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1975-01-15 - Orange Coast Pilot
tate 0 • n1on--• ... ' oor' . ' ·~ • DAILY PILOT esa's 'Sneaky the Cat' * * * 10< * * * Likes Burglar Alarms W E DN ESDAY AFTER N OON, J AN UA RY 15, 1975 VOL, lof, NO, I), 1 SECTIONS, 74 PAGES • • • • • Sex Victim Suff ocated--Coroner State of Union Poor--President It~ 111<1.J-:'\T llCJ )I \ . ...; \\'\:-.;IJl'\t;r11 ."\ 1\ I'! !'J \':-I.it'll! , .. urtl t 'UIH'l'dl·d 1 .. d .. \ lh1· 1h.t1 '\Ii•• .,!,i1l'Ol lh1• l '1\Hlll 1...., 11111 .~nod" .ind .i-..1.l·il ('01\! . .'.l'L'.":-. Jt.i· .111 ;1nl1 rt•• , .... ..,1D ll:11 \ p•·r111;1n.·nl l.1\ 1·111 Ill :-:11; ,, !11111"11 .1 \1•.1r tor 11H!1\ 1du.,1..., •111 !t>i• ol .111 1111 111•·di.1lc S J:..! \JillJ•\I\ 1.i\ r1•l1,d1' !l1·lt\ t'f"lll!! J11.., 111· .. 1 ~l;ill' "I Tito• 1111111 .1ddr1•.., ... 1··,,1 d 1111tlln1•d .1 ill'\\ 1•1'tll1Pllllt' JH 11t,!r.1!1l d1·-.H.'ll t•d 1 .. 1•1111 \1111•111.1 .. d1·j•1·11dt•1111• "ll l•H 1'+.'.ll "II h\ \~IH."1 \\)11J.· 1•,J,llL: lho 1111111t'dl.llt' p1t1hl1•1n "I ,1 \\"! / 1-.ullll' I• I 1·-..,1<1!! \\hl1IJfi.1-.11\l'I -.1l.1.J,,11 1·d ht ... 111111·,.111 \\llh 1n!l.1 t I• • ll ''l'h1· •'lllph.1 -.1 ..... i \llll. t't llll!olllll' 'llPI (.., 1!)11"\ Ill!\\ ,flltt I 1 Ill I\ 111Il.;1 uill ltt it iii .... ' h1· .... 11d Youths Spray Cl1 e mic al On Wo1nan ]··,11 1r \t'vl'lll;.! .\"U!h"' ill :1 "Jll'•'d 111..: •,!I "Pl ,l\1•d ,1· ~.1111.1 \1\.1 !lo 1.;l11·, \\OJlll.ill \\llh ,I !',tll ... tl(' '11, 11111·,11 '1'1 11•..,,l.1\ ,,., ... ti,• 11•d1· !11 I f>H'\I Jo• Tli ',11" th(' lllll't"-,l'4'11i•l1 .. 1 :-..1111.1 \n.1 \11·11111• .111d \Jc.,,1 111111 · 1~1.1 11c•· l 'llo11(\ Sh1·11tt., t ol I I 1 l' I .., -.. , 1 11 l I l1•pul 11• ...... 11d lh1· 11111d,·11l l11t·d l1q111d hl1r11l·d :'\11·, l .111.1 H11tll l.n ll•ll., l'.I ,,.._ In th l' 1">1111 lh,1! -,ho• \I"" 111r1 ·1•d IH d 1:-n)0Unl J1 nnl 111•1' !ll.H'hllll' \Ir ... Lilt1·\I. 17 . 11( :!O:!hl ll1\•'l""'1d1· \ll' S;int.1 ,\11;1 ll1·1;:1lt.-. lold d"11t1t11·-. !ht· lour \11111h., l;111t.:h1 ·d .i11d 1•·1•r l·d at h··r .i:' thL·.1 .-.pvd otl ltl 1l11·1r ,,1n ,dl lot't'l ).!ll l·;tr ·r11 .. 1 11'11 111 r··i><n ·tt·d 1.i1l.1y 111.11 111·1 t'.' 1·,, ,1t'l' ,,nnll'\\ h:l1 1111 p ro11·d :.iltl'I' 1rl·ctln1l'll1 hu1 ar1' ,,till 1r· r 1t.1ll·d 11.1 t he unkno1\ n c hl·1 111l'..d !·'011 d ,1dr111llvd h1-. pr•);.:1,.111 11.1., 111rl~1l1o n.1r\ ;111d 1\111ild 1.11-..,· lh1· ll.011111),,J d1·li1 \41 ::-.·11111 l1i1[1,,11 l ht• I \t ·' l \ 11 • > I ''.If-. llL' lhl'Jl P\l\lit\L'd ,I II.Ii I l l).! 1•1'11 ~1.1n1 1o 1·.11-.v 1111• 1•r1(·1· 1>1 l1i.·I 11lt11th..:h t.1\v-..111<l .1ild1·il t11-.I• l•1 ... ,.-, hill11)1l 1" d1 ... 1·11111'.l)-'l' \'I'll "'\l ll1lili"11 \\htlv ... 11111ul;1l111 :..!. Ill!' ,.,,,11 .. n\1 1111 h 1.1:\ t111-. 1.1r l1•dll 11id11 idu.il -. ,11111 li11,111t· ...... 11 .. ,1-.h.1·i\ (',.ll ~!'""" It> 1'11,1\'1 I\ 111 \prd t 'l'n lh1• p.ic\,,•d IJ.111 .,e 11h1·t•' h1• -.t·t \ l'd ~.-, 1 , ... 1 ..... 1:01 d r1·1 ·.dl,•d .1 \!Ill•' ... h11r1 l,\ .lll!·r h1 • tu11h. 1111ll1· ·'" ,I frl'-..11 Ill.Ill ~·1111gr .. ,,,.1 n.11i ::!h I \',II ... I , ... r .... 1i.:,n II hl'll l'11· ... 1dl'lll ll.11 I I ,..., '1'1'\1111.111 l'\'l'"*lt"l lu (·,.11g1l·-.-. lh.11 \)lt• !>(.ii\' 111 lht· lllllHll II.I" ~1 111tt l'nd.1\ 111.11 11v.,IJ111.111 11i.·1nl•,., 1r·,q11 \11(!11.:.111 ... 111111-. 11 lit•1 'v \J 1· 'l 111111.111 .. 111"d .1n+l I ll!ll_,( "di [,1 \"ll \!1.11 Il l•' 1,d o• Pl tho· Utll"ll I" tl1>I !.!11•111 f·.qd -.,q.i . \l ill11111 "! \1!11 •1 I• .111-. .11' .. 111 .. 1 1101th. 111' .... 11d 1:,11·~ ... 1.,11 .111il 111tl.!!1"1l ,JI<' 1•1 .. <1111 111 1 111.,111·\ ,,1 111ill1,,11 -. 1n<111 1'11• • ,I((' 1•"' h1 •h .111d .iii ,,(I' 1 .... 111\\ l111d , .11d"" .11d ti1 , 111·11 l"H \.'.1 .lll) l'<1llld (.11"·lh••('<! I 111111 I Ill!\\\ 11 pt'!'!'l'li\ .t \\',I I 'I ,l\l'" .111d I.ii 111 , ll •Hlld .idd :-..:11 hill1n11 !11 tt11 ·l t ••·I .11ld !h1· 11ppl1• ··11····1 Ill h1 11 .. 1 pl ll't'" ll>! \li11\:.!' 111.1dt' 11'•!11' l'l'l!'ll],·11111 ,11\il 1·l··j lt'tl'L!\ nr llLo ·!vd h \ 1l11•tll l\ullld .idd .n111th,·r ,.:,:::, h1ll!H11 ,1 11·.1r 111 lh" pr1t"'" \111,•1 u ,111-. 11·'' '" ,,,1d111-: In I \\1111.1111 S1·11l111.111 f•ll ti ',,., .. 1111!lH1 ' !'<1\11'd111.d11r In .1dd1l1,,11 ...,t•1d111.111 .... 11d Ill•· .... ~r,a th·· .. 1.·1.1..:1· 1.11n1!1 .p1·11<L 1 .. r ~.1~nl11H' 1101111 • li1·.111n !.: .111.I 1·1t·1·111t·1t1 1111uld r1•.v !11 ,·~:,u I" ~ 1 '..'.•)\) ,\ ... ,1 r.-lu1ut," F111il .it .... I"" 1'":-1•d .1 ~ll~ IJdl11111 r1·d111 ·l1n11 1tl 1.1 \t'~ 1ia11I h .1· h11 :-11ll'""''"' :-1 b1lll111l 111 a la.'\ 1·r1•d11 fur !1r1 11 ... 'S1·l.' T .\ x Cl .,r ' l'aV:P 1\:!) Triple Tragedy ,., ' S on .Axes Pare nts, K i lls Self \l {)l .'.\"r\l;\~11)1~. '.\' . .J . Cr\l'l .\ :\l'I\' \'ork {'1ly h.1nk \11·0· prt•~idl·nt <i nd hi:' \11fe \1't'l'l' f11u11d ;_1'\('ll lo d'-':1th \1111.1~ . .ipµarcn1 ti· kit lt·d h \' thl.'i1· 1:"1 yt•ar old so n '' h11 c lirnlll'<I a l."10 ·f1 111l \\ .tlt·r 1011 , ... 'l'llcSda~·. ~1 ;1:-hl'd tu~ \1·r1:-t ... ;1n1I t h1·n .1111np1·ct 1n 111 -. d l·;dh. poht't ' :-1o:11d . l'ul11·c !'<i1id 1h1•1 tound 1he bodu·s ol ·r11n111,1 .., :-..111dl·1·-.. IH . :1 \IC'<' p rl:'s icl l.'ntof t hP 1·:1rs t ;\;1110 11111 L'1 l v l\a11k 111 _:\l :1111l.l1\:111 . ;in d his \\'lfe J:1n1 Cl'. l l, 111 lhl'il' h o111c u ftt•r t he body n f th1·11 :-nil1;rl·g g '''ii~ itlc nt 1 fie<! (';1rl.1 tullu 1 ,\utho 1·it1l·:-. .... :nd lhl· ho.\ 's bod,\' 11H s fuu11d h ~· l\\11 .\n(i1h -. :ihoul 11 p .111 . '1'11r,• .... d :1.v a l thl· h:1~•· ot' lh<' 11·:1ll·r l\11\ 1·r ,t! \\'.tt t'llu11i.: Ii v:-;l'r \' :i ti on, ;i ho lit ;i 1 I 1' 11 .. J1t h of ,1 n1i 11 · f ru 11 1 h ts lin ! 11 ~ · .\ no ll' !-ig1h·d hy th(• l hf\' 1ndic:1l1·d ti.· h.1l\1·d 111 -. p.11 1•111 .. lit'(':iu:-c ht• 11;1 .... 1(! ,i.:ctt1 11g :!1011 1.; 1111 11 thl'tn, ~:,.:\ t·:d11.11d l l.1..,\,111-.. cil lht' i\11111 11talns1dl' pol1rl':-.:.t11! 1•o\1ee rou nd Sandt·r:-; 1:--·inµ, 011 th1· k 1t 1.h1·11 t'l1u11 \11111 tl11• ·'' loclgl·tl in h i:-. head :\l rs. ~;uuit'l'S \\as f1~und 111 th1' d1nin ~ roo111 Easy o n the Eyes? o .. •tv P1101 f'nolo nv R•t h .. ,a Kl>t'hle• ;...t1t l J i,1111 1'\\ 111, lid l<'dlli>t'IVd 1'1l ll1 '1'l'll' plilll, ,1 \\.111._ 1t1...,1.1ll.i!11111 ,il lit· 1\I ('1ll'Pl1.I it. I \l.11 I 11 ·1·\\,1\ 1111• I\ 11.111 ~ lllHl1·1· •<II) 11111·1,..1 11 J)1 ·111· 111 [r11111· l·:11•11\11;il l 1 llJ•' ,1\ ,,,.,1 -..1 .. ~'l lr;1111(' 1\111li1·1"111 .. 11;1r1 .ir IHl•l ·'l' -.\1'11!'(111!' d1 !l\l!'l't•h.111;..:1· ,d!Hl .: ~.111 11\11111\ll .11 \l ,1• \11!1111 1 :1Jlll~·\.1ld .1 11d [ ~ I 1 , • I . I , ' ~ • I. Horse Kille</ By Tra i11 ; O,t111 e r W eep s \ h1 •.1 1t111 llh.1 !l ;-; .. 111 II I I :1111.1 llLltl -.hH!d li"lp\c-. ... I\ h1 'I 111 •-.tl.t' 111 i.:h1 ,it ,1 S . .i1 .l u:1 n f ',q11 -.11.11111 ! ,lill II.Id I I ll._ .... 111 ~ II hill' tli1• 1 l'.tl uld ~l·ld111 ~· ht' l1.1d hl't'll rid ltl i,.! ,! l\'1\ lll11ill<'l\I " hVIHI(' \\,j,, -.1rt11·k .ind rl1·1·.1p11.111·d IJ1 .1 ll'1!1hhtlllllil ;-;:1111.1 I·'<· II .Ill\ tl1:11l~l' ('ou111 ,1 :...l11·r1t1 ., •11 f11·t·1 ... ..,;11d l 'h ,1rlt''-Hl'l'" .Jnn1•:-.. :.'.I. 1d :11 1:\Jl \\ ild\111od l{o,1d , s .lulh 1.:1i,:u11;1, 111)11 1h4'11l h1· h:1d lil'l'll r1d1 11g h1:-. h11r ... t•, • B;1 :-.k111," n1 ·.11 \\ h t'l'l' 1hL" r:nlrn;1d tral'k.-. run p;1r;tllt·l \\'1l h i):'n Ho.id :111d t '.1111 inn t • .q11!-\ l';11u) 1n San .I u:111 l >~pt1l1t·~ ~aid .Jones lllld tht•n1 lhal !ht· horn of lht• ;1pproarhing 1r:1in c:1li..,,.d hi:-; n1ou11I to 1·t ar .i nd forl'C'<I h1n1 to ll·.11t• \h(' ... :i d dll'. .Jone~ -;;_iid hl' t hl'tl tru·d 111 t•.d1n th1 ·,1n1 1-.drn !ht· .1n111 1.d h\ hol<l1 ng • 1 h1· 111 idle h 111 thl' lr1ghl l'l\t•d hor ... 1· hnllt'd .11HI "l'l'd d11 \1n !ht· tr.1l·h.:-; hl'ln11• l h ·· 1111 eo1n ln J.! t1 ,1111 l)l'JHll If'" -,,11 d 1 ill' hoi ...,,. \\a,, s 1 ru1·k h\ 1 ll1· 1 r.11 11 ,1 .. 11 J.!;tllopl·d ht•!\\1•1111 !111· tr;11"k ... :111d ;1 h111·h 1\ .ill .LI .1 pnn11 111~1 ~l)Ulh of ()~o H(Ltd 'l'h1'\ -..url !ht• lu11 -.1• \\;1-. dPl';q 11l ,i(\•d I \I J 11 1·1.., -..11d .l,,1H·.., t11·uk1• d,111 tl .ind 11 ''i'I .1-, 1 h·· h··r~•·· ... 1n:11i; . .:l l•d hod1 11 .1-. 11•!111·11·.\ lrnlll lhl' 11 ,11:k., .ind 1\-. ·,:l!l1 Ut' hand1·d 11 \l'I' I 1 • l 11 111 Police Kept Busy By 'Sneaky' Kitty 1~1 \H'l'lll H H. \ l ":-i l·:I . Ot 1~• O•ol ~ l>,lol ~l~ll :-O.tl••,1h.1 I._ h1·1· fl,lflll' ;_nHI :-ht· I" ,I )-'t'lllllllt' l .1! h11t 1.;l.ll , 11111' \\ liu !i.1-. p1)lll't' .ltld tlt1· :-t'l'llf ll ~ :-;t :ll l ul .1 :.:1.1111 l r\Hl•' -;port111;.: )-!ood :- 111 111 ! lir(f\\ 111i-: c·o11n1pt 1011 (ii:- l'h v ... 1111:1111111 11 .1 :-. r1•\·1-.ll1•d ·r11t·..,il:1\. 11·h v n 1111l·,,11g:1111r:- ''l'ltl tn :'\11111,,,111 :->po r1111 J,! (i n11d,, ("Hllp.itl\, :l.-11! l';11d ;ir11111 .\11· 1·:.1 ... t , 1<l d1,,c11-.:-;1 1·11n!111u111;.: pr11 lol1·n1 111,.·r1111on.; ;\·l :in1\i.,:11 r ll t'.'rh l l :1rn111 n i,:.r t•t'll·d P :1t r1il :...i.:t {;,1rv \\\•Ji ... 1t·r kn111\111i.:l' 11•1len Il l• ;111 I \1.·d lu c·unft•1· ;:ihoul. .1 ITA L/A N CA N'T SEE PAYI N G IT r;1-:\'l l ,\. I t.ii,\' ({'I'l l lt all.111 1.111 ...,,., .. l'lt'r.' lt•!ev1:-u111 "l'l n1111 t'I' n1usl p.1y :1 .\t':1rly S~7 ft•t• 10 th•· gov1'rnn1t·t1\ 11-...n1·d l1•ll·1·1,,111 n lll'l\\'o r k H1\L llut a ('0111'1 \\;1 ... rult•d 1 hl't'1• ;11·1· f'.'\t't'P · 1 lflf1" 11 ..,,11d l'll('"'d.1\ th,11 1 'r1~t1ano J!,dq1·('h1 do1·-; nnl 11.111• \o pa.v l"'t'.lll,,l' h i ... l11 r1•1g11 n1.id1• S1'1 (';111 rt'1't'l\l' 1111!1 l'rt•nrl1 i.·lv\1:-t11n .11id not It \I prugr.un-. H .\J h :1d d1 ·n 1;1111h·d th1· ll'l' ;111 .111 "' ... 11,.111 h 111·g l.i1·;d,u·111 -..1 11·1111111: ;.:1·r1.·d 1·nnt1nt1,d!1 111 11'•l'ltl 111unl h-. I Ill•! \ou'rt· h1·1 1· ,d .. .i11 "111 1. .11 . :-;11 d ,l larn11H1 "\11, l 'n1 h1.·1 ·l· ,il11111t 111111 l111r'gl:1r :tl;ir·ni. .. :-.11.I .1 11111111 •.I S~t. \Vch,,t.1·1· "\'1•:', .\'011 .l'i' ho •1v ;il 1<111I lhi• r.d." rt·plled ll;1 rn11111 ·~f\1· "-t'I-. nl I' I ht.• ;1 !:11·n1 :ill t hl' 111111• " Il l· cx pla111t•d 1h;1I :-•11111· n1011lhs ;1g o , th1 • 1:11·;·1· 11 .1r1•1l1J1!._,. 1u11l vl 11a,, 111v:Hl1 •d Iii hn1d,·-. 01! I 11.•hJ 111 ll'\' Y>hU,,t' ll•l!lll'"' \\•'I,. d l',,ll'OVl'rl h \' lh'\I l l'\Lll! In dus t r1 ;;\ C n n1 \~le:--con:'! r11 !'11n11 '!'ht• t c-c n1i11 g 1\'1l d 1111 1·1· n1ult1pllccl ;_i rnoni,! 1hl' ('r;1\l'l'< 111 li·nnis h:ills ;1nrl :-q11:1,,11 r.1cqurts like lhl'r c 11·as no l11nlt1r1 u11 and p r1·11 .1· :'onn fnr l h1·n1 lh1·r•· 1l;1..;.n 'l 'l'ht· 7\lun:-1111 t1rn1 1111111111 e<I .1 g;1 n i.: of hnu"t' 1·:11 ... 'J'h1.· c at ~ ;11 1.· ;ill 11\1• 11111·1· and \\t•nt rnrth into d;11•k ('(Jl'llt't' .... 1t1d prn1.·cc d cd to n1ul!1pl1 l hC'nlst•l1·cs like thcr1' \1as 11•' tomorro1v . ·rhc i\-l un:-nn f1rn1 111·1 po r ted n batc hofe:itl raps S n1 ·aky is the only cal. ll'ft in I ht• l':l\'('l"llflllS \\'Hl'l'hO\lSt', \\ l\1c•h ... ti•• llO\V know s b cl 1<'1' 1h :111 tt11· :1rrhitc<·t \\'hoilPs1 ~n1 ·d 1t ,111d s l11· !'t·fost"s tu IJ1· 1·:11>turt•d d1 ·:-1 •1t1 · .ill (•If pl'\-... "C)h God, 1ve·\'e tr1i•d 1·1 1·1 1S1·4• (',\TT \', l 'ag 4· \'.!~ Hea d Put In Sand B y Killer ,\ 17 \L':ll. !i\d ),tlll µ itl'.ll:fl \<\\llli 111!11:-t· IHlll1• l)<>d1-\\:IS !<1u 11d tln.il1ng c1I! Sllll:'t'\ l l~·;1l·l1 J,111 . ·I .. 1ppJl'l'llll.' d11·d 11hl'll ~o tlll'Olll' h1 •ld ht:' h1•;HI ltl !ht· :-:111J u11til ht· ,,u!fn{'.Jt«il 'l'hl· tlr;111:...:\· l'1111111 .1 l'orolll'l"·::- 111't'1l'l' 'J'11(•,,d;1.1 ,-.;11d .lohn \\'i!l!an1 l.1·r:1:-. 11 . diL"d u1 lf.tlllll.ll ll' :-uf. l•>t·:1l1un .1llv1 :-in 1111•u11C ph~~1t·:dJ.\ .,fiU\l'd h1 ., l\\•;1d 11110 I ht• .... ind i.·nronvr·:-1ilt11·1•1,, ,,;11d :1 11t11)d v11 :-111 ll',1111' .-. sl.tkl•, t'11und r.1rnr11vd 111111 t!i1· \ tl·l1111·s liod:'- li.1 hi,, ;i:--.:ttl.tlll 11;1:-11 '\ l'Olllll'l'l · l'd \\ llh th,· dL".tlh :inti ,1pri art•ntly \I .1-. I' Lil'• •d I ht ·1·,. ·'I! 1 •r ht.• d 11•d l't1l11•1• 1n l.n:-.\11:.:t·lt•s and tl1·.1n t!\' ('0L1t1\1t'., ]l,•111·\1' l ,el'~1,,· tiL";il h 1n ·1:'-h1• l't>lltll'('\t•d \0 ~I ~l'l.ll'" n1 lO l 1r ;111~1 · l'oa:,1 and Snut h1·rn l·:i1111 1r111.• hiirno,,l'"ual 11\lllll:iti •• l\ 11\llt'<!t'i \ n1(1nlh .i;:" lhl· p~1111.1ll:--rl.1d llud1 111 .J.111l1 '" II 111·1'\1'"'· !:~. nl ('1pr1·-. ... 11.1 , d1 .-.t·1111'l\'d ;ilo11;.::.1 d1 • .i 111111·1\ -.11«·\l·h n t II.ii' ranl':i Huad 111 11·11 111· 'l'hl' !'<•I" 11111•r 11.1 .... not \'\'1 d1•l!·rn11n1•d 111,· c.iu:-t· 1d hts dt~:1til \ \r1·e hra11rll 11.1 ,, l111111d prn· !r11d1n;.: tron1 B1•1·11·,, hddl. h-.1d · ill ~ -..1111\t' 1101111< 1d•· 11111•-,11g;1111r ... to =-l'•'l't1la1l' tlh· 1lv.1\ll:-uJ Hl'1·1·t·-. :111d l.1·ra s \ll'l'1• tho• \1111 I, ot tilt• "· 11111 • Pl' r,,nn or pvr .... 011 ... ()l(lcl.'1·.., :-:11d hoth !(1•1•\._•:-. and l .1·1·:1 s had h l't'll ~t·x u al l :-. 1110]1 • .... tl'd. 'l'hl' n1t11'dL"r.-; h ;i\1.· lhl' g a y l·on1n1unil y a nxious and a c an1 - p.11.i.:11 1:-; hc1ng Jau11ch1.·cl to ,,·a1·n h11111os('.X Uals th;.1l a mas !'I 111urd1.·r 1·r n1 ;1y he ;.1l largt'. U 'Pitfhc•r 11 'I\ hl· tool{_•f 'l'hur:,day . .i c- C'•l l'it in g l \1 lhl· 11eatller :"-l't'\'ll't'. \\·ith ;1 ch;1n tt.' nl' son1c !11 i,: n e;1r tl\1• he:1l'hl's late l<11l1 l!hl .111d c:tl'I:'-'l'hursday. ll igh~ 1111£1 to uppl·r f,11,,,al the hL".1t'hl':' a n<J inthc70s inl:1 nd. l:'\S IDI-: "l'OD.\"t. l'l!l.1Jh1111 .\ln!J11.:ir1l' publisl11!T /fll!/11 //!'/Ut'r ,\dlrf 1/ UXl.'1 flit' 11:.·cl10•1 ,,[ /1<11 •t11>.~n1t•11/" of 111 , ,.,/lljd/Or.~ HUI lo </l'l /11111 \Ill drUt/ , /u1n/l·~ 1i1<1/ tlrot'•' h1:" ,\t'C rL'lar!1 l•f<i1•lll/1 :\l1•f!l.l )oy1·.\·I I 11clt"X Aly.,,., s.,,.-,,.,., Al BO•hnq BO L.M.Bo¥d A11 C•hlorn1• AS , ...... c ...... .-... ,. (l••••llHI 0•·11 Com•t• BS Crll\\WOfd BS Do~lh No h< 8\ A I I E<t•lo,.•! l'•'I• AO E,.t.,.,d1nm•"' BJ4 F1n~nt• 8 .. 1 F-Ct·U MorauaJM C1 1............... 8J "'"" L.lln<l•t• CJ M;iolttoo• Ao -···· •l 4 MOllW.111 Fll"'lll• •• M"il( BOK •l Nal!...,•I Nt'w• 1"4 Count, Alt-11 Poop•• C l·J ~-'' Bl·1 Or. S1~1ncroh11 B• SICK ~ M•r•oU II .. / T••••••ion AU ""''"'' BJ4 Wo•U•or At '#ot MI No•I M .. •• .. . _,... ..... . ~ . . olesale. Prices O n Downhill Slid e Y.'AS ll1 Nt:·r(J0. C1\l'J \\'hole!;aJc p1·itC'::. dc(·llnt'd in IJt'Ct~1nber ror tht..· first t1n11· 111 l I month s. lht~ go\'l'rnn1vn1 f'•'ll"l I cd tod;.iy, pruv1J111g l11r1t11·1· 111 th<· at 1un of s IO\\' 1 ni.; 1 nfl .d 11 in 'l'h1· l.;.abur Ot·part111t·nt :..11d Nixon's Still Not In Clear \ :-.u urce C'lP:-.« to 111ch:1rd 1\1. .'\·1,un hns .s:11d that althi1ugh the l111 :d payr11ent tol S52JJHfo on th1· fur111('r p res1d1·11t 's SI .'"l n1illio11 S<.in Clernente e :-.t;.ifL' \\·1111ld Ji,• rnadt• tod ;i v :\1:-..on :-.till \\'111 not bl' out uf d e.lit "~Ir . :'\1 xun 1:-. nut ll'tt' ,ind l·le<J r . lie s till has tu p;iy oil llh · new holder of the n1or1 gage," the souret.: IA'as quoted <1:-. sa\·ing. The source did not r1·veal \~·h1) the new ho\derofthe n1ortg;.q.,:c is. Charles ·11()rn1ng. un o.1tl<1rnt·y !or the ll an1illon l'ottun es latl' v·:h ic h is :-.l·lling thl· prop(' rt~. :-;aid he \\'ii:> not1f1l·d lh:1l li e v.'o uld r C'('l'i\.l' a r1:rtified r·hcrk iuda .\· fur lhl' S,)jl!i,U(~I in pr111c11•.d .•tHI ~17.00U in l!lll't'l'Sl lntt ... ;,1r! h· ilot·s not knO\\ \\ho 1~ p.1,\ 111 g th« :-Urll _ :\1x11n 1ndir;dvil Jiv \I .i:-h:1\ 111g truulllL· p.i .1 11l ~ 1h1• d1·lll :-1\ rnunlh" :1 g o1 11h,.11 h l· :1.-.k1·d 1 .. 1· <ill extcn:-.ion un th1· dea ... H111i• J11r ;1 p:1.v111 c nt of S:.'26 .1100. 'l'h;1t payment is part ,,r !IJ,· ::.un1 \\·hieh \\'as :-;e hl·duh·d t" 111· p;iid loda1·. ~ixon ·purch;1:-.l'd 111-. .. -.t :lli· L':.is a 1':1cif1<·:1. 111 in1;~1 l'.ir :i-:1 ~' n1illion. In 1~70. hl' .-:old :.!:! of 111 .· 2X.9 ;_1 (' rt·~ lu l he J ~ ~'(-( · I 111, ·.-.\ tlll'nt Compan.\·. ;t f1rn1 !urn1vd h.v i\:1.\· on ·s f r ie nds Hobt•rt IL ,\hplan:ilp ,1 nd C.'h LI r ll':-. (; .. I le ht•" I\,,. I •1J/',11 Dad Grabbed Bank Suspect t !'!,.'\:\[) 1,1\]1) J ._\nn f loth-.1 l(1ld invl•stigator·s hl' t.'otdd tt·ll J,_1 the \011 k in thl' han k!t•l!cr·s t'\<·.-. I ha\ SOOll'Lhing \\':1.-. \\'!"Olli-!. S(; h l· .:..:r;1bb(•d !ht· n1a11 in fro nl of hi1n .ind s;1\. 011 h1111 until off1 t·1·rs ;1 r l'!\'(•d . 'l'lit· lelll·r \\,1s ll 1ill1s1 ·s ·l~tughtt•r .. J u\1 t' i\l111·ph v, :..!4i. \\h11 la!t"r \(dd Jll•l1t.·t· -.hl· h:td h•·1·11 t~1H lrq . .;hlt•nt·d to push tli1· .i1.11·1n i>u1 l tlll \Vh(•n 1·nnl'ron!t•d \~\ti! a 11111!• d c1n;111 di1112. llH'ih':O. "l'hc 111;111 \1h11\\,1.,,1111 · \11·11111 '" llotli s t 's h L·;ir-h111..! fru1n lf,.h1 11d :ind s uh :-.t•q111·111 s 11 d11\\ 11 )'.tr:1t('gy \\':JS hl'!<)kt_•d lltl )'.l1Spl!'lt1tl •if b~1nk robhl'r.\, po]l('t· s;11d . f[,• \\';ts id e n tifit·d a :, ~,1 ~1·a1·.old I ,con :n·d r·c l ( :1k uf I ii\ 11 II lid Thief Gets Wiring At Nudis t Colony l11l r11 d 1·r-. ;1 1 .i :-;.J 11 .!11 .111 ',1p1 .. 1r:11111 :1r,·.i 1 n1t11~! ('td•1n1 1\l"l'l'Jl I \<!<> (ql\t'o•!'IH·d \111)1 1111 \ ll'\I 'I 111 •-.d.1 1 1•111 111'-ll'.ld 4'\11 1 •1·1i11 · .. 1 .. d lli1 •11 .i11.·11l111l1 <lll \")I 11L'f' \\ 1r111g \ .d11t·d .11 '-.Xll!I , ( >r.u1~1· ( '(1lltl!.\' ~ll•'I !II s .,ft11·1·1 -. -.,11d l)l'j!U IH '~ s,1111 t)1 v \\II•" \\';1·. t;1k(·11 lrun1 ,1 n11d1 ·.1 11 ·~11r1 "Jll'l'.1ted h ,\ ,\',.J l.it'l' ]·' \\'ilsun. 18. <1l :!I !!!! ()rtt'g.1 !!1g!111.1 ,\ IJl'pUlll':> :-<1H I Jud:.;-, 11 Jll.1\ 1.th.o • ,1.; man\ .1-. 1 ~1 i>1f11 ,.r.., 1 .. I \iUl'!JU)-:hJ ,1 l!I\ !",11 :.,:,111' \IH· 1 h1·ft . OR ANGE COAST TM 0 ••'<')<' (~·''' ! '·" 1, '''"'' "'''" ,..,., ",. • "' '"""<I, ........ '"' •·· '""'''""''''" "'' ,..,,,.,' (.""" """'''"l"!I ( ''""''"' ~ •. .,,,.,, •• ,.,,,,,,,,, ·"' j)Uhh\ ..... <I ......, ...... '"''·••Q" '''"'" '"' ,,, .•• """""· "~"'""" '""'''· "'"""'Ol"" Bo-a<h '""" 101n llA""• '''""" ~""""''"'' v.n., "'"' l~QU/ld I""'''"'''"' l '•"''' " "'~" ,,,,.,,-,,,1 """'"" " p~h•" '" o< ~ ,o! ~· '"' , , •l'"I ~""'' , \ I ,,. p •hP(>·•' ""'""'""'Q "'""' '' "' •" .,., I 1.,., '51• .. •I {O,I• M• "' ( oo<1!p!no• 0/•,• Robt>r! N. Weed ""'•'"""' d h<I p.,!J<,..,.., J <H k. R Curle y \l•t n P""'"' "' """' c~ ""•I ...,.,,...,.., Thon1i'1<. KePvil I ~·'·' Thom d~ A M ur1Jhn·v· 1lt·c·l111111g .1grtt'llltu1 .. ii prices ctHll l· th;1n 1.i l-.et .J :.1n .1H incrt·ase for 11H.lu,,\11.d 4«in1n \tHlHi1·s l;L:-1 rll(ill\h ,1 -., \/\<') ,di \I tl.,[o -.,,d o• J'lll'I'" fl'JI lill' lt'!i!L ~ I •!.! l•t'I !"o'11t II 11.1 .,, II\•· 111 1II••1!11" ~HH'" pri•'I'~ J··I! "fl" I• 11il o 111 <I p•·11 ·L01ll r J·:1h1,1rd II l .1·11r11 1·-..1d1·1111 •1 111< l 111\~·r~-111 1d ('hic.i;.:r• .11'!'1\l' ... ,it <'h1i ·,1 :..:" .... {)'[!,11 1· \11p"l'l !'II 11>11[•' 111 \\.1 -.h111 ~ll~l l \\!11·11· ii 1°'111 · t1r111<·d ti .1 1t11· :--.1·11.111· J1i· \1ill S ll\.'('1'l'(I \\ ill1:1 11 1 '.'">,t\h \' ,i -, :d l.il'tll'_\ ,!..:l'Jl1 ·J ,,J CATTY. • • .\ [ Ii I 11 ~'. , Sii,· ..ind 11 1· 11111.111" I l.11 !1 1'11 1 t'I l'l1 11,1(1 l,1[)\·11 -., ill tJu:I l' \ ,<11:~111 .di "' lli<'lll lt ... sort Pt ltl,1· llH• ""ti "' ,dH1t1l lho · '()id l .. 1d1 \\Ii., :....11,oll•1\\l'd VI ,\ II" (-.111t 111111·d \\'1"1"1· j.!n111 I" li;11<' lo hr1ni.· 1n ;1 dui-: 1•) 1-.i11·h 1h1• ('ill tti:1L t':1u)..!lii \lit' llll<'"" I [;1rn1nn 1'\ pl;1111v1L l 'ulll"<' J'.1 lrol :--.~t \\'v h -.l1 •r . "'IH>Sl' dut11·.-. 1nrlud·· 1n1·1·s t 1 ~.i1 ing ;il;..ir n1 s.1-.Ll·n1-., lh:it ~o 1·!.111 )..! 111 !ht• n 1:.-;ht l11r 11n ·il'IJ:11·1·11! r1· .!,.,!>rl , :-.~ rnp.dhl/l' ... \(I SPT!ll' !'\ I l ' 111 llL· s<.11d ;\l un.., .. 11 p1·r-.onn1·I il<.t\l' cl1;1 ..,v d Snv.ihv \1!1h 111·t s , :-.l't 1r:1p-. ,ind l•lll •IUI 1,1 •\\" ti.I hit s. IJ \I\ I h1-·11· r··:-.id1•11I 1·.il hur)..'.l:1r l-.111111-. tli•· 11.11• l11n1 :-.v betll'r1ilan r fi,·1 do nil\\ llC' d c1·l1 11 \.,11,1 s a ,v ho11 lll 'lll\' t1 n1t•s :1 '-,fp1.1d 1· •• r h.1s "'Jll'd 11\;I l;I thl' r!t•;1d •t! lll ~lit dll!!ll)..! 111l' p .1 -.1 fl'\\' n1n11I ti .... lo 1·h1·vh th1• prv flllS(•S !1u1 ('OIH't'dt•d ",/11-;1 s;iy ;1 g 1·t.,1l nu1nh1·l' ln\t·sll).!<.i!nr-. lt·:•r 11 \\'ill 1·1111 tinl!l' 1111111 Sn(•:1h1 1-. t';1p11trL"d , dul' lo .1 h ;1h1t 1h.11 :il l f'fl'or!:-. 1n ('Jt1d111 )..'. pi.H't'll1 t'T11 (of ;tl]Ul"\I\)..! hill\· l.11t .. r li.1\t' f :11i t·d !" \1.1ro•hn11 -.1· ht1".1 k ll1·rPl llL"!'l11rn1 ITl ~ llt •f' l,1\0tilo •..,,p1 1J 1'11' .I !l!'!!J\I\ !·.il•·ll·· 111 ... 1d,· lh 1· d,11k . i\!l,!1111) ~,ql1.11 •' luul \1.111 ·11<>11 -.1· 1 ~ !'lj..:hl 111 1lii• Ill\ 1-.ilil\' "''ll ·"I 111".lfll Id !ho• .d.11'!11 »\ 1•'11\ o l•1'111! f'll ' Oil Plrtt,/'or111s Hit j'or 'Se~\:' '.->.\<H\:'111·.\;"I() !\l'1 ll (;111 \I, l\111 ll\111.ill\ )1 ,,.,, 11 t!<'"l"d lh . .i 1!11· nil 1·nrnl'"tl11·, \\hll'h "l"'l ,ol•• 111 •11 " ltl 1ht• ~.H1\.1 l l.11"1\:<1" f'i1.ollll1 ') l.1kl• S!'\ <>111 Iii ll.!111111 ;..! 11J,. 111,1" 1\'t• pl :1lll/I HI ._ • tl1 :11 ... 111'!1"1 I 01 111 1.· J),1'llt.ill\ 11!1!' tll J!H• Ill'\\' llh'IH ht•l'S td Ill•· ('(Jfl lf!ll-.'o lOll. nol•·d '!'u1·~d a .\ 111 . .i 1lu· 1.f.11t .. rrll!' \\"1•r1· 11 :1t11cd ll 1Jd.1, ll1•1il1. Jl.111 ·), lltJ11t' l lnl l \ .:1nl l-'.slt1, I' \\'hen 1oild llH• u1I (•un1p;1111v" ,l!'l' l"•·-.pu11 .. il ilt• fol' 11 :1111 1111.: lhi• plutlorrns. l l.1 ni;dl,\ l'l'J!lst•d "\\tint•\ o·r )!l\'P~ lht·Sf' 11 ;11!](·-. s hould h11o>11 th;1( OJH' n1e n1!iv1· tlunks th,il 1 h i ·~· ought tn g 11 t' ~on1e ni ;di· n;11ll>":-.Jo hn. I lt·nr_v Jn October l~J. [)espite the l)ecembt.·r d l·clin(', v. holes;dc prl<·t·" for 1U7·1 1\·ert' tq> :.'.U 9 P•'l"l'l'll1 , ll1l· h1 g).!e :-.l annucil 11\('l'l'.!Sl' ~illl't' pl'll'l'.~ JOSt' 31 .1 j!l'l'l'l'f1! Ill l \J..)1 ; 1"1111\\ 1ng Iii<' l'lld uf \\'o r Id \\' ;11· l l pr1 l't' l on l rol-. '!'he r1·p1n·1 pr(l vldt·d <1 dost• of encouraizt·mt•nl for 1>rl·:-1dc nt 1-'ord ;1:-. ht· dt'l1\·ercd his S tale of tht• L' n l( 111 in 1·.-.~ LI g+ · ! , , ( '11 111 . .: rl·~:-. 1;111vr11rnt·111 •ui.1 1\-.l s .... nd the dt•L'llOl' in \lhOll's.ilL· lll"lt'l'" in - dJl'Hled u h l'l"<1king in thl' nation's 111 l l<l!H1J1:1/"\' r :1l t• ,L:-.1ht· l'ftt•t'!S or 1111• l"l'l'i·~:-J1lll "IH 't•.id lh1·1111 g ti tht· 1t llllOlll \ l111\u-.1r1al 111 11 ·, ... f('"" ~.; 1; p~·r ··v11l 1ht• p ;1 -.I \1 .11' 11ll1I•• J!l'L t't':> hH' Pl'Dl"l·~.,,, d 1o,.)1I , ,1n•l fl·1·d s llltnpl·d 2U ~ Pt'I • l'lll J·".11 !ll pr11 - dlll'l Pl'I Vl'~ <!i ••Pl'•·d 1 '.I pt•J'{'l'Tll \ho· s.1n1e Jlt'l'l!•d 11 1 llt·c .. 1111 .. 1 l.0 1111 pr.,du1·1:-. d1·1·l111,·d I! p<r1·111I p1ut·t·~~t·d t1> .. d ~ <.old !1'!'d •. 1,, ll' dot\1·n 1 ;--, i"'I I •'Ill ,11\d l!ldll'o1i 1..I !ll'lt'<''> l,1d(•d ]"I l ' I \t•r .<Ii\ ll l!'l 1'.l',l' llll " "l"l""11.il\\ .1d p 1-.1"d t._,,.;1 s L n.1d1u)'.\t'd , 1nd 11~tri ,d <·on1 - n111dtt;1·-. 1111 r t-;1s1·d t11u 1011\h . .., uf .1 p l·l't'l·llt, till' :-.r11.illl's t llll'rca:-;f• 1n n1or1· I h.111 ,1 ~ t_·;n·. \\'ht1l,..,:1 lt' pr Jl'L' h ;1 \'l' 11111dt•J';1 t,·rl lll('f'l:<l:>l':- 111 l't'L'l'lll ll l<Hllh-. :111d lht• lrl'lld !,., t''.'l p ('<'\L'd 111 Ill' ro •ll1•e\(·d in l'l'l<lll pric·t·)'. 1n 11,,. 1·,,1111!\!..! n1•1n111,., J)ur1n :..: thv J1n:il qu :irl l'I" df 1•1"; \ \1 l1•il,..,,.11,· pr11·"·" {'l1nd1,•d :11 .1 -.1·.1 -. .. n.ill1 .idJ11s1,·d ;1nn11,d I «I<' Ill l :l I 111 •1'i ·1•111 )'.ll l1)'.l;11111.dl \ -.111\l•'I' lh.1n lht• ;;;, :!. IH 'l"l't'tll 1,!11· 111 11 11· tl1 11d q11.11'tvi-l.111 :-.till I 11 • I,.· 1 I ii,' 11 I Ii•' I:: :.:' j ,, · 1'1't·11 t 111 1 I• ,I"'' dllllll ~' l)H• "I'• "JliJ op1:1!'l•'T .. 11 11 ... 1.•;11 Illegal Spy Plan Deniecl I .\ I' I i '! \ l l111 •<l"1 \\1111:1111 l·: ~·.,11i\ lnd.i \ 11.1111 ill'/11j•d jJlli>l1...,]l1•d ['{')>Hl'\0~ !li.ol lht· "11.\ ,q.;0·1111 1·11ndtH'tt·d ;1 11 \ ,1 -." I I l' 11 ]1•:._:;1 I 111 •!11l''•11 <' 111 !t·ll1i.:1 ·11, v oip,·1,111 .. 11 d11r1 11'-'. th •· "\ 1,x,111 ;1.1111 1111 ,.,1r:d 1011 11'11\l'\l'f', l'olh.\ ;1('kllO\\lt•rl j.!{'d 111 .i ·""1l.o11• .1pp1opr1;d111ns s<1 IJ \<11111111 1\t'l' lb .t i 1b1• ;1'"'1'1l('\ ··1\·11111\t•d ur 1n~1·rtvd ;;Jl!uu\ <1 d1•ll'll 111d11ulii;ds 1nto 1\n1vr1ra11 d1 -.-.1d1 •n1 1·1rl·lv:-. ' :1-. p.irt of :1 :.!01 t•rn111 t·n t 1·I J1 1rt 111 d1~tt'rn11111· 'I 1lt·lh1·1' .\11!\'('H';Jn r:1dH·,1ls \\\'l"I' l't'!'l'll l!l l.! "lllli\dl'I tr•Hll ;1hr n:•d 'J'h,. p111 li""t' \1.1-. 1l' ~;il h1·r 111 1 .. 1111.i\11111 rcl.i11ng lo pl.tn.s t.i r 1l«11l•11l..,t r;1t1•111-., p11·kl·1s. pro [,·-.\-. <11' l.i·1·:1h. lllS 111 ;1 \ !ll!J.:ll\ l 'll d.111 t.;l'l l'I \ p••r ... 1111111>1 . l.1cd1 !1•·-. .. nd 111f<)rn1.d1un: ('1iltl\' ,.,;11 (1. .1dd111 e lh,tl lhv pl'ol..'r.1111t:ndvd111 ll<·<'t'llil11'1' l'H.'I Burglar Easy To Identify l'fli'.11'1\:'\() Jtl·:.t\f'11 . r-·ia l l 'J'J l J1.,iil't' ll1111 k tl)(•\' \l'OU)d li.11t• !1\llt• [1.,ul1lo· 1d1•11l1f~ 111;.: !ht· h11rgl:11· 11 hn .dti·111pll·il \t't hrf';1k 1111" .J.1n1 1•-. 11111111;11\ s ho11-;1• l!f· 1.-. J111d1.1hl\' lht· 11nl~ n1.1n in lu1111 \1 1111 ;111 ,irr1111 111 his h,tC"k 11111111 .Hi told pnl1l'1' 11" .-.:1\\' .1 111.•H .1ll1 ·111pl111 1! I" ( 111 lhrutu.'.h ,, \\ ll ll lo•\\ <.i 111, !Jf!lllo• '1]01111\.11 111 ~·1 1 1 .. 11d 1 . .l l1 ·d1111 li1nl In -.1 .. 11 'I !11· 111 11 · !.11 r ,111 !l ill111,111 .• 111 .111 lit•I \ '111/111"1·•°'1. :~1 ,1hli•·d his I 1 ·I\\ • ' rl' ! '' I I (.II : 111 (I 1, · \ f I \ llillrn.111 11d 111" .111,.11 l11tll-!•'d lu·(\I•'( 11 Iii•· h11r: l.11 .., ~h111Jl d1•1 td,td (''- Four 'Noisy' Mutes H e ld -..\'\ l!l I<(,() I \1'1 'l'ho• n.11 ._,, II.I • 1l.-,11t'l\lll~. llt'lj.!hhor:-. ('l'lll 1.l.1111• d :111d 1~>l1<"t' ;1rn1t'd \11th ,1 ~.,.,11 ch 11 .111:111! 1n\'t•s 1ii.::1ted th i· /I' H I ,., < ' ln.-.11h· 11 l'l'l' l ou r sh·1·ping llll'n. .dl dv.d 111111.·s. a nd .. the riu11 •l 11 .1-. d t•:1 l1·f1111 1-!. .111 u l1'1t't'r .;:11d . '!'111 • lnu1 \11 •11· l><>uked 'l'u1·s d :1\ (1H' l ll\'~·S lt;..:,!110•!1 q[' 111\S)'.t'S .... lll ~ 11;11'('(>t 11·.; :1 11d ll<ll"{'t)lll''o \1,1 r;1ph1·1·11 .d1 :1 l ';11r11ln1:1n l 'ralh <'hr1:-1H• s .1111 , '\\'l' 1nfnl'llll'd 1111'111 Ill<'~ 111·r1· 11nd .. r :u·r,·sl 111 111 11111g ' 'l'l\1 ... 11 .. 1n -.1,,1111n Iii•· .:.:101111d-. ,11 tht' .'\.11.il (>i1-.1·!'\,1l11 r .1 J!l \\'<1:.h1ng !1111 :-iHl!l \11\) ht•i'!)l!I!' ll llt11L' tnr \-l<'t' l 'J'v:-.1 d1..·11t .'\l·lsun l\.11·l,1·j ,•ll1·1· ;11 1d h i:-. l.11nil1 f'IHl\\11 h\ lhP :\;1\y ;,,.., til l' .\d1111r.1I ..., forn1crly \\':J :-. thl' ho nil' 1 ii na\·al oper ations. ! l 1111 '">! t I\ l' L' I I It..· l , , "I Duck Slaughtering Termed 'Normal' o• tn~ o~o1, '"'g' ~•di! \ ;-,1,,1 .. !-'1 .... h .111d 1;,!Jllt' l )1·1•.1 1 I 1n1·n1 11ll 11·1;i\ h;1.,, d,·~.1·r1h1"I l .1•>11 i "'ll!l\ I'\ :--;,11:11 I .; 1h11·k I 1"\li('\ I• 11l 111111.:1.1111 "" ;1 nnrru.il 1h 111!.'.: 111.I -..ud 11 \\ ,i., e;11"1 l•"I tll!l 111 t "!I I• •I 111 .111<'1' \I i1 fl! l\l' l.t 11 ( ·.q•I \\ ii ll.illl :-'ht•ill111 "I 111<· \\ 1ldl1f,• 1'l "ll·•·)1,,ll di\ I •H•ll !ii Jfio' .1 .. 11.11'lll\t"111 ·,I011 11. lh dl Ii ••lilt•· (Oll)lltlllo"<i 111.ol "111' nr h1 -. 11 .. 11l1 ·n •. 11 ,, pr, ... ,.1 1l .ti l.1 -.1 \\\•,•!,, .. 1· .. 111101. 1·,.,1;1 1 ,)i .... 1 ill l .. oL'.!ltl.! 11 11 1-. .ind Ill.ii 11<1 11 11.I 01 111 ' It "t. t ' ' I I . ' 111 I : I • ' : " I I ' l'o • ), I 11 ' I I 111 1\11 ·1, I I '/1.1111 ,.·I ~ "\,\I ~ l't• P"l'l1·r \\.i\11« ,-..,,11 1111 ... 1· lc!1·11s111n rvpnrl ... :1r1 •• .-.i 111,·; "11 (1·11\l'I'-.\ ... 1.1nd h \ IH ..; <111 ~111.i! "101·r 111.d 11 11 · l!H1 il 111·h, .11 1d 1'11,· f',1 bli1t -. 111·1v .;l:111 '..!htvr1·d ·!11 \1h:1\ <l!ll!llllll .. 11> .I h111 1 l11\~: p;ll 1.\ :-;;111.· pru :..'.r.1111 .l'.11\ltl'd ,.i1 111 t1·r1·1t ·11 11 J!t1 .i d1.;µr111\llo •d l.1 .. r1 ('•>1111\I'\' v1npl111r· 11h·~ .. .11.1 !l .. iili ll'l'\"d !nth!' \lildlil•' l'l\"I l \o'" 11n -.1'l1r1..;111:111l1h.1· hill11i ' •d ll11· ,ltlltll.Ji._,, \ ))l l1h.i•1 <>I l1 ,1li1l'I '• ,olld ,I d 1•c1d I ,ilo\iit 111 '1 •" ..,1111 1\ t) "I\ St'! !'I'll l\11\ l'.ipl ~h1·f1l111 •'\p11 ·-.:-.-d d o111ht lh.11 I ll•• r:1l1li1I 11,1 .... 1t'l11.il 11 k1IJ,•d d11lllle', 1.J•Hl ("•llllll l ,., 11!11111~ ;•IHI l'rllplJlll L [ll •>:'l.i!!l lh· s.i1<i I hl' r.dJllll cl11",I ;1 I ".i d do • .i lli ;111d 1h.ot 11 \\.i'. hl,•.ilt·il. 1\lv.111 11\l! Jh;lt It ilo1d l11't'l1d\·.id1111· )>(!!Ill' \111\l' :-;.ill :-.!Id th:11 ]H· d1ol11 I J..11 011 i'Pr ~\Jl'l' \I tH·lht•J' 1111• r .d1l11! \l;J-. ~hnt ur p1t·k1'll tip nl'I tl1t· rn.id 11 , -.,o1 d 1h1· t•\·id1•r\t'1' 11.1 ..., 1dl1•1vd \,1 .1 \ .!!ltl ( 00lllll I"\ 1•1l\1'l"1 •• :1t1d Iii' .;,l\1 ll•' l'•·.1 -.011l<1q111·..,,1111111 1 I . II l 11 \ IJ ll 11 I I \ ut 11 < I ,i I-. .1 \ I ) I,. I 1·n111!"1 ,. r"('1'111 II h 1i! "' 1 •·r.il 111 -.,1 .:1 ····1nf'n1 -. 11 11 Ii ;.,nl·•' 11 .ii !l1r1·• \<11 \\ • .i1,.1 (-l'.ol 1.11 11111\ .ind IL+ .. 11 1 l•c· 11 11 ," h 1 .. 11 • .i k s i111·•· lli1 · 1nl1·r \ 11 11 f'h, \ li,1 \<' •\I ''''"~' d d i •I' !'U lll l lll •'il\ "•I \\)i ,.! l l11 11·1 111' d .oil ldil ol l .11td "I" :-,1dr·d ,11 t"<1lllll <oi l llo II 'tl"l ' Tll f'/1'\• 1 I •"\1"'1 1~11 • II 1ld 11 • -.1111 h 11 •II\\ d 1-.t .1 .... , ... ( .Ol I lf'd I I dunlt·•,11< 1111 d ~ .11\il 1 ,ilil•1I f'll',i..'.l.1111 ~ llVh.i ll ~l·.,Ol l \,I I I l•'•i Oilll \I 1d,•l.1 .I!' •'I iii I • !OI I 11111 ('.,lltl\I\' \I\•' l'1·1·.-.1•I• 11! \\1111.<lll !l11 ·d i.;•· 11111 111,·1 .i,, 1111! 11urr11.dl1 lit•1·,,111•• ( i.1111111~·1 -1.ol '1'111 -. , .. h.qtp~·1 11!)~! •• 11 1111· 111!1 •' '! lio ·1•· .11 ·1· dt1/l'll'-"I •Olli! 11111n 1t1•" d11111i.: t h•· )'..11111· lh11 n.: ,11\d nohild\ 1'.11 ~1·-. :111 t'\l ·h 1 •Ill . 11 ( ..... ' ll J (Jllillll .1doh·d lh,it 1hl' \I ildlil<' i't't'St'!'\1•'-. 111:11111• 1·,•-.p1111-.1l11ll11 1-. 111 "'"111· 11 ild :ind i·nd ,111 .;;·J't"d .llJl!Jl;iJ :-, :1tld 11 11( Ill d"lllL'"ll" ,1111111.11:-\lhil'h h.1\'l' b,·,·11 d11tnp1·il 1111 :1\ l,11111 ('ou ntr1 ()111 1\1 \ ;111 rl l.1011 ('<>l!tlll'\ \1•lvt'111;1r1:111 l)11n !hJoh·~· l"'lll\••d (Hl11li.1I ;1 1l 1h1·:1n1n1:il -.)'.h•1I \\('l'l ' hr111-.<'h •1\d \':tl'it•l,\' t!tH'k:-;111d 1·;it1 ]Jll S. th1· d1•Sl'\'IHl <int-. 111 111 •1•, 11 hll'il h :1tl bt••·JI put •)!I I 1n p .1-.1i1ro• li ,1 0 11 f1t•1·:-; •'fh1',\ 'r1 · .'i<i f;lt tht·.1 1·:1n 1 1·1 vn 111 .111d tht•y )'oil :1rnund h1·r l' .uul 1·.d llfl \lit• othl'r an1n1;ds' food ." .,,,111! l)llllHl. ;4dd1ng \ILlf '-1\ ;1!1:' and \1 ;1llah1cs often go hun gr~ hvt'illl"t' thl'y C'an"t \'fl!llpelc t'i1r 1,.,,,j 11 ilh )'.\1arms of c1,u11t•:.\1t l1•ll l l .1,1!1 t'1>11n1ry o ffir1a l:-;:-.:i id !hL':O. ol··t·1d,·il \•1 kill lht· <11ll1n:d.-. 011\;-. .1 .11·1· !ll,.r<Hl:.'.hly eons1dt·r1n ).! .. 11 11•1 nh·lh"d · "ii.·h :1 ~ tra pp1n :..:. 11.,1111 ~ .111 d 11utt1n;..! 11111 lr;111 •111ill/•·d (<Hid 1'\n·1 .,,,Id I! 11;1 -.Hl('\!\;i[,\l·\IJ,o\ 11 1" .1:111 tru ppt ng 1111 · i1, 1 !.1h1·11 a .., a \1·ildl1fl' n:o.1n ~1;.!1'- 111t·n1 [ll'lf;.c r:un \\Utlld pru\qh.1· '•!11•' 11t1hl ll' !'!1!111"0\'t'f-.\. 1\111 . 111 tilt· ;1ft,·rrn.1th .,f 'Ii'•'" l1"n" 1.1 1.o·d lJ .1 1·on1.'t·rnl'd in d111il11.il:-. Ll<Jll l"llllll!~ II ill 11<11 I !'fl\' .! l'<lllll'rl'J\t't' of ["{'Pl"\'~· II 1:1111 ,•.,, 1d quallfl('d org~1n1 lat11,11 : I• 1•I1 .. ,·11 -. .... 111 h1•r ;ipprn;tl'ht•-. \\·l'·r·· l<H)h1n L: f11r ~1 \tll" 111 ,llll:-. .. J)J"\'dgl' ~Ctl d Computer Spy Figures Held 1, \ltl .~Hl "llF:. \\'c:..t c;t•r1n :111~ ' .\ \', '.\H1t' j)('l'"11n:-. h ;1\'\' IH'1·n .<I I' ... 1,·i\ 1\1) s u .-.p H'IP tl "f St'lhng 1 u11111uh·r p :n·t ~ :ind rna1ntl'n:1n!·L· 111.11\11.il:-t<i ;.1 t·1)n11nun1s t l!l 1• lh...:•·111 ·1· ;1 :..:,L"!ll'.\" for :it lt1 ;1-.t .,,J 111 .(1111~. (1ff1l't~1\~ r(•p0rted t oday \11 11'.:\1 ~pokt•:-.in.i n 111 Kc\1' \' oirk .:ud 11111• H( 1 hi • ,,.~l~pt·c!S \\:is ,11\ I l l~l 1·n1plu.1'1" (;t>\ V!"!l lt1l'll\ :1 t1 ••1'Tl•'\' 1'°!'11111 [· 1-.1 llt'l" Hild ;, n 1·\\)'. l 'Olll t'f l'rll'l' 111 h;1r!-.1 uh" th;:it tt11 · n111~· l1:lll' 1 .. 1•11 1.1.11·1·11 ln pr1·1 r1 ;iJ t:•)11!1n•· 111 .. 111 11·· d1 •1·l1 1h·d to n.1111~· II h 11·h , .. n q11!1o•r l1r111 ~ or L'u1nn1un1:-t poil\1 •1•. \l!'I<' lll\11[\'1,_•d 2 Chairnie1i Voled Out \\'.\Sllli\'G'l'O'.\' i1\l~1 In :1 11 :1J !\t111n -s hattcring n1 uv1· t<id;iy tht• ll (>\ISt' Dt:n10erafie S1t•t•rnq . .: (\>n1111illt'l' \'O\('d lo t .l J.; l' L' 0 Ill Ill i \ I l' L' (·l\~11rn1dn,..,Jiips <11\'a y frurn l 1111 senior l)cn1ul'r:tts. 'f'ht• final df•(·isions !1n <"h;,1irn1e1n Wri ghl f'atn1<tn. of th<' !louse llanking Comn1il · l t'l' :u1d C hairme1n \V;,:iync L . ll :1\·s of thC' !·l ouse /\rl - rn11;1str;.ilion Con1mittee 1\'ill he n1adl' l 'hursday b y lh(' l)1•n1ucralic caucus. '['he steering con1n1ittee, under refnrn1 procedures, has taken over the w o rk of non1inating tnl'n1bcrs for C'on1n1ittc<' positions and c·hairm anships. TAX CUT. • • 11h1l·h t'\p.ttiol .111ol 11\1•d1·1111 /•' .1t1d ::'ti l11IJi1 ill lll ,I pt'I tll,111\.'lll ) I dtl<' l!O•ll id !ii•' 1'"1 li<'l ,ol!••11 ill• ollll•' 1.1:-. r;1 t1• tr1111\ 1,-..1 .. I'..' \"·1 •·, 1i1 1 •ii ('U!llf!d!llt'-. li"ll< •I \l"lll.i I,,· '>UhJ1 '! 1 I" ,I llo 'll \.1 ' <>II II ll ldi,1l1 pro1f1t.,, t111•11•\•1 11 1111 ·111 11"111 l l ' <.llJ!ll\.'. ll Jld1 h • ;.;,1!11 l11Hll llh• II.I tiun ·)'. t'lll'I :.!: tro 11ilil•'" )."qi' 11J<l1 1 1d11..i .. t .i \ 1,d•'" 1111uld 111· !'Ill I•\ ~I•• 'hd[H'll 111 111 l1>11 :nld 1111•ldl1 1111"<>!111 !.trn1l11 i ·111 11;. 111 1\1 ',il h Ii .il l 111. 1 .. 1 .. 1 S.i\ 111 '..!'o ,\ l.1lllil\ oil l"!ll \li\11 I l ,1·,.1' lo 11lt'111l lt' "I :0-:\110 • .,1 111 I'•,, 11 .otil d \•;11 ~."1 1:--111 l••dv1 ,1] ii\• •lli H l.1 ·,• 111-..\\',od •ii "i')I ,: """I .II ••(..,, l'f ']'11 1-. l.i\ •'ill 11,.1 d d I"· ••II \di ' <>I tlh· p1<1p.1 .... 11t·11rd11l-.1·l <•s l'd \J ,q, d.11 Tll • h1 II\ ,I H·ll·I l··l•HI ,.d.\1. t.o .!lit· 11.111<•1\ I I '.oll,•il l•ot .1 l' l'L'f!·.-111 I• i•.11• "" '11••'111• I ,·,. ill h 'iill l '.1~1,.1 111 1 1 1. ~ .. 1 .. 11.11.l 111 \l.1,\ .•11•1 ~<·pl• 11 .I" I ,111.t 111 111 .1 11l.1\111tti111 r,·1\,11.· .,f :-1 ""1' 11ir \\1•;t!lh\ \,1\jl.1lt'( ~ l)('f\l<H 'l,il • 1 iil lol/Lil Ill ,1-. \olU j.;\'llt'l<lll ., \., liio l\1 !>111 ~l'lll'l':tll\ \1t ·l .-.. 111 1 d lf\1· 01r ~I 1.1 \ !'ti! !<I •li!1\lil ,1 i• <'l'Ull\lfll\ Ill ,11!di!P11l ] .,1,! l'i"I'' I ~.1 1 in c:.-. <">I. 1111 !<> ~l.1H 1 .. 1 \' !!" IH ,lll.ilo 11,.tll• '"I i•q 111 nd•111 • ·I I .1 , ' ~ . ' '••I(!) 0 1'h1· l '1v.,..11h·n\ ,1 -.!,,.d 1'1111 ,, tu '.tll .1 11111r.i1n1 11111 1 <\Ii ,,,,,i \f>\lt'd 1" \t'I" .1111 111·11 I" 11il Ill ;... ]ll<l )_'.T,lfll,., 11.11 1\,11 Iii• .j , 111 11 lfl ,i i\\ •1•"111 \l1:l 1!,l!ll ,II l1t\\1 .. 11 ll11 -., l l"\,ll \1.ol .111 .I ii" l1.1h\.1 ~!,~, 11111 1111 1 .1 1 1 ·"'II l'l'l'"J <\ 111 iht 11 -.0 ,ii \I .o l \lild II :-.1 :1 r \-. J I ii .1 1 '['q :..,I \ t' 111<111•'\ l·"11t d .i "I-,' d J,.1 :t [;111· lln[tl 111 1..! \<• , pvl t «ll! I Ill , ,, I ol ·JJ\'L!l~ llll'l'l'.l'-t' I h.d 1 ~I•• l11· 1•.1ul 111 .ltil ~ 101:Jun1111t .. n .\11lt·11 1 • .i1 1• f'l'l \'ltl~ ~1101,iJ ~1 '1 111 11 \ 'I )I, I ,110 d t1<' I" c:• 1 ,,!, .. ,1t I !" ''' 1 1 ,,1,,I [)L'll\111'1",J\-. .1/1· l1 " l ilt lq Jl\1 HI< ,I Pf\..'l\ Hl!.' lt•.-.-. 1>11 11\1· i lll'I I 11111 .,1:,, ,d, S olid J.",q d .,, pl.111 \\"lll d ! _.1 • Tl\< fll'i\'l' 11[ ;;,1..,11IJ1H !11 ]11 \<'H I >!·dlull ):t11 "lli• I \oll1 II I I\ ,1 1••'1 t'!'o>r1'11111 "1 ~ .11d 11 1•,.,1il r! j,, 1 .. t'L1 TJ!~ 11lt>! I ,I ~.il l1>1i I· ' " ,j " . I I ol I 1 • I I I ' I I t'l.1il11.iJ}1 oll<I •, 11 I ,: I I l !lll"ill1·d <1l] lf1 ,d ll"oJl.i I• ,q!i , ;1 l1;u·1 t•I •lll \p1 ti ! I lo·,·"' d" 111,., II\' "'t'<'lllJ\1• 0111!• I \llill"lil •I) ).!J { .... ,.,I\ Ill.I l ·' l'l'I. •\ ,j I Ill· .1 -.hvd (o,1 ,1 .·.' ,, l.111 • I 1·\ (·1._,. 1.i\ (111 r1 .. n1• ,11• .. 11 11d ••ll l1llp11l\1•d 11d 1111 < \1 I " l,1 \ 1111 11npn1't1·d 111 1 11,,1ild I• pl,1. 1' 111·· tar1tt 1q1 .. 1111"1·11." 11 11 1·11 1 'I'll•• l'\'1',.,ldt'llt -.,old h1 · \\•H il d dt•C1 )ll\1·nl ''ult!· •'I) t1«1Jll II • Ii -, th a t J)r<11l111 ·o·d h1 •ln11 · ll1<· I ~!";;; ~·t1 1 harg11 .ind .iJJ,,11 th•· 111 11 ,, 1 .. l'ISt' t'ro111 !ht• l't11111'11l l.·d p1 11'1' •)I ;ihoul :-:10 :1 l1:1r r1•I t" 111,· 11011 ·1.i pri(·~ .. f n<·;irly :-:1 1 ;.i 1.,11·1·•·1 I Iv ;J\~fl fJl'<lflllSt'd l'l'1110\ :ii 1il pl l•'t' 1·nntrol -. <!11 11;d11r.1I ~.1 -; 111111! plan~ :1rt• s u1't' 1t1 .-.tir l1ghl s li(•lll tlh• J)1°ill•ll'1':ttll· l'n11µr1•)'.-. 1.-ortl said 111 -. pl :111 1111111.f "niakc us in\·ulnt·r.d1l1: 1<1 ,·11 11111 ·, ofrorci g nod "It. \\'ill l'l'qt11r1· s:1cl'1l1•·1·s," li e Silid , '"h11t it \\'il\\1'tll'\.. "(;{ "(;{ ....,,,.Q,na < """ Charles H_ Loo~ R•chttrd P Nall ........ ..,., "'"'"•0·"'1l0d" Ford's Proposals Outlined Eeonomie Off1Ce$ to•!•"'''• • """Po.<•~'"'' ,.,,....,.111~~'' l•·~· .... ,._.,r •. •• l..•Q .... •li•••'> ''"•(,~·""'•'• ,,., ,,.,...,,..,,,,~.,,,.' ....... , !M<IO IOb•<•V•ll•• Hi,•,,•r-•1i>;.,j ........ [)IOQ\'/•o•R O, Telephont" (714) M2·4l21 Clot$Sifit'd Adverll$1nq 642-S678 ~.><l<ll•t""' "•'"• ,, • .,.' •' S81 -6l10 r.am .,,.n C 1~n •nl• 49S·06JO "'0'" No• !h 0-•"I)<' ( 0 ~nt. ( ' ""''M" ·' "' S40· 1220 (e•y•>e '<t 1••l \)••"l' <~•' r '' '""'~ c.,..,11~ ' '"I"""''"'"' ,,i,,.,. •. ~· '""v' •' .... , ... 0' .. ,, ........ ,, .. ,, I"'"'"~ .. ,'" •Oil•• .>v••~ '"''"'·~ "'' • P•<•n ""'" (Wr"<IM""'""· '»<onO ',.,, P••+•Q' 1" 1! • l • I• .... ,,. -.Molo•n•• ""''" '"'''-"'I , '"'" • If f', ""·'"'"1 • '"..,.I.\..< Oil "'""I'"' ,,. !••' ,,, ''""'''''" •l 00 """''"'• ' \\".\Sl fl :\'G1'(l!\: i.\P ) ;!J :1 g lance are h1 ·.\· l'll'm1·nl:-. in 1111 · 1·cnno1n1c t'tlt;I"):\ 11r11gr~1 n1 11u1 J1n 1•tl today hy f'r4 ·-.1 d1·1 J! 1:11J'd 1n t11s :....1 <.1ll• 1il tht• l tJIP!l :1ddr1·ss ·r,·1npor0tr,\' Ca:\ <·111 .\ Sl:.'. 111 1111111 1~7 ·1 l <J\ ~·11! ]111' Ill d 11 1.!11;J l.s. t o ho • d1str1htH1·d rh1 •11 1i;h rt·h.1!1'" r .1n).!111g t11 ,1 llt.l\lll111111 Of $1,1 ~~! l'!'I' l't'llH II , .l 11n" 1 , 11 11)t·r1-.1s 1· 1 .. l:! p1·11·1•n1 111 !/11• 1.1 , Lt1•d1t· 1J.·-.1i,:nvd 111 ~p111 hll'-111• • r!1H.J1 •fl)l /,lil"ll ,11iiJ ('\ p :1''"11 11 l '1·r1nanc11t ta.\ c uts -1\ $)1; ;, , hll!1ot1 red11('t1nn 1n i11rl\\'1dual 1n '"nnc 1a;..1·s :ind" Sli hLllton t:ut 11•r l'nrpnr;1lio n s. r1·d11 <·i n g tht'tr 111.1 :-;111111111 r:1\t_• fr11 1n ·IH pt'l'l't'nl \O 12 JH,.'l'l'l'llt l·:ncrg.r <"onsl'rvatio'1 lnl · pn~i!11)tl of $2·a ·b<i r rl·l lev1£'S on d11n1e:-.!1t· ;_ind 1n1ported C'l"Udl' nil 11, d 1~t·11tl r ,1..!.it• 01 I ;·qn:..11 rnpt ion . \\indfall Prorit ~ of ;. \\ 1ntlf:dl pro f11 :-. prndtH't'I':... prodtu·1ng \ ('rllll'S uf ~1 2 hil I 1011 t 'c dt•ral S1>('ndi ng l1npu:-.ili11n I a:-. 1111 oil :t 11n11al rt• I\ ont~-1 \'e;u · n1 u rntor111n1 on 111:1\ fl'de1'al ~pendin g )'roi.;ran1~. oxcrpl tnr l'tll'l'g,1, and a :1 1'('1 t'L'll t l'L'1 ling for l!.175 on 1nt'1'l''-'s 1·:-. 111 l1•dt'ral pay, f,,nd st :1n1p~ :nu\ fpr\cra l 111ili1 :1t',V and ~·1\·Llian r1·11t'l·tll{'lll h1·nt·11l!> !'\tan1Jh \'-("ontrnls I·:1111'l'~t·n 1'\ .Ht\ho;·it ,\' tor tht' J'r1•,,1 de111 In l':11it111 µn:-,!ll1 n•' or :il l(11·:1 1t · ll "l' ·~I pvtrnl\'t1 1t1 prod ut'I:-;111d i••tl11<•1 1 h\'11 pl'lt't')'. 1\i1! lo l itililjt•!» 1\ lht't't' ~·1•;11 '. 12 peri.:l'nl i11v('s \n1t·nt la :\ t·r c d1l fnr utililil'S that c·on\·e rl pov.·cr pl ;1nl s fron1 oi l to coal und pn:-;tponeincnt of clean nir s ton· d.irds f1l1· 11tiliti1'5 for IO yc<lrs. II) I ~lH:l . J.: n1ission Controls a nd '.\tileage ('ont rols 1\ five -year delay in 111n r f' s lrin;:!t'nt emiss ion sta n · d:1rd ~ ;ind 11 \'oluntary prngran1 Ii! 1111·r1·11 ~(· g a s oline n1i!eagc hy ·10 p1·rt't>nt h.v 1980 . 1•ay1n C'nts to Nonta:-.payt·rs l·\·clC'r;ll payments of SSO a year for mosl non-taxpaying adults , totaling $2 hdlHlll. Insula t ion ln1·1·uli\'t•s "l':.i x rrcdit :-; ol up 10 S l 5 0 fo1· ho1neo"· nt•1's v.•ho i 11.-,1 nll \\•indo\1 s or other insulati on . \\'1t h fcdt•r•d aid fOt' those \\"h,i ('an't Dffnr1l 1! 1~:rricll'ncv l,a b1•lin t! !.1·(11 ... 1.1 tion !11 lab(:] all ;11111,., and hn1n1• ;,1pplianc1·s tn d1-.1·\n ~P ho11 1nu!'h t'lll'r~~· t h1·\· ll ~l' ;ind d;•\ 1·\,·1p rncnt of \'ol unLt r~ -.1 a nd ;1rrl ~ 1ol imprtl\'t' th1' l'tH'I").!.\ 1•lfh'H'l1''\' nf uppliunrf'S by :!1l 11t·r <·rnt \\ 11 l11n rive .yen r s. I . A \I '" ho ;in m 'T :ill ··h m ('j a "' ,. h< k a (') m ' l II h< '" '" "' "l "' d I '" p I " ". w 0 I . , .. " • ' n h ' • c w 0 ' I' " I' " " " " " I• I' " " ' ( ( r , ' l'l1:. DAIL v 1'11 lJ r I :J --~'-' Fifth District Revamping Eyed &~ '\'?'@ ~[? ~®U'W D ©@ ,\ S un Ila Y, !\I 11 11 d a ' , \\ 1•11111·-.da,y a 111( l.'rjd;1\ l 'Patur1• CJf tho· l );1il.\ l'iiul (,'<1f ll /JflJ/J/, 1'/, /Junn. l'ut i~ di, 1d / 111'1/ /I 11/i' /'.II , , d 10 /1". pt•/ /111 !1'1\r11 ·1•, ll llif Ill / 111 11 /jo>l/ '"'·ii '" 1•/1 " 1'••'•1111 /i. 111 • /" • I 1 I'" I I 'I 111 / 1•11 '"' \/111' rt"!•' <111o ·11"'" I" /'I I /•111. 11 I I ~ d I// .\ 1 I I /I !' ll f<l •l •I• 1·.,.,,/ /lu•/•/ /'t/H/ /' IJ /,01 I / ,1,1/ { "·'"j 'I 'o, 'Ii /IH /11,/t' l/Ol /IJ l.'r1l1111·f11I l)l•:J\I{ 1'1\"I' I II\(' lll ,I 11111\1111· hurnc p;trk "111•11• 1111· r11.111.1 ~;l·r •tnd a r1·•.i d 1·111 ... p/11 lht· t•nrn llll:-.Slllll Oil !ht· -..d1· 1ft -' t•11;1cl1 "!'h t· 1na n :1g 1·r ,,,11 1111t "''lli l :111.vont• In ,\Hll 111 il1·-.-, !!11·r1· 1-, ,J l'hanl'l' h t• \1 1!1 g 1'i his <·o rn lll l':>::.!1111 J. 1: .. llunli11 J,:l1111 lk·al·h This i ... again!»t llu· la\\, na1n1·ly ('i\'il ('o dt• jg!J.7. It is unla~rul rur a nyon"" oth(•r th a n a li<·t·n ... ed n1ohilf' hom 1· d1·a h·r to l'ollr1·t a commission fo r !»a l1 · or a rnohill· horne. \'ou ruight lt•ll anyont" ~ou kno"' h as bt•t•n "tak1·11 " hY this a r ran gt>m1·nt to J!.11 t u S rn al l ('!aim s ('ourt for r1·c:o\'f'r.V nf 111 .. t monies. .i\'1•1(' ,,,.,.f ,. ,.,.,,,.s Of~A li l"">i\'I' 1\.., ;1 rt•;ult·I' of \tllll'IJ('_\" (;cnt1 r;il \\"1111 :1111 S:t'\li1· :-.:1.\., l{1l·h :1r d :"J1:-.n11 "s :11dl'"' lt'll'd to p l'l '">S lll'e hi1n 111!11 11 ltt·l'f(·r1ng \\Jlli lhl· \\';lll'l'g.ill' 111\t':-.ligati(11l, hul ~.t'\hl' :-.:1ys h e li1ltl the \\"h1tl' ll·lu .... 1· ··:"o ,,;1_,_·· Tri-county' 'Summit' Announced Bo.undary Studies Ordered l~y \\'I I.I .I:\ \I S("llR f:l 1-t l·: It 01 OM 0.11~ f'•IOI Sl"ll ()r,lll).!l' ('u1111Ly SU]>t'f\'ISUI '> l11 t·d u p lh1•1r rt•i\1 ..,lr11·!111;..: llL,11·111111·11 !iii' !ht· tlr .... t 111lll' 111 lhr.-1• \ l'JI" J 111•..,d.1\ \\ 1!h lh1· .q1 p .1l"l'lll 11h lt'1'll\t' pf Ir lfllllllrl \.! do\\ 11 I lit' J Hlj Hl 11 ltl.., /·'ii t Ji I 11-. l r 11 I ·rti.· l1oard \11t1·d una111111ou ~Jy lo 11rd1 ·r eou nl ~ pl.11111111 ).! uffll'l id :.' lu ... 1ud \ lht• t'Ufl"l'lll t1 1 ... t r 11 ·! llou11 - J;ir11.•:. .;111d t'(>lll t' h a C"k l\Jlh ft'· l"Ulll!lll'll(1.t'd Ch;11l )..!l''> Ill lht• :.upt·r\ 1 ~1lr1 cil ;irl'a .... '1'!11· niu\'1'. \\hit·li 1·01dd 1·v-.u l1 Ill llt'W l"l']H"l'~\·n\;1\L!Hl fnr 11 1:11 1~ s outh ()r .111g1• (.'0:1-,l ,u1d lL11'h "r 1\r1.·;1 r1· ... 11li ·111 -.. \1 :1s l:nlt11'hvd 11.\' Sup L'l'\"l.,nl ll:tlph l "l:1rk 11! 11lv Fou rth J)1 ... 1r11·t ~htirll l' ;.dll'r lh1.• ho;1rd n1ad1· p 11h\11· its !!J0 1 ··:-;t.it1· t )f t ht• l '1111 nl \' · · l"i'IU 1rt. l 'l,,J"k l1 .1 .~1 d /ii._ 1-.dl I'll' I•" d 1s tr11·t1 nJ..: on popt1l <1t11u1 t 1gur1·.., 1·ont.111u·d 111 \IL(.· rt.·porl p1·1·p:11·t·d 11) the t 'ounl) ,\dn1ini:-.t1·;i\L\l.' <.If ii t'!.' l'npu lalton l1 g u re:--throu gh J an .1.197 1,..,ho\\l0 l:1rk':-.cenlr.d ;uu.J t·••~lt•rn euunt ) d1 ... 1riet ts th,· :.n1;dll·:-.l uf the lt1"l' 111 ll·r111 ... of 11upulc1t iun v. 1th :10\ ,tMIO rL·:-.111.-nt:-. Uf'I l"let>l>OIO /ffe111h(•1·s ••f tlae Bt•re(f 1:rt·s ht11 .i11 C',111 :..:r1·.--.:-.n1:111 c;1.·ur;..:1· \l1ll1· ~I) t ',11 11 , hro11;..:hl h1 ..; l\\11 t"l1tldl't 'll It) \\-~1-.l 11n ;..;\011 toi :-.vv 111 ...,!1 >1 ' 111 lh(· n 1;1!..1n :..: !ht· c11r1\l 'llltlg JI! Lill· ~11111 l"nll '....l"t '"'·" li1 11 1111 kid-. lvll ;1:..!1 ·1·p Bicycle Network Okayed \ :11•t1 n11\1· 111 1 1 1·l1 • tr1·1·\1 ,11 11~·1 11 111 k t l I ._ 1 ,.,.. 111 .' ( lf,1!1,'t' I ,.,1n 1\ \1 ""' ,·r1d111 ._,.,t I 11 ..... d ,11 I>\ lh• 1·,,u 11I\ H11.11d1 1!:--.11 p1111,.,,,,.,· 1:11l <Ill ,I llJL•llilllU\I \Ill •• Iii•• l 1n.11 d , 1111'\' l • • \\ 11 ld lt>ld , pp1 q\ ,d .,( ,! f 111\d Ill "' pl.t!I .11\.\ j\I 1'\ •.11 .IL IH ll "I ,1 !JI HH 11 \ \I .I 111dd lfi• 11 1!1 111.1 ... ll't' ]'l.11\ ,., ) , 111111 • d· ! 11 11 d l"t'\ It'\\ I lit· 1 1d .. I 11.1il 1111111 11! d I" ... 11pt'!\t-.11 1 ... I•\ , .. 111111 111.dll l' I \11tl '\1·1·11 \l111ild 111,l .1l l • \1111.il 1'11 ~:.' 1; 1nill1"11 1" 11111 ,11111 1 "" S \ I I H' 1 I>\ 1' I (Ii(' I 11 \ l 1111 \'I ' 111 j 'JI JI I ' ". II 111 11!'1""1111· 111 .. II('\\ .11!••J+.i l l11k vll ,1 \ I I• 11 1 -.11111II1·"1 •'I 1,,,11\•'ll 1 111,d .1 •••111111 !'1 1 •~'1 ,111 ~ 11\.11 Ii"" !"<'11\'l <ll idi!I O' ,1 \\,Ill \ P"'" ,,i :-.1 :., l\IKI 1 .. 1•'ii!<"'1 .. ll "l"llll , I 0/I I , 11 ~ ., h, I I I rl • I 1.1 I '-."l.11 l\\1 ,\1 ,1! l!il'•l!I<' 11.I\< l.i1,v11 .~J:!l Ullll<111I "1 llH llllld , 1111! 111111 11 "I 1\1 . .t h.1 ·-11 l fi 1 \'ll \H'tll ,,.,.1, .... 11 .J ·1·11,• pl.1111\11\ .• t1d<' 1 .. 1c1 :-.UJ!l'111 ... or ... lh.d thv 111.1 ...... 1\t' lr;11I 11•·t\11>rk \1 ,, ... prup11 ... l•d l•l·t·.111 ... t· tlit' 1·11r11 •n1 1r:11 1 tit• 1clopn1v111 LS hl't"11111111J.: ..,p111t:- .ind p il'l't'l1ll',d 'l"h1.• lot;tl lr;ii! :-\~lt•tn t'!I i·urrenl guv1·r11 1nt·n1 pulJ\1£·.i t1011s, 1·n1 ;p,.,:t r(· th.ii tJu· I ,...;1)1\ h<i s proposed ;1 ch:111 1~1· 111 t~·dvr ;d ht•t•f grad1rq . .: -.t,1r1d.11·i1 ... l11 l'r' q111r(' 1h;tl II hv r11 •\t'I' 11··1•!' IS g rad1·d II 11111 .... 1 li v 111d .·,·d on linth quality .ind 111•ld "l"h·· t ':->I>\ 1·l;u n1:. 1111.., 11111dil 111· ,t h··l11·r 111 d1 (';ilor of 111.1rh1·1 1 ,d11t· o! .1 1•;tf('<I SS ;u 1d \\ 111dd 1·nc 1>111".JJ.!•' p r od11t•l1 1111 111 11•.111 .·1 111 ·1·1 ()1u". lh1s llll':•n 11•• .111 · i..:•1111~: I•• In: 1"d t)ran :..:c t \n1nl ,v .-..t1p1·r\'1 ... n1• H.dph l 'l;11·k d vt·nlt·d ·ru.· ... d;i ,1 tu 11111\(' the pu1 1l11· lo .1 l r1 cuu n1~ -,1111 1111 1! n 11.·1·t111 g 'l'h 11r:-.d :1.\' .11 1111 ·.I .1 t f'l'~nl1·1n:..: d i:;pulL''> ••\l·r .i rn.1 .... :-.L\L' S:u tt.i 1\11;1 H11vr fli~id 1 tllll rul pro11·L·t. · 'l"ht• l'tltli l >i:.tr11·1 r1·prt-,..l·ntt·d h y 'l'hon1as H !lt·.1· 1,., h.v Lir t hv 1<11")..:l':O.l d1~\l"L t'I Ill th1· t·uu11ty \I 1th 111urt· I h ;111 :J80 ,{MMJ p1·uplt•. 'l"lh· r :qlld t·h:.ini..:t· in p11pula\11111 h .1.-, h 1...·t·n Hltril1Ull·d lo ll1~· loou1n111g )..:l'H\\ th nflhl· S;1d dll'l1.11'k \';dlv1 . ""1'1 11 .. l.._ \I ,1\ '1111 (If \I h.tl'f-]" lil•' \\di ••Il l r1•p1v.,1·111.t11.i11 1 ... 111 l··ndl'd 1n J,,. "' l 'l.1rk ..,;11d · 'l"!i1 ·1 ,. I'd "l '...!lllfl\",tll! l!lllJ;d;11\t'l' Ill di'' 11 H'( l/!1J!lll.i11H!l._ •111d l hl...; I ~ (t't"· 1.111ilv :111 1nd1t·;it1"11 1h ;11 11" ,..1i .. 1ild pt"IU't't'd II 11 h /"t'(ll:-11 l("I Health Department Eyes Labor Camps \ l."'Hlllt•t! II\· tli1· 1•111 1111 \ ll•Hdd h:1\'l' :10 1 n1 .1lt·-. ,,\ IJ1k1· 1·;n1ll' .... of \I l\H·h \~:I~' \\tltdd h1· l'\l'ltL "I\ l' .. 11· 1·n.1 r! tr,( d·, .111.t I hv 1 1.·1 n :1111dv1' \\tlllld )!\" (1\1 IH;ld\1;1\" \ll1!\ ,.pvri;il :-.11·111111:.:ur 1>,·1·111•, .'\t•t•\1 IHllo•i\ l!i;il 111(11'\' 111.111 1t.i11 iii,, .. r1·-1·n.1d tr .. 11 .... li.1\•· .d1't•:td\ ill'l'll htii \t ;111d ;d111111 t.(I 111111• ... 11 011 ro;1d 1r:11l:-:u·,. 111 ll"l" \l'l'I\ ... ,11 il ti \1ill t·,..,t :11 l\',,~1 .,., ,; 1111l11<•tl l o 1·on1plvl " 11,.. llo l\\!'l"k h.1 -.t'.I C'il ti\\' < \11 ll'l\1 .i.dl.11 '.duv. 1ng to11 g h1·1 l "hP1t 1· h1·1·I ' 1 .• r .. (·,,.,t a ,,, . .,;, II eoultl. ·r111 · prolJll"''cl 1·han,e1·., "uuld ;.1llO\\ I h1· plal'inj.!. of :-111111· of tht• h•a111·r IH ·t·f . 1111" i:ra1l1·d l "SD:\ f;oud . 111111 th1· C'hoit'P t·atl'~Or). ·r111· f;il 111arhlin,e: r1·· 11uirt•ml'nt .. fu r c·1111i1·1· and l'ri1111 • J:,radt•-. al~n \\oultl h1· r1•d111 ·1·d . .'\o1ini1nun1 111arhli11 i: r1•quir1· ml'nts for th1· c;i1111t gr;i1I+· "ould hr int·r1•a.,1•d. 11 ,1rr11\lill ).! tl11 • ran)?;C" of qu:illl\ \\ithiu thP c;nod 1o:ra d t". Thi• I ~ l l \ .. a .'., thi ... c han~1· in 1!.r<1dini: ... 1 ~111dard ., "o ul d 111ah i· th1· f ;uuil g rail,. n1orr unifo1r111 a r11t 1\i ... t·our;1g 1· O\'('l"·ff•t•di n i.: uf 1·atll1• tu prndUl'I' "('Xl't''>..,i \'t•0 ' f;il. t 'l.1rk. \1!iu ..,;nil 1 ~1 ... 1 v.t·t·i-hL· l1.1d li••tn•d !ho· llh't'11H L'. l'Ollld bt· .i l 'I 11 .llt' \''1111L'l l'lll I' I\ L\h ... 1q11·r\ 1-."r" 1111111 H1\1·1 .... 1t\1· ,111d :-.i.111 11 .. rn.1rd11111 ('uunth'"· .... ,., llLL• .... , . ., ... 11•n !<H" 111 :io "111 1n l h•· t•r.111 i.;t· ~·to11111.1 btl.11tl :.. hc.111n).! run 111 JI l:..: l 'l.1rk :-..od 11\1· h11,1rd 1.-. c111 pu\11•r1•d lu r1•dL~lr11 l 11:-.t·lf l 1:t~t'd 1111 c11 1·rt•111 pnpul.dton 1·~1i 111:111.·.., :-.lll'h .IS lho ... t• ~·1111\.11nt·d Ill th .. ~t.1\•' 1,f lhl• l "ounl;. rvpol"t ;i nd lh1· 1·011ll\\ l 'r11).!1-l'"' Hv 1111rt 1:--,ul·il "l '\ 1•r.d fll()tl lh:-.tt.!11 'f'h1· .\n,il1L·1111 -.11pL'l"\ '""r ~ 1•1.111.., l"r .1 1·1n..,1•d d1H.•f 1·unf.1h \\1'1'1' dl'.lll ,I -.1·lhd("k \\ht'tl !\I\ l'I ~1dc .111d :->.111 ll1·r11.1rd11111 .... ipt•I'\ 1 .... ur ..... lllll•Hl!H"••d d 'JU"l'll l)l tof th1·11· !1,,.tl d-. \l<>llid lt1• Ill .1\l\'!I d ·' 111'•' 1'l;1rk .1dtnL1-. 111 ~ h.ind \\;1 , llJ1Pl'd 1111\;.ird r1•dt ... t1"1{·t111g -.tH1r l l~· ~1 ft1 ·r ihl· \Oi l'!' l'l·g1. ... 1r.1 \HHl t1~1 11·t.,, lnr :\n11•111tu·r ... 1·l1_•(" 111111 \\l"l"l' l'l'lt•.i:-1·d ll v :-.itd HL11·) · . ., d1 ... 1r11·1 1\,,.1 l\t'.Jl")I :.!110,00() \1 lll'! .. l'Pll)ll.ll"t'd It • Jll._t 111 OiMI Ill 1111• \.'11u1·th [)1 :- lJ 11·! ~111d ll ";_iltM l 111 Supvr\1:-ur 1!1d11 ·r! ll .1!l 1 n ·~ 1··1r ... l l )1 ... 1r11 l .,., •. \· I,,.~, i f ; Ill,.,,~ 1>1·:.\H l '\I 1 ... ,1111 ' 1 l t'l\1•d th<' •!Ill"'',! l1ill tl o'1J! .I l't•J111 --1l\.1111.1 p1d 1\1 "'' 11'1 ,I 111.1111nd1·1 11 .... i.. .hq11•1 d l t •ll ll J'IHl.idl'lphi.i I! \\,I., '"Id !1!ll ·11l1• .. 1 lht' -.1.111· ,111d 11·\ I .1111 h<'ltl ~' t•h;11 J.!t •d ( ',1 lf !nl Ill I ... I ,111• .il1 t ,1\, II lllt h 11.1 llH! l\,q11'• ll•'d [II l!ll IH·l1111· '"' 11111 .. 1 .... 1.11<· Ill.Ill i>I d1·r pill 1 11.1 ,. I tl\1 .1 11·)..:l(Lll\,I\<" ! Jl.1 1 \ \\ I', l ""IJ \1 ""·' (";1111 111111 .1 l\,.,11d 11f l '.qu ,1li1at1•111 "l'"J..1· ... 111 ;111 i '\ pl ai n s Iha! tl1t' ... 1.1t 1· 1n:1111 1:1i11 ... nffi1·1•.., in 11 .111 ;1.,, '•'\\'"ti, ('ii\ ;incl ( hic;i :..:.11 101 i ...... ui11 L! 1"'111111 ... lo out -of ... 1.11t· fi1111 ... lh;11 h .1\1' .... al1· ... r1·p11· ... 1·111 .111 11·· 111 (':lliforni.1 . I h " 1'1 ·1111 ... 111 .1111 .1 puhJi..,h1 •r in 'lll""1i1111 ti•:..:.i ... IP11•d lhr1·1· t ':ilifo1111.1 11·._i,t.·111 ... 111 it ... 11ffieial ..,,.i,. .... p1 ·r111i! .. 1i1:1111+·d .It llH• 't'I\ \ 111k ol'rit·+• 111 ._lll'h .-a~1'"'· ii 1 ... 1·1·11111r1·t! lh a t ('alifurnia .,;111· ... 1,1\ h" :11ld1·d 111 purcha..,, . .,. Car p,,,,1 IJ•••I 111·1 i1111s 1'1·'.\H l '\I :--. .. 1111 ·t1\ 1111 c, .• ,, I •t'h l ' I :. •• I id I I 1 I \ • ,1 1 I '11 ! ., ti 1 .. "'\ 1 11p ,J t ,If i'""I ,\I•' 111«11· ,1111 "'ilt'l"Lii 1.t\ I Iii('• 11 •. d ·•l'l']I i•I 1111 .... J..11111 111 :1 -,1·! llJ '. 1 Ill 1!1111k L!l i! 1n;111il\ ,.\ • '\H'I\ .. ,., ]11 !l1" fil'I\",•!' ,llld 1·,11111 lhll\illll" 111,HiL' hy lilt• l'ld\'J ... 'f".11 .. ("11.,\;1 \lt· ... :1 ''nu 11111 .. 1. l'Ppur t ;11 111111111 .., r1' t'l'iv 1·1I l rotH .\11 111 f1·lln" pa.,.,t•n ).!t'r"' t' ''"\'t'lliu:..:. ·' 1•111· "'' 11 t:ar o pl'rati11 ).! 1·\111·11 .,, . .,_ \•HI 1·a11 nol dl'du<·l l~lj' t'O'>I " nf 11\ll'ratin~ \Ollr pnHI (";II ... l'\lll'll'l '"· :lt'l'lll'd · in ~ to lh c lnt••f'11 ,1I llt•\('llUI' ~1·rvic1·. ll'll Worl h II T111 Of<-:.1\Tl l'J\·r S11n11·ho11 tJrc•thf'r I 111 1~s1•d Sl't•111 g lhl' nt111 t'1' (ron1 Kt•rr Glass l\l a 11ul.u·tt1r1n).! t..'!1 11~ pay for los t fnod ,,~ 1\l'1l ;t:.., h:11 I lids . /\. fr11 ·nd nu·nl 10111·d tin" to n1c hut not t111lll ;1ltl'I" lht• l>l·1· 11 1·cquc~l d1 ·;1dl1111· ,\111 I 11 111 nf Juek , 01· ('.1 II I ~I ill n1;d,1· .1 «l.11 n1 "' L .('., ;i>.;t·1\ 11nrl 1ip;11·h You h avt· nothin ~ lo lu.o;•• h.\' s uhrniltin)( a <'ll1i1n . K~·r r 1n:iy d1•1:id(' lo pay v;1.1i1I ''\ai111 ... r1·- <·1•ivell p :1s l lhi· d1·aclli11t• allhou ~h it is nol lr ~a ll.v r t•(111ir1·d lo ~lo s o . Th"" addr1•ss for t:lai1n forn1s is K rrr , P .(l. l \nx 2 1, ()kla horn a ('i - ly, Okl a . i:.1 111 1. '1'1111 Ill.it\ d1·lv ~.+l1<1tl .. 11•111\ t•.I( 11 li11,1 1t\ \\"l ilt\ Il l!\ IJ ,1\I' I IHl.1l1"I l I\!' ._I ,do•:.. ;111\ I "1'!"11"1' I ! , I II J1 ur111:..: ·r u ...... d.i1 .... tiu:11d 1n1·1·1 111 ..: l 'l.11h 1111111·d !lit• u l h •·r I 11 ,t!l;.'.t ' ('11 Ulll ) -.11p1·r1 L"ol'.., \O \h t• , . .., ... 1 .. 11 111 ;1dd1t1un lo 111111 .... vl! .ind "llfl•'I\ 1-. .. 1• )Lil1•h l)1,·d r1l'h . Iii(· •ir1 ~111.1l11111 n1;111t1·.1n1 'l'h1· !.:• t tu;.:1'1111·1 i.-. fqr 'hs l"ll"'" Ill. fll1 !<'l"l'rlt'l''> II\ t •I" \ht• l>l"tJ]ltl ... t'd :-:1111 1111lllon ,\rn1 ,\ ("111p ... Pl 1·:11 :_;111•'1'1' pl 11)1.'I"\ Pla11e Lancls 011 Freeway \ \\ .. 111.(1\ pilP1 \\l111 t'lll'"\ltl T, I• ol ,.ti !lit' 11.,11111" 1•11 !"•1!!11' ti 1•111 I• 11llv1 l111\ 11! :-,.1111.1 1:.11 li.11 .1 ·1 1 .. ···L1\ '·Ill'• , ....... 11i\l1 • I .... 1i !.1 11dc d h1 •1 -..111,dl ,11 1 l'l.11H· o111 1111· l'.11 11 o1 11,1 I 1,.,·11.11 111 "11 tin ·~ 111 .. 1l11d11-..lr \ ·1 ho • i •il•d l' .. 11 h.11 ,1 .li·n1 11•· n ! 1;11, ll.1 l 0 .1th "'ll!tL'!l'd ll\111111 Ill 111111 ... 11 h1·11 h1 •1 ... 111 1-:lv l'll. llll' i <",-.fl,l "I I l!t'k \Ii•• l 'l 'llh'I" ,\)\HJ, I .11\il l I\ 1'! t ll l"lh'd. \'t>JI Id 111 )..: II 11 fl .I tl 1·.1 .. 1h11un.t 1·;i1 'l'hl' ll 1·•h\\,1~· l',1lrnl -.;t1 d d.1111.1 \.!t' 110111 1111· 1·0111 ~11111 \\,1:0. 11 1111 .. r· 'I r.11111· on lllt' fr1·1•\\ ;1v \\ ;,.., -...lu\\l'd tor ;1111111\ ;u1 linul' .dll'f th~ '...: p Ill ;11'\'Jdl'lll 'l'!J;1I \\,I._ l~H· lir-,1 1tidl!".tll"ll 111 Ill•' th.ti !)1:-tr1ct 1:1\'1" I ~· \\,II 11ut !II li.d.int·•· c<1tllp,11"L"d lo, l"r t'\,!11lp11·, Ill.I' dl~\i"l('l _.. ('l,11f. ..,;11d '"l'hL· ht•.u'd -.hou!d t.ii-l' th1· 111111,Lll\t' '1'hl' d1 ft1•f"l'lll"t' l1vl\11·1•11 ( '!.11 h ·., ,11ld n llt'I :-. d1-.\1"IC"I"' 1._ th1· ~·rl·alt• ... 1 'l"h1· ••tl11·r 1hr,.1· 1 .. 1,11 d . lft',I._ ,l ! !' \\ L\iHrl f; (~I/I 1"1•:-1<l 1•1ll -. 111 1·:.l·h 11t hl'l'. ;1t.·1·01 d1 n:.: tn I he 1 t· p111 I \~.!llLll ._ t!1 -.\111t 1\.1 .... :1J~l !lllll p<'npl1· 1 un1p.1r1·d l•l 111:-t "'vi· :l:.!I) lllHI Ill :->11p1·111 .. 111 B .d ph l1ii•d111!1 .._ llHlll1 \!•Ull11 "!h1Td ]1 1..,1111•1 S1·1.ind 11 1 .. \1 111 ~ll\"'f \ 1 ~1!\ l.:1t11"t'IL! 1' ;o;1·Ji11\ll .. 11 .-.,! 1"11lltll\ ;1Jt'.1 li.1 :-,1h.111 I ;:JI OPll 1 t"'-ldl'lil ' i "l.11 I-.111d :-.i1·li1H1t \11111 t' d 1' !r1\"1 "-,1hu1 Hilt·\ .... "ill" .11 \ .. 11,· 111 II\,· 11, ,1pq..,111<\I\1 11 (,II\•' "II 111\11· .... 111 ""' "1 lh1• f·"1!1h ll1 -..t1 I! I ])1•!tllt' 11\\· 1 :1~1 ,1d1t1 ... t1111 •11I od Il l•' 1111•'" t 'l.11 h "' o\1 -.l l I• I • \ lt'l\dt•d .di lilt' \\,II 111 \J 1-, l<•ll \I• l\I l \111 111 l~f 4 1 . lht' l1",t1d 111.itH.:h·d !111 nt·.1rl1 t\1" 1111111\ll·, ,ind ... h11\ 1.·d th1 · 11111• l1.11·h up 111 'l' 11 ... 11 n .\fl1·r 1hat rl'd1-,\r1l·1111g .111 lh•· d 1:-l r1c1s bad popul,111.111 f11.~11r•·:. \11t h .1 n1.1x 111111n1 d1111·rl'nt'1' "I :1.ouo r l'S.l(IL·nl s J ~at\111 ·-. ll1 -.1r1•·t ''"I" lhl' Ln·i..:•·St . f11l11111vd h~ 1h1• F1flh i l1slr11"l. l >Ll'tlril'h·-, l't'.t.:H>ll """"n1.lll1·.,1. Nixon Expected Top Court Help-Dean \\'1\S ll J Nr.·rcl~ (l !l'l l .John \\' l )t'Olll 111 -,a)S fL11·n11.•r vr1·:-1- d t'nt H•t•har cl N1:\n11 •·X p<'Clt.'d 1111· S11prt•n11.· (0unr1 1•1 ll'I h 1n1 k 1.0L'P his \\'hilt• lloust• \apt•s s rt·r1·I l>t.·~n s:ud hl' hud hc1•n told ll11s h \ o nt• of i\i:-:on"s forn1C'r ;ndl'S. l ;har ll'S \V . f 'ulsnn. \\'ho told JlC'an thal :\°1:\on hat.I talke d l•~ l "hLt'f .J us tice \\"arre11 I~. l'\u rJ!er ;1houl lh1• tap(•S. Bl1rg1·r ;.ind i'\ixon bo lh cl1·ni('tl IJ1·an 's stalcn1ent . ll1•an \I ;is intc1·vic•1\1f'll hy '.\I\(.: :-\1'\'"' 1·l·porlt·r C ;1rl Stern ·rut·~ d ;1:-·. :1 fl'\I' <1 :1 ~·:.. altl·r I he for1nl'r \\'hilt' llo\ISi' ('t)l10Sl'I \\"<J S rt·· li·as1·il frnn1 J:iil. lll•:tn hacl hcl.'n ..,1·r..,·1n ).! a 11n ·I \'(':1 r :;1·ntt.'nec for c1!1-.I r111·11(111of1u ... tie1' ;111d \las l"L'· h·<isl·d h v l " S . l)1 s tr11·t .Jl1lii.:t• .J1 1hn .I !"11'11·;1 J )1-;1 11 ... .iid Ii.· :inti ('nl ... on. o tll' 11( N 1xn11 · ... s pt•(•1 al ('Oll!\s 1·l:>. \lt'ft' 111 tilt• ..,:.inll' pr1~on h.t r r :u::l;.s . \\i ;1\l'T"g;tlt~ prtis reti to r l .1•on J,1 \IOl"Sl\I IJ ,1d !'Pill' 10 1h•' • ' Suprt·n11• ("1n1r1 :>t'l'kln/.! lh 1· 1 ;qH'~. \lili (•I\ l'\l'll\U.i\[y IL•d l !J ."\1 ,on·s res 1g na111111 · · 11l' ( i'\ i son) did think ht' 11·111d.I "'in the <'Oln·t fi g ht ." lll•.111 sa id. t•x pla1ning th;it i\"1xon hasl'd his hopes "on the prl·cetll'lll 11f th1:. eh:ingc lll the po ... 1t 1u11 of l'\· ('CU\IVL' pl"LViil').!L' 1~l111·h p1·11!('('\S prcs i<\<•1111:.il \'Oil' l'r .... 11u1n:-; in \Vhich ht• St.'Clllt'<i tO h ;11·l' \'Oil fltlt·nce. 1\nd )'111 luld h1· h ;1rl s on11• l'Oll\'1•1·~;111011 ~ \\ 11 h I ht• chit•f j u s ticr." i'\ixo n ··talk(•<\ '"ith .1u:;t it'l' ll11r1..u . .=r s hort Iv after I his ... uil 1\ .1 ~ riled .•. <.ind it g;t\'1.' h i n1 <·on · f1tlcne" lh ;it ht• ind1·1.'d \\:1 ... ~01 11 g 111 \1 in llH• L1\\'St1it" "I l1·.1r11 t•d 11 . ;1;.::nn. lr'1llll \lr ( \1! ... 1111 frn1n l 'hllck ( '11 1 ... nn 1n Piil" ('tlll\'t'l'~,1\lllll~ 11 ,\ Ill~ \11 ptil ;1\1 Ille pi1•i0 l':-. t11µ1·lhv 1". l1 :..:.t1r1· 011\ \1\J.1t hac1 happ1·1lt·d. \\h,\ 1l had h ;1pp1•n ('1 !. I\ ht'1"l' 1h1n)..(:. hHd g 11rlt' ,, ron ).! ;.inti h 111\ thi..; h:i<l ;ill <'urn1· .1h1111I "()(·.t11 lnld ~\1 •1 t1 '111'' flr ;1tl '...!I' ( tHl!l \\ Jl1·,ii l i. l)1·p,1! 11111'111 °11J!I l,,•:,..:ut lll ,.,p1 t'\ Ill!..' l "H\!tl11 1.1111\ l,dhlf ~·;jl!}p -. \l llh lll .I 11\\•tllh lll ,l tl 1•ll11f\ !" 1 h .111 up l .. nd11u111. .. h.111·d l.1 ,.,1 -, 111 1 11111' I "1'1\1 • ('1111111\ J~,,;11d nl ."up1·111 .... 111 ... \1l\1·il 1111,11111nou ..,I\ 'J tH•..,d .1\ 111 ,.,p1·11tl ~l'i .:~0111111·11111 1 !1 1·1111!1rq . .:\'IH'\ lurnl., \ti p,1\ 1•11 ,Ill lt\ll'll ... llll'd ]!t"ll;_!t';t!ll 111 1\1·,dl!i t .1l't' .ind -..in1!,111 111 ... pl"c '!1011 -. .ti l.!lilllip ... Hi11sl1aw Foe Files Actio11 l\••11 \11il1,·11 11111 -.h.111 11{ "\, \\ l'"I I li t•.!• 11 ) ... \IOI ti Il l I 111 ,~d.1\ 1 .. 1 ,1 -..·1·11nd1t·r111 1111111 · 11 .. 11... ..1 H1 ·p1'1''t 'll1 ,111\ , .... 1i .. 11ld 111 d 1·1 l.111·d 111.-\t:..:il.!1· 1 .. 11.,i.1 1ol l 111 !11·1 .111 ._, .. 1 1nult1pl • I \H I.ii 11'11• 111 ... \,,It" ,11\d 1.-ch I .ii 1•11 ·• 111111 l.111 -. .11·1·1irtl111 , t" 11 1- , lt·11·,d 1·d I l1•rl\• 11·1 .1111' • lpp• 1111 'Ill 1\11.\1•1 11 k .I \\ 11-.1111 ul l l, (".Il l" Id• I ii · ·d I,, I I 11111 h.1\\ .1il1 1·d Ill ,1 1\ ,It !l"tl • Ill !ht• l! .. u .. , Iii 11 \\ ,, t•I.-< lt•d !•\ 1 fl ,· 1"1 111.!1 11111 .1110! "!'l'I ,11 f''tl "I ,·1111 \'11 ,11 \ 1H !l.,t ' •il l•• I .111il 111 d1l ••I l<l1 l 1 l•lll i tll i!ll i.l ,il!•d l I I ,1 \l d \••II•! ,dill• fl 1 Pl ll l!'li _•ii >il l II .l lH I .1 1 l • idl"ll "Ii il l.II\.• ( ''11111 I I "I ' I -., I 11 ' ·' 11' .11 I ' I• II I ' ' l"i '1 ,.1.1 •• 1 1·• 111· '' 11.i1,lll•' <i ll \ l1 HI •I' .1dll l 1ill .. ( I "I I• •ll !111\ !1.111 11 .. 1111.1\ .. 11 .. 1.i. 1.11 111 ".d[li 11111!'1.d·, :0.,11d 11\1) Hlh\·!" 1 .11nps \\ 1llL111 tlu· t 1\~ 1111111 ... •d llu11111H .. \11r1 J:\';,ic-h \~on "t bl· 11+ "l'"1·t1 ·d I•\ 1111· 1·u11nl ,\" lil'(".111 ... ,. 111.d 1·11 \ h .1 ... :-.!di nu\ dt•(•Jt\vd ll 11 \\.till._ 11) I 11np1•t .111• 'l'lh· t.n.1rd 1111111·d [q ;1 ~ .... 111 11 1· 1•· ... ~11111 ... 1l11IL\1 !or 1-.11 11 p l·111ul1 111111 ~ .... hnr!l .1 .d11·1· .1 l"Ollnt\ l ll11n.111 Uvl,11tnn .... (",11 nn11., ... 1•>11 1 vporl t \'\ 1'.il,·d d1·pl"1 .ddt· t'Pll d1t11111 <1l l1llh .. nd l">\1·1t1 .ii 1ll1· ( ,i l!l 11 · "I hi• :-l.11•· ;1 ~~('1lC '\ 111.il l'Pll t roll1·d 1·.1111pi·111Hl1l1H11 ., 1111\ ii thl' h11~11 d ,\t'l'!"'d Ill fl;1d h t'l'll !rl -.,p 1·1·11n :..: 111il1 11111·v ,1 ,\"(•:11' :ind 11 ·'' p1 ·111 1d\1l)..: 111> 1\1-.il\I\ .1:-.· -.1 .... l.11l('I' \H [ht' l!li ~l'.1tl\ l\Ht'lo.l'r .... 'l'hl' n1utlt'\ ,q1pr .. 1•11.t1 1•d '!"UL'" d.11 11 !11 p.1 \ 1.,1· tht• lu ..... 1 :-1\ ltl!!lllil:-. nl ..,,1111!.1IL•li\ lll ~Jll't'lt1Hi'>, !l\<1111·\\ 1•r11pl.,11·..: hi·.illh t•1h1c,1 · I l• Hl .n1d 111'.dl 11 :-.c1 1 n" 1"('! "1 1',tl ... I ht· p10)..:l'.!lll p!t1IHl'>• d h\ ll1 . .1 .. 1111 l'h il p 1·1111111 1 fn-.il!h11tlH l'I", 11111 !)11· ... ,11 !t·,1:-.l t11HI 111 .. pt•( \1<111"' 11t'I _11 .It 111 lilt· I~ t.11111\~ lo1.tt1•d Ill \rl.1ht'lllt. ("1plt'"" :->,Jll .l t1:11l 1 ·•l'l~t r.1111 1 1 ·0 ... 1.1 \lt· .... 1. (;,1rd.·11 1;1o1\•' :-;,,1 11.1 \11.1 \il l.1 l '.1rk ,1 11 ol \\, l !l\111·\• I 11" , 111•· li,,.J 1111· 1q,l11 ,11 11f I t'· q\1•·~11 11 ..' ! Plllll\ llt«iltil II• l'·t!I 111 1•111 t"lll\11. l'll \•'111 ,q· 11 1,1111!.1 1!1 111 '1h i I ti 11 '!ll<l !I' .ilttJ \ll,!'l'I !<II 111 1!,·il ih,I\ 111· ">:11d !hat II lhl' 1 •11t1tl1~ 1•1111 111H11· ... 1>1 1•notr1hulc ::-1:t-1 .ll\\H .1 \t'.tl" <.Hod .1nt11·1 pc1l1.·d :-l;1ll' :ind h ·d1·r;d \11ndlall ... 1if up tu ::;;;110.0011 1·111111· 111 111:\l .1·1·•11'. lh1· ~y-.t 1·n1 c-.111 l•t' 1·01npll'l1•d in fuur 'l.l'.tf:. .11 I ht• 1111•~1 Forbes Gets 13 Balloo11S On Pack Horse l\ll HHJ·:c;() S P\\L'.i<:s (,\])\ 'l'h1• 1;1 :-.l \"1•:-.11 ~1·., of ,111 ;d1<1r\1•d J'(111do l:1 fli J..:ht 1:1 l ar ;.:l· IJ:Jlluons ;irt' hl'l!l )..! f'llt 111 l11 ~trip~ ;111d takcn hy p ;11"k h11r-,t· 11111 c1f lilt' ,\nta Bor r1.·g11 l h• ... 1·1·1 S1.1tl· l'.irk \11l1·rl' thL·\ di 1t 1• .[ 1:1 ... 1 \ll'l'i-.... :11 d ("h1°1•f 11 ,," H;1nµ.r·r \."r;1nk J)a1·;('~. :->1:\ Ill !'!\ 1"t•pr1.•Sl'lllltl)4 pul1l 1.,h1·r ~1alcoln1 1:or ht•s ht•g ;1 n 11 .... 111:.: ~1:-.. p~tek ho1·ses ·r11l·sd.1.\ tu tu,..: tlh· ha I loon-. oul of ;1 1·1·111"t l' ;tl't'.I ul lht• p:11·k \lhl't'\.' lh1.• II ltl(\._ d1',1).:gt'd lhl'n1 .!:in fi. 'lll'L1\1.'d S1t1r~. ,\ i l F111 \>t·.., ;11111 .1t·rn . ..;r ;1 ('1' .. ,.i,•ntis l l>r ·r ho111a:-llt·1n-.h1·1 'n\·r ti.HI ;II 1.11 h1 ·d lh1.• h.-1111111 !dlt·d h•dl11nn ... lil a g1111du!.1 111 hopl'." 11f ll\111;..: 1t ,1c·r11 ..,., Iii"\ 'nll•'d Sl;ll v ... ,111d thl' \ll.tn\1t· ll l'~·:111 1111 1 li 1µh \11nd~ dr:1 L'.t:1 •d tlh· ~·111d11l;i .1l11ng 1hl' 1 "1111il d11r111:..: t ;1h1•11 rt .1111' lhl' 11,i\l<l<!I\' h.1d l<1 lit' 1°(0 l1·.1 ... 1•d In ,1\ t'l 1 ,\ d 1 .... ;1 .. 11 •( ])dill'" :-.11d lht• !1'l'')\t'f"\ (lp1'1",l!IOll ~li•1\lh[ !Jl' \."H!11p\1•l\' Ii .\' \\ 1·dnv ... d.i \ \ "1' llH"i•I •Ill \\ti •HI .iii' .I I I• 11\"' . .l •<1111 1111>1 111,• ··1 , .1 111p pr11l11 •d 111 111• \••lllll \ \ltl!ll.11\ h', l,1ll"H I "111 1111 H<ll 1·l1•-.1 ·d -.,l1o oi !I\ .dl o·I 1!11 1 1Jl id1!1111\._ \lt'l1 1'l il d11 ·111 ·d Ill• I •'tll .t l\111 1;· J \ !1.1\t ' I 1 1•1>1 l vd [1 l •1·~1 1 11 l ·J,.,11111p"\•1 ·1 .111"!1" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GEM TALK TODAY BY J . C . HUMPHRIES FROM ANCIENT TOOL TO MODERN WATCH One million years a go. lhc enlire w or ld population wa s aboul 125.000 . less lhan the combine d populatio n of Costa Mesa a nd New1>orl !\each today ! Li ving in Lhe same lin1e and are a we r e also meml>c r s of a genus ca lled Aus tralopilhccu s. meaning so ulhe rn upL', which has no li ving clcscendants . Why diti one group s urvive and advance while Lhc olhe r dic<:I oul? Anthropologisl s he \lcve that the ability of c :.irl y man lo use rock s. Lhcn mine rals a s ltx1ls was tht• ctelcrmining f;.1clor. Alth oug h quart 1 .. fli11L ;inti ohsirtian . in use for over lY.'<1 million Yl'ars. h(·grt n lo bl' rep l::tl'cd l"l y ml'l;.d lt1ols about 6.000 years ago, q11C1rt.1. crys t:il s arc Loday ;.igain coining int(> thf'ir <•wn a s 1.:on1ponl'nl s C)f fin e watchl'S and <.:locks :' l Y! Stf'rling rings crcatcrt !or today . pl'rh•ct ;13 g •lt"• or enjoy today's look yourS1'll. rings for tmav ~~ \i)JC ! STERLING" Engage men! Casa Gra nde tACH RING $1350 /). C fiu1np hrieJ 1 11.J NEWPOFlTOLVD.COS TAf...~ES A ; CO N\11 Nlf NT I ! i,;.·. -U.lf'l1o,,Aml'"r,1r1-'-1J ~tf'rCl'>arge ~ ARS IN T!if '.'A."'-1l lOf AT riJN PHONE ~41i-340 1 .i ~"'f;;~,p)' ,4.f DAILY Pt LOT Wecrnesp.y. January 15 1975 • Just ~ Coasting 1~J I.osses in New Raid -. ...... '\@ wiCh · Tom a.rphine ~--· t)FI·' &. ll l ':\''.'il:\'G : Sunte •·Orl1- n1e11latur \Vils ::,;_1y1ng un the r;.id10 only tnrlay that if \\•e 'd a ll jus t burn J .g allon less o f ~asoli ne each \ll'l'k, all our nation:.il ful.'I prn. IJlcrns '''oulcl l'<t:.t.•. \Vl.'11. th'.1t ·s l::JS~ tor lun1 to -..<1}'. 'l'rou blc for 010:.l of us is ~elect111i.: t he placl.' \\here \\'e \1un'l burn t h ;.it gallon. '!'hat , ho\v(•\"t.•r _ 1:-.n parltt'ul<i r prohlt•nt :\I inc 1,. to di!il"O\ t·r 1111~· o f t hl-' t:irn1l} (';1r:-, \\'h1l·h IS \It'll l"l10t1gh 10 burn a g.11tu n of g:js. ( lh. \1 e 11.l\ c J.,1..., of <0.1rs. \II .i g l"d ,\Jl 'll'k . Son1t.· n1orr11ng::. .. \uu l•·l·I li ke :..:u ing out t u the ;,l r(•t.•\ Hnd ad· drcssin~ the r·ol J.,:ctcd JU!lk h\' ... :1ying, ";\II rig ht , J<1 111ilv c~ir~. I t .~ :1nnlhl'I' hr1ght ;.ind h~·•1ut1fu l n1orn hl'rt• :.i!1H1g the l1c:,I uf <di pus:.1blc coasts. ._'IS Tlll~ltl~: 0:-.0:1·: ut \'nll hvr~· tl1 at feels like a ni ce litili.; ru11 tu \\Ol'k this 1nurn1ng?" Auton1obLI L·s, of ('OurSl'. c annot l<tlk. So you h ave to look O\.L'I" .ill t h ese he<Jps ;ind try lo c;.1l("t1J<.1ll' \\hich u nc n1ig hl be up to the ta s k . U s uully, I try tu :-.t•lel't unt.• \1 h1 c h i;, IL·:.ik111g bulh 1HI and \\ atcr , I do this bc('~HIS(' 1f it·:. IL·<1k u1 g oil and \1 atcr. lh•lt fll<'Ll l1S thl·1·e is .1 l Jc:.i s l so1nc oil and \\':.tlt.•r in It. .'\ ... L.N;\Y T lll~G happene d •111 the way oul lo the strC'et only 1 od ;.iy. ·r\\•u out of three l' a r s \1·crt.: in running condition. 'fhis j,. rc•d - 1.\· !00 pt·rcenl . • HUGH HEFNER APPEARS OVERCO M E BY EMOTION Publisher Likens Death to M edieval Torlure ~ .................................. . Hefner Flays Playboy Death 1 11J1 · \ 1; • l 1l1 l>t i F'ur J>layboy l\tagazine publis her l·lugh llt·l111·1 11 \\;1 ... a r Hre n e w s L'onferencc . "Son1e o r the victims of the n1l·<l11 ., .1 I tl1rture r die d , ··h e said in a choked voice. ''So did Bobbie.'' II \1,1.., lhl' nierliev;1 l har:i~s ment of inves tigato r s out lo get him, 11<'1 n .. 1 .... 11d t'uescla.\ . that dro\·e his l'-"ccutive secret ary, Bobbie Arn~ ll'l!l It>· \ll<"Hll'. ,\J 1.., \ r11:-.teln '.., bi1dy \\as ft1und 111 a IO(·ked, 7th· floo r roon1 in th!! ~l.11 1 I.ind hPtl·l :\lo11day ln vest1~a t11r.s said a s uicide note and •• bo ttle t•orit .111uug a half dozen p1ll.s "'e r e found ne ar the bod y. .\11thn1 it1t·s s:iul thl' note n1ent1uned ilefner, but not in ''an in- c1 ttu111.t11 n g ''ay," and t h at it procl'-limed l\tiss Arn.s te in's innocence of 11.1 rl i •I IL'S l'hargt•:-.. 1· l:l)J-:1{,.\I. ,\Nil S'l'A'J'I·: a utho rities have been invt•stigating <.d - l t'~t·d drug u.~c .:1t lle fnt•t"s Chic.:igo Hnd Los Angel1.·s l'l.1yboy 1n.111:-.1on-.,. I le i nt•r 1·;.1 lh.·d Ht.'\\ s rncn tu the Play boy mans ion 111 C h iea~11 ;1111! 1·h;1rgl'd that !\I i~:-. !\rn.stein. :14, was d rivC'n to s uicide by n <irt'OlJCs .1g t•nts ;ind fl•clt>ral prOSl'l'Utors \Vho con s pired agains t him. lit· saul t\11:-.s Arnstein, convic ted o f fcderlll drug chargl's last vcar ;1pd g 1vv 11 :1 ~;orulit1ona l 15·.Yt'u.r /ir1st1r1 s t·nt e n ef', \\'a s undc 1· "i1H·i·t·d1 hi i.: µre:-.s u r ...: Io I e::il if y or g 1 \'C 1n orn1;1t1un ag:i 11is I turn . llcl'n er :-.:11d U .S . <1ttur11cy .laml'S H. 'l'hon1ps u11 ;.111d1 1 1 ~ :.i!'> ... i:-.L1n1 -., lnld her thl'l"t•\1'•1s "<1co11traelon hl·r lift•" '"1'111·: S'l'(lll\' S l·'.•~1'11~1.I :so ineredtbll· our n tturnc.vs \\'l'lll b~u·k ;111d lh1..·n ll c h;1 ngcd a little -th:.it a f·untr::i.t.·t had b ccnoffercll hu1 thl'\ d idn I kill!\\ \\hel h l'1' 1t h ;1d bel'n :ICCl'Pl ed .. . \\"1th lhe int·rl·;.1 ,,111 ~ h ;1ras:-n 1en!. an ~lrt'<HI V t•tno \111n ;i\1 ,· lr1n1bll'd \\On1a11 \\.IS p usheli IJl·yond e ndurance :.i nti k lill.'tl h 1..•rsl·lf,-· llcftll't' S<iid. Ill· s:1itl ... hv Chic.1gu. :11lt•n1pt{'d s uiC'HlC I \\ Ll'L' at 1 hl! l 'l .i~ hoy r11an:-.i1111 111 l ll'ffl t·r :-.a id lit• \\·as \\'illing tu :-\11._·a r that ht· hims elf has n f'\1·1· l.1kt.·n an.v forrn of d1·ugs. lie said 1t \\as 1mpo;,siblc for h11n lo ronl rt1 I .LI l :1 {'ti vi I iC's in tht.: 111 a n s io ns but adde d : "''l'hl'l'l' is n 1ort• di·u ~ us c in m ost eol\t'J.:l' d o rrnitoril·S in 1 llis c ou1 1 lr.' th.111 111 lhl· r11:in:-11u1~ ... Ill· :-aid the g1)Vl'r11n1e11l is out to gl'l h1n1 ;i nd 1-.la,·IJ,)V h··<·:iu:-.c o1 1 hv 1 r p Ii ilo:; ophy :.i nd t hl'I r ;11 ! \"Ui.:<1 cy of Ii bl•r.:il 1 Li ng n ;11:1.:ol ;l':-. 1~1 \\ :-. . '"l'he t ;i 1·gl'l is nu .. • <ind l'l ~1y boy and nie b c c a u :.c o f Pio.' buy," Ii" .., "HI. . ;\"ti body \V<iS i 11te l'l'Stcd 111 gel t l ng: Buh bit.'." -'r he rc:.ison t \\'O out of l lH'l'l' \\('l'C running \\'<.I S bet'<HLSC l\\'u vul of three had jus t le ft the ir respective ga ra g e s a l'lt'r L'X· Ll!llS LVe J'L'pairs. 3 Murdered 11 t•l•t> Sh <t l lt>rt.•tl Family's Dog Kills Baby; Mo1n Asleep Onl' is un aging fo l't'ign :-.ed<.111 \\'hic h Just r et·cn t ly dl't'idt·d 1L didn't ha ~·c :111\" b rukcs. 'l'ht• u lh c 1· 1s a n 1.•'c1uully u g in g do n1estic sport:-·tyµc l'<tr ,,·hiC'h had s uffe red <1fas-gafus 11f !he C'lu t c h . I t too had been f1 x1.:ll . After Auto Trade Breakdown Breaks Down ll lLJ. l'l'I'\ J-.:.111.. ( t • 1•1 l . f'oltcL~ s;11d iod.•:V \\\O .101111 L! 110ll1l'il ;1nd .1 lio.\ \\t:!l"C :,l.1111 Ii~ ,1 pt•r:.utl .~r pt•r-.,1u1s \\h11 1111•k1•rl lht.•m uµ :don/,!~ldt.• thl·1r :-.taltt'd t";1r Sl'\"t•!':d \\ l't.•k:-. ;1,.:0 Seen as Threat TlllS B•:CO:\.I ES nC'a rl.v I 00 per{"C11t heco1U:-.(.' you can't rl•;illy 1·ount the third ,·ehiC'lc. It is ;1 \1111agl' l!.111 l'<iddl;.ic ehottllfl·ur Jr1\·t·n lirn o us 111t· F'1 r.sl. it Joe.sn 't count bl•c.·:iu:-.t' !here is no c hauffe ur. Scc.·ondl:.-. there 1s no motor. None at a l I. 1·hl' _-.,ccond L:i {"lor Tll:.J \' liv :-l1g htl.v n1ur" vit:ll thun lht.:'. fi r:-.\ 1n e . .,.plain i ng \\·hy tlH• nld C :1d dQ(!:i ll 0 t r L·~il l y l'fl ll1l1 Ill \h1• tan1Lly 's auto lol l. (;1·ah<1111 <'ounly attornt-.1 H.111 d e ll \\\•111..:r s.11d !ht• lhrel· Lnd11 •:-. found i\t onda ... 111 ~111 ;1ha11dont•d farm h oust.• h ;t\ c tenlnt ivcly IJCL'll n l1.:n til'11..•d :1 :-0 Sht·ryl l .. \1111 \'oun ;.:.. :2 1, :uni hl'1· 'Hll. l ;uy \\'1ll1.in1 ... \'oung, :.1. ol' J)l1\\lll'Y . f'<ilil ,111 d D iane l .yn11 1,,1,i:ttt·. 1~! 111 i)O\\·ney. \\'(•]l('I" ~;11d <HllOIJ!»ll''. -.,ft,"1 o·d both \\tOnlt'll \\'t'!"t' :-l~•!l ,11 eln:-ot' ~() 1'1' Df.:VJ-~LOPf~D tha t l\\'O 1·:.ing e \\·ith a s hot ~11 n Ill· :-.:J1d 1hv outofthrccoftheold tubs w e re ;.ic-bu~ \\':is not shot ;ind ,q1p;1rl·n1J, tunl!y in running condition. died uf t·,po:-.ure 'l'hl' hud11·:-. .i! 'fhis guvc m t 11 11.: luxur:-· uf the \\Oll1l'll ''~'l'l' lu1n1(1 111 .in 1111 choice. liul only for :.i fC\V ,.,1;.ilrsruo n1111thl'ho11:-.c\\h1lt•lh" m inlJ l t:s. !Jo_, ·s bud.v \\;.1:-nl'ar !ht• 11 .. 111 "Yi!ung t.•r Son s n::itched lhc :.i g -d.iur in G"for e1;.{n :ied~1n tht.• n1inu1P hl' 'J'rappt.•i-., 111 lhl· •11 ,.,1 di g<i inc d the intl!"ll1 genee that 1l i·O \t.'l'l!"J lhi· hudt1·,., \lor11l,1t 1vas opC'rat1onal . n1orn1ng . I ques tione d hirn o n \\hy h•· -"'"'""°"~------------ '\'Ouldn "t have ruther t;_il\en I hi.: <.1 g 1n ~ ::;port v-c:ar 11 1· repltt·d lh.it lh ~ fort·i g n ;,edan LS n1ore tlr1\·l'. <ig1n~ f Ull I II ·rR1\:"S l.1\TED. th~1t mt·:1n ... he h;.1d :ilrl'i.ldV c:a!cul a tcU in h 1-., li1·Jd 1hu1 t l;l'ft.:' \VUS le:. ... r h ~1!1l'L' 11 1" lhc· fprc.•1t:n ."i l'd<Jn l·n1n111;.: .1p:1rl. on h1n1 tl1:1n lhl' 1;ld :-.port' l'..J I'' \1 1l lllld l•UI' fc1 1nrl ,\. ,\!Ill c•1rt:rull:-o 1 ;ilct1late r1 :-;k f.1t·lur !)('fore \ Ol• pick up anv ig nition kt!\'. • 1\ gallon Qf gu.s is one •>f .vnur lc<i :it v.•orr1t·:-.. SINGER GU/[11' IN DRUG (~.1SI~· S.\:\ :\'."'['\),'\]() '[~., L[ 1'1 ('h.id >11\1'hl·ll ol 1111 · ! li,<11 ~li!t ht•ll trio. \1.1 .., \'qlll I• lo ,J 111 l·'1·dt•r;d (.'ou1'\ '1'11t"..,d.1 ' 11\ 11111 ,l!l i11i..: 11)1) )")\llld-., •ii 111.!I 1111.111 ft'!' Ill .\J 1'Xl("O [01:-..111 \ll<<>l <I'' '.11 11 1·1\t·ll. :JH. ol '\\'\\ ) •1rh j 1\ .! r11JHil.11· folk ~Hl \.,'.•"I •ii Ill• 1•11111· I\ .. ~ fullnd .l.!Ulll~· h,\ I S \)1 -.1 11 .ludi..:" ,\dr1a n Spl'.11"~ 111 ,1 11.,11 pll"\ t ri;d . Sl·rllt.•n<·111~ \1 .1 ... do 1.1\l'd u11tll Fl'b. J'.! ;q1d \1111 IJ , !l \\a:-. rt'll'.iscd o n bond \\ \!-..lll.'\(;'1'()'." l,\f'! ul :-.lll't'I p1 )\1 t•r dt'tl'fl\1._• ;111d I<' Ill"\ 1·d lilt" lll.!111 \!11l'I tl':lll It•\ t•I loll' I'll' h1ni: \1(1,.,t"O\\ 10\1 .ird ht·I ll'I 1 v!.it11n1 .... \1 ,,11!1111'..! I" 1v1•1".!lt·d ... 1.il• 111<'11 1'" 11 1 :0-1·1t'1·l.11t 1d :··.i,1t.• lh 111'.\ .\ l\1 -...,1 1\).!l'I ,I .._l.dllt• .11ld rvl.1\v<I \\ ... f111iµ1,,11 ·\h1-.,c·1)1\ r•· !.1111111 ... 11111 h.1d !<1 [Jt• l1.1 :-.1·d 1•Jl !lldl'V lh<111 11111111.ll 1nll1t.irv 1vr r111 \ 11\.11<11 -.,1.111 1u\\;1rd !h1 .., \.,'.,.,ii '.111\t • 111 .Jtltll' \~1::: l\hl'lt 1\11,..,:-01,111 ,1nd \nll"fl(',!tl llt').!OlJ;JtOI S :-.l).!tl\'11 ,JI) ;1:,!1 L'l'l11l'lll \h;J( IJl'lfllll-.,l'd lo !1·.1d lu lhl' 1:11 µ.t· ;uld 11llr1ealc 1 .,1111110•1 <"1,d J1nh .1..:" f\1 :.,.,111;.:1·1 \\ 01 11 t l'< t "I'll .\ I' Pltl),,11.S I·: 1\.i.., l•·lt :-.Ii.ii lt'll'd l'11t · ... d.1\" \\ht·ll h.1 ~ ... 1n gt•r ,!llllP!lll1 1·d ~Jol;o.("11\\ .., l'•'IHJn l"l,I 11011 +JI I h< ,1l t •" lllt•n\ h<"l .lll'"•' t "oni..:1 t"":"> ti.id 111..,1-lt•d un 111 .. ~111g l11rlhl·1 l 1.1d1· •lt·1 .. ·11d• 111 1111 \l.i..,!'<!11-., r1 ·l.1\.illl HI 111 )• ..,11'1 \ 111 111.., on Hll :-. .... i.111.l1•\\1 -,t1 t•n 11 µr.1 I H 11l h,1 ,.,:-111~1 ·1 \1 ,1-. t.ir1·l1d 11 1 111, II!'\\-., l'!llll!'lt't]i·v [t • ,I \ 111,iJ liH' ...,,,\ i"l .._1,'11 '111('1\\.., !ti< llH • 11 ddo · 1111',d"l"\I 11 -.,111)\\Vil ll<l "1:'11 <i i II l<i"I 111ilil l1',ii .!,.!(I l!!I .1111111 \I 1111· :-0 .1111•' 11111•' \i;t l('l I< .Ill !'••1 10 1 111.1kt•r-.,clt•.11I\ \\tit" \\11\ ! It'd Ill pl"I\ .ill..' dl:-O! lL"'"'l'IJ\:-0 J lit'\ 11d 111 .. I n11"d St.!1v"' 11 .. 11 Ii.id 11111. 111•11•· th:111 111ilil.<1\ llll1·.11-., 11111:-.1 ii '.l]u..,t·o11 J l'tt..•d Iii! New Storm Rocks East Death Toll From Earlier Blizzard Rises lo 59 Ten1peratures AlN1>r AtlluQ111.'<q!10' All•"I• B11otn••<• ... ~ 80$10<1 9Ull•IO Clllt•OO Clnc:ln,..H c .. ••l•ncJ 0.U•s 0.n••r O.sMo1nt1• O.troll F•iro.n111. -~· IC.•Ma1Cll)' ,,._, Mllw~ Ml-HIO'lit NewOrlffn• Hi9'1 " " ,. " ., " " ro " ro ,. " " " . " " " ., " " " ~ ' " n " ,, " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " N-Ywtr JO 11 ~I.,..,,• Cit)' SS JO OnwlW 1.S (M ,.!Mm So<"l"'fl 1• .eo Pllli.0.lpl'll• ll 1} ... ·" ... f'Mef'l• 11 ll PIUtOv•Of'I 1• I 01 PWtl....S, ~-ll • 01 Porll•f'ld, Orr SJ _,. •) AMO ~I n ltil:flmond, v.. JA ,. S.Cr•m•nto ., ;IQ St.l.00<11 7t '' .0.. NflUlk•Cll'I' J? 10 ..._ l'"r•n<IKO ..i )I) SHU.. •1 JS .. DI Stell• .. ., lO '' .OLii W""l1>g!Oft l l lt Wlnru~ 1 ·I~ .01 California .... IMr n C•lilt1 r1>I•"' NMl•d lft t~'""'•'Y •••'"'' 111r Int lhl,4 tltllltftl dty tM•Y. but tM JTWHCvlt WM e•~IM 10 d•W ,._. •• ..,.... t1¥lM1r .... 1. ....,.,.,., ... tt.. h+o'llDi"'-<MI ... .,. ~ $0o/ll'll•ncl !«•-· ttw ,_..,. •• l 11>e los _.,.qe1e' Ci•IC c;.n.., !Oday .,q.,.11 .. 0 T 11e•O•v·,~ord01 • -''" "'"'""" b'I .,,.. d&Ot" u. Ol4I retora for J•n 14, '"'' '" 1~11. l•<1nt t\fl!'ete• crO'•led ''°"' lhe ton-''""'l><I •n ol!I S11nt11 An• t ondlUan l<O't>I '"P •••I!'\ ''"'" ot •tc11mu1 .. •ed ••• pn1111111nt\. rne ttml>f!••'"'"~ ""'l•ed mll(ll at Tl>e rectn\ '""""tall~,,. 1ne mounl••n ••e•• wne•e tem~•il!u•t~ nil I,.. i.w f !A •I m•nr '''"" '""•~. 0••,,nl9flt IOWl -..10 d•OP 10 f!ISt IMll<IW ..... ,. ..... Cl••• •k1t1 ii no w••M 1emper•t11rri -•• ••POr!ed "'Ille OeWr1 rotOIOll•. IJ •. <;. Summary A POw•rlul w11>tl.'r uorm1tlll-.cl!l#l0 -•rl, l""<I I {!I (II <nt)W llOf'IO tlWI ••'''"" ,....,,., o• t.••e: °"t"do ,.,., FB•••N ~INOW f77";'] ...._ • I I 1.LL.:.JiHOWtll '°' llOW (1<1, "'O"! 01> !"" ,,..,.1\ 01 •no1"<-. ~IO•rn tM"I n.ot1 •<l'r"tl t roppnnq '"O""'""' t•o•n 1"" M•(l-•I to New Engl""" '"" Naloon.11 w .. .,,~, '="''"''"' ,., lllD•nt. N Y . '"'" (l.,y,nQ ~now •nO ,.,,.,. i, nQ w 1n(I ~ I" OCIU( ,.,, """' bl.,, • .,, < untl•l•OM• '" '"" .,,.,,, I Me''"''" ('""'~" "P tu fl'"' n~s ol '"o"" "~"' o,w•·11<1. •i v . .on!I .a rn 11e: P.'f """' W<n<I\ 't~"'d LOI> <l<><J<h 01 sno .... MP ... ~ ... , "' ,..,,., fl'!I"' "'II .......... . 1~1011•e "'"'""'' !-""''' '"''·""~• ;i ~•lier \!Ot,.. ,..11<cn •P••••d """"• '"""'' ltom !Ill m•dW~>t (<> N•"' [ "Cl••n<I 41>!l lillt t• PtP•~O"' ''"~!l. r!o1n1~'<1 ~ 10" toot bt ll>OW on '""""''r 'lrt1> N~w Yor k, tor<•n9 I"'" '<hoOI d"l11tt\ to c•"<ltl <l•SW• lr.. 1•'1 r~mn .. nl• nl •i'><' '""m lu"' "'"'"°"I ..... ~ .. New r .... 1-•l>IO I ..... n11 .. n••< lul"'>day n...,,fl(l ,1, tl\e c1r.11n '"" '""''"""'' toc•1mo. "'" ""~"'" <:011nt~d rour m orl' ,10iff> '~'"'"" ldldlt1•~~ ,,nd NPb<•'•d '"'" Mo>1 !lP I"" "'"'' "'<l!l>UY 'f'flO• !· cd '\""" V•<l•m> <l11'd GI ""IJO"'' ... '""" t>od>P' w"''" lour>(! on l.o•m 1•~•11~. >flOWl>o111Hl ""l<I'> or unl>t!<01c<1 ""''d'""'' wn,.re IM<lY '>OLJ'llnl '"'"91' """'"'""'"ee-en!l o"""..,' · ff1l" \!Orm d!"HI I~ 'Utl-1''f0 <Old Wd~C wn1c h h>llOWf'd •t .... , .. hl,>n>P<I !.;.r lS Cle~ll>' in M<"""!.01~. 11 •n •owd, 11 '",Nf'Or•,~a, O'•Of>l 11> ~I n 0 •-ol.o, '""" '" Mien'~"" .on<! ooo tn Ohno" ~1o•m·r"IAte<1 p1,.,w <••'"'"' t•A•mf'd 10 11vl!'~ -~"'f''" '" & '""""' v ... 9,n,,. "nd '"'~" 1n d (enlu(.kycr"'" ftw< cold we;itner '''"l" follo""l'd tn~ '1nrm '" ll>e pt""'' 'ltl<O'.o<I ov~r lne t. olrPml!' X.utne"'' tOd.t'l fillO "°"'or """'''"" tl!'m~'"""~ _r, l!'•Pl!'CU!d h> fPdCI> Oeep 1n10 FIOflO.. IO'M· l><""lu11!'• ""e'" e•pe<1e<1 •001p to lfll.' 111<. •n not tnern f !Of Ida •'-'I<> IN :».. on loCkJtnern F •<>•oda. Coastal w .. ath<'r ~"'' 10<!"' •"" l""'ldll' Cool•f\9 1reno be<Qonn1nq 1<>0Av "'""•Oii!' "''""' IP•\ !Mn 1? l<oon tnrouq!I lon,qnt 1-i•Qll• 1""'8,, fl to IO .. fld T nur '"""', 10 1 o 14 Co•U•I '""'Pf'••l.,..M ••II , • ._ btlw•11n 48 .I nd f l l nl•nO lem pell:ltu••s .. 111 ""* 119•-eu XI •nd 118 lht! waler tlfm11«Myn: Wiii be Sl S11r1, Moor•, Tide• WE ONIE'j:Y ~(an\1 l(I"" • '04 p.m . s-<ond"IQll 1 .3f>p.n1. TNUA:~OA.Y '" . ' Flr-'low 4.S. .. m. 70 Fir~1n1(tfl !():IJ•.m. •I !>Kot1<t iow S )!p.m o• ~""''"'''~ }811 m ....... ~ Olpm Moon••V•'A ••""' "'t•ll ~om '1.; Jf '.'i I N.·11. ·r .'i/.'i .. , ... \\"I·: {_'.\,...;··r flFl,.J-:ll lhl·rn l.1r ~1·r crl'd 11 .... or 1hr1 .. 1tcn to c u! h.ol'h qll l'l't.'tht ~. \\hat :ire l\"t.! ::.11 µ pu-.,vd to d01 . thrl'atc:n l hen1 \1·i1 h l•J!'l'l'···· ,,..,hL·d u11t.· \V h1tl' llnu:-1· "<)I I I \"I ' l .. \I II Ill h1 ' pulllll" pr1•-.,,.l\\d· l1u11. h.i-.,:-lll gl'r ;.1ppt.•:trl·d 1u tl10\t' 1t111 .1 rd ,( ... 1ri1n;..:l'r !1ne th;1n hl· 11;1 ,. U:-l'd 10..:l"l'tlll\' t n\\·~1rd \l l!:->\"!1\1 II h1·11 ~p1".1k1i1;.: 11r po;,~I · flit• [1fll~hl'r' l{li'Sldll bl'h,1\ JUI ' :->ho111ld lli1• Scl\'ll'l rt.'J!.'l'\tun nf llit.• {I .idt• bill "ho_:r~dJ ;J µl'fJOd or 1nl1·n..,111 .·d prc:.:,urc . _ . lht· 1 n111·d :-.1.1tt':-o "·outd rl·:-.1:-.t \\1th \.,'.1 1-.d dt·lt·rn1111,1l 111n , .. hL" :-.:.iuJ. h.1 ... :-.111 ~l'I' ;.d:-n s.tul Ill' u ould "''r~ !•1 re111111l· thl· 11b 1l·Ctinn :-. 1h,1l hr1111ghl ltu:-.:-.1:111 1r1· :111d pur"lll' \ht• pt>lil'} 11f rl·la'\.d1t111 oil" l1•11 ~1 uns .111d 1n1pr11\'t' I•' l.it1on ... t1q,.., Jv;,id1ng t<J :1 :-t;dile f'\'.H 't', \\Jll·:·r111':U 'l"lllS t';1n l>l' don1· 1.., .i .. uhllul 111 1111· JL1111<1 -, uf ... nrn1· l !-... 11llli<'\ 111.!~t"l'S, ;11 ll•;1..,! Ill th\' 1it·.1r l1lttu 1· 'l'ilL'\' 1nd10-.t!1·1i lh:1I l\1 ... ·.1ll\.,'.t'I pr111>.1hl\ \\di lvt 111 .. ..,i lll.1illfll ~II !01\' ((llllt' ~I \l \Jl lL· lu·loi l ,. :-O !'l'k111 g ('IHl;..:rt·:-:-oHHl;d ((' I l"I ~.d oil 11 .., :-.1.11\11 ull ,]\'\\ 1-.,ll t'llll i-:1 .111 .. n !lo· \1,1111..., lh1• t1·;11lo • fh·\·1.·lo p - rnvnl 111 ... 111h 111 (•!l bt1tll (.'ol\~fl'~S 11it! t Ii ·· .\nJL'r !C'<in Pl'!IJllt• 111 l,opL'" uf l'OJl\'llll'JOf.'. th1·n1 no v.· 1h •. 1l hi:-. pol1t·~ has 111 b1• tollov.·ed 1f lh1._'1"l' 1 ~ l o ht• ;i !:il;ible \\.Orld o r - 1\t·r. f:ye Surgery f•'orrn e r J=>rc1nier Gol cla i\l l'il' c nlered ll adassah I lo:-;pil<.i I in Jerusa lem tod'1y fur a cataract operation. She is 76, ( K 1\'.'."S .-\S c rr't'. !\Io . ri1r-., i..;orn1~1n \V ..ix lcfl hL·J' .J.rn11 ntl1 11ld d aug htl'r 'rr;it·y on ;1 p.Llt.:t11· nn th..._• IJ\ in~ ruutn f luor :ind \\t•nt to 1.1k t.: •. 1 n .1p. 111 tht• dining rnon1 \1·a s lhe f;11nil y':-. pl·t .\frican hunting: dog. 'J"he baby 's falhl·r l 'arTil' h11tllt' :1ho ut nuon to find lhc child L'O\' 1·rl·d in blood :ind dni..: I HI~·:-.. Sil" \\..ts d 1•:t d U!I ,JJ'l'l\;tl .it Lh t' llo:-.plt..11. \!rs. \\':.ix, a \\-~1k ened by th·• h11 s hand ..... 4d s h1· Ii.id nul h t'.1rtl lht' attack. 'l'he d ug, ;i l c1n~tlc n~i st.•nJL \\·1 \h [\11) Ill'\\." p ups.1:-;a n1edi u n1 s 1na\! \i1l'it.•ly that l'annut b.1rh .. £or !tales Do1t·11 i )i'~'L'RI )]']' '\'he 11.1\10!1 ~ .1ulo111aht·r:-. :-.old fi.:\\l'I' 1-.11 ... t ht• f1r;,L Ill da-' ,.., ,,1 the 111•\\ 'L'.tl I han thi.: :-..111 \l' pe1·1od 111 r1._'l'l'""'uH1 l!l;I~. ,111d ')tlllll' ;1n;il\Sl"> :-o ,1 11t 11 ., -' ( ____ , N_S_H_O_R_T~J ' t' .1 r:- 'l' hi' au111 ln1lu ... tr\ rvpnr!t«I 'l\u·:-.d:1y 1·;.il'I,\' ,J;11H1.1ry nt•\\ 1·,11 ... alv."i droppl•d ]:! p1·r1·1·11L fr11n1 l,1 ... 1 year· s .tlr1·;1dv ~ll'prt•..,s 1·d It'\ t' 1 :-. _ .St ril..:P l .,OfJlll.'t. 1)1·'..'\"V l·:ll ~ht \1Ul'kt•r,., .ii .\nlul'o, th1• nation 's third l:1rg1'SI r 1·f1ne l'. wilt v.•alk off their .1ohs 'l'h u 1·sda y unl('~S a new l'ontr;1l"I ;igrl'en1~nt 1s re a ched , the u 111t1tl prr!:i1dC'nl s :i ys. :\.I". l-;ros piron or lhl!" ()ii , l '.hcm1eal and Ato m u: \\'nrk1·1·-., Inte rnatio nal Unio n . ;1n11011 n (·t·U 1hc ~tril\1• pl~n J;_1tc 'l'ul':-.tl;1y. Ill' s aid no progress had b1·t~n rn;i cll' 10 bargaining for An1nco·s 4,700 0 11 \Vorkcr union c n1p lo;.-t•s . ;\n1ocn is ;1 s ubs id1<11',V u f St.111- <lard of l nd1.:u1a . GMMu•tPay H OUSTON judge h as ordl•rt·il <tl'fll•r:1t Motors Corp. lo p :1y SI .7fi n1illio n lo R .l\f . llnpkins Jr., 23, for in- juries h<' s u s t :iin.:_•d in t h e r r·ush of his t970 C h e\"rolel pickup trurk . 'l'h e llnu s lon man \\';1s para lyzed \.\'hen his lruc k O\"l'r · turned on a road nt·ar l'ort Bolivar, Tex .. n1ort• Lhan four years ago. A jury ruled :i d c reclivcly dc - s i g ned carburet or ca u s ed H opkins' truck to a ccclcral c r;.ipidly and ove rturn. Deily ,llot Dell•.,., I• G11arcmtHd Monday-F11d1y· If you <k> root P!ave YotJr paper b)' 5.30 p m., call t>elo<e 7 om. and your copy will be oe- hvered. Salurdll'f and S unday; II you do nol receive your copy by 9 a m Sat ur- day, or 8 am Sundav. coll OOlo<e 10 a m.'and yaur copy wilt be dehvo1e<I. Circ9'.tl-T.W,liia••t Most Orange Counly Areas •<tZ·•Jll NOfthwes1 H11n!1 n9lon Btiftcii. and Weatm1nater •...... , ••.,1220 San Clemenle. Canlttrano Beach. San .AJan C•Pttlrano, Oan1 Point, Soot~ Lagun8. ~aouna Nlguet .......... 4tM•JO I • 5-hour Battle Erupts IS ) ·r11" J\ss1n·iat1·d l'r1·s~ l :;r~t1'l1 lol'\'•'S 1'.11d l'd :r :-..it1lh1•r n l.t·b.111""'' \Ill a ge 1:<.11·1, 111d :1v :1 11d 1·1 ~:h1 1 ... r.1l·ll snld 1t·1 ... \\t'I\' \\OIHHl1·d Ill .I .-l.1:-.h \\1 1\h /\rah g 11t·1·r1 1l.1:-o, th« 1-.,r:it•lt t·o1n 1n.111d s a11.J It 1\.1 ... tlH· hl'a\'it'!'>I l".lS llll\\\' t,,\I .1111.,ng ls r ;lt'I':-. t'rt>::.s hol'1ll·r r .11d 1·rs th1.1l th1· l:-.1·:1t•l1 l't11llfl\;1111l h ..... t•l'\hl!'t(•1\ 111 :-,P111l' \\\'t'~-., '!'ht• l',iJl•"'11111.l!l 1\1'\\!'> .1)..:l'll ! I \\'.1l:i t'l.11n11·d ..,,.,,.r,11 li u11dr1·d l::.r :11•l1 \lt\O>j''"ill ll'\H"\l't\ h\ t:111k .., .1 11d ,LI l)llll"l'd \",I I -., 11"11',j (11 l "'ll!"lt'.d\' Ill•' \1ll.1j.'.1'. l!111 tl11 1:11\·rrdl.1.., 1t'l'"ll1·d 11len1 , h.lll111g 111· \\11 11 nd111 ,• ,11 lv.1 ~\ ~~I l ~ra•·ll °'"ld!l'!-., ill ,1 ]]I l' il<llll h.ltl lt' \f\;1! 11 1l'l 11dt'd ll.i1Hl 1.i l1.111t l \'11 11!1 1.d II ~.111t \\11• l',111•-.,11111.111 ... l.\t'fl' hll h ·d .111tl t\l<I \\••lllld• d 'l'h1•1'1' "·""til l 11q1111•d1.!I•• l•ll1l11111.i11 u11 ol 11!1• J..:l ll'l't"ill.1 t l.11111 Ii.\ 1111· l.l·h.11 11·:-.t• ~·u\1·r111110 •11l 01 .11 Ill\ 1·n111111,111tl. 1.1·:1~,.\:\ l·:~I·'. i\'.l·'.\\'S~11·::'\I r•· p1u1t·d t h.ti 1111dn1; . .:h l t11 d a\\11 l1.il1!t·s 1 ,1!.!•'d 111 .ind around till· \ 111:1 ;..:1• ;ind .... ud thi• g111·r r1\1 ;1s "tt'l".1pt11r1"d 1l1t• ,i11.1g,• l r1111 1 1h1• l:-.1.tt·J!.., 'J'ht•\· :-..nd l :-.ra1•li .1rl 1lll'l'\ c11111-.dl\ 1nJtlrL•d ,, l .1·1· !llt'"'I' 111.111 .n1d In:-. t\1f\' and th at 1 ... r.11·]1 t111op.., lo11h. ft \t' I ,t'h .I I \t '"l' -. I \I'] •ht '! d.., 1 ll I S1>l It'[', .\ll L-.,1 ,11•!1 'Hlt\Tfl!1tll•p11• .... 11d !Ii\• 1'.•ld1•1 .., \Plllh1·d Uld lilt• .1 r v .1 • nl ~li1tl1.1 .1 \ !1L1go• 111 1111· '.t lUl!Jt'.1..,1 I Ol llt"I 111 \.t'h.111011, dt>:-.tro.1'1·d -.,1•\1•1.i! ..,Ji l·:-. 11..,t•i l h v 1\r.1h :-1\ljH'I'"· .ind hl1•\\' Ill' .. \1 .~l 1·r !'1l'l'l1111· "t1• 111lt•1l1·11• \11\h I 1 ·rr111 1-,! ;;11111 lll<i\"\"ll]('lil ··1 . ...; ·r11 1-: <'t)l lt "">I': nr 1h1· 111rnl1111c.; t1111 .11 !10111 . \\0111 11·n _.., -.1"11 '.ltll-., \It'l l' IJ".11d '!Jit• l'Olll 11111111q 111· -.,11.t I fl, 1111"Jl"' l'.ill1•d 11 1 ll\t• \\.,l!\1'11 IH '"Ill\" •)ll[ olf ,I l l<ill"'L' ,JL!d \\ IJ1 •1l tilt•\ l.11111' Pll11•1 111"1'1 Ill<' !..,!'.ic!1 t1111q1 .... l \\t1 l!at1•I 11 '1\,U!e-., l\l'lo' lhl ll\\ll \\l'llll d · Ill~ 1·1i.:hl 1-.,1·.11 ·1! ..,.,1d1 .. 1 '. It t1 ,,.., 11L,• tll11d :-.-111·11 1 ... ral·h I .iLd Ill lt1!ll d.i\.., IHIH llh' .ii \'.I 11f '"'1tli1•1 II l.t"ii,111•11 1 \f!,11 th1· 1 ... r .11·1Ls , ,ill 1'.d .dil.tr1d 1i,. • .,.11 ..,1· 11 1-., d nn11n.tl"d h\ \l l·.i1.t11, 1111· l'.1l1•..,1illt' .I U'! ! dl,1 .,:I P\111 '1~·:1n,111111· s~·<·• .·t .1r' \i1·11··1 .1 1 l\urt \\',1!o!h~·1111 .o11d l'11'...,1 dv11\ \11\\,0 1 :-..1d.11 11\1,.,1h·t11·d ls r.n·I 111 tl1 \1ol l!d1.1\\,il ul l IHl l'd i\..i I IUllS 1111 1 lt'l 1111 ('t'."' ll\1:-. ~l!l'lllJ.! \lll I<":-:. lhv l ~.r .11 •!1 :-. ;..:1\1' up rn11rt.:' \I ,I h ! <'I rl l 111'\ lho· l 111lo •d '\.'111111 -., ~t·l'rcl.I!"\- • < !11'1 ,i\ lu\d ,I Ill"\\-.. t't1tlit'l"l'lll'I' 1!1 "\, 1\ \ 111 k 111.11 111· .l1d !IOJt t''P•'<'l ~\II.! 111 ,j l o< IH .11111t h.-r <"\ I, II l<HI <>I 1!11 • ll1.11lol,i!o• loi!' \h<' '\ 11 ... 1p ...... ,p,11.11111 i..: 1111· "111,11 1 ... .ind 1 ... 1.01'!1.,,111111-(:ul.111 lh ·1:.:li1-.. 11111 " !1 1<'!" 1-., pro\.,'.1"' i1111 .11 d .111 \1,il1 !"'1 ,1• 11 ptlllln .II +lll•ttl·ll~ Red G1t1i1iers Haninier City Iii Ca11ibodi.a 1'1 1'\ii'.\1 11!.:\ll 1·.i n1h11rl1 ,} \1'1 1l (·l1~·l !.!l llltl<'I:-. po111'o •d 11H•l"l' lh,111 lf)(I JH111ld ..; of h\',l\\ llll if !,11 ;011<! {".OJHl<ll! l 1rP 1n1" ho·:-011 ·).!•'<I '\,•:ih L110llH! lod ;1\ .o !HI ;d-.,,1 1.ih1•d ,1 "<'\v11 -.,hip ;\l•·kung 111\0 •1 l '<Jt\\HV \\1(h 1nqr'!;11• a nd 111:1\'h1 n,. i.:.u11. l1r,._ 1<J!'l'lllJ! 1l I•• turn h .it•h lo Soutll \'1t•\11,1m1•-.,t• \\:1tt·r ...... 1 ;.:ovL·1111n1·nt :1rn1\ !'>•H11·1·c 11·pnrll'd . l,.1•·ld r,.111111 ... -.,,11 cl th1• in · :-.u ri.:t•lll:-,1ls 11 op1·11~·d fir•· •1n .1 ;.!tl\l'rnn1 1·nt r1.:s11pµlv <"onvov lt1 ~t.·;1k l ,ur•ni..: and s;111k ;i n °<1m - n1un1 t1 on h ;1rgt• :!~• 1n1l t's :-outllt·;1s l of f'hnon1 l'l·nh. ('.\Sl',\l.Tll':S \\"r·:HI·: nnt in1 - 1n1·di;.itl'l,v kno \1·11. h1 1t lh<' Phno n1 l'rnh C'n n11nand C"l :11n1c<I l'arli1.·1· th;1t J.!OVl'rnn1rnt fnrcl's killed 17:1 t'on1r1111n1sf ·h'd in:-.urgents 1n ;1 :-.t'l"ll'S of a l l:1rh:-:111d cou nlcr:it- laC'ks :1r0 und Nc.1k l ,uong, .1 nav;il h:•sl' tn\VO on lhc M ekoni..: ll1\·er :12 n1d ~·s ~ou\h(·:.isl uf lhl· capit;d 1\1rl111l' :.our'l'l'" ~;1 1d Khmt·r ltoug t· g1·ot1111t l1 r'l' <il ~o hil a <01vllian airliner curry ing govcrn- n1l'nl 1'1'111for('Prnf·nt s, woundin1'! one of th 1· \\\'O America n 1·r1•\\ 1111·11 :incl 1:1 Can1bodia n :-.old1t·r"' ;i nd <'l\Jlltins. Uul thcv :-..11d lhl' pl ;1nc l;1nded s afely 1n l 'hno1n l,l'llh 'l'h(• ~Hll!'C('.., 1dt•nlif1 e d lh t• 1\n1er11·;111 nnly a s {~r1lly :i nd :-a11I ht· \\'!I S slightl y injure d b y a bullc l tllal pa ~~l·d throug h th\l ('()('k pit . ·r111-: Pl,1\1\'I·:. ,\ ('orv:1ir 11 40, t~1,.ryin i.: N2 p ass<"n ~c r~ ::n1d !he• I \\O t·rt''' fll('t}· \\.is r cqui!"ition('d hy tlu• ~nv 1..•rn me 111 tu fc.:rry 1·c1n- forccm('ll l:-. to Ph nom l'c nh from Datlan1ha11 ~ rrovin<'t'. 190 n1ilcs nOt'lh\\'CSt of the: capitul, mil itary !'Olll't(·~ :-;a1<J. s :.... .. \ \ .It <'all! tho• I I h1 • ~ I ' 411 ' ! 1 '1 ii I 'l'h purl "LIPP \\ht! .II< J' II 1h.tt I l,11 Ii, I \ l I J ii · 11 .1 r I . , ii I .,.,, " ' t .t ' 11 t II I ll.Ul u .... 1 d ;1 ild I e L! 1 d,t \ . I;, ;.;11d up 11 ',f l ... 1d1 • I 11 · ' " I Lt h 111d 2 I ( 11111 I Ii u • k 11<11 11.1\' I " 1•1\• I 11 .i-- 1 HI \ "11 ) I d(·p, ... 1 11t Ill! ....... 11 1 { ' " I 1 "I ' II,, .1..1 iii 11 • ,., I I •' 11 .11" I "").. A 0 Supply Of Gas Declining ~·\'\: l·'H .\'.'-l 'ISt"I! 1l'l'!1 ,\\.11l,d11Jll\ ul 11.1l1lr.il g.1:. 111 <';d1fo1·riia \\ii! :.'.i> d 111\ 11 during lh1· 111·'\1 10 ,\c.ir:-.. 1·-.1•1•1·1;.dlv 111 lhv :-.11t1\lL1·1 ti l'.ilt <>I !h1· -.l.dv ,II l'ttldlll g \II 1\1<' ·,l,1\1• l'lll •i l• ( 'tilillt':"> ( 'ulllllll "1'•11 'J'h1 • l'Ulllllli'""'l"ll :-. ,1llflll.d fl' purl 1-.,:.u1·d ·r111· .. d.i1· 11•>1.-d 1li.11 '-Uppill'" ;111• t''\I" l'lt•d t11 d1·1·l1111· (~ __ s_1 a_1_e_~J \\hth· !1r•n 1\'<11111. 1111 111 -. t111 i..'.J '> .1r.-~· 11111 111 . t!ui 1n·· 1 It•' I" r 1 .. d It l:-. :lj>ll,<I •!II 111, '"111>1 I -..11d . !li,d "lfi1• ll ilt'l I l1i•lJl1lt• Ill.II f..vl •l.11 '"-•' 111d11:-.l11.d 'u-..1 .. 1111•1 .. 1 111Jl h.111· 1 .. tt1111111,ii11·111 .i11· llll I·; h•r !h1· l1ulh. nl 11 I< '1111 r• I I II ' II\-., p:11·\1cul.11 l 1 111 :--.,,111Ji ,•111 ( .. 1I1 I! I rn I: I 'l 'lr r t-tt I I ft .'ii'. it t• S\l'li\\11 <'-"l'I! 1 l l'l 1 "lho• -.l.dt" '"tdd loi-.1• l li1 • ;-.It •• uf 111l" II•"\\ ~1 .. llllll1111l ;•11\\"l ll<!I" !'> l!l,lf\ ... l!ltl If 11!1· -.l111•1l!I"•' \\t"I•" U "' d ;1-. ;1 li.111 II .1\ IJ1•ll '"" j,,1 d1 u,..: .1ddil"1'> (II" .I 111\l ... \"l!lll. til l" lt·;..:1-.l.1llll"l"0 :-. ,t\\"I fl• \\;u ri.•d 1u d.11. 1;,1\ l·'.d11H111d 1 ; !\r1•1111 .)r :-. .. 1d "J"11 1•-.d.i \ ho • IJ,1 ... ,111 11111 1"1\ l t1 1111 1i"l'" .,r -.1 .. 1 ."111 ~. t ·•ir1 .11111 1111 11 ,,i lh1· 1.' 111111 '1[11.llt" 1., • .i !\" "1d1·111·1· .111d 11 t 1•-,lt•1I 11 111 1_111 lo\" ('Oi1\1•J l 1•d 1111!1 ,4 'l"lllHldl '•"11\t•I" pf ,I 1,111d . ' 11111-..t 11111 ,,i 1>lllt' "I HI)\".\ I \l' '"llll"l"!"d l111d1' ..... l11 ·l11'\!"il \i. 1 ... tlHt,.,t • !>I .1 111.111 .111 d hi " \I ill· h11,,\\ll l••I 1111·11 if1 1111 \ "! l .. 11d,·., I'"'' l•1•·1tl,.1111d1!1,1li"lll•'ll•I•" ltl \H ~ "llll\I 110 1111 , .111d l'l'I "11•1 '> <'11llt 'I " 1111 •· li"I \1·\ ll" 1,·,1 -.11\f,! l '""ltl l • 1d1·1il1l11 .1ll<1ll-. "ii lh1· 1 ... d11·-.. 11"1 ' .. 1111111·111111 ' "ll li .. 11 11 " 111" d10 d \,.Ii.till .., do •)',!/ (!I\< !II 'I'""'·• ,II\ .ltd .I ..... l .tl1·111.1d "111 1· t.I, ,1 1\J I., l \h d I.it.! 1 ... 1..1 .'\11i f•itl•· ,.,,.;,, •••• , f;FH I'\ I·\ I 'I I I'! ! . " , , 1,,,ldl>tl •• '''"l lll l\1 il ll •t l "I ••I .1 dr11 11 If 11>1 111.1 11 .. 11 I°'.,_ 1 .11 11 11 .1 l111111d ,J. ,,.1 111 h 1 11 .. 1 , I u, d.1' 1t•1l'I .l!I -'l'l>.ll t rl l "\l'l ,j,, ... ,- 'd ! I ,ii t"• ,, \ c ... I'• oiH'•' ..... 1 td I !l I I" .. i.-1 11 11 • ... I I I I <' \Id" l 11l l11d t 11 1!0 Ii. ii 111 111 -.. 11 .. 11d 1"111 ·1 .11.I 1111 I 1 .. 111·1,· Ii. 1,, .. 1-.111 .. 111ilf1, II 1c1c, ,.,, {J11 ;11!:1r11 l 'f"IJ l l1 10. l.'> ll1 ·111g :-.011g h! 11\ tl1t.' l·'l~I fnr 111 lt·gl·'!!' l'rll bl·t1lu1•· :-:;.-,11u.ooo ll'1•r!l ill~· f 'h i n~tlt1\\~1 l~ranL"ll of I ht· S;1 11 l'ra11 c1s("oi l·\·d1·1·:il S:1\·1ngs :111d l.0:111 \:-..., "n .\n ~1:-.:-.1s\;u1t \"ttt' 11rL' -.,1 dt·nt. L'rl1 p]1)y\·cl f,,r 1 1 .'"L".tl":-., '1'1111\ ha:-. l1t ·t·11 It .11-.·tl t11 "1":11\\':111 Man Booke cl In Beating Of Boy ,2 1.11 .'\c; l~t:1\{'/l l I'l l \\,·]\Ill () (;r,1h:1rll. ~~). \\.I.'> 1,,,.,1-;,.d on :-.u..,p1 CH111 uf eh1ld ht"~1 t 111 g 'f"11c..,d,1\ :1ft1·r hi· al lt·,_;t·dl ~ thrt:\\" tn ... ).!!! lfrl l'!HI ':-. '" .1 1".11"·.,Jd sun a :.,:;11n:-.I :1 11 ,ii) .ind ht"at 111111 1\·11!i .i h 1·11 l'nl11·•· ~~11 tl th1 · t ·h ild. ,J:11111 •-.. \liliH>ll \I ;1.., 111 .1 l"!ollld :111.J II\ 11·1"\ C"rllll",d ("11tHl!ll1•rl 111 11\,-111 11 ·11 -.1 ;.-t".it"t" 111111 :1 1 [,1,11 :.: lh·;n Ii ( "111111111 1\ 11 .\ I 111 .... 1111.1 \ .-\ ll< '"!•II.< l '>l'llh.1":-0 llldll ..,:11d !h1· j,,.; li,oil "1.11 l.!t" 11 1·11 ... l•!l 111 ... h .111-. ;11;r1 1111! ! "' h. .. \uth.,11l1•'" :-..11 d 1111· 1111·1d, 111 "'I'll! !'t•d \\ ht"ll (;I ,d1.1lll II '"Ill l<1 pl<"i. 1111· IHt.\ 11p f11111 1 .1 l1 .1h,\:-1l 1.-1 \\"1\rlt''>:-.1· ....... 11d I ll•· ln1\ did 11111 11 ;1nl 1u 11-.1\t" .n1d lot•;..:.1111J1 Ill).! ;1t1d ~l"I !',\llllllj.~ (;1 .1li.1rll l"t"l'"ll .. ,\!1 hit lh• 1 li1Jd It 1lli " !11.1 • .o/l l lt" ,11 1d d1.ii.::.;t"! hill\ llp·.l.H!' \\\l ilt ""''"' l,.\d 1111111·1 ., T!11·1 h1 .11'1 ·' !111111110111;.. ""11nd 11 .. 111 llH lll• .-.t.111:-. .1p.11 tnh·nl .111d 1111·11 111, l I ' Ill;.! -,t"Pl'l"il \\ Jiii\""'"" ! .illt·d I " ol " !' !Jll l<l"I •-,,!Id l;J ,iil,i rll l<1ld 1!1.-111 lh<' • !iild ll.id t.lllen ;1 c;.1111 -..1 ... ,n1·· ~·l.1-.-. .ind 1"!11 h1111 ... ,•lf ."'i t\~l .1\ r\r\1\ ~( ll Tl I (.( lAS'I I' L ;\/,A f All Bullock 's stores will close at 5:30 p.n1 . on W edn esday, January 15 for inventory. Edison" Seeking Increase l ,()S ·\'.\t;t:l.l·:S l l "l 'I ) 'l'IH· :-;nu\hL·111 (",il1lor111.1 l·'.d1son Co. 'l"ut!~d ... 1 111 11111.1 ... ,·d a ~l pc r <:cnl r :1t(• 1111·r1· ..... l .. 1\lt!i·h l\'f)U ld CO!il lht· ;1vcr:1g " lh •rtll"tl\\Tll'I" SS n1orL' ;1 !t1!Jnlli . l" tilt"<"\ p1ublt•n 1:-. 11n pu ..... l'd IJ1· 111tl;1!1 1>11 ("h;u r r11 ;11 \ .l.11·h. ll•H"1nn l uld " St;.tl· l'11ld11· l "11l1t1'·" <"11111 llll!'>..,11111 hl·.1 r 111g l/1 ,11 lhl· r .1tc I.too.~\ 1:-. t•:.:-.t•11L 1.d lo ltH'l"l l11 g h1•r pr l("l'!'>. 111.11111 .1111 !\" lu11lil111g pru i.:r:un .ind n 1:.i111\,1111 it ... ercd1l r.d Lil ~ "l"ht· l 'l (. Ji.1 ... l11..·l·11 1i .. 1<11 n;..: hl-.1r1ng-. 011 th•· $:1:l!I nnJIJ1111 r.•l•' 1 t•quc:-.1 !'>11u·1· \p; 1•n1hl·r · l 1111111 ·-. tlir1111ghoul l hl· cnun l r .1· .ii 1· t.n 111;.: -..1·1 1"11" I 111.1111·1.d IH•1l.\vn1 -. 11••11•111 .... 11d ··SH•lk pr 1c···~ .111· 1lvp1 .......... ,·d li1·ltJ\\" !11J1il-. \ ,il111·. 11,,11<1 l'tJI l'I .q.;« ..... .<l"l" t'fod ll!g .111·1 l•j't'l.llltlg .+11d l",q11t.d \·1\..,1 .... ll .1 \ , . ...,1-, \ 1," h1·l l'' I \ '1111 ..,lll!ll"I "'Jl"h.1•:-.1\<1 111.t!I ;1[ llio· 111•.11111.'. •,.1io ! lh1· l!h"l"l';I:-.•· 1·u11ld liv .1 ~ 11111, !1 :1:-. l'.l Pl"l l"1·11l !11 r .-.11111 ... -.1n.ill u-.1·1· .... l!,·.11111;,C" Ill\" lh~· l'IC!IJU:->•·d 1,ll •· 1111·1 ··.1.-1 · t,,·g;,11 J .. :-.i rno11ll1 ,•lid .1lt' 1'\I'• 'l"ii ILi 1·1111!11111 1· IJi1t1ll '"f\ \J .1\ 111 1,!l"JdU:-. p;11"l." 1,I !!11· 11tilll\ ... "!"fl lt 'l' :11"l"<t 1-..11 ...... 11 -.1•r11· ... ~ :-1 1111JJ1"n 11 ... 111111 ° r ... 111 l.u• .. \n;..:,·!1·-., \'L'll 1111,1 S.111\.1 J::11 lldr:1. ()r;111gc ;.111d p.111 "' H111·1 ... 1dv :11 1d s .. 11 I :1·1 11.1 Id lll•' l "fl\IJ\1 Lt'S Oil Spill /11 C lia1i11e l 'No Thre at' "'·\'-1 .\1:\l ~H\H \r .\J ', \11 ,., llllil" h111 l'. •111 :-.11.·k111 lh1· :-:..1111.1 H,11 lo.11.1 ( h.111nvl h :1 ... ··111"1vd ..,,•,111 .11 ii ,11111 I" !l" l<1!1 '..!t'I° :1 lll1"o•;1I 1" lli•· , 111 ll "lllllL"lll. .11·t urd111;.: IH 1111 l Pll111l.illilo•t· •d lht• ~.!Ill.I 1:.1111,11.1 t ",,,, .... 1 (111 •• rd (;r .. 11p I I j •'I •'II\'\" i. l 001Zlllt ll ...... 1i1 I 110 ~.i .• , 1h.!1 lho• pil :-Ot"t'tll•"d (11 lot• .1 l1 ~Ji1,·1 1 ul"t (!i.1111·111d1· ,,l} a11tl 11 ..... l'""~1td1-..p!llt·d1111111 ·' p.1:-." 111:..' 1.1Ph..-r 1111 -..111 1pl1·:-. ti.id lit•1·11 l.1 \..1 ·11 11•>!11 .1 1.1tlk•·!" Hl 11\1• ;11·1._t .. 11 .I \\• lt" I•• Ill).. '"llqi.<t t•d \\!lh ,.i) 11 .. 111 Iii < ... 111 h. (I (',.11111·!1 :-,old l!o ,,.,J \111 I.ii\"' I 11.,il\d flH\ ht• 1ilt 11i 1!11·d 1111!·· .. -. 1h1· {1·-.1 ... l'I""'' 1"'"11 11! \ lt':-0'><"11h:1ll.11l,.,lt11 1· 1'••11\\lit11 11 -.pill""!" dlllllp:-. tHI .. rr tl1•· , ... 1-.t 1 .111 11,. t irh·d 1111 lq .. p , llll(I ,olld 11-. jj\l!\o"f ',111 Iii• 1.1ilt'd 1111" .. \t",ll" ll.1\\,111.111 l 'ul...1 s.hc!l 11 c l kl.ILl.'' ,\1 ,1rvc!1J ll:>I}' J1 r1111111\vly t l'\tl!rcd n11 .t.:.~ct ,fi,111c". 1·1> \\1...1r .1~ r1111 \\tJLtld ,1 s rr.111d ,,t 1 '"1111,1CL' JlL',1r ls. I r11111 I /,111ic Carnegie. I ~., :;.1 r,111tl. 825 5t >''. $-1 j, Fl ullot.k's :0,,1111.1 A11.1, I l'.L~h11>n ~1u.1rc-, 2KOO N . i\1.1111 Srrt.tr, ~.1nr:i A n.1, 1i.lt·phnnc '"l 17.72 1 l [lullotk"s S1111lli C.t1,,,r P l.11.1, !->.in l>1l~o Frl·t·11.;iy ,,, Bri~H•I, t 11,1 .1 ~lt,,1 , "l"c:l1·ph11111 ">"i).0611 I I i Sex Filnt S.\~'l t \:\I I·:'-l't' 1 1 I'll J{1rd ... d.1 -d. lit"l""' t!o 1t , l;ll! i "!it I ,!lld ~!1 ... 1•' II ill l!.1\ t" lu 1,, ,h.,\\11.Ill '1.dt•d tllH\!t' IJt·l,,r1· 1111·\ t·.111 d011! 1·1111 ·. ,111d ..... 11 ... 11• ,111· i.,:.1rill.1-. \\!I,, li.1\<' ll< 11 •1 IJ<•.-1\ ,11·out1d 111lll"! )'Ill ill..-. .111d 1)111 ~ (\111 1 l htJ•I\\ \\ !1;1{ l'l dOI {II rlld(t •. :-,.1("1 ,, II I \"Ill• I z," I I J1 1 l 'l"! •II J \1 I [ .\11'\"hl"I -.,11d 0 l u~•..,t\.11 !-.u lhl' /.•)!I 11lll.11tl1'd .111 t•dt)( .ollHll.il lil!il ll!otll ,, /HI! Ill !-.\\ iltt'l l.11ld Ill i111p1•;-. th.d :-.h11\\ 11 1;..: 11 l11 ("llri!'! :111d :--u .... 1• 11 di .... 11111\11.llt· !ln•111 · .o lld I •·t Lii ll 1 h1· lllll: ], 1n·,t 1111·t 1 .. 1t11·11 1·\ 111 •·.., "J !11· :..'.' ltl1t1Ul1· J i1 11 1 \l1•1•h.t'r ~did , ll",d lU <''• I H\11' ,11 ! I\ 11 It"-. "I .I h ll!H h 11! ;.!••I ill.1·. lo .11111 1 ~ l/i' (H Ill .dill.: .llid 1llt· ;1( !IJ.d l!\,illll t: LAST 3 DAYS S6:1 iflilli••H l!\I I l'u .. •1 ! \,j: ~--~· Smog Controls Call_e d 'Ripoff' S.\C'l{.\.\l l-'.'-"!1• • \l'1 ·r...,,1 bill:-. th.11 111itdd llll't" 1•111 .1 , .. 11 11·0 1 1·r..,Ld .111111 ... n1u ~·, .. 1111 .. 1 Ill" J.:1"~1111 lll ... 1\ ~1111111 ·111 1 ".1lil111111.1 (."illllllll".._ h.1\1· 1·\1·.11l'd lilo 11 lll'~t l"!!llllt11\l1•t• ll1111ll1· ·r111_· 1il1·11ta-.i1 111, .1 .111.· II 11!1 \d 1·l1r11i11.t11· .! 1"1 '1 11 11 I Ill• 111 111.11 1:11;1; ';!1 .1ul"" 111 I,, \1 1 , 1, t)r.111 ,·•· :"'-"II j;, 11\,11 ol1 11" H1\t·1-.1d•· ~.1 111.1 ll.11!1,11 .1 .1 111 1 \"llllll.1 <•lll!il lo"" 111 l'llll l•l'••l \\ l th .I dt \ ll t . 'j, ·-..1. · 111 'I 1 •' ' .. 1111 'd O\lth•, 1d 11 l[f1l :.,;1·JI '-! )\ t "111i1 ... I t11ll• lid 111 • .i. " lHon -.( .I .. lllll" \lhJI, .1dd111;..: t•• 1111 :.: -.1111• • 1,.,, I l11 ~1.ill.o11 .. r1 .J, l "li"·•l !ll l<i '"I lll"l• .1d o.J I I• Ii ' I • ,di • Ll!I I'·' •ii 1•11 pl .1\t":-. t•fldl!I ~' Iii di _![, 01!lt" l" !oflll ,1!1J [,!>..., \11 ~··1··· ( Ll\11111 <•11111,d ... ;-..iid l>Llll •11"' I• ht• lo "o 111 I ll' I\ '\lllll I I<' !H •I\ .1!0 ••j\i ll •!•ld \l.ll!i Ill• d o I I< , 1 ...... \11 •It ( oHllil :0-1q 11·11l -,!!I f,, 111 11"1!1 11 .,lo:J lo 11 11 .-d 111 1.JIHI •• ~ 111 · !.11, ( .dl11 . ..: th, 10 ... \.dl .1 j ' I' '(I • 1 ! I I"' id + 111 .. 11 \1110"1 ,,,•:1 d•\11• I !" ''I I !\di !I .. 1 .,, 1111·1 .. 1.d 11 .. ' .... 1111111 .. 11 111111 >11· II ,1, Ill t h• -,1 ~ • o111l.!I • .1\• i , -I ..., 111tll11"I l l.it,11 1 ... +1 1'. ol•· \ l .il l lh . .i '~ •• ; 111: .... 1.l1]"'11 , enttjY Ltd. ,, $ SO, COAST PLAZA ONLY CONTINUES ON A FIRST COME FIRST SERVED BASIS LAST 3 DAYS OUR ENTIRE STOCK IS INCLUDED /SUITS /SLACKS /SPORT COATS I LEA TH ER f SUEDES /SHIRTS /SWEATERS MOST FANTASTIC SALE IN COSTA MESA HISTORY ANY ITEM FOR ONE DOLLAR WITH PURCHASE OF OME AT REG. PRICE NO MUMBO JUMBO YOU BUY ANY ITEM AT REGULAR PRICE ... THEN PICK ANOTHER Of SAME VALUE FOR JUST ONE DOLLAR Ltd. SOUTH COAST PLAZA STORE ONLY SAN DIEGO FRWY. AT BRISTOL, COSTA MESA. 540 -1502 ' ' ~ , • -; , .<\6 DAii,\' 1•1LOT EDITORIAL PA.GE UntiIDely Pay Dellland l)en1and :-. /J .' t i ll.' 1 .~1guu~1 ISL'a cl1 tcachers for a 12 perce11t p;.iy i 111._·1 L':i ~l' l1 il till· sthoul dis trict at a Ua<l tirne. On it s fat t..'. tlli· dc 111and dut..•sn't a1>pe<.1r reasona- ble. Jn .Junl'. the d1...,1r1 cl :-.uffL'l'e d an e lect ion (lcfc~1 l ( v.·hic.:h \\'ould h ~1,·1 · ;11111\\1._•d i i lo increas e the a n1 ount it ,.. SJ>end s jJL'r !"i lutleut JI lo ppt.·ll some educational f. ·prog r an1~ ;ind /,!t.'lll'r ;dl.' t1ghlL'llc tl its belt. i\1ure i·t.•ct.•nll \. llit.· !"il'IH1til bo<!rcl turned tlo\\'11 ;.1 su ggc.s tu 111 fur .1110\lil'I' t .L\ int rt.•ase e leetion fur the UJ.H .. ·1 11n i11g fl!"il';il .\l'Ol l'. prol,ahly r e ading the t est y n10<JC! f1I :111 111l l.it 11111 l'l'<'l'!">Slf1n \\'1'~1ck ed elcctur~1ll'. 'rh e <11 s LJ'11·1 I!"> 11gh tl·t111 u . .: it!"> l>t.·lt a nother not t.·h 1n~L t.«1d llf ;1:-.k 111 g fu r 11 1nr l· l,L\.t':> 'ft.';J('he r :-. :-.;1.\ l ~ ]lt•l '('l_'ll( \\ill JU::>t k CL'P tht:n1 {;'\'t.'tl \\ 11 '1 lht.• t.·n:-.1 t.il lt\ i n ~ \\'l·l!. inflatiun 1::. hitt ing t·\·er.\ n n t · IJ <1 r d a nd 111 ;1 ll,\ pt·op il' ;1rl' cutting IJ;..u.:k on 11l e1r .-..1;1ndard 11f Ii ' 111g 'J\::icht.·r pa,,· dt.·1n a11<l!"i pl't.'St ·n t a cle;..ir issue in the upcun 11 n g :-.l'huo l lu1:1 rd e lt.·cl tun . 'r ht.·y <ire \\t)rthy nf eurnn1t.·n t h.' .-..t.·111 101 ho:1 rd c.Jnd itlatt·s Sl1oppi11 g Lists ·r1i1 · t'l l i t·:, of l .;1g u11 :1 l\l·;u:h . S ;..in .Ju~111 C';1p1s t1·ani1 and S~in t 'll'llll'llll· ;n·t.· in !111l' f<u· a subst antial ;dlol';1L1t111 !If ft.«IL·ral t'u11 cls u1ulcr tf1e flousing and CCJ111n111nit y l)e \'L•h11u11t•n t .-\ct . Polic.r n1ust be n1adt.· 110\\· !t> i11 s 11r c ,,·i:.t.• ::;pl·ticling of the n1onC.}'. ( l\ t•r tht.• tJt·xt three \ears. Lag u na Beach \\·ould rt.•ct•J \'t.• :11t L'S l1111atcU $~·11 .000 . S:111 C lemen te. S..J59.000 :1ntl S an Juan C apis tra111>. $72.0UO ·a s Jlart of the "f l.'\\ ·s tri n .cs·;,1 ttct c h e<I " :tl't. In e;1<·h t.·a s e . c1lit•s <1 r e holding public J1 carings to g L·t 1de.:1!') frun1 c iti1:en:.1111 ho\\' best to spend the funds. In '''t•ig:hing the ide•1s. p riorities s h oulcl l1c matiL' for ::.µending of the total entitlement, not use of the mone:r as it tric kles in ):carl.r. 'J'hat action \l:ould help ins ure the rnoney is not frittered a\\·ay on routine l1ou sekeeping, but <.IJ)p li ed to something s pecial, something the cit)' \\'Ou !J nut ha\'C ordinarily done. Certainly it \VOuld be \Vis e tu a \·u1d s pending the mo11C)' 011 day-to-day operations. Pla11 Needs Unity .\ dangerous air of i)aroc hialis nl ,,er\'~H.les lht.• tily h ;ill s of lr\'ine, !\;~\\·port Bea ch and Laguna l~t.·Jt h \\'h e n t:il.Y officials cons ide 1· Irvine l'on11)~111 \· plan~ to J c\· el op it s 10,UOU coastal ac res . · 'rhoug h the pla11ni11g proces s has been long, 1 he t·un11Ja11 y has 11c ,·er fultf'red i11 its intent to dc ,·elo JJ \\'hat it consid er s its 111t,s t \'alual)le piece of land. 'l'!Je L'Omµan.}' inte nds to s eek a general 1,Jan ch~1n g c fron1 lhc Orang e l.'11unty l'la nning Comn1ission 111 .\p1·1I. :\I c a 11 \\'hilc . the t·it i e s s l1rrountli11 ~ the land ,,·hic.:h ranges fron1 Corona de! F\lar to l .;.1g u11a l.3 e ;.1ch ;ind in l a nd to the San J11;1qu i n i"lill s riclg:t..._ tontin ut• to a(i,·ucate plans for the area \\·hi<.:h they t h ink ,,·oulc.J keep dc,·elopm e nt fron1 having an_,. affect on t h eir indi,·iclual ju1isdict.ions p;1rticularl.'· the tr;1ffic it '''iii generate. J,,ocal go\'ernn1c11t sl1ould gu ~1rll the h i>lll C front . but the ne t effect of separate approach e s to I.he s a n1t.• problem is no effect at all. Before the pl:ins g 1J to the planning comn1ission. the thre e cities s ho uld s eek a unifi ed JJO !'>ition. One plan IJ~1ckecl l)y three cit ies ,,·i11 c arry ,,·eig ht \\'ith the com111ission . 'J'hrce !)lans c·a rr.}· none . 'l'he alternati,·e , lea,·i11 g the decis io11 tu the t.:o unty. c ould be a sorry situ ation for a ll o f thcn1 . s 'l'/1e (,;1 .... 11111l t/1(• l"(•o11l<• . -. ' -. '.''." When Legal Verbosity Backfires Dear Gloo1ny Gus Volunteer Army • Ill Germany ( SYDNEY HARRIS J Sp1•:1kin g r1 f la\\ ~·l·r:-.. ;1:-. I \\·;1:-. 11 11 p.:..i s ... in~ I !ht.· t1llu·r tl:1\ l'L' l llindt'.'cl Jl1L' IJf {tit.• 1J l't•1-,".(il'lll · h~1 lt er1 n).! :1l·l it 1n t,11\t·n 111 1h'-· I S :...11 111·1·n 1P ('ou r! l;,1-..t 11111111 11 , 11 tu·n it r l'lu ... vd tu :ot'l't'p l :1 lir1t·1 1 il1·d J.1 ;111 .d t11 1·1i1 ·1 1,,., ..• u...,,. 11 \\ :1:-. !11q 1,,11:..: I llt'\t'I' 1hPll :..'ll! !!1•· d :11 11 .. tdd .''llll!t' II h1·fl lt•).!,iJ I l'l'!10"ll\ \\Otlld 1 .... itf10•1;1li1 1'1•l11d,,·d '1,. !ht· l11t.:h""' l 'Ulll'I :11 t h1· l.1 n d h 1 I ;op 11•1 r,•n1l.1 t•1,•r1 lhv 1ud µt·:-. h.11 • /1.1d 11 11;1 ,,, lit'I'•' :,1th t•1 r1·un1 lo 1i 11t 1• n: !n .i i1 •1 .. 1· '"'ll·r t l11· t •111r1 111 1·1u·d t,:ll·. ,, · l1111•f"' l'ron1 :tiv !•l""i'l'll!l!l;..' .111111'11!'\ .,( ,\1 ],;, ('u u n 11 111 flh 111 !t11· f:11 l i n~ 1•· l'nn1pl1 II 1!h l'llll'S f'('(jllll'lll).! ('il!l ··1 .... 1·111·-..... \-. !.11' ;1 ... l'IJlll'l !11 -. 1"1'i.1:1 •, 1·,111 di :.! h;u·k !hi" l" t!H· t1r:.t 111111· Ill 111 -..i .. 1.1 th1• r•tdi' of l '<Hl('l"''lll '~" h,t .., !>1·r·ll llll!!kt•d .11 1111 .... 1,,f\1lt·11·1 Pl 1ur1 ... 11rtHIL'!H·t· T ll F l'l{(J..,1;('1"'1'411{'...; ··bru•I \1;1.., lllHI<' !h,111 t•1/1 11a~1''-lnrl :.! ',11 111 :1n .11 1p1 11d1\ ••I l,.+il~I :.1111 j•hPllll.!1',1!Jh" ,t!(.1 t"lit•d IH !Ill ,I(' 1·11111p:1111 ltl -..1.111·1111•11! r1f llH1/'1• tlJ ;t1l ,101• !'•I 't'" i'f'ht• ;1\l'l',+.2 1• lor·11 ·t i" 1,..,11,11 )1 !•lit· p.1.!1' "I fill'• fjllf\ /o>l)•1 \\1·d li1 l<1ll! Ill lilo i'·' l'" 1rl :.11 I .11 1d .11\ ·" :,!11111< 111 ,,f 1 "'r ~'1 ' l'·' •' ,1' I ' 1111,,t 1 11 I .. ll"lll o ,I 111:11 11\v 11.,ld l,11.•I ~1111 .dl.i• h j·d 1" -.ul'h ;1 J, ,11 1·11-.11!111 · .... 11i1·h 11 .1 .... I"" .,1111· 111 11!111 lq1 I 11110 f .111d tJ I .., 'I 111 ,,1,..,11 "1 '1 I I «'II ,I 1111 1!1 1.ll I "]' <>1 ·' '·'"'' , .. .i .. 1t1iJ,. d• ·1 ~ •'I' 11111 • I 11 • I 1111).! 11111il 1 •iltl l'"~ i)odh !!1 I"'! '-lfll .111d 111 pt Ill! -...1·t·ro1" 111 111• ,oil • .Jr1111-..1 llll ,1l'L+hl" 11;111 uf :ii t11r11 .. 1.., r 1111 rd 1 hl' uld1•-.t l~t'll 1-.h l1 ·~ . .i ·..,,,.r11'" 1n1ul1v.., :1 p1·1· .... .,11 \I h" 11 :1-. pl ''"l'lll :it :1 -..il tlll'..! UI 1hL' (·,J11 r·1 ••I .... t. . .., ... 11Jt ,.., 111 l.undu11 ;11.,I 11·1111 !l1·cl l:r!1 · I'' '!•~· :•fl • .\I ~ \1·11 'i 1.•;1r ':-. fL'S11)t1tl•U I I'.'> J'L'..111 )11 •]1Jll\~ \IJI.' I'll 1·1rr1 11 1l1l'll\ lt \.\ .1" !u ('\IL •Hit _._\\!'~11111 ~ .. \lld \11111 :"">111Hh L'l'tl ( 'a ll1urn1:1 t r~dT1" l•l·11 1:..: 11 h ;n 11 L.'.'i. I !ind th;11 11 1vao:. "lllt 111g n o l dri\·1ng l•"' ·' (. Gloomy Gui commt,.h .Ir• "1t>m11<e<1 •1 t~tk•• ilnO Oo l>OI n•<•l•il<>ly r•llffl""' voew• of Ito• n•"'1~il~r. ~ ..... ,.ur pel pttve loGloomy Gui, O~ily P1lol, 11"' •11 !<i f 1 nil I h l' :-;;i 11,,. c <J ~l' :-.! 111 on :11ul l hl' '>.i ll ll' h .il'rl-..tl·r still t:d k - )JI;.! Ill". Hl·:'.\T .\lttc\l·:I) I \• J.ur d .lo!-t ll'L' (_'11l'kiJt1rn . "~Url'l ,1· he· J!- \1;1-,1i11.1! :1 µrl·:ol ll t•:d u i' 111111• ·· "1'11111·"" l il t" 111rj ,.,1 rl'pl1 e ll '1.11n~· ;1 _u h.1 ... he t•:\h ci us\\·d 111111· .\'•111 ht· i ... t'llt.'ro 1:u·hin;..: UJJ· Ull l'l1·r niT I l t '~ i lt•l1_ht f11I \\' ,_.n \l'rl,.1s1t1 h:1 ;-k f1r1·~ "n t!..,t •lf. ;1-.. 1l d id\\ IH ·ll l 'rt•-..1dt·n! 1··r.11d,J111 J). K1,ost·1·l'll \\,1.., .1 .l'Ollll t.' l.11\~t·I' 111:-0t ,E!t.•ll lll:..! ... t.irt•·d . :111d 11 ;1-.. r 1•t ;1 inl·d II • h :111· dl1• ,, !Oll '._•h I'll II ('.$ ... t' '!'ht• 1JIJI'''" nn..: l.1\\.1t•r 11 :1.., .111 1·!fr\·t111· 1ury p[,..irJ1·r. \\ h" thL" l ill ll' n1 :1dl.' 1ht.• f ,11 .ol 1111•,1:1i-.1 nf 11 r ,d 111,..,. f.,r 'l'I ··r:.i •1 .. u1 - \.., hi "/'l•P!H ll1 tiJ l!llt d "rl. ];.,.,..,,.1vl! 111,111 ·1.'d !h,1! 111•· 1ur1 \1,1 11 1 p.1 1111:.c 11111 th :1 tt1·nt1011 \\'l;<'L fi l~ !111 ll f".•111!' h i' l'OI-.,\' :inti ..... 11d '1·0111 li.J\< hi · .• rl! !ht· •IJli<'lli• '1'1>11 Ii.ii• ,,)..,<>ll ..,1••!1•d I<> 1: I r1i ~11n ~·111 -.!i··d l •oll.-.1' II•' :1 J,1iJl1.i I .. r d11r II 11111 IH·ll\'\•· hllJI . ;111d d1-..\)1•!1t •1 <' !l•o•' I 1dt•tH "o', \IJ'I 1111 ! h:11·· 111 d1 ·1·11!1· 11) 111 .... 1,,1 .. r 'l't1.i1 ':-. .ill I h.i \.-111 ·,;1 ~ .. ·:111· p11y 11 ... .., o ut !••I I,· ... 1h;111 111 11111111\t· .... ;111d '-'r .ill't t.11 1 !11'U U !.!ht Ill ;1 \l'l 'd lt'\ f t>I' 1:0111-,l·\1·1!·-, ('l11·n 1 ~1 11 .. uhl the '-'11J•l't·1n t•l '11prt .1h "-1•d :1•.., All Is Not Gold. • • \\",\S !ll~C:"J'():\' \\'ilh tht• l lnit<-·d S1 :dl·~ l>IJl'l11ng ILS gold 1·;11111 -.. lu 'il •'i'lll;1Lo l'.., Ill telligt>nl'L' r 1·p11r !s ,~·arn lllal 10 t.er n:,it1on ;d r 111!.!:. ;u·t~ d e;,d ing 1n counlcrf1·!! ~:o ld Tht_• l'l'p••r!:-. !t•ll ol' cuunlL'l'feil · ing·smuggl!n g P jll'l':1l1ons out of Beirut a nd :'II ;u ·'.'>1'11/t·s. 1\•ilh ('Oil· n e Ction.-.. r1·.1<·h111 g deep into South Anll'f1l·;1 Gold hu!lron h a:. ht•en coun- te rfe it ed. "''l"ord111g tu the re· pc>rts . by drdhug .. 111 !hl' l'Cnters cl 24 -karat li;1r :-. .111d f1Jt1ng the m "'ith lo\l.'Cr ,.:r:uh'. 11 k;1rat gold or with t'VL'll \'ht'<llJ•·r t ungsten. I N SOUTll ,\,,1 l·:tll('.\. offi c ial :-iv.1 . ..;., 1n arl-;111 ~ 11.1 11· l .. ·,·1 1<"lt·\t:1., ,\' lt ll'~CtJ Ull ti!" t u11i1·11>•1t ll0..1 1'.., St1111t• oi' tilt'!-." ;1li••u1 :, .. 1 .... 11 ,.., 11.,:lll:\'(•d. ili.1\'1• lJl'l'll "lllll~~l t.•d Jll· :.01h..-L'n1 tt·d S t.1t .. s Dul the muin s mu~gli11 g <.·e nter ls Beirut , an ~lirl ine huh "'ith toosc controls O\'t!r gold ship- ment.s. The smugg lcr5 rt!portl.'<l · Jy ha\'e been a ble to snc:1k the rount crfeil bu)llo~ il0011rd planl's O)'ing to dt!litio.Qtions all over the world. ' Beirul goJd deialers .;i rt• ulso do· inl a bl& bu1Jne1s itt tounterfc it ro}na. Va.luMble cpin_s nu lun ~i·r in (JACK ANDERSON) c1r<.·1Jlation urc count e rfe ited by clel'cr crafts men \\'ho, under l,cb;uie sc la"·· don 't C\'Cll ris k prosecution ;r the coins contain the prope r amount of gold. SO~I E 01: these counte rfeit gold coin s . <.1 ccording to our sources, a l ready ha\'c s t:.irted n1oving into the Unite d States. Americ ans buying c·oi ns <1nd bullion. mean"·h1l c. 1n ay lea rn the hard \\'a y t h.al <111 th<.it glitte rs isn 't 24 ·karat gold . Footnote : 5,~·iss r c fin('ries :.ire t.'lose to perfecting <111 elcetronic device, "'hi ch can a.-;sess the gold purity of bullion. 1'hc bars arc c;.i r e ful ly "'eigh e d, m can\\·hile, on dig it;d r ead ·o ut s cllles . 'fhese \\'Ould q uick ly dctecl gohl·pla tcd tun ).!S t e n b~n·s . Hut th-.: h:1r-.. flll ~·d ""ith chc:1pt'r gold arc n 1Prt: d1f· fiC'ult to d etect. J\flt!r th(· lo\.\'· grade gold is pourcfl i111u tht· har. it hardens and soml·lir111·s il':il'C~ un identation at the opening . Gold bars with d~nt s. therefore, may be rejected. 'l'u \il l~ E d1 tnr ; :'ll y 11·1fl· ;_in d rL'~•d Hudi '.':1 ... d 1 1C'l~k1'" s tu ry 1n yo ur JJ"ip..-r ~tbvu t · (;/:., 1n <_;,_.,·1n a 11y.'' II \l"<1S 111 ll1 U('h !ll[L·f '-':\ !11 U.'.'i ;1:-; II C h ;_icl :.pL·lll ;1 \l't'l'k tn G 1.•rn1an .1· 1"1:-t .-\u ~u"L fnr !hl' pur po:.c 11f in t!'.'r\ ll'll Jn !.( n1c 1nbcrs of our \',d u1~ll'1.·r .\rn;y (\.Ol . .-\fl l fo r .1 h11lu\1 ·llp 10 ;1 sto ry that 11·e 11·1 "t" .d1ollt \'()! . .-\!\in 1;.•;1rl,\· t~:-::> \\',. hop,· l h.11 ,l \\'<t,\' \1·111 bL· l"l.tld In .. 11c (·1.·-..:.tu!l,\ \\Lt h <lr;111· l h,· II 1.·d -t• tlJ"ll J{t1dl :-,;_i ~ :-. h.J.., ht.•1.•I\ dr11·l·11 li1.t 111.'<.'l1 ti\._• ~c:r;n:in Pl'O pit· .ind tilt• .\tlll'l'll'.tt\.'.'i !.1·t ·s rt·n1 .. 1nbl·r. n l>lll' 1,f u .. l1~11't.• h.id .1 .t.:l'l':il d1.·,.,11·e t.i L'-· 111 J<ur up'-· 1n ,1 .:.•'l'\'LC'l'fll,u1 ~ llll 1!111·n1 dt1ri11 :.'. i n1.· pl'r1 od :-lne,· l'1.·;1rl il ;1rlJ1 11-, 1~111 . !1) this pr~· ..,l•1 1! :Hll •' \[u:-1 d :·~dtv1·~ <d th•' ()L·<·up,11 Jt1tl .\r·n1y :ind 1n 1·11 •11 \'()J .. \[{ h<tl-L' tloJ( \l !l llt<•d i•• 1,,. Il l (.;1,•f ll1,l ll:'-' ;1ffl 'l 0 \' r:_ [).I.I !! \I .I " !Ill' G 1.·r1n .111 pt•uplt' .11 1.I !lt1· (;i:rrna1-. .\rul)-.,f \\'ur id \\".1r II 111 •• 1 (·;1u :.t.:tl t l1e 1:1 rl·un1:.1anc..:t.•;,. Iha! nl~ldl' J\ 11(.'L't•SS;JJ',I' lur U:, '" lit' ltl!'.l'l '. rr ·~ 1•1>.s:-;1u1.1-: tllat J{11r11 . ;1 n.it1\·e of GL·rn1:.1:1 ,\. \I .i:-. 11 .. 1 1nad..::· ,1 \\':tl'l' ;11;1t lhl' u 1 n1~ 111 "1 11 t • S .-\rn1 .\. J::tH·upc , L'~1\ l·:l It 1 .ire :-tat1onl·tl ltl1.·rl' h .1· rt·<p:t·:·'l "' till' \\'est l:l'r111.111 gv·.-L·rnnll'lll ()u1· t ro1ips arc n1.1n 111n).! tih:.l'l'' .1 iLtlll pO.sl.-.. a1'tl111/'t'<i l'l'i.:llllt'lli..., ,1nd u ... 1n;!" !J<.'ll vuptl'l' ;111.J lt'<'l· p.11rul.s a t t h'-· l"ird1·1· in 111 1, '11·11 ,( t ll 1.• r :..1 '.'>I C;crn1..in .\r111\ 1;,,rdc r (_',.n1n1.ind 1-:.1:-.1(:,·1111.111 :\r111\· a nd Sol'iel l·'orl't'S fo r Ille purp•l:.1.' od d1 ·l l'i-r u1 :.... ilit•r11 .J11rlll '..! Pl'.L L" l 11ll l' f 11 th(• I'\ <'111 t lf' d t•lt'l'illO .dl•d\ ,d p,,l1!1t'.d rt·l.1l1nn:-. 1.•111 11 .. ·1 1 .11. lur 11\<'f J L'"Jlull:-.11111.• 1 .. 1 d,•i <"• !111 ,111\· l1ord•·r ('1-.. :-. .... 111 ,.: 11.1 .11111, d l111:l'l'S Ill I 11d.1!ilJll uf 111•' \\',1 r · .111 l'.1('! i .ll'k. du1·1 t l' 1'1...,, . ' [ ll till' L'I I'll\ IJ! ~Ul'll ,llJ ,q 11:. Olli' !11t'll ll)p• 11il1"1 ''"ll t hl' !111!1.d 111.i,1 !inv d, l<t1<l 1 \\'l"tl·Tlo,1 ! .1hutll !I ll' l l!1lt' t /1 ;11 1111.· (il·r111.1n ''hur~h1·r :-.·· ... 11 d111\ 11 (I/ ti1 1l'l l1'1'· 1:-> -·"'11l'll lhl' l~<•.I '.'> J 1·u1n the nt h l 111 .111lr~· L"t1!ll1.• du11 n 111•n1 lllL· lull 1 .... t..1 11;_! 101· .1 11111'-' l ll ll \\'l' <!1) rlttf l '\)l1tl•Jtlt' lllt.' J'.L J)t'S. hl·J!lll !:,, ll\Ur'd1.·1·:-.. d ;1111;q:::e to µr oµe rt y. t'll' \\',. dit.l n 't pl a n to cli·i\'e ·1~ \\'l'tlgt• b l'l\\'t.!l'll t hL' 1\1·n1 y ;,11l1 till· (I L·r n1:in pcoph.:.·· 'I'~)(! n1c \\'ho n1 :1 v have cun1m1t"N;.u__.... host.' t rirll ('S n1;.i1 h;1\·e done tl1t' s;i nlL' thing: hei-e :.it h o n 1c . Is the fi g u r e of ~1; r .1pl's 111 a yL'ur cx'ceptionul- ly hig h in an ~u·c~ \\·here lf.,000 young \'irilc tt.•en;..i g~rs and n1en arc st.:..it ionl.·U nl';n· \\'01T1c n \1·ho du not s peak thl'ir lungu:..ige'.' \'OLAll is 1\·orking h:lrd to l'll· {'oura~c its n1t_•n lo g ain n1nr1· .;-d uc~1 1 iun and lt'arn a trade \\'hill' 1n the ~L'r,·ic<'. \l:1ny o f these 111 ~·11 to ld II'.'> last .r\u~u:.t tha t they do not ha,·c anything int crcstin ~ to do \\·ith their o rf .flut\' tim e. al!hout=:h their supL·r 1ors Ctnin1t.!t.I othc r 1\·1s t.'. Let·:. h o pe that t ilt.· Ge1·n1:.i n pl'Opll' f'~1n de,·clup re cre;i t1o n;i l areas ant.I types vf l!ntcrt;11nn1en1 th:1t \1·ould appl•:il to our ffil'll so th .it tht.·y could ex- pend their l'ner gies and ti n1'" It muy be a \\'<.1Y of elin11n<.1tln g li lt' .. ,,·edge" bel\\'Ce n then1 . It 's true that the 1\rn1y vro mote s progran's t o ··invol\'1.• ~oldicrs \Yth g reater st.!~1ncnts o f t ilt.· lie rn1 <.1 n popula1 1ou ·· I lu\\'l'\'t_'I', \\'('did not SCt.'. nur dul \\'(' ht'a r, o r any prog:r <inls JIJ'n 1no1t·d bv the Gc rn1an peopl..-1,, in,·i.1,·,, G c rn1ans ,,·ith ;1 grcat1.·r se).!nicnt of the 1\merican ,\rn11 · .J/\:\I ES E . \'UELt\L ' I ' /.t'll• r:o. ''"" \ur1111:1/" '""'.'er.~ 1-.· 1,, ,, ... ,., 11 '-"' ., ,1,/1,.1,/,/ 1 •J 1-. '' '/.'1•1r •• 1 ·~·''•/<i •' · ,•1•1 1 1.r \: .,r ', ,. //11· /'/rJ/it I••, •·•1d.-i1 ,. /1"/i'I' '•• t,1 'Pf1('•" r.r I 0/P,/IJ(j', 11 /·,·' ,, ,, r ' \// /,If<'"" 1•111.'' ,, • '·,,i, •/'. I·'' r:11J 11· .1/:11(/ 1.dd•, I. .I•'·'"'' 1· r, 11,.: 'I /l}.//1•/,j I" '• .1' ' I."• •'' fl'Q~l/11 /.' •:;1,: ll/'1"' , ...... , . ,,,/J//.I, i:, .. ! ]',, 11.t' f·:di1PI .,,,. J' _\/l 1111 l"...,!l c;.1l lL<il 11,.,._ l<dl ll L, I\ ~l ll;I 11 ,II\ .1 :..:• 1\1 _\ oil I IH ..., <.;1111 '1'1 11!1• Il l I.., ll lol.ol](\!' :,. I,. 11 . 1111• ll ',11.-d. i!i<"ll !IH \ '"Iii< I Hll\'<'11,ilil \ ;..o J ,,\l,11 11,illi 111 ... 1 .1110111 .11l\lh111 ~· \ t "11;..:11 '""'"''·" ltllt''.'>!1:..;.l llull ••I ~·1111 ·1 1\1 1.1 ·1 1 !,1 1 ,Lg1.'lll'lt'" d"t''.'>ll 0 T tllt',ll) 11\.11 Iii<" .l '"l'lll'I I._ t.:1 1111\ ul .lll\111111 \\'11,1 \ It ,1,., . .., 1:1c,dl 1.., II .ii t h,· r1;..;h1 ...... r ih,· \11 11·1 1• .111 J•l'•'l•I·· ,ll't' !1t Irle' p1·"1'" 1t d l l h.•'> ,d\ld,I " l,,•1•11 11 1\ l1••011•I !lL,ll Th<" ( '[.\:, l•ii > II"" t" .. 11 ltt'r 111!111'111 .ltlull 'Ill 1 ·Jh·11i1 1·~ "I "lit' :.!0\1·1111111.·lll 'l'h.11 •t••l'-11 ! lll•'.111 1·.indu111 "\I.I Ill ~ "11 I .... 'II . 'll" II I\ I\ oJ ll 1 ,I ,:..!"t"I I < "1, S1)r1l<"'1111,•.., I 111111 ... th<l"" .it·t.1 dt1d1•:-, \\piJld Ith•(,, fl,,\, J\ I .!lllt 'l',I 111 t \\'l'I \i .. il\t 1111' lll.l..,t t·1 '»lilj>l!I• I " i\p 'l'l'll(llll /l' O\!d 1 11 I 11 11'1• 111,,1,1,. 11 .. u1d p1 • .i .. ,hi1 1 .. , 1 -. I 1 I 11 I 1 .l \ •' I' I• 11 I 1 i ..,11,.u tdu l 11.111.I 1 •• ·' • " ( I ' I I < I i! (odf I • • \\,·Ill•" 111.11"< jq,11,,. •IO'\••\• •I :o1 dt•J11,,.1 ,i1\ l.l·•il \ 11···.J .. 1, h1 J-.ii Jd1 ·.1 I:-.111d ,.,l 1li.1t ""d 1.:11 kl\q\\ll ,1 ... \Ii·· \11 1• ll•'.11 1 \\di \t l1.·;1 ... 1 I1 l11 nl, .. 1.·.I" \l[l1J , I \l 111 \I 1; 'fo t he t:d1tor . ..\ rho 11:-..11ul 1·h l'•'r" 1 .. 1· ·r111n lla r le\' and hi s .u·kn1.11 ll'd g rn1·111 o f the. trc 1nl•nd ou:. h1H 11·~ 1lf 11·nrk \.\'lll Ch go into !ht• p r1·p.1 r :dl•HI f.,r ,, r· .. nf'l'l'i 11 iH •\ "" " .. 1 .. , ... ,, instrun1enl;ll . It 1.s l'~l1n1at1·d th.it each lr\·inc \1 a :-.t e r <'hn r :tl " me1nbc•1· contr1hull'S a n11ni111un1 of 40 ho urs pre p:1r1n ).! f11r 0111· c on· cert r epc rtoirL'. ('l'tus l'C'\)l'L'~t.!nl " nearly 5,000 hour!"> tot;1I for it !-ll U men1bers l ·The culn1ln:1lion nf 0111· L·fforl :,, 10 prc .sC'nt the b e.st 111 eh11ra l rnu.sic to ()rang e County \11111 lll'.XI he he ard on l\.IarC'h I ,,·h1·11 \\·e Join forces \\lith th(' •H1t. .... 1nnd in g San Diego \'oulh Sy n1phony l!' present Walton 's "llelshazzar's t'eas t'' ;,ind V1·rcl1 ':-. "!-'our Sacrcd 'Pieccs ." 'fllanks ~1 g;11n to Tom B;:irley. J o <>l ~on . ~11111 th~ Dai ly Pilot fo1· con~i ~tcntly s up· porting us '. l •'1•t•t !I ~pt.•111.: 'rl)!h1' l·:c.l1 t ul'. ·rht• p tl'l't' hy C::1 r~· Ci r~11l \ il l ... · 111\ S und;ty . .J ~l ll. 5 t1ll1.·1 I ··ll n\\ llins lla11· :'ll :1dl' I t" \\·~1:-. l hl' bc ~I .1rt11·h · t llt' l 11lnt t1;1:-. t•\'t·r J .111 1.· lt 1•p 1t o11d1vd thc l\i11d "I !11u;.:h , 1 1l \1 ·..,l 1 ~.Ll l \t' l •H l rl1 .1il ~l ll "ll 1·1111n t.\ i-..-..uv:-111.it 111·11 .... p .1p1·1 ~ ...,h ,JU ld \'ll;,.;.1;.:t' 111. 11 d1d l 1P! S.11·1•1fil'•' 1iJ1J t•('ll \ I!~ l•H .~.f 1·111-.11·y It -..1111ply lo •I !lit· .,,11 ol1tl f.1 1·1 ... ,,f 1111· 11 111 ... ha\\· < .. 1111 ) .. 11g11 ...pt•:1).;: lq! 1ht'll l:-.1·l\1 ... ( \l ,I "111\ l\.,lh' I., fh .d 1111/ d o! II.II ,,.1 1111 1-.:·-111 • dfop !Jt·r, . l•tll 1 ,1th"• !HI "II 1! H1f 111ft 1 ·' "l 'l ll "I l ot I f I l l • I ! 1.11 ... ll.1 \I I : •. rt.•11 . ... 1111 \'..;11..:.11 1 .. d ... \',,\(,·1· .I t '!l',ll'I J'J1 .-plliHlt d""l'I I" '" .11 ' llH \', 'h .. ~,. 111< 111, .. t II 1,,. II I I j '11.., 1 • I I I I I Io • " I• 111\ \lo'' \IJ \ \ !'11 \ .. 111 I· .. 11 1 I ,!,o 'I\· th1· Ed1t11r I ,11 11 ,J1 .. : \I I\ ii .i11d ·'i'l•,.t:.-.i \\I,, 1. 11 ! .1 ",..., .1 Ir ·11 L'I 11 I I' d .I' io+J )It i t'l\i ._ Id 11 ,1 1!'1 ll•>ll l I· 11~•·11•·. < lr";.: .. 11 t" t '. ... 1.1 \11•:.,• ,·,i11i.t11 11.1 J .111 :.' '" .l.111 lli1·1•' 1.~ II<' I <' l">i l ... lhl1 1·\i >I" t .. 1 1111 .. oll><Hiit' 1:d1 :..:11,1 l1"11 \\ 11 . .i :--t ht' p r1•hh 111' \tl\ l'•'f :>llll•l•llli-1111 ... 1110 ,,. ',\ 11i1 !l)t'J'""l "l!I•• •.Ill ,.IJ~t '!I< 11t.· 111 0dd1 •I;! 11 I" lltt! llt'<•'" did\ \<'1'!11 .. dP:...h ,ii 11 I" 1111111,1!1 Tho t'llll'l".1 , . ..., .,l),,·11" !11111 lh1 1 .1 111 '"· """ 1111 11. 111!1 1111·\ 11 .. il, I"! !11" j'•J ... I "!!11 •' \l.111\ oil lll• I ll'J>J. It .li t' \•"I "Id [,. lol· ,11!1 l,J Ii T \1\,.,, :p\\ 1111111 .., ,11 • 11 1 !.1• It• d II• 1111"1' lo ,I ,111d 1111'11 1"l11d 111\!I 111 ol Til•'\ dP .111<! 111:' 111• I I, t o:•. li.llt .. dlll'\1 <I (1• 111 • 11 ~t1 lol!l"ll 11H'<ll1 H I d I ~ • 1:11 11· 'I"" .. 1 11 1 o I t .LI • t I '' 1""'11 •~I' I .j I I ' ' I 11 I I j . ' . " I < I ' " ' I 1, ·I I,' I I· t 11 I I 1" 'h I j I ' <1,1\ ,.1,,•;.1 111111 .. 1111 '\••'1'11"11 J11 \,,\' lilh• I q\!! ••! d11 .. I 11•1 \1.1:,.j ,di •I j l•fl .. ili1 l.1 ~11. ,j ••Ill .d I\ 11 .11 I tl111il, II ' " II .1 11.l -•'l 1,d IVl'i•"•( 11\.l!I\• ,d ,,ql\ I ii•' ..,l .,11 jll"' I •' , .,j I LlllO' lb.ii ..,1 .. 11.lt"d , .. 111\ llo>ll! i1 .... 1 .. 1 !lit' \d:1111 !-n l lH'C ltl 4 ·.,~1 .1 .\ll·..,;t i h· 1,.J.J !llo' !h.l\ 1111 I \\1'1<' ,]1111 1 \Ii• 111· .... 1 1:1 .. 1 1·n1dtl. 1·on1p.111·d II • 1111.•1 I ,J,111'1 k1u111 , .n1d 11I 11,1""'' , 11111:t•111 .. d I '.'>h"1dd "l'll-1·11 ,pJ .. 1 11 11·111 th1·1" J i•dd IJ ILll J li.i.l, l)\I\ fl l!'lt' l\t'1o' 1U1 "llt'lll!I .., fl,• tilld lllt' l 1\,1.., 1·1:.:nl . ,1pd Tl .. 1l !o r l t1 .. \d 1111 .. ••I l lt'l' lll<' -.l11L11HJll \lo1t1l.J 1.-!tl,L\ll -..,) !it •t'.lli 'I' t'lllp;o>I <'" '-o'l<!•.r; quit [ 1 h111k !he p l',ll'l 1.-1· Pl h,·n \· t 1r1•d 1.., r,<lll\'\l '-t•·111 I \1.1 -.. .u\d .11~1 IHJ'111u :-\1,! "nl1 ll.1\'<' \It'. !Ill' li'"'l1it•. p .oid 1.1r ;u n i p .!l rt1IH/1·d 11 11.., d ••:i.J \\Ollh i .11\rJ 1\.11.,:lll;lilo' pn;.t ;il p .. 111 ",\. l>11t , h ,\' l ;•~d . u1· 11;1\ ,. t1 1 ... 11t 111 11111.!l!/t'd ll '1'1\t' !>o"hl \IPl1 ' \\"• 1\ll l!'l'Ll';lll-. ;1 r1· 1:1.·1·•1 111 r!i 11 h·1·, .. 1 ,.,11 1 ~· 1111 · t'lllplo •. 1 l ll ••ll t II 1.., .Ill 1•:..1 ·t·ll t·n l \11lll' t •) pl!lll)l 111 '\\' ll\llll.111 t ;Jl ,·111 i.illd 1;•n1·r ).!y. q11anl1t a t1 \l'I.\' :inti <1ualilat1\'t_•ly, 111111 thP pos t ;d systl'lll It 1s ;111 exce lle nt op portun1 t~· lo fire , r c t1rc a11d t.'\ pu·t~ cont1·al·l s of thos1' f•n1ployc:.. parti c ipat1n ~ 111 thr "l:1\\' of le:is l 1•ffnr t .·· \\'l' n111:-.t. 1·111 p li:1:-.11\' not q u~111t1 11 ,,f j •.1 ,111lt'l11 'l'llt• lll•)llt•,\ ,.., .ol1 1-.1 d1 ll1··r1· li1r 11npr1J\'1•n11·111 I h \' II II 111 :Ill t' L'S 1) II I'(' 1• _.., ! ··:-.p1111 ... it1il 1\\. t'lllllllllllllt'll! .Llld 111;111.ie-:1·1 1:d l1·a dt•T':-o lltp 1-.. Ill•\ In "Ill.di h t!Slth't-:0. 11 .\Pll l",1 111111\ .Joi ih L' job. II IS ILllll.' for ('h :1ngc. 111 J.!ol\l'l'1lll\\'IJI If .loll! (".ll lt1Ul du tl10 • 111h ,\OU ,111' p,1 1d tl11Jl't' 111 d q 11•..,,-., ,11\\l :1thJ\l11·!' p vr...,011 .1u:...1 llk1: ,\Hll 1-..li11 1·d l<1 1i1·lp 1\1<:\l ".\:...l)l l-'.l lit\ l, In l·'.d 11\)1 1111111' !lh• lhllH.: 1!1,11 "t "I'" llh' 11\•'l<' 111 .+ll 'J'l\1,1''-d .11 •'.Hifi r . ' ' ' '· . " " ·11 d I\' I I \ 11.d 11 L ll : <I < 11 I I I I " ....,, I\ l 11 t / ,. I , I , " 1 :, 111 Id !'. ''·'' ,, , •I l ' .. , II • . ' " ' .J I " " ' I" ... 11. I' I • I "'I \, , I ,.,,.1 " I '• "pl• 1•i l !11 •'' ,, 11 llld 1' +I • ,!,•di' I,• I !11 II I •' i I• 11 .. 1 I"'< I ' Ill IJ ' ,, 1 lld ' •J I < 1 I < • .i11 1 .. 11 l ,11P" . ' '" I. d I 'I~ " ' I 1 d. \I 111111 I, I' " I ' 1 .i .I 1 , I !l"l il• I ,. i' 'I " , " " I o I I I\, 0 1,1, I•• I ,,111,d I ••11 • 1111 I ' ll < I ) ' ]·'''I' I 11 .., ) . II\ I '' ,1 t .i.1 ol .... 1~ "I ll• •>I l liv:-1· I\ .. ' 111 "I I ., I ,,.1 •1 ,,I lt1<I• I I 1:1' I i "I +; 1 I <; 1 .. J 1 I I I I' 1 I 1·1111 ... (111 .1" dllll!• , ti t' I 11 , ' :•.JI Ii I IHI I I " ' I " ·l •• " .•11+1 lo! 1111 •' I " ' , ' ' " " " I" "I '" 1,.,, I ' .. I . ". ' '''!' " '. ' ' I" t I ! I, ' ,,, . I 1' 1 ! ' II 1 I I • "11 1 11.ltl I 1 I •!I I ! 11 .. I h• 1 ,. ·1.. I 1 l· , 1. r di' , 1 I I , ol 11 I lol• I I I '' I ' I " I " I I I I 11 I " I I 1 . ' . In lltlftl do 1,, ,, I lio 'll llh' ! · • ] 1 " l I 1 I \ \"ill I I• 11 1" I" l>I .J,.1,0 \1' .11 .. t pr1·1• "I 111 1 <Lt\•l"I· .q1d I•• oolo!.111 1 In I, I "' 101111 11•, tl o d \ I 1HJ11, 1111.!1 i ',,1,., I" 1 ... 11 I"" I••,.., ..,1,, 11 ,.. I I ' ! "1.111 ... \ <•111 i• 1111•"1 d ii\ 11"11 t oi 101 llL1• 1· ...... 11.1 .... 1 •. ,.11 '"llld h1· .. t I •".Ii'·"' I ' '1 .., 1 I• l\,•;Jll1 1ioil !'. "i'h " I I! , " ·' Jtlii .. 111 - l\l"Jj1 .... ! "t ;\Ito l Ill• I :.!• \,, h1•l p l•1 !I\ 1 ,, IH I 11 'oo do!I• l\1 111 .. 1l •ol •:\'1·,,;,,,1,-I'• 11•; !111 1.l 'llll',11\ll •· 11 •• 1. 11<111" .\-.1111 1 .. r 111•• • 111 111·· •I 11"i \01 I " l'l'l\t' 1>1'l 1\ 111,11.1, 11,,• '.11 l"I t .1 1111 ,1 ' I :,·,1111 111·1 111 11•·111il 1· .1 .. II o ·) i ,1 '• 111 • 1 I ' OR AN GE COAST DAILY PILOT fl,./,.,rt \ 11·,·,·!l /'1il1/l ... l1.-r '//1°•111<1' 1..·,.,,,.,, ~:1/1/11r H<11l~1101 /\r11/11,/1 /'./l/•••1<1/ /'1101• l-."i/1/"r !!11· 1·d1\"''·'I p.1..'•' ••l !!u· 11,.01> 1·11 .. t ,, ... J., ... 1'1 l!llHI "' ... 1.! "'"1111l.1t.· !t".1d•·•, tn p1 .-... •·11!111 i; "Ii tlu' 10.q;1· dt1 1•1..,,· , ••111111.-111 ,,, 1 ••11 1 •• 1.11, .. r 111 1•·1•·..,! In ~'""" ,11• d • '•lurtu""'" .111<[ I .0 I lo "'I II" f .., 1, I 111 "I 1.I I< ll' ,i I Pl 11111 ''" ,,,,,,It••~ I"'"' ..... 1 h1 1''''"'111111i.: th•~ 11•'"'1"'1" r ''l•Hll••ll~ .nnJ 11!1·;1, U!I 0·11111•111 '"l'I<" lh•· 1•11il"!l>il "1"111""" 111 II «' 11,.,1 , l '1lo! a p1u· .. r 011111 111 I loo • o•d •l••I 1.11 • t•llJllHI ,1! Iii" l1°p 1ol 111• l••'I'' 1 lf•on"'"'1·1 p1 1",~1 ·tl hi !],.. • HloHll!•l'-1'-,qui • .or T<~"ll~!~ .ind lt 111•1 "111,.,' .11 • 1 l•o·u "" 11 .0 11d Ii<• 1•11'11" '''1<11 •11! (•I 1 h•·•o '"'".., 111 lh1• l !,11h 1·.1 .. 1 '-l l•••ll•t I .. · 111f<'J , ... 1 ' I ! • j t t ! ' t • • • • • l • • • •• • ~ ;: cl b ti In m lh nc t h :11 :tr n ill "' t h ~- I ' Burg·lars Receive Surprise lNDlANJ\P (ll.JS I \I') t Lawrence S h oll'!' bl'llt:\1·.-. ll1· l. m ay have found 1.1 sure <"ln·t· t'c1r Whoever ha s Lll'i•n :-.tL·<.1l1 n g \ UJUlCd goods fJ"Otll /lJS bilSCtlll'lll. 1' tt sl arted :.Jbout five \\l'L·ks ago I when Sholt·r d1Sl'n\1'rl·d th.it ·burglars: h <id pr1vd opt"tl ;1 bt1st·· anent window :.and 1n;1di: off \\llh about h alf t he t••1nnl'll fwl(I hi-. wifepul up fur the\\ 1nlL·r 1· SJIOLE R , A 'l'(lt>I • .inrl diL' . m a ke r, said he starlt•d !n (·,ill tht· i police, but d et·idl·d •. q.,:;1111-..1 1l For hes Plans Balloon Delay lly ICl 'l)l '.\'IJ<:llZll·:L SKJ 011~0 0••11 l'<IOt~l4ll 1\lagazint• publ1sht.•r ti.1alcoln1 1:urbes h;1s t·unt·t•dt·d thul there is 110 pos~11Jil tl.\ nf l•nu1t·h1n g his t 1·:..n :><111.1nt 1c: IJi.i l loon "\\'1ndbnr1lt·" during the next 11\l' \\'l'l'k:-. abortt..•d J<.111 ti taunt·h !run1 U11: Sant;j Alla J\1 :11·1r1l' l'i1r11:-:\Jf Staltun that th1· 1:i h.1llnon eo nf1 cur;1l1t111 11 .1.., "(1\'1·rlv 1· u 11·1 p I t• '\ ' ' :1 11 d t Ii ;i I I Ir ·1· · · \V 1 n ti ho r n l' ' ' r 1· q u 1 r c d rcdc..,q.~n1ng 1··url11•:-..,.11 d hi· 1-. :-.1\1:-t11·d th.it ; t h l' g ()II d (I I ;1 ;1 !l d ,L I I l I ~ I , 1·111111nu11u·:1l1on.., ;ind life :-up port 1 ·1·1 ·rvli·ph•Ho .">.l"olt'lll~ :-U/'\'L\l'd thl' l<tllH('h a1·1·1dl·11t 111 i.:ond ..,h.ipt·. but th.d f '11r lf1•r1f:J lhl· 1·,q1..,ult• 11111 h ;11l' tu undt·rgu Cin c innali l'c•:-.1 col 1·\l1•n:-t\'l.' )ll'1·~ . ..,Ul'l' tt·:-it111g t•lll'l' I' I un1n 1s l :-.ay:-. t·ar 111111'<' Hughes Lawsuit Lodged .\l.J~l '(}l ' l·:Hl}l · 1·:. '\ \1 11 I'l l '\ 111,11111h" (·l.11111 .., to Iii· .1n 11 l1•g1\1111 :;I L· '>Oii ot llu11,11d l l u g hl·-.· h:1 :-. t1l1·d" :-,t._•t·n11d l;1\1 "ollll Ill ('!Ill nC'c·lion 111111 ;in allt·g1·tl tru:-1 lund ht• 11 .1.., !'>tip )IO'>Cd Ill h:tl't' I l'('l'llt•d frnn1 t!i1· h1llion.111 •· l'l'l'IU!»t' .lo:-l'ph \1 f\11111 fl :!'.I :11:-t) i...n1111 IL .1 -.. H11 ·li.1rd 11 ll ughv:-, ul ·r, 11111 111 t 'n11 ... 1·qu1·111 1·... '\ \I ti d 11! (' d j) ,I \ I iJ H111·f..1•h •ll1·r "' '\••11 \ 01 I,. .ind /1111 ,1 \\ 1ld1·1 u! t '.d11<1rn1:1 .1 :-1h·l1·1icl.1111-. CHAIN SAVE ON CHAIN LINK FABRIC ·. 50°1o OFF*.vvlJ1 FABRIC WHEN INSTALLED BY WARDS ·• After a ll, t he food v.:.J:-. prob.ihly already eaten, he re.1:-.n11cd '':\f\l•I' 1h.d,'' J•'1ll'hl'S S:l.\'S, ''1ht• Jt'\ :>lft'.Jrll 1·onU1tJUl\S ;Jl lhl' 111,1100 ft·i·t ;dt1lt1dL' pli11111t•d for 1h1:-lrip ;11·l· no lorigt·r stor1n 11 t'•' It ':-l..t•vrllv d1!-.appo1nt1lll! lt1 hnth Ill' llt·1n:-ht·1mt•r, l•'urlit·-. \l.ig;111111··:-. .\tl;1nt1r pruJt't'I ..,,..,lt•rn .... fHIO!, .illd 111 Ille th;1I uur \11\.iL'.1· \\Ill 111· d1•!;1\'t•d until I lt·1·t·1n 111 ·1 \\.. lta1lt.•.v 1:-i :-.t•r11111 s .. l' l'l' J..:OlllJ.! ltl l'l' t''i~llllliLl' 11·11111 t..'\t'I'\' .1t1 i.:h· !hi· h.dloon aboul runnin g f<11· prt· 1n 111 -. ~;·,uu 01 1l lin11 -.1111 I ~===------:====--------=== r11t·d 111 lt·rl1·r.il, 111111 i Two night l :.itt·r ;1lter lht· \\111 dow \\•as rcpairt·d , :-.ot11i'Ot11• broke in ;ig;11n :ind rn.ult• o!I th1 :-. time w it h tool:-, :-.urrlt' p.11111 ,u1d t;ever .a l mor(• C'<tn :-. uf fi)(1d 'fl ll·'. J'( l\J.I S lll ."(; [~{'O•Hl .., 11•111.11\..:-. :-.upport th11:-1• rot I l1•1t1:-.lu·1 r111•r 111111 ~.11d ;1ht·r ( tiv Sholc·r d t·C"idt•cl to t;ihv ni.dlcr ,----------------. lntohi::;o.,1;n h<ind :-. l·'irst. he· i.:;1!ht·r1·d .di th1· rl' m ai ning c~11111t·d g1J11d.., .111rl -.101 i·d t hem sa fl'ly up:-!;11!'"> .1loni.: \\1111 t •v('r y lhing l'ISL' uf \ ;iluL' !rf1r111h1· b;,is en1cnl. 1\i E XT. 11•~ IJ(l('(;1rr .">UIJ)I' TI('\V c:annini.: )di'" ;111d l.du·t.·d 1ht'ITI l':lft•lull:-o .I'> !11tll.1ll•t•:-' and ··pl'<1t·hl·s ·· ·r i1 lht·:-t· 1r1u1 -. :ind \'t•g1•t ;1h!e:-. Sh11l1·1· ;1d1lo ·4I ,1 r t'l'IPl' Ctf ht:-. !lV. II Shnlf'r s:nd lit' l'ot11ld11 I r••\ v.d :Jll the l'on1 vnt-.. lout th1· 1ngr1· •f it·nt"> 1114·l11d1•d """!' .inti 1)01\'('rful la:\.il!\ , . .., !;our n1ght -. l.1!1 •t ,t th11·! liro1h1 in ;1i::;11n ;ind l1H1I,. ;Ji! lli1· t·.11uivd J,;OUd.'> till tilt· :-h1•JI 'l'hal 11 ;i-. tuu r 11 t•1·f...., .1 ;..:11 .11ld I th· b:i:-1·n1t.:n1 L:1nd11 h.1 ... 11 l lil·•·n bac k. Car Victini To Lose Leg ,·1·:'\·r1 H' 11 1•1 ,, 111in1,1n :-tr;1nilt•d 111" r{·1nott• t.11111111 tor .-.i\ da1:-fo!lo1~·111i.: .11! .1111on11tlnlo· ;1t'l'1th•11t 11 di 11.1\t' !1111:111• .i J,•g ;irnput :1l\•d . d .. 1·t111 ~ .... 11d J 1 .. 11 ('\ vr h1·1 p!i.\:-.11·1.111 1 (' lll'>t·d '1'11.-... cl.1\ IO '>Jll'\'Ul.11t · 111i1·th1·r th1· l1111h 1111:,.:hl h.1\1· ht'l'H -..,1\ 1·d ll ,I Ill.Ill \I ho ft· pol'\l'dlv IJ..'IH)ft•d h1·1· 11ll·:1'> l<H' hvlp oil tl11· tuuit!i d ;1\' ll;n! t".iill•d rt':-l'lH'f" . \f1 ... 1:.1 1l1,11.il 11 \\il-.,•n 11: ul \'l·11t11r;1 11 "" dr111ng u11 ll1gh\1 :•:--:r1111)! 111,,111 1;11 .I.in ti 11ht•n :-hi· lo-.t 1·11111nil ul 11<·1 (· .• r .ilhl II pl1111 g t•d 111!11 .I r;1 11~ lfl I CHILDRENS 1·11nlq.,:u1-.1t11111 . :.i1HI 111 1:-111111 . sidcnl in l~J71i a!'> :111111 ' I I I ti l!"lltl 11L l~ICt>\\' l·:\H l .ll·:IC \\t'l't..•i.:n111 i.: II •t'llltgl\1:-Urt·\h•· c .... c . 111,·d .i :-,;,o 11111111111 1111 ·.ol'!i l <iUtl('h 1t•h1t·ll·:-. ;1r1' .1dt·qu:ll1· !11 ------------- lhl'l'll11rniuu:-:-.lrt':--.t·:-1 111 '11 1 t•il "1 1 "tlli .1v1 ... 1111 .ig.1111 ... 1 1111 _:!11·:-> t'11111t'tldlt\).'. llii;..:111 ·:-l.iilL·d 1n J111rH>I .11\ .dl1·!..'.•·d ;1J .. '1 v •·1110•111 H• ~·111· ll1 u11 II 1·111111111 ol .1 :-.,,1111111 111111 tr11 -.l l1111d '1'111·: .\('('fl )J·:.'\'I' <)•'!'Ill! t•1 I -,horll.1 ;d !t•r 1.1 rn ·.1:111 huut-.1<1,. llH· ln1:..!,l' ;11r:-h1p li.111g;11 .d 1111· ht•l11·011ter IJ il:-•' 'l'hl' ;1,.r11n ;1111 ..,· 1111·.., 111·1·,. hl'IL'll1 pt·ril.·d II li··n llH· l.illrli'lt :-\:-ll'lll µ,11 v 11 .11 111-.1 liclol'•· 1111 1dl .ind 1111· h.dl<>on -. 11 l1q1p•·d lht• J.'."Tld1d.1 I I •!Ill 11 ... pl.111•Jt 111 l111nl1li11 g ll :H'!n-.-. 11a· 1·(11H·t1·11 · 1'111111 :11 \I 11111 ... 1d1•r,1lilt· d.1ng1·t' to li1ni -..·ll 1··r1·JH 11 "11·"·1· .... 1·11•nl1:-l .l1·,1n 1'1(·1 1 .. P .. 1111111·1 ·\·.tu · I l·.11·h,·d 1 li1• 11111 ~1dt• 1•n1vrg1·11~·1 l•.dl1111t1 r1·Je.1-.1• 11 li1"!i :-.;111•d 1h,• ;.'.!!lHli!l.t ;111d II:-pd11I-. IJ1•f11r1• 1111• c1.dl .... h1 i.:hl1 1·\1olo..,111· lr<pud "'.1J.!l·n tc111k :-ruplur1·d Can1pus Saff'r H l·:Hl\:J-:LI·:\· (l 'P!> .l\l;iior r1·p11rt1·d e r int1'..; un thl' t (' 1':1111 1•11., 1n llc·rkeley in 1~17,1 fl·ll 8 p1:r 1•1·111 fron1 197.1 :ind :JH p1·rc·1·n! 1111111 :1 p1·;1k 111 1~171 . uff1c:al :-r1· I~ II'(' ·d Zeppe li11 Refus e <l Lice11se /i()S '1'1).'\ f1\l'l .\l:1.1ur f\1·1111 JI \\'hll•• l!.1-. l't'lll ... t•d !ot 1 ... :-11•' ,I hl·t:n"><' l•1 .1111111 !ht• 1.t·<I Z1·11111·l1n 1 "1·h !!1'11111' to h!1ld ;1 1·011 1·,·rt .ii Ho.-,111n (;.1rdt·11 l··,.1 , I ·r1i,. d1·1·1 ... 1••11 \1 ,1:-. .i1 triln1lPd 1" ;1 d1-.turhan1·1· [;i-;! II i•1•f.. II ho'll ;dJ~ollt :!.~>00 Pt'Pl'i·· II .11\lll!.! 1111' lll'h•·t ... 1111·1·\\ l111itlt· ... l)Jl thl' c:;1rd1·11 11·1· :-.l.1:-h!·d .1 I J rt• ho:-1 f t•lf't':-hn1t'lll .Ill!\ 41111 l't''>"lllll .... 11111l 'lf'l'i11·d lit<' (''\111i,.:111 ... 111·1 ... Sears l'liv :-11 11 .1;..:.1111 ·,I ll111 ·h1•l1·lh·I' ,111d \\ rld1•1 .ill1·~i'" Hr•o 11 n !1.1 ... 1 i· ,1-.111110 IH•IH'I ,. tfij• d1·!1·11 d.1111 ... 111\t'.'lt•ol ,'i.o ll 1111l!ru11 ur 111111 ·1· ;..:11,.11 I•• 111,.rt1 Ii~ l!t1 )..;/Jt•:-. II !'l.!Jlll.., ihl' lft1-;t Ill\•'"! lllt'!ll'> ,iJ't• hl'L11 i,.: 1i1·ld 111 lht• ('11;1 :-.1· 1\l;111h.dt.111 l\.1111,. t!I .'\'l'\\ \!II k 11111 Iii" 1lt'l1•JHl.nll:-. 1'1'111'>1' \11 )..'li t ' Hrn\111 .111 .' 111101111.1 I L!Hl .d111Lll l ilt'lll l\ltl)\\'.'\"S l·::\lt l .ll·:H -.11 1l l'l:ur111·d ht• du.! tH1\ i...1H111 11 ho h1 :-p :n ·t·nt:-.,t 11t•11• until l~!ii'.I 11h1't1 \\ iltl1·r told 111111 llu;..:!it·.., 11 "" 111.., f:d hvr JI -.,1id \\'ddt'I .... t•I lip .1 111<·1·(11\;_: Ill 1:17\1 \\till .i Ill.Ill l~l.,ll!l ll•'lli'\I'-, 11.1 :-0 1111 ,_1 i ..... WOMEN'S e 2523 Eoslbluff Dr. Ne wport Be ach ~~ 640-5516 ~ LA.BY~rrYs & GIRLS E-SIZE 14 Where Thrift ls Always In Style Located on the Lower Level • t;indif19 A n o u I s School & se\e ct1on o~s .. Al l oress ShO u\ar. cu r- lrorn our \,_egExcel\ent rent stoc · I sizes & selection ° sty\ es. Featunn9 sus1ER BROWN CH\lO l\fE KEOS SALE STARTS THURSDAY . JANUARY 16 DOORS OPEN ATlOA./lto.. R•<I· toS21 · SAL£ pR\C£ to S\Q90 10 FASHION ISLAND • NEWPORT BEACH No E11changes or Refunds on Sale Merchandise OFF Sears Forme r Low Prices Sportswear Coats Dresses Robes Pantsuits A fantastic se lection of fa shion favorites! But, hurry, not e ve ry style in e very size . Quantity limited. [[ears \ Ask About Sears Convenie nt Cre d it Plans So. Coast Plaza 333 3 Bristol St. Phone 540 ·3333 Buena Park 81 50 L a P alma Ave. Phone 828·4400 Orange 2 100 N . Tustin Ave. Phone 637 -2100 •·· J I \ • ~ • .. "' • • ' • • Ao ......... , t'1Lu T Wednesday January 15. 1975 ·~· Slashed 50% and More Off Sears Former Low Prices Assorted Children's Wear Sears I I ~1 H ug-alon<!l. Sheer Support 1 lo,;e I tCt·:,::11l11r '2 .'J') 224 Supporl All-n ude Panty Hose. $:(,C)lj !'\ulllH)rl ,\lo•,.11 h.11 it l'n11I)' Jj,.,.,. :!.97 ·$,). 19 llt'µ:ul nr !"i11p11ort l'unl)' lln.~•· :! 11air,. 5 . 11) ~;).1)1) .. :)>.1r-11·l11r!<i'" !"iu11· 11url l'1111ly ll~s•· 2 p1ur .. ~-t>•) S I .]9 !"iu111Nlrt h.1.,·o• 1 1 ~11.i '11)1· Off Sears CUT 30o/o to 60% ~~r,~:r -\··-~-,. • Sporli;wt~;1r • Ore s~t 'l"' • Pa11l S11its • C<•itts .\Iii-~~-~~ Si:.r.t·s Ila If Si:.r.•·~ J1111it1r ~iZt"!'i Choose from a Fall assortment of dressy and casual fashions. Many k inds of fabrrcs and textures. But. hurry not every slyle in every srze. Quantities lrmrted C UT 44o/o lo 50 %! Men 's P e rma-Prest ® Dress S hirts Men 's D o uhl1 · Knit l)u o s Long sleeve shirts 1n tex· ~:err ~·) t urized polyester knit or 10 s11• stretch woven polyester-497 cotton. Solids or patterns. Men's sizes. Fantastic variety ~_,t slyles and colors -"'' 3 4 handsome solids. oold 'rt• plaids and assorted pat· ~ lerns. Quanlities aie li - mited. SAVE 41 o/o lo .50% Yrl. .Fabric,; in Solids, Prints Polyester-cotton blend flocked gingham or "Angel Skin ·" fabri c. Machrne washable, dryable. 45-inch w id th . l{t·µ-11lar '1.69 lo '1.99 ··c·•~••••I (,i, i11~~· ;;,·ar• 399 I A 1~· J>ri•·t• I ~'I· ~' . DuPont · nylon prle shag construcled of 100% continuous filament nylon . In 5 at ions. ,. ,,.,. •·> . }'I ' ·'·· •~ • .~I/. I •. •·I 'rt• ,·it·\.\~' H··~ul ar 5 99 •;.'J'):'°"c1 .),I. ..: \I _., c I . I • Nylon pile shag will not fuzz or stied. Most sprlls wipe riqht up. Ant1-stat1c frnrsh . In 6 colors. '··--- ! ' " 11, , , • • 11 .. ' • ''·" •. 11 ••. 11,,,. i .. '" -.1, ..... " ....... ~·- Mattress and Foundation 5-in. deep Serofoam mattress and matching foundation . s J 71J.90 t ·uu !"'iz.r _ _ n •1.n11 (; ltf<:A'I' !"\,\ \'I N(;S 1\L..;t) ON KING ANI> ()l ll-:EN !'i lZES. ••\'•:r111u111·· ·r~·i11 ~izr IC,·~· • 1;s9.9(• 69~-~ !<PHr• 399 l...c>w 1•rit•t" !"'11 . \11. Carefree nylon prle sculp- trred carpet Features a cobblestone pattern In four colors. 11.·~ulur 5 99 '7.99 Sq. '\'11. !"