Hifi, Stereo 8091 nlaL·hine :iil:ltJ.50. super Lo Pru·C hcdroon1 fu rn, m:ilt rl'ss. ••••••••••••••••••• .. ••• LEATHER 15 126 Wcst s t:itc SL, l)u'i spr ings, sofa b1.'il. FR l-~EZf-:rt hox, c hes t APPRE~ICE Wcs l 1n1nsll'r.~).l·l:IJ<1. rllnl'lt\' :.Pl, d e n furn. typt', 40" long, :a:i·· w1dt'. "' ---ltd ,, <\O y rds o f l'P l :J6 "t11 uh ,"".'i .l .1nuor ba r, ' "' ...., " :~ FIS !il-:1{ Xl'f"(: ',>.t1'1 STEREO l·:xpcr1 cnc('d o r w111 Cameras& ~1 ,1.1111lr11·v.•).11t·ccha1 r' nc .,.,'.tu<·k&roll ,ti 'long, -,., l r;.u n .t._;,tt l :&15 ·2~~1 or Equipmc-nt 8030 1:1 1nl11 r 'l"V. ;.lt'r t'.O $7 5. l 'a ll 4 .7 1.-r.1 , ~11 1·a k f'r:. Jt c a l t!it lf! ;qlply· 1Hli Ne wton Way.••••••••••••••••••••••• :-~:.\<·in. t·:v£:r;.-thin g ti42 ~:1SMJ. \\1 1·'\1 ,1 rr1 ~1 n'l"l'J\'o•r t._•o:-t a !'11t•:-.:1 WAN.l'EI): l)ry mounting 11\\1:-.t go N o ofl£:rs J"t' -------,.,111 llS ll turn .1ltlc w11Q f I 'Ii · :JlXl.i. Coat. Jo \'l'IV, ~·:ir-111 lro1n ilu:.lC'"Yl'r .n1rt l".1:-...;l'tla I. 1•. I ..... I' I I ll N , •. Jlfl'SS , prefe r Sc;:.J 2UU ur U.'ot'l ... h . "Anne K l111c" ~1 1.e 10·12 p la yl'r /r c<·or.IPr , Musi S I) 1.1 l' I 'I'() H . l·'.x pe r . _t'.<lUJ\' · &Hi·:lti12 l>lJ U Il l.I·: C h;1ise lounge. Like llt'.W, wor n only fe "' 't•ll 1m rn t•d1 ;1h•IY' S200 o r w11rk 1 n yuu r hon1e . Good ( >LD l'i m c I' hotol-(r;i phy g(]ld :i (·r y 11 C' p1 le. S.·15. l 1 m t'.~ $50. ti7:! -!':i51 I h1·sl oll 1.· c. I 'h-;1;.c ca U p:iy 1.1.'l !".:1;,o Set u p inl.'.lds cv~rylhinl-( I ':di :i-18 ti:l'1~i. , . . . 1;.1~ -~l ti'.jO TELLER PART-TIME Hr;HH'h dfl' ~l'l'k ,, I hon- d ;.1 hlr• & d c p1•nd ;1hlc 'l't•llt·r 111 "'urk r\1 o n .. f r1 ,\ S.it ,\ F /t1 me for v:1L·at 1o n r1·l1c f. l-:x pcr. p re f'd l 'on tarl Jun \'ark h•l·l -7l5..'l w eo~\tern f.rderal Sa•inqs 27-1·1 t-:. Coa;.I Hwy C"rnna dt•I ~1 :.r Equal IJpptir. l-:1n1;Joyt•r Needs You Mow! R eceptioni!>t~ T ypi ~t s S ecretar ies A ccou nt C lks Re p ros l 'hoo''' vnur 11\\'1\ ho.,1r' l'arl t11111 • ;1 ,.~1 11.nrn1·nt~ .l\,i1l.1hl1· ('.d l 5·hf l l!"oll. N l .. Vl-'.I< 1\ FEt-'. ,, r ·r .. :.\11•t1 ·ri•inp41 '1'e mp'1r:1ry I !£:Ip · ----DH A l'l•,S "'h 1t c st:lll l· vo u n e ed , csce p t . . . . ' ;.11_,toml·r :-..$i95.91i.H-9:ltf,l l:-;IM M(J NS llidt·-a ·h C'd s h e l•r, 1-:uo1l e ond . :! S'J'Ell 1·:() l'••lll P•)llc nt :;: So ny . IJ11al , :....u1-.t11, :I y r~·· nl1l , -.1 11 1. r\lu:-.t he a r !· l'l'rfl't'l. uphol::.tcry $75. pan('ls l"-1. K'1 "'xt:l'.:;.· + I NIK(JN F'l 'N l 4 f\1M IL·n::.1.'I (';il l i.7:l 7:M:I . pr1nel 4li "x!J '. Hedecora.l · li4S-~t\;~1 I',~u-~(l;~~~c $2i5, ('a ll ,\l A PLJ·: ll dr m Se t , 1ng.$<~.54!"1-l03-clc· __ _ t 'i•Pll'\1· lld /l•l l1rd , hox fJllllfJllll...... ·~~~ Dogs 8040 ~.pr1n g,,' loam matt ress. iiij ••••••••••••••••••••••• l h t·d,i d e 1bls, d lJJ DOG UtJcd 1cnc£: l'la:o.s tu :-.tart \V t'<I J :1n Hth, 7 .!O 1 '~1 . J\:ll /lr\1ne ;1rt•,1 . _ _,.11; •1928 d re:-~t·r & rn irror. $15.'i 1·;1 ~h !"111'1 788.l --- Il l! :-.l'l. Uln1t. llrst•r "'' 1111r, II sz hkt·a;.1• hdtird & •PETWORLD• f r n1 ~1 r. 1 0 0 ~2 l-:1 I,,,,, \11~'" t 'h1ho.d111;1, t'.i ptt<in Il l! 'I'; II)' I '1w 1dh·~. I 'ck111gL'l>I' ,v r:w I'{ H ' (. r I & I .<11 1·~(';11 . 1'1\ Bulls. Bull T t'rrit:r:-.. 11 11 ,111-l'Olflrt·d 1lor;1I l'o c·k.i p oo. 1'0111 p r int ~1 :'i!I ·~ ·rv.1n 't·i~rk 11•..;, J,;1h.s, c; Sl1t·11.· l !d s prd ~. 111 111.1 r1·o l 1\111t•r. l•:..,k1rn". 101 (;11 11.:11,11111[1 .. v.~·r pr111! ~1 JX l-~I) l'U l'S S 111d 1n.o\l h ~ r1 q . .:. 1:111111 ~ :-.t·1111·1• mo:-.t bn•c<I::. :!.,::; 110-.·1,•r' pt•rJ ('•fnd ~~· W1 •:-.I 17th <tl F,tlf\ll'W, l'Plllll'\ :-loal•.\' 'Wi n i.:. :-,.-\.t)pt·n l·:\'e~ ;,;J1:~1~7 Ht'\'~·~. Jl 1 ("lir. $>! ;,\;.; h7~,\ ~·r Ul-:HJ\ii\HI). fl'm :1lt'.; 1Ts, 1.:1i.1U \\' l f·hd1ti·1·p All Je we lr y 807{1 ~hCltS $ Hl<l 1;4~ ilH.'!~ , • •• •• • • • • •• •••• 0 • ••• •'" hl<ES Jl ();\[) l'tl l'l'll'' 1\h.L:. ~1.d··' 7\.\·k..; t '.d I ;,.11; ·1ti:i4l JNll l1\,'\; .lt·\•1•11',\, r1 11 g tr St;. hr.u·1·lt·I <. tr $Ji, ,1tl 1 v.·k:d\' .Ill d.iv \\.l.:nd. ~;i,;1 :1ti I:.' For an Ad in Worneti's Wand .Call Sue 642-5678, ht. 330 •••••• . ., . ~ . • • 0 ••• .... .,. .. . •.. .. . ' Geo metric Pillows Top Soil 6092 c s 1n1 a f'S. ,111 • 1>~ BAXTER'S \l llll.' p o :..1 \1 <in 111 -wcleoin t'. 53r, G-L.:1i ina:-.s <igc t-:arn v.hili· you :-.1:-.lunt't' t o c·on1 p n·r1· lt.,1rn. Nu t'X P 111•1 · w .. yo ur :.ale:-.. l-'11r ,q1p; l'r;unel' STREET ,._1.1111 to.srhool Apply :111y to4·1 7f,(,2 S1>1:1 p P r Wf'f'k s a la r y Find Your Name Win Tickets Worth $4.50 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •'fopsc,.l •L"ompos l • ,. M ulf'h • l(1·1lv.·1MMl • Ca II !iXH 4~.1:10 -- Tree Ser•ice 6093 ····················~·· WOOilCU1"1'Ef{-'1'rc1·:-rl" moved . :ll s o s m all Johs t "1r c wood c..:ut & s plit. 642-1255 ']'R E I<: THIM MI Nf;, l 'l11nt j\;n"' ll 1 nn~ HOSTESSES J·'ull & P ;.i rt-T1m(' /\pply In Person Bclw<'t'n 3pm & 5pm 4647 MacArthur Blvd Newport hoch l-:qual O p1>or, t.::mploycr- a fte rnoon ur 1·v1•n 1ng CORBIH-MARTl"'4 "'h1li• :i1t1·nd1n~ rn:inagc 2112 11:irh<1r llll'd (' r-.1. REALTORS ment tra111 1ni..: sc hool 1f q u.1Jil 11•tl . \\'di ll'Otr n at· 11 A 1 1{ S 1' 'I' I. I S T &l1•••••••••••ll 1·nunts r1'l'C'l\",1hh'. 111v1•n Man1cur1s t wan tc-d fo r \11ry r nntrol, 1•t1'. J\lso n('w s alon 111 Beaut Real Estate v.111 le arn ho-.· produ{'ts l>es1gn Pla za ;1l i-';1:-h. SALESPEOPLE a rC' sold and ho -.· to te;1c h Is la nd. Fo llowing pr e ot h er ~. Elcclro lu )(, fer rc d .'G40 --602:1 ,J()I N our prot•·s~H•n:i l l liv1s 1on of Cf1n~ohd 11te1I ----1:.lal L (;rc :it op1~wtt1111l ,I' F ood s. ll u n t1n g l o n lll-:LP W /\N 'rt-:IJ, pt t.1r :l ltt·('nst•d ;i:-:-04·1a11·:-.. B ca <·h a rc ;i. l'h time , \a unrl rnmat, a1>ply J'r1,•a \l' Ll t•s k <i nd pti111\\'. 21:1-4:18 -0:110. .a>f a ll kinds. S ma ll jobs . I'!!-... --~-"'-.,"'-~-!"' ..... ~-'-c_e_E_s~m a tcs :iii!"•-l!M~ Hl-.:AU'f Y QJ>E itAT(llt 1n pe r . 2fi l3 Ncwpurl :-.a nit· loe:l\1011 lH ;.0·:1r -. Ulvd. 673 -00:JO l\1 e d111m ::.11.l' 0!1 1<'•·-1·:-. -----1 <·1·lll'll l eon1m1.-.:-.1•>11 'l'l1t HOUSl-:Kt-.:t::Pt:1t. l1 v('·in , ('11 11 Jl 1ll l.;1ehcnn'Y•·r, top sa lary . Bcfs n1•1!ded 1i4h -:l!l2>1 ~:vcs-1i7.l ,1:117 WE'VE MOVED T.torin<J 6094 H.1.IR CUTTER ••••••••••••••••••••••• :1s h ve-111 hskµr for 2 yrs . Ne c hildren. over <10. 615-3770. Nc·~n~. ____ 1 Lachenmye VO IC E , Piano, (;uitar All a g e s. Mr. N c w1n:in 1'.l.1-2320 Job Wonl•d. Mal•7025 7or;, comm. Cu.sh bonus if you h a\'C clicntc lc. Apply 1n perso n. J a n. 7th th1·11 11th. l l AI Wt-:ST, 3305 Ne w~'!_ B_..!vd , NH_. __ 110 USE K t: F: Pt: It , \I \'C in , i.;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~-• I for 3 mature adlt.s, & 2r IOAT REPAIRMAN m a ture Poodle:-. Laf!un11 Skilled only . i't1ust have2 •l,leach . Ca ll bcl 2 &6pm , Reallor ••••••••••••••••••••••• GOOD w or ke r needs job. Exper . on TYf\1CO li nt.I TENNA NT Sv.·ec pcrs. a lso cons ide r other of (e r s . As k for f{o b 1n ·646-2220 Y r s m i n e x p e r . 494 0162 w n t e r front t~a t y a rd s . i.i ()US F. t\ t:_C_'_P_>_:J_<_J_.,-,-c-,-n-.1 Mus t do m ech I, ~lee. & P l n l n ·h horn . gen 'I boat repa ir. No c a s a <: c , Lo se rs. Bl a ckie's Boat ralhe.r ~ 10 yr old boy. Yard N .B.613-6834. Musl drive, no childre n. MAN with ood trans porta-' ---~ Mature . tl46 -2289 am & tion ba ckground scck i 11~ BOOKKEt.:P J-:R , pa rt e ves. -----1 employme nt. Call Wayne time . YMCA. JIS KPR. J.ive in /oul. I boy aJ(e 9. Mrl JOb for de· pen m a n or wom an. Car a v ail , no s moke.. N U. lleaton J>h ~1---5364 Ca ll 642-9900. JobW..tod/ h111ole 7050 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ORANG F. Coast Col lege s lurl f'nl "•n n t ~ hou!tcclca ning j(ihs. Vi c Fa ir a nd t'alrvie w, Costa M esa . C al l J1.•a nn c 979-9621 642-3481. ___ _ DOYS Oil GIRL .. '\ Age 10 ·14 fo r l)AJLY PIL<rr ro Ylcs in S:1tna Anil l.lrt v.•1•cn Scgerst ro rn & Sunlln1\·1•r ;uu l r-.t a 1n & .I /I.CK in T he ,nox , i'"!l m f'li ~'lov.·i·r (';d i r-.11· Sn.ydc r 01:ie n1n1<:s !l l M m 1dn1 le , at 642 ,i;121 .'i PM 1111 tl 11 1te Als o t: q ll :1 l . (I JI p 0 r 121\M R/l.M 120.'l Bake r F:111plo.\'e St.<:osl a Mcs 11 RH ~f El)-.S l lRI. UNIT ll-7:30A M S hift Ful l o r p /t im e. l)1fferf'nl1:i l p;i v l-~xccll ..:nl be nefit s . t:on la<'l f.1rs. J cn.5<'r1. (.'.ostu M c .s :i M e m ori ;1I l los p1tal. 301 V1 c to r1a, CM. 642-2134. ------- RH's/CCU/ICU S o rh1• r ot!lt1n i;: :-tuft s Sta nd hy tin1t'. (\1(fert·n t111l !lay. Full nr 11/tun\! Exccll rnt bl'ncf1ts Conl:ir l Mrs. ,li·nscn : COST.I. MES.I. Mttmorial Hospital JO I Victoria, CM 642-27 34 EOE HEWrORT Personnel A9f"'CY Im r1•IM1 I. lt l hlli"I Dtt • l11k11UH ff11 T•rn C..,... ••• , ,~ .... 1111111 • TLNMlh1f Wlr.,.., • ..,., ""SUH I. r,.... llfn l rim fn ll•"' • bt:kJ1<klfL1. l•lb. C•..,.. Ct•, C1n, Us~htl l1<t.it, ~11"'11 lo Y1~1ll•1 ltltn SAT., JAN. 4 : 12 h1Jiti111Ctn11tlt~CH111 &f•t\J: 1).1) l•• ... 1 l1J II) 11 l) 0-1 •••• Wtl'llll•" 12 IH1-W1tW1Y1 J,. 1(1f1ft.II)11 CID 2 t92 Mar11n.Stc25S It's easy. Look for your name In l r v1neCa92664 L>oul'.:las Plaza today's ·classified section. If you (t Blk No. of Cum plL5 find your name1 call 642-5678, ex-& Mac Arthur} 752--0JJI tension 333 between 9 a.m. and 1 ---!""'-..---!! p .m, We'll arrange for you to pick up ·rurn your ~01(;:1 1 1 h:-. 111!0 :1 your tickets at the nearest office ~t.·rco. :0-.('ll t h1·n1 wtth :i f h Dnil y l'llot C l.1s<.1f1 ed Ad 0 t e a nd u.'c th\' n 1.1nt·v for ;i :-.t ert·o~ C.dt fi·l2 :11i1K 'J'o 11 .t ;.- •• DAILY PILOT 9102 SIZES 8 -18 i,, 11f...,;~ 11fw.T.- T AI-\•: !lFI-' rnr ~1!n~l1lr1~ 1•l1t .. ~• in Un~ "•····•> ''"'" "ntl ti~<'~ 1"'1\••l••I '""'''" •!> • •~-\I ,.,.,. " lno ""If 111~· lou. b•~•n<Z. L""l•I luuni:"'' l'oiflh<I l'11 11,.1u '""!~ .\I t• ~·· "'L"" ~. In, I: 10 !1; . ,, "'"' 1! (11 .... "l h •.• ~ ... ~·-, .. ,,,~ '"' "" h '·h•. S.•nol SI Ill) for f i>f"I> p3llf"r n. A<1<1 2!. rrnl' '"" "•rl'I 11•ll••" f.,.. rtr~I rl ~'' m >ul 3nd Sf>"""'I ha n<1l 1n,:, ()lht'r,.,_r thorll o:L3!'.' <l"t"rry w•ll 1:.li,. lhrr o: W..'t'li ~or ni.-.r .. So!nd lo Man~n Marlin, t42. the Haily l'>lot, PaUrrn U.-1>! , 2l2 Wt:"\l l~lh St . ·'~""' \'urli. N \' 10011 . l'nnl N/\ Mt:, ADDllP-S..C:, 'll I', Sl7,t' 11ntt :-.TVl.t: Nll MRt:ll. ONE FH t:E l'AT'l"t:Rf'>I 411 yuur o:tlo>l<'ol' tu ~~nd for . on" lr••r 1•:.t 1Prn "'·'"'" NE~' Sl'HINO S l l MM•:n P AT T~;ll N ('A.1',\I 11"1 ; Hll'l~l 1·h·~.all'I"''• r • .-,. I'·'"""' ""'I"'" S...n<t ;~,. '~"'' ~fW ' K't1 l~<JOio '"'th hn"' •••••w1>nltf"•n i1 .:..> 111 .t.•nl l•'."t''""ll·-·~ $1 ••1 l1[).l.U•l'""'n11.u •• -,k ~I \Ml "!'·'' 1. " '"'"" ",,,, 1 ... 1.1: i"·"n"'''" .i ... ,. . ., \''"""" ! ''" .on~1 .. ,.,,,. ••· • t"• '"" I"'"'" 0 lh•' ·" 1 •·!" •I• o "''"ti ~, ....... _ 1· .... , .. ,,... ~ ' •• 1 .. . ... \I'"''"'' lrn On.o '"" '"' 'ltll' ,.., ,. '''· ',, ~ ,,,., .t .... '"'" ''" I '"'' lo '""'" ''!"·""' O·H ! ~nil SI 00 fur p;" h p:.tr1•1n. "<1<1 Z!.' lnr r arh 1•.tl!<'r ll for firSI cla~s mwll arut 'I"" 1~1 ha n<llln ~ Srn!I lo Al"" l~rnolt~. 10:;, the Oall• !'•lot. No•••ttlrer~fl Oo!'pl • llo• 11\.1, 0111 C'ht'I~<'• ~l at1on , 1'•'""' Vork. N V 1()(111 Prinl NamP, Addrf!SJ, 1.111. l'lillcrn Numtw-r. Sav r doll11r ~· f"r•·a l P bol'au t1!ul Unn•J. Si'IMl ror l'o'ew 191~ NPPdlM·raA ("wlnloit: J <1r~111ns print«L nL,.1dP ... ;s• N~' N1f'l y f'tfty Qui n~ S1 00 N"•' H1ppJrCroxhn •.. SI 00 s..... 1-!(nil Bonll . , ..... SI ~ Nn'<llPDO•nl Roo* ..•••.•. 11 00 t1o'*Pr Crochrt Boot •••. 11 oo J111irp1n Crot hri fine* .• , .II otl lnManl Crocho!'t Flo<* •... 11 00 ln~tan! M aeramt l\ooll . 11 00 lnslant Monry Flo<* ..•. SI 00 C"nm plrt" Gifl ~ ...•. Sl 00 ('ompl"IP Al-hant•14 •. SI 00 121'nu·AfKh•n.,l\2 ..... !:AT Hook nf \~<.,l111lt,•1 .... ,!'.oil< '1u•ru n• Qui ll 1'°"1ti t~ .. , .. ~ I.\ Qu.11~ for Today •l ..... :'iO'" llrwik,1t 16 J1Hyll llj!' ······""° l .. ., ' '' -~· ifJI D.tJLYPILOT Tuesday. January 7, 1975 '• e,.11r., 90IOMotorCycles/ -..•••••••••••••••••••• Scoofert. · ' • · • AY+os , Used 9560 ~'!'.~~··1·~~:'.~ ....... ~~~!·.1.~!':'.-:t~ .. ;;~·;t:;~~··97;;1 ~~·~~·.~:~:i. ...... ;~·~s· ~~:::~:~~~t······:;;;~ ;;;~·············~·;~~· ••••••••••••••••••••••• Dotsun ········•••······•··•·· ···········•··········· ·············•········· ······················· li fl. Comm 'J S"'ordti,.,h • b o a t . D ot>ument1:d ·Jle(rlg. 7 tun hohL -111 (;MC. SOO gal l'tu:I caµ J h:Jd,r11ulic st.r·x ~t11t1on.s 2$ ft. plunk Jnc.:lufh..':. .Benmar Oto', liL·nmar • whit e line rceordt'r, VIit' ·J'adio. !'ikiff. lll';1d /· Shower . 4 bunk:-.. t\.l 1:-.c swordfis h gear G45·77-l·I loah,Marlne-. IEqolpment 9030 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 7J VA:v!AllA !75 J\.1 .X. e\ l CYL. 1..1s1·r;H !'.:;\'(_; ~IR <.;OOLED. S.W. '\"\Jlld ssoo 7·1 \'J111Jl1.1 · 250 J\.1X. r1dd1·11 J t1n11·:i. .. 642-2'..ltQ . _,,___ 531i 11117 ~. Powe-r 9040 · 7 :1 :! ;, O ••··~··••••••••••••••• ,\l utor,.,p<•l"l 1111N11 1\ :. •• :!5. (: .. 11 . 'cLASSJ<.; BA\'B1i1\'1' :di topui 2'2', '5::' Chr1 .'> C r:ifl .,:J•i ·l7lrJ TAKE OVER LEASE A T PR E·l!'lfLA TIOH PRICE! 7 4 Che• El Camino w a ir 74 Ford 8 300 Van loadL-<l ! 74 Plymouth Voyoqe-r W/ .'>l l'f l'Ul'1\)t;' ALL LOW MILES ! ~ CORT FOX LEASJN<~ ......................... WILL BUY YOUR DATSUN, TOYOTA OR VOLKSWAGEN l',\JI) !'jilt (JH W f I J, I' A \' l111Ll ,\If ('\I .I. Al.I.I-.'-..o·IH 01·1.! N11'1' · r < ' " "t>: -.;·r 'l).M l'H k I I' w 1·11~,lfun ';1n11 .. ·r IH'W t11t•!•>r S't :UM! f:\:• ·l~~lli,1tt ti 1:1 I' L l"·rn.., t :onq .. ·r -.h .. 11 I! 11 ,\I' l1urr1p~·r V.'idl· v.l1t'<'l_~f..·111"•·~ I<.\ S:!iUO, 1.111 ,;fi I F;at "'''I' 111 •• j' ('IJlltl 9725 ~agh ., xlnl. ong. 1·ond '11::1 llt!NllA :t.'">ll SL. J.:ood In fi ay s hor e s lip r 1111d S·lllO llt•:-t (Jfler 6l6-0885 orti<lti :sus1 i ",dl ~jj,2 ,-1·l'l ·l ;1ft 5J'J\.1. 1~16 NEWPORT BLVD CQO:,'JA MESA b~~-l661 111aan 1'.J7:J t"llHIJ I L oni..:~·r, .ii! 24 ' ow r:Ns {;HlJJSl-:J( '\!-8 po~·l:'r , ~oun<J1•r , he;HJ. Runs & look~ i!4HHt $J 700 t;?S ,If; 1 H "72' S Kll'JA CK 2H (Jybrldgl., ou t r!r·. :.!:!~> UMC. inbrtl 1ou1hrd. tr1n1 ••• JHTY s .. Htii I 0459 Apoche l i•n-A•e. ~•v .. ~, You arl· lhl· winner 1,1 ,\tr;1~. :O.t't' t ... 1ppr1·• f·.ll•· !i:J.1<011 •l'.111 j!,1)\1 O! .rl!• xxu; 'G7 (;,\\C .1 , lt•ll p1t'fd1p :J;:'7, •1 !->IJ\'<'d V.lth l'Ulll p<111nd t1r -.L g1•.1r t'o uipl<•l<'IV r1•bu1ll l'ng1n1• arid r·lut,·h. ::il::'-.>IJ +;';;J 1;,c,ix ;, fL,·1· .".pen ORANGE COUNTY'S NEWEST & LARGEST IMMEDIATE DELIVERY All \J.,d'f·I ... ,oi,, !'1dor ~ Dick Miller Motors I ~II \\'. \\ ·' 1'111'1" ,\l .0111 • l{lbs, S tu S, l1a1t t;111k . many n1or1;.• xtr ;1:-:,';',KOO J)Ji : <213J ~JI 5xo::1 :!IH'kl'l,.,tu tht• Sports, Voc:otiOf\ & Recreational Vehicle Show ;1\ the ,\'.\l ,\il t·:l.\1 ti1 l"l11•vy, •,tun l'tt•k L'.I' S.1111.1 \11.1 ----~ ·, 111 Vt• nt 1011 1 '4·11t t'r i"e ~· 111111,or, 'l'r:1.11"> '"fl\ I' ,:,-l:!I ~P~•l•·I' rlult·h. ~l ·l'.IU .. /',\\1.t,., \.\1 l':\1 !fl.I ''"' \lt1I 16ats, Sail 9060 J an 'I lhru I~ ·1'.11 -2:l:J!I 1 "' ('41tld ~J.ll!IH i'l:ll ~ti.!.> ··"'··················· t8j't .• e .fbin :ile(·11:-·1, u,.,ed onty 4 t1n1t•s. t"fl't' l.1do J$1e mooring ttl Juru· 675-::!'132: 645 H_1<1:J. (';di 1:1:! 5ii7ii. t'Xl :J:J;J hvlWt'l'll !I & 1 p111 to 1·1,11111 yuur t1t'kt"\:O., IN<11"1h {"1H 1rll.Y tnll 1t"l'l' ll11n1!il'f i:-J HI !~:!O). :\1 US1' S l-'.J.L! '7J l'llltlJ .Ill .d'.\1 11pe1r:: 14 v.·1 1rlr storage hox. $X.'">11. 5•HI -817:.1 --- SAJLBO/\l' AUXILl/\HY l Johnsous. 9lh I-IP J.ongshart. 20J-IP Xtra lo11g.~h;1tL $.350. e a c h ti75 .11;1x O 'DAY SA ILEH . Xlnl cond., w ith 1nolur. l raill'r & eXLra s. 8111; -so:i-1 1'H UNDJ.;JlBIHV 20', s leeps 4. r·our s;.ils, U H Cal I 7 14 /968-01,10 ••• !~71J YA 11 Ai\! A l:!.'i Er11.Juro Xlnt. t"ond s:11 KJ. '71J Ill )N I)/\ :150 l.' H S:J75 l\lu:-.1 .~ell. n101·11ig'. ;,,\I! 74!.lti '1i~J lll)NJJJ\ 175. 1-:Jr Sl<trt JU :0-1 l.un t·d $:JOU. ~Iii i.5,1:1: "7:! SLJZUK I 'l",\1 <!;°111 Kon1 Shocks. t·ust. PJl-"C . ~~ll ~1Y:ill :)[150_ '7 1 JI USK\. 2.-.U. l\l1ku111. x1ra 1·lt·an. Vt'!")' L1.'1 ~55\J <of IH~:o>l offt'f 5.15 .1;-;5,1 ;d( .'i t" 1 uu ,\ ·r . Ii l f, ' I,, )-!H lll!t"S, 11\'I'. di.I' ,_11:-.. .'J E W ·r r u ,. k 1 1 r".., s ::' . ~JI) I) I r t' a :-. " I I ·;,7 F(JH!l .. , !on 1' ··;1n1p ing ,.ht'll, X ply Ion·,.,, .\Int body. 11t·•·1I :-11111·. \ITk Ht·sl oltPr u1<'r :;;1:,11 Vans ........................ 1!11;1 F < )f{ J) K l ';i:-:-11·1ndow \'a ll. l';u1t•ll·d & 1n:-uL11 e d . 1; ryl. ;1utn. St't' at :!ii5::'!'"1 V1;1 S;1cr;111 ll'lllO. l':1p1 .s lr:1no Hl·;1•·h . ~:i:J 1;(;;, 1. 'ti? Chevy \1~111 toH' l1asL'. :!i'IJ \:ii 1·ng111t• ~ll\I f1rn1. l 'all ;,.11; ·1·17.'i a!L ;111d V.'l't•k1•n11 ... BARGAIN Hf>A'I': Srtuu·k Lehman (JI '>. gd. rond sailable if you d11·1· fur center board Jo,.t :u :-llor1· n1ooring 1n s tor1n. 1Vlu~! 3ell -m o v <'d. a:-k1ng -~!_SO. (7!4 l 151 :,1;;1, Bill. 1::17,1KAWAS1\K/400 5·181'1 'ti:! Fl) HI>. 111_·1v t1rt•:-. lllill'S . S~l.'."11! or l~·~t ollt•r, hrks, p;Jnll. runs g oo1d :~IH OiiOt; 1;42 2'.:14:1 aft 6 :it!, 16' HOBI r.:: CA'I' w 1trlr . used 3 t1 mt's. 1nu::.L ::.ell. Motor Home~. Soles/ $J,t!OCI. 543 ii"i77 Rent 9160 ......................... 1~2 ISLANllr:1t :$\11\1k IL MOTORHOME anyt11Tll' 11 kn_ds ·1;7 i)lll>Ci I·: V-.1n :lll'I. :.lit'k . n1a)-!s . run,, J.!d' Shrp 1111 . l'l't ply. SI .::'.'iO. f;.I:! t::JI .\ Autos Wanted B a r low w1nl'hes .. i · RENTALS cus hion s. Ha.~\l'f·L'11·1·ro ---0 •••••••••• •. ••••••••••• sails, Jiffy ret>tlng, :J D_ALE'S 838 900 \Vf<'.P,\\''r CJ l'lJl )LLAH burner o ven, pnl'L'd un 1 ~17:l l'AC~: AHHtlV.'. l.J f'"(JH ·rtll' l iSJ·:11l',\HS dcr m ark et. t<.l111L eo111ll -, . 1··01tr:1tiN. 1 11J.\l~:s·r1l' l'ion . M anv e.~tr;,is ~ {;;11! :Si ps h. :1,t:. !i"nl·rator. 8 ,7 _8 5 ~;_. l •f , -+1u l'r11;1111•. l\l ;111y xt r;,is . or<.'l.,\S."!L'S -.J )~ (JfC .J. ,, I I • Sl\J 'U() If your ··;ir lS t'Xlr.1 t:ll ';jll C.14-1062 afll•r:.. t·;I! Y 0 ;...o. ' .J --~-~l!i;!]7t;:l. :>l'CUSl!I'...,\. BAUER BUICK :.!'.!~.·, J\arhor l\lvd KJTE No . 12-l . !:!' f il.Jergla.ss v.· tr ;tilt·r. -~50. C1t1 11 -:·.:t.=. ·llli! ,. "\( l 1 I,' l'' :t5 '. all 111.~. \lr;1:..-F rec 1111. !.17~-~10.J!i ~.101< pn1 l'crlt'<'f' . --1'. 1,1, Traders, Travel 9170 .......................... It.AC ING 5al.KJt 'fuJJy e<jUJjJ. .$375 -(lffer. ~7-6980. ----------7:! ·~ L.<)L:HIEH -+ 7 1 5 \h iloats,Slip Docks 9070 v.h1•el s1outi. !\l ust ::.~·!! hv ·~··••••••••••••••••••• .l.111. 1:~ or IJ~·:-t nfic:1; ,Sl'JP s pa ce ;1va11. 2U ;!:,· ,,:u; 1i:J~Jl __ _ narrow l1ea~ sail hoa~:-Auto Ser•ice & / - 6nly . 28th St. i\1ann.1 . p 1 9400 I ~7J-6606 •••• ~: .. : ••••••••••••••• leats/Spee-d/ JS Yt)LIH I J:\'rSlfN 1'.osta r.1es;1 TOP DOLLAR PAID IMMEDIATELY FOR ALL FOREIGN CARS CALL OR COME IN TO SEE US CALL OR COME IN TO SEE US GOTO - JAGUAR CALL OR COME IN TO SEE US NEWPORT IMPORTS 3100 W.Co.asl Hwy. H.B.. 642·9405 THIHK ~ Sff HfR6 "FRIEDLANDER' 1 l7SO 6fACH BLVD. We,tmin't~r 517-6824 GOTO- MG s .. 1 ..... ~··1·11t't·, ,'I.· 1., ...... i11g CALL OR COME IN TO SEE US 'ti4 'fHJU!\.11'11 Sp11!11.· 07 i\M BASS,\l>l)Jt ljtJ • '7) COMT'l • ti'I ! (IH(l 1"1Jr111••. c;nud GocH:ic•111ul111011 :kl~lt•t; I ~I'!•' l' I\ I I <I\\' ''I ''"!1di11••U :\tu.~t -~•·!I. tra11 :;.. ~u rne b•H) ., , ('a116·1•: ;~i10 d.1111.1g1• S::'SHl".dl"'kH•I:-• . (.'t)l·i··I·'. ,\1.1i-.1•lllH1'1.h 1 .l.~\U Volkiwaqe-n 9'770 ~1nyllrnc "-'kd):o.i.Jt•l 11woJ1 l{a11 1al !111· ... "I'''' 1.d Mustang 9952 ••••••••••••••••••••••• &2prr1 G·I ~ 1l57::' 1'"1111 , ,\111 Fin ~1,·1<'u ••••••••••••••••••••••• 107" VW l'<u1,1•1·t \i·r} gil v. 1 .. p1· l1lir. fut! I"~"'''' ,'!,\\At "t[J..111!0.A \.'.I'S Co111lit1011 ~Ill •! adillac 9915 :.''.J.U!IO 1111 \11t\I l"J' \!.114~ 1·11 ,ill" JV, ;1:-k ·l~:i ~fi'LI ••••••••••••••••••••••• l't"flt'l'l •'•H id1 t.1•1 ~~121 Jot '.\l1ki• hi:! 1jl~ CADILLAC Cor•ette 9932 '/·I \ll S'[',\NI; II 1;t11:... '67 VW l '1\.\1 l't·:H. Nd.., c-ng work . ,l)r.ingl· l'ounly s [;org1·"\ 1':ill ·l'.I.! t,,.x:1 :-1·l1«·t1un !~till ',, 1~7.;,., ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1!11Jll,1<' '""(] )<! fl\I, lul- l~ ll.1rdlHp l '.,ll\••rl 1l1l•·, I> l'qUlp d ,\ l', l'1S .'iic :-pol. A ,\.[ F ,\I , I' \V •"-I' II ,\]11 ..,t :><'l' tu up· 1• 11 . ~:iuu.i. 1\11. ,, 1,1,·1·1.11 •· •·1 ~'1 ·l.ii:i llpL•ll i':\t.:1',\' Ila) I '.:I ti 1 VI) L I\ S \\' ,\ l; I-'.:'. ~---------~' llOOe,· $·1.'io ~,11; :n 11; ASK f-'()I( IJ,\\'lll (.i.1 VW Ill!<;, ruri.~ gooJ ,·on+! Sti7,, '71 \'\V HL 'S ll .. 1>111•11;:, gd eo11d1l 1i>1I, ~.:!II~). l,111d.J t,"/5 !:J.1U \<'I l '" I '73 \I,/ ":S'l'J' ,\(,].\ 1',H11P•'t Still u11dL·r \1,or.1J11~ :i;.1;11111 -1~1.1 ,,::'!II E1« Nabers CadiUac 2600 ·-ll>d. CoJ.ta Mew 540 9100 • J.h. 171J:f iOld~mobile 9955 1:1,t (_"t l:-;'['t>.\1 l·11r,1·I\<' ••••••••••••••••••••••• J\:ew 1•;,1111 ... 11· '"'nd ·'I :-,,,1,·~;111dS1··r\'i<·<' t1lll ptl\.\1·r ::..~1 •. ,0 1·,1 O LDSMOBILE pt1.. <:.o11 11 .. i h.!~1:• "' G MC TRUCKS 1~;·;:, .'l l;'.11/1;~('' ~:.1·:11~1'.J.111;~:~· •i7:l ·l1>:i 1. HONDA CARS 11r .. ~ .• di .... 1r:10 .. li1rh ford 9940 UniversityOlds !c.1tl1cr Jiil /'\.l. l't)', ••••••••••••••••••••••• :.!l'l.1H ll:i rlxirlll1.jl '-.1 i.:1., 1.11 ii~:1:1 l~l7:1J.'(JH l1 !\\1\\l·:H11 ·h t.'.1 1-;J Jl(JI( \l)t) .. \,\1 F\l , ,, i ·.,..,,1,, :\lt·.~:1 ::,.1u :JldO ..! ll\)()H:-,1·.l),\,, ;:.1.:1,, \i ( \ l111d••r , '..'.,11 ,·nl t·111~111« \ ,\1 I( ,,.11,, 1,7 111.!I S '.!X. ·I llr 11 L'\t'l\lt1111g, ilUL"I );d, NEWPORT IMPORTS ·,,:, \ \~' Ill It;_ !'.1rl !l.1J.i S.:!1~1 (',di.Il l .1,.'>:11; tel!M 3100 W.Co.ast Hwy, NB. '.l••l"t'O. l1ll l\li<'t'I 1'1'111~.t· 1·11111111!. lll'I' Iii <'"· .xiii! !'Hl\d . ,\~k 1<11' 11\\111. ,,,,! .111J11uro,7,, ;.1~,11 J I (',\II l~ldur.ul•1. f••<•t . I 111I1 i<1.1<l•.,I, •.un l I IJ 1 .., < • -~ ! :\ \ , I l I 1' j' I :1 ll ... I! I\,...,, •II t 'uJ.,r · \\h1I<· \11 IL'<I i!<' 1,:: ,>I ~I .11·,·11,_,. (fi1,l ll 11 I ,,,1,,11 1: \I IJ.1.d 11:1 lJl 'l.I'\ ,'IH, ·I J)I( li.oid I " I' I ' :--.1 l' I , " I ' " • 642-9405 '72 V\\' Ill '(;. \1111 ('Ulid -----""""-'L"'"'-----1 !Lt'\\' (I I'••'>, .! !l)UI) !!JI l "~I i\Tt;,\, n1•v.· p;1111l . :-;1,!;.u or Ill'"\ .Ill. .>l'\1 cl\l'\llil" \\ll'V \1hl,.,, gd s:.1 :!X-17 l'\I !'I .I p\ I ti 11 '. ::;:1u1 I " ll'l :1x1r.1 • • • William Smith 382 E s th er St. Costa Mesa \ 1u1 :•rv lh<' 1111J11,·r11f ~ l1t -J...1·I :-lu lht· Sports, Vacation & Recreational Vehicle Show ,L( ltlt• .\".'-\11 1·'.l.\l i,._'0111l'llt 11111 i 0l"ll\l'I" .I ;111 1 I h r11 1 :! l1t•[\\\'<'ll :J .~· l p111 l11 \'i,lllH \'O(ll' \ll"kl•l .... t.'\<1rth t'ount ,> lull !rt·« !HUlll1l'rl..,,,j(I 1:;:;u 1. ••• 9744 . ......................... . '67MGBGT $1 1),111 ·: 1 ;\Hi H .\I""· 1·:1,.,. ilri-!,on C.oll X It; 7 . .:11 '66 MGB 1·.111 .-,1x 11,!lf\ 9746 ......................... ·-;1 i1J'f·:L t:~1u St.1 \\',1J.!. Jr111 d1 ,.1· 1,.-al..1·..,. ;11r. :11111,. '.I 1;,.1 i: 1:; .l:!:,,-, l1 7 50 ........................ 'i l I \I '63 Porsche I' j I Ii :-, I ' H l•: :1 I 1 Fill ... 1t·1·v.,, .1 ~~,·111· l'il<o(" brn\111 1111 rn .• \" t.! !'<1HSt '!l l< .;,,1, l'. ••(_',\SJ! :'\ti\\'•• lrldL·p llU,\' :<!II i<)f'l'l ~ll "['tJ I' ]HJL l.1\I L pl I. 1:1.c 1X:1•1 ;:.; 1·;1. IHJI\ \ll\I, 111111\,H \\'111!•' '' ..,,,ddh· !!II< r I ,p 111 J '., '.II 11! I" 1! . 11 1'\l'f\ >.II.I I (l\111•'1 S•·r11r1· rt·1·u1d ;1\.111 :i7 lUU.("~dlX•I '.!.lid !>Ii \' \\' 11, "" rlill \1 gu.11 <'•Hllll l'.I li 7:! l<11g ~'.~HI :•ill'.: ·r .. i • .i c 9917 L111 J.! •• ~~-~~~••••••••••••••• Vol•o 9772 ••••.•.••....•......... VOLVO Executi•e Car Sale r'llo .... t ,\ludel"> ,\ 1.._'olor~ l l 1<1 <'h11u~t· !roni ,d TREMENDOUS SAYINGS 7 ! ( '.1 111,1 I " /',<'.111111 lli 11111<' ,l<'llOJ11 l\1t'l1L11uh·1 pl.1ul 111t Ii di\ \\li•···I ... t·'.1<'(o11·y ..,1,·r1·•) F;\1 1.1p•· Full jl!I\\ <'I ;1111., .111 'lh)-\ 1'1711 7 1 l '.\.\!.\l!•l 1,"J t•<,1·r1 \ll ,1, ">l 'l"'i'I! i 'lllld ':-;]!; !.:1:1 ,di td'.\J ,\ \\'!-. nd~ l·'.x .1 ni pll': I ·I:! ,\utqn1;ot 1•· \1 ' a1 r . puv. l'r :-L•·,.nri).!. Chevrolet 9920 ,oi,, h(<'l'l'q C°i l l:!l \)lll,1 •••••••••• ••• ••••••••••• $S249 CONNELL i:J7 I ,>;: 7:J \'~ )L\'1 )s 111 i-toek rl';td~· lon· IMMEDIATE DELIVERY t!rew1~~ 2025 5 Manchester Anaheim 750-2011 1;'.! l'l.'!IJU '''" !1'.111 :- H<·l!ll l'll;.' ::-."i1•1,.r l"·~t .. 1 I ( •(' :~u; I :u; I 7~ \'ill .\1! \\;:11 .. \•r . \,\I F\1 r.1d1". 111 ~·.: r." !-., rrlr t11\1•h ~! .• '1 •• 11 Autos. Used CHEVROLET .-.. \l.l·:S ,'(, S l-'.H\'ll 'l·: 2828 Harbor Blvd. ! 'l IS t' .\ '.\11·:,..; \ 546-1200 !:; l\IJ'\! .. \ \',1111 :--1'1 , ."(llH' \"X .• 1ul<1 I r.111 ... r,,.J,,,, ... 1,·1·,·o. 1.q•<'. \ ! 1\ 11 l '' :1 I 1,. . :1-; :1 I ti ! I .• :-.1 .1,•1.'> I' :.; \II' !·. \ ('1•11<'11( '"1111111 .. 11 ~l."11" XI~ ''I .i;' .IJ I .1pr11 "i i I \11'.\I, \, ~il11·r 'OHHI. I•• n11 .\ (' ,~· l1•p I "' I 9925 . .••.••...•..•...•..... t.:1 I \I I' I·: I( I \( l.«H\l!•>'-(')'f, I ( 1~'11 I II oi '", 1 ".•' l >qi I I lrl ,( <11111· ... ill\ t·1<11lt ··11d ,1,111 1.11:·· .....••.•..•....•••••.. , AMC 9905 )~.~~~i.".e.~t.a .... , •••• ~?.3.~ .ir11 1111 1·!1r<nllv 11li•·t<I.., ••••••••••••••••••••••• !\ \JK 1\ ' ',I \ \11!11" 11 Id!-. 1111 ;:..l.11 111 1:1 ll<Jli.'\t·:T ll.11• hh.I(,,. I 1-'11lly t•qt1q• IAI\\ lllilt'" ·'·' j lil;,;1; :111 ,, I I\ 1 <'lo•,oll ' :• 1.1 ... ....... 11!'!1! IJ I • I' IH ,, .. , ' ,\1.11 I•<' .~1·•·11 ,11 IJ \IL\' l'lL<li' 1 ·111pl"'"~ l'·"'"- 111 f: 1,,1 .l.;11 \\"·"l IC,o\ ~t11't'I. 1 ·,,..,t,. \h .... 1, .\l,,11 d ,11· 1l1ro111 ;:t1 l'!'ld.t\ '~" 1 .. 1· 1111 , .. 1 .. ~.., .. 1111··· 1:.1'.! ·1:!'.!1 I !' ,, J' lt• I 11\,U1y .dH '7 I O lds Toronado l-'1dl1 •·q u1ppt••I. l 'lo·:1 11. l.11· !10 \\'(;,\ 1 $::'.!1 ~1011· IH ''.I 1dr. !'11•.o.'" l".d[ •!\1\1 \t' 7;11,1 ,111 1'"111\••1,r:· c '1nl.•~" fJ,·11. ·rr:111'-. \\.ij_'.11 11 . 1\11 1:\1 :--1<·1•·" ,\\,,111 10:\tr.•»· \t·r·y ,\ 1' r.1d1 oJ ~. tl l'11• 1'l<';t11 '-.l;;, l~H l'..'.7:~ (1\1111 ,, .• ,' 1\111 o.I I· \I.( \l' ',,, \ r H II •• 1 ·~1 ··11,• t.'''"I I\ •II h < ,O I \•.J...1111' ;-.11 ~1 t'.iil :tit '.H! ·' !-. 1<11 [,.,!'I I ''' ,,"\ l ~ • ' I ,,! l.l'l1 '"· !'"I" 11111 d• •\\..,, l ,, 111 .1 ~1 l• I <HUI :-.:.: .• 0111 '..'.11.'I \"1.1 .\11•;;1\· :--1\.11'1• (·1111-. ~ \. J.!. l;IL\'-"[(Ji(l,,f I .1d1;d I 11 "~ .!I ,IM MJ ~:;!:(, ,-tJ!, .1·11» II<•\\ 1n1 ••• Barbara Squier 178 Costa Mesa St. Co~ta Mesa J .,u ,ll<' !h•• \llllllt'I ••I ~ [H hl'1'o [<l lilt• Sport s, Vacation & Recr eational Vehicle Show .d 11 ... \ "\ \ 11 I .; \ 1 l . "11 I <' 111 u !!I I ' 11 !< I .) ,, H I 1I11 \I I ' .1.:.1 Plymouth 9960 . ...................... . ATLAS Chrysler /Plymouth 1111,·11 [i.1111 .~ :--u11. Id]() J. ,\ 1 ,_:·1...:•1 H .1l'IH11· l\hd. \ ·,,~1 a ,\]1·:-;1 546-1934 1.-; 1'11111oulh S;itL'llllL'. l'ill! p<1\\ ,.,. ~l!KMl 'bv-tl ol · ll'I" I':\. 1·,,nil. l•:\1'S ;,\olK ,J 111 ·s ·r1·,1i . H\ lh ph. \Ii l'l.<IHll llH ! I h111<·1 . 1111\I lop r d Ill\'" 11111 d11\1 n lo.i<'i.. ~•·.ii , ( 'l<'.111 . ~. •o,Hl I I 1-.I <>I I' lo7,! .1. ol ' I ,j '.I,! 11111111' 1~?.".':?~ ........... ~ ?.6. ~ 1966 2 + 2 (.ill 1,1._: ,,1,.1'1, 1•\( I'' ''~" I p111 '1 .• ' "' I ""I I /1 111111 ;1•1 I I ••111' 111 ).,••I -. i '<111Hll IPll II•" ,.._ .1 l<I ) :__::__:11 I . . . . ... , I < ll ·' I H \ '•fl "\\ II • 'I """'"" '" . I ,,7 1;\[.\\ll I I 1 i '"II " I ... \ .11 .,/ !! ,1 lh II Ill• • .• J., .1 .• ,">.111 7 ' j', ,:LtH \Ill" ',H.1 \ 'i \ n1 I !•' I•·• 11• ·I .I • 1·1.i I «Ill \ 1111 <•>!Iii I '1 I pl I i'1I llH \ "\ lJ '-•'II ! rorn F.11 · l"l \ \'l,,1 f'1Jllt1,11• 1 .11.11111 .1 : Jl1 !1rdtp. 11~' \ :-; .1 .rl I >. t r .1 :-. ( Ii." ' '· 111 • "1111 l;l'I"\.\' d1 .. lll'!' , "~I :u .. I Tt.underbird 9970 ........................ '58 Thunderbird $300. 894-9743 Veqa 9974" ...••..•.•.•.••••...... ·• H"t ilto•o· '1,11 .:.ito I\ ~I l'l-'.H Si/1\•1· lll:111p1111i..1 \\l.l·',\1 :-.;.!!1<111 (',iii 1:•1 !!:lXI ~.~~~-........... ~?.2.:1~~~~~-............ : ?.~:I ~~~~~ ............ ::.2.: ~-~~~-............ ~?.2.~ '!'..' l'I) IL-;\ ·1 r I< 'I',\ Jn;,\, .\1111 vund. J•11 I'\\ Sk1 9080 'f(l\'ll 'rA Fl:\'l' s1t·k"! ••••••••••••••••••••••• Hc:ii-r(•p;11r:-1;.11~1;.1s:1 NEWPORT IMPORTS .~, .. \ 1__. Saab 9760 '73 ·1,9' M !N I l"ruis<'r. Recrrational/ Bald & bluepnnt~d l'ni,:. Vehicles 9530 14fw ho urs. l'\-tcl alllk fin. ••••••••••••••••••••••• X1 sh~e ._~47~ ,).17 ()'./:J:J c II J 1'\I () () t..:. '["() \'()'!"AS J7' ft. KONA ,Jct, ti mns round 1 ripper nov.· nn ills· ofd. Mus t sell: l:ike over pl;1~' •.. fll';_idy fur p _a yrnent s. E ve.'-v;11·;1t1••r1 11·1p:--• Bu~ ji7J-32l!_J _ now' ln:-1><-·~·1 :.nd dr1I'!' <!Ill H<'<hH·l'tl lo ~f,.1:1:; ;1l Hill i\1:1:...1•.\' Transportation J'ov<11.1. 1xxx1 B1·11t·h ••·••••••••••••••••••••• Jll•od . llun11ngto11 lh•:H'l l X 17 tt:~·,:, Mobilr Homes 9 I 40 _-.;I< \V ........................... l l I :-.. Jo'. I '~. t ' I , I·, , 8;<.33 F'URNISllJ<:IJ t r:1il1·r • in adult, n o l".'l. l'·'rJ... Dir. 645-l 7·17 . -- g11•al n'!' \t'h 1111' d•· :-•·rl. IJ.! kn\11>11~ 11r•·,. !1;1-. Hrq.!g:-Iv Str;_1l1<n1 t'Jl)..'.. 1.!0L'." :11J ~ i\I l 'I I I '11•.I 3100 W.Coast H"l. Hll 642·9405 WE BUY IMPORTS ·rop llnl!ar F or t<.1;1kt• pf 1\!1111 .. 1_ 1\ ll,I JIM PANOS MAZDA 1\11,d11·1r11 r11P U"ll.•r , .. ,id 1 .. r H:\l\V ,., ;ind .di "11k·I' 1111 I · · ''!\•. ~;<!11 ~ ~;:1: lur ol f i11;od LAt.. BC ! . ll ,\.'•U "'" , Setup 111 fam Jl«r·k t',dl l,1,· J.:d t11ru /i; \\'il l ,.vii IH)1·11·d ,·.•rs_ 494 ·-38t;4evi·~ i .. r 3:,1111 t ';dl ;,;,x t~~11 Crevier BMW i-.---"'"I'·" <1r .>Ktl ;1.!',f.l 1'\•" :!llX\\'. J:-!:--lr+'t•t .Motar Cycles/ .\: "'knd.~ S;1nl.1 ,\u.• ,..;t,·, :1 1~ I · Scoofrrs 91 SO 4 Wheel Dri•es 9550 General 970 I ............ ······ .................. ··········· ......................... . lfONDA CL 1::'5s. l::J7,I \.\1111 ~00 miles. $51fO firu1 494-3881. '11 KAWAS1\KI .'"JtMf M ae h 111 . (;d. ronrl $365 1>12·Htfi::'. '1;~1 'J'()Yl l "r,\ _L ,~N I) l\.lliZAS'J"(l:\ ,\\,\11'l"l.~ ('l(l/IS J<:H w /.lli lhi:\ TlB·I r:ng1nt•,'i,,IJ<1dy~l11l ~·n g1n 1·. Hnll h :1r, !·;\I S:!'.")Oi{)l f('r.71 1l .. 1!1~:.i.x1i r:1tilo. '\';1pc •l<'l'k Xlnl 11; ;, l1rt·:-. t·x1r;1 !-1'1 Alfa Romeo 9705 :S l ::'!IU "iJl -!1:1 1.'o n11 ....................... . :J :10 1',\l ·1,!1 S l'Y llt-:r<. ,\If ;• -l{on1t•O, Sz7::.0. Xlnt 1·on1l 90 I 0 GetW't'al 9010 !17~ !IOti.'"1 -~ Crevier BMW ;!UH \V. l ~l :)I rt•l't. x:J.-1-3 t 7 l ORANGE COUNTY'S OLDEST & ;111 . f'\\I •,l,.lt'<l IH ltollt•·, s .... :-.•. '.t'.! .. :11.11 _'.ll•I Jensen 9732 ........................ GOTO · JENSEN HEALEY •···•············•••••· IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ,-., \ 1. l·:s I\· Sl·:fl \'IC I·'. Dick Miller Motors '11 \V . \\',irll•'f .ti .-;oi ,\1 .111) Santo Ana 557-2 132 & JENSEN HEALEY IHTERCEPTER s.11.,~ ~.·r\1<•·.:o.·l.t'.Od/I (' Toyota 9765 CAL L OR COME IN TO SEE US NEWPORT IMPORTS 3100 W.Coasl Hwy N.8 . 642·9405 ........................ HOW OPEN Marquis Motors •TOYOTA• .-., \I l·.-.; •:--I Ii\ 11 I· •I.I \-.,1 '-•, ·\1 '-11 '-.l,IJ('\I>:-. , ','l)il I;_! \ \ ,< I 1 •I' 'I 1 I>' I').. II ~ \11 -. ... 1"11 \ l•'I" ~~~~~?.e.s.~;.".x .... ??.~~:[l.<1.1'1' 1''1'1'1"1l'.:ll:! 1:1 .. 1:!111 low, low lease NEW '75 MERCEDES Only $160 per mo. (IJH 'r1 1•nd lo·:1:-c· :!111 Jl11•.·.1•l "1 :~:s11 ,..,\·d.1n I ~1u\,<1:r; I 1 71 Jim Slemons Imports I :101 <1u:1il Nl'v.•por1 u,., ... 11 833-9300 J\lElll'l-'.l>l·:S ~;,11 :-.1·d~u1. Ftill ll<f\\<'r. :11r. ;1rn /fnl, ·l :l.IHlll 1111 . l OWlll'r . i.tk•• ll<'V.'. !!7~! ·l ~1ti.'• !lr :"l:"iH 1 :~:G . SELL US YOUR OLD CAR, WE'LL LEASE YOU OURS! 100 NE W&IJS l·:1 1 'J'I) l' I H >t IS I•: House of Imports 523-72SO .. ~17!l 41:!7 .. 1:170 1;·r 1; plus. gn(Ki !1r1•s. t·'>;rt·lc•nl :-·h ;f!ll'. Low n11l;1i.:1• :::iG20{1 ·l!~I !117::!, GOTO- S:1lt·!r.,~~l'~Pi,~1s1ng CALL OR COME IN TO SEE US NEWPORT IMPORTS 3100 W.Coasl Hwy. Hll 642·9405 •:• 1;·r1 •. \l111 r11nn1ui.: 1·111111 , ll•"·d ... "In"· 1nstd1 • \\(•rk ~1t.f1 1 ;lit. 1i l'1\I 7'.J 1fl7H • BRAHD HEW '74 HONDA CIVIC [2 1 50835) s I 6 7~~. S677..J T ax & Lie . ' ' ' Del Py mt Price $3420 73. APR 13 5 1o/o . j ' .. . . . ... . . . ' .,. .. . , ., . ·~ . . .. .. • ., Laguna/South Coast ED ITI O N Totln:ov"s ClosinJ! N . \'. Slof'k!'> VOL.68, NO. 7, 2S E CTIONS, 24 PAGES • 197 5 T E N CE NTS Oil Enemies Win Major Court Battle S.\N F'R ,\'.\'(.'JSl "(I 1A l'1 l·:lll'llll('!> 11f Ill'\\ nil d1111111).! Ill lh\' ~;1 n!:1 1!;1rhar:1 ('h :1n nl'I h.11l· 11iin ,, lll:lj!H' \ll'l•ll'\' lll!h St1pt•l'!•!I i '1111rl J 11 rl gt• lr;t 11101111 .J1 :--d 1· < l~lll fl ;ig,1111 ..,\ uJI \'Ol!IJ'.11111 "" \I !Iii 1.i.11fornl:-.1 n t h1· l'h.in111·l 'l'ht· 1udgc 1·ul1·d \lor1d;i1 111 t•t l1•1·l. th at lh1· 1·n1tlp.lllll'" lllll ~l g1·I ,qJpl o\' a I of tho• ... ta!,• l 'i 1.1 ... 1 .i I /'.!l!lt' ( 'u 1 ~~('I'\' ~I I llll t l ·,HI 11111 ... :; I• J/L hv1 • lft' 1h1·.1· n1a~ ... ink n1..•\\ 1\ l·!I.., 1 ro111 t'' 1;-.11 ng pl.1 I !orn1~ Ill :-1,..llt• II .1 t l'I .... '!'ti c• ~u lt 11·:1" h r(>iig ht hy th1· -.;;u1t:1 l ~ar•h;u ,1 g 1·nup. "(;,., (HI i lut '' 11;(l()I 'l'h1• ..,1a!t• L.J1ul .., I 't1n1r111..,..,1011 l1111·d .t n1ur;d nrH1111 l.1~t :-tn11n11·r. h111 l111 i..:;t t1on h.1 . I !I'd up 111•11 drilling ..,11u·o• Brn11 n 111lt•d 1h,11 1h1• \l!.111111 · 1!1t·ht 1l·ld (.'u l't111ld n"l i.:o .d ll·.ul 111lh pl;.111 .., lo di ll! Ii I I•'\\ 111·JI .., ex I 111 n 1 :1 1 •I :1 l fur n1 oft t'o,t! ( J1 I !'01111 nor\ h ll I S.u ll .t l~.1 r l);11'.1 l ~J'()\I t1 J'O',I O'l'l l'd 1111 !'IJtllJ!:llll ;11·;..:11n11•11t ... th.it nv11 drillun . .: 11111 11·11.., 11.·r1· 1·,1·111 p \ 110111 tll1· ( \1<1..,1 :11 /.Ollt' ( 01!11"1'1"\ ;1t11111 1\l1 11 ..,l,11 H·d ,t.., p.111 orpl:d ft11111 .., o•-.1..,1 1111-: ht•lnr1· 1 h1• .u·I 11 ,1.., p:t..,..,t·d Ill' .d:-.n J"t·11·t·t1•<\ thc t'l.11111 lh.ll 1111· ... 1.11~· l .. 11 1rl" (.'j111111n ..,..,1 .. 11 ).!.1,Lll11't l ,1!1 lll'l'\':-.~dl\ .1f'p 1tlloil l111•il1 1ll1 n ~ pr111r to p.1 ~:-:.i,L!c ul th1· 1 11,1:-t .d :1l'I Hl'o11·11 ~ai d !h t• r~·1·ord u f t h 1· !':1 ..,•· lailt•d t 11~hu11 t h.II th,· l.;.111.i.., l'11111 1111 ...... 1on l''-'·1·1·1:-t·d ··f1n.1l . d1 ..,,·1·1·111111,11 \ ,q1p1 Ill ;11 !1111111·.1111. t l11• l 'u,1~1.il Zt1n1· I 111111!\l..,'i lllll 1t1l1•d l.1..,l it-.11 lu t•1 • 1111'1 lh1· dr11l111 i.: 1Hll l\'t'111un 1 1t .., , di!lt111 1 ~11 1,;()()1·h,dJ1'tl).!t•d l h :11 ,II lllllt Ill ~.ill 1·'1 ,11\('l:-1'1\ h\'l'.l ll"" I! eat s ·-"~ ~ 1:-l lu· h1·:ulqu.ir1(·1.., ('ii\ f111 tilt· l'O •Ill Ill ,..,..,I! >ii llt•jHl[I ,\!11 (n•!I 1(11d 1·11j ·I.. I•; \\';d ... lot1I.dh•d1111• 111l111g ,I I l 'I I t111pu11o111I l.t• 1t·,1t·li1n1: ii• •' I -., I• 111 ltohv1 I ·'' \111'llt'\ .., ltd \\1·ho>pt'lh1 •111 .. 11 .-1 11111111· It \II 111.j 1111111..,, t.dt•li h 1 !ho• < 11,1 I t111111111 .. ,-.,l•of1 I" d1· II• I !1111 It' II 1\1 I h1 I 1 Ji, I t' 1-. t'l l I 11 ot 1 • ID $3Million l Slaying ,''_\Puzzles Coroner Project Delayed lly 11 11 .. \f{\' I\.·\,.,.: 0 1 inc 0•••1 f'!lot ~·~•! Sotdh l 'n.i..,\ l'l'!'l<llt,d 1•1111; n11~ ... 1011l·r s h1·ld .. 1r ·' r1 .... ,..,1,lf1 :1<111n d ;1,1 Ptl ;i S.:t n 1lll11111 pr .. 1t•1·t 111 I >;111;1 l '•lllll l hi!l 11 ,~u ld 11u •l11<h · ,, 1111.tu r in n . r1 •..,r.111r,1111 . li,1111... l1hr;1 r y, n lf11·1•.., .ind ... r.oi 1·-. ('111111111 ... :-l•ollt'I'" 11111 li ..,1t•Jl tn 1u1 lht·1· tt•:-111111)111 .11 tt1t·1r .l.111 :.!O 1111·1·!1 11 .l! ;i nd ;11t -'L·,pt·1·ll'd 1t11.ikv .!t'flntl nn thC'Jll!lll',.1 :d th.ll \11111• 'l'h 1._• 1·t•t·ntn1111 ·nd.11111n 11 ,1 ._ 1ol.1nn,·d J11r :11~1 ;1 l '.11 1t1(· ('n.1:-t 1111.!h\1 :1.\', l111 .. 1lt•d h1•l111 •1•11 :-.1 l'j'l'1 ••I lhl' ('11pp1·r l .. 1111,·1 11 .1111! :-.tr1·•·I .,J !hl· ('r\ ..,1,,i l .. 11111·1 n ll \l(li1ld (lllt'I' ,111<1\ll tl!1··· ,!I'l l'"' :tlld Ii.ill' !IH•!l1 f 111 ::-:-:i 1•.1rk1nl.!. :-p:il't'-. \\'h ilt• c·u111 rn1..;..,u1111·r -. h.<\t rl••I I \'l d1·Ctdl•d \lht•lhl·!' t•l' 11•,l l•> .11> p1u\1• tl1t· pr"1•·1·!. pr11p.,~··d h 1 \I .1 r 11),t ~h1 II l'" J 11\ t•-.l 111 -. < 1j 1 ),I II.! J'11!!1(, t hl' l'I Hlltlll"-"lllJl0 " -.1,llf II' '1•1lltllt'tld\·d d1•t11.d ·rh1·rl't'•1111ri1vnd.1l1"n 1\,1 .., 11.1 :-l'tl Pl\ l ilt• l1t•l1vl 111,tl !hl' !'111 11·«t 1\n uld h" ;1 'prt·n1<1tur1· c·o111 1n1ttn1c nt of <·ua:-1 1.11111· rv..,1•t1 rt 1·-; csce 01-:1,.\ ,._ 1•a ~1· .\:!I Dana Scl1ool Field N an1ed For Princ ipal '!'ho• ll :1n.1 11111:-111;..'h :-it h1u d jo11ith.1l l -11eld dfl111,1ll1 11.1 1 1,11 1\L~.t 1n honi •r o1 11h' ..,, llHtil .., l.ite 1•r inc1p;il , \\',ilt1'1 .J ·"'1'•'11•, r 111' i.',q 11~tr ,1no 1·n1f1vd ~1·hnul l 11 ... 1111·\ 11 li "lt'!'" ;\lnn1L11 111 ~!1\ ,\t lh1• :-.n11t· 111111• !1 u ..,11·•·"-•'\ ftlt'""''d "llflfl•H1 l•'I .1 -.111il1 ,n t 1, ·I •'ll>il'l \O t'(l1\..,\l lH t ,I -.l,111111111 ;11 I 111· fH•ld l'lll' p 11p11l.tr ~l't'll!'t 't d11,rl ul .1 h, .ll I :1\1.1C'h. 111 \l<>\('flll•1 I l'h1lq1 (;r1 ~11n11 . "' 1111!. I'' 111 f IJ•.d.1nlil 1hl' h,1,1rd 1h,11-.l11oi•111 .., h.111• 1.1\"t'd :-.1111 l1>11,11d lht ··..,111n;d1·d ::;:11111 !11111 11•,+..,1 111 ,+ :-,l.111111111 \;l'lg ll tltl "'!Id lh1·l1' 1-. ,I 1-:l'tlll!l d ~\I Pll o1 '\1Jl]'t1t'I 1 .. r ,I "l.11l1um fr11111 111d11 u1u.d.., ,111d j.!t nup:; 111 1 ht' "c h• .. ~1d1-.11 11 ·! 'l'hc p1 11 1<"11 1.il ..,,,,.,..,,.<J th.1 1 f11nd:-: f•1r t ht• "1.11l111n1 1\ntlid '"' t .11..,1..·d 111t h1·1·11111n111n1t \ ,i nd 1 h.11 11 \\;IS no t l''tli·1·tt·tt 11i..i1 -.1·ho<•l d1 :-;t 1·ie1 fund~ \lotiltl 111· u ... l'd f111 lht• p rt~Jl'CI . ~l o .o:;fl y rh~udy l l1rP11i..:h \\IC'dn cs d:i ~· 111 111 ..,t·:t1 1l·t·1·d driz1.lcs 11 1,gh! :ind 1n11 rn1n g ho urs . Coolt·r a1 s I 11 gh .... n1·.1 r 60. LO\\'S to 1ng h1 !)('ill' ;,o, l:\'SIDE 'l 'OD.\ , .. f~iona R ic lnnnii<I hn.~ <Ht i11- lcrcst111a occu1XJ/11)11 -~Ir!' roud fC SI$ niCn. 1n l~·rl, f(lr n f.011d11n n1cn ·s mu9nz1nr -a sr rangc cart>er /or <1 l't('u r ·.~ rln11~sl1/1·r. See l'oge Ai I 11tlt':"'. Erm• ••mMck BJ L.M. ••Wd AlO C•lll•r11!• AS CNl••lll"' flf.IJ t.n\1Ct flJ Cno•~.,. ... 11 BJ 0.1lh Notlt•t Al £dll•r+1I P••• •6 £nl•r1•111m•11l B•·I ...... ft(. ....,,_,, 14••••<•" 61 lnlfrml•tlo11 I'll ....... ~ .... ,, ., MO~••I 8~ Mu111111 Fu11d• •10 NlllHllllll N•W• 1"4 O•ll"'lt Co1111!1 "' P"°PI• fl 1 J ~y!W<ll Potl•t AHi ~POrt• O•·I Slot~ M.lr~•h A10 11 T•to.,11•11 81 ri..11t•• e• W••lhet A• World Nt•• A4 '1 O~·•Y Polo, ~l~U P...,,a TO WIELOGAVEL Cou nty Board's Diedr ich Supervisors Pick Cliief In Diedrich ll.v \\ 11,1.1.\:\I ~f'llH F.l lll·:l t 01 !fl~ D.1>1y Polol S••ll 11.ilph .\ l l1t·dr1('h 11f J·'ull1•rt,,n \I ,I ._ 1•1 1•1•\t•rl l'h.111111;111 .. 1 1ht• ll1.111 i.:1· ('0111111 H 11;11d 1.1 "llPt't"\ l'>\I!-. h>I l'.ri."i tnd.1 1 -.11t· t 1·t•d111 ~ .\11.il11·1111 Slq•t•r1 l""' i!dlph l 'l.11 h. l\h .. 11!11 :">l'l'\t' .!.., I I< 1· 1·lJ,11l'lll;11 1 ll11•tl1 11 ·li h.1-. ht·1·n ;1 IJ0:1r d r111·111h t·1 :-l!l\'1' l'.li«I JI.-11011 !ho· ._,.,11 Ill .! \ lt'IOI'\ u\ t'! h llli,! I l!ll\' :-.1q1vr 1 1 ... 111· \\'1111.1111 l'hlll1p.., I 11,·dr1 t h 1:-.1 I l1·nlt•• t .ii I !11· !1<'11 hn,11 d , h;i1r111 :1n !"-.1 -.vJI 111.ldt• 111,lt\ \l\iH 1•,11'1l!'d l,1.., tll"ll<'\ 111 lllll..,l!IH'tl"l1 ,llhi l.1nd d··11'\r•11n11·111 lit·11111• t11111111 i..: tn p1ol1111 -. 111· ,., .1 d1·('11t'.1!1·d 1 +·h·1·'11 ril \\ 111 Id \\".1r 11 .ind 11 ,,.., \\()\lllil• jj Ill \lit' '\.i1111,111dy ltl \ .I~ I I\ 11 [II Iii lll.•11~111.il I !'Ill.II h,.., ""' 'IJ .111111.11\ [l1,·d111 ·h 111'11l11 .-.1·d .I l"U \..'il ld I )1111\l ll '. •'l'l'T•1,1t·l1 I" ..:"I • I 1111 1 • Ill Ill \iu1l..11\t: .d 1~-.1 1<" Ill' \1111 l,q 1' tJ11 -. I t' .LI ldll.., .Lt I!' Ill p1 lll g 1 u 1•11 ·1h1 1 nt·11 d 1·1 ··l1•pn11·111 pr•• hh·ni.., ll .., o·l1·.11 nu ... ,.., J..!"l ng 111 b1• ,1dlf!1r1dl ·' 1-.tt . ht· ..,,111L f)1t·d 1 u·h l'r~·d11•\t·d 1•1111t11n11t1g l'!"O[!l t •!ll.., 11111! .l u1t•11 ilL' ][;ti!_ \ >r.1n).!1· { 'p111111 ;\l 1·d 11·;1I l 'o•nl1·r .11HI n11).!n111 g r1 ·nri.:.11111.d111n ul 1h1 · 0·11un1 .1· hurt•;uu·ra <''. In lh1· rt•;d rn 111 r1·org;i1111;1 t1 1111. llLt"dt"H'h ;-.;1rd 111 • \\ill P l l':'>~ fo1· (~f'r (lll·:l,Hl('ll , l"agp 1\:!) llv 1'4l:l1 l\1\l(l .I·;,· '01 1ne o .. .i, p,101 >1•11 111.111,.:.· ('011 111 1· 1·11 r1)rH·r ~ or f11 ·1·r:-L'111n pl C'i l'd l h t'1 r p •1 :-1 1111ll'!t1n1 (·'>:.1111111:!\HHl uf till' hod\ 01( l .Otli! l ~l'<t l'h Sl lHli'nL .Jn h ii \\'il l1:t111 l,t;>r;1s ln<Liv v.·11 houl h1· 1n!.,! ;1hlv to d 1·\t·rm i11~· t ht· 1·:HL"l' ol' d1 ·:t11l 111 1111· ~1·'>:·n 111 !1 l;1 t 1n11 :-!;1 ~ Ill;.! ·r11t·1· a r t· <'t•r l <u n. ho11c•1i·r. lh;1t ;1 11ncHIC'n sur1·c1·1 11··~ :-\;11.;l' 1.11nn1t•d 111\n l hL' \i l:l 1n1 ·~ hod v h_1· .111 11nl.;rH l\\rl ;1~:-;11l:1nl '-1 .iS p l.11 ·1·d 1 h1·1·1· ;ift(•f d t·.!lh ·r 111· rul1n).! l1 >tl:1.\' 111t•an~ 1!1;11 4'•1101\t'I'.., ;1n a l...-~1--\\d i IH I\\. h :i1~· 111 c·1n1d11!'1 lt1ll\'·l·o n :-um1ng: to\ 11·11h1!.,\1t·.d lt'"'" on tht· org.1n:; 11f 1111· 1~ ~t·.1r 11ld 11<·t1n1 In de l1·rr111nt· \\ h:1l int t·rn.LI 1 :nt.-.t'"· it .11 11 . lvd lo h1"dt•a \h . 'l'ht•1 :-.i id 11 I\ 111 h(' "t'\ 1•r:d 111 •1•\...-. l1<.·f11rl.' l hL'y h;t\t' Lht• 11· ~1i11-. 11f t ho:-l' lt'~\s J.t•r:t:-nulh' l>tid \· \\;1" tou nd I l•l.1t111).! 111 tllC' ..,urf ntf tl1t• 2 nd ~11 ····t h1·;1<·h 1n ~u11~1·t llr:1t"h l.1:-r II 1•1•).;1 'lld :->l1 1·ri!l'-; o l'firt·rs h;i\'(' h~·t·n un· :1\l ll' tn lue:1lf• h1" clol h1ng o r p t·r..,nn:1I p n:-:--l"":-;i nns IJ 111 ;i r e -.,111..,r 1•·d lnd;1y th;1l h t• d ied 111 ""n''' o !hvr l11e ·:1t1on ;ind \•.:1~ c~1 1 t 11•d tH 1 ht• h1·.1rh ;1r1..•;1 b\ c.1r. [J1•-<'t>\'l'l'Y nf thr :-t :{l..p 111 t h1· 1I•11111·.., l't'i'!11 n1 lvd :-h1•r1ff';.. o1 t11 0•1.., !n rn1ni1'd1::lft•l1 ('nnl:!C'! ( 11..,1.1 \l l'"-~t po!11·t· 1\hn a1·p 111 \1• ... 11 ~.tl1n i..: \\"h,11 th(•\ IJC'll•'lt' """ .i n1urder ''1th !ht' ~an11• 1)11.u·t t' II\ l't'\Otlt':o; ~1111i1.1r l \. 1·11rntll'r :-olfp•f'r.., h.111' ht•t'll u11;1lllL' lo drl!'rn11nt· 1:-.l't' f~(I (), .. P•IJ!I' \:!J Oil l1iduslry Facing Strike ()ii ltHi11 ..,lr1 11 1ll ~l"r-. l1.111 •r1 ·d1u1•1l1h~·11 11.it!• dt n 1.111il., .1 .., .1 r111d111 ::ht c111111 ,1! I •"\1111 .111 .. n 111 ·,11 ... 'I Iii • 1);11 J.:,ll tlllH.! p1d1!'1 \,.,,11 d Iii 1ht• 1111 . ('ht•r111t·.d .ind ,\toni1t· \\'nrh.t'I" 1n11•1 11.ll1r111.d l 1111111 .11.!l l'cd 111 t'lll :101·1·11!.., ;in hour 11fl th1' \\,It.!•' p1npo..,,d 111 t•;1l'h nt llH' 1h1~·t' ,It'd I':-1•f lht' p r11pt1..,\·d ('1•11 lr,11·1111 .1n11·1·11nl.!1.dv '.\l1•1ut.11 l '111n11 l 'r t·~1 c\1·11l 1\ I·' 1;,.1-.p1ro11 :-aid 111· 1:-; ,111t hnr11.1·d t.1 1·:111 :1 :-!r1k1• '''hPn l hC' c·urr 1·11t p.11•1 l'X Pll't'S. "hill 1'111 1111t 111 ;1 hu 1·r~ un th1-. lh1ng H :; \'C'r .v c•a :-.1 111(',dl a :-;tr1kt•." A Hot Idea Laguna Eyes Fire Dance l lld ('h r i:-1111.is 1r1·t·s 11 :-u ;ill 1· C'nd 11 p ..,n1:1:-h1·d 111 !<> 1 r;1~h ranS. 1 [11111 p ! ·II 1 n \' ae ;i n1 In(" Ill' I 11ssc·d nn h uge· p li \':' 1\'h\~rl' e 11 y firt·n1C'11 i:!lt•t•f u ll.1 t11r1."h t h1..•n1 s;1fc·l.v ;i nd ;...nl 1..'I.\, But . 1n l.;1g 1111:1 llcach. pl ~1 n s arc afnn1 fur n l 'hr1 ... 1n1a s t rC'c burn ;11111 I nd i .in CC'r c n1on1 a I fi re dance. Pl CJ n nC'd fn 1· 1971;, I he idea is l h<i l 0f l ,;_1g unan l\rucc I lopping who ~ugg('st s thC' 1\rt Colony collec t its old y u\(' tree"'. Sl'1Ck thC'tn at l\1 a in ll c·~1c h 1~a rk nnd in\'il C' thC' ()r a nge ('ounl\' l ntl1:1n f'cn11·r o f St;111tn n 10 \h'1"ro r 111 ;111 :1uthl'111u· l 11 dian I ll't' c\:1111·(' l llrpp1 11g, rh:11 r n1:i n nl !\.:do" K ;1~<1lh<1:-: l-'i 11111cl;_1110 11, a pr1\·ntc 1·1111t \' prr1n1nt1nl! \\·a\C'I" s porl ~ a ni l 1:1,1·rt•:1111•n. p1·(1po .... l'S ;111 add1- 11i\1l,tl \\rlnklo· in !ht• ('hris t n1as lr1·1·hu r n ···ro 1·111·1111rnf!C' I .a gun:i ·rnm- n11111il v and (·111 11•11 part1('1pal io n , rc·s1dc-.11ts \1·o uld be Invited to 111·1(!' l h t'ir rt'"'1l1 1\111n~ fr1r tht• 11(•1\' ~1 ·;n· ;i nd !tqll' l ht•n1 t11 !hl' trt·1·s prirtr to lhl' burn fnl' :-pt·<·i a l r1· co g n itio n h y th<· lnd 1a11 fire· g(1d ,'' I loppin g sa1rl . 'l'hc burn its elf 11 01 1ld he p rC'· c-edcd by "the a p propr1:il\' I nd1;.i11 fire d a nCC' C<' rc n1oni a I:-accord 1 ng to Indian l'Us to n1." 1-'n llo"·ing the (l;int·1'. <·1•h ·h ra- lions ,,·o tdd cont11H1('. !lo pping pronosC's. "F'ollo\vin ~ the torrh111g of !hi' I rf'e!'. ~1 com munit v s ,·;1:-;1de dan1'l' \\'ill hcg 1n t u \ht• g io1\· n f 1'11' hurn · 1 n g t t'l't'S a I l\l ;_l in l!C'al'h ext e nd 111 J.! t'1H1le mporar ~· co mplin1('nt :; to ll11• l ndi :in f1re d a nce :1n<l c cle br aling a unique rc so lut ion to a goCKI p rospective Nrv,1 \'\•;•r . ·• 11"ppin g s:.iid . 1'hc pro pos als arc all cont a 11H·cl 1n <1 lellt'l' to Laguna l lt·;11..