\•1· ),I. Sculptu red carpet of con- tinuous filamenl nylon prlc resisls sheddrng. lrghls stains. 7 mult1-colors. 50% OFF Sear s R egular Prices 0 11 Select e d Co lors ...ort·('11~1 '. l~'r•lher-li1~«. or l 'rn,·1·l L\1 n~l r r" Totes, weekenders, pullmans, and more. Prices Effective Through Saturday, January 18 1\sk Ahout S 1·ars C onven ien t. Mo st lte 1n s a t R e duced Prices ... S hop Early for B est Selectio n s ..• Qua ntities Are Limite d C r edit Pl11,11;i 2 I I • .. .. '" SAVE s31 !. ll:!llUI l{t·,:.:11l;i1· ·2 l 4J.'>.) 2-~flt'f'fl \\·,,~l1f·r ~;1 ~ :_ :--:;;! \ I I ~(___)' # 11 I IO I J(4 ·;.::11l 111· 'I 7c1 .tJ .) l·~lt·(·lrit · l)r,·1·r SAVE $40! l,t1rl 11l•l1· t:OLOll T\ lit•l.!'1tlar •:.!(>1).9;) 22988 15-in d1<1gonal 1neasure p1crure SAVE *40! f(1 ·µ-1 1lar ':.!:~'). <),) •~11ill ·i11 I )i~l1,~;1 .-l1•·r 19988 ·- Interior flat Painl llt·~1l11r 'I{. 99 GuJ . 44~ul. Durable !ale)( wall paint. Flows on wilh ease. II 86005 r..., ........... . • J _,.0111_ 1.;n .,1, rt. • Colnrf••I • S11nt .,...i.111111 "" ~"" 11'"' "'"t r•- ••ry 11t1di1k>1111I p•iril or )"fl"',, ... ,.,., l.11r"-('t. h,.n •11plll'•l ,.,,.,. ,,,..,,...rly l'"'l'"""'I •urra.,,.•) ' 'I 1 I • Perma-Prest® Musli11 Sl1eets $ for t)11 1·1·11 1:1:11 ,,,. l,.itt1·1I h.i11;.:: 1:ra1 11r 1:i111 ·1f :-\1n111 la rd J•jJ Jc1"' 1·a .. , ... f1 . ;; t'JH'" SAVE 540! "!"'1 .. t f~--.t ·---- ... ~.-_-u ... w· ~ 11· ' ' -• -· • ,. ' ·1 SAVE 550! II I ."S:.!11 / <r.! I 11-I f(1 ·;.::11 l;i1· ':.!(>(}, ();) :-itrt•lt:l1 ~lil(·l1 ~1;1(·l1i11t• SAVE 530! l(1 ·~11lar "J 2<J .1).l \:tt'lllllll \'\ill1 1•,,,,·•·r1t1.al•· •· 9988 SAVE $40! It~· 1-!111 111· • 2 :~•). ') .l L>O-\\ 1111 \li('l"f)\\;j\(' ,., •••• lt1 •j.!tll:1r ·;;1 .tJ9 l•t>t•kt•l (:01lt·11lat11r \\ i1l1 \l1 ·111ur\ Has constant feature 44 percent key. floating 97 d(lc1mal, AC adapter · and case. SAVE 8 13 to 8 21 !"1·11r .. llif.("l'"llY I '111•"'1·11111•1'" 'I "irr f; 11ur1u1l•·1· II you do not roce1ve lhe number o! m1!os spec1!1ed because ot your tire becoming un- serviceable due 10 (1) c1etects. {2) normal road ha1ards. or (3) t1e.Jd wear-out. We will at our option. exchange •t !or a new tlfe or give you a relund chargrng 1n e11her case only the propot11on o! tho then current selling pnce plus Federal Excise t::ix that rep. resents mileage wsed II the lore •S unservoce· able due 10 any of Ille above causes belore 10"-I. ol !he guaranteod mileage 1s received. the replacen1enl or 1efuf'ld w~I be made w1lh no charge !or mileaqe received Nail puncturt:!s will t'6 rep;urorl at no ct1;irge Guarantee ;;ippl•e~ 10 t•ies on veh+cles used !or pnvate l11m1!y pu1poses ........................ ..a ') l B I I .. -,..,,, ynag a s,,; e le• o 28,000 !\'Jiles (;11ara11le1~ SIZE I . , ..... , .. I 1 ..... "· IF.E.T. ! ..;.\ \"F , ..... , ,., ... . . . Hl.\Lk\\ \I ,I ..... 4 :7H-1 :\ '.\•1.410 :!t.. no :.!.IHI I :1. OU 1.;;11 . I I I :\. 4HI . :!H. hf• :! .. I.I ) I. '.I I F 711 . I I I ~.1111 :H1.11n :.?. :;o 1;;,00 1;;n.1 I l<J .011 :1:!.l•h :!. h 7 I ''· ;1 I 1;711.1:; :;o. uo :1.\. :1:1 :l. ; I 11 .. 1. 7 11 711 -1.; ,;],CHI :1:; ... , :1 :!. '1 7 I 7.h 7 I I \ "I It\\ II ' «:711 -I :1 l:l.4HI :lH. 011 :!. 4 HI I I.IHI E711. I I l(o.flO :111 . ,,,, :l.:1:1 I .i . :1 I F 7H-I I Ill.OU ."I :l, 011 :l .. ;11 l <>,00 4; ';'/I. J I ;;1. fMI :1 I. 1,1, ;!, I> 7 I 7. ;1 I 11 7H-l I .; I.IHI :111 .llU :l ,'1 2 1;1.00 1; 7H-I .; .;~1 . tHt :1.i .:1:1 :.!. 7 1 I 7 .117 II ;u. I :; ,;fl,1111 :17. :1:1 :!. '17 t H.117 l.7H-1.; h :J.IMI I.::?. 00 J . I . I :.! I . op ROSE BUYS '.'I / 1 .. ~ -· .. ;-;.1 . J 1> t •• 11,.I l~u .. 11 ,, •. ( .li11d1.·1· :..; I .(11) lt1-llt 'I' 1~ .... i. Ill' ( :li111 lot•I' . ..:. I ,1)1> ,,, ... 1 1111 .. 11 ,,,. ( :li111h1·r 1:i111·-.1 l ';l11 ·111 1.2') I .. ~9 :!.'J9 Fruit '1'1·1·1·,., ,).f;;il . .'-ii /,I' Orange, lemon. lime. grapefruit. tangerine and tangelo. · SAVE $1 ,._.------ Se:1ri-> Oil Fih1·r n ........ ,99c ~ 1.9<) Meets new car warranly requ1remen!s Fits most Amencan rnade cars I\ :il-h '"' Doi! ·,\ Cal Food ,, . .,,_ 2 8~-0z. ....... ,. t:.-11 Chunk.y M P S. food for dogs or ca!s Sears SLAJl.S, 11.0 111uci.:: }l,'\:l,l c:u. S..•n l'r;,.1.,~ Poli•'>' If an item is not described as 1eOuced ~r a special pu1ctiSse. 11 11 at 1ls regular pi1ce A speco::il p11rchase, though not reduced. 15 an f'l~ceptoonal value \fl,,.,.,i.lnii: p.,11 .. , II we should run ou1 ol any actver11S8<1 ilem during !he sttle, Ot should an Hem no! arrivf'I due to produclion Of lranaportaitiQn prob. "ems we will reorder tor you at lt)4I sale t>rice OI' otter you a bettei 1lem al the adver11SfKI pr1Ce Tr11s ex>es not appty lo deerence And Closeout "*' wr.e ava11.101e quantities e1e 11m1t&<,1 11 you have a questiori concerning any Sear~. :trl proase call the customer service dept al your l\ftarest Sears store. , . ' AIO OA1L vP1Lor Wv<J'1e'io<J..l'f J"nu 1ry I"> 197'• Changes· In Smog Law Seen County Unhu1·t by EIR Ruling 01''-Lil ).!l' ('\~lltl\)' 1'11\<).l: \.'0!1\1 Ill I I' ).!lJ !;ilH>tl,.., th:it l'fll!l'!'! .">!I\ 111.1).. ... !I •.dnio:-.t 1n1pu:.s 1hlL· f.,r ·!lt'\\. g:1:. station:-tu 4q1 .. ·n for llu:.1tll'!-:o. 111.1.' bL•ch;1tL).,!1•d lll'.>;t ll1<lllt h. \ . .., ot .!:111 l ;in ~unc \\1 -.1\111;..: 111 op ... ·n :1 g;1:. :-t .11 10 11 n111st t'~l!llp ti IL' pu rnp:-. \\1th dl'\'ll'L':. tlc:.1gllt'd 111 "rt•\'1·nt v1tp11rs fl'nrn t"'l':ip111 ~ into 1h1· :11 r '' ht·n fu,·I 1 ... 1•un111 C'tl 11\IU l',11 ' 111' ll11tlt•1'f!l o lHHI 1a11h .., 'l'lfl·'. l'ltll Bl.l·'..\1 1:-. 11l1·t•r\1·r-. :-;t\, that Un :-1 11·1\ l'{tlllpll l•'lll th,11 •• i,..., :-.1!1:.f11·-. 4 .~Ll lll \ lll'L' l'tlllt•:-1-. 1111 lht• cn.irht·I 'l'hc s1n11g rt·qu11·1·1nt·11 1 ~ :1"' tl1•·.v rto\\ ~1 ;1nd \1uuld n I 111• 1·11 l<•r1 ·1·d a t l·:...1. ... 11ng ~1:1111111 ... lit lld .i \1-.1r fro1n1 111111 ·r1i1· l·h;.inJ.J.1·" 111 thL· 1,1\1' n1:1\ .,111 1pl.\ ;1111n11rit lu ;11l 1•\t1·1l.,1ul11 1! l l!lll' If\ 1ht• l"1!11'd lll "lll't'I \i""I'" lo P1'l'l ll ll dt'I (•l11 p v1· ... 11l 1lll' I ,+pi>! r1·1·1 111 •1.1 ..,_1 ... 11•111 " lo 11·11111· llil·r11 :JIHl get th1·1n .1ppru11•d ("11111111 :\11 l '<1l ll1!1 111) ('untl'o! l l1:.tl"Jl"l .UIJH'l.d -. -,.1ld 1[ 1-. 11~1·1\ the L111 111111 1 IJ1· 11L·:1k1·nl·d h1·1·;1u.-.1' I h1• .... I .JI l' :\1r l(j'.-.Olll l't,'~ B11;1rd l"t'J.:IJl.ll 11Hl:-. .ti l' loo toug h (Jl-'1·'1('1.\1 .. ~ S,\,. :-..1111 1· \..11111 n l p r 1·:-.-.t1rl.' 1 ;11·tn11n 11 •11t on th1· hu-.1· no11l1·s 11ould pruh.1111.1 111 • ;1d1·qu.1 tL· to rn1:1·t th1· .... 1;.111d;11d-. 01 I .ipnr I t 'l"\I\ l'I \ 1 h;11 ha1 I" ht't'll 1·:-.tahl!:-.h1·d ~10 p l"11·1·111 ol l!h· \tit.JI. l~ut 1"1rt• 11rl11"1.d:-. 111111 t J.!l lL' tht·u· li l~s :-.1111.: u11t1I tht" :-..1:-.t1·111.-. :1r1• :1ppro1·t·d h .1 thl" I 11 d1·r1\r!\1·r:-1 .. 111<11 :1111r1~·" 1\ppr'0\.11 qf thv "~'!l"!ll ., h,\ l 'I. is n11t t''llt't·t vd u111 ii :-.un1111t•r :ind s1;1\t' ,\l!J\ 1il l1 (·1•il :-.;1)" thi·1r l l':-.\tl\g 1•qu1pn1l'n t \1'011 "! lJl' read.\ un1 11 ;.it lt·;1:-.t l:1tl':-.pr111;.: '!"ht• A liB 11·111 11101111<11 :1\:1da - hle s1·s tem .-. to hv ~lll'l' tlil.'I' ntt•t·t tht· sii1·t·1fit:I! rvn . .., or tilt· l;i._'\. dinners from $2.25 luncheon, too ~~]![ 3901 E. Coast Hwy. Corona Del Mar Rei. 675·0900 ORANGE COUNTY ·sheriff Warni1ig Cyclists 1 lun<lrl'd:-. 111 111 ·11 r 1 1 !l t.11·1·~ 1·11•:-. n1ounl~1d h.1 .1111111:.: l11·f lllJ11·rs ;11·1,: on l>r .n1 g1• l\111111 .1· ro;1ds till:-. rnonth aud lti(".\" ).!Ill ;1 ..,~l'l"ll 11 :1 rn111g l\1d;1y f1·0111 Sli1·1·1ff B rad (;;t\l':O. ··s1a.1· .,11 pri\·;it l· propl·l'ly . lhl' :-.hl·1·1ff :-..1ul. '"l'h1" dl·p:1rt - 1n 1·rll 1:. d l·lugl'd ~ii 1h1s ltrlh' iJf th1· ~1-.1r l\llh t·on1)'l0t111t:-. fru1n t' r " p t' r L _1 o \\" n ,. r .-, :1 n d IHO\ul'l'l"t'l1 ..,t s !llU:-.l In: :L\\,Lfl" \l1.1t th1·y llC('C! :-.p1•(•1fll' p1 ·rn11-.:-.11•11 fr1•m tlu· 01\nt·I' nf 11r11 :i11· l.111d hl·forl· lhL'.\ Lilll r1lle t1ll l I .\If ino!nft.\L"lt·S 111u1-o l hl' h 1·l·n:-1·d :ind th1· drt\'L'r rnu"t pu:-.:-.e :-.-. :1 ('l:.1:-.:-. 4 ('~d1 fnl"tlL.1 <lp1·r:11ors l.i("l'll:-t'. t..::dL'S Hdlii:d 'J"hc 111ot111"t".1 cl1· n1usl also lil' l'quippt·d v. 1th all 1·cquircd :;;if l·l_v dC'1·1ce s includin g :.i n1ufflcr. I (;;des :-•11d his offi ce rs l\JJJ h l' t·racking dt/\\11 on n1ot1 1rl·y1·l1-.t:-. 11ho l'rc;l!L· unnel·e.-.:-.;1 r .1 loud noise or d11:-.t in <.111.1· <J!f r o:11I dr1\- 111g :-.1\ "'I' 1\ '' ~ ,\ ~\ rl't'enl C'.d1fnrni.1 Su1Jrt·n 1c Court ruhug 01 dt.·r111g iircpar;.ition or t:nviro n - lll •"lltal 11r1p.Jt'I rcµort :. on :i.nnex .du1n :. f11 41J1;1hl)' "'o n 't c-:1usc too 1n.111y pr11hlt."n1.-. 111 ()r;111ge Coun · l_\, ..,Olll"Ct':> fl'L'I ·r1it· l'L'.1:>!)11 1:-. 1 h;1t thL· coun t ~ l .O<"o.tl A gent)' J-'orn 1:.it1un C..:on1 - 1n1 s,.1un, "'h1 c h :.els on a Anexu· l ions •111 rl de·anncxatiuns from t·1 tll':-.. ~ct up 1l s ov1n E IH g u1dt-hncs th e la :-t l1n1e ::.UL'h ._. l'o1 1r t ilt"t' 1s ion \\"as h;i ndt•d do"·n l 'on1 n11:-.:-.1uncr,, lll'l"l' told thl.' ,; l e1)urt a e t1on grl'\\ out of a ll.1t 11t· 0\"l'I" the fi77 <ll"l"l' HL•!l 1!:1111·/J 1n \'l•ntura ('uunt). 1 .. \1-'(' 1-:x~:f'l 'TJ\'I-: l hrct·t111· H1ehard ·r urnt·r :-.a id the O r:.1r1t!•· ('ounly l'un1 n 11:-.:-t11 11 ;.idoptl'd ti s t..:IH prot·(·d tirl".-. f1)r annC'sa\1011:-. :-.horlly after ;111 :1 pµL·la!l· <"IH!I"\ de<'l:-.11111 t'.trly l;1:-.l y1·.1r 011 thv :-.;11111· \'t·ntur:.1 µropert1 1'he 1nnst rcrt.·nt (';1u1·\ ;t1 ·t1011 ll.1:-. ll"t h1 •1•n :-.t'lll tu ()rallgl.' <:nun1 .1·. hut 'f'urn .. r :-..11d :dl l"l' port~ ~n f;i r :.ho\\ I h e I .. \ I•'(' 11·011 "t l1t• l"n nfrutltt•d v.·1th 111•11 dL·l;1y:-; or t•lft•t'll\"1• <:hall eno:~·-. tu 1!s d e t'l:.11111:-. !IL lhl' in1111 1·1l1 :11t' ftt\Ul"t' County Gets Housir1g Fund S:\,"\'1'1\ :\:\.\ 'fh~ U .S. n1·p;1r l llll'lll of l l ou si ng ;ind l rh.111 LJ e\ 1•lnpn1l·t1t h ~1s begun ;ill<H-.1 l1 n g SI 77 n1ill1un in r e ntal ,1!'."1 ... t;u1 1·l' funds to ht•lp lu1\- 111~·111 11e f:1rn d 1~"., 111 U1·<.1nge Coun- I_\ ll'.l"'' ho11:-.u1g ('un ;.:rt.·.-.:-.111 an A n d r e\\" 11111 :-.h .1 11· ~Ii ~l'\\"J>O l't lit:ach l ,,;11d n1ort· th;1n S I million v.;111 i::o \i) tl1t• t ·111J11t .\·· . .., l /ou:-.111g /\ul llur1 I ~ ,ind tliv r1·ina1 ndc r \\ill ~u t11 l h I' s :t 11 I ;1 1\ II ..t 11 0 lJ :. j 11 g :\uthor1t.1·. 'l'!1c fund:-. ;1r 1· sent l'.1L·ll yc;1r 11ndcr l cr111!'. uf the U .S . lluu:-.i11;.: .\('l o f IH:J7 'l'hL'V are 111:1lil' ;1\ :11!:1hl!' on lich:1lf uf elig 1b!1: f;1n11l11•:-. \\")Ill v.·ill contribute a r11:.ix1n1un1 uf 25 pcrt'e nt of their pL·r':-.on:d inet1111c to rt•nt. _ . for bountiful women who are a cut above the rest!"' •• 34 77 VIA OPORTO PH. 6 73-8530 LIDO VILLAGE A for Alm an a c Ther e's il 1 000-pllis p .1QC Oti(>, Sj)('C:l <i l 111 conrenl .1nd µrn:c ~.,Ith A for Accuracy. H'::. p1 0(J!11,,,1·rJ lJy l 'Xfl l'f l Cd 1l 0 f 5 ,1nd 11'.1 1Ufl' wrdcrs 1·ep1t ·•·lll1!l1l l~lt: Authority of the v:orld s l :i1 gn~1 nr>v.·,- g a1hcr111q o r g.1n1,·.1t1(1n, Tl11.,, /\<;!)(JL1.llPd Press ;:i ri d ii s- Availa ble now 111rough this n e \~·c:;p<iper for only S2 00 plus 25 cents lor pos1.1 ge ant~ hJndllng.Scnd lur your et11: ion 100;,.t r 7o order your 1975 Dd•fron (,1,,r:I add•l<O,,IJI 9,11 copie s I. simply till 0111 //"Ir> c OUOO'' and tna•t 11 " 111 the co11oc1 romitt.Jncc 10 '"" ,1rtiJ1i.:'!. ind1c.Jtcd Allo.., l out '""r L , tor dei.vPI Y b,... m.1.r f. '.1 i<:f' chcc l<s p..i)'.1V1•· ''' The Assoc•atcd Prf!~~ ' f"'; ;,:;,,uc-- Ir· o 11~· G 7.' I'' 1~· ,. r~ J 016t.£i f •tlr" d " S 1tor" "1 1~1 nn rr M '-lf 'o,\C 1' f f() l '-l h,.nG''~t ~"~ ~''''~t· 11 . :1 ~I I ' .,, f, f> I • 1 I• 1.1~ !01 DAILY PILOT I I 1 ... , ______ 1 I"""' I ll Clfl STAT{ ~!P _ 1 ,;, ... -~. Ir '"''" ,,,•bl• 1• J L T_, ,,,.,. 1J1•d ,,, UI ________ _, MOH. THRU THURS. & SAT. I 0-5:30 FRI. 10.9 SUH . 11 ·5 CLEARANCE SALE WE FOR 121/2 to SPECIALIZE IN WOMEN WHO 321/2, 38 to SIZES WEAR 52 and those chic, hard-to-find I 2-1 4-1 6-1 8 and 20. DRESSES SIZES I 2 thru 20 So'"'" drsi9"*" d11 y lilTM' and r vr .. ~119 drts't' a \ well 11s our r eCJUlar fi.,t ma"u""fac liort rs colle-clion\.. 50°/o OFF COORDINATES Stoc k ;,.cludt\ pa,.ls . lops, bla1tr\. ve,l\, la"'!I •kirt•. th;. 10 0°0 polytsltr•. 1/2 OFF Sixes 12-20, I 21/i-261/2 SIZES I 2 112 to 321/2 Afternoon c"d la n9 90..,.,H fo.-rv<:ry •to•On. Fi"t fabrics and s~r.:ti°". Tfttrt or t a!'o •Omt 9or9rau• e-•e-111,.q PYIG"'°'· 50°/o OFF & MORE PANT SUITS All ,olye-sltr fro'" leod i"IJ fcshio" ftoo.11r1. Some ;,. lri-sta•°" ..,,;gM. For ploy or p11rlyli-. 1/2 OFF Sizes 12·20. 141/2°261/i • EXTRA LARGE DRESSES. GOWMS We're discontlnuin9 our S<lper sizes 26 1/i to 321/i and 48 lo 60 and ha ve just a few pieces left al UNBELIEVABLE LOW PRICES ... Some were up to $100 Haw $9. "MAUDE " VESTS ,.., .. color, !n ll1 e qr•ot IOftq "'''' lo coorcti11att with pont, 0,. dr*''''· Oriw1t polyt•ltr•, deni11n. 1oml' lurar • .. t ll""''' .... '"" 57 88 Sole ,dctd ............ • Sizes la Flt I 8 to 48 BLOUSES & TOPS Sloi::ll l11ckuMt pullo•rr ~11il1. hmic lop1, pe11t !opt, '9utlo" fr oflf1, irlc. V•ry MWird tl;le1 o"d color•. 1":!,,'.1•0."~~·········-· s5.QQ Sl1•• 42 lo SZ p1u1 :_~ ;;1::::~~---...... 56.88 Thuugh lht' I .~\ YC mu~! h:.11 t• E l U:-. 111 h aud before at"t1on 1-. takL·n . 11 h,1:-. :-.ttpul;.ite<l tho.it th1.· L'ily ur' l'illt•:-. 1nvol1·cd mu:-.t l~:.r the ('11:-.l of pr eparing tlu• r e port:. In :1 1·ct·ent cu:-.c 1n1·olv1 ng '.llJ ;14 ·1·t·:. 10 lhL' l\rca :1rL•;1, lilt~ pro j11·ft_v dCVl·lfl).iel" h:1:-. bt.'~0 t"!d \.J prcparL· t.Jll E l H I\' '11,()ft L'""L""· :-.llt'h a:-. .1 1 ~ 111 •\,1!11111 ot :.1n gh· lut ~ tu scr \ 11·1• f1 1:.t r1t·1 ·r11t 11t-r t.•xcrt.·1:-.t·!i h1 ~ 1h :-. ('!'cl1vn ~1ry powe r to rn:·1k L' ;.i ''nl'g:1 l ~\1.' clt'clar a 1iu1i ' st<.1t1n g the t.11·111111 won't h11\1· :1 si~ni fi t•:.int 1n1p;1tl on the e111·1rontnl'llt 'I'll t!.1tl", th~· onl:.· t :Jlt 's t h;1\ Ila\ 1• h l'Cll p re p ared by the j \!•'f.: :-, "111·dJ •I ti ! ;U l ' l!Ho-.1 llJI 111 h<ill::>l ' 1•• uJ•'' l ... ul·h ;_i ;; "plu·r (· or llllllh"lll 'I " JlloJlf:-0 IU I :0-j>l'\'tlll' 1· 1 ! It'.~ ·r11 r11t·r ~.11t! 111 ,· ••Ill~ 1111p.11·1 111 \h,· IL!"\\ l'Ull! I .II 111111 llhJ\ hl' ti• r1 ·q11+1 t' 111"!'" 'I" .-1ILL' d t•l.i!I:-111 !ht• t-:JU :. 1h,1i1 111< l .. \l'L' l\Ul\0 rt· (j lll l"t!" ~ei~mal~»:~~~ ~v-~i\~~_J,~t~~=---~~~~Join us in our super ~~rl of the Hew Year! ~i~ ~~:a~!~T~~~~~G~• Clo~~ @ 1 'l. Sleepw...-· Pl•rweer · Df'esses -P•nta ~Pb\.~ Shirt•· lnf•ntwe•r ·Long Dre•••• Now .n progre::.'; (end:; J .. 1n 2 7) at the SOUTH COAS T VILLAGE :.hop Ill Co::.ta Me'ia 'San\<1 Ana Hu111 ,, Mon · F ri 10 ,1 m til 9 p n1 S.1t 10 ,, n1 1.i 6 p m , S11n noon 111 ~1 :1n r) rn !.<•~' 01 V<J' '" ''"I'"• 5>'1""'• I., • "• 1 •••' ·' ""·" ''~""'"'"'"'""' <, '"~I•< "''"'l'UU l 1l 1"" M"JI ,11 ( 1Nl)l IHI I .. I;• l .. MUIJH ""''' , I'•!< (1AtoY l•I 1 "'' I• 1• ' 1-ULL t •1I N!•t":O.'l•IH""~"'J<• ~lr<>.r V<!I 11111(< ,1,., UJ• L 1 nu.., uot :;r-tJt1 t <rHn" ,,, <l•ll 1 1 •" .... , Penney Penneys presents the complete camera! mamiya/sekor 1000 DTL with f/1.8 lens Th e 35mm single tens reflex camerc. with both 'spot' and 'average· melering. Th" exciting Mam iya/ Sekor 1000 DTL will give you per!ccl exposures 1n any setl!ng. Ttirough lhe lens v1cw1ng .ind focusing assu res perfect composition ;ind sharpness. ti's a best seller . 1000 DTL with f/ 1.4 lens. S179 500 DTL w'lh 112.0 S139 Evere•dy case, '1295 Close-up f '),;;,.-,;-i •• ;:: . -.-· . ' -... ........ ·-~-r ' ~-·· -• . 4 . ..._ .. ~ Potlfails -~ '·~ ...:. -.. -- Ac lion Shop Sunday I I a.m. to 5 p.m. at the followin9 stores: FASHION ISLAND. N ewport Beac h (7 14) 644·2313 . HUNTINGTON CENTER. Hunt ington Beach (714) 892-7771 . > 1' •A 1 OU ·, ,_. I ' h i\\' • ' ·' ... •ho(l t, '" "' .. .,. "" . ' . " " ... ' ... "" . , ... '··~i \ 111• I lo I " 11,1 lh d i· ' " I " ' 11, ,., t n · "I I " .. " I , ,, , .. 'I Ii " h · \I. ... '. " . .. " ' " ' " .. " " ,, ' " " " ' ' , , . -. ... . -. QUEENIE By Phi l lnterlandi Polit iCfll _7\/f)tett .--~~~~~~~~~~~~- Transit Board Election Due . ... By O.C. II USTl"GS °' , ... o.u, ~lltt $1.otf R('publican s tate Senator De n· nis Carpenter of N ewport Bea ch had prai:.e for a t least a portio n of f_jove r nor Edmund G . Brown ·~ i n<.1ugur<1l a ddress. "I v.•;.1s c .'<lrem e ly pleased b y hi!-. con1n1c·n l o n no tax in t·rc;.i sc," ~aid Ca r p(•1iter, who is his party 's caucus ch;.iirn1;.i n in the state Senate ---1 • • • . . ... -~ .• -·-·· ... •• ••I' ~-·" .,...,. ···~·-U.S. S ENATOR Crrinston has protested a propos a l to rais e the pri ce o r f ood ~ta 1np s f or Amc ri c-a 's e lderly <1 nd µ<X•r I dv11 l1k1· tu 1n tt·r fl'rl', lil!l )uU'rl' heading right l1 11\«.1rd .1 l1l11·-:111ay lUrll' •• • • • For· ..-flit~ Record SPf:AKERS 1''0R the annu al legis lative s tra tegy confere nce ,,,,,.,.;,,~, .. l .i•·•••ts•·.,· I I> , 11 ~·' ' '" •''"\I ••ro • •I '"'' ••••l\r'o" lo·'"" I I < p ! t.1" r 1 I 'J1i~• 'I I </ •"''! ry.,.o , I lo " 'I•-lo· ,/ '"""I' U<<" ... , .... U"'" I I "" · "' ... "" .·., ... n..J II '. I~" I '< OI '"''·' " '" II I "I ... 1 ! .. ~1 .• ! •• • ' •M '"' (., .... - '" "''" I '''"'" , " ' ''"'' J' ""~,·1" or t he Ora nge County League of t ""'""' 1"<ou.,Ai:11 oe,. 21.-Won1en Vote r ~ will be 11ill a nd '.n ,., l ·" "" iu.11....i0o<>na Ma" N l3o k II . 1·. I "•1.11 .. 111 10 l"•'" 01 11"n,tn•;t1o ri ancy yar s·y. e 1sa po1l1ca "'" '' writ er f or th e l~os An11eles ,,111 ul 1 • 1•l<LONlo Oer 19, "' '"'" ,.., , , .. (..""""" .10, dnd ..:."~"" Tinles . T he couple has team ed up ~:'. .,' .'." '""~· JI. i...-tn °1 tt""1'"'1'°" on a book . '' Backroom l"'olitics.'' • "H"1 "'~ v1c,10.. °"' 111. Geo•<,lo' 1'he conferen ce is scheduled • .. .,,.,, U<.>lll•"'~ 'II, •">cl J<.>ol" V+911, 2 JO J 2' r 0011•u1 co,i.1 M•'..d for 9 :30 rt.m . t o : p.m. an . -. ' ·•A.~L • ">f'A<1 L1ti0 DK.1e. Jonn a t th e Ana h e im Conve ntio n M" ''"' • \,• ·"'"'• 11, •nd M~llnd .. '·~" .,. ·""'""' IV. l)\Jth o• CO'>•• Cente r. ~;,H·-·,, .. 1.1 11 uri1 o .. ,6,r~m"o The c onfe ren ce is rrce, but .1,.,, "" '"·""' '"''''"(•"'""''"'"'· l unch eon r eserv a tions, if d e· :• .'..~·j•;·;·,i.~·,·,1,";:.":.,:~; u.,. 1e. sired. ~hould be m ade with ~lary '''"'"" M """"" ,;t • .or.J "•""''" I, , " I "1 ""·'I ' 11, ll o I" O I ..... ' "'' " I ! "" !11. '" h ' . ·····' , ... 1 .• •.· '" I, 1 1 !Ill f! I Ar l UI• V •• 2~ H+1"y P . ... 11.1.,<Jy r.i,.or, Jl,l>Oln ()t /1er I Jt•t1 t /1.-; 1: l"H \ I I I· 'I l I 'I \ 11 1• 1111111.11 -.1 I\ I•• • .' I\ 1\I Ii.• !.,·Id l1Hl.1, 11 11 \11 -.. 1·11111·1\!'>' \\, ll .. 1dl, ,'\I .I t 11 I Ill • I 11.111 d l ' ,, d. ! lo I ,\ • I I I , \ 1 I v I I 1>1 11. 1111 " I ' " '1111 111. •I I I 111 I I 11.1-111,11 TIL d '"!lo• \111 !~111.l!I !r11t11l•~ll111'•.l~I !llJ \\\\ Ill l!'l • 111 l'.tul ll l I.uh . 77 11111· ,.1 1 t1• I ll l 111 •'11 tl· ln 111·1 l11rn1 ,1 u11·1·..,.,tul •'l id\ ,11 11111 llf ~l,Llll1•:-t• • 11 11 -. d 11 d S1111d.1\ .1 f1,·1 ' -.111 •I 1 I 11 tlt''"... ( Id I h .t!t1t·1J J1.ill1•ll.ll Hlll'tl!l••ll II j., 'II ,1 • ,I \ o •11111 t I d• I( I H I ii "i'li,1[1.J Ill I , 1 I> I 11 I I I I 'I :'."i •I 11 d 11'.i\.ol • d "'l.1!1 H ~• l\1 111-. 1,0111 1ti \11 -. 1··r.111 h j,, 11" 1 1111 .1 ! .11 n 1 11t',1 I' 'I I .11 • 111 • 111 ••I II II .. '< ' • I t I " f , . 1. I " . "'' . ··~ .... , '" .. "" '" '< V •" '" II +·,.1 0 " ' •'' " I I• ' " • t ,, ' , .,, "' >< lll L W (),~ 1d. lltt"" + I'••"'•'''" 1 I~. dr.J f(;~l"r1n M f,,," ll ''"'"'" Lu•"'1 .. d>:IM.or. I Ill•"''' 1n, f)! .. t 7~. Wl( .... rJI '< ''' .~I" '"'II /I J'liJ :,,,,_.~11-'LO>, •rf·I'''' u..1~.v.on Aurn ",_, ' ,, ) ''""" """ !'""" Jj, <•"' •I ""'"""'"'"I l•ll•d I ~ fill• ii u.,_.._ 1d,lJ~n.el °' li.ot!I• • 11 ,., ·,~,,Anh)"''-" I ~"''•, ·"" '""' 1 "''A.Ii•'" •J, ot l.Y>ld /~, I 11r.11<J.~ '""'!'< 0<'l J•. ,,,1 "" ",.,.,,,n.,.·, l/, "t H • "'"" 1, 1 ,,,,I ''"'"" ,r.r /c ne \·•" • ,l,u'"""'""' Grove W 01nru1 (;,\!{lJ l·:N (;!{0\·r__: Ju a n D~lu c i o of V ardt:n Grove h;.i s been n:1 n l l·d th <.ii rn1:1 n of the 197 5 l-lc...1 r t Sund.iy t:illllpa 1g 11 fur the Oran;,;t.' l 'uunly I lea rt A::.!:>Oc ialion. \Tr ., J)cl11t·i•1 , \\.'hO h ~IS hL't.:11 a \ 1olunt1·1·r \\ llli tllc 1 I L·;i rt 1\!'>~1)t'lc1 · lH•n lur JU yc;•r:-., \\.1ill t·ourd in;..ite t und ·r ;..ii::.in g ;111d cdu1:at1unal <JC" l ivi tics hy \'Olu nlcc·r:. d uri n g 1''ebru ary . A merica n ll t.';..i r l ~1onth . " llelen Taylor , 10:?0 Shelbournc St . La ll a bra. f-'or furthe r inrorma tion. t all 638 ·09~1 . • • • RONALD REAGAN l app e d se,•era l O r a n ge Counlia n s in n1a king the us ua l rash of last· rninutt: appointments prior lo the end o f hi s term as governor . An1ong them : P.l ichacl C. Nason, J2, a Mis· sion \1icjo Ue m o<'r a t , to il three· ye:ir term as a m ember o r the 1''airview S t a te IIosp it a l Ad · \•isory lloard. Nason, a ssist ant pa!»tor or the G a rde n Grove Com - n1u nity Churc h , r eplaces l)r . l>i.:n1ct ri11s S. St y li anou of Santa :\n3 'A'hose te rn1 expired. Ruth II . Ragland . a Seal Beach Democrat, to the Commit · tee on D enta l Auxili a 1ics, Board o f Dental Examine rs. 1'he OC\V sla te body was created b)/ the 1974 Legislature. -Lillian Sey m our . ;1 political inde pendent who lives in Ga rde n Gro ve, to the st a te Advisory Council on Vocational Educat ion a nd T echn ical Training. She is a member of the Vocation Commit· tee of the California Association for Neuro logic ally Handicapped C hildren. -Dr. J a m es R . Doyle of Orange, 49, a Re publican , to a fo u r .yea r t e rm on the s tale lloa rd of l\!edical Examine rs . lie :-;uccee d s Dr . A rthur F". Tho m pson of N e wport ljcac h \li'ho resigned when his .term e x· pi red. • • • fo'RES HMAN ORANGE Coun· ty Con,,gr essman Jerry M. P al· t erson has opened a district of. !ice at 1200 N . P.fain St., Santa c\na. It is in Suite-.-21-1, Telephone 835·3811 . , " " Wei:l ni;:sday Ji;1l'luJr~ I!> 197., '1..1 BA CKA CHES ORANGE COUNTY Wo1nan Gets Probation In Slaying1 Man Sued ~.\ '\ 'J' \ t\ ..... 1\ .\ Ill.JI\ \\hfl v.,1-. ).111.·d ,dt1 ! •• s~1 n!.1 \n.i 11.1 th1· .Ill! dt'llt Ull 1•h.1r ~l'~ HI d l'llOl-.1•11 d! I\ 111 ,.: 1\ ,..., ::>llt'd f.,, ~100.UUO ~lt f11ll.J\ h y l hc rnolhr·r •ii .in ()ran~·· ( 'ut11111 ~up1 •r1111 (\Jllt I t'IL·rl, \\ho d1.·tl Ill thL' ;11•1·1d1·11t ~1 r~ lla t t1l·l1'Cu1: l'il•ll l y 11 ;i 111 ~· ~ d r· l I L' I U tJ .1 d .1 I u p 1· I( q 1n u l\111rill11 ;1., p11Hl lp.d dt" rt·11J.1nt in ti ~·r :-.11p1·r1n1· Cuurl law s ui t .•1td ('J1:1rg i.:s htrn 11·11h c·,1u ~ i ll g [ h I' ti l' .l 1 h II ( eourti·uo n1 t•h·rk "l .ir!111 Cecil Prout\. I!,, !;1..,1 .Ju L~· 3 THE EARL' " " Ill I 11 '' •I• •I' t • "' I " I I l I• 1\I••11 II"" 111•-lll •1 I"' "111"1 <IH I 11 II ,1 , ,11111\11 1•11• lo 1 " I , •· I 1 t " I, , I , ,, 1. , 111 I !111 •'"' 1•1 1t" 111· I 1111, 11 .1\1 !Hol\<'!lll'll(-. •Ii lh1· l"~lv I •I I' I I' • I• Iii 'Ill ,:•.< 1 \\ "'' 1111 111!1 1t 1 1I1 I' • ' t ! " I I I I I I d to I II I I 'I t,f '' • "• I ii I 111 < ' •' •' I i' I • ' 11 " 11 ti I I " "I " I ~ I '" ' I' • I " 1 • • ' " o ' t1 t I o I ' I I • I I ' II , !! . , I) 1 , I ' 1 I \\ , I I 1 , n 11 ! !!llU!l o \\, y,,.,1~ q11 !Ii> '' " ,,, I " " I 11 I I .I I ! I !1 1 • I j 11 ••I . ' Dr. Partain, D.C. M_.lli.,, Ottic:~• 1 .. llM' I 11 .. 1 1T.<tU ... , '°""'.!20~ " o._ (._ Eostbluff Village Center "1 ""' MEW,ORT IE.A.CH SA:'\'l'A /\.'\:.\ ;\ v.·nni;ni ::i~1' 640 6410 j ailed 011 n1u1'd t.'I' t•h:irgt.'S 1 ~1 ::.l ~==========:'.::...:=====·:::..:..:.:...._~ f.1 :1 rch ~1 ftcr sh e ~h ut ht'r hus band I th ree t im es d uri n ~ a f:.im il y .-irgu· n1enl has been pL..1ced on three yc:ir!'> probation in t)r ::i nge Coun- ty Supl•rior Cuurl. SPECIAL: Btl<ER'S DOZEN 1 l lo A. DOZEN THRU JA.t<. 3 I , 197 5 MR. DONUT I J SE.17thST. COSTA MESA Judge J::vcr t.:lt \V. Dickey Jin· posed a s t at t.! prison I crn1 on l{a r b:..i r a Sh a ro n U rad l ey, 4 I . of I ~:;;;;:;;;; ... :;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;~~1 \\'est1 11 1n ster , !:>uspcndcd it infi favor ul three )'C<ll'~ prob<1tion, then imposed a six-month county jail te1·n1 and su s pended that. 'l'he com b in a tion or rulings m eant that ~frs. Bradley le ft the cou rtroom ;i free wo man with the proviso that she o bey probation dcpartmcnt regu l ations and re· t urn to cour t J uly 17 for a p ro- g ress report . Judge Dickey's d ecis io n tollowcd a pe ru sal or ;) di;.ignoslic ~t ud}' c a r rie d o u t on !\!rs. Br:..i dlcy :-.i ft c r s he pleaded guilty t o r e du ce d c h a r ges o f m ;..i nslaughte r . Arresting officers s :-.i id i\l rs. Bradley s hot her hus ba nd. con· struc li on wo rker Donald Lore n Bradley, 45. in the hea d. che:-;t ~ind a rm as the couple qua rreled in their ho m e a t 8471 1-leil S t . ... T IRVINE FOO'f SPECIALISTS Richar d 8. V1ehe. D.P.M. & Arlhu r A WaHon O P M ol Douglas·Plaza Podiatry Group announce the opening of the•r ofl1cc lor the practice of podiatrlc med1c1ne and foot surgery al Oouglas·Plaza Proless1onal Oldl.J 2192 Martin , Su11e 100 By A ppo1ntrnenl or1 M..:A••hu• • c-pu~ o. 'T elcphone 752-0044 Irvine, Cal. 92664 "PLEASE NOTE: Our !; 1n the ycl/aw paac:; w .1s pr.n(('O tneortcctly as 754·0044. If so dialed, 1t will nor go t1irou9h Correct Tele-phone~ is 752-0044. .. ) ~ '·.' ., tJAUI W loo • ' • .> I I "~'" ' .1 .. 1 ,,, " • '' "I<• I '' ' ... ' • " ....... 1 .. " ' .,. " No. BAL Tl·BER GE ROp.I fUp.IERAl HOME BELL BROAOW,6. T MOllTU •RY ~(CO RM!C I( MO RTUARY PACIFIC YIEW MfMORIA l f'•RI< f'EEI< fAMllY COLONIAL fUp.l(RAL HOME -·-SMITH!io ' M ORTUARY' l'UIJl.IC ~OTICE C,U PflllOR (:OUR! 00 TH£ '<IAl l O F C:ALtFORNIA l'OR ltf t COUNIY OFOR,r.N(;E "'" .. l lJll N O l l(f OF HE A R I N G O f" f'[.llllON FOR PR08AI( OF WILL llN l.1 F O R Lt:l1£A~ 01' A D -..1 N l~J JI AllOH WITH·l Hli •WI Ll AN HE)l£D , •1,1tr u• Hf Lt N I LMY r.t.AHO(l, ·•~"I l t ti 1· 111\Hlll l "'" l~~l (H >IAll(!I I I>"• •d '"''''' 1,11llHHV\·IVIN!n<11 1 I j f\N t1!I Vl"l•I Nlllll()W/_ IM,loh<l "'' "~'~'''"'"''" l'•t•U.•!rOl ~•ll .ono "" , "·"", '''I ,·Of•'' ot A<1!11•111\lt• ""' ,..,,., "'" "'"' ·'"'~•"II ~o tn~ 1..-1. """' •~••••·•u" In """"" 11••Ufc !(;1 1,,,,. .. r 1 .... ,,. "'"', ·•ncl '""I II••' l+m•· '"" ,.1, .. •· "' '" "' '"'' '"" , .... ,. ""' 1).-•·fl . 1 '"' '"'""''I•<, 1~1s.11tq JO• m ·'" '"•', ""''''"'" o• 11 .. ,-,..r 1m<:<n1 No Jot •'"' , ,.,,, o "t IO" ! "'"( C.-nl~r p,,~~ ~I• I '" T~O' (•I• 01 '>•111• "''"'· .._.,,,,,,, "'" ,,.,,,.,, 1~n'"°'¥ Ill 1'11' WIL,l-I AM E S• J OHN ~ ounl• ( •~"' AQllC RT 0.. HV MPHMl!Y5 "ll<>tnty 't L.ow 111 oo~•• 011~• 5 ..... )1 ,,..,..p11r1 llt•rh C'!1lorn11 tJl40 I ~• l lllll•S111~ lilt.,1 nty!O< P•ltl•OfW'r '"'"'"''•ti 0••"11"' L.0•>1 0 1111 Piiot J""'"''-I I I\ It I'll\ I U I\ Your money didn't burn up when our bank burned down. l_d'.I w~e k e nd :~ fire leveled our Mor111cr'~ oll1ce 1n Newport Bt:<Jch . Bui , of cour se, 11 d1dri'l louch you r money. It's slill sa le. And we've mad e spe cial arrangements to han dle your bank ing needs. II you t1ave a safe depo sit box, it's now available al ou r Co rona Del Mar branch, 3141 East Coasl High way, Co rona Del Mar. And to make thi ngs a litt le easier for you, we're kee ping t11 at office open fr om 9 a.m. un li t4 p.m. Begi nn ing Frid ay, Janu ary 17, th ere's • a lcmpor ary bank in the parking lot behind wl1e re our old ba nk used to be And 1t will be ope n fr om 9 to 4 as well. Our Ha rbor-Baker ;ind Fashio n Island branches are also avai lable lo serve you.in the Newport Beach area. We hope we can co ntinu e to serve you w1lh !he least amounl of inconvenience possible. In th e meantime, 1f you have any qu estions, please call 646 -2431, and we'll be l1a ppy to help you. We wan! you to know you can always bank on us. Even when our bank burns down . UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK I llf2 DA!L YPILO T Wednetsdav January 15°1975 I J>rit·t·~ l·:fft·t·ti\e thruugh Jan. JI L . 'ti. lloyd . "''"""~ 1'"-:-r.,,,, .. ,;,".,, .' j Sears j /11r 11 11r11·f1f1 ' h1·f1r111 g . . J. Audubon :;.,ors ·lll-i11 -th e-l<A1r .l1eari11 <raid t'I Shot Birds • • .all wood master bedroom sale! , .•. ;.! 11 l.1 ,. l':!f+'I I -1· ~1 ·.1r -l .. 1 -~ l'.•)llH'nl l 'l;n 1 //Poriu/,! 1 11 1.~ 111 11 /1ti1··· ) 1111 f .'1111 1l/}1 1r1/ .•. fJ111·/,·1·1I l1y 11 l .'111111111111 ) 1111 t:11t1 '/'ru!l-1 . :-;llfll' A I' S l·:.l\l<S \~I ) :-;,\\'I·~ Scars ~I \U~ IHJ I B\ 1 ~ 1 -..11 ( 11 '11/ i ·'ft If'/ j Hit ': ,,,,-,.,,,,,,.,.,/ or } ""' ,,,,,,,., ,,,,,.,, ABSOlUTElY BEAUTIFUl! \\ h ~i l \1 oul d you \\'~111t most. if you could 11.1 \<' tlir1•1· 1\1:-.hl':-.'.' 'l'hat e lde rly query was l•lll tu 0 11111\·rnu:-. :-tud1 ·11ts a t the U nive rsity o f ( ·.1111orr11;1 1n Loz. Angeles . Mos t of the n1cn n11 •1\11on 1·d n 1on1·y , pro p e rly und career su e ~ ct·,..,~ \!<1-.t o t !111 · 11L)11i.·n n1entioncd peace, n a- 11q11,1 I 11r .. -.pl·r11 ,1 ;ind \\'orld w ide freed o m J J'u11 i hu1 i;.:~·r ":\ !1 ;1ppy 1narri agc" c ropped "II !.it l'I\ !1t'i1t1 •'111!.v from both. But the ..1 1.tl _y:-.ls ol' this survt'y con - t"iutlcd it indic<.1ted women t1 ·11d tu be f:.ir le ss selfish 1!1,1n nll'll. '1'11 ,\T Tlll!\'G C'alled 11 Htr' It·~ is a lot s horter !h .. .111 you think it is. rnos t p 1'uli:1blv. 'r e c hn i c o.il l\• \"ur tlug'h frun1 the hip -I ~ II "· k11ct· i:. n ot your leg. 'l'hv lvg only runs frun1 the \\Ill 1:-. l'r 111,. ,1\t•1,!g c v.'01n:.in 's hatr ~1 :i 11 -: 1n l11r11 i.:r .1 .\ ;iluHlt ft\C years ca rlil'l' 111 .1 11 d"t·-. lliv :11 l·r .1 .~t· 111.111':-.-· \\ \Ll ,:-l'fltl<l-'.'J''f .\l.K l) ··i n ~h1t·k 111arkt•l l1n :...:u. y;h ;.il 's 'til e li.111t1J,t•I'( luvl trll'k '·:· \ 'J'l1at ~ ;1 Ji tilt• g:nnbil that has been 11 ~,·d lr•HJ\ 1n11c lo t1n1t• on l ht' :-.lol'k exch ange tl11"1 ('11n1 111odure \'~111d t•rl)ilt ·s partner !l.11 11•·1 !)1'v \1' d t'\'i!>t'd 11. \\'1th :-.pl't'uialurs a ll ,1r11 1111d h1rn . lit' !ofik :1 h .1ndhcreli1l'f ()tit of hi:-; 1 u •r"~·1 to \1 lj!t' hi.-. tlJr('hC:id. n11t noticin g <.i slip t1I p.q1l'r f lutte r tu tile fltJnr 1\s he 1\·alkcd .111.1,1 . t>h~l'l'\·1 ·r~ ptHln ~·t•d on thl· p ~1pt_·r . find· 111;.! 111 -.o•rllt' glt•t• ;t ~<·rihblt·d 11p . '!'he y boug ht. 1 11-.111 ~· .. uid he:-uld. I\ innin g. SAVE $179 • Tnple Dresser • 2 Commodes e Plate Minor • Matching Headboard ·-l ' /·~ Dostproolc d & Dovetailed Cenlf~r Drawe r Gl1df'S Pla!c Glils Mirror l 'l 'Rl't ... : \! .1,1 <11!1' Lan.~u ~1 gt• 111an :uld "purple · tu 111 .... 11,1 "' \\ 1oi·d :-. 11 111i11ut r hyntt·:-." 5 Pi ece Contemporary Sty ling In All wood By Famous B.P. john At Bedroom City Prices THE"DIAMDNITE " HEART WITH MATCHING EARRING S A FUll 4.25 CARATS Of "SIMULATEO OIAMONOS ." ONLY 59 .95 PER SET·WHILE SUPPLY LASTS! Ju1I •m.MJ'flt 11te sui pr<sed tool. on your s,.etthealts !ace '*hen you q,.e ner on~ o• tn~>e beiul>!ul heilrl·Sflaped nt1:klalll'S ~m ~1tn•m.1 '"'"llllS' ! ne 43 perle~!ly rnattned "D1Amon•le oem~ 1001< so m~c~ hl.e real ~·••nont~ Iha I Ouly ~ 010!,S.Sl{)rldl jeWtler com tell rtte d1Me1tnct• lhe coio1, bnlharice ano 11010ff!'SS UT 1i1ese md9mt.crnt gems ,.,11 am;ue vou t Jch oem •S C)relullv h~na set 1n a tour p1ooq Mt arty semng an.1 ~•<n ~•T!lnp •% l1n•~heC 10 ~luhllfl pla!mum lo 1nsu1e a l1let1me ot bedCIV In tne cent,r ol eacn heart is a tieauhlu1 '• tJ'ill 51mu1a1e~ l.'Tnon~ 1 op mal on w1lti • Sh•tlV ste11.ng s11ve1 cn.11n ~no you ve qo1 011e 01111e mo;I Oeilu:•1ul p1~ce» 01 1ew~lry eve• c1edled' 'I'll \'(' ,\}{IJl·::\'I' l'l1f\-.l'I 1;1(111 1\I:->\ J l))it) ,).11 1\v -.. .\11d11 lx1n didn t p;11 11t ll\t' bir ds. u n lr h1 r1J ... fl, Ii i rn-.L·lr l1 :1d ~h11l .... J(;,, s 1(;11·r1-:o 111 ;1 K c ntu c k ,\' 1•·~!.111 1.1 1 1 1· '":\l .1rriagl' h ;\:-. th r l·e r ing s: 1·:1 1:.',.1).'.l'tn ••11\ 1·1 11 ~. 11·c dd1n g ring :ind ~ur ft•r - 111 .· 'J'u;, • 1111,·:d. :-;;1,1-~ Olli" L11\'t' :11111 \\';LI' 11 1 . I 11 Thi s contemporary bedroom ensemble 1s styled 111 all wood and has th e lines and tealures of set s cos1 1ng many hundreds of dollars more. Bedroom City offer s It at lremenc1ous sav ings 5 PIECES $ You woul11 pay as much as $50 00 !Or lh•S same 1ewel!'I sel 1n mo~I 1e,.·e1ry sTuies Ho1re·;et 101 a ~m,te11 time onfy you cdn n~ve tn1~ complele m•u pttce 'f: 1~' onl) $9 95' 11\(l"t monev o;;O. ~u•1an!ee rt nol completely !.11~1iea ORDER ~ow Wfll l E SUPP[ y l)<,15' AllOW rwo W(EKS fOR DELIVfRY \.'-. 'I'll ·r1 11 : 11 11 r ld :--clL;1111p1u 11 C'uffcc d1 11•"1'1 .. 1 1 ~1 11 11 ' S\\·l·(h·~· .. Jn1 µur\ s t:.it1s tics p 1u\1• 11t ,1t ;·11l· [);1 n•·~ .• -.t·i«ind. ·r11t· 1:-inn.-.. 1l11 1'd '111•· \.011111·t.:1;l11., l'uurlh . ()IJ . the l ".S L'l(l /t •IJI I ' !·:1g hlh SEE BEDROOM CITY S COMPLE TE LINE OF ALL WOOD BEDROOMS ANO ASK ABOUT USING TAX RETURN MONEY NOW' THEOPHILUS 1"'1ERPRtlE 42DS Don Tomo•o 0.. .. Suite '4 Lo• An9'I''· CA 'f0008 /i(>{lude JOt oostage lor each stt orae1ec1 --~--=--=-~' 11: Y (JI 'I{ I·: 11\ vr :.! ! ~ l·;ir::; 01' ;1 ge, you \Vl'r l' l•u 111 11 1 " t 1rn1• \1 hvll n1 1H"l' pi::o plt• cro~sed the \11 ,11111 ,· h.1 ~11111 th.111 hy pl;i!l l'. ple:LSl' note . 1111\\ 1,.·,·n l h.11 1011;..: ~1 111·e air tr~1\'l'l luo k the li•.11'! I''~"~' seoa mt T N,rOJi(:e & (Jr"OQ Sel •,.:. Sl.'5 l ll!d 5.ov111v:.' ''l•t.~'·'t.~ & ''"'ogo Set~ f:!' S17,95 • ,,.,., "" "'"""''" Poertea f.irs Cl•?·O" \./di e ,\.\ /Il l/// /H j \/ /J.i lrf , f:> (). /)l)J; }/(!/Ii, f''urf \\ .. rit ·1 \ ,r.Jo:! ('111111rt ~li/ 1915 L \/ lluyd. I " All super buys! All RCA XL-100, 1003 solid state. 15~AGONAL RCA _ XL·100 ' " •' It swivels! 5// 2 DIAGONAL BUENA PARK -.. - 1._...._ \ ·~ ~ . , ' '''!r' - : ~· -, .. tl-·' _.... ~LJ '!.1 '•. ,._,~ ~ ~''~"'°'>-r?" r!~~l>I;-,--'>{;-• -'>; ,<;~~ ~"~~ ~~\.,,,~ tllt...~" . . c • ) ~ ' J ' RCA XL-100, 100% solid stale plus. RCA 's crartsmariship and lmagina11on, BeauH!ul slyhng and. 11 swivels 45~ in either direction. RCA XL·1~~ 24-HOUR BANKING IN NEWPORT CENTER A gre,11 plclure ... at any ang lo, A low, !ow price for RCA.'s best. big screen picture s59·9~ 968-3329 962-5559 --·- 19046 Brookhurst HuntinC)ton Be-oeh at Garfie-ld St. COLOR TELEVISION ... _..,:Doily 10-7 Sett. I 0·5:10 S..n. 12-S Qpe11 Mon. Thur & Fri I 0.9 \ 't~.i~ur1 • l-.l.1nd i'.'> l hi:" nr~1 1~4.J 11 111r ,\\l[\'ll'·~lit (1,'ll1·1 p fh·1,·d l 1y .\11) l1<1nl1. 1n lid ... .JrC•l -111 \lllll' Ill'\\ ,\rlll'l"IC.ll\~1.11\' l\,1tll\ ill '-1'\\p 1,111 ( l'nl1'I 1\:-. " 1111·1nl n'r I ,fl 111 1' 'li·1'.l '.'>\I T l' 1 .... 1.111d ( lu l ), I\ ILi l 'II\ hl'I L ,, ... 11 .111y I Hlh', d.1y \lt" night. t'\, ·n '•11 \\ c cl11 ·111 I-. 111 hl 1lid, \\ '."> Thke home a bcauti£ul tree. · I 1 ':-\lUr gilt II' \ ( l!I 1v h c n \'I 111 1 lJ h.'fl .11 1 , H '\'111 n 11 d 111 11 1g \ i11r ;.;,1 • ind 11pc n 111! '. I I 1 ·!p 1 r..., hl'l'P ~1 ·11 111 11 I I ~,., 1ch g1 , ·1·11 p l.1n1 1111 r 11 1..'t ' 111 ~, 1\11 I id t I, 1 , 11, J. 1111 yn111 Ii. 11{ 1111~. 1 ir give ii 111 o1 p,111\ 1111 111r l'P11111111ntt y. Join us in t he celebration throughout January. l >11ri11gP111 .l.1n11.i!'\ g 1.ind t1p1·nit1g ,l\<'d ld11 · 111 <lh1\\ ,,,11 l u11.1. p ll"1...,,1nl ,"\11d c011- v,·ni1·111 !1.1n\1 111~:1 .111hv \\',·l1ffv1·...,p1·1·1o1l .... ,·r \11 , • .., h•r l iu ...,1111•-.,,..,t'" ,u1d p1i1fl.'..,~i 1,111.i! I ~·opk·. 1· '\I< ·11d1'd I 1.1nl11 I lg h1 )llf..,, 1>h1.., '\. 1gh1 I h 'P"'1 h iry ,1nd 11111 · 1i '"1-.11 l't' 1 .... 1, 111d -th1• l1•ll..:1 lh.11 111'\VI t"i.i~t':> • i'.11_,0.llll.ll l 'l ll<.: I I I I fl t 1 St (I al st ~ OG ' '·" l:JO 0 * 'i • 00 0 ,, 8)0 \0:00 ll ;J 12: II 00 '" \) 10 ' ... ,! II ·LO ...... '"'·•Q ' ' " "'"'! ' " '""'' ,., ,, ,.,,." ' .. '"' '"' ·~11 .. ~,,\ '"~I "' "' "' ., ',, •• "' '" -.. TONIGHT'S TV HIGHLIGHTS ABC 17 ) 8 :80 ---The Hatfields a nd the l\.1cCoy~. '' 'fhe most famous mount<-1in fe ud in An1 e ril'a11 history is dr<.1mat izl'ct in th.is 'l'V rnuvtL' \1 ith Jack l">c.ila11 tc ·ind Stl'VL· l·'or·rcst ~ NI-!~ (1 ) :.i -oo l ~uca s 'l'anner. 'l'annt_-1• c l);i v id 11 art m <-1 n ) vvin<ls up in Jai I tonight aftl'r l i.1k111~ o n new responsibilities as ~tutl ent ~1cl v1so r . John Jtandolph joins th e l'a st as the llC\\' prinl'ipal .• K _<..:t~·~· (::!HJ _ 'l'heater in Am eric;,1. I nn1g hl s play 1s "Year uf the Dragon ''a ~tory or :1 ('liin~1lo\\1 n family dividt·d· hy \he enntcnd1ng tortes of lr<u.liti on and <t:-.- s1n1!1:.it1<>n . TV DAILY LOG Wednesday Evening Thursday DAYTIME MOVIES 10:00 0 ''So lwil M1 low1"' (mys) 't~ R.iy Milland, Ann Todd, G1r.1ldlnt f •t11e11ld. (!J '1M 8i1hop'1 Wlftff (com) "48 -Lorena You111, C..ry Grant. @ "Tht l oun1 'un1" (wtsl '51- Ruu h mblyn. Glon1 T.ilbon. l 1.10 (!) '1~t S1t1li1ht111ff {d1 1) "6l- Rober1 [)cun.in, Rich.11d Jor6tM. 11:00 m "lt1d1 l~t llfrh lrtn~ (dll) '51 -Ooct laylO•, lllymond Bun. Sall}' ro11est l l :IXI H ~~j~rntIJ tlt.s 1:45 0 Mnlt: "11 OM Cllkqo" fdr1) '38 -T1rott1 Powt1. Doll Arnecllt, Ahc:e f.iyt. 1:00 m AJl-flii~t ~HAM~ .. .,, .. .. ,rill ";.II" l :IXI 0 '1lllrtf·DIJ '111nu" (com) '34 -Sylv11 S<dn.y. C1ry Gurit. IJi ~Ktwsc 11 W-11" (dr•) '62- Sh11le1 KniaM. Andr1w Ouu111. 2:l0 (t) (C) "fi ll.-T111! On••" Corltl. (mus) '&Z -Elvis l'rtsl1, ~thut O"Con111ll. t:J:J CJ) (C) "Jlpn"' (dr1) '6'- Harry Gu11dit10, 8r1dl~d omm111. 1:00 0 (C) "I n Studt tf Crtp!J" (eem) '70-J~lle Christi•, Mlch11I S1n1zl11. J_Ql (t) "TtkJI lltJ•piat' (dOCU• m1nt1ry). l:JO (TI lCJ "lht Man~d M1•" (mf1) 'b..,_ldl!IO!!d O"B11t11, Vtra Milts. 0 (CJ "tl" ~•!Ill Abovt Allin'" (hot) '7()....-An1hony Pei~ins, Jullt Huris. Joan H1c~t\1. KO CE TELEVIS IO N 11 00 \(HOOL DISTR ICT MEWS '" IJ 10 AM[llllC:A !Cl M on,.y on tr.· .~,, "••1 11 11 40 1'.t,Cf THE STUD(HTS tCI • ~ "u'''"l ti\" Gll ~,rnll• Aoniol<I "c "'I"" 1 10 M.t,T H l"A"TO/tT fCI ll"Q •l\n ono;a C Ol\(,11 1\ t n ..... ,11,p>•<;•ltO'I'' ' )\ INSIDIEIOUT !Cl "St•onq • '"'''""''" To hell> ('hold••" <lf:'1t l111> '" ""'"''"'\' dl\d 11nd .. ••t•nlllnt ot ,.,.. n11~<" al \!ron<,1 1mo1•<>11• 1 ~o CDMMUNf1'Y OP l lV!N G •HIHG\ !Cl ""M•••"• TPrr .. 1(1"' I 1", '""" ''' O"'t" • 11 fe '""I ll' 'tklet l•nd •~I !<~"' .... 1 ~r, !illu ~or•Q Of> If> "'"'"'''I ,~1~m.lf>dtr, froq•, ir10•.e• •no! h••·'>••O•I.._ t l)a EL•CTA!C COMP.t,MTICI 1 JO VILLI, At..EGA• 1(1 4 00 1'1t0M CM.t,NT TO CttANCE. MU~1C IN WE, TERN CUl TUllll! (Cl Jnll OI ID<l•Y . Mu~•C ~"'"'' ""° .lO(l't(••t•On 1-1etour•t l ·)O E LECTlltCCOMPANY(CI S.00 SESl,ME STllEET CCI •:OO ~llOM CHANT TO CHANCE . MUSIC 1N WIESTEllM CUI. TUll:E ICI ""J•u o1 l od•v"' -Mu~•C: "'•!0<• •nd •W•Kllltlon lel'et our •t . 6 :Jf AS MAN 8EHAVES IC! "'Hum•n 8eh,.11 •0• C.10mo ,~ ol tl><t t .. tur•"" -p,,,1oo1oov telecou•<.e 1:f0 CONNIE 'S CLOTHING COllNt!ll l t:"'6,.ttonl>OI~• ,.n<l &I tor"'" s. .... 1 telec;n u••t 1 Jf VOT ·ll S" PIPELINE: fCI "'Coun!~ B••!"" 1:00 A TIME TO GltOW: HUMAN D•Yt:LOPM&lllT (Cl "{.om1rn;i QI Alil•"' -{.h lld q ro w (h <>nd d~"81Ql>ITlt"I! ltl~COUf ~<' 1·10 MASTERPIE CE TMEATElll IC::I ""UPM•lr•. Cowl\\!'""' -£11,'o()dr> • W"9t lh• l'oolm•n S•w · •JO .t,$ MAN !If.MAVE S CCI .. Hiir tle11al11•1· L. Pa trick Gr<.1 y Ill, former a cting direc- tor of the FBI , has bee n s wor 11 in as 1nc 1nb er of th e f ,, 11 (' r a l I) a r 1 n cc r cmun1t·s at llartford . Con11 "\ 3 DAYS ONLY THURS. FRI. SAT. I 6th. I 7th, 18th FLARES, JEANS, BLOUSES. T-SHIRTS. TU RTLENECKS, TOP'S Si-tor• 2-1 • Vah . lo SI O. s299 INFANTS ,_ .. ,_1r..,. STRETCH SUITS ll:f'<J-SS.SO $299 FAMOUS MAKERS CORDS, JEANS s599 Rf'9. Up 10 sa. GIRL'S PJ'S vmi.. to S7.00 s3so 3 DAYS ONLY THURS. FRI. SAT. JAN. I 6th, 17th, 18th " ~ • W ' ' ' ' • I o .\rL v PtL O r t I :1 Terms Given Arson Case • Ill j "lllp 1tl o 1 1·11rn11,1ll\ 1'ft'"1d1·11 t ht'lll l< I h (" I ,dd 1\1 I I I llJ 111111\ 111 ;.:t •)Cl Jl1·.i1 I> b ,1 he111 i 11 ll'll• ,·d l1, tiU d.1 \.., 111 ( )1 .ulg« ( "uun \\ J,111 ,1 /ld l111t·d S I l~"l ull .11\ .u· l"l":)!'l t)!~ l"hdl l!l" lll \t1 l\111 g .• 1·un1p.111;. e 1nplo_l l' 11llt1 :;,l'l l1t L•to ;1 r1\"id t•oinputt·r pl.1111 11 1!'> 111fl'. !\l ,1rll1.1 l{.11 ·h 1·I l~1·rr;.. ~J. ;,d,11 nf :!UO\f.! l\1g lt1•nd St , l lunt1ng tu11 Bl·.11·ti . 11.i!'I J111L"d S l ,1100 ;u1d pl.11·1·d u11 lh1el· yl·,u-.., prot1al1 u11''1tl1 h l"r hu::.li:111d Supl•r1111' C11uf1 .J tHl l;L' .Janll':O. F Judge" .1r 1H.'d Ille c:uup lt-dur111 g a long !:>t'llll'lll"tn g !'ll'S.S ion lh<it they n111 !'i l not ;ittv111pt tu cun1 1nun1l";J(l' II J[ h l'Oll\ H l l·d ;Jl'!'itllll!'it Jl·ffrt'y Seutl S nl l·H!L·k. 21. ol 171~1 ,\s h S t , ll unl111gto1l Bl':JC"li , Hl ,Ill\ \\ ,j \ (iu / Ill :' !I·• I ,q, l J{flL \ t ' I I IL " ~!11 1'11 \l'I.. 1-. '<"I I lli .I l,,r, IJ ll'l•ll lt'!°tll ,)! !\\U l'I .,, \•I I··· "''ll lll,L! lift' l..i ~l .J 11n" _'! 1 .. \Ip· pl.int ur Cu1npul1,_•11 .. t1r .. 111• >1, I·: l)\'t'I' l<u <.1d. S,111\.1 \11 ,1 ·rtic f1r 1..· 111fl11·1t·d d.J 111,1r •· t·~11111 atell al r111 11v !lt.111 ::;.i rnilliun l o lhc pt;111t S n1enlck 11:.i :i. 1•11 1p l1 11,·d 11 1 !{1,_·rry HS a con1pull·r up<'l".11"1 ,1l l.~crry ·s DataSpcl':-. <.'11r1q.11!.·1 Service Inc., 17791 Skv l '.n·h l '11 cle, Irvine, a con1pct1tor oJ ('C1 111 puteristics. ll was alleged dur1n~ llH· !1 1.d of the three d efcnd;111!:-. lh.il lhv Be rrys knew of S1nt·nt1,_•k "' 111 volvem cnt in th .it 1111· .1 11d "ht••ld1•tl IJ HH I 1 <+!H ,I! I , I I IH \ h,•l p1 d ~"Il l •""" •'I ,u lt· 111 t"•f \\ lh 1t1 llll"\ f-IH'\\ he h ,1d I <>ll ll!lll!t·d ,11 ·Ull lh,1l I'> J \\ r \ l1.1d th1ni-: .• lud L.'•' Jud.!l' ... .iJd Hept•al Endorsed S .\l" I{,\ \l l'~'.\""l"l) ! i ' J-'l ) 1\ 111t·.1 ... t11 t " [,, !'<"11•',d t111 11\t't" lio\ Ho111 .1\d H «.ig.111.., l"<ll ll!"o)IL"l",,1,11 1 l·-.p 11 t1 !'11 lil1· r1·l.d 1\ \'" p1'u gr1.1111 \l1in \l.I\ \\O JI lh1• \ll L!lllll!!lll:-. t 'll d 1H "•lf ll l·nt L'I th ~· .\-.-.1·1nl!I\ llu1H.1 11 H t·!'luUrl·1·, ('11r111111t t L't' 'I'll·· IL·g 1 ~l .1lhHL 1 .\1\~J:il Uy .-\S !'l 1•111 lil) 1n ;_1n /\ill L•11 ·~.1t·r ti>·San J .,'.11\dtt)I , 1!10\t•d \t! (1)1 ' \\";t\' ;111d .\11·.1 11-. t «•1111111 11t '1' 11 11 ,111 X-o \ ", , ' Slll.15! SALE STARTS THURSDAY, JAN. 16th IOY'S T-SHIRTS LS . and S.S. SHIRTS Yoh .. lo S~. s299 LONG DRESSES, DRESSES, JUMPERS lilftitt'CI Qot(lfdffy va1 ... to S22. FURNITURE, STROLLERS, CAR SEATS, H~CHAIRS, LAMP'S.. r -CHA!RS. IMFAKT SE ATS 20% Off USl 'YOU• 1:7£1 INFANT BOYS & GIRLS JACKET and COATS vm ... toSl4. s499 IOY'S SHIRTS T-SHIRTS TOPS Val•. to S6. s1 s9 DRESSES, JUMPERS, SKIRT SETS vm ... to S l4. All THE DRESSES and JUMPERS Ir• O wr Stoclr 20%1060% OH Re9. Price BOYS & GIRLS DIAPER SETS, DRESSES, CRAWLERS . SUITS BUBBU PANT SETS ••·-'" ''· S 5so NO ... ~ ... IOHIW-1.-.. -.c- C"11HSI .. bc."-9r• I YOONGLAND I GEMTRY IN HARBOR SHOPPING CEMTER 2300 HARBOR BLVD. • COSTA MESA • 545-1440 J 00 A TIME TO G AOW HUMl,N I OEVf t..0P""EMT (Cl ··c oml'IQ ol 1\'J~ · (l\•ICI Q!O Wll'I •nrt ••••IOpm~nl •~l•<o>ur~• ) J~ ,111.EMA"'O SltlET CHIMG !Cl 1J1"''"''"""" -s~~tc;h•nQ ie+ec.o<t< .... • H11m•n B1h•¥oor C.lornll•" of I'•• Fut~···· -P,vc;1oo1oov tel ,(O~"'" !JO 11 •••• :m•••••••••••••••••••••"'••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• m•nl • ! f.f DAILY PILO T He's Hero • m Movie Youtli Makes 'Rescue' i11 Mode l C opte r 8 } Ht f>I :\'.l l·:l >Z Jl·:LSKI 01 "'" D••l'r 1>1101 ~-•ti .lohn Sunonl· uf f\1 1:-.::.11111 \'11·io v.·Jll t:H..• =--~···n ;1.., :1 hero/)\ 1111111 · on:-, b ,'.1-lilt·_\ '' 111 Ill'\ l'I' hn1.111 11 llt•'s tll~· gu~ \\'ho r1·:-1·u«:-. :-.trandl'd pt•r:-on ..., lr!Hll thv r1111! top of :1 burn1ni.: :-.J..,\!'>t'r ;.i per ui thC' '"l'u\\1•r1n g lnft·rnH" I>\ :-;k1ltfully pdut111 g h 1:-ht:l1(·0ptt·r. - Uut don I \'OU iJt'llt'\'L' ht• ri:-.k vd his !if<' d 111n~ 11 hi·e:iu:-.t• Simnnt·. 18, of ~li117l \·1~1 \'1(·fll1J. is n't :1 ht•rn <it :.di ll E'S .\ (;()00 ht•li c:oplt•r ptlot. !h:.it·s ~di. 1\nd his skill "·1th !lv- ing r<Jthn eontrol modt•ls rt·t·entiv ('.1rned h1rn a h :1ndson1cl~' p:1} 1nl; l•Jh \\'it h 201 h -l '1·111 u ["\ , .. (I.I(. S imone \\':1:-. o n~· 11! thrt·t• p1lnts l·hosen to fl.' I hl.! i\: ;1 vy l{e!'i<.:llc 272 helicopter ni ndt•ls 11:--l ·rl Hl con .n1ncliun \\ 1tl1 lht.' rval tl11ng 111 filming lhl' Jh1Jl.\"\\'Ood 1·pi <'. l ie expl;.1in!'i th:1t the rnodcl l"hoppcr~ v.·er1.· 1.·n1plo.vl'd 1n somt.· of the ni g ht flying scf'nC's bcc<Ju:--c the s tudio didn 't Y.'Unt to risk los- ing ;in 1.·.xpl'n~J\"l' ~11 r crafl . ···rht·y \\"t•r1· lnnlt :--o ''"l"ll th;1L it's i1nposs1hl1· fur thl' :1\ t•rage person to tell v.-b1ch is the rt·al <.1nd \\"hich 1s the f:.ike," Simone ~<.l id . B UT II F: I S:'\'T telling because he does n"l ,,·ant lo spoil the ii· 'Jusi on for those \\'ho see t he movie. Simon e said he got his movie job a s a result of his prc\'ious in-,, · fa t uation \11it h scale helicopters.~ a fai r ly ne\11 item on the r<.idio " 1..·ontrolled modC'ls scene. lie h a s been flying for ahoul ;1 year a nd a half. tnainly v.dth ;.i F'rench '·(;4.1 z 1.•lle"' ehopper ,.,.·hich. iron ie<.Jllv . is ;_i model built D~<IV P1lol Sl ~ll P hMU in \Vest Gt·1·n1;.1f1,·. '!'he 1nodC'l kit ""'~ scll .s for S3H9 hut.the cos1 of r;nlio equipml'nl . t·ng1ne ;ind t·:--s t>nl1;1l accessorit·s pus h the £1111.'>hl'd pritctoSI.200. S IMONE SHOWS EXPERTI SE IN ·T OWERING INFERNO' Sk ill Pays <;>ti With Job in Movies for Viejo Pilot Simonl' s ay ~ the on('·~ixt h ~cale unit is r·c:.ili stit.: in every dl'· t::iil. so realistic in fac1 that il c:.in be ust·d as ;i '"stand-in"" fu1· the i-e:.tl th in g. .\ STUDl-:N 'f :\T Saddlch<.iek ("ollegc, Simont: hope::; to e<.irn :--pending n1on("~·. hy using his \\"hirlybird in <:Orn n1t·1·ciill::;. ··11 eosts about $250 <.in hour lo 1·t·11t ~1 r.;.·:d chopper. but the !!oing r<1l L' fur ;:i n1ude! pl u:; jJilnt I'-uni.\ $100. In n1an.v c<oises it \\'ill dP th(• :--<.in1e thing.·· b\· s;1ul. JJ1.'1it·oplL'I":--S llt'h ;p, h1 :-; (;;1/('i11· eouhJ bC' ll St.'d 10 11 \\\' 1);1nn(•rs, to c ;irr.v adv1.·1·11 ~1n_t.:. on Ill\· i-i,h· <>r\·\·1.•n lo ··;11rl1tl ;1 h(l:i.10! 1:11111 dry d1.·ll'r t-:t•n1 l•l :1 11 ·1<11h l1•d llOU.'il'\Vlft•. "'l can ~(·t• n•11\ th;d th1·r1· 1\ ill lot• 1 .. 1 .... 1d 11pportu111!.1 111 lhc lttlllll". ,,;1 1d Sim t1 1ll'. ;1 J"llllrll'f' up 111 !h1· helicopll'I" d1\1~ion <ot tht· \\"1 .... 11•rn r :1d10 {"•)flt r·111 l"h;irn Tiii·'. llJ·:l.l ("ll l'·r1·:JtS .11't· t'P11 :-nll'r:d1l,\ 111P1·e d1ff1t·u\! l o II\ th;111t'<lll\1.·11! 1 .. n;d \1111 g a 1rl'i ,onl'" :ind S 1r nn 11 1· ,1d1111 \:-II•· li;1 -. l"1";1 -.h(·d · ."t '\ r·n 111111•..., t'ltl11 ·r h<"l".!ll"•' "I pt!ot l'I llJI lol 1·•1u11• 1111·11! 1.1111111• .l'IH•l't• .1r1· -.11 tli1· /);ind IH·Jd n1 :1n.\ 1·01nt11rl -. 1111 t 1·:1 r1 ~r1111 1 v1 · I h.i\ ii d"''"ll I ~'l\('.\Oll tlli1("1\llllll'l10 tl\1111\ ;1 .-1·111·d 11 q . .:. l11 ~1111 .. 111 · In l.1(·1 IH· -..11-. h l· I'"" 1,, 1.11l·l1il l,\ 1ol.111 111 .. 111:1 11' 111•"1 .. . ii I\ . "' ,j \ 11 I 1 • <' I 11 11 1111·,. .11l\!l1111 :.: 111,d '':--I ll"( I•! <1111.'l"I ;1 !\v1\ clli>p)>l'I 1111" l hl· g l'IHJlld Jt :--IJl'Hlg .t ."lll'I 0 pi1<11 :->111110111 IL,1\v" th.itr:--tu!I f1ir till' lllil\ J<'-. USC Alum1ii Club to Meet .o\ r1.·rt•pt1n n hono ring LTSC' faculty. c1dm1n istrators and t"OaChl'S \.\'ill b e ht•ld ;.it 5:.'l() p Ol . Sund:iy ~ll the lr,·in1.· Co;i:--t Coun try ("'lubin :'.Jl'I\ port l~c~ieh . 'J'he 1·el't.'p111111 . s ponsored by l"Sl"s Nt·\\·port Jlarhor 1'roja·n 1\lurnn t Cluh. is open to ;ilumni. t h\'L 1· pa rent s and f r1 end:--of l ' Sl". Heser\·ations · e~1 n be in;.ul(• hv calling Hay Gibbs ;.it 833-8.IO-i, l "ost per pl'rson 1s $3.50. I I/', ? • Our prices will make you feel a whole lot better. -'-CJ' 89¢ Contac Cold Capsules 1 O's 89¢ Dristan Tablets 99¢ g~~ Treasury Decongestant Tablets SO's 89¢ Vicks Formula 44 Cough Syrup 3 fl. oz. Vicks Nyquil Cold Medicine 611. oz . 66¢ Bayer Aspirin 1 oo·s g~~ Treasury Timed-Release Cold Capsules !O 's 88¢ g~~ Treasury Vitamin C 250 M.G. 100's Special prices good thiough Sunday, January 191 h. I.. ..I IUBU 'All: Beach at Orangc!horpe •()pen w6'1kdavs 9·30 to 9·30. &indavs 10 to 8. OUJ«i,t; C11y Dr a! Garden Grove Blvd. •Open weekd&V110 to 9 &inda"(5 10 to 6. - -- - --- -II,. __ _:....,::~•:,:•~•:":· :J90;::0:..;:S:o_8:n~s~tol-:..__"~o-o~t-So:.._._eo_as_1_P_1•_,_•_·_o_oe_n_w_""_· -'-''-"-"-'_0_1o_•_s_"_"_'d_•~Y'-R_3_0_10_1_. Su-""-·~"-' o:....•o~•:.._ _ _J I ,. ' , .. " :' • • •' .. " ... .. ... I" )."or \ ".1 r . lo\' -.l :1 ~:(· ,\ ' t " ' l. /l I' (J ... I IV L' I" :--.r:1g 4· I: l ".I (' •l,1 1!.\' h1·t \\ \ ! 111 \ (J, 4 ·,itint S t 1··,.1ir1 11 I l!l ll • •Ir ,1 I\ r 1<11 11 It n Lu l'.l '>'"<i' 'I ,1,\ ~ I ,.\ I · .i 111 ,,1 I ht I •, o !I I , < ,I I I I I o.o !"i~. I < .! I'. ' I ~1 ·11 !ill l!l! .•!Id l I > 1 ·-, [ (I I l 11 t"l"t" I 111 : ' II ,1 "I' h I I I 1 II !l • ' I I l' tl itd lllll . I \\" ;, "1·1 ).: !I ) l.1!-t''> I i ll · ;~ I 1 ii I ·; II l"h t• • I .i '••I ~' (l \' .111' \ ''ill'• 1,,1,11 ... )o • I I ! I~ -..11 I · 111 ol 1 1-,, p 11 /\ • 11 'f.. I• '' 1>t·1 1 It I " id<' l"h·· I. 111 1' '•II.., I .,, l '" I "'" ( " 11 1.1t l I I .i 1 "' \\ I 1 \ 1111· I I!.., "r ~· • I I 11 11 \ 13 1 l"t) f\ t 11·h \' '.idtlJ •\'oil'\ 'ILo' d1• \ -.i1f1 l'til1 ' l \ f"! ';..:1·!. 'd g ( i I l"I •.I [ W .-r.1 11, . I.JI I 1" • 1 1 I l 1''> (l..\Lff'-L.0 1 I f."i Stage to Roll Again .4erosol Can 8<111 Proposetl U\ 1· \. !'-i('llfl1':'ft-:H1 . O• •~• D•••• 1>1101 ~'•" 1:111 llil' lir-.t l11nl..' 111 1:-, \+',1r-., U.S lllLI JI \Viii !1 l ' I r :1 v 1.' J J 11 g h y ... t .11:•· ('();Ji' h ,\ 1',lfl"Lt'I" l11·l'O 'tl' t1;1-. l11·!'n ~ranli ·d IJv thl' 1·11~1.11 !'it'I"\ ll'l ' 111 i Jvv r·l:ind l~ultl'rf1L"ld -...1.1~'.t'l't•<11·h <1f .Ni;\\J)Or l 1:l'.1C-h . up l'r ;1lors ol d,11l v -.t;11.~t ·t••1.1l'h "''r\ 11·1• l1t 'l\\t'Vll Snl\ :1ng ;111d Ln:-. 1>11,os 1n SC1 11ta liur1J;_1r;1 1'011111.\.- :... t • .1 1· t 1 n 1-! 1 n I'-• 1 ,. p1·rmiss1on frorn \\'t·ll:-. ... ,1 r g Cl I u 11 S C I h I' il1l·rl;__i11d Jlutt1·r f1t·ld ntime. She gol tilt• idl·:1 fvi· ;1 ..,t,1g l' llnt.' l 1\o yc;:1/'S ~1gu ln[lnl'I !Hg H J)J !>t'iJ\'!'I' 1\n1t.'r1c a 'J'ra\'t.'l .1\~~u<'l.1 , l .. 1ir11:1r.v . 1-.11·1! d ;1y :11 110/Pll. \Ill' ('••IJl'Ul'd :o.\.ij~l' S.- ,Ji ,11111 IJ \ "I'\ fl 11r:oit''i \\Jll ;11111 111 ;1l :\I~tlt·i ·s S;_ilt>till 11 l.11-. ()111'0 :) II llh II -. JO 1"1-.·.enj.:1'r s a111I lhl· L11 s rn.111 l .. \f;l J."\,\ ISt-:.\('ll'S I '.ttll .'\/;1 ,1 ln 1·. prt·s1d1·11l ·I lhl' -,1;1g\·t·u.1eh tutn 1•.!I\\, :-..tlrl (i\ t·l'l<111fl \\'ill , ,1 1 '·' \hp rna1I ••l a 1 •. 1r;.:.1111 ,,r1c 1· :S l a ', .ir. !'Ill' 111'111 bt·;irnlh the r1,111H' 1'1 lhL' nat 1un ':-. f1r!'il ·,1 I .111 11 -. to So111 1•1·an· r '"I'll ...,1 :1gL' l i lll' \\';IS p11 rn1·d hv r\J 1·s. Naylor .11 1d !hi \'I' J ,0:-. .\ll).!t•Jt•:-. Ill· \l'..,[IH :' {!I J.:l\'l' ,j ('0111• :llL'l'l"t,d rl'h1rlh lo tra\'t.:I· 111 ..! Ii\ -. l ,I j.!t '. r1u n 1 .. 111111•11, I' "f11in:o.11111l j,, the l .') < ·, lJ n rn L'r1 ·1 • l)t· pa J 11111•11\ l•I :-.l11nul ;1 \L· 11'~1\.'l'I 111th1n lhcl' S 'l'ht•! t• \\!I"-:I h it OJ 111 l t·r1·:-t 111 i 'f!ll IJn\:-. ;1 11d In dt i!ll:-. -.It .. r···r·:oll»d '\Ve lhu11 ~l1l UI 1g 111 ;dly \It' llllj!ht h tllld I di1tl1· l'.!tll'h . .1r1d llll'll h o! till ' ldL'~I fl ! ,1 :O.l<l i._:L'( D,H )1 !,1IJtfl Ill j ,.. tlll\\l:'l \1! hu.ud U1• "l..11-!1 Jt.,1111 In 111"· 1 ,, 111 •ll -.1111·1• \111 ··niht·r !}14·r!.1 11d J~ul t vrl1\·ld 1:-i t'\p,.1nd111;.: l 'f 'l'()(IK ;11 1011! .1 11·.ir !1 ha-. pu1eh;1 -.1·d .11111tht·r ;1nJ :1 h.ilf 1!> di .l\\ thv ....l:' h111 ...,,,..., ,ind 1:-. ,duiut l•• pl:.1u s lo ~·1·tti,·r lo111ld 111.• ·rll1\ t11-1> 111,,1 •• , ".!"Ii•"· ~1<1 1,:L' :11ld h ·;1~·· :J :i:i .ll'l'l' '.\1 1 '\,1~ 1 .. 1 ..... 1i1 ~\!'It \\tJ·:'.\'f(> 1l 1J'\1 l.1·g1,J.1t111 u 1\ h1 1·t1 \\t1ul d li ;1lt for thrt•t• IL",H' !lit• .,,dt• of ~pr,1y I' ;1 fl ~ t• U ll ! :1 I 11 ! ll g l·'luu10t·.11 l1•)tl ·ll h .1-; l•l'<'ll !llll'tHlUL'l'tJ IJ\ :::,._•[) /11!111 \)111d,q1 J lti!IJ.tji I J) '.'\ ;1p;1 I .'<.!Id ·1· u L' " d .1 y t h .1 t J.')11111 !Jl',tl'IJ111\· J l , u-.1•t\ ;L'< .1 p1·11pt•ll ,1nt 111 Ptl' :--..l!J'llt'd \'.JJl:O., tll.1 \ dL"1 lrny lllo111· 111 th1· ;1!. ntu:-.pli.,.·rl'. 11 hi1·h !illl'I'" nut h:1rntt11J ultr :1 l'JulL·I 1·,111L.1!1u11 f1'utn lhl· '>Llll \ "tud:-.it l 1· Jr1111t· llld!l'.Jll•d lli.1l ,1 .-, jll'i' 1·1·111 rt·dut'l 1011 in th1· 01nnL· lt'\ 1·1 \1 uu ld 1·l'~t1ll 1n H IUJO t':1-.1·-. of :-.k111 l',Jlll'l'! dll!llld[[y Ill lhl' l 11111·d ~l .ill'-, ",\l'tu-.u! l'.lfl..., ,lt'l' ;,1 lu-.:ur\ 111· 1-.1 11 tL·1·1:11n lv d" 111th1111l 1111111 1L hu.s t.1·1•11 c·u11\'lll;-.l\'vl\ ;i nti :-.1·1v1it1111 .. dl.v pr11\'cll th;t! !hl'l1' \'t1!lll!HJt•d U ~(.' \\([) llH( ltl .Ill\ \\ "\ ;1 fl\'l'f .... t·Jy ;tlf1·1·t p11bl11· hi:alth." I 1unl:1p .... <111 I ,. " [ ~- 11 1111 p 1••1 .ind ... t s :c.tttt I'•'"'"'" •11 \/\'.i..'L' ~C •• itt l or.I ft •• ";tt tl.,itil1111 11lJp 11 .. itt t.1io 1 I .i.tttt I 'ltt,\ L tl,\tt• .> I I •11 ·, , Ill"" 11\lfltl 1' '2.00 1NCOSIAo\1lS•\ 1695 IRV INE BLVD .. at IAVINE & 1 /th STREET 645-1050 or 548-9986 No Appointment Nece~\.lry FREE HEAL TH TESTS h1c.htdi"9: llood. Eye, Respiratory, Foot, R•1:ibility mid P'Ulmonory te1t1. J__., 16. 17, 18 'l'h1· 11\o·huur ride 11 .. 1n :0-:11!1 .ttl) . .:. :1 to11r1st •I l<-'tlt v tl [)ani~h 1·un1 ~11 1111Jt\. ;111d l .11s Oltvo:-.. .1 11·:1_\ ... tatiun ••II thL· STAGECOACH IS REPLICA OF REAL THING EX CEPT FOR DI SK BRAKES Pa m Naylor of Laguna Beach is Pre side nt o f New Company that Will Carry M ail South Coast 'Plaza ••11g111.d (J1 e rl:u1t1 run:-., 1.11..,·:-. p.1 .. :-.1•n g 1•r.-; a1·rn:-.-; •lit· g1.J dvn . oak s lutldt·d i<il/, .. 1 lh l· l't'lll l'~il 1·0,1.-.t l'IH· ~t:q . .:v trip 1..; p.irt : .i 1\ 1•t•h1·nd pack;11 . .:t· "" -'•d\ .1ng ti .. untl v;11·;1 '><>llt'I • {l\'l·:l{l ,.\:\l)'S 1 ·11~1!'1\ ,111 l"\.I( ! I 1·piJ1·.1 qf th1• ''fll'l1/d ·.1,IJ.:t''i !of lht· l "-•ol/., !li11t1gh ;1 11·\l, , 1,,1n 1·,·-. 111·1"1• 11 ·i p11rt'd · o...J\1-.l\ Iii•· ('.il1f11rn1.1 I '•I I 1 I 1 I' l • ! I I ! t t I':-. ( '1 1 Ill II ll.i-.. l 11 r 1·\.11 npl1·, '" 1>1 ,,1.,, . ., .111d -..p1·c1.tl •l•j•t'll,IHll 111 t.il..1• "'•Ill\' l/J1 • l1111J)j1' Hill Ill \ht• fl\1 • HI l).!Jtl,tl j )I t'l l.llld J1H ·i I11·ld h•·:..:.111 "flt't';1 .,,, 111 1,1o1;:,x. 1n ,1l..1rn.: rh1· '•,, 1111 11 · ru11 l11 ·l11 1•t n l."111 -. .111d :-.:111 l·'r .111 "1 !• I Jl ::' -1 d :1 I .-.. ! I ·I • I ,d• d 1~·t•1 · ,f11IJ.1 t"I .I I ' I ' 1 I l ll !I ,' ! \' 1,, ii do J 1 I' . " ,1\11/lj •ll/td I I 111 l fll' 11111• \\ 11, ll ! /\ 1·1 l.11 1d ]\111 (I 11•id II I'll! h11 ... f Hrl<' ! -I 11 " HI\ II,•! .., \\ 1111 ,1 Il l .d:.!u .. 1.1rl+·d \h+· J1+o\\ 11 •11111 ., \\•·II -. l·".11 cn !1111 • \IH . ..:.. '\ \\'l,411( 11utvd 1,,i! ~11 ·1 !11 rll II .id !11 J.:t'1 ( :.fl\.E!; CHOKE I :J /.•'V )A PA N i'(ll-\'"c'l)1 1\J'l \ l..trgt'. •1rl..1 r11·1· (•,1kt·-. .1 ·r ,,cl11111n,+1 Jap.tnf'~<.' d<' •t .11·1 v. 1•r1' hlar111·d tur 'Ill' dt•dt h..., of J:I jJl'J i->lltli-> 1· .. 111'1' .... ;11d thl' 1·;1k~·-. . r11·d 111 a soup I\ 1111 , /.!l'l.th)v..; ;111 d !'h1r·k1·n ·dg1·d lll \14'11111 :-. l1ru.tl , -- Record R ecall Orde r e d \\".·\ . ..;111:-..;{:·r<l .'\J rt 'J'I 1 111 th1• l.1r gv-;t r 1·t·;dl uf 11 .., h.111d •'tl'r . :1 J :1p.int·-.1· r11 .1t\11l;i1 ·!ur1·1 11111 trv t11 l'Ot I •'1'1 IUI .11110 rolo1 lt·l1·\ l'</•ltl ,'<!'!'< 111,lllt' fHI \111•·11• .1n f11 n1 -. l lJ.ot Jl\,1\ 111· IJ llltllll! <>II! d.ill)..'.l'lll\l ... J\ hi; . .:h J.·11 ·1 .. 111 I .1d1,1! 1n11 'J'h1 · 1-, .. ,,1 .111•! J 11ur \•I 1111n1 -.\t.il1i.11 .. ;11d th,• ('•HllJ •.•11 1 \!.11l1-.hu ... 1i11 .1 .. : I l' •· 1 r 1 • 1 '• r I' i • ! ,\ lllt'l'H".I , I ii• .J 11 • I t'(',d 1 p\.t1l thl'< II 1•1•h, ::!I d.1 \' .d ~vr t.l'lll ;..: u1d1·11·d [., d11 .,, In ll'! 111 .. 01 d1dl,,1 1,11111·. 1h1 ,i _l'tlt':-... ,,,,i 11 I 1h•• 1'1 :!!'1•,1 f 1'\".dJ n! I I h, I 11 I( ' I ,. t' 1: I ,I ii 1• 1h11111 c,:h tl11 f·lf\ ,\ltH!i 11.1II d I 1·' I ,id I .i \ IH 11 It l.1l<'d !II.ii(! I ... 111 1\111 I II'.: l I lfl :-l lfll • I 11 t'l\l ln11il\1·d .1r1· :!li:-I O!lll J'.111.1-..1111\' hr.111d -.1·t ' Jlt l.111\IJ f '1·11111 ·1 , . ..,1 -.1 ·!-. "<li d 111 lh1· .J (' l'o'!llh:I ('11 ,11\d l,·,p1111 J\r .1dl r11 d hr.ind :-.t·t• .,1dd /11 !IH· \\'"]' <;1 .. 1\t t ',. .ill <1ld dt1r1r1J.: lhl· 11.i-.1 tlt1c1· It' ;11 :-. \n Fl).\ :>-l•"l..t·'111.1n' '<,t l d lht• pr!1h)1•111 Ill 1 n I \ 1•.., .1 1· n rn p n n" n t \\hH·h l'.Jll •i.1d <'.lll,111}! \' !',1\ 1'11\l""l"rl' p1•1 h.111-. :..>ti tu111 -.-. h1~h1·1 th.in tht· l.11\ p1·11111l:-. Hut h1· ..... 11rl tht'l l' I'< 1111 \\,!I Ill h !l<l\I tl\j.'. )l!•\I 1!1.<11 1 /of 1111' 1••1111HllH'r\!" li.i\t' !.11l1•d .ind 1~H1 .., 11011 111.1111 :-.1'1.., ! 1 \ ,i I I •1 · .i 1 I ,1 I ii I t nd··r lht· l'•oil1J1,11i1 " lt\l'll'<'\!\(' .1•ll"ll pl.111 Ill•· 111,1111ol .. 1 l111,.r ,1Jll •Hfll,••I didll i>lil<>I'< ,111d l/H'I 111I111 11 t lt".111 •1 ... 11 l1111\1 llt11 1.i1111111ilup.1 11 .... l Il l ,di l../l,,\I ll II\\ llt'I' ... FAR WEST SERVICES HAS ~E IT KAIN Newport Beach's new, exciting restaurant-in the Portuguese tradition ..... • • 900 Bayside Drive, N.B . • Dinner reservations taken 'phone 675-5111 • ~ f ., ~ ~ ~ > c x u ~ DWIRD & c N ~ ~ ~ HIRR INGTDN m ~ x 6980 CHERRY IYE ~ u z 0 ~ IRTESll FRWY 91 WARD & HARRINGTON NOW IN LONG BEACH! PAINT • BUllOING MHERIALS GARDEN ~UPPLl [S • l UMBER * 634-7111* Lighting Fixtures for Inside and Outside Your Home! A. MODERN SWAG See·thru shtide colors REG 11 99 Bright decorator 13.88 B. CANE SWAG 19 high F catures a walnu! ,1 11d qold I ,l fin1~h -- REG 19 99 11.88 C. DOUBLE BATH SWAG C1ystal look glass globes Flemish cast brass f11t1ngs REG IB 99 11.88 0. EXTERIOR WALL c MOUNT FIXTURE Impact 1es1stant porch lan1e1n, plastic panels , mane bl;ick ltnish. REG. 9.99 5.88 E. EXTERIOR WALL BRACKET FIXTURES Matte black bracket. clear glass globe . REG. 2.49 1.88 HARDWARE • NURSERY SUPPLIES PLUMBING & ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES JONNY CAT --~ -- Ca! l1tte1 w1lh green ouaid 2~ lb bag llE C I.ff 1.27 COLOR BURNING LOGS Starts w1!h a match. bUf ns 3 hours AE6 99c [A. POT BELLY STOVE 26 h1qh, dome~!1c Burns "''OOd or coal R!G 19 99 39.88 PULLMAN ANO TOP Cul1ur~d marble too 1n a ~;111~tv of colors Pie !1rn~hed pullman in white with an11que trim Faucet not included l!r11~·· 11£6 S4 9!J 38.88 19"iJ1" REli. 61199 • • '.l ~-. r Diploma To Be Passe? Hy Joyce I .. Ke nned.\· Decent JOhs ror high school g rudualt•s could bceome a s 1._•x tinc:t a s lhl' s hovC'l ·lus ke d m<1s todon if society continut•s its fil SCination with credcn- tialisn1. 'foday, a high sC'hoo l diplo n1a is th t> benchmar k for n1any at- tractive jobs. It :qJpears th;i t two-and fou r-year collc(!e dt•grl'cs s oon \\·ill r cpl~1cc that. i\t first g la n ce, !ht.• s o lution ·s simple: go to coll ege if you want t o earn a li\·ing. But consider these con- tradictory factors : Manpo"'e r authorities pr e d ict that on l y belv.'ccn 20 and 25 per- (Career Corner J cent of jobs in lhl' 1980s v.·ill ' uelually require a four-:ycar <·ollct::e educ<1· lion. So me :1nalyst s foresee an :ilarn1i ng 700 .000 s ur- plus eollege grads by 1985 IVA.R BERG. p r o · fessor of husincss and SO{'iology a t Columbia \;nivcrs it y , and author of ''Education and J obs: !he Great Trainin,e llob· hery," cs lin1atcs that hy 1980, 40 perce nt o f a ll col· lcge gr~1d s \\'ill end up in jobs that could bt' ade· 1:Jll<itrl y p crfor1ncd hy hil!h sch11ol gr:.ids On th e (l lh t.'r hand . \l.'h c tht·r it 's rt.:al\y needed or not, t•n1p loyc rs arc inrrl'a singly de- manding a degree as ;i h iring rt·quircn1(•nt . I\'C'\'er mind that hiJ::hCr cd11 cal1on :i l ri·quir('· n1(•nts :1rl' oflt•n in1post•d on jobs Tlt.'l'dl t·ss l y. or that th e c:nnllt.'l'l ion bt·tY.'Ce n a w o rkt'r ·s e ducat i on ~tnd jo b pc rforn1 :.i nl"C' h as not b (:Cn pr o ,·cd . l a zy employers ust· the t·ol IC'g:t.· crl'dential :1s :1 scree ning cruteh especially i n l1mt•s of n1 orc ;1pplil·a nl!'i than johs. fJNE Sl'CCl~SS Fl'I, \\'riter. :1 hi gh· sch <1ol J!. r <t d h 1· r s c I f . h :1 s d1·-d·r1ht•d th1-. rn11 r l;t1· ho;u·d 111 a n1 :t ;i~ a ''Ina.-.; for ,·;d1dalt•d kn11\1 ll•d J.!~· and a d i:..tr u!'>! 11 f k n o \~' l l· d g t' g ;i i n ,, rl throug h pr ;1c111';11 1·\' µC"r;cnct.· f\110\1 lt ·d J.!t.' i:-. va lidatl·d onl ~: i f :.11· quired Sl'l'Ontl h:..ind . through r l't'o g ni zl'd sehools a nd l t'a l'her'>.00 s he said If needl ess c rt'<lf•n tialism t·nntinues. n1orf' and mor1 · collegt• gr:ids \ViJI be undC'rcn1ployt•<l, ;in<l al th e s:imC' lin·1t·. :1d · ditionul nun1ht•r s of high school g1·:1 cl s \.\'ill find emplo y ment doors clnst·d To f urther l'OmplicatC" m atters. if .vou decide to attend co llege on the theory that i t 's hctt<'r to have a job ben eath nnc's trainin ~ tha n nn jnh. there's still I he unc·cr · lainly th at the ott•upa· lion for whieh .vou prt·· pare m ay b e stuffed to the gills a fter gr adu;1. ti on. A.S NEW S o r a _.oort.aga...oL.w.o.ck.ers gets 'afound, students fl ock to ihoSe occqpati ons, sometimes · creating & surp1u~. Now that stu· dents· are seeki ng voca - ti onal relevance rather lhan the Social r elevance o( Ole 1960s1 schools ' of law: medicine and busi- ness •"' ll\"&mped. Stu- dent> ai:e poa'tlng Into engineering, joUmalJs m, de ntl1try ,1 nursi ng . veterinary rpedlclne, ~p tom etry, pharmacy and allled health procrems. Wednesciay. J•nuary 15 1975 Your 1296 Choice DESIGNER HANGING LAMPS ll"ghten o •p.e<iol •pol '" ho,... or oflic• wi!h o '"'DO lo"'p •ellon9 el•e"'here ot i'.10 & up! Cho•ce ol glo11 pumpkin, Qui lled ophc !;Jlo" o< <ryl!ol wolh P'""'' & "'"'"Y mo•• OM·Oj•o-lu1>d W.!h 11' cllatn ORIEllTAL RU(; REPRODUCTIOllS A1eo •ug• wo•rn tn a.,19,um ol plu;h to!lon ptl• wot~ lo!e o! <O•pe• cle"on• !ho! O«'.lw MO<' b•o<ill i<il w1lh "'" Ku...,n n po""'n •n R•cl. ••<><odo, l•o•y & Gold Soroolo on lvoty A!!oo<!••• l<•ngrcl rncl' ,:,~~·.~~~ SALE! FASNIOll EARRll(;S 1'1erred ''""'doh_ no•eh•r-. hoop•, '""''"' pot1t• O• la«J•' Cho>, "<~1<1.•n" ,.,cldono boMh on gold 01 "l•or!one color \ o< ln~t Qtl•'>' Mo<!e 10 ,.,11 a! I 00 o poor rJ1vo• '"'h Q•eot •olu••1 ... 1911 24.ts SQUAii SHOOTll 2 POLAROID CAMEIA Toi.•• b;g •ouort Fti<lu•e•1 oon! cellophon• tnpe •oil on d11 Elecl<on•< 1hu'1r•. t ie<!"< tve, en•tr o! bi<;t lh,.h~ •o .. n91 Eo1y t built.o n llo•h So~ o•er $.00. ~ 01 ho....,, '" stie otf •<• Sa•el SAUi llOtSlllOLD hPOIT Sl'OllGIS Mo1! ~o· t.ltt ro1 rcomo.. s.a .. "°"' ot -ip.ciol p<l(t Of! coh11loron, topm r.c.0tdtn DvPoni'1 rno1t populot "90"~ • ,,, .. (" !>.1e . ,2·Pod, •k , .. ., -1n kmittd tiN i.oi. ofter. SPRAY " ltJJ WWtt lr-4 (I •.)... S .l• ~(I ,.t. r91.) ........ l l WWI• S.,. (S ... ) ......... 71 llHtrkH, Iii ........... 11.14 {•__,. ftlW..Ct) y .. ,_,.. ...••••••. S21St .OO ,., lwtltJ 1972 THRIFTY SILICONE SPRAY ON STARCH 22·0UNCE • STARCH THRIFTY BLEACHING ClEANSER ., .. Cll.ORINE 21·0UNCf 1973 1t74 WWtt ,,_,(I •.) . .. $ .JS '-9._ 11 .... ltt.I .... , .. Sl WWtt S... (S •1.J .. , ... 1.11 Bitdriclf, ............. 14.7) 1 • ., .... ,..i.WtlKt) ... ,..,. •.......... 51174.00 {~IMOt} 1974 Fantastic Purchase Nowadays . hlQh prices are one 1n1ng you can do without. So we do '!'Without a lew things to make sure our prlc9' stay low we keep our statf lean. You won 't find a lot or clerks ho\lerlng over you . And we don't have dressing rooms In ou r apparel section. We don't have 112 different styles to choose lrom. We buy the most popular styles In big quantllles, so we don't have non·selling items collecting dust. That costs us -and you . What we DO have are the th ings that count. Prices that take some at the cost out ol Uvlng . Conven ient hours. 450 stores to serve you . And more than 60 sepa<ate departments. The way things are . you shouldn't have to pay !or extras you can '! take home. Which is why Thrifty Is more than our name. It's our philosophy. 1DECORATOR LIBRARY UNIT Regular 49 95 95 A.•-O!he1 T~,.111 >u1>e• >?<'<ltl<ulo, •olu• """' iou 20 00' Delu•o ,,.,l,d con>hu<'oon 1n ~'""' Pe<on !.n••h wofh •o•,· \hd1ng \l<tl'9h1 lino doo• lu•9e 1n •••• 6Y'H ,9-W ond 12.'D Mul!o •h•I! Yf\11 moko• un •rl0<1I .. oil ""'' ot •C>n"l d .rder £01•lr c»e..,bled '"" motte1 cl monUltl ~11" ,,..,I)" o "'""'d'""' THRIITT LIQUID TOILET BOWL CLEANER 1? OU NCE 5 c KALKAN . -- M.P.s. CHUNKY •-·- >i DOG& CAT _.. FOOD c ·--··· I ..... THRIFTY CBMY LOTION FOR DISHES J2.0UfllCI 5 c LYSOL SPMY DISlllECTMT &a.ANT 14·0UNCE 129 YOUI CHOICI -. Reg. 79' & 99~. 221°0 GIRLS' KNEE-HI'S OR TIGHTS I 00~ nylon I nee ho•'" i>O;>vlo• colo" . .,,., b l I o• 1>ylon ponty IH;ih!I ""''h •"•'th el11\hc "''""bond<"' •h• lote\! lo•h•<>" <olo'I. '"'' < )( Ju" r•gM lo• !he >tyl.,h young m•\I to''"' n' mo•ch w"h oll ol her lo'°"'• lo•h.on•' (1<11• OOJ! OU'<~O\O of "0'"'• !>•and •uppo•1 ~o>e mocl• 10 ,.11 lo•~ 9~ l 6 9~1 In d '"" '~""' <J('"' '~""' l '"'lulot "'"'0~" Flo!!tnn9 lo••q"• 101'""~>1 '"ppnrt lo• tvoiy """"on '" o 11'""-"Y P"" Gr• yOu<\I ti .• \ I .~ i.,.11111. rm C!) ... ., b•lh Oii ""· .... l!!!!!!!I ---1'' c;,... ... '*1.....,1 ;i.. .,L, 'JFOAMI•' IATH OIL SAU Cond.toon 01 1~•v deon o• "n•e' Economy •••• •0••1 you o•tr l eo •e ~o•• -onde•l<1l ly 3D"o'Cho1<ooll>.nl.,Golcl 11., monogeoble 31·0 r S11• Ibo! 0 .chod or G•ttn 1n "'"" ~~=-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-....:.....~~~+--~ II CONTAC -.. --·-(& .. l,llll Dt(OIOOU l4•! I ·-©df ,_C»SllfS I --- :; 2sa YICISHQutl COITAC llHTTIMI TIMI llUASI .io """'' COLDS MltKlll COLI CAPSUUS lk>n<11 aon11 IO·o<1nct Po(• ol AO ._.. L"'I ,......._. .... 1'9 .... .... .... llTll "lUTII u.i .. IKllTAAH THUTS 11-m 80111. ol 200 7•cwMt ., leg. J.]. 139 TIACS. nae• TAl'I CAITllDGI lop qua lity, lrou blon• 90· m•n<tll lt COrd•n9 IOJN 'ntwi<ft• ''"' l0d1hty •t prodvctoont. ... 1.79 THRIFTY IAIY SHAMPOO !1!11'"11.c. ..a.l•"Q\ on lb n1 "'I@ Sc,j.,_ J""'I@, Wl>y pay rroe? Costa Mesa 2ll L 17 .. SI. Santa Ana 1406 W, EAtt'f & lrbt.I Fountain :Valley M .... oolT- BToro It Toro o1 Rocllfleld HunllncJton Beach ''" ................... , Huntlnaton leach 211J1 w""t1. ••"-'• CoatoMtsa JJOO ...... ~- Santa Ana llUlrloh:lllMocArillr Fountcin Valley 161411 ........ , • ..,., ' Westminster W•thnlsilhr.t~WHt Huntlnaton Beach t5 """"-• c;- Huntlnaton Beach -Mlfw.- • ~ D : :;I I "' ~ 1' t I 1 ' r n ' (' t LI I :-.l I ,,. 11; " ·" : :-.• .. I ' I' \\ ' '" ,, ~· I 1 " p " " E -:-.t : f1 'J' i, " , ii ,. , II " " ii . ,, ,, ,. " ,\ (' p ,. " " " " " " ' J. • ( I ' ' • . • • • I I 1 ' I .Diahlos Survive Tritons Rally; Win • ill I I lly G I .EN~ \\'11rr1·: <o; Of llW O;oolr .-,101 Sl•ll 1, l\l ission Vil'JO ll1 gh 's l'ias.-.v IJiublos survivc U ,,,·11 l;.u,t :.l'cund t shots \Vhi1.:h \\OUIJ ho.1\'t.: \VOil the t game -one al tht· L'IHI or rc).!ul:.- ~ t 1u n , the other ;it Ith· l'lo:-.c \If tht· • I 1rs l UVL'l'( I ffil' ( .'I' hen eo:1t·h 1'111 ltnhL••'ls ' f l)i ahlos V.'1lhstuotl a lro.111til' Sa n l 'lt·n1cnlt• barra~t.·111 lht• l1.1s kL·t 111 t thi.: l'Otll'lud1n;..: :"li'l'CITHI-. ol tht• :-.e1·u1ul o\'t•rtllllt' In t.1k1· :1 :17-:-i:-1 lriurnph in Si111tl1 Co:l:-.l l .t•:1gut• Ua.-:kt·I bal I b:1ttl1· 'l'u1._•sday nig ht. I 'l'he inv ;1 d i11g ·rriton:-.. du\\'n 5:1 ··1!1 \\"ilh :'):3 Sl'l'OlldS 11·!1 Lil tlJ;1\ ;, :-.1·t·ond t•\lra pt·r1<1d . h :1d p :irt·d 1 lhl' gap lo [1;,.;J:l and h :Hl lhv li;dl • :· \\'tlh27Sl'l'Olld:-,1!•g•I. 'rhcy \vorkl'ti 11it• l·lul·k t11 11 :-.c l·onds and l ht·n hcg;1n •• can· non a tie ur thl· h;1 :-.kl'I. niissing ;.i :-.hol frnn1 nuL-.,idt'. rchound1ng, 2 OTs ... 1\nd lht.•n Jeff Densmore .s toic the· bJll froni the l)i ablos with 1 .27 ll'ft and the ·r1·itons went into 41 ~tall, pl:1ying for the last .shot. 1'hcy took it frun1 the c·orner.,.. 1th :Ol s ho\ving nn 1hl· <.'.lock but 1L (·a ru 111 ed off the ba<.·k r1 ni . 1\fl l·r i.:gt·1·1son had s tult•n lltt• ball c~rl\' Jll lilt' 111":-.t es\1".1 pe1·111d, 'l'a.\'lor inlt'/'l'l'!Jlcd 11 "lt:.1l'k \\•ith '.! 20 1·1..·rn ~11n1n;..: ;111d .1 g:11n SC put Lill its n1 :1rhll's on one f1n:.il s hol . '!'his t1n1i: Jl \\':JS an t.·i~hl ·footl·r \~ith :02 on lhc <.:lo<.·k but it";'" lak(•n in hl'~1 vy dl'fcns 1vc tr~1ff1 e ;ind \V;i::.n 't parti1..·ularlr elost' .\1>\1' 1non1cnlun1 \\a:-. h1·g1n · n1n).( to :-i\\·1ng .. .\l"ter 'J'ccl t\alut<.i":-. free lhl'O\\' had glv1..•n thc 'l'rlto11s ;1 17·•1ti l'dge IO SCl'Oncls 111!0 thi· scennd ovcrt1111c. the host!> \\'t·nt on a s p1·t·c . . ' ., I ., ... _ ·-. --------- --I - :· try nlJ..! anuthc1· l"rorn out:-.idC'. n1 1s· :-.111:.:, anti th(·n f;dhng ::.hurt un ;1 p:ur uf rebound :.hots fron1 lltl· t.h·rnl'<ilh. Sa"'.\'l'r hit a bas ket ;u1d a lr"t't' thro\V. 'J'hc11 ;1 'J'rilon Josi his cuul ;ind the l'n s u1ng \l•Chn1r:tl foul l'U::.t the \ j,_itnrs ;1 p11111\ a11d possc;.,s1un of lht• h;..111 MV'S DEAN EGERTSON DRIBBLES AHEAD OF DAVE ZOGG (25). DAVE TA,YL OR AND SCOTT SEVERS (34). !\I iss1ot1 \11l'Jll finally got the hall and l.:la:-.:-.v gu<.1rc\ l >l·an l·:gl•rt:-.on \\'a:-. fo11lcJ \\"ilh 111ne · :-.<.·cond s r(•n1ain1ng . lie h1L lio th frl·c :.hots to tl:l' the ,·crdi1.:t •is the 'f'rttons "'t.•rt· g i\"t•n a t·on('t.·:.Shfll bucket \\'ith a s1..·t.·ond to g•> It ,,·as ;1 lrt·n1t•nduu:-. battle \\ ilh lhe lt·ad l'h;uig1n~ h;ind :-. ur 1 lht• Sl"Ol"l.' being lll'd :!'i ll llll"S Ill 1·l·gul;1tion. Anrl 11 \\;1s surpr1.-.,. ~ int.:lv c\i..:vo1d of t1u·no\'t"rs :i:. tilt· \\Jnncrs t·ornrni1 1t·d 0111~ f1\t' and lhc tost•r s JO 111 the J1r:.1 four 11u :1rlt·rs. 'f'hl·rt• \\ ;1:-. Ill'\ 1·1· rnnr1· I h.111 f11ur point:; ~l·p:1r :1t1n g lilt• 1110 <·0111hata111 s .. \rid !ht: '1'111u11 :-. \1t•r1· g L·lting 1111 1· p!a~ 11 .. 111 !J<i\1' 'l"~J .\ [qr and ·1·1111 [)1111h .1111 \\ ltil1· ,\J\.":-. hu s tl1n ;.: ;.:uard:-.. l)a1~· ('u11per and l".~l·r1 :-.1>ll \\t·r1• coru pl1•rr1t•nt1ng th1 · 1·!lv1 ·t1\"1 ' 11.~rh of 1· .. nt1·r S1c1·1· :";1\\ 1·1·r \\ h11 11 ...... l11 gh p111nt p rndut't"J hH the :.:.1n11· \\Ith:!!. Still, 1t 11.1 -. S,111 <'lt•1111·1111 · 11hll"h !'>l'l'Jl!t•d 111 ht· 10 !ht· dr11l•1··s :..1..·:11 .1 .., r1·g11lill11111 pla1· 111•.rrccl 1l.-. 1·nd. 'l'hl· '1"1·11011:-. h;1d llt•d ll \\"Ith l\,\/I 11111HLtt•.., lo gn<lll ,I \ 1·1 ft1<>l :-i hol hv 'l",11lur' . ~ports i11 Brief 'l'h1..·~· b~1ttlt«I b:u·k, hu\\'L"\"l·r, :uul cut il to50--19nn K;dot;1 's pair uffrt.'l' thr0\\:-.\\"1lh I ·1:>to i.:u. But Cuoper and t:;.:l'rt s on eath fo!h11\'ed \\Ith l\\"u frl'C tos:-.t':. t.1 up the count \11 5.1 ··1~1. 'l'hl·n 'J'in1 l lunh:1rn l1red 111 .1 !7 :ooter <.ind I:> sl0 l·un1!.-., l ~•lt•r l\:;dot;i had \;uJl\('d l\\'o g ratis shut" lo trin1 tl lo 5:;.s:i. ·r hat :-.1•t tht.• s la;;c for the frt·nz1t•d l'los 111 g :-.et'unds .:ind lht• four rn1·sst·d :-.hots . 'l'he f)1:1hlos n1;idl' fl·e1..· lhrU\\:-. The11· bes t fril·nd ;1s tht:\' 1..·ur111ccl· t•d 1•11 11 t1t' 21 \1 h1l1· tl1(· ·rrl!11ns Pll'l\t•d up unl) J:l puin!:. fr1ull li11· luul ltnl' M ·~~·on ll 1~10IHI " " •• " I <1• • t ,.,n " , " ' Lt<>p..t .. " " ~., .. y,' " '"' i\.oJ,JHh l,•1·1 ! ''•II " .. " ,, '>"" C:•<t....,nl<t Iii! •• " " " .... , .. ' ,, ' lh•""·"" .. " .. ,.,,,, .. " 1 ....... , •• (),." ·"'OJ!C ' ' • '"'"'~ '' " " " '><Ol'<"lll'q .... r1f'•• ,,,.,, '''""'"''' " •• " ' M, ''"' "" 10 " " " " " " Laver Tops Richey;.:1 Colts Name Coach l l l '\t ,\('\(1, I' I! l't1r(>11.1 i:.o.ds .ind l\\li .~s,.1:-\:-. Ii~ l ).111 ,\1 alt1!1L'\ ·rhl' h: 1 ngs . \\'hn 1 1~1\ (' 1 ht· lll"-.,1 rt1.ut rl·<·urd 111 tht' :'\.11 1011.d ll nck~·y [,e.q.,:u1..·. 1·x plodt•d Int four g11al .... in thl' sceond pt•ruid lo I .tkc a :,. J le.id .ind bo•1sl I ht•iT· r t• 1·nrd ;1\\ a.v fron1 horn<.· lo l:l 2 Ii d1·I \1 .ir's H1•d I .,1\ ,.,. ,,11rn1111111tt"d a Ii I ,.,t•!h.ic·h Ill tllt' "~·1·1>1HI :-.t•1 --l11lfi ;i 1 IJ d,•111·11 111 lht• tlnrd In hcat ('Jiff /{1t·h1·.1 'f'11l·:-.d ;11 . 7.ji . J.1:.1; .\.hut S1an S1n1lh ";i,., upst·l !1y ,Jt'ff l~oftt\\l.11\, ,) 'i. li I. fi ·:!, 1!1 Sl 'C'IHlri·da\ .1t·\1u11 ;1 \ 1ht• ~l11:.!.()4fi) t.'1:s1 1.1 ... :-.1~·.1t !',dn1.1 ... t>1 ·l .\l.11 In th1· olh1·r 1n.11t·h 'l 't 1t•..,d ;1~·. 1\I~·' \l1•l ll'\t•l 1 111 lht• Sn\11'\ l "niun h1 •;1t :\1.il'h ('n' n1 l;r1 -.1t l~r1\ .1111 , Ii · I, ti ;; . <;cull!J lt> CB."i 1.ris .\ -..:<: 1·:1.r:s . ti c1 rc·l1 i h rf1d c1 f•ic·l~·f•ff I\,\ I . 'I' I \I tl H I·: 'I' l" cl .\l ,1rc·hihrn1l:1 .. 111 .1:-.,.,1:-.t ;111t l'll:Jl'h 111 tl\1 · :'\;1lli1l l.il 1• .. 11th.ill l.t',ll!llt' !Dr tli.· p.1 :-.\ 11\v,1r .... 1"d,11 \\;1 .... 1l.11l1•·r\ 11 1".l d I o>,11·h o>I Ill•• J\;il\111111 1'1• ('1dt ~ tit• r1 ·pl.te '1· ..... 1111· ·r11.~n1,1-.,, 1hv ('ult.,' )-:l"ll t"r.il r11 .n1.1gt•r \\ho ; d1rcc·tcd !ht• !t-.+111 tur !h•· 1111.11 11 ! )..'.an1es of 1h1· l'.17 1 ..,,.,1:-.••11 ;i ftl'!' llo\\':1rd S1·h111•llt•nht•r gl·r· \\;1,-., : f1rt·d. i J\larchih1·od.1. 1::. h ;1..;,-.,,•11cd a-. t :tn a ss1s la 11 I 1·0:.il·h \\1th lhl." \~':.ishin g to11 l(Pd,.,hin .... nnd1~r [ <:corgc Allt·n !11r tht· pa .. 1 fot1 r season s <111d """' ;1n airlt• \\Ith th1· l,os,\ngclt·:-. Han1s f1·on1 l~tili 'iO. I f IJ1\ND(JVF:lt , i\•ld , 'rhl· I.us /\ngc l cs K ing s scort·d lht•ir seventh con:-.el"ul1 ve ro:ul vit.'lorv 'l'ut>s ct ay night . drupp111i,.: th~ \V:.i::.hing ton l.':ip1tals.ti ·2 un l1ln Evert Named Top Athlete NE \V YORK C.'hris Evert . \.\."hMe M idas lou1·h 1\1\h a tcno1s racquet 1urncd 15 tour11a111e nt::. into l riun1phs a nd l..'arnl'd ht·r n1ore tha n S25u,ooo 111 official 1none y, is Thu As..,ocialed Press f<~emale Athlt'tC of the Year for 1974. Evert r eached the pinnac le of t e nnis a fte r :1 mere four ye:1rs o n the inte rna t ional l"1rc11i t . Sh(' r eplaced Dillie .lf'an Kin).! not on- ly as lhc prcniicr player in th e United Sta1cs. hut in the v.'o rld. Evert was the o\'t•r \v h<•lming r 11oicc as the Athh·tt• nf the \'car, Hnnouncc rl '1'11esd.1y. She r e· ccivc<i 291; \'n11•s 111 11 !1!.ionwide 11allotin~. ("nmpar(•d \\·ilh 97 for King. ()l yn111ir f..(ym nas t 01 '-!:.i Ko rbut w;1 s th ird \\"Ith 29. teen· age track star !\'1.i r y l)ecke r f ourth with 27 and veteran golfer J o Annc Ca rnt•1' fi fl h \\'ii h 2.;. ha,.; :-1g n1 ·d 1\1lh l 'HS Sp{~rt .... h111 1\ill t·unt1111H" ;is lhL· l.o:-. 1\ng 1•l1·" l)od).:l'I":-. hr1i;11 tl'~1s!Pr . Sl."ullv \\di c·o\er NF"I. fnnth.dl lt•h·(·.1:-..t:-.. tenni .... :i nt\ golf 111urn.1 lllt•flt ~ Cag<• .'>ello11t 1.<)S .\:'\l;J,;1.Jr:S ·rt1•· I 'n11·i·r:-.1l v 11l Southt·rn l',dd11 r 111 .~ ;1nnnunc·~·d ·r111· ... d ;1y 1h .1t lh" \l :1r1·h K h:1 ~k1·th;lll ,l!<lllll' a g:1i11..,l l '('J , \ 1:-> a 1.=..32.)·st•;1t :-.1·lloul ,i1 !ht• Spol'I'-.\rc11 :1 ;\l1·<1TJ\\ hllc. L·c.:1J,\ 11fr11·1.i1 -. s a11l th:.it all of l';iuh·y l';1\'l11un'., 12.ROO sl'ats hav(' been ,,old ltH· lhe l."l."b . l g an1c h1 ·!\\l't'll Southt·1·11 ('al ~111<1 !he Uruln:-.. Prl'p Slar lo SC l .J>:\VJS\111.l_.t :. 'l'cx. !':nil J(iC'l'. one of the n1ns t h1ghl\" sought sc hoolboy running IJ;.11·h.' .... 11l the n<1t1on \V ho had :-.1g n l'tl ;1 Sout h1,·1·:-t Conff'rl'n<'t' letl1·r of 111ll'llt t o ;1ttcnd Snul h t•rn !\I et hod i:-;l. announc1·d 'l'u1'S(I :1 v ht' 1:-. g uini..: lu Snutht·r·11 l'alifornia. Co1111or.<t& Wi11s l·,REEf'<)R·r . Dahan1as '1't>P · seeded Jin1my Con nors :inti sc('ond·seeded Juan G1s ht.•rt of Spain no t ched victoriC's 'l'uC'sday in lhl' l\aham:.is l nternul111nal Open tennis tournnn1ent . Connors clun11>l'd \1inrl·I :'11 :1rt·u of Ro m ania. Ii-I, 6.:~. anti (;1s b1..·rl t o p p e d .J i r i <.; r ;i n a t 1) I Czechos lo vaki a, 7-6. G· I . l o other n1alcht:s. Charlt·::o O\vcns dropped l':ivcl S loz11. ,-, 7. fi ·O, 6 ··1: ltogt·r 'f ;:iy lor dcf1·;1lt•cl s,,cnccr Sl·gura. 7·fl. 'i·ti. lienc :i.t.ive r heat llogC'r l>o\\dt•-.,\\1•11 , 1;.:;.' 1; 11: \·11,1 s (:1..•r1 Jl a1l 1s \\'h1pp1 ·d 1 .~1 rrv ll!,l!l·. li·U. fi J, Evl'rl. King Win SA RA SOTA, l•'l n . 'rop· seeded Chris f:vcrt anti s1·1·01ul · SC'C'dcd £\illie .Jcnn King S\\'r>p1 In easy first r ound victnrit·s '1"111·.,. day night 1n a $7~1 .CHIO \,\"Ol1lt'll :-. tcn ni~ tournament hr r r . Evert d o\o,.rned l'allV ll(Jg;in, fi ·O, 6·0 . King dercalctl Jan•'\ N C\OJbl' rr y. fi -2. fo· I. • -- DAVE COOPER (CE NTER) GOES BY sc·s TIM DUNHAM. TED KALOTA (44). Stones Sets Lofty Goal Neuport Harbor Kicker Heacli11g .for USC I l)"·1ght. Ston<.'S h ;1s ;1 n1odt•:-.l ;un!J1tion · Ile hope~ to tngh .1u1np 7 7·1 1. '!'hat "sonly <1 qua1tt•r of ;in 1n<.·h undL·r 92 incht':-. :ind "'ntild l;1l::e his la lcnls lo LfSC for 1111· 1\g roupnfHth g r ;_1dcha s~<.·th;ill n1·xl four ~'l';11·s on a full pla_1'l'rsfro1nNl'\\'j)Ot'll\l'<ll'hr1• !it'hol nrship -rt•1)()rt edl-:-' the <·cntly captur l·d a t ournanil'lll in f1r.st ·t•ver full ride• given <• l\tl'k l.os An,:!f.'lt's. :l\'t.'r ;1ging'fi7 point:-; ht• a \\·orld rc•cord HlJ..!Sperialist by lhc 'rrnjilnS. per grt nlt' for fo111· tilts 111 defc;1t- That rTi t':1n s hl' ;ind l'X 1ng tc;.1n1s fron1 Alh :tmbra , Stonl'S. \l·ho \\"ill t.•nroll ;d (';d Stale (l.ong l1t·:1eh i !ius \\'t>CI\. fct'I S h e \\'di ll('h lt"\'I' SU("h lnl"ty hl."i).!h l 111 l hl' ri1f("f11·tl ;11 1' of :\1t•' ico City this {)l't oht·1· "'ht'n lie ll11nling\u11 Bt.·:.ich l l1 g ll \~h11. \\lc·st\\'OOd . 't'orr;i n<.'l':t lld \ ... \ ll11·k ~tnrnt•s ;111d Br1:in l'rcPrr1:1n 11f the q11an1ps "'l'fl' ho nored 011 the dll·tui1 rna n11'nl tcan1 <1nd n1 ;1tl' David Kochler "'<IS l.Oll/"Tll"Y i\l \11,. pi:rfnrms in lhC' !';111 Arncr1c<.1 n• <..Jaml's. \\'HITE WASH ·rhe forme r Glt•ndalt• ll ii::h , UCLA athlete. is running hill s, rcpc;it 330s a nd is "·orking on a "'eight trainin g p1·ogratn d 1·· ......,.......__........,... i.i~ned to bent.•fit \'arious 11arts 11f lht' body . "My l l'chniqut.• c an still stand a lol of in1provcml'lll." hi' s ays. .. Al UCIJA I 11.'arned 10 run t·asd y toward th e bar ~O I \\'()11 !<1 ('spend all of m y energy 1n th1· Jun1p [\ut I s l i\l "'anl to gt•f. n1y arn1s lo work ::i lot. ht~ttcr . ·· llret.t \Vhll(' could have a lut to s;iv about the outcome uf this _vc0r's USC · UCLA rootb~ll game. White boots ror UCLA. Jiin S"ick I:. said to h1• Jpavi u ~ ("I ... \ lo Ir)· his footh:i ll f11rt11111·" ii I .... a n I) i1· ~II St ;1{1'. S\\ it•I. prt• p p1•tl :ii :'\1·\\porl lla1·IM)I'. Ston('l', 11·5 and 2 1 yC'ars o ld . "ill be t·li~1hlt' to t•1u11pete for l..AJng Rt•ach a yra r hl'lltt' :111d by lhcn niny ha V<' his go;d r;.11 st.·d In 1..•i,(!hl ft•(•1 And "·1th th1· 1·111·r"nt glohat Worthy Hits 24· ~t :1nfiard of 7 1-;:.,. :d r1•ad_v tll('kCd undt·r his hl'll . S lnlll'S may v.'rll lll V l•:llSlll l·: Forn1l·r ll unl · :itt•on1pl1s h "'ha\t•v1..•r n1 :1rk he 111 :,.:tn11 B1·:11·h llig h Hiid ()r:111g.- ~H·l s ror hllll."-C'lf l·11;1;..t l '11l l1·i.:" .. 1 andnu1 .I 1 nl * * * \\'orlh.v !'-('11rt•d 2·1 po1111 ..;. h11I Around lhe b(';it: l~111l.1 l '1dll'~l' drupp1·d ;111 HO i;!l /\rl Sore'('. Newport Jlarhor h ~· s kt' th a 11 g a 1111 · 1 o \ · C lllgh "s stnndnut pl:irrkll'kl·r. will 111\C.'r 'i tdl'. hl'lt'. 0 l'ILl'sCLI \ 111 ~h1 ' .la 111t•s ll ar1I.\ or l .nnJ! l\1•:i eh J o r1l an r1'4'1•nll;. !'-t.·uri·d :;:; and .)I points in h:t("k·ln-hack h~.skf'lh:ill g:i 1n.:·:-.. 1'1H' (i·~• a<.·j• <"a n he sct·u ~;ilurda y at 111M111 nn <.:h a nnrl 1 in a ga n1r "ith l,a kc \\·oo d . Jordan :11ul I.a h l'\\ n111I ;,a re in lhe Cl ... lo11 J tl rating:-.. llard ~ i .... :.t.\er1111.ing.l3.2 points p('r ~a n1f' so rar. Else"herr. Tom U1·a1uch uf Tlishnp Am ;i t r<'ccntly pic ke d off J.\ rehou nds 111 a gatTI(' and Ned Arnold of l.nng Reach \V1\sun has n1adc li3 of fi5 free lhrow tries th1:-; Yl'ilf. /\nd. l 'om n1 y Thornpson of Walnut hro k c l h e C l F' s ing IP ,(!anic ass is t r ecord in t he l_,aguna Tle ;tch bas kPlbh ll tourney when h1• had \8 against M iralest e in lhc f1na 1:-. Jl1rh llra nning or •Ma rina is fpurth on the C I F's all·time list \\llhll Frazier Bet Pays Off: East Rolls I' 11 I) I·: \ l .'\. 1 ,\ I' l \\'ii It '"t ·1~·d"" l•'ra?.tl"I". th~· ;...:,.". \'urk 1.,;1\ll'k:-.' 1111p1·rlurh:1hle g u.1r1I, t':1n1 t• ou1 llit• lH gJ.:t•:-.1 \\ 111111·1· 111 tl11 · 2~1h :"::illo11:1I \~:1:-kt•!b;dl 1\:-.- :-.tH'Lal1011 .\ll :-.l~(r h<lllll" :'\1~\ llill) did hl' l'l'Ct•i\t' lilt! t.:.irnt•., '.\l n:->t \";du;iblc l 'la~e•· ;1\\".1rd fur ,_1•or1 11 i.: :10 ptll!lls and ll•:1d111 ;.! !ht· J-'.:1:-.l In :1 ltiK·JO::: up· Sl'I \11·1nry 11\'t'r lht• \\'l·~I ·r ue:-.· d;1 _,. 111 g ht . h ul h f' 1·nllt•L'1ed ssoo.~:, '..!.'> 1·t ·n1 ,., n 1or1· 1 h:.in ;111.\ uth~·r r11,.1n l11·r ot \ht•\\ inning te;1n1 ·rh1· 1•xl r ;1 qu.i1·t1·r v.as thl· re· s uit nf ;i '"fun bt•l " l·"ra11t·1· h:1 d 111;1<!1· pr1nr tP !ht• g;1111t· \\1t h lhe 1•:;1s t "s I:!.\ t ".L l' old h:dlho.\ 'l'hl' ~·11u11 ;.:s lt•r lhnu~hl lh(• \\"t•st \\'.I S ;.!0111)..! (II\\ Ill ;i nd he J)UL up h1, ... rnont·.v ;1 t:;nn:-.t l'razicr':.; . ,\nd a1!1·r 1h1· )..!d Jlh' l·'r;111l'f \\•;1~ _i u,.t :i .... \\'ilhrig lo t ;1k1• 11 . ;1t"ll'f • .... u1n~· ltll'lldly r.11.1.111 :.: 11!1h the ~uun;..: .... 1t•r ·1 ·111• 1•:1 .... ~ g o111 g rt·p.irl't."l', eu:-.Lon1ar~ 1111111· \1111111·r ... · dt•es:-.· ing !"0\)111, l'U!llll\U1•d ;1flt•l'\\'ill'(l \1hl'n :-.11n1t·t11\l' ).!l"l'l'!t ·d l'r;1lil-..,. \l'1lh llH• l'O llllllc111 ··\·1Hl /tlSt 11·on lht' building·· . ··if 111.• pl :1~·l·d h1'l·1· t•\'1•r':i.· nii.,;ht h1··d h1· ,\[J .\\'orld ." ,.,;1i<I l•:arl l\lonro1·. i.'r;1111•r ':-. .'\t'\\" ·y,1rk lt•an1n1.11l·S 'l'ht· ;tllt1 :-.1on:-. \1t•r1• IP 1•r;1 1it'1"s l\\11 1·on:.t·1·uti\c hr1\11;1nt g;nnt•s at \'etl'l'an ·s \IL·n1or1 ;!1 Cnllst.·11111. \l'hl'J"t" a 1·cc11rd t·ro1vcl <11' 12.88:> lurnl'd tllll 1nr tht• ;..:lit te1·1n ;..:. 11<1 · l111natl .\ l t•l1·11sC'd 1\ll :-.t:ir g:u nt-. 111111 las ! S.1l11rd;1 _v . 111 lhe Kn11·i..:-.· 1111.il µ.;11111· prior to thc .\ll s !.1r hrr.1h. 1··ra11\'f 1·11r111P<'I · 1•d 1111 · 1:1 pn1111-.. i•n1•:-.hc1rtof lns c ;11l"t't h1 :.:h ;1;..::11n s 1 !he l)hol'tll' Sl111-.. '1"111· :11J pu1nt:-. .1g:11 n:-.l tht• \\\· ... 1. •lJl 10 of 17 .... 11.~11111:.: !!'uni th;· t'll}•)r :1 nd 1n ot' 11 lrun1 !!1~· !11·1· thr•1\v 1111 ... 1•;1rn.·d 111111 hi .. l1 r:-.t :i.t\'1' h1l1111r 1ti 111 :-. :-1,lh l·11n:-.t•e11t1v1· ,\I· I :-.1;1 r :-.t:1l'I ··'1'011 ;1!11 ;1,, ... 1h1nk ;i hout •ht· \I\ I' .i\\ .11·d . '111• ~aL<L 'l"llcl'e '".I Jq\ ol pcl"·11n:d s ;il1:-.lal·1111n in· \)'•lll'd ·'our !an1ily can bt• pr11· 11d of '"11i1t·th111µ. l1k1· tlus. No. 1t \1~1sn 't 111\' hi ;..:~e:-.t hnnor. \\1111· n1ng ;i <0 han1p1onship :il\\":LYS is. i.·ra1.11·r has p layed on l\\'O rl1:1 n1p11n1,,hip i\'t'\\' \'ork tc an1~. 111 l!flll :1 11d \~!7:l . In 1h1 · \\\'I' h.illo\1ng:, he 1·1·· f"l'1\ t•d 18 ' · point s. tlllt' volt.'r ..pl1 \!111 g ll1 s l"hoi1..·t~ het"'e1•n 1··r ,11.11·r :ind Kans as C it v· t)n1ah .1"s :\":lie ,\rcbibatd. tht, \\les t ·s leading scorl'r lvilh 27 po111ts. ,\rl"hihald \vound up w ith [1 ~· \'Oll"." EAST ClOll 11,o~loir~ I I } lb, H.1~•·~ I (1(1 4, MtAOOO 4] J 11. ~ ""'"' 10 1\) 11 Jll. M<>"'°" J .l; ~. Un,_,•111 11·1 ~. '-'"'""" • 17 1 (,o..,, . .,,Jonb M••1 00 • ""''"'~ 1 -,~1.su~,1f·1 ~ 1 0.u ~<Q/~Ji, · WEST 0011 ''·"'~11n 1i11 1+.wwtx'<11ll !l7 11,Mu•J"no.orJ I I I '" lnll:>.Jt!l 10 I ·~ JI, Guo<tr o(n I U·O •, Wi(k' I /Jin l..J•n~r 10\J/ SvJ1ll002.B•nQ0 22J.D;,n '" •\l(IC I y 0 •. l.t(•'V) I Io ..... ,., J ~ 2t . toc .. 1~ •J I~\~ l .. ,t ,., 11 ll 1)-l(la w~,1 I" If JI 1•-Hll t u u•"!l O tt I. None. fold I Fovl\: E•st lS. W~>l 2"-1> ,,,..,, •• Cage Ratings Tn,. Top lwenly I-'" ll>e w""'tll' ASSOC:•oll..:I p •• ,, l'l'ldiO• <Oii...,., ""''>lt'llWll poll. *''" h<•I Pl.-Cf 110"~ '" p4renlM1'e•. se•_., r~Ofcl~ t1w00t9" q"m'' ot !idl.,•Ody, J...,. 11,...., 1,.j""' pol"'' I '"°"'"" l~I l•--0 •It 1 UClA 19) 17·0 Ill l lOU••~ollP (J) 11·0 7)0 • N C.Jrnhn.J SI. llJ-1 !13~ ~ M"1v 1.,n11 •., sis b S....rt>e•nCal n .1 , t'IO I A1 .. o.1m.J '+-I ., ~ Or,onn llJ-1 ~ • A,,,.,..,,SI, IJ..I ,,. 10 tCpnlu<kY '9-J '" 11 L11s .. 11e 1J.I Zl" 11 M••nurir.. 't-1 1n I! l\t>IO"~ 11·f 1~ u Nnt111 f ,,,ni.n,o 1-l 111 I' P•o••<I••"" '9-l )I I~ M"'"''"ll~ 10·1 2J I/ Mu1Q••' llJ-1 J'1 IA l~n"'"''•'"' .. I )o !4 M•t l:>•Q"" '9-J 1• 10 "Olllh ("'ii'"'" .. ) ,, ou .... , "'~''"'no ....,.,,, li•IO'd •tpti,an.11 c.i= AuO•""· U•ddlev, 0.P.otJI, F!Ol'"lcW Sl•I•, (•11'>\, K,,n,,s\, M1.om1-0l'l<o, MofDot" Sl•M'. l"' VPQ.J~. Noire OOltne, Oo"•I Aot>ert,, ,.., Am•rot •n. P•r>n, Pu"luf. Syr.at:uMO, T• ..... I p,.w Ut•n. c .. 1.10•"•._ w.~,. For~•'· • , . • • I A 16 DAIL y P!LOT Diploma To Be Passe? 8y Jo)'l'e l .. Ii enncdy D(•cent j obs for high srhool graduat1.·s ("ould beeon1e <.i s L'Xlinct :.1 s thl.' shovC'l-tusked mastodon if s ociety l'Ontinu('s it s fascination with credt·n· tialis m . 1'od<.iy. a high sc hool diplon1;1 is the henehmark for many at- tractive jobs. It i1 µp1.·ar s that tv.·o-and four -vcar college degrees soon. \viii re place that. At first glance, lhc solution 's simple : go to college if you want to earn a li vinf,:. But consider I hesc con· tradictory factors: Manpov.•t•r autho rities predict th ;;Ll o nl .v betY.'een 20 a nd 25 per - (Career Corner) cent of j obs in tht:> 1980s Y.'ill · acfu;_d ly require a four-year (·ollegc l·duca- tion. Some <.1nalyst s foresee .-in ;:ilarn1i ng 700.UOO ~ur plus college grads by 1985 l\'1\R Bt:RG . pro- fessor of hu siness and soc·iology <tt Columbia l·nivcrsi!y. and author of ''Education and J o bs ; the (;rC'<it Training Rob· bery." c·stin1<1les th;ll hy 1980, 40 perrent of ;dl ('nl · !ege grad s \\ill t·nd up in jobs that cuuld he adP- tiuately pC'rfo1·n1l'd hy high school grad::; ()n thl' nlhl'r h;i nd . v.·hcthPt· i t 's r t'.!ally nePded or not , en1pl(1yers arc i n creasi n g ly rt e · mnndin g :1 deg rt'l' as ;i h i rin g rt•quirt•ment . I'<t'YC'r mind th;1t high£'r C'ducatio 11 :1l r1·quirl'- n1L•nts ar1· nftC'n i1n posed on jobs llt'l'dlt•ssly. !)r t hnt the t'11 1lflt'l'l inn b t-t "'l't 'll ;1 "·or kt•r's educa t io n a nd .iuh p erforn1anL·<· h ;1.s not b t·en p ro\' cd. I a '/..\' C'n1pl0yers u sl' th e 1·nl· legt• C'rt'denti<1 I :1s :1 ~c reen1n g erutt:h esprcia lly in 11rnt·s of m ore applic ants th;111 j1lhS. <JNE S l'CC't~S SFl'f , v.·riter, ;1 hi g h school f!. r ;1 d h t· rs l.' l f . h ;,1 ~ d1·-.i·r1hcd 1ln . ..; 1n11r,:i1· hoard r11:1ni;i ;1s ;1 ''Ilia:. for v:ilid;1 tl'd kno\\ l1·dg1· :1 nrl <i di s tr11 s t of know t l' d g t' g ;1 i n t' d thrnugh prdf'lic·:1l 1·.\· pcrienCt'. J\11q\\'l1·dgL' i:-. \':Ji idalt·d onl y 1f Hl' Qui red s t•eon d hand. thr o u g h rccog ni zt·rl S<'hools ;111d l t•ac her~.·· sht' sairl. If nc e d!e~s cr1.•d f'n· tialis in eontinu1·s. n1orf' ;1nrl n1 or1· t•ollc·g1· g r ;1ds \Viii be undcrernployl'd . <Incl al the same ti nit'. ;1d clitional nt1n1ht·rs uf h igh S('hool g r·ads "·ill find cn1ploymcnt <lti nrs closcct To furth er t·ompliC'alP matlC'rs, if vou d ecidt' to attend cot'l eg <' on the theory th at it 's better lo have a joh ht·nL·alh one's trainin g than no jnh. there's still the unc'L'r tainty that the nct·up;1 lion for whic h .vnu fH't• pare may be stufft·d 10 the gills after grad u;1 lion. AS .NEWS of a .shortage of workers gets around, students flock to thoise occupation s. sometimes creating a sur.plus. Now that stu- dents are seeking voca- Uonal r elevance rather lhan the Social relevance of the 1960s, schools of law: medicine a nd bulil· ness are swamped. Stu· dents are pouring into engineering, journalism, den listrf',• nu rsi n g. veterln•fY medicine:, op· tometry, pharmacy and allied health programs. Wednesday. January 15 1975 Your 1296 Choice DESIGNER HANGINGJ.AMPS !l«ghten a •p•<•al •pa! '" ha-or oH•c• .,.;,h o •wa11 la"'p .. 11.ng el•iowher• '" $20 ! up' CM>•cfl a! gla1• pvmpO,n. <1v11ied ap!oc glo>< o• cry•!al ,..,rh P"''"' & many ma•• ane·al·a-kmd. W••h 12' charn ORIEllTAL RUG REPRODUCTIOllS A'"" '"9' '""'"" 1n ~lg•u"' ol plu'" <o!!on o>le ''""' ltio ol «"r>"'" d<1,gn• lho! grow mo10 boov••fvl '""th V'O ~ .. mon po•!e'n "' 11od, A•o<o<fo, l•ory & Gold So•ouk '" l•o•y A!!•o(!<•• h.n11•d •<><l1 ,:'~,!0, ~~·~ SAU! FASHIOll EARRlll'S P•e1'•d m•n• doh, no11oltoo> t>oop• loncoe' p•hl• o• la,9•' c1 . .,, ch.doen' ... ddong bond•'" gold "' ,.1,.1!on• col()<\ or fol• g•m•' Mod• 10 ,ell n• I 00 o po11 Nrve• •~·th g1oot ..-olu.,• R..,..1911 24.95 SQUAii SHOOTER 2 POLAROID CAMERA j!fA••'s Ti.IR1FTAPE Tn>e, bt~ 1q11oro p;t!u•e-' •on! t •llopllan• •<>pe •oil cin d;, fle(t1 o~·t 'huHet, •leclf•( t ve, en1er cil b•9 1~,.hy "'"'ng1 ~o•y I buoll<tn flo1h , !.ave o•er 5.00. '" 01 home. '" J.11• oH"' S<>••! Nowadays. high prices are one thing you can do without. So we do wl1h out a lew things to make sure our prices slay low. We keep our staff lean. You won't !ind a lot ol clerks hovering over you. And we don 't have dressing rooms In our apparel section THE COST OF LIVING we don't have 112 dltterent styl es to choose from . We buy the most popular styles 1n btg quanUhes, so we don't have non-selling items collecting dust. That costs us -and you. lt72 WWt11fMlil(I •. ) .. , S .2l ~ 11 ,.t. ,...J .. " .... ll WWI• S.,. IS ... ) .•• , ••..• 10 llHtrkH, U ........... 11.24 ( ... ,.,. re1W...•) y .. , ............... S21St.OO (S.,., ...... , 1972 1973 1914 WWt• .,_. (1 •.J ... S .JS '-s .... 11,.i. ltt.I ....... SJ WW.1 $...., (S .,_,) , .••.. l.U U.Ctridt, Ill .. "'" .... 14.1) (nenttrs.U..1) ............... '' .. $2174.00 (S.,. '"'"' 1974 Fantastic Purchase What we DO have are the things lhat count. Prices that take some of the cost out of living . Convenient hours. 450 stores to serve you, And more than 60 separate departments. The way things are . you shouldn't have to pay tor extras you can't take home. Which Is why Thrifty is more than our name. It's our philosophy. 1DECORATOR THRIAY SILICONE SPRAY ON C'.I) STARCH SPRAY 22.0UNC[ " 44c STARCH THRIAY -·-------~---- llOllO SILTZll UTAOt AIALGISIC 6 \'i ·ovnc• BLEACHING CLEANSER .,., CllORINE .... 1.11 LAVOlll MOUTM WAii AO-..,nce 9onv• lo!!lt -eo-• Cl••n•.---........... .:.-:.::-. , .. .~ ... -~···' . ... J.)7 LIBRARY UNIT Regular 49 95 95 Ano•her lh,dlf •uper 1perla<ular •alue >0'"' yov 20 00' Delu•e ..,..i.d taMt<v<"on •n '"""'' Pecan j,,,,,h wrth •o>y- ""j'~\I 1!•0oghHrne doc< lo,ge •rl "'" ~ 6~"1-1, •ll"W cind I ?"O ,...,,,h, •hell Yn1t make• on 'drol wol! ""'' '" '"""' d«•drr [o\oly OHO"'lbled '" o morle• ol monute1 "'''h f)~\y " '""..-d'"" THRIITT LIQUID TOILET BOWL CLEANER J 2.0UNCf 5 c KAL KAN M.P.S. CHUNKY DOG & CAT FOOD c -...... - ........ \ ..• ~ THRIAY CllAMY LOTION FOR DISHES l2·0UNCl 5 c LYSOL SPRAY DISINfECTANT & 08IDOllANT 14·0UNCE 129 ·-fu.'":, 1' 9 . ... .... VICll ITQUIL COllTAC TIMI ftUASI COLI CAPllUI Pot• ol AO HTll '1U1111 11HT AAH .,llTTIMI COLDS MltlClll \0-ount• AIPllll TAIUTI &0111. ol 100 -UT f.OVMI Reg. 79 ' & 99~. :· •. YOUR CHOICE 221°0 GIRLS' KNEE-HI'S OR TIGHTS !OO'lo. nylon I nee ~,'" p<:>p~I"' <OI""· "'"' 6 I\ o• nylon ponly hgl\!1 ,.,.h •l<e!<h 010,1" .,0.,ttamd• '"tho lote'1 lo•h•on col"" '""' • l' '"'' "9"1 lo• •he ,tyl••h young"'"' IC>"'" n' mOl<k "'''k all of ho< lo•O"'" lo•l"on11 (1010 ""' pu,,h<n• ol M>'''' l>•ond '''POD'' ho'" modo to ,.11 for~ 9~ & b 9~1 In dtt\\, \hee• "''"" 1hoe1 & .-gulor "'!•gh1, llo'1o""O Jot"""~ •rl'°""9 •uppo1 I lo• '"'Y <•«Ol•<>n n! o Q••oo~or P'"" G•t you•1' (C>nd•hon <II •h•y de<1n or ""'"' loo•e ho" ... ondorl ully manoQtobl• 32-01. Site •1· 2 •• 139 TIACS I TRACI TAl'I CARTRIDGE loi:t Quolo•y, l<on blon• 90, "''"ult rtto•d1n9 !Of>' ,,o~od•• """ j;d,l1ty rtprod11C••on1 hono.,,, "'' 10•01 rov o••• JOQ~• (hQ•<• of p;n~. GC>ld He, I bol Q,.i,,d "' Or~•n '" «en11 ... l.7t THRIFTY IAIY SHAM,00 , ..... !'{\°""'"'()<\lb 01 '·!~ ),,1., ,'rntle Why puy mo·~? Costa Mesa ZJJ L 17• St. Santa Ana 1406 W. l••!I" l lrblol Fountain Y alley M ... o .. T- &Taro El Toro .. Rocllfltld HuntincJtan Beach •161 -"lrooWw•I Huntlnatan leach ZllJI lo.dllYd."A".t• Santa Ana JJZS lrhlol .. MocAt1llr Fountain Valley 161411 ......... ,,,, ' Westminster w .. 1-•allialdollWetl Huntlnatan Beach •s "'""'-I• c....,. Huntlnatan Beach safw.- r I i ! i ' i I I ' I "· . , , • fl ' t I I ' t " ' ' ' " L :i. " II " " " " " " " . ,, E ' ' , ,, .,. ,, " " ,. ' II . " " q ,, ,. " ., ' c " ,. " " " " " ,, I :I ' . ~ • ! I Diablos Survive i Tritons Rally; ~ i Win in 2 OTs i. lly C. l.l·:S~ \\'II rr1·: • 01 nwo .. ,1, ... 101s1 .. 1r l 1\l1 ssiun VicJu ll1 gh 's t·l;1:-.sv t 1)1:.iblus surv1vct.l l\\"u l ;1i.t St'<'onlt : ~h ots \vhieh \\'01dd h;J \'l' \von the i gan1c ~one at !ht• end nf rcgul<i-t lion, the othl'l" :it th,• <'l usc uf !ht· 1 f1rs tuvcrl11nt· ~ "!'hen l'OJl'h 1':1! HobL•rts' t lh;1 hlos \\. llh:-t11od ;1 frar1t1t San ('ll'llll'lllL' harr>igt:ol llLt• h.1 :-.h1·l 111 t the t•ont·lud1ng :-.l't'<•ncl..; 111 th1· :"l'l'Ulld HVt.•fl lflH' tn 1.rht.' •• ;,7.;,:1 lr1un1ph 111 :';.111tli Co.1st l .t'•t ).!Ul' li:1..,l.:t·t li;il I b:1tll1• 'l\11.•s d.i.v 111).!ht . 'l'hc inv;1d111g ·rr1lnn ..;. d11\\'ll ;:.:, ·I~)\\ 1\h !"i:I :.t·t·ond s 11•11 111 that s 1•e 11nd t•\lr;i Jll'l ind . h :ul p:u ·l'd !ht· g .ip tu ;,~i j:! ,111rl h.id 1h,· h:il! \\ !! /t :.!7 SL'l'llllli:-. [11 ~!• '· 1\nd the n J l'fr Dens m or e s tule lhC' b;d l fron1 the IJiublos with I . '!.7 ll"ft and the 'J'1·i!ons went into u :-.ta ll, pl;1ying for the Las l s hol. ·rhcy took it from the corner v.·ith :Ill s howing on the c lock but 1l t·;1 romcd offth1.• back r1n1 . 1\fl1._•r r:gl·l·t son h:1d ~tnlen \ht' h.il l ~·arl y in the I 1r:-.L 1•x tr:1 pe riod , 'l'ay lnr 1ntt•rt·1·ptcd 11 ·ti;1l"k \\•it h 2 '!.0 r1·n1a1ning :11111 aga111 SC put :ill its 1n :i rbiL'S on ulll' final s hot _'l'h1 s t1 n1c 1l 1\"as a n l•ight·fooll'r- \\ 1lh :O:! on the c l1 )ek liut il v.;1s t:iken u1 hl·~1vy dl'fens1\·c traf11(· ~111d \V:L :-.11 "l parl1l't1L1rly t•lost• ~U\\" 1nollll'ntun1 \\·;1:-. bvi.:111 !\Jl\.L: tu :-11 in;..:. r'\fl1·r '/'eel h ;d o lu ":-. frl'1.' thro\V h;1d g ivl.'11 the 'l'riton" ,! ·17-·Hi t·dgl' JU second s 1nln tht• :O.l'l"o nd O\"l'l"lirne. lhe hosts w;._·nl Oil :1 S P l.l'l' .. . ... ' I . -~ .. I .. ,,.. .. 'l"hcy wnrkt'(I lhe ('lot'k tu 17 :-icconds a11d lill'll lll',t'.:<lll a can- non:.idc ul thv h ;1:-.kc1. rn issiug ;.i :-hut frt1n1 uu1:-.1dv. rL·houndtng, \I".\ 1ng anutht·r frurn uut :-.idl', 1n1 s · :-.1ng, and th1·n lall111g ~hort 011 :1 p;111· uf rcilou11d :-.hul s lron1 Utl· <lvrneath. Sa\1·yer hit a basket and ~1 lr'l'l' 1hru\1' 'l'lll'tl ;1 'l'ritnn lo~l h is c·cJ11I .ind tilt• ;.·ns uin;..: t l'ch n1f'al foul l'O:.\ tht• \"1:-.i tors ;1 IHll lll :11Hl pu:-.sl',,:-.11111 u l t hl· hall MV'S DEAN EGERTSON DRIBBLES AHEAD OF DAVE ZOGG (25). DAVE TA.YLOR ANDSCOTTSEVERS(34). l\ll!-.:-0 1011 \1 il'j•I 1111;111_\ i::ut !ht: hall anti i._·J;i ,,:-.v l.!ll ard ()1._•:.in !<.:gl•rt.-.o n \\":1 s fuulcJ \\'ilh 111n c :-.i·t·ond s ren1;11n111g . lie hi t 1Ju1 h frl·;._· s hots to ll"l' lhL' \"L•r<lil"I a . ..; the ·rr1to11s v:1•r1._· gi\"l'll " l"on(·t•,,:-.11111 IJ11ek1._•L \\'ith a !'-l'l"UIHl lo ;..:11 11 \\;IS ;1 lfl'll\t'!ldt!IJ.-. b ;d lh.· \\llh the ll'Jtl 1·h.1ng1n g h ;111d:-. or the Sl'Ufl' bcLrl).! lll'd :!7 llllll':-0 Lil rL·gul:1tio11. 1\nd 1t \\a:-, :-.u1"pr·1.., 1111.dv d e void of turnu\1•r:-. ;1:-. tlH· \\ 1nnt'r" t·un1r11it tl'd "Ill \ f1,1· ;ind lh1' los vrs ]() 111 the l1r:-.I f11ur 1pt:irtl'r:-.. 'f"lll"l'i" \\<!:-. llt"ll'I' 1!1111"1• tJi.111 !'Hur J!ilints :->l'p;ir.ttrng 1!1l' l\1H ("11t1lhat;int :-. \nd !h1· 'l"r1 l1i11 -. \\l'1'•• ;,!,l•11111.:..: llllt' ph1.\ 11"1•111 ll.1\1' 'l';J;. lur :1 11d '!"1111 [)1111h .1t11 11 hill' \1\""s hu :-.tlln :..: t.:u;11·d ..,. 1•;_11,• l 'uop1•r atHl J·:,...:L·r1 ... 1•11 111 •1,• 1·11111 p l1·1n1·1111ng lhl· 1•t1v1·\1\1· \1<11 h uf 1v11l1•r SIL'\t' ~.111 1 1 ·r \lht1 11.1-. 111).!ll pn1111 p 1nd11l·l'I l<>l !hv _,tlllo' \\ 1 l h :.'I . ~!ill , J! \\,I "' ~.i ll ("lt'lllt"llll' l\h11·h :-.1·1·r11vd tu h1 • 111 !ht• dr11l·r s :-.l'at .1-. 11·;.:11l;.t 11 J11 11l.11 IH'.H"l'd ll:-. t•111 t "l'hl' 'l'r ilorlS h .111 r 11·d 1l \1 1\ h t \\t • 111111u11•:-. 111gc1 1111 .1 1:, f11ol ~hot h\ ·r .11!1•r .~P'''·ts i11 Brief 'l'ht•y battll'(i IKU'k , l1111\·c11•1·. ;1n1_I l."ILl it tu ~'4)-·l ~on K :d u ta ':. p ;:ur of lrl.'t' thrO\\":-. \\·1th I ·l:i to go. But (_'QOj)l'I' :Jtld f>:;..:t•ftSO ll l'al"h follo11 l'd '' ith l1\11 f1·el' l11S:-.l·:-. tn up lht..' l"Ount to :1:>-1~. 'l"h l·n ·r1n1 i)unhan1 i1rccl 111 .1 !7-:ootc1· and l,j :-.1•l"ond:-. lal1•r Kalot:.i h :1d t ;_111ked l\1·u c r ;l\1:-. ... hot:-. to t1·in1 1t to 5.l-5:1. 'l'hal St't thl· :.L.t g c fur th(' frl·nz1l·d l"los 1ng :-.1'l"onds ;_ind thv f11u1· 1n1 !'>:-.1·d :-.hot:-._ 'l'hc f)i;1hlos n1;ulL' fr1.'I.' lhrO\\S tlicir hl·::>t fri1•nd as the\· t:o11nci'I · ed on :!1 of '!.1 11 hill' 1f11._• 'l"r11nns p11·kL·d up uni~ 1:; p111n1 s fri>lll tlh· lllul linl' I 'I' <l '-'" ' ''"""' .......... ~ ,,. Au.,,,. t ...... , I .,,,. ..•... l•u"""'" ~ "'")(" I·" i.,, v." """' 1, .... 1. >·"' ! """"'ntr• M o "'"Vo• 1<> ,.. "~'"" v ... 1<> ~ ~11 •• " .. • " ~ .. rtClt"menl• l~U •• ' • ' " X.,.t"bWq...,.,,•,, •O u 1• " " " .. " • .. .. .. .. " " " .. " .. " " .. .. , •• .. .. , .. " .. • ., 1\ .1 Laver Tops Richey;:1 Colts Name Coach Ill .\l ,\L'\11 111·1 .\I.or ·,, Bud I' " I 'urn11.1 I . .1\1'1" -.11rn1111111tvtl .i li J ;.t•\h.tl'h Ill tht• "t'C"PtHJ :-.t•l and ,1 Io dl'l1t·11 111 th1· 1h1rd to hl·<ll ('l 1ff H11·h1·1 '1'111·-.d :1.\. 7 ti. l 1;. 1: \.hut :-.1.1n ~11111h ,,,1.., l1 11 .. 1·t liv ,J1·ft U11 rn111.1h :, 7 1; I. Ii:.'. 111 -;1·1·111HI d.11 ,1 1"111111 :ll lhl' ~tu:! noo l ' I:~ 1 l.1-.:-1·, .II I '.tlni.1-, ! 11·1 \1.11 rn t h•· 111h1·r 111.11t·h ·r u1· ... d.1 y. •\J1•\ \l1•!11•\t•l1 ,,j til1• :-\Oll l'l l ninn h1'.1t \1.11 h l '11\ 111 1;11·,1l 11111.11 11 , Ii 1. 11 .i !l ,\J,'l'l\ll )l!J·: '1'1·d '.\l .11 'C"h 1lir111L1. ,111 .t:-.:-,1-,1.1111 t'11.11'h Ill 11\t' :'>..!111111,d l'111>!l1,ill l.1'.l:!lh' lnr 1111· p.1:-1 11 11·.11 l1 •d,t\ 11.1-. 11.11n1•d li•·.1d c "·'' 11 <>I 1)i,. ll.1l t111 111 r'1• ( ·,.11 llL' r"pl.11 ·1·~ !111· "l l11111i.1 -. lh1· ("1oit-.' ).!t'tH"l.11 ll\.lll,q.~1·r 1\h" tl 1rl'l"lt•d 1h1· lt'.11111111·111.· 1111.il 11 :.:an11·s iii 1111 · 1•1-;1 :-•·.1 ~1111 ;d1t·r \lo \\ art! St'ht11•llt·n h,•1 ;..:"1 11.1 -. f1 r1 ·d. \l ;1r1·h1h r 1>1L1 I:\. h.--. ""' \l'ct as ,1n :1:-.:-.1:-.l .1nt 111.1 t"h \11th th•· \\"a :-.h1n i-:1n11 l/1•tl -.k1n ~ 111id l'r I (;eori::t· 1\lll·n l<>r thL' p.1-.1 four :-.t·:1 sons and \1 ,1 ... ,1n .11dl' t\1th th1· ~i 1.os,\ngcles J{;11n-,l1'nn11~1 ;1i 10. j itlnloHP!I .t;i: :fps l ,1\~U()V l·:H . i\ltl 'l'h1• l .u~ 1\n gclc~ h 111 g:-. s L·nr1·d thi.'1r ! :-.e\'l'llth co11:-.e1·ut1\l' rnad \"ll'1llr\' 'l'ues da y n1 g hl . drupp111 i..: th ~· \\'~1 :-.hington (':11H1 :11 :-..li·2 o n l\1t1 • 1 l Evert Named Top Athle te NE\V ''l>BI\ l 'hri .. J':\'l·rl , \\IHv;c ~1idas loul·h \\1th a tl'O/lt:- racquel 1 urn1._'d 1.-, tournan1cnts 111lo lriun1ptls and t•:1rnl·d ht•r more than S2J4 •.oou 1n official monry, I-" The• /\S-"flCl~tcct Pre!-'s 1-..,emale Alhll'lc of the ''c ar for 1974. Evert reached lhl' pinnncle 1>1' tf'nnis <l ftcr" rn\!r·c fnur vcars on lh(' i11t t•r nn11011 1d 1.:11"('~1 11 . Sh<· rC'plat•cd 1Ji\1i(' .11•:111 King not 1111- ly a s t he prc1niL'I" pl:iyer in thc Unifl'd Stn tC's, hul in the v.·orltl. F.v~rt was thi.! 111·l"r\Vh('l rn1 n ).! "l101cc ns lhc 1\thll•t\• of the "Year. :1n nounrcfl '1'11c sd.1r. S h e re· ('f'iVl'll 2H•i \"Ol1·s 111 natinnv.'\<11· ha11nl.in.ll. tnmp;.1r1..•d \1 ith !17 for K•ol-!. ()lyn1p1£' g~·n111:1 ~1. l)lg a Ko rbut v•:1:-. third \\1th 2~1 . IC('ll· H ~c track s tar tvl ary nec ker fourt h wit h 27 ;111d vc tcr~1n f.\O lft•r J0Aoo1· C<t rot·r fif1 h \~'ti h 2~1 t.:u.ds .1n•I l1\•1 ''""'':-.!:-h;r l >,111 i\\alonl·~ ·rhl· h1 ng-:, \\'ho h;1 11· th•· 111 • ... i rn.1d rt·1·ord 111 lhl' .'\,1111111.11 lln1"k1•y l .l'.t).!Ul'. l'Xpl,ult·cl 1ot· four )..'.11al:-. 1111hl' Sl.'l"1lnd j>t'l'LOd In t.•kl' a :1-1 ll·.1d .ind hoos t tht•ir r1·· 1·11rd ,1\1 ay frnni hon1c !o 1:1 ~Ii ....... ,," '" '-'"·" !,()S ,\:-\C:l·'.t .I-:S \'111 Sltill1 11,,.., -.1)-!n•·d 1\11h t "HS Spllrl -.. hu1 l.l ll l 1•!H\lllllll ' ,j:-, lhl' [,O:-. .\llj..!1'11·-. I lod ~1 · r-. h rt1<ull" ;1 ~I l·r. ;-\1·1 dl y \\di cn11•r NF!. f1u11h,dl IL•l1·(",1~l:-., !l'nn1s. ;ind golflnu rn .i n11·11! :-. Cng•• S••lloul I .<> S 'I' h I' t ·n1 \t'l":-il .\ 1d ~1ulh1 ·rn l',ili111t n1.1 :tllll"lll\~"t'd 'l"\ll'"(l.t;.• tl1.1l 111·· \!.1r1·h t' h :1 ~k1 ·tliodl f.!:11111· ;q..;:1111-.1 l "(·J .. \ 1s a l :).32:l~1·at :-.1·1\out ,1! 1 h1 · ~p11rt s .\r1·1L1 '.\lt•.111\\ hilt..'. l"('!~A 11ffl('L,ils :-.aHI th:it all uf 1•;1u\1•y 1':1\·111011 ·:-. 1~.HllO st•ats h ave' IX'<'n :-old tor Ille 1:1.'b . l g ;1n11· IJ ,•\v.1·1·11 South1·rn ('al and 1ht• Bruin:-. Prep Slnr lo .<;C l.t•;\V I SVll.l .i'~. 'l'l·x. l';nd llic1·. one of the 1110:-.t hq.~hl\· sought st·hoolboy running hal"k.:-. 111 lhe nation \\'ho h:ul :-.1gn 1·tl ;i Sou lh\\'t'~t ConfC'l't'n<·t• lelll'r ol 111\\·nt tu atll'nd Sou lh C'rn i\ll'thodis1, <111no11nl't•d 'l"ul'sd;1v ht' I S J..: Vi ll ~ I O S (1 ll t h I'!' .tl L':1lifor11i;i . Ct11111ors Wit•s ~~R F.:E Jl(>Jt ·r, 13~t h :1 1nns '!'op· ~l·c d ed Ji n1m y L'onno1·s and SL·cond·sccdcd Juan c.:isb1•rl o f S p;iin notched victoril'S '1'11 esrlay 111 lhC' l~ahamus l nl l'l'nnti.1n:d Opl'n tennis lourn::11nenl . Connors dump1._·d \1iorl•I \lart·u of lloman1a . l)-I, 6·2. ~1111\ 1;1 s hl•t'I l n pp e cl J i r i (; ran._. t 11 r C7.cC' hos Inv ak ia, 7-fi, 6· I. I n other mntchC'~. Ch:1rlf'-: O\vcns drnpp('d J•avt·I Slo1.ll , .-17, 1;.o, 6 ·4: l{o gt•r ·r;iylo r d c f1·;1t1·d :-;1•l'r1L"Cr St'gura. 1·fi. 7 G. C;t'lll' \l .1,1'l'r hL~at l{o_gcr llo v.df':-.11 1·11. 1;.:J. r. 4 ; \"1l .1s (;t.•rul:11t1:-. \1·hq1p1·d l .;1rrv !{ullL·,li·ll,fi 3. Ecerf, King Who SA R/\SOTA, l·'la . -·r np - secde rl Chris t :v1·rt a nd =-(.•<·ond seeded !Jillie Jenn K111i::: s 1\(•pt In eas y fir st -round vic·tor 1t·s 'l'ot•-, d;i y n i~hl 1n a $7!'1,000 \\'on11·n·:-. tennis tournamcnl ht· rt'. EvC'rt d o\Yncd llatl v ll o,.:an. fi ·O, fi O. King d c fcaled Jan1·t N('1Y hr rr y. 6-2. 6-1 . .... DAVE COOPER (CENTER) GOES BY SC'S TIM DUNHAM . TED KALOTA (44). Stones Sets Lofty Goal Newport Harbor Kicker Hea<li 11 g .for USC 1 , I l)11·1ghl Stolll'S has a n111clt·:-.l. ;1n1b1tion : lie ho pes to high jump 7 7·11 Th ~it 's only :t quarter of an 1nC'h under 92 incht•:-. and \\·01dd be a v.·orlcl rt•cord Stnncs. \\"hu \\'ill L'nroll :ll (';d State IJ,11n g llC';1chJ I.his V.'l•t•k , ft>t'ls h l' 1.1•ill :1ch1e1·1' :-.ueh lnt't.v height 111 lhl· r:irc·fil'd :11r 11f l\1ex 1co Cil .v t his ()ctobe1· "·hen he pt.•rfnrm s in the l'nn An1cr11·;n1 (;a mes. 'l'ht~ for m er Glcnd<-1IC' I J1 g h , UCL.A athl et e. is running hilts, re pl';1t 330.s anrl 1s v.·orkin,c: on n wt·i~ht !raining progran1 di'· signed lo benefit \"arious parts or the body . "M y technique can st ill stand a lot of improvement." he s ay ... "At UGI.A 1 l~a rncd to run l"asity to"· a rd the bar s o I "·ould expend all of my energy in tht· JUOlp. llul 1 s ttll \\"ant to get m y arms to v.•ork a lol heller ·· Stunl's. fi·S and 21 .\'C'•lrs old . v.1\1 be l'lq.:1hlc to <·on1pell' for IAJnf.! Bl';1ch a .\'l''-l r hl•ncc ;ind hy 1 hen n1 a y ha v1· h 1.s g0;il r :tis ed lcl (•ight f('C\ And with 1!11• t'Urrt•nt global .o;landarct nf 7 11 ~ .. alrL•ad~' tuekcd undl'r his h e'll , Stoni·s rnay Wf'll a ccomplis h v.·hatl·\·1·r n1ark he !'it'l s for himsc'lf * * * Around the brat : A rt Sore£'. Newport 11 nrhor llL g h "s s ta ndout pl:t<'t•k1t·kcr, will l :1kl' his talent s lo LISl' for 1111· I\ g 1·oup of8lh g rad1·ba~~elbal l nt•xl four y\·;irs on a f ul l pla.vcrs frL1n1 N1•1\·pnrt Bc;u·h re- !t"cho l:i r s h 1p -rt'l){ll'ledly lh1· cently capl t1r(•d a tourna1nenl 1n f1rst·cvt·r full ri d e i.?ivcn a k1<·k · Los Angclt'S. avt·r;ii:;ing.'ti7 points 1ng s pt:'cialis l h y tht•'l'roj;ins. pl'r gn n1 c for four lilts 111 dt•fl';1t · 'rh :_it m1•an s hL' :ind 1•x 111).! t eams fr11n1 Alhambra . llunl1n gton Beach ll 1gh 1\h!t. \\"(•Sl\\10od . ·r urranceand l.1\. Hick St;irn1·s ;in d llri;1n 1:r('~·m:1n of thl' q)1a1nps werl' honored o n t h l' :{ll-to11rna1nL'lll tcan1 and rn:111• ()a vid Kuchler v.·as tourne.v i'vt VI'. WHITE WAS H JjrC'll \Vh1 tt· could have a lot tu s~y about lht> outcom~ of this l"cnr's USC-UCt.A roothall game. \Vhitc boo t s for UCLA. Jin1 S\\ ic.:k is !!o aid to ht' li•:i\·in)! 1 ('l ,1\ to Ir~· hi o; f1K1lba ll for l11n1'" ;1 I San I) it· ~II St ;i If'. S1\ ii• I. Jl l"I' l'Jll'll al :"t'\\purt ll arhor. Jatll l'S 11:11'11.\ of J.nn J?: l\i'aL·h Jor£1an r~·t·1·n ll v ~1·ort·d .I.I a n1I ::i i point.:-. in h .11·k .in·ha ck h ~1!-kt•lt,;1ll ga 111 1·s. ·r11 1· li·!.I ae1• 1·:111 he !-l't'n S a turd:1y a t 111H111 1111 ('h ;1n111·l •I in :i ga 1111~ '' ith l.ak1·"·oud . Jordan a nd l~al..('\\nnd art• in the t:ll .. lo11 10 ratin f.(s . llardy i-. a\·rrn~i np; JJ.:.! 1u1ints p<'r .e;an1 Pso far. '1 Worthy Hits 24· Elsewh <'rl?. Tom Jjranich uf Ris hop An1<1t rt·ccntly pickt•rl off :l-1 rebounds in a ,garnl' ;i nd Nt•il Arno ld of Lon_g l\cach \Vds u n h :1s m;1 de 63 o f 6a f ree thruw tries ttu:. yc;1r. /\nd. Ton1n1y Thompso n of \V a1 n ut broke the C l!: si n i.:1~· gan1c a ssis t r ecord in the l.11gu11a !leac h baski·lba ll tourney whl'n 111• had 18 against M ir ci,l(':.lc 1n lhl' finals ' \{I V l':ll S ll)J•: f"nr11'1t·r l[litl1 inJ.:\•)11 l\1·:1(•h lli bh 1t11d (lran ~t' t •n;1:-.\ l~olll'j.!" .... 1:1tldoul .11111 \\"ortll.1· .. j·111·1·d 2-1 po1r1t s, h 111 l ~1ula ( 'ulll'J.:t' d r11pp1·d an HO i;!! ha s kt•!hall ga r11t' t 11 t ·l; ll1\ 1·r:-.1dl'. h1 ·r1» ·rut·:-.da ~ 111g ht . Ric h llranning of M arin a is fnurth o n the C I F's a ll·time list \I.Ith 11 Frazier Bet Pays Off: East Rolls l'll<ll•:'\I X 1.\1-.J \\".ill <"l.\d,·'' l·'ra111·r. 1l\\' :'\<'\\" "\'01·k 1,1111·1.-.' 1111p1·r1 urli:d1\" ).!t1.1rd , 1·,11ll1' Ullt 11\l' hl ~i-!l'-.1 II lll!h"I' Ill I lit • 2.-ith .'\;1\l\ll\;11 l\.1 ~kt·lh:il! 1\:-.- "(!\"l ;J\ll>ll ,\ll .. 1.11" ~.till!' \,q 111!11 did h1· l"l"l"l'l\l' th1• f!.!!lll··.., \ln:-.1 \",du,dJlo• l'l:L .\l'I" ;11\·.1rd 1t11 ... c"rtn .i.: :u1 p111nt -, :i nd l1•,1d1 11 l! till' l·:.1 ~1 t<i .1 l(1K 10'!. up- :-.<'1 I !t"hir1 Ul.!"I' lho• \\",,..,! 'l"t11·-.- d .11. 111µ,l)t_ hill 111• c·n ll1•1•!t•d ::-.-,110 ~:1 ".'.-1 r•1•11l .., lll•ll't' lll;i n :1n 1 11\h."r HH·1nh1·rc11 1h1· 1\1 U111n l! l l'.l Ill 'l'h1· <'\lr.1 q 11.u ·11·1· 11;1..,; th1· re· :-.llll nl .r ··11111 l1t•I 1•'1 :1111 •r h ~1d rnad·· prr·11· to Iii\• l!.1111 " 1111 11 the 1'~;1:-.t ":-. 1~ I 1·.1 1" nld l1.d lhn1 ·r11 •.. 1 (;1111:..::-.l1·r !h1111.i..:ti1 lhl' \\"esr 1\ .is g oing 111111n ;111d h1._· 1~ul up h1-. 11 1t 11u·v :1l!;11n-.1 l-"r;11.1er's . ,.\nd :lll1•r I ii~· ).!.till•' J·"r.1 11 1·r 11<1 ~ lll :-l ;1, \\ lll1 1 q~ tu !.1k1 • 11 ;1f tl't" -.1111 \t' 1111•11d!.1 r.11.1.1 11:.: 1\1\t1 \ht• .\ Oll l\;.:-.t t" 1' "l"h1· 1'.l-.1 J..'.ll!ll;.! 11•p.1r 1~·t·, l"u,,lo111:1r.1 111 lht· 1\111nvr-.· drl':-.:-.- 1n ~ r11u111 , 1·1 1n\111uvd .ilt1·1·11 :1 rll 1\li1•11 :-.un11·01H· g r·t·t·lt·d Fr ;111~~r \\ 11 h 1 ht• l'O!lllll\"lll ) !Ill /US \ \11111 lhl' hudd111 g · '"If ht• pl :1~·f ·d h 1•rt· l'\t•r.• ll,··d 1\1• .\ll-\\'nrlil." :-..1id L\lunrn1·. 1:r,111<'!".., \('I.I lt·.in1n1;1l1·-. 111 ).!ht 1·:~11·1 "\"11rk ·rhl' all11 ~1011:-111·r1· lu 1··1·a111·r·s ll\!1 i"U ll::.1·1·11\1\"t' li1 i\it.ltll .L!<Hlll':,0 :11 \"1·tl'r ;111 :-. 'lt•n1 1)r1al c·oho;e111n. V.hl'l"t' a 1"l•t·1u·1 I l'i"1)1~·d 111 12.MX5 lurnl·d •HIL i.u· th1' ;..:l1ltl't·1n;..:. na - t11Hialll" t1·lt•\1;.cd .\ll :-.l ;lr ;..::11111' . ()11!1 l;1.~1 ~.1tu1·d,1.1. Ill I ill' J\n11·h-.' 1111.Jl g;i rnt· pr111r l11 lhl· ,\ll .-.1.•r h1 r.1~. i·'r,11.11·r 1·01111.:C"I ~'<I l<H" 1:11 111101 -. i•ll\" :-.h11rt ut h1~ 1·.1 t'\"l'r h 1 ~1l .1~:11 n :-.l 1h1· l'hnL'lll\ :-Oun -. 'I'll•• :u> pot1111-. ,1).!:1111-.( 1111· \\"1·-.t. 1111 \()of 17"h•>11l1n i.: t r .. 111 1 hl' flnnr :111d J{) (lf 11 11 .. 111 tilt· lr•·1· tllr111\' 11111· 1·.11·11,.d !11111 111 ... t1r-.\ \1\'I• h111\iH ' 1!1 ht-. :-.1\lh l'Oll...,\'tllllll' ,\I- I :-.I ;11" :-.1 ,1 r1 ··~1111 .1l\\d1 . ..; ll11nl-> a hn11t 1h1· \! \ I' .. II" Id . hv :-.n1I. "l"lh'l t' , .... 1 111\ I)! p t•f',t111;d :.,;_!11:-.(al'llOll 111 · \)lil\"t•d \IHJr fan1d y l'an 1>1· pl"•>- tld of :-.01n1·th111;..: l1 kl' t111 s. i\'n, 1t 11 a:-.n "l 111.1 IJ1i,:g t• .. t h11n11r. \Vin nini.: :1c·h :11np1ons hrp ;d1\ ;iys i:.. l''r;11 11•r has µlay1._•rl on l\\"O c hamp1nn-.h1p l\"t•\\' "\'ork lc<1 n1 :-., Ill 1'.170 ,Jtld l~l";":l In th1· '.\1 \'I' h~dlntinf.!, h l' re· 1·t•111·11 11'\1 · pu1nts. 1)fll' 1·otL·r ... p!J t\111 ~ 111:-. eh11i c0 li\~lv.•e1.•11 Fr .it.ll'r <ind h an ~a s C it y· (1111;_1\1;1 :-. i'\ate ,\rchiba ld. t h e \\'l':-.l ":-. l•'.ullni.: ~t·ort•r-\Vith 27 pn1nt:-.. ,\r1·h1hald \\'Ollnd up w ith 11 • 1·1lll·S . EAST !!Oii """'•er• I JI lb, ,...1vP' 10.11 •. Mcfl <too • J.J 11 . F "'"l" 10 10 I I JO. MQ"""' .l J ~~.Un""'" 111 "· < ,.,.,,,,., • I 1 '· (.""''"'" J" ~ ~. M·~ Io O•. Wiit\~ • '1>l.S11 .. ,/l"/b !o.H,"<)J~JI WESI nou ll.irrv 11 0 0 17. >! ... -...><! l 0 01. tlOdUI J.>t>b;ir J I· I I Ar c nol>.110 10 /.fj II. lo<Axl< Kn I~.<)~. WI( k~ I 7J l&.Ldn'"' I OU/.S.CoHI 001.D•nQ0711 0 ,)n clo"l"l' I 0-0 '· L,•(l.'V /I 1 o. ,.,,._,•) l 111. l i'>t"IS •J \~ ,,, to,1,t ]'I 71 l2 l>-101 w~,, 1,. 11 11 1~-1 (11 """''-'" Oul Nooe. rotd• Foul~: E.•\! /~. w~" 76. 4 . 11.111!>. Cage Ratings '""fop rwentv 1~ '" 1he-kl., A~S<l<-••t•d Prp\~ "'"'"' colleqe -P!tldtl l)Oll. w11n '"'' 111.,ce ""'"' '" P••l'nln.n.t"I, M•""" recof"Ch 1nrou<1h II•"""' QI s .. 1"'""'·J.,... 11, -11>1., poon•~ t ln<\("n" LU.I i-o •11 1 UC\..A ('I! 11 O 1111 l lou•\V1h" (]I II 0 /JO ' N CiHohn• !>I. 10·1 ~J) ~ M•r .,1,.na 1 .. 1 )J~ o '>OU!I'>"'"'"' II I . "'° I i\l"b"tnot .,_, JBI ~ O•eqon 10-1 l.)I, q Ar.,on,1Sl IJ.I )I• 10 Kenlu'-~' q..1 l"" lll•S.01+" 11·1 ii" 11 M••flu••tl<t •·l \n 1 ! "' •10"·' 11·1 1!<1 "No11n rotrn1on.. /·J 111 ,, p''"'"'"'"" •·.1 l8 16 ""'"""""" 10·1 JJ I/ J.IUICI•''' 10-1 11 18 l ~nn~"'"~ 1-1 10 I~ """ l>HI"" ... ) ,. 10 <;oolt> ( "'"h"'' 1-J 11 011..,,~ '~' ~·vlnq VOie\. l •~lf'd •lpt-.btli~olty; Auburn. fl• .. <l•ev, 0.P..,1. F1or1W Sliole Moly (•O'>S. K""'"~· Ml..-N·~·o, _...,... s1.1e', N,, .. L"'' \/eQ"\· NOite 0• 0.•i R-rtt, P'.-1\ "me dc•n, P•nr>, Purduo. 'lfil<UW, Te~•t•EI P.01.11. Ul•l'>. l~lltorni' W•-e """'"· • ~. :,· :I i .... { -: I ; • r •• . • '. C'\• ·"'·'1 SPORTS Marina Battles Lions ------'" •'ltir<;f'.la~ Jinu.l•V 1~, 1'}""', Big Tests Dolphins Dump Eagles Trojans, 68-64 For CM, t ·(l!'>to1 fl-te s a Jl1gh "'Ill 1:t·t ,1 tha n e e lo find out Jll"1 hu "' good 11 1s \to111 ).!h l :it 7 "'hen it host s :1 I~~ II,\\ I·: l(t)'I \'\I I 0 1 In• 0 ••'• I' rnl >l ~U J );(ll,l 11111 II' d I .1 11 I ,! L! 111 \ 111 .1 !'ark l l 1gh in a l 'cn-l ·1111 •'I ,.,11 tu11 Ll'agul' bas ketb;tl l l •'\'01 d .1 1,,-.:t1\ \, 11 ,,·,1·1 ~.t lJl t• 1h1 · 111•'1 1 •. l!I' l tl'" ·rhl' !'11l's a J\1us tangs d.1,· 11 11 lit 111 :-.111d h .Jle ~ u 111 lnop play v.·ith ('11,1 -.t l.l.1 111· \, ,.r,,11,.d \ \\Jt1,111l'l'~a nta Ana:ind g .1 111l ' t-:1 ;..ludL'll<t \Vhil£' lhl' \o(lgh \'1l la P ::irk ~ri .1rl :1n -. :1rl' also 2 0 . \ 1Ja l '.1rk 1s one of the l1•;;1 rn:-. p1l'k1·d to fight it uut fJrlht· t1tlt• '[' h <' I I \ I II I l" 11' ll11lph111 -. Ii.id '1 11. ld g u ;d.., l1 1 ·•i. 1.11 lh,. I " 1.111-.. IHI! l J.111.1 I ldl-.. -.11111. .il•lll., \\ i\Ji ::;_,LI\ C'le11)..:r1lC ,111d \\Js"'l"I! \'iL'J!J l 111\t'lsll\ \\a-.,u ... 1ng:1 :1~li! n1.111 d l·l' .. ·n-.t· a1ul Iii•· '1'1••1<111 -. Ii.ii\ fpul .., ',dlt .. I UI\ l llt·nt all tl l,i<hl [J.i1i.1 Ii i\\,' l11ltl ,...11ont111 g \\ "' ll!il l ll .1t good (:!Ii 01 ::-; j' hut It \\.IS .1! Lht• !Lile 1110,.,1 of I ht• g,1!11L'. ~.11v lilt.' J)11lpt.1n ~ a~~ 11• l \•,1 d .llld Jlit•I HL'\t'! i<H)l..1 ·d j1 ,1!'i, (l,11•.\ l l dl...; hil\\l'\o'I \I .I ..., lit '\ t'I ,i\1[1• [•I ptill ,Ill,!\ (I Ul!l \1i1• 'l'tl>i.!1\-., II !lu I\ t ·t·t' Ill lt•tl\ 111•\l\,[" ~1111 l' \".II ii )II l l1t• !'<t'\ "lld •jll.!llL'I \J .11\,! lli[I .., 1 11~' .l.:\'""1 lt'.t1I II .I" .1 IO-·~ ,,.I 1.111!.1 ;•1· 111lll tt111•t• 1111 1111\l'" r,·111.1111111 111 ti•· 11r .. 1 h.dt '1 11, l 11.J phi 11" 11 ,., t' ELMER COMB S Huntington Beach Oilers, Wrestling Summaries 'ooC .. 1 (Oll•q~ I II ) ! I/ I I)( lo.•" U"'<o<I I •~ Ill<'•"' L>• "'"'''' "" ,, . ., II" .:.~ .. ,,.,<~I W<J<•l>V!O•I~·' I" L'"" •·1~''"''"•.JM"''•''~v·• ,., "~'""'<l•·ll••->•O>tu••··' 1,<J I ,o!lo,">I ·~I jj•~f•o'll ('Jl~l '' I~• ··~·"· '"'""•""'''' " ' ' '~" " .. .. '• •1·n.O o .IJll'""'''"' "'"' 1 .... ,,,,,, .. , •••• 1 ""' ,,, .. o"I"'"'" t ,, "'"""' ' ,L), "''"' JU"llOR COLLEGE (I C:•""no !J•l 1101 Gold•n w~" 11S o.,.,,,,..,1r,w 1 t1~( Jo;n•r / o II• O<lol• { r I'""""' l<"•~·· ;_lf;I JIPn Je'1~• lf(f P'"'''"' M.111, '" ' " ,. " . "' '" " '" ·~ 'i.y '" 1t.C • n. '"""" .. ttlyltf 'l"""""l ~,, ·~ C.•on'°"' H I I U•'> l •"""""l.o, \nlolni{,W h h '.CJ•"' I i "''"If! Hl•'l 1J,,UQ•t1 V' t ""~• ILC.•11"• No<n.,1, 1, 1.1,,.,.,.., • "' 11..-1.0 "'' I l I (It" Md\!1 "9111,. t_ "\ ~""'~'\I '<I•• C.an••<<>dt ,I l. 1.,.. Ua•J<l•n •E•<le ~ f'•r ~er, 10, l~I H• f ""'ti 'E I """"Dy lot l•ll. 11~ oy-. 11 , .. on !>r•nrl~•I. I'll ttc.1n 11 1 .. onhflO''"" li•o W•"Jl>l lt•••••"'"hy rur!<'•I. Y~ l(~o I 1 ""'n"nglo" "'"'n l\.IJ !UI l'l•,.,....,f .... !,\(({) .. ~ '""I '"'""" 0 ..... ,1., ,,., ' " 1,.i11111'''''""''1M.>1,.!1 ,..., L'"''""I •oOlll Uo<o>•<>O<d M nl""""I" • t I /U \)•••I•" ''' o\ o '""''hi H•f.<C ~"'"°''• > " '111 ""'""'"·'' <1 1111 p.nn""' .... ll .,.,,,, I p '" • ... ' ,,, ' ' "' "' .... "' T""'·' .I I "".'" " " •' ".,.,, "" "'' "'''"'"''"·'I N •1.1.,.1 '''''' ""w><nlOW,lr, ·~ '" '. l ,,,..,t l "'·". ' !9 ''""' , ' " I' ' "' ... "' "·"'· ~ \ t d• ""' '"''""'"~'DU••'"'•• '<I ""'" < ''' > ,.,,., •• ,1 llull""· l /'• l •,,·; ol ••ti<> l«lln•·<I ,.,,nlJh·, ·rhl' :\I ,II Ill ,I l I q.!Jl \•I~ n g ::. .1 n c! l h l' \\'l'::.t rn1n:-.t1 ·r l.11111s . L• .. 111 unbt•:i l 1·11 111 !"un -,l'I •• J ,(';1 g 11l' h ..... 1-..·t h ;ill ,!( In t•!ht•r <..'cn tur y . 1·.1g u .. :ic11un tonight at 7. t-:-.1.1nl·1.1 !>hoots for !ls thtrrl -.11.i1gh\ loop \\.'iii II ht•n II h•ISI S f-:1 ;._t odC'!la . (_'urona (,t•I !\·1 ;1r ts at 1\111111· :1g:1i•1 s 1 Santa Ana :u1d '.\l ;_igntll.ia lravcl.s to :!h luul -.lip! ... 11111• Ii 111,,.1,· lhl' ddlt'fl'I\••' l .11 1 ..... {',•r\ ,lfl\1'" ht'tl \ 1,·11 .1 .11\d .J 1n1 \\ ll1!t· .di luul.·d uu\ l111 'l 1111 1·1 1\1 'I l1t• II Ill L'!l.ildt J).11 \.I I ! 1 I J :.. 1 o ' l I l [ I I l' I 111 ! ) .t 11\!'t'\' II .l\ 111' \1•1' 111 <' ~11ti1h l'•1.1-.t I v,1 ..:ll1' l1•.11l [l,11),1 !J 1\I -.. ~11 '!\I 11l,111•d ,I \ti,.:hl d\•!t 'll:"IJ\t' ,_:<t lllt". l•pl dld!l ! ('Hlll!lli! ,1 0.:, Ill.Lil\ tl}ll[ . .., 'l'll L' l lulplun:-. ;d-.o d111 11 1n.11 .. d 1ht • l>1),Ll'li '> 1110..,[ Ill !ht• I\ ,1 1 I\ l I h 11 t• 11 1 ' 1u 1k 1t•\1·1c1. duini-: thL' h ulJ.. 11! lho: \\ urk t llt\t'r;.;it1 111111 1 '.! I !1 11\lh" l111ip pla ~ l1;d 1•arl,\' ~;1 1nL". Llul i\!11..11·1111·1 1•11111·1:1 It'd .1 llll'1·1 · 11"11'1 pl;11 \\ llll ~ :\:.! :..l'l'•\f1d-.. 1.·1t 1!11\l" 111'...,l qll,ll'll'I \11\11·!1 • 11• 1·1·s-.1 u l :-l'\t•r,d (111 11·-. \\1 th !li•·l l' l.l ·-1 lH 1·,il, \11111111111 ~h1 h .1ll·h···11.1 1.1tl"t 111 I 1111 1•1..,!1\ .-. I Oll i·\ .!111 IOl(il!LI ~ [),ill.I l!dl-.. .d:-.i ,qq u•,111·d [<1 Ii" .1 ..,\, 11 q111 t l-1·r !h.111 tl\1 1 1 •ll .>ll '> II l1 11 Ii 1·o11d d h .i l < l,.·v11 ,011 o•lhv1 t.1 r I ii I Kennedy Tangle " ,., ' " "' '" "' "' ' " "' ' " F•u•h !>opn £•1~Bto• 1'U (\~! E_I To•o Wo ... •i l l l ll"' MO"" .J r A•••ll I( r I """ h¥ hHI• ,, M<>,bf l ll l tlc< ""'"''' 1n ''"' '' f • I ' <I•., l '"" ~ ""' ·" I J t) ... ~g,1•n 1 I Id~< 1 "<l" l •'I .,,,.,,~,Ir I I "~' t.n•" ·'"·"' 'I fl~lpn 1l1 "'~"'"1 ""'"' / "I' ( ""' n"'" I f I <l•·< In• "'' ' I '"""'"() •ll "'"""d ¥""'"1• JUt<lOM YAR\l f'f Hu.,hnqton llv•<n oi.IJ \t" K_.,,, '" ' " ' '" " "' > l«> 'fit! 1 ""''Po 1>1•" •I . "'" ',.,,' .. ~· ,,, .. ., ... ,, M•' "'" """ 1'"''".J l'lo-dd~I. o ""', '•Ill J L"'"""1 Mc(.l•'•,.'f, l.o<·l'll. •ll'l!I •'" ,.:,.,,.,, \1 0 "''"''' '"'1""""1l d'·'"'· ~ lo·""'" '" • !l n 1 1""""1 """'' l"•'I. .:;-11011 . l·O ll1dl' rnniglit .11 :~ \\'t·::.tm1n:-.l1·r ll1g h 111 1ht· .' -1·ire 1111 ·s top g.irHt.'. Foun!a111 \':till'\:- lk1 rnns \\ d I ;t 1:-.u Irv to. rt· 111 .1111 unhL·~llL'tl Jl1 °ll':l ).!llL' pL1\ r11 t•1:t111 g lhl' h<>-.t \\'L'-,[L'l"!l r'Jtlll t 'l'J'" !11 11lt11·r J..:dllle.,. 1·:<1 1-.011 " l'h;1rg1•r :-. 1r.1\1·! tu l.0;1r.1 ll1g h tu pl;l \ lh1· S:t\011-. ;1nd '.\lt'\\'jJ.nr t J[:irbor hu:-.1:-. Lu:-:\l:11n11 11., \ll :,.:;nn1·:-.:-.l;.at'I at I . :\l :1r1n:1. r:1t cci :\11 1 in fl ran).!l ' l'oun\.\' ha s ht•1·11 1111!t1';tl:1hl1• Ill l"•'l'l'Jll t.!;11111•:-. :.ind mu :-.t h1· J,1\11red tonight. dl'"lllt t· p [;t_\ Lil l:: ;;1"';1 v frnrr1 ho 1rll' l\1 a1·1n.1 1-. l1·d Ii \' ~u ard H 11·h llr;111n1n g !185 ) ;111d fOJ"\\;1rd !~1h Lu:-;n1.:r ( 17 iil \\'f's trn1n :-.11·r :-. li;1\ t' :d:-.u :--11 0 1\ 11 ! .inn.; r ;1p1il 1n1pr11\1•1nc11!. 1\·111111n g th<·1r l;t'>l f11 ,. '\1111 7 1; 1h(' l ,1nn:-. :1rl· lt·d h\' 1; i !or1,·ard I.inn W il s1;11 .1 lt·~•11t ·r \1·hn "'as 1ht· :\l \'I' 11f th!· ~:1 nt1ago lflt1rnt·1 t iuard ·r nn:--· l·:n ).!l'd:.il ; ... .".1 1J Jn g 1· rtiu-. "u t -. 1dP ;-hnot1·1 F o1111t:1in \':1lli•1 s Jl.iJ'l\11'>, :.! 0 Ill I'll t llll ;1( ·1·11 .... 1111 c·1.-.1.1 :'\ll'S'I h:.i s ust·d :i t1 ;.:hl defl·ll Sl' and lJ.ll.111t•t•d 't'o ir1 11 g lo gvt 11ft 111 ;1 quH·k -;tart. but -.hould g1·t :1 S\l'rll \(•s l 111111,_:h ! l.t•d ll_I 1\\I i'1•11tll~ c·;u1d1d.1te StL·\·~ '.\1•lson , \'il !a 1';1rk ;II.so h.1:-.1 rugio:ed d l·ft•nst' :ind u-.1•s ;i 1·11111 rol ecl offen!i t' ln t 11n le ague gamL·S tht• :'\l ust ang-.' oppos ition h:1:-:'l'Orl'd onl.'· 89 iX>illl :.. 11hllt' \'Il la P;ir k has gl\.l'll up iU ,\l l':..il l'OOl!llllL'" Ill get II ;1 1 :1 n (' t' d s l' 11 1· l n g ,\g.1111:-t Santa Ana four p la~·l'r" :-,·ur(·d 1n double figurl'!'>. led bv Dannv ll vt•r:-· lti po1.nt s , :in{! ~·L.1rk ll1 chardson led th1' ;1 t t :1 e k a g a i n st E J _\]11dt•ll~I II 1 th]~!. J·:.~1.1 11('1'-1 als o fi g:url'S t u g 1·I :1 rug,i!l'd t est .q.~;11n "t the El l\1odena \'an).!uards. A 49 .37 \vin- nl'r <)\·l'r Corona d e ! M :1r 1:1st \\'ed nC's day . F:! !\lodPna dropped ;c SJ-:~ dPr1s1nn to Costa !\1 e!->a 1-·1·1rl<1\'. !.1k1· ('11:-1;1 i\\1•sa. l~:-.tan('1a has been Vl'rY 1n1pre~s1\'e in 1ls firs t t"·o lt·a~uc outings. l 't•ntcr .J1n1 l\1 cClnskt•y eun l111ucs to play \\'t'll. :-1·or1ng 38 points 1n his l;1:-I ,,,.o g a1n t·s lie 1.s no" a1t·z·a ~1ng 17 1 fur lhl• Sl'a:-U tl Cit 11 r~I'' rs lt'i11. 64·"1.i Artists Falter In 4th Period I\.' l·:I) Rl .lt(~,\lt "I' 01 I~• D•oh PUol i t All '['Ill' 1·:1 'l'tlt"L) 1 11 .~h l~hil l').!t•r;.; lll'\l'I' lt••I tur th1·t••· qu.irtt·r:-. ilut tht·1· roulvd !ht' l .;1gu11.1 l ~t'.11·1! Arl1:-l s nonelhL•lt•s-. \\'1·111tcll .\\11 \\':-. 11-.1\in)..'. c·1iar).!l'r 'i f'rupl\·jl rol' ~!; fourth qu:1rt1·r p1 i111t.., 111 rl·,·1ird111)..'. ;r Iii .1,·, ~!H11 1 1 ("n;i -.l !.t".q.:11 t• 1/.1,.,kt'Lll.dl I I\'{ 111 ,I .11·1·1·\ l·',11r·s 1\1 11:-l:- 1111 11· h ;l ~ o f 211 :-h .. \-. 111 lhl'. f ourth qu.1r\,•r 111 ~t·11 rin ;..: ,Just !11ur pu1n1..; l111l th" 1ur11ill i.! 1'••1111 n1;1y h.11 l' 1·111111· ;+1 llit' vnd of lhf' t l111·d q u.11 11 1· '1'h<" .'°l l'IL:-l" \\'t•rt· lt·.id Ill ).!.\~.;;(,_ \l11 h ;;:.! St'l'1111d " r1·n1.11n111;..: \\ llt•n l··:11r :-h•iUl l'd f t1J' lll\t' :-hot ll••11e1·L·r. ;1 11 \111-.1 d 101\'l' tho• l.111(' 111!h ~ti "l'l'tllld' lt•I! ;11\d \\,L '> 11 l'd lt1t 1·li.1r)..'.l'l).! 1:.11 \ l 'onnal l1 !bt• ~-1111 1' '> Jl•.Jdl'¥,).: ..,,·o of•'I \\1111 ::!~ p1)lll\-.. IHl ;1 n lS 111<•\,-r '' 11h 1,1 ,, ... •1·1111d-. 1,•11 :in d llh· l 'h.11·;.:1·r:-< ( hl'!l 111 Ll\'L't'dl'l l 111 ht1 I ht' t 1r .... 1 l11ur h;i..,k1 •t-. nl tht• [L11ll th q .i;1t'll'I \\'hl·11 L'unn.d l,-li11 l 1\·11 !r1··· 1hru11 :' \\i!h ;, ;,~, \1•1 1. thl' t 'h,1r;.:t·i .~ \\t'I'<' dll lll[•. 11; 11 .\rt\_st ..,· gu,,1d .\!1kl' S l·rr .111<1 h1l .1 ;!11 fo11t1·r l11 1·11\ !lit' [,".1d 1<1 •l1 ; 1:; l1u1 till' l 'li;i!')..!1·r-. :-c11r1·d 1•1 :.:ht un.111:-\1,·1 • d \hllll\:-Hl Dill' ll111Hll•' ,11ld 11,·r,• 111•\t'I' l !tr1•,1l t 111 ·d :1 ,_: •• 1tl l·:l 'l't>l'\l h11 '.Joi l :.' (11•ld ~11.d ,ll\<'lllpt .., Ill 111 « 111111 th qll:Ll'lt'I' ;1t1d \\a-. I'\ ,,(!I ll'n!ll l h L' ll'l'•' th!'1•\I lint· 1 •• 1:.:un.-1:,.,11·h tltdtl -..f1<Hd ;1lf1·1·1ill <I\\ 111 thL· :-1·1·t1nd h;dt f' I II ' I ; I .11 ... II l\ ,\, ,I I ~ I 1 : lt'.1 d 1111H l!i1· l1!1IJ il\ 'lll,11 11 •1 ,11 ld 11 11 11 ;1 ~1'.l ,.I ,1111.111\:1 ~·· 11ilh llll'\'l' lll d\111 •' (,•11 11 ..,l,111<<1 \OI .... I •1 II I \1 I II 11 I \ <' I'' I I I d <I II 11 11 ll \I , • I , I I I I I II< d I II l I 1111 11• >I , 'I h • I 11" q111 1 k l illl k··I 11·.111\ .. 1 :1~1 .-,,, 1111!1 l1•! \ 'It! 1111· t·I· •('!, "' .111.! !\l 1l.1\·1\'11·1 1t11·n J-..'.;1\1' 1h, 11,dp h111-. ·' hl ;-.~. h '.td \l l lh !l\U li't •\· !ILf"11-.. \\tlh 1 10\n J,.:<I l 11111·r :-I !1 11 L1 d t" 11 Lil .-1/i 11111! ,+ 111·1' lh11111 11111 ~ltl•· H 1ppl1• put I ll\' :...1tll•· :'\\\,I~ 11!h 1\ llvl•llll<'ll1·o l l1u!h l'11 d ...., u\ .1 <'lh' ,11 1 01\<', :..:1111 1;.: lll\' J hilpl1111 .. ;1 ti:\ :Jti !llO ll";.!111 . 04~.-Holl' 1.-l M•~" '""' ""''""" '''!'l•I•· Wdl•·LI• •io l!•t""' H ollh"·•! II"'" ' 1,,,,,, I" • U• ,. ' '' '"""" l'"'''• " ' " .. ," ,, """" ,, ""' ........ o ...... " " ......... , ·'· " " " " " " " " " " ,. " " " " ,, " " " '" '" " " " •• .. • " • !• ,.., ... '!'lit' ll unl111g\1Hl l l1•at•h ll 1g h 01!v r ;.; ;ind h'.t"11 11eil:--·s F1 g ht111 g J1·1:-h . hoth ov.·n111 g p vrft•i·1 :! 0 E1n pir1· I .1•.1 g ll l' h ,1-.h.v! h.dl 1·1•('tlt'd .'. {'l:i -.11 Ill :1 cruc1:1l )..'.:1rnt• :it h'.1·1111t'd~ 11 1.i.!h l lllll ~h! l'tpn ff I!> :II j t 'u;ich 1·:l1111 ·r t 't111 1I•..., thl1'1·s !-'rid;1.1 lir11k1· 1h1· (lrall ).!t' ('ounly lr ii.,:h !>l'ht11•l rt•ror1 I l 11r 1110:-l point:-3l'Ur1·d 111 .1 s1 nglt• g;t n ll'. h (1n1h1nl!. S.1d dlvli;it·k. I \'.I ."11' 1tu1 1.•·n H1-.hop's 1··1i.:ht 111 ).! lt 1-.h ,\!\' ;i !lllll'h h1•\l1•1 "l'\1tl II t • 1 l t \\'hi!(• l hl' Clih•r -. h .111· Sl'OrC'd 2 1:l points 111 l\\O l1':l~UL' g;1 1l H'...;, !ht• (·'1ght ill).! lri:-h h :111· t.dl1"d \1;7. :-t·co nd llt· ... t 111 lhv ,·1rvu1\ 'l'h1 ·:--11 ,t!lup1•d (lr»tng1· H7 ;,-j 1111 · .._,,11u· \[',!111lht•1!il•·1 ... l'll "l11·d :1 1 11; Kennt•d 1 •: n\1•1.dl , I~ il•J 1\1 I. 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'" '""'' \l•W f .Jel ,,. ... , l"I'" ~ •&J • lliJ GWC Faces Cubs; Bucs Play Falco11s ( '1 ilh·i..:·· ( ;1ild1·11 h ;1t I l1 ·-. 1 !I I h I 1·h 11 I I l'lll .till Jtl 11 ... 1 !11' ...,, 1 ll \ )1 ! 'I 11 (";1l1 !r•1 111.r 1 ·01d••1'1·11c ,. r:H't' 1 .1111 ~·hl "h1·n lh•· H11stl1•r-.1.111 J,.:lr• I\ 1lh hu..,t J.o.., \11,.:t•l 1•.., ('1!\ ('nlll't;1· ;d l'l 11 'c•lol'I.. nl .IC' h:i-.k.l'l - h.d I p l.I \ \nd 111 ,1n nt ht•r J.!;1111('. 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(;o<ll. .. ·' f('atu1-l' film f u JI -lrn,l?l h nf lhc t9fi6 World Cup 111 Eng land. ~di b<' ~ho\\.·n JI 7 l-'r1d;ty n1~ht in tf1c ;1 ~ewpnrt fl :irh11r II gh '>outrwr11 c:~'''"'"'" C:ou .. ..,. 1 I JI IQ II pl 1, 1\1u h tor1 u rn ,'\('\~'por l -;;; hoostf'rs tluh 1s .spo nsori n g the film for thC' bt~n e f i t o f the ~allors .soccer tea m and ,. ' ' . '"''""'"'" ( .. ,, . ..,,. '·"'"'' w "~'"' _J""""'"' "'"'"t" ' ' " ' " '" ' " !. ·~··· """"'"' ol'"''"'"' '"' I"" ' '·' •u Put a few words to work for you in th• ;ldn11ss1on is SI. It is open lo the public •PP f ,\~I>< •l\rf,,.p I Ldl'l~rr""°>~•>•I• , .. , I ""C 4b t,I <IU J ,•u ·1 1.; Al.,,, R~n I ootl1· ''"d l•<lo P~r> Ru1• I •,,~, "''"""'"' ,,. 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'58 50 rro-ICl!d• , . se,oo E1pert Stri111Ji10CJ Ofld Aepair1 333 E. 17111 St., Cosio Mes a 462 E. t 7th SI. ,,i ... • ..... ,. .. , ..... 1 641i-tl55 ·Coil• M ... 1•: *·:I-~* r•~~, .. ,., r • • '"•'~•'" ... '" .,,. .. • r· • ..._, • ., tor information PHONE 642·6186 11 • \ ' ' ' "' ~CC FPstival E••try 'Lenny' Semis • m Superb Concerts "1.c·nnv" 111 ( h l' ('o !tt•gL· J'l·:-.lJ\':il. is s till ~il ivc f\n1 1·r 1 l'~111 ·r ll c ~· t c r Intermission Tom Titus In Laguna, Mesa ()r;)n,L(t.• Co:isl Coll(•gt·'s ;1mh1t1ou.., pr1iduc 11(u1 (1r l lit· l.l'llll\' l ~rlll't' ;1ultihin· J.:r:1ph1t:1°l pl:1,\' Ila" IJt·1·n :-.t•lt.·('1 1•!1 :1s 0111• nt' four s t.·n11l1 11 ~1l 1 .-.t -. 11i lhl' lt1·g Hir1 JI t·u rnpL·t1t1o n <if lh1· 11 :1l1un ;t l 1lr.1rn:1 tuurnan1c·111 fr 11 1n <.111 u1·1g1n:.il f1t·ltl ~If •IU C'.O l- lt•gt• µrndu l'llUll!'. J)ii·l·t·lt.•d h y ( )("(" in· st ruetor .l uhn l:'t·r1act·•1. "l.t•1lny" \\:L'> f1r.-.t Prt·· St•lllt.'tl ;i\ !ht• ('1 1llt•gt• Ill f'o\'l•mhl'r. It \\ 111 hl.' l'l1Hl.I(' N<r r J('t : ------------ f IC r II iOU~ BUUHrS!o HA"'I ~I Al(MlNl sl ;1ged ;1g:11n In ('Urllpt·t1· t11in Jan. 2'.) :it I'! o'c lock <.1l (.'a l St:.itc l.os f\n g t·h·s, ,. y 1 n g a i.: a i 11 s 1 I h e Univers ity of Nevad a ·s ''!!oust· ·or l'\f'rnardo Alb:1," San J)1t·go S1at1··~ '"l'h1 • l ~alt·u ri v '' and (,os Angelrs Cit)• ('ollt•i.:t•'s '''l'hrt't'PL'llny Opt.·ru. '' J."OL l,0 \\'ISG T l l F. finals, \\'hieh 1·1111 Jan. 2~ throu~h 1-'l'b . 2, th t.· llC'g1o n 11 \\•inllt'I' got·'> \o \\':1 ~h111 gton l).C_ iri 1\pl'il to pt·rlorm 111 the na· t1un ~tl fin;il s al lhl' ,Jolin I•'. Kt•Jlnt:'clv C.:l·n ter. 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"'· '"••a,,,J, lh" "•'~"·~nl ""' ••l•<I ... 1n ,.., <Ount, (If•• ot O•on~ (oun1, on 0.ltmtlo•• ?J, 1'1•. ·-· ~·-0<•""'• C•a" 0.,,1, P1'91, O...•mM t II, ttl• -ntlJon ... •r I,•. 11-, 1•1' H'I I• ---F !CT!TIOU'> IJUSI N E~S FICT IT IOU'> BU'>I HES'> NAMC <;T ATE M E N T N"M E <; J'A,lEME NT I h•• tol l<.> .. •'"I "'"'''"'"' ,.,,. <l<.>>Rf,1 !10" I• 1 .... IOllOwm9per ..... l\<1lt rl<>U"lt>U n,.''"'rf"RRA [.NlfRPRl'>f"'>, l llb ,,,~,~~IL l~ir CRNAl !ONhL. llo'I 0•.:1"9<' A"""""· c""" """""· c.. O•C•" D' (O,l<I M·· '"· c .. 1.1,,,,,,,,97~1,, J"'"''' ti 1.,.,...,,,, J/t> L. 2/n<I OouQ!"'" Morr•'oOn, 1 10~0""'01 ., !>l<Cl"I. '"<' .. !•<.><I 11•·.-th, C.o Co .1., IW•••• C.ol•lo • "''' 07blb (l<>Rn, 11 ..... ..,,...,.., 316 L ll!'l(l M."r C f lo,,.on. ll ~~l C"«llelon '>! '>trt..,.I, N" .. ~'°' I A· d<ll, C,1 (uU"' l•nO, (dl>l<HR••• ~~()14 ~'""" H, ....... nc,ier. 11!J2 A11.1 ,,,,, Uu""'"'' ,, <ORtJuCt.'d bY" V•\ld. :,,.~:·,:•,,1.AJ~, ~~•Srn<)<',, 18)J "11·1 ')<'fl• '<~I IM•1RP• """ ~""'"' 11 MO•" .on ,-,-,-,-,-,-------11;,.1 ... F,111 11r<><l~.c.. oRd 10 1 .,,~ ''"h·•oen1 ....... ''""" "'·1 ~ 1"" NOT1CE I OCllEOITOll'!i c.:.:.:~d':"~.',~~;;~::n4:~"'11J < U<h'< '" Cuun1w C,,.,, u t 01,.ny~ C.cun!f "" '>UP[lllOllCOUllTOF THE J "mi·.,lt Iver"°" J.on .. dtyl),1~11. ~TAT [ OF CALI FQ II NI .. FO R Thi~ ~IJIC""'nl hl<-<I w oll'I I"'• Counly THE COU,H TY OF Otl A,NGE Clf!•~ o! Or,.nqc COUR1y on 0.,<<•mner Mo. A·l 10•I 11, 1~/4. ( I I I•• n I YOU N !,<( IR J. L . \/IN ([N l S:lt111 ,, ~ ,, I/ IN C l 1'l T YlllJN <,o· I I• ll• •·"''" PUBUC NOTICE ENTERTAINMENT :1dults ;1nd for I he you ng('r set , h :ivl· bt"l'll :1nnount'l'd hy thrt•e Int«•! (.'!IOllllUlllly lh1·:t lj•r J..:l'ttUJ)!'>. 'l'ht• Sa n ('l en1f'nlj• Cnmn1un1ty 'l'ht·:1\1·r 1s sta r't in~ lh1._• Cab1·illn 1\1" tor's \Vorks ho p und1·r 1 hL· guid:int·(' nf ll1C'h:..1rd An- d1•r "t'll, 'l"h1· t hr1'L' huur st·;,;, ions bL•i..:i n S unth1.\. .J;1n . 2r,, .al 7 p .111. and eontinu<· for· 111 "'L•t·l-.s. :<C'g1s tr:.1l1 un 1s ~t·l. lnr Sundav <Jt H p _111 . :it tfu· C:.ibrit"J() l)la .vhnus 1:, 202 /\v('nida (':ihri lln, S :u1 ('lt·n1cnte . l"al I '1!)2··10~8 l"or mo rt. i t1 r (! r Ill; I I l(Hl. J~nrollrnt·nt Jur th« firs l 111 a 11l'W s 1·ril·s of vou!h t hl':it e r \Vorl\.,.hnp-. "'ill he ht•ld Salurd:1y :1t l h1._· J,;_ig u n :1 l\l o ullun Pl;1vhous1" fiOl:i Lag un.1 Cariyon l ~o:id, l.:..g un;i lie:H:h. fron1 JO ;1 .n1. tu nonn , and again J\.lond;1y fron1 J lo ;') fl .Ill . '!'he {'l:JSS L'S ar(' OJU.'n I n J)O;.•s and ~ir is fron1 ~1µ.1·..; 5 t o 18 and ,,·ill he t:1ught by J,is;1 Sur<'llt>. 'fht· 1''nunt :1in \':dlcy ,.,r 1c 1 •'..1tr r•111vc.1 11["ll)O••· ,,,.,,., .... , "' ,, .. •I> ••• ",,,,, rl ""CPO..·nl POOlhh .. d Orant1t• C<>."I °'"''~ P<IDI Oe<~m°"' JI. 1914 """ J"""'"• I ~ l~.n. 1~1~ •1111~ Frcr1 T1o us Bu ~1111 Ess Cornn1un1ty ·r ht·:itt·r . is Tt1t toi::i!.~~~ .... ~~.'":~~H.!.nqboJ>i offerin g ;1 10-wcek scr1('!'" 1 n~I ""I'"""'" "·'"'"'l (i.1•'"' '-"!•""'' '"" ""'I !I•·•'"'''"' '" ,. ''"''""''II T' 111• ...... m .. Ith"'" n~(~\'•"'Y VOU<."''"• "' ""' n!••c•• o! I"'' tlr• • •I I 1"" ·•to)•" •'n I•""''• '"' t '" I'' "''"'··"I I'"""'• "'""I•• '" "'' '', '"" '" ' '" '"" ""'l•' '"'"'" .. 1 I fl•· ·•111 ,, ' ' ,, "" "". Ir 1-/U ~ J '" I •I I • '1 I I" I "•1u• ,1 ! "wol•· '11"> ----------'-'"'· o f dr a n1a \\lo r k s h ops OEl/lAON, l071 o ... ,,111! AV!! ,Soii1a l ,. "1 ond.·y ,.,, '''" F ICTITIOUS 8U'>I H ES\ NAME STATE M ENT ........ c .111orno .. ,71g1 s a r 1ng " .. '- \/iCIO< £<1u•r<10 "'"'<I""' M"""d"· theate r , 18280 M t . l.Jaldy 107S7 Ot>e•v.it! Ln ., 11olll•nqlon &atl'I, '"" 1<1110,.,•n11 ""' '""' ,,,,. ""'"'l ""'" "' ' ".· IHL M l .. U l [M"N W f\Y , 4?•, 1(11" .,.., ·'""" 1., , ,.,,.,,,, , ''""' "'"""' ~, ..... i , "'''"""'"' n'"""· c .. 1.10,n., c..i.to•n•a970.06 ('irc lL~. 1:ourd1ffl'r<'nlagc si .. pntn o, .. .,,, ... J)3q1 Paoi,,.. c .... group c l a~scs :.i r e av:nl ;i. L<IQu,.. NiyuPI, (dl•tu••"-' q7611 "" •''•' , r 1,, •.•. ., ,1 ''' .. m1••• ·"•"'''' •11~,r1 ll'lh bu''"'''' ,, «>,.du(1ed bl'" bit'. \\lilh furtht•r ch•L1 1I ~ llf'"""1 1"'' 1""''""' bL'Jll<> dL S /)L'IJ SL'd :1l "' ,,, "' ,,,, r I•• •I 1,n,•l·i I'! !lo1 , •l.•I• u• M."'"" l . Ro·1lly_ ~]}4 "''""!••n Mll , , j,,,,1,.,1 "''"'"''"'' '"·"''"··'""' .,y,,y (,,.,l.•M"'"·(~loln•n•,,~]~7~ 51ep~n 0 1•1'.,.., .., , ......... ., ........... ,, .. 1.,,, ""'"' Lu.u"'o !It•••• .... '"''' p,,, ''" COlh•<"P Ho• "lO'. ,., .. ,~. C••••o• '""~I /fl~ 1 1'1><. \lt l~m~n1 .,.,,, 1 ,1~<1 w•1h 1he K.J9·1!\7:l. Counly (I~•• ot 0<dl1\j~ COu".ly ""i------ 1>11./1 Mno•0<rll ''''· 1 H<(•ll. I I /\td 't NI! •I ''"' ti<1 ,,..,.,., '' lvnJu, ''(I l)y .. ,._,"''"'P"'"''" '"•!J, L~·(l•1no1, 1~ "'' ·~"' P<..t>t•V1e0 O••nQ~ C<>a>1 Od•ly P>lol. l)L'l\1.1(" J\OTIC'I·: '· '"'"" ,, ol• .. '" "" ' •••••• 'I'>• "' ,. "·""' 1!<~ ''"'' "' J[RllY l \Ml TM Lc .. >nn••ft"''• '"••'1 "'''" "· 0••""" t"un!V 0'1 J•n<Htr JI. n , 11.10. ''II •3 111 ----,-,-,~TI TI OU!o BUSIN ESS -----N/O M E STAT E M E N T Ill\! ll•<><l·~~''' .,, • ~~·1• 10~ w~1lm•n>1••. c .. 11torn ... •1••l T ~I (IMI II' llCIO • """1 • r •~·• 01 '"''"'"1 IJ l~I}. I' l · I\ 1.1 ( • ~ t l'l'I( 'I-'. Tht 1011ow1f\9 ~'"°" •~ OO""olJ t>u"' AllO•l'I•• ·~· Aam . "'"' "'''. I ""' I I IJ< •··I· ( I D ... lf I• "''' ' .,, ' 1'. l'l 111.J (' '\4t1"1('1: •'•lot I/• 1 l'ytJ"'""" O•~<>'l to,, J •R I\ }11~ •ln<l l•l1 F'0111 !'I!<,., P•tu1 Id • r t ·n1.1<· !\4tTlf 'I·: SUPE MIOA COUMT OF fHE STll IE OF CllLIFONNt• FO R f HE COUNTVOFONAHGE Ha "nl1' N 0 ll (E O F HE A R IN G OF PE T 1f10 .. FOR PA08A 1 E OF WILL ..... o FOR LE TIER S. 0.-AO ... I H t'l.TR Al lOH W IT H THE·W ILL HO l!Ct roco .. 1 NAC TO llSC4 LLIH G FOM lil•O'> ANN L ll[O '; .,,..,, "' l! ,, 1 ,l\l)(lll llA\._ Vlll LI Y U N I> 11'. DSC HOOL DIS T RI( 1 I !,,,.. 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Cov,.1y Cto•• ol O•anQt Counly on .J.on<Ht t y •. 191~ Pol>t•.,,.,.O O<dn"" Cod~I J•"""' y 1, 1~, n . 7q, 1~1~ o .... y 1>1101 ~I I) I' l ' l ~J J (' :'\()'J'l("I-: ·" F IC.TITIO\IS 8U S!N ES~ NAM E ST•T E MENT ti·""" l>u • l•r"(H ">l'ALt f fF l•<li"·'• ''' ·,1 ( ,,., '" ,,. •• '.. l ""'" """ ,, JI."/ ' '"'''''"" '"" W"'"""' i<J i; • ., '""'I' r ~I co,1,1M,.,., C"ldn'"'·' •/~.'I 11'1•' l)U""'"'~" t<ln~"( I• rl tly "" '" "'''11""' N~'".'" I rtuW,••rt• "I In,, ,1 .• 1~'"""' ..,,,. 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I ' tl d ,l fl d 1 h (' ll1ut11t'tllllll1 \\.I S d1•+ l1 J.:ilif11ll1. 111 :1111t<11n~·d F 1 1d.1,\ nig ht \111 ft•• g lo1\· in;.: p1·r f 1111n.111t·1· ol ··1.;1 llnh1·t11l"' 111 11 11· t'l"0\\1h ·d p!llllll -' t'n Ot h1•.nll1!1i!I \· d1•l1\'t•r<'d "l\oh1·11 p •' hl'!<IL <' ;111 (ll '(' 11ild11 Ill'<' 111.ll \\.1-. ,,., .1\\t'l\IL\1·" 11 \\a..; :1 ppr1·r1;111,, 111 1\1· :-<lit"•'. 0111• 1·111 1id h.11 ,. di 1\1•t1 l11 ]J.111.1 l 'ul lll I"' 1·11tl1•1· and tl1111 ;•ltr11ll , dur111 ).! :-ntni· 111 111.i " !1 111 ;~ l lll\'l"!lllS:>\!11 \'> lq1I llf\l' h .1;-. 111 11 -.d111 • lll.11 S('••fl••['\ !->li••l'l.q!• 111 Iii.• s n1 all ('I' l 'Ollljl.111 11 111 \ [UdP ::;l'l'l)('I") t •!i ,111~\ '1'111·'.Jt l·: IS. l t;..:IJ!J'd J'<'\'l!'\\•'I' :-11 , • .,,, 1111 ~ltorl .I ).!~ f\1g ht \ !!H'l'S Jll I h1 -. 11 111 ,1 1 ' I I "I' 1",I\ •'I 1 ti·· d• 11 ti 1 11 i1 111111 1 1111 111 111 >. \l tl '\1.1, \\oll lhtl\ '"' \\ 111111 Ii.II• "l 11 1< ,1 • l,11111 Ill 1h1 1 .. ,.,1111111\ -\.I d I : .. 1 •• 11 111 L lo \ ' I I! t II I >. • ! I l1.11h.d<H ! [,11 1\ 111 '" 11\\1111 -\ l.1 I I I + • • ••I .i!id Piil 11\11 II I 1 I , i I 1 < 11 11 I. ii 1. I .i [d i I 1. Ii ,,, 11 I I , II• . II " 11d.11 II I I \ I ll llB Jl...; \I' H \' J ti I 'I ( (. I 1 1 1111 I, 1 I • , <II• I 111, pHllt ' 111 !"ill iii .11 '-.i' Ill \I 1lfidtl"l\l ,llll' \l l1q1 ,111<1 \lr1\ l\••11 l .11 11 1 P• 1 l .. 1111>11 Ill 1111 · I· 11 , · \ 1 t \ l I I .i "I 'ft, II ' I ii I 111 , 11 11 ht o 11 !10 I 1111. ,I I Lii >i I 111 111 :.'. 11 n l1q1 I 1 ·du11 11 .I .i / / I <1o1111 I '-.I , 111 I ll 'l'fll ,11\ \\ 11 1[II 11111 1HI 'l.11 lull \I' I ( Ht111<1u111l \ I - ,, ' 11 I 1 I I• " , I , ! I \< 1 11 " ' Al ·raci110 in "GODFATHER II" IRI "'YOUHG FRAHKENSTEIH'' By Me-I lroolls Burl Heynolbs "'THE LONGEST YARD" (A) ~C IMDflflLA LllERTYM Of-THE PARADISE'" IPGI "'MO DELS" & "DEPRAVED" "THUNOfRI OLT & LIGHTFOor· '"LON GEST YARD" IRI "' ,,., ,,, ", I• t 1,,, ,,., U1• ,,_, t<">n11.1(t l"'"'t! '"" ~ 4'" nn •·<~ "'' ''" Put><iV"<l Q•,,n"' ( \> .. o D~•l f P olol Pv"l•·""<l 0< '"""' Co1 '"' •• •• •••l•!l/.,l •1'"""'"'-·"'""""'"'r,.,.,,,.,.,,o, •. 1 l"n'""•''''ltl</\ Ill /\ 1~nl,///•,.n<ll•I·' '"·'' V• "I'""'''~'"""~ I "'""~<>l lht.,~talt!'"'''"l" I'""'"·""" f'"----------------- 1, ,,, J'l "1\1,I(' ''f)'f l ('I·'. 1---''_:'l"l°'l~l.:'H"'C:'~O;Cl;O'l::<.ccl·.~- ri "'' ". 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NO F O R LE'lTEll'> OF' AO MIHJ'!illl,.TION WITH TNC WILL A,NNEXED ["''""_. o l l'lfl l1'ft ll O lll N ~ RhNOlL, ,.._,, RALf'H R ll'llNU LI ..... ~"LPH RANUll, dk.0 ~. If lo!AN OCL. 0P<"d '><;<I N0 11Cr IS. HlR! ll't' c;.1vrN '"'" [l fll.NQR l/IRG +NthRQWI "•"'•IN.I ''"''''",, J><>l+l•on lo• Pron.n .. ol w ,11 ""0 •or •~\""net ol L<'l\I'" o l JIOm•n1\lr,1 lontl woln thr .. ,11 ann('or'd lo lh•• """ l•ll"'P• ,,,,,.~,.,,,,. tn _,,n "nl ... t.-Im lurln"' o~•h<olilt~. dhd l~dt II>!' 1imf' d"<I Pld(I' ot h!'dtn\Q I"'"'"""''"" tl<•!'R .... t!ot J«RU~rv?8 IQ"·"~ 'I0 °•'" on tlwt ,....,.lr<>()m ol ('leP,JrJmPn1 NrJ 3 ol ,,,.<! <OU", •" 100 C"'" \••nl••r Orovt! W I'\!, '" ll'le Colv OI :,.,>fl1,1 """· (dlotOr n"' i),jt,!lJ"n""'Y 10. 1'1/~ WILLIAM E . St JO HN (Ou!lly Cl"'" 110 86AT L.HU M P .. REY!> HELD OYER! W IMMER 7 ACA.DEMY AW.6.RDS "THE STING" W ith ROBT. REDFO RD P.6.UL MEW MAM ALSO "THE PRODUCERS" W ith ZERO MO S TEL EVES FROM 7 C OMT. sut.i. H:OM 2 eSUR FIMG FILM FE STIVAte WEST COAST PREMIERE "WAVES" ly G '""" 809lt!y & l ill Gt-llotly •Vf~ .. 1w ,!l,. WITH HOl Hf IT CO•it FOOTAIO I ,l ... , 2 Uof Di1ftey C lo1,ic1 I D• .. wt .. G\ fOI 'Il l 10 1111 AtlGUit , .... ,.0 .. 101 I IHOW' .. IG MTI 'f I JO .. t :lO S.A, FRWV !MANCHESTER EXJ G.G. FRWV tCIT V DR. EX.I "FLASH GORDOM" J•I -aAllAllLU'" "LAW & DISORDER" CRI A "OWL &THE . ~ PU .4.T" RI ~··c h a lleng e To Be Free" ..... & Sho tt Subject ~ .. , .4.RK STAR" • "THE LONGEST YARD" Ll0·5:20-9:15 Woody Alteft Triplt Tr-ecrl "SLEEPER " I 10·110·10 I\ "BAHAMAS" "E't'ER YTHtMG YOU EVER WAMTEO TO KNOW A BOUT SEX" 4:1 S-l:SO ............... '"tMI lOMIOl.\T YAIDfi ...... ..,.~.•\.•\.II ,,..,-._I l._I 40.t41 fiCIMOlllU.A Ulltlll" w-...,.l ·M , .. ,_ J.1\.1 ,, '1.A'* I Ql\O<I°"'" w, .. .,., 11-•1s , .. ,_ 1,00...10.•10 plo101 Of R..On lJ5.+i"' w_..,.. 1.00 , .. ,_ '10.•1~11 """'"'""'·"I ·• "'"' "LEG EHD AT HELL HOUSE .. NO PASSES • • MEL I ROO•S COMEDY FILM FESTIVAL "12 CHAIRS" • "/Jr.::AZI NG S7WDLES NOW THAU TUfSDA'I' "DAY FOR HIGHT" IPGI • "STEELYARD BLUES" th O o na Suthe rland FAMILY T,WIN CINEM~ OU ... TAIM 't'ALLf'I' 96J·f241 • I 7 161 iROOKHURST • ClHEMA I Challenge to be Fl'ee ~ ' "W ILDERHESS JOURHEY" Eorly 8 1rd Mahn l"~ Rcd .. ct!d Pr1<:l"~ S<.11 Sun, h i S pm. r •••••• ~1 ••l .. ,,,.,5, I ' j B I DAIL v P1 1 o r w -------"'·:"•(1h_'_'>~..t~_J111u,1ry 1') 191, ---------.: - Plw• CHARLES BROHSON in /. 'l!Vj •'i-•Ul,114.,.,~<(J?J;. ~!.\',~··• ROGER MOORE -.JAMESBOND 007,.... in IAN FLEMING'S "THE MAN WITH THE GOLDEN GUN" "MR. MAJESTYC" IPGl EDWARDS HARBOR CINEMA t HARBOR A.T WILSON COSTA ME SA 646·057] THE TlU STll!'I Cf A MAN \WU Atw.cvs R- H! 8ICAME A Lf6Bll YOU'il HEV!ll FllllllET •.• ~h,~g~ge ·· 'ree ' ~ .... ..... :. "' ·'!' .. The greillest w1/dl1fe ilnd ch;ise slory in lhe hirlorr ol !he Nor1h! ::MtH" MIKE MAllJflKI • I {~--, ·JIMMY KAIU ., ~ 1.r'1." lla.:r.,t,,00:11.o'IH ~letlt•W""''(; 1 I Pl;}\ ;.•jP\llOll< l'l[lli'fft51 S I( "'-t!