·h RC'crc ation tlircctor (;ro rj.li ' 1-'owlc r l-'011·h ·r \.\'llll n o t J\'<lll1:tbh· rorcon1n1c nl. l•'orn1er :I SSC'Jllhl~·n1 ;1n Kenneth l 'nrv, :i5, o f (;~1rd (·n c :rO\l' 1akt•s t ht' f>ath ol' offic1~ as ~l ~tte Controlll'r ;1s h is \\'lft•. l ,u(·ille, holds :l l ~i hlt.'. L.'or y scr\c1rl in th e 1\ssl'n 1hl y s111 tt' 1 ~.11a;. Residence Denied On Blufftop Lot ('11111 g rt•('t'£'.J1111n.1t ;ind ~t·C'n1c ;1..,pt•t·t.., 11f {'r\'"l't't11 lt;11 1'0111t Ill J . .t i!tlll;I /\1',11"h . ~"Liiii ('0;1..,I B!'l.!.li 111.1l 1•1 11111111 :-; ... 1n111•r.., dt•n 1 1~<1 .1 p··rr111! lo build .1 :-111:.:lt' f:1111d1 1101 1'-•' 011 ;1 hlu1fln11 lot \lu11d.1 .1 · ·rh1· c·11111r111:-..,1u11 ·.., .-, I 1 \ot.- .1 l!.1111 .... 1 thl' l'l•~lt't'! 11.1.., h,1..,vd nn 1ti1• hfoll ..,t'.., hlull!Pp lol'<1 t 11111 .ind ti" l.1c I 1h,1t ;1 pt;inru·d l'l'l'l'1~.1 - !1<1n.t! p.11 h. 1-. 11111 ,\ thrt·1· ln1:-; ;111 ,I I Coast Panel Gives Bike Trails Okay ('rn:-;;-. 1·n1n1tr1· h 1t',ll'll:-ts l'C" l'l' 1 \ l'd ;1 11011 n i\l0nd a·' \\'hen Sou\ h ("oa~t H 1·1-!••~11;1I l "ln1n11 :-s1onl'r,._ ;111pro1·1·d .1 plan lo t•ons truct :!."ill f1•1'1 o f h1 k t• 11 ;i ii south o f San ('l1·111l'lll t• 'l'hc· ti ;nl \1 ill c1 11111t·cl a hike· ro t11 C' p!;11111t•d throug h S :1n l)u.:>g n ( 'ou n t _,. I\' Ith ;11101 ht•r t r;n I run n in).! :iloni..: th<' n lcl I ltg h1\·;.1r 101 in the S an <)11nfr1• :1rl't1 . 1\11 Ile p r t":;1•nl tin1c-. C',\ l'l1s t s ar~· ~1 .1·n1i ('i1 111 lh1:1r :ttlcrnpts to ridL' r111n S an l l t!')..!•1{'011n1 y, bec:ni:-t~nf l ':1rnp l'l'nclll·11111. ;in a rl'<1 lhcy ;1 r~· not :1llo11•('d tn ride· throu).!h 1vithout <1 ..,pt·e ia l pcrn1it . 'l'ht• trai l j ust ;1ppro1·C'd "·ill h1· huill h~· !ht• C111lfo1·n ia l)r pu rt- lllt'nl of 'l'rans portntion and is ex · p t· c t t•cl to cos lSB0,000 Th(• llC \\' lratl '-\'ill be locatC'd on the \\'C'St s ide of lhe San Dit'.'gO l-'rt'C\\·:1,\· :i.nd "·ill replace the C'X - 1s ting trail on the eas l s irie . Thi• rou t r 1\·ill run along the old h 1g hv.·a.v frn n1 IJas ilonc lo I.a s l 'u\i;a s r oad :;. Cri111e Talk Set 1'h c J .. aguna i'JC'ach P oli C'<' O e p arl m ·e nt "'ill rr<'sC'nl ~ pro- l':rum fHl rc~irlen!ial c rin1c prc- \' P n Li o n :ind c·riml n a l ap- prC'hc n s io 11 for the~ ?.f y s Ll c r•ark ;\'clghhorhn od Associ ulion ffiCC'I lng ;11 7:30 p.n1. \\lcdncsday i11 huitrl111~ 300 at l 'hurs.\on I n l ('rn11•1Ha1 .... 5<'hool. '!'he kssoci~ I lion BIS<? ~iU sqat ni:w offi9ers, S1°\"C'n 1ol l'" art' r1 ·1p1111"d 1!1r pa-...,;1).!\' So·1·1•r.t l 1·01111111 ... ~r••llt'r .., \11·r1· ;11:-11 1nf111C'nt·t•tl h,\ rt•p1•rt-; 1h.1t !ht• l'rt'"'l'l'l11 l!,1\ .1r1·;1 ,., 111 ·h 111 ;1r1·ht·11Jog 11·;d 11·:-nur1·1·.., .111d ,..,h.,uld nnt h1· l111ilt 11p1>11 41\\ll!'I' ol 1111• \,,t 1.., l '.111 4· Jl 1llg r1 ·11 of I .. 1\..'1111a lh".lt 'h . 1\ 11.1 h npt'd 111 huild .1 !11·n ..,1111 \ hntr:-v II 1th ;1 .. II 1111111111;..: pn<>I .irld tit• 1a(·t11'il J-'..11 .1:'• ·r11 .. 1iir .. \' l11•dru•1111 h .. 11 ..,1• 11.1 .., 1·-.1n·1 lt·d 11> • 1•:-t $nH 111111 ('11tll lill -.•,)1>i\1 I ~ 111 '1<' ,Ip p:11 1•nll\ 111.,-.1 111ll1Jt·ll<·1·d 11 1 lilt• l.11 ·! 1h.d ('11 ·:..t't'lll l'..1\ /'.,ltll 1~ ~pt·1•1fH',Jll1· l'l'll'l'l'1'd 1'1 ;1.., ,111 .1r1•,1 ln p1, . .,,.,11 · 111 ..,,,, o•r.d 111 11 11· 11 !:11111111 ).! 1·1• n11 ·n1 -. ln ·1ng p11· p;11't•d h .1 1 ho• t ·,.,1-.1 l 'n111 1n 1 . ..,~1<111 l \1•IO\I lh1· lllul fs I!'> ,\ 111.Ll'ltlt' p1 t'~t·r1, 11 h1('h ,.., 1he hon1t· of .1 la r i.:1· nun1h1·t nf l'.d1fnrn1;1 Sl·.1 \,1on :- 1··11r 111 ;111~ .11·.ir .., l .;1g11na llC';H·h l'l':-idt·n1 ... h.111· 11..,1·1t 1111• h luffti•ll lot ~ ;1s '11·11 po111\". opp11ne n1 s to thC' pt'OJ I'('! told c11 tnm1:;:;inn1'1':;. l ltHg r t"n ..,,11d h e· IS {'t11lSldl'l'Lll~ n ll t•ring !ht• pl:1n:-01f his ho111s t• ;ind 1·c·appl,1·1ng ht•rnrl' thl' e nn i nu:-:.111n a! ;1 l.1t 1•r d ;1l1 · Suspect Held In Theft Try A f);1na Point n1an 1\·a~ a r r l'.-.1 - (•d 1n l ,a.[!una Hcal'h i\-l o nd:iy ;ifll'I' h t· allC'.[!l'dly \\"<I S seC'n t1·y . Hl~ lo s l arl s on1c o n c 1·l ~t'0 S n1utor c yl'le. l\ook c d 11n s us p11·1nn of ;1!- tc mptcd g rand lheft "'lt!i i\1oul:.i;.• ltassan Aloun1o uali. 23 , o ccu pa lio n unkn o1\'ll , of 3..185 1 S 1rect of th e S il v er 1 .. antern . li r v.'a S :;rh cd ulerl for a 1·ra1 g nmE'nl today in f,;.i g unH ;\'ig u c l ;\·l un1 c i p~1l Courl. S gt . Nor·m Ual11 ·ol'k s aid a "'it- n c ss cull d :ihou1 R p .1n. anrt r e · po rl C'd-s P c ing a n1a11 ;1l\1•111pl to ~1ar1 n p :1rked n101.orcycl~ \\'hi1.:h hl'longed to :.i fr iend of the 11·it nei:;:;, JJolicr 1•h a sc d thC' s u :-pef'I ~1 s h ort d1 :-t...1nc~ hcfo1·c captur1ng him. !ll1'1ll .d d.UI)..:<'! lt"nl tt11 ,, d idl 111 ;.: \!l.11111( J{1\'h l 11·l d II.I " I• l'"!h·dll ll!Hl••t'ldt·d 11 111•11\( I 111 l 11 1 .1 1! ,q1 p1 ·.d 11 llltl 1 fll 111 ot\\ II do , 1 ... 1,111 ,., ... uh1111I 111 !lit ••Jill llll, ... l••tltt•t lht•!-:'111 II 11; """ p, I ,1, .• J I" li•-.11 ,11 " 11'•!11 I 11d,11 ill' -11n!J .H 1,i\11 111 " 111 I ;-.1,,11d.11d 1!1) 1d I ..... , • I ) 11 ' I' .1 t.:1• \..: ' e ? Deadly Pattern Probed l \.1 ,\I .. \'.' I>IHKI:'\ 0 1 I"" 0~11, P1101 • l'1)l1t·t· rrnn 1 ..,v\vr;il l.111· ~1)..!o •n 1·11•-. O.ll 1• 1·n 111h1n111g t"l !<1 r 1.., lo p i !lhl.' d :--h 11 1•h.111~ .'>l 'l'li':-qi lllur d.-r ~ ul' ;>P L1 11 ~ 111l'r1 111 ,-.;l/lllht•J'll l ";tlil<ll'IH,1 1',,I H't• ;1rv 1111'l'"l1 J!:d1 n i_: 1ht• !irul:d d o•;lfh.., 1>1 .ii l(•,1..,t [(I n1t·n a)-'.t•d tro1n li lt1:.!,",111 tll•' l.1 ... 1 t 11 !1 \ t' ,I r· .... I II II Ii ' c· II 1 h I' i'I !'('U 111"! .111 C'O'"-;It'\' :-I !111 I ,11' It ;di d •·p1·nd.., 11 ht1 ,\•H I t.dl.; 111 t 'n...,1:1 ,\J1•..,,1 l)t•l1·t•l11v S l t'll' '.':1-.h ;..,111! ~••111'' till1('0'1'S l1nrl t•11rr1•l.1 t1on" 111l:!11r 1:1 d1· . .rh.., I l 1nd h .11·d t'nl'r1'l :t1 1"n" 111 .LI ll'a~l ' " 'l'ht• lll!ll"dl't'" ll)\11/lt' _101111 .i..: ltlt'tl l>t'llt'\ 1._•d \u hv lin1n.1..,,•1 t1.d.., 1i11drl'' of !ht· n111rth·1· \1c·11n1s \i.11 t' bt•1·11 1ound 111 l .a g un;1 111..'.Ll'h, I J \'l llt'. ~,·;ii l\(.';J (·h . S11n:-1..•l 1\1 ,1cl1 I ,011g lh·.11 ·1l, [ •""' \111.;i·lt·~ .. ~.111 lh·rn.1rd11111 .ind l n1 l'l'l'J:d l'otlt11,\' ll t'!. ;\':1:..h :-.11d 1h•'lt' l\t'l't' ('!)J ' r1·l:it1nn . .., 111 lb1· d1 •;+[h .., 111 ..,ui,!gc·-.t 1>111..• p1·r..,n 11 1.-. 1·v-.pnr1 ~1lll1· fu 1 :111 !ht• n 1urdl'1·;..l1 ut hl· 11 .. 1J\d n1i1 g1 \t' I h1 • :-1111 i I .1 r1t lt':- 1 Jt·t. :'\.1:-ll ;-.;i 1d . 1111111 •11·1', th ;d !hi.., 11·c 1•I.. ho• /" t:d hing tu J.!:'l.\ gr<lllP~ 111 (Jr;1ng1• <'1\Utl1 .1' tu \\:1 r 11 tl1•·n1 ul lht• dt·.1dl~· p.L1 t1·1·11 th .11 11.1 -. ht·,·11 r·-;l,dil1 ..,h 1·d ;ind lo ..,ollt'l1 tht'll' ..,11ppo1'! HI hl•lp1 11g t11 rr.11·h dn\\ 11 \]11 · h.1lh·r l!l' pl.innl'd \,1lh..., It• .1 ).!r11up .1\ 111 .. \ 1111.ir1.1n 1·1111r1·h 111 \n,1 h1·1 11l . .ind loi .1 J,!roup ;11 thl' i;,,1 (',.r1111111n1l1 f 'i·11t1·r . l'n:-t.i .\lt·:...i tll1:-l 'l1nr..,tJ .1.1 1·1·1·11111_1.! 1 h.11 l' .1cuuplt·11! unult·ntlfrcd \lt'l l!ll .... .lllll l"'l'h.1p ... l ilt',\' ('.ltl h1·lp 1d1 ·n111 .1 tllt·111 \:.i:-;h :-.11d 'I ht• dt•lt'l'!l\t' '·"" lh;t( ,I \ Hiii ' 11n11· 1ht· po11• t' 11111 h1·d "" t li r 1111•1•1'\ lh•' d1 ·.1ll1.., ll•'t•· 1•·-.ul\:-nl -.,1do1 11.1~.n1 ti1 ..,n1 1·.11111·il t11 v' ' t • .., .., '\",1-.li "-,tlLl l''d11 , .. 11 (' 11 .. 11 l)lt •<)fl/l!l ~! lh•' hill1•1' 111.•\ ht• .I l l""''T ql11•1•1l Pll+' I\ ii h \i .. 1111 .... '11.•I 1111·t1 •r1 •n1 ···.., 11111 \~ 1!11 11,111·-. l /i•'"'' l<llllp11l ..,1 01l .., Il l 111111 ... ,•JI .i11il th• 1vl1•1t· h.111..; lu1n1•1..,,,, 11.11 ;\.1 ... 11 "''Id \"!1 11• 111·\1•·1·· lll+· l'o t't'll1 dr-.1111 .., "I 1 .. 11111 .., \Ill""'' h•1rh1 •.., 11c •t1· tnund 111 I r\ Inf' 011·1· 'l'h<tnh -.i.,:11 111 '.! .111d 111 S11n~ .. 1 lh·.u·h \.o :-1 \I t'l'kl'nd \\ !'l't' p ;11 ! 11f \lit• p.t1t1·1·11 nl kdlllH'-.. Pen.ile nliary lnniale Slain 'l'J.J\'.\:'\/\, l\l1·11cn (,\]'J ,\ pr1:-(Jll1..·1· pulll·d o ut ;111 :11 1t n m :t11 ,.. 111 -.1111 1n -.1dt· J.;1 ;\l v..,11 p•·111t1 ·11 . 11:1f ,\' ;111d ki llL·cl )11.., ('t•l l111:1 1t· \Jilt' n f th•· n1n :-t l'p;1r1·d 11 11n;1 \l'." 1n 1111· 1l11rd1·1· pi-1~011. ,111 llllll'tl11•:--; d1 "C'l11:-t•d tod :1.\'. 'l'l1 t• \'il't.1n1 \\';1,.., 1-:11gu> l·'111 ·h 1)1;1/. 12. \\'hn h :1d ;-.1,_'l'l l'd th 1'l'l' 111 1111lt' yt•:1r:-; 11! c·o11 . ..,1'f'!l11\'t' :-1•11 tt·11e1..·:-. 1111po:-l·d o n Sl'\!•1·a 1 ~-ha l",E!t''i 111 r lud1n g 11:1r1·ot1 t·:-. lr:i l f1c k1 ni.: J)i :il !\lexiC':1n dl•:-r c ndanl of S r1n [)11·gn pioneer ll l'nry l-'1te h . 11·;1:-; d1..'st1·1bccl by pris o n offH·1a l)'; ;1rd a fo rme r tnm:ite a;. Oil(' o f I ht: n1osl fl'arc rl n1C'n inside !ht• IJaJ,I (';.i lifor n1a f;1e i1 11y. Costly Pl~nt s Gon~ .'\ l'u lll't'ti nn of ~1 :1 ghorn ;i ncl elkhorn plants vnlu('d ;:11 Sl .000 ha ~ hcrn ;..tole n frnn1 B on l\l :n •k(•nlhun1 . 71i l \\'11...,1111 ~t , l.agun ~1 IJ c a c h . ·rhi• v 1L111::ibl t! p l:1nl s 1v e rC' n1nuntril nn r 1•d \1·ood boards han g in~ Oil tlu• SiclC 0£ ~I a1·k1' n I h 11 n1 · s hon1t-. l 'ol 1 cc s :.i i d todJy the y h il\'C ho su :!pecls. , l :Az DAILYPILOT L /SC Tuesday. January 7, 1975 $400 Rebate? Chrysler 'Rea«lying Offet;' NE\V 'i'Ol{K (,\J') ' Chry..,\l'r t 'orp. 1s llf'l'J>.H 111g to offl·r <'USlo Ill l' r:. l'l' hall':-. of $:!00 t '' :).IOU oil .-.un1 l.' c .i r:-.1 Ill I l 1 u4· f.. ~, t Ill' \\ .ill St rt ·f·t Jou r 11.1 I ;,;i 1 cl ti 11! ,1,\ . ·r 1i c ncv.·:-papc r :-;.1id 111 a;,lory f1u111 1>,·tr .. 1t :1i.1t (hr'-•,l,.r p!.111 ... to announce the plan 1n t1dvt·1'll:.l'n1 en1.., tlu::. V.L'l'l...L·111l 110 lh..: 11..tt 1un.1I Jy !elev IS('d Su1,cr l~O\\'I foolba l l g;J 111•·, l ' hrys le r v.·on 't o f fie 1 ally re du c:e 1111 · nffi (' 1 ,ii ":-.1 i r I..." r" p r1 l't'S 011 • l';trs, l ht.• ,J1 1urnal ;,;11d , !Jul'' ill !1·ll l'U..,\or1i.·r..., 111.d th•·\ ''ill g1·t n 1onl'y b ;1ck fru n1 l 'llr,\ ;,ll't' 011 ('.IJ':-. 1 Ill·.\ bu\ 01· Hidl'1 durn1g \h1: i1ex l f 1 ,·c \l ccl...s ur :-11 . 'fhe n e \vs papl'r ;,,11d it 11nd··r...,l :1 nd .... that ('lir' :-.ll·I' \\'Ill ;uinn11nt·1• · (';_i(·h we .... k I he 1n111.h·l .->t.•!1g1 bl1· f.,r t hl.' rl'fund . C hrysler d t·clint.·d to L·11nt1rrn 11r d1·ny 1hl' 1.i 11,.c111 p\,1n, lllL' J ourn;_ll s,1 1(1 Ch r ys I l' r , I h1 · 11.tl 111n · :-. :\' •> :1 au! o 111 .1 k1·r 11,t., .P'f 1111111 l.11 , ·d ,, , ri 11 · of lhc la r i.·c:-1 u1VL'nt11r1.·:-. ut un ... old 1·.u·., 111 1Ji1· l11t1 •1• th.1 1 h ,1-. ,11 } ccl1._•d a II l' a r :.~tlL'°' ( ltt ·I :1t1 ·d ~.1 nr~·. ,\ HJ 1 11 friet111 Mtrsl.:s ' • l' ·~a· . . ' Deficit Budget Study Set · 't'ht• 1,.1 gun:i Ht•:1{'h ('1!v ('p11n- cd \1'111 luuk \\ 1•d1ll':.di..1 y -<.it pr1·· l11n1n <1 I',\' hud g l'l prl'dtC!JdllS s hOWHI J.! tht• 1'11~ t':11·1ng :.i g;.i p of s1::.:i.oou 11t·t11l·1·n 11 1l·o1nc ;ind ,.,. P•'rl "l''> dur111g l1 11.· 11e~l fi~t:a l ~ \' ,1 r' 'l'ht· <·ounl·!I etu1..,1dL'rs rt·gular IJu:-.uit.'!> .... !Jl·g1nn1ng .:it 4 ·30 p .111. .ind 1.1ke;,. up !ll'tll..., .... 1·ht.·d ull·d fur puhllt· hl·:i r111g :1t 'i :ill p 111 . 111111.11 p11•l1rr11n.1ry hud;.!L't lo1tt'1".1 .,1 ~ ll;ul 1nd1t'.1led llll' t'll\ 11 .. uld li.i 1" .1 :-n1.dl t''l't•.-.:-. nf 11; Sewage Treatment Committees OK'd l 1.11n1·r 111.icht· 111.:1...,1-;.., l1kt· 1111·...,1._· ;ire 1~11 d is· pl.11 thf1111gh \lit• l'IHI id ,J;1nu;11 \' ;.1l t ill.' I .t '..'.llll.l l ~l'dt'll l .1h1;11'\ \J.~:-.k:-> \\"t:l'l.' 111;1dt• I(\ third :i n t i :">1\lh gr.1 d 1· :-.llldl'nls .1t 1\l 1:-.1f ~Ch!!ol 111 South l .• iguna .. t:-. p.1rl11I d :-.ludv 1u11t n11 :\frit·;1. · 1 •tlllt.• o~t'I" t.''iJt'11 "''"· lllll 11111.i · 11°111 :ind 1·0 :-.l u l li\'1ng h 1h.1·s 111pt•d till! tilt.' t'\l't':.S :1ni1 llllliiJlt.·d (!11 • l ll:< 11\lll ,I JlfOJl'l'tl'd dt·I u· 1\ l .. l l!U!l.1 l~l'.1(•1\ li.1:-. llltll't' th.Ill ~.iuu ,111)11 111 l't.':-t.'l'\'1':-. to dra\V lron1. h11l ;1 p1opt•1·t\· t.1x 1111·1·c ;.1~·· 1:-. a !i·l'ad\ lil·1ng 11r\·d1 tlt.·d lu help lJ;il :1 11<'<' 1ht• tllllllll'l pdl lJudg t•l . lly JACK C'lli\PPl·'.IJ. 0 1 U.0.11r Polol ~Ull 'f hc A liso W<ilt.•r i\1 :111;1g••rnt·11t Agency (,\ \\'J\il !\) lio;1rd nf dll'l'!' t ors h as :1pp1·0\'l.'t\ lurn1all••l1 !1f t\,'O 111·ojel'l i:roup:-. \\ h1t·h \I Il l proceed \vith d esign :.ind 1·un · s truction of a multi-n111l1on clullar r egiona l ;,cw ;_1ge trealrncnt pl.1nL :.ind dis pus:.il s,..·;,tt.·111 . '!'he rom n1i tll't.'S d 11 110 1I int·ltHJc 01e city o f Lag un<.1 13eat h , the Emerald J~ay Scrvi<"c Uist rie l 0 1· the I rvine R anch \\l:.itc r 01:;tr1 et. School Board Eyes Aid for Handicapped l.aj:!una J1c::ich school t rustC"e-> v.·ill be ~1 sk ('d tonight 10 jnin \\'Jlh the C<.1 p1 s tra 110 and S;111. t!Jeb::iek school dis tr1e ls in :1pplv· ing £or a sao,000 planning gr.:1nl lu ;.iid h andicapped s tudC'nls. Thc s t:1tc funds, \\'liil'h :ire c:-.> pl'Ct cd to h e rt•cc1vC"d \Vilh1n l \\·n n1onths nftcr 1hC' :1pplu".1lion '" :-u bmitt cd, \\Quiel cn:1hlt• th1· three d is trict-. to rt•\'ll'\V io111!1v their s pecia l education nee(!-; :111;1 programs. ·rhc d islr iets :1 lre:1dv \\ nrk togelhcr to pro\'tclc ;,pl'<'i;d p ro- gram s. fnr n1l'nl;1l!y r ctard1.:d, Pd uc-at1o n :l!ly :lnd ph y:-.1c:1l\y h:1ndi(·:1ppl'd . h;1rd of hear ing .ind parti:llly s ig h1 cd s tudC'nt->. Dr. H.obcrl Sant:h is, l,;ig11na J~l'ac h school s upl'rinlcndt'nt, s;_1id thc planning \VOtLld p rohahly nol lead lo :iny dr;1st ic <'h a n~c s hul mig ht r e vc;il ;1 lll't·d for addi- 11on a l or expan<ll'd programs 111 :-nine are a s . The S30.000 \V(ln lJ be u s<'<l pr in1:i.ril.'>' to p~1y t•mpln~·c s.;1\arics for planning t\1nl', IJr, Jia nc:hi s s ;nil !"'lie said !ht.· pl;1nning \\·ould 'he~in ::J S SUUll ~I--fund ... :11'l' ft" '('t.·ived and nt•\\' progr:1n1s \\Ot1ld f>t· impll'n1cnt<:cl 111•\I I.di ,. . . Ot/l('r 1tf•n1:-. tru:-lt'•'-; \I 111 l'Orl• ~idcr ·ru e:-.da~· ~nl'l ud,· · -P crm1s:.1on fui· J,.1;.:1 111.1 n c al'h lligh St'h11ol ;,tndl'nl ..., 10 11pply C'l'rt;1in lt••g111n;d ()1·( 11p;.1 ~1 on::i l l 'r ogran1 (1\()11 ) ('!.1"" ,·rcdit s IO\\·ard fulftl\1ng 1lu·1r grac\u:i! loln se1t·n1 ·1· 11 •q1i1t'<'- ~ne n!:.. An1uni.: 11lv ,q1p1.,\'1'd ,t"lassc:-. \\'Ot1ld bl' l·:not·t ;.:t·111·.\ 1\lcdic;:d 'f cchn1c1;111. ~l!l''."11\;.; 1\.,- !:;tstnnt ;ind \'l'lL·r111.11'y /\ .... ...,1 .... 1;111t -l.,rclin11n.1r,\· ,tpJ•l'll\.11 t•f ~uid clines f11r till' d1'."lrtrt ~o.il..., 1mplcn1cnt;1!1nn 1·0111n11llt·•·, .1 ,·1 t1 zcl1s gr11t1p 1n ;:1:-.;,1...,1 t ru .... ll't'" 1 n C\'<tl ua t 1 n g di:-1 r11·t pol 11·1.·s 1'hc n1ccl111g \\ill l;t·g111 ,ii 'i '.10 p . m . a t d i..., l r il'l ht..,idq u .J rlt.•f.,, ;,:10 l~lum onl St . ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT Tioe 0..lnl1' (o.>\I 0..01, 1>11<1!, ,.,111 wl>«ll ·~•O<n· bl~ 11• "'''"' l'r•~"" puD!oW<I b• 1'"' O«in"" C.0.•1 Publ"'""~ (O'"p4ny ~·-"'' ..a1hoM ~,,. p.1(111W>eol ........ ...,., lll•OUQll F"~'' '°' {.o\1• lloltW, """'POtt h•<I>, tlunlo"91on 8'!.0Ch/f -· l•i11 V•ll•v. """'· ~ad<ll•M<• v.n., •"'1 LA.,,.,.... 9eoKh1!.o"1h (Odll. " ~·"QI• '~'"""I . .Olllor! "-pullh•"~ S.lurClfY~ .ond ~......, • ..,, I~ prlntlp.ol pulll0>l>+"'IJ 111.tn! " •l J.l) ¥wool\ IJ.,oy !>l•ffi, emi. -w. C.•lltornodY7~1•. Robert N. Wef>d f'••>o<ltM 4n(J Pul>llV>" Jdck R Curley Yk1 p,,-. .. ,,1 •"" C..11tr•• ...,.,_, Thomas Keevil (Oole>t Thomas A. Murphinc N<f,..11,"9 [Oo!OO- Charles H . Loos Riche.rd P. Nall AUOl ... 1 ""-Nll'"'ll [llotoo I Uguna Beach Office 11 .. GlorW',,...s,i.~t ,,,..m,. aoort••: Po. Bo•-· nr.Sl Other Ollie.~ (Oo.l•IN .. JlO W•l!IJol•S""'1 JWvrPort flo!M~ )lll , .. wp,.1 8ou•~v"'d Hu ... •"111""9"•<~ 1111\~M"llou'"•••O ~"'llllt • Y•I,.., 1170' I• P•1 !l~dd .ti !..n O•eqO 1· <l"'"'dl Teteptlone (7 141 642-4321 Classilied Ad'l'frllsing b42·Sfi7 8 Laguna Beach All Department~: TeltDhone 494·94MI rom S....C,..,..Olt 49S..0630 C..••IQl>I, "rl. Or•~911 (o••! PuDll11>1"g ""'"""'"'· P+o ,.._.,-It•, olh1111 •U""'· ..,<10"4' -tier or •dvorl•w mor>t\ "'"'" m4y I>• ,,.,-.. chl(ICI ... 11 ..... 1 "'"~'"' ~·m"\•O• ,,. ,.,,,19111-n1•. s.c°"' c:1111 ""• .,.,d •t c ... 1. ""•"'· Cit<..,....,, ~ 'lc>I""'""' ..... u otl"'Oftil>• f . .., _ •• ..,._ .... ,, """."' ....... 11111 ....... u 00 --"'""'· I l .:1 gun ~ ISl·;1(·h ('Jty '.\l ;n11gl'r /I.I 'J'h1',d :-,;.11d today fnrrn;1t111n ur ll1t· co111n11 tlt't':-. did 11111 1'\<·lud'· 1111· cit.\ f1on1 l'·HlJt'IP,i1H111 111 lh•· .\\\'.\1 1\ :-,\:.\1·111, 1iti1 \\1i1dtl ,1lh1\\ 1hl.' t'll,\ t11nc tu dv!cr1111111.· 11 t•11 \lt'1ll11n1.·11t.d in1p.1t'I'." ,ind )!1.1111 runding \\'Otil d ht· :tl'l'l'Pl:Jhle to the ci1y 2 Ame11dme11ts l 'arl hyn1la. t:h:111·111.1n of tin· 1\\\1:\t ,\ 1;0:1r d anti gl.'nl'r.1 l 111;_1n:1gL'I" of the :\lllullo11·Nigu1·I \\'~1tcr Distr ict , s:licl forrn;1t1on or t he l'Om1nitlt.•es \vill :dl11w the ;1gen cy to s tick lo :1 (;fil1t.·:.i l t ime 1.1hll'. 'J'he com n1ittcC"s \\·ill ad,· ... rt1:-.e f 11r d l'S i g n and con s! rut:\ u 111 on t \\ o :ilte 1·n atives for hoth tile 1\\i...,u ('reek l rl~;1tml'nl pl;int ;ind the , •i:l':111 out r:i 11. f'ro111 Page .'1 I DELAY. • • and \\'Olild prc('lude furtl11 ·r pl.111 · Jll lll!OPl1011S .'' !"art of thL' prohlL·n1 l'l'"lllt:-. fron1 \hl' prujt:C"t's lo<"alit1n :HIJ:•· cL•nt to Ph :1se JI of t he l .:111\L·rn H:Jy projc<"\. 'l'h;.il :1 r t.•a ha:-hcl'n .suggt.•s ted :is a Jnr;1 t ion fn1· ;i \ ..iru.'IY of JH1hl1c ur r1.·l'f l'al11111 U"l'S. !'!;inners fell t he propost•d ('o mm crci;i l ('t'nlt·r 111i g ht · 1n· tt·rfcre \~·i th the 1·ccrl'al11)n;Ll U~l·~ lo h!• cnn:>idl'rcd 1n Lhl· future. Staff :1lso \1·:1nted rnorl' tr:iff11· 1·1rt1i\at1on inh11·n1.1t1u11. \\ f111·1t I\ ol:-0 thl' I t '.l "Ull tl\t• \\!'!l]t 'l'I \it'.11 Ill;! \\,I " ('OJ!llllllit'd 1110 \\t'l·f..:-. .. \\ !l1,![ 111llt' ,! l1':1f!11· :-,111d y liL'l!\f! t'\!IHlll\'lt'd h y thl' .1pp!11·;.in\ 1..., i'\. i••'<'tl'd tn ht t·nrnpll·!l'd In olhL·r :1l'l10111 i·l;11uig !11111·11 ,11·rt-> ;!l(ltil! tht• ."\<1ulh ll r.111 ;·~· < 'n..i;,1 I Ill' 1·11n1 1n1 s .... u.111 : \'11,llll!llofll..,)\' :1pj\fll\l'd ,I '."•In l c · I :1 1111 I y h nu;, t' 1 l1 < ,1p1:-tr:1nu i}l':ith dL·s 111Lc s t ;1ff':-. r•·(·11n1n11.:nd..1\1j>n th.1l they d~·ny l hl'lf1~1ll :-. Ca111Pra V anislu·s Front ~I an 's Car 1\ l',11111'!',I ,11111 :-t'lt'f,d :-\l'l'l'fl 1.1p1·..., 1111111 ly \';1lul'd at S.l '.!~i h,1\ 1' !Jt't'll :-1,,Jl·n fr11111 .1 c ,1r p.irkvd 011ts1d1· ;1 :....111 .lu.in 1·,1p1:-l1.111n h"m1'. ()1.tnt•t· {"111111!\' ~h1•r l1! ~ 1•ff1L1'!'' "d id l lt•p1l111·s ;-.,1 1d 1h1' 1hll'f 111,1\' h.1\'1' !l:-.t•d <I r1L1<:,l1·1· f.., \' 111 ;'.1111 1·nlry to \h1· i'.lr 4•\\ 11l'd h\ t ;,,1 y .\ l,;1:1 ;.;1l.il1· :31.nl :1:!!H)J ,\\t·n1d.1 t«1l1L1. 'l'h1·v ·.,11d 1111' 1111r11d~·1· ln!'l...•·d 111~· t'.11..., d<1111 ... l1i •h1nd li1111 ,of!t'I l'!'.4i,ln\l!l l~ 1110 \ . .Ju.illl(·:- f'rt•••• 1•11~1· \I OIL. • • l ';d I rnr111 .1. It lu~·h \\',1rlt ... I H cl rd I jif Ill'\\' \\'1·\I :-1111111 l''1-,t111).! pl.II lofnl-> l!l lh1· ~ IJ,1n111•I 111 1 t ',11 p111 11·r1.1 :ind S11111t11L·rJ.1nd. ~1111lh 11f S.Jnt.l l\.11 h..t1«1. Top Cle11zente Planner List '1'1111 lull;.' d1·h.1\t'd lPJJll':-. pro· po...,t·d ;.:1·nt.·1·,d pl.ni ;11nendn1t·n\.., l'lJ 11{'t'rn 1 n;.! l hL' 01.1111 inn\ h Ht'l'\L'" H :1nt·h :ind the ';:!;ll'l'l' ('111..,., 11 111 re:-.idcnl1al prPJl'l'l \\Ill ('llJllt' hl.'fOl'l' !Ill' S,111 t'11.·n1t·ntl' l'\anning l'on)n1i:-.~HJ ll \\'t·Lines da y. ·rht· c11n1n11:-~\on \1dl n1t.'l'l <it 'i :in p.111. 111 city council eh;in1- bl·r:-.. ()rH· pf \ht· prl>J"IOSl'd l:1nd USl' t'll'll1l'llt ch:inJC.l'S l'O!ll'l'rn1ng tht.· Ht'l'\'l':-O H:1nl'h \\OU]d rt·d1·~ag n:1tc ;11!1111! i:1 ;1l'l'l'S rrn!ll u Jll'll ;11'l':1 .ind rvt.'rl':1t11111.i! USl' to n1t."d1un1· tll'll "il,V l'l•:-.td1 •1111.il (I~·:!\. 'l'hl· th;111).!l' \111tlld pl'rr111L up 1<! 7 .-111 d1A't•IJ1ng \llHt:i \\ hel't' l)t!ll(' \\Htild fll'l'"~'!ll[_\ JiC :1l[0t\\'L'il I lthL'l' \11'~\pn:-ed ,!llll'IHllllt'll\..., \\ot1ld :-ol\'lll'h the dt·s1;.:n:i11n11 11f l\\!l .1r1.::.is. one of ''h1ch 1-> no11· Ii 2 and thl· othl'r J..:L'lll'l',i\ in- du:-.lr1al. tu gt\'l' the l'l':-.tdl'nl1.il porl inn the oet•:ln vit.•\\', J'uhl1 c ht•:irin ~s nn the :imC"nd· Jllt.'J\\S h:J\'l' bt'{'l\ l'Ull\ltllll'd ihfl'C 1 tmes F1·on1 prt•\ 1ou,.; n1l·t·t111f'.:~. ('tllllnllS"'>JOllt'l'S \\'t[I ;1!.,o f'llll· :-.ull'r lht.' I 2 ·:l('l't' l'rns:; 111 11 pro· J1.•<"I :1dJ.tCf'nl to ( 't!Y I !:di. 'J'\1(• t'tllllllll""llHl Jll'l'\ HltlS\\' ;111 1>ro\·1·d lh·· .1rt .. i 1or :1 d1·11 :-1ty .. r -.t'\l'll dl\1'1\11\~ \11111" ]ll'I' ;u 'IO' hul nt•1g!1hor:-proll'::'l•·d \1J lhl' !'I t\ t·o1t111cil l\h11·h h,,.., ,.,,1,•rr1·d 1l1t.· n1.1t11-·r !1,1l·k 11i c11 1n 1111 .... ...,l!llll'I'"'> l'11u11ct!n11·11 11·qt1t",!t'd lht•_\' r1·· 1·••11s1dl'I' r•·('\.1-.. .... 111111!.' thv pr1~­ PL·r11· \<1 .1 d ~·n·,1!~ "t l 'i d\\1·l1l11 t.: \1111\s \!\'I .1('!0'. f 'rom f>agP A I DIEDRICH. • f11rn1,11ion 11f ;i P•'oplv :-.1·1'\'ll'1·.., ,1 :..'4'1H'\ .iJ11!11.'. !ht• ...,,11l lt' hlh'"'> ,1 .., lh•· tnun1 .\ ·:-!1 r...,1 ,...,u p1·r.1 t.:1•n,, \\)Heh \\ 111d1';d111\h t'll\ lfnlllllt'll· t.tl ,ind pl.1nn1ng n1.dt1•r ..... 111· ,1]:-.1• ur~'.t'd lus lt•ll••\\ hu;1t'tl 1111·n1 hl'I''> In d1•\t'lnp .i l\·;.:1...,[,1\1\ 1' .111.d_1 :-\ pi n;.:r.1n1 .1 11d lo 11.i o·k h1-. 1d.111 ... t" 1·r1 ·.1tl' .~ t.111 1 ·.1111 1•.11 ~11 p r.11·l1l·1·;, , 111nn11:-.:-11111 111 tll•' o ulllll\' llJ,1i_ \\<Hill\ "l'l'\t: ,!'!,I \I .1tt•llo!ti)~ •H! lu<".d pnltl1\.., '!'lip rlt'\' 1·h.11rn1.111 111 !...< d 1·r1 .t· 1HH) co\ .t t i"'-''l ]111\,. \\1!Ji .'-l,(\1• ""'''r11111 .. 11t l111i 11.11111·d <>I vn· 1 roi,11 hill < Ill , I>\ I I' IOHl.11 l'l ll• !11 1111 111!'Iii1111 )I \It' I .!ll :-.ul\o• Hill j>l1il1lo·1tl'- l"I ,.i]\ '\" ..,l\n1ild l1t• ;o[lo1\\o•d I" do .01 111, II il11l 1o1 1llo •1\1!h .1l1,l l'I " 0.1 111 1h.t1 "'111ld 111.1f..,n lnc,d ,,, '1111111 111 lit· :-..11d Iii• d11ch ".l!d IJ•• 11111 li:..!111 IP! II h.d h1• hl'IH•\'t';, ln ht.• I 1g lil Ill •'\4·11 t'.1"•' and ...,;11d ht• t'\Pt'<'\..., lh1• .11111· l111n1 t'\•'f\ ;,11p1'r\1...,n1 Jt11! ht• .... .11d I\ I._, ...,It(} JIPS .... 1blt• tn \11 •rk lPg t•ll11•t' Lo\\,1rd n1ul11a l i.;n.d:-. 'Core' School Plan Approved C':1p1..,tr;.inn L:11111,·d St·ho uil [)!..;. IJ'I('\ tru ~ll'l'" ;igt'l'C<i ;\l11n1i.1y tn 1110\l' ahl';1d \\1\h pl:1 11 . .., for' ;1n t.·lc ml'n\a r y ;,chn<il in \l 1ssion \11<:· Jn that <·nultl h1· p :irtially cl 1~­ .ass1,1nhlC'd if :-.tucil'lll f•nro lln1l'nl 1.-•vcr rlec lined. 'fhl' board \01«11 lu hii'c lhC' San C\e1nentc <lr<·hitec·tural f1rn1 of l '•lflt.'r·.J t.•n scn and 1\s:.ot:i:itl!s to begin plu nning ro r the Sl 111illion · 'l'n rc · 1nod u 1 c ·' sc hc•ul. 'f h1· ··core" would c·on:.ii:;.1c1f12 r I ilssroon1 s anrl I v.o k 1 rHl l'l'ga rt ('II ... 1;:1t inn s lll<il could IHHl:-.l' ,1ho ut :1GO :-I t1tlc· n I...,, As <11•\t•lnp nH ·nt .11••1111d \lh· :-c lHlol c·rt·a ll'd tH'\\' 1·111·oll r11c 111 1nnd ul1·s \\'n11ld h1· ;ut(l•·rl In th ~ 1·01'1' tn Ii and It~ up 10 i"OO:-.! 11<l<'rll s I f. ;1t SO!ll l' !Hlll' 111 1h1· lq!tll't'. C'nrol llnPnl dr·oppL·d tu·<·.111"t' ol ;1 ('h\111,L:l' 111 pop1d,1\1 un p.1111 ·rn" !ht• 111n'd u I 1·~ l'O U ld hv !'Ill li1 r, l('I I ·4 I f I'll Ill I ht• l'Ort•. ""l'hl:-('t>ll!'l'J•1 \\(11dd t<Jll for :1 :-.n1 allt·r 111111.il 4•;i p 1t.il l'.'\· Pt'll:-.l' and l't:d lit'•' 111(' P• l'l:-Ol Ii 11111 I'S I • Viejo ID ,,1 h.1\ lllL'. ,1 1.iri.:v. per111 :1 nt·n1 ... 1r111·t11rv .n1d .111 1n:-.lilf11·u·ri1 1111111llt·r 11f :-.I t1dt•11t:-. \\ hl'n :ind 1f an. t•JI J'llJ!llll'lll dl'('l!H(' d l'V t•lt1p-; 111 :irt:<1 ;, \\ lll'l't' lh1-•:-c Sl'huols v.ould ht• t·ori:-trut·ll'd." a ~t~df rl'porl to th(' boc.1rd ;,lall'd. 'l"h e p rcc1:-t• loeat1 o n of the '."thool h;.i s n nt hct:n d l·l1·rn11n1·d the r1·pnrt ~L a tecl. IL \\'<11lld b~ lo(';1tl•d in 1 hi· south end of i\J 1 ... sinn \'il'JO SCl"Vl'd hy lhc Capistrano di "\ I'll'!. 'J'r'U 3lt.•l' (;<'nrg1· \\'bile ob]t.·t·l<·d In lhl' r:1t·l lhl' p ern1ant·nt {'Ol'C 1·nuld hold ;.1;, n1any ;.is JGU :-tu· dl'lll3. "11 \\Uuld ht· d1ffir1llt tu clci,...,l' !h1• :-t•hnol do\\11 pe rn1 ;1nC"nll~ " :-,11d \\'h1\1'. '' ()lht•1· lru ...,tct·s, h <•\V\'V('t', ngr1•t'd th;ll lh(' 12·classroom cnr<' 1\!1111 11 hi' 1J11 · 1111ni n1 un1 rC"qu1r(•d 111 h:1 ndlt• s ix ~r<Jcl e levC'ls '!'h(• !'('port s:.iid the targ"t date l11r tht~ opening of the s chool is the f;1 ll o f 197(i , , U.S. Navy Carrier On Mystery Tour I· 11 1,il ;n·tttlll 011 thl.' bud).!t.'l v.·ill l\ll\ ('<11\l l' lllltil \;11<':-.lJll\l?ll'I'. ()lht·r lll'll1" dllt: l'll\ltlt'JI t'Oll·• ld•'I .1 I l1lll 111\'l(H 11• ('u11tl'.11·t .l[•\'l1f \.il \11\h l!11 ... p11.1l .\11il111lo1111·1• !ur 1 ·1111·1 1-~1·11,·1 11t\ :1111J 1ul.111 v1.: :-;t [\[(. )~,\ . ..,..I 'hil11q11rl{'" t l 'l'l) \ l ' S ~.I\\' 1.1:-.k fOl'l'l' \l'd hv th<' ou1 lt•;11· ·1·;1rril'I' l 'SS 1-:,;. IL'l'P1'1:-•· :-.llll·tl iru1n thL' l'hdip· lllll"" t11d:1y :1fl l'I' l '11n1 1nun1:-.t l11111p;, 111flic:tt:tl a n1aJOr n1ilitarv d1·h·;1t un Sout h \'11.::lna n1 t.•:.c go\:. l'l'lllllt.'l\l 1'11/'l'l':">. 'l'hl' l't.·ntagon fl;1tl,\ dl·tlit.•d thc 11;1\·al forct.• v.·as he ading for South \'1l·tnarn and spokl·s n1;1n \Vill1an1 l~t·{·l'lll'r :-..ud tht: :-.~1d1 n g uf thl' \t':-...,1•]..., ··1.., not in .1nv \\av 1•011 !lt.'l'!t.•d \\llh ;in~th1ng..i.:oing u1111i 1ndllvlnn:1." J{1·l·chL'I' ... :1 1d 1hl' l·:111,·rpr1:-<' . 1t\d \II 1·-;(•11rl \'t'"!-.l'l:-. \lll'IUcl1n;.: 11\l• tllll'l<'.lr ].Ml\\t't'l'd ~Ull lt•d Olt...,----------REDS OVERRUNS. VIET PROVINCE, Page A4 :O.ll\' ('l'Ul"l'l' ).1111).! J\l'oH'h. \\t'l'I' 'tl·:1n1ing :-11uth111· .... 1, :ind not \\'l':-.t JH\\'(ll'c\ \'11•\tl.l!ll '!'ht• d1rl'l'\I01l \\HU!d pill thl' 1-:n- l vrpr1:.L' 1111 a l'Ptn·sv tn" .ird lhl· S t r.111 oif '1 a[a("l';1, th1• entr:.i11r1· tn lht• lnd1 ;1 n {}1·1«1 11 <)11 .1 '."lra i ~ht l1nf' frt1n1 Suh1t· 1~:1\'. :~o n1iles n11rl h \\'l'"I o f l\la1nl.1.-ti1 lht.• St1':11t uf 'l;d :1ct•a. thl· t.1:-.\.i !or1·1• l\'oUld p.1ss ;.1hH1Jl :1SO rndt''." frun1 thl' S.111111 \'1(•111anlt'Sl' 1·11:1. .... t at lhL' rli,..,t. . ...,I po111l. .\p.1rl frorll r111i11 g 01ut \'1,•tn.H!l 11.tlt'!'S l\l'!'l·h,·r r1·1l1 .... 1•d toi "'>>l\' \I hl'l't' I h1• ..,!JI p-. \I L'l'l' h1•;1dL·d . • · ,\.., ,1 norn1:il pr'11l·1·i\11rL'. v." d11 l\o)f fll ~l'll"'>:'> oql\•l',dl\lll:t! Jllll\L'- 11\l'll\..,." ht• .... 11d ."\1 :-. ;1 l1111g:-t.1nd1n ~~ pr.11'lh't.' llt•I t" ... a~· Two Ba11quets Honor Judge ll1nl·r:-. \\ hn 1n1g hl h,11 ,. d1111!J1 .., .il>1Hil \ht.' qt1,1IJ!\ pf !h·· n11·nu .1t :.....1111.1 \11.1.., :.....nldlt·b.11 k ]1111 1 .. 1lld d" ''"r"'' th.in cnnl,1tl I 11.111 .;l' I 1•l11ll\ Sttpl'I 1411 ('•111r! .ludg" II \\,1rrl·11 h11 1~h t <Ii [,.1· lll\.1 '\1 ~11··l !t. 11 ill 111• tho •r• !11 !' 1\loi h ,111 q1111.., 1tll" 11•·l·h 111 ... !11...,1 .ii 7 !' tn \\ 1·d 1lo' .d.i .\, II ii! "l't' lill\I It' l'•ll l' ,!II .111,ud ,1.., ;+!1 ht•Jl••!.11\' 1111·111 111 •1 i•I tht• • 11.illL!• t +111111 \ 'l 11.il ~.·1 ·t ··I .11 lt''." ,..,.,,,4·1;l1 111tl . .l1 1d i• h.111.'111 \\di l'o•llll'll I<> lllr• .till•' ho llo I ;•\ 11"111'" 1.11•·1" IOI 111' l1.,ll111'>'il ,1 , l11d g1· oiF t\H· "t 'o·.11' I" lho• 1 1r.111:_:0 ('.,uni\ 'l'rt,d I .1\\. • 1 " \-. .. ,a 1.1\H\I\ \\ht·rl' :-hip:-.tr1· go1111: until th1'.'' ;.,:t·\ tlil'rl' ' '1'!11• ;\;i\ .\' '.";111l 1h1· l·'.!l lt'!'!ll'l ... l' h.HI IJ('l'll 111 S11b11· il,l\' ...,llH'1' ·'l'\V 'l"l•;_1r·:-t.'\l' ;111d \\a:-:-l'hl·dull·d !1) :-:11[ [;ill'I" !hl:-. \l'l't.•k Jiu\ J!t.'l'l'ht•I' ;,.1id lhl' s;nlln:.: d;llc \\itS n1uv~·cl f1ll'\\'<!1'd '',It Jc;1;,l .1 t'OUJl\l' 11f \\l'L'kS :1~0" :ind SO!ll(' l'l'l'\\ n11.·n \I ho had ht.'L'll 1)11 \':..cat ion ll'<1 \'t• 111 1hc L'ni ted StalC's \\'l'l'C urdt.•rcd h.1L·k toSubic B:1year!v. [).iplon1:1 \1c sourl't'; 111 Saigon 1n1t1;1lly rl'pt)r\l'd th1• 1:1 ... k foirc·t.! hvading tn\\';1rd !->11t11h \"11•!n:11n, lJU[ dtd IH I{ !-Pl'L'lfll',illy gl\ L' 1\:. d1·:-l1 11 :or111n ;1 .... \'1l·ln:1n1t''."•' 11 :i lt·r ..., .\ 1· S l·:no h ,1:-...,,· "Pl 11... 1•sn1 .111:-.1101 111,. ro 'Pt \l'I 11 a:-· · :1 f.1lirtl':it1u11 " \ "l'\'oi1HI l ' S :'\,1\\' !.1;,\, fu t't'l' lt•d hy Jh1• l'.!!'l'lt'i' {_'0) 0 J';il :-.t•.J \\,I " rvpnrtl·d 1i111·r.1t111g 111 l h•· Sn111ti <'tuna S1•:1. IJlll lt \L,l:-. nnl l...111!\\ll IH1\1 l'hi:-t.' 1\ \\ .!:-. lo \'1l'l!l.Hl1 \1 .11\·r;:. Puppet Class At Workshop \ 11111•1· ~, ...... l .. ll \\ ... \, ... h<ip 111 !•l!j>pl'l 111,1h11 \).! \1ill h1· ortt•rt·d 111 ·•· . .i th·· 1 .. ,._1111.1 n1 .. 11h 1•1111 11, I 1111.1 1.\ ht'\'l!lllltl:.;:-0.il\llil.i\ ,!! ll ,I !11 ' 'i llt' \\\>I k..,i111p t ,111 ,•l1t l1\ \'o ·l l\ \ll.dl \I iii ,i!-.<> Il l• o•I .l l 11 .1 Ill .l.111 IS .oi1d .l.11\ ~.1 \dl ,llll'•· l'l" -...:1.,11.111 .. n ...,h!111ld liv 111.•d·· 11, .ol\111 ;.: l.t11·1ll1· Jl11!• hv1 ,.,I I l1ildrt•1i· ... lilir.H'l.tll. ,II 1[)7 Ji:t:; ·r11 .. , 11t11·..,,. ,.., o>p1·n 1" 1 ... 111 t hildr1·11 .ind .1d1llt ..... \Ir .... \II.in h,1., !.tl!J,!hl 111 bnth l_,1:.;u11.1 J~v.1t'h \dull l<d11 l·.1 11n11 ;.ind ;i\ :-.Ot ( "..rl1t•11no• SI :'\:1( IH1L1 ~ :-Ot·lt111d 111 :-.,1t1th J,.1g un.1 Thif'f Gets $570 In Hon11· Bur~lary j J1.111i..;1· ('1111nl\ ~h··r 1ft, .. \ 11\'l'!'.• ,Ill' 111\V 11 ".lll!l)' !ho· lh1·I! 111 ..... -,j(f II\ t ,1 ..,h h\ ,! hlll L!l.lt \\ f\<l t 11l1•r1•d .1 i '.q•1 ... 1r.111" l \o·.i• Ii 11<11111· \ 1.1 I hv I q11 'I\! •.it f11 <hlfrl \\ 1ndo II\ [)1•pL111t'" •,,11.J !h1· !!lHllt'\ \\.!" l.1i...•'11 1r'•ll11 lhv ltoillt'"1 ~·.11d1 •1H ·1 \J1,·1i.u·I .111• t•11h i ;r 11·~·111 •·/\ k. :.;;i •ii •1;1:t.1 \ 11 ·1,,11.1 :--1 111 11i1111d··1_ ... \\ iln rvttl 1 •I ··d 1111· (',1• 1111'• 1111 111 1• lo ·1· 111 111 ,dll •'"" .11~d ,il,,11 1•1•! k · l"d .t • .. 11,•1·!111n od f1H 1·1::111 'll!l" '"I'\ I I'<• . \ 111 od it it ·d I ll'l' 1 t .1;.:t · ·r1 ·l't' 11 r. 1l1n.111t't' h:11·r1ni.: thl' e1!lt1ng or 1l1·..,1r111•\1u11 <1! 11·1·1·.., .i, t'!llt'd h1 ... - 1ul'H' tll' ll1\l!jlll' Ii\ \ill.' l'il}' t'•lllll· I Jl . \ .... 1.1lu:-. l'L'P••rl (lll 1·xl ('n~ion ul ;-.t:\\cr l11H·:. !!lltl l.ag una C.1· 11~ un. t 'rom Page A I BODY. • • tilt• l".lll:>l' u1 d1·.tth 1d ,f,!lllt'., 1) . Ho•<'\l'S, 1!,, \lh""l' p,11·(1.t\\\· ('i••lhl·1t l1"1l\ \1.1..., f1111111\ in f;1r111 \'111111\t \' nti' lt1rr.u11"1 l{o:id nl.':1r 1-'.I ·r .. r;1 .\1,1r11t•· l·,,1 p ..... \tr St.1\HJn ,l !ll .. lllh .•;:.i I oi\t• nl··~i, ,il !v"t" .1rv li1 ·1n:.: l .11'1 ll'd +1\ll JI\ lll.1~ 1 .l"l' \\Ith tl•I 111d11-.1\11111 ;.1·t ul \1h.1t l-.11ll'd lhL' \11u1i;.: d11u ;.:h11111 h.1i...1'r fron1 l · \ P rv ... :-., t ·o l'l Ith ·1" :-. nl tJ l'l' r:. :-..ud ltu lh ...,]t,·rJ11 .... ,1fr1l'l'"" :ind (',...,1,1 .\lt·:-.1 p,1l1t.·1· -.\•1•111 ;,aL1;-;r11·d IPd.i\' 1h,d 1ht'\ .1tt· l1>t>k1ng fnr •lllt' Ill.ill Ill l'Oll!ll'llh•ll \\J!h thl' 1•.1 nkdhn !.'.. ..... \ t l d \\ ,. .1r·· .... i11 ... r1~·d 1111t ~lro111L: h1J1l\\l"it'\U.t l !H 1111·-..1• \\\(! l'd"l'"• Ill\ 1•-..\1_,1\>11 \\'1ll!t.• :, ,1h I t, 11 l.1,\ .I!\' !I\ o'l'I "lh ,.., II 1 I' I I I ' " ~1.111 ... l1u 1 \ Plan11er Set For Clemente \11 \II h.1t1 .11td 11'.Hl"'>p\irt.illPtl 11l .• n11111!.' .... n.·1·1.1lt"'>l 1n111~·d S.111 t 1. lllt'll1 1· .... pl.11111111 ,~ :-.\,tlf :-.1 .. 11 d ,11 I \.1\' IJ1lln1,111. :iq 1"1 n11·rlv ;,i 111to1I' pl.11111• r 111 S.111 :1.1 .1 1 L''1" 111 .... ti\ Jl!o Ol ( •illlll I \I 11 1 ,d -.1 1 "''l \ ,. ,1-.. ,I :-O•'tllO! pl.t1ltl•'r lrl :-.,II\ j ' I I ' I 11 I' 111 t' I I 1 -, 1"•"11 n'u p .1v ... :--1 . .: .. 11 ,1 11.t :--1 ,1 ~,ll .l h• I\\ 1 t 11 !llHl\\ll I 11IJH111!l 111J,, ...,,1 1<l IJ1• 1-.. 11l•l\ Ill ~' H !~,l!l,1 l',.!11! h .. .., ,jl\ ;\1 ~ '1 1 I'' Ill •'U• I .qdll ,t11d !II h.11\ 1d.1n11111L'. 11 oitll 4 1\,.l.d1nn1,1 St.t11• l 1111.·1-..1\1 JI,· 1...," 1n~·1 11l11·r Hf tlio· \1111'!1! tll ;...4\\ l•'I\ to! l 'l.111· 111 !H' ! I! I 10 1.d llv .. ,,1d 111 ..., 'I"'! Lil f1t'\d 1..., 111l•.111 .•11d 11 •n ·p,,11 111 .. 11 pL111 \1111, .ll)o\ l ll\ll"lll!ll'l11,d !!ll!l,I• ! The Carpet Industry Fights Inflation ForYou! weve Metlhe Problem Head On. I I • •• . ••••• "'""<""···"'~ • •····· r .•"., ~" ',.-"' .... · ,,,---- -. .,..:...=·-~ " • • Fr .. 1111~1~.Ht,1 J'li :, \\'hqJi·...,,110 )'r1•·1·'-•1I \IJ ('••llll!l'" 11 • . t1p I•, ;-... •\1; ~ '.ir, .. , ... 1111 I , ., i ' >l'i"'I I• ,1 I., I lo ·t \ ,1)111• ! '"I. I\ 1 I .. 111 ._. .. I ' rl' 'I\'"· ( •l'I" ·I I ,IJ\ • ·11 .. 1··~.r I [1 I• ·I -..111 I', ( \1rp+•t h.1· ., lu11~:t·r Inv l'\'l'L'(l .tlh)'. CARPET AT HOME, AT WORK, AT PLAY· Con!nhult•s to saft•!). A t'<'t"nl s ;1 Ii ft• :-l \'It· R1•tl111·e:-. nn1 :-.(' p;1 llution .. rnv id1•s 1•;1s t· nf 4'[L•:1n1ni.: ;uHl rna inl1·n:1nr<• l ~fe{'11V<' 111 :-u l;1tor a~:11n:-.I hea l nr cold IO!i!>CS. T1 nit•l e~s in ht.•:.iuty, l'l>111forl and fas hion . With Your Support, America Profits From the U.S. Carpet Industry! ·....---e....-. ... ....,· ALDEN'S CARPETS • DRAPES 1663 Placentia Ave. COSTA MESA 646-4838 HOURS: Mon. Thru Thun .. 9 lo 5:30-FRI .. 9 lo 9-SAT .. 9:30 lo 5 ! • ' r ' I l • I I Helpf11l Hints Think Your Joh Is On the Line? N T \V \()It\, (l l ~l) -If vo11r-hoss suddenly hcco1n1~s tnn11t1 11 1! ir 1f/11 ,.,tq11 ,.,111t11t/Jrl~'<H1 1l togt t!ur -w.1!'h out I 1thcr rn 1\ 1111.:.111 Lhc ..i xl! 1~ 1Cudy to drop sa}s Jh.:t:..j••Hllltxp11t ltubi.:1t 1111 r 1rih1 b\-.-.l'-l ~o111tutl 1i~ rn ay lH Juok1o g:for •n tX(U:-.t !11!i1c \Dll l l df :-..u d lllil s1HlllLril Y~lops f1nd1n~ f111lt \\llh \Ull l1 lll1V hl li lt ILl ... l h• h1 s dl:\Hl 1:J yOU\VOllt. lie t1~1\11ul 1in11 h /o ng1 1 !-.O \\ llv h<1llH 1 IJ di -. nd t Vt l\lhl)(IV "r th Hill-. (Jf bt:IO g foed prohab\V .tr• li q Ill 1 11 1 ht 1111\V tli 111 t h1 \ h 1\\ hee n in ycurs and he 1 1 r/~t d \\or kl 1-. r , ! 1k1 not11 e ol 11111il 1t1on:-.. the s a( k n1 ay h e 't\\111~ fot lht111 ( l111u1!-. 1r1 }OU can du something to !-illYlbt \),,t lf }Oll/l d i\ \\.Jlll l(J II !\St ltl>ltOl'.\:,\rl (,I TS 1\ prnn1ot1on \\hi ll~ )011 '-I I\ Plll th ti ( nu!d In 1 d lll ~l t "1g nill 11 d f :-. 11d O t hl 1-. hi.! :-.U,...j..;t:''l I d l ltt l Ls u1 l(ln..,:-.lh1 hoa1 dp;.iy1,:ul11l l ht<01np111y li11l\•)1lf-,1-.111011 lli111lhl 1\\1 ·~l r !it l Olllp Ill\ 1-. hnui.:IH 1.v I hl).;~i 1 ft1 0\ I ht It \\ 111 I f' I lt nd. Ill~ lo I Ill Jl1h:-. irld p1 t fLI l Jlll Jll ol>:.il.>ly \.\Iii Li-: lu1 pt1 pll 111 lhl .u q1111tnj..;1 onlpllll\ J\ lOll:-.\ll\ -11\ \Otlll S Ll{IUOd , s 1y1ng h (':; stu dy1 11 i..: \Olir Jnh 111,. 1011ld bi.: i,.: 1tht1111!: 111fnrn11L1nn for vo11r 11pl11tr111nl l h d:-.o 1nuld Jtt:;l Uc lookini-;. for w,1v:; tu :-.llL tl11[111t ll!t !llh 'i hlH ~\111k111 1 I 11d J1-nl~ 1l1n11n1'>hLS 'iHu l 111d )lllll .,L lf nol Ut1 n,.. cut 111 o n1ntcroff1c:c 1lllllllf > '\ 11 1 11 :-.111lrl1 nlv ~1:-.kt rl tii 1 Jk1 ;J p syth1Jloglc.d 1pl1ltHh I .,! l ht i.(1"" 1111 lt•ni-:.ct It is t f1ll11dlv uinl n 111g ht llu for \1H1 i 1 p(11n11 div 1gnn1Ls )Ht! \\h• n \oil nllt I Jll lhL h .tll ni th' •L1 1 '\ 01i \L bl:c:onl(' .in 11nh111 1-.-.1ncnt t o h1n1 /\:\\ C)'\I ()) 1111 "i) "iJ(,\S (/)U!rl ht d fal -.(' d 1rn1 I I di ... 11d htil 11 :oit:\tl ii t u1 n 11p \oll <:ou ld bt :-;ka t1ng on thu1 '" l)f toursr lh1 rl' u c sl< ps \ell! c 1n I 1kc lh 1t <ou!d th 111,..,l' lhl I.>< ... :-;~ n11nd c \l'll 1f 1!1.: 1:-. th1nk111!-! of tu 1ni; )Ou 11 d f:..11 _g1 :..L.., J 1•1 /.!t t !he old /\1111\ :-id i,..c 1boul never voluntccr1ni,:: {_)f ftr lo11k1 OllLXltans "1~nn11nt ... llo )01u JOh so 1,1,ell ind he ... o reliable the boss kno\VS 1t \\nllld lie d1f11tulllotLpiJll \OU {,u 11(1 ,1g 1111 ... t bL1ni..: .i t11t1C' lhtC'f llalf said "orkt:rs ''h•i d(•ll t 11 tllY g ive ,1 d ;;v ... \\Ork fn r a d 1y:; P<JY 111 ..,,, din ~ $10 I dl111n 1 '~ 1r frnnt \1n<:11<:an L1..1:;1nc:;:; ~nd .di bu -.-.1 s f-llH\\ lh1 -. llld ti '>I Iii II !\\ •I j 1ilti1 l c l1qut ... \ho,., ... 111 I\ It~ nd "U( h gJOlll!'> !'i I I •!~ Ill ii th dlt ll)..:l In /l1n1 ,1 11d l "PCl l<J ll y 10 IJ1i:: j111p111h s 11 1 \\hllh .. li11nch1nci\Lc f111.:d Loncr:;oftcn <J1c !llJ l lll illd 11\ Llllplll\l'l ::O -J)()'.'i I l'Ul\11\IZ• YOllR g r1pC'S and pc t p el'VCS ~IJ U\\ t<llllll 11 \lo\ di\ -1{1 l\t d Ill \CHI! 1ppe II IOll' lll1n t hl: 1pt1,.,l1,...,c or pC'nr1l pilfcrC'r or nl o..1kc Ion)..!" t b s \ lfll t p t t "l'~I d l l lt>phunt.: (; 11 1'> l\1 1 p 1•1 1 "un.11 phone { 1!J:-. 1t the office to an absolute ni11H rn11rn h <JI 'uur r11\ 1\c life pr1\;.i tc Don t sprf•.ic.1 \ 111 1 !ll'J..,Ull ii 11(,ur::. -UI lhO:'.>C O[ Ulht.>I!:; -; .. ill U\l!r the 11! ! ll I \\:-in! 1n,' I n kr1 p \011r Jnh :'"Ind m:1k1ng ::i v1s1blc effort to do ... ntnuld p '' n!t I f di lh l .... , 11-. II• 1) Llll"l 11 '>\Il l ICll\Cly look1ng fllr u111lbt r 1nb II 11( 1d\J'>t " l~ul ht w<1rns , n1 1k 1• :;url' your 1oh ... 1 Ill h '" k• r I 1nnF1d('nlt ti or you could ciul up l llr 1u -.h111 i.: th1 ful:l !or )HUI t!\\n flrln n Jawbreakers Shrinking Up Ill rnc 11 t fl 111 ) 11011 !" I I\ 1 g11 1~ thi.: 1.Hl"I tl1 .., I nfl 1 gu n1ball I) t 1 I , r \1 ho ..., up p I v IJt t11111 1r1 1 \tllltn,! 1n 1th1nl :-.. \1ilh 1hc 1•nl1 -.u c II I I ll t ~LI 01 IJ ,1 [ I 'i n r 11\\hr1 1k11 " :-..1vth~t \\tlh -.I -. 11 -.u11 flu prn<lucf h 1s h t 111 s in 11lkHl1 \\1 \• "''11 i.:111 p<nnv r111lnt1J.; .... , ... :-;rl/1(,1111 "' 1 \ 1 I \ I < )1 11 \ dl1• ind ( l) \I !111 Ii d1 ... 111h1tl1" 111d :'\•Ill!•..,, nH\ n111h1n1 -.. l \111 tll 1t pi nnv J.:nmh11l h 1...,i.:1d11r1p1-..1l11ll 1'><;rndl • 1-.1!11n i 1r :-..1'1"111 J11 ~11si11 .. ss l J p f ict 1r <>o m c th1ng docsn t h;;ppen, 1t won l be .irounrl n1uch l on ger Jt s :;till ,i?ot gun1 1n 1t, but lltJt. very much ll L• :c; l1 d ~oar1nj:!' cos t ~ C'~\H."'C1 1\ly for :c;u g 1r have hoosted the IAhOIC's.llc price o f 1 c 1:c;(' o f J 650 penny 1 1\1 b1 l .1kl'rs to $17 70 m ore th ln ti 1lf a ccntc.1c h In lhe pe>nnv J 3 ~brc3kcr huc;1n('..,s \OU ha\-(' to s pend a h df <'Cnt to m 1kc a hnlf cent ind the n you have (IL slrihu t 1011 t 0,.,1.., .1 nd th<' g uy who d 1s pl''" the \C'ndtn/,! machine h.i" l••t;1 t ~01n'.lh 1u, Gloom Leaving State Economy s \ '! I I~ /\i\( fS('(J < 1\ P ) - f11111d Ill\\<;, IS lljlOl \t:d by Ill HIV N111 lh1rn c.11tfo1n1 I hu ... 1n, -.:si:-. IS LVldt:llCC th:it l hC'l1nnom1rp1rl l111 1:;11ot;.ill gluoni ind doon1 /\ honn1 111 111 ILhtnt luol or oh r-. 1s 1 v1df'nl tn !ht .;;; 111 I r 111<1-.to !~1 ... 111 1 ind 1hl II 11 11111 ... 11,J !II 1nd1ts lt\ l X l:lllll\1 I 11 th1 fll "'I 11nit: Slt1 ({ [1st ;\J 11 1 h .., l\ 111 ~-. 1nfl In 1ns 1-. "Ill I l l 1\11\S I l pur l f'd ' lll'\V Ill 11111\ uf d( p 11:.,it:-; fn1 I\\ O 1nn1it h -.111 ~11 0\\ /\ I. 1 () 7 l'I R< I NT in C.:ll'ISl Jll d {l\\lllo\\IJ S;_i n I r1n l 1..,tn rel nl ... tiopp111i..: \.01111111 fl \t:t I 1:.,t \l' 1r\vas re J)o 1 ltd by the l{c l id Dry' (.;oods S ho 11p111~ 1\sso<'I 1t1on • Cond1l111ns 1n lhc n1.1ch1no too l 1ndtt "l l \ 111 1 pretty ~ond ln<I• x IS In \Vh:lt s Ill !-.lore fot utlu 1 li11s111es:sC'S tl11 o u g:hntll lh l 1011nt1 v \\11h tho l'l\CC'pl!on pf the> n11tn 111dusl1 \ .., ud tlit tool C'X ('('1111\ f' i\T1nul1t!1u111i:: f11ms 01 dc 11n~ 111 11 hn1t tools no\11 ~1 c )l 1Cp 111 n).! ln1 111 (1\'l!itd pro <lur t1on l al1'1 111 th1 )t 1r, h P s 11<\ \V1 did gn lhroui h 1 h1 ll 11f a r ecessio n l3ut then th e 1n \ e11lor1l's 1 111 out nn<I no\v lht tc s "11111,11!v 111)t tun~ on th e ~h1 If No\v \Vt tl 111.1nul .1c l111111~.1 0 01d1r , he sc1d JIE S ~ID Oi\l" of the big gf'st buom .11 cas IS Southern L 1ll for n1a Other areas r eported do ing qu1l(' '"ell arc bicycle rlP alc1" ho tl " trds nutomob1lc 1 V 1nrl <;hoc rl'prur .,hops book <Jnd i ccord store:; and f1r n1:-. ~ hu 1n 1kc .ind 1n:stall burgla1 • ii ll 111!-o I ht 111 l o1nob1]( rL p ,111 bn,1nC'-.s 1s rcallv looking 11p s ntl J.1mcs J\t1G1unnc<;s nf lht: Nl'\V J 11ln101t (,,11 1gf• lie:-; 11d hl l 11d of1 thtLC n1c n I ,..,j Yl ll blll h IS lhc ni ba1 k ,ll \I.OJ k JIOIV !\lot~ pC'oplc ;ire dcc 1chni,! l11 fi x up lhltl (':"Its 1 11hc 1 th 1nhuv nc\v11ncs hc -..11rl l{ny Ec\\vnrds of 1 owr1 lleco1 ds S 111l'r1nc1sco:; b1 J:! gest rt!co rd sto1 c said 1973 \11a s one o f the bcstcvc1 • Our business 1s UJ) 20 per ccntov('r l ~1 st vc::i r h(' s:11d I think IA'hl'n t1mC':; ~ire tough ( <'011011111.: 1\ly otn bus 1 n1.:s.., nnd !he rntc1 I, 1nnicnt hll!<>Tnc>"s j:!~nPr 1\ly floes well Tt rou\11 he 1hnt pC'oplc :irt> look1n ~ f or some k ind or f'<:c ape f1 on1 their p1 oblc 1n !-i, h( s 11<1 Ii' F; C ARROi i . hohbv s hop n1 111;-t g('I rcpot lt"'d h1 s h U'i ll1<'SS r eally pu,:kc<l up lo" a rd the end of 197 1 It could be ~' lot of pcortr 11 t cutting down on go•n,:! oi1t In cltnn( r ;tnd ... 1 ~1 y 111J,! ho n1 1.: '' 11 h 1 ne w 1ntc r1..:t1 L 111 hob !)IC.., he s ud Tuesday's Closing Prices NEW ' \ Tuesday January 7 1975 OAJL y PILOT A l l_ YORK STOCK EXCHANGE , Year•e H18h Lo""• Appear [vrr y Saturday ' . .,. ' . ' 1.,~. ' . " " lb •• ' ' . " .. • " ' ' " ' • " ""'o t Ml61CV lJ -. fennr< ,. .. , It& ? l •r•<Crl~ 111 r~.c.• I· •V 1~ I•• l r•eCD 1e ) 1000 1) •I lc•C:I h 90 11 II JO 1.,r1 10 , "•' 1~"" 1.r,1 '' ~ 11 1~ 1.c..,1µ1 I I 11 1<'.<l)u!I I XI 6 ¥0 I• ~·:•1'n;;! 1 ~ 1! 1;~ ~~"> Tr.e\0 I Cll 12 106 11 •Pt1 l'l<l • 11 JI "• l ••IJ! I! !6 10 ! J 11 I••' lfo(lu\! • l• l ~ol<"" 10 )( II !r•l•p• 1 01 16 Jl Tr•l (JOl •O 70 \ ffr oto ol 10 .I •I HI fhml).toH /1 It I 11 ll'>l>mlf\ oO<,r ~ 10 " • lNlmJW '16 II II .-.., • 1nr 11,0 <ll 11 ? • II f(ltP 1 •0 I )I I) T a~M. f llO 8 18 l' r Q<rl!I 100 • 1~1 ~ .. J 1 ~ • ' • I "'"'~ M '>O I \~ I I T I o ! 11'1 I b I• ?\ f '""w' t t1<1 HJ IU j:"" .::"1P.i'1 ~ l~ I~ lu ""'" •O I 11 I ri\\lll '"'• .. J \ ,,...ro ~~1t • 11 I ~'"" ~9 I '<1.J I \ I I • J ~~ Tr\nlf>3. 1118 lrr.oor 10. • • 1 Li• !._.HI ~I .11 I ,.y I •U I I t 1 J I " ~'°"lo lbO ' lW<l.f l /<J 811 " ' ! 'WI I I I ~ l I ~ '" lrd~I \I 08 b llJ 11\o l•dvlt lit ' 1 1~ ~ 1\.'I Cp \ Jl •I I ,,_ • • ,, ho Jr (on"/111 1 \/II "" • fr .. I JIU I ?I • I 1-..... " ~ ' .. • ,,. l '"' ' '" ll ' " l ' • " '° ' "' " . " " ' " " ' • ' . 71 • ~ " "' . • " ' .. , . • • ,, . '" " -S-llo+ • ' . . /'/,........ ,.. ' . '" ' l ·-' '''111 ~<;0 J 1 •1 l<1 Pet <ll 15 1> ltf'l\dl'I Ila J I 10 ,,_ " ''! Ud /Ori 11 <II 11h I • lllW In I 1() ~ ]I) •' '" I llW or • 111 •1\'o ~ 1. ffWO)rt•O o t J , I'"' n f &< " bl 8" t '· ... c 1 iO<J1 .. 110 & , <tl ll Otl I II> ~ f )<t (p 40 l I~ ll u u - IALl n< llO UA 1!A t O ( u LO 70 f ( ur1c11 1J7 6 UMr ln<lu 1 ' lM(Tldl Ufl rc o j,() l llnlflV l 1'l<I ' \Jn l\nr &<" • ~~c' .. :;'f 1J ~ un coml l l • Un"" toopl• Unflc<111 I Un l l•~pt• Un FtC•hly U UnOCal I 98 • UnOIC.pt 1 Un P•~ 1IO10 U P•C pt •I Uno.,.,am II• I• \,, 11 1 o ' I ' " l • 11\r " . " ' I( 11 ~ J l ) I " . llb J I 1•, 4 1 •• " . ~ 1V.. ))I 10 -• z 100 l~ ' '~ 1UIJ6•-h 11 411:.0:.-1 • ~1\ 10 -2 t• 10 17~-v. 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" ,.~ Wah~•ttn I 10 30 I I I .. ~ WaOHl•ll.l l O 11 J1 \1 W.1!1 6ul 1S I 11 IS l .. WallM~r 1>0 l 1 S b', , • wan 1>t 1 10 • 16 -.._ WalMa•I IO • z),100 10\\o '" Waf\l)l O.Od 6 I} 6• Ward ,-oo•h ~ S • Wa•na(O 80 l I I I Wa•n(m '° l •O I,. W•C:rnpl 1 I 1R I W<ltnr(o '>O 1 1 Siio ~ \• WarLam M 14 21} 21 1 W.1rn !>I 10 S 6 11 ... • ' \, ..... ,,.,.c,,, ! 81 1 u 13~ ' ' '""' & ... l• • 1&... ~. " ' " ' 5c1 ·-~. " . '" . ,, .. W~'hNU llC ' 10 10\-) ,_ W.!Nl pl l ?• • w~1n Sii I• J J !J Wa>hWt!1 9 I II• w,,t• MnQt s 11 s -"' Wal~nJ 20d • 11 Ill,' ~ • Wav"' C:. 6'l 6 ' • Wdynpl lt.0 1 II.~'• Wea1~f •0 J 6 ) I t H '<Wtlb~I (p • 1 1 , ..WllM<l t.O JO ~ • • _,. Wt 'M"l ~1 I I•• " . "' " "" Wt b 11 (p 11 O 16 " ' ' • " • " ' ' ' ' 10'· \ .. ,. " " " '" 17 • ~· 18\,,. lo " . lD:t. • >. ·~-ll + ~. " ll""'-6"'-~-19 • .. " . ''"' ~ '• lJ,. -"' ' ' ~ 10'• ""' )6 I I JI~• " ... w~1,rq <i<> 11 11 1••• WFMQI JOd ~ /\ b Wl'•coF •Od \ '> ~~ W~\{11 1 •0 1 l 18 W\IP1Pf.1>2 1110 W\lnf\ 40Q rn1 ~ w,Ban< 1 •O S •1 18 w ,11n(o N4 IS l ! 101• W11 Pf < lr<I S •J I Wt ,!Pub 16 I 16 • • W Un!(}tl 1 •0 100 10 • 1 .,...,cun pl 6 1 ·~ W Ut1pl •60 J 17 Wt•!I• El •I 'IW6 10' • " • . '• • • '. • W•l~ac I I() <I •1 10> Wf:Jtnb I 11 ~ 1 !l ~ • -yrha• BO 11 ]11 ?•\ V. Whll"<Jt tO 1 JJ 101• Wtlll>SI J~d I I 11' • o Wt.ttlSI pl 6 130 ~I .-!,.. Wl>tt!SI 1>1 S 110 •l w'! .. lpool eo11 10'1 11 •-• ....,,,ConllOJ 81 ,,,,._ • Wl>tMot tOd 3 ,. I -\-• Wt>h\al<.r C:p 1 11 I • • Wl<~f' Cp I $ 10 9(. I ~ Wifboldl ,. 1 6 l '• W II a m• t.O 9 108 1-6\<> \., Wiii Co~ '*t ' lO"I 31 3• W !C9pl llO ~ ~1 S - WnnO•!Jl!I JI J<r• Wlnneboo90 ?8S '"-" "' .. •, w1,r1p 1111 , •1 ll • " . • W SElpl 8 'IO r~O 91 W \cP'i I Jl 9 36 IJ Wl<o [!Xl ' I I !I Wol.,.WI CSb 3 7) 1 ~ • Woml~o .,,, S 10 I,,. WQO<h(P 18 4 7 8 WOo '*" 1 10 • ••J 11 Wocl pl l 10 9 1i Wcrrl<l II w 1 11 l ::· ,,;/. -g: 10 'J 1:;,: 1'lo Wyly (Qrp 7l J -xvz ,xrro•CpllJ '\l!•)I •1 .... )(t"' In( 10 J QI ••• V. Veit • lndu• • 8~ • Vnq!.t D• llO J l l 10 Z•lt(o•p 16 < lb 11 Z#li>el• 'O !\ lS l•Yt• Corp 7 JJ l lcnl!PIA•d I 10 14• ! l Zurn In<! 18 I l l \lo • • • ,, NE\\ \ORK (AP) -C111rflrp thf' p 1r l nt of 1~,r,.,t N:il1on ii f 1t:t-Jl ank of ~1" \'11rk s nd J\1 o ntl 1y 1 s h 1r11 111· I 1 t lSI' 111 1971 income \\<IS l CCOOl p 1111\d h y un11su ill) hig h lo 1n lo:s,es l 1:-.! \ ( !11 I he h ink •i t d 11 1n g h1 g hr1 chrirgL''i for lo ins l 1H 111n"I 1.f lh•• 1 11 ning!-. 101 prO\( nit nt ... IHI c ll lllll~s arl e r "t:1 1111l11.:" In~..,('~ 111 197 1 \\e r e up 2 -& PL I Cent OV\ r lfl7:l to $31<! 2U n11lllon or SJ .-,1 a sha re Cron1 $25.!~2 m1lll0n CC" ~.! 11 .i sh u1 c i }c~rcarl1er • • • • • • • • ~ • • • • 1 AJJ DAILY PILOT PUBLIC NOTICE lllC1'1TIOUS aUSIMl!SS NAMl:STATl:Ml:NT The tollo.lne ptoO.On h dol<"'ll ..... w ....... , ASHl'ON C.£ .. R .-.NO TOOi.. "IOt W l/tt!St., C.01\.e MIU, C1lllou>119J~/ f'reoi). H """-C•llY, 191•1 C:onQ!'••• 0f(i.. H...,11"9\0I' h1ch, (111101110" ..... 1 '..1115 bu•IM'~ I~ \.<11'4+.>~lad by •n -VIO\>.ol, Fr11n1< H . M•t~!ev ll>h •t•tement .. .,, I ll~ ... 1111 tl'le Counly Cle•k o t O••nve Coun1y °"' ,,...wry l , It)~ P\ibll\l>ed O••noe CC.SI .kn. 1, 14, JI. 21, 191~ PUBLIC NOTTCE •»tu SUPll'.ltlOll COUllTOl"TMI! ST•Ttr Oil' CALl~ltHl• llOOlll TME COUNTT Oil' Oll•NG£ WO,AOllMJ CltATIOH IAOOPTIOHI c-. .... _ ..... pt._ ....... ,!Ml In '""' M.olU• ol C:HAO •l l..EN SCH£ N•Cli wl>O •houl!I be ae<l.otoln!• trom 1ne cu'10<lt and con1to1 ol "" "''•nf THE PEOPlE OF THf Slolt.TE OF CALI FORNI.A ro· s l E PH EN ,Y.COOP<.A LO By 0tMt ot 11>1• court ,ou ate llo!ftb't t•l.il lo •PP..•r belore '''"' I"'°""' -------·fO~•eSl(llnq In ~'°"rtmen\ 11 Ol !nl\COIJ"l Apr+! ), 1•7$. at t •QO • m . '""" and l~L'BLIL f'\trrtt•t-; '""'e 10 '"°"" <•u,..,. 11 •nv you 11•..e. ""'Y '"" pelill(>f1 ol 00N.AL0 ------IR1 (1<Al'IO MOLl...ANO •M KATHRYN aikl1 JUNE liOlL ... NO for ll>e d<l«Jloon ul ffOTl(I! OF INTENDED CHAO .-LI.EN SCHEH.AClt ,,.uur TltAN5FE• Ull!DEJI SECTIOr<Sl.013 fli•f>O<' \On :.rooul<I not~ or•nl~ AND 1 .. 74, CAl.IFO"N' ... BUSIP<ESS OATEo' J•nu.ty! 197S . AND PRO•ESSIOP<SCOOE '.A'll.l.l•M E . ~I JOMH Na"" ol tl(en•tt. nis S«l<1I ~"""Y Cl•rk ' l'lumO..r, .•no a<1<1re•• 01 l1(~!tMll J o Jen"i"O' l)l'ernl~s, "" 1..a1n11 l•P Cod~ DIPl'lv Cl••• ROBt::R:T 0 . 8.AILEY , S/116)191, !>'1 Wrsl 1~11• 51<eel, c oua l"Nw, C.tttornl• '1627 CECILY J . fl.A!LfY , ~I! 2! 91~1. \.o l W e •! 1911'1 '>lrl'el, CO\!U M~,~. Cl!Olornl• 'nb!7 "'"""• S.0(t .. I 51'(U"1Y nUlllto<'f "'..;! .a.ire•• 01 on\l'n<le<I l•dn11~""'• >n< lu!li"'il Z•P Coa~ ltLU,,G.ST•"LEtO r< 1rn1 trvlt1t aou1e••t<I 1 .. 100 u1lln. C..lllo~n!• '2••0 41141 '31·MOl AUO<Mf IOr P<otitlOn•r> Put>H•flr<l O•.onl,lf! (c;a•I J•n 1. i., 11, 11, t91• 0 .. 11, P•IOI, )1 I~ PUBLIC NOTICE MQTIC8 O• IAl..I: Of' CUL •t1e>rl:t1TY AT Ptll'IAfllSAl..I! .... ,. ,. .. In t ... "'"'!or COur1 ol It. Si.ti ot C.litwnl1, lorlNt (.ounly of Or ...... 11• ,,_. ~lt.r ot , ... Ei~ O' MYRTLE£. HEIMER, O.t11Md. Holl(• I• n1r1C>~ ,1 ..... tt.tl IN """"~Vl"*CI will MPU 11 Prlw111 wi.. to It. niQtlnl 6nd IMr•I bi001r, -J..C:I 10 Cllf'lir .... tlof'I Of WIO S.,,per11r Cot.wt, W• w 1n1r I,.. IO't11 d•Y of J1nu1ry, 1'91S, 11 lfM otflt• of (HARiwES w_ SEAll!> l'tf:AL TV, 23)21 P1,;eo d1 V1ler.c.11, S..IW 111, LIQun1 H UI$, Counly OI Of.,., Sl1t1 OI (l!+IOtn!1, 111 IM rlghl, lt\11 ana Int•••~• ol wlo ~­ II\,_ time 01 OtlJPI 1110 111 U. •IQlll, Ihle -I"""'" tn•I 1111 l•l•te of w•O dlKNM<I Jwoi ~Qu+red by oper111ot1 01 l1w or othr•""•-.e ot""t l"*n Ot in -!!Ion lo th•t ol •••II dece•\ed, •I me 11 ..... of Ot•ll'>, In""" IQ •II er.. Cert.fin , ... ptoperty ,,11,auo In tl>e Sl.lte of Colllo•nl•, County ot O'""""°· -1• ""'o.<•lboG••loll°""' P•n •I 1. Owe111no Unit ).(; !n Bu•l<llno No. 1l6t, ••••Ill "nit l~>l"IO><fn ....a °"lined on •l'>•t cert••" Condomln1un1 Plan •tt•cl>f!'ll lo '"nd ""'°". Pdft O! '""' Ce<!<IU\ 0.,(IM•l•on o1 Co•en•nh. Conou.,.,.,, ¥1(1 Ile•!• ot uon~ rec ordeo AuQu•t I'. 1<1+q on 8ooio. 'IO}l. -11• ol 011•~1•1 l'lecot~. •n '"" olli<e ol tne Counly Ueu"°"' 111 O<an""° County. Cal+!O•nl•, drn:I an u<.al•iOIKt l/llofllh 1nle•e•I "' -to dil ,,,.,,portion at Liit IO! r. "C' NO 6Q<ll .... '1>0wn on• Mdp "'corded I" l>OO~ 1S~. ~lie•(/ '""d 48 OI M+\< ellllnt.'Ou .. Map\. record' OI Or•"lle Cou11ty, c .. 1o1or,.1a, JOSEPH ,Y.. OUINONES. IJ0.40-...o!l, IJ} rr11nktot1 '>Ueet, Hunh<HJ!<>" ;v .. (1'1, c .. u1orn1a 91646 -------l'1>0wn •nd delin..cl •• ''Common .,.,,..· on Ille •bo•e rele<r<'d to Ccm.,.,,,..+noum I PUBUC NO'l1CE Sl..l' 1'1SI .. 0TICl 1'0C•IDITOlt\ \UH•IOtt CDU••onNf STA fl Of C.\Llf'0••1.4 FO• T"I" COU"f T 01 OaANG.l ... ""'*JI f ,, ... ot !flofA[ l ( f H TAllO lfE(i.A •I• lfAf ... [l VfC.A, Oe•••lo<O Hfll!(f" !~ lff llf6'f C IVEH lo l,,._ tf<"O•i<ot• (>I I"°' •W•• "•n+f'<l dof(-1111~1 •II Pl'•\ol)n> 1\4""'1 <!•"''" •QJ•n•t Ow \d.0 Orf~ol ••f '"'l""~<I 10 !ol• I,_,, ""'111 1"° f\e\•\~f~ •Out;t>t••, 1" tneon~•IJI 1~r lr11 • ..,.. •bO....-•\ll!ttr<I '°"''· 0t to p,......,1 ~tn, ""111'1 !,,,. M<•\1•t I •OU!lwf\, 10 Ow -f\19'1e!l,.tt <lo l'I0,,•111 It p,..,,. I, It\! (..,If°"''" Sl<ttl, '"'Ir 111, ...... lo J..n.. ( tHl0tn.& Y)t(IT , •l'l 1< II " I"°' l>IM e OI l>.n! ""'' o• tP>P ~"°""'"""" "' •II ..... n,..., .,..r t•'"'""' lo tl>t ••1••• ot ,.,<1 <lf'<t-<1t-,.1, """'" '°"' ,,_!1'1> •I ter lt>I-IH ,, Out>!i( •hQfO " II•" ""'"'· 0.tt<I\'"'"'""'' !I 1~1 1 II[ I Ill.OU ~I (lo t ,~, ,,1~, ,,, "" w.11 ,,1 ttir ~'"'"' ''~'"'<I Cl•<< II< l>I RONALD H Pit( "'"t II Al'-<"•••• l •w 1U 1 E •>I f O..f11'1 ~··tel S..110 1)1 'I.oft!• Aft .•, C•l1 .. rn1• 'l!ll l•t'1ll>OM' 11\11 S'>I M)I "'"'"'•11., l ••<ut•t P~• "''" n (,,~'"'' (Vo'' o,,,,, 1• Ji Iii<~•·"),,, I " I•/', •I " 11 --- Pt.i ltLI(' ."\:(J'r1c··~ Kin<t ol lice1ae intl'n!l~<I 10 be loan\lerred: On Silll' 8•er a•"'.,..,,.,.. ,1(en~ r<o. •2·110'>8. l'l "ltl<IC 1\"0TICt-: Plan. 1-------------- lol•I <On••der•l•On IO~ pjl•ll 10! 11'1e >u•i~\ ano liten'°" ;, \14,l/O 00. pl"' nvenlory .Appro.in1a1ely JOO. O.scrlpti ... rtiec1<• Clem.incl no1e. to be ·ep111ce<1 tly llUUMPl•Qu 11 e•l\ll"'il obl1oa1!on ~lt an<I Secu< ltr l.9'e.!ml'nt r:. ..... nd Hate tor S)I0.00 lnven1ory '.I00.00 lhe p!•ce whl'te th<' <o,,,i.,.,rU ioti !or the 1r11<lsle• ol tne bu11ne\1 an<t 1r.c Ileen"' or lict'n~eli is 10 be Pol•ll '' on or aA!er !he 1711\daf ol January, 191$, GROVER ESCROW CORPORATION, 1717 E;nl l1nto1n. .Anaheim, (atilornla ~780l lhe pa1He• •II'"" th.>1 1r.e c001\lderallon !or 1ne l"'"''e• ot H>e bu!.ine\5 and the ll<en•e o• i.~en!ot'' 1•10 tit paid aner '"" O...p.o rlml!n\ pt Alcot.OUc Beve•a11e C:onl•OI h4' •ppro11ed ti>~ p•opo•ed lr<tn,1 .. , N'""" •nd •ddre•• O! t,,.. e\<row l'IOlder , GROVER ESCROW ro llPOR"'-- 'TION. 1717 Ea•I lln(Oln. Ani\ne<m, C•Ulornla '12805 Ro'"rt O. flaHev Cf."Cil~J ,8a11ey Transle ror1 Josepl>,Y., OuinOn<"• Tr•nfleree GROVE• ESCRO'.A'CORPORATION P1:ul Oflke lkta 6217 MaMI"', C•lltom'a t :zto. 5:1crow4·:WOS-01 Publist>ed Oranlje Coa .. t Oaily P•!PI, Jan.7.1915 "6-15 ri;nuc !\'OTIC t-'. 1----------------1 E•cepl <no th1,.elron• •nv l>Othon o! Lot " OI TrdCI NO 6$41(, .... \t>own (>n .. M.ip rr<:ororti In Book lSS, p,,,,,.,., 11 .. n<t 11 of Ml:w;ell,.n<mu\ Mdp,, r<KOt!I., ot Ora~ C:ounly, C<1U!orn1.,, d!IJV.f>ifl(l NOTICE OF THE flME ANO Pl.ACE OF HE AH I NC. OF THE lOC:.Al •GEi'<· CY FORMAllOH COMMl~SION OF :'.>R.-,..GE (OUNT'f. CAl!FORNtA WH EN A Pl'IOPO$EO ANNEX.AT10i.i TO THE Cll'f OF COSTA MES.A OF OR.ANGE COUNTY. AHO OBJEC· TIONS OR P!l0 TE5T$ THERETO, Wtl.L BE PRE~Er<TEO FOR HEARtr<C NO f 1(.1' IS. HERLllY Gt VEN Ind! an <'PP"<oH'l:>'1 lld\ ""''"" !11<'\l .. ,tn ll* lQ("I A1,1cn'y f(:um.1toon Comm'~''"" ul 1n,, Cou1>1y ot Or~r•Q<'. Stat" ol C"t<l<i<"•~. 1 ~<1u••,11n<1 1t1 • .i .,,.,d Com · "'""o" d0PfOY~ tlwl pt()ftO>•·U '"'""•.! I""' """<;Indio•<!'" PdU!do •fl>) ll<!"' An· flt••illw<l !O 1n~ C•t• 01 C0\!11 M,.,., 01 Ord""'" Counr,, (.wto""·' r,,,. ouvn <lil••<"> U! , .. ,d oropo>dl ""-' ,i, 1,:011c. .. , 10 ... i.ald LOIL .-1w <'•Ceplin.J fto•n ~aid lol 1 all o;>•. oil. hydrocaroon,, """"""' ar><l ouwr '"b'tanc<'• lyl...;i t,o,1ow <totl'.!'1'101 loOO feet, bul ,..llPIOut 11\e r lgl'lt 10 entct uPOn ltie '"'lace or ,.,t>,urtd<o' ot 11>e Prl>ptrly ilbO•<' a dep11\ ol }(I!) 1...,1 IOI' l>ily pur-wl'l;ot"°e•e•, a• "!W••e!l In llW DeM from F lr't Wf."Slf."•n Bank""" Tr,,.,! C<>mpany, ro•co•Ged Dec.,.nD•" •. 1961 In f>Oc~ S961 , p;oge S8(l Of Ott•cial Rf."Cot<I), and re-recor<leo o..cemoer 11, \~I In lx>ott 5'39. Pil1,1e 53<1 ol01t1c1al Recor<!'. and In Deea t rom Ro''"""'' Coq:>oraUon •tcorded July 11, 1~~ on bOCk 9031 , ~e !09 of 0 1!1< la ! Record; P•rcel 1: Non·e~clul••e e.,.,.,,,...ni. tor ·~•e•S <Incl f."1,1r e''· p.,bhc "'""'""'· -.e-r• ancl !or <Ill purpo•r • 1nc1deflldl thereto, i11Cluditi<,t but not 11m11..a lot"" construcloc"" •n>ld<1d11on, •eP•"~" "'"'"· "'P"" -'"'""1"'"'"<". o~rai.on dr><! u'e u! ,11r nc~""''•"Y "' O.,~•l iiDlc• rOa!lwJ~>, >1<te .. a1 ~•. dood «>ndu•" .,.,.,., 1n,· 1.__.n(I a._.,,,..,._..,'" P<1rce1 2 o• 111 .. 1 <"tldlll Oee<t I" O~koaWn Home•. ( oPCUI"• o! In" W oll <•I I"' ~•(!•"""'"' ~or1r~<·M HflON, M-N ~ 11£00•Hl'> (HIElPEC.IAH ly DtnalCt J Manlr*<IO 11•Gwiraftl.e F•ftift(!al (1ft\"' ll1tEa1IShawa•e fn-.C•IU.,,,1a,lllO ,.........,.: !7"l ll•-Ul11 •110rMY•lor Eorc.,1<•< <'ub"•""o:IO••nQ .. '"""{'"'II I <IOI fo.' )•.)l,19/4d<>dJ•" / ••.!~/) 111\I• Pl .HI.It' :\ftTll"I·'. ------------F l(Tl l IOU\ &U~IHES$ ,.-.ME $TAl(MfNT l ,-,., IQllO• 'nQ 1><'1 \nn 1\ OQon(} "'" ""'" •n f'Oi'S l,llO(!U{! 1//11 1~·•"'' (-<1,11 H~nl<n<•!On fl<'<>< n (di,,~, . .,," ~Ii.ti 11,1n .. ro ~l•n 1'.-.1,1nv, Y•97 fn"'""' n• HunhnQIQA I<•·•<" c .. 11•0• ~·" •1- l "''flu''"'''" ll!tld"cl•'tl fly ,1n 1n O"•Ovdl flll OIM<I~ 1'6!••6• lt>" !;I~•• M•nl '""" '"' U '""I" •r. < "'"''' ('"' 01 01 .• n<)•' (Q<J<>I• M• i;.. ..... ,,., ,, !91• 1'1'"411 f'ubl.-n•ri f,,.,.,Q, (.oa,1 n""' 1 ,1,~ I•'' 11 l• .11 191'.,.'<I J,1n I 191\ •'-"" 14 Pl: RI .I(' Nf>Tl('I< ~L P Hl\0 "'011([ TOCllFOlfOll~ ~U Pf R IOP COV Ill Of T><€ ~TJ.T( Of {J.L,lfOll Ht~ r·o p I ><[ COUNl Y or OR-.NGE No '1"11 r ""'' ol N/I Nf y JOf I I(~ t··· ... ·.•·n NOll(f ·~ f'l "ll'·• lo',lr< I !n• ,,,n,10"0110, •"'-v• '""'''""''''"''1"'"1 HOT ICE TO CREOITOllS SUPE UtOR COURT Of THE STATE OF CAL!FORr<IA FOR THEC:OUr<TYOFOMAr<GE HO • .A·tl .. ~ DtJ!eot M Af:;Y ~LUA~. dkJ MARY MUE:LLER. <>k.I MARY F ">EC.AL. ~~"M ARY I l<ANCLS. SEGAL, o.-~ea•eil. NOTICE IS. >!ERl:liV G1 V(N to '"" c•"'1ol"'' ot ,.,., <>I><>•""""'''" <l•'<-••oer11 11>~1 dll p .. r,Ot" hdY"'<i (O~om> d<jJ•n\\ ,..., '"'" c1 .. ce<1.,nt "'" rc<1u.ret1 to1de tr.em. '"'"' !n" ""("''"'V V<>U~l\ef>, '" lfl'i.d"~~r't'. ~';. .. ,~up..~,.·~~;,';"·,~~~" .::fin "'" nec"''~'Y """'""''" 10 ,.,._. un· <l<:<~1<jn~11 ~l lh .. • Ol!o~f' .:it M·<fl.A 0 . M UELlEI< ""d MAR '>ttAI-\.. C ~A N O(R '>, All<H"cY'· <11 l~,.,. ~1\U W1"'"'c' tllv<I ">u•1" .111, 1.0" A<1<1<ote,, Cao.ioro"\o<> ~OO•H, "''"'",..,II•· fl••«.c t>t ""''"'''' Ot 1n" U<l<IM'"l'*d "I''" m~• 1 ... , P<·rt'"'""'l 1<1 ,..,. "'1""' 01 ,,,.u a.. <\.'lh:n1, .. ,,,,,,., IOuf U-..:011111' ilOICf 1h<' I ft>! pvt)l o( <>I <O<l OI U\I > <>011<.c'_ D<+lcd Oe<:e<ntlc• ll. Mn MYRAO MUEllER A<11n1n"lr<>lr •• ot 1n.· (.,l.+I<· .:.1 Inf• aOO••· n<"!n>e<l t1~<~1wo1 M'fRA 0 . MUElLER ;ond M•MSHALLC. SAl'<OER5 .Allorney>;>l ldw 6110 W1"n"e Ellvd. Suite ll 1 lo• AnQetes. C"l1torou• -· lei'. (11lJ •l1-20lJ .AUorney tor AOmino<lrat"• Putii.s ned Oran<,Je co .. ,1 DJ•lv P,10! O.,tcrnbl•r Jl. \~/~ drod .l<ln~drV /, 11, ?1. 1911 •800 i. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS N•ME ST•TE MEr<T Tne toll<>wing """~on~ ""' dOln< !)u~,,,.,,_,, ..... HUNTINGl ON .-ssoc1.-rES, "'· t,Aafn Slree1. Suite 0, Hunt+r>gtOI\ 8'¥ n. ca1;1ornia '111>46 £'""''' G.. ,.oia . 13~? lidfbof. C.O;t~ """'""· C:alilorn1a '11616 Jonn ll. Baro~>. 810 1 San Oim;is1 9.,.,.,,. Pa•~. c,.1,tornoa -l>O Th" bu~ln"~' ·~ (Ondu(led by d -,.,,,,,..,11><>rlnl'r.,n1t1 Er,...,! G. NO•<I rni~ 11at~men1 ""'" !oleo w11n ll>o' Counly Clerk <>! Oran~ Cou"\v on Decembt!r 11, 1914. FJellC Publ·~t>t<I O•"""e '-""~' oa.i• P1101, ~( 31. l'll•an!IJdn I. !4,il, 1'1~ 48(lJ ./• Pl HI .ft ' \"ft1'1C"E ----------Fl( Hl IOUS 8 USINf.~~ HAMf \T•TF MfNf T n.• lo• lo••"U ,w,' '"" '•, Mn, "Q I •J• '"' " .,. r1 I AN (A'< MA IHlfNlo'<Cf_ rn 71;;~ lr•""""''•"-DI h,(o,••M•'A 1 .. ,,1,,, ..... q}b)b O~I• (N•lun.i "l'-u•'•'• ,'8<9 I'"""· Apl A (~"•"'r'" ( ,,1,•o•n••'"''" I"''• bu,ont•\\ •\ <QnO.,(l••I !IV''" on "'"o"''' I "I' r Wn<11 I H"' ,l,>t• m"n! "'"' < h <l "'II~ I!• "'"'• < '' t • of 0• •ng+• tout1!1 "" (~"' ""' • '' I"• r 1'"410 ""'"''"'n '"''""' ·"t n.,,1. it•101 r. l l• JI 11 "" '""' J,+n I "'' ""'I PUBLIC NOTtn: Pt.:81.f(' \.OTIC'E Fl ( r+ I IOU~au~IN( \\ NAME\T~flMENI PL"HLIC SOTICt r l(ll f IOV\ IU\INf \S H'"°l ~T•Tl ... ENT ( PU BLIC;;~~ ,.,,,,Tuwa 1u1iJi'U NaMISfAlfMIN1 •ICTlltOU\ •U\IJl!(~S NAMfSTATEMINT 1111tlal-1nt per_, l\OC+"Q IN\•N~> •> (. 6 It CllAllN(., IJ) ()ur\tl ~•Y "'-1 ... C•l<t""''" f"l•)'(l 111\l'lNf GI--~~. a Colllorr,,, <..ot ... •t-. IJ) O""" 'I'-•~. Pl-.<fll•• (atlfof .... ~,. TM lo+l..,.<"(j ~·'°""°"''"II""'"''"'"' 1 M (~IM•i•;.,,+ .J)QJ .,.,,.,.,.. 11"<1 '"'"~ G-l (O'IU ~w. (f'olotno• tt.i. TM TM C0tt'"'"'"(4r.on~ Cor1'il-4'"~ • C•••1or-nof tOfPQr•T<on )lt)) •!&•!>Or lll"11 s...1, C·l (0>1• ,.,,. C o•«o•~••"'"'?t. ! •• 1011-0.,. ""'lo'<'' \o(jo " °""'O ''"'"'"">\ ,., APl'L !fO PR O'-'"""'M IH (, 11,CHNOLOC•, JI/I ..... u .. ra 0•. Cl>\!• -w.C•"'9'"•••1.tl• """'"" J <•"· 1111 -"''"••~ D• l 0\1,o ,,,..,~ , .... .,.,. ·~·l•>• l N >GU\l'<Olf\9 IM't\IWI I\ °""'II °"'I"""\ I\ U+t: POCll COVE " COMP.-NY, MIO~ l!A.ln,No 14 I .,.n~•An•.C•hl(>tN•t'llGl (tff'\I 0 \nu•t M •G \ "'••n, OIO 14 1 .,.""' ;.,,. (.,1ol.-,.n•f'llOI fft,, ...,,,~_, " •~•\<l ... !HI ~I Jo" bu\I,,.>\ " '""d<o<!•<l n, <O.-po<•I-'"'P<l<••-""' ~""""'' ,, \<>f\Q,,(t• rt l>r .,,, ,,, n,,.,1""' '"''bu"""",, '""""'1¥11 11, ~" '" n<>o!IU.tol "'~'"" J ... .. C.o ~QQ O ~~uH ""°"" GI•'' ,,,.,..~~""· P••>-nt lnl• \1•1t-nt ••• i.1~<1 .,,u, -lGUnl1 Clo•~ OI °'""""" Cown11 on Oelllfl'll<'• 11 "11 . 1 Ill' r Ii'-C nn, "'""" •hon• Co'"'""'Y P•vl f I ~~n ...... ·~···· Tn,. \1al~tn•·M ,,., fo>•~ ••'<11'1 !!Y ( """" '""" 01 o •• ,,~~ lw .. 1,"" 1.>vu 11•to.·• ••. i.11 J~· Pi.ti.,,,..a O••nQ" co.,1 114•'• """' .'. 1• I• Jl.1•16,do<~Jo., I ll ltl> ~i1)·1. I ti.-''""'"'1'!11 ... , hl•rt W•lft I"' (VI"''' t •··~ vt O.o"ll" '"""1• o~ °"''"ll)f' IJ, l~h '""""h""'nt ""' tll•n ""~ 11v< Coun1, Clt•I 01 0•41•yf' (u+.>flly "" U.-<rmt"'' IJ, 1'10 .... ""llll-Or•1>wr co"'' o • .i~ p,..,. L,..• ............. ·~" 1 ,, It/\ •1111• J-,...11 '"'"''""~ ('),~.,.,.. (1>0\1 f\o•!y P116t ('\,•, !/, ?•. ]I, 19/o •"II J•o I. 10; -) /' ~Jtotlt ""'''"'"'o o ... ~\/' tu,,,t !+o•l r r•,i.., 11o. I/ )-+,JI l~l>•n<IJo" I It/\ •Olltl• JANUARY _1, Due fo extra he-avy in- vf!'fdory & shipme-nts of eastern merchandise, we ere forced fa dr asficd-- ty reduce-our prices for this clearance. Shop earty for best selection. UP 'TO 30% 10 40% OFF -. "'" ~-·>.~i!'<~e> Phone 548 -5131 SEE OUR NEW LINES OF: AHTlc;>UE PIHE, COUNTRY FRENCH. C OUNTRY EHGLISH. COUNTRY CONTEM- PORARY, AHO MEDITERRAHEAH ALL AT SALE PRICES ALL LAMPS, PAINTS and ACCESSORIES up to 50 % OFF Our Reqular Low Pric~s FEATURING : • THOMASVILLE, • SEALY. • SIMMONS, • REMBRANDT, • CAVALIER, • LA-Z-BOY , • SIGHT LIGHT. • ROYAL COACH . • HEOCMAN CABINET, • !!RANDT TABLES. • HAMMARY TABLES, AND A HOST OF OTHERS EQUALLY FAMOUS. Ail AT SALE PRICES. 1865 HARBOR BLVD.• DOWNTOWN COSTA MESA • ree I • The Churchill Paintings. ·r,"·o exclusive prints reproduced in full color. January 1st lo 10th. 'j"\\'lt pri!ll'o r.11!lil1illV I lli•l•'il fldlil 11r1i.;111.d r:1111r1l1ill11"111 111\)~'o .i11d • 11, 1•.0 •11 '·II"! 11H ,1llvI1 •! 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INGl.E\'YOOll: _:·011 \\' \T.irl! hi·•t<"'f ill "Iii "'> 1 :u.111 TORRANCE' llofl,1 rrll\"f'n~ ~I l!larrl'!i n~/12fl·ft1 1 I CORONA: ~110 S ! ,on•n·• \!.11!-; 1· :!·-1 SOtlTH PASADENA: Jjl•I ll•1n!1ns:lo11 J)r ,~flfl·1 1 lfl •ONTARIO: u 1:, \'. 1!11l\ll1T•!ln """ '11J.t.•l"llh G RANAOA lllLLSi I lll.',O', Onlhoa Dlvd /~!11'1·~7All •MA Nil!\ TT/\ N HE/\Cll: 'lil-1 \Lin 1t .. ti.u1 1\," 1·11 :4~'" • 1 IUNTINGTON BEACH: .',!1i11 W11rn"' ;11 Spri n11rl"\,./6·l!l·J ~Oli 1non. 1hru thur~. 9 am 10 4 pm: h i. lo fl rm:' R;\I. hnur~ .. ' ., ••·tn I \ 1 I 1 1 Saddlebaek EDITION V O L .68 , N O. 7, 2 SECTIONS, 24 PAGES ORAN GE COUN T Y, CA LI FORN I A Today's Closi11~ N.Y. !iiit0c>ks TU ESDAY,JAN UARY 7, 197 5 TE N CE NTS Park Will Evict Two Needy Fanrilies R v JA1'l' \\'f)Jf1'11 Ot .,.. O••I• 1"1101 !>1~11 ·rht" \vind and r;un ;il'l' ~·on! 11111 !11;..: al ()'Neil l l '.1rk Ltl 'l'r:tlHH'O • '.i ll_\'11n . :1 11cl l niuhll'" ha\l'll ! l1·t 1q• lur l \\'U larn1ltt·.-. 1·.1n1p1ng 1111l I lll·r f' /J(•t·:it1"(' !ht·\• 1·;111 t .dlur d r .. ;.:1 • .111.\ \\'h t· rt· 1· l-.1 • .\ ... 111 r r l.t !'>I \IL'l'" 111 111 .. IJ.111 > l'dot d c l<Hl..:d lht• pli ght •>t thr1·v 1.11nll1cs l1v1ng 111 !1._·nt :-. :ind 1·,1111 Midterm Grads Cut State Aid 1~::1 r l_v g r .J d t1:11 fon of 1:t1 :0:('/llol's .1l !\liss in n \'1r111 :u1 d l·:I '1'nrn I J1i.:h Schoo/.-; ,1·1'11 c•;1u -.L' :1 ::;77.41:!~1 d1 •t'l"l'a!'iC 111 s t :1ll' ;11 d 11! I th· S.td dlt·h ;rt"I\ \'.d l1·y l 1111!vd S1"t11111/ 1 ) 1-. t r 1 l· l , 'l'ru-;ll'l'S ll':irn1·d :\lu11d;1 _1 11 1;..:hl th ;!I hl·t:aUSl' uf l hl' d l'p ar!u rr 11! 11:, -.!udc·nts fn1n1 ,\l 1s::-1t1n ;ind !l"I I 1 111}! !·:I 'l't)l'U, 1 ll~· ii 1 ... 11 ll'\ \\ill h •. ··11111/"d to lt•:-.s n1u11 ... 1. r1·1i n1 lhl' .... 1.11 .. 1n 1l::. 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(lr,1 111~1 · ('nt11ll\' l\•il•fh1·;ll ('f'nl1'r .11111 ung11111 g 0 1"1'org;1n11..d 1on 11( !h·· 1· •• 11111 .v Liurl':Hlt'l'JC'..\'. 1 ~1·1 · 1)1 J·: OR It 'll, 1•:1 i.:1· .\~ ! Slaying Puzzles Coroner J\.\' T()~1 R:\Rl ,J~:\· DI,..., D•uly Pilot !.t•tl (Jr:ulgt' County l'O l'\lrll'l·'s tit rll'Vl'S t"o)tll pl c t l'fi lh l'l f" /)0~1 rnur ll'JO cxanlln a linn of t hl' h(ld\ o f l.11 11 ).! H L·:JC'h s lud 1·n t J o h ;1 \\'1l!ta n1 l.L·r ;,1:;; llXlay 1\·j tho ut b1.:· 1ng ablL• tn d l"t1·r n1"111e thl' l'.i USt' o l dl";1ll1 111 l hc s1•x-n1utila l11 111 :-.l.1y- 111 ~ "l'ht'.\' :1l'l' certain. IH>l\L'\l'r'. lh.11 ;1 \\(1tJ<lL•Jl Slll'\'t'_\"u/'"s S l;ll.:l' r.11111111·(! 11110 !ht• \'ltl1 n1 's bod\ Ii\' .II! llllkJlO\\'/l ;1,-.,..;;uJ;J/ll \\,I~ pl ,1 t ·t·d t h " re ;1 ft t•r dt· ;1th 'l'h1· 1·1d1ng tud.1y rn1·.u1.-. th,d l'Cll'P llt'f·s .1n:d:-,:--ts l\lll 1111\\' h.1\'1• I•• ('llllilll!'\ lllllL"L'llll::-llllllllj.! ltl\. 11 ·nlu;..:1 c,d ll':-ls 1Hl lhl' or)!:1 ns of th1· I i ~ 1'.1!"uld 'll'!irn in dt• l1·1·n11111· 1\ hat 1nll'r11.d l':1ui-1•,, 11 l lll \', l1•d lo his Jt:;ith. •i·hl'~' ~;1i d it \\'i\I bt• Sl'\l'T'.1J Y.L't:l.:s l>tfnrl' t hey ha\·c th 1· rt· ~tills nf 1 h (IS(' IL'SI:->. l.1·r:1 .... · nudt• hod.v 1'.;ls fou n d I ln.1\1n;..: in l lH' Sur i" ol f !hi' ~nil • ..;1rv1·t IH·;1el1111 Suns l't l31-.1<"1l l;1..,1 \\1't•k1..•11d . Sh,·r1ff'.., nffi<"L'l"'i h;1\'1' h t'('ll Liii .d•I.-tu lnc:1t•· hi s <"lu1 h1 ng ()I" fH'l'..;1111;1 ! p oSSl'S:-1011s b ut :•ft' -.;1!1 ..;l1vd lud ,J,\' th:1l ht• d it•d 1n -.01111· ntli l'r l(l(':i11011 ;1 11d \\'~IS c:;1r r rt•d ln l llt' ll1•;1eh ,lf'l';1 h .v l'~1r . f)1...,<·n1t•ry of \hl' .-.l al\e in t h t· \it•l1n1 '..; 1·1·l·lun1 lt·d s hl'r iff's ul t1t'l'l"S 10 1rnmcd1ately con\a1·l (".,._t;, \lt•!'i a \k 1li1.·t.• \\h1 > :trl' 111 \t'.;\1 ;.:.1t1n).! \\h~i t thl'_v b c·IJl'\1.· 11 .1,; .1 murclt•r \\ ilh the sanl\' IJ1 1.1r1 l' \J\ l'l'l\~lll'S . S1n1iJ;1rly. c·oronpr"s of(1<·t·1·s h.l\t' h1•t•n un.1hll· In dt'IL'rn11n1• t h1• ('.1u:-.l' 11f de.dh nf J;rn1c:-. I> Bt•t'\l''· )~!. \1hOS(' P ~•r!1all 1 t'll1t!11 •rl h11d 1 l\",tS found rn f;11 n1 1·1111 n1r.\ 11fl ·!{;1rr;1nc.t Ho;1 d llt'.11' J·:i 'ro r11 :'I I :11 1 ll\ • Corp .... 1\ ,,. S!. t! H 111 ;1 11\P!ll h ,Igo 'l'n\.\Vnl111:1c·:il t1•-:1 ... :11 l' IH•111:1 t".11'1 I< d 11lll Ill !h.11 < .1 -.1· \\llh ll" 111il11·.l1 1on \'••1 !!1 \\h;1t 1..111,·d tti .. \1111ni..: d1>~1:.:hnu! h ;1kl"J !10111 <..'.\'Pl'l'. ... S. ('01''1!\1 •r"s Ott H 'L'I s s .11d B.ith ... ht•1·111·s olfi t·1'I'"' .111d ('us l :1 ,\\t"s,1 p10\1 t't' "'l't'lll :-..1l1 o;;l1t ·d lnd.11· lh.11 t)Jt•\' :II!' l1 1nhu1)! !ni !lilt' 0 111 .t ll I !I l'tJ 0 1l!lt'('l lt!ll II 11 h 1 Ii.• !11p\..ill111:.,: .... .\11d 111· :1rt· :-.,1 11:-111-<I t h :11 lht·1·1· i!l"t' s lrong hon\t1St'X u.1l 11\,•fl<•!IL'' I n lh\':-ot· l 11·i 1 (',t'H ':--,· -..hC'r1ff 's 1n\\'Sl1 gato1· \\'11111· St,111 s hu1·y s;11d tocta.' El Toro Mother's Fate Up to Jury .l l'nn1f1..•r l·~l 11;1he 1h D ;1b n t',\'0 s fidi' HO\\ r l'st.s in lhl' h ;uu ls n f Hll I >r ;.1ngt• C ounty Supc rlt•r Cour l .h it',\ ·r ii.1st· Jt1r n r s \\'1..•re a s l.:f'd hl•hirl' lhl'.\' 1\t'HI to !ht• JUI'.\ !'nnn1 latl' :\lo nd :1y l 11 rind lht• El 1'oro \\t1nla n gu ilty of Sl'tonrl-d cgr c l' n1urde 1· fo r the k i ll in g o f c1j:!ht~mont h-old Robe-rt D a bney, oncofl\\'in sons l 'ros1•(·11 t or !'al J\rv,1n told thr panel ht•fo r l' .Judj.:t' °K1·nnC'th i'~. 1,ac <l1•li\·1.•rt·d h is 1ns lruct ion s that he had nffrl'cd lht•m ··ni·t·r·· \\ h1·ltn tn j! t'\"Hlt•nt•t•" that !"hou h l lt•u tl l h1•n1 lo l'o n \ 1C'I lhL' d t•fc n · d ;1nt ll t•pu l ,\' Pu b l ic l)efL"nd1•r :\11t"h .1t•I l ~t't'l'itL'I' s l l"l'SsC'd 111 hi s t'1n;!I :1 r ,£!11 n11."ll t !h;1t 41 \'t•rd icl of , q\ 11n1 :. 1· v 111.111s 1 :1 u i..,'llll' r s h o u ld he th1· 111;1,-;t !lit· Jllf ,\' c:o1dd l rnpo~1:. if 11 riot's not a r cl'pl his argUm e n t thtil l\1 rs. Dabn('y, 2•1, "''JS a \•ic· t1n1 of ·•r\in1 inis hl'd c ::i pacity " I \\'h<·n s lh' inf11 c1t·d L11.il 1111111'\t.•<; on the infant It \\'HS l<'s tif1c d 111 t hl'11·1.1 1 l h .d s h t• l'l'p1 •at l'dly h1·:1 t h1'r h:1hy •thou I. the h l·ad. <l roppl'd !11n1 t.11·1· tln,1·n in t h r t•t· in1'h l'S of \\',dt'r 111 h(·r bathl uh. ;ind 1ill'll ht·~1 l hi111 ;1g a in · :.1rtcr a thrCL'·n11 n11t1· 1111 - n 1t'1-sion . ..,'he (' h 1 Jd d It'd I h(' llt'\'. I da~ t ll :1 n ()ra nge hns pl!:.i l a fter d 111·1,,r, ,11 lhc El T o ro :\la r 1n t' (~orps ~!:1 1 1011 dispcns :.1 r.r ,. a inly I 1·1et1 to ;.;11·1 · h 1 ... Ii ft' ~·1 rs Oabncv·s h u:th anil . ;'\ol <1 r1ne C orp!'i Sgt : l)t.>nnis J•:u ~•·•lt' J);ihne ,,, 24, \\'11 ~ b ool.:l.'d 1111 01ans \a u g ht c r cha r ges ;II lht· couµlc 's b<tSc home :.1/'tcr n111 r dt·1 t.:har gc s "·e re filt'd ag:i ins! her D0:1bney pleaded g u ilty rl11r1111': th e t r ia l l 0 ('h<tl"!.'.l'S I)[' <'.h t\(\ 11L·glut:t <1 n d \Vi I l be s~nt('n1..•cd F'1·1 <.I a y b)-' Judge J,at'. 11 is \\·if e fa r tt~ .1 s ta te p r ison tcr nl of five years 1.o life. · \ ' I U PI TtlepllOIO Cor~1 S1ct1r11111 l·'t H'' 11 t' r· ; 1 s Sl' n1 b l~· n1 an J-\ e 11 net h l 'or ~·. 3.J. n f G ~l rdt' n t; 1·0\"t• t.d-:1-. ... 1h1· oa1 h nf ol'f1t'1..' ~t s st~1t e t<)Olt'<)]]1..'r ;is his \v1f1 '. l.tu·i\lt', hnld~ .i l~1h!t'. L'or :v ser\ed 10 l hL' 1\ss1..•n1hl.v ~t ll l'i.: I !!Iii i 'Core' School Plan Approved <.'.1p1 ... tr:11111 l nll!t'd St'h•\111 l l1s I r11 ·t 1111,lt't'"' ,1g11 'l'tl \loncl;t\' lo !lht\ 1· .1h1•.1d 11 ll h pl.111 ... lur ,111 I' I l' 111 t' II Lr I'\ "t'ho,1! Ill \I 1..;~1n11 \.I•' 10 lh.11 , 111dd h1· p.1r11.dlv dts· .1 .. -.1•111hl ... I 11 ,..,111•k·nl ··11r11ll1n1•11r 1·\ t'l'd1·1·l1n1·tl 'l'h,· ti ... 1rd ,nlo 'd !" h1r1• l l1t' :-:;,1n t'\.·1111·111·· .111!1111·(·\111'.il l1rn1 •lf l'olfl'I .I, 11 ,•'ll .111d \:-.-.<H 'l.l\t•S 1<1 h<·:.:11i pl,1n111 11;.: 1 .. r 111\' ~1 n1illiun . <'"rt• llHldtdt• ':--1·1l111il 1'11" 11•1 l' \\011dd t'Oll:-.J:-.11if1:_! 'l.1 -.-.1 ()(11 11' ,1111 1 l\\o\ k111.!('l').!dl'lt 'll -..t.11 11i11 ... 111 .• 1 1·111il1I !11011 ,,,. :ibou! :11011 ... 111.\1 ·11 1 \..., dc·11·l111•n'l1 ·nl .ll'(t\lllcl tilt• :--1 lino I 1·1·t'.1\,·d !l!'ll 1·11r11l ln11•n1 . !1\11dtii<'' \\ Hllld 111• ,Hl1 h •d 10 th (.• •·111" 1, • h.111.t 1,, 11p 1• o 71 1t 1 .. 1 ud1·111 s I I .11 ..... 1111• 1111h· 111 111,• futur(', l ·1 1rolln1,•n1 d1 "l'P•'d lit'l'.llls1• 111 a t•h,111 :.:1· 11 1 pqpt1L111"n p.1ll •·r 11s. t h1.• n lntlul••.., 1·11uld ht• ,t11\!1 ,11 '\l'd frnn1 I h" ('01"1• "l 'hi ~ c·onc·1•p1 1101dd c.111 ltir .1 :--111.lll1•r 111111.il ... 1p11<.1l t'\.· pt·n:-.,· .111d r1 ·d111" · I ll1 · pns:-.1hi1L I ies • Viejo Ill ot h ~,, 111 :.:, .t L1r;!1'. p1·rn1:H\l'lll :--11·111·111r1· .111d .in 111 -..ulf1t·1,•nt 1111r11th'I' 111 ,\1ul1•t\\:-.\1 l1 \·11.1111t i f.111 1•11 r1 1ll111 .. 11t d•·l'h11l' <11.·\1 •J11p-.. 111 .11c;1.., 1\ht'rt• !hi·-.,• s1·h1111I ... \\Ht1ld h1· 1·011 ... 11 t11'[1•d .I .. 1.d I I l'j!U! t 1.1 lhl· ho.ird ,!;1lt"d '1'h1· pr1 ·~ 1 .. ,. l,1! ,1!11111 nl !ht• '-.('ll•>UI 11.1 ... 11111 Ill I I) .i .. 1, I ITl!l)i'1I. 11J,. r1·p•111 .1.11.·d II 11,111ld Ii•· ltH 'd(,·d 111 lh• 'ol \11\ht'lld'll :\\1:-.:--1111! \ 0 it'IH '''' \1'd 11\ 1111• l',1p1 .... 1t'.Jll!! d1 .... 11·1(·I '1"r11 ... 1,•·· 1;1·•01· , \\'h111 • 11\i1•·• l··d 111 ll1t• t ,n·I 1111 • 1·~·1·111.111~·111 !'nt•\' t 011ld I Hild ,I 111.111\ ,1..; :11;1) ... 1,1 1 dvn!s ··11 \11 •\lld 1 .. .!11111·11!1 ld ('l•'"'t' /hv '('l\ot•i/ d"ll II l'!'f ll1.LTil'llll1. '.">,!i d\\ l\llt' ()(h~·I" 1111 :-.ll't'"'· ll "\lt'\l'I', :1'..!t'l 'l'd lh,1l lli1• J:.! 1·\,1~-..J'tl!!l1' l'Ol't' \I nuld ht· I h1 • 11ll!ltt11llll1 r1•qllll't•d 1tl h.1ndl1· 'I\ I .1d1 · Ji•\ 1·1-.. 'l'lit• l't'p1i11 ,,11il lht• l.il'.t.:•·1 <i .111• 101 \hi• nJi.•11u1,.. i>I !II~· s1•h111 il 1:-. lht· I .ti] 1>! 1 ~r; t. 'Real Hard Hat' Bohay Ne1.v SACC Leader . . SADDLEBACKL!iAOER Rick BohaJ I~.\' .I .\~ \\.!llt1'11 DI •lie D.uly P••o• 51•11 1\,1 hi ~ 011!1 dt'Sl'l'ipllUI\, l\1t·h lloh.1.1' 1~ ";1 h;e r-d h;1t 1du1nhc·1 .\nd I thinh lil-1·1111t• 1ut1 ... lit" II ! cl I ,I t 111 l•:\l'!'\ \\'t•d 111·s 1la\· ht· ,11111 h1-. 11111' .J1i.1ni1.1 gn ho\~ 11111-: \\ 1rh th,• l-~11.:s l)n Sundays ht· 11!..t•s l t>~o!f . .\nd n n 111;u 1y \\t•l'ktHg l\.(:-., h t• allt•nds n1 1·1•\1ng::-n f t he• S;1d dll'b~tf'k ,\/'t-;1 {'oor<lu1a11nJ.! ('111111 1·11 <S:\('l '), \\h11·h 11 1-;1 t'll'l'lt·tl h1n1 pl'e:-11lt•11I for ;1 l \\11-.\t'ai' t<'r1n . ~t'.!l"C'l•l_I.' 10 ,\l';l!'S .I ll .I .\ 11"!1111 t he sl t1n1 s o f :'>.l'I\' ''nrl.. l'1! \' 11 h l'l'l ' h l' gr1•\\" up. J\nh.t\ .i1 l.I h:•' h:1 d a 11n iq11" p 1't•p:1 r :1i1H11 fo1' h1 :-. li l'I\' 10U n f t·,,1n11111n1 I \ ](',ld ('l"!-i h lp . f l(' gn1 Pill nl \\1•..,1 ll.1rll'!I. f''1'1.g h t ;1r o1111d I O~ll h ;111 d 1\n1:-.l l·l'fl ;1 n1 ·1 11\ 1•l1 l t.1 -.h1uncd hul'd \YOr k an(I de te rrni n;itron. I la <Sec JJOll1\ \', ra~c A:!) ~ I t11 ••rlh ll < t' I ht• t't\\111! \ n1·d11l .11lt l• :-.p o..'l'l l ;>lni.: th1.· l1•ng1h ul ,1 sl .i \, t1lht•f \\l:--l" \\t ' 1·tn1hl h .1\1· .IOtu Ht Pl'' ipl l' h l' t'l' It ht 'l"Oll lt .... \'t' ry l1 :tr II I 1 • Ii , 1 111 11, • \\1· !1"1' I\ 11 ,,-. lll1H h ,t, \ll' '.ill t''l'i't'l,ill1 It 1\1' d1111 l h,1\•· .II!\ l11q1!1[1· \\lil1 1111· IH'!lplt' Jl\\-.1 1.ltll!llt"•,•l•"\l'I\ llhl'.llld 111· \<' 11 t«d !" li1·lp l!it·111,1.., r11111·h ~ ~1·1· 1·1.1t :1rr. l'.IJ.!,l'.\:!) e ? Deadly Pattern Probed I\_,. :\I .. \~ f)llt KI.' 0 1 '"" 0 d•!1 \>o!ol •• 1-.,IH't' f'r11n1 '''\l'r:d Li\\' agen - t'I\'' ;1r1 • 1·11 n 1h1111n g 1·1t'o1'ts l o pl'll!Jt• ;1 ,..,IJ,it·\..1 1l:.: St'l ll'~ (I f 111u1·dl·r :.: 11t ,.1u11g n1t·n in s~11!1h1·1·11 l '.11 11'111"111.1 l '11l1i'1· .1r1· 111\1•s t '1).!:i1 11l ).! lhc hru!;d d\•.1ths 11!' :II 1, ...... 1 HJ 01c n ;1:c_t•d I 1'1)(\1 ['j !u :_.!,", !ll !ht• l.1:.l l \\O .\ l' .I I s I ll II IJ I t' IJ I. h t ' l 'I l'('U l 11,, I ;I lH 'l '' .1 l'I' 'I !ll i!, !!', "I! al\ d1.•pt•nd..; \\'htl y .-011 Lill.: tn.'' 1'11 ..,l,1 :\\v...,.1 lh•!t••'ll\t' Slt'\C \".t~fl S,I 11 ! ·"•Hilt' Ol I ll't'I'' find 1'n l'rt·l.111 .. 11:--111 l'..! nr l'.l 1h•;1\h' I l111d h.1rd 11Jl'!'t•l.1ti .. 11-. 111 .d lt•:is l '" 'l'h1· n1 ,, rd1•1 .... 111\·11!1 t' 'nun).! rnt'll hcllt'\ t•d 111 ht· liuni.1-.t'\\l;il:-.. l lndil'' nl lhl' r11urd1 ·r \'ttluns h.i\t' h l'l'll found 1n l .a g una ~ l\t':tl'h. [r\·in1·. Sl'.i! l~ea('h , ;..,L11l "'L'l !~, .11 h . l.tlll(.! H«;l<"h. l.u ..... \n1!1.•lt•:--. ~.111 l\t·r11ard1 1111 .t111! J1n - fll'ri.d ('0111111 l)t•I \'..1 -.h ":11d lill'I',. \\l'l't' 1·or- l'•'lal lt1tl s 111 lht· d t•.J(!i .... 1n su~g t•st •lilt' p1·r:--un JS l'•'.'P(111..,1hl•· fol' :ill lhv 111urdl'r,.hut h,• \\11tlld 11tll glv1..· l lh' ... 1n1i1;1r1111 •s l lvl '.\.i:--ll s .itd, h111\t'\\'I". th:11 lh1.., llt'l'h. ht• IS !:dl..1t\).! 111 ).:;L~ ).:l'ollp:-. !II ()t".11\gt' l°illllll.1' hi\\ :11"1! th1-tn ut' !ht" d,·;1dl,1 p;lltvr11 th.it h.1-. h1·,•11 1•st.dd1 ... t1<•d ;111d !11 :--•111{'1( \!h'll' ..,t1pp111'\ 111 l\l•Jpt11).! l \l 11 .11·1-d111\ I\ tht· 1..Lllt•r Ill' plannl'd 1,di.: ... l•I :1 gr1u1p ;1t lil t' l 'n1t.ir1a11 {'hur(·h 111 .\1t.1h1·1n1 .. ind lo .1 ).!rnup <11 1111· 1::11 (-.11nn111n11\ ... ('t·111t·1-. L'usla :\[1•,;i th1 ... 1 'hur:-da1 l'\1•111ng I h.1\ 1· .1 ~·nt1pl1•0( un1dt•11tllil·d \ 1('11111 "> . .ind Jh'I h;1p' !hl',\' t':lll hl'lp 1dt•11t 11 .\ 1h1•1n , ,,1,h 'aid l'ht• dt•\t·l'll\l' Solid th.11 :11 il!lL' 111lll' \ht• pt1li1 L" \\111 ~t ·d <Ill lht• !hi·or\ :ll" 1t.•,1tl\~ \\•'t•· .-.· ... u11 ..... 1 ..... ld!ll11.l:-.ll(')ij-,l)l ,·,11 111 .. 1 l<t l'\ ( ~ '" ... I ';1'-ll :•.t\,j j11olltl' ,!ll' ll!lll lh\'1111/111:..'. \\J1• j,dl1•1 Ill,•\ to,· .r "1·1 .... 1'1 <jll•'l'11 <Ill<' \l11 h h•111111-.1·,1l.il 1l11 •l•'l1'111·, . .., h11I 11ii•• 11.1\t'"' Ill''''' •<lllllqii'l•lll' Ill li1n1 ,1•l f .111d 1h1"•'f•'I•' !..ills 11. 111 1< l'ol'\. 11 .• 1 .... Viejo Rape Suspect Gets Court Date \ 111,01 1\h•• .111111,111\11 ·..; .d!t'J.!t' \1.1 ... 1rlt"n!1J1t•d 1>1 .t ri11111ht'r nl \•llJtl).: \11:-.. lPI! \'it'll! llu11 ... t'\l!\'Cs a . ..; tilt· 111t1 ·udt•I' 11h" 1r.11·l.,,·d 1l11'1n l!1 ih1•1r hunh'S :u1d ll11·11 r:1pt'd th1•1n 1\ ;1.., urdert'd l1id.11· 10 l.11•1• !rt.ii :\I :n·ch :i 111 i l1 ;in1;•· l 'nunt ,\ St1pt'f'I• )I' ( ·, 111 r 1 .l11il_i..:v f•:\'t•l't•11 \\', 1!11 ·\..,•\ Sl'I !)}j' t 1•1;d d :/I(' /cir r> .. 11111, ll.ilc (;1ll•4•11 :.!."1, nl '..!:1 1.-,1 r .. i ... \1 1 ... 11:-. lll1d . l·:l '1'111•11 lldl11 •i'I 1-. hc •ld 111 1·uu111.' p11 I " 11 h h.i il ..... 1 . 11 s:;o.ooo (; ilbt•rl \l ii! ht' It l1·d ~·II nnrl 11 pl\' 1 !L1rg 1•su! 1•.q1l•. l111rg LH',1. ,11is:n 1lt 11l!h1n t1•11 r f<1(·0n1rr11r r".1 p•· and :i ... ..,,lliil \\ 11 h ,I d1•!11ll~ II t•,q1111l Sh• ·i-1 I/'-.; pl I 1t't't'' 114 111k1,.•d h1n1,111 l!h1:--1• 1·h.1r),!l'" 1..i-..l 11111nth .ind r<l1·nl1f1t•cl 1:ilht•r'I ;is lhl' lnn g- ''lll !.!hl -..usp1·c·1 \\hn lr ~it:kl·d ·'t'\t'l".tl ,\l1ss ro11\'1l•jt1 11otHt't1 ;1:-. I h,., 11 alh\·d ll1·.1r lh1..•1r h 111llt'' :1rul r.c p1·d r!i 1•111 ;dt 1·r· t·nt er111g lht·11· h onl \ . .,, h \" I h l' Opt•ri d t 111r .\ ~upt•J"111r C111 11·1 1u r~ t'll·.1rl'd 1;dh1·r1 "I r.l)ll' a 11cl hur gl;1r\ t·h,11';.!t'' 111 \U).!llsl 11! Ufi :! :tfl1'1' .111 J-;l 'l'or11\1nn1.11111!1·n1il1vd h 1111 ,,.., t hr n1;111 1\li11 1·nl t•r1'd lh·r l .11-; .\l1sos Bu u\1,.•\ :1r d :1p:trln 1c 11t and 1 ,q1t·d h1•r ;ti l\n1 r\·1u•i111 (:1lh(•r1 h:1d 1•.11"l11 ·r' ,,.111•d f1\ \' 111111'1 h:-; 111 I h t' l'!\\li)l .\ I.IL( .1 tld (II (I ;>t •;.ir ~ p roh,111011 ;1!1 1•1· pll·;1d n u.:. i:.:ullly to hurglnry c h.:iri;1..·s f iled ~1gai n sthim 1n 1972. ~· _61 DAILYPILDT SB Meeting .Slated For Park A m eeting to ~eneratl' re~i ­ •IL·nts' .support fur a :,m<all l'ountv f)ark around a Lake l-'or1._·st duck pond will be h1._•ld at ?·:so toni ght :Jl.l the I.eke J<-.o re st l~cac:h ~ind '"J'ennis Club. A committee of Sl'veral r1._·sl - d ents living nen r the du£'k p1111d along Ridge Route Orivt· r1·1·t·11t . 1y ha\'c been exploring \\'~1_1.s c1f protecting ahout 2 5 acr1·s of lhc total seven aC'res surrnu11d1n~ the pond rrom developnll'lll. · The cntir t'." rar<·cl nn'\I j.,. in tht· 1'rocess of he1ni.: :.old l o J):i\'1d -Y oung of };mt·rald l\ay hy ()c·· -.:itle ntal l.antl lnl' . L;ikc J.'nr1·:.L <It' velope rs. At t onight's m1 •t>lin~. !Ill• 1 l:! p r·o p e r ly O\,'llC'l"S l1 111ng ;1r•1t1r11t t h.:_o d uck p ontl area will IJ\· a:-k •·d t o f'ndorsc l hl! 1·11un1y Ji.irk J>11• pos al. f-'loyd l>;1 t terson. ~ l'.!C:.! ~u11 n y b rook Cir{·l c, .1 l'Ollll111111·~· ITICOlbt>r, cxpL.illlt'd lh:.it thv 2 5·acre pond is ~oint ly O\Vlll'd h v the 11 2 ;-;u rrounding p r opcfl.\' O\vn e r s. 'l'he t:'.O ntmittec·s propo:-.al is lo h :i vc t he 11 2 g 1vL' up tllL·n · in- t1..·1·c s ls in the pond to lhe l"11u11ly. 'J'he group a lso h;is propOSl'd lh;t1 0('Cidcnt :I\ dcd ic;1LL' 2.5 a<:rl's uf the land bein.L! sold to Young ((J m a l e h the residents' c:ontr1bu- t ion . 'l'he r e m a inr\e r o r the sevC'n acres around t he 1>0ntl \\'OU ld still be avail<.tble t o ''oung to be de- v eloped , P a tte r son s;ti<l . A t the sam e time, the residents \l.1ou ld b e a ssu red of u p <1rk, n1aintaincd by the county, J'at- t erson said . Pre li m ina r y d is r u ssion s w ith 1-'ifth D i stri c t Su p e r vi sor 'l'homas l l iley's s ta ff and county <.1gen cics h :1s s hO\\'fl the county is inte r est in the p ropos<.11, 1-'at · lc rson said, I f reside nts e ndor se t he L·om- m itlec's propos al, t he next s tep .,..·o uld he to s eek a p p r oval f ron1 th e L ake For est Con1mun ity As· sociation board o f dirccto1·s. ·rhe proposal then \\"OLdd move to the count y l('VCI , f~1cin g rcvtC\V. by the Ora nge County J>Janning .Commission before a final llL'- c i s i o n b y th e boar d of supe rvisors. Thug Garbed As Arabian Seizes Plane L ONDON (UP[)·-A man d 1·essed as <.1 n /\ro.1b seized conlr(1I o f a I.lritish Airways pl;1nc on la ndin g <.1t /lcathrow Ai r po1·t to- d ay and, h o lding a stewardess h os t age, a l lowe d al l 4l.i p assengers t o d isc1nb;11·k before d e m and ing $235,000, <.1 parachute ~ind ~t fli ght lo l-'aris. Scotl a n d ''ar<l sa i(.] the pilot of the t win -j<:t J~ACl 11 r equested a flight plan for the r·rcnch capit u l and t he plane was b(·ing refuelled fo r the t rip . lhL' B/\Clll is an in· tcrm ed1a lc·r a ngl' j e t si m1l a 1· lt> ;1 J-~rc n ch Car;1vcl l e or <.111 American 727. 'l'hc a irliner had just touchL'cl tlown on an internal fli_ch t fr11111 !\1anch eslcr \\'h e n thl' g unn1;1n. w earing an Arnb h:al1 ~·l·h hcadrcss. nladc his 1111>\l" 'l'hl' lll;.tn e h :iltC'd al the l 'llrl of ltll' r u nway ;ind the p:.i s:-.L·ni-:(·r;-:; i:11l off. Police c:irs, :1mbulnncl'S :i nd rire tru cks surr o unded th L· J•'t .t°" policcnlcn trie d through radius 111 tcdk the gunn1an 1111 0 g 1v1ng up. r~i \"C c1·c\V mrn1hl·rs \\t'l"l' l<·ft 0:1board , lhrt•1• 111<"11 and t1.1.•n WOlllL'll :-.t cward1·:-. . ..,l'"· ORANGE COAST so DAILY PILOT T~O·-, .... 1 0.11, Phol. ... o•-<11 i\(l)n>- """"'ll'IP ~W\·P•~•. h P\ft>I"""' "' rt..0.- C.O.O•t Publivunt1 C.0"'11•"• Mt>8••11: l!'doll"'"' •r~ _..ol1!.P>f4. MonO•v 111r""t1" • r!d.IJ. IOI" ~t• llMu . New-I Bt.Kll. 1-l~nhno;rton 0."'11/Foun i.ln Y•f!t J . l•vont. ~d<lltf>.I<-Y•li.y •!>d ~ ~«"15"1M111 (o••I /j. "ft(jl• .,.Ql ...... I" ... lion 11 pu11U\f\td St!u<OtJI -__..,.._ f1"' prln<•~! publl""•"Q pl•nl " t i lXI Wt>! IJ.ot SlrMI,. (.Of.I• MfW, C..Ol•lo•"!a ~- Robert N. Weed P1~1ldoont •"" Putll•.,,_. Jack R. Curley Ylce Pre•i,,.,nt ana Vrr•f'•I Mfn.t'1"• 1 ho mas Keevil EOo1~• ThOmas A. Murphine M.ln.tgonQ EOUot Charle..,H. Loos Richard P. Nall Ji<>lo\l•n1 M.o,..Q•nQ (do10t \ Saddleb.l ck Valley Office 11101 Uo Pu Ro.au S.n a...> F• ... ••J Other Offices l'..o'>!•-u JlllWr•tS.1\!r,...t "''"'-' !\•>K .. llll "'•-1 "°""'~'" kunl of'Qlon 8•1( °' O /fl\ l"""'°' "°""''4' 11 u_.. &rt!.°', llMG»1'n!r"'S1tffl Telephone (714 ) 6"2-4321 Cl•ssilled Advertising M2-S678 s.odlf'tlet l v.n., '"""°""'' Sl1 ·6l1D ftom~ti,..,.,.,.. 49S·0630 C•ffPllfll, 1t1i 0.•nl1" (Oii\ l'ubll t"'"Q ~,. ,.. ....... l MOI" .... ••llfM1• .... , . ..all(>t•l l M41ltrr '" 1o~••llW"'t"tt ,,.,., .. "'•• '" rrP•Ot11ctO ••l"9wl ~··•I P""'''"°" 01 ~19111-·. le<t<Od Cll'l f'0\1 .... plld II (0\11 U.t.I, ~1t.S.UOK •llll;.i...,c.tr-.u oo.._1 .. 1,, -~ ..... "*""''· rN11 ... 10HI--\l 00 -·· Tunctay,Ja'luary7, 1975 $400 Rebate? Chrysle r 'R e ady ing Offer;' N I':\V \'OrtK (1\I'\ C'hrvs lt·r C.\h'p, is p1·L·pari1q.: lo offl·r c-usto rn er·:. r L·h.1t1 ·s 111 s:!OO lo S•llMJ on ~on tc 1· <i rs <:ind I.ruck~. thL· \V ;,ii I !;it r1·1:t Jou rnul s;,ud tud;1y. 'T'h1· nt·1.1. 'i l);1pL'r .... 1ul 111 ;1 :-.l(n·y f r11 m Oe tr11il t hat ('hry~ll·r pl :ins to ... ru1ou IH "t' l h1. pl.111 l 11 .i d \'l..' rl l~l' lllt' nt .... th I~ Wel'h I' nd (,)11 I ht' ll :1 lltJ/\;I t I) t •·It' v 1 -i~·d S 111" .,. I \11\\ l foot ha I l g .1 11 1 t:. ( 'h l"V Sh.• J" 1\'011 "1 uff I(' I ;JI ly l"l"d 11 l"t" l il l' ! I l"f 1 l" i ;I[ ":-.l I l" kl' f "' p rj f'l'S Oil t•:.ir::i . i t1t• J\111r11.d ..,;ud, hut \\'di lell eu:-;ton1ers lh;ll th1·y \\Iii! J.:l'l 0101\l')' ha1·k 11 11111 l:hryslt'r on 1·:1rs !h1·y huy '''" or(h·r du r11 1,i.! the ne:...tf1\·1"\\l'•·l-.,u1 ~o 'l"hl' Il l'\\ :-.p.!J1l"I" :-.;11d it u1Ld...:r:-.l;111d -. 11i,1t l"lir.\ ..,il'f \\ tll ;.111nuL111v v (';11·li l\'1•1·k tll•· 11111d1•l.., "hg 1h l1• fo11 I ht· 11•fund . ('hr\:-.11•1 d l•t·l 1111·d lu t•11nl1r111 u r dl"I\.) lht· prlt'l' t:ut p l...111, lh1· Jour11.il ~.11d Cli1 \ :-.l t·r , th•• 11:itit1o's ;-..:,. :1~1L1\o111 .ikt·r. h ,1.., :trl"u 1n11l~1tcd s o1nc of lh1."J.rl"l.!l'"t 11l\'l•ntnr11·-, of un!'.>old 1·.11.., 111 ll'l' slun1p Lh:1l h:1~ .d •1·l'lt·d ,di 1·.11 :').tit•!-. I Hl'l.th·d ... 101 .I \HJ ~ . U.S. Navy C arrie r On Myste r y Tour SUl1!('131\\'.Phllqipinl's(l l'I) -.-\U.S. /\ia\"y L1...;k fo r 1·1· l1 •d by !Il l' !lU l'lL!ar carr1t>r lJSS 1·:11 · l L'l"IJl"I St• S<I J!L'd ll"tllll 11il" l'hi11p IJlllt'" tud:1 .\" :dll't" l 'pr11rnu111 .,t l roupS 111Jl11·1t·d :1 nlaJut" r11l11t ~1 1 v dL"feat on Shuth Vil'l11an1esc gt)\"· F r o m Page A l BOHAY. • • t hinks other people can do the sumC'. ··1 had a <l l'::ii rc !11 J::l·tout ,·· hC' said. ··1 livt.·d lhL•rc fo r ;1 1 Yl';.1 1·,., ;.ind grc\v up \\'Ith a bunc h 111" friends, ffit)St o f\\ hun1 s t ayl'ci. ·• ()n[y lh rL·e ll·ll. :ind l~11h :1y's :-,\di in Contact \1 it h thl' ol hl·r t 1v11. "\Ve l ~1ug h :ibout \\"ho 's ··re· or 1'o p Cat no1v on IU ·lth a nd A1nstc·r d :1nl." he :-;;11 d \\"It h a gi·in. •·'i'h1· to p l'at \\'ilS 1 he g uy \\'ho ;:il\vays can1c in t.o l hC' san1~ Lar ;1fter \Vnrk ev1·ry n1 g 1Jl :.ind 1,,[d ;:ill the s toriL's." '.r hc.• m e mories ;.i rl' f1n1'. Boh;iy sugges t~. hut hL' round nL1L !here \V<J s more fur h1111 outsull·. Gcitin.!! out h;1s given hi111 ~ome f1rn1 opinions. "I 'm no t in1pre:-.:-.1..'d hy l1tll's." h e says. '":"\ol a t ;tll. l·~\l'ryhody :-.l.'e m s to J,!;l'l ;1 lalll•l -\\ hl'lhl·r ~ou 're a hun101· a l'l"l''iidenl. And it dol'sn ·t tl1L'<Hl a !lung." ··1 an\ nut .1 t•nllL•ge i.:1·.nluall'. 1 ·m just :1 hard h :1 t. But I rl·~d 1 t.l' there arc approxu11<.1tL·ly 35,ll<JO YO\l'rs in th1:-. \.;1lll'Y <.1nd Si\Cl: J1;i s to l"l'JJl"L'SL'rll till· Ill . "I think !he o111("J.d s i11 lhl' {'llllrlf_\" \\'Ill h,l\'t' lo) J"t';dLl.L' !\i.1t \1·v"rc reprl'Sl'nt1ng d l1n ot' p1·11plt• \\lhl'rl 1ve gel up 111 !ru111 ot lhL"lll Lil t~dk ." 1\s S.-\C(_' prC':-.idt•n1 rloh:ty 1\ ill ('OO rc!111 ;1lv tlil' IUIH"11ntl ... n1 1111· fl\l'·.\l'~ll' 11lil l"o:dit11>1111 ! ("L11/.l"rl:-O. group.., .11Hl hvnll'O\\tll'r~· .1 .... - ::.111·1 :it ion:-.. ."i.\l"C dL'\l'l!l]ll'd n11•r l"t"l ~1·.11 :-,1 ... ,1 !nl1h\1-.1 l11r S.1d - dlL·li<1t·\.. \ .ill1 ·.v :!ll:11r ..... ii ll1t· 1·011111v. l~1·c·.1u~t' :'>l1:-.:-.111n \"il·111. .\1·1-:1·."1 n ll ill:->. r:t 'l'nrn. l.1 •1 ... 1111• \\"orld. ;tt11I l.,.1h1• l·'tll t•:-.t \11 ·1 t· .ill non clly .1rt•.1-;, 1ht·:> Ii.it! 1111 h"d\ l o fl'j)l'l''-C'nl thl·n1. '.'io\\' of <'1H11·:-·· l111· :\\1:-.-.111n \ 11 ·- .io ;\J un1c.·1p;d .\(l\t ... or.\' ('nunt·ll (;\I;\(_" J h a:-. nlo\ed :1 :-.11·11 t!l\\.1rd l11 ·l{\"I ll"l'lt'"'"lll.L\11111 . !:u1 lh;11 -.!ill lt•.1\1''i ;i l.1r~1· 1·IH1tlh o1 111111 t'll I J.111.J \\ llh l1 l ll l' p1lllfll'.d ( I 11 ll ! S \('l' h.i·. d,•\l·lnpt•d .1 ··011d r.qipiorl \\ 111\ c·1111111v J.:Oll"fllllll'!ll lli1"1HIL:h 11 -. 1"o·p11l.dlnl1l\l!1·.11'!'!1il l "t·~t'.11"\'!J 1d l,111.I \l 'I<' )!I opd-..d ... .111d '11111 ! .-..,1ildl1•h,11 ·h I" .1it ·..,_ H11l1 .i1 \1 ill iln ,di 111· 1'.111 \11 f·11 n 1111111• !11 .ol 1.q1ptoi! 1\I tl1" .~.11111· I illl1' ht• I ••It) )1•)]1!11"1,lll" . '11 \ Id I I • '' I'' d 1 I 11·1.111 ~ ' 11 J ll .1 \ (' 1.i .... 11 \\ 11.11 111 •<1pl,• \\ :111! 111 Ji.'.1 1 'l'h :11 ·-. 111,1 l11r 1111· I l•l\l' 111 11 d11\lll l\i1li ,I !•t "f :-01111 \\fl!) i~ :-OllJ c·1·11· a11d I• I! lh1 ·111 llo\1 I l"t".ill• lvi·I :1ho1u1 :-.11111 .. 111111).!. I ILl-.1· l•1 lh' ;dill' tn kL'\'11111\ \\ol"d •· II ~· j.., .d ... o ... 11.,p11·11111s of 1·11111 m11n11\ l1·,1do•r., \1ho1 h.11·1· c·nn· flirt:-. ·,.1 1n1t·rt·s 1 "'" \"l'Slt•ll 1n- l1·r1·-.1 ... llt·hintl tllt"1r cnnl111Ln111 \ I ll\ •ll\ l'!\ll'HI .. l f,·1·l l 111 in ;1 11111q1L1' po ... 111011 lit•1·;1u• .. · I 1101 k tni· a l'1 Hllp.111 .\ th~il h ;.1:-. n olli+ng to do 11 1tlL l"OUr1l~ g( I\"(" ftl 111 ('ti l . • 1 ll!IH .. '!ll fllf{'l'S. 1··0111\"-. prl':-:-Sl'('rl'!:iry, l<n n t\1 ..,.•11. d1 ·1111·d 1n \Vash111 gton 111.•I lht· 11.11.11 1,1.;k f1\l"l'l: \\';t::. Jt, .1d1u~· !111 S1111 lll \0 ll'l11ar11 . 'I !I•' l 't 1·s 1d1•11t "p; l"O rll "1'/"llt'd ;1 11d ht• 1 . .; \\ at•·lung lhl' :-;1l1i;1t1011 ;•111..,t'I\ .. !Jul \\!ll :diidt• \)y 1:1\\'S p.1 ~:-l·t1 hy Cnngr('ss J!:I n1onth_:-; .ig;> h;.1rri11g U .S. n1dit;1 r y acl1\"I· I\!!\ 1·r l 11ctochina, Nl·:->sen sa u l. · l•'11rd plll off fo r St'V{'1·al h ours a TlH'L"ll11g \\'i\h hi;:; l'hil'f ('("011011l it• ;1d\·1..,l·rs to ("11111\·r \\'it h S1..'l0 l"l'ta r y of St;i tc I lcnry 1\. Kis~Ln~~·r and 1t,•puty national s ecurity aff:JLrs ;1(1\"1Sl'1· I I l"l'Ol St'O\\"(" ruft. 'fhc L"">1.·ntagon flatly dl'nied the n.1 \ a I force \\';JS he ading for Soul h \'1L•l nan1 and ::;pokesnl;n1 \Villi<inl l~eet·hL·i· s .11d the sailing of t he \'t'Ssl·l..; ··1s n nt in any \\"o.1.V con- 11t:l'1L·d \\'tlh ~1 ny lhing going on 1n l11doch111;1.'' Bl'l't"hl·1· :-.:li(l thl' Enter prise :ind JU L·:-;c-urt vcsst•ls, includin i;: lh1· nurll'ar-powcr£'d g u1cfed nli:-.· ::.ilL' eru1s er I.ong llcaeh, \\lt-ri: s1 l"" rn 1 n g, :-,011th1\lcst, and nut \\'l' . ..,l lo\\';1rd \1il·lnan1. 'l"h1.· d1rl'l'l1on \\·ould put the J·:n- ll'rpr1s1.· on ;.i co urse tu1\ ;.ire! the S1r~11 t t>f J\l ;d:.iccci, the entr;inee to the Indian l)l'e~n1. On a str:.i1ghl line fron1 Subit: l~;.1y, SU n1ill's no1rlh\\"t.':-.l of fo.l;1nil:t, to lhl' Slr~11L tif J\l;d;iC'('a. the tas k forl·e \\Otild pa::..., ahnut :350 rhdl'!; from the S11uth \"1l·tna1ncse Cll<l:>l al thl! clu~e~\ pn1nl. 1\p.irl trotn ruling out Victnarn \\ ,ttvrs, l{l'l'Chl·r l"l"flls('d tn ::...1y y. ht· l"l" I hl' :-. h l \!~ \l'l'l"l' hl ·~ut. ·d. ··.\:-. ~1 norn1.d prot.·l•fitu·e, -...1.· d1) 11nt d1sc11:-.s (1pl'r;1t1lln:1I n1ove· 111l'lll:-.." hl' :-..11d."l l"s <t J.,ng, .... t...111 d ln;..: !>t".tt'1ll'L' n11t to :;;.1y \1h1·r1.· ~hi p . .., .1rl' goi ng unl1l thL'Y g1.•I I hl'l"l' .. ' "l"ht• :\~1 1 \ :.c.1id tti1.· i':ntvrpri:.(' h.1tl lu·1"'1 ·~: :;uh11 · l\;1\· ~lrlt "l' :'\1•1v \\•.11 -. L'\0 l' .1 11d 11,t,., .~l"hl'dlllvd tu ~ .. 111 l.1tl'l" th 1.., \\1·1'h J\ul Bl·v<·hi'I' :-;,1Hl 1hl' :-.;1il1n:.: date \\':JS nlu\o•d l•ll"\• ,11 d · ,1\ lv.1 ..,t d l"llllplt• ot' llt't'I-.:-. ,1 ~1 1 ;111d :-.·~Ill\' l"l°t"\\llll"lt \\ hu h11d h1·~·nt~n \';u·,1\11111 h·.1\ l" 111 lh1· l"1111l·<I :-it.ttl'S l\'1·re tHdl'll'd h.il'k lo :-iuht(' B.1~ t.·<.1rl:-. Ne w School Rites Slated For Vie jo (;ro~u11.t 1\ill I.,· lor,,h.1·11 :,11r11\ l<1t" ,1 11• \\ :..;1:1111 111111 1•.1111p11 -. 111 1 ;...1l\1·1";1<h> ll u·l1 :-.(lio)•.I th1' 1111< 111111.ii 1"11 < l\rH>i Id I ht• :-;,id di· l•,11 k \<ii••> l 11111rd :....1 li."ol J 11 11 II\ 11 1 1111· 11u .. t1•1•" :1\\.1td1·il .1 1•11! !111 !Oli..,lllH11Pll I'( 1h•· l)j•I\ I .l (l ll'll._ \lt1t1d ;I \ 111 ~1 1\I !11 \n.d11·1tn (",,11 -.\1111 t1•dl, Jn\\' l11d ,j, 1111 ··t·\ l'!I ~ul1n11t11·d "1111• Lied LI .\' \I Lil lh· !nt",\ll'd ;1l :'.11,:1:~ lll ..,t"lltl ]lt"l\"l'. i\11:-. ... 11111 \'11 • 1•1 , n1·.11· lh·· 1•11rnl·r of .J1·1on1n11l H11,1d .111d \l11·1.1 l';11h11.1\ It v.111 .1r 1·11111 n L11d .i 11 · :\tM l .... 1 ud1 •n ls. H.111 1•\ i).n1::hl•f"I~. 1>1·11u·111al , .-..11d Iii•· l1111hlL11g .... :-.liuuld ltl' 01 11 .. ,. 111 llt''I I.di "l"ht· .... ch11nl 1111\\ .... 111 .1 t 1u ... 1t ·1 .. r P"' \,1hl1• h11dd 111gs on l '111 nl'l1u:-. 