&.'l • 01!10.0J MES• COSTA. MESA 541-1552 HELD OVER 3rd BIG WEEK FAMILT TW1M FOUNTAIN YALLEY 962-1058 .,..TV <<>- A~~ SU.TS I I.JS '1'11. J:Jf , .... CT,.ESS TWIM CYl"RESS 121·1660 SOUTH COAST PLAZA THEATRES SAN DIEGO FWY. Al BRISTOL SO.COAST PLAZA II "THE STll'IG" • "HEARTIREAk KID• D .. 1, 1 00 , •.·I 1 00, .._ s .. 1\.oo4,JQjJ.100-llH '°"" t·•S $ .. /M"-ll,4 ... ,,,,,,,,, S49-JJS2 CINEMALAND THREE 1•uso. Harbor Anaheim 635-7601 -ii ,:, ''TH.AT'S EHTERT.AINMEMT" IGI 0.1.,.,,, \ot/I..• ll·l(l-1.-•IO "OH .A CLE.AR D.AY" ,.,..,. 1;00 1•• Mo. l :lt..1 ti "--~~-=====-:::::' I WOODT .ALLEN S!"H:TACULA.R -11.Mff't1-0-1·00. S ... -. l:JI. •:OI. , .. , • ... ,. ....... ,. \" '""' "10. \41, -) 00. ,.,, ,VPYTHl .. IO folOUT llI" !;I.., !D. \41. -4:)D, f:OO "llAZIHG 5 .AODLE S" IRI I & I 0 11; , ...... "10- CrREAT E"ITEll.T AIM "'" ''WHERE DO ES IT HURT? .. "ROMANTIC PORNOGRAPHY " ~""-Yp<O r-t AND THE lORDS OF ,~.,Jll~~~ FLATBUSH io1u1 "I.AST TANGO IN 'ARIS" Ill They'd do aaythlng for a story ... and do. JACK • WALTER LEMMON MA1THAU IPGl THE fRDNr 'PAGF • Edwar~ Co-Hit Mic ha"I Caine ;" { 11.0.QL 1QN fif~fON ;, J ': • ',< 1:.1t1D ' / .. ,;, ''. •:·I J.I Dri•e-h1 Co-Hit "CIHDEAELLA LIBERTY" AVA GARONE'Q GEORGE KE.NN[OY M-Th. 7:00-9:30 fll. M :JG.IO:•S 'THI f.,._l OATS Of UUCl Ul" WOODY Allt.N ·~ "MlmtlNG QOU1' SIX" "~llHr ''&AIWW~ (IJ I r 1,11~~ 1 ~~l''1111 ~!~fY~: 1 ,!\ 1 :ij 11~ ~~ vrk:r~I~ ~~·\,~'I' 1. -! 1 f i.n ~rn r 1'1J 't ~ .. ~.,, .-.~-lllt!IN'l .j J~~~ 11::111\!J /,!).n( ~~i Ji· JI \\\.: /!i; Rao EDWARDS W CINEMA J>G1 ............................. . M-.-r-.. •. 1,00.t-.10 I f..i.-11.-1:10.10·4 ~ I ,, ,,,,,, .,,,,,.,,.i ... ,.,..,, Sot.js-_ I IS-J:l 0-11.·I · JO. I 0-4 S Shown Nigh tly 7 00-9:45 ' ' •.1 Candid commenlaries, exclusively in the • I< I I.' ) ···in sanely tun ny . ou trageous an ~ irreverent.·· ltA,/lf)V ~· ...... .,\.'ltJ! CINEMA WEST WESTMINSTER AT GOLOENWEST WESTMIN'iTEA C ENTER 892-449) DAILY PILOT Above all ... lt's a love story. Colm ~R --- '"''" (lll>Ol fllJl> .. f" l r hf-r·· ; , .-., , ~ ~ .. '--j . -1.F ,; . .:\;f .. . James Caan )~~Alan Arkin , / Freebie and the Bean .... ~·-... Qnd look who,, playin'J Consuelo. ''THE GANG THAT C OULDN'T SHOOT STRAIGHT" ~ EDWARDS , 'I' HARBOR CINEMA 2 ORANGE czmlil) DRIVE IN 2 Plus MICHAEL CAINE in THE BLACK WINDMILL SPACED-OUT OOYSSIY DARK STAR (G) t~,""'~lr';,.,, .. ~,~ .. ~,t,,.~,"~"' _,... """Ill! !I![ ORICll!ll t \ ,, ~·' ~n1ot -1l&Sl!(;OllOO~-.. Plut "AROUND T'H( WOllO Wm4 fAHHT Hill" 1JL11ZING S:llDDLES M(l 81()()1(5 ~~ @~ Plv1 R' STARS JON VOIGHT Plv1 "THI CHIN £SI GOOJATNIR " ond "THC flNAl DAYS OF llUCf llf" !I ) ~ CINEMA VIEJO 'llJ U PAZ AT CMltmANUUUION YIUO '30-6990 GREAT WILOERNlSS ADVENTURE "CHALLENGE TO BE 1()G(TH11 FREE" MIXED SINGLES 1(1~f?I fl 'ootOil IMt</~o !''f I ' Ali'' NOl TMAT AISV~P ! ~AV ( I / GYf''f".,</' ... l ~ 4fl!JU J: ·;LJJ ~--.fi .,. TUMBLEWEEDS . by Wm. F. Brown ond Mel Casson WA1Tcll. THcli'f.S NO f'll•Ct o.J ernt r:ow fMt B<'Olt.fV ,\\A1>Jt. Ul~STtli' ilow MUCH IS IT ? l/IPt.Jr, oiJ wflll.Jr~ YOU ~t GOIN& :u PA</ 10~ 1r /'JuW. '. O(! 1F '/OU ~ WANf f£RJ<5 'AS 1HE HAME'S ~ffiAN 10 LICK AT HIS f'OOTS, }----------, ~RE'T HAJW'{ Ii.AVE' A UJW WH 151LE'. SUPl'l'NLY1 FROM WE' SliAWllS WLOf'W THUNPE'R1 Tll!' l\IJNPfR HORSE'! PffTLY,Wf MA&NIFICEllT STALLION'S TE'E'TH CUT WI'-f\OP!'S ~INPINfr ~! 1AfrAl'OY1 01.P ftLWW!THE'f\ftJ_ ~E AN l'XlW. HE'U'IN6 OF GOOPIE'S IN YOUR fffP ~A& . THIS Nl6HT!' Hf CHOCKJ.E'P." by Tom K. Ryan I KNOW WHATl'!11.IKE TO PUT IN YOUR Ftl'P ~Af1 /·1$ #ltM' FUNKY WINKERBEAN 11\0RE COFFEE, 5HIRLEY '!- FIGMENTS I JOt0.11 IT 1«'5 MI DCl<'T SEE A s...m>! &:W£TIM.£5 THE'Y FH L A LOT lli66£R ID lCO THAN n't'Y REAU. y A"° ·' ..__ ....... _,_. NANCY WHY AREN'T YOU TH ANK5 1 51\Y, CDULD I BORROW fl)rt£. CT' <.l'.lUR. KID'S BlOC~, MARCIA~ ; HAVE TO IN SCHOOL? ~-~ RE P0'1T THIS--· WHATS YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS ? TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE .-.CROSS !>2 M a~te•Jnl 1 Shceh or ( ~'l"'"'o"'"' malted co1te>n ;,, ''" 6 HOP!OI !.~· ' •l t1 ~r~~c 10 Cd'"> . " ,,.,, ~·c 11rn •.~.\,1r•,,1lr 14 Mr. Ruot ll• fl\"''"~ l !) Therelu111 16 l.:<l'd ut Pl ll 1} '"'" f~lst." '"~"J 1!1 f~stcn N ] wo•t!' 10 Con s""'"'t ti 11,,,.,. r l,,~ I •."''l"" t• l ,,, .,-.~·-· " t.-l I 1,pf 1,,,., I '' 1~m bb ! "'11"-I • foHi t11Jt;N !ood 1 '·"lot·~v '1 f ,.ed charQt":i ~ (h '~""'led 13 (11••ge J Tv' ~. lw<ltl((l :.'4 Belli! l'""n•1, J u S ou11.1.... ... ••n·. 26 Pv~~ nut .ogaon 4 ri.11 .. I~ 28 Roval 5 Sv11erlir11! •1i•denc11 6 Sm1ll11• "' JO [•rttl fr1r1ch n1.1m~• 3 1 l$ni.1 ~d 1 Cu111rl 1 32 011011111 r.ovnte•oit•T 36 So1k 8 t~ave · a111 37 Mitl." I 9 An11lt1•s phone call 1m11lrn1enl J8 Gu1do"ino111 10 A•1~e~a~;i )9 Bron ~ ch~e• 42 F1•sl rate t('~ull 11 Mr K11loll I ~ Ch005C Slang 44 Tea1 s 45 Tned 0111 46 LXX I) W~nlcn leN1~ E Prnolog•~l 49 Throb 19 r, .. , !.o Long lo• rnproducti~n !II Withoul~ Latlfl o•ga" I l • ' 6 7 " . " " " " " n ' " " . .!1 ' • \'este•day 's Puz1~ Sotvltd ' ' " . ' ~ " ,. -. ' . ' ~ T C '°' A B " I ' ' '".I ~ o r o ~~' ,,,~ d ' '1 o A ~ -I '.!~ N ~ ~ : f 1··1 g "• l ~ ~[~ ""~" ~s . ~ll\L A P ~ B l ~I~~ c ' ' I ~ 1 C "'' " . I I C'. ' ~ 0 ~ l I ~ S ;1_> f'r"v'"'-'' 10 42Ma>ts 1 .!, n .. ~r ln!o•mill C')ll•~ll ;'lj R··~r>Ond by •J "11~,1 inl!gn .. : a,11011 At.bi. "11 St ... mbl•' <115 A1t~n1 r0< 28 Yovl'Q Tun•• 51lmOI' 46 F•agm9"1 :>!! Tille ol 47 Eat ~way Att•~"" 48 flow9' holders JI) Rands <119 POfl•Orl ~ 32 Soiled 51 M11lamt1111'1. 3J Augusr ~ mw nc1q!1bor 53 Cht! 34 "Waifing for $4 Maiqu'5 1hc Rohl ,, . · Fiench J'.i (~11•11£101'1! 11oveh'1 3 1 Oep1ess1ori 56 Locomo11v• 40 lmlJ{!dC pd fl <Ill C1ech. 57 M11lt ~qvor p1os•d11nt 59 Mine p!"Oducl ' ' ~·\ ,, " " IJ .. 16 ·' /J 16 II ( " " " lO }f ~i ·"'-. '. ., )I ll ll ,, " " " " " " " •I •l • .. . ,, . . ' .. ., •• " ; . ;;\ >O " " " " " ,. " " " 60 " " " . L' .. ' ~,, " ·- by Tom Batiuck I'll\ 601N& 10 A BLOCK P!\R.1Y NEXT WEEK! bHIRLEY,400 JE5T! by Dale Hale by Emie Bushmiller LLEWELLYN PHAFFENWQCZ E R --- 6 3 CH RYSANTHEMUM BO.ULEVARD PEANUTS (M Sl'((_I( MA'AM . .I~ CA>fT kfEP M'( ,,,.-·-....,1 El(ES OPEN_. JUDGE PARKER MISS PEACH 0:----...... , ---~ -j' SK IP IT NO, l{OUI( TEACHING ISN'T 8DRIN6._ NO, l T.4 1."IK '<O<l~E A 6000 TEACHER .. NOW, IC!NOE.ll'GA~'fEN CL.A,S, WE wn.L CALL ATTENDANCE . IF YOl.A Aire .-iER'E , 5AY "l'nSINT." DICK TRACY WE CAN OUTLAST YOU, WE HAVE • W··an~-..1'.lit.' J.1/!Udf~ ,., !'Ill LJ'll'Pl[Q/ ,,--------------" ' ,) DOOLEY'S WORLD By Rod9er Bradfield WHAlCMA PO!N' f'Jrof[~~( l M l,\I Ol?i.'.1p.J<., ON AN l NYlNTION lHAl WJLL cur W1NooW-WA:.ll!Nt.o 11M[. lrJ HALF! w'ONl"E~f Ut 1 WMAf 15 !J ,l .-..,.-~~~~~~ • ' " J"' Tl-IE 1N'f£RE5T Of M.fNfAl HEAU">-1, U.I ~ f'l:ml.ND \IA. DION 'r HEA<11W.T DR. SMOCK by Geor9e Lemont GORDO S 1R,'%..'M OFFICtA L-L-Y ~~aues-r1NG A f'RAl--'f=f;R .' 'T'RAV1S. 1'"HIS tS O t-J L-Y A HOSP11'"AL-, N O "f "f~G LJ_ 5. AR.MY I K 1"1 D A 'UMPl!Oll HERE .AN 1 \HERE. f . by Gus Arriola MOON MULLINS by Ferd Johnson KAYO! l•OLD YOU ....,-----,. CATTLE ® ~~~~~~IT TOLER.A IE RUSTLER.!! IN •HE ~OU5c! l ! J l , .. '. ANIMAL CRACKERS DO l Of:TfN TA.Kf C,.\f NAPS ? ., by Charles M. Schuh: '· r :: MEC'W 1 by Harold Le Doux Tl-'E:RE,' SAN-, WON'T NEED rH15 ONE TO MV CAR Tr\UNr-.! by Mell MAfGlf ... CATH )" ... ll09~1lT ... Hf 1~ A.~fNT, 1'l.IT H~ WOl..41.0 1.11cE'. by Chester Gould ITS THE JACKPar!" SAYS SAM. by Rod9er Bollen 5NNAARRLL! ... THE GIRLS 'I .. We l'.t~h v..anl .1 d11ll,1r"\ """"nh ••I th.: fi•.:--J .il!,11 111;1\I hcc( 1l1rincr-1.1 l"'rc fi~h11n~ inn.t1r11n ·· 'WHV All THE FUSS? THEV'R£ NOT THAT SCAACt,AAe T~EY ~· ' • I • Midwinters Start Season 1'hl' Al 1J-...·1nll•r':--Suutllo.·r11 t1v1 ty h;.1s hcen conf111C'd to 1 1~·0 ('alifornia ''<1C'hl1t1 g /\s:-.ot1<.1 - l1<..111 .... <:uln rful 1·:-.:tr:1\ ;1han1:a th;1t for 'lti YL'ars has :-.1.t.:11:1l1·1t !ht· :-.tart of ;1 llL'W Y'-H'h!H1g ::.1•;1son LS ::>\:hl·dulL"d 1-'L'IJ . 15 u; 17. day::. $;1t11rd:1y ;ind Sund<iy \\Jlh tht· t•Xct·pt1on of l.os t\ngt•lt•-, )'acht l'luh v.'hlt'h tlosts the big IJ0;1lS (or tl]r't.:l' da,\'::, of l'cHnpt:ll· t1un continuing lhrough f\l onday. 'l'hc !\I 1d\11nt1·rs li.1 :-. ,l!ro11 n l11 :-.Ui.'h <.tll l'X\t.:nl tl1<1\ 1·1 ,\';Jt'hl l'lilb!> ~ire rcqi111·ed 111 h;uidlt• lht• n1nrt· th:in \,(Jl)(t 1>0;11 ,.. 1n iJ1~·r 100 cJ:1:-.:-.t.:::. 11 h1eh 1·.1n lit· t'X lll'l'lt•J l o p;1 fl L l ' l p >I! l '. '1'111·: (;J-:s1-:1t.\I , t'hairm~1n u f lh1s )-l·:1r :-~l1d1,1,1nl1·r::; 1..., i)o\\l1H· \lu1r uf Ni..'"'purt lh·:u·h. lt;11·t-· 1·11111m1 1!t•t' l'ha1rrnl·n of tl11· \ ;1r111U!-< 1·tullS bu:-.l1111~ till· l'\01•flt \1 Ill hL' 111 <·h:1r :.:e o1 conduet111i-.; ! l\t• l'<lt'I ':>. ' NEW POSITION Jon M. Gordon l nv1tat1uns 1vvn t 11\lt lh'1s 11 .. f'k Ill :-.k1pp1.•f:-. of tllt• ti:\ ~.1t•ht t•Jub . ..; 11h1<'h n1akt· upSl')',\, '!'ht· r1·g.1tt;1 is 01x·11 to :.i ll )':ltht 1·lull:-. 1.:nrollt·d 111 ~('\',\:ind ntht•t' .\':1L'hL cl11bs r~·1·o~n 11.Pd by t he ."\rirtll /1 1nl'ri{';1n \';u·hl ltacin).'. l 'n1nn ;ind _y :1(·ht. t"!ub:-. uf l'or1·1gn l'UU!lll'lt'"· Jon Gordo11 NewMa1wger At Cal Boats ( '() !\1 J> J-'.l'J'rJ(J~ \\ I I! ht• ..., Jlr'(', HI l r·r1111 l\t•\\'1f(1rl l{L•.11·1l 10 '.\1.1r111.1 tll·l Jtl'Y-\·c,vport l~t·:i ('h t·lull!'< 111· \'olvl·d 111 ~1 .1ging tht· l'\'l•nt :1r•· :\(..·wport llart.1or. H;1ll'Mi;1, l~:1h1:1 C111·1ntll1:111 :ind l .1dc1 l ,~I,• 1,.1\ t' t•111 !'i"" 111 .1ny g1vl'n C"!a ss \\111 h1· r~·<p11rt1 d . Jlor (':ll'h el.1:-.s 11h· l't'(jlllf'1·d !Hllllht..'l' of l'Oll'it'S 11nt-.1 lh· 111 llH· h :u1ds of lht· r~1re t'<Hnrr11Llc1· uf thl· hnst «!uh'.'> h.v l·'t·h . J:l to l1<· :-.ur1· lhc t l;.1 . ..;s i.'.:tn be 1·.-.l:1hlish ed. Arter a class 1s 1·-.t:1hl1~h ed olher cnlrics n1ay ;..Jgll tip. Jon !\·I . Gordon has been named to fill the n e wly treated posit ion of dealer se rvice n1 a nager for Cal Boi.i lS, a ccording to Ru ss llardl, gene r al manager. In 1hv 1.,n·lv da\'..., ot th<· t'\'£•nt lhL· 111:1Jor pi1rtH1;1 11f the :1cti1H1 \\'as l'l'JltL'ft•d in lht' l,1\..; _i\ng{'ll':-.·· l .1J llg l~t·:ich I l;1rl1nr .1rl·:1. It \\:is lrad1t 1unallv held 0111 IH: \\'l'l'kl'nd llL·arcst 10 • \Va:.hing ton·s birth· d<i,V. In •·The d ecision to offer this new service was necessitated bv the firm 's inc r eased sales, \\,hi c h d oubled during lhe past ye;ir t o more than $10 million <.1 nnu:::illy," s aid Hardt . C :.il llo <.1 t s is ~1 divis ion of J en sen Mci rine of Costa Mesa. Classes Announced \\'1th h:J!f the \.•.:int..:r )'.:Ulll" ~ind :1 11('\\.' ho;.1t1ng season a 1lpr11.it·h1ng. the Coas t l~uard t\11.x d i~1ry :ind tilt• l l niled S l ;ill'S 1>(\\V1·r Squadrons h:1\·e :11111011n1·ed lhl' '..C l'flnd !':L·r il'S of\\ tllll'J' ;,:Ile lu1:.it· An:t (_'ollL't!C . .J;in, 9, st~1rting at 11 :io:i.1n .• ~:1il. l·'L1l~L !-: Jl'l'l>N -Sunny I !ills !ti ;.:h ~chuol , J :ni. 8, 7 p.1n . sa il . l ' S . l'u\\'t'r Squ:1dron elass('s: .\J I·: \\' P () B 'l' I~ J·: /\ C 11 ''\Ve fe el that by h a \·ing ;1 full- time servic e m an age r v.'e ean pro\'ide ou1· de ale rs v.·ith 1norl' personal a nd c ffie iPnl day·to·d:..iy contc.tc t , '' 11<.irdt s aid. JI\).:. t'l;1S:'l'S. I\('\\'P()1'l l l;trllur .\II <'dut·;1t1011;d t·l:1;..>;{'S h.1· t i1l· .l.111 1:>. Ii :\!1 p Ill )';1r l!l t'lub, I 'S('(;,\ :ind l 'S l'S ;1fl' !rL'l:' 111 lht• F()l '\:'J":\I.'\ \',\l ~LI·:\· -l·'oun- 1'llhl1 r. l•'1illo,~ing :ire C'u;1 :-.t l a111 \';d lvy ll1ghSt·houl,J .1n l ;u;u'd i\uxll1;1ry l'l:.r ~.'>l'S ullL'r~·d < p 111 . Gordon 's responsi bil ities ;1rl' nati onwid e a n d in c lude· ;iid to dt·· aler s on questions uf scrviC'ing , commission ing a nd y,•arra nty. 1n(Jr:111 gt·C(lunty: lll''.'\l'JSf;'l'U.\J' l ~Et\C ll S ,.\\"l'.t\ .i\,"\1\ S;int :1 1\11:1 l luntin g \()11 J·:l·ach !\l;.i r1 nu l ligh (\,llt'gl', J<th and l~r1 -.LoL :'larl· Schoo!. .J :in. :::!H. 7 p .1n . 1ng J :n1. 8 ;.i t 7::JO p .1rL, bo.11111)-! !),\!\,\ l '<J I N'f -· 1):.rna l 'oint ~:it\·\.\' :incl s e:in1:1 nsh1p; s~111!:1 'i';1cht (_'Jub. J·'eb.:l. 7 p.nl. *GOLD * SWISS FRANCS HEAR International Currency 11nd Commodity Authority HAROLD BERMAN PRlSIDINT, AMERKAN INTERNATIONAL TRADING COMPANY learn whv you mus! lake a new positive approach now ro the currency & commodity markets w1!h specific action ro taKe !Oday. THURSDAY, JAN. 16th, 7:30 PM (C§/'J'.. 1404 N. Gu.ND AVf., SANlA ANA (7 J 4) 835·7641 \;SWISS VAULTS """'"" '""'' """"""" 'TVP ~orn le1tured "l'C)t lobte proll'i"_ Thi' meat ~ub•lil1.1le ;, mode from the 9 olden \o ybean , TVP ho~ b een u \ed f or yl'o r• by b r ond nome food ma"1.1t oc t1.1rer ,, to ext end t l'leir ?rad 1.1c t .... ithout 'Q ~acr i ficin9 lo•le, n,,tr ilian , or q1.1 ol1ty_ Yo u of\O can sloih your mfal co1h by 1Jsing TVP in b ,e f polllr\, c aiifrole\, p i110, loco~. etc. C a me inlo 01,1r •lor~ for complete d e toih an thi~ ond otlte-r produc t•. SPECIAL• 5 lbs. of HONEY only $4 • 1 fhrouqh Feb. J Q ENTERPRiSES 1~}~1 r)f !<ALPV Cr1'C~f ! t\IJ,,1Aor.i VALL!~ (A '110~ T(LtPHONE: (11"11•1·1119 Houtt. ""'"' !N" r" 11prn lo6P"' ~--8~ ·~ . . . . . . -~-..J!I:, =--= ...-;• AfOVT n-1 Q ciu1 l "''-"n '" r'"'""<" 1~''"'"1r.n M u''< Go" N W «·•n•'<rW~" "" (".-.""'" 10 "°'' e.io, •" '~"""1~ or'1<'<><JCh<>n 1<. "'"'e '"" 'i <ti 'Jan l"'"•O r ~v Pl' n I. I(' ,'\ ( l'J'IC'E 1• t · ,-,-L-1(-.-,..-.0-T-I (-.-,.:- f"I CTITIOUS B U51NE\5 --------------- NAME S TA TE M E NT NOTICE Of" TRU5TEE'S SALE T~ following Pf't">n '' <lQ<<>g b"s' On Fel>"""'V 1. l'll~ ... 111 A M.,Sou!r> "!j\ .::• ! I I(, H f I N(j A ~~LJ( I II T t; Bil Y F1nilf>Cl i1! C0>rpOri1loOn ii~ a<J'!y ap. . "· Po•nled TnJs!ee ""aer ilnd ""''""on' 10 13~~1 L•ndl<'V St ., M •~>•On V•<'JO. o..~ IT 1 <I <IJ e11 1<;11• s (al1lornia<no11 I ""o ru• 1ecor e un . ·" Bryan Dil.,d Tellbu1t 7J~•1 lindley onst No 115!>-4. •n boo~ 11111, ~ 19'.I, St, M''"on v,ejo. (a1110'1n1,,<n1;1; ot OlloC1i1• Record' In The ouo<e ot !"'-' Th•~ l""'ne'' is (Ondu(ted Oy .on,,._ Cc1Jn\y Re(Qr<le• ol Ora nge Count~. <1'"•<1uat S!ale ot ca11forn1a Will SELL AT Oryan 0 lf01>1Jll PU8UC AU(TION TO HIGHEST 61(). '"" ,1a1ement "'"' hle<1 "''In I"'-" DER FOR C.O.SH (p..oy,,01._. di l'""' n! :ounty Cl••• or Or .. n.;ie Coun!y "" ""'e 1n 1a .. tul money "' ""' un.ieo J<inu;,ty3, iq11 S•,,le>l "' !Ile main en\r.1,.te ol ;511 F ~I L11Pa lmil Avenue, Li1P.11m,,, c .. 11rorn,,. P1Jl>11'-'>ed Orange Coil'! ca.iv p, 101, all rog.1>1, !•tie and 1ntere't <Onv-t'f"(l 1o J""""'Y ~.I~. n, 1~, 19/; 70-1~ and""'"' held by ,, under sa•d Do>ed o! -------F ICT1I10US0USINESS NAME ~TArEMEN T ]•11 i"llOW•'l<J ~!l!·,un> .Jt< <l!,.llq Du· .r .. ·~·, a• UAl/l. Wl>Y, l )<t M u"'U"d ;,1 .• N"""i"''° (lo.;< ••,l·•'''"'''"''!O/I Nnr111,,,. '<'/,>I , 40"' U, "''"•"O<c U•., N• "'IH>ll """'" '-""l()f'u"~"""' H •• .," w,.1 "·'~' !l ,, " "''" Or., N• ''"""I!-;•··•<" \ ·"'"·""'" •/""U l <l w ,H!J J M \.•"'"Y, ,,,0\1 4 """ """ 1'r ' IJ • "'fJQI I !"·d~n. < <<llt~r<11., 1/H ,r flto !"""" • •I' "' • ·" ll•" I'" • '"Ii J M • < "'"" 1n, '"' "'' "' "'" t'" ,i w 1tn tn• \ •hH11V ( '"" UI """"l" ttJUtllf (}<\ )"""'" '~. J '1 ·, ! 'u1>1 1 ·'" •' '"·'""' ('"'" l),,,1~ l"•OI J"""'"' ,, 1 •,111. l;o<)-1) ~~~~--------l•tll NOTICE OF l FIUSTEE'S!.11.LE f S No . f ( !J•l D« r<'b"'"'Y I. lq/), <11 ~ 00 /\ M . O-.l ~f ~VI(! (0 ·"<JUI• <t{.~l'!llPa ''""~' '"'<le• ~"" P"''"""' 10 l.,,_.e<! ~1 1'"'' <•<"""'~ n 1' n "' '"" ""' ''°"•· '" t>oo• 1o~n. u.o<i« 1~. nr O! '•«ill~. <O•O' "' tn•• ~ll•c t• ~I Int· (.Qun 1. llP (Ord~r .,, (.l • .. nQ~ \-0\iO\Y Cilh!tHOI«, Will ~Ll l fl! l'llf\lh' Ali(ll'l" 10 H1 r,H£S T 1'10(\I I• ~0 '• Cl>Sf• 1.,..y,11>1• . .i '"'" o• ,,,., '" 1 .. wtul rrO•W• o P 1n•• lJ"''"" ',!"h"·I ,,, !"'' ';<>u!h '''""' 1 ,.ntr~"~" lo 1,., •. "'(I T'"'' u• '"" '"°""'''V ,,,,, .. 1.,d '" ,...,d (.o,,n1y •nd Stat~ de•<••bea "' · A leil""llold e'tille 1n aM lo Lo! 11 Q1 lrilcl "lo. 181l "'' pe• map '"'""d•:<I m !><><>~'I<! f'aqes •S to •I ol M•~•llane<>"" Milo• rn the ot!ice of tr.e to...,ty •e· cor<l!:r of \11 •<I county Tr.e •!r~et a<1<1re'' ann u!het o>mmon de,•qna1.oto. •I ""', o! ttoc re,,1 proi><:rty de~cnDe<l ilbc~e '' p1Jrporled lo ti. 190! ~il<lr•lt, (Or0t1" <1e1 Md r. Ci1l1!o•n'a Tne ""°"'"<ined Tr,,,I<'<' <l•'>(.lol.rr" '"' 1 '"'t"l•lv lo< .on f '"L'" • "' !""'' <>! tn•: •l<•nl •><'<!••·,, ,,,><) 01"'' (O<n<l\011 Ot.• I I""'""' li"''"•'•ll<J"'nP" )o'lrl., 5.,,., , .. 1~ w•ll be •n~<I•, bul ..;!t>oul <o~en .. nl or wa•"Onty, e •o•o-'' O• •m- pl oed, re(jil< <I• n(j I 'tie. Po• 'e'"""· "' o-n· cumbriln<e,, IO pay tne rem" •n.r•q P"" C•Po>I •um ol tne no!o l'l '"Lu•ed i>v w•d 0..ed of lru'I. lo •"'<! ~9/9~ 11. wllr. 1nlf"~'' tt>e•eon, "' o•o~"led "' \.il•C M!el,I, dd~dn(e~. '' .,n,, ""°"' tno- lerm' o! \-a1d Deed ol lru>I. '""'' c ""'9<'' ilnd e •pen'"' o! the T r u'1~• "nd OI !he l•u~ts cre .. led by '"'d Dee<l °' T ""' Tr.e benel•(>il'V ur><l<'r '"'d Ol>cd Q' Tru'! here\o!ore r•e(ute<I iln<j oe ln••"ed to tne unde•S•(jned "' "'"!!'-"' °"""''"''on c• 0efi11Jl! "n<I Demand tor .,_,le, "'nd ,. "'"tlen No!oce ol Dl'laul\ ~nd f.l<>cl1on to Sell 1 he 1Jnd<''"'l'lt'<I <""~ ...... a No••c~ 01 °"'""''""" £1ec h<m lo °'>f'll to oo •P<oro~d '" t""' """' v wner~ the fP<ll prop<>•1• I\ IO(dt~!l. Oil!~ J ANUARY8 1q /) "0UIHl11>V I' INAr<C•l>L CORP "'''"d rr u\I•'"· SU S• "' j~iiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif "'""" C<>tHl"<lu,,·, '"!to<' (ih nt ""1nl~ ftnt> (,ll,fll<"•rl "" "<!tol, !•!I• •'"'I tn ler<•;I ton .. ~yPd lo ""a n11"' ""'" llY <I Und"t \•)•d Clef'!! Of I <U '\ on l~o '"'''"'' t• '"tua1•"<1 •n """' C.~u"'" .-11<1 '>••>I" <I"" r' t:..-tl "' Aulto<>r it~<I <.•cin~•ur~ r>.,e,,v,eo Newoo•I >1 ,111><" tJ,...,. f'ro " tomb>"'-'<!"''!" tn~ (}•M•IJ~ (""" 0d•I~ P•IOI, J<>n . lS.11, 11 !~/~ 11\.-1'. Cadillac. Ii I: We have the Key in Orange County " \/. ( l'.1(J·.1t• .,i t.1rjl: I I i 11 I · 1. \/ y 1'1uv 1 I ',J \ l l I; l yr ii I , N r.)!t .n Ii I (_,,(;H Ii .. 'y'()U II 1 v ... 11 I , ·,i+C , I _,! I I: 11 11 'I 1 11 (I 11 j I <J quc.l ·sales· leasing · service Nabers Cadillac 2600 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa (714) 540·9100 L•I STORAGE UNITS family and · busines s storage l'llYAfE ... Individual S torage Unils Your Own Door Your Own lock sacuu .... 24 Hour Reschent M&naoer Concrete ConstructiOn Steel Doors Perimeter waned Night Lighted Fire Protected COMVEMIENT •.• 7AM. lo 7 PM. 7 Days a W Eek 11 Sizes from :?51o 480 SQ r1. Shop Units available w1lh 220 V oower and lelephone Localed near San Diego ·Fwy and JambQree Rd. LOW COST .•• Renls a s l o w a s S9 Discounts for_6 M onlh Leases No Mov(!·ln or Move<HJ! Charges !<>\~.HIP'• Sot lt-'<I ti~ 11, 1'1lh• Cd• 01 r•rwpo<l ti~'"" ''"'"I> 01 ('t.1nQI' .-,1.,,, o t r .,1,ror""' "' i~·' '"'P '"'O•<J<·(! •n nun• 9, ! ... , .. '' o• M01' 1••11,.,,.,ou' Mai! ti\ 11,,. <>I!'"' ,.1 tl>c coon!y •eco•!l~r o! ''"d < our1!, T"" ~'"''I ,1a<1rc'' .. nd "'""' <0""""" ""''qn~t•on . ,1 ~n v . O! Jhr '' .. 1 !"C>!><·rly ""'-<"tied .. bo•e" P'"""''"" !~ t;o• 4"" Ne w vo•I lllvtl, N<'WIJ O<! 11 .... ,~. Ca l 1 !orn,~ ~~bbO. Tnr """'''"Jn«I l•u,rr~ <I•>< l;,1m' """ l"•!>•"lV •or""' •ncorrectne'' o! tllr ·.1'~"1 "!!'"'''' aro Qther (Ommon de"dn.it•Qn, ,f ""'· y.,,,.,., ""'~"' S<t1<1 •ale W•ll f>f' m;,dr, w oH"<>ul t Oii<' Mnl ot "''"'"n1v. "'P'e'' o• "''l>l"·d, '<'9'l•<l•n<i t•llr , P0'~r,\10n, or ~,-,com b•at>C~\, IO Ody'"" rem.t•n1J>g l)t•(l(•llitl ,urnol !fH: note!' 1 '~""'"d t>y ,,..,d °'"''I of 1,.,,1, wllh 1nlet e•1 1nereon. "' ptQ v1ded '" loil•<l nu!e(\l, <1a v<1n<P,, 11 ,tny, ..,~, ll>e te•m, ol S..•<l Ol><'d ol fr,,}!, te"'· """'9e' ilna .,~11en s1·~ o• t"" T•.,.,tee and ol Ille !'""' "'""ted bV \.il•<l Dl'<'d OI f flJSt llle t>Pnel•UdfV un<Jer '"'d o._~,d ol Tru•t ~t·r~1 ctor~ e>e(ut~d ,1nd ~<'· l••~re<l t<l IPlc u"'1~r"9n<•d ,, w,.n,.n CW·<-la•ati0<1 of Defa,,11 ilnd OeQ>ilnd !or ~IP. arvt a writt~n No!.c~ ot °"'""" .ond Elt(tion to S~ll Th" 1Jnder,«;i"f'<l (~""'d ~dtd Nott<'' ot O..laun and EJe< lion 10 St-It to bl.' t~(o•at<1 ,n '"" uiunty where t"" red! proper1y" IO<illed, Oatr J'""""'V '· 1~1; DSL Se•~•c~ Co. "'' •.t•d T•u•1ee, "• Lour~e' Gi1•C1<1, Tt,,,t OUic•·t P ut>t1shed Ne wpo•I 1--ti>rbnr New> f'r"''· combined w1tr. t"" 0• <on<!<' (Oil•! 0..oiy P•!o•. J•"""'' IS, 72, :l'I, lQIS 100.IS " ., I ----------1•t 1t1.11 · :\·crr11 ·1: STATEM E NT OF Wll H DR AWAL Fl!OM P Al!T N E RSHI P OPE MAT ING U NDEM FIC TIT IO US BUSI N ESS NAME: Ttl" fnno,.,nq '""""' "''' w dtl(l•a""" <>"• " q<'n•·«1• p.irtn,·• ''om ti" p • .,lr·~r,h11> OP••r.il.,'\<J un<I«! 1/1.:0 101 . 1.i,ou ~ !llJ >tfl<"·' nillTi n o • IN "f R';CAPf. QE '>l(,N, ,DO N1•wpnr1 (<'"ll•t Ot1'°'• S,,d(• 210, Newl>dr! u~.1( r.. C·•' ""'"'" q)bbP '"" l'O•••ou' ou·"~"~' ndmf .,,.,,,~ "'""! I<" In" fl"''""''"'" "'"' lolrd fm f••!lfv~l y I>, n1J 1n "'" C01J<>1• 01 Ot'1nq• F ~·1 N''"'" ,,n<I /\~<I"''' o! In<> P.'f·-.or. w,1 ~'''·'"''""· <.;"RE N M JOH~JSON, 1~3 (Jay""""'° D•' •e, N .. .,.p~' u~ .. (f>, (al•to•n•il 'nl>OO '>•\l'"'<l "·"~" M. Jor>n'>(')n """ Punh'>f>e<l O•,l nq .. (Oa•.1 D<11lV P•IO!. )a'> J$. 7/, 1~. oJnd FP~f U•" V ). 1~71 10• 15 PlJBl,IC 1\0TICE fl(TI flOllS BUSINESS NAM£STATEMfNT 11\e 10110..,,ng ~""" 1~ d<>Onq l>U""""~ ~~' Al LISON INVES fMENf COMPANY, >IOI'! (Ml,..~ L•ne, Nt>Wp0rt S..KI>, (Mil. 9'1"6(1 (Itel S1~•t. t\ll Gr•n-.1lle. NewpOrt ~·"' (.ti••. <nM-0 Tl>i~· l!U~in~'~ ;s <Ofldl)(I~ by ~ uno(l(orPO•ilted .t~WC:1.tUon or""r '""n ii ,..., "llflllsht• Or"""' CN!-1' o.tly PllM, DK...,.,_, ?J, l t14 ... ~..., 1,1, U, IQI~ . 4171•/4 PUBLIC NOTICE •1CTITIOUS au St NESS NAMI' STATEMENT T .... lollOwlf>il "rll>f\S ••• dolr>Q bu$0. .... ~.,; OE!>IG N PARTN E RS, OF.StG N PARTNERS INTE RNATIONAL. THE SHANNO N-HOLLI DAY COM P ANY, 1411 ,,,.(A11111.1r e1~d., N•Wi>Ort EleKh, C..lllornl•91...0 J..,k• Sll•nn!>fl, tl11 H...0~ 0!"1 .... H..,.,U~on a.-.::n, C•tllornl•,,.... Lov N· 1-to!llo.y, l\~31 F lr'I SI., So..th ~~ h-.;;h, C•lllornl• CALL 17141 97 9-01 .5.~ ol' droP. bv 2892 ll ELVIH AVE:: IRVllfE Tlllt 1>1.1sln1ss Is t on(lu(lffl by • ~~·•• ptrtti.•slllp. J•nk • 5.11..,rtOn TMS ll•t•""'nl WIU l(lecf wllll tJM< eo,,nty Cler ~ 01 Or•"" Cov"t'I' Ot1 JanlOAry 3, lt7), ·-Publi.ned Or•n~ CNll 0.Uy Piiot, . ························'!'·················· .. , jJ ....... r~I, 11,)1. 2'. ,.,~ .44111.,. . I ~~""' rt" J --~ Ri~J llo11es Am ericct n Molors· ne\~' sp<)rty s uht·on1pacl [>acer is n1odcl the autom a ke r hopl'S wlll t>ull it out uf sales s lu m µ. l"a tcr is schedul ed fur s a les in t•arly M~1rt h. Ford Has 'Answer' To Chrysler Ads I1 1·~·rncirr(L:r1 I ! ~'hrv.-.J,•r ('!)J'P 1~ nlll·rin ~~ t·;t.-.h r1'h;1t1·:-, !n t•nlie1· 1·11 ~hHll l'I !'< fr(l11111lhl'r :1uto 1·0111p.1111l'.-.. l lut lhl! l'ord l\l u!or t :u. n1ay h:1\'l' l'on11• llfJ \\1U1ahvlll'I'1dl·:t . !lord :\l onday b1•g.rn <i :-,l·t'll'S or ads :-,;1y1ng 1hat its cornparl l\1:1vL·r1ck 1s cht·apl't' lh:1n 1•1th t•r t he l >udgt• [1 :11·t S\V1ngl·r 0 1· 1 'ly n1011t h !) 11...; 1 er. <. 'hr,v~ ll' r · s t \\ o -. pt•(· 1 a Is th 1!-i \I L'l'k. J."ord ~tl :-io s:u d l hL· jll'lt'I '." \\ t'l't' nu1 lirnitl'd 1!1 JU:.\ 0111· \\ L·l'k . '!'ht· 1,.ord :1d:-. \l l'ft' t1n11.·d tot•11111t•1dt• ,~·1th lhl' ~t:irt nf('hrv:-.lt·r ·.-. "Car (_~ll'<tr<i n ct· (':1 r111\'~1I," ;\n ;1tt1·rnpt h.v t hL' ~o . :t ;1u1n 11):.1k1•1· lq l'l'd u te i Is ·11 ~· -n1 on t h :.tippJ .v of u n:-old ,. ;i r :> It 1s ul ft·ri ug :s~O() l'l·ll.t! 1 '!'< to ht1y1·rs of 1111· l>:1rt S11·1ngcr and l)u:-11'!" thi s \\L'l'k :don~ \\'tth 0111nlhl'r ?!\JO ir ;1 l·\ird P into 01· (;l'!ll'l':d i\!(llur:-. \'l·ga 1:-i traJt'd in IJy tod~1 y. 'l'o c·11nl b:1 l th1· :itt1·n1pt tot:1ki· :il\':l.\' l'11-.tr1rn1•r :-t. Jlurd 's ads u-.t'd c·on1p:1r:1ti\'t' prll'l':., li:-.t1ng lhL· :\!:1v1:ri('k ::;:;oJ l~·:.:-. tll:nt :1 l)u:.LL·r ~111d S.~12(} h·s:-. th :in ;1 l l;1rt S11·1n~:t·1'. 'rhc b;11tll· f<1r cu:,,ton1~·l'!'< 1·;1rnt· :id-.; inrltJ'->l rv '"' :-.L<11·k nr 11 11 . .,nlil ('(ll'S ~\O(ld :tl :1 l'l"('l!l'd !)!; d <I_\:> ;111d Orh' of i '\1.-!'V tlirt·L· l ' ~ .. 11111) \lurkt"r:. \1:1 :-<flf the ,111h tilt:. 11 ct·k. 'J\1v11lS ·t·1ghl (.',II'') :111d t1 t11 •h a :-- :-.l'lll b I y p 1 ~1111 -. \1 l' rt' t•l11~vd . 'J'hl• l r ;1dt• )Hihl11•;1t1un 1\llll>lllol i\1 ' :\L'll .-. -,;ud !hi' -.1q1p),\ ur 4·.n·-. ~ltHJd :it 11 d.1 .\~ !Ill .1;_111 . t !.1 :-.t :'>!',It" .111d ,1t [!'..: ([,]\,.. (1t1 1)1 ·1·. 1. ·r1 1v ~ll ppl y f1 g ur1· 1111·.111..., IH1\1' n1 :in\' d:1\~ :1111t11<'11l<1;·v111 u11 -.1 1ld (•;11·-. «111dd l;_j:-,l ,1 \ t'urr1·nl ~,ill'" I L'\~·J-. \\1111 ;1 ~it! t1J ~.(I lL1 .v :-lq•]ll~ <'(•11 · :.1d..:red ll ul'nl al. San Diego May Reap Benefits S 1\i'\ l)ll·'.C;() ( \]') 'l'ht•s1·lt·1· \ \con of (;cut•I .LI [)\n.1n11,·s to h udd lht• lll"IV .'\II'. Jlol'('~· ll\1; f1ghtt·r· pl;111 1•:-, \\ dl pr11li;1 lil.v n1v:t11 11111).:. r·:111 g 1: 111h l.i1-·rh.·!1 I:-. to !:i:.n l )il·~:u •• 1 1·01np:1n.v s pukt•s n1:111 !'<;11d. 'l'llt' ('(111v:111· :111d tl11· l·:lvt·· t ronit·s dt\'l :>t1111 .-. nr (:t'l l\'r.1 1 U v n :un 1 l·~ ;1r1· l111·:11l·d Ill S;.i 11 l>il'hO, ;i nd 1 lil'I l' 1-. t'!\fJ\'('lt•d tn !;'-· ;1 spillo\'1·r ld \\ o!'I\ JJ'ulll 1111· 1,.orth \\'1\l'l ll d1vi .. 1nn i\JthOll!.:IJ !ht• )11 7 lllllli1HI t'!)(I • tr:i('l :1\1 ;_1r(l1·1I t\l1111d:1 ,v I" i'\IH'\'I L'd tu g 1•11t·r :d 1• lip 111 1;,, (MM) f\l'\V .11\hs, 1 ht• {'on\ :1 1 r• ~11111\vsr11;111 d\':.t•rilit•d II .1 :-. pl'l'!ll:1l1Jti ' In l'"t1111 :111· lhv 1n1p.11·1 in S.111 I )1l')-lP S;i It·:-. .. r1· t'\ pt•1·l ··d !<1 lu· ~.pr1"'" nut (\\'1'1' t ht' lll'\'.1 ,'.!I).\ <'.II '•· S:111 ll1 l'~'.n ·., 1•l4•1·1r .. 1111·:-. d1\ 1-.111n ;1nd ('1111111 ..., !1 .1d1 q nt ('1•d.1r J{.1p1d ..;, lu\\:1, \l>'I\' 11 jHll'lt•d t'tlllllit'llllh l<> IJl.t!lULI!" lll rt· thv t .11l11•:il r1.1\1':.i11u11 :•\-.lt'lll 111'\lil' f"H; pl.H ~•·:-., Ba1zkrupl Bids Filed '!'he fo\lo \.\·in).! Jll'l'~on :-. li:i\t' ftl l'd pf'lit in ns rur b:1nk!'uptey 111 S antu A na l,.eth.•r:d ('uurt · PEARY Wollldfll U""I"'""'· 1,, .. 1,ttm1 ,--,, ""' lcnar>(e, 1•)}) D"'<ldn<.J A<•· M, ···'"" y,, w. L•<IO•"l•t> )..l•,)l8. "'''t~ \.(\0 '1'1~. lo(,.,,,,..,. h ~. f'tio:''" PE AR y JO<>n Le I 1t•d hoy•,,.,.,,<' ·"I"''" ',,, ..... 1, "' ~l><Jy~ ME~TAS M~•Y A "··""''''"" '"'!"••""' • !Tb N•,n••llt. Hun long!(>" H"d' n • """ltt.~, '4,<>I·" i •. ""'l>I<!)~ !;!~"'""' """''' PIE RCE .. _.,.,,"'"'• I•·•"""" •"'•"'"f'" • r"1"1 .... u'"'"Ld<lP '"'""''"<!'"" IJ• ,,,,, l o.>tl•I•'" .~,•JI. d\\~\,~1 .100 fi o·f"'"'"!"• I"'! llrn11 OA LE Jo'"'n w,11>,,.., """'"'"'''"'! l"I" u.,.,, Ld"" (0'10 ""C',d \•••lhhl'\'•~'""' "'"I ~',;·, Flo•!""'~ Pn~J "' FE DE R u .... d ll".>•" 1>,11\•'•• "'' "" •"' !,,,.I a""""" ~1 . f ''""'•"" v .. • 1" ,. l ... 1,.0.1 .. ·, ~' 1 ''" ,, , ~~"'-'t-.•01 Fl•·h·••·•· Ll !ou!! FE OE R D'""" ~,.;fl~"·,, h?"''" ""•'· ,•ll ''"" • <I• '""'a, .. oo.t. ()vcr l 'h1• l:ou11ler NA.SD Listinqs I""'"' .,.,01,.11on' <o,.<lv ,. ' . '"l>llh.-d by 1ne N,1 lro""n Ar !tnn;;• "'"°""''on ot <'<•De So><uro1"'> 0Pd1Pr ,, "'""i • 0 dre b•<I' <>na O!IPr•. tlurnp ~I Quo!ea o~ O"'-" lhL' uller M (Oun!~r <l~dler' lo :.1IW! "' ""'" c1to~r a > o! :..m 1ton clo'e I Ed>!ern 100 ,,,,.., I rn.. Q»ul<1 ::..im 1 .,0 1~ loon> do nol .ntlu<Jt· :anon Ml 11 reldol m.o•~uD ma•~: .. ,..,..~,, I ' •• " <l<>,.n or tomm.-;:nMIQ fll 8 , ,,on <1na <lo n"r :~n Vt o>S ",, '"P'~'l•nl """'" ;:F<, (nn ti lr•""~C!•<>n• :r.,..,p P! 1 IN OUST l!IAL~ :n<1n! Cc ] ANO UTILITIES :~cm (p ~ fCJ<',<1,1v -"' Br Ir 6 f) J~"""'Y I< 1?1\ :n,.., S.•< '<! Ar u,hnl A<lvnc~ R Ad M'<'~ A<lvnl (p "". A•• ""'' fl,11 A••lO '"~ Al>(jn Phr Ahed Ont Alloo:d l~I A.m AP''' Arn E •P• Am F'""' ttm F1e!h Am Furn Am G•· e Amini (,r A MrfO'V A.m Tell:~ Am We•a Anlle""' ADP•<<I A.PS lncp Ardn M ,'t A"ow Au Ar~,ao "'''° Cold ATI c,, l ! All 51e"I AJ,.d 0<_ \ !'id"" ""' l;\~"d Wt 6~•~' U< B"•~r r·P (J,1l!l"'n L 0 .. 11, """ B•rlrn llot t\,,. n•I ' I fJd''' n f I! rl A,k ~nubb (p JJ 11 :h F•Ch ~ I 1 .. 1-. :'t/ soc. .. ' '/', 7 '• :'""' o.J • ?~ 11 I< :,1, VIA 1) <S • II" :1"'" Mt ~I 1'> , lo :1~vep• I "'• ~··~ :1ev 111 . 1•1 /<,~•1:1ow C•1, ~. lb'• 11":•1ne LHn I• Q•. 10'. -obu•<> O 11 ,,,. 1 •. '.O<:·•'-L<1 1n .. 1~ 1~ ;J~~~·;,, ~~ I~ 1 ~, 10 1"n1' ~l>t <) I~ : 7 "'/:w1 NI (_,•, 11 /,/,·m w l1P 10 •l '• •7 '• :cl• A.uto 1 I • ~ ... ~plrv " J., /•, H•·• :onn ~~< 11 '• o • I :unn C..-·n 7'• 1'>•• l~'• :n' P<1pr JO IS J 10' :o•d•' c_p 1• ' I H :o"''"' 3'o ". " ' ' " " • • 7 , :"''' Co "'• I< '• :u< I "'O" II ~'•Dani ln!I ll " • :;r,,,1 0·~ 0 10 , ;J.Jt" too ., I' :;t,1vtn Ml 1'' II!•,~''" D·> •·~ 1 c;.,.,n 111< 3, I'• 0.-1,,, .. 0: '/• ' 1Cl<·lno ln!I 1 !• ~D :J•dm (_, II '"• ln'< Q,dm ><<! 1 "' I Cl<!< I { "'~' 1 > ~· :lc>tu!t'I J • • 1. ·~ 1,' ·1Uo1" r, .. n I l I I C.>-'"·"tl·. 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IN> , I l ' I .... , ' •• I !WIU 1 <I<) " "' ' l n'"' r1•<> 1 " /" l .Ol"'~'' \) ' ltl 11 . l •P" •I< l ~ • Ill 10 ... lovc. .. ,1 14 11 ti 70•· Lo....,n"n 1 ! ~ 11 '• '• I n• 11 , /I ' f "" I 'YO I / '><l"~'o l 10 1n ~q 1b "'1'""~ F!.I IJ 11' 1• Stale~ 1 ~o s 1 s~ ·~., ~toB•~na' 11• t~J 5• , , \t6P,.n1 18 11 •O l l'• Sid 0 I (di 1 l t bl 11 ' .. w~•+' f4 lb h J11 u W' Mq t J<.-:1 I •'> 6 w~"<l" .o .. • , v 10\<, • '" n . ..,, ... w , •••• '-""c.~1 '" •• ' ' ·~·· 1 11• • (,t~~ltn<t .. 1 ' . " ~· " " ... " " l l 11 Lo•() 1 ~~ ~ o • LTV Co•P A ~ u l l ll (p,p• ~\I '-' • \ 'rto • I 611 P!""Pl 1~~ I ~ 18 I PLpl\JOO •110 1(19 J' f'I pi R •U 1..0 HI >'•l'&l !" ~ 17~ Id P Pl n1 • '~ 1•JI\ •d " .; " '• W•!PI Pep I • 10 12 w ,u,Ar oOg J qlJ 6 w ,U•n< I 4(1 \ IJ 111 W>ltnCo NA 1)1J2 I >'111 >'.0t >n t J I V•oh~• n Lo<• m~n bo ULM d I 1 11 C."MIQ 1 ~lot c.u11L •e " C•u •Ml!' IH ' " ' \" I -· l"O<t<)O(f, \I~ 11 J~ ~~~:.:~ 1 ~~ : ir,·~ : " p, nw ll Jh bJ \H Sid 0 11 l"d I J}Q •l 1 ~10>10~ 1 '\6 19 111 11 ~t<IPon• I q/ 41 II"" S!<I PrS11 •O 1 11 6 1 WtlPub /~ q 1 WV• >OM I •0 I'" 10 >'u<w pl I SJ< Sid p,Ud '°' 8 K ~ "'"'IUn 1H 6 I 6 ' ". • <.ull nS1I I •O ~ I< il L ''~<V 7S<t I t1 ,. l ••~o•l A516 Pn"' 11t I o~ 10 11) 0.. P~n< t• I l0o.t 11~ t<I s1 .. ,,~. • 11 1 1 a • St.o"N'' '~ 6 71 I\ 1 w 1u np1 • ~u 11 J 1 '• We >lh E l o a IJ•• It Gull 01 ,1 { "" .. ~ ... , ' G<l fli.oG , Gull'>lll'' (· ~l! .,1 ) \ ' r.n>iA.w, ~ • Vvll"w~ "'~ (,U W~ pl J " '., I~ " • '" ' " l ,ntn5v "0 "1/~) MM M.oc Anr ~" 1 • M. .. Don<<I IJ I• M.il<• 10 ' ~ , ... M.o <m II ]I 1 11 '"' McM nt , 10 J 11 , P~""' + pl~ I) /1 P~r>tll•! , JJ 1 lJ "'"'t'I \Jt /0 ~ o l'...,pU• I oi I 1J J I p ,.J"•(O l 40 I I II 4\ '"""Fl 1e 1~ !II Ill I ! 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IJ "On y"'I \ •D ~ HDnV~> I l~ ~ H O• •on (p o HO~PlllA ll 01 t "O\l)ll(p )Q I H111I lnll )6 ~ 110Ud •~ I D" ' Ma11dl pf 1'• ... OuQP\ M 41 Hou•FI> Q)o 4 llOYSt PIM I !l Hfo\O .. pl 1""" l'o .. ~F(I() I u " loll ~ • ' M.t'l~T l\O / 11 II•~ II I ~ M.d•Qll ~Od • JJ ''• M,o,1 ~It l 1• 11 J~lo ~ o \' u ' , " ... " """""'" I 1• I lS 18 1 \1 """'' M I JO f 110 I\ ''> Md C .. p ~· ~ • 1)'••, M.t1colp Jl •) J J l l " JI !~'• "' ...... \Onlll' SO ll 711 16\, '• \\ ~ . .. ~~43 •• 1 Mllll'IT IOt> • IJ 16 '• M•(PI 1 110 ll ""•, 11 1 10 M ,!nlv!OI! 16 11"'• \.t 1l Ii MM11~ 1 ll<t l< 10 , .. ,, ' .. " " "' "' " " " ' • ,. ' " n•. " " , ~ '" ..... " ... M.o !"•E ll>e & Jl l 11 , , , l o M.av O~•l>O I 111 l&\1 M.ay••O\ ~I S J II • '• M.o v1JW SO 6 ! 4 0 M>lf1g I J0• 1! J7 )11\-' .. "· MAPXI XU> 3 10 I"• t \.t M C ••nt !I 1111,.-"• M<(O•<t 11/:1 4 ·~ 9'\ ''o •• McCro•r (p 2J l "•-'"' \• Mt O•m ! 10 t ttO 64'"" 1""' MCOof'lll'l Co 11 tJI Jl1'o " \ .... ·~ 10 '• MtOonO •0 • 04 10 -"• '• McG •Edl >I 11 l •''o -'It M<Cil H I SO t $(/ '" • ·~ • '• •M ·~ ,, " " '" ,, "' > .. " m " ., .. _ •1 MGHl£>1110 11J +I\\ 6-.• t Ml lntyr • M • 11!.0 l •""'-,., U •o• '• Mr,1(~1A 10 ' 1• 11 '/lo• \.'• ,,.., Mc.L~•n n J 11 lO~-'4 J~-Mc Llf'IS l t0 4 JO If\\-• ll ·-... Mt N•I• eo . t 4 '"' "' ,,,,.__ .. ""'•"(1 10 ) 116 11"-• ~ 1\1 ,,.,.IPIA 1 flO ' )l'•, \~ 9'..-Mldu11 I •D 1J li\\-IY, 10 1-MI! I (o•ll 11 P ) .... Mll \P\Qot '6 I!)' ,..,,, " I ••• '• Moin11<0 •• I' 10 4 -''1 1• • •l" ,,,._tell I •OJI 4lt •1'1'1 -llt ' • 1, Mtr•llLr M 10 iio .,,,., • ,,., , .... I Mt11"'9! OJ l~J IJJI Jl .. -1\.t " .--•1 MIWbl t ld I '' l'- lllo<o+ '" INtl1M IJOJI 4 lt '4 -¥o 11... '• M G M l~t • !l I •,, I'• O'-C. I 18 U I~ floor 1 I'""' I 1t 1> J~•, f'ol"ll•y 1 lil I 11 }'I Poor NC.• •• " J~ I~_.,, P•ln~vn ~u 1 \JI> 11 , 1: P11Fo•Q iG<;i I 1 l•V• + ~. qP•rtf !W r( 180 J4 Pot ,.ton !t!)Q ~ s•6 ..o"', ••· ""'' +<\!I I 11 !J I, '• f'l.>n Jln,Hn~ t~ l o•'• P1.ov1>ov 11 4b 1-.... Pl•>~e, l ld l 8 , f>Nl~M I l•O • ,9 ~ .. , '\ f'o1 11oolll ll 1J ).ii> ""• Po"""'"~"~ J lbq ~ Pwe l 6°';1 1 S ii Po•1c In< lj J 10 u •• '"' Por1GE I ~ I II I~'"' l>oll1tc I fO o o 2~'•• I~ Pol !!•Pt t6 1 IS. 11 " Po!Elpt • O• rJO l1 _, PotE lpt 1 •• I \, PPG Ind 1 70 ) H JJ'ho \~ p,tmlnd J1 J U '"" ~ l'r•m pl ~() J 11'<'1 P•oco\G I 14 111 111 11~ P<o•,•lnt 111 1 • 1•·- p !. A !"r J I '"° P11S tol I 10 I 111 IJ.._ <o PSE&O I 11 ' 24} 14...,_ h '!(Gp! I '0 2 14'!\ • h PEGo!,JO 110.n •l''> PSEOp! S ll 1 ~ .. , 1 , PSEGpl • 10 110 19 , , PSEGp! 1 SI rlJO 6ot\o\+lV> PSl!Gpt J I.fl 1100 .. • 1• P$EGptl OI 110 11'-•1'> PSEGPI' 61 " 100 tO P11S Ind l S• ' lO n · .... PS Nf'l• I I• I HIO 1J\•-1' PSNM• I l'O • S.. ll -V. Publlr•t• 11 4 I) • ...,, P<H!Dkll >01 4 io J•;,-\io P119tSP 1 ti I 100 Jllolo, lo\ p.,r,...,, 1 10 1 s... 41\io-llA Putt•(CI Ml 6 l'I '"• • 11 "' • 'It I S~ I>-' '1 • Wool pt 7 111 J ~l WO•ld Aot w I < J • .. Suo 01 1 •0 1' 10 S.,,p.,rC.n 10 • 71 Svf><«ol><' 1 110 !!'.\ • w ,,q•v 1 •O• IO 10 .:J•~ '1t WurUICf Co !1 4 o Wyly C.o•p liJ 1 >• '• s,."" ... 1 "'1 • • S11l•O Ml<I': I \~ s .... n. •• q Sy ~•on /1 I 1• s~1ccon Don rt " _,,_ " , .. •• 11 >.. • > . ,, ' __ ,., __ ll~•o• Ct> 1 ,. 11011 )! .. It!•,. In< IC>c J 8S 8 Ydl•• Ind"' ? JS ' " VnoSIO• h<) J • 11\ •- l•l•CO•P 16 ~ l II'• f~!11l~\! ~0 S ~ !4>;, o II, T••tol! N,tl '4 11'o-'!\ Id ••v In Ml •9 6 1> Zdp,.11 'D ' 1• 1S , •• Ziv•• C.o•p J 1~ J • , , l•ll"r pl ! a ' lan"IP&E "t I ICll! •1 l•n•l"Aa<t ' l<J I ~ l1 •, ~. l.11rf'I Ind II I )4 ,.,, Oil Cutback? K U\V1\IT (UPI) KU<A31l w ill cut oil produ ction b; half u m1\hon bar · rl l :-. a da v lh1 s \car bc<:u u se of decr1. .1s1 n~ \\ 01 \J. <lcn1:.1nd , 1111 sou rces s a1d toda ~ l 'h1.• sourL C~ s.ud the go\ e1 nn11.•nt, '' h 1c h owns 60 pcrcf'nl of the KUY.'l:ill Oil C om p:l nv rci:tc h c d tcntut1vc agreement on the c uts \\1th the Gulf 011 and Br111sh l't.:troleun1 com p1.1n 1es, who hold the rcma1n1ng 40 p e rcent • • •• DAILY PILO I Throa t Signals Trouble By D r. Ste incrobn THE FAMILY O RCUS By Bil Keane College Accep ts S ignups Registration 1s bei ng conducted throu~h J a n 24 a t Orange Coa s t What i.s the most com· College fo r ev e nin~ t•ol· m o n u 1 I 01 e n t •1 lege c la sses w hic h beg in J·lcadachl'? N e r vous· Feb.3. n css? l)<.1 in in a joint;' Among t he n e w topics, l nson1nia·) \\'ci ~h l -gain "' to be offe r ed wilt he l could goon ;111don .ltut beginnin g co n ve rsa- the li s t "ould l>c in t1ona l Arabi c <1n d <'ompletc if I d idn't rnen-P ort uguese, and .. ,\v1 ;:1· t io n sor e t h r o at. Like tion Law." a s tudy of the m~ny olht•r com p l:iints, I i a bi I i t i t.' s and Uus I!> o ft en unde rratt:d. r esponsibilities of pilots. D EA it DR . S T t---:1 ~· lt egist r atio n is by a p· CRO ii ~: I bl:i n1l' nl;>)l'lf pointme nt only Appo1 nt- (or m y .\'oung '"111 ·., ht•;u·t ments may be arranged murmur 1\ltliough our .. ~; .• ~:·:·,"".. by filling out the rl•quest •luctor s a)S 11 1:-11 '\ too "A $hOrt d i\to nc e coll fo r Daddy. It'\ Mr. Ferr'ell neJCt fo rm in t he tollegl'·s sv r1 ou s a 1·:1s l' of 1':v e n 1n g C11t l cge door." rhe un1 :1t it•h L·•11·td1seast" brochu r t.•, v.•h11·h 1:-. J feel it n1ight h ave ht•vn r;::========::;;----------, available a t t h1.• Orange 11re \o·c nterl. 1\hout lhrt'l:' [ Pilot ]Candid c omme nta ries, Co a s t 'Co l l 1.·g1· /\d rnonths a go o ur hoy com -n1inist1·ation Hu i lding. plaint·rl o f a s o r·t· thrn;il Logbook Addition;ll io forn1ati1)11 Nol 1t)in k 1n g 1t v.•a s -is ~1 vai la b le by C':i ll 1n g rn uc h, k1·pt h i m hnn11· exclus ively in the 556·5733. DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE rrflm s t·h<11 d fur ;1 d a\' or l\\O :i nd ft.•<! h im :1spfrin But it hu ng nn . I lhoug ht he 1v;_is l'XaJ.!J.!L'rali ng, so I made hin1 i.:o to school. Nt.'vC'r e\'en t·ons idcrctl l aking h11n Ln t h1.· doctor. Tv.10 o r t hr·t't' "'ct.•k s Ja t e 1-, l o n g a ft t:r ht• s toppt'd com p lai n in g about his thru•ll . he:.ud. d e nl y b e g:1n to h :i v t.' painful sv.•c lling of hi s joints. W ha t he had "'as rhe um ati1.: fcvl'r . Altho ugh he v.·as put o n pe nic ill in. tht· d<image had alrc:id y ht•c n d onl· to his h c~1 rt . It a ll stc mn1ed f rom his o r igin:il so1·t· thr o a t "'h i<·h . our doc- to r s ays. 11'as pro b;Jbl y n s trep thro:ll . I a 1n writing this letter ;i s a "·a rn ing t o other mothers not to m inin1ize .an y s or e t hr oa l youngster s ma y get. Jf in do ubt . ta ke then1 to the do{·tor fo r ;1 s v.·ab lest and throat c ulture. If ant ibioti cs •ire bivt·n in tin1t', rhcun1at ic fever ;ind heart d isease can he prcvenlcd . -Mr s. E C 0 1,1 i\11·:N T : \'ou n1<1ke a n i 111 p o rt ;1n t point. \V t: don 't w;inl tn • cr1·al 1· a so r e-th roa t panic-:.imo ri g p <.1 rc nt s. It's true th a t t h e o r· di n ;iry, com mon sor e th ro.at is har1n lcss in m ost instances. I lowcvt~r . so m cti n1cs ii. i s a si g n ;i l th a t. som eth in g n1ort• Sl:'rious ls t hr (';1l l.'nin g t ht' p~1 tic nt. A n y th i n g fron1 diphther i;1 to lt.•ukemi:i. T h e Am c r i(·a n ri.1 ed1 c:.il A ssocia ti on ri g h t ly w a rns agains t g ucss- i ni:-a nd ;_id v isl'S rl·lyi ng on the p hysician 's s kill in m ak inf:! t h e cn r rc(·I di;igno!:>is "'hen a t h ro<J I h url s 1'hank f ul ly. Tl'1os t of t he t ime sorl' t hroat is flu e to IL''IS d a n gerous fac t ors· s m oki n g loo mur h. n1outh breath ing, infla m m<•l ion of tonsi ls a nd nd(•noid s, a ller·gy, <J vo·us in ff'l'1 ion . 11·:-. 1·vidl'n1 . ho11't'\l't , t hat •1 :-.il!'L' l hl'(l;1l l h:t! l '> :-.cvl'rt• or h:1n gs on clt · S ('rV•'" !rlVl·S I 1gatinn ()f 1('Tl ;1 1·h1lfl ':-. SOl"I' t hro;tt n1•('(\s 1·1101·L' th;tn l101nt' t.•:tr t· :\I :ikt.• sure d 1sn ·1 a :-.1r1·p t hroat Ear· Jy d1 :1g no ~1 s anrl l rl'al m t.·nt rn :1y prevc'nl se rious l rou hit• • • • 'f o prr1·1·nt :1ng 111;1 :11 t <il'k :o., h 1•;1rl p ~1 !it•nl s s ho uld on a l'old d ay 1'0\ - er the n11111l h ;i nd nose· 1\-'ith a h ;u t<l kl·rl·hil·f u r s c<i r f o n l 1..•;1 \·1n g th e ho use untrl hL't·o1n 111g :1c customt.'<I to lh1· c nld . ;1s this prr ven!s ;,1 s 1uldl•n inrush of c-old a ir s:11·s l)r . St ei n(·r·n hn in his hookl e l. "22 \\/~1 .\s ·r o Prt.•v e n t J\nd ·rr .. :11 Coron a ry ll i.'it.':t .Sl' ·· 1•01· !I coµy wr1lt• 111111 :i t this pape r e nt.•lus1ng 50 r1.•nt :-. a nd a ST 1\i\'l l .. f-~I). SE L F+ .o\ f)J) R J•:S.S l·:I> ENVE W P t:. 3 Selected To Society ~ DUPONT NYLON TRI-COLOR SHAG 100 CONTINUOUS flLAMENl JOO ·, DUPONT NYLO N PILE RICH. NYLON PILE ALWA YS POPULAR DEEP DURABLE SHAG IN NEW HILOW PATIERN TH AT COMBINES lHREE COLOR DESIGNS. BEAUlY AND EASY DURABILITY 4B TO CLEAN BB IOW SAU IOW SALi PllCID ... PIECED ... COMPllAIU SQ. YO . COMPHAIU IQ. YD. SAVI SAVI mu. ss.n u.oo HUil SS." $2.00 • IST QUALITY llAME BRAND CARPETS AT LOW DISCOUNT PRICES • SELECT FROM THE LARGEST CARPET lllVEllTORY Ill THE WEST •EVERY ROLL OF CARPET IS MARKED AllD PRICED FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE • ALL LABOR UllCONDITIOllALl Y GUARANTEED KODEL ®m SCULPTURED HI-LOW 100 " KODEL Ill POL VESTER PILE ATTRACTIVE EFFECT IN SOLID AND TWEED COLORS NOW SALE PRICED .•• COMl'UAIU lnAil 19.99 DUPONT NYLON PLUSH SHAG 100 DUPONT CO NT INUOUS r ILAMENT NYLON Pit r THICK. DE NS! SHA[, IN A MULlllUDl or COLORS llOW SALE PRICED . • • COMPUAIU llTA!l I 12. H BB SQ. YD. SAVI SJ.00 BB SQ. YD. SAVI 5'.00 MARVESS® OLEFIN CARPET 100 MARVESS · 01 [FIN FIRER A VFRSAlll [FLOOR COVER ING FOR COMMERCIAL. INDUSTRIAL OR RESIOENllAL USE IOlAL FOR HIGH TRAFFIC AREAS INDOOR OR OUTDOORS llOW SALE PRICED ••• COMPARABLE RETAIL SS.99 ...................... GRASS CARPETS.MULTI-COLORS 100 POLYPROPYLENE WITH RUBBER BACK PASTEi DECORA10fl STRIPES ANO TWEED COLORS MAKE IT A NAI UR AL FOR IN OR OUTDOOR USE llOW SALE PllCED ••• COMPARABLE RETAIL S7.99 .................... .. TREV IR A STAR (( fll(\kes 11 c.,sy ·• SCROLL DESIGN 100% TREVIRA• STAR POLYESTER PILE. A HANDCR AFTED LOOK LI KE CUSTOM·MADE CARPETING VERY SERVICEABLE. MANY COLORS NOW SAU PRICED ••• COMPARABLE RETAIL $12.99 .................... .. ·-•'" •I><-• ._.,,..n..,. l••·•-•' '"• ,_,..,,,,_,, '"9"' .. ,d •·-• E.~plorer Pos.t Wom en S la tR Brunch Meet On T hursday R e gistration Set For 50-mile Hike \\7on1t·n of South ()range l 'oun tv ,1re Lil\ 1ted \11 .I Jariu<11 .v t;runch 1n J 1\1111· (1!11 he lht'lllt' ·· ,\ .\It•\\ Y1·ur . ,.\ :--:t·\\ \"uu" 1'hur:-. d:1\", a t u ·.J:l a 111. lteg1st rat1on is o pen now for the ! Ith Annu<.1 l L aguna Be ach Sea rch <.i nd l\.t!Sc ue Explorer Pos t 50·Mile I-like to bl! held J a n . 25 <.dong a rout t• th rough Laguna , l~ag un a Nig ue l. Mi ssion Viejo, l.ag un a 1-ltl ls <.1 nd back to l~agun<i lkach. 14 years of a ge, second d1v1s ion for riders 15 to 21 yea rs of age and third div ision fo r n dcrs 2 1 a nd over. Participants ""ill assemble at Andrus Plu1nb111 g, 855 Gle nncyrt' SL, La guna fjt·a c h. Starling tinl L' for ride r s 1s fro rn t; a 111. to ~ a .n1 and fo r runne rs :incl h1 kt·rs it 1s '."> a.111 . to9a.111 (·;),Jl'L:t lira!J~1 rn . a~:.1 S l ;1 nt pro ll'S.'>01". Seh1,1vl of l•:dul·;1t1un ;it (.'al St<ilt• Lo:> 1\ni,;1·ll':-i. \V III llv IL';1t11rt•d :-.pt•.1k1·r .\l u::.1l· \\ill lh' pr111 tdi·d li .1 l 'h~ !!1 :. t..'h1·t.1h.1a1 1 at th1· i-l·,11Jo:.1rd llt.•g 1s t ra nts n1ay send their na m e . <1d d rc ss, t e le phone nun1bcr, a gt!, sex <ind event en - tered along "'1Lh Sl.50 to Laura l'>hillips, hike c hairman, 1267 Sl•1rl1 t Dri\'c, Lag una &·arh. .l-'urthcr info 1·m ~1t1011 is a v:.ula · blc by c..i.Jhng M is:-. l)hillips at 49-1-6769 01· J ohn F'allou, post 1u·L" s idcnt , at 49-1 16.iG "l'h1· t'\'l'll \ 1:-11111 ' 1JI :t :o.1•t'1e:-. ol ::.jll'l"!<llS SjlOJL:.Ut1•d Ii ,\" l\Ulllt.•11 nl l..Jh.c llLll:. ('u11111111ni!y L'hllrt.·h. St t\l ;.itt hL'\\ l .11thl'l'i.1 1l Church 11 ill 111akt' 1ts f:1l'illlll':-.11·ud;ible .ii !HIX:! Cul 11·r I)[ i 1 ,. 111 l r\" 1111· Tlll.S \'E r\H Lhl' t.•vent is al::.o UPL'n tu b1cy<·li sts 111 separate d11·1s 10 11 s P a rt ici p a n t s may t•1thcr ru n. y, ;ilk o r ride bikes fo r th£• t"·o loops of lht· 26-mlie route. Offi c t>r 1-l o n o r t•tl Sgt f{obcrl fo' Gri1nsl1.·y of Westmin s t t·1·, a 1n1.'n1~r of l hl· Califor nia llighway J>atrol 111 !ht• West l,os Angel L'S 3 rc a, 1sone uf I ~ o fficers v.'h o have ~en honorcd this n1onth for sa fe dr1v1n j'.! re- cords Sgt (;ri n1s\('y h as driven fo r st•11en Yt.'ars v.·ithout a n ;.1t·c1 dent ( AHT ll Ol'l'I·: ) l'crt1fH:ates \V Lll be g iven to all "'ho finis h the t.•vcnt . Me dals will bt• ..:11·t·n to the first three winne1·s uf each d1l'1s 1on . ~-~ SATIRIZES in the DAILY PILOT l 'l('Yf'l.I·: D I V IS IOi\S ..11'L'. First d1 v1 s1on for r iders th1·oug h I SQ. YD. SAVI u .oo IQ. YD. SAVI SJ.OD SO. YD. SAVI S4.00 ':.;..:{)>.O HERCULON ® KODEL ®mPLUSH SCULPTURED 100 •KOGEL · Ill POLYESTER PILE JOO•• HERCULON OLEFIN PILE A NEW. DEEP, LUSH CARP[] WITH STAIN AND WEAR LUXURIOUS APP EARANCE AND RESISTANT SEL ECl FROM PERFORMANCE. MANY DECORAlOR MANY ELEGANT BB COLORS BB COLORS IOW SAll IOW SAU PllCID ... PllQD .. ' COMPAIAILI IQ. YD. COMPHAIU IQ . YD. SAVI SAVI lnAll S7.'9 SJ.OD llTAll St.'9 SJ.OD IOOO 's OF REMNANTS AND ROLL ENDS ON SALE LARGE 51115 FOR llVlNG ROO MS. DINING ROOMS AND IEDROOMS. lAVl"S UP TO ... % 5MALL51115 80% 0 fOR HA LlWAY!, UJH. 0 ROO MS. CARS, ETC. lAVllH;l UP TO . , . NYLON HI-LOW SHAG JOO NYL ON PILE LUI URIOUS !WO LEVfL I OW PROFILl SHAr, IN SPARKLING MULll IOIUHAl lllNS 111,HlLY I I TWISTED YARNS HJR ,1 IPLRIUk f-'lHF(Jh' MANC[ llOW SALE PRICED COMPHUU llTA!l S 14 .99 SQ. JD. SAVI ss.oo DUPONT NYLON SHAG !Oil DUi'ONT NYLON PILE EXTHA DIN$1 l llW i"RIJfll [SHA[, IN LAVISH COLOR C(I Mfl lNAllONS THAI 9 I Wll l 81/ING HIG H I ASHllJ N IU ANY ROOM llOW SALE PRICED ••. COMPAHlll nTAll St•.tt DACRON® TRI-COLOR SHAG 100 DACRCN· POLYESTER PILE HIGH fA<;HION LAVISH! Y !HICK SHAG IN ELEGANl COLORS. DESIGNED fOR LASTING VALU[ llOW SALE PRICED •.• COMPARABLE RUAIL S8.99 . .................... . KODEL ® m TIP SHEARED HI-LOW !OD' b KODEL · POLYESTER PILE LUXURIOUS HI LOW STYLI NG COMBI NED WITH A GENTLE INl[RPLAY OF DESIG N·AND COLOR. AVAILABLE IN 20 SOLID ANO lW[ED COLORS llOW SALE PRICED ••• COMPARABLE RETAIL $8.99 .................... .. TREVIRA DENSE PLUSH STAR I"'\. 100% TREVIRA"' STAR PO LYESTER PILE. 1-..f LUSTROUS PLUS H SURFACE OF VELVETY ""'ke>""''Y"JEXTURE USUALLY FOU ND IN ORIEN TAL RUGS. MANY COLORS NOW SALE PRICED •• COMPARABLE RETAIL $12. 99 .................... .. *..,_ ............ -........ ! ·"····· •' ... , ........... , .'?' ..... ''••·-·· SQ. YD. SAVI SS.00 99 SQ. YD. SAVI SJ.DO BB SQ. YD. SAVI $4.00 T hree Ora n ge Coas t students at use have been e lected t o m e m - bership in Phi Be ta Kap-pa , t h e academi c soc ~cty . 'lllfJlff"""nl CONVINllN T C•IDlf l'\AfllS ANO IAflll ll•MS AVAll Al ll • CAll FOR flll SMOP'-AT·HOM( s1•v1c1 • VISIT OUI CUSTOM o•AP'llY OIP'I. --__ , __ ,___..._ __ -.-----.---.--------,---.--- Chosen were Milton Yos bJo Kaw abe . a biological s c ien c e stu· dent from Cost a Mesa. a nd two Huntin g t o n B e a ch s tud e n t s : Katharjn S . West . a Germ•n maj o r , a nd Michael G . Yode r , a political ac.ience major. I ' I NO. HOLLYWOOD 7007 L""rel Catty1t1 llvd. -982-2200 HOLLYWOOD 1122 Vint Streol •6Jo.62J2 VENTURA 2501 L Malo StrHI (80S) 6•1·504 I TORRANCE 4236 Arleslo llvd. 542-6696 WHITTIER LONG BEACH IS911 E. Whinier llwd. 1008 l ellflowor llwd. 9•3-0161 421 -8934 PASADENA CANOGA PARK 2660 E. Colorado llwd . 21038 Sherman Way 577-1900 347·2ll' f MONTCLAIR FOUNTAIN VALLEY NORTHERN CAllFORNIA •819 """ IHltvanl I 59•5 Morber llvd. (714) 626-3517 (714) 839-170Q •CAMPBELL COVINA W. LOS ANGELES • MILLBRAE 280 I: Arrow Highway IOS2S Vonl<t llvd. •SAN CARLOS 966·••71 S59-9S90 ' I I ' ' ' Awareness UC/'s own butcher bird stands w atch Ry J()(Jl .SON OI Ill• tl•tl' Pt IOI ~I.all UCJ, an inst1tut1u nlled1('<.1lcd to .so phis tie<.itt•d r c:-.c;1/"('h in m~dicinc, .Sl'1c.•n cc a nt.I hum.an behavio r , h<.1 s gone back to the bas ies: a s11nplc . humble vegeta- ble garden LS th r1v111J.! an1011g the pilla1·s of w1s don1 Me mbers of l hl' g:1rdcn section of UCI ·r ow n and c;nwn-rnct amongst the v(>getablcs for a tour <1 nd tips fron1 lJ<'l nul'St·1·y lcchn1- l'ian floyl'.e Prior. Also rt•fldt·l v•n1:-.111 g v.•~1!> the garden 's own butc hl·r bird. v.·ho folloy,.·cd lhc 1nt1•rloper'> v.'1lh :.tn L'<lgle eye (the h1rd v.•a!> born nt•:.ir lhe g;irdt~n arid t·un!1nut•::i to !>l.:1y. Prio1· said / l'ht· gard1•11. -.11n1lar t1i the unc!> aft c.·n found 111 l·:uroµc 11c a1· f l11lrt1<.1d I r ;1l'l.;s, :1<·tu:1lly 1s par! of UCI 's ho r lH·ulturt· c·la s~ 'l'hl' 6·x ·B·foot plot s <lfl' :1s::.igned 1<1 students as thL•11· Jah prt>jt."1·t . ;ind they e<1n gru"' u 11 y {'l'Op lhl'Y \V<tnl. f1 owers :.1r(' 1n111g lcd with thl' vegC'l;_iblt•s t 11 t'r t•;l!t• ;1n 1nlt•rt:s\ 1ng t:1pe ::.try t:very kirul o f \t'~~t'l;.ihh· th;tl will g ro"' in ll1 a111~t· ('nurity h;1:-. al on(' t1n1t• ht'l'll p l~u1t1.:d in thl' ~'lrd ('n , f'r1o r ~aid . :111d CVl'll ~me illt'J,!<JI plau t~ h:1\'l' f ound Growing thl'1r v.·;.iy into the plots ('l'IH'!:>l' he quietly removes.) "'l'hc gardens are as indivi<lu<1l <1s thei r owners," Prior s<t icl , pointing to one which contained only di c h o ndra , ed ged with flOWt'fS. "J don't knO\'.' wht'n he's going to bu.ild his house. I le has his front yard in." '!'he g<.1 rdeners cat their O\vn vegetables and don<ite the excess fnr a comm unity s ale "'hu:h takes pJ;_ice ever y 1',r1d.ay <.1\ noon Un th~ c·on1 n1uns. f'unds r <11sed frorn this s:ll e , "·h1ch <.1lso inc ludes th!' y r!'ld of St'V{·r a l gene ral ga rdl·n plots, are USt'd lo buy ll l'W hoses and h<.1nd loo!.-;, which havt· a w<.1y o f dis<ip- 1Jl'<ir1ng over lite year, Prior said. '!'he_• garden 1s uol reslrieted tu horticulture students. O thers 1nay "'ork a plot if tht•rc a rc ;1ny vaca nei cs C urr ent ly, the nursery n1an noted. the father or i.I stude nt \.\'Ork s one and a UCI n1 a in ten a n('c "'orkl'r h<i s another. In th!' J:itlcr 's plot. a pl<i s tic !Jot· !le has been set lo "'hirling on a "'ooden pole "Il l' says 1t'S sup- poseJ lo keep the plants :1w;,1ke.·· PriQr joked . As the wom('n w;.ilkcll <imong the neat plots. ~?me pl<.1ntcd "'ilh <All artis tic f lair und some struggl- u1g , they asked questions of their 111entor and le arned a variety of lh iu~s. ~uch a ~ how to µ!ant celery in a topless milk c<1 rton to keep it growing straig ht up. Zucchini , they found , will yie ld 1nore as more is picked. Coodsan· d y soil is best fo r carrots; leaf let- tuce grows bes t here ;ind plants lo\'e food. · "l'hc more you feed the m the be tt e r they are.'' Som e of thf' won1en had nevt'r s ee n bru ss c l s s prouts or cauliflower growing, and most "'('r e amazed <it the size of the artichokes . The cabbages we re h<ippiJy nC'Sl!Cd in lhcir boudoir or IC'a\'CS and th e s trawberries bravely s howed their fir st white blossoms Prior, a 25 yt·.ir Vl.'tcrarl of thl· nursery bus1nl'ss, admitted that s nails and bce1 lcs were lurking .a1nong the plants too, but lhey "'-'e re pe riodic·a lly invited out of the garden . A s th e 'fown and Go\vn ,i.:cirdc ncrs le ft 1he 11c ::iceful scene , it was cvid<'nl that the \'isit had bcC'n an u1 s p1rat1onalone 'fhcy we r e t a lking about whcrt· in the world one could go to find so1ne good vegetarian food. • ......... . . .,........ ~~¢~~~). • ._,.p;~· ROYCE PRIOR LEADS GA RDEN TOUR BEA ANDE RSON, Editor CAROL MOORE, Food Editor e -- o ver emerging ca bbage (left) and cauli flower. Ce lery g e ts upright start in life in cartons. ' . ' Salam i Stuffed Cabbage Th e time you give to planning vegetables will pay you back in mealtime interest. Choose Deep Green , Ve~ctable s <ire rc<1u1 rcd e:.ili ng for ('\'C'r.,·ont'. Each of us s hould h;ivc 2 or 3 servings pt•r day. with one se rving being ;1 deep gr een or ycll o,~· vcg:ctablc like green pepper, s p in:ich , hrot·coli , carrots or squash. Rat a touille i s ;:1 s picy French combinalion, :l \'i1tual stew o f tomatoes. eggplant, zucchini and green pe pper. that can be a meal in itself "'hen bacon. mushrooms and onions are ;1ddcd. Another meatless cntrce possibility IS the Greek's Spanakopitta. us ually m ad e with strong fe ta c hcc!;c and tricky rilo pastry . Spinach Pie is a n easier ver.;ion m ade "'ilh tv.:o n1ore familiar cheeses_. The good flavor is duplicated but there is nocruslfor this casscrol c. Used here "'tlh cabbage. tomatoes and zucchini, ver satile Salami Stuffing would \\'Ork just as well with g reen peppers, squ ash, onions or any vegetable that can be hollowed out tJnll p;trtially conked before rilling . Experim('nt 'A'ilh s lufrin~s. then . lry tOJ)llings and other ima~nat.ivc treatments ror VCJl"Clables. Once vou J!C'I into the habit o f "thinkirlg vcget11bles," you m ny he pleas antly surprised toscf' how the ir popul;irity ratings climh . Cons ider the time spent on cippetizers and desserts for parties . Whal inte rlsting, nutr1t1ous <nld t\·ss t•).pt•ns1v1· rt1 ... hl'.'> t•nuld ht• ('/'t':Jl t•<I if onl\' " porlion o f lh:1t !1111L' :ind pl~nning '''l'l'C' dC\'Olc<t to vc gt•l ;1 hies. R AT A TOUll.1.t : ! l;1 rgc \or2small )eggplant :i medium zuc('hinl I grCl'll pt•p pe r . core<! anr:I c·u1 in squares I pound frl'sh 1nushroom.'i , sli ced (option a I ) <1 s t rips bacnn, fried :ind crumbled (optional ) I c:1n (I pound) v..·holc l1 1m ~1locs ings I s ma 11 c.· ~1 n ton1 alo s ;_iucc But tcr 2 heer bou1 I Ion cu he s OrCgano and ravorite season- )'ore cg:g plant. ;i nd cut in cuhes. Slice zucchini. l.ig hlly s prinkle salto.ycr a ll and le t sct20 minutes . Blot rxc(•ss n1ois tu1·c \\'ith paper towels . Spread eg:,l!J>lan!, 1.ucchini :1nrl green pe ppe r 1n lightly greased s hallow, otrlong baking dish. Add bacon and n1 u s hrooms, if desired . Pour lomatoC's with most of their liquid and tomal.o sauce over vegetables . T\reak up J;Jrgc tomato sections with fo rk for even distribution. Dot I.he l'ass('rn le 1vith hlltt1•r a nrl crurnhl4• hnu1ll on cubt:s eve nly ove r to p Sprinkle on a pinch of nre~a no and other . favorite scusnnings. Cover and bake for half hour at 350 degrees . . Stir ;ind bake to de ~ired qoneness. SPINAC'll l>lf: 2 hC'at en egg~ 6labll's poon ~ fl,Jur 10 ounce pa c ka g1· frozen chopped s pinac h . tha"'l·d or .1 I ·pound c:tn of .s pi n <tl'h 11 ~ cups 1·ot 1 H ,gc 1:hL'l':->1 · I to I '~ cups g ratL·d t·hedtl:1r cheese ' 2 t easµoon s a 1 t Be <.1t. lhe (•ggs a nd fl our t11gt'lhe1· until s mooth. If y ou use t.'<•nnl'd spinach, drain ofr a bout one·lh1 rfl c up orthC' liquid . l\1ix in the rc.'>I of I.hf' ingredients a nd pour into a "·C11.grcasl•d I "'O quart casserole ;ind bake, 1·ov1'red , at 350 rtegrec.'i F. for one hour. Scrvcs4 to6. S t\f_,t\MI STUF'FING FO R VF.GF.T l\RLES 2('ups sofl bi-('ad crumbs 2 tablcspoons m elted h1.1ll t'r 1 ;! ('Up fine ly chop1>C<l s alami I ej.!g, s li g htly bc;itcn I tablespoon "':tl.(•r 1, cup c hopped onion I ta blcspnon c hoppctl pari-l<'y 1 ;! teas poo n poultry se:1so ning '·~ lea s poo n s all 1 M t easpoon pc ppt•r (;ombin c all tng rcdicnt.'>, us e: :1s slufrin,I! for v1•g1·I :1hles STU F'Ff: ll c 1\ n nAc; ·~ P:irboil cahha~f.' head in hot11n f.: salted wntc r for 10 minult·s: drain. Under eool runnin~ "'a\cr. gently pE"cl back 0~1tcr <"H hbuge leaves . Cul l ·inch s lice off center top . Yellow \\'1th a g rapt•fru1l k n1f1•. :.t•nnp out CC'lllt·r of thl· hl·;ul. ll'.I\ 1ng a J int'h s h cJ! Cul up :>.f'1 1(1perl uul portion of t he (':1hhal.(i' ;111d pl :t<'t.' 111 a IJutch OVC'n f<'i!J cuhh~1,i.:1• 1l'1!h !ht• ~:d :1n11 s tuffing, ft lld up 0111~·r lt•:1\('.-. Sf'l'Ul 'l' \\'Ith \\'hill' h11ll'ht•r :-. sir ing. l'\:.ccl' Ill l>utch 111·t•rt 1\dd I f'U P ht't'f hrvth .111tl I ('t111 white \~·1n 1· !{ri ng lo :1 I.Joi/. {'ovt>r· and s in1n1 C'r for 1 hour. Cut 1n \\'Cd ~vs 10 SCI'\' c' ~1 a k C'S Ii St•r\·j ng~' STU l~Ff~ f) T0~1 :\Tf >J·:S \V:1sh and l'Ut off tnp~ uf (i goo<l-S JZL'd 1on1atoes. S('OOp Ol ll cente r!>. \\'ith a g r;1pt.·fru1t k111 ft•. Sprinkle ins irl e of 1n1nalo l'lllJS with salt and pe ppt'I'. f'il l "'1t h s al;1m1 s tuffing : dot "'ilh hulle r . Place in li ghtly g rc nsNI h;1k111g dish. Ba ke in pre-healed 37$ degree F OVl'll 2:1 to :10 n11n11tcs o r until barf•ly ll'lldl·r !\l ake:-. 6 SCl'\'11\gS. STU f'FJ·: [} Zl '('('lllS I Cul Ii s mall, unpc1•lcrl t.Ut'<'hini in half le ngthwis e . \Vash , sroo1> out seeds In forn1 "hoats .. Uoil a 1ninutes in ~al l l'd \\'<1tl'r' l11 ('!)Vl'r ; dr~tin . l·'11J \\'1111 :-.;dam1 st uff111~ L>ot \\'ilh bullt'I', d 11s1 1np with grated ... l'arrnt·~;_nl r hl'l':>.\' 1)1 !1('(' 111 Ji~htly ,..:rt•:1~(·d h;1k1nf.? di:-oh Rake unti l h <11·1·l y lf'n<lt?r , 25 to JO n1inute s. 1n a 375 d ecree I<,. oven. r.1akcs6 srrvings. Horos c ope Aries: Low Key Urged TllUllSDAY,JANUARY 16 B y SYDNEY 0!\1ARR t\RIES (l\1ar('h 21·Apr il 19):· l.ow key is f1 ·;.1turcd. \\'h<.it occurs 1..; 1·land e ~t1nl'. h._.hind the S{'Cncs, Jess lh<i n ollvious. l•l'o ple \\'h isper to you. TAURL'S (i\p1·d 20·1\.1a,v 20) ·· l nvolvf• nient, c-o n1p!ic<it1ons. at fa1 rs of heart these are fl'atu red. He p rt.•parl'd for que.-.- tions -and a nS\V(•rs_ GEMINI ('.\'1 .iy 21-Junt' 20):· One who agr ees to tcr1n:-. p robabl v fee ls therl' is ;n1 eseapc cla use. KnO'W' 1l ;u;d protect your self 111 clincht·::.. C,\l\'Cl-~H: (.Jun« 21 -J ulv ~2J :·(;ood lunar aspec t co 111 eide::. tlU\\' witl1 v .. hat i s far ;iw<iv. J\.1cans you gain through t·o.dls, 1.:omn1 uni c~ tions, v.•rll ll'J\ word. l _.EO (J ul~ ~:l :\ug . :!:.!): \Vhut see m s a "sure thing" n1a~ hf' s11n11._•t h inµ clS('. h llO\\ 11 <ind d n n 't l'Olltll .\'our t·l1te h.l'ns. 'i'ull ;_n«· going lOSUl'l:l 'L't.L VIRG () I J\ug. 2:{-St·pt . 22l Li e IO\\' P l;_i y \\<1it1n:;, gan1C'. l .1sten. ob~cr vc: ;_ind plan. \('l't.•nl 1:-o n lt.·g~il i l;• 1·n1 ll1L'Lll'd \\1th hon\t·. s pecia l property_ LIBR ,\ (Sl'pl. 23·0('t . 22/:"1\·l uch lha l Ul'· curs 110\\' is on th<' :-id L' r ;ithf'r than di1·L'el. l'cople talk -t u you in a n1~u1ncr \Vh ic:h in · J1 c ates indt.·cisiVenL•:::;s. , Change's Minor S h irlt'Y ll a yco<·k oncv tried lo (·ro:.s th ~ Atl<i nt ic in a (·~111oe <n itl (·:.trned her lt v ing by d riving <1 t 1·uc k and d oing c ;.i r rient r~·. Su, t ht· r~i et th ~1 t sh e's•-"belt man" for a Liiah coa l firm is no hig cl c:il t (l h l' r . 'I' h t' o n t y \Vo m a n underg round n1int.'r in that sl :·•ll' losl her t'l·:ir \\'hl·n :.he fo11nd tlit·rc· \\ a:. t'rH 1ug h roo n1 to rnovl' ;_1 round Ltfltng 50 lh h;1gs o f rot·k dust is the tou gh1·:-t part o f hf'r JOii A 4 1-year-old 1n o th1.•r of t \\·o. :-<hl' fi nds rn i n 1n g easie r for IH'f t u <lo. :ind still T"LJise a f a rn llv lh:1n driv ing :i t ru{'k . "1\nd th;__.~ ev1•n l'lt.'anl!cl up t hl·ir la ngu;_i gt. for 111 t~ ' ' SCORPIO (Oct . 23-No\·. 21 )-Emotion , in- t ui tion con1binl'. Y ou C'~i n be ~1 1 r ight p l a ce ~•l right time -if yuud11r1· S1\Gl'f 'f ;\Rft:s (i\ov . 22-Ut•t'. 21): You 111ay be tr·y i ng loo nlu('h ;it onvt'. Knu\V it and consolidate for ces. lluild on a 11101·1: ~olid st ru ctUl'L'. Fair Days Upcoming C.<\PRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19 ):'You cire ,1.;1v en infor n1ation pre vio usly kep t ;,ecret . 'i'ou v.·ill be able to n1a kc v;.i\u;1blc, valid r e · \'lS JOllS. AQUARI US (J:.in. 20-1-~eb . 18) :' ;\'l o n cy =-1 tu<1Lton c ould be h;1zy. You h~1\'C r ighL t.o a~k qu estions and obtdin answe r s. 1•JSCES (Feb. 19-l\1arch 20) :"l .unar c,v cl c is s uch t h at you can r emove source or i r - ritation. '\'ou prohe we ak poi nts. I~~ .\I .I.I SO~· ll£·: .. :1t Ot •n·· Ll'1•1 y J"o1o1 ::.ta1t "'l'h L' 1dl';1 i.'i tn get to knO\\' yo11rself IH·for1• ;i l'risi:-<. '!'he n .. vnu d i'C be tter <1b lc to h 1•lp t li <' p h _\·:-1ci:n1 \\'lh'tl ;1 s1·1 ·iott~ p rnhll'tll ••ct·11r·s. ··\\'ll:i1 \\'t' ;tl't' l:dk 1ng ;1hnul 1,. 11r1·1·L'll I J•Jrl. s aid '.\ltkt•'rur1n . 11 ll1 1 h;i:-org.11111.l'd a :-.l' ri0s o f f r l'c !tc~i I I h r:1 i rs fpr 1 hl' pub li t'. Uuri11g t he first progr:.in1. :in ht·alth· orientt•cl ;1genc·iC's part1ctp<t\cd . ;;o v isitors. tlll'(1u g h to'::.l ing, could g1·t :111 idt".:1 of \\'he1·c they s tand . In this tin1Q n f hig h 1·0;.t:>, frr·•• tesl s :1r(· :1 IHg d r.t\V Party Costs Balloon By J(l,\l\' lll\' .. :RS 1'h c u lller d;1v I nflt t.·d t h;1t M ~li ssB's ll1rthd.ay ,J;1n u ary 20th -1vas rolltn;.: a round again so I drl'ssed. y..•cnt to the bank. \V ithdrc \\' :ii! o u r ~;_i vi n g.-; ;_ind started to plun anothc1· p<.1r t \· for l1l'r.· . !"or ho\L' l'a n I (or any m o t her) refuse to g 1\'c my c htld a b irlh· d :.iy part ~· C\-e n thoug h lilt' cost of gi ,·ing a f'h ildrl•n 's p<1rt y i:-; up IOU pc rt.'L'tl! f ronl !a:-:-t Vt'ar ·· l~a lloons 1\'ll1th .u:-1.·d to to:-l 10 l'L'nt s nn\\' <ii'<' up 11! :!:'i cents l':J('h turned and Si.lid . "~1 nmmy, J'I! nt•cd n1y lC"rrycl oth he;1l'h r oht,_·· "l~ut the l..01·1.'lls don I. J1.iv1· :1 pool," I smil ed . ··'('h('y hud one put in l'nr th" p a r t y ,·· !'.l issy i nforn1cd 1111· si mply. "J\ndy insist ed." JOAN RIVERS ··1[:1ppy Bi r1 hd :1,v. Gcr;.ird" a f1 rr th\· St ar-:->p:inglt:d Ranner :tt :.i h;ill !!;ln1('. '!'hv 1110:.L 11t1\l.1ndis h p:trl y nf .di hH\I 0·1 \'!'. 11 ,1,. J.!.l\'l'U Jnr .1 t r lt'IH I nr :'ll1 ·l 1'>:-,1' .... S1!Zill1n•: l'nder auspic e's <if \-a r1ous 011~~111i1:-i t ions. p~1rticip<1 nts l'Ould get <Hl t ·v~tlu at i o n (lr blood pre:.sure, lung e;1pac11y . l'~'t'S 1 g ht . h vighl /\\'t•ig ht a11a l ys1s, t'l'Sp 1r:1tH1tl . p11 ln1una1·y l':l p:.1t1ty . pulst' r :d L·. 11L•\d1il 11 \. <!lt'Ohol 1sn1 q uot ient ;.ind grip , · l"1l11L"i a nd lt·('ltlrt·:. d ur1n ~ !ll" l\10 d,1\ Jr1:il run l'O\'E'l'l'([ :1L'rnh1i.:;., 11)1' h<•a r l. \11.·1~h! J1iss a nd t!11.·t s, nutrition. :i nd f\tnl·:-;. :\lur1: th.in ·100 p(•r:-ons took :ul \'ant:igf' o f puln1onary !unttio n ll'slin g. 17:1 bl11od pr<' s~url! and ;d rnost :\00 h :i d U\t•rall f1\nt.'ss 1·val u a lL·d . 'l'ur1ns;11d. \'1;.1\ors 1r• 111,· pr•'\'l\'\\ n ut 1n;.: ,.f th1 :- ye.u··,. t':'l.h1h1 1 \\'el't' dr:1\1·n 11\ c·11r111:-it 1-.1nd ~1 11 ltll'l'l':l:-t•d 11\!L'l'l"'l 111 h ••,iJtJi :tlld JJ\r{,.,.:- ln lf'n lli,. !11.:.:s. :-\1 t!ll\l'l'ar 11r r·;J"iu.11 tlnt ht.'s, l hl'\' collt•i'lt•d infn 1·rn :i!P•t1 ''ll topics r ~1ng1ng fro n1 l11r t l> ('nntrnl tn prt•\•'1t tion of h l ind n e;.~. birth d c l<'l'f,.11i \1 L'1g hlt'1)J1 t1·ol. "l 'vl' lcarnl •d :.11n1l• th111~" I n«\1•r \1111llil h ;t\'L' ot/lc1·11·1st'.'' s;1id :t ~Ollt!J.! n1nth1·r ··11 \1 as re;1s:,uring lo find out th<Jt 111\ lilll11d pri· :-'>U!"t' l"i 1111rn1.d l'\'t• !H·t·n i11•:1r1ng "" n11Jt'h 1t bout 1L " (f\hcrs t'\1n1rn1'11l~·d 1!1.d lliv \1 ..,1 t 1•· 111indL·d thl'll1 lu g t•1 :t p!i~:-ll ':ii 111 ' t '~l' "' ;1n1 111 ;t!1on. <11·thL11 tilt',\ l'l'<1ll\' rH ·1·d1•d 111111'(• l '.\L'!'('i:-(' 1-'ut ll l'l' hl':1 ltll f a ir .. :1rl' pl:1nncd for 'l'lurrsday ;.irul J·'r1d;1_\ .. l,1n 11; :111d 17 lron1 JU :1 rn . l•l ~l p 1-n tinrl S;1t11rd:1 .v, .J:1n , 18. HJ :1.111 to Gp 111 . 111 Sou!h ( ".1,1,.t 1'1;11.1 "f'h(' t•\.lithils \1111tr:i\t'\111 l .<11-~11n;1 l lills '.\!•ill. 'l'hur :-d.1~· :ind l·'r1d:1 ~·. l<'1·h 1; .ind 7, lrnn1 111 :-i n1 [11 !1 !' n1 :ind S.!!11rrl:1\. l'~·h ~.t1·on1 l!l;1_r)) trilip 111 . 1\nll\hl'r 1 .. ti.·1n ~ :-t·li1·rlul··d f11r 11 1111 1 1ngltHi Hl',;l'll Agendas Talks Vary This Week NOW 1'il 1l-.1.•I l.;i rcia. ;i IL•11\lr11:-.I ;:u1thropo!ogi,.1, \\'di (!1 scuss !ht• ( '10:.s r:ul t u1';tl r..t yth cil l·\·r11i 111ne J•:\'il :1l th1· 'i :;11 p.111 tlll't:tin~ ol ( )r ~1 n ~ e Co u 111 y ~l ) \\I 1111 'l'h u 1·sday, ,I a n . l ti, 1 n t ll l' 1\ n ;i he 1tn l '11 il.1r1;1 n l 'h ur('h 1\ l 'h I) l'.JJ\(\j1l~d t.' .it l 'l ' l !'\ \l h', :-h L' \\ i !1 1•.\. pl:i1n var1nus n1 ·\1 !hvu1·1e:. p ut forth IJy \l'\llll l'r1 :11!! h rl)1 ~1l11 1-:1:-I :-'•II hO\\' Jllell l':ill1l' I \) d nn11 n all' 11·111 nv11 M s. Garc i:.L \\'ho ha o;-her l\1A i n an - thro polog y fru n1 c·a 1 tf11rn1a St:.il e Univers ity .1 t J ,n 11 g 11 l' :1 t·h, ,d :-n 11 ii I d 1 ·,t·uss th 1:-. ::111tl hO\\ I h t')' rt• l:1tu ln 11·1111111 -.11 1 ' Du sty W ings Al l forn1 1.·r 3i rl111t· SIL•\1·a rdcss('S ~ire invit· c d to altt.•nd ad 1n n t·r niet·t 1ng of r>usly Wings at 7:30 p.111. 'l'hur:-d;1y .. Jan. 16, in ll unt in gt on Se ac Ji ff (' ou n t ry ('\uh_ 'rbe g roup :.uppurt:-th1· Salvati on Arn1.v summer l'amp prog ra n1 A llian ce l)r Pie rre Fort I'-\1 ill s pe ak o n the Basque country, its Lr adi t111n , <·11lture and J:.inguage ~-h e n he addres'>t'S :\ll1ancc f'ranc aisc de la It i \' icr a Ca Ii fo r n Jt' IHll' 'fhc meet in~ 1s ;.('hl·dull'd at 8 p.m . F'riduy, J :1n . 17. in the N e1 g hho rhuod Congregalion:i I Churl'h, l ... a~una l\e:1t h . A scholars hip filn1 benefit is planned ;i t 7 :30 p .m . Tuesday. l"t'h. •1, in l-larbor Vic>A· S chool, Coro n.1 dl'i 1\I ;1r Golfers Doris F'a gg !'-thl' Ill'\\ prt•s idl'lll of llH· I ,a gun a Be a c· h \\' o 111 (•n ·s < l nlf ('l u b. ,\lso on the tooard ;ire \l;il '.\lort on . tourn:1 mcnt chairm:1n . 1-'ran l \l;1kt'. h:indicai • chairman ~ l';1t (;ul 1ck. t1·1·a:-.u r 1.·r . a 11 d l\1ilrtha Beaumnn 1, :.t'l'l"l'\.ir.1 I' ,•, j I 1'1 -.,''\I ., '1 "/Ir 1~11\ I • :t' ·\>'G ·•' 'h f', ,t I I \ ,( I' . :: \ " ;, ' ·.\ ', I·~ ", I ,, ' MILD & MELLOW 2oc OFF PER LB . l::f" ,. f: . WATCH FOR OLD FASHIONED NICKLE DAYS \ ~\ ,;,, ~~'· ' . ' "~~~~~, ~~~~~. f-'·.t W~,~!~.~~.!,!~~~A ,_,' . l'HONE 642·0'12 ~~ MOft Jri '1tl 9 Sot 'Toi lo S"" i•I '> r nut lo till'fl \Jon 1hl' 1.5 t'cn!:- rn(n·c 1 111~~, \'h;_ir·g t• 1f ,\ou h <JVl' then1 lihJ\1 n up ;d th1 · :-tori· (nr ;1.., I J1k (• llJ :-fly, 111fl.111nn h;1 s ll1t 1n- Jl :ll1on 1 ,"\o p<irent \\'!H il d d ig :1 pnul Jll '-1 for :1 p ar!_\". I laughed. hu! t!H · m1ir c I thou ght ;tbout 11, l ht• ll·:--. s1n·1._· l \1·;i.s. :\l :iny p<Jrenls IL'l t li(•i r ('h i l drPn turn inln lill lt• die t.1tnr~ 11 hf'n 1t c0n1t-"s to pl :n1nn1;..'. thl'ir hirthd;1_\· p;ir1H·s I h;1\'1• lh•· fl'Pllng firc \t·:1s (11..;t·nvvrvd \1 h•·n SOllll' (';l\'f' ('hiJd 1t)'>l'>l1•d fl1 ,. h1r\ hd ~IY (' :1ke l·u· ii 11 f1•1't'!ll ll11t' of ;\l1:-sv ':> <"1<1'-'>111.it<· ... r1· l'1 •ntly h:H I ~111. t·l.1hnr :1I~· p1qip1·I '>h•l\\. :111 1,I h1'1'0S p.11 !\ h.1<1 pn111 I idf'C., .Jl)d 1111 Fl••pfi1 II " 1'.11 fl l··:ll11t·(·d ,1 1n.i;.:.11 1.11111h"1'-.1 ,.tl" !111 !1! !Ill' :-,•,1-.011 ;1:-!i~· 111,1.I•· 11111 Bt·1H ·d1(·I S111 .. 111nl'·s p;1r1·11ts Lil · \ l\\•tl :-() Ill d II\ hill''-.(" 1 ]\;I( I! l'IJ'>l r--------------------------'-------------------------- l111!.1l11•1t. l1n\1v11·r. I'-n•>l lllr· (Hll.1 11 '.1 -.,0111 11.11 h1r1hd.11 p;1rl 1•·" ;11·1· l"·1·111111n~ 111<>1 •· 1·\.p•·ri .... 111· \1111ih1 ·1· 1~ tl1.1t \11 ~~.1 .ind 110 ·1 f l'lt'!HI ,. .11'1• ~1·!!111 ~· 1olif.•1 ;111 d lh<•\ l'.\f>l'i'I 111 !it• rnuri· t"r111.ill1 l'I; 1 l'l ! ; I J !i <'.I . ,\J'>H. U!ll' 111111~· J.11 ·!01 h:1'> I'll 11•11•d 111111 11\t• 11.1 1 I,\' ,'>('C lll' "r lil' 11111\ht·r ..... 11r th1· h1rtl\d;1\' t·luld i-vn :1r1· 1 r.\'1ng ln nulr!o e:tr ·h o!ht·r '1'1 11· ••lht·r d:1~ 1'11r l':'l.:1n1pl t•, ;1.., '.\l (·liss.1 \\';!:, ).'.1•1!111 ;.: f i ':!d\ lo L'O off to .1 nv1i.:lil11•• " 1"1r!.1, :-Iii' n1d .1 h11n-•·lt 11111.ill111\ ;.1.,l•·1 ,._ii\ o'l'\1 ,IJ'I ' dl"•IJIPl',11 \11d l]H'l 1' '>l'\'lll '> I<> l•1· tl'l t'tld Ill ,...g h!, .1 ... (',1tl1 li1tl!id.11 11.1tl \ IH·c 'on1t•:-. n1or1' ~up.·r (.,,1, • ..;..,,11 \1l ;1n tlil' 11nP h1'f11r·1· (111l' 1no1lh1·r Ill i\1 1:-:-y 's J {ri1\~r\I(' gr1>UP h :1d ;1 :.v;1\'l'lll--'.l'r hunt 1n \\hieh 1111' l-1 d " 11'l•r e requi red tn go to Eurnp1· i'(1r !lil'tr llf'lllS. ;tnd .11111th1•1 ' 111H11\t 'I h1r1·d Ho b t"rl :'1 11·11·Jll l" : .. 111 ;..< V ICKI E'S ORIG INALS AMUSES In the DAILY PILOT [cl•"' D•·· ~ '"111 1 d" ,,, l I l\·:;..t 11 N O /~ J;'i L:"l\S H IO N ~ IN Q.Jt°' nt:i\OY TO N E /\fl 111 RIVER SIDE, r-IEWPORT IE•CH PHO r-lf:: 548-0223 JT~ REMODELING SALE EVERYTHIMG GOES! PRICES 50% CUT TO CLOTHES·l'LAMTS-GIFTS TUES.-SUH. I 0-6 I l ! ht•lll .1 !<11 'lt1 111· 111 t'.11·11r s ;il(H\l'. .ind h•·r n1.,th1·1· 1H·nudl\ ;111 · 11111111,·i·d :-111· 11,11! tn !i1r~· t1 -,ll1 ·r" \p1.,1r1 ·n1ly 1t diol11 '1 \l•H'I\ 011! t"" \11 •11 1 .. 1 ,1 ., l 1\;ilhcd up Ill ll1•• il•1••1 t" IHI h \lt·!t:-:-" up. I ll i·ard '.\]) f'•t'lll'dil (" \'()(('\' 0\'t'I' :1 l'llld IH"il"·1 ... 1·r1 ·:•111111 r ;ii t t11· (')llldl I'll J'ill ..; J!l,I\ (p11k 111\1• h,11! "l'l ,1\ 1,,,,,11k1d;.hul 1L :,t1· ,ill\ 111.1«•« ... i1 ... t·l\l1•du11n .. ,\ 1hol1 1-:!tt 111 .... t hit 1n1· n)a\'IH· I l'll\iJrl h!• itH'k.\' l'llOIJ gh tn , ('Oii- \ Ill('" '.\l el1:.:-.1 tn '-t:ltlt• for :1 t rip ;iround lhC' \\1•rlr! !ht'> ~l·~ir 111 ;.1t·.i il nl' fi.1111\f' :1 p.ll'!I ,'/~19r ·J)~!j MATERNITY (.'t)ml' lo (J11r f 'ir.,t llirthdrn• So IP-a l1ra lio11! Dresses .... Pantsuits _, T ops •.... from $7.90 ... from $1 5 90 ... from $7.90 ....... from $10.90 Pants __ . SA U '. NOW IN PROG RE~S SOU TH COAST PLAZA I I \ ' -~ ' ·-r \ • Ann Landers Eating Piecemeal? DEAR ANN LANDEllS l 'tJ like to s h are n1 y !>O lution \\'ith those who h~1vc problem:; ;1t tht' t:.ibll.'. think Jnut:h of tht· idea. '\'ou didn't ::.ul\•i:-lhc p~ob lc m, }O U 1n~·r1•I\' rP111 11 111·tl {tu~ t:h ildrcn from ti1c ll•1 tllc zone. My hus bcind had a h:.ibit of chewing oul the children every t i m e w o :-.at down to e~•l . Parl'nls and c hildre n shoultt cal logt•lht·r and enjoy 1n ealtirnc. I s ugj,!t'sl joint fan1ily counsclin!:(" to d e ll'r1ni1tl' \\'ha t is wrong in your boust.', l 't·aec is 1norc than the absence o f war. Olt_·" ()r s hould I g 1..·l CJ\'t•r th1· hu rt :.i s Ut·sl I con <11\l l :.trike out 1111111 v o\1·n while I '111 :-till rt•ason.itil .\ :11 lr<1l'tivc " \Vhctt di; yo11 rtunl.. B}<~AL J ,\' h ;1ppl'llcd, 1\1111 1 \V(lN 0 I:; k I Nl: D E r\R \\'(JN f~l~ltl Nl;; I t :-.ounds lo rnt! as if the san1pl1· .... as arnple. Give tha t gt·ntll'111an fri t·nd a ni ce 1\-lclhodi st ha nds hake and forgt·L )-"OU 1·\1•r kni..'W h in1 . 1·J:-.(•11 ll i•t'l'. \\h ,L! tl11•'" hl' l':O.Pl'l'L h 1:-\I ll ,· \11 dn ' l·'1 11d ,J lu\t•t' \J q~[ li o1:-.h.111d -. \l.Hldd IJ1• I l 'I \ :-1ll'p11 :-.1 d JI 1l11•v dl :.l'\\\t'l'1•tl th,d !11.Jt ':::. t'\a1·tlv \1'h ;1\ lht• old g 11J h.1:-dt.·t'hil·d t11do \'till f,•[lll \\~ l\llh !Ill' 'lil't•d li.it'k:-.' .ind .. hard d .1\!'> .it !ht•"! J11·c'' u,•\\t:r \\.ikl' U/; ;.ind !'Jlll t·I J lhc culfc t', as :\nnic s a ys .. \l hn 1«.1n 't h it• Uy hre.n.l od u 11t• .. \11 d tll'll h l'I' '"Ill \\0 111<.lll )~)·"J "J't!( I ' I·: I I .\'\I) :\( )'1' .SU l .U'.\ I-'. l. \ 1 Dreakrasts at our house, \Yc1·e a horror. The day got off to a mis- e rable s tart -.everybody mad, lhechildrc n often in tears . . I decided to clin1inate the pro- blem by fixing two breakfas ts. I insisted th at my hus baud !:CL up a little earlier. I m:..ike him bacon and eggs or panC'akes, whutc ver he wants , u nd s tool hirn out of thc house b e fore thL' kids get downs tairs. It n1t·an:-. niaking two brc;1kfa sts bul ii 's \\'urth 1L. l-'or llinnl'r I put the kids in another part of !he hutL'il'. 11:-.u<.1lly on the s un-poreh or in the kitcht:n . l\1y hu::;bancl <ind I h ;_1\e :.i peaceful dinn1._·r in lht· dining room . Gi ve this s olut1on your l'n - dorscmcnt, Ann, and pul an t·nd to fight s <JL 1ne:.1ll1rn l.' SOLVED D EAfl. S.: ~rry, but I don't Nuptials Planned f\.l <Jrl·h 8 r1ll'!:I in 1 1~ut1or ·rr1111l v I3apt1st Churth, l'usta '.\ll•:.,t .• i r~· hl·ing µ1;..inncd h .\' l',1r1 I.~ nn ll11\1·n1 ;1n ;ind (;,1 r 1· S tl'\t·n \\';111g lcr · 1·ht•ir l'll ;.!.q.,:t·n11·111 ha:. h,•1•11 rt· \ e;dt·d h) ht•r p ;1r1·ul:., .\Ir :ind '.\lrs. D csn1und Bo\1·111;..in of t ·o:.l;1 '.\les a . l\fis::i l!O\t'm;in is :.i i,.:r<.1d 11.1t1· 1t1 J·;.-;tJ111·1.1 lli!!ll Sl'hool .1 11d .1l l t•nd:-(Jr<Jl\1-!i..' Cna:-1 (·ulll'l!t' llt_•r f1;111 t'1" snn flf .\Jr ;oul ,\I r-. :\rll•1g h \\',111;.:!t•r ut (',..,1.1 _\11 ·-.~ 1s a Cu:.t.1 ~11 ·-.,1 l\1gl! Si·llucJI ~r;iduJll! .nifl ;il-.l l I" .I .-.lUdt•rJI ;ti . (J('(' * * * 1\ 1\f ar<'h 111·dd1n)..! 1n the l'vl'k l·'a 1ni\y \\'cdd1n ,..: l.'h ;ipt·l . \\'e ...-tn1i11:-ter 1-. /11·111 )..! pll111n• . .'d Ii\ l\.;1thl1·e 11 IJ1;1nc• '.\lurpliy nl JI uni 1ngton Ue.1c h ,ind Stl'\'l'll \li1:h<1L·l 11 ~ n!e .v, .'\ t ' n· purl il l';ich . ·rh1·1r part•n\:. ;irt• :\11"' (;t'•J r;.:~· .1 , L:itk;i , llu11\1ngtu11 llt•;1l·h .Jame . ...-J( :'\lu rplty . S :1nr ~1 :\1 on 1 e a . \I r :--I\. t ' n 11 L' 1 h l lockn1an. c:,1rdt_•n <;ro\t', ,Jfld Ja<.'k Jl :.inlcy. Co~t:.i ,\11·-.,1 Df.:All ANN l,t\NOEltS: After .a 15·n1onth l'llJ..::1 /.!l'llll'nl, lhc: '''cd - d1ng 1·1n~ ;__i\rt·ady pUl'l'h<J s t.'d, familil'S on hoth s ides notified .:tnd pa1·t1t•s given in honor of our "'1..·d d1ng \Vh ll.:h ...._a ~ s ehcdulcd fut· ne xt n1onth , n1y gentleman fril'nd ll'!ls nil' th:tl Lhe nuptial:-. 1nust bl' c;dl1·d 11fr because h l· c<.1nnot rid hin1 ~l'lf o f thl' haunt · in;.: n1en1orit•s of his '''i fc ''ho p.isst·d a1\·;i y \\\'o years a i.:o \\'l' arc in uur c:irlv 6Us ;u1d in ;.:1K1d ht·alth lie \\':,;nts to l'tHI t1nlll' u u1-r1·l:it111ns h1p without .. ln.-;111g hi:-. 111dt•J1t:ntlcncc IJy n1:ikin).!. 1t lcg;1I " Should I bt· put 1t'nt nnd hopl' h1· ''ill c hungt..' tu~ rnintl and m;.irrv \ 'l,.i> CARI BOWMAN :-J dt'llt._ 111 {"l"l~t .\l t·:-..J h,I \\' drl IHlllll l't•d 1he l'l1J,!~t )-!t'11 \t'lll n l tlH.'ll' d uug h\1·1-. r:J11ahclh S ui· l'qit•i· to r:d \\ .ird t; \\'t·uil,· lit:. p;1rl'111-; ;,1r1· \J 1· ;111d .\l r s \\'tl l1.1111 \\ 1•11 1h · 111 S1·ll1·1·:-.\ l!ll'. l'.i * * * ('o lo r .J do l 'olll'J.!t' :-.1llden!-., ,\\;i r 1 IJ.~\ 1-; ;i nd l 'rter llfll·11 h1 ·t·li l'r :11 ,. pl.11111111).! 111 111.11 '1"\ ,J11 I' 1:.1 111 ..:1 .J,itnc·-. l<p 1:.Cnp;iJ L'hur1·h .. ....: "''port B,·,1c·li l 'h,•1r p :11·,·iit -. .t l'l' .l;ici-.1l' ..... l.;.1r :-.1t•d1 .. '\1•\1rort H1•.11 ·h ~l.d1 P t1 :'\I ll,111 :-. l\d11:--\.'l·rd1·;., J·::-.1.ill':.. ;ind :'\Ir :ind i\lr:. l•:u;...:t•t11' <Hf1·1ilJc v h1·r. ('t>1'0n:1 dt•! '.\!;11· '!'lit• ;1!11.i!lt't'd l'P UpJt• ;1 l:-.U ;.'.t';id11.1l1 •d l t'•'!\1 l'.llo:-. \'l •r'd1·-. ll1~1l S«lh .,11 * * * !)E .'\lt .\!\'.\. l .i\:\'JJJ·:H S lil'l·aus c I .un ;_11no11g th,,_. hJJ.!h 1-Jl'!'(;t·n t .i gc of \\l\t_'S 1vh o _ .. , . li ti:.h:i!ld:-:!l'e f(J<,1\lllg ,\l'Olllltl [ Ill .1ddr'-':-~11H . .( llu-. lt·ll\'I' to Lh1._· 111v11 \I ho f l·<tcl ;. ou1 l'11lur1111 . 1)1·:.\lt tll·:'lvl'l·:lt : 1'ht·r1"" a 1111·..,~a j.\1..' in )t1ur· lt•ltt•r. J '11111ri11 1- i11;; it for" h.1L1'\1•r il '-. \\Orth, a111t iu 1-0 llll' in ~l.•ntt·.., ii t'otlltl h1· \\Oflh Jllt'lll.\. 1)11 ~I HI ht1;.,h,llld .... 1'1·'111 /l' lit)\\ ~·H1 ~irt• 111 :-ultu1g lhl· 1,nn1,·n """· 111.1rr1l·d '' .\!u-.! o l u-. l\J\'t•:-. :-t.;nd :11011nd 1\.11!111i.: 1111 :.ornl' .'>l).;tl uf ;dfl'el1u1l. l'v!'h.1p:-if you'd g l \l' (I .. h;ilf lilt.• lllllL' ;111d ;1lll·ntin11 ·' IJll ;..:J\'l' :.ull1t'IJIH' •'lSl'. \\'t• n11 g ht 1 L!fll 1111t lo ht· [Jt't'\l) llll.L'l'l'!'>\lllg lil•d p;1rlnt·rs !)11 ~(Ill ft'e\ ;_l \\l-.\\;!!d , :-ot•!f, f'i Hl'><·1 ou-, Jo111·l.\" \\'W un11._• 11: l hl' l'lt1!1 'J'/it•ft_•'.-. IJ,.[p t7'1• ~H ll Ill .\1111 l • .1 11d l·1·:-.':; huu k lL·l . "'!'ht_ l\t'Y I H l'u pu!.111 11 ~1·tH l :iu l't'lll" Ir! l'tlll\ \\It h ,\Ill/I i'1•qUt·-.I .ind a long, -.l .1 111 1>1·.I :--L"ll - ;1ddr1Cs sed t'r1,·1~J1 q11· to .\nn l .. 1n dl'I',.,,, 11 .() /lox ! IHI / !·~li.:trt , [J J. ()() 120 I f a n1 :11l 1 g nnrt·~ his 111ft• <ind ~el s h!'> L'lllOLIUll;JI l'l'll'<l !-l' KATHLEEN MURPHY MARI DAVI S Vows Exchanged Evers-Gribble (;\\l'Jld tl l )n l'.1rol <;rihll l·· .1 11d B 1·1 1 1··0 \\ll'r l·:\·1·rs l'\1·h~1 n gl·(• n 11pl1,d \11\1:-- IJ1•/\1r t • lh1._· lit'\'. IJr t 'll ,1r!1•-. /l1t·rt·!lfit·l d .ind the B l'\', 1'<1l rit·k l 'u 11 n.dl\ 1n ~I . ,\nd r1..·1\ ':... I 'rt•:-.h~ t1 •r i;111 Chulvh 'l '\I por1 llt'.tl'll . 'l'l lL'.\ ;1r1· 11H· d.1ughlt·1· .ind -.1111 o f L ulh1·1 1·:d 1\•1r<I (;r1hhl(·11I :\1·\1po r \ ]{\',l\'11 1hv Lil l' :'111 :--. (;riblJll' ;111d \l1 .111d .\I r :-!!1 •1 l1t_'l'I I-'.\ 1·r s o f ( ll'a11,i.:1· '1'h1· br1d1· 1 .... ! ~·1 :1d t1 ,I(\' 11/ .\.~•\\ )1111 I l L+r hnr· 111 !..~l1 S1•hi>1d l J r .1ll ~i ' ( ·,,:1 ... t ( ·,.111 '!..'1 .i11 d ('li :q11n,1 11 l'1oll c~t' 111 1,'•11 · .. 11 ,· 1'.11'11•'•.I ,, II \ Ill <1 1J!h1r1p11l .i;.:1 S hv .d -.o -.1ud 1vd ,11 .. );u·d 1·11.1pn t.111 s \\urltl (',1 111p11-. \1 1,1.1 \ llL'I h11 .... 1>.1nd :.:r :ull1 .1l ··d l r1 11 11 !)l',tll;l•· 11 !).,:h _...,,./l ii"!. ;!l t1·t11 h•d Fu 1!1·r·to11 .111d S.1111.1 \n,1 C'ull1•).!t'"· .111d !1()1\ I., l ll .qot'lll ~ t!l ('oi!ll lllll!ll('dll111l -. ,11 ( ".l\i!Hl'lll.1 St :1l1 • I 1\111 ·1 .. 11 \ .I{ f·'uJil'/'!111) Barnes-Ph ipps \\.1l...1 n J..: 1ilt'll' 1!11 1111 · 111 \\'1·-.1 1;cr111.n11 \1 h1·rt· 1111· h r1 d 1·r rou111 1-. "''r\ 111 ~ in 1li1· \11ny a rt· 11t·\1l\111·d \II' .ind :\Ir-. l"r,111 1, ( '.1rl !{;1 r·u , ... II ho II 1·1 1· in·' rrtt·d Ill '.\]"I IHI , .. l 'liur t·h :'\t•1\ 11-o rt llt•.1t'h l'ar1·111 -. ,1r1· :'111 ,ond ~Ir -. (' \\'.1111 ·1 l't11pps .J r u! \',•11po11 H ~·;11'h ;111d '.\l r .. 111d .\Ir:-(;111 ord \~~1r1i.·-. •ii t·:-.cond 11l(1 ;11111 l111'1l)\'J"ll \II f l\lfl\11\~ltl!l J ~t'.t ('f\, (Jft H'ld l i!I.' 11.1.-. 1h1• 1l 1•1 f\•·nru·lh 1· \\'nrl..111:• 1111c·lc• .. 1 111.-h r1d1 · 1111· \1 •11111·1 h"111·11 1 11111 l 'h1pp-. fl cl lltll' .1\\1'll1 l.11i1 -, \\o II ' f\,1lhl<'t'll l 'lJ l)l l•·'> .ind l.'ra1 J,.'. Jloi1:.1·r , < H h v r -. 111 I IH• hr id .ii 11.1 1 l > 11 "1 ,. :'\\ r:-.. J .1 l'k l .d1 ;11110 ~. \Ir:-. .l(1 s 1·ph h.nhl . lt.1ro.1r,1 :'ll11l1lvr·. l,r•1g h ;ind l '111d1 J .. 011 11,11 Ii , 111111 l.'<1111 :-.1•1. li;1\ 1d 1 ~.11111 • ... ·.11 1d su .... 111 •. 1,o1 111 .111d ll .I\ 1d Phipp!-. {)ur· l.oidy ol ,\It C'.1rrnl'I l 'h11r 1·h, i"t'" Jl(Jrl l\1·;1t·h \\ill l>c tlh· :.t'.l ling f111· lht· .!tint· 28 \t'Cd· din~ nf S;111d.\ ·rt•dt'-.t'O :ind Oan llt·ndrick ,\11 .1111! .\I r-. H1t·h:1rd I •. l l.111 u l l r1 llll' ILi\•' ,llH)'lUll l't 'tl 1hf' 1·ng .1;.!l'n11·nt 11! !l11·1r d.11 1 ~l l1 1·r, 1.1t11111 .i l.t·l· fl.ill to \\'1 111.1 111 11 :-;11 n 1n1li·r ·rti1·1r p ,1r 1·111 :-;11 1· thv 'l'h11n1,1:-. 'l'c•d t·-.1·0 -. o f .'\.L''' l.k11·1 B1•at•h , fl.i n I IC'nd r11 ·J.,.. :\lont an .1 .• 111d ,\J 1.., :\I.tr:.:•· 11t•111!1 it·k . l~.,l u 1 c1d1 1 Sht· 1 .... 1 :.:1,1d u.d1 ·111 ! 11 11, r -.1 1\ 111.i,:h ..... 1·J111 nl .tr 1d t1•1\1 ,tll1·11 d -. 1 11 .l!l;...1· ( \1,1 -.\ (_ 'u!h ~c· i\1iss '.\lurph,v is ;1 ?..;r ;1dual1· 11f llunt1ni:,:lon lil'.ll·h ll1 g h ~t·h.,1il :ind al l1 •ndL·d <;uldt'll \\'t•..,l ('11\ll').!C. li t'I' IL .llH't' 1-. a ;.!f.Jdu;,itc oi Nc\\'P(•rt !!arbor 111;.:h Sclioul :111d -.tuJ1t1d ,I( (Ir ,11\;..;l' (_'0 ;1:--t t.'ollt·~·" * * * ~II:-,.., 'J't'd t',..,t:O l:-.i 1.!l ,td11 ;J\e ol \ l'I\ pn r1 I I . 'rb11r J l 1:.: h Si· hon I ;111• t 1111 1 µr;1du ~d t• 111 \l.1~ !ron1 1l 1v l '111 ,.t" r .., 1 I \' 1 i! (_'nlo1' ;i dn 11 hl'r(' ht' r fl.Jn 1 ·1 • .1 ].,.(> I.'> ,i St·111nr llt•r l1.111v1 '-nrlnl 1h1• !l.1 r 1dil c' !'-11 n 11nl1•1.., q i I lll1 ll 1n ~\"11 1:,.,,, 11. 111 \J i.:1.1d11.ll t• Jn .ll!ll<' l1u111 t ( I r' ini· ;\Ir. and ,\Jr:.. DtHlllL' (; i'ql('r o f Soulh;1111p\11n . r•a ' rur1n1·r l'I ' Ill' 1-; .111 ,dunttHl:-. .,1 F .11 1'\ 1t•11 lligh ~l'h110 1, J~o ll ld t'!'. ('1 1l u '1'!11 · h1 •1!11111Pd .II\' pJ.11 )11111 tll,11 I I .\11 ~ _: I " THE SILE . ., ' ' ISON! OUT ST ANDING VALUES LEATHER, ROSEWOOD & TEAK SORENSEN CONTEMPORAfiY SCANDINAVIAN FURNITlJH[ I 550 5. Cooil Hwy.• LoiJii-k oc:h • 494· 1106 01~ BID'flQUE ALL SALE CLOTHING FINAL REDUCTIONS woo 50%0ff s,.«kilSIO.& SIS.Roe• 3467 Vio l ido Hirwporl ll!CKh 673-4510 A crnon·s ~POR.l-S\\l::1\R 'l.l~l t.lllfpt A, 4. 11,,1B11t,1~l.ANll '°'-'"'l"l'[\,·lh ,'1/\.1.~,,. •. "A><· ~48 ~171 ¢/~ 190~ I ,I STOCK ' REDUCTION SALE! -·- WIGS from WE OISCOUHT THE DISCOUHTERS WIGS & Beauty Salon 2SO·D.E 1711\St. Co,to Me,o--S48 ·l446 In Hilqran Square SEAFOOD SPECIALS T hur~. Jan. 16 to W ed. J11n. 22 Only W hilt Supplie' la,+• COMPARE OUR PRICES! From Alcnka JUMBO ICIMG CRAB LEGS lb. From Ro,lor,.H eat & Eat 2 lb. packGqe FISH STICKS 59,~ HALIBUT STEAKS Frying Breaded·Eo\lern QAM STRIPS HOURS: DAILY 10 lo 6 CL EO SAT. & SUH . The FISH MARKET Jim and Scn:ty Commer 145 E. BROADWAY, COSTA MESA 645-5223 Get this. $40 ~ff. Super! V1/hlTER CLEAPANC [ ~1 /3 \\'c r(·quc 'I il1c pk·;1.,111·(· ol _1·011r C(>1llpa1 11· hly $159.95 for 1 .,...t stretch•slildl lllKl!ine d1rl119 lhe 51"9fl'•h pays to sew"sale. fly now. It pays. AND SAVE $30 ON A GREAT ZIG-ZAG MACHINE' Carrying case or cabinet e>«ia. Reg. $149.95 Now only $119.95 258 ~~ to S¥ 1/2 f~-i off kqi1t1tlftq todoy Lorraine Sutherland 1 ~I _v,...,.,,.,,, Hc•a, ~ ,y ~ [) Ill I 1 .. ,,,., ~·•I rJ,-"'\•'t'I'• /.,.,, ' ~ 1 l .' .( .1( ., 1 '" 'I , ... I \ ' c. I \T: ... 'I ~',,'J_•I' NEW CLASSES STARTING NOW GLASSES TAUGHT BY A CCR EDI TED PROFESSOfl OF DANCE All AGES • BEGINNERS THROUGH ADVANCED. THE DANCE STUD IO ICE CAP.ADES CHALET ;11 a lirid;il show lor l<J7:J . :\Ionday, J a nuary •J()_ 7:00 p111. and 8:1:) pni. 'i'hl' L ido Bulle!. ]{ohi11so n 's :\l·"-!HHl. J{c,c1T:11 io11s !or die hridc a11d lier g u es t 1nay be 111ade i11 o ur 15ricb l S ;1 lo11. L i1 11i1cd rcscn ·;11 ions a1·ailab lc . ' I ~ 'i: SINGER ~ CL..L~--:-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--l ( 2 F/\SHION ISLAND SHOP WEDNESDAY. T HURSDl\Y 10 00 5:30 COSTA MESA H un,)r Blvrj ll Ari im. Ttl: 979·1110 644-2804' Serve Fish Whole There's a Catch to It SPRINGFIELD GRADE AA BITTER ILB. LAWRY'S SPAGHETTI SAUCE MIX REG . 29' l'h OZ. ENVELOPE SCOT TOWELS JUMBO ROLL The k1trhen almanae s11ys \1•g1·t.tld1· h,df1Jl1\1·1.1nl1l l1:.td l winte r m onth5 Jre. .i good t1me!or ~ L•• :I, lv\ .·:, garl1t·, :.pl1! serving fish I :-t1 11•1·d IJ<.1:.soroth1·1 ''l!uh· The heat from baking or :.learn 11 :-.h ah•u1l :i 1-"1und-. l'h'i111t•d fron1 poal'h1ng hel p to war1n the l ll·rn on . th1nl) :.lit·l'd hhUSe<.1S\~tellassal1:-.fy hcarty ap l -.p1i!-!-. It.di.in pa1 .-.ll"V petites 1•i.11 -.t·I\ t·linp1)(•1 I And l.I •·••hull· fish , !SUl'h :.i~ lhi~ re ' ' 1·u p I 1·111• •II JUH 1· c1 pc, 1s <1 111ee cha ngl' of µ;,iee from :-..i IL ,11 id 11 t·:-.1 d.1 ;.; 1 011t ill !Jl' JI s poonable:-.te w and soup menu:. 1••·1 lo t.,:-.11· 'fhe llatJttou111e on tOl"tay 's c·ov-(."uni 11111•~ <•ii arul ga1·l1l' 111 l:JxD,, er page would n1ake a nice lustt· ~ 1nf·h h.1k1ng tll:-.h. l h_•;.il in :.J7 :i contras l . dL"gl't'l' oven 5 nunulc!'i, or unlLl g:irlic bt.'gi n::. to bro\111. lh :-.t·ard IS.\h'. l·:I) :-.'l'tt ll-'l·:I) lt \SS garlil' li 1ablt•!-i puu ns 011 /half Jlcadn1o.aybc l·u\offf1:,h,butfish l!'i Jtlll'tt•r if hulo.1·d \Y1th head on. ·r 111 n f1!-ih 111g<.1 rl1l'1Jll 111 baking Ut:-.ll lu ('ual \\+.:II ('u:-.h lemo n ... 111.·t·:-. .1 111\ 1i.~ r:-.lt•) 111lu c: ._. v 1ty. Ar- r arige f1:-ih 111 di!-ih . curving if ncecs:-.:11'' to a1·(·ommodate h·nglh fo'1s 0h 1nay ht.' placed on its ·,11!t · o r'' 1\ h t'<.1 \1\ \ dO\\'I\. :-.1·1·111kle \\llh ll·n1on juice, salt a nti Pl'PP{'1". Hak t· in 375 degree l>\"t·11 ·15 1n inutes. or until fish 1 lal-\1·~ ''"h1·11 tt·s t1.:d \vlth fork , bast - 111 g I\\ 1 l' L' \I i lh p:.t .n j llll'l'S. . ·r n st·1·vt·, hft fi sh o ff bone with, fork ;ind s poon. J\l ukcs ·1 lo6 serv- ing:.. ~~~~~-==-~==== FOSTER FARM CHICKEt-1-USDA CHOICE STEAK SALE FOSTER FARMS FRYING CHICKEN LEGS AND THIGHS FOSTER FARMS FRYING CHICKEN-BREAST USDA CHOICE I-BONE STEAKS USDA CHOICE PORTERHOUSE STEAKS c LB. c LB. s1~~ s1~~ "=._//--:;:...',:..ll-Js_;_A_ 0 _G_H_E_T_T_l __ 2 L_B.-_R_EG_. •_3• _7_5___,c . / IOP cSIRLO'liiLSIEAKS j, OUR OWN CURED LEAN $ 09 LB. s1~.' s1~~ GALLON JUG ~ CORNED BEEF BRISKET USDA CHOICE BONELESS SIRLOIN TIP STEAK NABISCO CHIPS AHOY 14•;,.... 75c 14 OL R~ 95• PECAN, SHORTBREAD 14 oa. Yous ... 20' COCOANUT, CHOCOLATE CHIP, .J"'! • ce ~ '"9~ \"' \\o(~c ._. PURINA CHOICE MORSELS ,•)' CA' FOOD 12 oz. R:;· BIG 38 OZ. IOTTLE REG. SI .89 JIM'S RANCH FRESH LARGE GRADE AA EGGS BETTY CROCKER 16•1,o .. ""<J- MASHED POTATO BUDS GIANT SIZE ~ DOZ. HORMEL MEAT WIENERS 79~B JIMMY DEANS 89~. PORK SAUSAGE " •• BAR M BULK BOLOGNA 98~B M. LAMOl-IT Flt-IE Wlt-IES 5th• BARBERA -ZINFANDEL EMERALD RIESLING BAR M BULK BACON BAR M LIVER SAUSAGE RAT HS 12 01.. pll q. MEAT or BEEF BOLOGNA WU VER CHICKEN TURNOVERS-ALL MU.T_..O VEGET AILES-I LB. PEPSODENT TOOTH BRUSHES s1~~ - 79~8 79~A CHICKEN OF THE SEA 49c CHUNK LIGHT TUNA 66:..~ CABERNET • SEMILLON CHENIN BLANC CRISP RED · DELICIOUS APPLES U.S. MO. I BAKING SIZE ;;;~TOES I 'LARGE FUERTE .AVOCADOS SWEET DESERT GRAPEFRUIT LB. CELLO BA.G FRESH .~;~ •• I , . GOLDEN RIPE I c c LB. c Store Hours: 9 to 9 Daily lncludin9 Sunday Price• Effective Thursday thru Wednesday Jan. 16 -Jan. 22 Pric:ff ~to .toe• -~ We Gladly Accept Food Stamps i ~ \BANANAS LB. COSTA MESA 19th and Placentia ~-~~------~------~---w~·-·~-~------~-~nACENTIA 710~C~~o Soup -in-bag s Sa vory Peas Please ()\'l'll Split !'1·,1 S41llp IS lht.· k111d 11f \\\Jliil'·l1lt:~d :-,()UJ) :-.tu rdy 1'n1i11gh fo r ;111~· IJusy \\·orking t';1tcr:-. .'\lorco\1·r. it 1-. right tn IU!ll' \\'1th l'Urr1·nt 11utr1t1on ist !>· r·L·t·omtllt·r11l a! 1tir1:-. f11 ti."<' n1cirt· lit';1n ..., :ind peas fur t'C'n nomH_·:1l rn1 ·:1\t1rn1· p r<1te1n net:rl :-; I IL'l"t ' :-.p!11 pl'~t~ ;1r1· tt·an1t•d \l 1th .t :i n1all ;1n1011nt o f h;.in1 \11 1nakc· ;1 fillin g Tnl'oil. put togL·lht·r in an o\ ~·n h;1k1ng U;_1g .ind s/o\"'I~ ('flrtk•·d fo1 · 1>1·;1k tir fl;ivnr and !itt!t· \l';tlch ing. l f CTl L'i tl 1-, dt·l•1 .\1·1J. !ht' \\hoh· ;1-.:-.e mbl.\ of li~q .. ; ;111d con l1·nts s t ay ~;;1f<'I ." 1n lhl'<1\t·n ,,·1th ht.'al ln\tt•rt·d t)I' off .l\dd :1 fr·uit t'<1l1hlt•r ln t't111k dur1ni.; l ht• 1:1:-.I part of U\l'll 11"\' tl111s r11:1k1ng ful] u..,t· !JI 11\1,·n Jurl l ~ullt 'I :-.pl1t 1-'.nglish 111uff1n:-. 111· 1 t11l"h. s!J{'t'S i)f J·'r•t·ni·h );r1•;11! tu '1t':1t :tnd .... cr\'l' \\ ,1rn1 ;1l11ng \\ 1\ h \ht· :-.(111p t )\'I·::\' Sl'l.J'I' t•J·::\ ·""l)l f' :_i 1 1 i'U />-.. 1Ip1111nd 1 drH·d ;.!l'L't'll "l.tll pi··'" 1 1 . l '!I]!~ I I ! I pt11111d:-. \ d1t·1·ct h.1111 \ ('Llp :0,\1 l't•d I 'd! Ii 1! ._ ! c·up :--.ll\'1·d 1 t'~t·1'\ : l 'llJ1 dH t ·d 11fll!IO \ ll:~•S)>oun :-,;!11 · t t•.t:--iJHion r11,1r111r a111 • l{•,1 :--,p111111 Ill\ Ille 1 l(•;i..,pnnn JH 'Pl't'l :1 qu:1rt:-. ('11ld ,,;itt·1 l 'rt•h(·.1! n\ l'll 1<1 :1~.'"1 dt'grc'l'" f·· l'l.u·t· t.1n11l.' ..,,,,. t 1-1 ll. :~o IOl'h) (1\'t•n b:.i.k1ng h;1 g 111 t\\n 1n<·h d1·,·p rn<1:-.t1ng µ:1n ;\cl d i n g 1·l'd1t111 s tn ordL·r g1\ en ('!11-,1· h.t g \\t1h l\\1:-.t lll'. n 1:11-\1· -.1\ 1Ld1 111ch -.111 ... 111 top 11/ ti.ii~ llt ·;11 l H' ( 'n1 rh ft 1r :.! hnur.., .\1 :th t.':-, X ( lJ\'" In Price Jam? Ba k e Biscuits J~,Ji \1(11 \H\ (.fl I 41U l ll)(I J\l ~I'"' C"'"''·"' ~< '""'-" "'"'""" ~~• '" r \\ l1"r\ 1•1 • 11.111·.! l.i,, 1111 1111 11••1)1 Ill' 111 :--1 .! !i"' .Ll 1")1 )101 >I 11.1ri..l·1 1 i.. 111·1, 11, . .i r 11 ·•" d111· 1111 ·1•11\•' C1i .1ll1't'~ 1n 1111· I I \1• I dt'f'l do"l t " • \lil<>t1' 1111· 111-.11'1 I("~ '" 11 .. 111· ,!lld h ,1h111 ·• •1111 d1·r ;111d (',lfll• Ill• II 11 IJ ~'1 11\o ' l!l .d If.\ 111 ;.! I ''"till" I 11.1\1· :1!.,o l1 •.11111d l<i 111 .1h,· 111,1\llllll,ll"t' :111d IOJ,'1111 :111d "Ill' • 1· ... ~1u ll 1 l<• l1l'1·tl' ,.;.:,..pl.int 111 •1' .,,11d 1• \'<Hlid11 I ht• droll!'. '!'ht• ;111l0 llll! 11\ ITlllJ\\'I 1 '>.ii\' /fl ,111 ' kit1·ll\•1J \Iii! l\pf "'\'llfl 11\I' ·li1ldrC'n to 1·1111<·!'<' l11!l 1•11·11 ·Ill.ii I (•1 ·1111011111·~· !tl!)ll!ll Ill\ \\'h,.n h1 sc·u11 1111\ 11 .1 .. :-I .1 l1H\ H' .10 i·1·nt .. a puu11d. ll11ur 11:1" 11,1 · 1·1•n1,-., IH1,11u" .1 :-1,,r'P hr,111d 11 :1 It'll p1111nd ,,1,·h I h.1\1' '>111\'t' 1•.1rn11d I h:tl :.!'.1 p1ll111d ... u·h.-.; HI ·111111· ;1r1• lu111·r 111 p111·1· .11!1 1 !h1· 111r:1(·\111·!11•.1111·r111·d1·l•1\h ... u·h ·:1 11 ht• r1· u'svd I nr :-.1·11 1111!. ll i.-.;1·1111 ~ h~I' :1 f;11nd~ o! 1·1gli1 "'<i\111'•'. 1n ;1dd1l1n11 lu lh1• 11 .. ur . 1hnlll ,I llll'ht•J'S \\111'\ll Of l:tt'd , ,j ~iri(•h 11r . .;o n/' s:1l!. r11ilk, :ind ;1 1:11lh·spnu11 or d11ublt· ;1t·t 111J.: 1!;1\.: lllj.! \)O\\dl'I'. /l;1k1n,L! po\1d1~r co~I:-: ;1hou t l.\lO ·1•11 1s :1n 1111t u't'. o r ll'SS th;ci n ;1 l•l·nny J11r 1he :1111111111! 11sf'cl in ;1 11;1\C'h or h i:.r·oils. l\1 :-;c u il doug h 1 ~ \ht' ha .. 1:-; for !n:t!l \' d II ll·r1·nl l'L't'1pt·s. ()1l1' of our fa\·01'1ll'" l:. nnulc l1y r111l l 1n.1! l h1· ln~t·u1\ dnu~ll 11110 a tquarr h .1k111i~ p:•n \\1l h ;c;1rtt~. dlHI h t•fcll'l' IJakLtl).!. l'U\'t •r 111g \\..llh z c·up:-; of \\ 1111!· ... a1 1t·I.! tt1111 h i11ctl l\llh l 1·up gl'.1t1·d 1·ht'l'.,t' lt!:-,\'llll :-1·:111 .d ... n ht· hlikl'ci 1111 lnp n! -.1"1' \\'ith 1·x1r.1 shnrli·n oil).'. :ind :-,11Jllt' ... 11,.:.1r, ~ho1·\('llkt'. \l v l 11 ~i·111! 11·1·q 11• n1 ;1 kt·:-:thn11 1 k to ·Hi l11 :-1·1 11l ., dl'111•n.d 111g nn .,111• [\ 1\ ft K 1\ f(,\ 'S ISIS('l I ITS 2 l'll p:-.dl-pu1 µ<t:->l' flo ur I tahl e:-1'uo11 d o ubll' ;i{·\ uui bnk Ill:' 1'1111 d, I \ 11'.1".jt!llUI .i'I 't.1hl1•..,1•" •11., l.!I .I ! Iii' 11111 h ~Ill !!<101 !), lt1lt ltl,.,1..,tl! Ill;' .11ld li.1hltl).: \'1'l\d1 ·1 ,11\d .... i11 ,1111\ -.111 .n·.1111 \\'111\ ;1 l11rh , 11"1 h 1n:.: t.1hJ1·~p<!"ll' ul l.ord 'f'li1•t1 Ill I' Ill 111iJk '1'11111 1111 · d<01a:h n111 011111 ;1 !lo11rt•1I hn:1nl. ;u1d pr<' .. ., fl:t! .111d ;ih,qll lh1 t'l' quarlt'I'" ul .1n 111t'h llnc•k \ll\h l111111t·d h.111<1 ... c.·1i1 1111" l·1r(·j, . .., 11Hh a lt1 ... 1·11I! 1·111 11 ·1 ()I' J,:l.1-.-.; l 'l:1('t' 111\ .! j.!1'1•:1 ... 1·d l'CUl\.:ll' .. tll'Vl l'r11k 1•;u ·h 1>1 ... 1·1111 \\1111 lhl' \I l\1 ·:-.,f ;1 101 \.. H.il,1· 111 <1\1·n ht·.it vd 1 .. 1.·,o dt•1.,11·1•.., I·' l"r I:! 111L"i1111tH1!1 •" \1 \ \t·1JH>I\ 1,1111 d111 '"1l0 1 \.1-.\ \"ll ,i..: l'llll(q~I\ 1P 1n;1h1• 11 \\(llffl\\11111' (H 1011\h\'I' \111!1 1,ll',, Ill OUI 1\1111.,l'hoild \\ t' t1:-1' ll a-. .1 ... pr1•;1 d 011 111.1-.1 and hl:-l'llll:-, ,i-.; ,L .,,1l H't' (111' I('<' t'l't'.!lll !t11d t·;1\..t'. 1"•;p1•1 ·1;d]\ \\h1'1l \\',JI Lllt'd, :nld ,1 .., .1 11111111! lur .. 111.dl 1:111 .... nr \\ dh \\ ;1ftlo ·-. .111d p,ltll':tkt· ... 1.1·:;\J!):'\ .l.\.'1 1 l'll!' h·rnn11.1u11··· :1 1•gg:- :1 r1q1 ... :-11).!';11· 1 1 po1ind hutt1~r (.'n nl111 111· 1n~rcdu·n\:-; 111 a l<ll'J.:t' :-.llH'l'l';l l\, <!lid ('<l(Jh 0\'t'l' ;1 l1ll'd1trn1 !L11!11' 1111!d l1v1· or lt~n lllHlLl1t• ... dlt'I 1ht• n1i,1lll'l' h,1<; 4 Otllt' !<1 :1 llnd . :'!1!'1'111~ ).!l!llll~. IHt( l'llll:-1;111\[y \\Llh ;1 111H•cl1·n -.punn ·r111-. ,.., :1 i..:nod1)1·1·11p:111on ff'r l'htldrt'!l \11111 nn1h1ni..: h1·!l1•r tu d11 \\'!11·11 Ll I' 1·ooh1·c\, 11 1n :1\' 1•11 llt·r h1· ... 1.,dcd 111 "11'1'111' 1ar-. nr h~·p1 r'n\·1·1·1·d Ill !hf' 11'11 ll't'l',11111 , \\l\11·h 1 ... \\ll,11 \\\' I h I 'l'hl' 11 ·< 1pl' rn ;1I...._·:-. ahout !hr~·\' rup ... ..... • I " I i. I 1 • 1 • I' , " ' W E O NLY HAVE TWO S AL ES A YEAR . DON 'T MI SS THI S O N E' Wh en we have a sa le it's only for one reason. to cle<1r away stock t o make room fo r new All sL!le merc h and i se is from o u r regu lar stock never a special purchase1 So be here early the doors open at 9 30 Hom~ & Gift Shop Sport Deck - 3433 Via Lido • Newport Beach • 67 3-6360 ' ,, I'' I d.1•. . ' :•i' II 1n j '110 'I! '' I 1:· ' ,. I ' ., d ' ' .. ' ' " ! ' "' 11: .j •I '" A1..::hdfd ·, mt 1' J• ri.1•lrn1··1t lec1tures onl" n,nnn .. ,,. J li't.0 JI" 101 catllC' All ot 01ir tlPnl 1. orooerly uqnd :.:ind .,11,.-. .-..11 f1ir 11 tine m arblrnq t, 1n .111~· tene1erne s:~ nnd ll<1v ,, Al 111q with be1nq pxn1•rtl1 ;r11r1111r•d tn clrmina!e WLJ'>!<' PIPase clo n11t 11.~, :,ti• ", .1 ., I 11 oer..,onJ! sf'rv1cc 1vl111, • .,n. 1rip1•1•1 d1 R1cha1d the q..i.11.~, .,.111 ana serv1cf' rnar\lr·t .... ' ' •" ". . " •• fAiiiliil I~ ,. I.< 'r • ' L ' ":lp I ' 1.:c~• " "d " " ' ,il I• I~ •• I (•.1 ' I n• ·I· !II I .. \)[~[)fl'{ Jf,IJ l•lth 111\11>\0ll VII •\I rr,.,o Mii!' r.ri 1 ..iu11 NIWl'(~RT l!fj\{>4 01>•" 'l II 0 ·•IV """" I b4~ ~""" 1 +flo J~ll Vl j\ 1 lflO N~\'Jl'llll I flt "CH 01•~.,<1 I Q,,,I~ ·f '1 ,,11;-> ······················1·····················-····.··········~~~---.. l •"i'""'i""'l lhtul"""''' •, ''"'''"""'"111,,,,1, ,,''\'r • ( •l"'•l'"'·l 1ll'HJ.•>"'"/,)I/• I I ONE COUPON f'Fl1 /\0Ul.1 ( ll'iTOr\11 n I nNr COUPON f>[ll f\Dlll I Cl/<;T(lMlll I UN[ COUPON l'fR ADULT CUSTOMfA I : ONE CAN ' : ONE PACKAGE 1 : CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP : ONE LARGE :PILLSBURY BUTTERMILK BISCUITS: I 10l~ OZ. : FUERTE AVOCADO I 7"1 oz. : : I Oc : I 9 c : 5c : I I \ I DP. I I \'\111h lh" {nlJO(l<l I \V"h lh" !.0>11~"l 0 p I \'Voth lh" ,.,.,., ..... , I I ,. D p I ' ' ' I ' ' J\ I I •l·•· I'' ~'I I • . I ' I f '' ' (I I ,,,,.(,.(,,,1•l·"!"·"·1•I' • ' ••••••••• ····-·················--·····················-············ <( I • - - -· ' ' l .. (;6 O~IL Y f'ILU! 1\11.:<J"• ~J,_,y Jud""'' 111 !J Supplementa l Food: Whom Does It Benefit? IS) Jl~i\:"o.:\I·: l.t '.S l·'..'\J j•1t·t1:->Ul'\l\:t l Ii• ,l)t!i "l'! I I~ i .., ('\f'~\\" )'(JJ(h: l l '['Jf (',111 \Oil \,\'](..' l'CO!l'h l's \\\.HIH'll 1111.1111 .., .11 1d 1•1\Jld1 l'I\ HI '•;,:l ,.i. 1 11 d .ti• 111 ..,t.1111 , .• 1 1<1' ,.J 1!.1111 d~ IJ1,·r-. 111ilh 1· ~.., arid \ fi,., . ..,,. 1' hil1 11111! lflHll li d\"• di 1111'1 t!lf.1flt l~\p,11 \,11\l f1t1ill11'1 " :.111 1111•11\,dt·d In ""''h 1i11·11.il.1I 1·.11• ttl\H·h t'd l 111•1 \\ h "tl !ht•\ ho •,1t tho•\ !",Ill 1.'t'l \',\l ,1 lll•~t .... I\ t;,1h11tl ~11thl1._• \ht 1•11 1d1!1I li>I 111ui..:1 .11 11 d1 •1 1'l111•r•t•·11I .ii llio ,,1t1un ,d I 111111d.i\t1ir1 \I"' II .. 1 I 11 111<'" l'd~h g1 .rrl1 .., 11l :1 l l'\\ 1•l ;rc1·~ tu h\•lp p:.i1 I\ .t)-:1 '"> lu1 hi.,ilt h d1•p.il t Jr\1·1Ll IHl!IJ\H1Jr\•.t -. :u1d hl•.d\11 ,11dt• .. t'h!ldr1•11 nt•t•d -.lio1•-. tht· 11 1olht.•r II ti] L!I'\ Ill! I h \\ Lt h I h l· SI :1 lllJ!"> <J lld 11 ... t• lhl.' rndl-. fllllllt\\ r(lr ~ho1·~. hl' ..,,, I rl rt'L'd Olh' 11\l'llllJt•r 111 ;i !t1\1 1fl1·11lt11• f;unily..,, 1lh1111i'l •·1·1hn:..: Tli1·1n .111 · ,<\nd tHJ\I t·.1n ,\ nll In· ... 11rt· lh•· 101.)(I (11"11\ lth•d Ill ,1 "11Jlpl1'1111·11 tary ft•l·rl 111 g p r .. gr ,0111 1:-. 11 ..,1·11 foi 1'.'l:l1·:1 11uu t'i~hrn1•11! .111d 110! .i-. .111 llll'Ullll' s11pp l1·1n1·nl' "t 1li1• I 11l11·dSt,.t1· 'l'h1·1 1 ;111g1• frur11tlu·11,11 1111 "! \11">-.l">"ll'l'I ,111d t/!1· I 'hH """It.t i 1111.., of 'I\·:-. .1 ~ t tt t lr1· 1·11! 11·1· -.1 .ii•· 1d \ 0•1·111 .. 111 .u1d .111 ,1! 1-.1 "' \I 1n r11•:1pol1-. tl1:1I 111111111,, 111" l '111 \ 1 ·rsll _1 of :\I 111111. ~, •t.1 ( ·.11111111· l•<ll!Hd.1 11 .. J1 l•>i\l l t•d <"•'1<·,tl 1111• •" .orid ull1+·1 11111!1 -. ,lllfl J•,+1 l1i 1p,111 !.., Pl1 \.. 11p ••1111' 11111<1 1111 ·11• .,j\ , . ., .11 ,1 lt11 .ii l !i1ldr1 II !'> ,,In li1111 i' th .. 11 11ut "11 .. 11!1 ·1 .ill tht· \\n1111 ·n 1·.111 fit• t•dlh ,J11·d «lid OlHll\ ,dt•d IH ll">t ' 1111 • ,.,l ! .1 !"ud ·' lid• ti d• d I o\IH •\111·1 •(\!<' 1 IU!I :'-I 1,· I,\" ,1 n II 1l1 ,ll'l<>ldl!l).! '" 111111 .11'il '\ ··Hui th1· ,, .d b41">11.: 1S~ut• I!:> I h t-. 1.·,111 I (HJ t(•t•d lll\1' ll\l'li1bt:r of " t.1111111 1\ tlh1111t l ct·d1ng !ht• 11!1111!· !.1n1il\ IJ•· ... ;1id .\ f1.•d1·1·;iJl1 !11nd1·d 1•dt1I 111" j.!!":1n1 t•;d lt•d \rl (' .... 1 r I HI),! tu ! I IL• I lht• :.JO S\\l!l"S !11 lh1• ... p and ulht•I qut•s t iuns ;1lf1•1·11 11 :• p1•·~·11.111! y,01111 •11 . n11rsir1g n1 .. 1h1·1-. 1111.111! :ind c·l1rl clr1.·11 up t" tilt· :1J,.:•· Pl t11111 11 hos£' 1 n :1dt"q t1.1 t l' 1I11 •!.., 1 '!lf!.111 g 1·1 !heir 11 ,,,tl l h :•ru\11h .111d 1olt•·n I 11 ..,urol' .1r1·.1-. p,.i 1111p;u11 -. 1 • '<"l\' C'OL1po11.-. r ··d1 ·1·111 • .t1l1· !HI "IJl'l'll11· l oPd S , :ind Ill Plh1•1 ' "l•llH' f1111d i-. dc11\l"f"t•d ~<1 111" 1or1·h.1'(l 11p 11.1 1•l".!d 1l1· f.11111111·-.. \ ll'\\ p.11111 ·1p.111ng '"''11n111", 111•1" (111 •'! T I 1 H•d d 1"1rd1ul1u11 pr 11:• 1 .1111 (1 •1\11111· 111 Ila• ptH"..:•,<111 I" .1·k.-d 1•' 11·1•111t l •·~1 il.11I~ .d ,, ('lt!IH I•·! 111·.il !h I li•'t'ldll'" 'I II•· 1'1 "J!t .1111 :-. u-.+·ltdn1·,.., .111d 1•111 •1 !11 !'Ill'"" \\ 111 lu· l'I ;du.1t•··I h1 1111' 1111111111111 d1 •p,11trn1 •r1I .d 1111· t 111\t·rsit\' (If "\or1h (':11'01111 11 :-;, l1•utl ol l'1rld1l' ll1·;1]1h Ill l'J/,'j chdd11•11 tu1 1 hl·1·I-. Ill>" 1·.1rl1t·r ,,nit 1r1"' t' .. 11 t•11 St 11 ·hl1• adrlo·d .J.11 ·.,t,..,1 111 prnl""" 111· "' 1·1!11111111111 (1 llll'<ill j!\<' ,ii litl("t'I"> .\Jt·d1t,d :'-<"huul '\«11 /ir 1111 ... '.111 h '.I · 'l'h,· 11 ~•i..:t· e;irn .. r no1·n1;1ll \' tr.i s lllt· l1r"t 1·rt11·I; :11 th1· f(lti<I.'" 11<· :1 dd 1·d J·:'\p1·rl'IHl 'l ' h as -./in\\ 11 1 hat 1111n1t·ri 111ulht:'l's ,11111 g irl 1·hdd1 1•11 1•,11 l :1sl, ;.iftL'r !111· !.dta·1 , .111 d 1>111 1·1illdrt·n. Food D ay Nutrit ion 'n Focus l <;o;il:-. f11r 1~17."i h:1\t' JIUCL'n ~lltHJUl!l'l'd l;v tlrt· 'Ccntl·r fnr S(·11 •11t'l' in \111 • f> 11 b I i (' I n t I' r {• :-. I • \V a s hini..:ton 11 { · . ;n· cording to !h1· dirl·t•lur-.. l)1·s. Alht·rl t•r1t sl'h. l\1ic h aC'I .l ~it·o bsu n ;ind J ;1n1es Sull11 ·'" l•'irst 1s tu org:1111z1: :111 d coo rdin:tll' Fond [)~1.Y. April 17 . ;1 "n;1l io11 ~i1 Lcac:h -in on !ht• fuod cris is a nd nut rition." ·rhis 1\il l . tht• d 1 rt·t·lo1·~ s:lid. "foc u ::. tJll I ht• r't' a son b ehind :-.o:rring foo1.I prices. th e r t·Ld ionslu ps lict~·een junk foods :ind hca llh proble n1s. ;ind thl· "·orld foo<I cris is ." 1'hl' second g1.1:1I is le) <"ontinuc to l'Ot1rd1n :~le ihc e ffort b,v publit· 111 lc r est g rou p~ tu n1nn1tur 1 lhl' f''l•d t•ra l ~:rH.:rg_\" ,\d 1 n1i11istr:1tion and lo dt:-J m:.ind e ffeelivl' c·iti1.en in\"olv<·mt:>n l in s h ;q;in g ;1 i n:1tion a l c ncr:.:.v pol ic:- 1'he thir·d is to oppost• t he pro lif<'r <r ti on of nuclear PO"'t.•r p l;1nls 0 11 ''h o th tt•l·hn ic:1I and n1o r<il ~rounds. ''1'h c r;1d io;1c li ve v.·astc they p rudut't' l'"ill jcopardizt.• lift• on l.'ar1h for thous;.i n rl s or yc;1rs. -- ·rhc:' fo urth oliJt•f'tl\'t • is t o i n forn1 th e publit• ~tbout the ht·st ,,·ay:-. I){ feeding bahies . "Curr<·nll\' 11111:-.t 1n forn1:.ition t:n1111·s fr1.1n1 forn1ul:i :ind liah.\ fr11.wl rnan uf act11r<·r :-, 1\1th go\'t•rnn11·n t ;n.!e11t·1t'" :sit t 111g on 1ht· ~1 cl1 ·lt111·s,'" I h l' di rt•Ct! 11·~ . ..;;1 1 t I '!'he fi n;d go:d ls lu l'IL· l'OUrage Pt'tlplt· l o help cope \\ ith I ht• l'nt·r g;. c r u nch b;. s 1•1·k ing a lte rnati\"l'S Ill 1•11t·rgy- consun1 in g ;1<'1 1\ 1l1t•s "'h it h <lr :11 11 1111r ir· r(•placeah!c na t u1-.rl rc- sources.'' The ccnl1_•r opt•r:ll t·s on .'.J Sl::>0-111·1 · •LI.I l1Ud;.!t•I \\_h1<·h p.1 1-, ~.11;111._•,, r ang i n g to ss;,o pt•r month f ur· f11ll·tin11· 't-"Orkers ll is Olli.' t1! -·:1 lll111JIJl'!' •. of j.!rOUl-JS Ill \\":1. ... h111g1 .. n trying t o prj·:-.1·111 th1• priv:ilt• {'llizt·n·-. pn1111 or vir1\· Its ac1·or11ph!'>hn1t·nt ~ 1n 1974 int·l11d1·d "t1~r·1·111·~ lhc gO\l'l"lltlH'lil (11 1:d;,• :i n in-d l'pth IH11I. .d lhc· Sdfety o f ;ll'l'll"PI ("!!I! t a 1 n t' r s :1 n ti t h 1 · C'h t·n1ie;d~ lh1·_1 dl ... pj ·f ..,\' to 1n1·l uch· pc1\1•r1:-· :ind l'O ll S Un"lcr l"t'Pl'l'Sl'll t :1tivt>S un l't1 rnn1rll 1•1• . .., t.h :tl Sl't fu ~·l pr1e ·t·~ and po licil's and t 11 rcqui1·t· be tter labt•ling o f food a nd b t•vcr:1 ).!1•s, .. l hl' sl aff s;1 id. T he l'Clllt't' also li;1s tcs tiried :it 1110/'t.' t h:1 n a dozl'n C on !!rt·..,s1o n al heari ngs, publi s hed 11 rrport s. a pos t 1:r , '"'o n C'"·sJ(•tt c r s a nd Olll' boo k . ···rh 1.• <.'on 1r:1s un1er s Blessing Masked i\I·:\\" 'i'fl HI\ 1.\1'\ J)rink lllH'1.· 1111! 1:1\" 'rh at ·~ 1ht· :1 d\·1<·t· •>f nulr i1 111 ni .1 ltr \!:1\ \Va r n1hr:111d 11ltu .... 1\:s th:.it Ill\· 11111 \(· h~ 111llt·1· produt·tnj.; 11.111011-. it• rai ~e l h 1· 11114·1· 1'1 111 .. lx·a n could hl· a hlt•-.-. ing in dis~u1s1• lo .di ,\n1t.•ric <.1n s \\ho dr111h. •'I\ t 1r1·I\ loo 11 11n 'h1·ullt•1' \\'i1rn1hr.11111I :-.ud c1it' fel· guzz lers :-hn11ld 1'1· !iOI \ 1• tlurln i.: Hr•~, lo ).!I\ t' up tht• t 1·u1t1tlu11 .d l·1•tf1•t• hr ,. :1 k r o r n 111 u r ... n o u r 1 s h i 11 S! :1 n d t>toncfil·i" I juice brl•:-ik lnl19tlon beatlnq 111111··· Every day "' tll• l•TillmJDJ ( 'I I 11• 11 •I I lit I .d loll p1 01 1d1•" 1 ul 1.H J \•·•·r 111.uq1t1111•t ,d 'l!llll" t l!11 1c~ Ill !IH' \\ 11 ' pr .. gr;1111 1•:11d1·1t1 1· "Il l-'.).'.< -.1.., th.ii 1 .. ud 1qqd1 rlll'll\.., 1111 \ l I 1 1'tu11 p1 •oplv t1 .. 11 t 1·h:in~1.· 11h:n !Ill" 1'.11 . hut ·11 \011 1•111· 111'1 c·1u1u g h fc>Oll 1•11 I Ii•· 1111•<.'tl.rtll 11 "111;111 ur nur:-.· 1!1 • 11H1l l 11·1· 11011 1l•i IOU kll/JI\' ..,Jr,· "l!ld-••111 1, ... 11.t11·1 1"'' In l'u ·r1·1· {'1111111 .1 \\,t-.h l11r "J 111· jll "11 '1"1 ,d! 1•.td\ ·11'1'1';11 . \!1 11.1\ ,, 1111'1 t ·' , d .i, 111.1nd 1111 It ,il -.11 t11dd -. IJ'.tltllllJ.: 111-.t1l\ltt·1 !111 l•lllll' ... 1+111:.1 1 .... 111il p:11 ;1p111!1•·,-..11111.d ~. <11111 11,1' r11;1d. 1111'\ li('t' 1111111 1·1 11•!' •11!11•1 l li llll'" ..,,I Id .) .1 l'!il!'>! Ill 11 \ 1<11:·11 ,. 1111 lh -.l.111111~ .111tl \hl' ----Ralphs has a super s eledion of frozen foods at low eweryday prices. I·"' , , Hll, 1 I l<'lll'1· .1 11d , 111 i , '1111111• 11 ,, I pi 11 ·1-. pl.in ,, 1111•,d .1 \lt•t •h. tr1.•1tl ILdpli .. ~11111 ! ~•·li ·• lh1H ul 11.,,1 ·11 l11••d, 1-'"t l ,,111qil•· -t'l"I•' ,1 rl1 ·!lt"lt!lL., il1IHll I !Ito l11d1tlf,! I L1 11 qu~·t l·'1•i1 ·d ( 'li i1·l,vn :! lb .... 101· !">~.ll~t l ~i 1·d ... 1·y1· .\Ii :-.1·~ I \'1·g1·l:1ht1 •.., 10111.1'01· ,' I. Meat M aster M e ats Beef Loin -Tail Removed T-Bone Steaks '"1.78 Any S ile Pk9. Ground Beef ".67 ""-.I'_,,,, Pi•ol,•111 (_.,,,,/I lLlt.llo Super Burger 0ce! Round -Boneles~ Beef Tip Roasts Lr.in Bile Sile Stewing Beef lc;in -Quick to F1• Beef Cube Steaks Berl P latr~ Le.in English Ribs Bcc1 Lo•n -Bon('f~ss Top Sirloin Steaks Medium Sitt: Pork Spareribs '" .57 '" 1.38 1.39 '" '" 1.49 '" .99 '" 1.98 Pork Loin 213 Ccnlc• Cut 113 End c .. 1 '" .89 1.28 Mixed Pork Chops Por~ Should t:• Butt Cut -OonCll'~,. Pork Roasts Hound O• S1rlo1n Thon Cul Vea l Cutlets \lb Rol!-M 1ldFl<lvOr Armour Sausage '" '" 1.09 '" 2.49 '"""79 fi1c:~ory SrnokCd ~ 1 lb Pao::krigl" Slir r•d Harvest Bacon , ... ,, • 99 il•l:>on -W ho••' O• H.olt W;il~" Ad(h ,, Boneless Hams "' 1.48 '•PP" Cornefl Doer• lb 1 19 Bi:•'' " !'·"'"' "' .69 Burritos Chc<::kPrborird -20 ot Cornish Game Hens Ralphs -Frozen Orange Juice 12 Ol ''" '"" .99 Health CJ B eauty 1>,.,,,,,s,,• 8 Hou• -L•Qu•d Cough Formula J•"ci•·n, E•!•.1 O•v Skin Lotion Ca•vl R1ckarih -Cond•ho'"" pr Balsam Shampoo Anu.1 IJelv;, -Blue After Shave Lotion Cl,.orol No1mri1 O• O•lv Herbal Shampoo Nvciu1I L1q.,1t:1 Cold Medicine '"' 88 bo!!I~ • 1101 88 no111c • lt>Ol 88 bntu.-• tl~l~I~• 1.11 1601 1 77 ""'' . l>~l~I~ 1.28 Ca lifornia Grown -Cut Up lb .. 39 Stewing """'' Chic kens ,b Fresh wnolt• Fryer s C;illlor111.1 Grown Lego• On·.•~i Quartered Fryers V'o"n~ Ml.',1ly-w 1Pclv•( OonP Turkey Thighs .29 '".42 '" .49 '" .69 Fisherman's Cove r '""'' lo"'! I .: .. nll ' t" 7 u: Littleneck Clams H••f! 0r:(''1r\ C.t1u1hl C.,nlf'r C ul Salrnon Steaks 10 •0 • 1.00 '" 1.69 Breaded Sole Fillets '" .99 '" 1.99 5,,1 .• 1t S1~1r Cool".ed Shrimp '1!§~7Y .. : .. "., f~-~· -o,'"".°·~~~~w ·>{· l'.....{ 1\1.'---1 -'~ig -J ~-' - S u per Spirits Pink Cl1.1bhs -Rose l3u1Qune1v Cl1.1flli"> Old Monterey Wines lm1)Q<11•0 l'rom Sp ... n Yago Santgria 0 "'""·1'-IC'ler R1esli"q German Wine Imported Tequila Frozen Food B"l.IM'V!'.' (.r.•(lf' A Chopped Broccoli ll'>llnw.1v He1usc -s.1h~llu•v s1.,,1• 1•• Stuffed Peppers r,.,.n c.,,,. .. ,.,, o• 1 ... i.rr Swanson's Entrees Gulden F11c~ or Crin~le Cul~ Ore Ida Potatoes 6:inq.,,.1 A~~Orl ed """"'''"" Man Pleaser Dinners 0.1n<111"1 Heal,!. E:.at Fried Chicken 10 Ol "' 14 g~ ,., . " "' l 11> p~g. ,., .30 .79 .57 .72 .99 "" 2 09 p~g • r - - -,gff!>' - - -, r-- -·~"' - - -, I S.ive ''. 0'1 Ta o ""'''" co .. pon •·811 I I Wnh co .. pon •4J0-860"" I Co lg;itc lnsl:tnl -RegLJl:t• or L•mf! Beo1 or M e1tl I Shave 39 I I Armour 69 I I Cream ",'.:" • I I Bologna ·~:; • I I l •m•t One It""' ,.n,t Onf' Coupon Pe• Custon1r1 I I l1m11 One llem lHHI One Coupon Pl'• Cusiom"' I Coupon Elltl'etlvt Janu~•¥ 16 1111u Jionua<~ ii Coupon fJleCl••e J11nu~•¥ 1f. tl"u Janu1Hy '' .-, L t .OUPON .I L t.1-iu P O N .I -------------------- ' r~~ I ,, ' • .., • ... \ ·1.:;.· . • I\"< / --s~\1 ' ,1,.;.;.., .I:''.. c /"\;.. \ .,. .. ! _,.!_,.,. • -': ,m,J Super Bakery f h ···-l d,t I ;11ld1 •.1 F t11·-. .\l 111·t n11 ( '11 1·1111111 l'i•· :! Jh .,.. fol' -.. '' -~I 0 1. .I!' 'l'nl :d ~:1.,...;H p •·r -.•·1·1 in g 1'111· ftotll' Hi ' 11' l1.1l1•h Ii 1 1l1v ,,11p1 't ~1'1««111111 ;111d 1l11 ·:-t1pt.·r 1•111 pi,,, 1ii.11 Iii Ip 111.1k•' .11111r 11 .. ·.11 pl.11,ning .... \lfl"I Sup er Prod uce [•Ir,, F ,1ncy \\'., <,h1nq!on Golden Delicious Apples .19 P1tkot1r.,,C •up Coffee Cake s '''''"'" 49 lld~~·"/l!', • Orlando Tangelos Corn on the Cob , ... , h Mold $Wt't•I WIHle or Whe.1! -S,1n1Jw" '' <ir ~111i1 Terp Ra lphs Bread ''" °' '"" .53 Brown Onions Pt.'I lb f 1c~h C" •P l'~'-o 59 "' ., . A.1lphs -1!.1.nb,uqcr O• Hot Dog Buns Celery I .1ncy f<!• PufllO .1 9 .15 .10 .19 .29 ', 1.2 9 nillph5 '1011" n1,,tJ1.: '''""t"· ~ Apple Pies S11per Deli Whipping Cr eam Rr1lplls .i• 1.i Sliced Ham Butterrn•I~ 01 Coun1ty S1y" Pillsbury Biscuits Cr.icl<f!r Bar,.,1 -[wtr.i Sh,oql Cheddar Sticks q oquelort Ra lphs Dressing Kr.111 P ... ~,,~ Liquid Margarine Cr:ickl'r B.tr•('I Stic k ~ Mellow Cheddar Kr,ot! S•nGll· Sileo• Cheese Food I( r.11! -Onn•n.·I Cheez Whiz Trtol'~W<'('I P11r" Orange Juice .33 , 1.39 "' .15 '"" 1.15 '""· 1.19 I 11 Pi .77 .98 "" 3. 79 ", .69 .39 Pant1·y Fillers f11te-ll-Ron• ll<"I '" l.l>·r-i.rn Rice Mixes 11 "' 39 , .. ., . Tamales 1 '" 39 '''" . ."Jo~ 76 "" . Easy On A f'•o~nl < "' Spray Starch 1 '"" 110 ·"'"" . 12 OunCtl' C11n5 Diet Rite Cola 1111 2 79 . "" . R"lpl>~-1\11 Pu1po~c o• tl~l Pl'•• Ground Coffee Muacle White No P1>uu1I!·"' Detergent ""' 1 15 pl<q • l ~ ' D'Anjou Pears C.Crocus Pla nts f, f>o l Ql'rQra!1Vt' Muni Plants r. Pol -~.inq•no Boston Ferns PC• II) .87 ... uh 2.87 3.87 Supe r Hou sehold Values Tip Toe , '"" '° Pan ty Hose '"'~48 Gr•Ders -PuU-On Vinyl Baby Pants lahn~ons Wa• Af'ro.,ol Can Klean 'n Shine A "~O r1ed Colnri.-;~ <90 Sotr p•9 ot J 15 01 St. Marys Blankets "II Ch 1.19 1.27 4.99 gallon Pantr y Fillers N,illl!y ~ Rtg Cl! fiOI W>lh Dt'""' Chili Con Carne 1~01 49 "" . '" 59 10•1 • Gl .. tl w•afl l~•Ql!S•lf' Plastic Wrap 120• 89 hotll•• • J<>y '10 011 P11tO. Liquid Detergent 1.02 C.,~~~tl<' -;>()OU P.,r.• Dishwasher Detergent W>~hbone -Och"r Fr~nch or Italian Dressing " 0 ' 91 oou1.-• 16 Our>ce -Oepo•'I Bot11r ' Pepsi Cola '" CIUl0'1 1.19 The Su11.er market ' RALPHS STORES .ARE lOCATED AT: 380 f-17t h ST., COSTA MFSA 17261 17th ST., TUSTIN 990 1 ADAMS BLVD . HUNTINGTO N BEACH 15471 S. BROOKHURST. WESTMINSTER 24 167 PASEO or VALENCIA, lAGUNA H1llS 401 N lOARA, ANAHEIM 69d2 WARNER, HUNTING TON BEACH STORE HOURS: 9-10 Doily , 9 9 Sunday ' Two s uper offers only from Ralphs. EUROPEAN COOKWARE. Tak e advantage of •upc• ·-il· • !>o vinu' on b ruvt ifu l Co•·onado Coolc wcirc frorn :;p~. ,,,,.,.,,ti . . ..c, detergent-proof cook· ware w1tl • ., .. ,fe e l quality. 111. r c.tluc·tor y o f fer: 1 QL ;au<e pan ju st ENCYCLO PEDIA OF COOKING. Bette • Homes onrl Gordrn'>' cc-mplcte l o oking refe rence - Th e E11 <,ll1. :.11 oi C-;ok in g -with over 4 ,200 k it chcn·fC\lt.U ln t ro<luc lory offer: Volume 1 ju s t ------- VJ>',1•1'• 1 •1 Jr•·• 110 I , 1 JI, !1\lt¥P1LO I (' Weathering the Winter Soup Days Remembered Single Servings Hy 1'111.LF: BEl~L Now lhi.Jl \11f• ;ire inloth1· f'11 ld4 •r I \\'l'Jlhcr u( wintt·r, I lhuughl yu1.1 rr.lght likL' a reci ix• rur suu11 . J•utato soup is 1n y ruiriy-d<iy cJ1 sh. !h· 1·ffort (how 1n1u·tJ 1101 ·:-. 1t t.!111• to pl'l'l ;1 polatu .111d ('l!l11• it .ind ~Ill lJl\1011''), ;1 ft•\\ 1111t1Ul•·:-. ,11\d u1d .' .1huut :-.1\tt·1·11 1·1·111 ... p1·1 1 up, I 1..,,. 1·ann.-1l !t.'\'~1pur<itcdl n11!k If YflU ll:O.t: frl':-.li rn dl\ \'HU 111 .... 1• thl' l'H:h!lt'S'i ,JIJd f11IJ liudt!'i/ fl..i\ur th:1t potato ~i1up :-huuljl h.t\ 1• i•ltl ra:i hiont'd 1•01atu!-!ou1• ! 1nt·dHu11 t o l :1ri..:1· p•1l:ilu I -.rn.dl lo r111·d1un1 dr:-11111(111 I ... rr1 ;dl c.1n •'\'<'1!or ;d1•d 11 1111... \\ .d 1·r l t11 :! l.dil ... pnull'> liu!tl'I .'-..1h ;111d l 't·pp~·r llr1t1g !ht• \l.1l1·r 111 .1 /;oil .uul. .1 .... ..,u11n ;1-. th1· \\ .11.·r h~:g111 .., tn li1 dihlt · .11u11rid !h1 • 1 ·d ~1'" of tht• 11.r ri , !11\\1 ·r 1/i1• 11 1 ,ii 1'0 \1•1 ttl1 · p.i n v.11h ,, t q•!it 1i11111i.:: lid ,ind !'llHk Ill•' p11l .tl <1t.., ;il11111! 1;:. rt1ir1ut, .. , f tr1· :ind 11 ... 1n g .1 \,.td1· f111 k 111.1 .... h ,d111ut ti.df of !ll•· P••l ,1 t1 ... .., Ii\ p11 · :-"Ill).: \lil'tll (IJ.:,U ll:-.1 1!\1 1d1·uf !111• p .. n :ioup l!1·i.:01 -; to ..,1rnrnt•r 11nd Lhl" 1111/k ,., hn! 'f'a:-.r" fur ~casonin~ .uut ('orr1·1•\ tf "' 'l'l''>":1ry _ ~l :1 k «", :t hn u ! :.! ('up·~ SC'rVI.' \I' ith <·r.1('k1 ·r .., 111 \11.i-.1 \ :;1nalJ gre('n .... d:1d , \'.d t'll lit•l<+I"<'. d11r1ng or .d!1 •r th1· ..,,11111 11 di p1·ov1d1.• you 11111\ .1 t.t1r!1 11 .. !I h,il ,1ncl'd meal .it.<!\ !tlt'\IH'll ...,1\l' t'O:O.\ I suppo::.c I as!-.ociall' il Ydth the \vi 11tcry day~ uf 111 y \Vaukcg~u1, Ill. chiltlh u1)1l. It '-. ;.111 t ·Xt't•ill'lll l11111 ·l11·i1tl d 1-.ll .uid J '1 t' t '\ 1·11 l1t·1·ri lo..11<1\\ n 111 t"d ti fur l11'l1:11\f,1 ..,1 I I \!Ill 1111r\... \11u 1nii.,:hl 11.1nt to ni.1k1•.1h111·xl1.1 lo put 111l11 ~· tlt1·1·11 H•~ IH1Ul1.· t•• I.die for ltn1t•h lilt· 111 ·xt tt.1~' l '1 •1·l \ttld d11 ·1· th1· p11l.1l11 .illd lllllllll )'l :IC'I' 1 lit• plt'l'l'-, lrl ,\ '.!, q 11,1r l p.111 \dd itJ"! t•11utH.(h 1\;1{(·1· 111 r L'.it·h 11• ;1lit1ut :1 h:1lf 1Hl'h l1t•l1)\\ th1· lr1p ul till' 1~1l,1tnc-. lh1 11 11 f 11)\l'I" !Ii·· p u t.iluL S v.1th \\ :1H •r If \O\I du !IHI h .1\ t· ;1 t'Hl l'I' lo..1·1·p .I \\.111·1if1tl I '\(' l•ll \ht• \1;1\1 •[" I· I 1·1 .idd !11 111" 1f II•'' , • ., .... 11·1 'l'h•· \1 ;!!1·1-t.., 1nq1011.1nl 1u th•· :-111·1•t•"o.,of\Ollt 'Ifill! ~ttr tu d1 ... trrhu!t< !/11 Ill.<' t11 ·d 1111!:1lu1·:-. :!IHI ill\1•11!~ \\ll !i ti\•• th1111k1 Pll'\'1''. 'l'his culu1nn tru .. s t o w;1teh !ht· cd:-.l as v.·cl\ ~1 s 1._•fforl ~1nd t1n1t'. whi le ulso attcrnµt111g 1u J\UJU 1l·ft -u\'l.'rs .. \\h,.11 !ht• 1111!.itu1·-. ;11·1 11 ·1'\' IL"ndl·r. 11 ·1nu11· tlH· p ;1 n frorn thl' \dd !h~· l1tJl!I'! 1•\,1l"lf,1l1·d 1111\lo.. ..,;dl .111d pt•ppt I ,Jlld \ll 111 l1l1 ·tld \\t•ll. /{t•IUt'!t tit•' p ;t11 (t1 lt1\\ 11•·.11 .1111! <'«t1t1nul' cuolo..111g JU"t 1111111 11\1· \ddr1·.;-. 1 H111 ttJt•n\._, ur (\tH·~ t 1n11' t11 \111 11 f\1•1! ti\ t•;1rc_ of th•· l ),11iv 1'111•! \Vith J)Olato ::.oup Y.'e sp<:nd lit Rice 'n ·Shine Variety Blended Spend) uur l'H'i' rllont·v \1'1:-l'ly. l .. 1rg1•r p.ick;q .. ~1-·!-. i•f flt.:l' r11 :1y l'll!-.l lo!-.S pvr 11-11111111 1h;i11 :--r11al1cr 0 111·" ( 'hl'('k 10 h·· s11r1· l>uri "I ht· ;1fr;ttd lo l1u v inure rice th;111 yu11 \\'Ill 11-,1• 1n ;1 1vt•t•k t1r 11\'o. In :1 l 'Ol'cl°t'd co1tl<ur11·r· .•. 1t 11111 kt·i.:p ;il1no:il 111 - d1·rin1t1·ly on th1 · t.'llll hoaf·l/ sh l'lf. ·rh111k t1\'l1.'t' h1·lorc you t h'l'.Hil• \!Tl IJ l'l']l:.ll'l'<.i l"ll't' pr·udu1·1:-.. )'l'!-o ... lh t·~ ,lt'l.' ti1•llf.'.IUl1.., ;111d \\l'll 110r'lh lht• 111on1·y if yno l l ~I Vl' !t·:is [Liii!.! ih.111 .111y th1n).! 1·lst•. J~lll 1·h:ll1l'l'S Oll'l' •• \OU will 111· llltJ IH'.\' ;1hc:.itl 1f you h t1\' 1110 or lhr1·1· l .l'P t.'S of l ll't' .111d clo your "v.·11 h!t•nd111 g :ind ~1 ·,1 ..,tHll l 1;.,: t)l lt 'K '."1.1·'.l'"l'l ':SJ·: Sl l~l'l·'.ll ;1 1·up s hol 1·11nk1•il !'1l'l' (tlllt' l'llP 11n c;ouk1.•d l't'~Ul;ir J'H't') I t;1l1l1• .... pr1011s l111tt1.·r c II' 111; 11' ,t: ;11 I !1\', rrh.•I It'd ., !.1\ili•-,pn \111 :.. llHl!l't'd f>.ll':i lt•\ :i t id1l1·"l"l<'1t1:i !1n1 ·l1 1·huppt'd p11111•·11lo I t;i/JJ1·:ip111111 1nuu·1·d 111111111 I c:.in { llP . OUlll"l'") 1•r1-.1 n1 of n111 :-./lrnon1 :ioup. 1JT\1hlut1.·d t , ~ t;1h lt·:-.1 "11111 ll'rnun J lltt'!' 't 1i '.1"]11'><11l IH 'JIP"I' I p1111111l 1 0111..1·(! dt•11·1n1 ·d ·~1 r11 11p 1:..rn:1 ll ... 1,1• :-.hr111111 ;1r1· rl'l.i\1v1·ly ui l"\111·n..,111· nnv. 1 ('11111b1111· l'll'l'. !V.11 1 ;ihll'SPO(lll'> liull1·r , p:1r~l1.·y, p!1111t·nto :ind Plllll!I . tu:,-, 111.:ht!,\ lt1),.:l'I hi·r 111 •.1 1 SO llp . l1 ·111<1J\ .1111<'v, 11•·pp1·1· ;111d r1• 1na1 n111 1.: holli·r nnt1l huh \ilv 1111\. !•'old in shr1n1p l!l'<.tl l)lll' 11 ll1Hl1t.! !1111~1'1'. S1•1'1 I' 01 l'! !Jl'd nf I'll:~' :\l,1kl':\ fuur ..,,., 1111 ,:~ En tree Paired ,. \rnnni: ;1 hu11d.n11 ;ind 1•1·1•nnn11c.1I \\ tnlt•r j I\)!!-.;. )ll'•lf ... d i l' ('.I ',\' J'I( io..111:'" I '1 ·,11· qll,tllt \ 1, 1·111·tJ.·n1 .11 1d '""''-. ,111 • .1lu1u 1 ! h1 • :-..1111(' .1 1\i<'\ \\1 11' l.1 \ \t',Lf ,11 i h1" /I /II•' 1111 •1 •. ,1 11 • lhl't'l' d i ... I 111 L \ \ • I I I 1 •1 1 !' l'.u ... 1' ,\n1 1111. .inrl (',,1111re J'.O ... t' jH'.<f " ,llt ' tll!l..,l' \\ I! I 1 ! ht · I 11 ! I I ll" "' •1 I 1110 I • ind ll11 · 1•111 :· t.1p1•r 111 1! ll t'l'io.. l\.1k1·d pt',tl"" I ( 'h1111 ~1 · 11 ..... ,. l~.\Kl<I) l'l·;,\H ..... l'l) It Ii ('I I( I I'S. \N il ,..,,, 1·:1-:1· PfJ'rl\T<JF.S :.! ft ,..,h 1\1110111;r !lust· 11t·,1r -. I rnnkt•d :i nd Pl'l'l1·d 111t'd!U111 ;-i i/I ' :O.l\Cl'! pota101·:i "•c up n1:1p l1•- f l;1v11rl•rl syrup 1 1 1.·11p nit·ll.cd l!utl c r or n1 :1r ~:1rin1• 1 .~ l ca:-;poon g round t 'h1VPS •1 pork chnps Sall :lnci p1.•pp1·r ('urt• .ind :-.lu:1· p1.•;11·s in V.'t'd ~t'S . Sl l l't' ;o;\\\'t 'I p <•lalol..'S . 1\r1·:1n,::t· pt',Jl'S ;111(\ sv.•1•1•l p ot.ll11c:-. 111 b:1kin~d1 :-.ll . (.~01n!J1 1 1 1..• n 1;1pl c - f1 .1vo1·t•d s yrup, mcHe<I 1111\lt'r or mar).!ar1n(' ;ind 1·lovc::;. !'o ur O\t'I' pt.!ar.s .ind :-1\'l.'PI. pot atnt'" St• ~1so 11 pork c-h1)\)S ,,.;I h ..,,1 11 anti pt•pp1•1· a nd h1·vwn s li g hlly . l'lact· o \'('I" p t.·ars :ind :->\\'t 'C'l 1)nlal nf'i'. fl a k e :it 350 <lt•j.!J'Cf"S f11r tHH' hour or uni ii po1'k c hop . ..,, arc l1.·nd1·r . ;\•J :ik('S (11 111" ,..,t•rv · i ni,.:s. . l.ithld r1·l11•a l1.·d TllVll Fly us. Anywhere In the DAILY PILDT ' • • ys rice •• you only It'!> re ally no !.ecret, We've been doing 1! lor years. Simply, our pricing In odd11ton, hundred!. of Key Buys are always •n ellec1 tor add1t10"1o l pol icy 1!. designed ro save you money because 11 saves us money. savings. We've also el1m 1no1ed rep11c1ng any grocery depor!rnenl 11en' \Ve ~av e rnoney by pr1c1ng our merchor1d1!.C as low as we con for os long o~ we con Our odve1t1 sed prices 01 e good tor a tull 7 days, noT for w1!h a higher price once 11\ already p11 ce mor"-.ed Thi ~ eff1c1ency 1n pr1c1ng save!. u~ lime and money \'\'hot we ~ave we po~s on ro you 111 !he fo1m of lowe1 prices rhroughoul our ~:ore . everyday of rhe week. 11'5 as !l1mp le as !ho1. "'(I I UI °'"°"''II I•(•" °" 'll• ... ~. D .. D o.l<i •••t •• CO•'•OUll ru •I tl""D•t 1111 It \0i:"110•11 ••C Ill ••1•11 'IUh lO •I 11\!I •O il"tll tul "'°'! "OllCHOo ~"t' iJIOJootlU 1•11!" (11 10 11 Pllt l\fl Ito• •IO•ll~ f 1'•UOO! Il l• fd U !wt"" JI •UlA! ] LI! 1111 --. 1u~1 3 or 4 All our meet is "BONDED " for quality and flavor. Boneless Round .•..••. LB 119 LB 129 BEEF STEAK .......•..•..... Rib Roast LARGE END, BEEF (SMAll END. l .48 LB) Chuck Roast BLADE Cu l. BEEF (CHUC K STEAK. 7Bc lB). Top Sirloin Steak '"1ss 7-Bone Roast BEEF CHUCK .. Cross Rib Roast LB 128 ~. • q BON£lE55, BEEF CHUC ~ ~"'19••'•<1"• Ex. Lean Gr. Beef 1.l~ (,~ j~ ;::~;"Turkeys ~ US 0.A GRADE A (10 10 12 LBS S9c.LB , 18-22 LB5 53~ Rump Roast llon•l•11. a..1 Rib Steak B••I lc•9• l"d la 121 Ra inbow Trout Beef Liver 158 1.,.,h A•9\V!Ol(J / lB 139 " Butterball Turkeys , ~ ... ,I! USOA C.• "110 171b•) tll 68 Young Turkeys le as e , ••. ~.,. 5~\L• "59 ' Porterhouse Steak 98 a .. 1 tc1n l 8 1 Stewing Beef l S 12 9 Sliced Bacon°1<0 • Mov•< 1,. llo•l•l111 T-Bone Steak Pork Roast 188 " Top Round Steak 48 110"•••• 6••1 18 1 Bottom Round Spareribs t B 138 l•t •t> ~"'loll~''' Wines Spirits. HARVEST DAY VIN ROSE WINE·",,., 225 ~~~'~"SEAL CANADIAN W~l,S~Y" '"' 9 02 LUCKY VODKA ... , , 0 • 7•• ,. "R0<.)f n . Canned Foods .. _.. ~~.~r~!0~~~ souP ,., • •. 20 e .... S~~F BOY AR DEE RAVIOU ,.,_.,.,45e SPAM LUNCHEON MEAT !i'i"' llo• I J'iJ I lBPl(C. "79 ' Sliced Bacon ,. Lcdyl11 llllPllC.1 Rath Sliced Bacon 1 ,. l l ll I>"(, 1,, " Slab Bacon Canned Foods ... LAWRY 'S DRESSING 1><Aff 1 ~:<,ll f "88 ' ef' HEINZ KOSHER PICKLES ,, 0 ,,.,68e ... SACR AMENTO TO MATO JUlS~"" 49e .,--DEL MONTE SPINACH ·•on'" 27¢ ... DEL MONTE PEAS & C ARR?,.ru~c .. 30¢ LADY LEE APPLESAUCE LADY LEE PEARS Canned Foods ... ~E~Ro~~~£~T21~![f<(OFFEE .... JIJOlCAN99c ~!Ro~~~E~T21~~~K0.~~EE .... '80ZCAN 211 LADY LEE COFFEE CREAMER 101 • . .. ·-·-· ........... 160Z J4R Household Items .... ]I 0/CAN 19e Dairy Products . . . . LADY LEE CHEESE SPREAD 129 3101 PKG LADY LEE YOGURT JlOlCTNssc LADY LEE EVAPORATED MIL ~30n._26e Packaged Goods ... o'4 ~~~1Po~~c~•~K~NSN~!EMIX ,-. CARNATION COCOA MIX 1l0lBOlt 89 ~ .-'SUNSHINE GRAHAM CRACKERS 55c 160l80lt ~.~~ l,~~!~,~,~~~~~o~!NG Ml~~~ oz ,.,25c HARVEST DAV ENGLISH MUFFINS 39c 6CT P~O MAHATMA LO NG GRAIN RIC~,0,,,0 34 c HARVEST DAY RAISINS Frozen Foods .... MINUTE MAIO ORANGE JUICE10,c.,,63C ORE IOA STEW VEGETABLES 73c i,oz P11G CERTI FRESH SOLE FILLETS ,,0,,, 0 93c PICTSWEET MIXED VEBETAB~~~"c 73c <("OH BOY GARLIC BREAD GINo·scttEESEPIZZA "0""92c VAN OE KAMP CHICKE.NPl,~moz><c 59c 9 OJ (AN Deli Items ~L~c~~~o~~!R~E~1E~OLOGNA 110 : P11G 93c OSCAR MAVER LUNCHEON MEAT 133 SUCEO VAR PACI\ RN OORSQ 120/PKG OSCAR MAVER COTTO SALAMI 115 $l1CE0 12QJPl\G ... CLAUSSEN KOSHER PICKLES 35c Wl"<OL E OR 1C1CL E J2 Ol J"R .-'CACHE VALLEY CHEESE SllCEO SWISS lf>OlPl\G 179 CRACKER BARREL CHEESE SHllAP CH[00.1.R 100l P11G 119 ~'~'~.fl AGED SWISS CHEESE ,0,,_,33c .,--SCHIR MERS GERMAN FRANKS 33c IOOZPl\G ARMENIAN STRING CHEESE 195 ·' Health and Beauty Aids ... ... DIRECT AID HAND LOTION MA.0[ !IY JERGENS ,-. WIPE 'N OIPES fLU 51"<A8LE WIPES ~OR a ... av COLGATE TOOTHPASTE :,VP£ RSIJE LIQUIPRIN fORCHILDREN ~ ~!l~I~E~L~~v ~H~~J~o"!sASH . BODY ALL DEODORANT 1'111 H QR WIT1"<0Ul T 4L.:'.: Pet Foods if"' FRI SKIES CAT FOOD fQUR V .... RifTIES KAL KAN MPS DOG FOOD rnoz 89C '"°. 117 ,o, 99e "'" 94 c l20l 149 8 0 Z 147 rhs finest quality producs available .•. Potatoes Brown Onions "12¢ 9¢ US I I f11m MedoumS111 .... Apples C.ofd1n O.!•coou> All Purpo•• _ Pineapple u29¢ ....... 58¢ ,._, ., ' I . . ·~>.~;~/::' J~-1 .... I. I THESE ITEMS AVAILABLE AT DISCOUNT CENTERS UNI YI ii,, 1 1· \ \ t ~ n 1)<\, \1;; i..t •t '''i m. ·"' .;i • \ l 111" ~· ,, . . \ . '4 .,. .. , .. '"1 MIN'! 100% COTION flANNIL SHiii l.o~g s1., ..... 5,,., S M-l·lU Au! P!o>d•. NO W ........ 399 MEN'S SOCKS Orio~ (r•w f, Nylon• O"• •••• 1111 oil "-''• . ... , .. . ~· ;~il ..... ·. ~\ ,. '° . ..,.M,. • ' "T'' ' I ' \ ANGIL ILUVI lADllS' ILOUSI .so·. ccuo" ~o·, Poly••'•' ln 1111•SMU A>1• Jo1q· uo•d P11~1t 4s1 ., LADlll PDl'SICU WfOGl SHO(S 5·••• 'l •o 10 A'" l,1ln•1 319 GIRLS' KNEE HIGH SOCKS .•• flt °'"''' C11111ty Arte -, ••. Ll "'~ • .,.. 111 ... ltllt CtW'M •• ._ _., .. llllUITOlt ll'O 110. llTMO'IO ..... IMOVI 1•11 tlK\IO 11u n lllfl •UllOl.>1 lrttn _,,.TO• 9'M:ll ·~ ... , ... ... i INDOO• PLANT FOOD I •Qlf•d Sun•i'ione O"• •optull doe• !I No '"'•'"!I ••Ddl' •o 1 .. 1 Ile• Pour or 11>·01 Sp•ov lop IUPll IAITH POTIING SOIL Io• 1111 '"doc• O"d outdoor olc"" Sc11n1ol1<olly lo• <»ulo1 ed ion 1 burn Ri edy 10 "'• l /4 CU. n . UOlll.I. •llU POTTl~G SOIL i1111 (ltol 1010 11 lJ rl( U MltAOI U Mll&OI _,,..., CWT• """ •1' t. (lW'tllill IVMt ... , li , .... ._ .... -.. , &A.U"ll I YMI 16* IOU& (11(.A iTillilf Ullfl AU 111' to •lf!Cll. """ ,, ...... .,, (;. )' . .-, . I ' I , :. ' •: •4 ~ ~ .\t ~. ·! '-1::\ \; 1,: CllAMIC PLANTlll ' Troy p<ov1d•1 p•oper dro<noge for pion••. HANGING PLANTll W1!h 1tcv lo< "''"••· '"!I purpc••• li••P• your plonh heo!lho1r CllAMIC PUNTlll ld1ol lo• plont1ng llow•lt 0< mol..1ng l)ll1ht1ol tlow•• CrrO"ll•m•flll. IUCUMI HANGlll D•rorc!ive hC"!I•• 1 cl ell 1or11 •o d•<o•CI• vcur pc•lc or hall'•. 1'011 no! 1n<lvd1d, ...... l'IM UTUl,.I, &Vl Nno 3?.~ro4~.! Lie.kif FOR ALL GENERAL MERCHANDISE ITEMS ··--·--·-·--·-~ ··--••"O • •<>• ... ·-·----..... ... ~ ... •• -·-.... _ ·-.... -- Mlln• IU •· MJ.lf WW ..-n•TM IM(JI , .... , ... ._.~ um ... "*' 1'191111 W9twi'"1• ••111-n11..,.. 11111 .,._ ..... n11n .. ,. . DllCDUl!l IUPWWlm IN-COUllTT AIU 111 lllYI TDU .... "" UJlt "' •• --•••. _, ... .. ,..,.. ... ,mil STOl8 ort• AT •M l.M. lllU I. MIAll•r Ol. CB OA IL Y PtLOI W~dnf'~.,.,. J an uary 15 l'l7!.> ------- Home News: Favor Meat I n Potato Man 6y OUR OT II V W•:Nfl( Ot.•~~ tou~1, "°""'"a"- potatoes in large, 10 pound IJ::.g-., r:.ither than buying them hy thL· pound llo wever. ifyourf~1n 1il~ 1-. "'n ~dl. you m<1.r not Ix· allh: ti. 1•at 10 pound.., of pol aloe::. tx:fur1· lht:)' :-.1;1rt10 .':>pro ut s wet.'t l<is t c bec;:iuse the s tarch C'hangc.':> to .':>Ugar 'l'h1 s is not h;arn1ful if yuu don 't mind the t a s tt· H efr1geral\'ll potatoc::.dun'l s pruul ca:.dy . t::reen, don't use the green p::irt ft <'Ont;uns solanint:, a mdd poison to "'h1 ch som e p eople a re a llergil'. ;ind il'.':>S t h an half tht..· t';d11111·., <ii fut. f;1l , !Jake theni or boil thcnl. Good 111·\\.., f1Jr th1· n11 .. 1t ;11\•I pot;.itu hJ\"1•1'" IJ1·1·f 111 11·1·.., :11 1· 1·\ peCll'd (11 huld foJ 1101\ .il 1·111 rent lt•\1•J.., l\h1t·h .1r1· lu"1·r lh.11~ ~1 yc·ar a g 1•, .111d pot .1luL·:. .111· 1 11~·11- l iful i:llHI l"he;q1 lJSD,\ r1·11!1r1 .... l h~·t lli•· 1!17 1 :,,iora~e s uppl~ nf pe11 :11 01· .... t'i .it .1 rl'<:Ord ll•v1·I ;111d prt('L':-. art· 11nJ~· h alf of"'hat 1/11·y "'l'l'l'l.1 ..,11·1·;1r S prouting and :.h1·1vl·ILng tal..1· pl~H"l' "'hen potatlit'S are ..... turt·d al too h1~h a ll·n1pl·r;:iturc ·rht: he:-.! :-. tor ii gt• t L' m Pl' f <It u /'L' f Uf put at UL'!:> I-'> -1 5· SO dt>g rces IL.1\'1' you t'\ l'I' ~ondcred "'hy pul.1lot•:. .i rt~ :.o ld in hro"·n plastic b.1g:. r ;1thl'r th;1r1111 e ll'<tr pla~t1c '' JJ ;irk pl;1::.t1 (· J~ u:.l'il tu prnlL'l'l potalOl'S rrotn lhl• light Light {';1 u~1·s p otatot·S to turn g 1c1·n. anti this 1s why a dark ... ro ragl' pL1ct..• 1::. rl·eon1nll'llllt·d too i Sonll' pc·oplc havt• the 1dl·:1 thJl tht' g r C'cn pot<itocs "'crt· h.11"\l':.l ed h1·furt· th1•y ~·l·rc ··r1p1· '''rh1.s1.s 1n;1ceurat1· l l'ot ato<>s ha v~ a lo t ~oinc for lhl·rn in addition to their low 1._·ost <t nd their· mild flavo r , ~'hil'h 1s l1kt•d by JUSt <iboul everyone. 'l'hl'Y have irnportant an1o unts of v1tan11 11 C, iron, thi<1m1 n <:ind ill ht:'r l:l vitamins, and even som e prOll'lll. ·rh u!>. th(' 1J ('a th :11 a111lHll' "'•atl·h1nr-: calorics ::.houltl onl!I putatue.s bet'au:.c I hl',\' :1r1• ··st;u·t'hy" is i llog1l·;tl Bt ·1··111~1· 1d thl·11· 1n1nc ral aud \ 1\;1111111 l'i)tl tent , 11otatt1t:'s ;..irl' a '"good bu)" e<tlorie w 1:.c. Dieters s ho uld not g1v1· up potatoes. l~ul lht•y :-.hould t·1 >n l r1>l I ht• qua nt it y the y l' a 1. a:-. t ll1·v 11t•t•d to do for t.'Vl'ry food. :111d 1h1 ·y s h ould p rl'p;i l"l' ~ind :.1'r\ 1· potatoes in wavs lh:it d11 IH•t :uld loads of extra ea In r11•:-. , . .., p t ·t·1 :1 I ly fat ra lo1·1t·s 1\11d 1 n~tea d of s cason111J?: 111a :.ht.•d or tJ;..ikl·d po t.11t11•:-. "'Llh hutl t•r , n1ar g <.1r1n1· 111· s o11 1· ~·l"l':llll , U~t' \\'hl ppt•d l"O(l ,1g l' 1·hl't'St' ut· pl:11n y ••g 11r·1 al11n1: ~1th herl1~ ~u ch a~ 1·h1\'l':-., 0111011 . pur~lt•f , t!11l , poppy :-i~1·d ~. or 'it'~;J Ill t' S l'l'd~ 1 f \IHI \\ (JlJ Id I 1 kt• .... 111111· 1d 1 ·<.1 ~ rur "·d~·~ tn pr1·p;11 l' p11t.1to1·:-. "'1th 1n grt'd1l·nt. .... th<d .1dd IUOLI \'alu1· J':tlhl'r tl1 ,t11 Jll:>I r.11 l';1lol"Lt':-, St•rHI :1 :.ra ntp1•fl , :-1·lt ;uldr~·ssi ·d 1•11 \t'l(]P•' \1 1 ll11n1•· 1\1l\1..,t1r. llMlil S . l l;n hur Hl\d 1\11.dh'llll , ~l~/'\0 ~1 ,11111 .1 .... 1.. f,,r ···r1i ~· I 'll!.1111 PotalO('S s tort.•d prop1·rly 111 ~1 But l'ar bohydratc in the form u f :.t<1 rC'h 1s the n1a111 nulrient in i11.,1ta1ues . .St <1rch 1s a source of t'llL't i.:;v a nd i s a nl.'ee.ss<i r y nutrll'lll It ha ::. 110 n1ore l'alor1cs p1·r ount·e th~1n :.t1g<1r o r protein r 'r O/.l'll p1 \\,1!11l'"' ;1r1• ,,J..,u 1d~·n l 1ful, anti lioth tr1·:-.h :111d pru· t'L'SSed !JI I\ ,I 1(1 ~Upp11 1•.., ;1 fl' t· X pt'('\ t.•d tu rt·1t1a1n ,J\ h q.~h lc \"t·I'> through !ht• I\ 1ntl'r l"tlOI , d;.irk pliice "'II h good \'t:ntd;1 11011 "·ill kcC'p ltir ::>l '\'L'l'.d nionths . ''ou :-.,•\l' ,1 1111 \1h1·n \t11 1 IJuy ;\l tcmpt•r.atur1•., li1·l11"' ·10 dt'grecs , such :J :-. 1n yt•ur' rl•fr1ger.ator. pol a lot.·:. d1·vl·l11p •• If .vo u h<Jve potatoes that :tl"l' So 1n s 11.~;.1d of fry ing potalot·~ 111 ALPHA BETA '8e4t /o-i "1e44 I e LOADED W ITH FLAVOR !AEM£N00U::O V"LUI C"ll~ORNIA 8 CO USE AS A POTATO OR CHOPPED IN NAVEL BAG. S ALADS ORANGES 98 ~.. JICAMA 19~. 1',·l6 BAG ~~~~~IR F ECONOMY CORN 2 ~29< PRUNES 69~._ Grocery Double Discounts DIET DELITE PEACHES < .. ,.,,. r "' f ( I "' •"· ' I • II' . II •f•ll • •1. "I A•o 1·1 4;. ... , 'f • '" '11 "' ' .,, '" ",, "" KEN L RATION DOG FOOD •• ,, • 1 I ,',. 11! "l """i"'' ·+ l !I FOLGER'S COFFEE W•"!I • ""' " l • SC OTTIE S FACIAL TISSUE . "" . ' CLAIROL HERBAL SOAP /\0 I .'I • 1 ·. ' •• \ ........... •l'• 7 SEAS SALAD DRESSING DINTY MOORE BEEF STEW .. ., .43 .22 ',:: 2.93 "'"' 41 I' ~ I ' .3 7 .89 .83 • l ~>'d ' 1 I KOOGLE PEANUT SPREA D ., .63 8ER°Ns 1 fi1'N'S ITALIAN DRESSING .42 HALLEY 'S TAMALES NALLEY 'S BEEF STEW '" .42 "" .88 You'll like the total better at Alpha Beta. this week's FREE eraafiva cf7ra1111 by ~ tuL. C.--.. .\Ce ,..,.. II~' l.i.illl 'lj)ll IU lt\ ~II I! It'! a.noul 123 BOEUF PER Complete "'1AMMOTH SIZE. CALIFORNIA 19~. ~,~ 1.) GIFT WRAPPED WITH BOW BOURGUIGNON NE Dinner ONLY AT ALPHA BETA Yout AlPHA SETA N11ghb111hood Bu1chf1 (11>1 M•n in th• Red Apronl Proudly Olfers Bt1TCHE!t'S PRIDE MEATS BU!CHER"S PRIDE BONELESS TOP SIRLOIN STEAK a a • LB. MEATS YOU'LL BE PROUD TO SERVE • OU"lll'r' & SATISFACTION CiUAR ... N T~{O BU!CHER"S PRIDE Bfl ~ f'ATT'r' 11,11\, BUDGET BURGER 10 TO 12 LBS. ALPHA BETA IU!CllER"S rn:DE BEEF 1"cKv r.-.1<1.i" JIMMY DEAN FRESH 7 8 PURE PORK ,,"' ROASTING C SAUSAGE "'" CHICKEN LI. I RESll FRO LCN Sil VER , ''· low4'' .. ' SALMON " ' " HL A[)f1._U I BEEF CHUCK ROAST 79~. P,lfl • l AR(,I f ND STANDING RIB ROAST 139 ,. llf If SEAV!Nl• c ~~··· .. TULIPS . \~..;,1,IJ..1 6 ~~ 249 BONELESS RIB STEAK I ~; 79~. Oll f PI Alf SHORT RIBS MAID ~ 08 " .. , " CERTl·FRESH , ,,. 95c BACON LB. FISHST ICKS ';, ; ,. WHAT'S IN STORE 1.01111 .... 11 1111-1 1 'Ul l'li'IJll 1 lwr<' ,11< "1111, .,1,,·,1,.,, "Ill• .11< 1~11111): !!•old ·'' .1 lwil ~, .• tJ.'.'"''' 1nll.+1"'" i. .. r 1111"1 lul~•.lf<" •"••lh<llWJ \\1!h ,u,·i.lun~ 1h,11 ,1.,11.ll• "lfli "'''' lll'•"•ll1"1lh '"fl,,,. 1·• ~r • d.n !"'' "'•·"'"' 111 ! h,.,.... 111tl.1l 1••''·"' I 1111<"' 111 p~·h.111i: .01 ••>1 11.t tilt' '"!'' 1 111.11~1 I I Ii.I\,• j,,u11d lla·r, ""' •n.1111 pl.hr• "Ii.'" l ht• luud ,lull.or "di !.'." l1111lwr !••1),l\ !11.111 ;1 '''"! ;ogu l ,,.,L._ ,JI Iii<· 111,·,+t '"'"'hf \1;111\ ,·ut' ul h1• I ,,.,,i l~H~ )1,1\•" 1''<'11 t.'llo k<'tl "''"'·" t'<'ilh :1 l'"lllHI h<'I••" .1 '''"f ·'~" l h,., ~ !I,.· ... 1, .ond lk· ·'"·"'" "l 11.,-lk"'I 10111, f(,•n10·111!•·r r., li.i,:1111· Iii·· , "'I lh'I °"'"'!Hf: "lio·n '"" I•" d,' 1d111i: <•II \""I ""I\ c 11• 111 :0."""" IHlll<'i«" \'II!• .I!\' h, I h I 1>111 ' 1h.111 h•11I•' 111 •ll h ,\,~ ih,• •\J.u1 111 th, l<•·d \pro•n · .11 ,\\ph.1 11<-IJ 11 1<011 ,,. 111 Juuh! 1,1h., r ,..,,., I" lh•· pro>ih"T 1l<'p.1rt11 w11I \1111 II !u1il tlh' <"\<"ll<·ut "'1•·•!u111 .if fr1111 < .tnd \t")!<'l.1hl1•' .<f<" ,,._,I 1.oli""' ''''"·'cl'")., ... lk'<ll .... ·l h 11~ .11 ,11<'11 l""l°'I (""~' 11\ It",!", ,incl'"·'"~'"' ,or r .11'" 111 pl1·11l1!ul ,11p1•h ,J ! .1 h.1r!!;11n 1~ ... ''" .. ( \ "'"'""" 11• .... "l" \,. 11.,hrn KIHI "'""I!! 111••111 \! l''-'l"l' '"!.'.I•• ,1n1 'h''l'I""' lh h1·1n~ ,·.ir1·lu! .111<1 ••lh1•n.1nt . )''" ¥oiU f1111l 1111• '"11"1.1<111111 \t11·r .ill. cnlJ ,, "h•"f<' 11>11 h11J 1!' I ~ 11,~., 1 ,1,1 "''•.<I Grocery Double Discounts .. ' TUNA HELPER '' •I" FU DGE BROWNIE MIX ... , MASHED POTATO BUDS CRISCO SHORTENING CRISCO OIL FLUFFO SHORTENING .61 .98 .93 .:: 2.00 1 'IHG1 ~!/£ '""' 2 18 !i!l I ~~: 1.81 Grocery Double Discounts , ? f\111., f ""' • •r.t BELL BRAND VARIETY PACK FIRESIDE GRAHAM CRACKERS Ba k ery Discounts •l<'""A!l A •OOlJIJl l l}l~l:OUN I FRENCH ROLLS I'( ....... flfl" HONEY BEE BREAD "' n 1 I [/ ... f Al f'H"6ff" t!()/ APPLE BUNS COFFEE CAKE 111Av Al f'l•A H! 1 A DATE NUT LOAF Atl'l<A !U l A HAMBURGER BUNS .89 .56 11 I H (l J\1, .39 .63 .79 Delicatessen Double Discounts K«A1T ·•.1r 11•1w . •onuNCr <>"C"'"r.l CRACKER BARREL CHEESE ~"Aµµ•> Tf1 ... ~llAUP • 10 0/ P1<,(.. 103 WIT It 1 .. Alll <( A "(PU<; ALOUETTE SPICED CHEESE (0 U.,11'Y '.1ri l ·1<1111 rn>.A.I "( ~ 11;' f'k" ' , ... Delicatesse n Double Discounts CLAUSSEN KOSHER PICKLES " ,\ . OSCAR MAYER BOLOGNA '.'·°< ' I ''' ~ '\' ' .. . '~-. "' I '• • I f.", I MRS. FILBERTS MARGARINE KRAFT SQUEEZE PARKA Y ",96 .66 .73 .71 Froz.cn Food Double Discounts BRIDGFORD DREAD CAULIFLOWER WITH CHEESE .94 .48 .69 .52 STOKELY MENU MAK ER TREE TOP APPLE JUICE FISH FILLETS "" ' "' . . '~ 1.06 YA N DE KAMP'S ENC~H1i1A DAS 1.09 WELCH 'S GRAPE JUICE ',,; .59 Non·Food Double Discounts PILLSBURY BISCUITS "" . 83 .69 .14 Everyday Discount Prices ft/ f!U•H •UA!" •L Af ... Q',••li CALGON BOUQUET KERI LOTION ~ r .,,. io;[Fll •a OtJNCr ro ·•1 r '" DIAL SHAMPOO f. •9LE SCHICK INJECTOR RAZOR fi n '" ! 90Tlll .... 99 I"'' I ' 0, ll!L 1.69 " .. 67 1.89 1.09 AQUA VKYA AFTER SHAVE wr ,...,.,.., •h• .,1111 .. r<fu« ,.1,. '" "'""M"''' ••I ,,,,.1,. .. S•k-• u• .....,_d ""•II ••••bk iUlft• ~"i•l•• 'M'" "' yuu• "'"""~,..funded f:or'I"'""' 1uU /tlf"t~ 11.·1.1 I ""''""' \II "i /'/• ., ....... ,.,/ ~ '"''" '~"'" ,., CHICKEN OF THE SEA TUNA k~ ,.•:; . 65 .67 STORE HOURS: MON :-FRI : 9:30-9 :30 SAT: 9:30 S:OO SUN; 10:00-7:00 fJI All ALPHA BETA STORES ARE OFFICIAL FOOD STAMP REDEMPTIO N CE NTERS T._. pric ....... ,.~ 10 N •lfK!lw• J•n, 16 -J1t1. 22. CARNATION TUNA FLUFFO SHORTENING r APM !Jl' 1,1 M '. LARGE GRADE AA EGGS f\1 "'' !~fl • BRIDGFORD BREAD 111 fill FANTASTIK CLEANER PRICES EFFECTIVE IN ALL SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ALPHA BET A MARKETS . 17"' St, U.GUH.4. HILLS-21541 C.n. ct.111 Lili•* FOUMTAIN V ALLIEY-l l90 w,,,.,,_ IRVINIE-1 1041 Cul•tr. 1Jfti•9Mity P'crli . ,, "" ·~;: 1.81 I ()fl/ 63 """II •N I ',;.1 :' .15 ,~ ,,, 75 "" . () \\'h :1t :-. thl' iJl':.l \\ .1 y to J"r1·~·/t' pot a tut•:-" 1\ l'ul ,1tWl':-. don 't l l'\'l'lt' loo\\ 1•1l l)f\1•11 lht• 11• . ..:tufL' h1'l"01t11·:. gr;1111 y P!-/tl ll :>/t \" 111 (ht• f f'l'l'/.l'I' H~'ft\l"l' i)ul 111 ).! ,1 l11l 111 pt1t;1\0l'S lur lr1 •1•1.111 g . Pl 'rh;ip:-; ~nu :-.h11u!d 11 ·:-.t t1 l'l'/.t' ~1 hatl'h t11 :.t:t' hl~1.1 l~J!j l!kl' tht'lll 1';1 rt i ;1 JI~ i'nnl..l·d l"1t:.i tu1·:-f rl'l'll' lft• ..... 1 'l '\1u rn1ghl us1• s n1;dl pot :1to•'"'· 111 · potato~·:-. cul 111 1·ht111k., ul' l'Ullt•S 1fnr lall'I' L.ISt' 111 :>lt•\\"S . (':t:>St'/"l~!t•:., :Ll1d OI.~ l'l·l·an11·d 1~ot;itt•l':"il <11111 prt•('ook lhl·1n l11 ~1l1uut lilt' h~1 If ·donl':., t ; 1 gl' J•'r1·nl"h fr11·~ 1·;111 he p.1rt1 ;1 lly f 1·11•tl, th1·11 rr1)~.l'Jl , ;ind :-.1n1ply .... l11o;1l1•d l.1ll'I' ''o u (';Ill ;il su lr1•1•1 1• :-.lufft·d li:tl..t•d put.11111 ·~ j lJ.1k1·d . n1 a s hl·d I I\ 1th :>l':t:.011111 g:-., :.tuffl'tl ll al'h Ill :-.ht•ll :.J. i !:-.1• I p !,1 ~t11· lrt·1·1.1·r IJ .1gs , 1r1'\'t.1·r foll . 111· lr1•1•11·r eont:11n1 ·r ~ lt11 p ;11·k:q,:1n g \ pul.JIUl':"> I () \lflvn 111 r,· ... t.nll.1111 .., IPLI !'t' ).:I\ t'll tilt• C'hul!'t' I•\'\ It l'\'ll p11( ,ll tH':> lf l" 1'1('1" \\'l111"h 1 ... liv!t1·r l\1r 111tJ lill\l'!ll!lrl,dl1 . \ f<\("l"I'! t"r I 1\.11 11 111 \\lll!'li IJUl,l!IH'"' h .l\t' .tlhi fi \"I' d !ll'" lluJ 11 1"(" dl1d p (•\.ll llt'"' .ll'i' iplll t ,,,11 1p ,1r,1blt· 1111t r 1l 1<•11 .1I ii \ :.: .i t \II' "'I ") I Ill): •ii 111•· 1\,1 :-. ,1!1 .. 111 1.1\J I • l I t I I j \' " , I I I I ' ' I ! I 11 ! I\ J1,+l.t•d p !1l .1 1H .dJHL!l ]\HI l) '.\1 ~ ln1:-.h.n1d 1 ~ u\1·r· 111·1g ht .ind ... 11 1•r1 Jt1 .\'> 1 .. 11 111 ).! 1ll ,1 ~h vd pu!.1\111·"' 111th 'i'!',I\ \" \\ 1!1·11 I 111 :11..1· d I f 11"1 "'1 !'>n I h.11 " ,, d il 1•111 I Ill.I l l'.\ Ill).! !11 pl1',I "•' 111 11' .ind \"t•l ! r~ Lil /.! tu 1·111111 ol lu:. 1·:1l(•l"l1'"' \11 \ :-ui.:~1·-.. t 11 lll~ .. :\ J·'1r .... r off IH ·lp l11 rn t(I 1·11nlr11I Ith' q11.111t 1I \ iii pu!;1IPt'" .1 11d i.,:1.1\ \ 111· 1·.1t :-1.itht•r 111.111 .. 1i n1111 ;1!1• thl "' l.1\ul"lt•· l 1111d tro111 h1 . .., n1 v 11u l'1·rh:1p:-ynu l''l\1ld ~t·r1·1· hi ., pla11 • 111 ~111· l..1tvh•·11 . (If 111.tkl' iU "'f l'llllUj.!h ftH" Ul\l' :>k l /llP .\ :'>t'f \1\1 ).( .lplt'i't' St•1·1111d l\· ;1d 1u..,t 11111r !'1101..1111: tn •·1 h od"' 111 J" d lll't' th,• t·;d11 11t '"' Hl l1•ilh lh1· p ol .11 111·., :ind 1111· c r.J\ \ Fur t h 1· pt1t .11 .. , . ., ""''' 111111 r.11 1n llk 111~t •·.ld .,( 11hnl1· n11 lk .11 1d 111111! rh1 · h t1lt1·r u r 111.1 r )'.n·u1" Fu1 1111 • j.!J .t\ \. pi11H <il l !hi• n l t'.tl dr iJ'p t n i.:• ,, 11 h1I.· h1 •I• •1"•' ! h t· 111 1·.11 .11 111 \fHll lh1'!11 lll lh t• !1 11 1•1 1\11111 1 .. 1\\11111.11111 '!1 l l 101 1l<'lll••\t',1ll!li1 1.11 1 l •1·fpf"1• \ti l l !ll.tl..1· !)i1· L'),I\\ \1111 \\Iii .I\• 11 1,1 11\ t ,d•'i I• \(I +·\•'!I •11111 '1..t•! \\,!\ 11' l l ltll•ll I.ti 1111111 111•·.d d11 pp11 q•, 1· .... p1 •1·1.1 I I\ I 11•1 •1 1 .... 11) .1dd 11·1· t·u l11·,, l u 1111· d1 111 1oi nl!:-. ·rh1· I .ti h .ud··n-.. ,1rou11 d lh1• 11 ·1· 1·11h1·:- .il1 nu..,1 1n1111 1•d1 :1!1•I\ Easte rr1 Beans Creamy \ !'>1•\11 h vrn 11 11 11 d nr 11 111 .., .llt1·r 1.1 ... 111 11: 111, .. ,, . d1·l 11' 111 \I '>I \ !"I t',I !II I 111 -.1 11 ... Ill '\1•\\ F 11 L'l.1 11d l\,l"' 11•"'!'11~',j 111 \\Plk "lll I !i I " I I ' ! I\ I ! I· .. 'I ;\l I I; ' S I~ \ I\ I,: 11 ·~ 1·; \ ':... ..: 1.1 1 • 1·:11 'I.i nd 1 ~ t1\Jl11 '1· '\1·11 ~I .1 I 1· h.i I,• ·d hl'.1 1 1 ~ • 1 ·rup111-.11 .1•1<",1111 1 • llll'dllllil 0111<111 2 ~111 ·1•:. b.11 ·1111 ltt·nl n\t' p111h t1 n 111 hl~n n :-and 11 ... 1• 111 :-.0111 1· n lllt•r d1 ..,h nr dt "'(':trd "1'11111 ht•,111 :-. 111 \•1 •• _ .... h .ill1111 1 !11 11 . q11 .111 h.1l..111 c i1 1 .. h r t·11 1l 1 11r !II Jl11 • ("1 l'.111\ 1'1•1•1 111 1111 11 h .ill .111d '-' 1 It " t ' f .1 I l [ _\' ! h I !l , "'1'1"1!'.!1 1• 111111 h.ilf 1111g ..... , .1 1 r.1n i:1· n \ct l11 ·:in .... lh t·•· li.H·n11 ;incl s p11111..h.: 11\t'I <1 1111>11 !l,1k1• 111 11 prvli1·.i11 •d :/ ,"1 d I')..'. l'I' t' 11\ l 'll 111 1 I 1 [ 11.1('011 1 ..... l'\l\lkt•d .111d lqp 1 .... ..,\1 g h1J1· \"l"\1 ~1 y .ili11111 Ill tllltHJl t'S ·" 1· r \ l' a I t 1 n ,. P , \I .11.t•.., Ii "'l'f \ lilt'"' Eggs Plain "THE \1 'J GOURM ET dl-., ~ Or Fancy?? Recipes to add d ining pleasure \\ I 'l 11 " ii • I I ' "111p.1111 • ol II I\ I 1 ,1 i u--• ii • , I I 1 111 l ~I I l,d 1 1dl "! tl1~ \I d1 .. 11 !I 11 while subtracting . .i.i l"11"·'"' '11n1·l··l1-.ti.·.i1l1-..u1•11•·1 1.11, .._,,qi• Ill »!II • lo·I Ii.Ill •H' •hill«! ! f11\1 J1 toltlt , d .d ltr o 1"1 \ t' .11111 !1·l11q1p1·fl tJl•·dHUI\ r!!"li 11111\ I !" I 1.11>11·-..p""I\'. t•d \i!d :1 111-•·d I"""'' d 1n1!.11nt''> ,Ulol ! t'!IP !'!>111..t d " I' t d I !\lo (lo j.!l l;~hlt· .... ,. !Ill \\ 1l!i .11, calories . I '11U1 X l 11 h I I' !""!<)•1·1 111 ,ii I ll I• ..!«I ,tlo!i•-. "11 t \\ l!I (,II' I ' l' l" I I I I ! \I lffl ( ll!• Wednesday in the I h1111p1•d 1".I 1• ,j \\ ,dli\ll \\ h· ti ' .o!' '1 !11111 lllllt'lo·1 11111 •• ·' 1•l,1 T1 · 1t,.·10 Ir)' lo,i("I-., 1111<> 11.11111> !'"11h. ..,, • 1111d iol, ·1,,r•11i1h ·1 ,d1d -..Ji .n1••·l1•1 ··.ir1d1 111 DAILY PILOT ."'i11ir11I .... lit·••rl ",,,,, •• 1)1" llt1lf . ·.- HAMS .... n Ci110<! It \\'di H.11111! '11u td lt ~ (;11111· Ho•e ·Yow l riPd 0 11r Fo-• M•"' Yor\ rKlpt' CHEESE CAKE 8y or ... or RPOdy lo Sf'r•r ,..jth Ho...y ·,. Spkt G.lozr • ~ Sliced fr°"' Top lo ktto"' • Wr l"oc•aqt mod Ship fr°"' Coo•! lo Cool! hi ~·•ct O~•colr11rn • ~ Cltptlf'I olld Winr1 3700 E. Coos! Highway. Corona del Mar ,_,.,. .. ,.,1c •• _,.,_ 1222S lrooklwnl.cstlolllld.,A~i111 6/J.900() 6 15-1461 DEI,ANEY BROS. RECIPE Cod witlt Tomato Sauce l lb of Codf,.i, I qi .. atrr J tomotor' carrot d1ctd \a!t, prpprr C \wer l crearn 2 T b11ll rr I T f lo..r 2 anoor" '"crd celrry &. p 1H•lry Soll & pepper l"h. Ir! 11..-d f or 1r•erGI houri. Placf' I qt wait!" in ltf'ttlf' with onui•••. ctlf''"V. carr oll ond por'hf'y !Ind Ir! boil . Add fi1h wholf' or 1lic:f'd. Add but. lt"f" and tomato , Cook 1la....ty 1111111 ti1h i1 donf'. Af'mo•r to o hol P'o+f«. Slroi1t watt<", htol lhar.,.,qhly. ltlii f!OtK !1tlo c:rrom, Add to wolrr Cool! 111tlif 1moalh.. Gorftilh wilh c:ho ppt d por-hey Ofld pCM.<r O¥f"f' fi1h and 1er•r hot. FRESH COO ..... ICELANDIC COO .•.......•...• $1.39 10. 5 lb. bo• $8.50 From D~aney Bros. Seafood 2800 Lafayette• Newport Beach, 673-3450 \ \"/ocJ'I"' "11'/ J 1!'1< "'I I I' " " ('9 • Don 't Simmer. Stew Stir-fry, Save Time \\1111dvilll~ 111 1\\ I" 111.lf..!' •I ii• ll'tl 1!,lo.: '11 ILUll lll"ll:. :O.l\.'\\ lll l.1 11111111lv:. qu11 h" l·\ll)4111 1111 :-• ,1 \ I• 111"' \1)11\ 11 t.d" ,, ,1 d\ ,1111.n ,. 111 111<111\ ~l.qd1· Tenderizing ch uck or round steak is the first step in preparing th is ,. quick. thrifty stew. LllJ.:ll'dlt"ll!-. Ill \l•lll \.1rd1·t l' 111•1•1 ('1111'" Ill lh • j I 1lllJ1d l11p !Ir' h1ith>1 11 1111111.I -.h ·,11. Ill< ji 111 ·d 111111 11 ,d111.ll 111< 1! {, 11 d, I I /• I lo>I lll .1,1111\llll )\Ill lilt 11•nd1•1 II•',..., .!l!d !\,11 IJI \ r111t l 1.,1 !!i. -.·.1 ,,.,, 1, d 111, I 1111 lhv 11 1.<I h1 I t"d 11 \!I, I' l'U l\11 1~· 1!11 111«.11 j)l ll'I\ t.d l.1 1111111 d1.1"1111.dl\ .11 ·1 .. ,.. ... 1111 · ~l ,1111 111111 fllHI li('I'" /ltll!'I../\ -.(p 11 \ II !!Ii ,Ill 111)111!1 \Ill I 1 11~ II h1 .II \ lt11 dlo·\ HI .11.!1·11 \t 1•l,il 1l1., '1.,,1,,.,1 I• lid• t , 11,p .1dd • .1 \,11111\ od 1 111111 11•,tlll t~ .111d I• 1 h«'I (l,11111 l\.11111on .\, \,,, l!l•ll <' liol\I ! "! fll•ll"I ho -,d • ""!'' I I /11 J 1 \\1111' l "\"11.\l"(t).'\'. :'\II \\ .-.h.11 .1.1. I' .s·r1 '.\\ l I c\ I 1 lll!llllil.., h11Hl'lt'.-.:-. lie, J :·l11!l·I-.. \!I l1v<'I 111\llHI :-.l l',1 h \.,11111,il !II• .ll ll'ildl'll(\' .1 .... 111 1.·il 01 llll ·"'·l'>llll!'d l !.1hl1·..,1•.,1111·. 11fohill)' .. 11 I 1111·.!1111111\lll"ll ..,li l"t"d , I iii ... < o I, I I . ..,/ 11 t•d i ',\I 1,,1 ... , 10,111•.J ,111.\ ll 111il \,.·,·d I 11, "UIHl'l (';111 1111 ,.I• I 1 11 I I '1 • "' " 11·.1 •.jHH lll P•'PPl'f I l.1!1lv-.p1"Hl l'Ul"ll:--t .1 1·1•!1 __'. 