1)r111· in 1-:1 ·i·orn . 'White Lightning' Takes Second Life l!a 1\· 1ndLis lr1.d .1ll'cih11l. hnttlt·d ;Jnd 1;1 h ell'd ··\\lh1tc l.1ghtn1ng" <IS g ift s for f.!lll':-Oll'> <it ii 1\-1•\\' \'C<ar's E \"C p :n·ty 111 (;,1rtl 1·11 1;rovt.•, h a s cla1n1l'd 11 s st.:t'ntHI ILff', l\lclv1n llo!m('s. :12. :i l ruC'k <lrivl~r. d1rd l\lond.:i.v 111 (lrangt• t ·11ttnt 1' '.\I f'<i1 cn l C'l'lll('1·, ftn1r (l <.1\.., ·~;flcr his \\'lf1·. Hl'hl·1·1·.1. :u1 1.1. ~;:-. fuuntJ d1•;1d 011 t il l' flnur t.>1 tht·ir h 11ffiL' ;it I JB(il BartlL•U St l'ol1<"t' \\"l'f'c• :;;un1 111t1nl·d !11 tile hnu :-.t~ 1a.s 1 'f'h u rsdny :1fte1· :1 111.•ii!hl1or bl'ra111l' :-.11 .... p il·11111.°' h1·c.1u-.•· ... h1 • kn1 ·11 th<· c·o11plv ti.id ht••'ll 111 ,'\v11 \'l':ll ., [)av ()f !itl'.t':-. lu11nd i\11 ... l lnlrt11 ·~· il1·1nl <nld hl·r h u:-.h :111d 11nl·11ns1·111us. llo tll t•s 11! 1111· dt•adly ;,dtnhr1l '>'C'rt· found 111 till· hou:-.c. 'l'hL' 1·011pl1· ;1pp,trl·ntl.v died tr11n1 ingt•sl 1ng nlt·th~ I :-i lcohol u..,t•d 111 induslr.v. l'olu·l' sa1d the lr:•J.:l'dy bt•gan \\")H .. '11 l ln ln1 0:-s, I• ho \\ nrks fn1· ;1 L.nng BC'ae h lll'IJ.!h\ f1rm , found a lhrl•t•,i.::d lnn hotlll· of 1.'.lcar liquid \\·hich h e I houi:!ht \Vas d1·i nkublc. I lnlm("s hot tlcd I.h t· deadly Ir · quid in rnnt;uncrs and labC'ICcl •h··m "'Whil e I.ightning." O ne n!h1·r 11a rly guest. l.·~dwt1 rcl ~1;.1n11 , :1 neighbor. bec~1 mc 111 ,1ftL·r drinki n g the 111d11s t r i:1I :1lc·nhnl, h ul he \\•.'ls gi \"t'tl 1111•1t1c.d ,111f•ntion ;ind \\as nnl ..,,•r'tn1 1 ... l.v :1 ffe('!C'd l'oiltl· \\ arnrd othL•r llf'ig hhor:-. ,,·hn rt't'l'iVl'rl hotllt•s at !he p<.irty to dvsl roy l hcn1. Parking Cutback Rejected ,\ d1•v1•li1pf'1'':;. 11•(\lll'"t to pro- \ 1d L' ll·S~ p ;.1rk1ng than r1·quu ·L·tl l!y !:1w ;i t <• !\l 1:-.s1o r1 Vil'JO 111 · du:-,trial p;1rk w .. 1s rejected Mon- cl.1y h~ (Jrangl' Cuunty J)iann1ng t ·~ 1tll Ill ISS IOIH'l":-0 . llohl·rt \\I 1 ~h nf Nl'WJl!irl !{t•:n·h prupo:-.t•tl 1o pruv1dt· '178 parking .... p.ll"l":-. tn :-.l·r\·,· 111<1t'\' than lli~.ooo :-.qu,1rl· ll'\'l uf tight 1ndustr 1 ~d ~p:1c·p r a lhl'r than the 577 s r <1t.·es r1·q11Lrl·tl h.~· ("ollnty p ;.1rk 1ng t odt·-. 'l'llP indu.;trial park would bt• hudt u1 th1· 11Hlus tri;.dly zonl·d ;1rr;1 o( lhe t-.l 1:-..,1un VL1.~jo planned 1.~rnn1u111t\'. 111•\\Vl'l"ll ·r;iladro ('tl"\"ll" .1t11l ()hl"l"lll i)l'L\L', ;1\011g .l1·r1111 11nu llo;1d \V1..,h s;1 1d 1h,· I:! 1ntlustrial ltudd1n).!:-. \\ould Ill' :-.uhd1v1dt'Cl 11L- lo1 :-.111.ilh•r I l"ll1.d" th:ll \\"11uld hl· ll"l'd ftll' \\,llt'lh•LISl!1).:, Sltll"<J gL' :n1d thl' I 1'.1d1·:-., SLll"[l as plurnlling • 1·11.11 r . \\l i s h l'i !P d unique topo· J.!l"~lJdlLl"<Li fL';J llll"l'S l)f the propl'r- ty :1 11d l1•w tr:~ff1c -gcnc1·ating 1ist•s pla1111l·d tor !Ill' i11Uuslr ial p .11'h ,1 :-. .Jl l:-.111"11·;1111111 fo1· dl0\'l;1 l - lllV. t 1 urll p.11 l,111g :-t .ind:ird . ...;. 1\1 1 :-.~lh' \1 ;1" \\lll·l hvr L't•r\a111 \11 ll ·"l>.tl"l':'i :-.!Jould hl' 1·n11nlL'd in ~qlL!l"t" ltlu\,ihl" l"dl!0 Ld;.1(lotlS lh;J l ill·t t" r1111 Ill' t hl' nu 1n hL' r of park 1 n;.{ :;p.tt"l'" ro•qutrl'd. l'l;1111 11·rs hl·ld th;1t the loft ;1rea :-.hou ld ht• 1.'.0llllll'd 111 thL' l"all'ula- lit 'll ..... 'l"h l'\' ;ilsn told \\'1s h 's :1 re t11t t•~·\. 1' L'll I Ii nc:; ot 1\nahL•i n1 . t hat 111:-. fL g url':-. :-.ho1\·ing th<it llu· p ark \\·,1:-. -.hy only lhfL:l' or lour p :11·\..i n g-:-.p;1l·e~ \\'L'l"L' nut prl'· JKll"l'd l"tlfl"l'Clly. l"i1n1111i:-.:-.in11L'I' !-ihi r!l'y <:rindl1• l"L'tllilldl·d ll1t1l'S that P •trk1n~ LS IJ.ISl"d 1111 the ~ru :-.s squar1· h H1!;1;..:1· ul thl' hu1ld111J.::-.. 111111..·:-.' J IJ.iLll"l'" \\ ei·e h:i-.l·d on thL' ll L'l or lll'><Lil\L' :-.qu;.1r..: 1'011t:1gL' or t h~· :-,ll"llC ~U!"l':-.. R :1v" l)ro!h('rn ,Ir., t ile !-iad- dlL·IJa.l"k 1\rc;1 L'o111rd111:1t1ng Cou11- ,.i1·s l1 ;1i~o n !ti the t·nn1n1i.;:-.iu n, :-..11.t \\'1~h"...; 1·1·q111·st :11111111nt...; to n<".1rly :1 :.!U PL'l"l"l•nt r1.·durt11J11 111 J1.irh1n ~. ·'llur r1.·,·it·1v p:111l·l felt 1h.1 t \\,1.; tnt1 d r .t:-.l11· .. ind thats why \\ ,. · r1· 11ppu:-.l'd t11 11 ,'' h1· :-.:1id . .\!11.:r ,1n h11111··:-. dl•ba\L' 011 th,• J":-Olil', t"tllllllll:-.-.llHlL'I:> :1),'.l"t'L'd It) l·nnt11111l' lhl' tna\1l'I' I<\ :! p rn . t-.ltindav lo .tllo\V \V1s h lo ~uhn11t 11t'\\" pl.Ill~ Lh..1t Dll'l'l l"UUlllY Stan 1l.1rli:-;, f 'rom Page A I DIED RICH. • !11 thv f"l•:ollll or f l"Ol"httlli'l!l\irlll, l)11:dr!l'h sai d hL' \\Lil p1·l·::.:-. l"iJr 111r111.i111111 ol' .1 pt•upl<: :-.t·r \ll'l"S ;q.,:1.'lll"Y ~ilnn g till' ..... Hnl' ltnl':-. a:-. !ho • \"!o\ltl\.1 °:-0 fn·.,1 :-.Upl'!".lgl'lll'V \1h11•h \\ 1ll dt·.11 \\llh l'll\ll"Ollllll'!l· t.d .111.t pl.11111111 g rn;1lt\·rs I It' ;JI..,,. ur).!1•d h1:. f1·1lu1.1.• h<1.1rd Jl lL'lrlhl'f"" to d!0 \l'll1p .L ll'J..:J;-.l.Jll\"t' .111.dy:-.1 p11l h r.1111 ;uul lo ha t ~ lit:-. l'l.111:-. lol t.:l"l'.ltt' ,1 f;ul' {·~111p..11gn p r.•<"ltl"", c·on1n1i ... ::.1c1n 111 !ht• l'l\111!1 lh,1! \\llllld St'I"\'(' :!:-. ,I \\,1!1·h1!11 1' IHl !1\t•.JI Jl(lllil('"' 'l"hl' 111 ·\\ t·h.11rn1.111 urg1•d Cl"l':l· 11 .. 11 of ,1 c loi ... r•t link 1\llll s tall' )'.!l\t.'lll1tl1·t1\ 11111 l\.1tr11•d 11f t"I'· 1 l!l,l\ htlll"lll -. Iii lt'!-!,lHll.I! ;,:1l \i'l"ll · t1 h·nl 1·n11111·-.. ··11 \\l· 1·.111 .. 11l1l' nur pr.ohl1·n1 .; !.11:.dl\ \\+' ·.IJquld 111· .illo\\1·d 1i1 , 111 ..,, • I h,·11 , 1, • h.it t II" 1\ I[ h anv pr1 1 t 1.ilH Iii.it \11o1ild \l •'.lkt•JI J.ir,d , ... , l'l"llfllt'l11 Ill· :-,,11d YULETIDE PEN PAL Merly Libra ndo To ro Scliool Aids Girl iii Philipp ines l·'.1vultv ;1 11d s tudt•nt s ~LI El 'l\1r.1 l\l ,1r1111• l·:ll·r11l·ntary Sehni>l 1·1.·l·v1\1•!I <t l·hr1stn1a.., l·o 1rd lh1s ~1•:1 1 1111111 lht• Pt11l1pp1n1·s. /\ \t't°.\ :-Ojll"l'!.il PILI" 'l\\l'!l[I 1•1111' lo',I! 1l1·t", :H l fil' :-.1·1J,,~d 1·"1d1 du1!v lo 1111· :-.11pp1\1·1 :111d s ch111il ~uppl1 1•s 11r '.\l t·rlv t .1Ur.11idu , a 1 ~1 ~1 •.1r old l•'dq11nu girl. t hrough l h l' l'hri:-.t1;1n l 'llddrl'n·s l•'und . l'hri . .., l\l.~rsh<1ll, :1 spukl·sn1;1n fo r thl' ll':tl"hl·r s, :-;1itl th;1t 111 lhl' 11\0 Yl'<1rs nf :-.11onsurshLp. they ha \"I' have !"<..'· C'L"l\"l'tl :-.i·.x lL"lll·rs fr(,Jnl i\ll·rly. "\\IL' sh.11·l· !\l1•rl\ 's il'lll'l"S \Vith 1111 r :-.tutl1·11ts." ~l i -.s i\1:1rsh ;1ll -.aid, ··:u1d till'Y tlurih.. it"s rl·;dly 111.·:1t. 1\ll nur studcn l s ;1 1·l· 1·lnldr1•n of !\\;.1r1nl·:-.. so a lnt of l hl·rn h<1Vl' d.1ds 11·ho1 h:1\l' hL•t•n in \!Jl· l'hilipp111\'i. 'l'h v h1ds pl.L11 lo l<1l1\.; l\l <'rl.1· 11p if 11H·1r l .11nili t•...; :1r1• t'\ l'l" 11·;n1...,f1·rrt•d V\'L'I" thL"l"L' ·· 1"1\"l' nl ll1v ~1;... IL·1tl11"S fr11111 till' 1''1l1p1n11 gir l h ;1vc h cen 111 l·:n;.ili..,h. :-.1) 1hvy r1·qu1rl'i.I 1111 lf:1n:-.L1\\,1n. t-.11:-:;.:, !\lnr::hntt s:ilcl. 'l'hl' :-01:-..llJ l1•11t•!" \\';IS l\11• c"llr1s t111 a:-; c·:1nt 11\vy l"l'Ct•i\l'd 1111::: \t '~J r 'l'hl' lr.1n-.l.11iun r.-:1d, •· ! rn .• idl· I his ~'.ird 111_\ :-.l·ll .1:-. .. 1 J"L'· llll'lllh!",llll"t' ,, .. \1 1'1·1 \ \\ f1)(•' th;1t 11t'I' f;.l \"tll"l11• hnhh:. 1 ~ .1unq•1ng r 11p1·," f\11:-.s ;\l.1rs h.1ll :-..11d. "':-.11 111• 1111.Lhllll' 111.it till' ~eh11nl pr .. 11.ddl" dul'"rl "l 11 .tll" 111.Jlll" l.11·1l1I L•'"· 111·1· \,1111rilt• -.t1h1.1·t·11.., 111,tlh "l"h·· ll·.1t·ht•r.., h.111• p11..,lvd .1 l.1rl.:1' ph11!,.~r.1ph .. 1 i\l 1·rl\ in 1h·· ..,1·IJ11nl ollll"I" ,iJlllll'. II 11)1 ht'( 1.i1v,.,l l1 '1lt·r. ···r111· hid:-. :u1d l"\ 1·11 lht•1r p.Lr•·nls , (·01111· 1n 111 :'>l"t" \\h•·1h1·r \I" 1.-h.td ,111•1lln.:r l\·l· l\r ',\11 ~;.:,~\.1r~h.dl .,,nd . Case Studie<l 1)1\.l.\IHl'.\l.\t"l"I'\" (\I'll \ \1••111.11! \\1111 ·-11.•l l•J\\\"d ,! lttl\ ,l lll0Llll1 Pl pl11111!1111!1 1 d.I.\ lit•!r q 1• 111·1· dt·,11 11 Ill ,II\ .1111 11 11.1•h 1'111 h.1hl\ d id Tl"l Ill , . .,t Tllo · llL!t'lt'.11' !11 ••1 .1! lli1· pl •Ill 1\hl·11· !'Ill· \l•!l"kt·d .Ho !II d111 : (!1 tllL' \1 UllH l' J·:111•1"J.:\ ("ntll llll"" h1!1 "1"111· .\I•:\· .i1 ... ., .... 11d \lpr\ol.1\ 1ll.1l 111 ,dl 11.1• 1•.., "t plul1111H11ll It .i d t1o •1 n .1•lil1•d t11 lh1· \\rllll.111 . Lii llh ... ,1!1qd. Ind rh.11It11,l., llll ,il•!t• 1" d"ll"! 1!~!1\t' \\ t\<1 jl\11 ti!~ !:1 I It• I , 111,11•!'<>11 lho ',llfll\ did h .. 111 II :-.11),\\r•"il. ':>-; l'!"h.tl1ll \\,1, 11••1 . "lllo11111 1i.1lo •d Ill .tll .11· I "I' !ii 111" Il l• 1dt't1I .II 1111· l\•"11 \!, 1;,,,, l\llo l··.11 I ii• I loltH' ··I ll ~~ l•i ill! Il l\ l!ll.11!1111 <JJ,l.1 1\li\"10' "'Jll• \\!II h1•d .i•.,J l1 ·~·f111 1t I 111 Decision By Park Affirmed /\ ,t;po kesmun for the Orange ('uu11ty ll ~1r h1J 1''i. lJc;;iches, and !';11 k.., l)l·p at"lml·nt conf1rn1ed lo · duv th;.1t l\\"O f~1n1 1 l11~s Jiving i.lt () i'\1•11 1 l';.i1·k in 'fr<.1buco Ca nyon \\t·r'l" ;1sk l'tl to le<.1\"C be c a use they ti:1d u:.l·d up tht•ir 30-d<iy lim it. L ari\" \,1·l11n;1n, ehtL·f of opera• 1u111 .... ~a id thv dl•p;u·11n(•nt hc:.id · q u .11'l 1 ·rs 11 <.1 s ;qip1·1:-.L'd vf the Ii 111 it \u1l.1l 1t111 !,.•cause of the Oaily l 'ilt;L ., ~t11ry un \hL' f:.1rn1lics J an. I "'l"hl· r;.1n~l·1· \\"!1s c;,iution('d lh.it \\~· 1!4111 t ha\t: tin· uuthority 1111•:-.lt•111I tin:-. lun1L lt 1s a county 111 d1n :.1111·.-~l·t b\ the board of ~Lq1t•• \ 1s 111·-..·· l .1·hn1a11 sa11.L ··\\'l· h,l\\" tin.., ruJl• to a\·oicl p.·npl1· t.1l-.111g up l"L'"Hll'nec in our p,1rk..,,·· h1· ,111\i\·d .,·ou can't l1t·l11 IHI ! h •1•l 1·1np.1\ll\ 10 1· llll·nt. !1111 ,il\1·1· ,d!, p.1rhs .ore fo r l\"l"l"l'.lll!!ll. lll!1I1·:-.1d1·1I\"~ '' I .l' 1t rr 1 .1 11 .... 1 HI t Ill' ! a Ill I ho •s ('tHJltl I l'lll1'11 ti1 1 h·· pa1"k :illl'r t•ht·i·k1ng nu1 11\1· ••Ill\ Ulll' d.1y, hov.l·Vcr . ··~illl"\' 11 ·,, nn! :1 ht1sy :-.1·~1son. 1hv:> '11.• l"<',dly ll"l tliSJll<1ti11g <Ill~ \)Jll' PLIGHT. • • ;1'i 11(' ("tlltld. \\"t~'Jt go Oil \\'itJl I h;1t " lll·tldin g l on ~;1id h a ,·i n t! f .nnil1l"S l!1 111h 111 l'ou11\~ parl.:.s , 1110\ 111g fron1 une tn :1 11ul11t·r, h:1p- )h'l\'i (jllllt• l)fll'll '""l'hl· I lnng I hat h;i.., hL'l'll d1 f - f,·rl'll\ rt't."L'nll.\· 1.., th,• ll'll).!lh u ( tli1· ~1a .v ." hl' :-..11ll. lie bt.·ltl'\·es 1111 · t•,·011un1y i:-. pr11d11c:ing n1orc !t lllt.! 11'1"111 p;11 k I !..,l1<u·;,_ 1·:11L1u1n i1111g :-.~Hll t' ul \hl' ntost l n 1u liled ~pot ~ ol !hi• l"l'ullum .v, t h1• l .1lh1.'l"S uf lhl' l\l'O 1"1'111;111!11Jg l;nn11Lv ~ '-ll'l' ;1 l"l'<lfl'r ;ind hou:;c 11;11ntvr h~ tradl'. ··11 -~ I Ill' IHHL:-.i rl h pr.,bll'lll t ha t gt>t s yo11," s aid the p;1intC'1·, t.1tllt'I" tif ninl'. ··()ur only p ru - h ll"lll I:> \ll' l":111 't buy ;i nd \\'e l":n1 't !'\' 11 \ ··1>1•tlpl1· \lll!l 0l JtJPk !1\"ll'C' ut ~!HI \\ ith !\\"\I ill" tllf1'l' C'blldrt•ll , 11111to111,·nl111n llllll', \\hl•nsou try \,. f"l"lll a pl;u"L'" SnrHL'\\ h,tl 1•\.1 :-p1·ralL•d hy the 1.111 ·..,1 pr1·d1c.-.11nl'nt wh11·1t l1c- ld.11n l·-. 1111 L1:-.I \\l'l'k's s tory , lh1· n1 ,111 :-.nd . ·I 1\1 .... h thC'r1•'d no ·\l'I" hl·.,·n .1 :-.1.it'.\ 1"1t· had ltus lt.1p pc •1i 111 •!01 L· ,111d .ill it bring:-, 1s ho ·,11 l.11 ·h1· ··\\"L" dun"l llL'o 'd ;.111~ l)(.1ciy lo feel ~or1 .v f,n· u .... ;\\l \\\.' nl"L'd 1s <.1 pl.Ll"l' (() li\"l'." 'l'h1· 1hr1·l· f.11n1lit''i \\'C'rc firs t ftl .,l'l)\ 1'l"l'd h\" :1 [\',IC·h1•r ;it J•:f ·1. •l"!l 11 L ~h !"'<"h1>1d \\ hn ll.ul une of lli<' L"hi!ili·L·r1 111 a t·LL ... s. Ill· .11HI 1111· :-.<'hool 11ur:-.c 1 i..,itcd I Ill· I :1 n1 il ll'" li1•l1lr1· l 'l1r1 :-.1 rna s ,ind l11 •lp1'tl n1 :1k1 · :1 !t~l uf l.lnngs l hi•\ lll"l'dvd l.,1lt·r s l111l1•111 -. ;u1d 11':tl·hl'f" t ll\1 11 till' lll ).!h .,,·h11oil tnok t\\ll 1',1 r"ln,1d ... of 11111<!, t'lulht•:-., I 11 t'\I' •<ul .111d 11,\ :-. !• 1 !ht.: p.irh. lo'.\1 •111u.tll1 lh"P l'l•· trl1111 S1 . I :1""!")'•" ., 1·:111.,t n11.il ( "hurL·h 1n l·:l 'l •oi-.• llll· \J1-. ... 1n11 \11•10 .l ur1111i· \\1>1111•11-.. ('luh .ind 1111·11\IJt·rs of 1·:1 I 11111 ll.11111 ... t l "ht1rl·l1 got 111- 1 .. J\ •·d, rn.1h111·: :1dd1111111.il do•· 111 l"l"h""' .. 1 t "hr1..,tr11,1., prt•s1·nt s , l1l.1nf ,., .... h1•.1!0 •1 ... ,1 11.t fond. J\1 t11i l' 11!1•\ 1\t0 t"l' d1:-t'11\t'ft'1l I•\ 11i.-1 1>11.111t1 1Hl\. •lrlL' of 1h1· l .1111 1ht'" \l ,1.., -.uh..,;,..1111).! t>tl \1h.1L ll\1 · l.1!1\1 I ,111d .,!I ll< 11n ld 111.iht' h\" ,,.ii. l\!11 .dlllllll l!llll t.!ll" .i11d 1 \1111 tlio·rn 1 .. ,1 11·1 \t·l!n~ pl.in\, 'Iii·· l.t1111l .~-rvtll:·~·d l.i go on l\t•ll.11 o· l"li.1 1 · lur Pl't1plv l h:it 111 •1·d 1t 111 .. 1••1!1.inu-.: 1hvl.itlll·r:-.;i1d. The Carpet Industry Fights Inflation For You! weve Met The Problem Head On. CARPET AT HOME, AT WORK, AT PLAY-' .. 1 rn•11 1·1 ·,n 14• \'!-; I \\Ji,.\, .il1 l '1 II. ..1 I ••• .;. . . .. ~· -~· ·~.v .· ...... :, •• ' MY ,,,-.... · _,--- \II I 1111111•1 .. 1111• up+,., 4- '.\, u.. t ,11 ••••••• up ij!', \ ·'·p.1 •.... .1lu .. 11 .1:r,, - .. --- ·n111 .. · ! '.IJ I""! I ., I• I!• ! \ ;il111• l•.,l,1,V 111 Ill ·:.1 <' 11 ,i:••o. ( di 1 '' ! I .111 ' 111'1 '·'.\ I (111 ·I I ".1rp••I ho1 :1 !111 1»,<•r l1f•· •'\)\!~·1 .1111 .\. Conlnhull'" In s:1f,.1 y. Al'('t'OI~ ;1 llfo• . ..,\ \ 11•. l 1•1l11ct·s nn1 ~·· 1•;11 lut ion. • Pr<1VUlP~ 1•;1 ~··of c·J .. an1ni:? :in<I n1:1 inlr n:.i ll<'C'. Err e1·11 ..,,. 111 ... u I :.t11r otJ.(:11nsl hi' al nr rold lnS!il'S. T1 nu·lt·s~ in ht• ;1 uty, l·omfort a nd fashion, With Your Support, America Profits From the U.S. Carpet Industry! •..,.-.i---c .. ..-, ... ......,~ ALDEN'S CARPETS • DRAPES 1663 Placentia Ave. COSTA MESA 646-4838 HOURS: Mon. Thno -n-. .. ' lo S:lO~RI. ' lo '-SAT., ':l O to 5 I I ,. I I I I .1 I / ' I l J '\ I· j I I 'l ,. I '. ' I I I, } \ Irvine EDITIO N Today's Closi11j! N. l'. S ICK•ks V OL. 68, N O . 7, 2 SECT IONS, 24 PAGES TEN CEN TS Planners Okay Northwood Project J~y DOliGL1\S l-'lt l'fZSC·111·; 01111• D•1lr PtlOI Sl•ll Irvine ptannini.: 1·on1n11-.~1nnl·r~ l"t.'fnO\'t'd <.I t"l'qUll'l'll1t'lll for 10 !)C'l"l'L'lll lu\\·1·r t'•l:.! hou~1ng I ron1 ~-..:orth J1·v 1111··~ prn1>u ... 1.:J d1•\11 lc~p llll~llt ~ l\l111HJ;iy 'l"ht·n . 111 ,, s l1·p \1 h11·h hu ~ h.·1·t1 1•1111\1·-.ll•d Ill ~1·\1•r.d -.t :1t1• l 'Ulll"I 1·,1-..t•..:, lhL' 1·on11111~s 11ii1 kt•\ 1·d th;it <lt•\'1·11111111•·111 1n tht· Irvine Meet Set On Bonds l 'h;;1rgC's lh:11 tht· $11; n1illH1(] l r\ 1111• park hnnd pit' h:L:-. 1Jc 1·r; ~1 1ct•d un1·qt1:11l.\ IL\\t' p ro1nptl·d ,\J.i .1ur (;;1brh·llt· 1'1"\Ur' to 1·.dl .1 .-.11t·t·1.il 1111·vl111 g 1111 tht • 1n :1 tlcr 'J"hL' JllCL'llll).! \\ill l1t• hl'ld 'J'hur:-da.\' ;II i :10 I' 111 .1t t'1l~ ll.dl. ·120 1 ('.1rn1111:-. l)11\1· 'l'ht· 1n ;11 JL 1·r111,· 1 ti p.11'h I t111d ,ii lo\',JtlOll ~. ('!i,H!,·-., !!il!'J,:\ Ill l 'llL\1'1':-il\~· l'.11'h. l"h.!l "j.~t·,.., lh:J\ his art''-! IS r1•t·1·11111;..: tun ~111 .il! a .:-ih;i f"I' i\l 1·:tn \vh1 l1·. l '11111n1un1t .v S1..•r\'1t·t·~ J)1r1·1·tor !'~nil l{r:1dy h;1s dr~1flcfl :1 1·1·1>-11l1•11 ;.l ln c :1t1011 jd p.1rk hond tuntl ~. L''1:-l111~ L1l'il LlLt':-. anti •• 1i ... 1111 11\t'l'illlJ..::-. .. 11 1ht• !'o lllJJ t'L"l. :-;llll't' .'.'\n\ t'ITIIK'r. l!li:L .1.·1 rnt·~·t 111).!S ha' c h1·l't1 h1·ld ur1 the :-ub- • IL'\" I of p :1 rk s (Jf I hl' '11\ :•I. ~6 \\'i' l"l' h('lcl h t•!t•f"t' lht• l"UllllllUl11\,\ :-.cr\'Jt't'S 1·0111n11:-..,1nn <.1ull !!:I Li·fnrl! thC' <.·ll .' ('(llltl1'!l '!"lit• ;11llOUJ1[ of llHll~t.!;> ~Hld pl'rt:t•nt ;q.~t· ol lht· lol .d .ill4t('<i\t•d tor l'aL·h of !ht· 111111· pl;111t11·d la1·1litit: . .; 111t·ludl':-: Irvine ll ti.:h Sl'h<H 1l (.."01nn1unit1 P :1rk . Sli.U2:1.7<M>. or '.r7.ti pl'f"t'l'IH ·11 ;u·vard J\\'l'lllll' 1\thll'lll" l·";.i1·il1 t ~·-S l .f19fj,tiOO , or 10 \lt'l"Ct·nt . l ~r\1 ,111 -'l·;ill' (\1n11nuni\\ l':.i rh, ::;i;jo.1100 . ,, .. fnur p ;·r('i.'11!: IJl'l'rf11•ld L"pn1n111 111 1.\ l'a rh. ::ii . 10-1. OOU . UI" ~1·1·1·11 pt·r1·1' 111. l 0 ulv1·r 1111\1' l 0 0111111u n1t y l'.1 r k. :,;:-10 .1~~1 . nr ·I Ii p1·r1·1·n1 : .l....:lfrt'.'' \{n.ul ("on1n1un1t.1' 1':1r l... ~i:Jll .0110 , or ·I 1; P•'fl'l'll\. l "111\'t•r_,.;1. 1\· L'um1n11111I \' l':1 rk ::;~1::i .~1fl . nr '."1 I IJl'l"l'<'ll\. '1'11rtlt· Htll'k L'nnl 111111111_\' l '.1rk. ::-:!.K:!K .'.;OO. 01 li.7 p1·rl't·11t ; ;ind ,1 pt·rlJH'n11n ~ :1rl:> lht'all'r . S l .·IK'.l.i001 11 \I I P<'fl'l'nl ~::-.p1 •1H l1tu1·t·-. pl.i11n1•d fnr the null' L1t11it1t·-. tut.ii :-:;1.-•• ~11-111.000. l ';1rt jif lhl· r11l 1· nf !h1· l·nn1- n1un1ly p<1l"k :-~:-lt·ni. Br-;1d~· :-.11d . 1s hrin l-!111 ~ !ht· tut.d .i11111t i11\ 11f J>ark ;1l·r1'.t)~1· 111 !ht' norlh :111d :-t •tllh h.i[\,· .... 1;f !ht• 11!1 11 \tu IJ;ii,1 ncl·. ('n11111 y pl.1n 111·r-. \\ho cu11 1 rnll1·d tlt•11•\,.pn11·11\ l11 •t11r1 · 1111111'':-. 111r111p11r.1111111.11" 11:-u.d I\ hl;in1t•d lul th1· l'L'l.d 1\t'll It•\\' 11.11 h. .1t·t L'~ in 1111· nor th1·r11 p,1r t ol ll11•t•ll\ \\ 0 11Ji th•· rl1•\1 •l opt·d 1t·-.1d1·n!1.d p1~rt 1nn pf 1h1· 1·1l .' d1\1dt·d 1 011,i.:hl~· 111 h.ilf b\ J~:11·r,111t·a l{n.111. the n nr1 lll•rn p:1rt h :1 ~ I Ki .Jo( :u·rps of p;irkland \1 hil<' !ht• :11 l·;1 l o l hl' ~lllllh h;i:-H:J3 i.ll'!'t':. u[ J>.1rks. Br.id.v :-.;ud 'l'hurs d ;1y"s llll'l'ling \\ill lit· h t·ILI to :iir :1llcgt•d illl'(l llilit'S in lht• p.•rk packaJ..!e ;1ppr1)\ed 111 June by l'ily vnlt·r~. C oasf -Wrnlhrr- . i\1o s tl y t·lnudy lli r11u~h \\lcdnes d ;1\ \\!lh "'"1ll 1•11·d 1lrit.zles 111 i.:ht ..111J 1nur11111:..: hours. C'nnll'I a.':-. I lt l!h:-tH•a1 60. Lows 111111 1-:ht nt·<•f :-1<) l~SI UI·: "l'OU ·\ \' F1onn /{1c/1111nnd /10.1; 011 1n- fC'rest1n9 occ1t/J<lf1u11 -.\ltt• roncl l es/.1; n1en . 111 /)('</. /11 r (I /,oridon rnen's 111nqa::11u• -o sl rr111pt' career Jof u 1..u.:or ·.~ <ln11ghlt·1· !ice 1Joge A 7 •.... ,. ~ II•..,• eomlHK' et 1..M. ll•yd A fO c.u"'"''• "' Cto1filll•ll 8&< 1t (.omit• Bl Cro11,..ord BJ D•;illl Hol1C•I Al £Oll•riol P•ll• ,., £111 ... 11111..,•nl 86·1 f'1Mntt A10·11 Hot ... cope 81 1n1erml1111n 81 ""................ 8• Mo•••• Muh1<ol Fundt H1hbnll H•,..1 0.•"11• C.111uuy PMPlf S¥•••• Perl•• Soorl• 'i.lot• Mot kth T•Ml•l•1on ,,,.., ... W••lll•• World Htwt .. ... •• •• 81·1 "' IU·S a' ada b1l 1tv of schools 'fhe cha'u.i.:c s t·urnl' on .1 ,I I I Ott.'. II 1th l'un1n1i~S l l!lll'I" J{u11·la11d S.:t1111z1n~c1· tl1:-.:-.1•nt 111g. lt1 ~l·nd .1 1.1J1u· l"h,111).(1· .llJ.11\ 1ng d e \l'lop n1t·nl 111 lhL· \'tllagt· ul :\orth\1oud on tu tht' 1·11 1 t·oun1·1I l\H' llU<li ~1('! LOil ·1·h1• :'\orth lr1·111t• .1r1'.1h.1:-.111·1·11 ,, :-.pl'{'l al l1t•<.11l;1t·hl' 1 .. ,. 1·11 .' pl;11l ncr~ l 'nl1ht·H:ipt•l't·1..·ntnl tht·L·11~ \\hlt'li i ~ undt·r th e :-vlt· o\\'lll'r:.h1p of lhf' Jr,·1nt• ('orn- pan,\. i\""orlh\\Ooll is h1..·ld b y a nu n1b1..·1· uf :. 111:.ill l.1 ndO\\'llt' r:; In ur<lt·r l•i 1n11lo~1..· J r,·1111··~ 1· h .1 rat' l t• r 1:-t 11· dt· v1..·lopmt·nl ~ 1 a 11 d .1rd-.. on the ll\\'Jlt•r:-. 1n lht• nurll1 t'tld uf lhL" l'JlV. \ht• l'll.\' t'Ol!ll!'d l.i ... t .July p.i:.:-t·d th1.• :'\orth l r\ lrh" S pt·cit 1c· l.;1nd L':-•· l'l;111 \"111'\h\\<!tHI I.') h1lUtldt•d ruugl1I.\ h\ I r \ 11\l' 1 ~0111.:v:.ird . Cul Vt' I' 1)r1\t•. Jt'fll"t'V n.oarl and the San- 1.t 1\11 .1 l·"rt't,-"';1 v. The Hacquct l "l uh 1-.. tht• only presenlly <lv - ' 1•lupt·d I i-aet 1n Lht• ;irt'<I - ,\ dt•!t•g ;1l1n1\ of ~bout 150 H.ac· q11e l t.'l uh r•·:-td t•nl:-. \\t'r·e ;1t !\Ion- d,1\ :-1n••t·l111g ~t'1~k111g chang1"'> 1n. !ht• propost:d znning ,,, l1 1n.1 r1 t·•· 'l'..j1·h.111 g :.i rl'.qu1rl.'n1cn1. rur S('hool :1\.1d.d,ild\ 1 .. dt·\1·lup nil'nl pr·l·r1·q111 .. 111·:. \\,i-. tlh· 1110-..t <'Ol1t1 ·11\'1·r:-1.d 111 tlH· ~·un1 rn1s-.1.in ch:u1i-:1· .. 111 Pl't'\11111-. l•~IHll l-! ,11•!11111-.. tiart1v11!.11 I\ tilt·\ ill.1:'•' 111 \\'uod \Jr1di..:·· .t11.·1n1•1 .. '" i..,., 1i .. 111t· l111dd111 ~ !11 ,1\,1ilah1lll\ 11 ! :-.ch11<1I , \\ l'I I ' ,(.ipp1·d d1I\\11 h\. I Ill· I'll\ .!I (\I I I \I' \ Bu1 1Ji1.., 11111t', l "1t\ 1\\1u111•'' .l,llnl·-. l<r11·ksnn .... ud 111 .1 11 111 11 ·1'\'lt'\\, ihl· VI\\ 11 1,1\ fi,• .diJ,. I•' n 1:1i..t• it .. 11e·i... \ l'Ullrt t'd.">t ' 111 S.111 111:-1·. up- t11~l d1ng .1 11\1)1 .1!111·111111 1111 11(11111• h11ild111;.: l!\•t'.1Hs 1· nl \ht· l,1cl.. 11f ..,, 11 ... .i .... 1·011\d pr•'' 1.t•· th·· pr .. 11· .t, 111 p 1•1•dvd \u l.n·i.. lli.11 11 •[llllt 1111·111 1" lr\'lll•' .. :.,;11•\\lll 1•ll.1-.n1 ,.;, ' , I t I 11 " l "'l'I' t'l{(J,Jl•;(."1'.i ',1 ~1· \_:1 ? •• • Ill eat e s ex Slaying Puzzles 0••11 Ptlol Sl•ll Plw>•o TO WIELD G AVEL County Board"s Diedrich Supervisors Pick Cl1ief /1 1 D ie<lrich l~y \\"I I ,I .I .\.l-1 S<. "llll l·:Jll J·; R 0 1 1h~ 0•1!1 P1l<>t ~t~tl l{u lph f\ n1l·d1·il·h o f l•'ul\1•rt11n '' :t~ ('lt•1·t1·d cht111·n1;1n "I th•• l)r;1n i.;t· L'nuntv B o:ird n( S11 p1·1·11 ~11r ... fnr 1'.i7;, tndu\'. :-.u1 · <'l'vd1n g J\11 ;1h1·1rn St1pl'.r 1·1:-11r ILdph ("1;11 h. \\h11 \\ 111 :-1'1'\'1· ,i s 1 il '1' l'h.nrn1:.111 l>1t·dr1l'h h.1.., ht•t·n .1 ll1 1.1rd rnt~rnh('r :-1n t'L' 1!170. l it• "'tin tht• :-t•al 1n ;t \ ll"ltll'~ ol't•r Ion,:.: 111111• ~\l[l t'r v1 .... nr \\'dl1an1 l'h 1ll1p:-. Jht·tl f 1~·h 1s .1 [J,•n1n1 ·r,1t 1'111· 11••1\ l~).1 rd 1·h .11rn1 :1n ;., .1 ~i·lr 111.Hl(' 111;111 \\'hu t·;1rn1 ·tl t;1 s 111 i in 1·~· Lil ('~)ll .... 1r11t't11111 ;i nd l.111 d dt•\'t•lnpm ent b1.f111'L' 111rr11n g 111 p1d1t11•:-,. ll t• IS :l (l1·(·11r :il1'<i \t·l1·1 ·:1n 1d \\'11rlrl \\'.1r JI ;111d "·:1 ~ \\LlllTHh:d in lht• l\"ur111;111dy 111- \1,1..,1011 . In h1 .., 1n :t11 ~11r;ll r1·rn;i1·ks 11-. t·h.1 1r111.111 . lh••tli it ll p r11 tn1. .... ·rt ,1 luuJ..!li. l.i, ... t 11111\1111~ .11q1ru.11·h l11 ~P \ 1•rnn11·11 1 ' In J.111k 111).! :it 1:-.:-tn•s l\t' \1 di t.ic ·t• th1 -.. \ 1"11r. plu:-:d !t•rnp11nc 111 pr(·di«1 111•\\ d1 •\1•ln111111·nl pr11 - hll'TJI ..,, ii .., c1t .. 1r 1111-. 1 ... J..!n tng lo Uc ad 1ti1<·11 ll ,.,.,,,._ · · he :-aid l)11·rlr1 l'h p 0 ri·d1t'lt'd 1·n11!1n 111 ng probl l'1n s \\1lh .l11\t"l1 ll1' \!;di. l)r:1 n ).!l' Cou111.1 :\l1·c1L ral ('pnlt•i· ;ind ung.11ng rcori..:an1 1..1 t1u11 of lhl' c ounl y bur('auc·rac·y (St•c Dll::DRJC"ll, Pagc 1\:!) Coroner ll-'' T0:'\1 8 1\Rl.l·:Y 01 Ille ~1ly P1lot 'i.1;1t1 ()1":111~l' ('oun1y c:oront•r'!-i or t1 1·1•r s co111p]('l1·d 1h1·1r post n1orll"tll e:-.:~1n1i11;1l 1nn nf tht• bod\ uf I.uni-: lle;.ith s tudent Joh;l \\"llli;1111 L1.:r:1s lotl.ty \\'tlhoul bv 111 ).! :ilile to rll0!l'rrn1111· lht• 1·:1u:-l' of d1·;1 \h Lil thL' :>t'X •llHJ\d :it ion :-1:1_\ I 11 ';.! 'l'hl·~ ;1r1· L't•rta1n. h o 1\'('\'f'r , Ill.ti a \\t111cll'rl ,<,,t1J"\'1·~·nr·~ ~1 ;1kv 1·;11n 1ned 11110 thl' \·1c:l1n1 ·:-hod\' h _1· .in unkno\\11 ;1~s:ul.111 ! \\;1~ pl;irl'rl 1 hl' rc after th.·:1t h. '!"ht• rul111 ,i.: 10<1<1.\' n11·an~ lh.it 1:ori1nt·r ·:-:111:11 \'.-;I:-\\ill no\\" h :1\·1· lu c·uridut·t r11;lt' (·nn:-L1nnn).! \<1.x 11·11lug1t•al ll•-.1:-. un lht• (ll"J..!.in-. o ( !h t• Ii y t•;1r-old \ 1t•l1n1 t11 dt• l1 ·1"0lllll' \\ h:1L llllCl"fl,il l..~HI:'>\'-.. II .Ill~, lL·d l{I li l:->dt•:1 th 'l'hc.1 !>J ILi It \I Lll lie :-1·\ 1'r.d v.t·t·k .... hef!lr1· th1..·y ha,·t· lh1· rt· .... u11.., o f! ho:-.1• lt·:,L-.. l.l'l",1...,· nude hud1 \\.i-. f11und l'l11.t1Jr1 ;..:_ i11 !ht· :.urf !>It lht• 2nd S I l"I'\'\ li1 ·•11·h 111 Sun:-.t•I l ~ic.1<·1 1 l,t:-.1 \\(.'t•k t·11 d , Sh1·r1ff":-. 11ff1e(·rs h :iv1· h1·<·n tin .11111· In 1nca1l' his t.•loth1ng l•I" pt·r.-;11nal pn ~:-ess i (ln s but :irt• s ..1t1:-l11·d lod:1y th;t! he• d1t•d 111 :-.1•1111· othe1· hit:<tlinn ;ind \\'~t :-. car rit·d to 1 h t• ht';t(·b ;11'l'a b y c-.u-. lh:-<'11v1·ry of the :-1ak1· in lh1· \'tl'l1n1 ':-r1·l'lt1111 It'd :-ht·r1fl '..: of l11·1•r-, tn 1n1n1l·cl1;1lt'l.v (·(l nl at·t ( 'n:-t.1 '.\les;1 11ol1l'l' ""ho arl' 111 · \l-..,1 1g;1t1nl-! \\hat lht•y h l·ILt•1 t· \1 ,,.., .1 n1urrl1 ·r \\1th lhL' :-<1 1nl' I 11 / ;.u'l't' t)\ t..' l'ltlll t'S. :...1n1llarl). <·oront·r·:-n ffit'Pr~ h.1\l' he t'n un.1hl1· 10 <I P1i ·rn11nt· 1111• 1·,1u-,e of dt'.11 h of .J.trnt•.., [) ll tt'\'1• . ..,, I~. \\hO:-.t• p :1r t1 .i\I\· 1·l11 tllt'd hndy ,,·~1s rnun<! 111 Lt rin 1·1111t1try off 11:.irranC'a l{o:ul 11l':•t 1·'.l 'l'uru '.\I ~1rLncCorps i\ir !-ilat1u1f ,1111onlh ;1go, 'l"P\IClllng 1c:d ll~"!<; :11"1' h l'tt1!' t·,1 1·r1 1'd ul!t ltl th.1 ! t':l~l' \l11h 1111 111d11·,dt1111 \'('( <1f \\'h:11 hdl .. d lilt• \dll ll ).! d o t1 J..!h11111 h ;1k .. r tr11n1 l '' 1•rt'"""· ~·(1ron1 ·r ·-. nft11'1•t's :-.11•!. lt111h :-h (·r1 ff 's ot!1{'1'r " .ind ("i..,!,t :\-1 ('..,,! IH•l l<'l""t't"lll :-:d1:-.f1• d li!d.t.\' lh.d lh•'Y .11 •' 111111\111:.: t11r \l\ll' ITI,lll 111 ('flllll•'L'IH•ll tt1!h lh1• 11\nk1ll111 g:-.. · 1\nd \\t: ;1r1· ~.111-,f1,·d th:1t. lht•rt• arc strong ho111ns(':-.:t1.tf j l\1•1 -tnnt•s tn th<'~1· \\\'U «as t's.'' :-.h1·r1ff '~ 1n1-l·Sl1 g alur \\'1l l1c Sti.lnsbu ry .said today. Council to Hear I Coast Development '!"ht· [I"\ l!lt' ( 0t11np;t11y·s cff'Vl'lup n1l•n1 pl ;111 :-. 1.1r 10 .ono c-oast ;.11 .11·rt':-. \1 di he-:1il"l'd hc fnrc thl' I 1 \ int• I ' 11 ~· (.'ou111·1 l tonig,ht. ·rh1..· <'•1t11p;1n,\· has bt·t.:n a s ked 111 lil' .... l'rLbt• 1 1 ~ plans for the urea n,1 unt.lcd b y l "orona ric l i\lar. I .<1guna llt•;;ch. the 1~acifi<' Ocean :ind the San J oaqu in Tli lls at the 7 ;:10 p.m. mt·cting at city h a ll. 1201 C~1n1pus Orive. ·r h1· co•1slal a 1·c a is part of. I rvint'.-); gcnl'ral plan. but no rl('· l'is 11111 has ht·t·n 1naric on "'h::it 1ur1:-di('t 1on \\Lil )'.!O\'t:r n \\'hn t has ·b('c n c;illcd lh1· Jr\·\nc l'on1 - 1><1ny 's n1ns l \·:duahll· p:ir t'l•I \\lhd\• a l'1\,\ 11f I r\·111e p nlLcy . call!' fur a \v111tl11\\ to the Jluc1l 1c OcL•;.111 thr nu~h ann('xa1ion Qf lhc land. till· cnnl)1:1 n_,. has ans\\·(•rt>d th(' poli{'y hy ;.1J..!1·(·!'1ni.: \\'1th the 1,0('<1\ AgenC'y i''o1·1nnl1o n C'o n1- 1nis::;ion th at 1111 1h·c 1s u1n on ,1l11·1s dll'l inn sho11ld bl' ni.tdl' u11t1l 1977. (J vcr lh(' pa:-.l yc.1r, the com- > p ;1ny ha;., \Vllfl\t•(I \\ii 11 1·1·pr('SCl1 l;t\l\'l'S 11t' ~2 pr1\';tli· .ind Pl1hl1c-orga11i1.~1 tion :-!11 dr;itl pl;u1~ fn1 l hc land f\ ninth n1cl'L1n,i.: 1)f ·r1<·- i\'\1\I', :.n acron~·n1 for tht' lrv111l' C..::01np1.1ny {."uas tal Cnmn1unity l\·Tulli -1\ge n cy J>ia1111 1ng r>ru- gram . will be hrld .I nn. 15. Co1npany <ll•vt•loprnf'nl. plans call for rcs idc n11nl dc ve lo11nit•nt ~1long the cousliil ~ht·lt to h nlcl 50,000 resi d ent s . 'l'\\11 re s ort. areas ;:1rC' 10 be built ;;1long-the const. 1\ho'ut fiO pcl"C'i.'ll l of 1ht• t0l:tl 10.noo <lC'rcs is lo hC' set ri :-1dc for open s p;i Cl'. 1\ key feat Uri' of the open space is ;:i proposed ~1 :ilt• p<.t r k Hiong :l.5 TllilC'S o r bCLll'h 1.111d rncl u ding all or i\lnro Canyon . 'l'he l ,3cl5-ncrc park \\•a s to he purrhascrl h.v the stalC' l)ec. 26 for S7.r. million. hut the trc.1 a s:i1·- lion h as bt•C'll stullcrl b y an ind Junction obt;;1i11t>d by <.'nn1pany .<;harPholdf'r ;111d Irvine fortune ISrc C:f)Ul\'C'IJ_,, l'agr 1\ZI ( -Deadly Pattern Probed Cor!J S1cor1l 111 l·'<irn1cr aSS('lllh!yn1an l\:l'lllll'th (.'ory, :i5. or (;ardt.'n G rO\'(' i .1k t·~ !ht.• 11;1lh of office as sl;1tc contro ller a s his \Vife . l.ul'ille. holds ;1 l~ibl1'. Cor_v scr\'ed in the /\sst..•n1 l)ly since 1 HCli Oil Rigs Lose Bid Off Santa Barbara s \;-,; +:n ,\'.\C JSC<) (AP)._ t·:n1•1111t'." 11! 111•\1·011drilling1n the :...;111!.1 l\;11·'1 ;11".1 Ch;.tn nl~I ha ve \\'on ,1 rn,1_p1r '1ctor~· "1lh SupC"r1t)r <'111 1rt ,/11d~t' Ira llro-...'n .Jr.':. dC'- 1·1 ... 1n11 ;JJ.!:1111 ... t nil (•on1panil'S v.·1th pl.Lt I Pl rn ~ inthl•t h :inn ~·L · Jury Weighs Morr1r 's Fate /11 Tot Deat/1 ./1·11n1 l1•1 l·:li t.dlt'lh Ilabn~·~'°:-. ,/.tl•· 1111\\ r.·~1 .., 1n 1h(• h;111ds pf .Ln 1 I! .111;..:.1· l '1111111 _ .... :-iupt·r101· Court .Ju r ' ·rh11:-.1• 111r111·-. \\f'rr ;.1 s ked bcfor l' tho ·~ \\1'111 t11 1ht' Jlll",V 1·oon1 tall· .\lnnd;iy IP find lh1• El Tori) 11orn;111 g udl y of sc«o11d -de).!rt'l' 111t1rdcr f11r lhl' killin g of t•ig ht~n1onth -old H.o bcrl D:lhll\'Y, 1\nt•nfl\\"111 ~ons. l 'rn~l'clltnr l'at Br~·an tnld the p:1n<'I h1•fnr1• .Jud ge Kl·nnet h ~:. l .. 1<' <h •ll \"1•r(•d Ins inslru!'tions th:1t ht• h .u l nfft•rt•<I lh1•111 ""o\t'r \1 tu·linin g e1·1dl'llt'l'" lh;it !'hnuld ll·;1d th1·1 n 1t1 <.:Oll\"l('l thC' dl'f'~·n ­ d :int llt•pnt y l'uhlit• Oel'r·ndt'r ;\l 1f'h:tl•I l~<'('C'hl'I" ."'l1"t'."'Sf'fl in hi;-; t'in<li <.1rg11n1t'nl lhal a vcrdl<'I of \'nluntar ... · 111a n s laughtt·r should hl.' lilt' nius t tilt' jui·~, could i m po:-~· 1f JI dot•S n nt LJCCl'Pl his a rgun1cnl. lh:1t i\!1·s. OahnC\', 2-1. v.·a s ;.i \'if·· t1n1 or ··c1i1n1n iSht·c1 capac.1t_v" "hen ~ht' inflicted fata l i11.1u 1·it'~ on the infa nl. ll \\';.1s l<'stifiC'd in the t ri;!l th:ll. :-,h(' rf'pcaledlv beat her l.l nbv .1ho11t lh(' ht•ad: dropped hin1 f:il·~· dn\\·n in lhree inches of \\•at(•r in h•'f halhluh, and then hC<tl h in1 ;1 1-(~un Hfter a lhree-n1inulc in1 · ll11'l'f\l1111 'l'IH' c hild <l iC'cl th(' nrxt dny in an Or:1ngi' hns p1tal nftf'r doctors al t h1· ~_;11·oro ;\l arinl' l'orps St;1tio11 , I 1 ... , it• n s 11 r y \. ;1111ly 1 r1cd Lo S<1 ve h 1:, 1.r.~ Mrs !);1hney 's hu s h;ind , MnrincCorpsS,_;I llc nnis r :u g 1:11c l):1hn c~. 2..i . w :1s h on k ('(I 1111 n1 <1n s \:iughtcr ch:1rgt·.-; ;11 l.ht• c'Quplf''!\ base ho m C' after murder .c h:1rgc$ \Vt: re fi led aga ins t h er. 'l'ht• ju<I J.:l' ru1c•rl ~tond:i v . in t'I · f1•i;t . th a l the· i'nn1pan11·s n1ust ).!L'I a ppr11v a I of I ht• :-Ltl t' ( 'oa~ I :.tl Zont• Cu nsl'r ,. at inn '-."0111ni1~s ion hc(or1 · lht•.\' rna_v ~1111.. nt'\\' \l"l•ll!-. fron1 t':\. 1-.11 n g pl.t I 1.1r111 . .; 111 :-.! ;1tl' \\';1\t'I'" 'l'ht• ~t11I \\;JS li1·u11gh1 h ,v tht· S;u1t.1 ll ;irha r~1 ~roup, "(;t•I. ()ii <)111•·• l(;<J(l l 'l'hl' -.lalt• L:111d ..: (·11n11111:-.-.1011 lll1vd ;i n111r :tl111111111 l.1 ... t :->Unllll('f', ht1\ !1(IJ.:{1IL\l ll ha.-, I L<'• I llp ll('\I' drll ting. !>ltlt't•. H1·11\\ 11 1 tih•d 1h.11 lht• f\1\.11111t• Hll·hl11·ld ('o 1•n11l d ll P! 1-:11 ;iht•;1d \\l!li pl.111:-. 111 drill 17 Tl•'I\ \\••II-. t 1'11111 :t pl.II f1it 111 (1fl ( ·, i:·d (Ill I '1>111!. 11111·th nf~.1111.1H.1 11 1.11".1 !tru\'ll r •·11•("!1·d ud 1•on1p.1n1 ;1r;..:t11nc·nt-, 111.1 1 11t·\1 drllhnh pro .1 •·1·1.-. \\1•r1· t'\l'n·1pt frorll lh•• l "u;;1 ... t.1I Zo11t· l'•irl"t'! \ a 11ru1 1\1·\ 1f ~1;11·11 •d a:-. p.irl uf pl.Lth1rn1s l':\1 :-l 1n g lu•fnr(• th•• :u ·I \\'as p.1:-s1•d . lie ;d so r1 ·11·1·11·d lht• c l;111n lh:il lhl' :;.lalt' J •• n1ds C'o1n1n1 :-s1011 i.:•·anlt•d :111 11l'Cl·~s:1 1·_,. app1·n,·;1I fur rl r1lI 1 n g prior to p;issag(' of the t•oas t;ll a c t . llrn\\ n s :nd the rc·C'nrd of lh1· t':l"t' f :11l1«l to .-;h11\\" 1 h:•I lhl' 1.:111<1-. t 'n111n1 1.-.~1un t''''r1·1sf'd ··r111.il , t!1 :-er1·t 111na r·y :qiproval · · J1·n111call _, .• !ht• ·l·11a:-.l;d Zone (. '0111tll1 -.s ltUl \'Pied l.1 :-l \ l':lt" !i H' \ 1•n1pt l h•· dr·illlng pru,11 ·1·1fr<\1111 1-, 1·n111rol. nut{;()() l'h:dlcllJ..:l'd th al ;1 c [ 1(111 In :-; : I 11 l·'r .1 ll('l.-..1'() hvi: .Ill."'•' 11 1s Ille hl·nilquurlers 1·11' l'i1r tl11 • l'tlll) Ill l ~~ LP/l J)<'puty f\\I\ (;1•n Hod1·r11·k I·: \\';.d ~ton t·;dlt•tl 1he ruling ··.1 ,·er1 in1portan1 , t'ar -1·l·;J1·hin~ o,:. l'ISIO ll.'' l{oh1•rl .I . V1 1.:t~. (;()() s H1 lorncy, sa1 d, ·•we h ope the n1<.1llt·r v,-ill be re\·iewcd from scratc h hy lht• t'oasl C'O lllmission lo dc- lt'r1n inc \\"h c t her thC're i:-en vi r1111· ml·nlal danger from llus d ri ll · 111g ..• Atlantic Richric ld \\'!IS r<' • po1·ted\y undecided \\'hC'thi•r to file un <.1 PP<'•il from the l'lro,vn ci t·· cis 1on o r subn1it to lh1• <"on1- 1n1ssio n f nr I.he 11 Wt•lls , llro"'n is sl~l t.'d l() hc':ir .1r).!l1 n1cnts r·r1day in ;1 s11nila1 f;Ou !'-\ui t. :1c in s t. S t u nd:ird (l1I ul ('alirornia, "'hich "·a nl:-\1lflr11l f.7 n1·w wr ll s fron1 C'Xi .-;l ini.: 111.11 l orms in l h l' c h<1nnt·I nl'f (';11tp11 1 t ('r1a Hnd SummL·rlancl . st111lh 111 Santa l\;1rb;1r;.1. ( •• \ ll\' i\l .. \i\' l>l lll\.l'.\i " Ot lhe D•1•¥ Pll<>t l'ol1t·1· I ro1n -.c1·L·ral la11 a,i.:t·11 - c·1vs ;11'\' ··111n hir1111 ;.: 1·1fj1rt:-. (() prolil' a s h1ll'k 1n g :-t•r 11•s o f !l l lll'd~·1 S pl _\'O!l!l ~ llll'll Ill Suuthl'l'n L. ,d1!11rni.1. l'11J11 ·~· ;H't' lll\1·~11J.:;d,lll~ lht• hr111 :1 l de;1 1h-, ot al h«1:-l 10 n1en ;1._;L•d (rtHll 17 lll 2.0 ) !rl 11it• l;i~1 l\\'() ~ •' ;;1 I' :-, I 11 \\ h I l ' h l h l! t"I t"("IH!l :-1 ;1 rli'l'S ilfl' :0-l tntl :tr. .. 11 ;di dt'lh·nd:-. ''!lo y 1lll talk. 10 :· ('0 -.1;1 !\l1•s;1 [)('l\•1·!1\'i..' S IL'\'l'" i\'a:-.h s.11d. •· Sulll\' offiet·rs f111tl 1·nr1·1·l.1l11111s in 12 or 1:1 tll·aths. I llnd har1\ t'Ol'ft'l.1llHllS Ill ;;I[ lt·;J ~l J ll " ·1 ·11,-1n urt1 .. rs in\'nl\'C: :-nun~ m e n bi:l11.·\'l'd to l•l' hon10:-l':O-:t1;.1ls . rlod 1l·s of the •1nurd('r vic tin1s h••' l' b l'l'll found io l.aguna • Bt•a C'h , /1 ''•Jl C', Se:i l lleu<:h . ·,..;utl t.l'I. lJ 1·:.it.:h. I.on,..: li P;Leh. 1 .... os 1\1l l!.l'l1·:-. S.111 lil'1·n ;ud1no:ind l n1- jll'1'1:1J Count;-.. i)l'l. :\as h :-.:1id lht·t'l' \\'Cr(' eor· .-.. L111ons 111 lhl· dl';1lll.-. In s 11 gg1:st i HJL' JlL'rsnn •~ r1 ·:-p11n~ihlc for ul l 1hL· n111rdl'rs but hL' ,.,,·v u!d nnl give l h1· s1n11\:1 ril1t·:c. l)l't, !\;.1sh s a1tl. h O\L'eVt•r, th;it this '' l't'k ht· is t ;.1 lhing to gay ;..:r1.nips 111 Or;.1n {.!L' Cnunty lo \\'~lr ll lht·rn or the d c:1rlly palll'l'll that h.is il1·cn t·st:ihli s hcd :ind to ~o!L c it t!11 ·1 r :-u pporl in hC'lping t1> lraC'h. d o\\'n lht· killer. Ill' plannl'd talks to a g rou1> ~It l h l' l l n i I u r i ;1 n Chu r l' h in .·\n;1 h1·1 nl. :ind ((1 ;i g rulll) ;1t the . l;~1.v c.1n1n1unit .v (\·n1er. Costa i\1l':-:t ll11 s 'l'h111·:-d;iy 1..•\·1.·n111g "I h;ivt.• a couplt•ol un11h·nt1f1etl '1tl1111 ~. ;1ncJ pt·1·hap~ thl'Y can ht•lp 11ll'1111f\' 1ht•n1 . ·:-.: .. s h :-,aid. 'l"ht• d1'lee \1\t' s.ud 1h,1t ;1\. one tin1c th·· pnl11·t• \\t11 k1 ·d nn lh<' lht•orv !ht· th .. 111\~ 11·1•1·1· r1·sults nf s:1do1)1:1:i\l l'IH ~111 1·.1r1·1l'd In 1.·x - 1 't ..... ...; • ;\,1 -..li .-,:iHl pnlH"l' :1r 1· no\v 111,.,1r1 11 11 g !ht• h\\lt"r 111;1\· ht• a •.. , 111 -.~·1 qtl\'•'11 ,'' •\11\' \\ 11h h1it11t1 ... 1''\tJ.1I 111 vlt·r••n1 ·1·-. h11t \\ho h.111•.., 1li1·..,,· 1·11111 pt1 l ... 1n n :-, 111 111111 ..... ·11 .1 t1d l hl·11·l1lrc l..1l ls llt\Jll1l .... l\ 11,1 I· FBI Frees Kidnap ed Attorney J.<JS 1\Nf; El.l•:S (1\11 ) .:.__A <!R - .\'t'.1r tdd ~1ll<H"llt'Y \1as fr1't•d hv l·'lll .i:.:t·nt:-lt)(l,1~ ;1ft t•r h1·1n g k11l - n ;1p1•d and hl•lcl for 1our-d :1).; lur ~:10.000 r:1n ~(1111 . lh1· l•'H I s;11d . \."1111 r l ll' r :-( 1t1 :-. 11 ( · 1·1 · ;1 r1·1 ·st l'd \;.:1•111 .... :-.ud .lnhu (l;ull Sh.1h v \1.1 :-l111·1·d l'rn111 hi:-('ul\t•r l '1f\ <1ll11·t· !11 ,! :.!l ·ln11I n111lur hunlt' 111 ~lar-1 11 :1 1)1·1 i{l'.\' 1"rLd:1 .v :1f11·r - 11•10 11 h\ :t !lldll l111rpor11n;..: to ht• ,1 p1·n ~pl'ct111 • ~·!11•nt llt• \\';1 .... l1nu11d , hlindl,1l!lt·d .n1d t·h;tined IH :1 h1·d lhl' llr~I 2n hnu1·:-;.111d la1 r-r IL<'d to a t:1hlf', Sh:1h.v s<1 id _ :-;h:ihy, un . ..:havt•n, ;1111H•:irccl al a 111'\\S t'O llft•rt•n<·c toda\· \\•ith \\lilhan1 A . Sulli\·~in. as,s is lanl 1·'01 d ii·t·rtor Lil l..o:-. 1\ngl'lt•s. 111· h :1d lit'l'n fr1•t·d frorn thP moto r hunlt» p :1rkt·1\ 111 thl! 270U hluc·k ot 1\rn1:1cost 1\,·cnuc in \Vc~l l-1i s 1\ngelt·s. by l·"J ~I ::ig<·n ls ;1bout I 30 a .111 . ;ittl·r the\\' tr<1ced ;i lt•ll•IJhone nun1!)('r lakt•n f1·on1 ont• of !ht:> 11llf•g 1·d k1d napc rs l oJllo\\'ing a ransnn1 clrn1l. ''I '''•t s trrrifi1•it. b11t trea\t'<f 1···r .\' \\'t•ll h;-.· thl' kirlnapl•r:-," :o-;11;1 h~, told 11<''"~1111·11. ···rhey fer! ITll' 'l'hl'Y ..:;ud !h 11. LI 1 d idn '~ c·nnp1.o•1';11~· l li1•1 'd kill ll1L'." '-i'l 'r 1 '\~I :igcn1 i ' 1 .;l·ntativc of :...Ii.ii '·' 1., .i 1 11p 1 l1t· rnnsom 1noney 111 \'\·111.·1· .d 2.;}1.1 a n1 . loday. i DAil Y PILOT Tue'Sday. January 7, 1975 ' ;$400 Rebate? Chrysler 'Readying Offer'. I . NE\V YOf{K (1\l'l . C"hrysll·r Corp. is pr('paring to nr rer <'U s lo m ers rehat1•s of S200 ''' )-l~"•un :-.unit: car:. and lru..:k~. the Wall Strl'cl Journ~1 I said tn,l;1 \' 'l'hl' nt·\\'Sp:1 p<:r :-,._ud 1ri .1 .,101;. r1 nnl JJClr"Oit 1 h:it ("hry'.':\t,•r pl:l!lS lo a nnou nee I he plan in ;1d vl'rl1.,1·1111•n ts th 1 s v.·1·1 · k1..·nd on the n :1 ! ion al - ly t e leviset.l Supt •r Bo"•I foot lhtll ga rn c . ~ Chrysh:r won"l ol"fi(·1al!y rl'durt.' !ht; nffi ('ial "~ticker" prices on c ars, the .J ournal s<.ud, but \\"Ill l l·ll 1·ust~nl('f'S th at they will get fl m onc>y hack frun1 Chryslt·r un l'.1r:-. they buy or urdcr during the ho next five\\ Cl'k.,01·.;1 1. 'J'hc n cw:-.p..iJ>t..•r ".iid it un1h·r,1:onds th3t Chrysler will announce .-cac-h week the models t•l1)'.:i1Jli..• f1ir I he r e fund . -· Chrysler d c<'linc-d lu conf1r(n r11· c1 c ny the price cut plan t he • J our nal s;1id . ' Chrys ler, th<' n~d ion"s No. :1 ;111ln nlakl·r, ll:is ac:('un11il.1I f'd som" of thf' larg c:-::t 1n\'l·11t11r11·-. of unsold e ;.1rs in the slu1np lhJt h.i:-. ;ii fcc-tc-d :lll t·ar :-::;dt·"' ( Ht·l.i!t•d slory . /\ IOl · U.S. Navy Carrier _On Mystery Tour • SUB 1c: BJ\\'. l)hi li rpinc.s ( u Pl l -J\ l J.S. Nav.v l:isk for<'l' led b y t he nut·!c;1r ~·;1rr1l"f L'SS 1.::n- t c:r pr1sl' ~;ldL·d fronl lhe J'hilip- plllL'S l1id~1 -'1 af\1•1" Comrnunis l troops infli<·tl·d u ma1or n1il1t;1ry d l'fl'al on South V1L"lnanle!>C gov- crnn1enl. for1·cs. J:'ord 's prl•s.; :-.f'l'retary. Ron N<'sS<:n. d~·n11.:d 111 \\'as hing lun t hat thL' 11 ;1\';11 ta"k fui-<:c w as J11·ndin~ for South Victna1n. "l'hC' Pr('Siflt·nl "is conc:C'rncd and hL' is \\ <J ll'hing the situation Air Cal Eyes Expansion Of Service f 'rom \Virt• !'ier\•it:~·s Orange Co unt y -b;1 :-.cd Air Californi<t s<1i d tAflav it \\'otild need ;,,it lc-ast 911 day:-·~ possibly more -t o l aunch :-.cr\"iC'c betwee n South l .. ake ·rahoc, SJn F ranc isco and O range Count v Airport. . · t3ut lhe Cnlifornia Publi c- LitililiL'S Comn1ission y,•ould .sti ll h ave to ;:ipprove lhc systl'm of routes. Fre d e ric-k llavis, ;in airline vi ce presidl'nt for n1arkl•lini;!. t esti fied ~1 ondav ;1t a l)llC h ea rin g on ap1llic;1tions hy -several airlines to provide addi· lio nal Sl'r\'il't' into the popul:1r resort <t l"L1:1 fron1 bot h Nori hcrn and SouthL"rll C;.ilifornia points. Davis s aicl it rn1ght take ;1s Jon g as 180 d ays to p rovide facilities a nd air<"r:1ft :it various points nflt:r the l'L'C atls. E x hibits and testimony Wf'rC s ubmitte d t :i st September by Air California in the Je n i..:thy proceed i11gs :ind c-ross- cxaminatio n began 1\1onday. Kenn eth L ou n sbery, South :I~a k c 'l'ahoe city attnrnC'y, \\'as ;the fi rsl lo quf'stion J)avis. 1 Davis said Air l';11ifornia has and \\'Ould use a l,o<"khe<'d F:l f'C· 't r3. for 'fahoc Sl'r\'iCl', ;ind tf :ip- J)roval \\'l.'l'C. g i\"t'n, \\Ol!ld huy ano ther s uc-h cr.1f1 .1-. :1 h.1 t'kup. ln1t1a\ l!l7.i :-Ol't \IC•' \\l)Uld Ill · volve fli g hl s fron1 Lake '1'.1hn·· to San l•'rc111et '-.C'O and (lr:inl.!l' County :iirports, ;:11n l hy l!li!i ~C r\'iCC \\'Ollld l'XP~1n d In S;11l J)ie go, (Jnt:1rio, S,111 J q St'. Palm !::ipri1igs itrld Sa<·r.u111:11to. Davi s :-..11d l \\o planes \\'Otil<l b e u sed for lhe 1·...:p .1ndPd scrvi te, '''1111 :1 th1ril e r.1rt tu lie JlUr<'h :.iscd :is l>;1ckup. llo!iday /\irltlll'::i, 1,•;hit·h nov.· opl•r:.itl'S IJt •l\\1•1•n South J,ake Tahoe ;ind ll;1kla11d . Stin ,Jnsf', l ~os .r\.n ).!t'll'"· l~11rh:1nk :ind S..in J)icgo. \\'1thdr1·\v 11" ,1ppl1c~1l1un for the ne\.\' r oute:-. f\1onda,v . ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT 'Tlot O<-coa~I 0.1ly Pi~. Mt"-•"I''""'" bl....., lhf! He..,,·Pr~~." PIJbl"hod ~. 1,..0,...,,..,. C....•I Pub!•"'""" (omp•n• ~r•IO t'<hh""' 6'~ publishlil. ,,..,,,,,,, lhf<lUgfl f f10.Y. 10' C<nl.o Mt~, tH:__.I IHKll, H""hnql"" 111!.0C:ll/f Q"" l•ln V•llf y, lrvint, !..Od"l>Kt, V•ll~• •"" ~ 8':..;11/SOVlh C.o•SI It Sl"'Q" ~1-I 0'01Uot1 Is P1Jbl+1llNI ~1uro-1• ...0 !.undoov1 Tn~ l)fll'IC~I publilh•nQ pl1nl I~ .it Dl ..... ,! 61y llltftl, Co\lol Mtw, (,iol<>•n" 9'1\lti. i·loselv" b ul \vilJ ahidL' bv Ja\\'S p::JSSl'd b.v (.'t"1ng r't''"' 18 months ~1go h:1 rr·111 ~ 11 S. rnilll.irv :a·1 1v1 ty •lVl'I' lndu<'hin.1 . :\1·:-.:-l·i1 :-.;ud \.'ord pul nft fnr ..... l'\ L'r:d hour:-a Oll'l'! ing \\ ith ht-> 1•!11,.f !'t'llllOll11t' ::J(I\ iscrs lO C'Ollfl'r \\Ith Sl~C'1·~·l :tf\" uf St:1te l lenry 1\. h:1:-.:-.1ngl'r :111;1 dl~put ,\" n ;:1\1nnnl s{'<'llJ"l1~· aff;11rs ad\·is er l ~J'l'llt Se0\\1·rof1 : · 'l'he l)en l agon flatl.v dl'll!t'd the n;1va l fo1·ee \\'as head in ~ tor South \/letncin1 and spokes1n;1n \l/Lllian1 13C'echer s aid l hc s.1i1Lng of the vessels '"is not in ;1ny \vay l'Otl· REDS OVERRUN S. VIET PROVINCE, Page A4 ncctcd \vith anything l-!Oing on in Indol'hina.'' Heechcr s ;.1id the l·:ntL'rprisc :n1d 10 L'SCOl'l VCSSl'ls, ltlC'lud ing the nucll';.1r-r><1\\'ercd g111dl'd n1i :-.· :-.de (lruisl·r Lo ng ltc ~i ch, v.'trc steaming snut h \\'l':-.l , ;1 n1 ! 111 Jl v.•cst l.O\\'a rd \'iL·ln;1n1 . ·r1ie d ir ection \\'tluld put !h<· l·:n· l('rprise on a course !\l\\';.1rd the Strait of 711 J!~1c1.::1, thl' cntranC0.1o the lnd1;_in (Jl·t.·~111 . On a straight line fron1 Subic J.1;,i,v, 50 nlill'S north1.vcst of Manila, to lhc Str;.11t of .f\.1al acca, the task force woulJ pass about 350 miles from the South Vie tnamese coa~t al the closes t point. .r\.p;.1rt fron1 ruling out Victn;.im ,,·atcrs, 11ccchl'r l't'fUSl'd to s;,,iy \\'he re the :-:: hips \\"ere headed. ··,\s ;.1 normal proc-C'durc, \\'f' do not dis l'll."S t1pt'1·:1t111n:il 1ni>V€'· nlt.' 111 s,'' Ill· s:t 1d.'' I t 's :t l1H1 g . .,t:J11d1ng pr.it•ltl'\.' nnt to s:1y \\'hl'l"C slnps ar1.· going unld tlley J..:l'l the rl'.·· 'f'hc Na~·y ~aid lht• r::nt crpri-;c h :id bt'('ll in SuhiC' !"{a.\" sincc> Nc\v l 'cJr'.'i f'VC' :ind \Vas :-.c hetluled to :-.c1 i\ l ~1tL·r this \VC'<·k . li11l l ~('ech1'r ~•d d thl' sailing dale \V :.1s n1n\'l'd fnr,varJ ";1t least ;1 {'OUplc of \\'l'~·ks ;ij:!O" :ind sOnl•' cre,vmcn \\'ho h ;1 d h·· <'ll on v :1..:a t 111 11 1,.,, v1, in tllt..' l 111!1.·d St;1\l's \\'t•re ord1.:red b ;1ck to Suh1C' Bav earl\'. . !)tplom:.itii.: su.urres. in S;1i~ri n 111111;il ly f('portf'rl lhi· t ~1"k fnr<·r hL·ad1n!!; I0\\:1rd ~·1t11h \1 1••111.~111, hul dill not ;..pec1f11'.1lt.v J.;.l\L· 11 -. d1•s t1nation ;1 s \'1•·tn;in11..•:-.1.• \\'<Jlt•r s. /\ l s. r:rnha ;..:-.y spokes 1n ,1 n .., :1 nl t lie 1 t' Jl!U"t \\ a:-. · .1 f_ihrit'3\1Ull .' Tests Slated For Schwalbe ·r,,·o r :--.v<:hi :1lri ... r-. \Vt·r1' :1p- po1nt Pd !udn \· 111 l"\'.,11n1n t: tiJrni t·r <'ur!ln,1 d1·l ~ 1\\;n· l l1 g h St'hnid \t",l('hl'J" .\l ;ul .J .t \' :-,t'h\V:dht• l11d••· 11'rrn1ru· h1 , 1nt..•r)t.1I ~1 ~J11 • \\'hl'11 li1· ;-,(•'(\t;dly :1 ........ :lllltl•d ll\11 )(j ,\'\.'<II old n1~1l1· st 11 d1·nt s. 11r.u1g1• l'ounlv ~llPl'l"IOr ('n11rl .Judgt.' r:vert·lt \V , lh1:k1•yordt·rcll lht· le:-.ls f111' ~Ch\\';dht'. ·l:l, lrv1111·. :ind ~ct Jc1n . JO a s the d.1t c IH· \\•di 1·1Jl1· on v.•ht..·thf•r th1 · dt·rl'nd.1111 shouhl b1~ rla:-.s1f1cd .is a n1 .. ·ntally 111 o:nrdf' rt ·t I s "x oft\·nr\1 •r :\I l:i rhor l\lunirip:d Cnurl j111·v f11und ;':r•h ,,•alhc i.;u11tv of 11 iif 1°7 c.:vunls flll'(I n;::ain:-.1 h.1111 after his s ernnrl lrinl la ~t n1onlh flll 1ht• lll••r.ds al le1Za l1nns . lie 1.s fr1·c 011 Ins prom i::;c lo appcar J a n . 30. Airliner Hijacked By 'Arab' l .()~l)O N <Uf'll . ,\ n1 :1r1 d1·l'"st·d ;.1 ,.; ::i n Ar;.ihS('JZC'd l'Onlrc)I tJI ._ l~r1t 1 ~h Air .... 'ays pl:1nl' cin l;inding :1 t 11 .. a throw Airport lo· d.1v ,111d, h<)ld111g a ~tev.':1rdl''" h1 1 .... 1:1i-:•· .. 111•)\\'l'tl all .11; p,1 ,:-.l·!lgr•rs In d1 sen1h:.irk IJ\·fnrc dl'n1and1ng $235,000. a 1>•1r;1chllll' ;Jnd :1 fll~h! to l'.1r1s. S1·otl.111d \':•rd :-.:nd lh•· pdol u r !h1· l\\ltl .1~·1 11.\(.111 ft'!]lll':-Ol1'(t .1 111}.!.lit pLttl lur th" 1·'1 1·111·h <'.tl\11 ,ii .nut th•· 1d .11!l' \\ .1s h··111i,; 11·f111·ll1•d ln1 1/a· tr11 1 lhv Jl ,\('l \I 1 .... n1 111 !1 •1 111l'd1 ,1it· r.1 11J:l' 11•! '1111 11.11" In:• 1·"1 1•111'11 \',11 .1\1·ll1· tir· .111 \11\i I l(',111 '7~7 'J Ii. ,111 l111~·r h.1d j11sl lothhl'd •ld\111 n11 .. 11 11111·1 n:d l ll J.:h\ I 1 .. 111 \1.111< l1v ... 1v1 \\ht·n lli.· i.:11n1ll.H1 . \l l',11 ltl ~'. ,I ll .\1 ,1b K:1t111·li h•·.11t1•''"· 1n .1d•· h1 ., 1110,1· ·1·111· pl.nl<' h :l1t1·d ;!l lhl' end uf lh1· 111 1l\\,1y ;111d lh1· p:1-,:-.1·ng1·1·s gnt 1111 J',di <"l' 1·:1r . ..;, anlh11l:.i1u·1·s :ind !11l' 11'\lck..; s 11rround1·d tht~ ,11~1 :1 ..; p11lH·1·1tlL'll tr11"d thn•\Jhh rad1u:-. l11 1.dk 1)11' J.:illllll,111 111\H )~l\!tl J.: llll 1··1\•' 1·1('\\ 1111•rn\J,.r:-. 11·1·r,· 11•11 • .1111 ,.id , lhl't'•' lllt'tl ;111<t l\\'u \\ ul11t'11 :-. I 1 • \\ .11·dl'"'!->l'S. · ,\ 1>,1ris ll1ght pl;1n h:ts hl'l'll <·.dlL·d fur :111rl l''1 ra fu1·l is on lhl• \\',I) lo l hl' pl ~Jllt',·· :1 ~l'tlll:t 1HI 'i ;1rd :-.pnkl':-.111:1n s:ud . '"'l'h1• 111:111 \\,1rlls lo g11 lo ()rty (nut:-1dl' l'ar1sl ,111d is di-.·:-.:-.l'd 111 J\ralJIL" l"]Olhl'S .. , 'l"hl' s pt1kl'sn1an s~iid th<' n1.111 -·,1:as holding his hoslagc in the' f{';J l"Ofthf' <1ir('1";1fl . An :iirlinl' :-.pokt'sn1.:in s :lid :l\1 p.1s:-.engl'rs h:1d IJL'l'll screl'llt:fl lor \\'(•a pons and C'x p!o:-ci \"l'S prior Id 1.1kl•t1ff frun1 \l :1111·h1·s ll·r. 'l'ht, ~~unn1:1 n ,,·:1s ~:tid tu ht..• ('arrying \!Ile' or n111rf• hand ~r1·n:1dl'S, to11. \Hhl'r 1nt·pn11ng ;111d outgn111g fl ighl s \\'l'l"l' dirl'l'!1~<1 to alf('rll:lll l'Ull\l'<l .\:-0 :1nd \J";!ffi<: l'Oll(lllllt'I! norn1Jll~· a s lhc h11d 1·k <lr;1n1a 1in - f11Jd1·tl. "['hl' p<1llt't' 1-.dlvd Lil llr1\1 ..,h :1rn1y troop-; for ~·,tr ;1 !'->l'("lll't l .\'. 'l"h1.• tv.·n s lC'\\':1rdess f's :1bo3rrl lhl· aircraft \\'•'J'1• 1d('ntifiL·d .1s llt·Jlh ,\hl ard ;ind l~arh a ra 11rtnd ll•y, llolh l~rit1 sh, but it \\':1s n~1t l'l1•;.1r \\hi('h one \\';1-; the hos tagc. ··it's one of the-morf' cx- lr:oordin:1ry Ofll's ." ~1 11 :nrl111C' :-.poke.sn1an s<11d of the dc1n:nid fur a l':1ris fli ght ... ,.\'l' 111'\"l'r 11,·;1 rd of nnl' l!kl· this hl•rnr••." ·r11 ,· T"l·ftrl·ll111~ uf the pl.111l' \\ .1..; 1'1 1111p ll'll·d . .t.:i\·1ng-1t n1:i,i1nun1 r.1n c:l' nf J ,';1)1) nlill·-;. hut. thl"l't' \\:1 s no indil';1linn if ill" \\·h en 1l \.\tltJld \t1k\•Off. Brili~h Airv.•;1ys said lhC' gu11- rn :1n h ;1 d nnt 111;1d1· el,.,1 r ;111y lhrC•:lt.s or f11rth~r c!emnnds othPr !lia1! tile r c qu(·st. to gn to 11~1r is. Sec urity forc·cs ~it P;iris' Orly /\irpQrl went. on ~ilcrt in r esponsC lo lhe hija1.:k1ng. .. From Page A I COUNCIL .. • ht'lt'•'"S .Jo.111I r\111t·:-:n1ilh. 'l'ht' 1.:0 ~1 .... 1al .Jr(',1 pl:i11n1ng pro· ('!'""' \1 ,1, :111111 •d :it !11 .. 11hn g-off llllll0 rl l t.1 l ('11t\ll'••!ll.11J<\!1" \\h\'ll lh1· t·11n1p.111y l.1!..1 •:-. 11 :-. 1d,1n" to thi· ()r;111 ).!1• ,.,\lJ11 1y l'l,1nn1ng ('11rnn11ssin11in1\pril. l ln\\'1'\·v r. c11 n1pany pl;1nnf'r l ,;1rrv ,\loort', \1l1n li.i" bt·•·n Jfl 1·i1.11 ).!l' 111" lh1· '1 '1(..:\1 1\ l' i;rotip. 11 ..... 1'llJl t'l11d1 ·il !h:1 1 lh •· :-.11 t11t·11rni ·" 1·,1ni'l11'1111t:: pol11 ·i ··,.. 11f .il l :!:2 c11 l!,lrl1/.1 t1n11:-. t•;111nol h\• :1f'· <·on) rn nd :1 I r«l 1 n ! h1 · c·n.1 ,!.tl p I :i 11-;. '1'1\1• l'1 Hllp:1Fl:'-'· ht•\\1•\"('t', IJ.1._ l"t' ll':l'it'd ;1 thick t•nlutlll' nf :1n :-.\\1•1-; !.i huncirl'ds uf pnli(•i t'" liy 1hc \<1r1ous :1 g 1·n<'it~s. \Vhih· n1 :1n .v \'!lllC'erns \\ L'l"l~ allS\\t'r\·d , sonlt' (·onflit·\s r c n1 .1in. ·r1ic 1110:-.I blatant connic1 c-om - c.:. frun1 ;1 South ('o;.1:;;t ltci.:ion ;1\ i'.<>n(' f'on!'i<'rV.Jlion Cnn1n11ss1on l"l't'o1nn1cndation for in<"lu s inn in .1 s t:'.ltr. coastal de\'clop n1c11l pl:in. "l"h:1t policy recon1mcnds lh:1! !lny df'v Clopn1cnt. :ilon~ lhc I rvine Co;.ist be discouragc.:d . Rotx>rl N. Wef'd Prt1uttnt •"" P~~'""'' Jack R. Curley Viet Prt••dtnl •ncl Gfo"tf•I Mlll>&Qr• Thomas Keevd [.Oil or ThOmas A. Murphinc 1Mn•90119 EO.tO' 'White Lightning' Takes Second Life 0"1rles H. Loo~ Richard P. Natl "\\,l\l ... 1 IM"'9"'9 [0.16'~ Ott ices Cftl•"""u llllWnl&nSt- ,...port Bf"'" llll Not~ -·~,o ~e.-11.11 .. ~ .. ~lf"'' f'Nn11119'0f' 8':itll 1111\ St.Kii 9ou1ov11d • s.ddlebt<' Vl!ley lll'Ol lA Piii Ro-G •I S.n 0-f r_.., Ttl~OM l114) 642-4ll1 Qassified Advertisinq Ml·Sl!78 s,,.o<1l•o.t' v11i., Ne""Othu st1-6JIO Cifrlrl ... I, IOIS. Or•llOI' C.0.•I Pwbll,•l•O ~,.Ho,..wl_.,.~.llllKltll:>On•,N•!~••I ''"'II'' or •O•••ll,,.mfnll "'"'~ "'"' .,. ,_.,.04h1C•d w1t1'11!11\ >Pf\••I P""'"""' ol ~-"''· ~ ti.t i l)M1'9" ,.... II (Mlf """U. c.t-""· ~1c11-111( .. t!H SJ 00_ .. ,' ., ...... M.00 ~,, ""lilrl' -91,,_kM!s U.• -·· ) Ra\v industri<il ;l leoho l. holth•il ::1nd labele d "White 1.1,gh tn111).!" as gift s (o r ~uesls ;1t :1 Nt•\V Ye::1r's Eve pa r ty in Gardl·n Grove, has cla1n1ed it s second 11r('. i\.1clvin llo lmes. :12, a t ru<'k dr1\f'I'. t.Jicd J\1ond.'ly in Or:ingc ('ounty J\fc di col (.'('l1!er. fnur days aftc1· his \\'ifc-. Hf'bc-crn. :10, \\',is fo und c!C'ncl on !ht• floor of th1•1r hvmr ;"J l 1 JRGJ l~nrtlc·ll St , l'oli<:e \\'ere sum1noned to th•• ho u se last 'l'hur·sday afl cr ;1 ..n e i g hbor b<'c t1n1c s1.1c:pi"-·1n11s hccju !'e s h<' kn<!W thl' couple hn d bCl'll 111 Nl'\\" \'t~ar · ... IJay. t>f· fi c(·rs founll ~f rs . llolrnes dead and hl·r hus banc1 uncons cious . 110ll\l"S nf !ht• cl1•adty ;.iJcohol were fo und 111 !he house. • • ')'he ('ouprc :.ippar('nllv ilif'd fron1 . inges t1ng 1111·\llyl ;.tlc-ohol us ed 1n 1ndustry . Pol1f'1 ' saul lhc tragl'dy b('gan \\'h t'n 1roln1es "'h~ "'orks for a J,ong J ~ .... a~t; fre1J?ht f1r1n, found~ thfl'C'·gallon bottle of <"fear liquid v.'ll1ch he t hought was d rink:.ibl1.•. llol n1cs holtlrd th<' rl(·:ullv Ii· (!Llid Ill l'O lltainers and l;ih 0 1•]('d lhl'm "\\1h1tc Lii::htn1ng:." ()n1· Other Jl ~I rl.y ):!Ul~:-.t . f':<lv.•ard J\1;111n, .1 nt·ii.;hhor. h1 ·<·;1nl(' ill ;iftcr drinking th1• indu:-.t rial alcohnl , l>11t h \.• \\IH S g1\'t:n rnl'cl 1(';1 I 111 ! l'll1 ion :ind \\as not ~er1ou . ..,1.v :iff('t'l1'd . l 1ollrc \\1arned l'llhf'r nf'ighhor~ \\ho r ccciv('d bottles al the parly to fl l•sl.roy thc·n1, i J HE AD S GOP UNIT Bad ham Aide Ward Ed w ·ard New GOP Cliairma1i 1·:d\1 .11 .J I·' \\ .1rd .11 . 1Hp ,11d1· 1 •• '""'"!ll l1l\t1!;111 l!cih1•1 1 l ' .. 1dh .1111 1 II ;\!~·11 pnrt )~l':11 ·h 1 \I .1-.. 1·l 1•ctt•<I '.\l1111d,1 \ ;1-; ("h.1tr r11 :111 111 1h1·<11 .1 11).!1· <. '1111111 \" HL·1n d11!l·;.111 ( '1 •111 t .d 4 • 'llll 1111!!1'1 · 'J 111· LI ;. 1·:11· old \\',1 rd, ;1 ('o..;! :t '.\11 ''\,I I , . ..,,d,•111 :111d r\1'\\'jlt11"\ l ~•'.l•·h 11\'\llf,llll't' !ti.Ill. '\\;1tt1•d H.11lh .1 111 ·:-. (lr:.1hJ.:l' <.'t1;1,t ,,ffit"c lur 1<111r ~-l·;ir:-.. lt1'i f'lt't·t11in to !ht• !11 p f ;<11• po-;! v.1!11 l' a.; :1 "urµrl "l' hl'l':1u"1' ul 1'.11 llt..'I" l'l'l)(11'l"' th.11 N••\\ jJPt'I l ~l':n·l1 l.1 \\') l"I" ·"ll'X:tlld(•r llol\ It' had t!i1· l'll•1·11nn s 1·1v11 up. Hut B11\\ ll" li·t 11 llt• h.l\\l\\ 11 :\1111\d ~I \' 11 1ur111ng ht· \1.1-; n11t ,.f Ill\· 1·ot; lt•:-1 ,\1-.u 1•ll'\'l1'd ;ll lhi• S:1nt.1 J\na n11 •1·l1n ;.: \ll'1"l' l>r \\'1111.0111 '1"c.n.:11l· ,,f ~ .. 1111111 t Bl·~tl'h. 1·i\·t• 1·1l.11r11;.111 1 ... 1 .... l.1111dh1 ·ri..:. 11f 1 •• 1 IJ.11Jr.1. \\1it1i.·11·:-. \!l'l' ..:h:11rn1;111 ,llHI J).I\ 1cl !~.il l':-. v i 1 •• 1 J>_dn1;1: f l"t.'it:-ll 1"1 •I . 'l'ht' 0 11 t y C'On1 ('~l('<I jol> \\' :l S I h:i t or :-.t.>1 • l"l' l .1 r;. . \\ h 11·h 1\ ~1" c <•pt u r('d h.v J11;1nnl' (01101111. 1)f (lran~l·, d,111 g ht1•r -nf !ht• !:111· ;1s- s 1•n1hly 1n .1 n t "ha rll'S l'li;1 p1•\. She d1·ft·.1tl·d t"1J11111t• IUt..•il·k anti .l;in 131 )\'I". \\',1 rd s tl <'r'f'{'cl <; r.('or ~f' f)f'l :1 h :111t~· of 1:1!l lt·1·111n 11 h•1 t\ ,1., .. 11 .... 1~·!1tr•)m1ht·;olJ t;1 tv t,1:,l \c.1r 1 .. 1101\tr1 g lhl· d1 ~.1 s tr.nu s Hvpt1 h!if·.111 t·lL·(·lio1n dl'ft•;it 111 ,r>..'11\ t•rn ht• r . 'l'h<' 1'1lllflf\' ])1'1llOt'l':t\i(• ('('Tl· tr :1I 1·on1n1111r1· \\'ill n1 ccl. llL'XI :\l1111d :1.v :1t the i{egi:-.tr;1r nf \o'oti·rs uflll'l.' to clel'I it " oft'iccrs. lt<inl'lh'r H1l'h:ircl .I. ()'l\'l"i!I is ~·x · p <' r t 1' fl I o r c t J i n h i s 1·h :11 rn1 ,1 n:--111 p . Hoa~ S lates Talk On Rirtli D e fec ts Jlil'th rlt'fi•f"\.;. !h1'1r raUS<'<; and '''h a t c:in Ill· d.111!· 10 prl'\"l'nl 1h l'rn, \\ill h•· thi · rr1pic of :1 p;1nt•I d1 S£'\J SS l11tl :d ll11.1g :\it'll1(11"1,l \ l los p1tal \\"!'dt11•sd.1,· night . Spon..;o rcd hy till' llr;111g{' C'oun· [\'· ('hapll·r nf 1hf' f..1.ir{'h nf J)1n1t·s. till' 7 p 111 .. -;yn1po:-.1un1 ;.., npt•n 111 I h•· p11hl1c· <ii. no l'hdrg'" 'I h1' k\'.Y llf>\c :-.pc<ikl'z· \\·ii\ hl' J)r·. l\ellnl'th J)un1.1r.-;, J.!t'ni·t1c1 :-.l ;.il I 1r.1ngl' ('ount.v ~1 .·d1l'.d C\·nlt'r . I • Camping Otrt j Park to Evict Two Families II\ .1 .\:-0. \\4JIC'l"ll 011n., 0••1¥ "•'<>I l>l•ll ·rh1· \\ind :11111 r.11n •1rL' f'(lll!iou· 111g .1 l l )"\1·1JI 1 ':•rk 1n ·rr:11!1u·1• ('.itl\11!! .111d lr111d1l1 •:-, ll ,1\t•ll 0 I [1·1 up /11r t\10 t,1111dtt'" ('.lt11p111 g nut ll u·r1· lu ·1·:1u .... 1· !hey t";u1 't .ill111d1.~ i-.:•) ,Jll\ \\ llt'l"t' t•l-;t· ,\ :-1ul \' l.1 ..,! \\'1•1•1.. i11 lhl' Jl .td\' l'llot d t"t.1il1•d 1111· pl1J.:h\ i>! rt11·,.,· t.1r111l11· .... l1\111;.: 111 \1•111 ., .111d .-.1111 Jh .. 'L" Ill 1111• p.1rlo. l1t•1·;111"l' Ill•'\ '1111Jd 111 •I l I !Id 11 <!II• ""111<'•' l h··ll •illt" l.irtlll\ 1.11 ... ··d ••i!"ll ·I! 11 111111 •1 llil••IH!h h«!p !10111 ln1·.1l 1h1111li1•-.. ,111d :-1 •t\l 1•· ~'.I 111 I ll ", t '• l • •! ll I 11 I•> \I I /•>I I ,I \1 h1·r1· t1i1 •\ 11"1"' 111 1111.t ,, lh•11 . 1 •ul I 111 ;1 ! ko ·t lt11I llll' 1dh1·1 l\IP li.11• I !'I'll l!I I• •I 11\\'<I Ii\ p:11 I..111 111·1.il"t11.1\ 1 h1 '\ h "\1· t1 ... 1·d lll! 1111· :111 il.1\ '1'1tur·..; 1111\!I ,11td rtl n-.,\ 1111 •\t' 011 1\'hl'll th1·1r \'11r1'1•11tly p ;11d 1t·1·.; t)1 :-.:.; pi·r· 11 1;.:,ht .1 I"•' ll 'il'd up \I! 1h11·1· f;i11 1i!1t ••: li .1v1• lu·1•11 l!11·r1· :-.Hll.'l' h1 ·tiH ,. 'l"h ,1 n k:-.i;1v 111 µ. 1\1 •11 ;u1d :-iu" lllll ll,0•1·. \lllu lt·l l \\Ith lh<'11· ti1 1'1'1' t ·hildf"l'll 1111"' ,,, ... i. .. 11d II.iii t.1·• 11 1h1·r1· ..... 11H··· \ 11: 11"1 F (l1n111·11! Ill•· l.111nl1t'"· \1IHt·!t 11-i " 11\1· 1·h1ldr1·11 11 111 11 ti !•1 :.: 11'.tl":-ult!, th~· d1•;1dl1111· t!! <.:•·I 1;11 t '".I.in. lH ·11i" nllll't . \\ hJ("h 11.1-; tlllh' c hddr1•n lr11111 l11 }.!l1 "chool 111 pft"'''IHutl a t.:t'. lllll"t l l',l\i' h v l.'r1 •l,1 y . llr:1ng1• L'oun!v p:1rk rult•s s l:1t1· lht• f.1r11t1Ll',.; 111.11 ..;l 11 '.1\·t• fn1· :tt ll'.l"'l ft\"t.' d :1y:-., .ilt1•1" \\'hlt'h lhl'V 1·:u1 n1uve bal'k tor ;uioth('r JO ti ;1' .., . ·rhcy can ~n lo one of the other ··nunl;. p ;1rk:'. :--ul·h :is St:ir r ·Vi~·10 f'.IJ'k ~,r· l·\•a!hi·rl.v, ftlr tht! 111- l '.•r'!!ll , .11·1·ord1ni.:. to l t ~1 11 gl'r ', 1ll11·r1 Hvddi1lg ln11 . H('dd111 :.,:l1i11 :-.;nd h1• 11 ,l'i r•·· · 1n 1nd"d 11r th•' :Ju d ;1y 1111111 hy hi s ... u11v1·1.,r-; :1 t t h1· 111 :11nnffH'(',1f I lit· i 1r :1n ~" (. "1ni111 ,,· 11 :1rbnrs. l ~t·a c h .ind l'.irk-. llvp:11·1n1 \·n1 ·· J'vr1pil 11 ·;dl_\ \\1• IL 1\1' 111 ch1 ·ck nut Lht• p ;1rk," ht• said."\\·,, h :1\'l' In l·nt.1rt'l' till' 1·111111t\· ordinant·c s pc1·1f;.1ng thv l1·11 ~11l of :1 :-.lct .v , oth{'l'\\'1:-.l' \\'f' <·ould h.1\'L' :io or .10 pt ·11p 1 (' hl' re . It bt.·<·o tnl's very ha rd 1oh:1ndlt~. "'\\.t• strC'l<'h ti :-i-> nn1f'h ·'" \\t' 1·.cn, 1' .... Pl'C'1 :1\ly 11 \\"t• don't h,1 \L' .111.1 trnuhlt• \\llh l hl' ll••opl1· 'I h1'"''" 1.1111L111'"" .11 ,. \1 •t v nu·v .1n1l \\ L'0 \ 1· \J"ll"tl to IH•lp I h\'!11 ,t.; llllll'h ,1..; 111' ('n\Jld. \\",.'II go Oil v.·1th 1 h.11. .. l~vdd111 ~:!1H1 s .11d h.1\'i n ~ l.11nil11·'i ll\'111~ 111 1·011nty p.irk:-.. Trai11 0 pens Stolen Safe r·:1.1.:Jf,\fl1', Incl. (1\P) - ~.1 f1•1·rat·k ers h :1vc trarli - l111notl!y usf'tl 1·11t11ng tore-ht•" ;incl t"...;pln..;1\'I''> ;1.; l nol..; nf 1h1 ·ir 1r:1d1 '. hul .1 <'ouplt• of !1111 g1.1r" 111 l·:lkh.1 r t 1011nd a Ill'\\ 11·c·hn1fJ111·. 1 '11!1~ 1• :-..1,\· .1 fa .... t -fno<l r1·-;t.111r .111I ,,,1s 1·11 t1·rl·d ht·r1· \\11111!.1\ :ind ,1 .... ir,., '' h1rh /'d1\1,lltll'd S lf)(l 111 l".t.,IJ , \\",L" jlll-.h11d 01" <f1".I J.!t.:1•d (() ,I 11, .1rh1 r:illrn.u t tr.11 h.. 'J 11 1• l.1!').!l' 1111'1.d IH I\'. l"!''\t('d l iit'I'" lllll ii <I ['Ctll\ ('t•!lll ,d 11 1'1).:hl. lt ,1tti c·.1nl(' r fl:1r111 g ;ilPt1l! :<11d :-.l·:i1t(•r1·fi dt•hris f111n1 1111· s:11"1· ah<111t :.:.ooo fL·L•t 1l11\\11lli1·r1 ).!lil 1>1 \\,i\·. '("!11• 1110111'.V, ho\\'t•\"1'r. \\':IS }lqt !l)U!ld . 111.1111~~ I 1 •i111 or111 • t11 ,11111th1>r , hall· l'l'llS 1p11l1· ulll'll '"l'h1· 11 1111~ th-it h.1s bl't'O d1 r- f1·1\·n1 t'•·c1·1111v 1·, tin• lt·nglh Hr !h1· :-.L:11 ... hi· '\.1111. llf' liL"li1·\·1·.: 1111· ··1n11IHH \ lS pr11d\IC"1tl).!. llHU•" IOJIJt: ll'l ltl Jl,11'1, I l'll ot "'· l·.p1to 1n1 z 1ng snnll· 11!' lhl• n10:-.l I 1 011b lt•d 'IHll S (lfl h•• t'l'\lllUlll\", I h•• t .llht•c !-. 111 lhl' f\Vtl r .. 111;.1111111;.:. t .11llil1t·'\ ....... 1 ... ,i.·1 .11111 h•lll<.;\" p.1111lt•t 111 tt ,uh· It " tl11· 111111:.1111-! p1ol1ll·111 1h.1L r1•!.., \U!) :-,Jtd lilt• 11.tJl\ll't , 1.dlh•j "' lllllt' ()11r 11111\' l•IH ltll'fll I'\ \I,.' .111 I ltll\ .111d \\ ,. ' ,Ill L I t' I \ 1 ' . '. . ' ·'· . \ Families" Plight . Co11firmed f\ -;p11k~·"n1 :u1 lnr th(' Clr:ing_~ t ·,.1111l .\ I! ,11-lk•I :-., H1·.1t·ht•:-.• inti l',1r k " li1·p.1rt1111•11\ l'unlirn1l'rl tu- d.1 \ lh.1 1 l\\'n f.1n11ILl'S living .1t t ,.'\1•111 l'.11 I.. 111 'J'r.d111C'o (":111\0ll \\ 1"l"l' .1:-h.1•d lu h ·.111· ht•(•;u1"1· th1·y l1.1d u ..... it up lhv1 r:111 da v h1nit l .:ir1-~' l.1·l11n:111, 1·h1l'f of op~'ra­ l1nns. :-.:11tl tih' dl•p.irtn1C'nl hPad- ' I u .1 rl t' r " \\";I" ;1 ppris1•d uf lht• Ii r111t v1ul ~11l•!11 l 1~·1·at1se of \ht• l)ai ly l'1h1t's !)tory on tln• famil ies JJn. I. "'l'h1• r ~1n .t.:l'f \\':1s. C'3ulion<'•f 1 h~1 l \\'t' don t have tht! author it v to1•'\tt<11d tll1~ lin11!. ll is a ('ountV ·~rd1na1H'1' s1•t hv l hi! hoard Or .... \qH·rvis1n·s.' · I ,1•hn1;1n said. ··\\\• h,1\ t' this rull' to avoicl [>i'Hpl1· 1.1k1ng LIP fl"Sldcnee 1n cJllr p.1i-k:-.. · hv :1d1lvd. "'i'nu c-a n 't h,·111 11111 fl'l"! 1·n1p;t!h;.' for thL'nl, flul ;1llt·r> ,di, p.1rh.s :ire fo r l'l't 1·,.,1111>tl . nut rt·:-.1dc111·v." L1:t1 n1 .1 n s .ud l hL' f :11111 lics c-oul<t f1 •1urn l•1 th•· park ~1ft('r chec kin~ ollt !nr ,11\1 ,\ nn(' da~·. hO\\'ever . ··s11H'l' 11 's llnt ;:I bus y SL'3SOll, lh1·.v·1-l' rc;.11ly no l d1 s pl;icing ;.1nyont: ... From Page Al PROJECT ••• . ·'\\'l11 ·n \11· nri g inall.v ron- :-.1d··1···ll lh(' i11 l'h1 .... t\111 of~c h ools in 011r d ~·\ l'lupr111•11t ('fl\('l"t:l Y.'e di·· 1·11h·d :1g:1111st 11 ht·c:111:-.{' it. \\'.'.IS a \ll1:i k 1•n ... 1!11111 fron1 .1 leg:d sl ;1nd· p11111I." h l' :-..!ld. 'l'h" San ,lost· casl' rh:lll~('S th:i t. !·:1·1<"k sun s a id, nnd a de- 1·1 ... 11111 1111 \\'hl'lhcr· sC'hools c-:ln l1e :11h!l'd to .c:ily grOY.'lh ph :1s 1n ~ 11oht·11 ''i \viii he l'l':Jdy v.·ilhin a 1n1111l11 ,\1 the 1nf'<'lin i::!. Deputy City .:\11t1r111·y l lo1:t.."r (-;r;ihlC' ::idvi:-.ed lhl· t•n111n11 -,-;p •n !hat lhl' 1·<·q111rl" n11·111 \l"''" \1J•1 ·1h ~1 11·.v , ac-cord1ng lti S 1·h 111 1.1ng1·r In .1 :-1·t·n11rl turn:ihont, l h<' c·n1111111s.,111n \Ot \•t\ :I-:! tn t:ikf' 11ul .1 r•·<1111r1•n1 •·111 th:11 \fl pC"rr1·11t of th1• f1 ,,n11•.s 111 "\'n r thy,·oocl he pr11 I'd !or J,,\1 -:ind 111od1..:rJtl!· Jlll ( 11~11• f.\ Ill 1I11•.: ~1 h1n11ni;1·r .ind Con1mic;!'d<in 1'h:11r1n.111 ;\l.1ril~·n noyd voted to I \'1.1111 t hv r 1 ·q t1i fl' ml'nt. .-\ r1•qu1rt•n1l•nt th;1l 10 pcrcrnl. nt nt•\\" h()ttl('S ht' in ;1 rrice rangl' Lttnilit'" 1';11·nin~ h·ss 1h~1n $15.000 :1 \ ··ar \'.•n :1f1ord hns hc c-on1c ... 1.1n11.1 rd 111 I r \' i Ill' 1t1n 111g ac-t i1 ins . 11011 ' The Carpet Industry Fights Inflation ForYou! We've Met The Problem Head On. CARPET AT HOME, AT WORK, AT PLAY· .. • -. J I I v··· .... ._, .. v .. . ..... ·; .... , ......... ·.;-" .... · ,,---- .. .,------ • • • l·'t\•111 1~i:-,o 11) 1~r;.: .. \\.liulcsal·· l 'ri('(':-. of- 1\ll (',.n1n11~liti1";, up r .. -,;~ ;\o•\\\,,l'"•······"l' 17''• t ;1rp1 ·l •••••• 11011 0 i.;·A. 'l'ln1 .. : t ' 11·1,,·f i :1 1 .. 1 l••r \:tl1i.• ' l•~LI) th:1n::.1.1 •·;11"-.:1~·'· C,irn•·t i:, ;111 < nt:Tt.:}'/f11( ! ~.;iv1·1·, ('urpt·t h:1·;a h1ng1·r lif1· t.'Xpi1·!.11u~·. Conl ributl's to :-;arety. At'j'f'nls a Ii fl' style. Re1luces nois<' pollution. • Prov 1dt•s r;1s~' or e\ean1n.1? and maintcnencr . l ff CC'I ivi' insu 1 :ilor a~ainsl heat or cold loss C'S. Ti meless in hcauty,C'on1fortantl rushion. " With Your Support, America Profits From the U.S. Carpet Industry! ALDEN'S CARPETS •DRAPES 1663 Placentia Ave. COSTA MESA 646-4838 HOURS: Mon. Thnl Tllurs.. 9 lo S:lO-ffl.1 9 lo 9-SAT .. 9:l0 lo 5 ' I l ' I I 'I ~ I , ' I I I 1 I I I l I I 'I ., I I I I I ' 1 ' I' ··-. . Huntington Beach Fountain Valley EDITION Toda~··s ClosinJ! • N."l'. Stoeks VOL.68, NO. 7,2 SECTION S, 24 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALI FOR NIA TU ESDA Y,JAN UARY 7, 197 5 TEN CENTS Police • Ill 'Elllotional' Pact Hearing Conl r;i<:l lal k~ bL•\11 t•t•n -15 1·-,Httl · t.11n \'.illl·~ pol1c:t.•utf1f·,•r.., .ind th1• t·ll y t•ndl·d ,1 l I t•r n1 1•d1 .L1 ion .1 I J d .J,\ :ll u nd.1 ) 111 \\h.11 .1 pt1!1c:l' rt•prL•-..t•l\tal1\1· \1·r111l·d .i rt.•..il l'n1ol1011;.1!'' n1uo1l 'I :nll not gu111g1u .... 1111 h .Jt11·11 1 h.ippt·n h t•rt•." -..11d Stl·ph1·n S 1l vl'r , ;l\\u 1·n1..•) 111r th•· l•'ounto.1111 \':.i \lcy P olil'L' lJff1ccr:-. .\ssor1 :1 lio n ''It ;ip pt•.1rs lh1· 1·it1 ,1d 1nin1 s tr a t10 11 ha-. h 1'1'tl !1"11ng 111 s t·r;1pc th1.-. 11 hul1· pr11hlt·n1 u11d1·1· lhL' rug, ;111d rlt 1lh111g 11111dd SUI prL:>t.' llll' ;\l1'illlllh ilt•. l'1!v ('nn t1·ollt•r I I0\\';1rd !:'l1.:11!1l·n -. :-ia1d tl1 l· 1·11 \ .. , 1·u ntr .1l·l ul l'1·r h,1d lll"l"ll g l'llC f OU:-> l )nltC'•' had .1:-.k .. :d tur .i onl' year enntr.1t·t \\"1th a IO pt•r t:l·11t p ,1.v 111 - t'l"L'a:-. .. • l·fl L·tll\\' in11ncd 1.1tt·l', 111 .1dd1l1un tu .1 -l.74 pl'l'{'t.'lll p,1; .id 1u:-.l 1n ... ·nl lhl' l'J!\' h,1d 11ffl'L"l·d l1• hr111g oft ll't.' r~ up tu I hL' .t \"l' l' a,1.!t' un ,I l'Ullll1 } \\ 1dl' :-.Ul'\'l'\ ul 12 pulll'l' dt.·p.1 111'lt.'rll :-. I n :1rld1\ 1011, pnl1t•1• h ;.1d a:-,1..i·d f11r .111 .nldit1<111al fl\t.' p1 •rt.•1•11t p.1\ .HI 1u:-it1n .. ·u1 u1 .Julv. ·r11 ... ,. ;il-,n \\ ,1111 l'd U\l'l'll!11e ,;,I~, d;:-i;1\.J1lil~ Ill ... 111.u11·1· ;111d ;1 (·ontract tl<.1us c p roh1li1l in g the c:tlY f ro m n1.:ik1n~ .111~ 1·1111tr.1et chan).!t:S. 'I'll·· t it \· h.:id ofl"cr t:'d a St'Vl'n Jll'l \'t.•nt p;1y h1kl' 1n1 n1 cdi;itl'ly, 111 .uld1t1011 111 the -I 7.1 adJt1Slnlf'lll . .111d 0.1 Olll' l'l'l'l't.'1H p..iy r;u::.l' 111 \p1 11 :0.1l'1Jht.•n -, -..11d poli('t.' 1·1•1·1•1\·.._. .. -du1·ati<>r1.1l pa' llll'l.l'.:i:-. .. ·s 111 - :-l t.•ad c1 f lont-: term chs<.t hihty 111 :-.LLr.11l('L'. \\'hilc o thc 1-e1nploy1..·" <1 t'l' 1·l1 J.:dil!· 1.,r tl1<· -.,11n1• t·1!111·.1· 11 1111:~1 fl.!\ h1•rl••l11, lll· "';1Jd lilt·\ d 111l l Jil'lh 111 ,J-, ll HJI Ii hl'('.1ll"I' \ii "l11'l'l.d l '11lll\' illlH'<"I''> \..,..,tlt.1,1 l Lt)IJ l ·d Ill ',1 I 11 IL'· d pr 11)..: r .!! !I" ll v .d" ll,11tJlt•d f"uu11t.•lll \,dh,,,11i.,·1i ••1•11 • .11111 I"• t'< 111 · 1, •. , 1'1·1-.111111•·1 .11lp1-,l1tH·11L 111 .... 1'·.1d '" 11\ 1"1 l111h', :0-tl\• 1 1·11 11t1•11d..; lh,1l ;1d1 u ... 1 11lt'!l1 1 .. t'qlll\.dl 'lll tu ,d101ll l'lghl ex eat s • Ill State lleari·11g Reed's Return Slaying Puzzles Recommended Coroner I~\· 1'Cl,l l\,\Rl.I·:\' /\ :--1 :t!i' llL'ar1n;.: nl 1'1t·1·r 11;1" :-.ug i:v~l1·d Jl 11 11(1ngtun Bt".ll'h :-ll uulrl J'L:lll:-.l:ll l' firi •d t'lt ,\· 111!ul'n1;11Hlll otftl'l 'I' l~d l l{l'l'd 111 h 1-. ~\.1100.;1· yc·:1 r p1i:-il . 1··r :1nk Britt 111 11l,·-.1.11 .. ·"; ull'H't' tif ~1d1n1 n1 :-.tr,tl1\v lil·.1r1ng.-. lill'd o .... , Pilot s1 .... Pl'IOIO TO WIELD GAVEL County Board's Diedrich Supervisors Pick Cliief In D ieclricli li y \\"II.I.I \'I ~t 'lfltl".Jltl-'.IC Ot !~~ D~tl> f>,•ot ~t~I• l!.ilpll /\ Jlu·d1 ·1(·h ul" !•'1Jllt'rlun v...1.-> Cll'l"!1•d l'h,11flll.Hl 11r !ht• ()l .tng1• l 'n1111 1\' J\o,1r d ot S11p1•t'\ 1 ... 111"-. 1111 111;,-1 1ud;i, _ "'111· 1'L"l'd111 i.: ,\11.d11·1111 S1q1l'r \ 1-,,,r l ~;dph l ·l.1 r l... \1h11 \\di :-.1·f\t' J:-. \"it't.' c h ~11rn1 ;11 1 l)i1•dr1<·h h.i-. hc1·n :t hoard mcn1h('r s 111 r~· 1!1711 Jl4 · ,,·nn th1• Sl'ltl 1n a \"11·lnr.1· 111·cr lonJ:! 111111' Supl'l'\'1 :-.o r \V1lh .:i n1 l 'hilhps. J)1(•dr11·h is ;1 j'}l·n1oc-r.at. 1'hc nC'\V ho;ird rh.:iirmu n is a !'>C'lf-n1acl1• m.:in \Vho t!cirnecl his mont.'Y in t•onstruc·tuJn and l.1 ntl ch.!velnpn1l'lll bef•)t"l' turning to pol1t irs . I[(' is a dl·l'or·att.·d Vl'lcr;1n nf \\"orld \V~u· ll ;ind 11as 1\011ndt.'d 111 the ,'\p1·n1.111d.\' 111 vasion. Tn bis in;·111 g 11r;d rt•n1arks a:-i ch.1ir1n;1n . l)il'drie h prun1isl'd a lo11g h . f;t s l nuiv1n).! ;1 pp1·oat:h lo ~O\'('rllllll'lll ''In loukin ~ ;d 1 s~111•:-. \I!' \\Ill race this _\'(':1r, plu .... <1 l ll'lll]lt111g tu (SC'C' ()11-'.l)Hl('ll, t•agr .\:!I DOW HURDLES GLOOM, 'SllORT' NE\V YOHK (ti Pl I After a ' ~luggish start, punc lu utcci by a computC'r n1 al funetion. pr1ecs turned h i~hcr toclny in slO\Y tr<id- ing on the Kc\\' l'nrk Sll)C'k E >:- chung:c. (Tnhlcs./\11 ). .1'h,i! Dow .Jon e s iq(luslri.a l a1'et'age, a J.';Jpoint $!i'ilhor in r1~ =--cssion s . gainect 3.58 11oint.s t.o 640.88. /\c\vanc·cs lt:cl <l cf'lines, about 8 to 5, an1ong the I , 727 is- sues Lrad<'d . Pric es '''l'fl' h1).!hcr 1n moderat e trail i ng nn !he American ~toc:k I·:xchan Jte. h1-. \\·r il\l'll rt·port \1'1!!i \I ll' 1·11 y :\lnnd;1~ Ill' ··d~o :-.u g;.:1;; .. tC'tl 1li;d. ;1 SI\: n1u11th ~US Jll'l\1">1011. \\ 1t 11. Hit p :i~· tl.it1ni.; ]1"0111 ,\u).! 1:1 \rht'll H ~·l·d \1:i:-; f1rl·d. 11 v1 1ld IH· ..,llfll('ll'll\ pvn .d! I 'l'h.11 \\H\l\d PLJI 1h1• Ill forrn;it ion ol t'11· .. ·r IJ;i,·1-. 41111h1· 1ub 111 n1 1d · l:t'lir11;1r _, B ritt 's r·1·p111 t 1..; onl.\ ,1 rcc11n1 n1 .. ·nd.1t111n \1h1('h \1111 i.:o h1:lot'(' lht• ('II ~ l'~'l":-.tJIHH'I l'Ullllll1S:-hl1l , pruh.dil~ .J,111 l."l. lot' tin.ti .1t ·l1<•n . '!'ht• \ll'l':-.OtHll'I bu,1rd 1-.111 ,!( l'(•pt l'l'lt'<"l .1>r nlodtl .\ 11 l!t'l'd \\ ;1-, llfl'd Ill .\UJ.!11~1 h .\' I '1 t.' .\d n11111:-,t 1·.11t1r] ),11·t• f{n ,,J.1nd, !nr h 1.., 1111·11l\'1·rnt•1l\ 1n ,1 .lu l~ 1'.J1n l"Ldl'nl 1n ;1 p.11·k1ng, lu! uf .1 S.inl.t ,\nn s hnpp1ni:,!. 1·cnll·r . \1·hcn Ht'\'d \\;.J:-;1t't'l':->1l·d 1111 ··11run l. 111 :1ut11 t•h;1 !").!t'S 'l'hl' 1nfnrn1;1\1on 1dt11·1·1·" t 11\ (';1r 11 ;1" .i1 .... n 11i1·1d\L'il 1n ,1 11111101' 11·.1f11 4· ,H'l'Hlv11 11n1111· p :1rl..1ng 1•)1' 11h11·h ti-· did ntll J 1•po1 l !t> thi• t'!I .\ ;1dn11111 s l1 .ilur rlu1·111 g ;1 1 h rt·('·d ;1,\ pt1hl ll' ht·~1 1· 1n~ l"ondu1·tt·d IJ,· J ~r1t1 111 1·;11 1, ()£'et:n1ht.•r , lt1•t·C! ennh·n rll'd h;, did n n t rt•pur1 1ht• :1<'l'l dl·n1 lil'l'<iU~4 ' it '' :1~ "" n11n1 1r hl' d1dn ·l kno\\' ,thout it I It· ;d~(~ c1111lt•lldl'd h1 :-; ll!ll'tlll "'l"lOU.., :-~,di,.' I\,,._ llldLH't•d Ii.' t r <t nq 11d111·1 :-; , not ,L\t·11 hul. Ll r1 lt 1i ._tl·fl1•d In hoth .... 1d1·-.o t 1 hl' r,1 ... t• :ind r1·fi 1 ~l·d t<1 g l\l' .1 \'l'fh.d d l'l'l:->1011 , \\'.il!HlJ.! llll!il lht• l'Jld 111 th1• hulld;1_\:.. lo f1 h · lu..., \\ rlllt•ll l't' port ll11\\ land-, :-..11d hi· h.1 ... 11•• 1dl',1 1,h,1 t lhl' p1 •r-,n11nl·l 1 ·01nn11~:-11111 II I! l ( !n \\ 11 11 t h1. 1·1·1·n111 Ill l'llil .t I lt)ll, Truckers Aid House Solo11s \\",\~ll l'.\(;'("(I\. I t 1'11 .\1 h,i-.1 !17 !!u11-,\' ll11'1l)h1•1 ... !'l' !'t'I\ 1·d !,!..,\ !llllllill' I 111.11ll i . .\ ilv\p jnr 111 v11 ft' 1·lt•4 111111 1'11111p;11 i.:t1" lr«1111 !h1· n.1111111 ., t r1 1cl..1n;..: 11 1 1lu..,1r\' \1!111·h 1\,1.., l11l1l111n;:: lor .1 hi}) ,l ]\(ll\ 1 ll f! b(•,1 \ lt'I' 1 f!H'k.., (Ill \Tl - ll'l'~t.t\l' high\\ .I~ .... Bt·nn('t! \\'1111ln1 ·1\. a \lt'l' pr1•..,1 d('Jlt of tilt' ,.\1111·r1t'<•ll 'l'r·uc:k111i.: 1\ssocia11on:-;. :-..ud 1nd ,1~· n111:-.l uf rh1· rnn1r1h11111n1~ 1\t.·r1· 1u:-,I ·a d r11p 1n the h11<'k1 ·t "' 11·lh·n t•nnl · p<.1rC't1 tu !ht• lo t .II .HllOllnl lll'('dl'd to r un a cu1npaii:::n. l'rcs itl l'nl 1··orcl S<•l urll av si;..:nt•d lh(' h~J:!i:-l :it1nn pc•rn1 11 t1n~ ;1 11 incr cn se 1n gross \\'CiJ.!ht to 80.1100 pound . ..; per 1r 11 ('k. ;in in- ('rl·;1 ~t' uf 1;,\):.!0 PVlHHIS o\'t•r the old lt'\'l•ls . ·01111e 04•1• P<lot ~1411 ( ir.111g(' Cuunt,\' ('prnn1·1 ··._ uf 11c 1~r :-. c Hn1plL·t1·d t h1·1r p ():-,1 nurr1l'1ll e'a n1 in~1t1tu141f1hc l11ul,,. 1d l ,1111 g Jt .. ·~u 'li :-Lud1•11\. Juhi1 \\'l\11.1111 1 ... ·r;1.-; tud ;1_,. '' 1th"u\ IJ1· 111 t.: ,.!111 · In dl'll'rn111~elh1· 1·.iust• nf dt-.1111 ill t!J l' :..t,·111U1Ji;ll!'11l ._1;1~ Ill!.! 'l'h1·.'· :1 11 • t·crt .un. h1 )\I 1·\'1•1 th,d ,1 \\ood r·n ,..;U!'\"t.'l'nr 't; _t;l~k.{• 1.1n1 n1 ed in1o tht' \·u ·t1n1·s hod ~ Ii\' .111 unk no\111 .;1:-. .. :1d"111 \1,1 -, \'l.H l"d I hl'l't' ;ifll'r lil1;!1h ·r1i.· rti!n1g 111do1_,. 1111·;1 11 -. 1h ,d 1·11 rnn1•1 :-;nlalyst:.. ''di 111111 h.i\ 1• 111 l'Otlfhn·1 111l\l'-l "fl)l-,tlll111lg \I)\ n ·olo).!ll"d !t·::-.1::-. on 1h .. · u1·g.1ns nl lilt• 17 ,\t';t r -nld \ll"\llll l o tl1· ll't"lllllll' \\ h;1t lllll'!"!l,il l';\llSl'~. d ,111~. l\·d Lu 11 1:..dt'.ll.h . '1'111',I ~:1H\ ll \\di ht• -.t'll't',d ,1,.111..~ ht·lor1· t hl'.' h.1\(' lhl' rv -"\Ill:-!)f llHl~t· lt•:-1'> J.vr:1-. 1111d1· ht1d .1· 11:1 ..; 111u11ol l\11,it111 g 1n !ht' ~11r 1 ot 1 !ht• ~nil S1 f4•1•1 ht.,1(·)t 111 Su11:-.t•I l~1·;1 v l1 l.1 .... 1 llt'l'kL'lHI ~ht·rlll :--. nlf1l't·1-~ h ;1\·c· h\·Pn u:i .1 hlt· tp l1lt'<lll' his ('luthin;..: 1•r pt•r .... o nal p n~ .. l'~"'1on" hu1 :1rl' :-..111 ... lil·d l l\d.i~· th:11 llt· dierl in :..111111• ut!11·r Jnea11on ;u1d 1\;.1:-c:;11· r11·d tu 1h1· bt'<ic h ~1r .. ·;1 h~ c.i1 . J)j ._('!ll'L'ry t)f !ht' ~t.11..1• 111 l h1· \11·11n1 ·~ r1•l'\t11n l1•d s h eriff:-; t,t 111 ·1·1:.. tn 1n1111t'cl1.1t1·]\ 1·1i111,1l·! \ 'u-.1.1 \l L':->,I pnll('l' \\ho .!f l' Hl ,, .... 1 1~:1!n1 :! \\h;il 1ht·.' h1·1l1·11· 11.1:.. .1 n111rdvr 111 lh lhl• ,;11111· l111,1rr .. ' l!\\'f!un1·:-.. :-.1rn1 l:1rl\'. 1·11ron1·r·-.. flfl 11'4·1·s 11,1\1· h1'l'rl u11.d1l1· 10 d1•lt.•r1111n1· ;Ii, •.HJ.~1' flt d.._.,,ifi 11f ,/,11111""" II. H1·v\1'. .... 1!1, 11ho~1· p .1rt1 :tll1 1·\uth1·ll hndy \1".LS found 111 1.1r111 1·u1111tr\· flll" lt1r1·;u11·:i Ho.11 1 111 .. 11 l·:J ·ro rn \I ;1 r inc Ctirp:-. 1\ 1 r :-.1.1l11 u r .1111nnth .1).!11. 'I 11\.1( 11\11g1c;i l 11'-.!-... :11 !' h1 •i11 ;.: !',11'1'11 •d (\ll1 111 th.it' .i-.(' 1\llh 11•• 1nd 11·.111<11l lt'I 11f \\hid l..1ll1 ·d th.- 11\llll;.! dnll '-!.h1111t h .1\..1·1· Jr11 rr1 !"1pr1· ... -..1 011111•·1· -..ull11 v1 ·.,, -,1\•I l!utl1 :-ll\'1"111 .... •1ll1t'1•1 .. ,1n1l <'0-,t.1 \Ji,:-,.1 p(1l1(·1· "('~·111 ... i1 1~tl! •I tod.1y t!i.d !ht·\• .tl't' ln1 •l.111 i..: lo11 Hill' 111.1!1 !1 1 ('0111ll'l"[l(1ll II lt!J lhl• 11111 l..lll1L1 i-!~ ·,\11tf \II ' ;111• "".ill..,111·(1 th:ll lh1·r .. • .irt' :-.lt'nll;..! h on1u,..,1•\.i1.il t11·l·rton1 '." to th1•:-.•' 11\o C':1:-;1•._," -.hl·r1ff 's in1·<' .... l1~.1l11r \\'1l l1 e :;1:1n:-.IJllry s:ud tud;iy_ Horsernan Dies ():\'T ,\f~IO f l .fll1 --l.C'1'r,I!{' /\. i\l .. ·lt1.1'I', :!Ii, 11·;1;-; kdlf'rl :'llonday \\'h('11 the hnr..,l· ht• v. :1s riding s ud· 1l1·nly liol\(·d . thrn,1·111;..: hin1 u1to the s1dl' ur ;i l)u1 ld1n i.:.. Council Action ' llt·r•· 111 <'aJ):--.lllt.• forn1 arc the ma.1rn· a l'tton~ tak('n i\\ond:1y ni ght hy the lluntingtun Uc L1<'h Cit y Council ' l •. \:"<tiO USE: ltc fe rred a series of propost:'d zon1n J! p11!i ey l·h ;1 ngcs uffcciing.2,000 acres to the eity attorney for :i \Vt'1\lt'll re · porlon their l~~nl impacl. 1\:\'IJ\t i\l .CONTROL: Asked the n C \V anim;il ('~rr and r·nnlrc1l c o m rn 1ss1on lo ~t ud~· the fl·~~ibili ty of trans fc 1·r ing th1· 1·1t~ ~ rlut ic:. tot h t:' Orange County /\nin1ul Shelter. TR 1\NSIT: Supporlcd a resolution suggesting that d1rr1·1r1rs o f thl· tlrang1• County 'frans 1l Dis triet :..hou\d be cil'('ll.d r .1l hcr than ;1ppointcd Pl.1\N"~E ll : 1\cc,~11t ed the re~iQ.nalion of Plnnnill e Con1 rtiiss ion(·r J o~eph I". Boy le. a coll ege t e8eher v;ho is tuking <.t :-.alJ· halic;1l lc;111 ·. Oil:\ N lJ ll S l~Rl': SC'tllt.•d most of the Oda Nur~ery cnn· trovC'rsy hy refus1n~ to dc('l<irc it a public nui~H1ncc, but n llowed it to continul' onlv u11Ucr condition it be careful with t.hc use of pes ticidt:'s ;ind (it her v.·ork procedures neighboring residents had l'Omp\ained ;ibo ut. "-I _, ,l I Cor~1 S1cor11 111 1:orn1L·r :isseinhl.\ n1an K f'nnctl1 l'o r~. :i5, nl' C~:irdl'tl (iro\'l' I ;1\.:c..; t Il l' 0;1lh o i' office a s state eontr1)llj·r ;is his '' 1ft'. !.1Jl·dll'. holds ;1 l{ihlc. ('ory :-,c rvcd 1n the l\~:-ic n1bl .Y s 1nt·1· 194;11 Bandits Get $240 In Two Robberies H,,nrt1!-. ... t·oopt.•d S2·10 frun1 t·.1~h r ... ·i..:1-.t l·r-. nf ;1 lluntington lh .,1c h :-.hot· :-lor 1· :ind .1 t"tlll\'1•- !lh'!ll'<' 1n.1rl..1•! 111 \1t 11 ~l'fl.11'.l!e "' n11•d 111hh .. ·r1\'"" 1\Tnnday ;ind In- ~ !, I .1 . \ ... ntll' rol1h1·1' t'l •·cl h(' !urned t11 ;q1+>lo1i,:1/t' 111 tl11• t·l~·1k . tJh:-L'l'\'Lll ~ • fl h.11'd tl11lt'"·" S111f!"t·d 1n !1 1-; porkv1 ''"~1 s h i ... f .11..1· :1ho111 S iil tr11n1 Lh1• Stop II 1:11 \l.1 1\..1·1 .J! 1 -;-t~~ J~l';ll'h HI\ d. \I .1 •1 11.11 t1'1 p .11..,1 1n1d n1 i:,:ht 1u d .11. lliv h,111d1\. 111·;1r1ng 110 :-.h 1r1 ,!llil :0-1101 I I flt: ,I fill! )•'\I ;\l ~lllt'hll 1111n1 ..,1 ,,, 11 .. -.11•pp1·il lo lh l'' 1·011nh·1· 111 1h1· n1.11·kt•!. pol1c·~' .-•. ]"1r11·d ·1 h1• 111.111 ;dl1 •:,!(•dly po1n!t.•rl 1\h,1! 1'n1dd h.l\'t.• ht'l'l1 ;1 gun ltl · ,.;1dt• .1 p,qh'r ha).! :1! ;1 rh•rk and 1111<1 hin1 (1111,· \11·0 1\·01·d ~. ··11 ·s cipl'n .'' (;r l'\'L' thl'n open('d the d r:t\\C'r nt tlll' C';1-.h r1~gis1 cr. ~n(I lh1· r111Jl1l'• r ... -.1l·h .. ·ll 0\1.•r for t hl' 1nunt.·Y. p1il 1l·c said. 'l'h1• hanc\1!. :.dll'g('<I!~ t'f'fUS('d h :llf d n ll;11·s :.ind pc nni1·s t h l· e](•rk. ull\·t't'd h11n . ..;:1~·111 g, .. \'ou keC'p lhf' PL'tlllll's.·· l~ut a :-the n1 :.111 h ·1L th1· :-.lnrt'. hl' .1rlm1tl\·J In (;rt•Vt'. "l!"s ll:ird t11111 •:-; ·• 1\11 ,1t'll\L'd rnhl)1't' n( ;1 diff1·r1·nt (l(·::.c r1p11011 h<'ld up !he ~111111•\ S hoe StPt'1' a l t7:lfi2 l~l·:1e h J{i,·d . •.1tM · 1:, p n1 . i\lo11Ji1 y . '20 MINUTES' TO SELL ITEM ''It sold the first 20 n11nutC's th1· ;HI \\:IS out Ill lhl' p .:i pl'l·. ;ind !ht• phonl' 1:.. :-.lill r in g ing off thl' hook ." 'fhal 's the s uCCC'SS s tory told hy !he l rvinC' n1;1nwho pluccd t.h1sud 111thc l)ai\,,· l>Liot · (OH R :0.1 \\" 1600 , 1\ ;\I 1 f-'i\T , rad. I 11·t•J1. I lr1 ~ tlU'llL'I , C.OtlU(l 1·1u1J .S!lfl.), \:\:\ ~SXX tr ,·ou 1:1 re looking fn r ii f11st s ale, tilll .642-5678. l'ut ;1 f,.,,, 1vords to wol'k for you in the right place. Thl' Daily l"'ilot. '1 ,\ n1;11 1 \\"1th rnou:-.l;iC'hL• ;ind h1 •,1l'd dt'-,{'l'lhl•tl .IS :-.t:r:tg;..!I\ :1 ... k1 ·d llle -..1],·-,n1;1n .. J.1n1e:-ll :il1-. lh71il \'11•\\ pu1nl \.;1 n~-. \lu n! · 111gtn11 flt'.H·h , !o1r· a p.11r of hoot -. 11\ ... l /•' 10 \\ ht•il h:Ltllh',\ l'IJ11)\(J,\(• /\nl,\' F;.1 ~ln1.111. llt1nt1nµ1nn ll1 •Jl'h . r.111 ~ 1hl' lu)o\~ up !Hl 1h1· •·ash 1·1· g1 -.\1 ·1·. ~ l1v h,1ndll .ill1·;..:1'dl\' p 1Lll 1·d ;1 , Li (",d1hv1 · p1 :-l1)I !1 u111 1n-,1d t' 111..; ~1i 1 r!. Raw Alcohol Takes Seco11d Grove J/ictim H;1\\ 1ndu -,t1 ·1.d Ld<·ohol. hnlllt'(I • ind l.1ht.•lL'd "\\'hilt• l,1ghtn1ng" ""' i.:itts l<H' g u ... ·sls al a ~t '\V \'1.,1r '-... l·:\1· p .1 rl\ 111 (i:irtlt•11 (;10 )\l', h.i..; t•l,11 1n 1·d it s ~l'l'(llld Ill'' i\l1 •!v1 n lloln1e ..... :12. :t tr111·k d rl\'l'I'. dil·d !\l111Hl :1\ 111 ()r:ing v t 'i11111l1 \l l'dic.11 t 't•111cr. fo11r dH~:'> :ill l'f' !1 1-. \llh', ill'hl'l"l'd . :JU, 11.1 .., f1111nd rh»1d tin 11\L' fln111· 41] th1•1r 1111111 .. • .d 1 IX4 il l"\;11·1l1·tt St J'o\i t'I' \\'t 'l'l' ,..,llllll11uth'd !11 llH' 11011 ... t' ta._1 'l'h11r . ..;1t;11 ;1flt•r ;1 11l'li.!hh!ll" ht'(',\11\l' ,..,IJ ... pl('IO l l ~ 111·1·.111. .. l' s h1· l..111 •\1 th\' t·1)11p!1· h:1d llt •t'll 11 1 NL'll \'1·:11":-. II.IV. (Jt l1 t't'r.; lnt1nd :\I r~. l l11llnl'" dl~~1d .111d ht.·r l111s b:.i11d unl'o nsciou:-.. llnt\IPs of tilt• d 1•adl,\' :dc11hol '' ('1·f' 1uund in tile· housl'. 'l'hL' coupl1..· ~q>part•ntl y diC'd r1·01n ingl':-lin).! nll'lhy l alcohol u:-t'tl in 1ndus 11·y. l'oli cl' :-.aid the lr~1 gcll y hc.•g:1n 11·h 1..·n llo lm1..·:-.. 1\'ho \\'orks for a I .on g l\l'::t C'h fr1•1ght ft rm . found ti lht't'e-g allon ho1tll' of c·l<'<•l' liquid \\'hu:h ht~ thnu,:?ht w~s drinkahll'. llolmc!S hol tlcd th1· lll'tidlv II · quid in contain ers ~ind l:llit.•lc<1 lh\·111 "\\lh itc J,iµht.n1ni.:. ·• Ont· \llher part y 1.:Ut.'...;1, l·:d\\1<.11'<1 ~l at11l, a ll('l,t.:hbor. ht·4·a nll' di ;1ft t't' drinking 1h1· 1nd11s tr1:1l all'{)hol. but h l' \\;1 s ~l\"('11 m edical atlcntinn :inti \\;1s n1 >1 Se!,"IOUSly llffcClC'd 'Pollce \\'il!'llCcl Olht•r n,·i~hhurs \1'ho r1·c·1•1\'l•d ll4)l1]1':-i :ii 1he p;irt y 1oflt'Sll'tl\ lh1 •1ll • ho ur:-. 01 o\11•rl irnl'. \1 llil1· h1· -..1 1cl 1lh1"'l olllt'l'r'" \\11!'k l\11\\' th.1l .111111t11ll St1·phv11-... .... 11d lh.d "II' :->I ll'\ l',\ -,, h"I\ l'I l'1 ', :-.h1111 :t! 111'1 1'<'111 nl th1· nllu·1·1'" .111 1111! llul I.. ( h.1 l t'' l i .1 l' I :.;Jit huLlt l'h1•, unll .ti·\ 111.1\tl'l 1111\\ \I ill he d 1•1·11h•d h ,\ lllv t "1t1 1..·.11111\·tl l11 ·l11rt.' ,+ 1'Hlll11 ht",H'Lll; . .: ('11\ 11111('1,+I-; ,-.,11ol 11 111,1 I 1 \llll•• lip ,11 l1llL1gh\ "ij '1 I \•It I.. I O/lll,1 'd !ll!'l'\l!l;.:. e ? • Deadly Pattern Probed 1~1 .\1 .. \:\ l)IH1'1.'\' 0! IM O•olY f"+o• l'1 1l1<·" !r11n1 :-.1•\·vr;d L1\\' ;tg L'll• <"ll'~ .11·l' (•11 1n 1>11\l1 1i.: 1 ·(Jor1~ to pr"hl' ;1 -,l1 11vl..1ng ~t'l"l l':-> of 111u 1·d1·r .... nl .'~)\I ll ~'. tll t'll 1n .Suulhl:rn { '.1I1 l11r111 .1 l'ull l'\' .itt' 11111 •s 11 ;.:~1t i n ~ lht• hr111.d 1h·:11h-. 11 1 .1 1 ll'.t .... 1 to 1111·11 ;1g l'd t I (]Ill I / I\ 1 :_!·, 111 \ lit' I ,1 :..t 1 \\!I .\ t ' .I !' -, I ll II Ji I l" IJ I h t,.' l'Ll"('tll!!~l a111 ·l·~ :11'1' :-,\11111.ll . ··11 ;di d 1 •p1~nds \\h11 1q11 l;dk lo.' ( 'o:-L t ;\h-.-.;1 lll'll·..,·11 \l' ~11•\t' '\,t._h ._,111! .'-i11n11• ollll't ·r s hnd 1·.irrt·l.!111111 -. in I:! u r t:I t1 .... 1th ..... I l111d ll .1rd t 'l!I ri·l.1111111 ... Ill .It ll·.:i .... l J tJ ' 1 l'h1• l\l tl ld ~··· lll\Ol\1' \UlLllg n1t.·n h1 ·l tl'\'1•d lo ht• hvn111:-.v~uoll:-.. Ht )thl':-0 1d' llil' lll lH"1h·1· \"l('\llll' h :1\ ,. h v t'n lt)U11d in L :1g11na ... Bt.,1t·h . Ir \'!111.'. S 1·:1I lll.'a c h, :.;u11 .. 1.:l lll',1ch, l.ong B+·;u·h . I.us •\1n!t'l1·-. :-;.in l ~t'r11.1rd1110;1t1d 1111 · 111·1'1."d t 'oi111l.\. [)l•l , \.';1:-,1l ._.11d \IH'I•' \ll'l'l' l'Or· 11 ·1~1 1.1011~ 111 lhv dv;1t h -., ln ~11 ggcst olll' p1 ·r:-<•ll 1..., r1 •-,p1111 .. 11ll1 • for· :d i lih' ni urdvr ~hut h<' \\·uuld 11111. g ive \Ill' 1">11111\.11'11 ll'S l)1•\. i\.1-.h :-.o.ud. h1n1'1•\'1·t , 1h;il t!us t\l'l'k 111• 1..; t:dk111g to guy group:-111 ()r;.1ng t• ('1111111 .v 1(1 \\';trn 1l11·n1 pf 111 .. · ilL":1dl.v p .11\l'rn th ;1 t 11.1" h 1•1·11 v:-.t;1hl1-,hl·cl ~1 1111 lo .... oltc1l llll·11 · "lipport Ill ht•lpini.: to 1r.it:I.. tltJ\\ 11 \h\· kJ\l1·r Ill· plann~·d tnll..s 1n a i.:rou p al lh1.· l ·11it<1ri.1n ('hul'l'h 1rl .\n.1ht•1 1n. ;111<1 '" .1 )..!roup ,ol l ht: (;:1,\ t ">l\1 111\ll\ll\' (\•111.1r, l 't):-,{;1 ;\!1· ... ~1 lh1:-'l 'hur:-d.i~ t'\t•111ng. ··1 h.t\'\' ·• t'1)t1pl1·11t L11111le11t 1f1l'd 1 it·111n s. :111d p1·1·h;ip-; lhl·y L'i.lll ht•l p 1dl't1l1I 1 1111·111 ." i'\,1;-.h ... ,11d 'l'hl' d v 11<'tl\L' ~.11il 1h:it .il one ti 111 1· 1111· P••lll'" 1111 1 l..1'd "11 lhl· l h t'!>I\ tl\~'d1 ,111\-,\ll'l'I" l!'l">111ll">~lr ._,1 d !1111.i:-1u·li1-,rll 1 .1r1 ll'd 111 t.'.\- l I ':">~. ~,1 ..,IJ ..,,l ld poll!'\' .Ill' 110 \V lh1 'Ul"l /Lll;..!. Iii<' kill•·)· 111.ol ht• .1 I I 11 '-.I'\ (j 11 I '' t), • 1 ll • II 11 )I h11rll••..,1'\i1 ,1I p 11 'li'l•'l1L , .. , 11111 11ho 1\.11 1·-, I IJ , .,,,. I 1<!1lp1 +l .. 11111 -... 111 I 11nI ~<·11 .1 111 I I )11 I l' I 1•1 l' I.. 1 I l" ll11lllll ... •' \. >l,l 1 .. Plant Da111agf'd S ,\.'\ Jl ll·:(;{) (,\!') IJ;1n1;1ge ln1111 :1 fl1 l' en thl' (;t'lll"l'al 1\t nn1 ic C11 pla11L ;1 \ ·ro rr' 1~1 nes \\":L:-. l1 s 1- ~·d toil.iv ··1n C\l'l'"'S 11f Sl21l.OCJ0 • 'l'ht• 1irt; t r;tf't'cl 10 <I (aul\,\ p u\\1'1' t111·tl !lid h1·.1\·y d ;1nl<1)..;t' 11\l'I' l ht.! \\1 'l'k1 ·nd to :• ron1plHl'I' f;u ·l11lY lL"1·d tor pruc:cssing r .. ·:-.1·ar l·h d,1\a. \1(1 .-.11 .1· t•lnudv lh ro11 g h \\'cdnt'-.d ;1 ~ \\"l1h :-.1-.'1!1·1·1·d 1lr1 L1l1·~ nig ht :ind n1orning h1111r:-;. l 'oolL·r :1ys. lli g h:-. 11c;11· fjt/, 1.0 \l :-. tonight nccn· 50. l:\SIDE 'l'OUA\" 1'·1111111 H1cllrnotul li.os a11 HJ· /crt'~/11111 "''CflfJllf1nn -sh.-roud test .~ 1111·11. 111 f>t.'d. Jur a l.nndu11 "1t•11'.' 1111111az1111· -a slrn119e cu r«i·r 111r o i-u·a r'.~ dauylill!r. Se1' /\111~· ,\ i. •...... ~ Erm.a 8oml"t lt Bl MOv•t\ ri. l .M 8Qyd A l~ M..,1 ... ~1 Fund• Alf C.aHlOffl <d AS N•h9ft•I N•"'\ A4 Cl•~tol•t<I B• n 0••-County Al C0'1'1•C• Bl p..,pl• II 1·1 Crol~worll Bl Svlv!I Porlt• All) D••lr.Nol•(~• 11.• ~M•U B4·' ""I ' 0 !nl~1·1n"'"'' A11n l..•fldtr• "· "' " "' ·•1• ro·l~Y•••on ' ...... 1 ••• Wt,Ul'ltf WorldNtwt , A 10 ,. " •• .. •• I .'A% DAILY PILOT . H /F TUMday,January7, ,g75 Ocean View Teachers Eye 15% Boost B y r ,\TT\' Rl1R!'<rril'·:·rr Ot ~ °""' Polol \1.tll 1'eac·hC'rs ;1..,kL"d Uc ·l·.tll \'u•\\ School 01:.tricl t rus lt'l':>-f\l1Jntl .1y tbr salary increases which could ~mount to m orl' lhan 15 Ji. .. ~rc..-nt OV('1· thi s year's h~sc pa). rJ'hc• reqUl'Sl t·an)C ill a p:lrk:1g1• o f salary, frin ge be ne fit ~uH1 policy change proposals prl'scut- ed lo the s chool board for ~tudv h~· the Huntington Beach dis· lr ll.'l 's Certificated Employes ( . .'1111ncil. The council's package la:.t )'ear c rtc·a ted a conlroversy in lhc clt :-trict whic·h rt·sulted in :t ()111'· d.1y l e~ec·h l·r·:,.-.tl'lkc . "\Ve hope last year won't be ~1 precedent,'' fJarry Vitcov, prcsi- t.lt·nt of th£> couneil , .said today. "No teacher "'ants to s trike." 'fhe :;u l ury in treast! th e • t eachf'1·-; ~t·,·k \\•ould hC' t1l·tl tn the nut1011.tl ("in ... urnl'r l'r1tt' ln1h·11.. V11 cov stiul. lit! ::.;ud s uc h an Ill· l'J"(',lt>t' V.'ould .1n1111111l l•J alu•ul J5 Jlt_·1·rt· 11 I_ J t p r1 ·:.t•HL 'fhe m f•thrid of dcter1111nir1g salary by 1h1..· 11un1ber of e dul'<i· l ion;d uni ts :i lt';11·her ~1dd s dur- ing his career also \vou111 be a lte red unde r the (·nu11eil pro- pos a l. 'J'C':ithers h ave <.1skl'd. loo. th.i t h e>a llh ins urance nnd dl"nt a l in· ... 111 .1111•;• he e'l.lt•ndt>d to 1·11v .. r lhl·tr f;int11ies. V1\(·ov ~~1 l1! fu ll frin1i ly c ove rage. \\'ould <.1n1ounl t o u n increas e from $5UO to roughly $1,300 ix:.r ycc.tr in fringe bt·nt•l 11 s lit• :-.11d th" l.''!t('nrlt'd ,.,,1t·r.1 ~t· l\1•llhl lfli! ()!·,•.in \111.'\\ l1·.11•ht•1' . IT\1 I[ t' 111 I 1 Ill '\\ llh I J'lllj.!t' lit•ll•'l 11 •. Ill ntllt'I" ()f'~Ult-:.V 4°tJ\lll\y tit " 1ri1·t s •· l'olu·y 1 h;i11g1·s 1111• \t'!h 'h1 •1 .... \\'llllld hkL' In !'>1·1• in l 'L't'lll l V11·11· 1n1·Judt· r1 •du1·11011 of lht· ;1vt·1 .q .. :1· t.•l;..is::> !'l ll i ', .l dl'llliJfH I lt•lt •!\t'I" I 1 9111 t !11· ~ 111 111).! lll't.!.011,11 ion". '\'1•.i1,lu·1 11.11 !1t·1 11:1l1011 111 lh1• 1•1 .du.it t\111 .u1il ..,,•l1·1·r 1dn nt I'' 111 o 11'.d :> 1:-0 .!llU1Jit•I d t11,q11J" I L'ljUt'!'>l 1 n l lh' ('I•'.(· 1•111p1> .... d 1 .. ! lt1· huard ·r1i1· 1·1-:1 • .11 ..... 11:1 .... 1:-.k1·fl 1"1· 111011' ~1,,·1·1 .tl t'd t!\ 1111•!1 !t'!lt'ht'l 'i !111· ... t11d1 ·1ll :-\\ql1 :.p1 •t•1;1I· prn- IJl ,·111.., .111d 1111· .illi1·1 ·, 111 lll'l".tS: ...,lli"lr -'" p li .\"H'.1 1 1·11!11. ... 1\HH\ ~ti l l llHl!'>lt 1 \'1tl·u ~ ;:,.ud, I ~ ~;. I -.Y ' . $400 Rebate? Chrysle r 'R e adyin g Offer;' NEW YOI-lK IJ\T') ·-Chry:.l1·r Corp. i s pre parini:: lo offer Custom c-rs reli;1t<·" of $200 lo S.lOU on -.on1e ca r s and trucks , the \V al I Street J ourn a l :.aid today. -ThC' nc"'SP:lJ>('r ~•11d 1n <.I s tor y (ram D e tro it th at Chryslc•r plans to announ c·l' the p!:1n in advc·rttSl.'lnl'nt !-, this weekend on t h1..· nat1o nal- Jy l1..· lc ,. is t·d Supl'r 1\111\ I fclOI ha 11 g:.i m<'. ' Chrvs ll.'1· \\'(H1't nlfll'iall v rC'cluce the o ffi c i:_il "s tiekl'r" pril'l'S on _Cj;ar::;, ihC' J o urn:il s:nd , hid \Vil! le ll cuslorr1t•rs tha1 lht•Y ~·1 11 ~£·l m oney b ack fru1n l.'hrysl1..•r on c:.1 rs they buy or o rcll'r during the nex l fi ,. e ~·eeks 0 1· su. The n1..'\VSp;J1x•r said it unde rs tanlls that C hrysler y,.·i[l announce • each WCl'k thl• models eligible for lhe refund. Chr.vslcr dl.'clincd to confirn1 or d e n y the priC'e cut pl::in, l hc J ournal S.'.l id. Chrys ler, the nation's No. 3 auto m ~ik cr, h .'.ls arcumulalc d som(' of lhc l:i r·gcs t in1·('n\ories o f unsold c;irs in the s lum p th~1l h..1s ;1f- . fected all <':ll'S<..dl.'!-,. C Relate d s tory, AI OJ ' U.S. Navy Carrier On Mystery Tour SUBIC BAY. Philippines (UP[) n ected-With anything going on in -A U .S. f\;avy tas k force led by Indochina." t h e nuc le a r carrier U SS En-Beecher said the Enterpris e t e rprisc s <.1ilcd from the J1hilip-:ind 10 e s cort vessels, inc luding pines t o day after Communist the nuc lcar ·po\.'.'ered gu1(ie d mis- t roops infl icted a major n1ilitary s ilc c r uiser J_.ong Beach . 'vere d efea t on South Vie tnamese gov-s teaming southwes t, and no t \.'.'Cst ernn1e nt forcl.'s. t oward Vie tnam. Ford·::. prC'ss secr ete.t ry. R on 'fhe dirC'c:l ion \\•ould put the En- Nesse n. d l' nied in \V a s h i ngton -~~~~~==.,.,-ccc:'--:-::-=:--- that t he no:1val task force .,11as REOS OVERRUN S. VIET h eading fo r South Victnan1. PROVINCE, Page A4 The J>res ident "i s con cerned terprisc on 3 course tO\\'ard the and h e is \vatching I.he s ituatio n· Strait of J\lalneca, the e ntrance to closely" but Y.'ill abide by la\\'S the Jndian Ocean. On a s tra ight passed by Congress 18 m onths l ine fro n1 Subic Day. 50 miles ._,go ba rring U.S. rnilit<1 ry activi· northwes t of Manila. t o the Slr;Jit t y over I ndochina. N('Sl'i C'n said. ()f I\'l a lacca, the tas k force \l.'Ould f "ord put off for :..1..·vcral hours :'.l: p ass about 350 miles from the meeting w ith his chief e conomic South Vietnamese coast al the a d visers t o confer with Secretary c.:loscsl point. of Slate Jlc nry A. Kissinger andJ Apart from rulin g out Vie tna m d eputy n a tional s ecurity affairs \\'a lc r s. Beecher re fused to sa y ad viscr 13 rent Scowcroft. ,1·he r c the s hips \Vere headed. The P e ntagon n <.1 t1y de nied the ",\s a llOl"nial proct·durL'. "'l'd o n a\'al fo r ce \V as he:iding for South not disc u :.s opcr;__ition.:d movc - Vicln;i 1n~1nd :::;pokesn1an William mcnts .·· he sai d .''lt 's a Beecher said lhe sailing of the longsta nding p r :ict1 cc not to say vessels "i::. n o t in <.iny ..... ·ay con· ,~·he re s hips ~re going until they f;l't lhl'r e .'' Six Seeking ;Board S e ats · : A total o r six persons. incluclinh t'brce incumbents, htlV(' fil ed ror .lfficc in the i\lar<:h ·1 trustee (·lec- .¥o n of thl' l~oa ~l Con1n1un1ty ColJe,gc District. 'fhe Navy l'ia id the l·~nt erpri s e h:1d bee n in Subic Bc.ty :c;incc NC\\/ )"ear's C\"C and "':l.S :;cheduli:d lo ~;ii i later this w~ek . l3ut BC'c..·<:hc-r :-.:.i1d the sailing d ate "':lS n1ovt~rl ft lf\\':-trd .. ;1t least :l C'ouplc of \\'t'l'ks ;1go'' ;ind sonic tl"l..'"·n1t'n "'ho h acl IJl'l~n on \'acation lcavl.' in !he l "nited Stalf's W('rc ordered L:.itk to Sub1c p ay early. F rom Page Al DIEDRICH. • : "l'hrcc s1.•:1\:-. arf' scheduled to °b<'<'nmf' '.icant. 'rhcy arc 1101v (leld by \\'ililarn Kcttl<'r. Jlunt- :tn g-tnn n l':ith: D onal cl I I off, itl id11;i y C'it y, an<\ l{nhcrt llum- tJh rcys , l 'osta i\l c:-.;i /\ll l hrcc ·~a1·c fi!f'<i for rC'·l'lt'ctinn. pr1·d1t·t n1·\v <lt•\'l~lopment pro- hl l..'1n:-;. it's rJc;_1r this is g(11ng tu l)C' :1 di f l'i 1' u 1 t yC':1 r." he s;ud. : Ch:illt·n!"!i ni;:! 1'-<·ltll·r is 1'1rs. l..ynd;i 'J't)\lllC !\lll:-.S , 2108 1 ~1r :Jlh n1o(Jt' J.:lnl'. Jlunlinj:!lon ~cat·h , :1 u111Yt'r:-.1ty profl':-.snr. floff's s(':1t is h1·1ng conl.csll·d h;v f3u1·t .J nhn .... nn, R74 '.:! \VC':-.tn11 nstcr Ave., \VC":-.tn11nslt•r, ~i n 1.·cluc;ltnr, itnd J 111111 phr1•ys' hy G. (:ndfrt'Y S and('t'tl , ~7 1>1 $;i11<lpipcr J)r1vc. <..:u~t .J i\l l·:-..1. ;1 11 .1!torncy. ORANGE COAST Mlf f)1edr1 <·h predicted cont1nuin~ vrobl~·rn;.. \Vl1h ,J11,·cni le ll;1J I, ()r:1 nµ1· ('ount.V f\.Y ed ical Cenlcr .inti 11nr:111111: 1·1·r)rg;1n1 1.:1l1on of l h~· {'011111 .\ !Jt1r1·dlll'f',I('~. I 11 the rl':dn1 nf r1·nrg;i ni l:1 ti<1 n , f)ll'dt'!t'h ~:11d he "'tll prC'SS f11r ltH·n1:11 1nn l•I ;i p1•n plv :-.c·r vJ<'l'S :q.,:l'nt·y .d(ln.l!, the :..1n11· hn<'S a s 1hc f•ount!-'"s fir::.t ~i1p1•1·;igc ncy \\rhll'h \\'J\I d\•;d "ilh l'll\'I J'Ull lllCll· • t.Li und planning matter:.. Zone Change Held Council She l ves .5 A nie11dn1e1 1t s HEADS GOP UNIT Bad ham Aide Ward Ed w ·ard New GOP Chairman Ed\\';_1rd F". \liard Jr., top <iidc t o ,\ s s c n1 b t \' nl an Ro !J er t lladhan1 ( R-Nc,vporl RL'aC'h) was elected l\1onday as cha i rman_ of thc,Orang:c c·ounty llt·publi can C1.·ntr;il Con11n1tte1.•. lly 1' l·:R RV C0\'11.1~1·: 0111\e 0..1ly Pilot 51~11 I\ scri1..·s flf z1 1111n g p o l ic~· <.'h ;ing1·s :1 !fl'('{l ll)..: ~.O~IO lJ Cl"l':> of l;111cl \1';1s s 1..·11t tu tht• <.·1t y :11101-nf'..