1.ddo·,..pj >I Ill" ('ll!d \I ;d l'I I 1:t 11111\l't 'I p,11·!-.1 ~·1 · 1'11 11• II :-1\1 .. ~I l'l'll hl '.lll:;, U1.1 11 1•d I • ' I I " ' \, •• ! 1'1' 1' 11 I ' 11 '" ,d. 11 I 1111. \\ I! I \ ' I 11\ I ' • I II" \I I • , I ' I !I I ' · , 1 I II I I I 1 I I I .._ I ' 1 I I I I, " ' ! ' I I <I< 11 •I • <i I 11 • 'II Ii ''' ol! ••I•! I 1< l.q , I .... [ 'I I 1 I i' '11 " 11 d 'I' +!1 "II' jl/l·ll• d! I' li-.,.1 liH lo ,1, 11 • 1, 111• \,11111 1 .. d. "' I(, I t II I, It "'I+"' " 111 I <II 'I It 111 I .lit! <Ill I " I II < il \"' '" "ii lo ( ! 1•\I !l 1'<·• \ .1 11d "'' 111• Ji 11• .il ,,,111 H 1·11\•l\Vl'I " , 111 I ol ' I .ii ii, "'"'· •• 11 ii• )1 111 iltl)l!•lll . .i .. ,, \11111·•1•1\ 11d•·.111 .. 1 ! ••o•I 1 j 'l!I ••I o'I 1111 11 111111 !11 .\ lllllii 11 '\.o lil,· ,II• " II I I< 'i II • ~ , \old 1••11 ol I ' ' I ' I " 11 " " 11 I ( '"II Ill• ,j 1"111 o\111 I 11 1,, l>o1ll111 'I • I 1 I I I \. 'I \\ 11 I 1 I I I I I 11 : ' II Tl 1 I I I 1 1 I • , I , II , I I " I t I 1 I ' ~" 11 · \dd I,• ti In .Ill "1\d ill\ .II I • • I I I , 1 11 t \ f 1 o , 1 I , 1 I ' 11 111,1111 • 1•11\ t'I :-0.t I I<' .I\ •Ill<'< "'•I 11"1 t",. "t 1\.,,,<1,1·-. l'.t' ·"" t il d1•· II• d \l ,1h1 t o1 I, < o I 11 ! i ' I One of America's best food values is now an even better buy! I i • ' l i I :\'<!\\" ~·1ltl c~in ~it\c !.)l' 1)11 any IJranc!. :-:it.<'. <1r f<frn1 <if !()/)",', f>urc ( )rangl' .l ui('l' fr111111 :~, 1rH la. I >;1ckl·t l \\Jt!1 :-.11 111;1 11~ t · .... :-.t·n11;tl \ it.;1111in s :nlLI n11nc1;il...:, t l1;1n.:.!1· .l uiC{' fr(l!ll 1:1r1r1rla '" tlic n:nur:t! \\·;1y t(1 .L!<11Jtl 1lllt/'I! H 111 . '\;1 !UI ,J))\ <ll'] tl'llill!', !1li /. :--.;!) lll'.\1 !l!lll' ~'()\) :-;)11)]1.l!l' .... llll' 111 JliL·].; lll> l))l'!ll_\' 111 \l)ll! l ~!lll/"!lt' !1r;1tl{J.. \flt·r ;!]], ( lfi1 1Jgl' .J 111\ !' ri t llll J ·'!~1ritl;11:--:d\\OJ _\-.;1 L[1H1(l l1 t1,\,.,.::lll<I !lit\\ lt":-it'\l'l1 IJcttvr 1 .....•.............•....•..•........... . SAVE '-z lOQ%pURE ORANGE JUICE FRQM FLORIDA ' I I z 0 0.. :::i 0 u w "' 0 15C on your fQvorite brand ot t00'll; Orange Julee trom ftor1do CD!HI on onl1 Qnr ol l~e J>U"~"" <r~u•rt '"'"" ~\led !>(lo• •ny oth•• I"• con ''•llt'n LOJO~··•·t:.,or~ ..... ,, N ~ ..... !"•··· l.' w c""' °' h•<> Iii (JI ' •n\ o• 11,.,,r· r~,11 .. ~ Th•••' 1 m o• ''"'' 1? ~·" l"·'I'" '" < "!'"' W "'"" l.""1''11 l"•f·I• I" I, <•I '" "'" ":~ '.!(, "·' •• ·, •"'"·'"' I·.) 1111 r.1 Al fll r,.,. ""''"I''"',,,, • '"!'I ' ""·"'!''"'·"'•! •i• •I••"''" r>l"' h;',P I , • ·,I• • • ,,• ''•• 'I•'• .l,,11 1"'"~•ll "" '" I'-'' '"" ~.; ~·"' II -., (I' "'I' 0 • "''"'•\, .,, "'1 •""' ., ....... ,, .••. _., .. ' •·J ,. ·~ !h• I••·•· t t• ,.,,,,'. ',,, "" . . ,, z ..... "' • • • . • . .~· / , . • ' • 1-(f) G., ,.._ z . z . .., • • lj" ''""" ""·''·,le' l·.I'• I (' I If•"' '"'I" I '""' ·""'!'"' 1 ·~ ''•"· ·'······,.., ..... y, '"' ...... ,, l"'I'" •·tl'd~~oul'")t' .J<;• nry 1¥.,.>eo DI •"h l~hon1I u~e• "hp1p I". 'h•ll•!•d U• .~ no O'"""''"' '~'l•t<ll'<! Ylk• «Norn~" m.;,f Pot\ ...., '-*' I•~ lrN(loo. "' <Jlo>o"'J ""' Pl" rh.o\f' nr ';l<f'""'nl \l•w I ! '{"""' r·"-('l>r'. ptr..,.,,,rd•oo rMo "'l'''"""'•o\I i;... ~on ·~'l<, .. t '""'t """ 1~ • 1.m ly (,<JI ••!lomn l•M •+IU<' t }Q ,1! 11 f""od"""' 111 U\- ~. l«o<n ~~ maol"'] !lo , ...... ~ •1'1•"· r {>m ,..,..,,.,..,PO [1.-,. llOO (•·"'"" i,,.,d '>7 114 IO~u "P"" Mtnft IS. 197~ I GOOD ONLY ON 100X ORANGE JUICE FROM FLORIDA -· • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • . • • • • •....•......................•.......... . . -. ' . . . . . . . . . -. . . . . . ~'lfJ OAILYP!i t1f ___ \\l,.lnf'·"!'1t January 1'.> I~/ 1 Turn New Leaf 1\1 ;1 I.,. t• '> p I r1 ,I!' /I ::-f~l'<'l...tlJ v .ipfH:l!llll ).! 1111 ,'.i'l\1• ll \\Jtl1 ll··h llt·L -.., J l1Jl,ll•n•., .111 .1 .1 !Ill l·nn11'ul•·. 1,1·:.\ll l>l<)llt41'"' .:-.J•l.\'.\('11 ltl:--.11 1 f' '' 11 11 d I I \ -. I 1 ! •11\,lt ]1 I ~ j111lt !'!!ll\lil<'l l J,d u ur cr1•.1111 ]1: llllfll't' 1·:111 ·,•'!It'll f'r1~·d 1111 1111i. 1,,,r-,1 •!1 «ru ... tivd \\' ,J --. 11 ~ I' I 11 ,! t ' 11 'I •11 1 II),.: /1 I\ , IH I I!, \ 1)1/ ',.,1_ Ill till' l\.llt•r !ll,11 ('I I '" \11 it .... lv,l\(' ..... 1111 11111:.; 1··r11tt~·11 . 111111111111,·11. I oil II 1!11 " .I ,·.,1.111 d1 •1' 11) ·' ' 11 II (. 11 II J th .I 111 !11·11 ... , 1-. .... 11 ... /'lll 11110 li.11 h ·r 1"11 :·I lJ.., \l1\ 111lh '"L1 1' 1 1·1·.1111 1d 1 .· •Jf tt 1~· nniun /:•,., 111•' '1"111 ti 1111" .1 ;; 1u ! t1pli,1l.111 d 1 l1••l'X 1111 li I< 1'1.1 1•• l"\\ I l l_li!I\ \\ 11 Ii lt•d 1 I 111•1'1•-...,,11 \ >. \l.1v J1,• 11•rr-1 .~1·1.';11 cd 11d hr1111 ~h 1 lo r·pu111 •1n11vrat11r,· hl'!o1!'L' h;1h t ·-' fl ;1i-L' Ill ;1 fl!'<'ht'.dt•d ~Ill dL'ht'\'L' !!\'I'll 1111\JI '10 1'11u .c:/ll.v hul ,1l>out I lllllllllCS l '11t'Ol<'l' ;ind pr1nkle 11·J!h thL' ,.,. 1.<llllllg 01111>11 «'u11!111111." to IJ:1k1·. 1111 "l'L•rcd , ,i1i ..;t 1111til onion 1•.11s and t·r1 :--1•." -:1huut 111111utes lun;.:L·r·. J\l:ikcs ..,,•rving~. u m my A Honey Of Idea I lu l\l'_\' ;ind l1'lll/Jll ;1dd ··l!g h\ful rl:1\0r tu th1,.; .1 -. . ..,L'ru!c that .:.0111.":,, \\'L'll . 11 ll baked p<irk chops, J'•11·coli and coconut tllld1 n g. l '.\SSl·:R<JI.E Y,\l\1S 1 mc>diuni (abou1 ! 11 1>lll1tl ~) yan1s or :--V.\'l'L • 1!.1 [()('S :1 tab!('si:xJon:,, lJutter r n1<1rg:ir1ne. n1ehL·d ' · c·11p hnne.v 1 • L~·;1:-.poon ~r;itcll '11111!1 1'11\\J 1 t ;1Ult•S pon11 ll'n1on il il'I' :-,, '1·uh .\ .11n" tu1d, ·r cold 111111111 1-: \1 dll'r, do 11111 •'o'I 1\,11\. l'OVL'l'L'd , Ill .. 11111:.: s alt L·d \\;llL'l' 111 "11·r uni ii tendl'r - l\ .. 11! :10 1111nu1 t· .... llr.1111. p v1.·I :111d :-liee li.1111 1~ 11\l'h 1h11 ·h. ;_1r ,lllgl' Ill .1 1 q11:11·t . '~:-t ' I 11 I\' 111 ·.JI ro·rn;1111111 g 111gr1 • IVIJ\'-, :,(Jft"lll).! \1; h)t'IHI : ••tll"•l\'t·r v:in1" 1:.1ke. l•o\Vl'('d . I I) .I I <'h1•.1ted :\.'i i i dt•).!ft't' I t'll, lltl!1[ t h 11!'<1UC.:hl y •11 :;11 lr1:IO1n11111lt'" \ll1·r r'1 'nlu1·1 n~'. !!'Pill \~·11, h;J:ili• 111l h <;\'l"(lj} In 11 11r1111 Ill \ ,l '-"t'I nit· 1 I •'\ t''-"·1 1·\ '.\J.d,1·~ J °'t'I'\ 'I . .., ~epeat Ne/come ,\11 <i!d-tin1(' d,•s scrl 11.1\ llL'L'dS litlll' s11g;1r. •11,·1.1.·s ,\1~1•1_,1-: T ,\ l'lf>< '.\ 1 l'l tp V.'alcr .1111<·(' o f 1 i ur a large o·nlnn < 1 tabl{•sponn) '..! llll'd iun1 ;1pplcs or l l'I",\' l;1rge ;_ipplt• 2 ta bl1·sp11on s 1u1l'h ·l'' •Oki ng t ;1p1oca '' 1·up s u g.1r 1).ish of salt I \;iliil'spoon hu\t(•r r rn.tri-:;i 1·1ne 1, ll•<ispoon vanilla l 11 L o .1 01 e d i u 1n .n1vep;1n pour tile \\-~li er 111J il·n1on lllll'l'. l'arL' 1pplL'. C'Ot'(' ;ind ~li l'C l h in there s hould he 11 ~ ·u p ~: add to t'lllOll \1::1ft•r. /\dd rL'n1ainin~ i n-. : r ed ie n ls ex cepl v n nil la : iri n g lo a OOil stirring :cnt ly severttl tin1es, ~1111 mer u11t·ovl'rl'd 111tJ\ tapioC'a lflOk s clear n~d apples are C'ookcd . ;t'nll y fold in \'antlla . '.°'J JCP se r ved ,~·:1rm ;prinkled with fri·:;hly :rounrl nutmeg. 1\l :Jkcs 3 )r 4 servings. WEEKENDER Gels It ALL together Frld•Y• In the DAILY PILOT LARGE SIZE '. t MOTOR 'AA'EGGS 1 . Oil Luc erne -''Ranch-Fresh '' l- do1. (In. . ·""-· "- C Ouarl ~ KITCHEN CRAFT .-;@ Enriched Wh ite ·-- -S-lb 11\tthen B • tr1ft j ag I --·~'"\ -, - ~/ BREADED FISH STICKS Capta in's c Choice Froze n Pre-Cooked 8-ounc.e Package Skinless Franks 5,.,1;,9 C'tl r-lb. 69( Q.,o/iry Ill'-Pk g. tGROUND BEEF Regufor-U .S. Go11t. Inspected Any Size Package More For Your Money More For Your Money s .... ~9 l,99~;ho~ c ;.Corned Beef w :ll1om '1 Round Sol,woy or McCoy B111k,1 {Po•nl (.,!) lb. s139 !~~,~~~,!.~~!::~:69( .·~ !n~w~o.~e~~s~oTG~l1~n 8 9 C i ARM POT -ROAST USDA c Choice Beef Chuck . To Pot Ro oit. lb ~~~-~~ G•~~2J!,.,~ibs rb 89 ' ~'~~~~.~~~!!!~!.ke,!s 139 Boneless Roast USDA Choic' G1nd' s149 ~ef C1n1l Rib Ch ... ck I~ -•' .. •.• "n' .. -·;. . . ,, i FRESH FRYERS USDA Grode ' A' Whole Body Sou thern Under 3-lbs. Back & Neck s · (vi F•o"" M~ot~ f•y1n9 cr .. ,~,n~ lb 19( I~ ;{1}~ ~:I i1I1] 1 I :Ili'fJ 1,:IN/:·,'/')" /J/·'/'ll/'i'\/I.\')' ANGE JUICE '~)~~ e. FRIES '.~.iAQUA NET Sc.otch T re ct Cancen· Irate. ~ s,;;;~,:~·."'5 9' Htal And ~ be·.·.·.· ·-\:t){' s.... · @: LOTION ,, '.;' ._·.32.,,, Pkg. J-' ~ f~ ~ -Jergen 's s1 12 ~ ICE MILK ~Bel-air Cauliflower Luc""' @Sliced Strawberries ~'. 3"·"' 1 ,.,. 3""'1 '~··· /Qt 15·ounce Site -~ z ,. ', ' ,. ,. ~-. We Welcome USDA FOOD STAMP SHOPPERS! Diet ' • iDRIN KS C•o rirnon ! l:iw Calorie $ ~~~b!, Softe~~.r $154 Chunk Tuna 0 1 -01 . " Ovahty Hal189( 1· Ga l · Chopped Broccoli ~'. ICE CREAM · • ,., SANDWICH . Macaroni & Cheese ... lvceme Pkg.39c @Golden Corn Ouolit11 of 6 Q ' Alt Green Beans a.1 .... Cv• ..-'""ch 4,_,. '1 ,~ •.. 4,,_,, '1 ''9' J '"sl ~ •.. • look for thes~ tags. They mark lemporary exlro saving~ all aver the store. Stoc.k up! I l ' ~ f 1 Onions (~.~"h::~~~9a·JPeors c ~ ~;~j.~ I· lb. 1 0 ~;,~~· 1 -----lb. 2 s ; FRESH BAKKRl. H/'YS! 1000/o WHOLE WHEAT t.BREAD Mrs . Wright's 4 9 "'\·""" 1 l'i .lb. loaf ~~~~ !,°'~2 99c IN Olm DAIRY CASE! ORANGE • ·1. Jl~~"~E 79c ' l Pvre ,.,,,.t Hall Gollon LUCERNE YOGURT High In Protein Fruit Flavors ~·Pt. 29( C1n. ,. LIQUORS & WIN/IS ~ ~~ •. ;,, .. !lllN .. ,; .. 0 ,, ,;.,V, .. d 0 So 0 •• w,K" A J 'ff HAN .. ~~.~~ PLANTS r "t),.; •• r~ ,,,,,d .. M0<lod ) SJ49 ~.A Winner .. Cup s749 '\~~.t.·99•)';:; · 1ij{ 80-Pr. VJ -Gallon , TABLE WINE Potted Mums ;:;, '.:. '2" #I Barerool Roses .... 1I11 GARDEN SHOP BUYS! la M"a-All $ 1 '' Except Port Gallon Pineapples How""" 59( t f11th Tropical T1•ol .o<h ~~~.P,oJ~~es ····-lb. 10( Crisp Carrots ]-'b 49( US No. I.Frit h & Tolly! log ' PD es OehliOllt lb c A I "d "Go!Ooe 29 Wruh111g1on S111!1 E•lro fo"cy . ~ Oranges"'"" g <b 99( Sw1e! And Juicy . log 1 J \.;'..I • 1000 l'Y'ick tk'., H1wpc>t'i le.ell• 6)6 H. CMtl Ni .. w..,, L..-h.c.11 •WI-I FW•••. Codo ..... • ll IL 171ti St. Cot .. MeM •IOI LBC..._I .... S-~ • 14417 C.i .. .,-Dr.flW ... ,9"1N • 24 MOll.-cli hr Plcna. s,,.111 L~·. SP!• A110 ,.,,, ... , ,, l• Pen, ~1,u.,.. ¥l1fe • 2402 Mor'fMrHo Dr. Pwtiwoy of TrebM.1 \ I WHO NEEDS MEAT FOR GOOD TASTE? Cottage C heese Noodles Florentine Fill Bill Not Exactly Du 11 ~•'l'\l' 111•"·.o' 1111!1 ( ll'.1111\ t nr11,i!11,•u111 l1111l .111d<·,,.,J..H .. ,l,,r 1· ..... ~ 111 1d d.11 I .111· Ill F Fl :n I :,·r 1-:t.t . S .\ ·'II\\ I l ·111·: . ..; h.1 rd 1·1u1kl•d t ').!j.,! 1 I'll]' !1·(!1 1\ t'I t l'l1l.,1·•l ll.1h 1·1I :~I .i11l o·'!•llHll" lll.1\ .. n 11 .. 1111111 -.!t1·1·.., l>r1 ·,11I \l.11111.dcd t·111 11 1nl1l't ..,I H , 11 ,itd l'l>llk lli1· ··g;..: ,H 1d 1···· I \1hd1• s llll 11.ir111 1n.1..,h 111 1h .1 forh , 1111\ 111 11 ... 11 111."•o1111:11 , .ind ~.1 11 .u 1d 1••'1'P• r \1.1kP.., ' ' l IJ ' :;pr.·:al u11·1 :; .-.\1<·1·-. ,,j Ii .. !.r1·;1d . add ,1 l;11 l·r 11r thi• 111·!1 dr.JH1 «d 111;1r111:!11•d 1·u1·1111ll11·r -..111·1·" -lop 11 1lh r1·n1ain1n ;.: l1ri':lll cul L'.it·ll :-<1nd 111t·h 111111 ~ t 1 J.111i'l1·:-. '! .1L.1·:-:! -.1·r1111;..:" f '1 1r I h" !l\ :1 1·111.ll t·d 1·111·11111 I>< ·r -..!i1 , . .., 111 .1 •,li;dl"'' 1•1 1r1toiiru·r -.t1r 11>: 1 !hi·r I t.ih!o•:-pnnn '-1 1)..!.ol '\ t.d d··"ll•"•il" 1·1 d1 •1 1111•·;..:.11· ;111d ', ·'"1'""11 .,,d\ l',11 1• ;111rl -.111 I \hill /llt'd!ll lll • •h 11 1nl•l't :11"1 .1dd 1·"1 ··r .ind •·h ill \\ h ;il I' 11\1! !l"!'d \I 1JJ J..1 •·p 111·11 111 lh•· r1·f1q . .;l·r .i1111 l••t 't •\ \ I • 'I d I \ ... 1 'I 1 ... ""I'\ '·ti :1 ~ .! j ' 11 ... !i A great place for kids. In the DAILY PILOT !" __ .............. . .......... , .... , __ ,, ......................... -.... ~. ···-· ............... '··=·····•"''"""'"""'""""'' i Best Idea Since ;..{';. . ~P..Vf:..:. Shopping Carts I I " ·r •I·>"--:;:;. ' ;! \ . --. ' . ,. ·' Two -y1oir supply { 104 lists) furnishtd in convtnitnl te•r-off pad for just $1 .25 =;~ l <..-. . ;1 ' I ·•. :~ ~· -~ -.~~~ ( post;i,ct prep;i,1d ) I Send in , Coupon Today · and Become A Super Shoppe r ' ·------------------Fill inthiscour on.clip .lnd mail wilh St.25 to: Pilot Printing Shopping List Post Office Bo• 1560 Costa Mesa, Calif 91616 .• ---------------------- ' I ---------------------- Now you can do a week's shopping withou t forgetting a si ngle item! Use pre-printed shopping lists prepared for you by PILOT PRINTING . 1.io separate printed item s, 11lus additional spaces you un fill in yourself _ Just check 'rm off - 34 Staples 21 Vegetables J.i Fru its 6 B.lllery lten1s 5 Btvetilges 19 Meat and fish entrie-s l I Dai ry items 20 M1~tell..ineous •ctu•I lllt DAILY PILOT I I I . h Svrt l• u1t Y''" 11, C.<111 i ?.--------------------------·------·---· ... --.. --.. ·--····--·-_! , ~'\'Ullrt~· ,·l" I 1•111 F'/ 1 .1 I J ·~ Protein ? Sa y Ch eese Try Using Noodle .Ju..,1 takl'11001llt·:-11 p\t.·11t1t11! uh1 qu1 tuu., lood ... \.11'1•· .illtl !'Plllhllll' lhl'l!I \lltll llU/.l'il 1·h11pp1·d s p111a··h !LtHI t'l l'Ulll t>d ('Oll;li.,:l· t'lil'I'!'<•' HJ .I tlllllll di:-b l'.lt>!>l'l llh· l 't•Jlpl'I' ~OIUl'P llJJ! llp .ill l!lt• fl;i \'or ... l •'l-:1·\licr l 'n1111·n11·n\' You ht.'t ' 'i 'ou 'll :d so lll'l'tl a h;df L'up cM :.n11r <."r1-;11 n ;nid .1 11.ilf c.:up ol ;.:r ;1\L'd l';1 rllll·~.11l <:h l'l'St' l 'rnha b ly y11u alr1.._'.1d,:. Ila\'\'. hut lt·r ur n1;11·g;LJ Ill\'. ~1 11U p ..ic·l.;a;,!ld h r l '.1d (·1·un1bs 011 hand. plu:. cir 11•11 b;,i s ll .111d th.\ nil' '1'1 11· l1 qt11~I rl·d IJl'PPl'l -"t·.1 :-•HI· Ill).: J.:11 l':-> :-O lH'h ILll.l ' S jlll'C ~lltd J>! qu ;uu·~ In .Ill\ t'hL't's C . e ;,!J,:. 111c.d . J 1 ~lt 111' \'L';.:l.'\<ih]l• !\1 ,;I\ \\'title uuod!l':-t'iHll <.111 1 s onll'. p l'tlll'lll I ! 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Il l ,I '.l .">11 d1·~r t·1· .. 1 1·11 lu1 j,, tlllllllll':-0 :-\l 'f'\l'"4i 'l'I 1:"\1 .\'l'ft .\:\I l ll~I(),, S.\l .. \li 1; labll'~po4ftl:.:-..<Jl;!!l u 1I :1 lahl1·~p•10 1 1:-. 1 .1rr:i ;_!1111 \ 11 I• ii \ 1 .. \ ' • I lid, 1. ,, l • < H I .I 11 o1 "liH lo,ii1Pd 1""111 t'll•'l'l'''d l'·"· ... 11 ·}' I"" 'II di I 11\\1 .\.,Id p11 .. 11 d1 11·d 11 .ii I• ' I" '"II ,d\ I• 1 !"'"11 l .il•.1 '""·!\h t• . t •• 111 11,.. .11• ,,,1 Duo Zesty \ 11 ·~· 1.d d 1· .ind 1ru11 arc l•.!11 • d 111111 .1!1 1Hlt'lt'"l111).! t\r'('"'"' I l! c' \l,d111ll\ ~I/I' l\h ll\' l\llllllJ. ['.1 1 l d ,111.t 111111[\ ... \11·t·d \ ,.1 1 :..:•· ,q1pl1· 1111p.u·1·d .11ul 1\1 \ d j 1,iloit·'l1""1l l'ldt•I I l!11"i,:.1 1' ., 1.dil •· ... 11 .. 1>11" 1•••.111111 .. 11 l I ilolt"'llll'l!I ""\ -..1111 •' 111•,1-,i'O"tl "l!~.1 1' ..... ol\ :1 1id \\hilt· lll'!'lh'I' t11 I .1 11 · 1 1.ildl·~p(!!lll ... t ..... 11111' ..,,.,·ti:-, l••.i'-11 d \11\ 1111,!t'!ht'I' ;dl !ht• 11\J-:l'C d11·111 ... i '\l'!'j•! 1h1 • ..... :..1tllt' ..,,.,.fl :;. '-p1·111kl•· \1 llh 1ht· ..,1·1·d :-. S1•r\·1· :it <llll't• ,\];1ht''> \ "t'f \ 111 ).!S • UMle Lunch Produc ts are made from yogurt. But while they have the good dairy protein of yogurt, th ey have a whole new different taste TheYre creamier. Less tart And they come 111 five del icious fresh frui t flavors, 111 8 01 . pop-Jop ca ns You don I have to have a big lu nch to have a good lunc h . With Little Lunch Products fron1 DEL MONTE You'll find th.em 1n your grocer's gelatin-pudding section . Made from yogurt But with a whole new taste. • !·"""11''"1.••\T\\. •• >1 (."12 OAILYP•lOT Chips Tolled f\) 11.\lll' \R 1\ (o l RK(>~S (II ,111 !II• , 4H1l..1t·:. l11 it•nl pl LI" 1111dd IH' !.1\1!t·:., llh'll.'" r!ullllllj.( qtlll1· ... n n i 1''>l:.!1lde ,1:. .. l'll11•:ul<1t1· I !ti]'" ;-.,,, l1!'l I '.'> d !J,1 11 111 ll \',I\ 1 na1 e111 c!n\1 11 11 r:.i n1 hlll'al Iv t1 r1 I Ill' u 11.d ;1ri111un l ., uf :.t1 b <.11' .ind f;11 · 'l'll l~l 't .. :H T (Jl.l,JI()\ ~I·'. '··•••h: 1 .. ;s 1 t·upd11•\ rndl'j.!•••1rl•' ~11g.1r :.uhst11utt· to t·qu:d .:.:, I I v.1 fl\!llJ\" \ .1111lla I• l'1' ', tt .1-.pn .. 11 ..,:dt •I •· ... \:•.-..--.~-. . . . i I I l'.l">j>UllO hull Pr fj ,. I,,, 111~ 1uvt111n.1 11 I c up plus ~ L <d)lt'"l~•'•ll'> .di purpu-.1' flour ~ ll'.I" pi 1• HL \ lJ J. k lflg p1111 d • I ' t'llP .... 1·11 11 S \\'l.'l'\ cht>l'!!l.tli· IJI!~ 1 l'llll r.11 ... 111 s Ht·.1t 111 ... 1 .,,, 111grl'd11·11t . 11 11lil fluff, ,\dd !lour ;uul h.1 l..1 11k f)()\,'tl L·I' and IJl';1\ '.! n11nutc:. Stir 111 t·hnl·ul:.111 · and 1 .11:.1n:. l)rop fru1n .L ll'<i:.poun 1111 :1 non:.ttck t!lnk n· -..h1·1·t U:ih.L· at ·11>0 d(•)!fl'l'S J U \11 l:i !l~l rlUll.'S. ~l t1h.l0 '> 50 . :.!'.! 1·.1 lt1r1e:. t',11 ·h ~~~~~~~~~- SUGAR· •·R EE CHOCOLATE l 'HIP COOKIES ' r1q1 f11ctmurt:tarine :.! l h h le::. pouns s a liid oil l t·~K 11 :.i lt·a~pnon:s vani\\iJ ll'a::.po1J11 buttC"r-navortd t:1l1!1·:.µ0011s llOWderl'd 11unf;d n1tlk (dry I 1; !'a11uJ;11 t·d s ug:.ir substitulc tu t•qu.il '".! e11p \ 1·11p all p11r posenuu1· ' lL':.1:.p11u11 tiuking s o<la :.:. 1111nct·:. d1 t·let1c milk vh111·vl.lll'. ('Ul trilu 1 , HH:hpiece.'i l.\t.,.t f1r .. 1 -.e\ t•tl 1ni.:rl'd1ents until fluff, 1\dd fll1ur JOd !Jakin ~ !'>o<l a tht•ll b1•..il '.! n111\ull'' Sl1r 111 t•hoc:ol.1 l L' jH l'< t'., l)rup l1~ 1,"1:.pu111 1fu l ot\l11 non~tH.:1-l'(llJk lt' -.lit·Pt 11nd bakt' :11 ·100 d1·g r1·1· ... 10 l o ]~) rn111ut c:' ~1 ;1k1·-.5(1 '.!': c;ilnr11·.,1:;1t•h i\1tHl' 1uul.t1• tl'l'<tl ~' Send .1 .slanipt·d .. t:!f .u1dl'L'SSt'd C'll\'C ln pt' :.ind ~~' cl' rt I~ tn Sl.lf\1 t:(llJ l l~1 E'f' C(l() I\ 1 .. : H r~l' I J >I·: s. l!l t:ill't• of th!..' IJailv l'ilill, 50 \\'L·st S hurl' ·r1·•1il . Sp<u:t a . '.\/ J tJ7H7 l \ THE SLIM GOURMET ''i ' I,' ':I PRICES EFFEC. l ·FULL DAYS ...-----lHURS.·WEDS. o ---JAN. I 6TH·22HD HIGHWAY• IN SAN DIMAS iouN·n"ioNE RoAsT ...... 9a~ NU . CHU<;• CU!. UAlll n•O~ •c•••IOI(() $1 09 7-BONE ROAST .............. ·" : WRANGLER.FR ANKS $1 29 attF •llllHlUS·IH l)t ll,l)t s 129 • corio'sALAMI .o, 19 · RIB ROAST •·TH & 7.TH •••......... , ........... . l!AHI llOS e ClillFl,O• GUAIANIUO 8 9 C • • " OSCAR MAY£k e k0UN0 OR ~QUA~l s129 VARIETY PAK "o' OSCAR MAYER 59' BRAUNSCHWEIGER '°' sAliow'icH sPREAD • o, 59' OSCAR MAYtR BfU OW R~C 99' FRANKS or WIENERS ,. STATER 8RO$. LUNCHEON MEATS SLICED 1:1-0Z. PKGS. l~GUl.AI 0. llU IOtoGAI ... cono 0 1 l lH !ALAM! '°'Kll ANO "MllNTO LOAf Oti\ll Ol IANOWICH lOAI :ll'!ClO LUNCHION 49~. TASTY PORK VALUE:!. BEEF e BLADE CUT STATER BROS. LB. BEF.f CHUCK STEAK ........... " 10 Nltlll (Hl.>CK . Wttl 1-'''"•IO . llNOl.I BEEF FAMILY STEAl< l lAlll 1101 CtlllJllO+;tlAIANTl!O BEEF RIB STEAK ..... II AN • a()Nlll ~I BEEF STEW MEAT . '" s 119 Hlf\ ( UI • It Nil!~. (."JAl'Ar~ll ! (j BEEF CLUB STEAK s185 " l •II" ( 1)1 • f[Nl<! 11 . \ •U Al.'Ar. II 4 (I BEEF T·BONE STEAK "s189 II! t f e \1)IN tUJ e NO I Ail~ PORTERHOUSE STEAK '"$198 11111 • 1n•N ,,_u r • c u .. ~,.,.,111 n TOP SIRLOIN STEAK "$139 ......... s 1 39 "$139 SIRLOIN TIP ait• •OVNO cur ~HA• 0 1 10 ... ~F PORK ROAST LOIN ENO ' . ' .. LS BS PORK LO IN LB 9 8 C SPARE RI RISENO • ' .... $149 LICED CANNED PROTEIN TURKEY DRUMSTICKS LOIN PORK CHOPS ............ Ls. s 1 39 BACON HAMS BLEND RIB PORK CHOPS .. LS E FRESH LB 69 ( SAUSAG SULK PORK .... . , .... ' "V~Mt! ~Ul~ •NU ('""• p,;ce• EffecUve HOT SAUSAGE " 7-Full Oays ;.JATfR BROS CfRJlll\D Slit Thursday thru Wednesday BEEF CUBE STEAK $139 HOFFY BRAND 1-POUND PACKAGE DUBUQUE • READY TO EAT S-POUND CAN ... $6.89 PATTY MI X DELICIOUS • NUTRITIOU S FRES H FROZEN DELICIOUS Lo w ..6u,, '?-u>;~ ?ood "'""''' ,.,., ...... ,, .... ~"''""''' VEGETABLES 51 ( ••••• , "'01> STRAWBERRIES 1r, Ol 59( l'~f. I tO•'" • "'"'" ''"' ""' • '.93< "" BRIDGFORD BREAD .... Cl' I/ PA• CHEESE PIZZA GARLIC BREAD .. ,, so· "KC. c••,.•1oON 11t•Dt t> "' s 1 a6 .. " FISH PORTIONS HALIBUl '3" '1 " r.--' ' ' I I "I I • I .. ZUC CljlHI SQUASH ' . ... 33' ' 72' SOF-SPREAD IMPERIAL 7 3 c MARGARINE ........................ \~88 CHUN KING BEEF OR CHICKEN. DIVIDER PAK $ 34 CHOW MEIN ....................... ~2s?A 1 HEINZ e KOSHER 6 c DI LL Pl C KLES ..................... ~~i~~· 8 AU~~tt $ 83 c RI SC 0 0 IL ................................ ~8s?A 1 GAINES BURGERS $2 3 7 DOG FOOD ................................. ~~~~: FINISH e fOR AUTOMATIC DISHWASHERS • DEAL PKG. $ 07 DETERGENT ............................. ~~s?A 1 DEL MONTE FIGS . 60' WYLERS DRINK MIXES '1.48 CUT GREEN BEANS , 22' CUT GREEN BEANS 33 ' LOG CABIN SYRUP GREEN BEAN S CRISCO OIL• 48·0UNCE FLUFFO SHORTENING CHUNK TUNA CHUNK TUNA 37' '2.17 '1.81 33' 53' DllT SHASTA ASSORTED ""' 1 4 c CHUNK TU NA 99' SOLID TUNA .. 69' GREEN CHILI SALSA . 31' GREEN CHILI SALSA . '1.01 RED CHILI SAUCE "' . 26' ORTEGA TACO SAUCE 32' MORTON LITE SALT 21' I , FISH FILLETS POPSICLE S 85, BUTTER BRICKLE BARS ESKIMO PIE S . 79' 28' ' ' ... " ..... 30 ' COFFEE RICH GRAPE JUICt 57' ' 33' SUMME R SQUASH : I' ' I ' m ' • . POT PIE S POTATOES U .S. NO. 1 RUSSETS c LB. APPLES SMALL FANCY RED DELICIOUS . SPiAYAVSTARCH .. ~.,~~ 55 c ROYAL PUDDINGS .: .. ::" 23' NAllEY'S TAMALES ,.,o,42 C $ SHOWER TO SHOWER .;::.;.. 59• ·-· CLOSl0 UI' TOOTHl'ASTE ..;.:., 97• • COSMETIC l'UFPS ~..:...--59' , ... w ... l'll'SODINT TOOTHaRUSH ·-· 39' • OLD Sl'ICE DEODORANT ... ::~~... $ 1 oc • °"""' LANA CAN I CREAM ~......... $ 1 19 ''""""' HILLS BROS. COFFEE . ""' .. '1.70 MAXWELL HOUSE · .. '::." ,,., .,'1.85 INSTANT SANKA COFFEE , ,, '2.47 INSTANT YUBAN COFFEE . '1.69 MARGARINE ~,: .• ~:""' ,. 76' MIRACLE WHITE DETERGENT PARKAY MARGARINE . , 63' 7-UP REGULAR CANS 6 '1.33 SANDWICH SPREAD :",-· . '1.14 PEPSI COLA ::.:~:!,,, 6, .. , '1.14 PEPSI COLA ::':..... 6 .,, , 99• CALGONITE~:;;~: ... "' , 79' RENUZIT •• ~:· :.:,., .. 59' CASCADE ~:~::~.~:,;·· "':. il .22 fXTAA fANCY TfNOEA G REEN \";' L!!N9.~~~L1 .................. 2·s u~~~o~3GES ' ' .5 ,.,,$1 ONIONS 2 5' lARG( 'ANC Y CA1ir, 'Uflllf · ...... '"'· AVOCADOS 5 S J ..... FOR A.PPLEFRUIT flLLING61. ~· """ POTATO FLAKES .,.., '".' ~· "'"' VEGETABLES J l 0 ' s 1 4 5 .. 000 $1 77 "" DILr 0 GHERKINS ,. o ' 54' A NGEL FOOD MIX ·~: 9 5 . • BABY JUICE BEECM·•UT STRAINlD ASSOR1 £0 •.2-0UtilCE 14~A. • CHIPS AHOY BAR SOAP N'SOn ALMONDS • 101 Wrtt Hi"ttrtnth st .. co,to Mt10 522 w"''"'"'''f'I" ll•d., W••*ritin•trr 1110 HP•port ll•d.., Code M.,0 , r • 7·fULL DAYS 6862 Edir>qrr A•t .. Hwntirtqfot1 ltoth 1430 Wr,f lir.tol" A•t., A11•iln 14171 Rtd Hill A•t . Tu\11,. ' . ' ' • • •1 NABISCO DIAL FREE PLANTERS PRICES EFFEC 14600 So ''°"''"""". W•"'"'"''"~aoo 1 .. 1 Corn"•·•·· o,,... II 7S '''"SI., c,.1. M0<0 •iffli : I 14.l..Ot.' f'ACKAG( PAMH.'f SIZl RlGUlAll e DE .. l PICG, PltY llOASl 1 S-O Z 260) W t1! St•trdttnttl St., Sonto Ano 6)0 fdirtCJPr A•t., Sonto A.1ta 14212 Mi11tt A..-t . Whrtllt"r WI llD(fM , ' 8 8 C 40 C 71 C $111 THURS.· WEDS. 8888 C hop1t1on A •t , Gor~ll Gro•t 1210 Mtfoddcw A•t'., S!Mta ~fHll 3462 Woltllo A•f'., l o\ .41-rfo\ FOOD STAMPS 1 · JAN. 16TH·22ND 2360 Horth Tu,li" A..-r ., Sonto AllO 564 Wtll l rood•av. A..aMn" 11081 Moq,,.aio .._,,., f_.111111 v~.,1 AT ALL •TORIS , '#J.iitJ6'¥f*•«·WB!·M#l,tt34i4 $l-i=i!•1;c3:1•a-it1 ·~•4-W!if!•W!·1'44 1''3 **4!'l--J :i1!•1iJ?i:11~i1Jt1r4--S:W!·WJ1!·Mi11''3J.i4!!f.i :I!!Jif'!#ii4-ia.~1a;;aa1.aM ~ j < l I I • Add Touch Of Nature I:-yuu r f.1111il.\ ;.:l·lltrlh v111>11 ~'li !il1c1 l!l 1!•, dif't .. \l of:-1 ~.r 11" 11 ·\ l" 1>1.111 111t· . .I . 1·1 11d.1111111 ~~ l hl' lll'('l ''.'>:""Jl"I 1 11.111\111-. .1lld lillll!'!".11'-> ,1J1 J l 'ILOll)..'.h 111 Ht•. 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I ,di!", po11 n., i.:1.il1•d111";111: •' t ind mu11c1 stevens • • lakes !he mystery out o f mousses, the s ighs out ol souffles, \h e doldrums out of dinner what's her secret? she cook s w1th love. the muriel stevens show M onday through Fnday 6 .0 0p.m to 6.30 p.m Tuosday & Thursday 10 00.im. to 10 30am ~COMMUNITY CAilEVISION Newporl Beach Ch . 3 • Zee Cake: ABC Easy f\\ I'll' I I.IS llr\1'\:J<:S en.,"""' X••o>C • Monl1-S.~••(• 11 ..., 11•d 1ttl1'ort21 nl l o fullov. .1 1 • 1 qu 111 Ill•· lt•\ll'/ 11 1 ll'lll llllq I 1, 111 IL , r ... i..1111.! .11·l·n1 din).! 1., • .,11i..111g ,1·huul l1'.1L't1 1·1 (\1IL•lt. H11 .. :..1 Ill Sht• dt . .'tl l<lll..,ll .LI <'.., Ill'/ point 111lh .i111.1tt..•l!r' 1•1uks, un h\'I' 11 1·1•k!.1 !Pl1·v1 ... 1u11 s ho.,., Zl'i.' 1 ·11<1!-..111 ~:-i('/\111~1 (l'l l~l 1:1 1111 .1<J1111 ,1; ... 1ud .. nt:-.t ~1·s 11 ,,111 K 1" H;, 111111 !ll,·11· t1•<1l'li1•r 1•,11·11 111·1·k fur l1;d ( ;111 n o u1· tr'~- 111 Iii, 11 li ,11hl ,11 t'<1lt11tlt'! d1 ,!\1·, II\ 11 d .., !-'1t'lll'll lllll•'!t"l .... I Ii<" 'ol .1 I1· 111• Ill' ( Ill ·' d 1 ~11 c ii 11.11 1 ( 11 11 1111·11 ·11'1•1«.lf h ~· .. 1111111•1 •11·•h111;• 111111 d IPI <ii l'IJ llO ... l!I' 1 ·~1•"! 1.dl\ 11111·11 lh1•1 lt' n11-1k11i~ d 1 h1• 1h1·1 Ii t\1•111 Ii.id ;1 \ J.,,•I\• \1 !II\" H"· · .. 1111 .11d \[I ,H·h :o.J111\\ (I ll!llll.t'-1/t' \Ill' 1.1 ..,1111)..' I h:J\£'lh1· I 1iddtt 111,1!.1 · d Ill\) t;,1 -.11• 'Ill th1· Ill' 111 111• IL1t1)'!11 .1n<l I ...,hu\\ thl•tn tu1\1 11\ 1dd1n~· J>J('t' UJ 1;1 h ,1lolt• 111 ''111••11 !Ill 1 ,ii .: ..tbl~· Tu t"han.,:1· .111111111 111\1· 11 ... t.1~l·· tJt !ht• fl)ltld \J ;11\~ ,l \IU[t, d Hll 1 l.J ... l t• • ll<>llgh .ind 1ht· l'-'"l lH I p 11t1 1 )\ .,, .1 .. on l'd t•.111\ :-.h1· :-. . .id l 11t1\'1·1'-.,t\!•lll (Ill !!11 l1 •l 1•\ l!->LUll --.!l,,\1 1:-111\•·1 ~p•·r-.l·d \11111 .i 1t·11 1•lvn1 t·nt.111 Fl l 'IH'h 1·\l'1l'..,:.L<Jll '> .... 11\'ll .i:-. l'l'Pl'at111~ 111,, 1·'11 •n, 11 \\!II d !111 ).!<l""'' II llt•ll l>l t !1,1 111)).~ ,1 ( '!11 1..,(111.!.., ~lllJ..,<' .11\d 1 111111!1!1!.: 111 1•1,.n 1·1t 1\!1 1·11 11111 1•111 11 ;.: \ l'~'t•t.tld .. - 11•'1•" I ~ u1l1 "I lh•· I•• 11 11 ' \1•1·d :1-, 1· .. r1 .. 1 .1' ,,.,\,111 I· .... 11 I \' f ~'. 1;r,11 .·d1111d\111 111, {'\ll'"l'.•11)..'t• jlll<' 1'111('11 ,,di 11 , l'llP' lh1l11 I 1<11 ,1p1 H'o! 1.n11 l 1,t1JI• ~111 .. 111-.li1,l l • 1 ...,,.p,1 L,il1 I• tJ..:L l•L<ll11Jj.: 1111 111)1!1 " !' ,\ 'L't' l1>1\\I ,111•1 \Ii· 1ul l....,1n.• 1111·d 11111 ~11<'1 1<11\I \ -.1111-.II\ 1 II'!\! 11· 111 ll.1ltd JT\j\ 1 I \1, ,ll 11~1 ,11 111!11 lh1· l•dl..~ \dd loll.., Ul •11 ,111 .:•· I If\.[ I II• ill ll't' ,111li !\ <!II \11 I 1d\..·· ,1!1,j )Ill\\\ t•\\ .\dd ,l 1!11.ll l "' .di llJ !!11· l'hl-: 11111\\'-. .!lld 111 .Jl \>1!11 tli l '\•·I tlti\iJ -.11 l! l'.111 111:1. 1 .. 1d 11l1111,1!1l11 < 11 .11\ c'•' II\ I'\\ 11! • liU\l<•I .I '' 111\'!J LI\ ,11 I .11\1• !'ol ll .• 11.J P•ll!I l!ll\lll!•' llLI H 1•.il1 J\,,\ I ,tt :1'1••d· :..'ll""' 1: 1111:\;J 11111111 !· \\IJ:J. 11\1 t.tl-.1 I., i>,11.111 llH 11 ·•Pl \fi"•I 1.1111 ,11 111 1,,,ll•1 111 Ill' I'·"'••\• I [11\\ I· " \\111111111 I ,1f.<' I d11!11 )'"Ill Ill• 11•• • "\' ! ! ! j.. • 111 !''' 11 "' 1 I 1 • • · I Ip I 1 'll"'.1Jl\ .... 11,>.; ,--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- The more you feed . the more you need' P~.'.e f ui our big family \ ___ __..,------ . -~···· · FINE QUALITY PLASTIC ...... /t01'ilit0 LAUNDRY BASKET "~1 AIL ~ !Dollar! sale! eenBeans •. , .,., ,· 1 ~~8A~•lT r. •'>~D~T!D (CtO~~ :.:i"" $19 9 '"' 16·0 1 ON 4 ~7 ~ QlAIL 'l'J.!IA.volden Corn Wl-10\E .,.. k!RN!l ~. 1601 4 ~'1 ..... (.&.to I '~~~ 4 ~$1 . . ' TEllllY TOWELS <)l \II. Peaches ··:"" a '1 16 ':.1 1--1. C•..., {)"" 1,>l \II. it Cocktail It. O! ''" a~r Ql ·\II. rln Oranges ·;~~ s~'I '' . 2i99' BllECK ' "" ' MIACIN . '.': '.".'.",. sz•· CAKE PAN . " . NYQUIL . " . ' ~ ., YASEllllE (" )' ... ,, , .. •FRESH Stewing Chickens .. ,,·: '"2 . ' ' .... c•r "'~ ,,.,.-. t o.'.ll·• 1 l LO\ (, ... ') l• • LB. BONELESS Chuck Roast ~,.~,721 Q~•L'fl l!!to ... !!•" "' lf"DI ' LB. DELICIOUS Hi-Pro Burger Dltl~J{)IJl4 • " .:::::;~.. " >NllHQJI ·~ "90111N . 8. ( ,.,,) ~ALU! · ................................. · o:·::: .. 5 . ' l~()I! l>'•J'" , ...... 1111 w•.,..fO \/\!.!; ~·cw (,.,.). LB. o Rainbow Trout '1~' o Clod RolSI . ,·:;;r;·: '1~' o Bl1ckcod ... ::·::· .. 89~. o H1libul Steaks ..;;.;;,. 'lt' o Oysters .. :·. :· :" .. '1" o Family Steak :-!·:.~: •1~· o Dover Sole .. ·:··:,;_. '1~ o Jimmy Dean .. :~i"~·-89' ,, ... ··;· ;;i ·,; ·,· ii(1'1 ~.; ': •.•••••••••••••••••••••••..••••••••••• ··;.·: ~-••••••• i ... ~ .. ,):·,.:. 'i :il~i ;~:·: ~:··.,······. :;::.::,:~,: ............ ~ ·: ' Sliced ·:;;~·:.'""'°" •' Turkey · ~·'-· t : : ···•~11~· ... 111 • .......,..... • ~-Bacon · ... t . Hindquarters" -••. ; ............................................................... · ....... ~.t .......................... ······ ........................... • Stouffer's Neat Pies Cottage · Cheese jf ~<,f•M.1.10 59· 1111 <.11 r1-.;1 t • IAl!i.1~Q • l{l(A.l • (Pfi.y,[D EA . ............................... . '.. . D FRENCH FRIES .......... ' .... 69' D WHIPPED TOPPING ... : ....... 53' D TWIN POPSICLES ....... : .... 'I" D FRIED CHICKEN 2-LB .. ".::::.:· .. '2" D COMBINATION PIZZA . ·:·.:. :;. : : : . '2" Ll TREE TOP APPLE JUICE ... : .. :·. 58' ,, •• 9., •. '!Ill iJrtN ..-~,. ........................... • • • • • D HAWAIIAN PUNCH DRINKS .. ·: .'.59' D GREEN GIANT MEXICO RN ..... :o. 37,'. D CONTAOINA TOMATO SAUCE • : ··'· 15' FROZEN I . ' . 11 '1 Ol. • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • Thrlftlmart Coupons For Guaranteed Savings! •Mesa Verde Center, Harbor at Adams, Costa Mesa • 13922 Brookhurst, Garden Grove •23811 El Toro, El Toro 1 • 1308 W . Edinger, Santa Ana r •5858 Warner, Huntington Beach { ~ .. Nabisco Crackers r1rt·1niu1n Sn11\\'ll11kes l ~i \I/ Applesauce ..... 33 c S ~~ \V quality ' i\:11. :100 i.:l;1 ,.s p1r Rice Mixes ..... 35 c M ,J ll all \'nrietit·s. Ii n1 pkg Sweet 'n' Sour 79 c 1,a\\•ry's sau1·1• h1r pork' 11 1 "' Dressing ROQuu OR1 •• _59c Hernst C'i n·~. thick. erC'arnv! R cot. PEPSI 98< COLA ~~CK Rel{. 16 oz bt les (OIET-89') plus dl·p . Chile ~C::s ••••• 39e Nullcy's l{e>g-., 'l'hil·k, I-I nt! 1.; uz Margarine ~::;~ER. 69c Concerned ahou! chnleslcrol? I lb. Swiss Miss :OA • ggc Ctn of 14 envelopes! Apple Juice . . . . 45c Springfield, for vc.due~ lJuart Piii! GRAPEFRUIT JUICE Case Swayne big -16 oz. siz e ' Cereal ~: .... &ge Choice of 4 kind!->! lG 111 Yuban Coffee .. s1 14 One lh. cun (l lb. can ... l.27) Aluminum Foil .. &9e Springfield, f11r valuP! ;.·1 II Glad Wrap ..... 59c Save those lef1-over!i! 200 ft . CAKE MIX Duncnn l-l1 n l'" all luver variet ies ... '{our chuice~ Cascade FOR 111S11:s ••• s 1°9 Dog Food :s .. s2 49 Gaines -more feedi ngs in 72 nz pk~ Litter Green ... 69 c 4 l.h. Pkg. 110 ~. size ... U 9) Kotex :~ •..•. &se Sa\"e on 12 t·o unl pa Lkage ., . ( ·l'nl er ('!11 tnu11 lt·an \11Jn ,., 11! ~·n~lt·rn pPrk. . . .r , PORK CHOPS ""'fled'. w;th "!". s 149 ~·uhhi~on '!:i drl'sl>· 1ng, hir l1av11r. lb LOIN END 3-4 LBS. \ Spare Ribs ~~~~~NPORK .8 9~ , ·" ' F.·\l{Ml-:11 ~·r,·1 .1·:1 I .t'Hll . urul -.o 1111·11! \, to Rfford nH1re giH11.1 C'A! ing . Sliced Bacon ... s1 1 ~ Pork Sausage .• 99~ r:J ltaneho's (l\\'Tl rant·h sty lt·1 1-<:l !{ancho's old fashioned style! Park lain Roa& U.S.D.A . Choice bee f in our Servi ce Butch er S h op s! New York Strip ~am .. ~2.7/l 1'hry'l\ lovr juicy te>nderness. the ten1pling ~u11dnt'l->:-. 11f 1h1:-. 1·u1 iii l1(·l·I. 1•rr •1\1•111 1r r11t1 ... :-.£·r1(•1 Stewing 39< Chicken lb Ground Beef ... s1°? Frf·-..h~ .. _ 1n akc fricasee lonig ht1 Chopped Steakss1 1? Snprr lean' {;ri iund hPt·f. 11·~~· ~-?" . . ( Baker Russets 15~ li 1~~ No. 1 pr(•n1iu1n quality. .'i11p1•r f.'rr .,,h /'rndu c" Grapufiiuit Anjou Pears ...... 29~ Fresh Carrots 15~ ('risp and tendt•r! I lh . plio baJ{ New York $299 1 b STEAK l.t.1in cut flf l ' S I).:\. ( 'ho1C'l' i,e('f' RUBY RED! ••••••• Alf al fa Sprouts ... 39 c VrC'~h. f11r a snlnrl tr1 ·11t' i ,,., 111h BROWN 1 O< ONIONS lb All purpose! l l.S . '.'\n I qunli!y Red $129 1 Snapper lb Frt"f:.h fillt>ts 1 !\l i ld l'11 cif1c -"nappt·r'. Turbot Fillets .. 89~ River Smelts ... 59f Cooked Shrimp s1 8~ .111 -.1 right !'or ~h r i111p 1·u('kt11il' CRAB LEGS 99~ :\Ja:-.kan , f11r 11Hlfl' tlll'il!\' navur' ~~~'~:::· 69< S\\'an,,.n\. Hi 111 hig' l-!cef ·r n rk(•\ "r t 'h11 \..Pn' B d BRIDCEfOR!I ggc rea W141n •••••• Pound Cake llMON •• 79e Dinners ~~'. .. 55e Apple Juice .... 49c ·rree 'fop concentrut t·! 12 01. D elica/essrn Spel'iflls' l'r11"0','i 111 1'ffr'I I 'f'liur .Jr111 /Ii lhrr1111-!h ~VFrl .. Jon :!'! /,i11u"r /)ep 't Values' Sliced Meals BUDDm·s 39( OpC'n rlr11l_v 9 ti> Y .'-;unrln_\' /fl lo i 1V11 ,..,nif·s to d1•n/1'r.~ Whiskey SAVE $1.oo $4'' ON CANADIAN! ••••• Six delicious smoked varieties ... wafer t hin slices ... in I hr('l' uunce packa~e! El Rancho'R own! S111 001h nnd li ght, and this week -at a ,c;ptria l ~nvinK! Quart Kosher Pickles . 25~ Vo.n 1-lolten, in sealed bag. Horseradish~ .33e Plain or cre amed ... 5 oz. jar. Sharp 98( Cheddar Schreibe r·s, from \Vi sconsin! 8 q.r,s ........................ 89' S1t11c 011 r lu· 1711 ct . pl..~ lllir Color .................. 'l.98 }Iii« 'n' t-A..;v -all .Mrlrs' Taco Shells .... 49c Fief;tll! 1-leat, fill. serve! !2 ct. Cheez-Whiz .... 69c l\.rnft'f; laRty spread! 8 oz . jar. SLICED HAM t~nrnler .John favorite! 5 oz. pkg. Shampoo IDIAl ISSDlll •••••• 11.39 J)eliruh•, 1lrv "r (Illy ... 14 u1 •. Bayer Aspirin •• , •••.••.•••••• , 98' No hf'adnrht'!I in thi11 pricl!! 100 d. Ir I ~ I Aim Tooth Paste .............. 49' \\'1th n .. "tid•· ~1t>d. Ill!!'' \1n1· ll' off) Dupont Sponges .............. 39' $o hnndY lo hRVf'1 r1rkll~(' !•f ~ Scotch sC0R1se1·s •••• s5 55 Regular ~-99 ... you snvr! Qunrt Cabin Still ..... s599 Stra ight. whiskey .. re~. B.40 ounrt GIN or s399 VODKA Q••·• Holiday Times! Your C hoice~ Insect Spray .................. 89' Instant Potatoes ...... , ....... 79' French'11 J\la!iht'ct -bi1r 1:1 nt pkr --·-·· , --~ .......... · .. -- Creme de Menthes449 l--l !rn1n Walker \Vhilt>·Green 5th Vermouth PllA.MASS1111 51 ss ( 'hoose extra dry or sweet! fi ft h VIN ROSE Pnul Masson -for dinner! fifth Daisy Wipers ................. 49' For nll 'r,n1nd 1he h(lulf•! pki;: of 10 Instant Yuban ............... 11.17 Bii;: fl fl7. jnr n1nket •o tnftny l(ood cU'pll ... . , MEDITERRANEAN TRIPLEX EXCITING EAST SIDE COSTA MESA f)wners un11 ha.~ J l;e<lrooms & 1tl·n l>ouble firepl:i<'e 1\uwnst.i1r~ llugt' m:1Slf'r bMroom v.1th l1r1•1;l;i t•1• ;1n1t w.1lk 1n 1·lO:Sc·l Sol'rond unit v.·oold also m ;1~r ;, good ov.n1·rs 11n1t frun1 o;11f' :inrl amen1t11•., :-ut·h ""· t.,.o ht'<lroorn:-. I' . haths 1\11 h,1v1•1·lu:-~·d g.ira~'t'' a n!l tht'1r 11v.n laundry rnorn V. 11 h1 n w;.i l~ 1ng c!1:-l ;111!'{' to 17th St. shopp1ni: .Ju:-t l1<0 ~1·11r~ 1uuni.:. Jiu> th1~ Oll l'Ontr:irt Mll~>1 nt1 l ';111r .. 11i 7171 VACANT NEAR WESTCLIFF \111 11 '·' \\,II l\!:l/ Idol 111t lln I.Ii,. I"" 11' 1'·111• • I H' • ' I 1111"1 1' • • "I' !1 Ii 1 I h I '"''"' 11•>\I I\ 11·.,h ,1i,.,\,, \1111 •1 11 11,, ·~l' \• I• ii .. \I ... ., "' I Ii· IH,I .11·1 •II" 11, "t 111• ' ~ •' 11,·n I· ·tt·I ,.,,1 .. ,.,, 1 ' 11 1 •1 I•, , I, t A BEAUTIFUL WAY TO LIVE H11: 1·nuui.:ti \o hJ•ld • .ti 11f lilt·' l rt•,1,111 1·~ SpoH·1ou.-. '' h .. droo111 2 !-\Ory 1·~t·1· hunit• 1n ., w;1rm .-.1•1t1ng fi>r h;q1pv 11111\j.! Opt>n ht>,1 111 1·t·1hng 111 hu1•1· l.1 1111ly n.c1n1 ~.legJ nt rn•t.~lt·r ha ~ rPt r .. a1 ;11111 11rn•alt' garrl1·n pa tio :\lul'h mnrr -:1 u,.,t Slil'l.~.11'1 t';dlt11''"' 1417 1;0111 COZY HOME ON 1 /3 ACRE LOT! 1 ~1\., of ron111 f11r 1our 1;rr't>l1 thurnh' ~·.1rn1l 1 un1·11t•"1 l111nH· h,1,., l;<1 i'" 111111111.: rt••rn h11.: bo~1 n.un ... flu11r 1,, r1·1 hng l1 n·pla1·1· 111 l111n i.:: r111.11n (Ju1 .. 1 ('UI do• "..it· lor.1tinn 1\ r ;•r•• haq.::1111 :.1 JU<,\ $.:1•1.tkJO ' 1\ll l1·r nl" a1ail Call nt•w)l.17 f.1 1111 VIEW VIEW VIEW NEWPORT TO CATALINA $42 ,950 :I t .. i1r.~1111 '. 1''"'1 \ L H\ f't!I\ \'I~. 1111h \l lch• up••fl !·l'<C-1.u·nL•r II!'" H•:llcr hurr1 1t -. 1.11'an1 c .• 111a1. ~1~1 IF I HAD A HAMMER l'D BUY THIS FIXER UPPER Y~•u \l lll i.'llJ"' tiu~ 11111" lt.c .111,1 llt'.lf 1~1h ~lr••t·t \I. 1'''"l1ff 'hn111•1ng .. n hu1:•· H :! lPt 1111~ .1 hetln,,1m :! hath h"n1t• I" .1 ~1r~I "' ~.9.it) 1.1·r .. 1•1• c.1111;.11; >1~1 POOL FOR THE NEW YEAR?? II " th• 1•1·~1 11111• !11 t.1,1 .1 1•••1 h"rtl"' \1,,1<1 "un11111·r 111fl.111un ! h1' "lll"'r hon\•· h . .-.oil l.1rJ.!~· rtlOlll' '.111lt 1·of '0•111 11 1''. t•l!l!'lt /If ~1 •. n .. ·111.•~•·r ~11. !1"11 n11" ti 1111•r•· '''IJm•· IH,1 11 \1 1tl1 ~.111:.t•rl! $:';,, llH• !'1111 !'II\" sr;.:~~1 t·;.itit.1;1.1111111"" FRENCH CHATEAU 2 STORY BEACH POOL $32,900 ,I I ,1,; I UI '1,· II !1 'll .•' I' " >I• ,\. <I I I• \\ ~ I' I n I' " " ' " " l'I• " . .ill '" I I \ I I 11 • " 1 I I . 1! ,, ,1 • ( 1· ·'' I! \I'•. \l \ "! !' "I ' I ""Ill ,, " 11·11' 1.,, oil "'I , ~.,I "ON THE SAND" 6BRESTATE 2 STORY + 2 BR GUEST HOUSE ,, ·' ,, •I I· "' \\ 'ri It ,., 11 lo ' ~ ' I' "I' '' I• 'I \ • • (• . "" •I •! l•' •t '" I 1!11' I 1\ "Ii I t 1 d·111 •• 11! HI(\ t .. , •1 ol I 1 I \, ",, "I I•,, P Ii .. " lh1 I 111 . ' ' $29 '900? NOT POSSIBLE 11111 1n 1•· ' I h1•d1""n1 doll ho!"1''' 1111h lo>rm.11 ,1,.11•1 1"'11"1 ),~, l!<';i11t1lull1 u1•~r.1il•·d. plu .. "" ·« ,ot" I 1,,, 1 ) )o "I I I\ ,111 t'"ll 'ho! L j1, 7. SPANISH MANSION 6 BR-2 STORY BEACH .3 ACRES 'OouOlt' door F(IR~1AL tile-e ntry lo SP1\CIOllS l11·in.c: room .,,·1th noor to ct'1lin.c: stone firt'p1;1ct' f''ormal BANQU t-:T si1.cd 1hn· ing roon1 IS rk11.1urf1tly !<.erv('(l hy a hU,I?'.{' ,c:ourmr l k1t r hrn . S\l.'F:f':l'I NG stairs to ele)?'.ant m:ister suit ~· + sr paretc rhildr{'n & ,c:ur s t w1n.i: ll11l1•;1>.o.•:iy library . Prof 1and$C'3P111J! llurr~ '1 \l.'un't lasl at $..')11,500 96.1· 18111. NEW NEVER LIVED IN COSTA MESA Comb1nr tht· n;J\•or 1•f IJ\•1111: on Co.~la ~1rs;1's ra.~l !'idl' 1o1•ith !hr 1o1·ondrr of :i hrand nt•1o1· horn(' t1 VEl!S l 7.f.0 COUNTRY (~QU RMf.T 'S KITCll1'.N, comfortablt• s1e!'la roon1 and :l dt•hi!htful bedroom~. on lot b1,c ('noui;:h lo 111nt: DADS trurk. hoat or wh11t. 'ha\'{' vou . ()wner !'ays ~rll quit·k ;1t S47,9~ .. ·tA't'~ ~n C'a ll &16·1171. "ABANDONED" BEACH COLONIAL 5 BR • ASSUME $33,000 \I• I! ''lit\ •·11Lr.1 IUl'Ollrn111u-. 24' l1v1n.i: T!14 111l With rn.,,.,-.11, -.1,,,,,. f11··1•l.H·l· & n•mrn and1ng VIE\\' or lu,h r•r.,11nd ... • ,11111111.·r 1' \\'!L I (>~ .... 11h 20' ~un \«11,,,, l·•Hr11,ol rl1111ng 1 ... t·lcl41Ul'ntly ~l·rvt•rl by hu1•1· ~·o.,1 1 111 ·l f••otl '"'1111-r \\l\h hn•;ikfa_,1 t'ilt1ni: .010 ·,1 :->11"•'!•1ni• -.t.1n·, lo ,t,1!t•I\' ma ... t1·r ~111t1· w11h !'H,,<'h.11 '1; l1t •'l>l.H•· • ... r i>:,ra1c• C"hildrt•n-. A1 1•u,.,1 "l!llt·' 'l'.ikt• 111.,•r 7'. \'A ki:1n _!\:() Nt:\1.1 I.II·\' ( •l'il~ ~1:, p .. r 111.,nth p<I)' alt c1 .... n1·r rnu I .... 1rril1r•· I lurr~' l';lll '.11~111181 GET SET IN 75 MESA VERDE HILLSIDE-LUXURY Four !•fJ~ hl.'droorn... n1ou11\a1n lodge s 1zf'd family roon1. hl';nn 1Til1n ~s 11nd htU!I' ftrt•pl;u'e looking 0111. onto 11101111\;•111 l""HI Ilk" 1~·•1 move 111 tod:1y it 's \·ar:1n1 ''"'"''r 1' :1r1\111u' ~1 .~ (';ill quir k ~l'W Z:ll~ NEWPORT NAUTICAL I ' '••"'" ,,.1 • 1 "" lh•· "-"•r' ,, . .,. 1•··· "'" , , ,· I l1d1111~ ..:. h.oth, 1\11,11 '" "'1 111·! .111•1 ·ll'•I' \'di EXECUTIVE POOL HOME 111•1 .. to 1 ,1, r1"t 11• '"" ~>.1 11111• r,1 lh••rtr0111·1•1hnJ!~ ... 111 111 •11·1·0 I'·" 1<•11•1u·,, l.lt•i.:,1111 ln•m !ht• lonl! , •I • 111 r1 1n lh• , n(1·11 ... 1u·r -. rln .. ttn 1 ,trd \1 1t h l·U· ,. "~ 11!1 f""I ",I'( '01!1 I .1 !1,1r t:,o111 I .111 n•HI' I " I. • • t" BUSY! BUSY! BUSY! WE NEED YOU Our sa les people l{'ll u~ lh~tl y.•orkini:: on our team is bolh plc;1\ant :ind produtliVl' We nl•cd two more sales peopl e. Our rcquire1nenls are integrity and en· thusiasm. You c:ould sta rt t.orl ;iy' Wou ld you lik e to kno\\' n1ore <.1 bout y.·hat we· have to offr r vou? Call Terry J\1 tC ardlc ·!l O\\' at 752-1700 ~·ou 'll IJ(.· glad .vou did PARTICULAR BUYERS 2 story, 4 IM.'d room v>'ith thtC'k thick C'ilrpt'I , ,\\r!'> (Jean lives .h rr~ Lawns m;1n1cur1'(\ too Conventt'nl to SC'hoob. shopping ;1111.I bl·:irhr.., 1'n 'a•w this lo1·t• ly hnmr, I':! II !lt>J .fi7fol r • S & SPARK HUNTINGTON LA TH & PLASTER llul!<' 2 !-\or ~ F1 .. 1turinc f0f n1:0 ! 111 ins.:. 1!11u11i,: .1n11 IU)"Uf~ l 'lu" f~·atun·~ ;on• 1ht• hui.:1· 1.,111u-. rr.,o1Jm p]u,, IO\l']\' f;i rn1h rlot•rtl l 'rnf(',,~u1n;ill1 1!on1•1nsidt' and nut ~·11r :on :q1p111111 rn 1·n1 1n ~··•• 1111~ t .. •.1 r!dul hPnH· «all 9r-.:i.t;7f\j ABSOLUTELY IMPECCABLE \.,\I • ;11\ >.fll"ll lho• Ill'\\ Ill''• ,\ <ThlJI llt';ot1 t.,·dtn«n11o11\h 1 11·11· l.1t.'." L1m il1 r1.1111 <ln ;1 '"I! •·.1•1 "Iii•· ('•"I ' \j,.,,,, lto••hn••d, IP• Ir 1fl>,. 1u id•' n! ""' 111•r •hip .t 1·,.,., \ I nl'· t 11 ,, n1.-r 11 '•',11 1.i••-:1:1 GOODBYE 1974 GOOD BUY IN 1975 ! S11<1rldi11g s uburh 1.1 11;1rk 4 l11'1lroo1n only ~;,t; ~U' 1\1,c: fa m1ly roon1 fnrn1:1 J d1n1ng room <1n uul~t.1nd•nJ! nt•il!hborhOtXl c·lo-.1· t~· 1,..•;1l'h, ~1·h011b p:1rk 11·11111' lukc trail~ l a~! 111111• al thi ... pru·1• l'.oll tH•"'' ~Z31J 50 STEPS TO SAND CUSTOM HOME + UNITS NO QUALIFYING l 'nh1·l11·v;1hl<' 111i111•rl111u1v :n .1 II \Ill! T'l 1·1\1)" 1n1•1•'1 rn1•n1 .\!J ,.f'.t·!I F111\ ,f\\ 111,\'S (l~':\t:I< \\'I I I. F l.,,\,{'~ 111\ISI 1.J.' :it 11· I Jr ;1n1.1t 11· 1·u ... t11111 h111111· LI\ 1sl1i 1 ,j, 1 "ll"• I ' ;! !•1lrn1 :1 pt + -;1 u1110.T.1 ~t·.'1111 ;r,\,\T . ...;r1·1·sT(1 !l1· ... \1·11 'OlJ n:i m1 · tt11• 11•rrn' 'II()\ ,\l.ll'Yl "-C NECESSAll Y 11.,,n1·r n111,l )1",11, tli. ~1:11•' 1,1);1• ,1dv;1 nt;1g1· C:1l l !-M~ ~~,;i;, UNDER CONSTRUCTION IN NEWPORT HEIGHTS Atmo.,1 rt';1d~ \11th .,,,,rm .,,ood-.y lt•f'ilnl! lhroug hout. S11:;n1~h tll1• l'rllr1 . formal cntT') rorm;1 I d1n1n~ plus l;1r gc gnu rmo·t k1t rhl'n l't'r.,on:d arl'a 1ncluclcs pn\':1tf' ;11n um uH l;1rge master bath w1lh Homan styli• tuh 27 x :1.1 g;1 r:1gr ol! t<irJ!t' pat11) f<11·1"" :tilt•)' 1':1k1· it ''lr>0k 't'l'" r•.111 IW\ ili I BEAUTY BY THE BEACH $53,950 Custom l .1 Cuf'~l;t fl',11un·>. unu!'>u.d f.11111!1 room .... ,th \I P( h;tf :tlld p\;,nk n•••flllC l':tr~ J1kt• I .1rd tr,,..ir .. Irk•' II ' r111 \1 1th n1.1f1Htir•• ~1·1~!'-lfr'' Mu ,1 "''' ('.111 nn.,, i;.r; 1,1110 CORONA DEL MAR SELECTIONS TRIPLEX NEAR BEACH CORONA DEL MAR \j,llh l'\'l'ryth1ng go1n~ ror it. Quality, loratron, pn valt· f1nanr1ni:. and v1cw. Qn{' or lhl' vrry few honest 1n·plexrs in Cornn;1 dl'I Mar. l'n me loca- tion for winter & summrr rentals or owner- 1l(•ru11ant l'rir ecl at $127,500. Call for n1ore de- t:11I!» f.73-ll~50 DESIGNERS HOME 1nl"t'1u1 d,·,11.:nt•r' 011·n h•1n11· 1\ -.pollc~~ 1h rct• 1.,·1ln>t11n h•111"' 111 1·\t't'll1•nt i'•md1t 1on. P:int•lc<I .uid p.1lk'l'<'d thru "!II "11.1rk l111~ k111·ht'n T np ·:r.ir li· 1 .11p,.1111 ;,: ~··u1 11·111 .. 111 '" lt•nn1~ court' .11111,1\1111111111l: puol ~7:! ~•! t•,1!1 nowli7:l H~o.'10 . GETTING MARRIED? ll•'r<'0 ' ,I \!l'0'.11 h'llllt· l1•<,l,i11 \'U\11 ll<'\I Ii!!' j I''' p.1111•1!.'d lwd1.,un1' 1,,•,1111•"! 1 ·0·!111•~ 111111(! 1"••1!1 '"'I' rn•1d1•1 11 h11c·IH·H l"fl1r,d ,tit r11nt l111 .. ninl!. S1t1J ,1!1'1! ni ..... tli111r "•111.1r•'. /r\'1n,. onl\ s:.!fi.ufl!) r.1 11 1.;.1 s-.·~1. SUPERB DUPLEX Outslandin,11: cU~tom built duplex in Corona del Mar. Ftont unit has three bedroom!t family room plus M:parale d ining room. Rear unit almOfit a duplicate -t>lei11n t, easy care. Near ocean Call 673-8S50. INEXPENSIVE DUPLEX Thrf'r hlnrk.~ fro111 l'or,,n:r del ~lar h>'ac h F.;1t'h unit ha.~ 1a rr:e ri11.1m s. ~:;11·h h;1,, :1 11\ inc ronn1 .... 1th f1repla1'1• A \j,t•ll kt•p1J>ll't't:Of11ro1K'rty .ind pncl'd at only $7:1.~ l':11l G7:1 R.',;,o HOME PLUS INCOME Charmin~ 2 bf."droom hom1•. spae1ous h\'ing roon1 -.ilh co1.y fi replac{' p lus vrrv 1nt{'resl1 ng incomc unit 111 rr;ir. Walk lo r1·rr. lh1n1: 111 dn11'Tltnwn ('oron:i d('I Ma r Pricl'd 10· ~t·!I .it 91'J.::.UO. C;1ll 673·8.'>50 D"IL ' fl1LOI ''I SPANISH MANSION ASSUME $39,000 POOL-BEACH \j;,nu·un•cl 1,1rJJ-, Fl .. 1.111«1 , .. ,111>111» "l•·I• d·1.,.n 1111111' 11 ••1t' F"i1n.1t d11111n• "'l\•·11 II\ l!-1 c.1110·1 l•11 .. rn1nu "'~~1 .. t\ !10·,f.1 l•~•rn 'lv.111 l.1rul1111• ,1,111•·"" 1·1nul.1r t•,•l••Hll :, hut••· '''1'·""'' ,.,\,•1·p 1111· qu.111•·1' k in.:-. n1 .. ,11 r 1111" •·II "r.1)1 .11•1111ul 1!,1111 ,. 1•.11!11"11 \•,1!!11!• \ \ \,;l . .io po·r !1"•111!1 II"'' .111 11"11"1 u\11 I 1·11 1,.~, 1d1.u1l,1•'1 ' ,oil Ii 1:.: ~!.:i:, NO DOWN 4 + POOL !11•"1 ;ir• .1 'I r1·•· lint~t "ln 1·1 1c,•:1ut11ulll l,1nth!'.IJH'•I (-.,,, t•n !r1 t:r.u Hlll' 11 11111! n~•lll v.1!h ~'l.<HIH Ttl t t'!l.1'\I; ~IHE l'l.Al'f< ~Jr111h thno t\!Tt 'JI~' nl· 11i\1(1HHJ~\\ ·I 11u11t .. ,f1,·dr"1,111~ ~l '.\l!k\.J\1 ; 1•11•1!. :-<lh•r 11·r1 ;10'""" ";'1' .,11!110 ol \\' T l·'H\I.._ Vt1l l pnr 1• 11nly s.tl,000 Jl11rt'\ 1 .1t1 I !."I E .ill n1,.,.. tu,,., K.I~ ~.',]:, LARGE FAMILY I\• , ·1 1 11, '"I \ i,, ol•oltiltl I 11uil1 !'""" 11'''1 'i" ,,1, d \\i!lo 111 'I 1111.ol1I \ ·11,o I '" 011" I,\' >I o111 <11 q .. · l\r" ~ 111• pl.I'" .oil•I .i111 1, 11· 1 1•1 ii I 1'1•1 'i"" I •1d. I '"I'' '111 '•'l'l" , I 0 111 'I '•I APPLE-PIE ORDER! MESA VERDE 4 BEDROOMS Ch arn11nc .,, ;<rm t a~1,.fu ll 1' dl'('(lr:t!C'cl - 1111111,11 ul.d• '"nd1111•n :', r;1r t'.11-.•i.:" 1111 a ,-h .. ln •!•II• I 'II• ··1 l•lHT ,;1: 11"! 11ulf ~:ou!" 111\ttnt· ~~11; ~:llJ tu 11l'J!('t'I hl·forl' 11·~ ... nl•I' "ABANDONED" 4 BR.-2 STY-POOL Beach-$2B,900 l'\1\1\1.11\t: ·\l'l'Htl\c·11 l.JTt.'t' L1mdy ,,,,.,1 111111~ r<•>rll (,.,urnh•I ~111·h1·n .+-rl1n1•. :-, ..... , 111n 1: .. t.11 rs 1n '1·p ,1r.1l•' mastl·r & "hildr,·n·, -.u1tt•:-. A•'IHTH' lol • 1'. FHt\ ]0~1n. SJ:1,:,110 1\1\L .\l/ \'L\\' LOAN COSTS.' ,s.~.\~ mo 1•:1 .\~ ;oil O"nt'r 111u~I ~ac rrf11·e. ll 11rr1' t'.111 'llj;i ~t<Ot ! T llE Ht:A I .. ~~ST,\TEH'i COUNTRY CLUB & GOLF NEXT DOOR H1 g lQlMI ~fl fl . :1 h1•dr011n1two1 ears n1'W at on- 11 $7·1 .~J' In Sl00.000 pre~t i'ce :\lr~a Vr rde n.•1ghll41rl1u111I 111'\t•r ;1g;11n .11 th1" pn1·1· l'al! ::.tti-231'.I JUST LISTED MESAVEROE - 4BEOROOM LEASEOPTION- $45,950! h 1111 '11'11 11111d•111"•I l,oHlll• r••o!ll p111 .t. l'•I"' "olf.. 1 .. ··l ··r1H11u• 1•11•1' 'ol •nl "' I hip I I I" 11" ,ii ;'Ill '!.'..-, i'"t lil'l"lli 111 ''" ,, ''' •h1 •1• I \\,Hil' 11111 PRIME LOCATION I 1 .. Ir ... 111 ' I, ,•lo !."1111\ '"'"' hn1n<• 111 l••ll!I!' lf1111r1t1 IH'I f\,. 1. !1 .11• ' \o•r\' 11n1•,1io• I 1 Hr11 .1!1111111 ,o'ld 11.11 f.1 •I •I I 111 •I .,,. I r••••f "''I • .ti!.,•" •I • "' · !<o -l1.,p1°11 • A • linnl' l \ •'" < I 11 i' t 1 d I " , 1 , SPLENDOR SURROUNDED BY GRASS! ~11•':1 \\•rd.-. ll1•pul>\1r huhh·11 l\I O·Slory, fnur ht'11ft 14>11l. f;11111i1 rfl'Hn , 1hn111c ronrn, twn f1rt•pl.11•1·'· '.l h:11h, ~1"" (r:iffw quu•t pn d1• nf. n .... n•·r,h1p 1,1 11n11' .itl•t'rt1 "·11 s;1 900· ~lli :!..11:1 HIGH ON A HILL OCEAN VIEW 5 BDRMS-$45,950 l'rrs~1 g1• lnf;1l1 nn l'u~tnn1 :-h111 gled t·~tl•nnr ll1f.hl v up ~r ;1dt•1! inlt•nor ;; hug(' bffiroon1.~ l'ornmanrl1ng v1rw of cit y & ocl'an. 0 11ce 111 a l1fl·t1 m(· b;i rga1n o-.·nrr must go -can·1 1ast al $4::0.9.'i() Takr adv;1ntilgc call S12·2."l.l.'i. GI-NO DOWN ABANDONED $200 MOVES YOU IN Pt{'st1gc lo<";i\1 011. Trce lined a pproach. Storludcd entry. Spar 1111.1s h \·ing room Formal d1111ni:: <::1 r1h•n k11rhl'n S t:1'1\H,\T t: f;1m1h r11nn1 l l1rld•·n p,1 \10 Sp1 rnl ~t.11rr..1~t· In n1a ~ ... 1\'1• 111:1,l o•r ~t11lc• F ull !:1n11I\' siz,,,J !11>rt n~·m' f\\V\'EH II \S i\\\,\\'!)(1'\~:D S2il0 'It •T \I, <'11~T \1i l\'~::-V( 1L: J \''' l'ull pru·i·nn· II ~:II! .'~1(1 T .1 ~·· .Ph .1111,tg~· I' .1 II KI~ '.!.·,:1·, EXECUTIVE HOME """-<.; l'.or~ lh11111r1l!!'lll I l1<·tli•1o1111 :!1 ;:h;1!h~ .1od .1 1<11 n1.il d1111n·: r<~1n1 1111 '" l.11111h' r'""TI ,'I,, L•r :..:1· 1 .. u111 • 1·111)!11 !l ••nl1 Int' .1 11.,.,! I :thl<' + 1·,111·1 ,.,1 p.11 l't \ 11111~t I•• ··1"· ! '..II •11 ,'1 •:ir.7. CHEERFUL KITCHEN 1 ... .i,,, .. 111 ('.o! '1.1 ... \11!11 ,, l,1111.i ,111· h1•,11,.11 ,,11,I .1 !w.111111111 \l )I J !''I; F\\Jll,Y l•>•llll l\llh ••ln•I\ lo".ill1 ••·11111:,' \'I"'" lq l"'.l•h i,•,·: \' \ lo.on ,1 ,~11111.•hli • I<~•'! 1\1• 'Ill.II I • ,Iii •11: 'l IO'jl,j. ~EWPORT BEACH 1700 N•wP"" llvd. "46-7171 COST/\ MESA 27'0 H""'°' llvd. 546-2Jll 17tll leoch aitvd. 142·25J5 HU~TINGTON BEi\CH llOJO ........ I 'U-6767 .0,4 W•r•lf Aw1. ,'47·6010 ('ORONA DEL MAR JJZ M•9 .. ,l1e 67J·H50 .•·oll~·:;\~ur•·t:' 11\\ESTMENTS 19661 Macl.rthvr Jhd., S.11• 1 O\l Ul·7UI hvloe 752· 1700 ' .. ,.-.. ·~ ,D~-~"~·-' L 'Y I " 0""1~• INDEX Ad...er11srng ]~ Classif1cat1on t 100 '--~---•w_•_ .. _~ll ,el Classll1ca1ion 3 100 -·~•ulw•~• )[!ir Classd1ca11on 3700 '--=--···~""__,)~ C1ass1f1ca1ton 4000 __ ,. )~ C1ass1 f1ca11on 5 100 Lou Mid Fovrd J ~ Class 1hcat1on 5300 SenKe1 •rd fl~iri ][5J Class1ticat1on 6000 L_~_'"_"_'~_"_·· _ ___,)/l~] C1ass1hcat1o n 7005 . . . . ' . . . --.· . * \", , 1 ,.,. 1 ,.,1, "~ 1 • 1 t H o u \C'S For Sdr I Housr-s For Sd r J I I - ---• • • • • • • • • • •• • •••••• •••• • ••• •• • • ••• ••••••••••• • Hovs•s For Salt' Houses Fo r Solt' Houses For Sole Houses For Sole Hou,e'I. For Sole 1 Hou,e s For SaliP GeniProl I 002 G"•rol I 002 ••••••• ••• ••••••••••••• •••••••••• ••••••••••••• •••••••• ••••••••••••··· 1·••••••••••• ••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • •• '·• •••••• • •1 • • ••" '•"' •' " ..... '"'"'"' • • • • • • • • •• •• • ••• • • • •••• ••·• • • •• • • • ••• •• ·•• • •• • Gnttal I 00 G e-ne1;al I 002 General I 002 G'"'erm I 002 Gener ol I 002 (;•nerol I 00 2 ••••••••••••• •••••••••• •••••••••• ••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ....•..•..•••....•••....•.•.•.....•...••••••.• THIS ONE LOOKS OLD, BUT. 11 11\·1· ... fli'\\'' ('apt· ('od t•Xlt·1·1or. 1u:--l ;1 lllo<'h t1on1 the lleul'h 1n CdJ\1 ( 'h:1r111 :1n<I con' t'JlLl'n(·e thr11ug houl :l .00() -;q I t 111<·lu(l1n g ·l largl' IJL'dr<11>1n :-.. 5 11.ilh" . .i "'-'\ ... •i n g ro11rn . \\\'O ('<!l.Y f1 r1 ·p l.ic:1'"· ;1 1:11nlly roon1 ;ind :i d1111n g ;11·1.·.1 '1'1!1 " la1t11I\ h t1fl1l' 1:-. liiglt ~"i l un ;111 d lo\\ 110 rn:11r111·11.111 t'l' l 'r1 ·..,~·n tl·tl no\v ;1 t :-.t:l~J .. -100 UNl9UE HOMES ReoltOt"s, 6 7 5-6 000 2443 E. Coost Hwy., COt"ono de/ Mor Grne-ral I 002 G e neral 1002 ·········•···································· W ES L~;y N TAYLOR CO. REALTORS s ince 1946 BIG CAMYOM-194' OM FAIRWAY !·'inc cust1Jm Sparnsh <l csigncd 5 1111 1101111..' on hl'au l cornt·1· s 11c· overlooking: C.C. & N<.:\vp11rt Cntr. l~i.:e 1 )1~. den & tiu;.:c r l'(·rcation r n 1. 2 \\'l'I ll:1r:-,. :1 gar. 21 I I San Jooc:piin Hills Rood MEWPORT CENTER, M.B. 644-491 0 i{{·:1ut1 !ullv dccor :1tcd 5 J{J(, ·1 1 b:1 ., p<:inl'l ing , 3 irplts. H am1)/~h JJ . $200,000. l 'u.-..t on1 !j l!J{. ·1 ba .. 80 !l. \'ll'\\/ fr(J lll ~ge 1111 l:.igoun . !!amp llo;1 l ~!15 .()(}(J l~r ~1n<I lll'\V fi htlrni llo~1l . S425,000. . Ii ll:ilhs. l ~;1n1p &.: 70 Linda Isle-DrivC' l 'r1n1e4Sft. l ~a g oon !,c1l -~l ~O .OOo F'or 1nfc1rn1;11icu1 on ;di hon1l·:-. & lot s c:d t BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Bayside-Drive .NB. 675-6161 G ene ral I 002 Gl'ftttol 1002 ·············································· 2662 VISTA ORNADA 'J'he l!!uffs . ,\J I!_ l'hoil'l' l·on don11n1un1 : 1 ht· rc1r1.· •·(;" pJ ;111 . \\ 1111 .\I t view. I J ~dr r n .... , :1 J1:1ths J•'orn1:d drning r1n . llig hly upgrade rl thruout . 'l'in!l'd \\'tn<lo\VS. s hultl'r :-:. n11rrorl'<i :-.ta1r\\'l•ll , Va n J ~u1t \Va llp:1J)l•rs: t1lccl 1·11try . Shu\vs l ike a rnodel. $!)2,500. BAY AND BEACH 675-3000 Ol'-=1 0 7 E COAST ..... W V CORONA PEL MAR G e neral I 002 Gocnerol 1 002 G eneral I 002 Gene1;ol · I 002 .................................................. ............................................... 1-~~~~~~~~~~ $10,000 REDUCTION ERROR S : Advertiser!I should c heck their ads doily & re port err o r s i mm e d i at e ly . Th e DAILY PILOT a ssume s liability for the first in· correc t insertion only. Retire me nt Home ~t.01 (l'I' ho11li' 11r 111\,·-..1 111 .. 111 fl'lllal ~ HH. I n,1 bJ11~-.. dlHt' g,11 \\' l"•.11 11,,,,1. n,.,,.. , .1rpl·I ,ond t rll' { 'lt';J 11 ,11111 111 •.1!, .. ,.,. 1/11 · 11!11111,dt· lfl el!•g;111! ;,1111 ••11111t•11t t'll tt·rt.11 11111:.: "t' pri'"l'llt .i i·us lun1 .111011 s q ti llurn• II 1\h ;ii/ l'l>"l'IS Sill i'"\111fl IH;.! ;111 <'\'1111-..lf t• 111do111 """' ,,011 pr11·1•d :11 ..,l.i~J.,,i\\I i·,\1·l1 ,ul~•·s l••1 1n1·1,n11• p1·nih'rly ''"11 ~u l .. r1•d ur !1"1 1 .1 ... h do" JI Price Reduction ll.1\1·rl'.s l l .. 1rgl' l'll"t•llt• !.uil! ;i l1t •d1·rr1 I.I/Pih I Ill , ;.! Ip!"'• :l 11.1 fit1llh' ll\1·r -.,ut·d l••I I0:11t·10,,"d .\.•nl 1\llh l1<•,1Ul1lt1I lll'I> f1l)<ol c\• ilr'<·);;1n g lJuu·I "''i it1<l,.iJ S llt'••I <Jll !Ith' oil I 111 · )1<• I I < I' " ( I \'I '1 s I IJ :-.1 111>1111 ll1 •.11 Ii L"I\' 11• l\'!'1':>l .11,,iJ,11>1<' ,1 l'c.d 644-727 0 Open Doily 1-SPM I 0 7 Lindo Isle 'I /11 .._ jlf(',Sl IJ.;l<!lh iU\\11 I l"l'l\)IHf\ H··ti l\,ltl'l(l!'ill I.~ ;11,111 I\!! 1111111 H•l' IJt11·i... "1 •1· 1 "r ,! t" •.i I". I J\H , :111,1. llllj..:t' 111,,11· s u1l 1• l )11! " -,,•II lllHI 1".'IM I IMKI \,_:-,11111!• 1 ... 1 11) •HI l',,111 111 I 1•1111 !lllil <Ill I I .Ill'~ BEACH MANSION t )\ 1...'I' :JUU(J ::.q . It. 111 ttn ::. pt·rfcct. lioniL· -l l-!I{, 3 13A, 20x20 ::ieµar11lc la 1111 ly r 111 , + b anquet sized forn1a l (fini ng r oo m . Onl y $16.000. assume t•xist1 ng \1i\ loan payHble $5~0 . 1>e r mo. 1~1 ·1·1. Cull nO\\', ~)(i:! 11·15'1 . THINK POSITIVE St ~1 rt 1h(· New Year right -lit•re'.., your ;.:rl':tl fa m ily h ome in 1-'ount:nn v~1 lle y l ntuti o n . s Bedr oom~. 21 ~ h;,ith ..... lot '> of good li ving arc£i . apJ)fOX :!:JOO "'I· It. New paint recently Go1)<1 s i zed rear Yard w /li f!Q . 1\!:o k1ng $5G ,!JSO C:tll 54G-·ll41 . SHARP HARBOR VIEW ltcmtHICIL'd J\I ONACl) tllt)(lt.•l. LOL':Ltl'd on hugt• <·ul de-s ac lot .1 l~edroon1 " :l baths. forrnal <.lin111g, ftrl'p\a('c, dhl detached g arage, r0<11n lur bo:1\ 11 r t ra i l er :-.to ra "'c l)rofc ss 1on;1l!y l an d sc ;1pcd . ll <1o m for pool 1'l'\\' listing. SHS,000 C;_d l ti ·ltl til!il . CAT ALINA VIEW lrorn livi n g r oon1 <111 a ('ll~:ir U;1.v. :11~1{. :.! Ii i\, !;1111 rm + gour1n1:t kitl'hl'll \.Valk li1 /Jc;ich :ind lll'.W retreat1iJn l'l•n l l'r <>n l v $.18 .UOO . C a l l 110\\'. !J62 · 1·1.'i·I GREAT FAMILY LIVING '!'his 4 bedroo m homl' is a "I ~ l•:,\J, f<'I N D" ! It 1s on a bi.L! lot \vith a fore st or t rees. )'our polyncsian party roorn hi.is a h uge bltn b ar anct overlook:-. a v er y private s w immin g pool ar ea \\'ilh a sepa r a te BBQ sect ion . 1'his homl' 1s in a qu ie t n o r th Cl)S l a ~l t.•s a n ei g h bu rh t1od . Sec this home t·all u s fo r a n ~1 p poi rl t mcn t . You \\·ill h:1\ 1.· imm edi~1 tc o cc u panl·y .ill l1J1· $45.950. (';,il l ,').1tj •• \ 1.11 BEACH CONDO (;;_i r cl'rcL' !1v1n!! ca n bl' vour:-. 111 11H'i la·a t1tit'ul . :i hldr111itn. 11 • h :!11\ \'t111d1 ' wit h cOi'V torne r f1rcplact! A ll adult co mmun.ily. con vt'n ient to ~hopping ~in d b;1nks. \\';1.-..ht·r & d r,YL'r in('[U(l\•d in :-.ale s p rl<'l' ~:.!!J ,'.l~fl l (';di ti·IO fi ltil WATERFRONT DUPLEX $115,000 1\11 tn\·e:-.l<H'" dr't•;nn c:o n1c true . An qut sta r1d 1n i.: N1•\\ purl lll':1t'h properl y t·on1pll·lt' \\1lh 111·1,;1\t· bout d ock An1en1t1 e!'I 1riclL11l l' l>l'~1 n 1ed ceilin g!'<, fi repl;.i<·t•...,, lot " of' lirit:k. tree :-.had ed fount.1111 111 vard ,Ju:-.t 1ntr<tduC'L'<I tn the r11;1rkl·1 ti11 " 11u\-.,t:indt11,t.! U:..arga tn :-.t1011ltl ..,1·1! <1u1ckl~· FANTASTIC VIEW $350,000 l n "1lf'1'.1 'i:--.e<I qu;tl!I .\' and l'll'g:1n c·e 111 1111 ..., l'U !'<l !l tll 111a11 ... u11i ;, ln·dr11on1 ~. :1 ll :11 h ..., 1n c l11d111'g r11:11tl" qu ;1rler:-. l~l·:1 111 i!ul 11()(11. :ir1·;1 \\'1th j;1cu1.1.1. ;-;11111111 .i!irl!.; p :11\1Jr,1rr11c \'[l·:\V f'rnrll lto11"v .itld J..:;ir dt 'll !'< .Jl'l't\--...., LhL' IJ.t\ ;111d qct'.lll ON THE WATER $130,000 ."i1;1rt ll11· rJt·v.· ,\\':Jr 1'1 ~h1 Ii,\ ).:l\'111g .\·o ur· i';inl dv lh1· d1·Jt ~!i1 111 (I\ Ill/.! ;J( \ht• IJl';l l'h in th·1..., .... p :1c11n1:-. :1 l1vdroon1. 1'a 1nily roon1 h111nt • \\ 1!h p11·r ,'\r. :-.lip 111 Jll'L'- :-.l 1g 1011.., i\1•\\'!fill'I f~t'.d 'h 1'0lllllllJlll! \ PURE ELEGANCE $100,000 ll· prO\'ldl·d Ill t h1 ... l ~:l .\'t'rt•:-.l :tl'l':I ('~ l 'l'Ul l\ l' l't'"l<lt•ll('i '. l·:\!jUl :-.ilt' d t'l'OI' thruout :1 1Jdrn1:-.. :1 hath . ..;, plu:-. g u1·"l h 11u ...,t• .ind lit·;1ut1tul l'()(}J_ •.. Jusl ll'>lt"<I 1\pp1 < >nl \ Walker & l ee R E A L ES TAT E Ne wport Be ach -Irvine Office -_6 4_6-7?_}_ 1 _____ _ I 002.Generol 1002 ·······•·••·····••••••·••·•·••···••••··•······ I~ 1•1 ·i1•1'J'<·•·1,1tv' ,\.-..i...111 ~ "11 Emp4o~..._I _Lf!J I~ ~:!l.!11!11 1·.11J .• lt1 ll.1! cias""ca••on 1 100 c:::il/JVJblil 6 UMITS OCEAMFROMT :=rt ~::~ Just Listed POOL PLEASERS TAX SHELTER Ccnlcr Dr ~ l::.la nd L ·~'"'"''" JfKl -~ ·:S('!lj'IJ [JlfHI lu1111huu-.1· :.!llfl . 1 lo.1 J'_· )r'.._<•l<I 4 '<1U!fll'I ('I ulo i\r1«1 I p 'f'h1 -. J1111•J1· 1·,, .. t.1 i\lr·-..,1 1•11ol l1otrll' IS Pl 11·1·d .11 t!ll I 1 -.. t 1. ~ 1111! , , 1" I J 11> I!<' 1 11 l 11 .. ,.JI \,\or J· JI\ 11•1 ,, !011 1!111, n p.11111 .. 11 1 I.ti..." ,nl\.111\:og1· ul lh1-.. ( '111nn1•·rl'1.d l.1\ "h1•lL••r ;.!I MMI llhl!.! 111!' -.,111.111 hu,,1 t11·-.-., Jiii!'" 1\1( ,1p! •JI !'I' .I, ,11 g .1r,q.:" t-'•n d1•l.oi ls ,ti! 1'1 10 1,uJ11 \1: I IJ1 ·IU\1' .,:_ luli 111 :! h:11h"' t'lt'•' tr1•l•·s :-.tu11l1·1·.,.., Fur n1 ... h1 ·1l l\,•,1tl\ 11<·1\ Xl111 ll.111.,.,, !'1 11111 l••t BIG C AHYON COUMTRY CLUB Class1!1ca11on 8000 [ P111 •nd Supp1,., )[B Cta~s1!1c;i t1on 8035 Cla~sdtc dt1on 9000 L , ..... w...... l ~ C!assd1 cat1on 9100 ,_f-_-'"_'-.,-,_w-S.=O. =][~ Classd1cat•on 9700 0 --l. , ' / Sell Dll 1ou -rt to t on•.,., tJ.. tlutlff "'put gorog. IO {0th? Ju•t col M7 !.671 ond • lrt.ncly d1111ifl..t .. .,., ... .wt 1w1p yeu l'"''' Clfl M ..... 1o1wt , """ itff•fh•. "°'91 _ ...... ,,,_,... 11 .. ,,¥ too. T9\ll' t .-.diit I• tlOC'd "'''" "'· '!'9U ton t:llorV' Y°"' ocl. Or, pvl It on y-1'\o•t.., ~ .. °' "°"*"f!'l .. l(Ofd. ~ t .L d l ' tJ I ' .t /" p !' l l l11 ll11L•/1.,11I Hl111 -... l,,1111 di-1 p1"d .._:,:,: ,oHJ• H,I ' "I I 11 I I , I ... 17 °' I DUPLEX Jl.1111"" l -..l.11111 ,, l>.1 I " ii.,~::.~i! ~ Prapl!'rlil!'s 7 52 -1920 .... 1~00 0 Ull ll SI NI Wl'Oll! SI A(H VIEW LOT I 11 L; .o • I I · ll I, I ;: 1\ I ! I ( <'I l I ' 11 ·1' I "I I ' l.111.-.. I 111' ~I "~ I ~!.ol),l!(HI ··.:,,:; t· 1 1· ... G eneral I 002 G eneral 1002 associated BAOKEAS-AEALTOAS lOl!> W lilalboa 1>71 -J66 J ·············································· * Bal boa Bay Properties * -.q 11 111>1111 · lo,,,,. 111·,·n Costa Mesa ~·r, 1J!1n ·r 1 .1d1t11111:d t·tlar rn 111 ... 1u11 n1n:..: 0 lir.111d Il l'\\, l'\l-..tnr11 l111rllt' \\ 1l l1 ::til t i 1111 r ... 1·, 11•\\'. i·1H·lr1 .... t·d li·t.: 1•011rt:-d 11 1!1\ ,) 1\11 . 1.11111111 , 11•rtn.il d111 r n1 .. h .1 1·'1 1\t' d1·1.11 1 ... thl'lJl)lJ\ llll'ltldlll ~ .111 1·nnd 1l 11 H\111 .~· NEWPORT BEACH Line: 640-1 120 S ANTA ANA l in e: 833-3 158 •Pd 1 H!ll " ,, 11< I «I" • I ' ,j 1, •.• 1,. .... 111 1i .. , ... 1111 lu',llJI 11111 I ll!ldll l"I< ,llil l 111\h :.! lu •d/""I'' .oj•,<tl BEAUTIFUL EA STSID E I (JI:-.• •1·· t Il l .I ~ .1p1•1 u 1 •'ii n1 I '"·'"!.oil•----------' S32,400 Newpo rt Duplell 1· .. 111111 1 -1u 11 \ri ,., '•----------1 \\ I' 1 I I I " ·,,Il l'_ \\1111 !Llll'I .ll\ !) .lt (!...,l (lp:-.. BLUFFS CUSTOM , !'l)••lil IHI\ ,d '""' HUii \ t;1n11t, rn i t·:-.tr.i li.i\. t•h.111111·1 1·\l' ! I J~ 1· . h ,1 c· h, .1 rd l~J\, ~ !1.1 .I'.. t.:.n :q~·· ()\\ lll'r , t•r\ ,1 11 :-, l'~t unit S~!J :iou I '1 '•I l'""l"!l .1 II' d ..... lj'll\'11 ,\ d1 •< ul .1l1•tl 111 >1111' 111111 .1 l,11 ~ t' I ,i 11 I I "1 1 1111 ·1 ,.,j I ~~~~~~~ .......... ~? .o.~ I ~~~~~~! ........... ~ ?.o. ~ I S32,SOO. 111 '• 11 I I: ,. I Ji 11 I ol -.,I !II ll'fll PETE BARRE TT -REALTY- Country Cottaqe $3 4,SOO ,11d,1-.,lll !tn .ILtllH 1111.< I" 111" i.1 .11 h ."'1 •·lu•l•-d '•l. l•Jll\ 1<1111• ( .. p • ' I " ol I "I ' 111 !id t .. ot 11 I: ( l>l) !l d S ',,I p1 1.-. I' I ti I !1 I !I I)).: .I lol. 111 •' '\! I 11.1 • I I I 1 ' 11 !-. 1 11 ' \\ I I , I I ! I ' \\ ' " I 'I " I I )1 r"lq~I" "'I l>I ,.,.,,. ,, ,I \" \t .. •,( _,,'I• I<\ ! 11 1 , 11 ('! "'1 ·111! :-..1, I 1 I" • ' ,, l., II.lo.I A COLDWELL BANKER COMPANY VA/FHA Repos 111(1 r.111,-,·1· .. u1<11 h 1',I -., Jll ,.fl lo, WORLD REAL EST ATE :-.1•l'• 1,d1-.,ls 111 :.:"11 rn I 11 t' ll t I 111 ; 1 I It"« I I 11 JI JI• -" ' ,"i.'}4; 117 < 1•.i!I .i1111 111 .. • NEW COZY 3 BR I 11\11...,(!/ l ll\l!\1 ,, [faf l11,1cl1'<t l'llh 1i1.11111 -'~ THE REAL ESTATERS ,11 !'>/>. ·'"" ·<!•JI I 01111 :-. I! 11 II 11 1•1 IOU." fij':,. i'Ot:O :-i:')l i 8KUI! Colle q e Pork 1 1 1 E ~1~~~1 1~.~ 11 I 0 °o b O WN ,, "'""Ill ... 1•.111i-.11 I•""" l1\••Jt,,!Hll' 1!11. • l.111111\ Corb in-Marti n I ("•In 1., ... 111• ., I I '·i1u1 .... I 01 <'f\·d \•,1 I I" ,ofl<l uil ,1 I I ,1 I I I< Ill I I I II• " 1n11 :-,, I ll I '11"1 Re a ltOt"s ''"" s lo.11l1 •d ,..1 11 1-1 111 11,,,,. ""I 1•1'111 .. 6 44-7662 .. 11·r1d ,d ""I' ~II''"' 1.1 I"'"' 'ji., 111l11i.l l1·1111 .11.11l,1l!li· l 1., .. ~111. d \.I WALK ER & LEE 11 • ii I· ·I. 11 • S4S-949 I BACK BAY DO LL HOUSE ~.J'I ,11•1 I I 11 I I I 111 "II I Ill I .t I I '' <I I " 11 111 f" ' I ' I ir " I I I ' • I , I 11 ii I H I • 1" I ' 'I I 1•111d11 l •II i'.1 11 • I !1111 I I I "1111~~1l t<ER &LEE 1, , " I I 1. i1 , ! t11 54 5-949 1 ME SA VERDE VIEW H O ME 1 .. ·.1111 11111 \11·-.,1 \<'rd•· h<1111,. 1-.. J" 1 11 .111 111 :_: ll•f ~01111' l111J-..\ 1,11111 11 1· .. 111 t1t1r1· htd11 .. 1111-., !,111e1l1· 1·1J!!ll\ II•\\,\ 111,1111 !!ltlt'I • \!1 ,1 (II (, I • 1] ,1 I ,, , 'I ,1 ~ f WALKER & LEE I ( ' ·,ii J.,, 1. II " 545-94 91 Gener al I 002 Gencrol 100 ............................................... macnab / irvin e realtg ~ 2 4 HR. S IT DO W N VI EW. r'r:t'l1or 1111·-, ,t l '.11.!1111.1 -,1111 ... t·I \I ill f)L' ,\OU/":-. l,1 ) t 'l lJ!J.\ ltl l)lJ -. .._p1l l.\ ;{ l-,4·dr·oorn hornL· '.'1]!111!·..,tl v IH '1t·1·d .11 $111),1)00, ll';I S l •h n ld l~l'11 ,\ h:t'I! 1:111;;!0() ((;-;7f "PR IVATE -I st CLASS". -.\upPr111r & ..,1·1·lud1«I :i 1i,•d1·n11n1 hl'.ll!- 1.' Stt·p ·llp I!\ 1ng roon1. 1•l1..•;..::1nt <1111 u 1g r 11on1, g.ila lap r1>1.11n SlH~l .:100 .l ;il'k t ·n..,lt•r 1; 12 8:.!:J;-). <<;7H1 ----f---- LIDO S Al'IDS I DUPLE X l)l'light ful ho ml' in ;.i & :.! J1,drn1 u111l.--. "L'l'iUdl·d arra . :'! c;11t><I ri·nt;1l :1r1".1. l~lt .l h~1 . l1kt·nt•\\·'. <'<•~la :\ll·:-.;1 (:1111<! \\'I l t (' n JI .... I <I l' r t'111.11l\'Ltlj_! $·1~1 .!"iOO l radt•:-. til.'.°) l lllin li\U HIH4 lH II ' REALTORS lH ol !lfll'l'~ I '"'I'"\ "I ..,1.,•1,11 1"""' t .. 1 1.... 111 .1 10.11 i...11 11. 1"" t'"·" "'of i llLlllt llH ''' '""' Ill 1•.ljlll ,I/Ill ll• \\ ',1rp"I I•!· 1•.1c 'h \ I ' !1; HI 'II. I hr" ll ,. h 11 IJ I llfl \I Jll•p!,1 I' /\1111~ Jl.11d1>1l11 d ll""f " Id l"'I'" J • 111111 II••~• 1•111 1'·1· l .. 1 ... 1 ... ut.• 1 ·11~1 ,"- ,11 <1• 11 \\ 1!• I" 11"1' \1 ,. •• ,, 1 I•··, 111 .. hl•l'l'l!I •·I• 1·1 ·~1 \"'·~••""'I 1'11 •• d 1111 q1111 i.. -.,.1!1· .ii L;,;,,~::.~i! ~ -------1 Prap•rlil!'s (~ r.iil' ·.!.' •'"' achenmye Ree It or I BA LBOA ISLAND I ••ooou .o.~\~-~~,;,~o~";°-:11117". G ene ral 10 0 2 jb e ne ral 1002 .-..1 .... "'" 1 ""'' 11""" ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••! I 101 \• 11<" l l\dill< LOW ESTPRICE 1-----------1',", 111111 rl 1·11 WATER VIEW BiqCa nyon ,. ''" 111' •.011 L I 1 I •""I l1lf-I 1 l•IH BLUFFS CONDO C u .. to m ot ~ 1,, 11 1, • .t 1,1,,., 1., I!, 11,lil,1111 1•0:1 ... 1.•l•'I .,,..,,._1111 "1, ,.,,.,1o11.i 11 ,, 1 .. , d1 '·"·otd ,\I• ,.fl loo '" I 1 q 1.0 II • I I '· I I I " .! ' /.,d lJ-., l!llHl'I 1\ill C'"ll ~1d1'! !1·.1 • '11 •I IH!I \ I •·.11 11 "1" • !"">i I · I"''" "JI •ll\l.11!',t,i\ 'l'"l""I • I-~" p ,' ,,.,. 1 .. ,, 'I I I I• " " I • r· , 'I 1• I I " I " 1 \ I . """ IJ II I " I / " I"\\ I • I' I I < •'II I' 'I I [ I •'' 111111 I ~ " 1, 1.1 ... ' ''"'l'I 1" I I: I . , ~ EA STSID E CHARMER ,l 111 •I" ll1 •H 1 • • 'I'< Ill .I 111111 l/<il•I ,i1 .,1 \\,I I ~ , I • l I • t 11 1 " • I I \ I "11 I I 1 I I I ti I ·n I 11 t .' o I •'1 I 'I I II I 1111' IJllll -.1 · \HI J -..1, 11 I , \ I I •, I \ I I .•.I.! .C .i~ C. F. Col eswo rthy I 002 G en!'rol 1002 Realtor s 640-0020 HALF MOON BAY ASSUMABLE POOL HOME " ' l """ ' .1 -.. r, t" . ' , \ \ l".1 1> l ',111110'111~ ·''Mi o l.1\ 1111 l1Hl11I -.,, \\II d1 ' . .................................................. . 2 Ba. 1c:1u -..q II 11 .. 1111· Ill -----------1 CAMEO SHORES INVESTMEMT. l~t•:1ul1 t1 1I !i h<·dr11{1n1. VJ('\V hntllt' !.!l'l':tl C(!t'tlL't' lol«.111011 Hll•!il !111' pr1v:i1c· l1\1n g or· l;1v1 ... 1i t·1ll1.·rt.~111111 g ~10.000. ·r on1 (}ui..·cn G·l·l-f-i:.!nO c<:1n1 \l!!I H .11 l1n1 \',,·11 l.01 .. 1·1 .. 111 ~.I •"" \,.11•1\'" ll\l ,l"\111•1\I ',\~ IH·.\ tO:l .•11 '\lt·:-., I' .l l:;u Cl!•"1 \ lt'I\ lh , '" .<1 •"I I I•"""~'"' I , l1.dl1 loultl<' l'lh ;l, l·i·,,1.,ri·d Is .iu 1•11\ s !.11111111 1: l l1 11J1 p l.o11 :-.up1•r 1111·.1 11••1 1 :11111 ;1n\ 11111-. "I\ !l''f"''' ,\I.oho · .. 1 '"' (',iii :•1 •. ! 4,j'i., IMCOME UMITS MEAR BEACH li u1l1! 1·q111 I .\' 111 ."h;u·p l'c 1r n1•r d uplex \\hil t· r1 ·L1 x in g 111 bonus r oc)Jl l.., O\'l'f gara g 1· S1·lli n g p rit'l' inc ludes r atlJ.!('"· r l'frii:t·r ;il n r s , \Vas h l'r ~· drvt•r 111 l11un - dry r oo n 1 l 'r iC'cd to:-.1·JI :it $~)J,OOO . :-0 /H I ('io 'Jll!'lll•' IJ!)' ..... 1·p1 :-., frr•l1 ·, U1i.h1>.1 sla·r . Sl!ll l' (',!l :oi11l,J \·11 '\4 w .. 11. lo .-..11"('" ~11; ;,oo 1(17 (',1d1 1. I:':.! 1;1,,d Or' .1:1;1 ;::: J :•u I Castle or condomin iu m , find your dream home Sundays In lhe DAILY PILOT Only the DaMy Piiot ,.•llr 1•11• rou "'het'• .._ It\ ,.:iu1 IOC•I oonornvnllr .. ..,.,. d•, j·ilUl~!f,)I live In Newport ('/1;11·1n111J,: J bvdn~Hl1 ,ind 1l1n1nj.! roon1, t11t·pl .. t •· lol111.-.., 111':.nH·d 1·t'1l1ng l1v 1ni..: r""rn lf 11ct• 101 ·rr·1 ·1 ·.~ ;ir11l .-..1111111~ i.::1l1 •r1·' 1'111 -. ...... rksllrJp . p11t1o1. liHl/ We 111 \·111• .v our 111 "llt'!'ll1111 A.-..k1ni..: ::.:1:1 ,.j.(~1 <'.dl~1·1!l ll.'1I ~HERITAGE REALTORS WATERFROMT Nr·w J UH . :I ha . f.1111 rrn : on Nllrl h h i+yh ·1111\, UaltJoa Island >fl.I ~17H I HESTER-BROWN .'( 1\s-..n1· • 1<1·,1 ltn1 ' DUPLEX .~ Y E /\l!S \\J!',''\(;'· ,Juplt·!I . lnvc·lv 111vll•'r"' 11111L W l lll ;1 hcd l'l ll~. ;! IJu ths . Fn n11ll' rno rn . 1·oun1ry k111·1\1•n . lo!'n1.d 11 1 11111 1~. l 1r1·pl.11 !'. d .. uhlt· ..:.u ·,ii!i' ,'<./ rnu1·l1 n1or1· 1\ p ,, r I Ill l' II 1 h :J I' 1 IH•tlr11ori1, I h ;1lll, Hl~IJ W I l fl ).! & r 11 ~I ' ll II d 1 ire ~ol:n·l'. ( 1d l·al lor n101hcr ill l i•w l . U .... •nt•r JllOV Hl).? ll Ol'l h . 1n11 s l :-I'll ' fltll·rl'd ·•1 :'.!I 500, (; u 11 :1M.i .>KHll COTTAGE CHARM FOR S64,SOO. ll igh be;_im t>d ceilings in livi n g roon1 -ne\vl v a<i<led 1'1 .-..:20 fa mily roo1n . :3 h edrourTI, 2 1 _. hath Newpo r t !~eac h ho tne w 1]g .. vard. Need s pa int & p;t p l·r. l )on;i C h fthc!>l t.:r 1)112-8235 ( G80 I READY FOR YOU. rom p!t'l(·l:.' l'l'(fecor;i tcd i nsid e & out! Uctlcr t h ~111 new! l\ll new k it c h e n - man icured gar<l cns -· :i or 4 bccl roon1!" f(1l-m a l clining -S!l~l.7~0 . H arb ;_1 r~1 Aune fi,12·82.15. ((;HJ J REDUCED -MOW SI09.SOO. l·':11111iy <l r 1cntl'd ·l hl'd r1)(11n. fa1nily room . <l (•n homl' \V lg. n1a slt·r s u ilP. f,ots of' wood , u:->1.·1! brick & r l :1.v l il<'. CJ1>c n b e:i n1 ceilings. l .cas(•l1>r>l1 011 . Lyn ne l{<>t.h e ll G4·1·G2UO. (G8:.!J ELEGAMCE OM A HILL J\•l ;_1g11 1ficcnl v i1;w fro n1 1··u s h1 o n Js l:1nd t rl l)is neyl;)n d. Aln1ost. n e w lt ulon l l<>d ges bui lt w /cver y 11n <1g in:i · hl L' ex tra . S l 59,000 . Lu is J\·l il lc r r.12-s2:is. < G 83J 90 1 Do•'"' O"~" 6•' 1 21~ 1b4• M.of llr11'"'' 1>4• 670ll "f'•P<-lf1 l'l~~th Cal•'°'"'" 91~bJ " ;">,1 fl ,\1 ,, I<"'· 1 '.1 :•·1·IOJ 1 ll1 ·n1 ~·111lu I \\h••11 ll;111;1 !-'1 I I ,1 1' I u •I I 11'1>' l11l S \"('I I' I lio •.1 p' / ! I· I l ~i I·' j (:!I~.! 'I. 70 o TRIPLE MET RETURM c1 .. , •. r n1·1i.:!1ho1ho\>d .,h11p111ng •'•·1111•r ::.1:i11.vr~1 ( '.1'.h ( /\.\ fl j'I' 111;11• l':ll I'\ h :11 I. ,, I 1 r'-..1 I I) ol ~li~ltM!O .tl I 111!1·11· .... l 11 E .\ r .-r1111:-. :-. I -., !'I·: 1 ·111 673-4400 Mesa Verde PACESETIER Sp111 1011 ~ ol l\H l h:1 p;in Id (1~·11 ,<1,. l11a1li. ot' ;1.l!';1 s 'l'h1 "' ;-. .. 1,·1·l l'ro111•r11' h:1-.. .111,,1 l1t'l'll 11~\!'~I HI II m111t!'~I S.'1:1.~KfU. ('all lll·fu11• !I ,, l!WI J:1\l' 1 55li 2flli0 t;::SEL ECT I PROPERTIES 'ou II J 111 d II In !hi· l '1,, ... -..111l·d~ L'alt U4:.! 56ig I I ,,,-1 ., ,_., '1 •11 ' . '•1" $21 00 Reduction t l1A11rr :..1e r1r1<'t·' l .u1.; HI'~ l 1 I l,•d p 11t1I 11111111•' .lu:-l 11 i \/1;a1" ••Id 11.1 -., IH'l'l'!lllrlL' 1.tl'•·•I IH111d h •· ,, Ill <' 1· 1 I 1 II i.:"' .I ht •tllttu111~ .: 11.tl h' l,11111 Iv l'Ofll tl ,\' l.>1111.11 d1n 111 L' 1110111 1 1·1111:11 .11r '"1uti [1011111 ): t .1rp1·t ... •h ·II'''' .111d ·' Ii• .1!1 ·11 ·" l1Jl1•11·d P••nl ' ;-.,1,1,:11111 \,\ "r I· !I \ t1.·r111 -.. .11 ,1J!.dol1 •' l · . .1 1 ,1 l•I 17. 'II Tfl~I R-1vnS LOWDOWM 7', \',\ J.\},\,\I ;1s..;11n1p t1on on -.h,1rp .i h1.·dn~H1 p1o(l) h"!I\•' Ill \!'I'\ popu l.11' So11lh S:i111.1 ,\n , .tr'"' t 111 I' :-0.I , HHll (l!ht·1 :1 Ill .11 1'.1 ~··ll+H j.: 11 1! ~.1 x ,,,1o,10 \\ 01 l1t 1( ... 11 E -..1,111•. a.;,, 7777 l '.11 ;1n yl!l!!l'' 5 BEDROOM FAMILY HOME Nc•Y,1pn rl l tl'at·h for l <'s~ lh<.111 $70,(>t)(). l•'1.1 1n il y r nn n1 , din ing ronn1. a nd 2 firl'pl:icf's. l~e n1 od1..·h·d k itr·h(•n . J.a r ,_:c 1·ru·l<1st<d y;1rd . J·:xl'l·l11 ·11t ('O rn er loc a- 1 ion BROADMOOR BIG CAMYOM 1\ \'t'I'\ "P v<·1:t! [•!;111 ;i~ \\Ll h (·f11l - \l'l'S :it11HI pit lt1·:1u l lfu!J,\ la11:-.l':q 1(•d. 1·:1rpt•L (·d :111d ll r :1 p1 ·d , ·I hl•d roo111..,, l:1 n 11l v r1,r11n ()uict s lrl'('I t•n<I elf l'Ul dl·-~:l l' ~1 7:!.000 ACREAGE OM THE BAY Nc~trl .' :.! at'rcs o f v it'\\' proµL·rty su r - roun d1 •d h y 1:1rgl' 1·s l ;lll' h o n1cs. l '1•r ft•t·t s11c• for a hornl' v.1il h \'<IOI, t e n- nis courl ;_1 1u l ,c1r s lahll'S . l'r cscnl cd ~ll Sl!JS ,000. SPECTACULAR IAY VIEW l..oc:il.t.«I ac ross fro n1 N<'\\'J)()r t I !a r b o r Y<i('hl. ('\u h . l ln u s u :d h o rn<' o ffC'r s ;i ('nn1 m :1ndini:: v ie •\\ o r 111:.i in turni ng lia ~i n . t·'i n :tn<·1t1 J.-! avail a bl1..•. $~7.~. VIEW OF QC EAM AMO HARBOR l•'ro11l t his lir ight an<! c h e<'r f ul :l !)('d r 11o n1. :1 1 · h ath, hi,1,£h srru r i l y ho m e . l{<lo111 .., :1rP lcil'f..'<'. l·:x t.ra ga1111• roon1 1>\u s utl111:.· ronn1 in garng1.1. l,1 101 and fo unt :ti n . l log run. llc(J('l'Ol';1lt'<I ill'.'\Hl r-:ind ••Ul . $2~1 .:,QO DIAL 644-176' 216.. I SaJ. Jooquin Hiiis Rd., M.I . A COLDWELL BAMKER CO. ' . Hou~e .. For Sall" I I Housei For Sole ••.•••.••...........••• ,. " H OU\C\ For SoJe H o u\e\ For Sale ·······················)······················· •·•·•••·•······••····•• ~~!~!.~~~ -~~-" ........ 1~~!!! -~~~ .~"!.e ••••..• ·I lrYin e I 0 44 H~w ort Beoch I 069 Hou\l"\ For So6f' Income Property ••••••••••••••·•••••••• p 1······················· •··•····•·•••···••····· Huntinqton Be a c h I 040 2000 I 02 2':.orono del M Of' Ge-nerol I 002 Corona del MOI"' . ·~·~~~:;~-~~~;~-~~~·San CIPmente I 076 ···················•··• ······················· ···•••················· 1022 S-P-R~A--0 0 -U-T Gt'n t'ro/ 3202 3 BEDR OOM Freedom Home I .. 11 ~· • · Io 11 \ \ lo,<11 \ ••l••.thl• S30,950 48EDROOM 2 Story I 111111 ,10 11I ,1I1 \ I ·,, / , ,1,1 ....... h111111 · I .. 11 ' ,. ''>I rl"I lo! l'lu,11 L111d .1,op Iii!-: 1)•11 l1.11ol11.,q,j I !!Jul , ::-01q., I lo11 1 .d $44, 950 HORSE RANCH +income l 'ull ... 11• '"''··•~! •···········•···•·•·······•·····••••······••·· VALLEY REAL TY PRESEMTS SPYGLASS HOMES BREN SPYGLASS l~r .111 d /l\1\\ lour l1l'dl'Q(11ll on lliv h 1 r~1.·:-.( l1J( \\ 1lt1 !hv h1·~1. <ll'\:;'<111 ;inti h;i y v1t'\V. l·:....:et·1'1H111a/ l .111d..,c ap111 ;..: ;ind p:it10 ~~IH.7.')0 SPYGLASS ONE l!1'.1Ut1tul 111111· IJt·<ll'1101n S;111dp1pL•r \\'1th thr{·t· '>('p.1ra1 r· v.1!'tl:-. .ind ~' :-.p ;.1rkl111 ;..: pnql. ()vt·r 11n1· third uf ;111 .i c l't'. ~001! \It'\\' Sl:J 1,0011 SPYGLAS S SPANISH STYLE Hwqe lot Plu\ Run 1 .. •1or111n p.1ri.... t.1i... •. Ii .i d ~ l1 -.h1ni,: 1·H · \\! f\\ \ .C'i Ullll' HI•'"' 111 r. ', ..... 1 \ \ 111.lll .t11d il ' I ,, \ ,, ll \ .... IJ h Ill I I '.-.111111111 \l u .... 1 ,,.IJ ·•1-:I l'\l. :•.!•;'"'~='""· -Rea.I Estate by MCVAY CAL VETS F OREVER VIEW Solar H e at Poot Hudl 111 ,1 I 1 ,, I 1 I <' .1 11 I 11 1 • 1'1 ,1-.h 111 .1,l1 I " ' ' "PP<' I I' I \I 111 h I 1tr",1p»1 H''· l.<111111 C !II IJdJ !JI,, J 11 )' • •t -. I hll 111' <Jll• )\•II I Jll 11111-: J 111 .l I+,, 111 , , I 11 I ' I )',11'.lj'I' d i>• •I' ''1~'111'1 :-O f•:t-: 11 1o .. t.1,' ::.l l'.1,,.A1 J111 ·lud lliif'. !.111d 1\1 d1·11 111 '' I.. L l•h I " 1 ,,: ,. l" I ' 11"' , • '\1·v.p1"l H1·.1111lu<.'.1l1011 '\ (', ·ll-. :-u 111 t-· I' I .I ' 1 I.,., 11 .. r • 111\lo1u' :\l.11..l'ull<·r Sparling Real E~tate 933.3544 "\ ······················· BIG OCEAN ~IEW 11'' Ill! g.o+ 1!11 11 d11 ~ '" 111 " " "' :" ·11.i , ! l .ol ::-1'• •1[·~1 :-1111••1 ,,, '111 Santa Ana 1080 h<ll Jl l -.1 u·1~ .I b.1\h. J.111111\ ,\. 1,·.·,•,•,·-·,·,·-·,·-·0•,·,·-·,•,•······,·-·0•,1 ::>!\'.I II~~ I j .1;,; ·I :1 ] '! I\,\( 'h l\,o.Y ('>,(ill hoHJ)l'' •.!I ·11\r, 111 .1 , 1"H , 1111 11 '\1•v.,1i... hi...1•, ::!::!:!I \\'+11d\\.1rd l,11 •. ~II l•:,\S 'l'Hl.ll l-'l·· l 0 1H1d" ~I :+ ;,1)ll \lv.·nJ' .l 111 '.! li.1 .'\111\. hollH' 1,·n1.1l :\r ~•·hi,, rnhl'> 1•.11h lt·11111~ $19 ,950. 2 STORY 2 BEDROOM ::-1•1 'l,,<1 I\, di 11\ I· tdl t'I I•. ' t .. ol h ~ \ 'l •I """t·' 1 .. u 111 Hll11 22 UNITS EAST BLUFF 1 .. 11 "' I"! n l ••II • ,q>,11 I1111 ••l IP< 11, 1'11111. \\\'" 1 .. , .• (Hiii I• 11 ,•lll !>I I I "' I I J \\ 11" I '>\\ lllLIH"I J.,~.i "i!I • ,,,11 "Iii I•, I ,J \ 111 ' 1.i. d1•l 1·1 I o·d ' \< lo.111 1·, I <I I . ' I " II , . , 1 . " I l.1• .111 •• , ~11.·11. ! I ' ' " 11 1111 \ I " " I ,I< ! 'I I J'' .LU' l ·'"' fliJ ~ I NVtSTMtNT DIVlSJON , TRIPLEX ·····•················· LANDLORDS! \\ • "I•,-• +,,I•'• '11 \, .... l"•i ( f\o " Ii • \ Pi 11'1.I •lo I \1 " • ,\ I ·' 1111 , • 1,, + l(,•qt .. 1 ·"' ' , io, '·" I 11 I I I•, \ "I I I I > \,, \ ,, 11 HU-VIEW RENTALS 67 3 -40l0or494.3248 I· I! I I ' I Iii ! •I' 1 , 1l • '"II ol -.,, I I I• ' • •LANDLORDS• H o m e findcr\ • f)42-9900 1111,.l ll!' " • I C 1 11 ! , ,j ;-., I I I ' '" ''•.Ill 1"" '•Hlh' I 111 !ti I \\.•Ill 1.i .. .i,·,, ,,LS hlUl ll"\\11 ""I l.,tr ",l''>l r11od 1:! Oi)L'l"L'd, 1/Jt• Jn;.tgflLil· 1·1·111 S11u !lipn rr 'l'/u..; 11111 · h .1-.; th1• lu111u -; r11on1 1ti.11 1·011111 h1·1·n1111· l\Vn r11111·1.· .... 11.11 p 1110 :.t••I'\ 1,,, :0-1'1,,ll ,/.,11 •+ t, , IHI 1',,1,d l"" !!11·111 \\ 111 1,,. ;:,:.'.l. 11111 \ 1<-V. "I ~',11.11111,1 llHlrl l.lu}d~ [l,0111... l\ldg 1·'1111 ::..1• l.111 I .111••1• ,tHd ll\1·11, "'' ! ~lft'd j 11 ,...1·(~ j•h•t1l1 ••! _ .... 1 .. 1 •• , .. l11l1<·d .111 i.. "' .011 ' "llol1tl<•u1<1.· \\ oll I•• \\,oi l l"llj!t'I " d1,q'1 t•·rh'• ol p .1111• p .11llh111 f, ~ !/1.111 11 ·11t '' \1JI,,, (,,1ldo•11 , nH1lli :-Ol 11J•I II• l t1I ll.1 11,.,1 i!l1ol 111 I' I I' It " ' VIEW POOL TENNIS li1·drn11111 -. J .111 ... 11! .1111h1·r1l1t· d l'("<11';!1 $58,000. 111 ........ , l••·<l!!>lllll l ,11) BEACH DUPLEX l '1111 l'r,11 \ l'.11 i... Jr1 111 t· Oayi 552-7 000 Eve~ \'I\ l.1110 r>.u1d ,.,, !11:-11, :i Hie . rr1>1 ·· ..: 1•.1t ... ~. •h11 U1;,: J IJI ?>17,, l •~J i\1 .11 -.11,lll IC.•.tll \' ::-.,1111 .1 .\u.1 11.1 • h.l.'I " It 11 , 1 11•1 • •,I '''"~'l" i,.,, '"" \\Jll ' ' "' '11 '""11.lll• ''''"''"'"" [111 111, .. !il.1lt·l1 1., .. 1111111 11111\' !L io .d I"' "\I II• ' "' "' 1.,' .11. 111 -., " "1 ' I' I " ' I • ' • 11 '\1•.11· Ii< II , 11 ... r· .. •1 1111+11 1,, d1i. .. 111 l lu1•I• 1. "1111 (1 ·11 . 1.. .+11d1 '" "lo ! 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'" <'r' \l u\p Ill n H d1,1l"I\ 1\,.,q• >,1 p.11 I.., 111!1 ,If'\ .111.i l1 •• i1 l'JJ,\ I Ill 1i ... i1 l·•h·· l'lllmJm•w 962·4471 (':::~)546 -8103 SOMETHING l ' I .I '·" I ( ;\ 111 I !1 < 11 , ' I' I to ' • I' " ' I I 1 l'""I . 111·1·1.J·"" ,, ,. n ~J 1·11 ··~1 ,ipl lllll•pH' 11'111 J',0!1·, .,1ur11i 1•,.!l.11 . L111•41•d \• 11"1''" :-.l Bd1 111 , ;.! h.11 t1 ~ .-:-:l!l,(1011 .A-Olttn . REAL ESTATE 900 Glc n,,eyre Sf. 9 9 7 0 .~::.~'I 11.~,~~~)1~1~1~:~1.:1,'1';;~11""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'! I I••• .1••11 l·"111n.1 l l11 .'<.'. d111. NEW CUSTOM I" "I I , i ~ • · ::-">l ,l~KI I o r -GEM- L~11 /·"01't,:>t111 t\v1·. ,'I; I ~ lit0:1\l.'l't 1HS 1:.1" h,:'.! l)upl1·x . lilh l.1k1· /11'\t', LO '" \',Ill ·' I\,.. f.<';'.l ,t,1111 ~>llH ~·d1·11 .:.'hll..~ 1 .. 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II \I.-. 1 ',d I L"•l.t ~·, L ,1g u11 ;1 (ll·l·,111 \'H 'W . l.f.!•· :1 h4l r1ll :.!' h ;1 ('t1;-.l•1111 l1<111h·. r1•.1dy tor j"'<'IJ]'.Jl!I'} I IJ ,t>, lg1• It\• 1ng &· lan11ly H~1111 ' v.11h /1t•.1111<·d ····•f '"' lJ'11l1· l .).!l' ~;JI d . l'<IC1!1l l<>f jHHtl 1\lalurt· 11.11111' ll'l'l'.->. . -.t1orr v.a ll\ '" !11.,1t·h NII I' I N .\ ,, ~; I ,~ !; !' HIJ HI. f•: ,\IS I! I·: ll I•:. lO' !11 t\VN 11.\.\11 1,I<:-;. ,\1 \I\ I•: . ...; 'l'I I IS \;-.J :X !.N'I' HI ~· ;\'J :-Oiii .,.r~! ~111!11111 ,, 11 t 1 ,,.j,·~ HORSE RANCH 4 Br ,+ $251 mo 'ho ·dr11 .. 111 Ii I ti I f !I l"~ll \I, "' I (I\ •II I \,.,di t I I + 11 I 1 .... ,,, • •• ...,,! ' /J•"' 'I< l\10 ·11f .. ( 111 "td ('.,1 111,,, do I \1 ,11 "'11 It 111 ,1hlo • '.i,J 11 .. 11 6 75-8600 anytime •VISION• REALTY ·,I, I I HI H(I I <h I 111' 1 /II 11 Million $View /" •H 1 · I "!' I· I<• •I 1 \ 111 I· .1111.1 111 1 .. , • '"'"I' , j I'd' :1 II< .t\ll' ''HI I'•' I 1111 111 '" I• 1ol• .lllLl'1 •, II " '"' '"'"" "'" "'I "' I ' "' " ; lo. ·II• 11', o ·'I I l•H 1 ... <1 ~"' 11• II 11,'"" .,1, ·I "' "' r 11 ""' "'" )'"' .. "i'i't•l"I Ho, '11 ' I• .o 11 . \l, "t f d f( 1• ,, I I' .1 .. i ,. " ,,, , ' , , 1 .d I ,1111 I 1111< • VA -FHA. BUYERS $3 1,750. I ull Pl 1< ,. (q q11.d.i10 ·d loq1' I , I : 11 I ; . , \\ ··~1 '""' I I \I (J 1 •I !(I., l "' Name Y o ur T e rms .l.>l'>I VACANT BEACH 2 Sty $40,000 \Ill .'\\'\11-: 11·.IC;\l :-,1 l'H \N."Vl<H ll•·•·p • !•>.1 "1 I ',,! !«'l . <I<' o 111 ,d "I \' .ll J, 'd!'dl'll h!l 1 l11·t1 \01! rrt 11>1•. j·,,1,,11 .. 11 ""It. ··11 .. 1 I\• I lldl" p .• 11" d,,,,. 1• .. ,, . l:IH/ 111.1,· ;'.11 l.'IJ \ \ \ .. 1 ,o.d I 3 BDRM-$255 OCEANFRONT Sp«-.:! Jt'U !,1 r I I~'"' 1·111ll\.•n1 IH•r;1r_., itupll''I:, Va111a~IH' lo1·a1 ion ~ I Bdr1n::. !;>:!.J.'l,tll/O .-.1\:.!l :.!l\1 :~I! .• -.1·111<, por 1·l1 ,\ 1·\!f,1-. '\,•,oJ H1·.11·t1 lll\d ,\ j.,11 •h•11 lr1111 11·1l 1.11•· l""'l''""'ll ii~lf '.;!ti.1:i ·~ • .! Cemetery /lots/ Crypf~ l• r.1,\ "' 1500 ....................... LIDO REALTY J:l77 \ iu l.itlo. 'ii .ll . *673-7300* ============1'1\1 '. \i i·.\\' I 'd \1 LIDO ISLE :1 llr. ::! 11;1. lr1Jl1· S:d•· or "ii 1'!>1lt r':H·[ ~li::!,~1!11!. i Iv. 11t 'I' 1\ i.!<'111 1;7;1 1;.1x:1 ,i.:d l111·.1l lu11 ::.,:.~.> ,.,, I "r ,, 11 1111 11<·1 ,.\J, 1.:11 Commercial P ropert y 1600 ·····•········•···••··· I •'II ! 111 11 \ o ' I t'.11' "l<I '11.'l "!!I ( '1•1111.d :111· i'"lllli ll'>lllll;' 11 I ""Ill llJ!I< 'L I II .< I ! I 1 J.do 11>, I I.Hill t d o·n '• h.1U1.-. l"I h•1L'''' IJ.11 I 111 I I • 1 I\ , · ~LI .ou11 1 '.lll !;rk 963-4543 "~VALLEY~"· \ It'll "' I °<nL11( I I 1 lull •• 1. Capis trano Be a c h 12 1 B ·••····•••··········••• lll'l·:1\N ('0>1ldo1 Ill·\\ Ill'\\ J 1'1;~11 ~'I I! I "11111 -. ~.1UU '' ".oi l • l11hl1"ll ' .til t I 1, p11 • 1'.1,1 :L, 11 Corona d e l M or-)222 ••.•...•..........•.... I' \ 111 d II I' I• '1 ,, I t'l I 1;•1 l ,d.,I "I' 1 ·, " I " ' , H 1 I P "' I '• " 'I o 111 I 11 l'l~'lli!HH "ll l'""'I ,, ' '"" . ' '" " ' \ \111111\\'' /•/1\(1// :-01 f'.1 111 \11(1!( Ill!·\" I'' •I" I .11+· "" 110 1· lo .ol 111 oll d 1111! ,! .t·ll' l:o•,11il1 IHI I' 11 I I • • ._.., I Ii I'•, 11 "II< I U I \,.,,I 11"\I '.d'f"'l111 :.: lo llhJ ~ \I I IHl•/llH h H< 1!<'!1 SA YSHORE5 CONDO Commercial Lots BEAC H BLVD. REALTY A llEAO ENTERPRISES CO . H o m e f indcr i; • 642-9900 \\ ' 111 ! J : "' o1 I ol o • ,'-.' •I/ • •I l•p ll 1-I•· ,,1.' '\ HI O I••+ •I• I•" I "11!0' pr ''i"'I I I I 'I (( + d I I 1,1 1 di ··I+ "''' 1 ~ Associated I U3 SOUTH COAST Brokers l'I I; I) 1 .! I 1,1\ I 1 11, '·' !Jp,·11 (, .0 I d I' H I"' I I., I t i.. '\ l' d I I• I 1•.1! '" d1 111n;: ,. '.!I "ll l\d ._ ...... 11 ..... :-.111 11 I t " I' I " 11 • I.' 11 l I I l'l' DUPLEX "•11\1•rn1•"1 "', hdt Il l I ll.11/1 111' ,11·111JJ11I Br. lillll~. "hq ,...,_ ,.:,. 1Jrp:, 1'1<1-.0' (OI j"t<>I. •·J11l1l1<•U '" l 'l'!•l!> .01 ., 111 pr11 ·" ~ ::-,]',\ 1i1 :1'\1; HEi\l . l<S'!'.\'l'I•: I'! !Ith'\' I''" IH 'f /<>I 1; 11 h I 'I,> 11 I I • 111! .1):.t' 'o1 iJ \ 1111 f o' ''' "11 I\ '•! ::-,,, 11 l )1<•1:1' 1'1 \\I J' l'H tl\' I-::\ \HI<\ t·,,1.,1 l1 ·r 111-. ,\ 45 + ACRES I 1111·,\1.v111t11t111:-1_:-. I S t•1 111111•1 1 lll I lo•\ 1·1 .111d I l11 •,1ll \ I ·,1111p.1Jl l. Macnab-Irvine C•u Ill •o• • ,.,, ''"'""'' °" , • ..,, • 111•.iul 11 ..... Ir " ldi \11 11>.· lHJ "l\11<'1. '" l.1 .... 1 ,, " "I'·" I""~ 1!1~•! l•l.111 1111!1 ·••I lht ,11110 lllllo -J•," o·d 1 •11I1 ;-. 1 I •.• 11 "I I I l II ..,~., ... ,,1 ( .di Jloll\ ' " H11\ '" 1 .. v.1 1 ·' ....... h ( 1., .... 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I , "1""'·" '' ,~:~~,~~,SE·~;~~or :,,~· ;::~:T:,:,:,' .. :: i/:::::":·,,:,·:"::11 ... ,.~ .. ld»\\11 \, ,, \111• •.1 1.1 11.11!1 -·1011.1 11.1il l(o dt\ o.!<I .... ,",! !• 1lh• 't.fl :1"11 /11\1 I ,Jll I>'• ) llH I \: • .\LLEY REALTl' A 81!1RG ENTERPRl'JES CO. \ 1111 • \lll•hl lull ;:..~:! ,IM! TURNER ASSOC. llll.1 .,. j'_,1 (I ".' I .. :·un 494-1177 THE OLD GRAY MARE ~Il l· \I\ l'\\ll'I :->Il l .... L I' ~I ll I·. ,, 11,.11h••1 1!11 , 1n·•11 •1 I.di 11 1 .!,'IJH ,, J1<ur1< /I .• $48,950. ' •COS TA MESA 1:111 Vt I 1'11111.!I'\' ••II 1!11 -.1 'trt't'l J11·\I 1<1 ~liupp1111· 1'1•111c•r c ... od lll'l;!llhurh•11ul :1.1 10~1 :-,,I :-0,ll ' 111" 11,·l l 1ul '/llli·lli <.ol.111. ,1111 l1ld r!t • l"·do 1.,1111 .... 111.1'1' .... h \1111 1 11 .. 111 .. \\ ·.0 11 fo'fl!l" I<• +11•!1 1 l•dl(\ I' 1 I 1 .I I,. lo< 1, 11 ~-•:,u 1•('1 .11, ,. i.n .• 11 · "'·''·• \1 " "" 1 ~ ... rr,.11 , 1 I u " I , ti ' .... 111 \ .. 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" 111·11:111> .. t 1o .... d .!l;!t ,;:1 ... ,Y.' \\1·1p1 •. -..!•• I'•! 1110 i".H!l ill' \I +II ·I• CALL 552-7500 •VISION• REALTY \ ll•·d 11 111 ( 'n111p;111\ !l 111v l'.1 rk ( 'vU!l'I 11' I Ill~ ,\ I I .\ 11 I IV I' l·:·r1t1ll.l•:I . ,\1 ./l·:LI.\ ,qqil11•d I" 1110 · lhl' .. ,i ...... 1 11111···111.111 11011 ..,fo .•!I d 1~1111· l>1•l \h '-. 1111 1 \\t'l')I lho • )11li-l">I!< >,11< i...111 :• 1'1 I .1 ll.oill I'll"! ('l.1 ,'i1tl!•<I ,\d 1" \I\\'·" I·: I! U \'Ill /l l 11l 1nn l\uy N•·Yi Tn>1'1\hu11~1·,f)f-:f ,(t .\'t·: 11'!.f·:.X~ ,;,, .! I! r I' 11 " I , C< ;1 :! ~1 10:111 Lo 11•111a111 \\' ::;111,IMH l ii.ti .~\K.! l'lu• !.1-...l••,1 •h ,111• ... (I\\' l>.0!11 f'1l"i ,\ d . l ' ,J 11 \O,.' , ... ( ,1 I ' I .1' ._ 1 I 11·d dn JHH lrpl1· 1011 1n\1n•r 1;d J,,,. Y1·ui.:1·1 \!11 y l'h .'1.olo ld l l I ·"" :-. 11111 11" I .>II I '' ,--; I H II :-. I·; .... :• H1 ::>I oLI JI I' H•·.11 !1 :-. L~.1 :io..', ~" l 1 I 1 I I·,"·\.• ,\Io ' Hun1111 : 1 .. 11 '!'oi ll.d/1t,,1 pd 1!1 I 1·111 · .. t h'"'""· tuir,•· ·'•'I\ 11"' I h11t ~. 'I 11 i.: I 1•-. 1\ j.! I 'l t''I .~ l,IH ) ,H" Jo 1 .. ·1·-. I; ,. '' ' ••pl 1"'1 ~;I" 11 V \ j• \\I _, I\ Ii • fir .111 1·1• \ ' I'.' :'.,o>o'I I 1 1 H I I I. o!P ,)<I,' 1 HH ; ltd11n ,11d\.I p .1!1" 1:.11 1\(1"" 11t ... hil 111.:a. \d111!· 11,i !'•·I~ ·''1 ~' 1n" CLASSIFIED MAILl""G ADDRES S I' ll 11<·~ ! '"·" ~ "'1·• ""'·' •• ,,,,it> 1)"11 I ;!)'' u'f l/11 · \r1 u r11,11d1 + 1,,,,111 'u1- 111<1 p .11 l!\1 •. ,\ (I\( :-;,, ·------------"!'-1111.1I1 f \'I II I! J-'11, l 'l,,,,llU'I! i'l·."l-'CJU .\l,\i\t'J·. 1 ,illl'll il l' \\.1111 \d ~' (',di 11 1·111 -. -.111.111 .iMt1 :i:r;1 IO• o \I I'll•' 1111 lh" '!up' 1! Ill ' 1.1,,1l 11·d . :-011"1" 111 ·~11\L ~' ,-.,! 11 \' I •I lrl' .>Iii!'\ .!u . SI' 1.;,..,.1 ),\Ill.I·: <ll .llEH :1 1 ~p.11 ·1·11:.111 •1 J•.1rl.... S .inl.1 f\11.1 ::;:~1.1 ~- 1J11v.·11 I' I' ~1:1 ... jlfJ!I )\.1111 l!fl,1!11' IJ \' OWllf 1'1111<' 1111ly . 1\1'.1 •\'1;1 :!7U() l·:vt· ·1!lii 7;107 .c tni :• 11 .1 d•·n , 1 .. 11 '!1 1d l t'pl !' 1;.11.i .. 11 1.0 ,11. ltl7 :!Kl'llorjl lh,."• .:'111 ·' i.11 11; I' " I " .11111o1 ...... ' hq 11 H ... 1 .. 11 .... \I " I t \ ...... ·•.' f'. . . DAIL Y PILOT * C~sta M•~a 1224 lr•ine 3244 N~wport leach 32&9 •••••.••.....•.......•.........•..••••••.•.... •••··•·········••·•···• t Bft , I lJu, l..illl r111. Ii; yd, u c w 'pl1tlrp. no \'.'h1llltl'n /v c t:i.. :>:! .. u ti-tG · o67l VETS tion 'l rt-nl ... ,\tJLJ 1·:111 own a ho r11c w1tt1 r1udo11.n pa y1nt'rll '\u l•il,\l!ll'll\ t o r 011 1 ... 1:.L .!1i thl }:. W orld J{t·a l E:.laL1' ..,pcl·1alts t s 111 ,,,1 .. r :.u 1 hou ~1ni; A:-.k 1«1' \'l•l1•r.111 (.'111111:.l·lo r, :>~ "li77 c-.11 1 , ,!II) llllll' •REN TALS • L'.'\'1 \1 . l'AHK ·l Ull , l'~ IJll ~/-195 :! HH I tialh ::;32!> .! HJ<. 2 l\.i $.:J.)IJ/42!> l'HIVA'J'E lloulie. k ttb. J1':\~. ~1r1i.:Jes. i;ar:i~c. ~ UJt szsu f l·•· Hom•flnckn * 6 42-9900 J Ult , r;u n , 2•, ba$-lW,450 $195 PEit :\1 0 3 lir, 2 Ua, 4 UH :.!' ~ ti;.ilhs s.125 bctil value ltl NU, 1n<Any J'lll-'. l'l::KKAL'f: fcaturPS 1 14·1i7:14l71 ~ll H .2 11 ;1 . S:J.50/:r75 -~ J B H, ~ H .i SJ!.l.'>J-ll.l 3 B H, ~teps to s;!n.~I. hu~·· w,,1.NU r ~l_J UABF: fa1nrly rourn ~1~5 1110 J UJ{ l UJ . S350 l>ropert y ll uu "l' T.C H'J'LEltOCti: 6<1l -J.M[,O :1 BH 2 U;.i . SIJ.5 /45(} li H r~EN'J'REB SOft Clr mr ntr 327& J Bil . J U;1 S.t90 ••••••••••••••••••••••• \'l'J.Vr:HJ),\J.E HHAi\'D Ill'"' 41)r, lt1Ull i:.11 1 1\J{ £Lia .:.;11.v It w /u re:u 1 vu lro rn S l ' . -. . . Casa de Oro ALL U1'JLJ'J'lt-:~ PAIU l:on1 p<Are before you rent C u::.tum do1~ned t 'euturlnii:. •S pacio us kitchen 11.1th 111 tllret·t l1gt\t1ng. •&pocrute d1n'g area •I lun\e.J1kc s tor.agc •Pr1v1.1lt: patios •Clo~~J Ka r age w/tilOl'agc •J\>1 arble r1ullman •K 1n~s11e Udrins • l'uuJ -Ba rbequcs -::.ur· rut1ndt•ll 11.• /plush lndscµi; Allults -No pet~ I l.llJH~1 Furn. Sll:t. ;! UUHi\1 l''UJ"n ~.i i. ::lli5 W Wilson D42·1~7 1 t ' !'..:A N F ll 0 1' ·r t1<.1chl'lur <:.1r <1l:I' Sl i.i 1Hu w111ttr; $22:> muycJ1 Jy~~-~--~:t , UH, wint er .$?".'> ITIU. I ll· 1·! ul1L IUl9 W. B<iy Ave. N.U ti73 tti14 <.11lerti Jlln wkdays, ari_,tt 1n1t: wkeutl~ Apartment Unfurnl.tMd ••••••••••••••••••••••• lolboo lsla11d )806 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Marina Pacific VILLAS Brand Nt'w Cost.om Apt.s MECRIEJ( ,.OCEAN VI EW• 1 Br, Adulls $<!00. :ttil.17 Solana W ay, Lag u11 11 494 -141 9 UACH-IBH·2BR VES UP 11r 1ve by IllOVic tor1a WATCll the whales fron1 ,\lmostlo l'iuntinglon OITSHAME the.i;e new 2&3 fi r lJ ea ch Ovt·r 500 t all trees and i beautifully a11puintc1I ,.UPEN S A'l'/SUN• streams with w a terfall condo1n iniu m s. -1~1 1 1:1~, Wale rfrnl I \Ir uni urn. 645-6111 . <"reat e <t relaxing settin -· - boat dock tieup on Gr undil ............................ !!!<I for your s pacious ne LOgufta Miqwel 3152 Ctanal. No ch1ldren,pct.s.I' I · or 2 -bed r o o rr ••••••••••••••••••••••• yrlyonly$300moinc uttl. Ult AND Nl-:W E -s1de apartment. l"ron1 $100 NEWJBr,2'f.-Bac:ondo. 673---0207 duplex. Nt:w tllx 2 Hr, 2 t-'urniture ;r\·ai la blr Occanview,2 frplcs,11.·ct Ua. Sh ag . frplc. bearn::., l)lflCc v}Jl.'11 9 W tu G:OO .j bar. $5>00. mo. or l~'~ opl lalboa Pnlns.Wa 3807 bltns. Lge p<intry. Enc. i!JOO l'·air\'iew Hd., Coc.l 640-8495 d .11.ys .v.r<.J;tWcilt'006/ ll(llllK: •lW COllClrT ! lDUlT l.UlMM UYNIC i }M•lt ti r1' M:ClPTt• • !oche lor• •IBR,281 •l art & O.n from S 17S • 1~8.) MeJa V.rde foil&. Adam• F ,\S1'Sll)J·: :J 1!1. I ll.1 !'rplc , ::.•·rt•1:111•cl 1 .. 1t1u (>n l'I ~u rd . :1titi f. .. 1'•111 !'>I :'.GVil :"\o Pl'\:-. ~·1'< 1.1~1 1 l>EE HFIEJ.J) IJll'l'lv l>.I' h;1rWr 1,.,;e J Ill< .!' .• l\;1 S.1:!5 ::;5111.1 rnu 714 l~i .. 'i27:-i S30 WEEK &UP ·~t>l)N 1 ~ht&U p •:...t utllu & l BH Apt:, ••••••••••••••••••••••• S'l'UDIO $135. 2 llH. S250 . yearly . Near lll.1)'. i\1:1rs h"'ll lh•.1h )' Mewport leach 3 86'9 S40 -1800 1;·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·:::.·:·~·;·~·~·~·~·~·~·;·~·~·~·~·;1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ dbl gar. s;Jl5. 752-1700 !'t>1 esa . Phon e545·2JOO. lferb or Les r:A s ·r II! .IJ F F p.1t11J, £1U ll'I ~I , l'""I A rc1· rm (;.1 rdt·n"r ~!•~) t>.t4 -afl'J3 """·'""'·"''"" ~1" OCEA.., VIEW '\El/1,'i><lll '\'l 'IC ES'I' n .l ll H . .!1 ~ 1,;1, Jurn s..ioo 1'1 l•:W :1 HI! & l.>t·11 louk111b inlu U .I'. llarbo r , c .. ta lLna ~<. !"> L'. µ1 cr . L t•;1 s •· S 1 5 0 111 ·l'.11; 521:1 • rv & ,\t .11d Scr v A1 ail •I' ho n e ~l·rv1 ~·c llttl IJI 1!1 I • c 'Juhlfcll & l'l'l &ct1011 61 5 <W!Jll 2 ll UGt: bedrooms .Supe loc:-1t1on Beoim cc1hn1; N lll'l~ $170 m o _ 64S-ti61 U UELU X 1--: 28 R {.'ondo C.00 --. - S'J'UNNING 1 /Jr G.arJt"1~ ,\pt. l'ool, rec. rn1. $155. NEW • _7 1~W:_t~t~S_L __ . OCEAHF«OfotT e t''.-SIUl': C :'>I . C.ipt· ('1"! :1 br. :! Oa , l rp h·. lrg Jru·d yarll . .i~~ l'hl"l'I ~I ~1.i mo. &ll ::,1;.1 CALL 552-7500 • ':>.• t1l l "'t•t>k ~ l't•lll W ;HJ ~:rJ1o ,~ •. ,,..purl lll vd, Ci\! E . Ocean }''rnt. S ulJ. l'lt lYAC Y + :! Br. 2 H;1, prk i;. • Elt:v.1tor. St:•· g.ar , pat1.ll & yard. S225. c;att-s . SJ511 IJHI y rl,\ f\;~ets t.·16_:1-11·1 3126 2 Hll, z ba., 1,1.•1ntt:r$JUU YOU'LL IE GLA.D IAYFRONT YOU WAITED! ••••••••••••••••••••••• •VISION• ·' 111 '.•75J or b-15·3~>7 I llH , Slfi5. l UH, $185. Lrpts, drJls, bit-ins , laun· dry fa c11lt1 es . JUH.2 ba .unf !-li ;·,y rl.i· lrllr ollu l·t1n b 11cw bat:h STEPS TO BEA.CH ,111 .1 l bdr1n <1pt s ,,.,·ell REAL TY Sonia Ano 3280 t>PAC I O US f\l·\\ I hr, ,\ltcdllrll Conipany ••••••••••••••••••••••• HHl'11 1rl $105 "'a lk ,1 v ;.i i I ~· t· h I l ' al I . . --!i'J1 -8382 or8.'.~I( .~1J.I. 2 ~ 3 BR Apts, ~p.acious _ Cpl, Drps, Palto, Child OK, No pets. $ll)O & SI ' ltd ti45--U16S JUlt,2 ha,$J25unl.yrl} \\•n·1h ::.ccin ~. Ht·li111·d Pallo, ds /p,o,•~1:-.hcr. hl•;i/U IAllS o r l1!l fl ". f!oOI . L'111 v l'<1rkCt•1llL·r 1'01"''11 "1' 'I ll\(''' 49(i~l91or498-0973 CHAN ... ELFRONT , .. 1 ,1fl'ura d•1blc •Llrca1 (..'c11'G.Adul C:-.o>t•r ·l.l .11t1 lr">nc -., ... ~ .. wJa ,g:.11·. 111 ~hoq 1 p111 g_, •,. m1 . OC l:!:AN t"r nl. IUr Cpts, • .\'.Jnl lo\', k 1fl.~ 11<.'l~ ()t-; .• I I I I ru:t~. ;:.luO. ,\p p!!c.1t1u1.1, -----.... --... --b t·.1• /1 :•J I \\I . l ~nh Sl u rps. l 1111 !'>, r p l' Nee. 2\tiU Elll<'t1 .\\gr.I l!y a ppl 11 idy. l'\'l ply ,',.II'! l~l~ll 675 1531;. "'~15 1 Orani.:1· Av•·. 1\pt 11 :i HH , ~ 11,\, 1·h11iJr1·11 pets ~E.:i. 11111 7:.i 5.'!l-I '•-----------•I 18 .. ---I ~ Capistrano Brach 38 oli Fl·llC'<" v,1rd. S.:1:!5 Hou••• f urn•"·•-d-., ll I{ . ' I ~ .... L'U '' "• ••.• ,,,,, , .. , •. l "'' <J""-....................... . .. · tp · 11 " IH'"' 01 n 1!1 ,\~k l ••r 11 11·1<:, Unfurnishr d 3300 r '" ,., .., "" s 1ng lL·S. St•i• ,\1 1:1 \J•\ A, H:l~ :i:t'ih I dea l l1•r b,1 l·h1·lur~. J BR, 2 Ha, blln.~.d ~hwhr , !.ll:IUW, 17th S I t '\\ ••••••••••••••••••••••• A di l!'> 1 ~1 :1.i t 'hur c h washer/dryt•r. Ut·c:1n Laguna Beac h 3248 8AYFROMT .~1s :1t;;J:l . _view. s;.!_2_5_•642 1155 __ f.',\NTASTJ(; Oceanview , lg. 3 br duplex,~· !iv rn1 C AS4\llCTORl4 "'/frpl . $325 n10, Adults 1,2,3 Ull w111al1os 4!fJ-7557or'l\.16-2·113 r~rom $169.50 No pt:ls , -- :J lilt, 1 l!.1Lh L~·r~c . ••••••••••••••••••••••• 5 l~r . :!'~ H:1 on h1g b~·~·. ~nclosed yarll .\l unrO\'ILl.)1 8.} U'l'll. pU nit·c J hllr ('•l mpl , rl'Tl O\al•••I ~t. ne<.1r 19th. l'rl·ler 1 y1 " ,,. r ~ l'nd /'rl\'~t l l' bea c h . S lip Pool, rec rm. elevators, Hwrtinqto• leach 3140 Set'. gate. Ga::. & water ••••••••••••••••••••••• p d 52:i V1cl11r1a, l'M. 2 BR w/ocean view. Ne~'. t~I :! X!o11U ~250 . mo. U t1L paid. UACll ELUH ,\µt. l 'til pJ. Corona de-I Mor 3822 ------!!Jl -9~50 J.1 u11dry, Jl\l p.1t 1u, nr ••••••••••••••••••••••• OAKHIDGEV1lla ,JBH,2 ~ - I S,1' l .,J L U, -_ea se.__~ J. lllO -~v~i ~lU 2 HllH, tlcek ocean ~.,a d . \'e:1rly Sti~5 1 1nu ;.i~ul 21 thJ,111 .:. l hulll \'ll'"';irJl ,nr lJ t•Jt:h i.7:1 ~5urt'7J (iO;Xi , ~2 ~11:1 ---s:!2J LIT l l. 1-Jd, ~1nall 1·111 -. . , , , I ta i,:t· lrpli· i,: r 11 .. W1\'lf..ltl-ltOZ\l llunl .DACJ-1. llnu:-.c r:;.,.,1:-.11 (' 1,,.,,,.1,' ' ... . 11..irl>o u. r hon.1e. hJ' IHJ;tl pvt y;1 rt1, i,:~1:-. pd. SJ2:, I k l H J 11 I I mo.!>IK lj(jl:S(I S:l•~I SU,-.;N'i' ,\: IJ ng/11 ;! l OI:', • r , ·L lltUOr ----~-tulrtrple hse .1-!:.t r .}.•rtl Hurn.111 ,.,1ylc JIO<ll. /J;.ir , !'>h11pp111b. Sl '..:·l rnu.&J~)W . BRAND new j Br, 2 Ba. lta . llltns. Ch ildre n Nt-:W 1.2&3 Brapls.1.2 & l~Lh St.li42 -J-I:.~. sha~crpls ,dr1,,,,,llltn.ap· w e l c ome . S225 . 858 l 1.~ Ha, rr1)lcs , gar .. ---pins. ~-I OU . 1110 . 5 05 Ct nte r St 645 -!f.!19. patios.$115/SJS(l mo. I I.SI< }''urn. l lrg elust·ts. I ark s p u r O a y s -------* * * • • • 2 DH, den, 2''.i Ila : nearly ll(!W, :! t''rpl, ;ill bh111:-. l)bl ~arll!le . l_JOllt ~Jq1 $515 n10 ., yrly . C ORONA DB. MAR 4 UH . unf. house, tan1 rm., 2 liaths. $5(iU Lc!uSt' o r lc;1se /o pliu11. 2 BH, 1 lia. unf. $!7:>yrly NEWPORT CREST :.! 11 It . :! l;a. •'•Jndu s:;~:. COMMERCIAL ~Bil . 2 ti.a . HL'(lerorate11. :-01 ,\ ;..' y 0 '1'11 ~ltS A \'.\I l. (rpll'. ;, real "hu11.• p.Jr ty NU -VIEW RENTALS place, !urn 11r unfurn quccn :..1zc bt•tJ . 1'r1v ,;73 ---0WJ eves G75_1016 LAHt.;l-.: .3 13r, 2 U.a. just NEW delu:(e 2 Hr, 1'/~ ba drc:-,s i n~ rm. l!Xlra lrg ----~---rt:dec. l:rpts. d rps , bltns. stud io. Ut1I pd. $!50. mo. roo1n ::.. t•nt·I . ~ar BE,\U1'1fUL 2 br, 2 h.a , ~t esa del Mar t1rea. 4ll 20thSt.Not-'et .. w /~tur<1 ..:t' 1\Uult:> vnly, frpl. de c k, ~·1l'"" SJl5 l''amilcs only. no pets · 'l'ohin Property Mgmt 11<1pc ts ISJJ-221ti6l9'h i'o111sctla 11\e ase .· S 22.S. mo . 846-131 1,Nn l-'ee. UNl-'lJllN AIU" l Br ., ~11:1.-, 1'11Jl .. r111n .l' t\1 ---------tii5-580U, Bkr,No F1..-e -----------•· · yoird. nr Sc t1 J::.. ~1.i7-6i·l\J ~ft. Ii, ,,...~ ntl~ :.rnyiune SIJOll 11111 ""'tlc r. C!l:.1 1 2:1 1 <1 :1°11 tl :t .\:-., t1 11 ) l,i\J{t;l'.: I UH turn. fi7J 2 llr. l-'1replact'ne1>.'ly 1!(• .~!! ~J;i l •I C'Vc ,\v<.11l J ;1n . l ·llh. ;.iµt. c~ti Fountain Vallr y 3234 l'<1r;1led \l it•\\'. C ondominium$. 1;.12 IJl!i ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·l!J7 1 :.1~'~' Unf urni$.hrd 3425 Huntin9ton Be-och 3740 •1 BR , I ' 1 Ba. l'wl, B<111u::. •• ••••• •••••••••••••• 1•111! t.~:.\SI·:. :i l.ulrin. ~ •• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 BH. c r pt,., drps, stove. -------I BH w/ot·can \'h!W. New. B;.1 . Wc~lehlf <1r(•;1, "rn .1 11 rcfr1g. Pvt gar.Upsta irs . CHILDRD40K SlOtJ. mo. l !t1L paid . ~t·t c1.K , i-.tl! .__;.J:!:!I:.:!. P vt enlr. Ad.1lt.s, no pct.s. I.ge l Hr ~1 7U : .1 Hr I V~ Ha 8:11-9950 '~!>-9ol>O l l:t/4Jl-11!15 aftt•r •I ~IW. Uuple:< & 4·plcx, 2 -WALK TOIUCH - pool :.. c rpts. drps. t0.1<! titiMl l . 2 & 3 ll r. crpts, llrp,,,, PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS 1\1·'..-\C ll cnv1runmc11\ • turn1 ~h ~d .ind 1111 lurn1s ht'<I •$185 lo$215 646 -8~ <We~, .. ~"'" ,..o\)\..1. 14 33 Syper ior A•mw N rwpor1 l r och MESA GARDEN APTS ..: ~ :1 ll•lrn1s .. ~·rpt -., 1lr11~. utilitie" µ.11d lll1u1s. l.1u11dry 1.1i.:1l1L1l· ... Hin , ne11rl y i·rptd, 1ia111l 1,111 d \'n L•>""'t•J' ·r1·r111•l1· Ul•:1\lJ'I' 1 ll r hirn . a pt:. t•d . Ile ""' tl1 'li"'a:-.l1t·r llrl l::. ~·rc<.i , Ne"' dr ~•iJl'!> & ::i \l>,J ,\: !-!"1.'1 Spa1u:.l1 Styh· Clos~ lo S<"hL~ [rr11111'd 1·;1rpL·I:,. J·'t•111.:i:IJ y iu·d hudclinc. j.!\'t •:n L•ln,..1•d r11·1·p )'. S l5U n10. 1'1u il ~·ire Hing. ll••~kel Ball&: J..!;u· , jHl0>I , :-.;uuia, l;.iun· I UH. bltsn. shaJ.! crpt. drp~. c111·l p a tio. ~1~5 Avl l l l .. i,i40 4.:l•IK ;ifl [1. 1175 257 1 :!J!H 11.,1 . pool. n r. lit·h Sl~ 1nu lu rnu ti75 -70JJ d;1 ys14:11 :11<-'Uaft 5p~ l>hns, gar . 2 11 ltith .St. or :ll91Sth St. llB Sl7.:ru57 N Ew ----H1:l' l'lH•IH ..... Pll•ll t<1lll1', • • WALK TO IE.4.CH IJcdruun1:-. ;11111 1 \'111 rn\llll , !'>:llUIJ, l'°''I 'l'u,,.,·nhuu:-.e" .\"lult" only, Jlt)pcls ::.'Ol11 lleaut1ful new '1 un it · 'I l\;1ehl'lur I 111 :: "l'l'\'ll..:1•&";u·L1t•ncru1l'ld I< '' (' '' " "' J'at10.'l~·I --1072. <'a v or pa •• v !l1\' :11lh:., Jj:J,u l Kct·h<111 Fr. S2:!·1.5UV1>cn~ •I !';u ly \lr1:-.lul. Cl1~\:1 1 l.'"a . 1 BDR APTS townhou::.c s . ltEN'r ur =-'Pa l'oul"'l't•iun... 7 5 1-1415 H-1? ?l'1 ·I SANTAANA L.;lll'. I !i lk \\'1•s1 n l \' A C A 1'"1' ..J l J·: W SUN HYntinqtonBr och 3240 J)l-:t 'l\S , ;! :-;·rtlH Y Ii ,.:.•" h Hl2 7K IX o I I LtlW !:'. H l.)l.1plex. ptl)' I urn. Ste p:-. tu l>o•;1c·h ~100. 1;/,'• <!;!l:) or HJ1 x:1;H, H1Jl1t•u:1 HUY. 1''1repl:1ccs, hhns, ,\(·rt•"~ froin F<1 ::.liiun1 ------------ Likc l1v1ng 111 <'!Western kit chen. 2 <"a r ~;ira ge~. 1,.1a111t a l J ,11n l1u r1·0.: on ••••••••...•........... .1 Hl·:11 J t\\'1'11 3600 :111 1t 2 h a . p oul l .1t· I~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• :,..:1~.>n1u P ll u ·o l(Jt\• It II Vrr\' 1·lc;1 n, :J Bl<. l 4ll·I tl7ul -1~1 :1il'J I\,\ .lhl (;o1r illl /1n". 1· 1 I' l I 11 r I•~ I I p I 1· 3267 ~I :! ;,~l·I Olkk Mii~ion Viejo LOW WEEKL Y RATES Exrcuti•e Suitrs 727 Yorktown Bl•d l\1·:u·h HJ\·d at ~'orkt o"n 536-0411 STUDIOS & I UR S •Full k1 tehl·n •l l1•a 11•d poo1! •L.tlUHlry l.Jt'llH11·,. •Fr1'l' u1il1l1t·~ •F11·cl1ilt'll ' ··············•·····•·· II I I •l\',\:.r11.11d :-t•r1,11 .11I S EEl'O 111':1.IE\lf:! :! hr, J h:i. ~'itl·S2'..IO 3 hr. :th.1 SJ25 A ll ret·i·ntlyrc· dt:1•11rat1'<I !.: w/i.:ara ~t· \L:! l.o1 r l..,,,pU J'. 1;.1-1 G8()(J nr 1;11 1:1l1; Casto Mr sa 3824 ······················· 1n ov1e s ci ~ Old Wesl 2&3 Ded~~7~1~170 ~""J oaqu in lhlls H<1;1J , IJavur with city slick 17141644-1 ,00 l•!<ilUres . Pool. comple te Nt:W l)cluxe ~ llr 2 R:1. ---- k1tehen 1,1.·1th rl'fr1geratur f<'rple. /\II hltus: $:!50. Nl':W dupll·x \10li v.· incl. W:,i,JI lo w<tlJ plush mo. All util pil 9ti0 -l ~ Jl;d hoa Ill\ d . 3 llr. :! l!.1 l'i1rpet1nl{. Adull.1 only, orR4C -~19:iX lr11lc. /Jhn!'>, J.!.or;1).!t'-I h!I.. nu 11t·t~. i\ LJ_, NEW ' lo t..a y u r 0.-;11·h. ~ lt1 ght no,,.,· & only a \'l'ry l !\tILt-: i'"HOM llt:i\Cll! 1nu y r ly. 1;;;, ;,IHI few a\·a1l able. J)eluxe I & J Hit Apt:.. COSTA MESA BUNKHOUSE B•1at & Camper pa rk1n~. Some lrp1'1·s :S l75·$U5. l'hone R·t f.-(il '.(l \\'f:!'Jl 'l'l.I FF ,\It~:\ :! hr :! h:1, IMIVI. ~1d11it,, <111 11·1. reJl'l' l•I:! •Ill ! ~----------11)('!-:,,:'\ \'I f:\\I llt.'.111'\t' ."\f.:\I/ ''' ·r11r· ('()J 1··;1 r .! >.1.:!1·,1ri.:.11 11111 ... •1\,11 Hl}u1· ,-..;~.W. t:ll'~a11L :! !Ir.:! /1:1 L' c· I ' .1'1 ·, ~l'i.• ,\l o Ol 'i 11•11, ;'\1 11ur '" ,-,Jr :>t ' •• !I' 1. I ,1 c• II •l'l!o •lft•:-t:r11<1· tO"'IJhJ•U ~c . FrplJ• plu"h 1 .. 1. l,1111 I n1 . frpl. \\'l'Lb;1r '.lH' liJ ,'\/ i l'i-.ll' I'll • I 11111 .. IUOt't':tll Ii i\( ·1 r:N IJ A IJ~; J\1 !-:SA Jt.(J W W1l~1n. t.:.f\.1 Hl•aut1ful C:round!'> Adult.-. l\u l'l·ls 111 rr1 111 t1te ~ t o o ec;"in I l.orrg1• I k 2 llr l Bil s11.. 2 1111 s::1:10 -1,1.•1th l ',1(10 Sl!l;1 f;,r,.., &.'W:•ll'I l~:l!ol Wallace . \~th&ll>l l'.: li<i I hi No 01 oJ l'Lieen- n•·W l 'o11iln. :1 Irr . :1 h.1 I r1•1n .. 11 l'1W)I ... & 'l\·1111 l 'rl~. ~ .. ~u \J.!\ vt.J .. 10:l ~ l'~1 rpe lin g, prr\'.r!t• }••Id, 11:!.1 .!10\ 1·11•,,,,'\:v.·knd:, Apartments Furn dou lill' 1-:ar.1g1• Fr1111t u11 la9un a Beach 3748 rt Lu~h l ;n11t ~'·:q11ng ~Newport Be a ch 3269 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• tilol'k' lo hl';u·h S:~ l•l·r •••••••• • •••••••••••••• 1nu.:-1l•l l6th :-.t Fvr :q1p1 VIEW 1Balboaliland 3706 t u :>l'C l'al l ~1 \ \ 1 1••••••••••••••••••••••• "'l'\('1()1 " ,,,111d 111 "''l'h l1 I It'" , l'l'"I" >ll"rl 110' ;, ilH It ::. l 111 • , I ! 1!011:! .1:'.:1, it.17 5.1<11 . {1 1.i ~r,;11:; 8.!51 · POOL 11.11,, '''"l'" ..:111! ..:11' up 11r l2\3)!.1:!6 4·1U1. l>tl'.ull •".111.11 :0.1111 p1·1i,\~}\ l·:\'\t·l(Cl ,\I 11:1,11 , TENNIS 1-'.oll' 1\1,111 .J.111 l"i lh ::.:!'~) :>..!:.!.o \'1•,p'll ( lll jl!~'I VA(',\,'\l'I' 1 ~hiry pr1•..,11g1· 111" , 1•11•1· 1~1 ,\ 1,, ... 1 ,ond ... 11: 11:!..:I ,11 lcii [,,!JI) {'nudo. 2 BH . ut·w l'Pl" ti.· f'll 1· \I<'" '"' 1>1 • .1tll\.1I.. 1 il~·p .!.!I·~ 1,1,uid t '.111,d p ;11 n 1 . 2 ('a r en 1·l1I 1ng ~flu\\ I ·•l•J•<'d rn<n111 1,-;,1 ~'.!.!I> ill l•:\,V ltt)\'j' I Jiii . 111' i,:araJ,!c, :.lnl 1·ond ::;:.!.1:1 la 10~ b} d.1 1 t"111kh11g 'Ju\\ll, 111t·lU u1LI .-. 'l'h r·u pcr 11111. ~itil 1·171 ,,..,1, for l1gh l!'> It) 111 i:h1 'lht·1BalboaPenins.ula 3707 .luru.: :-.: .. 11 •u~, 1:.n1ul:1 Kc1 lt1 p r1\',d t• 1•01il d.· lcnru .... ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1:1.1 I ;1•1 f,\,\111.Y HtJ0.!\1 "Ith tjllt" 3 Ur, l h.1, l1l tns. il lilc i;:tr. , p .1Uo 11.•1 /\UlJ i.;rllJ. N1t't· ;1rl·o1 . ~.11.-1 m o. 1\~1<; for llt·v v r IJJil ~:i-1 5b1 •11::1 [jtll, N ICE 3 h1·dr1n ;'. ho1 rpl,,,, •lrp-., h tln.-., dl11 j.;.1r.1gl' Z\1re y.1rd ~..:>< •• nlt• :ct>J ·15ti7 ~h'.l !jH1j a \k l1Jr 111•\' or IJ.111• c·nurt 0111• J U!'>\ :-.h •p:-fr•irn ()I '1':1\ '\I-' ll 1 /:'\ J' I Ht . ~ th1 :-. J t.e li roon1 ur ;! + dt:n u lll 1111 I,"'1111. 1 r1·111.1I "'ewport Beach )769 llJrl.Jvr \'1l·1~· lto1nt• '!'hr~ t '.ill •·i:l 17:!1 nl';t r 0 1'11' IU\IH \' h•lllll' ha:. 1-.11 Pl'l:-.. dr.11~ .... Jr" 11, 2 SR. 1 BA hwa~ht·r 1•lc S.:i:,o 1•1 •1 ~.1.·, 11111 1nunth /\\.11!,1!Jlr 1 .. r )\•llr 111-.11l" t 11;r1 1111\1 Av.1rl;d 1l1• 111111 1• Lii .d,.•111 1··1·li [Jlll 1'110111· t ~l·I YHI.~· \l\ll 111n1 ,opt !111 I ailll lrpl·· llH'I' )..1(1 h II•• 1•11 ,,,. :-1·1:1n1n 1n1• u1d BALBOA INN ..••.•••.....•..••...•• [)\ '\,\ \\ !l• Ir.a; 111 l.'.111lru11t .lt•r . ...:11.1. ) rl\ ~Uh Uhl . d:•~ 1.11. 7111,j •l •~h t 1., ! .!.Jiil• M:• !t.1 \\ h 1 I' l l11J r, ~ 1\,1 ,,_ 11,11 11 ~ '11h11 'I \' n1 .11d ~l'I I. P11\ll l t It·: :-.1 E:...1\ 'I I.> 1'\' '''" 11111 l I.II i\1.1 . '· Jr' MEDITERRANEAN VILLAGE Heel ruonl ,& BH , 2 ij,\ \IJ rv.· epl. sun· :! H1·.-l ruo1 n & !Jen 1 kl'll Li v. rm. 1rpl. patio. NOWREHTING 2 llellroorn:. 1.;ar S.2 15 ti';'J 51.0l'J. ____ 1 2 llt:tlroo1n Townh:-c , Ill( ., ,~.\ \l,'/W . l . _ O cran View Apts 2-100 Harbor B!\•(t • -<. -•· t P ·sun 1·1 t· ~l l"' i-11 1557.~·~i ken L 1\'. rm. rrpl. p.auo. Allutiliti~inc:I "'·'' s.•' ---_w_ ~ar.~1 5.ti7J·~ 1UrS225,3 Br SJ'i.'.i L1 ;E J&l Ult.$lf.tl ·Sl8.5. _ ------53&-6663 ,\i1J. to "hcip ·g . pool. 110 SI 11.1 /'.14 ), 2 br: J Lia\ cpl,: I·-----------· l•('t ;, I HM7 l\;l c111ro~·i a . drp<,.. bltns. <!•15 1 f<Jsen ,,.1g.~i·l :l I /\'t', fnr ap11t c:1l! :-ifl LGt: ., HH 11,, 11. G ·. :J l'!\I ti lG 512,i Cpl/no t-rpt::.~dr11;, i..1lns.'11,blka:~ Par k -Like pt·~-~t or t·.~. t1u~ S l8.'.i. rno Su, rroundi-2 UI< 2 u \ L " t >1)t·11 :-..it ~·Sun , r ;·,, \1r ··~-· . , . r,_. upper. IJEl.l ;X ~; 1, 2 & 3 Br J\pts Crpls, drpi:., rJ n).!c. Laun· 1 a l I H 4 ~ -2 ti I I 011 Al:-.n Furn l\;1f'hf'l nr • Jry & i::.aragc. Sl8\J. •ii:-i ·IX1i:l 77:JI l!:Jh~. /\pl P \·I J':i!1t•S -lltd l'ool 54;i 1425. H llG CANYON EAST S p.1l'1t111" 1111 i.,t ull :t llr .. '..! 11:1 :ipt.., 1· odl r ..,,., 11 Ii I LIDO fl :1yfr()n t :1 l1r, :! ha . ne w drps & c111s. 1r1•sh pain t , ~a nrly bo •:it·h. ~ 11u1 ''e a rl)'. t;-;:-, 17li .l llr :! U;1 dplx 111•;1r l.111" ~hup~. l r11l l·. p,1t1 .. , ~.•r ~-,IJ. \'r l\ 1;,,1 1iUi5 Ht I U 4 tL'~;,\ ..,_ :1 Hr SJl:'i nio l'r"per1 ,\ I lou~c. ti.i~ J.'1..;..) V.':..,T('l.FF .1r~·.1 .! l1r lio1. sgl :-I _\' l'.11111, 1 o1r . I r p l , ~l:i\J 1\1 !11 11.•., J•'F:H N /11 1.1. D1•1·1· :! l1r, :• I.la. l'IJL. dr 11 . l'(111111Hu~1 t y p r1v ,.;.~. ,,dull :-. toiil.) SJ51I H!1:1 ;;;-i11>1 .;1 •\·l;l.1\S~ 11•·\u ,1 Br. ,.. H () H & IYM•l1hl ::><·1~. n10 l'h f,!.I 1 ~:1 1 I.I.! K:'.:J;, llr .1p1,.. 1·<1111pp 1•1I j.,,;, !1 ··11 ... I IHll'H' '"' \\ 111! 1 ·1· ! "I"" I 1\ I\ f.. "I Nr Shi.pg i\dlts l)nly -·-------- Ma r t ini que Apls · :'>h ·l•S !ro1n IJt·:11 h. <h·l11\•' THE DAI SY OCEAN & BAY VU 2 Hit, r rpls. drpi;, i:tC1 \'1'. l r\111t•1\1 ,.,1 ·:.11;.1~ 11..:.1•1 s 1: •.• ~, t) N 11 pe t ~. :! 1•h1lil rl'n o k J.4.lt;-H.175. :1 llH. ~ 1 ~1\. l d1 11 1r~ J11.n1 II .\ I! 1\1 ll(,t 11 ~ I .. t.1 1111.1 \ u .l Hr '..! 11.1 S-1t1,', n1o l\kr •1 1:! :!.!.li .i 111 2 H .t. •H'" ,,1ti•r1,,r ,>;, lr'il !'>.int:i i\naAv<:, f',\1 tur ni-.hrni.:., 1,,1·;i1td 11 1\\J.!r 1,p111:1 +~-u ~r.:>-1 :! FOR KIDS & Corona del Mor 3722 THEIR p •RE~Ts ~'lil':Z 4 >H OAJ'•'l':j iil<1i k:-. t 1 11nl -'1'"1"1rl 1"'··2 Jiil u n l urn Gardt•r1 A "" H23'1Atl t 11111 1,,,. Hj \II 0Cl''1f1 \ (;;ll !.} ::-,.~") lllU 1.i.! 21'>::!:. i\~:\!J ii Ill<,:! H.1 orpt-.. 1l r lJ!>.Jrpl r ~h~I n111 !!h.l .~jX ll r'.1\l.'lt ;! lldr1n.,, l)rp ~. {'!'1•td , ~:i•:• 111" '.-..rly 1,:11i ;.JoiHH ••••• •••••••••••••••••• I' ~ t '•) ! \\' II II • P(JOI. ' an :\ l·1pl1· J 1l" •1 • · ·1 •o:i 1\pt ~. l'rplt'. l)t \\', ll ~'I l .?~:1 RH. Priv gt1r . ponl l 1111 apt, i.toif' '" tr+~· 1; .. 1 1;:f I ll~ .q•l". 1n .1 ~1 11!1 111\d i,;;, .• :!10! ::-'.!1~1 n'" pall ... S17;•t"Sl0ll llJ:•by •2 UE1>0R00~1S '4'.•..,h<•r , dryl'r l'lo.~c 11, $l ;t.5 \'"'ry p r 1\._1(1· 4 llH . 2 II\. 1·r11t ' d!'11-.. Oltn;.. Jl:1t1n. ~M~• m11 ~~1567 o r '."-.:J 1 7~ 11:-.k lor k ev or Da il· ·1 BH, Walk In :-.hop & S e hl ~. l <•ve l y nc1ghborhood ~ n10 ~·7H7K, ~IBX p~u;, l'I! •14 ·nr \II'" ~l~i .. ,\: ~:..:,, ••Ii Nr lrv 1ne l11tlu,1r1:1I •TOTI. ·r I t 536 ()3.16 !015 2H~M -.1 1111 1.,1 '" .,1.1,.. :..::1110 1·1.1""' l•1r :.:f 1r.~.i.'>o ~r;:,. •PAl·ios 11•a 1·1. ------------- 'I I I I ,1rt•a ~1J7 .:!>l•ll :-, •.•• ,1 .. 1 ... l'•L'' , 1 11 1 ~. 1H1 Pl'"' 1.11.1 ·, • rf:Nl:Jo:o \'Anos :-..; w .... , uxc •. lht h N f''l' 11rs.1~1i.JK11 t ~t J8th .'E ur •• _,ivr,cpts. :1 hcdrnorn or :! .~ .. d1·11 Off Th l'lacenlla A,•c ., .. lrp· d'hw>'h"t fr .. lr 1·'''11:'\IS Jl~:IJ r 11 11 111 e ... ·1.1••2-.•190 ' "" •· ... , .. Jl 11rlJOr \'11·""' i1 01nl' '-" 'l 'I • I 1 ·'· ,... ·• •n I "a r .. .,00 9tiO ''J'jg " n1·w cr1>l <' d rps, ll'' :...t "':->to •1C'CJrl, "1';111 :. c i: · .... -. • ~. Very Ill('•' \'1!'11 & llt{'lj ll'il II I I h I Beaten Path or645-J053 i·lo:-.•' lo p111.11c t'1 11n h:11 h ,\· cn tr ). $!.JU r . ''1w r, pa10, :.:..ir c=o:_ _____ ; rn u nitv t •·nni~ t'ourt 1,1,, IU I" ~iS \\'inti'r.G7:i ~l:SOO 2 HR s tudio, l 'h ba.palio, HUNTINGTONllBR. I , 2 ,,,w 1m n1 1n " 0110 1 &C M 3724 wA 'f EHFH (J,"\1' :i Hit . pool. child ok, no pets. & 3 br. $1UO. 01f 1::.t .t...t....Jt " I 1\<l u lts -No Pet!' Sl85 7 35 J St ~-Ja<"uz11 C1Hl\'1•n1rnl to OS a esa fri1lc'. :-.unlll'l'k, fi•cc h<);ol oann · · monlhs rent. i\-l :inage r • Lux11r1uu" ~hag ca rpel "~s--0•·3, ~•do• cvcr.vth1n•. Luxury li v· •• •••••• •••' ••••••••••• dork V c~rl .v or \\1 1nL1·r . -~ ___ ... __ M0-14·11_ o r 84Sl-0020 __ -• Bllins inc l D1shwasher -~ -·(SI~ L u Ht ),'\1\ IJ~:I . f\11\H " l:l r 'J'o1,1.•nhuu~l'. frplt" lron1 S2•ill I Br tru1n);:!u5. Pvol, t cnn1,,,, eunl1nenta l 1,rcakf:•::.t Su1nc U('can & <;:1ta l1na \'It'"~-Scµaratc l .111111\ ,..c1"t1v11 C.:l11~e lv !'>h"Pllln l! & l1r1c ht•.,111 f~\ I ,:'til I l H II . l}uro ·t. ,,.~·l. n r Shu11 p111i.: & llu ~. Ad ult::.. nu 1>1·!~ 1:•11 1'01111111,1, l ' ·'' - ;\l );r1H ' :l'i::7 OAKWOOD FIGHTS INFLATION '1'111· pr1t'l! of C\'eryth1nA '" i,:01 n l! up N o v.· (J:1k,,.,·1K)(i t.;ardt:on Apl's ht•l p" you fi ght 1nfla t11Jn by 111fc r1 n~ ;1n e.\:t'IU.'.l\C :->o Hr nl H..i1 ,.e ll uurant l·e ··. W e i.;11a r anlcc t.h:il your rent "11 1 nut h(' r:u~ed for 1 lull \'t•;1r ~1111\ \'OU !,Ul l ha\,: 1hl' ltt•-.:1l1ill\y "' l!IUlllh n1011tll \H'l'\1 Pa n1·y 1~111.., .l••U J.!cl ii lol rn11rc 1 .. r 1 .. ur 1110111•) .11 l),1 k 1\0111ll , !!l l'JUdtrii,: ~I n 11llion 1n recrcat111n r: .. 11i t11·-.. ;r full 11m e ,\,· 1111lll'." l)1rect or v.ho p l.in::. p:1rl1cs. lilllJ "· r1-1p.'> & more! Frei! S t111 d .. v J\r1ou·h . :S111~I•·!', I .'(: :! htdroo111-;, F ur n ,>.,; u nlurn \\'1th a ll t)n· •'\tr'.1 ... 1\](lt'lf'ls <>\ll'll d .11 lv 111 111 7. Surry. no p1·1~ o r 1·h dd rcn Q,\kWl>OJ G"rden Apa.rtrnents Newport Be•ch/SOuO• 11;1h al lrYln<! &42~170 ll litlll.Y! 2 Br. 2 11.1 ~15 'fc;ihousc. Kids, J)l"l ()h 0RARt: find J fi r Sl•IO. \'a cant. t.f ove toJ;1 y R1'~;\Cll urt~a . 2 Hr SIRS liar, ft:n ccd . ~111 1.;J e~. kuJs. 1ni.: for (in ly $.llJ pt·r '\ t-:W :...1\,\1 ; in I orlluplex 1;·1.J -l1lt>!I or i74 4:txil • [,rg l'ool & (;:is f!BQ's lmm;ic ! 2 BR. E Jsid e, Deluxe 2 Bil . 2 Jl,\ 1,1.•ith fnont lr. Le;i ~e. b-14 -11>111 " 11111 rrn . l'vt y ar1t. l RR Sl90-l llR fr $170 C M. ·rustin Ave .• priv • 2 WEEKS FREE SANTA ANA 2 Br, 2 Ba. ~•dul l ., on l y. S l7.J 11.-.;1'11 1\'INl·:I, a ll Bltens, Cpl, drapes, Upper-$180. Oown$UIO. I Homefindtts •642-9900• 2 DORM Condo , ~ha ;: crpl. dis hwiishcr. patio, garden, pool. ~30 mo. 536--4469 eve; 4~-21.'ll days. 3 244 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 .. NF.W 4 Br, 2 Ba Coll~i.:1· •REfotTALS jlt !'i·IK llH~•X l lJr.Yt";irl y .S<!G~i. (i;1s&W111cr p<f-GHrage yrd, g<tr . a\·ail now . attn. f'n<'lns('1.J "aroi::e. 1\lo \·c i111,1.·/deposi1s onl)' Dr . upper $ll5 . d0'4'n ll ABU(JKVl~~\\'l lO:-Oll':S .,7;i 2-l!fi L.A.MAfotCHAAf'TS $2l 0 /mo. 213--697-6911 Weilk lo Jlunt1ngton I UR Sl90 2 BR S2JO !ia2:1.All W/cnt·l'd.gar.& · l'I c i\-1 (Whi ttier) eoll('et. Ce t r school "ark Hcfrij::. Se curity, Pool. l BK ,den,eumpll t1rn S ll i\BI' lll!.11t·"' 778St·uU <i ce,.. ne. · ... ·1 . 1 Bl ;t1rcond1llon·g.Willac· jroni JI until ;.JJ Sl25 t'a rpi·t.,, 1,,11111. s 1J::,2,Bll a11t. l b l!-: lrurr1 G42-2001nr&l!'1·G3 l8 l Br,To~·nhouse.adults, $7lOO/mn.l'hone!.IG2 -tl ll8·"cu zz1, <.cc dg Ct'l'l kid s & p cl s. ,\h•nth Ue;u•h. &!:•Ill. rno - -----or979-2J31. w I c x er C t :-:(' r 111. s,12 6,s.11 mo. ti l:l -U:'.1>15 r I H ~· '*"iJ \ c ~· + no pets, parking space. Bi11:irds C.:ol orl'V Tilt<: Bl .U f'"i'~S .lo inc·' ll l':Jltv i;i3 i:2io - -c;ilhcd~;tl l'e'11:ng + '3 Br, ~195. m o. Eastside Cl'if . OCEAN 2 Blocks -J hr, l·r,-111~. \i l' .ll -';",,,a Sl i';HHA VILLAGE 2 Ur 2 UR. 2 l!A, 1\''.he:•ul ;..'JCJ·: 1 Br dplx. l/Ui(•\ O l·~:A .~ l'l!(),"IJ 'J' :!BR. 2 Ba,gar .,p11t1o.$295.No 1'44·4423. 2Yl bath . frplc, l>llns, ,1-, 1i ,·, ~ lower S205. 1 Br upper v iew, l).!l' p~1!10, ~'i.:.u. ino , S1• I'. h y 1-: u ra g cs. lrplc, 'W', U i\l :1ny xtras. pets fi.1~141'1 N t:;;-h1~auliful lighted 536-~~ !:!..'" 53"-ll.1'12 $180. <.:a s & wute r pd. on ~~~i I!( 1 \ !SI Ai'>i l) l·;r11plo.v1·d oil.Ill o ver J:,. {. ~ 1~ 1~ }'~It .~~ l• 11 ~ ~ ~ r: lennis courts & athletic 2 BR w / crpt & stove . Kl>! WAT t: ll F' n U N'I" I l3oa t l unfu r n ). Adults , no 2 DR , 'y ,-i;, ;,\'~11! n nw. Nupcl ~5'1tl 1Hl 1 U.1:! -.1850 * • •GARDEMAPTS field of t-.:s1a nela I-Ii GcnC\':l "l'.:".~J GOpe rmo slip. Newport 1.sll'. ~'"J 1u ·ls. 114 E . 20th, C. M. s3oo.permontn. 1 Bit fui'n, pool, Bn<"k --•••POOL School. Nr. Adams & + dep. No p ets , Im· c rn "'/''~e.1~-21\r, . .!l.1 a 5·1H Ol31;64ti -4095 675-8600cwi""me Bai· >Ii!'•. l -i; .. ') l r v inc.WIN'l'l·:tt 1x2unopct.s.W. PJaccnt1a .New2&:JBr,2 media l e oceupane y . llupl c~. ::i-12•1 m u. (2IJ) •L•SIRfS•S • 1" f < -I Unl'11rn. 2 Br a"l 1n fa m1· 8 I e I> g 476·11 24 ""' ,.., i\-l ~r ;1pl 1\ 54,11 ·7<1j{i tJcea n ront. .-11."> unt1 .. _., iea m c 1 n s. 536-3046. · •VISION• ---.June l:'i. ;..;0 o·hild./no Jy sccl1on . No Pt!ls . Adullsonly .lst&lasl + <r-Cf 1 387, Adults only ,nopets.Why Park. We roo\'. A/C. S3\JS. REAL TY I or J..ease opt. 83J..gfJ74 2743 B . Cst I fwy 111•1:i; '1!1 1 <1t1~1. &12·3&15 deposit. Call 00-85M or LA n GE 2 Br. bl tns, ~ •rn•n • 0 drive to the beMch when * • •GARDEMAf'TS C-I M••• ---~-H75-5492. d11hwhr, fr-pie , rcfrig. ••:•••••••••••••••••••• yuu l'an live ther e In ••• POOL os a 3724 Costa Mesa 3724 Bcaeh & Warner. Sl7S. NEW hu ~c I br, fr-pi e , show ca se design •pts or \JNJV. PARK Terr. 3 l3r. 2 Corona dc l !\tar ba, pool, nr ~chis, shop!; 1--~ ILUFFS $350 . .552-7896 . 3 BR, 2\o!J B a, large bonu!' room. Nr. community pool. $400. $52---0579 2 Br lY2 Ba In l rv1n epl•nnedCom.m . .Near poo l , tenn i s, schools & 5 hopplng. ~ SPECIALISTS i'.:ltclus1 ve L1v1ng Leases fo"rom s:i j ;, to S71)() r ·urn. 1&2 Ur 01pts in adu/L section No pc l" Elm G11 r Jen Apt s, 1~12 3&15 -----1 l Bil ·rrader. SiO/mo . Ulll r aid. No pets. Call col· ll'CI: I -GM-66."iO. ·------1 • Ri\CllF.LOR. IJ!e IX';1u1 furn . .s hag ..:rplJL t:ole1· knc h .• nr OCC. Ut il 1><!. No pe ls. $135. 5'16-11 52 unfum . o r SJSOlurri. SUS CASITAS R,_1·sor's Realtors 2 41"''1"1tt.t1c1 oro i\t1nu1cs t o New11or1 ,. No..,,•1>0rt Oeu.ch Ht•:1l'h, bachelor & I llr _ _:1~1,,z,,-_7:_:4.::2.::Z;:.• ,;;ln_IM __ 1 ___ 644 .11:J:! furn . t-· ro m $1 :10. 1111 -----1 Adu lts no pe ts. 211 11 3 l)R, 2 both. l..OU of CX:· DOVER SHORES Ncwpor_!:. DI C. c~"-~-· -- t ras . $365/MO. ~1a~nd1l'cnt ~·1<·"' l}ome. .SS l ·l"29 Polar11; llr1Vl·, 4 Br, 4 ··~ -TUE RANCJI. 38R. 2 ba. Ba, 3 frplc s , fam 1·m . din t am rm w /frplc-, A/C, or. rm. 4000 sq ft. Many de· .Park. ii~ 5375. m-1831. luxe lea_!.u_rc_·•_. 645-6171 •Tropical Pool• l Br. e pl5, drps, hllns. p:1t 1u Gas & water piud 548·lltiX ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 HR 111 Mesa Verde, quiet 840·1284. pool, exclusive a rea nr swim. 1n a heuted pool AMBASSADOR INN BRANO NEW . $29so&u'-.. ~_..,- L._1 ...... 111N tr:lfcM><I f.c:IW"-' r.it. ~·lcfLio•t•.,.c......, ...... , ...... T.t.•i •~••......._ o;,.•cf dielph-••.tf. J•••-' G••ll9'S .K"°etl.o•l- We .... ~ a Dr'JH ••-.. W A Tl l fAU.-i TllAMS -LAGOC>t4i 2277 HARBOR BLVD. COST A MfSA. 645-4840 I moJern, s pac ious, dbl ------h e h . $220 in c l u11I. '4h1Je watc hing the 11u n- garage. Adults pref. 2 BR , 2 Ba. Drps, crpts, 496----0616 sct. l'vtpatios &security $275. 549-1623eves. bltns. Nico area. Sl6S. Uldtti>. 5515 River Ave, -----mo.Nopets.847-4965 2 BR , 2 HA $i200. 3 HR, 2 N.B.&t2 -25G6 Nf;W BR EEDAPTS DA . $250. C rpts. drps, --------- ! BR w /lo ft , aJ:i;oOCf<~AN V IEW, 119 1-lunt· bltns. ga r ages, lndry Roams 4000 bac he lor apl ranging lngton Ave. corner H unt facil . ••••••••••••••••••••••• from$160to$2'l5.Applns. ington & Dalllmore . 2 496-61 !1 lor4~-(l973 ROOa.,s Balboa 161a nd . util rurn . Encl. g ar a,l!e. Bit . upstairs. $235, mo. . , t.len only, Shllre baths. Pool . jaeu z i.i . 393 Call Bob Meyer, Ofc. BltAND N~W 3BR 2HA. 1'V room & kitchen.~. If 1:1 m i I to n . 6tl5-'1 411 &l,l-2442 Eves. S.16-3170 fr11le , spae1ous 1450 ~ft , 675_3613 cves,&t2 -1960days. ------3 hlks to bc h. S:ISO. rno --· --- NEW, beauL 3Br.2'h 8e, No p e t s. A ~l . 17 14 )VEHY l.'!c mos t.er l\ulte APTS Unfurnished, 2 Hr. 11uie t., Jge master bdrm. 4.!.18 -()300 w / bath. Wa lk in 1:.I08cl, '1"5 Ut•'I pd pool laun t111 rru rcd wa r drob e I r r f CdM ~,."';· f<1 cll, ~pts , 'c1rp s: doorli, S335 . n1 0. Pv1 DELUXE 2 Bll ,_1 •1.~ Ba. fi~s.~~. un • • d~hwhr , closed gar. Nti gara11es, di s hwhr s , prl.,;und eck.Wh1tewate1 ---~ . pcl.1. balconies, yards. P'ct & Vu. $22~~o 4lr.!-J001 $H:i ~r $95 with pvt bath. lluclenda llarborApL'> c ttild considered. 1811 S-A • 3llO ~Ju 1et Co11ta Mt.'1ilJ hon1e. K.1<J-7476orG46 1204 Alabama. 536--4042 or •••• :' ••• ~•••••••••••••• Hcf 1ncd h~dy, no 11mok · -------5J6 ~1 28 1ng, ,e fs. 540-71~. AU.. util pd. Lge 1 Br. -111 5. Ncw~r IBR. bltns. --- bltnn, rerrig. $160. Na "PACIOUS 2 Bedroom. cr pU , drp11, disposal. Gd Room , prlv. bslh, outside p £'1s , 20 11 C ha r le . Cpt.drps .SIM .rno.17-4 11 loc : l701 W. Ml'F'adden. entra nce 1 blk NB P.O. 1)46-01 12 Queen St._!..18 . 968-7123 l)h : 5"&2:_6547 SHIO. mo. 645-5016 Lost & Fowtd 5 300 P.no1u11I• 5350 ard•ninq 6045 Reotltti 4000 Office R•ntaf ••••••••••••-••••••••• ••••••••••• ·••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Wi!drtfl'1._d.ll' JJnu1rl' 1~ 1975 .. OAILV PILOT n ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• 440" ivslM l l f'OUNI> Sm;;JI rt."<i doi,:, •••••••••••••••••• Opportunity 500 5 1111.1.:cd hr1.:c1J , luo..k:t. llkt:., WESTCllFF BLOG. ••••••••••••••••••••••• rv.1.:. ~·,l. t.;ardc111u & klll•rJ>fe!JS & ()lf..,,t?"l pruil Hu:.h .ud, ~· V !>JI 1140 NEWPORT BEACH co .... , ...... "" (><••• •• ' "• ........ !..JVt; A'J' U .. :,\t'll ( 'llJ·:AI' Da11yorwklyii7.J 01111 _P~E KN(11' 1\1(J l'l·.J. Room & loard 4 050 .,/ "" !:-•'°"""" ././c_..i.,.......,..., ~-./ 1 .... ... ./, .... I ·-.... ic-././ .. , ........ ""' !>llbJI /or 1o1tlc Localt:d 1n Northt"ru Oroul~c Coun· ly , M 1~ht co n ~idrr Pilrt n ersh 1v Call 870 --4564 or 524 ---ti77J t "UUNO. ·~ ~aglt'. up pnlx I yr old. Gulden IJrn f'llllc rt<in Ave. C...'lU ti46-J645 ••••••••••••••••••••••• s..,, -·-...... ./.......,.. -·~ DRESS SHOP PVT. DCl l . llo1nc, rt·tucd FOR SALE o r A rnbulutury, xlnt . 1n e<1l:; & <il mos J p1.•rsvn ,;•~======="'"'=--j 4W Sq f\. (~d urea N.U & f I Cu nn e ry V1!/ugc . ~a~ _!:'.1_~_5'1H ·l·lh4 OFFICE SPACE. M.I . o75-0!l:i0 or 644 879-1. J{E'flJt r:1J /A1nbut .. tory, Wl•:-1i l1tf Drive t)ne honie li ke . .,11110,. Kint 111 .111 u!l1ec $05/mo Call 6ll U lt M t:·r a nd '1ft!';. n11:al s J pc•"••rl~ 1,1 tnJn 1:1•11<'ll1ll 111::! 02U'J l'..174 G ross$60,000.1Jwcn &w1ft' 54H-·1•l64 , ll( < ,1 lory $20.000_ l~ea sc ~ ~ IL <Ur1tl.''.!>75 1l1u av,1i l :i l>lc . W r •tt' Vacation Rentm, 4250 ~7~ W l:Jth :Sl. C. i\.1 Jn11 <.:l,1!>:>1f1cd /\d No. 2::~. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Su11t•/\nrt·.dlb15 6'.1107 . U a lly i•liot. P 0. Uux ,al D rl C 15GU, Costa Me!S a. C<i m ~s• ondo 'it lit.!· r 1•1 1 orr11:e in ~ltil7 CA.Li f". ANIMAL CtJN'J'KOL llu111 Be<ich Shl.'ller tlSlt 1':d1son Way 530----6551 Ha<.·k o f Hum anll Society /\N I ~1AL ASS!Sl'ANCI..; L J-:A1;UJ.~ Adoption. Spaying & Neutt1r1ng 1nformat1on. 960-~ ••A nim a l s l1n $pac1ous l h1.:drrn u111t , j ; v 11 1• r •1 J of I 1 cl'~ pool, )a<'Ut1.1, ~h11p111ng l'r1111·.,,..,1on.1l J1r111 ----------1 pounded•• Sa moyed, fem , white Poodle, !em, tan/gry Shep, fem . tr1 o.irca. Avail 1•1•1•klv 111 ·l'f.J ~7.)1 J a n . Mu11 thly 111 i•«I. 1-'HI I' l' H11•)1ll or :.! rm .i11l1 ~ p1· dc~k & Ill~! !IPl'""l'!ltr' l1lc.1!forSc1 I ~. llt•.il J·: .... l;;ll' ur ., ' \\11 •..,1,.1111 IJr N .B f'42 U5!16 &il 1771 4300 ........................ ROOMMATE S W J n l t• d L v :-. h ,, 1 1 Lcaulllul ~ lit·d r •i11111 tur111 :-.lio·d 1,r 11111111111 .. 111 d .opt s at (J,1i..\''"l•I 'l'/l ('re's $1 ,U(l(/,(HHI Ill r c(·rcnl11111 l.•c 1l1111·" t 'o rnp!1 111c11\,11y I• 11111 · 11.·~"ons, Su11d11y lu 11.i• 1, S p<11 L!:i tour narta 111 \ lulllunc at·t1 11t11 ,.. d11•• lur who pt.i11:-. p.11·t1\" ,\ UUl.!'~. Wl' II \'\1 u lu•lp you find ,1 111<111u11 .. 1t• Sorry, nu t•nt· un11c1 :.! l ,\ no pcl!>. J\lode1-..1;111.·11 !l.n ly 10 lo 7. St.:l.'. •iur l.11 i.:•·r :Jd 111 the ;q1.irt1 t11·11t '>C\ ~IU/l , l Ji\ K\\'0( I 0 r, i\ I< IJ t-.. \. '' l'·r~ 16th at ll l'llh 6'1::! l1Hl7u J' It I) F' .. ; SS I 11 \, \ !. str:nght 1n.1l1 · ~c· "" r 111 tn.1lt•. lo -..hr 111 \11 11•111" L ll holll\' w ••t'-'•11111<•1• $175 mo 77h :!l'Jll 11.11':. 4~'1 271.! l'\'1•:. • J JJr. rrrl('' .... a ~l11·r. d1 ,\. r ()/W, l:d ,\I 11c.<1 bt'.H 11 I• 1. IU t.I, -..\1.\J,I, (Jlln •.., tvr rl·nt l"ur11 ,o:.: ll lil p l11d ll•·.1 ~n11.1hl1 · 1~:.i 11::..1 l'HI\ \ l'I•'. I '111 11 i 111 It" \\ "'"''t,111,11 .~t.:r\'lt'l' ,'J, \• 1•u rt I • 11!1 r :t.1;,u Ill\! 1.111 l.;'1.~ J·.\E1 'U r 1 v 1 .. ()t l 1t·e 1\11port1\r1·,1 i\ewlvlurn .11r !'11n•I .,111l·"· ltt·ccp 1 '"" ,\ 11t1t1111 .-n~v.·ct1n~ lllL iud(';J :-il'I r1·t.J1 l<JI i.I:. ("PY ..... , \ 11'L'S ~1vatlal)lc (',t!l :=i lU 2:ih l 1·11\I Cu;i~t II~\' l)lx :-.p.111· Irvin ;10...·' 1~.;;, E .C~t_1r .... ·~~'i:'i WOO 4450 ................. , .... ; :.!l ~• Vt V1·onla~1· o n H a rbor Bl_.d. l'.iv .. d l1ft huihhni.: :ip 1110~. 1:1110 :-.q II. l.ca.~1 '\.~l ~l'll p•·I in .. uth, Ro y Mc Cardle- Re alto r I 810 Mewport • o"!.t \l c~.1.>l.1 77l'J 11:\Ml\UHt;F.ll 11:\Nl>OU·r I·: Z 1::irr11ly opcr<tt1on lie:.u·h ;..rcJ. t\1akeofl cr. I NS.l':\NT PR INT SI J(li' $1200 m o nt.'t Owner 1nu::.t ~c u you r lern1) f }"'Iler w /c<i.1 ry ba I Vl.()HI ST Sl-IUP $2700 n10 net. 11.carh ar\·a l)nly $75lKJdn I'/ ft)'f()(.; l<A !'I UC SUPP J.Jt:s ~4.000 n e t f .,1j'.!un •• .1 rl•a Only t'~lbl. 1 y1 & :-.till gruw1n i.: SIM,UUO !<' P + 111venlory. NU HSt.;Jt Y SCllOOI. Sl·vcr .d to c hoosc fron1 with fJr w /o proprerty. J :\Nl'l'Oll !AL Sll l'l'J,/ES SJS.OOU net, m~Uy t·ash. l>&H r.1Lc(I. ~1ak eotfcr l.11111 a r 1' 0 ok. l'llOPlCAL F'ISJ I li US fN~ E Z oper;ition. S?UO S!JOO 1110 (hvncr1lex1hlcvn • pru:e & ter 1113. It '!<> up lo you S'l'EHECJ l :()i\1l'ON1-.;N·rs SIJ.000 1no GrO!>!<> HORRIS & ASSOC. <1510 Can11n1!> IJr .,!:>tl', 8 t\cwp11rl Uch. Cit :.121.i;o 556.3740 \)I' t-:N SIJN ID ·1 lie rm S h ep, male , lllkJtan Shep mi x, fem, brn She p mix. male, wht /brn 'f erru·r. lt•1n , blk/wht Ua l m<tt1;i n , (em . l1vcr/w hl Boxer , m ale, tanfv.ht !fou nd s, 2 M & 2 I". t an/wht Pood ll'. fem , ..... ht Shep/llusky, fc m , l rl Canine m ix, m<ile, whl (;cr1n .Shlhr, fern , l>lk/wht It alia n t.:ryhuund . 11,ge/w ht Shellie, male. t an/...,·hl CA'f'S S h thr, f em, ~ry/wht i'oll'<lhr. m;ile, tn Shthr, fem. blk/\.\'ht ---- F<>UNJ)· Kayak: {,';ill 842 -5412 -~·----- LOS'r : 6 m o. old Goldl'n Hct r1cver, fl•m;ile Vic. <.:o lu mb1a Dr. If .Ii . 751 1 81~ l.-OS1': Old English Shct'p dog. male, 1"''carong rt'<.! yarn. re wf1rd. Vic (:1\I ~,.tii M'.165. Ll )ST W;1llet. \IC Alley \\'l•:.L. W ed l'.\1. Sen llmPnla l p1tt11rL's No flll(''>l lon~ Hcw;.ird San lurd J,75 -4745 ---l•----------1:-.~:1.1 , l·:~tab't dehydr.1tell t-t-;,\11 , roorn1n.tll• ..,.,1111, d food bu:-1ne:.~ l1Jr ho.its. L<IS'I'· JI Jack & \y"h i-le Jor!Jcach huu·.1·;\.H 1Jv.J1 Now Leasin9 1:1111p1•r .... ~urv1v.11 .$1 500. 1n.1lc licai;lc, Vic Jtth & rm -S9~/1nu •~11> 1.~ 11 Offices & 1 n v c 11 t <1 r y & of< Orrini.:c. C~! :>4H -8l.!5 turn1,/r111,.;!> ~150 n10 ren ---.\1 A Ll<~ roo111111.•l• ,1 ,111t ~·d Stores t.11 :,;111 1'.J1:11 •• t1r1111n J.i)ST : i.:r;iy Norw hha rc 4-llr h1r11 hnu..,, E!khntl. luOk!> lrkl' ::.ml ""'/pool & \'If•\\ lolH II ~~. 33 6 ft & Up ll u~l\y. ~·l'm "Kelly', f\ro1ud lit'\\ ( 01nrtll'I ('l,d e.,siness Wanted 50 I 0 \IL' S . C!>l J~l••la Fan1 l':\RK NewpL i\1.111· .. ,,.1 1•t11npl1·.,1 :-,p.u11~t1 :.1~11• ••••••••••••••••••••••• d og. !'lease r1.·l urn w /sh:.rc Ji.: furn ~br :.!Ii,, 1'111111 ot l'.1tk1oi.: Frun1 I F'r'lllJ ()WN 1\ l<c .,.,•a1d 7:01 -5J71i or apt w/I l'r1·! t.111 1111 .1.11,,,, 11 t"lli.O ... q ll "r ut-:T,\I Lll USl.V~.:.-...-.; :ltiH ~.xu2 1na t.: Ol I. 1-...:,, .... " 111'>1• J.'ul! l.1l'lhl1t'\ ·'.'ot'WC!rOld 1~1u-Oil.! ll1op 1o·d1ni.:" ltt·•'l':->::.t·•t •L1ttJt or11o equ11y Offic• RentaJ 4400 .....•................. lksk sp.11'1' .11 11l.1l•l1· ~:.u mo . Wi ll 11r"11d, fu rn1tur1· .1L .., , 111" r\n s w cr111 g :-.• ll1-h1111g \11 ••lntlll1<1n•·<I 0 11·:.notyourl'uflllftc.1. 1'1 11111 l"l!lllf!ll Ju"t ult •(Jrju:-.tt1retl //('t•\\,l\'1 1;11od \1,1011111' !-l tllH!'-.. ,'<; (IFFICI-::-. Vf(!l\1 .!-, ~'l II l '.111 l" p r 1•\lo'\\ (il l17.)~ 17llll Wt-: ,\Ill-" 1.c1s·r . ).!<tie C.1l ('rooKftl 1.111. fle.1 l'Ul.tr \.\.ILi.ii'.:. ll1•w:11 rt ·1~14 ~15'.f. l.()S'r : b L1ek fl·rn.1lc l'oo 111t• w /r{'1! JC""'CI coll~1r Very J.'r1l•ndly ,\ns ------· R"'9Ddt'lfR•pair 608 1 He-Ip Want~d 71 00 fit.tp Wattted 71 O<l • ~l~l ltl rt1AI. Ht'.A IJ~.h Vi>l'll I U A i\1 to Ju I' .\I Adi H·1• Ull .1IJ lllcHll'r' JI.! N ~;1 C..'Jtll1uo ltc.il !'j.in t :lc1nento:, Fur :1ppL Call-t92 !::IU:J4 4!fl tllJo ~:lJ H<Jl'I-.,\,\. l;AHOt-.l'\1-:H ·•••·•·······••·•••···· ····•·••········•••••·· ....................... . I'll IO:GNAN'J'•• ,ju1l,1·ap111~• tr••1• " ,. r \ 1 1 <' K r .1 ) 1~1:! ••• 1::•1 l•rif> I ll5 (;.u,111 1: ~1a1ot 1 l.11d;.t·p. ~HI , ~p1·nklr::., l'lt.:anUJIS !'>vi i t'll(I . 642 :J:J:Jl , 1.46 4008 l ';ir1nc . 1·011r1dt'nli,1l tuu11::.i:l1ni; & rt.'ferral 1\1Juri1u11, JUtt1J l1on I!. l\ccpu1j.( .\!EXIC'1\N ;\111.t -" [.,1 .... r1 A l'C/\H l·:.1.12 41.lfi ,'/,;. yord nlttlnt.Clt:Jn up!> l'ru 1l1ng ... ·rec k:!>l . 5450 :1·\IS ~Ul'I I ll I I.., \ I .. 11~11 Ill I 1 11 l .. rn j ! I, I , II ' 1 1·u-,1v111 IH1 11<1u1, ' .. 11 ·.tJ l!t'll<Jll "'"1111 ... 1.11 llllll ll'll\1111.·11111• '" \\ tlllllll'~. PctlH>' ,\ '"I' I fr1•1• 1~-.11111.111· 1'.111 11 .. 1. <;·I.! •!li7 I Roofinq 608 2 ···················~··· .J C lt<Hl l• .,1:1 ·l\~1t. !(r1u!1n~ i.H'<'ll~1·1I & 111,11 1'1 d I•!'<·•· l•:..,1111 1.111·~ 80AT REflAIRMAH \1 U:>\ llJ\ I 'l -~1111 d !1111\ \ ' ' !II I II t' "\ I' l' r "·II• rl111Hl tuo.1\\.nd ... \J11..,I d11 IHO'< II! ••ltl ~ ; .. 11 I l1uJl ll'j!Jn !'\o 1,,...,,1.., l!l,11i..1c' Hv.at ) .11 rl ,"J B 1,7.J 1:.xJ-1 BOOKKEEPER. F/C \1111 7 _vr-.. expcr :S:.d '•Hlllll\'ll~Ut'.!l\' W/,tlull '' \11· \\'e"tl!1fr& 110 1\• r ~1·nd re~ume I' 11 Hux tt..!3 Ncy,.·pot t I\, ,I\ 11 . :);!4,t,(I ••• ••••••••••••••••••••LAWNS 11111~ l'll & L't.IJ.:l.'.d H.11)1-.:lt Net•ded to ~hare Lowes l ral,,_·~ 1n ()range dr1v1ni.: & Cll.I> lo Wash t'u 1-'ree E"t 5-15 32<J6 lJ. C. !'Inn I<• IC,.\'(' J un ll.Jt h (Jf 2l!>l 01:1 5921 B.t;l'i\ll!S .tllL1I""• lh.1-.1-------------1 Fl \'C I.:'''· ill 11. :•'" 1111 B & G"rl e neral S•rvic .. s 6046 "'.d1KJu a11~11.111\LH11.. oys I s •.•.................... Service Oi r~ctory .........•............. Babysittinq 6008 ........................ :\It \\'AXING ANIJ \\'ASlllN t; !>one li y 1·0! lt·gc !>tud~n t . c Jll •lt(l(li"IN1; • 11,. .. 1 1n.•I l.1hor .. "<.: pl H't':> 'IP lit I I gU.Hl. It\•{-.. l .di H11l1 llu111" 1.>7J :i.~,x "r \Iii.., llo·ll 117.> .1'.!:l:! .d i,, ~1 t I 'I. .. :ANf!\(;. l'.1111t1 Bg, · a urc , v\ 1rir.: yvung mino r rl•pa1r Low r;ilc!>. Te-IPvision Re poir 6090 n1uther will pn11'H!t• .1 i:;yr K 1 55(. ;J;}.J7 1.o.•,1rn\ fJ11l1I) Jl :-..c I ·_...: ••••••••••••••••••••••• 111u:-.phcrc fur )'uu1· aulin9 6051 HULll S 'l'V Skit\ ll I· c·h1ldrcn while you .... ·ork ••••••••••••••••••••••• For l'1·r~v11.1h1t••l ..,,., \ 11 1 It! ll• l·I )Car:-. ·•I ;.l~l' j)i!I· 11 l'iJUl dl'h\lf)' IOU\<'~ 111.ov b•· .1\,tll .1llll lll)UUI .11 ,.,, l·:.11 II profit lnr 111' l1\1'11t " ,\/ l'.1-.h . \11,,.., ur 111•·11·/1,uuJi,,. /ur "l'llrnh llO 'W "U h'>1•11ptl••1l~ 1'01 1ul111'111.11 1un pl•··•'C o·.•11 !11.' t:l.!t. i''t•t111 :....111 t lt•n11·11\• -~.•tl Ju.t11 ,·.1 p1 ,,.1 1.11111 .1rc:1, c·.dl Agl.'.!> one an(l nhlerfull ,\l,)Vl i'"{;, ll .iuliii ;: ".11Coli1r11r 1111-. ,\ \\111 1·•.1 11 .. .10 .i nti ,\11 1''>1011 f I >I" .HI .o, ' .Ill I·. I t-: I ' 1 It I I I \ \, s \\\\,·l~ll N:riltl' ur IOft.\11111 f!!IU t'\!)••r111l1 ,. l \ljllllo'll \p p l,> 111 ll<'ISllll ,,l 1·1 ,,1..,:-,J.,.) l'.1rk i 1rll1·, l 1111 4;, lrv1111· ht•l~t·•·" ]IJ ..1111 ~I 11111 (Jnlv ELE CTRTECH U:11.:k i.:r1 n1111 \ Ll1 g 11.d ."-:. .J II ,j I II~ (' I r ( u' t r v Ut v•·r!>1f11••I .... ·ork 111.111 111 dl·»IKn & tc~t111g ol 111 .~trurnc11lal11111 \1J - \,•fl1• d k1n1·t 1•~. 111., l~!L \11\111'!« !-.!, L' q , "lb 7 lh,1 1<.s·r ,\ 111,1:...1 11:0 H· •• 1 l·.-..t ,oh "1111 l . I l,111.1 I '"II 11 "''r\1111! ,..,,, II l 'ii f.(J<•h 1ni.: tin· lt,·,11 1•..,t.1Lc :-..110• l't'l~'flll'I \\, 11fll'I Hlll1• UI! lh, Jut. 11 .u1uug ('.,jl l)"n :...11n i..111 H•·.11tur A ~i.. lur .\1,i ~ k1•11t . 11 ~ 1:1o. '(411 I· :\ l I(·\ I 'l:l .()\11•: \),111 1•11 "•>lh, llJl" t ',, 11 ti I [1 11 1 I , l 1rr'lc . t.:a!I 54.'.. !J(l~7 111 g.,ragc 1.:lcan up. Helt .. L.11/1,.1 ~, 2 1 .• u \ 1t·Jt1 1 .. 1 8.l:l2J:J2 1,Jc f .ist scrv 1 ,.1._tTile 6 0 9 1 . ..-.1 1.110 1:1·:\.l•'H \I .. 111,,• s.11,.1.,; B:\HY;o,J l"J'l·:H, l .i i•ht !ll~l -G'1.52. l ••••••••••••••• ~···•••·1------------" t1f.iJ.q11n g '''I' i t11)-..l111, ·1 ' 11· . l'"'·'''l<o",1111 '-!H1l 1 pf<lt•Jrl1I \\'r•I( <. l':.l ll lll g. 1 Ill/' ~thou[ IAUl .ING & I.• .• ,,, .• ,,,!..' (' ·.f{,\:\IJ C [ 1;r,1 . i'-1 •" ,\1 ' I ·1· 1' • ·· \,t .., 111 II fu<" IJ.\11.\' ~l.i~-..1 !1\•d \d \Id lf.111\ t (I II r ' .1).... ~·, 1• l' r 1n m -JJ e fll' ll d ,L hi L' H I' Ill " d l' • I I I'' I I 11 SI !'II !ll lllUll'S l!I :-0,H>l .i 'ilu(, I' !I JI"' \.1'1•1 1·111rcn. ,,1,1fv ''l•<'ll "l'l lll'c. S LU lt•-1•! 1111 1 1.:"11111:1~·:-.. !-1 111 ,J,,i,, l'u~t.•.\li·~i 1.,,1,1 , 'i 111 ·1174 :i-iH-2/'lt>H ,~ .. k'<•loll.JI!'. s:1u 21.:11 \11.1 1 .. \I<• en ~·~cr~11orr1 ,\ .-..111.i 1 .. 11' t o111d ~1.11u S. • HAU 'r' S I '1"1' IN<; -!\I y !\1UV ING. --;.,uiliug, 1.1,,_ ...{..-r<f'o p Soil 6092 I h1\11•1 1 .di \!1 1..np1 ·~ hu1nc Al\1 lflnl l Pi\1 IJI " I 'I I ,. .. I······················· 11 •.\.! I! 'I • up, ocXfl r e 1.1u e . ~u~c:.l l • • gr11 1·e y.1r1~ Fl'lll'l'd yd r.ttc:-..8'17 7427 :,tutleni" •'f11pS01l •t 'o111poi-I • l·.•111.11\1!'11"1 ref [.<!ti -72,7 - - - -•\1ull·h •Hc'th1tHHl • .. . l lAULIN<:. 'r.~rd Cle.111, C.ill..itt~, 1.:1,1\1 i\l lJ l IJJ<.Jl wil l h:.!1)~1! Up, r.1ov1ng Exp. Low . while you '-llh:nd '>l'hlJIJ!, rates 55o-03-l7 Tree Service 6093 s hu11. ctt·. l:ollc~c !'ark · ••••• ••• ••• ••••••••••·. Care er O pportunity Soles En9 ineerinq nc.or ()CC . .'.i!i1o u:~17 Housecleaninq 6054 ·r H..: 1·: 1'r 11n 111 111;: r1· Carpenter 60l s••••••••••••••••••••••• muv.11. t>li vt.· l r•·t·" ..................... .-... 1uus,.:CL F::\NINl:1:.ou1 th11111 t·d. lll'•·n::.l(I, Ill B Ul l.-IJ, -Jlt'lllOdel or b us 1ne'>s t •.itl J..>1Htl'S ~u rl·d '..It>.! 71'117 :\ J II l o p $1 0 1· I " I high"' h•~••I g1,ul ~·1 .1 tlllll 0 ! 2 I r ~ l <l I ) <'gt " tn<1thcn1.1L11·s & 1lr.1J l 11th Jll,IJlll" \lu:.I h,l\l.' Hl l~·f• ~\ ,\ ,ot11l1ty lo Oh'<'l Repair Qual. lradt:S man Ha ggcd~nns675 ti.5.">:J _S c hools & in all p hase!> con~!. lldl •WI N D OW Cle;1 n1n~ Ins tructio n 700 S • u .. turnl'r-... 1\lu-..1 h.1\e 11•l1,d1l\·Lran'>p ._>i.:bc .... ill 1111.: to tr.1\Cl thruuul So L ,dif Xl11l "ru kinJ.! 1·011 II-.. & I r111i,:1· li1·111•l1l:-.. ('.1l t lnr 111!.•r''\1', \1h11 •h ~·Ill lu· h\•h! S.i L .J.111 lK, nnl~· Hl·l \\ l'l'I! 'l,1111 & 12 l\<M .ii Hri11 g l'\ llll'lll'l' tit SL IHHl) 11q~ ,"\;. 11 :-11n1l', (:ill [11'1 I !1,7 ht•l1\'tl KA!\.f & !"d '\I ill11n l'rt 1:qu.1I (lp 1u1r 1:n1plovl'! . 97~-!>2M1-__ _ _ __ Su1 glc S 1ory Jl..,e Sl4 50 ••••••••••••••••••••••• YOUNGC'AitPl·:NTJ...:lt Exi:.rchaLl e5Jt;''31<J'.1:1 VHr:i;:, Sp1·1d1\.1 d1ni..: 4uahly Work/Low Hate~ XLN'f _ l /uu'>1.:i·lc::ining by h·~-,.,11 ~ .l,u1 1:1 Iii I '.di 1;1:1 ;11;~ J(JllN J,uJy W/cx p iJcpcndoll!l·, .I .1 .v. Vu n l.•·.11 11 J\11\Sr t :lt Craft111.111 ·~ :-i]'•·~:1all y lt<•1nod1·l111~ .. t1r11~h work . Hef.-... ~ rt.'L' t''>t 1:u,11 "'nrk l'rJ ,lllJ.) uw n t ran~.8·17 :i.o;n ~;\l tJl.1!i HOUSECLEANING 548-13011Tom5·8 Job Wante d , M ale7025 ....................... ~1 JNO H l lU.\11·:H 1·:1•i\J I! Inc ome Tax 6058 ll 1\ 1.1·:. I . I \ l' I ll V l ' l.l. 'I l \11•: l) ll 1111 :-. \ ll' .J fl10111.1 ~ l'rl..1J111 h "i i 1 1 78.1 lll'.tl l'lu1nl11ng. C.1rpt nt1 y L'cram1l' 'l'rlt·, s..111 556tJ Hl•:\llH)EI.. Add un g.11· <;<HI\' I u~t ' Ut.•1\' \ on~l i:11 yr~ exp. tree e s t 64:0 '\·I.JV Carpe t Service 6016 ........................ ........................ • 'f,\,X • l 'rufcs~1onai prc1.><1ratiun vi your l,1x 11.·lurn IJ) \V1·-,\er11 !\I ,1nJgcn1cnt S1•1'\lll'~ ()Ur olfl(C 01 vo1Jr h"n11• ;}.l'.J .l/l/t \'1J U NC; 1nan. ll 1\ ("\ "llll"ll 111.i.:rcc . knn~h·d )t' ot 'S ·. S.1l & .'iun bu,-..1n 1·~ ..... loot..:111 1! i 111 \\di t1'"1rl. l\l1i-..1 he i.;Vl>t.1 llll~ l t I (J II 11r1t•ri!1·d r> U\ Hli~ ! 11 tt li go.ii 11 11 g ur , ..... l'lc.1san1 111·1 "'11i.1!1l,1 _ I lunungl••n ··~•IHP.<tl ) ~ •·111•·1 t '.11 \\1 •• :-.h Uc.nl1 J\I 1t•·.1r 1•:111n).!cr Landscapin9 6 0 66 J ob Wonted/ ••••••••••••••••••••••. Female 7050 I l l J l l' l .•rl'. rny hnntt· l<>r ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,, 11 old hvy; :! altn:-. 1><•1 Landscapin9 ::>Ll l'EH s ri.:"'i' 1,,1111 1,1.. 11 .. , .. ,, 111u11· 1 .\111 "1 ~·o r a u n, q 11 ~ & l.Vf'lll t.: .di i,.11111, 111 .. 1.., ,\ '"' r1·l1.1hl,-. & h •\•' u\\fl l'l·r:-.o n .1l11Cfl Stylt· Ill r" ~ t l ' •• 11 ,, 11111 I ll,lll ... 1!1•l 1t•t1 h-lt> :)/'172 /..n1<1-..1-.ql1ng srnnkl1·r~ 71 1 7S.:! u1,i.1 1·h·c·k ~.q uq1m,·nl .~ l'u~Lon1 f)e:,1gn. Cun Ht ,·r•rd-.. llJ ~ ta1tJ11nEl1nl·• H e lp Wanted 7 100 U GreenhaYe-n Gardens r•••••••••••••••••••••·• F TURE S HOCK ' ., · \I " N ·1· \'""I" It"" I I \\'Ill ht• ph•,1 s.111t tn sharp t,J>:;\j/•'.ll \I +.1/ I It f l1ll\l. 1•11,.1 .. ll\o'(\1•1111' . .\K ~·1 !.~ ,, , I ~ l.,(·1 G ENE RAL OFFICE ""u1n,1n 1111 111 ·1·11-.. ·'' "I',( )'ooj1 S, l~ p111:,: ~·"~I II t1 ,./ 11~·1 11 1' IJ kkp11 ~ i'1·r rt1 11 L1111•· ..!.1h1 ""k j,j', ' $ I ! 1:111 1. 1·1 1.t"'· p:1rl :-O tlL.<ll '11111 p.1ll\. "111'>1..l'I i ',111 f,,r [,.JM 11:l<KJ, l!oh11 11111~ .. '""'' ·'l!lll GIRLS 118·281 ·rrJin fur l('g1\1n1,1tc full 1 1 nl l' po ~1t111n 111 rn""'·•/.!t' 1·:.1ru 1<.l11/\' .11111 lt•,1ri1 :\o t''\1' ne~ \\1• ~cull lo '>I houl .\p11l y .tn~ ,111,•r11uvn 11r !'\1·111ng .'1 l ~ H.111<01 t!hd t' 1\1 11 ·\lll ~l'Y l.l :...!' dL'l1t.l\d.1 - liil' h.ord 1,.11h111g rn;d,,_. ,1 I ll ~t tuJ lill:-.\1 :-..•I Otl \\ 1tli 11r \\ " ~ l11·11t1·I~· •11._! 7111,, l'll.i:'>I' '.di hll' 111\t•r\ 1t;\\ fl ,\ I< I >\V ,\ ll 1: :-..des Cler\.. L\l•l' prl'l 'd i i. \\.'_ \\ ! I g h I L II , \:!ti Hv\ hc-..1 c r. l ·, 1:-.L,1 i\l('~a. II\ IL·::. 1 .. K J•: t: I'!·: It. t .11 ,. ol hulll<' & J 1 llll•lr\'11, :0.11111 1111 u Fr1 . I.! ·111 !n Ii Ur lul'lll'tll<I<\ ,11'1•.1 , 0\\11 lr.111 ~ iiJJ ;.IM'•.I I a\adaliJc. 1;/'I,, IU\tL llu1l11111:lq11 r \ I I V H< .u 11 11 ..... h (!JIB I.\. I ~./ll'.~'11::1> C ;il! 01 \\.'rite HORRIS & ASSOC. 1570('.impu:-. l)r .~le 8 i\t.:'.'. purl llrh. t':i 'l~!~I 5S6·37 40 · 1\l 1lt1 " \'1t Batho.• l.1brary 5·1~ tll7 da~!> t11J l ~!f!i e\'l'S ,\s k for llud 1<)1 1 ,,.,.., t.·arpi-t ,\: t phul-..l\'I \• !)11 ~h;11npo.1 4 :-. "1 l r l' i .1 rd .1 11 t ~ ! IJ\·gr•·..i~•·r,. 1\· .Ill <·u),,r hr 1i::htner-. & 10 1n1nu1\' hll'.H'h lnr your 1.o.tull' 1.1rpl't-... !-1.1\l' JllOllt'\ h~ -..,1\ 1n" n1c extra I! l!J!> ('li •.111 ll\'111,i.: rc•>m. 111111111, 11n & h.!IJ ::.1:1 1\11y rrn Si 5u. coU< h SIO, 1 hair S5 1:. yr~ t':\IJ IS ""'hat t IUlllL~. nvl 1n cthud I do \\01 k ::l::!JNc...,·porl Hlvd C\1. 't '-1 ' '.~ I "" '< ,,11, ~J<:7 1 1 1111 1 1nt' h11u1 -.. t.o .~111 1 '11IJlgc t1.11111·fl 11Hl11 . \cp °i J\l ~-... k I f) ji.,, \l'hu ~•·•·k ~ 1·1·-..1) po::.1ltnn lllH :-.E h1·:t:.1 1EH Jiv,·111 . l!lr :I m.tlurc .ttllts, & l n1~•tu1e Poo1llt•s 1,ai,:un.1 l\e.1ch' Call llct 2 & 6pm. I' J t II l (•'.! f· ~~~~~ST ' •>ffrcf' & 1111111111•111 d ~1Ja t'C In !\11 ~1'1011 \o il'IU ,\ L,1gun.1 1'\1 g11••I .•r< .. .., l ; ,, 11 (I w 11 ,. , I' .I II I Brale au . i.:31 11••• 55' PER SQ FT IUJ7Wf·:~ltLf~·1-\.I: AG'/' :,.11 ,,0 11.: 150 I Weslclitt Or. LI: I'.\\ ~1 .\11·. ! \X IJ111ct• ••I :-,1.,<J1n I urn 11111urn ln¥estment 1,,,1, ,,, l'.H·I.. 1' ~~1 :\/1 Opportunity 50 15 1.11: ''11111 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ti \h. I· H ,o;, Bri ~l< l Hl•l:i1I :-01 HI t' [lllJll "'! It \.' •• '.1111 l•J !)\~Ill') ·l'i '11\ •...: l'.::\HN 25 to luu•; ~1oncy S•·( ur<.•tl & lnsurl·d. Cal! l\ir .opp I [1•10 7H.So'\ 11\l\ll<ll(. or 01111.l.Mon•yWanted 5030 ' I '.u .,. l.•·,1,1• i,; I 1111·! i.::11.1~<' ::>::!~..> ••••••••••••••••••••••• l<l!r 1;.i.1 .!~J W,\i\1' 2nd ·r 0 . S'!tl.OUO 1 \'r 10· ~ $42.SIJO 1-.1. on S!fO.Ouu. r llu111 c Ll):'.'.lf B l:i1 ·krn1n 1'•1odl l'. 1n~~1 ·J f. l,d . rt·r-.. 1n,1lo• \'11· l'lr1!t~o11d ;,.JI (l lU! \lohd1· l'a rk & t.'tia~c H~y . 11 .B. lteward !"111. lil'.1:1 •Larr.\ l.Jkt· 1' S tc.1111 l pt & upbul l 1,.,1111111-:. fl\1<11 wurk tr1•e t•-.t d")~ 1.0~'1'. :-i l'UHS. Sil\ er, i;:.1~ f..-11 !l·\c-..K:J:J :ki.Xli. •lrnp11t•d un ::>trci'l in S,1n .lu .111 Cap1-,tr:•no CC)l\lPLl·:l'I·. (·,1rp1•l . lll-.\~,\HU •l'.JJ O.:.ll or Uphol:-ll'r_v t•1c.1n1ng u:.· flJI 111 ~1 In).! l.1\\'"1 equip,\/ 1cch111 qul·~ 1re l.' 1':-.l •·\•• L• is·r : lH •. u ·k Ltb, male ~lH 1•,7,1 H1·d coll.1r & chokt" t'hJ1n V1r Hus hard & C e ment/C o ncr<efebO 19 1-:111~. II II Sal !ftil:l 077:. ••••••••••••••••••••••• -Cl 'S1'f).\1 l'('rll~·nt Wnrk Nc~po rt F111.11111.11 ('\1· Lea1in9 Office Spa ce- C;JI/ on Sitt• l\l.111.1µr•r (71·1)6-12 :111 1 , .... ! ::1.; 1)1 1111· (/r :-0111.dl :-,l,.ll· l~IU :-;q I l <111 .!l "t :-0! 111 .11 t.,,, ,,;,, :!{hll.~.X.. u7/\.:I .'i<l6!1 ____ 1Lo .. t· :'11l'd :-.lh!n<l ·~·~r~1{'r Ha1·kht11.' 1.r.ut.11 1: & 1n1x ~1 .V1 ... .!.:'ndSJ ,(:'ll ·rr 1·nrh 1 11~. 1;1:.! H.i11 •I MO. F'H El·: I< I·.,\; I • Hcw.ird o.,11 No Jea1'c r{'q IJl\ •1t f11·1·" ,1dJ. A1rr1)rl1 r 11 .. 11·1 r\, C, full ~1·r1 HP' I· ri.111 ~145 1110 -.,\\\I .I. -..h••P ,1\.111 lo(' 111 II••' \1.dl ,1\ 1'1 II·: ~· \t orl909e1 , Trust Deeds 5035 ~~12 1~K:!/7;,1 :J'i!r,l t.'J~,\11•:,\. J' ,<,:Blue k \\01 I. \\',111 ... p.1!11•~ -..11t\· .... ·.1lk:-. H' hi ur J11l1 ~.441 1,'ll,1 :!171 0111'0111. l(•M•f!l/j 1 -•~kJ! Jll:J 'lillHO!Pll • :) A N .I u a 11 I .1 I' I . . 4'11.i %1.'.i !I~! I !'''~! I ~lnry, nt•w. 111<1\ ,\ \' \\.' (_~ '10•·. X!11t 111 '-11J :. ''" pr1rn,1ry r" 1d .>l"F/1'1-:Sl'\t.l•.lor 1<111 Co~l:i 1\I 1•-..,1. I l.11 11.11· . .i J\Jams Ui· .. u1 1 l.1 .... \ Walk e r ,\: l.1 ·1· J!hl g l·:levator .. t1r _ 1·11·,· mus ic. JH n 1\on ,, I .. 1111111" 11ark1ng, ~Cl'11111v 11.1!1 o! (',\L I, .\I H . :-i!1·11·r :-,,,7 111.lfi ur 1 .. 111 K.l'"• DELUXE OFACES /\IRPOR1' l.0<'1\'1"1t 1'1J P:it10 suite /rnn1 SJ.!:• mo. J ncl. 1\ 1.:. 11•p1-... "d r r s . ull ulit & J.11111nr1.1I :-;t'rV. * Nu l.c;1sl' Hcq " J i\fonth l<'rt:l' Hc11l llH!l s . E Hr1:-.!ol. NII S57 7tJIU -------- N E W p lus h uft11·l' 1Jld1~. :.! t o 6 Rm SUlll'.'S Cun •f e r e n cc H rn . X • r vx <·o p 1cr . Nt':ir t 1_c 1\lr1K1rl '!:'·'!._ :11;10 __ _ OFFICES 400 SQ FT& UP MISSION VIEJO IEST PRICE IN Alli<::\ Crp l~. d rp s, wcl har ---~831 -ltiOO l"Olt 1.r:AS t"'.. 7tl!I sq fl Office ,;puce Uown town Laguna Beach. Call 71•1- 547-9571. ------1 BRA NO Nl<:W. 15X l 2, Jlunt.Jng lon J..;:cl'C. l'ark U t il. paid . $IOU. mo 2 13-59:.!-5!121 ---- : OELUXY. 2 room nfl ll'C Coron a d e ! 1\1 ar. ~12.'.'> i\1o. .Broke r~--1;75 h7tNJ I 1JH \ ~·10 11111 IJ,, .. uth '\. II •1 ; ! '"•'"' Industrial R e ntal 4500 ....................... I 500 SQ FT & UP MISSION VIEJ O Indus trial Unit s .:.; 1:1•1 .1rnn111\ ,1p1-.1r.111" .ol :-;.111 l )11·1 (I F,1 I \\•''' 1,,1nn1ri.::n ii~~1 ............•.......... LOANS up tu 80 % I sf TD Lo ans-9 1/2°/o 2 nd T O l oans I .<1'.'