\ l\lond:1y nig h t fllr a \Vrit11·n re· po rt on the lcg<.tl i1n p;_jct 11f thl' suggesl C'd eh~ngcs . After ;.1 lengthy public h t••1ri 1ig. Tncn1be rs uf the <·1ly counc il d1 ·· <'idl.'d nol to in1mL'dialL'ly :idnp! l"l\'t' un1(•11drnC'nls to th!! l;1ntl u::;1.: clt·n1t·nt nr lhl· g l'lll'l·a l pl;_111 . l'1lunciln1 ;_111 J l'rr.v l\-l;.1tn(•y :d:.•• \\'atltl.'d the l'il) "s llC\\' l'.'cullOll\t\" :1dv1so ry comrnission lo r1•\•1t·\1r t hv t·h;inges. co1nment in g that. h1· ,,.,.s ";1 little hit :.1palll·d this rl'· pnrt h ~1dn 't b1..11..·n l'V;1lu:ll1•d h.v 1Ht1" ll'gal coun:::;c l ;111d t'l'•,nn1n11..· :1d,·1.-;ors." l~u t 1\1 :1 I ney b acked off h a 1 r h is 1·1..·q l1t.•:.l \\"he n !\otayor 1\I Co1..·n pointed 0111, "\\"l'·r c <t\\'iJ l"l' '''c <hin 't have <.1 n _v money to pay for il (1·cntr:il p c.tr k expans ion J.1'hl'y <hin 't h::ivc l o tl.'ll us.·· ('i t_v Attorney Don IJonfa \\'~I s a skl·d to r(•port bac k 1n :w d;1~ !-> .. 'l'h e proposl"d gcnl·t-;.il plan cha n t:1..·s \\'OU\d a f fec t ftv1..· ::;epa r~1 tc t"ity sectors: lhl' lO\l'll l•)l:-i, th(• eity h;i \I ~t re:l and old lo\\'n. :1 la r ge sect inn south of the ('l'lllrul p;1rk , Sunset !!e ights . :i nd a bln('k of Li nd <.iround t lH' ·r o "·n ~in d Country s htlpping l'l'lll1•1". i\I ;i n y of the suggc:.tcd ch:.1ngl'S \\'l.'I"(' cl0\\'11 1.0lllllj..! llll.':JSUl'l'.'>. ;111 1•ffort !1) reduC'l' l)l.Jtl•nt1al hous ing d('llS ll l l'-;. J~ul tile n1n~t cr1tit·:1l <.ir1..•a in· \Ol\t:'tl l hl' Hl5 l argely uu· de\'1..•lop1..•tl ;1cr1..•s south of the t1..:n· tral park. !\di l·'o!-,\t'I', s peaking f11r the <'h.1n1ll1..·r tif co1nmercc, tht• The 43-yC'ar-old \\l;,irll . :i Co~ta J\l cs;i r e.sld\•nt and Nc\\·port l~ca,·h in s urance n1 :1 n , ::;ta!fl·d - 11;.iclham 's Orange Coast office for four year s. 1·t'1)fl1)n1i1· :1 d \'i:-.ory e11n1n11ss ion Jlls l'l1..·e tinn l<I tht• 1111 ) (;l)I' ,ind th1..• llun11nglo11 ltC'<.iCh Cn rn - p,1ny, 1;1J11..•t•ll·d to ~t SCt't ion of tht' JlO!-,l ean1e :is ;1 s u rprise bC"c;ui se f . I" , . ·, rl s th it \."l'\I iort pnl1 ('y ch:nl;.!l' \\ hil'h :-.Uj.iJ.:t.:s\t·d o 1....1r 1tr lllhl · • · 1 1h. l" t\' ~11011ld ·1cr111irr ;1n :iddi· !:~each IJ\\'Ver Alexander Uo\Vil' _ t 1 · ~· • had the ciectinn s1..·v.n tip. But !Hin.ii I 1 l ;il·rcs fnr tile ('l'nlral l{o,,·ie let it be ktHJ\\'11 i\1ond,iy 11 ''.1.."r ·r,• ·1 11 dot·s nHirc· to cornn1it 111orn1ng he \.'.J::i (1Ut \1f \!it' i:on-lht• 1..·11~ lo :.i n1aJur J'1nanc1:1l dt.:· t l'.~I . t'!:->H>rl th;1n 1-; 1nll·nded,'' l•'osll'r Al:->11 f'letl('d :it !hf' Sanl:t ,\na m1..·c l1n g: \Vere l>r. \\"1!li:im '1'1·..1 i..:11L' <>f Nc\\·port Rc<1<:h, \'ICC ch.11r rn.111 , l.<ns 1.undb\'l'J..! of J •• 1 J la\Jr;i, \\ (H)lc!l'.., \"ife th;.nrn1:n1, ;111d !)~1v1d tlat<':> o f L :-i l"'a ln1::i, ll'l'a:.urcr. ·rtil,.' 11nly cnntc:-l('cl Joh was th~1t 11f :-0C'l't'et:1rv. "hil.'.h \\':i:-. captu1·ed l1 v Jo,11111~ C'oont1. of Orani::c. d '.1 u g hll·r uf the late .t:-.· ~1·111111~ 111 .111 L"h;u·\e~ C'h;.1pel. Sh1.: d··t1';11l·l.I t".1nn1e Jlll'Jtk :ind Jan ll1 u•t'. \\';1rd ~111•fc Pd " (:ror j!c f)1 ,l.d1,1111 \ •ii 1:u1Jer1o n \\'110 \\·.1s uu ~l,•d l r11n1 t!l!• JOii l.dt· I.i s l year l o ll o\11ni.; tilt· 1l1 .... 1:-.1rr)US l!vpt1lll1• .111 t·lt·t'fl111l dcf1·:d. 11\ \,n, •'1111!.·r "l'llt· ( 1\1111(1• l)l·11111cr.1 \H' (\·n · ••h:.l'r\·t"l . ···rhC' la\v s;1y s y11u 1·;.1n·t build anythin[! that i::,n 't in 1 ht• Id nd USC l' 11..• lllC'lll." l·-n:-.tt·r ;.ind othc1· s pokl'Sml·n :d ... o :-.uggl•:,t<'d a propos;d lo put J";J ;11·rl'"' into l'~la l t.: hon11 ·.., 1:.!n,OOll :.c1u:1rf' ftlol lotsl 0 \\'o uld l1k1..•\\1sc h.1\t' a :-l'rious f1n..1nl'.1:d i1n p ;1 c t nn lbt· ('J\~·. /'Intl :1n1 11ht·1 l"1l 1cy su g~l..'sl11)1l llH' .11·q111..,1!1nn of l'.! ;ll'l"•'S f11r' t'lt_v \l,dl P'l'·ll\..,1011 "'~I" Vi t'\\'C'<i ·'"' :1 f,1r·r1·.1lh1ni:: C('.onon11<.: d e <:1sion . l't ;111n1n 1! llirf'('for J)1 ck I farl11\\' :,aid 1\1 • clldn·t hcl1cv(' ~:i pql1cy \l uu!d h111d lh·• 1·1ty lo l;1nd ;1r1111 p.1 !111n 1111\d zu11t: ch.111 g e::. \\ t'I'(' :1 fj t:('{l•(l. Hui ("ity · . .\1.tornl'y l1nnf;J s ;1i d ii I' ;t "kl":ly :lt'l'<I" \1h1 1·h OllJ-:hl 1u h•· f11rlht·r :-.lud1t°'d , :.Ill ('<' :-.t.111 : l.1\\ 111•\I' 111:1nd.1\t'" Ill.ii ;1 1•11 \ ... 1<111111 ;.: -,li111!1d 1111111 1l v \\ 1!11 11..., gl'r!•'! .d 1il.111 \ 11l11t1 l!v 1 til lu+lf••'LI " lll"I ·, :i up8 .Joint Meetin~ p1fJ 11 •d ti!~· pol11 ·' 1 !J.UlJ..:l'..; \\ hi1·lt \\111dd l,1•1 p -.1n~h· l.1111Jl.v 111111nj! •II ll1t• l1111q 1ul ,..,1·1•1111111 ·!0 . ..,,·:,L lU ,1l11\11ln1\11. Animal Controls Viewed by Council 1'ht• pnss ihilll~ 11ftu1·111ng ilun1 lll,t:IOll lil.';il'll an1111;tl l'Olltr1)I d utit•s n\·c·1· ll1 thC' Oran ~c Count.v ,\111111 ;11 Shcltrr \\':ts r:11 s1•d J\lo11 - d:1y ni g ht by lht• l'ity l'Olllll"ll.. "'l'hcy ;n·c !'it1ppu:-.1..·d tn h1• (.,: p~111du 1 g . \Vhat k111cl uf ~.1v 111gs \\Olild \\'(' h;ive ii" l ht•y l (lnk ovc•r '.''' Co11n l·i tn1 ;111 .J t•r1·y l\.l.ilnt•\' ;1:-.kcd clur1n ~ :i Joint lllL·L'l1ng \\1th lllL'rllh1 •r.-; nf the ('1\y';-; Ill.'\\' ;111i111 .. d l'()Jllrol CO!ll · Ol!SSIUll. ···r111._• ('n11nt.'· 1\·1111l d l<.1h•' ;di fe('!:i, bul 1 h l'l"t:.' \\'Ould be no cu::.l t1; tile t•i1y." adn11111!'>11·;1 l1 vc :1 1d i.: J·:r1 c r-.1 a! l h1·\\'!'> r t ·phl'd . !\lall h e \vs latt•r :.;1 nl 11i.· l'll\ ·s $19.-1,000 l'Utl\r .. n·t \~'llh l' .. 1l1fur111.1 1\ni 1n.i l ('1111!ro l :.h•1uld p.1 ;-. f11r i l.'i(' If. :111d 111.1y1._'\'t '11 prud u1 't' :1 s1~ •. ooo ot· s20.ooo prol 11 f11r 1 he c..·11.v t/11 :.vear. 1~l1t t·nun1·11 n1!'111U1 ·r -; s till :~sl-.1·d thl' .t n1 111a l t'1H1\r11I e11111- n11ss 10 11 In 11\Vt':.\1 ).!;tll' th t• po~::.ibility nf J<1111111).! tlll• l'Ollllly !'>y:-.t cn1, r ;tl hl'r l hdn h1 r 111g .i pr1v.1te cun t r.11'1!11-. l'11lull'il 1111..'llll.k:rs ;d~o 'llll'"· tionl'd ('t\C dll'l'l"IUI" flt •!llltS S1111th :!1111 111 1·1·p11r1 ... 11f :-l·riou:-. :-1cknl·Ss ~trno 11).! PL'IS .il tilt' c..·11y sh1·!tt·r Sn1 1th r11portl·d lllt' loc:1 t :;liclt1·r dt)1·~n·t h:1vt• ;iny ni111·c !rnuhlt• lh :111 o!ht•r sh1 •lters. "\\'t• h.1v1..· to ptck tip :ill 1he :1 111111als, not .i u :-.t th1._· \\'ell IHH'S . !hit :1nyo111· \1hn t~1kcs Jn ;1n11n ;,I fron1 our :-.h elter is ).!Ut1r:1ntl·1..·d ~I fr1..·1.: ht•:tllh ins pt•<:t 1n11 ' I le dul s:.iy lht· s hvlti'r h.1 s tl 1s- 1t•n1pt•r troubh•.., p.irl1;1IJ .'· l''-'ll ~!!d 1!_1 \h\· fact .. Ill tl11..' h1·ru1e l!-, .1ri: ttl· \loor:c;, ll 1:1rn1 · L·r~in . l'hairm;1 n nf 1hl' 111•11 an1n1;1[ t·ontrtil <·nn11111:-s11111 .1n111 h1• i•n 11 nnn p1·! ''" n,.r 1111 1 !1< · t u111 1n1:. ... 11111. ~p1 •1lt 11111-.I (if lht• 1t11nl ... 111dy :-.('s~1n11 111!nrming tt11._' ,·,111nt·1l 11f l.'tln1 1n 1s:i1vn '.-. <ll'.· t l \ 1 J 11 ':. P lane Trouhlcll l'(l!ll'J,,\"\I). llrl' (!'I'll \\ 1·~1 1·rn 1\ 1rl 11ll·s ! lti.:ht fi:J!J I ron1 l.11.., 1\n ~1·lv.., l.1111h•d h t·r1· ~.1 f.·lv ~1Pn11.1~ 111 ,,;111 •• rt1..·1 1..·:-.p1·1 H·r11 ·11ii: li .\d1·;1ul1t• pr1>hl .. n1 ... \\1!l 11l.., !\l )SI..' \\ 11~·1..•l. l '••tt\1 !11 :.Si(ltlt'r..,; ll;11 I 11:ll1•d UP• ~·1.11l n1i--: <'11.V !'>lt•·lli<t' 1.tl'il1tics as lhL·1r hi )..'.11 1..·st p r111r1!y. I.nit th;il \1 ,1 .... tl rtlJ1p1..·t! In st·<·111 1d :-1fter the: \'U\lf\1 ·iJ :1 ~kt'd l•ll" 1111• ill\'1..'SlJ J,.:.1• tinn nl lr:1us ll'rr11 \g d utie:; lu the l'tlllt!l,\, Sn1 11h LJ !:->o rf'porlell thnt l r .11ll"r .... have lx·1·n lll!>l~dle<l an1I ( '_\(..' \\ tll :-01111 npl'll ~I ln\l'·CP:-.t :-.p:1v :ind llL'Lltt•r111g t·linil' ~it the l'l1Y :-.llc lli;l'. M eet S lated On F e d e r al Money U se 'rlic firs t nf 1hrf'f' public m cC'l· ings on ho\\' llunlington l~c<ic h .... ht•uld :-.pl..'n<i S::! ·I million In l l·dl'ra l 111 o nC)' for lo\v :in<l 111111\t'r~\,. inl'ome hous ing is :-l'hl·dult•d tOlliJ:!hl. H1..·~1 d1..•11ts :1r•: invitee] to meet ~· \\1th c-ity plannt·rs .il 7::iO p .111. at thv l·:d1!-,111\ ('11mrn 11n1ty Ccnll'r. ,\nnthL·1· ::.t· .... ~Li•ll \1 ill he h1..•ld :1t -; ;{O p en . \\'1..·d11Ps d:iy ~1t l\-1urdy l 'on1n111111tv (',·nli·r :11111 the thirll J'> ~1·\ for 1 h 0 1' :">.1n1c tune 'l'hur:-.d;iy oil 1·11v h .ill . l lui111ngl d t1 l ~l·:1rh h;1:;; been a f- lue:1tL..·d ::$2.·1 tn ili\nn 1n fl..'d~r:1l I unds \!, :-. Pl' 1 id u\'1'r I he nC'X l th r1..·c \ t'.I r-; Id .... 11n1l'hu\\' :.ub~tdizc hous - 1 n ~. It n1 :1 \' :1 ls o 1'f'l'1..' 1 vc <tdditivn a l l 1u1ds l'11r · <'•l n lllllllll ly redc \'l' lop· 111 t'!l\ 1\l'l'nrd1nl-! to ... 1;1 fr plannrrs , n111rt• 1h.1 11 .1 llurd nf the famLltcs 111 I l1znt111;,;l1111 llf'.1ch p;iy 1nnrc than :_!;, pt·r<:l..'ntul tlh·11· 1ncun1c for ho11 <>1n l.!. 1\h11t;t J!l.ft!IO 11f lh11..,,· f.1n 1i1L1·s .11'' d" ! I th ·d t ·~ I ht. ll •d1 ·1-.il ).!O\'t• rn. r n~ ·111 "" !n1\· and n11Jd•·r;1 tt· 1ni:onll' ,Jlld llll .,111 tpl .d!l\ IHI h\)IJ, S.I\;.. ~1.1 111 ,J.11111t·r r~1, .111 \11 -.11 11 :....·111 .. r t·111 1"n" i 1·p1 1·-. .. nt th<' l.1r:·1 -I I \lllp"f 1'1·-.id1 ·11t..; Ill fll'C'd 1i! l1•1!1 ..,111 ~: :-11l;:.1d11 ·"· l't'POI t ~ \11 -.111 1. hul 111 .. 111v .i1 ... o h;1s ..1. L11 1• 11u1r1!1t·r .,f h.1t)d1l'.qq•l"d r•·· ~.11 l1 ·11t -.. l 'l.11l 11\'t'~, O.,.IV ;1..; 111,11\\' ;1, 1:.~7."j d11 .. ll1n i.: 11n 11 ... ·n1 .. 11 h•·111 •1•d1·d l•1r lo1\1 111• \•Ill•' 11 1111 '-lll::, I\ ill! .. 1 p111 1' h .I "I' p t'H ·1' It'"~ 111.111 $'.!~iJJO\.lt~r t111•111hl1 11'!11 ... 111 •[0!\\'~~0I-!. I r.il I ·nn 11111! il 't' \\ 1 ll 1111-·t•I Ill'' I I:;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ i\l i11\d.1 .\ ;it 1ht• !{1•gi:-.trar (if V'1tll'f 11fl1•·\· l!I 1·li·rt 11.., 11f11c1 ·rs. ll.1 111·h l·1 H11·h.1rd .J t) ,"\1•1111 .-. t·:-.:· p j • (" I I' d t 0 r L' t ~l i n h J !-, j ·h. ~ L 1"11l,J11:.Jn jJ. The Carpet Industry Fights Inflation ForYou! DAILY PILOT Parking Ordinance Weighed in Valley weve MetTOO Problem Head On. I I ..;,· .. 1:rorn l!I~,() to 1~~7:1. \\lh,1l,•s::1lc l'1·itf'S of- J\ll Cnn11n•~ lit it'~-1111 r~-i"k :'\i·w c',,1-:.;, ••••• u11 1\7",:, ( ':11·1~·( •...•. 1l1J\\'n !J,:·;:. CARPET AT HOME, AT WORK, AT PLAY-Robert N. Weed Pf,,1.ien1 •n<I p.,ni,,ti.r Jack R. Curley Vkt Prnu"nt •nd Gent<,i MlfllQt<" Thomas Keevil fd1!1M' Thomas A. Murphine M,u,.t1"1 fdl\Of' Olarles H. Loos Richard P. N.311 ' Allhl..,,I WN111'"11 Edot•' Terry Coville Mll Or~ C-1 EdlW Huntlnaton Be•ch Office 11•il S.1<11 &o .. IP'<.d aYll!nv Ad*H': P.O. 8o• 1'11, ..... OtlMr Offices L....-h«ll, ll"GlwMn'"'!otrtott Cfi .. Mew. J.JO "Nit Bew'>!,,., .._. Bt..:11. ))" ~-11'1'1 floo>l~ ... ·d iMOIRM• V•llt'Y. JU~1 LI Pili Ao.ad •I WI Olotv-FtM••Y . Telephone (714 ) 642..tl21 Classified Advertlslnt 642-5671 Fr-Hf'UIOr""'°9 Coun1¥ ~ton 540-112:0 (efrrr.,,111, ,,,S. Of'....-Cwt P"b!ltlli"O °"""""'' NO_J_lo1,Ulut •I-•, t6ilor1.a1 lllWIUtt tr t th••llMIOlfnl• ••••n m.ty "' ~ .. •11-t lP«,l.al P"""'''"" o! -...-. "'.,... (I••• PMI• pfld ,, (Ct\I• lllew, c-Milr...._ ~"""'rltilltn !19'(Mt ... , U.OftftO'tl"'Y. ...... KAii MMtllly; ..... 1..,. ....... 1-IJ l)(l -· A n ew ordit1:1nrc-. d csif,!ned t o )'.:;iVt' f'ount;dn V.allcy police the po\\'l'I" Lu c nfoi·ce no p:irkin ~ zones J t major s tort• c n tranc1.:s . \\'lil he cons ider C'd hy lhc cit y t•ouncil at ;111 8 o 'clol'k 1necling tonig ht. The council \\•ill dis c uss setting a Jan. 21 public hearing o n the maller. 1'h e proposed la\V is de· s i1?,ned to climin~te t r:.1 ff1c con - ges tion al 10 C'ity s hopping a re a s . City Public Work s Director Wavne O s borne s a id that \Vhile moSt bus inesses now h ave re d curbings and no p nrking s igns along their entrances. the cit y has no p OWl'I" Lo enforce the rC'slriction bf·causc the nrea is tons idrrtd n priv:1 t e s t rc<·t . l·le s uld son1c n1crch:ints h:ivc complnincd that c:;irs parking at the enlr ancc ins tead of in d e· sig naled pa rking lnls cau ::;es ex· C('Ssivt• tra ff ic C'Ol1~l·s t io n . J n n dd11ion. h e :-:iid . <·ity firen1rn h:1 vc t'XPl"l'~Sl.·d cnn ccrn they \\Oulcl nol ha\'t~ p1opcr <LC'· ('t·:-.s lo the ~!ore bu ilding i11 I.h e C\l'JJ! uf ;1 b l:11.c. If lh(' ordinnncc is ;i pprov<'d, t hl' c·ity "'otdd t ~1kc 1JV('r the •, • p ;1 intin g o r red curhings ;ind po ... t1n g n f :-1g11s, ~1 s w ell ;1:-. stric t , ·n rnr<:1..· n1 <'111 of I !It~ re:.. \rte I 1011. J\ny property O\\'Ol'rs "'110 tlis.' :1 g1·ct.', hO\\'l.'\"f'I", \\"Otild h;i1e lh<" ()p\1011 of pn~l1n g a ~i_gn cxc ludini:: thl.'1r firn1 fron1 e nfo rcen11.:n!. :1c· cord illf! l o th e .S l <1l1' code, O s hornl' s:iuJ. I le l'Xpla ined the ne w ru ling is llc ing proposed under :t sect ion of !he s t<.1le code. \\'h ich city of· fu·ials belie ve h;1s never been u sed . The (nllo,,·ing firm s v.·oul<I be offec t c cl b y the nc v.· law: Alberts on 's u t J>:dingcr /\venue ;ind l\f ugnol1a Strl't.'l. f•'ountain l~o wl HI \.\lar·ner 1\vcnuc ;ind llrookhurs t Street, \Voolco :ii. Ed- i ngcr ~i nd llrookhurs t . Alpha l l1·tn :it \Varner :ind M a,::no li ;i . S :_1ft"way, r;c m co at \Varne r and ll rook h u rs t . VlllHJ..(C Cf'lll l'I' a t Tfllbc rl J\vt>n11e ;ind r-.I :i~no l i;1 , l''azio's ::it T n lhc rl a nd l!ronk hur~t . J_,in· h rook l l:1rrl\\'a rc <Jt nroo khurs t nor th o f S lall'r J\v1·nue illld .•·• •••• ":"r:::·Y . . ~ .• ,.,,_.._. .. "'-'-r .... • "'---- ... '" 1'hu" -~~~~~~~~~ ( '.11'1 w·t i·. n I ~·! I ~·r v,1111" 111day !h:111 :..'..! yp;i1 ·~ :1;:0. ( ';1 1·1•••l j-.; :111 l 'IU',-..-(\'/ (l1••I ~a\'•'l'. Cont rihutl•s t o s:1 f t"tJ _ A.!·1·1•n!s;_1 lif1>1-lyh'. Rt•dt1l·1•s nn1 s1• pnll111 inn. • ., -- --·~·~·--­···-···--• • t ::i rpcL ha" :i longer lire <·XJ>l'-L.uu·y. PTnv1tl cs r.'.1 St' o( ('](':1nir1J;! :'ln<t m:-t intrn:inf'f'. Eff<'i'I ivC' 1nsu1 al nr H)!:ti nst hC':11 or cold losses. Timeless in bcauty,t·omforl;ind fashion. \ With Your Support, America Profits· From the U.S. Carpet Industry! ALDEN'S CARPETS • DRAPES 1663 Placentia A'fe. COSTA MESA 646-4838 / /.ody"s a t J r arbor Boulc v~rd a nd HOURS: MOit. Thnl 'Tlturs .• 9 to 5:JO-i:RI .• 9 to 9-S 9:30 to· 5 J .ii ac Av cnuc. I l ________ ..::,~::_:.:_::::::._.:..::.:_::=.:::....:...::.:::.:::=~:::..:...::_:_,;.; .. 1-...;...;. _______ _. ' . ' • ' l l ) ( l I I I ) • I Orange Coast E DITION ·. VOL.68, NO. 7,2 SECTION S, 24 PA GES O RANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY,JANUARY7, 1975 N C TEN CENTS Oil. Enenrles SAN FRANCISCO (Al'l · F.nt>mics of rll'W oil drilling 111 \l)c- S anta l ~a rhar;1 Cho.1nnt:I ha\'C \\on ;1 rnaJnr vi<·tory \Vith Superr.1r ('ourt. .ludi;::t· Ira J~r11,1,1n ,Jr ·.., d t•- 1·1!'! Hill ;1ga111 ... 1 111 I j·un l p;1 II I l'S,. \\ It I 1 pl.1Uo1·1n .., 111th1·1·h;1 n111 ·l 'l'ht• Jlldi.!t' 1·u1t·1 l :'ll o nd<1 \. 1u 1·f 11·1•!, th.it lh L' l 'l/llllJ,lllll'!'> !1°lll!'!l g t•l oippl'O\' :11 of I ht• '>lat1• ('oc1 ~I al ZnnL' ( 'on-,t•/' \' ;1 l 1 (J ti l 'ntlllll JS..,14111 h1,.•I (JI I' Kidnaped 1 Attorney Released _\ ~H- \'t'.lr old ;1tlurnt•v \1 ..1:-. frc•t•d h v }'Ill ;q.~l·nt s tod.1_\: df1 •·r lil'lllg ku{. n ;ip1.:d und hl'ld Jor four d;1~ ~ f,,r ;:..:u1,ouo 1·:1n s urn . thl· l·'H l :-.a id_ l·'ut11' Pl' r:-.un,.; 11 t'ft · ;1 r1·1 •:-.1 t:d . .. \gl·nt s s aid ,Jnlin l'.uil Sh:1hy \\',1:-. lt1rl·d frolll Ins l'ul\'l'l' L'il.v .. rf11 ·1· t•) :1 :.!ii lnot 1nnlo r h on11· i11 :0,1;11111 .1 1)1·1 H··.v 1··1·1d:1 y ;1fll'r- 1111011 by a n1 :1 n purpnrlin;.: to h e .1 pro"p~·c1iv1· t·l11·111 . Ill· \l':J " ho und. hl111df1•ltll·d ,11ic l 1·h:1i11l'd I" ;i hc d lhl' f1r .... l ~o ho urs .ind lat1·r I 1t•d l ei ;i t;i l;le. Sh:1hy :-.ai d . =-'h:1hy, un:-.ha11•rl. ~1 pp1.,1rl'd ,ti ;1 111·1\.., 1·••lll1·r 1·nt·1• l ud.1.1· 11·1th \\'dlla111 J\. S u !lr\.111 ........ 1s 1;1 111 J·'HI d1r1·rt11r 111 l.o ... ,\11g l·l1•.., they may sink new \.\'C'l ls frun1 l.'.>.:· 1st i ng pl a l fo1·n1s in s lat t' w a! t'f ..,_ 'l'h c :-.uit \\·a:-. hrought by lh1· S<.01ta J!;1rlJ<1r<.1 1-(1-oup, ··t:1·t (Jil ()ut '" ((;()()1.'l 'hC' s t:ilP l .;tnd ... ('on1rni..,..,111n lillt>d ;1 n1 or;1tor1u111 1.i"I ... u n1 111cr. hut l1t1g:1t11111 h :1 -. l•l•d up /IC \\ dr11linj.! :-.Lll l'l' fSro\\'ll 1 llll·d th;1t th1· ;\1l,,nt 11· /t1l'hfi1·ld Co (·111dd not gn .1h1•:1d \\11h pl;!n::. tu drill 17 lit '\\' V.l'll:-. ex D•••• Pno1 ~'"" Pl'lolo TO WIELOGAVEL Cou nly Board's Diedric h llo• h :1d ht'l'tl lr1•<'d 11'1111\ 1lit• n1011t11 IL<trlll'. p.11·k.,·1I 111 llh· 271111 hlo,·k 111 1\rt11:11·0 .... 1 \\ l'llUt' 111 \\ 1·:-.t I .o:o> 1\ llJ.:L'll':o>, hy I•" !\I ~Jgl'l ll.., .1li11t1l .1 · :10 ;1 111 . .11 11·1· lhl'~· lr:1ct•!I ;; t1.:ll'plHJne 11un1h1·r t:tkC'n fl'l)n1 llllL' <1f lhl' ;dl1·;.!l'd k1dllllPl'I';-. l11 lln'' 1ni.: '-' ra11..,11 n1 drop • I \\ .i:-. 11·1·r1t'i1·d, but. trl'al1::d ,·,·r v \\1•ll hv th,• k.1iln;_qh'r~." !-ih;il'Jy \nJd lll'l\:>lllt'!l . '"l'hL'\' l't;d 1111-. 'f hL'.Y ;-,;ud th;il 1f I d1dn ! •:u11pe r :ll o.: th1•y 'd kill n H· Supervisors Pick Cliief /11 Diedrich S11l!1\':1n :-.,11d :111 /·'Bl .t).!t·nl pol:-.t•d a .., ;1 I 1'pl'l':-01'1l t:l tl\"L' t)I Sh.1by I•) d1·11p th1· 1;111 ..... 1n1 111111h '\ 111 \\•ni ce ;1 ! :.! :l.I J,1 Ill tod:1~ 'l'v.of 111 th1· :Llll·g,·d 1'1dn.q11·ri-. \\1•r1· :11 r,·-.lt·d .it 1h .i1 111111· h' l·'Bl .1g1 •11 t..; .1 11111 h 1• !1101\t•\ II ,p. l'~'l'H\'t'I I'd :-.h.1hv -..11d h·· 1hd11 1 knn\\ 11 h' h1· 11 ,,.., ·111t·l..l·d 1111' 1 hl· k1dn.1p111:.: · r111·y n1;i~ 11 .• 11· 1..1111\1 n 111.· 1hrn1u . .'.li .11 ·111·111 , · h1· -..11d l ,1..,k_1·d Ill.JI\\ llllll'" 1\ll~ \I"' k1dnap1•1L I t.:ot l ..... n1t· l.111 1.1:.tic :.!uru·:-. .d)i,Hll 1111'11 l'L'I l~ll~1· 111 n1y I .1t l1t·r ·.., ,.,.,,i , . ..,\,ill' u,•,tl~. ' Three Boats Wi11 Ho11ors For Paracle - I l V. ti t • I ,.., "I l bl' Ii H ;1 ( -. ('h.1r111.1l.in . \l11l·ho ,;u ... t11 .ind \nl.1rt• h.J\l' tllll\ , .. l'O llt .H'I !ht• :\t'\\ Jl!IJ'\ ll.1 riHH' ('l1 ;11ll hl•J' q1 \ ·nn1n1vrl't' In ht• l\ild thl'Y .11'\' !he· 1111HlL'I'" Lil the l~li l "l·\·~l1 \',d ol l.1).!hts '' 1)11.11 p:1r:Hl1· ·rllt·v \:1t,·r \1 ill i.,. l101111rl·d ;,1\ :1 mt'l'L 1;1~ nf tht• l'h;onhl·r·:-. t:on1· rnodnl't' l'luh ror f'ntcr1ng: the '1•s:-.c ls .111<\ged to ht• lhr m ost eol· orfully tl cco1·;,11t•d 111 la:.l n1onth 's fest1,·:tl . 'l'he thrct.• hoats v.1('rc :1n1ong 12.l t hut rr111 so.:cl s1 11gll' fil t• 1hrnt1g h Nl'll'p11rt 11 .trhor f1\'l' 11 ight:-. during lhl' llolida,\' S(•a:-.1)11 ;'du1·ned ,,·1th l'h r is tn1;1s lighl s ;1 nd o lher I ht·.·rl1c dL·<·or;t I 1011s . ('harn1 ;.i l;n1 1\a:-. 1·h 0 S l'll Ji~· tl1 l' 111d ges to he thl' h l's l 111 thl' s n1 :dl liu;1l c la ss. l\lul'hn (;u :.111 t•)tlh h1111or in th e: n1ed11i n1 t•laf;s ;inti VolurC' '''a s judged lops anlong ll\c large boat:-. DOW HURDLES GLOOM, 'SHORT NEW Y ORK (UPI ) -After :.1 sluggish s tart. punctuated by iJ computer m :.ilfunction. prices turned higher t oday in ~low trHd · ing on .the New Yo rk Stock Ex- cha nge. ('f ables. A 11 ). The Dov• .J o nes lnd uslrial ;1vcr;.1ge, a 35-point j.!a\nc r i n f ive st>ssions, gained 3 .99 point.:;; le. li·ll .19. Advan<.·cs icd d cchncs1 about 8 to 5, among the 1,727 is - sues tr ad cl.I . Pri ce s \11crc l\.ig hcr tn 1no deratc tr ading on t he An1e ric an S tock Exchange. l\y \\'I I .I.I \;\I ~('llR 1·:11\J·:lt 011M D••!y Polo! ~t•l1 Hil lph f\ llit•dr1t·h 111 J."ulll'rtnn \1.ls l'l(·t·t1·d c ha1rn1a11 111 1h1• (}r.in gv ('o un\1 l \o.1rtl !>I ~ll)ll'l'I 1..,.ir , !or I~~;.-. 1•H!.1' 'lll l't·l·rl 111;.! .\11:d11·i n1 S111 >l'1'' 1:-t1r H,dph l 'l:u I.. \\ho \I di :-01'! 11· .1 .., 111 ·1· ~·ll.11 r1n:1n ]l1t•dr1 1·h 11.1.., l1t'l'll ,, lln.n·tl 1n··111h.·1· :-.1111·1· 1!170 Ill' ..,_nn 1h1· -..1-;11 111 ,1 111·to11 o\t•r lnng 111111 · 'tll'l'I'\ 1 ... 01· \\'d h.1111 1'h1 ll1p:-. l!!••dr'lt'h I.., .1 J)1°1ll(H'l'.!1 '!'ht· II\'\\' ho ard ('h ;1 11·111a11 1-. .t .... 11 1n ,1d1• 111:111 1\hn 1-.1rn1•d ht.., n1011t'\' 111 l·on:-.1rUl·tH>ll .111d I.ind d1·,·vl•1pn1,~n 1 ht·f11rt· 1urn1ng l •J p1d111c-. Iii· I ' a dt•(·orntt•d \t'lt'l .111 nf \\nrld \\':11· II .ind v.;1:-. 11ut1111h·d 111 1111• i\'urn1:111dy 1n \ ,(~ l 1111 ln !11 ... 111,111 i.:11r:il 1·v111:1 rk~ :1-. {·h;111·n1.111 l~h·d r11'li prPn11 ... 1·ol .1 11111~·h t ,1 ... 1 11111\111 :.: .q1p111.n·h 111 '\ >\ J'1'!111 I (•Ill 111 \!1ol,1n:.: .it 1~ ... 111 ·.., \\t' \1dl !.11'l' lh1.., \ 1•.11 plu.., .tllt'tllpt111g lu p1t·d1t·l tlt'\\ dt'l•'li1µ1111·111 pro !1l1·n1-.. 11 .., t'll·:u · 1111.., 1 ~ ).!111ni.; 1•• Ill· .1 dil111·11l1 .11 ·.1r." ht· ..... u.i. lhl·dr1l·h 1'l'1·11l l'lt·d 1·nnt 11n1111i.: pr o blt•nls v.·11h .Ju1l·111h· II.ill . 1)r·,111J.:t' ('11unt~ :\l l'd1r,tl ('l'ntt·r .111d nngo111g r1·or~.1111 1.ll1011 ul tht• c·1111 111 ~ h11reauc ra1·.1 l11 1h1· r1·a1Tn uf 1·,'org unil at1t1n , J)1Pdr1l·h :-.aitl ht' 1\·ill pr<'ss (ur Jnrn1;1 t1un ol' :1 pC'opll' ~t>r1·icc~ agt·ney :dong the :-.an1c lint>:. :1$ tht• rount ,,··s fir~\ supl'ragcnl'_:- \\'h1ch \\"ill dl'~il \\'ll h l'll\'ll'Ullllll'll • !al ;1nd 0pl:.t 1111111g 1n;ttll'f ' I It· :d :-.o urg\'d h1 ~ ll'll ti\1 ho:1r d Tl1l'tl1ht·I'~ \I) tic•\ t"lnp a 11·1~1 :-l al.l\'l' :n1al~ s 1 prog 1·;1111 :111d lo b;u·k h 1.., pl;n1s lo t•r1 ·:1l l' ;1 fair 1·:1111p~iigr1 pral'l ll'1•:-. 1·pn1n1i.,.,~IDll 111 !ht' t·uu111.'· 1hat 11111dcl :-.1•r\·c :is a \l';t\thdng un ln<.•a l pnlilll'S "!'h t' lll'\1 1·h :nrn1;111 urgl·d t:r(·a \11>11 of a 1·l1)Sl'r link \\"il h :-.tatt• tSec UI I~ DltlCll, r•age 1\21 W omanBiiten:i Dog Sought ;'\;('\\'p nl't Rt•ach p olice arc scek1n)! i11 forn1:1l1o n o n ":t large g r<-1 y U11 .1!" lhal ;1llC').!l0lllY l11 l a \\'ntnan J)1 •t· Hi 11s ..,he· \\':tlkl'd 1n lht· :11-c;,1 nf {; Strl·•·1 nn<I th1..· he ;i c 11 1\I !ht' 111111· 11f l h •· inci d~'hl , ho.vs p la y ing 111 !ht• ,.j('\nlly lohJ pnlicf; the.v ht•li<•v('d th ~ d og's na mt' is :\'1u ldo1111 1\11~· p c r :-.nn h:1\'111 ).! 1nfurn1:.ilion :ihoul. th<' 11 ;1 111 . h11111 g or the \\'hl'rc;:1houts of lh(' ~u~ucc.t doa: is asked lo cont;u·l the police aL 644 -3655. I ' Win Major Court Battle rronl a pJ;_1 \forn1 off Co::d ()il l'u111t 11ort h of Sa 11 ttt llarb:1 r ;i . liro\\·n rt.'Jceted oil 1·01np.111.\ .1rgun1en1s that new dl'il ling 1n'•> Jl'tts ,~.t'l'l' l'XC1npl frun1 !ht• l'o;1:-.tal Zont· C1111s1·rv:.L11111 1\1·t ti ..,, a rtt·cl :1:-. pa rl of pl ~1 t f u r n1:-. t ' \. 1:-.t Ill ).! h l'fort• l ht• JCI \\';tS µa:-.~t ·d Ile :dsu l'l'JCC\rcl the l·l:11111 lll<ll tli1.: ~l .ilt' J,and:-. ('01nn11:-.s 1011 g1·;111tcd ,di ncl'l':-.~;1 r~ app1·111 :ii • f111• fl rt 11 Lil),! prior tu p;iSSag'.C or lht• 1'u,1:-.taJ a<'l Hro\\ n :-.:11d lhl' l'l'Cord ol lh1· 1·.1 :-.1· f;nletl tu sh u11 th~1t lhc !,and.., ('nrn 1n1:-.-.10rl (•.\'<.•l'l'J:-.l'<I ··f111 .JI , 1I1 ..,l· r1.·I 10 11 .t r y ,tppro\ :ti l 1nn1l·.dl v. lhl' l 't1<1:-.!;d Znn1· l '0111 rn 1 ... .., 11111 ,., •I ed l ::1s t .\'t'.11· ti> l'' •'rllpl lhL' d rLllLn).! pruj1·(·I fru1n 1l :- 1·11111rul l\ul t;()U t·h.dlt•ng l'd th.it .l\'\ lt)l! I IL S.111 J."1';1 ll Cl~\'t) ill'l' ~, u '>C 11 Ii-. lh1 • li1·,nhp1.1110•1.., 111 1· t••r lilt' l't It 11 Ill I..,, I! II I l}t '\Hl\\ .\!11 Lt'll !111dt"ft1·k. I·' \\',d ..,tuf\ 1 ,iil1 iJ !lt1 1111111).: .! \ t'I .I I Ill !Iii r I .11 1 I I.!! I t ',lo IJJri ,.: di' 'l'>IHll 1!111\1•1 I \ 11,1.., \;o II J ,11 [qlrlt•\ 11d \\1·!1111" 11 .. 111.111 \1l]lh1•J !'ll1'\l+dl111111 1 1 d+lllo\ 1J11· 1 "·' 1 , 1•11 11111 .. -.1 .1 11 111 •I· 11 '1 ltll!lt' II II• !lh) l li1 ·I • I + 111111!11 eat s • Ill IS .1 T(l:\l lt1\Rl.I':'' 01 tl\e D••IJ P1IOI ~I.ill ( lrangl' t'ounty l"o1·11111·r s of [1 t·1·r :-. 1·u 1 npl1:t~·d t ht•ir po .... 1 111nl'l1•n1l'.\':1111in~t1ion1lf the hody n f Lung l~t·aeh :-.tudl'nl .Jo hri \\'1l l1.tn1 Ler;is tod;1y 1\'ilhoul l>l'- 1n,L: ;1ld1..• \n dl'tcrn1111l' thl' l':1u s t_' 11r d,·:1th in !ht' sp;-,:.n1ut1Ja\1 (111 s l.iy 111;.!. 'J'IJ ,., ;ire~ l'l'l'1a111, h1111t'\'l'r th:1l ;; llOOdt•tJ !->lll'l't•y1>1"!) :;t;ik L' 1·;11111ned 11110 !he \'ll'lin1·:-. hod.v Ji ~· ;_1 11 unkno\\ll ;1:-.s ;tdant 11 .i:-. p l ilt'l'd I h 1• rt· a llt.·r <ll';1t h . ·rht• ruling tud:1y n1l•an;o: t h a l 1·01·.1ner-. an.dy~ls 1\·lll nn'" h ;1\t' l!I l'tHh hH '\ lllllC-('UllSllllllllj::t lO\- ll'O]OJ.:ll'.d ,, . ..,1.., on lht· ori!.trl:-. ol lh1· l~·~t'.!l'Pl d \ll'll/11 \() dt• lo•rtllLllt' 11h;it Lllll'l'!l:tl t';tU:-<l''· ii ,111.\-. [,·d to h1 :-.d l'alh 'l'ht'.v ~·ud it · \\·ill ht· :-1•\ l'r.t! l\l'l'k."> !Jo.:l•H't• lhC•y h.l~l' lhl• f'l ' ... 11lt:-.11f those IL·:-.1:-. !.,·ra:-.· oudt• body \l ~t-. lu1111d lloa\111g in tht• ~urf off tht• 2nd .'ii t'l'L'I l!t":1ch 111 Sun s c·t Bc:.1c h ta .... 1 \11•1•kt·nd S hvr1fl ':; olfil'l'f'~ h:t\l' been un .d1l1· 111 !o(':de Ill:;> t·lnl hing o r· p1·1· .... o n:1l pn,..,Si.:!SS 1nns but ~•···· i-..111. ... fi(•d tucl;iy th:.>L hl' died in ... .,n1v oth(•r loeal1011 and \\':Is ear- r1l'd lo !ht• b,•;1l'h ;1re;i h.v l'<tl'. llt ~t'OVl'l'Y l•f thl· ~takt:: in !ht• 1H'\1 111·" r 1'L'1111n l1•rl s heriff's t•I 111·1·~r:-. ln 1n1nlf'd1at i:·i ~· l'nnt:11"! t ',lsl;j 'll:'i-..1 polir·e \\·hu :irt• 111 11·:-.t1~a1 1n g 11h;1t. lht·1 hl'iil'\t' 11,1 ... ,1 n1urdt•t' l\tlh 'th1· -.;1n11· h1 1.11t-t·111 l'l'to1\1 •-.; S1 n1ilart~. l'UrOnt •r .., 11ff1L'Pr''i 11.t\l' !1l'l'fl u11.1blt• \ti d1 ·te 1·1n 1n1• 1111· l'<iu-.t• 111 dt·:ith •• r .J.1111(·:-. 1,. f(,·,·\t"'· I!!, 1\hU~l' .. p .1rt1.1ll\ 1 lnthl~d 1)(11[~' 1\aS Jouncl 111 f:.rii1 1·n11111 r .\' nff /~,1 rra11c;1 J{o:1d n''"J l·'.I ·ro r1 • i\ I ,\ ri nc Corps /\1 r S! .1 l 1011 .1 n11111l h :1go. ·r,,\.1col11g H·.il l t•:;\s ;irt• h1 •tt1 ~ '.1rr1.·d 1111 1 111 th.it 1•:• .. l' "11 h 11" 111.!11 ·.1111111 \l'1 ot 11h~i! k.1!11·d 111· 1n111'tJ"!'t d 11t1).!hnut h:1ko·i· 11·11111 (\jilt'-.", L'llltlth 'l'0,..,(lll1l't'l';o...,,!J,I. 11 .. 111 -.h l'1·1ft ':-. tilllt'!'I' .... 111d (·.,..,1.1 \lt•:o-.i p"lirt• "t'1'111 -.a[1..,111 d h•d.11· Ill.it lht·,\ .1r1• look.1ng 1111 i!ll<' tll.11l tll l'lllll1t'l'IJul\ \\Ith !ht• l11uk.lll111g.., \nd \\1· .il't' :-.;d1:-.t 1,·d th:it I hi'r1· ,1 r<· .... t ron g hon111:-.t'.\' 11;1! oit•rtonl'" 111 thl':-.l' 11111 1·.•s l':-..·· -.h1·r1fl ':-; 1n\'(•:-.11\.!;1!or \\'1111 1· ~1a n ~1Ju1·y s;11d tod<1y. 5th Player Dies r1111 ... \DEl .f"lll.i\ !Cl'l l. • /\ fifth 111:1 11 \\·ou11drd hy an intru d · 111 µ g unn1.1n al a nt~ighbnrhnod 1·arcl g.1ntt' d i"-'d late l\l on<iay . 'l'hl' oth(·r fo u r p layers \\'Cl't' k11ll'd nut rig ht. '!'he sho111111g \\·a s th:-.tuv1..·rcd \\'hen a vict in1. 1.l'U ll 1··:1ulk, :1:>. s tagl-!crt·d out on1t1 thL· :-.1de\\·:ilk in !rt•nt ,,f lht• hc11nt.' 111 :'-:t>rth l'hiladt•lphi;i St11H•a .\ n1gl1l b ll'c clin j'.! frn1n !hr hv~1d '20 MINUTES' TO SELL ITEM "It sold lhl' first 20 rninull'S thC' ;.ld v.·as oul 1n !ht> p:ipl't'. and lhf' phonl' is s l11\ r111 g 1ng 11ff thl• hook." ·rh ;1t '~ t he ~LIC<'L'SS :-:tor_,· 1nltl b y !ht• 11·,·ine m:1i1 \\'ho plu(·t·d lh•~ ;id ifl lhc Doily l)il<it , 'ti8 li),\\' 1600. A~'f Fti.1. r;•(I. Llrts.Origo\\ner.Goorl · COh<.l., $!)95. XXX·X\X Jo: Ir you arc looklni! for n fast :-;:iii.', c all 642-5678. Jlut ;1 fl'VV word:-lo \vork for you in the ri~ht p l:u·e. The Dally Pilot. · Cor11 S1cor11 Jn l•'nrllll't' a ~Sl'mbl.\ n1;1n K l'11 11l.'ttl (\11·:i.-. :l.'i, ol (; ;11 dt'll c:1 tJ\ I.' l.ik1·s tile tJat h of offiCL' <1s ~t.al f" c<1nt 1·nllt·r <L:-o 11 1 ~ \\ irv. l .IH'llll·. holds il 11 i!JIP. ('ory !'\L'l'\'C<l ltl the .\:-.S('lllbl:i.-:-;ltlCl' !jl(;(i Badham Aide Named To Chair GOP Unit t·:tl\\ .1rd F \\';1rd .1 1 1l1p ,11dl' 111 ,\-.-.1·n1hl~ 1n;111 l!olit·rt Hadh .1n1 1 Ii '\t·1\ 11111·1 l~l'ae h 1 \\:1:-.1•l 1·1·11·d .\l 1111d .11 ~1-. l'h:urn1;111 nl l ht• l H .1 11 i.: (' ( ·11u 11t~ /{ • ·pu hli c <Jn l '1·11 tr .d t ·,11 ntnll 1t ·1· 'l'hl' \:!\•".II' old \\',ird . :1 L'O~l.t :'llt•..,,1 1.· ... 1d1·11t .ind :'\t•\\'Jlor\ Ht·.ir I! 111 ... 11r;111j·1· Ill.on. :-.lat l1·d H.1dl1,1n1-. (11.111 ~·· <'0;1 .... 1 1fll1 cP IOll i<>lll I v.11·.., !f1.., t•lt·1·l1<>11 t11 Ill•' !op G0f1 11(•..,1 {',1111•' .1, ,I 1->Ul'p l'l"l' lJf'l'<JU:-.l' •>I 1•;1 1hL'I !'L'IXH I .., th.ii i'\1°1\'JIOl'l J l~·.i(•IJ J,1\l I t't' 1\\1'\:tndt'!' fl0\\'1(~ h,1d 1h·· ··lt·1 ll<1ll :.•'\I ll llp" Btll 1\1111 II' 11 •1 I\ h,· l..111111 tl .\lund.t,1 11111!'11111~ h1 · \\,1-. out nl \ht• 1'011 l L''I \j..,,. 1·l1·1·\1·d .1 1 lhl' S.i11t:1 1\n.~ 1111·1·1111 ;.: \ll'l't' l)r \\'111 1.1111 ·r1'.11.:111· ,,1 '\l·11poi1 HL•:1l'h. \'H'l' l'h.11r11·1:1n 1.n t.., l .1111dh1·rg of !,a 1 l;d)!';• 1\ nn11·n .., \'1c·1· c-hai1·n1 :111, .1nd l>.1 11d B.tt,•:-. of I.a }">;.1\n1a , I rt'.1:-0lll't't "l'ht' 0111~· l'<llllC'Sll'd .1ob \V3S that 11f :-.1•4•1'1"\ :1 r ·' . \\ h1L·h 1\• a~ t' a pt u rt•d h1 .ln,11111e ('00111 1. o f Or<1ngt'. dau i.:h1t•r-nl tht• l :1t(' :1s - S('111hl ~ 111.111 l'harl('s l'hapcl She d t"lv<1 l L·d l'11111l1L· Blt·i l'I... and .J<.10 \j\>t 'f' \\'arrl :-.111:t't'l'd :-. Gt'Ol').!t' OL•lah,1111 .1· n f F ulll'rton 1\·h11 \1·;1:-. nus1L·d i'r11111 lht• ,inh l;lf c 1;1~1 ,\l';1r ln!l1.'11111i.: th1· 1li :;:1 .... tro11 ~ H1·puhl1 (':111 t·lt•t'tinn tlt·rt·:t! 1n :'\n' t' n1 hi' r 'l'flt• l'!!lllll .1 [)l't))Ot'l':llll' {\•ti 11·:1) ('Olll lll!tfl'(' 11ill tilt'l 'I 111 •\I \l un du~ Oil lhl1 lll').!1~!1'<1 1' n r \·0 1e r s offic(' to elt'l'I ii:-off1c1·1-:-. I~ anchcl' n 1chtt1·d .I .< l' :'\c1!1 1s 1·;,. 11 L' (' I l' cl 1 o I' CI <I j tl h I :-. c h.11r1n:1nshi1J. 'Human Fly' Burglar Held P0~1P 1\NOOE ,\l'1t .J-~l a 1.\P1 ,\ Cocoa Bc.-ic h n1 ::i n d csC'r1ht'd ,1:) "a hun1a n f\1·" 1\·a :-; arrcsl1'<i ;ift<'r orfircrs \liB.tched 1n amaz1·~ menl ~s he climbed six floors up :t he uc hfro1\l hot,1 wall ;i nd broke llllO St'\'l'rUl r ooi1ns, police S<I,\' "fl was unbelicv.-i blc." a policl.' spoke~ 111 a n snid }·londay. ",. ou'd have to see it lo bc>li c vl~ it." Police s aid llruce W esley I Oli ver, 25, was arrested Sunday. Mesa Seeki1ig Rec Leaders For Su11in1er :'\1·1·d a :-.11n1111l'1· 1t1h" 11 vou :1rl' 11; 1•1' oldt·•· :1t1•I h.11·1• :1 11:i, 111th kids. !ht• l '1>:-.t.1 \ll·:-a 1·11'pa0rl ntt~nt uf I ,c1su1 ._. St·r' 1t 'L'S IS lO\)ktn g: for Yl)ll T\\'Ci \'C l'Cl'l'(';l!IO!l ll'ittll•l'S \\Ill h1• h1rl·d fo1· parl ·l1111r \\o>rl.. of :i;, h1iurs ;i \\'t'C'k ;1t a pa~ 1·:111).!1' of Sl.1•2 to SJ O'.I :111 hour tl1•p1·nd 111g upun l'\.l1l'r11..·111·1· .ind qu;d1r1ca · ! loll l11..•('l'l~:1!i1ill l'\.Pt'l'lt'1'~·1• 1.; \H't' ft't'C'd but 11111 1·1.:q u11 '1•d ror th1.· ,1nh~ \\'hL('h bl·~111 .lut11 · :.!tl\h and lu ~t throug h St.·pl .=. .l nh <111ph l'ul1011:< 11u1 ... 1 hl' lil(·d \\•\th t he L c1:-.u1·1· :--1•1·\ 11 ·1·-. l)(!1Jarl 1n('11! ;1l l~11:-\l !I i\l t":-..1 t '1t_:-· l la ll h \' Mar('h i lnli•r\·1e1,.., :1l't' sch e d ;1!cd l\l ;1rl'h ;;i i l h r1111g h 1\lnrt:h 2X . 1-'nr t>1nployn1ent 11)1 n1 :-.... 1up by Roon1 ;~os .1 1 ~11 y h ~1 \l 1 -;7 1:.ur Drive, or p hOnl' 5~i·530o. I n'•'rlLd d.111.:.:1·r Jrnn1 l!11" drill- 11 IJ,! \!l:1l\l ll' fi1t•h[11 ·ltl \\,I. fl 1•01 l1 •dl\ lllltl1•('itll·d \'.h1 •lh1·1· t,~ ! 1 It' ,J I I .Ip 111 ',ti I 1 ')fl) 1 ht• l~I u\\ ll dt · , 1:-.11 111 1>1' ~uhn11L 1o1 111 .. 1•0111 - 1111 .1 .. 11 lio1 1h1· lj \\\ 11 ... l\1 "II I! !.., ~! 1\l•d !11 h•·.H ;11")'11- 111' Ill l 11d,1\ Ill .1 "l!lld.11 I ;4 H I 'ii 111 I S1,1111l.11d tn! u f I..,,.,, I 11 J , l'a,_:t• \:!I e ? Deadly Pattern Probed I\, \l .. \.\l l)J Jthl:". 0 1 If><' D•ol• Polol M.111 • \'111 11·1· ll'11 n 1 :-.l'\l't',~I \,I\\ <1/.:l'll· !'"'" .II'~· <'n 1nll11H1!g 1·ltc1rt~ to 11rnh1• .t ..,11,,.·k.1 !1 ;! :-1'1'H'S O( 111tt 1 dvr .., 111' ~1111 11 ~ 1n"11 i n S11t1!ht·rn < ·.i l!!••r111.1 f'ofit<'+' .JI•' lli\1 •..,t1 J,::t1i1 q~ tht' llrul.d dl".il 11:-. 111 .it 11 ·.1 ~1 lU !lll'O ;1;.:1·il 11'11111 lj 111::.-,111 !111· l.t:-1 1\l!J .\ t' ,I I .., I II 11 11 l c I\ I II C 1·11 <"111 11 ... t ;11l•"l'"' .ti l' :-111111.11 It :dl dl'\'t'lld ~ Ill\<! \OU 1.llk I" (0'1..,l.I \l l':-..1 lh•!t•• ll\t' S1 t•V1• :'\..1 ... h ..... 11d .-. .. 1111 • 11ll1t·1·rs fine! t'l•t I 1•l.1111i11 ... Ill 1:! tlJ" 1:1 ch .. 1ths I l111d h .1 1d 1'ul'lt'l,11 1n11.., u 1 .it h·:1s t ] ll . 'lh•· ll!tlld,•1 .. 1111ul\t' \ollttll{ nlt •n li1 •li1•11 ·d 1ti l>1· ll•llllt•:-.t'\ll:il:-.. Hnd11·-. qi tl11· 1nutdl'! 11t.:lin1s ILi\ l' lil't'I\ lolltlll HI l .ag un.J Hl·.i<·h. !111nt'. S1-.d l:c;,1C'h, .-it1r1..,t·1 \~1·,1('h . Lon\.! l~··ach l .n~ \111.!1·ll'' !->,1 11 l\,•111:11 d111n :itHI 1111 - Pl'l l~d {_'1111r:1 .1 f),•1 :'\..1 ... ti :-..1id lill'l'I' l\l'f'l' ('(Jr• I t•l,111111\:-0 Ill IJ11· d!',Llh:-. to :-O U;:!,L,:\·~t 11nt• p1'r..,11n 1 ... l'l'"l"lll:-11110• li 1r ,ill 1h1 · n111rlh'r~h11t l1v1\<11dil nc•t g 11 e I fll' :-IJl)I l:1 l'ilil''- l l1•1 :'\.'a:-.h :-.;11d. ho1111·Vl't'. lh ;it 1 hi.; \\ 1·,·k ht· 1.., 1,dk.1ng tu g:1.v g l'PH I'·' 111 ( ) I' ;1 n µ( • ( '1)l1 111 .v t n I\ .1 rn ll1t·111 ol ih•• dv.tdl,\· p.!tlt·r11 lll:1l 11.1 .., lh•,•11 1·:-.!;1 bl1 ..,h!·d :111il I(• ..,,,]11·11 thv1r ... upporl 1n ht•lp111 i..: to t 1· ,u·k do\\ 11 1 ht• k.1 I li·r l!t• p l.11llll'd 1.dk. ... t11 .1 l.!1"\JP ,II lh\· I 111t ;1r1.111 t 'h11r1·h 111 \n.d11·1n1 .111d In .1 J.:rt111p .ti lh<.: (:.11 l'•ll!llll1.1n11\ {'t•n1,·r. l 'tl'.,!d ;\!1_•..,;;11111.., 'l'hu1 ... d:1.\ t'\ l'lltllJ.: · I h .t\'\' .1 l'nupll'cil tini.l1•111111rd \ 1{'11111 :-.• 1nd Pt'l'h ;q 1.., th1·.1 t'.ltl lil•lp Hil'lii 11 .1 1ht'lll. ':'\.i:-h :-..IHI. '\'Ill' d v\1·1·[111• ..,,till lh.1t ,1\ tlllC 11n11..• tht• J>nllt•' \\<,11 kl·d 1111 lhl· lhl'<ll \ th " d1 .l(h.., \\\'I " l'1•..,t1ll.., 11f :-..1dorn .1 ... u1 h1 .. n1 «.1r1 u·d lo •'X - 1·1· ... :- 1-loa~ Sia ti's 'T'alk On 11irtli l)•·fPl'I ~ J\11 \[l d,·l1't I, 111! 11 • .lll"-1''< .1111 ! \\h,1t c ,Lii ln · .!,>111· lu 1111•\1•111 tht'Tll , \\Ill 111 · tlh' tnp1l· "t ,r p;111t•l dt:-Oi 'll ...... l()Tl .ot 1111.1;.:. .\11·1111111,d I lu:-.p1t;d \\ 1•dnt•..,•L1.1 nigh!. S111111~111'1 •1 I h.1· I ht• ( )r:i l\/.:l' ( ·, 1u n · 1.1 l 'h~1p11 ·r .. 1 1h1· ;\l ,1rL·h 11r l)i111.•s, thl' 7 p tn :-.y n1pos111111 is op1·11 !1) I hl' p11lil11· a l no t·hari.:t· ·r hl' kl·~-rHil l' ..... pl':tkt·r 11111 hl' llr h:t•111ll'!h Jlurn:tr-.. i.:1·n1·l11·1..,l ;it {lr:nlJ.:L' ('OlHlly :\ll·d1 e,d l 'l'llll'I". \1 (1:-.\11 l'lnud,\ th rnuJ.!ll \\L'd111•:-.da .1 \\l1h :-.t;1l\1·r1·d dr111J1·.., 111ghl .ind n1nrn1ng ''(•tll':-. l'1111lt•r a .vs. lli,!!hs n c•;.1r tlU. l .o\I ~ 1n111ght nl'ar ;)O . 1:\SIUI·: 'l'OD.\l' J.'1111111 /{1(·/r r/l1l11fl /111."1 l!ll i11- /1'f•'.~/11111 111·c111J1.1/11111 -.~Ii.' roa<I 1.·~r.~ 1111·n 111 l'lf•d. /or a Lo ru/1111 /11l''1 .~ HllHJ!l.:::Plt' -(I S/,tU/!/I' l'IJ1 1'1'r tor 11 l'l<.'11r·s r/(J1J9/11t·r. .'it'•' /'1111•' I 7 I 11tlt• :'\. Etm•8omto.cW " Moyle' .. L M Boyd . " """'"•I P'11nd\ ... C•"'"'"'" ., H•••on•I H•w• .. Cl••tot•ed 8 1 11 O•.onq• co .. ntJ •• c ..... •t• " """'Pl• ... Cro\~WO•d "' '>•I"•• Po<1er ... 0.•111 NOh (•• •• Sport> 84·) Ed•IO,,•! 1"•11• •• ~t<K~ E"l•r1•1nm•"t ... M••W•t• •tQ·11 P'1n.on<• A 10 II Tflev"'"" .. Horo•<OPf' " , .... , ... .. lnlefm,..,on ,, ..... ...... , .. ""'"' l..•...0••• " Wortd N tWI .. .............. ~··-~ . --.. .. . . ~ . ... . . C• QUITS HOSPITAL POST :><fioag Administ rator Parker Parker Resigns At Hoag Sc·oti S. P arkC'r, '1 dn1i111:.lrator o r lloag f\l cn1orial Jl o:-pilal in Nl.'\\·port 8 C'ath s ince l\1 ay, t!J72. 11as rcsignl·d lhnl l.HJ!:>t at llo ;.ag l o b ccon1c presid ent :ind t.'X· t ·cut1\·c officer of lnlcrn1ountain 1 l e~il th Care, Inc. in Sall L~1 kc ('ity. l'arkc r's rcsign::i ti on "'ill be ('f· r l'C\ i \'c in early Apri I vvh e n he \\"1 I l become operating i·hief of the re· <:ently fo rrncd corporation that \V il l O\A'n and opC'r;1t c the 2,0U2·hed J1os p it '11 en m plL'X or 1 hl' Chu r("h of J es us Chri::.t uf J ,atter ·da~' Saints. "'Scott P ~irkL·1· h:is g i\"L'll much 1o lloag l lo . ..;piL:ll in the ti1nc he has hl'<'ll "·1th u . ..;,'' s~1id Jl oag pr~" s idenl t ;eorge l lo ~1g 11 \\'hen n1:.ik · .1ni;: the r esignation 41nnouncc · 1n e nt. "llis leaders hip und cons ide r a· blc expe rienc e in hos pital rnanag cmcnt and planning ha:-> been inv;.alua hlc lo us in a period of ).!;real grO\\'lh 01nd cxp<.1nsion," l 1oag a dded. ''\\le are sorry t o los e l1irn." f~or his p:1rt,' the 39-yc::i r ·old l iospit::il uUn1inistrator \.•:ill be re· t urning in h is l"\('\Y 1msition to his· original h ome. Sall I.:.ik eCity. ··rt Is har<l 10 lL'il\'e the Jlarbor ::irc;.i und l'S.JI L'C iall;r' Tl oag I Jospital." snid l':.1rkcr. ··1t o v•cver:· he ;11ldcd, "the '<·hallcnge this ncv• posi to pos ition offers ;don g \.vith the. chuncc to re· turn hon1e makes this a great op· portunily for me and n1y rarnily ." J loag offi cials suid u n <tlionwidc S('Urch for J.,arkc r·s replacement w ill begin im rncdi atc ly. ~Honor s Set i :r. ?for A tiorney '.: I'l'\vpnrt 11C'::ic h altorn ry ~!to11:1\d I~. Srh \\·arti'. \\'Ill he 'bonorcd thi s \.\'l'l'k at two inc('!· :~ngs or (Jrange County legal or- ;.tani zn lions. '."·-Sch\.v:1 rtz \viii he one of 1nur ~'crsons In he n.1n1l'rl hi1t1(1r;_1 r y ·ml·rn hl'rs \\'t:14ftl'sd <lY ~1t u dir111t·r 'm('c\in~ nf lhC' (>rani.:c• ("ounty 'Trial S1·crct ;iri(•s 1\s~oi·1.d1on. : J It• \viJl l)e b~u:k. ;:_it Santa Ana'..; S::idd leh:ii.:k 11111 :!I IH1t1r -; l.1ler to ~' 111.-;tu llcd as s1•t·nnd \ tC'l' pl'l"·.1- ·nl of 1hi> l lr:1n~1· ('1)t1n1y 'f1·1.d • a"'.YC l"S 1\."-~0l"J.1111111 ,, ORANGE COAST s DAILY PILOT TlwOr-C.0.•10.ily Pl!OI. ""ll>wlll<llh<<n'-~ 1hlr ,,_..., rr .. u . •• puOl<\llleel i>Y-0<-c:-F\lbH~•"'il Co"'!> Illy. ~al•ld•l~ltft pull!!-. Niolld•Y tnrouqll Fridoy. for Co\ ... ,,...WI, t.KwjlO<I a..,..,n, Hunt•f'IQIOll Sel<Jl/f....,. l1!n Vl!ltw. Irv'""· S•dll!KWI<' V•l••v •nll . Log.AO ~oKlll!.o\1111 (O•\~ .... ••!>QI<' ~9'°""'1 l'Oiliorl '' PVbl"""d S•lurll•Y\ f"'1 ~ .... f .... , Pl'""''Pfl publ1\lut19 Pl•~I '' •I :Bl ..... w. 1!.iy Slrtfl. CMa Me!>O, (•I •lorn•• inil6. Rober t N. Weed Pre••drnl •"" Putil•"""' Jack R. Curley V.ct rr ... '°'"' •"" c..-~1 ~,..Qt< Thoma'i Keevi l ' . Thomas A. Murph1ne Mo1rw91119 £0.100 Charles H. LoO'i Richard P. Na ll ,,. ... 1 .... 1 M.fNQ<l'oQ £dolor\ Offices OKll ""°""': JJO ~,1 e.yS!rttf ..,_,a...,.,. JUl Nt w1>1>rl """""..ti LIOU,..~.otll, 11 .. ~l.lretl .....,,,,.qjonlleM" 11~1\~1<loBou~v.wd 'Sldd~~ Vllley: UJOIUP•IAffd . 1t~OO.goF,w••J Telephone (114) "42--4321 Qasl.ifled Advertising M2·S67S S«ldl•!Wo< • ll•lltv f+t-0111o. S81-6J10 From !wn (l•mrn~ 49S-MJ0 ~ NOf"ltl Otitnge County c--n-1~• S40·1220 Tuesday,J4anuary 7, 1!il75 From PogeAJ DIEDRICH • • governm<-•nt , bul "'!lrnrrl of en· c-roachm~nt:-i by rl't:ionJ:t l govern· rlll•nt e ntit.Jes. '"If "'e can solve our problems lnL"ally \\'C' ::.hould be :illowed to du sn, then do b<1ltlc with uny pro gr;J n1 lh;it \''11ulrl \\'(';lkl'n lot·al g 11\·1·1·nn1t·nt ." ll1· s<11d . [)11:d r·1ch :-.;ud 1\1• '"''111 f11-{ht for· \\Ii.it h1· Lll'lll'Vc:-. to IJe I 1ght 111 1·\"1·ry case and s aid he c .x p1·rts \ht..• ::.amc fron1 c•vPry :.u1ierv1:-.or . Jtot h<-· said ii is s till poss1hle to \\url-\ togc lht•r IO\\al'(I n 1utu<.1 I go:1ls. U1edrich 's first t\\O yl'.1r s as a supervisor h.1\.'l' ill·1 ·n 1narkcd "'1th nun1erous ~k1rn11s h cs ove r v arious iss11t·s. J!c :-.l<l <-·-> his t'1'gular lJour cl d util's, 011·dr11·h li.1." :-.l·r vcd as t'O;J :-.t.il l'o rnrn1~s1unl'r. l.oc<.11 J\gcncv l·'or 111.1tu.H1 C11n1m1:-.:-.1011 ('h:11rri1~1 n and <t:-. a nicnlhl·r of lhc l'"l·l'UlJ\'C h n;Jrd of til l' S.111lh<-·rn C'.difurnia A:-.~ol·1;.i t 1 on of c:11\'t·1·nn1cnts l >1l'df1l"h':-. pr111r l''P•'l'Ll't\('l' in gO\.l'l'l\Jlll'lll IJt . .'fOt"l' l.1\..1n g thl' ho ard :-ie:1l 111l·lui.lcd a :-.lint ;JS a 1ne1nbl'I' el f the t•ount y C.rand .I urv ;u1d one tc l'm 41~ a l•'u llcrto n '-'llY. counc ilrnan. f<'rom Page Al OIL. • • Californiu, \\'hic h "·ants to drill 67 uew \\.'e lls from exis ting plat.o. forms in the channel off Carpin- teri a and Sumn1crlund, south of Santa l!arbara. l\leanwhilc, in Los Angeles, U.S . Tli strict Court Judge Dav id \\'. \Villiams l\tonday declined to en· j oi n the Inte rior D ep;Jrtnl('lll f1 ·om continuing v•ork on an en· vironment•1l impact s tudy r e· c1uired b e fore the govern1ncnl sel ls new gas a nd oil leas e::; off the Southern California coas t. 1'he s tate attorney general's of· fice•and the Coastal Con1mis::;ion contended that the govc rn1ncnt ~ii ready made up its mind to g rant the leases even though the ll'gully rC'quired imp<1ct s tudy h a d nut beencompletNl. l·fbweve r, \Vi lliams a g r C'ed \11 re tain jurisd iction in the ('USC ltl ;iss ure that the J!o\·ernn1ent co1n- plies with the Nation~il Environ- mental P olicy Act o f 1%9, \\·h i ch requires the cnvironn1e ntul ·. studies. Boys Club Service Set 'The 1975 officers a nti d irec tpr~ of the J~o y~ l'lub of the ll:1rb111· ,\rea v.-tll !Je lnst<.dJ('d \Vednc!>d.1.v al a noon JunchC'on at thl.! Irvine <."oast Country Club. rrearling: the ne v• gro up in the eoming-ye;:1r \\'ill be prt•:.idcnl · elect D ('nn1s O':-.J<-'tl, N C\\·port /!each city attorne y in h is pro- fessional life. Other officers elected at the ho.ird's ])ecl'ml)('r m ectin).! a rc \\'illard .Jorrt :1n, first vic1• presi· dc·nl: NC'\'Jcll Stick ler. secnn tl .... !LC president; 1'odd Nicholson, :.l'crctary and Clarence C l;:irk , treasurer. Board m e mbers \\·ho \viii be in- ..;tallcd at the l uncheon :1 1'(' \Valtc r CruttC'ndcn J r .. l\o.v i\l cCurdlc, ltobcrt \\'eed, \V illard l'ourtnl'y. llarry Grl'en , Stick lc1· ;ind Jord ;1n . Mrs. Janos' Rites Slated J\frs. G c nc,·i('VC G. Janos . :1 rC'· 1;id('nt nf 5fi:i SC'a\v::1rd l~oad i11 L'oron :t d c I i\1 :1 r, died Sund ;i y, :\lrs . .Janos l t·:1vcs h r·r husba nd .. J.1n1(·s .!:1110 :-.; •• ~1 111, F:d 1' ;1 rd J <1 nos (if S l·u\ I :-.d ii It' . \r1l.; ;:1 daugh\('r i\l r-.. !)111·0\h,\ 1\. J,indcll of \Venatchel', \\'ts : .1 s is ter. Stella Gladys of l,o.., Angeles, and six g . .r undch i lei rC'n. Services \.Viii !}(' held \Vt,dnt·s- cl ay n oo n at Pacifi c Vil'\'' Memorial P ark cht1pcl. follo\.\'('d by entombme nt in the l\·l e m oriu l l'ark's mausoleun1. I " Rapist ·Hunted In Mesa ,\ n1uo v. hn ~1-.k(•(\ Jll'!'l11i ssion tu m ;1k<-· :.i lt•ll·phonc c <ill \.V<iS :-.vughl tod.1 v for thL' knifcpoint rape ;_ind rob.ht·ry of a youn g Costa i'>.lt•~;l \\'on1a11 :1t llt•r :1 partn1e nl i\11irltlay. l nvestig.1lors said oncC' ins idn the h11111l', lht..• ass:.uh.int gr:1bbt-ll a s ll·ak knife frun1 lhc· kitc hen a nt.( f11 r l'l-.d lhl' vil'tin1, 2·l, into ~ bl'd rou m \\' hl·rc ~he \V<Js cri 1n1nal- J v ass au I\ \•d. I \1• I h l'll t 1111!-. ~tl :1 nd f\<'1..1. i)l'll'l'tt\"t' I.I. (;l·11rgc I.Orlo n .':1111 !ht' l'ap1:.t :inti rohh<-·r \\'as dt':-.l·r1ht•d ,1s :.::, t u :JO .... tol·ky \\t'1i.;h111 ~ p1·rh.1p ... :!0() pounds and \\,!:-. \\t'.ll Liit._: .Ill .\1'111 )·:-.l ylt! h11udt•d i.u·l..v1 .1:-. 1!1<111~!1 HU I J•1g· ;.'Ill).!, \\ht·1t 111· a11Jlll•at:lit•tl Ins \ I l'l 1 !! I . THI S IS ARTIST'S CONCEPT O F PROPOSED NEW CHAMBER EDIFICE Two-story Facility Wou ld be at Sant a B a rba ra Drive and Jamboree Road !-.flt· ... aid J1(' h1·~;.!L'cl to u se hl'r tt•ll'pll\•llt' for .1 11 ~1p p arent •"1\ll'l"J..:1:t11·y call ;d>0ut •I : 1.J p .n1., -.,,> ~11 " ~11·i·o n1pa1111·d h in1 to ht.•1· ~1p:1rtn 1.·1 1l. Air Cal Requests Route to Resort Chamber's Building Plan Told !'1>l1 t·1· h1,liPve it m :1 y be the ~:11111· 111d1\ 11lu:tl knO\\'ll as lht.! .lt1.:.:..~~111g" ll:tpi-..t \\'hn ;llt:1ckcd a IH1u-.l'\11fi• 111 1111• tl l':Lrhy Coll1•g1! l':1!'k d 1:-.t 1·1 1·l s1·\'t·r;d wccks a go \\1\111· ,!pp:11·1..·11tl.v out for his run· ntl\i:, :1111 ! t'Xt'\"l'l:St'. 1-·ro111 \\'ir(• St•r\'i('t'.., <lr<1n gc ('1)un\.\·h ,1.st•d .-\1r l\.il1furn1 .1 :-.;11d tod<1Y IL \\"1Hdtl llL'l'd ;it ll·asl ~Al d:iy ~ -possibl.v m o r l' -to l a unc h sc1·v i ce bcl\\'l'en South l.:il-.1..· 'J'ahoe. S an !•'1·.:i nc i ~co and (.)rang:l' County ,\1rport. J\ut the ("alifornia Publi<" L"t11tti L'S l'on1 n1issi~•n \\'Ou hl sti ll h<ive to approve the s~stem of routes. l•'J't•d f'r ick 11:1vis, a n airlin e \'tt'l' pr\·:-idt•nt fol' 111:irkt·tin~. l l·~l1f1L'd i\l onday <il a l 'll C h t•ar1n i,.: on ;1 pplicatio n.s hy Sl.'\·cr:il ~11 t·linrs tn prn\'it\1· addi- Cos ta Mesa Tenant Has Hot Start A Cns{~t l\fes:.111·s f('n.n1cy in a ne\v ;_ipartn1t'nl got oft' \11 a had :-.tnrl ~l ond:1~· \\'hl·n ht•st•I :1 IJn-.; of <11~h1'" o n thl' :-.tO\t..' \\hilt• 1110\ tng in a nLI it :1 pp~l rPnl I y ca u~h t f 1 ri· [);1111:1 \.!L' !11 1hc Ul'll r1•11t1·d hv 11ubl'l"t Sn11th. :II 1u:i:1 \'.Llt·11(·1.1 1)1"1\"P, \\':I:< L' .... 11111.1\•·d :1t ~-:-.:.oo . ~1l't:nrd1n~ to FLl'l' l)\•p,11 ln1l·11l Jt:1T t :i I 1ci11 {'h ll'f (.f:iry I ;1 iJo,on. ll L' .s:11d 1hl' [\\·n.-.1 .. r~· :1 p:ir1 · 1nent·s 111ti•rtl•I' :;1 1-,1111 11L·d h,·:1\y s m oke d c1 n1 c1gL'. \\ lule t hl' hll l'ht•n •tnd dining :1 r1~a \\·("rt: t·on1pll'tl'ly gutlL'd h;.·then:1111\·s · ·rh(• noon!1n1t• bl;11t' :d -:o en-.! Sn11 t h 11111 .-.t <)f his Pl'r:-.r1n;1I hl•l11ng1ng . ..; that had :ilrL·:id~ hl'1..'n moved into the apartment, :ic· L "01'd 111 -.: t ll fi f (' llll'tl . ILittal1011 c·hu·f (;oJ...,on s;1id ii ,1pp1...,1rs :-\n1ith did not rl·ali11..· th1• ~.i.-.. h .1rl IH'l'n turnt'd on :dre.1dy \I hl'n hl' n1nv1•d 1ntt1 1 lh' ;ipar1 · lll «lll IJ11r111 ~: !ht• pror es~ nf mn1·in)!. in\ •':-.l 1 ~.1\111 .• ~.-ud , 1 ht' r-ardho:1rd 111)' of d 1:-.Jic-; \\ .1 ..; pl.L('t'd nn top or lh l' 1'.i !l ~t · :ind .1flt•r :i pl'r1ncl of 11111r·. lilt· p1l11 1 li ;::!ht's hl·;it ~I '01'(' h I •d ,Ind 1 hl'll I !!!l Lt ('ti ! he COi i • l.illlL"I·. ri11 ... · fir r·m:111, 1·'.d !l u1111..·r. s11 ~· t:11n1'd h.~nd hu rn' 111 0x 1- 1n g111-.h 111 ~ 1h•· hl:111 °, !1111 \>..1:-.11ut. :-;i·1'toH1 -.I 1 1111111 1·<! 6 Still M i ss in~ !lllB.\ll I', 1\11 11 . .!1.1 !l 1'1 1 l'ohl"t' .ind 11 :1\ .v d11 ('f .-.. :-t'.Lt'l ln·d l ih' rnurk~ \\';t1t·r:-ur lh1 • lll'l'\\\'lll 1!1\•'r' torl.i~ fin· ~1 x 111 ·r~nn:; ~!ill 1n1:-.:-.1 ng and IJc•lil'Vl'd kllll'd \\'hl'll ,1 10.oon \1111 lt1 ·111-.h nrc' frl'1 g hll't· '' rl'l'kl'tl ;1 hr1dgt.'. St•\ l'll hu<lic-. ha \·e lict'll l"('COVt:fl'd :O.ltlCt! the Sunday .'.l('<'idt·nl i1ol1<·c:-.;1id. 111111:11 ~t'!'\ iC't' Ill\!> thl' ]liljllli,1r r1·-..ut I ;1rt'.l lrt1n1 holh ;\""rtl1t•111 .ind Sn11 th1·rn (';illlur111..1 po1n1 s. IJ.1\·1" s:nd 1l n11 ght lake ,1s 11111 ).! ,1..; \HO d ay-. tn prn\ 1dt' f:1<·1hl1t·-. :111d a1rl·r.1lt HI \<.1r1nu-. p u111t-. :1l"l l'I' lhl• l'l'l' ;1('\S. l·:.,hib ils ;111<1 1e ~t1n1ony \A"1'rl' s uhn1illt'd la:-.t S1·ptcm hf'r h v .\1r <.·~.i11"nl'ni a 1n lhl' ll'll:.:t h y p r o 1· L' t' cl i n ~ s a n d c· r u :-. .s • 1•x :i n1i11;1tii)ll b l•g:i n J\ol on d.i~. K l'tllll'th l~nun ::.b L·ry, Suurh r . .ikc.· 'l';ihue l'llY atl11r11 \'\, \\ .1s lhl• fir ~l l11 (jlil""llllll ();1 \J:-.. J);J\'l:'i -...11d 1\11' (.';ill r<Jl"IH :J h ;1s :11ld \\'PU!d ll"l' ii \,t1(.'kht'L'd J•:IL'l'• 11":1 f(!I' '[',tll!!l' "l'l"\!l'l'. <:11ld If ;1p pJ"Cl\,JI \\l"I'<' gJ\l'll. \\<Hlld IJuy .1!)!1\h1·1· -..1 11 ·h l'r;1f1 ,1-. .1 11.u·J...up 111 1\1.11 ]~1 7,"1 :-,1•1"\H't' \\tlUld 11 1 10[\t' Jl1 ~111:-. f1ur11 J,.tkl' 'l'ah111• 101 S:1n J.'rant1..,t·n ;ind Oran;..:c- 1..;11unly .11rpnrl :-., ;inJ by 1~11; :-.1•1·\ 1c·1• \.\ould 1•xp.i111I to S;1n lhCt!•>. l)nla1·111, S.111 .Jo~e. l'~Jl n1 Spr111~s ;ind S.itr.1n1cnh1. ll,1\JS :-.,ltd\\\!) p];llll'S \\'QU!c) hl' 11 -sed lor th1· 1 ·~pand1•1 L :<l'l\ll't', \\11h :11h1rd l'r.1rt to Ii~ plll't'h.1 -.t'd ;i.; h.1l'k1lp . llo ll1d.1,· \1rl11ll'"• \.\'h i<'h now 11p1·1".tl1.·-.. h1 ·l\\1•1 •n South l .. 1kl! '1";1 h11~· .inti t>.1kl .111d. S;1n J1"'lst·, I .11-.. ·\1q.!('IL'"· !~u1 h:ink and :-\a n ])11•;..:1), \\ 11hdrt'IV 11:-. ,q1pl1Lalhlll !oil" \llV llt'I\ !lllll1·'> .\l•HH!,1\, T est s S late d For S c hwalbe 'l'\111 p svc•hi.tlrist.s \\"f'rl~ 3JI· poq1t1..·d 1nd.iy 10 e.'ian1inc f<irmt•l' t 'nron.1 d1•l :\1.1r lli~h Sl'hnol t•·.r• 11 .. r \I.in .J;1vSrh\\':ilhl' 1o d l'- 1.·r111111,· 1!1-. rn1·rit.d :-.late \1hetl he ,.,u,dl1· ......... 1111\·d l\\11 11; .v1·ar · old 111.d•· 111d1•n1 ~ cl r.111.:•· i · .. up1 \ S11pt'1·11u· <.'our1 .111.I :.:,· I•'.\,., 1·11 \\ I ~11 l..1'\' 01 dt•r{'d 1 hl' t•··,! ... 1 .. 1 s, h\\ ii ht·. 1:1, If\ inf', ,11111 -..1•1 .J.111 ,,1 ,,~Ill•' d,11<' h" \\"l!I 111lt' 1i11 \1 111'111•·1· t!11· d 1"!'t·n1..l.111l :-.hn11\d lu• 1 I.• .. 1t11·d .1-; .~ llll'lll<dly di.-.or1l1'1't 11 1 ,1,fh·nrh·r .'\I l ,11 lh)t' \l11n11 q1 ,d L'nurt jur~' f.,1111d :-;11111 .11 1 .. · :·utl11 nf 11 ,.f i7 1·11u111...; !ilo·il :ll·.1111'-.! h1n1 .1ftvr h 1:; ,C.,('('111111 I 1•1;d l.1 -..1 n1u11t h nn t\1\' rnnr;1ls :1 lh,~~.ll1••11'>. 1 It' I:< frL't! nn li1:-.11r111111 ..;(' Io~ .q1111 ·,1r .I :111. :10. :--=t'\1·port llarhor l'h:1mbC'r of 1 't>ntnll'fl'l' offll·i:il:; s 1ghtL•d 111 i\l ontl;1y nn pl <i n s for a Ot..'\\' t·hambc r building and the funll ra1s1n i..: :1rt1vit1l'S nced l'd to m akt.! it a r eality. 'fhC' pl an ~ unv('ilC'd by ('h3 m bcr J"lrl'sidt•nt \\'ll li:1n1 1.usk :it a p rt·· :;~ c·onft'rC11tc \\Vl"l' nf a l\\"O· • "!<Ir\·, IO.OCIO·sq11 ;1rl' foot h11ild111.:..: d1·:..1'i.:ncd by arl'hlll'el \\o'illL~1111 1:1r h1·r . Silt' fnr tl11• pr1)pO~l'cl :-;lru1·l11 r1• \\ill hv th\· -..ciutht"i:;t 1·1H·nt•r .1r ."\.111l a ll:1rh.1r.1 !Jrl\l' .111d .l:ltll · ])<•r1'l' llu.1d 1:1ekcr':> tlt•~1g11 f11r1 '"l'1'.s 111,, - 1·han1hl·r u ... 111g th<' building's g round floor fiu· its o\\'11 purpo::.l'S ~1 11d lL·:1:-.1ng lh1• :-.ccond ~lory Lo ~I s uit a Ole l t·na nt. In :i ddilion In prnvid in )~ :1dd1•1l -..p :1<··· for 111,• 1.1no n1t•n1 h1'i 1·h.1n11>1·r · . ..; pr111.·s-:1on.1I :.t:1ff. lht• pl"OJ'tl-.~'d I .ll'!!i(,V \\di lh' :-.p ,ll'll1U'> •'l\\111~h \<1 1nc·lt1clL· .t r•101n th.it \.Ill ,IC •"!>llllll•od.tlt' f1!) P\'f-..utl" r!JI" ln11rh .111;! !111..·11IK'1·011\t•rtl'd tu .t !Dll lh'l"\111 flll..'\'l1n g r1H1111 . 111 u11\'t'li1n~ tl1t· h111ld111 i.: pl:11 1-., (,11-.I-. p11111tvd "Ill 111.o\ lh1• 1·l1.11ll· 111·1 -. 111fl'l'l':-O !.' ;.:l)l"!'o !/l',\\)ll\l lulll- lll •'l '!"o' ·.\111s l Ill' <Hlr !llt'l1ll11·r..; II\\' Ill 1h1 •. ('11n1n1111111v ;ind I\•' :ire 11 1 lho: 1hrq1·s, ldr 1•\";11npl1'. 1•f fur1n111 g .i c ultur ;1l 1·01111111\tt'l'.'' l ht• l"h ~t n1 h1·r pr1·~11ll..'l\l ~~•HJ 1u 11· lu..;11·ah· In-; p•11t1l. l,u :-.k th l'rl ~;:ii d llich:ird :-;tc\'cns. 11 ;1 -.t ch.1n1ht·r 11rL'"Hll·nt .1 n d h 11 1 Id 1 n ;: 1· o n1 m 1 l t l~ £' •·h.11r1n.i11 , 1. 1n t 11.11 )..!t' 11f -.1'\'lll ~ tn 1t 1h .d 1h1· ll\"I\' l .1 1·dt1~ I:. built 'l'o 1".11-..1• till' 111•r·1·-..-...1f\ \,'iOO.IH Jl l 1·11n "lr11 cl111 n '"'!, l.11 -..I.. .111d :-\1\'\o'tl"' -...11d th1•\ \\Ill .1111 ·11 .. n ulf 1llt• h11ilil111 :~ :-. 111 IHHI -..qo.1r1• ll'o'I ,d ::::.11,I "Jll.llt' J11Ht •· ,\!1 \"Ill' 1•11111 d 1(1! 1J1 :: ~! ,0011 In 1h·· huild111 :~ t1111d \\Ill ll'l'o·1 1 l' .111 .1rtil11..·1 ,1I do•1 •d :-.h••\\Jll l.! that 111· 1\\\!lS '.!IJ -.qu.11'" fl'1'l t1I Liie build 1ng," L11 :-.I.. :..ud. 'l"h1• !11 -.1 n1.1inr :-.\1 ·p in Ill<' $500,00U ltnirl 1 ,01:-i1n ~~ d1·1\"t' \\I H ('l•ITIC ].',.h _ '.! \\ht•ll 1h•' I 11.irnhl·r \\Jll .-.pu11-,111·.1 ni.1rd1).!.r,1-..11,1 !1. Man Charged In Car Death Of His Wife 1'1il' hus hJnd i'lf :. Nc\vport 11c:11"h \\ on1an \1 hi) di('lf in n .-..111 i.:.lv·e :1 r l'r: ... h :1:-i n1il1·s snuth o f l..l:-. \'v;.!:1s t'.~l'I~ Sund:iy tTit!rn1n).! 11J ~ hL·t·11 ch.11").!t·d by l\'1'\':1 da .111thror1 11,•s \\Ji ii in\tl lt1 11 tar y 111;111 s l .1 ll g !J ! l'I ' /,ilh·d \I h,•11 lilt' IH':l\'Y 1!lfi9 tnodt•l 1·:1r hl'r hu-..b and \\'.t~ d r1\'· 1ng \\"I'll ! nut or t'()ll\rO I O il !li;.:h, ... ay 1:1 \\'a" l!l•t ty J :1nc 1\11·11•r, :i~. nf :J3l G:.!nd St .• Nt'\\."(lort 11l'3('h. I n s 1·r1ous co nclition in :-;ou t hl'l·n l'\1'V3 d :1 fll emori a l ll nsp 1t :1 I , f .:ts VC'g as, 3nU ,.h.1r ~1 ·d \~lth in vo lunta r y 111.111 :;l.1ui.:ht•·r 1s l'.1111 Denni~ :\l1•1t•r. :;.·., of th~ s:ime NC\\·porL .utd1 , . .,._. !\l1·11 'r \\as c·ll1'1l fnr SPt'C'ding 1.i; 1n1t1ul\'S hl'fllr\' l11 s :-.11uthho11tl1 I ,11110 \\ l'tll vul 11f l'ont r11I. /111rt ll•rl 111101 a 1·1•111 l'I' d1 \ 1d1~r :ind I 11mhh·1I ••\•'!' 111 [,·.1-..11hr.·1·11111<'~ .. u·<·nrd- 1.1.: !u lill ' ;'\v\,1d .1 l l1 .1:h\~·.1y ! '.ii r11l 'I'll~· :\I t'tl'I' !',II' \\':I~ :1 111';.'.l'cll.V 11.1\l'l\rq.! 'ill ,.,,.(•:-~ 1lf t;;, lllilt•S Pl'I' h11t1!"" 11 h1·11 11 h1·~.1 n l':1rc1'11· Ltlh .I\ rt)SS \Ill' h1 g h\\"."!Y ~hortl,V lll•fnr1· G a .in, the p ;i t rol re· p•11'\t•1l . J<111h O!'{'ILJl:ltllS nf lhC' :'ll!l n 111·r1· hurJ,.d frn rn th..: (';1 r :is it r11 1>p t•d .1 1·r 11-..s the <le s PrL l11 ~h\\'.1\, .1t·1·ord1ng lo lhc acc1· dl'Hl J l'Plll I . C lt·rk C r it ical 4)'\'\.\lllJ 11·1•11 ·-!\ntqn ('h r1:-t 11· '..!7, \1 ,1" 111 µ11:1rd1 ·d t"n!l· d1lt•l1! 1n.l.1\' \\llh thrl't' ht1ll1 •t \1.,lllLd ., ITT lli•' \ h<""l lulJ\ll\ 1!1 1' .I 11 • qll•l!" ~h•t ,. ~1100!1111 ! 111 \\ h11·h hl! 1,1llt>d .l r uhll•·t ~· !'ll~Pl'Cl. ( 'hri.-.111', :1 l"l1 1·k .1\ thf' ~lul"l'. \.\":LS .-.hid lllr1·1 · 11rn1·-; hv 'l"t111r~t c•1t \\'.1 -.l\1rn.!.l•1n, IK, durin).! th1· Su11· tl .1,1 rnldh'!'Y :11ten1pl. The Carpet Industry Fights Inflation ForYou! weve Metlhe Problem Head On. Balboa Water Line I I ••• v .. . . ""' ..... \. J.'1·orn l~,.·i0 !11 \'.l'i~. \Vl111les;1lc I '1·i1·<·!; o(- All \nmmoditi.,s. u11 fi:,~ I"•·w C:1r<; .•••.. 1111 ~I'). l "nrp•·t , •. , •. 110\•n •\.I'' ·r1111 .. : CARPET AT HOME, AT WORK, AT PLAY· Due for Overhaul \Valer mains in ~t•1lll•d on nal!Joa JJen ins ula 111 J\'c\.\1pnrt T~1·:1ch a lmos l 50 yc.1rs ;:igo \Vii i undcr{!o n1;.ijor r e h a b1Jilation l ater I.hi s month. Purpose of what is expected lo be a 10-w cck. overha ul operation is to inc r ease the now capacity of the aged cast iron mains a nd to incr~a se w a ler pressur e i n the service ar('a. The rehabilitation area r un:::; :il ong n alboa llou\cv:ird from l s land Ave nue lo G Street, lll'· cording to Tom Phillips , city uti llt~' superintende nt . Phillips said the curt;lilment or lraff1c \vhitt' 1hc nioe rccondit11u1 · ing p r ojec"is under way "will nol. be g reat." "That is nnc rc:-iso n Wh '." "''' have f'lcclt'rl to rc1·onclit ion lhe 1·.x 1 ~1in g rn :un..;." said J'h ill1ps, "l l ad \V(' rt'plarerl the pipC's. 1l "·ould h:ivc rnl':inl a n1ajor d i~­ rup11011 •• I ·r :iri..:1..·1 nf 1hl' rch:1hll11 \tlion pro)('f'1 1..; a ht11ld LIP of 1·orr11:-.1on 1n~l!lt• lhl' iron p qi1·s 111:-.lallcd I hr<'<' fC'e l undt•rground in l!J~fi . 1'hl' huild up has rl'dlll'1•cl th1? ins 1 dL' d i ;1 n1 l't('r of the n1 a ins and, as a l'l'~u ll . r estr1('ted tht·1r tlo\V capuc1ly. I 'hillips said . 'l'o rch;.1 b ilitute thc1n, a con- l ractor \.Vlll USC' n m~ch1n1• jlO\\C'l"l'd tool to l'i'mOVl' the cnt· lcct1on o f ru~L unJ o the r forms o f corrosion . ·rtlen, 10 l1C'lp :-.1rcg u.1rd !h0 pip('s fron1 furthC'r d an1a~l~. their interiors \\ill he l'0~1t1 ·d \.\ith :1 lh1n lining ofcl"'lll('ll1.. l'hill1ps s aid the :d t1'rn:1ti'c to l'<-'('Or1d1tionin,g the p ipes 1s to in · s i:ill ne\v ones at l\\'o In three 11rlll'S lhl: l'OSI. No hon1cs or bus ine.ss('s in 1he :11·1·:-l \Vi ii be without servir1• dur . 111,g r hl~ JO .week p roject bec ause of a t(•1n po rary bypass syste m lhal \\•ill he us ed, said IJhillips. • • • • • • • fl" . . ~ .. .,, .... ~ ""'" .. -.... · ,,---r--Con!ri hutr~ to safety. Accents a 11 f,, style. r :1rpr I o., ·'I••! lo'r 1·;,li1,· I< .. l.1y I h1t 11 ,,!:, I ••;ir~ :It'."· l 'nrp<'f T-. :in 1 111 ·1"~)'/ fowl . •.ll<'I•. i.';1qM·l l1;1 .. :1 lnn~~··r lift' t':>.p•,·t.i111·y. •ert Ul'l'S n111sc poll ution. Prov irh·s l'as r nr ch·ani ng and ma intrn::incr. E fft't·t 1vc 1n s u1 a tor ag;iinsl hc:tnir ('old lnssrs. T1n1<'h 'SS 111 bl•au!y .1·omfnrl :ind fas hion . With Your Support, America Profits From the U.S. Carpet Industry! ALDEN'S CARPETS • DRAPES 1663 Placentia Ave: COSTA MESA 646-4838 HOURS: Mon. Thnl Tllun.. 9 to 5:30-fRI .• 9 lo 9-SAT .• 9:30 to s ' I I I ' I I / l I ' I I I .<\6 * DAllJY PILO'I' EDITORIAL PAGE J~bs and Clean Air ..San Diego -the ~eeG of son1c.-of the n1ost v igorous no-g rO\l.!ll1 uttit u<lcs i11 the nation is having second tho u g h1 s abou t how far it s ho uld go in holding back l:()n s trucl ion 111 the naml' of protecting t he e nviron lll t•l\f Or:ingt· ('oun t y 1vould do 11'e ll to stud\· some of l ht• <'hecks ~ind b;ilantes tlwt s t"c rn to IJc eVolving in i t ~ f1 l·ig hhor t o t he ~outh \\'h l'll lilt_· n<1 ·g ro\1'th philosophy bcg itll tu lakL' hold b ack in 197::!. S;in [)ieg11 11·a s in tht:• forefront oJ thos e eommunitit.·~ \\'anting to slop the \\·orlc.l in orc.il'I l<> in1pro,·c it <)rc·gc1n \Va s telling C~li forn ians to st:i~ :11 h<1m c. Pl't;1luma \vas declaring th~t it didn '1 1\<1111 l o J-t l'O\\ an y 1 ~1r J.,!er . l~<.1g un~ JJe ~c·h \Vas c_·h c11le n g 1nJ-t \ 1rtu:dly all form s of bllilding .I\-., thC' no-g rO\\'lh <.1\lltudes took root . S an f)iPgo t 1t•g;.1n to.0:1<lo pt nurn ('rous r estrictions to ··kee p thing!'. :1:-. t he;. ;1rl' " IJ.v _·\pri l of 197-1. the S<.in Oiego ('ii,\ l "<1unc il h1l 1111<>11 a s chl·n1 1: to fit t:-iC' no-g r'O\Vlh phih)soph\ ;111cl al the s;111ll' t1n1l' finance expancled \\';tfc.'r f ;1<·1ltfi<.•:-. .A. s tiff \\illl·r hookup fee !'.Ot1nde d fnlt' 111 l he prt·\· ;11 II n g <i i mos1)hl ·r1· Th'C.' f l u ~h o r\ ictory 0 \'l'I' thl' g r0\\1th fOl'l'.C S bL·g <.111 t<1 JJalc rl'c ently '''hl·n J·'airc h il<I Can1C'ra . a compan.v p l.:1nning ~1 llt'\\' S;_in Diego pla nt \Vhich ultimately ,,·oulcl cmplo.v 5.000. c·ancelcd it s ('on s truction JJ\an ~ lu.:caUSt' of the_• "tiff cost. for \\'alC'r and se\\'l'I" hookups l·'<i ir('hild cl e e1dcd to loc.ite in San Jose instead. I t C'Osl S;tn J)i1·gc1 ;;,oon llC'\v johs, 'fhc kc.v ll•sso n dO\\;n s outh is t hat.11.000 n c\\1 j obs ~l!'1· nt:eclccl c;.ic h vcar-;_in<I tho:-;e onlv f()I' the city's O\\n \nung pt_·1111 I ~ ('Omi i1g into the ·labor ni~rk 'ct . San I >i t go · s u n l' n1 p I<> yccl no11· con s t it u t c about 10 !Jl' rce nt o f !he ~1rca 's l<.ibor fo rct' v s about 7 . I f'>Cre cnt in Or;,ingt· ('ounly. ~l'h e g O(lll hft_· c1bund<.int job!'>. frl'C' c conumy ;ind !'-:1lisfactnr.\· housing is ;1 \'illue l l'~S phr;1 sc in ;111 l'll 'i t·onmc n t plag u('CI \1'ith dirt;.· <.1ir. end less traffic p r\1 b!t.•rn ..,. po llul l'd \\1<1tt·I' <1n<i ~(.·rl 'l't:l1111 g n111 ~t lSut an en viron1ll L·nt \\ 1thtiul 1h1..•.s(' p r<d1!t·n1:-~cu,:!'.1t ·t n1ean much if y1>JJ c1 rt~c)Ul ol a JO}J il!ld (';tn 't <Af ford !o IJu .v g r<.11 ·er1es . n1ak1 · h ou ~l' pay n1t·n1 .., ;ind hu \ <:h1th1ni: . l l l'1-l ' i11 ()rHng el.1>1 11!1 ), l ilt· g 1u \1tli .1 11d nu g /'O\\'l/1 fl.1r« t'" <1 r e PP it t) rn i ze(l Ii y I ht • (. 'ou 11 l' II on I•: n ,. 1 ron n"I<! nt . l·.rn pl11~· nl C'nl . Econon1.v ;1nt1 l)e \'l'lOJ>lllt.·nl 1 c· 1·; EE I) 1 .ind lht• f<:n\'ironn1C'11lal ('u ;d i1HH l of <)r~ttl ).!l' ("ountv ! J·;('(J(') l~o l h n1;1kc rigid dl'n);111d :-i 1111 ~1 1,·1 ·rnn1c·n 1 H1 ,1gt._·nc11.."'> for th c·ir \'H'V.'l}i>l nt 1\nd . incll·t·d 1·:1t.'h dot·~ •h :1 \ L' \'it•\1 P<>int s 11·o rth,· <11' eu11 :-.1d1·1·at 1011 "/'h(' thin [.! <1111 · g<.l\'Cl'llllll'lll ;d .:J).!l'n t·iL'.., at all lt'\t'l:i fro111 "l:ttl· t tu·ough ('OLH1I\ 111 niun1c1 1>:1I ni u:-;1 f t 'lllt'lll ll l'I' I:\ !};t\;111t 'l' 'l'ltt· q u al!t.\' nf hfl' ,.., 1111p11t 1.1111 So ;11·l· lho us a 111J .., o/ f(•hs \\'h:tt gOn<l 1!'-01 11· \\ 11 hout llil· 11lh1·r • S ;1n O i('g<) ll ;i .., fuund 11 t_·11u ld11 '1 :-.IO\\ dn\\ll th'' 1·1·011o n 1\ 1-.<11:11<· n -., l'll \ 11'011n1l·nt ~111tl :-.till prt>Vid\.· t·no u gh brt·ad a nd but ll'I' 1•)h!'i 1! ,.., :1 les~on '''111·th r e> rnPmt><'r tn g . Gov. Brown's S tart Sn far so ,g oo<t . GO\'t'rnor Jlro \\ 11 ('al iforn ia 's nC\\' <"hicf l'X<'eu\1\'t' <lid11 't 1 c·o<"ll fnr ;:1tl\ rhl'tori(' in his inau g ur~d adclrl':-..., N t ·1thl·r <Itel l1l' fiH the ~k y· '' ith f;1!1C"l ful Jli r t 11rt·..,. I IC' outlin C'd ~1 br~)ad j)r t)gJ':1n1 .... o n1t· ilf ,,·hi1 ·h ''ill probat)\,\' c(im t,_· tl) p as'->. !'>«Hllt' of \\ht ch ,,·Jll find sl roni:: r1 fr('(''"i (If () IJ po.-; j lion lll'O\\ 11 's h(J\l'l'<I :t('U!I ,\ Il l l'l'('t!~llizi11 g ;1 11<l .... fl'('SS 11lg that ft_•\\'l'I' th ~1n one ll alf t•f Ca ltfo1·n i a 's L'li g 1hlr· \Ot l·rs cas 1 hallt>ls in his l'll'l'l ton Ill' sa id thi" <1111t t· l'll'arly s h O\\'S ~1 lack o f l'onf1dl'n<.'l' in gt>\'Crnn1cnt II<· plc <l gt·<I 111 do h t~ p~•r·t lo resl ul'C th :1l c·nn f id t ·n<· t • 'l'h at is '''ort 11 ' oft ht· h igh1~..,1 p ri o r1 I ' New View 11s Proble111s Grorv Kissinger Blames Israel in Stalemate Of Priso11 Se11tences T~ugh Ford Line Seen \VAS lll NG 'l'()N At a secret \Vh ilc lluus l· hrit•fing . S1·t:rl'tary of S latl' ll11nry l\.1 :-.~ing(•r rccc nt- 1.v <·u mpl;1111(·d th;!! /;.rat'! c ould hl.·lp prl'\'l'lll ;1 r\l idrlll• E::is t c·x pins ion "by bl'lrl g n1 nrt• flcx ibll'" I I<.• <'hargC'd the l!>r·a<'lis had ll'Up:J rfill.t'(I !ht• pe;1('{' O(').!Ol1<1- l1nns b<·~·atl' .. •' fht',V wo uld n '! f.: I \' t' ti JI ;1n o thL·1· .... , kdnn ll'!t•r:.; nr r\rah laru1 "'\\·11:1 t 1.., !'11\ ~ d n111•·l t•r:-. - tic d1·rn:1ndt·d . '' .1J,!:tlll '>I I h t• ris k t>f \\,1 1•" \\11• .,., 1·r1· ..,i•I h u(').: hcl':tU."t' of !-I:\ lt,u ... y \..1lon1l'll'r ... _ '' h'.I S~IN(;J.:lt 'S r(•rn;irks \\'C'l'c 11 1.uh· ln 1·nn).!!'L'!'>:..lon:1J leaders .... h~1 g :1lhl'rl'd ht'h1nd t·loscd \\hil e l!nu:-.1' doors fnr a f11rC>ign · polH'Y hr1t·f111 g ·rhe con fidential 111 1null'" conf1rn1 uur l)e(·embcr 17 r1•po rl th:1t lht• st•nlln1C'nt in 11l C' h;i1·krnon1 s of \Va~hin i..1.nn 1s 1 urn1n~ ;1J.::i1n:-.1 I s rael 1>rl·"id1·nt /·'ord h L•g::i n !he ,\!rd die I::.i~t tlisl·u~:->1on by ~lrc!'>s in g the gra\'e con"l''l llt'll Ct'" 1\11 his :ulv1'>crs a i.:r1:1·d . hl' :-.;11d . "lh<-tt unit'"" '>01111· p rn i,:.rr~., 1s madt', lh<· C"h.i11t·1· ... 11 f ".1r .1rl' \'Cry J.!f f':I! " If l h 1 ~ -.h u uld ha pp('n , h t· ~·;1r n t·d ... ,,, .. t·.1 n lrink for ;1nolhcr 'Il l (•n1hari.:11 ·· ;ind !ht· "likt'I.'" pu ;...,1tul1 \,\' 11f ('11 nfront;1t ioo \\'1th l lH' S 11\ 11•!'> " '/'lu ·n f\.1;.~111 g1·r 111nl.. ll\'('I I N Sf):\1 t: 11f th1· n1 1):-,t blunt l:u1 g11 ai.:1· h•· has t'\'l'I" ust·d n1 fr1)111 11 r c·1in µ,rt'"·"ion:1! ll·:1dC'rs. hl· 1![;_1n1t ·d l "i r:1 c l f,q· 1tu: stalcm:1tc 111 n1 •g1)\ 1:d ions with Syn ;_1. "lsr~tt'I h ;1d ;1 g-rt':ll opportun1- l v for :i \V t•i-.t ll:1nk :-C'lllcm•·nl "''1th .l ord;in '.., !KingJ lluss<"in ,·• K1 ss1n1.1 .-r f',...:pta1ncd. ls r aC'l's r:nlurc to i!(•;!l ~·ilh llusscin , tht' sccr('ta r v CPnl t•n d ccl, led the Ar<1 bs to 'rcc o~ni ze the Pa lestine I .1ber01ti on Org:inization. Now the Js raL"li s n111 s t deal vlith the !'I .O 's hated Y ~lsscr ~1fat, who ha ~ b e C'n d irecting terrorist w:1rfare ag;iinst them. This is n1nrC> than the Is raelis c tt n stomach . Bul because they won't do business \.\.'ith Ara rat, the Syrians have balked in t heir negotiation s with Kissinger. This h as "st ymied " his s tep-by-s tep .a pproach to peace, he said , "on the Syrian front ." ''\\'I-~ J\ 11: 1-: le fl with m ovement t oward ( l~gy pt 's (>r esid ent) Sad at." Kissinger reported, "in hope 11.'f' <.'an keep up the s tep-by-· :-.tcp ;ippr oac h '' I-l e <.t dde d • hooefu\lv that lhe re is "still a ~:hant·e for l~~.\'fll1an nci:ot ia ti on. I.ion." "I sn 't lhere danger:' as ked Rep. t.:lfo rd Cederberg, R .- l\1ich .. ··or eros ion or U .S. support oC Israel''" Dear Gloomy Gus I low <1 bout.: •· J)ocs She or rlorsi-i't s he ? Only the CIA knows {or sure ." .J .l~. OMmy Out c•mrnenu .,. tY"""ln.tl •r ............... ~ 111.C•••••lly .... ""'ttl'M .,..., ., ""-.,. ... .....,.r. s.IMI,....""" _,.o.....,.,o ... o.nv1t1'9il. Ki ssingl•r rl·S pond(•d, ;u:t(H·d · ing to the c o11fidcntial minut1~s. b y <.1s k1n g :J ques tion . l)o the (JACK ANDERSON) Ts rarlis '·t·onfus e rt ·:ullness nf the lJnit <'d St;it c~ to gt\'L' a id ." he 111quir£>d sil!nificantl.''· ""1ith rt' <-tdiness of lht· l 'n1tt·d St:Jtes to gn t o \\'ar'' ·· ··1 don't think so." inlc rrupt«cl Sl·n J-lu bert I lumphrey, D-!\1inn . a st;1unch friend of lsr a<'I. "The ls rac>lis and their friend ~ hC're ." s aid Kis s inger, "n~d to under stand lhC> ris k of "'orld solidarity ;:1 g <J rns t l sracl " II <' <·a r·<'fu11 y excepted the United St ;itcs rro n1 the· gro11·ing anti l;,r:n·!i hl<H· (Jfll'l' \IClll'd ;1., ll h· l\,11dl1111· .1pprr1;1l'J1 !o pl'1H ol4n . .:1 . tin· J1\1'd tl'rn1 ~L·ntl'nt·(• 1.., g:1thl·r1n ~ :-.111• p11r\ f(ll' it .;; t't•..,tl1'1'1•c·\1!1fl l '11!lo·1 thi· p re~l'llt ... 1:-l t·1r1 u! 1·ru111n .d J U ... l l('l' n1u .... 1 {If l hn..,t• ..,,.Il l 1 .. pt'i~on :1r1· "l'lllt•nc ·•·d lnr 1ht· tl·t 111 pt'f'Sl'l'lhf'd Ii\ l.111 'J')u .. 1 ... Iii•· 1n d t•IC't'1111 11 ;lll' ~t·lllt•rH ·•· \1 l111·h ~1·1 ~ 1o rth ~1 n 11 1u1nu1t1 .111tl n,,,, 1mun1 IH"/'111<1 ... uC"b .i-.. 11 1ll' lu lt•11 .\t·:.i r.;. \\'l11l1· 1h1 · n id ,l!l' u ... u.d l' h a,.; l!J\' 11pl 1 !~11 !Jf ~t.I~ 111 ;.! l''l't'\I !J d ll !II' )..:1';1/lllll,!.; IJrnh:tt1u11 h f' u ... 11;11!~' e:1nno\ ll\ llll' tl'l'ltl ol 1111 pr1!'-t111rn (•n t 'l'h:11 1 ... lhl' f1111c·11•n ,,( t h t • .-\d u l l At•! '1111 11 .. ·1 h,it 1'111! l 1n11_· \'t1nin11-..-..1on ·ii' pn111\1•d h\ 1ht ' 1:11\1·1·11111 !1 \t'l'1" l·i r1·111 I ... 1.1lv .ii l l1t • \.11 111(1 "J TEl~l, tht•n1 ." rt'"P<'lnd~·d ,-------------, Jfumphrey, "you 'v£• ~ol to tr11st ( J u>. You 've ""' 'o trnst De. Ki ss· ,_E_A_R_L __ w_A_T_E_R_s_ in ger . A pre-C'mptivt' s trike by _ . l s r <1e l \~·oulcl he :1 <·oloss:ir n1is - takl" ;.1s rc g ;trds the t 'nitt·d States. 'fhl'Y n1us l 1 ru~t us. " "I 'm meeting with about J.'1 J('wish con1n1unit:ii leader s, .. Pr<'sidenl J.'orrl hrnkc in . "I 'll ~HY :ibout "'h:it you 've s aid. 1'h(•y :..ho uld trus t u s . I f thcrc·s a \1 .. :1r ;ind the chips are do "'"· the re · ... rea r nf <•n ~1nti-ls r~1 l'I n1n\'l'Ol t'l1l in the l 'nitcd St:.1tes . \V t•'rc h('rt• to guar:1nt('c their inlcgrity, but thl'rC nlus t ht• trust on the ir part " ··1·hl' Bu:.. ... 1:\n amb;1ssadnr t hinks his ('nu n try will join us in ;1 polll1t·al Sl'lllc·men1 and a JOlnl guar;1nle l' of pcal'L" in tile are:1. • r ('porterl Sen Willitinl F\1lhri,t!hl , 11-Ark , lhl' l)tll ).!O lng S1 ·n a t ..: ~·orc 1 gn R c l ~1t i on s th airrn ~u1 ·r111 s \.\.·ou!d n1 c ;_1n ;d1andoninJ.!. the S\{'f)·b ,\'·S1Cj) 11(',l!Otia!JOllS :ind g oin g tn (;C'ncva for expanded pe:i ce talk s. warned Ki ssinger "."0 /\ R1\ B ther e \v iii makl· a concess ion i n f ront of the oth<·rs." hf' frarc d . Recognition or the P l~O. he also warned. ~'ou ld bC'come "the. front issu(', blof'king any olhL·rs. "f''or the So\'if'ts to r c:Jl!v help," he sui;:gested , "they wiil need first to help move the Arabs toward reasonable positions. I f !the Soviets) take the extreme Ara b position a nd lhf"n ask us lo sell that lo the Is r aelis, we're in trouble .·· Jn C>ase the Middle East should go up in flan1 cs again, Senal<• Arm'cd Services C ha irm an John Stennis. D-M iss .. s ug,aested that the United St<Jtcs miJ,!hl furnish Is rael with ar1ns bu\ no n1an po"'·er. "Yes." a g r eed !'reside nt l·"o rd "J\nd we'v(' told the m that there's a p(Jint where we have to con sider w h at th e A m eci<'an po.isition would be .'' ''The r e's a l imit l o the money:• grumped Senate Ap· propriations Chairman G eor ge A1ahon. 0 -T ex. "The I sr aelis reel that mone y and a rmaments areeasytocon1 c by," said the President. "l agree there's a Ii m it." FOOTNOTE : At one point, Re p . Wil l iam Bray , R -Jnd ., brought up the question or Iran's apparent s hift fro m the Israeli to the Arab side. H e asked whether the fact that Tra n is a Moslem na- tion raised "aspects of a holy war, which could also involve Turkey," a lso f',1oslc m . "We should do nothing to drive Turkey into t h11t position ,·• r epli e d KissinJ.(Cr . ' p 1 1 ~1)11 " l nnL i1 1· ... .o tl' -.1'li1·d u ll'<I l•Jr ht•.il'lll!.: ;111d h~l/>-t 'd 11 po11 .1 1c Ill'\\ 01 l':t ('I\ !J I l-.Olll'! ... I Iii' ,1!1d .1hOll\ .! 10 ·11111\Ut(• llll t'I'\ H'I\ d ilf'f'l ... /f!/) ti.ii l' 114)\\ l·:\'l·:lt. lht• clt•t·1 ... 11111 ... ;111· ... 11111,·el 1\'l' :n1d 11 1.111 \ 1,111 111 \111 1 l'l']1-;1s1· fl :llt•..., ;1 l lht,'11' ltll1 1.tl ,q, 11t·;1r:1n 1·c ht'for1• !hl' <'nn1 1111 ...... 11•r1 . Snml' fJl1 l11 n1· :1ft 1'1 t:nl•' l nd1·1- !h L· la\\ ;1 l\·h1n 11 1,1\ lu· 11,.ld 1.11- !h•· 111,t'\lllltH ll 1l'l'lll 1d !ii, "''II ll'l1 ('1' tf ht• d 4"'" !IP! "llH\I l'\'idi•n ct~ of "1-l·l1 :1h1!1l .d 1un ' 11111• u l !hl' ll1!'.1-..11 r vn11·11 r ... h ,1 h1'\.'ll .I l'>iJlll\ lllg J)\.11 J\i1• (I'll\ I• I l'.l!I f111d 1·ri1pl1l \ lllt'll1 11 11·]1'.1 ,.d 'l'h;111•/!1·1111.1, ti.·,·n ,1 /1,11 111·1 ,011 .i 111 h;11d 11 rn1·.., l1••1p1111 •.., 111 111 fllfll 1 ll I ;1 l J\ t ' '/'Ii(• Jilr/~·t1 •i fllll \.i!1 • ..,, 11 1'•111 I t'\f)]\t'd ••UI ol \lit• t 111111·pl 11\.11 p r i son~ s ll1111ld 1111t lh · 11)1 p11111 ... h /lt(•nt Ha rh1·1 1h1•\ ... 1i o1ul d 11•· l't1t'll'f't J\'l'. ;ind r t'h :1h ll1l.1111111 \\111tld \\ork l«1rl h1·hf'lll'l11 o! linlli lhl.· nffr·nd l'I° :111d >.Ot'll't l l l '' ,1-. ;i[so faYnrt>d hl'(':t ll:-.L' o! \hv t1 1 .. 11•1r1t_\ 111' :-.t•n\l'li('l'~ 1.'.i\'l'l1 1, .. 1ht· llHlg('"<; 11 11· tht• ~<lllh· l.\pl'" 1d p f f(•l1 S('~. IRO:\i'IC.\1.1 ... \' ll has 1;'111.·11 1111\1 <li ,..;f ;t\'01" \\'llh h11th llio· ·hardlin e r s ". \\'h<J h;.l\'l' t'iH1i· plained t.h :1l too mun_v \\'Cl't' h<•1n]! rel('aSt•d 1111• eurl1·. and l h1 · ··ltLer:1ls'· ,,Jio c l\.i r :::1·1h.1t n1<11l\ :ire ht'ing h('ld far 111·.\·0 1101 l h1· 1111ll' Olll' \\'!)\llrl /lOl'lllallv "''l'\I' 1'111· a g ive n llt['c n :-L' · t)n l.\· r1,_•t'l'rit\,\. :11 :1 li l·.i r 111g !'11ndul'!t•d h1 Sl'11<1!11r' John ;-._, . .1 1•c\I ~ .. 1 ht• ;nd('lct rn 111Hl1' )..t'll \t'Jlt't' \I ~,.., \t•l'tlll'd .I ll H o~[ Ill .l:l 'llJ O IJ S fo l'lll ~,J h :1rh;1 1 I•' tur\ul'1,_' .. \\'ilnl'>.St '" told !ht• c·n 111 mitt ct· lha1 f1·u..,11 a t inn .i nd h 11 lerness (','lusc·rl h\' th1· 11111•t•rl a 1n ty of ho\v Jong :i n 1n11i;1\" rn u).,t Sl 'l'V{' s p .1r\..;. 1llll <'h nl l hl· \-11)lt·ncC> bl'h1nd p1·1 ~n11 ~'.d i ... Critics of the hl.1\1'.., 111 1 ... 0 11 ... h<J\t! long, c nn l1•nd('<l lh.1! 1ht• rl· hahilitulion progr .1rn ... ,11·1•11 1 \\'Orking a nd cit e I.Ill' 1111 1n h1•r:-. nl repeaters to pro't' !h1•11 , .• 1~1· C l ai min g it h :1.., li1·1•n111 <· .t c h ara d e \\'h erein t he• f (·\o n . learns \V h <il the ('0 111 n 11 -. ... 1<•n ""l':-. a~ a criteria of rth . .!11/11 .11 111 11 .n1d the n plays th e ro\j· 10 1111 pr1·~:-11 Stating ''you ean·1 tnr C'c rf' habilitnt ion." 1\1lt H'~/>-\'' :1r gnl·d that if lht' prr~U ll ('I>. h llO I\.' tH J\\' long thc.~y 1nus1 :-1·1 \\' 1hn...,1· 1\·ho :->•nci:·rc ly \Vant ~H·lp 111 r1·t·1:d111Lt.1 lion \\'ill seek 1l ;uid 11 11H11·1 l>t· :1 J,tnmc . \\'.f\S lll NG 'l'()N 'l'hC" unt::l'r· ! cunt lC'~ o f t !17 .') ;_1ppP;1r I n 11(' J.!l'l'a\1·r th:J!l in n1ns l peuc·t·t inJ(' :--<'ar~. ll11t Prl•' thing is s ur" 'l'h(• fi rst 1·01n pl(•t1· f•'ord pr~'g r;1n1 111 hC' prt's1•nll·d In l 'oo,i!rt•l'S \tlll Ill' !'>tH·h pr1•ssurc on the lctii:;cr n f the gnvl'rnn11'nL's 1n <'on1P ;:1n<I out~o. .:..r nd it is n1'<'t'Ss;1ry to ~o back l f1 th<' years of \\'o riel \\'ar JI lo rind P<t ralll·ls a s ho('\t c·r ,------------~ ·rhC' d1!en1 n1:.i 1\ prt•.s1-·nt:-t>. ( RICHARD J O\l'r\\·hl'lmtn g l 'vnsidl'r th1.s 1ax l'll1 ~ to lit • WILSON ··ffl'('tl\•' .1-.. I t ' (' l ' ... '-I 11 n ,! II :1 11 I I [ X~ llll';!-.ltl I', \\d i I - h,1\1· t•i r1111 111 ~ I h,. '" u II 1 t ~ lid li nn r<nlJ,.:•·. $12 lo s~:. h1ll1011 'l'h t.., <lio n " <·11u l d 1·;111;.1· ;i ~11.1r·111g g(1,·ern n11·nt d t• f11·11 r :111 ~1 n ~ f ron1 $.10 \ti $.)0 !+111 11\ll 11•1' :1 IH',11·1·111111• r'l'l'<>l'd l!ut <1 11tt -r l'L't'!"S 1on :1r•.v nH·;1 ... 11 rl'>. do n1)f st a nd alont· 111 f hi' t op pr1 n r1t r t:;1tl'gory 1\n 1111 nH·n..;1• lfil'l'l'il>.(' in lh(' d <•fcn :-:l· bud g t'I. pl'rh :t pS HS TTlUC'h ;1"<; :!5 pt.'l'('t'nl 1.., h<'in g di :-c·ussrd in !'()!)g ! l'..,..,1(1 11,d ('I f ('l(.'S. 1'f1t• l'<°•n- t.lf;!n ll ;.., rl'\JOl't t•(I ~l·L·king <Jn 1n - 1'r 1•:1~l' of ;1.s much ;1 s ~9 bilhon to l'l'~l n rt· f/\1• clt•plC't1ons of the Vi~·t · n.1111 v. .tr and proc<·C'd \.\.'ilh the 11uell'a r ,1rn1 s C'xp a n~1on upw;1rds In !ht· lirn 1ts o f the Vl adivos tok ,1g r1•1·n1 \ ·n I S11ll .1nnl hl"r p rio ri ty presents 11 ... 1·lf. :..11p pl~·1n g 1:-;rael in ano ther fl'n<'v. :d n f tl11 · 1\1 ideas l confli ct, 1\hl('h P r l'S i d t:'nt Ford has l11 n1 ... 1'Jr p l:tC't'd 111 the like ly .I It'):\ •f'\ ,, t n th1''~l' l'ri1J11!1 e ... ('11 n 1 1• 1h{' prng1-:i n1 s \1 h 11'h l '11ng r (•s;. v.· 1 ll init1atl~ 1f t ht• \\'h 1!v I 1011 ,,l' dn1•s not. Sll('h :1~ g11\·,·rn n1 1·1)! f1nan1·crl robs for lht• 11nt·rn11 l1 1~·t_·d :ind u1 111c·r snl h1·:1llh 111 ... ur .i n t·i· J{.1r1•l1 h~·rn1't' h:1s lhl'l'l' IJt·('ll It i~ n o "ond<'r therefore that l'rcs1drnt 1:ord 1s talking v;ig ue- ly a boul "hard :ind tough " pro- pos als dC':liing v.•ith £u ndan1('n- tal:-.. ll is po~1\1on 1s ahout a s un- comfortable as it c·outd be in confronting :J new Conj?r('SS with different id e a s ;1 nd perhaps little sy mp<ithy .. , ith g cncrnl concept:-> that 1n c ludt· <In \'Xpan~i on of th(· n1ilit nr~· l'Slnblts hrnl·nl \Vhi le lht• \Ol c rs a rt• pri n1ar1ly interes ted 1n rl'l't'SSllH I ;ind 1nfla!ion. ClTll I~ R unt·o mfo rtab l c ll1 (':1 sur1'~ ~1 r i • 1n pros pr<'l to curtail lht• l'CH1 sun1ption o f oil '''ithoul ;1 d irec t tax levy on g :_13 0[1n f'. 1'hC"s r include the poss1b 1ltty n f ;1 l a :\ nn od import s \.\.'hic h \\Ot1ld he pa ssed on to the (·ons un1 er, or q11ol as \\ hi ch 'vould r e~t r o t'l 1·on s un1pt1 0 0 e v en t hou g h t hL·1 t' ,..., rll) s hortage ol 011 . The prnhl<'n1 i.s thnt it s cost is too high a nd thrc;!l ('n s lo wreck the '' n rlrl ·:-1 1•<·01111111 r. h11! the coun- l er\':1Jl 1n g 1111·;1 ... ur<·~ :irL•n 't gct - 11 11)-! to lhl' ht_·:u·t of thl' prohlcm_ T!us j.., to 11l!lur e the i\rnb con- lr o!h'r " o j th(· p11cv o/' 01} ti) rt'- d ul'l' it 111 thl·Lr o\.\.·n lon!!·r:Jnge 1n- !1 •r('~t 1.; A:-..,onn :1 ~ thc·y flo nnt, thf• "Pf'l't1·r of ;1 nltlit :1ry 111 - l<'rYt·11 !111n t11 bring :1houl 1h 1 ~ rl'- :..11 1l t·aruin1 hi' t•o n1plctely e x <:li1d,•d (r11n1 !h 4' d 1;.<·11 u r>.l' (1( !ht· 11 rohl1·111 1'h.1I i1 1 ... 1·u 111 :-1• 1111w 1ocludt's. ht) 1~ "1 t ' 1 11 n ! 1· .t It s I I l' :1 I! y . <I t••1dt• 1111 l' !)l'fl)lOS<t [s for ~I d ('fCnSC ;1lli ;.1nt't' g 11 ~1 r·:1nt11 l·i11g Js r<1t'l 's .'"il't'llrity u·ith 11 S . lroops ..,,,,_ l 1011l'd nn 1\r •d,-l ~r acli hordcrs to lll·tt'r :.it1:1rk St;('ll I S tht· r ar ·nut nuturl' of thr pu hh(' d1 St'USSl()llS whic h haunt /'r l·s1d e nt J•'ord a s ht• tries to <1d a pt. l J S . polit_·y lo very dis - 11-l'sst>d t•onditinns on whic h l hl'f'l' is no 1·~,ns1·nsus. lie is t·on1- pelted to rc vcrs l· himself on taxa- tion, to rC"Vt'<tl lht• true implica- t ions o f lht• fu rt·1~n poli cy irt .term s o f n;_il.Jona l dt•fl'ns c, a nd to rmoose thr r estrictions wh ich eould uot bt' u!'htC\•etl by a dis- play of \\111\' buttnns. ·And he n1usl do this to the at·compani- n1i·nt uf n1ult1billion d o ll ar de· fieil s he abhnr r1·ll in his '2~·Yt'ar career "" :1 n1inor1ly spokesn1an in Co11grPs ..... Any prt_•s idt•nl, hov..·c vcr. )Jopular or 1·c\·ered. \.\.'Ould h;tve In :1s k h1msc·lf If he i'oUld IC;HI Co11g r(·~s :Jnd the t nuntr.v in that d1rect1o n in a pcr1ort of dcllated l'XJll'Clat1ons. It is all the more <liffi<'ull for f<'oriJ lQ do as hjs popularity ;,liiJl·s IT IS rcrvC>ntl.v hoped herC" that th(' in\·igora t 1ng :Jlr of Aspen , Colo. and 1hc lhrill of the s ki s lopes ha~ cl1·art•1I President f'ord's h t•it cl. /\.clear hea d \.\.'ill be nt'('ded to b a la nl'e confli<"tin¢ de- -mand::. nf inflat ion and rcces~ion. of tax Put s \Vhilt• d efense costs ri~, 1\l l v.dl untold i n the nC'xt IC \\.' \\'C'c k s a~ l'rc~tdl"nl J.'ord tlC>li v(·rs his f1 r~t )..f;_1\l' uf lht• union ;icl - drt·~., ;ind prt• .... 1·11 1.., l 'unJ.!rL·Ss "'ith his 1!)7.'1·7fi h ud ).'.i•t :1od t•1·n11011111· nll'S>.:!gi.' "l'hl· ..,h ;q 1t' nf till' l•'orrl Pl't'S idf'llt'_\' 1111 1 !!it'll l'rll('l'/.!t' !ll full ;ind :1n ... v. t·1· lhl· qlll'"ttO!l nf h n\\ \\t•!I 1\1• t',11\ ll'ad t ilt: l'11untry Ul ,11 1111(' of 't I l '"l-- Crime Thrives on Mobility (1111• r 1·:1so n pPrhap," ;,1 Ja r~·· rl':-i ..,nn fo r t hC' g rou•ing r a te •lf 1·r1n1t' 1n \ht• l l S . is the 1n1·rea>.Pcl n1 nb1l1t .v r1f tht• pnpula!ro n i°\('l \\{'1•11 a fifth <ind a fou rth of ;dl A1ner1c ans n1 ov(' e vC'ry _,•t·a r ;1 nd 11 c<l rl y ha II of 011 r pt•ople ha "'· been at tht~ir prc:.cnl add rc:-.s l c~s Lhan five y c ;1rs Thc r C' is a high <.'orrl~latinn hf'l\\Pl'n :-l ahilit~· of population and <"rin1P r· :t ! t· ·" (; l'll «' r :1 1 I ,\ ~pi-•:1k in ~. 1h(• .... n1:1lll'r lhl' ('().!lllTitill11 ~ . t he IP\.\.'l'I' lh1· 1·;dt• {If t·1·1 me \Vht:'n peopl(• >.l :1y put , you krlO \I v.•h(l thl'Y arc ;ind c·r11nt' thr1 \'l'" 011 n1<1S" :1 nony m1t ~· "'ou can s ec I his rule nµcrat111 J,! n·1nr1 · clearly 111 t erms of lraff1c cind ;i utomohlle mannt'rs . In a sm all to'''" o r \'illagc. n1olnrists as a rule hC'h<1\'C '''ilh caution and •·ou rt e ~y h •~c a us (' ever - y hn<l~' k n ow s thP!ll and fl'· cogn11C"s then· t':irs II is in1 po~si· hl,• to g('t. a\\·:i y v.·Jth h:ul n1un n('rs. m ur h ll'SS n1nvhem. 1n ~ t1~hl llttl£' rc !'i ulC'nti;d ~sl und I N T iit: h1 J-'. 1'11 ~. 11r •1Lrhn11 c-o n1 pie x . rn 01 rlr•~ ts go 01 ;1<1 \VII h 11 ~t_·l1~(' iif !101\\'I , h:l)..f'(\ 1111 ;1 ('~I I' r('!«pont\1 11 ~ lo~.., 11! 1dl·nt1ty If yo u \\'Ill ll C'V l'r Sf'f' llH' fL•ll11u· 1:1 g a111 , \11 h y hnlllc r lo h" ~·1 \ 11 ·• ill' 1s only )1.1r! •II .1 111:1""· ru11 .1 kno,1n ll l'I L!lih111 . ,1 1111 ,\11 11 fee l nn !'l''P1111:-.1l11I1 l v I 11\\ :1 rd hi 111 . \., ., f'f11'(l ll<1r\', rnos l <'1lrl'" (SY DNEY HARRIS) h.11 l' f ;1r n1 n r1· r1·n l t>r " !h;u1 hron1C"O\\ll t,_•r ;. l f 1·r1n1 e ::.\:111s\it•" 11 t'!'t' hrnk (•n d o v.·n l '111 sur1· .. ~ l' \\'t\u[d find 1hal f/S 111•r<·1·11t n r tilt· pt·opl1 · n .... 1 111·1·11py inj.!only 10' l'l'l"(°l''1 1 ll f ti)\' l;111d ()ur pr11 hl1·1n '" less ··n1o ra t'" th;:in it 1., l'1·on o m1t· ;:in,r ... .-u;iolng1('aL '!'ht' same p('oplc \\'di bc h:t\'C' d tffl're ntly in <tif fC"rC'nt mr!rcus ~•nd undC'r dif- f('r(•nl st1n111ll Our l'rimf' is a :-1 ~ n1pto m of thl' '' ay \.\.'l' incrcas- in~ly li vt· and r o u c ;1n'l deal '' i 1 h I hl' s.v 111pion1 unl<•ss you ~o t n th1• 1·at1:-l'-"l'ht• n1l•n;.icing' erinll' r :1!{' 111 lh L' ~lttrn r:-. :1n attribute of I ht•~ I u n1 . nol ot' l hl' pe ople ,,. ho ;_ire t 1 :t ppt·d t hcrt• n11H'f' o f 11f1 ,·nrh·r .., (!() nnl 01\n r---------------" lhl'l l' o v. n hon11·).. llnlnt• t1 \V l1 £'1·s h1p :dn n1• 1s a p1,\.\.·~·rf1d f0re1· to \\ ard l:1\\·ahid1n,.:nPss, i•\'Cn in ..,nm1·th1ng a s trivial a s ht1t•rin).! f-:x :in1ine an.\' h ln rk \\'he1'C' you ha\'(' a lnn g r o\v o f indi\'iduul humC>ov.·nt'rs ;ind an apartn1<'nl. bluldini.:· 1n1·;ir1ahly thl' hom('S have neat l'.!roundc;_ whil e the apartn1C"nt hulldin)! 1s !he fo<'us o f litt er :ind cl <'hr1s If it's not yours . you don't care ubo11 t it. Li'I 1h1• l ~1 n dl or<I wnrrv. ii he \.\-;H1 ts lo C'RJ:\1 F. ha .., in t'l'C'<lSP d not h~·caU:<:l' .. r any "hreakd0\1·n 1n moral1l y ." hut'~in1ply a s 1-1 f1111\'· 11011 n f n11n1her~. (·on1prl':-..,11J1\ :ind n1n hilit y. 'l'hl' l ! S pop1d11 11on h <t />-d1111blc·fl s ince I v.·;1).. :1 hoy, (1n<I h<.•s transform(·(\ 11 ..,•·lt frnn1 n ha.;;ic;dl v rurnl t11 ;1 L•r~•' ORAN GE COAST DAILY PILOT Hnhf'rl f\' IV Ped. Pltbh,,hf'r Th111110 .~ h'f'eu1f. f:d1lor Ra rba rn II' rnbicl1. f:dilnrrol f>oge f;d11nr Thf' f'rlttnn ,d 11 :1.i:•• of lh•• f>11ifv 'Pilot St't'l.i ~ '" 1nf,.rn1 11nd ~\1muh1tf. rt>.Hf••r .. h} \1r1·,•·11t1njl. ••n lh1s fldftt' 1t11 l'f'l' foflll'f1•'11!.1rv on top1rs of in· h•rt·~t hi' ~l'n•l1r ;1tt ·rl t·olumni ... t~ anrl r ;1111)01'1 l'il ,, h,1 11 r1>11dins.? a fnrum l •>r rr .t clrr:, · \'I~'\\' ;1nrl hy 11r('S<'nt1n1£ rh1' l'I('\\ ,,1ap1·r ·.., u111n1C>n!I 1:1 nd 1d1•11 ... 0 11 t•ufrt•nl l•)IJ I\ s 'Th.-t•dil nrial f•l)1n1nn~ flf 1h•· 11:11 !1 !•11\11 StP1H'ar "l!h 1n th" 1•01!1"11.11 1·ulun1n a1 lhl• 10111 nf th•· JfJJ.!'' tlplrH•\'1~ exprt''iSl'rl 101 !ht' l'~1lu1 nn1'!' a11\ol rarloon1.~I ~ .. 11111r'11••r \\r1t•'*' 111,.Jhc-irnwn end n<• 1·udn1 ~1'r111'''' ''' 1h1•11 l'1t•1o.-s hy the l,,1111 l '1l"1 'hnul11tu•1nf1•rn •d . ], urhan 11.1\11111 , \\l'h ~Kl pt·r 1·1·111 Pl' '---------------- Robbery Recalls TV Show SANTA ~1(1'.\Jt'.\ \r\1'1 In .i robbery rl·n 11n1:-.e1..·11l ul " rnu\ ll' shown on Lt·lc\t-,1<•11 l\1 •• 1110111!1.., ago, a 90·p(H111d JJoll1·rn1.1n Pinscher ,bit a n11 Jll·I l ll·rk ;111d later a p olieen1;.i n 1\)iol .11 ·1·l·~1t.:d lhe holdup man, i\l vnd ,1 ~. pOllt'c said. The black :111.I h1'0 \vn Doberman, nJn1vd "'I' t' ", v.·as 6hot in the ht';td h\ till p•1licen1un and James (_ir1·t.:11ry (;uidry. 2U, [_s_1_a_1t·-~J was book1·d 11\r 111\1· l1 i..:.l\1tor1 nt robbery and ...... _ ..... tull 1<.1\h c1dl«Jill:- weapon. It \\las 11!-1· .1 _.,1·1·111· ln1111 '1")11· U,.I l •llpholo Tuesdary, January 7, 1975 DAILY PILOT AS Reagan Beads Home Brown Goes to Work S ,\t'n /\:\!J;;;.J 'J"CI (,\J') -P'-'rl"r ntorabuut$21l5 1,l(I0 1·ut1 nh1 ... (.':.il1f11rn1,1 '~ n('11 ~O\'l·rnor llt'gins offH·i· liudgcl. u:-ini.: ;i n1t>tl1un'· ·1oday lotrytofulfllJh i:.1 ni.1u gur;_il S l lt•d sc d;_in rather th.in a pron1isC's or putling: u ncn1ployed 1tn1ousi nc. :.ind no ft·:-.live 1n - t.·1t1zens to work ""hile keeping a augur<.tl U<ill. tight rein nn thl.! s tate budget. A~ 13ro,vn took lh<' reins of ( Editor1 ;J[ 1'111111n .. n1. Ali l . · j)t1v.·cr, l ll'J/.!Jtl :.lipµcd U.ii:k 1ntu As (:ov. 1':dn1und t~. lirown Jr. tht• role of a pr1\'alt• i.:1l1 Li:n \\1th .4 started to \l.'l"l'~llP 1\"ilh the :.t:.itc 's fan1i1L:ir ~1ctivity -the forrncr co n1pl ex p1"oblcn1s, !{On <i ld radio s porlst'ilstc r and :1ctoz-\Va s 1-{eagan ht·:.ided for his Santa a guest 1\tunday on his d aughlt·r Barbar a r a ne h to fix a barn roof. J\I au rec n 's Los Angeles r '1 dio pro- Thc 36·Yt><JJ"·old guve1·nor -th e gram. state's you nge:-.l 111 n1orl' ttl:ln 100 'f oday, Reagan planned to re· ycars --\1·~1s torn cl•l\\'llhc~1 binet pai r the barn <:il his newly und IC'gisl:::ill\'t' ll'.idt:rs today It) purc-hnscd ranch near Santa \\-'ork out hO\\" h1:-. adn11n1:.tr:.i.tion IJ arhara. \\lllbe d1ffl'rCntfro1nHe;q.~<-1 n·s . J,;•ti:r in the \\'l'f'k, he i :-; I lf~ro\\ n 1 .f:-.un or th~· r11:1n l,<~·a~'.111 ~~ cl~ Cale( vr the lo:L•\t'!"tllll" 111 J;•lili, ... W \\"(L;-,. llJaUgUJ":Jlt'd J\lu11d;1V hl•fu1·e e Ore Off flOi•fl the h'gisl:1 turv :111d .t :-.l.11~·\\'L<il' to hatJe to learn to t C'I~,. is ion ;1ud1 c·11cl' Ii L•f" with les11."' 'l he surpr1:-.1ngl\' h1 ·1l•f 111 · ~-......----~ augur:ll ;1dd1 ·1·.-.:-. h,· t!h· h;11•1l1•hJr • \v a rnl'd 1 h ,1 l t ·vt·ry ~ t..J t 1• p rog r :i m 1s IJ1·1ng 1·t· t•:i.an11nl·d lo l1 nl'J pl ;i ,·cs tot· u t !)t :.itt'.' spcndi ng. ·• llL• signed hi s first executi\'C oi( dl·r ni<indat1ng that slate dcpatf· n1cnts qu;1il ty f\H· fl~d l'ra l job pr1j";. ).!r.1111 s 1h...1t l"'>Uld brin;.: up to $15 11111!1nn 111 tl·d~·ral n1 u ncy (or O)e Ulll·m p\1J~ ed. '· f\l though Bro1vn's detailed n1t·:-.~;1ge vn a s l<.1lt' budget of ap. prnxLrnat('!y $11 billion for t!\c 19i5-7ti f1sc.d yeHr is to be givL't' J ~1ler I h 1 s week, hl' J nd LCated \\ ha't it \\"0111'1 C-O lll:Jlll. "B1:-.111g unt•n1ployn1L•nl ru c~ns rl·Ju1·t·d :-.l:ttl! rCVl'llUC':-. a:-. \\'C'l l ;is 1':-.l·:1l.•t1 ng l'.\Jll'lld1turL'S f1f r hvalth ;111 rl \\"l'l f ~ti"t'. l ~ut I :in1 d1 ·· 1l·rn11n\·d le) :-.1'l' lh1s Yl'~•I" thruu gh \\'i!ho11t. asking !ht• IH'nplL' f•)r fur !l1cr :-.11"r1f1t·t·s in till.! for1n uf llc\1 ! :1 \", ·s, " ht· I t)[d t hl' p ;_1 ckl·d ;\:-,.. :-.vn1hl\ t·h:1n1hL·r Doberman c.;.~11 ;..:, '.1 1:11:1 rn"' 11· that ran on th,· c·ns L11t• ni .a..:h1 movie Nov. R. In th;i\ l'J!n1 , :Jnd 11 -. s e q u e I , · · 'f h 1· J) :1 r 1 n i.: Dobermans." d11g::; \\'1·1·L· u~1·d tn commitrobberiL"'- Brown Piek" Lor .. 11: INTERVIEWED BY DAUGHTER 0Htg01ni:: Gov. l<onalct l{eagan ••PPf'arL•1l on the K A ill.'!'\. t.dk s ht)\v "'.1\1\1 Sho\v'' :\londay \Vith h1 :-> d:iughtl'r. f\.l:nirccn. \vhilt~ incoming (;1)\'. Ecln1lUH! l ~rp1\·11. Jr. \\a.-. liL·111g :-O\\'l)l"ll in ;1t Ill· ;1ugural cere111on1 e.-. 111 S :1cr;1n1cnto. ;\1aurccn is CO · hostt·~s un the ".\l-.1 ~ho\v ·· thi s v. ~·('k . ;11111 ht.'f f;ithC'r v,/a s ht•f' ri rsl guest t"h!l'f (':'\l'l"tl\l\'l" l"l,"hH1"t\ lll.1!)\ 01. hi s l·:tn1po11 g n tlll'llll'~. tiul h1.-. ··nP\\" s p1r1t'' s 11undvd r('· markably 11!-c Hv:ig:.in·:-. '"(·ul, Sfjllt'l'Zl" :111d tr"llll ., 1'hp :l4 1h govl'rnnr ;ll :--o 1vPnl to San r'r;inc1sci) and J_,(i:-. 1\ng1·lL•s to dl'li1·cr n1 inl-1n ;n1gu1·al addrt~sse:-. .ind del1\·cr the lllf'~sagc that !ht' rl'l"l':-..-.ion-prt'::. . ..,('ci s t;ttl' budg1'1. \\ill not he !he :-01 1rt"L' 1>f f111<.Hll't;d sa ! 1 .1 t 111 n for h H' .11 gov{• rn n1t •n l". sthC'dulerl to sta1·t tapin g his 0,1·11 tl:1il~-r:idio prug r~1111 . Ni::-..t. ~1 011 · (J;1y. ht:> firs t \\'t?Ck ly !lC\VSpapo,.'r rnlunin is to appear. ~ind Rcag;u1 :-.l:irts his first t>X!C'ndcd :;pcakint; tuttr. Hr0\\'11 's n1C'Ssi.1gc of fi!;oc·:i l c11n - scrva11sm contra:,ted \\.tlh .i lt•gi~!ativc :.gend::i 1n;1<ll' 11p <+f pr1,gran1s 1vht<"h ti.id hL'\'n \1·111L·d nr uppu~..-d by RP.::ii-:~111 during 111 " reign .is California go\·f'rnor. ···rills nlt'an .... t..'l'L'r y branch .1n<l dt.•Ji.irltnl"lll ot :-.tatt• f!1•ver111ne11t JHU:-.l 1·l'·t·:-.an1111l' Ll:-.l·lf \\'1th the v1t•1\' !1)1\':1rd e1Ln1 ina1111g-l'.'..:.lh'll· d1turl':-. not :1bsolut t~l v l'S~l·nt 1al tu the \l"t' JI ·he i ng Pr our j)L'O]l I(·.·· In the l,os 1\ngt•lt•s l'ity C1HHH'li 1"h:t 1nlH'fS, Ile tn ld :.ihout 35 of- t't('!Jls snn1c o\/l1..:r J:->Jll'C IS of h1.:-. liuili.:t•t: LOS ANG1::1,r:s ( \1'1 ·r11.._. rounder of n g ro1 ip t h;11 t 1·1·q 111 •1 it Iv c lashed "'1th 1111 · ll 1·.1;:..111 .1d n1inistration \\1ll 1:t'l .1 1"1' ... t,111 • job. Gov. J·:dznund (; l\1 1•\111 .J1 s:.iid J\>lond;:1\' llrov<n s;;1d Ii•· 1-. t.'111111..'. 1 .. .11• point Jin1 J.ol"l'tl/, J11111 1ill't' <'f Ca lifo rn i<i l {u1·;1I Lv ;.· .. 11 1\s s istance, Io I_){' d 1 r• ·1 ·1 ur of I h1 · ... 1,1 t l' Employn1c111 l)l·1 l'i(1prnL·nt Dcparlnll'nl 2 Suspects Nabbed In 'Check-kiting' '"[ 1h1nk :dl uf us h<i\"l' !n ln11·1·r nur :-.1g hts. ,.nu ha1·1• \11 \1lPk f!1f1\;1rd to dl'L'!ining ;_1 :--~1,.,1,1111·L' fi·nn1 thl' :-.t<itt~ \\"t' art• :di gn111 ~ In h :•Vt~ lu lC':1rn to hvt• l\"llh It':-.:-.,"' he t4ild n1;1yors, c-nunty ~upt'rv1:-.0rs ;ind uthcrs under th t• don1l' of San FranL·i.-.co "s cit v h;1 ll 1"h:1l 1ncluclt'd r('pe:il o)f tht· 1111 dt•p[,•!Lon ;1 11 0\\·an<"C, UllL'lll]'I!).\"· llll'lll 111:-.ur:incv f1)r 1';11·n1 l11h11r1 ·r~. :-Ol'L·rct b.dl,1!:--for f.1r111 l ;1lf()f" l'l..:l·tino:--. l'XpandL·J rlul<l 1";11·l' p rog r a111,.;-;1 nd r1'pe;d nt" fa\'tlt'1•d lrl':tlnlt'nl in lilt· :-.t.1tv l "Ol1:-. 11 l u t ion for husi nc-ss t axc-s l11C"reas1•d :-.t.1te :int.I l·puntv t•f(i<"ll'lll:I. Lil (\PL"f;1t1ng the ::.:.: l11llio>n ~ll·di (";ll pro;..:r3n1 111 11 hL1'h !lui-geoning: l'O:.ts h:.iv" hct·1·q11(' :1 ni ;1.111r Jl!"llhl1·n1 . 'l'ht· rl'lt~:1~;1· of :1 ~ubs t :1 nt i;:tl .11111111!1[ or rl)1lfll'~' lron1 lh!~ g .1-.011 nt• l;1 ' fu11d tu tin a nt'I..' rn a.-.:-. tr.111:-.1 1 r~':-.l·,1reh . I·:, 1·n :.is ht.• ftl'lded question.-; fr01n1 111 :1yor ... and l"•)lllll .v .... IJlll'l"\"JSOJ":l, 13ro11n \\;JS qllLl"k ln p111nt out h is l.1l·k 11f rt·ad y :-.olu· I LI lll:-. I tl ,j 11 p1·ul lll'1 llS. Swrpett Di.•l nrlwd l .-OS ANGl·:J,f·:s (1 '1'1 1 ,\ ,...;,.\:-.; f)I J:;(;()ll"l'f l 'r\\u:--u.~ JH-·l·t:-. in a ~I n1ill1011 thl·("k ·k1 t1ng: -.«hcn1e ha\"l' bc·t•n :1rrL·~r(_·d hl'l"t: altC'r Ois tri("t Atlornt:v ~d i\liller f il t •d C" r i m i n<.11 cnn1 pl :1 f nts. p sychi a tri:.t IL'stif1L·d :\londo1v that Muharem Kurb1·..;o v1c , th(. alleged "Al phahL·l l-inr11llL·1·," 1s ... n n1enta II y di:-. I urht•r! h( · 1 loL'" not rt· alize he h:.i ... Ut·,·n t•h:1ri;vd 111tl1 1!11· w or st civil ;11 rport hn1nh1n1-: 1n U .S. his tory . i\1111\·r s:11d ~londa.v lht' gru~s lu:-.:-. tn :-.t·vernl lol':Jl b;1nk:. and :-..1\·1 ngs ;1 nd loan ,1s:-.ocl~t Lull s v, <is Sl n1ill1on. lhl1\'C'\'(•r. \\"ht.•n the :-.c hcmf' 1\ ,t., 111H·1i\·f'r1·d th1• t'lght t111.1nc1.1I 111-.t1tu111111s 111,·11l1·t·d 11"11/\' s:ioo.oon tund:-. ;ind ;1dd1 · 11 .. n.d t>ff11rt:-. h <.1 1"l' hf'C'n rnad(• \Ii ;111:11·h o1 h{·r :1s:-.cls of the :-.U:-.· pe<·t:-. i'\:dl·1";1I 1nsur;1nveal:-.o v.·._:-; f'\f1l"t"led t•i 1·0\·C'r :'Ol1l!' of thL' 10~:-.1 ·'> Kurbego\'ic tl1111k :-. he 1-. hl'1n ..; tried for l('\\"d ("r)nduc"·l 111 :1 p11hl1.· rcs l room , !J r . .lohn (>. \\"..ilcl·1 ·-. testified. \\":illl·rs \1 <1~ tllc fir:-. I witness in ;·1 :1:1nit1· trial lfl dt· t e rmine wh ctht-r l~urhC'.~!)\'IC 1-. competent to stJnd trial on thrt·•· murder ch:1rges. ;ind t:o11nts 1.J 0:trson and othC'r offcnst•s. ;-.;;1rn,·d 111 th!' c()n1 pJ;1ints \\Cf"C C'1.111d r•itt s Ill, :?·\. .'.illd Ltd,1 D. Poi·t l' r. ·1 n. both of San Die gu. l'itl:-. 1n11nvd1atl'lv t'llll'recl a ..:111 I l y pil';1 Jo 1 ht• ch:;rgt•s ;ind 1~·as 111 lit.' se ntenced r 'eh. 11 . 