.'•·"t r ,1Ll'~ {)r.111c1• t 'n S a ttler Mtg. Co. 4.\:!2171 .:.11i•dl :-Ol·r111u.: ll.1 rhor 01rl,1 JI ,Ir' MEED CASH? W e Purc hase Tru 'f Ottds •COS T A MESA • 1.11~1 17;,,1s1111 l'llf>i t'• .. I)~ hdill " '"I I ll '""l""ll 1·,1:-.h111irl;1\,, "'1 ~ iliH! ,JV'. '"'1 I( 1· !'A YI.UH Cl)' llll1:-. -..pr1nkJ.r1•d .hvv r1"'-r • f{11tu•1 t N ~tlrt"'"· A"l 7.1l Ol1it• 1·11"t_:•_~l f'<1a __ •11•1 fi571S2o.t"-"' 2nd. ·r JJ.on4 Unit Sto rag e-4550 Apl l)ana 1'01nt Payii ••••••••••••••••••••••• hlP S2UO mthly lllC'l<l 111·. Uue !I ·' r:::., "'ealth) LINK o"·ner. h 3rd money nulc STORAGEU ... ITS N•1vacan1·y <1!1,1 1153 l'1•r'>onal hu ~•nc~~ 1•• ---- r ,.,.r.·.1t1,1n.ol -..tor.1 r.:\' Announcements/ /"10111 ~. J.1n1borl'c k Personal•/ s II II Tl I 1· "ll F ~· y lost & foUnd '''~' u11n ••••••••••••••••••••••• nnouncemPnh 5100 \'1\tlll, l:.1111p1'r !S. Bo1tt!> ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·rr,1il1 rs. 1-:t1· (7 J :10 ) 1;,1;! !597 (,1fl.<l ),C,J6.(i l,\12 Re ntals Wanted 460 ....................... SHARON BROOKS !Ch f"r 1el forml'rly nl Hc1vs & '/'he Subrn;Jrine h .1 ~ rn1\ve d lO P AHK WANl ' to s ublet l llR hs N ~:WI' 0 H ·r II A [ H s ·rv 1.1 s ·r s . c a11 11r .iµl. tor l n1u. 5JG G.52 1 d.1y~ ."1X I :IH'~I C\'l'S . 1).1 ~-~75_Q ~r :pl•!_ __ _ '='--1 \'.'1\N'rl·:JJ -'fy,.•o Ucdroo1 l)l;itc 1n Newport. Ua lbo; ·•I ca. c .111 µ.1y ~00 Cal ~.7;i n,151 W1\N'r 'l'o rent 4 l>r home Er;tanl'la /ligh a r('<t. X ln rcts 6 l!"J -7&19 a ft,5 l'AH t-:N ·r s w1 l h n ut l'a rlners n1ov111 g San Clen1c nlc t-:lks Lodge New Ha n d. H:llJ !f595 493-6089. MODEl.S Tl uve your romposit c 1lonc by the proress1ona ls ~cellone-ous who s h o ot Lhe oad s Rentals 4650 Reason a ble roles PS I. ••••••••••••••••••••••.! 17981 S k y pork Ci rcle. ', At'HE . ..-enced.. Su1t a~ lrvi ne.557-c2~1c4"o.._ ___ 1 hie tor boaL'>, Lrlrs, e ll'.----- l\1 1111rov 1a AvP. N B .losf&FoVftd S]O •••••••••••••••••••••• T WO f"urnishccl o lfil'l'S. Bus iness( nr O.C. :\1r µor1. SR5 SI Ill. lnv es /F inance $50 REWARD Lul>r a dor Retrie ve r pup. "Cha rlie .. , Choe. hrwn . m:de, 12 wks old . Vic L i do I s l e 11 0 1/13 G42 -:162U/U75-13R:I. . ~'8·0 l l4 ••••••••••••••••••••••• DESK Space or P vt ()I f1 CC . Al l r111·t 1vc :;u r round '~s . Cl11\I IUe;il lo/' Mf g . ll c v . I n~. c l c . • t>7J ---4•1l9 NEWrORT HACH :? De luxe suites, 42' pt·r aq. fl . Broke r s "' Rcalonom1cti fi75 -6700 Bu1in e-11 Opportunity SOOS ••••••••••••••••••••••• •• , , l.(JST· l.J!. W ht Lg haired All I f ,,\/.l.,.,RY SOh lse CA1'. hlk ta d /sftddlc S :\ w /opuon to boy or :.hare. Jlr-ights 557-8071. 7 yrs c~lt'h. Walk by lrar. ----------- r.c Srnal l apl 302 M111n ... ~OUND : Corner Green · H:i I boa P c n1ns u I a . ville & Gar y, S /\.Small !)f.2:-<i & 673--UI. do~ 979-2431. i"(){1,\/J); ;\1.o1f', tllV1U1.1l 1 1·,,1 .. r ... 1 pupp~·. look:-t1J.•' .1 \\'v11n ,1r,11H·r F11u11d lH L1d•i l!>!C {'.int (l'.,\!l-'.,\.I' \\ltl<h HI .111 i..t • jJ' l ',dl •.!:.! ,M\I "t i..11111" lt1·.1:->!11l.ilil•·. llt'<' .,,,,,iih 1·-..1 1n1.1t··-..-t·.,11r~g.1, r1:.!.1 fltl NfJ : hi{d Care 6020 1 .. in. ::.tt·k. \I n• ('1•111 r.il ••••••••••••••••••••••• • .1 ~l.1 Mc:-..1 ·10:1 •lli•l Litl'll:-Ol•I rnuth~• ""tll ::.1t JHll 1•110 1 l1ild , Ill\ hunll' lllll Fill '~ll · H1g hl<i1k dog hL11·i.. ma r k o n 101\J!t', \. 1\, W es tn11n ~tcr . li~li 5921 l•(llJN O very s n1;Jl t lJ11 !Jog, W /white <'Ollar Vic. 15111 & \\lcstminstcr <'. M i;>Jt.-7513 ------- LOST. le male Irish Set ter, ·Shannon· 2 yr.-old V1r. Santa Ana Avl' & Sanla lsabela. Rc...,·.1rtl f;46 -59:!1 -------- P er sonal5 535 0 ·····••················ DIVORCE ONLY S65. C1J m p Jetcly ;:u.1rantee1I. 1;1.1 57:.1.J IJI VOHCF.: .Sll\11'1.I F'I EI> 1 • rn " ) 1o1 rn ,, 1, 1 r :',",~ '1 IH \ ontra c tor 602 1 ....................... l.1\.\11'.\I \,\l l 'l>N:-.l'Hl1C· rJ(),\; ! llhf. p,1IUJ". '.'.,1Jk:;. plJnll'r'. fcn<.:•'s. 11111 I. ,o;. 1d<' 1\:J\UI).!, Stlllll' IH)IS Fr<.:(' 1-.;:-.l . Li e .t Ins !~14 7M~5 raperi~s 6027 ...................... IJH,\l't<:n11-:s. V.'hOlt.:'>:ill· i\11g er. 3U )r1' exp, l"r<'t' t'sl. 1-\ir 111 hnml' ap11l &Ji> 4~l~V •ctricol 6032 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~:1,1-:c·r Hl l'l 1\N -11r n.!:13 108. small JOh:-.. n1a1nl &. r epairs ll y r~ exp. 548-;,20:1 t;o mpl l'I<' prnlt'~s •o n a l --- r r <1gra m . ·1 y p1 ng /,If" -Bond e d Jnsur{'d - l•'1l 1n ,:::-:-ie r v 1n ).!. All wo rk g u a r Free M e nlb <'r BBB . c~t.-No JO I> loo 71'1.-77<1-tiliKl sin.ill 84l -G9~J $©\lJUµ-flt .fr 5 ~ Th of Intriguing Word Gome with o C huckle (<l•••<I ~f (U.T l '0 11A"I 0 '•"""""" l.otte" ol •ho lour t<fD.,,bled word• be low fO l0<m lout ''"'Pl• wc:>•d'l R U C S I C I I' I l-_,.T_H.-1..,8.,......Arrll ;t I I I' I' 1-T.N:-c;.A -"W'-i--1 -"S..-11 ~ I' I I I . One wr11F !o nnothi>,. 'Who WO\ Jho t (Utr. hl!lc rrdht!od I ~uw you -·---lint n19h1? · 1-1s T Y SKO C I 1-~li~,~.~l ~l-rl -1 0 '""'Dirt" tli11 ,~.,.~1., .,.,,.,..,,t _ _ _ _ . . bt 111,.i, '" '"" """'"') .. o•d• L..-'-.J--"---'--'---' vou d•~•lop hom 1•~P No J b11low e P~1111 NU'-'8(~f(I (lflf''· I '~ 101ESl SOU..,t[\ U~JS(PA.M8l[ A~(.J'JE LlfllP~ tO GfT AN~\Ntt SCRAM-LETS AMwen In l•11lflcatlon 8080 I ' J •11 ·· c I 'I l " " 111,1i'1r 111rp lh.11 ol '• \ pt I l .1 p ,1 11 t'.., • ~ -· ll'> •' · t'.~.1 . 1 .,,. 11·1 , ... 11.•n11·mcnt ,, ).111d"t':l/)t'r, ~·J J Ujl, !Ul!!p ~tlb.:.J ,n,11ntt·naitl'c 1-'rL•c 1 ~1 !11 llllll" C,11 1 B<1rtJ.1ra 71 <1 'M4l 421ll Ill)\ 1-.1!'! l!',).\.J; ~.!11•-, .\J.n· li:.l:J :llllo Uenn1:,& f l ',1JI (or .q1pl .1 ... ~ l1ir :\Ir ll\'!ltll~ ,l'<·1 "q1111t.l Al-:!l'n J .,\,\,fJ.-..t··\l 'l 1'lt:.~1Hll.1\\11B.1nn1ng1i1 :. 4,lll '' ,,1 fr\l !lt.:, .!Ul:ll t U!>l(1111 t!t·,,11-:11. 1111.d1t) •-----------1 \1 11·ht•lh"tl IJr \\ork at 1ca::. pr1t1•-. I "'lnll.'.1' rJlt'~ 11\·<J. 111 1 :-urcd. 'ltl2 i>il7 Masonr y 6070 .....................•• HHIC t\WOJ\t\ p;.i~1n g. plantl•r:. & cntr~~.•\~ 5.l l •l!lj:J l.1 r =:!.!74Ju 0:1vc A/PAYABLE t\111 -..t h .J \I' :I\ ll'.l~l I ~ r I I\ 1\ I'. l\ 111· 10 ..,. 11 n1 I ilgh-..l hool ~1 .ut ·• \ r-. t.t>ll~·;:l· pr1·I d liul llPI llCl t':-.:-.. t'h,1111 ,. l11r ,ul \.int •·rlll'lll tor r1i.:.hL r 1•r:;11n :-..d .. ry 1'<1111 llll'llt t'" .1! '.lf.l~11J p•·I 1110 </l ',\LI r,· W11rkn1.1n~/11p t..'.ill lor ..Jppt :J \,\\ 1)'\1 1~1,1n1{'r'I 1'<1l1os, ""'Jll~ &1,1.,k for ,\Ir .... l 'hrun1a t1h· 111· f>57 tl.~>J ... 1·1 111.; COOK. EXPER'D 1,1 .. ul :-,1l,1rv ~"'1. benefits ,..,,,_ .•. !\11 ·-.. ll:1te B<\L•rly ,\l,11101 Cnn1 . lfosp1t.1I . :.!I l.1..! \'1.a t-:~lr.tt.1.i, L;i1.: 1111 1 ... Caoks, Sh Order r t11111·. t-:xper f11 ('f d ,\ ppl \ 1 n 111' rs11n. t h.u IL\'" t 'h1J1 :~Oii ;>..1·--11111 t Bl11J. I. \l M ' ---6 07 1 1:::::::::::::1 ~ ••~=!~?•••••••••••••••• t ·1111\' \\'rtrr ,ul.t~ey S:t.".,jt 1'1I1-: ,\ I' E:...'r H .\ l' 1-:s Apt Manoqe-r I· h·ht 1\u1l1t11r .•h·..: Si51.! t- l• 1 e" t'~L t'11ll1:gc !>lll l uiq i(c hi 1 l" Oldl1.o).!•' "'•'1r1•t.11\ 111:?-/Ut.1 •li•11 1 XJI l~li l••I! 11\\o•ll111.1111! . .,111•d 11 1 H··· •'Pl 'I \pi-..r :-,'.i.)IJ .\Ill\[.\,(; :...111• Mlll!l•.} ,\ h11-.•t• !.:fl d1•111~rHl.1hl•· "''r\1('\' l ':1ll B.1rr\ l"t :.:.111 OH'!2 lv 711 1Hll\ .1du!1 .opt ! 0111 ]!{\'INF PERSONNEL pl\\ 111 ·"11..!" ,\ 1. \ LR:VICES,,.ACENCY l 'utl!lll•'" .Xllll !1•11.1111 -. '..::i S.1i.1r~ ; 1 ... 1111 ~ \'.ill lttl\ I': 10th t \t l f\t!lt.:l r.!L!/'J2t1 llfl'j ""c•h d;11 ~ :-i111l1 •:t::i l ·o,t.1 \It:~;; P a intin9/P a perinq6 0 73 ... --------oi C all 6 42-1470 ·······•··············· c~t • '1.rrv l' \I'" 1 r''; ill ;1 rc,1-.. pnct· i .• t 11 SL l' \'<' 1-.-t i.1., l 1 I ., \1'1 \J(;I{ ''1"'' t •!'t l•111pl<l_\1•d h11 ··.!1.111d 1.11( !I\ 1 '11·:~ I 1111-. l'.11111 \,11d • l•·.111 111t •1111• ~!.')() h 7 J •.!21 1i.·ed111 1! n111n ' ( n!l-..ual 011 l'lllll' l'.i1nll•r I h1n('~L i-o-----------I'" r I 11111 I \ t .. c· g111HI "I! t1 ol·n work , rl•,1:;. ln1 l•,xt . trl'l' f':-L. r1·1:-., ;.18 .!i5'.) li42 J9l.1 .. \\';1 ! tra p1·r 11:ini.:111K • lly I firmer u1:-.tru1tor Carl Hcbkn t:..~. -24·1~1 • STATE 1.I Cl'.:~S l·:O 1',\LIC(rr1-: l'~\l~l'I\'(; A/REC to 5575 Sn),dl l).1Vfi•ll \',.~t 1\ JI ,l\r m1111thl~· 1.1\ 1lp+..11t' L11e1v111111-!. Ruth Ryon Aqency 17!'1'1Nt•...,1111rl l!l\d t·,,...1.1 ,,ll•aa t~lh l/il.'11 173!fl Bl•:1('h, 1111 I M )'j '-1\i l o\lSU Hf':U !f79 i.1:1; .... --------~ Al'l'J.1-: P 1\IL\.flNI. ~pt·c1alr7.111i.: 1n <1u:iltly lnlt·r1or .itil. rep:11n11r11.: <:onLracl or SJ /llr t,;7J.,')J21 ASSEMBLER S :JG1r1~. run L1n11· I\ ppl I' l'l<!O ('nl1C'J.:(' (' \\ DELIVERY GIRL ._. •.• ,r ,1ppcarini.: ft'm II• 1111 d1•ll\c11e:. l)\t'r lfl l•ullt1n1·· li,\.J :SU.RI .~--- 111·'.:''l'l':\I. ASS IST:\i\'I', r·h.11r ~11lt•,t>n111cxp X 1.1\ 111·. 11:q'tl. i'' llm\' 1~1..-01.IJ)S (' 1\l Dental Assistant F t111Jt• i\11n. 1 yr exp ~ 'h,11r:-.1•h· rccepl tlulle~ l11 ~u1· torm c:cp & x-rav IL+. 1\1•.1\'h .1rca t:all HOUSEKEEPER I•:\ Jl ii r or 1\ :\1 ,\· I' \1 ~/1111 " SAN 1·1 .1•:\l l•:N·r1•; 1;1•:,~~.H ,\I. ll()Sl'l f\L, i\l r:. C11ro ('j[\J l'Jli 11.!.!. l'Xl 2:.!I 1 1\1 ~1 i".1\1 ,\ rE 11pc111ni.; tor gc11c1 .1! pt1rl l1111e ~·oci.., ;1 d.iy~ ""k ,I\ 101:.11 Lt•n111-. 1 luh l '...ill :l~1i Oi!ll lvr .1pp't \Ir \',1n llotlman INS . !::il':l'lll·:·r,\tl'r !:)l.1tc v .1rrn :\i.:cy. l'ref •'\J). l)r'l e .•g l . of1·. !Iii:! ~fi8H lnsu ranc P Und.rwriter ·ro S7uu J V1•:1r!S expcr 1·on1n1 I propt•rt y ,\- r.1:-.u.Jll~'. Co pr1•t1·rs :1)-'.l'llr'V t•x po·r 5t.I'., un· d1•r .... r111n ,i.:, rl"'l ,c..:nl·r.11 nt'' A A MES I 0 0 °/g FREE B11r(·.n1or E1npl11~ 1111•nl i\,t1·n1 •y :!71 ~; l l,1rl>vr Ill !'!It: l1!7 1 '11:-.l .1 \1 l·~.I :,-~; 11011 Insur. S e c 'y to S7SO :'\Jill ~ti & l~ l!!llj..! ... i..111 :-.. i\;1·Wlh>rl I '1·11L1·r Einplu) 111t•11\ l 'nn~11![;1rll l" A1:1·111 y ~'" 7 S.i n N u·ho!,1~ l)r11 I'" Nt>~ 11111 l Be.11 h {;.\1~ t!l.l!I JANITORIAL !1n1ncd nrcn1ni.:s ror llH'll, "Vllll"O & 1:uuplc~. Vuil .~ p /1 .... ·nrk 1n llrani:::c Co :1re<1 1;1J11d .... ·.1i.:1·s. tr111gc t>enetn ... HIM \\I C h apn1.111, t•r,1n )-'.c 997 -9.l."111 Janitorial Fort-man :-.: .. ed !oreman for l;1ri.:I! 11c_•w b!d g 111 1\llss1on \'11• j\1 c:ood .... a ge~. lr1ni.:l· l>e nl'r11s Chance rnr ail· \anl1.:•n1ent . l'illl lor p ,\J NT J,\'(; Joi l)u al 1ty ~·vrk . r at e s , riit:1·: 1;11; :ix.ix !:::-c t H ea~ .. .;~ t . ----l ~"~P~P~l.~(~7_!.:l_)__~'.I'~--9~ whv .1r1• )'01111,.; pt •r:-.ou.1 1,, ..... 1. \I \ .1 ,-. •1 M•\7 2:,1:•1 Attracti ve-ladies -- P AlN 'l'EH. highl y qu.1l 1f1('d . ne,-.ds. you r 11•ork . H c •• ~o nah t c 6077 ••••••••••••••••••••••• P 1\T(•1t Pl.1\~1'1-:R I N(; 1\ l I ·r y 11 .. :-. • I" re e cs tin1ates Call 5"10--f>Ml..i Plumbinq 6078 ••••••••••••••••••••••• H .. :l'AIH, Hcpql(', \Valer he.u ers. Serv1ec lrnes lloncst Work 1\.12 !l:Jl 5 L ll .OTIS Plun1bing ftl'n1ndf'l<1 & rr-11 a1rs W n l e r h ea l t'rs. dl1'· ro s<1ls, f urn.ices . d s/Jws hrs. 642-626.1 m /c & h /a . Com plC'te plumh- 1n~ S('rv. Lu· 4!1~14 6081 ••••••••••••••••••••••• RM . ADDITIONS I{ .. : i\1 l>D ~:Lt NI; <l l 11\J.I I Y Wf>Ht\ (':Ill No1"'' l"ur f lt El'.: ~;S'l'l !\1 A.f'IO::> 1\ntl Ues1 ~n. 7.l l -5619 12 1J1H 7-5760 . - 11 & . I , 1·· ,,., 1 '1 ss .xp 1' u-..i JANITORIAL l \' l'llJOY .S,I cs .. u ll k ( rn x,. ("h th11sc p .11.111u c ur 1111( ·now l'Onl 0 '°l' '11r LEADMAM \I ll\<· <Jnll :ir'i th.., """) -.id·· .1 s~1 ... 1111g . ln"ur,otH'<· t·~11 :X -R.1v t1 c:c n ~e f<~X pf"rli N i ght~. 48 hrs w.1y Cull 4!-M .1l7.! '1 !f 1 97:11 t1ir appoint· ('o . llt>ne f 1ts C<•l l !>45-891 l or 5 iti -(;61Q 1\Ll 'I'() S"f\'lt'I' ~Vr1tt•r Ynuni::: 1\•1th f11r1 •11:n 1·.11 cxpe:r11~11 1{' Sec Bui S1·\<'r .. on 111·:AN Ll•:\\il ' l:'tll'l)B'['S l•lf-,ij ll.11IH1 AVON Has N e w Ytars Resolution You"ll lo•e ! Resolve lo go•t fron\ ll rl d{'r. f\l rl'1 pf"ople. :-.1'1! 11ual1ty pr1>1:lu1 t ~ pr111 llm1· on y1111r own I 1n11• llll'l!I -------1--- !JI•::-; rAL i\StilSl"ANT ptnllf'. Fri. & S<il Call 1-1.11 i:,07J,,nl:J,l<\orl5 \)l·:1'I l'Al. 1\SsT F'/11me & /' c1rnr• t-:\(Jl'• 'ti Salary 0111•11 t:l~l'oro fl.10 -l 130. 1)1 t-:·r ,, HY Aide. I y r ex· fl1 •r . pr1·1 ·d . Will tr ain. \!Jll ~'.•!.!I' & h1·n1• Apply 11.1 ·, St1f1t•r111r Avt•. N.11. JUNIOR SALESMEN A.c.c 111 1;,, E.1rn SlO S40 Pl'r 1~cf.'k gelling new l'U:-i l u lllOrs fn r l he 1)1\ILV I'll.OT alter ~1·hool rind ~a t urd ;1y.s. \·ou m u~l hcoutufschool by J ·OO pm. and be a ble to wor k al least 3 <l ay"' l'K'r v.•c('k. No dehvcr1e~ o r co l lc c t1 n g. IJl :-.11\\'AS llJ.:H. f /\1111<'. Tran s p o r t.1l 1on p ro - 1\!1•,,a Vt'rtle Con\ lfos11, v1ded Cati !ltl84812. 1;1,\ Ce n te r Sl. L:i\I t :q ua l Up p nr t u ni ty .. -ii.: .-,;,~:; , ------I ---~ m plo,rc•c'---- I'll sho1v you how. {.;1111 EA llN Kt-:NNEL lle lp. Pa rl ,'>4tl -704 1. ,\,Jd111on.ll l ncomt'. Sl:'i 2 11 rne . O p ror tunrty to B A H \'S 1 ·r·r 1•:l~·Lilc hr-. \\qrk. l"o r 1ntt·rv1ew, I t' a r n ); ron 1n l 1t g. hOUSl'icf"L'\)<.'r 1 :<>1111 ('flllil, 1;11, 1.l'IU. ----~1; 2H<lfl ~. d u ~s "'k. hr • .;. r!<·x1l1h ·l·----------IL,\IJY wa 11t1:d for pl t1nh' F V <11 l'.• 'lh'.I ~1°•'11 "'ork \'At'h1g for strnk1• Elec. A s sflnbters HA ll YSI l"l't:I! nf'o•ded foe H n10 nl<I Cll l. ('l\)~C I( Va 1r11 e11• & \\11J son 7fi l 151i ! Be a.,ty Ope'rofor j\;n fnllnv.1n~ nee. Co1t1111. i.:uaranlccd t>45-Hl50 pa l ic nt , Cd ~1 :1r1•<1 , l·:xpf'ricnl't•(I t.7J-:J:l2!1 Sold1•r1nj.( & w1nn1: {''l:p I .di ,\1.1rgurcl i'rtl'~l ;,,10 .i.l.'.o N~:vl:'.:ltA 1~~.1·. /\'f J'J•:Ml'U Ten11>0 r empocary IJclp --------- IH.):-.l "I' c:iv·· 111) lht• Ship! · l.1.;t" 11 1n c lar.s 1r1ed. Shq> to !:ihorc Hf"s ulti! 642·!>078. ,o ,... t 'f ' i( -".I i '' ~ I I ' . 'l , ... •, ~ ., . .... . D DAil Y PtLO r * ~~~~~i.s~ ••••••••••• 1~~.!?.!~.u ....... ~?.~~1Fu · M' II 8080 • rn1t1.1r~ 8050 u.ce aneou,. l\111 LI 11 ,,,.,,.11 llu111od ••••••·•···•••··•••••••"•••••••••••••••••••••• ~~.".".1~.~ • ••••~!-~~~~I~.';'!~."!~.~•••••~! ~~,~~If. "f'! ~.".':.~. •• •• ~ ! ~~ ~~I~ "f'!.•:.':.~. • • • • ~ ! -~~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Antiques 80051 \1, 1111 • H•« d ' t.urip• .11 1d ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,, .1111p.1 n1 .. 11 hil' 111!\'\4,I·. il11h·.1 Htd SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS WAN'l'f':I'•· ·r ru1lt•r fo r l.1 '111 ll ull S6t 1 Until. t '.ill '1'1111 .clay:. ""3:.l -!i:'1SI •• Night:-. ti·lt• Ul ~I A NA TIO NALLY KNOWN Manufacturing Concern PRODUCTION TYPIST l't•rh I I 111r '"'111'1 "(' IJ I '""'' Ill., ... II 1 .. \ Ill,.. ..... J.i ,,\•Kl UI IJ'( nl l 1'\1· .. I .......... ' ( "•11,,.1 , ......... <tl.q h 1•.111l .: Hi .11111 !\1·11 I\,·"' h 1'•·111 • 1,, • '"'' l/\q~ll'\,·-. .. 11 ht V><J.ll!H ~'.\ll X ~l l('nll1•·'-:-011111·1.<! ;ll l.'.o 11.l'I •111..:x --~ 11,\ 111 111.-. l"" h 1\rrq1I ... · 1,... G S BOSS ,, !'u p :-. u"1·d ,, g1J arage air 1:.,1 .q . .:•· 011111 p.ir>.111J..: \\ 1\h hut11 <' 1.1 ! l tr:1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• llah1! s .. «1111 Slq\·k v :~, II , (.:on11u 'I S~·ordhc,h 110 ,1 1 ll ot·urn e ntf"d . 1\1.•!1 1~: '/ ton hold. 4 7 1 1 :~11 · ;100 i.,:;d ru(.>J i:;,ip. J :-.L r 'i.: :-.tJ.LJuns. ;!:.·II . 1 1·\r,1tl«l•J~· pt .. nk . Jkn- 111~1r UF, Hc nn1ar wbitt: 111 11• rt·t ord er. He~al \'Ill" 1 ,1•t10 . lnt:I : :;ktll , nll:>l' c,W11rtll1~h gi.;iir. llt'at\ w I :-.how(•r . 4 hu11k:-;, tl,1.J -11 14 . l'r1vOlf"" p.11 I \! 1,1 1,...,,,,.r 1lo·p1 •'<'1.1111111 t IUTV.I['/' Has openings for permanent plont positions in the lrviM l'"*'strial Comp lc-x.: IBM SELECTRIC II ~ •. uoo t•;1. (·,di i.11 'i'..'11 S I t 1·:1' I( l ! H: 1·:111\i I\ '\I 1\ t,1\'l'S ;ii l;l.1-.~11 .11"i· hn • .! hr ,11· I •·1 !Jf'<J ..,, u.ik l,di11•-. "·'k !11,Utlit', t1d<I~ llr1" 11•1111 111 .1uoth1•r \\'Ir••"' t" I h a t 1 ul~· 111 JA•llTORIAL/SM~IT A TION UTILITY FORKLIFT OPERATOR PROCESSING EQUIPMENT OPERATORS QUALITY ASSURANCE TECH MAINTENANCE ELECTRICIANS Prior y.•urk L'X J>Cr1ence r c:qu1 red . prt· ferably in proc t·ss1ng OJ)(_·r ~111 on s . :\ hig h level ut s kill \.) 10 ;.-t•ars t·x· ~rieni.:c) 1s lll't'essari1 for thl' n1 ~1 i 11 tenancc p {1S il 1on. ~l1)sl .1ubs l'l'quirl' ~• ;J.shift r ulal •ll J..: \\'ork ~chedulL' I\'lun thr.u . f<'r1 . /\IJ p o .-.1l11H1s requ1rl' rt•ad1ng, wr1t1ng & :-.p c;1k1ng 11f tht• l•:ng !t s h lang ua ge & thl' u s e ol s 1n1ple arithmetJL' l·:xcl'llent p<1 y & fttll ('Utl1 p<.iny pa id bi.:n el its prog ran1 . No ohnn t· c<.11\s ple a:-.~» appl y 111 pers on h l•l\\'l'l'll 7 a .in . & 5 p .111 on Wt·clni•stlav & 'l'tlur ::.- <lay. J ~Ill . l 5L h & 1fjlh <tl th(! foJlowu1g locatio n :;: t•:qual t:n1plo~ rnent l)e vclupn1ent L>epts . ,739 GarcknGroveBlvd. Garden Grove 2823 So. Bristol Santa Ano A:i Equal Opportunity Employer Male/female H<lpWanled 7 I OC Hrlp Wanted 7100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Expcr1cn cL"tl 1rn1nedialcly accur;1te 'l'yp1:-.t s ncctled l·'ull 'l'ime ur i>arl '1'1rnt· (_)pt:nings. l)ay & l·:vt·ning S hi(ls l·:xtcllt:nl W11rk1 ng <.:ondi11<Jn" .i nd I tl'I ll'f it" ·\pply Ill i'L"r-.nll Orange Coast Daily Pilot 330 West Bay St .. Costa Mesa :\.-.k 1111· l'.1ul \V ard :\n l·:qual C>ppor111111ly l·:1nployt·r He-Ip Wanted 7 I 00 Help Wanted 7100 ·······•·••······•··••• ...................... . Receptionis t-Typist 1;,.u,·r:d .,1111'< l~p•ll ,' 1d111t11·-.. , \pd l>J ••I d t 'li.1111 'l' lt1r .1d1 .111< •·111 .. 111 V.1hl".!llh !.111: •ll'\••l•ll' 111enl Ill IP l"'"'tl·d 111 ,\;1•wport H1".1\'l1 I 1• r 1 n t ,. r ' 1" "' •• 1 I I i i! li.!.l !'l'I> RECEPTIONIST ln1rnt·d 1>f11·11111 1 •. •l p r1v.1lL' Cou11lr"v {'iuh. r .I ll' I) PHI),! IV. sornt• IH o"k k1· .. p1n ).! t''\JH'r r.·q . ;;;,,, :1t11~1 Hl':-.l;1 ur.1n1 \V 1\ J'l' H ESS ,'\· 111IS'I'1-:SS l':1rt 11 n11•. Sing!" ~I t- C.rlJ i;.10 ?il~U;il!'.1 1 ':\1 . ENGINEERING SECRETARY l'•'l'l"' 1111.•1 ~ pt•r1n.t1H 'H1 t'llll1i•" 111 .. 111 . p.11<1 \ .•l d (1<>11 "lll'I' '' l11<111C h-. 1ol11-. I "'""" p .11d 111111• "II :ll t'h r1 "t111.1 -.. i ',,u1p.t11v p.11d 1111 · !1"•p1Ld "lll- µu ,d , llll'dH ii .Hld dt.•t1!:d l11•111·l 1I s., 1·dt1< .rl 1••11.ol ,1:. -.,s t.tll<'t' .111d s1 .. 1 I; put 1· h.1 -.1• plan. }':);1·~·!l1 •11t WO/ ktll ).: l'lllldil IOll 'o .111d g1uwll1 poll'H\1;11 ,\;~VIit 1\Nl l lJt'IO: .. ,,.,.1 1\,11 11<1 t l1,11J :-.111 ,1 >.1"•tlt r' o.'\1 Appliance\ 8010 .....••••...•........•• VHI· 1t;1rr 11,,,\,,\t.1·::-; . .1 .. ,\,,.\\ llolpo1Hl 1{<'111 ~-. ~\·,,-.l l t'l ~, ll r yci "· ll -.l1v.jir.-,, !It'\" "Ill(\ , r , dol . 11 .. 1,\. :11.,!.1 \\ .. 11 .. ·(, :-; .• 111 .• ""·' l\f 11 11 lu1 1' :r i:J ~"l>~I \\1111<1.l'iHll . \~ .. ·.!H'! 1,1·n111u11• ~ .. , ... !11 11·1 ,\ ~ h :1 11 1 Ii" t -. I\ I 1 11 I) 1-. !1 " " " h " '-I IJ t' ,1 [I\' I 1 I l r1 j, I HI\' l•'I <' ,,11. F l! 1·:1-'.Z l·:H , 1\l•••ll J.'."ll"'I \ \~,,rd -.. l'11t .. ,1 1·u11d1 (11>11 1\t•,11 ~.1old ::;)~Ml ,r\H '111:! "11"!' 1; p111 Freight Oamoqed \\'1\Ht·:ll(H :-.I·: t.' t.1·:1\ H ,\Ni '!-: H<'I fl i~1· r .tlnr•., i"t'<'< '/t'I s w .1:-.h1·1 :-. .. 1 .. l l It \'<'l''o :.../\Vt·: Li i' '['ti !:>liO ,\1 tl11 -.L" ~ 1<1 .... t1.,11-. univ' !-.1.•.11-. llu1•l11u·k .~ l'o ;11 p .1 11 y ,\ d .1 1n ., .1 t 1\1,og nutra. ll11r1Lnq.,:ton H1·.1l'h. Hti2-77.'ll & 2711 t·; 17th :-;t. t :o .,t .1 1\11·:-..i ~>HI ~10!.111. Le9al Secy to S800 1-'l'e P.i11J Nct'll s h;ir1i s kill s. 'rypl' i;u , l'>h 100.Som e p :1l ('lll 1·:1.p Also J<'ee P os1t1ons (';ill t:untro l C£trcer ~:rnplov. rnenl /\gt.!Ol'V. :}tUO II ~ 1111· Blvd , N .lt. ~~><,-1(5j1,» (JLJALJ'l'Y l':\11\'J'J.\/l; HEASUN1\ HI.I': It/\ J'ES s·r~:v E 1~1.11..1 10 Hl·:Sl'/\l lHAN'I' tlELl'' 1'\/u1\' l,1 k1ng u11pl1t .rt1ons F<>r d.1y !11111-, l\1uncl.1y th1 u l'rul.1y K .\0 ;irn l ol I pin. ,\pply Ill Jll't'SOll ,\n ( 11.•111 1\1 ;11·1111•r , .~J I fl,11 J'u;.t1n. S .1\ I uction 111nH·•l1 .llt..' OIM'lllllJ.: lor 801 S LVN C h alleng ini:: pus tor right per sun .. 1.-.up•·fv. ;:ibi11ty for PJ\it ':-. & 1\/l>C relie f. t:re:it ~·a ges &· b e n e . Apply, 1·1 1::0 Su peri or t\Vt'. N H &12 -2'110. LYN, Reliri P J\.I ':> ur n1 µht shirt~ Ap· !JIY G;irf1c!U Conv.ilc' cent Hos p , 77Kl Garlicld, li H847-~ill l\1AIO WAN'J'EI), p;.irl tune. Call i\11•",1 :\1utl•L ,;.u;.!Jt.-il MAKE EXTRA $S$ SAVE YOUR SKIN Powerful s ales fur1.:c uu"' t'orm1n g l"or <1ppu1nl mcnl ca II .'.>·18-~1150 MANAGEMENT RETAILING 'I lit: HEI> HAl.L()\!1'1 n eed s :1 merrh.n1d1~1ng 111anager 1•f atJuVl' :1~·e ra gc 4 uoi l1l1t·-. l o "'ork 1n flllt" .Jun1urs ,\· l'h 1lllrt:>n s \.\.t;;tr. Full t1n1e p osll11111 \\'1• v.·11 1 tr.1111 yu u ('.tll l\l r l<t'ynold:> for ;1ppl. 111.1 1 Xlt; 0011 . f-1 .\ N /\ G f: H . F :.i l1 rt 4' Stc1rc. Yn g p1•r s on . :!<:-:15 . t :A p rcq . 1;c..1 future. 21J 11:!7 4~7 1 MEDICAL SCTY /RCPT Ex-per1eneed u11!v tr.r bu.sy otfl l't'. ll11nt1ng lo11 Bt·;11.:h ;.irca 8-17 '..'.'>17 MEUIC/\I. l"ront <nhi'" ,~ana ge n1 e 111 1·\p1·1 1-11 1.:f A~e ~;, ·l•I ....... 11.11) "1-'t'IL /{e ~unu· ~· r1•I ,, rcq c1u ~1 c.·,1 ~ "11;1\ ·rrne. <:irt·vr 1•P1> sJ:-111 g u.'1rn plus 4"1r .\g<' 2 :l 4 (j, i\1 r l. ,. \ 1 '\ }':i':I> 2 t;,1 l:idn•" I' I I ':r r plH/114' 111•1· 111th;irds Xiii .-.1.'>.• ,\;l·:}':I> Hea t t·;-,1.1\t• c,,ilo·s J!"'""nn e l l<•r l1'P·•r1d111 i-: .,ffH'l' 1':11Jl ,-.,!l'""rt fl1 • oJ ~:~aate. :!H~> i\orth C11;1 ."1 lll1d . L .fl ·l !l·I i;;,~·, NUnSES We /\ re lrH·r,•.1,111J! Our S td ff 1 n ~ 1';1t t1·rt1~ RN RELIEF: 2nd :-;h1 1L LYN'S F /tl OlC & He l1l'L All Sl1ifL,. .111 1nd1 v11 lu;d IH f<'lHll'l L•) ••••••••••••••••••••••• REAL ESTATE SALESPERSON v,.·1· ;1rl' 1nt cr~1l'"''lfl).! l1t'1'n>a·d 1nl.'n .~ "'otneu Ill'"'' .. nd l':l.P d lo r ,,dh·-. p(1-.1 l1 un :-. 1n 011r S:1 11 l'lt·n11•nt c ulflt't" In · lcrYll'Ws <•re h l·ld 111 1.:011 lldcnce. We olh•r ,1n xlnl I r <n 11111 g p rugr.1111. 111 4!J \'1d11;d a~:-.1 :-.t.1111·1· ;ind ;1 11rog rcS:-.l\'C t~llllll!IS:O.IOH ·"Piil Lt<:A ll N & ~:,\1<1~ Ill .1 sunn.v. s n 1"g frc .. a t n10:-.phc r1'. l'.111 ·rrun1a11 B,u!••y . '\:J!'I O.\(~I ~AN CL l·:,\1 l·:N l'I·: Hl·:AL ~,:-;·r,\TIO: t :11L\l l',\.'IJY REAL ESTATE SALES RN 1\110:11 S l lJt<; l!1\;! r 11 ·7 ::i•iAL\1 Stun Full or p /l!rn'" l>1fFt;1l·1J11 ;d p.iy . L\l't•l!t·nl l1c11t ·t1\:-. l'u11 l.11·1 !\frc,. ,J1;11:-.1 ·11. l 'o-.l;1 i\1 ,. ;.. .1 l\J t· 111 '' r 1 " I llo -.pilal, '.Hll \0 H'hi/'1,1 , ( '1\I Ii 1<! 27:! I. RN's/CCU/ICU l)d\:, ,.•1,, 1\;1g hl-. St:111d !1,v lrll ll'. ddtt ·rt.~rtlr.11 p:t,V Full tJr p /l lllll' l'.Xl't•ll t.•!JI bl'llt'l 11 , ( 'ont,1<'l L\-1 rs .l\·n~vn COSTA MESA M emorial Hospital 30 I Victoria, CM 642-2734 EOE (Jpc·n1ni.: 1n t·.,t ;1li11sl11·~I tlrrn. Hl·l1.1ble l11'<1t\t·r ;1-. * :-.1-.Lanc·l' lo l'i11t1pl<"lt' yuur ~a l es J·'ur ,q•p l Sales, Electro- Mech1 l':dl h\·I 7t'.1>~ CORBIN-MARTIN REALTORS -'----- .; \'r s c \p ::;ll •K1 :-t~1rl. L1 1 H!'111tl1•r-.1\i.:1·111 \ •lu.!U Biri.:h :-.!.Slt' 11;1 r\t:V.'jHlfl H1.•,1ll1X.:IJ lil '.JO No Chorqe To You ~',l.dd1 sh,.,J 1 !11~, I 11 t' J•: fl g I fl<' l' I' I 11 ),! ,\1;111,1 ~;1·1'. \1/111 -.o·L UI' :uul 111,11 ut ;J11t :ill lil<·s .1 111t r1· 111rd,, lo r· llit· 1h;p .trl llH'lll . ;..01 I Ill 1'<11!1111~ 111.111 . !>l ft•1•11 tele1•IHJ1H' 1· ,ii Is . pre pa rl' s µt.•t·i,11 re port:-., gr;q 1/is ,ind 1·h.1r1 -. i{equ1rt•:-. t·ons 1d1·r.1bh· 111d c pl.'nd<'nl Jullg1·rnt·nt .u1tl d1l>( r1.•t1011 H f•11u1 rl'S rn 11111n u1n :iu w p rn ty p1n;! :>!H.'('(I .111d XII shurlh:1nd ()\•1.·r '.! Vt'<I r s !jUll't•t J Cll.i\t'l'll'll\'l' 1·1 \l'l'I.\' PERTEC BUSl,..ESS SYSTEMS 11 11 2 i\rr11 -..1r .. 11 g \;,. s . .r1t.1 ,\11.1. ( · . .i.i [1\1t11•l11d 11~t11.1I I ·.,ltl(>lt \ 1 l urn 1.;.,..,l 1111 1\11"11 .ii Hvd J!1 ll. ;1111,.,i.,, "'" oil i\1 ct• 1\1!hlH l(l'd 11111 111 ! l 'l'~l'! ! ltHI 1\1lllSI!1111}. lillll I ,\ 11 l'.qll.r I 11,..:)11 ·" ANTIQUES AUCTION Grand Hotel ,, I 11 •>1• I\\ " " ' I I , r ' " , 1 I. I 1 " . ,,, 111. 1111 (Jp111 • 1· II •Ill f, '1 , I " I. ' "" "' ... 1: • I J 'It I 1 .• 11d " . ' . \I I'' •'I! 11 ol ~ ' d • ' 11 " " < • 111,i !I).,,,\ ill'" MON., JAN. 20 7:30 P.M. John King. Auctioneer 17 t 41 722-7777 206 ,, I' \I " Ext. .. 1,., i1pp11r·t11111J; J·,11•1•1•"• I _,,_,,..,,_,,..,,_,,_,,_,,_,,_,,.,,.,,.=.: h l'.t-'.I' Yoq11 1111 p11rt .1n1I•------••••••• J•1t1 .1 " 11111· ~ 111111h .. 1 'Bicycle"> 8020 1 \V ~: have ;J opt•n1n).!:-. lt1f 111 e n!-ed or 1H1 l1e1•n-.Ptl )ll'!'S()lllll'I HI 011r Ulodl'l II , WI II 101 ·;11 .. <1 \llSSHl\; \ lt,J(I tol11L!' t'HJ".10: lttcll -.L' I r,1111111 g :111d :->1\J ,ES 1r:•111111 g Hurld <1 Sl'tllll' l 1n:11H·1.1I l utu1t• (';ill tor 1·011f1i11'n\1 .d ui lcr1•1ew , .,,,i; x:11 l"f 1\1 l,Hl I <!lf:l Ill\ \L l•.S'J',\ 11., !-.1\ 1.1-::...1·1 .. 1<:...4 1:-.; l\;dt.11 11 1 .. 1 .. 11d li··:li[\ ,~ ]11\'t'/'>[!ll •'tl l ( 'o I ... <"lllP\ lll f.! .1 li·· .. llh\• ~ . .i .. , 1 lnn.rt1· \\',. .H•' ,111 1111 r1·;...1rn1•r111 ·d h1g t1ly '"ll'I ll\t'('<lllllhlll,\' l•'..0 111 ::>511 lo ::-1 <~~ 1u·r ...,·,.~·>.. pt Linn• t '.•r r1c·1· x:i;i o7:ir. St•1 \' L111 l CONTINENTAL! l\~«•lllll lll ,,1 .. '''"k ' S(\l.~:s 1·1-:11 1'!.I-' 1111 ·11dh IHH'li1 111d11 1 .. i\t•t'!!t d Sl.11'1 !Ill' ,'\, 11 Y1.,1r "• ,, l;H, hH i '.oil llH\\ lor )'HUI .q1p u11o1 trlt'lll. }•>II II H1•\1 •r r~·g r1•! II I• 1£! :!1\4 :! SA I ,ES I' E l{S()\f 111 ·1•d1·1I .\I ,J,.w ~·l1 ,v ,111d hi:.i d 'hop :...1.,11.ih l.C.1.«llh Sl '" 11 1-'.llSl l,'\ !'I l'I i'\•·1< 1""111" i ' :'<1 ~ f p ,. n .i ' •. : l !7 J ..... ll' t '\ I' ~l .. 1 ,. ,J I I.< :-; \s 'l I VI l•:l 1 \•1lt1 pi, ,,.111 I ,011111> l lH '1 1/T11 11,0111 111 ,oil "l"'l<1IH01i .1I 1•11 .• ~ ........ \ ... 11 ' ( ·.111 ,\1,11 \ I I 1< I. I•• !i.l I _:, o •I l It 111 \• , ,\ [J ,·Jlu1 ., 1'0 •1",011111 ·1 J\).!c•tn'\ ul Ii \ Ill<' ~os;: ,\111 lo <'l-.1111 J11 :...t«li\'lt'J-::-;1;1 :-. .• 1t· .. 111,111 f IJ 11 ,\ I' ,u't 'I '111 \• !1'~1 10: ('11,1.i lll•I .'\II s l·:U \11 ·1·; ~;,, \11 .·nd I 11111• oJ.,, .. \1 ,.-.,,\,'l il <' .... t11 II !I.ti IJ.1/IM>I' l.,, :...I l'l<H\ ISlll(S \-.~1 :-1 \;\I ....................... \ " I I I \ I 11 1.: ( '"n \•'I I . ' I "' II ptTl('HI <"1 I 11 I. ' · I " l'·•·.n 1 ,.i ! .i.., !r I<' «I•· t '""<'I "' ILl:I I' 111 '11 111 ~!" ' d 11~'\\ ::; , 11 •••. ! .. "11\l.!-.StHI I.I\ f.11,• •' '' 11. Ill ' ..... d11 ... 11 ~·: '" .• 1,, •t , ! 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I 11 I 1 \' I·,,, l',11d S ELF STARTER! :..."lll.!hl l>V lll.IJIH 'I' "lou .,.,.),, W••ll '" 1,,llll /<"I Ill •l "l'l'lldl'll! ~1•11 i! j,.1· 1"1' ''l'l'"" X l11t hv1111.i , i .ill 1\111 1 \\'11,ul.~. x,,.1 :!11•1 "<>lh <\II.I Ji ,.LOI • ,\ -..1t111d .. 1 \I.HI 111 d1 I /',,~I , ,I ,-.,1111 •!•1 H) ,\ I ' I 10•1 "li"if 1•\ I"'! h II• 1' ' \ 1 I o I ll I• I I ll • If >I 1 ii l' I 1 •" I 1111 "r1· I•,,. 111,111 I "'"~' q\ ('11n1p.!rl,\ l'·'"l 111 11''1111' .... \'1111 flt'Sjllll!' ,\ ....... .! 11 \ l •·q111f•·1n o·111-. I' If I' .. ,·, l•.I, i 'o .. 1.1 .\1, .. ,, i ',1 Hc 11•p!1on1:-.I 1 .. s;o1~1 A!~n l·t•• .Ju/Ji> llt·11n1 ~"' •1;1,;!1. 1i .. nn1 s l'l·rsu11nt•I 1\f:"n Phone P enonolity! ".v ••I J r1 1n•· .;11 (!.!JIO:l.l':l'll\),'lt·:\V1•1>.l •"•tr1 S ough! by pr••i.:r 1·-..~1\'I' ,\l 11 ·h1·1,_,,n l)r· i'"ll h•t1ni· 1 11 1-. ,, ,\,.; t1r1n thal 011 »1:-.. 11•rnf1•''"•••••••••••••I • l1en1•f1ls ,i;: \l!ll IJiinus ' SU !>l'J' lu1·:11 Hon 1 1\o1 :1r1on 1\l ,ir1n. X:L! l '.d I ~ (.di .l<'.111 , h·\I, 7,,,,; . -'· Secretory WAITRESSES I·' 111111.· l"'l"'r d f/v1·1 I\\\ 11 11 Ill\ '""""l1H ! 'r I j 11 • 11 I ._,, . Ii I HI "' ''!•HI I•!" j1,1 ' 09< 8040 ······················· \\'l·.J.\1 \Ii \'\l '.H 1'111•!"''., \h\' f«'l •l•l •·il l h.1111 1'1Hll ld""'ill!I•'• l•ql , .'i. ""' ll"'d S<nlil\1.1 -.I"'11 ..... q11 .ol11~ lll' :-,,., "II<' •I.Iii\",\ pup-. !ti ·•P pt O'l 'Lll j• !''II J.'iOl lllll!Z\)J o\I\\' \\i,1llhut1n•IJ •u,:' 1(11, ... 1 .. q ul .I [lt'!!fll' :<,• I )\·11111-. 1'1'rs11n NURSESAIOES tH·l A g i·n•·y 01 1r ... 1nt·. p1«1grl's~l\'4 • ,1r•·ll1l•'O' l!U,i/ Cll).!!llJ.! /l l'lrl. ~ \'r -. ('.\)\ ft•q <I. (;1•1d (' ll.· :-.ti :-.kJl l.~ 'l'o :i.1i,')1 1 :.:'I l'qopl\ 111 J' .. 1 ~n11 ,...,oil ,~s1rlo11) J' u r l lo r ,.,t \ I .1 • h " ti i'-Ld .. 111111 .. , :1 y,J.. •• , !11~ ,\ 11 .. :1111 1(1· .• ,. 1\11 1 •. l\I l·:xpcr1ene1~J I lnl.v. l OH2 i\1 ic·h,.1-.ron J>r ('all l}Jrcelor or .~urs 111g '------------1 Services, :l:12 tili ,J H .~ Fountain Convalt'!'<'l'llt Jlosp1tal. IKJ5 l.~1\ ('!:1 Ave, Orangp UPJ-fTIJAL1\10Lt.><:i · ()11 needs p /t1mc pt·r.,on tu do insur. forms & trl111 ).! Exper'd n eed only :111Pl.v on Jan. 17th. bctv.•n ~ &· SPM, 351 1-in:-.pllal ltd, S uite 202. N . H ORDERLY, 1 -:1 s hill .Exper 'd . Receptionist Will llC' r l's p11ns1hl(• 1 .. r i;rt·vtn1g .ind ro11!11u . .: vis 1l11r c,, v4·t1do1 -. ,on d t•n 1plc 1y 1111· 111 ,, 1 •plu·a111 -. l'n!-111 011 1n1•h11l1"" ;..111ne rl1·r1i•;i l :incl I'll.'\ s up 11or1 (I y(u1 pos:-.1·i;" govd cli:r1ca l s kill:--:, 1n1 rnac uta\1! ;1ppc.1ra11c1• ;i nd «nJn.v working 111 :i new n1odcrn lohhy, ~·011 m.1y IH• lht• 1nd1V1tlu:J! Wt' seek . l'IC'asc apply or tall MTSR/SC I Yr •·.~p ,\lnl l1t·111·11\s "''1l1>e .1I t 1rrn ·r.,,,.~~· ReceptfTypist l.or;•I f1r 111 11•·1•d s pl1•.1-.01nl front 011 111•!11 s:.01J. Cost A ccountant ~;1.od ml ~ rosls !.: 111\t·n tury co ntrol. Sli l\ NEWPORT P ersonnel AfJency 2 1!:12 M::ir11n. Si.· i:,;, Irvine. ( '.1 \J:t1<i; I llou~l;.is P l.1l.1 (I Htk No. ot (';11np11s S.• MacArth111 J 752-0331 ,.:1tU \\ (",>:1s(ll\\Y,N ll W \I l'I! l·:s .... 1·~p 'd l <•I •'\ 1·11111g ;..t11t l I )\<"t' :.:'I 1.1'1"1'1.I·: !ll1\Jll :..... 7l~• H.ik •·!'!-.l .l ',\1 ~1:1011;1 \\' 1\ I [' 11 I". SS I·, ~ \~',\t'I t:HS !!1"1 :·1 ~ I I l ! '." I 11111" l"'I' 11"111•' , ........ 11 ~ '~li"i 7'1 ! ..... \\'1\I l'H t•::... .... 1-: ..... ,.1 1'1 11" !lt'lpt•/ j•l'••l1 •1' <>l•'I ,;j 1'11l<J'o 1'1 11.1 , ;!j,1.!1.: l '1•111111 \.dl o•v l 'il.W\, l..1,,:t111,• '\1:,.:111•1 W/\l'f'Rt-:ss. t·xrt·r nnl y need apply . C;ill for 111 lt·rV IPW . ii7:! ;~111 WEL< f)~1 }': Nt_·11!1lli"r ..... 11 •PUPPY WORLD· Vo1k1<' }1 -,o, l '!11l111 ,d111.1 1111y P"'"ll1·'· 1u·J..111 t.:l'"'' p1 L I JI~ 111'. tiul l l1•ro 11·1 ,, 1 ... ·>.;1p110 1'1•!11, 1..1 ..... 1, ,,)" p , 1\1tlt'r 1·s k11n" Ii"' 1111 \o«t Pl•l •PH ·~ !-.11111 ~<'I\ H 1• 111<•'.l l>n•••d" ~!°!.!.1 \\' 171 11 .11 l",1 11 \'ll\' S\ l ll"'ll I'\'''" :1.l l 2.~1:,tj I I H 10: 11 I 10: \J {. I·. t 'l.1'"''" l·~S1.1 rt \l.'t·•I .Lui ::'.• j :Iii l'tfl H 11ks ~1 ;, C"I ,,.11; 1'.li'K ,\11.'\1·:11 111 ••••1 pupp11 :-.. !-.1\ "'k s :--; 1".H'h /\ll1•r 1, l'\l ,11t d ... ,.,·k t•l\d c, ---~Call 642-350".'.-".:5'-- PART time & Full time help n eeded Jn Jo(·,JJ printing co. Pr(•S,, Rm/Bind ery. c;orll 642-9301 o r apply 11-; Riverside, SUiteE. N.l\ !••••••••••••••! lll'l'dS ;i h n "tt·:.-. tur IJ 111\'1 ·r~1 t y P ..irk . p ,111114· l'1·opll' <1r1enlt~I lor· 1 .~(·11 1nl! \.\.'nrk , l ';dl 7!"i2 1 ,1..:~1 .1!t :1 p!!l, ,'! 111 P /T IM1'; <Jff1ce, Me rli - Ca l kno wled ge helplul. Call847 -967 1 l"f'. T JM F. COOK & Kirch J-lelpcr. A :>k fol" J)Ottie: ~-!1707 ----------- PERT EC !711 <? Ar rTi s r rnn..: ,, \''' :-.11 nt:i An.1, (',1!11 f ,.~·1111• ln1lustn.1I ('o rnph•!I'. 171·1f:-1•IHX.l\O T u rn r:;1,l Oil Alln n ,If Hed 11111 !!I hfrl('k ~ 1\Jo , of M ;u·A rlllur .H ·~I lhll in terse1'\1<1111 Arm:-.lronj,! turn n~ht t41 PURCHASll«i GIRL FRIDAY R apidly growin~ sailboat mfg . n ttds young resp. h ardworking ~1rl w /good t.yping & sh skills & pre· ferably s ome J,1Urchasing An Equal exper. Good fulure. 'fo Opportunity t.:mployl'r $500. Call Ann, 642-ML __ " •Sec'ys, Bookkttpers f ,1z J<t·1ndl·rs Ag<.:111·y 4020 U1rc hSl,Stc lt~I Nt•wporl Bcat·h K;l:! Kltl(l No Charqe To You ~:s lahl1shcd !!11,;, SECRETARY No 11onal Co n .-.1111 1111: 1''1rm seek .-. part 11111" !-Cl"retary. tin; to ht• .1r rang~1I . C all li·HI 1u;11u fnr11pp1 .• --~ [)on '! ~1vc up tht: sl11p 1 You 'l l find 11 1n Classified. Al.1-.k.111 ,\l.d:in111I<". 1\I\(' ··h111p ,IJ... 'l •).!d l'.! 1111 .. I 'l <' k 1 ol I 1 I t "I' , ,,',,_: ~ l•I~' 1 \l/IUI Wtl N'r S T!l \\'(Jl!I\ .' ,\ 1111H 1\ 111.1·:, ,\l 1 .\ I< I> I' l I I':.... lll (I V ~:/\t '1\I\' i ' !I I, I. I I·: 1•11 ()(1,S I-'. ,\'Oii!' t110 ll!'' :,1 7 .llli::' w .. rk IP r y•Hlf,o·lt. 1 ... your <•1<11 ho.'"· ,\!1·11 111 "'01111·11 t '.tu IM• '111'.hll,\ h .1nd 11·.1p1 .. ·d N,•;11 t ')t".1n /\ppo•.11a1u·1.• \'l !- 11·11 1'1'<1 1\i.:1·:~l1070 S 1111 pl1•n1 1•n1 ,\'Olli' 1111 on1•· llr1v1· ,1 4•,111 t>hr,or n1•1r•· a 1la,\ /\pply 111 1Jt'f"111 . Y"llow (';II) l;o . 1~; 1.; l1'1h St , l 'o !-la ~1t·~n Free To You 804S ·········•··•••·•······ (;f<H 1\1AN :..hnl '-. 111 "' I I h 1 I •I K;ll) j'~M H !-.h1 •[l :\1 ,11 ~·. ,. " n . 1; ..... 1 \' .t I I !°J 1\1() 11•[!),,),. f\11 ).!Uf ,I 1;,,t, ).!fl'.V ·r,, 1:11 .. <I h1•llll' (';1JI ti7:1 ll Oli l'\'tll,lll' l \I' [,.•I ,1!.Jl• c Ill•' ..,!Jl _,11·. ;:•••1 .. 11!1 >.111 ,1.1~ ,,1x IH ' 11'<', Jt t' ,1 d I .,,,;K I 'u pp" " Iii>. I• \,j.., l•H llHlll e furniture 80SO •·•·•··•·····•·•······· •S1i1<'1\ to. l .tl'vl•.S I"'''' '• -.1111 111.11!,• Bl'\ t'I 11-.,•<I "'"i.dl\ 11 .. 111« '~Jo! o"lll! •OVERSTOCK* *SACRIFICE• II•· r•·1!J1,..od I ".iw '''ll ,\ t'tl!IS ,\ 'ol)ll\•• ,•!ll l<j!ll ~ All W 1·1·I-. ·1" p11 1 :'-"l-'-'-'-"_1 ·_w_c_rcrc1c·'c'c1_"c'.::"c1c'1_"_·_·_~ "1·1·kt•111J;, 'll'>ll S uH(l.11 1'.,1!•· \iiJ .1 l'.111l1r Hr .... >.h11r-.1 ,, ILu1111l1111 1111 :,11,~ .ili.l l 1!1\Ll1t>1\ 1:--1.1\Nll I; ,11 ,1~:• :-..di· S.1t lS 1111 :J:'.li' 1\1n1Lh~.~1 8060 .............•..•••••.. ! Yr •Jid Fill\ ,\ !i \'1· u!d \1 ,o!( t ;•p>d )'>l•H'I. I L Ill If' , :r>.!!1 0 , .• 1 :\1\IS'I' s 1 .. 1.1. llbn ~kl:-. t.'l 1'1·1 ILUS I' I o houts. l.!f.<' 11••"' 4'1:! .1:.:H J, 1·:S'J'1' 'f lO: S Ai ,J•; I luu::.,·l1oltl 1ll•n1;;, o r j!:<11, :-!r"p t'<pllp 1111:.1• 71'11; \I/ ..:'Piii, I ' i\l lrl'.:: UdU \Yt"1I .\ I hut , l!l',\1(111t<l.I Ni; 11 1.1111• ll<>U.-.1 ll< '111», Boats, Ma int/ Service 9020 . ...............•...... 1 '1 ~1! i'"f..I f , ~111\llH! 1 H!!l <>11 .>H:l'41 ·•l•l'll.<11< ··1.-;x.'1 1 11 II x !'; "'· .11)!1<p1 .. ~ l.llu·r !v /\1t', ,\I'd :~ ,\1 A H J N I< W11u1\"·01·k . li1·p ;111 .~. Hl'rnodt·I·"· t 'u !-lu111 J-'11r111\u1 l' [\hJ JUIJluu ,,rn.dl 1;.tti 7lilin h", ,\ 1 .. 11111• Lrl•I"' :'1111,1 . if<' c,,., 1 1111·1•d !ui 1 '.\:o;I l Miscellaneous 8080 Boats, Morine Equipment "' "' MATTRESSES ... t/111·1·11 . Voll.\ '1'1<111 :-; .. 1, I' r , "''1 I r (, \J ,,1 <' N"1' ' ~ K:Ll 'It,•,,,\ "Lt' HI.-;" 1H(ll0:1\0 '1'1\l , 111 .. 1l1 v1 •H IH'.11 I :->l'I 1·1·n. bll.. Lu· '1U•'l'•·1I l.olil•· l•U "''·'P ~I Ollt' 11 il••I I 1(1, l;I<'• lllO 'I t'11 I• ,1 r ,, I I ",. I "h I" ""'"" t><>d •'.II'\ "d .~< I <'< 'll ,\ l.1blt". ::1., 1.1 1 :; ... ~, \'.",·-.\ llill'\(/' II!·: L t i X t·: W .o I " r h <" jt I} II <' t' 11 11 I r ,\ I 11' I H ,, d c, p 1· « ,, 1J 1 ... I 1!;1.'i.to. ii :...1'1\NIS ll ('ou ch,,[..,, ~''\l'.l l . ,\1 111 ('L>jod 11 ... ,,,,,11;1111·· :~..! 1-.L'\'f; ~I lo t"I 11 11 ,H •H · ::;'.hi l r i. t \1lds 1><•l 1••111 " 1\1<11 .tdoi ;•111 ·;-:;;, ·"""" !o.1h) !l«lll .~ \',oi) .di , l!I l '(ll,111\1.\I. ,'I" ""'1 I ;.:ol•l I 1111 l. .\ lol < 'otl<I ,, " :.:.-., .. ,-I i\\'I .'\ ·.,11•11'v ll<d } n1,olo •l11 l o)~ 1lr·1''"l'!''· ::Oittll , , ti I 1 " , , '""" \\'.\Ll\I I' 1!111 fill "'l ~I Hl ..:' 11pl1.il-.l••rt"I ~·11.11 1 ~ 1\11-.1 11 0•111 -. Hiii llil" J HJ .. ,[ , ' I " ii Hu'! lt I ''l•'i Ii• d, 1111'<• ·' l•· \\ llll 11\11 I "I ~1. .. 111.-.. 11 \.1111 •. '!rl ,., .: !( ' 1: I L T .\ "I' I i '/11 ·"I 111 1.:·. 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Co.-.l ~ 7•1 ~· •I s1· I I s.1u. 1;.u; ,,7;,7 Mis cellaneous Wanted 8081 ....................... !l.l ,t<"!i ill" \',\S H 1111· Sll'lll\.\.'.ty ur ······················~ ...: 111' 1•:' I 1!~1 SP:11:11H . ltun 011< l'. ,1[1• S.11<". ~!:JU , K~ 1:1 *PUBLIC* NOTICE 11\u· Ji> 1lu· Lr;1;.:u· lo~;s ul r-,:, ... 1,ort u .. :1(11 :-. l;1rg1·"l !\1 .1f 1H<" :-.upp!y S to11·-.. Jl,l,.s ;i 11 ... 11 1'1·11l1•r v.1 \l1 ll1t• t OU\H 't';1t1u11 nf lh" Nt'"''J•urt ,\1 .1rrr1« :-.111lpl." 1'11 1<1!1 r11 ,1kP t'Vt'l Y ,11 l•·111pl 111 ~.upply )l>LJI' ht1,1llU).' lll'l'd~ MESA BOAT CENTER ,:1,, :'>.o•v.·pnr\ lllvd I 0 -.l ,1 :\lv".t. o>l!lo"I )'oud 911.t!l<l \\'n t1 · \ii· .. i1.t1"11 •· ·1'•1' \.o lr 1·c1 11 .. , .Jt1..:'.l 'tucu1.1h·l Boats,Power :...l<'ll•l ••'llo', 1\l .111111 • ,\l.o!.'l.CI>:!• r. 11 ph1•1". 1',,1•.> ( 111 11·1·., l'ol.11"111 .-.,Mu~ical li•dl ··~l I•·, . ,\l 11'"'· J 1.11 , Instruments 8083 ,,It. ,.nl l'.\1•·. 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"1:.,1 Office Furniture & Equipment 8085 •.••....•.••..•....•..• 'i ('' '\\ \ I Ill ;11 h ]'!( .... 1 (''\\''' •· 111 " ::-1 ;, .;;, . 1111 ::.1 .. ,, l'11'r'tl' Xt.7 \\' Id • '111 . 8087 11 :>1 •ll•l l" lll"\1111• ••••••••••••••••••••••• I''" +'.,11°1 •.1111,, ,\I"" .1 .... 1 (,.,1•lu •rsn.1k•·:. 11"11• I '•di>IH• ,•.'•I ;-.x l .. 1< h ·r .... " h.1 n1• ,.xi 111!' '"">."~ ::.111 .ond :-, 1~\:: '~;' 1~1 I·~~. -~1.1r~n,1•~1 iono ~ & Or9~s sO'io ~'"'' '"·'" • 11•"•1 ~ ', 1.1 I H'O I, •••••••••••••••••••••• ORGAN CLASSES Fret' to A~t~ 1\,,, pl llll! Ht ·~l't'> .111,.11.., l .di l"r 111l,.r111 .. t1u(! 1'11 ... L.1 l\l •·s.1 •·I:.' .~H..1 ! or I,'" II IL t .1' ll \' ·' j I,.\'. 'It, ! 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" :.:111 :\l111t < " 111 I \\ I 1 ;1II1• I', "'t'l'-:-,,111 hJ'I I«'\•• •·I HI\\ i -.a111l tl<1I · 1, l'.!111 ...... \11\«I' ,-.;, ~.111,, :'""'I • <111.t \\'11111t"r 11 1 ~1·1 ,., .. 1 ra1•1•:-., ::;.1111i · 1,1' J H !Ii 11< II ;<,«II' 1\ \ \' ••\)I ....... " (. \1 . \\ l rl I .II lhKh ':-J'l/:J UI :\111 ~1 ru~1 '" I 1-.t t•l 1 I:!.! ,\!hll d -.1 l '•·t l !-.l«t'L ,, ..... 111 •, r" •'•• or 1·1111 .. •· :.... ........ 111d y :-. 1.1:.: I' t '1\ I '"I, For an Call Sue Ad in Womet1's World 642-5678, Ext. 330 Coast Mu\ic Ser..-ice \I\ ·1·: 1\l ,,d<t ll Lll'll ~ht 1'1,0fl••, \\ .. 111011 -.1.1111·•d , I'd !"!\''. h Prl< h ~'."1 'i'PI' \1 ,1 ~·1111 . i '""""!•· 11r1 11 1. 1:1! l'llfl<l r.H' s 1111111.1k<'r, \\'/ Cape 'n' Cap 7101 111,,,, '"" '" ''" ' "''""' 'i" .... 1 ... 1. "'' "'"' ...... ''"' ,, .i.,· '"''"''•'I' " "'"" 1"1'"" '°"' "'"'hi, , "" '" • , " , " "" r , . 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I \, \1 t, II r· i\ ·r I I· II .. • \fi\l <ij ; l<O"l'I"' "II "'"'' I 1 ,., l'••ll o'rn • • "i'"" '"'"I J'N' """ -.1 \\' , 11~1r11.~.~ .. ,11> /,~~"I•~'""'''"""" ~I.'• 1,,.1,.nl l• .. ,11•1•u lll••I< ~I(~! '"'l"rol ~"'"'II ti..,~ , SI (•I 7.l \'tH~l '''\lltl ;,:7' ,1\11 n\ • l!lld ~li 'I oll :.. I! ~.lq • t.I\ 1,·•1 ,\1.J :' XJ.(1 v. ,1I 1111 I :1 ,· ... ,, \ 1.' ~I I I•'( h l\1•111,11 ~,111 ,, 1 t1"t d , 111 ' ), • "I I I' \I\) t , I( \"\I I I ' ' " "" ....... , 111 1. 1''1'"1' I '-I >11 ,Jl·'i II )' •o,or·-., \ 11 \ l11t '""''I h,.0,,1 1 l!d "lid >ll•li "ill I 't ti I \l 1( I ·\ I ' "11• ( "!' 11" h Ill' "' 1'111 111 '1 \ ,111 I\ \I .! l\\' IN <'<111-..1 11" 1 ,r l'.111 . I 'II Ha>" 1\t ('•>n l1 ,111. lull ',I 11• ,•,.11". jl! IV 1"01 ! y •·1.' Sporting Goods 8094 . ..................... . 1111 .. 11•1 .. '' !:' \ " .I ._:o~•d \ < Hloi ... i.· '!!.,! r.1< 111 1: · i.~11•. \ ! I \ f d".l -"• Ill ::.; I' 1 oi I I "I' t.1 :-.I :-.,\JH 1 r , ·" ,. n•· \\'11111~·1 " I . • H I • I ,I, I 11 •-.1 11 t ii I I .tl.t ·~ 1:1: " 1·111-:t1 1':-.t\1\·r1-:• Boats.Slip Docks 9070 \l nin'I Ill'\\' p.11 rn! •1h11t.· ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1·" I I 1· r r 1 11 k :-. k .1 \ 4• :-• :...Lll ' /\\'/\l l,1\llll ,J'l'IF.·.· $:!0. " N1·..., pn!'l l\1·.1l'h ;i1,· l'oy,1•r or Sail 40 ' l '""'~'I' 011 lv t.7 :! .",;!,i'.I S;\i \ II//\ I: H '1',1hl<' :1 \ [II V, Rodia. HiFi, Stereo 8098 ....................... ',IO::'\l l'r11 ·rr;111 -.ot't'.•n1' :-.! IJ N 1 n 1· h :J 11 11 Ht.i\t 'l\/v.h1tc ·rv :s:i(J. ( '11101 S7!'"1. ;, lH U7<!1• [Jj l,\I, 12 1!'"> '1'111·nt.1l1!P'> H1 ·l ~·111 Iv '-l'r V1t'Ptl. 1:11 t"'.\' ( ·.111 1,75 u11~1 11 r11·r ;, pi tl S<)NY ll1 •4·I 1,n 1(,.4·1 'l',1IH.' l<l·1'11 rd1·r l\1dl li ltHl.~ • l1.01111l'I w /..;111•a k1•1·s S.1!"1 /1>tr :w;:1 74!'">'1 . Boats/ Speed/ Sko ······················· ii Wlll(;ll I' J\1:1v1•r11 ·k .Jv1 IJ0;1L "'/lrlr.4!i.'1IH1\,., Sk i r 1( k. ::;.1:.t.-:111""1 0!1 ~ S K I <JH C lll!I S I< ~l 1111 •,nll·y•·r !lay ('1u1"•'r tt;l! 1·11 111 Fnr1l, U1 •rke l<.:y J"1 . c•u s l•11n u11llol Ii.• •·rpt . s l•·reo t 1111('. <'/H r,1 1\111 , ('0\'Cf, l 111Hh·111 l r:r rl"r lmn1ae t•o n d l 11vor! •' tr,r1·cs 11nn1c1 I. -..1h· :f.,l:l!'iO. X:IO -~J2<!H 0 1 ,.-,.1x.1x:i4 Transportation l,a r i.:e S('l'l'l'll (11 1/\S/\H ••••••••••••••••••••••• t '••l•1r ·rv. ~1ust .s<'li 1n1 n11·d 1, 1nris ol1L ('al l Campers, Sale h<'l1<1 ·1·n ·I & :1 d :nly . Rent ·1~12 11 l•L ••••••••••••••••••••••t' Boots & Morine-----IH , S (~ U I ll 1-: (~ l\1 I' IC Equipme nt s 111·:1.1. W /W1ndoW!'\ & ••••••••••••••••••••••• «;1r g o dour. $i llQ , Gflleral ······················· \l.'AN 'l'l·.11 l1;1rl111•r tn 11 1· I p I I I\ I ;.. h :! ::0 I I 1':1r :r rn:1r;111 NPP•I S7t~I(~ l"r '" 111tl'I'•·-.\ !~,£! 17 1:1 'f'/\X /\IJVAN1'1\l;f': l)ona1 l' your IM 1,1t. Boy S(·o ul !-.,..u; ·lfl!lll IJIN(;y l,1k1· nt•w !I'. 11,h n r !-hoft' bo.d ~l~JtJ. l>e!-1 01ft>r1;1:1 ~l2.'> :11;2 JX~2 '1,K VW ('AM l't-:H. <::1' hPal•·r H.;1lh11I -.. ::;1<1:111 .'o!'.! li7UH l!~i2 '1 '/' l>oclg r trut'k w /l g t· n ewer ·r1a vut ~)u .. 1·n C'.11npC'r. $1 ~00 .'1:11.; (1,1<: I Mobile Homes ••••••••••••••••••••••• xs:lJ 1-'U HNIS llEO tru1I• 1 111 111lu lt, no pet , park.. 1Jlr.1;.t5·1747. I I l I I I ' I • ' I I I • I Autol., lmportird Vant. 9570 Autot., Imported ;;;;···•••••••••••••••• ••••·••· ••• •••••••••••• 91 SO••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• t.un 9720 M•rc•d•t INI 974 .......... .... ········ ................................................. . 'Tl llO NDA S00...·1· •I <'yl, 1>lnl cond. $1 ~ ••I" rn.1kc o fl e r . !160 ~;,77 o r !"".:ifi -15:H (bl wn !t ~H '72 .M. IOOMX. l<xtra a11f.44 -0714 __ ....___ 1!.172 SPORTS'J'l-~H K 1111 Ii c xtt:nsion s. 1;u/I lt;11 ·l..s. ··;11nc l seal. Si!>~Y t1.1f . lli i.:h w ;1y 11t.·i.:~ hl.11·k $1:,00 firm . 54!.I 11.:"i -13 I H>N J)A 1110 I~.,...., tlt;u t ·""' n11ics. $Al"'· 1"11111 . )57 il~l l ; 0 s u z lJ t\ I .ill' I 1\t1tli rn .1t1e Xlnl •·111111 tit'"'' t ires, h ;1ll, n11~·'· :-it 1·q u1p, h1·lm1 •1 111. ~1<!5 '." .. ! 71~ 'li!J KSi\"I .~•1 M i\1;11 .I .-.uoi li·Hf 1,77 ! 11K/\Wi\S,\hl1;:;r1; ~1 <.1k1•.,tl 1·r 1·:v1·,, 1; 1 ~. :1:11~ '1>1 ",\\\/i\S1\~I. 17,,, 10 ll ~H'\l J1\ 12[>. ll1ol l1 :-;Int • 11 11 1!. ~f ;1 k1• 11 lf1•r ·1.1 V1\M i\ll i\ ,. n ~1 '7 4 IOU /'./••"' l!/p I ron l 1·111 1 1 'u:-tum fram•· Ii.· .1r 111 X lnt. 11,·-.1 .'>-11! l~O~l~I. ·71 \'r\~1 A/t ,\ .i;~1 1.,1ulufo, ~1 1 .. m1 'g :-.~1tv 1 ,,J..1·.,1 r p ~·n1l~. :ni:i 1;:11 h1,_.1 "?p111 Motor Homes,Salr~/ Rrnt 9160 ....................... , l \II II 20 ' ~··If 1·••11t l .u 111 1' /\1u .. t ,,,.If :$1-:uu or • ol T '.o.14i ·It.~! I I! J{'. .:1 l ,f\"/.\' Jl \Z I· '.L)( 111:1· 22 ,Vi~I lll1 lo,i<h-.1 v. ,t ..... ,. $7 IH111 111 rn Il l X h·.1 l 11 ro :-. t Iii 11 ••IJ1 ~11 1·onl. 7;,1 'ti7 t:hcvy V.1111 !Off ' wheel a RoMeo 9705 base. 2K3 VK engine. $800. ••••••• •••• •••••••••••• firm t':11154ti 44781tft.6 'ti9 S PY O ER , A lf a and "''l'"k1:nds Romeo. $27.W, X lnl cond, '6 \I J) (J 0 G E VAN . C "u1111•r Bu t)hl•• tu p , Stuve/oven. ICt.: bi).IC A I L', c h r u rne whl~ SIHOO or ofr. 55 1 -3~55 . '73 0 00(: t: R oyal Ju11 pa:-.s . 11./C , 545 J.'»IU '74 FORD VJ.M "SHORTY" !179-!::!065 ALFA ROMEO SAAB Buy or Loose A u t h ori s ed S 11 les & Ser vice BEACH IMPORTS M acArthur and J a m bort:e DATSUN OR.t.NGf COUNTY'S Newest Dealer Buy or Lease 2601/2 z Largo Soloclion Hew & ut.ed can Newport Datsun Low, low ll'Cn• NEW '75 MERCEDES OnlySl60...,-mo. Open end lease. 240 U1escl or 230 Sedan l F068374 J Jim Slemons Imports lJd't Qu;u t Newport Be <i ch 833-9300 Ente r I rum ,\J<i cArthur r. t·yli n4lt:r , ~t u:k lu:atcr. No. 'l'.Jll 4 $3288 r-.1ucArth(1f .in~! J.irri bor ~·1· l\~l'I l>u11· H:w IJl.)(1N1 •w 1~1rt Btacl'I 848 Dovt:-752-0'JOO ---9~7-0=7 1 Rot '11 '72S ..................................................... S<--<IJll Fu ll puwt:r, air. "'r"I !111 4 ~.uOll m1 1 I•" H l'r L1k~ ne w :17'1 --4565 or~ JJ:fi IK.';,;, lteat·h Blvd llu111111gt o n Hcach 556-1070 842-6611 'li5 f i,\11 ' VAN. New t:llJ.:, Sl~ol l ur h1·..,t offer t:<.111 ;~111 I'\• '·• Actos Wantrd 9S90 ······················· '13 AU DI I UOLS, 2 dr, aulo, a ir. ~tcrt~u, lo m1 $44!.IS./ufl"t'r li4fi k.:fll '71 A LJ l)I X!nt l'ond , ;11r heat Sl,500 7!".il 5·1l:J/fi7:J ;17l.IJ '7l 4 U lt _ lOiJ L S , .111 l\i\1 /FJ\1 :>ll'r co ... u1., sh arp ' 1'11l i'L_y r\11 Uruwn ;,4~1 1-11171 9 709 ....................... 'f.' S J'H/.l'f" "7 W t-: l'i\ y 'l'C)l' l)()l,l.i\H •!I • ' ., .(~~1 1111 1-'C )lt "1'(11' USl-:1>1 '1\llS ~lr1 ~1-1>wn1 . _i\1 11'~ :1·!1 l"I l'(>lt l·:11;N,ll(J1'1t-:s·r1<;l ~~~.'-,rll i2.JU& ,,1 · .. 11 1or l_:J.,\S.'>H 'S If y1 1ur •·ar i:. extra 1.:lc.1n BMW 9712 '>Cl' u .. I 1r~t •••••••• ••• o ••••• oo •• o o B.t.UER BUICK 2~12;, l l.1rl1or l\lv1 I ('o,,l.t M c:-.a ~17~1 25!1C> '74 CLOSEOUT I aaun ORANGE COUNTY '~ I NEWEST & LARGEST 1 SELL US YOUR OLD CAR. WE'LL LEASE YOU OURS! • IMMEDIATE DELIVERY \ii >lud•·J~ ~Color.~ Dick Miller Motors l'H W w .. rn .. r \J Oil/I 71 !1.111 :-.p\'11•'1 ;_,.);, !i:1:~1J ur H,,l :•1 11 ""k li.r ll.in ::.10 .. 11 1 111~•1 \ ,\ l ",ti I 'I "I" •h I \I 1 o1 I <i nd I i I •11111 • 11 ' ' 'L 100 '\J•:\V,\.l -..J !1 !(JI Hl"l'll· House of lmporl~ S23·72SO i\1 I': II t ' I·: I> I<'.:-. 1:111XSL , !'>HIV I rl'-.tort•d ('O!!I!>. 11a·I •·HI.! uV•·rh:111I $J!'l!M1 1;7:1 ~ .. '~•:! I 1;1, \11~ ~(!II ~l'.h ( "!II ~\l'l'll ~<Hllld !,_•'•:!~t'~~d}. ~i,:1111 ol1t·r +,.' ... ~J, 'j,s \l 11 :.!Xtt :-.I'., 1 , 'Int l' " 11 d .1 111 I !\\ . 11 t •\.I, 1',llli.1 1~. ll',1tli1·1 ll!!t'l'l<>r. \,,).,.,. ••V•'I" ll'.1'"" 01r ~>'.J."> 1 ... 1 MG TOP DOLLAR PAID IMMEDIATELY FOR ALL FOREIGM CARS :\1 ., ... t \\\11d1·t ... ,I\ .ill.1/olr ·'I ft•"' ll1·1>H>' ,\ o'\< ,.,,1 11 , '' 1 I I\ I "' THINK ''~~,£ii .111 1!'1 \-\' Co;i:-.c 11 .... v . N II 1, 1'.! ·~to.'. WE BUY IMPORTS SAYE! C revier BMW ~Uli W \~l :O.l 1t•o•I :-..111\ ,i 1\ 11.1 li.!.J ,;\ ' ORANGE COUNTY'S OLDEST & i "' ' ..... 1111 /ll r\l l lH;J·,'1' 1\ \\ 1-'\I ,1,,1 ~~1 1r\1 ~1 1 ' .. rut ~I IHlll d O :1171 ~ THIMI /.!• ~ SEE HERi HONDA ({ 1974 .,, "FRIEDLANDER" SH -·. -~ 11750 IEACH ILVD. Hiii •··~ Wfl'shlli"'t"' "FRIEDLANDER" li;;=..;;'.;.;",;·'";;,'4~-'''s G.G. 11..-d.. Ci.Ci. SJJ.1111 . " •I Honda Auto\. Imported • ....................... Toyota 976 ···•·················· tHIMI lJ=-ltt=•:'F.J~t e JilJ~,I \ti .HlR ---.:.. "FRIEDLANDER" 10011 G G l l •d ~ Gtn•" .,)J.~464 '701'oyota Corona ~l a rk II ~·u.go n . auto, 1ur, xlnt cond. 51 ,400 mi s1100.1of- fl·r HJ J .JJ62 da ys, •11,2 5357 t'Vl' &·weekends '72 TOYOTA CORONA 1\ulun1;1t1• 11.1nsn11s~1on . r <id1 u. h<'.•11 ·1 \1nyl toµ f-12!1,\/'("1 ''•·''~"\·er ~ l'l'r1 Derut LWiM a TOYOTA 196(, Morb\<• ( /~ lo.II• "'01 ;.! ~·l)J{(tl I \ I•• I 1i ' \ 'u1,1pt· ~111 n (/;j !i:J~I/ I (II< .q> Triumph 9 767 ...••.•••..•..........• THINK Triumph Sii HERB "FRIEDLANDER" 9625 G.G. Bl•d., G .G. 532-7777 Triumph ,'-.,. r 1 " , ,\ I ,, '""/lll' NEWPORT IMPORTS 3100 W.Coa st Hwy NB. 642-9405 '•'II I !It.,, ,, 1 tl'JG Yolkswaqen 1 .. OD 9770 .................•..•.. r\ 11',.~<Jd, Id •Vd V l'l J':J,'') ...................... AMC 990 •••••••••••••••••••••• 73 HO R~ ET lf..itchb11 ck Full) t'Ql.JLP Lo.,. m1 \c.~ 557 !itiliti aft ti l':\1 '66 UJ n1blcr Arnl·r1t-.u1 door , ne11-· tires . .shu~·k muf f le r . c lirOuretor L"verything work s. de pe nd ab le smog lega transp J-'1n 11nc1a l emb.ar ra.s.smcn1 forre!'i sa!f' H 5325 or bl·!>t 011,.r c .. 1 Chr1.~ 615--0ijl? l>t-l 9 .:i or 5ee at JJJJ \\' l'oa:-. Hwy .N B Buiek ....................... i:J nL'lt.:K l ·cotur~ .:5~1. ~ .J 3 fl 1J ,\ I r ~1 U " I '""r111rt· l:H\j <"7il'I "·' ~!'1·.\"J \I. .'-ol .J ~\'~11 I"! 1 • 1110 I \1 u:-l '>t:l I ' ::-\.~I •>111 I i;t, Cadillac 991 5 •••••••................ CADILLAC !Jr.1nj.!1' l 'uilll!\ "l:ll'•llun l '.Holl ()Jl .. l\ ~:\L 'I \ l),1> I" I", ------------ ········································-····· 9940 ldsmob i l~ .............................................. 1\f73 ~'1.1 1\I)1'1 AV E HICK :! Ul>l.)f< SEU1\."' St 7~5 1o (.'1 IJ/lllt·r, 2.JOe1d l-'lll<lll~· \ \1 ll.itho I r q I ~ ,, ! I \1 U \ I •.' Ir .in~ 1111:.~11'11 Colur \\'hit,· .\!Jle ai;£" 62.5W L 1cen.:.t' U76lll)l) ,\I.a\ bt' S t·l·ll .. t lJA!I. Y PILOT cmplO)t':. p.1rk JOJI lo\. 33tl V.'''"I 1\,11 Street. Co:.t;i .\1··~.J . ;-.1 ,,n d .1y through l'ntl.1~ ,\,J.. 1.1r bu)in~')' nffi1·•· t>-1.! lJ;:! I lh " r;11.J1.il 11r1•:-JI OOJ IT!! ti~ l-'01\J} \\'.\1;~,,_ , ..... , I' H iil'\1MI l '.111 lu·t 11 ,.,.11 11 \ ' 1'<1(·1 1\\· r 1o1,,., ,1 .. 11111· .. :-,.111 '71 TORINO SPORTSROOF \u\11 tr.111'. l.n lot! 1 ,111· L '>lld!\Jol!llllj.!, I~"" I ,.11•1 ·fill~' r.1d1<1 lu'.11 • 1 llll!t•d O:LI'' !li'~,IJ\ \I s 147 7 W{lLOS!)t<1 V-'i.;n Full 1iwr .•1r .gd l'Unc.I SJOV 846-107J 7 1 DC:L'f 1\ ~ -I dr t-ully l·quipp ed \'1nyl lop , (!rOn ze $.300 l'<&!ih . ·r; l P 5l4·1 O::! mo .'>-Ill 67~1 <ill ,, 13 C l "I I \SS ll,1d , J ,. $.IHllU '\ I! ••lh l::i l:I !.)\J 1-'111.•ll• 1.d1!• Pinto 99S7 •···•··••••········•••· ,,j :'1\/l '/ H /•., ,1 LJ ( lJ liu: '"" \.. I"" 1111 11111•! ll•'l .. 11.r -" ' 'H" \1 II ' I "'' I{ 1 !, 'lnl '" ,. r •'I l' i.! I' t' I 1 I lo111 •· 'llll • o•r1d I! 11 '' •••' 111111·" 1•1 11,1t• p,11!\ • ! ,!I ,, 11·1,\ 1•<1\il) l'l'\11~ I l ''I•'! I I • ''I• I I + :-. 1· ! I· 1-.1( 1'•.1 ""·' I , .. ·7.~ .~1.~~~. I . " I o ' ' 111 'I ' )1 • .o I• \,,I !o lllll " , ' \ ' I Nabers Cadillac W I LS 0 N I .... 11 ' 2'00 llarDor ll•d. $2499 Cjmtc. Meso 540 9100 .. ' 11 I I '' I l:ll•J J<l.J)I)/! \J)j) 1•\ l •'111•11\ \'l1 t1ol1\l<111 110\\ 111d1•,oj.!l', ,l!I" ,\11 ('llt' I Ill l 11 t •:- ~· 1'l'll lllj.!:- ('I'll! ~'. " \11 I 11 .~I 9917 ........................ '1,': :1Jut.',\\l \H11SS 1;,,,,ll t·ond ~l!O I'll Che•role t • 111•\\ l11 ,., I • 1 .> -l.'-1~" I 9920 ...........•........•.. COM NELL CHEVROLET ~\I .ES,\: Sl·:lt\'ll' I" 2828 Harbor Bl vd. l "t1s·r \ .\JE:-.\ 5 46 -1200 ,;• 1.\11'\I.\ (',11 n :-.p1 (" "1\'t' \ 1', ,Hll•• 11 .111-.. 1 ... l!1), .~<l 'll '•I, I .op.-. ,\/l ' "'lit \\,<II , •1 -;'.I ·Hl·ll 556 -1070 042-66 I I ·7 1 FORD SQUIRE WAGON ,\ 111 H 'I 1 .HI' , 1.11· [,II~ .!II 1"ildlll"tllll:', """'('!' ,.,1,·,·1111).! r.id10, ht•Ull'I'. .... 11111•\\,dl 111"0•,,, Lllll<'tl j.!l.1 '" •7t.l J)l\\\'I $1988 >--" TOYOTA '74 PINTO RUNABOUT r\Ulo•ll1 .1 !1• 1.1 dl•1 h•·,1\1·• 1111\l 1111•''"'r.d1· "•\I" i.;l't•!l I'. 11 "' 1,itMJ.l l'l. I S2277 1~.Lir;~.11 a1,~~r~r~11 Ill<!.·,., 11 • .,,, h l'.l\d ! I !I rt I 1 ll !! I •>II I !, . " · t 1 SS6-1 070 l :11, ! !-'II ll II I' u 1 ii I ,, \ , 642·66 I I I ·' ! ' " •I \ I •'I \' ( I 1 '.ll I :::0 11)11 "I "I ) ' 1 i '.II j "" , .. '" -' Lincoln 9945 I I U ll l 111 J • I • •11 I \, ·,"·ti 5 56-1070 842-6611 r.nl1,,j, \ 111\ I l "l'- )).!lo.HJ )'1 I l'I I 1.l \ ,.\ 111:--;·ri 1 ,,pd X Int !ltiH K!i.l I l(;,d101, •'Otlll i\ (.' I! II, .... 11 l'"I' I J•ol(;,r F .. r 1\11y ,\\,tl-.« "I \l .,d t>l JIM PANOS MAZDA .'l.d!'" .'-l"I \ ll 'o I .1 -''H MG llit'I)\ """1 ' I "HP•' :\lul I'""" ~1.;1 • ., \\11111'~ ... I • ·1 ' • "ll•loJ1,,n ~l I<" .!~I l "7 l Lincoln ,1 1.\1 1'\(.\ 11.t;'"ll ~111 ······················· 1 , < I I '\\ I ,\ I I l 1 i j' I , I\·\,., , ! Plymouth 9960 . . dl lu\ '11',,, ~f/'t ~~1.~ ••• /'- Inc . "' '111<1 oll\1!111• .111·r :-0..H d1u· I" ii! •.•••••.....•.••.•..... "'' , ... .,,_; ; 'I ' •'I 1111 I L' :!.) J"r•·•· 1n1 1':'11 Roy Carver, 11 .. 11:-. i i •• ~\. ;• t \ 1 · I ~ti• ">I I ( \ \ \\ 1J aquor 9730 I I '"' '· I \ \\ 1 ·~II'!' I I' 1.odo,d I 1 loll •lo '\•I' -• ol 1-:l .<'\\l l'\!J ' 1. '"Ill .1 r :r.: \1 :-.IX'•,• 1•11, l'it o.!I ATLAS MOTOR HOME IC 1· N'I' \I .-.. 11 \ l,fo; S Ii.II> 7.! J H l(H; I•: l'.HH:.'l lt 111 "/<I , f)lll \ ,i'\U•I ~l""I" +; H II \ t ' 'I J: 1,.jf, . 7 .• ! .• ,_. ll''" 1111 \ \l 11 Trailrrs, Utility 9180 ..•.•.••••............. \\I, (''/'I I./'/'\' I! lll"l"r'" ' I 1· ·~~' l r a 1 J ,. r ' 'I HU Auto S•rvice & / Parts 9400 .....•.•••.•........... I! t ".or " 1 n ,j.,w f or l'I".! 1-'.o l• ''" IC.1111 h t"I'" 'HJ( 1:1i t 11<1 1-:s \'(Jll r ll .i 1 H II l'oyul .• !If I-•.it 11l'"d '' I' ,, 1 r ' .. H ,.,, .. on .i hi • ! '1 I''''' !~lh ,_,_ .. j \11,d"'l lt! r 11 1• 1J 1d1,1r 11 .• 1d r .. 1 lt ,\1\~' ~ ;11ul .1ll 11tl11·r 1111 \"•11 "d ' ,11 Crevier BMW .:11ri \\ ""·'Ill,, '" ·' J-..1 ">ll""I l'i.I, Jl, I TOP DOLLAR PAID IMMEDIATELY ·r11J' ~',\SH 1 .. 1 ii"·d •,If • .!li<l I! llt k ' Howard Chevrolet I •1•• ,. ·' n•I \)11.11J ~I .-. ,,1 \1..r \11huf. .I .. tr lho•1 ,,, •. 11101 flrt,,t<•I ,, "\'••1°1 1•.1 ·,,, 11 !'\,\,( u .... ' SELL US YOUR CAR! 'o-.. L . 1 :'-o 1 • · .1 h~I l\\l \\' 'llU,' \\ ,1 I I ,\ ,\1 J• \\ I '·l""·d ,\ n•· ,., r ... 11.11~ ,,i,., -;in.' .• 111·1 • 11111 • 11 • .1 I I ', ,1 t H Coll ·············-········· '72 COLT WAGON \(!1<•111 .. IH ll.111-.1111 'I!"' I .HI o·,,11dol 111i•llllC. •\ \) I \I /",id 1.. '11(1•+ ~ \\ I\ I 1 .. 1 s,,, ,., $1599 :~r;'e~'tre:~! (!IDerut LWiM ~~ :.11111 ·1··~:.'.i;ltl.·.~~-1";.',;1 •:• I.. iJ-) VOLVO I'\ " '•1< .'.lk"I 11 i\ It t11 !I! Ill.\ I l 1, 1:, I ~., THINK Jaguar "·' 5HHERI "FRIEDLANDER " 11750 •ach ll•d. 517-6124 JAGUAR ..... t \ ,, \ .... 1 ••• 1 .111.: NEWPORT IMPORTS i\00 W Co..i ~I H.,..~ NB 642·9405 .'>1 '1"\ I!\' ,\ !.t'·'"''I..: NEWPORT IMPORTS 3100 W Coast Hwr NR 642 -940 5 o' • I ,, 11 1 '111>1 t.111 11 \' 1.1. \ \\ 1•1•' I II' 11•hl1 I• ... " " ' " J • ,, ' .t I ' '" ' 1111.<I -..~.•" </I ' HI ' ' '7 3 SUPER BUG 1.1 ~'" llH \ \] I\! 11·11·" f \' 11101'> ""I I •Pd h1i1 975 0 ,. -~·" ··~' l''i \ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 ~. \ \\ "'II,., , I '""I 1111 1•1 ,11 l'l)I\ 'lll I ;-.. \1,1 I'll""""' r li.1d1" \1 0111 ' " \ lo,, ! I 11 ' t , I · < ol ( ._,, I I I' ' 1 I l I'd " I 11!1! lord ''"" I ' 'I I.', .. ' Ill t, I '·"• ' ''' .! '• l.!'I \ \\ 11 \ ..,, d,111 \.111! 1: • .11 \11t" II </ U I • ',, I 11 • I t 1l I t I I I I HI \l, • t• I" t I• • ( ll••I > t•I ! ' • I 1 'I I ! ti i' •1, I .i I ,oil k l•IH ,,~ 'I \\ 11 '\1 l \I I ! I• \ \ "> '' \ \\1<11'1' I '" 1'•1 1111• IH•ll1,H +>I ii • "l'l"'' 1 .... i. ........ . ii I ! , , J 1 • \, \, \)11! 1 Pl"I :0-.,,, I ILi• o olil '.1,'d •'\( '.). '72 CHEVY NOVA \•1t.,r11.lf1< 11 .111~1111 ,.-.rnn \\1 1 .•• 1 ... h•'.lll'f 1~11'>1•f 11-1 I Iii 11,.;J!".:"'l [l l 1.0, \1 \l.IJ\1 .... 1 \![11,\\\ldl'- \11!" ,\ l'\11 ,,11· H"11• 1 I fl.op \\.1J t..111 1.i .. ,,,1111 1J11 \1 \Ill\ ;.i. 111t "ll 1111 .'-..ii•· I" ov.nr ;\l 1n1 <ll!ld 1,\.1 Loii :! !II' •· 1.. .u~:i·• Maveric;k 9947 '7 I MAVERICK \.· K \ ll I " I I .o Ii' I, H 1 o! I .i11 • •1nol 11 l'•uui~. ,.,.,. 1·1 '1' l'I ltl I' I ,11!1•1. 111'.ll !'I" l!JJl1·d gl.>.,~ 1.~!11.J )\'') il688 C hry ~ler /Plymouth O p1·n l).nly 6.-~u 11 't1I 10 I ' ,\I <!'.l:!~l ll :irl><if' B lvd \ 'o.~1 :1 :'oh·'·' 546-1934 '68 Pl YMOUTH FURY Ill V K. /\u111 -.11•1·1'1111' 1:101 IJVI,. ~ 1'1·.1n" l~'"•'f I !!'I'll·-" '" FORD PC'..,,-, I'•'"" h Hlvr1 1111111 1 11 ~:11111 llt".i!'li 11:~~,0 N I FORD SS 6-I 0 70 842-66 I I 7 1 MAVERICK u ... i1 '" ,. 1 112.'">~ ll1·a !'h Hive\. llunt1 11~ton B1 •al.'h SS6-1 070 842·66 11 Pont ioc 996S ......................... Rrcrrational / Vehicle\ 9530 ......•..•••.••••...... t '1'·"'1'1\ ~11·.:-. \ ?.~!.s~." ............ ~:.z.~IJcn ..,e n 9732 ,,.,. ''"I"", 1~ 1(.,1.1 ,, 1• 1•,11111 l'·"l•I •IHl•ll •,•~· '"""1111<'' ,,,.J,110>1~ 1/1 l•ll•ll J !JI• \l"I llll I •II lu•.I "11«1 I ,111 ''" t Ill I ' \ \' .; ,<11 ~<II" I \ ,.,1,11 I 1.1 .. H~' H 111011<, \ uto ,, 1,:u ·1.1·: 1 •d."1 .o7 <1•1 dl1 Mu stanq dlr 9952 1'•1.1 l'<IN'l'l i\t ' 'I p a"!> :-,1;1 W .ii.: , ~li 1·ood. 111·w "lllH I! $Ii:)!} .•j2 H l!>I) 1 11 r .... ,1,,.,, ·1•1' •11 ':-. j HH!ld \r1p pt•I !I<!"' Ill> ilo•. pl ,,\ Jl,.,,d ' 1,,1 1 "• ,, I 1" 11 I r1p, l!U\ ! u' II''' I '1 "I llt·dlh ··d I<> I\ I) l \1 .o ' • \ Oronqe Cowrty's Hiqhest S BuyE'f' on Imports Bill Maxey Toyota I ·.I)) j(.,j!.-f ,,,. 1l1!J Will BUY YOUR OATSUM, TOYOTA OR VOLKSWAGEN '\ 1 I I I 11 I h I '\ I ''"\!.' oli'I''' •JU(. :i,;, 1'.J!I :I l 1 .. ,,,1.1. I\ I \ II . 1 ~"i;1 11• '' 11 Autos, lmporte-d l l1111 1111J'l "ll •······················ I ' \ l [ 1 t· 1 I I! I I II Y> I I I I' \ \ [1!11,1.\li I \I 1 \I I t· ' '11• ••I I I ,'•~I I '"Ii" "\\ ' , , ,',!( 1••1 1111 dUh1 " 4 Wheel Drive5 9SSO Grn~ral I' I I'd\ !-. \ !<H> .lri ";!:-\ d .1\ 11 •' !.1' I '1 H "I I ILi ', ······················· ················•·•·••• Ii'! 'l'll Y ()'I \ 1.ANll !.X!'l /'H4l1<N 1111•1 "'..::", 1 lllll S 1':11 v. ,\/1 t"h••\ •• r .. rt .·r l 'fl\,1t1· p.1111 11111 I f.111.1 ••I ll"llll' ••r1gu1<> Holl 1>.1r, l·'.'\-1 1 ·:di ;,\'I 111>.1•• '72 DATSUN COUPE 1 a1\lo, 'l'i\PI' d1·•!.. \lnl !.X F4JJ/JJ t lll(IJ "' .-..1.1 I•·:. ttr{':-0. \'X t r.• ... -1 $1.'IMt t;! .l t-:t-:1' 1\.1 B lo•p . hut" o·x l r :t w h t·o·I ~. $1 IHll -I~~/ ·139:1 ·.-.1 C h e vy C'h1•y1·1 111•'. Y, 1'.ll .UI lll p)'.. fl.Ill!'> ,\ l•"•k ~ 1·1nnl ,\] 11,1 -,.•I I' 5 1; 7 ,, I• " :-I " I I ,. r t.1;, .'>.!:!~ail ·' Alto R omeo 970S ····••········••······· \ 'l""·d 11 ,111:-lll •~'"'" \ \t r -1 't I" h '' ,t (I ! 1 ~1):11·, I'\) t :-.hor t Hl'd . ;11 r t·o11d , 71· 1;·rv i-:x1·1·1 1' .. nd f :1 1np1~r s h1•I !. 111 .111 ) Ni-w H .ul1a l~ ~is,~1 .'l:Lr ;1:-. :i:u; x:17:! $1799 derutlwih ~TOYOTA _ Trucks 9S60 ······················· l ~t7:1 F U Ri> lt ani.:l'r '·'I'. 'Ii:.! J\Ll'fl1\ Spv1 l1·r 5;7!">0 ur Bt•st ( 1ff1·r 1;.u;.;,t;96 ;ift :1 1',\I 19~ H01htu ( M "'·1b Q'tfl I ' 1-•<I . r;11l1<1, ;ur, 1'·"·1------------1 " J:17U ~·lO Z 1\-1 :11: 1~·h,.1•I , 11rcs. i.:L••-· "t u·k. air .. di l'lh Xlnt. li'l!i :tX.l l 111111 1 i.:1vf' up 1111• ,hip' "I i·r:-111•1! 73 f'.L Ci\1\11 :>.!t) l.1:-t 11 111 1·L.1s,,1 lu •d t•.11·. I :-pd l...i•m•le~•J.!•',lo1:1rlrd ' .... tHp to s 1i .. r1· Ht·,.lll L'>' lo·,od <'4t ;,.u ; $.1f.O() t>li! l l:Ul 1.12 .ltiitl . '72 C OURIER PICKUP 4 speed trans m n1;su10, r;1d10, heale r. vinyl 1n- 1.cr1or. t!Mlllt>l-:t $1677 I WILSON I II.., "'"'h-, lluntinglon Bcat'h SS6·1 07 0 842o6611 71 G MC Plcloop /\utomat1c. air. 11o"'·cr s l ccrin A.i\h,IFM . step bum pers. lrurk 1l'l irru r s. over sl1c t ire-. 1h1•;11 ' du ty!J, & cxtr ;1 i.::•.'1:111k ' <!157S IN) t.>45-570tl d lr 1973 COUll lt-.:H ro ll hnr, humpe r s. r ims ln1 m stc ul•te ! $2800 «'13 v!'l703 , «1hc (a1le1l draw 10 the • Wc~l . , .a Dally Pilot Claaslried ------- SEEK& FIND' IJPAt'A GG RE S M A N R I> ~ P R E 8 O NF.IXNAF OT U TA U R • R R X U T '{ A X N E I T Y N N T U l T N A{P S Y C H 9 L 0 G I CA L)R T ONOT SOll C YSPSSTTH N A r ; N IN O H S ER PED INR I!: G EA TA G A ON ARA P RA R 8K U YO IANTY OUN I OPT MIEM NTN 8 H S I G T E R R E I N T S H S E I A I I YO I UEU 0 0Pt'8Y8P U OR HTR B RTEIN STIN C TSREA NUMOSNN C XO OS 8 18 0 RP I 4 8 Y 8 P R ! Y N 0 I S 8 E R P E 0 NI HD F; 8 ~ I S A I N H I 8 I H T S O I S I R W P E 0 P S Y C H 0 ~ I ~ i\f:C;Rr.!i!llON 1'NJllf.'TV AllTll'IM lll":l'RF.i;!!illl}l'I 'RUSTRAT ION HtRKDIT\' H\'l'ITERIA INIURlTION T-rrow: ltlo.•rll.1 INSTll'ICT NJ:URO!H~ PARANOIA P8 Yf'H0Slto ' • To orO.r 'JY or 111 d ttw •sp.nd9d "S..lr 6 r ind" ho.It.. num\»111 2 hrou,ti a, Mnd 60 e1111tt for 1..ih. 1D•kin1 ch*k• JlllY•bla tt.1 "SHlr 6 Find." Stir-Teli...-m Syndiait.a Addte• lellt l'll ,.., r•~ nf Lliil l'lt .. PllPf' ······················· JENSEN HEALEY & JEN SEN HEALEY INTERCEPTE R ,, I I • NEWPORT IMPORTS JIOO W Co.ist Hwy NR. 642 -9405 Mot.do 9738 •....•.•............•.. ·7 3 RX J SI Waqon ''1!!11• .!I•"' ,,1111 o 1 11 .I I I ol , I • <I I ' I I ' ' I I l , I! 11'• ' I• •,1: 1 ·, 11( ~ l 11 I ,., .. '""'I'' 1·,., .... 111 1<1 ' '" ' ... .. , ,, ·'' ... "' _,II' l I'' Ii i_._,, 11 I ., , ,. I ''"' llH I '' II• I\ .... ., .. •,>I• •. 1 I ' t 1 I : ~' ! il I \\11\1 \pp1 '" \I. I .. <' d I I ' I •.>.' 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I ,, ,l U I I , 1.111 I• L11 +;I.! ,,! ll i\leh Il l.I i i-'., l .11:1d··•I 1;,1, .1111••. top .......•.•.....•..•...• '74MUSTANG11 HARDTOP ;',IPil ! ' 111 ...... 1• 11 ;' 111 <'. d I -< ! .1dlo h1-.1I"! 111 I• 11,.1 ol•·• "' 1'r•111p 1'1\1 1 ..... 11111. ,11/h ~I IJ $1777 Thunderbird 9970 .••.•.....•..•..•..•.•• '12 THUNDERBIRD \I'\ .11Jl11n1.dH', .U/' 1•nrid , \ '" " <' I " 111d"\' ~1 .. ,·r1111• t.1 "k"" •\ ~•-.1 1 ~. I ,10!1t1 l,.·,1!• I l 11l l!'d .... 111 1·! 1<1\<'I '• !Ii p I .'111 , I• \ 1 I ~3388 ,, 11d.1u I WILSON I • I WILSON 1 Kl;,;, ll•·.1t'h lih d 1!1111!111 ~!1111 ll• .io ·h • 556-1070 842-6611 FORD I j:! \l 11,1.1t11: 1'r ;1n:-. .1111 11111 i>"'r 1\1l.:. t.lp1• d•Tf., 1111 r:1d10 rn ;1f'' :->up••r •'Hild l 'J'. :111 ,\ 1'.il l "Iii ll:J !Ii { ! 11 11 ( 1 !I).: I< 'II I(, "1 l'I I 556-1070 842-6611 Veqo 9974 .......................... 9760 ,•\l,/.P\H\ ·~·!'" ·I "l'l't'd .o n ,1d, uild" , '""' :\111,1 ,,.I( 1111111.· Oldsmobilr \" Saab l·'\t I Ill \11,1!1< 1111 I ~I\ 1·1,\'\tH 99SS i :• \.... \ 1; l I N 1· \.1'1·:1.1.l·'N 'I' \1 u~t \ 1 ... 1.i 11~·.i1111 ' ( I , 11; H ! • rl I 1 hl.1 .>d~I , I 1\11\/ll \ //\ I ( i" ·I :'>1't'1'd \,.II"" \l hl,H j., 1 1 .I :. II Ill I ! (. ' ,, lto•,11Jli1'11 1 l\,d.tll<" "I !I ,, " ' '' I V. .1 I I ,1 II 1 \ •...•..........•....... IMMEDIATE DELIVERY :-... \ L. 1·s ,\i S I· 11 \'lt'I·'. Di ell M ill~r Moton. I " I .>L:• , .. Dodqe 993S •.•..•..•........••••.. ·;,1 ('.,r1111•·1 •l•h l I dr. v1n~d r<1nf ,111 , I'S, I ' H i\ i'ol F .\1 _ 01 11: 11v.•n1·r SL:!l)I] 1:11 \H>••i or h-11 '.CJ:.!~> C)(,l1ihl.I J Id' .,-;HH l.'•I \\' \\',1rn.·r .1! ~d 1qMH11d>O• fM 1>·11'YJ01 't.l l h ll JCiE l·l ,!K1<l.11'f11al ,\l.,.11 ~------------! 1111 l ·i. .. u1 1; 12 oo-;u 1 1~11 dl1 1-1 ~\1\Z ll ·\ l(.\ ll1•l l 'p•· Santa Ano 557-2132 175 VOLVQS W 17lh .S ull t•L "·"l''''"l. ,1 1r L.:1 •·1·n . I ... ~~1 Suboru 9762 rn ilt·'· ,'\, 1\,01.111< ,. <•l 111·11> ••••••••••••••••••••••• e ar'"'.111.1111\ 11\l~l!,:-,l i 7l~l 'H\lll 1~1, ... :1111 <111 .... 1 \·r11 1N\~',\1itl'\. .. 11\1.\/.1)' !ls .'. \ 'p< I :-1,.·•·•I. '1·IJ"" " lol.10 1-. 1n l '~"I"\ lo"I \\ .<1'1' ·'" ) l'Jll't'd . ( ·1.·;111' 1\1:: (t.,.1 1·:1·011<1111•' fd , , ii HI ttl ! j I ' ori:lo,f !_ ... \ ' ·.i~ • .>di!! Toyoto 9765 dlr •••••••••• ••••• ••• ••••. ·7.1 ,\\1\Z ll1\ lt.X·I .!. dr Ii 't, ~11r. •I .;pd Stil l 111,d 1•r w a r r:11ll)' fl.111•·111 )-! t o 11.11\,UI 11111 .... I ~4·11 II.\ ~.ii ..;;i:1•1.o « Htt·r t)7,I 111,, 9740 ··········~············ 1:1 1\1 Eltt 'l•'.llJ<.:,..; ·1511 S E S1•1 lan F u ll I'" r IHI" ;1111 1fo1 . l1kl' 111'"· Iv n11 !:1g;• d ;1\!I (:!l .ll lX-1 70H\ l'\/t'" ,if! -; 1-,tll :.1.1.-; '75 TOYOTAS '74 TOYOTAS ,\1 H 1g ~ .. 1·1n1.:s BUY or LEASE ~erutlWiM \iii TOYOTA II ~:H t-: Nll\V '74 Clearance \II r1•rn ;1 1n1 0 ~ N •'V.' l lo·rno l·:'l:t'<' ·74 Vt)LVCl~ 11<1" ~ ·1,•:1 r:1 ll"" pn1·1·d L l-.:1\,'-.J,'\(; ti.• tlVJ•'.llS I·>\!'> l 1i·l1\•'IV l•:.Xl >t 'rl ' '73 VOLVO 164 1; 1·yl111dcr , auton1a t 11·. ;11t rnn<l1:1on111).!, I"•"'<'' .;1 •'4'fl1lj.! l!'l"t'I h r .1k1'.'. \ ~1 I·' ,,J I'> I I /1 I .1 p I ' pl.i \1'1 1 .. 11 1)1111·,, 1.!.,·l.J' 111 '71 DODGE CORONET FORD I 1Kl55 Heath Blvd. ll1111t1n i.:to n Beuch SS6· I 070 842-6611 7:! t;lt AH <; l·:ll . ~1,1·r 1 .d 1•d 1\1r . 111! PO"''t•r. ,1111 f rn S'.lflOO o r b<':-.t .. 1r ~'.11; 7749 1 ~1,,11 1 1nd~~" .i dr. 1·011d $l!".ll ;,37 H'."I07 ''" ....................... :-..111·-. ;11u l ~·rv u·i- OLDSM081LE GMC TRUCKS HONDA CJ.RS Univorsity Olds <!ll5o ll:1 rhor Blvd '71 Olds T oronodo 1-'u ll y c c1u1 ppt_'tl. l 'lf•1111 Lie _ no WG A-1. ~I ~ or llt•s t o fr . P lt•;i .~1· C:oll X'.'3 HJR 4 nr 554-o-l;lti '' .. ''• 1• i.,,.1 l>a 1 . --,, lo ':!!"l'll11·p $17:,.J ~I:! -;:! h.i\~11 \\\'t-.. "fl~ p:1 111 •r.-., H11!11. ::•! 11!'1'1', :111' .!7 ,111111 1111 ~I 71H) 1.1:• :1110 72 VEGA ST ATIONWAGON i\ :-.1n111 i.: \\',1~:· •I ~1,,·0 •1 1 . p ,;.:;11"\'\' l b•l,1·51UU dlr 71 V t-:r.A Cl)LJ P F: Aul n. I 'h'.11!, At He udy 177-t <_'X ll 1 645 571Ml dlr 'l .,. •.• " ',v .• " ' . •J ............. u A, ... •\ ..... ". ""'" '' .... ,., .. )O •··""·-'" )1 } ... "~ J• ·~"'' 1' •• .. -t i o...-.. ~ •9 .... . ">O .. .. "~ '1 l ·•-f .... ~I , ........ ,. ''"" ""' 11 1\11-:111·1-:1>1-:s tn·:Ni'. ,IJH :-O LI ' 7 .000 roll•'"· l~1J•tlo•1I \\tl h cxlrn.., :O.l t1~1 "\'II 1, I~ '.1:10:1 '7•1 ·l:t11SL l'oup1• Hn11(t,i.•r i.!vr1hlk , /<J nl1 a:-.,,111111• ll·a ~·· •1!13 7 1!"1.'"> l la1·l' som ct lu oR: you w a11Jl!'-o;;~['--·I to sel l" C..:la!ls1f1ed r1 rl!I d1 J6" ,. .. 1• 1-..,, .. ... :WP,. ...... ,.. ~· ,..., Sl ~""I ~'°' ~ .. ~.,_, IL w e ll l'a ll NU \.\ h \2 .'iti7~ ~ .. 1•vl\G<-'<>l II•• f'2) ~.1~r ... ! . . • •74 Pl~TO Ru ... ABOUT white side ~ nd neater. ·ne radio a ·/ ---.. . • 1snow on at ••. \ .. ' ATLAS All Can Sllbjtcl Ta l'riar Sale All l'ric11 '1111 Tar a11d Lltl'lllt A.II ,ric11 Yatid Until I 0 P·"'· ~lldoy J.., If, l t 7S ' ' ' ' , Cll HYS IJJ\ Plymou,lfi~ ~ ··~ •, f5 Win Th u I-e se of ANY [3 FREE 1975 c"'"'" lL.J CAR ""ooucr 0:: FOR ~N~~UURLLCHOICE YEAR ! CASH BACK ON ANY NEW '74 or 75 DUSTER ' O UTSTANDING VA LUES AND BIG BIG SA VI NGS ON I NTERNATIONAL TRUCKS sc ours. AND TRAVELALLS. . $1 f; I f'.1 l!'T 1 '! ,, 1 I ,, I\, r, ''I rn"rf' u~:iloh•, 1r , 1,,, 1. 11, ~! 1nd.1rrl ~1 ,.. , , I ,. "' ' ~i,,., lo•r IJI I• 1, ! 1, • "·, , • ~··•••nrl lr•p~ 1,,,,1, 1,1 , I.,.• t rq 1 111 sr:11 II N'f SEE A ND DRIVE THE ALL-NEW SMALL CHRYSLER THE FANTASTIC CORDOBA ... A test d r iv e will show you why Cordoba is the talk of the industry. • ' • • I i J , • Laguna/South Coast 'l'oda.~··s Clo~inl! i'\. \". Scoek~ 1/lillUrl VOL. 68, NO. 15, 7 SECTIONS, 74 PAGES CIA \V 1\S lll1\1G·l't )i\: i l 'l'I ) ('I.\ Dirt!cto1· \V1l11 :11n ~: l'ulh\ t1ula\ disclosl·d t h ;1\ .1 ln1it . .:::.t.1nd111 :.: Cl:\ sourl'l" inlu r 1nt·tl tilt' ;1 g1•n1·1 Ill IU71 ;.i nd !~Ji:! ul .In :illl',.:t·d ploi! to kill fur1111·1· \'11-l' l'rc:.ulvnl J\).!nC\\' :111d k1 tlna p lu1·111l·r l'l \ Uir1·1.:tu1· !{1t·hard llt·lr11 :- ile also <1l'l\111,11·l,·dg1·d fut ll11· llrs t t1n1t_· that lli•· "P~ a g1·1H·1 :-.1·t llp :1 l'Ulllllt'f·lll1+:111).!('ll{'l' 111111 lll l!JG7 \1h1elt J-!:llli1·r1·d fi1,., nn IO,ll{)(J .i\Jtll'rll';111 1·1\1;<1·11:-. B ut lit• d1·niell lh al lli1 · :11·111111 11.1 ~ d lt')..!<J I. Bares \::. ,, 11·:-.ult ul 1111 • ,1lll',t..:1·d plu l ,1 ~,1J1l-.t .\J.,:I\\'\\' .111d /ll'l111". ('olh\ .... 11d 111 t· ('I .\ 1·.irr t<'d 0111 · 1d1\:-11 ·.1l ~Ul'\l'lil.1nt't· 111 1''" .\n1t•11t'.lll 1·1ltl'"' ;1fll'r ,1 h·r11n~: l1<1lh lh1• J•'J{I :1 ntt ..... t'l'l'l'I Sl'l"\'Li'1· (',,lln d1•n11·d tli.11 .Ill\ _ ... u1 h .11 11\H.\ co11ld l11 ·t·l.1:-.-.1 t11·d,1-.1ll1 •g.il du1n, ·-.! 1 '· 1 llll'l I J g 1·n1·1· g,1 I h t ·r111:..:. -..1.' 1n g lh.it all t'ln·r1·nl ('I.\ ,H· t 11111t•:-. :11'1' \11tlun 1l11.· l1p111 -.t1l 1t -. l'h,1r!1·r "' '!'fit• .I 11:-t H'l' /)1•j1,H t ti l•'rlt ~.1 1d 'l 11v ,,d.1 1 ll 1~:11v !lit· 11,,n1,·:-ul OR l\NGE COU NTY«CALrFORN.[A '71 Plot to 11\UI l' l ll.111 [11 ,11()0 \!Jll'l'Jl'~ll Ch !i:-.J d~·nt ... 111 1111• ('I.\. hut till· lt:--l \\'a " .q 1µ;1C!'llll .1 d 1ll1·11·1H t l'onl lhl.'UIJ•· d 1.~ '· u:-.-.. ·d l 11 ( 'ul h.1 ht· t11 r1• ! h1 · :-uh tU!fllll1llt'" \'11Jl,, :--.11 d lh.1\ <011 \u;.: 1;, lt.11.7 tl11· \ '] \ t•-.l:1hh..,h\•d ;1 1'11\IH\l'I 1ni.·l l1 ~·1·111·,• ottH·1· lo lnuh. 111111 111, I"' ,.i t11 l1 1' .it Jurc1;.'11 111\1,:-'" \111v11~·.1 n d1 ... -.1d1·11l 1·l<"1n1•11t -. '1'111 l!I H ~! .1111 \\ ,!" l'l\dl·d Ill \l .. 11 Ii. !~1 7 1 ltl l!i1· '"111:>.t' of[ lh!.., i'I " g1 .1111 (',db, ,,:ud .. lill:., \\!'I<' 1•..,l.11111..,ht'd u11 .illjj\11 10 ,IHl!I I 111 1< ll'> Ill lhl'("<lllllll't lll{t•lll;.,;t..'tll't· 11 ll ll i ·.,11,, ,·,11·t· .1 I.) p.1;.:1· ... 1.1t 1·n11·t1l 111 \Ii,. .., ll I •1·0 rr I rl 111 i t 'I' .1l'k 1111\\ 11.'tlg 111" lh,1[ !ht• ('I,\ li.1-. 01,idt' '>011\l' llll..,!.d,,• ... J\111 h1· .... 11d ~Ill~ ltll-. 1,1!-.1·.., \11'1<' 111lr1·q11cnl ;111<1 .... 11•1n1n1·•I lr'11111 a 1111 :-\·111 1tt•pl111n ul 11i,.,.,l1.·11111l 1l ~1·h :irl1 ·1· In li1 ....... 1.1t1·n11•nl , ( 'olli,\ :d-.o :0-.i ld ,I ( 'J \ l't'I I\'\\ S ll11\\ t'd liJ,11 lh(· .q.!l'1H'\ l ,q 1p c d lht' ll'll'phun1·.., 111 :!I l ' S. r1·~ith•111 ... !11 •[11 1•1 I\ 1:1.-i l ;1111\ ]!Jti:~ hUI 110111 ' 1 fl,·• v.d It · 1 W EDNESDAY, JANUARY 15. r975 r E N CE NTS Kill Agnew l{l'I l'.J[1·d th;il 1111 ''] \ 11pt'I ,1\ 1•d .t prn g 1·~1n1 !11 11p• 11 ·1•!1•1·\,·11 u l.111 IJl•l\lt't'O th,-( 11 1t 1•d :-it . .t1•·, .Htd \l\U l '1 11JHIL\ltll..,[ l'"llll\1'11•.., l1l'\ll 1'L'll J!J ;,;1 an1t 1•1:·; S;ud tll.1l In 111-. l-.11 .. 11!.•d11• lht•l t' l\,1d llt'l't'l li<'t'rl .,LIL I ,·dl.11\t'l', lt•t'illll• .ii 11ruth1•! II 1 ... , d1r1·t·t1·d a :..:.1111-.t ,1111 11H't1il11·1 .. 1 l '• 111;,: I l' -.:- 1 )ll t)H · pl1l! l11 h.111 \~Iii '\\ ( Hll1\ .., :11 .i ,\1 :-u 111 \'.~';l .1 1111 l1111~-l,i11d11i:..: (I\ -11111,,• J J.>11•1 111·1 11 ·11111 • 111 111< o..; l11ld11 11l,1plult11!-.1i11l11•111!'pl<' "Llh HI .111.t h1d11.q1 llit' ( [ \ dl!t t !••I \\ 1 ,il,•111 d tJi, ...,, \I• 1 ...,, L \ ll•' .. 11.t •h1 I· 1:1 .. 11d \\I '.111 !<'d 11ti1 I'! I \ l • 1 I .., 111 I t' 1 l I , 1 111 • I! I 1 \\ 'I \ 111' I I' I II ' 11 I,. I ti' 111 \1 111.1111 1 olll• ILO lll\1>l1,_• \111<"1 I, .111• llli•1 \\1 I< 111"1! '111 l•l I,, i"lll "1 \1\1 pl.,1.111.ltli, l'ldilul Hill' 'di p1 t I I\ .I •'1>1'11, ,j .1 !1d I • , I ii OC Told, 'Prove Hinshaw Loss' ·Te11111•••·t11·il~1· Offshore Oil Drilling Ends ·°"·\t'H.\,\1 1·::\·1'(1 (t ·1•11 'I'll•· d ri!linµ uf !'1:.1 o!f:-l h ~r1 · oil \lt•ll -. 111 till' Sant a J{ar b;i l':t l'li.1 111 11·1 .ind '" •11..,t rut·! inn nf :1 1·1111\ l'!/\'t'l'"I :1 I 01 I IJ1Pt·l1n1· Ji.1 1·l· h1·1 ·n h.tl1t•d , .11 11".1:-l l1 ·n1p11r;1r1 l 1·. h.1 ;1 111•\1 .il l lh.:n1ot·r.dit· St <il \' I.and:--('.,111 1111s..;1un .\L 1l ::-fir:-t uff1l'1:1i 1111·1:1111~ 'l'tll'-.d .1 ,\. !ht• 1·01n n11:--... 11J11 un Gelding Killed By Trai11 ,\ hearlhrokt·n South l.a g una n1<111 s too<.l h e lpless ly hy 'l'uf's dny n1;..:ht ;1t ;1 S;111 Ju;u1 t':ip1:.tr ;11111 1 :1 1lroad 1·r,,:-..,1 11g '1h1t1· th•· '; \ l·ar.old J.:t·ld111 c: ht· h.1d h1·1·11 rid ing ;i ft•11 1111111 H·n1. ... l~t·fnrc 11 :1:- .... 1 ru ck ;ind d1.·c:q111 :1l1«I h v ;1 11urthhn11THI S .111!.i 1·'1·11.1111 1 Ir :111 1.'.1' l \fllr ll .1 S h~·11 tl "' id 111·1·rs :-aid (.'h,tr 11·.., /{l'l'" .Jnll•'"· :.:1, o f ~1 1 1;!1 1 \\'1ld111>od Uo.1d .'...,outh L ;1).'.Ull:1. told lill'Tll 111· h.i(I 111·1·11 r1tl111 g hL"i hn r :-1·. ''H;1 :-k1n.·· 111·.11· \\ht'r1· 1111· r.11lr q;1d t1-;u ·h:- n111 p:1rallt·I ''''Ii <~ ..... H11 ad ;11111 t ·an1 1nn l "1pl!il!<tn11111 ~.111 .Ju:111 l )l•µullL':-:-:11d .lnll1':-111111 lh1·n1 1h.1I 1h<' h11r 11 .. 1 1h1· .1ppr .. .1 1'h111i..: t1,11n c ~1u .... 1·d lu ~ 11H11111t 111 r1·.1r .ind fOl'l'l'd 111111 to1 11.".t\t' lhv :-.1d dl1• .Inn('-; :-.ntl ht' !11«11 t111·d 1 .. , .il1H l ht'.trll r .11111 11,, .. 111111 1.il h\ 11•>l din :.: tli i l•11dl1· t.111 lh1· 111;.:hf l'll\'d hut"''' lu>l!t•d .111d -.p1•d ,),o\\ll Ill•· !1.11k-. l ,,•l •ll\' Iii• ••I\ 1••tn1ng lr.1111 l)1.•p1111t·-. :--,1 1•1 l!I •· !1111:...t' \\, .... .. \1tu·J.. h\ th•· 11,1 111 ,1.., 11 ;.!:dl1111t'd 1,1·\1\l"'n.1 111 · 11;11 ·h.:-.111d .i hr1t'h. 1•.111 ,t1 .l lf<ll lll 111-.1 -.11111h111 (),.,,, Hu.id '1'111·\ .... ud 1111· 1101 :-t ' 11.1-. ' !1 'l' ,Ip l l :11 l'd ()lllt't'I':---.;111 1 .l•itl•'" hroh.1• tl111111 111d "'1·p\ .1:-1h1· h 1•r-.1"" r11.1ngl1·d i1 nd1 11 .i.., r1·lr1t·11·d t'r11n1 lh1· 1 1 , 11: k:... .111d 1 I s :--,u Id lv h .111dt'd 1•\'1·r 1 .. h111l 'Bowl' Area Pla11 Studied In Clemente f.'u1·th1·r l'n11 ... idl'l'.lll1Jll 1>I S.11 1 ('11·1111.'.11!1· l\111,J t't•d1·1 1·l 11p1111·11 1 pr11pos;ils 11 ill h1· n1adt• by lht• S:111 Clcllll't\IL' l'il.v <.'oun<'il n1c1·1 - 1n;.: at 7 :30 l u111 i,.:ht a t1·1ty h :1ll . 'l'hC" bo11 I ;11·1·11 -.ul'r111111d 1n i.: !ht• l 'lllr:t11l'1' u f tlu· p11•r 1:-. l h1· lari.:1·t ,,f a s u ~;?c:->tt•ll rcdl'\l'l1)pn1c11l pl:111 \V)\ll'h 1·ciu ld l11·i,.:l n 11·ith lip· J.;1':1\1 111;..:_ tlf 1hl' jHL'I' Hl'{'l'.,:-, ;1 lun~. :-011 g h I 1111prp1 t~ n lL'lll ·rh1.· counl'il \\'Ill ;dso ro11s 1d1·r lhc !l ou sing ;111rl Cun11nun1l .\' Ucvclupn1 cnt 1\rl u11tll·r 11 h1 t•h the c i ty t·nu ld rcct'.:i1·1· an 1.::-.lnn;.1l- cU $159,000 UVl'I' thrt··· .1·1.·HI'!'! lo h .. spent on nnpro\ in:.: lh l.' q11 ,il11 .1 <if li\'i ll J..: for rcsidl·nt~ ' (Jthcr iten1:... nn tht• t·1111111 11 :i ~1'.11da in cl11ile pl'L':--c11l ;'11111l of a l'ili:tt'.:ns ' p c lit1un s ign .. ·d IJ ~ :1:! Shorccliffs l'l's1dt•11ts d1·111and111;..: c.•n f o r ct: n1 c nt of 1Joi.: h« 1 :-. h J ;1 11 :--. 1\ p 1·opos <1 \ b~· 111,_• c 111 'J'r1il I 11 · ;i11d ll;lt'k ing C11111n11:-s1u11 th :d San l'ablo IJ,. 1ntHh• .1 11nv 11 .1 .' :-.t 1 t'•'I g u in ~ up .111d Si111 (;,1h1 11·1 m ade a n n 1· 11·:1,\' slr Cl'I d o1111 h :1:-- bccn r cs11brnllt1•J tu the council fo r cons 1d c 1·:.a11on ,ll ll/l l••ll-.11 l'I'"' lfld(·d i'.!l'llo 'I' ,q> pr111;il 1>! lhl' d 1 ill!11;..: :.:r :!lll1'll 11.\ 1 fll' n II [ g u Ill :.! l{1•pt1 IJ I l t':t !1 tl111111n.11 1•d 1·111nn11 -.:-.111 11 111 11!1· t l l I ; I I I •. \I' \\ (. '. i.. .., 1. '. t , , I I . !),_·1ll <>cr.1t ... l•">k u\1·r J:1lf 1fi!' t Jil<'I' IJl('llllH ! 1 ll!ll 1111 ... -.1 .. 11 h 1·pt 1h" i1,.,,r 111Jt·n 1 .. r l"''"1hlt• l 11ttJ11• ,qJJ'l•ll.d t1l ll1 l' :11; 111·11 11 ,.fl-. l•l.Hll!t d h.1 Sl.111d ;1 rd (l1I .111.1 17 h1 \11.11 1111 · l<11·l1111·ld (·,. t"l!"111 11• 1t11lh1·r ... 111d 1 lht· l\t•I!.., 11<>11ld '11•ld llp l,.;;11_tH~ll li.11 I 1·1 -. "I ,.I[ l•t'I d,1\ '1111 · 1·11n11111-.· i.111 .ii t1 h• Id up 1111.d .1J•1•1·111 .ii ••I .1 "• rnill111n ].,,, ••n 1oiJ1t •l1 111• lhr•Hl ~h !h1·' li.u1111 ·l 1" 11dll"l'"ll ('Ill.I<' .. 11 11 111)) !t·d· 1.il ")I ..,I 1111 t' j'l .d I' II II I" ]11 "li"li"l l' I " I IHt.'l'lt'"' :\1·1\ ~t.111• !'<'pnr1 ... 111 1 lh1· \1-. o drdl111 :.! ;111d 1h•· p1p"l111t• .11·,· 111 l•t' 1•r1,.•p.1rt•d !111 thv 1·1)1111111-.:-11111 h .1 Jan. 10 . \Vith tilt' a g rt'i'!llt'nl n t St:ind.1rd. ;1 rno1·l· c:'l.l1"1l,,t\1· 1·11 I lf'l 11ll111'1l l:111 rrlp:1t'[ l'l'IJ~1J 1 \I Jll 111 11 r11lt•n lor 11 -. p rPl•<1~.d 111 .1ddit11111 11 11 t'11llll1ll.., .. l••ll t•J1•t•11·d I!-. 111 II «1\,111111.111 l ·,.n 11 .. 11 .. 1 1-.. .. 11 {'111 1 11/i11 1·,111 1 [>.>lj')lt'd t"r-.. \.i!1•llid« tolli!'t' .I" lh1' 11\,111 \\ lH•oil i'1Jl llp.i!llt'"' l1'.1I Il l•• I ho·11· li.1-.. li'-'•'11 11<1 II<'\\ d t illi11!.! HI Ill· ~.1 1 11.1 l ~;;tl h.11.1 i.'h.itlll• I '"l•t' tl1,. tn.1 ...... 1,1· 1:11 ;:, 1111 "!'di lh"I li1·l11Hl1·d lrlilt•, "I ..,\' 1111 li1•.11·l11•:-Ill S••lllli.·rtt t '.1111111111.1 ·r1i .. pi ''i"•:--.tl .. t .. r 1 .·111·11, d drdltn~ 11 ,.,.,. pl.11-.·d 111 .... (·111111 .. l''"l'•lf'/(1 I\ 1lh [IJ•· t'I•·• 11Pll l'I llJ•· f)•·:11111·r.d -. 01\ Iii<' 1·11n111l1,,,1,on 1111" 1•1"1111,,«d 1111•\ \\1111ld \ul• .+_.1111 ... 111111111·•11.111·11'•-111111·111111111 •>ll-.!i1111•d1 111111:..: Revise<l PJa11 011 Gle1111f'yrt• 'Needs Study' ·rht• I 11 \ pl.1111 1 11 1~ ..,1.111 l11 ·1·d-. I•• 1rnn nlll a 11·1\ 111111111 prolil1•1n-. h1 •lof\'~· .t 11·\ 1-.ed 11np11111•11l<'ll1 pl;1n lor :...nuth <:11•11111·\ l'l' S \11 •1•\ t'.1 11 if<' ;1p[>l'O\t'd \.,q.!llrl,1 1\1·;11 h l'l.11111111 :..: ('••!ll llll ...... l••l l tr11·111h1·1 ... .1:..:r1·1·d '1'11.·:-d,1_1 n1 i..:h l \t 1:-:-11 1· \\,,.., \II<' -.L dl -. I"" \10:-;d llll p.11 l..111:..: 11.1.1.., .ii \ .1r11111 :-. 11111 ·1 1 .d ..... d11n :..: t:l,·111lt·.\ r1 · S t 1·t·1·1 111·111 .·1·11 <';dl111 p1 · S1r1·1·! .11id \ll.1 \ l ~l .i \\";·~ i 'n n1ni 1-.-.111rH 'I Ht1 ).!1•1 l .. 11\ 11lu·:1r :-,;1111 lh(• pl;111 a s p1 ·11pt1..,t•d ;.:.11'" ;i p1'<1p1·rt~·11 11'tlt'l" lht' 1·h11Ll't' .,f 11·hcth•'t' '" h11dd :t pnrk1n1.: 11;11· .d<1n /.! 1111• :-1 r1 'i'I <ir prn1·11h• p.i rk 1 ng 1· I :>.l' \\'ht . .' l'l' 011 Ii 1:--prn I 'l'i'\ .1 \\';'1~·11 1• ;\l oud ~, dirt•t·tu1· nt pl<11 111 ing-:.1111\ d.:·v1·lnpn1 t·11t . :.:1u l he 1\'ill r l'd r ;1i'1 !lit• pl;,111 :.ind s uh· n1il it t11lhf'1·un11111 .... :-inn .l;1n 2tl Power C11l lnLa.guna ,\n unJt>rgr11111 1tl c.1hh· la1h11·\· ('Ul 1•\t•c t r11'.il po1\·1·r lo .d11111t ';110 hnnll'S 111 l~n1t•r ;dd I L1~ alld l r\·111e (_'nl<.' 111 ],:1).!u11,1 ]{1•;11·h ;ii :I ·12 ;1. Ill 1 od;1,1 South ttt'll l°;1[1tornt.1 l·'.1l1 ... n11 t '11111p.1n_, r1 ·p ;11r 1·t'l'1\·~ h .1d l't·~lol't·d :-1·1'\'il'l' 1n ;d1ou1 •\(10 hnlll1 ·:-h~ 1 :!:1 JI.Ill. ll lld 1tl ;.Jl h11I :ili.11,11 1.\ 1•11 :-l11n11·r-. hv 7 :.!!1 ;i 111 ..,:11d Jl!ld .J.1t•k lt•1, ;11 ·1·;1 l•:t11 ... n11 ( 'uinpa11.1 rn ,111 :1g 1•r .l :1c l-.I<.'\ ~.1 1d V'\1·11:-!\1• 1·1·p.111 ... 1i.)11ld 11~· t'1\lllplt·l1• h,1 '.!I' 111 l!i d,I\ ,1\ lfl1· :-,l\('PI 1111• l1t1til 'l'(.(l'lllllhl l'aillL' d1:-.ul'til'I', \!IO·I 1·:1111·1 ,d<I l~;1y l •'t•r111s iu !tit t•el ...... lv1·! l1.tr111·111>1I, !1 11 1·1·11iturct·d V()llcrvi l' 1111111 -..: .111.i ll :... 1t1:...t;dl:i111 l1l :it ~1t 1· n( ('or.in.1 d1·J \J.11 l·'r1·v\1.1.' 1n11·r('ll,1ng 1· untlt·r con -,1rucl1nr1 ,it \l,1t \r!li11r [{1111ll·1·:1rd ,111<1 l 11111'1'!'!1!1 J)r111· 111 l r\111.· l<\1'lllu.ill .1 th._• '.JO·t'o11t :-ll'l 'I fr:inlt' 11111 IJ,.,,11 1'.11' p,1r1 (ii hrid;.;L' :-.lrllt'ILll '1• :11 111 11·r·1•h.111:...:l· .il11n · :--..11 1 !)11·-..:n ('l'l't'k ~~~~~~~~~~~ Emphasis Now on Jobs Ford Aclniits State of U11ion Not So Great 1\1 111· J.I '' '1111•'1 \,..., \\ \ ..... 11 I "\ (''I j I"\ ' l ! '1 l't1' 1>1•'111 f·,.1.\ 1••J)\1·d1d \ud.+I 1111 111.+1 !th t.111 ,.1 Iii •' I 1111 111 1-. 111.t "tnl .i1\il .1-..i._, >I 1 "II 'lo·,, l"I . II I . I 111 I I • ' \ .., I • I! I . 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S:1111 lt•r -.. ll'l . ;1 \ 11·1· 111 t•-.lft1·nt nl th•· 1·'1 1 ... 1 '<.tl111n.d <'11.1 l~<1nh. 111 '.\l;1nh:llta11 . :111<! !11 ... \\ 1I1' .1a11 IL'I' l I, Ill t ht•l I hotnt• ;ti I t'I' t ht· ht 1d.1 nf 1 h t."LI' "''Ill (; l'l•gg 11,1:...1dv1l!1ll1«l1•111l 1 tu1 l.•1 \111hPrl1 it'"' ..,,11d th" hn.1 .., lu•d l 11.1 :--f1111nd h~ 1110 .\0111h" .11\11111 \ l I' 111 '1'11v-.d.11 ,i! !h1· h ,1-.,· nl !ht• 11 ,!1 1·1·11111 •·r ,1! \\·,11 1·h1111 ;..: li 1•-.1•11 .111 •>11 :1ho 1il d 11t•i g h!l1 n l'.1 cn1ll·!r 111 n l11:-livn1t· \ 11111 •· •IJ-~IJ«ol li .1 1111.· ho.I 111dl!·;it1·d lit' h.1.lvtl !11-. 11:11'1•111.., l•.-1.11 1-..1·1!1· 11;1-.11 l i.:1•lJ111g :l4 !)Jl~1111h'.lht!:ll1 . S g l t·:d11.ird ll.1 ..,l,111.., .. r 1 h·· \I 1111111.1111s1d1· 1i11Jt cc sotct,. " ;t. \'H]p-.· luund S:1nrt1·r~>Ylbi.: n11"tlu;: lal1·h l'11 l l1l1>1 1111h 1la· "' lud :,:1-,l 111 111 :' h1•;1d .\l rs. S.1tl()c1·:-j\.1s fo u11tl 111 \h1;: tl1 n1n1ot 1 00111 ' ·ol \\111;.. 11·· ... 11d J;,-t ... -. ... 11111 .<THI lllll.111"!1 .II!' 1·t11d/1l ' th11 111,,11 1·1 •d 1111!11,q1-. 111111 .. l'11t, ... ,(I' \old flJ i1 .111.J .... i1,.., 11 t' l1J11 1. •I\ fo'11rd .11d1·-. ,11d Iii" 1ot ·11 !"" '>.1111 11 .. 1ild 1.11~. lilt• \'""t ,,j 111 llJ'll\LlJl"I L'l'lll .i\t',ll' I .1 \I ,, I•• I I, 11 111' \\'•Ill• I .11 I• J :-.::1 1 1•1111"1\ 1" l11 o·l 1" I ,111.J lh(· rqqii<• 1111 1 I •II 111 IJ,·1 j'l li 'l'' 1<11 L)lt ll~::-. 1,i,11!1 11 .. 111 I'• 111111 11111 .111d vl•·c 111• 11 .. 1 ll l•'i1·d 1i, lh<'l l\ \l(•tlld Hid ,1!1<>11\1 I:-;:•·, l1di11H) ,I \(',I/' lt• 1...,,,,. I\\('\ l'.l'.1 ;.:1· \:!\ Source Says Nixo11 Still 111 the Reel \""Ill••· •I""' I•• 1:111\.q,[ \I '\t\H!I h.i" ..,,11d lfL<l .•ll ll•lll ~h lli1· 1111.il 1•.I\ Hl<'!ll oil :-. .• ·•:: (1!111 ull lh1' 11111111'1 111 ,•..,1d.·111 ,, .... 1 ·, 1n1ll111n !'-.i 11 ( '11 · >I I l'll 11' , . ..,j .111 I\ ,I 11 I ;1 \11 • 111(!;1 1 , \1 \1111 -.lill 1111111111 111• •Hll 111 do· ht \11 "\1\llll , .... 11<>1 l11't' .111.i , lt'.11' II•• ,.!ill h.1 ... \\1 l'·il .. 11 tl1,· 111 ·11ll1ild1·1'011ht·11\urli.;.1 ~1·' \lit' :-011r1·,· 11 ..... •1ill\!1•d .+ ... -..11111g 'l'h1• :-><1\11''''' d1d IH ll l'l'\1'.d \\ il ot tl11· 11t•11 1i.ild1ir111!!11·1n1111 ;.:.1;..:~· ,., l 'h,1t'lt'" I l<0! t\111 ).! .111 .tl1Pl'll<'I t.•r tl\1• ll .1n11lh•t1 ('•1!!<•11 ,. .. 1.t11 11 hn II 1-. ..,,•11 111:..' tl11· pl 111 1•·11 I -..11d h•· 11 .t" nnld1<'il !h.11 lit• 11nuld 1'1·1 1•111• .1 ,,·r1111.•d "ht·1·h !<i(i.11 1111' th11 :0-.~lli !\!WI Ill pt 111\'I P·il "111 ! 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I·'. 0 1 "''" o ... 1y f'11ot ~'''" '1'!11 • h1111il111 !..: 1·1111\p.1111 .1-.kvd lo r1·p.r,1 ll1".11l t.:1· t\H11111 h ir :lllt';.!l'd 1111.1111·1:1! 1 .. :-.-..1·~ r1·l.11 1·d tu Ht'p. \11•ll'vll 11 11\-.1\.111-. J ]( :\t'llJIOl'l l ;t-.,,·11 > -.1 11«'•'""111l 1 :17~1.1111pai;..:n h,1 .., ).;l l t 'll \IJ, \'Olll\11 ~I\ lllllllthS lo1 p fu\'•• ll.., 111:-...,t'O> l\ul .\-.~1. ... 1,1nt ('ounl .1 ('1111n~·I i '1:1' l'.11·h ,·1· 111:-1:--I .., Ill\' t'<IUllt .1· h.1 -. tlii.•\.' ,ll';n·:-111 !111· ,I l",IU:>.l' nf .11·111111 h.i-.t'd 1111 11·;11nl tir 1•n1- b1·11l ,,n1 l'1ll ll l'l :1l l•d <,\01'\ I '.1 • \:; I 11 .1 ! ,· t 1 ,• r 111 1h1· 11 .1 r I • l<•rd l 110>til'a1H''-'l;l',1up l '.1rk"·r :-.o.1id 1!i1• ... 1,dp\1• nt J1niil<1lu1n gi 1·1:s till' ,·,,11111' 1111 1•1· 1 ,·;ir-. \ruin 1 hv d ;.J\t'. "!di..,, ( 11 1•r ,1 1 u pro1 l' 11 :-lu-.,,, . .., ll u\1t•1 l't'. 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I \/,h/d Ill• ;111/l//_,i/1 I /1•111• //,·11,l·r '111d 1/ r10-" 1111· •'1 1't/,,·1,I/ //11•·11;_,\/' 1·1,I Pl Ill ,-,,//o/d/t•r"' 1111' /o '·' / /11rr1 t>'! a1111/ , 1,.11111 ~ llt11/ "'"''' ;,,, "'' /1'/11111 ,, I .i •. ,, ~ 11 -".' 'f • / '11</1 I I Al Ynu1 \ol!•Yo<• AJ llo .. 1.,1q 8• l M llowfl A•l C,1hlO'"'" A~ c. ... ~ .. CPtnr• Al-ci ........... d 01 lij tom o<• tl ~ C•n''"o"I 8 ~ (n"n" At01 • l)rAn• "IM"•' 11 •1 I •t•10'1.ll P,1qr Ill• I nl~••·"""'""' ro I I Fon,.nc., n. I r l •·• " !nl•f""'"on OJ Ann l,1nd••• C< M••'"°' A6 M!)y1~' ftl • Mutu•I 1-'und• O~ MU<o( l!<U l!J N~loonAl i'l e"'> A• Peon•• Ct -J ~"'"I' ti 1 1 D• Sto1nc111r.n n1 ~I"<" M .. ••r" I!~ I T••r~·,.,•nn &>l tn""'"" 8 .1 I W••I""'' A• Wo•ld Nt w• A• ' ........ A.il DA.IL y PILOT Wholesale Prices On Downhill Slide \\',\S l ll~(;'f(l .\' I \l'I \\'liul, .... 1!1· p 11<·, . ., d"•·lin··d 111 l h•t'l'llilJt •r 1ur 11H· 111 ·s111111" 111 1 1 IJ\1111111 -. till' ).:t)\t'l"llllli'lll fL·pur1 1·d tud:1_, .• p ru\ 1d1111i( tu rlhl'r 11 1 d11•;J \1011 of s lo\\lll!-' 1nflut1on. "I lie l.J.Jlin1 l >l·parlml'll l .SJu..l <1l't·lin111g .ig r i,·ultur.il pr i(·1·s tn!IJ"l" th.in o!t-.1·1 :1 s rnall 1nCl't'<ls1· ll!r 111llu~tr1al cumn1oditics la!--l 111 •• 11111 ;i.;; 011·r ;Iii \.\'h nlt•:-.;1ll· Jll ll'••.., f t•IJ h\'c l('rLl hs of ;i p1·1 t·l•t11 /l \1 .1:. th1 · f1r:-.t decline sl nl"•' Pl'l\'l'" It"ll one tenth of 0.1 percent 111 {)\"IUl <t'I \97:l l h·-.p1!J· tilt' l l<'l"•·n1hl.!r dt·rli11l' \\ 11 .. 1 .... ii.· Jll 1<'1 '" t11t 1'17 1 \\"l'l'f' lli> :-1 1 •1 pl'1t·•·nt 1111· 111 !.!~•·.,l .1n11u.d Mini-park Gets OK From Laguna Panel L'11 11 :-lrUl 111111 11! ;1 ~:l 111Mt 1111111 p;irk ;11 ! )1 \1 ~\l"t't'I 111 .\r c·h /l,•;ich l lt ·1:,hls l'uuld h1·~111 1 his s1•t"lll).! 1 • .tJ,,\\ 111 :..: 1111.111 11111 11 1-. .1ppn)1 ,(I 111 1111· p1 <11\'l t I•\ !h1• ! ,1 ;..:1111 .1 f:1 ,11 II \ 111 ('u11n1il 'f"llt• l'l"lll\'11. ,\1tll !lt'.it'h l h•1;..:l1\,..· !11·-.1p.1rl-.,1-. pl.111111·d loot dl'SI gn t t' \ 1~·\1 b.1 1 Ill' I :o,1 1•d !ii \diustm~·nt .1 :111 ~:1 11·1 1h 111.i·k <111 1h1• p:1rk hi s t:1rt :1 houl :1 11101111! l.Jtt·r if !h 1· pl:111s ;1rl' ;qq1rr11·1•d 'l'ht• proi•P:-.d 1.1 liuil.1 !11\' 11:11 k ul ;{ti h\ 110 h ·l·t \1;1 .., !!jipll.,l'd :ll 111 1• ~·111;11"\l n11·t·11ni.: h.' IJ.i\ 1d \ 1 11at10. 15:!0 ])t•! \l:1r. \\hos:11d 1fi1.· ~1ll' o.1d l:t('l·n t to h1:-. h1 11nl \\ o.1s un ,..1111ablt>. \"1\'iano s:1id if ht• h;u l \\anted I•• li -;ll'!l lo b.t,..kl·tballs h1 ·1n ;.:. l11n111t·(•d :ind thu1npt·1l. hl"d h ;i11• 111ov c d in to a ).!yn1nal>1un1 '!'he p:.irk \.\'tll 1nt·l udt:! a b:i!-.ket t.,dl h ~df 1·11urt. h1 ·n l'ht·-. ;1 11d :1 111 1' .ind c.• r 1 n g I :1 nd :-.1• .i pl·ll Chamber Adds 5 Directors !·'i \c San ('lt·mcn\(' l1u:-.1 1~·:;~n1en h:l\'t' ht·t·n t·l1,clt·d t1> hrcc-vcar l l·rrns t)n tilt.· f':1n 'l1·m~ntc ('h :1rll b(·r of (~11111 · 111·rt·t· l ~1•aJ"d 1>! !)1 rt·ct11r-. 'l'hev <ire .J;i1 n('-. l-~\1•r1 ·11 . H o.1 ;ar l)arin t•, St;in ~l ann 1n~. 1\'cs le y l'\l"al and \\'1lli ;1n1 1\'alker . They \\'JJ! Join lfl n t ht1J' lirectors on l h(' c·han1bcr ho;1rd . '\e\1 h n;n·d 111!rt•1•r .., 11 di ht• a n 1Htt111et·d .1 1 th1· 1·h:1rnh1 •1 -. r1 · _ ul:1r nlt't'l In).! 111 l·\·b1 l1.i1 .\ :111d 111-.la!lt·d :it a banqut·t o.1t 111,. ~.111 1'lt'lll C'nll' l n11 ,\pr 1! :, Hyp11otizing Aids Police \ 1.s·r :\ 11\!11 ln\'l':->l1i-:;11n1·-. -. !\!bl•\· f11t1fld 0\11 IJl!li · :1h1H!t Ill~· h~l1u n.d r111·r \1ho:-.c 1-.1r klllt:d 1·1i1 1::.top hL·!' ll(1h1n \\'t·l d1 ol C)t't·an-.idl• on !ht· 11 .. , . ._., lliir1I h 1r1hd;1 _\' ll l·C" " untd ili l';. t1 It'd h,\ )ll\0\ 1:-.111 !"ht•rift s (".q•I ,Jnh111;,dl ,...11d ;1 :--.111 J)ie~o h ,lpno\1-.t t.dhed \\J lh :1 \ t•llJ!\l' \\ h11 S.l\I' \ht• (";11 \(•:1\ t' 1 ht' :-.• t'lll' and ~ut :1 1!...·t,11\,·d i1 ._...,1"r 1p \1\111 '1 Iii' r;ir ht•r 1\, ~· 1 li•\1 .. fls «•I th,· (',I I 011lfl 11 ·, dt l\('! \l\'lt' Ill t1•rn1ile!1•and!.111l1\ l1.1lt -..nd '\o) :1 r11·:-t li.1" 11~ .. n 111.1.!1 llours Extt·ndf'd S:irl rl l('h.1•L l 'ull v ,1 li.1, t'\ l•'!HlPd lil11-.1t \ 11 .. 111 1., 111 p 111 1111 1:r1d.t\" 1·\ .. n111i..: ,11 1•l lr .. n1 ·"" n1 •1• 1 p. rn nn S.1\111·rl,11.., I ..,c· ,.f 11111 di\ 1 ... (1].,,,.. .11 1d 'ljllljli)1t'l11 1~ .,1 11 ·11 tn 1,,.1Ji :-.T11 di 111 • .iul 11 .. n -..1 11dC"nts ORANGE COAST "' DAILY PILOT I ... O•on90 (M\I D~d• l'olal. ""'"'""''"I\'""' tl~a ll'lr Nrw•, f'tt• I pul>••'>IV'<! l>Y 1"" °'"""' l.0.111 Pl.1>11\honQ (om1u" • 5•1)111' •!• P<l•1i<>"' ~·• P<ol>"'""" Mo...:la• 1nra~~" f••Gil • '"' (O•ta Ml>Y "'"'Pll'I fl •A• I\ "u"''""'on lloo~tn F<>'-"' !d•n Y•ll•Y, lr .. n~ ~~aa1PO~<' ~lliPY ~"" UllJU,.. 8t•th Soul" (..n••! " ••"'l!f ""'"""I ..,,1,.,. 1, publ<lh•a ~~i.ira~" ,,..,,, Su'lll•" '"~ P''"''""I oubl •'"'"Q Ol~nl '' JI Jo10 """'" l\~y ~lfM"I, C.01t• ,,,,,.,~ C• I ''Q '"' • '1'7•1t Robert N. Weed "'"''°'"'•no l'ubll •I'>•" 1•J[k\1,.1 l l 11 ..... d, \r111 n .•.11 ·li 11. 1 \!p1 ! IS :-.k1 ·11dt·1 1.111 , ~i i. d ! 1, " Ii\ 111., t 1•..; 1d1 t1 I , I 11 " I ( 1111 \" \ l l ht· l'l 'lljl'l"l \l,1" "111'1"11"11•d 1,1 •'I <"1 ,,) \1 !"II )\, .l('li I l1 ·1~•1t1 " I l' I d1 •111-. llll"l11d 111~· l'l11ll1p .\l.11 111111 ,lid lh1• ,Ill'.! Ill"< ,j,•.J "lllt I ,-.ll(!i lll!JllP.tl'h ~ \,.. l1u 11 01 .. 1" :\1 .. 1 ,...11.J I '.1 l1 -.1 t·11cd In llO l1tilld1111 1-. .111d 11li.t11 101 tlr, .. 11 nt•111I •\ 1.·-.1d1·n 11,1! 1·11 11-.1 r111 1111n \fol' I 1\ i• \ 1•.11" San Jua1~'s Merchants Rap Mediwi /\ dt·t·is1o n un \\ ht'llH_'r lo huild ;,1 ~o!id ru1:-t•U 1l1t'{l1an 1111 :1 -.tl"l't•1 hpt\ll'l'Zl t110 :-.hopJHnJ..: l'l'll!t·r." 111 S.111 .Ju~1 n l ';1p1:-.trun11 \1 ;1~ put ul1 ·r11es1L1 \" n 1 g ilt ~lL·r(·tian!." fro111 \l t:-.~1 0 11 \'ill<q.!t' :n1d l·:I 1\dulH· !'l:11.a l'('J\. 11 ·r:-. ::.poki: :1~ai11s! rlH· 1n t•d 1a11 . II hil'h lht'\ bl·lil•\"l' \I0\1ld h:1mpt·I' business by r1·str1 l'ting ~ll'l'l'S:i l o 11ll'll"!<>hoppini.: :1rt·as :'lll·rnhc·1· . .., 11f thl· ei11··-, ·r1·;irt1l' :ind 'J'ran ... pul'\;1t 1un ('un1 n1 11 !t·•·. llh!<:b :td\IS l'S tht" l'!!\" !'Ollll!'ll reft"rrl'd th1· n1;d!t·r h:ll'k t•I thv :.!.ifr fur furt!h·t .... 1ud1 t:cori.:1..· .\l\art•t . t·1t .\ ll'.dl1t· t·ngint•t•r. prt·sl'lllt·il l l\!1 plan:-!11 1 ht• <'• 1111 rn 1111·1· c lrh · .... h· )\\'~ :1 ~ulld 1111>tl1;1n ;ill :dnng l lt•I ()IJ1:-.pn Hu ;1 rl h 1· t 1.1 P 1· 11 l · :1 111 1 n 11 (',qllSlt :Jr\q .ind fill' S.111!:1 /·\• H .11lr1•:11l 'l'r;1('h-. ·rht· 1•lln·1· ;11 lu1\1•d .1 h·l\ l\1111 l"l'tl'.lslhot111d 11al l!l' 011]\' 1nl11 lhl' !·:! 1\rloh1· -.h0ipp1nj.! t'1•r1t1·t' \ p;1111t1..·d 1111·d1;il\\"lll'l'l'll\l1 t'\ ,,..1-. \I !111·h ,dl11\\-. lt•ll !\I I !I:> 11\ 1101·1h .1nd -.u11ll1h11111H! l r ,il lu· 1nl" !oulli -.lluj•l'l!l)..' t<'llt1·1·,.. 'l"ll1· lr,il 11, t"f1).!111.·1·r 11.1111-. l" d1 ,..r·o11r:1i.:t· 11 .1fl If' f'r 11111 'lllV l Vlll(•f' \q ;1 nul lit',. .11 ·ri>-.:-tl1•' !<>tll J.111e:-; i>I ()l'I 11h1 -.p11 ll o.1d <ind \l:1n1 .., 11) t·ll111111.111· ll·lt 1111n-.1r .. n1 lhl" ct·11 11 ·1·-. \Hlln 1h .. hu :-,· .1rl1·11.1l 111Liill ,I\ Su11 Pro1ripts Beacli Actio1i '1'\\1· \I.It 111 "1 11111\ ii.ii" ,til!llt.: \ht• ... ou11l <)r.111g1• ('11.1:-I tJ11-. \\t·t·I-. .. 1,, di.1\>.111 ~ -.11nl •.1 11i••r., I+> !I" ht"irh. hut n11l 111lu !ht· \1 ,d 1 1 l,,1t.:u11.1 1:, ... ~ Ii ,111d :-..111 i 'l1111• 11 1t · I if,•1·11.1 til ·,1\ 11 11· ."1:! I (I .>."1 d 1• ~!\'I ' .1 I'•' h1·1 · IH 111 :-. .. 11d 11.11 ~·11'1111•1·1 :111111• ... l\1 ·.11 h ')\"I" ull 1111 • ~;,1n ('lv1111·1111· l.11. 11 i.11il < ,q11 Sh1·11d.111 l'.1 11 l• 1·-.11111.il"d ~. 11111 p1·1 -.1111., \ 1•.111·d '11111 ('1)11111\ l11 •.i1 ·f1,.-. I 11 •·,11.11. I .i• 1111.1 !'•l".I• 11 l .!11·~11 .11 d l .qol H1 Ill'<' f\,111 ii · .11.J l(fc,.1 -. <111 · 1111• uni\ 1>111 ., \I Ill!!:.. \t l{1.[u11.\ ll.ll id \t1t! "l lH '•' llll !>Ill I" !"<>Ill~' !Ill•• [lio· \\,i\t'I li11 ·).!11.11ol -l .i ~ Ill• It h;1\ t'rl \ li1·1 •11 .111~ I t''I th'" Footner Appointed !°':l'\\l\ .-.1·att•d (Jr.111:,.:1· C..'01111\1. Su Pl' I'\ ;..,0 r l.i1ll r('n1·1· St:hn11t h ;1.., :!lliJ!lllllt•d n 11·h <1rd .I. l•\iotJtl'I' tif lliinlin~ton lli·;1r ·h 111 1f11· r11t1111 ,\ !!arbor ~. l\C':it"ht•s ;111d Park:-. ('l11nn1ission . t-ootnt•r, of !fi!')!'1 l (',1 r o u :-.l"I 1.:1n e. i::; t h e c h ief cxcc·ut1\'l' ol lic(>r a nd prcsilk·nt of ('h ;1p 1nan I l oll.~t· t'o r p pf ()rangl' JJltl l'.J:-OL' -.111\l' l)lll"l':-0 l·o -.t' Jl.1 P•'ll"l'lll Ill l ~l lh !<>11 <>1111 11..' 1li1· \'llll ot \\"1rld \\ ,H I I 1J1 11-.• l·111111 "'" ·rht· r1·p1H 1 pr"11d,,d .1 du-.•' of 1 ·ri('IJlll"i.1 ~•·rl1 1•111 !Pr l 'r1·s1d\·n t 1:,.,.d ,,., h·· dt'll\\'l"t'd hi -. St :1 l(• of !ht· t '111un Ill!'""".,. (11 ('011grl'SS . c;o1.·111n1 • 1i1 ,111.11\~1-. -..itd tile dt·i·lln·· ITI 11hu!1·-..d1 · 11111 ,.,.. lll d11·.l\i·d ;1 l111 .. d·.i11~ 111 !h1· n.111on's 111flat 1011.11' t .11\' ,1., 1h. 1'rft·1·ts of lhv r l"l 1·;-.·,11>11 :-.111 l·.1.I l fi1 011gh llh· l'('l)l1Cl ll1' J 11d\1 .. \11..I 1'1 !• t"' l p-,, :;.-J t. 111'1 ••111 Iii•· p.1 1 ,,·.1 1 11h1I•· 11111·1•.., 1111 l•! '" .... 1·d l1111d' .111d 1t·1·d 1lllUl•1·d :'ll 'I 1'"1' <'1 11 l•',1r111 l'IP d 111 1 loll•<' d J"lfJ'!"d \ ~1 lh"lt'o'l\l 111 .. ,.. •• 1!11 P•"lllHI 111 lh \\'!llh1·1 11!11 pl1•d111t il1·1!1111d l 1 f'<l,•I>' i•l••lt'""'l'd l1111d ~ .<11d 11 ·,·d, \\.-11· d111111 l .J l'l'I \"\'Ill .11 \d 111"111-.(11.d f!! lt't'" t,11l~·d l<1 I< !•I .1111 !l1l'l"l'.l."t' n1 1 .! :d".1 .. 11,111 .. dp1-.t1·d 11.1 -.1. ! 11.1111 u · r, 11 1111111 11 1,11 '0111 1 lll<>di!lt'._ ill• l o'd .o'oi ll\Ll 1!•11111 Pl ,1 pt'll'• Il l ftio' ..,ll t.d ii•-.i Ill\ l•',I '"' 1111 111•rv lh<111 ''""' \~\Iulo .II< p111·1· 111• lt'.l..,l'" 11.i~ <' tl1•>1l1 1.11«11 Ill I,., t'l)f 1111111lh :-. :111d ih1• lll'IUl I, 1'\jlt 'l !1•d I" h1· 11·1)1·1 l\·oJ 111 I •'\.Iii f'l 11 '1·-. Ill th1 •t'••tlllll-111111111 1- lllll lll.L' 11t,• 1111,11 qu.tt'I• r ••\ \•f'; 1 11 l\1>lt"-.,d1· j<l I• I"'' l1 111l1l'<I .1 1 ,, ..,t•a:-.11nall1 .1d111 .. 1 .. 11 .11111u.1I r alt• of 1:i I pJ •r1·l.·n1 -.tih-.1.11111.d l\ -.10111•r lh.1 !1 tht• '.l.-1:; Pl't't'l'lll I alt· Ill lht• lhll'd 1111.i l'l<'I' h ul .,liJ I )u~ht•r 1h;111 lh•· I:! 2 p1•r(·1•11t 111 1·r1"1"•' du1i1li.! lh•· -.,·1 ••nd quar!l'r 1d lh1•.\(',ll Poem Reading Session Set .-\ ('ullt•1·\1u11 ut ]ld1·1n.., ,.IJ11llt llh' 11 .1r l or11 \·1v\1i;u11 oil l~J~iH \\ill· hl· rl',1d ;11 ;i I .;1j.!\J!J,1 fll•;1t ·h PPl'lt I 1·t-;1d1 n ...! -; :;u 11 ni 'J'ht11 sd.1 ~ ;11 1:.i111,•11h .. 11 1·i1 ., h1 · .... fl,1p 1-. .d ,11\'f :-., ( ·,.,,,..t lli .:h 11 •• 1 'l'tlt• JJ•lt'!ll-. \\1 It' \\l"l\!t'!l !H 1..·ur1 1 .. Ill nlll'lt .. 1"\l.1rin•· <.'orp.., honlhl't' pd.H d!lf Hl:.'. l/h· \'1~'\IJ,1 111 \I ,11 .\ pt11\111n ~d lh\· d1111a11~1n-. .11 th1· 11•:1d111:.: 1.1 dl l•1 11 .. 1•d '" dt'lf,1\ :tllot Ill'\,.. 11•1•, 1111 1;11i"d"n :1t1d 111 ]1.1\\\11-.••i\ l11111h,l1>t"t'<l\\!h'I" ,11 l't•~l1·d 1:1 lll•lllth ... "'-" !111 -.1•\\ 11\. ,\ll t•i.t1 •di1 1il1-1 t'llt" U!ldt •I ;.;1"lltlltl1111\ ll h1t11 h .. Meeti11g Set By Greertbelt 1111 • ,1rl11ll,il tll• 111 111 '1 Ji111 111 1" I 111..! "I !Ill· l..•:.-1111.1 (,1(•1 ti11t'll 111il Ito lio •l d ,11)'.;i'111 '111111 ol,,\ ,.1 lh• I .llt•lt ! l.t 11 1 1..i 111 1,1 1:1 ,jl fi 11 11..:.li ;-, , 11 .. 11 l J·, ,111111 d I'',,,• 1 <11 '" lh .. 11,, l•il· 111.11 ( 111111 ! I lllh 11 1· II II I '-llf•l'I \l "! .l.11111-. 11 11!•·\ li1 (1 1il>1l11•11 do 11I \\Ill !1 .11• j,1111.l".I Ill l!lfl• ._ ol11tll, II\ )' 1 T \1 ,ol "hl1'h 111 ~.. I ,1\< II 111 •'>1 1111 ··1•11,il11,11 •·I 1111 <I•\ I 1••)11 d I 111d •II I 1>ilt1'i11. f < 111 , 1 J \, I \I \\ , 1 I 1 11' ' I < 1 .. ,! Co1nputer Spy Figures Hel<I I 'I: I .., I: 1 111': \\I .. 1 I; I I 111 l!I \ \I' '\11i. 11,1 o1n-. ti.,1.· l111n .II I• l··d "1\ 'l l~jf l\ IHI\ "I '1·!11111..; , "111 1,111. 1 p.111 ,1rHl fl1,11nti·n.i1 H • 111.11111.d ... 111 .1 ( (llll lll lltli ... l Ill 10 Ill I 111 I ,I ! IP I 11'1 ,d l<',1 -.I -.I I•• 11110 1dl 11 1.d 11']"1111 d lcod.1 \ \n 11 ~ \1 "l'••l-.1 :-.tn.in 111 :\t•\1 "i , 11 ~ :, 1d • •11" 1 ol 1 lu· s u -.p.·1·1.., \\ ·•" .111 I H\l ,·111 pl••11· 1 .. 11.1•11 1111 .·111 .111or1 1~·\ l·:r1,n1 I 1-.1 li•·1· 1old .1 th'1.1.; t'u ll!l·rc1u ·l' !ll l\.irl-.t llli• tl1 :d Ill\' !1111~' lt;i11• 1.,•t•n l'l,1(·t·d 111 p1·l·lr1.ll C'O rll ltH· t i\t'll\ 11,. d 1•(·l1111·d 111 n:1111\' \\·tl1 C·h t·111n p t1 l1 ·r !11·111 -. or <"<11nn11 1n1-.t 111 )\11 ·r.., 111 •1•· 11111 i11·1·d Ul'I r~1rpr.010 !•'d\I ,II t! l f ( i \I fll\'"ld1•11l 1d 111 .. I 111\1•r-.t11 1d l 'l\11·.1:.:•1. .1 111\t . .t <h11.1 •·11 -.\l l!,111· \l!j't<I[ I 'll l\)(11• 111 \\.1 /111 11 '1•'11 111\1·1(' ii t 'tfll !111111 ii !1 1 1111• '."--t'll<il\' 111• \\ 111 -.II\! 1 I ,j \\ 1111.1111 ~.1\!i1' ,I ,II I• •I I 11 I ' 111' I ' I I Scl1ools Get Marine Pool For Swi11un e rs \l1·t11 l11·r-.1il llio• IJ.in.1 11 11 1-. .ind S.1tl ~·l l'll\l'l ll• 11 1:.-h :-.l'h<)oil S\\IJH ll'.11:1 .. 111i .. li .1 \l' 1l11.i1etl ;ir .. und 111\H 11 11\ -.11111 h C I I :11\t.:1" \ "rlllll\ I lll -.1•,11, h ,<( ,, 1d.n ,. \,, IH .11 ll<'t' h.11 l' l llll!ld Piii' I fllll"l,11'-,I[ ! ,111q1 f',•11dlt•t111l 11,111 ' ,> '\t 'I ii I» l1•j JJ\t' lt',1111 ... p l ,u·t1, ,, .11 ;1 i"'"l .it lli1· 111>1 lh l'lld 111tl11·1,,, .... II'\ ,I \1 ,11~\ 1 .. 1._,, 11.-~1 11 11111 .. ' \l 1111<l,1\ ! t ,j 11 I 11 I. 111 I fl' I ,.. II I 1 I I)• I 'I k" t1 l1>ll11 j<IP•l,.11 4 °,q •!._ll,lllol\ 1!1111«1 ,...;, I•' n .\ I 11 • I I I< I t 1(1 ..,, • )q1 \\, 1 1~1\'I ,I (0,ll'l•ll ,111" Sl'l111 1il ,1d 1111 111 .._J1 ,1lll" ,1id1· 1 11•d1'• 11 I· 11 111 l~11il11 .., 111.1 11.1 ..;.1·1" ut 11 11 ".111 <"I ,1 11 ~·11 1<· t 'll,11111 •1· .. 1 ('11111 11 'I !"I lt11il11 1. lll1' l>!,!I j I I I ' I" 1 I i I " I L \\ •'11111'1 ,11rl !!I• ., 1111' \\di 1":11·111• .ii t'.11n1 l\11.Jl,~"11111111\ 111111111 1,1. 1.-hl <idl\ 1111,11 l'">\1 .. u11d1·r 1111.,1111,11.111 .11 1 .. 1111 l111:h ,..,•IJ,.,.j. ·•I• < \J>1'< l• .JI" I., t •11:1 .d•·t· d Wo111a11 S u es Hospital • Ul Dis eas «> Case I I 'I 11111 ;-,,>1 111 1 I .111'! I• I <II 1 '\1 Ill: \liol>l .!11 \\ llU !I• 1 "Iii I ,I• I< d 111 !"' 11! I I I I I~ ''lllllltllill\ 111•-.j•ll ,•I , o1 111, d1 , , , 1111 I<! h1·1 I 1 d I 1,111 ol .•I I• , I,. 111 I • I• .1 -1 ·d " ' II,• 11 • ' I I : t .> ' I 1 I 11 > i' I \ ' ii I II• .I 1\ 1<>1' '• 1<1111111<l.11J1.1l..t'" \ 111i.-.t o1 '" d, I< tld,1111 HI !ti•· ! ~ I 1 I I I : , ! ' "II j • ! I' >I 1 • 11 1 !" 1 •!1"11 I• J• !'.1\"jl,< 11-.1 I •11 ! ' \ t I' 'I Ll I I : ·'' 111 • 'I'. t . I \1111 h,dd 111 ti. ll·• .. !'11.il ·I 111 I. II ' '·' I I •HI I ' ·' h1 ! :-.111 ! II I '\ I I ,, '"l•h,\ " I I, , I\! < I> -' I 1 ,1 11·· 1111.1, I I I !1,11 I , 1 I I 1 I 111 "II I I ' ' , I • d I " I I · I I 11 ii t I 11 I Ill I I 1•1111 .'1 1 Ill " . ,,, ~ ' ' j " ,, ' 1 I•• I 1, I II• I ,, ' " 111" I I ' I 1 , 1\I 'I , 11 I '" .11 1 •I .'ia11 (;f<>111'''''e (,'/ea11111> ~I 11·• , 1111.111111 '"'" l l1•1n• nl<' ·j, ,Hl~IJ' \\ 1·1 Ii I" f1• !d \J.,p d,11 JI•, I I\ .I 111 , 111! ll'-.1dt•H1., 111 d1 I"' "' "', 11 1q11l.1l l'd l!l,d! I \,iJ II! 1 11o 111 11 ii\ \111 h1 •d Ill' !·I 11.1 ... ti I ,, I·'' •! ·111.· ·11111.d 't,l Ii ... 11 .·1·111111 1•1 1111• 1-. 1>1 ti!\ il1\1., .!IHI 1•; ,,, l1 .. d11h·d lul I• Id• 111 . 1\111 !11.d 11 .1.-.l1 I'll h 11111L1\ "!'f11 · I 11 I It q111·-.I·, ll1al r1·-.i- il1•11t·· t'111I 1>!.111· llH 1 \ti .1 111·111 ~ :11 tilt• c·ur·ti .. unlil lht'1r 11·:..:11l.1r 1•1c·kt1111l.11. • Ford's Speeela Key Economic Areas Outlined \\" \SllI '.\IG'I'ON 1,\J 'l l·l c r e :it a -g lan ce a rc key t'lc n1ents In 1 ht• et:on o n1lc-energy program outlined today by l'res ldl'nl ~~urd 1 n Ills st at e of the Union add rei;s: 'ft•ini•orary lax cut /\ ~I :! IJ1ll1011 197,1 t ux t:Ul fo r in - di v iduu l s, lo b e dls_tribu tcd lhrnugh r e b a t es r :1 ng1n g lo _ n rna.'-i111u 1n of Sl ,000 p(•r r c turn ._u one \'t•ar in crt'asc Lu 12 percent 111 !he ia" credit s d esig n e d lo s pur ilt1 -.i11C'sS n 1od('r 11 izatlon a nd C':'\· panSHIJl . 1•1•r1nane nl la:.: ('u ts -A $16.5 lidlinn r1"d11ction in individual in - tolnl' ta.Xl'S <incl ;i f,li bi_tlio n c ~l 1ur 1-,1 1 p111·a11ons. r1·d1u·1ng lhPlr 111.1:-.1111u 1n rat\: fru1n 48 p crcc11 l !11 \~ pt'l'l'l'll l. 1:11 1·r "1 t'11n s1·r,·a lion J1n -pu-..1\1"1~·nr $:! ;1·h:irrl.!l le\'it's u!l il.1]11•·~111· :ind 11n1>t1rtcd i'r •.1dc oil l 1) d 1"1 "<>\Ir g <J C' ui] t"lll1StL Ill pl!Ull . \\ i iulrall 1~rur1ts --l m p ositinn 111 ,1 1.\'indfall profits t :nc on o il 111,•dl1t'1'rs. 111·u th11·111 i.: ;u1nlH.d r·e - ' 1•11 11 1·,.. 11f ~I :! hilli..ui. 1:1.d t'ral S1•c'nding t\ onC' ,, .i r 111nr:1l1ir1 un1 on n e w fcder;.i l ~l '•'tHhng prog r:uns. <'Xt'l~)Jt for , 111 •1;.:1 , .111d ;1 5 Pl'l"l"Cllt ("Cl ll n j.! lur 1'.fi5 !lll inl'r easc·s in fede r al !•.t\. fnod sta~11~ and _fede ral n11ltt.1r y und <·1v1han r et1renlenl lh'lh'1ll:- :-.1ar1dhy l 'onlrols -l~~crg:cn · 1·\ author it y for the Pre!i 1dcnt to t :it Hiil gaso.li ne 01· nl locut(' use of p 1·!r11l1 •tn 11 prnd uct:-; ;i nd euntrol 1!11·1r pr 11 ·~·,.. .\id lu L"tililit's -1\ lhrcc ·ycur, 12 p1·rl"r·nl i n\'CSt111cnt t;1 x cred it !111" llt1lit1es lh;:1 l ('011\'Cl'l PO\\'Cr pl.1111-; f r o n1 oi l to coal 11 nd l1D,..\p11n .. 1nent of clL'<ifl •ur ~la n d,1 1 d:-. fur ut1!itJes fu r 10 yc:1rs, tu l ~·!":) 1·:r11i -..-.ion ('o nlrol.111 and :'ttllra~c (·unlrul<i 1\ fl\'C·)f'ar delay Ln n 1n 1·" s l rLnl:t'n t c1ni::.sio n s t an· d.1rd,.. and ;i \'Olunt ary prn!!ran1 1•' !lll'l t'.1-.1· g a !-.11l inf' 111\le a ge L~· 111 Pt'l"l"t'ILI h~ I9Kfl 1':1, n 11•nls to ;'lo;unlaxpa~·ers ·1·t!1 :r.il Jl;I~ 111~nts or $80 ;1 year 1 .. 1 111., ... 1 n1111t<i,p,1~111i.: J.Jdults. l•1t :il111i-: S:! liilliull. l11 s ul a tio n lnc·cnli\·es -Tax 1·rl'd1l s of tip t o Sl.'.iO rur h11111 t•1111 rH•r-. "'llo install ""·indu"' ~ ••I" 11lhvr insulation , \~·i th fc<lt:"r:.d ,111 111'! tit.,,..;, l\'h o<:;.in't afford H. Boy Arrested In Burglary \ 1 1 \ c.•r ·old t•;.isa dt•n a boy '' h11 1n;i°\ havt• laken in one loo !11 .lfl\ l~·]l'\ l!>L!lll t'r1n1c ShO\.lo'S \'. ,,., :11 r \'-.\1•d \\'pdnl·~d :iy h.v S.tn ( ·1 . 1111'111 !' puli<"l' 1111 ~tl~P Lt:IUl1 of .11 l\ !ll pll·d IHI! ~lar~ l 'ool 11, .. ,11d ti\(• \OU!h \l:l-.f(11!Jl1 ! 1.1111 1•• 1111~· \\llh !he r1•:t r 1t11nr of ,1tl \i,I L~l!ll ~ll't'•'1 /"(•;,1 d 1•fl!'\', 11• ,111 111-! .1 Sl":1rf aru1111d his f..i c c tlJ·! 11\.H'h. µ!tlVl'S l'.-111 ,. :11 d :1 n1•1gt1hor "l'l>ll t:d 1h1• l•o1 11 ni.d n~ thC' doorh1·Jls ot 111 1• Ji1•\I ,..(" \\'h 1•11 l\H Ol)t• .111-.11, 11·d h1 · crt·pt 11110 !ht' rear 1 .11 d. pu ll tc :-.aid. TV Set and Tapes Stolen Fron1 Auto 'l'he fl 11f :1 Sl511 t cle\'ls io n Hn<l 1110 1·tl!hl ·ll'.'.lC'k t apes \'aluecl a l :-.1 .~1 0 fron1 a Sa n ('l t'm('n t e 11nn1:n1 ·~ <·ar is unrl1..1 r i11\'cst1g:i - 1H)11 l1\' S :1n C\C'TTIC'nlP l'o li rc>. < 111 1t•1..·rs s:"l id Ginn Oc Knel5 . 11 l I<. H arnon a St .. dl~co vered ~he 111.<16 'l'uC'sd ny morn in~. A . \Y1nd ,1111 Jot \\'a ~ pried o pen to g ain en- lry to th e c ar. l·'.ffit•it•1t c \' l ,ubelin~ -I •'1'.1"'l :i- t ion tu \ab~I all ~1u\11s anti llu111 " ~1 pp l i ance ~ {,, <llselos l' h o\1.' 1lHH'l1 t'lll'rgy they USC' ;1nd ct1•1 t·ll•p · rlll'lll of ,·olu ntary :-.ta nd :1rds t11 irllJll'O\ t' thl' t'llt'l'!!.V 1•1fl('ll'llt:,Y uf a ppli:tnt'C'S hy :!O 1u ·r1'1·11 t \\ tllun flvl.! yc.i r s . * f 'rum Pug,.;\ I TAX CUT. • • lht• prll'CS f\1111·ri1·<111-. !I.II' ;11· l'llr Lhn~ t11 !.. \\'llli:i1n St·1dt1l<lll, J·'ord :-. l't:U1)UIJ1H' t"t li!t"d111.1b1t' In ~1dd 11 1 t•t1. :-;,.1rl111:1n :-..11d, tl11· s~1;11J lhl· :1\'1·r".1•:t' f.nntl~ :-p1·nd -. for ga-.nl1i11 '. 11 .. 1111• I H·.11111~-:111d 1•lt'!"!l'l\'l[\ \\<Hild l\"l' 111 :-,_,10 hi :-; 1. :.:u11 f\3 ;1 .. 11·fu11tl ." !·".11.J :11..;n p r1• P 0 "1'tl ;i -.10 l>11!i1)1\ 1't'tli 1.·1i.111 Il l lU \1'" Ji.Hd 111 IHlSlllt'":-v -. • :0-.I b il11 u11 111 ,1 l.1\ ('r\'•h! 1,,t l1rn1-. v.·h 1l'h \''11 :1nd .uHI n1 .. dl'111111• :111d sr. h1l l1111l Ill ;i P\'! 111.1111'111 I i·d111· fh ~I\ 111 tilt• t'<11p11r,i1hll\ lllCdtl1•' t :1x r:11l' tr"!ll \.~ ln ::.: 1•<"11.-111 I •II ('111Tlp:11'i1•-.. fl.,l\t'\t'I \\111iJd fi,• ~u!111·cl '" .I th'\\ l.1\ "II \\ llHif~d l p ru i11...; tn p l'C\'t'lil lh1'lll 11 n 111 r1'· ;1pLtllo{ UlltlUt' ).!<Il l\ l 111111 I ht• II.I 11011 ':-; t'lll'I').!) t1-vuhl1•,.. !-'or 1ntl1v1du:.il ~. I.ix 1.111·-. "'nuld lie ('U\ h\ ~lC :, 111111011 1\ 1111 loi\' and mHldlt• iut·n1 n 1· l.1111111•'" n v.1111 li.dt Ill•· 1°11.d \"llJll~ ll\ ~II \ I I\~:>. f\ L 1n1dy ul tuur \1 11 h ;1 t.1\.1\•I•· illl"Utllt"! nf $\!l .l ~ll) 111 1!!7.1 \\1.,tld pa,· S:i lX in !\•flt•r:d i111'on1(· t .t\.•" ll l~!1•,1 d 1•f ;>.1\117 , :1 -..1\ !I I. 1\I "·:!'I "\!it., 1.1-. i 111 11,.111-1 /,.. "n 1"1 ' di t he p ropo~.d i:t•l'd d1 ..,1 lo1 -,1•d \1111 1 cl av n ight 111all·I C•\1 .,11111 .1ddr1·-.,.. tu '1hc nal11111 II !'.d\t'd !<1r .1 1:.: 1\('rt'l'lll rcl.111t1• 1H1 11u 11 11u' l.t\.\'" rl!lt' Oil 1!!7 \ 1·,11111ni.:-. [11 !11• p :111 \ 111 )\,L1 :ind ~1·pl1 •11il11 ·1 ,u1d \\ 1111 .1 111 ;1-.;1n1u1n r .. li.1\1' . .i :-.t.(11111 l•1r \\<';l\lh\ l.1\10,1\1•1., })l'lll{ll I ;11 :-. l't 111\'lll d \1\1' p l.11t a:-. \111.) j.!Ct\t'l'l•ll:-\11 tll" \l\',111111 1111\ :..'.<'lll "l ,!1)1 \\o•h'"!lll d lh• 1.\1 .i pj ,; \,!\ ltll t .. ,..l lllllll.11.-ll11· l 'I ! Ill• 1111 \ [11 .1d1!111nn )."prd p1np1•-.1•d !.11. s:1 \111:..:-. ••I up t<• '-) ,11 f,,1 1lu1-.1• 1•.1\11 l!l'ld.111· hun11· "1 li\1\ ."l\ll'lll \\ 11 1d >1\\ ·" '1'111 · l'Jl•-.1•1• nt .1 ~h.1·d l 'oni.:r1'"'"' It\ '.di :t 11\dl .1111! 111111 >1ll .111 d \•1\\\'d 11 1 \~'1•• ,ii\\ Il l II \•1.!lld lilt! pr1 •).!r:1m.;. 1.1;1111111 lll•' •I.\· l ie 11 Ill ;1n1· 1•\'1•nt \l ill It .1('1\ :'>.\II hdl1(\11 th1:-. 11 -.(·,1] 11 .1 1 .ind 1'1 11 ti,11>]1 5.1;, h1ll11>11 -:1 1•1 ',ll"l'lll!lt• r1•t•u ;·tl in 1h1· fi :-t'.d \ 1·.1r \\ l11 1·h :-.t :.1 rl .!> .J II!\' ! Signups Set For Y outl1S' Soccer Play f{t'f.!LSl ra\Hlfl 111 1\\ 1-. u11d1'I 11:1 ~· ft1r th(> I.11 gun;1 ll1·:11·h li1·1·1,,,1 111111 I>e rartn1vn! ~ 'l n111h ~·111·1·r Lc:Li!t11•s Sk1 !! 1·\,1l11.1t1•·1t I.o r th" p11rpn.-.1' nf 11,tl .111• 111 :.-!1 · 1!!1" \1111 111· hl.'!d f11111' 1I'1!\ 111 ! I' Ill l.111 lU ;1! th1' l .:q.,:1111.1 l\1 •.it ll ll1!!l1 .Srhuo\ a thlctu· 111·\il "i 1111111 ~-.\1·r<1. \VL~h1n i.: to p:1t'l11 ·1 p.i1 1' Ill 11'.1.:11 1• p]H }' rtltl.,1 :11l!'l1d ;11 l.-,1-.! 1>11" •d thf'._,,~ .. 111n., 'J"hr,·1• il1\1 ·11 n1 , .•!• 1il .1tl!it'd l\;1111.Hll ] i'.q.\I<' l•'i \,,1111 J, I tn '.l \"1.':ir-. ••I .i,.:• 1•,, \\,,,, f,1r \Oting-.11•r ... 10 111 1.~ '' ,11 1d .!J..'•' :1 nd .!lllll\11' Lo •,\!!ll" f .. I !u"".; .111d girl.., .1i.:t•d J.! 1n \~1 It l'llll ll ).'.h l!lt 1 ... l, II 1111 f,q ·;lh " t"t'I', n "{'Jl:tl'nl1• 11".l "th " II di lit• forn1P d fnr th1·111 It 11111 1h~·1 ll ht• p ln1't1d nn llH1 h111. .. 1• .1111..; l .1·a ~111• pin\" \\Ill lu• 1111 ~1111d :1v :1f\t•rnu11n ~ .11 r •• t)'\1 11 ,1 lt 0·;11·1! ihl!h :-;ehool :1111! 'l'n p !11 !ht• \\111 ld ~1·h•1o d Bl·i.:1st rat1011l1'1 ·1~ ~,; 111 p:1\ f11 1· unllnr111 ,.., 111 :-.ul ;1111·1· .111d .111 .ird ... lll'J,!lslrat1on l' .11 th·· 11·t·r1·.1l1•111 dl' pa rtn1 c nt r•ft it ·r-. :, -;o I ; l1·11 nc ,\ r'C St.. l ,a gu n a )~,·:1!'h 1:urti1er i11fnrrn.1t111n '" :11·.111 :1- hl 1· from th t' d 1 ·p:1rln1 ~·11t, '1 9·1·11 2 1. Jack R. Cvrley Vo<f F'rP""'"' ~"" C,.nP•~I """""'l'" Thom"s Kccvil I 0"1>' l homas A. M urphlnc Mli"fQ••Q E<t•t<>< Duek Slaughter Said 'Nor01al' Charles H . Loo<. Richard P . Nall "' \• 'l•nt ~.~ •AQ•"Q [ d!I"'' Uguna Beach Office I 11.6(.I•-•'• ~l••ft M•1l11'Q A<><lr• ,\ P 0 Boo loM> '7'17 J,~. Rl'OJ NJl·:l>Zll·:l.Sf\I • 01 Ille D-11ly Pil•I ~li•ll t\ Stat.f' 1:1.;h fHH.l c;an11· l}C'p.1rl n1ent offici1ll hus cl l·st·rthetl I .1 1111 t 'ount r v S;;f;1ri 's d 11<'k rf>dUfltn1.1, progr a m a s "n n orm ;tl th 111>:. :ind sairl il \\;ts C':irr1C'd oul 1n cnn· l11r1n:".lnt't' \\'1111!hl'1:11.\· Capt . \\'illi:1m S h1·ff11n or tt11· 11 ddlll\' pro!t•f'lLn!l cli v1.,ion of 1_h1' dt•µ;.11 ·11111·111 ·.;; I .ong lh ·a c:h o ft 11 •' r11 n f1rrn 1'd 111111 nnP of ht:-. 1\ :1rdt•n..; 11 .1 .., pr•'!'l ('lll ;t 1 111..,t 1.it'f'k '.;; 1·0111ro1•·r~1nl s h oo! in L.1g 11 11a llill.., :nHt 1h111 n o.1.\•ild or p l'111t•l'\1 •d .itll01;il-. \\'l'l'I' kiJ Jt•d . 1{11\>.f'\l'I'. ('h :111111•! 7 '.\i1 •\.\'S I'<'· 1•11 1 11·1' \\',1\fl(' ...... 1!1 , 1~h11 )>1' 11·11•1 l"l• •ll l"•·1u1rl !-<I lr'r1·d 1 ht' 1·011 lt"tl\l'I .. \, .. 1 :11Hl ~ ll.\' hi" nrq.!1.~Hl :-lnrv 1!1:11 \hf• llM! cl11t•k!1 nnd l1 Yt' r.1 blil t~ v.('1c ;,la u ,Khlered "h;v • \\ h ,1 I a1 n1111111 ... I 11 :l h11n11n L! p.u I\ S:111.· prugr:11ll 11·;i\ur'(•d ,1 11 111 1•·J \11·\Y \\1111 :1 dl.s,t:r11n tl1•r l l .i11n ( '1H1n1 I"\ 1•1nplo1. ,. 11 ho ... ;nd h1· 1111 l1't'1f'cl 111 1ht• \\1ltll1 f1' p 1t'"l'f\"I' s "un.'ipr1rt -.n1;1r1lik1•" killlnl.! (II 1111· .1111111:ils i\ 1)11r k e 1 rir fp.itht'r.'4 .1 i1d ii dt•11d r :1 hhtt \lt'f'(' :-.hn\\ n 1111 ., I I' t · t ' 11 l\\il (..'~1111 Sh1•lrl111 '''l"''"'r·d d ,iulJI \t1;it 1111 • rah lut 11 ;1 ~ ;11 ·111:11 11 kill1'd rlur1nl! l ,1n11 ('01111tr1 .., 1·1Jll1ti}! ;1 11d c·ropptni..: pr n i:r;nn I 11 · ~ 1111 I ! h1 · r:d11Jit d it•d ;1 rnnd d'· :11h :ind tli:1t ii 1.1:1 ... hln:i11•d . 11H ·.1n11 H' 1h.1l 1I h;id hf•t•n rh·11d lnr ".I l!l 11' 1 (ti) I' !-.,ill .,,11 d 1hul hi• didll 1 kllO\I l\11 'Iii (' 11 fll•l lJ PI" [Iii" I ,dd11f \\ d '• :-.hi d ,,1 p1(·k~·<l u pnfl tilt· r11:1d 11. -..11d 1hl· evid~n1·c WM S off1'r<'ll hy ;I 1 1011 ('01111111 1•1111•1 1111· .111d h<' ... .1\111••11•.1,..••t\to1q11•··.11<1n 11 l.11111 {'011 11 11 \ 1ol!1t 1.d .. :,,)\th.it t•n1plt1\1' 1\'t•tltl\ h.1d "~''''r,d d1-.,q.:1 v1·1111·r11 ... \I 1111 /1 .,tl•IO.:ll ,d 1>11 1·11 01 \\ .i11 .. r (' 11.11 · lJ1111111 ;111d li;i..,11 I 111 ·•'11 11.14 '1-. It\ \\\It'\.. '111' t ' 1111• 11\H •f \ !!'\\ 'l h1'1 h.1\1· l'\pr1•.,-.,.d d \..,;q i l'"lll!lllt'lll <t l l'I \\1\,11 t h t•\ 11 1111/·d .111 111 \l,•H .•t1 d n11 1• ..,1d i·d· .1t·•·•11 1nt 1•f tht•ir 1·11 .. rl• 11\ 1•tl'lt•1 ! t"\ll\'ll.,1\1' \1ilrtl111• ,..1.,, k 1111111 d1-.('ll'!'" 1·o1111 .. i1 1)1 fiql11•''1 1( l11rd.,H11f11;ild111 ·. l't 11L.!l ollll~ ._11i-l1 .1 -. lh!· ,111 (;II' I H•d 11111 \I 1d1 ·I\ ,11·1·qrif1 1lf I" I IHI\ ( 11111111 I \·1. •' l11 1· .. 1d· !11 \\ llll.1111 I II 1"<l;..:1• IJIJI 1111 ·\ .111 11111 11,111 11,111\ ht•t'111nc1·11n11 1•11 ·1 ,1 .11 [hi ., I ~ l\1q•!)i'l1ll l~: .ill 1li1• 111n1·. ·1 1il'r1· 111't' dn1t~11 :. 111 1·i1nl· 11111111111·-. doing t he same lhing :1 111 1 1111hl)d~ r11\1"e5 :"ln eyebrow.·· hL• !--.i ld l)111 1111 ;i d Jed thLJl the \\'lld\ife pt l')-i1•r1. ,. ·s 1najor rer;ponaibtlity 1-.10 l''l\11 t1 c, v.•ild and cndanJ!er e d a 111 11111ls a nd not to dome s t ic .111 1111111~ '''hi c h huv e b ee n 1l11 n1Jh'd off at Lion Country. l)u11111 a nd J .. lon Country \1•\1 ·r111;1r i:1n I>o11 Uooley poinled out lhnt i11l 11'1e animals shot werl! hr111 s l·huld \"arie ly ducks end rlth· 1111 :-1. t he descendonts of pets 11 h1 rh h a d bc('n put oul li:> p n1ture h1 u1vn1·rs . "1 h 1·1 ·l'c s o fot lhe.v l'atl'l even 111 .1 1Hl ,tht·1 :-oil 11round h e re uncl ... 11 tip 111 1• ;>ther 1111lm11 t~· f ood ," -..iid <ltinin . adding lhnl sw11i11s_ ;111d \Yll JIUIJ]CS OrtCn QO hungry IJcco u s e they can'L com~le f or food w it11 s 1\'ur1n .s 111 do n1t·-.t1t· fowl . I.ion C'ou n tr.1 ollil·i.11-. !--aid th.•v dcciclt·<l t o k ill l h1• :11111n :1ls 1)111 .v ~rte r t h o r oughly 1·011 ~idl·rin~ o the r m ethocls s u ('h :is 1r;1ppi11 g , snarin g ~ncl putt~11 ~ out tr:1n- qulllzcd food. T hev ... 11id ll l\':t" 1tH'\'1t ahh· th:1 \. th1• .i;1n . • 1·ro1'11 l 11 i.: 1111 · d t>rt nken ns .1 11·tld!ir1· 1111111ac1·- 1nc nt Jll'1!Qran 1 \\'11ul1\ ptb1·ok1· son1 ,, p u h 1 i c c;nnl 1·n1 l'l'S \ l\ul , in th1· 11ftrrn1111h 11r q111~s. 1 i11 n ~ 1'81St'd Ii~· i'!l1H'l'l'H!.'rl in d lv i<h nd :-., I .Inn ('nunl I'\" will \'nl! 1·,•n f' ;i 1·1111 f1•r1 •11i ··· 1~1 1't•11re .... ·11 · 1a \l\'1•-< of (111;1li t 11·il 111 ).!.111!1:1!11111..; to cl ll~<· \IS s ut h l ·I' II\ •Pl'PH rill •s ··\v ~·re lnok1 n ~ l l!I' !--u 1ne l>raln1. '' Dr.edge sold. l ' ,, \ ' I l E G MIDDLE OIL y p T EA T t tDSf"' 1•i11(•li11 , .... l -'lo1r l\l.IJ' s p11l s oil Pll)t'l1nl r unn1ng p.11 :.tllc:I to Sul'Z C.1n,d frorn c•lly 11( Suez lo Jlo1t Sd1d -.vh1(h v.1JI be p.111 of Sh.1ht>f lr,in s Ct111u11n1c .ind t1n,1nt1<-1l c1ss1st.1nC'e to l·'g-.pt l'1pelt n t.· vvill bt· 111 i:l!ld1t111n to onC' .il1c.td.Y un dt.:1 \\,tV by lt.i lt.1n1onlr.1tlo1 ... (1to1 _1 \\ood(o1tl 11 h 1.., l itt n 1pp111nltd lf)lj1u1 II• \H ~ JH I '1111!1 I• I \llitlll Ill St .II! ,,,!Ill..-. llt\\I \ llJHl11d h1.1dqt111I 1' !11 1\1d d '100 :\:111110!\ t, 11tt1 111111 111 '\,11p .. 11 Ht 1l h (he 4 It Ill, I (I• 1-.t It ..,ldt Ill I'> ,t l ot Tilt I d11~1~<>1 •ol th1 '' 111H1 11 II 1rhn r I h 1rnl1t! n l ( 11 111Jtltll l f[, II 1:-.ltllllHltl u1d 111, "id, 111 • 11 \,.11 pn1 l \ LI 1011 d It.ink ind 1 11111111•1 I 111 1111 1d11 -.11r1 lu1,11d lor 11\t l.!lh 1d1 ii 1(,..,,,,, 111 ... \lt l l S.inl , \11, " 11 j I I 11 I uid 1 John ... 011 h.1.., 1u o.:n 11 H!ock l 11 I< d l 11 ' ii l "1 I I t I 11 It ! I I l i ll \\ 11,1 I f, 1! J I 11 ( I i) 11 11$. H \ \ l' WOOOFOAO \n dl! 1111 "11 1 '' 1-. I 11 111• 11 \ 11l l1tt 111111.Ll!ll t•fllh (1)..,\.1 '\t l' .... 1 t 1>11 lt 11l11 l111 ll•\11 1!Sh11l,1 ..,l11lrl\l1!htJ11\1\p1lp11 " ' I 11 I I I J I ! I t \ I 11 I' 1111 )I Oll i! l 1 II II' I' h h , .., I), ' 11 I l '11 h d \ It \ pr l "1d1 tl t .. 1 I 1 n ll I\ t I"\\~''' 111 111,..11 11( orp •d '\, \11 •HI lh !• h \\ . ~ 1•1 • 1 u11 1-.l1 •" 11 r ,_II• '1111111dl• 1 1111 I 11111111 ' I< \\ lllld I II\\ \\1111d1 l~1h1o r h 1 ... h,, n ll'I u111 11 il il111 1 1 •ll tl1 11k1 I n 1111 '\111p•11l l~1.1•h)J ,1r 1H•ll l l11t1I ~I d • d 111 "1'1 11111 '' 11 port\, nl1r 1n \pr1I II• 11 , ... l1•1 tl 11l1h !ht 111!1rnll1nnd h"l' I 1 Ii 1!11 'Ill!! '' d11, c It 11 < ! .., \I 11!1+'!1 llHI • I J'h~'t -.1 I\ in,.: pr'\ ICJUt.,]\ ill ... ,1l ttl\ I "' \11 .t.1 ll.., • • l{c1h1 rl (. ('''I 1111 h,,, 11 11111 cl !hf• hu ,1 rn ,.., ... \ .. 11111 ' d1\1,1111111f I'• rlr< ( orp ,, 1'l"d11t f r\ Jll l ).:t I l•JI Ill II i•I uhH!' ' " I 1111 11 ll 1 \\ 111 IH ti •I I 11 ('' \J 1._ I 11 \ I "' I ! 1111111 <11 I \I Ir I'l l-I! i1 1"' ~ 11• k.111ntlh I. \nd11 ,on !1 I• li1lll ll I !l l t ,! I I.ill I I;< I 1'11 Ill "! ill !l iHll lllti !l J Il l f<il l '.ll lfl l I' 11 pli11111 Ill () oi l\ I ( .. 11 111 \ Ill ll t(1 1 d -.. \!•Jlllt h 11 ,1, Il l 11 I''' 11 I~ ht t J1 Tl l!llt j d!\ l"i II Ill rl I 111111111 1,.. .. "ill') II •' <II I 111 •1 •I \' ll11 .., ! II I ) I ' "' I ' " I 1 • 111 \11 !t I.., lfl II 1' !111 l!H 1 11 "Ill I I I I• Ill ~ 11111111 11\....,1!1 J)a ,.u u 1 l 11 1(1•t I•( 111)1 l rlf !11 1111_ I 11 11 l l ,11 1\.., 11 1 .)\,!.,, 11 11 Hill ii .. 1t1(' 111 l ..... \11 I• I d11 11tl \I '1j;.111 "' '' l\l'"llt I 1 1111 I '\ \\I 1\ Ill 1 II '-I l 11 I 1 I • j oi I " ' " •hltlcl,l ••\ !111\! lr••l••IHI 111 111d 11 11. I \\I hh ' lt !(1111t111 11 ~t 1111,._ .ind t11111 "1 111 .111\ ,,,111 •I• 1 •I" ii • \I 1 -. "lo I• ld., 111!1 \1 d I I 11 I 11 II< ( I I< r( 1 I I 111 1 1 I .1~ lll trl 1,!t l 1Plll ll1il Ji,,,[""' Ill 1 l t >ttl!I , ''ltd ! ... d11 • ' ' •' \[1 .., "1 111 n l l 111 ... lu 1rnt r l1 "1th IJ 1 1!! l!1 l (!lll Ill 11 " \nglii ' 'll\lllg I" f< i,;)11 !1 ti dll I (IHI <>1 ._ ii•" ( t 11I!1 I \ 1111 .. 1111 ,,,Jl,111 Hu h.trrl \ '11111, 1 \lt 11111 1 \H t p 1l ,1dtnt of J)i,tu 111111! il\d \\:lit (Jl,111\ \\u1Jd I\ IS ln •ll 1\111111! 111 1lii 1tl\1-.<11 \ ho11d nf I\ I rut i1f \ Ill I r I ( .1 ... \ l1 111• I 111 Ill t In p f ft1 \ 1111 ... 11ld 1\1 ... \\ 1!1 tl1d "' 11 1' .. ldl \11 '~ 11111 H• 1l Ii 111 1 an IS at• l .. ••tl Tax Rebate Cash 'Already Spent' ll\ rht• \s ... nt 1.111 cl l'r• ..... \\illL 1111 (111k1 l nh1 n 11, \li.1 1 0!11 1nnct ... -.1011 ..,l,1n•I npe1 <1lo1 fr n1n I' 11 k I (U'• ,1 l!I knov.s Jll,.,l \lh 1t he \till do 1f he gel:-. 1 t '" 1 o.:11 ill P1 \ lu lls c;uhcn \\ h 11 Ii .... ft)lll I hild! l'Jl 1111 lt!dJllJ.: daugh1tr 1hout 1n go 1111 to 101l1~i:::c s.i1d lit think.., Jl1 cs1 dl'nl .. nr d s pl 111 tn g1\CC\<.'t 1onl' ,1r~11 111 1111 l'•i l 1ncon 1l 1 •XC'" s hould h e lp 1 ,1..,1· lht rl ' ( <;<,;1011 \\'hi lht•1 11 11 il l don t kn01\ he ,1dd ('d ,\ n 1 cono1111 ... t I n1 nc11 AN i\SSOCl 1\l'l,U P1 l s.., ... :.impl1ng ·rut :-.cl .1v :-.ho1\t•d \n1e11 c.1n " .1111 111\ \\('11.: n1ak1ng pldll" f111 ,1 r<'h.itc 1 vcn th11t1J.!h 1111 "urh 1,rog1 ... 1111 11111 ... 1 h e d!1Pr"1C'd by (,'ong r t ''ht fo1 t' ll l'oulrl h• put 1ntn 1fflt1 \\ho d• d 1 I IH Mr:-. I t•nn.n d 1 ... r~11 I.;! v.01ks .ii 1 ;.,1 lrn<,I tor lht 1n i\ 111"1" l1l1 ... 11rl I \('] \ I\ lpp1 1 d hU\ lllt I Ill" \\ 1 ;.,h1n ~ 11 1 It httll t1i,:h1 IH t n \\ o 11 f 1tou..,1111f1 110111 1111 1111 1c:n ... 11hu1h(lt(,lt11 I ll111 ..,,1d -.h1 \\UUlrl ll't .1 1 ch.1lt 1n go l1di.:k \11 st houl "o I t 1n i.:o h.irk I n v.ork s11 h ... t \1u1 e teaching I ftllf) ~ \1 )1 1-. \!I put 1 1.,1 into th1 h.uul ' u1 1\111P1 il 11 t nn<>lllllt'f' \\ho h I\< ht l Tl 1 t lu c t .1111 to l1u 1 ht 1 1111-.L ot ..,!('trtrl\ ll "dl\)..: l)lltl:O. ,lrl(o 11 n t t I t .t L 11 I \ 0 \ t r I h C tt o11 un1\ ThC' 1'11•s 1chnt v.ho '·''"hr ' nl,!111(UIH'llll11111\ 1 .. 11 \C!'-''IOll r 1th11 th i n 1111! 1l11111 h OP C'" JH opll \\ill ... t 11 t spt 11d111,.: 1g 1111 1n n!df'J lfl 1·nrou1 ,1 g1.: hus1nt '" lo pio<liu t nlOtt l 11<' I l ·•'"d prod 11<'! 11\11 \\ ot1 ld help I Jt.,( !hi 11 ll lt)tl '-' f'1 onorn11 \\ 0 1 " )J 1._ \\Ll ll " \\ J)1•1lfl} lhi "1f(· 11r .1n \1 1 'nt:i (; t .1utomoh11C' dc .dt r ind lhc 1nothc1 of four 1hdd11 n s:iu\ :-;h e bel1c\'t'd ,, 1 c•U:i t e proh.1hl1 \\Olllrl st1111ul.i!1• !ht• cconon1 ~ "1)1111 h l1t 11 11otdd be s m,111 • 1 hi.' l1tllC' pt npl1• .111..• the (lilt" v. ho ki•t p Lin: l (OllOOlY 1 h C'\ ,ll{'ll t l(':llJ\ to hl'lll fit Inn ITilH h Olll ).: PI ll j.! J..!0111).! tl1 l1 T II ... l'Jt l ,S ll)l ':"olT'S l•l(IP0".11 1 ,1[1 .., rn1 C H • .:h I 1-;p.1\t'l lo l!t'I I l <'h lll of 12 jitl\t t)( ur hL' \<J71 f1dtl d I 11 c 1 • Ill I l '\ I ~ \\ I I !i 111 t\11H11in 1>1 :;.;1 onu S\ j\ I 1 \\hilt 111 of \1 1 U!l l I ~l'l I • I LI \ \\ hn ... ~ h11;.,h,1ncl l" rt•\1rl'ri ... ud ,1n,. r' h Ill' i.:nrs right 1n the h ink W c dnest\ay·M C l osin~ Pric••s NEW YORK STOCK ••• VOAI< HJPIJ ••• pt ~"• on ttw "'"'. '•<l\dt>qe ~I ·~ PI •II Ur"" l "~'c \.111 )J ~ '· ' t-o•IC,..lnQ .,,~ .. "'"'~ ... u .... ... 1 .. , N~I Cdtr(; I l'fd # IO•io " • ih<l\/<I'* Cr.t,j .. - (.t'1H.tl• llO /• !) C .tt!Hdl pt 1 I 11 , I Ca ! W•I 00 'I 14 J Alll><llll ! JI 11 A(/ r.U) O<I 8 A<1n~c1 .. ~ I I /\<J nOr 0«1 J 11'1F •pr •'fl Ad~1n, M '' AO<lr >\1'1 n "''~In~ l <),t A Jn.1 I I u~ I .A I• •~ Lu q Anm,on Ju Al~on lncp ) ::«~:;:,I~!~ AJlnau"' n•1nn t I /0 4 Al"'-'"' I I~ 11 A•dl-' '" • /!I A•d\~" •uhl All>nylnl ·~ \ AIOo-<IDC J& I' A•t>o<! n Ml f Al, •nAI I •<I ~ A I u I I ·~ • Al< n I 11 /U JI Al••H'I IUI IU A l un ta•• 1 "''•\IC! ''" ' •\l ql'"'l~U j A"ll '"ll"' l A llt l,.(\/ ~ ""•n<." Ill I '"'•<l ln I 81J \ Al dM 1n )O 6 All !II r ,n l ~ A PI <!I'>! I \0 ) " ' ! ~"""'~ t Al '\ \ l IA /\ I l~IA >~ ' A '"" l'I I, • A u , I ~ lo UQ J t J AMA ' ' I /\A/IA• Pl \ An~ , \01 Al>'"" l • II 1 • " I /0 A,• l'><J A " r I ! "' " ' /\ A I , I~ """" 10 A.IJ•~" ! 1 \~ """"''1 BO) ""' 1"!1fj lb ' A { I 1 / Ill I O " [ "pl Aon( r Ml 1 " ' ' " 1 10 A.1 , ,_, I I "'"(> 111 ~01 • All 1J' ~1 10 A D" 1• 8•.t Amt h ''w I h Al "'"" f I • Af•u'>,, 10 A (;n!UJ lbn A(,n~ I >'<I " ~ ' C•'>C NG• ~7 I I I ~ C•,llC• 8<)Q ~ o I• lo li • • 19 !U ]8 1 • I I ~ q • • .. 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' U ~!> 11 /u nlr"l ~I I • \ Ill \ !Ni-~ (.'on1pt1lll \ulon1.d11 )n In c l r\tnc bt't~d n111ncon1pullt n1 1nufacturcr, 1t·111.11 ttd I uc~cl J\ ni'l LlllOlncofS.120t>1l .. r l'l1•t 11t s 1sh.111· incl snlcs o f S5 111 ..!II.! 101 thc !'.!l'C'und qu 11 tcr of f1 s1;.ll 197 1 In ,111 un 1111lttcJ -.t ,1l t lll<'nl ul t'Pll t11ng 11 :-.ults p11:,1df11t I) II \llllt1 in s.nd e.1rn111g.., fo1 lhi q11.11 lf'r t!ldld llcc :._~ dL•t11 1;.,Ld -" p1 ll1l1I f1nn1 net 1nton1l' ,.[ ~hJI i.12 u1 .!I , 1 nt ... for tlit !1kt pr111><l l 1-.t 1l 11 (,ol<I l" JI I l)\()f):\ (1\l )1 l •h< 'ii).:!rlll \11 \\ltlill.'>d 11 lhL P11tt'u1 i.;old "11dun ind Z111 H. h Lnnrtrin ~ t1\1' 11 111111 d( i\~1.., r1,, d 1hl nlo1111 11 )-! 1111 (.;t 11 ~108 :Jo ,111 ounce, 1111 ft on\ $\i-.!'1 d thl.: I iObl.: i'Uc~J .1 :- l • •• OAll Y PILOT Throat Signals Trouble By Dr. Sleincrobn Wednesday J..inu.i•y 1'• 1975 THE FAMILY ORCUS By Bii Keane College Accepts Signups Registration is being conducted through Jan. 24 at Orange Coas t What is the most com-College for evening col· m o n a i I m e n t ? lege c lasses which begin .Headach e?' Nervous-Feb.3. ness? Pain in a joint? Among the new topics Insomni a? Weight-gain? to be offered will be I could go on and on. But beginnin g co n versa· the li st Would be in· tional Arabic and «..-omplclc if l didn't men -Portuguese, and '"Avia· tion sore throat. l~i ke tion Law," a study of the many other complaints I i a b i I i t i e s a n d tbisisoften underrated.' responsibilities of pilots. DEAR DR. STEIN-Registration is by ap· CROllN: I blame m y~l·lf ix>intment only . Appoint for m y young son 's hc:.1rt n1ents may be <irrangcd murn1ur_ Although our • .' . .':.·~::::~~::.. by fillin g oul th1..· request d octor says it is n 't too "A short distance coll for Daddy. l1's Mr, Fer,ell nex t form in th e co llegl''::. se ri ou s a ca se of Evenin g Co lle "i.' ...a. doo,_" "' 111eumatic h eartdisease, broch\.Jre, which i ... I feel it might ha ve been r;;;=======:::::::---------, available at the Orangt• prevented. About three ( PilotLogbook ]Candid commentaries, Coast 'Co\le~e Ad months ago our boy com· ministration Building. plained of a sore throat. Additional in forma\1un Nol th inkin~ it "''~t s · is available by 1..·;:illing muc h. I kept him hon1e exclusively in the 556-5733. DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE from school for a d;1y or t\\'O and fed him ~1spi r1 n. But it hun~ on I thought he \V;'.IS cxaggeratln~. so I made him go to sc hool. J\'ever even cons idered l aking him to the doctor. Two or three weeks lnlcr, lo n g after he stopped comp l a ining about h is throat , he sud· denl y began to h::ive p ainful swellin g or his joints. What he had w<.is rheumati1..· fever . Although he was put on penici ll in, the dam::ige had already been done to his heart. It a ll ste mmed from his o rigi n::i l sore throat whic h, ou r doc- tor says. w as probably a strep throat. I am writing this letter as a warning lo other mothers not to minimize any sor e throat youngst ers m ay i::et, If in doubt. t ake them to the doctor for a SY.'ab test and throat culture. If antibiotics are g iven in time, rheum a tic fever and heart disease can be prcvented.-M rs. E . COMJ\IENT: You m:.ikc an import<.1n t point. \\'e don 't Y.'ant to . crealt' a sore -throat panic-;1n1or.g p;1rcnts. It 's true that the or· dinary, common sore thro:.it is harn1 less in most instances. tiowcver . som etimes it is a s i g n .al th at something more serious is threatening the pa- tient . Anythin g from diphtheria to leukemia. T he Ameriean !\fcdical A ssoc i atio n rightl y warns a g ainst i!U CSS· ing-and advises relying on the phys ician 's s kill in m akin ~ the correct diagnosis when ;i throat burls. DUPONT NYLON DUPONT NYLON HI.LOW TRI-COLOR SHAG JOO ,, CONTINUOUS FILAMEN T 100 •DUPO NT NYLON PILE. RICH. NYLON PILE ALWAYS POPULAR DEEP DURABLE SHAG IN NEW HI-LOW PATIERN THAT COMBINES THREE.C OLOR DESIGNS. BEAUlY AND EASY llB DURABILITY. 49 10 CLEAN 10111 SAU NOW SAU ,.., •... PllCID ••• COM NIH LE SQ. YD • COMPAIAILI SQ. YD. lfTAI. SS.'9 SAYE SAVI SJ.00 lfTAll SS. 99 SJ.00 • lST QUALITY llAME BRAND CARPETS AT LDW DISCOUllT PRICES •SELECT FROM THE LARGEST CARPET lllVEllTORY Ill THE WEST • EVERY ROLL OF CARPET IS MARKED AllD PRICED FOR YOUR SHOPPING COllVElllEllCI • All LABOR UllCOllDITIONAll Y GUARAllTHD KODEL ®fil SCULPTURED HI-LOW Explorer P ost R egi s t ration Set For 50-mile Hike Registration is open now for the 11th Annual Laguna Beach Search and Rescue EKplorer Post 50-Mile Hike to be held J<tn 2;) along a roule through Laguna, Laguna Niguel. Mission VieJO, Laguna Hills and bark to L<1gunu Beach. Registrants may send their name . add ress. telephon e number, agt•. sex and ev(.'nt en· tered along with $l.50 to Laura Phillips, hike chairman, 1267 .Starlit Dri vc, l.ag una lkach. Tll lS Y F:A R tht• t•vc nt is al:-.o open to bi1..')'l'l1sts in scpar:..itl· <livi::.ion.., Parti ci1>n nts muy l'i lher run. Y.'Jlk or ridt' bikes for 1he t\\'O loops of the 26-mile route . Ccrt1f1l·ates will be given to all \\ho finis h the <'vent. Medals will l>e give n to the first thrt'l' winnl'r·s ()f each dL\'ISIOll Bll~\'Cl .I·: lllVISIONS al'l'. Firs t d1,·1s 1011 for ridt•r~ 1ti1·ough l·I \'ears of :.ige ; second division for.riders 15 lo 21 years of age and third d1v1 sion for riders 21 and over . JJart1cipants "'1ll assemble at Andrus l'lumbing, 855 Glcnneyrc St , Laguna Ut•ach. Starting time for riders 1s fron1 6 a.m . to 9 a .m . and for runners and hikers it i:-. 5 am. to9;:i .m F'urther inforn1at1on is availa· ble by calling Miss Phillips at 49-1-6769 or John F'allou, post pre- sident, at 49·1· 1646 . Officer Honored S~t . i{Ob<.·rl F . Gri1ns ley of Wes trninstcr, a member of the California lli~hwa y Patrol in the West ! ... as Angeles a rea, is one of 18 officers who have been honored th is month for s a fe <hiving re· t"o rds. Sgt Gr1rnsley has drivl'n for seven years without an aec1 dent HERCULON ® Women S latR Brunch Meet 011 Thursdav ~ \\'()nlCll o r South Orangl' l'nun· Iv ail! 1nv1tCd lif :..i J..inu.try t)r11 11 t·h 111 Irvine o n lht! lhcllll.' ''A '.\1•\\ \'t•ar, A :\:t'\l' \·uu" 'rhnr:-.· d.t\. a t 9 .. 1s a .111. {; l11r1a Graham. assist<llll pro· !l·:-.:.ur . School of Edu1..·:1t1on ,1l l ':ii St11 ll' LO!i Angell':->, \\'Ill lll.' ll·;Jll!l'l'tl S!Jt':tkl·t· l\Ju:-,J(' \\ 111 l.J1..• 11111\ Hll·J hy Phyl lis (:ht•tak1 .1n :1l th•· kt•vhu..1rd. 'l"llt: l'\'l'll t 1:. Ont' (it :1 :.cr1c::. uf ::.pl·1·1:1\s ::.ponsored h.v '''11n1t·11 ol l .~1 kc !!ills Community Chureh. St . !\1:ittht'\\' Lut heran Chu1·eh \\11\ n1:..ikc its f:1c1l1t1t•::. avail:..ible ;1t 181K2 l'ul\'i:1· [)r1\l.' Ill lrv1nc ( A IC T llOl'l'E J SATIR IZES In lhe DAILY PILOT SCULPTURED JOO · KOOEL ·Ill POLYESTER PI LE ( 100% HERCULON OLEFIN PILE A NEW. DEEP. LUSH CARPET WITH LUXURIOUS APPEARANCE AND STAIN AN D WEAR RESISTAN T SiLECl FROM PlRf ORMANCE MANY DE CORA fOR MANY ELEGANl 99 COLO RS II COLORS. 10111 SAU 10111 SAU PllCID •.• ,llCID • , , COM,UAILI SQ. YD. COM,UHLI SQ. YD. lfTAIL S7.H SAVI llTAIL S9.H SAYI Sl .00 Sl .00 IOOO 's OF REMNANTS AND ROLL BIDS ON SALE LARGE SIZES FOR LIVING ROOMS, DINING ROOMS AND BEDROOMS. IAVllU UP TO ... % SMALLSIZES 80% 0 IOR HAUWAYI , UTH-0 ROOMS. CARS, IT C. UVll'S UP TO , , . NYLON HI.LOW SHAG Thankfully, ni ost uf the time :->ore throat is due to lc:->s dangerous factors: s mokin g loo muc h, mouth brenthing, inflammation of tonsils and adenoids. <.tll crgy. a virus infe ction. I 00% KODEL 111 POL YEST ER PI LE. AllRACllVE EFFECT IN SOLID AND lWEED COLORS 99 All STORES CELEBRATING 100 NYLO N PILE LUXURIOUS. TWO LEVEL LOW PROFILE SH AG IN SPARKLI NG MULTI COLORAJIONS fl(;HJLY 9 I TWI STED YARN S f (IR ',UPlRIOR PfkFOfl Jt's evident. hO\\'l'Vcr. I.h at ;1 sort.· thi-n ;1t that i:-: severe or h ;,1n g.~ nn de serves i nvc!>ti,c::ition Often a C'hilrl "s sorl' throat ne>ed s m o r e th;.in home care. ~I :..ikC' s ure 11 isn't a strep throi.1t. Ear. Jy diagnosis and tr·cal· ment n1ay prevent :serious trou hie . T • • To prt>vent :.ingina at- t acks. he .art patients s hould on H cold day cov· er the mouth and nose with a h;1ndkerchief or scarf on l eav ing the house until becom ing <1c· customed to the cold , as this prevents a s udden iprus h or cold air says Dr. Steinl'rohn in his bpoklf•I. ''22 \V ays ·ro Pr (.•\·1..·nt And '!'real. Coronar.\ Dist.•:1se " t•or a copy Y.r1le hin1 at th1~ paper 1·nc losing 50 ~l'nt s and oi S T A 1\1 ,, t: D. !;ELF+ AD D R ESSF:ll ENVJ<~LU l'E. 3 Selected To Society llOW·SAU PRICED ..• COMl'AUIU llTAIL lt.99 DUPONT NYLON PLUSH SHAG SQ. YD. SAYE Sl.00 GRAND OPENING SALE MANCl llOW SAU PRICED •.. <OMPAUIU llTATL S 14." SQ. YD. SAYE l S.00 DUPONT NYLON SHAG 100 DUPO Nl CONT INUOUS TILAMENl NYLON PILE THICK DE NSE SHAG IN A MUL!ITUDE OF COLORS •DW SAU PRICED ••• COMl'AIAIU lfTAIL S 12.99 99 SQ. YD. SAYE S4.00 MARVESS® OLEFIN CARPET \00% MARVE SS· OLEFIN FIBER A VERSATILE FLOOR COVER- ING FOR COMMERCIAL. INDUSTRI AL OR RESIDENTIAL USE IDEAL FOR HIGH TRAFFIC AREAS · INDOOR OR OUTDOORS •ow SALE PRICED ••• COMPARABLE RETAIL $5 .99 •.••••••••.•.•.••••••• GRASS CARPETS.MULTI-COLORS 1 00"~ POLYPROPYLENE WllH RUBBER BACK. PASTEL DECORATOR STRIPES ANO TWEED COLORS MAKE IT A NATURAL FOR IN-OR-OUTDOOR USE •ow SAU PllCED ••• COMPARAIU HTAIL $7.99 ............... •• .•.•. TREVIRA SCROLL DESIGN STAR r} 100% TREVIRAg STAR POLYESTER PILE. A ""'kes"e.sy '" HANDCRAFTED LOOK LIKE CUSTOM ·MADE CARPET ING. VERY SERVICEABLE. MANY COLORS IOW SALE PRICED ••• COMPARABLE RETAIL $12.99 • •• •• • • • • • •• • • ••• • • • • • • .._ .. , '""''' .... .,. __ L•~ o1 ... ~'" o o 011 ......... d ,,...._,I WEST LOS ANGELES I 0525 VENICE BLVD . 1r,n DUPONT NY! ON Pll E EX!HA DENSE. LUW Pl<UFlt [ S11A1, IN LAVIS H COLOR 1.0MBINAlllJ NS \HAI I I ~\Ill! BRING HIC.H f ASH ION TO ANY ROOM TEL. 559-9590 SQ. YD. SAVI $2.00 SO. YI. SAYE $1.00 SO. YD. SAYE $4.00 llOW SAU PRICED .•• COMl'AUIU lfllll S "·" DACRON® TRI -COLOR SHAG JOO DACRON· POLYESlER PILE HIGH FASHION LAVISHLY THICK SHAG IN ELEGANl COLORS DESIGNlD fUR IASTING VALUE llOW SAU PRICED ••. COMPARAIU RETAIL Sl.99 ..................... . KODEL® m TIP SHEARED HI-LOW 100% KODEL · POLYESTER PILE LUXURIOUS HI -LOW STYLING COMBINED WllH A GE NTLE INTERPLAY OF DESIGN ANO COLOR AVAILABLE IN 20 SOLID AND TWEED COLORS. •OW SAU PRICED ••• COMPAIAILE RETAIL $8.99 ..................... . TREVI RJ\ DENSE PLUSH STA R\'\. 100% TREVIRA<> STAR POLYESTER PILE. . J.....[ LUSTROUS PLUSH SURFACE OF VELVETY makes"e.,y··TEXTURE USUALLY FOUND IN ORIENTAL RUGS. MANY COLORS.NOW SALE PRICED •• COMPARABLE RETAIL $12.99 ..................... . SQ. YD. SAVI SS.00 SQ. YI. SAVI SJ.00 SQ. YD. SAYE n.oo SO. YD. SAVI S4.00 . 'nlree Orange Coast s tudents at use have been elected to m em· .!;>enhlP In Phi Beta Kap--fa, lhe'acadenucsoc1ety. __ _._ __ !tz•1._.---__ <_0_1_m_11_u_a_1or11_ri_u_s_A_o_1_A_11_1_1_1111_s_A,v_A1_1A_1_u_•_<_A_u_ro_•_,._u_so-r-'·-"-""-0_111_1 _11_1v_1_ci_·_v_1_11_1,ou_1_c_u_11_0_•_0_1_Al'l_•_,_0_1_n_. -...------<·I NO. HOLLYWOOD ·--- Cb<>MD wer e Mnton Y·o s h l o K a w a b e , a bio1oglcaL scie n ce 1tu· dent from ~osla Mesa, a nd two Hun ti n gt o n B'e 1eh •.t ud e nt s : Katha rl11 '8 . Weal, a Germ a D m a jor, a nd )llch•el G. Yode r. a jolllkal ~m oJor. 7007 L .. rel C-yon "''· -982-2200 HOLLYWOOD 1122 Vint Slrffl 462-6212 VENTURA 2501 L .... StrHI (105) '48·5041 TORRANCE 4216 Artesi. llvd. 542 ... t6 WHlnlER 15911 E. Wloillltr ll•d. 94J-0161 PASADENA 2660 E. Colonolt ll•d. 577-ltOO LONG BEACH MONTCLAIR FOUNTAIN VALLEY NORTHERN CAUFORNI.\ )008 ltllllowtr ll•d. 4889Nell ltuln-4 I 5945 Nari... ll•d. 421 -89)4 (714) 626,1517 (714) IJ9-1700 •CAMPBELL t ANOGA PARK COVINA W. LOS ANGELES • MILLBRAE 21038 Sherman Way 280 I. Arr•w Nig~woy I 0525 Vllll<t llwd. • SAN CARLOS J47-2ll4 966-4471 559.9590 • t I I I l I • I I I \ I Saddlebaek EDITION YOL. 68, NO. 15, l SECTION S, 74 PAGES CIA \VAS lll N(;'l'(l,, i l 't'l l l'I.·\ l>1rc elor \V1l11.1r11 1·: l 'oll>\ tod:1.\ d.1:-1·10:-t•d th:it .1 lt111 g .. l;1nd1n).! l 11\ l'tllll l"•' 1111"/"llh·d th.· .l;..:.l'll{'\' 111 \~(l l ,1 11d 1 ~+7:!ol .111 .dl 1 ·~1 ·d plc;I l O hill l11r'llll'I \Ht' /'r·1·,-,1d1·111 .\gilt'\\ .11111 l;1dn ;q1 l11r1111·r ('1 \ d1r1.·1,·t11r ]{11•h;1rct l h •ln1-. 111· ;ll-.n a1·!-no\\l1 ·d ~1 ·tl lu1 lilt• r1r ... 1111n1• lh;1\ 11to· -.p\ .1 g~lll'\ :-1·! Ill' .1 !'tlllllli'I" ltl!t•ll l).!t'l\t'•' 111\lf Ill l ~l!i7 \thH·h g:dh1·1 1·d Ill•·.., on 1(1,(}0(I .'\ 1111•111·.111 c1 1111•n.., l \\11 111· d··1111·d th.ll lh1· .11 !111!1 ''·'· d lc;.:.;d . Bares :\s il result or the ;.d[(·~cd plul ,q . .(1t1nsl Agnew hnd ll~ln1s, Culb.1 :-..i1d. the C i r\ l'il/'i'I Od Olli ph.\. ... 1cal :-.urveitl:111 ('l' 111 f\\'o 1\n1t·ric:111 <01t1cs :.flt·•· all·r11n;..: lk1lh lht• l•'l~l ;11idS1..•t'f l'I S t·I'\ 11·1· ('olh ~ lil'l11t'd l hat <111.\ :-.u1 h ,11 l1\'1ty t·oulrl he <·las~111l·tl .1.., dl1·:..:.d 1h1n11·st1 1· Jtlll'!llgt'IH:t' g.11hl'C Ill ~. s:iy1n~ th :.i l :111 t·urrt·nt {'I\ :11· ll \ ll lt•S .t fl' \\JI ilin I ht• Ji 11111 .., 1d 11 .., ('h ;1 r·t1·r '!'111• 111 ... 1111· l!1 ·p.11t1111·111 -.,,1111 'I 111·:-.d.1\ 11 ..:.1\1' 111!• tl.llill''> 11! • ORANGE COUNTY, CALI FORN IA '71 Plot to 111'11t'111.11! 1111~!() ,\lllt'l ll',111 111 , .... dt·11l~ lo i 11,. i. '!.\, hut tht· 11~1 \\ ''" .ipp.11 l'rlll\ dtll1·1 1•111Jron11111· uni• d1..,1·11 ...... 1 d Ii\< '11ll1v l11 •tor1· tl11· ... td1 l'Ulllll lll ll'l' t 'ull1.\ .... ud lh.11 110 .\ug l..1 1:11 .. lht· ('I \ 1···.t,d1l1 ... t.1·d ;1 t'11t11 111·r 111lt•lh :..:1•t1('1• 01111·1· 111 l1111k 111111 lh·· p .. ~ ... 1111111\ .,[ ]<J !'l'll!ll 1111!,..., 111 \111 .. 111.111 d1 :-. ... 1di·n1 "!,·111t·nl:-. '!'ht' p111;'.t,1lll \\.1 ... l'IHlt•d Ill \l.ir1·h, !~•. \ 111 IJi,· t•Hll'..,l' 111 1111 -. l•I•• ~ldlll ( ·dl1\ .... 11d 1111·.., \\1'1•' 1 •-.\,1 iol1 ~t1•·d ,,11 ,iti.,ul 111 !Hiii l' ll I l t' 11 '> I 11 t fil' t·uu 111 l' l' ! I! \l'l ltgl' tll'l' tUlll ' l'ull1) :_:;,i\ L' .1 1~, p ,1).!l' ... t.1 te1nent l• •I h<' ... 1th~·un111111 I 1•1• .u·k llO\\ lt"d ~ <11).! lh.d lliv C'I.\ h.1'> rn.ul.-:.n n i.._• 1111 ... 1.ikt·., Jtul ho •,.11d .11\\ 1111,.., !:tk t·-. \\l't t' 11111L'qu1·ni an1I .. t1·t1\llll'd !ruin·' !11l"lt'Hlll'"P li•HI ol 1 h•· ,. '11·111111 Jl.., ~·h.11·1t ·r lnli1...,.,l,1ll'tJh·11l ('olh\ ~.i:.u S.nd .1 { '[ \ IL'\ H·\1 s h o\1 l'd lh:1\ 1111' :J).,:l'lll'\ t:11 •1lt'd \ht• l1 •l1·plH>ll•'' t1I :.:! l :-i l"l'~!1h 111 :- 111·1111•1·11 l!L.d .itHl J!Jt,, hut n"lll' 1h, 11 .. dl1 r ' I WEDNESDAY, JANUARY I S. 1975 TEN CE NTS Kill Agnew flt•\ t•:dl•d l)l.1\ \flt•l ·r \HjJ!'l',jl 1•d :1 µrogra111 lo l•P• 11 ~L·lt•1•l vol 1n.nl ht•l\\'t:l'll th1• l 11111·d St.d•'" .teld l\111 ('t•lllrt )ll!ll I l'U\Ul\111 , 11t'\l\l'•!tl \'.J5:J,_1ll11 l~1.' o S.11d 1h.d 1.1 lt1 h11111\ I, ol,, 1111·11· Ii.id lll'\t'l l•11·t1 -.lit \ t•Jll;HI• \' !t•1·h11l1 ,11 HI <ll l1t I\\ I d111·1·\t•d .i ~.H lll'>I ,I/I\ t111 •111!1t •I "I {_ 01!1 l ).! I t'.,-. 11ntli1·1'ho1111 !..ill \ 1\t•11 11111 " :-..11.i l•'I •I It• I 1 .... 1 !! 1d 1d· j,\ .d I\• d!ol 1.f, I! \ 11 I\ I I ' •• I 11 • \ " .. 1 \ '"I I I I I! 111 I " ..., ' I"' 11 I, 1 \, ' \ 11 t• I II I I' I • ! !i1 '!' t 111 1 I \ d 11 • < I I ". !•I"' I I '• I I I I " ' I "" \ t• II I II ol I h1 ,, t I II I •ii I l' I Ii' " I I 1 I I " -I I!,, I .1, ! l•, I • ,I I \'•j OC Told, 'Prove Hinshaw Loss' •,\/,• Sl11 ugllt ,.,.. Safari Backed By State Unit IS_\ l{l'lll :\ll .l,Zll·:l .~h.1 .\ !'>! :J t t' I" 1:-Ji ;1111 I {: :1lll!' [)\') "1 It n11·11t 1dl11·1;d h;1-. d1·-.1·r 1b1·d l.11•11 (.'1111111 r\ S.i1 .irt ·.., ilu1·k 1 t·d111·11.,11 )'l'fl)-:1".ttll .!" ' .I l\Ul'ltl:il t\\11\~ ' .111d .... 11d ll 11 .1-. t',ol'! It'd n11t Ill ,·,.11 11•! 111 .. Jlt't' \\ 1\h llh· 1;1 1\ (',1p! \\'1111.1111 ...;)\t•l!ltn nl till· \1!1dJ1tv p 1011o '('ll!HI dt\ l-.l11M •ii lilt New Parks Unit Gets 'Project' ·rh1· n1•\\ p :1rk-. .111d r1·1'1l':1t11111 1·,,n1n1111,•1· 11f lh1· '.\J1 ..,:-.1o n \'11·10 \l \i!ll 1·1p.i l 1\d\ 1:-llf \ 1'1111111·1! i \1 .-\("l .d1·t·ad.\ h ;1:-11 ... !J r .... t Iii ~ Jll'(•jt'l't l11d;1~ \lond ;1 y !ht• \!.\(' ('\•tll n11 -.s 1nnl·d !ht• p;1rk'> p.inel l•I 1·nnll' up \I Lli1 .1 r1·l ·11n1n11·ndat1011 h .\· 1"1 ·h :i 1111 11h1·tl11·r \11:-:.1011 \'11.:Jll :-liould Jlllll a 111ovl' In l'(lll· ~01t d ;1lt· -.1x S.f!\dlt•lJ.1l'k \';.illl'Y 1L'1·r1·.il1011 pru).!ran1 .. 'l'h1· 1•ro1111..,al ..... 11pp1 ,r 1t•d h~· \ht• 1.._-.11ll'rsh1p of thl' Saddl1·h:..it·h 1\r1·.1 l '.oord1n.1t1n j.! ('ounl'll fS,\l'('•. \1'1111!d pl;u·1· 1._•x 1-.t1ng r 1•t•r1·.1t1nt1 prvg r,1111s :-t'I'\ Ill \.!. South l.;tl!Ull :l 11111 .... , r:1 ·r uro. .'\l'I\' \\'orlt! .. \t•;.!•';1n lhll.; ;ind .\11:-. ... 10 11 \'ll'IU und 1·r :-.u1 _lt' .id 11 \llll:->ll'.lll•lll 11 \\11tdd ;d-.o 1 •n l.1r ~t· l111 • pro ~r.1111:-. t ro1 11 1•1g h1 \\t't..'k" in \hl' -..111nnll'I" 1n .1 ~i·.11 lot\g sc·h1•d11l1" J1k t• \h,11 rl1>\\' h l"llq' 11 It 'd Ill ;1 pi11d ,1fll'I' ... t'hnul ]ltH).!1'.1tll lJl r :1 ·ru1'4) ·rh1· .\\,\t' i1<1rh -. ,111d r1·crt· •• 11<,n ('Ofllfllllll'I'. \\/lll·h h.I~ 2:1 !l)t'Jll 111'1·:', h;1 .., (t•nt;1\l\1·\\ ~L't ll !J 1\\11 1111•1•\11\J.!" 111 h: .... ti uul 1ht· f1n.11 1 ('Lil 1n1pl1t:.J\lj)l\.-.o! tl11• prupo..,.11 i\1 1\l' rlll'tll1h'I" h.t\'1' qui·-. 110111·~! lhi· pr(11.k1:-.,1I. prl'dll'l111).! 11 v.dl Ill tht• ]011).! 1'1111 l'US1 l.il\ p:1~·1·r s rnor1· 11111ne .v and dupl11'all' cxi~t111 ).! rt'l"rt·~11 1on:.il OPllOrl 1111 it Lt''> I 11 the l'Offi 111u11 I\ y. 'l'hc Lol :'l l SAC<; n1cmhl•rs h1p 1s expcclt.•d to v nt1.· l·'t•h fi on \1·h c lh1·r to ~uppnrt !ht• pt•rpt•lual progran1 . Ru ~sc l l llazclctt. d1re<"lur 11f the pilnt ~~I 'foro progr;1111. :-.~nd the sep:1ro1lc prog r a n1s arl' too 1:ostly :1nd incffcelivl'. li e s;.1id n1ultiplit:it y of p1·0 . grams lc;i ds to incfficil'n,l u s t• nf r('crcalion cquip1ncnt and need- less :.1<1111 inistrati vc overhead. J.ast ycur. he has pointed out in a re port, s i :~.826 was spent rron1 (•ount.y scr\'t1'l' :irt.'01 runcls in Aegea n !!ills fo1· a progranl which benefited only I UO children. ISec PROJEt·r . 1,agl·:\2) New Tennis Courts Open Tennis e nthusiasts in El 'l'oro c:a n now play on n ew courts at Lhc hig h sc hool , 25255 To ledo Way. 1'he eight court t:omplPx is open to the public aftl'r school :.i nd on \1•cckend,., ac ('ordio;! lo \V ilbur Chong, d c:.111 of ~ludcnt ::; al the .'i ehoul. 'l'h l' c ourts d o not presentl y h uvc night li ghti ng, he saitl. I lours g:itc. :.is ('Oil r t S, ;1dJ:iccn t \Va y. will be posted ov1..·r the \v iii rules fur u se of the l~ntrant•t• fnr court · pu1·kinv, 1:. t'l·on1 'foledo olvp ;1rl1111·1l\., l .1111 ;..:. l '.,·.11 ll odl1 0·1• ,·,1nl11·1n1·d t h.II "111' uf hi .., \\.11111·11., \\.!"' pr1·-.,,·11\ ,d l.t ~I \\t•vl-,',-. ('!Hill<l \l'l'"l.1 [ '>lic 101l Ill l ,;1;_:11 11.1 Jl lll:-and thal 1111 \1dd 0 1· !'! l•lt'l'\1•d .lllll11:il ,, \\ l'!'I' l.1ll1·d !J11\\L'\l'I'. l 'Ji,11 11u·I 7 '.\t•\1 ,, I•' p"11vr \\.1.\11 1• S.011 \\h11 .~1 l1·1t•\J:-l••tl r1·11t1r1 ... 11 r r1·d tlh· 1·1 111 \101\1'1'-.,I, .,l,11 1d-. h\ h1" <!llJ.!lll.d -1or,\ th.d 1111· 11~1 d 111·h-. .11HI IJ\t' 1 .ildnl." \I 1•10 · -,L1t1:.:h lt•1 .-d ··11\ l\h.1 1 .11111111111 -. IP .1 lit111!111 :.: ! "11 I \ :-..111 ' pl O'.'I ,UH ,, .1\t111·d ,111 Ill ll'l'\H·\1 \\1tli .1 d1. ... _run11td l .1t111 I·, •lJ 1111 ,\ •' 111 pl• •.It' \\ hu '•' 1d ih· 11h !t•Cl<'d tu lll•· \\lldl1!.• pro·-,vl'\l'·:-. \l !l:->i"'1 l-.,1n.111l1l-.L• h1IJ111~ ol 111\• .1111111.d-.. \ h~11·l"•I 111 l1".d l11 •1, and :1 1l l';1.I t'.il•h ll 11 t•r1· 'ho\\ 11 "11 -. '• 1 \" , I \ 1;111 (',qH :-0111•111111 v\jll'l':-,..,1·d d1111h1 lh.11 lho· r ;1l,\11 ! \\.1:-,H'lll.il I.\ kdl1·d .!111111 _• l .11111 ,.11u1 11r~,, c 1ill 1n g ,on.I t·1 111•p11i ).l p1'11J.!1·;11n lh· ~.11d 1111 · 1·.d,IJ11 dit•d .1 ro.ul dt· .1th and 11i ;1t 11 11;1-, hl1),i1t·d. !!11•.111111~ lll •i t I\ h:ul ht..·1·11 dl':_ld r .. r ..... n11• 11n11· :....t11 -.,.11d th.II lit· d1d111 knul\ IHI' -.111 \' \\ 11.·lht·r lh1· r.1hl11l II .I'> :.ltul "r pll'kl·d 11poll lilt• 10.HI II\• -.,.11 d \ht• PVldt•tll'I' II ,1 -., Olfl't'l'ci IJ\ .t !.111n t 'o11nl1\ t'lllpho\'l' and h 1· -.,t\\ l!il t 1•.1-..1•1l ltJl]lll' ... tllJ11 l1 l.1011 l 'uuntr.1 o tl11·1als .... 1y lh.11 l'lll l1l1111· 1t'l'l't1ll\' had :-.l'Vct';il d1-..aJ,.!