1-'orter \\,1.'i 111 lie ;1rr:1iglll'd .Jan. :?! in \Tuni«1p<.1! C1111rt. f~olh \Vere rl'- lt•:1:-.er! on t hl' 1 r fJ\Vll l"C't"Ogn i z a n<'l'. Beaten Bod11 Fo1111d EAST PAI.C l :\T.'I'<> 11 ·I'! i The beaten hod.v nf ;1 rc_•t i rt•d m :111 ~·ho had identifivd 1110 rnL·n 11·h<f r obbed him of $1.i. HLj 11;1s found l\l onday in his ~:n·aa1 · a p<1 rt111 l"ll ! . Ron Carl son.~ S:111 i\!;!11·0 (',11111 t y sheriff"s dL'IHlf.v v .. ·Ji,, 11;1111t•d I(• take the victin1 tn ;1 ~·onfcrt·111.'l' :1t the district ;:1ttornC'y 's offirt·. rl1 :-. covere d the hodv of 1:rank ,J Schreiber, 50. · Schreiber u1 ()f't11hl'1· h;_ul idL'!l tified Gregory \V. \\lillia ms, IH . and Otis J . j"li11k~ton, 21, ns th " men who rohbC'd him or n1ont'Y h L· r eceived in ~ ];111·~u1t St.'tllC'nlcnt 3,000 Seek J()bs l .OSJ\NGEl.ES (C-PJ 1 :\1 111" than 3.000 uncniplo.Vt:'d \~11rk1·1 ~ jamml'd lhrct' fh)or·:-. of l"tl y h:tll i\1ond<:ly to ;ipply ror job:.. 11ffl'l't•d Lhrough fcdc1·al t·rnL·rgl"ne~· .11il 1 programs. At least 2,:,00 johs -ra n g 1n~ from !iilreet ;.idd1·css curh p:nnll'r ~ lo ad n1 in i ~tr at i vc as:..1~ t ;i I ll"C po.-.1 lions r equiring collPgc dC'('.rf'•"" are avail<Jble Lh ruugh ::;;!~):: million in fecJ cr~d f11nd::.. Firm F i11e<l For 'False' Fat Freer LOS /\:'\<.-;1·:l,f:S (1\l'l l'lll'L"L! people who <idvcrli:-.ed that :.i tn I:\ lure of mashed banun;1s. 1--:r:tp1's a nd pineapples is !he ,,.:orld's hL':-.1 ··fat destroyer" h avt• Dgrf'cd to pay fines and to m rtke no fal:;c pro- mises a bout thc i r fnrn1 u I :J. 1 The agreen1c11t Mnncla.1· f'nrled a civil cons u n1l'r prntcclion su 11 filed by the ci!~· J a~l July :ig:i111 :..t Conrad L. Ger1nnin, H:nhcrl \\". Kane. Carmell a l ·r:is:ike. :11111 their Outpost Dc1·C'lu11m0 nt ('!>. Germain and h:;.1nl' al:-:q f;1cC' criminaJ charges 111 r.·d1·r:d "1111rt o n them ark ct ing nf rhr11" form 111 :1 and the agrcemt'nt pr1)11d1·s lh,it penalties up lo $-l.000 11 d! hv t"l'· duced by SSSOfor C'ach s ix rnont hs. should Germain and Kane l>v :-.l'n- ·tenced on the criminal c:hnrgi•s. The firm. doing busint·"·" :1s Lydia Feldman 1\1elhods ;:1nr.1 Sharon Woodman ,\:-.sotL:t1f's. agreed not to advcrlise th:.il ?..l 1ss F'eldman or Miss \\loodm ~111 di:-.- covered the s p ec i a l tnn 1r. Prosecutors contended l,.eldnlan and Woddm an \\'er e il1'agin::iry persons. ' Tbe fi rm also p1·o n1 i~l·d 11111 t11 advertise -wit ho ut leg;1 l prut•f that· any toni c <'Onvcrls "u•1 · burned calories" 1n10 t•nf·r~y, can protect the hofly a j'.!.1L ns1 weight gain, ia "100 pcr('('n1 sale'' Js lhe world "s f:.istl'!'il :111d moei. eUec:,tlve "fat dcslroy1·r," will produce immediat1..· und 1'1\n · tlnuina weight Joss or tla1l lht wei&tatlou is perm.anent. \I ii I c r :-; ;1 id I >!irl('r bcg:i n l he kit· 1 ng sch(' 111 l' Hl :\o\·f' rn ht.> r , \ 9i:J, u~. 1 ng "t' \'(' r <i I hu:. 1 tll':'S ;~ nd per . .;on; 1 l ('ht•ck1nl.! avt·i>u!'ll s. llL~ said thl' 1•Pt'r <1l1l1tl \\'.is !:.it111t:he<l with ,JlJnut $:{0.000 Ill .'.1SSC'I S ()f the SllS· Pl'('tS c111d \1·;·1~ :uded throug h us<' of forged ;ind fr;1ud ulcnl rlocu · rnC'nts u:-C'd t11 Jo!<tin :1cl dillon:.il 11 lll'S (Jf l" l"l'd 11 l'1tts hl'l'.1111" 1n1·11!1"C'd in :i :-.i n11L1r· npt't":ll1nn 1n .Janu:::irv l!f;.1,:.ir<:ordin,_:tq l\ltller. ·' '"1.h(' s("henll'S '~'\'rt~ :--;cp:::iralt.' liut rl·latt·d 111 oper:it1nn becau::.i: l'1tt:-. .ind l'orlt·r \VCl"l' partners tn :-.t·\"(·ral 1111..,1111•-.s 1·enturcs." s:1id )l illl"I", ··g(!l!l :-.c·hl'lllt'~ \\"l'fl.' :-.n ph1:-.t1t":il1·d · ('h1·<·k l-1tJ11 :.: invol\·1~" lh1· l'.\r,11n1d111 i.: nf t1111rl-; t\"h1ch :ire n11•1't'd <'•lll :-.t.1ntly fron1 h:1nk lo h;nlk In ('0\"\·1· l.1r~~·r ;1n<I l:1rl.'.t·1· ;11n(1u111 ., of n11•n1·.v \lill1 ·r ... 11d Liz Taylor's 'Boyfriend' Fined $1,000 I i1 -.. \\11 1·:1 l·-,1 \1'1 !{L·111·1· \\I 1111«1 .lt Jr,·,-., l~l 1 1,1!Jt.'lh I ,1\ l•i: ~ t 1111( h born loovfr1t•nd 11.1.-. h1 ' II p l.l!"t•d tit\ {hl"t.:t' \"t';JJ"~ I 'I !1hcd 11111 .111d I llH'd $1.!JOO ori th1' fl ('il.il"~t ·.-. ill ('O!\lll'CllOtl \\'L1h thl' .-.;_dt'O! \J :-.t·d L".11":'>. Hut \V .v nl~r g, '1(), \\"aS givf'n pf' rn1 i .~s ion hy t hv co11 rt tu a cC'on1. p;11 1.v l\l 1:-.:-. ·r.1.1 lnr [11 F:ur11p1 -. She pl;1ns to d!) .1 111•1v filn1, "JJ!u1.·hird," In J .l'll1 11 .i.:r~1d aft(•r .-.p{•nd1n g a fi'\V d 3.vs in S1\·i I Zl' r I :i 11 d . I 1,• h ;1d plc:iycd no f'nn1P-.t tn f(111r 1·.,unl-. "I ~r,111d llh·fl for :d · lt'.1-.:L'dl .'' :-Ol'll1n).! ill1' od<1lll!"ll'I":-> h.1('k tn111dt r:d1·!h.11 IOJ!ll f·,1r:-.h;1d li t•l·ll d!"I\ t •!l l!"l\!'/'!lHh·-. :\1!1"1\";dk :-.11pv1 i"I' 1 "1q11 L .Judge .Jt1l111s .\ 1,,.1·1h;.1111 1,duced the 1hl·lt:-. tu 1111sdl·1111·.1n.i1· <'.h <irges hl·r0r1.-· st·111,·111·1n i.: \\ 1 nber g last 1:rid ;_1y . J ft· l!.11l lit·t·11 :-.1.:heduled lo appt•;1r" l<>t -.1·1111·1H ·1ng Monday, but \\l'lll 1111•• vu11r1 c ...1rlicr, it was ]i.;;Jt"tlf•d .Judi.:•· I ··•·ll1:11n g;i\"f' Wynberg PC'rn1 1 ~:-.ir11 1 111 lvavc lhe Unit ed Sl:ilt\'-11111 11 , 11111 I . t:hairn1an Named ;-..,\.\ 1:1·.it:'\ \lllll;\(I (I /Pl) - l"oun1 1 Stljll'l'visor Denni s ll Jrl:-.h•·1 ~Pr, :l:i. '-''as c hosen f'h ;11rn1.1n of thL' hoard of ~up 1 •r\ 1s or s i\londay , lhe .'·nl1tli.;.1·-.t. hoard rbl'\irn1an in" the <'0111111··.; hi story. llansbcr~er, f')t'f'tt•d in l:J72, r(!Jll;:i ces ]\jrs. N:Jt1l'y:::im ith. n1"rl· lh.1n $!:! 111ill1on 11a-. tr<-1nsferred during the cuur!'>t: ut thl"!'>l'hl'tllt' i~t"O\\"ll S;li(i hl· V>;I ~ l:1k1ng :->1'\.t ·r:1 l synibolit· :-.teps \•1 t·ni. ph.1:-.l/.t' hi:. <JUS\erll ) tht'lll \' ;1 7 11ro\\"ll ;1nnounced urgl·nt 1lr· dl'r" tt1 l'rc:lfl' jobs for 111l · cn1plqyt•d (';J[ifnrnians. ;1 n<l lh' . ry wolf. But No one lik es to c , th ··n 438 ·bl , for more " rc spon st c as a financial in stitution million dollars we mu st speak out. Tm.lay . . . f turc full of uncertainty. , 1 ·•c ing a u h t '"'r: ar1.: ... . .. . . ircc on w a ·. s economists cant .ti; . Even the most \amou . . h . Inv estors in the stock . t six mont 5· will happen in the ne x . . I ftati on has not been ~criou s problems . n market face checkcJ. .b•t·ty is to your family ··· to , 1 spons1 1 1 · Your firs re .. t·cs of tomorrow. . . . f the uncertain I . • Pr0t ect it against any o ' d that you immediately . c rccon1n1cn . Thcrctnrc, w . . a. yo u can into a ital and sav in gs ' Put as much of yo ur c p -·ation account. ·In any . . . nd loa n assoch an insured ,av1ngs a , f ·cl that Mutual . · Naturally, we c . insured a"nc1at1<>n. ff . !uding a choice ol . to o er inc · s ha s a \tttlc more $70 000. Saving. 7,1 o/i in sured up lO -• I . f om 5% to ' o, sav in gs p an s r 11 · 11 start yo ur account. A hone ca WI • But act toJay. P We cried wolf and there was a wolf! . We ran this acl In 1970. grown from five to thirteen oftices . We are ff was timely then.More timely today. lf you failed to take our advice and an swered so me of the siren call s of speculative investments ... you probably didn't cam as much return on you r money and you may have lost your principal too. But a lot of people have tak en our advice. Since 1970 Mutual Savings has paying a higher rate of interest now. Accounts are now insured up to $40,000. And most important in th ese times , in fifty years no one has ·ever lost a dime at Mutual Savings . Free Income tax preparation. For complete information regarding appoi ntment and savings account qualifications, see Mutual Savings. MUTUAL SAVINGS Corona dol Mar 2867 East Coast Highway/675-5010 Ind I09rl ...OCitfiOn Capisb1W10-5an Clemente Founlaln \taley 530 Gamino de Estrella/493·5651 17942 Magnolia Stree1/963-8396 I, SantaAnll 71h & North Main/547-9741 1 \ . j ' / I Helpful Hints Think Your Job Is On the Line? ;\I \\' l C)JlK ( t.;t>t ) If your bo-;s s uddenly bctonl t s l n<1t 1 11 ' ii 111 11 ho.: :.ton.., l't 1lt< 11111µ )VU alto~1.:thl r -\\Jlt h out 1 I 1ll11:1 1n.1v 111t 111 !ht 1x1 1:s rc:.idy to drop ~u):., Jlt f'>n11nt IC"-lh. 1 t l~uhl't t 11..d I II !hi lin:-. ... I'> 1110 t 1111\ J I h t~ Ol:lV b t: looking (ur Lin I Xl ll :.t 111I11 ~ Voll 11 tit '>nil If ht ... udJ l nly :.to ps (1 nd1ng l uult \\llh )1~1111 nl.J\ 1i, 111..t HJSi.: h-.: h.is dcc1dt.:d you wont be 11 ol~t\/I n111<.:h ltulg• 1 :-.n \\ h v holht t II ill ..., 11d tV<J\llod\ sch ttltc .... of ~1 ng fired pr oba bly arc hii.:litr 11ght nq\\/ t li 1n t lu v h 1\1! been 111 yc.irs a nU ht.: lll gl d \\/41L k1.;1."> lot ikt n1il 1t:1e nl 1n~l1cat1ons l h1.: sack may be v.1w1ng fo1 I ht n1 (hi.in< t s ilft: you can du :so1ncth1ng to ~t.i v lh1.! .1:-.:1: 1r )ou rt.: 111 \ ''~int to 11'~ A S l J~(.>Jt lll l'0 1\l I f.11 s A pron1 ol1nn 1 d.11lgl:I :-;1,..n;.i l 11 lif ~ ud C.:l.1\ p ut \hlllUtdcliJl: ... ll,.,gl ... ll d \.,.h ti c ~nu Other!> he l lit l l !>\II 1(!•1-.-.lh• ll111Up.1ycu t 1nttJcC'OlllP l ll\ bL1\\0\lls l ... nHHl lh111ll11 L\ll L~l I Ill ( ornp 111\ 1-. ho1u~li! II\ 1 l11 g,...,1 t 111 nl I h• 1 C \\ 111 l 1( 1 l l !Id• r It \ l<i l 111 I' JI '' 1 1 td jll 1 It I l H . ..: )ll Obi.J hi\ \\ 1 l I Ill ! •II \ l(l[)I( Ill lilt ,ll<!Ull ill g C'Otllp 111 \ ,\ tun ... 11!1111t 1 0ltll!> uound -. 1}tng h e.., stutly1ng \Our JOll l lo.: lllt1l1 l l1l ).!11bt11n,... 1nform1t1on f or vou1 Jl pl 1tt:lll< n1 II< ,1\c.:o (vuld Jll::\l hl lnoktng fur way:; l o :-.tre u nl1 n c thcJ•ih -'i •11 1 \\111k lu td ... uddl nl) tli1n1 n 1sh o.:s -'i 1111 l 111d you1 c,l lf not bt1ng (llt 1n on 1nlcrorf1cc l'lll lilOC, ) flu 1 c s u(lrlc nly a s kc cl to Li.Ike a p sychologu.:<J ! .1pt11ud, ll ..,l I tu.: lin•-.. tl1) 1011gl!1 h 1s 1 f i 1t 1Hlly morn1n~ hC'1lo fur \Ou H r p o1nlldlv 1 gn~11 ..: ... ~ou \Ylil ll vou n1ccl 1n the hull or t ic\ 1t 11 )iiu \t IJ0.:tu n1 c .1nln1h .1 rr.1s::,mc11tloh1n1 1\ :'\ ' 11 df ... lhl <•:\:I' ()I 1111 S I SJ(.~s C'ti ulcl be a f.1ls e <i l.1rn1, but if "l \( t Ii l ll l n i11> \Ull l OUld be s k3tlng o n th111 '" f)f t nu r..,t l hltL' ire ~le Jl" \( 11c 1n t 1kc lh 1l could I h 1tl,....l lht.: i)o-..s s 101nd l\l l l II ill t.., th1nk1n,..: of f1r111g you, II di ::.Llt:J..:1'"'" _,_ I 1llgLl the old /\r rn\ td 1,.,1.: :1huul nc,<r\olunlec r111~ ()rf1 1 !11 t 1k e un t:xti a ;i::;s1g nn1l nt ... --I 10 you1 JOb so \\ ell ind he ::.o reliable U1c boss know::; Jtv.nuld Lit•d1ff1c ulttu 1 cpl 1t l \oll -(,11 1rd .1,:: 11ns t being 1 tnnc thie f Ila lf s aid worker s \vho d o 11 l r <' illy give i 111 y s ''o r k for a day's pay arc ~ll 1l111 i..: $!i0 l 11l l1on .:i \Cir t1nn1 /\met 1can bus 1nes:s and .tl l hos-.t-. hllO\\ th1-. 11Ht tts ..:nt 11 A\ nul 11f I H L < liqul.., A hnss n1 ~v rf'garrl s u C'll j..(1 oups .is 1 p 11 ... qn 11 th tlh.:11J l lo h1 n1 ind c ::.pcc1.1lly 1n big 1 nn1p 1111c~ Ill..: \\h111i:: h11n t h 1n,1v be fired Loners o ften ate 1pp1 t.:t 1 1 Ll.: d II\ t: n1.,1 il\)\ e r "' J )11~· r Pll f\I fCIZI \OUR gnpes .ind pct peeves ~h11\1ln 1n p11 1\ Jn, di\ l ~L Ill: II Ill \O\tt l]l]l( II ill<l l )nn 1 h 1 .i p11-.t 1.t,c 01 pLnc1 \ pilferer o r n1.ikc lo n ri d1 ... t llll..: po.: t -.nn till lepht)1lC < Ill s -1'\lo.:P 1~ r:-;o n ii phone <:.ill~ at the office to a n a bsolutf' m1n1m11n1 l\Ci'P )OU r p11\ale life priva te. Don l s pre ad \n11r pc1so11 al a ff ur!> -or those of othc1s -a ll over the nfl 1< f' \\ Jnl1n!! lo k('C{> :,our Job, and m J.k1ng :1 visible cfforl lo do so cuuld p 1yol f If 111 lhl s ign-. :ire ~~a 1nst 1f st:i1t actively looking for 1nolhC'r Jo h J I !If .1d\1 ... e:-. l:lut1 he v.a rn::., make s ure )OUr tn h "'(':-t r C'h 1s ke pt conf1dc nt1:il or you c ould e nd up furn1 ..,h11 1g !hf' fu ll for ynu1 01\n f1r1ng Jawbreakers Shrinking Up !1FTlll)JT <lll 11 -l nrl1 11011 r' r J\,1 g1ni-: the gun1b..i ll bus1n 1 -.-. Sl't\,I, of A c Courv1Jlc .ind and ( o, which chslr1butcs :services cancy machines J1c ilcr s ''ho s upplv b c t1111L ire 1 vcnd 1n i,: n1 1r h111 C".., v. 1th th(' once sue ('Ul l nl g unlhall s or • 11\\hl ~ lkll ' ........ 1h.1t v.\\h ('n._l.., r1 ... 1ni! lhc p1odU(t h .1!> b tl n sh r1 11 J..1n ..., \\\ 1c s t il l Ja11 hr1 11..('r-. p f'nny (,('Il l' ' n ut that penny gumball h as gotten 1usl about as s mall ;is 1t can gel," Serva said ·In f .1ct 'r Uoesn l won l be 1roun~I still got s omething h~ppc n it 111uc::h l onger It 111 It but , n ot j.!Utl1 llltlC'h v c rv MARKET HIGHLIGHTS INDEXES !'\\S F. l ndt' J\S I I 1tclt' l lo\\ lnlll''>fnd ~ ,\ I' riOU SltH ks I S1~•!0r'l 7() ~ S."l'ld'!I r <:I J W Cl><)lrll }~ ~ J.H~c~~t 1Jt~ bV•!~•llJ ' I (<.>II n" I OO(I ll ~I'll DI< l.:il 9\Jnon"n I-OSIERS I~ •-6'f> ' ' ' ' • ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' , "" 0 " 0 " o" o" llt! 0 " 0 " o" o" 0 " O• 0 " o" "0 " ' '" ' '"" .. " " " " " " " " " '" :17 G~ ' 1 OG f\111!) 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P•tV 0U'd"y wee-.. ~ MoMn "00 VfMr aQO Tw o ye" "Q" ,.1 .... 110 ""t~ lt/Jtnd"" 1t/l!Od<t1~ 1t llO 000 tlSSOOOO 10 ~I OSO IS •'fO 11"0 1----------------11 01/ 110 11 978 •'1(1 61 .. •6 6Sll •I 1&0 )10 1111 V•J GIO 11111(•rieon s.,,,,~ "'''''''''" Fln•1 !>!~ UI AMl!l( 5ALH TCll•I y• •OO l'lr .. I bNI 'I' .s.i.t , ••• •!IO , noooo J ,1 .. M,(l 'I OlO 000 \1 •}2 000 I Tumd•y Jenuary7 1975 DAil y PILOT A I I Tuesday's Closing Prices NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Year's H igh-Lowe Appe ar Eve ry Saturday !.1 .. ' .. • • AQ.bUlll t JI IJ JUI • A Cf-lfl<IJfl-0~ ll _;o At neCle• I " Aarr O• a..11 AOl•O I JI.Kl Ad""" M ! 'I • , ' A(ldf\\I pr J.<I J AU•I y JOO B Aeu.,Lt t /II 11 /~ A.11u ~ t, J l Arm""' UJ '" /-. "' 1,..1 11>(1) l 1 I I o A 1 Prd ~Out) ~I t~ A •co c <,II } I• I ... A J luth"I ~ 11 1 AklO<" I ?0 4 11 !/ ... Al•C.d,l IBIJ Id ~I• ......... 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HovNtG' Ml \1 •I " , HoNGp!l ~M l.< '4 HOw!l rdJ 10 1 )(W ~ • • 11 llowm1 (11 1 • 1) 10 "' liullu•d I 1>0 I J S l!l<t !Ou<J A IMM J 8 l&l'O! V1 l-IUOll<"•l-I •O ( t 3 • Hu11 .... •T \018 )lt •t _, l'l1man.o In( 4 11 S • ~ \'lo H unt (h IO IJ 311.1 !\V1 """o"G t • ~ } ~' llu•ct.Co •011 I II""'''- MllUu£ l6e 6 t 11 °' ' POI"' I (,O(i S l~ q • TlllfV In 60 l•O Mliy 0~ I 6CI 1 58 1J -.,., Porlc Inc t11 J 8 14 T•lley pf 1 11 . s • I ... . ' Wviv Corp 1J ? ~ XVJ-- M6yer(k 91 S S 16 < I Ptlr1G£ I SI b J; II l~mpe E % 8 88 Nlay$JW ~ S 1 •IO Pntlllc 1 •O • ~ ?S, • ~ T~ndy Corp b 31 11 • ~ 11••- " 1, .. .. ~! Jit••oo Cp 1 I) Jiii )J :i.. Xlra inc Xl l ~• 8•· \~ Yale> lndui 1 119 o NlaylQ1JGoi111 •l 70 -\'lo f'<>t E IP!lo 6 l ~h 11 '• Tapp~nC •O !9 NIBPXI 10D 3 11 6 + /JI Po!Elpl ? oo Jtl T<"chncol<>< 3 I VnQl lOr l>O J 11 IC Z•leCorp 16 t 6 11 Ztp.1ta 40 4 Tl 11 ZtY•• Corp l JJ 3 lenlll>R•d 1 10 16q tJ M C A Incl I 19 29 .... -Pf'G!nd1 10S }~ ll>-• TeC ...... (On 7 1 Mc(OHI .... • I 9..,., Prem pl 90 I 10 •I 'lo Tflllroti• XI 1 14 ~ ... Vo 11\t-~\ Jl/o-Vo 10'1-"' ,., McCro•y Cp JS l V•t .. P<{)(.&G \1010 ]Doi llO •• ..., Ttlecor 1S J l M<Orm I 10 10 1tl 71,...-)>ll PtOdA•\ J(l • • ~ 1111 Teledyne l i • •1 McDonldCp II Cll 1111.-:tt. Prollrlnl IO 1 'I I~ Teli oror!'lo l7 M<DonO 40 4 'll IC!lo .,_ -" p S A In< s ll ' •t., Z1Jfn lnCI 1'I 1 J I S" McGflEd I "" 1 11 ll~ + ... PuS COl 1 10 I 71>4 ll Mt;C.r NI 50 I 11 7\11 .. Vo PSEI G 1 1? ' ?1' i. M<lntyre M 6 111) JO~•-\to NiEC.pf 1 40 t ll Mel(t1A .IO 4 l 11\.'t .. "" PSEGpt• 11 11~ )6; •1 MeLfl#I 115 17 XI t-1'111 PSE.GplSOS 110 t l •Lt l't'<ltl'IS lloO J 1S ll'llt P5EGpl 7 •0 llOOt.J .. 111 Mc:Hell IO a 1 I"'"• ... PSEGP-1 1 SJ 1110 "3 .. 1 Meed C 1 10 1 1T 14'\ + :i.. PS,Gpt 11 ot ztOO 6q t ;v. Mel0f8 ll0 J 1'"" PSIEGpl•6l 1150 86 ~• \IJ WedvsalaD S I 1S + \"> PuS lnd J ~6 I it J11'<~ MEI Corp l 1S I ~. P<;lnclpll > 110 JIV1• \,1 Mel~ .... I '°1 .... , ~ PS Nl1.o 1 ... ' UO 13'4 + -1\omM:O t • ' '° •1' o-.... PSNM• I ro .. lS n~"' Me rec Solr IO 1 II :JO • 1 V. PUOU(lltr SI J I l ., • ''" M#/•(k I f02S JIS M\• '"' Pueolol lO• • 11 14· MA••<lllh II) l 1 • + Put r!R C 10 1 1~• -•!l!Ll St 10 191 !Oil Pl.IQISP \ 9t } 11 70 ,_ ,.,,.~"-OS 111 •71 1S• -1• Pufm8n 1 10 I 8 01 MAwbl t7d e so '"'. t. Pu••~(JI Ml • IOJ 9 M G M tnc l JU Pu•t,.nf,I\ 1• 1• o Mlt!rom loll S 1l Sr.• "" Puro111r 4f> f 10 19 '' "" ""'tEpl l '!CJ flOO )1 -0 o -- MG IC: In 10 S ll•1 ,,,.._ "' Q.i•k0 •1 80 I 11~ 10 1,..... "'I MlchG• 1 o.i ft 1 • Qv•kO•!nt 1 t i o-Ml<l'tST 110 4 8 H -.-\<o O...••SO 6• 10 6~ 11 Mtc•O<IGI \,() J 1• 10Vo • .'o Que\IP< ~O<I 6 l'lll l- Ml(•owvl 'I 6 l l 10..,, 'II --• • - Mldconl 1 Ool T 3b 11 .-\oo. R~l<ton ft{)•• 3111 JI -1 Mt~U I 16 6 .01 U"-Ramada U • 419 1\'o, MICIMI I c.I 4 1J 3 • • \\ Ranco In •1 l 18 9"'-o MIOl6nd If I a 71 11V.t R11>d Am I I \~ 6 ,_ 'o M.llt~lll 1 11 I 9 11" RAyhllO 1 1 t q llV,-" Moll118• 36" 4 •O J 1> R•vdlnH R ~ )1 4 • MM&M li~I' s.• 4••~ 4• RavH>On Ml I m )6 1 Citicorp NEW \'OnK { \P) -C 1t1co1 p the p 1rcnt of 1'"1rst Nnt1on::i l City Bunk o r i\1 \\ \ 0 1 k said \\1 onc1.1y a s harp ln- 1971 1ncomC> \\as uccom· u nu.;11 111\ high lo 111 lossC'::. 4.: 1 t .1sc 1n p 1 11 1 ~t1 h~ 1 1::.l~('ll 'I he b<1.nk c1td1t1ng h1 ~ht~r C'ha1 ~C'S fut lo ~n s !111 111(1-.! (If lhl \ n 111ngs 101 p 1 01enlllll ... 11<1 1.:11n1n~s :ift c r "l~('\111 1\C S lo""\" 11\ \1!71 \\~IC up .!J pe r< e nl over 197J to S:ll 2 ~9 m1llion 01 ~l 'i4 a shrire fron1 S2&2S02 n11lllo n or $.! tla s h a rc .l )e11 i.:.11!1('1 • • ., ' • . ' • AJJ DAILY PILOT Tue5dsy • .January7, 1975 PUBLIC NOTICE P U Bl.IC l\:OTICf'. l!UBLIC NOTICE PUBUCNanCE Pl)BLIC NOTJCJ...: P UBLIC Jt\OTICf'. Pl' Bl.IC l'\OTICf; PVBUCNOTICE • »ol14 IUf'lflllOll COUllT 0 1' TNE ST,t. TE 0,. CAI.I lkO ll ... IA l'Oll TMLCOUNTY O• OJI ANGE M.f'l41SI •1CTIT<OVSIU~11olll4 llAl!Of SlATfM(llt ,.!{ l I TIOV\aU$1N(~S hAM(\1-.TE,,.(NI f t{11110Ul a USI Nl" N•Ml:,T•TlMl NI l••l<>!llr"'•ft\1111'••111' l\OC't•nq_..,n .,, •l'P\11 0 Pll0UlfA "'"'I N G ff{HNOL0t.Y, )Ill "'111 ... 0 0.,, Gr.•• l'l(TITHIUS I UJl .. IU WAMl$TATIM11f1 tlO'rl(I TO(lll OITOllll Tiit ltl-<llQ IW''°" l19<"~""'1noon•• 1Uf'f •1o•<Ou•t OltNf' c '" R (;~Al•WG, IJ) °"'"' w., , ... 1111-!flq Piii .on .. CIOl>l\l ...... i ... ,\ ., TM (..ct .. •!llon, UDl tl••Clo<" 81>d !oo.ti. '"' ...... ! ........... !\•lilt~·' THE POOL. CO'IER COMPANY. ).UO !lo ........ , .... N·I, S..n .. A11<1, C•ll ..... 111•'2.IOI NO.ADIUIJ iTA tf Of'C,t.t...IJ'O•MI .. l'Oll Pl.ot.•nt .. , C•iob>•n•• t11/0 lllf COUNT Y O• O•.•IOIGI" IRYINE Gt A~;.. • C.•i•I"'"'' Cl.CO.ll lll•w,(aHl01~11 m,_ ' 11'1o Tio! C""'"'~n•1tUoni '°"-'' • ;•mw..,. <OtflO•l•lOfl l Xll "'""" hll<il . ""'" y., c .. 1. ,..,,14, C•l!h><,.,,a"29Joo. Mew. C •lllO<n•••)t~ Clf ... T IOtll tADOl'TIONI 111 ... .-UI c...., .. _, I U O"''" .-..,. P1 .. ot1114 f\l.teol llAr .Af L CEN'r .. llOVfGA ... CoillNorfll•"'" MM•+n J < '" 1'11 #f!l.,O ~ , Col" ........ <•h•ll•~-.. ~lt1• Ctr .. 0 \/NII. )110 !l. #II", No. H I, ~1 .. ....... , ... t .. "1••7101 !no\ °"".,." " "'"""'!"" "• • lOfl*'••-llAl•E l VlC.•,Dt l t•VO 1"'1 e.tnlM'~ I\ ·~•0"'' ... bf '"'' bu)on!\~ I\ ·-~d"I b1 "" Ul lN1 llu\n>I" .. " tOt'l<l"<l"O !;r •• •• , .. _, N(•T1CI IS l•(ll(IY C.!VC N 10 !h. '°'-"'-o .. 1u...1 UrOolO<\ ol IN"·-~ ll4"''0 Ill'<.-Iha! lr"M C.l"'' 1 ... fM C""'"'"''"(lhPn>COl~y l••~l t lff'fl '-'•••lnJ V" 1 "'' .r•h '""nl .,., """ •"ft '"" r_, (It•!. ul Ot""'ll (.{tWll • Ull Ont"""" ll. 1t 1• I (;rew D ':lhwl! T11" •t•t"'1tnl ••> 1,.,., ,.,,,, 11\r '-' • Ci.-1~ .i Or11oo0<" coo."1' on O.Ctmtcr u. 1'11, •If""'-' n ... no ''''"'' llQ<O""' nw .. 111 C•y0t!.houl""n•f'. \t<•tt••J llr• ..0.-hl ••• •o<iu., .. d to hi• !"'"'· •1111 ,,,.. l'tt•-• ne<e'W'l '""'"'''·on !fle(>tl11•ltll lftt (It•• TJH, >1-oW-nl ••I loi<"d •II" t,,.. ("""''' 1111, ,,.,,.,....~, ... , '"'d "'''" ,..,. c-" t•~·~ 01 01,.n.,c (°""~'..., O.-c t 1.,..., I• 1•/l fl'MU Ptt1>11.r...!Ort"90"(1•1I Daily P,1ot •· 1• l•,l!.191•,dnOJan l ,1<.11/) •lil I• "'...,.•DO'"" enUllt<I <0..fl, 111 ID P<f'>MI Cit•-of Dr•0\9'" (Q<,ont• un O...rtnk t II ......... •llh !tlr MC•\\lff .ou<IWU, to llw "'"-f JtitC -\19M'd,41 'IO Ro...,10 H "'-·•. 't)I P\tOll"\MO ()r-Co•\I Oa•ll Pola!, (lo< [11'!1 ,Ot,o<tft ~! .. ff, !)MU~ 111, SM\l" ....... ••,. ,.,.~.,_. , .. ~ I U It/\ •l'D /< """" l'\.lll•'""<I 0<-CD••I 0••'• lo'olol. 0.C 11,l l, )I, ltl••rod l•tl I, !'11 -11' ,,...,, p...,,,.,..., O<..nooo (611>1 o .... , P,IQt •• ,.,. 11,l•,Jl, ltl<a•ooJ"" 1.1t1) -i. (•hl1><,.;• t)/1)1, -~!<II I\ lflt ll(ott:t QI ..... ~, --------------------------------'-------------------'------------------'----------------- f<llQTICIE OF THE TIME AND Pl.ACE (if: llEAltl NGbF T HE l.OCALAGEN· CY FO•MATION COMMI SSIOH OF D•ANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, WH E N A PRO POSED ANN EXATION TO COUNTY SERVICE AREA NO. 1l OF ORANGE COUNT Y, AN 008JEC· TIONS OR P ROT ESTS THERETO, WI LL 8 11!: ~R IES IE NT EO F O R HE AR ING NOTICE IS HEl'IEBY GIVEN lll•lan ollC>Plic.a tlon ""' bttn !!led wi1n 1,,.. LO<•I 1.g.,nly Form•l•On Commis,,on of '"'° Counly ot Orange, Still~ ot Olllornoa, req....,stlng lhal sa•d Corn ...,ls•lon •PP<Ove Ille P•OPO<;.e<I •""""" lion desigN1~d "' A"ne•alion No 1~1 10CounlyS..rvl<eAr.,aNo t?~O<dnll• Counly, C•lllo1nia. Tne proPo"'I "n comp•••"'• 11\e IOl!Owonq Qf'nt"t.,lly o e scrlb"'d areil w n .cn ''•nor•· pj1tlic ul11rlv de•<"t" 11 lly a '""'" dr!.crlphon dnd m;op on f,tf' wott\ I••.' Commh~•on . S.id •nnt~a!1on tont<1•"I •ll'I""' lm11111 11 l • ~· ac•<.'~ ""<I '' lo<.11"'' nortneasterlv o! Muirlar1d~ llc<>lt·~a•<l bel-...n Al•cia Par~way ""II Lo' A!o\.O•, Bo"fevard In Ille A.,ge,1n Holl• .oteil QI Soulhea•• El 1010 Al tne to~ ot u,.. n~a"ng ""'"<'<! "ere•n, •.O•d bound.,r1e~ "'"' ll• n'IDchlif'<I by 111 .. "dd•tion of ott"'' !~• "'"' 1 In tne vie •n• Iv ot 111« p•ow,.•I NOTICE IS FURTHER C.IYEN llldl s.lli<I (omm••s•on ""' lo~eo W('O""'°"~ '""' 12nd ot Jon""''· IQI~ al """ "°"' ot ' (IOo•t lD<~ P M OI 'a •d day<><"'"°"" as loofi<t rnat1'• '"n be nearo In Room 'j()J '" the Orang<!' Count y P.Om•n"''·' 1,on O'-'lld111q, Sl~ Syc.:i1n"'" Shr.-.1. 5.anta Ana, Cal1lorni,,, a~ tn(' ,,,..._.. .>n<I 11•.-ce tor Ille n.a•lng 01 ~<lid '"°""...,I toQ~~ ,.;1n •II prote~ts and OllW< lion• '"'°'"O wl\o(/\ may bP lolE<t ilr>d "' whlcll ti,... and 111.ici: all per_,~ !n l"'<t\\fd tM•t•n may appe .. r Olld b<• l>ed•d. A lin•1 En~i •onrnenlal ltnpa( 1 R11PQ<1, •~ ,appro""CI by Ill<' Count, ol 0.MIQe, 1\11\ r....en ~1,11>mo!led ror 1r>e .,..b- 1tt l prOl>O\al and n,. y be rev•f'wt'(I "' SIS Norin SY<amore Slreel. Poom 101. S..."1• An•. C.il•lornod w .. 11.,.. com H'!Cnl' rf!(dlove lo tn,; Envuonn>Pnlal Imp.Kl Repo<I \tl(luUI be ~ent lo lrlP •bo"" .OOr"''' no lal"r 1nan J.,"""'1 I 7. l'llS. Tl>t pul>l•c n~arin<;i on Ttw-En ~oron,,,..,nt.al lmpatt Rel>O•I w•ll l>f' ~ard ;al ? 00 P.M 1n Poom ~ ol ,,,.. Or•Rllf! Co<>nl1 Admln•'""''"" Bu•ICI· •"II, SIS Norltl S v<amore Strert, Sa"la An•, C•lllorl'l<d "" J <1nuar y 12. n1s. O.tt<t; Janu<1• r 1, 1Q7S BYOROERO F TfilE LOCP.L AGENCY FOR M ATIO N COM M ISSION 0 1' ORANGE COUNTY, CP.LI FORNI A RICHAl'I O T , TURNER E •e< ul'"" oH•te• 1 1e<ulov1•0lh< .. ,. l Vt '" A<>"n'-• ro .. n.ll•m• ( ~,.... tn o ~~oon (II 0"1nQ~ l.OUUI• ~<P Ill\) NOTICE TO (llC OITOll~ ~U PE 111011COU111 OJ INF STA Tl OF CALI FOllNIA FOii TH[ cou .. T y or OllANGl No A llltS r ,101• ojl r t•f·f NL I !<WIN ... I• IN'>Cll• . (lotf.<"J'O l•OT•(l !S "!RI I y ~ •• vr N IO "" ,,..,1.101,ot tn• .• i.,.., "·'"" ,1,~·· , . ..,. ''' '"''' --------1 .. 11 ""'""''" ........ q j '"""" .~ ...... ,1 """ '-"" I"" •<I< nl .. ,. IHIU"• ~ !u '"" ""''" '""' "~ no•(''""'' "''LI' '" r " '"!II••""''' (,I II• ' ,, '' t•H•lorn•" P\lf>l ,.,l\••d Ll<.1"1'' r1 ... ~t 1 ""'·"YI. 1•11 > n .. .i,. "' 1 .. , j'I I ' l•L"l~J .I C' !'\'OTlf.'l'. --------lot ........ tAJ•• '"'•llrO <Q"'' O! I<' P''""' 1,..m .... 1"11"''"!~''""''""'"'' 1'1''"' PUl::l LIC HEAlllN(,\ Will nr H[LO UY TH[ COSlA M!SA PLANNING COMMISSION di tr..-Coly t1all, "'"'' O"""· Co•,1,. ,,,. . .,.., Canlo•n•d, "' I> 3U 11 m t" "' '>(&'Jn "' ~"ble 111<-rea l! .. , on ,...,...,.,. J•n-rv !J, 1~1 ~ R,,oa• <lof'Ml I"°' to110 .... nq ~Pill•<" "'"'' . > BL[)(",. MOVING PE:RMlr'NQ, aJ.6. lor Hope H'"ven Scnoo1 to• relat<lt:'O <llold,en, 2001 w cn,~tn<>t s r . s,;,,,,,. Ana, Col<I . lot Pe'"'""on lo rel<><:alr 1....0 ~Q. !! t)ldg l•otu 11>7 I MOn(Ov+a SI COSlii '""""'•Calo! .• !O $11> E"'' 18111 St • °'''" Mr ,a. C•lll., 1n an I & R 111n<' 1 E NCR0ACl1Mf NT Pf RMI I NO 7~, !Or H• Ill"( E"!N t><''""'• 1•0 NOrll! L.d Ur••·• Av ~n u••, t <1\ Ang••l e' C•Ut., to• P"""''''on 10 <on,tr1K! a 6·1ool hoqn dt•tor~I '"(' n1a ~onry 1"'·'11 l!O<•oi' meand"flnQ "°"wall< .,.\.f'ml'nl' ad1•tent lo f'<1•olanno A~l'nue ;1110 $OUll'lerly I \ !eel of Ll>dlnQton sr''"'· Co''" w...--.. (•htOtl'll« J ENCROAC11MENT Pt.P.Y ll ~10 1'1. I<>< J•mt' I ;Jond Nona c;.,.11.acn•• 1111 Oa~Pr St .• Cosla Me~il. (illolo'"'''• •o• Pf''m"'"on lo "'e tO 00 I~! 01 C•I• toql>!'lll·""aY, w n,.n Is be•nq Oi'<l•<oll¥d !or 1.,1,.,e w•den•nQ o• Bak~• SI"""· •n• <O"Q1.olfl'd l;ino\c,;pe pldnt«•• •n (On1un<.llon .... in ptOpOi ffl p ... , .... "'l l"t untU S'-'l~ l ome ~·, llilO'r S!r~e1 >< w•dene<J '"''" ;"<l'"•·U ,,, Ith l "'" ''""• o•I t•t ! ''"· MANI llf O(J lol•!' ~rtlf 11 f (,IAN I<• 00N.O.t D I ... AN1"1-'l 1>0 •it (.U ... llANl[f <<NAN!IAL(!lolllJ 1"> ( ... \T SH AY.,. ...... ! f .... l \NO (.O.LlfOFllll ... •1110 '"""'" """'0t•00:"~' Gu!o""'" o• '"" unO• "'Q~O 1n .. 11 ""'"' • Pftld•"•flq lo inc •'l~I• ot .,,,..J °'" ... ~ "' ., •ln•n '°"' "'0"1"' ,.n., •n~ 1 .. '1 wr~" .. 1"'' of I"'' not"• D•<t'<I n'" .,, O• • •~ '"I' "'If t• {1 A 1 • lt.'o0" f '"'""'' ,,, ,n, "''"'' '"' ri'""'""""O<l••<•"lHll H(l0N ,MA N FU~00Ah0 CH IELPEC.IAN l y Olln•kl F Ml ftlttll9 11' C.owt•ftt.., F ••.>nc ••I (eft\~r l)ll l••'~" ......... t F•• ..... (•l•l•••••'l111 T•....,_. (70'!) l U •U lt attO<MY\ IO< £ •tC•I•" P..t>h•"' o O<dnQ• (n.,·.I 1'~••1 h•nl I•'' ll, )1. 1'1•At>dJ~n I. U I~/\ 11" I• JI( Tl T IOU\ l'-'\INFS~ ""'-'E STAl(M(p,;T J "' 10110,.,nq ""''"" '' <!O•"ll llV''"''"" !'()I'~ pPOr•U{I . 111•1 "''"n f1l •~ huotmqtnn Flt' A< n, ( "'''"'"'•' •1 ... 1 "''"""! Al"n """'n' ,,.1 fn.,-,.,n• D• H<mto11ql<>" h•·•cn ( "''t(,, '''" 'i'"" r,,,, bu"""" " <<>"<I<" h·O ''I ,,n "' <!1•,0IUril ~""~•d A i"O!l'·• ,,,,. 1,,, ....... 1 .... 1o ... 1 .. ,1n 11" ,,.,,..,, 1, . ., "' ("y"~' ru•"· .... I•"""' IJ l•I• , .... u• lllr ...t><lo<'\>Qt,..<I <n .111 ""'"~'Pl'' '•'"'"'ii 1a 1r.. ~\l•I~ of •••O Ot<r-Or!ll, "'''"'n '""' tUOf\lh' •'ltr '"" l.r\I PUl>OK•llOll!~ 1111\ ""l•tt. 0.!t"d ""'"""''' 11. lt/t l<ffuC.o(ivt <·• I •W ulO• qt m .. W•Ual '"' di..o" """"·llO• co·o.:nc llONALOM PIU Nll(ll Al-.totl •'L•"' IO I [ l\I f ..,,,~ 51<HI !l.ook I/I -.....11 •11"• ( .. UO<ft•• flit I To~ 1/1') H• Ml J Al*M 11 .. [•H•I .. Put.lo", a O•d"~" t l,d ll tld••1 Pdal [)<"( l• 1T 1'1•n"nJ,,. I" ill• .,,.1' '.'\OTIC J·: II Slolll NOTICE O F INTE NTION TO CREATE SECUR ITY INTEREST !SK1. 6101 -•101 U.C.C.I NOTICE 1, '"""D'f Q•~en lo '"°' C•e<11!11t' or Jo,epn M . Qu+nono·~. O..b!o• . .,..,,.,,,. businesi .1adre's ls 83S F•dn~lorl S!reel, "'"''"'9!Dn ffea<h. County ol 0.<1n!f'!, Sl,]l!r ol (.ol•IO•n•d, rt>.)r " -.e<..urlty 1n1ere~1 " "°"''' to~ l <edled by Den1or dnd qra•H"" to ~o~·' o. a .. ,,,.,. "'"o Ce<,,, J e,,,,,., !.e<u•l'-0 Parties. whose D<Js'""'' d(!(l•es> i~ 3-o! we.i 1q11, <;1ref't, C.Ost.:i NWw . County 01 o, .. .,~. sr •• re 01 (•l1!orn1d, 1,,., pro~r!r '" wnoth lhr St'Cl.lflly tnte•~r ,..,11 bl! <fea1e<1 ''· 1n Ql''"''"' .. 11 1.,1.,,.~, and t-<:uopm,.r>t 1'urnofur" .. nd 1 .. rn•~"""'' ol p,,1)1or (O~tono ~or>t>rly now lot"l"d al >ti W.•\I 1'1111 St•.,..I, CO,I;> Me'"· Counly ~ ClrdflQI', s1a1 .. <>I C.•l•lornoa, and bu\•~~ i..nu .. n .,,Sr-A BREE"l.E rn., .t!ore,a•d Y'CU"IY tr;in,<K lt0n wo!I bf> ""''""'"'"'"d on Ot .ti!(.,. I~ 11111 day <II J""""'Y. I'll,"' 10 oo a.m . .... G ROV E~ rscRO W CORP01>A l10N , 111 1 E". L•n<oln "~"'nu~, An,.hrom !>o ldr ,., •no,.n to '"" ::.<-<iireo """"· a11 b"'i""'~ """'"' '"'d .~d(!re'~' """" Oy 1"" O..blor lot "'" '""'" 'l't•n !•'I pa,,, are NONE OAT LO °"'""'"'" 1~. \'/' Sf CtJRED PAl>lY Rolwn D Ba••er CP<oly .J B<1•1t• GR.OVER ESCROW CORPORAT•ON P.O. Bo•6l l 1 An•he"'"C...hlornoa •1~ £,,.,..,.,,.NO. '·l'OS·Ol Put>lo\J\td O•ar>\lt' Cod>I Diloly ?.lot J•n....,ry 1, 10/• 4q /~ Pl"Bl,Jf" J'\'{Yfl f"I~ l'ICT!TIOUS BUSINESS NAME ST,tl.T EM E NT Tiie tollnw•n9 ""''on' .~,.., Goin< t>u'•n•:\•a, t•UNTINGTON ASSOCIATES, ~l\ ~""' Slrtt1. Suite U. Hunlongton fk...:h. Ci!lllD"'"a '111>'8 Erne'! G. No•a. 'JS? H•rbor, C.O.la ,....,.,..., Cahlorn1a '11616 )olln R. Bank•. 8101 San o.....,.,, g.,.,.,. Park, C•l•IOtn•" ~ 11'11~ l>ti'"'"'' '' C.OO<IUClffl b1 .1 ~nt'ra!g.,,tlnt'<•ll1p Er"""(, NO•d Tl\1\ '!ale..,..nl "'"~ lol.,.;I '"'''" t1'c !::ovnl; Clerk o! Ordng.c Counly on O...c.,mbf'r?l, 197'. F1'1Jg l't>blo,tw<I Oranqe co"'' oa"~ Polo1, Dec J1 .1~l•~n<1Ji1n /,l•.11. t97S ------____ --~'"~~'c·c" Pl HI .I(' \()T ll'E f I( TlTl()V~ llU~!N(~~ NA"'[ \IATE ME"T lPo f,,, .. , ....... ~, •• ,,, .. """'n<jf•""" 'A ' l A•• CA" ... AON1( .. A>l(I en .'II•• Locll A<,Jen<y F or .,..aloOI' Com rnlSl•<lf' ot O••nge Counlv. C•l•torn•a f'ublo!>N:O O tanqe C°"'~I Ooi•ly P••ot. J,an...,ry7,1•.1,!S tOIS •. EN(R0 ACHM EN1 PFRMll NO 80, !or J;ime~ I ano Na11a c.a11 .. cn"' Ill/ 0a•e• SI , Cos!a M~'"' (dlolorn .. 1 10< i>e•m ls"on 10 u'e tO (IQ !e,.t o• nt~ "Q#ll">t w~y "'"''" 1, ht!•nq ~1<ca1..a loo lutvr(' wollfon<nQ ol Bd'"' S!tff'I, to< •tov.rt d 1 .. nd''"Pt' P'""'"'\ n con1vn"•an w11n P•<>PO'<"d Ooi "•"'l •o•. unhl '"''~ l•me a~ El<!~('• Slfn'I '' ---------------""Oen..., fl'-01! , ,, .. .,., ..... rv~'""'<tO•,.~q, t•·~ •f• • .,1,r.1"' I•• ~/~I• ""' A. {0"A "'' ..• ( Hloto<n.~ Pl' BI.JC 1'0TICE ~ C.£N£Rl>.L f'L AN AMfNOMCNT C.P l}·!A. tor Cost<1 M"'d Pt.,.,n,no c~-------Com''"'''o" to <on"ne• " orooo,•-<.I B ~J41 l ,.,,.,...,,.,mrl'll !o l~r 9~"~rdl ol.on on '"' 5U P E RIOR COURTOFTHE P .. ulo lto~"'"' 11•01>er1 t 10("1"0 .11 t"' S TA TE OF CA LI FD R N IA FOR NJtlllwt'\t ( ~tnc' 01 P~"'"""o /lven"' THECOIJ NTY O FORANGE ""II N••"fl(l" Bo<>lev,H•I !rmn In .. No.A 1161..J Otn'<I• fP'"'""''~I I• lo I~ Uw•ll"'" NOTICE OF INT ENTIO N TO SELLI ~"'" P'' Mr •I I~ ""I'' ''""''\' R EAL P AOl'ERTY AT PRIVATE ,,.\•U~nl·~• 11~1.,J~<!"'""'"<I"'"'' '"' ~LE ~<•r r In th" Ma ller ot '~" F'1<11" <1nd ~ C.l"><I PAI 1•1 /\N i\l'J.( 1'[11.'flil C....rdidn•ll•ll of OAtSV CLOVl.FI. d•d (,PI~ ID "" fo,t~ M•''·' r•1,.nn .... , O,t1.ISY LEF CLOVE Fl , d ~il 0AISY S C.O"'""'"D" II f~11 0• to•.1.-""' .. L . OlT'JM>-1'1. lntomf>('!.,nl (•l•I 10 ,.,.,..no C.P 711/7 IO'"''"'~"" NOTI(.( IS H E FIEBY (;IVENlt•llT 111ann.,11o•v~lopmPnl '""~' ,, OFI I h Wb)e<l lo cool•~mallon bf , ... PDP MO, POR HO. PO( Pl"I ..... 1 II)• •• 1oi. .. ot1 !rift I• ...... " ~LP 111 \0 N0flC£ TO(ll f 0110~5 \UP! 11 10~ tOU l>I OF I t<{ ~I• TE Of ( AL>l'OPN I ... J OI'! I >If COU" I Y Of Oll•NV( .... 1\,\1 f ''"'''''l•Nr•1flf '"'' r •. ,,. •. ,n "!·'"I !' I•! li l l\Y o IWI" I "" '••'1 I• • •·' "" b• " '·•" •" •'• t • <1' •I ""' r ,,, '"'!'"""""'"'"' 1149!"""" ~"' A (o .. l~V"" {~1,,.,1n,.1 t,•l• I•" to""·"".,, '' 1 0"<111• I• <t n1 d" '" ~···n•~" ,., '"" q If t ,,i. r w~,,., '·'"'' "'"~' "'"'''''rt.,.,~ I"' r11u~1. 'l' f"·'~''" (Q""'' '"" ('<"\•mt> t 11 r J+<tlO ''''··•~·~•·• .. N!• r~w • ('A"' r.f,,1 (•• '1• ,1"''·'""1,. I~'' ... , ,, .. or••,,. ..... ,,.,,, .• ., .. 'l~ ... ,it" ""''1------------------·I Qr•••h ••'·'"''"'''"'''ll "'' "''n .. u·I•~ PUBLIC SALE at>o..., ... .,\,llt'd Court, on J"n""'Y 11. '""comm•••'"! l1mo!r(1 l O<w rr1 n ,., • .,, , .. ,. .. ''' ,, ,.., '"'"'''I~•,,,.., ,. out>l it <.ile ot tnr lolloWlf>Q 1'1', dt1 PM , or ll'lcrealle• wotnon lM If>!' !dlllr .. ,l<>lll""'"'l ton\o<Hnc'/ '" '"' "''"' ,,.,,,,.<), v•• m I<> '"'''M OteU••tto.d CO!!dl,.rat ""'II ""'""l!lonJ.in u ...... •I lowed llv •a ... ,'"" undt~•gr>ell, b.J .... (! on ilPP•OPr, .. 1.. lOtHIHI .... ' "'" lh• '' ,, ..... ' "..... ... '"' I), lQI~. al 10 00 ... M . "' llv' ''""' •'Gu•rd•"n ol tM per son and.,\\at¥of (!8~~·•"•l•On• """'"'ll"""~' • u •l•r (v•I • ,.11,,,,.., ,,1 f'nl•ance ot ~loO No rin Pn•bu•v °'"'""'· DAISY C.LOYER. d~d OAtSV LE£ I C.CNCFI AL PlAN llM(lll)MlNl 1.,., 611 '"" 1.,1,, {)""' ,,.,..,,, '1-•<>I• Bf:o;erly Holl~, C<1!., tlY I~ ~<<>red CLOYER • .J•• DAISY S. L DITTMA R. G P I~ !B, tor Co,la Me\~ l•1,.nn•n<1 •"• '•'•'M""' ~l/Ot. "''"'" "'"' P'•"' ,11 Par1y ;ncompetenl, will ~e1 1 at privdleWll! to Comm0,.,0,.. JI F .. ,, r;,, Co~td Mel·•. """"'"" ~· 1 "~ ""~'''·"''"'' ,,, ,,,, "'·""" (ll Nole wolh an unp•id b.11..,,<e ol the nlgt>e~t ""(!be•! net bHklet on tt>e (•lot . 10 ,on~01ter ~ vropo'-f'd \<J l./Uh 00, ,,,.,n •n'"'"'l dl H' 1 •, lerm~ •nd ronOil•on• Mt~1nil'f1<"f •mend,....nt to the gene•dl nl.m on ,..., (•'',."""q 1" '"" '''"'' ''' '"'" '~''"'"'· StCUf.lf [) 11-i A WRAP AROUND menlloned •ti riqllt. lo!le and tnleresto! ptopt!tl~ !Ota If'(! di ISM. 1880, d!o:I •'IS? "'''"''' '' "'OI'"'' ""''' "'t 1"'1 pul\I" ''1'°" Ol:(O OF' TRtJST O N COMMERCIAL OAIS.Y CLOVER, <1ka OAISY LEr OM>il11t• Aven..,.,, lrorn ll•Qll uen~·I~ "''"'"~""'" PPOPERTY IN Oran9e Counl y . CLOVE fl, oka OAISY S. L. DITTMAR, rt.,denl••I !O lion1 lndv•try An O•l•d{lf(Ptn~« ll. HI• Secun!d Party i• .tdvo~d !llil! 1"'-' un- lr<om pelt nl. !n 111" •Pill pro~rty "'nvlronmental imoact reoort "'" been '-'••a•"'' t '"'' I '"''"" Po>•d ti.lance ol 11"14' obllQdlion under,...., 1oc"'"'° In !lie (ounlv ol Oranll'!, Stll!e P'""'P1t•edto1 tnep•opo•~~tl•on" ~n~ '"''""""''''n' ''!dt•o/ o;.en!or tn(.,mbran<e ;, l lOl>,OM."3, t n .. Cl>l!IOrnia,-(rlMO .. <lollow\ • PEFIMfSSIOt< 10 AMEND T~1[ , ... """" "~"""dN•O.r.I Nolt w t tn •n .. npaio balAn( .. ol L0f 6.BLOCI( AOF TRAC.T No.1~1. MASTER PLAN !or Ille 1'11 \I 0.apt"t •l•N CVPll~ illb,l~I J~ ..,,,,, .nte<,.~1 ~I I '>"», AS PIER MA P, RECOROEO IN BOOK Churcn, 31• Ea•I 18\n Slre .. 1 CU-.ld Att .. ,..y~ll-~"' '>ECUl'!EO OY A WRAP·AROUNO IJ, PACE Jl <ti MlSCELLANEOIJS Me"9, C•lllo rn•a . tor ~1m1~•ion 10 11,(,.,<(•M••Or,.tW••I OEEOOF TRUST ON COMMERCIAL M.APS, RIECOROS OF~AI OORANC.E •mend lhe m•~tet pl.an !Or 1""' F"\I .... l'\.IA,...C•Ut••~"tl"I PROPERTY IN L.A (ounly.S....ur..O COUNTY. 8"pl•SI cnu•<ll !o .tllOw ilddinoncr 1u o P.arlv Is •dvi§ed tnat !tie '-'nl>"IO Tne properly I\ commonly fl'"ler,...,d i.o loolP<•·,<hOOlilndOay~Arttf1>t11 ._,t0<Adm•n"I'~"" bal.tncH ol tne oblloahoo~ u,..,.,, !toe to •s 114 E•sl Edinger, S..nt• Ana. 'I. FIEZONE PET IT ION NO R 1~01 Pub!"n.d Ot •~Q• (o•"' fl"'' PolDI Do-< .enlo< f'n<umbrance\ ••e \111,'IOl;.ll C..Ulornl11. tor (<>Sia AA.-~ Pl,,nnonQ Con•m<•''°" 1', l•, .,1, ,,.d J•n '· I•. lfl~ •l•·I• dnd '11,.6~ ~; {l) Nolf! wotn dn~.a ll>e s•le ll sublt<I tQ (1,1rren1 ld•e '• n F.i.r Drive. Co'1" Me,.,, '""', •~• b6l•"<e ot SJl8,0JO ""· W•lh onlrr.,~t di to...en•nls, cond•t•onl. 1e>t'1rhon\. pe<m••\lon !o re1onP prope•tv lpc<1t""I----------·------! . \.1 P . S E C u RC: O O V "'-•f!wnr•t!.,..,~, dgnt ... <;ints ol Wily,......, ,,, 1111 ''' .. """' o .. ~. ///fl .. n.:t }l/Q oNRAP . ,tl.ROUNO OEEO O F lPUST ff!.ttnenhol •ecorCI. Brhlol~I , Co,ta Mesd, (all!, !ron> RI 1'1..1!1,l f" :"\01'1('1': ON COMMERCIAL PROP(RTY IN Bids or olt11rs <1re tn~o le!I f<J< '"" la (L !comme r ti•I llm•rndl 1n10 1 ___________________ L.A. (o.,nlY 5'-c .. rf'(I Parly ".l<;lv•"-"' property •nd mvst t>e In w••••no ilfld <onl0<m.Jnt e with !he qen~r .>I P'"" 8 Sl'l' in.at 1ne; unp.>•d bdl•n<e cl 1,,.. obhO.O w!ll be rectovtO a\ 111" ~l•~<' Ct! 10. COSTA M IES/I f'LANNllJC. F ICTITIOUS BUSIN£SS l•on un""' Ille S~n"" en~umb<IW>C~ °' H,t1.ROLOE HIEINLV,Allorneylorlhe COM MI SSIO N , 11 Fair D•. (0,111 NAME STATEM ENT 1111.}J'l ~l (•)Note wlln •n vt>n.J•O ~rdl•n, al oOO No 11roddway, No ,...._.,C•hl11r11J .. n .. ~rtQ""•'<'dll ~IH"Pl 111.e 10110.,.;ni;i pe•~on, •"" OO<n(l O~'""'e ot $J1,}!>tol~. w •lll """"'" .OS. S..nl11 ,t.ne. (•l•lor ni•, or m!IV I><" ...,m., cl'lan11t of T,.enty·Se<<lf'd Sire<'! ""'""'''•~· ~•I'> ">E:C.U REO IJY "'-OE l:.0 OF tlleO wlln lhe Cler ... ol tn., !i.upe1l0t !1om Ne wp0rl 8oule •ard ell'1trlv to BELVEAL AN O HE GN(SS, '901 TR UST O N R £SIO ENT !Al Caurl or doe livered lo HAFIOLD t: S."l<'I AA .. A.,..n ..... 1n Ille (1\y ol Cosla Oo""r Ori.,... Su•" 120, NtwpOl1 8'J.t<h. PPOPE FITY IN L A. (ounly, l~J Nole HEINLY • .,..,r,on•lty. <'II any hmt •lier Mots.I. lo Vic lo•!• SlrHI. C•lllornl• '1""° ... in an trnp.,,d balancl' ot '1l-l ,•l7 ot, 11<~1 put>llc•tlon ol 1111\ nOllce •n<I IL ZON[ E.X CEPllON PERMIT DONALD N. BEL VEAL. )OSl2 .. 1tn1nterest •T\Dd,.'lf!t '-'ted1>y11IH!oell betore m1lln<;1 I"'° w t1 , NO. ZE IJ.(),, lo• Wilt.Im TN:>mo> Coh.a,..,I Liln., Hunl•n<;ilon lk•t r>. l! lru•I on ...,,;mprov"'d 11roper1y •n ~n The prOl)erly will M Miki °"' IM Roc hell.,, u o W , Wol\.Of\ SI''. UKI• C•liforni• 926'16 0"'90 County. Setur...O p.orly ''""v•s..cl torl-i"9 lermi.: (., ... or ,,..1 cas.h""" ,,.,..\.8, (.•Iii .• t or p.,tm•~""" to ""' PAUL (, HIE G N ESS, ··~n P•!.<l!O ~ ''"''Nole h 'UbjeCI to oi PO\S!lll11ot· pert c.r.-<111, IM term~ ot c redit lo be •~Iii< (llfl<rete r11!Mr 1nan cemenl Ph••ro, lr~in..,, Celolornil 926f>.I 1!.tl In lt>e •mounl ol l Jl.106.lS ecce11,.b/11 to t"'" under\igntil •nd lo """"' t eQu!red <Ove re!I p11•~•"'1 In R•. Tnls busff'M'\S Is cor><1uc1ed by .a This <ollattral ... 111 M SOid lo tl">t -Superior CO<lrl, 111n ( 10%1 pwc1>-nl R•·CP 111d Rl·CP 1one. lol 11l""1 at 1~1'1. ~,,..,,,.1 perlnership, Ni;ilw•I bfd<Hr or bldd11rs, lor c• ..... Of ot !ht •mo<.Hll bid lo <'l<(Oml>#"'Y ll'lt 193'1 W•ll•c• Av•n..,.. CMI• Mir... Oon.,ld N .Belv-el• •r1lllf'dor.,.nk c11,nl11r'\cl'ltckdr•wn trfi.-r by certltl11d t l'leCk, ...,, Ille C.lltornle. t r.ls \lalemtnl w~s tlled witn tne "POf' o r issue<\ b y " b"nk in L. A. bill•nc:1 to bl peld on conllrm11tlor! ol 11. ZONE EXCEPTION Pl:RM1T (.ounty Clerk QI Ot<'lnll'! CPUnty on tounly, ...Ofor •bid by S.c<>•l!d P•rly wit: by 11'1 s;.,perlor Cou rt. T..,<<IS. renl. NO. lE l}·Ol, tor ln ~·••·lvne. L1d., 0.-CCtmlWr 20, 1•1•. ~ P.,rl pr ell cl '"" ll"lelllbleckle\' ~••11"9 e nd rn.lnlen<'lnt ll eJrpenW!S, l1991 Sk y l)afk Clf t lf!, Ir v in•, J'~l11 1«ure<I b y s.oi!I <.<tll•le1•I. 5-uth af>el ~,.,.um!. on ll"lsur•nce •<c1pl<'IOI• C..llfornl•, 10< permission lo P"'rlorm f'\>bli!Jled O•a"O<! Co.1~t 0<1Uv Pllol. <oll•Mr•!I w(H °' otte red lor """' bot~ .. ll>lt JMlfCIMIM r '""II bl! pro r•ted I\~ •llllratlOf'S lotw.lsllnQ ,1,vic est•llol"llo ..i.,..1, u .11.11, 1'1.'> ~1·1~ In unUs w>CI ,., one lot, •nd w!ll bl! i.ol<I ""'cl1M DI recor!lll"l!i ol cono;ey-11, provide •ulo tu,,.,·UP t•tlUlies In• (1 ellller In <>nlls or a s <11"11 lot for 1"'-' ENm-INttl<lf' of Ullt l r e<ordlnQ of ,_, IOC.•led et MIO w. 191.11 S\ltel. h~Slbldor IC/O•"'Qeleol bl~. COft,...,_•. lr-•hlr ""11'• Mid •ny CMll Mei•. (•lllo•n••· Ovtol\CI the hour\ lrom ''30 AM , tltM ,_.,.t• siolk y •M ii tis •I 1111 P U BJ.IC :\'OTICI-: 1nrou9n l 'OO P M., on e•t l> ~'"""' ••Pf'l'I M the P1<rt"-• Of" I) AllANOONMENTOll""nortn<"IV Illy prior to $U(°' ••It. It.ere wt!! bf pun~-·· l70 11 ""<I .. .,,tP<IV JO II <>l <...ictonqloo) l'ICTITlOUS •US l"'ESS ,,..ll•lllt lo• in\prt hon on Ille Ill• ll«>r TN11f1C14i•·•l<Jneelreserve'ther1Qh11o Sir"~'. bv '"" CMt• MlllW P111nn•n<.1 N,t.ME STATIEM E NT ol •J.O Norin Ro,buty OriYe, 6f'""rly rti.d ... , .,.d •11 0lcts p rior to tntrJ of Co<nm''''on, 11 f' •+r °''"'"·COS!"~..,. Tht IOllowlnQ ""'''on 1, dolf'tll HUI$. C•'·· coples of Ille Cloe-ls Mtonttrconflrm l,,.lhe )•l<i. C•"'u''"' °""r>eSi •~ comproJing \u<n <oll.at .. •111. Sofl(I .. T ED: J •n-rJ 3, ••15 1 n• hu !hrr ''"0'"'"1""' on Ill('""""" !nlot'..,.hon ••ti be m•d" •v•ll"bt" loo ~EH N CL.OVER ·~,,1,0n,, '~'~""°"" ~~ S1t) pr t ~•• l(EY AE"-l TORS, lll 11111 SI., CV..I• Im.Cit!< I Ion wo!t>oul •nv e•I>'•~' or •--o rOll l'I of '"" P11ri.on ,, 1111-011 ,, ,, u! !tH! p\d"'1 <Jt>IHI• 1m~o1 ~14• Ctl!tornl.a '"''' !mpU~ reprtsent•llon o• ,. • ., .. nly .., vw E R ,. ! M \d P •<ll<lrd Otnnls H11n\en, l~ LoU<on •l'ICl l!.i•••of DAISYCLOV • room 100 II~ .... o ..... e .... 91. ' ~ ... COlleM11s•.C•lifo~n la'1f>?I to lhA((IJ•.t<VO•~omPl"'llOn. •k•DAISYLfECLOVER.~~a '""IO•nl•• Th!s bl.o\lnl''' ,, col"ldu<l...0 by • ., Plel'lotltlfPl\(tnf !113!214 8011 0A1,YS.L..0 1TTMAA. (.o'l" M"'" J'l~n,,,nq LO•n tndl••!lvel. S.lct\•lei1>1Ullf'.,.ltl>Oul JtrPl\ltl•Ctlo tnc.m,,.tenl ""'"''l" Rlch••O O. Hansen .. ny rlQhl! ol S.C.c ur.cl l'•rtv. <'Ill ol tu.ltOl.O•·"•tMLY c ( < •~r ~~.c ,.,,.,,m,.., Tll•A lletemenl .,.,., f lll'CI wll" lllt -•<.h 1iqllh "'' h111bv ••P•t)•IJ •:=""O.-NI.,. w 1111 .. 1T'll. [)trnn.Sr•,.·l ~•t'""' ,..,trvffl. - .,......,.svn• '°' ,1,,11c1C"• Cot1ntv Cl••~ ol Or•1>111 CPUl'llJ on 0.ted. J11n . 3, 1•1s. "' o11 .-.r1y ~1111i. ....,.,.._c.11tM-.1•ft111 01r 1 .. nn•"'I J•nwryJ. i'l7}. F,.... c.1. 'hi OillW "91 Publlsl'led 0<.an111 (~)I 0 •11., rilol. ,;. ... o..-..coest 0.11., P\lol. Pllbl!~ Or•nQ<I Co•\I D••'r P.IOI, Publ!\llt<I °'·"~ Coe•! 0.11'1' Pllol, )..,. .... , 1, 1•15 4J.Jl .-..J ... M.tm '°'~ J•n 1.1t1.'> .,._,J .;.., 1.1•.n.n .1t)J 1•11 ' ( l ' -. c-~-- _J \f.,,_ h ====='" .. -~ .... i;~,» . r.,. o,. ' ~ Phon e 548 -5131 JANUARY •FURNITURE Dve to ellt r a heavy in- •mtary & shipments of eastern merchandise, •e ~ forced ta drastical-- ty reduce our prices for this c le arance. Shop e-arfy for best s~ection.. SEE OUR NEW LINES OF : AMTl9UE PIMf. COUMTRY FREMCH, COUMTRY fMGLISH, COUMTRY COMTfM· PORARY, AMD MEDITfRRAHEAM All AT SALE PRICES All LAMPS , PAINTS ond ACCESSORIES up lo 50% OFF u~ TO 30% 1. 40% OFF Our Regulcr Low Prices FEATURING: • THOMASVILL E, • SEAlY, • SIMMONS .. • REMBRANDT, • CAVALIER . \ • lA-Z-BOY. • SIGHTllGHT, • ROYAL COACH, • HEOCMAN CABINET, • BRANDT TABLES, • HAMMARY TABLES. AND A HOST OF OTHERS EQUAll Y FAMOUS . ALL u SALIP'RICES. !S J -I , I - 1865 HARBOR Bl VD . • DOWNTOWN COSTA MESA ree • T he Churc hill i:1aintings. ·r,vo exclus ive prints reproduced in full colo r. Janua ry 1st lo 10th. 'f1\" pn111·. l.111hr11llv t 111u•·d !10111 1111!..!111.11r'ti11r·11111 p.11111111;.:• • .i11d 1 h• ••.i 11 "fl''' 1 I" .ii Iv I ur u .. 1,, I IP· 111'.1111vll1',/11 d ,..,!.rt•·,rlldn ·· 1:r.111d· ·r 111· l1·g.11 ... ~ ,,f \\"1n,111n (;h11ri l!dl ,ti•' lh•"'·•' 't 11··' !lll!lll\lll\ n ! 1111r r1.··· 11,.tld l11-i l111IJ1 1111 11.r1t111\,!\ .ind hr•.11111•1• .... ,,111•. ••'· h·· j'\Pf•'SS•'<l 11 .. !II "II • .Ill\ 1'1 II.· t•\ll~ loo lh1· p.il.-tl P f<ll' lo I 1\,lll<ll\,.ITld 'dill Ldli11,.:1.1pl11•d P\pt1 ·..;~l1 f,11· 1111•. 1,1111 1 II V I!( I ol ._Hill \\ •' <1l l1 1· \•HI tlr1:. ! •HT11111t11111,l\o\1• ·,1•l 1t1 h .. 1111 r"I Sir\\ 111.,1 .. 11\ 1'1-! ·•·1it•·fl,or\' l".11!i•1,1 •p1111!,•.i1it ,,hi.· l!ir lr.1m1111• 1·, .r 1111·111111111111 ,!JI 11!.,p111·1J L:•'lllll'· ,, "<Hiii .111111t1): u11 ·1 r. o n " o1 t h P j 1 11· 11 h 11 p 1·r•:r111 .d Iv .df1·1 Ji·d t)1,, 11111r: .. · nl h1•,1,,rv 111 llrt•:.•· 1r1111hl··d t 11n1 ·~ p!.1c1• \011 1· f1111d " \\1!11 s , 1111Ii1v .... 1 S.i v1llJ..'' \1 l11·r•' •'" r11111i:·· .ir ,. 1 l•'IH""l .i!d1· .1111 1 :;.1~111 '-l:-i .1111p l~· i11::111·,,1I . 1q• !11 S·llf.!HJ(I liy .111 :1t.:••11• v .,r iii•· I !~ J.:"I 1•111111•·111 1\dd .'>ll1.!1 !\!'(111"11\" 111 . ).:lloll'.ill!l'!'d ' ··.1 11\1!1).!'· ••Tl 0111 ,·1•rl if11.otl•'' h••ld 1•1 rn.1 i111 ii\ 'i' • ",. 111 :-•,·•., [Fi•d l.t11 f!"•pl•l•'S :.uJ..,1,11111,rl 111t,.10 -.I ~~·~tt;;;;~o ~AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Ir•' .qip\to•d lit•• hl'll"il II !Iii h1•; • 11•;10111.•r1· • 11t·r:~v .111d ,,.,ii pn11 · rnc: hi111~··lf .r rn.1~1 .. r 111 1h1• I io •ld 11f 1•-1111(111i.: :-t1 .. 1· 111 '""' "' ''" .. 1 :-.o u1h11···' I l)f I II ,. 1n )1! I .• HI .111 d •.l.iu11 \ttllr,,•r 11111 d111! '•'"'" ,,,, tl 11 'upplv is l1111 it,.,,J pt>11.1lt .\' for 1·,irlv \\ltlidr,111.11.) /\nd 1hr fir\· 1hil+I\ 1d ,1 ]' .. , ... i.,111~ .11.11111111 p.iying ~··, "., p•:r -1111111111 1111 111 d.1v i.! d••P(J"i l 111 d.1\"0111. Fn·1• "·'I\ I<,,., l•I l11 ·l11 I Ill l'\11•'1:<;•'S. s1 .. ~1 ·;;-, right 1 1 l p1'11 \'(11n· S1H11h1\•·.;1 S.i1·1ni::~ .11 1111 1111 nn1v - 111 \11'/'>1tn •ir by 1n.r1l. l '11r11ls in hy 1h~ llJ!h r.1rn )null t!10· 1 ... 111l1••11 l11 ·Jd \(1 1•rHI ~d 1i 11.1rlf.:r. HEVERLY HILLS : '141.! Wii~hirr a! R,.,,~,..~ '2io&·C>l ~.'.i I NGLF:\\'000 · • -II•! \\' \ 1,1 nrhr'1"r ;ii t•l h :--,1 ·1r.111 T O RRANCE: 1 AQ.I C111v'n~ .al ~~;irc:rhn.1 '.1:!8 61J 1 C.ORONA : -.1111 S c;,,,.,n,1 \t.111 7.1~ ~-1 SOUTl l PAS ADENA : 1 ~14 l/unlin1<to n Or./7'1'1 1 1 l!l 'ONT ARit): A 1•, '.: \11,11 111.,111 \• ,. •11! 1.<1·111> Ci RAN AOA HILLS : 11.IJ.~0'' 8albo11 lllvLI thll '>71111 • ,.,A Siii\ TT AN RI.Al.II •O t \\,inh,111,1n \, c 1;<1 .!-l ~t. 'HUNTINGT ON HEACll: ~9:fi \VO'tnr.r '1t ~p11n1td.tlr 8·11l J:IO(l • fllf'n. th ru thu••· 9 Rn1 In 4 pm: l rl. to 6 pm: ' ••I. ho.,r1. S1 " "' (" :-;, c " ,, ,,, , , " ,,, w '" '" VI gi " ,., w N c ri fl .. " " d '., " I · p I • " c I I