/'t't'll1L'l11 -. \\Ith Z11nl u :..:11·;d IJ11·t·1·t11 r \\".d11·r t ' · l '.1\" l)u11111 .111d h ;1:.,n '1 1>1·1·11 li.11·h t11 \\1o1·k :-.Jlll'l' 1 hi• 11111'1'\ I+'\\ 'l'h1·y h.l\'l' l'\jll l'""''d d1. .... q1 pt)lll\fllt'll i ll\t'I" \lh.il lht·\ !1·rr111·d ,111 111\1.111· .111d n111 · .... 1dL·d " .lC'<'•l\1111 ol lh1·1r L'llnrl:- 1 .. pr111,•, I t''-111 ·11-,1\•' \\ildli11· ,\oo k I r11111 d1:-.t',1~•., !':t i ru•d lo\' d11t1ll"•l !<' IJ1rd-. .111d 1.1hli11 :- l'1·.,;.:1',1r11 ... -,111 ·11 .l" illl:-. .I)\' L".11 1 l••d !Jill \\ 1d ,.l1 ,!! c01!'dllll-: (ol l .1 .. 11 <..'11u 11l1.\ \11·4· l'r1•:-1 d ,·11 1 \\1111.11 11 ll11·d:,!1· hll! lht•\ dn t111I lltll'lll.1\!\ ht·~'l'lll\' ! 4111\l'tl~l'I ... 1.11 ·'l'h1-., 1-, h .q1pcn1n;.: ;d! tl11· 111111' 'l'h1·11· a11• do11·n.., ol 1·0111 rlllllll1lt'" d<Jl!l;.: 1111· :..11111· lhlllt.'. .ind n phods r;11 ... 1· ..... 111 .-,\ vht 1111 . h t' :-..11 d t)u11111 .idilcd th:ll l h1· \1Lldl1t1· 1:-;l'(' :-;,\t'.\lt l , l':ii-:,t• :\!) Su.spect Ha,s His Poi1it l~llS 1\:'\:(i l·:l.J·:S (,\l'l A 1nan \\'ho u :-.c<I a liu1l'h•'t' knifL' It) :ih- dul'l ;1 ~·1n111µ. C"ou ph· s:1nk 1hl' k nife in his 0\1·11 :-.tnn1:u·h JllSl before lu .. ' \1·as c .. qilurL"d h.v \\1'0 l ':_difornia hi i-:h\1"1 ~ p•drnln1t•n. offil'1 als saitL 'l'hl' knife n1i ... :-:l'd th1· v ital 01'· i;a ns, <.1ntl G:1r~· \V . !l•l i\l(•r. :i:J, \\'a s rC'porl1·d 111 ~atis fac.:tory1·011· ditiun totLi:, a ft 1·r SlU'J.:t'r~'. Gary (;ardnl'r, :JO, :_infl his dali', '.\'ancy '!'hayer. 25. told poltct' that !".t iller accoslctl thcn1 ut ;_1 r esl a ur :.1 nt in \\'l'~tv.•ootl :111d for<"cd thcnl into Gardne r 's l'i.11'. Ferlauto Elected Liais on Officer Vito Fcrdautn of 21i•t:1 1 V1:1 l .:ira . ;'\\ission \1iejo. has h1't'n s1·Jcctc cl a s H \i;iis o n of the !\.1 1s - sion Viejc, !\'l1111i cip1d /\rlvisory c·ounc·i l { i\1 /\t'.J lo lh1• S:uldlL'ii:L('k \rl':1 ('uo1·rl1n;1 li n g Counl'tl !S :\1'(·1. 1:('r\:111\o, :in ()r;n1 g1• l 'nunl)' ShL•rilf':-; dcpul ~. \\II:-> 1.·.1nd1da1 1.· fnr the :\l ,\l' lit: jJlaCL'd s 1:-.th , n1nk1ni.: hinl·r1r:o1 t Nr111cr up ( c, •• ,,.,.,.' ,.,,, ;, ... \\ 11.11 p11 ,..,~i!1I\ ,1 !1t1 !1 ll1lll I 1'011\ I. < ('t1t1 ld ~·u111n1;inc !l;·u ('h r:ipl 111!" ~roup ,11· l .;ig u11;1 Ifil l$ lh•.\:-.'.' l·\ir the ~1tl ::>\\l'I ;.;.11.c.~. :'t't' !'agl' '..! Emphasis Now on Jobs Ford Adnuts State of Union Not So Great IS\ 111·.LI·:' '1'11(1:\I \:-. \\' \:-;111 '\c;·r11 .'\ 1 t 1·1 1 l'l l".-.ldt•ttl J•".1rd 1·ntH'!'d1·d 111d.1\ !lit• 111.11 1111• ... 1.11• li t 111.-{ 111••11 I'> 11tJf c:ond '.11\d .i ">h\'d l "tll!l't'">" loll .ll\ .11111 I l'l ("" !lltl.11 \ )'1'1 !11.!lll'I!\ ,,,, , 11t "t :,Jt, ,, 1.1111 .. 11" \•'.1 r lnr 111d 1\ 1du .il -. 1111 1<11• iii .111 1111 ltlt'dl,lll' "I].' l>ill1"t l \.1\ to·l1,1I•· llo·l1\ 0•1111~ !u.., lll'>I :-il,l\v "I Ill•· l lll<'tl .1dd1·1· ... ~ 1·· .. , i1 0Ji1ll1110·il :t II•'\\ I'' Ul\<t!lll( j\IH,.l ,1!11 di''>I 'lll'd !" •'l\ol \ 111,.111" •. •lv1u·11olo'11< • "Ii l1'1v1..:11 ••11 11,\ l'IH:1 11h1lv '""111~ 11\o· 11111111 de.tit' i>1<olil1·11l \\(,I \\\\I I 1~1)!1\\ I• I'( -~!•Ill 111111 h 11.1 00\1'1 Thief Gets Wiring At Nudist Colony tn 11·ndl·r .., .1l .1 :-..111 .!11.111 ('.1p1 ... 1ra11<J ;1r1·:1 tn1<l1 -.1 l'•1lt1n\ \\1'/'1'11 1 1ou 1·111H·1·r111·d \\'11h 1ht· \ 11•\\' 'J'11t·:-.cl;1\' IHI\ 111 ... l1'.1d t'Oll ;·,·nlr;tll'd !ht•Jr :tll l'lll1nn nu t•o1p p1.·r 1v11·111g \-alUL'd al ~111 . 1)1".Hl h t' (.'nu nt \. Shi· rift ·~ 11fl n·1• r:-. .... t Ill I>c·1lu!if's said lht• \\'ll't' 11:1s lakL'll f1·on1 ;1 nudi:-1 r1•snrl npl•r ;1ted b:-· \\'all:1l'l' I·' \\'il.-.n11. ·ll". :11 21~J ! I <Jr\l'gt1 lltg h1\·;.1,\'. l >t·11t1t1l':-. ..,;Jid tud:1,1· 11 n1.1 .1· 1<1k1· :is niany ;1 ~ Jq ol'fll't'l'S \o l horou).!hl ,\' i nve~\1 g:1tt' lh•· 1 ht· fl -..h.11!.111 .. d 111 ... tr.11!1 'l'l'tl \lllll 111fl.1 !111n ··rti,· o'll •fl.l '>l:-0 "I HUI' l 'IHll•Hlllt' • !!11rl:-11111"1 jlq\\ ,h j1l 11•\I?\ 111ll.1l111111o l"t, ... ltt·-..1111 1 .. ,11 ii .1dn1111 ... 1 1\1 ... pr11gr;1111 \\,t-. 1111l.111n1L1l\ .ind \\1Hild t';i1-.1· 111 .. 11.tt1 .. 11.d d.-1!1 \11 :-;:;()\) l1!ll11•1l 1 ht' 1 ll ' '-\ \ 11 ' • \ t '.l 1 ~ 11,• tl\t'ti HtJ\lllll ,l ,I d,11 l!l"' l'l ol .~l,1111 111 I ,11-.1• lhl' jll ll'l' "I !\11 •J I hi <lll!.~!i T .1 '''" .u1d ,1ddL•d !-,,~\-. h1 :-.•. ·, l1ill .. 111 1•1 d1,,· .. 111 .l~l' •'<•ll ·lllllldlllll 1111111· .J1 11 11 1l.11111 ~· th·· 1·1 Ullulll\ \I lllJ l.1\ '111-. 11•1 l•11ll1 111111\ldll.il-., .111d 1111 111 1 '~' lie• ,1..,!,\•d t "1 n ;..:1 <'""' 111 •'ll.i< I ii !11 \j\l'll 1 'l'o 1111• pa• k1•d I [11t1 ..,1· \I h1·r1· hl' "'L't\l'd :!;i 11·:1 r~. l·'o1d t't't'.Jl lt-<I :.i I 11nc :-.hortls a ft1 ·r hl· I (Juk ofl ice ::1s :1 r rl'~ 11 n1 :111 ron g 1·t·:-:-.111.i 11 :!ti ~·e ;i r.:; _, l'.1r s H).!O \\'hen l'rt"..,1dc11t I l:i rr,\ .S "J'1·11111,1tl l'C'l>tll'\t•il II• ('oll).!l'l':-OS 1ha1 th1· :-.!alt• of th1• inlHlll \\'il:- ).!ood '''l'nd ,1 .1. lh .11 l1••,hn1.111 n1t•mht·r t1·i1111 .\l!t IHJ.!.ill :-.l:i nds \\"ht1r1· 1\11· ·r ru111:u1 ... 1ond :ind I ITill:-.1 :-.a\ lo \'Oil t h;1t !ht• ~t;l\l' (•I the un111i1 1 ~ 1\0 1l J.!11od . ·· Fnrd :-.:11 d "i\l 11!1011.-.. 11! 1\tl\1't'Ll'.1 n .., are 11t11 nf \\'Or~." h1 · ... :11d. ··1t 1•1·t·s:-.i1111 :i nd 1nl!:1!1nn ;11't' 1•r11d111,..: 1ht• n1nnt'.\' 111 n1dl1D11:-ni11r1• 1'1·11'l'" ;1ri-t11n ht L!h ;ind ~.d1'" .11't' !011 ~In\\' Triple Tragedy Son Axes Parents, Kill.s Self :\ltll'NT.\INSl l)F:. i\.,l 11\1'1 -f\ :\r1\' ,.llrk l '11 _1· h;n1k vi1·1· p 1·C'sidl'nl ;111<1 hi:-\11f1· \\t'l't' fn1111cl ;ixed lO d l'alh 1t1tla~. ,tpparc11t ly ki\IC'd hy theu· IS-y1·ar -nld ..,on \\ hn chn1hl·d :1 1.iO·fool 1\'all'l' lO\\'er ·rucsday .... 1a~h1.•d his \1·r1 ..,1:; anti th('n JlllHp1•d to 111 . ..; de;11h. polu·t• said. l'olicc s~1i1l 1h1·~· f11u111 I 1h1· hod1t•s of 'l'IH111 1.1.., .S:1111l t•r :-.. ,18 . J \'il'l.' p1·('sid1·nt nf lhl' 1··1 r~I :\':ol l<)ll :t\ l '1l\' llank 111 \l.n1h,1l\<.1n. illlil his \\ ife .IH111t'<'. ·Ii. 111 th1·1r ho1ne :-11'1 1·1· ,·hi• bud1 nl lhe11· ~on (;1·1...·gg \V ;1 S id (' 111 if 11·d 1'.tf\ \' I Od .i \ ,\11thor1111"" :-;:1.11[ th1· hnv '1' li<1d\ \l.1 ~ lu 1111d l!v t\\o ,\·n~1lh s :1 hnu1 11 p 111 '1'11t·~d ;1~· a11h1,-ha:-.1· 11r'1 l1L' 11 ;ll1·r 1011\'I :11 \\'att hung l<t•St'f'\ ;it i11 1l , ahnul :111 l'1 ghlh of :i 111111· t ron1 t11s linnl1' 1\ 110\1· s1i.:n1·d l>,v the ho\· 1nd1l':.1t1·d ht• h illl'd h1 ... p.1 ren t ~ h,·e:1 11s1• hP \\':1:-:n 't gctl,in~,..wlo1ii.: 11 1th thc111 , Sgt. J::d\\'ard l ltt s k1ns of lht• ;\l !1II11 I :Ii llSi<fC noliC8t:fc'tifl . l 'o l1t·t· rounrt Son{,ll'rs"l~·in;:! 011 .the kilt'h(•n l'luur ... \\'\th. tl1c a x lod~erl in In s head. '1 rs sfincll•rs "'~.1 :-. founr\ in thL' d ining roorn • . . .. , F11ril ~ .11.1, . .., -.11 d 111~ 111•11 1''" g1 .un \1 .,u!d r.11-.. .. llh' <'u -,1 01 Ii\ 1ng \\\ o p t.!rt·1·111 ,t \ l.':i1 · ·r.1'-t'" ;111d 1.1r111-. 1111111.\ .idd ::;:111 h 1ll1011 It! llh'1 tn~1 , ,111d lht· 11ppl1· 1•l f1°l'I 11! h1 ;•h1 •1 pl ll t'" t"I 1!1111;.:-.. 111;1<h' l!oHll p1·\r11l,.11111 ,111d 1·!,.1 111t·11\ 1•1· tuvl t•d h1 111,•111 11<111!01 .1dd .!!l•dllt'l ::.;,!,") l•illHrl• ,I \\'.ii \d !lit' plJl't'~ .\11 111\l.111" 1•.11 . :1 1· .• 1rd 111 :..: !11 I . \\ lll1.11n :...1·1il1n-i11 J·'i IJ'o (." o 'I 'O ol Io I 1111 ( l o" Ii o 1111. I I 1 JI In .1ihl111 .. 11. :->• 1d11 1.111 .... 11d 1!11· :-'.,;)!\ !lit· .111•r.11.:•· I 111111\ "P\'llol " 1111' i.!·l."(>illll' hP!ll•' 111·.11111 ~ .11111 1•lt•(\111·1t1 \\111dol !I" 11\ ... ;.!.1lt \•1 .... J ,.;cu1 ,\-. .i lt'lilll•I I ,,,,j .d-.o p1·u p11-.,1'1I .1 ~111 hdl1<•11 11•d11"11<Hl ttl 1.l\l'" p:11•l Ii\ lit1:-1tlt'"'''" ;-..! h llt1 .. 11 111 ,1 1;1\, 11•d1l lnr 11111 1" \\ h11 ·h t''Xp .. and :out 1n11dvr111 1<' .n1d ~ii ltdl1t111 111 .1 p1 ·r111.111t•11 t r1·dt11 l111n od 1h1• 1·n1 p11ral1t•r\ l lll'Olllt· !.1 ' r.1t1· 1'1·11111 !X \01 I:! P•'l'l'1·11I ('II 1·11111pan1t•S, h1l\ll'1l'r \\utlld '"' ,,uhjt•l'i \II ;1 IU'\\ t:1\ I'll \I 111df:dl pr11fi1~ \u pfC\L•ll\ tht'll\ lt\Hll I•' ;q1111 g undue i,;;1111 frnn1 11J,• 11.1 t1u11's e n e rgy tro11hll'"' ' . <.Sj•t• 1'1\X {'''.I'. l ';i ~i' .\:.:, Schools Set Mu.sicales This Week It '~ a \\'t'l'k for go1ut 11111:.iC' fur !-.t uden t s of lh1· S:1ddl1·ha1·h \'a lley ll nifierl School 1Jis tr11·t. 'l'hurstlav . cnscn1blC's fro1n tht• ()r ang 1· c 'ount y J>hi1h;1rn10111t' Sncit'l \' and lj nc :1I :\o . '· f\m l'rtcan l·'cderat1nn of :\lu:.1 l'ians. \\'ill tw.! p.:rfor1n111g for fourth. fifth and sixlh !-:1·:1dt·rs at i\'l onle\'idt>o, Santiago ;ind :\lls t1 1J\en1cntarv schools ,\ v.·oncl\\ 0 1nd cnsenihlt• 11Ill1>1:1 ~ fo1· ()lL\'1'\\·ood. (;len ,._.r1110 :ind llc l l\·1·ro scho1 1ls l•'1·icl :1\' .1:111 '.!O: a h ;1roquc 1·11Scr11hlt• ·ll'<1tur 111).! .1 11\1quc.· in :-.tr111111'n1 :-. 111\I p1·rfprn1 <it ll'i\1'111, {i.•ll'c-and l 'ord1ll1•r:1 s1·1l(11.1ls '!'ht• n11111 -t'1 l1}1't'rl ... ar•· :1 pr1· p11 1'<1 tion fol' 011r1p l•f i\IL'locl.1 land ;\ol u~ic (.;(•ntrr in _.\naht·11n .J ;.in 22 . '''hl'll frf\h 1-:r:1d1· ... 1ud1·111 .., cli:-. 1 r I,. I \\ l d l' \\ Ill .It, l ' n d a l')h1th:1 rn1un1C \'uuth L'unl·1•r1. ' I . .. Bonding Company Deadline IL1 (; \H,.i,H \,\.II.I.I , 0 11n1· o ... 1v l'olot ~1dll 1111 • l)10J1d111 '"1111p,01l\ ;1..,!,1•d tu 11 i>.!\ I 11";1 11 _•,· l ".111 1il \ 1111' .dl1'~l',J !11 1.11111,1\ 1., .. ~,-. 11"l.1i1·1I t•1 H l·p . \1 1<11,.11 l\111,11.111 ., •H '.\\'\\Pi~rt l\1·,11 !1 1.,!1 1 1·1·.., ... 1111 l !t~:! •·.1n1p;i 1g n 1\:1..; :.!l\<'ll 11\1· 1(111n11 ·l' 111011lhs l• I p1'11\ \' I\:-, \q-.,.,1•., l:tt1 \ ... "l"t.1nl l '•1Utll\ 1"•1111-.~·I l 'l.1\ l'.i rl,o·r 1n-..1:-.I lli•• 1·01 11111\' h,1 .. thr···· .\t·;11 .., l·• lil• "1.111,..1 1;1 ;1< ;11111 lt,1~ .. .i 1111 11.iud or 1·111- I" 11il·1111·111 , 1(1 ·1.11,•d -.1 .. 1 \' I ".1 _ ,. \" I 11 .I ) , I I• I In l h1· i I ,11 I I• lld JI l">ll I ,1 llt'" I; I' •lljl [ ',ll h\ I ,,.1 lfl lht· :-.\.1\ut.._· .. 1 h1111t.tt1<J11;.:1\1·-.,1l1t.' ,.,11 11\l\ thrt•1• \t•:ir:-. lr1 nn 1h .. d,l\l'' nl di ... ~·11\ l' I .\ I (I p1 II\ I ' 11 ... lu:-:-.l'" !!111\•'\1'1 l'.111,,.1 •.!l11 l1nl.1\ 11 I" i'.\lll't lt"I 111.il Iii• ,1uol11 ll1~ lo '.<111 ,1:-.~1·_110 ·.I 111 .. f,,..,i,. .. 1 dt·· ll'l'lll llllll!-! llli.11 l!iO' I P!illll ltt.'>I d11<· 1ol 1111 · .dl1 ·i-:··d ,1 :-.-.1~11n11·11\ oJ :1.~:-.•·:-0:-"1'' oil!l1'<' l'lll)ll11,1t'." lt> 11111~1\.111 · ... l',llll)•.tl ~!ll :-.ti,,1ild l•t• hlhl\1 11 \\ 1l/J 111 \ /i1 t'l' II ,.,.i,.;. 'l"h•· putp1>r!t·d u-.1· od Ill•' 1•fllldu,1v,.. oil l'tJllltl.\ !11111· 111 .11d 1!111-,)l.1\1 ·.., 1·l1•<'t11111 lu (01111 !.:l'l'"·' .11« 11\1·rl 111 .1 :c1 1·11un1 l;r,111d .tut\ indH·\1111•111 th.it 1 h.1rg1·d 1111\t' """''"'""I "' 01!111·1· 1•111pl11\t•S \lllh ;.:r.111d 1ht·I\. 1·011 ... p1!'.H'\, \t<•l.1\11111 ul .:.:1111•rnn1t·111 1·11dl•.., .ind t.1l..,1IJL'.il1n11ol l't'l'nl'd:- ln t•'"l"'11-.1· l•11lh · 1111111·111:!11un 11\\·ludt•d 111 tl11• 111dlt'll!ll'lll, the 4'Plltll .\ 1t.,.1rd 11l Supt..•r\ 1-.11r.., 111- ,\ 1th tvd t 111· ',·.u111 \ 1·cu111:-1·I l1• :1 l - '' !!l pl I•• I t'l"l\t I .11\\ [01.,:-1·:-. loJ !ht..• l,1,p.1.\1•1-. tli.11 Jl\l ~h l li,1\\' ()l' 1·1 111·1·.I .1 :-!hv l't'. ... 11111•! llh·.illt•:.,1,.•d ill••~ ,ii .ivt 1\ Ill«:-. , .. ,j l't'.,lllt .! '\.11111 .1 .:,\111 ... 1 ,\ "~:,.u1uJ 111•'11•1111111 \ luind 1'""1vd b,\· lli!l"')l.1\1 II !it'll flo• l\.t ~ ,1~-.0 ""<\I' 11111 ht' t1h·d 11110·11 1111· .111d1loJ1-. t·,,111111i.111"11 !>I P.i\ 1.dl .ill•I •111\l't' I •'I OJI ,j-, 1-., I <llllj1J1·!1·d Hours Extended .".uldlL·ha l·k ('ulJt'l..'.t' IJ.1-, "' l1•nd1·d llhr;_ir~ h1111r:-. lo Ill p 1H 1111 1-'rid.c~ 1•\ t•ning,..; :t11d f ron1 ~" nl tn I \l n1 on Suturrl:.1,:; l ";.1• t1f lih1.tr\ h11oks :u1d t•i1111pn1t•nl 1s opl'll Ill b\lth st11dl'nls .11111 null· -.,r utlt•nt:-. Or;anif"' \\'t•alht•r IJ ·11 bf' t•o11l e r 'l'hur ... d ;1.\. al·· 1·u rd1n~ to till' \\'t.!:.&th er S1'1'\ 11·«. \l'i1h a l'han<"eof s on1e tog 111 •,ir 1h1· h1.·:1cht·s late ln111ght ;inti (';1rly 'l'hurs day. lli i::hs 1111d !ti uppt•r (ills al the h1 ·a«ht•s and in tht• 70s 111\and. l .,SllH·: 'l 'OD.\ \' /'/011/1011 1\lor111::1111· publisll•·r /1 11r1i1 l/c/nt•r S~tld 1/ IL'(IS /}1,• rr1o·r/1,·1·u/ l1orrn,,,n11·11/' fl/ 111 I •'-'/l~j!l/Or~ •1U/ /(! \" 11111111111 <lnH/ '/1o1 ~Cl"·" 1/10/ drn1·c /11,.,;; ·'l'r'ft'lllllJ t11 tl1•a/11 ~hJr11. I 'Cl!I•' .-\I I 11clt• ~ 6o.olonct B• L M Boyd 1\11 C•hlornl• AS C"'''' Corn•• I\ It Ct••••hed 01 11 comocs es C<,,S•..,ord IH C"un1y A lD 11 Oe•tn Nol•<~' A,, Ed•!"""' p_.qe "'' l:"l•Hl6•nm~n1 BJ.- Fon.,•<• B~·I FOOd C4 14 HorO,<Ol>t' Cl Ann ... ,....,,,, CJ ,,. ... tbo• ... Mov1il\ 8 J_. MOllu•I Fund• 8• MU\O( Bo1 8J N•l•<>n•I N•"'' jt,t Peopi. Ct l ~"'"" Or !>l~"'cro~n Slo<• M"'""" lplp"'""n '""•,•" W•••~"' W o•fd N~"'' l ... "l "" .,, "~ .. .. • J'°••rd's Speech Key Econoinic Areas Outliried \\'.\s111't~·ro~ (:\1•1 l lt•rc· :1t a 1!\:.t nc ... · ;1rl· kt·v ··h·n11·nts in thv l'C'Onunlll' l'llL"rgy [H'<•i-:r<1n i 11u!l1ned t uJa ~ li y l'1 t'S1dcnt J·\1r,1 111111:. Stat(' nt th1• L'r11nn :.iddrl•:-.s: div1dual :-. lo he d is tribut(·tl tbruugh ro·b<i tes r angini:.! tu a 1n a x u nu 11 1 11f Sl ,000 pe r reiurn : ._ one-ye.11 111crl!ast.• to 12 Pl'reent in the t .1~ 1·r c d1t!> d e s ig n ed to s pu1· bu:-.1ni::--:. n1odern1:.t:ation and l'X ·r ,•1nµ11 rary ta ' t·u t ·" Sl~ 11c111.~1111i. Li 1ll1•Jll 1 ~1 71 1a ' t·ut lor 1n T AX CUT. • • l·'u1· indt\1du;ds. ta ' 1·:it1·s 1\1ndd ho • 1·u1 h\ ~Ui:) lllll1nn. \\'llh 1(>\\' a1HI !l)liltl!t• llH'tJllll' f.1n1il il·S "!lJll.\ 111..: n1·~1rlv h ;1lf tit•· t ut.ti :-..t\'lll ~.'• ,\[:in n[\' ul ]llll!" \\ll!i ;1 l.ix:dilt• 11\t'Otlll' n f $Hl.(~)(I l!l t~r;.-, \\11 ul1I p ;1 ,\ ~.)\:-\ Lil fl·d1•t«d llH'lJl~lt· t.1:>.1','> 111 -.h·:id ul ~Hli7 a:-,,!\ 111 g p\ :--:; 1~1 'J'h 1:-. t.1\ cul 1.1q1dd li1 · n11 l11p ol Ille p r11pu .-..d J.'111 d d1 -..l'l1> .. 1•d :\]1)ll- d :1v nig ht in~' 11·lL"11 .. 1on ,,ddrL"S:-i 1'1 ·the nation. I t L':tlled j,)r a I :! pt•rL'l't1! r1·hat1· u11 tlll'lllll!' t;1xc.-. d\ll' on 1n7.1 C'arn111 ).!S. tu hv paid in :\l :1v and SPpl t·i n ht·r :i nd \Vit h ;1 rn ;1X1 n111n1 r t·h:1 l!' or S I .ouo !'or \l'l';Jlth;. l ;tX!J<l .l 'l'l':-0 l)t•111ncrat s 1·r1tic11.~·d t l1l' p t1n :1:-. \!Ill g l'J\l'l"OUS to lhl' \\'l';dth.v hut "t'llt·ra ll v 1\'l'll·urn ... d the i d1·a 11f ;~ l<JX cl1l to :--t i1nulale th e 1.'l'OJlO n l\'. I n addi11011 . For1l prop11:'l'd t:1.-.: savin g:-:. nf up tn $\:'!fl for thO!'i(' w ho in :-.lll<1tl' tion ll.'S ur buy storn1 \\·indO\YS. 1'h 1_• f'rC'sidL"nl ;1s k1·d ('ungrc-ss to l";.t[J ~l Jll(ll"H\OJ'Jl ll1l Ull :uld 1·011 ed [I) 1·elo -:in.v n e 11• s pend - 1 11~ p rog ra rn .->. ,1·;_irni n ~ !he d('- l1i'1l in :1nv t•\'('11\ 11·111 r1•:1l'h s:io t11lliun thiS fi .-;t·;1I y1•:1r ;ind pru - liahlv Sl:i hlllton ;1 p1·c1cetir11e r1·i·n;·d in th<' J'isl'al \'1•;1r 1vhu·h start...;Jul.1 I . 'fu Sa\(' n1on1•y. r-urd ;_1:-;k e d for ;1 I Lt\\' h ()Id i n g to 5 Pl'l'l'l' n! the COSl - of · 1i vi ng incrl'<1:-e 1h:1t is to be µ;1 id in ,J ul.v Lo .10 mil lion ;\ n1erican:-. r<:· ceivi ng ~oci;1I St.'curi!y '!'hey :ire due t u ~c t ;ihuul 12 pl·fl'C'nl ;ind J)e rnnc r:!\s :u·l· ho:-.1111' to !h!_' id1·:1 of gi,·ing ll•ss. On t h e ener).!y front. off1c i;ds said f'ord 's plan \\·nuld r <iisc !he pr1ct.• of g a snline b.v 10 (·cnts :1 ).!.illon. But oth1·r .<\rtn1ini.s tr:.1tion l'l'O nnrn1:-.ls s:11d 1t \\ould be 15 ('t'!llS lll()f't' ,I g,dii>ll F'vrd s.Hd lil' 11 ii! irn1•11:--l' <J gradu;_dJy 111crl':1 ~i n )-: t;_irtff o n 11 npo rL1·d 0111h:.it1\<J uld rl';1l'h SJ :i h;_1rrel un ,\pril I Ill· t.:~1 11 do this b.1· l'Xl'C tlliVl' 11rdt'r 1\'llhout eon - }.!re ss1nn;1l :1ppr••\ .il County OKs Use Permit For Kennel i{u::;s1·!! t;_ !\l ann111 i-:. ert •a\11 r (>! t he ·r ~1 1·z;~n eon1i c ~11·111. ""1." gra11ll'd :1 11~e pern11\ fur ;1 k1·1111l·I .ii h L" 'J1id.Jt'~h;;i (':lll_\'llll htJlllt! b y th!' i >r;i n ge t :lJunl y l'l;_inn.ng {\1 n1rn1:-:--ic111 :\l11n1L1;.. ~lannin i.! 1\·ant:;; 1h1• kl·nnl·I to hntt:-.1 · six dn ~s on his nnv and a hall :1t"re prn1·t·1 \~ 111 olht·r pl;1111\11\I.! l'On1 1ni~s 1<1n hu<.;1n•·""· J)1•11·\.1p«r .l11lin \\11-.li .i~k ,·d f1•t" 1n<o1 o· 1111·.1· 1u C'<>llll' up \\ilh <in ;11 11 •r11:ll•· p :1rh1n~ .1r 1 :.i nJ!,t't11l'll1 l\H' h1-.. 111d1 1-.l ri.d pro) ll·c t un .I •·1"•H\llt111 llu.ol .it·ru:-.s l ro rn th,· l\ur1··111t.:h.-. pl.1111 ui :'l l t~ ~ion \'11.·Jn "l'hC' h•'.ll Ill ~ \\,i-. ]1<1.-.lp0!llo·d t•! !'elJ. \ ].,,,..( \\\'t'k \\"1-.l1 \Id ., d<' ll <C'd hi-. 1·1·1pn-,..\ !11 1·1 ·<i ll!'~' p.ork 111~ .1l"••llll ol !ho· I:..' ln11l •l !1.1.! 1·0111 p it'.\,; !r111 11 ~,j71.i ljH ~1•.11 ·, '> ORAN GE COAST ~a DAILY PILOT l"" Qr •"9<' (oa '' D~dy l'd<>I w' th """''h •I <om· t>o,,..,\""N•w' "''" ''P"Ol""""D•!""O.•"QO! (O.Oll l'ut>l1•h,nQCompany ~.,,~••!~t<lo!LMI ••• pUbl""""' MO"<l•v '"'""Q" fPOdy '"' Co"~ IN'.d, '""*l><>•I ll~•<~ H<1n1•~QI"" ll<'a'h 'rovn i.on Val l~v. ''''"~ ~·~~,.D~•• va11~, and Llgu.,. tl•arh '><iutn (od" A """" ,.Q,.,.,..I "''"''" ,, 11UD'''""a ~d!Y•O•n ~,,,, """O•YI 1,... .,..,,.,,,.,,.1 ""f>J "h•no n••nt ,, ~1 )')() W.•1 f<a ; SI<<~!, {D~IO ~-~ C•i•IM"•• 91•1• Robert N Wcf'd f'-.,.Mnl •""Put><'''''" Jd(k R. Curley V",. P•r"QH>I ~M (ooon""' ""°""<>"' Thomas Kcevll f ~.to• lhomos A Murph1f'I(> MAnA1'"<1 E<l•!<l' Charles H Loos R1~t1ard P. Nall """"l' M•n•o•nq FO•!"''• S.ddlt back ValleyOflict lil'Ol I.• Pil l'iO•<I •t ~An D1t9f) r,~•w •1 Othe r Offices Clltr• ..... ,. JlOWf'' a~v~o .. P• ~ ... C(lt! 0P.Vh lJJl "'"'I"''! !\t>,,IP .. 1•<1 t1un••~ton 0•"" 11~11 n,.,. h I«•"" • .,~ !.•tu"• 8•1>". 11"' C.io~v·• '>l,.•I Telephorte (714 1 M2-4J21 Classified Adverllsi ng 642·5671 s.d<l~l>fC . \ll!lfY .. , ..... Qlf«:P ,,,.,310 '°'""' s.n Cit""'"" 49S ·0•30 (OPf"'"'· 1•11 O••nt• Co•-i PuDll\h•llQ (O"'IM~Y NO nf"'' HO<•••. 111 .... (<it!'°"' Pd•IO•••I m •Ht r Of •lw1rt1ff'mt nl• hffP"' "''' OP ••a•olut~il wol hllu1 ~Cl•' otrm."1on o• ~lll'Yf1Q1'(0W,,., .. ,.,,,d e"" 11a1l•t • P••d ,, Co•t• "''" (M••or11••. I •D•C r1rt*'fly l•" "'' tJ 00,.....fhlf .. ,...,, ~ Oo..;>;Of'IO•'t', "'1Ul1tYlflf•1•n•h-0 00 -•h•v . • Pt•r n1anc n1 t a x (_·u1, ,, ~11;;:. hil11011 r'l'<llll'tion l11 ln dividu;.d L11 i·unll' Lixes and a Sli billio n l'U\ l<Jr l"orp ura lions. r1·dul'ing th1·1r 111:1xin1un1 r~1tc fr111n 18 p~rt'l'lll l" l:! )11'l'Ct'lll J-'.111·rgy (·o nst•f\ a lion 1111 position of ~~ a -h<i 1 r1·I lt'\"H''> ~"' don 11·st1c ;ind 1n1pol'll·d 1·rutl<· (Ill 1n d1 -.(·uu r g,1t' n1 l ('( 111 »11 111pt1011 \\'ind£a ll l'rofit s ln·ipos ition l•f ;1 \\'indt ;dl prnf11-. \<1>: IH) u!I p1·odul·l'rs. prnd u1·1n;..; .111nual 1·1· I l'lllll'S !ii ~ [ :.! h!ll 11J1\ 1:t'd l'r;1I Sp1·111li11 g ,\ 1111, . ll'<.lt" ff1(1!';tl111"tllll1 lll l l\!'\I lt•flt•t',ti :-.pending p rogr~un:-.. 1·xcvpt t11r t"lll'rg~. ;ind ;1 :J pl.'1 l"vnt ,·t•tl111 g for 1975 on 111crc;;s1·:--111 fl•d t·1 ~11 p<.iy. food :-l:.i n1ps :in<l fe d ('ral 1nil1la r y ;ind l'iVili;111 rl.'ltr«nl1·11\ ht'ill'l'i\~ St a ndb y t:ontrols £n1erg 1'n ey a uthority for t he Jl rC'sident Lo r :.i t ion g;.1solin e ur allocat e u se pf p e tr o lc un1 produc ts ;.ind cont r ol tlv::ir prices. /\id to t'.J tilities -/\ thrce·ye:.ir . 12 pl·rcen t tnvestm ent tax c r edit fo r u tilities that convert p ower p lants from o il to co:il and p os tponl'ment of 1.:l('an a ir st<in · d ards for utilities for 10 years. to 1985. 1c:n1is.'!iio n Controls a nd i\1ile a p;e ('o n trols -A five-yt.·ar dela~· 1n n1ore s tringent 1.•nlJssion s tan- d ards a n<l u voluntar.Y prog ran1 to inc rC'asc gasoline n1il c age hy ,10 p ercent by 1980 . l)a)"m c nt.'i lo .'ionlaxp a yt>rs F cder;.d paynll'nls of SRO a .\·car fo l" m ost 11nn -t;1xpa_1·ini.! adults. totulin g $2 hi llinn. Insul atio n lncl'ntivc s -'f';1x c r e d it s o f up t o S l .5 0 fo1- hon1eo"·ner s \\·ho i nstall \vindo1\·:-; ur other insulal1on. v.·ith fedl'r;ll aid for those \vho Ciln 't affor d 1t . 1-:fflciency l ,abeling,-J,C'g isl<1 · tion to label all uutos a nd honic :qJpliances to disclose ho\\' n1uc h t'lll'rg_\' 1 ht.'.\' USL' <.n1d <IL·Velup- n1ent of vulurttary s t and ;u ·d s 1,1 nnprOVl' !he ener~y effieie ne~-of a p plialll'('S hy llJ pL·r cent \Vitb111 five ye<Jrs. f'r1u11 Pagt• A I SAFARI. • • pr1·:-t.•r\'L'·~ n1:qur rt·~pon:-.ilJ 1 l1tv 1,.. tu 1·xut1t', \\·1ld ~ind end;1n).!l'l"l'tl a11 1cn ;1ls :ind n11l t•J d nn1L·~t1 1· ;1 n1n1als 1\·hi t·li ha1·l' bl'l!ll dun1pL·d off ;_i t I.ion Cnuntry . ()u111n and I.i o n l"oun!r\ \"l•tl'l"lll<1r1an J)on [)uo[{•.v. p•1 intl'd 11ll! 1 h .11 ;d I 1 h1 · <1111111;1],:; s hn1 11 l'I'•' li•Hl;-.l'hu ld \ :1r1!·t~ du1·ks .i nd r.d• l11t~ l!H· dt'S("l'IHl.1111.-. ur p~·I -. \\ h11·l\ h:td h!"<'ll pll1 '1111 ltl p ..... 1111"l' 111' 11\\ !l\'I"~ ·r1i1 ·~ ·r1· :-.11 r.it 11i, 1 ,.,1111 o•\·1·11 r\1 :1 11d tl1l·1 :-it ;1t<>11nd l\•·1"l' :111d 1•:.t 1q1 11\1· 1111\••r ;1111111.11 --.' lund .'' --,;11d l/1111111 , ,od dllll-! Tl1.i1 ..,\\,111 " ;ind \1 ,ill.dlle:--n l11·1 1 I'" 111111)-!.t\ IH'i"d\l~t' \ht·~ l'<tll l (·11111pt·1 ~· l!!I 111••<1 I\ 1\ll ·-1\.!l"tll'-, 1d d 1oill\''>tl1 I u11 I l .1n11 ('1111111!'_\' u lll1'1.d-. '>.11d lh•·\" di'('lrlcd tn kill \ht' <1 n1n1:ils nnl.1· ;ift cr thn1·n11ghl .1· ('nn ... 1dC'r1ng ut llcr me l h orl~ .... u ch ;1~ trapping . :-.n:i r in g :ind putt ing out 1r:111 quilizl'd fourt. ·r hcy s ;.nd 11. \l"<Js 1n1•\ 1t :ihle th;it the .Jan 7 cr1111 1•1n g un - !h·r takcn a s ~1 \\'1ldl!fl' m:1 n :.1ge · n1cn t prng r n tn 11011Jld pru1·ok1· ~on1t.• publi(· enntro1·~·rs .\ Hut. in lhl' aft1~1·111 :1th 011' qui·.-. t111n ~ ra1S!'d by {""T1C'~·r1 1t'll 1n - cl1\·idu<.d s. !.ion ("111111tr.1 \\ill con - \ 1·111.' a t•o 11 fer('!l('l' of r~'presc n tali\'l':-. 11f qualifH'd <1l'~roni1:1 tio11 ..; tq dl :'l l'll:-.S ot ht·r ;ippro.11 ·h,·-. ''\\1 1.·"r·~· looking J111· :--<o lll t' hr;li ns,'" f li·edgC> :-;;li d Burglar Easy To Identify PO M PAN O B EAC ll , Fla ( UI'I J -f'olil'c th ink they v.•ould have litt le troublt' i<IC>ntifyin g the bu r~l ar who allt'mptcd to b r1.;ak into Jame s J lillm a n 's ho use. 111· is probabl.1· t he only man in !011 n with a n arr ow in h is hHck . Jlilln1an told police hf• ·'·•11 a man atll·n1ptin[:l l o cut 1hro11i.:ti a \Vlndov.· of his hon1e ~1 0 11d.1v ni_l!hl nnd called on him to .o;;!o1• ·rhf' hurglar r ::in. l l 1lln1an. :1n ar1·h1·ry 1·nthus 1asl, grahbrd li1 -, h o v.· and arro"'' ;ind lt•t f l1 llilln1 :1n s:i id thr ;1 rrn1~· l orl i~1 ·d b et"Ct'n 1hc bur g l;1r's :-l111u\dl':' b l11des. ' . , 'l"ht· !in_\ .. 111\1 tl!"<tl 011 1 l'.1, I \\•!l' ,111\,.11 l '!1il 1.11 111<11 11• :">1 a l!'ll 'J'l1v '>Pl'l"l.il tllll.'>il':ll !Pol I.I ll) ll1.1ll,1•1l l\\o • •>P\'111 11 ,~ ti[ lilt' Ill'\\ 11.,,,1·.., 1111 1111 1'111 1'""'-!' r111 \lt\ l .. 1g u11 :1 111\l ~ 1!11• 11 111 11 11 lll1h .11 1.I 1\llJ 1, .. 1.1-. ,![ ;-..11 .J.i,!qu111 :-11 ·la•ol 11 !1,) 11 . 1, 11'"'1.·d l '11 o··d ,1· . l" .I p1 ·1 l ul ll1i.llll'1 ' 1ol Ill• l'.11 ·1111· :"<11'11\V '\,.,,,I 1q1•·lh •i l11~1 l!J1 lllllHlll ... \r1n ~ ··n s1 ·11ilil(· 11111· 1111' 111,111·.c_o· ('1•11111 Ge lding Killed By Train ,\ h1·:1r1 !1t'<lkl·n ~11 1 \ll l .:oi-:u11.1 n1~1n :->l11111 I hvlph'~"l.1· h ,1 'l'tH::-.1l.1.1 night ;11 .1 S;111 .J 11e1 n t ·,qJ1 ~1r:11111 railroad (·1·11~_,..1ng 1vhd1· lhv i .1 C'ar·old )-!e!d1ni-: ti,· h.1d h1't'll 1·1il Ill)!, i.l fc11 !!10flll'111 ~ bt•l<i!'l' \\,IS ~truek 11nd dl·l·:q11tat1·d hy :1 northb11u1 1d S<1n\;1 l··v tru111 t)r;ing (' t 'nu11\\' Sht·1·11'!':--ni" fi('l'l'S Sitld l'h ;irll':-0 !{t"l','> .1<)111''>, ::!l, t1f :llliHl \\'1 ld 11 P1 HI Bo;id , South f_J)..'.u n .i, tol ·I lh1·n1 hl' Ii.id bt'l'll ridtn!-! hi:-. !Jqr . ..;1 ·. ·B a:-kin .' n 1•;1r \\'hl'l'l' till• 1·:11lr11;1d lrar·h-.. run p ;1rcil l1•l 1\11 11 (ls" H11.l<I ;111d l'c1111i n1) C':q1is1r.in11111 :-\:111./11:111 f>e p t1\il'S :-aid .f11111-.-. \nld ilh"'n1 lh:d lh t• )Hir11 nl thr• apprn:1rh1n;.: train ' cau.-.v tl 111 :--1not111t lo 1·l';i'r :ind for t·ed 11111111) ll',1 1(• lht• ~;i d · dlt' .lo Jlll'." s :11d h,· lhv n 1111•d ln \':il n1 th<.! ;1111111.11111 hn!d ing l ht· hi idle• 1111 ! 111<' fri g h1\"!ll'd hor:--v liqllt•d ,111.! :--p1•d du1111 lhv t r:1ck~ lH ·f111 l' lh<' 1)11 ('(\01111 )..: 11·:1111 f)l'pilli!"-. ... .id 11\1· 111>1 -,1• 11,1 -.. ... tru1·k !11 llh· !1":1111 .i-. 11 J..!.ill"l'''d li\'!lll't'l1.1h(· 11,11·h.,, .i1HI .t lir1!·k \\",i][ _i\ .1 !"•1111 )11 .-.1 -..<JH\Ji 1>1 ()-.n Hn.1d 'l"hv1 :-.,.id lli!' 11 01'>!' 11;1 :-. d· '(';! p1 \ .1\ 1•d ~ )111 l'\' r -. -.;nd .I\ lilt"" IH "!,l.,1· d< >\\ ll . 11HI 11 ~pl .1:--!hi' IJqJ"S{'," lll,111 ).!h•d l11i dv \\:1 :-. rl'lr1111'(·1l lr1,111 t h •· 1r<1l:ks :ind l!s -.;1 d dh· IL1nil1·d t111-r I n ! l 1 ll'\ PROJE CT. • • 11 1 \li:-.,..1<'1 1 \"11'1<1 . .11•>111 :~I I 11i11 1 \\ ,J..,, :"-IH'!ll 1'11' ;illo11t [1 ,i\ <'h!id11 !I , ! !:1 11•ll't 1 .. l 1d 1"11·· t 111.il p1,.:..,1.1 111 1•r"l'""''·il t'Htild ( H~I ,il/ulll :-;111 111111, 111 !" :-!J.1!'1·d !'i "l'"r\11111,11• 11 li1 lh" ..,t•f'\H•' .ilt',I'> (ll l!J ,.t. :<111 1><111 \1\>llld " l\l ,1d!llll lf'>11 .•11,,11 11 1 ('ll!dl1\i_: "-17,jl;\J 111! .I I('! I> <11"11 dll"t <'1111 ,..,.J ,11 ~ ,1!Jd ... ~.7 .>, loJI ,I "t " I 1 I •I'' l'11 -.· 1l ilo• ~1>-.I.., lt•I li1o Ill d111d:1.d·· l \l1'!',tl 1 .1 \\l•iil1!) .. · '\Pl\ \\nrl!I, :'!\Iii~' 1q• l1u111 :-, l " (, 1111\ I In I , 011 t Ii' I 11 \I •'•·I, I' I • 1 ~ I , l 111 I 11 I ! ~ • I 1-: I ·r o r11, -..'..'•· .1.'.!. 1 1111111 ~:.::1 f" 11. :-Oouth l.ag1111a l l ill.-., :3 \ l 01~ HI> 11'(1111 $2.000 .\1i.-.s inn \"i ~·.io . $2'..!.:!!Ui 11p fro 111Sl1 .n110 1\1•gf'<1ll l lill ... ~1 l :~l:!. l!p + ' ' ' ' ll ":! 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II lltolh "'\\',. .1r1· ,,111 111·\\h1·1t· h1 ·1 1\•'•'ll 1l1v ,[,•\'I I :011d 111 1• il1 '!'1i ltl11• "'" "Ill' 11 \I Ill I' fl " ' I H yp11 o t i zi 11g A ids P o l ic<' ..... ~-lh"\ l111111il IJ(J! 1111 : •. .!•111(1 1111' 1111 r1111 tlr11 1•1 \1\p1•,,., rr h1llt·d t 'l1r1-.t 11pli 1·r B 1d>111 \\,Iii• 111 (lt't',11 l.-.1d1· "11 lh1· l•11I ., 11J11d h111h 1Lo\ ll<'( ·• llnli! lh• 1 l111·d Ii~ 1•nul l'o lt1 Sht•r 1ff's 1·,11'1 .. hd1n 1;.i11 -.;11d u San J)1('go h _1 pnnt1-.1l:ilkvd 111lh .i 1·uuple \\'ho :-..111' 1ht• t';11 11 •.11v 1hv :-1•1•11e a nd g ol ;1 d1•t :1il o·il d•-.-.1·r 1p . I H)tl. 'l'lil' (';1rlil'f d v.-..1·1·1pl11•H-. ul Ill•' 1·ar :111 d its dr11·1·1· 111 •1v 111 · 1·nn1pll'l1' ;1n•J.J;1tll1 .v, (;;ilt ... 11d '.'\o arr1'S1 li;1~ hv1•11 111 :uh· !\I ·' (__' 111 1' n1 h c· r H 1 c Ii .1 rd Lu\\"('0t."h -.;1Ld T\lo ncl.1\ h1 ' 111·1 11'\!'~ 101l!L1\i-! lhl' pl :111 11u11l d d1 1pl1c:1t1· (''1 :-.l1n~ r1 •c·1 ·1•,itp111 "P por 1un1t1 l'" 111 t h1' ('Ot11 r1111111 T\ thr1111 g !l 1111· i\'l 1ss11 1n \11•11• rt·cr ,«'1 11011 c l·ntc r!' 'r11 ..... ,. 111 ;1.1 ht.· used h\" \·1~·10 r\~.sidl·nt.-. ;l! a 1n C"m h1·rs1;1p reCof s 1i1 p<'r n1nnth per fHn1il .\ Wholes ale Prices Down Ji e ;11.-.11 pt)l!lt t~d <HI[ lh;_il Jl ~zclt"tl ':-. pl:111 is coord111:1ll·d 1hro 11g h lhC' Sadd lcb:11·k \'<JI!(•;.· t :n1 f1 1•d S('li11ol f)isl ril'I 1\hrl1· purl n1 ;\l1ssion \"ieJo 1~ 111 th1• ( ':1111"'1 ,11111 Uni fit•d cl i ~1 ri~·1 Young Mon1 Kille d 1"()'.\'('l )lf [) l l "]'[l 1\ _\'111111 1-! n111 tl11·1· \I ;i:-, :-.h ot and hill I'd hv h1·1 t.•:-.1 r:i11 1:1•d l111 <1 h:i11il '1"11csd:1y II' h 11 t' f h ·Ii I l' !'I 11)! h1' I' rl.11 t g h I \'I" t () n "'t hl'<li p r1 ]1('l' -.;11d 'f'h t• I 1!'1111l \\,IS l-.,1lhlt·1'1l 1\nn :-it :111I(•\, :ii; r l1'-I' h 11 :-h .111d , l il'1':d d I·' :-..1 .1 n lt·.1 . :!~1 ,ii 1':1.-.11 Hnbl1·-.. 11.1 .. :u·1'(•:-t1·d 111 l'I CA~an l I lLJI :1 h u ll hnur latt•r ' Fi rs t Decli1 ie S i1ice October 1973 \\" i\ s 11 I '.'-: (;'I' l) :"\ i \ I' I \\'hn h•;-.;tit' pl"l\'t'" d1 ·•·l111t •d 111 lll'l'\'lnhc r tur llH· l1r-.1 111111•111 11 n1nn1 h:-.. 1 hf' c n1·1·1·111111·111 l'i'p1111 1·d 111ci:1~·. prn1 1d11 1>.: 1111tli"r 111 d11 •:1 t 1011 o f "'lo" tri;: 1nl l ~1! 11111 ·riH' L ;ilJor l>vp.1rt 1111 ·11! -..11d d1·(·linin g .1 g r1t·11Jt111 .11 p r 11···-. 1nnr1• th;111 ut't":-.1·1 ,1 ~111.ill 1111 1 t'.1 '>•' for 1nd11:-11 ·1.d 1·11111111odit11 ·-. l.1 d 111Ull l !J ;1..; Ult'! !ill \\h10)1•'-,.1l o• pl 11•1·-. f1 ·I) f!\'f' lt'lllh -. nl .1 P"I !'!'11\ (!I\ ;1 -. lh1· l1r-.I <1<·1·11111• '>Ill!"<' p r1c1•-. ft'll nn1· 11 •1\lh 11! ,1 I" 111 ·11t l!l ()l'1olH'I l!J/;l ])p-.p1t1• 1!11· Jl1 •{'"1nl11 I ii•• illl•' I\ h nll''.";do' r11 1<·1•-. ln1 ]'!,I \I• I• 1q1 :10 !J pl 'f~'i l)f il1t • 1111'1.'I "'' "lllill,1] llll'l (';l,'I' -.il1<1' \'fl!'I'"• !•l'>< :11 J pcr,·1·11! 111 l'.'l'i t.oll<J1\11H: Ill•· 1·11d , 11 \\ '>1 Id \\' ;1 1· l I 11r il'e controls . ·rhl' r 1·1H1rl pr11\'irl<'d :i d ose of 1·11t·1 •ur:1g 1'1l1l'lll fnr Pre!-i id('nl. l·'11rd "~ 111 • d e !ivei-l'd hiS Stal e of t 111· I n111n n1f'ss:ig<' 10 ('o n ~f"('SS . (;1•1 0·1111111•111 ;1n:llys t s s aid the do •1·l1111 · 111 \1•hole~a l l' p ri(_'CS i n - il1 c.d~·d :1 hrt•akin g Lil the natio n's 1nll.1l111 tLlf'\' rat e a s tht• c·ffert s n f tl1·· 11 ·1 ··:-.:--Lq!l :-;p r(';Jd lhro11g h th1' 1'1 •lti'llll~ l1 1d11 -.lr1:1 I pr11·1•s ros1~ <!:, (i p t.>r , , 111 llii• p.1:-t _lt'ar v.·h ile p rici;s 1.,1 \•l'H!"1'-.:-.1•d fnnds :tncl ff'Plls 111n111t·rl ~n ~J perr·1'nl l·':irm pro- d11«I Pl l\'t''> d r11 ppc rl I 9 pt'l"("l'lll II,.· -...i 1n o· 1•1·1·1q1l_ 111 I»• ··illhl'I', f.1rn1 pro du r·t s il•'I l111 1·d I ! Jll 'l"('('lll. prOCC!!Sed 1.111d-. .ind f1 •1·d .., \\f(•r c down 1.;; p1·r1·1'11I and i11d11 s t r1:tl 111•11 ·1'S 1;1rl1·d lo r1·~1:--ll't' ;111 1 l!lt'I <'·'"'' utl :1 s i·a s onall ,1 .id 1( 0 1s t1·<I h;1:-is. l !11 :1d J 11 S \t•d . 11uh1 ..,lri.!l ~"1n1 · n 1oditll'S lll('l't':1 :--1·d l11u 1~·11 th ~ of a j)l'l"l'c tl\. 1111· ~ni.ill1·st 1111•rt·:1:-c Ill nHlf"(' th:tll .! _\'t':ll" \\"ho l l's:1 l1• pr1 v1· 11H ·r 1"1"•':0. h a\"t' n111d1·r·:it1"! in r1·('1·11 1 n11ir1 t hs and llu· 1r1·111l 1:-. 1•:-p1·1·tt•c.I to hi· r1'f11·cl1'd 111 r1•1 :11I prH·1·s Ltl I l\l' C"Ol11111~ lll\>111 h~ J)u r111 1--: l li v 1111.d q11 :1r 1 ~·1' o r 1 ~1 7 ·1 . \\"hn!1•s:dt• PIH'('" cl11nh1·d at .1 S l':Jsnn:1llv ;1dill:-ol <'d ;1 n1111 ~1l t',1lv o f 1:J..1 pt•r cen1. -.11h ..;1111111:1 JI\· :--IO\\"l'r th;111 thf' :!.) ~ IJl'f"!"l'lll 1 ;i1t:t 1n 1hc l h1rd q 11:1111'J" h 11 1 ,1 111 tu g lil'r t h :in !h1 • I::!'.! p1 ·r1 ·c1 11 1n t fl'~J Sl' d uring !hi· .-.1·r1J11d quartl'r of tile ye:1r ' 1\6 • DAii~\' PILOT E DITORIAL PAGE Joint Stadiulll Use r--- UC Irvine, Ii·v inc tity government and the Irvine ~c_h~I dis trict arc nearing agreement on a 1>act for. J01nt tmµr<)vernenl an<J use of the UCI athletic field. l"inal tletuils still 1nui;t be h<ished o ut, but the city ~nd school Ui s tril't \\'ould finance $300,000 in 1n11>rovcmenls lo the field u11dcr the proposal. lmi>rovements \\'Ould in cl udt: CXJla nding seating to 5,0UU , addin g night li g hting an<l ins t a lling il :-it(Jrc b<1arU Hll(f 11ubli c acldress S\'Stcm. In return , th e t."ily anti St'h<10Js \\'Ot1ld ha\'e access to <.i lighted staclium. 'l'h c use of the s tadiu111 , under the J>ropo~al , \V<>Ul<I J)c 11roratcd and lhe university \\'oulc.I allo\\' thL' L°ilv and stht>ols to use it tllllil lhc C(Juivalc11l of $300.lKiJ in rent h;Hl been usetl UJl . 'J'hat mu t:h LISl'. it is esl1mate<l, \Vould take fron1 IOLU20 years . ~l c~ul \\ hil t·. th1.)ug h. lht· t ity <-1nd s chools \Viii be repayini: 1 he loan arHI interest on the S300,000 pr int:i p;d . 'l'ht.• 111tcrt·st \\'UUJ(l adcl 1norc than $100,000 I<> the t1Jt a I r e• p;_i .v n1c nt. Ccrtainl.v SJ00.000 is a bargain price for a lighted alhlelit· s tadiurn. l !ut ;1 tiuestion r c main!-i : \\'hat hap11cns \\'hl·n tile prorated use cXJ>ires'! At a tin1c "hl'fl h11th <Jg('ll l'ics are tuking a t:lose look at the ir t)uclgets in scar<.:h of cco11on1ies, the finanl'ial oull a.v is large cnl1ugh that it should be cons iclered 1n thL· :--.;imc cc1tegory a s a ·capital imJ)rovt:m c nl a !"ll.J'eet or a t·it y hall. t\llhoug l1 the facilitv \\'1>11ld he O\\'llL'd bv the university, the irn1.10rlance ol lhl: fi11;.1ncial 1;ar(icipation <>f the city and sctuJ<>l di ~tri<:t lt1 the success of tl1e project justifies SJ)l'<.:l al con:->idcr<.1ti<Jn s. l ~cfore l'on11)Jeting the agreement. the city and schools s hou!tl set•k i<1 negotiate son1 e pe rn1anent prcferenlial trcalrncnt 1n univers it:r stadiu111 st:ht•cluling 1>olitics_ Such t r cal1nent coulll at leas t consist of permanent rig ht to use the fac ility a s pecified nun1lH.!f of times annually al mai11te11ance ·levcl cos ts 1'hc proposed agrce1nenl would pr1J\'idt:" ;1 b ~ul l) nee<lt:d l<>cal all1letie facility muc h SO<Hll'l' Lh~111 tht· city or s ch ools or the l\\'O i.lcting jointly could prnv1de one. But the s ize of the cx1}cnditure secrn:, t~1 1us t ify more than j u st a lo11g Jc:.isc. Plan Needs Unity A dangerous air of fH.1rochialism p ervad es the city halls of Irvine, Ne\\'INl't lleach ~11 11 ! l.:igu11;1 Beach w h e 11 c ity officials consi<lc r lrvint· L'o n1p~111y plans t o develop its 10,000 coast:.1 1 acres. '!'houg h the j)lanning JJl'Oc css has h(·~·n l1ln~. till' com1>any has ne ver faltered in its int<'llf. 111 c!L•velop what it co11side1·s it s most val11:1blc t>i e(·c of \;uul. 'l'hl' co1npany i11t cntls le> SCL'k a general plan t"h;inge I r orn the Orange Cou11ty l'lanning Co1n1nissit>ll in t\pril Meotl\\1hil c. th e c ities s urr vund111g lht.: land-~whi C'h ranges fl't}lll c:uruno dc l i\1ar ltl J ,;ig u11~1 llcach an<l in la itcl lo the San Jn ;1q u1n Jl ill s ridge---conlinuc to advoc ate plans for the ;1rt•a \\'hte h they think "'<)ul<l k ee1) clcvelopn1cnt frnn1 h;1\"1ng a n v uffcct on their indivi<lual jurisdictions p~irtitularl~, the traffic 1t v..1ill gcnerute. f_,ocal governn1 c11l st1ould guard the hon1e front. but the net e ffect of se p~1rat c ap1>roaches to the same problem is 110 effect <.1l all. fJcforL' the pla n s go to the planning comn1issic>11 , th t· threl' 1.:ilil'S ::;h<Juld seek :1 unified pos ition. One plan bal'kl:'d IJy thl"l'l' t it1cs will carry \Vt·ig ht with the con1n1ission. 'l'hrce plans carry 11one 'fhe alternLltive. lca\'ing the (lcci s ion to the CC)Unl.Y. could be ~1 sorr:r situation for all o f thcn1 SB 1 I " ', r~. ~-, ,. ·c • ' . " When Legal Verbosity Backfi1·es Dear Gloon1y Gus Volunteer Army • Ill Germany (SYDNEY HARRIS J Sµe;1 i-;ing ,,f l:J\\''.>l'I"!>. OI S [\\;JS 1111 p:.i ssin :.: 1 tht• o lhl'r dav. rt·· rn indt•d 111,• or lhl· JJl'l'('1°·d t.·nt h;1!lt•r1n g at·1ton t ;1\..t•n !1\ the !' S S 111.i·t'lnt· ('11ur1 l;_1..,1 n:on1h . \\"flt'll it f't•ft1 .,t•d 11> :tcl:f'pl :1 h1•1t•f fil1·d ti .1 .111 .t1torn1·.\ l1•'•·.1t1!'>~' it \~ii!> IPu l1 •rlL' l 111·1 1·1 1110 11:.'.lil 1111· d.11 11u11ld .~·t.rnt· \1h1·n l1·g.il 1t•rl>1J!>JI ,\ 11!111ld h.· •tl f1('!;tll1 l't'htik~·d !i 1 1h·· l11i.:ht·-.[ t'ourt Ill !ht· !.ind . hi.1 ·'I ' p;.r1·n!l.1 t'lt·11 !hv ,111d:.:v!'> li ;11• )1 ,! d I I 11 I' 1 o ht' I" 1• \", I! 11 \'I l't' I It r1 I• H' ti I II' 11 Jn .t 11 •1 .. 1• ••1·d1:r . !11• t' 111r1 lllJ'll\'d h ,H•f. ,• hi lt'f., f!Oltl lllt• prn-.1·t•11l111!.!_ ;11 111r 111 •.1 111' :\1 1, 11 ('111u1!1 111 l lh J(J for f;1iling 1 .. 1·o n1pl1 111!h r11l1·s rt·<1t1iring c·•111 • i-.v nt'"" \~ far :is <.·u 11r1 hi-. 1•)1'1.111 ... t':.r1 d1 ,L' h:•l"k. lhi:i; 1-. 1ht• f11i.1 !1111 v in hi.'il••r'.\ lh•· rulv 11f (•••l\l'l!'>•'ll•'"~ li.i -. l11'1 'll 11\\'t•~t'd .11 tht!'> l11fl\· 11•\, I ,.f 111ri -..11r·11d •·n1·1 · Tiii·: 1•1t11 :o'l·'.<'l ·rc1u·s "hr1 1·r·· ~·.1 s n1or1· Th :1n J l ~t l pa).!l'" 11111 !'.!. 111th :111 ;q,j11·1u l1.'\ 1d l .~>flO !--1111 phn1!1gr;tpl1 .... :1tl:H'ht'd 11. ;,n :1i: 1·11n1p:11\\1tl;! ·-l :il••11 1t•nt ,,f n1nr t• 1ti:1n ."i!Jn p:1:.:t•!> 1'1'h1· ;111•rag1• !iri•·t 1-. 11-:11:ill .1' fll\t' p;ti :1' uf q111 •S ll r\ll'-fnll11 11 t'd h ,1 fn11r 11r fi1 ,. p;1 ~1 ·-. \11 r.11·t-. ,u1d .in ,1rg111111·n! ••fl:-io1r :,>npa:.;1· ... a t1 1it·111n ... 1 • It 1 .... 1ri•JlJ('.d 1h;1! 1/11· \1 ~·1 d 'ii1·11•I \, -.1111 :it!;H IH·d l""U!'h ,, lt.·J.:;•l 1•l•';1il111 ~· \1 h1ch h :i ..: !i(·1·01u1· .1 11 1 111111 :· 1!111 Iii 11 ·f_ .111d 11 ;1 ~ ~·,.111 • f 1 "Ill .i -.u111 1 n.1r ~ ur .1~1 -.1r.1t·1 ••f .1 1 ,,..,,. Iii do11hlt· f.0111 )-! I\ ltldt•d!Jl'!'>' h1111J II\ pf'r-.11n :ond 1n p1·1nt . ~l't"111 ~ !n lot• .in :.111110-.1 i111 :1ri11hlt• 1rail of ;1! 1orn•·1·o.; <111,, !if the• '•ldt•sl l{1·iti!'>h k'gcil . ..,111r1t·!'> 1nvolv('s a pers nn \VhO \\ ;tS IJ!'''"{'tll ~It :1 i.1llin ~ nf th<' ('our! 11r Sr•s-.i••rl" in l.ond1n1 . and f l"t 11rnt·ll l:1t1· 111 tht· •~ft t·r - .\!\' \:t'I\ \'t•~1 r.., !"e!-oolUlHHl 1.s · rt•:illy lit'lpin:.: the 1-:n \'u·vnn1L"nl It \\·:1s 1u r11t (•Ut i.1\1·;irin ;.: i\z1d \1·1tb Soutl1t·r11 C";l!i fP rnia tr:.ift'ic l11·11l,.: II h.it i1 IS. I find th:tl lll l'<111:-1·11 tt1n g 1•ul driving . I I ' Ci-my G•n <•mm•111t ••• lut>mitlH •Y ,,,..llffl •"<I do 11•t 11~e11••llY ..tl9<1 - ...... 1 , ....... ~, ...... s .... .,. .... "" -••9Gl-myG.,., Diiiy ~Ue1, 11111111 111 rind th1· :i .1rnt· t·a!'>c ::.till (111 :t11d thl· :-.:11111..· harri!'>lt·r s till lalk 111g llJ-: Rl-'..\l ,\R.,.1-:0 l o J,urd Ju,-.til."t' l'11ekh\1r11. "'SHrl·ly h l· i:-- 11 ;t-.tirq.! :1 ~r1·;1t dL·~il of t in1t· · 1·1n1 1•"" !ht• J1 1ris l 1·cpli1:d ··1,ong <1L"cl h:ts he t!Xh:.iustt'd t1 n \l'. \0 0\1 h•· 1" 1·nt·roaehi11 g up- on t·lt·rn it 1· 11 ·:-. dt•liJ,!htt'ul 11 l.1·11 11·rho:-:1t .1 IJ:iLkfirL'S r1n 1t !'>elf, :is it did" hl'll r•r1 •s irirlll J."r11 nk ll n ll. Kons c1·t·l1 11as a \'ot111t: 1:111·,1\·r just getting st;ti-lc<i. :.ind 11 ;,~ rl•t;~int'd to h:in dlt· a lough ('1\ ii ~·:1!->l' '!'ht• OPP""' in).! la\\'~t·r \1 :is :n 1 t'ff1:~·t11t• jur~ p leallt•r. 11 ho thi s I 1n1t• 1n:id1· th(' t :i! . .I n1i ..,1:1kt· •J! o r ;itinL' f·q· -..1•1 , r.d linur!'> \-. h1 -.. 1•1•11unt·11t dr .. n··d tJll . H11u-.(•1 f'h nol i1 ·\·d th.1\ lhL' 1111 ·1 11.1 •11 '1 p ;~~1ng 1nut'h ;11!t·11tion \\'h1•11 his turn c:tnll' h1· r·o~t' :ind ..,,,I d ')0 1)lJ h;l\t' ht".ild llH· t'\ 1d1•1\('l' 'i0 1HI fl;11 !' ;d!'>ll 1t .... \1•/l! ti to 1111 d1 ..,t 1J1 J.:_UISlh·d 1•11\h·.lL'li'' :1 hr!lll:1111 or:1tnr If ;-'1\1 h1•h,.1<• hini . :u1d d1s h1·li t·1 t' th1· 1·1 1dl"11t·•· 1011 1\ ill h :1\·1· 10 \l ('l'td1· 1n 111 •. l:1l •)l" 1'h;Jt "..; :di 111:111 •\+!-.;1~ ·rhl' j11r~ 11 a s oul ln1 · ll'"!'> th:in 10 n1in11t t·:o. a nd ).!1'<1t1·f11Jl~· h rou g hl rn " \'L'!'dit·I for Uo11s1•\'tdt "s cli•!lll So 1111uld tiLL' Suprt'lll l' l"ourl . 1li t•!>t'11:1 .1"!> All Is Not Gold. • • WA S ~IING 'fON \Vith lilt United States opening its gold 1:.1111 .., !11 s pt•('11l<.1l nrs . 111 telligencc report!' w<irn that in- ternatio nal rings arc dea ling in counterfeit gold . The reports t.rll o f counterfeit · ing -smuggling op~ration~ out of lieirut and M ars e 1\les, '-''tlh con - nections re:.iching deep into South America. Gold hullion has been coun. lerfeiterl. ;i rrording t,p the re- ports. by drilling outdle centers or 24 -karat bars and fllting them with lower:grade, 14·kfirat gold or with even cheape r lungsten. IN SOUTll 1\M E·RICA. offici~l S~·i ss 01'-ll"k i ll ~S haVC bCt'll Cle\'CI' !\• for ~c<I 011 the l'Olllt!1il·it b:.irs Son1c of 1ht·~e phony ha rs. it IS h c li (•\'l'd . h;1\·c heen s rnugglcd 111 - tol he U nite d St ;iles. But the main smuggling center is Beirut, an airline hub '-''~th loose con I rols over gold ship· ments . The s mugglers rcporlcfl· Jy h11ve bet>n ~hie t.o sncuk the counterfei1 hulhon aho11rd planei:; flying t o destinations all over the 1vorld. llcirut gold deale rs are also du· ing n hig busincRs in counte rfl?it coi ns . Va\u;,iblc t·oins no longc•r in (JACK ANDERSON J cir c ulation arc c111111tcrfcited by cle\'er craftsm en ""•ho, under I,.,ebanese law , don't c'jcn ri~k prosecution if Ule coins· contain the proper amount of gold. SOME OF these counterfeit gold coins, according to our sources, already have s tarted moving into the United States . Americans buying coins and bu lli on. mea nwhile . may lea1·n the hard way that all lhat g litters isn't 24 ·karat gold. J<"'ootnote : Swiss refineries a~c c lose to perfecting an electron1c device, whi cti can assess the gold purity of bullion. The bars ~ire carefully weighed. mean'A•h1le, o n digital read-out sral(>s. 1'hcse "·ould quic kly d etect ~old -pl~tcd tun~stcn bars . !Jul !ht• hars fdl~tl "'ilh c heoper gold are more dif- fi cult to d e tect . After the low- gr:.ide gold is po ure d i_nto lhe h:'~: ii hardens and somctunt!S le~\ es an identation at the nµcn1n.J!. Gold bars 'A'ith dent!'i. there fore., 1n11y be r rjcc t ecl . 'l\J tilt' IC:d1tur :\Iv 11'1ft• :ind l rt•;_id J{ud 1 :\il·d.dt'lski"s s tory in y(Hll" p:1µ1..·r ;tbout "(;J;, JI\ c;t'l"l ll~lllY .. It \\';IS uf nl u t h 111t1't'l'~I 1!1 ll!'> ;1s \\'C h;ul .s pt·nt a 1\·et'k in (;t·rm:iny lu st .-\ugu!'>t for th•· p11 rpnsc o f in lt·J'\'it•1\ in;.: n1t·1n h t•rs 11f u11r \'tlJUn l t·cr .\rn1y l \"l)f • .-\1<) fur :1 !Pll•l\\'·llp 1n :i i.to ry lh~lt \lo' 11/'<>lt' ~1 bou t \'t ~J .. \I{ in l'arly 1~,-;~ \\',, h cip1: !ll;d ;1 11:1y \\'Ill lil' ft111111! In :-.Ut(·t•.-.!-o full\' \\ith;l r :i\\' th1· "1\'L'd ~l·" ttJ;jl,.J{utli ':->.!)"S h :t~ l•t'l'tl J r 11·en h··l\\t't:fl tht• (;l·r111:11i \I L'\) pie :i nd !ht• ,\n1l•r1 (·:1 n ~ ~.pt's l'l'lrll'Tnht"r. ru1111• 11 1 ll"' h;1\'(• h:.ul ;1 i-!l"Ca! dt• .... lft' [,.lit· 111 C:urnlH' 111 .1 !'>t'r1·i('t'nl :u1 '~ un I fol'!ll d I) t'I n ;.: 1 llt• j!t'l'JOd !'>I llt'I' Pc:1rl ll ;1rh11r·. 1 ~1-11 . l<> t h 1 ~ prl' "\'tll ll01•·. '.\11•':->I dr~1f!t·v~ n( !ht· t lc:cu p;itJ•Jll ,\rn1y :ind 1111•11 nl \"(ll.Ai{ 11.1 1,· ll!ll \l:tllh•d 111 I,,• Ill 1:,·rn1:1n\· ~1f!1·1· \' !·'. Jl:t1 It 11 ,1:-. ~h f• Gl';·n1:111 pt'opl1· .'111 d tilt· t;t·rman :\r111y qf \\'orhl \\';11 · JI th:1l t':t USt'd tilt• ('irru n1 ~L1nf·1·-. th:.it n1:ttl1• 1t llt'\'t'i.:-~1 ry f11r u." '" ht• 11\t'l"t' 11"." t~()S:o'IBl .I·: th:il liud1 •. 1 ullll\'C uf (i1•r1n:in~. I\ ,1...: 11<1\ 111a(\(' ;1\\·ar._• th:..i l the UHll.-> nl' 0111 (' S ,\rn1y. r :ur11pe (l 'S.\l·:1·n , <ll'l' ~t :1l1oncd tht·rp hy l't'(lll~·~l ot t ilt· \\'1·:-.1 1.ernian i.:o\'t·r11n1t·n1 r)ur tro••P ~ arc mann111g oh.-.L'r1·;1 tinn poi.l:-.. :1 rn1urc-J J"t·:.:1111,•nt ~ and u :-.i n j'.: ht•lic:uµl1·r :111 .t 1(·1·11 ~):1trol::; a! 1h1· h"rdt'I" 111 full 1·1•·\1 1f !ht· l~!1!'>t (;t·rn1an .\r n11 l{ul"dl'I" {'u1n ni :-11 1d, l·:a!'>1 l ot·1·11 1:oi1 :\rn1\· :inti So\"ict t 'o r C'1•s for tli1· 11u rp~1:-t" ,.f d l'lt~1·r1n ~ 1111-·111 durin,_· pt•:1C'1·t ill) t' In !ht' t'\ ,·11\ nl d ··l1·1·111r.t!111r1 od pod1111·.ol r~·l:tt111n.s 0111· 1111•11 .11 l' 11 u ·11J1·r r 1·.-.p•111:-1bl;:> l11r d t"lt·1 ·111 11· ,,11\· 11111 der •·1·0;,~Jll~ 111 .1rrn.·•I IOJ l:\'t•~ 111 11ul.1t 1~1n of tli.; \\';11·,:111 I ':u·! 111 t ht' t'\'t•l11 (•f :'llt'h .111 .it l,1!'\.:, 11 ·-.. •>lit" 1111'0 v.ltu llHJ.-.1 t••tl du1·1 th1· 11ut1,d fr1.r1t -l1nt· d ·· 1 t' ll~I Jtud1 1\ r'11 \" th.it :1IJ1.•llt !ht· 111111· 1111.11 tilt• f;l'rn1:1n ''hurgh1'rs·· :-11 d tl\\'ll tu din1lt'T" is "\\'h1·11 th1· ]hi~i. frutll llh' :-\lit (nf:.tn\ry t't!tl1t' do\\ II frnn\ 11\t· lull looking tor a littll' f11n ··. \\'~· dn n11l tcJlldo>llf' th1· r:t Pl'i.. h1 •:1 lin g , 1n urd1•r.-;. d :11n :1g1• to prop1:rly. et ('. \\'v 1l 1dn 't plan lo dri\'e ''a \\'t•d ;.:t• bct\\'l:'l'l\ the 1\1·n1 y :-nJ tll P Gl:'rn1an pcoplt•." 'l'hc n1c11 11·hll n1<J y h n\'e commil.tt•d lht1se t:rin1es n1ay have tlone the s arn c thing here "at ho n1c. Is the rig u rl' of 2G 1·ap es in ;1 yea1· exceptional· \y high in an <Jrea \\·here tt;,OOO young \·irile teenagers nnd n1 en are ~tat inne d near \\'OffiE!ll \Vhu d" nut s peak their language'? \'()L1\R is \\'orking h ;1rd t.o l'll· courag(' i ts n1en to gain n1n_re educ<i tion aod l<~arn ci trade \\'hi\(' in the service. !\!any of these n11·n told us l;ts l Au :.:usl that they d11 not ha\·t' anythinµ interesting lo cto 1\·ith the ir of f·dut~· tin1t'. a lthou)!h their s uperi111·s c l ainied othc r \1·isC'. J_,t'l 's hopt• that I.ht• Gcr1nan p l'op lc can cle vf'\op r·ec r eation;_d ar('ns and t.ypcs of entertai nment thut \\'ou\d ilppt·•il to our n1 e n so that tht·y could f'X - pe nd the ir c n t•1·gies and tin1P. It may be a \\'<IY of c lin1in (1ti11~ IJ11· "'A'ed~c " bel\\"et!n lhcni . It's true that the ,\rrny pro- n1otes prog ran1s lo "invnl\'t• soldiers "'l.h g reater s1·J,;n·1cnts 11f th e Gcrn1 Hn p o pu lation '' Ho\\'evc r , \\·e did no! ..,e1·. nfl r thd \\'\' hc:i r , of any prog ran1 s pro· 1noted by the German pt'opl1· 1u in\·olvc (t t:rn1uns \\'ith a t.:rc:t11·r scgn1cnt. or the· 1\m1>riea11 1\r n1y ! .J,\1\tt:S J•:. \'<ll~l .KI . [ J (,r;111111\,. 1:-It> be l'Ufl~r;1\uJ;1l t•d 1<11 hi ~ l~·;..: \1or\.:, ~i nd yuu dt' MAILBOX ~t·r\·1· t'l"l'tlil fur publislung h ist'\ '·--------------J-1)0!-o \' Lo'lll'r.~ fr<Jr// r 1'(1i/1•r :; •1r1• l• ,·/0·1nu•' \,,r111111/11 11 r1/1•r\ x/1 ,,11/,/ •'u til'•'ll i/!1'11 111 !'.~,~fli/• .\ Ill 'l//H /I ur·iJ,\ "( /1'\,\ '/Ito' 11</ll/ /H ( H/Ji/1'1/.\I' /1 •U1'f'o fu /I/ '/Jill,. ••r ,·/n11ir111/1 · /1/.1·/ 1s r;•,, f ( o'I/ \// 1.-//,•r,, 110 1.\I 1111 /111/1 ' .\/flll(llll/o" 1111d 1111:1/111•1 uddr,'.'-' hut 11u •111•:. ''11111 /11· Ii /f/1/10 •/if Iii/ r1 l/IH''/ /I '111/Jt'l!'/I/ fo'(/'o•!ll !.~ •l/1//f//'1•r1I /•,.,•r111 r1·1ll !l••l I" /'U I•/ I,\ /11 •t/ 1-'ttlf 1 I ll11tJff• 1\1 the i'.:d1 tor In this ('Om1ni-: :-1·.ir 11f 11t1<"l'r' ta iuty. t'tll'rgy !>hur1:igt·!'>, llll t>mploymenl . and !'>01·i:LI pr" lilt·rn ~ 111+11•· .111 d 111"1'· :--.1d d Jt~h;i!'I.: \';lllt'y 1'1(111'1\" ('1\Uld ff1-diS<'OV1•r hn1\1 l11 t'ILIO~ 11r,, Ill tht•tr 0 \\'11 Cl,)111 nl llll 11 y \Vhy s pend ;_i bundll' thl !'> ~ t':tr In Sl"l'i n g h ow r:1r ,\"OU ('iHl g(·l frorn hom e'' ,.\ l '1)nSul1d!tll·d S.1dd!ch:1t·I.: Va ll t'\" R ecrc;tttnn Progr:.1n1 C'ou ld ~hO\\' you IHI\\ to h;1,·1· JUSt as n1uc h fun Just :i !1 •11· hlntks tlo~·n lht• s tl"('t•t frun1 yu1Jr hon1t' And. a year-round l"\'('rt·~1t 1n n p rogram won 't 1•.xp<os1· ~ou I•> t l'O\\'d ed big h"',1Y" o r \() il\"Pr Oookt>d faeili1iL·S ·rh1· p!"(•grarn <'t>tdd prn\'1d1· t"r \\ li· ·1' ..... •II I<' ,\o 'I j I IT It'" 1• •I ''I' 'I I +ll 11'•<'"'1 ("il l'•<ilol1·\··11.1, \\1111 ,1Jdll1 Jd .I 11111 \11L!\"td•l.J,..,li11 .tll ljJll<>l -"ll,1ld, II ,p lnl 1•'111 1.,111111 .I ~,,~ l't'•\1!•1\hl• 11 l\•llild '" , ••l!ill l"d ,11• 1!11 • 1•111 1.ii 11 \I• I •',,1 "I 1•1• I\ 111• till" I \11.l ,1ll1d Ill> 1111 .1 11 ,., 11,,11 ,,1 ti., 1111,.· 1•11•1 111"1'• I \"ii ii »1 11• 'II I < i•1·11d ·rht• {'U!'l;11tl l!'> )-!1illl)-! 11!1 llfl 1-'1•1! t; 1_;t•! lll!P !ht• :11•[ hi \11llllg .d th;· ~1tdd lrh:1r k ,\ r \•:1 ('11ord1n:d 111.~ C'1111nt"d ,\11·1"! 111 ).'. I{ l 'SS I l.\Zl-'.L l·:·r ·r ('ltf•1.•r.-. ·r o tht.• Ed1tnr ,\ t hous:1nrt C'h 1·1.'I'!'> !111' 'l"nrn Rarlcv and his ~1 l'k nu11'lL'cl;.:n11·11\ o f the. tremendous hnurs of 11·tu·k wluc h go intfl 1.hl' prl'll :1r:1tion fur :l <·onc1•1"t . 11 h t•\ht•r 11 In• \0(·;11 or instrumental. It i s l'Sli n1<it L'd that each l rvtn(• l\1 ast~r t:horale m c n1be r tontributt•s a n1inin1 um of 40 h ours p1·t•p:1rinJ! for one con cert repcrtoirC'. ( 'fhis rl~pres ents nearly 5.000 h ours total for Its 120 mr mb(·r ~ l 'f'hc cu ln11n at1011 nf our (·fforl!> to prt•senl lhl' hcst 111 ehoral mus ic to Orange Count.\' 'A'ill ne.xl be heard o n Mai-e h 1 \\'hen we join rorccs with lht· outst;111ding, San Diego Youth Sy1nphony lo present. Walton's ·'llcls hazzar 's F east'' <ind V e rdi 's "l-'o u r Sacred Pirce s "Thanks a gain to Tom Bar]('y, Jo Olson , ;in d lhe Daily Pi lot. for <·onsislently ::.up- porting us' 'l'nlht• J·;d1tor: 'l'ho: p it'('\' h\ <.i ;1ry (; l'il!\I !lit• !II\ Sund .t\", .l .111 . 5 tl1lt-cl "l\11\\ Jl111 !'>h a·,\. ~J :1tlP It"' \\:1. ... lilt• h1·st arl tt·lc tht· l'ilut 11.1!'> t'\'l'I' d n nt'. It 1·111t11111 l11·d tllf' kind nf t"ti ~h . in\t·~t 1 1!:1tl\"•' ,1011r11.1l1 :-01 11n l'(Hll11 .\ 1!-o:-Ollt.'!'> th;1\ ll~'\\-.p;q>t•1 ·, :-,h1JU)d l'll).!:l)..'.i' II! 11 did 11111 s;lt"l'lfll'l' nlqt'l'tll'\l ,1' r11r :1d \'nt';l(') It !'>1111)11;. lt'I thl' !'>Pl'dld f:1l't.., uf lhl' li111s h:111 1·a111pa1g11 !'>lh 'Clh fort l1t·111 s1·l \'t'" ,\() dilly IL11p1-• I::> 1t1;1t _11111 du tio•I 11·1t ll••1.-,.-.Ut· ilrf•P ht•J'('. 1111! l'lllllvr 1,,111111· ll IJI! \I ith ;t St'l"le :-. nl turlll1·1· 111\'t::-.Liga\iu iL S HI\ 11111-.h .111 . \';1ll1·rg :i . ('le:1r~· ;ind l\1)1•11111 'f'h,• puhlll" 1h•i.t'l'\"CS llOI It'!'>" !'1 ·1·1\.1p .~ tilt· 1'1\<t! 111\I 11~· 111~· \\",1-.11111;.;lun !'11 ~! •JI {)l"dll;.!• t ', •I !jl t ~ .lt•I!'\ .\l l''.\~\1 1 \\;, l 'h I) \!-.~1.,..1.1 n! l'ruf1·!'>~"1 \ '1 '. l r\ 111• · '1\• thl' l-:dtlor 1 :11n d1 ~).!t1,._,1l'd :1nil ;1 pp~ill1·t! 11 h1·11 .1t I ~1 ki·..; :t l1•l 11•r fi\"e d :1;.-. .1no! Jll t'1•111-.. lo t r;1\·1·I fr1111i l·:ui:~·ll t'. ()1·1·;.:011 tu \'1>~t.1 \11'~;1 . t '.il1t'!il'Ot;1 .l .111 . ~ tu .J:ui '\'h1·r~· 1s n1J r,·~pun~ilJlt• L''\l'U!'>I' 111r 1111 ~ douhlt· 111U1gn:11inn \\ h ;11 · !'> I 111· J •l'•tblt·r'r\ ·• \111Pt'l'~''nd111n g lH1i.1n1 ".!'>11 1111 lln· p11:-l ol'I it·o• c:tn "11h!->1'l'\ V th•· p1odd1•111 \1 1i. not Jll'('t'!'>~:11·Ji .\ lt•1·f\t.1\lug 1v.d . 11 1:-. 1111111;111 lh1 · 1•111plu.\v:-uh ~L"!'I!' )l!!\\ lllt·.1 \\ql'k. :t"'I.: l fll'111 11/J,\· 1llt>Y \1urk l••I' !ho • IH>-,1 ~1fi'll't~ :\l .1 n~· •II llh' •'lllpl•i~1·:-Ill"•' \11\) nld {11 111· .1111 1 ;1~\t't' 1h.ill ;>!(II\. nlh•'I '~ ;11"t' .!1• t.01·lh·d . u1111111 ·rt"il•·+! .ind 1111111 \Hl\1•tl \\ i!/\ \\h,ll lilt'\ d•I, ,111+1 ~1111 ••lh1 •r ... n1,·r1·J_v h.11•• .11 !111 ... t.·d T•, I Ill' 111.,..11111t1+n1·,_ ~1.t1 1 1-.. q ti.• ••I [j1 1•d J•l!'1";11 I 'i , . ..,, tl1t'l t :1f'l' •''\ '··1ii1"11 ~ l ,.1_·1111 .. l'•t ',I\ Ii jo11 <''\ ,llilld<' li1 1I 1111 lt·ll• I l1u1~ l i\t• d.11 ... 111•1 !.,o_llll.l i ~ .I I! •'\l'l'J111"11 In \,.1,,111!,,·1 . '11 11 ·•I :-li•·•'I IJl(."l l!.1l"d ,1tq.;1~1 ! 11•1"11,.ll ,1 1,, 11(·.! 111 11 .11 11h.J1 I 1t1111k 11 .1-.. .1 !J,,1 11 ,t ;.:••11,1 1 t't"p1·1:!'>l'lll.1!!\« .d•1'1\JI 1111' ... 1 .. 1 .. Pl'••l-:!'\'"" '" I llll•' th ~il 1·'\l•·nd1"I I" !Ill' f11 \1\I do1••! ,it lti•' :\d.tOl !-o 11fftl't.! 1n ('osta rvtt•s;1 lit• 11iid rn1· lh:1t tht·\' 1tl·r,• d11n1 ~ ti\,• !>1_•:-I !ht'\' {'11liJ(I, l'On)J1;1l•t·d lol 1\'h,11 t d1)11 ·1 kno11 , :.ind 1f I \1 .I !'>!'>'• l'fllll'\'l'lll'd I :-1\t)lllfl !'>t'l'k t·111 11l•l.I ll\t'OI the!'!' I 1,,111 hin1 I ll :ul. h11l lh1.·11· 11 ,·r1 IHI qpt'l\11\)-.'.~. lie \1,i\d l1ll' ! \\.I" r1i-:h t . :1 11d llli•I (ur tilt· :\d,11n:-u l t'ic:1• thv "i t11 ;1t ion 11·01dd r••r11:1111 !'>\t h1•i':lll!>C e n1plu~·t·i. ~t·l d1111 \ qu11 I 1hink lht' pract11·v ul hl·111;.:. li1·~·d is nn11(_•xist 1·nt. I \\',1S :ind ~tni f11ri o us. '.\i11t1111l .v h;1 \"t• 1v1·.1h~· 11t•••Plt•. paid f,11· and Jl.1lro111 1.t:d ttu::: dead 11 ood <nld dui.;n1;_,111 · post:d policy. hut. hy (;od . 1\1· h!l\'l' institution;1!izl'd 11. 'l'liL' !>Olution'! \\"\' ,\tll~.'l'lt';HIS :U'l' f;u·ed \\'1\h iiic1'1•;1,-.l n ~ u11 t·n1pluy1ncnl. It 1-. ~111 •"'\l'l'll,•111 11n1c: 1,1 purnp Il l"\\ '111111.111 t:.d l'nl and ('Ot'rgy, qu:1ntltaliv1·\:--· and qu;:ilitatively, into th<' po.s t:d syst e m . I t is <1n exccllt'nl np- portunity to £ire1 rl!tirc and c.x · pirc contracts of th ose c niploycs participating in the "l;i"' of !t·:i ~t l'ffort. ·· \Ve mus t emphas ize not quanti- ty 11f pay 111 e11t.. 'l"he n1oney 1:-. :d rl·:uly there for i1Tipro\"t~n11'tl\ I II ~· h u 111 a n r c s o 11 r i; t' ..... t'L'SPPl1!'>1 hi\it.\', 1.:on1 1nitn1!·nt. :11HI 1n:1n;_1gl·ri;1\ IL'adcrs h iJ} is nut. 111 s n n ill hu s in(.'SS if you ca nnot do thl' Jllh. it is t.ime for change : 111 ).!H\'t'fUllll'lll i f \'OIJ (';1 1111ot Llo th ·· 1n b you ill'l! p;nd n1or1· to do ll·s:. and anoth~·r Pl'l'S1111 ju ... t h kc you I!> h1rl'd to h l'lJI. 1-i: l·'.:'J (' 1\SC~ l' I'.: l ll 0 Senr!I 'lu 111~· IO:tl1 1ur ! \l\111 \, \!i\' 111111 ..: \.ll ,o\ !'>l',11v :-. 11 11· 111nrt' 11\;1n '1'hur!-o1 L1 ~ 's t'arl h - •(!L•\,1 \ !'•l'• 11 \\'I ( ' 1· I :-I I .J I I I \ , 1..,, I. l I ii I I I>• Ill ' \\11 lilt• ilio 1;11·\ tl1:1t ...,,11] \ )jl,•l I • '..1 1,·l1 •,01 I H'll!"!':i1111 t.; :--1.!11•111 --'l'i .. lll""l .1)•11 d1d11 1 It'll \II\ j, Ill' ll1•·•1t1,1kt• • .I I·' l•: l < ( ; I :->< I'\ \ 1.•t•1.I t•1I I , 1.111· .Ii ·ro tb1· l~tl1 t1H' r\ Ne\\ 'i"t•:1r i. I l'i.11\titll!ll I sn kl't'JHng 1s tn 111·1tl' tu lt'g1sl;1\ors (ft•dt·ral ant! s\;1!1'! il!l -"L'\'t•ral ,..,. SUI'!'> \\'1• lll't'li l:t\\';-. \\) l'l'ql!if'I' l \ a rn1nin1un1 1nl·11n1c tax !'>!) :-.uper -rich e;111 'l ~·sl':q)l' tal\l!S ::'l d c!tuc liun uf ;di rnt•(il c;d t•x pt•11 .->t•s !ill !<1 ., r t·p1•1'\~. lli1l just :1 µt'l"Cl'llt ;tg (· :11 phys1t·1a11i. lu be tested re g ulal'I ~ 011 ph y~1t·;d ~tnd n1 ent al t"onditi on. ;111d \.: rio~·ll·dge :\l ost nf 111d:1.1··s n1edi1'llll'S 11·(·1'~ 11111 in t·-..1.-.lt'tH·1· 1.5-20 yc:.irs ago . \Ve ht'.1r n1ut:h :ibnut n1 :dpr:1('tiC t' ill!>\Jf'.incc costs. \\1t•eding <\UI. int•otnpcten ts would :-ave lh(' puhl il' ;_ind the d octors nH1eh n1ot1l'Y .\J rl:').!U1ar . un:1n11ounccd 1n - "'i''''·1,111.111 ~ od l\lll".-.lilL' !ll•llll'~. ;111d ;1nin1;il e:»pt·r1n1L·11 t l;1bs. l 'he1·e ·s 1nuch un:11·11 1d ;1hle suffering of h u rncini. :1nd :1n 1m:-1ls : ll't -~ t't"ildlt':Lt(• \ht• :l\"OHl!1\Jl1• I' t:N BOG El{S 1'11111 · l .illlll! \11 111\!'-.ll L:.ll HHI d 1"'" 1l11T lll)p· 11 :.:..11ilt fl .011 o.:1·111·\ "I thv l " ~ l.;"I 1'1111\l('lll I '< 1111111111\1' I" ht'\11)-! lll\1•-.r1 ;:.1l•··I 1ht•11 rll;•_\ 1·u11l.J ,·11 1u·1·11.dil 1 _.·1 ,1\1,1 1 11i!IJ 1u-.1 ,t ho1t11 .111.1tl111 H. \ ,·,,11 ~:rt·~-.io1n,1I 11 \\1·-..11 _,111o111 •ii ::_,.,, 111111 .·nl ;i\ ·•-•"IH 11 ·-.. ,i,., • .,..11 I lllV.111 111.11 1ht• .1 1'Tl!"I \• ~1 111 11 ul llt1\lh11\;.! \\ 1\.11 H .i • ., ... 1111 ·.111 1 ... t!i.1! 1ht· r ! Jil ~ <ii lho • \1111·111 .tll i't'Opl1 • .i I t' h•' 11\t..! \'I' 1\ \'(I o•d 11 h,,.., .11 11.1.1-. lu·•·!I n\~ l1 t•li,•I 1ti;il tl1• {'\ \ ... 1oh 11;1 ... 1() r.::ltht·r 111lt1t'm,1t11i11 011 l'tlt•1111v ~ nl uur '..'O\ t'l'lllll\'11\ "l"h;J\ d!l~·-.n't rl\l';ill r ;u 1dnn1 :-p _1111 ;.! u11 I S l'itizt•ns \\ I ! iJ 0 (I ( :1 g ll U d I l' ;1 S U t1 . S t>n11·t11111·-.. 1think11111 ... 1~ !'>\t:alth ~· d<1d1•S \1'1Uld lik1· 11) fl:t\'t• :I 'I'\" 1·;11111·r.1 111 c1 1·r~· holllt' 11 ired tn a ll1:1!'>11•t' l '!!lllpllll'!' .-:o 1h1·y l'tHLid :-.1·rut1111zt' "Ill" t'\"1·r~ 1n11\'1:. 'rheir 11i.•[11't• 11 otdd p1 •nli;dll ~ ht• ;1s lun ~ :t " ,\1111 h.t\'t• nn ;.:t1il1 , yo u !>li nuldn'l 1nn1d \\'e Ii I\' in ~I l'l'Pllhl11· dL'\'Ult•d to dcrn111·r:1 t·1. lili1·r11 . 1'1't.'t0tlnn1. lti ~h 1d1·:d s. :uitl ;ill tt~;11 ).!O~~d s tuff kflOI\\ I) ;1 ~ \h(> 1\il\l'l'l!':lll \\ ;[,\' ~ 1\t l e:1 -.l I lli ink 11·1' tlu '.\llKI-'. Jo' \l l.l\'.'\J~l t ORANGE COAST DAllY PILOT ' /111/,.,r, ,\' \\' l'<'rl, I '11i>/1~/11'f T/1,.11111 .~ 1-.·1···r-1! r;tJ11 .. r //q r/1nr<1 l\rr1/11<'h 1-:1Ji!ur1(1/ /'•HJ•' l·:d11<1r !111· ,.,111 .. 1·1 .• 1 p:q.:·· ilf !hl' J);1i\y 1·i1 .. 1 ~,.,.1.;, !" ui1 .. 1 "' .u11I !'>11nu11:otc !t',"l•·t-. lo\ pr1 •,,,.1111n i.: ull thl)' pa ~l' d1,,.,...,,, ,.,,11111t1·11l.1!' 1•1• t•1µ1 t·:. of ui 1~·11·,1 i., •111t111· . .t··d 1·•1liirn nt~t s :u1d , .11·1,.u111~1 -., h1 !'I'll\ 1d111g. :t f11r11n1 I"! lt•,!11<'1'' II•'\\' .ot\d h\ l'l'~·~~'l\1111~ ilu, II<'" ,p,qn·1 '"l•1111+u1~ .1n1l 1d('a~ HI\ ('\ll"!••n1 IHI'"' "l'h1· 1"dtlori t1l ••1•>1t•••n .. "' !111· 11 ... ,i. 1'1lot uppear '"'II 111 ,h(· ("hl••l'lal "'-'hunn at the h•p ,.f th" p.1.:" 111'11\lnll.~ l'S jJr('SSt'd In lh•· •1'1un1rn ~1, .i11<t t•11rtQOn1 )'\:S .• 1111 lo ·11 ,·1 "r111·1· .... 11 •· th('ll" O\\'n and II" ··111 lo II ··•· 1111•11\ uf I hPl I' I 11,'\l.li by the • '.• : • , • t < • • • • • • • • • -t • • • • i • • • • • • ,• ( i • $ ' ! • .. i • ~ ~ 1 ,. ~ ~ ~ " ·' ~ .• " ' ~ s ~ ~ i ., •• ~ •' , ., • " ~· ·' .. ~ • '· • • ' • .. • • • • i .'} 1 .1 j ' • • . !'·"" l'1!ut 'h1,.ild ltt' tnfi•rn•d "\ \\'ednt•sday. J<Jnuary 15. 1~i5 i ?~ i.' i' r. .. f· ., ' ., ; . ~- " " I Supply Of Gas Declining S.i\N f 'l\A:\t'ISl«) ~ L'l'I 1 .\v4.1ilabi\1ty uf 11alur.d g.i::s 1n t~alifo rnia \\ill ;..;u dn\\ n during lhe next JO ~,·:11 -. , . ..,p1·1·1 ~tll~ 111 the sout hern l':trt 111 lh" ~I.Il l'. ;1,·- 1.:ording to !lit..• ~l.1 \v i'ulJl11 · Ltilities C 111n n11:-.:-.ll•1l T he cun1n11:-..~1un ~ a1inu~d 1 •· port iSSll L'd '1'11t·:-.d.1\' Tl•llt•d th:tt :-;uppli1,_·:-. are l'\P•'L'h'd toi 1h·cl1n~· (..__ __ s_ta_t_e_~J v.·hilc f irn1 rt·q1111·,·11it.:nts f11 r L';is ~-re gr O\\' lng d ui 111g \Ill' IH: r111d . I t is aj)p:1rc11l , tilt· rc1uirt :-..itd that "the 1n1t:rruptiUh· rnarkct {large indus1r1<1l l'u:-.ton1 1,_·1·::.) \\·1!J h ave to turn to 11 l t~:rn:1lc l\il'IS fur t he b ulk rif its rcqu1rt·n1cnts. pa rti cul:1r [\' 1n :-\ou\ltt·r11 California " Threat to !Sit•• SACRA~l Er\TO {t:r•t 1 'fhc ::.talc could lose the sile of the new $1.3 million govcr n or·s mansion if th(' s truc tu1·(' \\"L•r e used as a ha l f·\\·~1\ house for t.lru;..: addi c t s or a n1us cun1, the legislatu re's ~1tto1·ncv \\·:.irni.:d to· d~y . . Gov. Edmun<l l:. l\ro,,·n Jr. :-;;:.i id 1'u esday hi.: has :ill !Jut g:i ,·cn up hope of stopping con:)truction of t he 12,0DO·s qu;i r t.• foot r~ sidcnce ;.ind st11,:gL·stL·d it 1niJ.,;hl IJ~ eon \"t'r tc·d in1'1 ;1 .,L•111i11;1r center or ;i ··11111:-c11111 uf s••l ill" ~ind." 2 Bodies 1 '11111111 'fRO~J\ !Al'l 'J\,·u h;1dlv d·· l"o1npos cd but.lie!>, llcl1L•\"t.:d l t.l be thnsc of ;1 ni;on :ind Iii;-; \111 1· l\no\vn fu r !ht.·1r d1sll't1:-.l ul l1<111h .,. h:1ve iJL"Cll fo1 111 rl 111 :1 ]11)1111· h 1·1·1" Inyo Count.\· :-.h«r1i"l"'s ;i nd cur o ner 's officers 11 1·r1· nut \t•\ rt·· !casing po:-.i!I\ ,. 1dl'11tifi;::itiuns on the bodiL·s . 11ur evn1n1c11t1n;: u n how l hl· t 11u dl1·d .\ s ht·1"1ff's clcp art n1 ent :-p<1hv:-.11 1;111 ~:11d .1 staten1 ent vn t hc l':1:-.t.' "di 111· i:- sut.•d l ater tod.1~ Suicide Clnimt•d BERK F:I.E \. 1l"l'J 1 .J:1 1.·'-IJ C;o\dbcrg, J:). t.::>.l'l'U\lll' d!i't'l"l••l" of a dru g rch ;.ihili1~1 \1u11 pru~r:11n. "'JS found de:(d in Iii~ h"11ll' ·rul·~ d;_1y fron1 :111 ;q1p:1r .. n1 u\-t:rdH~l· uf narcotics. Pol ice said 11 11.' pudt.-t'rllll' ~' r 1nge \Ira;; found clutvlh'd 111 111:-. hand. ThC\' s:iid till'\' l1l·l11·1 .. • 111• took hi s O\\:n l1f .. · · ffunled lJuaiL1nd 'l\1m, ·lU . 1s bein ~ SOU:-'.h l b~ thC l•'J~f fl)!' 41\. legl'dl.v l'!llbl'zzlin g $.5!10.0UO fro111 the C hinalO\\"ll !~ranch n f t h l' ~an r· r a n c 1 s c ., l·'l'dl•r.tl Sa\·Jn gs and J,0;111 ,\:;s·n . .1\n a ssis tant \"ice prL'· s idl'nt . t.•n1plny l·tl f11r 1 1 Yl'ar :::;, 'l'on1 has bCL'll I l'a{'1·d lfl 'fi.li\V<lll . Man Booked In Beating Of Boy,2 1.(lN (; 11r;,\('It (U J:1 1 1 :\lt.•l\ in U . (;raha m, ~5. w:_i s Uuu kl·d n n ~uspic ion of child llt·atinh ·ruc:.d:i y :.ift1·i he al · ll'J..:l•dly thrc \\' his girlfriend 's 2' :!-year·nld son agains t <1 v;:.tll ;ind ht.· at bi nl v.:il h a h~lt Ilolit·t· said lhl' C'hild .. J.11 nt's !\lilliun. 1\'~1s in ;1 {"on1:1 ;111d in \"t.•ry l'r11i c;il l'Ondit1un in th._• in ll·n si \·L' L·are unit at l~ong l~l'at·h ('01nn1u111ty llospit ;i\ A husp1t:JI .-.pok e.s n1 ;111 snid the buv h<HI L1l')!L' \\'l'll~ till In::; h ;p.;k :11;d liul I 111·k:o . .\uthuritit·~ ::,;1i<l thl' 1n1·1dvnl t•t·curr·ed 1\ ltcn L;1·;1h :1n1 \1 l'lll tH plt"h tilt' buy up fro1 n :1 bah,\ sit lt·r , \\"1tnc::>s1·:. ~:ud th1 • 11111" du! ll!Jl II :int \O ll·;11 ,. ,llHJ livi,::111 t"f".\ ll L).: ;ind s 1·re:11 11111;.!. 1:r:1h:1r11 report t•d l~ h1l tbt• vhlltl \\'1th a 1n;1g;111 r\l.' <ind dr;1g;.!l'd hn11 llpS!<1irs. \\.1\tll':-:-t':-0 luld ol f t1'1·r~ till'.\-!t1•:1rd ., 1hu1n pin;.: ~uund frt1n1 lltl' Ill' ,t:llrs ;1p.1rllllt'lll and tll\'11 1hv 1·1.'1ng :--!u ppt.:d \\ i\lll'''t':O. c;dlvd ]JI Jlt (":' <!fl1;·,_.r~ :,aid l;r,1ha111 \11li! lhv rn L111· t"!11 ld h:1d f<dl i.:n :1 ~;1 11~,1 -..11n 1t.• i.!l;i :-s :i nd cut hirn;-.l'!f S Al'TA ANA ~OL T l! CO A ~T l'LA/.,\ All Bullock's scores will close at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, January 15 for inventory. • . I Edison Seeking Increase IJlS /\;\(; l·:J.J·:S ( l' l'l \ ·rhl' ~dll lh l•rn l':t111orn1:1 l·:di ~on ('o ·1·uL·sd:1 .' pr11po,-.l·d .1 '.!1 pt'f"t'l'rll r <tlc 111l'l°t'.1~•·, 1\!l11·h \\'Oul1I <'o .... t the ;J\'l•f.q . .:i.: l1on1t·o1\ nt·1' S5 rn11r1· a n111nlh , \<1 Illt"l'l p111hl .._·n1s 1111 pus..:d b~· 1nfl<1l1011 l 'h;11rr11:u1 J.och. J lurt1111 toil,\ ;i S1:1lP l't1hl1l' l 'l1l1t11·s l'tH1\ n1 1:.~1on hl'ar111;.: th;I! lht.· rdli' hoo:.t 1::. 1·s,1•11t 1;d lo till"l'l hq::h··r priel's. m:11nt:111i tts IJuJ\d1ng pro · grarn ,11Hl 1na1nt ;iin it~ «f t•d11 r.ll ing '\'he l'l 1' h.1-. hl·v11 l1u\d111 g ht.:;1r1ngs 1111 tl11· $;):!~ 111ill11111 1 ;1h• rcqut•SI ;-.11tl'l' \:u11•n11J ... ·r. "l "td1t1t'.'i 1hr11ui.:holll !ill' rou11 Lry <ll'l' t.1l'in~ !>1'1·11llts f1n:1 n('i;il prolil1·n1 ..... ·· ll11rl1111 .... 11d "Sh~ck prl('t.'" .1 r v d1·[Jl t"'""d h~·!o\\ hHuk \ :dlll". h111!([ ('"' vr;1h>'.'i :il'c l'fild ing •111d np,·r·.111ni.: :tnd l':1pJt.d cu:-1:-h.1\ 1• .. 1...1 r~11 ·kvlt'•! ,\ i'O!l ,\ltll\")" :-.jHli-.t.•;-.\\Ul11.lll ;1\ llt1· hl':1r111 g :-..i1d !he 111crc.1:-.c l'11uld li1· .1 ;-. 11H11·h :1s .J~ pt:1'rcr1t for :-.1Hi1 v .-. in .1 ll u .,1·r-, l [l';ll'lll )-!:-1111<\ ifil· jJJPjlllSl 'd r-:1\<' llH'l'l·.1:-.t• l>c).'.;1n \;1st. n1unlll .ind ;1rl· t'"l"'l"l.l'd 10 {·q11l1nu1· thr1H1 .:.:li \1 ;,~ 111 \·arious p;11·t., 11f 1111· uttl1l.\ ·:-~l·J"\'ll'l' :1ri.::1 J·:d1:-.u11 '''1 \,1s :! .l n1ill1u1i 1·11"!111111•1':-. Ill l .u~: 1\n ~t.:l l'S . \'L•I\· ltJr:t. Santa l~az·b;ir~i. l)r;u1;.!l' ;_n ld p;11·t-. 111' Hi1 .. ·rs1 de :ind ~nil H ... ·rn:1rd1nn e11ur1l1cs Oil Spill In Cha1111el 'No Threctt ' -".\'\I':\ !~:\B l i.\H \ 1:\!'1 .\11 IK r1iil•· lung <1i\ slit·h 111.lhv :...:111!:1 !'o.11 h.(r:1 l'li :llllll'j h,1:-"'11lH\,.,j "l".l\I .11•<\ ,l!id I" 1\11 )(111'-.!1'1' .I 1J\1'1".il 111 1ht• 1·!1\ ll'l>lllll\'11(,·• :11·t·111'd1ng !u lh1• 1·111111n;111d1·r· 111' thv :-;.1nlo.1 J:.11']1 •• r.1 l'11.1sl (;11.1rtl c;r.,up 1.1 ·1·t·r1<1\\'" 1)"('11n11 ... ·!I ,,11d ·111,·.~1 1 .•. 1 111.d tli· l•il ;-.l't'!lh'd \•) h1 · :1 11 :.!hlt.'I' ""lnr tl1.111 t·r11d,· .. i1 ;111d II,,;, J'P:O-'-il\I~ :-.pdlt•d ft"ollll ,I p~ISS lll;! Linker ()ii .-..unpl1·:-. Ii.id lit~t·n l.1k1·11 fr,111\ ·' \,onht•r 1p ti\,• ar1·.1 .111·1 11"1·1· 1 .. ·111 ;.:. 1·"1 11 p.1rvd 11itl\ 111\ 11•11 1\ \}11 ·-.l1(·h (\'('t1JHll'll -...11d II·· •.11d 1h,, l.111!"·r \1,.uld 11111 Ii•· 1dv11 ;1 11.·il 1111 1 .·:-..~ lhl' \,.,1 .., 111·!111· i•P,11 11 t' ,\ I 1"--.-..1•J Jh;1\ 1.'ol\, l<i I I' !'"11 I\ llo 'li JI -1111\,.. Pl dtifllp;-, (Iii ~·t( (Ji ~· 'tl;o ,\ 1 .11l 111 ' lllll'd ll!J 111 .. 111 ,01111 ;11\d 11 -. P\111• I i·.11\ Ill' 1,1i\1·\I !<!I' ,I .11 ·.11 J!.111,11 1.11 1 l1 l1k.1 ~ht·ll r1ct i.L1lt " ,\1 .1r\Ll1•u~l r ( I ( I 1 \ r ( .• ! r 11 ) ' I I ) 'I r :_, Pr11111 r11-ll)· tL·xi11ro..:d n ug ,i.;ct ... h.q ,t:~ ·r1> \\'\_,1r ,I\ fll\I \ll!ltl,j .( \(f,tnd +it l'\t j i1 1S1 l t 11(·,trl s Frt1n1 JI .1tfl{' C::trncgit . 11·· .... tr.1n1l, :O-::!.'.> -;o",~ 15 F:1shinn .Jt·,1·cl rr Bullock's S;lfllil An~1 , I r .j\h1on ~jll.<f~ • .::~oo N . f\1ain Srrct·(, SJnr.• An.•, 'lrl! 11l11,r1 l "I I ., ~' 11 Bullock"s Sou rh Co:.i.~t PL1ia. S.1n 01C'_RO Frecv.•2y at Briitol, Cos1a f\f <..,,1, 11·!1 ph11rit ")~(1 (!(ii t • Sex Filni :O...\L"I~ \:"ttl·:\J'(I t l 1'1 J l~ll'il"I d11 11 . }),·,·~du II, l11!1 I .IHI., ;111d ~11..,ll• \\Ill lt,llL' \I) lJV ~l\ll\\ I! :_111 :\I ,llt•d J\)u\ lt' bel.,t'l· ll1t') 1·..indl! ll t 'hr 1 ~ .ind Su:-.Jt' a10..:· gurdl,1s \\htl ii.(\'t' tlt'll'I l1l'l"ll .IJHUl h l ot l\\•r go1 tll.1:-. a11 d tltu;-. dun't kJlU\\ II !J,i[ (!J d1) tu llltl\1•, S:1er.1 rn1·11l•l Z11u l>1rcl'lu1' /)ill .\l l·t·f..1·r ..,,.1d ·rut''d ~'.' Si.. tli1• /,<\(! 1il1l.illl«d ,Ill '· .. .iul«illun.d li\111" fro n1 ;1 111u in S1,·it11·1·l:111d in hnpl·.-. !lt;1t sh,11\ in;.: !l tu ('h r 1s :unl ~u;-.11· 11 di ··:-11n1u!;.it1· tih'1n"' .1111! l"l'l\1! n th1· JUJlg lv 111:.lJtll'l lll \ht•Jr 'I '\ IJ\.{'<; ·rhP '.!:1 111111u1i-fll1n, :\!i't·l\er :-.:1td [\':t\111 ,., ;-.!l-UUp .l('(ll l\lt.':'> nl :1 h1111l'h ,,r gurtll.1-. lc<1d1ng l!J! ld 111.11111;.: .ond lilt.· ;ll·l u •il 1nat(11 g LAST 3 DAYS Wednesda~.January 15 1'J7'5 DAILY Pit.OT .ti -! SG:J .ffillion Smog Controls Called 'Ripoff' S.\t'H "\'.\ll~:'\'·ro 11\P l -'l'wo l>i!l:. tit .ii \\'OUl<I \>!JJC out c1 c·n n 1ru1~·1 ;-.1.ol atllO s tnog 1:011trul pro gr..11n 111 ... ix Southern California 1·ouHt1 .. ;-. h;11t· l·!1'arcd lhl'1r first 1't1H11n1\ll'~ hurdll'. 'r he 11ll·ntie~1l 1111·:1:-urt·s \1·oultl l 0 l11n1 11atl· a r1·qu1r1·1111·nt 1h;1t l ~ti ti 7!1 ;1u tus 111 LllS .A.ngc!••s, ()ran gL'. Sa n !Jcrnartl i u o. H1\·,·rs1<!1•, ~anla l\arh:1 r ;1 :.•11d \'1•ntur>1 t·11u11tics 1>1· t>q111 1•Pl'il 1\llh ;1 d•·\ l1'l' 1J,·s 1).!nt•1l !•1 t'•illlrul tl.\idt•:-1\1 lll\l'l!j.!l'll ';\"();.,) t'rtl1l';-. t'Ullll'lid !hv 1h·\ 11·L";-. ]1011 ,,\ ;-.!.t s1dlllt.' t'lll\S lllllp\IUll \I hil1• <iddi ng lu 1n.-.,lt•:nl 1>f 1·ut t1ug :-i nlug ll'Vvl:- l ns t:1l!:1t tun dl':1dlt11 «s li,1\'L' ;dJ"t•dtil p.1 ;-.:-cd ru1· pl:!ll'S l'lltlill~ 111 d1 ~11.-11n1· 111 fuu r. ~111d l.!Js 1\11g1·lt ·~ L'uunty 1)\!1 clals s<1i d l';\00,0011 \'vh1t·l1·.-. 111 lltt~ :.ix coun- l1t ·-. llul\ a1 °t.' 1·11llll)Pl'd \\'ilh the d.:\'Jt0 t' . Los :\!lµl·I•·:-. L'oun1y :-;uµcrvisor h:\·t111et h I l;ilui 1,•:..t1f1l•d in fH\'llr •ii t he hill:-.. 1·;dl111g the inst:ill:.i · t1011 i'l''lllll i.:lln'lll a "$G:! 1n11liu11 r1pl)fl " "\lll1ougll v.tl'h dvvit'L' 1:, to l'U:»t <t 111.1;>,lllt\l!l\ 1l fl ~5. \ht• t11l.d ,((ll<>\l!ll tu lll l' I .I'\ 1u1ll 111 n n;.~1.11 l~L'l .11t~·e ti·d Ill lliL" '-I'\ ('<1t 11 1t 11•.., 1111,111.·d 1~ $ji:\ 111illio11 ," ll :1h11 !(l!d Ila• .'i<'ll~1l u1·::;. ··1 C<d l th:1I :1 $•;:! tll illinn ripnl l entff Ltd. () $ SO. COAST PLAZA OHLY CONT~UES ON A FIRST COME FIRST SERVED BASIS LAST 3 DAYS OUR ENTIRE STOCK IS INCLUDED /SUITS /SLACKS /SPORT COATS /LEATHER /SUEDES /SHIRTS /SWEATERS MOST FANTASTIC SALE IN COSTA MESA HISTORY AMY ITEM FOR OHE DOLLAR WITH PURCHASE Of ONE AT REG . PRICE NO MUMBO JUMBO • YOU BUY ANY ITEM AT REGULAR PRICE ... THEN PICK ANOTHER OF SAME VALUE FOR JUST ONE DOLLAR ' ? G entfY'" • Ltd. 0 SOUTH COAST PLAZA STORE ONLY SAM DIEGO FRWY. AT BRISTOL, COSTA MESA, 540·1 502 . • • , r , • , , ' •' ' • I . ' I i ' • '. I ' \ . • ·1 • • • • \ . ' ' • ' Irvine ED I T I ON * VOL. 68, NO. 15, 7 SECTI ON S, 74 PA GES CIA \VAS lll :'\:G'r O;'IJ 11"1'1 1 l'l1\ l)1rct.:tl1r \Vill1.1111 I·: ('11lh\ t11d .1v d1 se!()~1,:d t h:1\ a lo1it..: .... t.in<l111 g l'l 1\ SU Lll"t'I' inliJ11111•d lilL' agl'llt'\' Jn 1:111 ;n1d 1!17~ ot ;111 ;dlt'/..'.L'd pl<i1 tu kill for rn1·r \'11·1· l:r1·.-.11h·n1 ,\g nL·v.• and k1dn.q1 1nr111 .. r t 'J ,\ dJr('t'lor J<11·h;1rd llt•l11 1-. Il l· :1J ..,11 ~1l"h11••\\lvd g1 ·d lo1r 1h,· l1r:-.l l 1n11· lhal lht• "I'\ a~L'B<'\ ..,,.\ up a 1·0111111•1· 1nt1·l11g,•nL·•· 11r11l 111 l!Hi7 '' htt'h ~.dll1·r1·d t11,.,.. 1111 10,0UU :\1nL·1·i1·;1n L·1t111·11:-. But ht· d <•n11·d th.it lht· ill"1L\ll\ \\;t -. ii Jc~;il. · Bares f\:-. IJ /'l'SUlt ol tlu· allt•gt•d plot ag.a1n:-,l A gth.'\V aud Jl1:ln1s, (\Jlb\ ... :1id. tho: ('II\ c,11·11t•d 11111 ''ph\:.H.':JI !'>lll"\L'IJl:111l'l' Ill l\\O .\n1l'r1<-':J11 <·itll'S ;1f\1·1· .d1·r1 11L;.! huth th,· J·'ltl ;111dSl'l'r1·t Sl'! ,·11·1· Coll>~ d1·n1l·d lhat an\· :-.11< h :1« \1\ 1\,\ rould llt.•t·l~1:-.:-.1f1l'd a :-dll'i.:.11 <lon1t.·~tJl' 1nlcllq.,:cn1·t.• g:.1t ht.•1111 g, :-..1ying t hat :1\1 ('tlt'rt.•nl ('J ,\ ,ll' l1\·111cs ~ire \\'1th111 the lirn1t ~of ll:-. 1·harler. '!'ht• .l u:-t1l't' f)l•partrnt·nl :-..ud 'l'tie-,d~1v 1t ..,;..;.1\t' !ht• 11.11ut•.-. ul ' . . • '71 Plot to 11 1111 1· !h.tl) \1) ()()(! .\1111·11i':111 d1 :-.-.1 d1·nl-. IH l!it· ''!..\, hul th1' 11 -.1 11.1 -. .q1p,11 l·11\l 1 d1tt'1 •1"1·nt tro1n 1h1· 11111· ll1~1·u:-"1'd b1 ( 'ulh,\' hcloJ t.' lh1• -.ul1 1'0111Ill11 t l'I' ('olh:-:-.;onl lh.it oil .\11 g 1:, l~Jt;";" l ht• ('].\ «:-o t.ib[J:-ohl'd :1 l"Ut1\1·r 1nt~·ll1t.!<"tl 1·1 • ot111·,. "(o J..,,~ 11 1111 lh1· po-.~.il11l1t\ o! lor1·1 ~n 1111\..-. tu J\crlt'I 11 ·,\t\ d1-.-.1dt•lll 1·[1•1\lt't\l :-0 • '!'In· p1u ~1.11l1 \1;1-.. 1•11d1·d 111 :\I .1r1· h , l ~I': I ·111 th" ,·.,11r:-.1· ol th1 -. p1•1 i.:1;1111 . l 'olh\ :-.,ud. f1l1''> 11.-1" t•-.\.old1 -..l\1·d Oil ,1IH)tll !II 1)1)!1 <· 1111.l· 11 -. HI 1 h ... • c·o11nt l' r 1 nll'l lig(•nl't' 11111 1 t\1lli) ;..:,1ll'·' 1:1 pag l'-.latt.•n1t>nl tu Lhl· :-.u h1·u 1111 n1 LI ee a<-'k tlO\\' lt'.'d l4 . 111:.: that !he('\:\ h;1s m ;1 de :-.•Jrnv 1n1s li1kl'" But h.-:-aid :in.v 1n1 ... lak1·:-111'll' 1ul1·l'qU t•nt anti :-.t1·1n rll<·d I torn a llllSl'IHlt'l'P\11111 1Jl l ht• 1•\lt•11! n/ 11:-.t·ha1·t 1·r J 11 h 1:. :-.t .1 \ t· n11·nl . Colhv ;1 l!.1' Said ;1 l'I \ fl'\'ll'\~' s hO\\'(•d 111 :11 lhl' a ~1·111·y l <.1()p t'd lht· lt·h·phon l"> 11f ~I Li S. r~shJt·nt s l11·l11 .. 1•n t!).'il and lU65 but r)Olll' til1·1 t•:1flt•J' Kill Agne ltevc.i lcjl tl1<1\ lht· ('I .\ opc1·at 1:cl :.I p rogr-;1111 l11 up1•1l -.t"ll.!c tc<I 1n:.ill b t.•l\l<'t·11 llll· 1·n1t1·d St:1l l.·S >1 1\d l 110 (\qllfl)\lrll~l 1·11111lll'L1·:- h1..•t" t.'t•n 1 9:,:~ .1nil 1~r;:; Saul 1h:o1 111 h1 . ~111111 lt ·d g1· thl"l'l' hall 1it·v1•1 h1 ·1·11 :-.111 ve1 I l <i nt't.'. I 1•1·hn1•·.1 l '•r 11! h.._·1·" 1:.1· tt 11·t'<·tcd a~<11n -.1 .1t11 111"1n her .. 1 Cun~rt.·s~.' · ()n lhl' plul lt• h.111 1\:!,1\t.'I\ l '1111 •\ s~ud '',\l ~u Ill 1 ~7l .ind ... ,_ ·' OC Told, 'Prove Hinshaw Loss' BfJ11d .tt;,,111 Limit Placed On Park Funds l ~y l >f)l '(~l .,\S F lt l1'ZS('lll·: 01 t~• o .. u~ ,.,101 st~•• In r(•l;1t l'd ;1rt1 011 -. '1'11t·:-.d;1 ~. thl' l r\'ltlt' ("1l\ l \>llllf'll :-.old lh1· f11 ..,I S:I n1ill1u1'1 11\ p;or\.. .ond li1l-.1 • lr.nl 1Jn11d-. ;111d :-,t·I :-p1•11d111 ;.: l1n111 s f"r 111111· t.1 1·Jl1t1l':-. lu lit· ltl1ill 1\1111 :•n ~·1 ··11t11 ;1l :-;1'; 1111l!tun 1n p.11 ·1\ bo11d tu11d:- ln s1·ll111 g 111,· :-.p1·11d111 :..: 1111111 -., lhl' l'Ollll\'1l ellcv t111·I.\ -.ti.~t d111111 Tennis -Decisio1i Anyo1ie? l rv1nf' t 'i ty l:ou111 ·d n1e1nlt1:r:-. 11.1\'t• put olf for l1\t• \\t:t•I\..., a pro pu:-.;d hv 1ri!t·rn;1 !11111al ll'l1 111 . ..; 1·h~1'm p1 0.llS !{oil l.a\'(.'I' ;nu] H o\' En1l'l'Son to bu il d ;,i L"nn1n1l'l'('1:;l tenn is \1•:1ching fa1·11it v 111 :1 pl :innt•d ('11 .1 iJ.irk · J ,l ..;('\l~:-o lot!\ 'J'IU'.-.41.1~ l't•\ 1•;1ll·d ,I thl'l't' (q fl\O :-.1oJ1\ ,i!lltlllJ.! ('tlllflt'tl Jl\t'!l1 ilt"/'-. ti\ t'I' .I oil'\ t•li>pltl :.,: p•d11·y 11 h11•h 11nu!d ::P\1·1 11 pl I\ .tit• l'll(\'l l'l l-.1' Ill t'll I p:il'k-. 'l"ht• 1·011nt·1l dt•t•l1111•d In .11·1 011 l1 11• :10 -.1'1".1r nlf1·1· lo 11'.l">t' 1h1 ,.,. :11·1·1•-. al th1• lr1·1n\' l l1 g h St·houl l '111nrnun1ly l';u·h f11 1· S:!IO,tH111 J!l'llpO:-.t•d h y lh,• 1.,1\'i•r ,tlld l·:inl'rson f1rn1 '!'ht• f1r1n 1\,1n1 -. t" htiild ,1 1~·11 111 -. ll'.11·h1n :..: 1111nplt'\ 1\1111 t1•,t<"hlll ~ l.1111·,.;, 11·11111:-1·011111 -. .• s1:1d111111 t'(H1rl pr'11 -.11"1' 1·l.1s:-roo111 .1nd lll1 111i.:1• '!'lit• (.'Oll l llt'il I ill d1•\1•l 11Jh'd "" \!.1 ;.or i;:1hr1t ·l\1· l'ry1ir .111d 1·i>un1·1l rnt·11 \r! \nlliP11;. :111d H<1hl'rl \\'1•-.1 :1d10<'.1l\'d :-l'•·l-;1n 1: ;uld1\11i11 ,1I prup"·"·il:-. !n1 -.t11 ·h ;1 l.1\0 1111 .\ l1t'((l!'t' ,I 1·111ltt,11·1 I"" :-,1).!n1·d ~·,.11nc·ll111<'1 1 lll'tH ·' l}111 ~lt•\ ,111d .J (1 hn H11rli111. 1·.,n11·111hnJ.! !hat 1he11 1·11·11 -. 1-.11111· fro111 tin· r1·,d ln1:-.1nt'"" \\orld :-.h.11 pl\' d 1 ... .1g r1·C'd SC't•k1ng olht•r pr.,1111:-..tl -.. tli•·I :-,;ud. \\'uuld )11.· ,, 111da111111 nf lJu-.1 nl':-.:-. et h1 1";-; lf\'lllt'':-1·111111111111111 :-1·1'\'I• , . ._ cn1nm1ss11111 ha:-. 1\r1•:-.tll'd \\llh lh1· i:-.:-.lll' ol 1\·h.11 hind nf 1.·0111 { .... j't' 'l'l·:~:\1:-'.1 ';1,:.;1· ,\:.!• Rent Fraud Investigated In El Toro ()ran ~e (.t)Utll'.'-SlH·riff',. 111" putie:-. a rt' in vC's liM:i ting a n J·:I 'l'ui·o 1\·o n1an':-. con1p h.1 i111 that ~he p:Jid S800 in :1d vr111r C' 1·ent to a 1n:in :.h<' ht•l ie\'t•d lo ht' t h e O\\'n t.•r .. r a (l;.111<1 \' S!r('t•t ho1n1• :int.I t h1·n [c;1ri1!'.'d t tl ;11 he did nut ov.·n tht• p r t•m is<'s . lle pulies said lhc-n1an \\'h11 rl!n tcd th(' hnn1c to :\Ir:-.lllnP ,\un Sp<·nc£'r . :12. 111 2J8H2 llantl1 S l ., \\'as t11 1ns clf re n ling tht• hous4..' from Lls lci;al 0 14·11er. ·rh~·y a1'(' t r :-ing to I ra ce him tnda.v L.>e DUllt.'S sa id l\l rs. Spl'lll'l't' paul thc SUSJ>C('I $:\SO Lil 1-;1s h a nd S.150 ln the forn1 a tash ic1"s l'ht-i •k '"tu ch ha ~ 111)w ht'l'!l t'a:-.hcd . l\·t rs. Sp c n<'t'r !<aid todH':J th;11 lh1· l e~ul O\\'n 1·r of lht• p rnpl'1'1\ l!X PC'l'lS h ('r In \'lll't.1H• !ht· pr'l' n1 ises h.v the (·1111 ut lhl' rn1in!h "\V r· <i l'l' ..;nmewhcrl' h l'\11·eC'n !hl' ti<'\· ii :ind 1h(' d l'<'P hltll' Sl';•.'' s ht· 1110111·111..:J . ' , lilt• li"P''" 11f .1 l'<!l\llll)..:t'lll (\I l 11111 ·r ·.il,\ P:trk 1l':-.11 l1·nt-.. 111111 11.1111 lll"J'L' I.111d purt'll.i:-.1·d (nr :1 p;ork 1n 1h1•1r ,11'(.'<t. '1'1\1· lir -.t l;.111d ~;ilv \11•1\I 1 .. ('rock1•r H.ink. \\'hJ('h ql l\'l•'d 1111· !011 t''>l 111l1·r1•-.t r.11 1•. ti ~1:; IJl'r 1·1·111 'l'h1· -.;ill' 1n1·l11dt.:d ~H 1nill1un of ,1 i-lti n11ll1n!l )'.11 h liHnd .111d :--1 n11lllt111 ul ;t ~:.! 1nllhnn 11,11 f.. \11h.e 11·;111 !Jund l'.oth hP11d:-. 1\1'l'l' u1l·rli 1,Ji1 •l111 111;.!l 1 .1 ppr<•\1'(l Iii 1·11v 111t1·1-. I .i ., t , I u 111 · !•o·,p1lo· 11\Hlt'' t{'l.111\t' \<•llth .1 ,I ! 11'.'-I\ \\,I:-. ;.:,11 \'TI 1\1 :..:fi 111.11·k-. h1 lu•nd r.dt·I:-. .\11111.I\ -. 1\.11111 ;..: ~;·r1 1t·1· p l;.•l'•'d ,n1 ,\ · 1 ·.11 Ill_ .. n 1111· 1.-.-..111·. \\IHI<' !'-it.n1d.itd ,111d !'11111 "..:.11t• th1· 11tv .1 Hl \I\ pl I 1 ... "'l ,1nd,11'd .ind l'111H· :-. t''\Pl .111u ·d 11 .. ln\11 ·1 1 .1l1n ~ hi 1'"111\111 ...: 1" 11H· l!llllil 011 lht• 1·11 1, th1· 111 ,.:li !1•\t'I of dl·ht .. r th(· 1;111 .. tl 'i 11Jr1~d11·1i1111 -.. 11'h1l'l11nl.d-. :..!:, pv1 1·l·11t DI thi· I'll\' .. ;1:-.-.l'""l'il 1.d11.· ;111d 11ll' 1•\i -.tl .. IH 't' 11! '>lll'll ;•Pi'" n1111t·111 1.1xp:1_,,·1· :1:-. lh(' 11 ·\ 111,. t '01np.111 ~·. Should 1h•· 1·on1J•.1111 olt·i·vlop t1nanf•1al )'f1.l1l1 •1n -., :-.11d tl11· r .111111-. -.1·1·1 11···· 11\1• luoi11l .. 1·111dd l1t' 111 -..1•1 ·ur(· "'111·1111111 ...: ltrn1t ... t·.i· tht• :-1 .. l••lll 11f 111111· 1·,.1n1n11n11 \ p.1rk.., .i11d r 1·1·r,•.t111111 1.u 1lll1l'." 111•r,. t•1 .+ 1 .. 110111 .. tr\ 111t· ll q.;h ,...;~·h ,, .. ! 1·,,111 11HIOll .\ f'.1rk ~i.tJ:.!.'.1.-;<H• 11 .1 r \ .1 rd ( ·., 111 1111111 1 1 1 \lh\t'ltt' 1:,1 t·1hl 1 ~I !'1!lf;,1:4Hl \ '111 \ t'I -.1t~ l'1J1l1111U1lll\ l'.11 I-. "')•\1 :! 'll!ll 1!11\11l•d 1" dv11·\t1p1111 •11I I •l)] \ J:t \ .11 1 11.ilt• ('p 11\rll !l tlll \ l'.u\, :-.1;::n .1 11MI l••I l'lll('l\,1-..1' td l.ond "Ill\ 1'111111 · Ji,11 h (',1nl 1!l!lt1 1I I f'.11 h ..,~ l'l'.'H ~~'(l ])\'t'l ll+'ld ( · .. 1111111 11111 \ l',1 1 \, -.I Ill! 211!11111 do 'll'll •J'lllo·1\\ "1111 1•,,11 .. 1 1ni11 t: \r1 ... 'l'ht•.11, 1 ... I 1~:\ ;01 1 ('1l11 o·t· ll111·· ('.i1n11111n1 11 f',11 I-s7:111,1H ~1 1 .. 1 l.1111! .1r•1tu-.1 I 11 •!l '•Ill I ,l,·lll'v' ll••.o d ('011111111 11 1\1 l '.1 1·\,. .... ;:,(I l~IH ["I' l.111d ,to q!ll I lltill 1111 !1 \~l'I' 1• \l{h ~. 1•:1i,:1· \'.,!) Coit11eilnie11 Straddli11g· The Fe11ce? ,\nt honv S1·l'nka ~,f l 1·11nt• :-. l·'.I (_';1n1 1n1) i{t·al \'11 1;1;.!t' 111a~· h ;11 l' tu lop th!' tn p 18 1ne h1·s fr on1 hi:-- 111•11· fron t \1·:111 no\\' lh;1 t h 1:-. lll':0.1 dnor n1•1µ1l hor has conipLn nt·d t" \he l'ilv eot1n£•1 I. ·rhe · cnu n<·LI. h 0\\'l'l 1'r. 1•nuld not d eeidc 'J'u ... •stL1y \\'hl'thel' tu granl ;i znn1n14 ,·;1r1:.11H·r a .-.1\!'·d h .1 S\'Pn k ;.i :ind put the 111;1\tcr nff 1t1r I \.\'tJ ll'l'f'k:-. Svrnka ':-. n1·1g h ho 1· Hohc·rl ll ukcC' <·on1 p l;11 n1·d \\·h1•11 lht• 11 all \\'as hu ilt last .June lha1 it 11 a s ;1 11 eyesurt.• a nd a safl'I.\' hazard The 11·:i ll 1s h u1 1t ;ilonJ.! 1111 · :-id t•1\ ;ilk 111 fron t ol S\efll-.;1-. h111 IS(•. 1'hc I 1\'1' rool fl'lll'l' IS IS Ill c·hcs higher lhan the 42·Hl('h n1a\ 1n1un1:dln\\'Cd 111 fronl yard~. 'l'h 1• :-.1 ... 1nnnlh ·n l d ha:-.:-.1 1• 1·ulm 1nal\•d 1n ll'gfl l ft.."n f·1ni..:, ht•\1\'1·t·11 S1•cnk.1'.-. l <1\Vy1•r 1.011 ;\.l ;irh11 :ind ('11_,. 1\t!nrnP.\' .lan11'" J-'.r11·k :-.n n n\'f•r \\'h(•n 1" a f1•11t·1' ,t fl•rl ('(' t1 1ld1·t' 1·if\' r"Udt•..._ \!,1 .\'1JI' 1;:11lr11·ll1' 1'1 ·,,·1,r. 1111•• \11lt'd ,1g;ij11-.t ('Olll l!Hlllll,! l !it' 1nall1·r. no)to·d , "'1'111.-. 1s 111lc 1 ~n11• 11hcn g1)11tl ff•ll("l'S do u 1't m al-1• l.:.i•Old !H'I J.:,hhn1 " . f 'f•r111s i11 Steel -~ . '"" · .. ~ Slt'l'I ll'.1111('\\nrk lnl' ll'lrlfOl!'l'd \"•'lll't'l'\l' l Jll\t•l'Sll .\ L>ri\t' lll l l'\lll•' r..:vcntuall ~·. ptllll :.! .11\,111 :-. 111:-.1.i!l:1tr<111 .11 -..11t· <11 ('oron~t the 30 t'<lOl sl1..•e l f1·a n lt' \\ill l11·c on1e p~1rl o f dL·I .\I ~•l 1:r1•L'\\".1 _,. 1 nl1..'rch.1n ~l' under C\lll · hr1 d ge s l r u c t u r t! at inlC'rclt:111gc a to ng· San .... 1r111·tio11 ;d .\l :1L·.\rtl111r 1;uulL'\'<ll'(I ;ind l)iC'~u ('reek. ·.::.:.:__cc_~c...:__:..:.c:...:.:_~~~~~~~~~ Emphasis Now on Jobs Ford Admits State of Unio11 Not So Great I\\ 111·:1.I·:' 'l"llt),,J \~ \\\...;111,c;r1 1' c t ·1•1 i l'r1· .... 1•l1 •1tl l·.i1o l 1·p11•·1•d1·d 1od.11 1ho •lh,il tho •..,l,11l'Ol!lhl•I lll•llll..., 11 .. 1 ... 1.1 •• n.i.1,k•d\'1111i.:.r•"•'•l•ll' .Ill ,$11(1 !'1'0't'"'l"l\,ll I l"'I tll.1!J 1'1il 1,1\ 1·11 1 od "I";, l•iil1,.t1 ·' 11·.11 lt11 llldl l ldll 11 ·. •111 lu 1• ,ol .Ill 1111 1111•d1,1i1· l.,l '!iilll<>!l 1 .• , I •·h.'1(' ! h •I 1 1 , 'I 11 1..: Ill:-I 11 ·.I :-01 , 1 I '• 11! I I 11 • I lilull .1dd1t'..,-, 1'o11 d oq l1 l1111 ·<I ,1 II<'\\,., O!tl .. 1!1 1• I'"' 1.0111 il1· .. 1· ll"d l<1 ('lid \(11 •'1 It ,I do·I H'lldt'IH t' <•11 IPl t'I I) 1111 h1 l'.1/•"' 11l11ll· 1'.l ... l!l l: \Ii <' 111\11 11•d1,i1v p111hlo •111 t>I .1 \\•II I 1-.,,1111 • I 1 1'! ,1.,11 ll!il1 11 11.1 -. (II •'I ..,1i,1d .. l\1•d h i~ IPlll'l'/11 lll!li 1111 1 I ! I• 'll ., h.· ( 11 11111.1 1 ...... 1 11111' I'\ Hll.,!111• • lt•ll !-. lll!l.,.1 lhl\I -.)J1J! I 111111 111 1 \.d i"tl 1t1 l"b".' ht• ,..,11d J.'oid .1d1111lt1 •d tu-.. p10;..:r;1111 \l .t .. 11111.111011,11.\ .Jlld 111111ld 1.11 -.. !111· Jl,•[11111,d do •lil In :-;:1P\I hL lhntl llh'll t'\1111 01_\t'.ll .. 111• !ht•I\ Pll!li1lt·d ,I d 1I L1l'! fl1" .1.1111 In 1.11-.1• tho · p1 •1t1· ,.1 !111 •1 lh!'tltlg ll l .1\1''> ,11111 ,Hided <-'OSI:-h\' ~:,:, h11l1un Iii d1 "1·our.1gc 1•01~ ~1 11np11"11 11l11ll' -.11n11il;1l111:..: ttH· ····1 11111111 1 II 1111 l.1\ ('Ut'i fot• holh t11d11 1du.d-. ,til t! hu-.1111•-.-. 11 1· .1-.k ··d 1 ',111:..:r•·--~ 111 l'll,1<'1 11 !I\ \j•I' 1 I I ·r,. th•· p.tt·h1•d ! [, •lls" 1\ h<•r1' h(· "l'I 11•d 2!'1 _\t',11',_, f-'01d l'l'CHllt'd .I t 1 rnt• -.h11r1 ly .1!1l'I'111• 1 o.,k nffi<-'~' ;1:-. .1 1t'<·-..h111 ;1 n ('Olll.!l't':-"n1 an ;,!(} ~ t'<i r " \l'01r-. .ti..:,11 \\'ht·n l 'rt•sitll'nl ll;1rr\ S 'l'r11111;111 r1•pn1'l<•rl to C.'nn gr,•-.:-. lb,1t 1hl' :-!,t\1· <>f tht• llt\llltl 1\,1 ~ ;.!II~ 1d I"' 1 11 ,I \ lh<J! lro •..,1\111.011 1t11'tnli1 1· 11,1111 ~1 ich1 :.!.1 n .. 1.111d :- "1 h1 ·•1· \I 1 ·r111n1.1n s loud .. 11.J I 11111.I -.,11 lu IOU lh:il lht• ... I.do• ol tlit•tJ1H•>ll I:-. 11•1\ ;.!tlOd." f!lrd -.,110! ~!11111111 .... .,f \nt1·r 1<·:111-. ;1r.-11111 ·•t 11111 h · hl· -.;nd · Ht·1·1·:--.111n .111d 1111 l.i11•1n ;1r1· 1•r,,d1n:..: th1· 1111111•·1 od 1ni11l1111 :-. llh•t'l' \'flt'!':-; ,11 ,· i.111 111 ;.?11 .inti -..,iJ,.,. ,1!'1· ton It II\ F"rd -.. ,11dl'" ..,:nd In:-. 1\(.'\\ pl'n Council Action ,\ l 1 Is 111\'l'l111.t! '\\ll'.-.d:J \ , I ht' [!'I lilt' (' 11,1 ( 00 \llH'il -('11 .\~(;l·:I) d11pl1t·:1t1·d :-,l!'•'l'l 11;1111r :-. Co\11)1l 1\'o"d S t reet 111 ( · ol h·).!c I' .i r k lx-1· a 11 u · J .1 n1 ,. S1 1'1 •1 ·1 S1\ l't'I h ri;1 r 111 I · n i Vt' r~i t:-· 1~ ;irk hl·1-.1 1nl' l"nllon11.11ul. S .1 1·.1n111 r1· 111 l '11i1·t•r s 1t1 l'.1rk IJeC'atnt• l•:.1:-.t \\ o IU!I -1·:,,ll()RSl·~I) an l'tl11·r gl·n1·\ l<"ll'p hont· d1 ,d1t1 ).! µIa n . 'To· hl·li1n10• 1·ff1•('tl\•' tll 1niH, 1h,· -._\:-o l!·n1 pr.i\·1<lt.•:-. :t 1·1·111ral f'n1 ergc11- 1'\ 11111nh1·r "t "~)11 " 'l'h l· :-..""\t•n1 \I 111 ~·o:-.1 S IO ,OU!l 10 s et up u n d :ti u 111 I $1 1.01; l ,1 11-.11· 1 n 1·11 11 -r'll f)C l,,\1 :\1 1·:1> F1·h 2'..! a s \'illag1•-. 11f l1'\!tl1.· :\'i~hl " a s p,nl nf "Suppo1·l l '(' l l'\Jll\' !{.t:-h('1h;dl \\'1•1•1\" \.',·h . 11i ·22. l{cSI· ih·nl " 11 111 IH· ,1d11111tC'd :1\ h:tlf pr11·1• 10 l ht' l t'I ,.., l.1•111:-. a nd t~1ark ('11111 ·).!" h.is kt'lhall µ:.1nlt.' t h :11 n1 g h1 --flJ."FJ.:llJ.:ll l ht.• 1·11 .1 h11 ·cnlt'1H11.1l 1·omn1 1tlr<:' ~1't'r<'lH ri1,d h1·1 p . ol I 11 •1• :-. pa1·t· :1 nd :-.t. l1 1nncr\ -\l"l'llf)lllZl·:ll :-.p('ntll ng up 1t1 S20.oon to h,1\'f' i\lun1cipal 1\1d l' l '" rp1)!' :11 1011 of ·r ,d I :1 h :1 sst•1 ·, l•'I :1 s l r :i 1gh t 1· n 11111 I h (' · · 1·onf us 111 ).! ;111d 111111• ron:-un11111.t'' t111•s:-. of i'lty no d 111;.11ll't':-. \lorl' t h a n 100 "fd1tl:1n t·t'" h.i\ v li1•1•n :1ddf'd to 1'0 111 11:-· 1·odl'~ ;1dnp\i•d h ,\' 1h1• i·i ty l !Ill.\ Pllt' 1'"1''.'-' nl 1111• i·odi· t'\1:-.ls ~l·:·r .\ s1·11·111un 1\c1 i.:ll t 11111 11 C•H Lhc 11(.•1,·ly ovc n 1..:d po r\i()n 1f 1 '.Hn p 1 i :-. I lr1 \'(' h<'t \\ et'n l: nl vor~ity Dr i v c n nd C:i r l son A v«n u e. • ,!..!1 ;nn \\ uidd r,11-.1..• tht• t'0:-.1 ol 111 1 n~ t \\ o pc rcenl ;1 ·' t':l r 'f".1x1•s .ind t .1r1ft ... \lntdd .1 old s_::n h1l!tull I•• fu;.•l l'o:-\.-. ;1n1l lh1· i 111pll' 1'(fl't'( 111 111 !.!hl·r Pl ,,., . .., !"t th1t1;.!:-. rn:1d1· 1rnn1 pt•tr11l,•11t11 .111d 1·l1•t' 11·1c1\,\ "r f111 'l1·d b \ tl11·111 1111ultl .o dd .ttl•)lhl'r ~."1 b1ll1t•ll ;i \1-.1r lo th·· pl'll't':-1\ll\1'1'!<"<111 -. p.11 . <I\' , 11rd1n !.!. to J .. \\'dli:1n1 S1•1d1n~111 . l·-()rd ·-. l'I'' )!lt 11n i c cn4 Jr1I1n.1 1 r11· In ,1ild1t1<111 . :---01•1d1n;.111 :-aid !llo · "~i:10 1 hv .1 \ t'l'!t:.,:l' f..tnillv :-.pcnd:- 111r !.!.J :-.ulltlv holllli' h1•,1!1 11g ;111d t'l!'! !1'11"1\,I l\lltJld l'l:-0\' I)\' :::.:!:10 !<1 "I .'.:Ill) j:-;f't ' 'I'.\\. ('\"I", l'ag(' ,\:.!"i 5 Neiv ]obs To Be Filled Soon. by City F11t· 111·11 t·11 .1 11111:-. f11r 1111 <'mµluycd l r\'t!H' r('sidcn ts \\ 111 ht..' fillt·d by t h e l'ndof .l;.1n1i;u ·y ·r hf' 1·1t .1 counc il 'l\1 ~·sda y ;1p- provcd par li<-'ip:1tio 11 in ;1 fc d e r :i \ j nhs p r ogr:1n1 \vhlc h t'ntitlcs lhl' cit~ t<I S5:~.f>88 lo hir(' four tn a in · tc nu n cc ll'l'hllil·ians a nd a «le r k ! .\·pisl . ·rhc .1o h~ . .,.,.ilh a m axi n111 n1 s cil ary o f SH:IB monthly, \\·ill be open to \r,·1n c residents 11·ho h a 1·<' h cen lHlt'nl p loycd fo r cit least :to d:1ys 'l"hl' ('ornprche n s ivc En1 p\o~ - mcnt .ind Tr:..tining Act funds run out at lh<' t•nrl of o ne vcar a nd the 1·it y is not obli gated to e n1ploy tho:-<' hired unde r the p rogra1n .i ftt..'r thl' n1(1ney run~ out. acco r<l - ing 1o Ad nlinistr ativc Scrvic4..'!'. IJircctor J a m es llarrington. The program will cost the cit v S I 1,700 In equipment ro r the ne\~' 1·nlpln~1 t's . l-larrin~lon said the t·n.1ptoyes are needed a nd would have been' r equested this month 1f t he c it y \\·as in bette r finan cial sh a p~ 'fhc c ity. ho,vever , mus t find a~eas t. cul s~n<!i'1g du~'. t~ higher~ h.a,n -exptott:d pO'f.i c o fo r ce s ti1·1 irf~ co s ts. · " ' ' ; I Bonding Company Deadline I\.\ (~,\ltYf ;l{.\:\\'ILl.t'. 0 1 !M o;o,1y P<lol ~'"" '['Ile ho11 d 1ng eon1p:111~ a skcd to rvp•~Y <>ra11 gl' l '.,11nl~ 1-.fl' :Llll'J.(ed fi11ane 1:d lo:-.:-.1·s rcl:i1t·d hl He p . .\ndl't.'11 l l in:-.h;t\\ ·..., I II :\l'll'IJOl'l l~l'<•eh 1 :-.U\'\·c:-.sfu\ 1~r::.o 1 ;1111paign h;t:-, /.!l l'l'l\ IJil' \'!Hlll1\ :-l.\ lllOll\hS 1 o pro\'1• 1 I:-. [, 1:-.:.l'" Jiu! 1\.-..s1st:.int t·.1unl1 l'o111r1:-.c l t•lay l-'.1rhcr 1n-.1 :-.1-. t!lt· 1-.111nty h ;1:-thrt'l ' .\"t.'<1r:-. 1111111· .1 v:.iu:-c u f <1l'l111n "ba:-ed on f1·;111d or l'll1· hc11l ... ·111 •·11l B1 •J.1t1 .,1 -.111r1 l'.•~1 · ,\J ' 1,1 ;.1 lvll,·r 111 111,• !l:1rt - !1lt'd 1n .... ur:1111·1·<;r,1up J',1rkt·1 -..1111 tl11• st.11lllt.· ul 1111111.1!11111 )..;l\1·:-. thC' 1·1•llntr 1hr1.·l· \1•ars r.·0111 1h1· dat ... ·' 1•f d 1 s i.:o\·(' r :-' to prn\ c i l :-. I c 1:-,st·~. lltJ\\'t•\'t'I', P ark<'l' s:11ol !utl;.iy, LI 1,., t:'Xpl·t.·led th ;1t \ht• auditing ll':illl a:-.:-i/.!.llt't.I lilt• l<.1:-.k ul th·· ll'r1n i n1t1:.: 1\hat lht• <"o lnll.v lo s t dut• l•1 till· .illl'i-!l'd :1:-.-..1µ.n1 ncnt 111' a sses:-u1· :-o)f11t·1• 1•n1plny1•s lo llin:ih ;111··., 1-.1111p.11 g 11 ,.,huuld Loe k l l!J\\'1\ \\'it h 111 l hi····· \\ <"t•h -.. 'l'ho• JJU l"Pul'!t'd 11 :-.l' •ll' t h e l'rl1p]1)_11~:-. 01n l'i1H11t .1· t1n1t• 111 a1cl llins h :.11\·'.-. 1•IL·vl11111 IP l 'un g rc:-:.s ;1r1· l'ltl.'d 111 :1 :;:f 1·11u111 l ;r:.i nd .Jury ind11·tn1l·nt that i'h.irgt.."d n1111..· :1 :o;s1•:-:-ur·., 1ifri1·t• 1·t11plo~·1':-. 11ith !;rand thl•lt . l'Ot1:-.p1ra e.\·, \ 10);.JI LOil OI ).!1•\'t 'l"ll ll11'1l\ l'Odl':-. :ind t';1ls1 l11·:1t1unu! rt.•t<1rd:-. In re,..pu11-.c• tb thL' 1ntor n1at 1o n 1t1<·ludt.•d 111 thl' 1ndictn1c·111. lhe enu111 ~· l\n:1 rd n! Supe1·11-.nr:-. 1n - :-ll'U1'\1•d lho· C'tHln1 :-l'lllltl:-1·[ It) at · 11•111 111!ti1 t•cv1·L't' an \ lfl -..:-.1..·:-. t11 t ht.' t;1 xp:1.1 t:"r,; th;n 1n1 g l\! h;,1,·1• oc·· (:111·r1·d a:-t h ~· rl'~ult 111 th, ;dlc:.:t•tl I lh· :,_,I I ,1('11 I I! I~'" \-•. 1 rC':-.ul1 a 1·l.11n1 .•.!,11n~t ll :-.'..!:,,11po 1ndt·1nnitv l1<.111•l 11••-.!1•rl h v 111 11-.h.o\\ \1h1•n i11• 11.1 -. .1 ~S l'!'>St'l0r \I Ill h·· t'ill'd \I li.·11 tht· ,111 d il nr:i · 1•\;1111111.1\1111111! p:1\11d l ,1111 1 u tht•r l • 1 111 .i,., 1. ... \f'111pl1 •lo •d Ani111al RoatU1lock Hlil \'ISl",\ !l 'l'l l :-;hl't'!' ;i nti hn~s ~f'I up ;t 1•0 ;1dhlo1·k o n h1 ~h u·ay s 12 ;ind 11.1 '1'1u·sd:iv '['h,. l 0 altf11rnia ll1 l!h11·<ty l 'at1·;i1 ~:i1d a !ruc k c;1rry1nl! s het.·p and 01111· t·arr~ 1ng hog:-. l'ullided in fog. ~p lllzn g lh1' ;uurn.il-. nn\11 l ht.• h1gh1\ :.i:-:- Ora11Jfc• Wc•aCl1c•r 11 'll hl' t·n n lt·r ·r 1iursfL11". at'· cq r ding to \11•' 11·.·:ith1•r ~l'f \'ll'\'. 11 ith :11·han1't' n1 s onic fng t11•:1r 1h1· h1•;1vl11·:-. l:t1 1• !Pn ighl :1 11 d 1•:u·l1 'l'h11rsd ay . lltg hs n1ul t11 uppl'l' Gil s a t t he IJl.':1l'h1•:-. ;1 nd 111 1 h~· iUs inland. I 'SI DE "l'OD.\ '\" /'lo.11 hi1 11 '/(1!1H:::1n•' 1n1h/1...;hrr llli!J;j ll1·/n1 ·r su1d 1/ 1110 . ..; the ··1111·rl11'1;0/ lu11 ro • ..;:>nie111·· •l/ in- l't'.\/1!;uror;o. nut 1r1 (;1•1 /11ir1 011 drug '/111rgl'.~ //101 //r.1rc Iii.~ st.'t:rcl ary /u dt't1I// Slui JI. /''o~/" A·l I 111lc• x lltl Your !tervltl 4J "°"""~ 9• l..M Boyd "12 C•""''"'" "i Cw.er COrllOf A It Cl•U.,t•M 0 1-11 C-•<<1 B! C..ouword 9~ Co11111f A1•11 DNUINOli(.OS A11 Edl""l•I ..... a• ··~""""'' ., ... 'I'~ .... , P9" C..M "°""t.... CJ lllltr""i~S•Of' ""'"''"'"-'' """'•IMll ...... _1,..,1 F"lld' MtnlC ••• N<lll0-1 MtWI Pt1ttt1lt1 "'°"' Df. Sttlll<• ... 111 Slocti "'•'•"" f .... 1.-. ,,...,.~· ---• , . .., .. .. .,.. .. .., ... ••• Bl·I •• ..., AU .... ... ... ,. Supply 'Of G as Declining S:\N 1"1lA:\'L'ISl'f) (L'f')I ! .\vi:iilabilil ~· qf 11a111r.d gas 111 California \\'i1\ ;..:u dD\\ n d urin~ the next Ju .'l',11-, i·-,p1·l·1;\\l' i11 t'e Sf.:'ulhl'L'n p;11·1 ul \ht· -,t.1ll'~ ;1e ~ rd1n g to th1· :-.t.il1: l'uh!11· L7 iii tie~ Cu1nr111:.-,11111 The conln11.,.,11H1 .., ;1111111:1! f 1• µorl iSSUl'll 'J'th::-,d.1\ 1111\t·d th.tl !>Upplic'> iJl"C t'\.lll'l'lt·d \H dt•t-lli\l' (._ __ s_t_a_te __ ~J "-'hilc f 1rn1 rt·111111t·111t•n1-. f111· l!.1s are grov•in;..: clur111 g tl11• pt•11otl. It is app;11t•n1.1h1· rt~p11rl :-.;11d . that "thl'.' 1nti·rrtq1l1hlt· 111.1rk1•t <large indust r1:1\ 1·u-,1un1 l·T"~l ,,ill have to turn to 1.dtl'rn:1\t• fuels fvr the bulk of it:; rt:q111rt•tn1..•n\,.,, 1>arlicu !;1 rl \ 111 :-;nut iil'l'll Culiforn1:1 Thre at to .''i i i •· SACfl,\f\.1 EN'l'O <C l'!) 'l'llt· ~lJlC tou ld lose the s ite of the new Sl.3 n1illion governor 's mansion if l ht.• ~trueturL' ''ere u sed a s a half.,,·ay housl' for dru;..: <.t ddicts or a n1uscun1, lh'-' legis la ture's ;1ttornt·\· \\·arnt:d t()- <lay . · Gov. Edmuntl (;. !~1·0,,-n JI'. said 'fues d;1 y he h;.1~ ;ill hut gi,·en up hope of s topp1n).! eon:-.tr11t'li11n of the 1 2.000·:-iqu :irt• fool rl' :-1dcncc :111d ... uggl·-.lt·d 1t 111ig ht he eOll\'t.'t'lf'd in111 .i "l'l11111;1r C"cnlcr ur ;1 '11111:-l·111n ul :-1•llll' kind." 2 Bodies f 'f11111c# 'fR0:'\1\ C A l ') ·r,,·u h;1dl\' dt' cu n1pos c:d bvdie:-. l1 l·l1cvl·d io Ut: thnsc of :1 11 1;111 ;111d 111 ~ 11111 · k 110\\'ll fur lht·1r il1:-l1 u.~L .it IJ.inJ... .... h ~J VC bl'Cll ft1t1Jlfl lrl :t ll\!lllt• lit·!'l' ln~·u l'nu11t.v .... hl·f'tlf·.., ;ind l'\Jt- o ner's offil'Cfs l\t'I•' 1111! it•\ rl" leasing po:-iil 111· 11l1·1H 11'l;·;d1u11s o n the budit·:-.. 11.,r l"u11 1111t•11t1n ~ o n how lhl· t11 u rl1l·d .\ :-.hl·riff':-. d1._·partn1ent :-.pol..1·•.i11.1n ~.1lll .1 s l;.il Pnl l'lll Oil llll' l':L:-.L' II t!! hl· !' Slh-'d lall'r tod.1.' S uicide C lnimt•d ll ERKf-:1.r:'t· t !"l'l 1 .l !H'" ll (;u[dbcr_g. :.13. 1'\<'l"Ull\1· lllll'll111' of a d rug reh:il1d1t.1l ton pro:.:.1-;11 11, ,,·as found dt..•:id 1n 111 .. h111lll' 'l\ll'" day fron1 ;111 ,qJp.11•·n1 11\l'rdo-.l· o f nn r col i('s Police said ;t !1 .1 pudl·rrH11· :-.' 1· 1ng c v.·as fuund clutl'li1·d 1n )11, hand. They :-.;11 d 1lll'.\' b1·l1l'\1· lit· took his 0\\'11 11!1• ; (lu<.1 il;1nd ·ro111, ·10. 1s bein:..: :;ou:..:hl b~ the l•'l ~l fur al- legcdl.v 1._•n1bczz\ing SSU0,000 Jron1 the C hinattJ\\'ll !\ranch n f t h l' S ;t n F' r H n e i st· o l·\•dl·r;1 I Savings and I ,u:.in ,\:-;s'n . ,\n ;.1ss is tant viel' pr1._·- s1dcnt, cmpl oyl.'d fur 11 yea l's, 'J'urn has bcL'n I ra('l'd to 'I''-li\'Jan . Man Booke d In B e ating Of Boy,2 ' L(l:\t; l\l-:1\t'I~ <U l'11/• ~lt•I\ in ii. Gr<ihanl, 25, W ~I S boukt·il on s us picion of e h ild bt•;1ting ·ruc:.d:1v a ftl'J" he al ll·gcdly thrt!I\' l1is girlfril'nd ':-. :!1 ~·ye;,1r -11 l d son ;,1gr1inst a · v.·:.1ll :ind hc;,1t hin1 ,,·ilh a he ll . P o li1.·t· .-.:..i id the c h ild, J ;1nll'!'> '.\lll!1ur1. \1''-'·" in a eon1;1 and ill \'L·ry l'l'il 11 ·;d t:ondit1u 11 iri thl· in ll'll Si\.l' l'a rc unit al t_.ong Bcat'h l'nmn1un1ty llo:-.pit;d A hu~pit :1I :-.pok1:::sn1;1n ::.aid lhc h o\' had L1 f gl' v. 1·11 :-. un his h;1l·k a1id hut t tJl';.,,::. \utllor1l1l':-. :..1id l11c 1n1·1d\·nl t•l'l'U/"f'{'d \\ ht•fl (_Jr;1h;illl I\ L'lll \!I p1t•I\ t hl' !Joy up frnnl ;1 bah~ st\ \er \\'itne::..'>t'::> ::.ant tltv l1u\· dul 11ot \I ;int to ll'illl' and ll1 ·!-!;11i er.' ing :111d :-.t·1·1.·an11ng 1;r;1h;i1n rf·1Jt•l'll'tll' h 1L 1ht· thild \\'1tll ;1 nlag:.;1111c :ind dr:1g~L·d 1!1111 up:-.tair:-.. \\"illll'!'>:-.l·:. luld tolf11.·1·1s th('_\ hl•:ord .i lhu1np1n i.: sound frurn tin: 11~· -.1.11 r:-. ;q1:1rtn1t·111 and \/lt•tl tl11· 1·r~ 1ng :-.l11ppt·d \\ 1t111·-."t'" 1·.tllt·d 110\J l'(' ()ffH't.'l":-. :,;11d l;r .1h~tu1 toild !lit·rn till· l'hild h 11d fallen ;1i.:.1111~1 ~oflll' ~l;1.~:-. :i nd tut h1111:-.l·lf SANTA AN 1\ ~( >l Tl! COAST Pl.11/.tl All Bullock 's sto r es wi ll close at 5:30 p.m. on W ednesday, J anu ary 15 for in vento ry. . , Edis on S e eking Increase LOS J\Nt~t=:J .J·;S (l l PI ) '...-'l'ht· Southern Ca\l1nrnia t·:rltson l'n. ·rues ~ay propuSt•d ;1 21 percent rate llll'rl'<•ht', \\'l11 ch v.1oulll ('O st lht! avc1·~1 gc lluntt·ov.·ncr S.5 n tOl'l' <J 111onth , t•1 1nt't't prublcnts 1111 posed hy 111f1;1 t1uri C..:ha 1rn1:1n J ;1l'k l!ol'ton l1Jld :1 State l 'l1h!11· l 't1l1l1l'S l'orn m1 ss1on ht•.irtni,.; that the r.itl' l>0os t IS t'h"1·1t11 al to n1ect high1·r prices. m :11 nt:n111ts building pru· gr~1n .uid 1na1nl<iin il h l'fl«lit .-.. 1 1ng 'l'hl• l'l (' h.1~ tn·1·n hold111g hcartng,s on the SJ:i9 nl1H 1un 1._1\1· rcqu(>:;;t :-.int't' :'\o,·cn1he1·. "L"!tl1l1l's lhr<1ughout thl' ('\Hiii try ;u·c f:1l·ing :-.1·r11n1:-. f1n.1ncial pruhlt•nt :-.." ll11rt11n s,_1d. "SlOl'k prlC'l'.~ arv dt·pr1·:-.~l·d IJ('lll\\ hook \',1llll'. lll•lld t·11\t'r <L).:l'"' arc l'/'011 1ng :11 1d npt·r;!l1ng and l'<1111t ;d l'u:.l:. ha\" .~k\rul'k1·\cd ,\ t'IJ!l ... lllll1.·r :->j•U.,,l'::i\\Orll;111 at llil' h1.::1r11q.: :-..11d the 1nt·rea:-...: ~·utdd lil' :1» 111111·h as ·IU p1.:r1.:l'nl tur :-.ulll<' :-.rn,i!l us1·r:-. l ll•:1r1ng:-. 1nlu thl' prnpn:-.t•d r.1\1' 111l'r1·,1:-;t• 11l·g;1n 1;1.-;t n11Jnth ..l lld ;IJ"<' t':\]H 'l'\l'd {() l'IJlll\llllC 1hrnug h \l ;1y 111 1·arious part ... ,.f t l1l' IJ\ ilt \.\' · :-. :-.vl'\'ll'L' ;u·c:L J·:d1 :-011 :--1•1 \u::, :! ~) r11ill11i11 1·11:-.\\11111•1":-. 111 l .n~: r\nt:ell':-., \'t:n · Lur.1. Sant~ l~.irb:1ra. l)range and p ;1rt -. nf Ht\L·r~1de :ind S.in Jil' J"ll .1 rd l n11 l'UU!l! ll'S, Oil Spill In Chan1w l 'No Thre a.t ' ~.\,.l .. i\ H,\Hlt-\H ,\ !:\I;\ ,\n l!i 1!lill'·l1>llg uil hlil'h 111 lhL· S:1n \;1 f-:,1 1 lh1!'1l l'h;11HlL'I h <1S ''!l)l tl\'11 ~L·~t 1' .i i·i l ,, 111 I 1-. rl• • h>ll:.!.l'I" .1 t 11 rt•:1t l<1 th\' r·!ll ll'Olllllvtlt." ;1i·t·urd 1n).! 1 • • 11\t• 1·1•111111:11Hh_·r '1f l hl· S.111l ;1 1-:.1 rh:1 r .i l'" .1:--1 < ; u. 1 rd (; r11Lq1 I.I '1'1•1'•'1H'I' (J'l'orHll·ll ,.,1id ·1111"-.d.1,\ 111.ot lh• 1111.~•·l·rnt·d ln In· .1 h;..:IH.-1· l'ul11r th:1n 1·rud1· 11il :111d 11,1~ pu:-.hl lil_, ;-.pilll'd frurn .4 p;i:-:-.- 111;.: l,11~kl·r il!l ,.,.i n1pll":-. liad lil't:I\ 1.1k(•11 froni ,1 1.111!-1·!' i11 1h.• :1rt·;1 .il t.J \I l'ft' h\'lll)-.! l'O!llp,ll"t'{t \\ i\ \] .. 11 ll••lll !ht· -.l1l'I.. (J'('411]11t·ll :-,,11d I!" ... .tHI !l\l't.111\...<"1ll••u\d111'1 l>t • 1d.11:1l11·d u111 ..... :-tht· \L·~1 ... prt•\t' ll"~1t1\•' .\ 11·:-.~l'l 1h~1t !ail~ 1., r1· l'«I ! 11 hv11 tl ~pill ~ "1' dunqi:-. 11il Pl1 lilt' l'l!d~I (.Ill 11\' l1nt·d up hJ ... \ ... (11111 ,111d 11:-. .. 11111.·J" 1".1!1 llv 1.1ill·d t<ll" d .1 1•.11 · J[,1\\,11 1,111 P u l..,1 :.hell rll'~kl.itl~ ,\l.1r1·cl1JU!'>!)' r11 11, r1 .. 11n~ , 11l\1rs. JJ r1n1 111 \'t ly t l':\ r tl re,! rlll,J.:,L:l't ~h"t't''> ·r1• \\'L',lT ,(.., rlllt \\11t!ld .t !'>tr.ind ,,f L'Xl!Ul~ill pl·,1rl:i;. Fr11111 I l.111 1c C ;t rnt'.i_:ll'. Ii" :\tr.tn\!. ::-25 _:;11", S 1:; F.1shlrin jc,vc lrr • Bullcxl.,Js S.1nr.1 Ana. 1 F.i!'>lnon Sql1Jft', 2XO() N. ~t.11n S1rcc1, SJnta An.i , "!Clcphone: "i -17-7211 Dlillock's South Coas1 Plaza. San D1 C"g(l Frt't'way ar Brisro l, Cosia f\-1 t·sa, Tt·lcphonc: 556-0611 • I Sex Film For Ap es S.\C lt .\~tE.'\'l'tJ ll'l'l ) l ~1rcls tlo 1\. ht'l'!'> do 1t, hut ('hr•~ anti ~u:-.1t· 111\l h,~\v tu b1! :-.IH 1\1·11 o.i11 ·' r.1tcJ 1110\'h~ bcfurt· thcy 1.:;.111 du ti. Chr is ;int.I Su:-.1c iil'l' gurll l<.1s 11ho h ._1Vl' Ht:\CI. lit•t:Jl o.Jl!l\Jlltl other gurtl l,1s ~ind thus don't k no\\ 1\ hat tu do to rnalL'. S;1rr.11nt'r1tn Zoo l)irccl(>J' liiH \lt'l'hl'f :-.;11 d 'J'Ul' .... d:.iy . So, tilt· 1.1111 IJhtain\·d .111 '·t·dl1t·.1\1t1n:t! fJl111 '' (1·om :1 1un in S\\'itzl'rl;in<i in hopes that :-.h n\\·tn~ 1t to l'hr1s <1 nd SUhlC \\ill "stin1ul;.11c thrn1"' .J ll•l r1·t11l'Jl lhl' junglt· 1n sl1 nct lo lhl·1r "l''\ lives 'l"hC" ~:-, rn1n1111· filrn . :'llct·kC's· -..1ul , IL·.iturc:-. µ,roup ,1c.:t1v1t1t·s 1of a hu11 l'h uf go1·1t1as \carltng: up t.1 111.11111~ .ind lhl· aetu:.d lll:tltrlg LAST 3 DAYS • W&dne'5da'/. Januarv 15 1975 DAtl V PILOT .•I_-! S6:l /tfilliota Smog Controls Called 'Ripoff' S . .\1..'lt!\~J J~N'l'O (1\t'> -1'wo bill::; th .. 11 11'ti1 1Jd ,,·ipe out ;1 con - 1rav1·rs 1al :.i tt lO s1noK cont rut pru- gran1 1n !>lX Suuthern C alifornia l'O tnttJl'S h;.1\·c ('it..·urcd lht.'ir first ron1rn1\tcc hurdle. 1'hl• ident1eal 1nt•a:.url'S 1\•o uld i;·l11111null' :.i rcquirt·rnl·nt t h at l'.Hiti-70 :1utus 1n l .11s A n geles, ()ran;.:t·. S:1n l\('r no.ird i n11, lt1,·l'r:-.1tll·, Santa J\arhara !.!IHI \'~nt ur;i l"11u11til'S be e q Ul\IPl'd \\'llh ;1dt•\11•c d1·:-.1gn1._•d ln cunlrol 0:\ hit•:-. t~I JI 111·ogl'll ( i\I ):\. ) l·1·1t1t·-. t·untl·nd lh\' d \·\ t<'t'" huu:.l ~a:-.llllllc l '01 1::.urnp11un \\hilt· ;1{\d111~ l11 Lll:->tl'.ll l 1Jf 1·ut ling :-.Ill OJ.: ll'Vl'I-. lns l :•ll ;1tiun dt•,1dll1tL·S h.11l' ah·1-:.1<l~ p.1 :-.:-.t"d f4)f' pl.1tl'S t·ndi111-t 1n d1g1ts unt· \•l fHUI', :111d I.us t\ngl'IL':-. l..'uunty 1>111e!a ls s1J1d Soo ,000 \'t:h1t:h· .... in the !'ii X c.:ou n - ttl'" 110\\ ;i re t•4u1ppcd \\'ilh li te tlt.·vit'l' \,os A ngt•ll'S t'ot1nl v Supervisor hl·nnl•th ll <ihn ll•:-.t 1l it•d 111 fa\'or ol tltc hill.->. L:lll111g the 1nsto.il!a· l1011 l'l''lllircnu·nl ;1 "$b:.I n11llion l'l)lufl " "\\thoug h l·;u·h d\•\ it·1· 1s to 1·n .... t ,1111.l:\lltl\lltl111' ::;JS, thl' tnt.d .Lll111Ulll lo 1lit• l .K 1111ll11·111 lllul\ll'l:>l:-. .Llh 't'l l'd 111 \IH· !->lX' 1'•1111\tll''i i111ul\1•d 1-. s 1;:1111illl1Jll," 11 ;1111 1 told 1111· :-.•·11~4(!J1s ... l c.:al l th:11 ;1 $1;:_i n1ill1t1tl r1pnll ent(ji'" Ltd. 0 SO. COAST PLAZA ONLY CONT~UES ON A FIR ST COME FIRST SERVED BA SIS LAST 3 DAYS OUR ENTIRE STOCK IS INCLUDED /SUITS f SLACKS f SPORT COATS f LEATHER f SUEDES I SHIRTS f SWEATERS MOST FANTASTIC SALE IN COSTA MESA HISTORY ANY ITEM FOR ONE DOLLAR WITH PURCHASE OF ONE AT REG. PRICE NO MUMBO JUMBO YOU BUY ANY ITEM AT REGULAR PRICE ... THEN PICK ANOTHER OF SAME VALUE FOR JUST ONE DOLLAR enttjY 0 Ltd. SOUTH COAST PLAZA STORE ONL y SAM DIEGO FRWY. AT BRISTOL, COSTA MESA, 540-1502 • ' • ' • r • • r I ' I ' I ' ' '~ I ~ I I ·~ i I I ) Irvine EDIT I O N * * VOL. 68, NO. 15, 7 SECT IONS, 74 PAGES CIA \VASl l l NG'fO:-.J lll l'll -(;!.<\ Dircc lol' \\'illi.1111 I·: l'utl1' toda v d1 s('loscd th:.it a longst:.i11d 111 g Cl1\ sourel' infnrni.·d lhl' a g-cncy 111 1971 ar1J 1 ~~72 111 ;.in •dll').;t•d plol L<l kill forrnt·r \'1t·1· l :r1..'~Jd1·11l J\gnl'w a nd k1dn.1;1 fnr1nl·r l '[,\ di1 ·cctor It ft· hart I J fl 111 1.-. ill• ;J l )'.11 <l l'k llll\\h·dg1·fl lt>I' lh1' f1r:-l t1111 l' that ttn• :-jJ \ agl'llt'\' -.1·1 Up :J l'Ollflll'I" Lll\l•1l1g.l'IH'1· IJl;l1 Lii l \lli7 \\ Ji1t•h 1-:ill ht•ft•d ft11•;-. Otl Jn.uuo 1\n1cr1l'a111.·1t11.1·n-. 1 ~11 1 ltv de 1111·d th>JI th1· a1·!1111:-11:1 ... il jf•g;d. Bares As H r·e s ull or th(" ;i llegt'd plot ugu.111::.L A g ru·1v J.Jncl Jlel n1s, ('oliJv ';i id, th e C i t\ c;1rr1cd nu0l "ph1s1<-·L1I ~ur1 c1l l:111t.·e in 1110 .\n1l'r1c<J11 eitu·s a ft l'I' ;1 h.:r t111g hoth !ht.• !•'Il l :111d Sctl'l't SerVH'l' t 'ollJ,\ dl·n1ed that ;_1ny :.ln 'h :ie t1 vu.-. (·01dd bt.·<·l:..1s:.1r11•d a:-. illl'g:ll dun1t·~t1 c 1ntcll1gt·n1·l· i.::1thl·r111g, :-:..1.ving lhal all l'urrent. C l 1\ :1c - l1\ 1tit.'s <ire "'llhin lht• lin1i ts nf 11 :-. 1·h :1rtt.•r . 'l'l1 t• .J u~IJ('t• [)l·pa rtrnt·nL :-:ud 'l'ut.•'d:1y 1\ g,1\1· lht.• 11an1 cs (1/ • '71 Plot to n1 urt.• th:111 I O J~>1 1 .\rn1•11t·an d1:-"'1 dl·nts Lu the ('Ii\. h ut !Ii•· 11 ... 1 \\a:- o.1ppart•nt [\ d1fft·r l'rll Ji 11111 lhl' c111i; tl1 S(' u::.scd b y Ct1!11\ l 1t•fort· th1· :-ub 1·on1n11tlct.' Co ll)y s·11d that 1111 .\11g 1.-, 1~1;7 the C J ,.\ 1•:-l:1bll :-ht.·d ;t l·uunte 1· 1nlcll1gen cc olf1t:1· '·10 loul. 111!0 lh1· po:.:-.i h tlJ\\' uf fu1'1·1~11 luik:. to /\.n1t.•r1t·an d1,..,..,1dl'n\ 1·l1·n1t.·nl~ ·· 'f'h t• Jll'tl ).!l".~Hl \\ d .' l'lldt•d 111 1\1 ;l!'l·h. I!)';' I "In tli1· 1·oul':-1· 11! 1111 , pr11 gr11111, l 'u lh.' -.,;ud , 'lill'" \\t'l'l· l'Slilhli:-ltt•d \Hl .ihou1 \II OOIJ l't t 11.l' n-: 1 n I h t> 1·1ti1 nlL'f'I nle l I 1 ~t·ntl' u 1ul .. Colby g:.ivt· a .1:, po.ti.:l' ... t<Jlcn11_·nt lo lht · s u h t·o n1 rnJt tee a l'k nO\\' led ~ 111 g that th..:('\.'\ has JTidde :.Ollll' rnis t<1 kl'" But h 1· :-:nd :1ny n,1,. l:.lk t's v.t•r t· 1n!r(•quent nnd :-.tt·rnrned t1·t11n <1 n11s1·on t'cjll1tin i 11 th(• t' x t t' nt 11f tls t·b:.1 rt._.r I J1 111 s ~I ;ti t'lll<-'nt. Col hv al!>n S<1 1d ;1 l 'I.\ rt•\it·\~ shu\\f•d 1hu1 !ht• a ;.:c111·.v tapped th t• li'lt·phonl'-. of :!I L' S rt.·~illl'/1\:-. ht•l \\t.'t'll !951 anll l~ti5 but nOnl' 1 hl·1-t•:t ftcr TodJt.'t''s Closinit N. Y. Sf()(•k s TE N CE NTS Kill Agnew J{evca\ed lhHI lli1· {'I \ up1·1 :II t"<I a p1·ogran1 tu "11•'11 .,,~·ll•t'tL·d 1naL1 b~Wt'C ll lhl· l !lllt•t! St.1lt·:- ;111(l I \\'O ('urnmlllll..,l 1n11n11 11 •' t it"I " t'l' n ! 95:i .u1cl I !1:-:; S;1 1cl th!tl !o1 fl,.,, 1>.11u\\ l1·d;..:1· lht'rt.• h a t! n1·\1·1 l1v1·1 1 'lit \t•tll:.illl'l'. ll•t•htlt• .d nt ulh1•1 \\1,..,. t111·et·tcd ag ;,n n~l .111\ 1lh'1ldlt·J' 1•1 Cu1q . .;rt•..,:o; .. ()11 lltt• pl11l l11 hill .\~JI\'\\ ! · .. )h\ 'i;11d -' ·-·' ln11•,: .. [.11Hl111:.,! ! I\ Hiii, 1' .t 11111•1 1·111·1 \ 1~Jllrl. Ii i tilt' l ..... !o 1ld 11 ~ 111,11dnl 111 kill lho • I ltl' l'l t." :-1d1111 .111•l l,1tlrl,11• 111" j 'I \ d11 1·1 11 <I \\1".1l1tlo·dll!1 ""1'll1•l:'-<'t\l('t• ,11\d 11i. ! It 111.t II•' \',ll'l'lt•d •1\ll 1•h\ .... 1 "l•tll.1111 1· 111 1111> \1110 111 .•I• 11\1, '1'\io · -..111 \1 111.1111 , .11111· l•f 1rl\•ll\1· \111•'1 I• ,<I! tll!ol \\o'll' lhdlt).!hl !11 1 .. p ,111 .. 1 \111 1·1·.i .on.I 11J,· 1n.1d 111 Ill!!' -!1~p1'1 \ \I ,I~ "i'l'llo'd ,Ll\11 I• ,od OC Told, 'Prove Hinshaw Loss' Limit Placed On Park Funds I\\· J)f)l '1;1 .. \S l·'lt l'l'ZSf 'lll·'. · 01 t~• O,.,,, f'1la1 ~tJll Jn rt·l:1t1·d ;1t"fio11-. ·r u1·-..d.1 .1 tilt· I r\ ttit· 1·111· l '1111111 ·il -,uld th l· fit ··1 :-.:1 n1 1 lllun Ill p;11 h ,111 d IJ1l.1• !r:11l h!1rld' ,11\d -,1·1 :-1•vr1rl111:: 1111111 .., f11r 111111· t;u·!l1!11.':-tn ht· IJu1lt \\Ith :i n t.'\1•11t u;1! ~11; n i1ll11111 111 p,11 I.. bond tun.i, Iii :-1·ll111 g th·· :>1't'lld 111 ~ lunn ... !ht· 1·u11111·1I l'!lt'\'l l\t•I\ .. 1111! <!11\\l) Tennis -Decisio11 Anyone? 11'\'lllP (.'it y t:uuru·d 1111.'rnh .. r~ h11\1' pu l "'f for l\\u \\t•t•f.;:-a pr·~ 11u:-:t l h 11 1rll t·1'n :il1n11 ;1I lenn1 ' 1•h :1'n1p10.11s Hnd l ,il\'t'I" ;ind J {r1~ r :n1t•rsn n to ht11lcl ;_1 1·on1n11.•r't'1;d lt:lltll'> l t'.ll'lllll ~ f.11·1l1 t .\· Ill .I pl:1nn1·d l'll\ ;J.ork I 11,t·u -. .... 11111 ·r uc:.d.1.1 r 1•\ t•.d1·!1 .1 thr''l' to l\111 :-I'll! .. 111•1111..: t•11u111·ll 1111 ·11 1 ht·r-. n\·l·r .1 ol1·\ i'lctp111 _ pnlll'\ I\ l\11·h \IH!lld ~!U\t 'J II p l I\ .it 1' 1 '11\1'1 l'J I''' Ill t'l I .1 f•.t rl. • '!'hi· ( ULJ/H 'll tl t't'lllll'd hi .11·( 011 tfl\• :llJ I t".11' Offt•r· \11 lt•.o'I' !Iii l't' ;1t'lt'' ~I thl' ll'\'ln1· l lL;.:h S1·1l•i11I l "1 rnmu111\\ l 1;1rJ... for $~IP n11q p1 upo -.t•cl h \ th1· /,.J\'t'r .111<1 1·:111er:-1 •11 f11111 ·rt11· f1r111 1\,1111 ... 1 .. hu1ld ,, 1.·n Ill ' !t'.l!'hlll :..! 1 "lllp)t'\ II !Ill lt'.l('llllli.: l.1111·;>., h•lllll' t 'lllJI !, ,I s1;1 d111111 1··•ur! pr" .,fl,.p l'L1 ... ~r11111 11 .111d l•11111 i..:1· '1111· l'•\lllll'd 11rt d t•\1•l1 q11 •d ·'" \\.1\nr i;:1 !i1 1.·ll,• 1'1',\•\r ,!tld t"111111·1ln11·11 \rt \111h11n' .u id H "h•·rl \\·, • ..,1 .1<11111 .t11·d ~l'•·l.1 1 11· ;1dd 1l lllll.d f•l'Oi•P.".i\ • 1111 '\H'I\ !.1\'1111\ l11·J,,1t·" 1u11lr.11·t 1-. ~l)!llo._•d ('11lllH'll!1l•'ll flt'IH\ l~111,.:fi•\ ,llld ,f,ihtL 1\111 !1111. 1•r 1t1l•'IHlll11! !IJ.ol 11\t'll \ H'\\_-., 1·,1!1li' frull) !ht• ,.,.,ti IHl"llll''°' \t111ld :-IL11pl\' d i, .1~r1·1·1I St·1·k1 11g o t h1'I propo~.il ..,, th• 1 :-,lid. \\'t1Uld h1· .1 \ !nl.1!1,,1111f h11 .. 1 lll'"S t•I h11·, II'\ 1111•':-1'"111JIHlll!l\ !'>t'l'\'I! !'' ('O!lllll l:-Sl••ll Itri' 1\l't':-111.'d 1\1111 1h1• 1 .... -.111· n! 11h:1I hrnd nf r11111 j ~1·1·'1'l-:,,1.-.:.1 •.1 ;.:.1· \::!i Rent Fraud Investigated In El Toro t)r;111 i..:1• ('n1111l1 Sl1t·ritt"s tl l'· p u1il':-. <Jl 'l' 1.11vt>:-.l1g at.inf.: :111 l·;t 'l'uro \tPlll all ,, c11n1pl:11nt th:.it ~ht:.· p :1ict SHllO in .id\'illlt•' l'L'lll Iv a 111;111 !>ht' ht•l1 ('\ I'd lo hl-' tht~ 0\\'llCI' 11 t ;1 J);ind.' Sll'C'('1 h !HIH' .111d then ll':ir111·d lh.1 1 he did no1 tl\\'ll thl' p1·t•n11se:o;. J)t~p 11\1t.'S s:ucl the ni;1n \\'ho rcrl lt•d lhc hn n11· 1n '.\I r:-. .lurH' \nn S pt•ll('t'r . :12. 11! 2~IB82 l1 :1nd~· Sl \\'<I S h1rnself r(•n\1n g !ht· j10;;s(' frnn1 its lcg-;tl O\\'ncr. 'l'ht'.Y ·irt.• 1 r v ini.: tot rare him toda ,\' ' vc0ut i1.'s s;iid !\!rs . Spt·11t·1·r p~1id 1hf• s u s pct:I :s:i~,ci in eash :11111 S.lfill in thl' forn1 ;i l'a ::;lue r 's cht•1·k \v h 1r h has nn\V l><.,'Cll 1·a s h cd . J\l r·s. S pc nc1•r said today th :!! 1hc: lcgul o\\'lll'r u f the propt•rl,\ c .l\pC't:lS hL•r 111 \·aelllt• lh1· Pl'l'. n 'is 1's h .' 1111: t•11d or th1· 1n11111h . "\V ,. u l't' s on1t:\\•herl! hel\\'~·en 1111• d evil :ind 1111 • d1•cp hhit· ~ca ." -:ht• ll\Ollfllt.:d. /, , . lht• llo 1p 1•:-td d l'nnt1 11g1.•111 1>1 l t\l\1•r-.111 l'ark 1'1·:-1<l1.•11t ~ \\ho 11 .101 1111oi'l' I.ind pu re·h;i:-t•d f11r .1 p :1t'k Ill 1hl'll' .l l't'~L '['hi· !11":-t IMirld :-:iii• \It'll! \11 l'r,,, l.1·r Jt.111 h. \lllll'h 0Jllvr1'(i thL· lo\\t·~l 1n1t·r1·,t r.111-. t~ '.1:; pt:r 1·<"nl 'l'IJ ,. -.;ii(• 111e lu d c d $K 11111111111 nf ,, :-.11; n11ll1t111 l'<•l'k !J,,nd .i111l .-.\ 1nlll1"11 oil :1 ~:! nlillH•ll )'.1rh 1111.c 1r:li1 ltund. l\••lh h,111d .., \\l'l't' O\t.·rh\\h1·lrn 111:.,:I\ .1pp!1!\l·d fi1 I 'll,\' \O{L'I-, Lt '' .I t1111 · I lt•-.p11 !' [I\ lilt' ... 11•1.11 I\,.,\ 1tlll !i ,i-. .! t t\\ ll \\,I.; ~l\t 'll )1L j.:il 111.irk' Ii~ ht111d r.1!1·1'~ \l·••11l .1 -. Ji,'1 ltlg ~l't'\ ll'(' IJl<tl't.•d ,Ill .. ,\ 'I ,I( lilt.: 1•11 tl1t• 1-.:-Ut', \\ hil,, :-.t ,1t1d.11 d . ind l'un1 :-~.1\,• lh1· 1·1!\' .t '!~BB pl11' '-.!;111d.1rd .111d l'11ur :-{'l.p l.1111cd 1!~ il)l\1 '1' I .1 !11\;.! fl\ p1)11l1lll ;.! \(I !ht• \l!Ut fi llf 1111• t 11 ,1. lhi• liq.di 11'\ 1•J otf do•hl ,,r till' \ ;tl'!llU-i 1u1 1s rl1l'l i1l ll ' \\'hl{'li ln!:d " ~:1 pt'!' t't'Jll 11! !ht• 1·111 -. :t..,.,,l'~:-Ol'd \,dUt • ,111d \h~· t'l.i'l\,'11\•t• "t S!U.'I\ :1 Jll'U 1111n t·111 t .1x p:1~1·r a:-; 1ht· lr v1111· ( 'u1n1"11l.\ ~hn11ld th·· 1·on1p.on\ d1·\'1·l11p I 111 :1n1·1 ;tl prnl>lc n1 .... ..,.11 d fh<' 1,ltltl )... ~t'f\ll'I', lhl' ho1\d-. i'nuld 111· 111 ... ,•1·1111• ""P1·11d1n ..: l11n11 ... l··r lht' ~~ .. 11 ·111 ,,f 111111· 1 .. .rnn111rlll \ p:irk..; .111.I 1·1·t'Jt-.1l111n ldtll1l11·:-\\\'r1· -.1·1 .1 J .. 11. •\\ " lr\ 1rl1' II! ·h ,...;t"hn•o! l \1111 lllltrll!\ 1';11 k ~i .O'.,!;!,"j'IMI 11 .1 r I ,I I d t ' n 111 Ill II n I! \ \tll11·11r J·'.1t·il1!1 ~1.:.tu;.1;1111 1'1111 .. 1 ... lt\ ('o)tllll\11111!\ l'.111.. -.;1'(1" ~1!10 l1rnll.l'd tn d 1•\1•li•pn11 ·1il "Ill\ t:I'\ .111 ll.ol1• ( .. illltlllllll l I l'.11 I, ''l:\n .111Ht ln1 1oi111·1.,,,,. oil l.111d •-till 1'111 111• !( ,11 I.. t '1 •1ll l\l l!t11 I I t•.11 h ..,:._1 :-c·s !~on r1,.1·11 1 .. 1d 1· .. 1111111111111 1'..,1. '>]}II! :!!l!I IPI lh \\'l"l'tl\1111 <11\11 )'!'I lt1J 11)1 11~ \If -. 'l'l11',ol• I -..1.D.Cl,';'nu ('1Jl\o'I 1111\o• (">ltl!lHllllll I '.11'1. ~~.-,11,0IMI f,11· l.111d :IC'>jlll.,,I ll"rl t•lll l .ll'llr1•1 H•1.1d i '•1111nH1tlll\ l'.11 I. -.;-;·,111~11) IPt l.11111 ·" q111 ... 1 I 11111 ',,Ji\ f :-01·1 · l",\lt h:S. l'ag1• ,\:!I Coit11Cilnie11 Straddli11g The Fence? 1\ntbon \' S\'cllkit of l r11nt' :-J<l l';11111110 it1·al \'ill :1gt' rnay h ;1\1· to lop th1• top IH 11u·ht•s I ronl h1 .; 11('\\' front \\:di no1\· th;11 hi:-n v1.1 donr 11 t•q.!hb11r h<1s cnn1pl~11nt•d [,1 \hp c ii V t'UU rll'!I '/'he · counc·11. h o\vc\1'r, t·ould not tlt'e ide 'l'ut.•s tlay \\'hl'1 h1·r 11) g1·~1 n t <1 1.t1n 1n g.1";1ri;.1111·1• a s i-;!'d h\ S\'\•nk:.i :ntd put 1h e n1 ;d!cr llff t'nr l V.'U \\'l'l' f.; !-> S\'1•nk ~1 ·:-. 11<•1g hhor Hul1\'l l llukC'l' con1platnt.•d \\'lu ·n !hl' \\,tll \\·as huill las t .lunl' th;1I il \\':IS an l'Ve s ol'l' <1nd :1 s afcl v h:11.arfl ·The \\';111 1s hu.ill along th1· s id t•\\~tlk 111 fr1J111 u l S\cf'lka·.., house. J'hc lt\•t•·foot tcnet· is \8 111 chcs hi gher th<.nl the 42·11l('h n1a1. inlllm ;1llo\VC'd in fronl yu.rrls. 'l'hl' !>ix -rno nth -olcl ha:-;:.J1 · 1"11ln11n;.1l ed i11 lf'.C:lll fl'nrin g hcl\\'{'t'tl S\'Cllka'..., la\l'~'t'r J,011 ;\l :irlln an<i ('1\,\' 1\t\ornt·~· .lanlt'!> F:r1ek:-011 OVl'l' \\•ht•Jl IS ;I f Pll \'!' a ft•!1 ('t' 11nd1·1· ci l \ <·ndl'S ;\1:1,\'or (i;1l1r'1ellt• l'ry 11r , \\h,1 \•o!l'd .iJ-(:lin-.1 1·1111l1rH11ng 1h·· n1alt1·1·. 1111\!•cl. '"l'h1:-1s 1111t:.· t1n1t• \\ hf'n ~ood fc·nrt·s (\<111 ·1 m ;tk<' J.!tu1d 11t•1 g llhor~ f 'tJruas in, Steel ' Slt·i•l Jr;111 lt'\\111·h lor 1'1•111for•·<·tl t·j•111·r1·l1' 1nl1n g ;1\\',!lti... 111)'.t;dl:tlltJll :.it :-.1 \L' vi l 'or1>11 ;1 rtL•I ,\I ;1 r 1:r1•t•11·;1 _,. 1nterc·l1•1n g L' untlcr cn n - ... 1 r11ctie111 ;d ,\1 :1« \r!hur l~n ul t.·,·~1 rd :i nd l 'lll\'l'l':o.JI\ L>r11 I' Ill I r\ 1111' r:vcntual/.\. lhC' 30-folll S{t.'l'l !r:lllll' \I ill h1.'c"H1ll' p;1rt of h r uJgc strul'ture :it 1llll..'rt:l1:111gi.: alun.i.: San l)ic•go ('ri.'t k . Emphasis Now on Jobs Ford Admits State of Union Not So Great B.\ 111·:1.I·:' ·rll (l.ll.\~ \\ \~I ! l '\1;·r11'\ I l l'l 1 fl1'l•-.1olo•11\ l'•or.I l<llll'1'<l1•d l11d ,1\ 1111 • tl1.i1 !11,• ~1,11t•nl th,· l '11 1<>tl t.., 1\1ol ·.:.1 11•d .11111 .1 ... h1•1l I llrll..'.l"t''" !111· .Ill ,!t\ll 1'!'1 , . .,,,.,l!,!1.11 \ 1'1'1111.tlh'll! I.II. 1'111 ,,J '>;]It 1 !dlJl"ll .I \1 II 1"1' l!ldl\ 1du.il' "!l l"i' <>I .111 Ill\ fl)o'di,11 1• -.,J,: iiillp!ii l,o\ I 1 l1.1h' ll1•ll\>'l Ill :~ 111 .. 111 .. 1 .-..1 .11" .. 11h,· l 111111\ .1d d11· .. -. l.',q .j ro11 Tl111"d ,1 111'1\ <'• "ll"lllh ill" I ,1111 do '•d 111'<1 1 .. 1·11d \11 1•'1 I•" ,j, l•<'lid<"l\1'1' j!tl l"ll'l"ll 011 iii ]'I)\• \\ lili<' 1".l,lll:.'. tl11 · 1!111!11'd1.i\t' j'l1•l•l1·111111 .! \\\>!' 11 .,1111\•' I•' ""~11111 II !111 11ii.1'11\ ••I ~ti .1d1111 ,.,i 111...: I (•I)! •'I fl \\If J1 q1l l.1 ! I• \I I ·r Ii " • llJ)!!i.l "I" ti! Hlll ('('(ll\1•11\11 • l!uJ1-. 11111-.1 rlH\\ 'hilt 11••!11 1111I.ti11•11 hi 1nh-.. · lh' -,a1d l"u1d ,1d1111ll1 •d tu ... prn).!1·:1111 \\ ,1 -. 11111.d 11111,ll .\ ;11\d l\111J!.t I ,IJ.,,t' !ho· lLtllt1!1,d d,·I>\ I" ~:10tl hdl1110 tht'o\•'11 l\\"\".OI -" 111 · th1·11 o>tllliitt'd .J d.11·1 11;..: j!lll ~1,1111 1 .. 1.11-..• rh,· p1·1 1·1· "' t11.·I .. thr1n1gl11.tl.l':-;ind .idd('d cost:-hy :-.:1:1 h!l l1nn lu 11 1.~eou rage ('011· ... 11n1pt11111 \\lltlt• s1 1n1ulating th1· t'l<H\1 •1111 1\i!h l.tl\ 1·ut:-; for both 111d1\ 1du.d-. .i11d bu:-ines:-Il l· .1 ... 1-,.d l 'i1 n g r1·,.,..; 1o l'll:it·t 1! h1 \ pr1 I 1 '1'11I11 .. p.ivh~·d I lciUSl' \\ hert• IH· -.l·r\ 1·d 25 .1 1•;1rs, l·'11r<l rel' ailed .1 111111.• s ho r! I y ; 1 ft t'/' hi.' I ook ofricL' ;1,._ ,1 1 rt . .., h 111 an ('lJll).,:l'l!ss n1 0.1 n 26 .1-e ;1 r s it.•it r.-. iq . .:o \\'ht·n !'res idt"nt l{;1rr\ S 'l'r urn :1n rc1)(1rli.•d lo (:ongr1 ·:-.-: t h;1l lbt· s tate of the union 11 ;1.; :.:o<id ·rpd,11 . tli:Jt tr•·,Jln1,1n 111t'rnh1·r lr11n1 i\1iehi.:.:an s tand ~ ".1 h1•11 • \l 1 ·r run1 :111 s tood a11d 1 ni11 .. t -..i\ t11 ,\'nu that the ~r ;ilt' 111 tl11: 11111"11 1:-nu t good ." l·'ord -.:111l · :-. 111111111 ..... r 1\ ml'rH: :111s a l'l' 11111 ,,1 1,·,1rl...' hl' ..,~11d "Ht•t'1·s~1n11 ,111d 1nll.t l 111n ;ire crod1n ~ 1h1· 111111\t',\ 1d· 11111l1nns n1ort-l'r11·1•:o; .111· 11>11 !11µh :111d s.tlt•s .1r•· l1>11 ~ Jt •II 1:,,,.d .., ;11dt•-, ... aid 111:-IH'\I prn Council Action ,\ 1 11 ;.: 111l't'I111).! 1 'ut·:-cla,\ . 1 h~· I r 1 1 l\t' < '11 ~ l 'ouneil -{'ll.\:'\f:l·:O dupllt-:1t1·rl s trt'l'I n :1111P-. C ntl!lll\\•ood Street 111 ('olh'!.!.e l>;11·k beean14• Li1nC' ~t 1'1·!'t S\\'1'1,!hriar 111 L"11iVl'l'Sily !-'ark h('(',tillt' ('otlOll\\'Ulld S ,\ e·:11nor1• Ill l 'nl\'l'f:-11,'I r~;1 rf.; hl'l';l!l1t' l·:asl\IOOd -l ';~l )(lR S l·:ll ;n1 l'llll'l'gl'nt·.v l l'l t·phone d1 a l1n g plan, ·ro l\t'('i1111 t• l'fft.•c:t 1\l' 1n 19"j'8, lhl' :-.\:-.1('111 prov1clcs a l'\•ntr:.il f'mcr gcn· '"\ 111un h1•1 nf ":}11 " 'rhc• sy:-l1.:n1 \\ill cost s.10.000 tn set up and :1 1l11u1 SJ l .llil·I a 11';1r lo run • -PR(lC J,_\l;\11·:0 !•'eh 22 J~ "\'lll:1gt:.', uf l r\·1111· .\11-!hl ;.1:-. p.1··1 of .. S upport l 'L' f1·v1nt• Ba:-kC'th;,dl \V(•ck .. J.'1•h . Jti ·22 ll ··~1 dl'nl :-1\ Li i b(• ;1dn1iltf'cl at h :dfJ)l'il'l' tc-i !ho:-{1('1 \ s Lt'\\ 1s <111d ('lark l '01l1 ·g" h askt'th:11l ~;n11c lh:il n1 gli! -(,1''1,.l·:lt f:J) tht' 1·11\ h1 t_'l'll ll'llll1al C"omm1ltC'e S\'('l'('t ;_11'itd ht•I p . oil 1<'1' :-; pal'l' and !->I al ,;111t•r 1 -.\t:·r1t(lltlZ1<:1> :-;pt•1icht1J!. 11p 1.0 $20 .1)00 111 h:i,·r i\lt1111 c 1p:il ( 'od1' l ' t1 r p n r :111011 o f ·r a 11 ah ;1 :.S(_'t', F I ;1 s t ra •l!h t f'll oul I h(• "l'IJll f11s 111g :111d l11 n1' rons111ni11~" 1nt·~s (1f 1·1t.\' 1)1 dinan1·1·:-.\l11rc than lfHJ 11rd1n:1n1•1•., ll :l\I' hl't'n ;uhl1·d f!1 <·011 111 ,· t·,,1)(·~ adop\etl hy the <'11 .~ \)11 1,\' 0111· c·,.pv 111lht•1 •1uh· 1•1.1:-IS -~t·:·r 1\ st.'\t'n tun \t c1ghl IL1n1t on 1.111.· 11111,·ly np t•111 ·d po1·t 1011 ,( ' ';1n 1 p11 :-I lr1 ve bet '-'"een J r n ,I v~rs1~' Ori vr. nnd Cu r t son A Vt'nUt!. • gi";i111 \111tll d 1 .11. ... t' !h1• 1·os1 ol II\·'-' Ill" I\\ 11 Pt'1'('1'111 :t \ t':J r l'.L\1'' .111.I l ,111it.,, 1111\ild ,ii[d 5;;11 hillt111l In f111•l l·11-.t:-;111d \IH· 1·1pph• t'ffL'\'I ltl !n ~h1•r pr111•:-lor th111~:-; rn:irlt· J1«•111 11t•\r11h·11 111 .ind 1·l1·1· !l'll'I\\ nr J111·l ··d h\ !h1·111 \\11t1hl ;idd ,;n11lhl'r '-':..'.-, l1ill1n11 :1 lt".11' \•l thi• p1 ice •~ \111,·r11';11).., p,1,1 ;11· ,·,1rd1 n ~ '" I. \\'1111 :1111 S"1rln1t111 . 1:ord :-t'l'•\ll<•lllll' {'oord1n.ll<>I' In ,1 d1l 1!1<>1l -.,,.1d1n.1n ..... 11d , t ill· ~~1~10 1!11· .11 .. r.1 ~t: f.111llll' SJH:nd.s fur t,:.1:-11 11 11,· l111111c IH«1\1n.:.: .i nd t•l .. lll ll'.11 .1 111 •ul1! l'l:"\t' h _v s~.:.o l l\ --1 .~1111 ( Sei· ·r .\ :\ l ''"I', l'a ~<' ,\~ l 5 Neiv ]obs To Be Filled Soon by City l.'i\'l ' llt'\\ t'il ,\' ji)li:-fn1· !Ill cn1ploycd l r\·in1· r!'s itle 11t:-. \I ill he fi l!t•d by lhi· t·rul uf .J;1ru1 11r1 ·r11 C' til ~· council ·ru1'sda.'· ap· pro \'cd p;1rl it'ip atio11 in a fcder:li j0h:-< p1·o g r:.in1 \l'hleh l'nlit!Ps 1h1• city to SS:l.fiHH tn hirl' four n1ain- ten<.1nc t· t L·thnit·i01ns ;n1d ;1 l'lerk ly pis l . . ·rhc J\lb:o;. \\·1th :1 n1ax 1mun1 s alar\' nf sx:c_1 monthly, \Vi ii be op('ll io lr\·1nl' 1·tsidc 11t ::; \\'hO h ave hcen unt•n1pln~·c<I f(H. at le;1s t ~n da\'S ·i·11t.• (~0111prC'hL·nsi \·e En1plo~ n1 cnt ;ind ·rrainin~ A ct funds r un oul ;1! thf' t•tul of on(' .\C,llr and the 1·1tv is not obligated lo en1ploy th,;:-l' hired under the progr:.1n1 ;tftl'r the n111n<'y runs out. accorrt- 1ni-: to Adn11nistrati\'l' Services llircctor .J am~s 1-larrinj:!ton. 1'he pr·ogran1 wi ll cost lhe city Sll.iOO in equipnlt:'nt for the ne"' ('mploycs. llarrington s :.1id the en11)loves arc ncC'tlc<l nnd would h a'vC' been rc questl,<I 1 his month i( the c it y \\'J S in bcllL·1· financ ial shape ·r ti c c1l:>'. hO\\t.•vcr. n1 u ~t find :1 r~as tf cul ~pend i ng due-, t~ h1 i::"ll e1··.1 h.a,n ·ex prc l cd pof1 <·~ fllrce s t ;i r1 i 11~ cos ts ,, -, . . ,, . , .. Bonding Company Deadline I~'(; \It\' (;lt.\,\'11 .1 .1·: o + '"°' o.,,iy P1101 ~,,,,. 'l'llL' l11 •1ld111 g l'\\lllp.111,\ .1 ... l.1·d \,. t't'p:1,\ \)f'a lq.,:l' ('<1111\I\ !•>I' .il l•'!'l'd f1n :1n1 ·1;1I 1 ......... 1·-. rt·l.111'(t 1•• H1 ·p . \11dr .. 1\ ll in.-,h:111 , 1 Ii '-l'1\p11 rl Jl.v:1vll 1 ... 1lt'l'1·~:-ful 1~1~" 1·;n11p:1q..'n 1\:1 .. ).!ll••tl th" ('ll\11\1\ ~I \ lllullth.., tnp1·11\1• 11-. J,1-.,..1·-. 1{111 .\ ... :-1 .... 1.1111 ( ·,,unt' 1 ·01111,..:I 1 ·1 ~1 \· P .11 h1·1-11 1-.1-.1 .. 111 .. ('"11n1v l1.1 .... lhr1•1· \1·.11·-. !oi ldo· ,, t",lll"l' ,;f ,l('lhJtl . h.1 .. t•tl ht•11 !1•rfl1•t1 l l '.1~1· .\:1 i•n 11·.iud .. r 1·1n· r:1·J.11 ... 1 t"rl l.i :i 11 !li·r 1•• lh ·· 1l:tr1 1o 11 d 1 n ... \I 1 .111,·,.', r n1111 I' .11 i,.,., .111 I I hi' St ,\I \11 t' 1 d h 11111 .1111111 J.:I \ "" t ht· t'••Utt1\ 111 1·1.,· 1,•:1r-. lr11n1 Th·· d.11 , •it d1s 1:01 t·r\· tt11•r1>\ t' 11 :. l1 1-.-.1· .... Jl,.\11•1 l't. l':1rh1·1 .ud t11d,1,1. ii ,.., t'Xp1'l'l\•,j th,!\ [fp • :1\1<]1!111 :· ll•:11n ;1-.. .. 1:.:11t•d lhi' 1.,,.1.. ul d1• 1 ,•rn1i111t1~ \1 11111 lh•· 1·111 11111 lr1 -.T d\JL' [•\ l/i,• .dl1 •i..:1·d .i ... 1i.:nn11•11I iii ;1 .~~<':-:-<11· ·' 11Jl1< ,. ,,1npl11\ ,., ... tu llin.,h :t\\'·, l'.1111 p .11i..:11 -.h111ild l·c l-1101111 \\ !!h111 ll11 •·•· l\•···h·, 'J'h•• Jlllt'poiJ,·d ll'I' 1JI [)!!' "rnph1~·v:-. 1\1\ 1·(1t111I\ 111111· \.i :1 1d lh11 sb;111 ·.., t·h·1·1 1.~11 l•1 1·tl11,:.:rt·.:-:-. :1lt' l'ltl•d It\ ;1 ::>l C'tilllll t:l':tllrl .1111'\ 1nd1l·ltllt.•n1 1h.d 1·h.1rg1 ·d 111111°' :1":-0t':-O!'>Ot":-. n!ll('\' t'lt\fl)O\t':-. 1111 h gr:i nd lhl'll 11111:-pi r.11·1. \ 111l:..1t1011 ut 1!1>\l'n11n•·ll\ t·ud1.•)-. :111d l;ds1 f 1C':ll1onol 1\'t·1,rtl:- l 11 l'l'~\)u1l:-.(' th !ht• 11llOflll:Jl lQn 1111·l u dl•d 111 \ht.' 11Hht·1n1t•nt . lhc l'!!\lll1 ,\' 1111ar1l ••I !-.11p1·r\1~e1r:-. in· -.1r111·fl'd 1h1· rn11111.1 1·111111:-1·1 tn :11 · ll'tllpl 111 r1·('1JI' l' .in\ ln .• ~1._':-0 le! the l;,1:-..pa _\ t'I'..., tltat n11 :.:lt1 ha\·1· 01·- l:lirrl•d .is \h•· 1,. ... 1111'"1h1· :dll'!..;1.'d i\ll•!..:;i\ .li'I I I \111•-. .\:-;1 r1·:-ult ,1 1 l.11n1 .1 ~a1 n :-t il ~:!~1.Cl(\0 111d1•ltlllll \ he111d p1•Sl1•(\ hy I \111:-!i.i\\ \1 ht·n ill' 11 ;1 .... ;1ssl':.sor \\lll ll" !ilt•d \1l1,'1 1 1he • ;111 dl!nr:-.' 1•1.;11 1l!ll.tl111n 11t 11.1\t'ull .111d 11ll1t·r I •'loll d~ 1 ... l'lllllplo ·lv d A11in1al Roaclhlock Hl()\'IST.\ i l '\'l l .-.:llL'l'pand ho~s set up ~1 1·0 ;1dhlc.i:k vn hr t;h u·ays 12 and 113 'l'ut·sdav 'l'h1• Californi<-1 l ligh\\'il ,\' f>atr~I ,,,nd a truck carr~·ing: sheep and •)11" t':.1rry111g hogs collided in fo,I!. !>IH11Ln.:.: thl' ~1111n1 a ls 1i nln lht• fligh \t :1,\'S OrHHjt<'A t.'oasl '"== -( r.J Weal her It 'll ht! l'OolcrThu rs d :iv. :JC· cu r<lin g tn th(' 1vea'th e r scrv1l't'. \\'1th a l'hu.nce of s omc fog n,•:1r !he bc:.1chcs l ate ltinig hl and early 'rhursdav. l lighs n1id to upper 60s at the h\·;,1eht•s ;1nil111 the iOs inland, l~SIUE TOD.\'\' 1~1oubn11 .\f(lgazine p11hl1sl1er llugi1 J-/1·1111·r soitf Jt wa ... th(' "111edlt'bt1l /i(l rrassrnent" uj in- 1·l!:st19ntur;s nu/ lo 9 <'1111111 011 drug 1'/iurgt's 1l1at dn1t'P his secrctar11 1t1deatl1 ."i111r11. f'aye A4. . I 11clc•x ll>tV&urS.•~lc e <lt,l ....... Q •• l-.M . eovd .11 11 Col1torft•• 11>.I c-Corlltr AU ci.sMUH Dl·lt Cem"' •t Crnsword 8J c_,, ,., .. 11 O..I• "•f!(el A I I Et11i...l•t f' .. e A6 .... ""~ ..... -,., •l~ l"IM1tte 86-1 l"oH C4-M ,.....st•.. (J ''"'' ... ''"°" 83 ,.,..,. u.-..., a Moi•N• A6. Mot1IK 8>-4 Mool11o l 1"11tw111 a. """'I<••· 9J No lion.I N•w · "" "••••• c1.., s.or-t1 Bl·J D•. Si.i8(roh1t .. Sl0><k Mlltk•C. ~ r~v+llotl AUi T-.1erf' •a.. --.. ----.. ,. ' , ·' -~· Wednesday January''· 191! Ji'ord's Speech Key Economic Areas Outliiied a l -i.l glanl'l~ :1fl' kl'\ 1•!1•nl1·nt-. 111 Llil~ cconun11t t•n1•rg~ progr;..i111 outlined. to<l;1y hy l'l'l'1Udcnl !·'01 d 111 !\iaSl r.tl (' nfthe l '111 nt1 uddrl':." '1'1•1111,urar;. h 1l l tl11l 1~71 1:1\ lUl fur 111 Frnm Page 1\ I TAX CUT. • • /\:-;1 ··1,•1und •• l·'11rd .1!;-;o Jll•• p OSPd II '>10 ltdl111n l'l'dUl (lull HI \a ;>.('~ p.ntl \)\ lJ11:-illl':'>:'\t'"' :-.i lidlu111 Ill .1 ,,., I I t'dLI fol [([ [;\-. wh11·!1 •':-.p.1nd .ind 11H1dl·r1111.1· .111d ..,,; h1llh•ll 111 ,1 pi:r111.1111·nt 1·1·du• ll•111 ,,f 1111' l111pu1".1t1nn 1nt·o 111<• t .1\ r:ll v I r11111 IH t" I~ f!t'f('('!il ( l\I <'1i 1n p ;11111•'. f111111'\('I \\t>ld1I li1· s uli 11·<·1 1 ... 1 111·1\ l.i' "11 \\111d!.il l pr1il11 ... l•1 pr1·1t·111 !hv111 f1on1 11 • UJll!I~ lllllhlt' ).:.,Jiii f1,111\ lh~· JI.I t ion ':. 1.•11 l ' r ~.\' l 1'uu hit.' .... }''or 111d1 v1 du.dr1 . t .i' r;1 l1·., 111111111 h1 · l'lll h\• SlfJ ,., hdllnn_ \\'llli lu\1· ;ind n1Lddll"lnt·o1111• L1 1n 1l 1l·., l'nj11~ lll..' llt".ll 1.1 11.ilf th1· [11\,11 :-.i \'1 ll h:-. .\ 1 .i n1 ll.1 11f tour 11 ii h :1 l.1:.. ;ii di· 11\COlll(' tJI ::au.•l4 H! Ill 1:17~1 \\Olild p;1.v $518 In ll'dcr<.11 1nl'uml! taxi·-.. lllStl~ud or $R!;7, :1 SU\'lllJ.: nfS:J411 '!'his \,1;.; 1·ut \111uld h._· o JI lop <J! till' p 1·np11:.,d l··ord d t:.t'lu:..;l'd ;\!1111 duy n 11,1.ht Lil a It'll.!\ 1;-;1un ;1d<lrt'"" to the nation. I t 1·;1llcd for u 12 perl'l'nt r1•hut1· on 1111·.in1t· l a:..1•s due on 197 1 L';11·n111gs. lo hl· p~11d 111 '.\l a~· and Scp\L·rnlil'1· und \\'Ith :1 n1uxi1nu1n l'l'hatt• pf Sl .Ot1U fol' \1't•;_1\thy \c1:\pt1_\'l'!'S. [)('llll!('l':Jt ... t'l'llll'lt.l'tl l !il' p l<-1 11 ;1:-. too g t·ne rous tu th1· ""1•;.ll th.\ liul gt·nerall.1 11't'le11n1l'(l t ht1 idea of il t;IS l'Ut h• ... !lllllilUlt• t hv (.•C(l1JOn1 .1·. In tHldillnn. J.'1ird 11rup!1i.cd t:1\ suv111~s uf up lu $15tJ t'ur tho:-.(· \Vho Ln:-111 <11•· 11111111·-.. o r· hu.v i-torrn "'in<IO\\'S. 'l'hP l'r l·:-uh ·nt 11 .... kl·d ('1 1n g r1 •:-s lo c:1!I ;1 11111ro1l11r1u1n un :1 1111 \'UWCd \ll \'t•ln :111.v flt'""' .'ipt'JHI in.I! proi.;ran1 ..... \\;1r111 11).: 1t1t · d(· f1c1t.in .111\ 1·11·111 "ill r1·:il'h s:in h1Jli011 tt11~ ti;-;• ,d .\t'.Jl 111ul p1·11 liab!1· s.1.-. IJ!llJ1<tl ii j>t'U('t•t1n1e I \'t'O;'d 111 llh• IL:-(·;11 \'l'.11' \Vh11·h :.tart:. Jul.\ l . l 'o SiJ\'t' n1onc.1 , l,.ord <.1 skl'rl for <J I a"' hold in i.: to 5 pt'rccnt I he co:-. t . of·l1v1ng Ln c:r t•usr thut 1s to be pu1d 111 July lo :io mtl lion Americans rl'- 1.•1 ving .Sot1;.1J St!('Lu·11y . 'fhey ;1rt' due to gel about 12 percent <-1nd llcmoc r :1 1s ;.1rl' ho:.t1lc to lh c idc-<.1 org l\'in;.: ll':.S. O n tht• l'ncrgy front. offiei.d.., ~.:lid f''ord 's µl u n 11·ould 1·u1st" the price of t,:;isulinc h;.· 10 cCn ti-:1 gu llon. Out other 1\d1n1nis tratio n l'l'O non1ists s<li<I it 11ould be 15 ('c nt s mor1..· a i,.:allon F"o r d :-aid h1• v,·ill 1n1posc ;1 gr;.i du :.dl ~· 1nt'l't"a :.1 ni.: t.ir1ff "11 imported oil lhut .... ould rl':ii'h s:; a bar1·c l on ,\prt! I Jle1·;1n dnth 1s hy C'X('('utivc ordPr without (·nn ~rc~sio n al <1ppro \ .11 lie a sked rnr ;1 S2 a l.Jurrl·I l''\ 1·i:-e tax on don11·st 11· nil ._ind 1Jll 1n1portccl 011. '!'he 1·:..1·1s 1· tax 1111 1n1 po r tt·d oil v,·1111ld rl·pl<Jt'l' tilt• li.1r1ff upon its t'na('ln1t·n1 Footner Appointrd \'1•'.1 \\ ..,t•;1tt'<I (lrang t' ('ou11l1 Supt·rv1sor l.aurt'lltL' Srhn11t h"" <-1 ppoint l·d l{1 c h.1rd J !.'uul11cr ,.f l!un!111i.:t<>11 l\c•;11·h to the <·ou11I\ \];,• l1 .. 1 .... ril~itl'hl';-; .ind l'arh ' l1111 :'>11)0 . !:111>\'H'f', uf Jf,.')Jl l".11·t1\l '''I \.,lilt', 1.., lil t• <·htt•f i·'(('C'Ulll't' iol l1tl'r .ind 1•1·1·..,Ldl'lll nl l'h..iprn.111 llou:.u ('ur\I n f<>run ~'-'· ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT l"-0,.np (w >l 0.lly il'llo! . ..,lh ...,le~"'""' tor.ta I"" No""' P•ou, ''pub I"~ o, 1,.,,0!..,,qo (a .. 1 Pul>ll""~O {•"'P•n• \OO•t•t• MU-,.., publ, ...... O ""'"°•• l~r ... Q~ '"N' '°" Co•l• ....... , >lfo*PQ•I 11~.(~, H-1•<>ql ... ~ .... ,,Q .... t~•n Voll•• ""'"" ~Ann•~hAfl VAii•• AM l..IQ""' flf•<h,!)ou1~ (oo't /II. "~I• ••i•Ol'dl fd<hon I\ P""1"1"•<1 ~h"O•" """"S!.o"""r' It\~ jll'lflC•p.OI P~bl"""IQ pl•"1 " dl JOO ''""! f1.4, "'''°''• (11>1~ Mt''• (Ahl0""•9'1.;• Robe r! N. Wr-ro """"'"' .,,,, l'tlbl•"'•·• Ja(k R, Curl"y VI<• '•nilllr •t •!It! Col•"•' M."'''1"' Tliom11s Kr-evd t.onn• Tt'\omas A M ur ph1nr """"'~'~'l r o,10< Charles H. Loos Rl(h,,rd P. Nall //l.1t>l!•"t M•••t•no t.<l•lll'• Office• Co\1' IM\1 )Xl W•~t ft•v ~UH't _poo1 .. lf" U JJ N•w-1 llou!••••t\ Uotu"I h•<~. 11 .. GlltW>o"• M•MI Hllllf•n91on ~••" 1111! lo•<" ioui.-. .. o s-tot•c• V•ll!tJ' 1U01 t • ""'' "-111 ti i>lt1 O!t .. F•N,.•1 Teltphone 17141 M2-4J21 Cl~sslfitd Ad11trtlsin9 64?·S678 ~..--V1ti.yN•~Qlt11• 511 4310 ,,..,..,.. .. (It'"""" 495-0630 C•IJY'llPll l•rl O••"'lf (P••I il'~b•l •"•"Q c.rt\N'IY· ft,.,..,, _..,1e1, ,,..,_., .. ,.,., ..itt••••I f'l•llt• t r e•vf!H .. ,.,~~h ~fro•~ "''' I» ••P•D•h•f•I IO !t .. ou! IOt• .•• ••""""0' 01 '°"rllhl•••'· .., ..... l llJt (l>O\lll' P•1• •I (•it• fol ,••, Cll•'-'•· M M• 1p1i... Iv t.,rle•ll 00-11!~•• "' .... n w.• ,.,nll\!~: 4"•i1lor, .u111~e1-IJ 00 _.... ... ,. d 1\1du uls. lu IJ,. d1:-.tr1h1111•d thro u g h rl'butt•s r;u1~111i.: IP .1 n1axi1nun1 or Sl ,0011 pl'r rct11 1·11 .1 11ne -vea r 1ncre• .. r lo 12 p~1·t·un t 111 1he la \ l·rcdh-. d<'l'ii~n1·d h• ~1H1 1 h USLlll'SS n1odt·r111 1.ut1on ,JI HI \')\ pan:-.1011 l'1•r1n a nt•nl la >. t.:Ul l> .\ ~111 > tn llion 1·cdu\:tinn 1111ridi\H!u.i! 111 t·u1l1l' t;i xct> ,uid ;1 Sfi U1 ll1on I'll! lor t·orpor;.itiuns. r1·d111 ini: 1!ic11 111.1x1n111n1 rut r fro111 ·li'i p1 ·111•111 tu I:! pt·r~·1·nt l·:n1•r gy l 'OR!lt'l"\ati1111 1111 po:-1t1on n f S2 a ·bar'!'t·I l1·\ 1,..., 11n du1ncstie anti 1n1)1<.11'1l•d 1111d1• t•d 1,, d1~1·out g.11· 01l l •011·,u111p!Ju11 \\'\ndta ll l'rofiti-l11q1u ... 111 .. n o! ;1 \\llHll.ill lll'<lll!.., l.1, 1111 1111 11rodu e t•r..,, Pl'"d111·n1i.;. .11111u . .t It· 1t·1111eh nf ;:-.\~ hillllfll 1:t•d rr:il :-;p1·111lini.:. ,\ 1or11· \t•ar n111r;1l11r11111111r\ !lt•11 fl·d1·r.il ... pl'tHJlllt.: plUl.:l'iUrl..,, l',\l'CjJ1 1411 !'!ll'l'i.l~, ;llld 11 .-1 !'<'1'1·1·11! l't'llill ;.: for 197 .') on 1nvrt'Uh1'" 111 t'1·dt•r11I pay . foud ~1 .1n1p;-; ;ind ft•d v r n! r11i111 ;1r.\ ;1nd \ 11 d1.1n r1•l1r1•1111•111 ht"nel it ... S tandb y ('o ntrul11 l·:n1cr~1·n t'Y authority (or the Jlrt!:-1dcnt to rulion ~itKo ll nc o r 11 l\0(•11t e use of p~lroleun' prochH'ln 11nd c·unl rnJ their pr11·t•;-; f 'rntK PagP t\ I PARKS. • • ;\laynr (;:1hr1vl ll' Jlrvnr .ii \1•mptl'd lllliilll'l't'"':'\fllll ,\ I\) 1'1\1,1 .1 the l'oun1·1l !o r1·1novl' ;11·qt1L :-1 t1o n d1·\'1·lopn11·n1 .-.t111ula11011 ... !'rnrn lhi' ."i pl·nd1n g lin1ll:- S ut'h ... t1p11l.dtlll\...,, i-111• :-011d , 1·111 do .... ·11 till' l'it .v'~ u pt11111,.,; 111 111.1 1.. in).( S\ll't' /'i' . ..,Jd1·11 I"' ~t·1 \\ h.it llll',\ \\<ill\ ·rhl' l..u.\ qut·1>1io11 111 1h~t :1r1•1• V.'HS 1'<11 ... l'd h.\ l 'ni l't'l'Sll,V l '•1rk re:;itlcnt i; lt·d Ii~· (;lu1rll"t> !l uc~:i.·. A grn11p nf L 'r111·c r :-ity !'ark rc .... 1 dt•nts lust v.•t•c·k .-.aid lh1•.v \\ ;1n1Pd OlUfl' pa rl.. luntl 111 th1•ir r11n' rnun1 1v lhun th1· \:iii ;11·r1·;-; :-1•1 1,11· L:nl\'t•i ..,1t \ l 'nn1n1t1111t y l'ark '!'ht· group 111 :1 hu111 ::!P !'1·.,1 tlent:-i s a id \1\1·\ \\1Htld pr1·t1·r IJU,\'111 .~ ii 1:1·:H'!'t' Sill' klH!\'"11 ;1.., .'\re a l:l :111d ha\'l!lJ.: a tot;1I nf 1111111 dt'\'t'lop1·d al'rt·:-. 1n:-.t1·:1d ot 1h1· 1.-1 dt•\'t'ldj>t•d parl.. .1<·r1·s pl:1nn1·d 1\rt•:1 l:l IS !Jlll!!l dt·d I•\ Sandhur g \'';1~. (;u!dv11)..!lu1\ r>r1\t'. 1 111\l'r:-1\\· J)rl\'•' .111.i lll'eehtrl•v I.ant• 11nd h:1 ... l•11ll' !H·1·11 a p11111l n! 1·1Hll1•nl1"11 111 l 111 1\·1·rsil .\ P .i1·k . l'!'<'-..l·11I 1il.1 n -.. ('all lnr ;1p.1rl!lll'llt;-; t u h,· hu111 1q1 1h1· plot L'nmn1un1lv !"t•r\1l't'S J)1r1·1·t111· Paul B rtit!y iuld l h1· <·11unl·1l 1ha1 purl'h;1..,t' of the p l1.t !'Ctr p.1rk 11.,1 \\11uld I\ LJlt' out rno .... 1 ul 111' 1nonl'\ ..,t·t rur th1· l '11 1\l·1 ... n1 ('01n 1-ftun1\1· l'al'k . lea\Lng !Jtll·· tor dt•\'••lt)pln:.! L1c1litie:-o ··1'111 111 .... 1 tryin~ to h•'l'P n111 up\1(•11 ... •ipcn ui L'iJ:o.t' of J t.;1·1u·r.il uprL:-.ing ." :\Ir:. Pr,\'ur :-uid 111 t'X/Jl a1111 11).: h1•r llll!lLOll. lut (_'uunc1l1nan ,\rt \111hnn\ 111.,1 111.1111t·d th.it it turlhl·t d1·l.1\ \IL'I"•• 1H ll1· 1n.1d1• nil d 1·1 ··l •IJllll•'!ll 1Jf\t1.1\ p,1r\.. 11,..hutl\d t11· l111\•'1t·d l!l p r101 l!\ .ind ,111nlh\·1· l.11 11111 b111 lt I'! I'"' I 'flit• I 111\L'l..,ll.\ ('1111111111 1111 I' ,I! I.. 1-.. 1111<' 1 ii I h1 I 11 -.. I I h1 1 1· 1.u·1l111t·., l•1 hv ln1i1! 1111(h•1 II .• hnnd t11nd~ Source Says Nixon S till In the Red .\ ... uur1·t· c.:1 11:-1· 111 H1ehard i\1 .\1:..011 h :.1:. ;,aLd th;1 t ;1lthough th•· f1nul p u,\·n1t·111 or S:"i~:l.000 011 th(· forrnl·I' 11 r1·s1dt•nt 's ~J .:l n11 llin11 Si.In t'I L'llll'rll~· 1•;-;till l' ~<l;-; 11 1.1dl' tod :1y, :'\1xlln still \11\I not lil' 0 111 or dl'b! ··.\J r _ \·1xon 1:..; not frt'l' :1thl 1 ll•;1r. Il l' .s till h~:. tu l):t) nff 1h t) 11c·\1' hnlde r o l the n1orl i:!ugL'. ·· 11i t• >iour1:e \1 ;i s quutod a:-i sa.v i11g. '\'hi· SPUl't't' did nol J'l'Vl';ll \\ho I h1· n t•\1 holder o f the 1nnrt,cagc 1:- c ·h .. r h· ... ·11t1 r111ng. an alturnt>y Jor lh l' ll11n1 i l~on Cottun cs1al'-' \1·h i ch i:-. :-l-'l li 11jJ the p r op1'rt.1·. ~aHI hr \\.is nolificd that hl' v.·ould r1•('C'l\'l' a CC'rtified ('hc<·k tnd;1 1 f Hr !hl· ~.000 in principal .ind S\7,lltlO 111 1ntorei;L !Jut suHI 111.• <lo\·,, 11ot kno\\' \\ho lll p;1 yin~ the i-11 01 .'\1,1111 1ndit:a1,.fl he "'"s ha\ ing tr1111lil1· p .1,\ int-: the d e ht ;-;1x 1111111111,. <1 1.:11 "ht·n he as kt·d for .in 1•\l1·n:-1t1n on tlh· deadlin<" fur u 11.11 n11•11t ol ~26,0liO I'll.it p .11 1n1.111l '' p ;1rt uf t ho ,11111 1\h11n \\'iJI> :-<ht•duh'tl lo h e f••ll<I ltnl,1,\ :\1~p11 11urt ll:1 ... cd !11 . .., l':-t <J11 ·, l .1:<1a P:1<"1fil·a, 111 lHti'.J fnr Sl :l 1111111011 . In 1970, ht• .,old ~:i o t th1• :.!l'I !I <-1Crl'.., tn 1h1 · I~ & l' lnv1·~t 11H·nt l'un1pa ny, a f1rn1 torrnt·d h,\ :\'1 '\- un'g f rie nds Hnl)fr\ IT 1\b \)1 ;111 .dµ .and C harles(; ... U1·hc · J{l' )Ul.n ( -• ' ' \ll't Telrp"olo l'IJL "' 11\,lll"-J"I ' 1)11 111• 11•1111d..; <ii Ill!' '\,,\.ii I ~h .. 1 I'\ ,l!t\I 1 l \\ .1 ... 1!111;..:l<ltl ~1•111l \\ tll \. 'l I I• 11 111• I I, I I ,! ,, ' " " \' l 111 11' ,I [ :"> tl11 · 11•111\(' •I! 11 t > ll :. t • • ' • I t t l1t· ('hll·r 1i1 l11·1'nlll•' \1.,11" l(ll \ 11 •' 111·1 ... 1d1'lll '"·I ~., II 1111·!-\·l··ll · 1 .111d 111" l.1r11il\ 1,11o1\111 11\ \II• Duck Slaughtering Termed 'Normal' Prices /11, Rare 0 11n., 0 .. ,1, '"101 ~••It . \ St il 11 · I" 1'1l :111d t ; .11111 · I lt I "II I 1n.·1tt 11t l111.•I 11:1-.. d1·,( r1b1·d I i.u1 I 'nllll1 I'\ :--\,. l.11 I , dtl• \,. l'1·d11•·l 11111 \\J'11gru111 ,, .... 1 11u111t,il ll1111i.: 11,.\ ..,,11,\ 1 I 1 ""' ' ,<I I'"" I 111 II 111 ! !II\ 1 .. 1111.>!I< ,. \111l11lu· l.111 ('.q11 \\ dl1.1111 :-.111·111111 "I Ill•· \loldltl<' l'l"l•·<l11 i11d111·1<1tl!!I l h1 · .i,·1J.111111.·111 -, 1 •HI~" 1,, ... 11 .. trH'1' !'Ul\111 11\l'd ll .. +1 11111' 1d 1\1 -. "" .II dl'll" II .1-. l•l't'l•l'lll .d l.1..,I \\.('1•1...., 1·1111 t1n1,.r .... 1.1l h1•11\ 1n l,:q,,:1111.1 !lill-. .1t1d lb.Ji 1111 111id (II ' p1'tl!t·,·t1•d .11111n;il.-. 11vr1· l..tl!<·d l l11\1t•1,·r i'li .. 111 11·1 , '\t·11-. 11• l'llJ'll't' \\,!\li t' .'->.ill 11110 ... 1· lt•lt•\1:-h•tl r't'J)•>l'I ..,11111'd lh•• !'Otl 11·11\'t•r ... 1 ~1.1 11d ... 111 111, 1111µ111.11 .. t .. r \ 1h,.t th" H~t d 111 k., .111d 1111• I .1hli11 .., II l" l' ,l,1ll•·li'1I 1•d 111 111\.tt .11 11,.11111-. 1 .. ,, hu ri 1111~ 11.L I \.I :-ia11 1o1 .. 1o:z .i111 ,,d1H~·d ,111 111 1.·1111·\11 \11\h .• d1,;•r11111ltol I Lull ~ ·.1111111 1' ,. 1n pi•, 11 '• !t •1 I " I I 1 • \· ' 11 11 ... !l•l li·· .. 1. ii' I ii• i ol • ' t I • un--ri.,11 ... i'11,1,il , 1./.11 '' I 1<ll·il!t11-. .+lllllLil .., \ loii. ,,, I '('I ""II 1\111 1' q•I :-.Ii. 111111 '\l•I • I ii d.ioihl lli,il Iii< 1.1111,I 11,1 • .Hill• 11 h1\l,.,I .1"1111 l.1•n1 1'11111111 , 111111 .•1 111 1·1111•1>11 1:.: iii" 1.11 ' I I 1' ' "Id 1 h'. I 'I hill\ d I! d .. I "'HI d I ,1!)1 .•1111 1h.t! I\ ll,1• iil<);1lhd rn•·.111 111~· Iii 11 II h.1d ),.., 11 d1".1d 1•11 "'"II\•· 1111! < ."".11 , 11.I 1IL11 h• d1d111 l,11111' l.,1 '1111 \\!••lfl•'I \)t, l.1 hl•l( 1\.1 ... 11111 .. r l'I' kvd 11pull IL1• ru.til 111 -.11d 1!11· •'\ ld••t\I'< 11 ,, ,,,f,.r1·d fi1 ,, I H·ll 1',11111\1 1 1•111 1•l<''t .111d II· ,I\\ »f•',l•lllll .. q11t (!'11\!l ! 1 .. 1 I Pill IJ I "!I" 1..t, .11 Ill,,' I I ! I I 'I ' " I 11.' .<II' •11•1 II I'" I 1 I >' ' H I ' -.1,11 •d I " ~ 1." 1. ""I ' I' I I I ' ii f 111 11 \\ t 11: 1 !lnl T,l ill /'ho 11 l !\I' 'I t' ' I 1111 \ L .1 d ' \. I .1' 111 I\ I I ... 1.1 '' \\ ,:l< I t' I' >I t,1111111. I " • I I I 1. " · l. I " II 1 'I I I • ·.• 11 \j•I• .. 1·ol oli II' <I < I' II !I , l 1 I I 1 1 .r1 I •II "lid '•I<• 111 "I th1•11 1•11111. I 'ii. 1!.,I\' \~ iltlill• •I 1 • I" , • , ' I I I• ,j I, .<t!\l I ,illi>1I .., I t /i , I 1 I 1 I • , 11 • ' ' " I 1, ,. ". "1 il111. 1 .. \1<" 1'11 ... ldo 1.1 ' I i.11 t h1 '\ dt I IP <I I"" l'U!ll fH\ I'\..,, ,1 I 1 P•'tll!l~ ,111 111• • d111 1•1l" nl t "ll1 1: ,.,, ''' I " tt g•• t I TENN IS. • • 1111•11·i.d I.I! !il1 H'" .u\d ,tl \lh.d lt·rrn-.. :-houlil i,,. .dl111\(·d 111 ('11.\ p.1rk-.. .\ ;..'.t'll('l'll l P(llll'I ... t.1\t'lllt'll\ l'tl · c·1 11 1r.ig in)..'. "'u"ll 1li ·11·lup1n1•111 s 1 .. nn 1\.., \\ ;1,1 111 1111' !'\JlllH'll a11d \\ 111 hi · {'(I TJ,SHlt'l "ii .l ,1)) :!H ·r~ll' pnl11·1 r11 .. !ltt·d li1 !ht• l'fllll !ll\:-... 11111, h u\t'C\cr, It.iii n11 ·"llt't'1 r1<' pro v i!'>HlllS 011 ll".l:-.1• t11 1·rns ;ind iln1·:-; llOl deal \\ 11h t!H· •jlH' ... 111\ll 11! \l ht~th f'I' l'tJ tllPl'lll\~~ 1•r11pq:-;d :-; s h<1uld b1 · :-n111.:ht As d 1·;-;cr1hl·d 111 th 1· 1·1H'' n1issinn po lie,\. aJI0\\'1111:: pr11·;dt' t'llll'l'P l'isC'. nn 1hl' pohl11· p;1rkl11nds ha:-;1 dn;il purpo ... 1• 11 \\'Ot1ld ~!\ t' rl· .. 1dt•11ts d c:.1rC'(I comn1l·rt·1:d rt·t 1·1'at111n f<1cil 111t·"' JTi llC'h s11n1u'r· th;1n 1:-. 1·.1l lt•d (pr 111 I r vine ('n111pan .1 pl.in . ., 1\ll d ll1nn;!ll\, 11 .,.,.<1uld pt.,1\·uh· t'Jl:tl'<i lll('n1nl' fron1 l<•us1· p.1~ n1cn1 .... "'111 1·11 \\'Quid l't'diut• lht• burdl'n of p;1rk 1n;1111!1"naru·1· n11 lil XllJ) ('I' .... Gilr.Y J>.il z<'ll . forn11·r plannl11g C O Ol 1)1 \~I' i 0 ll l' r \\ ti o 11 ti IV r t•µrc11t·n l ~ I ht• l .. i \ t'I' r•;1n t·rs1n1 fi rn1 .... <i HI h t• \\'11uld bf' ot I 1 •11d~·d 11 the c11 \· took tll~· 1d t'11 11r1g111;1!1·d tJ.v his ·f1r ni :ind sought l'Plll j)l'lJ l1Lll1 . !!Hltl!ll•'"' .[,.llll'. I!'.• dl • lldll .111d 1111l1oil1 :.11 .111 1.,. .. , ht· ... .11d I l.d I i'll'"'''I \< .., !1 1,q••I )'"II 11'1 11 I I" t'\••\ I!,\\ iii! .111.J < lod 11' 1 I' ,J .11t1111.ii " ,111d IH•l I' d"11'1' 11, ,I 11 I 111 ;1 I ' \\ 11 I. h 11 .I \ '' 11 \_ ' d.i111p .. do11;11I1"tl ( ••1111111 lJ111111\ .111d I 1 .. 11 I "11111 1 1<'11 ·1·1 11.I! l,11\ Jl,.1i I 1iHd1•\ i"llD:, <I 11111 Ill.it .111111• ·•111110 ,d ,..,11 ,.1 1.1·1• !Lu11..,1•il•l >d \.i i ll'I\ .!•1• I,, .111d 1 ,,I l}Jl~ 1111' il<''l'1 1101.111]-. o>I I" II htc !i Ji,1,\ bl'' 111•1•' qt!" I'·• I .1' lil (Ill llt 1 ... '1'1\1•,\ It' "'I' I. I I) 1' ',•II l 1 ~ I!\ .111d 1111·1 I ''""! l1l·1,· ··' <',II up I J11· <>11·•·1 o: ll •,,I .... 11d <J111 11r; .1ol d111' .1 " I• ,1Jld l~.dllil ><I '"' ' '1'!1 l\11•1_ IH't'.IU:-1• lh• ' .. 11 ··I ·· l•ll>d \\ 1l h I 1 I\\ I ,\,I I I , I '1 T I t '" : I 11 t ' dt•( \d( ii 1" h.1 ,I, 1 <'I \I!" 1 I 11 I, I " "1 Ii< \ I I I • I I 1 , n I H · ~ ll.11 11\ "II ii I'' I' I •]11 1111• ol 111•"1 ii 'I I I I , Hors e Ki //,,,/ Bv Tr<1i1 1: • \ Ii' . I I I I> I I ti.'"' .... •( ': I l I 11:.111 ]! ... .t ti. 11111 J·. ), Ill i.:h1 .1 I ·' ...... 11 •. J 11.J 1\ ( '1· I 111111 11! '/'p-l1 1\11 • I!· \,.ii ·old i.:vidu! h• 1 ... .i ~ .. Ill ,1 (l'I\ lllllllh 111 ~ f., '• • 11 :1 . I\ .1J\1: t i• l .ll ,,, ·l 11111tlil111l1thl .'->.11 \t I I' ( l ll. ,. i 111.11:. .. I 11 I I .!Id ( '!1.11 ' ' ! .. 1 ,11.:•t \\1id \' '-> .. I 11 Ii I I 11 I I . I \ ' J: I ; I ' I" 1 11 I I< I 111.., l.1 ~ I 11•1 11 • 1 I I I I 1 ' I • I I " I ' 11 11 , I 1111 l'.11 111• \ \I ! I! I .II .l11u l .,q 1,ll Ill" I I ' j 1( 11 11 ' I I• I 1.. ' I I .. ii \ I « I 1 " 1 I • · I I j " , ' 11 q11 ',111" d i11 l'l'' ,1 ,11,•! l"I 1 1·d l1oil• I • • II• ii 1 .. ,l11J1•' .id tio· Iii•'' I 11 I t,dl!\ lli1 .dHll\,1[ j, I·.+ 'dll• Ii tir 1dl, 1111! t lu IJ q 1.i .. 11• d 11" h11ll1·d .11\d J•1d .i .. 11 11 111. 11.11 l11•lnJ'1• !h1• t>!I ( •lltll!I, I .1111 [11·put11 _.., .,.1d !) , '" • ·-1!\JI I., iii lh1· l1.1 l1l .1• I! ,....iH11p• •l lu•[ II t't n t Ill· It .I\ k ~ .1Jld ·' h1 • ~ \\ ti) ,j[ .I !">lt\I pl.,1 •"l o'Ji HJ I I " Hn.1d rh.·\ ~.Hd Iii· ll"I ' \' d1•(',q11l .t1•·il < HfH'• r:-.. ;11d .l.irlf· .. 111• i-.. d111111 .111d l\t·;il .1 ... 1h1 • 11,,1,.· ... lll.iT1 t:l1 .I h!!d\ 11,1. ... 1•'1llt'\l'd l1o1111 1111• trark ... 111•! 1\., :-,1,l•lll' li.1 n 11 •• 1,.1, 1 [d h 1 ltl Decline \\\.'->Ill.''-(;'['()'\' f \l)J \\ h•d1·.,.t1 ,· pr11·1·~ dct·lnit•<l in I 1,, ··11!111 1 l11t th1· 111'..,1 !lnll· 111 ! I :111oi,\l1 1 lu· .~·1111·rnn1t•11l r1·po1 t , .1 1.,d,11 . l'lu\'ti\111).! furtht•r lt\ 'II\ .!\1(11) •d :-11 0\I J!l,.; 11111.lt!(ll} 1111· I .il.01 l>t·11;1r1 m e11t s;11d ,1, • 1111111~ ,1)..:!'H'\llltlr';il prl!'l'" 11,•Ht 1h.<11n ll:-1·I ~1 . .,n1all 1ncr~<-1 sv 1 .. 1 111 .!11 111.il t'l!ll\llltldt\ll'" 1._. ... t I "Ji\I\ .i' "1 1'1 .ill \~hlil t'~.ilt• I'· II ' 11 II lilt' ti·1111i ... 111 il P<'I' , • 111 11 11 .1 ... 1li1· t1r..,1 d•·1 l1nt· :-In<,. 11 , , , 11 II •111 1• i.·111h ul .1 p t·f't'L'111 'P (). 1Iii11 I l ~fj';i ! 1, I 1', 1 )H· I lt·1 ,·1nll1•r d1•t 1111• ·I< .d• 1·11<'t'"' l•1r \11";\ \\l·1·1· 1q1 I I I I I 11' lht' IHJ,!1-'.t''' .1nn11.d " 1, 111•1 pr1l'1·.., l""'1' .111 , •,•II .i. l~l\t; 1111111\\ Lil,.'. lilt· t:lld , ' \\, •1 !,! \\ .11 11 pi 11··· 1·11nt 1, 1l.., l 11·· 1 • p111 l p1111 l~l<·d .1 d11:-t' n1 'IH "ld ·'·' n11·111 lll! l'rl'"H!l'll! I•., d 1 Ji,. il1·l111·11·d h1., :-ltatl' ol II• I r\1••11 Ill• ..,:-.1i.:1·tul'11ngr\'"'"' '• •11 1111 11 111 1 .111.i11 ... 1 ... ,,ud tl1t· d··· l1 1l1' 111 l\holv .... d,· prH't·:-. 111 1111 .11.·.i .1l11 ... 1h111~1111ht'11illl!ll\ ... ll ll.i!ioll\.tl I I .Ill' ,1.., !ht• t•!fi.:1·\~ 11! !/.• , , 1 , ... 1u11 :-pl'1.,1d thruu~h th1· " 11 " I I I I If ,. I 11 , I I I ,I I pl II ·1 .. i'():O.l' ~5. lo \)t' l .1 1111 p.1 .. 1 \ t·;1r \\hilt• pr!Cl'" 111", ..... ,d 111 .. d .... ind J't!c d .... ,, ii .~" ~· pt·r1·1·111 l·'.irrn pr" 1 II• d11!pJH'd I !I IJt'l'l t•r!( 11111• Ill I Ioli t 1 •. ,, 1nl11·1 . t.1r 1n pr11rlu1·1 ... 11• 1! 1] lfo 'll't'tll, JHUt'l''>:.1•1t nd i.·,•d ., 1\1'1 •• Uu .... n I > 1.1 .111.i 111du ... 1r1,I\ pr!\•""' '. 11· i"'ll'! .ill\ ll!t·r1'.lSl' 1111 .• «11.ill· .td)ll'ilt•d h;1. ... 1, l1•1·•·d. 111du ... 111;tl 1·11111 .1 .. I t'.1,1•d \\Ill !t•nth-. ul !II• ~111,dh:,t 111<..!'L'J •' •t .. ,,.1 ,,n , I 1 I oJ I! t' I fl I I I ,I '' : .. 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'\'.) 1l 'l 'i l St\ II' 1tlh1 I .., td ,j l.111111\ l\t'l'l' k1J]l·d .o11d l>ll!' \\ .1 ... t'f 111c:1i'I .\' 11l]Ul'l'd lo d 11 1\ li"n .1 pl'•' d ;1\1 n t1rt· cu1 t1 ·d 1h· !l l'\P tor\ !r.tn lt' horne 'l'h1· 1• 11111. \\ t'l't' t1..·nt:1t1\'l'l~ i rlt·n '11 .. d .1 .. l•'d11,11tl ,\l.1ph1•\, :ic;, :1 .111•, <'\! < 1111\l' ""1th ;t IJOl1Jt '1 1111'1 ll1 " .1ur11 , Mary l\1:1phct. .11 • .i 11!, 1 .. 111' 1 luld11·n F.d11 ;1rd . h.11t1l1•1'1l 11 , l ';d rici;i , 9 . .ind !· I 1 .I 11111 Triple Tragedy So1i A.\'.C."i Pa re11ts, Kills Self l•l'•'"'ldt'ti1 .111.I lt1 I\ \..111.·d h1 !ht II In\\ 1•1 I 111•,il.11 p11l1•··· .... 11.t \'. I:' ' , ' \ _] \ ! 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(l 'nrn n1unl!\ ,,,,..,,. l·.ut11\ .tl1·111 1.t·\'t'I \lnl' a111111.1 i.:111111 \ 11ft1t ' "' S\'\t'/1' :nr1•r.111 l\Pl'I' 'l'h1· 1•11 I \1ant.'<l th1· 1111111 .'-t't <il th·· "' l ':\'1':1. lt11 t· \1huh J1\1n•' 1"11 !<.Hl ••t :-:111 lt11Pl••! .d1l1 .I\ 1•r .1; t' 1101~l' h·\ 1·\ {'1!\' ,\tlHl ll"V .l.11111•-. 1·'1 It k -..<1 11 told l h•· , •1111h·d tit.II 1111• 1·1q11 1111 ... ,,11>11h.1d1;',l1''11 'd lilt' .1d\111..•1il it-.. 11\\!l .dl'!+lll'\_, .1 111.il .... 1111 Jlld~1· '".111d !!iv pl1'.1d11\~·.., id .ill \\ h ll l".I 111 t' ht•li ll l' 11 !·\·1·lt11~ ll1,1l J1 '\ Ill\', ,d.,rJ;.t II II ii 1J(!J1•1 l'llt1•-.. li,11! 1\1 •1,_'ll 1h·111t·d .I 1·li.11l!"' [<) l'\llfl':.:-l .. "i \\ 1 ... 111·;-;. LIH· t'• 'lllH'l I ... ell! 1[:-, pt' 1t t•;-,1 'f h1• l.t( J, nf ' II I (''11 1111\1 •11 ! .11d l°<Hll\l'll!ll,111 l t.•1111 l/111 ~·11·\ \\,I" .1 "J-.:rt1..,.., I 101.ill<'ll Pl !II•· ('"Ill · n1i ...... 1on 's <'h;1r11·1· ,\ddl1 l<ll!;dl1 . l "ll!ICii 1111 ·1t1i 1l'I.., 1·.,1nl'L11111·d th.it t11ilu1.· •ii tl11· ('Plll!lll,.SIC1rl lo 1111·lud1· an •'II \ll'Oll!llt'Jl!,.l llllll.11 I lt'l'<l!t Ill .1 dt•11..,1()11 th.n .i 11·po1l 11 ,1 .... 1111 111·1., .... ..,:1ry \\Jlh it;-; pl ;1n .. \\,1 .1 \ 1ul.1\toll nt lih · l'.dl11H 111.1 \·.n \ 1runm1•11I ;d (licdLl \ \1 t ·r1i,· 1·0111 1 n1:-~••1t1 ti.1 .. tlh· ,,1111. 1''1!llft)I:-. t)\1'1 d··\1•!.•l)ll!t'll\ Ill 1!-. Jllr1-.d1c lL•1n ,1 11<1,--. 111<·,d ·01, 111 111('1ll 1\11,\ d1,,.·\'L'l"111·1 ... 111 ... l11n :.: 1 .. htuld I\ 1lh11\ Thi' p!.111 111111: 11<>1111 d,11 '\ ... ,·\ h\ lli··. 111]\llll ~ ... 111 11 11111 -! l't't<·1\'v 11 .... 1pprq1;1I t '111 ,,.,111 ~·1[...., hn\l•\1 '1 , 111:11<1\1111d.·1li1· t'nll\111!..,.,llJJ\ :-, dt'l'l..,LUll:O. I\ /\Ii ,1 ltllll l1llll-.1!Jh'"' Box 's Deatl1 Ruled as S11ff ocatio11, \ 1-: \ 1 ,II .,Id I.Pl!. I',. ,1\ h \1111111. \\f\,,~t· IHld1· !1nd,\' \\,• 1 .. u11d !ln.111111-: 11tt S1111 ... 1·t 1:.-.11 Ii .l.111 L .qq1.1r1•1 1t\1 d1t·d \\li1·11 "'' !llt'"lh' h1·ld Ill ~ li• ,1.J Ill 1111• ..,,111d 1111\i\ lit: .-.ll!l"1-1l"•I 'I I\\· 1)1 ,11\J..:t' t'otilll\ c·,11 c11ll 1 nllll t' '1'111·:-.d.11 ... .11d .lnh11\\11 11.1111 L l·r.1 ..... l"7,Uit•d 11! [1,11111:.111~·-..111 lt1\'dllUll , .tlT1 I :"-"11\l'•lll•' ph~:-.lt,,dl: .,!J\Jll'd lit., l11',1d 111!11 th•• :-:ind l 0 !Jl'lll\l I' .... lllll\l'l-.. .... 11d ,I 111111d1·n ~ll J \\'111!' .... :-.l.1h1-. 1 .. 1111.i 1'.1rn r11.·d 111111 °l h1 • \11'1 1111 ... \,,n\1 lJ 1 !it:-. .1 ........ 1i1,JJ1 \ 11 ,1,11 I < 111111<'• I 1·(! 1\111! 1h. d1·.11h .ind .qq1.111 n1J II .i :-p I ,1 \ 1' •I t I 11·1 l' , d I • ! I 11 d 1• d P ull•'t' 11. l.11 .. ,\11 l'll" .11io! l)!'JJlf.!\' l•'IUl1\1l'~ hl'ht I' \,t'I ,1 dt•J\h rn.1\ hl i1111n ... ·111·1I I•• :-1•r1i::. llf \n I lr.111,!t' l·,,.i l .i11.I Suu!h1·r11 C'.tltl111111.1 flp11p1 ... 1•\11.1 lllUlll.l\lPI! 11\lll d• I \ Hl!!ll\ll ,!).'.t1 !lit• p,H \1.dl\ 1 l.1ol h(ul\ •d .l.illlo () 'll•'t'\t \'I ,.; {'I }I I t'-.. ~ I\ ,I ' d I l "\ I I • d .1i1•t\tt'\d1• ,I 11>!1\'l\ !I\ !1 !l 1J1 l'.,11 1 .. 111 ,1 Ho.id 111 11 \Ill• -!'lit 1 • 0111'1 l\.1-. 11111 \l'l d Ill 1111111 ii 111 ',Ill I'"' II!' ill'.iill \ ll t l for ,11 11 )i \\ .1"i f1•!11ld \•I l1ud111 1: 11o1111 H1('\• 11 ... t1 J, .111 111~, .,1111\t' !iPllll\\.\t 1t\\1· 11;'.il"' t•I "Ii' <'11\.!1•· 111· d1·.11h •>I H·' \I ..nd [., r.i 11,·1· 1!J. \1,,1h •d 11 .. .1nlt p1 •1.., .. 11••r1·•1 ,,11 l)ffl• ··1 -.. .1n l !Holli Ho·, 1v-•. dl•I I I ' I .I ... 1. "d Ii\ ' !• ,. \ \).I I I llP l\1 ~t<'d 'l'ht' lll!lld•· ll ,J\l' \il•• ;: I l·•11nn111nlt\ ,111,1011•, ,111d ·' 1 .1111 f';Hl!ll !' h1 •1 n:: l.11111• h"d I n I I .1111 hnn10 .-.1·\u,1l -.. 1h.11 .i r11.1 11111rd(•r1·1 1nu\ 11,. .11 l.11 g,• Official Says Gay A s sistant Rel1ahilitated 1.l)S 1\.'\'G F.L l·~S ( ,\ l'l -C'oun1 ' S11p1·1 .,.1..,1lr 1·'.d l-'.(h 'l 111;1 11 "''1.1 ., ,1 h1 11nn..,,•-.;:11.d h1· lu1···d !11 rt'\>l'l';-.11111 t h1· 1-:a.v e on1n 111111!\' has h('l'll "11· h ;1 h1l1t ;1ll•d ·· •1r' nior;d ol'l1 •fl-.('"i 111 ll!lvini,: JU\'1•11 ilt·~ 111 \\'1.:>(·P11 ... 111 .irHI :'\ €'\\' J Cl':.l'\. "'l'h11st· incu:)l'ltls \\'l'l'C J:.! ;111d 14 1·c ar s ag11." l·:tll·ln1,1n .. ;11d 111 .1 prC!>s l'unl't'l't't ll'l~ ··1 kill'\\' ;1h1111 1 holh. ll f' 11:1., :-e1'\1'd lt1.; t1n11· .ind hu :. b1'\!ll r t·hah1hl;1t1·d " I·:dt'ln1.1n hirt·d ;1 1 ~('.tr ,,i,i 0 .1\ LU I. (;J.1..,..,l·111·k :111 .1d 1n1ni:.lralL\1' ~t.Lfl ;1HI•· Ht Sl ,lllH 111nnth l.1 Young Morn Killed l 'O;\lOll l) i l 'l 'I I /\ ·' "1111 i.: inolht•r \\'u -.. :-.hnt 11nd k.dh·d h.\ hl'r ('.'ltranlo(l'd h11 ,.:;hand '1'11c!-.d.11 \t hill' d t' \l 1·1·1·\nr.L ht'l' d .-ll I! ht r r 1 n .1 .;1•honl. p c11 11·(' .,a1il 'l h·· 11 1·11 111 \1'11~ lt\11 th\1•1·11 1\nn S\;111Jl'\. :•t. \!1·r hus hanrl i ;1·rodd \·' ~l ,1111<'1 :!!I, uf P ;Ui•l U nlit.~..; "'a" ;1rr~·'°'l•·d in Plt>asant l ldl<th.df l1ourl;1ll·t ) j ~· i \ I ; .. . -- Huntington Beaeh Fountain Valley LlJITION * VOL . 68, NO. JS, I SECT ION S, 74 PAGES • • CIA Bares '71 Plot to \\'1\Sl l l !'\(:'fll\. 'l l'l 1 I '!\ ))1rt•(·Lo1· \\1Jlh.1 111 I·; ('11 lli1 111d,11 d1 -.cl11,,•d th.11 ,, lon;;-.l.111d 11q-' t '].\ !'-lllLI ~·1 · n1l<1111 11·d !ho· ;11.;1•111·\ Ill \!17] .111d tt1-;~t1I .Ill ,dl1•:t•d ]'l"! 111 1..111 turnlt•t \ 1••' l'11•..,1d,•11 t .\)-'Ill'\\ ;111d )..1dtl.q1 ! .. 1 nlt't ( 'J \ d111·c !or li11·1L t.11d lh·l t1 1-. 111· :d ... u ;11 ·l,1111\1l1·di.·•"I !<11 th" t11 :-.l l1111 1· lll.1l lh1· ... p 1 .t).'.•'111 \ -..1·1 up :1 l'llllll!1·1 11\l1•lll"1'IH'•' 11111 1 111 l ~u;7 \\'h11 ·l1 i..:.1lh1·1 l'il tll,·-. .. n lll .OflO \1111•111".111 c11111 •11-. 1111\ II•' d1•111o•d ll1;rl lh1• .11·(+11!~ \\.1 " II IPg:d . \-., ,1 l•'"ld! qJ lltt· ,dl1·g1·d [IJHI .i t.:.111 1~1 \g 11t·1\ .uid lh·J11 1 .... l'11l11\ ... ,11d, tlr1 • ('/,\ 1·.01111 •d 11(11 p!r1 "IC'.d .... \II l1•rJl,Hl1'1• !II \110 \tlll'flt'.HI 1'1111 '"' .!li l'I .dt•I !ltli,: 1,.1t h 1111· 1-'lll .uutS~·t·1·1·1 S1·1\11·1 ( '11J h \ d1 •J11 \·d 111 ,d :111 1 ... 111 h oil 111 11 \ ! "11 Id lu• 1·l .1-.. .. 1! 11•1 I d" 1 lli·g,1 I dolflll'..,111· !!llt·lltt-:1'111 t' ;..:..dl11•1111 ;.:. .... 11111i.-: 1!1.tl .di 1·ur11·r11 {'I,\ .u· I 1\ \l it'."' .11 i.' 11 II h1tl tlr1· 1111111 -.. 1JI I I~ 1•h.1l'I1'1' 'J'lu· .) 11-.[ 11·•· 1J1·p.11l1111•11I :--.1 1d '!'111 • ... d ;11 11 )'.t\t' Jh,• tt :ltll('" iii tll•H t' !It.II! ](11~~) \11l!•t 11 .Ill di.,,, I d.·111 -. !"!lie i 'l \ lllll llh• 11~1 11.i:-. .1pp,111·11ll 1 diJ!,•1 1·111 l!•fllllll•'iHh· tJi ,, 1p,.,., d t ,, I ·.,JI!\ J,.·l 111, 1111 .. 11I1 ' "1111 1 l I I I•., l 'ull11 -..i1d lh .11 "n \11 : I, 1•11 ., l h1• l 'l \ v-.l,d1l1 ... tu·il .1 '"ll11lt'l 1rllt·ll1:.:«lll I' 1>ll11 t' lu lu11J., 1111" 1111 • l "'~-.1 h 1Ji t 1 11j lqll'I ti 11111.,.., t" .\11!1·111·.111 d1-.-.1cl1 ·111 1·1 1·1111·111-. '['hc p!'":'l.1111 11,1-, 1•1\.!1•.I Iii \L1r1h 1~1.1 In Ill•· 1"111 -.1· 11 1 1111 \"" ~f.ill l. ('pl/11 -..11d , !ii·· .... ,,,.,,. 1·-,J ,1lil1 .,li1•d "11 ;11111111 1(1 UIH I l 111/1 11-.. 111tho 1'11)1/dO'l ll!ll'lill'_!'(H t l!lill I "II•\ , ,II • ,, I 1 l"l;.L""'l,1l1 •!llo•!\1 l•1 !l1> nlll ••11111!111 ••••-i1·lo.11.i11 ltd 1Hc: Iii.ii lho t'\ \ 11.1 1l 1.1d1· ~•itllt• llll'\l.!l-.1 111!1 oj ),· .... ud ,I/)\ !Ill I,,).., Ill It' j 11ll1 '![llt'll\ .llHt ... 11•11llll l'tl !111111· ·' 1lll ... ('1111l'<'flll\lll .. 1111< ,.,1 .. 1it .. 111 -. .. 1i .1 11 ··r 1111\1 -.l .1\1 llh 't\l .l . .,(h\ .ii "" :-..11d ,I ('! \ 11 111'\I -.i1u111•d l h.il 1111· .1 't'l\('I t.11 •p .. d lh• l1·l .. 1•t1 .. 11 1·~ "l :.!1 l ' '> 11·-.1il1"1\I .., I,, 111 1 < 11 !'t.J! .11\d \:u;,-, h11I ll!>ll<' l I\, 'l'l',l I I 1' I Schools Face Crisis Bankruptcy Fears Hit Huntington l~y l'\'l"r\·1~1 H\.1-'.l"I' 01 IM o .. 11v P•IOI ~·~II '!'he 1(11111111\;,1<111 [{,·.H I\ ['1111111 111).!h S1·hu11I t>i .. 1111 ·1 \1 ill Ii" h ,1n)..ru p1 111 lhr1•1· 1 1·.11 ... 11 ti 1·h1 11l:-.t'" 111 lnuld ,1 Ill \1 '\I. 1111111<>11 hi g h ,.,,·IH•PI .• 11•111 1d111 ~ I" "ih' ht t.:h ·I' ,ll\k ! I Lg .111 tllltll..,11 .11• >I ·r111· d1 .... lr1 1·1 1l11 ·111,·t11·.1ll1 \\Ullld ;!II Ill 1ht• 11 •11 ~1.1 ,/oi :,1:1 Ill l!J77 IX ;111.J ~.-,.111~. l.»I 111 1!17,-.: ,:1 .1 1·t'pOr1 fr11111 .... _ .. 1-..1.111[ ... 1q•1·11 1ll•·11 dvtl\ l\11h .\l,111111 111 ltll -.1<'<'"' :-,1\11\\l'd '1'111 '!-•l.1\ 1•:\l'll 1r 1h1· il1 ~L111l ,[.,,,.., 11 .. 1 ]u11!fl lh1· hl t:il :--t•l111(d . 1i11l\('l t'I ;nln11 1H ,,lr:1!11r" .• •. 11 lli1• d1 ,l11t·1 lle111l in .foi11111f I.rt l'" h ,111 1-.r 1q11! _1 \1,1 I 1111 h:1:-.1•:-. JL1,., jll '• ll'I 11• •II:-. oltl .111 11 11ll1111k 11 •1 11111r1· :-.lud1·n1 -.. 111"'" :--1.dl .ind h1 ~·h,•1 • .d.irr.• ... 111 ,, ..• r ... 111th p1111t11-.1· lo1 11<1 hq . .:hvr 1vl1'IHh'"' 1•1tlu•1 !11>tll lh1· ... t.d1· <H'(o1 ,1\!.1 ,p.rll'l"'. 'l'h1• ... t.1lv ... 1·<pi.rl11111 ·..: ..,, ti.i.,1 1111.1n1·1· J.111 ;-;1'. :Mr . 1:--\''1'1'1'll•d lu \;,l\1• 1ht• d1-.1r11·1 IH I huu-.1 llt!!ll"' I 111,1! ti·1·-. J'1 11:-.l1't'" t .d)1 '!! .I !-lildl ._, .. ,._l<>I\ Jo1 lll''1 ·rll1·-.d,11 101 <i<'tt·t 111111•• 11il.1l 1111 •1 11ill dn .iliotll !lit' li.•nkr11pl1' q11< .. 1ioin 11r !'hlll!"1 ,1JIO•lhv 1 II.ti <ii l '••jlll\).! 111\li ;111 , n111ll111t·111 •ii \ 111J1 1 :--1uilv111 -. Murder Victim lllOI \' l li,111 ii ., ( .H ll!•\l'>t--. II •"I 1 IH \1·11d,·d t o h1dd 'I'll•· pr 1ni.11 ,\ upl 1u11 ·•Pl'• .11 ... lo 111 · ..,;.111,,J\11l g r1·l .. 1.11.1hl1· 1 l,1-. ... roo111 ... nn lh1· d1 ... 11 1~ I:---.1, I .lltlpll"l'" ,1 11d 1'0/ll111llllll:.., :--11t t10· d1·:..:r1·1• ur \''l•'lld1•d d,1\ ,, l11·1hd \Ill.,! .\ h.1 •.\ qll1'!-IH>1l I'll l1t1-.h·t·.., lll',1 \\t't'k \Id! 111 • \l)l ,11 lli•• d1i l•'l'l'll< l' Ill l '<l;-,1 111 •1\\1'<'11 ,I IH '\\ 111,..:h ..,!'IH">I ;11111 t h1• 11•lut·.11.rlill c l.1-.-..1 uu11l 1>1.1n 1·01t1ld lio · ·1·r,1:-!L'<' l:.ilpli H.i11v1· -..tq.,:,.:v:-1 l'd lh.11 lhl' diltL'i'l'lll't' ltllg lt\ lio • 111d1 ..... 1 11\rll1 •1tl h11! .. 111v1 l1u.1 1d 111 .. 11ll11·r,., ... II llu ,I 11.1111 lllHl'l' ii (' 111111 .. 11 ':.'l llt'" 1111 1·u-,1 .. llt>lll tilt • .1dlll 1111-..11.'1 I+ •II I J I t'll't 111~;.: thl· :-.1·h • .cil I"' l i"lll l'.., h ;u1l,.111pl1·v 1·ll'll Ullt ' 11·.1; llH'-1 1•,• 1)1•1\ll l.-.. .. \J;11l\;,<'I'._ ~.ri d 1111· dl-.1111'1 llll\;,Jrl IJL' 111:-.l' \,, I O'l\'I ! llH• Ill'\\ .-.('l\lh1I p1·np<1.;;d I Ii. 111 ·..:11 111 h1 ·1 I r u:-.\•'l'" t .I I' •I' I• li"l)\l\'\ltlll .\l.1ll L'.~'I S l'llll'l'J.:.1"1J ,j .111 .11l11•t·.it4· 1111 ' llll't'1lllf.;: th·· 1·•••l•lt 111 !\I ••\v1l·r11\1d1ng 11·1\h 1'1· :.,, ,d,ild·· 1 l.1:-.~nu>1n.., 1111 l'.\1 ..,1111•-.: < 11ll)H1 -..o ., 11·,,, tr11 .. 10·1·.., 111·:-.1 ('fhlll'" 11 :1., Iii•' 11.1:---..1 g 1• ol :11 :1...: 1)\l'/'l'ld,· !:1 -.l \.,11·111 ht I' 11hH·li lll)U\.I \i.110' l:0-1•1• :--i ('ll()tll ...... 1':1 ~1 · ,\:!) Ford Says State of ·-·~-· 'l'oda ~ ·s ('los ini,: WEDNESDAY. JANUARY I>, J•//, I EN CE NT ~ Kill Agnew l\1 •1l'.ll1·d tli.1t!l11 t I \••I" I,•' I'd ,j pl ugJ dll\ I" "!'I ti ! !, I \i .J 111 .. r! h1 ·I\\• 1·111110 l 11!1111 :--1 .10 .111d \llU t '11n111 111111 I ,.,, 1111 !• lu•I 111•1•4\ ] !I,;\ ,111d I '1, , .... ,qd lll,11 !" II ),1111\lltoi-1 l lL"l (' !J.1d llt I• I !1o I'll Oii \1•1lJ.11\t'O ' l1.,h1110.1l1ol •1lln·111t d111·1•1t•d ,I ' .llll 1 .II<\ ll"'!ldtt I••! ~· .. 11 ).!11 ·~ {11111\1 1il1111 .. 1,i11 \ 111•11 l · .. 11. ,-,,11d \!..,11 111 l'.t~l 1!ld .. 1 .. , l,111•11 .. 11\ .. 11111 I "I 1 I 1o Id 11 ,\' 11 I ll• ! I I 1!111, Iii lil• ... "I 11dn11 .. \,,1,lllit \i'• 1•10 111d 1. 1d11.q• 1111 ( I \ di. I ' \\, 1 I• Io d 11 o -,., ' I •'I ~4 t I II t' ' I lt I I l+ 1 l ' ! 10 I\ I ,1 II! "' I• t \, .l!I Ill I• ii l.1ti • <' 111 ! II\' 1 I I I t J' Ii o ' II I 1,11111 1 .. 11\lo\ll•' 111i •• 111·r1· llh111 :•1l1 t•J I•· I'. 1 I I "I I I\• 1"1•.! ,111 d th• Ill.Id 01 1 11 .1 1 'I'" lll'.J ·' 11d '"'' 11 I IL I I THE I R ACTION W INS KUDOS FROM TRUSTEES Firefighters Scali Dur h am. Tim Spaeth. J e ll Spaeth 'Suffocated' Union Poor Young Heroes ,\ 17 ·~(·.ir nl d l.un ..: l~1·.11 ·li ~ou t h . \\ ho.-.c 11\ldl· h41d\ '-' ;,.., f1•u nd f11,:1t1 11 g nff :-;u11 ..;1·t Bl·;1i·h .l.tn. ·1 •• 1pp;11·L'rlll1 drl·d \I !it•n ~·" 111t'l)r1l' !!i•]d 111-.. h1 •.1d l!I !hl' -..ind 11nt1I ht· :-.u tr41c:d1·1I •rl\1• 1)1.111 ;..:1• ('IJ(llll l ('11/<H\•'1 ~ 11111('1' 'f'u1·-.d.1.\ .... 1Hl .Ji1ht1 \\'dJi.1111 1.t'rd:-., 17,d11 ·d ul 11.111111:t111 ·:-.11I J11t·.1t1n11 .111!'1 ""11\•'Hfll' ph,\':-l!·;ill \ .. tro11•d 111-. l11 •,1d 111101 l hl' .... 111d l '11ru111 1 ... ullll •'I"' ... .11d ,, \1uod1·n -.11r\1'\"' "-.t,1h." l11 11n.l 1-.1 n1n11·d 111!11 rh .. 1111 1n1.,, 1111111 h' hr." ;1 ... -,:11l.1n1 11.1-..111 cn111u·< I t•;I 11·11h th•· 1h·.dh ;11111 ,1pp.1r1·111I\ \\a ... pl ,1 ( 1·d I h1·11· .1 111·1 111 · d"·d l'"IH·i· 111 l .n ... \!IJ'l'lt'" .n1d 4 'r<HIJ..!\' ('n111ltl•'" lio •lr1 ·\1· l.1·r,1-. d1•,r1h Ol,1\ ll1• l •Hllll't'IL'd \q .1 .'it'l'lt'" uf 1(1 ( 11 .ll ll:t' l .. ,,,..,\ .1rld .... Hlllhl'l II l ',ii 1Jo11 Jll.1 li<1IJlll-.t'\U,rl 111utd;1t1<>11 r11111d1•1 .. \ n111nth .1 :.;o1 tho> p.1111.rll1 "I.id l•od,\ ot .l.1111«,.; ]J l1t't'\l''-l'.1, (/I l'.\ pl'l'""' \\ ""' dl ~i'OI\ t'l'1'<I .don).!:-.ldt•" l"nl'I\ .. 1rv!ell u! H.ir 1;111 l'a H n,.d 1n 11,1110• ·rht· "'11 .. 111·1· lr;1 " 11u1 11•t d .. 11·1 n1111t•d t)i, '',Hl-.1' ol hi:--d l'.rt h \ ll't'\' hr ,IJlt'h 1\.1" lc1t111d I"" 11ud111i.: Ir urn li •:•'ll'..,' Jiod\, J,•,1d 111:..: :--1n111• hn111ro 1111• 1111l':i l1 i.:.ilu1-. ll! ... pl·i·ul.11•• th1 • ill',1\h -. nl 1!1 •1•\1'" .!ltd J,l'l.I ._ \\I'll ' lht• 1\1111-pf lhl' ,!tilt' !'l'l -.1111 HI f't 1'"1111._ Cllll1t't'"' -.,11d l~1!h 111 ·1·11·:--.illd I "1.1 ~ h.1 .J h1 ···n ... ,.,11.1 111 1!1t•l1•:-.ll'd lh1· n 111ril1·1.., h .1\1' 111,• LJ..11 \'O lllllltl!lt l \ ,l ll,IUll.., ,11ld .I 1'.l !Jl 11.11 ;.:n 1.; hv1n :.:. l.n1111·!11 ·d 1•• 11 .1 1·11 h11n1n ... 1·,11 .1I-. 1h .1t .1 n1.'"" 11n1rd1•r1 ·r 11 1.1 ' If,• ,11 l.11 • , • Polic e Take Gripes From Door to Door I'\ h. \ 'l'I I\' t I \ \. ( ' 0 1 ti>~ 0.>oly p,,~, ~l.>tl ll f f 11111 I Fo11l11!,1111 \ .1ll1 I p •il1l·1•1111 •n ... 1.11t.·1I t .1h1n c: 1h1•11 1 .. 111\r;u·I 1·11r11p1.11111 ., d1u1r 1<1 d .. 111 111(1.L ~'. 1 111l lt•lld lll\;, t\11·11 1·111 -.pi·nds lt•,.,,. t.11· l"•lllt' 1•1ol1·•·l1n11 th:11111 .. 111·1,..:hl•111 ... 'l'crr1 ·r :1\1•t't1l·t11 . 11r1·-.1d\·111 •d th1· 1:oun1:1111 \·~lilt•\ 1'oh1·l' (II l lt'Cl'S .\ ... :-1>\'L lllHI! .... 11!! .! "lit lt'I Ir" tn r11plv1t•d ..,1i,111vd l·'11tlt11.t1n ('t•~ISf \\11•11tl11•r ll '1 1 \tc !'onll'r 'l'hu r ... d:t_\. :u · cord in g 111 111,. 11\•atl11·r s rrvi('l'. 11 ii h a t'h;1nl'l' nl .... on11· fog-1u •ar till' ht·:11·h 1 ·~ l:.11· tonigh t a nd i.•;1 1'1.\ 'l'hu1"...;d a~ Jl ighs 111i tl \1) upp1·r 1;11!'-al lhc: 1.lc:1<:h1•s and 1 n I ht• 70s 111 l an~ I l:\SI Ut: 'l'OU.\ Y r/(11//lfJI/ \/f!t/O;:/l/f' plJ/!/1,\llo'r 111111/1 111'/ncr ,\r11d 11 ll'o<: I/It' • 111t•rl11•1inl /1o r111 s,,1t11•1J I ' o/ 111 Vt'SflfJ{lflJ r S oul lo !it'f /11111 "" d11i11 l·lu1rr11·.~ lllaf f/r11r '1' lus .-:ccr1·fu111 lo de;1tl1 .'ilur11, l 1r111f •\I ·······:'\: At Yo"' S..r~><• jl.J 8Mhf\9 fl• L M. 8eyd All C•t1l•r<11• AS C•""' Cor<11r A ll C:l•tt114M 01·11 Como<\ 8 5 C•••• .. o•d 8~ ce .. 111v A,10.11 Dt•lllNtllct• jl\I Ed•le•ul p.,,. A• £<1ttrl•t<1mt<1I 8 )-4 P'•n•flC• 86·1 ,,_ C:I i. H•r••C•IK' Cl 1n1~rm1s.,on Bl 1',nn L.and~rl CJ M~1lbO • A• MOYlt\ BJ ~ M .. 1 .... 1 F"l'ld\ Bo M"\IC Bo• BJ N~llon~• ... .,, Al P1op11 CI l SPOii• 81 1 Or Stt•nc•o~n Bl ~ll>C' M~r ~th B• I lrl1~1\ten 1'11 Tt>t .. eri 8J 4 W•,.t11~r Al W<>rld Ntw• 111 \ . .Jl1 I "l't lid ... :'~1 } .+I+ .!I 11•'1 11''1 d, 1~\ )t1I P"l11•1 jJ1'1•1•'1 ll1oll , t <>lll l'·li'l"t I" .I ll'lHll\ ,ll"l.1t:1' 1d ~;:-, l'•'I I l '"' ido Ill .\Jl'.11\11 fiiJ\'. !lit• C ll ,I I <llHH'd ·r 111·-.d .1\ 111 _111 .1 1•pr1•1•·1 t .1 1h·11 I'" 11 I 1 ;l 1· 1 J t1 I ! h 1• I I I \ ._ I 1 r1· I q.:h 1 t • r ..,. )..; 1 \ 111 l:. ... ;1 l.t r \ lion-. I.., 11f fr Pill '.I ! P•'f "1·111 !<1r l•.i -.1 1· l11~·n11 •11 111 1'.~ p.·r1 ·l·11 1 1 .. 1 "·'I' I , t l ll-. '1'h1 • 11,10 h..t,<:t'. ,1lll',11I\ :11 ·1·1•p!1"I 1111•1 1 IJ1· \\ \'l'h.t•'.111 )>\ I Jrt•llll'll. II\ 1·h1d··-.. .111 H 1 p1·r1•t·111 1.!1•0' .i11\1 111r l 11·1·1nv11 K '.! 11t •ico •111 1 .. 1 l'll,L!lfl<..'l'l -..1..'pt•l'\'1'1111111 llt'\'l•il' 1;11 11..; ;111d !'( 1 p1 •rc1•nl lt1r lirv 11r1• \t'tl111111 -.pvf·Ld1-.I -.. i\ll 11iJI lo' ('l')\l' ;J ll ,uldt!IO >ll.il <l!I \' jll'I !'V t\1 p.11 bo ll:-.\ Ill .\pr1I ,\ fir1•n1 :1 n :11 1111· top :--:d.1r1 !-l\..'JI II ill l'.lfll :-;11,H:t.: .I ~t'at' .dlc·1 ( ~i·t• I' ()I .I(' I·:, I' a).!+' . \:! J Beachgoers Warni, Dry 'l'hl• rPl't•nt hol !'-l)l•ll h1~111q .. :h l 111orc s u n halht'l'S to thi.' •·rt .\' stru nd 1n l l u nt111g lnn l \t',1l'h , hul lhf' <·old \\'all'I' kC'pl lh1·n1 di'.\, .H· 1·u r d111 g lo 1ifC'g u ;1rd r e p ort:-.. AIH1111 HOO Pt'tlplt' \\t'l'l' nn 1h1· h1·:u·h !\lonth.J~ and a g;1111 'l'th '."· <l a ,\·, \\'1th ;1nnth l 0I' :1;l11 ~1rol11n i~ 111 lh1· ~un~htll (' :dong 1111· c·i\.\ pll'l' ;\!or1· than 200 ,·i ~i!or.-, ul:-.o 11s 1·d 1h1· h1·:1<'h ;ind p 11·r <·:11·h r11i.:hl . ,\l :iri nt' S:1f(·1 .\' (Hl1t'l·1· ·1·11n (;ri·;1\'1's r 1·p111't1·d ,\It' lf'tllJll'f;11lll'1•-. ll't'l't' Ill lh•• 111-. liolh rl.1 ,1 ... d 1ht· h1 •.11·h . h111 \ht • \l;ilf'! l 1·!1ljll't ,r1llt'I' \\:!.., ii frn ... t ~ ;1.-1 dt·rrl'('!'- o .. oly Pol<>! 51 .. 11 PMI<> FOLLOWS FORMER B OSS School Districf s M artin • Sclwol A i<l.e Bob Marti11 Quits P osl \ '-I I " Pl I q" I 11il • 11° I, '111 j :, ii • \I , 11 I 1 11 I < ..., I I lo • l I 11 1 o" i 111 I I 1° • ! l 111 I \ I !1 ' ' I o <t 1 I < • 11 I 1 I 11 I" 11 I I 1 11 ;-.,, ' Ii' I• .i I I I I ' l • I I 'I I< ti . I I I I I • I I 1 ' " ' I I " " ii ' I ' ! ' I '">I I l ' ' I I 1 I ,l••<l!l.111• (1\1011 \l iil•I IP 111• ,1• llll •<l lli " ... 11 .or11 -11p111111 .11 do Id :1•1 1111 ... 1110 'I IJ• < .o!lil ! dill .1: loll\,JI ,, I I I• 1 \·l dlo•I 11.1-. lo1·1·n ll!o d1·-ltl!I d1r1·r lu1 •d pl.111n1n· .011.I < <11, .,[Ill• 11"11 \l ,11 1111 1•.lll jol\ll i.111111•1 111011 111 ;.,:loll 1:,.,11 h -.1 q11·111ll1•t11l 1'.ll ,J.11h.1i 111J1 't'111 Ill·· .1dn11111 :--lr.1111•11 Pl lh1· 1:1·1·llH>lll S1•h1H1l ll1-.11 11 l Ill 11n1ll11 ·rn (',rl1l111111.r \l.1rl 1n .. 11 lh· 1h1•t1• \\ill IH • d<'lllll,\ -.!ljh'I 11• 11 ·111!.•111 1 [,. li•.111 •-. I '1•l1 I Union lo S trikt> 1 ~.I 111·:1.I-'.\. 'f l i4)\l .\:0. \\ \ ..... 11 I '\ (;'I i 1 ;..; 1 L. I' I l·\11'd t l1llt'1'd!'.J J11d ,1 I 1 '1 ('"' lilt•Jl1 I II t • I I 1 • 11 ! 111• ..;( :d v nl t hL' L · 1H11n 1-. . ;111d ;1 .... k1·il ( '•ill)..:l't':-. ... 1 .. 1 ,Ill .11111 I !'l'o"'"ll>ll.11 _I P•'t'!ll,lll\'111 1,1, 1'!11 "I :"'>Ii.:. l11lllt!!l ;1 .\t',!I' !<>I 111d 1\1d11.1I ... 1H1 l11p or :1n 111 1 ll1''ol1 .1l1 · .'1:..! l11ll1n111.1' 1·1·ll.11v l)o •l11 "r111~ In ~ 111·:-.1 Sl.111 · .. 1 1 li1· l 111"11 .1ildr1·-. .... 1:,1rd nutl111cd " 111 '\I 1·0·1 ~tl,,lllll' )ii llt'l'.1111 d1 •:-.tc'llt •d 111 t lid \111 0'1 ll .I..., d1 •111 •1id1·tl1 '1' IHl /111 o'l;.!rl oirl fi1 l~IH:1 11 ll1 lt· l·.1-.111~ lh·· 111i1n1•d 1.r!1• 111·u!1h·n1 111"11•11 I l•O lllt• I < !'~"••dtll\ \\ l\ll'll fl.t" HI 1'1 •il.11 !1>\\ 1·11 IJ1.., l"llll'l'I tl \\II h 1111 l.1 I I• 11 I I h·· ··1n 11 l1 .1 .. 1-. ,,1 "111 I IHllH ll \!o • lln1!-. 11111 ~1 11111\ -.11111 l11 111111itl.111 .. 1111111>li!-.· h1 · ... 111I l·'n1 ii .1d 111 111 "d 111-. 1•1· .. :.:r.1111 II.!" 11111 .tltnll.+t'I .llld ll1111ld 1,11 -.1 lhl· 11 .1111111 .d d l'hl fd :".~11 K1 l1 rll1t111 lh1·11 .. ,l ll\l)\o '.ll ' 111 • 1lro·11 .. 111lrn .. .I .1 cl.1r111'" I""' 1 .1111 ln 1 .<l-.1' 1111· p1·11 'l' "I t111 I lh1HllL:/I 1,1,l'"·ll H\ .11ld t"d 1 ·11..,j ~ 111 '·'~' 11111 .. 111 !OJ d1-.l'oflll',1 !..;<' \"ii 111 1lpl1.,11 111\11,· 11 1 111d.11111~· 111~· 0·1·1q1•1illl \\ 1lll l.1 \ ! U1 "> 1111 \1<illl 111.1111 d11.il .11111 1111·-111 0 11 .. .1~,..,.i (",,11 1v-... :., 0·11.111 11 ti 1 \I' I ii 1 .,.,, lh·· p .1• h 1·d ll••t1 ... 1· \1 lh·r·· h1· ~•'!\ 1·d :,:,. 1 l'.11'-.. .. F .. l'd l'l'( :illvd .i llllll" -..h 111 1 l1 :11 \vr 11•' Inn!,. •Ill 1~··· ,1-. .! (1 1".,,/lrll,lll ('llll).!l 1'"·"111.ltl '•j; ,I 1·:11-. \1•.ir-. ,1g11 11 h1·n l '14•-.1d1•111 IL 111 1 .... '1'1 Ill I L ill l'l'IK tl'll'd hi ( HtlC:J'•'·"'' th.11 th1' -.1.llt' 111 1111· 111111111 11,1-. L!' ,. '' I 1 :->1·1· ·r \ X ( 'l ·r . l'al-!1' .\:!' Foolnt>r Appoi.nlt>d \,~I\ 11 !-(';d1•d ()rdll!Cl' I 0011111 .1 S u p«!'' 1 ... 111· I .;111r1·111·1· Sl·hniit h ;1 :-- .1pp11111tcd H1~·h :1rd ,J 1:11ot111·r ol J!1111!111 ;..:t1111 l tv,1t"h 1u th•· t'Ollllt .. \ 1.tlS \.\.<;1<:L1·:s •\I'· '['I\,· lt.11 h"r". l'o1 •;u ·h1 ·" ,111d l';1rl,..,, 111\\I Hlll p1rt11r1· IJJ'(lll'C'11Cll\l ~I .. Ill\ 11•11 ... .i1 d '1'111'-.d ,1 1 r(.., 111 •'1"111 •1.,, 1 ,11,•d 1111:1111n11111:--h ., <1t!l llnr111· .t :-.t1 ·1h,,· th:11 t'11tlld ('111:-.1• l!H• !'11.1111 1\i,.,111·r:-111 \h1· l ,n:-..-\1 1g 1·l1·:-. :1r1".1 l" •1111111 :-.~ II Ill F.io1t111·1 11[' 1.,;,;,1 t'.1 1·011!-1•1 L .1111• 1-. 111,· 1·111.·t l''l'1·11111·1· ol Ii!'\'!. ,11\d pr1· ... 1d1•111 11! ('h.ipn1;u1 1 lPllS!' ( 'orp o t ()1 ·;1111~1· Triple Tragedy Son Axes Pare11ls , Kil/,s Self \ll•l :'\·l'.\t:'\'SJl ll·:.;.; .J ! \l') \ \.1•\\..., .. rh. ('1\\ l1.u1k VII'•' pr1·:-.11!1·11 t ;•nd h1 -. 11111· \\1'l't' f1111111I ;1,,•d to d .. .i!h to 1d.11 .1 pp,1i'l'll\ 11 )..rlll~d Ii\' lht•n ' i.-, \\':1r old !-Oil 1\ho1, l11nht'cl .1 1,.ll t.101 11 :1i.•r 111\1. l'I' '1'11 t•Scl :1,\ .. 1., ... 11,·d hi!-II l'l:--1:--.111d 11 11·1\ 11111lp1·tl 111 111 .. tl1 '.ll Ii p1>l11 ·1· ~:nd \'olL('i.' :-,,11 .11111·\ l11u11d 1111· h 11dro·..., nl I 1i .. 11l.1" -...111d"1 ". 1~. ;1 1 Ii'\' p r1•s1 di·n1nl1h ~· t•'tr·:-.t \.:it1n n;il L'11' l\.11 1h. 111 \l.111)1.111.111 . :ind 1l1 -. \1 11'1· .J ;111u.:£".·l·I. Lil lht•1r hon11: :1ll l'f l h1• h1ul .1ol1111•11 ... 1111 Ii i"\')..:,!..! 11 .•:-1il o·11 11 Cicd curl \ tod;1' . \nlhur ili('~ S1t 0 id !ht' bo\'"H hod\ 1\.1" l1111nd Iii 1111) :-n11l f1 .., :1hnut 11p.n1 .1'tt1'!-d:1.v ;11 th~."h<.1 :-i· nl ·lhv 11 ,d•·r IP\I< 1 .LI \\ .111·!11111;.:. H1•-..1'1'\ ;ti 1°1n • .abot1 l ;1111·1 ~111 h n f ;1m1l1·I1.,111 111-. ll••Jllo' \ !Inti.:-:-;ii:_11vcl bi· \ht• lic1 \ i11d ll"l l"d \\1• h1,l1·d 111' p;111·11t ... h,·1 .1 1l't' Ill' IAl.l!--11 °1 ~1·i11n g .rl111i~ \\ 1l h itJt·111 S~l l·d 11.11'd ll.1 -..h.111:-. • <>I th" .\lou?itai11:-.1d .; Jl•ol i('<' :-.;11 d . l'oll111v (ounil S;u1dC'r s l ,\1 1\~ on 11H' h.1l <"li••11 ll•1•or 1111h th1· ·'' l1•<l l-!t'1 l 1n h\i; ht.·ad. :\Ira. Sanlicrs ,, ,_1:..111111 11 1 1111h1· 1l111111 J.! 1oon1 ' Sclwo l L a uds Tl1r e e Youllzs l llll('l.11 -. .. 1 1ti .. /ltlflllll ' IH I\ 1-:,·.1, Ii l 1t1 11n !!1~11 ;..., IJ,.nl ]h-. 11101 'l110 •..,d;1\ o'lc•d1l1 •.I lii11 l<'l 'l\,l :.•'I .., II 111• 1•1 1'1 l'illill'.' ,I ' ,1 l"i' t1 r1 .II ll11111111i.;1 .. 11 l :t".1ll! 111~·11;...(11 .... 1 111-.1111 l 1111 ... 1. ··~ I "llllllo 1hl1 •d ""1nll ll 111l1.111. I" .lol l :-.1•.101 11 !" .111d 'I 1111 -..1•.1• lh 11 I· 1 l11•l11 Ill!.: 1111! •1!11 .I l'l't ,\!I llio' .ii 1111 0".11np11-. 111!1·10 Iii•· 1"11lh" li,,d !H't'll jd.1\ Ill 11 lllll lhll'l l.!lll lb,· ..,till "I I " l.1 \1,.~.1 1111·111.111 l'.ttrl l>ur h .r11' \,I I ll!\'\' 10111111" ,11 1' l·'.d1-.111 \ 111 !1 ....,,·IJ1•1 d "I ll!lo Ill ·r 111· 111 ' I d'r •l , · , •ul 111 .1 111 It• o l ,1-.pli .11 1 ,111 d "'f)r1.,1d 1,, a I r!l•'k !t.• 1 I,, ol th•,1 1 11', 1'111 · 111,. ·1 '<•llod 1111· I 1v ,111d 111 ... dl!'lll1'l1d 1 .. ,•,11111.:111-.h lhf' ld,111· 11 hli1· t!i1 lll11d \oti lll\ 1.1 11 ... 1 ...... \l.1 111 ... l1•··l I01lllllll\ 11 1111 !111:..:11111 111•.1.11 I'"'''" I ho I "1111 1111 11 -..,1 1.I 1 i11·.1 1 ........ , .i :.1.110·1 .111d -..ind 1111 11t\· 11111111111.'. 111··~ •• 111i •. 11114 ·1,. r1i1·1· .d-.11 hi .. !,, 1111" .1 ~• lln"I li11i11 1111·.: I,' IO '.I! h ,I 11It'1',l lll J.:lll ,Jit'! !:1·!011· lh,.1 Ii.rd .1' h.1111·1 lo• pul ll\••1•,lill_llL'ht•I 111\I..,~' \i11l\l'\·1·r , 1••il1. , •• 111.t l1t1111"11 11111 .·d"n lhc o ' , I \ t' Trial of Keesee Slated in March I 11111< \\ir1• :->1·r1 ic·1•.., :->\\. lllf·~,I \ '!'1 1.d "I -..,·\I .... 11 h•d "'"ld11 1· 111 lno 111111 • l\11!1l 1\ .l"l' l-,v1·..,, o' 1.t 1l11111111i.:l "tl 1 ~1·.u 11 h .... l1t 't 'I\ ..... t li•I \1.111•h IX .• d1111 1-.1 ,I \t .11 h• tli1 d.t\ h1 • 1-. .l t'l'll:-.•'d "t k1d 11 ;1p111).! .1tld hillltl).! .1 I 1•U!l,. l :-., d 1plot1J.1I . h.L't•:-1·1· l<lt'llll'l'l.1 111 f-;-uJ \\':1r111·r \ 11• 1 .. <"h:1rgl·d \\ 1! h .1h dtu·l111 ~ \ 1•·1· ('11ns ul .lohn S l'.1 1 11 •r ... •111. :1 1 l:t!--1 .\l.1r1·h 2:..! 111 ll l'rn111-.rlln , .\ll·-.:11·0 Iii• h.i -.. 1•l1·.1clo•d 11\ll•ll't'I\\ l':1llt't''-•'ll ·:-.11ull1•! r1d1l lo•1l \,.11!1 \1.1 ... tn1111d 11111 1· n1onlll!-l.11 "1 111 .i dr1 \\.1 -.h .d ~u1I Hi 111ilt·-. o111.11 .111°d hl' Ii.id .q1p:111•11 !\,1 lJ l't'll -..l.1111 r1;.:l1\ ,ill!·r h 1 ... d1,-.;11'P••:u·;1110 • 'l'ht• I ll'l\111 .S \\'lft• :t1HI l ;... .11111 \11 ·,1<-:111 :•111 hot'!llt'" 11JjHJ111t•ol .1 ni.1 ... :-.1\v hunt. pr111))pl1 ·d h.1 d•· 1n;1nd ... l'ur '' S:..!:-10.IKlO r.111 -. .. 111 ll·,11!111 ).! l'\ 1·11 111011" a11c1 111•! 1,, dt· 1111•r ti l\1'l'"'t'I', ;II) o l't 1'll 1.1111 •.I r11\-..\1·1·\ 111,11111ho111111"d up ,1-. :n; 11nl1.:-.li·d ci 1·ilL;111 l'tl\\' 11111•11 :-..1ir1 h \'11..·t n;in1 11·l1•,1 -.1·d \111t•r11·.ir1 i.·;q1t11l• .... ll.1d a l·"h 1'.' I r1.1I d ;1 t l' :--1·1. 11rig in:1l l 1 111 ... fl'dcr;dl y app111nl< d .11 lornl.') .. ll1hn L'll>;lr'. 1" 1 ... u.1d1·il 1 · S . J)1:..l1·1l't (.'cnu·t .lt1dl!1' 1 ... ·l.u1d (' :'\1\·ls .·11 lo posl pu111 · 11 111 .1 1·1· fjll{'"' n1.1tlt• '1'111•s tla \ ('l1•.1r_,. \1 ho , l.11111-. r1111t h 1•J:11uh•!-ILl\1• llllt'IL!lh' 11111 1'1\11\\' !11 lq .. :h1 111\d 1111• llld~t· illl 1·arlivr I rial \\ill t•1111l 1!1·t 1111 h .111 <IJ1)ll'<ll'<ll\('I' hl' fll(l-.1 !1 \.1 1-.t • hl'1111 I' Oil Fields Mine d I\ I·: I B U '\' • l I' 1 'I' ht' 111a~azi ne 1\l ;-.,,,, 1 ,1d ..... nd 1o tl:i ,\ lhat lr;1q in ... 1.1ll1·d l'-.:p l o :-.L\'L' eh;1rg('s arn11111I 11 ... 0111 ~1eld ~ ;is \•)11 )..; ago n s 1~1-;·• \\11h lh1· :.1111 u t hlll\\'tl\g lh1 •111 1111 II .1 IOl't'lj..!.I) ltl· '.1d c r l.'\'i•r tr1•·<11111.1)..1· thc n1 I tlh l ""'-..1 1p1o·t1 i• t '"ll!I II· ti.1 ... 11•11 111111' ii ·' II 11.1! 1 1 ... 1~ .tll d d.1 ~'t i ,Hll\111 Ill.I\ '\oilh \" 11 :.:ht 11 ,11 d111i.: (111 l'.1\ ii I H!I t'fl l:-.<1(fl' 1111! h1·0 !'I h.t:') jH t'\ HHJ.,,1 1 t•\.11!!1t•d t 'f \ I ol!l!ll'I' ll•ltl·· I !i1• l 'l \ d l·1111'' .111\ 11111•1\1' n1 .. 111 \I 1th thL' !1111111·1 S.1111,1 .\na !11 111·tn1:1kC'r. 1h· ... p1 11· h1 -. :.'0- 1,.,ir l';l t'l'•'r pt 1xld 1n1i·rr1.r111111 .d .u111 1\1t'"' Ani1nal Roadblock ll 111 \ 1s·r \ < t . 1111 Sh1't'l' ,u1ct li11J.!" -.1•! llp .1 t o.idhlnl'I, u tl h1 ;..:h11 .i i .. !:! :111d 11:1 'l'til'•d ,1~ ·r1i. (·.111111r111.t l h L'.li 11;i1 l'.1trul -..i1d ,I 1f'l ll'" l':lt'l'I Ill~ s l11"'l' ;ind <!11<' (',II t•I Ill).! f\11).!~ ('1!l lidt"d Ill lot).!, ~pdl1 11 g lht' ;1111111.rl" "!llH l lU' 111 ;.:ll\1 ,11 -. ."iTOCKS GA/,, <JN FORD T-1/,/\. !ll'll'('S lllO\'('(\ !-!lg hll.1 l<•\\l'I' lO· d.t\ in 1·t•aelu111 1" P r\· .. 1d t•11 t 1:0.rd ·s p1·11..:1,11n-. .111 cl !-'1)tTil· 111·1!:.il 11 t ' l 't1rpn1 .11 1· 111•11 ,., ·rrad 111g: o n th~· \.1•11 ',,, 1-, ;-;1u1·k E :\ t•hangc 11 a ... ,.,111 _;.;1-..h 1'ht• 1)1>11 .J111l1'"' !lldU!-ll'L:ll ~1 1.,·rag1 ., otl .11 1111 · 11111:-.l't ~nd <1 h1';1d .it 11111l1l.11 "lllll'<l -1.1:11 J.>1)1111 -. t" I .1:: ::!I ))t'l 11111'" lt..•ti :Ltl · 1 :1n•·· .. dn•11 1:n .. ·• ;\!,11 11 1111\' ... 1111-. 11 •'1'•' Jnltc 'd \\h4 '1l 1111•1 h•,11 11°·d 1n\J. U 11l ~IJO I' gl:11ltn\11 . r1'!"H 1 .. d 111\11•r f1 1urth · q ii.1 1 1~·1 ;•.1111111 ·~ ... 11 \:\I .s tock phni ••o•d .. 11 11!1• 111 ·11:-. and the :'\'I ...,j.; hi 11·1!1 11.ill!·d l rad!ns in 1 h·· 1 .... ~11" 1111 .11 ~ .... ,·111111.111011 o r lhe I l'l'Hl'l ,. I Wt d'1•1day U1,,u1ry 15, 1975 Key Economic Areas Outlined \\',\Silt:"<; I'll'\ !.\P i 1h·rl' ;11 a g l~n1·1• ,11'r ~1 ·\ l'l1 ·n1t·nt-, 111 lh1· C{'1l11ur1111· l'!ll'I i.;.1· prug1·:.i rn outlined tud;1y bv l'r l·:-1d1·rll .,·01·d 1n his St all' 11 1 tlil' l 'n 1q11 addrl's~ ,\ SI:! 'f f'n1po r ;1r\ l&i\ 1·111 h 1II1u11 I \Ii '1 ! ,l I, I l! \ I o 1· I 11 f'rom Page .<\ I TAX CUT. • • . 'T 0 rl ,t I , I h .1 I t r l' :-. h Ol .1 II n1£'mh<'r trnn1 1\l1t•h1 gan ... tand.-; \\'hC'rt· l\I r ·rr11n1;111 :-.tood .ind I n1us t :-.:1.1 t11 \ou that t he :-t.1ll' of the union 1 ... 1111\ good ." f<'o1·d ~;nd "l\lill1o n " (11 /\n1t~r11::1n::> arl' uu1 nr \\ 0rk ... hl· ;-.;11d "({('('('~~ion ~ind 1nllal1vn :11·C' l'f11rling th1· llHln1·.v ol n1ill1t1n:-. n1iifl'. l'r1('l'" ;ire t no l1igh :.ind ~:.il 1·s .11·1· too :-.low.·· 1-~o rd 's :1tdl'S :-.;11<1 hi:-nt•11· pro- gr;.1111 11·t1ldd roi1:-1· thC' 1·0:-t nr liv 1 ng t wo pe1·cent u yt'a1· 'l\.tx e:-. ;ind t:1rifL...; 11·otdd add $30 hi Ilion lo fu1·l eo:-.l:-. :incl !ht· ripple f•ffl'cl in h1 ).!hl·r prll'l':-fo r 1h 111g s 1n:idc fron1 pclroh·un1 :i nd l')(•(· lricit y or fuell·<I h_,. thcn1 11ould ,1dd :.i nothl'r S25 hil11011 a 'l'.ll' to the p r1 <.:c :-. 1\nll'rt<·an:-. p;1y. :u: 4,,·o rding to I,_ \\'l llian1 S('1dn1a11. 1-'o rd · s C<"~ i nom it' coo rd 1 n a tor. In add ition, Seidman said. the S950 the ;J\'Cl':igc family SPl'll dS for gasoline. hon1c hcatin~ and e lectr ic ity \\Ollld r ise by $250 lo Sl ,200. A s a "rt•funtl. •· 1-'ord olso pro- posed a ::;10 bil lion redu ction in laxes p;.iid h,v bu s ines~cs -S·I bi llion in ._. tax c·rcdit fo r f1r1n s \\'h ich cxp.:.nd cind n1odcrnize and SO billion i n :1 pcr n1anc11t r cd u1.> t1on of the corpora tion inco1ne t<.1x rote fron1 ,IH 10 12 pcre t•n t . Oil comp;.1ni L·s. ho1,·.,:-1er. \\·ould bc> s ubject to a t1C\V la x o n 11·indfall p r ofi'ts to p rt·1c11t thcn1 fron1 re· ;,1p1 ng undu,~ g~11n fro n1 tht' na- tion's cncrgv troubll'S. l;-or 1ndfviduals. ta .... r alt.'s "ouJd hl' l'UI bv SJI; .-1 billion. \\'i!h \O\\' and mid dlc-i11l'Oll1l' f.1n1ihl'S t.'11JO:'-111,.: n~;ir l y h.df lhl· l 11t:.1 I ~.!\'I ll ).!:-.. .\ l;1111dy of four \11!!1 .i t.1,;d>h· lrll'01lll' nf $111.000 Ill l!fj,-, \\Otdd p:1.1 $j}8 Ill f1•d1•r:il llll'Ul1ll' t~1X(.':> 111:-.lt.•ac\ 11f $81i7, :1 ~a\'1 1~g OI S:l·l!l. ·rh1:-. tax L'Ut \\uuld ht• nn to p of 1hl' prop11:-:1l l·'111•1l d1st·ln~1'l l '.\l 11n d;1\ n1 gllt 111 !1t1.·l1 ·\1~111n addrt'"" tu ·the n ;it inn. ll eallcd fnr :1 1~ IJl'rl't'rl! 1·t•!tat•· tlll il1l'Ulllt' l <l \l'.'-. due u11 l!!"i I 1',1rnings. 10 h,. p.11d 111 :\l u,v and S1.•j)ll't1lhL·r Hild \11th .1 lll <L'\i mlllll l't.•IJ;11l' of $[.flOO fq1 \ll'•1lth.\' t :1\p.1_\('I':> L)e n1ul·1·;,it -.. er1ttl't1vd tilt· pl.in ;_i ~ l oo g t'llt'rqus ln llH' 11 .. :il1h1 but g encr:lll:-''t'll·un11.·d lht• 1dl·:1 of :1 \;1x t·ut \u :-t1n1ul:1ll' Lhl' (_'('011001 \'. In :1dcii111111 l"11rd prop••.,l'd t.1'\ S<1\·ing:-of up lu $150 lor thu:-1• 1•.h111n .... ul;1:t·11111111.·:-. or hu~· :-\11rn1 \\ llldll\\ :-. ·r111· l' r 1·:-1dt•n1 .1-.hi·d ( ·1,11g r1 ""' to (.!ll .1 1n111,1!1)r1un1 1•11 ;11111 \U\\t.'d l11 \\•\!i .111.' Hl'\I "Pt'lld 111;:! pr11\!ran1-. 11,1rn111;.! ihl' d1· 111·1\ Ill .11\I t'\1'!\! 11dJ 1'1,11•h ~;;o l •1l ll~>11 lh1:-. 11 ... 1 .d 11·.1r .11\d pin h.1bl\ ;-.;;1 i.111 1 .. 11 .t lll',1<1'11111\' 11·t•n1d 111lh1 ·11 ,L'.il \l'.il \l~)1t·ll -.1.11·1:-..!ul' l 'l°<1 ""\ l' !llt•lh'I fold .t .... lo,!"d IPI' ;1 l:1v.· hnld111 gLo1.j 111·1\'Vil!1111·111,I ot I 1I'111 .: 1 n f'!'t'.l:O-t' th:1! '" !<J Ji,· [l.±ld 111.J111 .1 l" :lll rnil IJ, >ll ,\ 1111·r11':1n -.. rv \'t'I\ 111 g ,...;4,, 1.il St'l'\JI 11\ 'l'hl') ,q~· duc I" )..:t'I .1hu111 1:; p1•1 ('l'tl! ;111d I J1·n101·r,<t~ ,1r1· h11 ... till' l11Jh1.·1d v.1 of i.:1v111 g ll':-" <>n the 1·rH·rg' tn>ri1. off1t·1.d ... s~11cl 1:nrc1 · .. pl:111 \lt•11ld ra1::.<' thl' price 01 g:t,(111rll· hy J(J cent:-:1 gallon ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT Rober r N Weed "'"'"'""! •"'1 Pul!I·-· Jack R Curiev \/·•' 1"••"'1e"' ..... ~,,.. •• 1..v ... "'' tlividual:-, 10 bP d1s tr 1bu t c d thro u g h rL'h u lcs rang ing t o a 1n<ix 1111u11l of Sl ,000 per 1·1·lurn ; a on e -yt•;11· Lnl·rca:..e to 12 p1·rccnl 1 n the tax l'rcd1 t s de:-.1g n1•d lo s pur 1.Jus in1·0.:-. 1nodcrniz:1t1••ll ilnd ex puns1t111 ~ 1~c rnl&1 tl l'lll l ~I\ ('UI -. '":>Hi ~I 1.Jlllion r,·flt1~·1 11111 1n 1nclt\ 1du.tl 111 ton1c ta\1•:-. :uul a Sli l111l1011 1·ut tor corp11r.1!1(•ll:-.. f'l·<lu c·1 n g lhL•11· n111x1n1t1111 l'dtl' ll'nr11 IH 111·r1 'l'!li ll• I~ p,·11·,·nl l·:n1·rg:-t·un~1·r\al i o 11 1111 1>0s1\1nn of ::>:.! .t hnrr,·I ll•\'11'" 011 d on11· ... 11c ;ind 1n1p11rll·d 1·rudl' u1J lo <l 1 Sl'Oll r µ.,1 t• '•1 l 1·1 in-.u tll pl 11 lll \\'inrlCa ll P ron1... 1r11po .... 1tH•n of ~1 \\llldf:dl pn1f1t-. l a\ t•n oil pr<1dlltl'1·,.,, prutllll'111;..; ;11111u:..il r1 1 \t'nllt'S of $1~ hll\1(111 1''e df'ra l S pendin ~ -/\ 0111· \C:<Jr n1orat(1rium on nc\v fcder:tl ~p ending progran1~. eXl'l·rt for i'llCl'g~-. and a 5 p1·rc'C tll l'f'\1111 ;.! rur 1975 Oil int'l'l::ISL'S Ill fl'dvr ;.d p ay , food sla1nps and fC'dPr.il rni\it<.1ry and eivil1e1n rt•ltrl'l1lt'nl hl'llCfl\S Standby Control~ -Emcrg1·11 t'Y <iutho r ily for the r1res idt'nl 111 1·;.ition gasoline or allol·ate u:-.l.' 11 1 petroleum produc:ts and control their price:-> Aid lo Utilitie s /\ thr('C·ycar , 12 percen t inves t1nent tax c·1·cd1t for u ti litie s t hnt convert J)O\\'Cr pl<.1n l s from 0 1\ to coa l and po!>t pon('mcnt of clt:•;1n air s tan - d ards for utilities fo1· 10 yl'ars, tn 1985. En1ission Control!oo a nd l\lilc a gt' Controls A five-year delay in n1ore s trin).!cnt l'tnis:-.ion :-.t;.111 d ards and a \'Olunl:.ir.v prog ran1 t o intrcast~ ga~ulinc n11lcagc by 40 pel'CL'lll by \98()_ State Agrees To Do Share Oli Bike Trail ·rhe S1;11" 1';111-,, JJ1·p.1 rtn11 111 ha::; ;:1J.!fl't•d to :-.\\t'l'P thl· :-..111rl !ill <• ht·al:hfr11n\ h1 1.:.vct1.: trail JI tht· 1 ·11~ o/ 11 11nl111g!ul1 n 1.·:1t'h 11111 bndd1l 111 a ll'lt1·r 111 L'1t 1 ,\d n 11 n 1s lr:t1nr ll ;1 1 v Hu1\;l:ind :-.. (':1 l1for 11i;i l ';1rk:-[)1rf'ct o1 \\'i11i:1n1 \'vnn :\11111 .I r . ~111d h1 :-. dvp;1rtn1l·11l \\n11ld h:indlc· 1h1· !r:.iil's 111;i111t1,11.11H't'. ~ub1c1:1 !•~ the appropr1a!u111 of !und:-. by lhl' ~t;.ite ll'gJ:-.l:iturt'. :-.11·111\Jl•r ... or lhl' 1·11:-(·uuncll :-lnll(·d t·1111 .. 11·uct1on u l the $";6,(IOO 11 ·;_11! in ( l1 ·\nh1·r \1'hC'n !hey di ... CO\'C'l'l'd 11 \1u11l d t'O~! ,1n 1•:-.t1n1.ll cd s1:=;_ono t•1 51 8.000 ;1 ~c:ir lo k t•f'p 1\ l'll·.ir 111 :-.h1f11ni-: ~:.i nti 'l'hi· tr.i ii \11\llltl -.1r1·h.:h lrn111 IJru11hll 11r l :-.trl'l'! tu ll1·.i1'h l~oul1•\ .ird oi11{-..1t!,· 1h" lt't\l'•' "! llunt1n.:.:l<111 :-.t,1t v lh·.u·h 'J"I H'lt' .I h1l1t1 \<1 \lnl t ;11.!I t'o'J\l! !11 llt1\\l'\ 1 I 1111 • IJl 11 llt'! 1.\ tltl II ii H 'li 1 fi,. I! ,1 i( \\ /11Jld ) .,• liuill li1 ·l•11\J,:.:-. In !h1• :-Ot.il" Tr.Jn:-1,urt ;1l1,111 l )t•i•;1r1111.-n1 11 \1,1 ... 1nlvn•l1•1I ,1 .. 1·1:..:hl 111 11,1\ l1o1 lhv lllJ\\ ,il1-i111l,,nt·d l'.11·1111 ( '"1 I J•'t ('\'\\.I,\ pl.Il l :-Ol1t!l \\url t .i l..:f'l'l' \o rn.11n!.1111 \ht• litkt· tr;nl univ~" the p111pl·1l1 1 ... t'Llh1·r 1r,1n:-.ll·rrl·d tu h1~ dv p.1rl1n1·nl . or hi:-. rll·p;11·1n11·nt 1-, gJ\ 1·11 :-orne t vp1· o f long t1.·rn1 lt·ga l J 11r~1 di cl 11111 o\'l'I' 1\ !till !la t t)'.!C'. the c·i ty 's pub111· 11 ork s d1rc('lo1·. s;ud t o ciay h1· d Ol'."n 't knO\l' \1hen th e tr<11l 11·111 be built. thou.ch 1t cou ld be donl' this ~p1·1ng. if lhl' la nd tran."fl'r :-.itu.1 t1 o n 1:-. ,1orkcd o ul bclv.L'l'll lhC' t1\'0 Ut•p;..irtrnc nls. 'fht' 2 .5-niilc s trl'tch along th 1• :-.la t e bt".H 'h 1s an 1n1po rtant l1nf... 111 th1· !'ll _\'·s µIan to ('\'f'nlually have <1 hic·.\<'ll' lr :11 l r u n n in g tile l'lllt!'(' 111111' n1ih·s or llunli 11~1l111 Beath l'u :t :-.llint'. 'l'l1t• Et1rs llat•e It l·1H1t1l·r pr1·:-;idcn1 ... l ._,n d11n Jnhn :-1111 .tnd l)\\l}.:llt l·:1..,t•!1htl\\'t·r h(1 th 11.ul ('!'l';1 ... 1•d 1 ·.1rh1b~-.., :1 11"""1hh· :-1.l:ll 111 l'i'l'tll;l\!l!'L' h(':1rt di ... \':l ... L' l".\'i tl1 ·1H'l' llnh111~ t'l'1'.l:->t 'd lnli.-:-. In hl';1rl <IL:-c;1 -;l• 1·n111t·:-. from .1 :-.1Ud\ of 111 p.1 11~·n\:-; 1n th1• :\1;1\(1 (.'!1n1l· \~11th prt.::-.ldl·lll:-. ... u1l1.·r1·d h1.'.tl'l .i t l;l\'k~ \\'hilt• ll) 0 qlfLl'l'- Seniors Get Shot At Part-time Jobs l'l'll p.1rl !11111· 1oli" 11dl h1· nf 11·11•d 1(l 11111·111plll~1·d ll l111!1ngtun l\1'.1t·h :0-1'111111' ('\\l/.L'll S l)y lhl' 1•1\\ ... :\l.111pl1\\t'I' Sl'J'\'l\'I'" l)1·par1 n11 •n\ l.nt·;1 J :>t'l\luf:-.. ·,,f ;111d 11ldt•I', ,11 t' i 'rou1 Page ,\ I SCHOOLS. • • h1·lp1·d f111:1nCL' a l'lUllPll'tl.' h1 ;!h :-.el\\•ul :it \\';11n1·r ,\1l·n11< .. · ,ind <.;t)ldl·n11·l·:-1 Slrt·\·I l)1 •p111 _,. :-.llPl'!'lll!t·nd,,nt .1 :1~ S•·tl ll' :1t (1 111• p11111t in thl' n11.·1"1111:..: "ll f-l~t·:-;ll•d Jh;11 lht• d1S!l'l('l llHl!iil h<11·v :l h<"lll'I' c·h:1n1.'C' :11 p :1".-.1n)!. .i I ,1, !111'.1:-;urv ;11 :-rho1!I v\l•<'l H•n 1'.dh1·r tl1:1n ;.;1•111·r ;il 1'il'('l11111 11 tlll' "_\], r1'-.po11 .. 1· t111h:11 1-.. !1k1 • .1 ... nn11 l1;il! 111 hvll. :-:11d :\lo111 ~1·r :-. \\l' \l('q(t h ;1\o• !h:i1 Utl1ll 1/t•· Pl'll]llt· ::.t't' J(I t11 l l Pl'flud d,1\ ~111 <"lt'I'\ (',Hlljlll'-;ind l'l•i.11·.1\,d1[1•, •1111 !11 lh1' lt'lll't'"- Source Says Nixon Still In the R e d \ :>Ul ll'l l' 1·l 11~1 • lu l(1 t·Ji.1 1'd ,\\ 'l\(111 l!.1:-. ,.,:11d 111.11 ~tlrhnugh 111(' l11Lil p.1 .\ 1!11•1!1 IJ( ::>:1~;),(!()(/ 1)11 1111 · 111 r 1111·1' )ll't'"11h·n1 , ';oil ;, n1i1!1co11 S.111 (.'1f'l1l«lli!' ""t;tl<" I\ .1 ... 111;1il.· tnd,1\', :'\1,1111 ,\Ji! \111] no1t ht• o1111 ol dl'.l1t ":\11· \1,(111 1:-n .. t trv1· .111.J l'l t~.11· !!1· -..!ill h.1-. lu p.i\ n !f lh1· nt·11· htddt•r 111 th1.· n1or\~a;..:l'. · thv ~ourl'l' \I .1 ... qu1)t1 •tl .i:-. ""'' 111).! ·rllt· :-.•1111 ('•·did not 11•1 .. :il 11h" tli.· Ill'\\' l111l dl'l't1f !h(• !\llll'tg,1g (' 1 .... C'h:1rlt• .... ll1•1111ni-;. an .1!lnr111'\ 1111' Iii~· ll.111111\tlll ('11ttu11 ,.,t,!11 \11J14·h I " ...,t·ll111 1.: lht• 1•1np1·1l\ -.,Lid h• II ,I., 11<>11(1 1•d \l\,i( h1· \\Old,\ ],\1\\1 ,I 1111l!!td thll~ l1 •d ,11 !•'1 I ii• :-.~II. IKlll 11) !Jl'l!l1 q 1 . .J ,111d :-,]j 111111 1!11!1\lI 1'" 11111 ~.11d I' d111-.. 111>1 l-.1 111\I \11111 I' l',i\lll~~ 1[11 ~ 11111 \.1\11111 111111·111 d 111· \1,1 Ii.•\ 111' 11.,11111" 11.11111~' ill• do Id 'I'>, ll lPIJTli ~ oi ).." \lht'll )11• ,1~h • d 1101 ,ITI 1•\h'Tl "l!l ll "II 1111 dt ,1dl111• !'<I !1 ,1\ i!l('l\I "I ..,:•:.;i. 1~111 1 \i,il 11 1111·111 1 1•.11 \ Pl 111 \1111 \\ l.i· 11 11.1-'>1 h~·d11l«il 111 1 .. l'•lld !1nl.11 \.l\flr\ f'l!I• IJ.i,t•d IJ1., t '>l.llt• (',1,,1 ]'.l t'llH.i 111 )f~;•J f,H 'l ~. 111 11111111 1n J:1-;o . 111· :-old ~:1 ut' th· :!X '.) .1t'l'l'" \1J tht• fl~~ t ' lll \'t':-llllt'nl \ 'on1p<in1 .. 1 1\t·n1 !ormt·d hv :-..1, 1111 -.. tr1•·111I-. Hoh1·r1 JI .\hp];111;dp ,111d \ 'harl1·:-I; ·1t1•bt: · H1.·ho 111 4 Die in Crash \'\!,i .J·~.I{) I \(1 1 !'CHI!' lll t'rl ll l't'l' \.;1ll1.·d .1 tl•I tllr1•1• ;·r1ti('.Jlll 111111rl'cl 'l'1t•"•aL11n1i..:hl11hf'n th1·1·1· 111t· p•1~..,1·11~1·r :-.pnrt .;1 .. u· r:u1 .. ft th•· r11 :.1 d11 "' .ind :-.tr·iu·\.: .1 rt•!;i 1n 1111..! 11•,tlJ 111',H' dq\\'11101111 \la!ICl<l . polil't' .... ,11d 11rg1·d 111 ,q1plv1n p.·r:-1111 ;1! :\1 :111 1111111·r S1·r1·1t'l' 11,.,1dq11.11 t1.·1·: •. ;,:,:,-, l"l'l'.111 ,\tl' lrl !ht· ,,id 1lo11nto11 n 1·1 ' It' tl'lltt·r ('11111p!1·\. fr11111 x .1 Ill In .'i p 111 :111\ ll•'t•l-.d,1~ 'l"h1.• \\Ork 11dl lh• l.11l1111•d 111 !lll'l'I lh1.• IH 't'd:-. ~11 till' fll'l"llll l11r1·d . S1·111or:-1·,1n l'.ll 11 S~ .-,o .ill h11ur, \1'ork1ng ~O h11ur:-. .i \1et•I-. '['he 1·it~· v.·ill pro\ 1d1• oll·lht• JOit training for 11h ,11 1.•\1•r Joli thL'~ :1fl' as:-1gnl'd 'rhl· joh:-. \\di 1.1 ... 1 u11111.r11nt· :iu undc1· lh ~ !1•rr11" t1I ;1 $!;5 ,000 f1.·dera l g1·:1 n! 1\1111 h~ 1hl' 1.·1t~. Some Sl·11iors \\L·rt• l11r1·d t\111 rnnnths :1g o for Lh1.· pru!!r .1111 :\ :-pnk,·sn1;u1 f11r :'lla11po11·1·1 ;-;l'l'\'l('t':> :-;i id \1\1· !I ) 1\1'\\ JO\J:- tl)il\' 1n1·n}\·l· 11 n1'k :11 1llc 1'1· n1 <1;l1·l1·d :-;<'ninr (.'1t11i·n:-. I L.di . \llh Stl'l'l'I :1111! Or.1nl.!1' ,\\l'tllll' \\h\('h I ~ :lhl)lll 1'1 ".1d~ hl npt'll .1g,1111 fur :1t·t1\ 1!1"" 1-'1ir furlh~·r 111!01·111.1111111 ph.,111· :\l.1n p1111·,·r :O.t•t'\ll'l':-. ;it :,:i,; 2.-.~i Prices In Rare Decline \\'.\S il 1 ;.:(:·r 1.>:" ( 1\ I' 1 \\'holC"sal l' prll't·s dL·t·l1111 ·d 111 [)t..!l't'fllbl'r for 1h1' first \11111' 111 l I n)t11lt h:-. thi· g11ver1Hn l·n\ rt·111J1 I o•d {o d ;t.\". J!l'O\'Hilll)..'. f111·th1 I' 11 1 d11·:t\lOJl of ~lO\\Hl ~ 11111:111!!11 '!'ht· \.;1hiir J)t•p.1rtn11·n1 .... .111! d 1.·c l1n1n g :tj?r1cultur.1l pr11· .... n1url' than ufl':-.l·t .1 :-n1 a!l 1nl'r1•.1 .. 1• fnr 111du ... tr1 .1I ··111n11111d1\1c:-. !.i-.1 n1(1nrh "" 1111·r .di 11\11111·-,.ilt· pr11·1·" fl'll fi\'l' 1cnth:. •it d 111 ·1 11·11t 11 \\ .i:-lhl' 11r:-1dl·t.1111•· ... in1··· p 111'l'" fl•ll r1111· ll'l1lh 11( ,1 l"'l"ll'lll 111 ! lc\ol1l"I' l~Jl:i 11l·-.p1tl' thl· ll1·1·t:n1h1·r cl11·l1111 \I l\o1Jl':-..1l1· Jll ll'•'" l11r l !t':-1 \\ 1•11• IJI> 'I),, 111 •r1·l·ll l 1h1· hi...:i.:l':-.1 .1111111,.t 11111 1'.L"I' :O-l lll't· 1111(1'" 111:-0V :!I) f'•'t• 1•111 I ll 1111,, lodJH\1111-llit !'!Id ••l \\,,rl d\\,1111111 11-, •••!111·'1 ' I fit• lt•p111'\ lll"lldtd ,I d11'1 111 Iii 01u1·,1).!l'Til•'lll l"I 1'1 ""-I.I t 11 1 I "Id ""lit• d1•l111 •1 ( d 111 ... ..,I ,it•· .. 1 I h<' I r1 I• •Tl 1111 '""•t:,:t• 1< 1 (',HI :2 1 , . ., . ., 11 .. \• 11 1111 1·111 .111.11\ .. 1, . .id ·1l11 ii•'• 11111· 111 \\ hnlt•:-,il<' 1•11< 1·-. lll \111 .dt•d ;1 hr1·,1\..i1\I'.! il1!!J1•11.dl<>!I 111tl.d!!1!Lll I l',llt• :t." th<' 1·tl1•1 ·I..., ,,1 !ho· 1'1 '1'1 '""11111 "]H't•.1d lh1111l :.:h tl 11 l'l .. 11.11n ,1 l11t111 ... t1·1;1 I pr!t·,·-. 11''l' '.!..1 ti!"'( 1. nl 1 ht· p.1 ... 1 11 ·.1r '' 1111(· rr11•,., 1 .. r p111 r1•..,:-.1 d lo11id' ,ind f1 •l'd:- lt1 nl1Jt'd ~11 ~J pl'1'1 'l'lll 1-';1rn1 prn du('! \)I'll'!':-> dr.,ppC'd I \I Pl-'I l'l'lll I h(' ".tll\1• pC'r1od 111 llt•t·,.n\ht>r. farnl 1'l1•d Ull-.. 1],·cl111t•d I ! p• ·rL'••11I . IU'lll't'"""d tn1icl" .ind ff'••d:-\lt'l t' d·i1111 I :, Jn•r1·pn! .ind 1ndu-.111:tl prH"•'" l.1il1 ·d J11t1•:.:l:-.lt'I' :Ill\ 11\1'!\'.l"'I' Pil .1 .... t·:tscrn.lll\ ;1iljl1:-t1·d h.1 ... 1-. i 11.1d111 ... 11·d, 111du ... 1r1:il 1·p1\1 tnn1l1l1••, 1111 ·1't':1,1·d 1\1•1 lt·n!h:-. lll . 1 p1·r1·1 ·11t. thc ~rn.dlt•st i11er1·.1 ... t• 111 !l1 !11'1 • I h,111 ,1 .\ •'.11' lt1on1u'\ Kce111! ra.10• I homa<. A. Murph1nc ,,...,•11•"4 Ea010t OC Told to 'Prove It' ' f Char II!~ H Loos Richard P Nall """'t fftt M.l "'1Q•MI l a•!Ot Ter rv Coville ••I O•MIQof' (:Ou"t' [Odo< Hyntlnaton Be~ch Otllce u 11T IHMll llowlf-•"'a ••liftG .. ,,,,,.,, "0 !loo Ito •/t.OI) Other Offices ~ik..Cll,t!M ~l''~l•HI ~ llMl<I ' JJG W~•I 8•• .,,.,,.., Nt0ffl0'1 .. '""" JJJJ ,.,.t">t1 eo~··•••d §a4dle0Kk \/•II•' JS101 LI P•r llo.od •llen O ..... F,_•Y T1l1ph0ftl (714) "42-4321 ClasJlflld .Advertising M2·i678 ~,9.., Nort11 0r•""Of cw~t' CO''"'""'!· ' J40-f220 'r Bond Firm Seeks Hinshaw Campaign Proof By G1\RV G RAN VILLI~ 0 1 IN ~1, PllOC S~tt The bonding rompany asked lo l'l'pay t>ran~c Coun!y for alleged finonC'i;il los!'f's relate d to J{cp. ,\ndrf'1\ l ltnsha1~'·s CR Ne 1vporl 111• :1 f h ) s 111· r 1•ssful l ~J72 ca nl pn 1 ).! n h.1s l'.!1 \'f'n l hf' count~· s ix m o nths 1o pro\(' 1ls loSSl'S lllll 1\ss1s tan1 (_'ount~1 Couns l·I ('la \' r'nrkf'r 111:-.1s t ... !h1• rnunl\' h.•!-thr1'L' ye::ir·:-t •1 fllf' :1 r i1 11se ,;r :1ction "base·~ (111 fr:1uc1 nr 1•111 - IH·11!1·n11·11t 1 ll l'lat"d :-.lnr1 I ':ti.:1· ,\,1 ) . . I n ;1 lcll<'r 1v thC' Jl;irt I 11rd l n."u ra n r(' c; roup Parker said !he ~lalllt(' of l11n1l.d1on J.(1 ,·c~ tilt• C'111111ly three _,·c·ar~ from thC' dalt'. of disco\·cry to prov(' it:; los:-1·~. Jln\\'e\'('1', J•arkC'r o;;11d tod;1y , It 1:-('\pcc tcd th;1t thf' :n1d1t1ng 1e~1n1 :t!"Sig ned the t a:-k of df•- lt'r minin,.::: \1·hat lhf' <"011n1 ,\· h):;;f d u ~· 10 t he ;dl<'{?('d n:-.s ignmc11t of ••~.,cssnr's o fficC' crnph1.\·1·" !O Jl inst1a1'"~ camp:11gn ~hn11ld lie k no'' n " it hi 11 th rt'l' 1,•cc k ~ 'l'he p11rp~l1-1 ('cl 11 ... f' n f l h1• f'n1 plo yt·~ o n 1·n11nt .v 11n1 e to nul llin :"hav.··:-t•lc('!to ll 11) (°()n~:r1,:-.s :1r·c tilrd JJl :i :1:J 1·01111\ l;r;1nd .Jur','r' in<11 c ln1cnt lh:1t ('li;1rg«cl nilll' ;1 ss 1·s~o1" ... oft1r~· 1•n1p!1l\I'.-; "1th j.!l'<lnd 1ht•fl . 1 nn:-111r.1'1·\'_ '1o la t1on of .c;1)1 l'rnn1l·111 1•11cli· ... :1 nd fa Is 1 f i l' :1 t !•)11 ot r1.·cn1 d :- 1 n re~pOllSC' lo lhl' 111101 n1.it1nn JllC'llHIC'(I 1n \h(' ind1l'11lll'lll Iii.• 1·ol1ntv l\0;1rd ~it S11p1'r\1 .. nr-. 111 "trur i<'d lhl' roun11· ('(1t1n-.··l 10 .11 ll'lllpl to r(·t·ov1·r ,111 1 lo:-~,·~ t•> 1 h·· 1axpayrr:-. th a1 n11gh1 11:1\ ,. n1· 1·11 rrf'd ns the rr-.ulr 11! 1h~· :d l1·i :1·d lllt1,il a l actlv1til'~ As ;1 res u lt a i·l:u rn ;1g a1n<.1 a S2.'l,000 1nrl <'1tln1t y tiond pr1:-.1 1•d 1i, ll lnsh :.111· 11·hl·11 h1' 11;1 ... 11 ... :-1·~:-11r "'ill h~~ fllc•d 11·ht·n thi' ;1ud11i11...,' cxan1ination of p:ivrnll ;ind' nth ('!' rccoi-rl s 1~ 1·on1pl1'l<'d l111lependenee Ford Signah Energy Drive ... un11:r ~.' l'\1 ~\:-. :O.t:1d111 ,111 ~uld rt· pol t1'1":-.. \\' \S 111 ;..;<;·rn~ (L!l't l l '11·.,t1ll'lll t.'ord :-.;:11ll lu<l.•y tu::. .u111s fur l ' S . t'lll'l'l!(Y 1ndcpen dl'fll'•' 111!ht•111"<:\ dl'l'Hdl' 1nclut1c hnilf\1ng 2un rn ,qvr 11t•11· nuC'l(•ar p111\4 'r 1d.~n1 ... ,ind drilling "1 n~111\ 1 l1u1 1 ... 1111\-.' · 11( 111•111 •lil \\'t•ll :-. ln lt1 .... St.111· 1>f th1· l l111 .. 11 n11•:-.S.1).!t'. !.'ord ;d ... u s:1 id 111· \lllUl1I !:1p f11r t'Pt1111l1 'l'l'l,1l 11~1· th1 · •'111H·h _'\a\·\ p1·11·11lt·11rn 11'"''1'\1'" Ill 1-'.ll. llLll:-. ('.ilJt 11111 !..'. 'l',tl11t1:-l1 i.:11.ird1·d by th1· l't'n 111-:nn1111n1i111.11·y1•1111·r;..:1·111·11'" 1·\1rd en11 ... 11 1111·il llii• 111·x1 111 1~·;1r" \\'nuld l1r111;.; t'•Hl:-!rth'llOll (Ir ~110 n t1•·!1 ·.1r p1111t·1 · p l.1n1 ... Ill l1i1· ll.11 l"!l ~~~I\ ,,,i[ lllltlt",, J."1(1 t't1,J\ Ill \'ii llll\\1·1 p\.11!!", :U1 111·11 ud r1•!1t1t•11 l'" :!11 .,, 1itlit·t11· l1t1•I pl.111l:-. drlll111i.: 1n 111\ lho11,.,,11ul ... ,1f nt''' ··II "''II" 11 1 ... 11\.1\11111 ot ll" rrltlliul\ h111111 ·" .+l\d 111n ... tr111•\1t•n 11f tlllll11111 " "I 11 h1(·\1 ·:-. 1h.i1 1-:l'I lll:llt:I' ).:ii " rl1il1·.11..,1 .\nd l'ord ,,11d that to :-.pur ttu· -l'.tl"l'h !111' Ill'\\ :-.0111·1·t•:-.1,f Jl.JIUr:.tl J.!.1:-.. 11,• \\ ;111l:-to end r <'gul;1t1on:. ;111 !ht• 1•r11·1· 11f nc\\ J!.J:> and int l•H"" .1n 1'Xl·1s1· tax nn 11:-11~1· l'i ,111\., Z:1rh, h<'!td ()f lhl· l"l'1\.·r.d ~:nl'rgy ,\dn11111~trat1011 , , .... 11111~11ed pricl·~ of ~.i:-oltne :ind 11111111· l11';"1t1ng 1111\\(luld 1nt·r1·a:-t' 1,, 1\l i•t·111 s ,1 g:tll••ll ;1" ;1 r1.·:-.ul101 1/111'd '" prn1:r.1111 . t)lh1·1· ,\d· 1111n1.-;tr.1t11111 1•1·11non11:-t :> li.1\'l' 1•:-.ll!ll.il \'d lhi.: 1111·r t':1St' a t 15 t 't'll\:-. /.;ir!i -,11d the Admir11:-tr.11 1t1 n l'l'l1'1"1 l'd ! .d l,.11 111 1-: l1 l'l'.tll.'it' JI 11t1\i\d h.1\1' l1~!,,· Ill 1•ff1'('I liir !11 1• i " HI\ l'.11 :-. :u1d ht•1',1\l:-1· ll \\Otdd 1 a .... ,. 'p rohll·rn:-. ttl dl'e1d1ng v. hOSl' t111·l 111·1•t1 ... \\1111 ld bi· 111lfdh·d ;uu l \\ h<l'>t' II 111dd IJl' dl'll11 'd .\d1111111-.tr;1t111n :-.nur1'l'S ~;iid t lh· s:1u h1ll111 11 Ill :11·11· t:1r1ffs ;ind l :1\.t·:-.,'nrtl pro po:-.t•d to d 1~ t'IHl l':tgc ll ~l' of ('11C l'gy v.•111 ('0:-1 lhl' ;11·l'1·agl· fan11ly $2'.rtl mor l' 1•aeh \'l':JI' tor j!;1soli nc . C'lcctri<'L 1:-,1111i hnn11• he ating fuf'L I .. \\'1 111 :1111 S1·i<ln1an. 1' .. o r d '.-; 1'l'unoni11· 1·11i)rriina1o r . :-.a id t hal I r:1n...,\;l\t'S to a <·n~t-of·livi n g r is1· "I ~ 1••'!'l'1'nl due l11 higb(•f pric'l'S !\)r i'IH'I'~~· ·rhc .11 eragc fan1t1_..·. !11· ~:11d . 1111\\' pay~ Sfl:,U a yc·ar for l·\vc11'H'l l ~, hoin,• he.1\111g fut.'1 .111d g.1:-.•)l1nt' 1:urd '~ proposal:-. II .itdd 11\;i\.:t' i\ J\1111 1) l\) $1 .:,!{)i,J. 111 .1dd1t11111 11l t!H' ~:1n hilli1n1 \111 1·r1• .111 i 1111 ~1n1 11 ·r" 11n1ild 111 11111.11 ,•I_\ l"t'' 111 l11i.:h1·r l:l.\t.'" ,1t1 d t.11 1tl :-. <)Jl 1111•[, r1pplv 1·ffl't'I" ... 11< Ii "~ hq.,:ht•r 1r.n1-.pc•r t .1t1"11 111 ... 1-. 111nild .1dd $2:1 hLl ll1H1 111 c11n l~r111n Page 11 I POLICE ... \1,1 11 .1 l1r1· µrevcn\1011 f'l" 1.il1 t. ::il ~.JXO : a11 t·n i::1 n 1·l'r , -.1 .. ~1;:.i .ind .1 1'1r1· l':1pl :1111 . -..1 1'\ ~It• 'I Iii·\ II\ ).!,II•' pulH.'t.' u!flt(·rs ,\ Il l'\\ 11111· Yl"" 111nlr:Jt'I "'llli p:iv 1111 1 t'd"t'" •II l:! 7 1 p1•1"C'1'nl f11r o! II•, 1 :-. .ind 1:1 p 1·r 1.•1•11t !nr ~1'11}1':!1\l .. 11 \11 'l".11t·r·1t1•!ti tud;iy s:iid t!i1· •II\ h.1d .il ~o 1·l'dlJCl'd polit·1· •.11.111 1·-. 1.\ /1\'1' l'l'l'('('lll lh1:- \1 .11 :-.•• 1111· 111·! 1111·rc:t~c 1:-1H1l .\ 7 : ! 1·~·r l'l'lil 11 1· 11 .1 ... 1 t•lt•t r1n.,.: to ..i [1\'l' pt•r - • ('Il l i.; .. , 11L'f ::>Oll tll'I honu:., !Jr'•' 1 l•J11"J' p.iid to .ill po l11·1.·n1('n in \1-.111 111 11\'1,rl11n1· p.iy v.hC'lht·r t Ii.•.\ 1111rk1.•tl t•:<\r;i ht iur~ ttr nut J lu:-. 1·1·.11. th<· t·1t ,\· 1·li1ninatf'll 111.11 b1111 1 1 ~ 11ff1•r1n~ p o\i1·1• .. 11.t1 L!hl hul1rlv p.1~ for t•vcrl1n11· \\•fl i.,,.t\ ,11111\1· 411, \\ 1l h l1n1c-and .1 h.dt I'·•\ ft1r 11n1c y,•orked u1·er >I h, llJI'"' I" d II \' \I .111! 11 !llt":t nd .1 h.1 lf r11r 1 I 11!'11 ,1l 1tl\t•·llih(JUI'.,, I•\• 1111·!1, .... 11•1 .i ··1111•·\ 111 111111• ••I 111,1!1!.:•' ('ull!\1\ tdll'"· ·l1<1l\1 .J 11 1111 ' HI~:.! llOI\\ p.1.\ t lllh• <11d 1 !1.ill 1 .. r 11101'1 th;111 10 huur II I '1 L \\ • '• f... !11 .11.lp1d1t'i'IJl!Ht'I ll'li)lll!I 111111<• )II \ f...\'!lll _ l'll .1 It .iii !IJ I.., 11 ... ·1-. .i~ 1, .. 11 .1:-d 1:-t1 il11111n g I· ,1\l l.r ... •!•1•11 ' tn d•'IH 11r;.:in:..: l'l'"l dt·111-. 111 .'1 l•·11d 'l'uL·;.d a .1 111ghl .-; 'Jl \ I 1>\lllt'ii !lh'L'\111~ l'11lH ·1·1n1·n h.1v1· :i!:>kl·cl t•1 be 1n- 1 l11d,·d 1111 lhl' :i i..:e nd .1, h ut ·r.1\1·r111·tL1 -,,11d !hl' l'll \' has 11ul 11·1 r1•-.pt111dcd · 'l',1\'eJ'n('ll1 s~11c1 pollccml'n \\,int ;1 fntir lll'rfent high er p:1.v l'.ll:-l'. d1s.1hil 1ty 111s11ranl'e, O\'f •r· 111111· ,111d l'"lr:i pnli ce o ff1ccr:- ·r .111•1 n1·!11 \1-;1rn<'c1thnt1f po\1 e1• 11),1tlp11\11 ·r 1:-11 I 1n1:rr.1s 1·d . lhl' 1·111·':-. hurgl.u·y rate v.·ill c:ontnHLl' to r 1:-l' Woma11Shot ,\11 d h1• -..11,\ lh1· "''oll't'IJ [111 111 \\ 1·n1'r h' :--01111·1·-. 11111-.1 111• lud" d" \'l•lt 'P 1111 •n ! (If I h•' t )\II t ·r I. '1111I11\1 ·n 1;d Shf'lf ,,nd 1h1 · '·''" " '.1 ... 1 pc1 r nl1•un1 r1 ·..,,·1 ,,, ... uppl1.-...; 111 1\lask.~ * Land Unit Calls Halt To Drilli1tg :-\.\C 'l\.\.\11-'.\.:'ltl 11 l'l 1 ·11i1· tit llllll;.! tl1 :1:1 ull :-.111111 ·1111 \\o JI , Ill lh1• S:111t.t lldrlt,11 .1 t 'h,11111.·I .u1d t'Hll:-ll'\ll'I 10111 11 ,I'• 1tll I H\ 1 r-.1.d 11d PIPL'l1111• h;1\ « IJ1.·•·t1 h,1111 ·d , .d l1 •.1,.1 \t·1npor ar 1l .1. J,, .1 111·\\ .ill i)l'll1Hl'l',l\11 :-;1,111 · I .111d-. ('0111 Jl\LSSJ!lll ,\\ tl" f1r ... 1 111111·1.d 111l'l'1l n~ 'J'Ul'~d.1 ~, !!J1· l'Ulllflll:>..,Hll! llll ;1n111111u ... t.v r1•-.c 111d1·d 1·.11l1l·r .11• ru·n\':d of th1· dri\!1ng ;.:r.111 1\·d Ii i 1he nut i.:111 11 .\! l{•'11 uhl1i·.111 d11n11n:1tl·d 1·,11111111~-.11111 111 th•· f1n.1I 1 .. 11 11 1 •1·1.~ l1 , 111 1 1· [)l'llllH.:I J!" ,,,,,f...11\1'!' l\111 lh1· 1\\r1·1' 1111•1111!,•1 1·111 1' r n1~-.111n l-,,·11t Ill·· .i .. 11!' ,,p~·11 l«r 11p-.-..1 lll1• f 1\1111 '' ,q 1)11 I., .1 I '•t I h1· .:1. il•'\\ \\t"J!..., pi«llll•',I )•\ !"-l.1ll•l 1td ()d ,,nd 1. h\ \11.11111,· l\1, 1\11< Id \"1 tn!l11111 11!..'. 1111\ll1 ·r -.111il1 '\'!11 • l\1'11" \I dlllol \ H•lil!lill l••:ill l/lltl f,,,. t 1•1 .. ,,1"d 1•«111.1 1 'I lio • t'P!lllllt.,,loi11 .d-..u h1 ·\d !II• 1'111.11 .1ppr111 .d "1 .1~";111llli~1n I·'' 111) plp1·\11l<' liLIP\il.,!J till'\ h,11111• l h1 lr .1!1"1'"1 t 1·rnd« .. 11 t111t11 lt ·d· 1 .d n!l :-.hu,r1· 1d.1!1"1 Ill' l.i .. 11-.h,.11· I • t1th'l'll'" i'\1·11 "t ;1\1• l'l'jlt!l l., Oil \Ill• 1\11 t1 drdhng ;,1nd l h1• p 1p1·1l11t· ar1· 111 l•l' prt•par~·d fnr Ith· t·111111111-. . .;111n ll' . I.in. :10 \\'nit th·· .1:'1 ··~·111• 111 iii :O.t.111d.1rd . ;1 1111111 ·, \1t·11-.111· t'!\ t ll'Qlltl\l'lll:d 11111'.1 !'\ r1·11111\11 tll lH.: \Vl'•lll't1 fur 11 :-p1 up":-..11 In ;1ddi!11111. 11\1· t .. n11111.,"11111 f'lt•1 \t•d 11 ." ll• II t !i.1 ll lll,1TI (',,II 11 .. \l•i h1 •1 tl'111 \ 111 ... t.llll 1•.il )-;ll•'d I.ii ..,l,1\1 II1d• 11(11( l ' ,1 . lhl· n1.111II11 ... 111 r .. 11 q 0.11111 · ... 1, .11 1n.1-..1 .. 'l'h 1·1'1 ' l\,i'• ht••'ll 1•11111'\\ d1dl111 ~: 111 tl1·· :...,1111.1 H.1111 .i .1 l 'l1.1111P I :-.1 ll<'t' lh · 111.1 .. -..1\• 1·11.'t .,tJ .. pill I IJ.!\ ht !Htdvd 11\ll • ' ,.\ "I •'1111 h1'.H'h1·" Ll1 S<•tl!l\1 •111{ .1]11!>1111.i ·r11v pr 11p<1:-. .i., t•l!' t t·n1·11 • d <\r11J111g \\ 1•1 t' I'!.""" Ill "''! IHll" Jt'0J13t'd\ \\Llh ih" 1'!.01·t1111l 11I lh" l>1·n1n{'f:t\, 1111 11\1· 1·01111111 -.-.1.,n \\h11 J1lllllll"t'd 11\1•\ \\llt1]d \•ti" .1 t!,11n .... t 1111111,..\1.1\• , , ... 1111 11•11011 "I 11ff,hor1· dril l111i.: lndivitluals Ca11 't Re111ov•· Their Trees ]11d111d11.fl 1111111111 1"11 ):1 .HI\ l1nn11•11\1 tl•'L II 11111 .. l l•t .dl1111 I ii l•I r1·1110\ 1· l!'P11ill1'""1n1· -.)i,11111 I .1 Ii \l't'l'"ll'fltll 1 !II I• 111-.\\,1 \tut lf d hb1l'k of 1\l'Ll.!hhOI., \\':1nl.<;; l~) l'l'l110\t' ;:1 \\hol1· ro11 11f thl~ s tref•t 11'\'I'', 1h:11 111.11· hl' .ti lo\\'Cd, th~· (·111 1·11llnl'il ha~ tlt• <:1dcd '!'he Ill)\! L l'<it111•·1I. rl·prt..,1·n1 1111.: :>l'\'l•ral lll1n11· .. 11 ni·r-. .1 ........ ~1 ·1.1 ll•)tl"· h .itl ;1:-l-.1 ·d 11~·11111:>:>1•11\ l<•I' uhl111du;1I :-ln l"lil•tl •' tht•1r ••\I t\ trl't'" r:1lh··r th,111 11.111 1111 11!1 p11hlll'\\111 I-,..,, It\\" Four Times, Tlie1i Visits Bar l'11bl11· \\u1 f...:-. J)11'\'t'l11 r rii11 ll:1r1 i.:~· 1nl 11 111 · ci1 ,\ 1·r111111 tl ;\l n11 da y night h" eould no! .-.uppu1 t 111 d11 ·idn:il tr1 •t· l'l'tlH)\',il "\\\• \\(llJld p!'f1h:dil,1 l1J ... l' l'tll\ lro l a s t u \l'hu 1s rt·111uv1ng lr1·1 ·" And th('v \\'Ould not rcmo\ 1• 1 hl·J n in a f<1sh1on \l't' 11ould l1kl' lo St:l' done,'' ll artgc 1•)1.plaincd today .J(lJ ,IJ·:·r . i ll. l l l l'I ). A 1\'utnan 1valkt•d pas t SC \'('r:1I p atrons 1n a ta ve rn. snt d o wn at a har stnol and told a barmaid s h e h;HI ht·c>n s hot hy ht~r husb\.l nd. !'o\ice said ·ruesd ay <t llendants :it Silver C ro~s lfosp 1ta l later d is ro ve red l,u c ile Kcy, 29. harl bullet:; lodged in h e r head . n ('rir the ba~e o ( her spine anrl bullet:- .llso pa."."ed through h e r r ight !'heck anrl r ight hrind . r>c:-pllt' t h <' fou r gun ~hol \l1)1111rl 5, i\lr!'. l\f!y , w h o v.•a5 re por!cd 111 fair condition tod :l ~'. rlrn\'C' ('i~ht b locks to lhe \VldOl4'0S Inn T :1 VC' rn . pol ice s n id. l 111l ice s aid f\lr s. K ey 's hush :1nd . J\1c lv in. w as a rreste d . 1nr! ch;1 r i::<"d v.lith atte m ptcci 11111rd('r. l)o\ice found t wo re- volvers 1n h i~ apartment l 'hc city h ~s spf'nl Sl fi7,86:-.11i1 ~ yC'ar for the 1·cn1nv:il o f r ln ... 1· tu :100 ns h tr1·c~. rcplal'en11•nt 111· cracke d t'.Urhs a nd ).(111\{'r:-., ;ind pl::i n tin~ llC \\', l c~s 1ro uhlf'son11• tree~ 'l"ht'rr art> ahoul 2,100 n101·1· s h:'lnl1·l af':h 1 rc1·~ ~r·n,,·inA in ('I!\ p;irk\\·;1,\'<. \I h ich lf:1rl ~1· hopPs 111 r1 ·rno\t' o\'C'r !hi' 111•'\\ t11·c \'('.11'.., .it .1 co;-;t of :1 l11tlt• n111rc ttlan ~1 n111\1on. T ht' tr(•es, plHntr·d 111 II\(' t•:1rl1 l ~AOs. ha\'(' a 111d ('."prt>01d r ncit ~.v~tt•m v•h1c h f·r;1 1·k~ curbs :111!1 clogs d r a 1 n ;,1 /.!l' .<..\ :-;! , • n1s . f'l :1rlgl' s:ud th<: ,,·orst nnl's h!t\'I' hc<'n r 1•r1)t11 (',f 1 I I I I A 6 DAIL\' PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE Pet Control Issues 1'hc issue of pets :ind Pl'l co11tr11\ in ll unlington Bea~h ~as ~ccn blo\\·n ('Onsidf'rahl)' <>ut of J)roportion l<? iii: s1g nif1tancc by 1-1ngl'r and cnlt)tion. licfore the city council lakes :1 hasty uction s ugges ted last ,.,.e ek transfer of lhc c_·ity ':-. animal l'Ontrol fron1 ;_1 private agency t<) the Orangl' C1>unt y Anin1al Shcllt1r civic: lc:Jd~rs should careful!)' s tudy the (•c·onon1ics and :-.1.:rv1c.·c J>olC'nlial oft he t·h a n gl'. . lluntington lil'ath currcntl.Y 11ays C:ilifo1·n1a t\n1mal Control an annual fl'l' l>f Sl9S,000 on a t.hrcc·year c11nlr<tl'I . I n l'(•turn. lht• t·it)-k eeps ~di the Ices fr_om animal hl'l'.11:-.l'S . C:arl~ pr<1jcct1o ns in<lll'~llc the animal control euntl':it.:l \\Ill p ay for il :,l'lf the first ,\•car, and poss1hl.v prodl/{'l' a s m ;dl J)f'ufit . /\ S\\"itc h tf) th e c::ounty would n11l ct1st the l'Jly ;.ind \\·uulcl not µru- lluce any 1>rofit . 'l'hL· l'l)Unl ·'" kl•1•ps al I fel'S 'l'hc e t·ono1n 1c (JU l'Sl 11111 1s current t.' I ht: 1nu:-.t l'ru c i<1I. If the anirn;tl l'Ollt1 ·c 1I t:ontr;1 cl is a n1oncy loser f or the city. lht·11 a s\\lilch :-.t·t·n1 :-; quite 1ustifiablt'. Hut if ii is n 't , the c.p1alit .v 11f SL'l'\'LL'L' provided hy L"ach n iu:-.t llL' !hl' kC'y t·on s iclC'r:1t111J1 Parking Hazard J.'ounta1n V al lt·y ·s pr<1p11 s L'd 11 0 -p ;.1 1k1ng <1rtllnt.1ncc suunlls like a g<1otl \\ ;1y tn f'on1 bat :-.hupp111g l:C'nler traffic ,1;1ms v.·hich not o nly ;.igg rav;it e c us tome rs hut euuld blol:k the lll(J\'l'rncnl uf firt• cqui1>mcnt in the e vent tif a :;tore bl azl'. 1'he ordinance, \Vhi«h v.•111 b(' up fur ;1 publil' hc<Jring Jan. 2 1, 1vill <Jlh1\v <'ily polic:cmt'n tu C'nforce no parking J)f<>Vi s ions alo n g lhl' l'Urhings otl n1aj1)l' :-.to res . It 1\10ul<l affrtt 10 c:i t y s h<)ppin g c1·ntt·rs. 1'he cit y no\\' cannc1t l~nfo rrc !larking rc:-.tri1·11on:-. at those cente r s because they arc c.·on:,1<1i:rL'tl pr1' ;1lt· s t reets City (>ublie Works llirt.•ctnr \V ay111.• Os bt)l"lll' believes it w1ll cost about $1.1100 to initi;11ly paint rt:d curbin gs Hn{f ins tall ~igns, lhl'n another $:100 It) S400 a year li) maint<Jin. But part of the cost \\'ould be.· n1;1dl' up Ly traffi c fines. In addition, thcc:ity 1:-. \\J.-.c.· 1111\s µl:.a1111l {I Ulit\l' 111 <·ontac:t store ov•ncrs to sec 11" lhC'y \\'Ouhl hi· \\'11\ing 111 s hare 111 part of the l'1ty':-. 1..·i>sl. :-.Jllt'l' llH·' \\oul<I ht·n1.·fit rnos l Deserve Salute Appl a us e 1s 1lt1t· 1ht.· ~00 ~1111 tli -. ;11 .\l;1r1n.1 I ii; Ji Sc·hool \\"hu ',\Ill lca\'l' !hl.' ll u1it1n ~t111 1 l ~l·;11 ·h l',lllll'tl"' f1>1· a lc.·\v <.la .vs 11r lll•ll"l' !Ill:-. :-.pri11g to :-.1..·r \1..' .1-. ;1n1hassach>1·:-. <11' n111 .'i 1t' in :-.1x c1lll'S ''' l<u1'11JJt· .111d 111 our lll'ig hhorin g t.:ountr) i\l l'.Xll"O 'l'hl' y<1ung !Jl'()J>l1..• :1rl' llll'lll l1t ·r :-. (11' !Ill' ~.l :1r1r1 •·1 ·.., :-.1ng 1n g t'll :-i(·n1l>IL'. planning a good\\·111t·tn1e 1·1·1 1ou1·11I r:urope. :ind the l\Jarin;1 llig h ~,t·h on l l~:111d ;111d \ra lk _vril' <lrill ll'am. pl annin~ p~1rl1 r·1 11;1t1,>11 111 .11l 1n\·itati1111 ~1l 1Jand revie\\/ in 1\1<.·.\it·n l 'il) 1t ·s a 1ril)utP tn the ,\'011ths ' talen1 :ind l'llt•r!.•,Jt ·•, th;1l s ul'h tr;1 \'cls :·11ul pl·rf111·111anl·t·.o; lit"!o rt· t'nr•·1 i.:1 1 a ud icnc<•:; a r e JH >ss i hie. '!'he Y(>ll n g p t ·1 1p1 L· r ;.1 L St •rt <1 l I t h t! 1non c_y to i"111an tl' t h ('LJ' tours. l ~11t tilt· c1ppl.111s t· •'l' f1ffc r toda~' is n<JI In the ynung JH 'O Jll (' :ilon1·. \1 1· :-.;d11J 11 :1lso the si:h <1o l sysl t'111 11·hit'h t·h:11111 l·I:-. l lit1..,t· t :il ... ·111 s ·rhe 1\;1y :\l~1 rin;.i 1s r e a t'h1 11g onl l1t·.10111t lhl' 1,:1. ... 1<·~ nf high :-.<·ho<1l 1·dt11·:1ti1u1 \'.1\h 11 .... •pporlun!llL':-. 111 rnu..,il: and gruu1 > 1Jc 1·fo r1 na111 ·1· 1':1\1 · .... I ll1· cn111n111n1 1' :-. pralSL' ;ind ;ipprl'c.·ialion. · l • " H When Legal Verbosity Backfires Dear Gloon1y Gus Volunteer Army • m Germany SYDNEY HARRIS) Spt•;,ik lng of !av. y 1·r~. :is I \\ ;1:-. 111 p:..i ssin g ~ lht• o lh1·r da\. l'f' 11 1ndcd n1l' 1)f th e prl·1·t"d1·n ! hott ('ri n~ 11c t1 n11 l ;1 kl·n h' !h" !-\ S upr1·1n 1· rourl 1<1:-.I n1unt h hi·!l 11 r1·fu ..,l'1l to ;.1ec-t•pt ·' hl'tt•f il1·d h\ .111 .d111rn1•\" h1·1·.111-,t• 11 . :10,, !111) ln11i:: I lll'\1•1-thnu)..!h \ 1111· d;1 \ \1<11dd oirnt· \I 111•11 li·~al \ l't'lin:--11\' 11 01dd •· <1ff1c·1alt' r1·h11k1·d ·h , th•· 1g h1·-.1 c·ourt.111 th t' l:111d . but .ii' .1 11·n!!\ t'\l'll 1h1· 111d u1·:-. /1.1\•· .1 ti It lJ 1' I o h l' rt' \I I I h I !"I' U lll !111· 111 ll Ill In :t \1·r -.i· eord1·r tl1v 1•11111! 11·111·d h.u·I.. " 'hri1·f" fron1 thf· 10 -.,·l"t1l111 g :1t t«•rn1·.1 ot /\lll11 '1 111nl:'-1n <lh10 fo1· f;1i llng 1" "n1pl1 "11 h rult·s rt'<JULl"H1J.! t"un 1• .. ·111·0,,~ \-. far a .., t'uUrl h l" • rt,1 11-. t·:u1 d1 1.! bat l-. 1h1:-. 1:-. th1· It "! 111111 · Ill hr ... !C•I \ lh1· rllll' nf "IH'1-. .. n1 ·..,, h.1 ... ht·i·n 111\c1f..l·d :ii ·11 <, 111(!\ lt·11·l •1f 1ur 1~prud 1•111·1· ·r111-: 1•1t1 >s t:c·t .. rftlt 'S hr11·r· ...... cn1111• 1han Iii!• p:1~i.'." Inn~: 1th ,,n •q1p1·n1ll' 111 l.~,IM) :-.till liotng r;1ph., :1tt ;11·h1·d t11 ;1 11 :1t· "rn p.111 \ 1ni.: ... 1.it1·nH'11t uf n111r1• IL1 11 ~00 p.1i.:1·:-i 1'! ht• av1 ·ragv fll'f i" \l"U:il)1 Hll(' p :1)..:•' pf qll•'" 11111 -. f!)l!u11 t•1I Ii.\' fnur (11· f1\•' .q.!1•-. Pf f.11 ·1 ... .ind <1n ;1 r i.,!u11u·n1 I 1·,<o r :.'O p.1 i..:t· ... allh1,.·n10 ... 1 1 rt 1-. 1111n1t.,1I 1hat ti·,,. \111rd t.r11·1 1, ... 1111 .dl.i< h1'd lu ..,tH'h ;1 ··r ,11 1,1,•;11\111 1• "h1th 11.1 .., u•r11n)1• ,1111111111:• liul l1r 1o·f ,111d "'~ 1-!Pll• 11 .. 11 1 ·' -.un1111.11·:'-or d1:0.tt :1I·! ,,f .1 ~,I 'd 11t d•1\j])Jp l,.1·f..1'1' llt1\ ~·J "ii•' l.nni.; \11ndi·d11 1'"" h1111l 111 u·r-.011 ;111d 111 1111nl , :-Ol"l'lll" to 111 ' 111 ttlrno..,t 111\ .1 r1.1hlt· !1 ;1 11 f/f :11 111n1·\:o. 11111 · of thl' rildt'Sl J ~r1 11sh 1·J.!;,il ~1or1t·:-. 111,·olvc ... a IH'r ... 011 1 ho .,.,a5 prt•:-.t·n1 ;1! a ~1tt 1ni.: of he Co111·t of St•:-.:-1011.., 111 t.un1hin 111d r1·t111·11cd l;1 t1· 111 1ht· ;•f1 1·1· ()J tP\ll "!' Jo',.U ll!.iltl \ ,d\l·', l)(l!J1·1• 011111 ·1·1~ do ·~o •f\\' ,t f'<•I Sl' nnt 11nl~· .11'1' th1·.1 1.· qt11r1·d 1u 111· pri l11'1· <>f"t'1t·1·1·:.. 1h1•\" 1l ;1\l' lo1 ht• ;111 i'l'111t'' ,,,,,· Gloomy G;u• <omm•nh "'• ,.,c.m,nM IPy ,..._,,"'""<I• n•• nt"<•uarlly ••flf'<I ti.. w"'w' ol IM n•••Pa ... r ...... """' ~ -·• i. Gloomy c; .. ,. 0•1ly Pl~ !l'I• Ill ! 'I I 1 nd r ht' .... I lllt' l";I~(· :-.I 111 <1n :i nd th•· .... 1111;· l•.il r 1 ... 11·r ~1111 t :ill, Il l).! Ill·: R .. ~\1 .\U9'1<1> t11 l .Hrd .J u-.111·1• l 'ni·kl1u 111 "Sur1·l~ ht•'" \1;1" .. Jll\g ~I )..!r 1 ,d d1 ·;d ~1f \illll' 1·11nt···· tht· J1111 ... r r1.:pl11•d !.i1r1).! a l.!O h ,1 " hi' l').hllll:0.\1 •d 111111· :'\"01' h•· 1-. 1·nt"ro;11"h in).! 11p nn 1•\1 •rr11t \ 1\ ~ th·IL t.'h1!1d \\I 0•11 \1·rh11 •1t 1 b:t••\.;fJft':-0 HI\ JI "l'll ,I., ll d ifl \I lh II Pr1·-..id1·nl 1:r:111f..l111 11 K11""1'\l'l! 11;1 ... a \l•l1n i..: l.1\l\1·r n1s l ;.!l'lt1 n ~· <;l;ll'IP<i :11ld 11"";1·!;1llll'd f., h:H1 tlJ. ,1 IOLl ;.!.h ('L\ d 1·;1-.1• 'I h•• "l'i'"'"" Ul t.: ],1\\~1·1' \\,10,, ;1 1! 1•tf1•f'll\l' !UI\ r•ll';11h·r. \1h11 lh1 ... 111111" n1 a d 1· !h•· t .11.!l n1 1~t:1k c o l ur.1!111;.:. f1 o1 -.1·\1•r.1I h•1111 ~ \•, 111 " l•l'l•!lllf'lll d11>1\t•d 11!1 H""'l'\ 1·lt 111111l·1·d lh .1 1 1111· 1111 \ 1111 •11 "! p :1.1 111g lll ll!'ii ,1\lv11l1n11 \\ h1•11 h i-. turn l'.1111•' ti.· !'n-.t• ;q\d '-;11d "\'011 h :l \I' 1i (•;1rd f!\t• •"\ 1ol• 11i" \"+o\J h 111 ' ,d<.,o l!•.\t'll"d lo 1111 ll1-.11n ...:111 '-hl'd <"11llt·.1~:11•· :1 l1t1ll!.111! t11.dur If '"11 \.,·11.·1·· 111111 ;nHI <l1 0,,h1 ·]1,·1 •· !ht·•·\ 1do·l1t"•' \IHI \\ill h :1\ •. I p 1lo ·1 Ill<' ill !11-. ,o\(1r 'l'h;d "..,,111 1 h,1\1•t11..,,1\ I lh· 1111"\ 1• .i :.. t)ut 1•u h·-.-. 1!1.1n 111 lll1 11U\(•-. ;1 11(1 L;I .1t1•r 11 11 \ hrou ~hl 111 :1 '1•rd 11 ·1 tor Hno"'''' ,~11 " 1·l it•nt So \~·nuld (ht• ~up1·l·n1i' l 'n111·t .1111·..,1·d ;1\.., All Is Not Gold. • • \VASlllNG1'0N With tllr Jnit cd Slates opening its gold .1t1ll s to s p f'c\Jlat ors . 'n elligcncc reports warn that in· <'rnational rings a re dealing in :ountcrfcit gold. The reports tell of counterfe it· ng-smugg lin ~ oper1tions out of l~elrut and Marseilles. with con· lections re o1c hlng deep into )outh Ame.rica. Gold bUllion has been coun· . erreited, according to the re- Por1.S . by drilling out the centers )f 24-karat bars a nd filling them ~'·ith lower-grade. 14-karat gold J r with even c heaper tungsten. IN SOUTH /\MERICA, official s .... ·iss markings have bc>cn clever· l ~· forged on the contcrfeil b_ar~ Some of lhCS l' phony bars . 1t 1s hclieved . have bt•cn.ismug~lccl in· 1othc United States. But the main s mugglins,t center ::; Beirut. an airline hub "'!th lOose controls over gold ship· ments. The s mugglers reported- ly have been able lo sneak the rounterfcit bullion aboard planes nying to destinations all over the world. Beirut gold den lcrs ere ulso do· ing • big business· Jn counterfeit coins. Valuable colJ\s no longer in (JACK ANDERSON) c irc ulation arc coun1r•1it·it.cd by clever crafts men who, under Lebanese la"'· don't even risk prosecution if the coins c-nntain the proper amount of gold. SOME o•· these counterfeit gold coins, according to our sources. already have.• started moving Into the United States. Americans buyin f.! coins and bullion. meanwhile, n1 ay il'arn the hard way that al\ that gliltcrs is n''t 24 ·karat gold. Footnote: Swiss rerincriC's arc ('lose to perfecting an e lC'cl ronic device, which can ussess the gold purity of bullion. The bars arc carefully "'t"i~hcd , meanwhile. on digital r t•<1d ·nut scales . Tht'Sl' \\'Ould quic kl y dcll•cl f.!Old·platcd tuni.:stf'll hars. Hui th~· h;1 r~ f1ll~·d "·ith c hc;.lpC'r j.!Olcl are more d1f, f icult to d e lt•cl 1\f1.c•r the low p;radc ~oltl is pour1.·ll i_nlo th1 • b:ir , ii hardens and som el1n1cs leaves an identation at the opcninJ.:. Gold bars w1lh d c nls. therefore, may be rejected. '11 I I ht· l·'.d1tu1· 1•'\HI H 11d1 ;\I \ \\11 •· :uid '\11'ii/1\'l.,i.,1 -. :..!<>I'.\ 111 .1 011r p;qJ1 ·r :d11 1111 c;1 •. 111 i :1 ·r11l:t1t~ I! 11 ;1:-. t1! n1111·h 111t1•r1·-..I !11 ll ... :; ... \IC ' h :1d :..po ·nl :1 ll<'t'h 111 1;1•1"!rl:tll.\ l!i:--1 .\ll)..!11:-1 t,11 tho· purpo:-t' u1 Jll l1•r\ 11•11 111 ...: 1111·11 1 h~·r ~ nf .. u1 \"ult1 1111 ·~·r .\t"tll_\ 1\'l)l ,,\l{l l1n ,1 hill•1\\ upl•l:1 ... !•ll .\ 1h :1I \l l'\11•1!c· .il h1u1 \ 111 . \ H 11 1 "'1rtr 1:r1:! \\\· l111p1• lh.d :1 \I.I~ \\"Ill h1• !<llllld !1 1 -.1 11·1·1·:.. ... f11ll ,\ 111!hd1 .111 1111 \\1•d ~·1• lh.d l:t1d 1 :-;1\-• h.i"'> lll't I I 4111\ I'll 111 ·! \\ l '• Tl lhl' I ;l'I ltl.IJI I" I' pit • ,llHl tl\t• \ll!O'f lt':lrl' !.t•I ~ 11·ni.·rnl1t ·t' IJHtl•' t•I ... h.11 I' h ,t1J ,t t:ft•.il dt•~lf'L' (<1 ]1p Hl l·:11rn)'1' 111 ·' .l-•"r'\ l\'l'!!l:•n 11 11 ilHrrn d11r111 ~: 11 10• p•·11nd -.1110 '1' l'1 •;1 rl Jt.111i,,1 1:1;1 '" 1tli:. p r• 'l'll1 l111l1 \JH..,I d1 :i1\o ·v '" od Ill, i/\"("ll[lidltlll .\1111\ :111d 1110 •11 .ii \"(11 .,\11 h ;111• nn1 11:11ll•'<I to lit 1!l (;i·rn1 :Jll) :ilh·r \' !·'. !l,11 I! 11.1· !hl' (;l'l'lll.ill p1 ·ppl,· ,111 d \111· ( ;l'I n1 :t 11 .\t'Ul\ n1 \\'n rld \\",11 11 th.11 1·;111 .... 1·d 1llL' 1·111·u n1~1 ar11·1·" 1hal n1 ad t• 11 lll't'1• ... :..:1r.1 l1n 11. ... 1 .. h.-1h1·r1· l'f':-i 1>c>SSll~1 ... ; 111:11 H11d1 .t 11,1 11\t' 1,1 (;,·r n1:1n\ \\:1 ~ n ut 111 .1d1• .1'.\.ll'I' l/i;1L 1t11• 11111 \.-. .,1 011 1 I :... \r111 1. l•:u111pc• l l .~1\ .. :t 'l{1 ,1r" -.1,1 t1 u ri1'd Ith r1· h1 r1·q11«:-.t 111 11: .. \\"1•:--1 (;l't"lll.111 ).!0 1\!'1"1\lllt'tll ! 111 r I ro11 p s a r·1· 111:11111111~ i 1h .... 1 · r\ .1 \1011 po.-.1:-., ;ir1no 1t•d 11•g1 n11 ·11 l ... ,111d u :-.111g ht'llt.,1plt•r :ind .t~"'I ' 11,1t rol~ :11 1111,.• h•1fd('f 111 ltLll 11t •\1 ii \h1· J~;t "1 l;o'l"lll:Jll .\t Ill \ lloi r'dl'I' t'o111tn;u1d. r::1 ~1 {;l'! !ll.lll ,\r nl\' :i nd ,..;1)\'i1·t r·111'l'l':O. fnr lho • 1•tl rp11~j · •Ii d \·lt·1-r111~ ll11 ·rn d111111 , 1••',ll'••! I Ill•" 1111111• 1'\•'t1! ,.j do 'll'llllf.dlu ll "I podl1\!',d 1 •·l.ol111n.., u11r ll1t"1\ ,110· 11111111'1. l•'")!!lll"lhh• fo1· d•·11·('!111 ;: .11\\ l•t•rd1·r· t·r11-.-.1ni..: h1 ,+1'!11' d 1111·1'1·-., 111\111l.1l11)1l 01l lh1· \\,11 ;1\\ l'.11•! 111 tilt• 1·11·nt nf .... 111·11 .in .11 l.11"k 11 :. nllr ttH'n \\ho 11111 ... 1 '"11 1h 1t·t 1111• 1n111.tl 1r un1 11111· d, 11..·n-.1· · 1!11d1 \\1•1!!'!11.tl ,1h11t1l \h\'!llllt' lh;d tlH· <:1 ·r111;111 .. liurgl11·r~ :--1 \ dn\lll lo 1111111 ~·1 1, ... •·\\ll~·n lhl· h11~ ... I 1·0111 t h t· XI h I 111an!1 \' ('tllllt' d 11\1 n t11)1l\ ltlt' hdl lnok11;i: lnr a lltlli· run·· \\'1• du not l'nndun1· !ht• I ;1pt'"• h t•;tll ll ;.!. ll)tJfdl'l':o., 1L11na).!1' In prop,.rt~. 1•\1' \\l· d1dn 'l pl ;1n lo dri v1· ;i 111·d g t• hl•l\Vl't'll lh(' 1\rn1:'-:ind tllL' <:c rn1:111 p(•oplC' ·· 'l'hc 1111·11 "11" rn:iy ha\'t' t·on1n1illl·d \h11 ..,1• (·ri1nC's n1;1\· ha\·l' d o ne th1· :-.1.1n11 • 1hin ~ h l'r(' 'at. holnl'. l s !ht• n~ure of 2jj rapC'S 111 a .\"C:1r execplion:d ly hig h in ~111 urc~1 \\ lit•rc.• l G.000 y ounl! \'irtl c l l:C'n;.1 ~1..·r:-. a nd 1nt'!l arc s l~1t ioned 1u•ar \\·un1t·n \\'hn d11 no l spCak their \an ~ua~l··' VOl ,,\R is \1·orking hard lo t<11 cou1·agc its n1cn tc1 i::ain 1nu r1· cdur:1t lt1n ;ind IP<l rn a Lr·ade ,,·hilt• in lhl' sr r\·ic(' !\Jany of I ht'Sl' 1111'1\ told u ~ las t ;\ug u s t that they lio not h<t \'c ;111~·tlung inte r esting tn do \\it h I h e ir off-duty tinlt'. althnui.;h th('ir s upc.•rinrs <"la1mc.·d olhl'r\\·isc. l .1·t ·~ hoJl(' lh:1 l lhl' c:e rn1;1 n 111..~oplc ea n d cv1..·lt1p recr eat 1onal arC':tS and t)·pc-. of c ntert:1 1nmc n1 lhal \\'Oll lcl ;ippt•a l to our n11•n s o lh"at th1•\' could 1·.x p e ncl lhL•ir 1·nC'r gi1•s ai1d tinh· II niay be ~1 \\ ;,1y o f (•lin11n:it1n!! lhc ··"·edge" b c l\\'ecn 1hc1n . It's lruc lha l lhc 1\1·111) p111 n1 0 1e s progra1n:-1 to "ill \'td\1' so lcli t•rs wt.h grC'a ter· seJ..:ml'nt .-: f1f \h t• (;errn ~L ll popu\al1011 ' llo.,.,,·e ,·cr, ,, . ._.<'lid not sec. rn·1r clid \\"C ht•ar. o( <tllY pl'o~rtt1ns j)l'O· nlo tcrl b't"' lhC' Gcrn1an penpll' to in\'ol\'(' Gt•rm~ns \\'ilh a ~r1•at1 ·r s<.'~•nl'nl of the> 1\n1('r il'an ,\rn1y' .IA~l~S .. ;. \'t>l·:l .KI. \ " , ' 11 I!., ' 111 , 'II• ' '• 11" I 11 •11•11 '"" ' ,., . . ' , ' ' Ii '•I" II ••I• ••/' I If, 1111/1• 1 .. 1 ,.,.,f,·11 , /•}/• • " .. 'i"ll ,. " ' I'' Ill• '' / 1/,. ·/ ' '· ' I ' , · •II •.. '' 1•1 ,, • 'Ill "''' ,, •. 111· ,, • ,,., '•.·!1/d/•/ oid./ , .. ,, ,,,,. .,,,,., I , u 1// I , ·/11 "• ,, .:, .. ",. •/1 '•lit • 11i l>l1•/,1'1: i.,(IJt ]'ddoH ' ' ,.,.,.,. , .,, ',., I 11.1 \ o' ! , ·"I 11 11 It to H 11 I 1 11ti1·1 1· ... 1 1111• .11111·]1 · <>II ill• \fl1•ll\.1! l ~1111l •-.1•1«l<<I •111•1 <111 "1 '11 .. ' 111 C: 111 1·"11 1 \ \ .o I J \ • 11, ' \" .I I t 'I 1 \ll• 11\ ( oi • o'I I 11'0' 11 1 •1 11 \!ii:-. l•l"•q . .:1.1111 I \111oild !11..~· I I' 1·111 pl1:1 -.111· l l!,11 !1 I" lht· 111""1 o ·I ~• • 111 1·.111d -ll!ll" ...... 111 !1,10 ".tr!!ll 11, \1ln1·h I lt.1\t' Ii.iii 1-.o11l.11 ·: 111 111,· lio•loJ ... p\ o•d \l\",1\11 1!1 :11ld I I !111111 ,il f 11" l 11 I ' l:'\O 1\l)l)l cl"f()~ !OI d1 ll l"ll"lr.11 Ill).! ~!It'll'"" \\llli <1\•'I ''(I 11·1"(• Ill HI thl' "I Udt"!ll -. "I'! \Id 11 ~I.I ..,,t\1•.\ Ill.Ill\ floll.11 ~ •It 111•• \.t' 1"1\1•1-.. lll•or\~·\ .. 111 ! 111. ("•,lilll\ -.up<' I 11 ... 11 1:.. ,ind l'111h.i !11 111 llt'l>,11(11\<'111 l\lllld'I " ,ll t j., i><' l'tH1l'l',l\lll,t11•d .. n tl\o•H 'lllll'»!t Pl 1!11 ... 1111\••\,1!\\• 1•1••!'1,11!1 \\h11 !1 1 ;u1t.-. !i 1g ll ,1111,.11 1111il.1r Iii" I< 't · 1 .., 111 1 ii !I ~ ' I , 11 t . 1 ~ I I 1-. 11 1\ ~1 ni·t 1·· li"I" ., .. 11<·11 .!' I ll.ti od 111\ 1'1 dlv,1i..;11< • Ill 111, ]111111111 :•1,•tl !\<',« 11 I 11 .. 111 ll H 11 ....,, 11." ii I •1 11 I< 1 1 II.ti ' I 1111< II .. \ \\il l lu 1"11 11d 11•' <111!111111 · 1111 \11<> ::1.11n l1 .. \11111l 1\., pr•·-.1·111 l1111il1n . \1 \ H 11• ! ) I l ! I l'•\l 'h"l";'!"I '.l.111 <t.'"I 1)1 ... 1111 I ( .. 1111.11111·1 1•1t1•1 t 'l•••••rs 'l'o !h1· 1-:d11nr ,\ thou~a nd 1·h1•('r~ lur ·ron1 llarll'v and his :l('kn o .,.,·It·d._:mt•nt of tht; lrc·n1t•ndou s hour" of \\Ork \\'hirh go 111!0 the prl'p<1r:1 t 111n fnl' a r11r1 t·•·rt . \1h1•!h1·r ti 111• \•u.,11 •11 in ~lrun1t·n1 :1I II 1s f'S l itn:tted 1h;1t c<1c h l r\·111e 1\1a :-;t ('r l 'h11r;.d1· me1nh1..•r contr1h11!1..·:-. ;1 n11n111111n1 of •10 hours pri•p a 1·1n ).! l(l1· <till' con· c-crt rf'pt•rtn1rL' (·rh1:-< rl·prC Sl'11\~ nearly S,000 hours t11t ;d for ll s 1 ~0 mf'n1be rs J '!'ht• c11 ln11n;1t1i1n of nur t•ffor1 ~ to prt'S C'llt lhti-bl"'SI in 1·h(H'<t1 n1u s ic to {)r:1ngl' ('ount.v \\'Ill nt•\'.1 liC' h1•a rd on M art"'h 1 "''ht•n \VI..' join forcl's "''ith th1· o uts t ;inding San l>1cgo Youth Syn1phnny to present Wa l1on ·s ''lk·ls h:11.1.:1r 's F'c•a s t •· ;.i n d VPrrl1 ':-1 ··f<'nur Sacrt•cl l'il"'res .. 'J'hank:-. ;ig-;1111 to Tom ll;.1rley .. lt• Ol so11. a!ld lh(' Daily J'ilot ror <·nns isll'rllly s up porting us 1 ·ro \h\· 1·:11Ltnr 'l'ht• Jl H'l"t' h,\ (i;11 ~(;r;11\\111 1•011 Su nd .I \, .l .111 ;, 1111 .. d "11111\ ll 1n :-.lt :1\\ ;\l ,1dt• t1 \\;1-. \ht' bl':-1 ;1 r\1("lt· 1 h1· 1•11,.1 11.~:-. ,., ··r d 111H' It t·p1101111 11•d llit' ht1 1d p\ 1uugh. 1nv1•s \1).!.1!1 \1· 111 11r11 ;!l1 -.rn 1111 ('Olllll\ 1:-.:-.1n•-. 111.1! IH 'll"\l·'\fl'I'" :-.h uul~I t'tl )-:.l j.!t' IT! II did !1 111 :-.ac·rif'1 1·1· <il n1·1·l1 \1t' ln1 ,1tl \·111";11·.\ It :-.11111 •1\ li•I 1ht• ..,,,1d1d J;tt•I:-. nf lht· ll1 11 ... t1.111 ( ,!11\\1:11).;!I S!ll':lk fil l' I 111 ·111~<'1 1 1 ·:-. ' \l\ .. 111\ li•llJ1..'1'-l!l.i1 '"1ud.i111.1 l1·t 1hl· 1-.-.tH' d1oq1 ll1·r1· hul 1·.i\h~ J,olln\\ 11 II)! \\ill! ;1 ·,1 fl"'< <i i 111! \l11·r oll\1':-\!1:.1 l 1ud . "II :l11t IJ.111 \ .il:1•1:.!.L t 'J.·.H ,\ ,Ll!-i 1:1111!111 J'ti, pt1l1l11 d, .. ,l'I \.'-.!Ill l\·1 t1.q .... 1110· l 'dt il 11ill 111· 1111· \1, .I I 'llL'l"ll , • .,,, 111 11 1 .1 11 1!1' \ ' '\I' • ! \ .Hiil'\ .\ltl'\ \JI,\'\ I 'll I ~ '""!~1 .llll I 11 I i1 t'''' •I j • I t \ \ !I I ' I 111111· Ed11n1- 1 ,11!1 il1 :-.;.:11-.11·d .111 d .ipp.d l t•tl \l l H II It 1.il,t'"'> ;1 h·1tcr 11\L' d ;1 ,1;-. .111CI \!• ,., ut ... t ;i 11.1\·,·I t1·0 1!1 l•,1 1:..:1 tH' lll'l';..!.•111 tu l '1 1-.l,1 J\11·~.1. 1',1l1 1 .. r111:1 .1:111 2 l11 .l ,111 ·111t·1 o 1,.: nu 1"t·~p·1n s1h !" i·'t 11..._,. 1"1 111:-. dnuhl1· 1nd1 g11.it11•11 \\ n,ol ... 1l11· prohll't1\ .• \11 1 1 1t·r ~u1 1 d111ng h11~1f1l'"" \\ 1!1l lllt Ii''"! 111111 ·1 1·.111 uh:.•'l\t•'" tht' p1 ohh•1n l! ,.., nul fll'1 ·1 ·..,~.1 r1I\ lt'tllnu 1o ).!l l .ii. 11 1 ... 1\11111.111 llLt • , 111pl t1\ l'" >1h ... ,•r1 t' h"\\ I Ill•\ 11 111·1-.. a-.f.. tl11'1n 11 11\ llll'.' \\;~rk lut 1ht• l'P"I 1111 11•1· ;\\;111.\ 111 !h< t'l!ljllt)\"~ .tl t ' !<"I nld lo lit• ;1n1 1.1 ... 11·1 1ti.111 -.!1n1 utlh·r.,. ;1rt· ti• l,H li,·.j \llll lil<'l t'"\<'1 1 .irld l!lllll \1ol\Pd \\Ill\ l\IL11 \llo '\ du , ,111d -..1111,.tl\• r-. 1111·1t·l1 ILi\<" .td!t1~\1 ·d lo• lliv 1n ~r1111\11111 -. t.llu-. qu<1 .. 1 llH'd lOHl.l<I \o•-. llto ·l t';ll <'I'' '' 1•t111 q-.. ! .1:•t111.1 1~.·.\l"ll 1 .. 1 \'\ ,'111\iJ~• 11111 Ill\ lvll•'I' l,.11f.. 11 \t' d.,1 , .1 111! I .I •1111:1 1·, :111 i•,ct·p1 lull )t1 '\p\0·11 il111 1111 1 .. t ~lil'l'I I I 1 1 ..._ I I :1 I • 1 I , ' 11 · ' • I I ! ' I ~ I . I I I \ l.1-.l1 ··d 11111 .1\ 11 11.11 1 1111nk 11.1 -. .1 111,i ll:l) .. !l 'I 1.d I< pt l'"<'Tl1:1!1\ t ' ,il1l11LI !IH' ..,[(1\1 pr<>t'!<'"" ut .1 11 111 ' \h:1\ ''!1·1Hl1 ·d lo\ ll\t' f1 u11! d1H l1. ti! 11\t• ,\d:1n1 ~ nff1(·p lll l 'n:--1:1 J\1 1•sa. JI,. lqltl 1n1· 111:11 111 .. \ \lt"t'i' c\oin )..!. lh1· 111•:-.1 tilt·~ 1 0111 hl. t·t11 np;i1l·d t11 \\ ll.d I II.in 1 l..lltt\\ • .incl If I \\'.I ~ :-0<+ 1'<1llt'1·r11I'<\ I -..hflnld SC'l'k t'l1IJ1lo1 1 1111"1\I ( hl'l"O ' I l1 1ld 11 1111 I h :1<1 . hut tlil·rt• \ll'rt• nn op1,.•11111 :..:., Ill' lold 11lt' I \\:t~ r1 ;.:lil ' :0111 l 1i;d for ' ht• 1\d .1111~ or 111·1• !hi" :-.11ll;llH)tl \\OUlt\ l"l'lll:t!11 :-n h~·1·:111 -.f' 1•n1pl11yl'" st•lth llll q111! I tll1nk lhl' pr;1 t.:t1l~l' nl bt·1 n i..: 111'\'<t 1-. tH1lll'xi:-;tt·nt I \1 ;1 ~ ;tn•l .nll 1'11r1u11.-. "\:nt nnl.1 h:1\'l' \\t'. tl1,· p1•npl!'. p :11d fpl' ;u1d pa11·n 111 1.1·d 1111 ... d t•a d \\'1111d and dog n1a11•· i'O"l <d ptdlt'.\", hut , h~· (;utl. 11 " ha\"l' Ill :-.\ II \I\ l•Hl ~d!'Ll't\ ti 'l't11· :-.ol11l 1u11·• \\'e /\n1t•r1<·,u i:- ,1r1· L1i·t·d ''it h in1·rl':1:-:1n).! un 1 •111plo.111·11~111 It is an 1•x•·,.ll1 ·1!1 11n11' In p11n1p llC\\' hun1 :1n t :ill·n1 and c n C'r ~~" {ll1<n1titat1,·cly and qualitatively , into the po~l .'"tl syst(•m . It is an C'Xccil c!nl op JX)rlunily to rire. retire ;ind ('' pirc ('Ontracts of those em1)loy<'f' participating in the "In"' uf le<1St l'ffort " \Vt' 1nust e mphas ize not qu:inli 1 \ nf pa,\ 1111·nl. 'l'hc lllolH'.\ 1:-. ;il 1'l'<i tl.' lht•rL· lur 1n1pro\'t•111t•r1l I hi• h IL Ill ;1 n r L's 0 ll ,. 1· I':-. 1 l•-..pon -.1hi11t~. con1mitn11.:nl a111I 111:1nag 1•r1:d lt•adcr~hip i.., not In ~111.111 ln1 :..1111::ss if you 1•:1111101 1111 the joh. it is tim e for <'h;H1gc ; 111 J.!!l\"t'1'11111l'111 if \Oll l';Ullll1! do !ht' 1nh you ;11"l' p;u«t n1c11·1· ln tin It'.":.. :11111 ;111~l1ht·I' \"lt'r snn j11:-.t li i-.l' you ·~hl l't'dl<1 ht'l)l . I\ t·:N < • \:-:t)l 'l·:I llll Sf.""tlrft 'I 11 !lh• l·:d1t or· I IJ 1111f.. lhL• llJ11lj.0 lh.11 "'>l'.111 ':0. ll!t' nlu1 c th;.111 ·ri.u isd.1 ~ .... l':11 lh 'l\t 1~·' 1111'<·11;,., Ii• 11\1. "" llll' , •1·11.11u1 .. l.qd1, oh• 1.1l·\.thu t :-.111 ~!t1<•:1,· ;\tl•·h·-i~ 1;, nl·rat ir•J.! .....,, 11 .. 11 "• ... (' '>flhl•.'! .1ph d1d11 "1 'I' , . .,.;.. il '1!1• •t.t.i"''" I J·:111:t Sl)~ \•·•·d•··· •.• , ••. s T n \ht• Editor ,\ N""' \'t~;.i r:-. rl·~ulutton I m ht'l'p1ng ts ''' v.·r1le to lt>g1s lators !f1.·dl.'ra l ;.ind s tatr l on ~('\"t•r:il i~ ~Ul'S \.\.'l' need l:i\1 s to requ1r1..· I ) a minim um int.:01ne tax :-.o super· rich c<1n 'l l:'sc :.ipc taxes. 21 dE'duction ol a ll medical ex pc nses on ta.-i: reports. not just ;_i pc rrentagl' :J~ physH ·1 •1n~ tu bt· !c.•stcrl rt• ).!lil arl~· on phy!'i 1cal :.ind rnc n!al t·ond1tio11. and knowh'<ig l' l\1os t of tnday·s n1t'llit.:i nl~~ "'""t'rt' not in Px1s lc n cc 1 :1-~0 years ~1 i.:o 0v\ll' hear m 1H·h aboul 1nalpraclit·c Jn:-:ur<1l1("(' ('Os t ~ "1C'eding ou t in com pc lt'nt s \\'Ould s :i,·e the public antl 1ht• tlnctor:-. rnuch mon1•.v .i i rpgular. unannuunt.:cd 1n- "l"'t'l,1l1"n" •ol n11r-..1 n g t111111e ,.; .ind ~1n11n:il c-xperimc-nt lahs 'fhl'rc's rnuch un:ivoid a hl(• suf fering of human s and an1m<.1l s. le t 's t·1·;idicatt• the a\'0 1dablt· K r:'.'l llOG E llS !Pllh• l<di!o t \n l1\\1·~!11:.t11<n1 d 1'"' 1101 1n1p- l1 '~1tilt 11 .111 .1~•,.1 i.·.\ •it I lit' Lr S !..!"' • 111111,•11! 1-. 11n 11 11 1111 · tu ht·111g 1111,-..11~.'1··1 1. 111 \'ll !111 •\ 1·011lll 1·111H't"i\ ,ol1I\ ~" ! .11\ d\ \I II h j ll :--1 ,oh11111 ,q1\l !i 111~ \ t "1 oi1 i-:rt•..,:..1•111 ;1i 1111<' ... t l .ill')!\ q j )..'<\\\'l"!tll\l'lll :.11 .1 1"'1 1• I•~ duo·..,11 I 1111',lll !h,ll ll11· ,1:...0 I)•\ ! ~\I ii!\ "I ,l(l~lfllllj.! \\1 1,11 It d'il'" 1)1!•,11 1 I" 11\:t\ \Ill' 11 i..:ll1 ..... 1 lh•· \1111·111.111 p1 ·npl1..· :11'1' h o 111 :• pl ••H •1·l<'ti 11 I ),~ .il\1 ,1\ :-. h1 ·1·11 !l\\ hl'llPI !h.d 1h, \'I\ ... 111 h "·'' ''' ~a thcr 111!n1·n1.!l 11111 11n 1·nc ·1111(·" of ou r i!<l\\'r1n111·11 1 'l'll;it d111·.-.n ·l n1 c an 1,111d11n1 "ll.' 1nl! l)ll l S c.·1l1 Lt'ns 11 1 t h " 11 l .1 :.: nu d r l ' ;i so n . ~11 1111•!11n1"~ I thi nk lho-.1..• s tealthy d11d1· ... \\o tdd 111..t· !u ha\C" n ·rv 1 ,1 n1t·r:1 111 1·\1'1",\ hontt· \\ired to a 1n.1s t<'r t'Plll lH !l 1·r ~n lh1•y could -.t"rut ir1 11 .• · 11111 ~·\i·ry 11111,·e. Their 111otl \'t• \\11uld pl"•Jh:1hl.\ h<' a s long ,1-. ,Intl 11.111· n·~ ;..:11111, .YOU :-.l11 1uld11 't 1111 11d \\'l' II\\" Hl ;1 l'l'l)ll bl1l" dt'\"Otet.I to dl'll)o\'l":H '.'. lil1t•r !.\. f rt'l"'don1 , hig h 1d1·:il s :ind :di tl1 ;d good s luff l..1111\\ II :1:-tht• ;\1111.·riC«ll\ \Va y~ 1\t \l'.1 -..1I1h1nk \\1•d11 . \Ill\!·: l':\lil .. K i\l~R ORA~GE COAST DAILY PILOT /i11/•,.rl \" \\·eed. l·'11t>lish1•r Tl1>•n10~ l\t't'IJll ~,'dHi>r ll11 rt••1 rrr f,,"ri•1l111'1 ~'fl//pr111/ /'1H1•· ~:rlrltir 1111• •·o!il,.11 .. I 11.10:1• Hf lh•• Dad\· l'd••I "'"k ~ 1 .. 111l<1r111 Jon.I ,11n1uL>1h.• 1•·,,1t.·r ... t" pro·'' nt1nj! ••I\ lh•.~ 11'1.g(' il1l•'l'l' <'!l!ll •ll•·n1 .. ,~ ••11 l1•11n·~ or in 11·1 ,. ... 1 li1 "'"•11<'·''L"fl ,.,,J u111n1i.ts a nti ,,11't•~•111"\' t.1 1•1••\td111J.: " forum '"' ro•,1dt•r ... • 1<·11 ... .i11d !•1 pr<.•!licntinll !111., n"1' -p.qu·r ... "1'llllo11., .1n<l 1dt'a:1 "11 I UI !\'•ll \Pl'H ... ·1 h1• c1h lor1al npllll!•tl.., •>I 1h ~· !•.0111 l'1luC 'appear ''"" 111 lh•• ··d1l•H•.•l 1•<'•l u111n at th~ 1 .. p .,1 !h• 1•.1 .. •· 4 ~1>111 1,on:-. ~·1p:prcs~ed \ I" the ! ·d•PPll• ... t:-.0111 f'!lrtOCJniSL"I. nn•I !1•1!• 1 "• ,1,.1 ~ ii n· H11•1r u .... ·n a nd nn 1·r1.t,.1···•'ll1"n1 ••1 tl11•11 \ 11'\\ll hy the ll.11)1 l'1I• I "'>lltonld h 1· Ulfl'I 11•1! Wed nes d a~. Janu<..Jry 15, 1975 • . • • ': .. ' • ·: ·: • • :; ~· ---· .1, ., '. :· . ' .· :~ " .. •, •. .. :· r ;: ~ •. • • • • • -,, .. • • • 1 •t • • -. • • • • -• • • ' .l • ' -·; .. • • ' ' ' Supply Of Gas Declining S 1\."J l·'l<1\i"i 'ISl'l1 1t l'l 1 .\\';dl:ihillt~· nf 1\,!1 11r .. I g.1 .... 111 ('allforn1a \\'Ill i-:.u du1111 du1·1ng 1111· IJ t•X ! Ill 1 t·.1r:-. 1·..,pt·t•1:dt1· 111 lhl• Sflt1\h 1·r11 l'.!11 ul lhv -.1,ile ,11 1·u rcl1r1 g lo lilt' -.l,ll•· l'11lil1< 1 tililll':"I (0 t1/l\l ll l "'dHI\ '!'ht.' l'.(11 11 1ni.-..:-.1o•11 ... .i1111u.d , ,. port i:>:-.UL'd 'l\jTt·-.d.11 nut.·d that .'>UpplJL':-0 0.i l"t' l''lll'l'lt•d \<J dl't 'lllll' [.._ __ s_1_a_1e_. __ } \I hilt· fl 1"!11 1·1·111111 t·llll"lll:-. lur !!.I:-. ..1 rt.' gro11 111 ;: d ur11ig 1 l11 · p1·r111d It is app;1rt·11l. tli1· 1 t·pnr t :-.11d . lh;1t "!ht• 11111•1 r 11 pldil1· r11 ;11'kt•\ \lurge 1ndu:-.1 r1 ;d 1·u:-.111n11•r-.~ 11·111 h:1Vl' l<1 turn to dlt l·rn.111· lu1·l:-. lor !111.: bulk n! 1t:-. rl·qu1rt·r111..:11 t -. particu\;1r\1 111 :--..1u1ht•111 ('aliforn1 :1. 'l'hreat '''.'tile• S,\C ll ,\'.\1 i·::\""J"() ( Ll'I 1 "l'h,• :-l.1 l1..• t•uulU ]n-..,1.· thl' !'>ll1..• nf lhl" ne\V S t .:J n1ill111n ).!u\ernnr·,., n1:1ns ion if th1· :-.t r111·turl' \\"l'l'l' u~cd as a h;,.i ll ·\\;.1,\ hou:-.1..• tor 1lru;.: .i ddi c t s or ;1 1nu :.l'11n1 , th .... legislature's a lt.irll1..'\ \\arneJ '" Jay. . Gov. Edmund t ; B rt1\\0 Jr :-.aid 'fuc sd:.i :--h1..· lia-. ;dJ Out :.:1,·1..·n up hope of s l11ppin,.: t·on :-lrt1t·\1on 11£ the 12 .0UO-:-.qu;1r<··ft101. rl" :-;id cnec <ind !'>L1).!g1..·st l·d 11 111 1;.:ht be convcrtl•rl into ~1 !'>1·n11n;1r l'c n\er ur ;1 ··11111-.l·u111 ul -..,o n1t· ku1d ."' 2 Bodies 1 ·0111111 'l'RO;\",\ 1/\I'\ 'J'\1n h;1dl)>' d1..·· l'O Tnposc.·d hud 11•s, ht•l1e11.·d tu li1.· thu:::.u o f :1 111 ;1 n :u1d h1 -. \11f1• l\nuv.•n fur th1.·1rd1:-.t 1·11-.1 of l1.111k ..... have hl'('!l found 111 :1 li'llll1· !u·rt• Inyo l 'ount.1 !'>h.-1·11r ... :ind ,.,11•- 0111..·r 's offi c.·1.·rs \11.•r1.• not v1•I rt• 11..·a :-.ing p o-.it11t· 1d1·11li!1;·:1tions 1111 the bo tl11 ·-..,. 1101· l·o1rn n1t·111 in l.! c111 ho 1v lh L' t11!J da:d ,\ -.h1·r1ff'-; dC'p ~1rtn1l'nt :-.p11hL":·.i 11 .in :-.:11d :t :-.U:i l e m c nt t•n lhL' ,._...,,. \1 Jll hv 1:-.- :-.ucd l:llt.'r tud .1~· S11icide (.'fai111e,f IJERKJ.:1.r:'l · 1l ·1•1 i .lo.1t·" I> (:1)\dher g, :ti. t"'t'l't111\l' d11·1·1·tor 11f :1 drug r1•h ;1t11l1t:11111n pr11~1·.1 11 1 , 11 ;1:-. fo u nd dc.11 l 111 hi .. Ii, i111 .. '\'1h·:-. cl.1y fronl an ;i ppart·nl n\ t·rd11 ... 1.• of llill"COliC':-o l'uli C'C :-:11 d .1 h1. l\\'1(h·r11111.: '-\ r 111,;c Y.'<1:-found l'IUt <"lit•d Ill 111 .., h;JnJ. ThC'.1' :-.:11tl t ti .-1 111 ·!11·11' h1· tuok hi ~ 01\·11 l11't· 1111111 .. ,1 <)u .itl:ind 'l'on1. HI. 1:-. IH:11tg :-.uu:..:ht Ii \ !ht· J·'l ~I for ;I! l1..•;.:l'd l1 · 1:n1 bl'tz l1ng S:+inO.IJOO J 1'11111 thL' l'hinalo\\ n lj r.i nch ul tilt· S;tn l•'r;1n c !S {'1• 1:l'd 1·r.il S:1\'ings :111 d l .o:nl .\:-.s 'n .. \n a ss1:-.l<1nt \'IC"t' Pl'l'· :-.tdl'lll . t'lll µi oy1·d 11•1" 11 ~c:1 rs. ·ron1 h:1 :-: h t·1·n r1 .1(·1·d to ·r~1 i\\ :in Man Booked In Beating Of Boy,2 J.Cl:\'G l~t-:AC ll (U l'I ) i\1 t•lv1n (I <:r:.ih:.itn . £5, 11'a :-. h ou kt•d on :-.u~p1cio n o f c hild hL·ating 'l't1 L''.'.>d<1y aftC'r ht· al ll'i,!l'dly thrc\\.' his ~1rlfr 1ent1 ·:-. 21 ~-ye:.11·.uld s on a g:11n:-.l a ' 11·all ;_in d heo.1t hi1n y,·ith ;1 bt·ll Pul ive -..,;nd !ht• t·hild , .laJlh"'' '.\J1ll1un. \1 ;1s 1n ;1 1·nn1.1 and Hl Yt'I",\" l'l"iliv;il l'Ofl(]J1HH1 111 1hl' II\ 1L"Jl!-ol l l..' l':i fl' Ullll ,1\ l.1111).! lll';ll'/i ('un1n1 un1t.1· llo:-.pllill. 1\ liu:-.p11 :d :-.p o kl·:-.n1o.in -..,;11d tilt· l1r1v h.td ];.rr).!1..' \\l'lt -.., uJ\ hi:-. b:u 1-. :11 id liul \l)l'k:-. ,\uthoriltt•:-. :-.:1 1d tht' 11u·1il1·1it O<.'l'll rrcd 11 hf•n l ;r:d1011 n 11 t•nt !01 p 1cl... 1hL' hoy up !ron1 <.1 ll;llJ\-..,!I lt'I'. \\'ilnt•:--.-..,t•;, s:nd th1 · ho1 ' d id no! \1 a n 1 l1 f ll'.1\1' .ind ht·g;11l cr1 Ill).! :111d :-0\"/"t";ltlllllg 1;1;.1h.in1 r 1·pp1 lt·dl .1 hi! thi· C'hild \\ LllJ ;i 1tl a j!;1tllll' ;11111 dr.1g;..:1..·d h11n u1• .. t:11r-. \\"1\th·:-.~1.·:-. \1,[d o ff 11·1•r .., lh1•1 h<.•.iid " t hurllJlllll-! :-.ound t'runl tll1· up ..... 1:11r:-. •111;11 tnlt·111 and l lll't\ 1h1· l'I'\ \fl ).!. ~\uppt•d \\'1ltll ''''" \·,dlt·d pol1t'l' tlff11·1·r .... ;.;11d (;1 :1h.1111 loild !hl·rn !h1· l"hdd h:u! f;dlt•n ;1 ;.:,1111-.1 :-.01111 · )..2 1:1-.:-. and !'lit 111111:-.t·ll SA1'TA ANA I , I ' . ·. ., ' ''·· •t.' ·~ r~~ ·.'. >l ll ·Tt I C l >A '.·>J' I' LA /.A All Bullock's sto~es will close at 5:30 p.m . on Wednesday, January 15 for inventory. Edison Seeking Increase l.(lS ,\,'\lil·:l .l•:S \l I'l l 'l'ht· S1111th(•rn l ':rl1lorn1;1 J·:11l:-.1Jn l 'o 'l'lh·sd;1\ Pl'l)jll,1..,t·d :1 :.!l p1'1't'L'll\ J'.1\1• itll'l t".1 -.1', \I h11·h \l11 tild 1·0:-1 lhl' JVt•t .I "!' liunl•'U\\ llt'I ~~) 11101"1 ' ;1 lllDl11 h I" lH1't'I ]JI ul>J1·111-. 1111 jJUSt•d hi 1111 [,1\lllll l 'fl;11 I lll.tll .l.11•h. f I"! 1"!1 \<1ld ,l :-.1 .1 11• l'uld11 l \111\11 •.., l 'o11 1 n11.-. ... 1P11 \11·.1r111.i.: th ,11 1111· 1.11<· lu111:-.\ 1-., ""''11!1.d h• inv,-! lll).!h1·r p1 ll"1· .... 1n,11nt.111111.., h1nld1ng p1 11 gr.1111 .111d f)l ,1 11 11.illl !I I I 1·d11 r .it I ll ~ "l'lH· ['l t 1\,1 ht•.11111).!:-. Oil l ll•· ~\.~'.I t11 dlJ1111 I ,1h• 1 cqt1t· .. 1 :-;1 11• ,. '''' o·rnh. 1 "l ltli11.--. 1l11u1 11:hu1lt tll1· {<>lllL 11~ ,111 • t.11111 .:. -.1·ru111 -. l111.i ru·1.d pr11lil.-1r1 .... 11 .. 1 h•!l ..,_,,.1 · S1111·I-. prlt't'"' .u ·, ,J.·p1 """l'd 1> .. 1,,11 ht•uk 1 a!u•· 1!•111•! 1·n1 <'I .1 :.:<"-. .ir•· 1·rcul Ill)..! ,llHI •'l!!'I .1!111 ..:_ .11 id • •IJ•ll ,d ("(>-.1.., 11.11 , ..... 1-.:--1 .. 1 1-.t"tt'd \ • t•ll ..,ll1l ll't' -.poko•..,\\01H.1tl .it 1111• fil'.11'111 ·.' -..11iJ ()i1 • 111\'J'l".l'>I" 1·,1ulil 111• ,,-.., ll\\ll It .J'-l~I lll'J"l'L'lll lu1·-.11n11· -.111.ill 11-.1·1 111..'.11"111 1.!-. 1111" ll11 • p r !!pU'>t"I I .i11· lllt'J'•'d "l' h1·~·;q) 1,1 '">! 111Ptllli ,111d .111 · t'\p1llt'd lu l"(/lllllllll' ll11111q.~h \).1\ Ill \,l!"l<•li" p,11·[.., nl 1111· ill lid\ .., ~t'I'\ lt't' ,11"1·.1 }".dl'>llll '-t'I \t'' : .1 111tJ!1u11 • u ·,111n11 ·r-. 111 l.1.~ .. \11 :.:1·ll·:-.. \"l'll 1111 .1 . S:1111.1 1:.1rh.ir;1 (Jr.111g1..· and p.11!-. 1ol H111•1"..,1d1· .1111 1 S.111 1\1·111.1rd1 ll•i t·c1111111 ,•.., Oil Spill 111 Cha1i1zel 'No Tlireal ' :-..\\'['\ IL \lil' •. \H .\ 1.\!'1 .\11 lS 111ilv Jq11:.: •H I -.111·1... Ill th l• ~;111 !~1 H.i 1 h.11 ,1 <"h.1nn1·I ti,,.._ "nHi1 1•il .... 1-.1\\,ll"•I .111d I~ !l•• 1<>11 )..:l 'I' .I lhrv.d 101 1h1· 0·11111•111Jl1t'll1 . ,o1·~·urd111g 1.1 1h.· ('tlllllll.lllll<·I' .. 1 th1· :->.111\,l H.11b,11 .1 (",.,,,1 lo1:.1rd <;r11u1• ! I "I o'l<'lll'I' !!'('utilll'll -.,11d ·ru,·:-d .•. 1 111.11 1h.-.,11 .... ·1.·1n1.'<l1,11!1· .i h j..•li\,•r l nlt>r I ILt1! 1·111d!' 1111 and 11 .1-. po ....... dd 1 -,p!llt•d lrn1n .1 p.1:-.-. in :.... \.11'1..."r ! HI -..1t11p!.-.... h.11\ ht·t·11 l.il...1·11 1r .. 1n ,1 t:111k1 ·r' 1n t hv ;1 1 ~"' .tlld \\I'll' 1 .. 1111..: l'"t11 p.11·~·d \1lll1 111 1 11111 11 \h,• ... lnk tl('1111111·1!-..11d 11. -...11d lilt' l.111 !,0•1 \\•'idd ll••! !11 · 1.l .. 11:1l!t•d t11 1l··.,, lilt· lt·-.1:--. )!ltl\1' l"'"ll l\< \ \\''-"'"\\h,!1 l.1il ... 1o111• I'''' I 11111·11 11 •pi.I L.., ,,,. d 11n1p-. j1l1 od l 11 11· ! ol.t "T I _,11 II<' 1111l'd \ljl IH -.111111>1~ .11 1.I 11 -.. '11111•"l ··:o11 h1 • 1.1tl1 •d lori' ,I ~<".d 11t ·1 kl.1.1' .\1 .i r\~l .. u:.!y r 1 1 11 1 r 1 ,1 11, 1 1 • • I , 1 r .. 1~1 111 11 I l.1trrt· C;1rnc,i_:ie. i)".,,tr,111<!.~:!:> ·)(i".~1:> Bullock's San1a Ana. I Fashion 5'..ju.lfl', 2 H()(J N, /1.1 .un ~r r<.·1 1 , ~.1111.1 An.1 , l Lll·ph•HH 1 (i'-'7:'11 Bullock's South Coast Pl aza, San TJ1c;:o Fr('(''.way a1 Rr1~ful , (11".1 /l.1 l'~.t. l ;:lt·phon l ~)6-U6l l • j Sex Film For A11es !'-i.\l'lt .\:\11:::'\l'l) !l J'I J li1 1"<I-. do it . lH '"" du 1l. but l 'hr1 · :i nd S11 "1" \\Ill h;1vt• \o h1· :-.11111111 ,111 \ 1'.t1 1..·d t\h)\ Lt' hch11 l ' \ht•\ l·;111 du tl ('h1 ,.., .i nd S11 .... 11• a 1 l' ~u ril]a.., 11l1u ll.1\1· 111·\1·r h1·l·11 .1rnund utht·r ~nrlll.1:-. a11 d \hu:-. don 't kllO\\' II lial (1! dn Ill 111.J!l' ·"'·•l:t .11nt'1tl11 Zt1<• t11rt·1·t1>r 111ii \l1.·,·lo.l·1 -..11d ·ru ...... d.1,\ '-.11 tl1 1· 10111 t.!11.11n1·d ,!tl • d t11",ol 1,.11,d ttl111 lr11111 .i Ill!> 111 S111l11.·r·l,1n•I ltl h+lp1·:-. th.ii :-.li1111111g 1t I<\ (·t11•1-; ;111d ~ll-.1<' \I ti! :-.\ltlHL!.d,· !ht•tll .1 111! !1"!11 111 llll· l t1 ll~:ll· 1n..,L11l1·t 1 .. 111 .. 11 ,,·-...1111·:-. "!'ht•:.:., lll ltlll\1• lil tH \it'l'l-.t •! .. 11d , !t".Lllll !''"> \!fPll l' .lt'(1\'ll!l'' 1.t .i l11u11 II ut g 1\rdl.1 -. 1.-.111111 :.: 11p ln 11 1.d111 ;..: .ind th,· .1.-t11.il tl\.11111 ;.: LAST 3 DAYS • Wed nesda~ JJnuary 15 1975 DAil Y PILOT • I j S6:J itl i I Ii,,,. Smog Controls Called 'Ripoff' S :\l 'l{,\1\1 !·:'.\·rl> !Al'! 'J'y,·() hills th.I\ \1 n11ld \\ ipc out .1 l'•Jl l ll't~\'t·r~1 .1 I all!ll :-;1nog j·u11l rnl p l'u g ran1 1n :-.1.x St11ilh1•J"11 {"<ilirornia ~·uunt1v:-h.11l' ('[~~re d t heir f irs t 1·ornn1 1111•t• ln1rd h• '['ht • 1dl·t1!1C;i1 llh'.1:-.\lt't'S ll l!llic[ 1•l1111111:il1.• ;1 l"\'•jllll'•"ll\l'JI \ th.ii l!ll<li Ill .1lll1l.., HI \,p .., \11 ~1·11.·-.. ()r;.11i g 1·. S.i u U1·1 r1.1r d1 11 11. i{J\'l'l"!'>llft· ~.1111:1 IL 11 h.tl ;1 .ind \ l'llllll:I 1·11u1l!lt''> ht· 1·q11111p1·ol \\ llh .i d1 ·\ ll't• d,•-.1g111·d l" l'tltl\!ul d\!dt· .... u l lll\t'11J.:1'1l {:'\,()\I l 't'l l 10 ·-. 1·111l10•1HI \ht" do·\ ll'I .., lioH1 -..l c'.l'">1illllt' '<11l-.lllllpl111tl II hdt• .1dd1t1g l" 111-.t,·.1 .t oJI l"lll tin~ .-.llll•).!il..'\l'l.-. l n :-.t.ill .11111n tl1.·.1dlln.--.. li.,1 l' .dl'c•.ul:-o 11~1 :-.:-.l'd for plutt•s l'nd1ng 111 clig 1ts r1 111.· to f,Jllr. and Los 1\flg('\('S Cutinty uffil'ial:-. SHi d HOO ,UOO \ t•hH·lt'S in lh1• :-.ix l'Ollll· t1t~s 11011· :1 r1· 1·q111ppl·ll \\•Ith th e· d1·1 ic1..· . l.o:-. ,\ngt·!,·s \ 'uunt.v Supt•r,·isor l-:1 •r11l l'!h ll;1h11 1t>Slilll'fl lll f~1\0I" ul lht· lJll!-.. t".1Jl1n~ the lll!o tallu t1 .. 11 rt•qu 111..·111 .. 111 a "$ti:! n11Jl1on ripoff \lthu1q.;h .-.11·h d,•11('1• 1-.., !v I"'' .1 111 .1-...11111 1111 of s:r• l hl' total :1011111 111 \" !h t· I x 1n 1ll1011 n1ut11r1.-.t :-. .ittvl·tt.'d 111 tht• ;-.1-... l'olltl\ 11•-.., I !I\' ol \ l'ti 1-.., $4;;1 11111110 11 '' II.du\ hlld 11tt" 'l"l1,!\u1-.., ·1 l';;ll th.d ;1 S1;:11n\JlHHl l"lf'Oll entff Ltd. r; SO. COAST PLAZA ONLY CONTINUES ON A FIRST COME FIRST SERVED BASIS LAST 3 DAYS OUR ENTIRE STOCK IS INCLUDED /SUITS /SLACKS /SPORT COATS /LEATHER /SUEDES /SHIRTS /SWEATERS MOST FANTASTIC SALE IN COSTA MESA HISTORY ANY ITEM FOR ONE DOLLAR WITH PURCHASE OF ONE AT REG. PRICE NO MUMBO JUMBO YOU BUY ANY ITEM AT REGULAR PRICE •.. THEN PICK ANOTHER OF SAME VALUE FOR ~ JUST ONE DOLLAR 0 Ltd. SOUTH COAST PLAZA STORE ONLY SA~ DIEGO FRWY. AT BRISTOL, COSTA MESA, 540-1 502 I \ • • ' . ' • " , ·c ..... .:. ..... -f"""' ' I 1> ' ... ·- Orange Coast <DITIO N VOL. 68, N O. 15, 8 SECT IONS, 86 PAGES CIA Bares '71 Plot to \\",.\S l li i'\l;'r().\ 11 1'1 1 t 'J \ JJ1rl'l'l111· \\'i!l1 .1111 I·: l'odlJ\ l11d.,, d1-..1·J11..,,·d 1li .11 ,, 1 .. 11 ~ ... 1.111tl11n· I 'I.\ -'"ll l"l ,. 1111 .. 1111l·il tli·· .1 .·1·nc·1 111 l ~1 i l .nid 1:1;:.!til .111 .tll1· •·d 1du1 111 hilt lurrn1·1· \11,· l'1, .. 1d1·1d \g 111·\\ ,111d l..idtl.ij• IHI 111•'1 l 'I\ du 1·11111 li11·h.11 d J ll ·l1n -. ti" .d-.o .11 ·!..111 111 !1·d:.;1·d 1 .. 1 11!, 111':-.1 ltn1 v rh;11 th,· 'I" .it:1·1 11 1 ..,,.1 Ill' .t 1·111111!1·1 llll«!l1 ;.:1•1u·, tll)lt Ill J ~U ii II li1t Ii ·~.1(1i1 l t•d l 1J1•, !HI 10,IJl )f) \rt1 t 'll!'.lll ('ill/1·11 ... l \11! IH' tlvtHl'd lh.J.I 1!11 · .1<l11i11 11.,, 11 lv:.:;11. \:-. a r1·s11i1 ol \ht< .ill1·g1•d p it!\ .i~.11 11:-.I .\~1 11·11 .ind llo 1111 .... ('ulh.1 .11d. !ht·{'[\ t'.Jlll1 d .. 111 ph 1, ... 11·:il -..11r 11·JIL1111, 111 l\111 \itll'l"H'.111 l'l!H'" .d l1·1· ,d,•1 Ill\)' 11.,! II t 11, · F J ~ J .1111 I ;..., ·1·11 r s .. t 1 11 ·1· (",.lh1 d ("rllt'<! Iii.it .1111 111·h .1t r 111t 1 , u 11ld h1• \ l.1..,..,1! 11d,1-.111 <',..:.d d111111•-.1H" 111!1·111 ..:1·111 ·1• ~'.i lht•! ll\J.:, • . .1\111~ lh ,d .ii! 1 1111 1·11 ! ('I\ ;H" ! I I t I I<".., ;1 /'t · II 1111 !rl 1 hv I 11T11 ! .., ot 11 .., i·Ji.1 I 11 •1 '1'1 11· .111 -.l 11 v I 11 •11.1, 1111c11t .... .id l 11~· .. d,1.1 i i ;,.11v 1111' 11.11111·-. (II 111"11• th.111 J1 1,1 ~1(l \111\'fl \"oll\ d1 -.:-.I d1·tlt'> tu !ht· I'!\. 1)111 !111> 11-.I 11 ;1.., .ippat 1·nll1 d1!l1'1'1•11\ ll"ultl lh1• OtlP d1..,1·11-.-.l·d h .>-t"11lli,1 b1·tnr1· llH ·:-.11h .. 11nlnl 1111•1• 4'nl l1.' ,.,,ild 1h.1l <1t1 \tlJ.! 1.). l!h,j !ht· ('I \ 1·-.tahli-.h vd ;1 1·1 n1nll'r 11111·ll1i.:1·11c1· 01111 ·1• 111 IH<!k ll!IU tll.· l"''"'1h1 1l r• ul 101'1•1 ;.!n l1ni....., tn \t1ll'l'lt";111 d1~:0.Ult·1 1t t•!t•fl\L'Jll'-, '1"111· p ro .~l'~1ni 11.1 . .., 1·11d1·d 111 ;\l.11 l"!i . 1 ~!7 I 111 !111· l'oiir:-.1· 11J !111-. pr11 ;,:r:tlll ,. ("p]IJ.\ :-.;l!d, ""1111·:-. \IL•t'i• L':-.l .i !d1 ... h1·d on ahoul IO .(l\H1 < II 111 • n.., 111 ! ht• 1·1HH1i1·r 111t1~ JI i ;.:1-·111 t' ll 11 JI ( 1dl1.\ ~"'"" l.J-p;1;;l'-.l.1!1·1111•11\ ! • 1 l ii, ... 11I11 ·u 1nrn111 '-'l' <J<·k LlU\I lt·dg <11 ~ th.11 tho•('].\ ha:. n1 :1dl' '.>U/llt· 1111 ... 1.iht•-. lllll 11 .. :-.aid ~n.1 n11-. l.1 1.1•-. \\l "ll' Jllfl't'<jUl'Jlt :ind :.11·111 1111•<1 lrun1 ;i n11. ... l·•Jlll'1')1lH1n 11l ll!1·1•,11·ntuf1t:.ch;11 to •r 111 h1-. -.[,J\cn ll'lll ('ulb\ ;d:.o :-..iid ;1 ("[ \ 1'1·1 11·1~ :.hn\\t,'d I ii.Lt 111<' a ;..:t"llt"_\ l.q•pl·d lht· t.·l1·pllo111·-. uf :l l l " S re~itli.'nl:-. l1<,-llll"l'll l~:J I .Jtld \'./l i.-l l1llt tllJllC lht·r1-·;111 .·r • •• "l 'ocla~ ·s (.'losin,,: l\'. l '. SlcH•k,. W EONESbAY, JA/'IUAR Y 15, 197 5 . N T EN CEN TS ' ' Kill Agnew lt1.•\ .,;.dt-•d 1 h.1\ 111<· ( "J.•\ op1.•1 :11 1•tl ,1 prngr.nn 1<1 ''lh'H -.1•h •1 t1·d 111.111 h vl \\1't"ll !lh l 111\1"1 1 :-it.t\1 -.. ,111d {\\O i '11111tlllllll-.I 11 •lllllt11 .., .bl't\11·1 •11 t!1.1:1;111d t:r;:; Saul lit.ti 111 Iii , l..r1u11 l1·di.:1 · !h t'lt-' l1,1d l\l'\1·1 hv1·11 "":-.lll lt•1ll ;11ll"t-•. ll'l"hi111 ·;1l <>I ••l lll'l'\I l'<I' <iLf('t'lc d 11 g;1111~l .1111 1l11·111li1.•r •I! <:un grc:-.~ <i n tl11· 111111 111 l,dl \ !\1'\\ ( "u!l11 :-i iiJd ,\!;-,I) I II I :i' I . -" ' -. " l•111 c• ldlll l111:: I I\ Ulll 11• .J lii!l'I II• I I I 11111 +tl lJ.,. -., l•il·!t1 .. 1 1jol11!l11l,1lllh1•111·· p11· ,,,j, 111 !!Id J..1d1t.qJ 1111 • ~ 1 \ illl •I l••I \\ I' ,JI 1 I• d lh1 :-.1·1 ·1 l'I ;-., ! \ 11·, I d . .i1 d 111· 1·.111·11·.\ .. ot 1111 1·il l.1tl1•' lll 11\11 • ! 11 ii I I \ • I I i II I ' ii , I I I , • , j Ii , • I ! I \ tl J ' I \ I 1 I I I\ I I .i 11' 1,11111 lu ll\\ool\1• .111•1 1\1 ·r 1· 1h"u Iii !u 1,1 .. 1 .1 11.1111 .. 111 ,111 .. r •II jl< 1·J \\,J-, "1"'11• d .11\d \1 111 I I< II\ Io, i '·!I I <>I l I\ Hi I• ! I " oi $3,500Pay Hike School Chief Confirms Off er l".\l 'll[U;1\)\ IS,\ 1111 •. \1(\. h'..\l'I:: 0 1 ttw: O...oly P1101 si .. u :'\l·11 porl ~l 1·s.1 l "1.1lit>d Sl'hool Jh-.1ru·1 Supt .• John !\:i•oll 1·011 t1r1t1l'd "l'u1·:-.da.\· th:tt he h~1:-. bt'L'll 1>ilt ·1'1•d ;1 Ill"\\ ('Oll!l";u·t ;ind :J !--:1.:,00 r :11~1· tor lh1· cnn1ing t'i :.('<d ·' t·.1 r 1111! 1 ht• di .... ti-iL·I lL·:1 dt·r told ll 'll ~l t'I "'< l/i,I! ht• d1d Jl(J\ \l <.Ull lil o.11·1'l"l•I I h t• l"ont1·:1c 1 unti l :-01n1.·l1n1" Ill',\\ _.\pr i J. \\'h e n lur n1al -.,dar.\· 111·goti:11 1on.-. b1-·~1 n . 'l'ru :-t1•t ·~ hr11ugh1 th1· n1 :1ttc1· up l1r1v fl .1 durin;.! luHl;.:l'l d1:-.("llS:-.i1111 ,111d ;1 ~f(•1 •ol 111th :'\"1toll":-.1dl·;1 Hl·pvrt -. of ~··C'r"t·I s.d:n·y ta lk:-. lit•l\\1'l"l1 :\11·1111 ;n1d (ht• trUSIL·e:-; h.1 11· .ilrt·~t d.' 1ouch1•d <•If a flurr.>- «I 11r • .iv-.1-. frotn !t·:u ·hl·1·s and 11lht·1'~ Ill ll\1• t"Ullltlllltll\.\ :--;11·1·1 l 1:1rlll11111\.. 1 .. 1 •··111t11l1ltl •••!1111·11 pil lll t.:, .Ill ,Ill:-. 11\:-.l ,l[l.d lqll ,JI -.1i1 · 111 l 111 '11!1,I 11<·1 :\1:11' l·'r1·,·1\;1_1 1n11·r1 ·h;r11 ~1 · 1111d1·r 1 1J11 -.!ruc li1111 .1! .\l.11·\r 1J111r 1:P11l1 \,11•1 ,1n1I 111•' :.11 11 141( .. i1·11l 1'1.1111.· \\ill ht·1··11~1 1 • p.11'\ ti! Iii 1d ~1· :--1111111111· al 1111 1·1 'l·h:1ngt' .iltln _ ~;111 r hi·~··· { 'r,·vk 'l'!Jt·11 1q\p1>-.,1lH11l t"l 'llil'I':, 1111 \hl' l•1·li.·! tl1 ,11 ''"oil -.h1iuld not b,• ~I \ ' ll .1 11 t' \I I' p 11 l I' ,I(" I p.1111. ul.11!.1 11 11h .1 -.uh:-.t:1nt1;d I .11:--1· II h 1h· th\' d1 :-.ll"H"l 11ork ~ t .. -. .. 11 ... 11 n .... lln.1111·1.d \1,,c :-. \11·1,]I .. l'Urfl·t\I :-,,1lo1r.\ IS SJ8 . .>otl. '\i<·oll ~.L id ;1ftc r ·ruesda~"s 11 1 l·1·\111 ~ th.t! h1 -. deC'i-.,i11n tn hold 1fl'I' u oJ 1h,• ,.,111t1·;1ct \\aS·n1ll p r·n OC Told to Prove Hinshaw Fund Loss U1 (; \J(\·~.lt \,\11 ,J ,I-. 01 '"'';>,,,,,Po IOI ~I·•" 'I h1· h1111il111 c: c· .. 11 11•.1111 .1 -.h ··d l" 11 ·p.11 111 .111:.:1· i '1 n11 111 ll H .ill••i..;1·d l11i.11111.d 111-.-.1·.., 11•l.1l•·d 1" H• fl \nd1·1·\1 11111 -.1!"1\' <II '•'ll lH!I! l~t•;11·h) -.t!l"l'l''<'<11ll l'1~:_ 1·.1t1l!•·H_'!I Ii.I ... !_!l\t'IJ .• lho • l'tl!llJI\ -.I\ 11\Hi llh-.. ,-,TOCKS r;.11., (J/V FfJRI> 'J: IL/\ 'l-:\\' ,.(lHh t l 1'1 1 .-..JH1 l p1 lt'c:-. 1n"11•d -.l1~litl• liq.;)11 •1 lo d .11 111 l't·.11·!11111 111 l'r1·-.1dt·11I ),.nrd '..; j•lu:_:1,11n-. 111·~11111 '-•Hlll' 11!').!.dl\1' t'l>l"]"H,ilo• 11 l"\I, 1'1,1d ltll.! 011 lh<' '•'II ~ oll'i, ;-,\1H·I, I·:, r•l\,lll).'.l" I\ ;1 ... -.111 L.1 11 "l'h1· 1>1111 .111111·-. 111/111 -..111.il .11er .t l.!1'. ot l .ii 1h1 · 11111 -..1·1 ,i nd ,ilt1".1d ,II 1111d.!.1\ ~ 111\••d I "!I 1•01111. ... hi' .:; ,;•1 J ,,.I 1111•"• l··d ... 1 ,tl111111 .-, lo I .\la nv 1111 1•-.1,.1-. 11t•1 1· 1ull1·d \lh<·n 1i1<''' lt·.1rn.·d 11:.\1 , a 111.111.i· gl~1n1 n tJr .' r1·p11rt 1•1 t 111111·1· f1n1rll1 q11a .. 11 ·1· 1·.1r111n i..:-. I H .\1 :-.tori. plUll l!t-'ti on lht· 111·11:-. and tht• N'fSI·: h r u •fl\' hal1L'd l r;11lnll! 11 1 t ht• issue for d1 :.:-L·n1111 .1tH111 ,,f th1· l'l'p111·l Or11111(•• U 1t•itll1Pr 11 ·11 h r l'OOIL'I' 'l'h11 r s d.1 ,1. Oil' curil i n J.! 111 lh1..· \1't•ath1·r !'C'r v1 c·c•. 11· 1 I h a (·h:i nt1.' of St )Ill(' fog lll':ll" 1h1· ht•;.u ·h1 •-. L11L' tnnig h l :1 11 d 1·:11·1.v 'r hur .... da.' llighs 1n 1d lo uppl'r GOs at !he he ach es nnd in tht• 7lls inl:1n<i . l~Sl ot; '1'00.\ \" /lla11f1011 1\ln g11.z111P 1111h/1.q/i,•r //U~/// //t•/11t'r ~llld I( JLVI.~ //It' ''Flll'difllill /i11 rrassrr1l'ul '' o/ n1 ur>.~f1!J<llor1' 0 111 10 111'1 fl11 11 011 dl'UfJ clu1rg1•.o; llr11/ drul'(' /11.o; s1·er1·lary o dt!ul /1 ,'\/ory. / 'O</•' ,\ I. •...... :\: Al Your !>ttr¥i<• it..) " '" .. 8Nlln• I.. M . 8oyd c .. uiorn•• c ...... c ....... Cl•••U1 ... Col'n•t• Ct0u•o•d Counoy oo .. 111Not•<•• Eol110,.•I f'•t1• E nl•rl,.1nm•nl . " " " ... .. ,,, 11•·1 C4-14 " 1ntormo"oon 6J it.nn L•"""'' Cl M•ollK,. it.o Mo..... 8J . Mulu,.I Fu nols BO M11\IC Ila• 6 1 N•llon,.tNfwt A• l't'OPf• (1.J $p<lf\\ 011 Or 5H1n(ro~n f\1 $lo<• M•rli.~h llO I '•'•'""0" A IJ , ..... ,... lilJ.• Wo.oU°'r A4 Wo<illl f'l•w• ~I i I. J I 11.1 l'.11 f..<'t 11,-.1-.1-. 1111· i"Hlltlll 11!1···· 1 1·.ir-. tu ld1· .i \'.111 -.1• •·i 11,1..,1'<1 lltl tr .Hid "I , 111 1 •• I 'I·· !I ' 11 I I '.1 I \ , I ti .I It 1 ! ' I I'' ! II 1· 11 "I t 1•'1ii I1 1 Ill .1111 • t ti Hiii' !1.!I l..1•1 ... 11tl II• .. t.t11 ll • 1•! 1111111 ,11 .. 11 ~·1\1 .. tli. ·llHI • 11<1• o , •! j1.,11, lb, d,.t, .. 1.jj .. , •• 11·1\ 1"1•1••\t'll 1 ........... 1111\\1"\1'1' l',111-..·1 ~.ll•l lo\do1 1 11 '''1'•'1 lt·d Iii.II 1 •. 11 11 .1 ... l)..ll('d 111 .. lilt• .1ud11111 ~ 1.1 11 .. 1 ,i .. 11 •1 11 111\111 ·.; 1111 ,11 llll' (<1lllll\ 1 .... t .J1 1<' t11 1h ... dl,·~···11 ,1 ... -.1..:n111 •·111 1\J ,, ... '.., "I "llll"L '111p\.,11 Ill 11 :11·,li,111 < oilll\>.ol 'll li1qild I 1' l.111111111111h11111l1•1 \\01·1,. lh" 1•(111.,,11.d ""' .11 1/11 '•11 p lt111•·, •HI !"11111111 !11111 I<• .i ld 11111..,ll.1,1 'l1•1'llo>t1 l•1 I 1>11 t1 ..,.., "I' \llt•d Ill ,I ;:;("H!ltd (;l.llld 111 11 111d1111lh'lll lh,11 1h,11·1•d 111111· ,, .. ~, ... ,,., -. 111111·1· 1·111pl111,•-. \l lllJ t.:l",l tld lh1•1l \\111-.flll,H\ \ldl.1\11111 .. 1 ).!•l\•'11\tll!'lll 111d1· ... ,11111 t,d-.111c.1\1<111nl r1•1nrd ... In l't'"l'Pll "I' tu lilt· 111lnr n1.1111111 !IH'lttdl•d Ill lh1• llldJ1'111H'll l . 1111• t'Pl!ll\ \ J~11 ,1fd (l] :-ilJ1>1 '1"\ 1-.01 ._ l,l -.t l"Ul'l t'd 1 ho • l'Ol!nl 1 1·n11n -.1·I tu .ti 11·111p l lo r1 •1·n\c'i" .1°11 1 ln~:--1 •:-. In llio • l ;1,11;i \1'l"S l h.d 1111 :.:ltl h ;!\~' If!' l "l ll't't•d ;1:-. l ht• l'l '."'Ull ol th1 • ;tllt•g t•d 1II1 • :.! ,1 I ~1 l' I 1\'11 it·~ Youths Spray Chemical On Woman Foul' .lt'l't 1ng .11111111~ 111 u :-.pt•1•1t tng L':ir spru~1·d a Sa11\;1 .-\11a \l1°l).'.hlS \\PlllOlll \\lfh ;i l'.lll~llC cll1·n11L·al 'l'ucsd .11· ;1,., :-he 1·nth.! h1•r l11ev1·l1· nl.'a/' !ht• 111l1 •r s1·1·t1on of Sotnl 0 :1 .\11 ;.1 t\\\'lllll' ;i nd i\lt•:-;1 1)1'1\t'. (l1·ang 1.• ('nunt _1· S h1'l"Lff "=' ol'fH'L'l"S s ;111I. l>1•puti~s ~•11rl tlu· u1111h·11l1(1ed ll()111d h11rnL•d ,\\r s. l.ol.i l{ulh Lft - l1•ll':-; l'_\'1•-. 1(1 lhl' )JPlll( lh:tl s l11• \\';! .... ror1·1·d to di~n11111111 ft'olll ht•r nl:t<'h1111· ;\l r :-1 l .1111•11 . ·17. 11f :!O~tt l H1\1 •1 . ..,1<\1• "\'l' S;1n t .1 ,\ua 111·1 ·~1ll ~. told o!1·p111i(•.., !ht• fnu !'" .111i'1 1h -. l.111 g h1·d .111d .1•·1·rt·d ;i1 h1·r ,1.., lh1·1 -.pvd ull" 111 th1·11· :-n1;il l j , 11 \' I ;.' I \ I ' ; f I '1'111• 1H·l1n111·purl1•d 11~11.1 .\ 111 ,il h v1 v1 1•:-. .111• :-011111 •\1 h :ol 1111pr1111 ·rl .1 lh·r' lr1•.1l 1r11·nt t.111 ·"'' ... 111 1 I! 11!;1{1•1l l1 \ lilt'llllhll<l\I ll l"h\•t\lll',1[ Ford Says State of 1\1 111·'.l.I·."\ '1"111 )'1 .\ . .., '' , .... 11 I '\1;·r11" , 1 1·1 !'fp-.1d1 'l l\ i"••Jd t"Ollt'l•d1•d 11111 !\ 1ht· l1Lt1 lli•·:.t<t!"nl !h1· l 11J<1111-. tt11! .:"•111 .1t1d a.-.h1·d 4 ·,.n;..:rt ..,~ !ni· .itl .11111 11·<"1·.., ... 11111.11 1 1•1·rn1.111,•11! t,., I Ill"' i'(J t. ,-l i•lllh>I) ,I lt'.!I l1ot Ill ill 1d11 ,+)-. Ill) !<\II 11/ .II! ll!l 1111•d1.i11· ... ]~ hill1t11J l,1>.: 1"1•1!;11 1• 11, II\ l"l lllC' 111 ... 111 -.\ ~1.tlt' 11111i1· 1 111,.11 .1ddr,·-.-. F11ril 0111ll!n1·tl " Ill II O'\ < •1\01 n1 I" pi<>..' I ,11 ll d,•-.,1 :.!IJt•d lol' 11d \ 111o'I II d .._ d t·j•< lldV!ll t' 1Jll 1 .. 1, ·~ll .,i1 h\ l~l.'(J \\ !id1 • 1·.1 -.1111: lh" 1111n1 ,•d1,111• JH11hl1·111 ol .1 11.11 r,,,.11h· r. 1"'"'ii >il11 li1, 111 1,,.., ,.,,., ..,11.id"I\ 1·ol !11 -. l'!>lll"t"I Tl\\ 1111 llil l.I 11<•11 I ho 1•1npl1:1 "1" 11 1 11111 , 111tu11111··, l!nrl :-11111 ... 1 1\u\1 ... 11111 ft,,llllP!l.11 1"1i to111l1 " ll('-.,11 d l·,11d .1drn1ltc·d li1 -. JHni,:r .11!\ \\,I '• 111tl.ol 1••ll,1r1 .incl 1\otdd 1•;:1:-.•' lit•· 11.d111n,d <h·ht 1t1 S.lnO l111l 1n 11 llll' llt '\J l\\H \\':If,-. 111· th1•11 "utl1111•d ,1 d.o r 111 ;.: pro L'l".trll In r,11s1• t h l' p i lll' 111 l11t.•I 1hr1111 ;.:h \.1'\1'-. and .1dd1•d i·u~L S h .\ $.1.°i liill 1tn1 lu d 1:-1•nt1 1·.o.!!1' 1·on ... 1unpl1t>ll \thdl' :-.l 11111d..i1111 J.: the t'\'01\t)tll I \I._ 1th !;1., l'tll S fl,)I' \)01 h 11ul1\·1duai:-;111d hu.;1 n'""" Jiu ;1sk1«I Con ~rcss 1o 1•1i<1t·t 11 b.v 1\prll 1 (St~l' T .\ X ( 'l .'T , 1-:i ~t_· :\'..!I TJIThief Walks Ou.t .\ h11ld s hnp liftt•f' and a p.1 11· 11 1' 11n1·1i 11 C1·1·nrd ,,·it n e :-.s c·s· 11hu 1lid11 '! \1anl 111 g1·t 111 1 1 ,1 \'t•tl l'-~ 1· ll <·ont r1hut1·d I 11 I h1· In""' of a hranll 111 •\\' t·ol111 \L•l1•\·1s 1•1n ·"''' fr,1 n1 a N1 ·1' ix1rl Bt•:ic·h dr1111. SIOl"I'. po]i('!' .... 11d IOd tt)' Thl' lhcft of l h l' porl :thlt• s et (roll, S:1v-l)n lJru~s al 1020 ll'Vllll' 1\1·1.'. took pl;1ce l:ist :\l ond11v , :i nd 1n\'nlv1·d a hold y oun g" n1an v•h~ s 1r11µly· ~ i':I u No Ousting For Teachers /11 District \hPll! ~I HI pro h .1!1 nt1.ll ,\' l1'.11·h,·1 .. 1n lhl' ::'\1.'\\"p11rt :\11·:-.a \ 111 !1,.,l ·'"hool IJ1:-Tr1 l'1 h ,1d lho • 1·h.111c ·1· l•• hr1.•;1lh1• s ig h~ of 1·1·1!1 ·1 rod.1\ '' hl·n ll11•\ lt'.1rn1.·<l lht'.\" \1 '•1111 I n1 •t ht• I ired .1f11•r all :'11 p l'I l!l l t'lldl'tll .luhn :'\11,.'oll \\h•• h.1 -. h1•1·n ('1H1:-.11h·r1ng i:.s u111 g l•11!1·1H 1al (1 1-.,111 1:-. . ..,,d rl•llll't'!'I " \u .ill 111-.1 . -.l·1·ond :i11d 1h11·d y1._•;1r i1'.1l'h 1·1-. +11 11!1· d 1-.tr 1l·t. p0-.,tcd 1lo1!l1'1':0. ,11 t'.lf"h \:1•\tl)t)l'l ·\il'~.t dt-.1111·1 ..,vli110] lud.1.1 ,111tl<Hl 1l<'lll g ihL· ..:1 •11d Ht'\\.,, ''''oil.., ;1('\1••11 11.1 ~ pr11111pll·d . 111 p.11( 11.1 .1 l1·111 •r t1un1 ;1 l•'.H h1·1 ·-. Cli\llfl ,t:-.k lll)! lh;il 111• 11·1.1111 .ill l1·.1 \h1·r ... t·111·1·cntl y 111 lh,.,il-.111• I ('h:1 n ~1 ·, 11i 1·11rolln1l'llt ;ind l t111d111 :.: proldl'tll.., \\•'l o' !Ju· !•' ,l'"-PI\-.. t'llt'<f h\ :'\11•1111 ltl Ill-., i'dll ... 1d1 ·1 .t!11111 ,.1 d1:-.1111 .. ,.,111J..: lh1• prn li,llllfH .1 1 I ,I.ill In dc•('Hl 1n;.: !If ht·1•p \)I,. p1'oh;1 ll••tl.H I l1-.1\'ht·1·-.. :'\11·011 :-aid hi' \\!ltlhl !1·! ,1t\r1ll!Hl J"L'(ilH 't' th1• 1u1n1 ht•r· of l1-•:ithL•1·s. rnst1.•;1d of d1 s n11.-.-.i11 g lht•n1 \ l1•ll1•1' :--1•11\ l.1 :-.I \\t:'l'h h~ l "h :1rll'" 1:01 d n n . pr·l'..,tdt:n! of !h 1· :'\l'\\ p ort :\!1-·:-.a J·:duc:ation .\:-. -.1>('1al H\!1. urgt:'d i'\1t·oll lo con - "'<I L•t' p1•nph.>, no t lhings, a ,; t ht" n u n1 hl' r -o 111 • 11riority. 'l'hl' l t'a<"ht!1-~· \"IL'\\ point . p lu s lht•ir vl~d~l' 111 a :-.si:-.t 111 an~t 1 r.111:;tl·r a nd 1 r1·a -.,sig nn1,•n t tha t. !11,1\ ht"l"lllll€' 11l'l'L'~!->OU"\", h1•lpl'd \:11.'nJI 1·111\lt' 1n " d1'(;1~1on .<' h t• -.;11d 'l'h1· -..un1'r111l<•1Hil.'ll\ ··xul:11n .·d l h:lt hcl";l ll ::.L' of lhl' no·firJ.1~.L;: 1111.-;111011. I h1•r1· 11 ill :1 l:-.0 he nu Ill"\\ h il'1 n g s a\"C fo r "except ional 1·1r1·un1 ... 1.111c.-cs ·· I l l' .... a1ll !h at !hi' no-h1r1n g pol1 1·.\' 111,1y l<'.tvc the ll 1str it.'t ,,·ith ~un11.• lloll'S 111 lht• 1nst r.uc tion<1I program. becaU!-il' n atural a ttJ·i · l ion m ay c a u~c specialists not to be replacccl . "\\'1.··11 ".1u ~l h;1 n g o n to '''hat'''-' 1'<1 1\ :l ll <i \\Ork l\'llh \\'h~il "'C h~l \"1' IC'ft." -;,11d :\icoll ,1·.llkL'fl 101ht>t1i:;;111~~·to1111i"1·. Navy J e t Crashes d t ~('t111111._•t"lt'll l hl' SL'I ;ind look It \VASHING1'01"'tl "'3PJ I --;-'l<hc .\ ·' 11uni; ('Ou plc \1·crt· 1)\.'L'I'· Navy anno unct"tli,'l'uesd ;1y tt Jost h1'11rd t:ilkin.I( a hn u' th~ nian tl!I secortd F14 76mc~fiithter in und hi!' "l.".1)(11 r11M1(f' and 1lt' t wo ,,·cck ti ~•n<l .f#.is n d e d all t·lt•rk(·al!l'<l µo li rc. lrpin i n ~ ond l.eijl tll hL<; o (,lhe Hui:!!-> !->Otln :1s s h1 · h eHt'd lhl' u f!w a i r Cl'a fl Utl~1t1 it C'Hn d _,, 4•011' ,.1 ·..,;1t io n of tht· t.wo ,,·11 tern1ine '''hat. h ~)1en 1•rl . 'l'he n1·o.;:-1·-.. t h P. }lair•l oo \\alkL·1I p~1e croshe<I fo(.<uncxplain cd •Hl1 .ind n~vt?r r1•J)l1rted $~t'1nl:{ ra.son S i n • 1hL~ .ffi~iA n Oc·c;,in ;ill,\ thing. ' .. fL.,· ~ µt l)r\:ull c.ar L ______ :;.;;.:,'JI." ·.,...::.-· ~~·"'rft1~'11~ '"11.~g . . ,/ "t~ ,' l!,.-r r .t1 '·~ '\.•. I n1plcd b.\ 1·1n:11nun1l1 p r11l1-·:.l l l'e .:1dn1111cd, h1 111l'\L·r. 1 h ~1 1 manv por:-.on-. h;1<I t''l:pt·c:-.:-.l·d . "l·On1..:,· 1·11'' tl\ t•J" 1 hv 111 ;1 l lt•f 11 1-• :-.;1 1d ll"U:o.l l't'-. 11!! .. •rt•tl l1f g,11 t' 111111 ;1 lll llt' p1•rt·1•nt 111cr1.·~1~1·. t•I l•·l'H\"1• .lt1l .1 1. .l~1-;.J, !;1·111g 111 ;.: lt 1-. ... 11.11.1 1 .... 1~.111.111. , II 1:--1 "1 1;..ur ~ Ill.JI-. <"tJllllll1'll"l11'.1\1• \lith ~utllC: <II I))\ 1·0111'.l).:lll' .... Ill llll' I ll"l lll\ I." lit· v '1il.11111·d ·r11 l' IH1.11d Ii.id ul"l ~lll.111.\" 1•1.111 111•!1 l.i r.ilil.1 ,1,.,111 ·,., t·1)1\· ("""•· ( ~l'.'.'flt.-\<"'r, 1•a ;.:.1· .\:!, O;iuy P1IOI P IM>loll, Ao<ll .. rolKot"nJW FIRE MARSHAL W.C. 'fllLL" NOLLER SEEKS CLUES Search fOrCause"ot ~lg Newport Blaze Continu es Swift Fire Debris ., i; ,. Cleanup Promised :"\l·11 P•'l'I l~1'.1t·l1.., t'11n1111L1111 l1 dv1t·lnp1111·11I r!1r1 ·1·1111· lufh1.\ pr1 1 n1i:-.t•tl .I ... r l"ollj.: t'l r11rt to .... pl•t.;d lhL' p1·1 1n 11 111 ·111·t·s-. lo :111011 fo1· 1·l1·ar1n ;..: t1 I 1111· rulihlt• ll·fl a rt c r th1• :\l ,111n1•r-. :\lilt' t1r1.' th;t1 l':1u:-.1·d ~~ 1nill1on 111 d.1n1agl' las! \\ 1·1·h1•111l B11·h ;1r d floi.;.111 !(•ld C'h<1 n1h1·r of Con1 n1C't·1·1· d1 r~·l·tor:-. th is nlo 1·n1ng lh:11 1'1••·l·nl 1·h ct·ks \\"ith lhl! Hl•g1on al ('oa ~ta l Cun1 n1iss1o n ~1 :1ff ~11"\\l'd 1 h ~11 nu pcrn11t 1s 111'v(ll·d 1111" 1h1· l"l1-·.1r - 1n ).; o f d('bri ... tro1n !ht• li lol'k - fv n g ;~r t'a uf dt.•\'.1 ~1 al l tlll un (\1:1~1 llij!h11 ;1~ ,\ Pl'l.11111 1.-. tH"t'ilt•d l\1i11 1.:\t"r, r" ;d ln\1 !'or l lil' deni11lit1nn ol lht' f1'\\' \\al l:-ll'l'l :-.l:111d111g a f1P r thl' 1'1 :17.1' \\'h ic·h 1·a11 ~t·d t h1.• grP;1!1·:-.t I 1rl' loss 111 l'il.' h 1 :-.lOr~ 'l"hl' c·11as1uJ t•ornrni:-.s 11111 1\•ill pl;1y :o kt·~ 1·nl1· u1 l'C'bu dd1ng a t \h(· s 1ti.· hl'l \1l·1 ·n ·ru:-iin ,\\'l'nL11• a 11cl ('Jil'f ()ri1t'. be:•c<111st• t h1· are;, i..:; \\"llhin l h (• 1,000.yard roa :--1.11 s tri p i n l h t• co in n1issin11 ·~ Pt'rn1it Jllf'isd lction F'1·inl'ip;ll O\\"OCr of the J>l'OJlt.'I' ty, Vi n t'cnt J orgensen, is 1101v ;1l !t>rflpting to seek ll ltls 1111 111c n1ass1Vt' c ll"•nup pru1ect, llo{!a11 sai ct "\\"e "rt• :1nx i-ous lo g et th1-. e lCitllUJl goi ng h,·fOl"L' 1ht..• lll',1 rail1. Oct'<AU::>(' the dcbl'1:-. ''"ould j ust I\ :1s h into I.he ba~· •111d Of\11) tht· hi g h \\'a~'. <:i·l·:l!ing a big n1r.~"··· 1ht' r1un111 111111 .\· Je,·clov n1\·11 t d ir cct111· t>x ptiinl'd. Jor:Se nsen v.•111h;:11.·e 10 \Yait a l \t;!t1:-.I Sf:\"l'l'll l d ay:-., h11\\t!\i.•1', 1)11 Iii firt• in1 l•s l i,i.:11tt'11 :-; finis h ,;if\ in~.1111·0~1t:~ t hl' r11hhll' ;i.., 1h1·1 a tt<'n1 p t to IL'ur 11 \vhal st;u ·tC'il Set11rd a~"s rir1·, ·'' ·r \':!1'111 :.: du \1 11 11\1· -..!11 1· ~1 and111:.; 11 .di-. 11i.1 ~ 1.11.1• n1 .. 1·c· ll111(.', ;d1h1111i-:h 111 .. tll\ \:o. ll\1111!. to pu:-.h {hr1111~h .1 .. p\·1·1;.d .i d -' n11n 1:-;1rat1\1• pl'rn111 hclu1·,. lhC' l'tia:-.lal t·nn11111:-.s 11111 J1l l'l'l111 ~ 11n :\ln11d..1 .\ * -{;:{ ""'): Barbecue Set For Fire Unemployed ' .. '.· .. • • .. ' .. l'l.111 -., 11111 ht· «111nplc t t·<j: l uni:.:ht 1111· ;i 1·11111111u n it v l1 ,,r h1•1 ·111· 111 .'t..'\\'p11 r t l:Je;.1ci( .1 1111vd .1 1 l":n :-.1n g nlO llL'\ t'u i- l'l'l'-.,111:-. 11•1'1 t1111•n)plo_\.\'d by th~ :\l;1r111t·r":-. :\I ill' fi1·l'. 'l'lll' \'\act d a ll' h as n ol bceo:' "1'l h111 org;1ni1.crs expect t he af ... t.11r tu h1.' ht'lll e1l hl'I' .J a n . 2li. oi: ~\·h :: : 'I'll•· plan nl'rs. a n 1n for n1 ai: g r1 1np of :'\l'\\·port l'lc'S id1-'n ts. ha,·@: ~1·11t1·d •ltl holding th<.• fun c tion a~ lh·· :-.ll1' 1lf the fire. con1ple1c 1\·1t b- h111 do).: ... beans und s o rt d rink.s. - l'l"ot·1.•1•d s from lhL' e\·1..·nt \t'outit 1.!n intt1 :111 l'llll'rgcn 1·y fund l11 u ic\: 1111 · .~i ~1d<11't•d 1·n1plo _1 cs. : 11f I h1.• :.!tJO Pt'l'~ons l'St in1atcd to-' ha\"t..• \\ •1r\.;t••l ;1t till' :o.t'\ e n burnec(; out hu :-,int ·~ ........ di 11111 •1bout .w' h,1\ ;· h1..•1•n 11•lo)t..':l\C'd 1•l .. 1•11·h cf1• . . \<l'l lll Ht"ll .\ .d 1h•· bt1 ~\llt,!!'i::>l't\' \1 .11·<"h ou-."" · •'l'hn-. .. .>\' 111 •1":-!11! ... II II huu t 1·-11-.. lht111 ~h .or1· ~:1111 1}.! to ho 11,ii.:ht~ -.,t t-.q1111·d 101 l1 111d:-."" ::.ai d H1 <'h.1rd !·'"'' Pih' 111' thl' ur!· _.1n 11l'r .. , I~ I I , • , ( Pilot J ~-L_og_b_ook_ '"' .. ' h -~ Battle of Rhine Fought on Lido l\.1 J 1111:.... \'.\L'r .. :nz.\ OI ""' 0•••• PllOI 51•11 ')'he b;1ttll· l)f thl' llh1nc· :'ol o11rl<.1y bc·f11rl· th1 · .'\Je"·po rt Belich Ci- 1y l'ounl'il Ii i ought l11rth troop:-. ;ind hi•.11·y .1rt 11\ery from both ~ldt'" IT\\ \S ;l 11;1 .... -.11· 1·nnfr11111.1 1111n ht·l11 1.·1·n d \\ anl:-l111·h ;u1g1· 1 hi• f ,n·1· 11F tin· l .i tl o P(•n111:-ula :1nrt pt•nu1 .... ul.1 1r.1il•·r d 111·llt·r~ 11 ho \1ould ht• !"lll"l'l'd (H ll h ~ lh.1! l'h,1fl~t' In tli1• 1•11d , .illl'I :-nn11· 1•01n p 101n1,,\'. till' hu:-.1lll':--.rn.111 1 t·,t,n1r.1l~·ur t-1 ~·n l>l·l.111...-1 . \I Ill I .\1111•11J.! th1· 11·..,1 dl·nr ~ 1'<•t rl J1l.l1n1ng .1bout the <.1•1111•r..,111n n1 tlu• \1 ,olt·c 1•,11'!.. \1 ,1.., 111;i t"h d11 l'll1•1 ~l.111un ll! ... 011 1\h1• 1·1t1:d thl' ;d 1 nH~PIH•1 •' ,1 ., 'Ill· lt·t·I' It Ill lilt• di t'.I ")I\' )1 .\1 \' l'Olll'ftl 1.., th1 · 11111 :-1• 1•l 1•1nt>nl of lhl· propo .... ;tl )'1•u ll.111· l•) !h1nl.. ahout tht· ~ hu~Llll':-O:O.ffi:ll1 \\/\0 VAi.. TE:RU. ;1 111 fun !1·1·l·r:-\1 h4l v1·l l <111d ~l·r1 ·;1 1n :ind ~1;11111h1·1r car ttu(1r" ... l'h1· l1 v1· 11111:-11 · :1! the l'l':;t:niranl is like L'h1ne..,1· tor1urt• ,\I\ ~ou t11 ':1r l"' lhl· li:1:-. ... u111ll C"lu...,111g t1mf'. ·rht'n thl'rl' :irl' !ht· pc>opl1· 1\hu '"1,·;111111111·11 1lil'\ fn1cl the pt1rk1ng tl t'kl·l s on th l•tr 1·;1r. 'l'he pun111~ g t1 un .la ~ an1'l 111 g hL \.\ht>n t·onr.1r11rti1111 :-.l<:1rt:-. do\.\'ll thl'l"l'. l'eopl1• "ill ha1·1· 11!1l1t1l·S cul 11fr 11·1th no n11t1et• :.it :111 It '~ 1ib1·1ous th;i\ 1.'\ l'llt u iil I) , .1 I I lht• !'('Sidt·n\:-. 11·tll h;i 1 t' tu lt•;1\ c ." .-.ht.: .,,ud Soon af11·r\1·,1rd, l1L·l; . .111t•y 111 :nle hi ~ :-t;1nd. "\\'I-:'\' 1-: ll 1·: .. :~ thl'l"l' f 11r 1 hL· pa:-.t f1 \'i• 1 l':l r .... l '' 11 h ! h1· 1n1 I i;d \ 1ll;1g •' d1·1 t•lf•Jlllll'llt I :ntd \\1·'r1· pt'l~lHI rif II . ht• luld \'Ollll!'ilntl'Jl "'()!JI' t1·;1(•I., l't't'\>!'d "'l'l'.!J...., for il :-(.•)f \\'ht•tJ \\\' !toHI\ (l\'t•I', \ht' s1n1rtf1:-.h 1n g flt·1·1 11 ;1s lh1·r1· .i nd th•· 1il1I ;ill 11l).:h1 r1·~1;u1r;1nt n1e:1nt th:1l \le h:1d 111ut11rl·y1·lt· 1·;1c(':o; ;1t :J and -I 1n the n111rn1ng ·· '"\\'1·'11• l11•t•11 1111ol1l'd in l hl' <l(·1·elopn11·nt of th;.r .ire.:1 :-.1n1·r the l'i1rl.1 l!"JSIJ " \\'1·'rt· p11n11J ,,f 11 hal 11t·'11· il1 1nt·. · ht· ..,;11d •• •• r . . ~Energy Program Outlined . ., \\ .\SllL'\G'I'<):--: (,\t>J --lle r e <1t·a·!ll<1nl·e are kev e lements in thl' l'l'Onu ntll' <.'nt·rgy proi::ran1 outJ111l'<l l11d.1y by l'r1·s1d1·nt 1-'ord in In~ St<1\1..· vi thl• l.:111011 ;idc\rcs ~. T e mpo r a r y tax t.'111 /\ $12 1)1\lion l!J7-I ta:-. rut for in· di,'idual:.. lo Iii· d1 ~lr1h11ted thrnui-:h ro ·h.il\'~ r ;u1 g 111g lo ;.i n1<lXlrl1\un ofSl ,OUOpt·r return; a ont' yt·ar 1n1·rl·as t· to 12 p1·rcen t in Tht• 1:1\ t'r l·d11:-. dl':.ignl'd to s pur hLISllll'.'!'> n1nrll'rniz<1tiun ;ind (':\ pa11:-1on 1~t•r111a ne nt ta." cu lJi r\ Sl 6 S hill1on reduction in individual 111 l·nrnt• ta-:c ~ :utd :i St> bi ll ion eut !nr 1·orpor•1lions, redu('i ng thc·1r 111.1\1 n1 11n1 ratr frun1 4H pert"l'llt to I:! Pt.'l't't'll\ .. :nt•r g)' con st>r\'alion l m - po .... 111on of S2·:.t·barrcl levies on d on1l·:-t1l' ;ind 1111µu1·ted c rude (111 to d 1:-.ruu r µ .i e 01 I co11 ~u 111 pt inn \\'lndlall Profit ... of d '''indf,d! prut'i!:- produce1·s. prod11c·111.~ 1·en11es uf Sl2 IJ1lli1111 Impos ition t:i x on oil annu;il r e l-"1•d<'r a t Spr 111ling. _\ one .J ' ' ' 1 ~·~:~'1J,~}f~~ D.011, Pilot 5'1411 J'll•IO Tl1at Ti111e !1gai11 Chamber Members Angered l\1 £'r1 11,1111.' :111._:1'l'<'ri !1'. ,I fllO \)O !->ed 1 ·1 ~.\' :->lJ..:ll "t'd1 11:1l11 ·t• 1·hant.:t'. :tfl' 1·xµel'tt·d to ~liu\\ llf' 111 t1 lll fur1·1· ;1 1 'l'hur-1,lay 1111 :111 ' '.\1•11 purl !lt'.H'h l'\,111n111g l 'u1n 1111:-.:-11111 1n1·t·t111i.: )'uu 1·11uld11 '1 1-.0 ·1·1• t'lll ~111,l). S .tld \ .. 1t l'I \l1ll1•t , nian ;q:.:~'r 11f lh1· :'\1·11 p111 \ I hirhu 1 l "h;1n1b1·r u( ('01111nt ·1 t •' l\lllh·1· :iddt•d . h11 11 1•\1•1 th.11 tht'l"l' I:. 111• pl ;11l11 l'd pl l'"l'tl1.il11lll hy lht• 1·1l :1n1li1.·1. 1.,.,.,111:-1· !lit· publl1· lt•..,11 11111111 p111 l1 Pn "I t ht• :-.1).!11 ord111;i1H'1· p11lil u· lil',\l lrl J..: 1.., .df1•.1d~ !'01111'1<'•1 ·d ,\\1H't' \h:11l }11(1 1!11'1 < li.1111:-> .d !1'ndt·d tilt· 1111t1.1I pul,111 · l!c.111 111! lll I h •('t•ni ht•I . \\ l!ll :-Ot'\ l'I ,1 1 d111 1·11 11fft·r111 g r1 •a :-u11.., \I h\ 1lll' Pl •I pu:-1•d 11fd1na111·1· ~Ji,.ul d 11111 h l' ad11pt1•1! 'J'h11rsd ;1\ ·s nu ·1·11n !~ ;11 i p 111 111 1111· 1·11 y ~·ou111·1 I 1 11 :1111 hL"r~, \\ 111 111\·ol1·t· c!1 ~t·u ..,,·.11111 I>\ 1:11111 llH :-:-.1n11vr:-;111d p11-.,,d1I .\ .1 I 111 .il volt• 1)11 the n1a!l1'r l"un11111s:.ion l'r:-. .1r1· 111t1·rl·~ll'd 111 11ghte11ing up llll' 1·:-.1:-.t111 g or d111;11tl't', 11·h11·h 11111\ ull\•r:-. 110 rl'~tr1cl1nns 1111 lhl' :-1/l' 111 111in1h1•r ul :->t).(llS pcl'llllll t·d 1111 1111.~1 · lit''"''~ 'l'hl' p1·npOSl'd !'h.111;.:1·"' I .d i 1111· .,\l'H'l l'lllllro l~11fth1 •...,1/1' 111111\l•l'I' and d t•:-1g n nf :-1 ~n:- £):\I--: l~l·:t\Lll-:H 111 llt" 1·ffnrt .1g:11n:-.t lll·l;1111·~ ... l "anncr1 Villag(• 111·11.Jl·(·I 11er:-.on:1ll y dt•l11·1·rpiJ !1•tter:-. of prot1•~t 10 t <i11nt·1I memhc•rs . !->O. s hp !:.:11d, :.he 1·ould :-t't' 11·111 .. rt· !ht•\ l11't' 11.-;1r tt1or;i\11r1tin1 nn tll'\\ ft.'dcr:ol ~pt•nd111 J..! prngr;1111 .... l'\cept fo1· t'l11'1').'.\. <lrHI .1 .l p1·1·1·1.•nt cei11n ~ for l!t7.I 11n 1nt:rt•:1~1·s 111 fl•der•il p.i ~ _ tood ... 1,unp.., .nld fl'd(•r:il 11111IL1ry and cl\ 111 :1 0 l'l·t11·l·n1c11 t hl'lll'l I! .... 'J'hi:-. \~ ;1.., :0 1.'t'lll' '1'11v~1l ;11 J\1 :.:h l :11 \.1'\\ p11rt l\1 ·al·ll ·:-;):!!\ti ~trvt'l t1rl' ~l:it1011 ;1..., l;\1111 ·1:-l1i-.,11~ht lh1•1r 1\i 1g~ in 1111· ~111nual ;11111 r ;1\Ji t·-. ..... hill -.. ,1r\d 111 ·\\ ill·1·11 ..,1•.., l .11·1·11 -.111 _ pro;.;r<.111 1 11 11 1 hl'1't'Pl',ill'd l1llll:.!hl ,11:'\1•1\port 1·v11\1 ·1· 111·,· .-,\ali1)11 1111 S:1111 ;1 l<;11·b.1r.1 l)r1\1' Shoil -. 1·11!->I ~:!. lat·1•n..,1.· Sti . l .it"t.'11 :-e ft'l' d ouhll·S 11' lll'11 "Ill" 1:-1111l 11ht.1111t•d '1.' l'lld nf lllunth . "l'hl'.I :H'l' L~:-.Ut•(t :it lll"l' .... 1.111011 .... ,"'--~~~~~~~-'-'---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ l\l l'rt.'h<tnt~ ;ii I il1 .dl·d '' 11 h th1· l'h:.in1hc1· oppc1~l· .011 o•h.111).!1' lu the !'X1:-.t111g 11rdin.111l·1· lln\~•·\1·1 . they l'l't't'llll:-; :-uhnlllled !ht'll' n11·n \'l'l'SHlll tO th·· l'lllllllll:-.:-H•ll tu illustrate th;1t ('ha11 i..:1·:-.1rt· pn:-.:-1- !Jlt' ·r ht· ll·l t1 ·r:-. :-.u gg(•Stl'd th.11 <·1u1nC"1ln11·n prnJcct thl•1r <11\11 f1•1·l ings 1f ~u('h :1 d l·v<•IPpm1·nl \\'('l'l' pr1)po:-l'd for thf'1r nt·1,C!hhorhood 'f'he :-.u ggest1011 tll'l'\\' !hi' r l'-.p!ill:-t• frnnl i\1"1·111· f'ro-11·111 ,\lilan J)o~l:d "11\" lltll'S I·: 1.-.u11;111 H 1 1r1·:-1drnti;i1 1 l"1 and I n1:.ide s 11J'(" that it 1\·;1s bcforl.' I purC'h:ts("d 1t I took tht-11n1C' to ]l)Ok and be as s ured that :-.ornl'.'t h ing like this could no! t1:1k{' pl:iee. he ~••id 1·f hE' ('Jty .(!c nc 1·;d plan allc11\'S eon1n1erl'ial u ~l'.'S. in !hl' Rhine· <1rea 1 C..'o une 1ln1an llo\v;.ird Hogers carried thf' banner for !he op -po:-1\ion Hild !->lrC's:;cd th at tbe ,·illagt• pro1r·c1 \1·ith it:; 1·n m n1crc1;.1I ~hop.'>. 11ff1 t:<.'." ;ind restaur ant, 111eant that ;1 ··e~11>na1 flHvor \\'Oul<l be ;1dO.~d to thl' J{ hlnl'. l ie c·1tcd thl' ·"ity's pre\·ious a ction killing ;1 p:irk µropo s ;.i) tu rcpl:1ce ;1 t·1 ty 01\'nl•d trailer park in th!' R:ilho,1 ,1rca and em phas izrd lh ;1l the plan died hecause of 1\s r1·J,!1onal appeal and potential to cto~ (·ity roads . :\l,l.UO l:\G to ;1 Oe!anC'.\I spokc~man·s c1t1n g of (ihiradel11 Square in San 1··ranc1sco ilS the protot\'PC' for !he• 'll'll' Rh1n('. Rogers s;.1id adan1anlly · · ··I IH}\Jl' (; hiri1dell1 Squ;irc :;tars in S!tn f~r;i nt·is t·u Coast Detectives Nab Pair in Theft A i\;C\\'porl fiC'Ll('h n1an ;u1d a ('QITipaniOtl fl"Q )l) s~)I) l)iC):!O \\'L'l"t:' lvrn1;dl.\' ch;H·gcd \\'ith burgl:ir.v ·ruc ~du .v, aftt~,. their ~rrl'Sl 111 a 1 ttSC \\·h1eh in\·olvcd !ht• lu:-;s of :-.kis and a gu1la1· \\'Orth S.JOO :\1..'\\'POl't Ue;1t'h dt•!ct'll\'f•S stud they .i rrl':·.icd \\'1ll1 :1n1 J;:d,,·;i rd f'ro1r1Pogf•111 CONTRACT. t1.111 ;1t ·ru.._ .... d.1\ :-. ll1•01r!I tnt•t•I 111 ... 1111! d t·1·1d .·ll '" \\.ill \lllld \pr!l :it :'\Jt•,.!t .., 11•1 111""1 1 rtd1·l .-.1.!11· l.1\I Iii:• l111,11d ll<l;.o .. 1i11i.:.1l1'<I l•J 1n~·1 ·1 \\Ith .'\i<·ul l II\ {1,·~·1·n1h1 ·1 !11 lo ·ll 111111 11·h(•lhl.'1' 1l1v1 11 i ~!i,·d ld11·!.11n h1n1 ;111d f111il 11111 11\11 11iv1 11" 11,111t1•d I" l,1\ 1\ 1Ifl !11,• d I ~t I I• I 111 ,q!r1·1·1ni.: \(111,1 1\ u11ld \pr'd. Ho .. 11 d l'11 • .... 1d,•nt 'lllu111.1 ... t ':i-.1•\ 11'1Jl;1 1!-,·d \\'t•lhl!ll-)ll' '\1 1·01111 " \\ <' Jl \I ' II I Ii II Ii.ii II I ' 1 •\ \ t 'll ·d h l 11 l ind .1 lul 1nu1 l' t IJ.111 t II.ii ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT "F<i:-.l t:dUie" ;\l"l\'O, l!'l. (J f San D1t:l.!(1 ;_ind f{iehard J.('C \Varel . 22. 11f 1119 :1."1lh SL. '.'Jc\vpo llc:1ch , l;.i~I ;\l o nd OJ\'. l "ht.' t11·0 ·had nlrcady bee n in c·ustody in Lngunu J3e~1ch \\'her1• 1111tial po li ce s uspicions or their 1n\·ul1·en1cnt in a holdup radC'd i >fficC'r:-there planned to rclcu:-l' \ht' Ill :\ c 1\ port l\e:1<"h off u:f'rS then rc- a r rcst ed the p ;1ir 1n the hurg l:i r y l'a:-e at lhl' r t·:-i <lenc1· of R1 c hnrd h.1rbn 1:i ... 1 f)f't'emh1·r. t-\1rho l!!lil pul1ll' 11l.1I :->lHlll'l!lll' :-t11l1• tli1' \\('r ll~ frn1n hi-. r1·:-1dl'lll't' .1t :.11 11 i\f ;n·1·u.., .\\t'tHI" 'l'hl' ~11 1l.1r .111d ""''" h.l\t• .,111\t' l11't'll 1·1·l'<l \l'l1'il . p••l1<'1·..,;11d .\I :1 \ o ;_1 n ii \\' ;1 rd \I' 1' r v I ran . .,fl;l"J't •d Int h «1 1lJ..!t' ("u11 n!,\' J<lll ,1!11 11 'h ' 1r ,1rra1 :.:11111 1·n1 111 llat'h1\r' .)ll(l l\ 1:il l)1.,tr1('I {'0111'1 Footner Appointed :-\1 '\\ 1 \" ~c.1 11·d I )ran~t· C.'1 H1n1 \" Supcr\·1 ~or l.;,i.urt.·n ec Srhm1t h,1 .., appointrd f{ic h:irrt J . Footner of Jtunting lon B each to the 1.:011nt y l l arh ors, Beaches and !">ark:-. Comn1ission. f'oo t n c r . o f 16551 Criroust'l I.anc, is the ch1cr cxccutivc of ficer ~1ild prrsident of Chapm~1n I louse Corp. of Orun~l'. !'Ot a ndb~· c.·ontrols --En1er gcn - cy :1uthor1t,\· for the Prc5ident to r;it1un g;i :.ohnP or allol'alt• use of pctrolc>un1 produt·\s and con trol t lh'Lf j\l'H'l'" r\ifl to l 'lililif's -:\three-year, 12 pt"f ('(•n! 1n1·cst1ne11t t ax credit. for 111111l1 C's th:.1t t'Vrl\f'rt po\.\'<'r pJ;int:-fr n n1 1111 to t·o;d and p1)Slpon1•n11·111 of c\(•:1n air :->tan- d:irds for 111illLil'" fu1· 10 .'1·:1rs. t1) lHH."1 .. :rni s~ion t"ont rul ~ and )lilrage ('ontrols ,\ fi\·r -yPar d e la;.· in rnor<' :-tr1ng{·nt C'n11ssion s tan· dard:-. and ;1 \'ulunta ry program lo int·rC'a Sf' gasolin<' nli ll·a ge h.' ·10 IJ('l"('t•nt h.\' 19RO P a~ rn c nt ~ In ~onta x pa)·f'rl' l•'f'd C'r;d p:i;.·m<'nls of $80 ~1 yr:ir for 01 11:-;1 non ·l axpa~·in g :tdults. 1otal1ng $2 hillion Ins ul a tion lncrnti,·r s ·r ,1x l'!"t'dLt s of up tn :5 1:10 for h11n1ro"·n1.~r:-\\'ho in . ..;1;111 "·ind(><A"-" 11r nthrr insulation. \\'ith federal ;11d fo r 1 hose \Vho can't ~ffnrd it . l·:rril'it•n cy LalK-ling -l.cg 1sla - l1 0 11 hi l:1hf'l :il l :n1t os rind homt_· ;ippl1;n1t't':-tu d1 st•lo~C' ho1\· mut'h 1·111·rg .1 ! hf':> use and develop- n1cnl •d \ olunt;1ry strindrirds In 1n1pro\1' thv l'llt'r )!v t'ff1t·il'nC\" of appli ilfll'('"' h~ 20 1Jl·rt·t·nt 11 ilh1n ft\'C' ;.·C':1r.., LAFC Topic Of Meeting , .. llrlt'I tun-. <•I' .l \'Oun t~ .IJ.:,C'llC'Y \lh ll'h 11f\t'll h,1 :-, l!('!ll'r:df'd ,1!)rn11 p11iit 11 -.il rl!·hu1 1• .t n11u1 i.: , 11n1 11111111 ''" i. ... :-1·l1l'lhilt~d 'J'hur .... 11.1\' \\h1·11 t h<· l '11i 1 1·n ~ ll:irhnr \rl.1 H1·..,t.'..1rt·h 'l\·.1111 n11·l'l:- H1< ll .1ril ·r ·r111nl·1, t·>.:ecut11·1· 11ll1c1·r 111 1111· L11<'.1I .\!!t•ncy 1-'f1!'1\l .1\11lt1 l'••lll!Til"'ii1Hl (],,\Fl'l 11 111 d1 :-1•11 :--.. 11 .., roli-•s and .. 1).:n1f1 c;111t·t• 1·1 1iu· Jl arbur Ar1':1 111 u 7 ;;o .1 n1 t.dk at (;]t'nd:.ilc 1:1•rlt·r<.1I !-i.11 1ng:-;ind l.oJn al II arbor l\oul1•\ ;ird and \\'e~t \\'il:-.on Strce1 Thr Cll.l\HT m('C'l1n~5 feature i·offt'r :ind dou.(!hnllts a t no co5l :ind :tr(' ti pt!n 10 nll inlcre~tcd i·111zcns. Th.>0<-(.o•\! 0d•I• P•I<>!. -'" ""'""' o> '<l•lo l>lnNI Ir. New• Pr~" I\ l>Vblo""'"' b• ""' O<•l'IQIO' eo.,, F\tblo""•"U co .. 10•~• ~-•l•t<l•T"''" ••• llUl>iP......0 _.,.. .. , !l'lfOUQ" I <o<l•1 !of (!al.I iw..,., N••-1 6ea<l'I, """l•"QI"" &•1'1 f o,,... \aon v,iio., """•· ~aOC IU> .. <>. Viii•••"" l •QYM II<'~• fl "'1v!l'I tn•<i ~ '""31~ '"l0"""1 ""'"..,. ,, P>Jbl•"'~" '"'"'a~•'"""........,,.., ii-.· P""'"IMI Wl''''"'"Q ,.,,, .. 1 '' •I 100 w.,,1 B•1 su ... 1 tn"~ "''"' C.111•o•n" "7~1~ l•nt)o rt I~ W o·•·(l rr1 'I• nl ··~ ''""''""., lr:vine Firm Eyes Coast Highway Bid ,.,, '.._, .. ~. ~ ~\• •" ,, ' 1! .,,., Cnarle ~ H Loo-. '' '"'•nl "'"'"• 1·n1 I"''"' Ne wport Beach Olhce 111 ...... ,. ... ~ ...... ,.,., ! A(l(J••• ' ' '"" • .. , Other OihcH r"•'•"'••• JJO ,..,t ... ~,.,.., UQ~ ... IHl<l'I. l ll•e.i.-••f \lrMI •<,1•T•'Q'"" ~. ••" t 'I'~ a. .. ~ """''v .. n ~ .. t>ft • 11111•¥ 111111 lA P11 "°""' •ls." o ..... f , ...... Tl'lephone 17 14) b41·4l11 (l~is•lil!d Advr rlis lnq &42·)671 '"'"'0"1 I oh , "~· (.lld)I P,..,,\~•nt c .... ~n• t.o••"'''~" .11 .. 11r.r•~""·"""""•I ... .i1t• o• •~·••1 "•"'•"h ~''"" "'•• tw ••l>fOOu<•ll .. '""'I' •P~<••I P••'"'"'V" ot 10(>w<+9n1 11•""' i•cDn ~ ( •• ,. PC•l•O" P•·• ti (1111• ~ •••. (•l•lo•n•• >w11~r• .r1....,o, '•rr>ff ).I !tl,_~1,; '" ...,.,o IA 00 ..,.,,1n11 '""ht•y llHl~I-• IJ !JO ...... 11.1, 1\ \OP Jr\'Llll' Con1panv o ffiC'1al has u nv.e ilcd tcnl uti\'E' plilnS fQ r a b u sin ess con1plex on comp <111 ~ l<:1nd a t the cor nl'r ,,f .J:i m borct' Roud and E <1s l Coast llighv • .'ay 1n ~ewPort Be a{'h. Al Auer, the firm·s vice p resi - d e nt for co1nn1ercia l dcv c lop - n1enl~ i;ll·id in n pr esentoit ion Mon- day \.o c it y counc ilmen thHl the compa n y is no11' pla nning a s howp iece 11frice complex fo r the 19 acr es t h;_tl form a 11 L-s h up('d p:ireel u l t l11 · northeast corner of lhl' 1nte rset:t1nn \llhuu.eh furn1al ;_1ppli1·atlons fur 1·han geti 111 l:1ncl u se h:i\'c nol .vet been filed. 1\uc•r s.'.l irl tha t lh l' pl :n1 .... :1 rc ulrl•ady tak ing s h a pe . i\u('r n1:1de sc\·prol urAu 1ne n ~ In fa\'or o f t h e cnll\'l'l':<IOl'l of lhl' la nd lo 1'ommer t i,1I use 1ns ll':HI ofhou ~i nl! · l 'ratfit -and o1 hf>r factors at the h11 ~y lnter's('elinn !'i mply drrt not IPnd to .L(ood rl'sic!<'nlin l fie Vl·lopn1en t . 1"h (' ('(l 115lruc·tion o r 3 coin · n)t·r1·1:1I dt•\'cl11p n1l·nt '~ould ge11t·rat e far more l<1nd ,-illuc :.1 1111 tax r1..•venuE' to the C'ilv a nd wnulr1 pl;1 c·~ ft'\\'('!" d<'1nan'cls o n t·it'\ ser \·1c1•s l 'ht• l u\1 kl'ycd d('sig n of :;ingle :.in d d ouble-le\'el building s \\'Ould occu py only ahou t 10 ,000 squ a r e feet or la nd area per acre a nd v•ould b e a n in viting racilit y to firms hopin g t.o loca te a phase of their corporate oper atio n in :'\e"·port Beach . 'f hc u~e or com merciul ideas 11vuld ~11\o\\' f o r des i gn of r1l<t cl\\'::tys that \.\·oold lead up lo !':t'"'port ('enter. I --- ··rt "'o uld ~t·r\'l' as a lhf'n11· s ette r for the t.>ntire Newport Center ac reage," he said. \lthough"' 1he counc il l ook no \Ol e o n t he m ~1tter. no o n t· chs- ;1~r~cd'1\l il h :\1 nyor Do n a ld f\.1 el n · ni&', \\·ho said : "I 1!uther lh Rl !ht· council pref{'TS the p roposa l :o 1he e •is tlng reside n,ial de1:1iR n a - 1ion on the g~hcra l plan." I Ford Aims: Drill "'II \\':;1:-. 11111' II.ti tll ~hO\tlll g th ~•t 1her1' :n 't' ;~1 1.' nun1ht·r of wa.vs to put f1 g11r1·:-hlgeth1•r to 1'0111(' llJI \\'l!h d .... 1;..;ll Pl"tl llldlll't•." i\l illcr s;11d Many Oil Wells Loe;il hu ... 11\l' .... :-n1 t•11 :1r 1• 1·,,11 - ('t'rned :1bnut 1·11:-1.., 1111·1· \\1Hil d h;i1·t• to l 11~ar 1111c!t·r ll1 c 11r11111J:->l'd 11rd 1n:1n 1 ·• · · ~ rt·µ u l.1111111., \V ,\S ll l:\(;'rU:'\. 1 t 1~1 1 !Jrcsidf'nl l·'nrd :-.;11d tnd,1,\ h t:- i.i1ris lur l " ~ 1·111·1·g.\· 1ndt·pt•n d1•nc-.· 111 tht· n1·\1 d~·l';1d~· 1111·l11d~· huilding 2011 rn,q11r n•·11 1111 l'lt•;11 po\1t•r p l:111l :-<.1ncl dr11l1ni-: 1n.111 .1 thous:.~ nd ... '' 11f nt•\\ oil 11 t•I [-. -tr Oil Platfomis Hit for 'Sex' (;1>\ \lc•r\,\ll ti;.111.111 \ h.1 :-:-11~ g 1':-l1 'd 1h .i! lilt' •HI l'tl r tq1.11uo·~ \\h1ch np1•1'a1t• l\\·11~ 111 11!1· ;-i,1t\1.1 l\;1rh;1i-:11'h;1nn\·l1.1!..1· ~ ... , 11ut .. 1 n.1n11n g tll1.· 11i.1-. ... 1\1· pl.ill11r111:-. th;1I s u111 Jt•l'I 1111 I I ~'" IJ.1111.1111 . Pih· Id 1111• Ill '\\ lll!.'111 hf•J"S I)[ !lit• {'I Hllllll ..,~1011 . ll(Jl1·d ·rul':-(L1 _1 th;il lht· pl.11 111rn1-: 11•vr1· 11 .11n 1·d ll 1ld;1 ll l·1d1. ll.1 11·1 11111'•". 11 11111.11ld 1-'.-:tllt •! \\'ht·n lf1lrl 1h1• uil t·n n1 p,1 n1"~ :irl' rt•\)l11n.;dil1• (01· n,11n1111: thv 11l.11fnr1n .. , JJ~ 111.111,\ l'l'Piil'd .. \\ llOC\ 1•r ~Jl't'~ 1 hl'."l' 11.111\t '." !->hould kn~111 lh;d nnt• nll'mho·r thinks lh;tl lhi•;. ought 10 gi\'1• son1c rn ,dt• 11.1111<'... .John . J lt·n1·1 ·(;, TAX CUT. • • To thl' p.11 h1'd 11\f\l:->L' \\ li1 •r I.' ht• 'il'I"\ t'd 2.-, 11".1 r .... F11 rd l'••t·;tl l1•d .i 11 n1c .-.h111'll.' <.11l 1·1 h t•ltH1hoff 1vl·.1~ ;1 frt·.-.h 111 :• ll l''111J.!1 v~-.rn,1 n 21 ;1 l".11 :- .\ t«ir:-. :1g11 \\ h1·11 l't l'~1 d1·r11 11 :11·1·_, S "l'run1;u1 rt•1)1 1rh·d l11 < ·.,ngrt· ... ~ tha1 lht· s1:t11• 1Jf llH' 111\HHl 11.a ~ i.;1 1CJd · 'I' o d ;1 \ tr l''-h n1.1 11 n11•n1ht'r 1r111 n .\l1 l'h1::!at1 ... tand:-. "'ht'l'l' ,\fr 'I r11 n1:.in .... 1ood ;ind 1 11111 .... 1 :-..11 \o ~oll lhat the ;-.1.Jtt• or lh<' u111 0 11 1..., not goort.·· l'ord ...,;111\ · · \I 1 Ilion ... of /\ n 1£'r1 tans ;_11 l' ou l uf \\"Ork." he said. "Ht'Ct'S~IO!l :ind 1nflalio n arc l.'rnJ1ng !he n11Hlt'Y of nlillion~ n1nrc . l'rtl'l'" arc \no hi c.h find s:;d r s a re \fin ~1011· .. f>"orrl':-;11df':-. :-aid h1-, nc·11· pro- gr<1n1 \I 1f11\cl r;11 ~,'. 1h1 • 1:0:-1 ol Ii\' in g t 11·0 pc r ccnt ;1 .'·ear. In :1d11Lt1011. Sl'1d1na11 s:o itl. Ill•· ~!):>1l !ht• ;1\·1 •ra ~t· L1111il.' :-.p1:nd.-. 1or g .1~1 l ilnl'. h1>n11· hentin,e .ind o•IP('!1"1<'i\,\' \\"O\lld l'lSl' by S~5!l 1'1 :-il .20(\ Thief Grabs Pub Mirror /\11 t·xpt'n :-.l\t' pll!) mirr1)r '!, Slrur\g f;.ii.\l•nini,! ... llJ the \\ ;1\1 O( <I popular Ne1l'pn1l ncn1·h fl!S\l:I u I',, l\l !Jfo\lf'd tit 11(' d1 •I <'I' l't'l11 to a l hief ·ruc>"clay En1ploy(·~ ut lht• J{u :-.t\' P c li1.:Jn . 273,i \\" t'n;1 sl !l i .•~h11u1 . told poli ce thut :-h11r11,· ;.iflt'I' ni1d llL~hl \h ('y h~·.trd lht• ·,0 1111d 11f <AO Od i "l"<•cf;in~ 11"1 1'11' l nhh ~ \\'hen th('y \\1t.'111 to ··he1·k 1h1.· tnl u-.uol s11u n d , thP ,-111pln\t':-. notircd thrit son1Pun1· II.id 1ir11·il :in 1•.ig hl ·luol·lu n f,! l>01:trd fru1n th•· \.\<ti t wit h the• 1n 1rr11r . .,1111 H1 t .1 t r hed. The p ub 1nirror. (11•c l11r1n g lht· \'irt u c~ of l-'il7. B C't'r fro111 1 Chicago. \\•J S \\'urth Sl.l 1 I '" tnl'"""·li-:1• 1:11rd :ii "" :-.1 1rl h" 111~11ld 1.11' for· 1"1n1 1nt•rl·1,1l t1 :-t' thl' •HI r11 ·h '\,111 p1·1r11l,·11n1 rt•S{'t'\l'' Ill !·:\!. ll ill, l '.J1 1f lul\t.; /1'.duu:-\1 .t.:11,1rd1·d h1 lhl' 1'1·11 ,!\.!Oil \111 n1 ll1t.1r~ 1·n1 l·r g1•n1·11•., .\t1 d l•nr d -.:11d th.•\ 1u :-pur lhl' ~v.11.·h to•1 1n•\\ .,,1111'1'\'" uf natur,tl _.1 ... 11 1' 11 ,1111 ., l•l l'lld 11 •,..:11!,1111111 .... Hll lht• 1'11• 1' iii 11\'ll :.;.t:-. ,111d li t\ l"'"l . .1111 \1 l"t•\,1\ol\ll..,11..,1• l·1 ,1nh /,.iii. h1·;1d 111 lhl· l·\·d1 ·1,d 1·:111•r;.:\ ,\d1n 1n1 .. 1r .it1nn . ,...,111 n:1\1•d Jl1"H'€'' of l!,1,nl11lt' ,1n1\ h11n 11· h1 ·.1 t1ng .id \\tudd 1111'!'l'a:-1• Ill 1111·t·nl' .1 1C.;dlo•tl ,,.., .i ri•-.ull 1>! l',q d --p1u;..:1·.11 11 j)l h1 ·1 1\d 1n1111 -.1 r.!l IH rl l't'11 111 11111~1 ~ h,1\•' , .. .i1111.1 11·d 1!11· 111\'11 '.l'-t' .11 1:, ' \' 111 ,1iol 1ht• 1\d1n1111:-tl ;d1un l1'!t'1'l t•d 1 ,1ll11 \li1 n~ lit·1·;1 llS1• 11 \\I 11 1 ld h d \ l' I\) I 11 · 111 l'fl l'l "I for fl\ I' I" \ti \ o',11-.. :111d ht•1 ·;1l1"''' 11 \\tHlld 1.11 ,1• 1'11il1h 11\" 111 d1·l·1d111g 11 ho:-t' tu vl ll<'o 'd:-. \<rtt1\d h1· f11l!ille d .ind II hu..,t' I\ tllllcl Ji1• dt'lll!'Cl \d1n 11 11 .... 1i-:1t1Pn :-tH.11'• l'" :.aid 1ht' ~.io h1ll111n 111'"'""'1.1r1 rr:-;ind (,1\1·-.. J-'ol t'd p1 01Jlt1S t•tl 111 dl:-O 1•1111r :1~c · 11..,,. n! l'l!<"l J.!I \\di co .... 1 lhl' .1\1'1,li-!I' f.1nHI\ ::-~.-ti) nlOI"•' ~·.1ch ''"'" l1 1r :,!.1-.uhn\' 1·1t"l'1r111 t \ ,n id h•1n1 1· h t';1r1n g fu1•I College Chi'ef Set For Talk '1'111 · 1•1• \ld•'tll 1>! 1'1 ppv1d1111· 111111.,,lli 11111 !•\' 1h" l..t•\!lult' 1•• .1!-1'1 .11 1111 · 1,:-,ili \n nu .il 111 \.il l,1\l •dl ll1ll 11l'I 11f \ho "\••\1 ll"l l ll,11 \111!' I h .111 1111 I "I i 11111111 • I ••' l llt'"'d.1\ \11111 1-' \I ll h "J•1·,1kl'L \\ ilh ,(111 H .t !l•l\I ""' !ht• 11l,t..,l1 •r uf 1·1•r1·n1 .. n 1.·:-> \\ill ht• l\l'ilrll'lh ..... ,11n p.,1111 rt·111·1nj.!. dirt'' 111r u! lh1• 1>r:111~·· (".•u111,· IJ1·p ;1r tn11·n1 u f I I .11·11., 1 ... \l1: .1 (.'ht •:-.in d I' .1 r k-. 'l"hl' d I llr'll'I', \\ l111 ·h ._\ ,tl'I :-, :it I~ ;~I) p 111 . ;i t 1h1 • ltdlt11.1 l:;1\' ('luh. 11 d l 1n1·lurl•· 1h(•111..,t.dla11011 of I ht' 1:17.1 :-\;1\t• ol 1dl 11'1'f'S \V1ll1 ;1n' (I l,u..,k \\ill lit' r1·111:-Ltllt·d ;1:-( 'h,11 nlu·1· pl't':-.ldt·n1 :111d 1h1• o1h1'J' 11llll't·r :- :1nil cl1r•·1·tor..., 11 dl ho• 111!1'tld!h t•d .1 11il 11 1·.1.dl1·il ,1 ,\1·1•\I \l1 ·11il 11'I ._ 1111'•11 •"!1 •.J 11\ ,11\\'tld IT IJ..! Tiit ' d1 1l lll 'I' Ill.I\ 111.i~l' r1·~1·r1 .I t 1111::-. h\ pllnn1ni.: 1: I l·l'l:!l l "t',ild1·., ~. ;111n c. \ti 111 ,11 lio •r1•:-.1•1'\1•d \\'h1'1• th1• 1H'd111;1111 •1• 'I\\'~ ll l,.,l i.u ~1 n1.1 :-.:-.t':-.d101u1 111 \ 1•.11 .... 111 11 h1eh tu rv1d;11·1· 1111111 · .. 11turn11n ~ :-1g11:-., rll\'l'l'h :1n1.., .111 · h11p1n ;.: 111 bt_• 1·01't'rt.·1l unrtl·r .1 ;.:r.1nd!.1!h1·r t'L.1U:-.l'" Lhat \\111dd i.:r,ttl! lh1·11 1 1n1n1un1t_y for 1h1· l1!t· 1.t 1ht•ir IJUS l!ll'!->:O.('~ Official Says Gay Assistant Rehabilitated 1J)S ,\"\l~J-:J .~'.:-i 1 \l'1 \',1llll11 Sup1.·r1·1,;;nr J·:d l·>t.·l11i,111 ..,,1\, .1 ho )lllt1~1·:..1inlh,·h 1r1ill,,11 1 J1 • •11\ l\11• '.,!,I I' ('1)!1ltl\\111111 11 .i._ h1 'I II i 1' h ,dlilit.l(t•d "' 11( l!Hli ,d Pi !1 'll '1"• Ill \ol l 111 ~ Jll\'t•fldi ·~ irl \\"1-., 111 1.,111 :i nd :'\'..·1\' .Jt·r:-.1•\ "'l'JtH,t' llil'llh 'lll \\•I• \' 111,j J \\\';It':"> .I C.•1,'' l·'.1l1·i1ll,11i •.ol •l •It,! pl I'"' l'11!1lt'ft'l1\ t' . ] l,!1' II .ill•Hil 1"1th . l!t' h,1._ ."'t'I'\• d h 1· IJllH' .111d ha.., h"<'n rt·hah1h1,11o.,\ J•:d 1·lnl.l ll \ill t•.J :! I I o 11 1d1! J),1\'1d 1 •. 1:1 .. , .... l'<H i.. n11ni .. tr.1t1\1· ~1..ir .iJd• 1nunt h I 1 .1 11 .1 d - .ii .... 1 4118 Source Says Nixo11 Still In the Rell \ .... ,u l" ~ 1,,.,, 111 IOH Ii •Id \I '\'1 \1111 11.r-. ··.11d 111.11 .1\11\1•\h 11 II\•· t1n.d p.1.11J11·111 11! :-. .• :..:. 11011 1111 1111· f1•l'll1 t'I pr1 ·-.1d~'lll •! • 111 111 1"11 !'-1.lll ('l1·1111·nh o•.,\,11 1 11.1 111.1 d o• 1ud.11 . ?\1>.:1111 ~1111 \1 ii! 1\"I h1 .. 111 1 d d1·hl . .\Ir '.\l\llll 1-. 110 11 lr11 .111.I 1·l1.,1r lit' .... tdl ha .. !11 p.i\ .. 11 th" Jlt•\\' hOl•lt•r •it 1111 · HH•rl ,_:.,1 ).'.1 thl' ~11l1J'j(1 \\ ,1:.. qll!ll1·d ;1 ,~.l\ 10,,: "!'llt• so11rc·1• d 11 I tl•ll r·1 \ 1".1! \I hi• 11 11· 11~·" 11 .. 1 dt•r of 1 lu • n1o r t 1-:.11-:t' 1 .. (')\;1rJ1 •..; ll1H'lll1lJ.: :111 :11 11•1"1 1l'\' fut 1111· ll;1 1nil1u11 t '1il\<11l l':->l,ill' \\ h11•h l..., :-,1•ll111g tht • prnpo •1 I I :-:11 d h l' 1\·,1:-; 11nl\1 11·d 111.11 II·· tll\tild l"l'l't•i\l' .• ((•J!lll\'1 1 11\1·1·!.. 1 .. d ;1\ f"r 1hv ::-;~11;,1!Pll 111 prllll'li1·d ,111d ~1 7 ,HOO 11111)\t·t l''-1 fi11I -..1 1d Ill! 11.,, ..... l\!ll l..110111 \ll\.i (~ p.111+1 i.:, thl' .., I 11 ll Trip le Tragedy SonAxes Parents, Kills Self ;\Jf)l ':'>fl":\I NSIJ)I·:. !'\ . .!. l ,\f'l A i\;l'I\' "i'ork {'11 1' hank \'h''' 1•r('~1 1l1~n 1 :ind hi ~ 11 lit' \\'£'.rC' folln<I axC'd to d eath tnda ,\. :1 pp.1r1·n1 I\' hlllt'<I h\' 1h~·1r I~ \'f'i.ll'·Old s(ln 11·ho climbt•rl ;1 i.-.o foot \\:i11'1' 111111 ·1· ·r ui ·sfl:i~" :-.ln ._h-ed his \Vri~ls ~111fl t hen junlJ)l'd 11) ht~ tlf'a!h . 1'<111 1 o• -..11iJ l"1l11't' ..,,1111 thl'\ fnund lhf' hod1es or 'r hon1as :...an!l('1 .-., 'IX, ;1 1 1r·t· 1•rl·:-1 d1'1ll !iflhP ._-,r~l \;:_1 t1nn ~1I Cit ,\' llarlk tn i'lan\i:it1 :1n , :1nil h1 .... I'. 11 l' I :1 llH '(', <I I, Ill I he11· l111m1• ~fl l·r 1 ht• hod~ (If I ht•i r :-nil (; l't'.l: ~ 1\ ·'' 1d1·1 lt 1ficd 1•;u'I\' 1od.11 \11 111111'1111 •" 'l,1.1d the bov's \Jody \\';JS (Olllld h\ l11u ~Ot1 lh : ,1IJ1111t 1 l p .111 ·1\11·~rt:1v ;it !hc.h :1sc 11f 1hl' \\11t('1·to11 1·r .d \\',111 ·1l11n i.: ! i • . ..,1·1 \ ;I[ 1oi!l , •• bo111 :ni i'l 1-( h t h o( H 111 i!c fro 111 h Is ho n11· \ tlult· ~i fi;!nt·d b y the hoy ind ieatl'd h t' kdlo·d !11 -. pH r•·n !:-. lu·1.1t1 :-1•111· 11a:-.11 ·1 Rl'tl in i:: n ln ng \\'il.h t he1n . Sgt . l•'.d\1';11·1J l l.1 :-l.11~s ul ! l\1• 7\-11111111 ;1i ns u l(' pol ice 1111 id. 1'11111·1• lnund Sunders ly lnl? on tho kitche n f loor 11·1Lh 1hc :1x lndi::l·d 111 his h c;'ld. rtlr5. Sanders w as fo und in thctlinin ~ roon1 I }lo • AG l)All~\' PIL01' EDITORIAL PAGE I Fire's Costly Lesson . Nt·w1)1>rl lieach 's n1arinc sctv1t·c ano suppl)' industry suffered a terrible blow in the v,rcekend disaster that set an all t1n1e r{'-<:ord for fire d cstrucl1<Hl 111 the city A 'rnajor Uuild1ng, six busincsSl'!i ;.ind LI bank t:Xpcrit•nccJ los:ses that art: csti1natecl al $2 rnilliun. Officiuls cstim<.ile '1.hat about 80 perce11t t1f Nev.11>ort 11cuc h ':-; n1ar1nc supJ)l,v intlti ~lry tics 111 lh1.: ashes . An<.J 1n the 11 ;1tu1·a] pos t 111orlL'lll that 1:-. :1 l'<Jnscqucnt·c <if :-.ul:h <11 s~1 ~l l·r s, :-.o rnc :-.t·ri ou~ 11ucs lit)flS aris t• l•'tre f1~~htt·r :-. r1 :-.l-111g lht-·1r li \'1·s 1n efforts to :.;1\t' the hloc:k of ~,1 ;1 r1nt•r 's i\ldt-• f<1und \l,.'<tlt-·r pressure 111 'imilll, ru~tc<l rna ins lh<ll are dL·t·:irlt·~ {lid "' ;1s so \.\'t·:1!- th<1t serious 11rc>lilt·n1~ ;1r<)!'il' at \ht• outs et <>nl .v aflt·r :1 I I arbor l >t'J>:1rt n1t·nt fire hoat .llllllL'll lh<: effort :..ind pu111pc·tl h 1/,!h pressurl' St'iL \\'i.ltt·1· lo ii µun1pt'r \1·ut·k di<! firenlt'll ft«•I :ult•qu;1t1·ly s up1>1it:'#' 'l'ht· irony alio11t !lit· \\;Llt·r prt•-.,.:urt' quus tion 1.-. th;1t tht• c it y \\'<.llt'r 1.:o n1fn1t \ec in rt·ci..•nt \\'t-eks1h o.u1 1·eco111n1cnclcd •• $20.000 linkup \\'hL ('li '' ould h1..1\•e li t·tl li'lc 111<.I M :1rinc1"s i\11le 1na1n lo :1 1Le\vcr c i rcuit nc:1rby '!'hat '"'<>uld l>11nst lhl' prl'SSllrl' s uhstantiully 'fhc pro.1eet u11f11rtunat l'ly h:1s l:On11· ton Ii.ill'. '!'here art' 1nany \\-h 11 ins is t. t h at the ~·<ttcr prl·Ssur1· qut•s\ion \.\':L:-. mot•I 111 any l'\'t•n\ l·'irt· flghll'I·:-. lit·lil'Vt' lh:tl bt•t·;1use nf ;1 l'tir11n1111v ;1tl1<.· 111 the old l1uild111g, thl' s t1·11eturl' \\':1:-. t.it"i<>lllytl b e fore :1drop111' \Val<·r t.·\·er hit the flamt•s. <>ff1c1:1l s ha\'l' strong rc:isnn to bl'licVl' th:.it the l)la tt· s prc;1d thr(1ughout the allit: for 15 n1i11utcs or rnnr1· hefc\rt· LI \\'a s tlt'tcctt•d l {el·c1n s trut·t1011 \Viii bt..• ;111 arduous effort . J\C\\' dt'\'l'lopn11.:nl s tandards . n1assivc i nsurance pr11hlen1 ~. nt'\\' dcs ic.n and finetncing ;1rt• only lht· • licg1nn1ng. 1'hcn there mu.st rome <1JJprov<.1I~ fr·oni !hl· <·tty and eoast<.il commi.ssion. t{O:->!<)rution of the a1·ea \viii be a lengthy :1~ '.\1,.·ll ..i~ a rostly tas k . Public agencies involve d s hould g1~t- 1t priority status . 1\l the san1c timl'. tht• uniquene~s of the ~111..· t~l!l~ for spec:1al <ind innovallVl' planning on lhl' p;1r\ ot developers an<l 0\\1ners. Plan Needs U 1tity :\ t.Jang t·ruus au· ol p:-1roeh1ulis n1 Jlt·rvadt·~ lhL· t'll,\' halls of I rv11lt'. Ne"'J>Ort l!l'ach und J.a gun;i licach \Vht •n city c1ffi('ials con s ulcr lrv1111· 1·11 rnp;tl1\ pla11s to cll·vt·lop its IU.000 l·1~ast~11 ~•l'rl'S 'l'huug h the 1ilann111g pr11l't.·:-.s has li. ... ·t·11 long, tll1.· t·om1>a n y has nc\'er fa llt'l't-·d 1n its Lllll·nt to tl1·\·1·l(1p \.\that it 1·1ins i1lcrs its mo:-.t '~d u a Ille 11ic<.:t.' 111' J;111tl ·r1i c t'41n1pany i11t1.·n(IS to s t·ek a g t•ncral pl1..1n <.'ha11 g1.· frorn thl' ()1·ange L'4n1nly l'l:tn111ng L'o111n11ssio11 111 1\prll Mc.•anv•hrl~·. thl· t·1t 1l'S ~urr11u11d111 g 111 , l<1nd wh1 r h r :1ng1.·s frllnl ('01·011:1 dt.·l Mar to l .ag1111:1 l!l';Ll'h ;ind inl :tnd to tht· S ;_in .J111111111n ll 1!l:-. ricli~t· l'1n1 t inu1· to ;J dVol:alc p l;ins for !ht· 1t r t·;1 1,, l11l·h !hey think \.\'oul<I kcCIJ dc\'clt>pn1cnt fron1 ll ;1v111 g ~tn .' aflc<:l ()II their indivir u ~d ju1·isrlil'tions p ;1r11t·1 d:1 r); the lruffic: 1\ \Viii generate. l .tlt·•ll gove r nment s h o uld gu<:ird lht..: ho11)1' f ront . liut the net effect of scpar<1lt· 1..1 ppro::1ches \11 the ~~1 1111.· problem is no effl'c.:l ::it .all. 13efore thl· 11lan s go tn I ht· pl~1 nn i n g commissi(Hl , the tl1rce c:tlies s hou ld s t:t•k ti unified p1Js iti1>n . One plan b~1t'kcd Uy th1-l'c c 1t1 es \\'ill 1·:1l'r:i-· \' e 1g hl \\'ii h l he com 1n ission. 'J'hrec plans carry nont· 'J'he <..1lll'rn~1live. lc~1 ving the cleci:-.i on l<i the t·ounly , <.:<1uld be a sorr.\· s ituali<>n for a ll of lht·ni N ' ' ... ' ~~<l " i a...A~f Yf.,'.~ f~1S VfHl<LE p,-.it> f _;~ 1 i.tz I~ TA:tES -~lU S ':t.?, 1<1 liil 1N (0N6RES~l~1~t..i< CONT RIB I_ ... ..::~ When Legal Verbosity Backfires 'l 'he <•Is''"'' t ,,,. ,,.,.,,,,,,. (SYDNEY HARRIS J !-.pt•ak11q.; of ];J\\'~·er:., a s I \\;i.., 1111 11<is s ini.:1 lht· 11l h t·1· d ;1 ~. re 111111c1t.'tl n ll' of lhl' prt•t't'dl'nl ,h;1!1(·ri ng a(·!1nn 1 ~1kcn h,\ th1• t S Stq1rt-·n11· ('ourt last n1on1h. \\h1·n 11 r1'ft1-.cd 11~ :n ·t·ept <1 h r 1l'f fll1•d b \ ;111 ,d lnrnt'\ h1.·l·:1u-.r 11 . . \\;I~ 1111' lurll! I n1·11·r !hf•u;:h! !lr1· d ;.1\ 11ou ld .i·o1n1.· 11 ht·n !t•Jpd \ t•rhosi1y 11 .. uld ht· off1!'i;ill1 1·t'l111).;l•d h \ !hi· ln~IH•..,t CfHll t 111 thl' l.111£1 . IJ;,1 ,I)• j1,d't•fl111 ('\"II 1hl' J!Hlg1·:. h,1\1 h ;1d 11 \II' !11 hl'l'l' \\llh 4·1 rf'11n1IP1 1111.,11 ln :1 1~·1 "t' "rd1·r th1• {'0111·1 1ur111 '!I h.ii·h ·' h11t·!· frorn tht· pr"'"'l'PfltlJ,.: .11101 1111 ·\ ,.f 1\1!, II ('11un1 .1 111 tih1n for' f.1ilir1 !_! !" 4·nrnpl\ \I !t h r1i1"~ rc•q1ur111;..: l'tlll 1·1..,t·n1'"" \.., f.1r "" (·(•Uri h 1" l"l'l.t!l._, 1 .!II d1 i.,: li,l('k , 1111" 1.., lh1• 111:-1 111111· lll h1..,!11r\ lhP ru !1· nf 1·nn1·1 ..,1•t1•'"'" h.1 ... ht'<'ll 11)1ukt1d ;ll thl'> lnf1\ 11•\ 1·l 11f 111r1 ... t•l Ud1·t1 l'l' r111·: 1•1t11.-..1·:(·t ·r11u ·:-. hl'u·1 11 ~,.., n1url' 1 h,111 IOO Ji.q.!•'" Ion~· \11t h ;111 :11'1'•'nd1' 1.f I. ~10 ... 1dl 1•h•1tni.:r.1ph~ .1t1;1c l11 ·d 111 ;1 11 , .. 1· 1·0 111p.1111111:.: ... t;1l l'll1''lll •1f rlll•I'(' th.ill ~>011 p.q._:1•;-. 1'rh1• ,1\ Pl'.lj;!t• t1ru·f 1.., 11..,11:ill' 11111· p;q,:,1· 11f 11 v1· .. 11un~ fnllii\1t·d h\ li•ur 1•! 111 1• p.1:.;t·" ,,f f.n t" .111d an .11 ~11011·1\1 1•f \:1 (•I' "'(l !1,1 L'.V" ;1! T fi t• !1111"1 I Jl I" Hll!llt".11 111;1\ 11lt' \l pl'd li1'1('I 1 ..,1 11J .1 t!:u·h1·tl1 11 .. 11c h .• 11·,.;:11 pl•·.1d1nJ" 11 h1t·h h :1.., l11·r·11r111· ,111 11 11111 ..! ln11 h r1 1·f. :111d ti:,.., l'llJH' !1+<111 .i ... un1r11:1r\ ror· ,,Ji..;tr',H'l 1d .1 !',l"l' 1" i1111J h l1• t!1'{'l.,1 •1 111111·1 ..,1/1' 1.ull ): \\ l!ld •'dl\1 ''-" li1dh Ill p1•r..,r•t1 .111 d 1n'pr1111. "''1'111 ... tu!"· .ill :il rTl•1"\ 1n1:1r1 .1 hlt• tr".111 11f .1t 111 rn4·1" (,.,,.of !ht· n lrlt·~I l\r111 :;h l<'i.:al ... 111r11·.., 1111 ul\'t·:-. :1 p1'r~n11 11hn \\:1 ~ pl'l'"L'tl1 ;11 ,1 :-1tt1nµ, nf Iii{' ('011rt of Sf'ssion.., 111 l .1.nJ11n, ,1nrJ r{'l11rn1'fl 1:111· 1•1 tht• ;1 fl1 ·!' Dear Gloon1y Gus !)1fft•r1·111 :1pp1 u;11·li1 •.., 111 11':1111111 1~ 1nu11g . ..,t1·r:. 111 lo(· l;1\1 .:d11rl111 ;.: ·r ;1l-v ,J 11t·1\ lolkt• lo ('11..,l.1 \11•..,,1 pul11 ·,• f,,r lH·1•11 :.1n t.: .i nd tl1 1•1 II lrlJ ~Oll (;1•[ ,\i<lll !l't'l' ill'l'tl:-1· ,1! ,1111 Irr•· .. 1.1 lion " \I "\l•11pnrt Bl'<1C'h 11\t •\ 1,·11 .\Hll "'It '.; :1 ltut·I\ .ind .1 11 . .ir anc1 \tl.' <111111 h ;1 \ I' ~I 11 .\ m11nth 111;11·h1• 111•,l I•' Pt l G-...y C..0• <•"''"•"h .. ,. 1..-ilnM •• ..-.-..... .... N nel n1tC•l~ .. rlly n l le<I tN --e4 "" ...... ~-·· s.. ........... pr\ -v1t .. GIMmy Gt", 0 .. llyfl'°'. 11•;.'•ll 111 find lilt' ..,,l Ol('l";!St'Sti!I on .i nd Lh C' ~t11111· l1;1rrlst •·r s till l:tlJ.; 111 J.: 111-: ttl·:\1 ,\HK1·:0 111 l.urd .Ju:.tit·c' Cuc).;hurn , 'Surt·l,\· h1· ,.., 11;1..,tine a g r1 ·:i1 ilt'al of tirn•· .. •'f'inlt'.," !ht• 111r1 -.\ r('pl11·d "l.r•n i.: 11 ).!,1 h.1.., lil' l'~h ;1u ~1t ·•I l lllll' '.\11\\ h1• I " l'llt'fl)<H'hlllJ.: Up 1111 l't(·r n i! ~ 11 ·~ d1·\i ~ht hil \1 t,1•n \crhos1t 1 h:1tkf1r1•.; n n 1l "l•lf :i:. LI did 1\•h1·11 l'rl'~1d Pnl Fi :111].;lln II hoo:-t•\'(·l\ 11;1.., ;1 \'t111n i.: l,111 \t•r ju~I gt:ttini.: ... 1.11·t1·fl. a11d 11 .1~ 1 1·1.11nt"li lo h;:in dlt• ;1 11111;.!h 1·11 ii 1':1 ... 1· 'l'ht• 11 p110 ... Ill>! ]~II\\ i'r I\ .IS ;JJl t·fft'l'1 LI I' i\11'~ pll•;tdt·r·. 11hn t l11s 111 n 1• n 1.1d f' tht• f :11 :1l 1111..,l al-1• of .. r.111111.! fpf ..,,., t•r;d hour'> \.., l\I~ upp1otlt•lll d1 l'l\•·d i•tl Hn11-..1•11 ·l1 1111t11 ·1<d 111.11 111•· 11111 \\;1.,tll p.1 1111~ n11H'h ,ill••ll11lu1 \\'h1·11 h1 " 1u1·n t'.1rn1' h•· ,.,,..,, . .1nd .,,1L d lo11 11 :.111' hl'.lld 1111 • 1·\ 1d1'!1f'1 ' l "nll h.l\ 1• ,iJ,., li"l1·r11'<I 111 111\ d1 ~i1n µ_1u .,h1 ·d 1·ollo·;1t,:111 • :1 lir1ll1.11 1! 1•r.it11r lt 1•n1 1,,.11~·11 h11n . :ind d1._,h,~h1•\ 1· tht' t'\ 1dt·111·1· \011 \\ill h ,11 l' 111 d1 •1•\d1• Ill h1 · i'.''"1 '!'h;d.., all I h;111·\11 .11 ·ri.,. 111r1 ".•:-nut 1111 h ·-.-.. tli.111 10 1111n11 ll'" .1nd i.:r;1 11·f11l l1 hr11u i.:h t 111 .1 11•rd 1l'1 101 Hoo:.t"\'C•ll '._, f'li1•nt S.~ \\Oldd \ht• ~up 1'l·n1t•('eo11rt th•'"\'d ;11" All Is Not Gold. • • WAS lll NG'l'ON With lh C' Unit('d Slates op<'ninR Its gold 1aul1s 111 ·"Pt'L'll l :1t1ir s. 111 tclligen C'(' r e ports warn lhat in- ternation;tl rinJ!S a rf• d e alin g: In counterfe it gold. The re ports tell of l'Ounte rfc it- iu g:-s mugg ling o p erations out of Beirut and M arseillcs. ·w ith con- nectio n s reaching deep into South Ame r ica . Gold bullion has been coun· terfeite<i . according to the re· ports. by drilling o ut the cen ters o f 24-karat bars a nd filling them with lower·g rudc. 14·karat )!Old or with even c heaper tun~stl'n IN SOUTll A.M 1-:RICA, official ~\viss m ._. rl\ i ngs h 11 vc bt-•cn Ch.'\'l'I' Jy fori:tcd nn tht «01\lCrf(•i l 11111· .. ~>m C of lht'St' phony h:1rs, It L~ hclievl'tl . ha\·1· bt'ell s n111gglt•d in · to lhc Un1ll'd St ates . But the main sn1uggling center 1s l:{'irul. an airline hub with loo~c cont rols over ~old s hir· ments. The s 1nugglc rs reportt'd · lv h nve been nble lo sneak the (:o unterfcil bullion aboard pla n es flying lo dt•stinalions ·a ll o\·c r the 1vorld. Beirut gold dealer~ nrc also dn· 1ng a hif.( business in countcrfC'1l coin s V a luuhlccoinsno longerin (JACK ANDERSON) circulation <ll'C' c •11 nti·rf1·1ted h y clever crafl s mt-'ll \.\'ho. tn1dcr Leban ese law, don·1 t•vcn risk prosecution if the ro1ns l'onl;1111 the proper <1n1ounl or gold SO~tF: ()fo, th ese count erfci1 gold coins . according l o our sourcl's. a l ready have started moving into the United Stales Americans buyinit coins H.[ld bullion. mear:tl":'hile. may le;1rn the hard way tw!W all thal ~litt ers is n 't 24.l{arat gold. FootnOte ~ Swiss refincr·ies ;1rl' c lose to p~rrectin g an e\ectroni<' devicl'. \1thich ca1;1 assess the gold purity of bullion ·rhC' hars arl' carefull y wl'ii::hl'cl , m eanwhile . o n digit3 1 rcad ·out ~ca les. The~t~ "·oold qui <:kly d l'tcct f:!O\d.p\atf'd 11111)"!:.\t•n hars . 11111 tht• h:1r~ f'ilt.·d \\•ilh cheaper i::o ld arc mo1't' dif fi,·ull t o d e t cl'I . After th1• low gra<i c J?Old is poure d into lhc hnr. it hardens and s nmf't.in1es lcavl':-. a n identation :-it lh(' opening Gold b a r s with dt•n1 ~. thcrcfnrt'. mny bt· rcjecl cd . Volunteer Army • Ill Germany 'l'o 1 tl(' l·~rlil1n· L\I\ 111ft• ;ind rl·ad Hudi :'..:H·d11vl. .. l\1 '.;; ~lnr~ 111 ,\our paper' :1ho11! "(;[,.,in <:vr111 .111y" It ~·;i~ 1\! 01111·1! 111l1·rt·.,1!u 111' :1.., 11e had ~111·111 .1 111·1•k Jn i:1·rn1any !:.1s t 1\UJ.!ll'>I lnr lilt' purpos l' of 1n· lt'I 1le'\\111 !-'. n1t•n1h1·rs of our \'.,l11111,•1·r .\rniv 1\'(}l .. \lt I for :1 !11111111 11 p 111 :_1 :.lur,\ Iha\ \l'C \\'l'tllv .1 hout \'(11 .:\ll 111 t_•;n·I:' 1!172. \\t· hnl't' 111 ;1! a 1\ay \'Ill I)(' f11n11d I!• 1'U1't·1· ..... t l1 ll,· 1\1lhdr:1\\ th 1· 11 l·d:.:t• ! hat !t1uli ... :1.1·s h.i,., hL'1 ·11 di'l\l'll h1 ·l11't'ell lht' (;l'f'lll:11 1 111 ·0 pli· .111d 1hL· .\mt>r1can:-. ~.t•t ~ rcn1l·n1l.,.._•r . n11t1t· 11! u ~ h ;1\·t· ti;1 tl .i g rl'at dt':.Lr1· ln lil' 111 l·:urop1· 1!1 a St•J'\'tl'1·n1 ;111's un 1for1 n d11 r111'.! lhl· pt·rind Sllli'l' l't·~irl ll:11·)hir', 1~1,11 . l1J 11\1~ pl'l' "~Ill t111l•' :\\11:--t dr:dtv1·-. tif 1t11 • < lcrup ;1lLn11 .\rtn:' ;~nd nl!'rl .. 1 \.(Jl.1\H t1 ;11 v n11t 11·:u11~·d l" b,· 111 tj1·rn1;111,1 ;11t,·r \ J·: l ).i ~ 11 11 .i .. !hl' (it•l'Jll,ltl po·np\L' .1 1HI lll1· 1;1·rn1;.i11 ,\rn1;. 1lf \\'urld \\',1r II tJi,i( l',lll."l'd lllt' l'll'L'\l!ll~\;1J1l'"" lh;H n1<1d1 • 11 llt'l'l'":.,11·_1 !or· p-. 111 ht• tht•rt· l"J":-; P(IS~ll\l .1-'. Ill.LI HudL .i 11a 111·l· .,f 11 .. rn1 .111_\. 11a~ 11111 l!l,lllt• ,tll d i I' (l\,d tilt' \11111 :; Ht 1Jli l L' S :\r nt\, t-:11rop1 • •l ':..,\J·:l ·lt l .i re ,1;1l u11; .. d 1h1•r1• h~ 1·1·qut.':-.t lll !ht· \\l· ... 1 <:1·r111.111 gr1\1•r 11n1l·111 ( lu1· I roop~ .1l'l' n1 ;_in 111n g oh~t·1·\ .1 l1un p11._,1 .... :1 rn1ored r1•gLtllt'Ol :-. .i11d u..,1n i.: ht•ltl·op\<!r and lt'L'I' p .11rol:-o .11 th1· b~1rder In tull '11•\\ 1f 1 h1.· l·'.:i~t t;t.'lt·n1 :1n ,\rn1 ~ l ~"rd1·r ('11111n1~1nc\. f".;.ist (;t·1·111.111 ,\rrn\' :ind So1·1l'I f'nrct':-l11r !111 • 11u1·p;,._,. ut' ~h·1t•rrin~ lll<.'lll d111 ·111 i.: pl';IC1'lllll l' 111 the t'\1·111 n1 dt·l l'l'l!ll ;'11 1111 <>! pu!iltl':il t'1•!.1t 11111:. 1\u1· 11\l'!l :111• turtl!•'I 11 •-.p1HIS!hlt.' ftll' d1•t1·1·1111 :.: .1111 l111r1l,·r 1·rps..,1ng.ti.' ,1r111\•1I 1.,1, , . .., 111\1nl.!!111tl of lhv \\ ~n .,,1\\ l'.n 1 111 tl11· t'\1·11\ 111' ~111·11 .ttl .ii l,11 k 11 ~ U\ll' llll'll \\Jl11 11111"1 ('1111 dtH't 1hv 111111 :d fr11111 1!11c d ,· t t ' 11 -.' .. H ud1 111 nti· 1h.1I ;1hn11t \ht• 111111· Thi.1 1 1111· (;f•r111:1u "huighcr :-..,11 tln\Vll to rlinr11 •r is "\\'h1·11 1h1• 111 11" fr11111 lhl' l'ith lnfant r\ 1· .. 1111 · dn\111 1r11111 \I\•· hill looJ.;u)i.: 1111· a ILtllL' tun \\'t• do not t•111Hl11111.· th1.· r.1pl':. hL·alini.:. 111urdt•r .... d u111,1)'.!•' lo prnprrt:'. 1•tt· \\"t-1 t11d11 '\ pl.111 to tlri\1' · ;1 1\t~dt.:l' h 1·l1\1•1•n 111(' :\rn11 and tht• (;;,.rn1a11 p(·ople ." Tlit• 1n1111 "'·ho 1nav ha\'t-' ('O n1m ltt1·cl lhus 1.· <'ri1l1t•s n1av have done lhc !'><.i n11.· thing ht•1't-' at hon1t.'. Is the figUrl' Clf 2ll r apes in a YC'lJ.1' Cxccpt.io n al · 1,,. high in :.in area 11·1J('rl' 4-tflpoo yo1in g \'i1·rlc ll•c-nagers ~1 nd-;-~ll . a re s l.a t 10 nl'd nea 1:~~·on1 e n 11' ho tto 110\ s pe;1k fhc-ir lan~uag<'·) -. \'01~:\R 1::; \\'OrkLng ha.rd to en l'OUragc its' meQ. to ~8'•0.tf 01ore L'dllcation and lcurn n traOe whllt• 1 n the' scr,· i <'<'. 1\1 any or t hc,,o n1C'n told us last ,\ugus l lh;.it they do 11ot ha\'l' anything Lnlt'rt•stinJ! In do ,,·1th lht•ir off-d \ILY timl'. ;dthough lht·ir s uperiors l'la imt-d other 1,·is1• 1.et 's hfll}L' t h at the· GC'r 1nan p c-opil' can ct c \'Clop recrt•a lH)ll~l ureas ;ind types or l'lltC'rtninn1rnl that "·n uld ap1>t•:d l-0 bur 1nc n ~o thal lht'Y could f''\ ~e nd tht.·ir t•ncrgit-•s and tin11· II may ht• a 1\·ay of l'lin1in:..itin~ tht.' ""'l'dgc " bet\\"(·~n lhL•1n . • 11' s ,tr'uc that t h(' 1\'rm y pr11 motl'S 1Sl'ogran1s lo "1n vol\'t• so ldiers '''th 1-(rc;it cr sc~n1 C'n t ~ of 1hi' (lcrn1 ;1 11 J)npulation ·· llo"·evt->r~ \\•cdid not S<'(', no r (!111 "'e hQHI', o r U11y J>l'Ogl'alltS pr11 1n ot(•d b~· t h e (;crn1a n pcnp\C' l11 invol\'(' Germa ns "ith :1 grl'att-·1· scJ!n1 ent ol lhl' An1eric an Army' .1 1\MES E: \'()f.:1.KL [ J !:11·1 ., \•I l ilt' ll111,t1:L11 1·;11np.11 1-:11 -.pviik 1 .. r1!i1·1l1 1'1·l11 •:-MAILBOX (;1·:1 11\dl.· 1 ... lu IJv l'•ol l:,.:r.11 111;11 t'd .. n hi .. l1 ·g 11prl., ,1nil .111t1 d1· '----------------~ Sl'l'\'t' 1·rt·tl11 1'1\I' p111!li sh111 g his f'X /.1'/t 1'r~ fro1rr r,•nti\•r, •jff' I• e/1·.1n11• \ornu11/11 1r11/er .~honiltl 1'11111 t'll //1 4•1r '"':~·'''"I •'\ 1r1 ·;~11 11 ••ril.\ nr /,.,,, 1·1,.. rit1l1t /1l 1·11111").'''' lt•l/c•r'i 1 .. fa '/XI! 1· 1)r 1·/1111111<1/1'•ltb1·/ 1, T•'.l1'fl ,·,/ I// /1•[/1•1' 11111'ir n11 /11tl• 'il1/ll<l/r11• n11rl 111111/11111 c1r/rlr1·,, 11111 n1n11e,· 1111111 ''" "1//1/11·/d Ill/ 11·q111·,1 ,, 'ill//lt'/1•111 f 4'(1.\'fJf/ /~ r111/111r1•r!1 /•,.,•tn1 11 Ill 1111/ /11· r111r•11 ... 111·11 ''''!I lt1111•1ft' lutl\l' t·:di1'11 . \r t• \t•\\ p111 I ('!11/t'I\" ).'.Hill~ lu l\·1 1111r ti.11 h1·1 ·11 11h· .1 1·:1l«l1 IJ.1-..1n 1<•1' ;111 111·· l"lll111ll 111 llll' .llt'.1" \\1 ~OI .\ 11n' \\1 • ;I!'•' Sl1(1\; 1n1·n1h1·r., II tin h.1 \ t' pr1·~1·111!·d ,1 I ··q(ll'~I toi1 .i 11111r:1t1>r111111 ••II I•• 111111" l1 1r 11"11 ('(11! ... ll lll'l lllll 1111 1111dt '\t'l<1['1 'd :tl'l't'ili.!l' Ill '.\1'\llf!oll 1\1·.1\'h l<1 lhl' \'11.\ 1·11!11\1·11 :11HI i.!•ll !'l"lllHt'!l!.il ,lgt'l\t'll':> t'1i1H'l't'll1'd 1111111 ~lH'll 111lll' ,I ., .Ill :1nlt•11d111\'!l1 Ill !)l\' ).!l'lll'l ,11 pl.Ill t",111 ,tl (•1!11[.il.._ll .1dt·q11.111· \'0•1Lt11d .. 1 llltl••!! 111(11 1t11·1J.1\ ·r1 11·: \ 1·:-..·r1·:1l 11~111 ... 11t 111\· hon11 ·11\1 tll'r~ 111 :\1·11 pu1 l H1.,11 ·l1 ,II L" J.:t't'.111'1 tll,111 ll'H~1· ur tho• pt1l1•11t1.1I d 1•\1 l11p1•r, •II 1111 d1•\~·1 .q1t·r! 1.11id ·r11 1· 11«url1· \\ho.,,· 1 t· .. 11·d rit.:l1t:. ;1r1· 11h· ).!l'l':llt•..,t . 11111 .. ,• 111111.,1· Ill\ 1'~111\"I\\ 11.1 ... h1•\'tl 111 l1rlll' .1n.t 1110111 •1 ~pt•nt 111 l'-.1,il1l1.-.h111t'. .1 hunlc .111il ;1 l'(l!l111111rll!,\ 11ill ltlt'\11.11/l\ l•t' 11\(• ln .... r .. Ill th1· t'\l'fll •II :1111 furl h1·r d1·I 1·r1o11.111• 111 .. 1 t ll• · I 1.1 ~ 111 th•• ll1 ·, Ill l'il,.r ,\1•ll PH ' 111r1·d ('111d 111 H.i\ ,,11 l!J•· lr11pl 1';1g~· .d11nl.: 1111 t1 111 1· !'111--)11 1ol llt11>dvd ll•lll\1·<111111 r \\'1, hul"' \ll1:> rn ;1\ 1., •. 1 11,11 \11 .,;.,I' 1111 ... 11111111 1 d1 •h11.., IH'l"l' Ill '\+11\•dll .ind \I\(' 111t11·r 111111111t1n1l1•• .. th.ti 1·on1 r1 h ulv \\'1 llt· .1u111• ('1111111 ii l•llll 111·11 ... p.q11•1 ,ltl\1\fh' 111111 ii (11I\0 r I 1 I I (I ~ n 111 1'0 I I 111 .... 1·:11 :1 .. rr11pl11 · I t ;itl1·1·t ~ 11~ .di ~lllHl .I·:\· h'.\l "l'S t-:' S1·1·r1·1,1r1· S P<)' •:O.lnp \'ull11t111g th1r \1·111•11 1'1 1 ('ltf"•"r.'i 1·0 lhl' ~:ell tor. A thou~and <.'he1•r:. tor '!'om Barley :n1rl his :1i'kn<111 l1·dgmc·nt of th1.• trcml'ndous bflurs of wol'k 11'hic h i.:o into lilt" prl'par;1tu>n for ,, t'Oll('l'l'l. \\'ht·! ht'I i! ht• \'O{';J] or inslrun1e ntal II 1s e~tin1atC'd that. e 11t•h \r \'int.-' Master C h nra\(' n1en1bcr conl rihutes a 111inin1un1 of 40 h ours prep a rin~ for nne l'rtn cert rcpl'rlo irl' ('rhis rt•Jires('nt ~ ne11rly 5,000 h ours lot:tl for it s 120 m e mbC'rs l The culn1inatio n of ou1· e fforts to present the bl'.s l in e h or;tl mus ic to Orange County will next be heard on 1\1 arc h I when 11'<' 1oin Co rces \.\'1th thC' outstand1ni.: San Diego Youth S)·mphony to present \V alton 's ··1ielsh az7.ar's F~a sl'' and \1t-•rd1 ·s ''F'ou r Sacred Pieces .. Thaaks ai.::.iin tu Tom Barlf'y, Jn Olson, and lht-• Da ily Pilot for consistently sup· port in~ u s' .l t\N UN V~UT f 'nc•f!f . .,,.,,,.,,,.. To lht· l·:d1to1' 'l'ht• p11 •rt· h y {;.irt (; 1';111\ Ille· u11 S u nd ;t\ . .l ,1tl ;, 1itl1•d ''lfu\1 lltl1s h;;11 :\l .1d1• 11 11.1:. tht• b(·~t ill'lLt'll' I ht• 111101 11;1._, \'\'\'!' 1l1Hll' 11 ('\\11!11 111/l'd !ht· J.;111d nf \1111 1:11 111v1·~11 g.1t 111· J!llll'l1.i11 :.nl ull {'tlUllt?-· •~Slit''-, 1ha! IH'\1:.pa pl'I ~ :-houlri t-ni.::q . .:t· 111 It d1tl not ~:11·rif11·1 • nh11 ·1·t 1\'ll ~ !or ;1d \'1•1·a1·v II .. 1111pl~ h ·t 1111· ~01·d1d P••.~·· \l .\ 111d.\ 11 .. p1 · ·~ 111.1! 11111 d11 tlot1 lc•t 1 llt' 1.,~l h ' drnp llt'l'l'. l1u1 1';1\l\t'1 IPll1l11 1! llP \\11 11 ;1 ~1 ·1'11·~ 111 1111-l hl'l IJl\1 ''-!lj.!.1\1•111..., il ll 11111,IJ.111 \',lll ··r~.1 <"l1 •:1r.1 .ind l ~11rt•1n ·r11 ,. puhl11· d1 ·:.l't'\l':-. 11•1 1, . ..,.., l'1•rh.1p ... !ht• 1111111 11dl h1 · 1111 \\ ,1-.11111).!11•1\ 1'11..,l od ()1'.11lJ.,:t' ( '>11111 I . l<lll\ :'\\(1.,_.\Jl\'\. l'h I) \..,:.1 .. 1.111! l 'rofL'""o1 l 'l '. 11 \ llll' I) i .... ~, llS' f-"ff '1'11 !!11• l·~tll1 nr I ,1111 dl..,).!U:-1 1·d ,111d :q1p,illl'd 1111v11 II !;1hl'" ,( h·111·r l'I\~ 1!.11 .. .ind [II t·v111 .. Ii> 11 .111·1 ltu111 l·:ll:..!t'\ll'. ()1 1•).!0Jll 11• l'11 .. t,1 \11· ... ;1. \'altl!Hlll.t ,J,111 :! 111 .J .111 I 'l'lll'l t' I._, l\U f1'"l'Ul l'>lhl~· l''!'!l~1· l11r 1111 .._ d1111 hl L' 1nd•i..:11,tt 11111 \\ h.11 :-\!11• prol1lt·111' \11 .\ p«r ~u11 d1>111 ;.: hu ..,1111 ·.,~ \\ !111 t!i.• 1"1-.t n11H'•' 1·;11l 'uh'-l'l'\l'" 111•' lil••!1l1 111 11 I'> tl••\ l\t'l'l'"".!1'1]:'- \t•t'hl!Hlo;.!l<"il. II I' h11 111.1 n 1hl' L'lllp[PI t'.'> nh-..·1 \ \' h11\\ 1 ht'\ 111 11·1. a:-1. tllt•111 1111\ !ht·~ 1101·1- h•r till' 1111:-t ullll't' ;\l ,111~ "I 1111 · ··1npl11,I<'" ,tt't' 11HI 11].l tu h L· :1111 l.i:.\t•J' lh.111 ... 11111 uthL'l"S ;u·L' d t• l.11'h1·tJ. Ut\l!l\L'l'l'"ll'd ,1nd 1111111 11>lll'd 111111 \\II.ti l lit·1 d1>, !llHI .. t 111 111 lll•l .. ltlt'l't'I.\ h;1\ I' .Jd 111 .. 1 .. d \+J !111· 111-.!1lll!l1111':. -.\d ill " ljllll .. 1 l(\1•d11H·1;11·.1 l l'". 1111 ·11· ,1f1• ,., 11·11 t .. 111.., l,.l!..!I Ul ,1 P··"i 11 1 .. r 1·\ ,111qil,• h11I 1111 l1 •ll1·1 1111•k II\~· 11.1\" .i!ld [.,1 )..l!tl.l l-....tll l''\'L'1i111 ll) f n ""' 1•1111 .. ·r "111 1d .,)l,·1·1· 1111..,11.1(,·d .1 1i:.:1·1 I \•·rh .1111 l,1 ..,ll1•d !!!ll .d 11!1.>I I 1111 111-11 ;1.., ,I 11 .. 1n.1i.:1·r1.il 1"!"''~1·111.11111· ;il11ll1I \11 1' -.11111 jllll:.!,l l'~" "j .I [lilt' !h,y 1'\1•·11d1•d 1<> llh· l•Ht! .i .. nr iii 11~·· 1\rl ;t1 1l.., 1)1!11 •1• IJl r n:.l:t \Jt'...,:t ,ffl' !11ld Ill\' 111.1 1 1111·1 ~··10· do1Jlg tho · h1•:-.1 !ilt'I 1·,.11 ld 1·u111 p:1r1•d 1'• 11 h.d [ d;1n 1 l.,111111 .111d It I 11 ,1., :-" 1·1111l'1·rnl·c\ I .. 111111\•I ..,, ... i.: •'l1lph11 tllt'lll lht•11· I tnld l11 n1 l 1l.1d. hul 111l'l'l' '-'l'l t' 110 OP t'llLllJ.!" Iii' t<ild llll' I 11 ;1:-. right. .ind 111.d ll•I' th•· .\11.1111 ~ ot fH'l' tht• ,.,1t 11.d11~n' \\Oti\d l't'll\:1111 Sii 1H•t'.tll:>o l' l'lllJllH.ll':O. '>t•\dotll qlnl I 11unk lilt' pr.1c\1l'l' 111 !t1·1n:.: t'1r1·d 1-. no111•si .. 1i·n! 1 11 .1:. .11HI :1'.ll f11 11n11 .., 7'nl 11nl.1ll.111•11·1" \ht' pt•(1p l1• p.Ltc.I f1 11' ;111d p;11ru1111 1•d llu-. di'.ld \\IHl!I .ind dHj.!tll.lth' 1·n~t.d p1d1l'.\, h111. h,1 (;nd . Ill' 11.1\'t' J11~1111lllOl1 :tllt•'d 11 'l'ht• ... n!ut1t111 ·• \\'1• .\1111 ·r1c;1n ~ :ll'l' f:H'l'd 11'11h ll\('1'1';1 ~1r\g Lill 1·1npl(1\ n1.·nl 11 1-. :111 1•\i'L'llenl \!llll' In p111np Il l'\\ h11ni.111 t:rlt'n1 and c neri.;y . quantitatively nncl q u al1t;1tivl'I;'>. 1ntn the posl;_d svstt-•m II 1:-;111 t'XCl'llt·nt op· p:i_1rlu111t.v to f1rt'. retire nnd t'X pir<' {'lllltract.s of I hose employi..-. ... participntin.i:: in lh(' "law of lea~t effort .·' \\'i.., n1us l l'mpha~i1.c notquanti 1\ 1Jt 11a1·n1cn1 'l'h1· n1oncy 1s ,;lr1·;ut\ 1i1t-•r1· f11r 1n1p1·01·e n1enl t h ,. h 11 111 :1 11 r t' s nu r cl':-. rt'" p1111 ... 1I11J1 I~ . C'Otll Ill II nlf'lll :111d n1.111a i.:1·r1 .d lt•arlcrs hip 1s 110 1 111 ~n1 •ill hu .. 111f•ss If ~·ou t'.i1111nt do the jnh, it 1~ 1in1c for r hHngc: 1n go\'Cl"!llllt'll\ lf ,\OIL f':llltln! dt~ lhL' \i1b \1HL ill'l' 11;1i<I 1lH)l"t' to dtl ll':-S :1nd .anl'llllt'I' 11t·r~1 111 Jll St 11\..l' ,\1111 1:. l111't•d to ht•lp h:I·:.\' l ',\Sl)UF:IH<) .l\c•c1rr1 I u I !11• t·:tl 11 ur I tl1111 k thl' ll11n~ 1h:1\ '1"11 ·, . .., ll'lt' r11 .. r1· th :1n 'l'hur~tl.i ~ ·-.. 1'011'1 11 q11 ,,J,, 1 i'H' 11\•'I ( '11 ~1 I.< 11 1 I , 1-.. I .11 ii I \ h ' 111 :.,.'. I) ll t I It' I~ 111>' l.11·! 1 II.it ....;,111 tl11.ol11 • "\1t1 l1',ll ( :1 •111·1.1\ltlj.! ~l.1\1<•11 .. 1•1,111" 1.qol1 didn't •'I .-11 I'll I.. 11)1 l!l1 q11.i\,.·-. .I I· 1., Ii (; l ~( )j\' \ ••f•fff~tf I~•• 11·s ']'u lhl• F:dLl nr :\ '.'l:t•\\' \' 1·;,r .. r1·~11lul 1un 1 ·111 k el'p1n ~ 1~ 1., 11 r i\1' tu legisl ators 1fl'dl'ra! and -.t;dl'l n11-.t•\'1•ral i!-. 1'lll'~ \\r(" IH't'd l.111:. \u re(tllll t' I l ~1 n1 1n1n1um in<·orne tax so Sllpl'r-r ic:h (';in 't t•scape l;J>i.C~ . 2) dC'dU('t1on o f all 1ncdical ex pt•ni:.C'S on tax rC'pnrt..,, not JUi:.t ;i 1}(_·rce nl•.tb " . :J) phy.'\i1.·1an s to ht· tcstl'd rt• gul;1r!y 1111 ph ,\'~1(';d ;111d rncnl;d vundi1ion. and kn11\l lcdg1• Most oJ tnd:.1y·s nietlil'ill <:.., \\'L'r" not 111 t•x1 s l1·ne1· 1."1·20 ycnr:. agu We hl·;1r n1111·h ;1buut nl:tlpract i('l' lrl S lll"H!H't' l'OS l S \Vt•cd1ni.: o ut incon1pt•l v nt:-\\'OUld :-ave thC' public-;111d lhL' doctnrs ffiU('h lllOfl('Y ·1) regular. un;111111H1n('ud 111 "] "'' 1.1! I< Ill .. 111 11111· ... 111:.: 11 .. llll'~ .. 11)1 l :11un1a\ expPrin1t-•nt tabs ·rhcrc 's muc·h una\·n11 l abl1.• ~urfcr1n~ of hurnan s ;ind anin1al:.:: let 's cr•Hltcate th1· :11·01dahll' h: EN l<OG E llS ,.,,.,pl•, ..... '' ·~·''' s '1\o lhL' t·:d 1t1~1· \n lJ1\1·~1\t!.dl1HI dtfl'" 1111! 1111\) I\ e,:1111\ JI .111 .1;.:1·1t(',\ HI l!iv l S j.!<rl"I 111111 1\! 1-. lllllllllllt' 111 IJt'ITl l-! l!l\l'"l l).-!.1l1'll 111\'11 th'"' 1'11tlld l•llH'l'll.1hl1 ;.·,I .tll .tl l\llh ,111"1 ,1liu111 .1rl\ 111111 _ \ ('11n ::r·1•..,.,1<111.1l l!1\l'"l1~~.'1\11111 "I J.-!ll lt'l'tlt\lt•lll.tl ,l:..._t'll• ll'" il"l "•ll I llH',\11 th.ii tht.• ,( 1'111'\ 1 .. .;.:1 1111 \ .. 1 .11111111111..'. \\ii.ii i! '1111•-. l\lt'.11\ 1.., th,11 lh1· 11~1\t" ••)Ill•' \111t 't11 ·.11t 1•1•11plt· ,!/I' j.,' I 11 ~· i •! '1! 1••'1 t d 11 Ii ..... il11.1\,., l11 ·vn 1111 l11•l1 .. 1 1h.it 1!1. l 'I \'~ .J•ih 11 :1" 111 :,:.i1 1h·r 111tnr n1.dl!11\ !+ll 1·111·11111·:-111 11111 '..,<'\ •'t llllJ1•1ll '!'h .. t d1ll'"ll t llll'.ltl 1.1ndu1ll -.p 1111!..! nn I :.; 1·11111•11. ... 111th1111t ·' ;.:1111.t l'•'.l '-,\)1\ ~11n11·11n1 ...... I 1!1111!. 11111 ....... it•;dlhy 1\\11l t•:-. \\!l\l(d 111.,\' (11 l\,l\l' ~I '1'\I t'.Ullt'l':l 111 t'I l'I \ llOlllt• II ll't'd 10 :I n1.1~l1 'r 1·0111 pu!1•r :-.u thi·.v t'Ould ,.,·rut11111•· 111L 1 ··11·r~· 1110\'t' 'l'hl~i r· 111t>{\\l' 11 111d d pruh;ilil.\ ht• ;is long ;1,., \p\I II.I\•' llH :.:11ill. ?-'OU :.h111ildn 1 n1111d \\ l' l 1 \ ,. 111 ,I 1'\'Pll I di(' dt•i·oted \I) delllOl'l',!l'I l1ht'I t\ fl'l'C'(\Qlll , high 1d1 .. i1:.· :111d ,1ll 1li:11 ~!11od s tuff J.;110\111 :1:-1111· .\11h·rH·a11 \Vay'. At ll';1:.1Ith111I-11i>1.l1J ,\111\I•: 1-'.\l J.KNl·:U ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT 1c .. 111·rr ,\· U'1•1•rl. f'tlhhsh'°r /'h .. 111n.~ ,_,.,.,.,/. l-:d1:ui Hur f>a ro 1\ re1f>1ch /' d1lur1<1/ /'nfl<' 1-:rlllor lh•· 1ol1tu11.1 I \"ll!•' +>1 th1· Ua1I,\ 1'11Ht .,,., .... , I" 111(1 11111 .11 111 ,f1n111lat.• 1'""'' 1" 111 1oi··"·nt1nl! ••fl ttui-l"•lt•' 111\«t-..r C'Pltllllt'Hl,11' u11 l1•plt'' "1 Ill h·lt'"I 111 'I 1Hl1t .oh•!I <'Pl11111111't' ;1n1t 1.11 11"''"''' '" p1p1 .. tin~~ ,, 100111111 h•I ''""h·1-.. 111 •1, ... 1nd I" 1"''"'1111111: lh1' n•''l""P·'l"'I , ••f'l!ll•>ll• .111il 11t1'.1., I'll ' 11 •I •'I•! I "I"' ~ I h' •·<Iii Ht t411 ••1'1111••1" ool lh•· 11 .. 111 l '1lo•I .IJ'Pt'ar ""I' Ill Ibo• 1•1111"11 ,il nol1111l!l .11 illt' IPL' •II t11" l"ll!•· t•1•tl1 l••U' 1•\l)fl''""l'tl l" llH• 1·1>1 .. rn11"'' ..... 1 ',1 1lll••IH ~t~ .011dlt ·t1 •·t 1111 1<·1 .. .1 1, 1ll•11•"1n.111ll ll•11'tUl•'i'''lll1 '1\I nl 1111 '1" '11'11' b1 ll!t' ll.1111 l'1l"1 •ho11ld 1 ... 1"1<·1 11·.t I ' :: .. ' ' ,. • . • ~ .. ' ~ .. < . • ' ' I . • • ?. • • • : • ! • • ' • • • • l • ! • • I ' ' ' ' Supply Of Gas Declining [..._ __ s_t_a_t_e_~) v.h1!C' f1 r 111 r1 ·ut1H•·111l'lll" fn1 l!.1:-. .1rP gro y,·1ng d u1111g l lil· 111·1 111d It i:-. :lp !).11 1'111 I fi t• lt'IHJI! .... 11d . I h:tl ''lhl' 1nh.•1111 p l1hl1· 111.tl'kl'I ( l'-l l'l-.:L' i11dus1 11,d l 'll ... \dllll'I :-, I \\il l h <.J\'C to turn to .d \L·r11,1h· !ul·\s for l ilt.! hulk ol 11~ IL'<p 11t't•11l t'tll ..,, p;.1rlic11\;1r l\ 111 ~11111h 1·r1~ t ':1liforn1 a. Threat to .S it•• S 1\CJ{/\ i\1 l'~:"'rf> ( l ' I 'I ) ·rh1• -.t ~il c l'otlld lii:-.l' the :-.lt l' o f tht· 11 c y.1 S I .:.> n1dllon go\·c r 11u 1·':-. n1:1ns ion i f th1• :-.l ructurt• \\t'tL' used as a hair ''a.' hou:-.1· fo1' dr ug .1 ddicts or a n1 u~c11 111, t h1· h ·gis lalurc's altor11l'\ ,,·:1r111·tl 111 d a y. · (;uv. 1·:dn1und Ci . Hro,,11 .Ir :-.:ud l'ucs d :1_., ht· h :1:-. :ill hul gi \'t'n up hope o f s t111 lp1ng c 11n ... 1r 11 l·t 11111 11f l hC J 2.fJIJ4)·-.qll:tl t ' l1J11l ft' .... 1den ce and -.11 cgt•:-11·d 1L r111g ht I"-· t..•on,·crte d 11it11 :i -.t·111111.1r t·c nlC'r or a ··11111-,l·11rll 1,l' :-ullll' h111d." 2 Bodie . ..; t 't111111I 'l'JtO:'\',\ f !\P i 'l\1u\J~1tll.' ill· \'UlllpO!:it'd IJOd Ll''>, 111•111•\t•d 10 !11· l lln:-l' of ;1 111;111 .1 11 d ll 1.-. 1111 1· l..11011·11 fo r l l1ct r d 1-.l r u:-.1 ul 11;111h.-... h;_1ve hccn fo und 11l ;1 lh>11 1t· hl'l'l' Inyo C..01111111 .v :-.ll1·1·i1 1· ... :uid l·.,1 1•nl·r·s ofl'l<·<·r :. 11·t•rt• 11••L ,,.1 r "· IC'a :.ing po.-.l!J1l' 1dl'nlil i;·;J1 10 11s 1Jt1 !he hudlt'"· 11 u1· l'o111 n11·n1 111 l'. 1111 how Lh1· 1110 d ie d \ :-.l11·r1lt'":-. dcpartn1t•11I :-.p11l..1·:-.111.111 ..... id .i :-.t a tc n1c 11l 1111 the 1·.1 .. c 11'111 h1 · ,.., :.u('d late r Lnd.1 .1 S11icide Cl1•i111ed l\E ll.KEl.I·:\· tl 1'!1 .l.11. 11 c;oldberg. J:t t·\1·<·111111· d1rt"l'\11r (If :1 dru g r1·h :1hil1 t.L1111 n p rl•gra1n. 11·a .., found d t·;id 1111 11 .. 11 .. 1n1··r11l':. d ;1 ~· fron1 :tn a11 1J.1I t•n l OJI 1·rdu~" 11f narc oti<·s. l'o li('C s:11d ,1 II\ poil1•1 1\\11· :-11 111;..:.e w a s fuu11d 1·l 111 1·ht·d u1 tn .. h;1nd. 1'hC'y s:11d t ll v1 l11·lll'\ l' h•· tonk h i..;0\1 n l1 r" r II'''' f 1•d <)u;nl:111d '1'0111, 10. 1.-. hL·1 n g :-iou~ht ll 1· 1hv 1··1 ~1 for :d · !l'hl·dl:-.· ~.:111he1.1.hng ~;>Oil UUU front t hl· l '!1111 a lo11n l~r .1;1c l1 11 1 l hl' S;t n l·'r :111 eis c o 1:L.(ll·1';1l S ;1\'in gs ;i nd i ,o:.1n .'_-.s.11 \n ;1:-.iistant \'il'i.' p rt• ... 1dl0 lll , l'n1plo:-.·l'd !'!11" I 1 .\"L·a rs. '1'0111 h c1s IJL'l'l l t r;1tl ·tl to 'J'ai1\·a11 . Man Booke d In Beating Of Boy,2 LI>.'\(; l i t :AC l l ili l 'l l i\ll'lv in <>. (;r;ih;.in1, :.:!5, \11;.1 ., houl\l'd 011 :.u:-.pic iun of c hild hl'~1l1n g 'l'ul':.tl:1y ;1fll·I' hl' al !cgcdl ~ lhrt•1\I his g 1r lfrit·nd'.-. 2 1 ::·~c-.1r·1ild !>On :1g;dns t ;.i ' \\;i l l .ind hi.'al hin1 ... ,;111 :1 bl·IL l'ol11·t: :-:1id lht' l·h1ld . .l :1n ll'!> :\l ill1on. \1 ;1s 111 ;1 1·0111.1 ;111d 111 \l'I')' crill t'id l·o 1Hl1l1un JJI !ht• 111 lt.'llSI \ l' c;1 rt· 1u1 it ;Lt Lung l.il';1cli ('u n1111un1l ,'.' I lo:.p 1l;il ,\ hn.,pital -.po kl·:-.111 :111 :-.:i 1rl l li!• !101· h.1d !:1rge \\'l·lt :-tJll h1:-. ba·:I. .111d 11111 h H·k:- \U(IJUf l11 1•:-. .-..IL d lhl' llll'llh·nl t1l'l'llrrl·U \\ hl'n (;r:1h .1n1 11 t•n t tu p u·k lhl' bo1 u p fr11111 ;1 b;tl1v-.1t ft•f' \\'1lllt'S~l'" :-..11d l hl' 11<11. 1l1d 11Ul \\~Il l 111 lt·,1l l' ,llld iil•g,111 l I\ 1n g ;i nd :-l'l'l·;1nnng. 1;r:1h;11ll t't'IH•l'll'd l1 li11 tilt· 1·h1Jd \\ 1lli .1 11l.ig:1/lllt0 .illd .!r.1gJ.!t·d 1111 11 11p:-1:1 1r:. \\'i!n1·-. .... , . .., l 11l d p ffJl'l 'I':-!lit•~ lil'.Llii .I lh ll lllJll ll).! -.ou 1H I lrtor n !ht• 1q• -.t:11 1·:-. :q1:1rl ll1l'lll :in d 11!,·11 tht· 1'1 I !Il g !>h lp p~·d \\ lll H '>'>I'" 1".iill d p1 tl 1t•v llfl l\'!'I'::-. .... 11d c;r . .t1;1r 11 11ild th<"lll lhl· e hild h ;ul l ;dll'll .i;.:1111 .. 1 -11ll ll' ;.:.l.1.-.:-.n1d t·ur !111 n:-.1·lf SAl"TA ANA . ,., ... ' . ~. '!' " .. • ~< lL .Tl I COAST Pl.,\/.,\ All Bullock's stores \Viii close at 5:3 0 p.m . ' ' Edison Seeking Increase Ll)S :\'\~;1-:1 !··....; l l i l~l l :.... 'l'h·· S1n1lht·r11 l',1l1h11n1a t :t11sor1 l 'n 'l'Hl·-.d.11 [•I 11 1 >!>~• d :1 ~I Pt'l"t '1,_•11l r.ilt• ltll'/'t'.i ""· 11IH l'h \\OU]d l'll:-t the ;1\ t'I .1 ;..·t• l\,,ilh'O\\'tlt 'I' $!'~ !l1(1 f l· :1 111un1 h 1" n H···I J1 r1d1le111" nn po:-l·d b\ :111!.1t1u11 l 'h :11r 111.111 .l;u), ll111t11n t1d tl .1 S t .. 11· l'ul1lJl' l 11l1lll'" Conl 111 1:-:-11111 Ji,·.11·1n;.: 1h.11 tilt• 1·.i1,· hou"t 1:-. ~·s :-1·1111.d t11 111t·1·l tu i::ht•r pr1(·1· ... 111.11111.1111 11-. h11ild 111i.: pro gr.1111 .11id rn.11111.111111:. t•t 1·d1l r.1t Ill!..: '[hv J'l1' ll .1 ~ lil't't\ /Hildlll " 0 ll t•.11·111 ;:-. 1111 1h.· s:;;1~1111Lll1on r.itt• t l'!lll•'"I -.1111" .'\t11 ··111 IH·1 "\ t1!il11"'> th1'11t1g l\11(1[ \ht• ('Ollll II~ ,Ill' l.illl\;.! "t'LLO U-. f lll.llll'i ;d IJl'l)!dl·t11 -. ! 1 .. 1 t<>n .,;i1d '".'it cH·I. p r 11·t· ... 11 l ' Jl1•p1 ,·~-.l·d IJl'l !•I~ 1,ook \.11111· 1.,111•1 !"<1\1'!'.igt•-. :ll't• l'l'Od- 111).: ,111d "\11•r.1t1 11 g .i nd t".q 11 t .d \'lf'>l'>ll.1\1•~1..\l'U<'kt'll'd , \ l \1!1 -.\lllll',I. ">J1<>h1".,\\11t11.111 ;it \1!1• llL'.11111 ~'. ~:11 d lhl' l!ll'l't'ilSt' 1·u1llcl l1l' .1 -. 111i11·h ;1-. l:J 1 ·~·rv 1·n ! 1111· SUllll' ~111.ill 11•,\'I'" 1!1'.11 111,1 :-. 1t\l•I l h1· 11rnpo:-.1·d I ,Lit• llll'l'1'.l !'>t' lit·~·l fl l.i:-.1 lrtll ll\h .11HI .11·1· (·\p1·rl1·d t<1 t·u11t111 111• lhr11111-d1 \l .11 1n 1,11·11H1:-. p;..irl.-. ot' I ill' lll 111! I "-.l'I \ il't' .1rl'.1 l<dJ:-\111 "•'I It'!> ~ ."> lllil!H)J\ '11-.\1llllt'1'" 111 ] • .,~ .. \ll).!l'lt•:-.. \'L'll 1111·.1 :-\.111!;1 B.11 l1.1r:1 i lr:1111:1· :ind p.1rt -. ur H1,\·)·...,1d1· .1tld ~.I ll H1·rn.11·d 11!•' 'nu11111·:-. Oil Spill 111 Cl1a1i1iel 'No Threat ' ".\'\'( \ J'..\HH.\H .\' \I'• .\n 11' 11111 1· lull!.' 1111 s li1·k Ill till' ~;111 1.i H.11·11,11'.1 ('h.illlh'I has "lllo\1·d .. l-.111 ;1rd .111d 1--, 110 lu li).!l'l" .1 Lh r c;Jt lt! l/Jt• t "!I\ llU!ltl\''lll • :it't'l>rdlll'.! tn tlu · l'on11n;111d .. r n l \hl' S;111 1:1 fl.11·ti.!l".l l 0ll.l:-l (;u .. 1·d c;ru11 1• I .I l'•'l'\'IH't' l)'('1i111 1t ·ll :.;11 d l'u• ~d.1\ 1ti.o1 t h1· oil !>l"t'!tll'd \11 li v .1 ll~h\\'! t•nJ.u· 1 h;111 c 1·11dl· u d ;11\ct 1\,1-. 1H1-.:-ild1 :-pillt'cl lronl ;1 p .is:. in:_: I ,tt'k1·1 c >ii -.;11np!t·" h~1d lJ1·t•11 t.11\1·11 tr•Hll .1 l,111k.-r 1n tht· ;1r~·.1 .trld \I •"I,. h,•111:..: !'"lllll;tl't'I\ \\ l\h • •1 I 11 ••fl I t 11. -.lu·I.. (' I '•H!ll\'11 .. :11d IJ, •,11.\ !lh l.111 .. •'I 11 .. tdil 11••1 ht 11t. n;i11voi 1111l t"'" th1• \1•:.l:. pr0\1 l'"'1111t' \ 1"""t'I !h.11 !.1il .. 11111 • i"•!I \lhl'll 1t -..pill.-."' dll lllfl" 1111 toll 1l1t' '11.1...,1 1 ,o11 !u• l11a•d Up lu '-]11 llltl\ .!I I.I II" 11111\o I \,Ill lu• l.'dt"d 1111'" .I l '.11 11.(\\,11 1,ip l111k.1 ~1 1l'll nt·(kl.1<t.' ,\f ,tr\~l11usly nu,1.:.~l'I ,li,1pc~ '[',; 1vc.11 !' rt)\1 111 11ild .1 -.rr.!11d ni 1 ;.;qu1'lolll' pt·.tr l~ . Fr11111 Jl .11c1c: C.~rntgit· 1'l",11.1nd.S23 lll".s t :; F.1,!111.n Jt:\\'('lr >· 'on .Wednesday, J anu ary 15 for invento ry. j • Bullock's Sant:l AnJ . I I J!>h1vn $iiu.u~-. 2800 N. f\1.un !:11 r"x·1, Sanra t\n.i, "li.k·phunt·: Bullock's Sourh C.11.1\1 l'IJ1.;, 5.10 l >ai::u f rt't"\\':JY ar Dr1~1vl , Costa .Mc.·~.1 . l i:l1:phonc. ':ii 7-7211 '56-061 1 • I /•'o r A p es !-.Al'B \:\\ l~'\'I''> I~ I'\) . ll 1 rd~ dn LI , bt·t'!'> du ii , hllt ('j11·1 •. ind ~11:-.11· 11111 h.i1 v lu 1;, . ...,1\111111 a n :... 1 ,1tl-'d 1110 \ 11· hl•l11rl' lht'Y l':lll dn ti . I 'Iii t .. ~111d S11 ~H· art• gurill;i:, 11 1111 11,1 \'l ' Tll'l 1·r l/\'l'tl <iround 11\!l• 1 :.,:111 111.1-. .u1d 1hu~ dnn 'l l..1u>11 \1 h.il !•) d ii tu n1atl', :-:.11·r.11 J1 t·11\11 /'.!!u lhr1·t·tur l~d! \l1·i·k1·1 :-..11d 'l'ut.•:-d.i~ :-." tllv 111u tiht;11 111·J ;i11 t•dt1l'.ll!1111.d fd1r1 ' f ro tt1l :1 '"" 111 S11 1t11·r l.1nd in hope-. 1h,1\ :-h<l\\ 111 '.! ll tu l 'llt'L" .ind ~u .. 11· 11 Ill -.11111111,d .-11lv111" .111d r, lilt rl tlu · Jlln;..:lt· 111.-.ll!\l'I hf I h1·11 "L'' Ii \'l''> 'l'h1• '!:, n11r1111 t• 1iln1. ~l t••·l-.1·r ... ud It' :11 u f l'" i.:r ou p a i'l iv 1 l Ll' .. 111 .1 1111111·'1 (if gor 1ll:1-. ll':1d1ng 11p 1 .. 111.1t111g :11td lh1· :1l·t u a l ti 1.1\ I Ilg LAST 3 DAYS ~Wc"'"""~'c'o"e""''-'J''""~"~··~''!.!'2':.c:'9~7'.:5>__ _______ u e.11. v PILO r "' ·1' S63 Milli«•n Smog Controls Called 'Ripoff' S .\l'l\,\'.\11•::--'"l"f) (A l'J -·rwo l11l!..; lh:t\ \\(~t!l!l \\Ll)l' tHlt .1 !'till l ro\'1•r s 1:d auto -.11101:: <·untrnl µro · gr;11n in s 1\ S.H1ttl1.·r n l~Hlifo rnia t't!llllll<'" h.1 v1· t'lt'i.il'l'd tht•i r rir:st <·un11n 1tll'l' lturdlt!. 'l'hv idt.•tlllt".d /ll1 '.1 ~L1!'1·-. \~l )UJd 1·l1 n1 1na1 1· .i r t•q u 1r1.·11H.·11L tha t \~JOti -70 ;1 11tos 1t1 \,o., 1\11 gl'h•:-, ()r.111;.:t·, ·"'"n ll1·r11:1rd111 11 l{1\1·r:--1dl". S a 111;1 ll .irh,1r;1 :u1 1I \\•nlur;t 1·11unl1t•:. h t• t'tjUllJPl'd \\ 1\h :1 d1·111·l' d t•sig11f•d l11 l't11111 ul il\ltll'-.~it tlll l'llL:l 'll (j\())o.j ('r1t11·-. t'llllll'Lhi lh~· d t•\'ll'l'" b 11n:-,( ;..:.i-.11lllll' l'l)ll:-.IJ l!lplL••tl \\liil\' .1dd111g l" 111-.l v.1d 1it 1 ltl ting :-111 11;.: lv\1•1:. ln:.t a ll .111.11 1 d~'.nll1 1 1v:-. 11,1\" ~1lr1 • .. tr\y p:1~s£·d !or pl:ites C'ndinf! 111 d1 g 1\s olli' l u 1!1111', :ind l.o s ,\ll J..:l'll's (."n11111 \' n l fit•\:il s s ;11d HOO.OUO \l·h1 t·ll•:,..in lhl· ::.1x t'o1111- l1 1•:-llU\.\' ;.il'l' l'q UlflJll'll \l'ilh tlil' <il·\ Ll'l' 1.n:-. .\11 ,.:1· J,.s l 'uu11t.1 :'-1\lj!l'/'l'l!iUf h.l'll!lt•lh ll.dtn l1·-.t111t•d 1n fa1 u r ol l lH• h ills, f·.Ll lln:.! tht"' 1n s t a J1;1. !1u11 r1·q11111 ·11h·11! a "::.u:1 n11 lltu n r 1pull · \lthuui.:h v.11'11 11,·,11·1· i" lo t '•1">l ,1 111.1 .\1t1111 n i til ~J.-,, t hl' l11 t.1I ,1 111 .. unl L•l l ll l· I .I'S 1111ll1 u 11 l\lll\ll l'l :-.l:-. .1 l rt'1'll•d Ill 1111• ::OI( l'IHllllll'-. 11\1,.ll t'd L" $1,:J ttl illi"1I." ll.1h 11 1nld l l1 t· :-.•·11.1L111., ·I l".til ll\.oJ .I :0-1,:l 111t!l11ti1 l'lp11ff enttjY Ltd. 0 $ SO. COAST PLAZA OHLY CONTl'NUES ON A FIRST COME FIRST SERVED BASIS LAST 3 DAYS OUR ENTIRE STOCK IS INCLUDED /SUITS /SLACKS /SPORT COATS /LEATHER /SUEDES /SHIRTS /SWEATERS MOST FANTASTIC SALE IN COSTA MESA HISTORY AHY ITEM FOR OHE DOLLAR WITH PURCHASE OFOHE AT RE<O. PRICE .. NO MUMBO JUMBO YOU BUY ANY ITEM AT REGULAR PRICE .•. THEN PICK ANOTHER OF SAME VALUE FOR JUST ONE DOLLAR 0 Ltd. SOUTH COAST PLAZA STORE ONLY SAM DIEGO FRWY. AT BRISTOL, COSTA MESA, 540· I 502 '' I I ' I I I 'I I l I " I I, MIDOL OIL T f,iJJ(•#iuf•.'i l 'f,)u· :\11µ S!H>lS <H I pipeline 1unn111g p1rdl1CI to Suet. Cdn:.il f101n llly \If !:>ucz to l'u1 l Sa1cl \\hJLh will be pa.it of Sliuh of Iran s <.:conon11c .ind f1n<.1n( 1,d .1s:s 1sl<111f.'C to I• gypt P1pc li11 c \\/ill b~ in .ttld1 t1on to one d!rcacly un llt:1 way by lt,1h<ln 1.:01111 .lclor.., Lt 01 i..1 \\11odl<1rd J1 ll.1-. lu..:0.:11 1ppn1nltd cot pl)f ilc \l(o.; !Jlt '-ld1111 !111 ,\1111rH:a11 ~lat e Banks llc \\I\ opt.ncd IH,1dqu11l1r -. llll 1!1d .it ~fO !\t\\POl l ( LlllL! IJ1111 in '\;1 \\Poll Bl 1lh [he (Jr Ulj..!• (_ u t.,l It -.1 d1 nt 1-. 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DAILY PJLOT Throat Signals Trouble By Dr. Steincrobn Wednesday January IS 1975 THE FAMILY ORCUS By Bil Keane College Accepts Signups Registration is being conducted through Jan. 24 at Orange Coast Wbal is the most com· College for evening col - m o n a i I m e n t ? Jege classes which begia Headache ? Nervous-Feb.3. ness? Pain in a joint? Among the ne w topics Insomnia? Weight-gain? to be offe red wi ll be IC'ould goonandon.But beginning co nv ersa - the list Would be in-ti on a I Ar ab i c and complete ifl didn't men-Portuguese , and "'Avia- tion sore throat. Like tion Law ," a s tudy of the many other complaints, l i a b i I i t i e s a n d thl.s is often underrated. t'esponsibilities of pilots . DEAR DR. STEIN· Registration is by a p· CROHN: I blame m y~elf pointment only. Appoint- for my young son's heart ments may be urranged murmur. Although our ...:.,•;,·~:=... by filling out the r equest doctor says it isn't too "A short d istance coll for Daddy. It'~ Mr . Ferrell next form in the college"s se riou s a ca se of Ev('nin g Col le ge door." rheumaticheartdisease, br oc hur e, which 1s J feel it might h ave been r;::=======:::;:---------1 available at the Or11ngt· preve nted. About three ( PilotLogbook J Candid commentaries, Co a s l 'Co ll cg c 1\ d months a go our boy com· ministration Building plained or a sore throat. Additional 1nforn1at1on Not thinkin g it was -is availablt• by e;.illing much, 1 kept him home exclusively in the 556-5733. DOCTOR IN ' THE HOUSE from school for a day or tv.·o and fed him aspirin. But it hung on. I thought he was exaggerating. so I made him go to school. Never even considered taking him to the doctor. Two or three 'w\'CCks later , lon g after he stopped comp I aining about his throat . he i.ud- d e nl y begnn to h ave p ainful swelling of hi s joints. What he had was rhe uma tic fever. Although hew as put on penicillin , the damage had already been done to his h eart. It a ll stemmed from his origin al sore throat which. our doc- tor says , was probably a strep throat. I an1 writing this lette r as a v.•arning to other mothers not to minimize any s ore throat youngsters muy get . If in doubt. lake them to the doctor for a swab test and throat culture. Jr antibiotics are given in time, rh eumat ic fever and heart disease can be prevented.-Mrs. E . COMMENT: ·You m a k e a n important point. We don't want to • create a sore·t hroat panic <imong parents. It's true that the or- dinar)', common sor e throat is harmless in most instances. 1-Iowever. sometimes it is a s i g nal that something more serious is threatening the pa- tient. Anything from d iphtheria to leukemia. The Ame rican tw1edical Association rig htly warns against g uess· ing-and advis e s relying on the physicia n's skill in makin g the correct diagnosis wh('n a throat hurts. DUPONT NYLON DUPONT NYLON HI-LOW T.l.COLOR SHAG 100% CONTINUOUS FILAMENT 100'•0 DUPONT NYLON PILE. RICH NYLON PILE. ALWAYS POPULAR DEEP DURABLE SH AG IN NEW Hl·LOW PATIERN iHAT COMBINES THR[[.COLOR DESIGNS. BEAUTY AN O 4B EASY BB DURABI LITY TO CLEAN. IOW SALi IOW SALi PllC9 •.. HICID ••• COMMIAILI SQ. YI • COMPAIAILI SQ. YD. SAVI SAVI mAI. SS.49 52.00 llTAll S5.9t 52.00 • IST QUALITY llAME BRAND CARPETS AT LDW DISCOUllT PRICE S • SELECT FROM THE LAR,EST CARPET lllVEllTORY Ill THE WEST •EVERY ROLL OF CARPET IS MARKED AllD PRICED FOR YOUR SHDPPlll' COllVEillEllCE •All LABOR UllCOllDITIOllALL Y 'UARAllTEED . '•'f' KODEL®DI SCULPTURED HI.LOW . , Ex11lorer Post Registration Set For 50-mile Hike Registration 1s open now for the 11th Annual L.<.1guna B ea1·h Search a nd J{c scue Explorer Po:-.t 50-Milc Hike to be held Jait ~5 along a r oute through Lagun:J, Laguna Niguel, Mission Viejo. Laguna I-fill s and buck to Lagun<.i Beach. Regis trants may send their na me, addr ess, t elc phonl: number, ag(', sex ancl event en· tered along with $1 .50 lo Laura f>hi llips, hike chairman, 1267 Starlit Qrive, Lag una Beach. 14 years uf age ; second division for riders 15 to 21 years of age and third divis ion ro1· riders 21 and 0\'l'f Part1c1pants will a ssemble ut 1\ndrus l>lumb1ng, 855 Glenneyre St., Laguna Beach. Starting time for riders is fro n1 6 a. n1. to 9 a .n1 . ;u1d for runners and hikers il is 5 a n1 .to9 a .m . rurthel" 1nforn1 atlon is ;;ivaiJ;.i . ble. by calling Miss Phillips al .:1.9-1-6769 o r JLJhn ~'a llou, post prc- :-;1Jt~nt , at 494 -JG,IG TlllS YEAR the event is .ilso ope n to bicyclis ts in separall· Office1· H OllOrecJ divisio ns l'artieipant s ma y (•ither run, v.·alk or ride bikes f!>r Sgt . Robert I;'. GrimslC'y of \Veslminstcr, <t 111en1lkr of the the t\.\.·o loops of the 26·nli le route l:allfornia l~ig h\vay Patrol in the Certific;.ill'S will he given tu :di \\'ho fini s h th C' l'VC-nt l\1edal:-. \\Lll Wes t Los 1\ni;1·ll'S :1rc;.1, isnneof 18 . offi cers y,·ho h:1\"t' been honort•d hl' g1\'l'll to the !ir:.t three w1n11vrs thi::o lllOnth for s:tf\' dri\"lng re uf each division ~ l·ords. Sgt (;ri1n slt·y h:i s d1 ·1vt•n B ICYC'l,f: OIVISll)NS o.1rl· foi· seven years y,·1thuut an al'tl l•'irst divis ion for riders through d ent. HERCULON® ... Women Slate Brunch Mee t On Thursday ' . , Won1en of South ()range Coun· ty a rc invited to a .J<.inua r.'· brunch in lrv1nc on the lht•n1c ··A Ne\\! \'car, A Nl"'' \'ou" 1'hl11·t.- dav, at 9 ; -1 5 a.111 , Glori;_i G i·ahan1 . a:;slstunt \'rn- il'S:-.01", School of l':dul"i.Lliun ~1t t\.d Stale L~us ,\ngcl l•S , 1vill he fl'atu1·1:d .speaker. Z..1usic 1\·ill bl· pro\ itled b~· Ph~ Hi ~ Ch(•t ;.1k1an o.1l the kl·y bnard. 'l'hl· l'\.'Cnt is onv of a ->el"Jl'~ ul specials sponsored by \\"Om~n of l_a kt> llills Con1munity Church St. ri.1 al the\\' Lutheran Church \\"Ill n1a kc its fa<'ilitit•s :1v<1i luble al 181 82 Culv(·t-Orivc in !rl'int•. ( AHT HOl'l'E ) SATIRIZES In the DAILY PILOT SCULPTURED I 00 . KODEL · Il l POL VESTER PILE ( 100 ·o HERCULONOLEflN PILE STAIN AND WEAR RESISTAN T SELECT FROM MANY ELEGANT COLORS IOW SALi 'RICID ••. COMPAIAlll HTAll S7.99 LARGE SIZES FOtl llVING ROOMS, OINING ROOMS ANO IEOROOMS. SAVl1'5 UP TO •. , BB SQ, YD. SAVI SJ.DO ~,;~ A NEW. DEEP . LUSH CARPET WITH LU XURIOUS APPEARAN CE ANO PERFOR MANCE MANY DECORATOR COL ORS II IOW SALi PllClll • , . CDMPHAlll SQ. YD. SAVI llTAll St.H $3.00 Thankfully. n1osl of the time sore throat is due tu less d~1n gerous factors: smokin g: too much. mouth brt.'athing, innamn1ation of tonsils and adC'noid: .•. allergy, a virus infection. 100% KODEL Ill POL VESTER PILE. A !TRACTIVE EFFECT IN SOLID AND TWEED COLORS. 99 ALL STORES CELEBRATING It's <'vident , ho"'cver, that a sore t hro:1t that is severe or hangs on de· serves invcs ti g:;.1 ti on. Often a c hild 's sore lhroat needs more than home care. 1·1akc s ure it isn't a strep throat. Ear- ly diagnosis a nr1 treat· mcnl ma y prev e nt serious trouhlt•. • • • To prevent angina ;.it. t.ack s . h ea rt patients should on Cl cold day cov- ·er the mouth and no~e with a ha ndkerchief or ·Starr on leaving the house until becoming ac- customed to th& .. cold, as this prevents a s udden inrus h or cold air says Dr. Ste inc rohn i n his booklet, ··22 Ways To Prevent. And Treat Coronary l)1:-.c<.1 sc." "i''or a copy ..,;r111 · him a t this pape r enclosing 50 cent!' and a S 'fA il1 PED. SELF+AD DRE SSE D ENVEU>Pt:. 3 Selected To Society NOW SALE PRICED ••• COllPHAILI llTAll S9.9t SQ. YD. SAVI Sl.10 GRAND OPENING llOW SALE PRICED ••• COMPAIAILI llTAIL S 14.H DUPONT NYLON PLUSH SHAG 100% DUPONT CONTINUOUS FILAMENT NYLON PILE THICK, DENSE SHAG IN A MULTITUDE Of COLORS. NOW SALE PRICED ••• COlllPAIAILI llTAIL S 12. H 99 SQ. YD. SAVI 54.00 GRASS CARPETS.MULn.coLORS 100"6 POLYPROPYLENE WITH RUBBER BACK. PASTEL DECORATOR STRIPES AND TWEED COLORS MAKE II A NATURAL FOR IN·OR·OUTDOOR USE. llOW SALE PllCED •.• COMPARABLE llTAIL $7.99 .................... .. TREVIRA SCROLL DESIGN STAR n._ 10o% TREVIRA• STAR POLYESTER PILE, A ma1=%sy· HANDCRAFTED LOOK LIKE CUSTOM ·MADE CARPET ING. VERY SERVICEABLE. MANY COLORS. NOW SALE PRICED ••• COMPAIAILE RITAIL $12.99 • .... ••• • • •• ........ .. _ .... ·-· ----..... -:_....,. r.o-... It .... _ .. SALE WEST LOS ANGELES SQ. YD. SAVI Sl.00 SQ. YD. SAVI S4.00 NDW SALE PRICED ••• COMPARABLE RETAIL $8.99 ..................... . KODEL® m TIP SHEARED HI-LOW 100% KODEL · POL YESTER PILE LUXURIOUS Hl ·LOW STYLING COMBIN ED WITH A GE NTLE INTERPLAY Of DESIGN ANO COLOR AVAILABL E IN 20 SOL ID ANO TWEED COLORS. NDW SALE PllCED ••. COMPARABLE RETAIL $8.99 .................... .. TREVIRA DENSE PLUSH STAR n._ 100% TREVIRA® STAR POLYESTER PI LE t..f LUSTROUS PLUSH S ACE OF VELVETY "'""'"' .. 'Y"JEXTURE USUALLY FOU . ORIENTAL RUGS. MANY COLORS.NOW S PRICED •• COMPARABLE RETAIL $12.99 ................... .. ................ , ....._,,.oo:f 1 ........ "'" ................. •·9··-'·--- COllVINll>fl Cllllll PUNS ANO UNI TIRMS AVAILUll • CAil IOR ,Ill IHOP-1!.flOMI SllVICI • V~IT OUR CUS!OM OIAPIRY DIPT. NO. HOLLYWOOD VENTURA WHITTIER LONG BEACH MONTCLAIR FOUNTAIN VALLEY SQ. YI. SAVI 55.00 SQ. YD. SAVI SS.DO BB SQ. YI. SAVI SJ.OG , Three ·orange Coast students at USC have been elected to me m· bb'sblP in Pbl Beta Kap· pa , the academic society. Chosen we r e Millon .Yoshio Kowabe , a "'bio1ol1 ~al science stu- ~dent frbm Costa Mesa, .. -.rid two Huntington ;Be ac h at ud e n ts : ·Kalbarln s . w eol, a .~.km•a major, and ~el Ci . '\'oder, a .,11lllla11C..,..om.ior. 7007 L-ol C•y111 2501 L .... Strttl 159111. Whlltitr llvd. 3008 lellflower llvd. 4819 Holl loul1vord 15945 Harbor llvd. NORTHERN C:ALIFORNl4 ...... ,-912-2200 (105) 64.1·5041 943-0161 421-8934 (714) 626-3517 (714) 139-1700 •.CAMPBELL . HOLLYWOOD TORRANCE PASADENA CANOGA PARK COVINA W. LOS ANGELIS • ~ILLBRAE JI 22 vi .. s ..... 42l• Ar1111t llvd. 2660 I. lolorado ll•d . 21 038 Sherman Way 280 I. Arrow High way 10525 ~;,,111 llvd. •SAN CARLOS 4U-42l2 S42-6696 577-1900 l47-2ll4 966-4471 559-9590 1 " I• ·-I l • l I I l I ' I I , I l ,I ' I • I I ·' ·I f '' - I Orange Coast ED IT IO N ,. • Totfa;\·'s Closinl! N.\·. Sioeks V O L . 68, N O . 15, 10 SECT IONS, 98 PAGES c TE N CENTS • CIA Bares '71· Plot tO Kill Agnew \\.\S l lt ~r.'r(t~ 1L'Pl l l 'l1\ IJ1rl'l"\11r \\'11!1.101 10: ( 'iilh\ lod :.t\ 1h..,l·lo-. .. d Ill.II .1 l11 rn:..,1:111d111).! l'I \ ... 011r1·1· lllhil 1n1·d 1111· .q . .:1'IH':" 111 l~fil .111d 1:1!:.!nl ;111 ,ilh·i,;··d pl .. 1 I<> l..il! 1,,rr111•1 \"11·1• l 'f'1•..,1dP11I \).!111·\\ .111d h.1du:q1 1 .. 1·1111 ·1 t 'I\ d1r1•t·l 11r lf1 1•h;11•d l ll·l 111 -. 111• .tl-.n .u·i..1111111,·d ;.'o·d t .. 1 th1· l1r:-.I lirll1· th.t1 lh1· :-.p l .1g1·r1c1 ..,,.I Ill• .1 l 'lllllll•'I ltih•llfg t•!lt't' 11111( IJl l'.Ui( 111i11·!i ~.i1 li1 •t 1 ·d 1111 ·-. Pll 10.(IHll \1111·r1t·.1111·1t11 .. 11 "' But h1· th ·n1 1·d t h.it th1· .11 ·1111!1 11 ;1 ... 11 i. . .:;..::11 Tax Cut ,\.., a rl'~ull of \ht• ;lll1·i-:1·cl phi! .ig .1111 -.! .\~111•1\ arid il~·ltn ..,, ('ulh1 ".11d th1· l 'I .\ 1·.11 ·r11:"d 11111 ph .1-..1c-al .-..Ul\1·1IJ.111co · Ill 11\o> \ n1t·ri1·.111 1·1111·-. .i fl 1·1 · . .11 •1 1111i.: l•,,th !111· l·'lil :11111 S1 ·1·r1·1S1·1·\111· l 'nlh.\ dt•111t'd lh;I! an\ -.111·li ,11 l 1\ 1t \ t·o 11 ld lu· 1·l.1-.-.ll 11 •d ,,., 111.·;-,d d1•1111·-..l1t• 111 t .. tJq.~1 ·11c" i.:.,1lhL·r1n;.: -..1,\111:..: th.ii .ill 1·11r11·11l ('f \ .n· t l \ 1 I l< • .., ·' 1 '. \\ 1 I h 111 ! I 11• ! 11 tl I I ... n! 't ... 1'h.i 1 1 • ·r '1'111· .11 1 ... 110 ·,. llt<p.11111 1•·111 ..,,,1d I 111 · ... d.t\ II -~"'" lht• 11.11111·-. 11! 1t Launched /~:, IS\ 111-:1.1·:' ·rtl~J\I \:-. Jf , -~ \\ \S l l l '.\:(~'l'tl \: 1 l 'l'J 1 ll ~".· l 'r1•-,1dl'!l1 1-\rr·d cn111·1«lt'd loll.iv tht• I h ,Ll . '\ h 1· :-.I .rl 1· u f I ht· l '111011 1.-. "' n n1 ;.:ood'' and .1. .. k1••I ('011gr1 ·-,s !'11r ~ ;111 :1nt1 l'\'l'l'-"'·"'011.111 J•1·rn1;1 111·n1 t.1' 1•111 u ! ~\h .-, lo1ll1"11 .r 11·.rr tu1· l!lllt\ 1d11.!I.., 1>11 tnp nl .in 11 11 n 11 •di.1t1· :-:;1 ~ !Jill1o n 1:1' 11 ·h .t1" l h ·l111 ·1·111 ~ l11:-11r-.t St:1lt· "! th 1· l 111 .. n .1 d ilrl·-.:-. l·'111·d put lined ;1 ll t'\I l'l'U ll<>llil!' p1 0;..:1';11 1I 11!·:-l!.,:lH'd Ill l'lld .\lll t 'f ll':l·.., d t'jlt'lidl'll!'I' Ull !u11•1;.:11 11il I " \!J:-l."1 11 111 11· 1-.1-..in;..: lilt• 1111 n 11•d 1.r!1 • p1ol1h·111 111,,111Jf r 1-.11 n 11· 1··1·1· ..... 1111L11h1• h IJ.1 :-u' 1·1 · :-/Jarl1)\\ 1•1 [ ht.., !'tllll'VI 11 11 LI Ii 111 11:1 'l'h v \'lll j11l.1 ..,I-, "I Hilt ,.,·,,nn1n1<· ··1111r1 ... rnn-.1 11"11 -..1r111 I 1 '•Ill I 111Lit11 1!1 lt' I• .11 ...... 111· "" 1d n1 .. r1· lll.111 J U,1100 .\r11t·r1t·:111 d1~s1 dl'lll :-tn t h 1• t 'I ,\. Lui lh1· L1:-t \~·as .1pp:1r1•nrl1 d1 fl'lll't!l11 lrorrl theon1· d J!'t · u -.-..1 ·d h ·' ( "olh .t bl'I url' t ht> !->ll I>· t'UrlllllJlll'I' l 'qll 1v :-:iid lh1d un .,lig 15. l!H):i th1• (') \ 1·:-l a lJJ1-;h1•d ;i l'4>U rl \l'l.-J IH\1•!11,1.!l'llt"t' n ffi1·1· · In look llllu lh" lh•~-..1htl1t \ 1JI for1 ·J~ll l11d.,,-, 1u \i!lt '! ll'.111 d1 -..-.1d1•Jll l'll'l!lt'11 t ... 'l'h1 · pi 11 ;..:r.1111 '' ;1:-1·nil1·d 111 .\l.1r1·lr 1!!7 ! ··J1i lilt' t'IHlf-,v ol llll,.., pro ;.!1'.111) ('01lii1 :-.:J1d . "!1h·-, \11 '1<' L''>1;1lil1 -.lrt•d •\il ;ih11 11 t 10 ()()ti .. 1·"1.i·d .1d111 11t.·d Iii-. pr11 ;.:r .rn1 11 ,1 ... 1nl la11 .. t1.1r1 .11111 ""'ild r :11-.1• th1• ti.1l 1•111;d 1h·h1 t" ..... ,1111 lirlh11 n lht•11 .. \1111"''""'·' BOB HOWARD, RAY FIELDS EXAMINE WRI STWATCH The y Were Burned Out in Vista Center Blaze lit• lh1•1\ t1 U\[1111·d ,I d ,11111,i.: j>l'u :..!1.1111 lo 1.!l~l' 1h1· 1>1 H't' \!I llll'I tlrruu)..'.h 1,1,l'-. a nd aillll·d 1·n :-l :-. IJI :-0 ,,', l1tll llil! !•> d !..,l'Hl lt",1J.!1' l'll!l .. ~·111111111 \1 ~d1· .,1111111i 11l1n):( tht· 1·cnnn111 .1 11L1 h l,t\ 1·u1-.. tr11· bot h 1nd111d11.1 I..; :111d li11 ... 1 nl·"'~ 11 , .1-.h"d ("111;~rt'"'·" 111 t•11;1!'1 11 li.1 .\1•1·d I l'I) 1 lH· p;ll'kt•d I l"\'"V 11 l1cr·c ht· '-•'t'\t•d '..!:,~!'di'~. /·'111·d l'l'l';tl lt·d ·' t lllll' -.hurl ly a rt1·r 11 .. lu<1k .. rricl· ""' :1 t l't'."h rn a n con;..:r1 "...,.-.rn:in '.!fl) l'.J r:- ~ l·.1 r -.. ;1~0 11h1·11 l'r1"."l•li·111 ll:irr.1 :-..; 'l'r11n1:1n l'l-'IM1rl1·d l11 ('nn gr1·~-; l h.1! lht· ... 1;1ll' tll l ht• \l ll ll !l l \1;1 -. gt10d '"1'1Hl ,11 lh,tl 11 1•-.11111.111 1111•0111"1 lt"<1111 :'-l11·l11l!.Lll ~l ;1nd -. 1t h1 •1 t' \I 1 '1'111111 ,111 :-lot1d ,111d I 11111,1 .,,1\ !11 ~1111 1h.11 Ill•· -.!.do• ul lilt• lltllnl\ I., 11"1 g uod,"' l·"n1 d -.,11.J -.\l dJ1 .. 11 -.. "I .\1111·r11·.1n-.. .rrt• .,111 od 11nrh . !11· :-.rid li1•r 1•-..:-1t1n .• 11 d 111 t l:.r1u11 ;111· 1·rud1ni..: 1111• rlltlllt'.I 11! t11dlr1111.., 1l}1 11·1· ['I'll 1•-. ,I I 1' \!H! hl '..!h .tl\d -.,1)1·~ :-11 Ill 1:-.1·1·"f \.\ t ·t ·r. l '>•~r \:!, Top Floor Fire Qitelled t \)0 \ ~:1 .. :1 ... 1• l1r1 · 111.+ k111 ·h1·11 r.1 Jl t.:I' .. 11 1h1 · li•I' 11 .. 0 1 I•( th1· l lL·l lh·I 'J'ul\ !'I'-, l'l'\ 11 \'lllt'll1 -.h \-.!'I ;q1l'I 111 ( 'o:-1 a .\I l'";, :-.pnil\ •d d 1 n lll'I' I 111 ·1 hl • \t•11 ;1nt ,111d l 1r1·1111 ·11 '1'111·:-d.1,\ l•'tl't'tlll'll \th•• .11·i-111•d nil llit• St'l'llt' .11 li!il; \\' l ~11 h :-,;l ;1h1111I ~' 1, 111 :-.1 111 l h1·r1· \1 ;1s 1111 ;1t"tu al d ~llll:l ~t ' I!! lilt• hi g h l'IS1' ;1p.11·1 n11·nt k 11 l·h1 •11 S \;1nd:.ird 111>1'1 .1t1ng pr1•1·1·d 11r1•, h u\\t'Vl.!I", l'l'tj Ul l'l ':'> !I n tl \Ill'.\' hu~· 1le a ll t he 1\•11y up the s taif \1·11 ys. dr~1 ).!j.!ing lht•ir ht'al y r1rt' hos t• (111 any r e po rte d fire in th1• 18 ·Slor.v !Ju ilding 1.-1rl' ;\I ;1r.-.h a l l·:d l .1·11·is s;iid h1-. lllt'tl fi11L s ht•d 1h1·n· 11ork 111 1)1v kitrh t·n o r f:ugt·nv C h ;:1\'t'1, 7:). .1 11d tlH'll \l't•nt b :1t'k to lh1· !'111 \11 111 \\ 11h l!l g ;q !pt•l i\l'"' 'We Go On' J/ictifft Picks Up Pieces I\~ .\lt'l'lll.R ft . \'1:'\SJ·:J. Of~ O.ooly Polul ~I.ill '\'h1· -;n1l'll frnrn lht• -.tt1ul-.1• ~:itu r;rtl'd ~;d1.q.,:1· 11t;1t .... 1t :--.t':.t tvrt·d 111 iH ld !1•e:111n 11:-;1r111 111d lh(· ti ny. :-h :n ·l'<I off1 t·1· h it:. ,\•)ll 111 lhl· f :H•t· 'rh1~re 1~ ~n .1 :-h t'ut·ru .... tt·d lt·d .L!t'r on o nt• d t.•-;k ..1 nd :1 d o nhh.• handf ul o f \\l'is l\\'itl <"ht'"' c·r~~l als n1t•llt«I 11 111 11 t l1 1·11 b1 ~1<"k t•lll'd f.11..·t•.., li1·s :-urtcd ••11 a11uth1·r 1<1 hl" . J1•1\1.•l t•r l!,11 l-'1l·h l ... l11ok., 1111 f1o n1 hr:-ll unrt':-l't·n l ~,..:hlt•d \\ork 1;1 h lt'. ••Ill' t'\L' i,:1·0\1sq111·\.1 lll,lklllll1'fl ;r -. hl' i't'l'fS l l illL).!h 111 .... !hlt'k µl.1-.-. !1111p .. \\.t• 11011 j J,.!l\'t• '11' n111 ... 1 :..'.11 tHl."' Ill' dt·<·L1 r1·-, II!' 111· 111•1·1.111 •0 hi .. H ;1 \ V11 ·l d -. \1. ... 1 ... )1 •11 .. 111 111th1· \1-.1.1 :->ll••jl 11111:.; \'1·n t 1·1 :11 l'LH'l'i111;1 1\\1'!1\ll' .inti \\1·-.t l~Jllr :-.1 ('n ,l.1 ;\)1•-..1 U)ll\1 11 )..! 111 11!J1•111ht· 1·1·1l l1'1' 111 '1 "l"'IJ••d 1'.I ,I t.'.ll':-.ii.;" flv h.i" pl1·11 1.1· fll t1n 1v .11·111111·1·d 1:1lv11I ... 11-.1d1 1·11-.1 .. n11 ·r•. :ind l111·11d-.. 11 1 .. C:,1',!ll dl.1th1•1 'ltl( 1, l'll"l11r111 ·r -. ho· ... 1111 1n.1k<''> h1Hl "l' C".dl -. [,. 11·p.1ll ,11111 "l'I'\ I\'~' !Il l' t•l1 •c;;1111 "Id 111111·1111·1.·1·-. '-!!"C't<'h fr11111 v .. 11111.1111 \',dl,-\ l•l \'i•\.l lh•t'I J\1".1t·h . 111· 1·a n 't tl·1n1 •111 h,•r ;di 1h1·11 n:1Tl\t'S ,11111 .1d 1 l l"1'S~• ..... II 1th11 ul ht .. d cstrnyt'll r 1•1·n1·d s 111 1\\ i.111 Pt' 1..·a:-.1ona!I\ h1· r1·1 .. i11-. tht•n1 h1 <"lock ;1 ru l ho11~1 · and l ;1<'t' t\h<"n ,1 fr1·~h r~·p l :11·1·nlt·nt p;n·t .1r1·1\t·-. \'1r111 :1ll \' all h111 his t.1 h ·nt :111.I fr ie nd s 1~'t'l't' lost 1n .i hla ck bla nk et of r1-;Ln g :-n1ok1• ;'\;01 <!f'i. \\he n ;i fir1· s 1:11·11·c l in 11nt· :-11 1ll' 1•1 lhl' nld \·is t H S hopp111g l 't·ntl'r Youths Spray Chemical '!'!11 ' l l:1n11.':-ll'ap1.·d lru111 ~u111· 111 .'>11 11t' tllrouµh ;1n 0\1.•r he;id t'"lll llliHl .1 tl1!'_ IM)rl 11 11,! un1·hl·t·k··d 11\l'llll'..'.lt 11i l "'l1t•il l1k1• ... ll ll!'lll!I' <ind i..:ull111;.: 11\'1• u1u1:-. ·r 11l' s:~ou .(l(M • r11·1· ( 'u-;l ,1 :\I t•s;1 h istur\ \l(fl'~I Ill ll\1· h·n.1n!-. f•'t t·!d~ 1 hl' Jl'\\'C'Jt•f ht•tHl!:> 11\ 1·1 111 ~ ~0111~ !1 1-:htt:-d 11·11rk tahl1· and .1 r111n 1·d pi11· ol \.\ :tt1·i11·s . 'I had t'U:-!onll'I':-t\hu 1111•1111•r .111d lo11kt•d 111 tht• dnor :ind JU-,\ -.l:1rlt•d 1·r.1111~ .ind put lh1·1r arn1-, ,ll'l!Ulld Ill\'_· ht• lllll:-1•d. l h 1nklt1L! l),l('k "JI !ht· hl.tl.l' ln"u r;111ct• 11111 , u11•1 lh1 · 1·11...,ln!lll'I'-;' dl'-,ll"Ol1.'d \1,ill'ht•..,_ !'11 1 J•'tl'ld:-L-. 1f\!11;.! t11 l t'p.111 fh0>,1• lit ' 1·;11 \ ,I , ,I l-:t':O.flll't• Pl :.;1J•ld1111! .ind ,1ppL1 '('l,1 llnll l" \hn:-l' \\It" u11dt·r-..ln1•d hi~ pllg l11 I!~· 1·1 L'll .1pp(';1rcd n11 1 ht· ·r\ .. 11<>11 ll1•lp 'J'h ,1 '\\'r;,:lrl11'1 I!' 1'1'1111,1 !P .rpp1•al !111 1drl II .J11·!J p,lr1-. lo \ 1•l1t·:q1\~ 11\ ,..,lllllt.' .,j I ill' 11'\'.111'.l hlo· \\':tfl'lll·-. l<>I liii'll I 1 ~·IH!!il 111\ !lt'I "' Ill· :-.11d Ii·· d!Jt'"ll I h.i1 I.' l1• l1!lt 1!1· II ,1!11.-. [q l;t,·ld .... \\ .1~ u l\t' ol I h11-.1· !iu ... 1 llt':-O'-IHl.'ll Pl' l'll l/l'll:-0 llhll l'.illl'd Hl "7 ;!!l p , 111 l11·t· ;il.u ·111 thl· 1•1l·11 ing it -.1.1l't1·d un.111;.1r 1· n1 lh1· 111'.1r 1nl.tl dt·\·:1 ~\;1\11Jn <hll' a n y lllLJ\\llt' .ts n .11111._•!-> l'ti.·µ:i n r.1 m p;1g1ng 1h 1·011 :.:h llH· (·:.i11•rno u-.. ;1l 1 LI' "I .. 11nu!d h.1\1' ;...n l l1·n Ill.\ !t'\l1·lr,1· 1'.I S l'~ '1111 h1• "I i,:u t·-..:-.(·d ph1loi:.11ph11·u l l\ t houg ht ti \\·a:-; J U~! g1un,i..: In lll· .1 J11lle s n1 o k 1· d ama g 1· It turned tnlu:Jn 1nl1·1·1111 11 1.• .i nd 11lh1·r· !1•11;1111 .... u l lht• d .-st r n1 l'd s 1•1·t i11 tl ..,\ 1n pal h 11.1• kn o \v i.n g l ,1 11 1lh h l1s 1111•-;-..1'-.. li11rn t•d P!ll t•a r lv Sa1u rll:1v iu \ht• !:':! n1illion rnfl'.rno th;t1 · rip pt•d I h rou g h :1 h!nl'k u f \:r \1·p ~n·1 t S1·1· 1''J Ir I·:. l'aj.!1• .\:!) 1..· 1 t i1.1· t L:-. 111 the (·o u ntcrj.11lellig en1.:1: Ullil ' ~ l "•l I 1 ~ ;...::1 \le: :• -15· p a gt' :-;ta.le 1ncnt 10 th1· s ub1·o n1n1itlcc ••ck nO\\'\Cd~ 11ng th.ii th1· C J;\ ha:-m~1de son11• n11 :-111k1·-. 11 111 Ii,· said :1n y 111 1-, t a k l'-. 11·c rt• infr-1·1111cnl anti ~tl't1 1 rn1·d I r, s :1 llll!'ll'<11H·t•pl1o n nl lh•···,11·11 \ul :»t·ll:1rll'r l nl11 -.-.t,1 ll·11 ·nt.(",,th,vulso : S.11d .r ( '\_\ l'l'I I t'\\' Sh O\\'l'(t 11l:11 th1· .1g1·n1-.\· t.1pp 1·d t h e \t•h·phu!lt"• u l 21 l ! S . J'l'S id t.·n ts !11·l 1\1·1·11 l~J:t1 :111d J'.1(;:, but n o n e ll\L'i'l'.l!ll'!' l~t·\'t•,1 lcd ll1.1t 11Ll' l 'I ,\ •Jpe r :11 l'Cl .1 prog r.1n1 l» •lf•1·11 ... ,·lt·1·t1·d 1n ad bt•l 111·t·1111\1·L111ll·d S1.1\1·-. ,111d lt\11 (\J1nrnun1 ... 1 1·0111dr I•'" h1·l\\l't'll l!J.-1:l a11<l l'.I-;:; :-0.Utl \h;it \II 11 1:., k n,,11 l1•dg l' l h 1•11 · h.n l n1•\1•r 111"<•11 ·.,111· 11•111,1111·1· (p1·h n u ·:tl 01 •1 lh<'t11 1-.1• d111·t'\1'<l .1:.,:.1111-,\ .1111 tl h 'ltrlh·I' 11J ( '11r1 g 1 , ...... ",\l;::i n I ll 1!J71 ,1 11il 11111 ~1,111.!111c.: t 'l \ -•llll l•" .I 1•'1 •'11-111·1 \l,11111 ;.:. Ill 1111• I .... 111lil11 ,111.11d•Jltukrlllh<"1111 I'll' 'Hl• Iii ,11i.t k11h1 .q1 11 11· f 'I \di!•• I "t \\" ,d• 1 l•·d ll\1 :"ol'l I 1·1 '-.t"I \It l' .1nol 1111 I· 1:1 .in! 11" 1 .1r111·d 1111t jdl \ lo.ii •ti1\o 'IJ1111 1<' Ill 111<1 \111 •·11 1.1!1 •l \l t' l!il' "H I \1•1\l .111. (,1111• '" 1111<1111' \1111 I\< .111 1111 .. 11. 1•' \l1t111 ·_ht \!~ 1 ... p.1!'( •<I 1h·· 1.i .. 1 .111.I llll' !ll d i\ 11f 11111 • -.11 p1 •1 I 11 ,1 I• ,11 1 $3,500 Pay Hike School Chief Confirms Off er I\.\ 1111 .. \lt\' K .\\.I·: 01 IM Oaoly P•lot St .. I! :'\1•11 p11rl-.\Jes;1 l '111f1vd St'hool ll1-..tr11"l Supt . .John ,'\"i1.·o ll l'Oll 11 rn11·d 'J'ut':-.tl:1.1· th:1\ h t• has hL·t·n 11l l1·r1 ·d ,, 11t•11 1..·011\r,1(·\ ;i nd a ::.:1 .. ·,1111 r;n :-1· f•1r th1' t'Ullling fi .... 1.:at \ \".U ,- . l~lll 1 li1·\ d 1 ... 1r1ct l1·;ider told 1r11:-t .. v-. 11i /1t h1· d id nu t 11:1111 111 ·;1c·1·t·pl 1111· 1·11 nl r;1 e\ until :-.O!ll1.·t 1111 1· ll L'\l .\p r il . lt'hl'll 1, H' rn ;ii .., .d ;u·y lll' got 1 a t1uns b1· i,: 111 ·1·r 11~1,•1·.., 1i 1·o u gh t 1hl' n1.ittc·r u11 l1rJ1·1'!1 duri ng -budg1•\ d 1:-L t1.-.-..1<H1 .1 11d :1 ~r1•1 ·d 111 t h :'\1t·ol!'s 1U t•;1 H1·1h•rt ... u f .-.1.•t'l'l'I :-.;.dar y talks h1•l1t l't'll :-..·icotl :11u l thl' tru:-!vt•s h ;1\1• ;1 lrto;HI~ touehc d olf a flurr1 "{:{ "{:{ 1':! Newport Teachers ., . "' Still In .\IJ1111t :!Oil pro b atJO ll :J r.\ tl'at·ht·r~ in the l'\c\~·porl-J\les:1 l n1!11·tl S1·hoo! !)1-;trit·t had tht' ··l1.111~·v IH li rt'iLlh1 • :-1)..!h .... o f 1'1'll t'I l11d.r .I II hl•ll thl',I lt'<ll'll~'d !lit',\ 111ftdd 11\l l lh· 11 l'l.'d ;11'1 t'J' :ill ,..;t1 pt•r1111 l'ndc11! .Jnhn :'\'.i (·tdl II htl h .t~ h l't'll l'Oll:-11!l'l"lll).! 1.-..-..u1n;..: l'"1l·nt1al d i"nu,-,:-:rl 110\it'l':-.· 1 .. ,dl l1r-..1 ... ;.-1·0111 1 ;uHI th1rd -yt-;1r 11·:11·h1·r-. 111 lhl' d1 -,tr11·1. po~ted (u111ct•-, ;11 o•:•t·h :'\1'\\.'porl \l t•-,;1 dt-.1 r11·1 :-.l·hn nl Lod;:.a~ .11t 11HUl11'lll.L! !ht• good Ill'\\.-. ~11·1111 ·., .1t'l 1t11 l 11 .1:. pr11tnptt•d . 1n p:ir1 h1 .1 11•1\l'I' lron1 ;1 \1'a i'h1·r -. i.:rqup ;i:.k111:.: th.11 ht· r1•1.1111 al l !v.u·her:-1·1111·1·n tl,\ 111 lh1·d1:-lr11·t l'h:1 r11 . .:t'"' Lil l'nl'1•lln11·t11 .ind i11 11d111.:..: l'l'llhll'lll .. lll'l'l' till' l'I' .1-.p11-. 1·1 !t•d il_I \:11«111 Il l h1-. {'o>ll :-Ld<"I .11 l•Hl 1+1 d1 ,.,1n1-.-..1n:..: 1h1• pi II l1.i11,,11,1r1 .,\.rlf In d1·l 1d 111 :..: t" k1·1•p !ht· p1"l1.• i lo>tl.11 I 11•,,,·)11•1 .., "\H'llll ~.11•1 Ii,· \\<iirld lo •l ,1(\/1114111 l<'dllll' llJ\• 1111n 1ht't 111 lt·.11 ·h 1•r...,, 11 1...,!t•:1d j,?I 111 ... 111 t~-.111 :' t h1•1n \ l<'ll!'I '>t'lll l,1 -.I \\1•1•1, I\\ \ 0h;11 l1•-. (;,11 d•n1 pi,•-.1d1'11I oil 1111· '\t·11p .. 11 .\11· ... 1 1-:t1111·.111"n .\-. ... ,11·1.111.,11 11ri.:1·d :\11·0 11 !" t'•lll -.1d1·1 i"'1)pll' 1101 lh 111.i.:-.. :1-. lh1' nun1hl't' 1111 t· 111·1o r1l.1 'l'h1· l1 ·.11·he1·-, · \ Ll'I\ 1101111. 11lu:. 1h1·1r p l1·1l l'.1· 10 a ~:-1 :-1 111 a n y l r.111:-11·1 :111d r1·.1-.~1i.:1 n1h·tll lli;il lll.1\ 111 ·1 011 1" llt't'l'~:»:ll'.\. h1·lp1•d '\1l·~11l 1·,11111• 1,1 ,1 dt·1·1 ... 1n11 . he -..i1d ·rh1• -..111•1·r1ntt·n d 1·n1 1·x n la 1111•d t h at li1'l'a 1 1~e of the no -f i r in g . ·-.- p.i:-1 111111 . l h1•r 1• \I LI I ~dsu he n o 111•1\ hir1n;.: :-.;1\'e for "e xccp lional 1·11·1 lllll -..t.lllt't'S •• l h · ..,,1t d t h .11 t h t• rlu htt'Jtl:.! pul1<·1 n1.11 l1'.l\'1•\h1•d 1:-tr 11·t \tll h ..,t •111 v h•d1·:-11 1 1h1· 1n -;t1·ut·t1 1111;tl p rugrH lll, h1>1 ·:1u~l' n atur al a ltr1 111•11 rna,1· 1·.1use s p 1·t·1ali-;t-; nut t11 h l' l'l' pJ ;1 ("t ·d ul pr••t1·-..t-. 111>111 ll'.1l'hL·r:. .ind u l l11 ·r-, 111 lhl' l'u lll lllllllll .\ 'l'ht•1r 11111u1:-1t11•11 t·1·nl1·r~ o n 111,. hl0lil't t h.i t :\1f•n11 :-huultl not b1· g I \" l' 11 .t tl (• \~ l' II n I r a l' I Ji.11·t 1cuL1r l~· 111111 a -;11li:-t;1111r:tl r.11-;t• \\hill' thu cli:-.trLl·1 t\'nrk -. lo :-..irl .. 11 1 11 -, IL!l:1 n L·1;il \\1)1'"' '\11.·1111 ·:» 1·o rr1·111:-:1 l:1r·1·1-, ::;:n1 .. -in11 '\il'nl l s.11 d :1 f11·r · 'l'u1•-..1L 11 -., tlh'l'\in g 11\a( hi:-til'«L-.1011 tu h~1ld ni t' 011 lhl' <·1111 lr;1e t 11 :1:-nnl pr o· t!IJ!I L'd IJ.\' l't1Jll rl1U111!1 p1·,,[1·-,I :1fl Ill i!!t•d, h ill\ L'\ l'I' 1 h:ll Ill .Ill.I 111·r-..u11 -. h :1d l''P!'t•-.-,o•d 1·o n l·t·1·11 ·· •\~:r 11!1· 1n;1ll1 1 I le :-.1 iii ! r·u.,1 •. , . .., u l l•'l'L'd ll• I-' L 1 ,. l11n1 .1 n1 11t' p1•r1·1·1H 1111·rC'.1:-f", l'I 1t·1·t11t• .Jul.1 l. !!•7.'i. 1Jr1 11g 111g lu-. -.,11.il I \ti:-.\~ l•l~I ]l 1-. ,, I 1_\ll'C 1h;11-., 1'111111111.'ll ... tlt'.lll' \\llh ..... 1n1e lit Ill~ 1.:1dlt•:1:_:\l1'-. 1111h1• I ll.111111 h1· 1·,pl;n111 ·d 'l'hv hn;ird h.1d 111·1:..:111all1 pJ.Hlll•'d lo I.Ill!\ '\11·011 .., l'Oll 11.1«1 .d l '1tl'~d;1_1-. b1>.1rd l!lt"t'I l!l:,, 11111 d1·1·1dt"d 1t1 11 :111 1111111 \I'! iJ ,ti '\)l•oll ·°' l'<"ql!L'°'1 l 11d1•1 ..,l,tl t' L111 tl 1v hn,1 1<111.1 ... •il1!1;..:;ll1'<l 1" lll\'t'! 111tl1 '\1«,.ll Ill lJ\·1 ·1·ni11,.r !11 t .. 11 111 111 11lr1·llrl·r 1 li<'I II I" IJ,.d tu l'1•I,, 1111\11!1 ;l)H 11 t ild .111\ 11lr1•tl11•r l1v 11.11llvd t" ... 1,11· II 11h1 ht' d !..,[I 1<'1 Iii ,1:_:f 1't 'lll '.\LI \1,111 LlJ1\ll \1 1r ll , l! .. ,1 1'd !'11•-.J dl'11t ·11iu11l ;1-.. l".1 -.l'\' 11 •111 :.ir l,1·d \\'1·l h111k Ill' '\11·ull 1s \\t•ll ll t11'lli 11h.d \I I' tdll'Jt •\I .!ltd .1 i"I l!loH • \h,11111\,,\ 111 Ill . OC Told: Prove ) Hins 'l'h<' l)(1 11 d 11 1;..; ('llltl p ;HI\ 1 vp;i ~ t )r uni-:1· Co u n1 .1 !'t.1r :.ii 11 11.1111·1,il lo:-.... ~." l'l'l.tll'd lll H vp _\ndr·1·11 I li11 .... h.i11 -. 1 H '\'1•\\ p url Hl.':11·h> .... 11 C't'l•-,:-lul l'.1i'..! .-.11111•:lii.:11 II.rs g L\'1•11 t ho· t'•1111111 -,1, 1111111\hs tu p rn\·1· ll . .., ii ,..,..,, . .., LAFC Topic Of M eeting l;ltrlo !llJ1'-."'> O! ,I I tl\11\t\ :h!t'!lt'I II hlt'h u !"t'll h,1 -. :_:1•1l1•1,1t 1•d ... 1111'11 1\ \"'11111-.d dv h.1 11· .rnl••llt.: ' Ufll 1 ll il I Ill'"' I ~ .,,1·fl1'l\tJ!1"d "J'hll 1.., \r!':1 H1'"""'' li 'l\.,111 11n1't'I "' ll ll'li.11d l !11 flll'I" t'\1•1 ·1111 11• t1 1111't'I !!I Ill!' l .n1".1I .\).:•'Ill'\ 1:,,1 111 ,11 1un I", 1111 rlll ~-.101 1 ' !..\ FC ' 1 \\Ii i dl°'I \I-.-. II-.. l'<ll1·..; ,l fld ,1~111111.i1I< 1' \"Ill•· ll ,1111.,1 \11•.1 111 ,1 -; ::n .1 111 t.ilh .11 (;lv11d.d" l·'t·dl'I .il :-0.ll 111,i..!"' J111d I ... 111 .11 l\.11·J,n1 f1.,1Jl1·1 .II d .111 .I \\ "'\ \\'11 :-'H ll S l!t't'! 1'\r,. !'ll\HI 111•·•·l1n;.:-. lt'.1l111v l't1ff1.'I' ,Jild doi11 C:li1l1ll"I ;1( tit ~ l'0'-1 and ,il't' Dl"''l lu .d i 111l1'l'l':-lt·d\ l'll 1/l'll ... Blackli s t Ended l tl'lll .l ~(;,\,\ll·: r1\l'> Sant· l ions 0 11 t h l' l.•1s 1\ltns E le 1nC'n 1ar.v St·h 11ul l >is11·1rt ha\'l' hct~n l'l'tllO\'L'rl h(•C'au~l' 111 :1 •·g ru\\'ing f(•eling nf nnLtual l'l'SPl't:I and 11-us1·· he t \\'t't•n teat•h1·rs a nd ;1d- n1 i n 1s t ra t1n n . l h i.. ('a l ifurn ia ·r cu('he r s J\sso1•i:1tion S:Jid 'l'uc:;. da\'. "l'h t• s;.1n(·1inn-;, 1\'h 1c h pul !ht• di;tr1t:l on a ("!'., h l:.it·k l1 -;1. \\'t•r e 1n1po-;ed :\l a 1·<"h 2 1. l!l70 Losses \,,..,1'-1.1111 \ ',111111 I l'.11 k1•J' 11\~1 ,1~ !Iii' C 'ol 111 ~ l'J ! '• I If 111 I. Ir ,lll'-1' •ii d l't 11 II! I 1:t:-l'd llt'//l ,·t11 1·111 I ':I ..'. l' \:J I n " I,•] I< I "II II ,q1d "I ~·1 11 H··l.11•" ~lq('I I l .11 1 I• 11·d I n-.u r .Jtll • • t d " •!IP I '.11·k1·1 ..,,11 d 1h v -,1,1t1itt· • .i 1111 11l.itL1111 g111·-..1hc l'1'lllll I tfrrt"' l<".lf " II •fill \ho · t\.i\t• llldi'-l'tllt'I'\ 1011111~\t'l l ... !11 ....... I [1111 e1 <'t 1'.n 1-l'r .-.a id l1Jtl,1 .1. 1L 1 ... 1'\\•1·1 11 -.I 111,,1 1ht" :iuditLng 1t ·,1n1 ;L:-:-1i.:n1·d l ll\· 1a-..h. 111 d1·- 1,•i 11111iin;.! \\hJt th1• 1·o un1 1 ln.-.t d111• lo tli·· .tll1·i..:1•d .L .. :-l;.!lll1l~·ll1 or ,L-,:-v .... :-01"~ "t i'1t'1• 1·n1pl11.1 , . .., In ll1n ~h.111 ... 1".1tnp,11:..'.n .,fi,11dd 111• k 111111 11 11 1lh111 t In 1·1· \I •'l')...., '!'ho · purpultt·d ""\'"I lh1• "111 plo 1_1l'" ''II 1'••!111t1 !11111 • 1,1 ,1 101 1!1 11:-1\.11\.., 1•1'l'l1t111 I" \'1111:..:11·-.!' ,I f \' t il l'd Ill ,! ::;\ l'Hllli! ( ;! ,ltl d .1111 I ll)(ill llll~·11t 111,i! t l\,•l':..'.t'd 111)11' ,1 , ................. , ._ <>/1 11·1· l'lllpl1!\ , . .., 11 1111 t.:l.1t1d 111 .. 11 ... 11-.111 1.11·1. ll•d.111dl l od i..!•l\1•1'1llll"ll( ('t•d\'..., .111d l.1l -.1l11·.i1 1,,11ul 10 ·1."1d-. [ !l I "'li"ll"'I' (d ! h" 111 11 ii ltl.ll 1<111 II\\ \!1ol1·d 111 lht• 111d11"1!llt'li! !lr1· ,·,.1 1111 1 n.,,,,.,1 Ill :-.1q .. ·r1 , .... 1r-. 111- ,1 1111 ll"l l!rt• 1'1\ll llll l'•>ll!l "t 1111 .1t - l1·n1p1t"11·1·111"1 .1111 lo-. .. 1· ... 111 tht• {.t'\.jl,1\ t'I ~ lJr:t( llH C.:111 h,1\ \' Pl' <"t11't'l"l .1-. lht• r1· ... ul1 ul 111, .. rlll·;..:1·.t ill••-:t! :11"\ I 1·itJt'S \ ..... ;"\t'!->Ult :1 1•l:1n11 _ig;Jltl:-l .1 "-:!.-1,llUll i ~1l 1 ·1nn11~ lxind p11.-.lt:d hy l l1n:-ha\\' "<hl'll he 1\:1 -. :1s:-.t":-..,t1r 11111 h1 • ldl'<I \\hl'll lh1· :1t1dilurs' l"\..11r1111,1!1on of pa1·roll :i nd othl·r t't 'l'nl'd:-Ii' l'Olllplt·!"d \\'t·a~l1c•r STOCKS GA IN On Womru1 She's Sneaky Raseal It 'll ht• l'l lP l l'r·1 ·1u 1 r:-d ;1~. :1l' l'1l!'<llt1 ~ 111 lh1• ll l.';1 lhl'I' :O.l'l' \'I\ 'l'' \\ JI h ;.J t' h:int:I.' of SO Ill (' fui.; 111._•;.1 r lh l' lit·u1·h es t:1t c \o ru l.!ht ;111 d t•arl.1· 1'h u 1·scl:iy . ll igh~ n1 1rt 1.1 11pp1•r 60s a t the b1•.u· l1t·-; a 1111 111 the i"Os ill I and. ON FORD TALK :\E\V YO ll l< t ll PI ) ~ SLot·k prices n1ovcct slightly high er to- da y in reactio n to P res ide nt f'ord·s p r of,!rums despite some n1·~al i\'C cnr pnr~1tc ll C'\\'S. T r;1d - lng on lh<' Ne\\· York Stock Ex· e h :Jngc 1\•a s sluggish . The llow J o n e s ind ust r i :ll avc r ;1£t'. off ;1! th~ outset a nd td1c111 l :1l n1idc!;:1_\'. ,g ;:ii nC'd 4 1;9 points to 1;~1:i :J!J. 0l'c 11 nc·~ ll'd ad •1bout 5 to ·I . J\1 u ny in ves tor :-; \\'e're jol l1•tl \\'h e n they lc :1rnl'(l IR !\l . a n1a jn'r g \a 111 011r. report ed hl\\'CT" fourth· q 11u rt c·r earnini,ts . 11 \~1 s l tH•k plun ~cd on the n C\\s an d th.- N\''S E br iefly hulled trad in g 111 the issu e for 'disseminal ion o f th e r epor t . -I 1.-our Jt't"r1ng .1nut11 .... 111 ;1 -.p t·cd . 111 g l'ill' s pr:1.11•d a S;ull a .\11 ;1 l lci~h l -; \\'Olll,111 \\"ith a (':I LI SIL(.' t'ht11Jli c al ·r 111•!->d :i\' a~ -..h1 · rotl1· h er hicyelc 1u•ar !ht• 111l 1·r~t·1·\1nn n f S ;.1nta .\n;,1 /\Vl'IHH' ;111<1 .\l t's;.1 D ri l"<'. ()1·ani:!l' Cnu 111.\' S ht'r 1t f':- off1t·er s ~••id . {)eput ies ~;1 1tl 1111 · 11111d1·11t1 f11·d liqu id bur n t·d i\Irs . Lo lu U ulh l..11 tc tl's L'Y('S to lhl' point \h ;1t s ht• '''l.I~ fnr 1;1.•tl lo d Ls n,01111\ fr1Hll h C'1' lll;1t h it1C' .\!rs . J ,i ll £'11 , ·17 . u f 2 o :::x 1 Ri v l'1's ide 1\\'1..' . S a 11 t ;1 1\na llt·i ~ht:-.. 1o l<f (lf p11t 1<•..; 1he f11111· ~out h s la u g h1·d ;uid 11'\'l'l'il :II h1·r ;.1-; t h l'.\ s p1.·d o lf l11 lh•'ll' -..mall furC'iL!n ('Hr 1'111· 1 11·1i1111·1·po1·11·d l 1Jd,1) 1h:i! her cy1·~ ;11·1· ~o t1ll'\1·hat 111i p ro\'c d al'lC't' t r1·:1tn1C'n t !1111 ar1• :-1 111 ir- rit :1h'd h \' thl' u n kno \\ n ('ht•rtl 11":d '- ' Warehou.se Kitty Keeps Mesa Police Jumpi1zg S 11e:Jk \' IS ht•r lll.l llH .. ' and !>ht• I~ :1 genu ul C' ('at hur).!lar. one 11·ho has pol ice and !ht• ~l'l'urit y s taff of u g ia nt lrvint• -"POl'li n~ govd -, f 1 rnl th ro\''ing. l'onni pt ion f11 :-. . ·rhe -;i1u u 1io n .... ·11:-. r t'Vl!.dt•rl ·ruesday. w hen in\'t•st1 ga1nr :o; t\'c n t to :\1 uns u n Spurt~ng Ci-outl:t C o n1µa n .1'. 330 .Pautw ln'o r\fe. F:a s1. t o d is<"tiss·..a e·on finuin g 1>ro-, · J>iem. ()pe rat11l ns l\l an.~1 g ,;r l \1·rh ll t1rn1nn ~r ceJf.d l"ut rol Sgt tl :i r y \V1•h -,1 e~ k n1 J1Ying ly \t ht•n ht• :11·l'i v 1·d tq ('onfe1· al}o u t :1 -;ll1•n t hu r g1ar-;alal'm :.~stem trig. g rr<'d co111 ln'Ulll,v i.'i:n~ rc'c~Jlt n1 011ths ' "I bet .1 Oli'rc h e re aboul uu1· (':.1l."' s atri ll armo n . "l'\o . 1 ·n1 h('l"l! ;1bou 1 y ou r hurg lar alarm ," s uid• a puzzled Sgt. \Vc h~tcr . .. ,.C'S, vo u 'r c he1·1.· nbout thC' cat," repiil~d ll:1rm o n. "ShC' sels o rf ttie a lar m a ll the time ."," l-1 \e. c~p l'«in 11 d that ,1fo i:n:e m oi1ths b flo . the large1U.·areho u je (lUfl~l \VaS invacled. ti}! hordes Or f ie ld n11 c<" '''ho!le ·bo't}l es we1!c 1tt•:o:tro~·1·d by nc..Y "l r\'lnf' In du~tri<1 I Complex ~-tr u 1.:t ion 1'h t' tC.f'n1 i 1l g . lCI n1iet• n1nl{l\llic d " a rno.n g · lc 1101tcs Qf lenn19 Q»U• .aClil~h. ra\':9.ltetS 1•111<A> l~et;e. w~w~ro~·~O(I · pre tt y soon fill" t hl'm 1h e r1· "'a s r '~l'h1~ ~1 u n:-.on firrii in1por1 cd :J g a 1 of house c a ts . The c l s a te a ll the n1icP and \\'e nt forth into d ark co rne r s :ind p r o ce e ded t o n1 ul t i pl y t he 1nsel vcs like th1·r c \Ya, nu t6n1orrb"·~ 'l'hC' ~l'unson firm i n1 ~\Orted' a batcb of c ot tl1ilps . si1<'aky ii; t h~ 6111y l'i.l . le ft in the l'<J \'t'r n Ou 1' l\'Ul'l'hOUS(', \t'hiCh ~hl' nO\\' k.ri o ...,·:-: bet t f'r tha n "I.h t• ;1 r chi tccf \\•ho·dt-s i~ncrl ii Und'sht~ r1·C~~<'s.'.to hl' capl u rt~d do s µiti;: nil l 'I forts : "()It (.d'd, \~L'W.' }1',W~ t'\'('t'Y· (Sef-,(',\11'\', 1·a ~e ,(?) I ,1 I 'SI Dt: 'l'OD.\ ,, l 'luuh.111 .\la gu.:1 111· pub/1sh1·r //11,1i1 l/1•/11 1'( ~,ufl 1/ U)(]:.' lht' 1111 ·.J1,.11:/ 1!11r r11.~.1:111c 1H· nJ nr l't',(//tj!l/!H'S OU! ltl ti•''""" Liil cl ru11 1·/i(lr11e.~ 1/111 1 droi·1· /11.'I ·"'rre/ary t1•fl•'tl/li Stur,11 . J>(1q1· \.I ·······~ ,.,, Yo,., S.rwk• AJ 8••h;.. ... L.M.8~d -.11 C•hlurn " AJ C••••• ,ori<•r A ~I CWi11fl~ 01-11 c_,,, eJ Cr•isw,,..<11 IU C-1>\y A 10-11 O.alt>Mollct\ Alt E<llllOrt dl ""Of A• t:nlt-'•lnmtnt BJ-4 Fin""<• 8t-7 ""°" C4· 14 ltotffe•• CJ lnl•rmh ••<>ll """ l.•ncl••• Mowi•• M11tvat fl11•1•h Mw~lc II•• MlllO!l,fl Ntw• PtOJlit Spor1s Ot Sltt11Cf01'>1> Sl<K • '"'•••th ftfrwluGfl , ........ . Wt •llWf Wu•ld M•w"' ( -. " " .. Ill ·' .. •• .. Cl·J 81•J .. . ., '" ,,.. •• •• ' • rl2 DA.LY PI LO T c Ford·s Spe••t·I• Key Economic Areas Outlined: \\:\Slll'.'.l;·I'(\'\, \,\I' !lL'f\' .d :.J g.JaOt'l' ,ll l' kl·~ t•l i•tlll'!\\:-i !I) thv L'l'IHIOHllL' •'Iii'! g.\ 12r(1)!rarn out illll:'d tu<l.iy h,\ l '1 , . ..,1dv1\\ J·'urd in l11s St <lle of tbt· L'11111n .1ddr1·:-:-. 1·t·n1 11orar\ ta.\ 1·ut .\ S.l:! tlJ1lllOll J ~~7··1 1,1'\ I 'll\ lt1! Ill 'tt11·1du:1ls. !u he d1:-l r1ln1\,·d t hr11ugh r1·h:1ll':-. r :111g1n g !1> ;1 1n<1x1n1un1 of ~I .POU p1,_•r r1 ·turn ,, •)Ill.'·.\ 1·ar 1nt:rL'a~t: tl) 1:! PL'l'1'l'llt 111 11ie t•ix ('l'l'dll s d1·:.1g1h·d ll• :-i pur IJllSll11':-i" 111udv11111.1l1<>11 ,111d l'\ P"n,-,11 11 1 l'ertnant·nl la:>. \'.ut -. f'rf.1111 1•11gf.• :I I CATTY. • • thing ." 1110.111.-. I L1r1n1i11 :Shl' \'\ t '!l h:1 d kl!t\'11 ... !11 lhl'l t.;, ;111d II",' l'.lllc."lil ,i\1 lll !li1·!11 lt " sort vf 11 k<· th1· ::,011.t: :.ih11ut th" •()Id 1 .• ~dv \\'h.i S11·all 1111'l·d .1 l·'ly '," hl' c'nntitlltt:d •·\\'e're guini.: to IL!\''-' lo bring 1n :.i d og tu (·:it<:h the L"<•t th:1t ca u l.!h( lhl' 11111 ·1·.·· Jt :irnifln .._., p\;1il1L'd . l'1 llil'l' l'.1 11·01 Sgl \\\·bsti·r. 11 host: duties inl·lud..:: in\'t:::.llga\ 1n g :darn1 :'~·:-t L·nis that g11 c!;ing tn the nig hl fur no app:n·1..•111 ll' .i ~o n. sy rnpathiz.:s tu :-.ntlll' L'' lent . ~J c :-.:.i id :'lluns11 n PL'l"S!111tlcl ha ve chas..:d Sneaky \\'t\h 111.:t...;, set trap . .,;. :n 1d put out tasl.\' tid - bits. bu t their !'l's 1dcnt rat burgl~11-knO\\S lht: 1varchousc bcttc1· th:.t n t hL'.I do no11· , lie cleclinL'd to :-.a.v hu\v n1an y lin1es ;1 squ;.id t"ar has s ped out in 1.he dead of ni ght during the pa.-;l fe\\' rnonths !u ehel'k the pre· n1iscs but con L:ed1.•d : •·Just s <.1 y a g reat nu nibcr."' ln\'L'Sl igalor~ l'car it \\'Jll l'O n · tinue until Sne~1k .\· is capturt'd. due lo a habit that ;.ill {'ffort.-. in · eluding plaeemenl of alluring Kitty I~iltcr h:ive failed to 1\·arehouse-br l~a k h{'r of pcrf orn1 · inr,. lier f;J\'OJ'tll' s put t'o 1· :t night ly toilette 1nsid1.' thL' dark . 80.000· squarc·foot \\;1rL·housL· is right in the invisibl1.· .-;t:'n:;or bea1n of thl' alarn1 syst.l'n1's L'IL"ctril' l'.I•" TO~IGllT Il/\S KETl~.\l~L \'Jll:~ r•;irk ~·t Cost a \le.-;:1. 7 p .111. l<-:'.I ~To<l0na at J·::::,t:.inl'la . j p .111 l.o,.. .\J;1n11tos ;tl ;\l'\\·porl Jl:1rbnr. 7 JL!ll "ALCOHOi.iS\!, A:\ \DDI C· ·r\\'E J)t ~r·: . .\S I·~" !)r. ll obl·rt :-i<·h n1 itt leclut'l'I', J{alv1gh !\ill:. llu::;pit :1\. Jj l\7 E. 16th SL. :\t:1\·port Hl'<t l·h. t;. !.) ]J n1 In formntinn · c1 ~, ~,7('-; "1'111·: l\tl'I' !. J\,\f.'1'17'10RE" South (',,,. .. 1 H•·pcrt11f\ ·rh r-;.i tc r. lhrnu Ii.Sun Sp in · 1·c 1 l 't)'.\l'J·:irr t'1,1111 :'t:- ,\ 1 f ons ; 1 nd .\ !n.1 " I'\( int •1 r k.s v. 1: in L' \1·1s \·11 L1 ~L· ·r11 ... 1t1 .~ 11 111 \dn1 St .-,11 t ·l ·I Ll·'.t "ll'HJ·:::-; l',H·l11 \\'r1ti:1 g \\'ut \..-.hu1• 1:1111111 ~;,7 llun1:1111t11's ~ .. dl, ~fl 111 l 1•.1111 111~ D 1s;1h11it1•·-. -H"u111 !II! Ph,\':->IC':d :-;, l•'l\11'" l:ldt.: l,p 111 'fill H ~O \\·. J .\'\.l \I{\ 11; \tHl' ('()'\.'<'r:1rr Hr;,.,, .• nd l't"r1·u:--.111n H•·t·ll.d t H'l' ~l 11-.1c Stud1n r·r.·1· t3 .. \ . ...;K r·:·r1~.\1.l l 11ll1011 i L'tl u1 l1u1i i11111.!1\1<.lUiJI 1n l'\)n1t' l:l'-l'" .11Hl a :'.:'\I hd\1011 l'Ut !di' t·o1 poi ,111,,ns. rt>dtlting thci; 111ax111111n1 1 .tl1' lt'IJnl ·18 PL'i'C('nt lu -t :.'. p1'l'L'e111 l·'.nt·r i.;1 1·1111 ."" r\' at ion I n1 - pu:-111'1!1 td ..,:; .1 h,lt'l'l'l lL•\'ll'S un dt1ll\l'~t1L ;1!ld i!ll\~ll't..:d l'l'Udt• 11il 11 \ d1:.en11 r-.;;11•111 l L·on ... un1 pt ion \\'indfal1 Profits iii ,I II 11\dt.dl J>rl)fl1S p1.11l1 1t'<'I'~ 11rnd11t ·111 -.; \l'llll!':-> 1d :::-\::'. l11l!1t111 ln1po:-1tiun 1 <I.'\ nn ud annual rv l·'t·d1·r.-1 ~p1·nili11~ .\ unL'· 1 l'.JI rnu1·,ttur111n1 otl nt•1\· l'cdt-rtil :-p,·1\!1111 0: pr1•gr.1111:-.. 1':\l'C pt !'or l lll'l ~,I ,11 u l ,l .-f i><'ll't'll\ l'l'i\\I\;.:_ lot' l\•I:) 0n 111\·1·1·;1:-iL':'! in federal p;1~, !11od ... 1.1111p.~ .ind fe<ler<tl 111il11:1r~ ;.i11d 1·1,tl1an rl'lll'l'l11l'll! lJl·J\~:llt :. !->landh~ ('untrols -£n1ergen l'Y authority f1u· the Presiden'-.,tn ration i.;a sulinl' or :illoc~1 lL' use !!I' petrolL'11n1 1irod11t·\:; ;ind l'ont1·11l 1 hctr pric·l·-, .\id to l ·1iliti1·:-. .-\ thrt'l' yl·.11 12 pcrl'L'/\1 1n1t:stn1l'nt tax tr1·d1L for uttlitu:s that L'.Utl\'t•rt po ,11t:r plants l r11n1 oil tu l'oal :ind postptn1t·1ncn1 o f C'lt·:in :11 r :;t:111 d;ird:-. J11r utilit1v."> fnr 111 ,\l'ar:.. 111 1B8:'> l·'.n1ission ('ontrols anll :\lilt· a gt• ('u ntrols ,\ fi\·e·.\ L·;.ir d('\;1y 1n n1ore s lrin ~t·nl ('n1ission stan· dards ;.1nd a \ulunl<11·y prngran1 to in l'l'l'<JSt' gasoline n1tle;1gL' li.v -Ill pcrl·ent h,\ 1980. Pay111cnls to :'\ontaxpayel's r·l.'deral payn1ent::; of $80 a .1·p,1r f11r 111pst nt•ll ·ta:-:pa,1111~ :.idult ~. t•>t.il1ng S2 hill1nn Ins ulation 111<.'l'nli\t's ·r:i ., l'l"L0 rfilS Of lip [!I ::;1;;() r<ll' ho n1po1\· nC' r~ 11·hu 1 nst ;1 I I 1\'i nd( >11 :-. o r other 111:suL1t1,111. \\1th fC'dt•r:il aid for tho:>l' 11hu(·;in't aff1lrd it 1·:rrici1·11c .1 l.aht>ling L1·g1::.l.1 lion lo lahl'l :ill <J l!tus and hollll' ;ippli :.1nct·~ to disclose hOI\' n1uch ('l)l·rg,\' Lhe.\· U:-.l' :ind dl'\'t•[(lp· 1nt•11t of 111lunt:11"~ ~tand;1rd:-. In 11npro\·L' thP energy e ffic1en c ~· 11( appl1~n cC'.'> h,\' ;!ti pt:rccnt \1·i1h 1n fi\'1.' ,\'ears Source Says Nixon Still In the Red .\ sU Ul'('t' t·lo:-t" ld Hi!'hard :0-1 :\1:-.011 h;i ::, :-:ud th.it ;.ilthough tliC· l1n;d pa;. n1l'lll wf S:l'.!:J.noo on tll.: l111·n1er pr(·s1ch·n1 ·::. ~1 :; n1illiun s~in C'll·n11·11lt• L·~t;llt' \\,\-.. n1:id1• 1ncl;1~·. :\1;.,1ftl ~1111 11!!! n11t hl· t1u1 of dl'lll '.'\L\tlll 111dil'<.tlt•d f\i.: \\'~1 :; ha1·i1lg 111)l1h ll' p;,1.\·111g tilt• d1•h! -.1\ 111u11th -. <J;.'.•f 1\hl'rt hl' :1:-.kt·d Jnr ,111 L':>.\1•11 -.1011 o n the de<.1dlilll' lor· ,1 p;1.11n1·11t of S'.!21;.of1<1 'l'f\,il 1'dl'lll1'tll I" )l<!l'l •ol 111,· ,..11111 \\ hlth \I <1;-. -..c h1."dll]l•d \11 IJ, !':11d 11Jd.1 .1 '\.1'\t111 1•t11 th.1 ... 1·d 111:-. l'..,1 ,i11· 1 '.1 ..... 1 \',n·11'1 «.1. in \Hh'.• li\1' .'-1 :1 1n dl1u11 II\ 11i-;11 111• ... old ~:J qf 111. '..!>-> ;1 ,Jl' l'L':-111 I ht• I~,'\: l' 1 Jl \ l':->l llll'!ll t '1 1n1p;111,\ ,1 l1r111lor!ll 1•d11.1 '\.1 \ 1•!1 :-. r1·1 \·nd~ H11h1 •11 I I .\IJpl,111.llp ,J11il l 'll.1rl ··~t; H1·ht· l<vh"'" \1r \1,.,11 1-. 11111 11··1· .1 11,1 'h•:1r 111 • .'!di 11.i.., It) 11:11 ~di lho· Ill'\\ ho!d1·1 ul thl' 11\(11'1).!.1 ).;l', th1• :-•>Ul'('t' \I ,l .., q1111t1•d .i." !->,l\ 111 ..: 1•11 rl.: 11 -.1'.1 !'>1 111.1l1!l· .J :1nu~n·~ ,,.._.:it hl·r \\\Heh :--~·11\ lv111 111 •1,1\Ul'l'..; :-d:ll'll\h into the H\l:-> 'l'UL'-.d.J.\ .il-.t1 l111•ll :~l1t !JUI lht.'SL' pt <·ni,·kl·l'~ ,1l 11 vi lv 1 Jr\ f 'rum Pag•• ;\I TAX CUT. • I . I I ' '•Ill '.11< , ... ~.11d h1:-. l\1'\I ]\1'11 i.:1,1 111 11 .. 11ld 1.11 -.,• llit• en:-\ (II 11\ lllg I\\ (l j)t' l't'l'llt .i .11·.1J' ln ;1d dt \1un :-;1·1d111,1n :.:11d . tl1L' :'!i.)11 till' ,l\Cl';u.!.t' l.1111\l.1 :->lh'll\l:- i<lr ~.1-.ul111l'. l1nn11· llv.1l1rtg ,111d 1·lt·1·t1'1l'll I \\H\Jld 11 "1' h.\' ~:!:iU [11 ~ ! . :!!II I ·r,1:-.l·~ ,111.l 1.Jrtfl!-> 111111\d add S:ltl hillH!I\ t11 llll'l l't•:-l..; :111d the r1pplL' vll•'l'I 111 h1 -.;ht·1· p1'1t·1•s lnr thing;; 1\l,1d1· trn111 pl'trol.·un1 ;ind clet .. IJ'111l \ 11r l11<'l<'d h\ thl'lll 11·otdd .nld :111<l\ll,·1· :-:2.·l h1ll1111\ d .\l'O!r to 111<' prll«':-i .\nivr1(·:tn:-pay. :.it · • 11rd111 ~ ln L. \\.ill\:1111 Seidn1;i11, Fol'd :--t'l'<11lotl)!L' cuurdin:ilur. ,\,~I r .. lund 1:ul'd :d:.u \)1'1) !'":>l'•I d ~111 h1l l1u11 r1·ChlL'llUl1 Ill 1.1 '"" p,11d 111 bu:-i111t·:-::.t·::. $1 !·ill1 .. 11 111 .1 1 .. , , 1·t·dit r1•r 11r111:-i 11l111·h ,.,p.11hl ;ind n1ud .. ·rni1e ;ind :-:ii bill11•n 111 :1 p1•r rnant•11t l'L'dlll' 11.1n 11! t h•' 1·01·p nr;it11•n in <·on11· 1.11\ r:dl' 11 '11111 IS lt> I~ ]ll'J'('t•n\. I Iii ('11!llp.11llt'" ltu111•\t'I' \lnu ld 1!1• -.1il 11t'cl to .i llL'\I \.i'\ •111 11111dfnl l p1· .. 111 ~ 111 prv\L'nt Ll11 ·1l1 t'ron1 1·1·· ,1pttl)C Llli.l\lt' ;,.:,1 111 fl H ill f'tlt' tl,1 111 111 "\'lll'I -!I lltllihl('" l·"r 111d1\1du.d:-. t,1\ 'r :1ll'" 11 1•t1ld h1 • 1·111 h1 :-.Hi :i hil!iun. 1111lt 111\1 ;111d n11dd\l' 1n1.:001i(f;11nil1l'S 1'111".' Ill lh'.Ol i\ h;ill' '!ht• 1111 ;!1 .., .1 I I ll :.: " I ' \ 1,un1I' 11111 1111111111 "11:1-.:al1\" llll'P!ll<' Iii ::;111 (11111 Ill 1~7:, \\'()lild 11:1' ~:l lH ltl l1 •dv1'!1I 1n1•rJ1111• 1;!'\l'' 111,., 1, ".td 1 i 1 SHti7 .. 1 :-.d, 111 ~ o r s:1.19 11 11-. 1,1\' L·ut 111•uld IJ1-· on toµ ol' tf1t..• 11 r1 ip1 1-.:1l l,.11r't d1 :;l'lu~ed ~Ion d.1 .1 night 111 ,, ll'le,·1s1on address hi lhl· IlH\!!Hl II l'<.dll'd for a 12 Pt'l'l'l'Jll l'l'i•,dl' 1111 ill{'Otlll' l<J '.\L'S .IUl' 011l '.17I1·.1 rn111g:-. lo hL' paid in \J,i \ .111d St·p\L'l llht•r :ind \\'1th <1 111ax1n111111 l't'b<i\t• t1I' Sl .OOtJ fu1· \\l',d\h.1 t.1 -.:p.1,l<'I' ... J)(•11111cr:1l,.., 1·r1l1l'L/.t•d 1t1e plan ,1~ lo o g 1·nel'1Hl:-> In Lhl' \l'l'<il th ,1• l1u t O.:l'llL'l'all\' \\L•lcotnl·d the idea ul .1 [;t'\ L'tl t \11 -.t1n1u lall' thl' \'1'•11111111\ 11\ ,1thlt\l1111 f.'11rd jl l'llP\\!->Cd \cj\ ~,!ll llt-:" <>I lip h> :-.!:10 f11r lhll:->l' 1• 11,1 111 ,tll.J!v ltu!lh., 01 l1t1\ ,..t111·rn II l!ld•)I\ ~ J'hv l'11· .. 1d1•11t .i-.ht·d ('1111 -.;re"" \,1 c.dl .1 n1t11 ,1tnl'111ni 1111 ;ind I(/\\ 1·d I•' \!'\ti .Lil\ tll'\\ ... pvnd Ill:.' 1'T'<!~l:11)1-., \l,11'1\11\~ 1111• ,i,, \it'll Ill ,oil\ t'\\'lll \t ill f\'.1\'h ~:)0 11111 1•111 1Ji1.., 11-.( ,il ,1l·.1r ,111d l'I'" l1,dil1 :-,i,, 1111111111 ;1 1·•'.lt 1'l l1l\t' 1 •'t'til'd Ill 11\L' lt..,l'.LI \'l':H'\I hll'h ~lar·t~.Jul .1 1 Mesa's 87 Housing ' Volunteers Mulled B;.· .\I,,\:'\ J . l>IHl\.I:\ 0! '""' D.1111 Polo! Sl•I! 1\: t1llal Hf X7 l 't1sl;1 :\ll·:.,1n-. r1·::-pond1.·tl lu lhL' cit~:,., app1·:d f111· h1:lp 111 planning 1n1JH'nV1'nll'lll:- l1 1 subst ci ndard huus 1ng 1n1 JH·nvl'mt..·nt s rn.tdL' possihll' ti~ fedL•ral funds .ind :d l 111<1.1· ll" usl'd to Sllllll' !k•grl'l' 'l'h1s possili1l1!.v 11~1~ d1!->c·us:-1·d ·rul.'.sda.1· night as lh1· 1·1t ~ L'Ulllll'il IJe~an lhl' ta:-k 1lf 1ntcr\·h·11111 g ,1 p :1red-clo11 n 11:-.l ,.f 2~ :q>pl1v;i11t -. lor ;1ppn1111 rll ('l1 l 111 thv 11 111l'lllhl'I' \_''.\L'Clll ll.l' f'!>tllllll\lt'V 1h~1t 1111! 1't•1·on1nH'nd pr1ur1l1t•:-. 1111 t h e :-p1.·1Hli ng 11f tlH· l1•dt•r;il fund:-,\hu111 .)Ll 111111 11111 1:-. a1·;1J[;1hlt.• tu t!u· l'll,1 lhr11u •.:h lht· 191 1 ('1Hllt1l l1Jlll .1' [)t•\'l•IOJlfllL'lll .\\'l "\'1.•r ;1 :-1.'\ .'enr p1·r1ud '!'hi' prog r:ttn 1:-11111·111it·d \11 Jtll jlf(l\"L' thl' Iii Ill).! L'tll1dl\lf111S ,,j l\L'Opll· \I 1th llHldL·r;itt• ur !11\\ Ill «111111•-. 'l'h1• l'l'l':-1·111 111.111 l'.ill .. l'llllllll!!IL'I' \" • 1)1 1...,l ~I "I lllllt' 1'1 "•< rll'll\ .... j •\11 ,.., l>tll' pL11\1ll!l".; t'U!ll !lll-.-.llHll'I ;ind lllH' \'<1lll1''il 111.lll 1~111 {'1\1 '1.in .1:..:vr 1:r1·<i :-.or .... d1,d -.1 1 ;.:g~·:-.tl'd th.o1l h1·1·,,111 1 t'IJ Ill.I.I \\,lll\ \hl' l'l1J\lll1111L'l' !ti :">l'l'\t' .1-. .l -.11···1·111 ;.: ('1•1111!1111l't' \\llh .11\ 111 ... 1.•111 ,1111111 g ,qi1d11'.lli l • \\111\..111 :.:1111 -.11!\('11rll]lll\t l'l'" lil\,j \ I " '!'ud.o ,I \l ,1 1•>1 ll•dll'll \\11 ~1111 ··nd1\r ~t'd tl11:-IHll1t111. :-,1 \ll L 11 .. 11 f'rum Pngt• .·\I F'ffiE. • • llca{_'h 's (;1111rd :O.l:1r1nt'r ·s :\lilt· 'l'h1· rn1L· 11f (~oast l!1,t.!h\\;1\ 1.•stahlish rnent:-11 :1..; h111lt 1n 111,- :-.a me 1\'0 1~· ;nul fl.1nlL':-rn,11···d thrnugh ;1 s harc·d ;1tl1l' ·"rh1s ":1s n()llung ,·on1p;1r~·d t•1 th ,1 1,·· nll-.1·r1ed l-"1L·ld.., tho· _le \\·elvr ;1:-hc 11orkl'd 1n qU;l!'[{'I';-. ;11 8-\~1 ('\\' \!!\It.St ··Jt rn ;1' h1· P•·1·nl.u1t•n1 111:1' .... tay het'•'. h,...,;i,.., 11 t' \\ \\ !' Ill' rcfl'l'" p.1 rll1 t o 11 <>11 I lo\1 a rd. 011 nt'r tif 11 h:ll 1.., l•·!l 111 \'i .... t<i Surpl11s ;\boul .ill th:d 1~ 1,,11 1nclurles ,t !t•11· n11·rl'h.1111"1' "an1plt•-., a Jll'\\ dt ·~\.; ;ind .! 1it·11 1 .. Jvph0nt• \\'1111 \1h11·h In d11 IJu..,1 I\<'!'>" lll spur1111 1~ ~qn.J .., .111 d •'.111 I .t" l"I' 11: I I I p ii I ~ \.'1l'ld:-thl' 11'1\'t•l(•t' .'\IH! J !1111 ;11 ·.I lhv h .1t'd\1 ar1• :i nd "11nr11 n i.: )!n11d., de;ill'r r e nt .. ·d thf' !It'\\'. :-111:il!1·1· -.ui!t• i"lll!l,\ 111 ":l\"I' l'l'lll \\hd1• f.1v 1 ng an 111H·1•r1 :unf11111 r•· .d i I I,, .q•pl1v.111l :-,II <' q11.1\Jll v•I \\ v dtJ l\upt· lt• ll:>L' l Ill' ll lllt:r:-. Ill -.Uh i'UtllilHllL'l' \\<lfk, Ill' Ill' 111.t.1 )1 ,1 \1.' :1 ill'rn.111.' ll\l'tllht·r . ..; !ur lhl· :-.11·i·r1n ;! 1·nn1n11l \t'l'. .. ht• :-.i id " 1 lh• -.1,1t I llrl'"t'lllt•d thl' l'Ol l!lt'i\ 111th .1 ]i .. t 1d :.1:! .q1pl1t";1nts eullerl 1 r,>111 1 Ill· ~7 1 plunt(·t·rs. ·ru..::s<la,\· 111 .-llt tl1 1• •'l•\1111 '\I inll'l'\'ll'Wed I ll ,·,1nd1d:1(1•-., ,11HI 1\dl i11te r\'1C'11 .1 11<1 1)1 ,·r \~ l'ln 1r:-.d :1.1 11i ght l 'l111 ·1 \d1 .11it·1• l '\:11 \11l·r .\rn11l<l I l:1111.1L1 nul1·d th.ii unC' l'J'lll'r\Oll 1ht' :-1.ill 11-.vil in p<1r111~ th1.· list \\.I" II ill•!ill'l" ll\!' .q1plll':tlll:-i h:td 111'!·11 1•r1•\ 1,,11..;!~ lll\ul\1•d lll t·it~ ~"'•'I lllll \'111 GETS SANITARY POST Appointee Albers Albers Gets Sa11itary Boarrl Post \\ 11 ii !1111 .!Ill'' ,\,_•l'•'l',il !H11 .. ti .I ll .I I .11 1!1~·11 ~\' f 0 <1:t ~I \ 0·ill1-J..1 /\,,.., l11'<'l)...,11•pn1n1 t•1 I t11 'Boo boo' In Mesa Surfaces 1\nulhl·r errur li\ ('u:.t,1 '.'ill·~a Ctty 11~-.p\'l'\lll''> IJ;1~ ;1g ;1111 t'l':>Ult · (-(\ 111 IJL1l'k top liL'lng 1:11111u:-lv ~1d of c•·11t1·n l 111 L':ir 1101'ts of ;qi;u t lllt'llt i•l'Ojl't't::; It ::--the SL'l'OIHI d1:-l·lo:.i1r<' ol ~111'1\ ,t Jlll"!:tk1• II\ l'l'l'L'll! \ll't•h:. and l'l:1 n11111g ( 0dr.11111:--.1o11i.·r· I I .I \\'ood l'L',t('\1•d ;u1grll\ 11 lil'JI he he.ire! :d1nu1 it :it :'llo1ntL1\ 111.l.'.ht 's l'Ollll1ll !->'>i1 )1l t\ll't'llllh '',\r1· lht•I'<' ,UI\ llllllL' Jllllll'l'l:- ~Oi tl g Ill lll ('11,..,t,1 l\\6~1 lit.ii ;Hl' J.:illtlg !11 !Jt' :O.l '!<'ll ~ Up "' Ii(' a :-ki•d l 11 .n111l11 · pl:in .... l'lll•ckt•d 11n :di pr1111·L·t.., 111 i<'I \ii<'ll l .tll h c!\L•ld:1ch lul' ('1\lllllll ,..,:O.l(lll•'I -. j'l .tlll1·d \\'tllia!n Hul•h1·llt· ,111 1•\v1·p\1on 1'1'1'11111 II\ ,dl1111 111111 '\!! ll:->l' ,1;-.ph;d\ l':tthl'I" tlJ;l!l 4't•lllt'llt \Ill· <ll·r c11 \'L'l'L'd 11arhi1i1-: 1111 t11n pr11 J «Vl:. \lit.dlLn.:..: .-d 111111 -. :11 1:11 ;1 ,1 1111 l~J:\V \\';ill:H't' .\\1' l 'q;-,[;1 ~!1 ·:-..1 . <111 urd1n:nh'l' r1·q11tl'I''-1,·1·1111·n1 '' hL·r1• park tllg t:-. l'• 1\ 1,_•1·1·d \'l :111n1nt: l)1rL'\'l11r \V1ll1 ;1rn \)unn L'\pl;u1h·d t h.ii 1111".1<'h t'.1:-1,_• lliL' ~t:llf h;nl f.1d1·d I•• il"lll'I' •ll l 1ilt' p\.1t1:-. lh~il .L"l'!i;i\I 11.1 ~ lti l1t• 11..,L·•I , and 1n:-p1 ·1 ·t111·:-. h.11l l.11l1·d (,1 :-.p11\ 1111· a:.ph;dl until 111·;11 I.' .dl 1 IH· \1111\:-> \\ l'l't' •'11!ll]\lt'\t••\ '!'\11 :-:!l'1 l<lll i<dld1\t'd ,I \ ,II l,lll("L' ).!1«1J11<·d II ,\' t\i,• 1•111 ,·,,11111 ii 1110 II l'L'k:-. <l .\!0 \ti ;i\111\\ ,1~ph,l[J lll\d1 !' 1·:1r purls 111 (IJ,· :!\\! u111l \lilt ('r,.,·k pr .. 11<'l'l 111 ·.11 l'.11il ,1r111d \\ 1'lll!L' aud :\L'\\ pol'l H•lUI«\ ;1rd ·rh:tl \ :11·i;:f1v1·, p.i ~:-.,·d I I \\,I" prutl'S\L'd h;.\ l 'u1111c1!111.1n lll•111 !{at·iti. \\ hu prt•d1c tvd 111.tl lhL' nil ;ind :..:.isnl1111· \11iu!d 111.1k1· ,t lilt '"·' 11f th.L' asphalt . <111d :-.1 1d ;illo\1111 ~ L''-('t·pl1 •ni.~ \\:1:-. un!.11r 1 .. 1111\\'I' huildl'r:-; ('it,\' .11tlL'S 1·L·J1t1/lL'J l•1 ll11 · pl.o!I lllll).! l'Ut1ltlll:-..-.!1lrl lllHI l!11·1't• h;1tJ hL'.t'rl .I f.tillll'l' ltl lhl' i111f1 il<11'\ll;..; u l thL' :1 p:1rln11·1\l (11·1111·«1-. h1·l\1l'Vll till' p\;11Hllll ~1:111d !iuiJd I Ilg dt• p.1 l'l tlll'll\-. 'l'h\· pl ,lll!l!ll".; dll't'\"lL'd !ht• :-,!,dl l\!11111\1 ..., ... 1,,11 1" ch1·1·h .ill n lht•1' ,tp,11llll<'lil .ind l~ll dull1 111ll!l1\ pl<1l1 '!'!· II\ l>l\\j~lt ''"' ,111d l•l r1·1111rl ]J.n·h l)L'\ 1•l1q•L·r l{11vlt\·lll' l"n111,·il n11l lit.it :is ,1 l'i·-.1dl ol pr l<'l' 'h,1J1 gl':-[]\l'l'l' i" 11\\[t• dlllt'l L'!ILt' h1·l\1t'l'l1 111•! l'n~r.., "I .1 :-.ph.il1 .ind Costa Mesan ,. Mr. Dem111er Burie d Today .\d•1lpl11• \)vn1111 .. 1· .• .i 1',,,.1.1 \ll•:-,,1 11 h11 dil'd \lund.i \ .1l thl' .1<!1' of :10 '':ts l;11d \•\ 1'1'~1 1'ul.1\ .d J',H·ifll' \'tl'\I' ~]t'l11PJ 1.il l '.11 k. ~t•11·purt l\1·:1l·h . \11· lll'!llilh'I' l11 1·d Ill I , I ' I 111. I \~l',ll'h h,·tt1l1' fll,,\ll\;; 111 I ,,:-,(,t \1,·:..1 .• ind h.td l),•v11 .1 rv..,1d1 111 .. 1 tlr<Hl~" l'un11!1 11 11 1:1 '•.!I ll ~· 1\·a s lJ<Jrn 111 l '11·1·1111 ... 101 ,1h1.1 111 \HK\ 11 v 1 .~ .... urv11··d !11 lt1, 1\ lit.' l·:l:-.1L'. h1 !:> :-ll11. H 11'h.1ril .. r "''"'Jlllrl li•·:il·h .111d h1 .. 1l.1ll '--.ht1·r, ,,r .., 1\.11 11,11 .1 l'.1 1\1."1. ·d l· .. ~1 .1 :'Ill'",[· ~;t.<l\dthil.l1tll \{1 ch.11d ,ind J\1·rh· 1 .. 1 ll1•1111111•1 .~ ''''l port l\1·.11·11 ,111d I 11111•· 1\11 il,!l'd .!l\d \.Ufl'll l'.1!11 ,111 P l (',1 -,\.1 \11 ·,,1 Ill' \\ .1 .. lht• !.ill11•1 Ill l.<11 "! \lt'l\I'\ ~ f'.LIH ,111 , .I i'11..,1.1 ,\]1 • ,, ,.,, 11· lv.1d1 '1 .1nd !11 -.1,,,., I•,,. 11. r l ' l ., I -.; (; r .i11d c.· ;1 n1 nn (" >1 lt·L'•·· ( 'r;1" !o1rd l lul!.Sp n1 ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT Tl>PO.-C""•I O•''' P•1~ ... ,~ .. ~"~"tom "°""' 1ht .... W\·Pr~n •\ P"D>1..,,..d Df "'°' 0r•"9< C....>t Publ•""'~'I (<>mg•~ f ~"9•' •I• Pd' hon• ~'" pubh,.,..., Mc)o><l•f lMOUQ~ Fr><!Of IO< (.o!.10 --.. "'•"'""" S.,••"· ..,,.~i.n(JIOf' {11<.o<h re"" 10," vouo~. 1'''"" ~·~~l•t.t<• v~ne. dfll! ~ O.,ach ,S<>~!h Cn•>I A "nqlo r~Of'dl ed1l10<> "pul>h•hod .,_.t"•t o" ,lfl<l ~u»<l•r-T"4' Pfll'<'~' gub•••h•'lQ Pldn! •\ o! Jtc) """" I>•• Strff!, Co>I• Me ••. (,11,!o•n•o 'f?.ol' Runaway Dog Back At Santa Ana Home lln1vHrd 1\:1)'. 1 11~1 inst:dling ,. ... mall v1 nrkshop·l.Jt't11r\ in 1ht-' rl' ;1r pnrt1on n f \"i:-l <1 Surplus :ind Inst h1 -> cnlir" :-1!!1 ·k and 1111·L·rl · tor.1·. a Ion~ 1\·Jth In ... !u•li" Sn1all s i~n.".I p;nnt.·d :11 rcgul;11· intcrl',ds ct!ong thP pl1 \1onU 11 ;,ill 1•r('('LL'd in frnnt of 1 ht> b11rr11·d ·O llt hu ... inf'ss ... tlllt•.-; t(•d;1 _1· tell t h•· !<JI,·,.; llf u t h er fornl4·r ll'11;111ls 111,• llo\,Lfd 1i11""fflt• (01l ... l.J ,\J,,,,,.J ~.11111.1 1 I Jl 1 .. y .. 11·l II ·· 1111 1 111: th .. 11r11·x1111 ·1·d 11,rn1 11j l<llt-. ]'.,t'll'I'. \I l\!l'h g o1•-, lhl'1 1ugh 1!17 7 .\llil'l's 11:1 .~ one of 1111· p1 •1-.<Jn:-\n ;1ppl1· !'or !he h,1,11 ·d "'"11 .<111'1' r'orlt'r r1 ·:-.if,!Tll'd 111 s .. p1··1:,1.1ll"r lit· 11a ... sl·l1·L·t e d 111 tl'11 1,1 111111 i.: hoard n11·n1h1•1':'. \'11rt1·i· 11 hu h :1s :1 lr:ulcr d i:- ,ilL'r ... hq1 11 .1 :-. lh1· t'h:t1l'rn :1n of th1· 11\'l' lll.UI IJ•\,lld \Jv )\;1d l1t•<"r1 it d1f1•1·t111' 11111· l '.!.·1:1. \1 a s tbt:' 11111 ..:L'"' ..,,.1'111g i~1.11·d n1crnber .tl\d 11.1 ... 1•l 1•<'l1•d IH :111o!l11'f' fn11r \\·,11 '!1 •!'111 l,1 .. 1'\.11\1111h1·1 Brown PtLSltes Medi-Cal Cut S,\CR1\!\l E:\·r1l 1\'l'J 1 1;0,, t:drnund (;. l!co"·11 .lr 1:-ordt•I'· 1ng up a dn:-.L' of tighlL'lli'd .iu:-.ll'l'l- 1,v for hfJspi1:i1:-. 111 h1 :-. 11r1 ·..,1·rq1· 1i;H1 !1) 1·u 11t.1111 :-.11ar1ng l'\1...,1:-. of t h1 · :\1 l•th ·l ·a I t'Url' pr1 ig r :1t11 Robert N. Wel?d Pr•"dil~I fNI """''""'' Jack R. Curley 'llo(P l>fP\<,.~! •"<! (,fno••• -~M,' Thomas Keev•I [d•IO• Thomas A. M urph inc Mo n•q•"<J EO•!"' Ch¥1e'-i H . Loo<, Ri chard P. Nill! "H"l"M Mal\oll9 ~Q EO•'<>" Cost.1 Mesa Offic e .U0"'"1!8••St<••t _..It•'"! A<H••~• P 0 So• 1\<IO fiU• Other Olli,es ~ &\IK7' llJl '°''"'P'>" lktu••••'~ LAf""" lleKh, 11k (,lo-<'• ~t,ttl "'-"'""'tOl'I &odf~ llf'\ hPK" l\<>.,,.,.,1 $9Cldle ... t~ IJ•ll•• 1HC1 U Po1 l>o.., •1 s.tn O••w F •~•·•·<> . TeMphont (7t4l M2·4121 Cl1:1. ·•led Advertlsinq 642·5618 6 )' .J ,\CKI E 11\':\tAS Ot I~ Oo>lf Puol M•ll :\ :-.l'l'li.',', ,.f 1111$.id\'l'llllll'l' .. ~l l'Ollllii1g !'run1 a runa1\';1y dog t•Jl dl·d h a ppd ,1· tod;.1y t'nr a c·os t .1 \le .. a "·on1:1n and her f:1Lhcr . "l 'n1 . ..,o happy 111· got lhl· dog 1):1('k . ~011 I hat n1,· mothC'r di .. ·d, th" do).! i ~ ,di rn,\· r'alhl'l' hus . 'l'hl· <11\\~· thll\:.i ht ' h:1d 111 l'OlllL' hot1l1 • Id 1\;1-. lh.11 d111.(., ;-.;i1 d .Ju ~\ll\l,1 H 1·1111 n . :.::~. ut' ~.'ll i 11a ti PI :1 L't · Shl' .... 1Hl ! he prohiL'm !'i beg-an .1.in . i 1L h,·n l\u<'k, an unliccn:;ed l.;1l!ol'ad11r Ht·1r1v\'l'r belongin ~ !11 hl•t' l.1th~-r ,\ll>t•I'~ {;l'llll',l', L'Sca p ed lriil11 the y ;.1rd o f Grouse's S :1nta .i\11a h o me <ind \\·:.:-. pi r k t'cl up lJ, .11 1 ;i111111al cun · lrol off1 C"1·r ;\·t r~. Bro1vn s:.11d ~he f'hcc kcd !ht· f)r :111gc ('oun\,\ 1\nimal S heller 111 (lr ;111gc l\\'i1'f' h e fore sh e ~riot t('d till' dog Sa1 ur<l;.1y . She sd id :-h l' v.i :i ... then told .Jerry A .v rc~. the anima l c·n n1rol of· ncer v.·ho pi<·krd ll)l lht· doj.!. h:.id to si11:n a r1·\eusc. Sht· .s;,ild her f;ilhl·r 11l,\:11n<'rl \hl' ~1gn<-1l tLr" ~1n11d<i .I n1u1·n l11g and prom lscd \I) p~·(·l1 :1 !'>1' .1 11t•l'.'11 SL' hut ('Otlidn ·r p1rk up the do).! uni d afll·r 1\ur\.. :.it I 30 p 111 . hul \\'ht·n h e .11·r1 \ (•d al till' -.l1elll'r. !ht' !In~ ltd:-~1•/lt' 'fhl·\ v.cr(' \qld t hl· dug h;,i.{I L.een adopt'. t.•d oul . I f1-.;11rf•d 11111·1· I \\'<I S l hf'rC the ii"\.' -.h•1tild h.011· hct·n ours. The rlut-:. tilt· t·lvrk :-.Hid. <·ould nu t be r1·l,•:1~l·d L\ 1lhuul .l1·rr1· ,\y rei;' \1r1tt"t1 1•vrn11 ..... 1"11 .· Mrn\1 n ~.11 d ;\I 1· s . :-;1i1• -....11.i ..,h(·[lt•r 11ffll'1:d s !old ill'! ! h1 ·.v «.111,•d I hp n1·1v ""'nt·r hut llJ,1\ h» d 1d11 I 11;u1t fll !.'J\'(' l!Jl !hf' d··:: .\11 ·.., 1~11 111 11 ~;i1d "lil' lll1•11 eon t a t'l1·d 1-\1\11 .J11ncs. :111 l'Xi.:'l'Utive :ndt• t•l J.'11lh U1 ~1r1cl Supervisor Thon1:1-. l {ilt·~· .. h•nc·s s a1rl 1orla v he had "Pnki·n 111lh l lr \V .l i. D1l·tcr1chri11't•ctor (11 tla· ()r::1nge (.'nu nl y \' t¥er1n:1 ry flub\ ic' I lea I th lliv1 :-.1011 . ,,·h11 prun11...;0d to r heck on !hP rn<1ltt'I'. .·\pparcn tl~· hi:-. <'hl·C'king got re- :-.ul t.-. :\!rs l1rn1vn s aid ~ht' !'Pccived a lt•lf'phont• c?nl ;1t :1bour 11 ;.i .01 . to" da y from the 11('\\' owner . v.·ho s<-11 d he had been phoned b\.' the "head h oncho '' :n1d asked i n re- turn I ht• d og , She s ;.iid the O\\'Jlcr told her h<1d been tnl d tha t ''the d og W:l!i his :Jnd n ot 10 worrv <1 bout it" 1\'hen h e 1 nqu1r~d ·a bout the o\l'n C'r s bf'fQt'(' adopting it. 'fhc man told i\'lr s. llrov.·n he 1\·ould lie happ,v to hrinR the clo~ 1n 10 the sheltt'r for h<'r t o pick it 11µ. I ··,)a('k·s !l air 1::1:-.h ion" :\!l11 ;d 1-t t>nllL·y ·s. 2:100 ll :1rl1111· J•,!-1 · It\ I I . "\'i.'>1 a l ~artll•r._· !{;dph 1H1\\ ,11 ('111 l(1lt• ltarhl'I' Shn1• :-"1x '.t!l90 ··r.:.t:t·:I' c>t ··r " ./1 gg:-, lo r1 11t·r·l,\ 11f .lt gg~ J)1nl'r. h:i s ;q1p:1 l'L'll!l~ 11 ·11 111 .. cornl'il lit•l'I ;ind 1·,1bh.1gv lni:-1 ne)'.s 1\·ithout IC'<•\ 1n~ :i forv.·:1rd ing addrC'ss "lie got his ins11rant't•n101H:.1 and he's long gnnt• ... s:1\':-. 1:1l'ld:-. thc j w elL•r . v.·hudidn 't knn1~· .Jigg:. because he ran a b r:111d·nl'1l hu:-1 ness and l'~ields had bct•11 thl'l'l ' 1~1 years . Insurance ques ti ons ti:i1·cnnt yet. heeo e ntirel;.• ,a nS\l'l'l'i'fl. S<t ,\ Fields and llo"·ard. ronet'din,I! .Ji ~l'!S the cafC' O\\•ncr "':1s 1h('I1rs L to obtain his scttlt:n1enl. ~lo"•ard has ;i n appointn1C'nt 111 di!it'USS it \Vith hi:-. (';1r r1cl':- Thursday "I lost ever;.1th1ng I had. all 1·,.c "'orkecl for HI! n1;.· life." llf' rnuscd ··1·<1"'nrke<l111 th~·ri· four solid YL-.a r :-;, seven days ;1 \\'f't'k .d 110 snlurv and I 1usl ho1't'0\1 l'd S2jj~.·~·11ticerl tH1I\ nt'1 1•1· l1 l' fihish ed s pe aking thi1t. llo,vnrd 's hands were s haking. • < ~ ;\\,·1nl1"1" 1>1 th1· h11;1rd 111L·•·I on - "'' .i n1<111\ ll :ind arL' paid $:10 a lll\'t'l Ill ~ .. ,\nd . lh:ll 1s :i n1;.q11 r !'l'!•)!'tll .. ·fforl. · · hL' told a llL'I\ .... 1'<Jl1 · f1.•rt:nce 'J'ue:;cl ;;1y t3ro"'" annotitH't·d hL' ~O•lll ''ill d1r1·1.:t .idnpll!1!1 of :1 lit'\\' !'urn111l.1 f1)1· (.l ~L _\"1 1\Clll. 111 lllp.il l t'l\I hospit :d ~ ('tl ... l s unilL"r .\It'd! {',J[ !11 :.it "·ill pro1·itle lh('tn \1Hh :111111 · i·r·e;is(.• llt'Xl ,\'l'<ll' ilf 11) p1·r~'l'tll lor 1 11f1 ~1lion Triple Tragedy So11 Axes Parents, Kills Self 'J(Jl ':"1",.\l:\S l l1f<:. N.J . (t\[l) ~A Xcw \'()rk C it y hank \it·•· pff•s1r11·n1 ;111d hi" \1 ife \\•ere found <ixed to d e ath toda.\. a ppa1·cnl · I\ killl.'il h.v th1·1r l'."1·y(';.11··old son \\'ho c limbed a !50·fuo! \\·at1't' 11111 !'I' '1'11t':-d:1 .1·, :-Ja ..,hcd hr.i \\'ris ts and then junlPl'd to hi." dL'ath, poltt·(' ~aid l)1il1rr ,.;;11.I 1hcv fnunrl the bort1es of Thon1as S.ind('l'S. 48. ;i \ll't' pt't',"l itl1'nl nfth(· l·"i rs t i\u1lon:.il Cit,\' !lank ln i\'l<inhutl:in. and IJj ..; \\'J(1• .l <tllic•t'. •I I, ill their h0111C afte r the bod,\/ of lht'i t' ~O il \o r ('gg \I .1 ~ 1dL·t1t1(i1·d 1-.1rl .1 lnd .1,1 . \11 1hnrit11·,.; ,.;;1id thi• hoy·~ hody \1";1 s~Cuund II,\' 1110 ~·oulhs :1110111 11 11 111 . 1'11t•:-.di 1 ~· :11 th1· b;1sc of thl:' 1\'Hler 10 \\L'r ;ll \\'idt·hun~ f(1 •..,1•I'\ a1 11111 . :1 houl 1t11 •·1Mhlh o( ;1 n1i\e fronl hifi hollll' \ nnlL' ~ii(nerl by the boy indicate d ht• kil\t'<l hi~ pnr1·n1:. ! .. ·( ,t 11 !->t' ht· \\a)'.n 'I ~ett111g a long 11 ith th1.•n1 . Si:t. J<.:U\\ ;ircl lla:-.kins ul 1111· ~1ii11111.i111s1 cll.' p1~l i1..·esald l'ol1tL' fo und S<indc r s lying on the kitclu:n rlour \\·ith the ux lodged in h is head . Mrs. Sanders was ro und in the dining roo1n. I .. I I I 11 .. l I f I • I I \ ' I' • DAILY PII:..pT EDITORIAL P A.GE Zoning Confusion Al.Juul :.1 year ago some llC\V industri a l zo ne!'.> \.Verc adopted in Costa Mesa. 'fhc i11tcntio11 w<1 s grHJ{l : to iJL•tler 1dent1fy indus tria l areas ~tnd cstahlis h l'lear l'r t'1>11L rols (lht' study foll0\\1C'd a chen1 1l'al plunl cxph1sion) and tu resol ve CC)nfli c t s caused h v a n1ixtu r (' nf uses in the south\vest of t)\c city J>Jrtic.ularly 'l'he ne\V zr1ne s e:1llt·d for ;\!(; (g ('11er~1! manufat'luring). 1\11 . (l1n1it t•d 1n;11tuf:.ictur1ng 1 :.ind 1Vll) (m<.1nuf:.i cturing parks) to rl·plaCL' !ht• lt·ss specific I\!11 :ind 1\1 ~ dt·slg11~1tions 'l'hL' ~vi I' 1.onl' ha:-. been , .. ·cicon1cd . but not 1-IH.' 1)l ht·r:-. l nfl11 s t r i:1 li ~t s h:.i\·t h i'l'll d1.-.sa11 s f1l·cl \\Ith i;1n ything lt•ss th;in !\J(; t\p:crt n1t•nt rl•s1dcnt~ :.ind hon1<•<l \Vlll'rs h ;i\'l' puslu·d l'or r11nrt· !\11 . zonC's So man.v p e upll' urt· c·on1pl.11111t1J,!. :-.onll'thin g 1nu~1 111· \\'r ong J<:it ht·r t h1• c<1111111un1c;1l1tHl li;i-., IJt·t·n p oor·. 01 the zonL·s arl' 1n;Ldt·quatt·. ('1 1unc1ln11·n ;ind 1)l~1 1111111g 1"i>ri11111:-.;-.1 t1tll·r .... ;i1•1· going lo t;1kc ;1nolht·r l11(1k :t l !ht• 1.olit'S . In dt11ng s o. tht•.\ s hould n11t. Jo ~c :-iigt)t. ol" lht• 1nit.ial it1lt•11tiot1 lO t:h .. •a J' up a n1css result in;..: f"run1 ;1 bad n 11xi 111't• nf H "t'::>. 'l'llt· ne\v 1.011cs n1a.\' 11t ·td Lt) IJ\" 1noil d1vd . l1ul :")hould not IH· scrapped Noise Sta11dards r\ st ale r equ1r1·1111.:nl l"or ~ ru 11s(' t'lcn1t•nt lo bl' lneor11nralc d into !ht• city':-. gl'ut·r;.ll plan is hl•ln;.! n cglcl'l ed in ('osta i\il t•s;.1 'l'hc l'U lllll'li \\'as t o ld th:tl ~1 ~5.000 s tud)-\\·ould have ltl l>c madt· t n d t:\'t'IOJJ noise st;1ncla 1·d s that l'Ou]d be ap1>li1·d \Vhcnc\'c r a n1 u l ti ·rcs id t•n t ial pr1)jcct. is built. Sonic c·1Junciln1c n h;Jlkcd al the ex pens e and J>Os lur('d indig nanc.:c ;Jt thl' sl all' te ll in g lhl' L"i l y whal to do. ()t.hc r .s <tucst ioncd \vheth er th v study ~vou ld he effeclt\"l'. ;ind ~t.1 id il ,,·o uld inc rl'as-e building l'Ost :-.. and there fo re rents . 'f')\u:-., the propo.s al ,,·as ,,·ithdra,,·n from th1: ager1d a . Such t1rav:.id o may be g ood for lt1e counl'1l111:..11111· s t11d , hul ii n1~1k es little Sf'11se -In L975 the Unifor1n li ltllding Cut.J c v.•il1 re<1uire that n oise effec:t >1 be plcinnt•cl for 111 nc'v projects . Witho ut n11i sl' st<.indard:; at h llnd ~ind po te ntial prol>lc1n areas ide ntified . the city will havl· t<) r c<1t4rc pil'Cl·m eal ac(1us tical :..in ;tl ysis fnr each J>rnject . 'J'hi.'j :..i ppro:it·h does n ol lc11<1 it:-.C'lf to good pl anning . It seen1 s c ll';1r t hat tht• reta t1\1 el_v 111odt•:-i t 1nvestrnt•n t Lil ;.i noise study \Vou\d p r ovitl e a tiseful too~ for lht· s taff i n ge11 ('1 ·~d pl;..1n1 ung and evalu<.1ting -;p t·<·1r1t· pr11.1L·ct s I! (·t·rt;iinl v 1s :t 111:111l'l" \\h1ch :-.huuld ht.• \t1IL·d upon :i11d not ll.'ft l(J dil' fr11n1 1n:1t't 1011 Good Guys (;ood (;t1:.· (._'1t;l!ion~ h :t\"(' i>een is~ucd lo thl'el' rnore young p t•npll· \\"hn d idn 't lt1rn lhf'il' h ;1('k!-i. hut <'hose lo llt·t·o1n1· invol ved 111 s 1tuatuu1 s \\lit·rc tht·\ ('nuld hC'IJ> ('os t ;1!\1t:s:..i 1w1licc . · ,lefft·1·y l)il lion. 12. provided inforn1at1on on :1 ht!·and -run accident anti 1>t1s itivc idl•ntifi c;1tiiJ n of l\\O s us pe1·t s \Vho \VC'rt• th en arrestee!. !{1t a ()hlg·rcn. 19. a nd Oc b1)r:1h \'inl't'lll . 18, 1t11t l'~sen li;il ly th(' S<1111e thing, except the n1ntori s t 1n vol \'l•d \\'hi..'11 his c0:1r hit ;1 house ditl not t1·.\-to flt•t' I he SCl'llC '!'he {.;ot)<I (;11~'i l ;.1 tion prog r a n1 s1>on sored liy the ('c>st<:1 l\.lcsa Nc)rt h l<\.i\v<1nis C lul> l<.1 kcs t h e rec 1p11~nt s to lunch <.ind presen t s thl'fll v.:ilh SIU each , coll eel ed h ~ gag fines 1rnpused on m eml_)(_.!r s '!'he K i\vanians aren·t pa\'1ng kicls to be ~uod c itize ns, ju s t r eC'og n lzing t he tact th at 1h ev a lreadv . . . c arc r---, I ' ~~~ L.ASf Yf,..,_ 1~1c; I VfMl(Lf. Pf.lt'.t ~ .:ts,1 ~z lf'l TAYE S p1U $ fl.7, "33 ; (ON6RES"'S JOf1N';_!-~ C:O NlR1 61.l o I____ " l !@·~~-~I . . .. I ' .;.· ~ I ,,_. When Legal Verbosity Backfires D ear Gloo1ny Gus Volunteer Army • m Germany (SYDNEY HARRIS ) Spl"Jk1ng u( l:1 \\ 1'<•rs_ :i:-J 11 ;i.., 111t pa..;'".ingl !ht• i1th;·r d :11 _ 1'1• rni ndt·tl rn t' .,f th(• p r t•(·i·d ,·nt ·h;1ttf'ring :1et1ifl\ t;1k1·n 1)1 1J ,.· l S ~ll p1·1 ·n 1t• (0(11Lrt l:L~t n1ont h 11 ht•n ii r1·f't1 :-.t·d 1'1 :H"!'(•p! ,1 hr11 ·f f1lj•d hy :1 11 ,d111r111 ·1 1u ·1•;u1..,,. 1! 11,1 .... t1•t1l••ll;.' I rH ·11·1' thot1 ~ht 1!11· d ;11 111>1ild ·;~·· '1 l!t' \\ hl'n 1,·g·;i I I (•r"hu . .;11 y II 111dd IJ,. ,.ff1(•iaJ l 1 r··h11 k•·d ti 1 1h·· )11;~h c•..,1i·n11r1'10 thC' I.ind 1!1.1 .1 p p .. rt·ntl.1 t '\•'!\ lht• 111d i.;1·:-h ... 1• ti .Id l I 11 IJ 1 fl h c• f" 1• \I I I Ii 1' I l't'!l Ill ]111· I J! I HI \ (n :1 1t·r.,1· 11ftli·r _ 1h" , '>1111 t 11r/H'd h,n·J, " "hrrt"t'. fr.,n1 tt11· 1ir·o:-1·r-1111n;..: . .i 1u r n1•1 rd 1\ll· 11 ("011nt.1· 111 !lh10 . !rir l;1d1ng 1 .. 1't1 tnpl1 111!11 r'11l1 'S '"'"illl!'ln).! (•1111 1·1 ... 1•nt'"" ,\.., f :n· :1:-. 1·11i1r1 ti1 ~ f.,1·i;1n-. 1'.111 d 1g hat·k . 1t11 .... i:-!lH · J 1 r~t 1Hll« 111 lii-.l!11·1 ttu· r11I,• 11! 1 •nnt·1.~1·n1·-.. ... h .'1.., h<·1 ·i 1 in1"kl'd :11 1h1s lnl\1 lt·11·l •d 111r1.-.p1·1u l1 ·111·1• '1'111·: J•l(()~J ;('I "l'llll'S ·hr11 ·f 11,1 ~ n1or1· lh;in 1110 p.1i.:•'' 11111 !." '.\I th ;111 :l)>]!('IHll\ iii i .. -1IH I :-.1 111 p hut ngr :qih ~ :1 11 ,11·l11·d 1 .. :111 .1t· ,·,,n1p;_1ri~ 111 ).' .-.t.1\1·1n1·nt ul' rnqr1· tha n ~1nn p:1 ~•'""-1'l'h1• :111·r;1c1· l •ru·f 1~ 11 ... 11:ill~ "'ll' p;1:.:1· 11 ( qlH'' 11011 -.. f1 . .!!011 ••d h~ fu ur q1 ' f11 • p :1µt·:-ot /:1c1 .., :111d .in .. rg11n1 t·t1I uf 1·, "f' C11 p :l !.!t'" ;it !ht' ltl""1 ' It ,., 11n11 1c:1I 1h;1t 111·· 11111d l11i1'1 I ' -.!ill :1 lt ;1<"lh·d !<J •,111·ll .I 1 1·~;1[ 1•l1-.1d111;· 1,1h1cli li .i 1 .. ·i·,.111•· .i111 tt\111 1• 11111 h r1 .. r :111d ...... l.!"ll• !1 <>Ill .1 'llltll!l.11 I "I .iJo~fl .H 'I 1,j .I < ·'"" (., d•11il\l1• tl1·1·h.· t 111•1 ··1 ... 111 · 1.nn): II 111d1·d111·... 1 ... 111 l!I \J1·r ..,t111 .. rl(I 111 p11111 ,,,.,,P1 ... 111 111 -111 aln1u-.1 ;11 1 .1 11 .il .Jr· 11.111 1•1 ;ii IHl'l\<',I" ()!11 · ~·f !h1· 1>J11t·;-.I J~1 Lll :l1 Jve:il ... 11.r·11·-. 1111 .1\v1·-. :1 l•t>l''-1•11 11ho 11 :1-. pr·t·-.1•n1 :it ;1 -.1111n;.! ol lhC' I 'o1ur! 11! :--,, • ..,.,11111-. 1n I .ond1>n, p1d l'1·!1or•n1•d I !Ii· in !!\•_· ,flv1· IJ1fi'l'l"l"lil ,qq>11J,1(·J1t·.., ill 1r;1!lllrll.! \11\ltl ;.!~lt'I':-> I•> !1(' !;111· .dJltll;lJ.: ')";11,!' :1 11<·11 i>lk(' !11 ('u ..,t,1 .,J .... 1 ]Hdlt'l" !<>I llCt '!l;.111~ ,1 11d lilt•\ "II tt;"ll 1uu 1;~·1 ~our 11'1'<' lil'~'ll"•" ,il ,1111 l1r" -.1;1 i1 (111 \ 1 '.\"1·11 purl H('.11·11 rt11 ·1 i.·ll .11111 , -11 ·., :1 hul·k .111d " ll:ill :.ind 11 l' tt .. n ·1 11.<lt" ;1111 1n;1\h•' 1tC-\1 11)1111 1 h I·' I' i 1 GIPO"'Y G"• co ......... h ••• •11l>m1n1t4t1y re•dtr• """de nol "''el>of<ih r.tM<:I tho' ·~"'' .. Ille new•P•,..•. Sel'tll \'OUt l>'l'1 ,.. •• to G•oo"'r Gu•. O•llY Pilol ll!/'lt\ I•' I 1nJI ! h o· -...11111· 1 .1..,,. ;.t1 I I 11n .i nd thf· i.an11' l1:1rr1-..11·1 ;.!ill l ;d k. l!I).! Ill-: Hl·:)l ,\Hh.l·'.I) Ill l.111'd .l11 ... t11·1· t '1 1ckb111n ·~ur1 •I ,\ h1 · .... 11;1 ... 11nt.: .1 ~r··.il tl1·:d nf !11111· ·r 1n1r·'' I h 1· 1u 1·1..,1 re p li1·d 'l ,on;,! :1 :'0 h :1.., 111· 1·xh :1u ;.!1·il 11rnl' \111\ h,. 1-.. v111·rn;11·hin!.! lll' r1 n 1•1•·r1111.1 11·.., il.-[1 ".:ll!lul 11 1 •'11 11·!'1l"."1t1 h:1ckf11·,.~ 1111 11 -.. .. lf :1. ... 11did11ht"11 l'r1· ... 1clt"n! F1.111k.l111 ll f\,,,1 ... l·1t·l1 II :1-. ,I \ llllll ~ l.111 I i•f' l\l ~( )-!1•(1 It\)-' -.1:1r11·d . ;111d 11 "" 11 ·t.11 n1 ·d 1" h:in dll' :1 !O(l;.'.li C'll i\ l'.l"t' 'J'bt• llJ!l!l'" till.! 1:111'1 ,.I' 11 ,1-.. ,11\ 1·fh'l·t11 1• 1ur·1 plt·:1dvr' 11'1!<1 lli1 . .; 111111• 111;nl<' lh·,. f/ll.<I r11i..,l :1 h.r · rd "r;illll"! !'1•r "('\ i•r;il l\!IUI"'- \.., h i~ lo)'j•"!l l•ll1 dl'<•llo'll <>11 l\"""l'I I'll nPI l1'1'd tl\;1\ Ill~· llll \ l';L'tl 1 p.lllllL' 111\lt'h .illt"l11H•IO \\'h1·11 !11:-\IJl'll (',ilTll' IJ,. 1'11"" .111d 1•\!d1 'lll"' '"II 11 :11 1• .iJ -.IJ h ;.l•"fl•",j In 11!,I d1 -..!111 C:lll ")\\•d ('111\1·;1:.;111· ,+ l1r1ll1 .11 1 "1"""' rt 11•11 h1·l11 •1 • l11n1 .ind d 1-..h•·l11>1 •'111<• I'\ 1d1 111 ·. 111'1 11iil fi.111 • 111 il1ollh' Ill 111 ,,\.,I ff..i! -...1111 h,1\• 1 <1 ~.01 I ti.· 1111 \ \\ ,, ... IHJ! 1111 11 ...... 111 Ill 111 111111u1r -. .• nil .. 1.ol1·l11ll\ lil<IU~!ht Ill ,1 \+•1d11l 11>1' 1!1'0"•'1t'l1 ~ c·l11•nt :--.u 11nt1ld 1ht• ~11pr'1·nH' l '0111"! th+..,,. d.1 1 ~ All Is Not Gold. • • \VA .S l-l l NG l'U'\ '\"ith 1hl' l 'nited ~t at<'~ npt•ni11;.' 1!:' f!1ll d 1 :11111.., I" "I"'' 11l,\:or-. 111 1c lligent1• rl'purt .s l\'arn lh :1 t 111 lcr nation:..1l rifl1~s ;11 ·tc· d1.,·d1ng,, 1n 1·ou nt e rft•it g o ld 'f hc r e p o r1 s t el l of r111111t t·rft..:ll ing·smugglirlg operalions nut o! Beirut :ind 1\·t ~1rsc illcs. v.·ith cnn. n t?cli on s l'l'aching dee p intu South Amc ri c;1. ~ Gold bullion has bet~n «oun· tcrfeite<l. ;:a c cording to th<' re· ports. by dri lling out. the centt·r.s of 24·karat bars and f illing lht•n1 v.·ith lov.·er.g rade, l·l·kar:..it gold or with even chf'aper 1l1 ngstcn. IN SOUTll t\1\-1 l::RJC,\. official ~\I' is-; 1n a r k L n g~ h :.1 \"f' h1·1·n t' h~1·cr· ly forg:c d on t ht• t'ill11l'rl'l'il hu r" '."01ne nf t.hcs1· phouy b<..11· ..... it 1~ hclicvt:d. ha\'\' IJt:cn s m11gg!1.·d in to th~t.:n i t~tl St:..i lc s. Bu the n1ain smuggling center is B ~-ul . an airline hub with loose ntrols over gold ~h i p· m e nts . he sn1u gglcrs reported- ly have been_ able to sneak the counterfeit bullion aboard planes riying to d est inations all ovtr the world. Beirut gold dt>a \ers are a lso do· ing a big business in counte rfeit coins. Valuable coi ns no lon~er in (JACK ANDERSON) 1·1reulalH1n art· co11nt t·r·ft•1tl'cl ti~ c lever rra fts n1f•n 1\·ho, und vr Leban e~e 1<1"'. dnn 't <'\'f'll risk prosecution if the (·oins conl :1 1n the' proper ::i m o uni of J..:(11!1 SOME of' the.se t'fH 11111·rf1·1t gol d coi ns. :i c corch n ~ lo ou1· sources. already have .start ed m o vi ng into th~ U11il(•<].Stat 1·s ,\mf'r ica ns b uy ing ruins and bullion. meanwhi le . n1ay h'ar11 the hrird \v a.v that a ll thll! gl i tt1.·r~ is n 't 2·1·karal gold . F'ootnot 43 : Swiss rl'fill('1;~·s ar1· close to perfe cting an elect ron i<' d e vi ce, whicb t:nn a ssess !hf' gold purity of bullion . The bars a r c ca refully \\'Ci g hf'<I. mt:anwhill', on digil::il read·Ollt .sealt•s. Thcsl' \\"Ould quic k ly dct1!cl gold-pl:1t ccl t1111i:i .stl'll h <11'S. 1111\ the har .... Jlllerl v.·ith chcnp('r g old nre nlor1· dif ricult to d e tect After lht· ln1,· g rade gold is pourC'rl i.'1to the h t1r, it hardens and somct 1mPs lt'a vt's an identa tion :it lh<' o pening Gold bars \\'ilh dents, thl·rc•forf'. n1 ay be rej£'<'1ed. ·ruth·· l·:d11." i\l ,1 1\11<' :111d \'11·d /H•l~k 1 ',., :->1ol',\ 111 :.our µ;ipt•r ;1 hoi u1 "(; 1:-.. 111 1;crn1an:. It w:i:- 111 1!l11t·h 11l1t·rc:-1 Ill 11,., ;_1:-\\t' h ;11I ... p,·nt :1 11 ,.,.1-; 111 I ;l'r nwny l ;1 ~l .\111..'.l;;-.( lol' tl1t· IHll']lOS(' of Ill !l'l'I 11·\1111 ;.: rn1·111 l)l'l"S" of uur \'ulllfll\'t'I' \1'111Y 1\i ()l ,.\J{) ror ,I !"llu11 l!Jl lu ;1 -..\111',\ th ;1! \\l ' \\'f't1!t• .. hu11l \'fH . .-\1! 1n 1•arl1· J!J';-2 \\'L' h"l,)1' lti.11 .1 1111 .1· \1·ill l 0 )l• f'uu1Hl \4• ... uv«1·,.,_,111ll1 11i1hdr;111 1h1· ·11 vd ~l· 1 ll:it 11 1111! .Si1,v-. h;i~ b1•1•n dl'!ll'll ),,·\lll"\'ll ttH• (;t'l'rtl ;Lll Jh'I+ pl1· :ind lhl' \r11vru·:1n ,., '.,1•1 .., 11·11l!•nd1,•1, 111111'' u l 11-. ll.1\ ,. Ji.1/1 " ).!t"t •.11 (h•:-.1r1· tu he 111 J·)J!'"P'' Ill ,I .... \'!'\ ICt•n1;1n "s II!\ !l"f"lll d111·111;.' 1), .. Pl'l'IOd ,.._ltlt'I' l't•.111 IL11 t1 .. 1 l !1l!. t" this pr1· -.1·111 litllt' .\111-..1 dr.i!lo·t·S of lhl' I ~t'('l i!);d l1tl1 \r1n\ .1nd 1n1·n <H \''JI.,\ H h ;11" 11111 11 ;111!1«1 lo he 111 (:l'r1n:111.1 ;111<'1 \ t·: ]1.i ~ 11 11.1 .. !ht• l;t'l'lll.•rl l"'ill•lt· :1 11d II\\' (;1·r111.111 ,\r1111 •ll \\'"rld \\'ur II ll1:JI (';1u.-.1•d !ho' <"ll '{'llll \Sl:llH'<"" !l1 :1t 11L1d1 • 11 1 1<·1·1·.-...-.;ir~ fu 1• 11;. 1 .. he 1 lh •rt· l"l"S f't)S~ll~l .I·: 111 ;.d ll11d1 .1 l),i]l\1' "' (;o •f"l!\,!li.\ I\;!~ 11 111 111 :1d~· .111 .111· !ll.1\ 1111• 1!1\llS ol 11111· l S .\r11 1.1 , 1''.ur11p1· 1 l 'S ,\I·:! H 1 .irt· ;-.\;1 !1n111•d llil'I\' h .1 r1·q110•,.,1 1.( Ilic \\ t•:-1 <:1:rni.1n 1!01 , r111n l·11\ I •u1' tl'(nq1 ... :1r1· 1n;1nn11\).! t1b:-1·r\ ·' llo!l P•J~t " ,1!'!1\nred l'V>!llll!'lll:- .11\d 11.-,1 11 ;.! hcl1l'"l'll'l. ;111d Jt:t'P p:11r,.1.., :ii !h<· h•l!dt•r in rull \h_'\\ 11 lh1· !·'..1 c-! (;..:rn1 ;1 n .-\r111~ Ht11·d,•1 t'.,1111n.111d . !·~;1 ..,t i;l·r1n;111 ,\rrn; :n id S•)1'1t•l F 1)J't'l'Z-f11r th•· :•11 11'"~•· ,11 d1 ·1t·1 r111i..: llh·n1 d11r111 ;; I'' ' . I < ·' • 1 J 11 l • • )ll 111l" ('l•'l\1 •d •l•·l1·11u1.1t1•111 •Ii 1'1ll1t1< ii 1.·l.1(1 .. n-. 1111 1 tl\1'!1 ,.1·v 11 11 llH'I !•'-·l "''ll~illl ·· 1it1' ill'l\'1"111)~ .1111 1•1•1 •h·I" I 1'11..,...,1111.! 11 1 .II lll!•d l"ll•"lll\lol:111111111\ll1t·\\,11 ·.1\\ l',11 I [11 lh1· 1'\\'ll\ 11! ..,Ht'll ,111 ,i\ l.11 \, ii -o)lll" !ll«ll 1111" lll\J,-..1 \i•ll 11110 '( !1 1• 111 1!1 ,11 11·111,I lllH ' ii1 ' I ' I\ ... \' , l/Lidl \\l<>lt• 1)1,,J ,iiHHll lllt' l!l!ll' 11i.11 \l\1 ' i:1•!'tn .. n !n1 r..:h1·1 .-. .,11 dn11 I\ tu d1r11u·1· l:-··11'lll'll till' l••>~ ~ 11 <>111 ! 11<' ~!I\ 1111:1111 i·~ l"t l!ll<' d11\1 tl ll<llll l!h' J\111 [1~1k1 11 g ftH a li11li • 11111 \\ <' dP (l11! ('OIHhllll' llit• 1.ip1·.-... IJ ,•;1 l1n ).!. 1n11rd1·r ~. d,1111.11~" 1t• pn1p••1't,\. vlt· \\"1· 1:1d11 t pl.in 10 dr111· .1 11t•d 1~l' IH•l11 1't'll lht• 1\1111 ,1 .•1\d !h1· i:1·1·n 1:111 11t•opll' ·· ·i-tu• 111t·n 11'!1•f n1;1\ l1.1ll' 1·un111nl1vil lhn;.1• ('111~11•<; 111;11· l\;11·1· d olll' t/11• SiHlll" lhl!l ~ IH'l t' ~ll hnlllt'. I ~ lh•• f1g111·1· Hf :!li r;qH·:-1n :1 .11.·;1r f':\t't•p lion a l 11 ti1 i.:h in ;111 :tre:t 11'hl·rc 14i.000 1!1u11 g 1·Lr 1l1· ll"en:1gt'rS 11nd tlll'll .i r<· .;1 <1 t1nnl'd lll',tr 1volllL'll l\'ho do 11ql ... p('ak 1h\'lf 1.:111 ).!11;1;..:v"' \'t)l..\R 1.s 1\·ti rk111 i.: h:1rd l o l'll 1·•111r:1 g.1• ll s Oll'll ln ga111 Ol Ql't' l'lhJ('a1 1u11 a n(l l1':.1rn :i trad c "'hill' Ill \l\l' ~~'l"l'l('t•, r..t ;1n y 1l f t hPSl' llll'n tuld u . ...; l:Lsl 1\11g u :-I l h;1t \he~· du nul ti.1 1·t· au.Vlf)ing intl·rc!ling lo do 11 1111 11)('11' o f f dLity tin1<·. ;1\th1111g h 1h1'i1· SlllJ('l"l•ll'S ('\J i n11.•t\ olh<•r11'1Sl' l,('t'" llopt' th;it. lh<' l ;t'rtnan Pt">Pl l' C:1 11 d!'vclop rl't'l'l':ot 11111~1 I ar1':1:-and l)·p c s uf 1•ntcr1 ;1 111n1 t·nt lh;1\ \\'lJ\ild ~1 ppl':d tu Oll!' 1'1\l"ll so l h t1! tht',I L(JU\cl l'~ p1·nd lht·1r l'llt•ri:;il'~ :111tl tin1i;. ll rna y ht• :1 1\';1,v nf 1·lin1in ;i l111i;. \hP '·11~·d ~t·" ht•l.\\'t'f>ll 1 ht.:tll , !l 's true that lh t• 1\rn1): fH 'o n1olf's progr<Mnl s lu .. 111\'ol\ l' :-nldi1·rs 11·t h g rtat cr ~l'!-(ITI('nl.s 11f th(• <:t·1·1na11 pupul ut ion ·· I lo11'l'\';:r·. \I"(' did not SCL'. nor 1!1d 1\'t' hea1', oJ 1111.v progr an1.s pro- 111oll'd bv th(' (i t'1·m~n p1•opll· \11 1n,·1>ll(' (;1•rn1ans \Vi\h :1 g i"ca1cr Sl'gn1cn1 o f t he An1l•rica n 1\r n1y' ._ .lt\;\llO:S f: \'0 1:'.1.l\I , / t'lr!''·' lrru11 r1·ori1·1 ., o r'!' 11, /1·.,111" \1ir·111111/11 11 r1/l'r' ,/1n11/r/ ( •1111 •"11 //J,"/I •1 1•'\".\(I</"'. Ill ';//I/ 1/'tJf(/,~ "/' /1''·' '/ /i,· 1·111/./ /11 i·u11r/ .. 11,1• 1 .. 11,·r -. t.1 111 '/.)'/("(' ,,, ,•/1111h1·tr·· h/,,./ f\ ,,.,,.,.11''1 Ill It'""'·' 11111 ~/ 1111 /111/, ,1111111/11" IHHJ 1!/U///r/I/ 11tfr/r1'S.'i /,1,/ 1/</lli•'' l//Hl1 /ol' /1'11/1/i,·{i/ 0// lt'(/li<''-' i/ ''Jilli! 11 '111 r1.'(!.'iU/I /,'i 11/1/J!I ''"I/ / 'H•'/ 11/ 1111/ //• .f /,,. 1111l>/1sh o•1/ llic·••t11c•tr11i11I 1 .. 1hl· l·:il1 t111 St'\t'l',il ,\<'.II ... 1:.:11 I \\,I ' 11111-.1 1"1"11 111 ti\' Ill !11 •1 11 -1111· tol \h.11r111.111 1 d~·t1· ... 1 l!h· 1·l1-11r11•·r:-.. 11 1 I)! lh·· ! ' 1<•1111 1,11 4 111n1111ll1 ,. "I \I l"">.I ,1(\1/ i!l:... II IH'ii Ill( •"II \ ·,, .. 1,, lfUI 1.i.111~ \\\'11' l<JI ·'I" 1111 ,1 l\<'111\\<11'h.11\L'1 li1111..:, ii \Olli\\ ill • -.ll"ll• 1111~· 111 1'11 11ltll"lllll!'.ll<' 1111 " Hlh ~·Ill Pll I' .L!t'V.I\ ill ;-.lql"\ ('I l'lll Ht•;-.1•..:11111 L'. ,1.., I did "•\1111• 11111" .1;..:n. I li,11 \' ln-..1 ,di <'••Ill"' 1 11 Pll ! hl· :._:t'l'll \' ,...;l'l'lll .,: 1111 111<· ll<1li! p.1 '"•' 1_. .. 1 •"ll"l\111).'. ll1 .. t ll11·1 llllJ1k 11 1, I••" l:11v 1•1 dn 11 tl\1 ... 1v.•r ll l',ill1 \\'IJ;j( )1.11 o' lih',I !1,•1 11 d"i!I lo>I Ill() 1v,11·-. '1'l 1+•J'1• 111•11 • ~t1: 11 11111 l'dl;-.llH,!.1il'lll<'l"!-. l1<1' 11\t• 11 1·-.I I• ,II (I) th.· 11111·k-. !h•'Jt' \l .. l<' 1'l1·il ..:··~ tro111 111 ;111 ,1 tn.1n1 1n•11pl1 · 1 .. l1"ll' 11 1th ll11•i ·1•111t•r .\J1)lltl).: IOI! 1,1~1 \\,!]\( th.it ,J,11 I.. \\ • d1 I!\ I ll.1lll!ll«ll .IHl "'"ll I kn11\\ 1111,il lio· .. I i[l,1n :..· .11111111 . l·:\("ll"\'" ,di Iii•' 111!1•· lron1 111 .. -.1 •Ii 1!11 •111 \1 .. il t\1 1111111 , 1 I I ,,J I I 10 · 111 'J"1n1 h.id 1111 · ( ,·1111 11111 ,d 111 11 o·nd 111°'1 lh1• \\.II 1\1' 11l!••i l111qo \\'Iii ii 111111 dill\ j1.q1' I 1'1111• ,lllii l!\11 !l<'d 1111l Ill •'l "I ;11 ·1" J \ l"'"I ·i11 111111 ..:.I"! 'l)lt \••,11 .. 1>! : I 1'".1•1!11 !'.I'\ l'.J!I.\ t \H I•.\ 1:,.r1n··1 l 't1.11r111;111 ! '-'HI ' ol(' :\1 ('f••·•·•·s 'f o t h f' Editor A thous;1nd ('hl'l·r" l11r '1"11111 [~arley :ind h1.s :..iek nn"'l1·dg1nl·n1 of the tre n1t•ndou.s hou r~ uf \1'~1r k "'h ich i::o 1n1 0 the p 1·C'p:.ir:..il1011 fur ;1 ('tln('l'I'(. 111\1 ·\IJ!'r I! h1• 1·•11',tl \lt' ins lrun1t•nt :1! It l.s t•s t1 rn:1ted lh~1 \ e a c h l :·vi n1· 1\1 ;1 ~\1•r \hor;ol p m c mb•·r contr1b11 l t•s a rninimun1 of <10 hours pr(' paring for one t•on c('r! repl'rto1rl' {'fh1s rep1·est•nt:- ncarl.v ;,,fHIO h 11t1r.s toL.il for i!s 120 n1 t•mbers 1 '!'ht• c uln1 1nat1on llf oiir t•l'f0rl ~ to prcse nl t h e bes t 111 c:hnr:1I nius ir to <Jran}!e County v•i ll T\L'.X1 h<' heard on Marr h I 111hen \\'!' join rorccs with thr o uts tandin g San Dlego Youth S .vtnphnny In present Walton ·!; .. Fk·J sh az z<.tr '~ Feas t "" and V c•1·di 's "!<'ou r S;:1cr t•d Picct•.s . "' ·rhank.s a g ain to 1'om Rarlev. ,Jo ()Ison. and thv Daily J>itot.' for cnn s is l l'n1 ly Sup porting us! .. .I .\ N t 'N \I J-~ ll 'J' f 'n(•f .... t.i11«*11I.: ·ro lilt• l~d11or 1 'hl' p11'l"t' h~· <::il'y l ; r:1pv1ll1· 1111 Su nd;i y , .I.in S t iJJ1 d ··11011 11\nsh;i\\' :\l :iilL· II " 11·:,z.. l ht• lit·~1 ar'l lt'lt• I Ill' l'1lol tl,1:-t·\ t'I' dnnt· It t•111tnn1111«l lht• ki 11d nt t uu t-:11. i11\'l':-O li g;1t 1Vt' 14fl!t"l\;1!1 ..,n1 1)1\ l"VHll1~ 1 .-.~lh':-llJ:1t r1t'\l "ll.1\lt'1':- S houl(\ t·n gai.:t• 111 11 d id 110! s;1erif1e1• oh1t·t·t111l~ fur .1d \t1t"a(·:. It .s1n1pl,1 lt •! l hl· :-nrd1d f ;1C'l:o; ol l h 1.· lll n-.ll.11\ t'.1n1p,11l!n s p1 ·ak l111· t h1•111~1·!1 "" \ii "lll_I ht11~~· 1;. Ill.ii \Hll dtl ILoJ( 11·1 I lil' l""\lt' dt'Hp /ii•)•', l/Ul 1':11111•1 IH\IHll 11 1q1 1\1111 ;1 :-1 ·1'1<'~ o1 lurt11,·1· 1111i·~l1i..::11 1•1il :-.. 1111 I l111:-l1.111 \':ill1'1';.>:1 I ·1,•,1r:. .ind l~1ll-\t1Jl "J'1i1• pii!Jli<' \h'~t'I \ t '~ !lll 1~ -~,., l ~<'I !i.1p~ lilt' ]'i101l II ill ht• lih' \\.1 .. 111 11 !.'\\>ll l'n-..1 <>1 tlr .in)..'.~ ~ ··,.1111! I \ll ll '\ \lil\,\ll ,\\. l'tl 1: \-..:-1 :-1.n1f !'1 •ff1."::-:-.u1· ! ( · I r 1 · 11 u • 'l'+i lhP 1-:d11or I .1111 d1 ~._,u :-t1·d .111d .1pp:ilh·d II 1lo•1j 11 \;.!,+·;-.,I l•·tl••I' fll<' d,1 ,1-. .111d 111 1·1·111.., !u lt'.1\1'1 Jrq11\ 1:11 ,!..'l'll<' ()1\.'J-!Hl1 (!).· .. -.I.I ,\]1 ·~.i (",d 1l1•1'1ll,1 .l,11\ :.! l!J .J.111 - 'l'lll"r•· 1:-11 <\ l'l'~P"ll·,ild1· 1'\1·11:-1· 1.11· 1111 .. .ti1uhll· 1ndq.;1\.il 11111 \\ 11.1 ! -.1 t11· lll'<lh!.·tn" \11 _1 P•'I .... 11d!>IJ\:.!1111'-ll\l'";-. II 11!1 I !i \· 1'1'''\ .ii I ll'l' 1·;1J1 "'plJ.-.l•l"I ,. .. 111<• p1·11iil<'!1I [\ 1.'i IHri l\\'l"l'.'~•11'd.1 lt·1·l11111l•1 ,..:t1 .ii 11 1-., l111n1:1n lh<· 1•111pl<1 .1v-., t\l1:-v11v !1111\' 111 ... 1 11nrl, . .i:-l, 1h1•111 1111 .1 11\\',\ 11111·k tn1 \Ill• p11-.I •1111('" ,,l.111~ of 111 1• 1·r nplu.11·~ .11 ·v 1 .. q .,\d \11 lil' ;111 1 t:1st vr 111,011 ..,i.111 111l1t·r~ :1r1· d1· l;11·l1vd. 11111111•'1<"'·11 '.I :JlH\" !l!\111 111l11·d 1111 11.1111.1! 1111•\ di>. ;111d -.11IJ ,,lil«I'-., 111 <'1'!'11 !J ~I\~' ;1d111.~t1 •d I<> Tllo ' 111 ·d1l1 1l11111'~ -.t.Jttl:-q \I" id 1111 •d1 .. c1 ·" ~ \ , .... t!11·r•· ;ir t' 1•\ !'<'1'll11ll-.. l .,1 ~'\l l l.1 H o•;!! I\ In! "' 11tqol1· !qll 11\I l1·ll"I h>ok. 11\<' d,11 -, .ind L.i· 1111:11-..111~·,«t'pllPll 111 '\n1, 1nlh•1 11111 .. 1 :-ht'\'I' I ! 11 ..,11 ,i\>'d ,111;;,·r I •'I li;il\.1 l,1 -.l1t'i1 u11l ,ii II 11.+I J !!Hilk II ,1.-. ,1 il o,dl•l/ .. '"11,<i I• 1'1<',.,t'll1:11111 ' ,1l1"11I :110 • .111\I ,>11•\!ll'"" .. 1 .1 Ii!\•' lti.11 , '1(·1111("1 1 .. !h•· lr,,111 d••111 111 tl1t· .\d.in1:-. 11fll<.'!' 111 ('n .... 1;1 ,\11 •-.;1 l h • 1 .. lrl 111" 111<1 \ llH·\ l\1'1"<" d11111 µ Ill\' i,,,~1 !IH',\ 1·utdd 1·1111ip;1rt·d \11 11!\,11 I dn1i 't k11d11 :111d it I 11·.1 :-"" C'ol]\l"l'l'lll'd t :-1\"ll \ti "t'\'k 1"11\p}H\ lll\'111 lht'l't• I t<>ld tnni l Ii .id . hut th ~·•\· 11~·11· IHI UIJl'lll!l l;;-. lit• 1o]fl Ill\• J l\'.I ~ l"LJ.!h\. :ind tli.111fll"1 h v ,\d:1 11 i:-.. 1 llt'l' \!i,• ;.llU:11Hlll \\'Otlld l"l'Jl\:1111 ;.<1 11 1•1·,11 1-.t· t•n1pln .\'1'-.. -.1·ldn1 1\ qu1I I 1111111\ tht• pr:1 1'!h'1' nt 111 ·111µ l1rt"il 1-. ''"""xis h·n1 I 11·;,,.; ;ind ;1n1 f11r 11H1.., :\ol.nnl.1 h :1\"t' \\"t'. !ht' l"'uplt'. \>.t 1d f1 1r ~n1d p:1l rnni1.1•tl llli:-d;·.1d \\nod ;111d do~111:l11t· j\t l;-.t;tl pnlll',I . lit1J , Ji ,\ i ;•1d . Ill' 11 :1\'\' !11~1 l!lll!l)tl,dl/L'd I( "1'11 1· ~11lu1inn '' '\\• \n11·!'11·;111:- .1r;· 1.11· .. d \~LI h i11{"1""a~ltl ~ Liil l'ltqllll,I 11\t'l\1 Jt i :-:111 1•_\(("1•[[l'lll 11n11· t" pu1np Lh"\\' t111 n1 ;1 11 1<tll'11! and cnt·1·~y. quant1t :ll1\'t•ly ;.ind qua1Lt:1l ivcly. i nto thC' pns l 11I svst1·n1 It i s :..in excelle nt op- 1X1rt unit y to fir(', rt•tirc and t.:';I: pirl· contracts of lhosC' cm plnyl'S p:1rtic ipaling i n the "law of \c;isl ('ffort · · \\/(' n1us t c mpha ~iZ{' not quanli· t.1· ,,r p :i _v n1c nt _ 'l"h·· rno ne;v is . d r1•;1 ti .1-I h t' r1 • for 1 rn pro1·t• n1enl 1 h ,. h !l ni :1 11 rt: s o u r cc:-.. r1·:-..pt111 ... 1h1l1t:.. l't11n1 nil n1cnt and 111:111a g,•1·1;1l ll·adl•r:;hip Is nol . I n ... n1all b11s 111t·ss if you r :1101ot do the: job. it is tiOlE:' for change: in ~111l·1·1111\l'lll if :.nu t::111 11ol du tht• .111b ,\'0U ~·r e paid n1ort• to d1l less ;1 tHI ."lrioth ~·r lll'l"~\111 JUSI ll kf' y ou , ... hil'l'd ltl h l·lp I\!-'.~ t ',\Sci t J l~lltt) -~•·l1rt1 '11• !ti•' l<d1tor I 1h1nh. thl' t t1111~· 1!1 :11 ... 1'.1r1·.., 1111• n1o r1· th .in 'l"h 11r:-dl.l1 :-. 1·.Lrl h q1 .. 1I,,· ··1111···11!v1 \ 0 l'l-.I Id I 111 , 1-. Id 1111 11 \'lll" OJI! (!i<' 1 ~ tll<· l.1<·1 tl1:i t :-..111 ~ 111 .. 111 • '\11.-l".11 t .. ·11vr.it111i..: ~!.111<111 :-. v1 -.111 .. r.11111 d1d11 "1 1·1 \'II \11! I, !ii• 1110 • q 11.1h«" I 1:1·:1.;1;1 Sl l~ 'ro lilt' t·:diltor 1\ (\;('11· \·ear.-.. l"l':-olut1on 1·1n keep in g 1:-Ln 11·1·111· l•• lt•).!1 ~!;.ito rs 1fedt'ral ;ind ~l;it1•l 11n s1•1•f•r :.d l.S· :->lit'.S \\ 0 l' nl'vt! L111 :-t" rt·qu11'l' I) a fllll\Hl,lllll llll'!lllll' l<I_\( Z-0 s ul)l'r·r1 r h l'.:<1 n "t f':-;1·apc taxes. 21 deducti on uf :di medical cx- pen.ses o n t ax r e port;:;, not j us t a pe l'<'t~n t ;1 gt' :J) physician .... tn h{· ll'Sled ft' gul;1rly on phy.SLt•;d :in<l ment:d t•ond1t ion. ;ind kno\\'ll'd ).!t'. i\1o.s:t o f tod ay ·s n1ed irinc.s 1\'t•rt' nnl in t·x 1s tl'lll'l' 15-20 ycar :-i agn \\If' h c;1 r n111eh abou t m :c1lpr a ctil"f' 1n ~urance cos t." \\l ectlin~ 011\ Lll l'OmpCl l'nls would sa\"{' thl' puh!ic :ind lbe doctor.s: ll1lll"h JllOOl')' t l rt'gul:.ir, unannolJJ1(·cd in 'l'l'l "li!\\<ll\-."l llllt'~lll).; 1111!1\t'.S . :111 d :1n11na\ t.·xpPrin,cnl labs . 'fhcre's 1n urh un::11·n1 d :..i1J lc s uffering ut humans ;1nrl animals . lel '!- •:radit·atl' !ht' avuidah\e KEN H.OG EH.S t .. 1111 • l·'.d1lo1 \11 1111 l' ... t q.~;<11ll!I duv:-llUl ltTIP· 11 t.:111 11 (I :111 ,1g1•JH'~ 111 !hl' LJ . S :._:11\, t IH11<'111 1-. 111\11111111· tn lit•tH i..'. 11111 ·-..11;.;.11.·d lll<'ll lilt',\ \'1tl1ld \"lllt'~·11,1l1l1 , I ,111.1 1 111Lh 1tt:.I .ilfcHlt :111 .111!111 ,_,_ \ 1 ·,,n :..:r1·~..,1<111 :1 I Ill\ 1"'-11 ;_;,11 11 111 ol ;'t1\ t 'l"n lllt'tll;d .J; •'11< I•'" ""'''II I lll!'.111 lh:11 lh;' ,1 1.•"il<'I I ).'11111 .I td .011\lhlll)..'. \\ 11.11 II oi111 ·-. l\1•'.111 I ,. 111.11 Iii<' 11 :..:!11 -.. "I 1111 · \1110·1 ·1,-.1!1 P<'HP ll· • I I" I ' I " ' I tl \... l ' I'< 1 I ' 't . t ' ·.I II 11 .1 -. .1111.11 .... l>\'•'11 1111 lu•li.•I 111.d tl1 1 ('[\..,IOI• II ,1.., l'I :.!ltllH•f !111•11rn.!I111n <11 1 1·11t•1111<'' ,.f our l~"\ \'I 1111lt'l\I 'J 11.11 dHl''-!I 1 !l1t•:tll 1.1tld111n ;.p,1111 :.: 1111 l ~ 1'll1''.l"llS 111l ll11 11I .1 ~nu.I 1v:1s o11 ~ .. 111t•lillll"" I thud. 1J1n,..,l' .-.1ca lth~ d11.ll':-11 uuld l1h1• \o ll,11 l' a 1'\r' '"llHt'I :1 in 1'\l'r:. h11rn•· 1111·ed tn a 111;1 :-ti·r 1·11 n1ptltt·r ;-.q ll11·1 1·011ld "t'l'lllltll/t' 1111!' •"ll"I:. 1110\1' Tht•i l' 111q\1\1· 111<111.t pr1il1.ilil,1 ho• ;is long .I .. \"1lll h,•\1' Ill' !!ll\)I , \'<lll :-hnt;hlu '1 1111nd \\ 1· Ii i 1· 111 :1 r1 ·pt1hl11· d,,,·otl'd 111 o\\•(llll\'l',1<',I . l1h«1'l,1 ll'l'Cdt)fll , hig h 1d1•:il-.. ;1J1 d :111 th:it gPnd s tuff k1101111 .1 .... 1111· 1\11 11·1·1l·a11 \\'ay! 1\~ l(•a:-.t I Jl11t1h \ll'fl" \11 1..:1·'. l,..\l .l.K N l'.:R ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT ll··"•'TI N \\1, ... ,/. /'11/1/1,,·h•'' T/i,1111 r11> 1'<'<0 r•1/, ,.;tlir<u //11rl11.iru l•:rr1/11tl, ~.'di lnriol /'t)f/1' f;d1 r111 Th1· 1•1 t>lo>11,,I 1 >.1 ~1 · ••I Ill\' U:11lv f'11"1 "'1 "~' I•• 1<1 t•>1 !I\ .•11•1 '-i•!llUf:ttt• r1· ... I•·•~ t.1 11••·•1•11l1ni.: ••11 th1-.. p11_1!e tll\1"1"'-" l•nn1111 .. nt.11y "" 1"1•11 '" ()f 1n !•·1,.,1 h1 ~1r11lu·.1l•'<l ~·1olun1111~1,, and \',1rh•>111-.t., In 1>1'11\ 111111 0: ,, fonun (,,,. 1,.,,.,,.,.., •1 •'"~ .u1d t.1 l'l\'~i•n1111~ th1 " ll!'l•~11.1p1:1 '"IJllll""' ,ind 1<!.•11,, "" 1 111T1·n! 101"•-.. T h, "<11101 i:tl 01un1u11 -. ••I' I Ii•' I l,111 \ l'1i<•l a11!M'.1r ,01111 1n lh•· +•1 l1!1.,·1:1l 1'••ILJn1t1 to1 II\<.' !<111 Hf Ll1t• flll).:t' llpllllHll" "~1'/'<.'!'>~0·11 h\ th•• 1·.,luin\111-.1~ .tll•I ',1!"lol!'l\l~I.., und h'U•·r "1 •t•·I'~ ·"" n ... ., •tl\ll an•I llo>••tlfl•11 ~«11••·11l 1>1 1h··11 11 .. 11 ... 11,\·th.· IJ,,1!} 1'1l••t ~hn11ld 111' 11111·1 rid • ' •. " •. .. ·-.. ·, ,, •' ·. ., ;. • • • i • l • ' • •. • •' • • . • • ; . • . ' I ' t I • • • Supply Of Gas Declining ~AN l·'ll .\'.1 'J:-;1 i! 1t 'l1 l 1 ''"ail:.1!J1lit y .. t 11.11 111 .... 1 r -•"' 111 (';.J\i forn1a \1 ill '.!!I d+>11 11 dur111" 111cnl'Xl }IJ\,,JI ... '"'l!•"PJ.dl1 I;; the southvr ti 1•;o1 I"' Ill·· ... 1,•I•' "' ;-urd1ni.: Ill l)H -.I.II• l'1i!tl1. l 't ll i lh.'~ ('nn11111 ~~.1< •11 'J'hl" cn1t1nH-.-.1••11 .• 111111.il I•• port 1-.::.ucd ·1 ·"""d·" 111d1 ·il 1t1.1 \ ~upplil'-. .1fl· ,.,1 .. , 1 .. .1 1 .. dt't·li1H· ( S tale ) \1hile f irn1 rL't1u11-l'tl1L'lll~ fu1· c .i..; .1fC' gro11· 111;.: rh1r111 µ ! lil' p1·r1"d It 1s app:1r1·111.11h ' 11·1"11·1 -..11d . that "thl' 1n1t·rr11pt1lllv 111.1rkvl ( l:.1r ge ind11~1 r1:d .._.u ... 11111H·r-. 1 11 Ill have to turn to :tllt.·r11.1l1· luvl ~ fur the h u lk uf ii ,:. 1 l'qt111 t•t11 .. 11t ... pa r ticul ;1rl 1 11\ :-.111itl1•·r11 Califor nia.·· Threat to .<;;,,. SACRA!i.1E'.\1'0 (L"Pl l ·rttv ... t;.itc could ltJ~e !ht.'.' site uf thL' ·ne w :SI.3 tnillion governor·-. 1nansion if the structure \1~·rL' u sed as a hall ·\\'<l..1' hou~L' for dro)O. ;1 ddicts or a nl u~eun1, thl' l('gis_latur c 's attornl',\' \\i.l1·11l1d Lu· <lay. <.;ov. Edml1n(I t;. J~ro1v11 Jr· said 1'u csda;-.' ht.• has :di hut g 11t.•n 11 p hope of s toppin)..! eo n,,tru1·t1t>n of t he 1 2.01H>·~qu:i1··-··l"1111t r.· ,,1dC'ncc and ;-,uggl'~L t.·d 11 1111 .L'.li! he converll'd 111tn :1 -.1·111111:11' UPI Teleplooto l}U;1Jl:t 11fl 'l'Ull1, .l\J, I~ hl'l!l.!.'. ~uu;..:ll ! t>.v tht• l·'JjJ f11r ;.d - [(•gl·dl ,1· L'lllbl't.zJing $:11!().0Q(I fl'ul1) [)l(' l'hitl~J[U\\ll J ~l'drll'h nl lhl' Sa n J•'J'<llll'(:-OL() 1:L,dL·r ~tl Sa\'ings and l .oan :\:-is'n . ,.\n a:;sistant \"I('(' Jll'L·· :-.ltiL'Jll . L'lllp]O_\'L'd r<ll" ) J .1 car:-., ·run1 J1as bl'{'ll t r:tl·vd t.o 'J'a t\\"all . Man Booked In Beating Of Boy,2 l.C):'\(; U!'.:1\C l l lLi l'l l l'cnter or ;1 ··11u1:-.._·11 111 kind." "! ,.,(•JI\•· \1 I · ( . t' vtn <J . ~r ah:.tnl, 25, "':l S "'B d" 1· -o ae.... 0111111 TRO!\'A li\J')-'l\1u t1:Jtll,1· dv ('OlllpOSC'd 1JfKl 1L'...;, IJL'llL'lt."!I to l/t.' !hose o f ;1 rn:111 ;111d !ll ... \\1f,· 1-;nown fo1· lht·ir d1~11 H,..I 1JI 11.onJ.., h:1vc been found 1n :1 l1P111L' hvl'l".' l n,vo County -.lh ·1·1fi -. .ind l '111·- oner·s o ffic(·1·:-. l\l'l"L' 11ut \l'l fl'· lc3l'iing po-.il11v 1dt."11l1li~·:it1u11:-. u n the bo di e~. 11<>r t'11111nll'llllllJ.! on how t h e t11·11 d11·d .·\ :-lh ·l'1 ft'':- depar\n1cnl ~p1i1,,. ... 111.1 11 -..11d ;1 s t;1tcmcnt 1>n lllL· "-"L"l' \\'di 111· '"' !':i UCd latC'r l od:1.\ Suicide Clnimed Jl ERK1':!.l·:Y (l 1'1 • .l,11 ·., 11 L;o\dbcrg, :;:1, ·1·.'"'{'i!\11 ,. d11·1·t·l•11 11f ;1 drug rt•h:d•ll1t.1l 1u1l pl'o ~l'.•ll l 1\<JS found dl':id 111 tu .... h <1111v 'l'tH·-. d :1\' fro1n :in .iµpa1 ·1·111 "\l'l'd11 .... 1· uf ;1<1rl"olil's. l'olicc ;-,:11 rl .1 I\\ poil1 ·1'rll11 · -.\ 1 ingc w as fuu11d ;.l111t·hvd 1n 111 h;.i nd . T hey ,,;1id lhl·,1 bvl1c\ l"' l1v took his 011·11 l1fv , 1.;uokl'd on suspicion o f c·hild lil'atin ~ 'l't1l'Sd;i\' ;_iflt:r he <11 · legL·d ly threw his girlfriend 's ~1 ~-~·e;ir -uld son ag<1tnsl a · ,, . ._i11 ;111d lll'at hin1 v.ith ;_1 bt•lt. l'ol11·L· :-.aid th1..· l'hlld_ ,J;1n\t· .... :'\lilliu n . ,,·;_1:-. 1n ;1 cun1;1 :111d 1n \l'I'.\' 1.-·ri!il·;_d l't!1ldi11011 l/l !Ill• Ill tl'nsi\'L' c ;1re 1111it ;it l.1111 i-: HL«1t·h ('or11 n1u111\)' ll():-.p1l:il A hu:-.pit;tl ,..,p(1k(•S1ll<ll! _-,;11d lhl' ]Jp\' h;1d L11·gl' \1l·ll.;; 11n 111 .... b;11·k <ll;d htll lul'k .... ·\11thOt'11 ll':-. ;-;1 \d !ht• llll'H:ll'lll •H'l'urr1·d '' ht>11 t;r;1h<1n1 '' ent tu p1ch !Ill· liu) up fron1 a b;i1J1,.,1\ ll'r. \\'ii lll':-.:-.t·s :-.:1id tllv hov. du! l!I)( \\';till [u lt•;1\l' :1tld IJ1,.•j.:<ll·~ l'I'\ 1ng <ind :-t"rl·:1h1111g. · .. , I {11":1 ia 111 rl"pnr\cd!,\ hit llt1 • l'hl Id 11 11 Ii ;1 n1;1g;i1111v ;ind d1·;1g;..:l·d h1111 up,,t;1i1·:-;, \\'1l11l''"l'" lqlcl ulllL"t'r-. the.I h1•,1ril ,1 lllu1np1n:..: ~oun d frnn1 th\' 111• -.1;11r.-; ;q,~1r1n~L'lll ;ind tlu •n tttt· \'r\ 111)..'. -,\11ppL•d \\"1\1\!'"''.'>I '·· o•;illt•d polh·i· (llt'H·1•r:-. ,,;11 fl (;J';1h:1r11 !filil tl1•·n1 Iii•' v l1 ild hatl f<.tll.._·11 H~;1111 ... 1 -.u1n1· !.!l;1:-.:-. :111d l"ll! h1r11-.1•lt SA0:TA AN ,\ ~<J l 'Tl I CO AST PLAZ,\ 'All Bullock's stores 'viii clos e at 5:30 p.rn . on Wednesday, J anu ary 15 for inventory . Edison Seeking Increase I.Os 1\,'.t;F.1.1.:s !l "l'I > 1'111.: Suulht..!1'1\ ('it\Jl<H"Jll<I r;d1son Co 'fu(•::i da y pro111i,,t•d ;_i ~l µt•r('L~n 1 !':.tll' lllCJ'L",]~!_', II h11·h would ('tlSt t11c :1vt·r·a~L' h•Ht1t·o11·ncr $5 111ore a n111111h . l" 111t·•·l pruhlcn1~ irn- pu~vd h\' ;nl!:i11i111 t 'h<11r1n:111 .J,,,·k llnr\011 tuld :t Sl:1!P l'tolo\11· l 'til1tit•-. (~urll rn1s:-.1"n h1'.11111 :.! 1h.11 th•· r;H1· hou:-.t 1s t·~:-t·11t1.1I to n11·t·1 hight·r pru:L'S , 1na1nl.1111 1ls hudt\1ng pro ~r:ul) and 111:11Hl;i1111\~ t'!'l'd1t r;1t l! 11~ _ 'l'lil' l 'L.l " h.i.., l1cl'l1 holU11q.: ht'.1r1ng:-. ur\ tli.· $.:t:!\I 1nll!1n11 r;tt,• r1.·q lh ·s t :-.1 ll Vl' i\tJ \' 1' ll) ht' I" '"l !ti1111.._·~ thJ"dt1 g hout 1lh' <"iJtill (I',\ ;11"l' (,ll'lllg_ "l'!'IOU:-1111.llH"l<ti pl'1J\\l,•n1-..· llur\•i1i ~;1 1d _ ··st,n·k PJ'h't'" .11·l' dl'I" , . ..,.,t•d bL·l111v huol-; \ ,il11v llund <"H \pf":q . .:t·-. :11·L· l'i'ud - lrlg ;,1111 opt,.·r ',t\111;.: :ind c.:ap1l.tl ('ll'\" i1:11v ,J.,vn>1·k .. 1.·d ·· \ 1·1\l):-.u1 11;•r :-.pohl' .... 110 111;11} ;1 { lh1· lie<lflll ~ :-;11d lht· llll'l't.';l~L' e11 uld IJC' :1 ~ n1u cl1 :1 ~ IH p1•1't'l'lll !1rr -.()01l' s 111,1ll u:-vr-.. llL•ar111:.. ... 111[(1 Lht• propnsC>d 1 .ill' 111 l·1 •... 1.,,1· 11 .. :.::111 l;1~t n111nth .• nd .irt· t''P"'"l1 ·d !ti 1·onti.Jltl•' thr1111 g h ,\l ;1y 111 1:1l'HJ11~ p:1r\s ,iJ \lit• t1lil1!.\ ... ~L'l"\"ll'l.' :11·1::1. l-'.di-.1111 "l'l'L 1:,.; 2.:i n1ill1.un. ("ll.'>l(1lllL'i'.., 1n Lu·. ,\n gell'~. \1en· l11 r:1. :-.;1n1a J\;1rh.1r,1. t >r:i11gc ~ind p.1rt ._ 111' Hi\"\'l'S1 dc and S;111 1-:1·r·n.1rd 111u 1·nu11!11'.'> Oil Spill In Cha1i1zel 'No Threat' :--,,,\'.\"f ,\ ]{,\Hf~,\l~A (,\!~\ .-\n 1:-1 111!1!'-lor1 t! oil ~l1eh II) thl' S:1nt;1 /\;11·t1;1r.1 l"h:inn•·\ ha~ ··n101·cd :-•«111 ,1rd ;111d 1,.., n" !1Jn g.._·1· :1 thr1::1t tu lilt· «Ill Jl"lHlrtll'lll.. «i'(·11rd1ng Lu I hl· t•o111 n1andL·1· 11/' thL· S:1nla" f;;1rli:11 .1 L'u.1-.t c;11;1l'd (;rnup. I .t ·rl·1·t·n1·e ! J"i..'nnncll :-;11d ·1 \!t"~d.1~ [IJ;!\ lht• 11d "'-'l'll1l'11 lu ])L' .I lit.:hlt.•I" \'Uit)J" th;111 l'l'lU.IL· uil alld \1 ;1~ p<)-.:--lhl\ :i pil)cll rl'<Hll ;1 p~1.-.-. • 111g l:111 kt·r· llll -.;i111plt.·:-. had bL'L'll l.1h.1·11 fr"rn "t;u1k1·r 111 lhL· :1rc:i "11d "t'I'\' 111·111~ l'0111 p;1r1•d \1-ith u1 l t1·,.i11 ll11· -.l11·k . ( 1 ('p1111vll-..11d I Iv ... ,, 1d 1 ht· l ,1 11h.1 •1 11 .. u Id nul hc 1.J,·111111,·d 11111\' ....... tl11 · h·.-.ts pro\1· ll''"tl111· \ lt";,,..;l'l !h;1'f:iil s lor" 1• .. l'I 11 l11:n 1\ -,1111 1·· n1• durnps 1oil •ill tl•o , q;o-,t c .. 11 111 • lined up lu ,..;I., 111111 Ollld II-. ii\\ Iii'!" l';Jll !1 v 1.11lv1I f.,r ;1 \l'd i' , ll,l\l,11 1.l!I l'ul...t :-.ht.:JI t1c·t kl,10..c~ ,\l,1rvcl o usly ! I < Ji _..,.·rL';l111y l !ilt•fS l1r 11n1t1\'l'.I)' l L''\Jll r l··I 1111 .t.:gi.·1 ,h,ipl·\ ·r11 \\t .. ir .1 ... 1'<111 L\(1uld ,1 .'ltr.111d 111 cxqu1s1tc pt.<rl ~ Fr,•11 1 I !,1rt1c C.1rnc,g ic. l "'i'·~r r.1 f~2:; )(1".S·l :i F.i ~hi<irt Jt\\'Clry Bullock's Sanc:1 An;1. I f..,.:Ju"n ~p1.•tl, .:1800 N r.-Lun ~tfl'll, SJnitr An,1 l 'tll·ph!!ne · Bullod<."s Souch C(r.asr Pl.1 1.1 . ~.•n I >n·~o FrCt"w:iy .u Ott'>10J. Co~r ~ J\t t,.i "J (_.ll·J'hun~ ) l 7-7 :!l l \\6·0611 I I I Sex Film For A11es ~i\C l{A~ll0:'-1 ~1 1l I'll Birds do ti, h1'l"" dH 11 . !111! Chri:-. :111d Su:-.Jt· 11111 ll,1\!' lu he :-.h1l\1'11 au ~ !"dlL·d 111111 H' l1t·("l"l' ttu·~ t";tttd<! 11 t 'hr1~ and ~u:-.11 · :u·v ).:Ul'll!.i-. II hu h.i \'L' 111.'\ L'f 11\'l"I\ ;JJ"HUJ)J uth~'r gorill.1:-.111d lhu ~ do11 l kno1\ \\ li;il \" d11 tu rn~1Lt.·, ,"\at·r.1nlL'll\•1 Zoo ll\rt•1·1or Btll :'\ll'l'kt·r :-:nd 'l\1l·-.d:1.1 Stl, l)ll' 1.01) nli1 ;1111~"t ;..111 '"l•dtH',1l1•1 !1,1I fi\n1 fr,,tn :o l01! lt1 ;-.11 l\/l'I i;111d Ill l\tlj)L''- \h,ll ~hu1\ in ~ 1l It• t 'hr1s :111d :-ill :>!\' II ill ""!1111111 :1\\• lht"lll ' .111d r1 ·t11r n th,· 11111i.:lv 1nst11H·l tu tl1<'11 ... \', lt\ , . .., ·rh1_• ~.'> ITilll!llt" IJ11 11 , .\l\'l"hl'I' ;-,;11(\. [ l'<Ll l!!"<':-t; I !Hip ,11"1 l\'l! IL'" uf :1 IJUl\\'h oi[ )-:1H'1IJ.1-. ll'.idtll)~ lip \II 11\d]lfl)-: ,11ld \lh• ,H'lll,d IH:tllllj.!. LAST 3 DAYS S G :J M"w"';"';"';"'';"~"-' -':"':"' ":::·'"""'..:'...:'::.•:;":__i,,_) ___ . DA .CL v Pll o r ... ::! Smog Controls Called 'Ripoff' S.\l'lt:\.\l l·::\''J'(_) (1\I') 'l'wo lid!:, tli.1t \\'OUld \l"lPl' Olli a l'u!I l1 u1 .._.r ::.i:il aulu -.1n11g l'\•llll'ol p r11 ._:r;1n1 1n -.ix Soulhl'rn ( 'aliforn1;i v1)l!l!\Lt'~ h.11 ,. l'l1 ·:11·1·d Lh1 ·1r J'1r·s1 l '\)llllllll (t'\' hill'tlll'. •t'l\t• Jdt•IJ!Jl';ll llll",1,,\11'\""' l\Pllid l"illlllll:t l1' ;1 l'•'([llll't"1lil"lll lh.1l J~iil{i jl) ,ll!\11:-. !I\ \.<I.'> 1\llJ.:\'ll•..,, <lr :1n ~1· :->.1 11 l11•1 11 ,11d111<1 H1Lt•rs1tlt'. s~ull.i l'.,uh,11',o ;u1d \ t'n\ur;+ l""\lllllL'" ht• 1•<p11ppvd 111th a d,•1 H"•' d.-.;;ign,•d l 'I co11l 1 ul (•\id"'• d 1111 r11~'.•'ll ( i\"()'\ I l 'r1\1t·., vn11Lt.•1Hl the d1·\'11•1•, 11 11 11 ... t ;c.,t :-•il!lll' {'Oll:-.U!111ll 1<111 11hill' .1dd111g 111 111 -.t1'.11I 1d, t!I t111 g -.rnog 1~·11·1 -. !11 ... 1.1 11.illdll d,· .. dllll\':"> h,l\l" .dr.·.i-11 p.1. ... :-1·d !11r pl :!ll'"' <'n<l1ng 111 d1 i.:11:-. "'IL' In !uur. :111d Lo~ \1\! .. ;,·J, . ., l \i1111 t.\" r.r11 r 1,d s said l-!011 U\111 \ 1•li1t·l1•:; Jll ll\l• .... IX l'UUtl· Ill'" tlO\\ .tl"t' <"'[\lll'Jll'd \\'llh lllC' d1•\ H '•' l ,t>:. \11 ~1·l,· .... l 'u1u1(.1 Supl'l'\"l-,or h <'n r1t·tll 11.t1111 lt·,,t1t1ed 111 f:.i1·or ul ll1t• 11111 ... l-.dl1rt g lhl' in:-.tal!;.J· \!HI! I t'\[1111 t'llll'Jil ,I "~i~! llLl!lhln 1;)1011 \!\l11•u .;l1 v.1<·h d 1"LL1 'l' is to 1·11 .... 1 ,1 111 ,1~1111u 1 111 ol :-;:1;,, 1h1 · tot.11 .11111H1t1t 1" (I.ti• 1 H 1111[\tOll 111p[p1 1-.1 .... .illo·clt·d !11 tl1t• ~I'< \'<1\llll!l'.., l!l\"!1.·d I' ::-1 ,:l 111ill1011,' ll.1h11 l•>ld tl1+' "'"11 :1ttor.-.. "I l":lll lli.d ":'1i:l 1ni!l1u111'1j111tt I entf.Y Ltd. 0 SO. COAST PLAZA ONLY CONTl'NUES ON A FIRST COME FIRST SERVED BASIS LAST 3 DAYS OUR ENTIRE STOCK IS INCLUDED /SUITS /SLACKS /SPORT COATS /LEATHER /SUEDES /SHIRTS /SWEATERS MOST FANTASTIC SALE IN COSTA MESA HISTORY ANY ITEM FOR ONE DOLLAR WITH PURCJ1ASE OF'°ONE AT REG . 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